An atlas of commercial geography

IO?-5 AN ATLAS OF COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY ¥ .i. J- ST'' % % "i % t >- % .T. CAMBRIDGE ^ UNIVERSITY PRESS a^^^^^^^^^^^ggSgfjSjSjSigHiasH^^^^^^^a^^^^^^^^^li^gigaa

Transcript of An atlas of commercial geography




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Dtate Collese of iKgricuUure

m Cornell ^Hnibersitp

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Cornell University


The original of this book is in

the Cornell University Library.

There are no known copyright restrictions in

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THIS Atlas is specially intended to be used with the

Elementary Commercial Geography published by the

Cambridge University Press, but it is hoped that such

a series of maps, illustrating the elementary facts of eco-

nomic geography, will be of general use to students. The

work falls into two broad divisions ; the first containing

maps presenting facts on the world-scale, on which the

teaching of principles may be based ; the second giving a

consistent series of maps for each continent, sufficiently

detailed, it is hoped, to be of use for regional stud}'.

The object of this Introduction is to indicate a logical

method of study, by linking facts together in a natural

order and thus building up a composite picture. For

this purpose only the world-maps have been dealt with,

as the line of reasoning developed may be applied to any

region, from the special maps in the second part. For

the facts and figures necessary for detailed regional study,

the student is referred to the Elementary Gomrtiercial

Geography already mentioned.

P. 1. This map, epitomising the world's political

development but omitting all the factors of which human

geography is built up, would in a purely logical order

figm'e rather at the end than the beginning of an Atlas.

It will, of com'se, be useful throughout ; and for its use

as an opening to this work certain general points should

be noted ; e.g., the spread of the spheres of influence of

European Powers over the world's surface ; the two great

Eastern races (both situated outside the tropics) being

the only ones which have with any success resisted their

advance. Again, the world-wide extension of the British

Empire, which may be connected with the number of

ocean islands under her flag, both largely due to the

initiative of her early navigators and settlers. This

again is rooted in the facts of Britain's insular situation

and temperate climate ; and thus a chain of cause and

effect may be built up between the mere physical en-

vironment of a race, and a world-wide Empire.

P. 2, 3. The physical map is the basis of all geo-

graphical study. Commercial geography, concerned with

the activities of men on the earth, must necessarily first

consider the earth itself as the home of man, favourable

or unfavourable to his development in different regions,

encouraging or retarding commerce and the migrations

of peoples by the distribution of rivers, oceans, and

mountain barriers. It is therefore essential to obtain

first a sound general knowledge of the earth's surface, to

which all other facts can be related. The physical map

should be used primarily in its relations with the others


reference being constantly made from them to it ; and

the far-reaching influence of physical factors upon every

aspect of geography made clear.

It may here be shown, rather as an aid to memory

than a burden upon it, how the dense populations of

the world are settled in its lowland areas, where the

conditions as regards climate, soil, and access are on the

whole far more favourable. This rule hardly holds good

for the tropics, but is useful as indicating the significance

of the great lowland areas which characterise the tem-

perate zones.

In the tropics, as mentioned, climatic conditions

favour the gi'owth of population rather on the highlands

than the lowlands; but the difficulties of communication

retard the commercial development of the former areas.

P. 4. In using these maps, it should first be madeclear that the temperatures shown are reduced to sea-

level, and some idea of the effect of altitude on tempera-

ture given—in general terms, that the latter diminishes

by 1°F. for every 300 feet rise. This fact needs emphasis,

however, when the human geography has to be correlated

with this map, and should not here be allowed to confuse

the explanation of the hot and cold regions over the

earth's surface generally, and the occurrence of monsoon


The aim in studying this set of maps, as indeed

throughout this Atlas, should be rather to grasp the

scientific laws which they demonstrate than to memorise

the facts without vmderstanding them. The first con-

ception should be of a torrid zone encircling the earth,

moving north and south with the sun's progress. Thedifferential heating of land and water may then be

explained as the great modifying factor ; how the latter,

owing to its greater specific heat, is raised or lowered in

temperatm'e much more slowly than the former. Theeffects of this can be clearly seen from the maps ; howthe land in summer, especially in the interior of conti-

nents, becomes far more heated than the sea in the same

latitude ; whereas in winter the air over the sea is

warmer than that over the land.

The influence of prevailing winds on climate should

be pointed out. The clearest illustration of this effect is

the westerly wind region of the Northern Hemisphere,

in which the western coasts of continents are uniformly

warmer than the eastern. In the Southern Hemisphere,

owing to the different distribution of land, this is not so


Note. In using these and any other world mapsshowing climatic conditions, the terms "summer" and" winter" should be used only as descriptive of types of

climate (e.g. a region of winter rains), not as represent-

ing the conditions over the earth's surface in any one


P. 5. These maps also show the facts in an arbi-

trary manner for the sake of clearness, and it should be

explained that all pressures shown are reduced to sea-


The system of high-pressure belts is clearly shown

on the annual map, and the facts as to the distribution

of pressure and the direction of winds can be easily

explained when the concept of these belts, and of their

seasonal variation with the sun, has been grasped. Themap should be stvidied collaterally with the elementary

facts of air circulation—the rising and inflow of air over


P. 10. Ocean currents should be studied in relation

to the permanent wind-systems of the globe, and the

general correspondence in their directions grasped. The

surface counter-currents, which do not follow the direc-

tion of any wind, should be noted, although it must be

understood that these are small compared with the

little-known deep return currents. In many cases the

surface counter-currents have important effects ; e.g.

the Labrador current, to which may be traced the ice-

berg obstructions to navigation during winter in the

North Atlantic, the fogs over the Grand Bank, and

(to some extent) the rigorous winter climate of NewEngland.

The map of oceanic drainage basins brings out the

great advantage enjoyed by Atlantic countries over the

rest of the world, from the aspect of easy communications.

That ocean is surrounded by rivers and enclosed seas

giving easy access into the heart of the land, while the

Indian ocean has but five and the Pacific no more rivers

of considerable navigability. The Arctic rivers are of

little value as highways, although the interior portions

of their courses are in many cases important routes.

Areas of inland drainage occur in desert regions, but

often develop high civilisations in favoured spots ; e.g.

the cities of Merv and Samarkand in Central Asia.

The density of population in anj' area can only be

understood after all the geographical facts, and some

non-geographical, affecting that area have been grasped

in outline. Four areas of dense population stand out

conspicuously on the map ; Central and Western Europe,

China, the Indian plain, and Eastern North America.

In each case, save the last, they are regions of long

history and ancient civilisation ; North America is a

projection of European race and culture into a new but

favourable environment. The geographical conditions

should be studied for each region ; in each case will be

found a lowland area of easy access, with a climate

characterised by no extremes of either heat or cold.

These conditions hold good for the other smaller areas

in which dense populations have grown up. From these

regions the density of habitation diminishes as conditions

are less and less favourable ; till in the areas of extreme

climate, whether that extreme be cold as in the tundra

regions, dry heat as in the Old World deserts, or moist

heat as in the Amazon basin, population is scantiest.

It is essential to consider the distribution as shown

on the special map for each region, and to work out in

detail the conditions affecting the distribution of man.

Even on this general map many instances of regions still

awaiting normal settlement can be clearly seen ; e.g.

Canada (to mention only the largest example). For this

purpose the map on pp. 8—9 (showing the regions still

undeveloped) will be found useful.

P. 11. Commercial languages. Language is not a

barrier, but often forms an obstacle to the spread of

commerce. This is especially true in the case of England,

whose merchants often fail to seize openings in foreign

markets owing to the difficulties of speech.

The map should be correlated with that showing the

political divisions of the world, and the points of con-

trast noticed. Thus it will be seen that in the case of

South America there are no linguistic obstacles to a

commercial union of the States, save in the case of

Brazil ; while in the British Empire, a loose political

federation, areas occur (note specially South Africa and

Eastern Canada), in which English is by no means the

supreme language. This of course happens elsewhere,

especially in Central Europe ; and in many cases, owing

to attempts by the Governments concerned to stamp out

the languages in question, is the cause of much bitter

feeling and administrative friction.

Pages 11—16: The distribution of commodities.

These will be most conveniently considered in two

groups ; viz. (a) those relating to mineral products not

dependent on climate, in which the facts must be

memorised, and (6) those showing commodities whose

distribution may be connected, on a climatic basis, with

the facts already studied.

{a) Products not dependent on climate.

Gold and Silver. The precious metals are great

sources of wealth in the countries where they are ex-

ploited, and in most cases give a high commercial

importance to regions which would otherwise be almost

negligible (e.g. the Yukon and the Western Australian


Iron and Lead. Iron is of world-wide demand, and

its widespread distribution causes it to be worked

wherever conditions are favourable, i.e. wherever in-

dustry is highly enough advanced to cause a demand for

it. Like the other base metals, however, it occurs almost

entirely in the form of ore, and requires smelting before

it can be used.

Industrial regions develop where iron is found in the

neighbourhood of coal or of any other smelting agent

(e.g. charcoal as in Sweden, or oil as in Russia). Of the

two, however, iron is the more mobile, as it is unprofit-

able to transport coal for smelting purposes.

Coal and Petroleum. Fuel is still overwhelmingly

the greatest source of power as applied to human life,

and is the prime necessity in the development of anindustrial region. Petroleum, owing to its greater

mobility, is coming more and more into general use, butall great centres of industry are at present located oncoalfields, or in proximity to water power for generating

electricity, and a useful exercise in this direction is to

connect the coalfields with the regions of densest popu-lation in different countries. This, however, serves to

illustrate on the other hand the element of humanenergy which stands so greatly outside geographic in-

fluences. The Chinese coalfields, estimated to be thelargest in the world, are still very little developed ; whilethose in the United Kingdom and Germany, whichcountries stand second and third respectively as coal-

producers, are of small extent when compared to thoseof several other countries.

Copper and Tin. Both these metals play importantparts in modem life, and are the bases of importantindustries. The United States is the greatest producerof copper, while tin is most largely found in the MalayStates. Many of the areas shown on the map are pro-ducers only on a local scale and have little importancein world-commerce.


(6) Products dependent on climate.

Tmiher. The production of timber for export in a

region depends on facilities for water transport, as only

by this means can timber be profitably can'ied. Themap should be carefully compared with that showing

the vegetation of the globe, and the large areas still

imexploited from lack of communications noted.

Meat. This and the following map may be used to

illustrate the dependence of great industrial regions on

foreign food supplies. The United Kingdom affords the

clearest example, but all industrial regions, even where

domestic agriculture is highly protected, exhibit the

same tendency.

Wheat. The importance of this product may be easily

realised in a wheat-consuming country such as England.

This cereal is now grown in nearly all regions where the

climate is favourable; while the plant itself exhibits a

close adaptation to its conditions of growth.

Of the other cereals, maize needs a warmer climate

than wheat, and hence is found towards the equatorial

limit of cultivation of the latter (e.g. the Southern

United States and the Mediterranean). The hardier

crops, oats, barley, and rye, correspond largely in distri-

bution with wheat, but repay cultivation on poorer soils.

Sugar. This important commodity is derived, as the

map shows, almost entirely from two different sources;

the beet plant, grown in temperate regions, and the

sugar-cane, a tropical product. The latter, although

easier of culture and more productive, is rapidly losing

ground largely owing to the fact that beet can be grown

in close proximity to the areas of its consumption.

Germany, Austria, and Russia are the most important

producers of beet, Central America and the West Indies

of cane sugar.

Rice. The conditions of growth of rice demand not

only a tropical climate, but also a very abundant supply

of moisture. Hence it is most cultivated along rivers

and in their deltas. The abundant growth of the plant

(which gives at least two crops annually) enables a very

dense population to subsist upon it ; thus rice-growing

regions are the most densely peopled agricultural areas

of the world. This fact, however, restricts export trade

in the commodity, and the European supplies of rice are

in fact largely derived from Burma, where the population

is not so dense as in the areas of greater production.

Tea and Coffee. Tea is a sub-tropical plant of fairly

hardy growth, which flourishes on sloping hillsides. Asyet it is hardly grown save in Asia; and the need of an

abundant supply of cheap labour in order to prepare the

crop for the market hinders its spread. The plant is

native to China, but the Indian and Ceylon tea-export

now greatly surpasses that from the former region.

Coffee requires a warmer and moister climate for its

growth than tea, and hence is found mainly in the

tropics. The most important producing area is Brazil,

which now furnishes more than half the world's


The two crops require similar soil conditions and are

to an extent interchangeable. In this connection the

displacement of coffee by tea in Ceylon is noteworthy.

Cocoa. The cacao tree, from which cocoa is prepared,

requires a tropical climate with abundant moisture. It

is thus confined to the tropics, and even there grown

only on coastal lowlands and along rivers. The crop

requires less labour to prepare it for export than does

coffee or tea, and hence succeeds in regions where the

others are barred by lack of population.

Wine. The vine is essentially a temperate plant,

and its distribution is rigidly limited by climatic con-

ditions, the parallel of 53° N. marking its extreme

northern growth. France, Italy, and Spain are the

largest producers of wines ; although many other regions

of smaller production are famous for special brands.

The industry is not very mobile;partly because of the

fact that wine preparation is a skilled industry, still

more because the demand for wine is highly conser-


Tobacco. The tobacco plant is of hardy growth, and

can be cultivated almost anywhere provided that the

young plants are protected from frost. Hence the

product is of wide distribution, the chief producing

areas being the United States, India, and the Russian

Empire. Mast European countries, however, grow the

leaf for home consumption ; the United Kingdom being

a conspicuous exception.

Wool. The rearing of sheep is a typical occupation

of the temperate regions, and as the products^ both of

wool and mutton, can be exported without preparation,

no great supply of labour is essential. The greatest

wool-producing countries are Australia, the Argentine,

Russia, and the United States ; but it is interesting to

note that the United Kingdom still exports raw wool,

although so much is imported for rnanufaotm'e.

Cotton. The cotton plant is confined to sub-tropical

and tropical regions, and only to those areas characterised

by bright, rather dry summers. The chief growing areas

are the United States, Egypt, and India ; although the

crop is now being developed in many other regions.

The United Kingdom is still the greatest manufacturer

of cotton goods, as of woollens, although the industry is

steadily growing in the regions of production. The

cotton grown in China is mainly manufactured in that


Rubber. Rubber is derived from the coagulated juice

of various species of trees, all of which, however, grow

only in tropical regions of abundant moisture. Only

within recent years has the product become widely used,

and the great rise in annual production has been accom-

panied by an equally striking rise in price, which in turn

has led to systematic rubber plantation in new areas.

The Amazon basin is by far the greatest producing area,

the second in importance being West Africa, where

conditions are almost exactly similar.

Silk. The silk of commerce is derived from the

cocoon of a species of caterpillar, which subsists best on

the leaf of the mulberry tree. The product is thus

characteristic of the warmer temperate regions ; andwas until recent years confined to the Old World.

China and Japan are the areas of largest production

France and the United States the greatest manu-facturers.





The World—Commercial Highways and European Colonies . .

The World in Hemispheres, showing height of the land and depth of the sea

Isothermal Lines

IsoBARic Lines and WindsRainfall

Regional Vegetation

The World—Regions commercially developed .

Ocean Currents, Drainage Basins and Population

Commercial Languages and Production of GoldThe World's Sources of Supply :

Silver and Precious Stones

Iron and Lead. Coal and Petroleum

Copper and Tin. Timber. Meat

Wheat. Sugar. Rice ....Tea and Coffee. Cocoa and Wine. Tobacco

Wool. Cotton. Rubber and Silk


I. 3





B, 9









SPECIAL MAPSAtlantic OceanEurope—Physical. Winter and Summer Climate

Europe—Political. Vegetation and Population

Central and Southern Europe—Commercial. Density of Population

The British Isles:

Winter and Summer Climate. Rainfall and Co-Tidal Lines. Vegetation andDistribution of Crops ..........

Agriculture, Mining, Fishing. Industries. Physical. Density of Population

Asia—Physical. Winter and Summer Climate

Asia—Political. Vegetation and Population .

Southern Asia—Commercial



Africa—Climate, Vegetation and Population .

Central and South Africa—Commercial .

North America—PhysicalNorth America—Political

North America—Climate, Vegetation and Population

Dominion of Canada—Commercial ....LTnited States, Mexico, Central America and West Indies—Commercial,

and Population

South America—Physical. Climate ....South America—Political. Vegetation and Population

South America—Commercial

The Commonwealth of Australia ....Dominion of New Zealand

Australasia—Climate, Vegetation and Population .

Australasia and Polynesia—Political and Communications



18, 19

20, 21

22, 23



26, 27

28, 29

30, 31









40, 41












J- a



Q 1




! o 5^







i "S ^ ,-V ^ S

Heiglit of iandOver- 18.000 Feet12.000-18,000 „

6,000-12.000 ,

3,000-e.OOO ,

COO -3,000 „

- 600 ..

Below Sea^XeveL







llie Terlical scale is 130

60-N.psaai' ^"fS^wLl''^'"'^'^

c e a iLPa±ag.

Section "VI

1^^^ Atl a Jit 1 c : e an c e a n

i^eonje nuhf JL' Sonl^ I'l'i^ Ljodsri licogr<ip!iiaiL JjiatiJOiZB


Gixrga RuI^j 4 SorhL^ Ihc Lortdin Gc^'f^i-aphieal hvTt^ute

ISUBJlRIC LES^S and winds


ffeorj-'.lfubp S: S.m.L'T^ Th^LanJ^m &eD£^ap}dtal Jnitmiix.


THE WORLD-REGIONS90 75 60 45 30 15 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 160


6 a.m. 7 a.m. 8 a g a


lOa.m. II a.m. 12 noon I p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4a.m. 6 j.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 10

T 1

[ I Under £1rn £1—£2 10s.

£2 10s.—£5£5—£10S £10—£25

(£25—£50M Over £50

90 75 60 45 30 15 15 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150

Gt^^e IM/f.- it SiTn Z^

COMMERCIALLY DEVELOPED165 180 165 150 135 120 105 90

p.m. l2Biitdiilght I

165 180 165 150 135 120

TfioLondon. Geoffrophioal InatiOjti'


•miJ^lp i, &„ i<.- n^ UnUn, ,:,<^.:f.„i.^ i,,,„;


Ge^-rfj&Tluhp & SartL'^ Il\^ Londiin htJgraphical In^dtutc



(Value in £'» stalini))

Mexico 8,439,]67

Uuited States 6,403,984

Canada 2,644,540

GevmaiiV 1,532,428

Peru 843,047

Australia 716.288

Bolivia 479,257

Japan 448,167

Spain 400,000?


(Value in Jo's sterling)

Cape of Good Hope ... 4,419,789

Transvaal 1,580,800

Orange Free State ... 1,288,420

German S.W. Africa ... 1,060,500

Brazil 96,717

Rhodesia 11,000

British Gniana 6,188


TonsUnited States 26,981,019GermanyUnited Kingdom





STEELUnited States

Germany ...

United KingdomFranceRussiaAustria-HungaryBelgium

LEADUnited States

Germany ...

SpainMexicoAustralia ...

ItalyUnited Kingdom








Uuited States

United KingdomGermany ...


CanadaAustralia ...









United States


Dutch East IndiesRumaniaIndiaMexicoJapan





The ahom tables give the average of thelast Jour years available.

ft-.,r„-4jMf ,t,v„„iWD,..I™iWCe.v'-i!ptai.iiii«uM<!.



United States

MexicoSpain anil PortugalJapanCliile

Australia ...








United States

Eiissia in Europe




Argentina ...


Germany ...



Australia ...

Rumania ...

United Kingdom


... 682,830,000

... 596,700,000

... 311,300,000

... 295,700,000

... 227,100,000

... 188,700,000

... 150,-200,000

... 138,200,000

... 122.400,000

... 115,800.000

... 75,700.000

... 64,400,000

... 59,400,000



CubaJavaHawaiiBritish West Indies and

British GuianaBrazil

Porto EicoUnited StatesAustralia ...


GermanyRussiaAusiiia-Hungary.FianceUnited StatesBelgium



2.095,5001,481, '200


280 086259.000233,880224,764211,432205,784









French Indo-China



United States









The above tahleg give the ava-age o.f thelast four years a milabie.

';ejrtf.- FiiT^ .£ S^n L"^ ITur LtrnJ^ Gc^pnipliical InstiUjif





.. 254,613,636

.. 203,183,466

.. 183,547,603

.. 66,210,75026,610,859

* Exports only.



Guatemala...Colombia ...

Dutoli Bast Indies

HaitiMexicoSalvador ...

Venezuela ...



. 70,000,000

. 69,770,000

. 64,700,00062,200,00060,900.00056,300,000


EcuadorSt. Thomas (W. Africa)


TrinidadBritish West Africa

Venezuela...Santo Domingo ...











Austria-HungaryPortugal ...

Germany ...


1, '240,750,000




United States

IndiaRussiaDutch East Indies

Anstria-Hungary ..






Holland ...

BelgiumUnited States

Germany ...

CanadaAustria- Hungary .

Australia ...

FranceUnited Kingdom .





2 682-58

2 22 05

The above tables gioe the auerafje of tfie

last four years available.

Oi-.TTcj.^ Buhf.' i- ,'','n L^ Th^' L^nJ..^n ''...'^'rapiiu^U Irh'tiJui.:



AustraliaArgentinaRussia and Siberia

United States

New ZealandUnited Kingdom ...




£United Kingdom 33,621,000Germany 13.924,000France 12,138,000Austria Hungary 3,070,000Belgium 2,472,000



United St.ites 5,885.206.000

India 1,583,700 000Egypt 724,996,000Ciiina 225,000,000?•Brazil 19,168,000

• KxporU onlif.


United Kingdom 56.500,000United States 29,003,000Germany 10.480,000Kussia 8,672,000France 7,300,000India 6.136,000


TomBrazil 38,100West Coast of Africa .. 15,500Further India and E. Indies 11,700Mexico 9,300Congo and Sudan 6,200Bolivia 3,070Peru 2,750Ceylon and India 2,700




JapanAsia MinorIndiaTongking ...

FranceBalkan States


13,345,00012,755,00012,725.0003,051 0002,630,000 ?



The above tables give the averaije of thelast four years available.

{"jjiPhibp £ S^nL^ Thf L<jnJjm O^agr^hi/^- hwtiiujc^



100 ISO 140 130 120 UO 100 90 80 70 SO 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

120 110

ZI^Mavn JS.OOOJ'eeteO0O-12X)O03000 - 6000 .,

600 - 3000 ,.

- eoo .

- WOFaAmts100 - 1000

1000 - 20002000 - 3000-BeZOT- 3000Saj'gasso Seih

Scale 1: 60000,000 OOOmiles-lindi) <LJS2 £22 ^S° Statute. MilesO'^'^ae Viunp ,1- . "i Z" Vv: LotuL?il t ''ijflitciil hi^-tiiuls


15 £asT fL-oTn

Scale 1-.20.000.000 f320 imles Itacli) 9 ^o aoo aoo 40 statiiteMdes


4-b ;7uiy Isotherms—29-8— ..' Isohaps

Summer Rainfall

Under 5 inches5- tolO-ZO •

20-30 "

30-40 "

Oyer 4V -

'^Fliilif,' Ji : on I ''^I^u- LjTidon Si^^aphicjl Inttu


friiKipal Rftilwav.s

ft-ola 20 G 1-eenwict

Scale 1-.20.000,000 (320 mUes linclL) t^ ^OO 200 300 400 StatuteMiles


60 65

1 Iff to 31

3? toM6i tolIB

Sl^l2Sti> 256

256 to H^Ova- 572

aTownji of SOtolOO.OOOInh.mlo^ns of over 100, 000.

IScyerd in t^BHJmiL uituUedhJr

v/ant ofspace.}

Ihy LjTiJt^n C'^'tiraplujj.jl Im


-Sifi— Steamer RmjtRs {Bistmujes ttl' NauticoL Mde.iJ Scale 1:15.000.000 (240 ixriles linch;


Coalfields O Iron Ore'^ Gold S Silver- Copper T fin

>- Zetid P Fetroleum


• CbttoTt H- Woollensm Lijueiv O Silk-"* Leather • PotteryD Glass O OierrdcaLa

fr(tn*5teel -^ Si . pbuildjji^

loo aoo 300 StntuieMUes•,'C^^i F.-dM^i &, -^,7. Zt^ Ih^l.'nyl -n J.-,-', y^-la.: ,.


Scale 1; 10,000,000 (IGOmiles-lmcli) StaUUe Milesi>j77^e BlSii' ,€ '>y."T. £'' n-,c Jjr./l^^'i Avy;w^'?iirtli ItU'liiUbi


Scale 1:10,000.000 (leOmiles-lincli) <L.


JSP StatuteMUcs





Scale l-30,00a000l480 miles-1 inch)


TTje rixOif ifc Sen ZT'' The Lrnd^-'i t}scjr,iphis^ IriAnfui.

10p 200 joo eooStatuteMUc'^


Jltc Tmh^ rrprf.y/'iit th^ Jlfniht. uf tUi: Lund iinfl

f:7icD<Tfh of tilt: Sto UuiXj

Uovc^r 12000 rht-

rmln-MV fatfr

100 -WOO ..

1000-2000 ..

Or,T ^OOO „

Scale 1.40,000,000 (6*0 miles -Imrti) .^(in J090 StatuteMOes™^,i miip i, Sm l¥ Tn^ImJm Si^^.^-hic^ Injhltuu.



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Oipfi'. Town, U 'MeWourrifi'sW'd'rtu'/W.-iiajtJs^^^


c GowthLfBrJ


I A10 Sast front 20 Grumrich, 30 40

50 eo



European. Possessions &c.

\ 3riiish 1 I PortUffuAse \IM}^ SpamshI 1 Frairh I

^ German I I Rohan

Scale 1:40,000,000 ( 640 Bules -1 iiicli) o_ -i5So StatiJteMOes

ly^'ThQqj Sa SanL'r'Ihi.Landor. Hcogr^IiiccJ. InttiajXa.


i^^rge riiJif £ St-n L'f^ Tli^ Lijrui.fii '!,-^ffrjphical Irwiuuie-


Gaol Iron. + Goata iMuhairl

^ Diamintd,s q OatrU^esG Gold iw Wheat.C Capper j^ Cereals

S Si/*-**- n SiT Iti R Ibihber

L Leady ^'"X Oum. & OpalsO Salt T Tobtw-co

A CatdjEt & BoT-ses 4 ^MortSA*^&l*Wi + Coco-TUit

ISojUe liidUuh Com orMenhjesj and. MilletlEaffir Corn) are grown, itl many porta

of S.A^'iai hy the Ncdii'cs. "^^ ^ Toffofiort ^^ 30 .EQst frorn. Greenwichyavu^ahlc Ru'trs I r'

sTnnV. .-ituimervl

Scale 1:24,000,000 OeOiniles.linct) 2 522 ^9° ^9° ^° 590f/nf„f„jfi7c3'<; Philip d& JiV^ i™ The London C^i^raphioal- In^ytil


REFERr.BCr,oaiid. Sea

Bdii»c aOLVFct ' lOOfddumieooo uooi) • wo -woo

L_j3«w (iww _nnm-20(io|_J 600 3000 l3Sdm'2IW(l^ - ('7*'

Scale 1:40,000.000 (S-tO miles -1 tacli) CL -£9° StaHaeMOes.

;J^;ij7ti, i, .>"j,i j:

^'*;7it' i .'tlL^i (,V;^^nip7iiiii Injricj/,.


60 70 80





\G ^s?. ^


%^#^ '-£,£








':^-'r« /»









Trnpical fo.y

Scale 1: 80.000.000 a280 miles -1 incli) I, _!£30 StabdeMaesV fI!7l>. J& .S"..^ t.^ TtU- 1. 'l.i?H J>,..^^.ipJ;.J.i; [lliiiiui^


Scale 1 24,000.000 (380nnles-liii<


^..0 300 «o 50 statuteMOesV '""-d I,t tiDjt,_-


C coppn^ "^ TohfLCiuy

DiairLon^s • Coffee

M MojT.paTif.b-G + CoctfO-.

Reference to State s

1 JWo Groji^dr djoNnrtje'

2 TiwaJiv'ba

3 FefitJXiifbiJLr.0

4 AJaqoas

Scale 1: 25 000000 (400 miles-linch) 9 ^QQ aoo aoo *qq 50 statuteMU&s

•/Fl.ihi:.- .£ ,?t',i //'' iTi/f Linuf^n Sa?gr-aphu:4il InaO-OAi


SxiUm'clvs -thjj^- Scaie 1:7.500000 (120 miles-lmch) ?.

HdHp ASanJfi' I}u:Limdcn. S^ograpydaatltvititnta.


THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES AND DIVISIONS OF THE WORLD,With the numbers of the Maps in which they are situated.

By using the foUowiDg list of countries in conjunction with the Index-gazetteer, the particular map in which any required name is located can readily be (ound.

Tims if A.ilborg is the required name, a reference to the Index will sliow chat this place is in Denmark, while the list below shows that Denmark is included in

Ma)i No. 22,


INDEX.7/1/- Intitufifn and linujititdes given are jiriinnviJii it<frrn/<'d la a iinhle fo /hi'Un'i Ihe phiri^s ni/ t/ir ni:tp^, nnrj are in finme crises onhi wprn.rimafe.

A.P.I1I1EVIATIONS.— .lir/i., Arc>hi|ii'liino— S., Bay, Bi-lit— «./., llrr^'— AY., British— r,,;,,, {'miiil -('., rinpr— CA., I :|i;lhih1— Co., Ommts'—Llisi.. Di-trirt— ftir . Di vision— 0?/., DucriT—/?, Fn,t— ;'., Firtli— /•'./., Fiord— /'V.. I'miriL— O,, (iull— (/.v., (IrniLiiii— f/. II.. Ciiniil DiU'liV-'.V,, I iivnt— //./,, Hen. I--//;-., lliirbnur—««., Hu.Klita-/,, I.-liiiid -/....—/s/A,, rstljliiiis

A'i"'/., Kinplom - L., L;il<i', Liicli, Lcmfli— ,1/'., Moimtaiii— ,!//»., .Moinitiiiiis - jV„ Nm-tii— (»., I lasis- --((c, (Jcuaii— /'., Pass— /'(«., I'as"aL,'e—/-'en., Peninsula—/'/., Plain—/Va(., Plateau—y^u/'f.,


I'riii., Priiiri]iality— /''-.y/ji., PT'ianontary—/'/, I'uint— /'/vr, Proviriet-- A'., liiver— /.'^(., Uaiige^—s;^ ^i^ji Suuth—A'/ , Sounil—«S'A, Saint, State

^Ir., Strait— ^er., Territory—Vol., \'uk-ano— ir., Waili, West.


A.\LBUl'J.!, Deinnark W .5ira i) 5."iE

Aalesnliil, Norway (>^ l.SN 6 2£Jli

Aar, R., Switserlaial 47 -US 8 OnAarau, Switzerland 47 23N S SKAarberp, Switzerland 47 2N 7 l.''il']

Aargau, Pruv., owltzeriand -17 '2.'>N R lOl-;

Aarlius, Denmark 56 8N W 1-1 KAbabdc, Tribe, Egypt 23 SON 31 CIB

Abaco I.. W. Indies 26 SUN 77 S\y

Abann, R., Pale.itine 33 30N 36 lOKAburim, Mts. of, Palestine 31 40N S.l 42KAbherley, England 52 18N 2 21iy

Abbevilio, Prance 50 7N 1 50is

Abbottabad, N.W. Fronti.TProv.3l Ills 73 lOl-

Abbotsford, Scitlaml 55 S7N 2 4a\yAbel, Palestine 33 ION 35 S-IE

Abel Shittini, Palestine 31 50N 35 3UKAbeoknta, Lagos 7 5N 3 S2[.]

Alioraerou, Wales 52 13x 4 17wAlieravon, Wales 51 35N 3 46WAberdare, Wales 61 4Sx S 27\yAberrleen, Scotland 57 lllN 2 5\y

Aberdeen, Co., Scotlaiai 57 22N 2 SOWAlierdovev, Wales 52 3lN 4 3\v

Aljerfeldv, Scotland 5i; SSN 3 5nyAlierfoyle, Scotland 56 lUN 4 24\yAbergavenny, England 51 4ilN 3 l^yAbernethy, Scotland 56 20n 3 19^y

Abersyehan, England 61 44N 3 3-\v

Aberystwith, Wales 52 24N 4 5-\v

Ahihi, PaU-stinc 33 33X 36 6BAhingilon, 10]iKland 61 39N 1 16^v

Abittibi, b., Uaiuula 48 5lN Kd UWAbo, Fr. W. Africa 5 42N 6 2UEAbo, Russia 60 SUN 22 10kAbonie, I'r. W. Africa 7 5N 2 5EAbor, Tribe, Assam 28 ON 95 OEAlirantes, Portugal 39 28N 8 llvv

Abrolhos Is., BrazU 17 56S 38 30W.-Vbruzzi and Molise, Prov., Italy 42 ION 14 OKAlai, Mt., Rajputana 24 36N 72 42


Aim Arisli, Turkey in Asia 16 50.v .13 OEAbu Uliabi, Oman 24 32N 64 18EAim Hable, R., Bgjptian Su-lau 12_30N 31 OE.^bu Hanied, Egyptian Sudan 19 2/.\ 33 2.SK

Aliu Haras. Egyptian Sudan 14 25N 3 I 2KAbu Klea, Egyptian Sudan 17 ION 33 3UKAbyssiiLia, St., Africa 10 ON 40 OBAcapulco, Mexico 16 57N 99 65-\y

Acarnania, Prov., Greece 38 42N 21 6]';

Accra, Gold Coast 5 38x 6wAccrington, England 53 3CN 2 25-\y

Acliaia, Prov., Greece 38 5N 21 35EAcbill Hd.. Ireland .53 5SN 10 16wAohill I., Ireland 5S 58N 10 20-\v

Aobin, Dist., Sumatra 5 ON 96 30KAelnierd, Agra aral Oudh 27 ION 77 50EAcbzib, Palestine 33 2N 35 6EAcklin I., W. Indies 22 20s 74 lOwAeoueagua, Mt., Argentina 32 SON 09 S5wAcre, Palestine 32 66.N" 35 4EAdali;i, 'L'urkev in Asia 36 57N 30 -lOK

Adaniawa, St., Camarons 8 ON 13 OKAdalnello, Mt., Austria 46 12X 10 22KAdam's Briilge, India 9 6K 79 SUE.Vdam's Peak, Oevlon 6 4Ss SO SOK

Ailana, Turkey in Asia 37 8x 35 lOli;

Adda, R., Italy 46 SON 9 32BAdilis Abeba Aliyssinia 8 57x S'.l 5BAdelaifle, Australia 34 68s 138 31 K

Adelsberg, Austria 45 46N 14 lOKAden, Arabia 13 ON 45 OEAden, G. of, Indian Oc. 12 30N 48 OEAdige, R,, Austria 46 17N 11 lUKAdige, R.. Italy 45 12N 11 45KAdiruas, R., Turkey in Asia 39 50X 28 5111;

Adironilacks. Mts.,'United States 41 lox 75 O-w

Adlun, Palestine 33 24N 35 15KAdmiralty G., Australia 14 25s 125 5315

Adoni, Madras 15 35s 77 20EAdour, R., Prance 43 45N 40l\'

Adowa, Abyssinia 14 4SN 38 15EAdra, Spain 36 49N 3 4WAdrar, Fr. W. Africa 21 Ox 11 OwAdraba, Palestine 32 SSN 36 6jo

Arlrampet, Madras 10 20N 79 SOKAdria, Italy 45 3N 12 2BAdrianople, Turkey 41 40N 20 3SK

Adriatic Sea. Mediterranean S.. IS ON 15 OE

Adula. Mt., Switzerland 40 Sox 9 OKAdullam, Palestine 31 40x S-1_59K

Adur, II.. England 51 Ox 2/\v

jl^gean Sea, Mediterranean .^.. 43 ox 15 or:

^Egina, 1., Greece 37 42N 23 30E.Bulls, Dist., Turkey in Asia S9 lox 27 OE.Boon, Palestiue 33 ION 35 26E.Etolia, Prov.. Greece 38 58N 21 271-:

Afar, Trilie, Eritrea 14 SON -10 OkAfgliauistou, St., Asia 34 Ox 00 Ok

Agadcs, 0., Sahara 10 57N 7 UOKAgartala, Bengal 23 .'.ON 91 25KAgdc, Prance 43 20n 3 27KAgon, France 44 ION 35 1.;

.Vgra, Agra and ( ludli 27 ION 77 .52K

Agra and Oudh, Pruv., Imlia 27 ION 80 ui:

Agram, Uungarv 45 50X 15 5S|.;

Aguas Calieiite.s| :\fe.\ico 22 5N 102 20\v

Aguilas, Spain 37 26N 1 40\vAgullias Bank, S. Africa 36 OS 22 OkAgulhas, C, Cape Colnnv 31 .58s 20 OEAhiiggar I'lat, Sahara 23 ON 5 OEAhuiadabad, Bombay 23 2N 72 inKAhniadnagar, Bomiiav 19 6N 74 421!

Aliraura., Agra anil rmdli 25 ON S3 5EAhwaz, Persia 31 33N 48 46EAi, Palestine SI 54N 35 16EAidin, Turkey in Asia 37 50N 28 7EAilsa Craig, I., Scotland 55 15X 5 0-w

Aiu, Dept., France 40 4N 6 281!

Aintab, Turkey in Asia 37 4N 37 25 kAir, Dist., Sahara 18 ON 7 301!

Aird, The, I. Scotlaiai 67 45N 18\v

Airdrie, Scotland 65 5Sx 3 69 -\v

Aire, R., England 53 45N 1 ISw.\irolu, Switzerland 10 SSN 8 SSKAisnc, Dept., France 49 3lN 3 17bAisue, R., France 49 8N 4 50EAivali, Turkey in Asia 39 20N 20 43kAix, France 43 33N 5 20EAix-la-Chaiiclle, Prussia 50 46N 2KAjaccio, Corsica 41 55X 8 SOEAjalon, Palestine 31 52N 35 IEAjanta Glials, Berar 20 SOX 76 OKAjmere, Ajuiere-Merwara 26 SUX 7 I 401:

Ajmerc-Merwara, Prov., India 20 :i2X 71 UKAjodhya, Oudh 20 50X 82 lOKAkabah. Turkey in Asia 29 28N SI 55:;

Akasa, Nigeria 4 30N 5 65EAkashe, Egyptian .Sudan 21 SN 30 42EAkba, B., i'V. W. Africa 7 ION 3 35 \v

Akerman, Russia 40 IN SO 15BAkhal Tekke, Dist., Turkestan 38 42N 58 21 K

Akka, Turkey in .isia 32 6SN 35 ISEAkoia, Berar 20 40N 77 OEAkraliim, Valley, Palestine 31 OX 35 17EAksii, R., Turkestan 38 ON 74 43 KAkyab, Burma 20 ISX 92 45EAla Shan Mts., Jtoiigolia 39 ON lus ii::

Alabama, R., United .States 34 On Si; iiw

Alatiama, St., Unitc.l States 32 40X si; liu\-

Alagoas, Brazil 9 45s S5 SOWAlagoas, St., Brazil 9 17s 37 30\yAlai Ra., Russian Turkestan 39 36x 70 01!

Alais, France 44 9n- 4 5EAland Is., Russia 60 ION 20 OEAlautika. Mt., Nigeria 8 30N 10 51


Alaska, Ter., N. America 65 ON 150 OWAlaska Pen , Alaska 57 Ox 150 avAlhacete, Spain 38 58N 1 56wAlbania, Uiv., Turk.-y 41 30N 20 lOEAlliauy, Australia Si 5SS 118 01!

AllianV, United States -12 40N 7 1 o\y

Albany, K., Oi'iiiada 51 SOX 83 40«-

Alhemarie Rd., United Slati'S 36 OX 70 OwAlbert, L., Br. E. Africa 1 50x 31 OKAlb.;rt Edward, L., I 'cntral A triea 20s 29 501

Alberta, Dist., Canii.ia 52 OX 115 On'

Albi, France 43 55N 2 7KAlbion I., Australia SS his 139 55EAllior.iii, I., S[iaiii 35 68N 3 SwAlbufera ile Valencia, I., Spain 39 ION 21wAltiula P., Switzerland 46 35X 9 4SEAlbu.ineniuc, S|iain 39 13N 56WAlhury, Australia 36 IS 110 59EAlcala lie Henares, Spain 40 28N 3 22w .

Aleamo, Italy 38 ON 12 55EAlcantara, Spain 39 \'-\^ 59\v

Alcazar, Spain 39 24N 3 16-\v

Alcoy, Spain S9 ION 301V

Aldabra Is., Oc. 9 SOS 47 OKAldan, R., Siberia 59 ON 128 OEAide, P.,, Englan.l 52 ION 1 27 EAldeburgh, England 52 HN 1 S7KAl.lershot, Engiaii.l 51 14N 45wAleppi, Madras 9 SON 76 24EAleripo, Turkey in Asia 36 SO.v 37 OEAl.lerney, I., Chaunel Is. 49 45x 2 13wAleni-Tejo, Prov., P.irtugal 38 .50.\ 7 .'.Ow

Aleu.-ou, France 48 27N 3l!

Aletsobhorn, Jit., S\yitzerlaiiil 40 27N K in:

Aleutian Is., Pacili.; Oc. 5i' ;;ox lo'.i O'v

Alex-ander I., Anlarctio Oc. 69 OS 72 uwAlexandria, Egypt 31 5.\ 29 45j!

Ale.viiidria, ^eotlall.l :i5 59X 4 :;7\v

Ale.xan.lria, Unite. I States :18 37N 77 15\y

Ale.xandrina, I,., .\iistralia 35 SOS 13;i 20i:

Alexanilropol Russia 41 60N 4S 45 1!

Alexandrovsk, Russia 69 25N S3 01!

Alexillatz, Servia -IS 52iN 21 271!

Alhiril, England 53 17N 11 KAlfi-elon, Kiiglan.l 53 7N 1 27WAlgarve, Prov., Pm-tngal 37 15N 8 OwAlg.'.-iriis, Spain 30 8 x 5 20^'

Algeria, N. Africa 34 Ox 4 01!

Algi.Ts. Ahj.-ria 36 S5N 3 SOKAlg.;a B., Oa[ie Colony 33 .51 Is 25 I5EAlg.inia, Oaliaila 46 12N 82 3S\y

A he-ante, Spain S8 2UN SOWAlice .Springs, Australia 23 5i;.s i:::', 5Ji!

Aligarh, A'gra and Ou.lli 27 5-4X 78 OKAliwal North, Cape Colony 30 40s 20 38KAliwi.l South, Oalie Colony 31 12s 22 4EAlkniaar, 52 SSN 4 411!

AUahahad, Agra and Oudli 25 SOX 81 48KAllan, Bridge of, Seotlanil 50 9N 3 57wAlius Sir., Uu-ch K. In.lies 8 50S 115 40EA Ile, R., Pru.=jiia .54 27x 21 OEAlleghany Mts., Unit.-.l Stales 39 Ox so 0\y

Allegheny, United States 40 SSN .:i 59WAllen, Bog ..f, Ireland 53 15n 7 15wAllen, L , Ireland 54 7X S 3WAllendale, England 54 SOX 2 151V

Alli.-iistein, Prussia 53 43 N 20 2UBAller, K., Prussia 52 50N 9 321!

Allrssandria, Italy 44 55N 8 351!

Allier, Dept., France 46 25N 2 5SEAllier, R., France 45 SN 3 25KAlloa, Scotlan.l 56 7N 3 471V

Allonhy, England 54 17N 3 27wAhuadi'-n, Spain 38 -ION 4 50wAlmeida, P.u-tugal 40 43N 6 5:iw

Almeria, Spain 36 6UN 2 SOiy

Almond, R., Scotlan.l 55 55N :i 2lwAlmora, Agra and Oli.tli 29 S5N 75 lOi!

Aln. R., England 55 2SN 1 54-lv

Alnwick. Englan.l 55 25N 1 431VAlost, Belgium 50 5.iN 4 2KAlpes, Basses-, Dept., France 44 21 X 17BAlpes, Hantes-, Dept., France 44 42X 6 SfiE

Alpes, Maririmes-, i)e[)t., France 44 4x 6 57EAlps, Mts., Europe 46 OX 9 50KAl[iujarras Mts., Spain 36 62N 3 17iv

Alsace, Dist., Germ.iny {see ElsasslAlsb, L., Scotland 57 ION 6 41irAlston, Eieglaiid 54 64N 2 271VAlt, R., Hungary 45 4SN 24 52BAltai Mts., Asia .50 ON 90 OKAltare, Mt., Italy 44 20N 8 121!

Altata, iMexieo 24 43x 108 siy

Alt'lorf, Switzerlan.l 46 50X 9 JOEAlt.''a, Spain 38 35N 2^V

Altenburg, Germany 51 Ox 12 25EAltoua, Gei-mauy 63 32N 9 501!

Altoona, United Stites III UN 78 lOwAltrincham, England 53 25N 2 211V.Vltstettcn, Switzerland 17 23N 9 S-IK

Altvater, Mt.. Austria 50 2N 17 lOK.^Ityu Tagh, Mts., Tibet 39 ON 92 SOEAInta, IL, Romania 44 ox 24 351!

,Uva, Scotland 56 9N 3 491V

,\hvanil, Mt., Persia 34 47N 48 OKAlwar, Raiputana 27 SON 70 SOBAlyth, S.-otlaud 50 39N 3 15iy, 1.., Australia 24 40s 130 30E

.Vmaltl, Italy 40 S7N 11 35E

.'liiiaii.lelbofim. Cape Coloiiv .'.l 21s 2u 5:;k

Amapala. Salvador 13 15N S7 2'.i\y

Aiiiara, Turkey in Asia SI 45n -17 IBAniarapura, Burma 21 5UN 90 21!

Amiisia, TurKcy in A.sia 4U 45x SO 12EAmazon, R., Brazd 4 OS 04 SOWAmazonas, St.. Brazil 5 OS 05 OWAmha.-a, 2l.llgola 9 12S 15 12B.Inihala, Punjab 30 18N 70 ISB.Imblcsi.le, England 51 24N 2 5SwAinhoina, I., Dutch E. Indies 3 SOS 128 15kAmliovna, I., S. China Sea 7 57x 113 oKAnibriz, Angola 7 52s 13 lOK.Vmbnkol, Egyptian Su.lan 18 5x 31 45bAiiie and, I., 63 27N 5 151!

;Viiieisfoort, Netlierlands 52 ION 5 23EAmliara, Abyssinia 10 SON 3S OEAmherst, Burma 10 Ox 97 36KAmiata, Mr., Italy 43 43N 1121 1!

Ami. MIS, France -19 5uN 2 ISi:

.Iniirante I-., Indiini ( le. 5 3ns 5:( 15K

.linlucb, Wales 53 27x 1 21 w

.Iniinan, Pal.-stine 31 5SX :;5 50K

.Viniiion, Dist., Palcst'ii.' :12 on ;;i; oi:

liiiargo.s, 1., Greece SO 5U\ 20 Ul!

.liiioy, China 21 39X lis isi:

Amiitliill, Kllehilid 52 2\ 11 :i| wInii-aoti, Berar 20 51x 77 12BAmreli, 21 S5N 71 llll!

.Aniritsar, I'uiijab 31 39N 71 57i;

Aniroha, Agra and On. ill 2S 51 N 7S :;ui,

.Viiistcrdam, Netlierlands 62 22N I 531!

Amu Daria, B., Bokhara 40 ON 02 30EAmur, R., Siberia 62 ON 128 OEAmwas, Palestiue 31 6lN 34 59EAn Tealleach, Mt., Scotland 67 4SN 6 lliv

.l-na, Turkey in Aiiia 34 34N 42 OEAuamba Is., Dutch E. Indies S 20x 100 lOK.Incona, Italy 4S 38N 13 32E.\n.lalusia, Dist., Spain 3/ 40N 5 OwAndaman Is., Bay of Bengal 12 ON 92 45EAndermatt, Switzerland 46 37N 8 37EAnderson Vley, L., Bechuanaland 22 25s 2S It

Andes, Mts., S. America 30 OS 70 OivAndijan, Russian Turkestan 40 54X 72 3Sl!

An.lorra, Andorra 42 27N 1 SOEAndorra, State, Europe 42 27N 1 30BAndover, England 61 12N 1 31\vAndria, Italy 41 16N 16 16EAndros, I., Greece 37 50N 24 SOEAu.lros, I., W. Indies 24 40N 77 5517Anethou, Pic d', Mt., France 42 SON 54 BAngara, R., Siberia 65 OX 103 OEAngernian, R., Sweden 64 ON 17 OEAngers, France 47 SON 34-\v

Anglesey, Co., -Wales 53 20N 4 25-n'

Angola, Port. W. Africa 12 OS IS OEAngora, Turkey in Asia 30 ^'}^ 39 27


Angostura, Venezuela 8 IN 03 65iyAugoul(:me, France 45 40N 9EAngoumois, Dist., France 45 44N OBAngbrabies Falls, Cape Colony 2S 40s 20 1 IE

Angra I'e'iuena, Ger. S.-W, Africa 20 ;iOs 16 lU

Angul, B.:ngal 20 48N 85 5EAngus, Dist., Scotlan.l 56 39N 3 Oiv

Anhalt. Du., Germany 51 60n 12 OEAnjar, Palestine 33 42x 35 54BAnjinad, Travancore 10 5N 77 OEAnjou, Prov., France 47 ION SOlvAnklam, Prussia 53 51N 14 45 kAnkor, Slam 13 35N 103 40EAnnam, St., Indo-China 16 Ox 107 30BAnnan, Scotlan.l 65 ON 3 20-wAnnaii.lale, Dist., Scotland 55 15N 3 27wAirnapolis, Canada 44 4SN 66 SOWAnnapolis, United States 38 47N 77 61VAiinecy, i'rance 45 54N 6 8EAnuobom, I., Atlantic Oe. 2 0,s 6 lOBAnsbacb, Bavaria 49 17N 10 34 BAnseba, R., Eritrea 16 40X 38 2oBAnstruther, Scotland 56 13n 2 411VAntananarivo, JIadagasear 19 OS 47 101!

Antequera, Spain 37 5N 4 32-lv

Anti-Libanus. Mts, Palestine 33 45x SO 15eAnticosti, I., Canada 49 30N 63 0-wAntigua, I., "W. Indies 17 26x 61 SO-n'

Antilles, Greater, Is., \^. Indies 19 Ox 70 OwAntilles, Lesser, Is., W. Indies 15 Sox 01 OwAntioch, Turkey in Asia 36 5N 36 66EAutipatris, Palestine 32 ON 34 S7BAutipodes Is., Paoiflo Oc. 49 40s 178 SOEAntivari, Sl.intenegro 42 4N 19 6EAntohigastii, Chile 23 .52s 70 30-wAntrim, Irelan.i 64 42x 6 12-\v

Antrim, Co., Ireland 54 52N lOwAntrim, Mts. of, Ireland 66 ON lOW.Antwerp, Belgium 51 13N 4 241!

Auuradliapnni, Ceylon 8 25N so 22EAnycr, Java 6 14S 105 52EA.imori, .laiian 40 SON 140 35BAosta, Italy 45-15X7 19EApa, II., Brazil 22 98 57 OWApennine Mts., Italy 43 ON 13 Ob-^penraile, Prussia 55 5N 9 15i!

Apia, Samoa Is. 14 OS 171 65WApo, Vol., Philippine Is. 7 Ox 126 01!

Apostle Is., Unite.l States 46 58n 90 IOi\'

Appalachieola, R., United States 29 15x ss oAppenzell, Su-itzerland 47 19N 9 27l!Appenzell, Prov.. Switzerlan.l 47 3-lN 9 SOl!-Vppin, Scotland 66 SSN 6 26-\y

Appleby, England 54 S4N 2 28-0"

Applecross, .Scotland 67 25x 5 ISwApsheron Pen., Russia 40 22x 60 15EApue Falls, Brazil 4 40s 55 541\'

.Apulia, Pr.iv., Italy 41 ON 16 SOEApure, R., Venezuela 7 SN 70 OwApnrimac, R., Peru 13 lOS 73 SOlvAipiila, Italy 42 18n 13 28KAiiuirv, R., Bolivia 10 43s 68 OwAr.ihah, Pah-stine 30 .54N 35 2JKArabia, Asia 24 ON IS OKArabian Desert, Egypt 27 :iOx ;;-j ;iiii,,

Arabian S.-a, Indian Oe. 15 ii.\ 05 UKAra.-aiii, llrazil 10 S5S 37 4iv.Vra.all, Brazil I JUS 37 Sllw.\|-a.'.;n,i, S]:)ain 37 5:;x 6 S31VAra.l, Hungary JO lux 21 12KAni.l, I'lil.'stine 31 17N 35 okAi-iifiira Sea, F. In. lies 10 os 131 ui,

Aragou, I'rov., Spain 10 40X I iiw



Aragoii, R., Spain 4:; iJ5N I 35wAraguaya, R., Brazil 7 bOS 50 U\vAi-akaii, Div., Burma 21 U.v 'J3 Sdi;

Aral S., Russian Turkestan 4.'i UN Oi.l UEAran I., K., Ireland oi rv.lN 8 32\vAran Is., Ireland 53 7N t) i2wAran Mowddwy, Mt., Wales 52 5IJN' 3 33\\-

Aranjuez, Spain iu 3x 3 42\vArarat, Australia 37 IGS 142 58EArarat, Jit., Turkey in Asia 33 4ns 44 15UAras, K., Russia 3'J 32N 47 20|jl

Arato, R , Columbia 7 SON 7G 50 W"

Arauca, R., Venezuela 7 5N tj8 OwArauco, Chile 3ti 52S 73 34^YAravalli Hills, Ilajputsna 24 36N 72 40KArbroath, Scotland .3fj 33N 2 3.'n\'

Arcachon, Prance 44 38N 1 lowArcadia, Greece 37 16N 21 44 nArcadia, Prov., Greece 37 2fiN 22 1 1


Archangel, Russia 64 39X 40 oOli

Archelais, Palestine 32 8N 3.3 30EArcopolis, Palestine 31 IDN 3.!J 43EArcot, Madras, 12 5.jN 71) 21EArda, R., Turkey 41 37N 2.") 14EArdeche, Dept., France 44 5'JN 4 3iJH

Ardee, Ireland 53 51N 6 331TArden, Dist., England 52 13N 1 51\v

jArdennes, Dept., France 49 3'^)X 4 47]-;

Arilenuos, Mts., Belgium 60 UN 5 SUEArdfert, Ireland 52 2lN I) 4SM'Ardgour, Dist., Scotland 50 48N 5 2.)\\'

Arduamurchan Pt., Scotland 56 43N' ii 14WArdrisliaig, Scotland 56 IN 5 27wArdross, Scotland 57 45N 4 20\vArdrossan, Scotland 55 40N 4 4S"\v

Ards, Dist., Ireland 54 28N 5 30wArenas Gardas, Dist., Spain 37 56N 6 40\\'

Arendal, Norway, 58 32N 8 421']

Arenig, Mt., Wales. 52 54N 3 51\\'

Arcquipa, Peru, 17 OS 74 OWArezzo. Italy, 43 25N U 54EArfak, Mt., Dutch E Indies 1 lUS 133 2JEArgaum, Berar 21 5N 77 UEArgeutario, Mt,, Italy 42 17x 10 52EArg.-ntiua, St., S. America 3ii OS ti.'i owArgesu, R., Romania, 44 25x 25 30EArghandab R., Afghanistan 32 20.\ 66 OEArgob, Dist., Palestine 33 OiV 36 20EArgolis, Prov., Greece 37 43x 22 55EArgonne, Porest of, France 4'J 5N 4 64 EArgus, Greece 37 4UN 22 45 EArgostolion, Greece 38 lO.N 20 23EArgyll, Co., Scotland rfi 2UN 5 SOWArgyll, Dist., Scotland ."iO ON 5 23WArica, Chile 18 25s 70 lowAriege, Dept., France 42 52s 1 35EAiinos, B., Brazil 13 0s 55 88wAris;iig, Scotland 56 5.')N 5 50WArizona, St., United States 35 Us lU SO\y

A rjish Dagh, Mts., Turkey in Asia 38 SON 34 30EArkaig, L., Scotland 56 58N 5 lowArkansas, R., United States 35 SON 95 OWArkansas, St., Uniteil States 35 ON 92 3UWArklow, Ireland 52 47N 6 9WArkona, Prussia 64 45N 13 15EArkonam, Madras 13 6N 79 42EAries, I'rance' 43 43N 4 41EArlon, Belgium 49 41N 5 49EArmagh, Ireland 54 2lN 6 39WArmagh, Co., Ireland 54 lliN 6 32WArmagnat:, Dist., France 43 SON U 24 E

Armenia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 4U SUN 41 SueArn.idale, Australia 30 29s 151 48EArnheim, Netherlands 51 69N 5 55EAmhem, 0., Australia 12 23s 137 2EArnbem's Land, Dist., Australia IS OS 133 Ul-^

Arno R., Italy 43 45N lU 4UEAnion, R., Palestine 31 26N 3-'. 45EArnsberg, Prussia, 51 25N 8 6EAroche, Spain 37 58N 6 58WAroer, Palestine 31 27N 35 5lEArolsen, Germany 51 26N 9 UEAroti, Venezuela 10 34N 69 lowArra Mts., Irclanil 52 50N 8 luwArrah, Benares 2.j 36N 84 42EArrau I., Scotland 55 S5N 5 15WArras, France 50 16N 2 40EArree, Mts. d', France 48 20S S 45WArrow, 1,., Irelanil 54 4N 8 20wArta, Greece 39 6N 21 OeArtaki, Turkey in Asia 40 25N 27 4se

Arthur's P., Mew Zealand 42 52s 171 So;';

Artois, Prov., France 50 35X 2 OEAru Is., Dutcli B. ludics 6 Us 134 20EArun, B., England 50 5UX SowArundel, England 50 64N 36


Aruwimi, R., Congo St. 1 32N 2 1 551';

Arva, R., Hungary 49 8N li) 71')

.\iys, Russian Turkestan 42 5SS 67 55E

Asaha, Nigeria 6 15N 6 Sei'I

Asce'ision I., Atlantic ( ic. 7 55s 14 OWA.scoli, Italy 42 51s 13 36EAshauti, Gold Coast 8 Us 1 3UWAshhorne, Englauil 53 Is 1 39WAshhnrton, England bO 32N 3 41wAshburtou Ra., Australia 18 os 13.". oi';

Ashiuirton, R., Australia 23 2u,s ] 17 UK,

Ashby-de-la-Zouch, England 52 lis 1 31 H

Asliilod, Palestine 31 34 39E

Ashford, Euglanil 51 SN 51E

Ashkelon, Palestine 31 39s 34 3:'iE

.\shntore I., Indian Oc. 12 5s 123 251';

Ashtarotli Karnaim, I'alestitic ;i2 i'.is 36 2E

Ashton, England 63 31S 2 8WAshuradii, Peivsia 36 67s 53 I5E

Asinara 1., Ittily 41 ON 8 16EAiir, Dist., Turkey in Asia 18 25s 12 3uE.Vskabad, Russian Turkestan 38 2N 58 231':

.Vskalan, l'ale,stine 31 39N 31 3SK,\smara, Eritrea 15 19N 38 5UE.Vspiring, Jit., New Zealand 44 25s 168 50EAsproiuoitte, Mt., Italy 38 12X 16 Ul';

Aspropotamos, R., Greece 38 45N 21 SUEAssab, Eritrea 13 5Ux 42 40E-V.ssam, Prov., India 26 SOx 94 UEAssaye, Haidarabad 20 15x 75 4lE.A-Ssen, Netherlands 52 58N 6 3Sj';

Assiniboia, Dist., Oanatla 50 3UX 1U6 Ow.A.ssiniboia, R., Canada 49 3UX 99 3UWAssinie, Fr. \V. Africa 5 4X 2 64\YAssist, Italy 43 4N 12 S6EAssiut, Egj'pt 27 Ox 32 55EAssuan, Egypt 24 5X 32 56EAssynt. Dist., Scotland 58 lUS 5 OwAss.itit, L., Scotland 58 lUN 5 U\l'

Asterabad, Persia 36 5UN 54 15EAsti, Italy 44 52N 8 ISEAstorga, .<pain 42 27N 6 llwAstrakhan, Russia 46 21X 4S IEAsturias, Dist., Spain 43 lox 6 OWAsuncion, Paraguay 26 40s 57 35wAtacama, Chile 22 52s 68 14WAtacama Desert, Chile 23 OS 6'.t 30WAtbara, R., Egyptian Sudan 17 SON 35 OEAthabasca, Dist., Canada 67 Sox IIU OwAthabasca, L., Canada 59 Ox 1U,I uwAthabasca, R., Canada 56 Ox 113 OWAtlieniy, England 53 20X 8 46WAthens, Greece 38 ON 23 46EAtlilit, Palestine 32 43N 34 57 EAthlone, Ireland 53 25N 7 51 wAthol, Dist., Scotland 56 45s 4 uwAthot, Forest of, Scotland 56 51s 4 OwAthos, Mt., Greece 40 12X 21 17EAthy, Ireland 52 59N 6 58wAtlanta, United States S3 55x 81 2U\v

Atlantic City, United States 39 21x 71 3:!w

Atlas Mts., Morocco 33 UN 1 OWAtrek, R., fersia 38 lox 56 OE.VLtica, Prov,, Greece 38 6N 23 50EAttock, Punjab 34 IN 72 22EAtures, Venezuela 5 22x 68 5wAub R., Ger. S. W. Africa 27 21s 17 i6EAube, Dept., France 48 12x 4 15EAube, H., France 48 20X 4 27EAudi, Prance 43 39N 32EAuckland, New Zealand 36 51s 174 421':

Auckland I., Pacific Oc. (inst.'t) 60 5US 1C6 40i:

Aude, Dept., France 43 3N 2 24EAude, R., France 42 44N 2 4EAuge, R., France 49 20N OEAugsburg, Bavaria 48 2UN 10 55 eAugusta, (Georgia) United Stat, s 33 25X 82 Oiv

Augusta, ( Jiaine) United Stat' s 44 26X 69 -13wAugu.^tus, Jit., Australia 24 los 116 62EAuiila, Tripoli 28 60X 21 20EAuilagas, L., Bolivia 19 32s 68 8wAutiis, Dist., France 46 Ux 1 5WAurangabad, Haidanibad 19 52X 75 22EAurillac, France 44 58N 2 24EAuschwitz, Austria 50 2N 19 I4KAusterliz, Austria 49 9N 16 51 1-;

Austin, United States SO 20x 97 40wAustin. L., Australia 27 SOS 118 20EAustral Is., Pacific Oc. 23 OS 15u UwAustralia, Australasia 25 Us 135 UEAustralian Alps, Jits., Australiii 36 Slls 118 Silt;

Australian B., Gt., Australia 33 us 131 UEAustria, Upper and Lower, Pruv., .\ustria

48 17X II UEAuvergne, I'rov.. France 15 SOX 2 45EAuxerre, France 47 48N S 32EAux Cayes, W. Indies 18 20s 73 50wAux Sources, Mt,, Natal 28 28S 28 UKAva, Burma 21 45s 95 ."i8e

Avalon Pen., Newfoundland 47 Os 53 20WAvciro, Portugal 40 38x 8 iOtv

.\veyron, Dept., Frtiuce, 41 lox 2 ISEAvignon, France 43 57N 4 50EAvila, Spain 40 38x 1 44^yAvuca, IreUind 52 50S 6 13wAvoca, R.. Australia S6 OS 143 17EAvon, R. (DcvonJ, England 50 2un S 51 w,Vvou, R. (Bristol), England 51 21s 2 12


Avon, R. (UautsI, Englauil 5U 5us 1 18w.Vvou, R. ( Warwick). Enghmd 52 lus 1 50\v

Avon, R., Scotland 57 13x 3 23w.\vraiiches, l''rance 48 42s 1 2UWAwe, L., Stiotland 56 r,lx 5 ISWAwe. R., Scotland 56 23x 5 lowAxe, R., England 61 15x 2 52W.Ixe Edge, England .53 13N 1 5:iw

Axholme, England 53 32X U 48 wAxmitister, Llngland 50 47x 2 59WAxuiouth, England 50 42X 3 )wAxum, .'Vliyssiuia 14 4UX 37 55E.l\-iLcncho, Peru 12 55s 71 UwVyaiuoiite, Spain 37 17x 7 27w.\'vasliui. Jit., -Morocco 32 20s 4 3ueWlchuiy, I'.uglaud 51 49s r,lW

Aylshaui, England ,52 46X 1 15E-Vyr, Scotland -.5 2Ss I 38w.A.Vr, t!'0.. Scntlaiiil -"'5 21s 1 25W.lyr, R,, H'',itlaud 55 3UX -I 25WA-yre, I't. of, l.^le of Man 5 I 25x 1 27wAyutliia. Si, nil 11 22s luu 15e.'Azalngalh, AL'fa and Oudli 26 US S3 12EAzcriiaijan. Prov., Persia 37 3ux li; UE,\zincourt, France 5U 29x 2 9E.Azof, Russia 17 6X 39 23B

Azof, S. of, Bu,5sia 46 OS 36 30EAzores, Atlantic Oc. 39 Ox SU UwAzotus, Palestine 31 45N 34 S9EAzucar, Mt., Colombia 1 55N 76 26wAzul, Argentina 36 28S 59 45W

BA ULE, R., Fr. W. Africa 12 3Ux 5 lOwBaal Hazor, Palestine 32 IN 35 24EBaal Menu, Palestine 31 39N 35 45EBaalbek, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 33 52N 36 7EBab el JIandeb, Str., Red Sea, 12 4UX 43 SUE

Baba Gura, Jits., Austria 49 40N 20 OEBabarlagh, Romania 44 55N 28 39EBabuyan Is., Philippine Is. 19 SOS 121 40EBabylon, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 32 UN 44 S5E

Bachan,I., Dutch E. In.lies S5s 127 25BBack R., Canada 64 55N lul SOWBactip, England 53 45X 2 14\vBadaioz, Spain 38 6UN 7 2wBadakshan, Dist., Afghanistan 36 44X 70 OEBaden, Austria 48 2N 10 lOEBailen, Germany 48 42X 8 16EBaden, G. D., Germany 48 SON 8 20EBaden, Switzerland 47 29N 8 17EBadeiiocli, Dist., Scotlanil 57 OS 4 UwBadghis, Dist., Russian Turkestan 35 39s 62 20EB ifHu B., Canada 73 Ox 65 OwB-iffln Land, Ter., Cauada 70 Ox 75 OwBafing, R., Fr. AV. Africa 13 ON 10 55\v

Bafk, Persia 31 37N 55 22 E

B ift, Persia 29 los 56 22EBagamoyo, Ger. E. Africa 6 36s i'S 55EBageiialstown, Ireland 52 43x 6 57wBaghdad, Turkey in Asia 33 Sox 14 32t;

Baglielkand, Central Imlia 24 18X 82 OEB'lgida, Togo 6 ION 1 25EBagshot, England 51 2UN 40wBahama Ch., W. Indies 22 3UN 77 SOWBaliamas, Is., W. [inlics 24 Ox 75 (Iw

Bidiawalimr, Puujab 29 24s 71 48EBahdur Agig, Kg\ ptian Suilan 18 Ids 38 45EBaheiret ei Atebeli. L., Palestine 33 Sils 30 37EBalieiret el U ijaneli, L., Palestine 33 2"N 36 S3EBaheiret el Huleh, L., Palestine 33 5s 35 36EBahia, Brazil 12 12s 38 ;10W

Bahia, St., Brazil 12 SOS 42 30wBahia Blanca, Argentina 38 59s 62 OwBahia Honda, Colombia 12 15x 71 S6t\'

Bahr el Abiad, R.,Egyptiati Sudan 12 :;ux 33 OEBahr el Azrek, R., Egyptian Sudan 11 ox 34 OEBahr el Benat, Is. Oman 24 20X 52 SueBahr el Ghazal, Dist., Sudan 6 OX 29 30EBahr el Ghazal B., Suilan 8 OX 28 30EBahr el Jebel, R., Sudan 5 58N 32 OEB.ihr Lftt, L,, ralestine 31 SUN :i5 SOEB.ihraich, Airra and Oudh 27 SOx 81 36EBahrein Is., Persian Gulf 26 OX 60 SUEBai, Tribe, W. Africa 8 3UN 16 OEBaia, Tribe, W. Africa 6 ON 14 OEBaikal, L., Siberia 54 UN 106 OEBairnsilale, Australia 37 45s 147 40EBakara, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 12 ON 32 OEBakarganj, Bengal 22 36N 90 24 i:

Bakel, Fr. West Africa 14 JOS 12 SOTVBaketsi, Tribe," Beohuaiialand 25 15s 25 UEBakewell, England 53 13X 1 4lwBakhoy, H.. Fr. W. Africa 12 30S 9 25wBakhtiari, Jits., Persi.i 32 SOX 50 OEBakony Forc;st, Hutigary 47 25N 18 OEBaku, Russia 40 20x 49 451:

Bakwcua, Trilic, Bcchuaualaud 23 5Us 25 37EBala, Wales 52 55x 3 38WBalabac I., Pliilippine Is. 7 57x 117 3EBalahac Str., Pliilippine Is. 7 25N 117 3EBalagiier, Spain 41 52N 46EBalapin, Tribe, Cape Colony 27 2US 24 20er.iilasiir, Bengal 21 SON 87 OBB'daton, L , Hungary 46 45x 17 S5EBalaynn, Pliilippine Is. 13 50N 120 40EBalbriggan, Ireland 53 38X 6 12"WBalohick, Bulgaria 43 25x 28 lUEBal-aric Is., Spain 40 OS 3 OEBalfrush, Persia 36 32N 52 25EBali, Camerons 6 19s lU 17EBali, I., ,Dutcli E. Indies 8 2US 115 25EBalkan, Mt., Russia in Asia 39 35x 05 OEBalkans, Jits,, Turkey 43 Ox 24 0|.}

Balkash, L.. Asiatic Russia 46 Ox 75 UEBalkh, Atglamistan 36 55X 66 4UEBallachldish, Scotland 50 tlx 5 llwBallarat, Au.stralia 37 398 143 59EBallatci. S..'ntland 57 4N 3 4WBalleuv Is., Antarctic Oc. 60 .30s 103 lOEBalliua, Australi,! 28 55S 153 3lEBalliua, Ireland 54 OS 9 9WBallinai-loe, Ireland 53 2Ux 8 12wBalliurohe, Ireland 53 38X 9 12wBalliuskelligs B., Ireland 51 48x III lowBallycastle I, Ireland 51 17s 9 2.;wBallycastle (Antrim), Ireland 55 12X 13wB lUycottin, Ireland 51 50.S 8 IwBallyhoura Hts., Ireland 52 17x K lowU.illyincna. Ireland .54 02X 6 1 6WBallvsliannon, Ireland 04 SUs 8 llwB.ilinoral, Scotland 57 3X 3 I5wBiilranald, Australia 34 325 1 13 HEBalsas, Rio de las, R , Jlexico 18 us 1112 UwBalta, Russia 47 :;0S 29 2UEB:iltic, Euro|ie 57 OX l,s OEBahiliinre, Ireland 51 28\ 9 21 WBaltilihii-e, Uiiiteil Siat-s 39 35s 7i; :i7wBaltittan, Kaslunir 35 lus 75 :|5E

I'.ducliistaii, St„ Asia 28 us 05 OEB;illi, Persia, 29 8s 58 18EBamako, Fr. AV. Africa 12 40X 7 53w

Bamangwattj, Tiibc, Bechuanaland 22 40a 26

Bamas, Palestine 33 15X 35 35E

Bamberg, Bavaria 49 52N 10 56E

Baml.urgli, England 55 36x 1 42-W

Bamian, Afghanistan 35 Ix 67 56E

Bampur, Persia 27 Ox 60 6BBanagher, Ireland 53 IlN 7 09iy

Baiiat, Dist., Hiingarv 45 26X 21 OBBanana, Congo St. 5 5Ss 12 SOBBan.anal, R., IJrazil 12 SOS 60 OWBanas. R., Eajputana 25 04N 70 lOEBanbriilge, Ireland 54 20N 6 16A\-

Banbury, England 52 3N 1 21WBanchory, Scotland 57 3N 2 SOWBanda, Agra and Oudh 20 SON 80 ISB

Banila, I., Indo-China 7 07X 106 40i:

Banda Is., Dutcli M. Indies 4 40s DO Oi:

B inda Sea, Dutch E. Indies 5 1.5s 128 OEBandar, Persia 27 16X 06 12EBaii'lon, Ireland 51 45N 8 44WBandon, JIalay Pen. 9 3N 99 24 EBandon, R., Ireland 01 45s 8 44WB.mS, Scotland 07 40x 2 SIWBallfl, Co., Scotland 07 24N 3 lOWBangala, Congo St, 1 59N 19 18EBangalore, Jlysore 1 3 UN 77 35EBans^kok, Siain 14 UN 96 ]5EBangor, Irelanil 54 S9N 5 33\yBangor, United Stat-s, 44 .54N 68 41wBangor, AVales OS 14N 4 7WBangwaketsi, Tribe, Bccliuanalaiid 21 8.S 25 C

Bangweolo, L., Rliodcsia 11 los 30 OEBania, F'r. AV. Africa 4 SON 10 59 1:

Banjermassin, Borneo S 38s 114 35EBanka, I., Dutch E. Iiulies 2 SUs 1U6 OEBanks I., Australia 10 10s 142 lOEBanks Land, Ter., Canada 74 Ux 121 owBanks' Pen., New Zealand 43 .54s 173 OEBanks Str., Oan.ada 75 ON 118 OWBankura, Bengal 23 ION 87 5EBann, R., Ireland 64 5«N 6 SOWBannockburn, Scotland 06 6N3 01WBanswara, Hajputana 23 30N 74 241:

Bantam, Java" 6 lis IOC 2EBantry, Ireland 01 40N 9 27WBantry B., Ireland 01 S7s 9 48wBanyaluka, Bosnia 41 48N 17 OEBanyuwang, .lava 8 40s 11 1 lOi:

Bara, Egyptian Sudaji 14 SOX SO OOi:

Bara Banki, Agra and Oudh 26 SOx 81 lUEBarabra, Tribe, Egyjit 20 ox So OEKaratla, Palestine 3"s 3ux 36 19i:

Barawa, Italian Soni'ilihinil 1 15x 44 121:

Barbatlos, I., AV. Indies 13 40X 59 .5owDarbar, Dist., Fr. AV. Africa 11 OX 2 SOi:

Barbary, Dist., Algeria 31 ux 7 UEBarbcrton, Transvaal 25 4SS 31 IEBarbuda, I., AV. Indies 17 68N 62 48wBarcaldine, Australia 23 43s 145 OEBarcelona, Spain 41 22N 2 IIBBarcelona, Venezuela 10 UN 64 45\vBarcoo, E., Australia 24 34 s 14 I OEBardsey, I., Wales 52 4Sx 4 J8\\-

Bardon Hill, England 52 45x 1 18WBardwan, Bengal 23 I2X 87 Oil:

Bareilly, Agra and Oudh 28 29s 79 25wBartleur, Pte. de, France 49 ISx I 21 wBarganza, Brazil 54s 47 9WBari, Italy 41 6X 16 5 IEBari Uoaii, Pun.iali 32 25N 75 40BBaringo, L., Br. E. Africa 26N 36 12EBarito, R, Borneo 2 28s 111 -lOEBarka, Dist., 'Tripoli 31 Ox 22 SUEBarking, England 01 32s 5i:

Barkly Wevt, Cape Colony 28 :32s 21 37 EBarladu, Roinania 46 15x27 35 1:

Barde-Duc, France 48 46N 5 Si:

Bardc-Duc, Netherlands 51 26X I 56EBarlce, L., Austr.ilia 2!l 5s 120 OEBarlec Ra., Australia 23 50s 116 SOEBarletta, Italy 41 17N 16 18EBarmen, Prns-ia 51 17x 7 8eBarmcr, Rajputaua 25 I2X 71 2lEBarmouth, Wales 52 lis 4 IWBarnard Castle, lOugland 01 SOS 1 SowBarnaul, Liberia 53 ;!os 83 OEBarnet, England 51 41x llAVBaruslev, England 53 33x 1 28WBarnstable, England 61 4x 4 3wBarnstable B.. England 51 4x 4 22»yBaroda, Bombay 22 15x 73 151:Baroloiig. Tribe, S. Africa 26 5iis 23 OBBarqui^iineto, Venezuela 9 OOX 69 lowBarra, Brazil 10 68s 43 20wBarra tid., Scotland 56 42N 7 SOWBarra I., Scotland 57 2N 7 34-wBarra, Sil. of, Scotland 57 ON 7 OwBairackpiir, Bengal 22 5UX 88 25BB.irraiKiuilla, Colombia 10 SOx 74 50WB irrels. Is., Ireland 52 9x 6 2IWB;irien I., Andamtins 12 18x 93 51eBarrhead, Scotland 55 4SX 4 26WHarrier Il'.i., Au.stralia 32 Os 1 II lOBBirrier Ri^f, Gt, Australia 15 us 116 OEUairuw, C,, Alaska 71 lox 156 2IIWB,ii low I., Australia 20 53s lis 91:Bariow, li., Ireliind 52 SOX 52wBurrow Str., Canada 74 lox 96 owB irrow-in Kuniess, England 54 7x 3 14iyBarry, AVales 51 24X S lowBarsi, B'liubay 18 12S 75 48eBilltlr,!. Br, Guiana 6 25s 58 OWBarton, Eiigl.ii.d 5:; 12s u 28wBarvas, Scotland 58 21 X 6 31 wBarwun, H., Australia 29 10s 118 50E

( i )


Basel, Switzerland 47 3Jn 7 35EBasel, Prov., Switzerland H 3UN 7 -10n

Baslian, Dist., Palestine 32 4r>N 3lj (In

Basliee B., Cape Colony 32 ISs 2,s 47 HBaslii Oil., Phili]i|iiiK' la. 21 l.'ix 121 Mr.Ba>lii Is., Philippine Is. 20 4IJN 121 5IIH

Ba.shliir, Russia 53 UN 56 UKBasilieata, Prov., Italy .|U 20N IG OBBasini, Berar 20 ON 77 12KBasinfjfstoke, En^Mnnd 61 l.^N 1 G"\v

Basle, Hist., Switzerlanil 47 2HN 7 I'n-)

Basque Provs., S])ain 43 ON 2 30\\'

Basra, Turkey in Asia 3U 2,sx 17 36[':

Bass Ktiek, I., Scotlaiiil fili -Ix 2 3»wBass Str., Australia 40 Us MG OKBassein, liunitiay 11) ISN 72 ISKBasseiii, Buruiii"l7 UN '.11 .1'.)l-^

Bassetlaw, KnKlancI 53 22N' 1 4WBas.-iffuv, Dist., Franee 4K ON 5 UKBastar, !5t.. Central Provs. IS lox SI 2U|.:

Bastia, Corsica 42 41N il 271']

liasiit,. Laad, S. Africa 2'.l 3Us 2S 3UKItitak, Ilist., 8inn:itra 2 2u,s 9S iokliatiillin, PortUKal 3'J llN S .".Uw

Batan Is., Pliilipiiiiic Is. 211 2."iN 121 My,BatauL^ China 2'.i .ISN ll'.l 421':

BatauK Hari, K., Slunatra, 1 12s 103 2."iK

Bataui,'a. Caluerons 2 .^ H .5SL:

Batavin, .lava G Us Kill 5skBateinau B., Australia 3.'i aUS 150 2UKBath, England 51 23N 2 2mvBathtjiite, ycothuul 5.1 55N 3 3S\vBathurst, Australia 32 2Ks 149 SOBBathnrst, Can, -17 Six Go 41wBathurst, CTanibia 13 20X 16 4UwBathurst I„ Australia 11 40s 130 15kBatlaro, Tribe, S. Afri.-a 2G 20s 32 lUEBatlev, Bnslaurl 53 44N 1 SawBaton Rouge, Unitnl States 30 3:JN 30 57«'

Batticaloa, Cevlon 7 4Sx SI 42EBattle, England 5U 55N 2seBattlelord, Canada .12 45N 1U8 ISIVBattock, Mt., Scotland 5G 5Sn 2 36"n'

Batnni, Russia 41 33N 41 40EBaugh Fell, Mt., England 54 19X 2 32',\'

Bauld, C, Newfouncilanil 51 2flx .15 20wBautzen, Saxony 51 ION 14 221';

Bavaria, King., G-erniany 4S 4SX 12 UKBavaria, Upper and Lower, Dist., Bavaria

4S 20n 12 OeBavarian Forest, Bavaria 49 UN 13 OEBawatin, Dist., Ouiaii 24 lUN 5G 24EBay Is., Honduras 17 2UX SG lOWB'lyaziii, Turkey in Asia 39 SUN 43 50KBayenx, France 49 20N 42\vBayonue, France 43 29N 1 2s\v

Bavreuth. Bavaria 49 atlN 11 54EBavuda Steppe, Bgyptinn Suilan 17 SUN 32 30EBaza, Spain 37 SUN 2 -lHw

Bazias, Hungary 44 4SN 21 19MBeachport, Australia 37 3Us IIU 4EBcacli\- Hd., Englauil 5U 44N 12WBcacoiis, Mts., Wales 51 55x 3 33vr

Beacousficid, Cape Colony 28 oSs 24 57EBeal Ra., Australia 25 2.1s 141 20EBeamiuster, England 50 4SX 2 iHWBear T., Arctic, Ocean 75 ON 19 OKBear R., United States 42 20N 111 45Wllcarliaven. Ireland 51 S9N 9 56\y

Beam, Dist., France 13 2Un 48WBeas, R., Punjab SI Ox 75 5EBeauce, Dist , France 4S ox 1 27F,

Beaufort Sea, Arctic Regions 74 ON ISO okBeaufort West, Caoe Colon v 32 22s 22 35 j.;

Beaujolais, Dist., France 46 8x 4 26EBeauiy, Scotland 57 27N 4 29 1V

Beauly Firth, Scotland 57 29N 4 2S1\-

Beanly, Q-lass, Scotlaial 57 22X 4 38wBeaumaris, Wales 53 16N 4 5\\'

Beauue, France 47 Ux 4 5UKBeauvais. France 49 21X 2 2KBeaver HiUs, Canada 53 lux 112 43wBeccles, England 52 27X 1 35].;

Bechnanaland, S. Africa 33 OS 24 UKBedford, England 53 Sx U SOWBedfordshire, Co., England 52 Gn 2S\v

Bedlington, England .15 sx 1 201V

Beechworth, Australia .3G 17s 14G J9EBeer Berg, ]Mt., Geruiau\' 50 37X 11 UKBeersheba, Palestine 31 15x 34 46 E

Behar, Bengal 25 12N S5 36EBeira, Brazil 12 SOS G4 SOWBeira, Port, E. Africa 19 46S 34 5REBeira. Prov., Portugal 40 SUN 8 Oiv

Beirut, Turkey in Asia 34 Ox 35 3UKBeit Jibrin, Palestine 31 36N 34 6GEBeitin. Palestine 31 5GN 35 14EBeja, Portugal 3S 2X 7 52WBcja, Tribe (see Bisbari, EgyptlBekes, Hungary 46 44X 21 .IK

Bekes Csaba, Hungary 46 39x 21 4EBela, Baluchistan 26 5n 66 20EBelaghat, Ra., Haidarabad 19 ON 76 OEBelaya, R., Russia 54 UN 5G UKBelei'n, Brazil 3 OS 47 O^y

Belfast, Ireland 54 3GN 5 56ff

Belfast L., Ireland 54 4UX 5 5UwBelfort, France 47 39x 6 53EBelford, England 55 31X 1 SOU'

Belgaudo. R., Australia 23 SIS 116 37aBeli^anni, Bombay 16 54N 71 36EBclgrad, Servia 44 4«x 20 37 E

Belhary, Madras 15 12X 77 SUE

Belize. Br. Honduras 17 31x SS 28ir

Bell Rock, Scotland, 56 26X 2 22w

Bellaggio, Italv 46 67n 9 15kBelle lie, 1., France, 47 isx s 13wBcdle Ish' Str., Newfonnillaial 51 Sllx 57 UwBellianlen Kcr II ill, An.stralia 17 20s 1 16 UEBellingliaiM, England 55 7N 2 llwBi'lhnzo Switzerland 111 12X 9 2EBelliUK., Italy 4G lUN 12 I2Klliflnullet. Inland .14 13x 9 58WBel|ier, England 63 2X 1 SOWBcltnrbet. Irelauil 61 llx 7 27»'Belvoir, Kiiglaud 52 .1SX U 17wBelvcnr, Vale of, England 52 55N U 551fBeuilie, Fr. W. Africa S I5x 15 59KBen Alder, Mt., Seollalal 56 .|9X 1 32wBen Attow, Mt., Scotland 57 12X 5 21\ylieu Avon, Mt., Scotland 57 6N S 19wlien Clihreck, Mt., Scotland .18 16X 1 21 \y

Ben Creaidian, Mt., Scotland 50 33X I 37WBen Crnachn.n, Mt., fscotland 56 20X 5 5WBen Diarg, Mt., Scotland 57 I7x 4 -isw

Bell Eighe, Mt., Scitlaml 67 37X 5 S2H-

Ben Fasbven, Mt., ScotlnnI 5S S3X I 5ll«-

Ben Fninne, Mt., Scotland .1S21X 1 5s\v

Ben llee, Mt., Seotlanil .18 13X 1 lUWBen Ho]»', Mt., Scotland .18 26X 1 35WBen l.awers, Mt., S(»jtlaiiil 5G SIX I 19WBen la'di, Mt., Scotland 56 17N 1 lOW"

Bcn l.oiM.aal, Mt.. Scotland 56 lUX 1 SSn'

Ben Louaind, Mt., Ta.-uiaiiia 41 50s 117 50EBeii Lui, Mt., Scotland 56 21N 4 IGWBen Macdlon, Jit., Scotlauil 67 5X 3 lowBen Mbor, Mt., Scotlanl 57 59N G Slltt'

Ben MiH-e, Mt. (Mull), Scotlaud 56 35x 6 UwBcai More, Mt. (Perth l, Scotland 56 23N 1 30H'

Ben More, Mt. (S. Uist), Scotland 57 15x 7 19WBen Mori', Mt. (Sutherlanil ', Scotland .IN 9X 4 53WBen Nevis, Mt.. Scotlanil 56 I8X 5 UWBen liinnrs, Mt., Scotlanil 57 23N 3 12WBen Screcl. ML, Scotlaud 57 Ux 5 29wBen Vorlich,Mt. (Argyll), Seothuid 50 16N 4 SOWBen Vculich, Mt. (Perth). Scotlajal 56 20N 4 lOWBcu Wyvis, Mt., Scotlauil 57 4UX 4 34WBen y-(4loc, Mt., Scotland 56 49x S 40WBenares, Agra and Cudh 25 25X ,82 55EBenasnuc, Spain 42 32X 3lEB.-ubecula I., Scotland 57 37N 7 18WBender, Russia 46 4UX 29 5eBendigo, Australia SG 50s 144 2BBenevcutn, Italy 41 Ux 11 5UKBengal, B. of, Indian Ocean 18 OX 39 OKBengal, Prov., India 24 Ox 87 30EBenghazi, Tripoli 33 40N 3U 46KBengore Hd,. Ireland 55 UlN 6 151V

Beuguela, Angola 12 4US IS 5EBeui, R., Bolivia 12 SOS 67 5UWBeni Suef, Egypt 39 UN 30 66EBenin, Nigeria 6 SON 6 25EBenin, B. of, Vf. Africa 6 UN 4 OEBenkuleu, Sumatra 3 2Us 1U2 22KBeninore, (J., Ireland 55 14N 6 6WBenue, R., Camerons 9 Ox 14 UEBenue, R., Nigeria 8 25N 9 501')

Benwee Hd., Ireland 54 20X 9 52lTBerar, Prov., India 20 S5N 77 OEBerat, Turkey 4U 40x 19 581-;

Berber, Egyptian ,~uilan 18 ox .34 1 1 EBerbera, Br. Somaliland 10 26x 46 OKBerbice B., Br. Guiana 6 5x 68 34WBerilicbef, Russia 49 55N 38 58BBereida, Arabia 26 5N 44 IEBerenice, Ruins of, 24 UN 35 1GBBerezof, Siberia 63 50N G5 UKBergama, Turkey in Asia 39 5n 27 23EBergamo, Italy 45 42x 9 41 K

Bergen-op-Zoom, Netherlands, 51 3X 4 17KBergen, Norway 60 31x 5 2UEBergen, Prussia 54 25N 13 SUEBerharapnr, jMadras 111 ISX 84 48EBering Sea, Paciflc Oc. 60 ON 180 OEBering Str., N. America 66 ON 169 UwBcris, Egvlit 24 34X 30 42KBerkeley, England 61 43x 2 18wBerkshire, Co., England 61 SUN 1 28wBerlin, Prussia 52 31N 13 24EBern, Switzerland 46 6GN 7 28EBern, Prov., Switzerland 47 Ox 7 SUElieniardino P., Switzerland 4G SUN 9 12EBeruera, I., Scotland 56 J8X 7 3GWBernera, L., Scotland 58 15N' 7 Oiy

Bernlna P. Switzerland 46 22N 10 UEBerrieilalc, Scotland 58 llN 3 SSlV

Berseba, (ier. S W. Africa 25 55s 17 41EBertraiihboy B., Ireland 63 22N 9 57WBerry, Prov., France 4G 5UX 2 UEBern, Dist., Borneo 3 ION 117 OEBervie, Scotland 50 61N 2 18wBerwick, Co.. Scotland 55 42X 3 SOlv

Berwick-upon-Tweed, England 55 46X 2 OH"

Berwyn Mts., Wales 52 52X 3 241VBesancon, Prance 47 17N 6 OEBcslka' B., Turkey in Asia 39 52N 36 UEBeskids, Mts., Austria 49 SUN 18 33EBeskids, Eastern, Mts., Hungary 49 ION 22 OKBessarabia, Dist., Russia 47 ON 28 30KBessiu, Dist., Fiance 49 ISx n 43wBeth Nimralr Palestine 31 64X 35 S7KBeth Shcan, Palestine S3 39x 35 31


Beth Slicmesb, Palestine 31 44X 34 59Eriethabara, Palestine 32 S2X 35 .35E

Bethany, (ler. ,S.W. Africa 26 45s 16 41BBethel, Palestine 31 66N 35 14EBethesda, Wales 53 ]3x 4 2WBetldidiciu, Palestine 31 tlx S6 16EBcthsaida, Palestine S3 5 IX 35 37 E

Bethulie, Cape Colony SU SIS 35 310-1

Br^tlia, 26 4Sx 84 SUklii'tiiwe., Ncthirlnods 51 56x 5 SOKBetwii, H. Cntial India 24 ox 78 OEBeutben, Pi nssia 15 20X IS 51IK

lieverjii . England 5S 52X 27\VBewdley, England 52 21X 2 20\VIlex, Switzerland 46 15N 7 IKllezer, Palestine S3 34x .35 27EBczicrs, Fiautie 43 22X 3 6KBezwaila, Madras 10 .SUX KO 35KBhagalinir, Bengal 25 12 X 87 OEBliaainitlii, li,., Bengal 33 Sllx 88 20EBhaino, Btinua 21 13N 97 21IE

Bhaiahira, (leiitral Prov. 21 GX 79 43 KBhartpur, Haipiitana 27 29N 77 UKBhaunagar, llumbay 21 48N 72 )2EBliilsa, Centriil India 23 3UX 77 18EBhiini, B, Haidarabad 17 SU X 76 UEliliiwiiiii, I'unjali 28 ISx 76 13EBhopal. Central India 23 18N 77 24KBlior, Bolnliay IS GX 73 51 KBhor Oliat, llouibay 18 5nx 73 30EBlinj, Bombay, 23 i2x 69 I8Ellhntiiti, St, Asia 27 SOX 90 Silt;

liiafra B., Camerons 4 Ux 8 Sot;

Biarritz, Frai 43 38X 1 S I»

Bias B., China (iiisen 32 lux 111 40KBiasca, Switzerland 46 2IIX 8 58EB.ccstcr, England 51 55X 1 9WBida, Nigeria 9 OX 6 llEBular, Haidarabad 17 54N 77 3GEBideford, Eneland 51 3X 4 12WBiel, Switzerland 47 8X 7 15EBielefeld, Prussia 52 Ix 8 32EBielgoroil, Russia .50 28X 30 S8EBiclitz, Austria 49 48X IS 59EBiella, Ilalv 15 S8X 8 SEBielostok, ilnssia 53 15N 23 lUEBieu-ho, liido-China IS UN 101 15EBiesboscli, Is., Netherlands 51 I5N 4 14KBig Chej-cnneR., llnited States 44 25X 102Biggleswade, England 52 5X ]8\vBigha, Tnrkev in Asia 4U lox 27 lOEBigliorn Mts., United St,ates 44 25N 107 30Bighorn B., United States 45 ON 108 20wBigorre, Dist., France 4S ox OEBihach, Bosnia 44 46N 15 5UEBiiiar Mts., Hungary 46 S3N 32 30EBilai, Angola 13 US 16 OEBihe Plat., Angola 12 408 16 OEBijapur, B nibay 16 5UN 76 60EBijiaiur, Agra and Oudli 29 2.1X 78 lOEBiknner, Bajlnitana 28 ON 73 24 KBiluspur, Ceiitr,d Provs. 22 SOX 82 12EBilbao, Spain 43 15x 2 54lvBillitou, I., Dutch B. Inoies 3 Us 107 55EBilma 0., Sahara 18 6N IS 28EBiimara, Sahara 18 Ox IS I8BBilston, England 52 S7x 3 9wBingen. Prussia 49 68N 7 55EBiiigol liagh,Mts.,Turkeyin Asia 39 20N ii

Biopio, R., Oliile 37 6Us 73 UWBir All, Arabia 14 Sx 48 15EBir es Seba. Palestine 31 15X 31 4GEBir Murail, Egvintian Sudan 30 52X S3 18EBird I., Pacihc Oo. 23 15s 155 .10E

Bird I., W. Indies 15 S9N 63 47wBirjand, Persia 32 42N 58 531-;

Birkenfeld, Cermany 49 35x 7 8GBirkenhead, England 53 33x 3 2WBirket el Kermi, Egypt, 211 3ux 3U 40EBirmingiiam, Euglauil 52 28X 1 52\vBii-minghain, United States, SS 25n 86 oOwBirs, R., Switzerland 47 35N 7 26 kBiscay, Bay of, Europe 45 On 4 OwBiscay. Prov., Spitiin 43 8N 2 50iybislia'ri. Tribe, Egypt 24 UX 34 OKBishojl and Clerks, Is., Wales 51 52X 5 24WBishop Auckland, England 54 37N 1 42\yBishop Stortford. England 51 63x U 3EBishop's Castle, England 63 3UX S liyBi-marck. United States 46 64x lUO 4UlvBismarck Arch,. Pacific Oc. 2 OS 148 (IE

Bismarckburg, Togo Land 8 5 ix 16KBisstrgos Is., Port, txuinea 11 SOX 16 01VBissau, Port. Guinea 12 Ox 15 S5wBiskra, Algeria 34 SON 6 30EBisley (Surrey), England 61 18N 39WBisley (Gloucester), England 51 45n 2 9wBismarck Arcli, Pacific Cle, 2 os 118 UEBistritz, Hungary 47 5x 34 SUBBithynia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 41 Ux 30Bitlis, Turkey in Asia'sS Six 43 34EB tolia, Turkey 41 2x 21 18EBitter Lakes, Egypt 30 18x S3 25EBitter Root Mts., United States 46 45x 115Bizerta, Tunis 37 3UX 9 4UEBjbrneliorg. Russia Gl 37x 31 S7KBlack Combe, Mt.. Englau 1 51 16x 3 27wBlack Down, Hill, England 5U 42x 3 SSiyBlack Down Hills, England 60 55x 3 lew-Black Forest, Germany 48 25X 8 30 EBlack H., England 5S S4N 1 42wBlack Hills United States 44 UN 1U4 UwlUack Isle, Dist., .Scotland 57 33N 4 19WBlack Larg, Mt., Scotland 55 19N 1 4iyBlack Jits., N.-W. Frontier Prov. 35 ox 73Black Mts,, United States SO Ox 82 OwBlack Mts,, Wales 51 50X S 48wBlack River Hills, Ma"ritin» 30 20s 57 S5fBlack Rock, I., Island 54 4N 10 2UWBlack Sea, Europe 43 ON 34 UEBlackall, Australia 24 21s 115 21EBlackburn, lul ud 53 36N 3 31iyBlackpool, England 53 5ux S 4\y

Blacksod B., Ireland 54 4N lU Owickwater, Ireland 53 38x 6 21


Blackwater, R., Emdaiid 51 .ION u 42EBlaekwaier, B. (Cork), Ireland) 53 lux 8 .5uw

Blackwater, B. (Meatli ), Irehind 5S I2X G ISW"

ickwater, li. (Tvroiie), Ireland 51 2:iN G 50\y

Blaekwooil, H., Au.stralia S3 15s 117 SUE

Blaiaiavon, England 61 47N 3 5u-

Blair Athol, Sc-otland 56 46x S 52WBlairgowrie, Scotland 50 35x S 2Siy

Blanche, L., Au.stralia 39 17s 139 4UBBlanco, C, Argentina 47 3os 66 OwBlanco, C, Tunis 37 UX 10 OEBlanco C., AV. Afri.-a 21 ux 16 .IliW

Blanco Peak, Mt., Uiiitid .States S8 SON 106 SowBlandford, England 60 .5.3N 2 lowBlant,vre, Br. Central Africa 15 50s 35 15EBlenheim, Bavtiria (see Blindheini)Bleiilieim, New Zealand 41 SS.s 171 3K

-tchley, England 52 ON 45WBlewfleliis, .Xiearagiia 12 OX 83 52WBlindheim, Bavaria 48 3xn 10 SUB!lliii-mfoiiteiii,Oi-aii-_'e River Colony 211 3s 26 16EBloemliof, Orange River Col-iuy 27 Sis 25 S3EBlois, France 47 SON 1 18EBloody Foreland, Priim.,Irelaiiil 55 sx 8 15\v

llloomillgtoii. United States 411 25X 89 owBlue Mts., Australia 3S SOS 150 2UEBlue Nile, B., Egyptian Sudan 11 ux 31 OEBlue Ridge Mts., United States SG ox 82 0\y

Bluestack, Mt., Ireland 54 46N 8 2wBluff Hr., New Zealand 16 4US 168 SOEBlyth, England 55 GN 1 SlivBobadilla, Spain 37 4x 4 47wBobe, R., Prussia 51 28N 15 38EBobruisk, Russia 53 5x 29 ObBocage, l)i,5t. (Calvados), France IS 19x 54iy

Bocage. Dist. (Vendee), France 10 65x 1 O^v

Bocbiiia, Austria 19 67X 20 25EBoi-liragh Mts., Ireland 52 Ox 8 57WBochum, Prussia 61 29N 7 13EBod, Bengal 20 48x 81 24EBodmin, England 5U 2.8N 4 441T

W Bodo. Norway 67 SUN 14 SOBBfootia, Prov., Greece 38 17N 23 lOEB.igan, B. Australia 31 US 147 OEBognor, England 5o J8N 41iyBogong, Mt., Australia 36 53s 140 44EBogota. Columbia 4 38N 74 141VBo-_'ra, Bengal 24 64N 89 24EBohemia, King., Austria 49 50X 14 SOEBohemian Forest, Austria 49 25x 13 OEBolitil, I., Philippine Is. 10 OX-124 20EBoisdale. L., Scotland 57 9N 7 VJWBoise Oity, United States 43 50N 116 UlvBoktiara, Bokhara 39 45N 61 17EBokhara, St.. Central Asia 39 UX 67 SUEBolan P., Baluchistan 29 55X 67 32BBolivar, Venezuela 8 IN 63 55wBolivia, St., S. America 15 Us 64 UwBolkhof, Iiu.ssia 53 SON 36 OEBologna, Italy 44 3un 11 22EBolsena, Italy 42 38N 12 OEBolsena, L., Italv 43 3SN 11 58EBolton, England 53 .36N 2 28iyB ilus Hd., Irclaud 51 47N 10 22wBonia, Congo St. 5 5Ss 13 lOBBombay, Bombay 18 54N 72 48eBombay, Prov., India 23 On 73 UKBomii, R, Congo St.,5]6x 26 UBBomvana Lund, Cape Colony SI 50s 39 OeBonaire, I., W. Indies 13 MX 08 2UWBonar Bridge, Scotland 57 54N 4 21 wlionavista B,, Newfoundland 48 51x 5S 46iyBoiiduke, Fi-. W. Africa 7 SOX 2 45wBoness, Scotland 56 IN 3 36wBoiii, Dutch E. Indies 4 4Us 120 ReBout, G. of, Dutch E. Indies S 5Us 120 35EBonifacio, Str. of, Cor,-iea 41 18N 9 SEBenin Is., Pacific Oc. 27 ON 143 OEBonn, Prussia 50 13N 7 6EBonny, Nigeria 4 4UX 7 9EBoothia. G. of, Canada 70 ON 90 OwBoothia, Pen., Cannila 70 Ox 95 UWBootle, England 53 29K S IwBorba, Brazil 4 40s 59 40iyBordeaux-, France 44 48n S41VBorgho P„ Hungary 47 ION 24 521-;

Borgu, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 Ox S 0I-;

Bi.rinage, Dist., Belgium 50 22N 4 UEBorkum, I., Germany 5S 36x 6 401-;

E Bormio, Italy 40 28N 10 2SBBorneo, Br. N., Borneo 5 ON 117 OEBorneo, I., E. Indies 1 UN 117 OEBornliolm, I., Denmark 65 6x 15 OeBoniu, St., Nigeria 12 Ox IS OKBorrow-dale, England 64 SOX S 9wBosliof, Orange River Colony 28 2Ss 25 31]^Bosiia, R., Bosnia 44 55x IS 12KBosnia, St., Euroix- 44 25n 18 UEBosiihorus, Str., Turkey 41 8n 1^9 21-;

Bostam, Persia 30 2UN54 55EBoston, England 53 Ox 31VBostOD, United States 42 37N 71 01Vnostra. Palestine S3 SlN 36 SOEBosworth, England 53 37x 1 2.11V

Botany B., Australia SlUs 161 lot;Bothnia, Dist., Russia 04 ox 25 Ol-l

Bothnia, G. of, Baltic S. 04 Ox 22 OEBotletle, R., Bcehuanaland 20 Os 21 oeBotton Hd., Mt., England ,14 21x 1 lowBotzeli, Austria 46 27N 11 2ilE

Bom-hesalu-Bliiine, Dipt,. France 43 SON 5 34EBouillon. Belgium 49 5iix 5 2EBoulers, Belgium 50 57x 3 7K

( 5)


Boulogne, France 50 lix 1 37BBounty I., riicitic Oc. (inset 01) 4S lis ]7'.1 L'JE

Bonrbonnais, Prov., Frjinco 4IJ :;;ix :; OKBolirg, France 46 12N .') llUi

Bourses France 47 5N 2 2 IEBourke, Australia 30 Iss 145 4riE

Bourncmontli, Eu^'lau'l fiU 43N 1 fjSwBourtang, Netlierlamls S3 Ix 7 10kBonsay, I., Scotland a',) lix 3 owBouvec Is., Atlantic Oc. .'tl OS 5 0"\r

Bow R., Canada 50 58N 113 20TVBowen, Australia 19 593 148 9EBowland Forest, Englaml 54 On 2 35WBowmore, Scotland 55 46X ti 17wBoyano, H., Turkey 42 Ox 19 30BBoyle, Irelanil 53 59X 8 20\yBoyne, E., Ireland 63 28n 6 58wBrabant, 0., Mauritius 20 30s 57 21 EBrabant, N., Prov., Netlierlands 51 38x 5 OEBrabant, S., Prov., Belgium 50 45x 4 .30E

Bracadaie, L., Scotland 57 20x 6 29 wBracciauo, Italy 42 7N 12 loic

Brackley. En^dand 52 3x 1 10\yBradford, En'jland 51 21x 2 16^yBradford, England 53 47N 1 461TBraemar, Scotland 57 OX 3 24WBraeriach, Mt., Scotland 57 5N 3 50\yBraes of Angus, Dist., Scotland 56 .jox 3 0\v

Braila, Romania 45 12K 27 58EBrak, Palestirje 33 13N 36 23EEraga, Portugal 41 32N 8 28wBragau{^e, Portugal 41 5Dn 6 5QwBrahmani, K., Orissa 21 ON 86 OEBrahmaputra, R., Assam 27 Ox 93 OiO

Braioh y Pwll, Wales 52 4«x 4 48wBraintree, England 51 48x 32EBrampton, England 54 56N 2 4G"vy

Branco, Rio, R., Brazd 1 SON 60 50n'Brand Vley., L., Cape Colony 30 3US 20 30ehraridenburg, Prussia 52 25N 12 30EBrandenburg, Prov., Prussia 52 30X 13 Oio

Brandon Hill, Ireland 52 17X lu 15\yBrasna, E., Ireland 63 2lN 7 3T\YBraunsberg, Prussia 54 18x 19 50EBray, Ireland 63 UN 6 6\\'

Bray, Dist., France 49 40N 1 40eBrazil. St., S. America 11 OS 5i 0\vBrazos, E., United States 32 JN 97 30wBrazza, I., Austria 43 20x 16 4UEBrazzaville, Fr. Congo 3 56s 15 27EBreadalban, Dist., Scotland 56 35N 4 2U\\'

Brechin, Scotland 56 45x 2 40WBrecknock, Wale* 51 57N 3 23«'

Brecknock, Co. Wales 52 ON 3 20wBreda, Netherlands 51 35N 4 47EBregenz, Austria 47 27N 9 46EBremen, Germany 53 4N S 47EBremerhaven, Prussia 53 33X 8 43EBrendon Hills, England 61 7N 3 24WBrenner P., Austria 47 Ox 1 1 25 EBrentford, England 61 29N 18WBrescia, Italy 45 32N 10 17EBreslau, Prussia 51 3N 16 58 EBre-isay, I., Shetland Isles, Scotland ( insetj

60 8n 1 5h'Bresse, Dist., France 46 23x 5 lOEBrest, France 48 2&N 4 40\vBrest-Litovsk, Russia 52 5x 23 26EBreton, C, Canada 45 55N 59 48 \\'

Briansk, Eussia 53-22N 34 OEBridgeport, United States 41 12s 73 16\v

Bridgnortli, England 52 31 N 2 26WBridgewater, England 51 7N 3 IwBriilgevvater B., England 51 15N 3 12U'Bri'llington, England 54 6x 12wBridport, England 50 45X 2 46\yBrie, Dist , Prance 48 40N 2 50EBri.-g, Prussia 60 47N 17 30EBrieg, Switzerland 46 20x 8 1


Brionz, Switzerlanil 4G 17N .8 IEBrienz, L., Switzerlantl 46 40N 7 53EBrigg, England 53 35N 31 wBrightlingsea, England 51 48N 1 2EBrighton, England 50 49N SwBriudisi, Italy 40 39N 17 5GEBrisl)aiie, Australia 27 20.S 1.''2 58 eBrisbane E., Australia 27 SS 152 SOEBristol, England 51 26X 2 35\yBristol Ch., England 51 20N 4 OivBritish Central Africa Ool., Africa 12 30a 34 OEBritisli Columbia, Prov., Canada 55 UN 125 u\vBritish E, Africa, Africa 2 ON 37 OEBritish Gniana, Ool., S. America 5 u.\ 5!! 0\vBritish Honduras, Col., Central Amcilca

17 30N 88 30wBr, New Guinea, Australasia (inset)

7 OS 145 OEBrittany, Prov., France 4S On 2 OwBrixen,"Austria 46 29N 11 32 E

Brixluim, England 50 21X 3 32\y

Broad B., Scotland 68 15N 6 UAYBroad Haven, Sd., Irelajid 51 l.SN 9 51«'

Broail Law, Mt.. Scotland 55 25x 3 19WBroad Sd., Australia 22 ns 15N ueBroach, Bombay 21 42N 73 0|.;

Brockcn, Jit., Prussia 51 isx lij 4UEBrod, Huiigary 4,j 9N 18 UEBrodick, Scotl;inil 55 33N 5 9\y

Brody Austria 50 8n 25 lOEBroken Hill, Australia 31 51s 111 5EBroken K., Australia 33 31s 153 2UEBromberg, Prussia 53 5x 17 '''.U',

Broudey, Bi]gla,ud 51 2 IX l\v

Bromsgrove, England '2 20x 2 2\\^

Brooklyn, Unitcil State, 10 41X 73 :;oiv

Broom, L., Scotland 57 56X 5 20^Broome, An.sttalia IS 13s 122 35EBrora, Scotland 58 IN 3 52\yBrora, E., Scotland 58 3x 4 10l\'

Brosel-y, England 52 36N 2 2nwBrougbty Ferry, Scotland 56 28N 2 52\\'

BiOQwershaven. Netherlands 51 44N 3 641-:

Brown, Mt., Canada 52 4UN 118 U"\v

Brown Willy, Mt.,Eiiglnnd 50 3.iN 4 31WBroye, E., Switzerlanil 46 42X 6 50EBruce, Mt., Australia 22 50s 119 8EBruck, Austria, 47 27N 15 llEBruck, Austria 48 2N 16 47EBrue, R., England 51 UN 2 52 ff

Bruges, Belgium 61 13x 3 13EBrunei, Borneo 4 ON 114 57EBrunei, State, Borneo 4 3UX 115 20 EBrunig P., Switzerland 46 45x 8 15EBrdnn, Austria 49 12N 16 37EBrunswick, Germany 62 15x 10 32EBrunswick, Du., Germanv 52 OX 10 iiv.

Brussa, Turkey in Asia 40 14x 29 2 1 1;

Brussels, Belginni 50 51x 4 18EBriister Ort, Prussia 54 55N 19 57EBrynmawr, Whales 51 48X 3 lOWBiichaii, Dist., Scotland 57 35N 2 3U«'Buchan Ness, Prom., Scotland 57 28X 1 46wBucharest, Romania 44 25x 26 2EBiickeburg, Prussia 52 16X 9 4EBuckie, Scotland 57 40N 2 58wBuckingham, England 52 Ux 59"WBuckingham, Co., England 51 52x U 50wBncsecs, Mt., Romani.i 45 2UX 25 30EBucuresci, Romania 44 25X 26 2EBudapest, Hungary 47 3UX 19 32EBudaun, Agra and Oudli 28 Ox 79 lOEBiide, England 5U SON 4 32WBuiUveis, Austria 49 ON 14 28|.;

Bueu Aire, I., W. Indies 12 15N 68 2m\-

Buenaventura Colombia 3 5ILN 77 9\\'

Buenos Aires, Argentina 34 48S SS 39wBuffalo, United Slates 42 3UN 78 5UWBuffalo R., Natal 28 10s 30 19EBuffels B., Cape Colony 29 34s 32 )5EBug E., Russia 48 ON 31 lOEBugi, Tribe Celebest, Dutch E. Indies 2 5„ 121 OEBugo Oh., Japan 32 40N 132 OEBuilth, Wales 52 8N 3 24\yBnkovina, Prov., Austria 48 Ox 25 SUE '

Bulangan, R., Borneo 2 55X 116 40EBnlawayo, Rhodesia 20 2s 28 S5EBul.uidsliahr, Agra and Oudh 28 25x 77 55EBnlbarrow, Hill,"Eiiglaud SO 41X 2 2UWBulgaria, Prin., Europe 43 2Ux 25 OEBalloo, R., Australia 28 26S 1 12 50EBunbury, Australia 33 303 115 24EBundaberg, Australia 24 64s 152 20EHundelkliand, Dist., Central India 24 4IIX simie

Binnlesar, Eajputana 19 54N 83 12EBuiidi, Eajputana 25 30N 75 42EBundoran, Ireland 54 28X 8 17W^Bunerana, Ireland 55 9N 7 26WBungay, England .52 26X 1 27EBunzlau, Pru.ssia 51 15N 15 37EHurdekiu, R., Australia 20 OS 146 ISEBare, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 4UN 9 3Uff

Bure, R., England 62 42N 1 25 E

Burgas, Bnlnaria 42 32N 27 29EBtirgdorf, Switzerland 47 4X 7 37EBiirgliersdorp, Cape Colony 31 2S 26 IS].;

Burgos, Spain 42 2lN 3 44WBurgundy, Prov,, France 46 SON 1 Silt;

Burhaopur, Central Provs, 21 18N 76 ISEBurin, Newfounolaud (inset) 47 26N 55 i'5\v

Burke, Dist., Anstraha 19 Ills HI lil'._

Burlington, United States 44 2sn V2 i \v

Burma, Prov., India 22 OX 98 llE

Burnett, R., Australia 25 20S 151 41BBurnley, England 53 4SN 2 lS"\y

Burntisland, Scotland 56 3N 3 15"^

Diirra Creek, R,, Australia 33 52s 139 2oiv

Bnrriana, Spain 39 53N 6WBurrow Hd., Scotland 54 41N 4 21Ty

Burrow Hill, England 52 41 N 1 Uiy

Burslem, England 53 4X 2 13WBnrton-upon-Trent, England 52 48x 1 3SwBurn, 0,, straits Settlements 1 llx 103 35EBurn, 1„ Dutch E. Indies 3 203 12li 3UEBurujii-d, Persia 33 SUN 48 4UEBiiry, England 53 36X 2 14WBury St. Eilnnnals, Euglaml 52 llx 13EUu-a, Nigeria, 10 13N 4 20ElOisang, Nigeria 10 13X 4 2UEBiishire, Persia 29 2X su J2|.:

Bushman Land, Oaoc Colony 29 45s 19 ui:

IJnsrah, Palestine 32 31N 36 26EBnssaco, Portugal 40 23N 8 23\y

Biisselton, Australia 33 45s 115 26EBusuanga, I., Philippine Is, 12 3x U'u UEBute, Co., Scotland 55 llx 5 ]l\y

Bute, 1., iScotland 5,'. .50x S SwBute Inlet, Canada 50 OX 125 ll\y

Bute Sd.. Scotland 55 KIN 5 9\y

Buton, I., Dutch E. Indies 1 Ills 122 S7EBnttanf, Pi. of, Palestine 32 isx 35 151;

Butte City, United States 16 IX 112 40WButzikaki, Mt., Greece 39 12X 21 28EBuxton. England S3 ISx 1 5uyBuzen, Eoniania 15 8N 26 J2EIhizcn, B,, Romania 4S SN 27 UEl;\eluklia, Mt„ Siberia 50 ON S6 UEBvroll, C, Austl-idia, 2S 39s 153 39 E

Cabrera, I,, Spain 39 3X 2 5SE

Cabriel, R.. Sp lin 39 SOX 1 Sow

r.\B.\NAS Cuba:I 'aljot Str„ (' Ilia

2 SUX S3 1 UW16 oUX 59 UW

O.ihugaro, Colombia 4 3UX 72 40-W

Oabul", Palestine .32 six 35 13E

Oaoeres, Spain 39 28N 6 22WCachar, Dist., Assam 24 SUX 92 50E

Ciader Idris, Mt., Wales 52 42N 3 54WCadiz. Spain 36 32X 6 2UWCaen, France 49 UN 21lT

Caerleon, England 5132N 2 57 wCajsarea (Galilee), Palestine 33 15X 3.i 3._iE^

Ca^sarea (Samaria), Pale tine 32 3UX 34 .»4E

Oagliari, Italy 39 18N 9 SEOaha Mts., Ireland 51 45X 9 WWCaber, Ireland .52 22X 7 SOWCahore Pt.. li-eland 52 3SX 6 llwCahors. France 44 27x 1 21


Caicos Is., " est Indies 22 ON 72 OW(!ain, Palestine 31 30N 35 lUE

Cairn Gorni, Mt., Scutland 57 8N 8 391V

Cairn Table. Mt.. Seotlanil 55 2,-lN 3 5SWCairn Toul, Mt., Scotland 57_ox 3 46WCairns. Australia 17 OS ;45 li E

Cairo, Eg\pt 30 4X 31 JOECairo, United States 37 4N 89 20wCaistor, England 53 SON 20wCSiitbness, Co., Scotland SS 25N 3 SOWCajaraarca, Peiu 7 3s 78 26wCalaljria, Prov., Italy 39 ux 16 25ECalafatu, Romania 43 59x 22 55ECalais, France 50 57N 1 51ECalamian Is., Philippine Is. 11 46N 120 OECalcutta, Bengal 22 4UX 88 SOECalder, R., England 53 40N 1 40WOaldera, Chile 27 ISs 70 .5UW

Caleilon. Cape Ool my 4 28s 19 32eCaleilon E., S. Africa 29 US 27 36ECaledonian Can., Scotland 57 6N 4 SOIV

Calf of Man, Isle of Man 54 3X 4 44ff

("al.'arv. Cauaila 51 OX 113 32WCalient. Madras 11 SN 76 51


Califoi-nia, G. of, Mexico 27 SUX 111 3ll«-

Oaliforiiia, St., Unitel States 37 Ox 12U 0\)'

Calhm, Ireland 52 3.3N 7 23WCallander, Scotland 56 llx 4 12Wfjallao, Peru 11 Sss 77 Sl\'

Oalne, England 51 2ex 2 l\rOal]ii', Spain 38 36X 2EOaltagirone, Italy 37 18N 14 3lEOaltanisetta, Italy 37 29x 14 6eCalvados, Dept,, France 49 ux u 19"W

Calviuia, Ca|ie Colony 31 32s 19 SoEOarn R., England 52'lUX U UEOanjarinr-s, Is.. Philippine Is 13 40N 122 IDE

Oanibay, Bombay 22 28x 73 SUEOainbav, G. of, Arabian Sea 21 OX 72 UECambodia, C, Indo-China 8 35X 101 5SECambodia, State, Indo-Chiua 12 30N 105 OECamborne, England 5U ISN 5 18WOaiobrai, I- ranee 60 ION 3 15EaiiuOriiige. England 62 12x, United States 42 25x 71 I2WOainbriilge. Co., EiiglaUil 52 ISX II 15ECambridge G , Aurtralia 14 Jos 128 16ECamden. United .Stales 39 54X 75 lUWCiiinel, E„ England 50 35N 4 43\yCamerous, Ool,, W. Africa 5 3ux 12 UE(Janierous, Mt., Cameron- 4 2Sx 9 12ECanieroons, Col., W. Africa 5 SUX 12 Ut:

Oameta, Brazil 2 143 49 SOWCaminha, Portii).'al 41 SOx 8 51wCampagna, Prov., Italy 41 Ux 11 30eCampaspe R., Australia 37 03 114 SUECamp)iell, 0. New Zealand 41 47s 171 201-;

Campbell I., AU'tralasia 53 us 169 2IIE

Oatnpbelltown, New Zealand 46 S2s Ills 21


Oainjibeltow)!, Seotlanil 55 25x 5 4U\VCainpcche, Mexico 19 55x 9U 2SwOanipeche, G. of, Mexico 19 2UN 93 OwOanipidano, Italy 39 4.jX 9 OECampina, Plat,, Spain 37 4SX 4 3SWCainpiiieCan.-, Belgium 51 Kin 5 UE("lainpo, R., Camerons 2 isx lu OECampohasso, Italy 41 33N 14 JOEOaiiipo.s, Brazil 21 48S 41 32wCaujpos, Plat., Spain J2 UN 5 uwCampsie F'ells, Scotland 56 2X 1 29WCaira, Palestine 32 45N 35 2UECanada, Dominion of, N. America 60 ON 91 uwCanadian R., United Stabs 36 ux 9S 3UWCanary Is., Atlantic Oc. 28 ux 16 uwCandia, Crete 35 ISx 25 UECandia, I., Mediterrimean S. 35 ON 25 heOaiica, Crete 35 SlN 24 IE(Janfranc P., Sfiain 42 12x I) IswCanigou, Mt., France 42 3u,\' 2 21ECanna I,, Scotland 57 4x 6 3lwCannanore, Madras II 4Sx 75 21ECannes. France 43 34x 6 59E(-"lat ek, England 52 39x 2 siy("J,ain(Kk Oliiise, hlnglanil 52 lux 2 1 \yCanobolas, Sit., Australia 33 Sis 118 lOECiinosi, Italy, 41 llN 16 3eCaiH.ssa, Italy 44 3IIX 10 2 IKCause, 0., Canada (inset) 15 Ux 61 13WCaiiso, tint of, Cli., Canada IS 2sx 61 OwOantabrian jMts., Spain 43 Kx 6 l)w(Jiuital, Dept.. France 45 2n' 2 S5el.';iiital, Mt. du, France 45 Sx 2 15|,;

Canterliury, England 51 BIN I HECanterbur^ I'Is., New Zealand JS Slls 17"' oi-;

Canton, Cilinil 23 2.5N 113 32E(Canton B,, China (in.set) 22 SON 113 hieCap Haiti, Haiti 19 ISx 72 lowI ape Bi\toii. I,. Canada 46 llx 61 Uw

Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast 5 2lN 57\v

Cape Colony, S. Africa 32 Os 22 OE

Cape Fear H., United States 34 30N 78 30\y

Cape May, United States 38 57N 74 69^y

Cape Town, Cape Colony 33 59S 18 25E

Cape Verde Is., Atlantic Oc. 16 On 23 OwCape York Pen., Australia, 12 30s 142 SOE

Capernaum, Palestine 32 55N 35 32ECapitolias, Palestine 32 3SN 35 5lECappoquill, Ireland 62 9N 7 50wCapraja I., Italy 4S ON 9 4KECaprera L, Italv 41 I3N 9 21ECapri I., Italy 40 32N 14 12EOapua, Italy 41 7N 14 I9EOar Nicobar I., Nicobar Is. 9 12N 92 48ECaracas, Venezuela 10 ISN 66 iSwCaradoc Hills, England 52 32N 2 47wCaroques, Ecuador 403 80 35"W

Oaravellas, Brazil 17 60s 39 I4yr

Carcassonne, France 43 13N 2 20ECardamou Hills, Travancore 9 SON 77 15ECirdHt, Wales 51 2Sx 3 lOwCardigan, Wales 52 7X 4 41


Cardigan B,, Wales 52 SON 4 SOWCardigan, Co,, Wales, 52 20N 4 OWCardigan L.-V., Wales 62 23X 5 2wCardona, Spain 41 57N 1 43ECardwell, Australia 18 25s 146 6BCaria, Dist,, Turkey in Asia 37 20N 28 20ECaribbean Sea, W. Indies 15 On 73 OiV

Cariboo Mts., Canada 53 20N 121 40WOarinthia, Prov., Austria 46 45N 14 OECarlingford, L., Irelanil S4 2N 6 7iy

Carlisle, England 54 SSx 2 56WOarloforte, Italy 39 ION 8 24EOarlopago, Hungary 44 S2N 17 3EOarlow, Ireland 52 SON 6 55WOarlow, Co., Irelmd 12 42N 6 4.5W

Oarlscrona, Sweden 56 UN 15 40ECarlsruhe, Germany 48 57x 8 22ECarjuartben, Wales 51 SIN 4 18WCarmarthen B , Wales 51 40N 4 32WCarmarthen, Co., Wales 51 5SN 4 8WCarmel, Palestine 31 25N 35 7ECarinel, Mt., Palestine 32 45N 35 OEOarinen, Mexico 18 45X 91 4SWCannu-von, Cape Colony 31 OS 22 8BCarnarvon, Wales, S3 8N 4 ISWCarnarvon B.. Wales 63 4N 4 30wCarnarvon, Co., Wales 53 ON 4 20wCarnarvon L.-V., Whales 53 6N 4 45WCarnarvon Ea., Australia 24 81S 148 OEOarnatic, Madras 16 ON 75 OEOarnglas, Mt., Scotland 61 18X 3 .52w

Carniola, Prov., Austria 45 SUN ]4 SUECarnlough. Ireland 54 SSX 6 OwCarnedd Llewellyn, Mt., Wales 53 IIX 3 51 ir

Carnoustie, Scotland 56 SON 2 43WCarnsore Pt., Ireland 62 ION 6 21WCarntogher Mt., Ireland 54 SON 6 42\yCarolina, Brazil 6 40S 47 OWCaroline Is., Pacific Oc. 9 Ox 150 OEC.ironi, R., Vatezuela 5 40X 64 20wCarpathian Forest, Austria 48 SOx 24 OECarpathians, Eastern, Mts., Hungary 47 8x 25 OECarpathians, Little, Mts., Hungary 48 SSX 17 25ECarpathians, Western, Mts. , Hungary 49 5x18 OECarpentaria, G. of, Australia 15 OS 139 UECan-a, L., Ireland 53 44x 9 llwCarrara, Italy 44 7N 10 8ECarriek, Dist., Scotland 55 ION 4 46WCarrick-on-SbaunoD, Ireland 53 57N 8 5WCarrick-on-Suir, Ireland 52 20N 7 25WCarrickfergus, Ireland 54 43N 5 48wCai-ril, Spain 42 SSN 8 48wCarron, L., Scotland 57 22X 5 38wCarroll, E., Scotland 56 2N 4 OWCarrs, The, England .54 13N 36WOarse of Gowrie, Dist., Scotland 56 25n S 19WCarso, Plat-, Austria 45 SSN 14 OECarstaiis, Scotland .55 42N 3 41WCartagena, Colombia 10 ISN 75 20WCartagena, Spain 37 S6N SOW(-artago, Colombia 4 25N 76 155VCartage, Costa Eica 9 52N S4 55wCarter Pell, Mt., England 55 19X 2 2.5WCartwright, Labrador 53 SON 57 OWCasale, Italy 45 4X 8 30ECasamnnza, Fr. W. Africa 12 4SN 15 lowCascade Pt., New Zealand 43 SIS 169 OECascade Ea., Canada SO Ox 123 OWCascade Ra., ITnitcd States 45 ON 121 40\yCasetta Italy 41 Gn 14 19ECashel, Irelanil 62 SUN 7 62WCash™, E., Ireland 52 2Sx 9 2SWCaspian S., Russia 42 SON 51 OEOa<sel, Prussia 51 17n 9 32ECassiquiare, R., Venezuela 1 SOx 64 OwCastellamare, Italy 3S IN 12 SOECastello Branco. Portugal 39 52X 7 32WCastellon de la Plana, Spain to llx 2WCastile, New, Prov, Spain 39 25X 4 OWCastile, Gill, Prov,, Spain 41 lox 1 OW( liistle Blaney, Ireland 51 Sx 6 44wCastle IJougias, Scotland 51 SUN 3 56WCasllcbar, Ireland 53 SON 9 }7V\'

Oastlemaine, Australia 37 IS 144 llECastlereagh, Ireland 63 47N s 295yCastlereagb R„ Australia SO Sis 148 25ECastlelon, England 53 2lN 1 17\VCastletown, Isle of Man 54 4N 4 39WOastris, France 43 SSx 2 lOECastrngiovaniii, Italy 37 31X 14 22ECat I., W, Indies 21 isx 75 SOW

I Catalonia, Prov,, Spain 41 SUX I lO).)

C 6 )


Catamarca, Aryi'iitina 28 35s G.') -i.'jW

Oataurliiaiies, Is., T'liiltppine Is. 13 -ir.x 15J ^OKOataiiia, Italy o7 :llN l.'i 41-1

Oataiizaro, .Italy 38 58^" Iti 33I-]

Oatastropbo, 0., Australia 3ri us ]3ii OKCatawba E... Uniteil Stati's ;;.-. UN 81 llwt'athcriiio Harlioiir, llusaia IIU I'lx 3:i lUEOatlikiu Peak, Ba^i'itulaml '2\> '20H ^11 3Ul'!

Catoclie, 0., Mexico '21 &UN 87 0\vOatria, Mt., Italy 43 32s 13 OBOatskill, Uniteil States 42 13N 73 SUVOattaro, Austria 42 27N 18 r>Olj;

cauca, K., Colombia 7 50N 7rt U"\Y

Caucasus Mts., Russia 42 3UX 44 ORCaura, R., Venezuela 5 40N 64 3U"\y

Causse, Dist., Frauee 44 4UN 2 Ol}

Oauvery, R., Madras 11 UN 77 fjUl'l

Oawnpur, Agra and Oudti 2C 37\ 80 lUECaux, Dist., France 49 4Ux U 3U]jl

Oavally, R,, Liberia 7 ON 8 lfi"\y

Gavan, Ireland 53 I39N 7 22\vOavau, Co., Irilaud 53 56N 7 15\TCawdor, Scotland 57 31N 3 54\yCayagan Sulu, Is., Philippine Is. 6 'iSN 118 lai;

Cayambc, Mt., Colouiliia 43N 77 35\vCaj'enne, Fr. Crujana 4 45N 52 40WCeara, Brazil 3 52s 38 5U\yOeara, Dist., Brazil 4 Us 39 OWOedros, I., Mexico 28 20N 115 15WCelebes. I., Dutch B. Indies 2 Us 121 OkCelebes Sen, Dutch B. Indies 3 ON 122 0,

Celle, Prussia 52 35N 10 5l!l

Central ludia, St., India 24 On 78 3015

Central Provs., ludia 21 ON 82 Ul<^

Cepbalouia, I., Greece 38 17N 2U 3315

Oeram, I., Dutch B. Indies 3 OS 129 30F.

Cerigo, I., Greece 3G 15N 23 OECerigotto, I., Greece 35 54N 23 17RCerro de Pasco, Mt., Peru 11 OS 77 35wCetinje, Montenegro 42 28n 18 59EOette, l<'ranoe 43 25N 3 49ECeuta, Sp. Morocco 35 56N 5 15wOeveunes, Mts., France 44 35N 4 OEOeylou, I., Asia 7 30N 80 30 EChablais, Dist., France 46 17N 6 30EChachapoyas, Peru 6 7S 77 4UWOhageh, Baluchistan 29 8N 64 40eCliagos, Is., Inilian Oc. 6 Us 72 0^vOhahbar, Persia 23 19N 60 35bOhaibasa, Bengal 22 30N 85 48EOhalcidice, Dist., Turkey 40 30N 23 16EOlialcis, Greece 38 30N 23 44EOhalcis, Palestine 33 42N 35 54EOhaleurs B., Canada 48 ON 66 OwChaion, Prance 46 48N 4 52EChalons, France 48 55N 4 30EChamalhari Mt., India 27 •54N 89 12EChamau, Baluchistan 30 54N 66 36EChamba, Punjab 32 30N 76 12EOhambal R , Central India 26 ON 77 OEChambery, France 45 34N 5 5415

Cliambesi, R., Rhodesia 11 15S 31 30ECliambord, Prance 47 36N I 28EChampagne, Prov., France 48 ON 4 OEChamplain, L., United States 44 ON 73 24wChanda, Central Provs. 20 ON 79 18 E

Chandamagar, Bengal 22 48N «8 24EOhang-chau, China 24 40N 118 20EObang-sha, China 28 4N 113 5EChannel Is., Bnglan,'* 49 30N 2 20wChapala, L., Mexico 20 30N 102 50-\T

Cbapra, Bengal 25 48N 84 48EChard, England 50 53N 2 57WCharente, Dept., France 45 28N OECharente-Interieure, Dept., France 46 4N 50^v

Chargut, L., Tibet 31 64N 88 OECharjui, Russian Turkestan 39 ON 63 40ECliarleroi, Belgium 50 25N 4 27ECharles, C, Labrador 32 40x 66 OwCharles, C, United States 37 8N 75 5SwCharl ston (S. Carolina), United States

32 54N 80 OWChanes-on (W. Virginia), United States

38 17N 81 34WCharlevill-, Australia 26 40s 146 6ECharleville, Ireland 52 22N 8 41wCharlotte, I., Indo-China 7 1.3N 106 46ECharlotte, United States 38 12N 8U 57 wCharlotte Town, Canada 46 ION 63 25ff

Charlottenburg, Prussia 63 SON 13 19ECharnwood Forest, England 32 40N 1 16WCharlottes, France 46 23N 4 13ECharters Towers, Australia 20 OS 146 15 E

Ohartres, France 48 26N 1 28EOhMeaubriant, Prance 47 42N 1 24WOhateauroux, France 46 47N 1 36EOhatellerault, France 46 48N 32EChatham, Canada 47 ON 65 20\V

Chatham, England 51 23N 32EOhathamL, Pacifl.- Oc

,(inset 51) 43 5Us 1 78 OW

Otiatra, Bengal 24 12N 84 34 EChattanooga, United States 35 2N 85 19wChaumont, France 48 5N 5 6EChaves, Portugal 41 45N 7 375VCheddar, England 51 15N 2 48wCheduba, I., Burma 18 48N 93 42EOhe-kiang, Prov., China 29 ION 120 OEOheliabmsk, Russia 53 20N 60 33EOhe-lin-pau, China (inset) 30 48N 121 26EChelmer, R., England 51 48N 28EChelmsford, England 51 44N 28ECheltenham, England 61 54N 2 4WChelyuskin, 0., Siberia 78 ON 103 OEOliemnitz, Saxony 50 45N 12 35EChemulpo, Corea 37 31N 127 OB

Ohenab, R., Punjab 32 20N 73 OEGheugalpar. Madras 12 ION- 80 (I|5

Ohong-te, Oliiiia 41 Ills US UKChciitahun, Indo-Oliina 12 -ION 1112 20kOliepstow, England 51 37N 2 12 w("JhequitiidionNa, R., Brazil 17 us 12 OWOln-r, nepl., France 47 lo.s 2 3(:e

(llier, R., France 47 20N 1 32KCherbourg. France 49 38N 1 37\vCheremi.s, Russia 56 50N 47 3015

Clieribon, Java 6 56s 108 38KOhernavoda, Honrania 44 2lN 27 5815

Ohernigof, Russia 51 30s 31 8l5

Cherrapungi, As^sam 23 15n 91 30BOlierso, I., Austria 44 50N 14 25ROherwell, R., England 52 ON 1 13\vChesapeake, B., United States 38 ox 76 luwCheshire, Co., Bnglanil 63 14N 2 30WChesil Bank, England 50 38N 2 361VCheshme, Turkey in Asia 38 19N 26 18BClrcster, Englajid 53 12X 2 36\vOhestertield, England .53 14N 1 26wOliesterfleld Inli-t, Canada 63 32N 93 30wOhcster-lc-Street, England 51 5lN 1 35«'Clietang, Tibet 29 18N 91 48ECheviot Hills, England 55 20N 2 35AVCheviot Peak, England 53 35N 1 43AVCheviot Ra., Australia 25 20s 144 OECheyenne, United States 41 16N 104 55ivOhlamdo, Tibet 31 25N 97 30EOhiana, R., Italy 43 ON 12 OEOhiavenna, Italy 46 20N 9 25EChiba, Japan (inset) 35 36N 140 7 kChicago, United States 41 50N 87 :)7>k

Chichester, Engianrl 60 50N 46\VChicontimi, Canada 48 22N 71 6\vObiem L., Bavaria 47 32N 12 25EOhieng Hung, China 22 ON 100 .30E

Chiengmai, Siam 19 3N 99 7EOhiengsen, Siani 20 13N 100 5J3

Ohieti, Italy 42 21N 14 12EChifu, China 37 30N 121 15EChignecto B., Canada 45 50N 64 36"VV

Ohihuahua, Mexico 28 4SN 106 22 \v

Ohika, Mt, Turkey 40 8N 19 37EOhikakol, Madras 18 18N 83 54EOhikishliar, Russian Turkestan 37 36N 53 45EChile, St., S. America 35 OS 70 0^\-

Chilianwala, Punjab 32 35N 73 6EOhllka, L., Madras 19 35N 85 20EChilian, Chile 36 62s 72 lOwChlllon, Switzerland 46 25N 6 55EChlloe, I., Chile 43 OS 73 30wObiltern Hills, England 51 40n 43wOhlmborazo, Mt,, Ecuador 1 30S 79 OwCliimbote, Peru 8 50s 78 3-5'\v

Ohimkent, Russian Turkestan 42 23N 69 35EChina, St., Asia 33 ON 110 OEChina Sea, Fas , Pacifi : 30 ON 125 OKChina Sea, S., Paciflo Oc. 18 On 115 OEOhiiri, Str., New Guineii (iuset) 11 OS 150 40EOhinaz. Russian Turkestan 40 48n 6s 45 eOhincha Is., Peru 13 50s 76 50wOhlnile, Port, B Africa 18 31s 36 30EChlndvvln, R , Burtna 26 ON 95 30EChlugtu, China 31 ON 104 6EChlui St., Punjab 31 30N 78 18EOhjnkiang, China 32 ION 119 35BChin-wang-tao, China 39 56N 119 30BOhioggia, Italy 45 ION 12 13EChios, I., Turkey in Asia 38 23N 26 OEChippenham, England 51 27N 2 7wChippewa R., United States 45 ION 91 12wChipping Is'onon, England 51 57N 1 33\vChiquitos, Tribe, Bolivia 17 OS 60 OwOhlriqui L., Columbia 9 ION 82 lowChita, Siberia 52 5N 104 OBOhltaldrug, Mysore 14 ION 76 25EChltor, Rajpntaua 24 55N 74 40BChltral, Kashmir 35 .54N 71 34EChlttagong, Bengal 22 18N 91 64EChiusl, Italy 43 ON 11 37EChin-ting, China 29 40N 103 53EChompasak, Indo-Ohlna 14 55N 105 45EOhonos Arch, Chile 44 OS 74 OnOhorazln, Palestine 32 54N 35 3lEOhorley, England 53 40N 2 40wChrlstrnas I., E. Indies 10 25s 105 25RChristmas I., Pacific Oc. 2 15N 157 40^yOhrlstlania, Norway 59 45N 11 015

Christiania, Fd., Norway 59 20N 10 30EOhristiansand, Norway 58 ION 7 5515

Ghristlansund, Norway 63 7n 7 39EOhrlstchnrch, Euglanu 50 45N 1 46wOhristchurch, New Zealand 43 32s 172 40EChu, R., Asiatic Russia 44 48N 72 15EChubut R., Argentina 43 30s 65 OWOhudleigh, 0., Labrador 60 ION 65 OWOhnng-klng, China 29 38N 106 43EChu-ntu, Burma 24 42N 100 OEChuqulsaca, Bolivia 19 3S 65 20"\Y

Chur, Switzerland 46 50N 9 34EChurchill R., Canada 55 35N 102 30wOlmrfirsten, Mt., Switzerland 47 ION 9 13EClrusan Is., China 30 15N 122 12EOhutia, Nagpur Div., Bengal 23 ON 85 OEClenfuegas, Cuba 22 ION 80 6WOilician Taurus, Mts., Turkey in Asia

37 30N 34 OEOimmaiTon R., United States 37 20N 102 OwCincinnati, United States 39 ION 84 'Mvr

Cinto, Mt., Corsica 42 25N 9 lOECircars, Madras 19 ON 84 OEClrcello, Mt., Italy 41 12N 13 OECirencester, England 51 44N 1 38"W

Citlaltepetl, Mt., Mexico 19 5N 97 4UWllittn, Vecchia, Malta 35 52S 14 25ECity uf Salt, Palestine 31 12N 35 IEClndad Juarez, Mexico 31 31N 1U6 3U\\'

Oludail Porforio Diaz, Mexico 28 35x lUO 25\\'

Cladad, Reid, Spain 38 5SN 3 .58WCiuilad lluilrigo, Spain 40 35N 6 36"\y

Civitavcceliia^ Italy 42 7N 11 3215

Clackmannan, Scotland 56 6K 3 46WCUickmannan, Co., Scotland 56 ION 3 43WClactcni, England 51 46N 1 9EClanwilllam, Cape Coloiry 32 12s 18 57RClare (Clare), Ireland 52'50N 8 57WClare ( .Mayo), Ireland 53 42N 8 58wClare, Co., Ireland 52 48N 9 OwClare I., Ireland 53 49N 10 OwClare, R., Ireland 53 28N 8 44WOlai-ence R., Austi-alla 29 26S 153 2015

Clario Land, Indian Oc. 63 OS 135 OBClear, 0., Ireland 51 26N 9 .30wClear I., Ireland 31 26N 9 30WCleator Moor, England 54 30N 3 32WClee Hills, England 52 26N 3 39WCleove Cloud. Mt., England 51 56N 1 48wOlelsh Hill, Scotland 56 8N 3 33\yClont, Englanil 52 23N 2 4WClermont, Australia 22 39g 147 46EClermont, Ferrand, France 45 47N 3 4ECleve, Prussia 31 48N 6 7eCleveland, United States 41 35N 8125 wCleveland, Dist., England 34 30N 1 15 kClew B., Ii-eland 53 30N 9 50\vClifden, Ireland 63 29N 10 IWCUfton, England 51 27N 2 33WClinch, R.. United States 36 32s S3 OwOiishain, Mt., Scotland 57 39N 6 55WClitheroe, England 53 52N 2 25"\v

Ologher Hd.. Ireland 33 47N 6 13WOlonakllty, Ireland 61 37N 8 53WOlonard, Ireland 53 28N 7 OWCloncurry, Australia 20 42s 140 28ECloncurry, R., AustraUa 19 40S 141 OEClones, Ti-eland 54 llN 7 14WCloumel, Ireland 52 23N 7 42WClOMie, Ireland 51 52N 8 9WClun, England 52 25N 3 IwClatha, B., New Zealand 46 20s 170 lOEOlwvd, K., Wales 53 13N 3 27WClyde, F. of, Scotland 55 33N 5 OwClyde, R., Scotland 53 56N 4 40wClydesdale, Dist., Scotland 55 30N 3 32\v

Coalbrookdale, England 52 37N 2 30WCoast Ra., United States 40 ON 124 OwCoatbridge, Scotland 55 52N 4 2WCoban, Gu.atemala 16 OS 90 25WCobar, Australia 31 28S 145 55ECobequid Mts., Canada 43 24N 64 OWCobiju, Chile 22 38s 70 18wCobleuz, Prussia 50 20N 7 30ECoburg, Germany 50 14N 11 4ECoburg Pen., Australia 11 25s 132 2ECocanada, Madas 16 54N 82 12ECochahamba. Bolivia 17 32s 66 30wCochin, Madras 9 5GN 76 18ECochin China, Dist., Indo-China 12 30n 109 .5UE

Cochin China, Lower, Dist., Indo-Olilna10 On 106 OE

Cocker-mouth, England 54 38N 3 221V

Coco Is., India 14 ON 93 4ECocos Is., Indian Oc. 12 8s 96 50ECod, C, United States 41 36n 70 OwCodling Bank, Ireland 53 7N 5 35WCognac, France 45 41N 20wOoimbatore, Madras 11 On 77 OEOUimbra, Portugal 40 12s 8 25wCol de Perthus, P., France 42 30N 2 5015

Colchester-, England 51 34N 53ECold Fell, Mt., England 54 65N 2 36wColdstream, Scotland 55 40N 2 14WOolenso, Natal 28 58S 30 OEOoleraine, Ireland 55 8n 6 38wColesberg. Cape Colony 30 44s 23 8EColirna, Mexico 19 24N 103 44WColl I., Scotland 56 42N 6 7WCollier B., Australia 16 10s 134 22EOollingwood, New Zealand 40 39s 172 39EOolmar, Ger-many 48 5N 7 2lECollie, England, 53 51N 2 13wColne, R. (Middlesex), England 51 38x u 25wColne, R. (Essex), England 51 53x U 44ECologire, Prussia 6U 56N 6 58EColombia, St., S. America 4 UN 73 OwColombo, Ceylon 7 ON 79 45EColon, Colombia 9 12N 79 53WColonsay I., Scotland 56 8N 6 12wOolorado, Rio, R., United States 30 2I1N 97 OwColorado B., United States 34 30n 113 5llwColorado, St., Uniteil States 39 UN 1(16 UwColumbia, Mt., Canada 33 15N 118 SOWColumbia, United States 34 UN 81 4WColumbia R., United States 46 28N 133 OwOohuiibretes, Is., Spain 39 64N O 44bColumbus, United States 39 56N 82 55wOoinacchlo, Italy 44 42N 13 12EOombaconum, Madras 11 UN 79 24ECombln, Mt., Switzerland 45 67s 7 23BComeragh, Mt., Ireland 52 17s 7 32W-Comillah, Bengal 33 3UN 91 lOEComlno I., Italy 36 Us 14 12BComo, Italy 45 48n 9 12EOomo, L., Italy 46 On 9 20ECoraarin, 0., Travancore 8 6N 76 36 EComoro Is., Indian Oc. 12 OS 44 3UeCompass Berg, Mt., Cape Colony 31 lUS 24 5UEComplfegne, France 49 24N 2 49E

Concepciou, Argentina 32 353 58 20-w

Ooncepcion, Chile 37 29s 73 13WConcepciou. Pai-agnay 23 23S 57 18WOoncepcion, Pt., United States 31 25X 12U tOwConcoi-d, United States 43 12N 71 32«-

(Joncordia, Argentina 31 20s 5S lilir

Oondamlne, H., Australia 27 Ks 149 1015

Coudobolm, Australia 33 3s 147 5ECondon, Australia 20 7s 119 13EOondroy, Dist.. Bclgulm 30 22N 3 5ECong, Ireland 53 32N 9 13WCongletoir, England 53 llx 2 14wCougo Dist., Angola 7 OS 15 OECongo R., Congo State 2 20N 20 50ECongo St., Central Africa 3 OS 23 OEConiston Water, England 54 20N 3 9WConjeyaram Madras 12 50N 79 43EConn, L., Ireland 64 ON 9 15WConnaught, Prov., Ireland 53 38N 9 0-w

Connecticut, R., United States 43 Ox 72 25\v

Connecticut. St., United Srates 41 30N 72 30WConnemara, Dist., Ireland 53 24N 9 35w-

Ooiroir, R., Scotland 57 38N 4 40wConstance, Baden (S(^e Constanz)Constance, L. of, Switzerland 47 35N 9 35ECou.stantine, Algeria 36 30N 6 30ECunstantineiRock, Mt., Siberia 68 15N 67 20EConstantinople, Turkey 41 IN 28 56EConstanz, Badou 47 40N 9 9EConstitucion, Chile 35 26S 72 39-1?

Gonwav, Wales 53 18n 3 51WConway, R., Wales 53 18N 3 50wCook Is., Paorflo Co., 20 OS 158 OwCook, Mt., New Zealand 43 33s 170 12ECook Str., New Zealand 41 OS 174 30EOooksto-a-n, Ireland 54 39N 6 46WCooktown, Australia 15 36s 146 15EOoolgardie, Australia 30 58S 120 39ECooma, Australia 36 17S 149 6ECooper's Creek, R., Australia 28 OS 139 OEOoorg, Prov., India 12 15N 75 43ECoorong Lagoon, AustraUa 36 OS 139 SOBCopals, L., Greece 38 28N 23 lOECopenhagen, Denmai-k 53 40s 12 34ECopiapo, Chile 27 19S 70 25AVCopper Hr., United States 47 26N 87 58wCoquet I., England 55 20s 1 32WCoquet R , England 55 18N 1 35WCoquimbo, Chile 30 6S 71 45wCoral Sea, Australasia 18 OS 153 3ECorangamlte, L., Australia 38 9s 143 28ECorcublon, Spain 42 65N 9 16WCordova, Argentina 31 30s 64 OWCordova, Spain 37 60N 4 44WCorea, St., Asia 37 SON 127 30ECorea Str., Asia 33 30N 128 OEOorfe Castle, England 30 49N 2 2WCorfu, Greece 39 38N 19 57BCorfu, I., Greece 39 35N 19 50EOorlnga, Madras 10 50N 82 20ECorinth, Greece 37 66N 23 3EOorlnth, G. of, Greece 38 ION 22 a3ECorlnto, Nicaragua 12 38N 87 5wOorisco B., W. Africa 56N 9 30bOorisco I., Sp. West Africa 1 ON 9 27 ECork, Ireland 31 65N 8 27lV

Cork, Co., Ireland 52 ON 8 SOWCork Hr., Ireland 51 47N 8 15wCorner Inlet, Australia 38 43S 146 22ECornish Creek, R., Australia 22 OS 145 12ECornwall, Co., England 50 22N 4 40wCoro, Venezuela 11 9N 69 47WCoromandel, New Zealand 36 36S 175 28BCoromandel Coast, Imlia 13 ON 81 OECorpus Chrlstl, United States 27 50N 97 20wCorrentyne, R., Guayana 4 Ox 53 OwCorreze, Dept., France 43 38N 2 5EOorrlb, L., Ireland 53 26N 9 lOwCorrientes, Argentina 27 42s 38 38wCorr-ientes, C, Argentina 38 Ss 57 47wCorrientes, C, Mexico 20 19N 103 47WOorrleyairack P., Scotland 57 4N 4 14WOorryhabble, Mt , Scotland 37 19N S lowGoi-se, Dept., France 42 8N 9 OECoi-sewah Pt., Scotland 55 IN 5 lOWCorsica, I., France 42 ION 9 OECorso, 0., Corsica 42 39N 9 20ECorumba, Brazil 19 8s 57 30"^^

ftiruna. La, Spain 43 22N 8 32^vCorve Dale, England 52 28N 2 42WOorwen, \v ales 52 58N 3 25WOossack, Australia 20 50s 117 OBCosta Rica, St., Centr-al America 10 ON 84 OwCosenza, Italy 39 20N 16 12BCotabato, Philrpgine Is. 7 3N 124 15ECote d'Or, Dept., France 46 39s 4 4lBCote d'Or, Mts., France 47 ION 4 50ECotentin, Dist., France 49 15N 1 S5\vCotes-du-Nord, Dept., France 48 23N 2 50-wCotopaxi, Mt., Ecuador SOS 78 S4-WCotrone. Italy 39 8N 17 6ECotswold Hills, England 51 48N 2 lOwCouncil Bluffs, United States 41 iOs 95 40wCoupar Angus, Scotland 56 33N 3 17wCourtmacsherry B., Ireland 51 35N 8 38wCourtrai, Belgium 50 48N 3 15ECoventry, England 53 25N 1 32wCovington, United States 39 4N 84 33WCowali, Dist., Scotland 36 ON 3 llwCowan Ra., Australia 26 OS 145 OEOowbridge, Wales 51 34N 3 38wCowes, England 50 46N 1 17wOowpen, England 65 7N 1 S4WCowra, Australia 43 51s 148 43ECracow, Austria 50 4N 19 55E

( 7 )


Oradlij Mt., Titsiicuiiu JL' us ] I.". Ini;

f'i-iid..rk, C'lL],,; Coluiiy :;l' 7s -:< :;iik

Criiii,' Kii.. Austriiliu '2\j JDS l.'.l 4UE( )r:iii)V;i, Rumaniu 44 iiU\ 23 .">L'I-;

Orauiliugioii. Kiiglanrl 'k', 5n 1 I'.ijw

Craiiborue, Engliiiid OlJ 56x 1 -'iSw

OraDborne Chase, Eogliuitl 5IJ ri8\ 2 4\VCraven, Dist.. En^dand oi 3n 2 lUWCrcilitnii, Eiiglaiiii 50 3SN 3 3'JWCrciiioiia, Italy 45 ION 10 OeCrete, I., Mediteranean Sea 35 15n 25 OBOreua, 0. rte, Spain 42 17N 3 17 HOreuse, Dept., Erauce 45 56N 1 50EOreiise, H., Erauce 46 3UN 1 lunOreusot, Le, Erauce 46 40N 4 24ECrewe, England 53 5n 2 27\yOrewkerne, Kngland 50 54N 2 47AVOrlccieth, Wales 52 54N 4 14^V"

Orickhowell, Wales 51 SON 3 8\7Crlcklade, England 61 311.N 1 52WCrieff, Scotland 66 22N 3 48wOriflel, Mt., Scotland 64 68N 3 4CwCrimea, Pen., Russia 45 30N 30 015

Crinan Cau., Scotland 66 3N 5 3u\yOroagh Patrick, Mt., Ireland 63 43N 3 34WCroatia, Prov., Huugary 45 30N Ifi iiio

Crocodile R., Palestine 32 32N 3-i 57 !:

Crocodile R,, Transvaal 24 20s 26 51 [i

Cromarty, Scotland 57 40N 4 IwCromarty E., Scotland 57 41N 4 lOWCromer, England 52 56N 1 18ECrooked I., W. Indies 22 40N 74 26WCrookliaveu, Ireland 51 27N 9 44WCross Eell, Kugland 52 42N 2 40WCross R., Nigeria 6 12N 8 lOECrouch, R., Eugland 51 37N 3GECrow Hd., Ireland 51 35N 10 lowCrowboro' Beacon, Euglaud 51 3N 2RCrow's Nest P., Canada 50 ON 114 30 \v

Croydon, Australia 18 309 142 15ECroydon, England 51 22N 6\yOrozet Is., Indian Go. 47 OS 61 OECruz, C. de, Cuba 19 42N 77 42vyCuba, I., W. Indies 22 ON 79 30WOucuta, Colombia 7 42N 72 52TrCuddalore, Madras 11 42N 79 48 EOuddapah, Madras 14 30N 78 54ECue, Australia 27 15s 117 48BOuenca, Ecuador 3 51s 79 17\vOuenca, Spain 40 6N 2 5\vOuillin Hills, Scotland 57 13N 6 SwOuiUin Sd., Scotland 57 8N 6 24T\'

Oujavia, Dist., Prussia 52 SON 18 20ECul Mor, Mt., Scotland 58 IN 5 4vyOuldaff, Ireland 55 18N 7 7wOulgoa R., Australia 28 03 148 30EOuiiacan, Mexico 24 48N 107 22\yOuUen, Scotland 57 43N 2 49"WCulloden, Scotland 57 29N 4 7WCulter Fell, Mt., Scotland 55 36N 3 28wCulver OliiJ, England 50 40N 1 5WOulverden, New Zealand 42 45s 173 4EOumana, Venezuela 10 15N 64 5\yCumberland, United States 39 39N 78 40wOumberlaud, Co., England 54 40N 3 0\v

Ounjl^erland Plat.. United States 36 i'.lx 81 0\v

Oumiierland, K., Unitel States 36 14N 86 OwCumberland Sd., Canada 64 30N 66 0\\^

Cunibre, Mt., Argentina 33 SOS 69 35WCumbrian Hills, England 54 30N 3 10 VT

Cumnock, Scotland 55 27K 4 17\y

Ouno, Italy 44 20N 7 36ECunnamulla, Australia 28 3S 145 40EOuuningliaiii, Dist., Scotland 55 40N 4 30\vOunoue, Mt., Italy 44 15N 11 5ECupar, Seotland 56 20N 3 2WOupiea, Colombia 6 4SN 77 15W-Curaco R., Argentina 38 Os 66 OlVCuracoa, I., W, Indies 12 15N 69 lOwCuritiba, Brazil 25 SOS 49 50iyOurragh, Dist., Ireland 53 8N 44WCurtis I., Australia 23 35S 151 5ECurzola, I., Austria 42 57N 16 4SECuslicmlun. Ireland 55 6N 6 3wOutch, G. of. Arabian Sea 22 35N 68 30ECuteh, St.. Bombay 23 18N 69 4SEOuttack, Bengal 20 20N 86 OKCuvier, p., Australia 24 5S 112 20ECuxliaven, Germany 53 52N 8 42EOuyaba, Brazil 15 34s 56 8WCuyuiu, R., Br. liuiana 6 ON 6 SOWCuzco, Peru 13 35s 71 55 \y

Cyclades, Is, Greece 37 ON 25 OlO

Cypress Hills, Canada 49 35N 110 52\v

Cyprus, I., Mediterranean S. 35 ox 33 lOECytliuos, I., Greece 37 25N 24 25li

Czegled, Hungary 47 ION 19 41BOzernowitz, Austria 48 18N 25 59E

DACCA, Bengal 23 40N 90 SOEDaghistan, Dist., Russia 42 30N 47 SOE

Daliira, Dist., Oman 24 5N 55 40EDahlak Is,, Eritrea IB 5N 40 lOEDahome-. Uist., Fr. W. Africa 8 SON 2 20E

Dainan, Japan 23 12N 120 22E

Dakar, Fr. W. Africa 14 ION 17 OWDakota E., United States 43 45N 98 25wDakota, N., St., United States 47 On lllO OwDakota, S., St., United States 45 Ox 100 OwDal R., Sweilen 60 26N 16 OBDal R., E., Sweden 62 Ox 14 OEDal H„ W., Sweden 61 UN 14 UEDalai Nor, L., Mon^'Olia 43 ION 116 26B

Dalbeattie, Scotland 54 56N 3 SOWDalby, Australia 27 263 151 31E

UallioiisLc, Burma 16 On 91 2Uf:

Dalkeith, Scotland 55 Six 3 4\v

Dallas, United States 32 59N 96 SiiWDalmally, Scotland 5C 21N 4 59^^'

Dalmatia, Prov., Austria 43 SON 16 SOEDalnaspidal, Scotland 56 SON 4 14WDalui, Manchuria 39 5x 122 9EDairy. Scotland 55 44N 4 43wDalton, England 64 lOx 3 13WDalwhinnie, Scotland 56 57x 4 14wDaly R,, Australia 14 OS 131 OLi

Daman, Bombay 20 20N 72 4UEDainara Land, Dist. Ger., S.W. Africa 21 OS 17 OEDamascus, Turkey in Asia 33 S3N 36 I8t;

Damietta, Egyfit 31 SON 31 35EDammastock, Mt., Switzerlaml 40 39x S 23EDamoh, Central Prov,, India 23 SUx 79 30EDampier Arch., Australia 20 30s 116 30EDampier Land, Dist., Australia 17 SOS 123 OEDampier Str,, Dutch E. Indies OS 132 OEDan, Palestine 33 15N 35 42EDanakil, Tribe, Eritrea 14 SON 40 OEDanger Pt., Australia 23 -'S 163 40EDang-la Mts., Tibet 32 54N 94 OEDangra Turn, L., Tibet 31 ON 86 13EDangs, Bombay 20 Sox 73 4ueDanjaan, Palestine 33 Sx 35 9EDannemora, Sweden 60 lOx 18 ORDanube, R., Austria 46 40x 19 OEDanube, E., Germany 48 2SX 10 OEDanube Delta, Romania 45 ON 29 15EDanville, United States 36 34X 79 27WDanzig, Prussia .54 21N IS 39EDanzig, G. of Prussia 54 2Sx 19 OEDapsang Mt,, Kashmir 36 6N 76 24 EDar es, Ger. E. Africa 7 OS 39 lOBDara, Egyptian Sudan 12 ION 25 lOEDarthangah, Bengal 26 12X 85 S4BDart el Haj i The Pilgrim's RuadJ, Palestine

31 l.SN 36 6EDaren t, H., England 51 20N 12EDarfur, Dist., Egyptian Sudan 12 SON 24 OEDargftviile, New Zealand 36 Os 173 5( EDari, R., Afghanistan 31 S5N 65 25 EDaria i Niris, L , Persia 29 SSX 53 36EDariel P., Russia 42 8x 45 OEDarien, G. of, Colombia 9 Ox 77 OwDarjiling, Bengal 27 Sx 88 6BDarling Downs, Australia 27 OS 151 OEDarling Ra,, Australia 32 SOS 116 OEDarling R., Australia 31 Os 145 OBDarlington, Ensjland 54 32X 1 S2WDarmstadt, l.4erman.y 49 52X 8 40EDaro Mt., Siberia 8 isx 9 OWDaroma, Dist., Palestine 31 ox 35 OEDart, R., England 50 25X 3 4SWDartmoor, England 50 41x 3 68WDartmouth, England 50 21N 3 S3WDarwaz, Dist., Russian Turkestan 38 SOX 71 1 1


Darwen, Eugland S3 42x 2 29WDasht, H,, Bidnclustan 25 SON 62 20EDasht i Ohul, Desert, Rusnan Turkestan

37 ION 62 SOEDasbti Lut, Desert, Persia 32 ION 57 15E

Datia, Central India 25 36N 78 30EDatu, 0., Sarawak 2 IN 109 42EDaulatabail, Haidarabad 19 3SN 75 20l':

Daunt Rock, Ii'elaml 51 43X 8 19wDauphiue, Prov., France 45 35N 5 OEDaventry, England 52 15N 1 lUVf

Davis Str., Canada 06 OX 51 OwDavos, Switzerland 46 46X 9 48 E

Davos Valley, Switzerlaml 46 4SX 9 J5EDawes Ea,, Australia 24 43S 151 OEDawson, Canada 63 56N 139 OWDawson, R., Australia 25 10s ISO lOEDaya,k, Tribe, Borneo OE 115 UEDayton, United States 39 4SN 84 SWDc Aar, Cape Colony 3U His 23 51EDe Grey E., Australia 20 US 113 5SBDe Peel, Moor, Netherlands 51 ISN S 32EDead S,, Turkey in Asia 31 28N 35 32EDeal, England 51 13X 1 21EDean, Forest of, Euglaml 51 46X 2 lowDease Str., Canada 68 Sox IDS OwDi-ath Vallev Unitel States 37 ON" 116 SowDebcu, H„ England 62 ISx 1 ISEDebit, Palestine 31 26X 34 S8EDebreczin, Hungary 47 S2X 21 S9EDebn L , Er, W. Africa IS ION 6 Iwlleccaii, India 17 OX 78 UEDcdeagach, Tnrkev 40 SOX 25 56EDee. H., Scotland 57 6N 2 42 wDoe, R,, Scotland 54 56N 4 IwDee, R., Wales S3 (IN 3 SUwDeel, R., Ireland 53 22X 9 OWDehna, Desert (ice Nefud and Roba el Kali,


Debra, Agra and Oudli 30 2nx 78 6EDeir, Turkey in Asia 36 19x 40 21


Deil el Kamr, Palestine S3 43X 35 31EDelagoa B,. Port. E. Africa 21 Os 32 -I (Mi

Delaware, B., United Stites 39 ux 75 owDelaware, St., United States 39 Ux 75 0\v

IJclfzvl, Netherlands 53 20x 6 53EDelhi, Punjal) 28 .5KN 77 OEDelft, Netherlands 52 IN 4 2lEDelgado, C, Ger. E. Africa 10 41S 40 39EDeli', Sumatra 3 38N 98 40BDelos, I., Greece 37 24N 25 13EDelta of the Nile, Egypt SI IRX 30 45KDemavend, Mt.. Persia 35 S9X 53_24EDemerara, R.. Br. (juiana 6 Ox 5; S5WDcmpo, Mt., Sumatra 4 SOS loi OEDenbigh, Wales 63 lOx 3 26w

Denbigh, Co., Wales 53 ION 3 20«'

Deneshkin Kanen, Mt., Russia 60 SON 62 30HDeuham Ra„ Australia S6 SOS 149 SOEDeiiia, Siiain .38 49N 4EDetiiliquin, Australia 36 27s 146 oEDenison, Australia 29 lOs 114 56EDenmark, Australia 36 OS 116 57EDenmark, St., Eurojje 61 ON 9 SOEDenmark Str,, Arctic Oc. 65 Ox 25 OwDent du Midi, Mt., Switzerland 46 lOX 9 57HDenver, United States 39 50X 106 6wDera Ghazi Khan, Punjab SO 6N 70 48EDera Ismail Khan, N.-W. Frontier 32 ON

70 .52E

Derbent, Russia 42 IN 48 IBDerby, Australia 17 25s 123 35EDerby, England 52 SON 1 28WDerby, Co., England 52 I2X 1 32WUerg, L,, Ireland 52 59N 8 20wDcrg, E., Ireland 64 42N 7 40WDerryuasaggart Mts., Ireland 61 57N^ 2 20wDerryveagirMts., Irelanri 55 ON 8 0\\'

Derweut, R. (Cumberland), England 54 38N3 SOW

Derweut, R, (Derby), England 63 ON 1 SOWDerwent, R. ( Yorks), England 54 12N 38WDerweut Water, England 64 SSx 3 9WDes Moines, Uniteil States 42 2X 93 45WDesert et Tih, Egypt 30 Ox 34 OBDeshnef C. Siberia 66 ON 170 OEDesna, R,, Russia 62 Ox S3 OEDespeija Perros, Mts., Spain 38 17N 3 25wDespoblado Plat., Bolivia 22 OS 67 SmyDespoto Dagh, Mts., Turkey 41 40X 24 OEDessau, Germany 61 48X" 12 SOBDesterro, Brazil 27 42s 48 25wDctmold, Germany 51 66N 8 59EDetroit, United States 42 5N 83 5wDcutsoh Krone, Prussia 53 17N 16 20EDevarkonila, Haidarabad 16 36N 78 48EDeventer, Netherlands 52 16N 6 llli

Devil's Pit., Mt., Ireland 62 60x 7 51wDevizes, England 51 21x 1 59WDevol, R., Turkey 40 SOX 20 23EDevon, Co., England 50 45X 3 S5WDevonport, England SO 22N 4 12WDewsbiiry, England 63 42N 1 40wDhar, Central India 23 S.5X 75 23EDharm,sala, Punjab 32 ISx 76 24EDharwar, Bombay 15 SOx 75 6EDhaulagiri, Mt., Nepal 28 SOx 83 OEDbiban, Palestine 31 29x 35 48BDim Hcai-teach, Is.. Scotland 56 7n 6 40wDhubri, Assam 26 On 89 57EDbulia, Bombay 21 ON 74 SOBDiakevar, Huugary 45 19N 18 25EDiamantina, Brazil 18 14S 43 44WDiamantino, Brazil 14 SOS 56 40WDiamentina If., Australia 26 Os 139 35E.Diamond Hr., Bengal 22 ION 88 lOEDiarbekr, Turkey in Asia 37 SON 40 25EDiiion, Palestine 31 39N 35 48BDihrugarb, Assam 27 SON 95 OEDi-chn, R., Tibet 37 SON 97 OEDieppe, France 49 56N 1 lOEDifunda. Congo St. 10 30s 21 62BDigne, France 44 6N 6 9BDiliang,E., Tibet 27 18N 95 OEDijon, France 47 2.5X 6 SBDilam. Persia 29 55N 50 16EDili, Port. B. Indies 8 40s 125 35BDilols, L., Angola 11 40s 21 lOEDime-shk esb Sham, Palestine S3 SOx ,36 19EDimotika, Turkey 41 22x 26 27EDinair, Turkey in Asia 38 SN 30 17EDinajpur, Bengal 25 36x ,88 42BDinant, Belgium 50 17N 4 55BDinara, Mt., Bosnia 44 SN 16 SOEDinaric Alps, Mts,, Bosnia 44 ON 16 36EDinder, R„ Egyptian Sudan 12 SON 36 OEDiniling, Straits Settlenjents 4 ISN 100 35EDinding-Rajah, Mt,, Malay Pen, 4 2IX 101 6EDingle, Ireland 52 8N 10 16WUingle B., Ireland 52 4N 10 lOWDingwell, Scotland 67 S4N 4 28wDiret et Tidul, Palestine S3 ISx 36 SIEDirk, Hartog I., Australia 25 50s 112 SOEoisa, Bomba^ 24 12N 72 12EDisko, I., Greenland 69 40N 6S 30WDiss, England 52 2lN 1 7EDissentis, Switzerland 46 43x 8 50EDitchling Beacon, England 50 SSx 6wDin, Bombay 20 42N 71 OEDivis, Mt . Ireland 54 39N 6 3wDiyala, R., Turkev in Asia 34 ON 45 OEDizak, Persia 27 18N 62 OEDizful, Persia S2 23N 48 SOBDjunibir, Mt., Hungary 43 S5N 19 20BDnieper, R., Rirssia 624UN 30 30E "

Dniester, R., Anstria 49 Ox 25 OxDniester, R., Russia 48 45X 26 lOBDohruja, Dist, Romania 44 SOX 28 24BDoee, Eio, R.. Brazil 19 35s 40 l)w

Dodabetta, Mt., Madi-as 11 24N 76 42EUodingo, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 52x 127 44EDodraan Pt., England 60 13x 4 47wDokthol, Dit., libet .3u .SON 83 SOEDolgfclly, Wales 62 45N 3 52WDollar Law, Mt., Scotland 55 SON 3 14WDoUart, The Sd., Netherlands 63 ISN 7 8EDolon No, China 42 2UN 116 2SEDombes. Is,, France 46 ON 5 15BDominica, Is., W. Indies 15 ,38N 61 26wDomiuiiau Republic, W. Indies 18 SON 70 OwDomo il'Cs.sola, Italy 46 7N 8 18E

Don, R., England 63 26X 1 30wDon, R., Russia 52 ON 39 OEDon, R., Scotland 57 20x 2 40wDon Cossacks, Tribe, Russia 48 SOX 42 SOE

Donaghadee, Ireland 54 39X 5 3SWDoncaster, England 53 Six 1 8WDondra Hd , Ceylon 6 Ox 8 23EDonegal, Ireland 54 S9X 8 7\y

Donegal, B., Ireland 54 32X 8 20wDouegal, Co., Ireland 54 SSx 8 OWDonetz, R., Russia 48 SOX 39 SOEDonna Nook, England 63 SOX 1 1 E

Donbannt L., Canada 63 SOx 102 OwDoon, L., Scotland 55 ISN 4 22wDoon, E., Scotland 55 21N 4 SOWDoom E., Cape Colony 32 20s 19 SOEDora Baltea R., Italy 45 45x 7 SOBDorchester, England 60 S9N 2 26\y

Dordogne, Dept., France 44 S9x 28EDordogne, R., France 44 SON 35KDoi-drecht, Cape Colony 31 19s 26 49EDordrecht, Netherlands 51 47X 4 40EDore, Dutch E. Inilies 53s 134 lOEDore, Mt,. France 45 2Sx 2 50EDorking, England 51 ISX 20WDormitor, Mt., Montenegro 43 lOx 19 SOEDornoch, Scotland, 57 52N 4 SwDornoch, E., Scotland 57 61x 4 OWDorpat, Russia 58 29N 26 38EDorset, Co., England 60 48N 2 30wDorset Hts., England 50 SOX 2 40\yDortmund, Prussia 61 SOx 7 28eDotlian, Palestine 32 23N 35 16EDonai, France SO 2SN 3 2EDonbs, Dept., France 47 16N 6 25EDoubs, E., France 47 6X 6 25li

Doubtful Inlet, New Zealand 46 16s 160 58EDouglas, Isle of Man 54 9x 4 32wDouglas, E., England 63 40N 2 46\y

Douro, E,, Portugal 41 4N 8 36\vDove, R., England 53 SN 1 38\VDovedale, England 53 ION 1 48wDover, England 51 7N 1 19EDover, United States 39 7N 76 SOWDover, Straits of, England 51 Ox 1 30EDovey, R., Wales 52 32N 4 lowDouvre Field, Norway 62 SON 10 OBDowlais, Wales 51 46X 3 26WDown, Co., Ireland 64 20X 6 OWDownham Market, England 52 SSx 23 EDo^-npatrick, Ireland 54 19x 5 43WDownpatriok Hd., Ireland 54 20X 9 2nrDraguignan, France 43 S8N 7 OEDrakens Berge, Mts., Natal 27 SOS 29 SUEDrama, Turkey 41 8N 24 HEDrannneu, Norway 69 49N 10 IEDranse, R. Switzerland 46 SN 7 ISEDrave, R., Huugary 45 43N 17 36EDrenthc, Prov., Netherlands 62 60X 6 4ilE

Dresden, Saxony 51 IN 13 44EDriii, R., Turkey 41 43N 19 37EDrin, Black R., Turkev 41 43N 20 2SEDrina, R., Bosnia 44 SON 19 2EDrina, R., Servia 44 SOX 19 12EDrogheda, Ireland, 63 42x 6 15WDroitwich, England 52 16N 2 SwDrume, Dept., France 44 47N 5 7BDromore, Ireland 54 26x 6 8WDrum Hs., Ireland 52 4N 7 44WDrummond Ra., Australia 23 OS 147 20 E

Drumocbt P., Scotland 56 51N 4 I'.iw

Duala, Camerons 4 15x 9 48 EDubbo, Australia 32 17s 148 48EDublin, Ireland 63 23x 6 15wDublin B., Ireland 53 20N 6 5WDublin, Co., Ireland 53 20N 6 20wDubuque, United States 42 41X 90 46wDuddon, R., England 54 ION 3 18wDudley, England .52 .SON 2 4WDuero, R., Spain 41 4UN 3 45^yDufferiu, C, Canada 58 SON 79 WWDufltowu, Scotland 57 23x 3 7wDutile, Congo State 3 38x 31 49EDuisburg, Prussia 61 25N 6 50EDiikla P., Austria 49 2i)N 21 3SEDulce, Gulfo, G., Costa Rico 8 20X 83 20«-

Dulcigno, Montenegro 41 56N 19 ISh:

Duluth, Uniteil States 46 64X 92 14 \V

Dum Dum, Bengal 22 35N 88 SOEDumbarton, Scotland 55 S7N 4 S4WDumbarton, Co., Scotland 56 lOx 4 46WDumfries, Scotland 65 5X 3 S6wDumfries, Co., Scotland 56 12x S SO\yDiinaburg, Russia 55 68x 26 ISEDiinany Pt., Ireland 53 SOx 14WDunayetz. E., Austria 49 40x 20 27EDunbar, Scotland 65 59N 2 31wDunblane, Scotland 56 UN 3 57wDuncan Pas., Andaman Is. 11 12x 92 42EDuucannon, Ireland 62 13x 6 56wDuncansby Hd., Scotland 58 S9X S IwDundalk, Ireland 64 ON 6 24wDundalk B. Ireland 63 SSN 6 20wDundee, Scotland 56 27X 2 67wDundrum, Ireland 54 13x 5 52WDundrmn B., Ireland 64 12N 5 48wDunedin, New Zealand 45 52s 170 32EDunfermline, Scotland 56 5X 3 28WDungannou. Ireland 54 SIX 6 47wDungarpur, Rajputana 23 64N 73 42EDungarvan, Ireland 62 5N 7 38wDungeness, 0., England 50 SSx 68EDunkeld, Scotland 66 36N 3 S2wDunkery Beacon, Mt., England 51 12N 3 SGwDunkirk, France 51 3N 2 22E

( 8)

DUN INDEXDniimanus B., Irclaud 51 30N 9 40"WDanmanwny, Trc'lanil 51 4ilN 9 6\VIlumuore, Iivtaiiil 52-i)N 7 O^v-

JJuiimore IIil., Irulauil 52 SN 10 SOWDuiiiilow, Eiit,'laiid 51 5oX U lUl-:

Dninict B., Sc-otland 5» 3CX 3 31ln'

DiimiKt H(l., Suitljnd 58 40N 3 21WDunoon, Sootlaml 55 5SX 4 yljWDuni-ol)in Castle, Scotland 57 5.SN' 3 57\\'

Duns, Srotland 55 4oN 2 2UWDunstablf, K]i,L,'land 51 53x 31wDunstanhni-^'li Castlo, Eu^^Iand 55 2:iN 1 3GwDunvL-^MU, Canada 5ti OX US lowDunve^^au. L., Scotland 57 2Sx (i 38\VDunw'ioli, Kiiglaud 52 17N 1 3Sh;

Dui-anco, K., Vranoe -14 25N li (tl'l

Duraugo, I\I('xicu 24 17x ]05 I'.uv

Durazzo, Tnrkryll 22N ID :'.Ul'l

Dnrlian, Natal 211 .5.Ss 30 57f.

Diirliam, En.ulaiid 5t ICx 1 .5,s«-

Durliam, Co., Englaml 54 4(lx 1 3,SwDurinisli, l^ist., Scotland 57 25n u 3,s\v

Durso' f-. Ireland 51 35x 111'y, England 51 42x 2 23wDUssLldorf, Prussia 51 13x LI 5li;

Dutoli Cuiana, Col., S. Auici-ic l 4 ^^' 55 3U\\'

Dvina 1!., Ruswia 115 Ox 311 U'i

Dvina, R., Russia 55 30x 2',t OKDvina, R., Russia 113 ox 43 2510

Dy«^ Ala-ka 50 2',lx 135 35\TDylc, R., Bolt'ium 50 68N 4 35BDysai't, t^L'Otland 513 7N 3 7\y

E.iGLE I., Ireland 51 ISN 10 6\yEagle r.. United States 2S 45x 100 l',l«-

E.irn, L., tieotland 511 23N 4 llwEarnslaw, Mt, New Zealand 44 37s Ills Si'k

East Angliau Ht.-^., England 52 3ox luuEast 0., New Zealand 37 42s 17,S 3610

East 0., Bihcria (IB ON 170 OKEast Dereham, England 52 41X 57EEast India Co.'s Is., -See Bahr el Benat 'OmanEast Londou, Cape Colony 32 5Ss 27 5210

East Main, R., Canada 52'20X 7C (l\y

East Retford, Euglaiid 53 21X 5SWEast Riding, England 53 o8N 3S\yEast Stoke, England 53 2N 54iyEastbourne, Eugland 50 4GN 18EEbal, Mt., Palestine 32 16x 35 1510

Eberswalde, Prussia 52 48x 13 5010

Ebro, R., Spain 40 42X 50EEbbw Vale, Wales 51 47x 3 13\yEclmca, Australia 30 lOS 111 54EEcija, Spain 37 32X 5 lowEck, L,, Scotland 56 5X 5 0\yEcuador, St., S. America 2 OS 7G 30\yEd, Eritrea 14 On 41 35EEll Debbeh, Egyptian Sudan 18 2X 31 510

Ed Deraah, Palestine 32 3SN 3(i (iio

Edam, Netherlands 52 31x 5 310

Edderachylis, Scotland 58 20S 5 8\v

Edderacliylis B., Scotland 58 lux 5 2nyEddjstone L.-H. 60 17N 4 17irEdermid, Turkey in Asia 39 33x' 2U 59EEden, R., England 54 50N 2 4S\\'

Edeu, R., Scotland 66 16N 3 19n'Eil-e Hill, Eugland 52 7N 1 30l\'

Edinburgh, 6cotla]id 56 57N 3 ilwEdinburgh Co., Scotland 55 50X 3 15\y

Edisbury, England 53 17x 2 42"\y

Edmonton, Canada 64 20X 113 SOWEdom, Dist., Palestine 30 55N 34 30 EErtrei, Palestine 32 38N 36 6BEdwardesabad, N.-W. Frontier Prov.

33 On 70 35 E

Egadi Is., Italy 38 ON 12 I5EEger, Austria 50 6N 12 2lEEgersuial, Norway 68 30x 5 60EEggaii, Nigeria 8 40x 6 ISiO

Eglisau, Switzerland 47 34x S 32EEglou, Palestine 31 34S 34 4310

Egraont, Mt., New Zeiland 39 ins 174 lOEEgremont, England 54 28S 3 34WEgripo, Greece 38 30X 23 34EEgypt, Africa 27 Ox 27 OEEgyptian Sudan, Africa 13 Ox 31 OEEhen, R , Enelaud 54 26x 3 34«'

Eifcl, ills, Prussia 50 ION 6 30EEigg I, Sentland 5C 54X 6 U\yElf, L., Scotland 56 50X 5 lOwEiiisiedelu, Switzerland 47 8x 8 44E .

Eipel, R., Hungary 48 4N 19 20EBisbart, L., Scotland 67 Sx 6 OH"

Ekron, Palestine 31 51X 34 5010

El Aflaj, Dist., Arabia 23 20x 16 OBEl Arid, Dist., Arabia 24 SOS 46 24EEl Artsb, Egypt 31 Ox 33 50EEl Bek.aa, R., Palestine 33 45N 35 50IO

El Easher, Kgyptian Sudan 13 SOX 26 OBEl Eayuni, Egypt 29 Ox 30 OEEl Ghar, Palestuie 32 15N 30 6EEl Harik, Dist., Arabia 23 30N 47 37E

El Hasa, Dist,, Turkey in Asia 27 OX 48 30lO

El Hauran, Dist., Palestine 32 45X 36 3nio

El Hauta, Arabia 24 ON 47 37E

El Hejaz, Dist., Turkev in Asia 21 OX 39 OE

El Hisma, Dist., Turkey in Asia 27 30X 37 3O10

El Hofhnt, Turkev in Asia 25 23x 49 3O10

El .Jebel, Dist., Turkev in A.sia 13 40X 44 OE

El J-ri.l, L., Tunis 33 30X 8 .50E

El Jnf, Salaira 20 ON 3 0^y

Bl Litb, Turkey in Asia 20 7X 40 28 E

El Kasiro, Dist,, Ar.abia 26 30X 43 36E

El Katif, Turkey in Asia 26 37N 49 55E

El Kawa, Egyptian Sudan 14 5X 33 3E

El Kbargch, Egypt 25 ION 30 12EEl Khulil, Palestine 31 3lN 35 GEEl Kuds, Palestine: 31 46N 35 13BKl Knneitrah, Pali'stlnc 33 8N 35 -IRE

El Leia, Dist., I'aleatlne 33 ON 30 20EEl Lejjun, Pal-stiuc 32 3-3N 35 9EEl Mezeirib, Palestine 32 43X 36 210

El Obeid, Egvptian Bu-lan 13 35x 30 32EEl Ordeh, E-.'vptian Smlan 18 ISN 30 21EEl Pass, Uniteil States 32 Ix 106 25wEl Wej, Tni-kc-y in Asia 26 I5x 36 24EElah, Palestine 31 12.N- 31 -52E

Ellja, 0., Egyptian Sudan 22 lOX 36 52EElba, I., Itaiv 42 47N 10 20BHlbasau, Turk.-y 41 6N 20 7BElbe, 11., Austria -50 15x 11 40EElbe, R., Pnisai)! 53 ION 11 OBElbcrlVId, Prussia 51 MX 7 OBElbeuf, I'raui-e 19 17N 56KlOlbbig, Prussia 51 SN 19 2610

i:ibruz, Mt., Hu.ssia 43 3llx 12 20BElburz Mts„ Persia 36 25x 52 OElOleli.-, Siiain 38 16X 37«'Elriuhera I., W. hidies 25 Ox 76 lOWElia.s, Mt., Cn ,- 38 34N 26 OEElie, Seotlan.l -56 I2X 2 49WElgin, Seotlanil 57 39x 3 20iyElgin, Co , Scotland 57 39x 3 26irElgon, Mt., Br. E. Africa 45.\- 34 46EElls, Prov., Grc-ece 37 45x 21 30BElizavetpnl, Russia 40 30N 46 25EElk Mts., Unitcil Slates 40 30x 110 OWEllesuiere, England 52 -54X 2 56\VEllesmere I.ami. Arc-tic America 78 O.N 81 0\yElliee Is., Pa.-ilic Oc. 7 OS 178 OEElliclipnr, Berai- 21 12x 77 SBElliott, Mt., .\.iistralia 19 26s 116 OEEllon, Scotland 57 22.N' 2 3WEllore, Madras 16 12x 81 6BElniina, G-olil Coast 5 l:ix 1 15wEluiina, United States 12 5x 76 43wElphin, Irelanil 53 50X 8 UwElsass, Dist., Germany, 48 30X 7 30EElton, L., Russia 19 2N 46 30BElusa, Palestine 31 3X 34 40EElva.s, Portugal 38 50N 7 10\yEly, Englanil -52 21X 16EEl.v, Isie of, England 52 24X 1GBEmba R , Russia in .-Vsia 48 Ox 57 30EEmbrun. France 41 36N' 6 27EBmden, Prussia 53 22X 7 13EEmerald, jVustj-alai 23 2Ss 148 3EEmilia, Prov., Italy 44 30X 11 OEFamine Buruu, C, Bulgaria 42 41^' 27 58EEm-nen, R, Swdzerlaml 47 4x S 13Ei:miiientlial, Switzerlan-1 46 52X 7 45EEuuni-rieb. Prussia 51 50X 6 14EEms, I'm-sia 50 19X 7 4810

Ems, R., Prusia 52 45N 7 20 EEmu, Austi-alia 33 42s 150 35EEn Nasra Palestine 32 42X 35 17EEuard B., -Seotlanil 58 OX 5 22iyBnare L.. Rnssar 69 Ox 28 OEEncounti-r B., Australia 30 OS 13S SOBEnderbv Laud, Antartic Oc 67 30s 50 OEEndor, Palestine 32 37X 35 2410

Enga-lin, Dist., Switzerland 46 40X 10 ]5io

Bugana O., Plulii.|iine Is., IS -JOx 122 2JEEiLjani>, 1., Dutcli E. lu.lies 5 35s 102 15EBugeai, Palestine 31 28x 35 21EEngland, Kine., Europe 53 Ox 2 OwEnglish Oil

,Europe 50 OX 2 30\y

English R , Canada 50 17N 95 OwEnklraizen, Netlu-rlands 52 43x 5 16EEnuis, Ireland 52 49X 8 59\v

Ennisciirthy, Ireland 52 30X 6 35\y

Enniskillen, Iredan-I 54 21 x 7 38wEnnistinion, Ireland 52 56x 9 21\yEnns R, Austria 47 30x 14 20EEnos, Turkey 40 4ux 26 3EEntebbe, Br, E. Africa 20X 32 22BEutlebnch, Switzerland 46 49x 8 4EEntre Rios. St., Argentina 30 OS 5a iiw

Butrecasteaux Is„Britisli New Guinea (inset)

9 OS 151 OEBnzeli, Persia 37 27N 49 OBBperies Hungary 48 58N 21 14EBperuay, France 49 3x 3 54EBpbraim, Hills of, Palestine 32 ION 35 20EBpinal, France 18 13X 6 20EBpirus, Dio,, Turkey 39 30N 20 35EEpping, England 51 38N 6EBp,som, England 51 19N lowErebus, Mt, Antartica 77 30s 165 OBBregli, Turke.v in Asia 41 15X 31 SOBEriLU-t, Prussia 50 59N 11 IEBrgene, R.. Turkey 41 16x 27 OEBrgeui Hills, Russia 47 OX 43 45BEriboll, L., Scotland 58 33X 4 38WErieht, L., Sentland 66 49X 4 23WBrie, Dnited States 42 Sx 80 6WBrie Can., Unite, I States 43 5x 76 OW"

Brie, L., N. America 42 ox 81 OWErisort, L., Scotland 58 6X 6 22"\v

Eritrea, North-East Africa 14 SOX 40EErivan. Russia 40 SN 44 32B

Brian. Hungary 47 56x 20 25E

Erlangen, Bavaria 49 S4X 11 2EErne, L., Ireland 54 29X 7 50Wla-ue, R., Ireland 54 SON 8 6\\-

Erne, Upper L,, Ireland 54 UN 7 31WErode. Madras 11 20X 77 50E

Bn-i(E, R,., Ireland 53 ION 9 SOWEn-igal, Mt„ Ireland 53 IN 8 8WBrris Hd., Ireland 51 17N 10 OW

Erz Gebirge, Mts., Saxony (.9^e Ore Mts.)Fa-zingyan, Turkey in Asia S9 47K 39 25EErzeruni, Turkey in Asia 39 49N 11 20BBsSidt, Palestine 32 IN 35 1 noBs Sanaui- ill, Palcstiue 33 6X 3 • HMOBs Sedi-ir, Dist., Arabia 26 30.\ 15 30 10

Bs .Sur, I'alestine 33 lex 35 1210

Bs Snweidah, Palestine 32 I2X 36 olEEsbjcrg. Denmark 55 28N S 2910

Eseaut, R,, Belgium 60 51x 3 36EEsdrae on, Palestine 32 3;)X 35 lllF

I'lsdremadnr-a, Dist., Spain 39 5X 6 lowEscorial, Spain 40 38x 4 tiwEsb Sheriah, R., Palestine 32 I5x 35 S3EEsk, R., (Cumberl.'iuil), England 51 21 x 3 ISwEsk, R., (Turks.), England 54 25x 50\yEsk, R., (Edinburgh), Scotland 55 ,48x 3 18wEsk, R., (Dumfries), Scotland 55 9x 3 OWEsk, North, R., Scotland 56 SOX 2 invEsk, South, R,, Seotlanil 56 47x 3 OwEski, Zagra, Bulgaria 42 2SX 25 40EEsla, R., Spain 41 Sll.v 5 SOWEsmi-raldas, Ecu-ailor S3X 79 491TEsneh, B-4\pt 25 13X 32 SUEBs|iicbel, (J., Portugal 38 2SX 9 lilwBspirito Santo, St.. Brazil 20 us 10 oWBs-pnmalt, Canada 48 28X 123 15WEs-eg, Hungary 45 Six 18 48EEsseu, Prussia 51 28N 7 OEBs,seiiuilio, R,, Br. Guiano 5 Ox 58 lOwEssex, Oo., England 51 40x 30io

Estland, Dist., Russia SS 5SX 25 SOBEsrreito I'lat, Brazil 16 SOs so owBstremandiua. Prov,, Portugal 38 ox 8 llwBtawa, Agra and Uudli 26 Sox 79 5eBtive, L., Sc.itland 56 2sx 5 lowEtna, Mt., Italy 37 43x IS IEEton. England 51 29N 36wEtuso Swamp, Germau S.-W. Africa 18 SOs

16 .30E

lOttrick Pen, Mt, Scotland 55 20x 3 12WEttrick, H., Scotland 55 30x 3 0\yEuliiea, I., Greece 38 SOX 24 OEEucia Australia 31 40s 128 50EBiifemia, ,S., Italy 39 4N 16 12EFluplirates, R., Turkey in Asia 33 30x 42 50ElOureka, United States 39 40N 116 9wBure, D-pt., France 49 Ox 3410lOure-et-Loire, Dept,, France, 48 12x 1 2li|0

Eiirepa, Pehas de, .Mts., Spain 43 10X4 SOWEiiriipa Pt., Spain (inset) 36 8x 5 2uwBvaus P.. United -States 41 ISX 105 ISwEvansville, United States 36 5sx 87 33WlOverest, Mt, Nepal 28 ox 87 OEEvesham, England 52 SX 1 57WBviira, Portugal 38 32 N7 SOWEvreux, France 49 Ox 1 9Elllwe, L,. Scotland 57 53x 5 4lAyEwe, Tribe, Togo 30x SOBExaltaeion Bolivia IS 2S 65 29"WlOxe, R,, Eugland 50 60x 3 SOWExeter, England 60 44N S 32WExiinau-, England 51 lOX 3 45WExmouth, Englan-1 50 38N 3 26WExmoutb G., Australia 21 45s 114 22BBxmourh, .Mt., Australia 31 OS 149 OEF:xpedition Ba., Australia 25 us 1 19 OBExploits R , Newfoundland (inset) 48 47x 56 0A\"

Bxunai, I., "\V. Indies 23 30X 75 SOWBye, Eugland 52 18N 1 lOBlOyemoutli, Scotland 55 S2N 2 5WEyuort, L., Scotland 57 ISX 1 18wByre L.. Australia 28 SOs 137 20IO

Eyre's Creek, R., Australia 24 OS 139 35EEyria Pen, Australia 43 40s 135 40EEz Zib, Palestine 33 2N 35 OE

FA-OHAU, China (inset) 23 IN 113 GEFaenza, Italy 44 ION 11 57 BFague, Dist, Belgium 50 SN 4 18EFalitepiu- Sikri, Agra and Oiidli 27 SN 77 42EFair Hd., Ireland 55 13N s\vFaizabad Afghanistan 37 lO.v 70 isio

Falzabaii, .igra and Oiidh 26 41.\ S2 9EFal, R., England 60 17X4 43wFaleme, R., Fr. W. Africa 12 SON 11 SOWFalkirk, Scotland 55i59x 3 46 ^v

Falkland Is,, S. Atlantic 52 Os 60 OWFad R., United States 41 34X 71 6wFalls of the Clyde, Scotland 55 40X 3 48Wl-'ahuouth, Eugland 60 8X 6 2\y

False B., Cape Colony 34 15s IS 3SBFalse Pt,, Orissa 20 2"ox 86 SOBFalster, 1., Denmark 54 SOX 12 OEFalterano, Mt,, Italy 44 Ox 12 OEFalun, Sweden 60 35N IS 20BFamenue. Dist., Belgium 50 ULV 5 5EFanad Hd., Ireland 56 17X 7 S9\vFan-Cheng, China 32 ION 112 OEEanuich, L., Scntlaud 57 S9N 5 OWFanning I., Pacific Oc. 4 12x 159 S8WFano. Italy 43 SON 13 13EFauti, Tribe, Gold Coast 6 Ox 1 OwFao, Turkey in Asia So N4S 28 eFarah, Afehanistau 32 lox 6] 5SBloareham, England "50 S2X 1 I2wFarewell, 0., Greenland 60 Ox 41 ilwFarewell, 0., New Zealand 40 31s 172 40HI'argo, Uuiied States 47 ox 96 lowFarina, Au-tralia 30 3s 138 20EFarnham, England 51 12X 48 wFaio, I'oitugal 37 5X 7 SSM'

Faro, a, del, Italv 38 13x IS S9I0

Farrar, R., Scotland 67 21x I sowFarsanls., Turkev in Asia 16 ISn |] 5Se

Farsistan, Prov., Persia 28 OS 62 30EFarnkliabad, Agra and Oudh 27 24N 79 36EFaslioda, Sudan 9 SSx 31 68EPastnet L. H., Ireland 61 2Sx 9 3SWFatebgarh, Agra and Oudh 27 2Sx 79 40EFatehpur, Agra ami Oudh 23 SIX 80 48EFatehpur, Rajpiitana 28 Ox 75 2EFaueilles, Mts., France 48 8N 6 OEFaulborn, Mt., Switzerland 46 39x 8 OEFanresnuth, Cape Colony 29 45S 25 29EFaversham, England 51 I8N 52EFayctteville, United States 35 ON 78 63WFear, 0., Canada 33 50N 78 6WFecamp, Fiauci- 411 47n 20EFehmarn I., (iermanv 54 .30N 11 SEFehrbellin, Prussia 62 43N 12 46EFeldkirch, Austria 47 24N 9 34BFelcgybiiza, Hungary 46 42N 19 61BFeli.xstowe, EnL'land 51 58N 1 23bFens, The, Dist., England 52 45X 20EFerghana, Di,st., Russian Turkestan 40 40N

72 OEFergus, R., Ireland 52 45N 9 OwFermanagh, Co., Ireland 51 20x 7 SowFermov, Ireland 62 9X 8 16"WFernando Po., I., G. of Guinea 3 38x 8 SOBloerue Is., Englan-l 55 37N 1 39WPerraj.i Porto, Italy 42 45X 10 18EFerrara, Italy 44 SON 11 40EFerrol, Spain 43 29x 8 15wFerrn, Mt., Itali 40 SN 8 27EFc-stiniog, Wales 52 58N 3 !i^^7

Fctbaland Pt,, ShetlamI Is., -Scotlan-I (iuset)00 3SN 1 16w

Fetlar, I., Saetland Is., Scotland (inset)60 S5N 50w

Fez, Mnrocco 33 SON 5 2.5"W"

Fezzan, Tripoli 25 ON 14 OEFiehtel Gebirge, Mts., Bavaria 50 Ox 12 OEFi c, Co., Scotland 50 lox 3 20WFife Ness, C, Scotland 60 ION 2 35WFifth Cataact of Nile, Egyptian Sudan 18 15X

S3 46EFilik, Eg,\ptian 16 ISN SO 20EFigueira, Portugal 40 ION 8 62"WFigueras, Spain 42 17x 2 59EFiji Is., Australasia (ins-jt 51) 18 10s 178 OEFiley, England 54 12N 18wFindhorn, Scotland 67 40n 3 SOWFindhorn, R., Scotland 67 1-5X 4 lOwFindon, Scotland 67 6N 2 5WFingo Land, Cape Colony 32 16s 28 20EFinistere, Dept., France 48 12x 4 OwFinisterre, C, Spain 42 63N 9 ISWPinke R., Australia 26 6SS 135 43EFinland, Div,, Russia 62 SON 27 OEFinland, G. of, Russia 60 ON 27 OEFiumark, Dist., Norway 70 ON 25 OEFinn, R., Ireland 64 SON 7 48wPinster-aarhorn, Mt., Switzerland 46 SSx 8 8EFintry Hill, Scotland 66 4N 4 15WFirozpur. Punjab SO 54N 74 36EFirst Cataract of Nile, Egypt 24 ON 32 48EFiruzabml, Peraia 28 .55x 32 ISEFisliguard, Wales 5] 59N 4 S8WFitful Head, Shetland Is., Scotlr-ud (inset)

69 6SN 1 26wFitzroy, R,, Australia 23 SOs 148 OEFitzroy, R., Australia 18 Os 125 46EPlume, Hungary 46 20N 14 29EFlamliorough Hd., England 64 7n 5wFlanders, B., Prov., Belgium 51 ON 4 OEFlanders, \V., Prov., Belgium 61 Ox 3 OEFlanuan Is., Scothand 68 18N 7 37wFlat Holme, I., England 61 24N 3, L., LInited States 47 56N 111 lOwFleet, L., Scotland 57 56N 4 2WFleetwood, England 63 SSx 3 1"WFleusburg, Prussia 54 45N 9 28EIlesk, R., Ireland 52 ON 9 25wFlinders I,. Tasmania 40 OS 148 OEFlinders, Ra., Australia 31 20S 138 30EFlinders R., Australia 19 60s 141 SOBFlint, Wales 63 14x 3 8wFlint, Co., Wales 63 15N 3 12WFlodden Field, England 65 S6N 2 8WFlorence, Italy 43 47N 11 20EPlores, I., Dutcli E. Indies 8 28s 121 SOeFlores Sea, Dutch E. Indies 6 45s 122 SOEPlores Str., Dutch E. Indies 8 20S 123 OEFlorida, St., United States 28 ON 81 SOWFlorida Str., i uited States 25 ON 79 30wFloro, Norway 61 40N 6 4EFlushing, Netherlands 81 26X 3 35BFly, R., Br. Keiv Guinea 8 20S 142 5EFochabers, Scotland 67 SSN 3 4^Focsani, Romania 44 40N 27 9EFogaras, Hungary 46 48N 24 64EFoggia, Italy 41 SIN 16 S2EFo,go, I., Newfoundland (inset) 49 4i).\ 54 ]0wFoi.x, France 42 SSx 1 3GEFoja, Egyptian Sudan 13 40x 28 16EFokieu, Prov., China 26 ON 117 SOEFolden Fd., Norway 64 SON 10 20EFolkestone, England 61 ON 1 1] EFonseca, G. of, S.alvador 13 ISx S7 lowFontaiueblean, France 48 2SN 2 42EForbes, Australia 33 20S 148 SEForead-is, C, Nigeria 5 17x 6 20EForez, Dist.. France 45 SSx 3 36EForfar, Scotland SO 39N 2 SOWForfar, Co., Scotland 56 40x 2 45WI'org, Peraia 28 40N 54 50BForli, Italy 44 IIN 12 6EForniby lid,, England 63 S5N 3 9W

t 9 )


Formontera, I., Spain 38 .12N 1 30BFurmosa, I., Japan 24 On 121 OBFormosa Str., Japan 24 On 119 OEForres, Scotland 57 36N 3 371VFort Albany, Canada 62 15N 82 25wFort Augustus, Scotlaml 57 9n 4 42(7Fort Benton, United States 47 57N 110 20wFort Ohurohill, Canada 58 30N 94 28ffFort George, Canada 54 On 79 OWFort George, Scotland 67 35N 4 3\vFort Monroe, United States 37 12N 76 23WFort Orange, Datcli E. Indies (inset) 49N

127 19EFort Vermilion, Canada .58 20x 110 0«'

Fort Wayne. United States 41 7N 8.J 9WFort William, Canada 48 23N 89 2i\rFort William, Scotland 66 48N 5 bvfPort Worth, United States 33 56N 97 15wFortaleza, Brazil 3 50s 38 34WFortescue R., Australia 21 45s 117 OBForteviot, Scntland 56 20N 3 S2vfForth, F. of Scotland 50 8N 2 40wForth, R., Scotland 50 9N 4 lowPortrose, Scotland 57 35N 4 SwFortuna, I., Pacific Oc. 14 5S 178 6WFortune B., Newfoundland (inset) 47 2GN

55 20wPotheringay, England 62 3lN 26WPotuna Is., Australasia 14 lOS 178 lOlvPonla, I„ Shetland Is., Scotland (inset)

60 8n 2 7WFoulness I., England 51 36N 52EFuulwind, 0., New Zealand 41 60s 171 63\yFourth Cataract of Nile, Egyptian Sudan

18 60N 32 lOBPoveaux Str., New Zealand 46 30s 168 OEPowey, England 50 22N 4 3SWFowey R., England 50 29s 4 36wPox Ch., Canada 08 On 77 OwPoxton, New Zealand 4U 32s 175 2lBFoyers Palls, Scotland 57 14N 4 29WPoyle, L., Ireland 55 5N 7 7wPoyle, R., Ireland 54 55N 7 30wFoynes, Ireland 62 37N 9 4wPramlingham, England 52 12N 1 2lEFrance, State, Europe 47 ON 3 OEPrancevill.., Pr. Congo 1 40s 13 32EPranche Oonitc Prov., Prance 46 42N 6 OeFrancis Can., Hungary 45 43N ]9 20EPrauconia, Prov., Bavaria 49 45N 11 OEPranconian Jursi, Mts,, Bavaria 49 ON 11 Ol-i

Frankfort, United States 38 16N 84 55«'

Frankfurt-on-i\lain, Prussia 50 ION 8 4UEFrankfurt-on-Oder, Prussia 52 ION 14 30EFranklin, Dist., Canada 71 ON 90 OwFranklin Hr., Australia 83 43.S 136 40EFranklin, Mt., New Zealand 42 8s 172 33EPrank Josef, Land, Arctic Regions 81 ON 60 OEPraser R., Canada 52 35N 123 OwPraserburg, Cape Colony 31 64s 21 36EFraserburgh, Scotland 57 43N 2 OwFrauenfeld, Switzerland 47 34N S 63EFray Bentos, Uruguay 33 15s 08 29WPre .ericia, Denmark 55 34N 9 37EFredericksburg, Uniteil States 38 16N 77 32WPrederioton, Canada 45 55N 66 40WFrederickshavn, Denmark 67 26N 10 32EFrederikstad, Norway 69 14N 11 OEFreiberg, Saxony 50 55N 13 20ES

Freiburg, Germany 48 ON 7 501'j

Freetown, Sierra Leone 8 19N 13 lOWFreevater, Forest, Scotland 57 61N 4 SOWPremantle, Australia 32 OS 115 51EPremonts Peak, United States 43 18N 109 SOWFrench Congo, Col., Africa ON 13 UEJfrencli Guiana, Col., S. America 3 30N 63 OWFrench Guinea, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 ON

12 30wFrench Ivory Coast, Dist., Pr. W. Africa 7 SON

6 OwFresno, United States 86 35N 119 40WFribourg, Switzerland 46 48N7 81.;

Fribourg, Prov., Switzerland 46 50N 7 8EPriedrich Wilhelm, Hafen Ger. New Guinea

(inset) 4 0.5s 146 63BFriedriohshafen, Wilrtemberg 47 40N 9 HEFriendly Is., Australasia (inset 61 ) 20 0s 175 OwPriesland, Pmv., Netherlands 63 IN 5 30EFrio, C, Brazil 22 52S 41 44WFrio, C, German S.W. Africa 18 23S 12 2RFrisches HaCE, Prussia 64 20N 19 35|.:

Frisian Is,, East Germany 53 36X 7 OBFrisian Is., North Germany 64 46N 8 20EFrisian Is., W. Netherlands 63 SON 6 OEPrinli, Dist., It.alv 40 17N ]3 OEFrohisher Sd„ Canada 62 25N 66 OWFrome, England 51 13N 2 20wFrome L., Australia 30 60S 139 48EFrome, R., England 00 40N 2 25EFrosinone, Italy 41 43N 13 27EProward, 0., Ciiile 51 .55s 71 15WFu-chau, China 20 ION 119 26EPu-chan, China 29 SON 107 45EFucino, L. di, Italy 42 8N 1 S 4SEFucgo, Vol., Guatemala 14 -ION 90 46wPuentorrabia, Spain 43 21N 1 4SwPujivama, Vol., .lapan 35 36s 136 48EPniila, Pru.ssia 60 34X 9 4lEFiilda, K, Prussia 01 5X 9 3SEFnnily, B. of, Camida 41 SON 06 SOWVaiun, I., Denmark 09 20x 10 20]-;

Filnfkirchen, IIiHa'arv 40 :',s IS lOE

I-'u-uiu-sban, llt<., ridnii 33 .OUN 111 20R

Fimi, Tribe, pL'vptiini Suilan 12 20N 31 lUEFiirth, Bavaria 49 2SN 11 "K

Fiired, Hungary 46 56N 17 61BFurka, P., Switzerland 46 33N 8 SOBFurnes, Belgium 51 4N 2 41EFumcss, Dist., England 54 ION 3 lowFiisan, Corea 35 17N 129 4EFuta Jallon, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 11 42N 12 OWFylde, The, E., England 53 50N 3 Ow

GABES, 6. of, Tunis 34 ON 10 30EGabun, B., French Congo 16X 9 SOBOadara, Palestine 32 41N 35 42BGacta, Italy 41 14N IS SOBGaiiiilah, Australia 25 40s 151 40EGainsborough, England 53 25N 46WGairdner, L., .Australia 31 45s 135 5EGairloch, L., Scotland 57 43N 5 43WGalala, Dutch B. Indies (inset) 44N 127 SOEGalapagos Is., Pacific Oc. SOs 91 OWGala.'liiels, Scotland 55 S7N 2 52\YGalatia, Dist.. Turkey in Asia 39 SON 32 30l.;

Galatz, Romania 45 25N 28 OEGaldbijpig. Mt., Norway 01 35N 9 OEGalena, United States 42 26N 90 28WGalioia, Prov., Austria 49 SON 23 OEGalicia, Prov.. .Spain 42 40N 8 OwGalilee, Dist., Palestine S3 ON 35 15EGalilee, S. of, Palestine 32 40N 36 SOEGalla, Dist., Africa 6 ION 35 OEGalle, Ceylon 6 2N 80 12EGalley Hd., Ireland 01 30x 8 58WGallinas, C, Venezuela 12 3.5N 71 38WGallipoli, Italy 40 SN 18 IEGallipoli, Turkey 40 26N 26 S7EGalloper L.V., England 61 45N 1 56BGalloway, Dist., Scotland 54 59N 4 SOWGalloway, Mull of, Scotland 64 38N 4 01 wGalloway, Rhinns of, Scotland 54i58N 5 5WGalo, R., Scotland 55 43N 2 54WGalty Mts,, Ireland 52 22s 8 lOWGalveston, United States 29 32s 96 28WGal way, Ireland 53 ION 9 IwGalway B,, Ireland 53 12N 9 16wGalway, Co., Ireland 63 22N 9 OwGama 'Ghats, Bengal 24 ON 85 OEGama Lama, Vol., Dutch E. Indies (inset)

61N 127 18EGambaga, Gold Coast 10 29N 36wGambia, Col, W. Africa 14 ON 12 SOWGambia, E., W. Africa 13 On 12 SOWGambler, Mt., Australia 37 38s 140 33EGamti OS R., (jape Colony 33 08S 20 OEGandak, H., Nepal 27 SON 84 OBGandava, Baluchistan 28 SON 67 30EGandia, Spain 38 57S 9WGando, Nigeria 12 2SN 4 29EGando, St., W. Africa 12 SON 3 OEGanges, B,, India 25 OS 88 OBGanjam, Madras 19 24N 85 6BGara, L., Ireland 53 56s 8 26WGaradicc, L., Ireland 54 IN 7 4SWGard, Dept., France 44 4N 4 18EGarda, L., Italy 45 46N 10 40EGargano, Mt., Italy 41 50K 16 OEGargayakan Klioi, Mts., Russia 08 ON 60 OE(iariep, R., S. Africa 28 40s 16 SOEGarig.ano, R„ Italy 41 I7N 13 64EGaro Hills, Assam 26 SON 90 18E(iaronne. Haute, Dept., France 43 SON 1 lOEGaronne, R., France 44 S4N OEGartoK, Tibet 31 42N 80 24EGascony, Prov,, France 43 40N OEGascoyne, R., Australia 24 40s 110 OECaspar Sir,, Dutch E. Indies 3 lOS 107 5EGaspc B., Canada 48 34N 04 ISWGastein, Austria 47 6N 13 4EGata, C. de, Spain 36 43N 2 12WGateshead, England 54 OSx 1 36WGaih, Palestine 31 42N 34 51


Galinais, Dist., France 48 8S 2 OEGatine, Dist., France 46 46x OWGatineau E., Canada 47 On 70 40WGauhati, Assam 20 12N 91 42EGawler Ha., Australia 32 OS ISO OEGaya, Bengal 24 48N 86 OEGaza, Palestine' 31 SIN 34 28EGaza Land, Port E. Africa 22 OS 33 SOEGcba, Port Guinea 12 ON 14 S5wGedaref, Egyptian Sudan 14 2N 35 42EGceloug, Australia 38 8s 144 35J':

Gcelvink B., Dutch B. Indies 2 2,jS 135 SOEGcfle, Sweden 60 44N 17 OEGelilerland, Prov-, Netherlands 52 ON OEGcllwarc, Sweden 67 18N 20 50E( icmlik, Turkey in Asia 40 20N 29 lOBCemnn P., Switzerland 40 25N 7 39El-d'Ueva, Switzerland 40 12N 6 8El.icnera, L. of, Switzerland 46 25x 6 Sni.-

(;ienc ^a, Prov,, Switzerland 46 12s 10]^

Gcncvre, Mt., Prance 44 57N 6 42EGenii, R., Spain SO 20s 4 4S\Vllcnnargentu, Mt. del, Italy 41 Ills 9 20Elitnoa Italy -14 2.5N 8 09EGeuoa, G of, Italy 43 15s 9 OEGensan, Corea Sii Is 127 50EGeographe B., Australia 33 30s 115 SOlo

Geoh Tepe. Rassian Turkestan Ss SON 57 02 E

George, Cape Colony S4 2s 22 lOEGeorge, L,, Australia 35 4S 149 33KGeorge Shoal, United States 41 4SN 07 49\y

Georgetown, Br, Guavaua OS 5/ 05WGeorgia, Dist,, Enssia 41 ON 40 OIO

Ccorgia I. South, Atliutic Oc. 01 :;ns S'l ilw

Georgia, St., United States ,32 So.\ s:i onGeorgian B., Canada 40 ON 81 OwGcra, Ocrmaiiv 00 50S 12 SB

Geraldton, Australia 28 453 114 36EGerar, Palestine 31 24N 34 26

Gerasa, Palestine 32 16N 35 54BGergesa, Palestine 32 49N 35 39BGerona, Spain 41 58N 2 47EGerman E. Africa, Col,, Africa 6 OS 36 OBGerman S.-W. Africa, .Col., Africa 25 OS 17 SOBGermany, St., Europe 51 ON 10 OEGei-s, Dept., France 43 SIN 20EGemnnia I., Ireland 53 I4N 9 46WGettysburg, United States 38 53N 77 21WGevaudan, Dist., France 44 22s 3 25EGhadames, Tripoli 30 7N 9 35EGhaggar, E„ Punjab 29 21s 74 OEGhat, Tripoli 25 15N 10 45EGhati Hills, Nepal 27 ON 86 OBGliats, Eastern, India 13 ON 79 ObGhats, Western, India 16 ON 74 OEGhazipur, Agra and Oudh 25 36N 83 36EGhaznl, Afghanistan 33 40N 68 SOBGhent, Belgium 51 SN S 45EGhurian, Afghanistan S3 50s 61 32EGhuzzeh, Turkey in Asia 31 22s 34 35EGiamda, Tibet SO 5N 93 OBGiant's Causeway, Ireland 65 ]4S" 6 SOWGibeon, Ger. S,-W. Africa 25 5s 17 42BGibeon, Palestine 31 5lN 35 llEGibraltar, Spain SO 7n 6 21WGibraltar Pt., England 53 7N I9EGibraltar, Str. of, Spain 36 ON 6 OWGiessen, Germany 50 34s 8 31EGigha I., Scotland 55 41N 44WGiguela R., Spain 39 40N 3 lOWGijou, Spain 43 S8N 5 44WGila Desert, United States 32 SON 112 30vGila, R., United States 33 ION 110 OwGilan, Prov,, Persia 37 SON 49 OEGilbert Is., Pacific Oc. 176 OEGilbert Ra„ Australia 19 OS 143 45EGilbert E., Australia 1 9 OS 143 25EGilboa, Dist., Palestine 32 SON 30 25EGilead, Dist., Palestine 32 15s 30 45EGilgal, Palestine 31 OlN 35 29eGilgliit, Kashmir 35 54N 74 24EGilolo, L. Dutch E. Indies 40N 128 OEGioia, Italy 40 46N 10 65EGipps Land, Dist., Australia 38 OS 148 OEGir Hills, Bombay 21 12N 70 4SEGirdle Ness, C, Scotland 67 8s 2 2WGirdler L.V., England 51 2SN 1 20EGirgeh, Egypt 20 18N 31 50EGirgenti, Italy 37 ION 13 3SJ-;

Girishk, Afghanistan 31 57s 64 40EGironde, Dept,, France 44 48s 24 \y

Gironde, R., Prance 44 S5N 1 OWGirvan, Scotland 55 15N 4 61wGisborne, New Zealand 38 40s 1 78 SBGita, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 2lN 127 37EGiurgiu, Eomania 43 50s 26 OOEGinrgevo, Romania 43 50s 20 05EGizeh, Egypt 30 2s SI ISwGladbach, Prussia 51 20N SOEGladstone, Australia 23 50s 151 SEGlamis, Scotland 56 37N SlwGlamorgan, Co., Wales 51 35s 3 SOWGlarus, Switzerland 47 SN 9 3EGlarus, Prov., Switzerland 47 ON 9 6BGias Maol, Mt., Scotland 66 50x 3 18wGlasgow, Scotland 06 6lN 4 16wGlastonbury, England 51 8s: 2 5UWGlatz, Prussia 60 20N 16 S4EGlen Affric, Scotland 67 10s 4 5CWGlen Coe, Scotland 56 42s 5 OwGlen Garry (Inverness), Scotland 57 4N 5 OW:Glen Garry (Perth), Scotland 56 40s 4 owGlen Lyon, Scotland 56 S5N 4 22wGlen Moriston, Scotland 07 8s 5 OwGlen More, Scotland 57 ION 4 42WGlen Orchy 56 27N 4 SlwGlen Spcan, Scotland 56 52N 4 41wGlendowan Sits., Ireland 64 OON 8 12WGlenclg, Australia 30 OS 38 35EGlcnelg, Scotland 57 12N 5 36WGlenelg R., Australia 38 2S 141 6EGlengaria, Ireland 51 44X 9 SlwGlenluce, Scotland 54 53N 4 OowGlogau, Prussia 61 34N 16 6EGlommeii, R., Non\ay 61 35N 11 OBGlossa, 0.. Turkey 4o'25N 19 24EGlossop, England 53 27N 1 57wGloucester, England 51 02N 2 14WC-ilonccster, Co., England 51 ISs 2 20wGlUokstadt, Prussia 63 41N 9 SOEGmunden, Austria 47 62N 13 47BGnesen, Prussia 52 3lN 17 S7EGoa, Bombay 16 SOS 73 40EGoajira Pen., Colombia 11 40s 73 30wGoalpara, Assam 20 I2N 90 42EGoat Fell, Mt., Scotland 55 37N 5 16WGolialiis, Ger. S.W. Africa 23 2us 19 5eGobi, Desert of, Mongolia 44 ON 107 OBGodalming, England 51 10s SOWGodavari, E., India 18 42s 80 OEGodmanchester, England 62 ]S.\ 9wGodollo, Hungary 47 S8N 19 ISKCiodthaab, Greenland 64 14N 51 OwGodwin Austen, Mt, Kashmir 30 SOS 70 3(11']

Gocsclieiii'ii, Switzerland 4li 39N 8 37EGoH, L., Scotland 66 7s 4 64\yGogrii, R., India 26 SON 83 OEGoltclia, L., Russia 40 2.5N 40 OEGolan, Dist., Palestine SS 6s 30 OEGolc la, Haiderabad 17 SOS 7s 2EGol Ilia Coast, India 17 us S4 Uj,-.

Gold I 'oast, Col., AW Africa 5 SOS 2 OW

Gold Ea,, Canada 50 ON 119 OWGolden B., New Zealand 40 40s 172 SOEGolden Vale, Ireland S3 S5N 8 SOWGolspie, Scotland 57 68N 3 59wGomal, R., Afghanistan 32 ON 09 SOBGomel, Russia 52 25N 31 6EGonave I., W. Indies 18 60N 73 lOWGonda, Agra and Ondh 27 6N 82 OBGondar, Abyssinia 12 33N 37 29EGood Hope, Cape of. Capo Colony 33 60s 19 UBGoodwin Sands, Englauii 51 15N 1 S5BGcodwood, England 50 53K 44WGoi lie, England 63 43N 54WGoolwa, Australia 35 29S 138 50BOoondwindi, Australia 28 38S 160 25BGooty, Madras 15 6N 77 42EGorakhpur, Agra and Oudli 26 42N 83 24EGoree L, Fr. W. Africa 14 38N 16 63WGorgona I., Italy 43 36N 9 63EGiirlitz, Prussia 51 lOS 15 OBGorontalo, Dutch E. Indies 25x 123 6EGort, Ireland 53 4N 8 49WGorz, Austria 45 57N 13 301.;

Goslar, Pru-ssia 51 55N 10 25BGota Can., Sweden 68 SON 15 OEGota, B., Sweden 68 ON 12 SOEGbteborg, Sweden 57 43N 11 56BGotha, Germany SO S5N 10 44EGothenburg {s/'^ Goteborg)Gotland, Div., Sweden 57 ION 14 SOEGbtland, L, Sweden 57 SON 18 SOEGottingen, Prussia 51 S2N 9 59EGouda, Netherlands 53 IN 4 43EGoulburn, Australia 34 46s 149 38EGoulburn, E., Australia 36 S6s 1 45 28EGouritz, R., Cape Colony 34 32s 21 62EGourock Ea., Australia 35 40s 149 40EGower, Dist., Wales 51 35N 4 8WGowua, Mt., Ireland 53 50N 7 38wGoyaz, Brazil 15 20s 50 36WGoyaz, St., Brazil 15 OS 50 OWGoz Rajeb, Egyptian Sudan 16 ION 35 40EGozo, I., Malta SO IN 14 15ECJraaffi Reinet, Cape Colony 32 lis 34 S3EGraciasa Dios, C, Honduras ] 6 OX 83 5WGradiska, Austria 45 60X 18 SSEGradiska, Hungary 46 18N 17 23EGrafton, Australia 29 34S 153 OEGrafton, C. Australia 17 OS 146 5EGraham Land, Antarctica 66 OS 60 OWGrahams Town, Cape Colony S3 20S 20 16EGrahamstown, New Zealand 37 6s 175 S2l.:

Ijrain Coast, W. Africa 6 SON 10 OwGrampians, Mts., Australia 37 25s 142 lOEGrampians, The, Mts., Scotland 66 SOX 4 iu^yGran, Hungary 47 48x 18 43EGran, R., Hungary 48 20x 18 SOBGran Cbaco, Dist., Argentina 36 OS 62 OwGran Sasso d'ltalia, Mt., Italy 42 S5N IS 45EGranada, Spain 37 17N 3 40WGrand Bassa Liberia 6 57N 10 SwGrand Bassam, Pr. W. Africa 5 12s 3 49WGrand Canon, E., United States 35 56N 113 30wGrand Pond, L., Newfoundland (inset) 48 62N

67 20WGrand Popo, Fr. W. Africa C 13N 1 42EGrand Rapids, United States 43 4K 85 41wGrand E,, Labrador 53 32X 63 OWGrande, Rio, B., United States and Mexico

S3 46N 107 SOWGrande, Hio, R., Brazil 16 OS 61 bOWGrande, Bio, 11., Brazil 20 OS 47 30wGrande R., United States 39 50x 108 OwCirande de Santiago, Eio, R. 22 ON 104 lOwGrande del Norte Eio, E., United Slates

25 50N 97 12WGrandson, Switzerland 46 49N 6 S8eGrangemouth, Scotland 66 2N 3 43wG-rant Land, Arctic America 82 SOX 75 OwGrantham, Eng.and 63 56x S8WGrautown, Scotland 57 20x 3 38WGranville, Br. New Guinea (inset) 23S 147 16ilGranville, France 48 60N 1 40^yGrao Para, St., Brazil 60s 65 OWGrasse, France 43 46 N6 46EGrandenz, Prussia 53 25N 18 45BGraveseuil, England 51 20N 24BGraz, Austria 47 SN 15 22EGreat Bahama I., W. Inilies 26 SOS 78 OwGreat Barrier I., New Zealand 30 12S 170 SCKGreat Basket I., Ireland 52 ss 10 35WGreat Bear L., Canada 06 ON 120 OwGreat Belt, Sd., Denmark 66 SON 11 OeGreat Berg R., Cape Colony S3 16s IS 20EGreat Cayman, I., W. Indies 19 SON 81 30wGreat Cumbrae I., Scotland 55 40N 4 55iyGreat Driffield, England 64 Is 2SwGreat Palls, United Stares 47 ION 110 50wGreat Fish B,, Angola 16 30s 11 46EGreat Fish U,, Canada 64 55N 104 SOlvGreat Fish R., Cape Colony 33 SOs 20 621-;

Great luagua, I., W. Indies 21 ON 73 SOWGreat Kei E., Capo Colony 32 SOs 3s 25eGreat Mario w, England 51 36x 46WGreat Nama Land Dist., Ger. W. Africa 35 (is

17 30EGreat Newfoundland Bank, Newfoundland

(inset) 40 Ox 04 OWGreat Orme's Hd., Wales 53 32N 3 OlwGreat Ouob, B., Ger. S.W. Africa 26 Os 20 OEGreat Russia, Div.. Russia 57 Ox 40 OEGicat Suit Desert, Persiti 35 OS 05 OEGreat .^alt L., United States 41 20s 112 S.UVGreat Slave L., Canada 61 25s 115 uwGreat Wall, China 38 OX 100 OE

f 10)

INDEXGvcnt Whale E,, Oiiiiiiilii 55 On 75 Ow(.Uvtit Wlienisidn Mt., ]i:iit!;lniiil 5 1 DN I ii'AV

Great Willb^;lbl^^,^ JMI,., Capo Culcmy32 20s 2() 32H

Great Wiilturliaek, Mt., Oape Coluiiy 33 Ids13 2l)li

Greece, St., Europe 37 30N 23 nr:

Greea Bay, United States -11 25n 87 5t\vGreen, G, Australia 37 3-lS 15U 2L1

Green Mts., United States 44 us 75 0\yGreen E.(Kentncliy), United States 37 1 7M SG OwGreen It. (Wyoming), United States 4U ox

noowGreenland, Ter , Arctic America 70 ON 10 OwGreenland Sea, Arctic Ili'gions 75 UN 5 Oli

Greenlaw, Scotland 55 40N 2 2SwGreenock, Scotland 55 5(»n 4 45\yGreenore, Ireland 54 IN G lowGreeuore Pt., Ireland 52 MN 6 19\vGreenwich, Entrland 51 27NGregory, Co., Australia 24 OS 140 OEGreifswaJd, Prussia 54 5N 13 17HGreuaJa, I., W. Indies 12 35n GO 2WGrenoble, France 46 13N 5 42EGreta, R., En^'land 54 2'.)N 2 OWGretna, Scotland 55 On 3 6^\'

Grey Ea., AustraUa 2S Us 142 OEGreymonth, New Zealand 42 21S 171 22EGreytown, New Zealand 41 4s 175 40EGrimsby, England 53 35N 4WGrimsel P., Switzerland 4S 35N 3 20EGrindelwald, Switzerlanil 46 37N 8 3EGrinnell Land, Arctic America 79 :iUN 78 OwGriqualand E., Dist., S. Africa 30 30S 29 UEGriqualand W., Dist., S. Africa 28 30s 23 20 B

Gris Nez., 0., France 50 6lN 1 33EGrisocs, Prov., Switzerland 4G 40N 9 20EGrodno, Russia 63 48N 23 59EGroninceu, Netherlands 53 14N 6 33EGroote Eylandt, I., Anstralia 14 5s 135 15EGrossbeeren, Prussia 52 21N 13 221-',

Grosswardein, Hungary 47 3N 21 58EGrosseto, Italy 42 42N 11 GEGumenjoko, Mt., Gamerons 2 20N 13 5l';

Grninard B., Scotland 57 55N 5 28WGrUnberg. PrnSiia 51 52N 15 30EGruyires, Switzerland 46 36N 7 5EGuacipati, Br. Guiana 7 ION 61 55\TGuadalajara, Mexico 21 4N 103 6W"Guadalajara, Spain 40 SON 3 lOWGuadalaviar, R., Spain 40 ON 1 12WGuadalete, R,, Spain 3G 52N 5 38wGuadalquivir, E., Spain 37 25N G 0\rGuadalupe, Spain 39 2SN 5 15WGuadeloupe, I., W. Indies 16 20N Gl 45WGuadiana, R., Spain 39 8N 3 OwGnadiana, R., Spain 38 59N 6 OWGaadi.x, Spain 37 17N 3 HITGnajahu, R., Brazil 4 203 45 OWGuajara-mirim, R., Brazil 10 453 G5 15wGuam, I., Pacific Oc. 13 30N 144 50BGuanajuato, Mexico 21 40N 101 OWGuapore, E.. Br.izil 12 30s 62 30WGuarda, Portugal 40 31N 7 19WGuardafui, 0., Somali Coast 11 SON 51 5EGuatemala, Guatemala 14 45N 1 9 30wGuatemala, St., Central America 16 ON 90 OwGuaviare, R., Colombia 2 40N 72 OWGuaymas, Mexico 27 57N 110 57WGuayana, Ter., S. America 4 ON 56 OwGuayaquil, Bcuailor 1 553 79 51WGuayaquil, 6. of, Ecuador 3 03 82 OwGuben, Prussia 51 65N 14 39EGuelpb, United States 43 35N 80 24WGuernsey, I., Oliannel Is. 49 30N 2 40WGuildford, England 51 13N 34WGuinea, Dist., W. Africa 7 ON 4 OEGuinea, G. of, W. Africa 2 ONGuinea, Lower, Dist., W. Africa 10 30E

Guinea, Upper, W. Africa 8 ONGuiret. France 46 9N 1 51EGuisborough. England 54 SON 1 2WGujarat, Dist., Bombay 22 36N 74 UEGujranwala, Punjab 32 12N .4 6EGujrat, Punjab 32 35N 74 5EGulbarga, Haidarabad 17 20N 75 55EGumbinnen, Prussia 54 34N 22 131']

Guna, Central India 24 35N 77 25EGunongApi, Vol.. Dutch E. Indies 6 40s 12G 45E

Gurkha, Nepal 28 ON 84 3GEGuthrie, United States 35 55N 97 25wGuyenue, Prov., France 44 40N 1 OBGwadar. Oman 25 13N 62 20EGwalior, Central India 26 22N 78 2EGwatar, Persia 25 12N 61 17EGweebarra B., Ireland 54 52N 8 27WGwvdir, R., Australia 29 263 150 UBGympie, Australia 26 2U3 152 4810

IIAAELEM, Netherlands 52 22N 4 3SE

Habab, Tribe, Eritrea 16 45N 38 55k

Habsburg, Switzerland 47 27N 8 llio

Haddington, Scotland 65 57N 2 47wHaddington, Co., Scotland 35 62N 2 40wHadendoa, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 17 30N :1G 10k

Hadleigh, England 52 4N 54EHadramaut, Dist., Arabia 16 ON 49 OEHagio Strati, I., Greece 39 31N 24 55E

Hag's Head, Ireland 52 56N 9 27WHague, C. de la, France 49 54N 2 OwHai-ohau, China 34 30N 119 25E

Haidarabad, Haidarabad, India 17 29N 78 30B

Haidarabad, Sind 25 SON 68 .S4E

Haidarabad, St., India 18 ON 78 OE

Haifa, Palestine 32 49N 34 39E

Ilaigab, E., Cape Colony 27 12s 21 16EIhiil, Andiia 27 40n 42'lOBIfai-liau, 1., OInila 19 20N 109 I5|.;

Iliiinaii Str., Oliina20 17N 110 2nKIhii-pliimg, Indic-Cbina 20 52.\ IU6 lOBHaiti, St., W. IiHlica 19 On 73 owllukka Tayn-shan, Mts., IJhilia 21 :10N I 15 OKlliiknditc, .Japan 41 45N 140 ,"iUB

llala Jits., Sind 2G SON 67 3UKHall, Turkey in Asia 18 65N 41 47E1-Iallierstadt, Prussia 51 5lN 11 3EHalifax, Canada 44 25N 63 55WHalifax, England 53 43N 1 52WHalifax B., Australia 18 50s 146 35KHalicz, Mt., Austria 49 ON 22 12kHalkirk. Scotland 58 SON 3 SOWHalladalc, R., Scotland 58 SON 3 57 WHalliun, Dist., England 53 27N 1 3GWHalle, Prussia 51 29N 12 OEHallcin, Austria 47 40N IS 2BHairs Creek, Australia IS 153 127 40EHallwyl, Switzerland 47 21N 8 lOEHalmala'ra. I., Dutch E. Indies ION 12R OKHalui.ihera, Str., Dutcli B. Indies 129 OKHalmand, R., Algliauistan SO 25n 63 OEHaliiistail, Sweden 56 42N 12 55Bllalstcail, England 51 57N 40EHaltwliistle, England, 54 57N 2 29WHagnc, The, Netlicrlands 52 4N 4 ISBHainaut, Prov., Belgium 50 35N 4 UEHamadan, Persia 34 43N 48 S5 KHamah, Turkey in Asia 35 15n 36 42EHamar, Norway GO 58N 11 2KHanihleton Hills, England 34 15N 1 18WHamburg, Germany 53 31.N 9 58BHamiln, Prussia 52 8N 9 23EHamliiah, Eritrea 14 50N 40 45BHamilton, Australia 37 21S 142 OBHamilton, Canada 43 16N 79 52WHamilton, New Zealand 37 503 175 16EHamilton, Scotland 33 47N 4 SwHamilton Inlet, Labrador 5t ON 59 Ov7

Hamilton, E., Australia 23 Ss 1 10 OEHammath, Palestine 32 46N 33 32EHauHuerfest, Norway 70 40N 23 50EHampden, New Zealand 45 20S 170 50EHampshire, Oo., England 51 ION 1 15WHanau, Prussia 50 8N 9 OBHan- chau, China 30 ISN 120 lOBHan-Chung, China 33 ON 107 16EHan-Chung, China 35 35N 110 22BHanda, I. Scotland 68 22N 5 12WHandak, Egyptian Sudan 18 40N 30 S6EHango, Eussia 59 50N 23 OEHan-lio, R., China 33 12N 109 45 EHauik, Bgvptiau Sudan 19 53N 30 8BHankau, China 31 ON 114 15EHanle, Kashmir 32 48N 79 OBHanley, England 53 2N 2 12wHauoi, ludo China 21 ON 106 5BHanover, Prussia 32 22N 9 50EHanovi r, Prov., Prussia 52 SON 9 OEHaparauda, Sweden 65 52N 23 50eHarar, Abyssinia 9 5N 42 28BHarbion, Manchuria 45 52N 127 50eHarbour Grace, Newfoundland 47 39N 53 45wHardaiiger Fd., Norway 60 On 6 OBHardanger Field, Norway t,0 30N 7 SOEHardwai-, Agra and Oudh SO ON 78 lOlo

Hare B., Newfoundland (inset) 51 16N 55 50wHaringvliet, C)i., Netherlands 51 51N 4 UEHarlech, Wales 52 30N 4 7wHarlingen, Netherlands 33 ION 5 23EHarpers, United States 37 20N 77 43WHaiTis, Div., Scotland 67 60N 6 48WHarris, Sd. of, Scotland 57 50N 7 19WHarrisburg, United States 40 20N 76 50wHarrisnuth, Orange River Colony 28 17s 29 8 EHarrogate, England 53 69N 1 36WHart Fell, Mt., Scotland 65 28N S 20wHartcbcest R., Oape Colony 29 30s 21 ObHartford, United States 41 48N 73 38wHartlaud Pt., England 51 In 4 31WHartlepool. England 54 4SN 1 12WHarwicli, England 51 56N 1 17 bHarz Mts.. Prussia 51 45N II) SUEHasbany R., Palestine 33 2UN 35 S6EHasbeiyah, Palestine 33 25N 35 40EH;rsboro' L. V., England 52 57N 1 42BHash Valley, Switzerlanil 4G 39N 8 15EHassclb, Belgium 30 55N 5 19kHastings, England 50 5lN 3GBHastings, New Zealand 39 44s 176 IEHatfield Chase, England 53 35N 1 OwHa-tinli, ludo-China 18 25N 105 45EHatteras, 0., United States 45 SON 7G OwHaura, Arabia 14 8N 47 S6EHauraki G., New Zealand 3G 303 176 OEHausa, Tribe, Nigeria 12 UN 7 SOEHaust, New Zealand 43 313 169 2EHautes Fagnes, iJist., Belgium 60 ON 5 451-;

Hautlia, Arabia 13 35N 46 55EHavana, W. Indies 23 ON 82 41wHavel E , Prussia 62 43N 12 OBHaverfordwest, Wales 51 48N 4 68wHavre, Le, France 49 SON 3EHawaii, I., Pacific Oc. 19 SON 135 SOWHawaiian Is, Pacific Oc. 21 ON 157 OWHawash R., Abyssinia 9 SUN 40 SOEHawera, New Zealand 39 35S 174 32EHawick, Scotland 66 26N 2 47WHawke B., New Zealand 39 253 177 30EHawke 0., Australia 32 10s 152 30EHawkesbury R., Australia 33 2US 151 lOEHawes Water, England 64 31N 2 43w

ITiiy, Australia 34 26s 1 11 53EIhiV, Rugliilld 52 I.M 3 7WIhiV It, Aiistnilia 2S 15s 1S6 43Ellav R., Aiislralia L'S 4Us 137 6Kllaz.ara, Afghanistan 35 ON 61 UKlta«ai-ibagh, flciiL'al 21 ON 85 21KHazor, Palestine 33 5N 33 29BHeard I., Iiulian Oc. 62 03 73 OEHeart's Content, Newfoundland (inset) 47 55N

53 24WHebrides. Inner Is., Scotland 57 ON 6 3RWHebrides, Outer Is., Scotland 57 SON 7 30^v

Hebron, Laljrailor 57 .30N 02 40WHebron, Palestine 31 SlN 35 6EHccia, L, Scotland 56 .'lON 7 36WHecla, Mt., Scotland 57 18N 7 19WHedon, England 63 51N 13WHecrenvei-n, Netherlands 52 5GN 5 57BH'ldelberg, Germany 49 24N 8 47EHeidelberg, Transvaal 26 27s 28 19EHeilbron, Orange River Colony 27 8s 28 12EHeilhronn, WLirtembi-ru' 49 8N 9 lIlo

Hekla, Mt., Iceland 64 ON 19 OWHela, Prussia 54 36N IS 45KHelbon, Palestine 33 40N 36 12RHeliieu', Netherlands 52 57N 4 43EHelena, United States 4G 40N 112 OwHehaisburg, Scotland 56 In 4 43wHelensville, New Zealand 36 57s 174 27EHeligoland, I., Germany 54 ION 7 551-;

Heliopolis, Palestine 3S 59N 36 9EHellada, E., Greece 38 50N 22 OEHelmsdale, Scotland 58 7N 3 40wHelmsdale, R., Scotland 58 ION 3 50wHelmsley, England 54 14N 1 4WHelsingborg, Sweden 56 2N 12 4SEUelsingfors, Russia 60 20N 24 57EHelsingiir, Denmark 56 2N 12 28EHelston, England 30 7N 5 18WHelvellyn, Mt., England 54 29N 3 OWHenares, 11., Spain 40 38N 3 OwHenley, Enulaud 31 SON 54WHenry, C, United States 36 55N 76 OwHenzada Burma 17 SON 95 30 BHerat, Afghanistan 34 20N 67 lOEHiirault, Dept., France 43 35N 2 44EHerbert. R,, Australia 22 OS 138 45BHereford England 52 3N 2 41WHi-reford, Co., England 52 ION 2 42WHeri Rud, E., Afghanistan 34 20N 64 OEHerisau, Switzerland 47 22N 9 18EHermannstadt, Hungary 45 49N 24 9EHermon, Mts., Palestine 33 25N 35 45EHermopolis. Greece 37 27N 24 51EHermosillo, Mexico 29 ION 110 37WHernad, R., Hungary 48 20n 21 ObHeme Bay, England" 51 22N 1 lOEHeruosand, Sweden 62 35N 17 50EHerschell Ra,, Australia SO OS 115 40EHertford, England 51 47N 5WHertford, Co., England 51 45N 20wHertogenbosch, 's, Netherlands 51 40N 5 ISEHcrvey B., Australia 24 60S 152 40EHerzegovina, Dist., Bosnia 43 30N 18 OBHcsban, Palestine 31 49N 35 48BHesbaye, Dist., Belgium 50 40N 6 OEHeshbon, Palestine 31 49N 35 4HEHesse, G. D,, Germany 50 ON 9 OEHet Loo, Netherlands 32 14N 6 58EHeung-shan, China (insetl 22 29N 113 24EHexham, England 64 68N 2 6wHeyst, Belgium 31 20N 3 15BHielmar, L., Sweden 59 ION 15 40BHigham Ferrers, England 52 17N 36wHildesheim, Prussia 52 9N 9 55EHill Tipperah, Bengal 23 48N 91 12EHillary Hr., Ireland 53 40N 10 OWHillston, Australia S3 33s 145 33EHiliswick, Shetland Ts..Scotlaud (inset) 60 2sn

1 27wHimalaya Mts., India 30 ON 82 SOEHinckley, England 52 SON 1 28WHiudmarsh, L., Australia 36 OS 141 5SEHindu Kush, Mts., Afglianistan 3G ON 71 ORHinter Rbein, R., Switzerland 46 35N 9 23EHippos, Palestine 32 44N 33 39EHiroshima, .Japan 34 3SN 132 S3EHir.schberg, Prussia 60 5lN 16 43BHirsuva, Romania 44 SSN 27 58EHissar, Bokhara 38 23x 68 40EHissar, Punjab 29 12N 75 48EHitchin, England 61 56N 17WHoakhanas, Mt., Ger, S.W. Africa 24 2S 17 3510

Hoang Phn Kiang, R., China 31 ON 121 OeHobart, Ta-smauia 42 6US 1 47 4EHijchstadt, Bavaria 48 38N 10 39EHochstetter, Mt., New Zealand 42 32S 172 lOBHodeicla, Turkey in Asia 14 52N 42 5UKHodmezb Vasarhelv, Hungary 46 27N 20 22KILig's Back, England 61 12N 43WHolie Venn, Dist., Belgium 50 27N 6 OEHohenlinden, Bavaria 48 6N 11 54EHohenzollern, Germany 48 ION 9 OHHojo, Japan (inset) 35 On 139 34EHokianga B., New Zealand 33 25s 173 30EHokitika, New Zealand 42 44S 171 lOBHoldcrness, Pen., England 53 40N lOWHollams Bird I., S.W. Africa 24 383 14 SSEHolland, England 52 42N IWHolland, Prov , Netherlands 52 2.5N 4 33EHolstein, Prov., Prussia 54 ON 10 OEHoly I., Eneland 56 4UN 1 47wHolv I,, Wales 63 18N 4U 40wHolyhead, Wales 53 20N 4 S7WHolywell, Wales 53 19N 3 ICW

Horns, Turkey in Asia 34 5 IN 36 4 IBHo-nan, China 31 lUN 112 lUKHo-iaill, I'lijv., China 33 ON IIS OEHonda, Colombia 5 20N 75 5WHomleklip, Cape Colony .30 123 17 18BHondo, I,, .lapan 37 ON 139, (}. of. Central America Ifi SON 83 OwHonduras, St., Oaitral America 14 20N 86 SOWHonfirair, France 49 25N U ISEHongkong, Br. Oin'na 22 ICN 114 9EHoniton, England 5U 43N 3 12-wHonolulu, Hawaiian Is. 21 28N 158 15WHook Head, Ireland 52 8N 65wHook of Holland, Prom., Netherlands 51 58N

4 6bHoonawar, Bombay 14 20N 74 SOEHoopstarl, Orange River Colony 27 SOS 25 49 E

Hoorn, Netherlands 52 40N 5 4BHope, Pt., Alaska 68 23N 167 OwHopedale, Labrador 55 25N GO SOWHopetown, Cape Colony 29 12s 24 HEHopkins, R., Australia 38 OS 142 44EHori;cn, Switzerland 47 13N S 3CEHorn Afvan, L., .Sweden 66 2UN 17 SUKHorn, C, S, America 65 .59s 67 2UWHorn Hd,, Ireland 55 14N 8 OwHornca-tle, England 53 13N U 9WHorns- a, England 53 53N U 9WHorsens, Denmark 53 53N 9 48 BHor-ham, England 51 SN 20\rHoshangabad, Central Prov,, India 22 SON

77 50 bHoshiapur, Punjab 31 30N 78 OKHougliton-le-Spring, England 54 SON 1 29WHougue, La, France 49 37N 1 12n^Houston, United States 29 40N 95 22WHoutman Rock-, Australia 28 20s 114 OEHowden, England 56 S6N 51WHowden Edge, Mt,, Engaud 53 29N 1 27WHowe of Fife, R,, Scotland 66 19N 3 OWHowe, 0., Aus ralia 37 283 150 2EHowrah, Bengal 22 40N 88 8EHou th, Ireland 63 2lN 6 3WHoy, I., Scotland 58 52N 3 19WHoy Sd., Scotland 58 57N 3 20WHsu-chau, China 28 SON 104 40EHuallaga, E., Pern 8 OS 76 6WHuanuco, Peru 9 54S 76 26WHuaraz, Peru 9 SOS 77 31WHubli, Bombay 15 18N 70 2EHu-chan, China 30 45N 120 7EHnddersfleld, England 33 38N 1 48wHudiksiall, Sweden 61 45N 16 .S3E

Hudson B., Canada GO ON 86 OwHudson R., United state 42 SON 73 SOWHudson Str., Canada 62 ON 70 OWHu(S, Annam 17 6N 106 .50E

Hue, Indo-China 16 SON 107 35EHuelva, Spain 37 17N 6 S9AV

Huesea, Spain 42 6N 26WHughenden, Australia 20 523 144 9EHui-di, Bengal 23 6N 88 SOEHugh, R., Bengal 21 SON 83 OEHuiUa, Angola 13 2s 13 29EHull, Canada 45 SIN 75 45WHull, England 63 44N 20WHull, R., England 53 42N 27WHumausdorp, Cape Colony 34 5s 24 48 EHumber, E., England 53 S6N 5EHumber, R., Newfoundland (insttj 49 8N

58 lowHumble H., England 55 ION 2 SOWHumboldt R., United States 41 ON 118 OWHu-nan, China 27 ON 112 OEHungarian Ore Mts., Hungary 48 SON 19 SOlo

Hungary, King., Europe 47 ON 20 OEHungerford, England 51 24N 1 31wHungry Hill, Ireland 61 40N 9 4SWHunsriick, Mts., Prussia 49 SSN 7 lOEHunstanton, England 52 57N '. 8EHuustiinton Pt., England 52 59N 3lEHunter, R., Australia 33 OS 154 OBHuntingdon, England 52 20N llwHuntingdon, Co.. England 52 25N lOwHuntly. Scotland 57 27N 2 49WHuntsville, Uniteil States 34 40N 86 32wHunza, Kashmir 36 24N 74 24EHuon G., Ger. New Guinea (inset) 7 OS 148 OEHu-pe. Prov, China 31 30N 1 1 2 SOEHuron, L., N. America 45 ON 82 SOWHuttenberg, Austria 46 SSN 14 33EHuy, Belgium 50 SIN 6 14EHwai, R., Oliina 33 ON 117 SOBHwang-ho, R., China 36 40N UG 25EHwei Chan, China (inset) 23 2N 114 2610

Hwei-chau, China 29 6SN 118 lOBHyde, England 53 28N 2 6wHydra, I., Greece 37 28N 23 27EHyeres, France 43 9N 6 4EHyeres Is., France 43 2N 6 20EHythe, England 61 4N 1 4e

IBADAN, Lagos 8 ON 4 2EIbar, R., Servia 43 2eN 20 SOEIbarra, Ecuador 22N 78 22wIbo, Dist., Nigeria G 42N 7 lOElea, Peru 14 5s 75 35WIceland, I., Atlantic Oc. 65 ON 18 OwIchabo I., S. Africa 26 173 14 58BIchang, China 31 2N 111 3SKIda, Mt., Crete 35 12N 24 48 EIda, Mt., Turkey in Asia S'.l 53N 27 6EIdalio, St., United States 44 ON 114 OwIdle, R., England 33 2SN 58wIdria, Austria 46 ON 14 2B



InrliimGa, Dist., PalPstine 30 O'.N 35 OEIsiili, Sahara 25 UN 7 Oivli^lan, Austria 49 STjN 15 35Blie de Fi-anoe, I'rov., France 4S HON 2 OEIlfracorQbe, Eni^land 51 12N 4 GwHi, B., Asiatic Russia 45 OS 76 OEIllvestone, England 52 58N 1 20^"IllEley, EuKlan.l 53 56N 1 49W111, R., Germany 47 SON 7 20EIllampu, Vol., Bolivia IG IDs 68 OwIllawarra L., Australia 34 40s 150 55EIll-et-Vilaine, Dept., France 48 19N 1 35wIllimani, Mt., Bolivia 16 26s 66 321TIllinois, E. United States 40 30s 90 0-iT

Illinois, State, United States 40 50s 89 OwIlmen, L., Russia 58 30s 31 20EIlorin, Nig-eria 8 45N 4 lOEIlsley, England 61 30N I 17WImbros, I,, Greece 40 8N 25 50EImperial Can., China 35 ON 117 30EIn Salah, Sahara 27 5S 2 30EIn Shan, Mts., Monsolia 41 10s 110 OEIncu, Mt., Hungary 47 35N 25 15BIndals, B., Sweden 63 ON 16 60EIndi R., Australia 36 OS 148 OEInilia, St., Asia 22 OS 80 OEIndian Ter., United States 35 ON 96 OwIndiana, St., United States 40 OS 86 5"WIndianopulis, United States 39 45s 86 lOWIndigirka, R., Siberia 66 OS 145 OEIndo-Oliina, Ter., Asia 17 30N 105 OEIndore, Central India 22 58N 75 52EIndragiri, R , Sumatra 34S 102 SUEIndrayati, R., Central ProY., India 19 ON 81 12EIndre, Dept., France 46 59N 1 30EIndre-et-Loire, Dept., France 47 8N 43EIndus, R., India 28 36S 70 OEIneboli, Turkey in Asia 41 57N 34 48EIngalele, B., Transvaal 22 25s 29 45 Elugleboro, Mt., England 54 10s 2 27WIngoklmells Pt., England 53 llN 2lElugolstadt, Bavaria 48 42s 11 22EInliambane, Port. E. Africa 24 IS 35 27EInishbofln, I., Ireland 63 38s 10 12WInishkea Is., Ireland 54 8N 10 1217Inishowen, Dist., Ireland 55 14s 7 201Vluishshark, I., Ireland 53 37N 10 16WInishtrahull, I., Ireland 55 2.5N 7 12iyInishturk, I., Ireland 53 42X 10 7wInkpen, Mt., England 51 23N 1 30wInn, R., Austria 47 15s 11 OEInn, B., Bavaria 48 10s 12 15EIon B., Switzerland 46 48s 10 17EInner Dowsing Shoal, England 53 15s 33l':i

Inner Sd., Scotland 57 30s 5 55wInnerleithen, Scotland 55 37s 3 5WInnsbruck, Austria 47 12N 11 20EInsterbarg, Prussia 54 3oS 21 45EInterlaken, Switzerland 46 42N 7 52EInver, L., Scotland 58 6N 5 .5wInveraray, Scotland 66 14N 5 4WInverarie, Scotland 57 17s 2 23wInvercargill, New Zealand 46 25s 168 23EInvergorden, Scotland 57 42s 4 lOWInverness, Scotland 57 28S 4 ISWInverness, Co., Scotland 57 4s 4 43W"lona, I., Scotland 56 19s 6 29WIonian Is., Greece 39 OK 20 30EIonian Sea, Mediterranean S. 27 3N 18 OElos, I., Greece 36 45E 25 23EIowa, St., United States 41 60s 03 30WIpek, Turkey 42 40s 20 15EIpswich, Australia 27 42s 152 40EIpswich, England 52 4S 1 lOEtquique, Chile 20 22S 70 6WIquitos, Peru 3 65s 73 20wIrak Ajnii, Prov., Persia, 35 On 60 OEIrak Arebi, Disf., Turkey in Asia 32 30s 45 OEIrawadi, B., Bumia 16 ON 95 OEIrazu, Vol., Costa Bica 10 OS 84 lOWIrbit, Bussia 57 40s 63 OBIreland, Brit. Is. 53 OX 9 30WIreland's Eye, 1., Ireland 53 24s 6 4wIremel, Mt., Bnssia 54 30N 60 OSIri, B., Greece 37 OS 22 33EIrish Sea, Br. Is. 60 4N 4 OwIrkutsk, Siberia 62 30S 103 OEIron Gate. Bomania 44 42N 22 24EIronbridge, England 52 38N 2 27WIrt. B., England 54 25s 3 27wIrtliiug, B., England, 65 OS 2 3617Irtish, K., Siberia 53 30S 70 30EIrvine, Scotland 55 3GN 4 40wIrvine, B., Scotland 55 35s 4 27wIrwell, R.. England 63 40S 2 20\T

Isandhkina, Natal 28 44N 30 37EIsar, 11., Bav.aria 48 35s 12 6EIsohia, I., Italy 40 43S 13 62EIschl, Austria 47 40s 13 40BIsem, R., Russia 56 15N 63 OEIsere. Dept., France 45 25N 5 30ELscre, B., France 45 26N 5 40BIsfahan. Persia 31 48N 51 30EIshma, B., Bussia 64 ON 54 OEIskanderuu, Turkey in Asia 36 40N 36 14EIskardo, Kashmir 35 12N 75 30EIsker, E., Bulgaria 43 26N 24 12EIslanialiad, Ka.shmir 33 42N 75 6EIslands, B. of, Newfoundland (inset) 49 8N

68 lowIslands, B. of. New Zealand 34 12s 175 lOEMay, Peru 16 62S 72 30WIslay, I., Scotland 55 45s 6 16TV

Islay, Sd. of, Scotland 5.') 48N 6 OwIsle Royale, I. United States 48 ON 89 Ow

Ismail, Russia 45 SON 23 45EIsmailia, Egypt 30 33N .32 16BIsmid, Turkey in Asia 40 43s 29 56EIsonzo. E,, Austria 46 ION 13 40EIssyk Kill, L., Buasian Turkestan 41 25s 78 30KIsthmia, Greece 37 65N 22 59EIstria, Prov., Austria 45 15N 13 45EItacolumi, Mt., Brazil 21 5S 43 30WItaliy, B., Brazil 22 50s 52 40ivItajahy, E., Brazil 27 30s 49 40TrItalian Somaliland, Col., E. Africa 5 OS 47 OEItaly, St., Europe 43 ON 13 OEItanibe, Mt., Brazil 18 54s 42 42TVItatiaia, Mt., Brazil 22 10s 45 lOWItchin, R., England 67 Os 1 3wIthaca, United States 42 25s 76 SOWIturaa, Dist., Palestine 33 15N 36 OnItzehoe, Prussia 63 63s 9 30EIveragh, Dist., Ireland 51 55N 10 lOwIviza, Spain 38 52N 1 28Efviza, I., Spain 39 OS 1 2.5E

Ivory Coast, W. Africa 6 ON 6 OWIvrea, Italy 45 27N 7 64E

JABALPUR, Central Provs., 23 12N 79 50EJabbok, B., Palestine 32 12s 35 48E.labesh Gilead, Palestine 32 27N 36 37E.labneel, Palestine 31 63N 34 44EJaca. Spain 42 35s 33WJa-chu, R., Tibet 33 30S 98 OEJacobsdaal, Orange Elver Colony 29 13S 25 5E.Jacuhy, E., Brazil 30 OS 62 30wJackson (Michigan) United States 42 17N

84 25w.lackson (Missouri) United States 32 30s

90 22wJacksonville, United States 30 26N 81 50\vJacobabad, Sind 28 18s 68 30EJade, R., Germany 53 42s 8 5EJaen, Spain 37 50s 3 4817Jaffa, Turkey in Asia 32 2N 34 52EJaffna, Ceylon 9 36N 80 OEJagdalpm, Central Provs. 19 3CN 82 2lBJagersfontein, Orange River Colony 29 33s

26 48EJagganath, Bengal 19 48N 85 48EJailan, Dist., Oman 22 35N 59 OEJaipur, Madras 18 54s 82 36EJaipur, Bajputana 26 54s 75 54BJaisalmer, Bajputana 26 64N 70 54EJalalabad, Afghanistan 34 25N 70 26EJalandhar, Punjab 31 18N 75 36EJalapa, Mexico 19 42N 9G 45wJalna, Haidarab 19 48N 76 54sJalomitza, E., Bomania 44 34N 27 OBJalon, R., Spain 41 25N 1 36WJamaica, I., W. Indies 18 16N 77 30wJamulpur, Bengal 24 64N 90 OEJamary, B., Brazd 10 Os 62 lOWJambi, Sumatra 1 45S 103 42EJames B., Canada 54 OS 81 OwJames, R., United States 37 40s 78 OwJammu, Kashmir 32 42N 74 54EJamnia, Palestine 31 53s 34 44EJan Mayen, I., Arctic Oc. 71 8K 8 30wJanglaohe, Tibet 29 6s 87 30EJapan, Sea of, Asia 40 On 135 OEJapan, St., Asia 30 ON 135 OEJapho, Palestine 32 3s 34 46EJarama, R., Spain 40 36N 3 3,517

Jarconnaught, Dist., Ireland 53 2lN 9 20wJaroslau, Austria 50 2N 22 39BJarrow, England 54 68N 1 2917Jarvis. I., Pacific Oo 30S 159 38WJary, R., Brazil 83 lowJashak, Persia 25 45N 57 34EJashpur, Bengal 22 48s 84 OKJaszbereny, Hungary 47 28n 19 58EJath, Bombay 17 ON 75 18EJauf, Arabia 30 22N 40 28EJauf, Dist., Turkey in Asia 16 30N 45 OEJaulan, Dist., Palestine 32 45N 35 45EJaimpur, Agra and Oudh 25 50s 87 40EJava Hd., Java 7 2S 105 5EJava, I., E. Indies 7 Os 110 OEJava Sea, E. Indies 5 03 110 OEJavca. Spain 38 46N 9EJaxartes, R., Asiatic Russia 44 30s 66 30EJebel Akhdar, Mt., Oman 23 20n 67 20EJebel Dahura, Mt., Arabia 15 15s 47 OEJebel el Shafah, Mts.. Turkey in Asia 27 30n

30 SOBJebel esh Sharki, Mts., Palestine 33 45s 36 16EJebel esh Sheikh, Mts., Palestine 33 26s 35 46EJebel Haurau, Mts., Palestine 32 43s 36 36EJebel Imarie, Mts., Arabia 22 OS 42 30EJebel Jermuk, Mt., Palestine 33 2s 36 32EJebel Libuan, Mts., Palestine 33 SON 35 30 EJebel Manakib, Mts., Arabia 22 20N 47 lOEJebel Medob, Mt., Egyptian Sudan 15 26s

25 26EJebel Okdo, Mt., Oman 23 SON 56 OEJebel Osbeh, Mt., Palestine 32 5s 36 olEJebel Sannin, Mt., Palestine 33 58s 35 48 EJebel Shammar, Mts., Arabia 27 30s 12 SOEJebel Soturba, Mt., Egyptian Sudan 21 44s

36 lOEJebel Tuweik, Mts., Arabia 22 30s 45 OEJebel Zukur, I., Turkey in Asia 14 us 42 46EJedburgh, Scotland 55 2SN 2 3UWJedur, ilist., Palestine 33 17s 36 GBJehlam, Puuiab 32 54N 73 42EJehlam, E., Punjab 32 Os 72 lOBJehol, China 41 ION 118 4EJellalabad, Afghanistan 34 2'IN 70 SOE

Jenin, Palestine 32 28N 35 17EJenolau Oaves, Australia 33 36S 159 6EJerez, Spain 36 40N 6 8wJericlio, Palestine 31 5lN 35 26NJersey Oity, United States 40 50N 74 GwJersey. I., Channel Is. 49 12s 2 12ivJerusalem, Turkey in Asia 31 45s 35 17EJervis, 0.. Australia 35 33s 138 lOEJessore, Bengal 23 6N 89 12BJezzin, Palestine 33 33s 35 3SEJezreel, Palestine 32 33s 35 19EJezreel, Plain of, Palestine 32 38s 35 14EJhalawan, Dist., Baluchistan 26 40N 67 OEJhalra Patau, Bajputana 24 SOS 76 12EJhang, Ponjab 31 20x 72 25EJhansi, Agra and Oudh 25 30N 78 36EJibuti, Fr. Somaliland 16 ON 42 40EJiddah, Turkey in Asia 21 8N 39 25EJiddin, Palestine 33 Ox 36 12EJiloca, B., Spain 41 Ox 1 251VJilolo, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 1 7N 127 28EJisak, Russian Turkestan 40 5X 67 50BJiu, B., Romania, 44 15N 23 48BJizan, Turkey in Asia 16 56s 42 36EJoachimstbal, Austria 50 2lN 12 55EJoaseiro, Brazii 9 25S 40 SOWJodhpur, Bajputana 26 26X 72 58EJohannesburg, Transvaal 26 20S 28 13BJohn o'Groats, Scotland 68 SSs 3 417Johnshaven, Scotland 56 48N 2 21wJohnstone, Scotland 65 51N 4 3117Johor, Straits Settlement 1 26s 104 7EJokueam, Palestine 32 39X 35 6EJokyakarta, Java 8 OS 110 22EJbnkc>ping, Swcien 67 48N 14 lOBJoppa, Palestine 32 3N 34 46EJordan, R., Palestine 32 28n 35 38EJotun Field, Norway 61 30s 8 OEJoux L., Switzerland 46 42s 6 22EJoux Valley, Switzerland 46 40x G 14EJuan de Fuca Str., Canada 48 26s 124 OwJuan Fernandez, I., S, Am'^rica 33 45S 78 65wJub, R., Br. E. Africa 4SN 42 30EJilcar, E,, Spain 39 ION 11 wJucar, E., Spain 39 35N 2 lOlv

Judah, Mts. of, Palestine 31 SON 35 OEJudah, Wilderness of, Palestine 31 SON 35 15EJudea, Dist., Palestiue 31 46N 35 OEJujuy, Argentina 24 10s 65 2317J umet, Belgium 50 29N 4 28BJumna, B., Agra and Oudh 27 ON 78 SOEJunagarh, Bombay 21 SON 70 36EJuuagarh, Central Provs., India 19 42N 83 OEJungfrau, Mt., Switzerland 46 32N 7 56EJura, Dept., France 46 44N 5 35EJura, I., Scotland 56 67N 5 55wJura Mts., Germany (see Swabian Jura)Jura Mts., Switzerland 47 Ox 7 OEJura, Sd. of, Scotland 55 57N 5 45wiJurua, R., Brazil 6 SOS 68 017

Jutland, Pen., Denmark 66 SON 9 SOE

KAAITI, Tribe, Arabia 14 10s 48 20eKaap Gold Fields, Transvaal 25 29s 31 18EKaap Plat., Cape Colony 2a OS 23 30EKababisli, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 16 5N SO Ol-;

Kabadian, Bokhara 37 23N 68 lOEKabara, Fr. W. Africa 16 SON 2 4017KabiuJa, Poet, W. Africa 6 28S 12 20EKabul, Afghanistan 34 35s 69 2 EKabul B., Afghanistan 34 40N 70 OEKachh, Dist., Baluchistan 29 OK 69 Uli

Kachi, DLst., Tibet 32 SGN 88 OBKachin, Tribe, Burma 25 ON 97 OEKadei, B., Oamerous 5 ON 14 2GNKatiristan, Dist., Afghanistan 35 SON 71 OEKafoe, H., Rhodesia 15 40S 27 SOEKagera, B., Ger. E. Africa 2 103 30 58EKagoshima, Japan 31 45N 130 40EKai-feng, China 34 40X 114 40EKaikoura, New Zealand 42 26s 173 4lEKaikoura Ra., New Zealand 42 OS 173 40EKailas, Mt., Tibet 31 30x SO SOEKaimanawa Ea., New Zealand 39 OS 176 lOEKuipara Hr., New Zealand 36 29S 174 8EKairwau, Tunis 35 ON 10 5EKaisaria, Turkey in Asia 38 48N 35 26BKaisarieh. Palestine 32 SON 34 64EKaiser Wilhelm Can., Prussia 64 15X 9 SOEKaiserslautern, Germany 49 27N 7 SOBKaitangata, New Zealand 46 19S1G9 58EKaithal, Punjab 29 48X 76 24EKalach, Russia 48 SON 42 67EKalahari Desert, Bechuanaland 24 SOS 21 OEKalamata, Greece 37 4N 22 6EKalat, Baluchistan 29 ON 66 36EKalat, Palestine 32 6N 36 7BKa)at-i-Ghilzai, Afghanistan 32 6N 66 55 EKalgan, China 40 63s 114 60EKalgoorlie, Australia 30 39S 121 lOEKalhat, Dist., Oman 25 26N 55 42EKalmar, Sweden 56 45N 16 18EKalmuks, Tribe, Russia 47 15N 45 OEKalocsa, Hungary 46 30s 18 38EKaluga, Russia 64 S6x 36 20EKaluin. 1., Dut<;h E. Indies (inset) 2s 127 20BKama, B., Eussia 55 SOX 60 OEKamaran, I., Rod S. 15 26s 42 26BKamchatka, Pen., Siberia 56 ON 159 OBKamchik, E., Bulgaria 43 ON 27 12EKamaiet, Russia 48 34s 26 -lOE

Kamies Berge, Mts., Cape Colony 30 20S 18 30EKamorta, Nicobar Is. 8 12s 93 SOBKampeu, Netherlands 62 33N 5 53BKampo, Indo-Ohina 10 34N 104 OB

Kamthi, Central Provs., India 21 12N 79 12EKaoagawa, Japan (inset) 35 29N 139 42EKanah, Palestine 33 ISN 36 17EKanasawa, Japan (inset) 35 16X'" 139 40EKanawat, Palestine 32 46N 36 34EKanawha, R., United States 38 1?K81 3017Kanazawo, Japan 36 40S 126 37EKanburi, Slam 14 6N 99 SOEKan-chau, China 25 4.9N 114 40EKan-ohau, China 39 ON 100 SOEKandahar, Afghanistan 31 37N 65 68EKandalaksha, Russia 67 lOK 32 SOEKandavn I., Fiji Is. (inset 51) 19 OS 178 I6EKander, R., Switzerhand 46 35 7 39BKandy, Ceylon 7 42N 80 S7EKanem, Sudan 14 ON 15 50EKangaroo I., Australia 36 50s 137 17EKangean Is., Dntoh E. Indies 6 45s 115 25EKanh-hoa, Indo-China 12 20N 109 OEKanin Noss, C, Eussia 68 SON 43 SOEKanin Pen., Eussia 68 ON 45 OEKanizsa, Hungary 46 25N 17 2EKanker, Central Provs. 20 18N 81 30EKan-kiang, E., China 27 ON 116 OEKano, Nigeria 12 15N 8 SOEKansas Oity, United States 39 3N 94 3917

Kansas E.,"United States 38 ON 100 OwKansas, St., United States 38 ON 98 OwKan-su, Prov., China 37 SON 102 30EKanturk, Ireland 52 12X 8 53WKanuri, Tribe, Nigeria 11 45K 11 45EKanva, Bechuanaland 24 643 25 22EKaoko, Dist., Ger. S.W. Africa 19 OS 13 SOEKapella, Mts., Hungary 44 45S 16 35EKapuas, B., Borneo 25S 110 SOEKapunda, Australia 34 213 138 55BKara, R., Eussia 68 SON 65 OEKara Gate, Str., Eussia 70 26s 54 OEKara Kum Desert, Eussian Turkestan 39 ON

60 OEKarachi, Sind 24 48s 67 6EKarakoram Mts., Kashmir 35 30N 77 OEKarakoram P., Kashmir 35 34s 77 55EKarabugaz, G. of, Russia in Asia 41 OX" 63 45eKarakul, Mt., Eussian Turkestan 39 OS 74 12EKaraman, Turkey in Asia 37 23N 32 55EKaramea B., New Zealand 41 40S 172 OEKaras Berg, Mt., Ger. S.W. Africa 27 20s 18 4SEKaras Mts., Ger. S.W. Africa 27 SOS 18 40EKarategin, Dist., Bokhara 39 OS 71 SOBKarauli, Bajputana 26 SON 77 6EKarawanken, Mts., Austria 46 26s 14 40EKaree Berge, Mts., Cape Colony 31 14S 23 15EKargil, Kashmir 34 SOS 76 12BKarikal, Madras 11 On 79 30EKarimata Oh., B. Indies 2 20S 108 OEKarimon Is., Dutch E. Indies 5 50s 110 20EKarkog, Egyptian Sudan 13 OS 34 34EKarlowitz, Hungary 45 9N 19 57EKarlsbad, Austria 50 12s 12 55EKarlsburg, Hungary 46 Ss 23 32EKarlstadt, Hungary 45 25s 15 33EKarnal, Punjab 29 40S 77 OEKarnnl, Madras 16 48N 78 6EKaronga, Br. Central Africa 9 693 33 25EKaroo Plat., Gt., Cape Colony 33 OS 22 OBKars, Bussia 40 35N 43 OEKarshi, Bokhara 38 55s 65 60BKarun, E., Persia 31 30s 48 45EKarwar, Bombay 14 48N 74 12E


Kasai, R., Congo State 6 32s 21 20BKasala, Egyptian Sudan 15 32K 36 40EKaschau, Hungary 48 35N 21 12EKashan, Persia S3 65N 51 SOEKashgar, East Turkestan 39 14s 75 56EKashgil, Egyptian Sudan 12 55N 31 2EKashkar, R., Kashmir 35 30s 72 OEKashmir, St., India 34 30s 76 30EKasr Dongola, (.^e* El Ordeh;Kassala, Sudan 16 8N 36 26EKastamuni, Turkey in Asia 41 32N 33 57EKastoria, Turkey 40 30s 21 15EKastron, Turkey in Asia 39 5X 26 33EKasvin, Persia 36 lis 49 57EKatahdin, Mt., United States 46 ON 69 OwKatanga, Congo State 11 20s 27 25EKatar, Dist., Oman 25 OS 50 56EKatoliall I., Nicobar Is. 8 OS 93 24EKatim, Burma 24 12s 96 24EKathiawar, Dist., Bombay 22 18s 70 64EKatrine, L., Scotland 56 IGX 4 28lvKatsena, Nigeria 13 Ox 7 21


Kattegat, Sd., Denmark 67 OK 11 OEKa-u, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 1 lis 127 52EKa-u B., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 1 OS 127 52EKaulung, Ohina (inset) 22'20N 114 14EKauriali, R., Nepal 28 ON 81 18BKavala, Turkey 40 69s 24 23EKayes, Fr. W. Africa 14 20s 11 4G1VKayoa, I., Dutch E. Indies (in.set) 3S 19EKazan, Russia 55 50N 49 1 OEKazanlik, Bulgaria 42 37s 26 26EKazbek, Mt., Russia 42 33s 45 15EKazembe, Rhodesia 9 46s 29 19EKea, I., Greece 37 35N 24 22EKcbnekaisse, -lit., Sweden 68 OX 18 40BKecskemet, Hungary 46 48x 19 42EKedah, Malay Pen. 6 6s 100 24EKedesh, Palestiue 33 9s 35 31EKeeling Is., Indian Oc. 12 8s 96 SOEKeen, Mt., Scotland 56 58K 2 6517Keener, Mt., Ireland 52 45N 8 llwKeetmanshoop, Ger. S.W. Africa 26 Sis 18 3EKeewatin, Dist., Canada 60 ON 100 OWKeffl, Nigeria 8 66N 7 35E

( 12 )

I N 1) E X L\T

Kei Is., Dutch E. Tmlii's 5 H.'.s r:i3 UKKfighiev, Kiigiitiiii y.i ri'2N' 1 r].")\v'

Keitli, SL-otiiiiiU ')? :ilN :; .'.sw

Kelaiitan, M;il;iy I'cii. i; llx ]il'i l.')!']

KrUlt, liillllchlMtau L".t ON Ijli iltlh;

Kt'lab i Ghil/.ai. A tVrlianisl.m ;iL' to^ i;i; ril,'|.;

Kulls, Tivlaiiil :i;i i:iN i; :,iiv

Kells Ka., Sfotliiiia ."lu lll.v I iswKdso, SLaitlaial Sr, ;1i;m u 2SwKi'iii, R., Russia tl.'i IIM :U llK

Kiani, H., Russia lili ;1UN L'7 IIUI',

Kemp Is., Antai-ctic Uc. .'"I'.l l)s i;(l l)n;

Kou, R., Cculral Iiali i ir, l)x Sll (.In

Kill, R., Srcitlaiid r<ri SX 4 '.!»'

Kmiilal, Eiit;laial ."il I'ON 2 i:)w

Xmicilueu, Dist., Fr. \V. Africa IL' ON ."i m\'Keneh, IC{,'ypt :2ti ION ;12 S!)!-:

Keuia, Mt. Bf. E. Afi-ii'a 2S\ ;i7 X\\:

Keiiihvortli, ,l^n;4lau<l .')2 20N 1 :!lwKenmare, Iri'laini .'il r.lix '.I :17\V

Koamare R,. Irt'lanil .al -I'JN 10 i>w

Keuuebcc, R., Uiiiteil StatL-s l.'i ox lil) ."

Keuneily Oil., Arutic .\iiu'ri.-a SO ON 70 OwKenneiiy, Co., Australia -'1 Us 1 10 0|i]

Kenuet," E.. Eoii-laiul ijl ;^0N 1 lowKent, Co., EuKlaiiil .51 13N :)0H

Keut, R., Eu-ianii 51 l.-iN 3 17\yKeutisli Knock L.-V,, Euirlaoil .M ;10N 1 M li

Kentucliy, H., United Stales ;^7 ON Kl o\yKentucky, Sr., Uniteil States :i7 :tUN S.'; ;:o\y

Ker;ik, Palestine 31 '.IN 3:< -1 IEKerbela, Turkey in Asia 32 37N 1 1 7BKerch, Ru-sia t.'i 28N 3l1 2,S|.;

Keren, Eritrea l."i r>'2'S 38 30EKer^-ueleu I., Iiulian Oc. -in 30s G'.1 40i.]

Keruia. Egyptiau Sudan U' 3.'iN 30 2.5h:

Keniaidee is., Pacifle Oe. (inset el) 30 OS17.S UW

Kerman, Pei-sia 30 28N ."ai ri.'iio

Keruiaiisliali, Persia 3-1 20n -llj r>SK

Kerry, Go., Ireland .')2 ON lou"Kerry Hd., Ireland -')2 2(;x .">7\v

Keslio, Iniio-L'liina 20.">2N lo.'> laCKesmark, Huin/ary 40 UN 20 27 L]

Kesteveu, Eusrlanil ."t2 -i7x 30\vKeswick, Eu,i,'iand .')

1 3.a.\' 3 ,s^y

Ketterin;;;, England r.2 2 IN 12\yKey Wesi, United States 21 40N ,S2 l.)WKeweenaw Pt., United States 47 2(jx S7 4a\yKhabarovsk, Siberia 40 ON 13.j ONKhat, Persia 34 40X 00 lOEKhaibar, Arabia 2.» 58N 40 OEKhaibar.P., N.W. Frontier 31 .3N 71 OnKhairpur, Bombay 27 3UN ij8 48EKhalasa, Palestine 31 2N 34 40EKliam, Uist., Tibet 30 20N 07 30EKhama's People, Tribe, Bechuanaiand 22 iOs

2ii 12EKlianipur, Rajputaua 28 48N 7 2.')E

Khandwa, Central Provs. 21 4SN 76 IS:;

Khanka, L., Siberia 4.o On 132 .SE

Kliaran, Baluchistan 28 20N 6.5 IGEKiiarkof, Russia 40 20N 36 2EKharput, Turkey in Asia 38 .51N 30 3^KKhartum, Ecjyptian Sudan llj 3on 32 381-:

Khash, Alghanistan 31 32N H2 41EKliasi Hills, Assam 2.5 30N 91 .5 IEKhatanga R., Siberia 60 ON 103 OEKbatm,andii, Nepal 27 40N 8.5 5EKherson, Russia 46 50N 32 i>7K

Kherwara, liaipntana 24 5N 73 40EKhingan Mts., Mongolia 46 ON 110 OEKhirtar Hills, Sind 26 On 67 OEKhiva, Russian Turkestan 41 ION GO 21


Kbiva, St., Russian Turkestan 42 ON .59 Ol'^

Khogeut, Russian Turkestan 40 (IN 69 54EKhojak P., Afghanistan 30 40n GO OEKhokand, Russian Turkestan 40 19N 70 5.51.;

Khong, ludo-Ohina 14 20N loj 40EKlioper R., Russia 52 ON 43 OEKhor el Sash, R., Egyptian Sudan IC 45N

36 15EKhorasan, Prov., Persia 35 ON 57 30E

fhorat, Siam 14 59N 102 lOEhotan, Chinese Turkestan 37 6N 80 6E

Khuisib, E., Ger. S.W. Africa 23 SOS 15 ISEKhur, Persia 33 SON 55 53EKhurzistan, Prov., Persia 31 25N 50 OEKhyen, Tribe, Burma 22 Ox 94 OEKiakhta, Siberia 51 UN 107 30EKia-ling, E., Oliina 33 20N 105 20EKiang-si, Prov., Oliina 28 ON 115 OEKiang-su, Prov., China 32 30N 120 OEKiau-cliau Hr., China 30 20x 120 OEKicking Horse P., Canada .51 15N 116 12WKidderminster, England 52 22N 2 IGWKidwelly, Wales 51 43N 4 lOffKief, Russia 60 39N 30 25 EKiel, Prussia 64 17N 10 lOEKillaloe, Ireland 52 48N 8 26\vKilbrennan Sd., Scotland 55 30N 5 25wKillarney, Ireland 52 3n 9 32wKillarney, Lakes of, Ireland 52 IN 9 33\y

Kildare, Ireland 53 ON 6 54^y

Kildare, Co., Ireland 53 18N C 455V

Kilhope Law, Mt., England 54 46N 2 11


Kilia, Russia 45 30N 29 20EKilia Mouth, Russia 45 26N 29 42 E

Kilif, Bokhara 37 2.3N 66 25EKilkee, Ireland 52 43N 9 38WKilkenny, Ireland .52 39N 7 125V

Kilkenny, Co., Ireland 52 35N 7 155V

Kilkieran B., Ireland 53 18N 9 43WKiUala, Ireland 54 UN 9 liwKillala B., Ireland 64 15N 9 85V

lli.'eraiikir I'.. Se,,thind 5i; 13v 3 IIH-

liinaiav I'ort. E, Africa 17 .51s 3i; 59i:

liliianiarn, 5[t., Ilia-. E. Africa 3 5s 37 10]':

Hill, Se^ll:lud5G27x4 21\ylularuoek, .Seotliiiid 55 37N 4 31whush, Ireland 52 3SN 9 28\yIsyth, Seotliiiiil :<:, 5Sx 4 3Wlung, .lapan 25 2N 121 47EIwa, CliT. E. Afiini 8 38s 39 30Eiiib.alcy. Cape Colony 28 5os 21 32Enilierley, Dist., Australia 17 OS 126 oniiilierley Golilheld, Australia 18 IOS 120 0|.;

uiiueridgi', Hiiglarul 50 3SN 2 8U'

ucanline, Seotlaiid 57 5lN 4 21\yiiearilinc, Co., Scotland 50 54X 2 30\\'

ocliiiijiiiga, Mt., Sikkim 27 5lx s« I2Xnderii B., Russia iu Asia 42 30X 52 30Eilderscout. Mt., England 53 22X 1 51 \y

iig, Mt., -\iistralia 25 25s 118 Oh;

ug (leorge Sd., Aiistrilia. 35 los 117 .5011

llg I., Tasmania 39 .50s 113 55Eiig Sd., Australia 16 Us 123 OEllg Leopold Ra., Ailsiralia 16 30s 125 OEingWilllain's Town, Cape Ooloiiy :i2 50s

King's Cli., Eiigland 51 40N I 21 EKing's Co., Ireland 53 IGN 7 30\yKiiig's Lynn, England 52 46N 211-;

Kingston, Australia 3G 52s 139 57EKingston, Oanaila 41 isx 76 .5S5y

Kingston, England 51 23N 17\yKiug.stun, .fainiiica IS 5N 76 .5.S5y

Kingston, New Zealand 45 21s 168 JGEKingston, United States 11 5SX 74 4\yKingstown, Ireland 53 ISN 6 lOWKingussie, Scotland 57 5x 4 3\yKinibalu, Mt., Borneo 6 OX 116 32EKinnairds Hd., Scotland 57 4.3N 2 0\vKinross, Scotland 50 12x 3 265yKiurnss, Co., Scotland 56 13x 3 23n'Kinsale, Ireland 51 43N 8 315yKinsha, E., China 26 20X 100 25BKiiityre, SeotlMinl 55 35N 5 35\y

Kintyrc, Mull of. Scotfaial 53 20N 5 49wKiiiiia, Mt., Greece 3s 3.5X 22 OEKioto, .lapan 35 3X 135 40EIvipiuire, Mt., Irclaud 53 ION 6 ICWKir Moab, Palestine 31 9X 35 14EKirgiz, Tribe, Rnssia 4S ox 55 OEKiri, I., Dntoli B. Indies (insetl 54X 127 17EKirin. Manchuria 13 50N 126 45EKirkby Lonsdale, England 54 12N 2 3awKirkfiy Moorside. England 54 IGX 56\\'

Kirkcalily, Scotland 66 7X 3 105V

Kirkcudhriglit, Scotland 54 SOX 4 3WKirkcudbright, Co.. Scotland 55 5X 4 2U\y

Kirkham, England 63 47N 2 53\y

Kirkintilloch, Scotland 55 5GN 4 lowKirkwall, Scotland 58 59N 2 57\T

Kirriemuir, Scotland 56 4lN 3 15\^

Kish Bank, Ireland 53 llN 5 55iy

Kish L.-V., Ireland 63 18N 5 58WKishenet, Russia 47 Ox 28 45EKislim, I., Persia 26 44N 55 50Efvissingcn, Bavaria 50 12N 10 3EKisniayn, Br. E. Africa 25S 42 15EKistna. R.. Madras 16 ON 79 OEKita, Fr. 5V. Africa 12 44N 9 12iy

Kin-fn, Oliina 35 20X 117 9EKiadiiang, China 29 3,5X 115 57BKiong-chau, China 20 2X 110 15EKinsliiu, I., Japan 32 30x 131 OEKivn, L., Congo ;^tate 2 IOS 29 12EKizil Arvot, Russian Turkestan 38 42N 56 20EKizil Irmak, R., Turkey in Asia 41 40X 36 OEKizil Knin Desert, Russian Turkestan 43 30n

G4 OEKizil sn, R., East Turkestan 39 14N 75 5GEKizil Usen, R., Persia 37 ION 48 5seKladno. Austria 50 ION 14 3EKlegellfurt, Austria 46 36N 14 16EKlar, E., Sweden 60 2ax 13 2SEKlaiiseubnrg, Hungary 46 43N 23 34EKlerksrtorp, Transvaal 26 50s 27 6EKleve, Prussia {see Cleve i

Klondike, Canada 64 6N 139 05V

Knapdale, Dist., Scotland 55 50x 5 35wKnaresboro', England 64 IN 1 28\V

Knighton, \'?ales 52 20N 3 3WKnight's Town, Ireland 51 67N 10 205V

Kiiockmealilown Mts., Ireland 52 13N S 05V

Knoxville, United States 35 58N 83 5GwKuoydar-t, Dist., Scothrnd 57 4N 5 38WKnutsford, England 53 20N 2 235V

Kohdo, Mongofia 4S20N 91 15EKolje, Japan 34 ON 135 OEKochi, Japan 33 35N 133 lOEKoevorden, Netherlands 52 40N G 42EKohat, Punjab 33 36X 71 30EKohima, Assam 26 ON 93 50E

Koko Nor, L., Tibet 37 ON 100 16EKola, Enssi.i, 68 56N 33 OEKola Pen., Rnssia 67 ON 37 30EKolab, Bokhara 37 .50n 69 44BKolberg, Prussia 54 ION 15 32 E

Kolgnyef I., Rnssia 69 20N 49 SOB

Kolhapur, Bombay 16 42N 74 18E

Kolima R., Siberia 65 ON 161 OBKoliii, Austria .50 2N 15 12EKolobeng, Ger. S.W. Africa 24 34S 25 22E

Kolomea, Austria 48 32X 25 4EKolomna, Russia 55 5N 39 OEKolozsviir, Hungary 46 43N 23 34E

ICom, Mt., Bulgaria 43 16X 23 12E

Komati, R., Transvaal 25 63S 30 40E

Komorn, ITouenrv 17 IGv IS 6eKoiichalo, Ml., Ilii-,ia 5;i HON 60 lOE

Kone, Ir. W. .Miira ;i ox I 2;iw-

Kong-nnin, Cliiiij liii,.-l i 22 MS 113 IE

KiUiia, 'I'lirkrv in .\-n :i; 55X :;2 HElOiuigsgrilfz, ,\iHlriii 50 I IX 15 52ElOilligslierg, l'riis<ia,51 fix 20 30EKOnigslhitte, Prussia .50 ISX 19 OEKoukan, Dist., Boniliay 18 ox 73 OBKoorillgii, AlHtralia 33 43s 139 OEKooteliay 1(., United States 19 Ox 115 25\y

Kiipaoiiik, .ML, Servia 43 fix 20 51EKoraiiiia Land, Cape l oloiiy 27 .50s 20 50EKordohui, Dist.. E-.yptian Sudan 1:1 .50X 30 30Eivoriiiclii. Vol., Siiii'iatra 2 20s 101 16EKoro Sea, Fiji Is. (inset 61) 18 OS 180 OEKnroni.Gr c 36 47N 21 5SEKiiros, E., lliuigary 47 ON '20 I5EKon.s, Swilt, E., Hungary 16 59X 22 OEKoros, White, R., Hungary 46 17x 22 30EIvorosko, Egypt 22 3GN 32 (IB

Koiciusko, Mt., Australia 36 26s 1 18 25EKo-sliima,, I., Japan 33 6X 139 40EKosi, R., N;ital 26 51s 32 lOBKiislin, Prussia 51 lOX IG 12EKiMOVo Polie, Dist., Turkey 42 40X 21 OEKossler, Egypt 26 5N 31 ]8KKo^ti iidil, .Bulgaria 42 12N 22 IGEKustrnma, Russia 57 52X 40 451;

Knta llaja. Suiiiatrii 5 3(;n 95 lOBKotali, Rajputalia 25 12X 75 51EKntla:s, Rnssia 61 12X 46 37EKorthus. Prussia 51 .15N 14 18BKoviio. Russia 65 OX 21 HiK.iwlonii, Ullilia (inset) 22 20X 111 1 IE

Kozlof, Russia 52 6l)N 40 SOBKra, Siam 10 SON 98 ISEKra Pass, Malay Pen. 10 S5X 99 25BICragnyevatz, S(a-\-ia 41 3N 20 5IEKraka'tao, I., Dntcli B. Indies 5 55s 105 32EKrasnovodsk, Russia in .\sia 10 2.x 53 2EKrefeld, Prussia 51 12X 6 2SEKremenehug, Russia 19 KLX 33 f 7EKrenniitz. Hungary IS 4fX 18 53EKreins, Austria 4S'23x 15 31 K

Kremsicr, Austria 49 f2X 17 20EKreuziiach, Prussia 19 51x' 7 5fEKronstadt, Hungarv 45 25X 25 33BKronstadt, Rnssia 60 ION 29 16E

Krooiistad, Orange River Colony 27 4 Is 27 1GBKrotoschiu, Prussia 41 40x 17 21EKru, Tribe, Liberia 5 Ox 80wKrushevatz, Servia 43 34N 21 19BKnlian, E., Rusda 45 25X 40 OEKuliango, R., Angola 17 OS 18 15EKnch Beliar, Bengal 26 20X :i'.l :-;0E

Kuclian, Persia 37 ox 58 32 E

Kuching, Sarawak I 30X 110 20EKiidat, Borneo 7 3x f 16 26EKiifa, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 32 5N 44 15BKiitra 0., Kgypt 23 ON 21 OEKufi Darbish, Jit., Persia 33 30x 52 30EKuh i Baba, Mts., Afghanistan 34 2(lx 66 30EKnh i Bui, Mt., Persia SO 35N 5:; I5EKuh i Dinar, Mt., Persia 30 25X .50 lOEKuh i Nanshada Mt,, Persia 28 23x 60 50EKnis, Biehuanalaud 26 SIS 22 OBKuka, Nigeria 13 OX 13 2EKulliarga, Haidarabad 17 6X 76 42BKnlja, .Mongofia 44 OX 80 50EKufm, Prussia 53 17x 18 22 E

Kufpa, R., Austria 45 26N 15 OEKuin, Persia 34 SOX 50 45EKumasi, Gold Coast 6 40X 1 39WKnuar, Afgliauistan 34 SIX 71 OEKuuduz, .Ifgfianistan 36 44x Sr, 55EKunone, E., Angofa 17 2GS 11 lOBKunfuda, Turkey in Asia l(i 25x If 5EKnugrad, Enssian Turkestan 43 2x' 59 OEKuiiia Urgeiij, Russian Turkt-stan 12 16N 59 9EKnloiig Ferry, Burma 23 2lN 98 4210

Kupaiig, Dutch B. Indies 10 los 123 15bKnr, E.. Russia 41 ox fS OEKuram E. Alghanistan 33 ON 70 SOBKurdistan. Dist., Turkey in .\sia 37 40X 42 30EKnrenegala. Cevloii 7 SON SO 20EKuril', Is., Janan 47 Ox 153 OEKurisches Hall', Prussia 55 20X 23 50bKnrland, Div., Itussia 56 20X 23 OBKurua, Turkey in Asia 31 9x 47 f5EKursli, Eus>ia 61 55x 36 OEKuruman, Cape Colony 27 f5s 23 20EKuslik, Eussian Tnrki'stiin 36 20X 62 461;

Kursnaelit, Switzerland 17 5x 8 26EKu-tenje, Eomauia 44 llx 28 37EKilstrin, Prussia 62 3 IN 14 S2EKutahi.a, Turkey in Asia 39 SON 30 OEKutais, Russia -12 8X 42 45EKutno Lakes, Russia (15 20N 31 30EKuweit, Turkey in Asia 29 20X 48 OEKwa, R., Congo State 3 19S 1611BKwando, R., Angola 17 OS 22 30:o

Kwang-biiili, Indo-China 17 2Sn 106 2SEKwang-chau B., Oliina 21 SlN 111 OKKwang-ngai, Indo-Ohiua 16 5n los :;2E

Kwango, R., Congo State 6 45s 17 20EKwang-si, Prov., Oliina 24 ON 107 SOEKwang-tung. Prov., Oliina 2:j 20X 112 SOEKwanza, R., Angola 9 30s 12 SOEKwei.chau, China 31 15x 109 25EKwei-chan, Prov., Cliinii 2G 20N 107 .30e

Kwei-hwa-clieng, China 40 44N HI 32BKweidiug, Ohiiia 25 ON 110 5eKwci-vang, China 26 58N 107 OEKweu'Lim, Mts., Tibet 30 Ox 95 OB

Kwin-boii, liido-riiina 13 55X 109 5BKvailkill, liurnia IS ISX 95 24EKvaiikpvu, Biinua 10 24X 93 SOEKvle, Dist., Seoffanil 55 SOX 1 27 WIvVfcof Domes-, Seotlaiid .58 S5x 1 I'.IW

Kvle of Tongue. Srofland .5S 32V I 25WKylis .if Bute, Scotland 55 5SX 5 i:;w

LA BCOCHETTA P., Italy 41 27x 9 OELa Ohanx-de-Ponds, Switzerland 17 OX 6 SOELa Cisa, Jlt., Italy 44 26X 10 SBLa FutaP., Italyll 5X U 14BLa 1-lnaira, Tenezuela 10 30x 66 571VLa Mocba, 1., Chile 38 23s 69 lOWLa Paz, Bolivia 16 30s 67 495V

L;i Paz, Mexico 24 6N HO 15wLa Perouse Str„ Pacifio Co. 45 30x 142 30ELa Plata, Argentina 36 20s 58 OIV

fja Serena, Ohile 29 .58s 71 SOWLa Valetta, Malta 35 53x 14 50ELaaland, L. Denmark 54 50N 11 SOELabrador, Dist., N. America 64 Ox G2 05y

Ijabuiin, L, Borneo, 5 ISX 115 llBLacciidive Is., Arabian Sea 13 ON 72 SOELacliish, Palestine 31 32N 34 43ELaclilan, E,, Australia 33 4S 147 OBLacouia, Prov., Greece 37 6N 22 37ELadder of Tyre, C, Palestine 33 6N 36 6BLado, Oougo State 6 5X 31 33ELadoga, L,, Bussia 61 ON 31 SOBLailroiie Is., Pacific Oc. 17 l« 145 SOELadybrand, Orange tliver Colony 29 2os 2( lOELadysmitli, Natal 28 22s 29 58bLaeken, Belgium 50 54X 4 21ELafayette, United States 40 UN 87 22\y

Lagan, R., Ireland 54 2sn 6 12wLaggaii, L., Scotfaiid 56 55N 4 SOWLagos, Portugaf 37 7N 8 4WLagos, W. Africa G 2GN 3 38ELaliore, Punfab 31 SON 74 23ELahoii, R., Fr. 5V. Africa 5 12x 5 OwLahii, R., Prussia 50 SON 8 lOELaihach, Austria 46 IN' 14 SOELaing Neck, P., Natal 27 20S 29 60BLLiirg, Scotland 58 IN 4 24wLaish, AfL'hanistau 31 44N- 61 30ELaish, Palestine 33 16N 35 37BLake of Four Cantons, Switzerland 17 ON 8 SOELakliimpur, Assam 27 12N 94 6ELakou, Siam IS 15N 99 45ELalitpur, Central India 24 40N 77 60ELambay, I., Ireland 53 SON 6 2(yLanifiayaque, Peru 6 46s 79 645VLamia, Greece 38 5lN 22 25, Scotland 55 SlN 5 8wLammei-muir Dills, Scotland 66 50x 2 4.55V

Lampeter, Wales 62 7N 4 4WLam])ong, Dist., Sumatra 6 OS 106 OELamu, Br. E. Africa 2 Ss 41 6ELanark, Scotland 55 4lN 3 42WLanark, Co., Scotland 55 40k 3 435VLaneasfiire. Co., Bngfand 63 40N 2 305VLaneuster, England 54 3N 2 485\'

Lancaster Sd.. Canada 74 ON 85 05VLancava Is., Malay Pen. 6 24N 99 48ELaiideck, Austria 47 Ox 10 31ELandes, Dept., France 44 4X 42WLandes, Dist., France 44 On 1 105VLand! Kotal, N.5y. Frontier Prov. 34 5N

71 lOBLaud's End, England 60 4X 5 42wLandsberg, Prussia 52 45N 16 15ELandsborough, R.. Australia 22 OS 144 lOELandshut, Bavaria 48 SlN 12 lOELang, Mt., Australia 18 los 143 46ELauL'-cliau. China 36 OX 104 OELangdon Hill, England 51 S6N 20ELaiige Berge, ills., Cape Colony 28 SOS 22 2GBLangelaud, I., Denmark 65 On il 50l':

Langenburg, Ger. E. Africa 9 46s 34 26BLangholm, Seotfand 65 9N 3 OwLangkloof, Mts., Cape Colony 33 60s 23 40 ELaiiguau. Switzerland 46 55N 7 471:

Langness Pt., Isfe of Man 54 2n 4 SOWLangres, France 47 62X 5 18BLang-sou, Indo-Cliina 22 2x 106 50ELanguard Fort, England 51 67x 1 17BLanguedoc, Prov., Prance 44 Ox 4 OELangsing, United States 42 4SN 84 32\vLantan, I., China (inset) 22 14N 113 66ELan-tsang, R., China 28 50x 99 6ELao, Tribe, Siam 18 SON 100 OBLaoghal, L., Scotland 58 23x 4 24WLao-kai, Indo-Oliina 22 40N 104 6ELaon, France 49 35N 3 34BLapland, Div., Russia 68 ON 25 OELappa, China (inset) 22 13N 113 29EEar, Persia 27 43N -54 4ELaramie Mts., United States 42 22N 105 4G\yLarantnka, Dutcli B. Indies 8 15s 123 OELaredo, Mexico 27 26N 99 SUVLargo, Scotland 56 13N 2 575VLargs, Scotland 55 49N 4 53\5^

Larissa, Greece 39 3SN 22 22ELark, R., Bngfand 52 20N 33ELarkhalf, Seotfand 65 45N 3 6757Larnaka, Cyprus 34 55N S3 32 ELarue, Ireland 64 61N 5 49\5'

Larvik, Norway 59 2x 10 2ELa.s Tres Marias, Is., Mexico 21 28N 106Laso, I.. Denmark 67 15N 11 OELatherton, Scotland 68 17x 3 24wLatium, Prov., Italy 42 On 12 SOBLatrobe R., Australia 38 9s 146 44Latta, I., Dutch B. Indies (inset)

(13 )

LATJ INDEXLauder, Scotland 5,'> UN 2 l.'iw

Lanfeii. SwitziTl;iiiil 17 -KIN S :;r,E

LunrpnbLir^', l'ni.^-i:i ,">;! ISN lU odl^

Lausjharne, Walrs .01 4SX i SOWJ^auUL'LStim, Enylauil Tjd ION 1 i?:Uv

LauiKX-ston, Tasiiiiuiia.H l.'is Ui; iSKLaiiiic, lu, IfelaiHl r.i3 lOx '.I lowLaurtUL-L'kirk, Scntlaiiil 5G 51 N 2 28WLaiirioii, Gi'Lx-oe 37 43N 21 2l.:

Lausanne. Switzeiiaml 4G 32x G ."iSl.;

Lausit/, Giant Mt>., Prussia 51 UN !.'> 0]-:

Laval. France 48 4x 48 wLaw, Mt., Scotlanil .')li 2N 2 4.5\r

Lawrence, United States 42 47x 70 'tOwLaxford, L., Scotland .'")8 2.5N 5 8\vLazaref, P., Oorea 3>J 35N 127 2."d.;

Le Locle, Switzerland 47 4N G 4yJj:

Le Madouie, Mt., Italy 37 .52N 14 UELea, R., England 51 40X 4«'

Leadhills, Scotland 55 2GN 3 47\V"

Leamington. England 52 17N 1 32WLeavenwortll, United States 39 30s 94 95w'Lebanon, Dist., Turkey in Asia 32 30x 35 OeLebombo, Mts., Transvaal 2G 40s 31 57ELecce, Italv 40 18N 18 12ELeclifelil, PI., Bavaria 48 OX 11 OELedbury. England 52 2X 2 28\yLee, R., Ireland 51 52x 8 48WLeeds, England 53 4KX 1 32wLeek, England 63 Gx 2 IwLeer, Prussia 53 12N 7 23 ELeeuwarden, Netherlands 53 llx 5 49ELeeuwin, C, Australia 34 OS 115 OELeeward Is., W. Indies 17 30N G5 owLefroy, L., Australia 31 20s 121 30ELeghorn, Italy 43 33N 10 22ELegnago, Italy 45 9N 11 18ELeii, Kashmir 34 16N 7? 40ELehutitang, Bechuanalanil 23 50s 21 OlELeicester, England 52 38x 1 lOwLeicester, Co., England 52 38M 1 15wLei-chau, Oldna 20 53N 110 4ELeichhardt, Co., Australia 24 10s 148 OELeichhardt, R., Australia 19 OS 139 5UELeiden, Netherlands 52 ION 4 2-^1-^

Leighton Buzzard, England 51 55N 40\yLeine, R., Prussia 51 42N 9 57ELeinster, Mt., Ireland 52 37N C 43wLeiuster, Prov., Ireland 52 53N 7 OwLeipzig, Saxony 51 20x 12 21ELeith, Scotland 55 5SN 3 lUWLeith Hill, England 51 13N 22WLeiria, Portugal 39 4GN 8 49\vLcitha, R, Austria 47 43N IG OELeitmeritz, Austria 50 32X 14 7ELeitr.m, Ireland 53 59N 8 2\\'

Leitrim, Co., Ireland 54 ION 8 lOwLek, R., Netherlands 51 5GN 4 45ELemberg, Austria 49 49X 24 IELemnos, I., Turkey 39 62N 25 lOELena, R., Siberia 66 SON 123 30ELenkoran, Russia 38 40N 48 45BLennox Hills, Scotland 56 2N •! 19WLeoben, Austria 47 22N 15 4ELeominster, England 52 13N 2 44WLeon, Nicaragua 12 S3N 86 50wLeon, Spain 42 35N 5 35\vLeun, Prov., Spain 41 SOX 5 50WLepanto, Greece 38 25x 21 48ELepini, Mts,, Italy 41 34N 13 OELeopolfl II., L., Congo State 2 OS 18 20ELeopoldville, Congo State 4 23s 15 2Sb}

Lerida, Spain 41 40N 30ELerwick, Shetland Is., Scotland (InsetJ 60 9X

1 10\YLesina, I., Austria 43 lOx 16 45ELeskovatz, t^ervia 42 53N 21 58 h3

Letaba, R., Transvaal 23 40s 31 30ELethbridge, Uiuted States 49 25X 113 lOWLctterkennv, Ireland 54 57x 7 44WLcucas, I., Greece 38 40x 2U ISELeuca, 0. di, Italy S9 45N 18 2UELeuk, Switzerlanil 46 18s 7 38ELeukerbail. Switzerland 46 21N 7 37ELeuthen, Prussia .51 4N 16 49ELevanger, Norway 63 40N 1 1 40ELevant, Mediterranean Sea 33 3l)x 34 SOi;

Leveu, L., Scotland .56 12N 3 21WLoven, L., Scotland 56 43N 5 lowLevSque, 0., Australia 16 25s 122 40ELevuka, Fiji Is. (inset 51) 17 40S 178 4.'iE

liCvi.c, Canada 46 51X 71 15wLewes, England 50 52X IELewis, Butt of, Scotland 58 31X 6 14wLewis, Dist., Scotland 5S 14N 6 35wLewi<, H., Canada 61 Ox 133 Uiv

LewistoD, United States 44 4X 70 5wLexington, anitcd .-tatcs 38 4X S4 33WLej-te, I., Philippine Is. 10 35N 125 OELevton, England 51 32X IELhasa, Tibet 29 46X 90 42ELiard, R., Canada 61 ON 124 OWLiau-ho, K., Manchuria 42 lOX 122 40BLiau-tung. G. ol, Manchuria 40 35x 121 OE

Libau, Russia 5G SON 21 2ELiberia, St., W. Africa 7 OX 10 OWLibertad, P. de la, Salvador IS 30N 89 22


Libourue, France 44 56X 13WLibreville, Fr. Congo :'.2N 9 SUE

Libyan Deseit, E-vpt 27 SOX 27 30E

Libyan Desert Plat, Egyiit. 30 SON 25 OE

Licaucaur, Vol., Bolivia 22 3US 67 18WLicata, Italy 36 50N 13 57E

Lickey, England 52 21x 3 IWLicking, R., United States 38 OX S3 38w

Liddel, R., England 55 5N 2 51wLiililisdale, Scotland 55 5N 2 55WLiechtenstein, Prin., Austria 17 18n 9 20I'J

Liege, Belgium .50 39N 5 S2ELii-s!e, Prov., Bfdgiuni 50 SON 5 30ELicgnctz, Pruss a 61 13X 16 lil|.;

Lirsthal, Switzerland 47 29x 7 UULirt'ey, R., Ireland 53 2UN 6 SOWLifford, Ireland 54 5UX 7 29^vLigny, Belgium 50 32N 4 34ELigor, Malay Pen. 8 25N 100 OELiguria, Prov., Italy 44 OX 8 3y|.:

Ligurian Appenniues, Jits., Italy 41 34N 9 OELigurian S., Italy 43 17x 9 OELibou Keef, Australia 17 10s 151 40ELiim Fd., Denmark 56 4.5X 8 15ELille, France 50 39N 3 OELim, R., Turkey 43 25N 19 42BLima, Peru 12 OS 7G 28WLiniburg, Belgium 50 37N 50 58ELimburg, Prov., Belgium 51 lUN 5 301-:

Limerick, Ireland 52 39x 8 39WLimerick, Co.. Ireland 52 28x 8 50wLininiat, R., S«dtzerland 47 25N 8 23ELimnges, France 45 5lN 1 15].^

Linion, Costa Rica 9 65N 83 8WLiniuusir, Prov., France 45 SUN 1 20ELimpopo, R., S. Africa 22 15s SO 45ELimvidm, R., Transvaal 23 OS 30 54ELinares, Spain 38 Sx 3 44WLincoln, Australia 34 46s 135 44ELincoln, England 53 14X 32WLincoln, United States 40 5UN 97 27wLincoln, Co., England 53 12X 20n-Lincoln Wolds, England 63 SOx 20\rLindau, Bavaria 47 34N 9 32ELindesnaes, Norway 58 Ox 7 OELindsay, Mt., Australia 28 27s 152 29ELindsey, England 53 22X 15^\'

Lingayen, Philippine Is. 15 58x 120 8ELingen, Prussia 52 34N 7 17ELingga, I., Dutch E. Indies U 104 30ELinjah, Persia 26 32N 54 .50E

Linlithgow, Scotland 55 58N 3 36\yLinlithgow, Co., Scotland 55 56N 3 35wLin-ngan, China 23 SON 102 45ELinidie, L., Scotland 56 35X 5 27WLintli Can., Switzerland 47 lOX 9 OELinz, Austria 48 17x 14 19ELio, Porgvul, Mt., Tibet 32 ON 78 OELion G., Prance 43 3x 4 OELipari, Italy 38 32N 14 48ELipari Is.. Italy 38 30X 14 55ELippe, Prin., Germany 52 Ox 9 OELippe, R., Prussia 51 43 N 7 SSELiptau, Dist., Hungary 49 5x 19 35ELisbon, Portugal 38 42x 9 8WLisburn, Ireland 54 31N G 2WLiscannor B., Ireland 52 54X 9 2GWLiskeard, England 50 29N 4 27^yLismore, Ireland 52 9x 7 56\yLiss.a, I., Austria 43 5N IG lOEListowel, Ireland 52 28x 9 27WLita, R., Palestine 33 20N 35 14BLitang, Oldna 30 4N 100 32ELithuania, Dist., Russia 55 SOX 24 OELithuanian Hills. Russia 53 SUN 25 OELittle Belt, Str., Denmark .55 Ox 10 OELittle Minch, Oh., Scotland 57 SON 7 OWLittle Rock, United States 34 43N 92 iUWLittle Russia, Div., Russia 5U ON 35 01.:

Littlehampton, England 5U 4sx U UWLiverpool, Engalnd 63 24N 2 59 «'

Liverpool B., England 53 SUN 3 30^v

Liverpool Plains, Australia 3U 26s 150 OELiverpool Ra., Australia 31 35s 150 UELivingston, Guatemala 16 73N 89 5\v

Liviugstonc Mts., Ger. E. Africa 10 OS 34 SUELivlaud, Dist., Russia 57 SUN 2G SUBLivny, Russia 52 SOX 37 40ELivonia, Russia ^see Livlaud)Lizard Hd., England 49 57N 5 12WLjusneR., Sweden 02 ION 15 OELlanberis, Wales 63 5X 4 4wLlandalf, Wales .51 29X 3 14WLlaudilo, Wales 41 53X 3 59WLI indudno, Willes 53 20x 3 49WLlandovery, England 51 69N 3 4SwLlanellv, Wales 61 4lN 4 105T

Llanfyllin, Wales 52 .16N 3 IGWLlangollen, Wales 52 .5SX 3 12WLlaindloos, Wales .52 25x 3 31wLlano Estacado, Pt., United States 33 5UN

103 OU'

Llanrwst, Wales 53 7N 3 49iy

Llautrisaint, Wales 61 31N 3 25\v

Llobregat, R„ Spain 41 17x 2 6ELloro, Colombia 5 12N 76 45WLoagulujii, R., Madras 12 ON 33 SUELuanda, Angola 9 Us 13 14bLnangn, Fr. Congo 4 29s 11 52ELoangwa, R, Rhodesia 14 1U3 3U 30 E

Lob-Nor, China 39 40N 90 OELoljale, Dist., Port, W. Africa IS OS 21 OELocarno, Switzerland 46 ION 8 50ELuchaber, DL-t., Scotland 57 ON 5 uwLochgilphead, Scotland 5G 3n 5 25wLocluiagar, Mt., Scotland 66 56N 3 12WLochy, L. Scotland 56 o5N 4 55\v

Lockerliie, Scotland 65 6N 3 22WLoddon R., Au-tralia 3G US 113 54ELocli, Italy 46 15N 9 24ELodz, Russia 61 48N 19 SOELofoten Is., Norway 6s 3UX 15 OELofty, Mt., Australia 33 303 133 60B

Logan, irt., Canada 43 43N 66 OwLogan, Mt., Canada 60 22N 141^purt, United States 40 43x 36 22H'Logon, Nigca-ia 11 23X 14 43BLogon, H., Suilan 9 ON 16 8ELngrnno, Spain 42 27N 2 20wLohcia, Turkey in Asia 15 42N 42 3GELoir, R., Prance 47 43X 26BLoir-ct-Clier, Dept., France 47 33x 1 6UELoire, Dept., France 45 40x 4 GeLoire, Haute-, Dept., France 45 ISx S ISj.:

Loire-Inf6rieiu-e, Dept., France 47 33X 1 4SWLoire, 1!., France 47 26N 2 52ELoiret, Dept., France 48 5s 2 SOELoja, Ecuadcr 4 10s 79 27\YLoko, Nigeria 8 5n 7 24bLokoja, Nigeria 7 54N 6 S4ELolo, Dist., China 27 SON 103 OELom, Bulgaria 43 52N 23 18ELum, R., Bulgaria 43 43N 26 OELomain, R., Congo State 5US 24 28ELombardy, Prov., Italy 45 40x 9 40ELomblem, L, Dutch E. Indies 3 SOS 123 40ELorabok, I,, Dutch E. Indies 8 20S 116 25|.:

Lambok Str., Dutch B. Indies 8 50s 116 50ELomond Hill, Scotland 56 14s 3 lOWLomond, L., Scotland 56 6n 4 34\yLondon, Canada 42 55x 81 llwLoudon, England 51 SON 5wLoudouderiy, Ireland 64 69X 7 19WLondonderry, C, Austialia 13 50s 126 45ELondonderry, Co., Ireland 54 55N 7 OwLong I., Ireland 51 28N 9 35WLong I., United States 40 55N 72 50wLong I., W. Indies 23 SON 75 5WLong Island Sd., Uniterl States 41 ON 75 OWLong, L., Scotland 56 4N 4 61\vLong Mt., Wales 62 S8X 3 4WLong Mynd, England 52 SON 2 5GwLong Peak. Uniteil States 40 58x 105 SOWLong Ra., Newfoundland (inset) 50 UN 57 OWLong Sand, England 61 36N 1 24ELongford, Ireland 53 43N 7 48WLongford, Co., Ireland 63 40x 7 45wLongtou, England 52 59N 2 9WLongtown, England 55 ON 2 68WLous le Sauuier, France 46 40N 5 SOELooe, Englanil .50 ISx 4 23wLookout, 0., United States 34 48N 76 31^vLookout Mt., United States 34 9x 85 50wLoop Hd., Ireland 52 34N 9 6GWLopez, C, French Congo 45s 8 .60E

Lora, R., Afghanistan SO lOX 65 45ELorca, Spain 37 42N ] 42WLord Howe Is., Pacific Oc. 31 37s 159 OELoreto, Italy 43 2.5X 13 37BLoreto, Peru 4 OS 70 lowLorient. France 47 44N 3 21wLorn, Dist,. Scotland 5G 20N 5 19WLorn, P. of, Scotland 56 IGX 5 38WLon-aine, Dist., Germany 49 ON G SOELorraine, Prov., France 48 34x 6 OELos Is., W. Africa 9 32N 15 50wLos Angeles, United States 34 2UN 113 45wLossiemouth. Scotland 57 42N 3 16\YLostwitliiel, England 60 26N 4 39\yLot, Dept., France 44 50N 1 48ELot, R., Prance 44 SON 1 20EI,ot^et^Garoime. Dept., France 44 32X 211:

Lotluan, Dist., Scotland 55 54N 3 OwLiltzen, Prussia 54 2N 21 44ELoudoun Hill, Scotland 55 34N 4 9wLoughboro', England 62 46X 1 13WLoughrea, Ireland 53 14N 8 35WLoughros B., Ireland 54 48x 8 32wLouisiade Is., Australia 11 10s 161 40ELouisiana, St., United States SI UX 92 OwLouisville, Canada 45 57N 59 67\vLouisville, United States 38 2X 85 35WLoureuco Marquez, Port, E. Africa 25 58s 32 3Ui:

Louth, Ireland 63 56X 6 32WLouth, Co., Ireland 53 5Ux 6 30wLouvain, Belgium 60 62N 4 41WLovat, R., Russia 57 Us SO 50ELow Arcli, Pacific Oc. 17 OS 143 OwLowell, United States 42 SGN 71 20wLower California, Pen,, Mexico 28 ON 113 OWLowestoft, England 52 29N 1 46|.;

Lowthers, Mt," Scotland 55 22s 3 37WLoyalty Is., Pacific Oc. 21 OS 1C7 OELoz6rc, Dept.. France 44 27N 3 3GELualaba, R., Congo State 7 40s 27 5ELuang-Praliang, Indo-China 19 55x 101 40ELuapula, R., Congo State 7 OS 23 lOELiibeck, G-ermauy 53 53N 10 45ELubliu, Russia 51 12s 22 SUELucca, Italy, 43 51s lU SOELuce B,, Scotland 54 45N 4 50WLuce, R., Scotland 56 UN 4 6GWLucerne (.S'V Luzern)Lu-chu Is., Japan 26 ON 127 OELuckenwalcle, Prussia 52 5n 13 13bLucknow, Agi-a and Oudh 27 2N 81 OELud, Palestine 31 67s 34 64ELudhiana, Punjab SO 61s 75 .)4ELudingtou, United States 44 ON 8G 24wLudlow, England 62 2lN 2 43wLug, H., England 62 12s 2 42wLugano, Switzerland 46 Is 3 53BLugnariuilla, Mt., Ireland 52 58N G 29wLugo. Spain 43 ON 7 36wLogos, Hungary 45 37N 21 66ELuichart L., Scotland 57 38N 4 46wLukmanier, Mt., Switzerland 46 34N 8 53ELukuga, R,, Congo State 6 423 23 SUB

Lulea, Sweden 65 32N 22 15ELulea R., Sweden 66 25X 21 ORLulua, R., Congo State 5 30s 22 23ELuluaburg, Congo State 6 5s 22 19ELumsden, New Zealand 45 43s 168 27ELunil, Sweden 55 .50s 14 12ELnnda, Dist., Port. W. Africa Us 21 SOELunily I., England 61 13N 4 40wLune R., Englantl 54 I2N 2 4.5W

Luiieburg, Prussia 53 9N 10 20ELiineburg Heath, Prussia 63 ox 10 30ELunenburg, Canada 44 28N 64 2U\y

Luneville, Prance 48 37N 6 30ELunga, I., Austria 44 ON 15 OBLuni, R., Rajputana 25 24N 72 OELurgan, Ireland 54 28n 6 20wLuristan, Prov., Persia 33 20N 47 30ELus, Dist, Baluchistan 26 40N 6G 20ELuse, Mt., Sumatra 3 SON 96 SOELuss, Scotland 56 6N 4 3S\V

Lushai Hills, Assam 24 ON 93 ObLussin, I., Austria 44 34N 14 24ELutin, Germany 64 7x lo S5ELutm, England 51 52N 26w^Lutterworth, England 52 26X 1 14WLuxemburg, Luxemburg 4U 36x 6 7ELuxemburg, Prov., Belgium 50 Ox 6 SOELuxemburg, St., Europe 40 45N 6 5ELuzern, Swdtzerland 47 4N 8 15BLuzern, L. of, Switzerland 47 On 8 25BLuzern, Prov.. Switzerland 47 On 8 20bLuzon, L, Philippine Is. 16 Ox 121 OBLybster, Scotlanil 58 18N 3 18wLyoaonia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 38 ON 32 30ELycia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 36 16N 30 OBLycian Taurus, Mts., Turkey in Asia 36 45N

SO ObLyck, Prussia 53 47N 22 17ELyild, England 60 56N 52ELydda, Palestine 31 57x 34 o4BLydenburg, Transvaal 29 5S 30 26ELydia, Dist., Turkey in Asia 38 60N 27 30ELyme Regis, England 60 34s 2 56wLymington, England 50 46N 1 33WLynchburg, United States 37 22N 79 12WLyiidhurst, England 50 50N 1 36wLyue Water, R., Scotland 65 46N 3 20wLvnher, R., England 50 3SN 4 28wLynn Oh., Alaska 50 On 135 SOWLynn Well L.-V., England 63 2N 27ELynton, England 51 ISN 3 51WLyonnai-, Prov., France 45 61N 4 OELyons, France 45 4GN 4 60ELys. R., Belgium 61) 65N 3 25ELythaiu, England 53 45N 2 57wLyttelton, New Zealand 43 38s 172 45E

MAANSBLKA, Dist., Ru-sia 65 ON 30 OEMaas, R., Netherlands 51 15N 6 56EMaastricht, Netherlands 50 5lN 5 42BMaba, Dutch E. Indies (inset) 47N 127 56BJIac Donnell Ra., Australia 23 20s 132 30BMacao, China 22 SON 113 40eMacassar, Dutcli E. Indies 4 59S 119 26EMacassar Str., Dutch E. Indies 2 Us 118 OEMacclesfield, England 53 16N 2 4WMacdonald Is., Indian Oc. 53 Os 73 OEMacdonald, L., Australia 23 28s 128 3UBMacduff, Scotland 57 42N 2 29WMacedonia, Dist., Turkey 41 On 23 OEMaceio, Brazil 9 36s 35 42wMacerata, Italy 43 14N 13 S3BMacgillicuddy's Reeks, Mts., Ireland 52 ON

9 50WMacgregor lU., Australia 27 Os 142 40bMachako's, Br. E. Africa 1 13s 37 23EMachynlleth, Wales 62 34N 3 61WMackay, Australia 21 10s 149 8EMackenzie, Dist., Canada 66 ON 126 OwMackenzie, R., Australia 23 17s 148 27EMackenzie R., Canada 65 On 127 SOWMackinaw, United States 46 38X 31 40wMackinaw Str., United States 45 40X 84 40WMacloay R., Australia 31 OS 152 60EMa(;ion, France 46 20N 4 60E *

Macon, United States 32 49X 83 30wMacptierson R., Australia 23 los 152 40EMacquarie I., Southern Oc. 54 108 159 60EMacroom. Ireland 51 65x 8 56wMacumba R., Australia 27 9s 136 UBMadagascar, I., Indian Oc. 19 OS 47 OBMaildalcna I., Italy 41 17N 9 36BMaildy, L., Scotland 57 37N 7 GwMadeba, Palestine 31 42N 35 47EMadeira, I., Atlantic Oc. 32 55N 16 39wMadeira, R., Brazil 8 OS 63 OWMadison (Indiana), United States 33 47N

35 23WMadison (Wisconsin), United States 43 ION

89 24WMadre de Dioa, R., Bolivia 11 26s 67 30wMadras, Madras 13 4N 30 14BMadras, Prov., India 15 ON 79 30EMadrid, Spain 40 26X S 40WMadura, Madras 9 50N 78 15EMadura, I., Dutch E. Indies 6 15S 113 30EMafeking, Cape Colony 25 4ilS 25 40EMafia. I., Ger. E. Africa 7 50s 39 50EMagdala, Palestine 32 49N 36 3lEMagdalaqueen, R., Transvaal 22 40s 28 42EMagdalen, Is., Canada 47 25x Gl 5JW-Magdaleua, R., Colombia 8 ON 74 OWMagdeburg, Prussia 52 6N U 35BMagee I., Ireland 54 49N 5 42wMagellan's Str., S. America 53 OS 69 Ow

(U )


Maggia, R., Switzerlaml 4G 15N 8 38EMaggiore, L., Italy 4.^ 4r)N 8 40EMagra, R., Italy 44 6N 10 8kMagwe, Bui-ma 20 6N 95 Ol?

Magyars, P. of the. Huns:ary 48 ISN 21 4lRMaliadeo Hills, Oentral Trovs. 22 ON 78 301':

Mabakkam, R., Borneo U ION 117 Ol:

Maliauadi, R., Bengal 20 SON 85 ObMaliass, Egyptian Smlan 20 15N 30 OEMaliiS, Madras 11 33N 75 35 HMahebourg, Mauritius 20 22s 57 401:

Malii, E., Bombay 23 ON 73 42 BMaliia Pen., New Zealand 39 10s 177 55BMalion, Spain 89 62N 4 9EMaidculiead, England 61 3lN 42WMaidens, The, Is., Ireland 54 6fix 5 42\yMaidstone, England 51 ION 32bMaigurita, Mt., Venezuela 10 35n' f,n ]5\rMaikal Ra.. Central Provs. 22 42K 81 421i:

Maikop. Russia 44 35N 40 lOEMaimachin, Mongolia 00 12N lOfi 40B]\r;iimena, Afghanistan 35 52N 151 52 BMain, R.. Germany 50 2N 10 25


Maine, Prov., Franee 48 9NMaine, R., Ii-cland 62 ION 9 3S\rMaine, St., United States 46 ON GO 0\rMaine-et-Loire, Dept., France 47 IHN 2G"\V

Mainland, Dist., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 10s127 60E

Mainland, Orkney Is., Scotland 59 ON 3 lOn-Maiuland, Siietland Is., Scotlaml (inset) 60 20N

1 20n'

Ifaiupuri, Bengal 27 ION 79 6EMainz, Geruianv 49 59N 8 151!)-

Maipo, H., Chile 33 65s 71 15\yM.aipure, Colombia 5 GN H8 30"WMaira, B., Italy 44 27N 7 24EMaisi Pt., Cuba 20 15N 74 lowMaitland, Australia 32 64s 151 151J:

Majella, E., Italy 42 ON 14 ISEMajorca, I., Spain 39 .30N 3 OEMajuba Hill, Natal 27 303 29 58 EMakalla, Arabia 14 35N 49 5EMakari-kari Salt Pan, Rhodesia 2 J 30s 25 40bMako, Hungary 46 13N 20 29EMakran, Pro^J., Persia 26 12X 60 OEMakyan, I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 20N

127 19EMai B., Ireland 52 52N 9 27 \y

Malabar Coast, India 13 ON 74 OEMalacca, Straits Settleraoits 2 18N 102 ISEMalacca. Sti-. of, E. Indies 5 ON 99 Oi:

Maladetta, Mt., Spain 42 37N 50EMalaga. Spain 36 43N 4 26>vM.alahide, Ireland 63 27N 6 lowMalar, L., Sweden 59 25N 17 OEMa/atia. Turkey in Asia 38 36X 38 35


Malay Pen., Asia 5 ON 102 OBMalbay, Ireland 62 62N 9 22wMaiden I., Paciflc Oc. 3 39s 155 25wMaldive Is., Arabian Sea 5 ON 73 OEMaMon, England 61 43N 4I)E

Maldonado, Uruguay 35 Os 55 0\yMallorea, I., Spain 39 30N 3 OEMalia, C, Greece 36 28N 23 17EMaliu Hd., Ireland 55 22N 7 22WMalindi, Br. B. Africa 3 8s 40 2EMallaig, Scotland 57 ON 5 49WMallow, Ireland 62 9N 8 39wMalmesbury, Cape Colony 33 27s 18 35EMalmesbury, England 51 35N 2 llwMalmb, Sweden 55 35N 13 OEMaloja, P., Switzerland 4G 22N 9 42BMalpas, England 63 IN 2 47 \r

Malta, I., Mediterranean S. 35 62N 14 26EMaludu, Borneo 6 33N 116 53EMalvasia, Greece 36 42N 23 4EMalvern, England 52 6N 2 20WMalvern Hills, England 62 6N 2 24WMain Soul, Mt., Scotland 57 16N 6 12WMammoth Cave, United States 37 12N 86 3wMamore, R., Bolivia 16 2GS 63 30WMamturk Mts., Ireland 63 28N 9 37wMan, Isle of, British Isles 64 ION 4 30wManagua, Nicaragua 12 2N 86 20wMan.4os, Brazil 2 49S 60 12WManar, Ceylon 9 OK 80 OEManar G., Indian Go. 8 30N 79 OEManasarowar. L.-, Tibet 30 42N 81 30eMancha, La, Dist., Spain 39 ION 3 OwManohe, Dept., France 48 67N 1 20wManchester, England 53 29N 2 15wManchester, United States 43 3N 71 35WManchuria, Ter., Asia 43 OS 127 30BMand, R., Persia 28 20N 53 30EMandal, Norway 58 3N 7 30EMandalay, Burma 22 ON 96 16EMandingo, Tribe, Fr. W. Africa 9 30N 8 0^VMaudra, Mt., Romania 45 16N 23 36EMandsaur, Oentral India 24 GN 75 6EMandvi, Bombay 32 48N 69 24EManero Ra.. Australia 36 OS 148 55EManfredonia, Italy 41 35N 15 55 EMangabeiras, Mts., Brazil 8 35S 47 SOffMangalia, Romania 43 60K 28 36EMangalore, Madras 12 48N 74 54 EMangysblak Pen.. Russia in Asia 44 30K 51 OEManic'a, Port. E. Africa 19 OS 33 OEManich, R., Russia 46 28N 42 OEManiluki Is.. Pacific Ocean 11 O.s 152 30irManila, Philippine Is. 14 58N 121 OEManipur, Assam 25 ON 94 OEManissa, Tnrkev in Asia 38 42N 27 21EManitoba, L., Canada 51 ON 98 30WManitoba, Prov., Canada 61 ON 98 10^v

Manitoulin I., Canada 45 38.N 82 64"WMaujira, R., Haidarabad 18 ON 77 OBMannheim, Germany 49 29N 8 30EMannin B., Ireland 53 ,30N 10 lOwManning R., Australia 31 55s 152 30EMans, Le, Prance 48 ON 12BMmslielil, Enghuid 53 ION 1 14wMaji-shau, Mts., Obina 25 40N 112 OEJklausurn, Egypt 31 IN 30 22BJlantua, Italy 45 ION 10 4SEMainikau Hr., New Zealand 37 os 171 32BJ\ianyara, L., Ger. E. Africa 3 3SS 36 12EManzanares, Spain 38 58N 3 23 \y

Manzauillo, Cuba 20 20N 77 3wManzanillo, llctico 19 7N 101 lOWMaul na Ua, C, Scotland .55 31 N G 18wJMaini, ralestin,- 31 2-lN 35 7bMapirni, Mexico 25 50N 101 22\vMar del Plato, Argentiua 38 55 57 39wMar Elias, Palestiile 32 5lN 34 6SEMai-aea, I., Brazil 2 ON 50 22WMaraeaibo, Vejiezuela 10 30N 72 lOWMiu-aoaibo, G. of, Venezuela 1 1 20N 7111 «•

Maragnaca, Mt., Venezuela 4 ON 67 OiVMarajo I., Brazil 1 O.s 50 OWMaranhao, Brazil 2 58s 43 59wMaranhao, St., Brazil 6 OS 45 OWManmoa, Co., Australia 27 45,s 148 OEMaranon, R., Peru 4 30s 75 30WMarasli, Turkey in Asia 37 45N 37 15EMarat, Switzerland 46 56N 7 7i:

iMaratlujnisi, Greece 36 45N 22 37EMarazion, England 50 ION 5 29\VMarbellii, Spain, 36 33N 4 5(i\y

Marburg, Austria 40 32x 15 4lEMarburg, Prussia 50 47N 8 40EMarch England 52 31N 4EMarch, R., Austria 4S 35N 17 OEMarche, Prov., Fraui'e 16 ON 2 OBMarclies, Prov., Italv 43 20N l:! OEMarcy, Mt., Unrted 'States 43 52N 74 48wMardin, Turkey in Asia 37 21N 41 -IE

Mare I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 36N 127 21EMareb, R., Eritrea 14 40N 38 lOEMarec, L., Scotland 57 40N 5 2S^yMarengo, Italy 41 5lN 8 36EMargarita, t., Venezuela II ON 64 OwMargate, England 51 23N I 24BMargelan, Russian Turkestan 40 5N 72 OEMaria Theresiopol, Hungary 40 5n 19 38EMaria Van Diemen, C, New Zealand 34 28s

172 37EMaria Zell, Austria 47 44x 15 18EMariana Is., Pacific Oc. 17 ON 145 30EMarico. R., Transvaal 24 34s 26 21BMarienbad, Austria 59 58N 12 40EMarienburg, Prussia 64 IN 19 OEMarienwerden, Prussia 53 40N 19 OEMarietta, United States 39 25N 81 25wMariguana I., West Indies 22 20N 73 15WMarin. Spain 42 23N 8 45WMarismas, Dist., Spain 37 5N 6 20^TMaritime Atlas Mts.. N. Africa 36 On 2 30EMaritza, R., Bulgaria 42 I2N 25 OEMarket Drayton, England 52 55N 2 31WMarket Harboro', England 62 27N 55 \y

Market Weightou, England 53 52N 42\y

Marlagne, Dist., Belgium 50 IGN 4 30EMarlboro', England 51 30N 1 45wMarlboro' Downs, England 51 34N 1 30\v

Marmara, S. of, Turkey 40 40N 28 OEManuaros, Dist., Hungary 48 15N 24 OEMarmenor, Spain 37 48N 43wMarmolate, Mt., Italy 46 17N 12 OEMarne, Dept., Prance 49 ION 4 6BMarne, Haute-, Dept., France 48 17N 6 13EMarne, R., France 49 8x 3 20EMaroa, Venezuela 2 50N 67 20U'

Maroni, R., Fr. Guiana 5 20N 53 55wMaros, R., Hungary 46 22N 24 OE.Maros Ujvar, Hungary 46 20N 23 54EMaros Vasarhelv, Hungary 46 27N 24 31BMarquesas Is.. Paciflc Oc.,'8 OS 140 SowMarquette, United States 46 32N 8( 21'«'

Marr, Dist., Scotland 57 6N 3 OwMarsala, Italy 37 60N 12 37EMarseUles, France 43 17N 5 21


Marshall Is., Paciflc Oc. 10 ON 170 OEMarston, England 53 .59N 1 15wMartaban, Burma 16 36S 97 54 B

Martaban, G. of, Bur-ma 16 ON 96 30EMartha's Vineyard, I., United States 41 30N

70 33wMartigtrv, Switzerland 46 7N 7 4EMartirriqne, I., W. Indies 14 40N 61 OWMarutse, Tribe, Rhoilesia 16 Os 24 OEMary R., Queensland 26 OS 152 20EMaryborough (Victoria) Australia 37 Is

143 45BMaryborough (Queensland) Australia 25 32s

162 43EMarvborough, Ireland 53 2N 7 ISwMaryland, St., United Srares 3;i ION 77 OwMaryport, England 54 33N 3 SlwMasada. Palestine 31 18N 35 21


Masai, Tribe, Africa 2 SOS 37 SOBMasen.ya, Su-'an 11 19N 15 4SEMaseru, Basuto Laud 29 OS 27 56BMashbad, Persia 36 15N 69 2SBMasliita, Palestine 31 45N SG 5EMasbona Land, Birodcsia 18 os 31 30EMask, L., Ireland 53 36N 9 2iiw

j\laskat. Oinnu 23 SIN 58 30li

Massa, Italy 44 IN 10 OEMassachusetts, St., United States 42 20N 72 0^v

Masaawa, Eritrea 16 2N 39 5RMasterton, New Zealaird 40 563 1 75 40 .

Masirlipatam, Madi-as 10 15N8I 12h;

Matabele Land, Rhodesia 19 OS 29 OBMatadi, Congo Strte 5 51s 13 49EMatale, Ceylon 7 2lN SO SHEMatan, Borneo 1 52s 110 I8EMirtanzas, Crrba 23 ON 81 65\yMatapan, C, Greece 30 23N 22 30EMataro, Spain 41 S7N 2 29EMatese, iMts., Italv 41 17N 14 24EJIatlook, iCnglrrnd 53 8n 1 32WMato Gr-osso, Brazil 15 (IS 00 OWMato Grosso, St., Brazil 13 SOS 5G OwMatoppo Hills, Rhodesia 20 OS 30 OEMatra, Mt., Hrrngai'y 47 54N 20 2li:

Mitsir-sliima, I., Jarian 37 SON l.So ISEMatterhoi-n, Mt., Switzerland 45 58N 7 37EMatini, Afghanistan 33 20N 70 ObMaturirr, Venezuela 9 53.S' OS 22WMan,Centr-al Inrlia 25 12N79 21Ellanch Berg, Mt., Tlirrrsvaal 25 IDs SO 45EMa.iighold Hd., Isle of Man 54 18.N 1 20WMarde, U., Chile 35 35s 72 Ow.Manluiairr, Burma II: 3IIN 97 4GB.Maumee R., United Slates 41 20N 81 SSTVManna Kea, Hawaiian Is. 19 35N l.")5 -lO^V

I\laures, Les, Mts., France 43 20N 2I)E

Maurienne, Dist., Frajrce 45 25N G 12E-Mauritius, I., Indian Oc. 20 los 57 25EMawilrlach, R., Wales 52 4SN 3 51 wMay, 1. of, Scotland 50 IIN 2 33wMaybole, Scotland 55 21N 4 42WMayeirce, Germany (iY/e Maiirz)Ma.venne, D.=Iit., France 48 lis lOW51aynooth Ireland 53 2SN 3a\vMayo, Ireland 53 47N 9 SWM.iyo, Co., Ireland 53 52N 9 16WMayon, Vol., Philippine Is. 13 15N 121 30BMrrzanderan, Prov., Per-sia 36 18N 52 30EMazar i Sherif, Afglranistan 56 40N 07 5eItazatlan, Mexico 23 2iJX 100 OWMaxur-y, Dist., Prussia 53 34N 21 OEMazzara, Italy 37 42N 12 32Ej\tbam, R.. Canierons 6 45N 11 42EMcOlintock Oh., Canada 71 SOX 101 OwMeOluer G., Dutch B. Lrdies 2 40s 132 20EMeKinle.y, Mt., Ala-ka 63 SON 151 0^vMealfour^vonie. Mt., Scotland 57 IGN 4 38WMeath, Co., Ireland 53 38N 6 38wMwldin, Belgium 51 2N 4 30EMecklenburg, G.D., Germany 53 4S 12 OEjMedeba, Palestine 31 42N 35 47EMedellin, Colombia 6 5N 75 43wMediascb, Hurrgary 46 3N 24 22EMedicine Hat, Canada 60 5n 110 lOwMedina, Turkey in Asia 24 ION 39 58BMediterranean Sea 36 ON 15 OEJledoc, Dist., France 45 ION 50wMedway, B., England 51 12N 25bMeerut, Agra arrd Ouilh 29 lOs 77 45EMeghna, R., Bengal 22 SON 91 OeMegiddo, Palestine 32 28x 35 2Si:

Mehadia, Hungary 44 64N 22 22EMelding, R., China 25 15N 114 43EMeiringen, Switzerland 46 42N 8 HEMeissen, Saxony 51 8N 13 24BMejarkon, R.. Palestine 32 5N 34 47EMejasanl, Mt., Bengal 31 On 86 OEHeiillones, Chile 23 243 70 3SwMek-ka, Turkey in Asia 21 20x 40 2(IE

Mekong, R., Indo-Chiiia 16 ON 105 40EMelanesia, Pacific Oc. 10 OS 16 OEMelbourne, Australia 37 49s 144 59EMelrose, Scotland 65 36N 3 44wMelton Mowbray, England 52 46X 54WMelun. Frairce 48 34N 2 40 BJfelvllle, Cape Colony 34 4s 23 3EMelville B., Australia 12 OS ISO 45BMelville I., Australia 11 40s 131 OEMelville Pen., Canada 68 ON S3 OwMelville Sd., Canada 74 ON 107 OWMemel, Prussia 65 40x 21 2EMernel. R.. Prussia 55 5n 31 30Ei\Iemphis, Ruins of, Egypt 29 59X 31 15EMemphis, Urrited States 35 5x 90 OwMenado, Dutch B. Imlies 1 30N 124 55EMenai. Wales 53 16N 4 llwMcnal Str., Englarrd 53 ION 4 18wIMenam, R., Slam 17 ON 100 OEMeude, France 44 33K 3 28EMcrrderes, R., Turkey lu Asia 38 ION 29 lOEMeiallp Hills, England 51 20x 2 38wMendowel, Borneo 3 153 113 33Bl\lcndoza, Argerrtina 32 40s 08 40wMengtse. China 23 26N 103 45EMenia, Dist., Ohina 30 Ox 100 50EMenominee, United States 45 12X 87 32Wi\leuorca, I., Spain 40 ON 4 5EMentawel Is., Dutclr B. Indies 1 30s 100 30EMentcitb, L., Scotland 66 ION 4 19WMcnzaleh, L., Egypt 31 1.5N 31 15EMenzics, Arrstralra 29 40s 120 .jOB

Meppel, Netherlands 52 4Sn 6 12EMequlnez, iVlorocco 34 ON 5 40WMeran, Austria 46 40x 11 5EMerapi, Vol., Sumatr-a 1 ON 101 OEMerawi, Eg\'ptian Sndarr IS S2X 31 45EMei-gui, Malay Pen. 13 35N 98 50 eMergul Ar-cli,, Malay Pen. 10 ON 98 OEMrjrlda, Jlexieo 21 5x 89 40WiMerida, Venezuela 8 ION 70 55WMerlda, f'ordillera of, Mts., ( 'dlnrnliia 8 Ox

72 OwMerioneth, Co., Wales 52 OUX 3 low

Merkara, Mysore 12 24N 75 48EMoroe, Ruins of, Egyptian Sudan 17 Kin 31 7EMerom, Water of. Palestine 33 3N 35 3GBMerrick, Mt., Scotland 55 SN 4 28 wMerrimac, R., United States 12 51x 70 51wMorse, The, Dist., ScoilamI 65 40X 2 25WMer.sea, I., England 51 4Cx 57BMerseburg, Prussia 51 20N 11 5(i:

Merse.v, R, England 63 33X 2 ISwMei-slua, Turkey in Asia 36 4JN 31 34


Mertliyr Tydfil' Wales 51 45x 3 22wJfertoia, Portugal 37 39x 7 40wMertvvl Kultuk B,, Ru-sia in Asia 15 SON

53 45BMeru, Mt., Ger. E. Africa 2 46s 36 28 1.:

Merv. Russian Tni'kertan 37 SON 01 lOEMesolongion, Gieece 38 23x 21 25EMesopotamia, Dist., Tuidiey in Asia 36 ON

42 OBMesseula, Pr-ov., Greece 37 3X 3] 15EMessina, Italy 38 UN 15 S2EMiisslna, Str. of, Italv 38 13x 15 35 EMesta. R., Turki-y 41 35N 21 OBMeta, R., Colombia 5 40N 70 40WMetaura, R,, Italy 43 43N 13 llB

Metemmeh, Egyptlarr Sudan 10 5JX 33 30EMethverr, New Zealand 43 SOS 171 40EMeto, Mt., Italy 41 5lN 14 OeMetz, Germany 49 GN 6 OEMeurtlie-et^Moselle, Dept., France 48 48x 6 55BMeuse, Dept., France 48 67K 5 3SBMeusc. R., Belgium .50 SIN 5 15


Meuse, R., France 49 35x 6 25i:

Mewar, Dist., Rajpntana 25 12N 74 OEMexlr», Jle.xlco 19 30N 99 0«'

Mexico, G. of, N. America 20 ON 90 OwMexico, St., America 23 Ox 101 OwMezeuc, Mt., Frauce 44 50N 4 SOBMczen, Russia 65 .50N 44 30EMezen, R., Russia 05 ON 45 OEMezleres, France 49 4CN 4 40EMiami R., Unitei States 39 25x 84 44WMiau-tse, Dist., Ciilna 26 20N 106 48BMichigan, L., United States 44 Ox 87 OwMichigan, St., United States 45 ON 85 SOWMiirhmasb, Palestine 31 64N 35 16EMrcklc Fell, Mt... Enirland 54 35N 2 13WMicronesia, Paciflc Oc. 100 OEMiddelburg, Cape Colonv 31 30s 25 OEMlddelbur-g, Netlierlarrd's 51 22N 3 36BMiddelburg, Transvaal 25 45S 39 S7EMiddle Roggeveld, Mt., Cape Colonv 33 153

30 30 EMlddlesborough, England 54 35N 1 llwMiddlesex, Co., England 51 SON 20wMiddleton, Englauri 53 3SN 2 lowMiddlewich. England .53 12x 2 29wMidi, Can. du, France 43 18N 2 OBMidi, Pic du, Mt., France 42 50N 24wMidian, Dist., Turkey In Asia 27 SOX 36 OEMldnapur, Bengal 22 24N 87 18BMiiur, Mt., Bulgaria 43 25N 22 36E


Milan, Italy 45 SOx 9 He|

Milazzo, Italy 33 13N15 12E|

Mildura, Aus'tralia 34 10s 142 1 IEMilford, Wales 51 45x 5 2w 1

Mllford Haven, Wales 51 41X 5 OwMilford Sd., New Zealand 44 35s 167 6lEMilk Hill, England 51 23X 1 48wMilk River, United States 48 40N 107 SOWMllos, I., Greece 36 42X' 34 27 EMilwaukee, United States 43 ION 88 0\yMln. R., China 26 ON 104 20EMinahassa, Dist., Dutch E. Indies 35N 124 OEMinas Geraes, St.. Brazil 20 Os 40 U wMinau, Persia 27 ION 56 52EMlnchinhamptou, Englan i 51 43N 2 12^yMinclo, R., Italy 45 17s 10 36].:

Mindanao, I., Philinplne Is. 8 Ox 125 Or:

Minden, Prussia 52 16N 8 53bMrndor-o, L, PhiUpplne Is. 13 ON 121 IOeMine Hd., Ireland 52 OX 7 34wMineral Ra., United States 46 60s 99 OwMingan, Canada 50 20s 63 47wMingirrlsh, Dist., Scotland 67 15N 6 19wMlngrelia, Dist , Russia 42 30N 42 SOEMinho, Prov., Portugal 41 30N 8 20wMinbo. R.. Portugal 42 OX 8 35w-Min-kiang. R.. China 26 60n 118 OEMinneapolis, United States 44 48n 93 ISwMinnesota, St., United States 47 ON 94 0\yMinorca, I., Spain (see Meuorca)Minsk. Hus-sla 54 ON 27 38eMiquelon, I., Newfoundlarrd 46 45N 56 lOwMlramlchl B., Canada 47 8N 65 SwMiranda, Spain 42 40N 2 68wMirzapur, Agra and Oudh 25 12N 82 4SbMisbml, Dist., Tibet 38 4.5X 96 15EMiskien. 1., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 9X

137 30EMiskolez, Hungary 48 6X 30 49EMisol, I.. Dutclr E. Indies 3 OS 130 OEMisslones, St., Argentina 27 30s 55 OwMississippi Delta, United Stales 29 20n S9 OwMississippi. R., United States 41 Ox 91 SOWi\Iisslsslppi, St., United States 33 Os 90 owMissouri Hts., Plat, of the, United States

46 30s 100 OwMissouri, R., United States 43 30s 97 OwMissiarri. St.. I'niteil States 38 ON 92 20wMitau, Russia 50 S5N 33 SOBMltehrll, ,'\nst|-alia 2G 31s 1 17 .58EMltehidl. Hist., -\llstralia 23 Os 144 OEMiteliell R., Air^tl-alia 10 15s 142 40hMrtehell R., Australia 37 403 147 20B

( 15 )

INDEXMitchelstown. Ireliiiid 52 17N S 17wMitbnnkot. I'linjiih 28 5 IN 70 24EMitroviDz, Hun^fary 44 57N 19 3oEMiti-ovitzii, Turkcv 42 53N 20 53EMitta Mitta R., Australia 36 2liS 147 27EMizen Hd. (Wicklowj, Ireland 52 SUN 6 31VMizen Hd. (Cork), Ireland 51 27N SOWMizpiih, Palestine 32 13x 3S 51


Mjosen. L., Norwiiy 60 40x 11 OEMkiisi E., Natal 26 55S 32 65 EMoab, Dist., Palestine 31 ISN 35 50EMobile, United States 31 On 83 2VModena, Italy 44 3!iN 10 64EMoilica. Italy 36 62N 14 45EMoel Siabod, Mt., Wales 53 5X 3 54\TMoen, I., Denmark 55 ON 12 2UEMoerdyk, Netlierlands 61 SlN 4 38EMoffat, Scotland 55 20x 3 2TXMogok, Bnrma 22 68n 116 44EMogoUon Mts., United States 35 Ox 112 30^YMoliaics. Hunf^ary 45 57>' IS 27EMoliammerali, Persia 30 30N 48 15 EMobave Desei-t, United States 35 Ox 117 0\YMobawk R., Uniteil States 42 52X 74 36 \v

Mohiief, Russia 63 59N 30 15EMojos, Tribe, Bolivia 13 OS 65 On"Mokau, New Zealand 38 2US 175 14HMokba, Turkey iii Asia 13 30x 43 15EMokopon, Beehuanaland 25 16s 23 OEMokpo, Oorea 34 55N 126 20EMold, Wales 53 llN 3 lOwMoldau, K., Austria 40 2JN 14 20EMoldavia, Div., Romania 46 20x 27 50KMole, R., England 51 l;is 21wMolfetta, Italy 41 8N 16 3I)E

Mollendo, Peru IG 69s 72 18wMologa, E., Russia 58 SON 37 301!

Molopo, R., Oape Colony 27 2U,S 20 48EMolopo, R., S. Africa 26 lOS 22 lOKMolopolole, Becliuanaland 24 20s 25 23EMolucca Passage, Str., Dutcb E. Indies 1 ON

126 OEMoluccas, The, Is., Dutch E. Indies

128 OEMombasa, Br. E. Africa 4 IDs 39 40EMoraein, Clnna 24 55N 98 lOlc

Mona Pass, Str., W. Indies 18 ION 67 SOWMonach Is., Scotland 57 31N 7 40\vMonaco, France 43 43N 7 17EM.nadbliatli Mts., Scotlaml 67 8n 4 ]9\vMonaglian, Ireland 54 17N 6 SOWMonaghan, Co , Ireland 54 8N 7 OwMonastir, Turkey 41 2N 21 ISEMoncabrer, Mt., Spain 38 46N 22WMoncayo, Mt., Spain 41 45N 1 42wMoudego, R., Portu^^al 40 ION 8 SSWMonfcrrato, Dist., Italy 45 ON 8 OEMongbyr, Bengal 26 24N 86 30EMongolia, ProT., Oliina 46 SON 105 OnMongunui, New Zealand 35 ]6S 173 241!

Monmouth, England 51 40x 2 43Wi\Ionmoutli, Co.. England 51 40N 3 OwMonnow, R., England 51 55N 2 62vyMonopoli, Italy 41 ON 17 30EIVIourovia, Liberia 6 ION 10 SOWMons, Belgium 60 26N 3 68BMonserrat, Mt., Spain 41 35N 1 25EMont Blanc, Mt., Prance 45 52N 6 30i!

Mont de Marsan, Prance 43 S7N 36WMont St. Michel, I., Pr.ance 48 38x 1 32WMontana, St., United States 47 ON 110 OWMontaro, R., Peru 11 48s 76 Ovr

Montanban, France 44 2N 1 31EMoutauk Pt., United States 41 ON 71 54wMontbeliard, Prance 47 28N 6 62EMonte Rosa, Mt., Switzerland 45 56N 7 5.5E

Montego, Jamaica 18 29N 77 ^liiw

Montetijuar, France 44 3-IN 4 44EIMontcnegro, St.. Europe 42 SSx 19 20EMonterey, Mexico 25 15N 102 OwMontercv, Spain 41 68N 7 35WMonterey, United States 36 40N 121 J7WMontevideo, Uruguay 34 48S 55 S iwMontgomery, United States 32 2SN 86 2'2\y

iMonti^omery, Wales 52 34N 3 9wJMontgoniery, Co., Wales S2 SOX 3 SOWMoutlueon, Prance 46 21N 2 31


Muntpeiicr, United States 44 17x 72 25\y

Montpellier, Prance 43 37N 3 53 k

Montreal, Canada 45 31N 73 45WMontrose, Scotland 66 42X 2 2SW.Monzim, Spain 41 54N n liMO

Moonie, H., Australia 28 (Is 140 lOBMoonta, Australia 34 5s 137 39EMoore, L., Australia 30 OS 117 30EMuorEoot Hills. Scotland 55 44 X 3 51V

Moose Factory, Canada 51 35N SO 60«'

Moose E., Canada SO ON 83 lowMoradabail, Agra and Oudh 28 ISN 78 4SEMorava, H., Servia 44 20N 21 12EMorava, Bulgarian, R., Servia 12 SOX 22 01!

Moravn, Servian, E., Servia 43 4UX 20 ISEMoravia, Prov., Austria 49 3llx 17 UKjMoravian Hills, Austria 40 2UN 15 Ol!

Morawhaua, Br. Cuiana 8 4UX So sswMoray, Dist.. Scotland 67 30X 4 Owi\rorav P., Scotland 57 46X 3 34WMorav, L., Scotland 56 57X 6 4r\y

:\Iorbganj, Bengal 21 SIN S6 3UE

Morea, Pea., Greei'e 3' SOX 22 2SE

Jloibihan, Dept., I'rance 17 SSx 2 52iy

.Mi.rccambe Bay, En-laud Si ux 3 OW

.Morei', .Nu^tralia 20 3us 140 .5uE

Morelia, Mexico 10 42K lUI 4WMurella. Spain 40 36N 2W

Moreton B., Australia 27 lOS 153 20EMoreton I., Australia 27 ]us 153 SOEMorgan, Australia 34 4S 130 38


Morgan, Mt., Australia 23 40s 150 lOEMorges, Switzerland 46 SIX 6 SUEMoriarty R,i., Australia 28 OS 145 20EMorlaix, France 48 36N 3 53wMorocco, Morocco 31 62.S' 7 SOWMorocco, St., N. Africa 31 ON 6 OWMorotai, I., Dutch E. Indies 2 20N 128 20EMorpeth, England 56 ION 1 43wMorrison, Mt., Formosa 23 45x 120 471!

lUortimer's Cross, England 52 20N 2 48 \y

Morvan, Mts., France 47 ON 4 UEMorven, Australia 26 26s 147 5EMorven, Dist., Scotland 66 SON 6 45wMoiwen, Mt.. Scotland 68 llN 3 42wMoscow, Russia 55 4UN 37 40 EMosel, R., Germany 50 ON 7 OEMoselle, E., Franco 48 20N 6 28B.Mosera B., Oman 20 UN 58 16EjMosera I., Oman 2U 26N 68 65EMosgiel, New Zealand 45 59s 17U 12EMoskva, R., Russia 65 48X 36 lOEMoso, Dist., China 27 2UN 100 2UEMosquito G., Colombia 11 30x 80 OWMos.samedes. Angola 15 OS 12 24EMossel B., Cape Colony 34 23s 22 OEMossi, St., Fr. W. Africa 13 ON 2 OwMostar, Bosnia 43 22N 17 49EMosul, Turkey in Asia 36 6N 43 ISNMotauioros, Mexico 25 60N 97 20WMotherwell, Scotland 56 4SN 3 59WMotir. I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) SSx 127 21EMotril, Spain 36 46N 3 34WMoudon, Switzerla}id 46 40K 6 47BMoulins, Prance 46 34X 3 20BMount Desert I., United States 44 17N 68 ISWMount Risour, Switzerland 46 40N 6 Si!

Mount Terrible, Switzerland 47 23N 7 lOEMountmellick, Ireland 63 8N 7 17wSloimtrath, Ireland 53 ON 7 28wIMount's B., England SO SX S 25wMourue Sits., Ireland 64 ION 6 4WMourne, R., Ireland 54 40N 7 24WMoville, Ireland 56 ]2N 7 3wMow Gap Mt,, England 53 6N 2 14WMoy, E., Ireland 1 54 6N 9 6WMoydart, Dist., Scotland 66 SUN S 40wMoydart, L., Scotland 66 5UN 5 66WMoyobambo, Peru 6 12s 77 owMozambique, Port. E. Africa 16 2s 4U 33EMozambique Oh., E. Africa 18 OS 43 OEMozdok, Eussia 4 3 SON 44 41 1!

Mpwapwa. Ger. E. Africa 6 27s 36 50EMro-hauug, Burma 20 36N 93 lOBMsta, R., Russia 58 SOx 34 OEMuakhom, Burma 26 ON 96 OE]\Inata Yamvo, Congo State 8 IS 23 OEMuch Weiilock, England 62 34N 2 33WMuck, I., Scotland 56 52x 6 ISWMucury, R., Brazil IS 16S 39 SOWMudania, Turkey in Asia 40 23X 28 60EMudge, Mt., Austi-alia 23 SOS 146 35BMudgee, Australia 32 35s 140 35EMugojar Hills, Russia in Asia SO ON 53 4SEMuiU-ea, Mts., Ireland 63 40x 45wMukden, Manchuria 41 ON 124 20 EMuklialid, Palestine 32 20N .34 63EMula, R., Baluchistan 28 30X 66 40EMulahacen, IMt., Spain S7 12N 3 20WMulile, R., Germany 51 26X 12 45EMlitliausen. German.v 47 4S.\' 7 lOEMnllieim, Prussia 50 SSn 7 5EMull, I. of, Scotlaml 60 SOX 6 Ow.MuUaghareirk Mts., Ireland 52 ISN 9 OWMullet Pen., Ireland 54 ]6x 10 6WMullingar, Ireland 53 SIN 7 ifSW

Multan, Punjab 30 12N 71 31ESiimich, Bavaria 48 8N 11 SUEMunkacs, Hungary 48 23x 22 43BSlunster, Prussia 51 68N 7 48EMunster, Switzerland 47 17x 7 2UEMnnster, Prov., Ireland 62 25N 3 SUWMur, II., HungLiry 46 32N 16 2SK.Murad Su., It., Tui-key in Asia 33 4SN 41 OEMurchisonR., Australia 27 5US 114 15EMurchison, 0., Oanaila 72 OX 95 OW.Mhrcin, Spain S3 OX 1 ISWMurcia, Prov., Spain 38 40N 1 lOWJlurghab, R., Jlussian Turkestan 36 12X 63 20EMuri, Nigeria 9 17N 10 4IEIMuroran, Japan 42 SON 141 OEMurray R., Australia S4 Cs 111 61!

Murrnmliidgee, R., .\ustralia 34 SIS 115 OEBlnrsh Ida bail, Bengal 24 2N S3 OEi\lurzuk, Tripoli 26 20x IS SSi!

Mils Alia, Mt., Bulgaria 42 15X 22 60BMusgo, Tribe, Oanierous 10 20N 16 OEMusgrave Sits.. Australia 26 OS 132 Ul!

Jln.sgrave R:i., Br. New Uninea (inset) 6 3USlis OE

Jluskcgou, United States 43 17x 86 3wMusselliurgh, Scotland 6S SON S SwMustagh, Mt.. Chin. Turkestan 33 SON 75 50BMuotagb P., Kashmir 36 SN 76 OEI\Iuttra, Agra and Oudh 27 StIN 77 42EMnzatfarpur, Bengal 26 6N 86 211!

-Mwanza, Gel'. E. A.lrica 2 :'.2s 32 SOEJUverii, l... Congo State 9 US 20 (IE Bnnn:i 21 24N 05 211!

.M'Mivdd K|nnt, \Vale^52 2X 3 20WjMvnvdd Hnaetli, Wales 63 6X 3 lu\y

Myn'yild Pns( ley. Wales 51 SSx I r.iw

MysiLi. Dist., Turkey in Asia 30 SSx 27 SUE

Mysore, Mysore 12 18N 76 42EMvsore, St., India 13 Ox 77 OBMvthen, Mt., Switzerland 47 SX 8 .50B

Mytlio. Indo-China 10 ISN 106 25EMytilini, I., Turkey in Asia 30 Ix 26 16E

NAAS, Ireland 53 14N 6 40wNaauw Poon, Cape Colony 31 18s 26 21!

Nablus, Palestine 32 13N 35 16ENafa, Japan 26 20s 127 44ENaga Hills, Assam 26 Ox 04 OENagar, Rajputana 26 SON 74 OENagasaki. Japan 32 38N 129 50ENagles Mts., Ireland 52 3N 8 27WNagova, Japan 36 IN 137 6EKagpur, Central Provs. 21 2N 79 14ENagy Varado, Hungary 47 2X 21 66ENaha el Auja, R., Palestine 32 5N 34 47EKahr el Awaj, R. Palestine S3 2SN 36 12ENahr el Kelb, R., Palestine 33 69X 36 3SENalir el Litani, R., Palestine 33 20N 35 MBKahr el Mefjir, E., Palestine 32 2sx 34 51ENahr ez Zerka, R., Palestine 32 32N 31 SSENahr Iskanderuneh, R., Palestine 32 2SX 34 62ENahr Rubin, K., Palestine 31 66N 34 43ENahr Sukereir, R., Palestine 31 SSN SI SOENaiu, Palestine 32 38N 35 lOENaini Tal, Agra and Oudh 20 24X 70 30BNairn, Scotland 57 35N 3 52wNairn, Co., Scotland 57 SON S 50wNairn, R., Scotland 57 20N 4 1 IwNairobi, Br. B. Africa 1 16s 36 SSENaivasha, L., Br. B. Africa 58S 36 32ENitma Laufl, Cape Colony 30 OS 18 OENamangan, Russian Turkestan 41 On 71 25ENam-dinh, Indo-Oliiua 20 18N 106 4ENamoi R.. Australia SO SOS ISO 40ENamsos, Norway 64 SON 11 40ENamur, Belgium SO 2SN 4 52EKamur, Prov., Belgium 50 lOx 4 40BNan Shan, Mts., China 38 SON 99 OENau-chaug, China 23 4X 116 SBNancowr\-, Nicobar Is. 8 ON OS SOENancy, France 48 42N 6 lOENanda Devi, Mt., Punjab 30 24N SO OENandair. Haidarabad 10 12X 77 13KNanga Parbat, Mt., Kashnur 35 12X 75 SOBNanking, China 32 4N 110 4ENannaimo, Canada 40 12N 124 23WNannlne, Australia 26 62s IIS 15ENau-ning. China 22 SSx^ 113 8ENantes, France 47 13X 1 33WNantucket, 1., United States 41 17N 70 OwNautwich, England 53 4n 2 31 wNao, 0. de la, Spain 38 44N 14ENao, 0. di, Italv SO 8N 16 SSENapier, New Zealanil SO 3SS 176 51ENaples, Italy 40 52x 14 13ENaples, B. of, Italy 40 40n 14 ISENapo, R., Ecuador 1 4Ss 76 OwNarakal, Madras 10 ON 76 OENarandeia, Australia 34 363 146 HENarbada, H., Central India 22 UN 75 Ul!

Narbonne, Prance 43 UN 2 SOENarenta, R,, Bosnia 43 ION 17 4SENarrabri, Australia 30 16s 140 451!

Narwa, Russia 50 2S.X 28 OENaryn, Russian Turl;estan 41 36N 75 53ENaseby, England 52 2SN SOWNaseby, New Zealand 45 4S 170 11 ENashua, United States 42 43x 71 SOWNashville, United States 36 SON 87 SwNasik, Bombay 20 UN 73 54ENasirabad, Ajuicre 26 18N 74 42EKasirabad, Bengal 21 43x 00 SUENassau, Baliamas 25 ION 77 SlwNassau, Pi-ov., Prussia SU 17N 8 ISENatal, Brazil 5 47s 35 22ivNatal, Col., S. Africa 29 OS 30 SOENatchez, United States 31 20N 01 16WNatl, China 24 55X 107 2UENatron Valley, Egypt 3U 20N Su 20ENai.nna Is., liutcb E. Indies 3 SON 108 10kNatuna Is., S., Dutch E. Indies 2 SON 103 lui!

Naturaliste, 0., AuotraHa 33 3SS 114 51ENauplia, Greece 37 32N 22 54EKauri, Mt., Fr. W. .Vfrica 11 SON 2 lOWNaufci, Peru 4 3SS 73 S4WNavan, Ii-elond 53 SON 6 40wNavarre, Pro\-., Spain 42 SON 2 OwNaver, R,. Scotland 58 17x 4 lowNavigator Is., Paciflo Oo. 14 Us 142 OwKawa, Palestine 32 55N 36 2ENawanagar, Bombay 22 2 Lx 70 6ENasos, I., Greece 37 6N 26 27BNazareth, Palestine 32 42N 35 18BNaze, The, England 51 SUN 1 18BNaze, The, Noi-way (see Lijalesnaes)Neagh, L., Ireland 54 37N 6 2SAyNeapolitan Appennines.Mts,, ltaly41 ON 16 IOeNeatli, Wales 61 SOX 3 47wNeatli, R„ Wales 61 60N 3 35wNebo, Australia 21 62s IIS 44ENebo, Mt., Palestine 31 46N 36 5IENebraska, St., United States 41 Sox 100 OwNeby SLLUiwit, Mt., Palestine 31 40x 35 6 ENeedles, The, England SO SON 1 34WNefud, Desert, Arabia 27 30.x 45 OENegapatam, .Madras 10 4SN 70 SU!Negeb, Dist, I'alestine SI lox 31 SOE

jNegoi, Mt.. Roinanhi 45 Sox 24 SOENigrais. C, Burma 16 2x 91 20ENegro U., A-rgcutina 30 SOS 66 0\yNegro, Rio, R., Brazil 1 OS 63 owNegro, Rio, E., Colombia 2 5N 68 SOW

Negroponte, I., Greece 38 30N 24 OENegi-os, I., Philippine Is. 10 ON 123 OBNeh, Persia 31 31s 60 56ENehaliel, B., P.alestine 31 35N 35 40ENeisse, Prussia 50 28N 17 2UENeisse, E. (Brandenburg), Prussia 50 SOx 16 15E

Keisse, R. (Silesia), Prussia 61 SSX 14 SUE

Nejd, Dist., Arabia 25 ON 47 OENejran, Dist., Turkey in Asia 18 26N 45 OE

Neilore, Madras 14 24N SO OEKelson, New Zealand 41 ISs 173 20EKelson, 0., Australia 38 40s 141 17E

Nelson E., Canada 66 SON 05 OWKen, E„ England 62 40N 2ENenagh, Ireland 62 61K 8 12WNepal, St., Asia 28 ON 83 OENephin Mt., Ireland 54 ON 9 25WNephin Beg, Mt, Ireland 54 SN 9 4SWNeptune Is , Australia 36 17S 136 6ENess, L., Scotland 57 17N 4 28wNess, R.. Scotlaml 57 24N 4 19WKetze. R,. Prussia 52 43N 16 SOE

Ken Meeklenburg, I.. Pacific Oc. S OS 152 OE

Ken Strclitz, Prussia 53 23N 13 IEKeuchatel, S.vitzerland 47 UN 6 66E

Keuchatel, L. of, Switzerland 46 Slix 6 SOE

Keuchatel, Prov., Switzerland 47 ON 6 56ENeuqueu, R., Argentina 37 SOS 70 OWNensatz, Hungary 45 14N 19 SSENeusohl, Huugary 48 44N 19 8KKeuss, Prussia 51 7N 40ENenstedl, Hungary 47 SSX 16 45ENentra, Hnngaiaf 48 12N 18 2ENevada, St , United States 40 Ox 116 OwKevailo de Fauiatina, Mt., Argentina 20 los

67 SOWNevers, Prance 47 On 3 lOBNevin, Wales 52 SSN 4 SlWNew Amscerdam, Br. Guiana 6 16N 67 21WNew Bedford, United States 41 S6N 70 SSWNew Berne, United States 35 8N 77 low-

New Brunswicic, Prov., Canada 46 30N 66 30WNew Calabar, Kigeria 4 28N 7 IENew Oaledouia, I., Pacifle Oc. 21 OS 165 OENew England, Dist. United States 44 UN 71 OWNew England Ba., Australia 30 OS 161 60ENew Forest, England 60 60N 1 38^y

New Guinea, I., Australasia 5 OS 141 Ul!

New Hampshire, St, United States 44 ON71 sow

New Haven, United States 41 19N 72 SSwNew Hebrides, Is., Paciflo Oc. 16 OS 167 OENew Jersey, St., United States 40 3UX (4 SUWNew Malton, England 64 ON 49WNew Mexico, St, United States 35 ON 106 OwNew Orleans, United States 30 ION 90 6WNew Passage, England 51 34N 2 39wNew Pitsligo, Scotland o7 36N 2 lowNew Plymouth, New Zealand 39 Is 174 2ENew Pomerania, Is., Australia (inset) 6 SOS

160 SOENew Providence Is., W. Indies 26 20N 73 OWNew Quay, England 60 25N 6 6WNew Quay, Wales 52 llN 4 23wNew Radnor, Wales 52 13N 3 lowNew Romne,v, England 50 60X 57BNew Ross, Ireland 62 23x 6 67wNew Russia, Div., Russia 48 ON 36 OENew Shoreham, England 50 SlN 17WNew Siberia, Is., Arctic Oc. 76 ON 145 Ol!

Nev/ South Wales, Dist., Australia 32 OS 147 OENew York, United States 41 OX 73 SSwNew York, St, United States 43 UN 76^ SOWNew Zealand, Col., Australaisia 40 OS 173 OENewark, England 53 SX 1 HENewark, U'nited States 41 OX 74 2SWKcwbiggin, England SS IIN 1 S2WNewburi', England 51 14N 1 20WNewbnryport, United States 42 SON 70 54WNewcastle, Australia 32 66S 151 21ENewcastle, Canada 47 IN 66 SOsyNewcastle, England 54 59N 1 S6WNewcastle (Down), Ireland 51 IIN 5 65\vKeweastle (Limerick), Ireland 52 28N 9 3WNewcastle, NiLtal 27 4SS 20 SSENewcastle-under-Lyme, England 53 IN 2 17wNcwfounilland, Col., N. America 43 SON 56 OWNew haven, England 50 48N 2BNewmarket Euglanil 52 15N 25ENewport (Isle of Wight), England 60 4Sx 1 20wNewport (Monmouth), England 51 32N 2 60wNewport (Shropshire), England 52 46N 2 25wNewport, Ireland 53 53N 33\yNewport (Kentucky), United States 30 SN

84 23WNenport (Rhode Island), United States 41 2;x

71 llwNewport, Wales 62 IN 4 50wNewry, Ireland 54 lOx 6 lowKewton Stewart, Scotland 64 5SN 4 29wKewtown, Wales 52 SON 3 18wNewtown Ards, Ireland 54 SUN 5 43wNewtown Limavady, Ireland S5 4N 6 S2WNgami, t., Becliuaualaud 20 28s 22 4UENgan-hwei, Prov., China 32 SUx 120 OENgan.king, China SO SSX 117 OENgan-si, Cliina 40 32N 96 20ENgaunilere. Camerons 7 25N 13 22ENgigmi, Fr. W. Africa 14 23N 12 S6ENiagara, United States 43 ON 79 OWNiagara Falls, N. America 43 ON 70 OwNiani-K iam. Tribe, Africa 4 ON 27 SOBNias, I., Dntcli E. Indies I ION 07 20ENicaria, 1,, Turkey in Asia 37 35N 26 IOENicaragua, L., Nicaragua 11 3UN 85 SOW

(• 16 ^


NiutiraKiia. St., Central AiiielicLL l:i llx sr. sowNice, Friiuce 43 12N 7 lUli

Nicotar I., lit., Nicoh.u- Ts, 7 ax •.>:', isk

Nicniiar I.. Little, Nienljar Is 7 :lliN 7:1 12KNioobar Is., B. nt Beii^;ii,l 7 ;iihN ii:; oDi^;

Nicopolis, Bulgaria 43 40N 2 I .').jhl

Nicosia, Cyprus 3.') IDN 33 1:21';

Niooya, G. of, GoBta Uiea 1) 4l)N' Scl OwNictiniVov, Bi-a/.U L*2 rt.'>s 43 (l\v

Kiilcl, R.,'Eu«liiiKl snilx 1 lllw

Nieuien, R., Russia 53 l.'iN 23 3.'il,:

Niescn, Mt., Switzerland 4(1 3'.l.N 7 3Ul*;

Nieuport, Belgiuui 51 '.IN 2 4.'il':

Nievre. Dopt, France 47 15s 3 5kNiewvelil Mts., Cape Colony 32 US 22 Ui;

Niger, R., Nigeria 7 UN 6 36li

Nigeria, Ter., \V. Airica HI (IN 8 OBNiigata, Jaiiaii 37 35N 13H 5(IK

Nije, Mt., Turkey 40 54N 22 0(.;

Nikki, Fr. W. Africa '.I 4',i.\' 3 SHNikolaistad, liu^ia (13 (IN 21 5i)i5

Nikolayet, Russia 47 IN 31 5S(.;

Nikolayevsk, S[beria 51 ON 1 1(1 OKNiksliich, Montenegro 42 45i\ IS .556-

Nile, R., Egypt 2S ON 31 50L.;

Nilgin Hills, Madras 11 15N 70 30ENimcs, Kranee 43 5UN 4 22lC

Niinru(3,Huins of, Turkey in Asia 32 2UN 41 15]^

Ninety Mile Beacb, Australia 37 43S 14'.( OKNiug-sha, China 3S 20K 105 .|5k

Ninguta, Maucliuria 44 3(IN 1211 40kNin'g-po, Cliina 29 58N 121 52KNiiiive, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 3(1 17N 43 2.S|.;

Niolirara, B., United Stiitcs 43 UN 102 OwNiort, France 46 22N 24\\'

Nipigon L., Canada 40 40N 88 25wNipissing, L,, Canada 4(i 17N 70 45"\y

Nippon (see Japan)Niris, Pereia 29 2UN 54 5ENish, Servia 43 16N 21 58KNisliava, R., Servia 43 8N 22 2lENishni Novgorod, Russia 50 2n 43 50kNislini Tagilsk, Russia 57 53x 60 OENitlisdale, Sootlaml 55 20N 3 56\v

Niti P., Agra and Oudh 30 48N 79 54kNinafu, I., Pacific Oc. 16 3US 175 52W'Niucliwaug, Manchuria 40 50n 122 3.8k

Nivernais, Dist.. Prance 47 25N 3 15ENizwa, Omau 22 50n 57 OKNo Ness, C, Shetland Is., Scotland (inset)

59 58N 1 lowNo Shima, Pen., Japan (inset) 34 54N 139 5lENoagarh, Central Provs. 20 SON 82 12ENoakhali, Bengal 22 48N 91 6ENoddawav, R., Canada 50 ON 77 30\y

Nogat, R.', Prussia 54 UN 19 UENoirmoutier, I., France 46 59N 2 18i\'

Nonango, Australia 26 43S 152 3ENongkiii, Slam 17 45N 1U2 20ENoniii, R., Mongolia 46 20N 124 20BNootka Sd.. Canada 49 25N 126 3UwNord, Dept , France 50 25K 3 15KNorder Rheiu, R.. Switzerlanil 46 47N 9 12ENorderney, I., (jermany 53 40X 7 15 ENordliansen, Prussia 51 26N 10 451S

Nordkvn, Norway 71 12N 27 SUENorc L.-Y.. England 51 28N 48ENore, R., Ireland 52 45N 7 25\VNorfolk, United States 36 52N 76 14wNorfolk, Co., England 62 46N 1 OENorfolk Is., Pacific Oc. 29 OS 1 67 48ENorham, England 55 41N 2 luwNorman, R, Australia 18 50s 141 50ENormandy, Prov., France 48 SONNormauton, Australia 17 45s 140 57ENorrkopiug, Sweden 58 34X 16 5KNorrland, Uiv., Sweden 64 30N 17 30ENorth Bay, Canada 46 18N 79 28WNorth Bi'rwicfc, Scotlanil 56 3N 2 44WNorth, 0., Canada 47 4N 60 25\\'

North C, New Zealand 34 25s 173 OENorth 0., Norway 71 12N 25 30ENorth Carolina, St., United States 35 30N

78 SOWNorth Ch., Ireland 55 Ox 5 SOWNortii Devon, I., Canada 75 UN 85 0"WNorth Downs, England 61 2UN U 30ENorth Foreland, 0., Euglaiid 51 22N 1 26ENorth I., New Zealand 38 OS 176 UEJS'orth Riding, England 64 20N 1 3UWNorth Ronaldsay, I., Scotland 59 23N 2 24WNorth Sea Can., Netherlands 52 28N 4 36kNorth Shields, England 65 IN 1 25WNorth Sd., Scotland 59 21N 3 45wNorth Tvue, B., England 65 20N 2 iOwNorth Walsham, England 52 50N 1 24ENorthallerton, England 54 21 N 1 26\y

Northampton, Australia 28 lOS 114 SUENorthampton, England 62 15K 54WNorthamptou, Co., England 62 25N 1 OwNorthern Ter, Dist., Australia 18 OS 133 OBNorthumberland, C, Australia 38 3S 140 40ENorthuniberland, Co., England 66 ION 2 UwNorthumberland Sd., United States 40 17N

64 OwNorth-west C, Australia 21 65s 113 55ENorthwich, England 5S 15N 3 32WNorway, St., Europe 63 ON 10 OENorwegian Sea, Arctic Regions 68 ONNorwich, England 52 38N 1 18ENosob, E., Becbuanaland 25 46s 20 27 E

Noss Hd., S.'otland 68 28N 3 3WNoto, Italy 36 56N 15 7BNotre Dame, B. of, Newfoundland 49 13N

65 34W

Notre DalLie Mis.. ( aiiiiiln 17 (is 7U uwNiiltillgham, llnglaiid 52 57N 1 SW"Nottinghain. Co., England 53 Klx 1 (IW

Notwaiii, 11, llL-elKiauaiand 21 Ills 2(1 I IKNova Scotia, I'njv , Canada 41 SUN 61 (.IW

Nov(H-a, Italy 46 28s S 48 KNoviiya Zelnlya, 1., Russia 71 OS 55 Ol'l

Novgorod, Rilssia 58 4(l.s 31 (IE

Novihazar, Turkey 43 3n 20 S2ENovo Chei'kask, lins^ia 47 3(ls 4(1 2BNovorossiisk, Russia 1 1 42N 37 WKNubia. Dist., B-vptian Sudan 18 us 33 OKNubian Desert, Egv|itia(i Sudan 21 SOS 32 301

Nu-chu, R., Tibet SO 35s 97 UKNill'ellell, Mt., Switzerland 46 2UN 8 30KNuklia, Russia 41 US 17 27(0

N((llarlHU- Plain, Australia 31 30s 128 OKNdiiiaiieia, Ruins of, Spain 41 51,\ 2 2',iw

Nninea, New Caledonia 21 35s 1(15 5UKNun, R., Nigeria 4 4(IN 6 OKN(((ieatun, lOiigland 52 SOS 1 SOWNunez, 11., Fr. W. Alrlra ill 52s 14 20wNupe, Dist., Nigeria 9 UN 6 UKNureiuberg, Bavaria (.s.v NilrnbiTg)Nlirnbeig, Bavaria 49 27N 11 6ENnahkl, IJaluchlstiui 29 35N 66 OENutrias, Venezuela 7 33s 68 55wNyaiigwe, Congo State 4 lus 26 5(1E

Nyasa, L., 0(jiitral Africa 12 Us 34 30ic

Nyeslian, Russia 51 2N 32 OENviregyhaza, Hungary 47 5(:n 21 14ENyitn^ Hun.gavy 48 12.S 18 2KNylstroom, Transvaal 21 41s 28 20KNyniagi'e, Australia 31 57s 146 21 1-:

Nyiueg.Mi, Netlierlands 51 50N 5 62ENyon, Switzerland 46 22N 6 13K

OAHU, I., Pacific Oc. 21 SOS 1.68 IOWOajaca, Mexico 17 ION 90 SOWOakham, Englaml 52 40s U 44WUauiaru, New Zealand 45 2S 171 2EOasis Dakhel, Etrypt 25 ISs 29 OEOasis Farafrah, Egypt 27 2ilN 28 20EOasis of Sellmab, Egyptian Sudan 21 18N

29 35bOb, (4. of the, Siberia 68 ON 76 OEOil, R., Siberia 04 UN 64 20EOba, Dutch E. Indies (Inset) 44K 127 37EOban, Scotland 56 26N 6 28 wObbla, Italian Soinaliland 6 2lN 48 14EObchei Syrt, Mts., Russia 51 SON 50 OKObdorsk, Russia 66 30N 66 30EOberland, Plat., Sn ItzcrUrnd 46 SOX 7 45EObi. Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 463 127 4UEObidos, Brazil 1 61S 55 SOWOchll Hills, Scotland 66 15N 3 40wOck, R., England 51 40N 1 26WOdakl, Japan (Inset) 36 14N 140 11 E

Odawara, Japan (inset) 35 14N 139 17BOilenburg, Hnugary 47 41N 16 4UEOdcuse, Denmark 55 22N 10 25 kOdenwald, Mts., Germauy 49 4UN 9 OEOiler, E., Prussia 5S ON 14 2EOderberg, Austria 49 64N 18 17BOdessa, Euss.a 46 32N SO SOEOelras, Brazil 7 OS 42 20WOels, Prussia 61 UN 17 19EOfanto, E.. Italy 41 25N 16 12EMen P., Switzerland 46 39N 10 2lBOffenbach, Germany 60 5N 8 44EOfoten Pd., Norway 68 SUN 16 OEOgden, United States 41 26N 112 OwOgdensburg, United States 44 36N 75 3, h

Ogllo, R , Italy 46 8N lU 12BOgost, R., Bulgaria 43 SON 23 35EOgowe, E., Fr. Congo 10s 10 35KOhio, R., UnltedStates 38 OX 88 OWOhio, St., United States 40 UN 83 0..'

Olch, L., Scotland 67 4N 4 47wOil City, United States 41 30N (9 SOWOise, Dept., France 49 47N 2 lUBOise, R., France 49 SUN 2 5UEOltoz P., Romania 46 Ox 20 24BOka, R., Russia 56 ON 42 20EOkebamptun, England 50 45N 4 IwOkhotsk, Siberia 59 40x 143 OBOkhotsk, S. of, Asia 64 ON 150 UEOkhrlda, Turkey 41 5N 20 4CE

Okkak, Labrador 57 SUN 62 OWOklahoma. St., United States 36 UN 98 UWOlaud, I., Sweden 66 45X 16 40EOld Calabar, Nigeria 4 59N 8 20E

Old Dongola, Egyptian Suilan 18 20N 31 51.;

Old Hd. of Kiusiile, Ireland 51 34N 8 31 wOld Man, Mt., England 64 22x 3 UwOld .Meldrum, Scotland 67 I9N 2 19WOld Pr.ivldeuce, I., Colombia IS lUN 81 19WOldham, England 53 32x 2 8WOldenburg, Gei-many 63 8N 8 8E

Oldenburg, G.D., Germany 53 Ox 8 lOB

Ol(iron, I., Prance 46 ON 1 24WOlllaut's R., Cape Colony 31 4IIS 18 20E

Olifant's R., Transvaal 24 6s 31 14E

Olllaut's Vley.. L., Cape Colony SU 4S 21 45E

Ohnutz, Austria 49 35X 17 SB

Olney, England 52 9x 43wOlonek, R., Siberia 68 40N 113 OBOlonetz. Russia 60 50N 33 UE

Olten, Swltzerlanrl 47 22N 7 45 B

Oltu, E. Romania 44 20N 34 24E

Olut, Dist., Moneolia 41 ON 103 OBUlympia, United States 47 5X 122 65WOlympla, Ruins of, Greece S7 40X 21 20E

Olympus, Mt., Turkey 40 2N 22 23B

Cm Durman, Egyptian Sudan 15 42N S2 36B

'ho;e.rli, Ireland 51 SCS 7 |s\r(.llo;ilia, Uliib'd States 41 35x '.Kj (liV

(iniiiiuG of, Arabian Sr a 25 UN 58 OEOiiiai,, St., Asia 23 ON 57 OE(linbai, I., Dutch E. Indies 3 SOS 125 OK(Imbrone. R., Italy 42 34N 1 1 OK'^((10, R., Abyssinia 6 3Us 36 SUEOuioa, Honduras 15 5u.vr 88 lUWllinsk, Siberia 61 59x 73 iOi';

( liiega, L., Russia 62 Ux 35 SOEOnega, R., Russia 03 SON 39 OK1 laega, B., Russia 04 ux 37 OE' insluw, Australia 21 S5s 115 4E0((sluw B., United States 34 18X 77 Ow(lutario, L., N. America 43 3US 78 OW(intario, Prov., Canaila 47 UN 85 OWOodnadatta, Australia 27 32s 135 SOEOphlr, Mt., Malay Pen. 2 ON 103 OE("Jphlr, Mt. Suniatra 5N lUC 35EOporto, Portugal 41 ON 8 S7WOpotiki New Zealand 38 OS 177 SUE1 Ippeln, Prussia 6U 37x 17 50EOran, Algeria 35 2UN U 22W( Iran, Argentina 23 10s 64 25W(Irauge, .Australia 33 14s 149 lOEOrange, France 44 9N 4 48BOrange, C, Fr. Guiaua 4 2UN 51 2ewOrange E., S. Africa 30 45S 36 OEOrange Elver Colony. S. Africa 28 30s 27 OEOravlcza, Hungary 45 IN 21 40BOrbe, R., Switzerlanil 46 45N 6 22E(jrd R., Australia 15 35s 138 45EOrd of Caithness, Scutlaud .58 SX 3 SOWOrdos,, Mongolia 39 35X 107 SUEOre Mts., Saxony 60 SOX 13 OEOrebro. Sweden 59 16N 15 6EOregon, St., United States 44 ON 131 OWOrel, Russia 63 ON 36 4EOrenburg. Russia 61 48N 56 2EOrense, Spain 42 18N 7 64wOrepnkl, New Zealand 46 183 167 48EOrford, England 52 6N 1 36EOrford Ness, 0., England 62 6N 1 38 KOrlhuela, Spain 38 7N 69wOrlng Nor L., Tibet 35 ON 97 lOBOrinoco, Delta of tlie, Venezucda 9 Ox 6U OWOrinoco. R., Venezuela 3 4nN 69 3UwOrlssa, Dist., Bengal 21 42N 86 OEOristano, Italy 39 61x 8 39EOrizaba, Mexico 19 6N 97 4UWOrkney Is., Scotland 59 lUN S 30wOrkney Is. S., Southern Oc. 61 Us 46 OvOileanais, Prov., France 47 50N 2 OBOrleans, Canada 46 50x 71 lowOlrleans, France 47 55N 1 54E(Jrinara, Baluchistan 25 12x 64 S6EOrinsklrk, England 53 35N 2 53w^

Oruinz, Str. of, Persia 36 SON 66 lOEOrue, Dept., France 48 40N 12wOrontes, H., Turkey In Asia 36 ON 30 25 eOroya, Peru 11 48s 76 OwOrsk, Russia 61 8N 58 45 BOrsova, Hungary 44 4SN 22 25EOrtegal, C, Spain 43 45X 7 66WOrtler, Mts., Austria 46 S6N lU 60BOruba, I., W. ludies 12 3Ux 7U UWOruro, Bolivia 17 52s 67 SUwOrwell, R., England 52 UN 1 UEOsel I.. Russia 58 SON 22 SOBOsh, Russian Turkestan 40 26N 73 36EOshkosh, United States 44 4N 88 S6WOsma, R., Bulgaria 43 8N 35 UEOsuabmck. Prussia 52 llx 8 IEOssa, Mt. (Jreece 39 5UN 22 45EOssan, Dist., France 43 Ox 36WOstende, Belgium 51 14X 2 50BOstersund, Sweden 63 15x 14 50EOstrovo, Turkey 40 41X 21 5ueOswego, Unlteii St((ti(S 43 25N 76 SOWOswestry, Englaml 51 51H 3 4WOtago Hr., New Zealand 45 6US 17U 45 E

Otaru, Japan 43 2UN 140 58 EOthrys, Mts., Greece 39 ON 22 30EOtley, England 63 4CxOtrauto, Italy 4U lox 18 28 EOtrauto, Str.' of, Turkey 40 2(lx 19 OK(Jttawa, Canada 46 12x^ 75 52 W"

Ottawa, L., Canada 48 lox 79 2UWOttawa, R., Canada 47 33N 77 owOtter, R., England 50 49N 3 ISWOtterburn, England 55 14N 3 14WOtway, C, Australia 38 61S 143 33EOtyikango, Ger. S.W. Africa 22 Us 16 61EOtyimblngue, Ger. S.W. Africa 22 I4S 16 4EOudh (with Agra), Prov., India 27 40N 81 SOEOucssant, I., France 48 28N 5 8wOndtshoorn, Cape Colony 33 35S 22 SBOuudle, England 62 29N 28WOuro Prcto, Brazil 20 lOS 43 12WOurtlie, R., Belgium 50 25x 6 28EOuse, E., England 60 57X U 3BOuse, 14., England 63 49N 1 2WOuse. R., Gt., England 62 35N 18WOuse, R., Little. England 52 Six SOWOut Skerries, Is., Shetland Is., Scotland (inset)

60 34X 45WOvampo, Dist.. Ger. S.W. Africa IS OS 10 SUEOveus R., Australia 36 20s 146 22BOviedo. Spain 43 23X 5 58WOweu Sd., Canada 44 32N SO 67WOveryssel, Prov., Netherlands 52 25N 6 SOEOwen Stanley Ea., Br. New Guinea (inset' 9 OS

148 UEOwers L,V., England 60 39N 37wOx Mts., Ireland 64 ION 8 6UW

O.vhird, En land 51 lux 1 lOw"Oxfocil, 1 II.. 1'ju.Hiinil 51 4.SS 1 SOWOvapnek, K., fr. Cuiiina 3 55X 51 18WOykell. R., S';otlaliil 57 5BX 4 3KWOysterniouth, Wales 51 S3N 3 59wOzaka, Japan 31 35x 1S5 34K

PAARL, Cape Colony 33 48s 19 OEI'abbay, I.. Seotland 57 48N 7 llwPaeaslnayo, Peru 7 SUS 7'.l 34WPachuea, Mexico 20 15N 98 45^yPadaug, Sniuatra 1 Us 100 32EPadaran, (J.. Indo Cliina 11 llx 109 OKPadertjarii, Prussia 51 43N 8 50EPadstow, Engl mil 50 S3N 4 57wPadua, Italy 45 25N 11 51 EPadueah, United States S7 8x 88 40wPae Khol, Mts., Russia 69 OX 03 SUi:

Pagan, Burma 21 UX 95 it;

Painted Desert. United stites SO 45x 112 owPalshan, Mt. Maucliuria 42 2UX 127 2ilK

Paisley, Scotland 55 5LS 4 27wPak-chan, Burma lU SUN 98 54EPaknam, Slam IS lUX lUU S8EPa-kol, China 21 3.5N 1U9 24EPalamau, Bengal 23 48N 84 18BPalamos, Spain 41 52x 3 9EPalanpur. Bombay 34 13N 72 SOEPalapye, Bcehnaualand 22 S9s 27 16EPalar, R., .Madras 12 SOX 80 OEPalau Is., Pacific Oc. 7 SON 134 .SOE

Palawan, L, Philippine Is. 9 SON 118 30EPalembang, Sumatra 3 54S 104 50EPaleucla, Spain 42 IN 4 SSWPalermo, Italy 33 8N 13 SUEPalestine, Dist., Turkey in Asia 31 40s 35 UEPalghat, iladrsLS lu 48N 76 42EPalk Str., B. of Bengal 10 Ox 80 OEPalll, Rajput.aua 25 -iSN 73 24BPalllser, C, New Zealand 41 38S 175 25wPalma, Spalu 39 35N 2 40BPalmas, 0., Liberia 4 22N 7 44WPalmerston, Australia 12 28s ISl 2EPalmerston, New Zealand 45 30s 170 45EPalmerston, C, Australia 21 SOS 149 32EPalmerston N., New Zealand 40 19s 175 S8KPalmyra, I., Pacific Oc. 6 2N 162 40 iv

Palmyra, Ruins of, Turkey In Asia 34 25N37 58E

Palmyras Pt., Bengal 20 56N 86 58EPalos, Spalu 37 ION 6 52wPalos, C. de, Spain 37 39X 41WPambam. Madras 9 ISx 79 18EPamir, Plat., Russian Turkestan 38 Ox 73 SOEPamlico Sd., United States S5 lOx 76 owPamphylla, Dist., Turkey In Asia 37 lux

SI lUEPampas, Pis.. Argentina 36 SOS 66 OwPauiploua, Spain 42 49N 1 40WPanama, Colombia 9 Ux 79 SUWPanama, G. of, Colombia 8 ON 80 OwPanama, Isth. of, t'olombia 9 OX 80 OWPanay, I., Philippine Is. 11 30X 122 SUEPancsova, Hungary 44 63x 20 40EPanderma, Turke\' in Asia 40 20X 27 5sePanu'anl, R., Ger.'fi. Africa 4 40s 38 OBPanlpat, Punjab 39 24N 77 OEPauja, E., Afghanistan 37 lOx 71 20EPanjdeh, Russian Turkestan 36 18x 62 44EPanjgur, Dist., Baluchistan 26 40X OS 45EPanjim, Goa 15 30x 73 4SEPantar I., Dutch E. Indies 8 30s 124 lOEPantellaria I., Italy 36 48N 11 69EPapa Stour, I.. Shetland Is., Scotland (insetl

60 19X 1 4UWPapa Westray, I., Scotland 69 20N 2 54wPaps, Mt., Scotland 55 55x 5 55WPaps, The, Mts.. Ireland 52 3X 9 16WPapua, G. of. New Guinea 8 SOS 146 OEPara, Brazil 1 50S 48 60wPara, R., Brazil 40s 48 UWParacels Reefs, S. China S -a 16 lOx 112 2UEParagua, I., Philippine Is. 10 UN 118 SOKParagnana Pen., Yenezue a 11 46x 70 OwParaguay, E., S. America 16 OS 57 OwParaguay, St., S. America 24 Os 57 U\yParahyba, Brazil 7 9s 35 lOwParahyba, E., Brazil 22 SOS 42 SOWParabyba, St., Brazil 6 42s 37 8WParamaribo, Dutcli Guiaua 5 16X 65 owParamatta, Australia 33 49s 150 48KParana, Brazil 31 63S 60 13^yParana, E., Argentina 28 OS 67 OWParana, St., Brazil 34 Us 63 30wParaua-Panema, R., Brazil 22 20s 50 OWParanagua, Brazil 25 50s 47 SSWParauabyba, Brazil 3 12s 41 38WParanahyba, R., Brazil 6 OS 43 30wParanabyba, R., Brazil 18 40S 49 OWParbatl, R, Central India 34 4SN 77 OEParia Pen., Venezuela 10 SOX 62 SOWParima, R., Brazil 3 UX 01 UWParis, France 48 6UX 2 2lEParkersburg, United States 39 16N 31 SSwParlaklmedl, Madras 11 48x 84 OEParma, Italy 44 48X lU 21BParoo, R., Australia 29 OS 144 26BParos, I.. Greece 37 OX 25 lOBParret E., EU'-'land 511 5SX 3 49WParry Ls., Canada 76 SUx IIU OwParry Sound, Canada 45 17N 80 OWParsonstowu, Ireland 63 8N 7 56WPartabgarb, Eajputaiur 24 Ox 74 48EParu, R., Brazil U U 53 64-wPary's Mt., Wales 63 25N 4 23"W

( 17 1


I'iis-ile Ciiliiis,, Pnincp On 25N 1 UKr;ispottiai-, (l;Lii;Lila IS I'l'x i;5 :.wl'n^s;un, B;ilin_'lii^t;ili i?-j l:)N Ij2 O.jL:

I'ii^siiu. Biivaria 4S :;'ls 13 ISkPast^LTO. 0., Italy 30 -lliN la SBI'a-^to, (Jaloiuliia 1 UN 77 ;sl\v'

I'ataLTODia. Dist., Ari,'rntina 46 (•^^ 70 0\vrata^'Oiiian Arch., Cliili? .30 Us 7.3 U\\^1 'atari, Bcimbay 24 UN 72 12EPataiii, llal.ay Pen. r, .38N' lUl 19EI'ati'a, Nl'W Zealand 31i I2.S 174 2(;[']

I'atrivon. Uniteil States 40 ."'CN 74 8i?

Patiala, rnnjab 30 ISN 76 24BI'atkai Mts., Burma 20 SON 1).') OKPatinos. L.Tnrkev in Asia 37 Is.v 2G 331!

Patna, Bengal 23 30x 85 IEPatos, Lngoa ilo.s, L,. Brazil 31 30s 51 20WPatras, Greeee 38 12N 21 48 EPattalam, Ceylon 8 ON 70 50EPan, France 43 19N 23-sy

Panillac, France 43 14N iSWPanniotu Arcli., Pacific Oc. 17 03 1 1.3 OwPann^f Laung, Ra., Bnrma 18 ON 97 OEPan-tinf?, Oliina 39 2N 115 44EPavia, Italy 4.3 13N 9 lOEPayta, Peru 3 15s 81 5^yPc, R., Oliina 24 4UN 113 lOEPeace R., Oanaila 58 35N 115'OwPeak, Tlie, England 53 23N 1 r <\r

Peak Ha., Australia 22 303 148 uEPearl Is., Colombia 8 15s 79 OwPechili, G. of, China 38 30N 119 30BPeohili, Proy., China 38 20N 115 OePechora, R., Russia 60 35N 51 32EPecos, Rio, R., United States 31 30N 102 SowPedee, R,, United States 34 20N 79 50\vI'etlir, Sumatra 5 19N 96 12EPeebles, Scotland 55 39N 3 14yyPeebles, Co.. Scotland 55 35N 3 15wPeel, Isle of Man 54 13N 4 42ffPeel Pell, Mt., England 55 17N 2 30 ly

Poel R., Australia 30 lOS 149 lOHPeeuc, R., Prussia 53 51N 13 45BPegasus B„ New Zealand 43 20S 173 OEPegu, Burma 17 18N 96 30EPegu, Youia Mts., Burma 19 ON 90 OBPeiho, R., China 39 ON 118 30EPcipus, L., Russia 5S 30N 27 30BPeivvarKotal, N.W.Frontier Prov. 33 Six 70 OEPekan, Straits Settlements 3 20N 103 15 BPeking, China 39 55N 110 42EPelew Is., Pacific Oc. 7 30N 134 30 EPcling Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 303 123 OEPelion, Mt., Greece 39 29N 23 OEPella, Palestine 32 2nN 35 37EPclla, Cape Colony 29 4s 19 lOEPelly R., Canada i32 ON 132 OwPelotas, Brazil 31 503 52 45wPemba, I., Br. E. Africa 5 OS 39 50EPembroke. Wales 51 41N 4 57\yPembroke. Co., Wales 51 50N 4 50vyPenang, Dist., Straits Settlements 3 20N 103 lOEPenang I., Malay Pen. 5 25N 100 2ePendle Hill, England 63 4BN 2 18wPene !o, Brazil 10 10s 30 30wPemranga, U., Central Provs. 19 SON 7S OEPenguin I., Ger.S.W. Africa 20 30s 15 lUEPcniche, Portugal 39 18N 9 21WPenicuik, Scotland 55 51N 3 9\yPenmarch, 0.. Prance 47 52N 4 2.3WPenna, Mt., Itah' 44 30N 9 36EPenua, Puiita della, Italy 42 12N 14 50EPcnnar, R.. Madras 14 30N 80 OEPcnnegent, Mt., England 54 9N 2 llwPennine Ba,, England 54 30N 2 20wPennsylvania, St., United States 41 On 78 .SOW

Penobscot B., United States 45 ION i;8 4S\v

Penrlivn I., Pacific Go. 8 32s 1.38 20iy

Penrith, Ouniberland 54 39N 2 48\yPcnryn, England 50 1 IN 5 7\y

Pensacola, United States 30 35N .87 I3\y

Pentedaktvlon, Mts , Greece 37 O.N 22 221':

Pen Hand F., Scotland 58 43N 3 14\v

Pentland Hills, Scotland 65 SON 3 2t\rPentland Skerries, Is., Scotland 55 4U.N 2 55\\'

Pi'iiuel, Jtt., Palestine 32 5N 35 5lBPeuzil, Russia 53 ON 44 59EPenzance, England 50 7N 5 31WPoor, R., Palestine 31 41N 35 39EP.'oria, United States 40 48x S'.i 34«'

Perak, St., Malay Pen. 4 30x 100 JskPerche, Le, Dist., France 48 23x 1 OIO

Perche, La, Mt., France 42 50N 2 36EPerdu, Mt., France 12 50X 12EPcrigord, Dist., France 45 Ox 23ePerigneux, France 45 ]5x 45EPerim, I., Red Sea 12 39X 43 40EPerim Dagh, Mts., Turkey 41 30X 23 32EPerm. Russia 57 50N 50 30 E

Pci-niyak, Russia 59 SOX Ho OEPeruambnco, Brazil 8 5s S5 lowPernambuco, St., Bnizil 8 OS SO OWPcrnau, Rnssia 58 25X 21 30EPerpiguau, France 42 43N 2 53EPersante R.. Prussia 51 ox 15 40EPersepolis, Ruins of. Persia 30 ON 63 OEPersia, St., Asia 33 ON 55 OEPersian G., Asia 27 ON 51 30EPerth, Australia 31 373 115 .38E

I'crth, Scotland 56 25N 3 26WPerth, Co., Scotland 50 30X 4 OwPeru, St., S. America 1 1 303 75 0\y

Perugia. Itiily 43 9N 12 24BPcsaro, Italy 43 54N 13 2EPescailores, Is., Japan 23 30N 119 40E

Pescara, E., Italy 42 15N 14 OEPrsehiei-a. Italy 45 20N 10 56bPeshawar, N.-W. Frontier Pnir. 34 2:,- 71 35EPcsqnetio, H., Mc.\:ico 26 15N loi) 3o\yPeten. L., Gnateinala 17 lOX 89 50wPeter I., Antarctic Oc. 09 OS 91 Off

IVter the Great, Bay of. SihiTia 42 5UN 131 lUE

Peterborough, England 52 .Jlx 14\yPeterhead, Scotland 57 30X 1 40\yPetiTinan Peak, Greenland 73 SUN 30 OwPetersburg, United St,ates 37 ION 77 30\y

Petersfteld, England 51 ON 57wPeterwardein, Hungary 45 ION 19 581!

Pi:tra, Ruins of, Turkey in Asia 30 2ux 35 47 1-;

Petro Alexandrovsk, Russian Turkestan 41 25N01 5E

Petrolia, Canada 42 48N 82 12WPetropavlovsk, Rnssia 60 15x 59 50 E

Petropavlovsk, Siberia 52 SON 138 52EPetroYSk, Russia 42 50N 47 24BPetrozavodsk, Rnssia 01 45E 34 15EPetuna, Manchuria 45 17N 125 22BPevensey, England 50 50N 21EPewsej', England 51 2lN 1 41wPhaltan, Bombay 18 ON 74 SOEPharpar, R., Palestine 33 23X 36 21 EPhaseolis, Palestine 32 3N 35 29bPliersala, Greece 30 12N 22 22EPhiladelphia, United .States 39 4.8N 75 22wPhilippine Is., East Indies 12 ON 12J OEPhilippolis, Orange River Colony SO 20s 25 SUEPhilippopolis, Bulg.aria 42 SN 24 51 E

Philipstown Grand Can., Ireland 53 ION 7 OWPlioois, Prov., Greece 38 34X 22 50EPhcenix, United States 33 S2N 112 OWPhoenix Is., Pacific Oc. 4 03 172 SOWPlirygia, Dist., Turkey in Asia S8 20N 30 OEPhthiotis, Prov., Greece .38 42s 22 HEPiacenza, Italy 45 SX 45EPiauhy, R., Brazil 7 SOS 12 S03VPiaiihy, St., Brazil 7 .303 42 SOiyPiave, R., Italy 45 34N 12 12BPicanly. France 50 Ox S OEPickering, England 54 15N 46"WPicton, Canada 45 4Sx 02 53WPicton, New Zealanil 41 22S 174 2EPidirutalagala, Mt., Ceylon 6 SON 80 lOKPiedmont, Prov., Italy 43 ION 7 50EPiel I., Englanil 54 4N 3 UWPierre, United States 44 35N 100 12«'

Pietermaritzljurg, Natal 29 32s 30 25EPietersburg, Trausvaal 23 55s 29 31EPietros, Mt.. Hungary 48 2N 24 SOEPictrosul, Mt., Hungary 47 UN 25 5EPigeon R.. United States 48 8N 90 On'

Pike's Peak. United States 39 ON 105 0^y

Pilate, Mt., Switzerland 46 59x 8 lOEPilliarra. Aiistr.alia 21 35s 118 25EPilcomayo, R., Argentina 23 SOS 61 O'V

Pilibbit, Agra and Ondli 28 36X 79 48EPillau, Prnssia 64 39N 19 .53E

Pilsen, Austria 49 48N 13 19EPind Dadan Khan, Punjab S2 36N 73 OEPindns, Mts., Turkey 39 SOX 21 SOBPill" Creek. Australia 13 47s ISl S6BPinerolo, Italy 44 63N 7 24EPing-yang, Onrea .30 ION 126 lOEPinos, I. de. W. Indies 21 S5N 83 OwPinzgan, V.alley, Austria 47 16N 12 SOEPinsk, Russia 52 ON 20 OEPiotrkow, Russia 61 20N 19 23EPirot, Servia 43 ION 22 38EPira-ns, Greece 37 .38N 23 43EPisa, Italy 43 42x10 21


Pisco, Peru 13 65s 76 lOWPisck, Austria 49 20X U 9EPisgah, B., Palestine 31 44X 33 I2EPishin, Br. Kaliichistan SI ON 07 OBI'istoja, Italy 43 55N 10 52l!

Pisiierga, K., Spain 42 ON 4 SOWPitesci, Romania 44 51N 24 62KPitlochry, Scotland 56 42N 3 42WPitsanulok, Slam 16 45N 100 23EPittsburgh, United States 40 SON 79 SOWPiura, Peru 5 9s 80 35«'

Piz Bernina, Mt., Switzerland 46 22X 60EPiz Linard. Mt.. Switzerland 46 48\- 10 '>;•:

Phicentia, Newfoundland (insetj 47 12N53 58W

Placentia B., Newfoundland (inset) 47 20.\

64 4UWPlainhy, Australia 24 553 150 OEPlanchon P., Argentina 35 S5S 69 20wPlasencia, Spiiiii 40 4X 6 8WPliissy, Bengal 23 42X 88 lOEPlata, Rio de la, B., ,S. America 35 OS 57 OwPlatte B., United States 41 5N 99 25wPlatte B., N., United .States 41 lox 103 OwPlatte B., .S., United States 40 .30N 103 UwPlauen, Sa.xony 50 SON 12 5ePlenty, Bay of. New Zeulimd 37 45s 177 OEPless, Prussia 49 54N 18 45EPlettenberg B., Cape Colony 34 5s 23 33KPlevna, Bulgaria 43 25x 24 42BPloek, Biissia 53 39N 10 40EPlocsci, Romania 44 60X 26 OEPUito, Mt., Australia 25 OS 140 40EPlym, B., England .50 Sus 4 4\yPiymoutli, England 50 21X 4 lOWI'hiiioutli Sound, England 50 15N 4 swI'lvnlimmou, Mt., Wales .32 SUN S 68 ,v

I'liuiii Penh, Indo-Ohina 11 56N 101 3ln;

Po. Mouths of the, Italy 45 Ox 12 21EPn, n.,Italy45 0N 10 23EPiidgoritzn, Montenegro 42 20N 19 2lE

Point ot Air, England 53 22N 3 20\yPoitier.s, I'laiice 40 36N 22EP.iitiiu, Prov., France 40 SINTola, Austria 44 63N 13 60EPoland, Div., Russia 61 30n 21 OEPodolia, Dist., Russia 48 60X 28 OEPoldeu Hills, England 61 lux 2 15\VI'olicastro, Italy 40 2N 15 SOEPolino, Mt., Italy 39 50N 15 50EPoltava. Russia 48 38N SO 40BPolynesia. Pacific Oc. 5 ON 10 OWPondiclierri, Madras 11 58N 70 381!

Pomerania, Prov., Pnissia 53 ISX 15 01!

Pomona, I., Scotland 50 ON 3 SOWPonce, W. Indies 18 5N 66 45wPondo Land, Oape Colony 32 OS 29 OEPongo, R., Fr. W. Africa 10 ON 14 9WPongo de Manseriche, Peru 4 OS 76 7\y

Pongolo. B., Transvaal 24 83 28 8EPontarlier, France 46 55N 6 20EPontefract, England 53 42N 1 22WPontenedra, Spain 42 29N 8 S4WPontianak, Borneo lOS 109 15BPontine Marshes, Italy 41 26x 13 OEPontine Mts., Turkey in Asia 40 40X 30 Ol!

Pontresina, Switzerland 46 SON 62EPontypool, England 51 42N 3 2\yPontypridd, Wales 51 36N 3 20\yPoole, England 50 41N 1 58WPoona, Bombay 18 32N 73 53 EPopayau, Colombia 2 9N 70 48WPopocatapetl, Mt., Mexico 19 Ox 98 35\v

Porbandar, Bombay 21 SON 00 48 EPorrentruy, & Switzerland 47 26x 7 5EPort Adelaide, Australia 34 48s 138 SOEPort .Albert, Australia 38 363 146 44EPort Alfred, Oape Colony S3 393 20 60EPort Arthur, Canada 48 8N 80 28wPort Arthur, Manchuria 38 68n 121 20EPort au Prince, Haiti 18 35N 72 32WPort Augusta, Australia 32 20s 137 55EPort Basque, Newfoundland (inset) 47 SON

6'.l 5ePort Blair, Andaman Is. 11 42x 02 12BPort Bowen, Australia 22 273 150 S8EPort Ohalniers, New Zealand 46 483 170 4lEPort Curtis. Australia 23 48S 151 ISEI'ort Darwin, Australia 12 203 130 58EPort Deuison, Hi-. Australia 30 OS 148 18EPort Douglas, Australia 16 503 145 25EPort Elizabeth, Oape Colony 33 533 25 27 E

Port Essington, Hr., Australia 11 SOS 132 5BPort Fairy, Australia 38 10s 112 4BPort Florence, Br. E. Africa 10s 54 50 BPort GlaSL.'OW, Scotlanil 55 56N 4 42wPort Hamilton, Oorea 34 6N 125 lOEPort Hope, Canada 43 55N 78 103yPort Huron, United Stntes 43 IN 82 24\y

Port Jackson, Australia 33 50S 151 2BPort Louis, Mauritius 20 Ss 57 32EPort Macdonnell, Australia 38 23 140 44EPort Macquarie, Australia 31 36s 163 42BPort Moresby, Br. New Guinea (in.-etj 9 2Ss

147 15EPort Natal, Natal 29 54s 30 58EPort Nolloth, Cape Colony 29 183 16 6SEPort of Spain, Trinidad, W. Indies 10 38N

61 3SWPort Patrick, Scotland 54 SOX 5 9wPort Philliii, Australia 38 03 144 36EPort Pirie, .Australia 33 9S 138 4EPort Said, Egypt 31 15X 32 lOEPort Savanna, Mauritius 20 S2S 67 S5BPort Siinpsun, Canada 54 32X 130 20WPort Stanley, Canada 42 47N 81 lowPort Stephens, Hr., Australia S2 SOS 152 OnPort Victor, Australia 36 SOS 138 SOEPort Victoria, England 51 'ifj:^ 41xPort Wakefield, Australia 34 103 138 15EPoitadowii, Ireland 54 35N 27wPortaferry, Ireland 54 3SX 5 SOWI'ortalegre, Portugal 39 ION 7 24WPortarlington, Irelaud 53 ION 7 12WPorth Dinlle^n, Wales 52 55X 4 31WPorthcawl, VValcs 51 28x 3 42WPortishead, England 51 SOX 2 47wPortland, Australia SS 13s 141 38EPortland (Maine), United States 43 59n 70 2wPortland (Oregon) United states 45 SUN

132 53WPoitland, Bill of, 0., England 50 33x 2 2KwPonland Isle, England 50 Sox 2 SOWPnrto Alegre, Brazil 30 03 51 OwPortm.adoc, Wales 62 53.\ 4 7\y

Poi-to Cabello, Venezuela 10 22N 63 12WPorto Lnperial, Brazil 10 7S 48 SOWPorto Novi-, Madras 11 SOX 79 48 EPorto Rico, I,, W. ludii s 18 SOX 60 40wPorto Seguro, Brazil 10 263 39 8WPorto Torres. Italy 40 47N 8 19 EPortolicllo, Scotland 65 57x 3 6\yPorlonovo, Fr, W. Africa 6 39N 2 32EPortree, Scotland 57 26x 6 I2WPortrush, Ireland 65 12N 6 SOWPortsay, Scotland 57 42N 2 40wPortsmouth, England 50 48N 1 OwPortsmouth, United States 36 52X 70 UWPortsmouth, United States 38 47N 82 54 wPortsmouth, United States 43 Sx 70 4SwPortugal, King., Europe 40 Ox 7 OwPortngalete, Spain 43 18X 3 IwPortuguese E. Africa, Col., Africa 17 SO.s 35 OEPortuguese W. Africa^ Col., Africa 12 OS 18 OEPortnmna, Ireland 53 7x 8 12WI'oseidonia, Greece S7 58N 23 4E

Poseu, Prussia 02 2lN 16 07EPoscn, Prov., Prussia 52 25N 10 65EPosharevatz, Servia 44 36N 21 OEPossession I., S.W. Africa 20 45s 15 2BPotchefstroom, Transvaal 26 48s 27 HIEPotenza, Italy 40 .SOX 15 50EPoti, Russia 42 lux 1140EPotomac, H,, Uniied States 30 SOX 77 OWPotosi. Bolivia 19 40S 65 40WPotosi, Mt., Bolivia 19 40s 05 S5wPotsdam, Prussia 52 24N 13 2EPottei-s I., Dutch E. Indies (inset) 34N

127 21EPoulton, England 54 5N 2 OOWPoverty .B., New Zealand 38 4SS 178 OBPowder R., United States 45 ox 106 15EPoyang, L., China 20 ON 116 35EPrague, Austria 50 OX 14 261!

Pratas, Is., Pacific Oc. 20 SON 116 51 E

Prilttigan, Dist., Switzerland 46 30X 451!

Pregel, B. 64 38N 21 SBPrentzlau, Prussia 53 15x 13 53EPreparis, Is., Andaman Is. 14 48N 93 42EPrerau, Austria 40 23N 17 231!

Presba, L., Turkey 40 65x 20 58 BPressburg, Hungary 48 7N 17 5BPresteign, Wales 52 ION 3 13y

Preston, England 53 45x 2 42\y

Prestonpans, Scotlanrl 55 58X 2 58wPretoria, Transvaal 25 563 28 14EPreveza, Turkey 38 57X 20 46EPrieska, Oape Colony 29 43S 23 35EPrizren, Turkey 42 i2N 30 40 EPrince I., G. of Guinea 1 40N 7 15EPrince Albert, Canada 63 ON 105 SOWPrince Albert, Cape Colony 33 10s 22 ObPrince Albert Land, Canada 71 ON 112 OwPrince Edward I., Canada 46 26N 63 OWPrince Edward Is.. Indian Oc. 46 OS 37 OEPrince of Wales 0., Alaska 05 SON 168 OwPrince of Wales L, Australia 10 403 142 lOEPrince of Wales I., Canada 72 SON 100 OwPrincess Charlotte B., Australia 14 lOS 144 OEPrincipe, I. do, G. of Guinea 1 40N 7 151!

Prishtiua, Turkey 42 36x 21 OBPrivas, France 44 44N 4 37EProgresso, Mexico 21 SON 89 40wProme, Bnrma 18 48x 05 13BPromise, PI. of, Australia 18 OS 140 OEProvence, Prov., France 43 SOX 6 OBProvidence, United States 41 40X 71 24^y

Prussia, King,, Ger. Empire 52 SON 13 OEPrut, B., Austria 48 SOX 24 54BPrzemysl, Austria 49 47N 22 SOEPskof, Russia 57 68N 28 6EPtolemais, Palestine S3 55N 35 SBPudukattai, Madras 10 24N 78 4SEPuebia, Mexico 19 3N 08 4wPueblo, United States 38 S2N 105 OwPuerto Montt, Ohllo 41 203 72 SOWPuerto Plata, W. Indies 10 45x 70 43wPuerto Princesa, Philippine Is. 8 48.N 117 65EPuerto Principe, Cuba 21 20x 77 65wPuerto Rico, I. West Indies 18 SOx 00 40WPuffin I., Wales S3 20x 4 2wPuget Sd., Unired States 47 SON 123 30wPuigcerda, Spain 42 2 IX 1 631!

Puket, Malay Pen., 8 ON 08 OnPulioat. L. of, Madras 13 42N 18 12EPulo Konilor Is., Indo-ChinaS 32X lOo .SUE

Pulo Lant, Is., Dutch E. Indies 3 60s 116 lOEPunakha, Bhutan 27 SON 80 64EPunjab, Prov., India 32 ON 74 OEPuno, Peru 15 52s 70 lOwPunta Arenas, Chile 55 OS 72 OwI'unta Arenas, Costa Rica 56N 84 40wPurbeck I., England 50 39N 2 6WPuri, Bengal 19 48N 85 48EPurniah, Bengal 25 4SN 87 SOEPurus, B., Brazil 7 S2s 07 OwPusegar Pt,, New Zealand 40 lis 166 111!

Puster Thai, Valley, Austria 46 40N 12 lui-;

Pnstozersk, Russia 67 32N 52 35 EPutumayo, R., Colombia 3 9s 73 SOWPuy, Le, France 45 2N 3 52KPuy-de-Dome, Dept., France 45 S9x 2 481!

Puy de Dome, Mt., France 46 45X 2 S5EPwllheli, Wales 52 53x 4 2SwPyrenees, Mts., Australia 37 17S 144 OEP.yicniies, Mts., France 43 ON 1 OEPyrenees, Basses-, Dept.. France 43 18x 54WPyren6es, Haut's-, Dept.. France 43 lox lOEPyrcnijes-Orientales, Dept., France 42 SSx 2 SOEPyrenees, Mts., Brazil 15 40s 48 60WPyrgos, Greece 37 40X 21 28EPyritz, Prussia 53 IN 14 53B

QUANTOCK HILLS, England 51 8n 3 12Wt)uarken Is, Rnssia 63 20X 21 SOEQnarnero G., Austria 44 SOX 14 lOBQuathamba Mts., Basnto Land 30 OS 28 401!

(Quebec, Canada 47 Ox 71 Ow(Jiiebec, Prov., Canada 49 ON 70 OwCJneen Charlotte Is,, Canada 53 ON 132 OwQueen Charlotte Sd., Canada 50 50x 128 ow()ueen Victoria Spring, Australia SO 358 123 4 eQneensboro', England 31 26.N 45E(Queen's Ch., England 51 30X 1 2lE(Jiieen's O)., Ireland 52 56N 7 20\y()ueensberry, Mt., Scotland 55 14N 3 38w(.Queensland, Div., Australia 24 OS 144 OKtjneenstowu. Cape Colony 31 56s 27 2EC^ucenstown, Ireland 51 52N 8 19w(Juelpart, I., Corea 33 20N 126 20EQueretaro, Mexico 20 48n 100 lOw

( 18)


Quotta, Br. Balucliistau 30 12x C7 30EQiiilon, Ti'iivaiicore 8 TjlN 7(; 3liE

Quimiier, Frauce 48 Ox 4 H\v

yiiito, Eciiailor 20S 78 I.'.h-

QLinrndou, Euglauil 52 44N 1 lUW

RAAB, Hungary 47 -llN 17 HUBRaab, R., Hunsjary 4li riJN 10 4U1S

Rahba, Nigeria 9 19N 4 58L]

Rabbatli Aliimoii, Paleytino 31 r.ftx 35 ,')i;i.;

Habhatli Moab, Palestiiif 31 I'.IN 3.') I3HHacu, 0., Newfoundland 4G 30N 03 33wRacoon Mts., Uaited States 34 ON 8(i U\vKailautz, Austria 47 54x 25 4S [5

Hailuor, Co., Wales 53 20N 3 20 H'

Radnor Forest. Wales 52 IGN 3 15\\'

Kagatz, Switzerland 47 ON 9 3lKRagged, Mt., Australia 32 55s 122 lOli

Ragusa, Austria 42 40N 18 9KRagusa, Italy 37 Ox 14 4UBRabat, R., I'Igyptiau Sudan 13 15x 35 IOl;

Ralieita, Eritrea 12 50N 43 UIO

Raheng, Siam 16 J5X 99 17KItai Uarcli, Agra and Ondli 2C 12N SI I.Sk

Raieliur, Haidarnbad Hi 12N 77 2110

Uaipur, Oeutnd Rrovs. 21 12N' si 7l';

Raiainalieudri, Madras 17 OX 81 ISIO

Rajkot, Bombay 23 18N 70 45KRiijpntana, Div., India 27 20N 73 30ERakka, Turkey in Asia 311 2x 39 lio

Raleigh, United States 35 43N 7S 3lj\y

Rauiali, Palestine 33 7x 35 ISKliameh, Palestine 31 48N 35 14HlUiuileli, Palestine 31 56x 31 52KRamoth (.iilead, Palestiii.i 32 15x 35 51 lo

Rampnr, Agra and Omlh 28 4Sx 79 01^

Riuari, I., Burma 19 UN 93 54KRamsey, England 52 3GN liwRamsey, Isle of Man 54 19X 4 22WRiini-e'y I., Wales 51 51x 25wRamsgate, England 51 2UX 1 25BRanchi, Bengal 23 24N S5 21J^

Rauders, Denmark 56 28x lu OBllaugaon, Burma 17 Ox 9G 151-:

Kangpur, Bengal 25 48N 89 18ERanigaiij, Bengal 23 3GN 87 BKHanikliet, Agra and Oudh 20 3(lx 79 30li

Eiinn, Tlie, Bombay 24 ON 70 OKRanuoch, L., Scotland 56 41x 4 19\vRanuocli Moor, Scotland 56 36N 4 45\yRaplioe, Ireland 54 52N 7 34"^

Rappahannock R,, United States 3K Ox 77 On"

Rajiperswyl, Switzerland 47 llx 8 4S[j;

Rapti, R., Agra and Oudli 27 Ox S3 OERaratonga, I., Pacific Oc. 21 IDS 159 39iyHiis el Aiu, Palestine 32 6x 34 50BRas el Hadd, C, Oman 22 25x 59 46 ERas el Kelb, 0., Arabia 14 15X 48 55ERiis Madrak, 0., Oman 19 Ox 57 36ERas el Millj, 0., Egypt 31 5UX 25 OERas Rawai, 0., Egyptian Sudan 21 5X 37 20ERas en Nakurali, C, Palestine 33 5x 35 6EHas Dashan, Mt., Abyssinia 13 25x 38 20KUaslieya, Palestine 33 32X 35 50EHassay, Sd. of, Scotland 57 25x 6 5WIlatburi, Siam 13 35X 99 50ERatlidrum, Ireland 52 54X 6 14WRatlikeale, Irelaml 52 31N 8 5SWBathliu I., Ireland .55 17N 6 inyRatldiu U'Birue Is., Ireland 54 39X 8 49wRatibor, Prussia 60 4N IS 14 nRatisbon, Bavaria 49 Ox 12 21-;

Ratlam, Central India 23 21x 75 6Eliatuagiri, Bombay 17 Ox 73 18ERatnapura, Ceylon 6 42x 80 24 ERattray Hd., Scotland 57 34X 1 49-n'

Ravenglass, England 54 2IX 3 25>TRavenna, Italy 44 25x 12 910

Ravenswood, Australia 2i) 21s 146 55ERavi, R.. Puuiab 31 Ox 73 OEllawal Pindi. Punjab 33 46X 73 4EKay, C. Newfoundland (inset) 47 43x 59 18WHazgrad, Bulgaria 43 30x 26 34ERe, He de, I., France 46 14X 1 27\yReading, England 51 28x 58^yReading, United States 40 21x 75 56"^

Heay, Scotland 58 34N 3 48WReay Deer Forest, Scotland 58 18x 4 40WRecife, Brazil 8 5s 35 lOwRed R., Indo-Ohina 21 45X 105 20ERed K., United States 34 lux 99 OiyRed R. of the Morth, United States 48 Ox

96 30wRed S., Indian Oc. 20 Ox 40 OERed Tower, P., Hungary 45 3tlx 24 llERedear, England 54 37x 1 3«-

Kediliteh, England 52 18x 1 5SwRedruth, England 50 16N 5 15\yRee, L., Ireland 53 35N 7 5S)\'

Reggio, Italy 3S 2N 15 45„, Italy 44 43N 10 33ERegiiia, Caii;ula 50 34N 101 lowlleliubotli, Ccr. S.W. Afrii'a 23 23s 17 15ERehobotti. Palestine 30 59X 34 3110

Reichenberg. Austria 50 4SX 15 IEHeig.ate, England 51 13x llwReims, France 49 20X 4 OIO

Reindeer L., C'anada 57 Ux 102 3I1W

Reindeer Mts., Canaila 59 ox 114 U\v

ReiiMisa, Mt., Spain 43 Ix 4 14\y

Rejaiig. U., Sarawak 2 .50x 113 2III0

Remarkaldr, Jit., Australia 32 59s 13S 5ilE

Rembaug, .lava 6 468 HI 15ERenilsburg, Pnr-sia 51 ISx 9 lUE

Renfrew, Scotland 55 53x 1 21\y

Renfrew, Co., Scotland 05 19N 4 28wRennes, France 48 7N 1 45\vRen-), R., Italv 41 32X 13 I5BRi'sht, Persia 37 13X 19 3610

Resolution I., New Zealand 15 3Ss H;6 HMOReunion, I., Indian Or. 21 18s 55 32EReus, Spain 41 lox 1 Olo

Reusa, R., Swiizcrland 47 15N 8 25ERevel, Russia 59 26N 21 15lo

RevillaCigedo Is., Mc.\ii-o 18 50x 110 55wRewa, Central India 21 30X 81 18ERewari, Punjab 28 12N 76 42loHi'y, Rio del, R., Ca -ons 4 40x 8 5210

Reynolds Ra., Australia 22 30s 132 3illo

Rbayailer, Wales ,52 18N 3 32vyRhenish Palatinate, Diat., Ilmuany 19 2CiX

8 OERhine, R., Crermany 51 43N 6 30EIthine, It., Netherlands 51 59X 5 30EItldne, Ulil, 11., Netherlands 52 13X 4 22ERhineland. Prov., 1'i'ns.^hL 50 olN 7 Olo

Rhoile I., St, Umted States 41 40X 71 3i)H-

Ithodes, Turk y in .\sia 36 25.V 28 2110

Uhoiles, I., Turkey In .Vsia 36 ox 28 molihodesia. Col., /Urica 17 OS 29 OEfi,hoil<)|)e, Mts., Turki-y H IPX 21 OElUuin Mts.. Germany .50 25X 10 Uio

Rhonilila, R., Wales 51 40X 3 35\yRli("ine, Dept., France 45 55X 4 30ERhone, R., Fi-anee 45 50X 5 45Ellhdue, R., Sivitzerland 46 llx 6 OERhuid Re, C, S.otlanil 57 52x 5 50u'lihyl, Wales 53 19x 3 29wRhynns Pt., Scotland 55 40x 6 35\vUiazau, Ru.~sia 54 34X 39 3l)IO

Riba Rilia, Congo State 2 32s 25 3iiE

Rihble, R., Englanil 53 r)2X 2 30WR'be, Denmark 55 20X S 4810

Hiehmond, Can,ada 45 40N 72 3WRichmond, Cape Colony 31 22s 23 57ERichmond B., Australia 29 OS 153 30ERichmond (SurrevJ. England 51 27x ISwlUehmoiid, United Sliites 37 31X 77 27wIliehniond (Yorks), Englaml 51 25x 1 44ff

Rideau Can., Canada 14 51x 76 0\v

Riet H., S. Africa 29 5s 21 25ERietfontein, Gei-. S.W. Africa 20 50s 19 50ERiga, Rrrssia 56 .50x 21 OEHigii, Onlf of. Russia 58 Ox 23 30EHigi, Mt., Snitzerdaiid 47 4N 8 30ERdo, Mt„ Bulgaria 42 lOx 23 16BRimini, Italy 44 IN 12 31ERiminca, Romania 45 4X 24 22ERingat, Sumatra 35s 102 30EUiriu, L., Ireland 53 53x 7 48\vRio, Straits Settlements 46X 101 40ERio Cirarto, Argentina 33 2s 64 1^Y

Uio de Janeiro, Brazil 22 50s 43 44\v

Rio de Oro, W. Africa 23 15x 15 30\v

Rio Grande do Nortec St., Brazil 6 35s 38 25wRio Grande do Sul, Br-azil 32 10s 52 35wItio Grande do Snl, St., Brazil 28 US 52 Stlw

Riobamba, Ecuador 1 483 7S 55"\y

Riobrreha, Colombia 11 2Sx 72 46WRioja, Argentina 29 30s 06 53^y

Riou, R., Rirssia 42 5X 42 30ERipon, England 54 8x 4 32WRiu-kiu Is., Japan 27 3UN 127 30BRiva, Austria 45 64N 10 52ERivacliio, Spain 43 29N 7 7wRiverinii, Dist., Australia 32 OS 146 OERiviera de Levante, Dist, Italy 44 18X 9 15ERiviera de Ponente, Dist.. Italy 43 50X 8 OERixhlift, Prussia 54 51x 18 OERiyadh, Arabia 24 32X 46 29BRu'ag, L., Scotland 5S 15X 6 'MWRoaune, France 46 3x 4 3BRoanoke R., United Slates 36 33N 78 OwHoba el Khali, Desert, Ar-abia 20 OX 47 3Ol0

Robatat Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 18 55x 33 30IO

Bolie, B., Irelaml 53 43N 8 52 iv

Robertsport, Liberia 6 52X 11 16WRobeson Oh., Arctic America 82 OX 63 OwRobin Hood B., England 51 25x o 31wBoca, 0. da, Portugal 38 46X 9 30WHochdale, England 53 37x 2 1 IW'

Roche, La, France 46 40X 1 27iy

Rochefort, France 45 57X 57WRochelle, La, France 46 9X 1 12WRocliester, England 51 23x 30BRochester, United States 43 12X 77 12WRockahUl L.-H., Ireland 53 30N 6 Iwllockhamptou, Australia 23 12s 150 :12E

Rockingham Forest, England 52 30X 36WRocks PI., New Zealand 40 57s 172 9E

Rocky Mts,, N. America 48 UX 115 OWKodeu, R., England 52 50x 2 46WRodez, France 44 22X 2 36ERodosto, Turkey 40 57N 27 20ERodriquez I., Indian Oc. 19 40S 63 25BRoebourne, Anstrirlia 21 IS 117 lOE

Roebuck B., Australia 18 OS 122 lOE

Rocr, R., Prussia (srx Ruhr, R.)

Eoermoud, Netherlands 51 12X 6 Olo

Roggeveld Mts., Cape Colony 32 2US 20 15i-;

Rokelle, R., Sierra Leoiie 9 ux 11 40\y

Roma, Australia 26 36s 118 ISE

Roman Wall, Englaml 55 IX 2 5wRomania, 0., Miday Pen. 1 ISX PU ISlo

Romania, St., ICurolle 15 OX 26 OIO

Ronjaiishorn, Switzerland 17 3 IX 9 22E

RoiuH, Italy 11 51X 12 3ino

Ilomford, England 51 35n i) 15E

Boiniiey Marsh, England 51 nx 52E

Roinscy, Englanil .50 59x 1 3llw

Roiia, I., Scotland 50 8N 5 blwRoncesvalles, Spain 43 IX 1 20V7Roiida, Spain 36 47x 5 lowRooibank, S.W. Africa 23 5s 14 37ERo|ier R., Australia 14 3Ss 131 lOERoraiina, Mt., Br, Guiana 5 2ux 61 15\vRorschach, Switzerland 47 28x 9 29EItosario, Argentina 33 lOs 60 58 \y

Roscommon, Ireland 53 38N 8 llwRnsrommon, Co,, Ireland 53 42x 8 25\yRosetta, Egypt 31 21 X 31 25ERoss, Emjlanil 51 55N 2 31WRoss, New Zealand 42 5S,s 170 .54ERoss and Cromarty, Co,, Scotland 57 45X 5Rossan Pt, Ireland 51 4IN S 48wRossendale, England 53 43N 2 22WRossland, Canada 18 56N 118 12WRosslare Pt., Ireland 52 20N 6 22\yRostock, Germany 51 5x 12 5bRostof, Russia 47 15N 39 40IOllothbury, England 55 18X 1 53\rRotlier, H. (Kent), England 51 OX 3"iBRother, R, (Su-se.x), England 51 Ox 5U',y

Rotherham, England 53 27N 1 23wRothes, Scutlind 67 3lx 3 12w'Rothesay, Scotland .55 SON o 3\TRotlihaar, Mts., Prirssia 51 OX 8 5EHotorua, New Zealand 38 10s 176 2O10Rotorua L., New Zealand 38 8s 176 20ERotter-dam, Nether-lands 51 54N 4 30 10

Rotti L, Dutch B. Indies lu 53s 123 15EHonbaix, France 50 43x 3 lOBRonen, Frairce 49 26N 1 6BRouergue, Dist,, Frarrce 44 15N 3 60 10

Roumeha, Eastern, Div„ Bulgaria 42 25x 26Rounil I., Mauritius 19 53s 57 -iOEHou.ssillon. Dist., France 42 40X 2 50BRouxville, Orange River Colony 30 26s 26 4:

Roviguo, Austria 45 3N 13 40EBovigo, Italy 45 4N 11 4SERovuma, R., Ger. B. Africa 11 5s 38 30 ERowley Shoal, Australia 17 2Us 119 25bRowton, England 53 12x 2 5U\vRoxburgh, Co., Scotland 55 25N 2 36WRoyal Can., Ireland 53 35x 7 SowRshef, Russia '}{i 20x 34 20ERu Coigach, C, Scotland 58 6N 5 2SWRuabon, Wales 52 59N 3 3WEuahine Ra., New Zealand 39 48s 176 5ERuapehu, Mt., New Zealand 39 2os 175 33ERudha Mail, C, Scotland 65 56x 6 7wRudok, Tibet 33 30N 79 42ERudolf, L., Br. B. Africa 4 Ux 36 6ERuliji, R., Ger. E. Africa 7 35s 33 20ERugby, England 52 23X 1 16yyRugen, L, Prussia 51 35X 13 20ERtlgenwalde, Prussia 51 2.tX 16 20ERuhr, R., Prussia 61 25x 7 lOERirkwa, L., Gel-. E. Africa 8 20S 32 45ERum I,, Scotland 57 Ox 6 19w^Runaway, 0., New Zealand 37 31s 177 59ERuncorn, England 53 21x 2 46wRuyiert House, Canada 51 20x 78 40AyRup rt's Land, Canada 53 25x 81 OwRuplria, R., Greece 37 30X 22 UERurki, Agra and Oudli 29 64X 77 64ERuschuk, Bulgaria 43 49x 25 57ERushcliffe, England 52 52X 1 9WRussell, New Zealand 35 23s 174 llioRussia, Empire, Europe 55 ON 40 OERust, Hungary 47 48x 16 35ERustentmrg, Transvaal 25 353 27 7J':

Rutherglen, Scotlan-i 55 5UX 4 13wRuthin, Wales 63 7.x 3 19wRutland, Co,, England 52 35x 35\yRutland I,, Andaman Is., II 30X 92 42BRuweuzori, Mt., Br. E, ,Africa 26X 30 6eRyan, L., Scotland 55 Ux 6 4WRyde, England 50 45x 1 UlvRye, England 50 59x 43ERye, R., Enslaud 54 12X 1 OwRys.viek, Netherlands 52 2x 4 19E

SAALE, E„ Prussia 5] 12X 11 60ESaane, B., Swirzerlaud 46 36X 7 4BSaanen, Switzerland 46 2sx 7 16ESaarbriickeu, Prussia 49 llx 7 OBSaati, Eritrea 15 35x :'.9 1510

Sahaki, E., Br. E. Africa 2 58s 39 .30E

Salianilla, Colombia 10 46x 75 OwSabat-iuati, E., Bombay 24 OX 73 OESabi, H., Port. B Afrirra 21 20S 33 OESable, R., Trirnsvaal 25 us 31 30ESabine Mts., Italv 42 20x 13 OESabirrc R., United States 31 lUX 93 lowSable, 0., Canada 401 40X 65 15wSable, 0., United States 25 15X SI 10


Sable I., Canada 43 15X 59 58wSables-d'Olonuc, Les, France 46 32x 1 50wSabw-azar, Persia 36 ISX 67 40BSabzawar-, Afghanistan 33 5x 61 5510

Saeo, United States 43 3lN 70 2 I \y

Sacramento, United States 39 OX 121 12wSacramento E., United States 40 Ux 122 ow.Saddle, Pk., N. Andaman I. 13 12x 93 olo

Sadiya, Assam 27 4sx 95 1210

Safe-d, Palestine 32 59x 35 30ESalfron Walden, Enr.'land 52 IX il I5io

SaHd Knh, Mts., Afellan^^tau 34 8X 70 llio

Sagami, C, Japan (inset) 35 7X 139 3910

Sagan, Prussia 51 34X 15 19ESugar, Ocutral India 23 50.x 78 ISlo

Sae-e PI., United States 37 lox llu luv

Saginaw 1!., I.rnited Stati-s -11 Ox s:: L'lUy

S.i-jinawDal I'itv, United States 1:; 25x S3 5

Sagra, La, Mt., Spain 38 ON 2 SOWSagres, Portugal 37 IX 8 555VSagua, Cuba 22 55x 80 19"WSaguen<ay E., Canarla 49 ON 72 OwSaguuto, Spain 39 43X 18\ySahama, Vol., Bolivia 17 50s 69 lOWSalrara Desert, Africa 21 ON 8 OEiSaharan Atlas Mts., N. Africa 36 OX 5 UESaliaranpur, Agra and Oudli 29 5ix 77 42E.Sahu, Dutch E. Indies finset) 1 lOx 127 19ESaida, Turkey in Asia 33 35x 35 22ESaigou, Indo-Ohina 10 59N 106 43ESt. Abb's Hd., Scotland 65 5.5N 2 8WSt. Agnes Hrl., England 50 20X 5 15WSt. Alban's, England 61 45N U 2UWSt. Alban's Hd., England 50 35N 2 4WSt. Arrdrew Is,, Pacitlc Oc. 6 16N 132 14ESt. Andrews, Scotland 66 2UB 2 47WSt. Andrews I., Colombia 12 3UX 81 45WSt. Ann's Hrl., England 5146N 6 lOwSt. Asaph, Wales 63 17X 3 27u^St. Augustine, United States 29 45x SI llwSt. Austell, England 60 24X 4 56WSt. Bees Hd., England 54 31X 3 38wSt Bernard P., Greit, Switzeilaial 15 50X 7 12ESt. Bernard P., Little, France 45 43N 6 5510

St. Brirle B,, Wales 51 .50N 6 14WSt. Brieuc, France 48 32x 2 48iySt. Catherine's Pt., England 50 36N 1 iswSt. Clair L., N. America 42 33X 82 36wSt. Columb, England 50 28X 4 59\vSt. David, Wales 51 .54N 5 17yySt. David Hd., Wales 61 54X 6 20WSt. Ellas, Mt., Alaska 60 3nx 140 25WSt. Etieiiue, France 45 27N 4 25ESt. Fergus, Scotland 57 35X I 50Tr

St, Francis, C, Cape Colony 34 15s 21 5110

St. Gall, Switzerland 47 2.5N 9 21


St. Gall, Prov., Swdtzerland 47 lOx 9 13ESt. George, Australia 28 2s 148 30ESt. Geo ge, G. of, Argentina 46 OS 66 3UWSt. George's, Romania 44 55X 29 36ESt. George's B., Newfoundland (insetj 18 17x

59 OWSt. George's Oh., British Isles 52 Ux 6 OwSt. George's Hil., Australia 36 03 150 49ESt. Gotthard P., Sivitzerland 40 32X 8 3310

St. G iven Hd., Wales 51 35N 4 67wSt. Helena B., Cape Colony 32 308 18 OESt. Heloua I., Atlantic Oc. 15 57s 6 0\v

St. Helens, England 53 27N 2 i->WSt. Helier, Channel Is. 48 12N 2 8WSt. Hubert, Bel.eium 50 2X 5 20ESt. Ives (Cornwall), England 50 15X 5 SOWSt. Ives (Hants). England 52 19X 4yy

St. John, Canada 46 2X 66 5-sv

St.. John, L., Canada 48 32N 72 OwSt, John, E., Canada 47 lUs 68 OwSt. John's. Newfoundland 47 20x 63 6WSt. John's Pt., Ireland 54 36N 8 27 vy

St. .Tohn's R„ Cape Colony 31 3os 29 30ESo. John's K., United States 30 20x 81 3Un-

St. Joseph, United States 39 65N 94 suwSt. .Toseph 1., Canada 46 17N 84 OwSt. Lawrence, Australia 22 253 149 30ESt Lawrence, G. of, Canada 48 25x 62 OwSt. Lawrence, R., Canada 49 ux 67 OWSt. Leonards, England 50 53N 33ESt. Lo, Prance 49 8n 1 6wSt. Louis, France 43 28N 4 48ESt. Louis, Fr. W. Africa 15 58x 16 28wSt. Louis, United States 38 55x 90 3UWSt Lucia B,, Natal 28 Us 32 32ESt, Lucia L., Natal 37 553 32 26ESt. Magnus B., Shetland Is., Scotland (inset I

60 33x 1 33yy

St. Malo, France 48 39X 2 IwSt. iMare, W. Inrlies IS 20X 72 37wSt. Martin Is,, W. Indies 18 18x 63 15yy

St. Mar.!', C, .MaJ.igasear 25 45s 45 UESt. Mary's B., Newfoundland (inset) 46 50x

63 50w•St. Mathieu, Pt, de, France 48 2lN 4 46wSc. Maurice, Switzerland 46 llx- 7 2l-;

St. Maurice, R., Canada 47 Ux 72 5uwSt. Michael's Mount, England 5U sx 5 30WSt. Moritz, Switzerland 46 30X 9 51


St. Nazaire, Fi-ance 47 16x 2 14WSt. Neot's, England 52 llx ItiW

St. Nicolas, Belgium 51 7x 4 8ESt. Omer, Fl-anee 50 lOX 2 15ESt. Paul, United States 44 58X 92 55 wSt. Peter, Channel Is. 49 30X 2 37 ^y

St. Peter, L., Canada 46 lox 72 55wSt. Petersburg, Russia 60 2X 3u 2ESt, Pierre, I., Xewfoundland 46 43x 56 lOwSt, Polten, Austria 48 lOx 15 33ESt, Quentin, France- 49 51X 3 16ESt. Sebastian B., Cape Colony 34 3Us 20 5210

St. Thomas I,, W. Indies 17 59x 64 55wSt. Thome (or St. TIrouras) I., G. of Guinc

lox 6 35ESt. Tropez, France 43 18X 6 33ESt. Tubwal's I., Wales 52 47N 4 29\\-

St. Valery, France 49 52X 4UESt. ! incent, 0„ Portu-.-al 37 2N 9 OWSt. Vincent I., W. Indies 13 lox 61 OlIIW

St. Vincent, G of, Arrscralia 35 OS 138 Uio

Saintes, Fronee 46 17x U 32WSaiutonge, Dist,, Frallee 45 42X 1 IIWSiiirrrsu, Mongolia 41 51x UIO 41ESaio, R,, Huugarv 48 17X 211 3O10

Sii'karia, li,, Turkey in .-Vsia 11 5x 3U 3210

Sakhalin, I., Siberia 50 OX 1)3 HESalaga, Gold Const 3 18X 32W

C 19 )


Salamanca, Spain 41 Ox 5 44itSalambria, R., Greece; 'Ml 40N 21 40ESalang I., Malay Pen. 7 5oN 08 15ESalatau, O., Uorneo 4 23b 114 42ESalawatti 1., Dutch B. Indies 1 10s 130 OEiSalilanlia B , Oniie Oolony 33 12s IS 3liSail', Australia 3S 4s 147 V2\it^aleui, .Miulras U 36N 78 13ESalon (Massixoliusutts), United States 42 2nx

70 HwSalem (Oregon), United States 44 3riX 123 20ffSalena, Nepal 28 24N 82 ISKSalerno, Italy 40 38s 14 50ESalford, Enitlaiid .IS 2'.)N 2 16\ySaliiia, I., Italy 38 34N 14 36ESalina, Salt Marsh, Argentina 30 OS GCt 0\ySalisbury, England 51 4X 1 48WSalisbury Plain, Eiifjland 51 I.tN 2 OwSalisbury, Rhodesia 17 50S 31 lOli

Salkhail, Palestine 32 Ms 30 40KSahnon R., United Stat&s 45 15X 115 Ou'Salmon River Mts., United States 11 lox

115 0\ySalonika, Turkey 40 40x 22 56ESalsette, I., Bonihay I'J 12-X 73 OBSalso, R., Italy 37 12X 14 OESalt Lake Oitv, United States 40 55.x 113 OwSalt Ra., Panjab 32 36x 72 OESalt, Valley of, Palestine 31 3X 35 25BSalta, Argentina 24 49s 65 12wSaltash, England 50 26N 4 14\TSaltburn. England 54 34N 58wSaltcoats, Scotland 55 40N 4 48\TSaltee Ls., Ireland 52 8N C 37wSaltees L.-V., Ireland 52 2N 6 39WSaltdeet, England 53 27N lOESaltillo, Mexico 25 2Sx 101 OwSalto Augnsto, Brazil los 58 IWSalto Guaira, Brazil 24 2SS 54 37wSalva lor, St., Gentral America 13 SON 80 0\VSalwin, K., Burma 16 30N 07 36ESalzburg, Austria 47 47N 13 IESalzkammer, Dist., Austria 47 25N 13 35ESamailen, Switzerland 46 34N 9 52BSamakoT, Bulgaria 42 21N 23 3-'B

Samana, \V. Indies 19 20N 69 20ffSamar I., Philippine Is. 12 ON 125 lOBSamara, Russia 53 15N 50 14BSamara, Turkey in Asia 34 30N 43 55BSarnarang, .Tava 6 48s 110 35ESamaria, Palestine 32 17N 35 IIBSamaria, Dist., Palestine 32 23X 35 15ESamarind.a, Borneo 503 117 15ESamarkand, Russian Turkestan 30 SON 66 55ESatnljalpur, Central Provs. 21 30-\ 84 OESarnbar, 0., Borneo 3 10s 110 ISESambhar, L., Rajputana 27 ON 75 OESambor, Austria 49 30.V 23 15 ESambor, Itnlo-Oliina 12 47x 106 2ESambrerete. Mexico 23 45N 103 50\vSamoa, Is., PaciHc Oc. 14 OS 172 0\ySamos, I., Turkey in Asia 37 12.x 26 501:

SLLmotbraci, I., Greece 10 25N 25 35ESamoyedes, Tribe, Russni 66 30N 55 OESani-sliwi, OInna (inset) 23 ION 112 .')3e

Samsun, Turkey in Asia 41 18N 36 14ESan Antioco, Italy 39 5x 8 29ESan Antonio, 0.. Cuba 21 52N 84 58wSan Antonio, Portui-al 37 12x 7 29WSan Antonio, United States 29 12N 95 25\vSan Antonio Palls, Brazil 9 10s 63 55\\'

San Bernardino, Mt., United States 33 20NllS5iy

San Bernardino Str., Pliilippine Is. 12 55N124 25E

San Bias, Mexico 21 VIS 105 14WSan Carlos, Venezuela 9 32N 68 15Ty

San Cristobal, Mexico 17 17x 92 lowSan Diego, Unitcil States .32 45xai7 lowSan Eugenio, 0., .Me.tico 28 Ox 115 5wSan Fernando, Spain 36 29x 6 12WSan Franci.sco, United States .38 0,X 122 24WSan I'rancisco, C , Ecuarlor 12N 80 22\y

San Francisco, Mt., United States 35 50N112 7W

San Ildelonsn, Spa'n 10 53.x 4 IWSan Isabel, Brazil 10s 65 5WSan ,Ioar|Uin R., Uniicd States 36 45x 121 OwSan Jose, Costa Rica 9 30x 83 57 \r

San Jose dc Gnatemala, Guatemala 14 IIN90 52 ff

San Juan, Argentina 31 383 68 30wSan Juan, Porto Rico 18 ION 66 llwSjn Jnan R., United Suites 37 1.x 110 owSan Juan del Norte, Nicaragua 10 55x 83 SOWSan Lucas, 0., Mexico, 23 Ox ill) n\r

San Luis, Argentina 33 30s 66 20wSan Luis Potosi, Mexico 22 5X 100 31WSan Lniz, Brazil 2 383 14 12WSan Maruio, St, Itaiy 13 56N 12 2GESan .Mirtias, G. of, .\rgeutina 42 OS 6 1 30WSan .Miguel, H., Bolivia 15 US 64 lowSan Remo, Italy 43 5-LX 7 52KSni Knqne, Siiain 36 20.N 5 23WSan R iquc, C!, Brazil 5 26S 35 221Y

Ban Balvailor. Brazil 13 2s 38 21WSan S.Uvador, Salvador 13 -t2N 80 20wSail Salvador. I., W. Indies 24 0.x 71 lOn'

San Sebastian. Spain 43 lOx 1 59wSan Stefano, Turkey 40 57.x 28 12 E

Sana. Turkey in Asia 15 29.N 41 36ESanaga. Pu, Camerous 4 30X 10 50ESanbok, Is., Japan 29 UN 120 OESauda L, Si-'Otlaud 55 17N 5 35WSandakan, Burneu 5 58N US 2Ji

Sandalwood I., Dutch E. Indies 10 OS 120 OeSanday, I., Scotland 59 13N 2 3owSandbach, England 53 8N 2 26WSandec, Hungary 40 30N 20 47ESandoway, Burma 13 30X 91 21


Sandringhain, England 52 4KN 30ESandusky, United States 41 26x S2 38WSandwich, England 51 16N 1 21ESandwich Hr., Ger. S.W. Africa 23 lis 11 21ESandwich Is., Pacific Go 21 ON 157 UW.Sandy, 0., Australia 21 41s 153 16ESandy Hook, B., United States 40 25N 74 0\y

Sandy I., Gt., Australia 25 OS 153 OESanga, R., French Congo, 1 SON 16 5ESangir Is., Dutch E. Indls 3 30N 125 35ES mgli, Bombay 16 64N 74 3CESangro de Cristo Ita., United States 36 On

105 OwSan-hsing, Manchuria 46 20N 129 55eSankura. R., Congo State 3 50S 2] 3oi.:

Sanlucar de Santa Maria, Siiain 36 t6N G 22 iv

San-munB., China 29 ION 122 lOESan-nan Is., Japan 24 25N 125 OESanon, China (insetj 22 32X 113 58ESaii-po, R., Tibet 30 ON S3 2ESiinquhar, Scotland 55 21N 3 56WSanta Barbara Is,, United States 33 5N 119 3owSanta Gatharina, I., Brazil 27 los 18 20"\v

Santa Oatharina, St., Brazil 27 OS 52 30w'Santa Cruz, Bolivia 17 55s 63 25wSanta Cruz, Brazil 17 313 48 39VVSanta Cruz Is., Pacific Oc. 11 OS 167 OESanta Cruz, I., W. ludi.s 17 41N 64 50wSanta Fe, Argentina 31 40s 60 40wSanta Fii, United States 36 21N 105 3S-.V

Santa Lucia, I., W. Indies 14 27N 61 20wSanta Marta, Colombia U lOX 71 17wSanta Marta, C, Brazil 29 5s 18 SOWSau' a Rosa, Peru 14 40S 70 40^vSantaretn, Brazil 2 40S 54 45WSantarem, Portugal 39 17N 8 40WSantander, Spain 43 27N 3 52WSantiago, Chile 33 20s 70 25wSantiago, Cuba 20 5N 75 48"WSantiago, Spain 42 49N 8 39WSantiago del Estero, Argentina 27 50s 64 27wSanto Domingo, Dominican Hep. 18 35N 69 51wSanto Domingu, Rep,, W. Indies 19 UN 70 iiw

Santuna, Spain 43 28N 3 30wSantorin, 1., Greece 36 22.x 25 28ESantos, Brazil 24 4s 46 9WSantuas, China 26 54X 119 51


Sau-WUi, Ollina (in-et) 22 29N 113 IESao Francisco, Brazil 26 3Is 48 35wSilo Francisco, R., Brazil 11 os 41 OwSao Leopoldo, Brazil 29 40s 51 15"^'

Sao Paulo, Brazil 23 50S 47 lOWSao Paulo, St., Brazil 22 OS 50 IWSao Salvador, Angola 6 25s 1 1 40ESaflne, Haute-, Dept,, France 47 23X (' OESaflne, R., Prance 47 30iX 5 30ESaonc-ct-Loire, Dept., France 4C 40x I 20ESarafend, Palestine 33 27N 35 17ESaragoisa, Spain 41 38N 581T

Sar.iiycvn, Bosnia 43 5SX IS 22ESarakh, Persia 35 31N 61 4ESarangaui Is., Philippine Is. 5 20N 125 23ESaratof, Russia 51 32X 46 OESaratoga Springs, United States 13 12N 73 57wSarawak, Ter., E. Indies 3 ON 113 OESarawan, Bahlchistan 28 16N 65 2S1,;

Sarawan, Indo-China 15 53N 106 lOESarayacu, Peru G 43s 75 2wSardha, B., Nepal 30 ON SO ISESardinia, I., Italy 40 Ox 9 (IE

Sarepta, Palestine 33 27x 35 17GSarepta, Russia 48 27X 1 1 38ESargnja, Bcn.'al 23 OX 83 12ESari Kamish, L., Russian Turkestan 42 lO.x

57 ]6ESarine, K., Switzerland 4C 3fix 7 4ESarnen, Switzerland 46 52X s 13ESarnia, Canada 43 5N 82 15WSanis, G. of, Turkey 40 34N 26 35ESarthe, Dept,, France 48 4X 5wSaskatchewan Dist, Canada 53 30N 105 owSaskatchewan R„ Canada 53 ON ItU nwSassari, Italy 40 44N 8 37ESavannah, United States 32 ON SI OWSatara, Bombay 17 42X 71 OESatiiura Hills, Central Provs, 22 ON 77 OESaugine Ilr,, Canada 14 21N 81 28\v

Sanit Ste. Marie, Canada 46 27N 84 15wSanniur, rranor- 47 14N o lOwSiiundrav, I., Scotland 56 51n 7 30',y

Sanrii, Wiviv, Sahara 29 OxS,Lvage Is., i?aciflc Oc, 19 5s 169 .I5w

Savalan, R., Persia 38 30X 17 50eSave, R., Hungary 44 50x H isr:

Savoie, Di'pt,, France 15 :'.2X 6 16E

Savoic, Haute- Dept,, France 16 2N 6 Str:

Saynna, Italy 44 ISN 8 28ESavoy, Prov., France 46 ON 6 26ESixnuy, Iving., Girinany 51 ox 13 or;

SaX' ny, Prov., Prnssia 52 lux 1 15ESawel, Mt, Irelnid .51 15X 6 51 wSawn. L, Dutch B. Indies 10 3iis 1;:2 3ESav, Pr. W. Africa 12 55N 2 OESayan Mts., Siberia 54 Ox 95 or:

Sea Fell Pike, England 51 SOX 3 20',v

Scaha Flow, Sd., Scutland 58 53N 3 5wScallawav, Shetland Is, Scutland (iiis-4) 60 8x

1 17WScarbor.i', L, S. China Si-a 15 lux 1 1 7 55EScarbormigh, Englaud ^yL 1/N 23\\

Scatter I., Ireland 52 36N 9 30wSchiifEhausen, Switzerland 47 42N 8 37BSchailhausen, Prov., Switzerland 47 44N 8 30ESohafEbausen Falls, Switzerland 47 41N 8 34ESchassburg, Hungary 46 lOX 24 52ESohcidegg, Mt,, Switzerland 46 37N 8 7Esohelde, East, K,, Netherlands 51 37x 3 lOESchelde, West, H., Netherlands 51 25x 3 30ESchemnitz, Hungary 48 28N 18 50 E

Scheveningen, Netherlands 52 6s 4 17ESchiedam, Netherlands 51 65N 4 25eSchiermonnikoog, I., Netherlands 53 30N 6 14ESehlawe, Prussia 64 18N 16 3lESelileswig. Prussia 54 2SN 32ESchleswig, Prov,, Prussia 54 30N 9 30ESchneekoppe, Mt., Austria 50 48N 16 OESchueidemlilil. Prussia 53 4N 16 45ESchoutei Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 lOS 136 OESchiitt, I.. Hungary 48 ON 17 35E.Schwarzhurg, Prin., Germany 51 17N 11 OESchweidnitz, Prussia 50 40N16 28ESchweinfurt, Bavaria 50 5N 10 12ESchwcrin, Germany 53 37X II 24ESchwerin, Prussia 52 35N 15 28ESchwyz, Switzerland 47 3N 8 SOBSehwyz, Prov,, Switzerland 47 ON 8 40eScilla, Italy 38 14N 14 47ESciUy Is,, England 49 55N 6 20WScioto, R., United States 10 31N 83 20wScone, Scotland 56 25N 3 26wSoopelos, I., Greece 39 2N 24 HEScotland, Div., Britisli Isles 56 On 4 OTV

Serantun, United States 41 28X 75 44WScridain, L., Scotland 56 22N 6 5"W

Scutari, Turkey 42 6N 10 32EScutari, Turkey in .isia 40 58N 29 IDESeyros, I., Greece 38 48N 24 34EScythopolis, Palestine 32 29N 35 3lBSeaford, England 50 48N 7ESeaforth, L., Scotland 57 54N 6 3SWSeaham Harbour, England 54 48N 1 20wSeattle, United States 47 5SN 122 50WS^aview, Mt., Australia 31 26s 152 OBSebenico, Austria 43 56N 15 54eSecond Cataract of Nile, Egyptian Sudan

21 49N 31 21ESecunderabad, Haidarabad 17 24N 78 30ESedan, France 49 43x 5 OESedgemonr, England 51 12N 2 50WSeeland, Dist., Switzerland 47 4N 7 lOESegovia, Spain 40 57N 4 8WSegre, R.. Spain 41 55N 1 OBSegura, B., Spain 38 lOx 35wSeine, Dept., France 48 53N 2 27ESeine, 11., France 49 2GNScine-et-Marne, Dept., France 48 50.x 3 IBSeiue-et-Oise, Dept., France 48 38X 2 7ESeine-Iuferieure, Dept., France 49 41N 1 4ESeistan, Dist., Persia 31 5X 61 30EScfurieh, Palestine 32 45N 35 17BSegal, Fr. W. Africa 13 21N lOWSehustieh. Palestine 32 17s 35 IIRSclangor, Straits Settlements 3 SOX 101 20 eSelayar, I., Dutch E. Indies 6 lOS 120 30 ESelby, Englaud ,53 48N 1 6WSele, C, Dutch E. Imlies 1 45s 130 50ESele, R., Italy 40 32N 15 3ESelenge, R., China 49 ON 09 OESclrije, Turkey 40 7x 21 59 ESelkirk, Scotland 55 32N 2 aSwSelkirk, Co., Scotland 55 30N 3 5WSelkirk, Ra., Canaila 50 OS 117 OwSclsey Bill, C, England 50 43N 48wSelwyn Ra,, Australia 21 17s 140 OESemendria, Servia 44 38N 20 58ESemcui, R., Turkey 40 45N 19 22ESemeru, Mt,, Java 7 553 112 50ESeuiipalatiusk, Sibei-ia 51 OX 80 20ESemliki, R., Congo State 50N 29 50ESemlin, Hungary 44 48x 22 25ESenman, Persia 35 SIN 53 21ESemmering, P., Austria 47 ION 15 48ESemoy, E., Belgium 49 40X 5 40ESempach, Switzerland 47 8X 8 lOESena, Port. E. .Africa 17 50s 34 50ESendai, Japan 38 SON 140 58 ESenegal, Dist,, Fr. W. Africa 14 ON 13 OwSenegal, R., W. Africa 16 2N U OwSenjen, I., Norway 69 30N 17 30ESenuar, Egyptian Sudan 11 45s 33 55ESennc, R., Belgium 50 5iJN 4 15ESens, France 4S lox 3 17BSentes, Mt., Switzerland 47 14N 25ESeo de Urgel, Spain 42 17N 1 29ESeoni, Central Prov.. 22 GN 79 54EScptimer P., Switzerlind 16 4X 9 Gt:

Soraing, Beleinnr 50 3iix 5 31 ESerampur, Bengal 22 48X S2 26ESeres, Turkey 41 4N 23 3 HiScreth, R., Romania 45 48x 27 25li

Sergievsk, Russia oii 20.N 37 25ESergipe, St,, Brazil 10 40s 37 SOWSeringapataoj, i\[vsore 12 13s 76 40ESeriplms, I., Greece 37 ox 21 HESerra Acaray, Brazil (iirset) 2 OS 57 llhv

Serra Cayapo, .Mts., Brazil IS os 53 iia'

Serra da Estrella, Jits., rcrtugul 10 15N 7 lowSerra do Mantiqueira Estrella, Mts,, Brazil

22 30s 42 SOWSerra do 3Iar, Mts., Brazil 26 OS 50 owSerra do Monchiquc, Mts., Portugal 37 25.x

8 43WSerra dos Parcels, Mts., Brazil 14 los 59 owSerra lieial, ,Mts., Brazil 12 OS 62 Siiw

Serra of Tabatinga, Mts., Brazil 12 SOS 47 20w

Servia, St., Europe 43 SON 31 OBSesheke, Rhodesia 17 263 34 39ESetit, R., Eritrea 14 lOx 37 HilS

Settle, England 54 4N 2 18WSetubal, Portugal 38 3lN 8 53WSe-ul, Oorea 37 67N 127 30eSevastopol, Russia 44 37N 33 31


Seven, R., England 64 15N 61WSevenoaks, England 61 16N 12ESevern Bridge, England 61 42N 2 29WSevern R., Canada 55 ON 91 OwSevern R., Wales 62 32N 3 15WSevern Tunnel, England 51 S4N 3 39-w

Sevier L., United States 39 ON 113 14WSeville, Spain 37 23N 6 OWSevres, Dept., France 46 35N 25WSeychelle Is., Indian Go. 4 303 55 30ESgurr na Lapaich, Mt., Scotland 57 22X 5 5WSgurr Ruadh, Mt., Scotland 57 29N 5 22WSha-chau, China 40 ION 94 65EShaftesbury, England 61 IN 2 13wShahjahanpur, Agra and Oudh 27 61N 80 OEShaikien, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 19 ON 32 30KShamo, Desert of, Mongolia 46 OS 113 OEShan, Dist., Indo-China 21 20N 100 lOEShanghai, China 31 28N 121 28EShanklin, England 60 39N 1 12W'Shannon Bridge, Ireland 53 18N S IwShannon, R., Ireland 63 12N 8 lOwShan-si, Prov., China 37 SON 112 30EShan-tung, Prov., China 37 ON 120 OEShap, England 54 SON 3 43ffShapinsay, I„ Scotland 50 2N 2 oOWShar Dagh, Mts., Turkey 42 2N 21 27EShari, B., Oamerons 10 30N 16 30ESharja, Oman 25 16N 65 17BSharks B., Australia 25 35S 113 OESharon, Dist.. Palestine 32 15N 34 64EShasta, Mt., United States 41 S2N 122 SOW'

Sha-shi, China 30 26N 112 6EShat el Arab, E., Turkey in Asia 30 ION

48 45EShayak, B., Kashmir 35 ON 76 SOBShecliem Gerizim, Palestine 32 13N 35 16EShediao, Canada 46 1 5N 64 SOWSheelin, L., Ireland 53 48N 7 20WSheep Haven, B., Ireland 55 14s 7 54>ySheerness, England 51 26N 44ESheffield, England 63 23 s 1 23-wSheby, Mt., Ireland 61 47N lOvfShekka, Egyptian Sudan 10 16N 26 30ESheksna. E., Russia 50 ON 38 20ESheliff R., Algeria 35 SON 2 OEShemakha, Eussia 40 2Ss 44 60EShenandoah, E., United States 38 34N 78 33wShendi, Egyptian Sudan 16 54N S3 30EShen-si, Prov,, China 35 On 109 OEShephelah. Dist., Palestine 31 45N 34 60 ESheppey I., Englaud 51 2">N 50BSherborne, England 50 58S 2 33wSherbro I., Sierra Leone 7 29N 12 50WSherbrooke, Canada 45 21N 71 57WSherringham Shoals, England 53 IN 1 HESherwood Forest, England 53 12.x 1 OwSlietland Is., Scotlaml 60 20x 1 15WShevaroy Hills, Madras 11 4Sx 78 18EShibam, Arabia 15 53s 48 45EShichallion, Mt., Scotland 56 40S 4 eivShi-chito Is., Japan 34 ION 140 OESlilckshock Mts., Oana-la 40 OS 66 OivShiel, L„ Scotland 5G 48N 5 35WShifnal, England 53 40x 3 22WShigatze, Tibet 20 18N 88 48EShiguau, Dist,, Russian Turkestan 37 15s

72 OEShikarpur, Bind 27 54N 68 42ESlilkoku, I., Japan 33 45N 133 30EShillelagh, Ireland 52 46X i; SlwShillong, Assam 25 31s 91 58KShiloh, Palestine 32 3N 35 16EShinioga, jMysore 13 51N 75 36EShimonoscki, Japan 34 lOx 130 55BShin, L., Scotland 58 6N 4 30(yShinas. Oman 24 47N 56 21BShiug-king, Prov., iVIauchnria 41 25N 121 OEShipka P., Bulgaria 42 45N 25 16EShipston, England 52 3N 1 39wShipwash Shoai, England 51 59x 1 37EShiraz, Persia 29 41 N 62 26EShire, E., Central Africa 16 20s 35 15EStiirwa, L.. Central Africa 15 10s 35 451';

Shitomir, Russia 50 35x 28 58EShkiimbi. B., Turliey 41 Sx 19 26EShlieb, Jit., Turkey 42 40s 20 24EShoa, Dist., Abyssinia 8 50N SO OEShoalhaven R., Australia 34 47s 150 H EShoalwater B., .Australia 32 183 150 ll!':

Shoeburyness, England 51 3lN 17ESholapur, Bombay 17 42s 75 54EShoshong, Bechuanalaud 23 Is 26 39EShotts, Plateau of the, Algeria 35 OS 2 01';

Shreveport, Qnited States 32 37x 93 55wShrewsbury, Englaud 52 42N 2 llwShropshire, Co., England 52 36s 2 40wShubba. Palestine 32 51N 36 36EShugr.a, Arabia 14 Son 45 30EShukurie, Tribe, Egyptian Sudan 15 lox 35 OEShunila, Bulgaria 13 14N 27 OEShun-kiug, China 31 ION 106 5eShunucr Pell, Mt., England 54 20N 2 12WSliuntak, China (inset) 22 48N 113 17EShurem, Palestine 32 35N 35 18EShustar, Persia 31 57N 48 15EShuswap L., Canada 51 5N 119 30wShwebo, Burma 22 S6N 95 42E

( 20 )


Shwe-ffyiii, Burma IR ON 95 OESiali Kiih, Mts., Al>h;uiistiiu 31 rt'.N ort OKSiak, Sumatra 27N 11)3 110

Sialkot, Punjab 33 30x 7i 3015

Siam, G. of, Asia 11 3I1N 102 OBSiaiu, St., Asia 18 OM lOU OKSiaiig, R,, Oliiiia 26 SON 112 SOUSiaug-tan, Oliiiia 27 lOs 112 "iliK

Siao, I., Dutcli E. luilios 2 llIN 135 30BSiheria, Tn-., Asia CS ON 110 llio

Siberian Railway, Russia -")-> ION G2 :10r

Siberut, I., Dutch E. Inilics 1 lios 1)8 50KSibi, Balucbistan 211 SON 67 5 IKSibilliiii, Mts,, Italy -13 OS 13 OBSiiioga. Suiuati-a 1 oON DS 45i:

Sibsagai-, Assam 27 ON '.It 3i))-i

Sicily, I., Ita-ly 37 30N 1 1 l)K

Biilliiw Hills, Saitlaiiil .'")6 3I1N 3 llHy

Siiiuiout.h, Eiiglaiiil .'lU llN 3 17wSidon, ralcstiue 33 33N 35 21


Sieg, R., Prussia 50 ISN 7 50KSioua, Italy -13 SUN 11 23ESicri-a lie IJata, Mts., Spain 10 20\ B 30\vSierra ilc Grcilo.s Mts,, Spain -11) I5n 5 20\v

Sierra lie Guadalupe, Mts., Spain 30 2r.N 5 3S\v

Sierra ile Unailarrania, Mts,, Spain 41 ON -1 OwSierra de la Demanila, Mt-i., Spai)i 42 IN 3 5\\"

Sierra de Santa Mart!"), Mts., Oolombia II ON73 Ow

Sierra do Piauhy, Mts., Biazil 10 OS 12 30u'Sierra Leu)ie, Ter., W. Africa -S 30N 12 OwSierra Madre, Mts., Mexico 'lH ON 105 \y

Sierra Madrc Plat., United States 33 ON 108 OwSierra Maestra, .Mts., Cuba 30 15N 7C SOWSierra jNlaniede, Mts.. Si>ai)i 31) 2fiN 7 6\v

Sierra Mojada, Mexico 37 37N 103 lowSierra Muren;i, Mts., S|iaiu SS 20N 5 OwSierra Nevaila, Mts., Spain 37 10\ 3 OWSierra Nevada, Mt^., United States 38 0.\

118 OwSierra Pacaraim.a, Mts., Venezuela 4 ION

62 30wSierra Parima. Mts., Brazil 3 ON 64 WWSifau, Dist., Tibet 32 ON 103 30KSigniaringeii, Gernuiny 48 3N "J 18KSibor, Bombay 31 43n'72 OkSikar, Rajputana 27 36N 75 12kSikato, Pr. \V. Africa 11 21N 5 12wSiktiota Alin, ifts., Siberia 45 on 135 OKSi-kiaiiK, U., China 23 20N 110 .50E

Sikkim, St., India 27 SON 88 30BSil, P,., Sp.ain 42 2lN 7 12n-Sila, Mt., Italy 33 17N 16 33ESilehar, Assam 24 18N '.)2 5lKSilesia,. Prov,, Austria ."iO O.N' IR OKSilesia, Pi'ov., Prussia 51 ON 17 OKSilistria, Bulgaria 44 ION 27 P.IK

Silloth, England 54 52N 3 24wSilvermine ,Mts., Ireland 52 42.V 8 22WSilverton, Australia 31 54s 141 lOKSilvretta, Mts., Switzerland 46 52N 10 4KSimalu, I., Dutch B. Indies 2 JON 35 5">K

Simaneas, Spain 41 36N 4 5SWSimbirslt, Russia 51 13N 48 16ESimcoe, L., Canada 4-1 25N 73 21U'Simferopol, Russia 41 58N 34 OKSimla, euujab 31 2N 77 2ESimonside, Englanil 5.') 14N 3 OwSimoustown, Cape Colony 34 15s 18 25kSimplou P., Switzerland 46 17N 8 IKSinai, Mt., Eg\pt 2S 30N 34 OESinaloa, Mexico 26 3N 108 15wSiuolaii-s B., Scotland 58 SON 3 .iwSind, Div., Bombay 26 ON 69 Oic

Siuder, Pr. W. Afrl a 14 1.5N 1 31ESines, PortUL'al 37 57N 8 54\ySingapoi-e, Stiaits Si-ttlcmeuts 1 ION 103 50BSitigkcp, I„ Malay Arch. CS 101 3 IESingleton, Australia 32 37s 151 10kSingora, Malay Pen. 7 12N loo SO).;

Sinkat, Egyptian Suilan 18 .'i5n 36 50KSin-kiang, I'rov., China 41 ON 1)5 OESi-nsau, China 34 20N 108 41ESilling, China 36 42N 101 5KSiiiope, Turkey in Asia 42 2N 35 9BSmon, Liberia 4 58N 8 52WSio, R., Hungary 46 45N 18 13KSiou, Switzerland 46 14N 7 22)0

Sioux, United States 43 40N 96 9wSioux Falls, United States 43 33N 96 .13 »•

Siracnsa, Italy 37 8N 15 13KSira-ninren, 11., Mongolia 43 40N 133 30KSirohi, Raj)iiitana 24 54N 73 51KSii-sa, Punjab 23 SON 75 6ESiryan Russia 65 ON 55 OKSis, Turkey in Asia 37 42N 35 59 KSisal, Mexico 20 13N 30 5WSistova, Bulg<aria 43 37N 2^i 16KSitapur, Agra and Ondli 37 36N 80 43ESittaung, B., Burma 18 ON 97 OESitka, Alaska 56 55N 135 15wSlut, Egypt 27 ION 31 5KSivas, Turkey in Asia 39 49N 36 45ESiwah, Egypt 25 15N 35 43ESiwah 0., Egypt 23 SON 25 15KSixth Cataract of Nile, Egyptian Sudan 16 SON

33 5KSkagens Horn. 0.. Denmark 57 50,N 10 35t:

Skager Rak, Sd., Denmark 58 on 10 OF,

Skagway, Alaska 53 ION 135 OwSkaw, The, 0., Denmark (see skagens Horn)Skeena R., Canada 51 50N 127 SOWHkellefteit, Sweden 64 45N 21 OKSkellefteii, R,. Sweden 65 ON 20 OKSkellig Rocks, Ireland 51 SON 10 35W

Sketric-, Ireland 53 S6N 6 7\ySkerries, Is., Hiigland 53 37N 4 13WSkeriyvo e, P, Sciitlaiid 56 19N 7 liwSkibberecn, Ireland 51 33N 3 I6wSkiddaw, Mt., Enuland ,54 37N 3 6u'Skiptoii. Kiiglaiid 53 57N 2 3WSknnier L, Wales 51 .ISN 5 13\ySkiiplic, Turkey 43 lOM 20 50)';

Skye, I., Sciit!-.iiid 57 30N 6 20 wSlaney, R,, Ireland 5i 3SN 6 33WSlat?'^\]St, Russia 55 3N 59 31 KSlave Coast, W. Africa 6 On S OkSlavonia, Piov., Hungary 15 ;ion 18 OESleaford, Eiejlaud 53 ON o 26wSIcat, Dist. Smitland 57 5N 5 55,


Kleat, Sd. of, Scotland 57 4N 5 .5UwSlieve Anghty, .Mts.. Ireland 53 7.\' S 35wSlievo Beniagll. Mts.. Ireland 53 16N 8 3S\VSlieve Bloom, Mts., Irclaud 53 ON 7 50wSlieve Callaii, Mt., Iri-liind 53 51N 9 lllwSlieve Diiuard, Mt.. Iielaiid 51 9.\' 5 5lwSliovo Pelilii, Mt,, Ireland 52 33.V8 3WSlieve Oiillion. Mt., Ireland 51 kn 6 35\vSlieve League, Mt, trcland 51 39N 8 3SWSlievo Mish, Mr., Ireland 53 13N 3 13U'

Slieve Miskish, Mt.. Ireland 51 1 ».\ 10 owSlieve Naiiiau, Mt., Ireland 52 38N 7 38 iv

Sligo, Ireland 51 16N S 3S\V'

Sligo B. Ireland 51 17N 8 43\vSligo, Co., Ireland 54 8N 8 olwSlioch, lit., Scotland 57 41N 5 17WSlivuo, Bulgaria 43 S3N 36 30h;

Slvne Hd, Ireland 5s 3lN 10 1 IwSmalls L,-U., Wales 51 44N 5 llwSiuerw ck Hr., Ireland 52 13N 10 3SWSmith Sd, Ai-ctic America 78 .5i)N 70 OwSmithlield, Or.inge Uiver Ooluiiy 30 Ms 30 30KSmith's Bank. Scotlaiel .58 UN 2 52wSmitsdorp, Transvaal 21 5s 39 UKSmoky Mts., United Stales 35 ISN 83 21wSmolensk, llnssia .51 50N 33 1 K

Suiolika, Mt , Turkev 10 9N 31 9ESniyi tia, Turkey in Asia 38 34N 37 6)':

Suae Pell, Mt., Isle of Man 51 lil.N i S2n'Snake 1!,, United State's 43 SON 116 OWSnehatta, Mt., Norway 62 20.\' 3 lOKSnizort, L., ScotlanI 57 35N 6 28wSnow Mt., Dutch K, Imlh-s 3 ,50a 135 .50E

Siiowdon, Mt., Wales 53 4N 4 IwSnowy E., Australia 37 OS 118 22E.Soar, R., England 52 48N 1 15WSoasia, Dutch B, Indies (in^et) 12N 127 21l^

Sobat li., Sudan 3 ON 33 OESoliraon, Puniab 31 6n 74 54KSociety Is., PaclHc IJc 17 SOS 151 OwSoconnsco, Mexieo 15 I5N 92 45wS.ieorro, Colombia 6 26.N 73 41WSuda Spring, Anstrali.i 20 20S 131 41 KSodanyoli, Dutch 111. Indies (insetj 56,\

127 34bSnderliamn, Sweden 01 25N 17 Ol-J

Sofala, Port, E. Africa 20 5s 34 41ESofta, Bulgaria 42 S3N 23 20KSogne Pd., Norway 61 ON 4 OESohar, Oiniin 24 33N 56 38BSoignies, lielginm 50 SON 4 5E.Soissons, Prance 43 25N 3 18ESokoto, Nigei-ia 13 ON 5 UKSokoto, St., Nigeria 12 ON 8 OKSok.chn, R., Tibet 32 Ion 34 OKSiikotra, I., Indian Oc. 12 35N 51 30ESolent, The, Str,, England 50 45N I S3\v

Solferino, Italy 45 35N 10 35BSolnliofen, Harvaria 48 5lN 10 5SESologne, Dist., Prance 47 38N 2 OKSolomon Is., Pacific Oc. 8 OS 153 OBSolar Is , Dntcb E. Indies 8 3Ss 123 lUKSolothurn, Switzerland 47 13N 7 Sll-;

Snlothnrn, I'rov., Swiizerland 47 2nN 7 lO).:

Siilway I'irth, Sd., England 51 nN 3 SlwSoinal, Tribe. Africa 2 ON 42 OB.Somali Pen., B. Africa 8 ON 46 0|.'.

.Sonialiland, Br. E. Africa 9 SON 10 SOB

.Somerset, Australian OS 143 SOKSomer.-ct Jllast, Ca[ic Colmiy 32 15s 25 40KSomme, Dept., Prance 43 56N 1 53BSouuue, R„ France 50 8N 1 4l))i

Somosierra, Spain 41 ON 3 3IWSol), K., Burma 35 ON 81 13KSiiuilerbnrg, Prussia 54 50N 9 50KSoidiat, Bengal 23 SON S3 SOBSoiig-ka, H., ludo-Chiua 33 40N 103 OBSonpur, Central Provs. 31 ON 81 OBSoriita, Vol,, Bolivia 16 10s 68 OwSoria, Spain 41 4SN 2 31WSoro, 1., Norway 70 40N 33 SOKSonud, Tlie Deumark 50 ION 12 30 K

Sooth Australia, Div., Australia 35 OS 135 9K

South 0., .New Keidand 47 16s 167 38K

Smith C, Tasmania 43 50S IJi; 33KSoutli Carolina, St., United States 31 ON 81 OWSmith Downs, England 50 55N 30 1\'

Siiutll Pireland 6., England 51 13N 1 25KS.intli Georgia, L, Atlantic L)c, 51 SOS 33 OWSmith I.. New Zealand 11 OS 171 OKSouth Moltoil, England 51 IN 3 50W.South Kiick. Irelaud 51 26N 5 -J^fK

S, Rmialdsay, I., Scutland ,ns ISn 3 50W.South Shields. England 51 53x 1 36WSiintb Tvue, B., England 54 5:iN 3 30WS.aithamptoii, England 50 51.\ 1 31WSimthampbin, I., Canada 64 o.\ slowSmitbbridi;e, New Zealand 13 5iis 173 15|.;

South-east Is., Dutch E. Indies 7 55S 130 Oi;

Southend, England 51 33N 4lK

Southeni A Ip.s.Mts., New Zriiland 43 .SOs 170 3

Sonthern Oms.s, Australia 31 32s 113 r>'.-

Smithm nstel", Ihlgiand 51 40N 19B.Smithport, Fngland 53 3ilN 3 OwSmith well. Miiglaud 53 5N 57\ySnuthwold, England 53 20N 1 ISKSuuth west Is., Dutch 10. Indies 7 55s 137 55KSpa, Belgiiiin 50 28N 5 5I|.;

S;jaii), King., Europe 40 on S OwSpalato, Austria 43 SON 16 SOBSpalding, England 53 48N 9WS|iandaii, Prussia 52 33N 13 liiK

Sparta, Greece 37 2N 23 26KSpartel, C., Morocco 35 4KN 5 53WSpal-tivento, 0., Italy 37 55N 10 3)':

Spencer B., Ger. S.W. Africa 35 41s 11 5lKSpencer 0., .Australia 35 39s 136 0.",

Silencer G,, Australia 34 OB 137 OESpeiTin Mts., Irelaml 51 49N 7 5WSpessart, Mis., liermanx' 50 on 3 SOKSpey, U., Scotland 57 15n 3 .50wSpeycr, Germany 19 30.x 8 38BSjiezia, Italy 41 SN 9 18kSpirdin-' L., Prussia 53 43N 31 SOBSpithead, England 50 43N 1 KwS[iitza, Austria 43 IN !3 OKSpitzbcrgen, Arcde Iti-gloiis 79 0.x 20 OKSpitzbergen Sea, Arctic Regions 75 ON 10 OBSplhgeu P. .Switzerland lOSOx 9 18BSpokane II, Unite-d Statis, 47 20N 116 40WSpoleto, It.aly 43 43N 13 41 KSporade-, Is,, Greece 33 13N 23 40KSpratley, 1 , S. China Sea 8 40N III SOKSpree, It., Prussia 52 32N 14 Oi:

Spree Wood, Prussia 51 50N 1 1 OB,

Springfiokfontein, Capo Colony 23 42s 18 OKSpriuglicld, United States 42 9N 72 31 WSpriiiglield, United States S3 psN .S3 49wSiiringSeld, Uuited States 39 47N S3 llwSpringfield, United States 37 25N 32 5lwSpiu-u Pt., England 53 34N 7KSquillace, Ualy 38 5SN 16 24KSriiiagar, Kashmir 31 14N 74 50bStack Skerry, I,, .Scotland 59 3N 4 31 wStade, Prussia 53 32N 9 30EStaft.a, I., Scotland 50 27N 33wStafford, England 53 18N 2 OwStallord, Oc, Bnglalnl 52 40N 3 OwStags, The, Is,. Ireland 51 22N 3 43WStaines, England 51 25N 3U\'Staked PI., Uuited States 33 57N 103 OwStalybridge. England 53 39N 2 4\yStamford. Bnglanil 52 39N 28\i-

Stamford Bridge, Kngland 51 ox 51wStanrlerton, Transvaal 27 IS 29 S3KStanislawow, Austria 48 53N 31 431':

Stanley, Falkland Is., 52 OS 5S ;:0wStanley Kails, Congo State 20X 38 30 k

Stanley Pool, Congo State 4 8S 15 SOKStanley tta , Australia 30 .50S 141 50BStanleyville, Congo State 39N 25 2i)B

Stauovoi Mts., Siberia 00 on 140 OBStautborpe, Anstriilia 28 35s 151 5SEStaple Hill, Englniid .50 .58x 3 OwStarbuck I., Pacific Oc. 5 35s 156 OwStargari], Prussia 53 15x 15 ObStart B., Eneland 50 ION 3 43WStart Pt., England .50 ION 3 40WStart Pt., Scotland 53 I6N 3 32WStassfuit, Prussia 51 5lN 11 S4BStat, C, Nia-wav 02 15N 5 3BStateu f., Argentina 55 OS 04 SwStaunton, United Siatis 38 12N 73 owStavauger, Norway 5,i ON 5 40KStavoren, Ne'therlaiuls 52 54N 5 2310

Stavropol, Kll^sia 15 IN 43 15KStawell, ,\u&tr.ili.i 37 3s 143 5 IKSteep Holme, L. EiiLdand 51 31N 3 7wSteep Pt, Australia 26 los 113 Oio

Stcfanie. L., Br. E. .V rica 5 ON ;iO 5S

Siein, Switzcrlaud 4 7 38.x 8 51 KS einamanger, Hungary 17 13N 10 S5KSteiukopf, Cape Colony 23 17s 17 57KStellenbiisch, Cape Colnny 31 Ss 18 5SBStelvio P., Switzerland 10 S3x 10 3SK.-tendal, Prussia 53 SIN 11 50BStettin, Prussia 53 37N 14 SIKStewart L, New Zealand 47 OS 168 OKSLeyr, Austria 48 iN 14 24Estickeen R„ Canada 57 40N 133 OwStincliar, B., Sontland 55 ION 1 SOWStiper Stmies, Mt., England 53 35X 3 56wStirling, Scotland 56 7n 3 56WStirling, Co.. Scotland 56 3N 4 15WStirling R^i., Australia 34 OS 113 OBStockholm, Sweden 53 30N 18 OKStockport, England 53 35N 3 llwStockton. England .54 34N 1 18wStockton, United States 38 5N 131 ISwStoer, Pt. of, Scotland 58 15N 5 31WStokc-upou-Trent, England 53 Ox 2 15 wStolp, Prussia 51 27N 17 OKStolpe B., Prussia 51 30N 16 50BStone, England 53 55N 3 3wStonehaven, Scotland 56 58N 3 12wStonehenge, Ruins, lOiigiand 51 UN 2 IwStony Desert, Australia 27 OS 139 lUEStor Afvall, L., Sweden 66 Ox 18 lOKStor Lulea, L.. Sweden 67 ION 13 OEStorm P., Tasmania 13 SOS 117 15EStorm Beige. Jits,. Cape Colmiy 31 30s 26 SOKStiiriioway, Scotiand 5s UN 6 32\y

Stort, R.. England 51 55N IIB

Stour, R, (Dorset), England .50 OIN 2 llwStour, R. (Essex), Englaud 51 53X 1 OB


Stour, R. (Kent), England 51 15x 1 OBSfoiir, R (Worcester), England 52 ON I SowStonrliridge, England 52 25x 2 9wStourport. England 52 20x 2 18w


Stowniarket, England 62 12N 59ESti-abane, Ireland 51 50N 7 27WStracbar, Scotland 56 9N 5 4WStraits Settlements, Ter., Asia 2 ON 102 Solo

Stralsund, Prassia 54 18N 13 OBStrangford, Ireland 54 2lN 5 33wStrangford, L., Ireland 51 SON 5 S5Wstrangways, Australia 29 4s 136 18EStranja Dagli, Mis., Turkey 41 35N 38 OhStranraer, Scotland 54 54N 5 2U'

Sti-itssburg, tiermany 48 33N 7 45io

Stratford-npou-.\von, England 53 UN 1 43wStrath Dearii, Scutland 57 30N 4 OwStratli Earn, Scotland 56 20N 3 50wStrath Spcv, Scotland 57 30N 3 SOWstrath Ulae, Scotland 58 8N 3 .50wStratliaven, Scotland .55 41N 4 4WStr.athraore, Dist., Scotland 50 45N 3 OwStrathy Pt.. Scotland 58 37x 4 IwStreaky B., Australia 32 40S 133 .55K

Stroni.a, I,, Scotland .58 41N 3 lOWStrombnli, L, Italy 38 47N 15 12EStrome Perry, Scotland 57 20N 5 38wStromiiess, Scotland 58 58N 3 13WStrons,ay P., Scotland 59 4N 2 lowStrons.ay. I, Scotland .a9 4N 3 32WStroud, England 51 16x 2 lowStruma, R., Turkey 41 46N 23 15KStrumble Hd.. Wales 52 2N 5 4WStuart lla., Australia 23 lOS 135 OKStulilweisseubnrg, Hungary 47 13.x 18 26KStimg-treng, Indo-Obina 13 50N 105 53KStura, R., Italy 44 26N 7 iiOB

Sturt Creek, R.. Australia 18 SOS 128 lOEStuttgart, Wurtemberg 48 46N 9 11 BStyria, Prov., Austria 17 20N 15 OKSn, China 31 30N 120 55ESnakin, Egyptian Sudan 19 ION 37 12BSuccoth, Palestine 32 5N 35 33ESn-chau, Gbina 39 43N 39 IESu-cb .van, Prov,, Chiiia 30 On 105 OESuck R., Ireland 53 36N 8 15WSucre, Bolivia 19 12S 65 8wSudan, Dist., Africa 12 ON 10 OkSudbury, England .52 3N 57ESudetes, Mts., Austria .50 ION 17 lOBSuez, Egypt 29 58 N 32 22 ESuez Canal, Egypt 31 ON 32 OkSuez, G. of, Egypt 29 On 33 OKSuffolk, Co., England 52 ION 1 OESugar Loaf Pt.. Australia 32 25s 152 22BSiigarloaf, Mt., Enuland 51 53N 3 OwSngarloaf, Mt., Ireland S.^Ox OWSiiir, E., Irelaml 53 36N 7 SOWSnkbona, R., Russia 60 ON 42 SOBSiiktium Kule, Russia 43 ON 41 15ESiikknr, Sind 37 42N 68 .54K

Sula Is., Dutch E. Indies 1 .50s 125 30KSii-la-ho, E., China 40 40N 95 OESnlainiau IIiIIs, Punjab SO ON 69 35KSide Skerry, I., Scotiand 59 5N 4 25WSnlina, Romania 45 ON 29 40KSnlitelma, Mt., Sweden 67 3X 16 28ESiilu Arch., Philippiue Is. 6 ON 131 OKSulu Sea, PhiUppine Is, 8 ON 121 OKSumao, China 22 45N 101 14KSumatra, I., E. Indies 102 OBSumba, I., Dutch E. Imlies 9 SOS 12t) uio

Sumbawa, I., Dutch E. Indies 8 3ns I IS Olo

Snmburgh Hd., Shetland Is., Scotland (inset)

59 SIN 1 17WSil-nan, China 30 .SON 110 2KSunart, Dist., Scotland 56 41N 5 lOWSunart, L., Scotland 56 40N 5 45wSnnda, Is., Dutch E. Indies 5 OS 104 OESiinda Str., Dntcli F,. Indies 5 3i,ls 100 OESundarban, Bencal 23 ON 89 OlO

Sunday R., Capo Colony 33 4ns 35 41


Sunderland, England .54 54N 1 2lwSuiidsvall, Sweden 62 23N 17 lOKSnugari, R., Manchuria 40 ION 127 SOlo

Suiig-kiaug, China (inset) 31 2X 121 1 1 10

Sunk I., England 53 JON 4wSunk L.-V., Bngland 51 51N 1 31


Superior, L , N. America 47 SON 88 OwSur, Oman 24 5N S3 35 KSura, E., Russia 55 ON 46 SOKSurabaya, Java 7 2s 112 30ESiu-akarta, Java 7 30s 110 34KSurat, Australia 27 17s 149 18 ESnrat, Bombay 21 2N 72 50ESnrigao Str., Philippine Is. 10 35N 125 25 lo

Surimam, R., Dntc^li Guiana 5 ON 55 S^vSurkhab, R., Afglianistan 38 SOX 03 OkSurrey, (Jo., England 51 ISN 25wSurtubeh, Mt., Palestine 83 7N 35 31


Susa, Italy 45 6X 7 OESusa, Ruins of, Persia 33 33N 48 lOESusquehaiia, E,, Uuited States 40 SOX 76 SowSussex, Co., England SO 58N IwSussex, East, I)f-t,., England 50 55N lido

Sussex, West, Dist., England 51) 54N S3«-

Snsu, Tribe, Pr- W. ,\frica Ul ON IS OwSnsnrlu Cliai, E., Turkey i!i ,^sia 40 lux 3S 1,-,

Sutherland, Co., Scntland 5s ISN 4 30WSntlej. R., Puniab 30 Ox 73 OKSiitton-in-Aslilield. Bnghind 53 7X 1 llwSuva. Fiji P. (in,-et 5lj is 3s 17S 17ESuvarrov I., Pacific Oc. 13 Sr; 163 OwSnweik, Oman 33 55N 57 3Sio

Svealand, Div., Sweden 53 SON 15 30E

( 21 1

INDEX.Svir, n., Russia 60 r)ON 33 4(IK

S\val)i;i, Upper, Pist., trennany IS (IN ItMli.]

SuMhiaii Jura, Mis., (TeriiiaiiylS ilDx 9 UHSwnffham, BiielaUii 7,2 37N n"4i)l-;

Swiiiii Ueets, Australia 31 -las l.'.a -lOlo

Wwakop, R., Her. S.W. Africa 2^ 4ns la ORSu-aliopmuiifl, G.T. S. W. Africa 22 35s M 40nSwale, R., Eii:^lanil ri4 12X 1 24WSwaledale, England at 23N 2 OwSwan, R., Australia 32 as 117 2aESwanage, Eni^land 50 38n 1 5S\VSwansea, Wales 51 37K 3 oHwSwansea B., Wales 51 26N 3 SOWSwat, R., N.W. Frontier Prnv. 34 r,N 71 4RBSwatau, China 23 42N 116 4S|.;

Swazi, Tribe, S. Africa 26 3I1S 31 30KSwcrlcn, St., Europe 63 ux 15 OKSwelli'nilam, Cape Oolonv 34 123 20 31rs

Swilly, L,, Irclanil 65 15x 7 35wSwindon, Ens^iand 51 33N 1 46\ySwineniiinrle, Prussia 53 54X 14 121-:

Swineslicaii, Englani] 52 57N n ilwSwitzcrlanil, St., Europe 46 Ox 8 Oli

Swonls, Irclanil 53 2»X 6 15wSybil Hil., Irclaml 52 llx 10 2HvrSychar, Palestine 32 UN 35 17BS.vdney, Australia 33 5'.ls 151 2ESydney. Canada 46 ux 60 OwSy.Ira, CI. of, Tripoli 31 ON 19 OESyeno, Bsypt 33 50x 33 2lS

Sylhet, Assam 24 50x 1)1 58F.

Sylt. I., Germany 54 55N 8 23KSylvester, L„ Australia 18 50s 135 20ESyr Daria, R., Russian Turkestan 41 41N 68 5li

Syra, I., Greece 37 28x 24 5410

Syracuse, United States 43 8X 76 lOwSyria, Dist., Turkey in Asia 32 4nx 36 45ESyrian Desert, Arabia 32 lox 4U OiS

Syzran, Russia 53 7N 48 20kSzai) idka, H;unp:ary 46 5x 19 40RSzanios, R., Hun^'ary 47 4Sx 23 ORSzcgedin, HnuRarv 46 16X 20 2.<E

Szegszard. Hungary 46 20X IS lOKSzcntes, Hungary 46 37N 20 20IO

Szesaplana, lit., 'Switzerland 47 3X 37 k

Sziget, Ilnujary 47 .55X 23 57ESzolnok, Hungary 47 ION 20 1310

TAB.\RIYE, Palestine 32 47N 35 32 ETaiiasco, Mexico 18 ax 92 .')0w

Tabatinga, Brazil 4 35S 69 42WTabbas. "Persia, 33 27N 57 OETable Mt., Ca,pc Colony 34 OS 1,-i 25RTabor, Austria 49 3UN 14 37RTabor, Mt., Palestine 33 42X 35 27ETabora, Ger. B. Africa 5 3s 32 50ETabriz, Persia 3S Ion 46 lOKTa-cliien-lu, China 30 Sn 102 llbi

Ta-cbing, R., China 27 30x 101 lURTacna, Chile IS 5S 70 ISwTacoma, United States 47 15x 122 30wTacoiua, Mt., Unitol States 47 ON 122 OwTa(aitu, R., Brazil 2 SON 59 lawTailciister, England 63 5 4N 1 19\yTadonsac, Canada 48 12x 69 1 nyTafalla, Spain 42 29N 1 43wTagalo, Dist., Egyptian Smlan 12 2ax 31 45ETagam-og, Russia 47 15x 4S 37 RTagus, R., Spain and Portugal 38 26x 9 6\y

Tahiti, I., Pacific Go. 17 .50S 149 40wTail', Turkey in Asia 21 Ox 41 3E'J'ai-hu. L., China 31 ION 120 OETaimyr Pen., Siberia 76 Ox 100 UETain, Scotland 57 48N 4 3WTai-pe, Japan 24 58x 121 22ETai-ping, China 22 27N 107 lOETaiping, China (inset) 22 4ax 11:1 45RTaiping, China 31 45N US 3I1K

Tai-tsung, Chiiia (inset) 31 27x 121 6ETaiwan, I., Japan 23 12N 120 221':

T,ai-ynen-fu, China 37 5S,\ 112 40KTajo, R., Spain 40 Sox 2 ISiyTaka, Dist., Egyptian Sudan 15 30x 36 30ETakai, Japan 22 3S.\- 120 2 IETakata, Japan 37 ION 138 6ETakht-i-Sulaiman, Mt., Bahichistan 31 30N

69 30 kTa-l<iang, R., China 30 Ox 103 OETakn, China 38 50N 117 40ETala,ut, I., Dutch E. Indies 4 ION 126 54ETalavera, Spain 39 58N 4 46\yTalca, Ohile 35 SOS 72 38^vTalcahuano, Ohile 36 40s 73 25wTali, China 25 5SX 100 OETallahassee, United States 30 SON 84 10\yTaltal, Ohile 2a 43s 70 37wT.amar, R,, England .50 42N 4 22\TTamatave, MadaL^ascar 17 55s 49 OETnmbo, R., Peru 10 52s 74 lOwdanlhnf, Russia 52 40N 41 29RTambon, Vol., Dutch E. Indies S ICs 118 OETame, R.. England 52 34N 1 40\yTaaa'ga, H., Portugal 41 15N 8 12iv

Taninicrfors, Russia 61 30\ 23 2(iE

4'alnpa, United States 28 15N 82 15WTanipico, Mexico 22 29N 98 2w-

Tamsni, .Japan 25 ION 121 17i:

Tanjwortb, Australia 31 4s 151 heTamwortl], Ihiglaial 52 4nx 1 42WTana, H., Br. E. Africa. 1 30.- 10 14ET.iu;i. R , Norway f.9 40X 26 OETi ro, R., Italy 41 43X s Ok'I'anc, R., England 51 Ox 3 22wTala.'g.a, I., Japan 30 25X 131 OKTanganyika, L., Central Al'riea 6 03 30 OE

Tange, Mt„ Fr. W. Africa 12 20N 12 20WTangier, Morocco 35 25.\ 5 4swTanhoa, Indo-China 19 35X 105 35ETarjjore, Madras 10 48x 79 12ETannenberg, Prussia 53 26X 20 7li3

Tanta, Egypt 30 50N 30 57


Tantalam I., Malay Pen. 7 SON 100 ISETantura, Palestine 32 37x 34 54ETaoi-mina, Italy 37 49N 15 17ETapajoz, K., Brazil 7 OS 57 OTTTa-pa-shan, Mts., China 32 ON 108 OETapti, R., Bombay 21 20S 74 OETaquary, R., Brazil 18 65s 57 OWTara, Ireland 53 34N 6 36wTara, R., Bosnia 43 40N IS 48ETaranto, Italy 40 28N 17 13ETaranto, G. of, Italy 40 15N 17 ORTarapaca, Chile 19 55s 69 37WTararua Ra., New Zealand 40 40s 175 30ETarasp, Switzerland 46 46N 10 15ETarawera, Mt., New Zealand 38 14S 176 35 E

Tarbat Ness, C, Scotland 67 SOX 3 48 wTarbert, Ireland 52 36N 9 23ffTarbcrt, Scotland 55 52N 6 25WTarbert, \7est, L., Scotland 57 57x 6 55ff

Tarbert, Bast, L., Scotland 57 52X 6 41WTarbes, Prance 43 14N 2ETareutaise, Dist., France 45 3.5x 6 36 ETarifa, Spain 36 ON 6 36 \y

Tarifa, 0., Spain (inset) 36 2N 5 35wTarija, Bolivia 21 35S 04 42WTarim R., Oliina 40 20x 83 SOETarn, Dept., France 43 48N 2 9BTarn, R., Prance 43 58N 2 5RTarn-et-Garonne, Dept., France 44 9X 1 lURTarnopol, Austria 49 32N 25 40BTarnow, Austria 50 2N 21 ORTaroom, Australia 25 40s 1 19 SOBTarragona, Spain 41 7N 1 16ETarsus, Turkey in Asia 30 57N 34 501-;

Tashkent, Russian Tnrkcstan 41 22N 69 OETasili Plat., Sahara 25 OX '.) UETasman B., New Zealaml 41 US 173 20ETasman Sea, Australasia 36 OS 155 OBTasmania, I., Australia 42 OS 147 OETasselot, Mt., Prance 47 26X I 28nTatar Bazarjik, Bulgaria 42 12X 24 18ETati, niaiiie-sia 21 22s 27 SOBTatra Mts., Hungary 49 15x 20 OETa-tung, China 40 ON 113 16BTauerr, Mts,, Austria 47 lux 13 OETanng-ngu, Burma 18 54N 96 SOBTaungs, Cape Colony 27 3US 24 51


Taunton, England 51 1X3 6\vTaunton, Vale of, Bnglaad 51 3N 3 14WTannus Mts., Prussia 50 lux 8 SOETaupo, L., New Zealand 3S las 175 55ETaurajiga, New Zealand 37 40S 176 lOBTavastehus, Ru&^ia 61 ON 24 37ETavira, Portugal 36 ION 7 3SWTavistock, England 50 35N 4 10"WTavoy. Burma 14 16X 9S 12ETayy, R., England 50 37N 4 4WTawaislia, Egyptian Sudan 12 SOX 26 32 E

Tawali, 1., Dutcli B. Indies (inset) 1.5S

127 5KTawe, R., England 50 5Sx 3 S4wTay, F. of, Scotland 56 27N 2 30WTay, L., Scotland 86 33N 4 7yy

Tav Por-t, Scotland 56 25N 2 53WTay. R., Scotland 66 35N 3 SOWlaytao Pen., Chile 46 SOS 75 OKTe Anau L., New Zealand 45 ISS 167 43ETearaght I., Ireland 52 4N 10 40WTehesti, Dist., Sahara 19 ON 19 OkTebuk. Turkey in Asia 27 62x 37 17BTech, R., Fi-ancc 42 35x 2 25 e

Tees, R., Kngland .54 S2N 1 5s\y

Teesdale, England 51 35N 2 5wTeffe, Brazil 3 40s 04 5uwTegucigalpa, itonduras 1 I 32X S!) 62WTehraiL Persia 35 46x 51 2UKTehri, Punjab 31 ox 78 OETehuantepcc .\le-\ico H; 32X 95 27wTebuantepec. G. of, Mexico 16 2UX 95 UwTehuantepcc, Isth. of, Mexico 17 3UX 91 in\

Tela, R., Wales 53 13x 4 2WTeign, R., England 5U 42X 3 4UWTeignmoutb, Bnglaad all 35s 3 31 wTeith, R., Scotland 56 I3x I 9WTejend, R , Persia 30 lUX 61 lUBTejo, B., Spain and Portugal 3s 2Gx 9 6wTekape, L,, New Zealand 43 51s 170 34kTekir llagli, ,Mt., Turkey 40 44X 26 .")0E

Tekoa, Palestine 31 .i7N 35 12ETel-el- Kcbir, Egypt 3 I SOX 31 15K

Tell Asur, Mt., Palestine 31 59N 35 ISETell ed .Jena, Mt.. Palestine 32 3Sx 36 5 IK

Tell el Jlulh, Palestine 31 12N 35 IETellioherii, .Madras 11 J2N 75 SOETelok Teloiig, Sumatra 6 35s IU5 35ETemtau Land, Cape Colony 31 27s 28 Uio

Teine, R., England 63 13X 2 22-iy

Teniesvar. Hungary 45 .MN 21 si,;

Temiscaming, L, (janada 17 26x 79 35\y

Ten Degree Ob , U. of Bciiiral lo ux 03 UETeiia-serini, Burma 12 12X 98 soeTeiiasseriiu, Hist... Banna. 14 UN 98 .30E

Teuby, Wales 51 llN I 4jWTenda, Italy 14 5X 7 SOETcnrtre, Mt.. Switzerland 16 3sx 6 2ni:

Teuedos, I., Turkey in Asia 39 ISN 26 UKTenerifc I., Canary Is. 28 I5x 16 20-wTeug chau, China 37 46X 120 IDETengri Nor, L., Tibet 30 68N 9U S5E

Tenimber Is., Dutch E. Indies 7 27s 131 SOETennessee, R., United States :'5 3ux 85 .iw

Tennessee, St.. United S atus 36 ON 86 OWTenterden, England 51 6x u 4UETentci-lield, Australia 28 66s 1 62 2BTepic, Mexico 21 25 X 104 55WTeplitz, Austria .50 36N 13 51ETer, R.. Spain 42 3x 3 17


Tcramo, Italy 42 34X 13 48ETerek, R., Rus-ia 43 5SN a OETeressa, 1., Nioobar Is. s 18N 93 OETerim. Arabia 16 16N 49 25BTermination I., Southern Oc. 64 Os 95 OETermini, Italy 37 57X IS 44eTermoli, Italy 42 Ix 13 3ETern, K., England 52 52N 2 36wTernate Is.. Dutch E. Indies 45N 127 SOETerracina, Italy 41 17x IS 13BTerranova, Italy 40 65N 9 29BTerranova. Italy 36 56N 14 19HTerre Hante, Uuiled States 39 25x 87 27n-

Terscbelling, I., Netherlands 53 25s 5 25ETeruel, Spain 40 23X 1 OwTest, R, England 51 15x 1 SOWTcte, Port. E. Alrica 16 27S 33 25KTeutoburg Forest, Prussia 52 ION 8 UETeviot, R, Scotland 55 20X S OwTewkesburj', England 51 59X 2 9^y

Texa,s, St., United St.ites 31 ON 99Texel. I., Netherlands 63 5X 4 50ETez, Turkey in Asia 13 55X 44 8EThame, England 51 45x 59WThame, R., Engl mil 51 46N 1 3ivTiiamas, New Zedand 37 5s 175 33EThames. R., Englaiul 51 30x 45wTliaines, R., United States 42 35N 82 OwTliaua, Bombay 19 12N 73 OEThanet, Isle of. England 61 21N 1 20EThar, The, Rajputan i 27 Ox 72 3UEThargomindah, Australia 27 51s 143 35E'I'basus, I.. Turkey 4U i2s 24 43KTlia.yetmyo, Burma 10 I8N 95 12EThebes, Greece 38 24N 23 22KThebe.s. Ruins of, Egypt 26 32x 33 -BThebcz, Palestine 32 ISN 35 2lETheiss, R., Hungary 48 9N ;2 4aETheodiil P., Switzerland 45 54N 7 37r;

Therezina, Brazil 5 52S 42 61wThessaly, Dist., Greece 39 SOS 22 lOEThetford, England 52 2IN 45bThibaw, Burma 22 36N 97 18bTbielt, Belgium 61 ON 3 21 EThicrache, Dist., France 49 5GX 4 UEThira, I,, Greece 36 25x iS 28


Third Cataract of Nile, Egyptian Sudai19 SOx 30 22B

Thirsk, England 51 ISx 1 22WThistecl, Denmark 56 57X 8 S'lK

Thompson, R., Australia 24 35S 143 lUEThorn, Pru-aia 53 ll.x 18 34ETliorne, England 53 38N 58WThorpncss, C. England 52 12x 1 40EThousand Islands, L. of the, United States

4 1 Ox 76 OwThrace. Dii'., Turkey 41 SON 26 SueThree King's Is., New Zealand 31 5s 172 5EThree Points, C, Gold Coast 4 45x 2"W

Tlirce Rivers, Canada 46 21N 72 18vy

Thun, Switzerland 46 .tlx 7 3S1-;

Thuii, L. of, Switzerland 46 ION 7 43EThur, K., S\yitzerliiiid 17 35x s SHEThurgau, Proy., Switzerland 47 35N 9 OETburingian Forest, Gcriuany 50 SON 11 OIO

Thnrles^ Ireland .52 41N 7 47WThurm B., Prussia 51 13s 18 .SOE

TJiiirsdav I., Anstr.alia 10 Ills 142 IIIE, Scotland SS 33x 3 31^yThurso, R., Scotland .58 23N 3 4UwThlisis, Switzerland 46 41 X 9 251]

Ti Da, (.lliina 29 lux 95 SOETian Shan, iMts., Russian Turkestan 40 ux

73 OkTibati. Camerons 6 SON 12 47ETiber, R., Itily 42 25N 12 SUETiberias, Palestine 32 17X 35 32ETihesti, Dist., Sahara 19 ox 19 OBTibet, Ter., Asia 32 OX 90 OETibneh, Palestine 32 29x 35 45ETioino, ProT., Switzerland 46 2Ux S ISETicino. R., Switzerland 46 25X S ISETidor I., Dutch E. Indies 2UX 137 20ETidung, Borneo 3 SOX 116 45kTientsin, China 39 3s 117 OETierra del Puego, I., S America .54 OS 69 uwTietar R.. Spain 4U 6N 5 14WTieto, K., Brazil 20 Sus 51 owTitlis, Russia 41 .SON 44 SSETigre, IJist., Abyssinia 14 ON 38 30ETigris, R., Turkey in Asei 35 3Ux 43 20ETibamaie Coastland, Red Sea 20 Ox 4U OKXilburg, Netherlands 51 32N 5 5ETill, E., England 65 33N 3 OwTilsit. Prussia 55 IN 31 .53B

Tilt, R,, .Scotland 56 .Sux 3 47WTiman lla., Russia 65 ux 51 OETiniani, New Zealand 4 1 2us 171 31 ETinibo. Fr. W. Africa lu 43X 11 6WTimbuktu, Pr. W. Africa 16 5Sx 3 S2WTimok, R... Servia 43 ION 22 15ETimor, I., E. Indies 9 os 125 SueTiiiinr Laut Ls., Dutch E, Indieo 7 27s 131 3UkTi ;velli, Ma.lras 8 42s 77 42ETiiios, I., Greece 37 35X 25 SETinlagel, England SO 41N 4 46WTintcrn, England 51 43N 2 41 w

Tinto Hill, Scotland 55 35N 3 46WTinto, R., Spain 37 3.5N 6 43)y

Tioman. I., .Malay Arch. 2 4Sx 104 12ETipperary, Ireland 52 28x 8 9w'

Tipperary, Co., Ireland 52 SON 7 SOWTipton, England 52 34N 2 4"W

Tirlemont. Belgium 50 49X 4 5GETirnova. Bulgaria 43 9N 25 39ETirso, R., Italy 40 ON 8 48ETirupati. Mad'ras 13 42N 79 24KTirzali, Palestine 32 20N 35 23ETiticaca, L., Peru 16 OS 69 2UWTitlis, Mt., Switzerland 46 47x 8 SOETiverton, England 50 65N 3 31'WTi»oli, Italy 41 57N 12 60ETixtla, Mexico 17 35N 99 lOWToba L., Sumatra 2 35N 98 35ETobago, I., W. Indies 11 32N 01 lOwTobermory, Scotland 66 37N 6 4WTobol, B., Russia in Asia 53 ON 63 25ETobolsk, Siberia 58 12X 68 SUETocantins, R., Brazil 4 OS 49 35\VToeopilla, Chile 32 12s 70 165VTocuyu, Venezuela 9 15x 69 41\VTodi, Mt., Switzerland 46 48x 9 SSETodmorden, England 53 43X 2 SwToggenborg, Dist., Switzerland 47 15x 9 7ETogo, Togo Land 6 22x 1 23ETogo Land, W. Africa 8 On 1 OETokat, Turkey in Asia 40 26N 36 35ETokar, Egyptian Sudan IS 37N 37 42ETokay, Hungary 48 8n 21 25ETokelau Is., Paoifio Oc. 8 SOS 170 OwTokio, .Tapan 35 4.5N 139 50BToledo, Spain 39 58x 4 OETolerlo, United States 41 40N 83 28wToledo, Mts. of, Spain 39 SOX 5 OwTolima, Mt., Colombia 3 55N 73 35\vTolosa, Spain 43 7N 2 5wTolposis, Mt., Russia 63 SON 60 OEToluca, Mexico 19 19N 99 37wTomini, Dutch E. Indies 2Sx 120 26ETomini, ti. of. Dutch B. Indies S5S 121 lOKTomor, Mt., Turkey 40 37N 30 25ETomon, G. of, Dutch E. Indies 2 20S 122 20ETomsk, Siberia 56 SON 84 SSETonga Is., Austrahasia 20 OK 175 0\yTonga Land, Dist., Natal 27 2US 32 20ETongariro, Mt., New Zealand 39 Ills 175 401';

Tnngatbu Is., I'aciflo Oc. 20 593 175 laiyToiik-kiang, B., China (in.set) 33 7N 114 UETmgking, C. of, Iiido-Ohiiia 2)1 Ox 107 .HOE

Toiigking, Ter., Indo-China 22 ON 105 OkTook, llajpiitaiia 26 12N 75 48ETbnnlng, Prussia 54 20x 8 SOBToowoomba, Australia 27 34s 152 OBTopeka, United States 39 5N 95 31'WTor, Egypt, 28 5n 33 55ETor B., EiiLdand 50 27N 3 33WTorgau, Prussia 51 33N 12 S8ETorinan'a, C. Spain 43 IN 9 2157Tonnes, R., Spain 41 ION G 23WTornea, Russia 65 54N 24 14BTurnea, L., Sweden 68 SOx 20 OETornea, R., Sweden 67 SON 22 lOEToronto, Canada 43 40N 79 2S\yTorquay, England 50 29N 3 32WTorrens. L., Australia 31 OS 137 ISETorres Str., Australia 10 OS 142 OBTories Vedras, Portugal 39 Sx 9 18WTon-cvieja, Spain 37 59X 42\yTorridge, R., England 60 53N 4 16"5y

Torridon, Scotland 57 35N 5 SOWToiTidoii, Ij. , Scotland 57 S7x 5 45^vTorrington, England SO Ssx 4 SwTortola, 1,, W. Indies 18 '-SN 61 42\yTortosa, Spain 10 48x 38ETory I., Ireland 55 16X s ISWTowcester, Bngland 53 8N SOWTotncs, Bngland 50 2aN 3 42WTool, Franco 48 42x 5 SSEToulon, France 43 7x 5 56EToulouse, France 43 35N 1 3S|,;

Touraine. Dist., France 47 lox o SOETourcoing, France 50 44X 3 9ETonrnai, Belgium 50 37x 3 23ETours, France 47 23N 43ETowusend, Mt., Australia 3(i SOS 148 27l;

Towusville, Australia 19 18s 146 49ETowton, England 53 Six 1 19wTowy, R, Wales 51 52N 4 lUWTowyn, Wales 52 42x 4 4WTrafalgar, C., Spain .36 16N 6 IwTnijau's Gate, P., Bulgaria 42 4Sx 23 20BTrajan's Wall, Itomania 41 32N 28 25^Tralee, Ireland 52 17N 9 43WTralee B., Ireland 52 17x 9 SlwTramore, Ireland 52 lox 7 llwTrani, Italy 41 15x 16 20BTranqnebar, Madrixs 11 ON 79 54 BTrans-Ca,spia,, Dist., Russian Turkestan 13 ON

56 OETransvaal, Col., S. Africji 25 OS 29 SOETransylvania, I'rov., Hungary 46 17x 24 OETransylvanian Alps, Mts., Hungary 45 35N

24 OETrapani, Italy 38 ON 12 SOETrasimena, L., Italy 43 sn 12 71-;

Trayancore. SI., Mailras s 30X 77 OeTravers. Switzerland 46 56X 6 II ETravuik, Bosnia 44 lux 17 SOETraz oz .Mniites. Prov., Portugal 41 Sox 7 OwTrelibia, B., Italy 44 SIN 9 sTeTrebinye, Bosnia 42 4.4N 18 19ETrebizond, Turkey in Asia 40 58N 30 5lE

( 22)


Tredegar. EnKlani 61 62N 3 17WXremaaoe, Wales 62 BEN 4 9-w

Tremiti I., Italy 42 llN 16 34B1

Trent, Austria 46 2N 11 IETrent, R., Bngknd 63 25N 45wTrenton, United States 40 HN 74 44WTreves, Prussia 49 45N 6 48)!

TreTiso, Italy 46 42N 12 14ETreyoSB Hd., England 60 34N 5 3WTrial B., Australia 31 OS 163 lOETriohinopoli, Madras 10 65s 78 27HTrieste, Austria 45 39N 13 47ETrikala, Greece 39 34N 21 45eTringauu, Malay Pen. 6 9N 103 12ETrlDidad, Bolivia 14 303 65 15wTrinidad, Ouba 21 48N 80 6wTrinidad, I., W. Indies 10 40n CI SOWTriuity B., Nowfoimdland (inset i 48 15n 63 OwTrinity R., United States 30 36N 95 OwTrinkitat B., Kf^yptian Sudan 18 48N 37 42ETripoli, Tripoli 32 25N 13 20ETripoli, Turkey in Asia 34 40N 36 4ETripoli, Prov., N. Africa 30 ON 15 OKTripolitza, G reece 37 30N 22 28ETrim, Ireland 63 36s 6 47wTrincomali, Oeylon 8 38N 81 lOBTriton, I., S. Oliina Sea 15 53N 110 63ETrivandrum, Madras 8 SOS 77 OETroglal, Mt., Austria 43 62s 16 18ETrolhatta Palls, Sweden 58 ION 12 5KTrombetas, R., Brazil 1 20s 68 OwTromsii, Norway 69 39N 18 67ETrondhjem, Norway 63 25s 10 23ETronahjem Pd., Norway 63 30s 11 OnTroodos, lit,, Oyprus 34 60s 32 40KTroon, Scotland 55 34s 4 40WTroppau, Austria 49 56s 17 .50E

TrosSiichs, Scotland 66 14s 4 22WTrostan, Mt., Ireland 55 2s 6 lOWTrottau, I., Malay Pen. 6 42s 99 42ETiotternish, Dist., Scotland 57 35N 6 ISwTroops Hd., Scotland 67 42N 2 18wTrowbridiie, England 61 20S 2 ISwTroy, United States 42 66.V 73 36WTroy, Buins of, Turkey in Asia 39 60s 26 25 E

Troyes, France 18 13N 4 OETrucker Peak. United States 39 SON 121 36iv

Truiillo, Honduras 15 57s 85 50WTrujillo, Peru 8 lOS 78 53wTruiillo, Spain 39 27N 5 5.5W

Trumai, Brazil 11 53s 63 32WTruro, Canada 45 19N 63 24WTruro, bngland 50 16N 6 3wTruro, I., S. China Sea 16 28S 116 28BTsad. L., Central Sudan 13 30s 14 OETsaidam, Dist., Tibet 37 20s 94 OETsana, L., Abyssinia 12 OS 37 30ETsaobis, Ocr. S. W. Africa 22 36s 16 IETsi-nan-fu, China 36 45s 117 lOETsing-ling-shan, Mts., China 35 ON 104 OETsintau, China 36 27s 120 48ETsiu-san, I., Japan 26 40s 127 45ETsoakhoub, R., Ger. S.W. Afi-ica 22 40S 15 OETsugaru Str., Japan 41 30s 141 OETsuugmiij?. China (inset) 31 30N 121 36ETsu-shima, I., Japan 39 Son 129 20ETuam, Ireland 53 31N 8 50wTuareg, Tribe, Sahara 22 OS 4 OBTuat 0., Sahara 28 ON 1 OETilbingen, Wdrtemberg 48 SON 9 OETubori, Tribe, Camerons 10 ON 14 20BTucacas, Venezuela 10 42s 68 SOWTucson, United States 32 20s 110 45wTucuman, Argentina 27 lOS 66 29WTudela, Spain 42 4N 1 37wTugela, R.. Natal 29 15s 31 30BTula, Russia 54 17N 37 33ETulare I., United States 35 63s 119 40wTulbagh, Cape f'olony 33 20S 19 9ETulcea, Romania 45 ION 28 46ETullamore, Ireland 63 16s 7 29WTulle, Fr.mce 45 14N 1 42ETuUow, Ireland 62 47N 6 43WTumaco, Colombia 1 26N 79 5wTumen, R., Manchuria 42 20s ISO 20ETumlong, Sikkim 27 24s 8S 36ETummel, R., Scotland 56 4l'S 4 OWTumuc Humac Mts., Gniana 2 SON 55 OwTun, Persia 34 2S 58 OETunbridge, England 61 12s 12ETunbridge Wells, EugLand 51 8N 16ETundra, Dist., Russia 67 ON 55 OETung, R., China 30 S5s 102 40ETuugabhadra, R., Madras 15 42N 88 36BTungkun, China (inset) 23 IN 113 53fc

Tuug-kwan, China 34 35s 110 OETung-ting, L., China 28 55s 112 40ETuuguska, Lower, R., Siberia 64 30s 100 OETunguska, Upper, R, Siberia 69 ON 98 OBTunis, Tunis 36 20N 10 24ETunis, Regency, N. Africa 34 ON 9 30ETnnja, Colombia 5 43N 73 34WTunja, B., Bulgaria 42 33N 26 6BTurbat i Haidari, Persia 35 8N 69 4BTurin, Italy 45 4N 7 48ETurkestan, Dist., Asia 42 30N 65 OETurkey, St., Europe 42 ON 23 30BTurk's ls„ West Indies 21 25N 71 20wTurnagain, 0., New Zealand 40 209 170 40HTurnu Severinu, Romania 44 37s 22 36BTuron, Indo-Ohina 16 SON 108 16ETurriff, Scotland 67 32N 2 28wTuscan Apennlaea, Mts., Italy 44 ON 11 OBTuscany. Prov., Italy 43 25N 11 10bTuskar Eook, Ireland 52 12N 6 13W

TuskarRook, Wales 61 27N 3 41WTuticorin, Madr.a3 8 48s 78 I2ETuwaim, Arabia 26 4s 45 56ETuipan, Meiico 20 50N 97 25WTuz Ohelu, L., Turkey In Asia 38 42N 33 5ETver, Russia 56 6lN 35 58ETweed, R., Scotland 66 36N 2 30wTweedmouth, England 55 44N 2 2WTwelve Pins, Mt, Inland 63 32s 9 64wTwofold B., Australia 37 03 150 OETyue, R., England 6i 6i)N 1 59WTyne, R., Scotland 66 ON 2 38WTynemouth, England 66 In 1 25WTyre, Palestine 3.( 16N 35 12ETyree, I., Scotland 56 27s 6 66WTyrell, L , Australia 35 12a 142 50ETyrnau, Hungary 18 21s 17 30ETyrol, Prov., Austria 46 50N 11 30ETyrone, Co., Ireland 64 32s 7 lOwTyrrhenian S., Mediterranean S. 40 OS 12 30ETzaritzin, Russia 43 49N 4 4 30E

UBANGI, R., Congo State 4 36N 21 OEUberaba, Brazil 19 409 47 SOWUberava, L., Brazil 17 329 67 46wUcayali, R., Pern « 09 74 OwUdaipur, Bengal 22 SON 83 18EUdaipur, Rajputana 24 38N 73 35BUdine, Italy 46 4N 13 12EUdoog, Indo-Ohina 12 5s 104 40BUfa, Russia 64 49N 66 .56E

Ufa. R^ Russia 55 35s 55 28EUganda, Dist., Br. B. Africa SON 32 OBUgie, R., Scotland 57 36s 2 lowUi, R., Russia 54 OS 62 ObUintah Mts, United States 41 7N 110 OWUist, N., I., Scotland 57 34s 7 30wUist, S., I., Scotland 67 15s 7 25WUitenhage, Cape Colony 33 483 25 21BUjiji, Ger. E. Africa 4 58s 30 3EUjjaiu, Central India 23 12N 75 64EUkraine, Dist., Russia 49 45N 34 OBUlea, L., Buasia 64 15N 27 20EUlea,R,, Russia 64 SON 26 SOBUleaborg, Russia 64 38N 25 32BUllapool, Scotland 57 55s 5 lowUlNwater, L., England 54 SSN 2 SOWUlno, Wiirtemberg 48 23N 9 59EUlster, Prov., Ireland 54 25s 7 OwUlverston, England 64 12s 3 6\v

Urn el Ketef B., Egypt 23 40s 35 66EUmbria, Prov., Italy 43 OS 12 30EUmbrian Apennines, Mts., Italy 43 OS 13 OEUmarkot. Sind 25 24N 69 48EUmea, Sweden 63 62s 20 20ETJmea, R., Sweden 64 16N 19 40EUmkomanzi R., Natal 30 8s 30 40EUmlatoosi R., Natal 28 48s 32 OBUmm el Jerar, Palestine 31 24N 34 26EUmtala P.. Cape Colony 31 55S 29 ISEUmzimkulu B., Natal 30 37g 30 2IEUmzimvubu R., Cape Colony 31 40s 29 30EUnaka Mt»., United States 36 34s 84 OwUncompahgre, Mt., U.S. 38 14N 109 20wUngava B., Canada 59 ON 67 SOWUngava, Uist., Canada 56 30s 70 OwUngvar, Hungary 48 38s 22 15EUnion Is., Paciflc Oo. 8 303 170 OwUnited States, Rep., N. America 39 ON 96 OwUnna, R., Bosnia 44 53s 16 OEUnst, I., Shetland Is., 60 46N 63wUnstrut, R., Prussia 61 12N 11 45EUnterwalden, Prov., Switzerland 46 56N 8 25EUnyamwezi, Dist., Ger. E. Africa 3 OS 3 4 OEUuyoro, Dist., Br. B. Africa 1 30N 31 LiEUpemivik, Greenland 73 8N 64 15WUpington, Cape Colony 28 429 21 18EUpper Palatinate, Dist., B.ivaria 49 32N 12 OEUppingham, Enghand 52 37s 42WUpsala, Sweden 59 50N 17 35EUraga Ch., Japan (inset) 35 8N 132 46BUral Mts., Russia 59 ON 60 OBUral, B., Bussia in Asia 48 60s 52 OBUralsk, Bussia in Asia 51 12N 51 2UBUrbana, Australia 23 303 141 35EUrbino, Italy 43 46N 12 60EUre, B., England 54 16s 1 SOWUres, Mexico 29 16N 110 12WUrla, Turkey in Asia 37 12N 39 lOBUrga, Mongolia 47 60N 106 40EUri, Prov., Switzerland 46 4.5s 8 SOBUrk, L, Netherlands 52 40s 5 36EUrnda, Persia 37 36s 45 7EUrot, Dist., Mongolia 42 OS 107 30EUrr, R., Scotland 65 i)^ 3 56wUrua, Dist., Congo State 7 303 27 30EUmbamba, B., Peru 12 SOS 72 SOWUruguay, R., S. America 30 03 56 OwUmguay, St., S. America 33 OS 66 30wUruguayana, Brazil 29 459 67 3WDrumtsi, Mongolia 44 20N 87 OEUsboi, Russian Turkestan 40 15s 67 OBUsedom, I., Prussia 54 ON 14 OBUshant, I,, France 48 28s 5 8wUsk, R., Wales 61 50s 3 lOwUsknb, Turkey 42 IN 21 22EUssa, R., Russia 66 15s 60 OBDst Turt, Plat., Russia in Asia 43 ION 65 OEUster, Switzerland 47 24N 8 40BUstica, I., Italy 38 42N 13 HEUsunada. Bussia in Aaia 39 32N 63 47EUsuvi, R., Siberia 46 ON 134 30EUtah, St., United Stat' « 39 ON 111 SOWUtakamand, Madras 11 24N 76 42BUtioa, United States 43 SN 76 24W

Utrecht, Netherlands 62 6H 6 lOEUtrecht, Prov., Netherlands 62 6s 6 8 IE

Utsang, Tibet 30 ON 88 OEUtto.xeter, England 62 65s 2 9WUvalli, Plat., Russia 60 ON 46 OEUibridge, England 61 34N SOW

VAAL, B., S. Africa 27 353 26 30EVaigal, R., Madras 9 30N 78 30EVal Tcllina, Italy 46 8n 10 OEValais, Prov., Switzerland 46 10s 7 20 EValdai Hills, Bussia 57 37N 33 OEValilezia, Transvaal 23 103 SO 9EValdivia, Chile 40 OS 73 25WValence, France 44 56N 4 56EValencia (Estremadura), Spain 39 28N 7 16 wValencia (Valencia) Spain 39 38N 24WValencia, Venezuela 10 6S 68 12WValencia, B. of, Spain 39 25N 30EValencia, Prov., Spain 39 30N 50WValencieones, France 50 2lN 3 SIBValeiitla I., Ireland 51 65s 10 20wValladolid, Spain 41 SON 4 50WVallombrosa, Italy 43 48s 11 36EValona, Turkey 40 29N 19 31


Valparaiso, Chile 33 133 71 SOWVan, Turkey in Asia 38 SUN 43 18EVan Diemen G., Australia 12 OS 131 46BVan Diemen B., Australia 17 283 142 SOEVan Reenen's P., Natal 28 303 29 21BVancouver, Canada 49 1 2s 123 OWVancouver I., Canada 49 30s 126 OwVannes, France 47 42N 2 SOWVauua Levu, I., Fiji Is. 16 369 179 ISEVao do Paranan, Mts., Brazil 15 OS 46 SOWVan, Depf., Prante 43 2eN 6 6BVaranger Pd.. Norway 70 ON 31 OEVardb, Norway 70 2iN 31 SEVardar, B., Turkey 41 25N 22 28BVarela, C, Indo-Cbina 12 40N 109 25EVares, 0. de, Spain 43 42N 7 43wVarinas, Venezuela 7 6N 70 3WVarna, Bulgaria 43 16n 27 55EVartry, R., Ireland 63 S.s' 6 12WVasa, Russia 63 6.N' 21 3IIE

Vaternish, Dist., Scotland 57 30K 6 29iv

Vatersay, I., Scotland 56 56N 7 32WVaucluse. Dept., France 44 6N 6 OEVaud, Prov., Switzerlind 46 35N 6 20BVeoht, B., Netherlands 62 2ss 6 25 s

Vegen, I , Norway 65 46N 11 40EVeglia, I., Austria 45 6s 14 36EVelay, Dist., France 45 Os 3 48EVelebit Planina, Mts., Hungary 44 40B 15 35EVelino, Mt., Italy 42 8N 13 36BVelletri, Italy 41 43N 12 47EVellore, Madras 12 64N 79 12BVelukhi, Mt., Greece 38 68s 22 lOBVeluwe, Dist, Netherlands 62 16s 6 44EVendue, Dept., France 46 29N 1 34WVendee, Dist., France 46 30s 1 SOWVenetia, Prov., Italv 45 30s 12 lOEVenezuela, St., S. Africa 7 Os 66 OWVenice, Italy 45 26s 12 20NVenice, G. of, Italy 45 26s 12 20BVenlo, Netherlands 51 22N 6 6EVentimiglia, Italy 43 6lN 7 49BVentnor, England 60 36N 1 12WVera, Spain 37 ION 1 58wVera Cruz, Mexico 19 20N 96 SOWVerawal, Bombay 20 54N 70 54EVerbas, B., Bosnia 44 50N 17 12EVercelli, Italy 46 8N 8 24EVerde, 0., Fr. W. Africa 14 40N 17 ISwVerden, Prussia 62 52s 9 14BVerdon, Le, France 45 33s 1 3WVerdun, France 49 ION 5 23EVermejo, B., Argentina 30 Os 68 20wVennejo, B., Argentina 25 OS 61 45wVermont, St., United States 44 ON 73 OwVernoi, Siberia 43 SON 76 40EVerona, Italy 45 27N 11 OEVersailles, France 48 49N 2 7EVersecz, Hungary 45 5N 21 13EVerviers, Belgium 50 S6N 6 53EVesdre, B., Belgium 60 35s 5 45EVesoul, France 47 41s 6 6EVesuvius, Mt., Italy 40 48s 14 SOBVeszprem, Hungary 47 6s 17 56 E

Vettore, Mt., Italy 42 SIN 13 42BVevey, Switzerland 46 27s 6 62EVexin, Dist., France 49 8N 1 40BViana, Brazil 3 353 44 46wViauna, Portugal 41 43N 8 SlwViasma, Bussia 56 12N 34 lOEViat'ia, Bussia 68 28s 49 4SEViatka, B., Russia 66 B5S 50 SOBViborg, Denmark 66 27s 9 27BViborg, Russia 60 60s 28 40EVicenza, Italy 45 32N 11 33EVichegda, R., Russia 62 Os 48 30EVichy, France 46 9N 3 25EVictoria, Brazil 20 173 40 ISWVictoria, Canada 48 SON 123 28wVictoria, Hongkong (inset) 22 9N 114 12EVictoria, Rhodesia 20 SS 31 lOEVictoria Desert, Australia 29 OS 126 OEVictoria, Div., AustraUa 37 OS 145 OEVictoria Falls, Rhodesia 17 55s 26 OEVictoria I., Paciflc Oo. 6 403 161 12wVictoria, L., Australia 38 OS 147 60EVictoria Land, Antarctica 74 03 150 OEVictoria I^and, Canada 69 30s 105 OwVictoria, Mt., Br. New Guinea 8 659 147 55EVictoria Nile, B, Br. K. Africa 1 16N 32 12B

Victoria Nyanza, L, Central Airioa 1 08 33 OBVictoria Peak, Canada 60 1.5N 127 16WVictoria Ra., Austraha 28 40s US OBVictoria B., Australia 15 30s 130 30aVid, R., Bulgaria 43 20N 24 24EVidin, Bulgaria 44 In 22 64EVienna, Amtria 48 9N 16 21EVienne, France 45 34N 4 S4BVienne, Dept., France 46 23N 18aVienne, Haute-, 45 66N 1 lOEVigo, Spain 42 16N 8 4.5WVigten Is., Norway 66 ISN 12 OHVilgoas, Hungary 46 16N 21 3lEVilaine, B., France 48 ON 1 48wVilla Beal, Portugal 41 14N 7 46wVilla Bica, Paraguay 26 453 56 35WVilla Viciosa, Spain 40 23s 3 55WVillach, Austria 46 SSN 13 36EVilleneuve, Switzerland 46 22N 6 66BVillanova Portimflo, Portugal 37 9N 8 32TV

Villanuevadel Grao, Spain 39 27s 19wVilna, Bussia 54 60s 24 18EVindhya Mts., Central ladia 22 40N 76 OEVinh, Indo-China 18 50N 105 40EVinh-long, Indo-Ohina 10 6N 106 OEViosa, B., Turkey 40 39N 19 25EVirgin la., W. Indies 18 20N 65 OwVirginia City, United States 39 2.5N 119 37wVirginia City, United States 46 15N 112 17WVirginia, St., United States 37 30N 78 SOWVirunga, Mt., Oongo State 1 SOS 29 SOEVisby, Sweden 67 43N 18 16EVishera, B., Buasia 60 OS 58 OEVishni Volochok, Bussia 67 SSN 34 SOBViso, Mt., Italy 44 35N 7 OBVisp, Switzerland 46 16S 7 4SEVisp, R., Switzerland 46 8S 7 4SEVistritza, R., Turkey 40 20s 22 OBVistula, R., Prussia 53 25N IS 25EVitebsk, Russia 65 ION 30 20EViterlio. Italy 42 26N 12 llEViti, Is., Australasia (inset 61) 18 103 178 OBViti Levu I., Fiji Is. (inset 61) 18 09 178 OEVitoria, Spain 42 62s 2 41wVitosh, Mt., Bulgaria 12 29N 23 OBVittoria, Mexico 23 46S 99 20wVivarais. Dist.. FrFiii.c 44 SON 4 30BVivero, Spain 43 40s 7 88w,Vizag.ipatam, Madras 17 42's 83 18BVizfeu, Portugal 40 40K 7 6SWVizianagram, Madras 18 6N 83 SOEVlaardingen, Netherlands 51 56N 4 19EVladikavkaz, Russia 43 6N 44 55BVladimir, Russia 56 OS 40 40EVladivostok, Siberia 43 2N 131 45EVlieland I., Netherlands 63 1.5N 6 OEVogels Berg, Mt., Germany 50 SON 9 lOEVola, Greece 39 2SN 22 68EVolcano B., Japan 42 20s 140 46EVolga Heights, Bu.~sia 52 ON 46 OBVolga, R., Russia 67 18N 42 OBVolhynia, Dist.. Bussia SO 46N 26 SOBVolkhof, B., Russia 69 SON 32 30EVologda, Russia 59 10s 39 52EVorarlberg, Prov., Austria 47 25s 9 SOBVoronesli, Russia 51 4SS 39 6EVolsk, Russia 52 ON 47 SOEVolta, B , W. Africa 5 OSVolta, Black, B., Gold Coast 10 OS 3 OwVolta, White, B., Gold Coast 10 ON 1 OwVolterra, Italy 43 22N 10 52EVolturno, B., Italy 41 6N 13 46EVosges, Dept., France 48 4N 6 25BVosges, Mts., France 48 ION 7 6EVostok I., Paciflc Go. 10 OS 160 21wVotyak, Russia 57 OS 52 30BVranya, Seiwia 42 S4S 21 64EVratza, Bulgaria 43 ION 22 34EVryburg, Cape Cplony 26 57s 24 49EVryheid, NatJil 27 50s 30 44EVnlcano I., Italy 38 24N IS OEVultur, Vol., Italy 41 OS 15 45EVurla. Turkey in Asia 38 19N 26 49EVyrnwy, B, Wales 62 46N 3 35w

WAAG, B., Hungary 48 66N 18 lOEWaal, R., Netlierlands 61 48N 6 15EWabash. R., United States 40 SON 85 OWWaco, United States 31 62s 97 OwWadai, St., Sudan 13 OS 18 SOEWadelai, Congo State 2 58X 31 2SEWadi Baraka, Eritrea 16 45N 37 25EWadi Dauasir, Arabia 22 30s 45 40BWadi Draa, Morocco 29 ON 7 SOWWadi er Rumah, Arabia 26 ON 44 OEWadi Ermek, Egypt 28 30s 46 OEWadi es Sani, Torkev in Asia 27 SON 38 OEWadi Haifa, Sudan 21 46N 31 SOEWadi Malik, Egyptian Sudan 16 30N 30 OEWadi Bakhiya, Arabia 16 SS 47 lOEWadi Sirhau, Arabia 30 52N 38 OEWadi Turraba, Egypt 23 30s 43 SOBWady el Ajem, Valley, Palestine 33 26N 36 12BWady el Akib, Palestine 32 25N 36 SOEWady el Hesy, Palestine 31 S6s 34 SOBWady el Hesy, Palestine 30 SSN 36 46EWady es, Palestine 31 ISs 34 45BWady esh Sheriah, Palestine 31 22s 34 36BWaiiy Farah, Palestine 32 ION 35 28EWady Ghuzzeh, Palestine 31 27N 34 22BWady Kanah, Palestine 32 8N 36 OEWady Kelt, Palestine 31 SON 35 SOBWady Luwa, Palestine 33 5N 36 SOBWady Zedi, Palestine 32 3.5s 36 I2EWady Zerka, Palestine 32 13N 36 65E

( 23)


Wagaduffn, Fr. W. Africa 12 6N 1 iTWWager, E., Canada 65 On 30 OwWagga Wagga, Australia 36 7s 147 27EWah el Bebarieh, Egypt 28 26N 29 OEWaliaiid, R., Hajputana 28 24N 71 OEWallBatch Mts., United States 39 On 111 25TVWaiau, R., New Zealand 45 64S 167 65EWaigeu 1., Dutch E. Indite 183 130 35EWaikato, R., New Zealand 37 20s 174 45EWaimate, New Zealand 44 483 171 5EWalnfleet, England 53 17N 16EWaipawa, New Zealand 39 583 176 38EWairoa, New Zealand 39 43 177 30EWaitaki, R, New Zealand 44 683 171 15EWaitara, New Zealand 39 6s 174 19bWaitzen, Hungary 47 49N 19 8EWakatipu, L., New Zealand 45 OS 168 40EWakayama, Japan 34 ION 136 8EWakefield, England 63 40N 1 30wWakhan, Dist., Afghanistan 37 20N 72 30EWalachia, Div., Romania 44 ION 25 OBWaldeck, Prin., Germany 51 16N 9 OEWales, UiT., Br. Isles 63 ON 4 SOWWallaroo, Australia 33 403 139 IEWallen See, L., Switzerland 47 8N 9 lOEWallenstadt, Switzerland 47 8N 9 17EWallingford, England 51 30N 1 8wWallsend, Australia 32 56H 151 16EWalmer, England 61 12K 1 16EWalney I., England 64 2N 3 15wWalsall, England 52 36N 1 68wWaltham Abbey, England 61 4lNWalton (on the Naze), England 51 6lN 1 17BWalvisch B., S. Africa 22 483 14 39EWama, Dutch B. Indies ( inset) 8S 127 36EWan, Ohina 31 ON 103 20KWan chau, Ohina 28 ON 120 45EWanganui, New Zealand 39 52s 176 2EWanaaiiui, R., New Zealand 39 253 175 OEWanlockhead, Scotland 55 24K 3 49wWansbeck, R., England 56 9N 2 OwWantage, England 51 37N 1 23wWanx, R., Nicaragua 14 30N 84 8WWar Mts., Sahara 23 30N 13 OEWarasdin, Hungary 46 17N 16 18EWarburton R., Australia 27 55S 138 OEWard Hill (Hoy), Orkneys 68 64N 3 23WWard Hill (Pomona;, Orkneys, 58 57N 3 9WWare, England 61 50N 2WWareham, England 50 4lN 2 SwWargla, Algeria 32 ON 4 20EWarkworth, England 52 21N 1 38iyWarmbad, Q-er. S.W. Africa 28 263 18 42EWarminster, England 61 12N 2 13wWamambool, Australia 38 243 142 33EWarora, Central Provs. 20 12N 78 48EWarrego, Dist., Australia 27 OS 145 OEWarrego Ea., Australia 24 453 146 OEWarrego, R., Australia 27 03 146 OEWarrenpoiut, Ireland 54 7N 6 15WWarsaw, Russia 62 ION 21 5EWarthe, R,, Prussia 62 35N 16 OEWarwick, Australia 28 83 162 lOEWarwick, England 62 17N 1 36-W"

Warwick, Co., England 62 23N 1 32TWash, The, B., England 53 ON 20EWashington, United States 38 50N 77 15wWashington L, Paoiflo Oc. 5 On 160 lOWWashington, Mt., U.S. 44 ION 71 12WWashington, St., United States 47 ON 120 OwWasulu, Dist.. Fr. W. Africa 10 20N 8 owWatohet, England 61 llN 3 19WWater Crag, Mt., England 51 26N 2 OwWaterbury, United State? 41 34N 72 69WWaterford, Ireland 52 16N 7 lOwWaterford, Co., Ireland 62 ION 7 32WWaterford Hr., Ireland 62 ION 6 57 vy

Waterloo, Belgium 60 44N 4 23EWatford, England 51 4lN 23WWatling I., Bahamas 24 ION 74 62WWatten, L., Scotland 68 28N 3 30WWaube, R., Nigeria 13 ON 12 20eWaupfa, R., Colombia 53N 70 OwWaveney, R., England 62 22N 1 9EWaygat, I., Russia 70 ON 60 OEWaziri, N.W. Frontier Prov. 32 30N 70 OEWeald, The, England 61 ION 30wWear, R., England 64 60N 1 30wV/eardale, England 54 46N 2 OwWeaver Hill, England 63 2N 1 68wWeaver, R., England 53 ON 2 36wWebi, R., Italian Somaliland 1 45N 44 15KWeda, Dutch B. Indies (inset) 14N 127 44EWeda B., Dutch B. Indies 25N 127 49EWednesbury, England 62 35N 2 2WWeenen, Natal 28 68s 30 OEWei-hai-wei, China 37 SON 120 20EWei-ho, R. (Sheo-si), Ohina 34 36N lOS OEWei-ho, R. (Ho-nan), Ohina 33 SON 120 OEWeimar, Germany 60 59N 11 20EWeisenstein, Mt., Switzerland 47 13N 7 30EWeisskirchen, Hungary 44 62N 21 25EWeld, New Zealand 43 3GS 169 35EWeld Spring, Australia 26 103 121 40EWelland Can., United States 43 ON 79 12WWell.ind, R., England 82 40N 27WWelle, E., Congo State 3 55N 25 30BWellesley Is., Australia 16 453 139 25EWclleslev, Straits Settlements 6 On 100 50EWellington, Australia 32 42s 149 5BWellington, England 52 47N 2 34WWellington, New Zealand 41 20s 174 40EWells (Norfolk), England 52 68N 51


W«lls (Somerset), England 51 12N 2 38WWelshpool, Wales 62 40N 3 9W

Wendover, England 51 48N 44"^Wenen, L., Sweden 59 On 13 20EWenlook Edge, England 52 30N 2 45wWensan, Oorea 39 ION 127 38EWensleydale, England 64 18N 2 9WWensnm, R., England 62 48n 56BWentworth, Australia 34 OS 142 6eWepener, Orange River Colony 29 52s 26 47EWerra, R., Germany 61 20N 10 OBWesel, Prussia 51 6lN 6 38BWeser, R., Germany 52 39N 9 2EWeshm, Dist., Arabia 25 SON 45 OEWesley Vale, Ger. S.W. Africa 23 253 18 42EWessel I., Australia 11 lOs 136 30EWest Australia, Div., Australia 25 OS 124 OEWest Bromwich, England 52 S2N 1 59wWest Oalder, Scotland 55 62N 3 36wWest C, New Zealand 45 54s 166 SOBWest Fd., Norway 68 ON 15 OEWest Point, United States 41 27N 74 OWWest Ham, England 51 SONWest Hartlepool, England 54 40N 1 12WWest Biding, England 54 ON 1 40wWest Virginia, St., U.S. 38 SON 80 OWWestbury, England 61 15N 2 12WWester VVald, Mts., Prussia 50 35N 8 OEWestern Port, Hr., Australia 38 263 145 16EWestland, Australia 23 60s 143 42EWestmeath, Co., Ireland 53 Sun 7 SOWWestmorland, Co., England 54 24N 2 36wWeston-super-Mare, England 51 21N 2 59TyWestphalia, Prov., Prussia 51 40N 8 OEWestport, Ireland 53 48N 9 SlwWestport, New Zealand 4] 623 171 54EWestray, F., Scotland 69 14N 3 OwWe^tray, I., Scotland 59 17N 2 56wWetter, I., Dutch B. Indies 7 55s 12G SOBWetter, L., Sweden 68 25N 14 30kWetzlar, Prussia 50 28N 8 23EWe.tford, Ireland 62 18N 6 28WWexford, Co., Ireland 62 25N 6 35wWexford Hr., Ireland 62 19N 6 22WWey, E., England 61 20N 32WWeymouth, England 50 S6N 2 SOWWhalsey, I., Shetland Is., 60 20N 57wWhangarei, New Zealand 35 40s 17i 22EWharfe, R., England 63 68N 1 S5WWheeling, United States 40 3N 80 38wWhernside, Mt., England 54 14N 2 22WWhitby, Biigland 54 29N 36wWhitchurch (Hants), England 61 ISN

121WWhitchurch (Shropshire) 52 58N 2 44WWhite B., Newfoundland 50 ION 56 lOwWhite Horse Vale, England 51 38N 1 S6WWhite L., Russia 60 3n 37 40EWhite Mls., United Slates 44 SON 72 Siiw

White Nile, R., Egyptian Sudan 12 30.\ 33 OEWhite R.. United States 36 15N 92 SOWWhite Russia, Div., Russia 64 ION 30 OEWhite S., Eussia 65 SON 37 30BWhiteadder, E., Scotland 55 50N 2 27wWhitehaven, England 54 33N 3 S5wWhithorn, Scotland 54 45N 4 25WWhitney, Mt., United States 36 50N 118 OwWhitstable, England 51 2lN 1 2EWhittle, C, Canada (inset) 60 12N 60 4WWhittlesey, England 52 34N 6^Whydah, Fr. W. Africa 6 17n 2 SEWichita, United States 37 SON 97 7WWick, Scotland 68 27N 3 TwWickham, Australia 19 353 147 24EWicklow, Ireland 52 68N 6 2wWicklow Co., Ireland 63 2N 6 20wWicklow Hd., Ireland 52 57N 6 OWWicklow, Mts. of, Ireland 63 ON 6 SOWWleliozka, Austria 49 58N 20 4EWiener Neustadt, Austria 47 50N 16 12EWiesbaden, Prussia 50 2N 8 lOKWlgan, England 63 32N 2 45WWight, Isle of, England 60 40N 1 20iyWigton, England 64 49N 3 9WWigtown, Scotland 64 62N 4 27^Wigtown B., Scotland 54 60N 4 20wWigtown, Co., Scotland 64 6SN 4 48WWilcaunia, Australia 31 303 143 27EWildhom, Mt., Switzerland 46 20N 7 SOEWilhelmshaven, Prussia 53 SIN 8 9EWilkes Land, Antarctica 68 OS 130 OEWilliam, Mt., Australia 33 23 116 OBWilliamsport, United States 41 20N 77 CwWiUowmore, Oape Colony 33 13s 23 SOEWilmington (Cal.), United States 33 48E 118 7wWilmington (Del.), United States 39 47N 75 37yTWilson, Mt., Australia 20 243 128 6BWilson Promontory, Australia 39 83 146 16EWilton, England 51 6N 1 52-wWilton Beacon, England 64 SN 45yv

Wiltshire, Co., England 61 20N 2 Oiv

Wily, R., England 51 8N 2 OTTWimmera, Dist., Australia 35 403 142 OEWimmera, R., Australia 36 403 142 OEWinburg, Orange River Colony 28 2SS 27 17EWinchelsea, England 50 57N 45EWinchester, England 51 4N 1 18wWindau, Eussia 57 25N 21 15EWindermere, L., England 64 22N 2 5»wWindhoek, Ger. S.W. Africa 22 20s 17 OEWindruah. R., England 61 49N 1 SlwWindsor, England 61 28N 37wWindsor (Nova Scotia), Canada 45 ON 64 OwWindsor (Ontario), Canada 42 I9N 82 53WWindward Is., W. Indies 14 ON 62 OwWindward Pass, Str., W. Indies 20 OS 73 30wWinnipeg, Canada 50 ON 97 5W

Winnipeg, L., Canada 62 SON 98 OWWinnipegosis, L, Canada 62 SON 100 OTWinsford, England 63 12N 2 34yy

Wlnterthor, Switzerland 47 30N B 43EWinton, Australia 22 173 143 SEWinton, New Zealand 46 78 168 27BWirral, Dist., England 53 20N 3 5WWisbech, England 52 41N 9BWisconsin, R., United States 45 ON 90 OwWisconsin, St., United States 44 60N 90 OWWishaw, Scotland 55 47N 3 55wWismar, Germany 63 54N II 28EWisp Hill, Scotland 66 15N 2 64WWitham, R., England 63 5N lOWWitney, England 61 49N 1 SlwWittenberge, Prussia 62 59N 11 44EWitu, Br. B. Africa 2 103 40 35EWitwaters Rand, Transvaal 26 73 27 30BWobum, England 61 59N 37^Wogvre, R., France 49 20N 6 35EWokingham, England 61 24N 61wWollongong, Australia 34 26s 150 56BWollin, Prussia 63 60N 14 SOEWolverhampton, England 52 34N 2 6WWoodbridge, England 62 6N 1 20EWoodroffe, Mt., Australia 26 16s 129 27BWood's L., Australia 18 OS 133 20EWoods, L. of the, Canada 49 SON 94 40WWoodstock, England 61 62N 1 22wWooler, England 55 32N 2 IWWoodville, New Zealand 40 19s 176 55BWoolwich, England 61 29N 4EWorcester, Cape Colony 33 403 19 27EWorcester, England 62 llN 2 13WWorcester, United States 43 13N 71 48"WWorcester, Co., England 52 20N 2 16WWorksop, England 53 18N 1 TWWorkington, England 63 37N 3 3SWWorms Hd., Wales 51 S6N 4 19wWorodngn, Dist., Fr. W. Africa 8 ON 7 4017Worth, Germany 48 56N 7 47EWorthing, England 60 49N 22WWoso, Fr. Congo 1 46N 16 42EWrangell I., Arctic Go. 72 ON 180 OEWrangel, Mt., Alaska 62 20N 144 SOWWrath, a, Scotland 58 37N 5 OWWrekin, Mt., England 52 4lN 2 34WWrexham, Wales 63 2N 3 OwWu, R., Ohina 27 SON 107 SOEWuchang, Ohina 30 33N 114 SOEWu-cbow, China 23 4UN 110 54BWu-hn, Ohina 31 ION 118 20EWukari, Nigeria 7 65N 9 40EWu-ling, R., China 23 60N 107 SOEWulur. L., Kashmir 34 18N 74 24EWuntbo, Burma 23 54N 95 42EWurno, Nigeria 13 14N 5 36EWtirtemburg, King, Ger. Emp. 48 40N 9 SOEWurzburg, Bavaria 49 48N 10 IBWushisbi, Nigeria 10 SN 6 49BWusung, Ohina (inset) 31 22n' 121 27BWycombe. England 51 39N 46wWye, R., England 53 12N 1 4117Wymoudham, England 52 S5N 1 7EWyndham, Australia 15 18s 127 SOEWyoming, St., United States 43 On 108 OwWyre, E., England 63 62N 2 4817

XINGU, R., Brazil 7 03 63 SOW

TABLONOI Mts., Siberia 63 ON 117 OETablunka P., Austria 49 30N 18 45EYafa, Palestine S3 3N 34 46ETakoba, Nigeria 10 15N 'J 48EYaku, I., Japan 30 18N ISO SOEYakutsk, Siberia 62 7N 129 OETale, Canada 49 43N 1 21 25WYalu, E., Oorea 41 ON 126 29ETaman Tan, Mt., Eussia S4 SON 59 OETamba, Australia 29 323 153 20ETamboli, Bulgaria 42 ::6N 26 32EYamdok-Tso, Tibet 29 On 90 SOETamethin, Burma 20 24N 96 12EYanaou, Madras 16 42N 82 12EYanbo, Turkey in Asia 24 3N 38 20BTangKihau, China 32 SON 119 IOeYang-tse-kiang, R., China 31 45N 122 OETaniua, Turkey 39 41N 20 49EYankton, United States 43 6N 97 4WYantra, R., Bulgaria 43 25N 25 42EYapura, R., Brazil 1 SOS 66 SOWTaie, R., England 52 37N 1 16EYarkand, Chinese Tnrkestan 38 15N 77 OEYarkhand, E., Ohina 36 30N 76 SOEYarmouth, Canada 43 4lN 66 OEYarmouth, England 62 36N 1 43EYarmuk, E., Palestine 32 40n 35 3CEYaroslavl, Eussia 67 SON 39 67EYarra E., Australia 37 38S 145 16BYasin, Chitral 36 18N 73 18EYass, Australia 34 463 148 68EYaunde, Camerons 4 IN 12 7ETavary, E., Brazil 6 03 72 SOWYebnah, Palestine 31 53N 34 44EYedo, Japan (inset) 35 S6N 139 49EYedo B., Japan (inset) 35 25N 139 50EYeisk, Eussia 46 40N 38 7EYekaterinbuig, Eussia 56 50N 60 lOBYekaterinudar, Eussia 45 5N 38 SOEYekaterinoslal, Russia 48 28N 34 56BYeletz, Russia 52 37N 38 20EYelisavetgrad, Russia 48 40N 32 20EYell, I.. Shetland Is., Scotland 60 36N 1 6wYell Sd., Shetland Is., Scotland 60 35H 1 I2wYellow Sea, China 35 OK 123 OB

Tellowstone L, tJnIted States 44 25K110 23W

Yellowstone K, United States 46 36H 107 OwYemen, Dist., Turkey in Asia 16 ON 44 OBYendi, Gold Coast 9 33N 27wYenisei, R., Siberia 68 SON 84 OBYeniseisk, Siberia 68 SIN 91 OEYeo, R., England 61 ON 2 37wYeovil, England 60 67N 2 38WYes Tor, Ml., England 60 40N 4 OWYeshil Irmak, R., Turkey in Asia 41 18N

36 16BYen, Do d', I., France 46 42N 2 I8WTezd, Persia 31 61N 64 16EYezo, I, Japan 43 ON 143 OEYguasu, R., Brazil 26 60s 63 OWYo-ohau, Ohina 29 16N 113 20EYokohama, Japan (inset) 36 SUN 139 SUE

Yokosuka, Japan (inset) 36 14N 139 42E

Yola, Nigeria 9 16N 12 26EYoma Mts., Burma 17 SON 96 OETonne, Dept, France 47 60N S 46BYonne, R.. France 47 46N 3 30BYork, Canada 66 49N 92 30wYork, England 64 ON 1 4WYork, C, Australia II 23 143 SOBYork Moors, England 64 20N 1 OWYork Pen., Australia 36 08 137 lOBYork Wolds, England 64 ION 34WYorkshire, Co, England 64 6N 1 OWYoruba, Diet., Lagos 7 40N 4 IOEYoughal, Ireland 61 67N 7 62WYoungstown, United States 41 12N 80 33WYperen, Belgium 60 63N 2 64EYssel, E, Netheriands 62 29N 6 OEYstradyfodwg, Wales 61 41N 3 SOWYthan, E., Scotland 67 26N 2 18wYucatan Bank, Mexico 22 SON 90 OWYucatan, St., Mexico 19 30N 89 OwTucaton, Str., Mexico 22 ON 86 OWYuen, R., Ohina 26 25N 108 SOEYuen-kiang, China 24 ON 101 S5BTugor Str., Eussia 69 60N 61 OETukon, Dist., Canada 66 ON 135 OwTulion, R., Alaska 66 ON 160 OwYuma, United States 32 43N 114 40wYumrukohul, Bulgaria 43 ON 25 2;iE

Yung-Chang, Ohina 25 18N 99 35ETung-ning, Ohina 28 6N 100 44ETun-ling, Mts., Ohina 31 ON 102 SOEYun-nan, Ohina 26 ON 102 38EYnr Yeff, Eussia 68 25N 26 48ETnrlnagua^, Peru 6 10s 76 5WYuruari, E., Venezuela 7 SON 62 20WYutta, Palestine 31 27N 36 6ETverdun, Switzerland 46 47N 6 39E

ZAANDAM, Netherlands 52 27N 4 46EZab, E., Turkey in Asia 36 67N 43 48EZab, Little, E., Turkey in Asia 35 60N 44 OBZabara, Oman 26 4N 61 8EZacatecas, Mexico 23 ON 102 20wZacynthos, I., Greece 37 45N 20 50BZagazig, Egypt SO 34N 81 31


Zahleh, Palestine 33 6lN 35 54EZak E., Cape Colony 31 28s 21 40EZambesi, E., B. Africa 15 303 31 50EZamboanga, Philippine Is. 6 5Gn 121 68EZambor, Hungary 45 47N 19 3 EZamora, Spain 41 SlN 5 SlwZancara, R., Spain 39 35N 2 35wZante, Greece 37 49N 20 64EZanzibar, I., E. Africa 6 83 39 28EZara, Austria 44 9N 15 15EZared, R., Palestine 30 66N 35 45BZarafshan, R., Bokhara 40 On 66 OEZaragoza, Spain 41 38N 61WZaria, Nigeria 10 55N 7 16EZealand, I., Denmark 55 SON 11 40EZebu, I., Philippine Is. 10 20N 123 SOEZeeland, Prov., Netherlands 51 36N S 60EZeerust, Transvaal 25 383 26 59EZeila, Br. Somaliland 11 16N 43 17BZengg, Hungary 45 ON 14 64BZerka, Palestine 32 6N 36 7BZermatt, Switzerland 46 SN 7 44BZeyst, Netherlands 52 5N 5 14EZezere, B., Portugal 40 ON 7 64WZhob, R., Br. Baluchistan 31 On 68 SOEZihl, E., Switzeriand 47 6N 7 16EZiklag, Palestine 31 2N 34 45BZimbabye, Rhodesia 20 203 31 16EZimme, Slam 18 55N 99 5EZinder, Fr. W. Africa 13 45N 9 6EZiria, Mt., Greece 38 On 22 33EZirknitz, Austria 45 47N 14 21


Zirreh, Swamp, Baluchistan 29 47N 61 52EZnaim, Austria 48 SIN 16 4EZoar, Palestine 31 48N 35 40BZofingen, Switzerland 47 17N 7 67EZomba, Br. Central Africa 15 123 35 23EZoutpans Berge, Mts., Transvaal 23 OS 30 Oj:

Zueirah, Palestine 31 ION 35 21EZug, Switzerland 47 ION 8 SOBZug, L. of, Switzerland 47 eN 8 28EZuider Zee, Sea, Netherlands 62 S5N 5 SOEZula, Eritrea 16 22N 39 35EZulfeh, .Arabia 26 27N 45 16EZululand, Dist., Natal 28 303 31 30EZumbo, Port. B. Africa 16 303 30 22EZurich, Switzerland 47 22N 8 33EZilrich, L. of, Switzerland 47 15K 8 45EZutfen, Netherlands 62 7N 6 12EZwickau, Saxony 50 43N 12 29EZwoUe, Netberlandl 62 30N 6 6E


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