שׁ ַרָי - NING

B B I I Y Y N N A A H H T T O O W W R R A A H H ( ( U U N N D D E E R R S S T T A A N N D D T T O O W W R R A A H H ) ) H H A A B B I I Y Y N N A A T T H H T T O O W W R R A A H H Y Y A A R R A A S S H H ( ( T T H H E E U U N N D D E E R R S S T T A A N N D D I I N N G G T T O O W W R R A A H H S S E E R R I I E E S S ) ) ַ רָ יhr'AT tn:ïybh; i T T H H E E U U N N D D E E R R S S T T A A N N D D I I N N G G I I N N S S T T R R U U C C T T I I O O N N S S E E R R I I E E S S חַ ל מ!mi tyrIB-ta, h;Why")) Y Y A A H H U U W W A A H H S S ' ' E E T T H H - - B B E E R R I I Y Y T T H H M M I I N N M M E E L L A A C C H H Y Y A A H H U U W W A A H H S S C C O O V V E E N N A A N N T T O O F F S S A A L L T T Y Y A A H H U U W W A A H H S S C C O O V V E E N N E E O O D D E E S S A A L L By hr<äAm Mowreh Why" !b,a EbenYahuw ' Amri Yisra’el Aka Edgar Lugo a Towrah Teaching Servant & Talmid/Disciple of Yahuwshua HaMashiyach/The Messiah & Redeemer of Yisra'el/Israel who is Yahuw Yahuwah h;Why"))) -Why" - The Mal'ak/Messenger Yahuwah h;Why")))

Transcript of שׁ ַרָי - NING






לח (("mi tyrIB-ta, h;Why! מ




By hr<äAm ‘ Mowreh Why"!b,a EbenYahuw 'Amri Yisra’el Aka

Edgar Lugo a Towrah Teaching Servant & Talmid/Disciple of

Yahuwshua HaMashiyach/The Messiah & Redeemer of

Yisra'el/Israel who is Yahuw Yahuwah h;Why")))-Why" -

The Mal'ak/Messenger Yahuwah h;Why")))

Yahuwah’s Covenant of Salt: Yahuwah’s ‘Eth-Beriyth

Min’ Melach: Yahuwah’s Conveneo De Sal:

All hr'AT Towrah/Instruction ~yxiêb'z> Zebachiym/Sacrifices

were ~[;j.m; Mat’am/Seasoned with xl;M, Melach/Salt a

preservative. “Have Salt in yourselves” is a Hebraic idiomatic

expression, saying in essence “you are the new living yliaer>f.yI Yisre’eliy/Yisraelite/Israelite ~yxiêb'z> Zebachiym/Sacrifices, and

as such must èxl'm.Ti Timlach/Season all you do in the tWkl.m;

Malkuwth/Kingdom of Yahuwah h;Why"))) "))) with

xl;M, Melach/Salt.”

The Word xl;M, Melach/Salt appears 57 Times in Scripture:

S.C. #4414-4417 (In the Tanak 43 Times & 8 Times in the

Apocrypha & In The Beriyth Chadasha 9 Times).

Bereshith/Genesis - 14:3(2Times), 14:10, 19:26, Shemoth/

Exodus – 31:35, Wa’yyiqra/Leviticus - 2:13 (3Times), 24:7,

Bamidbar/Numbers - 18:19, 34:3, 34:12, Debariym/

Deuteronomy - 3:17, 29:23 (22), Yahuwshuah/Joshua - 3:16,

12:3, 15:2, 15:5, 15:62, 18:19, Shophtiym/Judges - 9:45,

Shemu’el Beth/2Nd Samuel - 8:13, Melekiym Beth/2Nd Kings -

2:20, 2:21, 14:7, Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1St Chronicles - 18:12,

Dibre HaYamim Bet/2Nd Chronicles - 13:5, 25:11, Ezrah/Ezra –

4:14, 6:9, 7:22, ‘Iyowb/Job - 6:6, 30:4 (2Times), 39:6,

Tehilliym/Psalm - 60:1, YeshaYahuw/Isaiah – 15:6, 51:6,

YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah - 17:6, Yahuwchezeqel/Ezekiel – 16:4

(2Times), 43:24, 47:11, Zephaniah – 2:9; MattithYahuw/

Matthew - 5:13 (3Times), Yahuwchanan Mosheh/Mark - 9:49

(4Times), 9:50 (3Times), Luka/Luke - 14:34 (2Times),

QolesaYah/Colossians - 4:6, Ya’aqob/James - 3:12, 1St

Maccabees – 10:29, 11:35, Sirach – 22:15, 39:23, 39:26, 43:19,

Baruch – 6:27

2) The word Salted‘ x:le’m.h’ Homeleach/T.x;l;êm. Melachate/

xL'Þmum. Memullach/Meleach appears 4 Times

(Yahuwchezeqel/Ezekiel - 16:4, MattithYahuw/Matthew - 5:13,

Yahuwchanan Moshe/Mark - 9:49 [2 Times]).

3) The word Saltness/Saltiness/hx'le(m. Melechah/Melichuth

appears 1 Time (Yahuwchanan Moshe/Mark -9:50)


Yisraelite/Israelite !ymiÞa]M; Ma’Amiyn/Believers are xl;M, Melach/Salt (You Are The Salt Of The Earth - MattithYahuw/

Matthew - 5:13), a Tablinim/Seasoning and a Preservative for

the lae_r"f.yI #r<a,ä ‘Eretz Yisra’el/Land of Israel that is, for the

yliêaer>f.YI Yisre’eliy/Yisraelite/Israelite ~[; ‘Am/People and a

rAa ‘Owr/Light for the lbeTe Tebel/World (You Are The Light

Of The World - MattithYahuw/Matthew - 5:14, Let Your Light

So Shine – MattithYahuw/Matthew - 5:16), for the ~yI±AG Goyiym/Gentiles, as Hd"ÞM.l; Lammedah/Taught in YeshaYahuw

/Isaiah 49:6 (I Give You For A Light To The Gentiles) where

Yahuwah’s h;Why"))) Yahshuw’athi/Yeshuw’ati

(Salvation/Meaning Yahuwshuah) may be unto the hc,q' Qatzeh/End of #r<a'(h' Ha’Aretz/The Earth. So that He can

unveil their !ArW"[i ‘Iwarown/Blindness to hr'AT Towrah/

Instruction (Madness, Blindness, And Astonishment Of Heart -

Debariym/Deuteronomy - 28:28; Blindness In Part Is

Happened To Yisra’el, Until The Fullness Of The Gentiles Be

Come In - RomiYah/Romans - 11:25, The Rest Were Blinded,

The Spirit Of Slumber, Eyes That They Should Not See, And

Ears That They Should Not Hear – RomiYah/ Romans 11:7, 8

; Having The Understanding Darkened, Being Alienated From

The Life Of Yahuwah Through The Ignorance That Is In

Them, Because Of The Blindness Of Their Heart - EphsiYah/

Ephesians - 4:18; Their Minds Were Blinded, The Same Vail

Untaken Away In The Reading Of The Tanak; Which Vail Is

Done Away In Mashiyach/Messiah, Mosheh/Moses Is Read,

The Vail Is Upon Their Leb/Heart, When They Turn To

Yahuwah, The Vail Shall Be Taken Away - QorintYah Bet/2Nd

Corinthians - 3:14-16) and their Mowledeth/Lineage to bqo[]y:

Ya’aqob/Jacob for Yahuwah h;Why"))) ~Wq

Quwm/Established a ~l'îA[ xl;m,’ •tyrIB. ~l'_A[-qx'l. LeChoq-

‘Owlam Beriyth Melach ‘Owlam/To Statute Everlasting

Covenant of Salt Forever ynEåp.li Lipne/Before Yahuwah h;Why")))

~l'A[ ‘Owlam/Forever that is sure, stable and

Incorruptible (Bamidbar/Numbers - 18:19). We Must Be ~[;j.m; Mat’am/Seasoned qroïz>YIw: Wayyizroq/And Sprinkled by

Yahuwah h;Why"))) through the ~yYI÷x; rb'D' Dabar

Chayyiym/Living Word Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" oø

x:yviÞm'h; HaMashiyach/The Messiah, so that we may be both

hc'r' Ratzah/Acceptable ~yxiêb'z Sacrifices unto Him, and also

so that in our Being Knit Together We May èxl'm.Ti Timlach/

Season One Another. For the ~ydIêWMli Limmuwdiym/Taught

Ones/Learned Ones/Disciples/Talmidiym/Disciples of

Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" must be ~k'x' Chakam/

Wise, both for themselves and for others: otherwise they become

the most foolish of all for not having xl;M, Melach/Salt in

themselves. For what is Yahuwah’s h;Why"))) Will,

His Will is that you will be Consecrated made vd,qo Qadosh/Set-

Apart unto Him, Being ~[;j.m; Mat’am/Seasoned With The

Incorruptible Word Why"))) rb:åD>-ta, ‘Eth Debar Yahuw Why")))

, the Incorruptible Word is Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

That aJ'øx;t.yI Yithchatta’/Purifies You, And

Makes You rAhj' Tahowr/Pure through His hq'd'c .

Tzedaqah/Righteousness – Yahuwah h;Why")))

WnqE)d>ci ‘Tzidqenuw/Yahuwah h;Why"))) Our


It is a tr:îh\j' Tohorath/Purification through His shed ~D' Dam/Blood, for the yx; Chay/Life is in the ~D' Dam/Blood and

His ~D' Dam/Blood is rAhj' Tahowr/Pure and Has The ba' ‘Ab/Father’s xl;M, Melach/Salt in Him. And as a ba' ‘Ab/

Father Yahuwah h;Why"))) forewarns His ~[; ‘Am/

People of the horrible changes and mutations of all things in

this lbeTe Tebel/World giving up the natural for the unnatural,

and how Yahuwah h;Why"))) will hy"ëx.mi( Michyah/

Preserve His people in the midst of all these dangers that we

will have. Therefore we are ‘x:le’m.h' Homeleach/xL'Þmum. Memullach/T.x;l;êm. Melachat/Salted with the xl;M, Melach/Salt

of the %l,M, Melek/King, from His lk'yh e Heykal/Temple from

His tWkl.m; Malkuwth/Kingdom we are ‘‘x:le’m.h' Homeleach/

xL'Þmum. Memullach/T.x;l;êm. Melachat/Salted And ht'f'_[' ‘Asathah/Prepared for the vae‘Esh/Fire (BRING INTO THE

FIRE -Yahuwchanan Mosheh/Mark – 9:49-50; ZekarYahuw/

Zechariah – 13:8-9; Tehilliym/Psalms – 66:10-12; QorintYah

Aleph/1St Corinthians 3:11-17;Kepha Aleph/1St Peter – 4:12-

13; Bamidbar/Numbers – 31:23; YeshaYahuw/Isaiah – 43:2;

MattithYahuw/Matthew – 3:11b; Kepha Aleph/1St Peter – 1:7;

GilYahna/Revelation – 3:18; EphsiYah/Ephesians – 5:26;

Teitus/Titus – 3:5b-6; REFINE THEM IN THE FIRE –

Iyowb/Job – 23:10;Mishley/Proverbs – 17:3; YeshaYahuw/

Isaiah – 48:9-10; Malakiy/Malachi – 3:2-3; Ya’aqob/James –

1:12). Therefore we are bound by a xl;M, tyrIB Beriyth Miy

Melach/Covenant Of Salt As Living Sacrifices as a means of a

Sure and rAhj Tahowr/Pure tyrIB. Beriyth/Covenant that was

performed by x;yvim' Mashiyach/Messiah Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

. Now when Yahuwah h;Why")))

looked upon you when He first brought you out of ~yIr;c.mi Mitzrayim/Egypt and planted you in this land to be His ~[; ‘Am/

People He Tempered/Salted you all together to be rubbed and

Washed With xl;M, Melach/Salt and compounded as an tr,joq. Qetoreth/Incense, and as such a blend as the Perfumer might

make you ready to be Expertly Blended, qQ"ßzUm. Mezuqqaq/Refined, x:le’m.h' Homleach/Salted, rAhj' Tahowr/Pure, and vAdq' Qadowsh/Set-Apart. This is what it

means to be ‘x:le’m.h' Homleach/Memullach/Salted with xl;M, Melach/Salt in the Beriyth Miy Melach/Covenant Of Salt being

~[;j.m; Mat’am/Seasoned Perfectly through Yahuwshua

[ovWhy")))" HaMashiyach/The Messiah. Therefore,

We Must Be ~[;j.m; Mat’am/Seasoned And qroïz>YI Yizroq/

Sprinkled Acceptable ~yxiêb'z> Zebachiym/Sacrifices Unto Him

Being Knit Together We May èxl'm.Ti Timlach/Season One

Another Being ~[;j.m; Mat’am/Seasoned With The

Incorruptible rb'D' Dabar/Word That aJ'øx;t.yI Yithchatta’/

Purifies You, And Makes You rAhj' Tahowr/Pure ‘x:le’m.h' Homleach/Memullach/Salted

And ht'f'_[' ‘Asathah/Prepared As ~yYI÷x; ~yxiêb'z> Zebachiym

Chayyiym/Living Sacrifices #x;îr>YI Yirchas/Washed With xl;M, Melach/Salt, Expertly Blended, qQ"ßzUm. Mezuqqaq/Refined In

xl;m. Melach/Salt, And x:le’m.h' Homleach/Memullach/Salted,

To Be Made rAhj Tahowr/Pure, And vAdq' Qadowsh/Set-

Apart ~[;j.m; Mat’am/Seasoned Perfectly Unto Yahuwah

h;Why"))) . Now what is being knit together is the tr,D,a;

‘Addereth/hm'l.f; Salmah/Garment/Cloak/Mantle that the

Nabiy/Prophet WhY"xia] ‘AchiYah cut a renewed tr,D,a; ‘Addereth/hm'l.f; Salmah/Garment/Cloak/Mantle into 12 pieces

and it was divided into 2 Houses 2 tWkl.m; Malkuwth/Kingdoms

(Melekiym Aleph/1St Kings – 11:11-12,30-31). That tr,D,a; ‘Addereth/hm'l.f; Salmah/Garment/Cloak/Mantle is @seWhy Yahuwseph’s/Joseph’s coat of many colors, the very coat that

was dipped into the lamb’s ~D' Dam/Blood is the coat and

tr,D,a; ‘Addereth/hm'l.f; Salmah/Garment/Cloak/Mantle that is

being dx;y: Yachad/Knitted/hr"Þv.q.nI Niqsherah/Knit Together

~yrI)bex] Chaberiym/Friends (QolesaYah/Colossians - 2:2,

19;Shophtiym/Judges - 20:11; Shemu’el Aleph/1St Samuel –

18:11; Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1St Chronicles – 12:17) under

the Beriyth Miy Melach/Covenant Of Salt preparing us to be a

dx'a, ‘Echad/One/Unified people, unified in hb'äh]a; ‘Ahabah/Love and ~Alv' Shalowm/Peace as One House and

One Nation and One Kingdom One laer'f.yI Yisra’el/Israel in

Messiah Yahuwshua’s [ovWhy")))" hand. When you

rm;v' Shamar/Keep the Beriyth Miy Melach/Covenant Of Salt

you are being dx;y: Yachad/Knitted/ hr"Þv.q.nI Niqsherah/Knit

~yrI)bex] Chaberiym/Friends (QolesaYah/Colossians - 2:2,

19;Shophtiym/Judges - 20:11; Shemu’el Aleph/1St Samuel –

18:11; Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1St Chronicles – 12:17) into

@seWhy Yahuwseph’s/Joseph’s coat dipped into the Lamb’s ~D' Dam/Blood, the very hf, Seh/Lamb slain before the ydEîs.Am

Mowsde/Foundations of the lbeTe Tebel/World, Yahuwshua

[ovWhy")))" x:yviÞm'h; HaMashiyach/The Messiah who

had the body prepared for Him (Tehilliym/Psalms - 40:6) as the

only !B'r>qo Qorban/Offering that Yahuwah h;Why")))

would only accept with xl;M, Melach/Salt. Yahuwah h;Why")))

won’t accept you unless you are ‘x:le’m.h' Homleach

/Memullach/Salted with the xl;M, Melach/Salt of Yahuwshua

[ovWhy")))" .

Now this tyrIB. Beriyth/Covenant of xl;M, Melach/Salt is

applied to the %l,M Melek/Sovereign dywID' Dawiyd/David and

his descendants - that is to the x;yvim' Mashiyach/Messiah in

(Dibre HaYamim Bet/2Nd Chronicles - 13:5). The Yisraelite/

Israelite !ymiÞa]M; Ma’Amiyn/Believers in x;yvim' Mashiyach/

Messiah Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" (Ma’aseh Min’

HaShlikiym/Acts Of The Apostles - 5:14) are then the qyDIc;

‘Tzaddiyq/Righteous rt,y< Yether/Remnant ac'm' Matza’/Found

in RomiYah/Romans - 11, for whose sake Yahuwah h;Why")))

[v;YOÝ Yosha’/Preserves laer'f.yI Yisra’el/Israel and

the lbeTe Tebel/World. For if there were no Righteous xl;M, Melach/Salt !ymiÞa]M; Ma’Amiyn/Believers in the earth, the lbeTe Tebel/World would perish! But because we are the xl;M, Melach

/Salt of the earth, Yahuwah h;Why"))) scatters us

throughout the lbeTe Tebel/World to èxl'm.Ti Timlach/Season it

and hy"x.mi MichYah/Preserve it as in preservatives in our

foods, we help to hy"x.mi MichYah/Preserve people in the lbeTe Tebel/World by having ~Alv' Shalowm/Peace and hb'äh]a; 'Ahabah/Love towards everyone in whom we may encounter.

Through Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" Yahuwah h;Why")))

is using us to xl;M, Melach/Salt the earth.

Also xl;M, Melach/Salt represents a person’s bd;n" Nadab/

Willingness to do what Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" "

demands of His yd"(Muli Talmidiym/Disciples-Students/ yd"(Muli Limmuday/My Disciples {YeshaYahuw/Isaiah – 8:16} (Kepha

Aleph/1st Peter 2:3 – Taste that Yahuwah h;Why")))

is Good). But if the !ymiÞa]M; Ma’Amiyn/Believers bd;n" Nadab/

Willingness turns into hb,äato-al{ ‘ Lo’-To’beh/Unwillingness

/Not Willing, or if a Talmid/Disciple-Student Shuwb/Returns to

worldly Derakot/Ways after experiencing the ‘Emeth/Truth and

Simcha/Joy of following Yahuwah’s h;Why")))

Derek/Way, what else is left to Shalam/Restore him [Shalam -

As In a Covenant of Peace]? (Ibriym/Hebrews - 6:4-6;

GalutYah/Galatians - 6:1,2). In this Tebel/World nothing,

therefore a Ya’amiyn/Believer must Hishshamer Beware, for the

Besowrah (Good News-Glad Tidings) of Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

" should be communicated with prudence, tact,

consideration, and Chased/Kindness; as well as engaging, yet

pointedly, not insipidly – which is without distinctive, interesting

or stimulating qualities and without sufficient taste to be

pleasing as food or drink, basically not to be bland which means

a lack of xl;M, Melach/Salt: nor to be in ‘Iweleth/Foolishness –

which means a lack of Chokmah/Wisdom. Lacking in

Chokmah/Wisdom is lacking Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

in you and lack of His Chokmah/Wisdom is

lacking the xl;M, Melach/Salt of Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

and being tasteless.

The words rendered “interesting” and “engaging” mean

literally, to be “Malach/Seasoned with xl;M, Melach/Salt”,

which is the Towrah/Instruction that Malach/Seasons your

Leb/Heart and Namal/Circumcises your Leb/Heart. Be not

tedious, boring nor dull. Don’t be Malach/Seasoned with

nothing, but be Malach/Seasoned by the Ruwach HaQowdesh

Min’ ‘Emeth/The Set-Apart Spirit Of Truth. As the Melach Min’

Ha’Eretz/Salt Of The Earth do not Raphah/Fail to make full

use of every opportunity to reach ‘Am/People who

‘Anash/Desperately need the Mashiyach/Messiah in their

Chai/Life. Be not like those who seem unable to make their

conversation Chanan/Favorable and interesting and do not

Yada/Know how to respond to any particular individual,

because they unlike Shaul/Paul do not try to Biynah/Understand

‘Am/People Qatzeh/Outside their own Chuwg Circle, whose

background and experience are different, therefore it is just as

important to Biynah Understand peoples backgrounds and

experiences as Shaul/Paul did in order to bring them back into

the commonwealth of Yisra’el/Israel (EphsiYah/Ephesians

2:12; QorintYah Aleph/1st Corinthians 9:19-25;

Yahuwchanan/John 10:16, 15:5; QolesaYah/Colossians 1:21).

Another part of the Derek/Path of xl;M, Melach/Salt involves

communicating the Besowrah/Good News of Yahuwshua

[ovWhy")))" and it also involves ‘Ozen/Listening as

much as Dabber/Talking, and Pallel/Praying more than either

one. And through Siychah/Meditating on His Towrah/Instruction

Yowm/Day and Layil/Night (Tehillim/Psalm 119:97), the

Ruwach HaQowdesh Min’ ‘Emeth/The Set-Apart Spirit Of Truth

will lead you to ‘Emeth/Truth (Yahuwchanan/John 14:17;

15:26; 16:13; 17:17, 19; 18:37; TesloniqYah Bet/2nd

Thessalonians 2:13) on a Derek/Path of xl;M, Melach/Salt

Malach/Seasoned just rightly to be of Towb/Good use and fit for

the ‘Abowdah/Service in Yahuweh’s h;Why")))

Malkuwth/Kingdom (RomiYah/Romans 9:4; 12:1;

EphsiYah/Ephesians 6:7).

This is what it means to have xl;M, Melach/Salt in your selves

and Tamak/Retain its Melichuth/Saltiness). We must apply in

Chai/Life what we Lamad/Learn from the Towrah/Instruction of

xl;M, Melach/Salt and be the Beriyth ‘Am/Covenant People of

xl;M, Melach/Salt and xl;M, Melach/Salt the ‘Eretz/Earth to

Taher/Purify the ‘Eretz/Land and the ‘Am/People. Because

Yisra’el’s/Israel’s role as the xl;M, Melach/Salt and purifying

agency among all Goyim/Nations where they have been

Puwtz/Scattered throughout the Tebel/World reaching all of

Zakar/Mankind to add zest to the Chai/Life of the community

and be a source of Shalowm/Peace (EphsiYah/Ephesians 4:3 -

The Bond Of Shalowm/Covenant Of Shalowm) and as

Chayyim/Living examples of the Gebuwrah/Power-Strength and

Chen/Favor of Yahuweh h;Why"))) examples of which

others are encouraged to Radaph/Follow

(Debariym/Deuteronomy 16:20; Tehillim/Psalm

94:15;YeshaYahuw/Isaiah 51:1;Huwshua/Hoshea/Hosea 6:3).

For Yisra’el/Israel is the xl;M, Melach/Salt of the ‘Eretz/Earth!

According to Mashiyach/Messiah Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

(MattithYahuw/Matthew 5:13), and so they

Yisra’el/Israel are La ‘Asowt To Perform

(Debariym/Deuteronomy 4:13) and Hallek/Walk

(Debariym/Deuteronomy 5:33) in the Dibre Habberiyt ‘Aseret

Haddebariym/The Words Of The Covenant, The Ten Words

(Shemoth/Exodus 34:28) of which are the Derakot/Paths-Ways

of Towrah Instruction and are Hadderakot/The Ways of

Yahuweh’s h;Why"))) "))) Chokmah/Wisdom. Therefore

you shall Shamar/Keep ‘Et-Mitzwoth/The Commandments of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) ‘Eloaheyka/Your Strong Mighty

One, Laleket/To Walk Bidraqayuw/In His Ways, And To

Yir’ah/Fear/Him (Debariym/Deuteronomy 8:6; Walk In The

Way - Debariym/Deuteronomy - 5:33; Show Them The Way

They Must Walk - Shemoth/Exodus 18:20; Fear Yahuweh

And Serve Him In ‘Emeth/Truth - Shemuel Aleph/1St Samuel

12:24; They May Fear You, To Walk In Your Ways - Dibre

HaYamim Bet /2nd Chronicles 6:31; Happy Is Every One That

Fears Yahuweh, That Walks In His Ways - Tehillim/Psalm

128:1; Walking In All The Commandments And Ordinances

Of Yahuweh Blameless - Luka/Luke 1:6).

HaBeriyth Min’ Melach (The Covenant Of Salt)

Lammed/Teaches us in 10 areas that:

1) We are in Beriyth/Covenant with Yahuweh h;Why")))

(Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1St

Chronicles -16:17 ).

2) We are to ‘Aman/Believe in Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

who is the Zera Zara’/Seed Sower (A Sower

Went Forth To Sow - MattithYahuw/Matthew - 13:3, The

Parable Of The Sower - MattithYahuw/Matthew -18; The

Sower Sowed The Word – Yahuwchanan Moshe/Mark 4:14;

Provides Seed To The Sower - QorintYah Bet/2Nd Corinthians

9:10) and follow His examples and Lammed (Teachings).

3) That we are the xl;M, Melach/Salt of the ‘Eretz/Earth that He

has Yizzarea’/Sown in Ha’Eretz/The Earth for the Chag

Ha’asip/Feast Of Ingathering which is in the end of the

Shaneh/Year (Shemoth/Exodus 23:16).

4) That we all as Yisraelites/Israelites are grafted back in to the

Zayith/Olive ‘Etz/Tree of RomiYah/Romans 11 through the

Ruwach/Spirit of Eemoots/Adoption (RomiYah/Romans 8:15).

5) Must be Shama’/Obedient to Yahuweh’s h;Why")))

Towrah/Instruction as Yahuweh h;Why")))

Zoreq/Sprinkles our Lebiym/Hearts with the xl;M, Melach/Salt

of the Towrah/Instruction (YeshaYahuw/Isaiah 52:15;

/Yahuwchezeqel/Ezekiel 36:25; Shemoth/Exodus 24:8;

‘Ibriym/Hebrews 9:13,14,19; 10:22; 12:24; Kepha Aleph/1St

Peter 1:2; Teitus/Titus 3:5).

6) That we are to be xl;M, Melach/Salt of Ha’Eretz/The Earth

(MattithYahuw/Matthew 5:13) and have to have

Shalowm/Peace with one another (Yahuwchanan Moshe/Mark


7) Let our speech be with Chen/Favor, Malach/Seasoned with

xl;M, Melach/Salt, that you may Yada/Know how you ought to

answer every ‘Iysh/Man (QolesaYah/Colossians 4:6) and have

xl;M, Melach/Salt in ourselves (Yahuwchanan Moshe/Mark


8) To bear much Periy/Fruit and be Talmidiym/Disciples of

Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" in order to

Kabad/Esteem/Glorify the ‘Abba/Father Yahuweh h;Why")))

(Disciples - Yahuwchanan/John 8:31, 15:8,

13:35; Fruit - Yahuwchanan/John - 15:16, Sent -

Yahuwchanan/John - 20:21; Planted & Flourish & Fruit -

Tehillim/Psalm - 92:12-15; Glorify & Fear - Tehillim/Psalm -

22:23; Righteous & Planting & Glorified -

YeshaYahuw/Isaiah - 60:21, Trees Of Righteousness &

Planting & Glorified - YeshaYahuw/Isaiah - 61:3; Glorify -

QorintYah Aleph/1st Corinthians - 6:20, Glory - QorintYah

Aleph/1st Corinthians - 10:31; Fruits & Glory -

PhylypsiYah/Philippians 1:11; Light Shine & Glorify –

MattithYahuw/Matthew - 5:16; Praise - Kepha Aleph/1st Peter

- 4:11;).

9) To Baqash/Seek Yahuweh h;Why"))) while He still

may be Matza’/Found, Qara’/Call upon Him while He is

Qarowb/Near (YeshaYahuw/Isaiah - 55:6 &

YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah - 29:13) and to Baqash/Seek his

Malkuwth/Kingdom and His ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness

(MattithYahuw/Matthew - 6:33; Luka/Luke - 12:31). (Seek &

Heart - Debariym/Deuteronomy - 4:29; Seek & Come –

Debariym/Deuteronomy -12:5, Glory & Heart & Rejoice &

Seek – Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1st Chronicles - 16:10, Seek

Continually - Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1st Chronicles - 16:11;

Heart & Soul & Seek - Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1st Chronicles -

22:19; Keep & Seek - Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1st Chronicles -

28:8, Whole Heart & Mind – Dibre HaYamim Aleph/1st

Chronicles - 28:9; Humble & Pray & Seek – Dibre HaYamim

Bet/2nd Chronicles - 7:14; Hearts & Seek – Dibre HaYamim

Bet/2nd Chronicles - 11:16; Seek & Do - Dibre HaYamim

Bet/2nd Chronicles - 14:4; Seek & Found – Dibre HaYamim

Bet/2nd Chronicles - 15:2; Covenant & Seek & Heart & Soul -

Dibre HaYamim Bet/2nd Chronicles - 15:12; Prepared & Heart

& Seek & Do & Teach - Ezrah/Ezra 7:10; Know & Trust &

Seek - Tehillim/Psalm 9:10; Meek & Praise & Seek & Heart –

Tehillim/Psalm - 22:26; Generation Seek - Tehillim/Psalm -

24:6; Seek & Dwell – Tehillim/Psalm - 27:4; Seek & Heart –

Tehillim/Psalm - 27:8; Seek & Not Want – Tehillim/Psalm -

34:10; Seek & Rejoice & Glad & Love & Magnified -

Tehillim/Psalm - 40:16; Humble & Glad & Heart & Seek -

Tehillim/Psalm - 69:32; Seek & Rejoice & Glad & Love &

Magnified – Tehillim/Psalm - 70:3; Glory & Heart & Rejoice

& Seek – Tehillim/Psalm - 105:3; Seek Evermore –

Tehillim/Psalm - 105:4; Blessed & Keep & Testimonies & Seek

& Heart – Tehillim/Psalm - 119:2; Walk & Seek –

Tehillim/Psalm - 119:45; Love & Seek & Find -

Mishle/Proverbs 8:17; Seek & Understand All Things –

Mishle/Proverbs - 28:5; Hearken & Righteousness & Seek &

Rock – YeshaYahuw/Isaiah 51:1; Seek & Found & Call &

Near - YeshaYahuw/Isaiah - 55:6; Seek Daily & Delight &

Know & Righteousness & Draw Near – YeshaYahuw/Isaiah -

58:2; Seek & Find & Search & Heart - YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah

- 29:13; Weeping & Seek - YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah - 50:4;

Return & Seek & Fear & Goodness In The Latter Days –

Huwshua/Hoshea/ Hosea - 3:5; Acknowledge & Seek &

Affliction & Seek Early - Huwshua/Hoshea/ Hosea - 5:15;

Sow & Righteousness & Mercy & Seek & Rain Righteousness

Upon You - Huwshua/Hoshea/ Hosea - 10:12; Seek & Live -

Ahmos/Amos - 5:4; Seek & Live – Ahmos/Amos - 5:6; Seek &

Meek & Righteousness & Meekness TzephanYahuw/

Zephaniah 2:3; Pray & Seek - ZecharYahuw/Zechariah -

8:21; Seek & Pray - ZecharYahuw/Zechariah - 8:22; Seek &

Kingdom & Righteousness - MattithYahuw/Matthew - 6:33;

Seek & Find - MattithYahuw/Matthew - 7:7; Ask & Seek &

Find & Knock – Luka/Luke 11:9; Seek & Kingdom -

Luka/Luke - 12:31; Seek & Save That Which Was Lost –

Luka/Luke - 19:10; Seek & Feel & Find - Ma’aseh

Shlichiym/Acts - 17:27; Spiritual Gifts & Seek & Excel &

Edifying - QorintYah Aleph/1St Corinthians - 14:12; Seek

Those Things Which Are Above - QolesaYah/Colossians - 3:1;

Faith & Believe & Diligently Seek Him – ‘Ibriym/Hebrews -

11:6; Do Good & Seek Shalowm/Peace & Ensue It – Kepha

Aleph/1st Peter 3:11).

10) Zir’u Lakem (Sow To Yourselves) as in xl;M, Melach/Salt

being sown in the ‘Eretz/Earth according to

‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness, Qatzar/Reap according to

Chesed/Mercy, Niyr/Break Up your Niyr/Fallow Ground; for it

is ‘Eth/Time to Darash/Seek Yahuweh h;Why"))) till

He come and cause ‘Tzedeq/Righteousness to Yoreh/Rain upon

you (Huwshua/Hoshea/Hosea 10:12).

Now if you want to Motza’/Find Yahuweh h;Why")))

and His Malkuwth/Kingdom then you have to Motza’/Find His

xl;M, Melach/Salt and that xl;M, Melach/Salt is Yahuwshua

[ovWhy")))" HaMashiyach/The Messiah and without

Him you have no access to the ‘Abba/Father Yahuweh h;Why")))

(Yahuwchanan/John - 14:6; Without Him You

Cant Do Nothing - Yahuwchanan/John - 15:5; The Father

Draws us to Mashiyach/Messiah - Yahuwchanan/John - 6:44)

because He will not Laqachta/Receive you unless you come with

the xl;M, Melach/Salt of Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" "

as a Qorban Chayyim/Living Offering with the Mizbeach Min’

Lebabekem/Altar Of Your Heart, Teruwmah/Offering/Freewill

yourselves up as Qorban Nediybah/Freewill Offering along with

Tehillot/Praises and Shachah/Worship with Mas’at Kappay

Minchat-‘Areb/Lifting Up On My Hands As The Evening

Sacrifice as the Qetoreth Kewiyyah/Incense Burning on the

Mizbeach/Altar of Yahuweh h;Why"))) , during the

Minchah (Gift Offering/Tribute/Present/Oblation/Sacrifice/

Meat & Grain Offering) (Tehillim/Psalms - 141:2 Timtheous

Aleph/1st Timothy 2:8/Malaki/Malachi 1:11).

The xl;M, Melach/Salt of the Towrah/Instruction

Lammed/Teachings and the ‘Amaray/Sayings follow the

Nizhar/Warning that it is better to enter into Chai/Life maimed

than to be cosigned with all one’s limbs to the “Gei-Hinnom

Min’ ‘Esh/Valley Of Fire (Yahuwchanan Moshe/Mark 9:43-

49).There is a transition between that Nizhar/Warning and the

xl;M, Melach/Salt sayings is provided by the sentence

“Everyone will be Melachat/Salted with ‘Esh/Fire”

(Yahuwchanan Mosheh/Mark 9:49). For the ‘Esh/Fire of

Radaph/Persecution will have a Tohorah/Purifying and Tzaraph

Refining effect in the Talmidiym’s/Disciples Chayowth/Lives,

because Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) says Hinneh/Behold, I

have Tzaraph/Refined you, but not as Keseph/Silver; I have

Bachar/Chosen you in the Kuwr/Furnace of ‘Oniy/Affliction

(YeshaYahuw/Isaiah - 48:10/Debariym/Deuteronomy - 4:20).

And because Yisra’el/Israel who ‘Ahabah/Loves Yahuweh

h;Why"))) "))) will Kabad/Glorify/Honor Yahuweh h;Why")))

in the Uwr/Light/Flame/Fire (YeshaYahuw/Isaiah

- 24:15). Therefore every Yisraelite/Israelite, by enduring

Radaph/Persecution, will in fact be Taher/Cleansed thereby

becoming a more acceptable Qorbanot/Offering to Yahuweh

h;Why"))) .

Now have xl;M, Melach/Salt among yourselves is a

Towrah/Instruction expression in dealing with one another in

the body of Mashiyach/Messiah and having ‘Ahabah/Love for

one another and have the Aguwdath Hatmimiym/Bond Of

Perfection, which is ‘Ahabah/Love (QolesaYah/Colossians -

3:14/EphsiYah/Ephesians - 4:3), and be in Shalowm/Peace

with one another (EphsiYah/Ephesians 4:3 - The Bond Of

Shalowm/Peace is The Covenant Of Shalowm/Peace), and let

the xl;M, Melach/Salt preserve you from total

Mishchath/Corruption and Mehuwmah/Destruction. Therefore

we must be Malach/Seasoned and Zaraq/Sprinkled with the

Incorruptible Debar/Word Of Yahuweh’s h;Why")))

xl;M, Melach/Salt, that we may be Consecrated to Yahuweh

h;Why"))) , so that we may be acceptable

Zebachiym/Sacrifices that are being knit together

?Memulach?/Seasoning one another to be His Qadowsh/Set-

Apart Nation Yisra’el/Israel, ‘Echad/One in

Mashiyach/Messiah’s Hands (Yahuwchezeqel/Ezekiel 37).

ti�sha�chet נקי כפים Incorruptible)????

That is to/Sift you as Wheat (Luka/Luke 22:31) which is to Test

you and Purify you. And because of the Beriyth Min’

Melach/Covenant Of Salt, the xl;M, Melach/Salt Seals the deal

on your Leb Heart ( ) just as it Seals all the Offerings on

Yahuweh’s h;Why"))) "))) Mizbeach/Altar. And the xl;M, Melach/Salt which is the Towrah/Instruction gives you the full

Keliy Min’ Yahuweh h;Why"))) /Armor of Yahuweh

h;Why"))) (RomiYah/Romans 13:12, 13; QorintYah

Bet/2nd Corinthians 6:7; EphsiYah/Ephesians 6:11-18;

QolesaYah/Colossians 3:10-17; TesloniqYah Aleph/1st

Thessalonians 5:8; YeshaYahuw/Isaiah 11:5, 59:17). xl;M, Melach/Salt is a unique Mineral in that on the one hand it is

Edible, it’s Flavor imparting and indeed essential for Chai/Life,

yet on the other hand it is a disinfectant

(Yahuwchezekel/Ezekiel 16:4) and in large quantities a Poison.

In like manner Towrah/Instruction is xl;M, Melach/Salt and

very Flavorful and Chai/Life giving and helps to Preserve your

Chai/Life because Towrah/Instruction has Chokmah/Wisdom in

it. But too much Chokmah/Wisdom can puff one up (QorintYah

Aleph/1st Corinthians 4:6, 8:1, 13:4; QolesaYah/Colossians

2:18) and Corrupt the Chokmah/Wisdom they have Received

from the Towrah/Instruction, and become Saltiness and losing

the Perfect balance of the xl;M, Melach/Salt of the Towrah

Instruction as well as the xl;M, Melach/Salt of the Believer. Be

a man of action, but never stop being a man of reflection and

reflect the Mashiyach/Messiah in you (Kepha Aleph/1st Peter

2:21), Let Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" " Reign in your

Lebiym/Hearts because Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

HaMashiyach/The Messiah is the Perfect reflection of the

Chayyim/Living Towrah/Instruction, The xl;M, Melach/Salt of

the Towrah/Instruction, The Spiritual intent of the

Towrah/Instruction (QolesaYah/Colossians 1:10).

Be no longer Towrah/Instruction breakers, but xl;M, Melach/Salt makers of the Towrah/Instruction. Honor your

‘Abba/Father in the Shamayim/Heavens and let the Ruwach

HaQowdesh/Set-Apart Spirit fill you with the xl;M, Melach/Salt

of the Towrah/Instruction. Now, can something Tasteless be

eaten without xl;M, Melach/Salt? (Iyowb/Job 6:6). As a

believer you cannot have a Towb/Good ‘Eduwth/Testimony

unless you have the xl;M, Melach/Salt of the Towrah/Instruction

within you (Luka/Luke 10:9/MattithYahuw/Matthew 13:24, 31,

- Good Seed in His Field), otherwise you will be Salt-less and

Tasteless! (Mark 9:50; Luka/Luke 14:34;

QolesaYah/Colossians 4:6). HaBeriyth Min’ Melach/The

Covenant Of Salt capitalizes on xl;M, Melach/Salt’s preserving

qualities, so Preserve yourself as symbolic of a permanent

indissoluble Relationship between Yahuweh h;Why")))

and His ‘Am/People Yisra’el/Israel too

(Wayiqra/Leviticus 2:13; Bamidbar/Numbers 18:19; Dibre

HaYamim Bet/2nd Chronicles - 13:5).

xl;M, Melach/Salt is listed as a major addition to Kol ‘Owlah

Qorbanot/All Burnt Offerings, no Offering was ever accepted by

Yahuweh h;Why"))) unless it was Seasoned with xl;M, Melach/Salt. Therefore, as Chayyim/Living Sacrifices

(RomiYah/Romans - 12:1) make sure none of your Offerings

are lacking any xl;M, Melach/Salt (QorintYah Aleph/1st

Corinthians - 5:7; QorintYah Bet/2nd Corinthians - 4:16;

Ibriym/Hebrews - 10:20-22 – Hearts Sprinkled;

Ibriym/Hebrews - 13:15-16 – Fruits Of Our Lips; Kepha

Aleph/1st Peter - 2:5 – Spiritual Sacrifices; RomiYah/Romans -

12:2 – Renewing Of Your Mind; Tehillim/Psalms - 19:14 –

Words Of My Mouth & The Meditation Of My Heart) lest your

Offering be Rejected again I say xl;M, Melach/Salt has

Preserving qualities and is one of the Four main ingredients

(Chinta’ [Aramaic Word]/Wheat, Melach [Aramaic

Word]/Salt, Chamar [Aramaic Word]/Wine, and Meshach

[Aramaic Word]/Oil) to all ‘Alawan [Aramaic Word]/Burnt

Offerings that have to be given day by day without fail

(Ezrah/Ezra - 6:9). Therefore, with xl;M, Melach/Salt, give it

and receive it every day without fail.

With the xl;M, Melach/Salt of the Towrah/Instruction you are

being Qadowsh/Set-Apart for New Beginnings. Also to let you

Yada/Know all agreements and compacts between all

individuals were usually ratified by eating together. Thus

Seasoning the Lechem/Bread with xl;M, Melach/Salt together as

a ‘Owth/Sign and a Seal of a Brotherhood Beriyth Min’

Melach/Covenant Of Salt. Seasoning the food to be eaten with

xl;M, Melach/Salt signified the permanence and inviolability of

the treaty or Covenants being made and Remembered, such as

found in Dibre HaYamim Bet/2nd Chronicles - 13:5;

/Ezrah/Ezra - 4:14; Shemu’el Bet/2nd Samuel - 7:12, 13, 16;

Bamidbar/Numbers - 18:19. This was done so that there is xl;M, Melach/Salt between me and you, as the saying goes because

when they exchanged their own xl;M, Melach/Salt between their

xl;M, Melach/Salt bags, from that point on you become xl;M, Melach/Salt Brothers and one cannot separate the xl;M, Melach/Salt’s of each other, therefore not being able to ever

separate the Brotherhood of xl;M, Melach/Salt between the two


Dibre HaYamim Bet/2nd Chronicles - 13:5 - Is it not yours

to Yada Know that Yahuweh h;Why"))) )))

‘Eloahiym Strong Mighty One of Yisra’el/Israel gave the

Malkuwth/Kingdom to Dawid/David, over Yisra’el/Israel,

Le-Owlam-Wa-Ed/Forever, to him and to his Sons by a

Beriyth Min’ Melach/Covenant Of Salt?

That is why it is said in:

Bamidbar/Numbers 18:19 – All the Teruwmah Offerings of

the Qadowsh/Set-Apart things, which the Children of

Yisra’el/Israel offer to Yahuweh h;Why"))) have

I given you, and your Sons and your Daughters with you,

by a Chuq Le-Owlam-Wa-Ed Statute Forever; It is a

Beriyth Min’ Melach/Covenant Of Salt Le-Owlam-Wa-Ed

Forever before Yahuweh h;Why"))) to you and

your Zera/Seed with you (The Lewites/Levites).

Therefore, the Beriyth Min’ Melach/Covenant Of Salt is for

establishing the Kingship, Malkuwth/Kingdom and Priesthood.

For it is written in:

Shemoth/Exodus 19:6 – That we are a nation of

Melakiym/Kings and Kohaniym/Priests (Kepha Aleph/1st

Peter 2:5, 9; GalutYah/Revelation 1:6). Now when the

Beriyth/Covenant is made with Yahuweh h;Why")))

the food was first sacrificed to Him

(Bamidbar/Numbers - 18:19; Wa’yyiqra/Leviticus - 2:13;

Yahuwchezeqel/Ezekiel - 43:24).

The Malkuwth/Kingdom Of Melach/Salt which comes from the

Beriyth Min Melach/Covenant Of Salt is in full effect today

only among those who are and have been delivered from

darkness and transferred into the Malkuwth/Kingdom of His Son

Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" (QolesaYah/Colossians –

1:13). The Malkuwth/Kingdom and Beriyth Min

Melach/Covenant Of Salt exists at present where believers are

living in subjection to the full will of Yahuweh h;Why")))

, where Yahuweh’s h;Why"))) power is

producing changed lives (QorintYah Aleph/1St Corinthians -


For the Malkuwth/Kingdom of Yahuweh h;Why"))) is

not a matter of always getting what you want to eat and drink,

but is truly an entire matter of you being in upright conduct

while being in Shalowm/Peace and harmony with other

believers and with those outside the ‘Emanuw/Faith, with your

Simcha/Joy inspired by the Ruwach HaQowdesh/The Set-Apart

Spirit (RomiYah/Romans - 14:17).

This Covenant Of Salt/Beriyth Min Melach, is a Beriyth/

Covenant Of Allegiance to the One True Highest Living

‘Eloahiym Yahuweh h;Why"))) The ‘Elohiym Of

Yisra’el/Israel, demands your Obedience to Him and only to

Him shall you serve.

For It Is Written In:

Debariym/Deuteronomy – 7:6 – For you are a Qadosh

people to Yahuweh h;Why"))) your ‘Elohiym:

Yahuweh h;Why"))) your ‘Elohiym has chosen

you to be a special people to Himself, above all people that

are upon the face of the earth.

Debariym/Deuteronomy – 7:9 – Know that Yahuweh

h;Why"))) your ‘Elohiym, He is ‘Elohiym, The

Faithful EL, who keeps His Beriyth/Covenant and

Rachamiym/Mercies with them that ‘Ahabah/Love Him and

Shamar/Keep His Mitzbowth/Commandments to a thousand


Debariym/Deuteronomy – 7:11 – You shall therefore

Shamar/Keep the Mitzbowth/Commandments, and the

Chuqiym/Statues, and the Mishpatiym/Judgments, which I

command you this day, to do them.

For in so doing you will learn the Melach/Salt of the

Towrah/Instruction and live the Melach/Salt Of The

Towrah/Instruction and be the Salt Of The Earth. Preserving

this planet with Chesed/Mercy and ‘Emeth/Truth and

Chen/Favor and ‘Ahabah/Love coupled with Humility and

Meekness in a Ruwach/Spirit of Servitude to redeeming the Time

Of Redemption of souls and call all Yisra’el/Israel home;

For the re-gathering of the xl;M, Melach/Salt Of The Earth;

For a cleansing process on the Bayith/House of

Yahuwseph/Joseph through Yahuweh’s h;Why")))

first born ‘Ephrayim the prodigal Son coming back home to join

his brother Yahuwdah/Judah and aid in and help fight for the

preservation of the land of inheritance; For the bow of

Yahuwdah needs the arrows of ‘Ephrayim.

Through the Melach/Salt Of Salvation may Mashiyach/Messiah

remain in you and be keepers of Hadderek/The Way for those

that are hearers and doers of His Mitzbowth/Commandments,

That your lives be a living ‘Eduwth/Testimony Of Yahuweh

h;Why"))) while doing the works of Mashiyach/Messiah

and have the Salt Of The Towrah in your lives and keep The

Covenant Of Salt/Beriyth Min Melach. Because xl;M, Melach/Salt exposed to moisture loses it’s Saltiness; Moisture

represents the world, and too much exposure to the world one

can lose their Saltiness, because Towrah Is xl;M, Melach/Salt,

therefore one can lose the flavor of the Towrah by being too

exposed to the world and not having enough exposure to the

Towrah/Instruction and to Mashiyach/Messiah Yahuwshua.

We all use xl;M, Melach/Salt to increase the flavor of our foods.

Therefore Melach/Salt Is Towrah to increase the believers

flavor in a world that is Salt-less and Tasteless. Now it’s the

believer’s responsibility to Re-Salt the earth in order to bring

Towrah/Instruction and Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

back to a world that has lost its flavor. Don’t resist the xl;M,

Melach/Salt that is given by Yahuweh h;Why"))) ,

which is to destroy the enemies camp with Salt-ful believers,

hence the Salt Of The Earth are to keep evil out.

In the Scriptures it was a military practice to deliver a death

blow to an enemy, in like manner a conqueror would sometimes

raze a city and then “Sow” xl;M, Melach/Salt on it (Shophtiym/

Judges - 9:45; Shemu’el Bet/2nd Samuel – 8:13;YirmeYahuw/

Jeremiah – 48:9; Melakiym Bet/2Nd Kings -14:7; Dibre

HaYamim Bet/2nd Chronicles - 25:11). This was an action

designed to bring agricultural death to a region (Valley Of

Salt), in as much as Saline soil is lifeless and un-predictive

(Tehilliym/Psalms – 107:34), so shall we be likewise and

destroy the works of the Adversary!

So be bathed in The Salt Of The Towrah as a newborn child

was bathed and the rubbed with xl;M, Melach/Salt

(Yahuwchezqe’l/ Ezekiel – 46:4; Luka/Luke – 2:7).

As it is Written:

Yahuwchanan Mosheh/Mark – 9:49 – Everyone will be

/Salted With Fire!

And will be Refined in that fire (ZecharYahuw/Zechariah

– 13:9).

The Melach/Salt Of The Towrah will Preserve you, and the fire

will destroy all the remaining dross that is in you; So that you

are Refined as Keceph/Silver and tried as Gold (ZecharYahuw

/Zechariah – 13:9; YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah – 6:29; Mishle/

Proverbs – 17:3,10, 27:21; Yahuwchezqe’l/Ezekiel – 22:18-22;

YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah – 6:27-30; YeshaYahuw/Isaiah – 1:25;

Tehilliym/Psalms – 12:6 ).

And as promised by The Messiah Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

He will well up within you rivers of Chayyim

Mayim/Living waters (Yahuwchanan/John – 7:38;

YeshaYahuw/Isaiah – 12:3, 44:3; YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah –

17:13). Along with the Salt Of The Towrah Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

to make the Mayim/Waters within you purified and

profitable and fit for Yahuweh’s h;Why"))) use, of

which before you was Salt-less and Tasteless and hurtful to

people for the lack of xl;M, Melach/Salt In Your inner

Mayim/Waters which was dead before you had your

‘Emuwnah/Faithfulness to Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

the Mashiyach/Messiah.

This Comes From An Example In Scripture Found In:

Melakiym Bet/2Nd Kings – 2:20 -22 - And [v'ylia/ ‘Eliysha/Elisha said, Bring me a new pitcher, and put xl;M, Melach/Salt in it. And they took one, and brought it to him.

21) And [v'ylia/ ‘Eliysha/Elisha went out to the spring of

the Mayim/Waters, and cast xl;M, Melach/Salt therein, and

says, Thus says Yahuweh h;Why"))) , I have

healed these Mayim/Waters; there shall not be any longer

death thence or barren land. 22) And the Mayim/Waters

were healed until this Yowm/Day, according to the

Debar/Word of [v'ylia/ ‘Eliysha/Elisha which he spoke.

Therefore the xl;M, Melach/Salt healed the Mayim/Waters and

purified them and cleansed them, so let the Melach/Salt Of The

Towrah give you the right Flavor that Yahuweh h;Why")))

can Savor! Let Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

put His xl;M, Melach/Salt in you so that you too

can be healed Mayim/Waters made /Clean and /Purified Mayim

Chayyim/Living waters. Yahuweh h;Why"))) asks are

you a well that houses this Mayim Chayyim/Living water and a

spring that has been Salted to bring life to the community? Are

you a Towb/Good ‘Etz/Tree that bears Towb/Good fruit? Can

people see the Towrah Of Salt within you? Can they see

Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" within you? Can they see

deep within the interior Chai/Life of your well of which is the

interior Chai/Life of your Nephesh/Soul? Can people draw forth

fresh Chayyim Mayim/Living Waters Salted with Yahuweh’s

h;Why"))) Towrah from the well of your Leb/Heart?

And can they lower their cup into the well of your Leb/Heart and

find Yahuweh’s h;Why"))) ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness

within you? Seeing that such people have been longing to find in

real believers and Mowriym/Teachers and leaders of

Yahuweh’s h;Why"))) Covenant Of Salt! Because as

Chayyim Zebachowth/Living Sacrifices we cannot offer up any

Zebach/Sacrifice unless it is Salted with Yahuweh’s h;Why")))

Towrah from your Leb/Heart.

For Yahuweh h;Why"))) , gave us a sure and pure

Beriyth/Covenant; because it is stable and incorruptible

Beriyth/Covenant. But if you are too Salty you become unfruitful

and never serve to any use by the ‘Ab/Father Yahuweh h;Why")))

. For we are all in subjection to Yahuweh h;Why")))

, through His Covenants with Yisra’el/Israel and we

must never rebel against Yahuweh h;Why"))) and His

Towrah/Instruction and His Covenants and our leaders and our


3 Good Cases For Rebelling Examples In:

Dibre HaYamim Bet/2Nd Chronicles – 25:1 – 28 -

Melek/King AmatzYahuw reigned 29 years, and he did

what was right in the sight of Yahuweh h;Why")))

, but not with a /Perfect Leb/Heart. And when

His Malkuwth/Kingdom was established he killed the

Abadiym/Servants that had killed the Melek/King his father.

And did not kill their children because he did what was

written in The Towrah Of Mosheh, where Yahuweh h;Why")))

commanded, saying, The Ahboth/Fathers shall

not die for the children, neither shall the children die for

the Ahboth/Fathers, but every man shall die for his own sin.

Afterwards, AmatzYahuw gets a visit from a Man Of

‘Elohiym, and is told by him to not to take the children of

‘Ephrayim/Efrayim into battle that ‘Elohiym shall make

you fall before the enemy: for ‘Elohiym has power to help,

and to cast down. AmatzYahuw haggles with the Man Of

‘Elohiym concerning Keceph/Silver he paid the army of

Yisra’el/‘Ephrayim/Efrayim to go to battle with him. The

Man Of ‘Elohiym answered, Yahuweh h;Why")))

is able to give you much more than this. After

listening to the Man Of ‘Elohiym, AmatzYahuw took the

advice and strengthened himself, and led forth his people,

and went to the Valley Of Melach/Salt, and killed the

children of Seir ten thousand. After the slaughter of the

‘Edomites, AmatzYahuw brought the Elohiym of the

children of Seir and set them up to be his Elohiym the

elohiym of ‘Edom, and bowed himself before them, and

burned /Incense to them. Therefore the anger of Yahuweh

h;Why"))) was lit against AmatzYahuw, and

Yahuweh h;Why"))) sent to him a

Nabiy/Prophet, who said to him, Why have you sought

after the Elohiym of the very people, who could not deliver

their own people out of your hand? After being threatened

the Nabiy/Prophet said, I know that Yahuweh h;Why")))

has determined to destroy you, because you

have done this, and not listened to my /Counsel. And from

the time AmatzYahuw turned away from following

Yahuweh h;Why"))) , the people made a

conspiracy against him in Yahuwrushalayim/Jerusalem and

killed him in Lachish.

Dibre HaYamim Bet/2Nd Chronicles – 26:1 – 23 – Then all

the people of Yahuwdah took UziYahuw, and made him

Melek/King in the place of his father AmatzYahuw. He

reigned for 52 years in Yahuwrushalayim/Jerusalem. And

UziYahuw did what was right in the sight of Yahuweh

h;Why"))) , according to all that his father

AmatzYahuw did. And UziYahuw sought Elohiym in the

Yowmiym/Days of ZacharYah, who had

Biynah/Understanding in the Visions Of ‘Elohiym: and as

long as UziYahuw sought Yahuweh h;Why"))) ,

‘Elohiym made him to prosper. And he did prosper in war

against the Plishtiym/Philistines/Palestinians and against

the Arabians; even the Ammonites gave gifts to UziYahuw:

And his name spread abroad even to the entrance of

Mitzrayim/Egypt; for UziYahuw strengthened himself

exceedingly. But when he was strong, his Leb/Heart was

lifted up to his own destruction: for UziYahuw transgressed

against Yahuweh h;Why"))) his ‘Elohiym, and

went into the Hekal/Temple of Yahuweh h;Why")))

to burn /Incense upon the Mizbeach/Altar of

/Incense (A Job Only For The Kohaniym/Priests).Then

AzarYahuw the Kohen/Priest went in after him, and with

him 80 Kohaniym/Priests of Yahuweh h;Why"))) ,

that were brave men: And they withstood UziYahuw the

Melek/King, and said to him, This has nothing to do with

you UziYahuw, to burn /Incense to Yahuweh h;Why")))

, but only for the Kohaniym/Priests the sons of

Aharon/Aaron, that are Qadosh/Set-Apart to burn /Incense:

go out of the Qadosh-Place; for you have trespassed;

neither shall it be for your honor before Yahuweh h;Why")))

‘Elohiym. While UziYahuw was angry at the

Kohaniym/Priests, Yahuweh h;Why"))) caused

leprosy to rise up in his forehead before the

Kohaniym/Priests in the Bayith/House Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

, from beside the /Incense Mizbeach/Altar. And

the Kohaniym/Priests threw him out from there because

Yahuweh h;Why"))) had struck him there; and

UziYahuw was cut off from the Bayith/House Of Yahuweh

h;Why"))) and dwelt in a separate Bayith/House

alone being a leper till the day of his death.

Dibre HaYamim Bet/2Nd Chronicles – 27:1 – 9 – Yotham

was next in line to rule Yahuwdah, and he reigned 16

years; And he did that which was right in the sight of

Yahuwah h;Why"))) , according to all that his

father UziYahuw did: however, he entered not into the

Hekal Of Yahuwah h;Why"))) , and the people

did still act corruptly. Yotham fought also with the

Melek/King of the Ammonites, and prevailed against them.

And the children of Ammon gave Yotham talents of

Keceph/Silver, and measures of wheat and of barley that

same year as well as in the 2nd and 3rd year. And Yotham

became mighty, because he prepared his Derakowth/Ways

before Yahuwah h;Why"))) his ‘Elohiym.

From what we have learned here the ‘Edomites had rebelled

under Yahuwram/Jehoram, Yahuwshaphats son; of which the

Melek/Sovereign Dawid had brought into subjection when he

took over the throne and united the Tribes; so when a

Melek/Sovereign brakes the Beriyth Min Melach/Covenant Of

Salt with Yahuwah h;Why"))) our ‘Elohiym, you lose

control of the gates our your enemies and they are no longer

subjects to you! Therefore the Beriyth Min Melach/Covenant

Of Salt keeps people in line; both you and your household and

all your enemies. Also when a Melek/Sovereign did what was

right in the sight of Yahuwah h;Why"))) , He prospers

him. Also when a Melek/Sovereign prepares his

Derakowth/Ways before Yahuwah h;Why"))) he

becomes mighty. When a Melek/Sovereign keeps in the Beriyth

Min Melach/Covenant Of Salt with Yahuwah h;Why")))

, He causes him to prevail over his enemies and

have them bring him tribute.

Now depending how much xl;M, Melach/Salt the

Melek/Sovereign has will determine the length of time that the

Melek/Sovereign will reign and rule Yahuwah’s h;Why")))

people. When a Melek/Sovereign does not walk

with a /Perfect Leb/Heart before Yahuwah h;Why"))) ,

his Yowmiym/Days will be short, but if he does walk with

Yahuwah h;Why"))) with a /Perfect Leb/Heart his

Yowmiym/Days will be long, also when a Melek/Sovereign

enters the Heykal/Temple Of Yahuwah h;Why"))) and

tries to /Perform a priestly duty, he gets struck with leprosy. It is

interesting to note that, if you are not sure or have any doubts

about something you have or something you gave or thinking of

giving or thinking of doing, just know that Yahuwah h;Why")))

is able to give you much more than this. Also when

you keep the Beriyth Min Melach/Covenant Of Salt,

Yahuwah’s h;Why"))) Malkuwth/Kingdom is

Established and Yahuwah’s h;Why"))) Priesthood is

Established as well. Therefore do what is right in Yahuwah’s

h;Why"))) sight and He will Establish you in His

Malkuwth/Kingdom; From the womb to the tomb; you are under

the Beriyth Min Melach/Covenant Of Salt.

The Covenant Of Salt is a Purifying effect, like Purified Sodium

Chloride and the process it goes through to be Purified; so is the

Melach/Salt Of The Towrah that has been Purified by

Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))" through the power and

‘Ahabah/Love of Yahuwah h;Why"))) . The

Melach/Salt Of Yahuwah h;Why"))) is a reminder to

those who have been entrusted with a renewed Derek/Way of

life; believers in Yahuwshua [ovWhy")))"

HaMashiyach must live according to that renewed way of life

called Hadderek/The Way, and therefore be a influence in the

everyday life of the people around them in the community and in

every town that they live in and enrich the lives of many by

having xl;M, Melach/Salt in yourselves.

By flavoring the neighborhood to all those who taste the Towrah

Of Salt in you! So be a Towb/Good Talmid/Disciple and

representative of the Malkuwth Miy Yahuwah h;Why")))

/Kingdom Of Yahuwah h;Why"))) , and

never lose the Saltiness of your commitment, of which would be

no value to anyone. So preserve yourself from the corruption of

this world and be flavorful with the Salt Of The Towrah Of

Yahuwah h;Why"))) our Father and be The Salt Of

The Earth.

Do Not Ever Be Like The Man Mentioned In:

YirmeYahuw/Jeremiah – 17:5-6 – Thus Says Yahuwah

h;Why"))) ; cursed be the man that trusts in man,

and makes flesh his arm, and who’s Leb/Heart departs

from Yahuwah h;Why"))) . 6) For he shall be like

the shrub in the desert, and shall not see when Towb/Good

comes; but shall inhabit the parched places in the

wilderness, a xl;M, Melach/Salt land That Is Not


Why because the xl;M, Melach/Salt has lost it’s Saltiness and is

not fit for anything except be trampled under the soles of the feet

of men (MattithYahuw/Matthew – 5:13). And as such, men who

lose their xl;M, Melach/Salt shall be like it is written in:

Yahuwchezqe’l/Ezekiel – 47:11 – But its swaps and the

marshes shall not be healed; they shall be given over to

xl;M, Melach/Salt.

In this instance they will never again be productive and will be

cast aside and left alone as Swamp bearing no fruit ever,

because they became very Salty and not Towb/Good to taste and

became a Wasteland. But you The Salt Of Yahuwah h;Why")))

is Rinsed, Purified, and Crushed until Refined Fine

xl;M, Melach/Salt.

Let Me Explain What This Means:

Rinsed from your imperfections by the Dahm/Blood of

Yahuwshua, Purified by The Ruwach HaQowdesh, and Crushed

by trials and tribulations to bring out the Fine xl;M, Melach/Salt that is ready to xl;M, Melach/Salt the earth!

Also in Yisraelite/Israelite worship of Yahuwah h;Why")))

, xl;M, Melach/Salt was used to season Incense

(Shemoth/Exodus – 30:35); and we are today incense that is

Seasoned with the xl;M, Melach/Salt Of The Towrah! Because

like the Katuwb/Scripture says in that our prayers with hands

lifted up on high is like the Incense to the Father Yahuwah

h;Why"))) . All these that I have been sharing with you

are known as metaphors of which is a representation and a

declaration that one thing is or represents another while others

were similes that resembles it and hipocatastasis implies the

resemblance and representation of something or someone else

that are followed by the indicative mood along with the present

tense, they express the current condition and state by a

hypothetical but possible condition, which is contingent on

circumstances which the future will show through you as being

the Salt Of The Earth as an actual fact, why?

Because Yahuwshua HaMashiyach/The Messiah said so.

Therefore being His Talmid/Disciple you must fulfill the role

that He has called you for and let His Debar/Word fill your

being, so that His Debar/Word returns fulfilled in you in your

life. Now all this is contingent upon you if you want to obey and

follow Him and the example and patterns He laid out for you in

the Blueprint Of The Towrah, to uphold The Covenant Of Salt.

?PylipsiYah/Philippians – 2:12-16 – Therefore my

beloved, as you have always obeyed, not only in my

presence, but now much more in my absence, work out your

own Salvation with fear and trembling. 13) For it is

Yahuwah h;Why"))) who works in you both to

will and to do of His Towb/Good pleasure. 14) Do all

things without murmurings and disputes: 15) So that you

may be blameless and harmless sons of Yahuwah h;Why")))

, without Spot, in the midst of a Crooked and

Perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in

the world, 16) For you are to them the light of life

(Yahuwchanan/John – 8:12) that I may rejoice in the

Yowm/Day of Mashiyach/Messiah.

So you see xl;M, Melach/Salt symbolizes the Beriyth/Covenant

relation upon which the whole sacrificial system rests, because

neither sacrifice nor Qorban/Offering was accepted unless it

was Salted with xl;M, Melach/Salt, which is Towb/Good for the

Refining fire that brings out the perfect Seasoned Believer

through The Ruwach HaQowdesh/The Set-Apart Spirit Of

Purifying Truth! The Living Word that Cleansed you

(YeshaYahuw/Isaiah – 53:) from before the foundation of the

world from the moment He accepted The Yahuw Covenant (

) we were Saved, Redeemed, Ransomed, Bought Back to be

given back to The Father Yahuwah ( ).

This is The Towrah Of Salt which establishes the Covenant Of

Salt with The Children Of Light (Benai Miy’ ‘Owr) Cleansed

by The Light Of Messiah Yahuwshua. This is what separates us

from the Children Of Darkness; we are bathed in Salt

Light/Light Salt a special light mixed with xl;M, Melach/Salt.

Because this Salt Light comes from The Mayim Chayyim Min

Melach/Living Waters Of Salt that is from a Well Of

‘Emeth/Truth that are Sweet Healing Waters! Whereas the

Sons Of Darkness come from a Well Of Perversity from

Polluted Waters that have a stench of Bitter Waters! Their lives

are bitter from HaAllah/The Curse; Our lives are Sweeter from

The Blessings Of Yahuwah!

Therefore again I say, be Cleansed in the Salt Light Of

Yahuwshua HaMashiyach; that we may be delivered from

unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not

‘Emuwnah/Faithfulness (TesloniqYah Bet/2Nd Thessalonians –

3:2); Neither they have xl;M, Melach/Salt in themselves unless

they have Yahuwshua HaMashiyach. Here is the thing – The

Towrah Of Salt Seasons your Lebab/Mind and it Cleanses you

and Purifies you and makes you Reasonable and Seasonable to

have ‘Emuwnah/Faithfulness enough to keep away from wicked

men (QorintYah Aleph/1St Corinthians 13:11). The Covenant

Of Salt is meant to protect you, as Melach/Salt kills bacteria

and Cleanses you, so also does the Covenant Of Salt; whereas

bacteria can be equated to sin and the Covenant Of Salt will kill

sin in the flesh as you practice the Way Of Salt of having your

Speech Seasoned With Salt and having Melach/Salt in

yourselves. For the Covenant Of Salt will kill sin in you and

convict you of it, but then Cleanses you with the Dahm/Blood Of

Messiah Yahuwshua ( ). And makes you ready and fit for all

‘Abowdah/Service in being The Salt Of The Earth

(MattithYahuw/Matthew – 5:13).

Here is another example –

Does a fountain send forth at the same place Sweet

Mayim/Water and Bitter? 12) Can the fig eytz, my

Yisraelite brothers, bear olive berries? Or, a vine, figs? So

likewise Saltwater cannot be made sweet (Ya’aqob/James

– 3:11-12);

The human body is made up of 85% Mayim/Water and if we

have too much Melach/Salt in us, then we become Salty and

unfit for use.

For the Katuwb/Scripture says in several verses up in:

Ya’aqob/James – 3:2-10 – For in many things we offend

all people. If any man offend not in speech, the same is a

perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. 3)

Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths, So that they may

obey us; and we turn their whole body. 4) Behold also the

ships, which though they be so great, and are driven by

fierce winds, yet they are turned around with a very small

rudder, in any way that the captain desires. 5) Even so the

tongue is a little member, and yet boasts great things.

Behold how great a matter a little fire ignites! 6) And the

tongue is a fire, and the sinful world a forest; so is the

tongue among our members, it can defile the whole body,

and sets on fire the course of our Yisraelite race that rolls

on like a wheel; and it burns on with the fire of Gei-

Hinnom. 7) For every kind of beast, and of birds, and of

serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and has been

tamed by mankind: 8) But the tongue can no man tame; it is

unruly, evil, and full of deadly poison. 9) With it we bless

Yahuwah, even our Abba; and with it we curse men, who

are made after the image of the Master Yahuwah. 10) Out

of the same mouth proceeds Brakoth/Blessings and cursing.

My Yisraelite Brothers, these things should not be so.

Therefore having our speech Seasond with Yahuwshua our

Melach/Salt; we will tame the tongue, and Refine our speech,

and answer the question in:

Ya’aqob/James – 3:13 – Who is a wise man and endued

with training among you? Let him show a Towb/Good

lifestyle with his Mitzbowth/Works in Meekness of


Here is why – Even though Saltwater cannot be made sweet

through our own means, but with the Ruwach HaQowdesh/The

Set-Apart Spirit poured out like water upon us to make us sweet

and palatable to be received by men because you are speaking

the ‘Emeth/Truth to them and living in Shalowm/Peace with all

men. For as The Salt Of The Earth (MattithYahuw/Matthew –

5:13) our speech has to be clean, here are a few scriptural

reasons why.

Yahuchanan Moshe/Mark 9:49-50 – 49) Kiy/For every

one Tzebah’/Shall be Melachate/Salted Et-Ha’/With

‘Esh/Fire, Wa/And every Zebach/Sacrifice Tzebah’/Shall be

Melachate/Salted Et-Ha’/With xl;M, Melach/Salt. 50) xl;M, Melach/Salt is Towb/Good: ‘Abal/But ’Im/If Ha/The xl;M, Melach/Salt has ‘Abedah/Lost it’s Melachim/Saltiness, Et-

Ha’/With Mah/What Tzebah’/Shall ‘Attem/You

Malach/Season it? Yesh/Have xl;M, Melach/Salt Be’/In

Male’/Yourselves/Fully, Wa/And Yesh/Have Shalom/Peace

one Et-Ha’/With ‘Acher /Another.

Luka/Luke 14:34-35 – 34) xl;M, Melach/Salt is

Towb/Good: ‘Ak/But ’Im/If the xl;M, Melach/Salt

Hayah/Becomes Chasar Ta’am/Tasteless, Et-Ha’/With

Mah/What ‘Tzebah/Shall it be Malach/Seasoned? 35) It is

Lo’/Neither ‘Athad/Fit Kiy/For Ha/The Eretz’/Land,

Loh/Nor yet Kiy/For Ha/The ‘Ashpowth/Dunghill;

‘Abal/But Anashim/Men Garash/Cast it Minnay/Out,

Hu’/he ‘Asher/That has ‘Azan/Ears La/To Shema/Hear

Para’/Let Huw’/him Shema/Hear.

MattithYahuw/Matthew 5:13 – 13) ‘Attem/You

‘Anach/Are Ha/The xl;M, Melach/Salt Min’/Of

Ha/The Eretz’/Earth: ‘Abal/But ’Im/If Ha/The xl;M, Melach/Salt has ‘Abedah/Lost its Ta’am/Taste,

Mah/How Tzebah’/Shall it be Melachate/Salted? It is

Low’/No ‘Owd/Longer Towb/Good Kiy/For

Meuwmah/Anything, ‘Abal/But La/To be Garash/Cast

out, Wa/And La/To be Buws/Trodden Tachath/Under

Ha/The Regel/Feet Min’/Of Anashim/Men.


EphsiYah/Ephesians 4:29-32 – 29) Para’/Let Low’/No

Lashon Hara/Bad Speech Yatza’/Proceed Shaphak/Out

Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your Peh/Mouth, ‘Abal/But ‘Asher/That,

‘Ashar/Which is Towb/Good, Wa/And Mo’eel/Useful

Kiy/For Me’aleph/Edification, ‘Asher/That it may

Chalaq/Impart Brakot/Blessings La/To Ha/The

Shemai/Hearers. 30) Wa/And ‘Adab/Grieve not Ha/The

Ruwach Hakodesh/Spirit Of Set-Apartness Min’/Of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) , by ‘Asher/Whom

‘Attem/You ‘Anach/Are Chatham/Sealed Kiy/For

Yowm/Day HaGeullah/Of Redemption. 31) Para’/Let

Qol/All Marat/Bitterness, Wa/And ‘Ebrah/Wrath, Wa/And

‘Aph/Anger, Wa/And Gadowl/Loud Na’ariym/Yelling,

Wa/And Lashon Hara/Bad Speech, be put away Min’/From

‘Attem/You, along Et-Ha’/With Qol/All Zadon/Malice: 32)

Wa/And be Towb/Kind towards one ‘Acher/Another,

Rak/Tenderhearted, Nose’/Forgiving one ‘Acher/Another,

even as Yahuweh h;Why"))) Kiy/For

Mashiyach’s/Messiah’s Galal/Sake has already

Salach/Forgiven you.

QolesaYah/Colossians 4:5-6 – 5) Yesh/Have ‘Akem/Your

Derek/Way Be’/In Chokmah/Wisdom Ponim/Towards those

‘Asher/That ‘Anach/Are Qatzeh/Outside Ha/The

Emunah/Faithfulness, Geullah/Redeeming Ha/The

‘Eth/Time. 6) Para’/Let ‘Akem/Your speech be always Et-

Ha’/With unmerited Chen/Favor, Seasoned Et-Ha’/With

xl;M, Melach/Salt, ‘Asher/That you may Yada/Know

Mah/How ‘Attem/You should answer every ‘Iysh/Man.

Kepha Aleph 2:12/1st Peter 2:12 – 12) Having your

conversation honest among the Goyim/Gentiles: that,

whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by

your Towb/Good Mitzbouth/Works, which they shall

behold, /Esteem/Glorify Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) in

the Yowm/Day of Visitation.

EphsiYah/Ephesians 5:15-17 – 15) Hinneh/See ‘Az/Then

‘Asher/That ‘Akem/Your Derek/Way is detailed Wa/And

alert, not as fools, ‘Abal/But as Chakam/Wise, 16) Taking

advantage Min’/Of Ha/The ‘Eth/Time Wa/And opportunity

‘Attem/You ‘Anach/Are given, because Ha/The

Yowmiym/Days ‘Anach/Are Ra’/Evil. 17) ’Al-

Ken/Therefore be not unwise, ‘Abal/But

Biynah/Understand what Ha/The ‘Tzebah/Will Min’/Of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) is.

Qoheleth/Ecclesiastes 10:12 – 12) Ha/The

Debariym/Words Min’/Of a Chakam/Wise ‘Iysh/Man’s

Peh/Mouth ‘Anach/Are Favorable/Gracious; ‘Abal/But

Ha/The lips Min’/Of a fool will swallow himself up.

Kepha Aleph/1 Peter 3:15-18 – 15) ‘Abal/But

Qadowsh/Set-Apart Ha/The ‘Adon/Master Yahuweh h;Why")))

"))) ‘Eloah/Strong Mighty One Be’/In

‘Akem/Your Lebiym/Hearts: Wa/And be ready always

La/To Nathan/Give an answer La/To every ‘Iysh/Man

‘Asher/That Sha’al/Asks you Kiy/For a reason Kiy/For

Ha/The Tikwah/Expectation/Hope ‘Asher/That is Be’/In

‘Attem/You Et-Ha’/With ‘Anwah/Meekness Wa/And

Yare/Fear: 16) Having a Towb/Good conscience;

‘Asher/That, when they speak Lashon Hara/Bad Speech

about ‘Attem/You, as evildoers, they may be ashamed

‘Asher/That falsely accuse ‘Akem/Your Towb/Good

behavior Be’/In Mashiyach/Messiah. 17) Kiy/For it is

better, if Ha/The will Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

be so, ‘Asher/That ‘Attem/You suffer Kiy/For

well doing, rather than Kiy/For Ra’/Evil doing. 18) Kiy/For

Mashiyach/Messiah Gam/Also has once suffered Kiy/For

sins, Ha/The ‘Tzadiq/Righteous Kiy/For Ha/The unjust,

‘Asher/That Hu’/He might bring us La/To Yahuweh h;Why")))

))), being put La/To death Be’/In Ha/The

Basar/Flesh, ‘Abal/But quickened by Ha/The


QolesaYah/Colossians 3:8-10 – 8) ‘Abal/But ‘Attah/Now

‘Attem/You Gam/Also put off Qol/All these; ‘Aph/Anger,

wrath, malice, blasphemy, Wa/And filthy speech

Shaphak/Out Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your Peh/Mouth. 9) Lie not

one La/To ‘Acher/Another, seeing ‘Asher/That ‘Attem/You

have put off Ha/The old ‘Iysh/Man Et-Ha’/With Hi’/his

wicked deeds; 10) Wa/And Yesh/Have put ‘Al/On Ha/The

Chadasha/Renewed ‘Iysh/Man, ‘Ashar/Which is

Chadasha/Renewed Be’/In Da’at/Knowledge ‘Achare/After

Ha/The image Min’/Of Huw’/Him ‘Asher/That created


EphsiYah/Ephesians 4:22-27, 29-32 – 22) ’Asher/That

‘Attem/You put off concerning Ha/The former Derek/Way

Min’/Of Chayim/Life Ha/The old ‘Iysh/Man, ‘Ashar/Which

is degenerated with deceitful lusts; 23) Wa/And be

Chadasha/Renewed Be’/In Ha/The Ruwach/Spirit Min’/Of

‘Akem/Your Lebab/Mind; 24) Wa/And ‘Asher/That

‘Attem/You put ‘Al/On Ha/The Chadasha/Renewed

‘Iysh/Man, ‘Ashar/Which ‘Achare/After Yahuweh h;Why")))

is recreated Be’/In ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness

Wa/And real Qedowshiym/Set-Apartness. 25) ’Al-

Ken/Therefore put away lying, Wa/And speak every

‘Iysh/Man Ha/The ‘Emeth/Truth with Hi’/his neighbor:

Kiy/For ‘Anachna’/We ‘Anach/Are members one Min’/Of

‘Acher/Another. 26) Be angry, ‘Abal/But sin not: Para’/Let

not Ha/The sun go down ‘Al/Upon ‘Akem/Your wrath: 27)

’Anah/Do not give Hashawtan/Satan a chance, or opening.

29) Para’/Let Low’/No Lashon Hara/Bad Speech

Yatza’/Proceed Shaphak/Out Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your

Peh/Mouth, ‘Abal/But ‘Asher/That, ‘Ashar/Which is

Towb/Good, Wa/And useful Kiy/For edification,

‘Asher/That it may impart Brakot/Blessings La/To Ha/The

hearers. 30) Wa/And grieve not Ha/The Ruwach

HaQowdesh/The Set-Apart Spirit Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

))), by whom ‘Attem/You ‘Anach/Are sealed

Kiy/For Yowm HaGeullah/Day Min’/Of Redemption. 31)

Para’/Let Qol/All bitterness, Wa/And wrath, Wa/And

‘Aph/Anger, Wa/And loud yelling, Wa/And Lashon

Hara/Bad Speech, be put away Min’/From ‘Attem/You,

along Et-Ha’/With Kol/All malice: 32) Wa/And be kind

towards one ‘Acher/Another, tenderhearted, forgiving one

‘Acher/Another, ‘Aph/Even as Yahuweh h;Why")))

Kiy/For Mashiyach’s/Messiah’s sake has

already forgiven ‘Attem/You.

EphsiYah/Ephesians 5:3-11 – 3) ‘Abal/But fornication,

Wa/And Qol/All uncleanness, or greed Kiy/For gain,

Para’/Let it not be ‘Aph/Even once named among

‘Attem/You, as is fitting Kiy/For Qidushiym/Set-Apart Ones

Be’/In Yisra’el/Israel; 4) Neither cursing, Loh/Nor foolish

talking, Loh/Nor insults, not ‘Aph/Even flattery, since none

Min’/Of these ‘Anach/Are necessary: ‘Abal/But rather

Ha/The giving Min’/Of Hodu/Thanks. 5) Kiy/For This

‘Attem/You Yada/Know, ‘Asher/That Low’/No fornicator,

Low’/No unclean person, Low’/No covetous ‘Iysh/Man,

Low’/No one who is an idolater, has any inheritance Be’/In

Ha/The Malkut/Kingdom Min’/Of Mashiyach/Messiah

Wa/And Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why"))) 6)

Para’/Let Low’/No ’Iysh/Man deceive ‘Attem/You Et-

Ha’/With meaningless Debariym/Words: Kiy/For because

Min’/Of these things comes Ha/The wrath Min’/Of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) ‘Al/Upon Ha/The children

Min’/Of disobedience. 7) Be not partakers Et-Ha’/With

Bam/Them. 8) Kiy/For ‘Attem/You were once darkness,

‘Abal/But ‘Attah/Now ‘Anach/Are ‘Attem/You Be’/In

Ha/The ‘Owr/Light Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

Yesh/Have ‘Akem/Your Derek/Way as children Min’/Of

‘Owr/Light: 9) Kiy/For Ha/The fruits Min’/Of ‘Owr/Light

‘Anach/Are ‘Matza/Found Be’/In Chessed/Mercy Wa/And

Tzedaqah/Righteousness Wa/And Emet/Truth; 10) Learn

La/To discern what is acceptable La/To Yahuweh h;Why")))

11) Wa/And Yesh/Have Low’/No

Chabuwrah/Fellowship Et-Ha’/With Ha/The unfruitful

deeds Min’/Of darkness, ‘Abal/But rather condemn


TesloniqYah Aleph/1 Thessalonians 5:11-26 – 11) ’Al-

Ken/Therefore comfort yourselves together, Wa/And edify

one ‘Acher/Another, ‘Aph/Even as Gam/Also ‘Attem/You

already ‘Anah/Do. 12) Wa/And ‘Anachna’/We Sha’al/Ask

‘Attem/You, Yisraelite/Israelite ‘Achi/Brothers, La/To

Yada/Know Bam/Them who labor among ‘Attem/You,

Wa/And ‘Anach/Are over ‘Attem/You Be’/In Yahuweh

h;Why"))) "))), Wa/And who admonish ‘Attem/You;

13) Wa/And La/To honor Bam/Them very highly Be’/In

‘Ahabah/Love Kiy/For their Ma’aseh/Work’s sake. Wa/And

be at Shalowm/Peace among yourselves. 14) ’Attah/Now

‘Anachna’/We exhort ‘Attem/You, Yisraelite/Israelite

‘Achi/Brothers, correct Bam/Them Asher/That ‘Anach/Are

unruly, comfort those who lack courage, support Ha/The

weak, be patient toward Qol/All Anashim/Men. 15)

Hinneh/See ‘Asher/That none repay Ra’/Evil Kiy/For

Ra’/Evil La/To any ‘Iysh/Man; ‘Abal/But always follow

‘Asher/That ‘Ashar/Which is Towb/Good, both among

yourselves, Wa/And La/To Kol/All Anashim/Men. 16)

Gilah/Rejoice always. 17) ’Anah/Make Tephillah/Prayer

without ceasing. 18) Be’/In Qol/All things give

Hodu/Thanks: Kiy/For this is Ha/The will Min’/Of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) Be’/In Mashiyach/Messiah

Yahuwshua [ovWhy" Kiy/For you. 19) Quench not Ha/The

Ruwach HaQowdesh/The Set-Apart Spirit. 20) ‘Asot/Do not

reject prophecies. 21) Test Bam/Them Qol/All; hold fast

La/To what is Towb/Good. 22) Abstain Min’/From Qol/All

forms Min’/Of Ra’/Evil. 23) Wa/And may Ha/The very

‘Eloah/Mighty One Min’/Of Shalowm/Peace separate

‘Attem/You completely; so ‘Asher/That ‘Akem/Your whole

Ruwach/Spirit, Nephesh/Soul and Gewiyah/Body be

preserved without blemish, until Ha/The coming Min’/Of

our Adonai/Master Yahuwshua [ovWhy" HaMashiyach/The

Messiah. 24) ‘Aman/Faithful is Hu’/He ‘Asher/That

Qara’/Called ‘Attem/You, who Gam/Also will Shamar/Keep

Qol/All Min’/Of Hi’/His Debar/Word. 25)

Yisraelite/Israelite ‘Achi/Brothers, ‘Alah/Offer Up many

Tephillot/Prayers Kiy/For us. 26) Greet Qol/All Ha/The

Yisraelite/Israelite ‘Achiy/Brothers Et-Ha’/With a

Qadowsh/Set-Apart kiss.

QolesaYah/Colossians 3:16-17 – 16) Para’/Let Ha/The

Debar/Word Min’/Of Ha/The Mashiyach/Messiah dwell

Be’/In ‘Attem/You richly Be’/In Qol/All Chokmah/Wisdom;

teaching Wa/And admonishing one ‘Acher/Another Be’/In

Ha/The Tehillim/Psalms Wa/And Et-Ha’/With

Ruwach/Spirit filled Shiriym/Songs, singing Et-Ha’/With

unmerited Chen/Favor Be’/In ‘Akem/Your Lebim/Hearts

La/To Ha/The Adon/Master. 17) Wa/And whatever

‘Attem/You ‘Anah/Do Be’/In Debar/Word, or

Mitzwah/Work, ‘Anah/Do Qol/All Be’/In Ha/The

Shem/Name Min’/Of Ha/The Adon/Master Yahuwshua [ovWhy" , giving Hodu/Thankfulness La/To Abba/Father

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) through Huw’/Him.

EphsiYah/Ephesians 5:19 – 19) Speaking La/To

yourselves Et-Ha’/With Ha/The Tehillim/Psalms Wa/And

Shiriym/Songs Min’/Of Tehilla/Prayer Wa/And spiritual

Shiriym/Songs, singing Wa/And making melody Be’/In

‘Akem/Your Leb/Heart La/To Ha/The Adon/Master

Yahuweh h;Why"))) .


RomiYah/Romans 12:18 – 18) ’Im/If it is possible, ‘Al/On

‘Akem/Your part, Chai/Live Be’/In Shalowm/Peace Et-

Ha’/With Qol/All ‘Iysh/Men.

RomiYah/Romans 14:19 – 19) Para’/Let us ’Al-

Ken/Therefore follow ‘Achare/After Ha/The things

‘Ashur/That ‘Anah/Make Kiy/For Shalowm/Peace Wa/And

things Et-Ha’/With ‘Ashar/Which ‘Anachna’/We may edify

one ‘Acher/Another.

QorintYah Bet/2 Corinthians 13:11 – 11) Finally,

Yisraelite/Israelite brothers, Be perfect, be Min’/Of

Towb/Good comfort, be Echad/Unified/One, Chai/Live

Be’/In Shalowm/Peace; Wa/And Ha/The ‘Eloah/Strong

Mighty One Min’/Of ‘Ahabah/Love Wa/And

Shalowm/Peace Tzebah’/Shall be Et-Ha’/With ‘Attem/You.

Ibrim/Hebrews 12:14 – 14) Follow Shalowm/Peace Et-

Ha’/With Kol/All Anashim/Men, Wa/And Qedowshiym/Set-

Apartness, without ‘Ashar/Which Low’/No ‘Iysh/Man

Tzebah’/Shall Hinneh/See-Behold Yahuweh h;Why")))


Tehillim/Psalms 34:11-14 – 11) Bo’/Come, you children,

‘Shama/Listen La/To me: ‘Ani/I will teach you Ha/The

Yaret/Fear Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why"))) 12)

What ‘Iysh/Man is Hu’/he ‘Asher/That desires Chayim/Life

Wa/And ‘Ahabah/Loves many Yowmiym/Days ‘Asher/That

Hu’/he may Hinneh/See Towb/Good? 13) Shamar/Keep

‘Akem/Your Lashon/Tongue Min/From Ra’/Evil Wa/And

‘Akem/Your lips Min’/From speaking deceit. 14) Depart

Min’/From Ra’/Evil, Wa/And ‘Anah/Do Towb/Good;

Darash/Seek Shalowm/Peace, Wa/And pursue it.

Timtheous Bet/2 Timothy 2:21-22 – 21) ‘Im/If a ‘Iysh/Man

’Al-Ken/Therefore cleanses himself Min’/From unclean

matters, Hu’/he Tzebah’/Shall be a vessel Min’/Of honor,

Qadowsh/Set-Apart, Wa/And fit Kiy/For Ha/The

‘Adonai/Master’s use, Wa/And prepared Kiy/For every

Towb/Good Mitzwah/Work. 22) Flee Gam/Also youthful

lusts: ‘Abal/But follow ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness,

‘Emunah/Faithfulness, ‘Ahabah/Love, Shalowm/Peace, Et-

Ha’/With Bam/Them ‘Asher/That Qara/Call ‘Al/On

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) Shaphak/Out Min’/Of a

/Pure Leb/Heart.

MattithYahuw/Matthew 5:8 – 8) Barchu/Blessed

‘Anach/Are Ha/The pure Be’/In Leb/Heart: Ki’/For they

Tzebah’/Shall Hinneh/See Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))).

Tehillim/Psalm 15:1-2 – 1) Yahuweh h;Why")))

"))), who Tzebah’/Shall abide Be’/In ‘Akem/Your Sukkah/Tent?

Who Tzebah’/Shall dwell Be’/In ‘Akem/Your Qadowsh/Set-

Apart Har/Mountain? 2) Hu’/he ‘Asher/That has their

Derek/Way Be’/In ‘Tzadiq/Righteous Mitzbouth/Works,

Wa/And works ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness, Wa/And speaks

Ha/The ‘Emeth/Truth Be’/In Hi’/his Leb/Heart.

Tehillim/Psalm 24:3-5 - 3) who Tzebah’/Shall ascend

Ba’/Into Ha/The Har/Mountain Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

)))? Or, who Tzebah’/Shall stand Be’/In Hi’/His

Qadowsh/Set-Apart Place? 4) Hu’/he ‘Asher/That has

clean hands Wa/And a /Pure Leb/Heart who has not

brought his Nephesh/Being La/To vanity, nor sworn

deceitfully. 5) Hu’/he Tzebah’/Shall receive Ha/The

Bracha/Blessings Min’/From Yahuweh h;Why")))

"))), Wa/And ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness

Min’/From Ha/The ‘Eloahiym/Mighty One Min’/Of Hi’/His

Yahuwshua [ovWhy" .

QorintYah Bet/2 Corinthians 7:1 – 1) Yeshim/Having ’Al-

Ken/Therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us

/Cleanse ourselves Min’/From Qol/All filthiness Min’/Of

Ha/The Basar/Flesh Wa/And Ruwach/Spirit, perfecting our

Qedowshiym/Set-Apartness Be’/In Ha/The Yaret/Fear Of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))).

Yahuwchanan Aleph/1 John 3:3 – 3) Wa/And everyone

who has this Tikwah/Expectation/Hope Be’/In Huw’/Him

/Purifies himself, just as Yahuweh h;Why"))) is


Wayiqra/Leviticus – 2:13 – 13) Wa/And every offering

Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your grain offering Tzebah’/Shall

‘Attem/You Season Et-Ha’/With xl;M, Melach/Salt; neither

Tzebah’/Shall ‘Attem/You allow Ha/The Melach/Salt

Min’/Of Ha/The Brit/Covenant Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your

‘Eloahiym/Mighty One La/To be lacking Min’/From

‘Akem/Your grain offering: Et-Ha’/With Kol/All

‘Akem/Your Qorbanot/Offerings ‘Attem/You Tzebah’/Shall

offer xl;M, Melach/Salt.

Bamidbar/Numbers 18:19 – 19) Qol/All Ha/The

Teruwmah/Free Will Qorbanot/Offerings Min’/Of Ha/The

Qadosh/Set-Apart things, ‘Ashar/Which Ha/The

Benai/Children Min’/Of Yisra’el/Israel offer La/To

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))), Yesh/Have ‘Ani/I

Nathan/Given ‘Attem/You, Wa/And ‘Akem/Your sons

Wa/And ‘Akem/Your daughters Et-Ha’/With ‘Attem/You, by

a Chuq/Statute Le-Owlam- Wa-Ed/Forever: it is a

Brit/Covenant Min’/Of Melach/Salt Le-Owlam-Wa-

Ed/Forever before Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) La/To

‘Attem/You Wa/And La/To ‘Akem/Your Zera/Seed Et-

Ha’/With ‘Attem/You.

Dibri HaYamim Bet/2nd chronicles 13:4-5 – 4) Wa/And

AbiYah stood up ‘Al/Upon Mount Zemarayim,

‘Ashar/Which is Be’/In Ha/The mountains Min’/Of

‘Ephrayim/Efrayim, and Amar/Said, ‘Shama/Listen La/To

me, Yahrabam/Jeroboam, Wa/And Qol/All Yisra’el/Israel;

5) Don’t ‘Attem/You Yada/Know ‘Asher/That Yahuweh

h;Why"))) ‘Eloahiym/Mighty One Min’/Of

Yisra’el/Israel gave Ha/The Malkut/Kingdom over

Yisra’el/Israel La/To Dawid/David Le-Owlam-Wa-

Ed/Forever, ‘Aph/Even La/To Huw’/him Wa/And La/To

Hi’/his sons by a Brit/Covenant Min’/Of Melach/Salt?

Shemuel Bet/2nd Samuel 7:12, 13, 16 – 12) Wa/And

‘An/When ‘Akem/Your Yowmiym/Days ‘Anach/Are fulfilled,

Wa/And ‘Attem/You Tzebah’/Shall rest with ‘Akem/Your

‘Ahabots/Fathers, ‘Ani/I will set up ‘Akem/Your Zera/Seed

‘Achare/After ‘Attem/You, ‘Ashar/Which Tzebah’/Shall

proceed Shaphak/Out Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your loins, Wa/And

‘Ani/I will Kuwn/Establish Hi’/his Malkut./Kingdom 13)

Hu’/he Tzebah’/Shall build a Bayit/House Kiy/For My

Shem/Name, Wa/And ‘Ani/I will Kuwn/Establish Ha/The

Kesay/Throne Min’/Of Hi’/his Malkut/Kingdom Le-Olam-

Wa-Ed/Forever. 16) Wa/And ‘Akem/Your Bayit/House

Wa/And ‘Akem/Your Malkut/Kingdom Tzebah’/Shall be

Konenu/Established Le-Owlam-Wa-Ed/Forever before

‘Attem/You; ‘Akem/Your Kesay/Throne Tzebah’/Shall be

Konenu/Established Le-Owlam-Wa-Ed/Forever.

Yahuchezqel/Ezekiel – 43:24 – 24) Wa/And ‘Attem/You

Tzebah’/Shall offer Bam/Them before Yahuweh h;Why")))

, Wa/And Ha/The Kohaniym/Priests

Tzebah’/Shall cast xl;M, Melach/Salt ‘Al/Upon Bam/Them,

Wa/And they Tzebah’/Shall offer Bam/Them up Kiy/For a

burnt offering La/To Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))).

YeshaYahu/Isaiah – 1:15-19 – 15) Wa/And when

‘Attem/You spread forth ‘Akem/Your hands, ‘Ani/I will hide

My eyes Min’/From you: ‘Aph/Even though ‘Attem/You

‘Anah/Make many Tephillot/Prayers, ’Ani/I will not hear:

‘Akem/Your hands ‘Anach/Are full Min’/Of Dahm/Blood.

16) Wash yourself Wa/And ‘Anah/Make yourself /Clean;

put away Ha/The Ra’/Evil Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your doings

Min’/From before My eyes; cease La/To ‘Anah/Do

Ra’/Evil; 17) Learn La/To ‘Anah/Do Towb/Good;

Darash/Seek Mishpat/Judgment, relieve Ha/The

‘Ashaq/Oppressed, Ganan/Defend Ha/The fatherless,

Wa/And plead Kiy/For Ha/The widow. 18) Bo’/Come

‘Attah/Now, Wa/And let us reason together, says

Yahuweh h;Why"))) though ‘Akem/Your sins

‘Anach/Are as scarlet, they Tzebah’/Shall be as white as

snow; though they ‘Anach/Are red like crimson, they

Tzebah’/Shall be as wool. 19) ‘Im/If ‘Attem/You

‘Anach/Are willing Wa/And Obedient, ‘Attem/You

Tzebah’/Shall eat Ha/The Towb/Good Min’/Of Ha/The


Confess Over:

Wayiqra/Leviticus 26:4 - 4) ’Az/Then I will give

‘Attem/You rain Be’/In due season, Wa/And Ha/The land

Tzebah’/Shall yield her increase, Wa/And Ha/The

Eytzim/Trees Min’/Of Ha/The field Tzebah’/Shall yield

their fruit.

Ezrah/Ezra 10:1 - 1) ‘Attah/Now when Ezrah had

‘Anah/Made Tephillah/Prayer, Wa/And when he had

confessed, weeping Wa/And casting himself down before

Ha/The Bayit/House Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

, there assembled La/To Huw’/him out Min’/Of

Yisra’el/Israel a very Rab/Great ‘Edah/Congregation

Min’/Of men Wa/And women Wa/And children: Kiy/For

Ha/The people wept very bitterly.

NechemYah/Nehemiah 1:6-7 - 6) Para’/Let ‘Akem/Your

ear ‘Attah/Now be attentive, Wa/And ‘Akem/Your eyes

open, ‘Asher/That You may hear Ha/The Tephillah Min’/Of

‘Akem/Your Ebed/Servant, ‘Ashar/Which I ‘Anah/Make

before ‘Attem/You, Yowm/Day Wa/And night, Kiy/For

Ha/The children Min’/Of Yisra’el/Israel ‘Akem/Your

‘Abadiym/Servants, Wa/And confess Ha/The sins Min’/Of

Ha/The children Min’/Of Yisra’el/Israel, ‘Ashar/Which

‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have sinned ‘Alay/Against ‘Attem/You:

both I Wa/And my Abba’s/Father’s Bayit/House Yesh/Have

sinned. 7) ‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have dealt very corruptly

‘Alay/Against ‘Attem/You, Wa/And Yesh/Have not kept

Ha/The Mitzbowth/Commands, nor Ha/The

Chuqiym/Statutes, nor Ha/The Mishpatim/Judgments,

‘Ashar/Which ‘Attem/You commanded ‘Akem/Your

‘Ebed/Servant Mosheh/Moses.

NechemYah/Nehemiah 9:3 - 3) Wa/And they stood up

Be’/In their place, Wa/And read Be’/In Ha/The

Sepher/Scroll Min’/Of Ha/The Towrah/Instruction Min’/Of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) their ‘Eloahiym/Mighty One

one-fourth part Min’/Of Ha/The Yowm/Day; Wa/And

‘Acher/Another fourth part they ~yDIäw:t.mi ’Mithwaddiym/And They Confessed, ~ywIëx]T;v.mi(W UwMishtachawiym/And Worshipped Yahuweh h;Why")))

their ‘Eloahiym/Mighty One.

Read NechemYah/Nehemiah Chapter 9 & 10 Concerning

Losing Their Salt & Obtaining Salt Back;

Tehillim/Psalms 32:5 - 5) I acknowledged my sin La/To

‘Attah/You, Wa/And my iniquity I did not hide. I said, I will

confess my transgressions La/To Yahuweh h;Why")))

"))); Wa/And ‘Attah/You forgave Ha/The iniquity

Min’/Of my sin. Selah.

Tehillim/Psalms 51:3, 5 - 3) Kiy/For I acknowledge my

transgressions: Wa/And my sin is ever before me. 5) See, I

was shaped Be’/In iniquity; Wa/And Be’/In sin did my

Eema/Mother conceive me.

Mishle/Proverbs 28:13 - 13) Hu’/He ‘Asher/That covers

his sins Tzebah’/Shall not prosper: ‘Abal/But whoever

confesses Wa/And forsakes Bam/Them Tzebah’/Shall

Yesh/Have Rachamim/Mercies.

Daniyel/Daniel 9:3-20 - 3) Wa/And I set my face La/To

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) ‘Eloahi/Mighty One, La/To

seek by Tephillah/Prayer Wa/And ‘Athar/Supplication, with

fasting, Wa/And sackcloth, Wa/And ashes: 4) Wa/And I

‘Anah/Made Tephillah/Prayer La/To Yahuweh h;Why")))

my ‘Eloahi/Mighty One, Wa/And ‘Anah/Made

my confession, Wa/And Amar/Said, O Yahuweh h;Why")))

, Ha/The Rab/Great Wa/And dreadful

El/Mighty One, keeping Ha/The Brit/Covenant Wa/And

Rachamim/Mercies La/To Bam/Them ‘Asher/That

‘Ahabah/Love Hu’/Him, Wa/And La/To Bam/Them

‘Asher/That Shamar/Keep His Mitzbowth/Commands; 5)

‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have sinned, Wa/And Yesh/Have

committed iniquity, Wa/And Yesh/Have done wickedly,

Wa/And Yesh/Have rebelled, ‘Aph/Even by departing

Min’/From ‘Akem/Your precepts Wa/And Min’/From

‘Akem/Your ‘Tzaddiq/Righteous Mishpatim/Judgments: 6)

Lo’/Neither Yesh/Have ‘Anachna’/We hearkened La/To

‘Akem/Your ‘Abadiym/Servants Ha/The Nebiym/Prophets,

who spoke Be’/In ‘Akem/Your Shem/Name La/To our

Melekim/Sovereigns, our nobles, Wa/And our

‘Ahabots/Fathers, Wa/And La/To Qol/All Ha/The

‘Am/People Min’/Of Ha/The land. 7) O Yahuweh h;Why")))

‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness belongs La/To

‘Attem/You, ‘Abal/But La/To us shame Min’/Of face, as

Be’ad/At this Yowm/Day; La/To Ha/The men Min’/Of

Yahudah/Judah, Wa/And La/To Ha/The inhabitants

Min’/Of Yahurushalayim/Jerusalem, Wa/And La/To Qol/All

Yisra’el/Israel, ‘Asher/That ‘Anach/Are near, Wa/And

‘Asher/That ‘Anach/Are far off, through Qol/All Ha/The

countries where ‘Attem/You Yesh/Have driven Bam/Them,

because Min’/Of their trespass ‘Asher/That they Yesh/Have

trespassed ‘Alay/Against ‘Attem/You. 8) O Yahuweh h;Why")))

La/To us belongs shame Min’/Of face, La/To

our Melekim/Sovereigns, La/To our nobles, Wa/And La/To

our ‘Ahabots/Fathers, because ‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have

sinned ‘Alay/Against ‘Attem/You. 9) La/To Yahuweh

h;Why"))) "))) our Eloahi/Mighty One belong

Rachamiym/Mercies Wa/And forgiveness, though

‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have rebelled ‘Alay/Against

Huw’/Him; 10) Lo’/Neither Yesh/Have ‘Anachna’/We

obeyed Ha/The Qowl/Voice Min’/Of Yahuweh h;Why")))

our ‘Eloahi/Mighty One, La/To Yesh/Have

our Derekot/Ways Be’/In His Towratay/Instructions,

‘Ashar/Which Hu’/He set before us by His

‘Abadiym/Servants Ha/The Nebiym/Prophets. 11) Yes,

Qol/All Yisra’el/Israel has transgressed ‘Akem/Your

Towrah/Instruction, ‘Aph/Even by departing, ‘Asher/That

they might not obey ‘Akem/Your Qowl/Voice; ’Al-

Ken/Therefore HaAllah/The Curse is poured ‘Al/Upon us,

Wa/And Ha/The oath ‘Asher/That is written Be’/In Ha/The

Towrah/Instruction Min’/Of Mosheh/Moses Ha/The

‘Ebed/Servant Min’/Of Eloahi/Mighty One, because

‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have sinned ‘Alay/Against Huw’/Him.

12) Wa/And Hu’/He has confirmed His Debariym/Words,

‘Ashar/Which Hu’/He spoke ‘Alay/Against us, Wa/And

‘Alay/Against our leaders ‘Asher/That judged us, by

bringing ‘Al/Upon us a Rab/Great Ra’/Evil: Kiy/For under

Ha/The whole Shamayim/Heavens has not been done such

destruction as has been done ‘Al/Upon

Yahurushalayim/Jerusalem. 13) As it is written Be’/In

Ha/The Towrah/Instruction Min’/Of Moshe/Moses, Qol/All

this Ra’/Evil has Bo’/Come ‘Al/Upon us: yet ‘Anachna’/We

did not ‘Anah/Make our Tephillowth/Prayers before

Yahuweh h;Why"))) our ‘Eloahi/Mighty One

‘Asher/That ‘Anachna’/We might ‘Anah/Make

Teshuwbah/Repentance from our iniquities, Wa/And

‘Biynah/Understand ‘Akem/Your ‘Emeth/Truth. 14) ’Al-

Ken/Therefore has Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) watched

over Ha/The Ra’/Evil, Wa/And brought it ‘Al/Upon us:

Kiy/For Yahuweh h;Why"))) our ‘Eloahi/Mighty

One is ‘Tzadiq/Righteous Be’/In Qol/All Hi’/His works

‘Ashar/Which Hu’/He does: Kiy/For ‘Anachna’/We did not

obey Hi’/His Qowl/Voice. 15) Wa/And ‘Attah/Now, O

Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) our ‘Eloahi/Mighty One,

that has brought ‘Akem/Your ‘Am/People forth out Min’/Of

Ha/The land Min’/Of Mitzrayim/Egypt with a mighty hand,

Wa/And has gotten Rab/Great fame Kiy/For ‘Akem/Your

Shem/Name, as Be’ad/At this Yowm/Day; ‘Anachna’/We

Yesh/Have sinned, ‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have done

wickedly. 16) O Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))), according

La/To Qol/All ‘Akem/Your ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness, I ask

‘Attem/You, Para’/Let ‘Akem/Your ‘Aph/Anger Wa/And

‘Akem/Your fury be turned away Min’/From ‘Akem/Your

city Yahurushalayim/Jerusalem, ‘Akem/Your Qadowsh/Set-

Apart Har/Mountain: because Kiy/For our sins, Wa/And

for Ha/The iniquities Min’/Of our ‘Ahabots/Fathers,

Yahurushalayim/Jerusalem Wa/And ‘Akem/Your

‘Am/People Yesh/Have Hayah/Become a reproach La/To

Qol/All ‘Ashur/That ‘Anach/Are around us. 17) ‘Attah/Now

’Al-Ken/Therefore, O Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))) our

‘Eloahi/Mighty One, hear Ha/The Tephillah/Prayer

Min’/Of ‘Akem/Your ‘Ebed/Servant, Wa/And Hi’/his

‘Athar/Supplications, Wa/And cause ‘Akem/Your face

La/To shine ‘Al/Upon ‘Akem/Your Qadowsh/Set-Apart-

Place ‘Asher/That is desolate, Kiy/For Yahuweh’s h;Why")))

sake. 18) O my Eloahi/Strong Mighty One,

incline ‘Akem/Your ear, Wa/And hear; open ‘Akem/Your

eyes, Wa/And see our desolations, Wa/And Ha/The city

‘Ashar/Which is called by ‘Akem/Your Shem/Name:

Kiy/For ‘Anachna’/We ‘Anah/Do not present our

‘Athar/Supplications before ‘Attem/You because Min’/Of

our ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness, ‘Abal/But because Min’/Of

‘Akem/Your Rab/Great Rachamim/Mercies. 19) O

Yahuweh h;Why"))) hear; O Yahuweh h;Why")))

forgive; O Yahuweh h;Why"))) "))),

listen Wa/And ‘Anah/Do not wait, Kiy/For ‘Akem/Your own

sake, O Yahuweh h;Why"))) my ‘Eloahi/Strong

Mighty One: Kiy/For ‘Akem/Your city Wa/And ‘Akem/Your

‘Am/People ‘Anach/Are Qara’/Called by ‘Akem/Your

Shem/Name. 20) Wa/And while I was still speaking,

Wa/And praying, Wa/And confessing my sin Wa/And

Ha/The sin Min’/Of my ‘Am/People Yisra’el/Israel,

Wa/And presenting my ‘Athar/Supplication before

Yahuweh h;Why"))) my ‘Eloahi/Strong Mighty

One Kiy/For Ha/The Qadowsh/Set-Apart Har/Mountain

Min’/Of my ‘Eloahi/Strong Mighty One;

RomiYah/Romans 10:10 – 10) Kiy/For with Ha/The

Leb/Heart ‘Iysh/Man believes La/To

Tzedaqah/Righteousness; Wa/And with Ha/The Peh/Mouth

confession is ‘Anah/Made La/To Yahuwshua [ovWhy" .

Based on mark 9:49-50

For is good: job 6:6, matthew 5:13, luke 14:34-35,

For have salt: Ephesians 4:29, Colossians 4:6,

For in shalowm/peace:

Psalm -34:14, 133:1, john 13:34-35, 15:17-18, romans -12:18,

14:17-19, 2nd corintians – 13:11, Galatians – 5:14-15, 5:22,

Ephesians – 4:2-6, 4:31-32, philipians – 1:27, 2:1-3, colosians

3:12, 2nd timothy 2:22, Hebrews 12:14, james – 1:20, 3:14-18,

1st peter 3:8,

Lay Hands:

Wayiqra/Leviticus 1:4 - 4) Wa/And Hu’/he Tzebah’/Shall put

his hand ‘Al/Upon Ha/The head Min’/Of Ha/The burnt offering;

Wa/And it shall be accepted Kiy/For huw’/him La/To

‘Anah/Make Keporah/Atonement Kiy/For huw’/him.

Shemoth/Exodus 29:10 - 10) Wa/And ‘Attem/You

Tzebah’/Shall cause a bullock La/To be brought before Ha/The

Tabernacle Min’/Of Ha/The ‘Edah/Congregation: Wa/And

‘Aharon/Aaron Wa/And his sons Tzebah’/Shall put their hands

‘Al/Upon Ha/The head Min’/Of Ha/The bullock.


YeshaYahu/Isaiah 53:6 - 6) Qol/All ‘Anachna’/We like sheep

Yesh/Have gone astray; ‘Anachna’/We Yesh/Have turned each

one La/To his own Derek/Way; Wa/And Yahuweh h;Why")))

has laid ‘Al/On Huw’/Him Ha/The iniquity Min’/Of

us Qol/All.

QorintYah Bet/2 Corinthians 5:21 - 21) Kiy/For Hu’/He has

‘Anah/Made Huw’/Him La/To be Ha/The sin sacrifice Kiy/For

us, who knew Low’/No sin; ‘Asher/That ‘Anachna’/We might be

‘Anah/Made Ha/The ‘Tzedaqah/Righteousness Min’/Of

Yahuweh h;Why"))) Be’/In Huw’/Him.

Only three passages use this denominative verb. According to Lev 2:13, the meal offering is to be seasoned with salt. In Exo 30:35 the ingredients used in compounding incense were to be salted (KJV, "tempered together").

Nowhere does there occur the aspect of entering into friendly relations by eating bread and salt together. Arab society to this day retains such expressions as "there is salt between us" or "I love you as I love salt." The third passage is Ezek 16:4, which uses a Hophal perfect and infinitive absolute to describe a newborn baby being rubbed or washed with salt. Probably this is merely to cleanse and heal the child rather than to establish any covenant [of salt] between the newborn and God. We may hope the salt solution was dilute! melaµ. Salt. Various uses of salt are mentioned in twenty-

eight passages of the OT. It was obtained from large quarries located on the southwest side of the Dead Sea (Gen 19:26; Ezek 47:11; Zeph 2:9). In Job 6:6 it is mentioned as a condiment. Salt and oil were always mixed with the meal offering (Lev 2:13). Ezekiel 43:24 notes that the priest will cast salt on the burnt offerings of the millennial age. The incense offering, the symbol of public

worship to Yahuweh h;Why"))) , must also be

"seasoned with salt" (Exo 30:35). Some hold that salt in these offerings represents that which prevents putrefaction, while honey and leaven do not prevent it and were excluded for that reason. Others point out that the use of salt as a preservative is not clear in the Bible. The burnt offerings, at least, were not to be kept and incense does not putrefy. Therefore the use of salt in these offerings may be a matter of seasoning or of dedication,

for salt was an item of value. Honey, on the other hand, does not easily putrefy. The term "covenant of salt" is applied to the perpetual statute by which revenue was to be given to the priests (Num 18:19), and to the covenant established with David whereby he was accorded an everlasting reign over Israel (2Chr 13:5). These relationships are thereby designated as irrevocable and binding (see also Lev 2:13). The preservative qualities of salt are perhaps seen in the prophet Elisha's using it to purify the spring at Jericho (2Kings 2:20-21), though the efficacy here was miraculous. On the other hand, salt was scattered over the

site of a city devoted to Yahuweh h;Why"))) for

destruction (Jud 9:45) which thus became the symbol of barrenness and desolation (see also Deut 29:23 [H 22]; Job 39:6; Zeph 2:9). Bibliography: Corswant, W., A Dictionary of Lif Ross, J. F., "Salt," in IDB, IV, p. 167. W.C.K.

(1197a) לח .salt (melaµ) מ

(1197b) מלחה (m®l¢µâ) saltiness, barrenness.

(1197c) מלוח (mallûaµ) mallow, a plant which grows in

salt marshes (Job 30:4).

מלח 4654

II מלח: qal: impf. מלח salt, sprinkle salt on (cereal :ת

offering) Lv 213. †

pual: pt. ממלח: be salted, be seasoned w. salt Ex 3035. †

hof.: pf. חת be rubbed (of new-born infant) :המלח .inf ;המל

down w. salt(-water) Ez 164 (oth.: be dipped in salt). †

(pg 197)

מלחה 4658

< ereƒ m®l¢µâ salty, barren land, saltplain Je 176° :מלחה

m®l¢µâ Ps 10734 Jb 396. †

Silver and gold are called noble metals because they don’t corrode. silver (Which is Redemption in Typology through an

allegorical teaching)

45 My son, I have carried salt and removed lead; and I have not seen anything heavier than that a man should

pay back a debt when he did not borrow.43 From THE STORY OF AHIKAR
