Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management ...

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Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E- ISSN 2503-2933 2261

Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process

Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking

Yenny Israwati *1, Nilo Legowo


1,2 Universitas Bina Nusantara

e-mail: *,

Abstract This research was conducted to see how the implementation of BPM at one bank in

Indonesia using the 7 FE framework can help model the business process of digital

management of banking products and services as a form of developing good processes.

According to Becker, Breuker, Weiß, and Winkelmann (2010), the purpose of implementing

BPM in banks is not only to reduce costs but also to reduce business process time and increase

customer satisfaction by redesigning business processes so that they become more efficient.

From the research results, it is known that the transformation of digital banking business

process management using the 7 FE framework can provide convenience, speed and accuracy

in managing the development of digital banking. Framework 7 FE. There are many BPM

methodologies but the 7 FE framework provides an accurate and detailed approach to BPM

implementation. This research is insightful that the implementation of BPM, especially by using

the 7 FE framework, will assist banks in carrying out digital transformation. There are 10

phases in the framework called the 7FE Framework which is implemented throughout BPM,

namely Foundation, Finding and Solution, Fulfillment, Future and Essentials

Key words— Business Process Management, 7 FE framework, Digital Banking, Digital

Transformation, BPM Methodologies


Business Process Management has grown so rapidly and has become one of the tools to

achieve operational efficiency of companies including banking through orchestration and

integration between units at the front, middle and back office. Previous banking competition

very tight where foreign banks began to arrive, as the economy grew. The key to customer

loyalty, of course, cannot be separated from the services provided by service providers (banks).

Good service will certainly increase loyalty and the number of customers and cannot be

separated from the business processes carried out by banks

The digital revolution in the last decade has drastically changed the transaction behavior

of economic agents. The trend of digitization affects all aspects of the economy, disrupting

conventional functions, including in the financial sector. The digital transformation of industry

is creating tremendous opportunities and confronting it with huge challenges. The possibilities

opened up by connected, more efficient production and new business models are highly

promising, yet the risks are equally dramatic [1].

Digital technologies have been entering the banking industry for years. However, they

have been added incrementally to existing operations, either as an overlay or a minor extension

[2]. According to [3] the Digital Banking Revolution is an insightful look at how financial

technology and the rapid rise of financial technology companies have brought welcome changes

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Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

offering flexibility to the banking industry. Digital banking is the computerization of traditional

banking services. It enables the bank’s customers to access banking products and use banking

services via an online/electronic platforms [4].

Digital banking lets you handle many banking activities via your personal computer. For

instance, you may use your computer to view your account balance, request transfers between

accounts, and pay bills electronically. Digital banking is a system and method in which a

personal computer is connected by a network service provider directly to a host computer

system of a bank such that customer service requests can be processed automatically without

need for intervention by customer service representatives [5]. Digitalization is not a big-bang

change that will be done once in a lifetime. A company typically proceeds in small steps, and in

practice, digitalization means systematically taking small steps instead of one giant leap [6].

IT projects are an important key for companies to survive in the digital era. Information

Technology (IT) specialists appreciate the fact that BPM provides them with a shared language

to communicate with business stakeholders. As defined in the PMBOK® (A Guide to the

Project Management Body of Knowledge) manual published by PMI, USA; a project is a

temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service [7]. Several processes,

inputs, and outputs are central to project control [8]. Project management is the application of

knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques in a project activity to achieve the needs of the project

itself." The success of a project is not only to achieve the size of time, scope, cost, and quality.

but also must facilitate all processes to achieve what is desired [9]. Digital transformation

projects will become one of the dominating tools for mastering digital transformation in

governments. Studies show that such projects are complex undertakings and increasingly

difficult to manage [10]

Furthermore, business process automation technology allows IT specialists to implement

and monitor IT systems in a way that is aligned with the vision that business stakeholders have

of the organization [11]. Most of the advocators of the business process management highlight

the importance of the role that Information Technology (IT) plays in the business process [12].

Many argued that IT should be seen as an enabler of organisational change rather than as a tool

to implement business processes. The initiative to move towards BP in many cases originates

from the IT departments [13]

In accordance with the guidelines on the principles of good where one example of these

principles is the principle of purpose (principle of purpose), emphasizing the need for BPM to

contribute to strategic value creation (Brocke, 2015). This aspect is very important when

managing innovation, because innovation may indeed be created from technology, but the main

goal that must be achieved is business goals or values, and from several cases it has been proven

that value orientation is often not considered properly in IT projects (Brocke, 2015). The

purpose of implementing BPM in banks is not only to reduce costs but also to reduce business

process time and increase customer satisfaction by redesigning business processes so that they

become more efficient. Based on research by Panos T. Chountalas and Athanasios (2018) that

7FE BPM provides an accurate and detailed approach to BPM implementation [15]

Business Process Management (BPM) is a systematic management approach aimed at

improving the performance of an organization and its processes. This approach enables the

company to define its processes and organize their realization [16]. A business process is a set

of logically interrelated actions or tasks, the implementation of which leads to the expected

result. Almost all organizational operations can be attributed to business processes [17].

Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933 2263

Title of manuscript is short and clear, i

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

mplies research results (First Author)

With BPM, business processes become better and scalable as shown below

Source: IBM BPM UseCase

Figure 1. BPM Process

There are many methodologies and approaches, such as Six Sigma, Lean, and TQM, on

how to improve the quality of corporate activities. None of these, however, provide a complete

solution that encompasses all endeavors of the organization [18]. The 7FE project framework

was developed to address this issue.

Traditionally, project management has not been viewed as a critical aspect of BPM.

Jeston and Nelis, however, claim that “without a well-run project implementation is destined to

failure” (2014, p. 49). They also believe that without proper management, implementations of

BPM projects will not succeed. The 7FE framework concentrates on improving the management

of BPM projects to enhance all business processes. Among all the phases of this framework, the

Implement phase is the most critical one.

This research was conducted at one bank in Indonesia which Information Technology

project management is the key to banking services where so far it is still managed in the IT Unit

based on projects set out in the bank's strategic plan for the next few years and carried out

annually according to a predetermined schedule. ITSP prepared by the bank is a project

initiative towards digital banking and the IT project initiative can accelerate banks to go digital.

Based on the results of the author's observations and discussions with respondents, it is

known that there are several obstacles faced by banks in completing IT projects especially those

that support digital banking, including:

� The implementation of the IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) has not yet met the target time set

� Lack of synergy between Business units and IT Units so that application development does

not support the organization's business optimally

� Application development is only the responsibility of the IT unit and its use is often


� Development does not continue when there is a change of officials in the business unit or

operational unit,

2264 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

� The application is not used because of a lack of understanding from both the user side and

the whole unit. This is due to a lack of understanding of comprehensive business process


BPM and its various sets of technologies can change the way business organizations and

structures are managed so that organizations focus on processes. There are 10 phases in the

framework called the 7FE Framework which is applied to all BPM.

Through this research the author will develop a project management business process to

support IT project management in digital banking using the 7 FE framework because detailed

steps are needed to complete an IT project. Based on research by Panos T. Chountalas and

Athanasios (2018) that 7FE BPM provides an accurate and detailed approach to BPM

implementation. To achieve this goal, an analysis of the current condition will be carried out

and the level of maturity of the process will be measured. From this measurement, the steps for

the transformation of processes, people and technology using the 7 FE framework are described

that need to be carried out at each stage.

BPM Maturity Model is a supporting tool to help organizations to be more successful

with BPM, where the result is greater achievement in terms of operations and gains in business

performance [19]. The purpose of using the maturity model is as a descriptive tool for assessing

organizational strengths and weaknesses, as a prescriptive tool for long-term development, as a

comparative tool for comparing organizations with industry standards and other organizations.

The next section presents the literature review of BPM and 7 FE Framework. Section 3

presents the proposed conceptual model. Lastly, section 4 provides the conclusion and future

works of this study.


In this section, some previous studies related to the research to be carried out will be

described. The studies that will be discussed are studies of theories that have been carried out by

previous studies regarding the relationship between BPM and MIS and bank operational

success, implementation of BPM in several industries, BPM methods and open banking, so that

the "State of the art" can be determined. and gaps that can be investigated further and can dig

deeper into the results of research that is tailored to the needs. The following are some theories

and research that support this paper:

� Management Information System (MIS) is important for managing Business Process (BP) in

banks such as managing information workflow between workers and managing worker

responsibilities. BP management has an impact on Operational Excellence (OE) in the bank

such as innovation and service quality improvement. Based on the literature review, there are

various theories supporting the relationship between research variables; business processes,

management information systems and operational excellence. Theories such as MBO, TQM,

and IO aim to achieve operational excellence in organizations through managing business

processes using systems such as information systems[13].

� A comparison of two generally accepted methodologies for BPM using a decision-making

model with multiple parameters indicates that both methodologies successfully address the

most important aspects of BPM, with some differences mostly related to the motivation,

theoretical background and experience of the authors. each. Thus, the BPTrends

methodology seeks to act as a general purpose framework, easily adaptable to incorporate

other standards and techniques in the BPM field, whereas the 7FE BPM provides an accurate

and detailed approach to BPM implementation [16].

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Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933 2265

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� A critical overview of BPM, emerging within the four dominant management paradigms:

total quality management, systems standards management, business process reengineering

and Six Sigma. The aim of this paper is to explore BPM specifically and compare the

potential implementation of BPM with each paradigm. The results suggest that many of the

differences among the various forms of BPM are driven by paradigms. Thus, the approach

adopted by each paradigm (ie individual process or systemic approach) influences the scope

and role of BPM. The principle of each paradigm directly affects the attributes assigned to

BPM(Brocke, 2015).

� The phrase "digital banking" refers to the development of banking services and the delivery

of products via electronic channels such as ATMs, telephones, the internet, and mobile

phones. Customers are still waiting for new, faster financial services, but India is creating

technology-enabled banking services in a revolutionary shift that will provide many new

features, including anytime, anywhere banking transactions with ultra-fast response times.

The study's main goal is to figure out what elements influence customer satisfaction when it

comes to digital banking. According to the study, banks should invest more in robust,

reliable systems to reduce incidents of failed transactions and transactional errors in ATMs,

mobile banking, and POS terminals; develop an application to enhance digital banking;

facilitate ICT skills so that technology can be embraced; and, finally, conduct customer

satisfaction surveys to determine how customers are adapting to technology [20].

� In the modern business environment spearheaded by digitalization, organizations are faced

with the challenge of maintaining a competitive edge despite constant dynamic changes.

Organizations therefore, have to adopt new, improved and modern ways of doing things.

This can be achieved through proper knowledge management within the organization, which

is an antecedent of innovation [21].

This research is expected to be a reference in developing IT project management

solutions, especially to support digital banking, which in turn can improve process effectiveness

by focusing on customer.


The research methodology to be carried out is as follows:

� Identify the problem, at this stage, observations and interviews were carried out to obtain

problems and determine the research questions that became the basis of the research.

� Define goals and scope, at this stage the objectives and scope of the research are determined,

how far the research can help solve the problems of the Bank .

� Data collection and literature study, at this stage, primary and secondary data were collected,

as well as literature review related to research questions. Literature materials studied in the

form of books, web pages, journals, theses, as well as white papers that contain trends and

supporting theories related to BPM, BPM in banking, 7 FE framework

� Analyze the current condition. The primary data and secondary data that have been collected

were analyzed to understand the conditions at the Bank .

� Development of IT project management business processes with 7 FE . framework, at this

stage, the steps for developing the information technology project management process at the

Bank are formulated using the 7 FE framework.

� Simulation and Evaluation, at this stage, a simulation of the management business process is

carried out to resource persons, with the aim of obtaining feedback and measuring the

2266 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

current and future level of process maturity from information technology project

management and evaluation of the proposed design, as well as research lessons learned.

Analysis of the current condition of the bank is carried out as the first step in developing

new business process management for digital banking. This analysis was conducted using the

Gartner (2006) method based on 6 variables, namely strategic alignment, culture and leadership,

people, governance, methods, and information technology. The purpose of using the maturity

model is as a descriptive tool for assessing organizational strengths and weaknesses, as a

prescriptive tool for long-term development, as a comparative tool for comparing organizations

with industry standards and other organizations [22].

This study will use the 7 FE framework to assess IT project management BPM at this

bank. The reason for choosing the 7 FE methodology is because this framework uses a top-

down approach, which is considered essential for the overall management of business processes

in organizations at all levels and based on years of experience in the BPM field, this

methodology is confirmed by a number of successful BPM projects method.

BPM and its various sets of technologies can change the way business organizations and

structures are managed so that organizations focus on processes. According to Jeston & Neils

there are 10 phases in the framework called the 7FE Framework which is applied to all BPM


� Foundation – Organization Strategy (directing and managing processes within an

organization in order to achieve an information strategy, vision, goal of the business),

Enablement/Process Architecture (setting rules and models for the implementation of BPM

design to be implemented within the company to meet organizational strategy), Launch Pad

(composing the activities of BPM within the organization, approving the processes, and the

processes that have been set must be in accordance with the strategy and what is planned so

as to maximize the success of the projects being carried out).

� Findings and Solutions – Understand (understanding a business process to be able to

innovate in the business process that is being built by analyzing root causes and identifying

possible quick wins), Innovate (choosing innovations from creative and interesting project

phases). Because the business will not and does not provide unlimited funds for business

process improvement. The ideal situation for a BPM activity would be with self-funding

because the gains made by this implementation are quick.

� Fulfillment – Develop (build the components of a system for the implementation of business

processes, usually software and hardware testing is done first), People (placing people who

can handle all projects in change management, much attention is needed at all stages) ,

Implement (apply all aspects of the planned business process). This phase consists of

building of all components for the implementation of the new process. It is important to

understand that 'build', in this context, does not mean building an IT system. This could

involve building the entire infrastructure (desk, PC movements, buildings, etc.) to support

the people who change the management program and change the support of the people who

carry out the processes. It also involves software and hardware testing and agile software

development methods have become accepted as a template for organizations to create new

products [23].

� Future – Realize Value (ensures that the benefits outlined in the project business case are

realized, which consists of delivering process benefits realization management and reports,

Sustainable Performance, building a process structure to ensure that the ease of the process,

continuous improvement and understanding that project processes must be maintained and

improved over time (Brocke, 2015).

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Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933 2267

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� Essentials, the essentials of process leadership, BPM project management and HR change

management(Brocke, 2015). Essentials Leadership, the level of leadership has various

influences on the BPM of the project, organization, people and environment therefore it is

important to know how the level of leadership and its influence on the project.

� Essentials Project Management, without good project management, an organization and

project team cannot produce a successful project. When project management is carried out

properly, project risks are significantly reduced and the likelihood of achieving

organizational goals and benefit realization is increased [7]. To reduce complexity, IT

program activities are often organized in work streams, which follow different perspectives

on the change to be brought about. Examples are technical development,organizational

change, staff training, or legal matters. The activities in different work streams are, however,

factually interdependent and in need of close coordination [25].

� Essentials People Change Management, BPM is about changing the processes and ways of

doing business within an organization. People change management is an important core of a

successful BPM project and an area that should be focused throughout the project. Digital

transformation has impacted IT career choices to a greater extent than is acknowledged by

existing models such as career anchors. The adoption of enterprise-wide digital technologies

requires multidisciplinary skills suited to lead more complex IT projects [26].

The following is an overview of the stages of the business process with the 7 FE


Source: Jeston & Neils (2018)

Figure 2. 7 FE Project Framework

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Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

Details of activities in the business process stages with the 7 FE framework can be seen in

the table below

Table 1. 7FE Project Management Overview

Source: Jeston & Neils (2018)


Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that Bank is currently reaching

the maturity level of Phase 2: “Intra-Process Automation and Control” even though several

criteria have exceeded or have not reached Phase 2, as shown in the figure.

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Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933 2269

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mplies research results (First Author)

Figure 3. BPM Maturity Profile of Bank

Summary of Current BPM Maturity Level as shown in the table 2

Table 2. Summary of Current BPM Maturity Level

After the simulation and evaluation of the implementation of BPM with the 7 FE

framework, it is continued by measuring the maturity level of BPM at bank XYZ with the

results shown in

2270 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

Figure 4.

Then compared between the old maturity with the new maturity as shown in table 4.28

and it can be seen that there is an improvement in all variables.

Table 3. Comparison of Old Maturity BPM with New Maturity

To get an idea of the maturity level of the Bank, it can be seen from the comparison

between companies that have low and high maturity levels as shown in Figure 3 below

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Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933 2271

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Management In Digital Banking]

mplies research results (First Author)

Source: Jeston & Neils (2018)

Figure 5. Comparison of Low and High Maturity and The Five Maturity Stages

The results of the analysis are used to develop IT business process improvements,

especially for digital banking using the 7 FE framework. Steps to improve digital banking

business processes using the 7 FE framework will be carried out at the initiation and planning

stages of application development, defining requirements and application development stages,

as shown in the figure 6.

Source: Jeston & Neils (2018)

Figure 6. 7 FE IT Project Development Stage

Through the stages above, the author then develops IT project BPM using the 7 FE

framework to accelerate the achievement of digital banking project initiatives.

2272 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

Figure 7. BPM Initiation and Planning Phase

Figure 8. BPM Requirement Definition Phase

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Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933 2273

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Management In Digital Banking]

mplies research results (First Author)

Figure 9. BPM Implementation Phase

Table 4. IT Project BPM Development Summary Using 7 FE Framework (Project

Management and People Management).

2274 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

Table 5. IT Project BPM Development Summary Using 7 FE Framework (Foundation, Finding

& Solution, Fullfilment, Leadership

. After implementing BPM using the 7 FE framework, all project initiatives at ITSP have

been able to reach a digital ready position which in early 2021 is still in the position of e-

channel acceleration as shown in figure 9 and figure 10 below.

Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933 2275

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Management In Digital Banking]

mplies research results (First Author)

Figure 9. ITSP Before 7 FE Implementation

Figure 10. ITSP After 7 FE Implementation

Projects that have not been completed during 2020 are then rescheduled to be

implemented and using the 7 FE framework all projects can be completed according to the re-

scheduled with an implementation time of 10 projects for 10 months in 2021 as shown in table


Table 6. Comparison of IT Project Completion

2276 Jatisi ISSN 2407-4322

Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2022, Hal. 2261-2278 E-ISSN 2503-2933

Yenny, et., al [Using The 7 FE Framework In Business Process Management To Support Successful IT Project

Management In Digital Banking]

Lessons learned that can be drawn from this research, which can also be useful for other

organizations or researchers who want to develop BPM digital banking using the 7 FE

framework are as follows:

� The customer perspective of each organization is different, to get an overall view of the

process, stakeholders are seen as customers of the services provided.

� The 7 FE BPM framework can be used to support customer-oriented processes to become

more efficient and provide a better understanding of digital banking projects.

� The main key to the success of the digital banking project is the consistent implementation of

all stages of the 7 FE framework.

� All stages in the 7 FE framework can be carried out properly if they get support from all

stakeholders, especially the Board of Directors who has the highest sphere of influence in the


� Always monitor every stage of digital banking project implementation and mitigate risk.

The process of developing a digital banking application is only a small part of the

implementation of BPM and does not determine the use of the application


Through the management of digital banking business processes based on the 7 FE

framework implemented at Bank, the following conclusions are obtained from the research that

has been carried out:

� Transformation of digital banking business process management can provide convenience,

speed and accuracy in managing the development of digital products and services at bank.

Business process management with the 7 FE framework is a fast, structured and

comprehensive solution to implement. However, the challenge faced is that the business

process must have full support from top management so that it can be accepted and

implemented by all work units at bank considering that each unit has been working

separately or in silos.

� A customer-oriented culture needs to be built when implementing BPM digital banking.

Building a BPM philosophy takes time to integrate business needs, user expectations, and

technology availability.

The 7 FE framework can help model the business process of managing digital banking

products and services as a manifestation of good process development. This framework

provides a complete picture for stakeholders and bridges business and IT needs. With this

modeling, the effort that needs to be made to go to the next stage, namely system development,

can be minimized.


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