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INTRODUCTION Packaging is a type of source to build the brand. The meaning of packaging is using something that can cover, protect, deliver, and display the finished goods and services. Packaging is separated into two levels which are primary packaging and secondary packaging. Primary packaging is a packaging that has immediate contact with the product. Secondary packaging refers to various pre-packaged products that are packed together. There are different types of packaging such as crates, pallets, blister, clamshell, bagging and sealing. Crates and pallets is an important part for shipping process. It can ensure that the goods are well protected until the goods have been delivered safely to the purchaser. Packaging design is a set of influence from the business environment. Blister and clamshell packaging is used for smaller industrial and consumer products that require high level of protection and security. Blister and clamshell packaging also include a summary card for the product function. Bagging and sealing packaging is designed for the industries and commercial used. Bagging and sealing packaging means using plastic bags that can be transformed into a variety of construction designs such as zippers, pouches, gussets, and wickets. A good packaging consists of six elements which are coherence, uniqueness, relevance, distinctiveness, market appeal, and protectiveness. Coherence is that the packaging is the communication of a brand. Uniqueness refers to the packaging can be made into a product shape, material and

Transcript of 10657090 799912003380098 157149173 n (1)


Packaging is a type of source to build the brand. The

meaning of packaging is using something that can cover,

protect, deliver, and display the finished goods and services.

Packaging is separated into two levels which are primary

packaging and secondary packaging. Primary packaging is a

packaging that has immediate contact with the product.

Secondary packaging refers to various pre-packaged products

that are packed together. There are different types of

packaging such as crates, pallets, blister, clamshell, bagging

and sealing. Crates and pallets is an important part for

shipping process. It can ensure that the goods are well

protected until the goods have been delivered safely to the

purchaser. Packaging design is a set of influence from the

business environment. Blister and clamshell packaging is used

for smaller industrial and consumer products that require high

level of protection and security. Blister and clamshell

packaging also include a summary card for the product

function. Bagging and sealing packaging is designed for the

industries and commercial used. Bagging and sealing packaging

means using plastic bags that can be transformed into a

variety of construction designs such as zippers, pouches,

gussets, and wickets.

A good packaging consists of six elements which are

coherence, uniqueness, relevance, distinctiveness, market

appeal, and protectiveness. Coherence is that the packaging is

the communication of a brand. Uniqueness refers to the

packaging can be made into a product shape, material and

designs are different from other brand’s packaging. The

meaning of relevance is whether the product fulfil the

customer needs, the product package signal the attraction of

the brand. Distinctiveness is a packaging that makes a brand

easy to recognize. 68-80 percent of purchase decisions are

made by facing the product on shelf. Market appeal will

distinguish the products with other product. Lastly,

protectiveness is that the packaging have to ensure products

are safely wrapped before sale.

A management decision on marketing strategy is based on

the main influence from the new technology, material

development, environment issues, consumer preferences, and

marketing aspects. A good packaging can make a product more

valuable and attractive to the customers who purchase it. The

intensive competition in the market will cause the firm to

design and develop an innovative packaging in order to

increase the competitive advantage and remain the

competitiveness to survive in long term. According to Rettie

and Brewer, packaging design can increase the product

differentiation that offer between the company products with

their major competitors (Rundh, 2013). In addition, a good

package design can improve the company brand image and boost

their sales.

Besides, value packaging can communicate the brand value

and class in order to help a company to build a premium

positioning in the market. Furthermore, a new packaging design

can also help a company to provide the product information to

target customers and interested customers.

On the other hand, one of the packaging functions is to

present the marketing and legal requirement. Moreover,

packaging can also provide the content and ingredient about

the product.

2.0 Literature review

2.1 Packaging act as a marketing tool to increase brand


According to the (George, 2005), packaging design has

become a very important factor for marketing the products in

consumers market in the range of spirit, perfume grocery

products and so on. The packaging can consider as a part of

the product because the packaging can provide information

about the benefit and the function of the product. For some of

the products, the shape, size and colour of the package also

plays an important element in the product design and

marketplace (Wansink, Raghubir and Greenleaf, 2006). The

effect of colour packaging is the most obvious and well-

studied (Imram, 1999). Moreover, texture and graphic are also

a variable that can be revising and subsidize to an effective

package. According to (Schoormans anf Robben, 1997), the price

and the information together with user guideline are necessary

functions of packaging. When the packaging is functioning as a

marketing tool, the particular product brand awareness in the

competitive market will improve too.

2.2 Achieving competitive advantage to increase the brand


According to (Aaker and McLoughlin, 2007), competitive

advantage can be achieved in any function of a firm’s

activities. In order to achieve competitive advantages,

several factors must contribute to design differentiation of

their product packaging. They also need to analyse and develop

packaging as an innovative marketing tool. The product package

is the first thing that contact with the presumptive consumer.

In a store, a well-designed package can be beneficial for

sales personnel to promote the product. The meaning of

competitive advantage is meeting the customer need in a

superior way than competitor (Day and West et al, 2011).

The approach for a company to increase the brand

awareness can be better by applying user convenient, product

special characteristic and superior design. On the other hand,

packaging can also be an important source to create

competitive advantage over competitor. It also include an

integrated marketing strategy to increase the brand awareness

in the market.

2.3 As a communication tool to increase brand awareness toward

usage of product

According to the previous research from (Brewer and

Underwood and Rettie, 2003), packaging also can be used as a

communication tool and build brand awareness for the company.

In addition, product packaging plays an important role to

communicate the brand message directly to the target audience

(al, 1998). Based on one recent survey on food labelling,

more than 90 percent of customer agreed that the nutritional

information panel should be placed out in the same way for

all the food product so that the customer can easily

understand the product uses (Mitchell and Papavassiliou,

1999). From another research

(Silayoi and Speece , 2004), reports that the packaging design

can be used as communication for the product in order to

increase the competitiveness in the market. The product

packaging can help the product to look more attractive; it can

act as the communication tool to promote the product. (Brewer

and Underwood and Rettie, 2003).

In the competitive market, the product packaging has to

work harder than the product to attract the customer attention

(Milton, 1991). Furthermore, packaging can also influence the

customer advance experience of a product through their usage

of the package for other persistence. From the various factors

as mentioned above, it can increase the use of packaging for

marketing purpose. According to (Brewer and Underwood and

Rettie, 2003), more than 50 to 70 percent of the purchase

decision are made in a store, so that the package design plays

an important role to attract the customer and increase the

curiosity of the content in the package from the customer.

According to (Richmond, 2004), consumers do not differentiate

between the products, the package and the equity, most of the

consumers will combine those component as a product part;

while the corporation divided the package, the product and the

equity into separate part. The package is the product delivery

system, and the package comes of great use in selling the

product. So that the product packaging plays an important role

to increase the brand awareness in the market when the product

packaging provides the completed information to the customer.

2.4 Positioning in the market to increase brand awareness

According to (Maggard, 1976), brand positioning is the

origin of product packaging. In year 1976, Maggard stated that

the product physical and the image are very important for the

company. Therefore, the company has to design their product as

well as their product packaging to achieve a brand positioning

in the customer mind.

On the marketing side, packaging can also be considered

as a part of products. For example, given from the (Evan and

Berman, 1992), product packaging is a type of product

property. Another example given by (Olson and Jacoby , 1972),

it cited that packaging is an extrinsic element of the product

and the packaging is direct related to the product but it is

not a physical product itself. Packaging represents as a part

of buying process. However, it is not directly related to the

ingredients for the product function (Underwood, 2003).

From the manager perspective, the design of the packaging

such as their graphic and structural design can help to

position the product that the company want to occupy in the

market (Gimeno, 2000).

From the customer point of view, packaging also plays an

important role when the products are purchased by customer.

Packaging is the first factor customers observe before they

make the final decision to purchase. So, the packaging design

must attract the customer attention and lead to purchase

(Giovannetti, 1995).

According to (Zeithaml, 1988), customers are more likely

to use extrinsic cue when they have no experience on that

particular product. From extrinsic cue, packaging can provide

open information for product evaluation purpose when consumers

are unfamiliar with intrinsic information of the product. So,

if consumers want to shop for an unfamiliar product, they will

judge the product by the package rather than the product

attribute (Zeithaml, 1988). According to other researcher

(Richarson, 1994), extrinsic value is very important when the

customer is not familiar with the product intrinsic attribute.

In addition, product picture facilitated learning more than

verbal cues when customer has little experience on that

product (Luiz and Lutz, 1978). If the consumer has difficulty

on evaluating their intrinsic cue for less familiar brand or

product, the increased reliance on product outlook should

heighten any package effect. When the brand positioning is

strong that means the company brand awareness in the market

will be also strong.

2.5 Increment of the brand awareness toward the safety of


Protective packaging is to make sure the products reaches

their final destination unbroken and undamaged. According to

(Steward, 1995), the basic function of the packaging is to

preserve product integrity by protecting the actual product

against the potential damage from “climatic, bacteriological

and transit hazards”. Based on the research from (paper, 1997)

, the role of packaging and crucial component must contain the

product, preserve and protect the product safely. When the

products have safely delivered to customer possession, the

company brand awareness will increase proportionally because

of the good protection of customer goods.

Importance of the packaging toward brand awareness

A marketing tool to incr ease brand awareness

Marketing and packaging is a balancing function in an

organization. Packaging can be a part in the launch of new

products. The packaging technologist can play important roles

to guide the marketer in the product design, product

development, production and cost about the choosing of

packaging. The packaging technologist can also explain the

function of the packaging to the marketers to ensure them to

make a correct decision about the packaging.

A good packaging can be a marketing tool to attract the

attention from the potential customer and also influence the

customer to make purchase decision. Other than that, a good

packaging design can also help the company to build good brand

awareness. It can also determine the success or failure of the

company brand awareness. In selecting a good product, customer

will make various judgements through their senses on the

colour, materials, shape, size, graphic and convenient to form

the first impression for the product. The choice of an

aesthetically colour scheme that used to target the particular

customer is also an important stage in packaging. Besides

that, an acceptable colour in consumer view is related with

the perceptions of quality attributes, for example, flavour

and nutrition and also with satisfaction level. In the food

industry, using a clear package design can make the product

look fresh, and their brand name appearance easy to recognise.

A well packaging can be creative, functional, and also

environmental friendly. A specific colour a brand used to pack

their product can make the product become iconic. For example,

when customer saw a red tin soft-drink with a white swirl,

missing it brank mark, the customer will directly recognise it

as “Coca-Cola”. Nowadays, many brands are using their

signature colour to be easily recognized by their potential

customer. Furthermore, different product using different

colour is also very important. Some of the customer may also

see their product packaging colour to identify the product,

such as most of the customer will think that if the food

packaging is in green, it is a healthy product. For example

given below,

Natural and organic products normally are using green and

rich earth tones.

Black, gold or silver usually are design for luxury


High tech products are designed in minimalist black.

Simple and clean products are designed in white colour.

For toys, kids toy normally are packaged in bright

colour;girls toys normally are pink colour.

A graphic design on the package can represent the product

image. The meaning of the graphic is the image that used in

package. Those graphics include image layout, colour

combination, typography, and product photography. According to

(Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999), graphic also play an important

role in the low involvement product. Furthermore, the consumer

making purchase decision usually based on the marketing

communication, which include image building. However, compare

to the low involvement product, high involvement product are

more focus on the product function rather than the product

packages. Nowadays, the product package graphic design are

important. This is because most of the consumers are under

time-pressure, said by Herrington and Capella. So that, the

good package design can be easier to attract customers to make

a purchase. From the customer’s perspective, different new

packages design can be more recognizable against the


On the other hand, using the right material in packaging

can ensure the product to be safe. Nowadays, product packaging

is expected from customer to be environmentally friendly. A

number of the environment problem from the packaging waste has

increased the attention from the government, official

institutions and international companies around the world.

Many countries also introduced the new rule and legislation

about the usage of certain material for the product packaging.

Packaging waste is the most critical problem in the world.

According to the European citation Eurostat, 78.4 million

tonnes of packaging waste are produced every year. The toxic

created by the packaging waste can severely affect the human

health. Therefore, the use of maintainable, biodegradable and

recyclable materials is important. Moreover, the usage of

recycled materials can be from preserves resources, once the

cycle of usage has expired, the materials still can use to

produce energy. For example, a well-known company named

Brotaco international design their shampoo and hair

conditional into the bottle that design by biodegradable in

landfills. Another example for the food industry, nowadays,

McDonald and Starbucks are also using paper bags to replace

plastic bags in order to reduce the packaging waste. So when

the company focus on the “go green” problem, it will directly

increase the brand awareness.

Besides that, the shape of packaging has a direct impact on

the viewer’s perception. Different sizes of packages may

demand to use in different involvement level especially for

generic products. Normally, generic products are packaged in

large sizes because it can be easily communicated to consumers

who are looking for worthy deals. Thus, packaging is a crucial

function when the product quality is difficult to determine.

For generic goods, the sizes of packaging is very important.

The lengthening of the shape to make consumer think that

packaging is better value for money and also possibly affect

perceived volume.

Lastly, the convenient design can add the value in product

package design. For example, foods are offered in

microwaveable package. A shampoo or lotion can be designed in

normal shape or convenient to hang on the shower handle.

Nowadays, the special pump dispensers are designed in liquid

soap rather than traditional bar soap. Convenience should also

be taken into consideration at the ease of disposability of

the package. The use of technology became advanced in

convenient packaging. According to the research done by

(Kotler 2000), consumers are willing to pay more money for

convenience, appearance, dependability and prestige of better


Some successful products are using contest or discount

information in their packaging. Using this strategy, the

product can be easier to promote to target customer. Other

than that, some of the company also design the QR code into

their product packaging, so that, their potential customer can

use their smartphones to enter an interactive world. Normally,

those companies will also use the QR code to promote their

product and try to persuade the customer to buy it.

To achieve competitive advantage to increase the brand


Packaging becomes an important source to create a

competitive advantage over their competitor. When the company

achieve the competitive advantages, the company will directly

increase their brand awareness in the competitive market. When

a package product looks unique and different from the

competitor, it will be more attractive and more valuable from

the customer’s dollar. A product look unique can attract

consumer to make purchasing decision because consumer will

take the first option for the unique packaging product.

However, it creates a turnkey operation. Besides that, the

producer must guarantee that the element wrote in the product

package are functional. From this point, it can also increase

the competitive advantage when the company performs well on

the guarantee.

Other than that, packaging can also help to build brand

image and brand identity. Packaging can create large

opportunity to positively impact on brand’s image. Packaging

has a few types of advantages that help the company to create

the competitive advantages. The first advantage that packaging

helps to create the competitive advantage is to build brand

identity expression. For example, high quality of printing and

unique design can support the brand to engage users and

differentiate a brand in competitive market.

The second advantage that packaging helps to create

competitive advantage is that it can help the company to build

relationship with end user. When the company builds a good

relationship with customer, it will definitely increase the

sales compared to the major competitor and good awareness in

the market. In addition, if the customers have a good

experience on your product, it will also increase the loyalty

from the customer.

The third advantage that packaging helps to create the

competitive advantage is it can help company to sell their

product. A well packaged good can effortlessly allow consumer

get the information about the product. Additionally, packaging

is also the last opportunity to attract customer attention and

convince customer to purchase the product. Moreover, packaging

can differentiate a brand product with other competitor’s

brand. Due to a unique package can contain company name, logo,

colour scheme of the company, it can allow customer to easily

recognise the product between competitors. Furthermore,

packaging may also associate new product from the same

manufacturer and seller. For example, a customer walk pass

through the coffee aisle of the local grocery store, the green

and white packaging of the Starbucks coffee brand may be

easily recognizable for the consumer to grab on his way by the

coffee shelf. The customer may identify the company brand,

which drives them to buy the product. When a company redesigns

their product packaging, it may change the brand perception of

the company from the employee.

A communication tool to provide the detail about the product

in order to increase the brand awareness toward usage of


Packaging must excel in promoting their product in most

of the industry such as food industry, generic brand industry

and technology industry. A good package design can help the

company to convey their information to customer and those

information are easy to find. When the necessary information

is difficult to find, read or understand, the packages would

seem to be less attractive to the end user and may affect the

brand awareness of the particular company. According to

(O’Shaughnessy, 1995), every packaging elements are used to

communicate with the consumers, so product image is very

important. A good package can include the information into

several language that includes English, Bahasa Malaysia and

Mandarin so it can ease the customer’s understanding in

different language. This will directly increase the brand

awareness in that particular race. Another role of packaging

in communication is packaging provides the information to

customer or purchaser through the label or product package

such as expiry date, ingredients, directions, and benefits

together with the use of product that required by law should

be included to prevent confusion of the customer. Some of the

manufacturers are guilty because their explanation of the

information is not easily understood by customers. When the

instructions are easy to find and read, the customer will

appreciate too. If the package of the product do not consist

of any information related to the product, that particular

product will be hard to attract the customer to become final

purchaser. For example, the medicine package must provide the

information on the ingredients, serving per person,

nutritional benefit, date of manufacturing, date of expiry,

warning message and cautionary information. Medicine is a

dangerous product for the customers who do not understand the

medicine function and user guideline. It could cause the worse

situation like death. Hence, the information on the packaging

is very important and useful. No customer will choose the

product without any detailed information.

The product that design for children is more focus on the

product packaging safety. According to the United States

consumer product safety commission, the safety standard for

the children product packaging must be written down on the

user instruction, the user age such as from 7-14 year olds,

warning labels, written instruction manuals, or other

producer’s markings on a product.

Nowadays, consumers are able to easily recognize the

product packaging, this recognition can allow the company to

secure in the highly competitive marketplace. For example,

children are most easy to be attracted from those bright

colours, super hero product packages. Some of the younger

children may not understand the label, but they can recognize

the product packaging.

Currently, there are various products with similar

package, this might influence the consumer in making their

purchasing decision. So, the generic brands may also have

unique packaging in order to attract consumers.

Besides that, packaging also represents as an integral

part of every company brand communication to their customer.

It is because nearly all of the products and services in the

market is packaged. It shows that packaging is very important

for every product. If the product enjoys extensive

distribution through a lot of channels, at the same time the

competitor will increase. Therefore, packaging plays an

important role to sell the product. When consumers do not have

the buying experience for the product, product packaging might

be the first look in order to influence their purchase

decision. For example, hand lotion is packaged in a ladylike

coloured bottle which have the expectation of providing soft,

smooth hands. Therefore, the consumers will judge products by

their packaging. Attractive packaging will attract more

consumers to purchase the product and increase the level of

brand awareness in the competitive market.

To increase brand awareness toward the safety of product

Protective packaging must ensure that the products had

arrived at its final destination or final purchase safely

without any damaged. Although the drive may be simple,

designers hard to improve their package solutions because of

the variety of design considerations such as the materials,

processes, costs, the handling and transportation conditions

that the product may encounter. Packaging can also let

manufacturer, retailer, and wholesaler to market their product

in particular quantities. Most of the manufacturer and

retailer also prefer a good packaging, because a good

packaging can help them easy to store and ship. Packaging is

important to both buyers and sellers of the products. A

package design must be able to protect the product from damage

during shipment and ensure the condition of product is

satisfied when reach the final consumer. When the product had

safely delivered to the final customer possession, the

impression to the customer is that the company had used

maximum precautions to protect the product, when the customer

is satisfied with the company service on protection of the

product, the brand awareness will definitely increase.

However, the design of the packaging should be easy to

open and re-close. Some of the customer will also request for

the child-proof package to prevent their children to open the

package. Researches indicate that, most of the products with

hard open packaging design will receive the complaint from

customer. There are some common types of packaging which

included shipping cartons, boxes, containers and other holders

for the product. A great packaging can avoid from spoiling,

breakage and tampering. So, the product can be easier and

convenient to keep in storage.

A good packaging can protect a product from damage by

micro-organism, air, moisture and toxins. Using the package

which can protected against the product being damaged during

transport. For perishable goods like fruits and vegetables,

they need to use laminated container to protect those

products. For example, in Europe, more than 75 percent of

products are using corrugated packaging. The reason why this

corrugated packaging is so famous in Europe is because it can

ensure that product do not suffer damage, on the other hand it

can keep the food clean, fresh and safe. The product can also

be protected against high temperature, humidity, light and

gases in the air.

The condition and appearance of a product is very

important when the goods reach the customer hands. If the

package is torn, crushed or crash it will destroy the brand

confident from the customer and reduce the brand awareness.

In the food industry, the roles of food packaging are

protecting the food product to prevent damage and also

maintain the food safety. Furthermore, the selection of

packaging material and technology can also maintain the food

quality and freshness during the transport and storage.

Material that use in traditional way includes glass, metal,

paper and paperboard. Today, the food packages material are

combined with several material to make sure the safety of the

product. In the food industry, most of the customers will

focus on cleanliness, when the product packaging can protect

the food clean and safe, the customer will choose to purchase

the company product.

For fragile products, bubble wraps are frequently used.

The package cushioning can help protect the product during

shipment to prevent the transport product been dropped,

kicked, and impacted from those transport vibration from

conveyors, trucks, railroads, or aircraft. The design of the

package cushioning is usually inside a shipping container.

Positioning in the market to increase brand awareness

Product positioning is a marketing activity and process

that help the company to identify the company existing market

problem or opportunity in order to let the company to find a

solution to solve the problem based on the market data.

Product positioning may state the position of a business which

was chosen to carry out their marketing and business

objective. Product positioning also refers to consumers’

perception of a product’s features, uses, advantages and

disadvantages relative to competitor’s brands. Positioning is

a strategy that helps the company to achieve their goal such

as increase of sales and brand recognition.

In the marketing side, product positioning has many

different definitions, but the most common definition is to

help the company to identify their brand and occupy a market

niche for a brand or product. Furthermore, product positioning

can also increase the market awareness on the brand. Besides

that, one of the roles of packaging design is used to support

the product positioning. This role has improved due to the

rapid change in environment. Product packaging can help the

company to position their product in particular market

segmentation and help the company to communicate with their

target customers. For example, famous branded Hermes position

their product based on their packages, they are using unique

and simple design to position their product, to let the

customer feel their product are classic and luxurious. Another

example is from Macy's department stores, their product

packaged position them as upscale, fashionable and good value

for high-income level shoppers. Clothing boxes are more

expensive in white, glossy stock on both sides, imprinted with

the familiar, upscale Macy's logo. 

As we mention earlier, the packaging colour can be a

marketing tool to promote the product. Other than that, the

packaging colour can also position the product. For example,

Red colour is a key colour for Coca cola, Marlboro, and

Folger's Coffee. Blue colour is a key colour for Pepsi. All

products that directly or indirectly, promise stimulation,

excitement, energy, and social acceptance. 

Some of the factors that cause the environment change

rapidly. There are number of individual’s income increased due

to the economic is turning good but they have restricted time

to go shopping. The aging population, concern level of health

and also the raise of the cavity between rich and poor which

will affect the environment change quickly. Therefore, the

packaging has to be altered to match the environment change.

When the company understand the current market situation

and customer attitude toward a particular product, it can help

the company to design product packaging and position the brand

in the market. The company should put the effort and time on

developing the packaging design such as surface and graphic.

Based on the data from the research, when all the product

function in particular industry are comparable, the packaging

is the only source the final purchaser will compare.

Effect on company brand awareness if packaging does not exist

As we are aware that packaging plays a very crucial role

in the market. If package is non-existent in the market, a

product is considered as not completely done. When a product

is said to be completed without any packaging, it might be

easily damaged during shipping, storage and display. For

example, when a brand new hand-phone set without any

packaging, it could easily get damage during the shipping

period, when the phone reach to the customer possession with

damaged product, the company brand awareness will directly get

affected. Not only in technology industry, packaging is also

plays an important role in food industry. When a food without

any packaging protection, it could directly affect the quality

and freshness during the transport and storage. For example,

if Pizza hut does not have a good packaging, it will affect

the freshness of the pizza and it could affect the taste of

pizza. The customer will not satisfy with the pizza and do not

buy again. If a product without packaging, it will also reduce

the price and the value of the product. However, a product

without packaging will definitely influence the sales of the

product. When there is no packaging for a product, consumer

might not get attention on the product, thus, leading to

reduction in the product attractiveness.

Furthermore, if the products are using wrong packaging it

might influence the sales for that particular product and the

company lost competitive advantage. As we mention above,

packaging can be a marketing tool for a brand or a product to

increase the brand awareness, if a company using the wrong

colour, materials, shape, size, graphic and convenient, it may

affect the company sales. For example, when healthy product

designs in pink colour compare with other company product

packaging design in green colour, the customer will exactly

choose the green colour, because green colour represent

healthy. In the aspect of material, the use of wrong material

in packaging product may damage the product. For example, a

company using plastic to store an ice-cream cake is considered

as a bad packaging because it will affect the cake easily

melting. For the size, the products look will be affected

directly when the company’s design wrongly. For example, when

a chocolate is distributed in a small pack, it may cause the

customer to choose other brand of chocolate. This is because

the customers will think that a big pack will have more

chocolates inside the box and the customer will feel it is

more valuable. Moreover, the shape is also play an important

role in packaging. If the manufacturer does not focus on the

package shape, it may also affect their sales. For example, a

heart shape package products are more easily to sell rather

than the rectangle shape product during valentines’ day.

Lastly, in the aspect of the product convenient, most of the

customer will choose the convenient pack to make them easier

to take. If the manufacturer is choosing wrong design, it will

bring inconvenient to the customers who had made the purchase. Besides that, another main issue could happen when the

packaging does not exist is product positioning. A product

package can help a company or organization to identify their

brand and position their brand in market. Nowadays, most of

the well-known company have invested fund in their product

package as their advertising, because they know the product

package is very important for them to boost their sales. When

a well-known company uses a normal plastic bag as their

packaging, it could affect the customer perception. The

customer may not feel the boost in social status, so it may

let the customer change other brand.

Lastly, as mentioned above packaging can be a part of

product, such as their expired date, ingredient, direction,

and benefit together with the use of product. Packaging also

acts as a medium to transfer the information to the customer.

When a product packages does not clearly define those

information such as expiry date and so on, it could make the

customer loss of confidence on that particular product and use

other brands of product that have clearly define those main

information to replace them. In addition, bad packaging design

could create confusion by assigning too much of information or

mislead and mistaken information. Besides that, confusion can

also affect the customer decision toward product’s purchase

and the customer’s right to safety and information.


In conclusion, packaging is very important for the

company and the company brand to build their brand awareness.

Every company or organization has their own packaging design

regardless of how big or small the products are. Instead of

the package design, it will directly affect the company’s

awareness and sales if they are not handling effectively. In

other words, a good packaging can guide the company to achieve

success goals. A good packaging can also help the company to

build the brand position in the competitive market. In today’s

market, competition is very fierce, not only the product but

it also include the smallest detail on the product. Packaging

and design is one of the main factors that the company must

control and also need to use the company advantage to promote

the product and increase the brand awareness. Other than that,

a good packaging design can also be a good marketing tool as

well as using other marketing tool. A well packaging design

includes six main elements which are colour, materials, shape,

and size, graphic and convenient. These six elements play

important roles in packaging. If either one element is design

wrongly, it could affect the product selling rate in the

competitive market. If a company wants to attract customer’s

attention towards their packaging, these six elements should

be focused and surveyed by the company.

A great packaging also play an important role to

communicate with customer based on their detailed information

written on the packaging. A good communication towards a

packaging design can help the company to easily to convey the

information to customers and they are also able to understand

what actually the products of the companies serve in the

market. One of the important roles that packaging provided is

to protect the good and services. Packaging can help the

company to protect their product, whether the companies want

to ship or display. Lastly, we know that packaging is the main

factor in the marketing mix. Although in most of the time the

packaging design does not act as the primary drive of one

product, but it is vital to ensure that the product to

recognised and remembered by the customer.

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