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Muhammad Bakri NPM: 281913FBI08







Presented to

University of Gunung Rinjani Selong

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)


Muhammad Bakri NPM: 281913FBI08





BAKRI, MUHAMMAD. (2013), An Analysis of Teacher’s Strategy in

Teaching English at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan ( NW)


Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

University of Gunung Rinjani.

This Thesis had been approved by: Advisor I: Merdana, M.Pd. and Advisor

II: Baiq Hikmah Widiawati.

Key Word: Teacher’s Strategy, Teaching English.

This research aimed to investigate the teacher’s strategy in teaching

English at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka and

the reason of the teacher’s uses the strategy in teaching. It was because the

school has only one English teacher, whereas there are seven classes, So

the reseacher thought that this phenomenon was intresting to be


This research was Qualitative Research because the object of the research

was strategy of English teacher in teaching English. In this research, the

subject of the research was the English teacher of the school. To get data

about the teacher’s strategy, the research observated toward the teacher’s

activities and students’ activities at class during the process of teaching and

learning. To get data about the reason why the teacher uses a certain

strategy, the reseach interviewed the the teacher. The obtained data were

then analyzed by using three steps, these are Data Reduction, Data Data

Display and Conclussion.

After conducting observation to the activities of the teacher in teaching, the

research concluded that the teacher uses Expository Teaching and Learning

as the strategy in teaching because the teacher is more active than students

during the process of teaching and learning. Furthermore, the result of

interview the teacher, the researcher found that the researcher did not

prepare any preparation before teaching even the teacher did not know

what strategy that she use in teaching.



BAKRI, MUHAMMAD. (2013), Analisis Terhadap Strategi Mengajar

Guru Dalam Mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris di Madrasah Aliyah (MA)

Nahdlatul Wathan ( NW) Padasuka Thesis, English Department, Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education, University of Gunung Rinjani.

Skripsi ini sudah disetujui dan diperiksa oleh: Pembimbing I: Merdana,

M.Pd. dan Pembimbing II: Baiq Hikmah Widiawati, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Strategi Mengajar, Mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris

Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk meneliti strategi guru dalam mengajarkan

bahasa Inggris di Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW)

Padasuka dan alasan guru tersebut sehingga menggunakan strategi itu

dalam mengajar. Hal ini dikarenakan di sekolah tersebut hanya ada seorang

guru bahasa Inggris sedangkan terdapat tujuh kelas di sana. Maka

penelitipun menganggap bahwa fenomena ini menarik untuk diteliti.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Kualitative dikarenakan object

penelitiannya adalah strategi guru dalam mengajar bahasa inggris.

Sedangkan subjek penelitiannya adalah guru bahasa inggris sendiri. Dalam

penelitian ini, untuk mendapatkan data tentang strategi guru dalam

mengajarkan bahasa Inggris di sekolah tersebut, peneliti mengadakan

obserasi terhadap tindakan-tindakan guru dan murid selama proses belajar

mengajar sedangkan untuk mendapatkan data tentang alasan guru tersebut

sehingga menggunakan strategi itu adalah dengan mewawancarai guru

tersebut. Model analisis data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahp yaitu

Reduksi Data, Pemaparan Data dan penarikan keimpulan.

Setelah menyelenggarakan observasi terhadap tindakan guru selama proses

belajar mengajar, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa guru tersebut

menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Expositori karena guru tersebut lebih

aktif dibandingkan siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung.

Selanjutnya, hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa guru tersebut tidak

memiliki persiapan sebelum mengajar, bahkan tidak mengetahui strategi

apa yang digunakan dalam mengajar.



PAGE OF TITLE .................................................................................................. i

PAGE OF ADVISORS’ APPROVAL.................................................................. ii

PAGE OF BOARD OF EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL ......................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ..................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENT....................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO ................................................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xiii


1.1 Background of Study .............................................................. 1

1.2 Statement of Problem .............................................................. 4

1.3 The Objectives of Study.......................................................... 4

1.4 Scope and Limitation .............................................................. 5

1.5 Significances of Study ............................................................ 5

1.6 Assumption ............................................................................. 6

1.7 Explanation of Key Terms ...................................................... 7


2.1 Concept Revisited ................................................................... 8

2.2 Theoretical Foundation ........................................................... 9

2.2.1 Teaching Strategy ............................................................... 9 Active Learning ............................................................... 9 Cooperative Learning ...................................................... 11 Contextual Learning ........................................................ 14 Quantum Learning ........................................................... 16 Inquiry Based Learning ................................................... 19 Problem Based Learning ................................................. 22 Expository Learning ........................................................ 27

2.2.2 Classroom Management ..................................................... 28

2.2.3 Teaching Method ................................................................ 30 The Grammar-Translation Method ................................. 31 The Direct Method .......................................................... 32 Audio Lingual Method .................................................... 33 Cognitive Code Learning ................................................ 35 Total Physical Response .................................................. 36

2.3 Empirical Construct ................................................................ 37

2.4 Conceptual Framework ........................................................... 39


3.1 Approach and Design .............................................................. 41


3.1.1 Research Approach ........................................................... 41

3.1.2 Research Design................................................................ 42

3.2 Location and Time of the Research ........................................ 42

3.3 Subject of the Study ................................................................ 44

3.4 Data Collection ....................................................................... 44

3.4.1 Method of Data Collection................................................ 44

3.4.2 Strategy of Data Collection ............................................... 45

3.5 Data Analysis .......................................................................... 45

3.5.1 Model of Data Analysis .................................................... 46

3.5.2 Procedure of Data Analysis .............................................. 46

3.5.3 Stages of Data Analysis .................................................... 47


4.1 Finding .................................................................................... 48

4.1.1 Teacher Preparation .......................................................... 48

4.1.2 Class Activity .................................................................... 49 Teacher’s Activity ............................................................. 49 Students’ Activity ............................................................. 50 Students’ Performance ...................................................... 50

4.2 Discussion ............................................................................... 58

4.2.1 Teaching Strategy ............................................................. 58

4.2.2 Classroom Management.................................................... 60

4.2.3 Teaching Method .............................................................. 63


5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................. 66

5.2 Suggestions ............................................................................. 67

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 68

Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................ 73

Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................ 78

Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................ 81




1. Research Schedule ............................................. ........................................... 44

2. Teacher’s Preparation ......................................... .......................................... 48

3. Students’ Score Achievements Grade X-Pa ...... ............................................ 51

4. Students’ Score Achievements Grade X-Pi ................................ .................. 52

5. Students’ Score Achievements Grade XI-Pa ........................... ..................... 53

6. Students’ Score Achievements Grade XIa-Pi ................... ............................ 54

7. Students’ Score Achievements Grade XIb-Pi ....................... ........................ 55

8. Standard of Students’ Achievement ...................................... ........................ 56



1. Interview Transcription ....................................................................... 73

2. Observation Sheet ................................................................................ 78

3. Students Score ...................................................................................... 81



1.1 Background of Study

English is an important language especially in facing globalization

because it is one of the most urgent languages used by many people in all over

the world and social life such as in economy, tourism, technology and politic

fields. It is also used when two people from different countries are involved in

communication, for example in an international meeting, seminar, conference,

workshop, etc. That is why English ought to be taught from primary school up

to university levels as one of compulsory subject (Taufikurrahman, 2010:1)

As an important language, English is thought almost in all level of

education such as Junior High School (SMP), Senior High School (SMA) and

all departments in University. Even at present, much Elementary School had

made English as one of subjects for student.

In the process of teaching language, it needs the teacher creativity in

choosing and combining some strategies and techniques of teaching. That is

why all teachers and students of university as the candidate of teacher have to

know more strategies, methods, techniques, and approaches in teaching

language because understanding about strategy in teaching is a first step

before teaching.


J.R. David (1976 in Suyadi, 2013) states that teaching strategy is a

plan, method, or series of activities designed to achieves a particular education

goal. Besides that, Kemp, Kozma (in Hamid, 2010) states that teaching

strategy is activities that are done by teacher as facilitator for the students to

get the objectives of study.

Dick and Carey (1990 in Suyadi, 2013) explain that teaching strategy

consists of all subject components, procedures or stages of learning activities

that are teacher uses to help the students to get the objectives of study.

All of the definitions above show that teaching strategy has some

significant effect toward the achievement of education’s goal. It means is that

the teacher’s ability in understanding the strategy in teaching will determine

the success of the teacher in teaching.

In the context of the strategies of teacher in teaching English at MA

NW Padasuka, some information that the researcher found from some sources

is that at the school there is only one English teacher and in the process of

teaching English the teacher presents materials in lecturing and the students

listen what the teacher explains. In this case, this activity takes place while the

time is nearly over although sometimes the teacher gives some questions to

the students while the teaching learning process takes place, on the last

activity, the teacher sometime does not give summary about the material or

such as assignment or homework for the student.

Based on the information above, researcher seizes an initiative to

arrange an observation about teacher’s strategies in teaching English at MA


NW Padasuka. The researcher wants to know the realization of teaching-

learning process at the school, so in the next time the result of this research

can be useful for the teaching and learning English and especially for the


To make easier in collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher

have investigated and collected some information that supported the process

of teaching and learning as follows:

a. The ratio between teacher and students

Based on the fact that the researcher found during the observation

at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka, the

researcher found that the school only has one English teacher with the

number of students about 143 persons which is divided into seven classes.

It is meaning that the ratio between the teacher and the students at

Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka is 1:143.

Based on the number of class Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul

Wathan (NW) Padasuka with the average 4 hours for each class, so, the

number of hour for the teacher in teaching English is 28 hours.

b. Time Availability in teaching English

In UU No. 14 year 2005 section 35 and verse (2) mentioned that

work load of a teacher in teaching is minimal 24 hours and maximal 40

hours in a week.

In relation with teaching media, based on UU Sisdiknas Chapter

XII section 45 Verse (1) that each unit of formal and informal education


prepare the feature and infrastructure that fill the necessity of education

based on the development potential physically, intelligence, social,

emotional and spiritual.

The feature and infrastructure that prepared for teaching English at

Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka is only text-


c. The Minimal Completeness Criteria (KKM)

In Permendiknas No. 20 year 2007 part A. Number 10 explains that

KKM is learning completeness criteria that are determined by an

educational unit.

The KKM for English language at Madrasah Aliyah (MA)

Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka is 60 because English language is one

of some subjects that are included to National Final Examination.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Based on the description of background above, the writer formulated

the problem of the recent study as stated in the following research questions:

a. What strategies does the teacher use in teaching English at Madrasah

Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka?

b. Why does the teacher use certain strategy in teaching English at Madrasah

Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka?

1.3 The Objectives of Study

The objectives of study stated based on the research problems are to

find out the teachers’ strategy in teaching English at Madrasah Aliyah (MA)


Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka and the reason of the teacher use the

strategy in teaching English to the students of Madrasah Aliyah (MA)

Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this investigation will be limited on following point:

a. The research subject in this study is the English teacher of Madrasah

Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka.

b. The research object in this study is the strategy of teacher in teaching

English at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka

1.5 Significances of Study

a. For the Teacher

The significances of this study are expected to be able to help the

teacher and in particular for English teacher in understanding about the

strategies that he/she uses in teaching English. What strategy that is

appropriate to be applied in teaching English? The fact shows that many

teachers make themselves as source of knowledge while the duty of

student is just as receiver of knowledge their teacher given. Meanwhile

the purpose of teaching-learning process is to make the students creative

and to be autonomous.

In essence, teaching is not only to extend a material of subject, but

teaching is also a process to build character. The concept of Ki Hajar

Dewantara about “Ing Ngarso Sun Tulada, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa and


Tut Wuri Handayanií” can be applied to build the character of the students

(Suyadi, 2013)

b. For the Students

The abilities of teacher in understanding and applying a certain

strategy in teaching will influence the students’ response towards the

teacher in teaching so the significance of this study for the teacher is the

students will give their attention to the teacher during the teaching-

learning because their teacher teaches them by a certain strategy.

c. For the School

Each school as the institution of education has to prepare the

competent educator because a teacher who is competence in educating and

teaching will help the school to get the mission of the school.

d. For the Researcher

The significances of the study for the researcher is, the result of

this study will be one of references in understanding the teaching strategy,

so it may make the researcher easier in determining a certain strategy in

teaching when the researcher becomes a teacher.

1.6 Assumption

Based on the information that the researcher got from some students of

MA NW Padasuka about activities of the English teacher in the classroom,

researcher presents some assumptions as follows:


a. The teacher does not have preparation such as teaching plan, Syllabus, etc,

Teacher is more dominant than students. The teacher provides her own

material without knowing students interest.

b. The teacher does not have enough comprehension about teaching strategy

so the teacher focuses in using one strategy in teaching English.

c. The school does not have enough teaching media to support a good

teaching-learning process.

1.7 Explanation of Key Terms

In order to have a good concept of the terms used in this research, the

researcher provides some definitions of key terms as follows:

a. Teaching is giving precepts to peoples in order they understand the

precepts (Suyadi, 2013).

b. Learning is the development of new associations as a result of experience

(Suyadi, 2013).

c. Teaching strategy is a plan or a program that is extensively used to ensure

that a certain message or lesson is passed from the teacher to the student.

The plan uses various means, either theoretical or practical. The duration

of the plan may last a short period like a month or even a year.



3.1 Approach and Design

3.1.1 Research Approach

Research is way to determine, improve and examine the truth of

knowledge by using scientific methods and in research named methodology of

research (Sutrisno Hadi, 1979 in Bisri, 2012).

According to Soekanto (1981) research is punch line of knowledge to

know and experience live, or clearly research is instrument to examine and

improve knowledge.

In this research, the writer used descriptive method as the method of

research and used observation as the method to get some data and information

about the teacher’s activities and the students’ activities during the process of

teaching and learning. The mean of observation is the methods to analysis and

write systematically about attitude by looking or observing to individual or

group directly.

According to Heru (2006 in Fajar, 2011), observation in context of

scientific research is a systematic studied, to be planed, and aimed to a

purpose by observing and noting the phenomenon or attitude one or a group of

people in daily life context by attempting the pre-requirement of scientific



The kinds of observation that the researcher used in this research was

Non-Participant Observation, where the researcher did not follow directly with

the object of observation (teacher’s activity in teaching). The researcher just

observed, looked and noted the activities of teacher (especially about the

strategy of the teacher).

3.1.2 Research Design

Research Design is strategy that is used to get data in the hypothesis

testing or to answer the research question and to control a free variable that

influential in this research (Nursalam, 2003 in Kurnia, 2012).

This research used the Case Study Research Design. This design was

used to describe the data that were taken from the object of research that was

teacher’s strategies in teaching English at MA NW Padasuka. The object of

this research was the English Teacher of MA NW Padasuka, in particular the

Strategy of the teacher in teaching English at MA NW Padasuka. In this case,

the teacher also became the source to get data that were needed to finish this


3.2 Location and Time of the Research

3.2.1 Location of the Research

The location of this research was at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nahdlatul

Wathan (NW) Padasuka. The reason of the researcher to choose this school

was because the school just had one English teacher and there were seven

classes, so the researcher thought that this phenomenon was interesting to



3.2.2 Time of research

The study was conducted in some stages, as follows:

a. Pre-Research

Pre-Research is the first observation that was conducted before the

main observation. It was done to get the first data as the foundation in

compiling proposal.

b. Compiling the Proposal

The proposal was compiled after the researcher got the first data

during the Pre-Research.

c. Seminar

After compiling the proposal, the researcher conducted a seminar

of proposal to know the quality of the proposal.

d. Observation

Observation was done after the proposal that was compiled got

agreement to do training follow-up toward the research.

e. Interview

To complete the data and support the result the research results, the

researcher interviewed the teacher related to the data that were needed in

compiling the thesis.

For more detail about the time in compiling the thesis, the following is

the research schedule that was done by the researcher:


Table 1. Research Schedule.


1. 1st-6

th, July 2013 Pre-Research

2. 9th

, July - 8th

, August 2013 Compiling the Proposal

3. 10st, August 2013 Seminar of Proposal

4. 12nd

, August - 15th

, October 2013 Observation

5. 18th

, August 2013 Interview

6. 16th

, October 2013 Compiling the Thesis

3.3 Subject of the Study

The subject of the study was the English Teacher of Madrasah Aliyah

(MA) Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Padasuka that consists of one teacher that

graduated her study at the program of English Literature. The teacher was

about 26 years old with her expertise in mastering English good enough. The

expertise of the teacher in mastering English could be shown from her

explanation material to her students.

3.4 Data Collection

3.4.1 Method of Data Collection

The data in this research were collected using observation method,

interview and documentation. Observation was used to collected data about

the strategy that was used by the teacher in teaching English at MA NW

Padasuka. Interview was used to collect data about the reasons of the teacher

used the certain strategy in teaching and documentation was used to collect the

data that are related to the document that the teacher needed and prepared to

teach such as Lesson Plan, syllabus and The Minimal Completeness Criteria.


3.4.2 Strategy of Data Collection

In collecting data needed in this research, where the researcher was as

an Non-participant observer, so the researcher just followed the activity that

happened in the teaching learning process and wrote the important data that

the researcher found during the teaching-learning process.

Besides that, the researcher collected the data by interviewing the

subject of the research to got information about the reason and preparation of

the teacher before teaching in the classroom. The mean of preparations is the

instrument of teaching such as Teaching Plan, syllabus, etc. In this case, the

researcher used unstructured interview, where the researcher did not use a

structural manual interview and systematically. The manual interview that use

was questions around cases that related to data needed (interview transcript is

in Appendix).

3.5 Data Analysis

Data analysis is a systematic process of searching and arranging the

interview transcript, field notes, and other materials that collected to increase

the readers’ understanding and to enable presenting what the readers have

discovered to the other (Bodgan in Sugiyono: 2011).

In analyzing data in this research, the researcher arranged some

techniques as follows:


3.5.1 Model of Data Analysis

In analyzing data in this research, the researcher used the model that

was mentioned by Miles and Huberman (1984 in Mahsun. 2012) that consist

of 3 activities, as follows:

a. Data Reduction is embracing, choosing and focusing to the more

important data from all data that have been collected.

b. Data Display is displaying data chosen and then presenting in the narrative

text. It is to help in understanding what happened and to do something-

further analysis or caution on that understanding.

c. Conclusion Drawing/Verification. In this activity the hypothesis that is

present before is just for a while. The hypothesis can be different if in the

research the researcher does not find strong proofs that support the

hypothesis. But if in the research the researcher find data that support the

hypothesis, so the hypothesis is a credible conclusion.

3.5.2 Procedure of Data Analysis

Research is a systematic of intellectual activities systematically. The

procedures of data analysis in this research are selecting the topic of the

research and have gone through the process of literature survey, establishing

the focus of research, selecting the research paradigm and methodology,

preparing the research plan and collecting data. The next is analyzing the data

collected before finally writing the research report.

Hence, the purposes of Procedure of Data Analysis were to convert

data into information and explore the relationship between variables.


3.5.3 Stages of Data Analysis

In this research, the process of data analysis is divided in to 2 steps:

a. Analysis before research was done based on information that the research

got from result of interviewing some students concerned about some cases,

such as teacher activities during teaching learning process, interaction

between teacher and students during teaching learning process, the

condition of classroom, etc.

b. Analysis during the research is analysis toward the data that the researcher

found during the research in field by looking the activities of research

subject concerned with activities in the classroom then interviewing the

research subject concerned with preparation before teaching, reason of the

teacher use teaching strategy, etc.



5.1 Conclusion

Referring to the result of research, it can be drawn some conclusions as


1. The teacher used Expository Learning as the strategy in teaching English

at MA NW Padasuka.

2. The reason of the teacher uses Expository learning is because she was the

one of English teacher at the school whereas there are many classes.

Furthermore, the demand to finish material makes her to use the strategy

because the strategy can help to teach faster.

3. The application of the strategy by the teacher can be shown when the

teacher was more active than the students, especially when the teacher

displayed a material by explaining the material in a long time.

4. The teacher was not yet able to manage the classroom, because during

the teaching and learning happened, many students did not focus to the


5. The method that the teacher uses in teaching English is more than one

method, but the teacher used The Direct Method more than the other



6. The process of teaching and learning that happened is a process teaching

and learning that was without planning because the teacher did not make

any preparation such as KKM, RPP, Syllabus, etc.

5.2 Suggestions

Concerning to the conclusions which are stated previously, the researcher

would like to offer some suggestions as follows:

1. The teacher of English should make a planning before teaching. Because

the plan would be compass for the teacher during the teaching and


2. In the activity of teaching and learning, the teacher should give attention to

all activities that happened during the teaching and learning.

3. The teacher had to choose a certain strategy for a certain material in order

to the students can understand easily.

4. Finally, for the further researcher, he or she should be motivated in

conducting further investigation to find the main factor which can affects

the students’ competences.



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