ACTIV - Adapted Captioning through Interactive Video: Cycles of Design Research Contents

Educational design research – Part B: Illustrative cases Evmenova, A., & Bannan, B. (2013.). ACTIV - adapted captioning through interactive video: Cycles of sesign research. In T. Plomp, & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research – Part B: Illustrative cases (pp. 253-276). Enschede, the Netherlands: SLO. SLO • Netherlands institute for curriculum development Chapter Chapter 13 Anya Evmenova & Brenda Bannan ACTIV - Adapted Captioning through Interactive Video: Cycles of Design Research

Transcript of ACTIV - Adapted Captioning through Interactive Video: Cycles of Design Research Contents

SLO • Netherlands institute for curriculum development

Educational design research – Part B: Illustrative cases

Evmenova, A., & Bannan, B. (2013.). ACTIV - adapted captioning through interactive video: Cycles of sesign research. In T. Plomp, & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research – Part B: Illustrative cases (pp. 253-276). Enschede, the Netherlands: SLO.

SLO • Netherlands institute for curriculum development


Chapter 13

Anya Evmenova & Brenda Bannan

ACTIV - Adapted Captioning through Interactive Video: Cycles of Design Research


2013 SLO (Netherlands institute for curriculum development), Enschede All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other means, provided the source is mentioned.


13. ACTIV - Adapted captioning through interactive video: Cycles of design research

Abstract 255 1. The case of ACTIV 1.0 255 2. Educational problem 255 3. Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF) 256 Key sources 270 References 270


13. ACTIV - Adapted captioning through interactive video: Cycles of design research Anya Evmenova & Brenda Bannan Abstract This chapter describes design research and development cycles of an innovative technology tool for individuals with special needs. Following the Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF), an Adapted Captioning through Interactive Video (ACTIV 1.0) software innovation has been conceptualized, designed, refined, and tested. ACTIV 1.0 can be used to enhance existing academic content-based video clips with numerous adaptations supporting various needs of students with disabilities. The findings of multiple research studies and their implications for the development of the intervention are summarized across ILDF phases: Initial Exploration, Enactment, and Local Impact. Plans for testing in the final phase of Broader Impact of the tool are also discussed. 1. The case of ACTIV 1.0 Driven by legal mandates in the U.S. to access general curriculum and goals to improve educational outcomes for children with various abilities and needs, we have developed Adapted Captioning through Interactive Video (ACTIV 1.0) innovative software through multiple iterative cycles of design research. ACTIV 1.0 allows teachers to upload an existing video clip in any subject area and adapt it with a variety of modifications in order to make it more understandable and accessible for students with disabilities, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The prominent features of ACTIV 1.0 involve automatically generating a time-stamped transcript; editing the transcript; adding regular, highlighted text, and picture-symbol captions; adding visual cues; creating multiple-choice quizzes; and tagging each question to the segment in the video containing the correct answer for easy reviewing. 2. Educational problem Two major laws in the United States on educational provisions, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB, 2001) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA, 2004), mandate full access and active participation of students with disabilities in the general education curriculum. Schools are held accountable for academic performance of all students, including those with disabilities, which is measured by the adequate yearly progress (AYP) in reading, math, science, and social science (Browder, Wakeman, Spooner, Ahlgrim-Delzell, & Algozzine, 2006; NCLB, 2001). Even those students who cannot participate in the standardized evaluation procedures due to their disabilities and are pursuing an alternate assessment option must target academic curriculum. They are assessed on the modified, yet still challenging, goals appropriate for their abilities and needs carefully aligned with local and statewide standards in all subject areas on age appropriate levels. Thus, the focus of education for students with disabilities has shifted from functional to academic performance (Cushing, Clark, Carter, & Kennedy, 2005; McLaughlin & Thurlow, 2003). With requirements for challenging curriculum and high expectations, very little research has been conducted on facilitating these requirements. Unfortunately, evidence exists that students,


especially those with more severe disabilities, continue to be educated outside the general education curriculum in the United States (Agran, Cavin, Wehmeyer, & Palmer, 2006). It points out that educators may require assistance in designing instructional activities appropriate for students’ special needs to foster their access to the academic instruction (Browder et al., 2007). There is a continuous need for evidence-based interventions that support general curriculum instruction providing appropriate modifications for students with disabilities (Evmenova & Behrmann, 2011). Indeed, while some solutions exist, a majority of current technology products for content-based instruction appears to be either too complex or age inappropriate, especially for older students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (Heiman, 2011; Wehmeyer, Smith, & Davies, 2005). That may cause a problem, given that students are expected to be engaged in the same grade-level academic activities as their peers, utilizing materials typically used in general education (Wehmeyer, 2006). Video instruction From the early development of television and video technology, educators have been fascinated with the opportunities provided to students with various abilities and needs (Guldager, 1972). Today, the world of video-based instruction has become more multifaceted and interactive. Consistent with Paivio’s (1986) dual channeling theory, video-enhanced instruction utilizes both visual and auditory cues resulting in improved learning outcomes. Some learners succeed in processing visual information while others benefit more from sound or text. The value of video media as a rich source of information allowing students to easily create mental models, thus improving comprehension, has been identified by many researchers (Kroeger, Schultz, & Newsom, 2007). The capacity of video features to focus students’ attention on relevant stimuli, repetitiveness, controllability, learning without heavily relying on text, and intrinsic motivation provided by video-based instruction were determined to positively affect the acquisition and maintenance of various skills by students with and without disabilities. Video media has found its application in teaching students with more severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders and mental retardation. However, with this group of students, videos have been primarily used for teaching functional, behavioral, and social skills (Ayres & Langone, 2005; Bellini, et al., 2007; Shukla-Mehta, Miller, & Callahan, 2010). While demonstrating the potential to benefit students with intellectual disabilities, these studies emphasize the lack of research on the integration of video interventions into content-based education. 3. Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF) Design research aims to progress the development, testing, and implementation of innovative educational practices or technologies. The goals of design research are to generate and validate innovative solutions through the iterative process of identifying problems with practitioners; developing prototype solutions; testing the solutions in appropriate contexts, and refining design principles based on data (Reeves, 2005; Anderson and Shattuck, 2012). The design of the innovative instructional technology tool, Adapted Captions through Interactive Video (ACTIV1.0) program, followed the Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF; Bannan-Ritland, 2003, 2009) through the intertwined cycles of development, research, refinement, and usability testing of content-based video instruction enhanced with adapted and interactive features. The ILDF includes the (a) Initial Exploration, when the needs of the intended users are identified through the review of literature and/or problem identification; (b) Enactment of the initial design of the intervention prototype supported by feedback from potential users; (c) Local Impact, the first evaluation phase where the impact of the intervention is tested in a small-scale study(s), and (d) Broader Impact phase, when the adoption of the


intervention by broader audiences is examined. Bannan (2009) provides a full description of the multi-study, multi-method programmatic approach of design research as distinct from a single study (see Bannan chapter in volume A). ILDF phases aim to explore/conceptualize, conduct empirical testing, and systematically incorporate findings into the development of innovative enhanced video technologies for introducing academic content to all students. The ILDF has been applied to other contexts related to children with learning disabilities related to the complexity of the cognitive, motivational and emotional factors prevalent in their learning process (Bannan, 2012). In applying the process to the ACTIV1.0 design research case, a logically ordered, but dynamic iterative framework was based on a series of qualitative and quantitative primary and secondary research studies conducted to utilize the evidence emerged from the data to further guide the design and refinement of ACTIV 1.0. This is an on-going project as we continue to explore the broader impact of the ACTIV 1.0 tool for a larger population. Informed exploration phase The informed exploration phase focuses on identification and description of the problem (Bannan, 2009; 2012). In our case a meta-analysis, a descriptive case study, and a review of literature were conducted and analyzed to generate general theoretical perspectives about how students with intellectual and developmental disabilities may be able to learn complex academic content as well as identify design directions corresponding with the theoretical perspectives. Thus, the informed exploration studies provided us with a data-driven rational and description of potential technology solution. Meta-analysis As part of the informed exploration, it was important for us to investigate the effectiveness of the video instruction in general as well as the video medium specifically for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. So we conducted a meta-analysis of existing literature to answer the following research questions: (1) Is video instruction an effective intervention? and (2) What features of video instruction benefit students with various abilities and needs? (Evmenova & Mastropieri, 2008.) This secondary research study quantitatively synthesized the literature on efficacy of video instruction presented in various formats as an intervention tool for teaching academic, functional, and behavioral skills to school-aged children with and without disabilities in school settings. The main focus of the review was on the areas on instructional content where video was utilized as well as on the different video forms and interactive features commonly used for different students. Video instruction efficacy studies were located by searching the major electronic databases: PsycINFO, Social Sciences Citation Index, Educational Resources Informational Center (ERIC & EDRS), and Digital Dissertation Abstracts. The search was carried out based on the following descriptors: anchored instruction, video instruction, videotape instruction, interactive video, computer-based video instruction, video modeling and video self-modeling. Furthermore, a search of selected studies’ references as well as tables of contents in relevant journals was conducted to locate additional studies. The studies were included if they met the following criteria: (a) examined video as an intervention; (b) referred to any type of video instruction; (c) included K-12 students with and without disabilities; (d) were dated between 1991 and 2007; and (e) were published in peer-reviewed journals. The studies were excluded if they focused on video instruction for preschoolers, undergraduate/graduate students, teachers, adults; videoconferencing, video games, distance education, higher education, nursing, medicine, sport; position papers; studies with missing data and/or inappropriate visual representations of data that would interfere with meta-analysis coding.


A coding system along with the coding conventions was developed to identify and analyze the effectiveness of video instruction and its factors in each study. Adapted from a coding sheet created by McNeil and Nelson (1991) for their meta-analysis of interactive video instruction, the present coding system included variables in the following areas: Introduction; Sample Characteristics, Intervention Characteristics and Study Outcomes. The effectiveness of a treatment group over a control group in standard deviation units (Glass, McGraw, & Smith, 1981) was calculated using the formula ES = (XE post – XE pre) – (XC post – XC pre) ÷ (SDE post + SDE

pre + SDC post+ SDC pre)/4. The effectiveness of video instruction from single-subject research studies was calculated using the percentage of non-overlapping data (PND) score defined as the proportion of treatment data not-overlapping with baseline data (Scruggs, Mastropieri, & Casto, 1987). PND is a commonly used technique to evaluate the effect size of the intervention in single-subject research studies. A larger PND stands for the higher effectiveness of an intervention. Each study could have several effect sizes or several PNDs based on the number of conditions and dependent measures. The primary researcher coded the majority of articles. However, throughout the study a random sample (about 15% of all studies included in this meta-analysis) was given to an independent person to make sure she coded them the same way as the researcher. Interrater reliability of coding was 95%. Seventy-five (N=75) studies were located following the rigorous search procedures described above and integrated through a meta-analysis technique. All included studies were published between 1991 and 2007 in 37 different general, special education and technology related journals. Effect sizes for 37 experimental studies and PNDs for 38 single-subject studies were calculated (Evmenova & Mastropieri, 2008). Overall effect size in group studies (M=.69; SD=90) yielded the conclusion that video instruction could be relatively effective when working with students with and without disabilities. Percent of non-overlapping data from single subject studies demonstrated that video instruction also moderately effective for teaching students with disabilities (M=70%; SD=28%). In fact, video instruction was found to be more effective for students with moderate disabilities rather than students with mild disabilities or students without disabilities. An additional interesting finding indicated that videos with higher interactivity resulted in better acquisition and retention of the skill (videos with medium interactivity when students interact with the video content but do not receive any feedback as well as videos with high interactivity when video content changes based on the students' input). One of the major findings for the development of ACTIV 1.0 was the fact that while students without disabilities or those with mild learning disabilities primarily watch videos as part of the academic instruction, students with intellectual and developmental disabilities utilize video instruction primarily for learning functional skills and social behaviors. Currently, these findings still hold true. The most recent video research with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities is focused on integration of video in preparing individuals of different ages for more independent and successful lives. Different formats of video instruction have been used for teaching appropriate: • social behaviors (e.g., Cihak, Fahrenkrog, Ayres, & Smith, 2010); • receptive and expressive language (e.g., Mechling & Hunnicutt, 2011); • imaginative pretend play (e.g., Nikopoulos & Nikopoulou-Smymi, 2008); • recreational activities (e.g., Hammond, Whatley, Ayres, & Gast, 2010); • daily living skills (e.g., Van Laarhoven, Zurita, Johnson, Grider, & Grider, 2010) including

- transportation (e.g., Mechling & O'Brien, 2010),


- grocery shopping (e.g., Hansen & Morgan, 2008), - cooking skills (e.g., Ayres & Cihak, 2010), and

• employment tasks (e.g., Mechling, 2008). Indeed, only a few studies utilized video-based instruction for teaching students with intellectual and developmental disabilities such skills as sight word recognition (e.g., Lee & Vail, 2005), reading fluency, comprehension (e.g., Hitchcock, Prater, & Dowrick, 2004), and spelling (e.g., Kagohara, et al., 2012). However, most of the aforementioned studies focused on preschool and elementary level students with mild intellectual disabilities. So the question remained why video instruction being relatively effective was not geared more towards teaching academic skills to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Qualitative study In order to fill the gap in research about the best environments for video integration with students with disabilities, we conducted a small descriptive case study to answer such research questions as: (1) How stakeholders, teachers, integrate video clips into academic content lesson plans?; (2) How they design and create supplementary activities adapted to the needs of students with intellectual disabilities? and (3) What past experiences and current perceptions do teachers have about using video with this population? Thus, the overarching purpose of the study was to explore teachers’ experiences and perceptions as well as the process of integrating video in content-based academic instruction for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Semi-structured topical interviews were conducted with four teachers, who were selected through convenience sampling based on the criteria: (a) teachers of students with intellectual disabilities; (b) must use video regularly for the instruction in academic/content areas and (c) must use video regularly (at least once a month, preferably more frequently). The invitation was sent out to members of three listservs. However, only four teachers agreed to participate. Several plausible explanations for the low number of responses included: teachers not having had the time for a 60-minute interview- or not choosing to respond for reasons such as spring break vacation. However, it is also possible to presume that there were no additional teachers who used video for teaching academics to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities even in such a large pool of educators. So, the data for this study was generated from interviews with four special education teachers, who teach students with intellectual disabilities and use video on a regular basis in the content areas instruction. In addition, researcher’s memos and teachers' lesson plans throughout the data collection and analysis were incorporated into the process. The data were analyzed using the open and axial coding of the constant comparative method (Merriam, 1998). The particular incidents were compared within and across transcripts, lesson plans, and researcher's memos. Thus, the trustworthiness of the study was increased through triangulation of data. Through the study we learned how video could be incorporated into instruction in multiple ways. We found that teachers showed it in all the areas: literacy, math, science, and social studies. The overarching use of the video was to introduce the academic topic or to “launch instruction.” Every teacher stressed out the necessity to stop video at times to review the content. This finding is corroborated by the research on video use with students with high-incidence disabilities (Serafino & Cicchelli, 2003). The major difference is the length of the segment before discussion.


While students with less severe learning disabilities can attend to longer video clips, teachers in this study preferred to see shorter clips. Furthermore, we learned that teachers supplemented video clips with paper-based and hands-on activities. Those took place either during or right after the video clip. “I might make a little worksheet. Make it something interesting. Word search or fill out, crossword; something easy that they can handle.” In addition, teachers used several picture-based software programs such as Boardmaker and Writing with Symbols to supplement video content. Both the video chunking and the use of picture symbols were later incorporated into the ACTIV 1.0 tool. Three major themes emerged from the data supported by the participants' direct quotes: (1) "video is not a panacea; it's just an alternative avenue" to provide access to content information; (2) "video is an enhancement to instruction, not replacement"; and (3) "video for students with disabilities must be short, purposeful, understandable, as well as age and developmentally appropriate". Indeed, a criterion for choosing videos was “so they would be able to understand it.” It appeared to be critical to find materials that would not talk “about things beyond their vocabulary.” With this population it is important to ensure that “film has a purpose.” However, “it is hard to find a video that holds their attention that is also age appropriate for a child in a high school aged body.” These findings were supported by the meta-analysis results on video instruction for various students described earlier. Thus, the qualitative study allowed to locate the problems associated with introducing content to students with disabilities via videos. It became imperative that existing academic videos must be adapted to be successfully used by students. Theoretical framework The search for the possible adaptations to improve students' comprehension of complex academic videos brought us back to the literature. Several suggestions for video adaptations were considered. Closed captions One of the most commonly used strategies for improving comprehension and retention of video content is closed captioning (or subtitling). Despite the fact that closed captioning was originally designed to provide access to audio and video materials for people who are deaf and/or hard of hearing, it has found alternative applications in introducing and reinforcing reading skills to young children, adults, English language learners, and students with learning disabilities (Bowe & Kaufman, 2001; Nugent, 2001). Captions add invaluable support for viewing and understanding of video. Despite the argument of distractibility, closed captioning was also determined to be an effective and, in most cases, unobtrusive strategy for teaching reading to students at risk or with learning disabilities (e.g., Meyer & Lee, 1995). The initial attempt to determine the impact of embedded textual prompts resembling captioning into video recordings for children with autism resulted in relative improvements (Reagon, Higbee, & Endicott, 2007). Indeed, print and television obviously complement each other creating multi-sensory environments for motivational learning through auditory, visual, and written cues (Linebarger, 2004). Dynamic highlighting The benefit of redundancy in the presentation of content via visual (e.g., captioning) and auditory (e.g., soundtrack) stimuli may be enhanced more when combined with synchronized highlighting of the captions along with the narration.


Thus, each word is highlighted as it is being spoken out. When compared to typical closed captioning options, it was anticipated that the highlighted text captions might have the potential to better attract students’ attention and increase comprehension, especially of those students who could read (Hecker et al., 2002). Picture symbols An additional example of an adaptation shown to be effective with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities is incorporating picture symbols as a visual enhancement. Some students with intellectual disabilities may experience difficulties reading even simplified text, so captions should be further adapted to include picture symbols associated with each word. Picture symbols have been successfully used for providing access to printed materials to those individuals with severe reading difficulties (Detheridge & Detheridge, 2002; Slater, 2002). Interventions including picture symbols allowed children with disabilities to easily generalize their improved performance into new environments and demonstrated long-term retention of newly acquired skills (Preis, 2006). In fact, participants with lower reading comprehension levels appeared to benefit more from picture symbols than stronger readers (Jones, Long, & Finlay; 2007). Therefore, picture-based captions might support students with disabilities understanding of the video content, anchoring their factual and inferential comprehension of the video content in easy to understand line drawings (Walker, Munro, & Richards, 1998). In addition, they might anchor their comprehension and aid in the retention of the video content. Interactive videos Interactive elements transform passive video viewing by facilitating and empowering students’ active engagement in the learning process (Lee & Vail, 2005). Active engagement includes an additional dimension of action to icons and words already existing in the video format. This provides three forms (actions, icons, and words) of representation for the same material essential for successful computer learning resulting in increased value of the video (Bruner, 1966; Presno, 1997). While there are only few studies that have integrated interactive videos with students who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, these interactive features were found to be effective. Students demonstrated an improved performance using videos in purchasing and job acquisition skills, paying bills, selecting photographs of the appropriate job steps, and moving through the store, which required individuals to interact with onscreen elements embedded into video-based computer programs (e.g., Ayres et al., 2006; Mechling & Ortega-Hurndon, 2007). Moreover, enhanced videos, designed to incorporate interactive elements, appear to contribute even more to increases in students’ achievement. In fact, the meta-analysis described above suggests that students’ performance improves as the levels of interactivity and physical engagement within the video-based program increase. Based on the existing literature, it was possible to hypothesize that students with intellectual and developmental disabilities might be able to participate and benefit from interactive features such as searching content-based videos for information. Overall, the development of ACTIV 1.0 integrated a number of theories. Thus, strategies that have demonstrated to be effective for students with disabilities, including video format, closed captioning, dynamic highlighting, and interactive computer-based features, were incorporated into the content and standards-based academic instruction provided through ACTIV 1.0 tool.


Enactment phase Enactment phase allows the initial design of the educational intervention in response to a particular education need or problem (Bannan, 2009; 2012). All knowledge acquired in the previous phase was incorporated into the development of the initial prototype of video adaptations as well as the ACTIV 1.0 tool. Original experimental study Guided by the results of the informed exploration phase, as well as by the review of existing literature, the effectiveness of various types of captioning (highlighted text and picture/word-based captions); alternative narration; and prompted interactive video searching on the factual and inferential comprehension of non-fiction academic videos was examined. A single-subject/case multiple baseline study was conducted with 11 postsecondary students with intellectual disabilities to answer the research question: Will students with intellectual disabilities increase their comprehension of video content enhanced with various adapted and interactive features? This investigation focused on better access and successful participation of learners with disabilities in the general education curriculum (Evmenova, 2008; Evmenova et al., 2011; Evmenova & Behrmann, in press). The 11 participants from the postsecondary program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities at a major mid-Atlantic university included 5 male and 6 female students (age 19-25; IQ 40-70). Participants were chosen based on the criteria: (a) enrolled in the postsecondary program for individuals with intellectual disabilities in 2007-2008; and (b) agreed to participate by providing the personal informed assent/consent. Furthermore, participants’ prerequisite skills included: attention to a task for at least 15 minutes; ability to orally respond to a question; visual ability to view video images; auditory ability to hear questions and follow verbal directions; and motor ability to select hyperlinks in the program using a standard mouse. The potential promise of the adapted and interactive videos for increasing student achievement outcomes in content areas was examined through repeated measurements of single-subject/case research designs. A single-subject/case is one of the experimental research methods common for the field of special education. While it usually includes small samples (N>1), the experimental control is achieved through repeated measurements of each participants' behavior in different conditions (see Kratichwill et al., 2010 for more information about single-subject/case experimental research methods). In multiple baseline design, after 3-5 sessions in the baseline condition, the researcher introduces the first randomly assigned participant to an intervention, leaving the rest of the participants in the baseline. After the next few sessions, the researcher introduces the second randomly assigned participant to an intervention. The process continues, so that each subsequent participant is introduced to the treatment in a staggered fashion. Thus, the improvements in comprehension were expected only when students were introduced to adapted and interactive videos, while remaining at baseline level prior to introduction to intervention. Data were collected across 41 observation sessions. Participants were asked to watch the video (either regular or adapted) and answer 3 factual and 3 inferential questions about the video content. Videos were aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) and presented content on current issues (e.g., president elections, hurricanes, global warming, obesity, texting while driving, etc.). Adapted videos included highlighted text and picture symbol verbatim captions, alternative narration, and interactive searching of video for answers.


Interobserver agreement and fidelity of treatment data were collected during 33% of sessions and were 89.5% and 100% respectively. Answers to comprehension questions were graphed on a line graph in both baseline and treatment conditions. A special statistical analysis of the single-subject data (with small number of participants), a randomization test, was conducted to identify the statistical significance of findings. The randomization test is based on the null hypothesis that there would be identical responses across repeated measurements if the baseline and treatment conditions were presented in a different order at different times. The actual mean difference between baseline and treatment conditions is determined and compared to the mean differences of thousands of data permutations across phases. The proportion of permutations larger than the actual mean difference determines the probability or statistical significance of the intervention (Dugard, File, & Todman, 2012; Edgington & Onghena, 2007). In addition, social validity interviews were conducted with the students. The visual analysis of single-subject/case data across participants allowed to conclude that (a) all 11 students significantly improved their factual comprehension of non-fiction video content after viewing adapted videos and 8 out of 11 students demonstrated a modest increase in their inferential comprehension; (b) both factual and inferential comprehension across all 11 participants significantly improved further after students had an opportunity to search the video for answers and adjust their original responses; (c) the majority of participants performed equally well regardless of the type of captions (e.g., highlighted text captions or picture symbol based); and (d) students enjoyed watching and interacting with adapted videos and found them very helpful. The results of this study are presented in detail elsewhere (Evmenova, 2008; Evmenova et al., 2011; Evmenova & Behrmann, in press). One of the most important practical findings was that despite promising results, it would be too time consuming and labor intensive for teachers to adapt existing videos with various modifications. Thus, an easy-to-use video enhancement program, such as ACTIV 1.0, is needed to support the effective and efficient use of the adapted and interactive videos. Expert panel review The ACTIV1.0 storyboard has been conceptualized based on what was learned through previous studies. After the prototype of the instructional technology had been developed with the support of the external funding (USDOE Steppingstones of Technology grant funding (CFDA 84.327A), an expert panel review was implemented (Evmenova & Graff, 2012). The main purpose of the expert panel review was to answer the following research questions: (a) Are the components of ACTIV 1.0 software appropriate and beneficial for teaching students with disabilities?; and (b) Is ACTIV 1.0 interface user friendly allowing to easily adapt existing video clips? This was a qualitative, observational interface testing study. The initial version of the ACTIV1.0 prototype was reviewed by the panel of six experts, including technology specialists, school-based special educators, experts in the area of content-based instruction and instructional design. Qualitative data were collected via observations while using ACTIV1.0; expert checklists; and interviews to compile the list of possible revisions for the video tool. Experts were asked to (a) select and upload a video; (b) enable automatic transcript creation; (c) view the video with highlighted text and picture symbol-based captions; (d) check transcript for accuracy and make necessary changes; (e) explore transcript's automatically created time stamps; (f) create key word captions; (g) develop their own transcript by deleting and changing words; (h) add a visual cue; (i) create a multiple-choice quiz embedded in the video; (j) tag appropriate video segments to each quiz question; and (k) take a quiz and preview the video


segments. Participants were asked to consider the overall ACTIV 1.0 program quality including (a) usefulness of the product to students with disabilities; (b) accessibility (508 compliance) of the tool for users with disabilities; (c) overall ease of use and user friendliness. The observations focused on the ability of experts to complete the task independently; time it took to complete the task; number of hits to do the task; number of errors before completing the task; number of times experts referred to the manual or asked for help. Interviews explored overall perceptions of the panel in terms of ACTIV 1.0 usability and interface. Overall, all participants saw a great potential in using ACTIV 1.0 tool to adapt videos for students with disabilities. The observational, questionnaire, and interview data from the expert panel review of ACTIV1.0 were analyzed to compile the list of recommendations and to steer further development of the technology innovation. The list of revisions and adaptations was divided into (a) functional changes and (b) interface changes. Thus, an example of the functional change would be to incorporate the data collection feature on mouse clicks generated by the program or to continue working on the text-to-speech feature aiming for synchronization between text-to-speech and video. Some of the interface changes included rearranging the interface to include large bold headings or show fewer words per captioning line in a larger font. Overall, the multiple data sources from enactment phase were integrated to finalize the conceptual design of the prototype. Iterative revisions to the ACTIV1.0 were implemented as a result of feedback received from those studies. Local impact phase Local Impact phase guides the initial testing and formative evaluation of the technology prototype to further understand the ways to support academic instruction for students with disabilities (Bannan, 2009; Bannan 2012). A number of small scale experimental studies were conducted in this phase. Local impact experimental studies Local impact of the technology innovation was determined through the usability testing of adapted videos created with the ACTIV1.0 tool for middle and high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Small scale testing was conducted using single-subject/case research methodology with embedded randomization. Overall, three multiple baseline and alternative treatments studies were implemented in one science and two social studies classrooms to answer the overarching research question: Will students with intellectual disabilities increase their comprehension of science and social studies content after watching adapted and interactive videos? (Evmenova & Graff, 2011). The usability testing of videos created with the ACTIV1.0 tool was conducted with four middle school students (age 13-14) in science; four middle school students (age 13-14) in social studies; and four high school students (age 16-20) in the transition classroom. Participants were purposefully selected from self-contained classrooms for students with intellectual disabilities to include those who (a) used video for academic instruction on a regular basis; (b) regularly used picture symbols; and (c) received regular instruction in language arts, science, and/or social studies. Participants had to have similar prerequisite skills as in the original experimental study described above, which included the ability to see, hear videos as well as manipulate the standard mouse. The usability testing focused on comparing regular and adapted videos in science, social studies, and transition across baseline and treatment phases across 15-18 sessions.


In addition, possible outcomes of various adapted and interactive video features were determined: highlighted verbatim vs. key word captions; picture-symbol verbatim vs. key word captions; searching the video for answers. Videos topics included Civil War for middle school science; Snakes and Lizards for middle school social studies; and Transportation for the high school transition classroom. Participants' performance on the comprehension test was collected with the data collection feature built into the ACTIV 1.0 prototype. Students' correct responses to six comprehension questions were graphed for the visual analysis of data. Interviews with teachers and students were used to consider social validity of ACTIV 1.0 and any additional revisions of adapted videos. Interobserver agreement and fidelity of treatment data were collected during 25% of all sessions and were 98% and 100% respectively. All participants displayed improvements in comprehension after reviewing captioned video segments. On average students improved from M=1.6 (SD=.4) to M=4.9 (SD=.7) in middle school science; from M=1.8 (SD=.8) to M=4.9 (SD=.7) in middle school social studies; and from M=1.7 (SD=.4) to M=3.9 (SD=.7) in high school transition. In addition, there was no visible difference between verbatim and key word captions. Additional findings were based on the students' interviews conducted at the end of the study as well as the direct observations of the participants. All students enjoyed learning science, social studies, and transition through interacting with adapted videos. However, due to the fact that the video narration level was not adjusted like in the original experimental study, captions were presented at the rate and the level of the original narration that was relatively high. Students noted the difficulty of the vocabulary saying that, "Some words were really hard to understand." Observation notes revealed that the participants might not have had an opportunity to look at the captioning window due to high narration rate. Therefore, further development of ACTIV 1.0 is possible to allow adapting video narration vocabulary level and the rate to match students' abilities and needs. Plans for investigating broader impact Up to date, the results of this design research project included the use of the ILDF to guide the development, refinement, and testing of the innovative instructional technology, ACTIV 1.0. Through Informed Exploration, Enactment, and Local Impact phases that incorporated intertwined qualitative and quantitative studies, the final ACTIV1.0 prototype was developed. ACTIV 1.0 allows teachers to: • Upload any existing video (Figure 1). • Automatically create a transcript (using speech-to-text mechanisms) with time stamps

added to each word (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Uploading any existing video, automatically creating a transcript with time stamps added to each word in the existing ACTIV prototype • Add verbatim closed captions with each word automatically highlighted as it is being

spoken aloud (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Adding verbatim closed captions with each word automatically highlighted as it is being spoken aloud in the existing ACTIV prototype • Automatically add picture symbols from Symbolstix to each word in captions (Figure 3).


Figure 3: Automatically adding picture symbols from Symbolstix to each word in the captions in the existing ACTIV prototype • Edit text in the transcript to improve accuracy and to create key word captions (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Editing text in the transcript to improve accuracy and/or to create key word captions in the existing ACTIV prototype • Add visual cues to the video to focus user’s attention on important stimuli (Figure 5).


Figure 5: Adding a visual cue to the video screen to focus user’s attention on important stimuli in the existing ACTIV prototype • Create multiple-choice or true/false comprehension quizzes (Figure 6). • Tag each question to the segment in the video, so that the user can review/watch that

segment which contains the correct answer to the question (Figures 6 and 7).

Figure 6: Creating multiple-choice or true/false comprehension quizzes and tagging each question to the segment in the video containing the correct answer in the existing ACTIV prototype


Figure 7: Allowing users to review/watch the segment in the video containing the correct answer to the corresponding comprehension question in the existing ACTIV prototype • Collects mouse-click data on the interactions with the program.

All previous research allows better understanding of the variables and contexts preparing for additional testing with larger groups of students. We hope to explore the Broader Impact through large-scale quasi-experimental or randomized trials research studies not limited to students with intellectual disabilities in the nearest future. Summary Overall, ACTIV1.0 offers great practical significance providing additional, technology-based support to provide accessible academic content to students with and without disabilities. In addition, the use of content-based videos enhanced with adapted and interactive features contributes to theory and knowledge in the field of effective teaching, technology solutions and media strategies. Finally, this project demonstrates the scientific significance and implementation of design research. Overall, the following steps constituted this design research study. First, the informed exploration of this technology-based intervention was conducted through: (1.1) a meta-analysis of the existing literature on the overall effectiveness of video format as an educational intervention as well as the effectiveness of various video features for students with different abilities and needs; (1.2) a qualitative exploratory study to understand teachers’ experiences and perceptions of integrating video in content-based academic instruction for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and (1.3) a review of existing literature to identify possible adaptations to improve students comprehension of complex academic videos. The enactment phases included (2.1) a single-subject multiple baseline study with 11 postsecondary students with intellectual disabilities to investigate whether adapted and interactive videos could increase students’ comprehension of video content; and (2.2) a qualitative, observational usability testing study conducted with the experts to identify the necessary changes to the program interface. In turn, local impact of the technology intervention was determined through (3.1) a single subject study with 4 middle


school students with intellectual disabilities in science; (3.2) a single subject study with 4 middle school students with intellectual disabilities in social studies; and (3.3) a single subject study with 4 high school students with intellectual disabilities in social studies. Thus, utilizing different research methods, ACTIV1.0 innovative tool was developed through the iterative, data-driven design process resulting in new knowledge about teaching and learning. Thus, easily created adapted videos may enhance and reinforce high-quality content-based general education instruction for all students. Key sources Evmenova, A.S. (2008). Lights! Camera! Captions! The effects of picture and/or word captioning adaptations, alternative narration, and interactive features on video comprehension by students with intellectual disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69(06), AAT 3313846. Evmenova, A.S., & Behrmann, M.M. (2011). Research-based strategies for teaching content to students with intellectual disabilities: Adapted videos. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 46, 315-326. Evmenova, A.S., & Behrmann, M.M. (in press). Academic instruction for students with intellectual disabilities through interactive videos. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Evmenova, A.S., Behrmann, M.M., Mastropieri, M.A., Baker, P., & Graff, H.J. (2011). The effects of video adaptations on comprehension of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 26(2), 39-54. References Agran, M., Cavin, M., Wehmeyer, M., & Palmer, S. (2006). Participation of students with moderate to severe disabilities in the general curriculum: The effects of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 31, 230-241. Anderson, T. & Shattuck, J. (2012). Design-based research: A decade of progress in education research. Education Researcher 41, 16-25. Ayres, K.M., & Langone, J. (2002). Acquisition and generalization of purchasing skills using a video enhanced computer-based instructional program. Journal of Special Education Technology, 17(4), 15-28. Ayres, K.M., & Langone, J. (2005). Intervention and instruction with video for students with autism: A review of literature. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 40, 183-196. Ayres, K.M., Langone, J., Boone, R.T., & Norman, A. (2006). Computer-based instruction for purchasing skills. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 41, 253-263. Ayres, K.M., & Cihak, D. (2010). Computer- and video-based instruction of food-preparation skills: Acquisition, generalization, and maintenance. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 48, 195-208. doi: 10.1352/1944-7558-48.3.195.


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Dr. Anya Evmenova is an assistinat professor in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University in Northern Virginia, USA. She teaches master and doctoral courses in research methods, assistive technology and special education. She is an active contributor to the field of special education and assistive technology research and development regularly publishing and presenting at national and international conferences. She has an experience in instructional design and development of educational projects, as she supported the GMU Immersion Team through the development of TTAC Online Phase 6/Special Education Assessment project. Dr. Evmenova obtained her Ph.D. from George Mason University with specialization in Assistive/Instructional Technology and Special Education in May 2008. Her dissertation was one of the cycles of a four-year design research project aimed to develop a software program to create adapted and interactive video clips for students with disabilities. Dr. Evmenova’s research intersts include the use of assistive and instructional tools for improving

access to general education curriculum for students with various abilities and needs, Universal Design for Learning, online teaching and learning, as well as advances in the field of single-subject/case research methods. Current projects focus on adapting educational videos, research on accessible instructional materials and statistical analysis of single-subject/case data.

Email: [email protected]

Brenda Bannan (1964) is an Associate Professor in Instructional Design and Technology Program in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, in the U.S. Dr. Bannan’s research interests involve the articulation of methods related to design research in the learning technologies field. Dr. Bannan has authored numerous articles and book chapters in the areas of design research, design process, mobile learning, and augmented reality in several areas including educational technology, special education, language learning, and geoscience. Her work links design process, research and development of innovative learning technology systems and solutions.

Email: [email protected]