IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya...

IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016 Dalam rangka meningkatkan silaturahmi insan geothermal

Transcript of IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya...

Page 1: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang


Rolling Golf

Tournament 2016 Dalam rangka meningkatkan silaturahmi insan geothermal

Page 2: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang

Indonesia guna peningkatan kemajuan pemanfaatan energi

geothermal yang bersih, efisien dan terbarukan.

Rolling Tournament IGGC 2016 (Agustus-November 2016) Tempat : PIK Golf Club, Sentul Highland Golf Club Sekretariat : IGGC, Menara Cakrawala Lt. 15, Jalan MH Thamrin No. 9 JakartaPusat, 10340

Telp : 021-39833222, Fax : 021-39833230, Email : [email protected]

Visi Tentang IGGC

Menjadi Organisasi

Club Golf Amatir

Terbaik di Indonesia

4 Misi Utama

1. Partner dalam

pembangunan industri

geothermal nasional 2. Meningkatkan mutu pegolf

IGGC 3. Tanggung jawab sosial

Mendorong budaya hemat


• Organisasi pemangku kepentingan

(stake holder) geothermal yang

memiliki hobby olahraga golf. • Bersifat nirlaba. • Bertujuan mempererat tali silaturahmi

diantara insan pemangku kepentingan

(stake holders) geothermal guna

mempromosikan dan memacu

pertumbuhan energy geothermal di Indonesia

Page 3: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang


IGGC didirikan pada pada Hari Jumat 17 Pebruari 2012

di Jakarta. Kami sadar bahwa diusia yang teramat

muda ini, masih banyak yang perlu diperbuat

khususnya bagi Pembangunan In-dustri

Geothermal dalam perspektif Ketahan-an Energi

Nasional. Hal ini lah menjadi misi utama berdirinya Organisasi Nirlaba ini, selain

misi Strategis yang hampir sebagian besar

sudah tercapai dengan telah dihapuskannya

subsidi BBM pada era Kabinet Kerja RI.

Melalui beberapa langkah keberpihakan

pemerintah da-lam upayanya mendorong

Percepatan Pembangunan In-dustri yang

ramah lingkungan & terbarukan ini, antara lain

Government Guarantee Breakthrough,

Electricity Price Breakthrough, Restricted

Forest Entry Breakthrough, dan Financing For

Exploration Breakthrough, maka tentu IGGC

berharap kepada seluruh pengusaha dibidang

Geothermal untuk segera mengambil aksi

nyata terkait kesempatan emas dalam dimensi

bisnis yang sustainable ini.

Karena itu pada waktu yg tepat ini, kembali IGGC

mengun-dang seluruh stakeholder geothermal

baik yang datang dari kalangan pengusaha

maupun non pengusaha untuk dapat

berpartisipasi dalam Kegiatan Olah Raga Golf

bersama yang penuh rasa kekeluargaan yakni

IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016. Partisipasi

Bapak/Ibu menjadi modal kami un-tuk

memberikan kontribusi maksimal bagi Kemajuan

Industri Geothermal di Tanah Air yang kita cintai


Demikian Proposal ini kami haturkan, atas

perhatian & kerjasamanya kami ucapkan Greeting from IGGC,

This organization has been established since 17

February 2012 in Jakarta. We are fully aware with such

young age; there are still a lot that needs to be done

especially for Geothermal Industry Development in the

perspective of the National Energy Security. This is the

core mission of the establishment of this Nonprofits Organization, in addition to strategic mission that

mostly have been achieved with the removal of fuel

subsidies in the cur-rent Indonesian Cabinet. The government has taken all necessary steps to

ad-dress concerns in its efforts to encourage the

Accelera- tion Development of Industrial & renewable

environmentally friendly, among other Government

Guarantee Breakthrough, Electricity Price

Breakthrough, Breakthrough Entry Re-stricted Forest,

and also Financing For Exploration Break-through,

certainly IGGC wishes to all employers in the field of

Geothermal for taking immediate real action related to

the given opportunity in this sustainable business

dimen-sion. Therefore, IGGC invites all geothermal

stakeholders back either from the entrepreneurs or non-

entrepreneurs to participate in Golf Sport Activities with

sense of kin-ship which is IGGC Rolling Golf

Tournaments in 2016. We would like to extend a proposal invite to your

company to participate in this networking event. Your

participation will surely support us to provide the

maximum contribution for the development of

Geothermal Industry in our beloved country Please kindly accept our most sincere thanks for

your support. Regards, Ismoyo Argo Chairman of IGG


Ismoyo Argo Ketua IGGC

Page 4: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang

Maksud & Tujuan Rolling Tournament IIGC 2016

• Dalam rangka menyongsong

• Turnamen ke-14:

Sabtu, tanggal 13 Agustus 2016

era kebangkitan pemanfaatan Tempat: PIK Golf Club (sebagai bagian dari rangkaian acara IIGCE ke-4)

energy geothermal sebagai • Turnamen ke-15:

salah satu energi masa depan

Indonesia. Sabtu, tanggal 19 November 2016

Mempererat kerjasama di Tempat: Sentul Highland

• atarastakeholders geothermal

Menumbuhkan semangat

dalam membangun perusahaan

melalui olahraga golf.

Jadwal Tentatif Acara: Shotgun : VIP IGGC 05.30 – 06.15: Registrasi dan makan pagi 06.15 – 06.30: Tee Box 06.30 – 12.00: Turnamen golf 12.00 – 13.00: Makan siang

Page 5: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang

SPONSORSHIP Pemberlakuan sponsor untuk tiap turnamen. Pihak

Sponsor sangat diharapkan untuk mensponsori

lebih dari 1 turnamen dalam tahun berjalan (sesuai

isian dalam Lembar Konfi rmasi Sponsor).

Sponsorship for each tournament. The sponsors are

highly expected to sponsor more than one

tournament in one year (according to forms in

sponsorship confi rmation sheet attached).


Biaya penutupan lapangan meliputi:

Golf course expense coverage:

Green fee, Golf cart, Caddy Fee,Insurance Green fee, Golf cart, Caddy Fee, Insurance and Tax for minimum 144

dan PPN untuk kapasitas minimal144 participants.

peserta turnamen atau lebih. Facilities:

Fasilitas: 1. Provide Company name/logo in:

1. Pencantuman nama/logo • Invitation

perusahaan di: • Merchandize (Polo shirt, hat etc)

• Undangan • Giant banner

• Merchandize (misal: Polo shirt, • Welcome banner

Topidll) • Tournament banner

• Giant banner • Hole in one banner (if there is any HIO sponsor)

• Spanduk selamat datang • Backdrop

• Spanduk selamat bertanding

2. • 30 Company banners

• Spanduk Hole in One (apabila 30 Minutes Promotion Event during lunch

terdapat sponsor HIO)

3. (promotion material provided by sponsor)

• Backdrop Welcome speech as tournament host

2. • Umbul-umbul perusahaan 30 buah 4. Trophy ceremonies

Promotion Event 30 menit saat 5. Space promotions

Lunch 6. The right to propose tournament location according to IGGC

(materi promosi di sediakan pihak

7. reference (list attached)

3. Sponsor) To receive invitation for 16 participants

Sambutan sebagai host turnamen 8. Facilities VIP room for 1 person

4. Penyerah hadiah

The Host Tournament is required to present evidence of course

5. Space promosi

6. Berhak mengusulkan lokasi pertandingan sesuai referensi IGGC. reservation to the Committee at the latest 1 months

tournament. But an early confirmation is highly the Committee The Eight IGGC Tournament

Page 6: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang

PLATINUM PACKAGE (Rp. 60.000.000) Fasilitas: 1. Pencantuman nama/logo perusahaan di:

• Undangan • Merchandize (misal: Polo shirt, Topi dll) • Giant banner • Spanduk selamat datang • Spanduk selamat bertanding. • Spanduk Hole in One (apabila terdapat sponsor HIO) • Backdrop • Umbul-umbul perusahaan 15 buah

2. Mendapatkan undangan untuk 6 peserta.

Sponsor Platinum diharuskan menyampaikan

konfirmasi kesanggupan minimal 2 (dua) minggu

sebelum jadwal turnamen. Namun konfirmasi jauh

lebih awal sangat diharapkan.

Facilities: 1. Provide Company name/logo in:

• Invitation • Merchandize (Polo shirt, hat etc) • Giant banner • Welcome banner • Tournament banner • Hole in one banner (if there is any HIO sponsor) • Backdrop • 15 Company banners

2. To receive invitation for 6 participants

GOLD PACKAGE (Rp. 40.000.000) Fasilitas: 1. Pencantuman nama/logo perusahaan di:

• Undangan • Giant banner • Spanduk selamat datang • Spanduk selamat bertanding. • Backdrop • Umbul-umbul perusahaan 10 buah

2. Mendapatkan undangan untuk 4 peserta.

Sponsor Gold diharuskan menyampaikan

konfirmasi kesanggupan minimal 2 (dua) minggu

sebelum jadwal turnamen. Namun konfirmasi jauh

lebih awal sangat diharapkan.

Facilities: 1. Provide Company name/logo in:

• Invitation • Giant banner • Welcome banner • Tournament banner • Backdrop • 10 Company banners

2. To receive invitation for 4 participants

The Gold Sponsor is expected to confirm to the

Committee at the latest 2 weeks before the

tournament. But an early confirmation is highly

appreciated by the

Page 7: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang

SILVER PACKAGE (Rp. 25.000.000) Fasilitas: 1. Pencantuman nama/logo perusahaan di:

• Umbul-umbul perusahaan 5 buah • Giant banner • Backdrop

2. Mendapatkan undangan untuk 2 peserta

Sponsor Silver diharuskan menyampaikan

konfirmasi kesanggupan minimal 2 (dua) minggu

sebelum jadwal turnamen. Namun konfirmasi jauh

lebih awal sangat diharapkan.

Facilities: 1. Provide Company name/logo in:

• Giant banner • Backdrop • 5 Company banners

2.To receive invitation for 2 participants The Silver Sponsor is expected to confirm to the

Committee at the latest 2 weeks before the

tournament. But an early confirmation is highly

appreciated by the Committee.

BRONZE PACKAGE (Rp. 15.000.000) Fasilitas: 1. Pencantuman nama/logo perusahaan di :

• Umbul-umbul perusahaan 2 buah • Backdrop

2. Mendapatkan undangan untuk 1 peserta.

Sponsor Bronze diharuskan menyampaikan

konfirmasi kesanggupan minimal 2 (dua) minggu

sebelum jadwal turnamen. Namun konfirmasi jauh

lebih awal sangat diharapkan.

Facilities: 1. Provide Company name/logo in:

• 2 Company banners • Backdrop

2. To receive invitation for 1 participant

The bronze Sponsor is expected to confirm to the

Committee at the latest 2 weeks before the

tournament. But an early confirmation is highly

appreciated by the Committee.

Page 8: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang


Hadiah Hole In One minimal senilai Rp. 250.000.000 (dua

ratus lima puluh juta rupiah) dapat berupa Rumah (on the

road), Mobil (on the road), Perhiasan, Uang Tunai atau Motor Gede (on the road). Fasilitas: 1. Pencantuman nama/logo perusahaan di:

• Spanduk Hole in One • Backdrop

2. Mendapatkan undangan untuk 1 (satu) peserta bila

nilai HOI minimum senilai Rp. 400.000.000. Sponsor Hole in One diharuskan menyampaikan konfirmasi

kesanggupan minimal 2 (dua) minggu sebelum jadwal

turnamen. Namun konfirmasi jauh lebih awal sangat

diharapkan. Sponsor mengurus sendiri dan menyampaikan

dokumentasi terkait asuransi, transportasi dan administrasi

hadiah Hole in One kepada IGGC, 2 (dua) minggu sebelum

jadwal turnamen. • Materi promosi disediakan oleh pihak nsponsor • Art work dan colour separation disediakan oleh pihak

sponsor The value of Hole In One Price minimum Rp. 250.000.000,

can be house (on the road), car (on the road), jewelry (gold), cash money, motor cycle (Harley Davidson etc, on the road). Facilities: 1. Provide Company name/logo in:

• Hole In One banner • Backdrop

2. To receive invitation for 1 participant (if the value of

HIO price minimum Rp. 400.000.000) The Hole In One Sponsor is expected to confi rm to the

Committee at the latest 2 weeks before the tournament. But

an early confirmation is highly appreciated by the Committee. The Sponsor should arrange and submit the document (insurance, transportation and HIO price administration) at

the latest 1 weeks before the tournament. • Promotion material provided by sponsor • Art work and colour separation provided by sponsor

Logo perusahaan dengan standar high

density dapat dikirimkan melalui email:

[email protected]

PROMOTION EVENT: (Rp. 30.000.000) Fasilitas: 1. Promosi produk 30 (tiga puluh) menit saat lunch

(materi promosi disediakan oleh Sponsor)

2. Space promosi 3. Mendapatkan undangan untuk 2(dua) peserta. Setiap turnamen dibatasi maksimum 2 (dua) Perusahaan

untuk Promotion Event.

Facilities: 1. 30 Minutes Promotion Event during lunch

(promotion material provided by sponsor) 2. Space promotions 3. To receive invitation for 2 participant

Every tournament is limited only 2 companies for

promotion event.

Page 9: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang


• Sistem 36


Perkiraan jumlah peserta Turnamen Golf IGGC

144 peserta dengan rincian sebagai berikut: • Undangan khusus (VIP) : 2 peserta • Undangan Pemerintah : 25 peserta • Undangan sponsor : 45 peserta • Undangan lainnya : 72 peserta


• Flight A: HC 1 – 12 (Best Gross, Best Net I, Best Net II) • Flight B: HC 13 – 20 (Best Gross, Best Net I, Best Net II) • Flight C: HC 21 – 28 (Best Gross, Best Net I, Best Net II) • Piala Best Net Over All • Piala Best Gross Over All • Piala Longest Drive • Piala Nearest to the Pin • Hadiah hiburan (lucky draw) eksklusif


• Eksklusif

Page 10: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang


Ismoyo Argo

Wakil Ketua

Eko Agung Bramantyo

Finance Representative

Tavip Dwikorianto

Teddy Wahyudi

Adrian Kiemas


Ato Zulkarnain

Support coordinator

Slamet Muhadi


Event Coordinator

Franky Tungka

Badhy G

Yudhi dahlan

Membership Coordinator

Aguardi Dega



Communication & Relation

Hera Zein



Tournament Committe


Reza Arsyad


Mawardi Agani

Adji Boediarto


Robby Pradana

Steering Committee

Budi Herdiyanto

I Ketut Sujata

Win Sukardi


Ismoyo Argo Ketua IGGC Hp: 0811188027 Email: [email protected] Mawardi Agani Sekretaris IGGC

Hp: 0811848431 Email: [email protected] Robby Pradana Bendaraha IGGC p: [email protected] Tavip Dwikorianto Seksi Finance Representative

Hp:08121424027 Email: [email protected] Teddy Wahyudi Seksi Finance Representative

Hp: 08118887515

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Andrian Kiemas Seksi Finance Representative

Hp: 08111878303 Email: [email protected] Novianto Seksi Finance Representative

Hp: 08121083820 Email: [email protected]

Ato Zulkarnain Seksi Finance Representative

Hp: 08161301904

Email: [email protected]

Susunan Pengurus IGGC Tahun 2016 – 2018

Page 11: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang





1. Senayan National

1. Merapi Golf, Cangkringan

2. Royale Halim 2. Borobudur Golf, Magelang

3. Pondok Indah


4. Damai Indah, BSD

5. Damai Indah PIK

1. Taman Dayu

6. Imperial, Lippo Karawaci-Tangerang 2. Citraland

7. Emeralda, Cimanggis


8. Riverside, Cibinong-Bogor

9. Jagorawi, Cibinong-Bogor

1. Pecatu

10. PSP sentul 2. Bali Nirwana

11. Bogor Raya, Bogor 3. Bedugul

12. Rancamaya, Ciawi-Bogor 4. Nusa Dua

13. Gunung Geulis, Ciawi-Bogor


14. Rainbow Hills

15. Palm Hills, Sentul

1. Ria Bintan

16. SentulHighland, Bogor BATAM:


1. Batam Hills

1. Mountain View-Dago 2. Palm Spring

2. Bandung Giri Gahana-Jatinangor

Page 12: IGGC Rolling Golf Tournament 2016indonesiageothermalgolf.com/gallery/iggc3.pdf · Mendorong budaya hemat energy • Organisasi pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) geothermal yang

Turnamen ke-14 Turnamen ke-15 13-08-2016 19-11-2016