What Is A Day You Will Never Forget?

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Transcript of What Is A Day You Will Never Forget?

Personal Narrative What Is A Day You Will Never Forget?

Mrs. Allen’s 5th Graders

October 2016


A Day I Will Never Forget By Karleigh Adair

A day I will never forget is the day when we smushed sprinkles, marshmallows, and starbursts together. Then, we heated them up, and ate them. First, Mrs. Allen did it herself. The results looked like a bubbling, burnt rainbow. Then we tried it. It was really messy, but super fun! I got to share a plate with Sam and Anantha. When we heated them up, they were not burnt this time. We used our fingers to eat them, and they tasted sooo good! We ate them all up! Our fingers were really sticky, so we had to wash them, and that is a day I will never forget.


Sarah Alhashimi Mrs. Allen 11/16/2016 A Day I Will Never Forget I always watch my best friends doing the things I never thought I could do. One of them was trying to do cartwheels. I tried practicing at home. I searched up how to do cartwheels on the internet and i followed what they told me to do. I was scared, But i recorded myself trying to do my very rst cartwheel. I believed in myself, and I did it. I was jumping with happiness. I ran to my phone to see what i looked doing it. I watched myself doing a cartwheel, but I wasn’t too happy with way I did it. I noticed my legs were not straight and so were my arms. I almost hit the side of my bed, but I was still Happy with myself. I knew now I could do anything with practice. When I was ready to do the second cartwheel, I felt more condent. This time, I also recorded myself. I saw that I still had a little bit of mistakes, but I still made a better cartwheel this time than I did last time. I knew I was going to be able to a perfect cartwheel that I always dreamed of doing. I was still very happy with my progress. Again, I was very condent with myself. I knew I was going to do a perfect cartwheel at the end, but I also knew I had a lot of work to do. So i was ready to do my third cartwheel. I had my phone ready and everything as usual. I did it, this time I did much better. I did not struggle with my arms, but my legs still needed a little bit of work. Overall, I am very happy to know that i can now do something that i thought was impossible. I now know that nothing is impossible and it can be possible with pract ice!


The Day I Will Never Forget By Abigail Anokye

The day I will never forget is the time I rode a blue roller coaster at Kings

Dominion. This day happened this year. Even though this day had occurred a while ago, it will be one special moment that I will never forget. I felt happy and scared emotions and feelings on this ride and I will explain all how it started.

On the weekend of the first week of school my church and I visited Kings

Dominion. We all met together and drove in a white van. Everyone was super excited when they saw a sign that said Kings Dominion! We were there! We got out of the van and took out our backpacks. We couldn’t wait to ride all the amazing rides!

We ran into the amusement park and we saw all the magnificent fun transportation that we could go on. We had a map so that we could get an image at the rides that we wanted to fun rides first. We were walking when I caught my eyes on a blue roller coaster. We all boarded the roller coaster,the roller coaster was moving slowly up the tracks. I clenched my teeth...that’s when it dropped down fast! It was going crazy! I closed my eyes until the ride ended.

When it ended the employees helped us unbuckle our seat belts. The roller coaster was pretty terrifying! But I still had fun! We still had more fun things to do.

At the end, I had fun. Everyone was talking about the about how fun it was. We decided that before we left we would go on the roller coaster again and we did. That was the BEST thing I’ve ever rode! And that will be a moment that I will cherish….And a day I will never forget!


#4 A Day I will Never Forget By:Tala Barghouty

It was the summer of 2016. I was on a United plane seated near the window seat next to my mom. The plane was just about to land in Honolulu Hawaii and at the time a flight attendant was coming around and telling the passengers somthing along with a paper, and me being me, I HATE PLANES, so I thought that we would CRASH! I started to panic, “Mom, I think that he is telling us to prepare for a CRASH!”My mom had on her “stop goofing around face” I quickly screwed myself into the seat. Suddenly, the flight attendant stood right next to the row of seats “Hi ma'am” The flight attendant named Collin said in a country accent. “Oh no” I thought to myself A MILLION thoughts went through my head before Collin could say a word “Hi, my name is Collin, and I want to tell you about our landing, “Now i am definitely dead” I thought to myself, “Ok so the first thing i want to tell you is about our landing,” Collin said in his country accent. “Over in Hawaii, we use a ramp to get off of the plane,” Collin added . YAY! I said quietly “i am safe.” Now it is time for the bad news because we all know bad news comes especially on planes and movies about planes. So, now let's get back to the story... “Now the bad news’ ” Collin said. I started to hyperventilate. “We are about to run out out of …..” Said Collin. “Out of what Fuel ?” I thought nervously. Collin did a slight cough and said, “Sorry bout that we are out of gummy bears” “WHAT” I said to myself “that's it,” Then a random Lady yelled “WHAT, MY SON NEEDS GUMMY BEARS,” Then a little boy added “DUMMY BEAWS”

That was a day that I will never forget!


A day I will never forget By: Samantha Beitzel

One day, last Christmas, my dog, named Luna, ran away. She ran away because she saw a person with a puppy, but Luna didn't like the puppy so she kept running down the street, all the way down to the volleyball court. Then Luna started digging into the snowy sand on

the volleyball court until she found thick ice.

Next, she she ran all the way back into the house into her soft bed and fell asleep. Then I thought to myself what is Luna dreaming about. I thought that she was dreaming about running because her legs were moving fast. When she woke up, she ran to the front door and started barking at a snowman. The neighbors built it in the front


After that, she started running around the house like someone put a treat on her nose. The next day, my friend, Tess came over with her dog, Lucky and we went to the dog park and they had so much fun



The Day I Will Never forget By:Swetha Bharat

Ring,Ring,Ring! That was my alarm. Today was the day! Waking up at

5:30am was not easy for a person like me. Today, we were going to Jamestown for our eld trip this year. We had to be at Liberty Elementary at 6:00am sharp. My dad was very tired when I woke him up. He was literally crying and telling me to leave him alone. I nally got him to wake up and we got ready to go.

When we reached the museum at the Jamestown site, I was amazed.

There were so many artifacts. I thought that the museum was made of gold! When we got in, I wanted to literally scream! If I did, I am pretty sure Asia could have heard me from a thousand miles away. First, Ms. Cooper gave us some rules to follow. After my teacher nished talking, I slowly walked in the beautiful, gold house of magic history.

The rst half of the museum was lled with fantabulous artifacts. I

saw pottery and many ancient models. They were kept in special glass casings, so they couldn’t break. I also saw this excellent map with information about ancient information that happened in Jamestown. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take pictures of the museum. The museum was wonderful and it was a breathtaking place to look at.

The second half of the museum was lled with statues and

interesting 3D models of ancient sculptures. I saw a big statue of a man, but I didn't know who it was. The second part of the museum also had a bundle of information about all the things at Jamestown. There were horses, carriages, jails, and cardboard cutouts. I liked the cardboard cutouts the most because they can transform you into a completely different person. The cardboard cutouts are very creative.


Jamestown was a stunning experience for me. We got to see a ood

of impressive things but I couldn’t explain all of them. I saw deer skin, gun shooting shows, and much more at Jamestown. The day I went to Jamestown is the day I will never forget. It was the best day ever. Jamestown was wonderful!


Mount Everest By: Srija DomA It was a crisp, hot morning and the sun was out.I was

sweating but, it wasn’t because of the sun.It was because we were waiting for the amazing ride Mount Everest!We had fast pass but,it was still crowded in line.And I was happy that it was crowded because I really didn't want to go on the ride!it was time!I told my friend that I didn't want to go on the ride but, sadly we had to!

So, I nervously got on the front seat of the roller coaster.I had to sit with a five year old while my friend got to sit with a teenager!When she wasn't scared!How crazy was that?But, I was scared!

Then, the ride started.We went up slowly.I tried not to look down but, when I did I started screaming like a maniac!I was the first person to scream!When we reached the top it was amazing!Real snow was sprinkling on us like a kid sprinkling sprinkles on an ice cream cone!We dropped to the floor below us and then suddenly went


down the roller coaster!It kept going and to me it felt like it would never end!

But, when it did stop it felt like I was going to throw up!A few minutes later I did throw up and I drank some water and sat down so I felt better.Now that's a day that I would never forget!!!!!!


The day I will never forget By Justin Engler

On September 25, 2016, my dad took me to my first NFL

game. After a 4 hour drive we reached Lincoln financial Field, I was very ecstatic, however, I felt nervous because the Steelers had won six Super Bowls and the Eagles haven't won any. Seriously, they have NEVER WON ANY SUPERBOWLS, EVER! A true fan will always stick to their team no matter what.

When we were getting close to the stadium, there was a swarming amount of countless Eagles fan geared up and ready to burn the Terrible Towels We honked at them for good luck and they all waved. Also we could smell the good foods coming from the tailgate.

After we parked, we walked to a parking lot to wear all of my dads friends were. We ate next to the Eagles bus that had plenty of food and a live DJ playing music. We got the best spot! All of my dads friends were handing me food and it was all delicious but my favorite was the burger. We didn't stay tailgating too long because we wanted to get to our great seats and to stand at the national anthem.

To my surprise, we could see the players on the field right from our seats! My dad is a Marine and the National Anthem that was performed was the best he'd ever seen and it was for me too. As the national anthem was ending a bald eagle flew onto the


field and fireworks exploded. Everyone was pumped up for the game!

The Eagles scored first and continued to dominate the whole game. My dad told everyone that it was my first game and every time the Eagles scored they gave me a high­five. One fan told my dad that he had to bring me to every game because I was good luck. I think I am good luck the eagles won 34­3!

Now the hard part begins for my dad. He had to drive us from Philadelphia all the way back to Virginia. The good thing was that we stopped on our way home and split a cheese steak. The end to a perfect day!



The day I rode to Bush Gardens.At Bush Gardens,I had the best time ever.I rode to the carnival and rode the roller cosaters.It was so much fun.After that, we ate some food,Me and my family had some steak.The next day we ate some breakfast. After that,we went to the pool and played a lot.Next we and ate some lunch.After lunch,we went to the mall and bought some shoses Later on,by the time we got to the hotel it was 10:00 p.m.Because of that,we ate some dinner and then we went to sleep.The next day we went to a other room in the hotel that is next door to my family’s room.Also,the people that are in the hotel are my cousins,So then,we all went to the carnival and rode all the rides.The rides were so fun.Some time later…..We went back to South Riding, to my family’s house,where we slept.The day after that,we went to Mcdonalds and ate some food.


The Day I Will Never Forget by Tristan Hendrix

I woke up and I was excited and energized to start the day then I went to went to school. I had hung out with my friends, played some soccer,and ate a hefty meal that made my stomach explode for lunch.I ate bacon,corn dog,and applesauce.I went home on the best bus ever bus the 723 A.K.A the White Bus.When I got home I ate a buffet of food it was delicious then I watched some spongebob squarepants.

Then I bursted down stairs and grabbed a bag of salt and vinegar chips and broke the sound barrier and ran so fast up stairs to play in my fortress A.K.A my room.Then my parents came home and my heart was filled with joy.They said we were going to go eat I was fascinated.

We were driving in the car and I asked, “What fortress are we going to conquer.,” My queen said, “To conquer the Pho 98 fortress.” I was puzzled what fortress that was I never heard about it.We were on the road to Red Robin, so I thought were going there, but instead…… we went to PHO 98.


I didn’t know where we were.It was like we're in a lost

desert.Then we rushed inside and discovered a table and started to order bouty.First, we got appetizers and they were these puffy hot amazing egg rolls that almost made me drool. When you ate them they were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Then the real food came. The god of food PHO.It looked SLIKY,PUFFY,AND UTERLY DELIUCEOS!When I Drained into my mouth it made me turn into magma.I could live of puffy creamy PHO.I now love PHO and ALWAYS will.


The Day My Sister Was Born By: Cameron Ivarone

I shall start my story at my house, where my brother and I were home, doing baby things. It was June 2, 2009. I was 4 years old and Roman, my brother, was almost 3. I did not have a clue that my mom was going to give birth to another baby in the family, which was going to be a girl! My mom and dad were taking care of us, at the time. All of the sudden, early in the morning, my mom quickly left us to go in the minivan! Because of that, my dad rushed Roman and I, to get into the minivan, to go to the hospital. I did not know what was the reason that my mom was shaking in pain, a little. Looking back at the ride, I guess that the trip took about 15 minutes. Those 15 minutes felt like a hour. During the 15 minutes, my brave, strong, mom, was calm, breathing, and some crying; in pain. Fortunately, the pain that my mom felt was not as bad as you; the reader, might think. On a scale from 1­10 (with 1 super bad and 10 a little over calm), my mom was a 7.9. If I looked back to that day, I would have a few tears coming out of my eyes and I would have looked away. We finally pulled up to the main entrance. My mom rushed out and told the lady at the front why she was here. Then she let the nurses and doctors take her away to a maternity ward. “ A maternity ward is the department of a hospital that provides care for women during pregnancy and childbirth as well as for newborn infants.” http://www.dictionary.com/browse/maternity-ward?s=t

Meanwhile, Roman, my dad and I took our time, to get out of the car,

to go visit my mom. We also went to comfort her and to make her feel happy and to forget the pain, even though she was in more pain than before. A few hours later, the doctors and nurses were trying to help my


mom calm down and help the baby come out. I know that this story is turning into a FLE lesson, well all I can say is to keep reading! Finally, after a long struggle, with getting the baby out, Daliya, our new baby sister arrived, making her grand entrance into the world!

Myself as a baby would keep doing whatever I was doing right there

and then. But me right now, at this very second, would have leaped in joy and relief. In conclusion, that is why I choose this day to be my “day that I will never forget.”


The Day I'll Never Forget… By Mana Iyer

It had finally come. The day I had waited 365 days for was finally here. The

day I got numerous gifts and delicious,mouthwatering cake. The day all of my friends and family came over. I went downstairs, wondering what surprises awaited for me...

Ding dong! Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I wondered who would be at our house at 8'o clock in the morning. I ran and opened the door.

"Surprise!" It was my cousins Vishruth and Saanvi! I had a smile a mile wide on my

face! Saanvi gave me a baby pink envelope sealed with a circular purple sticker. I carefully opened the envelope. Inside, there was a hot pink birthday card. She had also given me a sheet of stickers. The stickers included cupcakes and candles.

My mother said,”Come to the kitchen, we have another surprise for you!”... My parents took a white circular box out of our fridge. Then, they got out

some bowls, spoons, and a knife. They opened the box, and inside there was a birthday cake! It was chocolate cake with three layers of frosting. The bottom layer was chocolate brown, the middle layer was a coffee brown, and the top layer was a cream color. My parents put the candles in the cake and lit them. Everybody started singing happy birthday. When they finished, I blew out the purple candles. Then, I cut a piece of cake and my parents fed me. After that, we cut the cake it in slices for everyone and started to eat.

I cut a small bite of cake from my slice and put it in my mouth. It was like I was eating happiness! The cake was sweet, creamy, and it melted in my mouth. The frosting tasted like coffee. Just when I was eating my second bite, Vishruth smeared some frosting on my face. I took some creamy frosting on my finger and chased him. Finally, when I was about to smear frosting on him, he called a truce. I agreed and we went back to eating our cake. After that, I devoured two more slices. Finally, it was so sweet that I couldn't have anymore. I felt like I was going to blow up! My cake was definitely heaven on earth.


My eighth birthday is eternally etched in my head. Everything was perfect and I wouldn't have changed a thing. My cousins brought it from 5 out of 5, to a 10 out of 5. Everything has been magical, but the day had only started….


The day I will never forget By:Joel Joseph

The cold air was freezing my legs. My hands were numb and my dad was saying my name, “Joel! Joel! Joel”,at 3:00 am in the morning.I barely woke up,but then was when I remembered it was the day I was camping with my troop and Aidan.I was jumping and screaming ,yessss camping! It was the day I was waiting for.

It was a normal Sunday,like every Sunday, I was sleeping zzz until I

heard my dad's voice. I jumped up and got ready,me and my dad took off.We were heading to Goose Creek Camp also known as camp Snyder.

I and My dad were setting up our tent at 7:35 am in the morning. We were at Goose Creek South Riding Camp with Aidan and more friends in fifth grade. I was playing around in my friends tent.Later in the day,we went BB gun shooting with my troop and lots more.

When it was time for us to sleep, we had to inflate our air mattress and unwrap our sleeping bag. We also had the others go to sleep but except me and Aidan, we were roasting marshmallows and s'mores. Also the dinner was awesome.


The next morning we woke up and repacked all our gear.They kindly gave us hot chocolate, muffins , bagels, and orange juice. After that we went to get our gear and took off. It was a fun two days at Goose Creek Camp. It was the best opportunity you could have roasting marshmallows,eating s’mores ,learning how to make cake with sprite,how to use a BB gun,and sleeping out doors and more.It was a fun experience.


A Day I Will Never Forget By: Naren Krishnan

Pain rushed to my finger. A blister formed because of the heat. I jerked my

hand back and started to cry. Salty tears cooled the heat on my finger. I yelled for my mom who came running to me with an ice pack. It hurt tremendously.

When I was five, I was very curious and loved to ask ask questions involving the word “why.” Here’s an example of it was like.

In the park, I would ask my mom, “Mom, what is that thing with a shell?” Then, my mom would say, “That is a turtle.” Then, I would ask, “Why ?” I was returning from Ikea™. I was napping in the car, after having a

scrumptious dinner of a slice of pizza, and buying a black fuzzy stuffed animal monkey named, “Monkey.” He is so cute that I could end up typing a whole story about him. So, anyways, when I felt the car stop, I woke up. I realized I slept until 6:00 pm! When I rushed into my apartment room, I hopped onto the sofa with Monkey and started to watch T.V.while my parents were installing a new desk lamp in my room. I was curious and wanted to see what my parents were doing. So, during the ad break, I tiptoed to my room and made sure no one was there. Then, I saw a light emitting from the lamp. I walked towards the lamp, and I found a light bulb in the core of the lamp. I wanted to touch the bright, smooth, and round surface of the light bulb. I knew the consequences, so I tried to think myself out of it. Suddenly, my hand jerked out toward the light bulb.

It was like a frog’s tongue reaching out to an insect, except my hand was the

frog’s tongue and the light bulb was the insect. I screamed in pain, and noticed that


this was an incandescent light bulb. Incandescent means something qthat emits heat. Anyways, I started to cry as the salty tears landed on the blister that formed. I yelled for my mom. My mom came rushing to me. In one hand, she had an ice pack, and in her other hand, she held Monkey. She put the ice pack on my finger to stop the blister from growing bigger, and she gave me Monkey to calm me down. She then brought me to the sofa, and she laid me on her lap while Sesame Street™ was playing.

While I was on my mom’s lap, I was watching Cookie Monster

munch up cookies. MUNCH, MUNCH! I wanted some food, so my mom gave me some rice. While I was eating, I thought to myself, “I will never touch a light bulb if it is an incandescent one, or a LED.” If your were wondering about Monkey, he still is my friend and I play with him to this day. And that… is a day I will never forget!


A Day I Will Never Forget By: Anantha Kumar

Ahh! Run run run. I am at a New Year`s party and my friends and I was playing tag in the dark with a flashlight. My name is Anantha Kumar. This house is so big so we are really spaced out. One of my friends were trying to find and tag us so we have to hide and run away from him. Every few minutes, someone gets tagged and then laughing and running. I am the only person yet to be tagged. This is really cool so I tried to hide under pillows nobody could see me. I was having lots of fun and I hope it continues to be fun so we can have a cool and awesome day here on a new year party. My friends were coming closer to my hiding spot so I ran hard.

I moved to a different hiding spot before my friends found me. Then out of the hole in the wall a person with gun appeared and pointed it right at my head. My friends Aidan, Luke, and Steven tried to creep toward me then the robber said in a loud voice “DO NOT MOVE”. That stopped my friends in their tracks. That's when I spotted a window open behind the robber. I locked eyes with my friends and the window then in three seconds I ran as hard and as fast as I could past the robber and through the window as my friends followed me and then we just ran far away from the house. The robber was running after us trying to catch up with us. Then all of a sudden Aidan tripped and fell. My friends just kept running and I was running back for Aidan who was trying to get up. The robber was approaching us so I quickly helped Aidan up and we both just ran without thinking. The next few minutes were just a blur. Aidan and I caught up to Luke and Steven as a line of houses were in the distance in front.

Still running, I looked behind us and the robber was walking slowly far away from us. Next, I was looking for an adult with a phone so we could call 911 and our parents. My friends and I were walking on the sidewalk until we found an adult walking toward us with his phone. That is when a big sigh of relief came from me. We ran toward him then I asked him, “Can you call our parents and 911 please? We ran into a robber and he is walking toward us as we speak.” “My name is Jordi and what is your parents number?” asked Jordi. I told him my number and so as my friends. Then out of nowhere the robber appeared covered in blood, still with his gun pointed right at us and Jordi gasped in horror as the robber kept on walking toward us.

A countless amount of thoughts went through my head.


Most of which involved running and hiding. Now my friends plus Jordi were running and hiding behind the houses. The robber was now running as we found a hiding spot in one of the big trees. The robber missed us and kept on running past us. Next, the Adult took out his phone and called 911 and then told where we are and about the robber who was roaming around trying to find us. Then, a few minutes later we walked into the sidewalk. Just before the police came, I saw out of the corner of my eye that the robber was running with his gun at us from behind. “WOOHOO!” cried the police siren. “DROP THE GUN NOW OR YOU WILL BE SHOT!” screamed the police. He dropped the gun and then the police handcuffed him then asked us a question “Are you ok?” he asked.

We answered, “Yes we are fine”. The police called my parents and then they took me home. I was tired so I just slept and fell asleep. Well today was horrible. First, I was playing with my friends, then a robber broke in and threatened my life. Next, I ran away and found an adult. Afterward, he called 911 and the robber came and was covered with blood. Finally, the police arrested him and they called my parents, then, I went back home. This ends the day I will never forget.


The Day I Will Never Forget By Aidan McDonough

This is the story about how I found out I had a brain tumor. It all

started one night in 2011 when I was trying to sleep. This is how it went.

I was five­years­old, lying in my comfy, cozy bunk bed. I was so thirsty my throat felt like it had been abandoned in the desert for over a month without a drop of crystal clear liquid life. Since I was parched, I decided to get water, but it was eleven o'clock at night so my bedroom was pitch black. I walked to where the exit was trying not to hit my head on the ceiling. I reached the end of the bed so I knew I was close. As I got closer to the ladder that leads to the floor I couldn't feel the bed.

I had fallen off the bed head first! What was only a mere three seconds felt like five minutes. Blood rushed to my head as I felt dizzy. My life flashed before my eyes. I was scared thinking I might die. I was going to call for help, then BAM I was out cold on my floor.

When I woke up, my parents came in and we went downstairs. My mom said, “Do you want to go to the hospital?”

I said, “Yes.” Even though I couldn't feel my head, I knew it was bad

so we went to the hospital. So that is how we found out. I did an MRI and found the tumor in my brain, but it was benign so it doesn't affect me. If I didn't fall that one dark night, we may have not found out about it.



Going On Dragon Challenge For The First Time

By: Brady Nguyen When I was in fourth grade my family and I bolted to Universal Studios

with my mom’s friend’s family for Spring Break. On the second day at Universal Studios, we dashed to Hogwarts, which is located at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. There was one ride I couldn’t ride over there though, and the name of it was, Dragon Challenge.

I was only 50 ¾” tall when the requirements were 56”. I’ve tried to go on the ride two years earlier, but the worker at the front of the entrance caught me. Despite on what happened two years ago, I stepped in line anyway. The line for the ride was as short as a worm. As we zipped through to the front of the line, I got caught.

Because I got caught, my mom and I hung our heads and walked to the the

child swap area while my sister and my sister’s friend went on the ride. (The child swap rule is: One parent goes with the the child (children) that can go on the ride to the line while the other parent goes with the child (children) that can’t go on the ride. Then the parent who waited with the child (children) that couldn’t go on the ride switch places with the parent who went with the child (children) ater the ride, the parent who is now with the child who can go on the ride goes again without going through the line. ) So my mom and I took advantage of the part that you can go again, (Green part) so we actually got on! The person who let us in didn’t check MY height, which was good because, like I said I’m only 50 ¾” tall. We sat in the WAY back of the cart. It was very fun because I never went on it before. The ride had a lot of super fast corkscrews and loops making the already amazing ride, better.


I’ve been on rides that I was too short to go on many times before. The trick is to stand on the far side of the person who checks your height. Ater we got of the ride,we met up with the rest of the group. We walked down the long back empty hall to the exit.

Ater about an hour, we charged back to the same ride. The line was as short as a worm again, the same thing happened, but at the end I got caught . At least I got to go on the ride once! The very next day I charged on the best ride in the park, The Rip It Rocket, seven times. The height requirement was 51” LOL.


A Day I Will Never Forget By Bi Nguyen

Crack! I jumped at the sound of what sounded like a rock hit a another rock, but one of them cracked. All of everyone, including me were running all together to the entrance of the building. I tried to understand the situation, “What happened?” I thought to myself. Then I saw a boy hugging his mother crying. The mother was holding a red napkin against the boy’s head for some awkward reason. At first I thought, “ He’s just crying, everyone cries, including me! We don’t need everyone here just to see a boy cry!” That's when I realized “ Wait….. We don’t have red napkins.” I looked back on the napkin. “Oh, that’s not a red napkin, That’s…….” That’s when I finally realized what happened. I saw something super disgusting. Something I will always remember, for the rest of my life. And that’s what I’m going to tell you about. The day I saw a boy’s cracked head. I was seven when I traveled to my first wedding. My family and I were walking to the entrance of the building. I was wearing my tux and a tie that was choking me so hard that it felt Darth Vader was using the force to strangle me, I thought I would be wearing a normal shirt, but my mom told me to look “fancy” . We disappeared into the entrance and looked around. The entrance was made out of what seemed like brick and raw granite, it had benches on each of the side. As we walked into the main building, I looked at how tall the building was. It was a million feet tall! And the main building was even bigger! While I was looking around, I accidentally bumped into someone. “Sorry,” I said looking up. I saw in front of me there was a super long line leading to a photographer. He was taking pictures of a woman with a white dress and a man with a tux and a tie. I saw that they were taking pictures with all the people in line. I was confused on who those were people and why they were taking pictures with everyone. I walked to my dad in the line and asked him, “Dad,who are the people taking pictures with everyone?” My dad replied to me, “ They, are the couple getting married.” “But why are they taking pictures with everyone?” I asked. He said to me “Because… um,uh. ” He couldn’t answer me. “ Great. ” I thought. “So we’re waiting in a really long line just to take pictures with the groom and bride for no apparent reason!?!?” I thought. After ten billion years of waiting we had reached the front of the line and were ready to take our picture expect we had one problem. Do you have that moment when your parents take a picture of you, but then say “one more, one more” over and over again even if they already did one more? That’s pretty much what happened with me. After a


hundred “one more” we were finally done! My family and I looked to see where our relatives were sitting at and sat down at their table. I greeted my aunts and uncles and got out my mini ipad. I played this game called tower madness 2( Sponsor me Limbic Software ) until the food had came out. I just beaten the tenth level when A godly smell of greatness hit me so hard I almost fainted. I looked up, Platters of steak, shrimp,pork,wonton soup, fried fish, duck, fried rice, regular rice, crab, and lobster were being placed on our table. I grabbed my plate and spoon and digged in. It was delicious!

I had just eaten my lobster with rice, and decided that I was full. I told my mom that I was going to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I came back from the bathroom I decided to play with my cousins. We played in this big room that was bigger than my house, It looked safe enough since there was nobody in there. We decided not to run,so we don’t trip, but instead fast walk around. We were playing hide and seek and having fun until this boy came to us asking if he could play, I didn’t want to be rude so I let him join us. He actually never told us his name though, He just said “Hey! Can I play?” Sometimes while we were playing he would be running too fast so I would tell him to slow down. After a while of playing hide and seek, I didn’t want to play anymore so I left my cousins and the boy alone as I walked back to the table to play with my mini ipad. I was in the middle of playing Tower Madness 2 when, all of sudden, Crack! I jumped and said “What the……” and looked around to see what happened. Everybody was rushed to the entrance of the wedding hall for some reason I looked around and saw the boy whose name I didn’t know, crying and hugging his mom. I looked and saw the bloody napkin on him, red and wet. I felt like puking my soul out. I ran and saw where my cousins were I asked “ What happened??!!” one of my cousin told me “Well he was running around and went near the entrance.” “We told him to slow down but” Said my other cousin “He didn’t listen and tripped on the benches and felt onto the brick floor!” I was scared of what might happen, “What if he died??!!” My parents then came to me and told me I should stay in car. My sister and I went to the car and waited till our parents came until I fell asleep, thinking of what might happen next. The ambulance had carried the boy to the hospital and they were able to stich his head back together. I met with him the next day to ask if he was alright, and he told me he had no brain damage and that he was going to be just fine. After that day, I was afraid I might trip and fall onto hard stone and cracked my head. So every time I walked on the sidewalk, I walked near the grass so if I did fall I would land on the grass and not onto the sidewalk. I didn’t want to trip and fall when I running too so I always watched where I


going so I don’t trip and become humpty dumpty. The moral of the story is never ever run really fast without looking where you’re going and to be safe and careful.


The Day Will Never Forget By: Charmi Palem #19

I will never forget the day I got my first cast. When I was 5 years old, I fell. I was sitting in a wooden table ON top of the hardwood floor. I was coloring and I kept on scooching back so I could color easily. I moved back to much, and I fell with a THUD !

After I fell down, I started crying and screaming hysterically. My mom was doing the dishes when I fell, and my dad was vaccuming the carpet because we had a party at our house the night before. When I was on the floor, my dad picked me up, and I was sure Europe could hear me screaming and crying.

After that we went to the hospital. The doctor asked me how it all happened. After I explained it to him, he told me I needed a cast. I was extremely scared.

I was sitting on the bed in the doctor's office when the doctor was putting my cast on. First, he wrapped ¾ of my arm in soft, white cotton. After that he wrapped wet, blue plaster on top of the cotton. After it dried up it was as hard as rock. After that the doctor told me not to go to school for three weeks.

In conclusion it was one of the worst days of my life. I was terrified, petrified, and horrified. So far throughout my life, I’ve had three injuries. The one I was just talking about, I fractured my wrist on my right arm, and I fractured my ring finger on my right hand. So, all my injuries have been on my right arm.


The Day I Will Never Forget By Nishitha Pammidimukkala

Ring my alarm sounded. I got up as soon as I heard it which was unusual. It was because today was the day that I got to go to a football game! Would it be fun? Would it be cool? All those questions popped up in my mind. After I got calm in my mind,I got out of bed to brush my teeth, take a shower, and all the typical stuff a girl has to do. After everyone got ready we got in the car. Then we picked up my cousin and went straight straight to the stadium. There was a lot of traffic near the stadium so we spent about an hour in the car just for traffic! A half an hour to actually get to the parking lots and a half an hour to find a parking spot! During that whole entire hour I was freaking out. When we finally got inside the stadium I thought I was dreaming! After I calmed down we went to our seats. We got to our seats pretty early so my mom went to get us snacks. Once me,my brothers, and my cousin got settled in our seats my mom came back with snacks and Coca Cola and sat next to me. Just then the fireworks started and they were introducing the players. In the first quarter the Ravens were winning, in the second quarter they were continuing to win. After the second quarter ended it was Halftime so I went to the restroom. After that my mom took pictures of me and the field. So we spent about 10­15 minutes doing those stuff and the game started 5 minutes after that. In the 3rd quarter the Redskins were starting to win! Finally in the fourth quarter the REDSKINS WON! I was so sad considering that I was a RAVENS FAN! Then everyone got up to leave. There were a lot of people in front of us. So we had to wait there for a while. Then finally we got out of the stadium. Then we found our car and left. In the car, I felt so relaxed because my feet were killing me. And because of the breezy cold weather that I had to be in for three hours! I was sad that the ravens lost, but that was still the day I will never forget.


The Day I'll Never Forget By: Nicholas Ruff

It was 11:45 a.m., and the clock was ticking until Hershey Park would open its

gates.The excitement built up in me like a bottle of shaken up soda about to explode. I put on my most comfortable shoes and favorite shirt inside the hotel. I was ready. Then, when the clock hit twelve, I zoomed down the stairs at lightning fast speed and got in the car. My parents drove me for about 15 minutes until I got to the gates of my favorite place in the world, Hershey Park!

I walked through the front gate. It was amazing! There was a band playing fun music that I heard while I was gawking at the park that I awaited. There was a ticket booth that we had to go through. This would not have been so bad, if the line wasn't a million miles long! After about five million years, we finally got in. There were clumps of people going to roller coasters like the Comet, the Super Duper Looper, and Fahrenheit. Those were all good ones, but I had my eyes on one coaster: The Wildcat!

The Wildcat was the highest coaster they allowed me to be on. I wanted to go there first, but that was no easy task.

“I want to go on Fahrenheit,” said my brother, Michael. “I want to go and get funnel cake,” said my other brother, James. “I want to go on anything as long as it doesn’t spin,” said my mom. Before we decided

to go on a rollercoaster, we all ended up at a little cart that sold t‐shirts. Michael was looking at the one shirt that glowed when someone talks. It was a really cool shirt, and I wanted it, too. That’s when I heard a slight mutter. My brother said, “I got stung by a bee.”

When we finally got to the clinic, they said that the bee sting was not harmful, and it should heal soon. We left the clinic, so we could enjoy the rest of the day. That didn’t last long, though. It started to rain and rain and rain as if someone was dumping buckets of water on us. Foom, foom, foom! The streets started to flood as we arrived to the nearest building. We were very lucky to have arrived in the building that sold ponchos. We ran down the street in our own Hershey Park ponchos. The water was drenching my sholes like a wet sponge. That concluded my day at Hershey Park.

We were all drenched when we got in the car. When we got back to the hotel, we made wet footprints on the clean carpet. We were lucky enough to have a dryer in our room. We all had to take showers because we were as stinky as a skunk. While I was in the shower, I thought to myself, “like I needed more water!” Then I ate my dinner and went to bed. This is my day I’ll never forget.


The Day I Will Never Forget

By: Savannah Simon

Taylor Swift Concert

My mom and I were walking to the meeting point. I was filled with

excitement as we walked near the auditorium.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you so much mom!”

“Your welcome, sweetie.”

“I'm so excited! Were actually gonna see Taylor Swift!”

“Me too!”

My mom and I were looking for Isabella and her dad so we could

start going in. When Isabella and I saw each other, we screamed, ran to

each other, and hugged. We haven't seen each other in forever! We were

talking about each other and what the other one was doing. And saying

how excited we were!

It was July 13, 2015, and this is the day I will never forget…

We started walking to the entrance. Isabella was recording on her

camera as we walked down the long path. We were goofing around saying


silly things and watched the “Taylor Swift 1989 World Tour” concert buses

go past us. We even saw a bright pink car with eyelashes on the


When we reached the entrance, we each got a electronic bracelet. We

were wondering. What are they used for? Then we gave our tickets and

walked in the auditorium to find our seats. We were far away, but we're in

the middleish so we could have a perfect (but faraway) view of Taylor Swift.

Once we found our seats, we waited for one hour. Me and Isabella

were eager to hear the songs we were waiting for. Other singers were

there, such as Shawn Mendes, performing before it started to entertain us

and get some new fans. Then the concert began…

TAYLOR SWIFT WAS THERE OMG!!! I was seeing her in

PERSON!(I was only a couple hundred feet from her) Isabella and I were

jumping up and down. Filled with excitement, wanting to hear the song.

First she sang “Welcome To New York” Isabella and I were dancing in our

seats, but for other songs, we would get up and dance like crazy! I would

lip sing or sing with her. It was amazing!

Taylor sang songs like “Into The Woods”, “Blank Space”, “Style”, and

“I Wish You Would”, but she sang many more amazing songs.

The bracelets were red, white, blue, pink, green, and purple for different

songs. Isabella also got us T­shirts! She got a red shirt with white letters


spelling out “Taylor Swift” and she gave me a white one with her album

1989 on it. I loved it! We wore our shirts the rest of the concert.

At one point Taylor Swift started chanting:

“DC,DC, DC, DC, DC, DC, DC!”

And then everyone started joining her.

“DC, DC, DC, DC, DC, DC, DC!

Isabella and I had fun chanting “DC” with everyone else. It was so


I loved the final song! She sang “Shake It Off”! The bracelets glowed

purple, pink, green, and blue. My favorite colours! There were lasers,

fireworks, and the crowd looked like millions of little twinkling stars. Isabella

and I were jumping, dancing, singing, and being so happy we could


It was the best day ever! I will never forget the day I went to a Taylor

Swift concert with my B.F.F, Isabella!



The Day I Will Never Forget By: Megan Sinkar

“AHHH!” I screamed. I was riding a roller coaster Disney World called Thunder Mountain! The ride was so fast that I screamed my head off. The whole thing was an awesome moment. Give me a moment to explain how this experience started. In the morning, when we were at Disney World, my parents,my brother and I went around searching for a fun ride. Suddenly, my brother found a cool ride called Thunder Mountain. At first, even though my brother found the ride he didn’t want to go on the ride. Though I knew it was mean, I tricked my brother into going on it. As we approached the ride, we saw trouble. The line was seven million miles long! As we stared in awe at the line for Thunder Mountain, we decided to come back later. While we were waiting, we rode the bumper cars, even though they were on tracks. Around an hour later, we went back to Thunder Mountain and the line was only reduced by ten people, but it was still humongous. We had no other choice, so we decided to wait in line. The line was so long, my hair turned white! Finally, the line started to move. After what seemed like a hundred hours, it was our turn to get on the ride. Before we got on the ride the conductor told us that the ride was thirty­ four miles per hour. I thought he was exaggerating. My brother, Anup, and my mom got into the seats in front of me and my dad. Slowly the ride started to move, and then I screamed, “AHHHH, this is awesome!” Then it slowly started to go uphill and.. “AHHHH” my mom screamed. All I could hear was my mom screaming at the top of her lungs. Then we went down at record speed, I started to see why the conductor said it was thirty­five miles per hour. We zoomed around a few more times. Then we leaped off the magnificent ride.


In conclusion, the whole day significant, but the moment was memorable! The other nine days we were there were unforgettable. I suggest that you visit Disney World, Orlando, Florida. It’s truly a blast!


A Day I’ll Never Forget By: Caroline Spengler

It was the year 2014­2015 , I was in third grade, Mrs. Jones’ class, and brand new to Liberty. Now let me tell you, there was a time that I will never forget and that was when I fractured my elbow. The funny thing is, where this all happened.

I was jumping on the playground zipline and then running back in line to go again. I was having so much fun! One thing that I remember was that i was wearing a bright orange shirt from my old school and black yoga pants. It was finally my turn on the zipline…

Three more minutes of Fun Friday. I jumped onto the zipline, a boy in my class pushed me. My hands started to slip because they were so sweaty. BOOM! It had all happened so fast. In a blink of an eye, I was laying on the ground. I had realized that I had landed on my elbow. I don't even know what happened. All of a sudden, in a flash, I was surrounded by a small crowd of people asking me if I was okay as I was laying down on the ground.

I was not crying yet; just in a little bit of pain. So I said, “yes I’m fine.” When I had fallen, I landed in a pile of mulch. There was mulch all over me. I went back inside, and Mrs.Jones brought me to the nurse. My arm was swollen and I was starting to cry. The nurse handed me an icepack to put on my arm then called my mom. Everybody was so nice! My mom finally came and got me.

My mom drove me to the emergency room to get x­rayed. It turned out I had fractured my elbow. Since the emergency room I was in didn't do surgery or overnight stays, I had to ride in an ambulance all the way to Fairfax County Hospital. That night, I had surgery done on my elbow. They had inserted two pins in my elbow. (And don't worry my mom was there keeping me happy.) That was a day that I will never forget.


A Day I Will Never Forget By: Shrina

Woof! Woof! Woof! jumped the phone in my 5th grade classroom. Yama answered the phone and told me that I had early dismissal. I was so excited because I was going to Ohio! I was also going to see all of my cousins, friends, and masas and masies (uncles and aunts).

When I got home, I ate lunch, got ready, and packed up all of my

stuff that I was planning to take with me to Ohio. Once everybody was done packing up their things that they were going to take with them, we all

piled up into the car and drove off to Ohio. 3 Hours Later …

It was three o’clock and we had 5 hours left. It was starting to get a

little boring, so I decided to take out my notebook and pencil, then I started doodling. I doodled, and doodled. When it reached five o’clock we pulled into the parking lot of Chipotle for dinner, where I ordered a burrito. We quickly ate up and hit the road.

1 Hour Later… We were finally in Pennsylvania and I was so happy because the next state was Ohio. I looked at the clock. It was taunting me, telling me we still had two hours left. I just couldn’t sit still, so my parents put some music on to calm me down. All of that food I ate and all of that music made me tired, so I fell asleep. “ Shrina, Shrina, wake up, we’re here”, my dad said, tapping me. It turns out that I slept the rest of the drive that we had. Ding! Dong! We rang my cousin, Ishan’s doorbell. They answered the door and were so happy to see us. Since we live in Virginia (VA) and they live in Ohio (OH), we don’t get to see each other very often. So anyway,


when we got into their house, they gave us hugs, kisses, hellos, hi’s, and welcomes. Then we unpacked and started to talk a little bit about our drive. Then suddenly, “Ding! Dong!” the door rang with excitement. I was wondering who it could be? I opened the door and standing there was my cousin, Aarya. I was so happy, that once she came inside, we gave each

other a BIG hug. Once everybody unpacked and got comfy we skipped Outside, sat near the firepit, talked, and joked around. That was a day I will never forget.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Wow, that was very dizzy. “Mom are you okay?” I said. “Yes, are you?” “ Yes, Mom. Thanks!” THEN.... we slid to the grass where the Chantilly Auto Park was.

The car was dented where the license plate was. My mom and I were very scared, but I was even more scared then my mom! So my godfather called us and my mom answered. My godfather said, “Hi Ana, how are you doing?”

And my mom responded, “I got into an accident. At least me and Briany are okay so I'll just park in the parking lot there.” Then the call ended and I told my mom not to worry because we were okay. I told my mom if we can go home now, but….my mom broke the silence by saying that she wanted to stay there for another 10 to 20 minutes because she still needed to calm down.

We sat there in the car and waited for 50 minutes doing nothing. I told my mom if we can go now and she said that it is okay, we can go home now. “Briany let’s go home so I can get something to drink…like a drink of water!” I didn't know what to say so I just said “let's go home.” Then I thought… WAIT!!!!!!!! My mom told me that we were going to the movies… Uh Oh, but wait what should I tell my mom? Let me ask her. “Hey mom you told me that we can go to the movies today?” My mom thought for a little bit but… “ Okay, at least it will take my mind off of the craziness that happened, let’s go.” my mom said. Wow I really can’t believe it, I thought. “Thanks mom, I love you very much! Two day later…. The car crash was very bad. Thank god that my mom and I are ok and nothing happened to us! The brake was stuck my mom wanted to stop the car. Then she wanted to put the P for Parking but…

The car could flip around If my mom put the P (Parking) then we would chock by the seatbelt.

Never go fast when the road is turned into ice because or else your car will go slipping sliding and your car will look like a ballerina dancing around the dance floor!!! That day was very scary!!



After what felt like a one hundred hour car ride, we arrived at Nationals park. This would be my very first playoff game. There are HUGE lines to get in. Finally, we are here to see Nats vs. Dodgers. I wonder who will win.

Once we sat down, the game was about to start. We stood for the National Anthem and a few other things. Now, the fans started cheering because Wilson Ramos came out of the dugout. He is the Nats catcher who tore his ACL and can’t play in the playoffs. He threw the first pitch. Ramos was chosen because of his greatness in the regular season.

When the game started, the first exciting thing was Corey Seager’s home run. He plays for the Dodgers, but it was ok. Then, the Dodgers scored three more runs to make it Dodgers 4, Nats 0. Now, there’s the President’s race, which is a few guys with big head costumes racing. Teddy Roosevelt won.

In the next few innings, the Nats scored three runs making it Dodgers 4, Nats 3. In the bottom of the ninth the whole crowed didn’t stop cheering, even if it was a bad moment. The Nats only had one more out and, CRACK, it’s a popup to center field. The fans leave in disappointment and the Nats lose 4­3.

The traffic leaving was just as bad as it was getting here. We had another hundred hour car ride. It felt longer than that because we were all very sad. We all had to shake off that terrible moment and cheer on the Nats to win the three out of five series. GO NATS!