(英語 訳) - 奈良県

(英語 訳)

Transcript of (英語 訳) - 奈良県

(英語 訳)


1.How to use this Guide ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1

2.About School Education

1.Japanese School Education ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2

2.Procedures for Starting School ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 5

3.About School Life ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 7

4.Educational Counseling ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・15

※ Material ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・18

3.Letters from school (reference materials)

(1) Entrance ceremony and Graduation ceremony


(2) Home visit ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・21

(3) Class observation ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・22

(4) Field trip (Social excursion) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・23

(5) School Trip ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・24

(6) Parent-Teacher Conference ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・25

(7) Swimming classes ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・26

(8) Sports Day ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・27

(9) School attendance during a weather warning


(10) School costs ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・30

(11) School expenses support program ・・・・・・・・31

4.Student Health (reference materials)

(1) Insurance Questionnaire ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・32~34

(2) Health check and Examination result form


(3) Tuberculosis examination questionnaire ・・・・・・・・・・39

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1.How to use this Guide

○ This guide was made to help caregivers understand school life and the

compulsory education system.

○ Made to conform with the original Japanese version this guide is available in

Chinese, Portugeuse, Spanish, Thai and English. The Chinese version is

available in simplified Chinese. The page numbers for each manual correspond

with each other so please use the appropriate languge along with the Japanese

original for ease of understanding.

○ Information and report form examples are included, please use them as

necessary, remembering to fill out the appropriate dates and blanks. The forms

have been made to be used at anytime of the year. Please use them in

correspondence with the forms distributed by schools.

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2.About School Education

1. Japanese School Education

(1) School Education System(Excerpt)

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◇ Education Before Starting School

Education before starting school is education for children that have not

yet entered into a primary school, such facilities as kindergardens and

nurseries, however a period of education will differ depending on the city,

town, village or each facility.

Kindergardens support children aged 3 uptill they enter a primary

school, with the focus of the education being on the healthy development of

body and mind.

Nurseries support children from birth uptill they enter a primary school,

and serve as a facility of child welfare for parents who for work or other

reasons do not have the ample time to supervise and educate their


◇ Compulsory Education

Compulsory education at elementary and junior high school is for

children aged from 6 to 15 (for a total of nine years). There are also

special schools (elementary and lower secondary departments) for the

blind, the deaf and children with intellectual disabilities, physical

disabilities and health impairments.

◇ Elementary and Secondary Education

Children enter elementary school (shougakkou) in the April following

their 6th birthday and study there for six years. After graduating from

elementary school, students enter junior high school (chuugakkou) for a

further three years. After junior high school, students have completed

their compulsory education. They may then enter senior high school,

where they will normally study for an additional three years. There are

two types of high schools: One offers regular education while the second

offers vocational education. There are also public elementary and junior

high schools with classes and resource rooms for students with

disabilities, schools for the deaf, the blind and children with intellectual

disabilities, physical disabilities and health impairments. In these

classes, education is individualized in order to meet the special needs of

the students with disabilities. Tuition is free in public elementary and

junior high schools, as well as at the elementary and lower secondary

level at schools for the deaf and physically or mentally challenged.

◇ Higher Education

Higher education is provided mainly through universities (daigaku)

and junior colleges (tandai). These institutions offer higher level,

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specialized education. Usually university education lasts for four years

while education in junior colleges is for two or three years. Graduate

schools (daigakuin) offer a much higher level of education and students

usually study at this level for two to five years.

Vocational colleges (senmongakkou) train students in the skills and

knowledge necessary for specific occupations. The length of study at

these institutions is usually two years.

(2) Educational Content

◇ Curriculum

What students study in schools is prescribed in the Courses of Study,

which are established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,

Science and Technology. The curriculum of each school consists of

various academic subjects, moral education, special activities and

integrated studies, etc., based on the Courses of Study.

◇ School Subjects

In elementary school, pupils study Japanese (kokugo), social

studies(shakai), arithmetic (sansuu), science (rika), life studies

(seikatsu), music (ongaku), drawing and crafts (zuga kousaku), home

economics (katei) and physical education (taiiku). Other subjects such as

moral education (doutoku), special activities and integrated studies are

also taught. In junior high school, students study Japanese (kokugo),

social studies (shakai), mathematics (suugaku), science (rika), music

(ongaku), art (bijutsu), physical education (taiiku), technical arts and

home economics (gijutsu katei) and foreign languages (gaikokugo –

usually English), etc. Students also study moral education, special

activities, and integrated studies. The language used in elementary and

junior high school – including schools that have resource rooms, special

classes and schools for children with disabilities – is Japanese.

◇ Textbooks

Textbooks used in elementary and junior high schools, elementary and

lower secondary departments of special schools for children with

disabilities are free of charge.

However, textbooks are not free for senior high school students and

the upper secondary department of special schools for children with


Some schools may use reference materials in addition to textbooks.

These reference books are not provided free of charge.

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(3) Grade level promotion and moving from one school level to


In Japan, there is no system for skipping grades during the

compulsory education period. A student advances from one grade to the

next. After completing their compulsory education, in order to get into a

senior high school, students are usually required to pass an entrance


(4) Financial Assistance

Financial assistance can be received from the board of education of

cities (wards in some areas), towns or villages for school supplies and

school lunches, if it is determined that there is a need for this. Please

contact your local board of education for details. (Refer to pg. 31)

2.Procedures for Starting School

(1) Procedures for starting (or transferring to) elementary and

junior high school

① Procedures at City/Ward/Town/Village Hall

Parents/Guardians will need to go to the City hall or the

ward/town/village office and inform the related officer about your

desire to have your child enrolled in a Japanese school. After doing so,

they will receive either a “Gaikokujin jidou seito nyuugaku

moushikomisho” (School Entrance Application Form for Foreign

Children) or a “Shuugaku annai” (Guidance for Entering School Form)

in the case of entering a new school. Parents should fill these forms

out and submit them.

The “Gaikokujin jidou seito nyuugaku kyokasho” (School Entrance

Permission for Foreign Children) will be sent (or handed over at the

time of application) to the parents by the local municipal board of


The form will state the name of the school the child will attend and

where it is located.

If you have not yet registered your new residence, you will be required to do so

before proceeding with your child’s enrollment papers. From there on you will be

required to present your residence card (or special permanent residence


For more information please contact your local city hall or ward/town/village


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② Procedures at the school

Parents/guardians should go to the school with their child/children,

taking the “Gaikokujin jidou seito nyuugaku kyokasho” (School

Entrance Permission for Foreign Children) once it arrives . If available

at that time it is advised to bring any related forms from the child’s

home country schooling (Certificate of enrollment, Transcript of

grades, etc.). At the school the following points will be discussed to

ensure the child has a valuable school experience.

a) Education up until admission

・Expected length of stay

・Grade level in Home country (years of formal education)

・Japanese skill level of the child and/or family members

b) The Child and family members name, Date of birth, Address,

household members, contact details, etc.

※Required forms and information vary between schools, for

further deails please enquire at the school.

※Some schools will require the submission of forms like the


・Child Information Questionnaire [Date of birth, Address,

household members, contact details, (emergency contact

details, workplace, translation) etc.] (Pg. 18 reference)

・ Insurance information questionnaire [Current health status,

medical history, eyesight, hearing, status of any chronic

diseases, eating habits etc.] (pg. 32 reference)

In Japan the school year of the child is determined by age (Children

born from April 2nd till April 1st of the following year are placed in the

same school year). Furthermore in the case of students from overseas,

there are cases where the student will placed according to their year

irrelevant to current school year in their home country.

However, if it is felt that a child’s Japanese level makes the child

unable to learn at their appropriate school level, the child may

temporarily be enrolled in a (lower) grade more suitable for his/her

language ability.

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(2) Procedures for changing (Primary/Middle) schools within


In cases where there is a need to change schools due to a change of

residence within Japan, the parent/guardian should submit a “tengaku

todoke” (Transfer Notification – the name of this form and processing

methods vary depending on the municipal board of education) to the

current school. After submitting this form, the school will issue a

“zaigaku shoumeisho” (Certificate of Enrol lment) and “kyoukayou tosho

kyuuyo shyoumeisho” (a form showing proof that the student has

received textbooks) to the parents. School records and other documents

related to the child will be sent from the current to the new school.

When changing wards, cities, towns or villages, the parent/guardian

should inform the municipality about the new residence by showing

zairyu card or other documents that can show proof of residence. A

“tennyuugaku tsuuchisho” (Transfer Notification Form) or “nyuugaku

kyokasho” (Entrance Permission Form) should also be issued. Parents

should then go to the new school and submit the “zaigaku shoumeisho”

(Student Record of Enrollment) and “kyoukayou tosho kyuuyo

shyoumeisho” (a form showing proof that the student has received

textbooks). When planning to transfer schools, please consult with the

current school or the municipal board of education.

3. About School Life

(1) A Day in School

The number of classes students have and the time they leave school

each day vary according to the day of the week and the grade. In 6 th grade,

usually five or six classes are held per day (one class is usually 45

minutes in elementary schools and 50 minutes in junior high schools).

There are no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. In elementary school, the

class teacher teaches most regular education subjects. In junior high

school, the teacher varies according to the subject.

◇ Lunch Hour (Kyuushoku jikan)

In elementary and junior high schools, in most cases, school lunch is

provided as a part of the school’s educational activities. School lunches

are planned so that students will learn the proper way of eating and

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suitable or good human relationships. This is done through students

setting the table, clearing the table and eating a well -balanced diet

while having fun together. In this way, students can learn to live


Parents/guardians pay for the cost of the ingredients of lunch, and

the amount is about 3,500 yen to 4,500 yen a month, depending on the

area and grade.

In some junior high schools, school lunches are not provided ,and the

students should bring their own lunches.

◇ Cleaning Hour (Souji jikan)

At Japanese schools there is a specified time when students

separate into groups and clean the facilities they have been using

(Classes, halls, toilets, schoolyard, etc.). In Japan cleaning is also seen

as an important part of education.

◇ Club Activities (Kurabu / Bu katsudou)

Primary school clubs are performed as part of the schools curriculum,

and all students are required to participate. Clubs such Sports, Music,

cooking as well as other cultural activities are available.

Junior high school clubs are extra curricular activities, however the

majority of student participate after school and on weekends/holidays.

There are also schools where club attendance is mandatory.

(2) A Year at School

Japanese schools start in April and end in March of the following year.

The school year is usually divided into three terms. The following is a list

of the main school activities. (Below is an example of a 3 - semester school.

The type of activities and how and when they are carried out vary from

school to school.)

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《First Term: April - August》

・Opening Ceremony (Shigyou shiki) April

This is a ceremony where students gather to mark the start of the

1st semester.

・Entrance Ceremony (Nyuugaku shiki) April

This is a ceremony to welcome the 1st grade/year students. The

students and parents/guardians usually dress formally and attend the


・Health Check (Shintai sokutei/Teiki kenkou shindan) April - June

At the health check, a student’s height, weight and sitting height

are measured. Also, a doctor checks the health of the students.

・Overnight experience study (Shukuhaku taiken gakushuu)

Students’ experience living and cooperating in a group through an

overnight experience.

・School trips (Shuugaku ryokou)

Usually occurring only in the later school years (6 th year of primary

school and 3rd year of Middle school). Students of the same school year all

travel together staying overnight for several days touring facilities and

experiencing new activities.

・School Excursions / External study trips (Ensoku / Kougai gakushuu)

These are field trips where students learn about nature, history and

culture that they cannot experience in the classroom.

・Midterm exams (teiki shiken/chuukan shiken) (May)

Midterms are performed to evaluate the level at which middle school

students are learning.

・Class Observation/Parent Teacher Conferences (Jugyou sankan, Kondan


Class observations are held so that parents/ guardians may come

and see the environment and how their children are learning in the

classroom. Parent teacher conferences generally occur after class

observation and provide an opportunity for parents / guardians and

supervising teachers to discuss about school and home life.

・Final exams (teiki shaken/kimatsu shaken)

・End of the Semester Ceremony (Shuugyou shiki) July

This is a ceremony to declare the end of the first semester.

・Summer Holiday (Natsu yasumi) (End of July to End of August)

This is a long break of about 40 days. Students may be able to join

clubs and participate in special school activities.

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《Second Term: September - December》

・Opening Ceremony (Shigyou shiki) September

This is a ceremony where students gather to mark the start of the second


・Athletic Day (Undoukai/Taiikutaikai)

This is an event for students to enjoy exercising by doing activities such as

short distance running, relays, ball games and dancing, and by cheering on their

classmates. Activities in which students’ families can participate are also held in

some schools.

・Midterm exams (teiki shiken/chuukan shiken)

・Music and Drama Appreciation (Ongaku, Engeki kanshoukai)

This assembly is meant to help students grow spiritually through

experiencing fine drama and music.

・ Student Performance and Cultural Festival (Gakugeikai, Bunkasai)

This is an event where students display works made in fine arts, technical

arts and home economics classes and social study and science reports for their

fellow students to see. Students also put on dramatic and musical performances

for each other.

・Final exams (teiki shaken/kimatsu shaken)

・End of the Semester Ceremony (Shuugyou shiki) December

This is a ceremony to declare the end of the second semester.

・Winter Holiday (Fuyu yasumi) (End of December to the Beginning of January)

This is a relatively short holiday of about two weeks.

《Third Term: January - March》

・Opening Ceremony (Shigyou shiki) January

This is a ceremony where students gather to mark the start of the

third term.

・Final exams (teiki shiken/kimatsu shiken)

・Graduation Ceremony (Sotsugyou shiki) March

A ceremony to congratulate students graduating from their final

grade. The students and parents/guardians usually dress formally

and attend the ceremony.

・End of the Year Ceremony (Shuuryou shiki) March

This is a ceremony not only to declare the end of the third sem ester,

but also the end of the entire school year.

・Spring Holiday (Haru yasumi) (End of March - Beginning of April)

The spring holiday begins right after the end-of-year ceremony.

After the spring holiday ends, students go up to the next grade. So, in

April, students will be in a higher grade.

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☆ National Holidays

On national holidays, Japanese people celebrate, appreciate or

commemorate special events. National holidays are school holidays.

January 1 (Ganjitsu)

(New Year’s Day)

2nd Monday of January

(Seijin no hi)

(Coming-of-Age Day)

February 11

(Kenkoku kinen no hi)

(National Foundation Day)

March (Shunbun no hi)

Vernal Equinox

April 29 (Showa no hi)

May 3 (Kempoukinenbi)

(Constitution Day)

May 4 (Midori no hi)

(Green Day)

May 5 (Kodomo no hi)

(Children’s Day)

3rd Monday of July

(Umi no hi)(Ocean Day)

3rd Monday of September

(Keirou no hi)

(Day of the Elderly)

September (Shuubun no hi)

(Autumnal Equinox)

2nd Monday of October

(Taiiku no hi)

(Health and Sports Day)

November 3 (Bunka no hi)

(Culture Day)

November 23

(Kinrou kansha no hi)

(Labour day)

December 23

(Tennou tanjoubi)

(Emperor’s Birthday)

This day celebrates the beginning of the New


This ceremony is to acknowledge the entry into

adulthood of those turning 20, with the hope that

they will continue to live supporting themselves.

This is a day to remember the founding of the

nation and foster a patriotic attitude towards


This is a day to praise nature and appreciate all

living things.

A day to remember the hardships faced in the

showa period, and to contemplate on the future of

the country.

This day commemorates the implementation of the

Japanese Constitution and expresses hope for the

growth of the nation.

This is a day to become familiar with nature in

order to appreciate its benefits and to grow


This is a day to appreciate children’s personal ities

and wish for their happiness, as well as to show

appreciation for mothers.

This is a day to appreciate the benefits found in

the sea and to wish for the prosperity of our

ocean bound country.

This is a day to show respect to the elderly who

have contributed to society for many years and to

celebrate their longevity.

This is a day of respect for one’s ancestors and to

remember the dead.

This is a day for getting involved in sports and

cultivating a healthy mind and body.

This is a day to love freedom and peace and

promote culture.

This is a day to appreciate each other’s labor and


This day is to celebrate the birthday of the e


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(3) Assessment

School report cards on students’ academic record and life at school are

sent by the school to the students’ families.

(4) Rules and Regulations

Schools have various regulations so that every student can live a

healthy and safe life. (For further details please ask at your school)

◇ Going to and from School

○Walking to school : To ensure safe travel, most schools have a

designated path that students must take when coming and going to


① Going to school : Children who live near each other will gather in

groups and walk together. There are also places that use school


② Coming home: Children in the same year / grade will walk along the

designated path together on the way home.

◇ Dress code

Depending on the primary school there are places where dress is

determined by the school, and there are places where children are

allowed to dress freely. In middle schools it is more common for there to

be rules about dress code. Shoes need to be suitable for walking and

various physical activities. Furthermore as part of Japanese culture it

is usually necessary to change into hallway slippers when entering the


Children will change into pre determined clothes for physical

education classes. There are also schools that require special slippers

and shoes for physical education classes.

Children are not allowed to have manicures, pierc ings, or accessories

of any kind when attending school.

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◇ Items to bring to school

The following outlines items generally required when attending

school, however there are differences depending on the school itself. For

further details please contact your school.

・Slippers (for use inside the school buildings)

・Textbooks (Books will be distributed at the school. Textbooks are free

for primary and middle school students.)

・ Items needed for everyday learning

[Notebook, Pencil case, lead pencil, eraser, red pencil, ruler, pencil

board, coloured pencils, glue, scissors etc.]

・ Items required depending on classes

[Crayon, water paint, calligraphy set, recorder/flute, piano harmonica,

sewing kit, clay, clay board, chisel]

・Physical education class

[P.E clothes, P.E cap, P.E shoes, swimming wear (summer)etc.]

・Others[wiping cloth, hankercheif, Tissue paper, water bo ttle etc.]

※Always write your name on your belongings.

※Do not bring any extra unnecessary items.

(e.g.) Money, Game devices, Comics etc.

※Please bring all your study material in your bag .

※You cannot purchase or eat sweets/candy on school grounds.

(5) Health and Safety

The school takes care to protect children’s health and safety. When a

student gets sick or injured, first aid is given in the school infirmary. If

necessary, the family or a hospital will be contacted. Also, as determined by

law, students are checked yearly by school doctors.

If a child is unable to attend classes, please ensure that you contact the


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◇ School infirmary (Hoken shitsu)

When a student gets sick or injured, a school nurse gives first aid in the

infirmary and, if necessary, will contact a hospital or the family. Also the school

nurse monitors students’ health and gives health guidance and counselling.

◇ Regular Health Checks (Teiki kenkou shindan)

Various health checks are by law given to monitor students’ health

condition. Based on the results, treatment recommendations and health

guidance, etc., are given to parents.

•Examinations At School

Height, weight, sitting height, eyesight, hearing, tuberculosis,

electro-cardiogram, urinalysis, parasites

(not all checks are given to all grades).

•Examinations by School Doctors

Internal medicine, eye doctor, ear/nose/throat doctor and dentist.

◇ National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health:

Disaster Mutual Benefit System (Saigai kyousai kyuufu)

In case of accident or injury at school, a “Casualty Insurance” system is

provided by the National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health.

Parents or guardians pay a part of the premium.

◇ Stopping attendance due to illness

Due to school insurance laws if a child comes down with one of the

following illnesses, they will be required to temporarily stop school

attendance until permission is given by the doctor.

Influenza, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox,

pharyngoconjunctival fever

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◇ Going to and from school during an official weather warning

・During the event of a weather warning (Typhoon, loal downpour,

heavy rain, windstorms, flooding, heavy snow etc.) school t ravel

information will be distributed to each household.

・Warnings in Nara prefecture are separated by location into North

east, North west, South east, south west. Please confirm your own

area and pay careful attention to the television and radio news

information as it is released.

(Reference pg. 28, 29)

(6) Contacts Between School and Families

There is a group called the PTA that consists of parents/guardians and

teachers. This group works together to support education at school.

The group offers activities such as “Experiencing Nature with Parents

and Students” and “Safety Guidance for Travelling to and from

School,” etc.

4. Educational Counseling

(1) School Education Counseling

In Japanese schools, there are opportunities for educational counseling

in which parents/guardians and teachers exchange information about

children’s issues. Topics such as bullying, refusal to go to school, career

guidance, etc., can be discussed. When necessary, an interpreter will be

made available.

The following are such opportunities for educational counseling in


◇ Home Visitation (Katei houmon)

The class teacher visits the children’s home and discusses the child’s

life at school and at home. This is not done at all schools.

◇ Parent/Teacher Meeting (Hogosha kai, kondan kai)

Parents/guardians go to school to listen to the principal and/or talk

with the class teacher. Topics often relate to issues common to all the

children as a group rather than those of individual children.

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◇ Individual Interview (Kojin kondan)

This meeting normally takes place between the class teacher and either the

child or the parent/guardian. (It can take also place as a threeway discussion

including the child, parent and teacher.) This is a good opportunity to talk about

personal problems and concerns. The date is arranged in advance and advised

by the class teacher.

At some schools, an interpreter may be available for such meetings.

You may also contact the supervising teacher outside of the above listed

meeting as well if you ever feel the need to discuss concerns.

(2) Educational Counseling Outside of School

There are other institutions for educational counseling. Prefectural

and municipal boards of education also provide opportunities to consult

about children’s education on topics such as special support education

for children with disabilities, bullying, refusal to go to school, etc.

◇ Counseling regarding entering a new school

Public primary and middle schools are overseen by the town/village

board of education, prefectural high schools and schools for Special

Needs Education are over seen by the prefectural board of eduation.

Please consult the appropriate board of education in regards to any

questions you may have about entering a specific school.

◇ Educational Consultations Regarding Financial Aid

Financial assistance is available from municipal boards of education.

If parents/guardians need financial assistance for their children, they

should contact the municipal board of education. (Reference pg. 31)

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Consultation regarding anything related to

childrens growth, wellbeing, home and school life is

available at the Nara prefectural institute for

educational research Educational consultation


Please feel free to drop by.

[Asunaro hotline 0744-34-5560]

(Nara prefectural institute for educational research)

Consulation regarding:

◎Truancy, bullying and other school life problems

◎Concerns relating to child rearing and househould


◎Personal concerns

☆Consultation hours

Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm

Saturday, Sunday and holidays 9am – 7pm

※For those interested in receiving a consultiation

/counselling please apply by phone to the number

listed above.

The content of all consulations will be kept


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3. letters from school(reference materials)

(1) Entrance Ceremony

An entrance ceremony is held for students entering their first year

of primary school and middle school education. A letter such as the

following will arrive to inform you of the details.

(Example letter)

Date( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parents / Guardians

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

Entrance Ceremony Invitation

We welcome your child in his/her school entrance.

The ( ) entrance ceremony will occur as follows. Please ensure that

you and your child participate as follows.


1 Date and Time ( )April( )Day( )

Registration 8:50am – 9:20am

Location In front of the Gymnasium

Ceremony starts 9:30am

Ends Around 11:00am

2 Location ( )Primary School(Middle school)Gymnasium

≪Points to remember≫

◎Please bring the following on the day of the event.

School enrollment notice

Carry bag (To take home textbooks)

Hallway slippers(Parent / Guardian)

Hallway slippers(Student)

◎After registration new students will be guided 6 th Year (3rd year)

students into their classrooms.

◎Parents / Guardians will be required to be seated in the ceremony

Hall by 9:20am, so please ensure that you arrive with ample time.

◎ If you cannot attend you must contact the school on the f ollowing


Phone Number ( )

◎When coming to the school, we ask you to refrain from coming by car

as there are no places for parking.

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Graduation Certificate recieval ceremony (Graduation ceremony)

A graduation ceremony is held for students finishing their sixth year of

primary school and third year of middle school education. The principal

will personally present each child with their graduation certificate. A letter

such as the following will arrive to inform you of the details.

(Example letter)

( )Year( )Month( )Day

To the parents and Guardians of graduating students.

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principal( )

Graduation Ceremony Invitation

We are proud to announce that your child having completed ( ) years of study will

graduate from ( ) primary (middle) school.

Therefor the following will be performed in the ( ) graduation ceremony.


1 Date and Time ( )March( )Day( )

Registration 8:50am – 9:20am

Location In front of the Gymnasium

Ceremony starts 9:30am

Ends Around 12:00 midday

2 Location ( )Primary School(Middle school)Gymnasium

≪Points to remember≫

◎Please bring the following on the day of the event.

Floor slippers (Parent Guardian)

◎Parents / Guardians will be required to be seated in the ceremony

hall by 9:20am, so please ensure that you arrive with ample time.

◎ If you cannot attend you must contact the school on the following


Phone Number ( )

◎When coming to the school, we ask you to refrain from coming by

car as there are no places for parking.

- 21 -

(2) Home visit

Before having a home visit a time confirmation form will need to be

submitted. A form like the following will be sent out.

(Example letter)

( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parent / Guardian

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

Home Visit (request)

In order to further improve your child school study and lifestyle we would like to visit

your home to see your childs at home lifestyle. In relation to that we would like confirm

your availability. We understand you may be busy however if you could please indicate

which dates you are available below and submit this form to your child’s supervising

teacher before ( ) month ( ) day( ). (Please submit the form even if you do not

have any unavailable times.)

Please understand that we may not be able to comply with your desired time. We will

contact you once the time of your home visit has been confirmed.

Thank you for your cooperation.


1 Date of Visit( )Month( )Day( ) ( )Month( )Day( )

( ) Month( )Day( )

2 Time 1:30 pm ~ 4:30 pm

Each visit will take roughly ten minutes per child.

During the home visit period students will be let out early,

school will end at _:__

Cut here

Home visit availability questionnaire

( )Year( )Class( )Attendance No.

Child (student) Name( )

Parent / Guardian Name( )

( )I am available for a home visit at any time.

( )I have times that I cannot have the home visit

※Please write an × into any time slot you are not available.

14:00~14:30 14:30~15:00 15:00~15:30 15:30~16:00 16:00~16:30




- 22 -

(3) Class observation

Class observation is held to allow parents/guardians to see their

childrens school environment. At that time a letter like the following

will be sent. After the class observation Parent teacher meetings as well

as PTA meetings will take place.

(Example letter)

Date( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parents / Guardians

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

Class observation and parent teacher meeting(invitation)

The Class observation and parent teacher meeting will occur as

follows. We understand that you may be busy however please make the best effort

to attend.


1 Date & Time ( )Month( )Day( ) _:__~_:__

2 Where Individual classrooms and special classrooms

[ ]

3 Schedule Class observation _:__~_:__

Parent teacher meeting _:__~_:__

4 Requests

・Please bring slippers

・We ask you to refrain from coming by car as there are no

places for parking.

- 23 -

( ) ( )4 Field trip Social excursion

Before a field trip a letter like the following will be sent.

( )Example letter

Date Year Month Day( ) ( ) ( )

Dear Parents / Guardians

( ) ( ) ( )Municipal Primary school Middle school

( )Principle

( )F i e l d t r i p a n n o u n c e m e n t

In the __ year students will go on a Field trip to __, the details our outlined



( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1 Appointed Date Year Month Day

※ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Back up date Year Month Day

( )2 Destination

3 Place and Time of departure

Gather by Hour Minute① ( ) ( )

② ( )Gather at

4 Clothing / Items to bring

Clothing : Uniform, School cap①

Items to bring②

Lunch box, Water Bottle, Plastic sheet, Hankercheif, Tissue,

Writing utensils, Plastic bag, Rain gear, Medicine, Handouts

Please write child's name on all belongings.※

5 Notes

If you are unsure of the weather please do the following.

In the event of rain the field trip will still take place.□

Prepare both the items necessary for the field trip and a regular school day.□

- 24 -

5 School Trip( )

Before a school trip a letter like the following will be sent.

( )Example letter

Date Year Month Day( ) ( ) ( )

Dear Parents / Guardians

( ) ( ) ( )Municipal Primary school Middle school

( )Principle

( )School Trip announcement

In the __ year students school trip details are outlined below.

A list of the items to prepare is included below.


Date and Time Year Month Day ~ Month Day1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

[ ]2 Location


Uniform, School cap PE clothes Top and bottm Comfortable shoes,( )

( )Backpack a sholder bag that will allow for free use of both hands

Items to bring4

Lunch box with the one meals worth Water bottle Plastic sheet□ □ □

Handkercheif Tissues plastic bag Medicine□ □ □ □

Handouts Writing utensils Rain gear Toiletries□ □ □ □

Towel Change of clothes PE clothes□ □ □

snacks upto yen pocket money upto yen□ ( ) □ ( )

- 25 -

(6) Parent-Teacher Conferences

Before parent-teacher conferences are held a letter confirming your

availability will be sent.

(Example Letter)

( )Year( )Month( )Day

To the parents and Guardians of students.

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principal( )

Parent-Teacher Conference( request)

In order to inform parents / guardians about their child’s study and school life a

parent-teacher conference individual interview will be held on the following dates.

Please fill out the following information relating to your availability.


1 Date ( )Month( )Day( ) ( )Month( )Day( ) ( )Month( )Day( )

2 Time 2pm – 4:30pm

The conference will take roughly ten minutes per child.

During the parent-teacher conference period students will be

let out early, school will end at _:__

3 Other

Please fill out the following so that we may confirm your availability. Please

indicate which dates you are available below and submit this form to your child’s

supervising teacher before ( ) month ( ) day. (Please submit the form even if

you do not have any unavailable times.)

Please understand that we may not be able to comply with your desired time.

We will contact you once the time of your home visit has been confirmed.

Cut here

Parent-Teacher Conference questionnaire

( )Year( )Class( )Attendance No.

Child (student) Name( )

Parent / Guardian Name( )

( ) I am available for the interview at any time.

( ) I have times that I cannot attend the interview

※Please write an × into any time slot you are not available.

14:00~ 14:30 14:30~ 15:00 15:00~ 15:30 15:30~ 16:00 16:00~ 16:30




- 26 -

(7) Swimming classes Swimming classes will occur from the months of June to July

(September in some schools). At that time a letter similar the following

will be sent.

(Example letter)

( )Year( )Month( )Day

To the parents and Guardians of students.

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principal( )

Swimming classes(announcement)

As the swimming season draws closer, we would like to take this opportunity to

inform you that swimming classes will begin from ( ) month ( ) day. The school will

prioritize the safety of the children but we would also like to ask your cooperation in

observation and understanding of your childs health and wellbeing in order to prevent

any accidents. We require your cooperation in relation to the following.


1 Items to bring

・Swimwear, swimming cap, bath towel, a bag to place the swimming gear into,

swimming card (will be handed out at a later date)

(Please ensure you child name is written on all items)

2 Swimming card (example)


/ Day






Will not



Parent /



Reason (in the case your child

will not be participating)



7 / 8 36.6 ○ Suffering stomache pain

7 / 9 36.7 ○

In order to correctly observe your child’s health we require you to fill out the

swimming card the day of the class.

・Please stamp your seal or sign your name in the appropriate column.

・Whether or not your child will be participating in the class we require you to

submit the card.

・If your child is feeling unwell, it is not necessary to force him/her to participate,

and it is perfectly alright for him/her to participate as an onlooker.

3 Points to note

・Your child will not be permitted entry into the pool if they forget their card or if it

is not filled out correctly. (other examples: Forgetting the swimming card, or

swimming cap)

・If your child has long hair, they will need to tie it up and keep it under their

swimming cap.

- 27 -

(8) Sports Day

There will be a sports day held every year in autumn. At that time

a letter similar to the following will be sent.

(Example letter)

Date( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parents / Guardians

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

( ) Sports Day Invitation

This year ’s Sports Day will be held on the date listed below. The children

will show the results of their hard work through a series of competitions and

performances. We ask for you to help support them together.


1 Date and Time ( ) September 30th (day) 9am – 3pm

In the event of rain: October 1st ( ) 9am – 3pm

※If both the 30th and the 1st are canceled due to rain the sports day will be held

on October 3rd

2 Location ( ) Municipal ( ) Primary school ( Middle school )

Sports field

3 Further Notes

・September 29th Study and preparation for the Sports day. (Items to bring: Lunchbox,

water bottle, study materials)

・If the sports day is held on Septemeber 30th then there will be no school on the

following October 1st and 2nd

If the sports day is to be cancelled due to poor weather, the decision will be made

by 6:30 am

・In the event the sports day is cancelled on september 30th

September 30th students will study for ( ) hours. (Items to bring: Lunchbox, Water

bottle, Study materials)

・Whether there is a cancellation or not there wil be no school on October 2nd

※Parents / Guardians are asked to bring a sheet or blanket to sit on and observe the

sports day from the sports field’s designated area.

- 28 -

(9) School attendance during a weather warning

・ In the event of weather warnings such as Typhoons, Heavy rainfall,

Heavy snowfall, Strong winds, flooding etc. An announcement about

school attendance will be distributed to each houshold.

・ In Nara prefecture weather warnings are announced by area, those

being North East, North West, South East, South West. Please

confirm your area and pay close attention to television and radio

announcements.(reference pg29)

(example letter)

Please carefully store this letter for the year.

Date( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parents / Guardians

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

Weather warning measures

In the event of weather warnings such as Typhoons, Heavy rainfall,

Heavy snowfall, Strong winds, flooding etc. school attendance will be

affected as follows.

◎ As of 7am if there are any weather warnings issued students will be required to

wait at home until the warning is rescinded.

◎ If the Warning has been rescinded by 9am then school will commence from 10:35

(third period) please travel in groups and ensure you arrive on time (school lunch

will be provided as usual)

※Please contact the school if there are any obstructions or injuries preventing

you from attending.

(School TEL )

◎ If the warning is still in effect as of 9am, school will be cancelled.

◎ If a weather warning is issued after students have left for school, the school will

prioritize the students safety and take any necessary measures.

◎ After a large earthquake please pay attention to public

announcements and depending on the situation decide whether or not

to have your child attend school.

- 29 -

Weather Forecast districts.

【North section 【North west, [North east, Gojo・Northern Yoshino]】

【South Section 【South section [South east section, South west section]】

North west


Nara city, Yamato Takada city, Yamato Kouriyama city,

Tenri city, Kashihara city, Sakurai City, Gose City, Ikoma

City, Kashibashi City, Katsuragi City

Ikoma District (Heguri town, Sango town,Ikaruga

town,Ando town), Shiki District (Kawanishi town, Miyake

town, Tawaramoto town), Takaichi District (Takatori town,

Asuka village), Northern Katsuragi District (Kanmaki

town, Ouji town, Kouryou town, Kawai town)

North East


Uda City, Yamabe District (Yamazoe village)




Gojo City (Not including Otou town), Yoshino District

(Yoshino town, Oyodo Town, Shimoichi town)

South east


Uda District (Soni village, Mitsue village), Yoshino

District (Kurotaki village, Tenkawa village,

Shimokitayama village, Kamikitayama village, Kawakami

village, Higashi yoshino village)

South west


Gojo City (Only including Otou town), Yoshino District

(Nosegawa village, Totsukawa village)

North east




North west



Northern Yoshino

South east


South west


Secondary subdivision

of the area

Primary subdivision

of the area







- 30 -

(10) School costs ○ Contents of monthly school fees (example)

School lunch 3,500 yen~4,500 yen

Membership fee 300 yen~400 yen

Class materials 1,000 yen~2,000 yen

Field trip 300 yen~1,500 yen

※Savings(Cost of graduation Album、School trip costs

Primary 5 th 6 th year) 2,000 yen

○ Payments methods

(1) Organizing automatic monthly payements to be made to the

schools designated banking facilities (bank account etc).

(2) There are school where fees are paid by cash.

(3) If you choose to pay by method (1) then a form such as the

following will be sent

(Example form)

Dear Parents / Guardians ( )Municipal( )Primary school (middle school)

Principle( )

School fees automatic payment system

At this school we have a safe money transfer system available to allow for the easy payment of Lunch and PTA membership fees.

In addition to that classroom material costs will be paid directly to the

supervising teacher. In relation to the money transfer, automatic payments will be deducted

from your account to ○○ bank ● branch. You will be required to create

an account with ○○bank, we apologize for the difficulty in this matter.

○ Amount to be deducted

School lunch fees ( )yen( cost per child)

PTA membership fee( )yen( cost per family)

○ Date of deduction Monthly( )day

( If this ay falls on a public holiday the money will be deducted the following day)

※Please ensure you pay by the designated date. If the payment is not

made on time their will be a notification from the bank, at which time

each family will be contacted. The money will need to be payed by cash at the school.

※About personal seals “Inkan”

In Japanese culture one stamps their personal sea l to the right of

their name. This acts as an affirmation of personal agreement same as

signing a document.

- 31 -

(11) School expenses support program

A program to assist in the payment of necessary school fees (class

materials, school lunch, school trips) is available in every city, town,

and village. In order to receive such support there is required approval

necessary. Information (Family income situation, family structure) is

to be filled out in the designated form and submitted to the school.

The form to be submitted will vary depending on your city, town,

village (the following is simply an example of what you may see). It will

require the following information, Child’s name, date of birth, name of

parent / guardian, current address, family structure, aver age income,

reason for wanting assistance etc.

Please consult your child’s teacher if you require such assistance.

(Example form)

Year School expense aid student approval form

Student name School year School

Date of birth Parent /



Address Occupation



Relation to

the child

Name Age Workplace /


Average monthly income Note

Reason for wanting assistance ※ Please write in detail

I hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct to all my

personal knowledge and give permission to clarify such information as so.

Year Month Day

Parent/ Guardian name Seal

I approve that the child mentioned above is in requirement of financial

aid, and request for confirmation.

Year Month Day

Municipal Principal Seal

City Board of education Board president

- 32 -

4.Student Health( reference materials)

(1) Insurance Questionnaire Secrecy


This questionnaire is to help understand your child’s physical wellbeing as well as

assist the school doctor and Insurance supervisory department perform their duties.

The information may also be used in case of emergency or medical examination.

Please be as accurate as possible in describing your child’s health condition. If there

are any changes to the following information please contact us a soon as possible.

The following information will be used from the first year of primary school till the

third year of middle school. All information will be kept confidential.

The following information will not be used for anything other reasons than those

stated above.

◎ Important things to note when filling out this form

・Please write in ball pen

・Parent guardian not forget to use your personal seal

Furigana Date of birth

Year Month Day Child’s name

Male Female

School name

Primary school

Middle school

School year 1 2 3 4 5 6 School year 1 2 3

Class Class



Parent /



Parent /



I n s u r a n c e Q u e s t i o n n a i r e

- 33 -

Received Immunization ( Year・Month・Day )

BCG( ・ ・ )Polio( ・ ・ )Measles( ・ ・ )

Rubella( ・ ・ )Meales・Rubella (MR)( ・ ・ )

Diptheria, whooping cough, tetanus First shot First supplement shot Second shot ( ・ ・ ) ( ・ ・ ) ( ・ ・ )

Japanese Encephalitis First shot First supplement shot Second shot ( ・ ・ ) ( ・ ・ ) ( ・ ・ )

Previous illness and current state of health

Measles( age) Rubella( age) Chickenpox( age)

Whooping cough( age) Mumps( age) Other( age)

Name of Illness Age that

symptoms first


Treatment recieved Declared


Heart disease age age

Kidney disease age age


syndrome age


Asthma age age

Seizures due to

epilepsy age


Seizures due to


age age

age age

age age

age age

Where applicable please write ○ ,

and fill out the gaps ( )



schoo l

Nothing important of note

Medicine allergy(Medicine name)

Food allergy(Name of food )

Other allergy( )

Had a seizure within the year

Hard of hearing (Right・Left)

Other( )

Other( )

Other( )



nt s







- 34 -


Date of entry Any health concerns you may have

Information regarding current insurance policy

Type(Please circle one

of the following)

Agency number

Personal number

Name Insurance number

Social insurance・Nation

al health insurance

・No insurance・Single

mothers benefit

Type(Please circle one

of the following)




number Name Insurance number

Social insurance・Nation

al health insurance

・No insurance・Single

mothers benefit

Type(Please circle one

of the following)




number Name Insurance number

Social insurance・Nation

al health insurance

・No insurance・Single

mothers benefit

Contact details

Parent / Guardian name






Contact details ① Contact details ② Contact details ③

Phone number Phone number Phone number

Parent /



Phone number




Contact details ① Contact details ② Contact details ③

Phone number Phone number Phone number

Parent /



Phone number




Contact details ① Contact details ② Contact details ③

Phone number Phone number Phone number































- 35 -

2 Health check( )

Focusing on the child s wellbeing a lawful healthcheck will be performed. When a’

health check is to being held a letter such as the following will be sent.

( )example letter

Date Year Month Day( ) ( ) ( )

Dear Parents / Guardians

( ) ( ) ( )Municipal Primary school Middle school

( )Principle

Check up○○

A health check is performed to help plan out healthy growth, catch the early onset of

diseas and improve school life wellbeing in general. The health check up will occur as

follows, we thank you for your cooperation.


Internal examination, Otolaryngological Ear and nose examination,○ ( )

ECG examination, Dental examination, Ophthalmological eye examination,( )

Hearing examination, Eyesight examination

An examination to look for the early onset of disease and treat if necessary.

Remember to clean the location being checked prior to the examination.・

Urine test○

To check the condition of kidney.

Take a urine sample immediately after awaking in the morning.・

Bring that sample to school.・

Parasite check○

A test to find pinworms and other parasites.

The test takes two days to perform. It is performed immediately after awaking.・

A specialized tape is provided, there is a circular mark which is applied to the anus 2 -

3 times.

A second piece of tape is provided for the second day.

est twice in one day.・Even if you forget one day, DO NOT apply the t

Do not take the test at night before sleeping.・

○ ( )Body measurement Height, Weight, Sitting hight

Performed to measure the child's growth. Performed at the beginning of each semester.

Weight is measured once every two months.

Please shower on the day before the test, please remember to wear clean underwear.・

- 36 -

Date( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parents / Guardians

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

Internal examination results

( )Year( )Class Name( )

The results of the examination are listed below, the following symptoms were found.

Please consult a specialist as soon as possible and receive a detailed examination.

(Boxes related to your child are ticked)


1 Nutritional condition □Obese □Slightly overwight □Malnourished

□Possible anemia

2 Chest and spine □Possible spinal problems □Possible chest problems

( ) ( )

3 Skin disease □Atopic dermatitis □Eczma □Other( )

4 Heart □Arrhythmia □Heart murmur( )

□Other( )

5 Other ( )

※Please submit the following result form after visiting a specialist doctor.

Examination result form

( )Year( )Class Name( )

Test result and instructions for the school

・Diagnosis (disease name) 〔 〕

・Treatment 〔 〕

・Doctor’s instructions 〔 〕

I acknowledge the above to be true and lawful

Year Month Day

Medical facility name

Doctor name Seal

- 37 -

Date( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parents / Guardians

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

Dental examination results

( )Year( )Class Name( )

The dental examination results are as follows.

□ Tooth decay present

□ Possible problems with baby teeth

□ Problems with tooth alignment

□ Other 〔 〕

※Please submit the following result form after receiving dental treatment.

Examination result form

( )Year( )Class Name( )

□ No problems

□ Treatment complete

□ Observing progression

I acknowledge the above to be true and lawful

Year Month Day

Medical facility name

Doctor name Seal

- 38 -

Date( )Year( )Month( )Day

Dear Parents / Guardians

( )Municipal( )Primary school(Middle school)

Principle( )

Eyesight examination results

( )Year( )Class Name( )

The eyesight examination results are as follows.

Eyesight Right ( ) left ( ) Eyesight with

glasses Right ( ) left ( )


A Above 1.0 B 0.9~0.7 C 0.3 ~0.3 D Below 0.3

※Please submit the following result form after visiting your opthalmologist

Examination result form

( )Year( )Class Name( )

Right Left


visual acuity ( ) ( )


visual acuity ( ) ( )



No problem Far sighted

Astigmatism Amblyopia Near sighted

Accommodative spasm

Other( )

No problem Far sighted

Astigmatism Amblyopia Near sighted

Accommodative spasm

Other( )

Treatment・ Observing


(Required・Not required)

Doctor’s instructions

Eyedrops (Required・Not required) Glasses (Required・Not required)

Use glasses (At all times・During class)

Other ( )

I acknowledge the above to be true and lawful

Year Month Day

Medical facility name

Doctor name Seal

- 39 -

Tuberculosis examination questionnaire

Date filled Year Month Day

School Year Class Name

Please circle the appropriate answer

Question Content Circle one of the


Q1 Has your child contractd any tubercular diseases

(e.g. pulmonary infiltration, pleurisy, lymph nodal tuberculosis

etc.) in the past two years?




month of _


Q2 Has your child taken any tuberculosis related medicine in the

past two years?




month of _


Q3 Has anyone in your hosehold or family contracted tuberculosis in

the past two years?




month of _


Q4 Has your child spent in total more than half a year living

overseas in the past 3 years




months of _


Extra *If you answered yes to question 4

4-1 Which countries?( )

Q5 Has your child had problems with phlegm or coughing for longer

than two weeks?

Yes No

Extra *If you answered yes to question 5

5-1 Did your child receive medical treatment for these


Yes No

5-2 Does your child suffer from asthma, or asthmatic

related bronchitis?

Yes No

Only answer question 6 if your child is in the first year of primary school.

(To parents / guadians) Please understand that if the answer to any of questions 1 – 3 is

yes, the contents of this form will be reviewed by the health office and your child will

require a health check up.

Q6 Has your child received vaccination for BCG (stamp type

vaccination)? Check your maternity health book if you are unsure

Yes No

Extra *If you answered no to question 6

6-1 Why didn’t you receive vaccination? Because the Tuberculin test

returned postive

Other reason

Please do not fill out the following

Detailed tuberculosis test (School doctor’s findings)

Required Not required〔 〕

平成27(2015)年 3月 発行

編集・発行 奈良県教育委員会事務局 人権・地域教育課

〒630-8502 奈良市登大路町30番地

TEL 0742 ー 27 ー 9858
