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(Descriptive Research)


“Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department”









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Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Teaching Methods Used by Female Teachers to Improve

Students Speaking Skill in English Language Teachin (ELT)

at SMAN 1 Takalar.

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Demikianlah pernyataaan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan saya

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Makassar, 2019

Yang Membuat Pernyataan




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Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:


NIM : 10535 6401 15

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Makassar, 2019

Yang Membuat Perjanjian



Nurinsani, 2019. Teaching Methods Used by the Teachers to improve

students speaking skill in English Language Teaching(ELT) at SMAN 1

Takalar. Supervised by Nurdevi Bte Abdul S.pd,M.pd and Wildhan

Burhanuddin S.pd,M.Hum.

The aims of the research were to find out Teaching Methods Used by the

Teachers to improve studebts speaking skill in English Language Teaching(ELT).

The sample of this research was one and only two the teachers and two students

at XI MIA 1 and XII MIA I class in the 2019/2020 academic year.

This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected by

observation the teaching and learning process and interviewing with the English

teacher and students. The transcript of learning process and the interview were


Based on the research findings, the teachers used some method there are:

Dialogue,presentation, and discussion. The method can make students become

active and enjoyed in teaching and learning process. It can be seen from their

response while the teacher asked questions during observation process. It can be

concluded that the methods used by teachers dominantly were dialogue,pairs and

games because this methods can be make a students active in the classroom and

not sleepy.

Keywords : Learning and Teaching methods, the teachers, students’

response,English Language Teaching, teaching and learning proces.


Nurinsani, 2019. Metode Pengajaran Digunakan oleh Guru Wanita untuk

meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam Pengajaran Bahasa

Inggris (ELT) di SMAN 1 Takalar. Dibimbing oleh Nurdevi Bte Abdul S.pd,

M.pd dan Wildhan Burhanuddin S.pd, M.Hum.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Metode Pengajaran

yang Digunakan oleh Guru Wanita untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara

siswa dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris (ELT). Sampel penelitian ini adalah satu

dan hanya dua guru wanita dan dua siswa di kelas XI MIA 1 dan XII MIA I pada

tahun akademik 2019/2020.

Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan

mengamati proses belajar mengajar dan wawancara dengan guru dan siswa

Bahasa Inggris. Transkrip proses pembelajaran dan wawancara dibuat.

Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, para guru menggunakan beberapa metode

yaitu: Dialog, berpasangan, dan permainan. Metode ini dapat membuat siswa

menjadi aktif dan menikmati dalam proses belajar mengajar. Hal itu dapat dilihat

dari tanggapan mereka saat guru mengajukan pertanyaan selama proses observasi.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh guru dominan adalah

dialog, berpasangan dan bermain karena metode ini dapat membuat siswa aktif di

kelas dan tidak mengantuk.

Kata kunci: Metode Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran, guru wanita, respons siswa,

Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris, proses belajar mengajar.


Jangan pernah langkahi Tuhan

Semua tidak akan terjadi jika kita tidak memulai

Do’a adalah kunci dari sebuah kemenangan

I dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved parents, my siblings,

and all my friends for the sincerity and support to conduct this thesis.


سم هللا الرمحن الرحيم

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil „Alamin, the researcher would like to express her

deepest gratitude to the almighty Allah Subhanawata’ala, the only provider, the

most merciful who gaves his guidance, inspiration and good health all the time to

conduct this research till the end. Next, shalawat and salam are delivered to the

greatest prophet Muhammad Sallallahu’alaihi wasallamm who has brough us

with his adherent from the darkness to the lightness.

Further, the researcher decotes her highest thanks, love and appreciation to

her lovely parents, the best father ever, Rasulu, who always gaves her so much

love, support, attention, advices, braveness in living her life and keep struggling

on facing all of the things, and her lovely mother, Haima, many thanks for love

and everything that she gaves along her life. She is very proud to be your dauther.

The researcher also devotes profound appreciation the the 10 siblings she has.

Thanks for love and support that have been gaven.

The researcher realized that in carrying out this thesis, many people have

contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the

completion of this thesis. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the

greatest thanks and appreciation for these people, they are:

1. Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman

Rahim, S.E.,MM.

2. Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Erwin Akib,

M.Pd., Ph.D.

3. Head of English Education Department, Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd.

4. My greatest thanks are due to my first consultant Nurdevi Bte Abdul, S.Pd.,

M.Pd and my second consultant Wildhan Burhanuddin, S.Pd., M.Hum who

have gaven their valuable time and patient, to support assistance and guidance

to finish this thesis.

5. All of the lectures of FKIP UNISMUH who have taught all knowledge for the


6. My parents and my siblings for support and big love.

7. For someone special he my future husband and the name is Ahmad Miraj

Saulatu S.T

8. The researcher‟ classmate in English Department 2015 (EDELWEISS class)

and ANABEL,BUNDA (my group friendship) and other best friends that can

not be mention one by one. Thanks for your love, help, support and


9. All people who help researher and can not be mention one by one, much love

for you all.

The researcher realized that the writing of this thesis is far from the

perfectness and still the simplest one. Remaining errors are the researcher‟s own.

Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Finally, let the researcher prays, may all our efforts are blessed by Allah

Subhanawata’ala. Amin Allahumma Amin

Makassar, Desember 2019

The researcher



TITLE PAGE............................................................................................................

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii

COUNSELLING SHEET .................................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ..................................................................................... iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN ......................................................................................... v

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. vii

MOTTO ................................................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background ....................................................................................... 1

Problem Statement ........................................................................... 5

The objective of the Research ........................................................ 5

Significance of the Research .......................................................... 5

Scope of the Research ..................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Previous Research Findings ............................................................ 7

Some Pertinent Ideas ....................................................................... 8

Teaching Methods....................................................................... 8

Speaking Skill............................................................................... 9


Research Design ............................................................................... 26

Research Subject .............................................................................. 26

Research instrument

Data Collecting Procedures........................................................... 27

The Technique of Data Analysis .................................................. 28

CHAPTER VI FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Findings ......................................................................................... 29

What methods used by the teachers to improve students

speaking skill ....................................................................... 29

Students response on teaching method used by the tecahers in

the class .............................................................................. 30

Discussion ...................................................................................... 41

What methods used by the teachers to improve students speaking skill .......................................................................

............................................................................................ 41

Students response on teaching method used by the tecahers in the class ..............................................................................

............................................................................................ 48

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion .................................................................................... 57

Suggestion ...................................................................................... 58

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 59





A. Background

Teaching and learning are a process to opportunity gaven to the

students to make a change and obtained from experienced teacher. The term

teaching methods refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management

strategies used for classroom instruction. According to Lucy Pollard (2008)

There are four skills in learning English, reading, writing, speaking and

listening. In the context of teaching English, writing, reading, listening and

speaking are more difficult than other skills of English. Speaking skill is

known as an oral skill that plays essential role in human interaction and

communication when people communication their minds, ideas, and feeling to

other. According to walker as cited in Herly (2015) speaking is one way of

learning about one self. In speaking, someone must face problems that have

history and relatively to other people, group, and the predictions we have

formed for living together. Another definition by Rahman (1991) stated that

speaking is a means of oral communication involving two elements, namely

the speaker who gaves the messages and the listener who receives the

messages in other words the oral communication involves the productive skill

of speaking and the receptive skill of listening.

Generally, the Indonesian students faced the problems to communicate

and express their idea in English because less of practicing, lack of vocabulary

mastery, the problem in the organ of speak, and are passive to speak in the

target language. As the result, they are fear in making mistakes and feeling

inferior to speak English. Moreover, in teaching speaking, the teachers must

adopt and adapt varying methods and activities that appropriate for the

students to increase their components of English speaking skills in terms of

fluency, accuracy, and comprehensibility. Undoubtedly, teachers are supposed

to create a good learning atmosphere in which students feel pleasant and

enjoyedable in learning. The class would be comfortable and stimulating the

learning process if the interaction between students and teacher occurs

spontaneously and naturally in acquiring the target language. Harmer (1998, p.

133) gaves an illustration about one teacher who used to make students pay

fine if they used the mother tongue in speaking activities. This an art of

persuading students to use English, above all, it depends on the guidelines that

were set, the agreement which teacher made with students, and friendly.

The students use some methode in speaking when they wish to express

themselves but have problems because they lack the knowledge of the

elements of language to communicate. The students try to overcome this lack

of knowledge by finding ways around the problem.

Based on the information, it can be summarizing that speaking

achievement is to achieve the language appropriately in social interactions.

Diversity in interactions here involves not only verbal communication but also

paralinguistic components of speech such as pronunciation, vocabulary,

accuracy and fluency for students. It puts on how students can use their

English knowledge in their daily conversation in order to be good in speaking.

encouragement and persuasion while activities are taking place. In regard to

this case, the researchers had experienced when we held a speaking class in a

university, we tried to make every student in our class to be active and to use

the target language during the classroom interaction. Since it was not easy to

do it, we made standard norms use English only and negotiated them to the

students. At the first, mostly students felt enforced to adhere to the norms but

after the class runs for several meetings they adapted to. Those issues closely

relate to the way lecturer organize classroom activities and perceive the

individual steps connected. The well-organizing activities may essentially

create the enjoyedable learning process to motivate students in learning and

improve their speaking performance. Moreover, the best lecturer does know

their teaching material, but they also know a lot of teaching strategies and

methods. They never underestimate the power of the process to determine

student learning output and outcome (Weimer, 2002). Thus, the learning

strategies would guide the implementing of the methods and approaches in

which they determine the appropriate methods and tactics to be used by the

lecturer in managing classroom activities that consequently affect the success

of the language teaching and increasing learners‟ achievement (Bin Tahir,

2012). According to Gocer (2010, pp. 439-445), the strategy is actualized with

the methods, and the methods are demonstrated with the methods and tactics.

The researchers believe that no three teachers embody a teaching

method in the classroom in exactly the same way due to they have different

knowledge, experience, and personality. A teacher would have different

concepts in related to the strategy in deciding how a speaking instruction is

carried out. Therefore, the researchers were deeply moved to directly observe

how an English speaking teachers carry out his/her class to explore what

technique applied by them, to reveal how the implementation of the teaching

method, and to know the students‟ perceptions toward the teachers in ELT.

The result of this study is expected theoretically to enrich insights into

language teaching method. Practically, this study would enable the English

language teacher to implement the appropriate methods which help the

students to increase their speaking skill.

Finally, what we mean is that many students in the class who speak are

still difficult to capture the material gaven by the teacher through the method

or technique used. there are also many students who are very bored and afraid

in speaking class for reasons we don't know yet. therefore, the researcher

wants to know what is the reason for students so that it is difficult to accept

material with methods used by teachers especially in ELT.

B. Problem Statement

Regarding to the background above the writer formulates the

following research questions:

1. What is the methods used by the the teachers to improve speaking skill in


2. How is students‟ response on teaching methods used by teachers in ELT


C. Objective the Research

Relating to the problem statement mentioned above, the writer states

the objectives of research are:

1. To find out what methods were used by teachers.

2. To find out how are students respons to the teaching and learning process

with methods that are often used by teachers in speaking class.

D. The Significance of The Research

The result of the research is to find out information and methods used

by the teachers for the students and teachers in teaching learning process,

especially in ELT. And in this research can make teachers to improve the

methods they used of students can be more active in the class.

E. Scope of The Research

In this research, it is necessary to limit the problem. The problem

focuses on the teaching methods used by the teachers in teaching and learning

process in English teaching at SMAN 1 Takalar.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

1. Abdul, N. B. In her research found the effect of Broadcasting Project as a

learning activity to promote students‟ motivation in speaking.

Broadcasting Project was developed from the idea of Project Based-

Learning. Markham, (2011) describes project-based learning integrates

knowing and doing. Students learn knowledge and elements of the core

curriculum, but also apply what they know to solve authentic problems

and produce results that matter. In this research, the students were asked to

create a video after teaching process. There were 32 students participated

in this study and the data were collected from video where the students

participated in doing Broadcasting Video Project. The students were gaven

questionnaire and interviewed to find out their motivation after

participating in finishing the project. The data were analyzed

quantitatively and qualitatively. All the students have the same opportunity

to take part in broadcasting project. The students planned, created,

developed the idea, and presented the recent news all in English. This

indicated that the participants were significantly more motivated in

learning and speaking English after participating in broadcasting project.

The implication of this study was to assist the lecturers or teachers

encourage students‟ motivation in speaking skill by developing creative


2. Burhanuddin, W., & Kadir, H. (2015) Concluded that him research

focuses on the controversial and unresolved topic method was that it

would gave the students motivation to study English special in English

skill. Besides that this method would make the students become more

confident to express their ideas, more friendship among others, and all the

students can connect a good atmosphere.

3. Bahrani, T., &Soltani, R. (2012). In his research explained that one of the

main concerns of most language teachers is helping language learners to

develop satisfying language skills. In this case, proficiency has received

the greatest attention among language teachers and language learners. This

is because speaking is an important part of the language learning process.

The main purpose of teaching skills is communicative efficiency. Learning

languages must make themselves talk using their current skills. They must

try to avoid confusion in the message because of pronunciation errors,

grammar, or vocabulary. Correspondingly, the general characteristics of

many language classes focus primarily on the language system.

Vocabulary and grammar require attention that is far greater than what is

needed to use this vocabulary and grammar. To help students develop

communication in speaking, instructors can use activities that speak

communicative input and output languages. For this purpose, this paper

tries to take a closer look at the types of activities that language teachers

can use to improve speaking skills. Thus, effective instructors can talk

with students by using minimal responses, discussing scripts, and language

to talk about language. This learning helps students learn to make students

speak for learning.

4. Allen, E. D., & Valette, R. M. (1977) concluded that "Modern Language

Classroom Methods" (1972), is to show the teacher ways of implementing

and supplementing existing materials. The suggested teaching procedures

may be used with classes of varying sizes and levels, and with any

method. Part One of this handbook presents an overview of the language

class. Ways of preparing supplementary materials are briefly reviewed. A

variety of procedures for classroom management is suggested. Part Two

focuses on specific methods for teaching the language itself, the sound

system, grammar, and vocabulary. For the sake of simplicity, traditional

grammar terminology has been used. Part Three presents ways of

developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The aim

of these procedures is to build up the student's ability to use the language

as a vehicle for meaningful communication. The final section, Part Four,

offers some suggestions for teaching culture, both daily life patterns and

general civilization. The appendix contains sample lesson plans that show

how several procedures and methods may be integrated into a single class


5. Nazara, S. (2011). In this research it was found that many students were

difficult to receive lessons in class even though they got interesting

material, empowerment activities, and the right opportunity for training,

they supported to have a longer time to train. In addition, there is an

opportunity to avoid talking to scold and laugh at classmates. It was

concluded by reviewing the need for a friendly and conducive

environment in the classroom.

From those researches above, it can be concluded that this research

has similarities and the difference it this research. The similarities are

discussed about speaking. While the differences with the previous research

is the of the research are:

1. Allen, E. D., & Valette, R. M. (1977) explain about the use of

“Modern Language Classroom Methods"

2. Nazara, S. (2011) explain about problem stdent to learning English


3. Bahrani, T., &Soltani, R. (2012) explain about teaching skill.

4. Burhanuddin, W., & Kadir, H. (2015) focuses on the controversial and

unresolved topic method.

5. Abdul, N. B (2016) explain about the effect of Broadcasting Project to

promote students‟ motivation in speaking.

So, i‟m interested to research what methods were recommended or

often used by teachers in the classroom to improve students' speaking


B. Pertinent Ideas

1. Teaching Methods

a. Definition of Teaching Methods

According to Hornby (1995) Teaching means giving the

instruction to a person: gave a person knowledge, skill, etc.

According to stern, cited by Johnson (1991) English language

teaching is defined broadly as creating situations that promote second

language use and learning. It involves organizing learning

environment, language development.

b. Kind of Teaching Methods

1) The Grammar Translation Method

According to Bambang Setyadi (2006) Grammar

translation method is to make the students able to make the

students able to read literature written in target language. There is

little attention gaven to the use of the spoken language.

2) Direct Method

According to Diane Larsen Freeman (2000) Methods and

Principles in Language Teaching as follows: As with the

Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method is not new. Its

principles have been applied by language teachers for many years.

The Direct Method has one basic rue: no translation allowed. In

fact, Direct Method receives its name from the fact that meaning is

to be conveyed directly in the target language through the use of

demonstration and visual aids with no recourse to the students‟

native language. It means that the teaching and learning process is

conveyed in English.

3) Audiolingual

In this method, the grammatical rules are introduced in the

dialogue which is reinforced. Audiolingual Method drills the

students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns. This method

can be done by playing a recording of a conversation in the target

language, the students listen and rehearse what they‟ve heard.

4) Presentation, Practice, and Production

In this method has similarities with Audiolingual. they are

same in the use of drilling. But presentation, practice and

production is contextualized by the situation that has been

presented by the teacher.

According by Brown, 1994; Burn & Joyce,1997 definition

of speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing and receiving and processing information.

5) Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

The Communicative Language Teaching is the name

which was gaven to a set of beliefs which included not only re-

examination of what aspects of language to teach, but also shift in

emphasis in how to teach. The “what to teach” aspect of the

Communicative stressed the significance of language functions

rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. A guiding

principle was to train students to use these language forms

appropriately in variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes.

6) In this method, the students are gaven a task to perform and only

when the task is completed, the teacher discuss the language that

was used, making correction and adjustment which the students‟

performance of the task has shown to be desirable. In other words,

students are presented with a task they have to perform or a

problem they have to solve.

7) The Silent Way

In this method, the teacher helps the students to acquire the

foreign language by gesture or expression. Later students guess

them. And the teacher shows the correction of students‟ guessing


8) Total Physical Respond

Total Physical Response is linked o the “trace theory” of

memory in psychology (Katona 1940), which holds that the more

often or the more intensively a memory connection is traced, the

stronger the memory association would be and the more likely it

would be recalled.

9) Suggestopedia

Suggestopedia is method developed by the Bulgari a

psychiatrist-educator Georgi Lozanov. Suggestopedia is a specific

set of learning recommendations derived from suggestology,

which Lazanov describes as a “science concerned with the

systematic study of the notational and/or nonconscious influences

that human beings are constantly responding to. Suggestopedia

tries to influence and redirect them so as to optimize learning. The

most conspicuous characteristics of are the decoration, furniture,

and furniture, and arrangement of the classroom, the use of music,

and the authoritative behavior of the teacher. The method focus on

the atmosphere of teaching and learning to be closer with the

target language like using song and classroom arrangement.

2. Speaking Skill

a. Definition of Speaking

1) According by Brown, 1994; Burn & Joyce,1997 definition of

speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing and receiving and processing information.

2) Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through

the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols. Speaking is the one of

the most difficult aspects for students to master.

3) In psycholinguistic, speaking is a productive language skill. It is a

mental process.

4) Furthermore, speaking is one of the central elements of

communication. In EFL (English as Foreign Language) teaching, it

is aspects that needs special attention and instruction. Students

should learn to speak the second language by interacting to others.

For this case, students should master several speaking components,

such as comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and


b. Component of Speaking

According to Syakur there are at least five components of

speaking skill concerned with comprehension, grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation and fluency:

1) Comprehension, for oral communication, comprehension certainly

requires a subject to respond to the speech as well as to initiate it.

2) Grammar

The grammar of language is the description of the ways in

which words can change their forms and can be combined in to

sentences in that language. Grammar is one important aspect of

speaking because if an utterance can has different meaning if the

speaker uses incorrect grammar. In the other hand, Saleh (2000.29)

vocabulary is a word or group word that have a certain meaning

and the whole word used by someone in communication activities.

Hatch and Brown (1995.1) provide a rather similar definition,

saying vocabulary is the aspect set of words as a particular

language or words that individual speaker of language might use.

According to Dalle as Cited Inherly (2015) stated that

grammar whose subject matter is the organization of word in to

variables communication, often representing many layers of

structure, such as phrase sentences and complete utterance. Harmer

as cited in Primarora (2015) The grammar of a language is the

description of the ways in which words can change their forms and

can be combined into sentences in that language.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary means list of words with their meaning. One

cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas oral or

written form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary.

Irma (2019) vocabulary is list of word that used the idea or

the other meaning that must be mastery first to learn foreign

language. The more vocabulary in the learner have, the easier for

them to develop their four skill (speaking, listening, reading, and

writing). According to Klippel as Cited Inherly (2015) vocabularies

are list of word, etc as dictionary or glossary and all of words used

a language or by a person group etc.

4) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is an essential aspect of learning to speak a

foreign language. If a student does not pronounce a word correctly,

it can be very difficult. Pronunciation is the way for students

produce clearer language when they speak.

5) Fluency

Fluency in speaking the aim of many language learners.

Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and

only small number of pauses and “ems” or “ers”.

c. Concept of Speaking

The concept of speaking activity is that speakers communicate

their massage to the listeners. In this case, the speaker and listener

should be able to understand each other. The speaker can produce the

sounds that involved the massages and the listener can receive,

process, and response the massages.

d. Types of Speaking

Brown (2001) says that much of our language teaching is

devoted to instruction in mastering English conversation. He classifies

the types of oral language as the figure below:

1. Monologue

Planned Unplanned

2. Dialogue

Interpersonal Transactional

Brown also provides type of classroom speaking performance,

they are:

1) Imitative

A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may

legitimately be spent generating “Human tape-recorder” speech,

where for example, learner practice an intonation contour or try to

pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of this kind is carried out

not for the purpose of meaning full interaction, but for focusing on

some particular element of language form.

2) Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one-step beyond imitative to

include any speaking performance that is designed to practice some

phonological or grammatical aspect of the language. Intensive

speaking can be self-imitated or can even from part of some pair

work activity, where learners are “going over” certain forms of


3) Responsive

The student‟s speech in the classroom is responsive short

replies to teacher or students initiate questions or comment. These

replies are usually sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. Such

speech can be meaningful and authentic.

4) Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional dialogue, which is carried out for the purpose

of conveying or exchanging specific information is to extend form

of responsive language. Conversation, for example may have more

of a negotiate nature to them than does responsive speech.

5) Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue carried out more for maintaining

social relationship that for the transmission of the facts and

information. The conversations are tittle trickier for learner because

they can involve come or all of the following factors: a casual

register, colloquial language, emotionally charged language, slag,

ellipsis, sarcasm, and a covert “agenda”.

6) Intensive (monologue)

Students at intermediate to advanced level are called on to

gave extended monologue in the form of oral reports, summaries,

or perhaps short speeches. In this, the register is more formal and

deliberative. This monologue can be planned or impromptu.

e. The activities to promote speaking skill

Many activities can be done by

1) Discussions

Muria (2001) stated discussion is probably the most

commonly use activity in the oral skill class. Teacher must take

care in planning and setting up a discussion activity. First, planned

(versus random) grouping or pairing of students may be necessary

to ensure a successful outcome. Second, student need to be

reminded that each person should have specific responsibility in

the discussion, whether it to keep time, take notes, or report result

are made by group members. Finally, the students need to be clear

about what they are to discuss, why they are discussing it, and what

outcome is expected. This activity helps the students to critical

thinking and quick decision making, and justify themselves in

polite ways while disagreeing with the others.

2) Role-play

In this activity, the students created a dramatic situation in a

classroom or in part, simply acting out dialogues, but also in part

relabeling objects and people in the room to prepare imaginative

role in role-playing. The teacher gaves information to the learners

such as who they think or feel. Role play has appeal for students

because it allows the students to be creative and to put themselves

in another person‟s place for a while.

3) Simulations

In simulation, students can bring items to the class to create

a realistic environment. For instance, if a student‟s acting as a

singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on. Second, Harmer

(1984) said that simulation can increase the self-confidence of

hesitant of students, because in role play and simulation activities,

they would have a different role and do not have to speak for

themselves, which means they do not have to take the same


4) Information Gap

In this activity, students are supposed to be working in

pairs. One student would have the information that other partners

would does not have and the partners would share their

information. Information gap activities serve many purposes such

as solving a problem or collecting information. Also, each partner

plays an important role because the task cannot be completed if the

partners do not provide the information.

5) Story Telling

Students can briefly summarize a take or story they heard

from somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to

tell their classmate. Story telling fosters creative thinking. It also

helps students‟ express ideas in the format of beginning,

development, and ending, including the characters and setting a

story has to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For

instance, at the very beginning of each class session, the teacher

may call a few students to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening.

In this way, the teacher not only know students‟ speaking ability,

but also get the attention of the class.

6) Interview

Students can conduct interviews on select topics with

people freely. It is good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to

students so that they know what type of questions that they can ask

or what path to follow, but students should prepare their own

interviews questions. Conducting interview with people gaves

students a chance to practice their speaking ability not only in class

but also outside and helps the becoming socialized.

7) Story Completion

For this activity, a teacher starts telling a story, after a few

sentences he or she stops narrating. Then, each student starts to

narrate from the point where the previous one stopped. Each

student is supposed to add from four to ten sentences. Students can

add new characters, event, descriptions and so on.

8) Reporting

Before coming to class, students are asked to read a

newspaper or magazine and they report to their friends what they

find as the most interesting news in the class. Students can also talk

about whether they have experience anything valuable to share

with their friends.

9) Playing Card

In this game, students should make a group consist of four

students. Each group suit would represent a topic. Then, each

student would write 4-5 questions about the topic to ask the other

people in the group. However, the teacher should begin of the

activity that students not allowed to proper yes-not questions,

because by saying yes or no get little practice in spoken language

production. Rather, students ask open-ended questions to each

other so that they reply in complete sentences.

10) Picture Narrating

This activity has several sequential pictures. Students are

asked to tell the story taking place in the sequential pictures by

paying attention to the criteria provided by the teacher as a rubric:

Rubrics can include the vocabulary or structures, they need to use

while narrating.

11) Picture Describing

Another way to make use of pictures in a speaking activity

is to gave students only one picture and ask them to describe what

it is in the picture. For this activity students can form groups and

each groups is gaven by different picture. Students discuss the

picture with their groups, then a person for each group describes

the picture in the class.

f. Micro and Macro speaking skill

Brown (2004) defined that a list of speaking skill can be drawn

up for the purpose to serve as taxonomy of skills from which we select

one or several that would become the objective of assessment task.

There are Micro and Macro skills ins peaking, as follow:

1) Micro skills of speaking

a) Produce chunks of language of different lights

b) Orally produce differences among the English phonemes and

allophonic variants

c) Produce English stress patters, word in stressed and unstressed

position, rhythmic structure, and intonation contours.

d) Produce reduce forms of words phrases

e) Use an adequate number or lexical units (words) in order to

accomplish pragmatic purposes.

f) Produce fluent speech a different rate of delivery

g) Monitor ones‟ own oral production and use various strategic

devices-pauses filers, self-corrections, backtracking to enhance

the clarify of the massage.

h) Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc), system (e.g,

tense, agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and

elliptical forms.

i) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms

j) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms

k) Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse

l) Accomplish appropriately communicative function according to

situations, principals, and goals.

m) Use appropriate registers, implicate, pragmatic, conventions,

and other sociolinguistic features in face to face conversations.

n) Convey links and connections between events and

communicate such relation as main idea, supporting ideas, new

information, gaven information, generalization, and


o) Use facial features, kinesics, body language, and other

nonverbal along with verbal language convey meanings.

p) Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as

emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for

interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help, and

accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is

understanding you.

2) Macro skills of speaking

a) Appropriately accomplish communicative function according to

situations, participants, and goals.

b) Use appropriate styles, registers, implicate, redundancies,

pragmatic conventions, conversation rules, floor keeping and

yielding, interrupting and other sociolinguistic features in face

to face conversation.

c) Convey links and corrections between events and communicate

such relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings

new information, generalization and exemplification.

d) Convey facial features kinesics, body language, and other

nonverbal cues along with verbal language

e) Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as

emphasizing key words rephrasing, providing a context for

interpreting the meaning of words rephrasing, providing a

context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for

help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor

understanding you.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that micro

skills and macro skills contain ingredients of difficulties, depending

on the stage and context of the task takers, but macro skills have

appearance of being more complex than micro skills. The micro

skills concern to produce the smaller chunks of language such as

phonemes, morphemes, words, collocation, fluency, and phrasal

units. The macro skills the speaker‟s focus on the large elements:

fluency discourse, function style, cohesion, nonverbal

communication, and strategies options.

g. Teaching Speaking Skill

Teaching speaking is very important part of second language

learning. The ability to communicate in a second language clearly and

efficiently contributes to the success of the learner in school and

success later in every phase of life. Therefore, it is essential that

language teacher pay great attention to teaching speaking. Rather that

leading students to pure memorization, providing a reach and

environment where meaningful communication takes place is desired.

Nunan in this case formulated what is meant by teaching speaking.

1) Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns

2) Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns, and rhythm of

the second language.

3) Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper

social setting, audience, situation and subject matter.

4) Organizer their thoughts in meaningful and logical sequence

5) Use language as a means of expressing values and judgements

6) Use the language quickly and confidently with view unnatural

pauses, which is called as fluency.

In addition, Hayrie some suggestions for English Teacher in

Teaching speaking as we can see in the following:

1) Provide maximum opportunity to students to speak the target

language by providing a rich environment the contains

collaborative work, authentic material and tasks, and shared


2) Try to involve each student in every speaking activity, for this

aims, practice different ways of students‟ participation

3) Reduce teacher speaking time in class while increasing students

speaking time, step back and observe students.

4) Indicate positive signs when commenting on student‟s response.




A. Research Design

The design employed in this research would be qualitative descriptive

research. The type of this research that does not use any calculating or

numbering. The purpose of qualitative research is to know the deeper

understanding of particular event or research. In this researcher would

describe teaching methods used by the teacher to improve speaking skill.

B. Research Subject

The subjects of this research are English teachers at SMAN 1 Takalar.

It consists of two teachers. The teachers teach English in second and third

grade. Those teachers have about 10th teaching experiences in that school.

C. Research Instrument

The instrument that used in this research are observation and interview.

The first instrument is observation. Observation would be used to observe

teachers teaching methods, especially in teaching speaking.

The second research instrument is interview. Interview is flexible tool

for data collection, enabling multisensory channels to be used, verbal and non-

verbal, spoken and heard (Cohen 2007). There are three kinds of interview:

free or unguided interview, guided interview, and free guided interview. In

this research, the researcher uses guided interview, it means that the

interviewer prepares the set of questions before conduct the interview. The

aims of interview is to get more valid data from the questioner and to get the

information about what the methods that used by teachers in teaching. The

interview is conducted to the English teachers at SMAN 1 Takalar. There are

six English teachers at SMAN 1 Takalar but only two teachers that would be


D. Data Collection Procedure

The data collected from the teachers, there are observation and field

notes. And then interview session, the researcher gaves some questions to

teachers and get the quantitative data.

1. Observation

The researcher would observe teacher‟s interaction in the class.

2. Interview

Interview is the process to get explanation by asking questions face

to face between researcher and respondent using interview guide.

Interview has been used extenvely across all the principle of the social

science and in educational research as a key methods of data collection.

Interview is a dialogue which is done by interviewer gain information by

interviewer. The researcher as interview provides some questions, ask for

explanation, take not, etc. The interview are teachers and students answer

the question, explain and sometimes gave question back to the interview.

3. Documentation

Documentation method is a technique of data collection by

gathering and analyzing documents, whether written documents, drawings

and electronic. Documents are mainly written text which relate to some

aspect of the social word. Such written text or documents range from

official documents to private and personal records, such as diaries, letters

and photographs, which may have been intended for the public gaze.

E. Data Analysis

Data analysis is an effort which is done by researcher to embrace the

data accurately. After collecting data, researcher analyzed the data.it can be

defined as the process of analyzing data required from the result of the


The data are analyzed through the following steps:

1. Collecting the data

The researcher observes and write down every object of researcher

based on what researcher has found during research took place.

2. Documentation and identification

Documentation is process of documenting the data it was done

after collecting the data. After the data being documented, the accuracy of

interview result would identify.

Identifying would done with gave code in the questionnaire and

interview were gaven code to helped researcher identified the data.

3. Classification

Classification is the process of classifying all sufficient data based

on category. After answering the teachers‟ and students‟ questionnaire, the

researcher started to make a classification base teachers‟ and students‟

answer the questionnaire.

4. Interpretation

After classification the data, researcher has to interpret data, gave

the meaning to information, evaluate, conclude, responden appropriately

and predicts the result, identification and evaluation.




In this chapter, the result of the study are presented. The chapter is devided

in two main sections; they are findings and the discussion of the research. The

findings presented the result of the data analysis collected through observation and

interview. The discussion deals with interpretation of the findings in the research.

A. Findings

The finding cover the data about information about teaching method

used by the teacher in SMAN 1 Takalar and students responding to the

teaching and learning process with methods that are often used by teachers in

ELT specially speaking class. The process of collecting data applied

observation and interview. In observation section, there were second and third

grade in SMAN 1 Takalar observed by gave some questions related to the

research in order determine the students who have more experience in

speaking. The research observed two teachers of SMAN 1 Takalar in teaching

in XI. MIPA 1 and XII MIPA 1.

1. The Methods Used by the the Teachers to Improve Speaking Skill in


The researcher have done observation at SMAN 1 Takalar in XI

MIPA 1 and XII MIPA 1. The researcher found the methods used by the

teachers in English language. The researcher gave opininon based on

observation and interview. The researcher ask questions about teaching

methods. The methods used by the teachers can be seen on the interview

as follows :

The researcher did interview with the teachers. From the

interview, the researcher found some methods used by teachers 1 as


1) Role-play

Based on the observation result, the researcher found that

the teacher 1 used role play. Because in teaching teacher gave a

topic and the students presentation based on the role. The

statements above the partial line with the result of interview. When

the researcher asked about their wouldingness to gave response

during the discussion. Based on the interview the teacher said

Extract 01

“In speaking skill I used role-play to improve students

speaking skill because this method very easy to applied in the class

and students enjoyed in the class”

2) Pairs

Based on the observation the researcher saw the

presentation by students with the task. The teacher order students

to search pairs with friends and presentation in the class. Based on

the interview the teacher said

“when I gave a topic the students’ shared pair and made

a task with their friends or pairs”

Extract 01

“yes, in teaching Elnglish especially in speaking skill I usually

applied two method in learning process depends on the students’

condition but when I want to improve students speaking skill I

used Role-play and pairs because students’ enjoyeded in the class

and more than active to learn.”

3) Games

In this methods very like by students because the students

using their handphone. The teacher gave material in application

and gave example to students what students do and the students

enjoyed and anthusiastic to learn. Based on the interview the

teacher said “sometimes I was used handpone to teaching and

learning process depend the material”

Extract 02

Teacher: Yes sometimes in teaching English for made students

speak in the class I usaully applied methods in the classroom. But

in speaking skill I usually see with the students condtion. What I

used two methods to improve students speaking skill in the

classroom I used Role-play and Games. In addition to arousing

students’ enthuassiasm, they also enjoyeded to easy students by

results by achieved.

Based on the result observation and interview above, the researchers

concluded that teaching methods used by the teachers to improve students

speaking skill. From the the teacher. The teacher was gave explained above

the material and made students to creative. After students get a material from

teachers. Using expressions in the form of dialogue is an easier way for

students to understand expressions rather than just memorizing them freely

students can develop their creativityin this section and it wasbecame very

excited and challenging for them to be able to produce good dialogue. After

students practice in pairs, the teachers can motivated students to perform in

front of the class. Students look very creative in making dialogue. By

displaying their dialogue in front of the class, the teacher can not only assess

students‟ speaking skills (pronounciation and intonation) but also show a

students‟ level of courage and confidence to speak using English language.

This section feels very exciting, enjoyeded, and students‟ feel very

enthuastiastic in watching their friends perform and support their friends with

applause and cheers.

2. Students’ response on teaching methods used by teachers in ELT class to

improve their speaking

When the researcher conducted interviews with the students outside of the

class the researcher found that some students response when the teachers taught in

the class, as follows :

a. Feeling enjoyed

Based on observation the students enjoyed with the methods used

by teacher in English language teaching. Based the interview students said

“I’m feeling enjoyed in the method used by the teachers because this

mathod make students want to learn”

b. Active in the class using English language.

Because when the researcher observed in the class the researcher saw the

students very active using english language in teaching an learning

process. Based on the interview with students, students said “method used

by teacher make students otomatically using English language in the


c. Increasing in vocabulary

In this method would increased vocabulary of students because

teachers used English language it can made the students‟ corious to know

what the meaning of teachers say. These statement above were in partial

line with the result of interview. When the researcher asked student‟s

opinion about teaching and learning process one of them said “I liked the

methods used by teachers becausedthe teachers explained using English

so we as students are corious to used English and automatically it can be

increased our vocabulary”

This part is aimed to find out students‟ responses on teaching methods

used by the teachers in English Language Teaching class to improve their

speaking at SMAN 1 Takalar the gained through interview toward 10 students.

The researcher found that the information of students. The teacher used the

methods used: role play ,pairs and games . Which means the sudents responses

toword these method because used the method to supporting the lesson so the

students can study easyli and the explanation of the teacher in explanation

short and esasy to understand. The teachers got the responses agree with the

methods. The teachers in teaching the material and the methods used by the

teachers almost the students agree and motivated to study. The teacher

monitoring the students while in lesson processand corected their task and

with this method the teacher is easier to got the students score and students

easily to got the lesson. The teacher 2 also using Role-play and games as well

as with the teacher 1 , teacher 2 focus on the types word of the text,predict,

and drawing conclusion and make students can be more active with using the

Role-play. The teachers tell about the text to students ,the teacher retell the

story. The methods used by teacher to improve students speaking skill also

role-play: discussion and presentation with used the card. The teacher

demonstrated the material and retell the story also some students agree from

this methods because, they were most have they self confi ESZdence in

speaking and suggest their opinion and to found new words. Some the

students brave and have confidence to suggest their opinion and represent their

discussion in front of the class. With the theme gaven, students can created

their own in expressing their opinions.

B. Discussion

From the problem statements ,the researcher investigated that are the

methods used by the teachers in English Language Teaching to improve

students speaking class and Students‟ response on teaching methods used by

the teachers in ELT class to improve their speaking. The teachers have

methods in teaching English specially speaking, the point realized only when

used the appropriate methods and the material, so teachers way of teaching

English affected students‟ enhaement and that appear in students speaking


1. The Methods Used by the Teachers to Improve Speaking Skill in ELT.

Based on the findings that reseacher explained before, there are

methods used by the teacher. The first observation, the methods used by

the teacher in teaching English.

According to the teachers this methods were easy to apply in

classroom. The teachers using role-play and pairs for some teaching

material which needed more explanation before. The Role-play had

advantages and disadvantage. In classroom the method used by the

teachers in speaking. The convergence Nasir(2018), research and the result

of the study research and the result of study conducted to the procedure of

teaching with used instruction on speaking class. Related to the procedure

of teaching where it might be observed the standard performance.

Opening, main activity and closing had been particular steps on teaching

performance. The main activity had been focus on the standard

performance of instructional delivery and assesment. Instructional delivery

was conducted to the teacher explanatio; demonstration and practice were

implemented to improve students‟ skill in English speaking build on

strategy used. The assesment was target of teacher to evaluate how far they

got the point about subject matter with presentation performing were learnt

in meeting previously. The closing step was part of teaching to gave

students‟ information about the primary point on the materials i next


According to jack C. Richard that to understand the incoming input

students should have a good competence in mastering grammar and lexical

aspects. Underwood and wallance(2012) on the research that was reducing

word and listing vocabulary have gaven comfortable for students‟ speak

out then it was a way appearing habit to speak out every meeting on

learning process. Related to the result of study on standard

performance,instructional delivery that was significantly explained the

spesific materials necessary English natural then it was needed reducing

word(simplification of word,expression and sentence). With the result that

the teacher had got easiness implemented of English on teaching

performance. Throughout that section, they had been habitual with English

performance then the teacher performance on communication aspect was

being guide for them how to be a good speaker every meeting. Throughout

that was to know about the students need in English subect. As the

time,students‟ focus held controls the successful of learning. It was

classified interest and mood;interest had been upgrade when the teacher

used emotional approach (confied,talk show and so on) or attractive

method (game,question-answer,puzzle, and joke time) finally,all of them

woul be realized with te result that they got lovely mood to attend every

meeting on learning process.

The teacher also said that students like Role-play method beacuse

they can be more active in learning process. When the taecher applied

group discussion, the students enthusiastic in learning. Most of student

also like if the teachers ask for the students to make group or pairs and

presentation in the class.

2. Students’ Response on Teaching Methods Used by Teachers in ELT Class

to Improve Their Speaking

The method used by teachers in teaching English in skill speaking,

they were gained a positive responses from the students. The interviews

consist of statements items. We nitice the teachers replies on teaching. The

teacher show the normal teaching basically same to the other teachers. All the

methods used by teachers gained agree responses from the students can

accustomed to the way of learning process and enjoyedable study in the

classroom. The teacher explain the material with demonstrain the teacher

explanation clear and easy to undersatnding so the students can motivated to

study. Gaven question and answer in the classroom, the students gaven

question by teacher and students answer it, the teacher gave question related

with the material or topic teach in classroom. The students like the methods

used by teacher because the stdents can understanding easy get the knowledge

or the material. The explanation of the teacher can easy to understand and

remeber by the students. The students also like the story and role play and

because their can motivated and enjoyedable to study in classroom. The way

of explanation and the monitoring the lesson process can the learning process

goes well,the teacher can monitoring the students participant in class and

guide the students to focus on the learning. The students difficult in speaking

because lack of vocabulary and have not self-confidence. But the teacher

gained agree response from the students.

Based on the findings above the teacher used some method in applied

classroom, the teachers often uses it in the classroom and is very efficient at

stimulating students to learn. But this method is not applied in third grade

because they needs to improve their vocabulary through reading

comprehension. First grade and two grade is recommended to used games

because we see the condition of students who are not so many active in the

classroom so the use of these games is very encouraging in learning.




A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion,the researcher conclude:

1. The English teachers in SMAN 1 Takalar have their respective methods in

the class,they assume that “if you want to learn we have to see the material

to be taught and how the conditions in the class so that students are

stimulated to learn”.

2. The method used by teachers are using Role-play,pairs and games in

English Language teaching(ELT) process. The teachers considers that in

that way students are more active and try to speak using English that

would only listen to the teachers in front.

3. The method used by the teachers also make students can be more active in

the classroom, enjoyedable the ongoing in learning process and grow up

the students‟ confidence in speaking using English language.

B. Suggestion

For English teacher, they should pay attention on appropriated the

methods that can be applied to help students to improve speaking skill. The

teachers basically has to have a myriad of creativity and must be good at

applying the right methods in teaching without purpose, teaching improperly,

teaching by not playing attention to the psychological condition of students,

teaching carelessly, conveying material as long as it is finished and done

should no longer be done by teachers today. The researcher belive that if

sudents receive material with pleasant condition, without coercion, without

pressure, feel comfortable and enthusiastic, then students would absorbs and

accept the material more easily and with maximum results and bonuses for a

pleasant learning experince Teacher might consider the methods aspect in

teaching to improve students speaking skill. Methods in metacognitive should

be applied by the teachers, which means they should be plan, monitor and

evaluate the English in speaking skill. And the social, the teachers build the

interaction with the students. In addition, teachers might find and used other

methods for teaching in speaking skill. Finally,further research might want to

focus on benefit and challenge which are faced by the teacher in using this

methods and analyze the students speaking skill. Since this study focused on

the methods used by the teachers and students responses about the methods

used by the teacher.


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1. A protocol interview for teacher

a. What methods used to teach students in English teaching?

(Metode apa yang digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris?)

b. How many methods do you used in teaching to improve students‟

speaking skills?

(Berapa metode yang digunakan dalam mengajar untuk meningkatkan


c. Do you thing that all this time students are actively speak to the methods

you used in class?

(apakah dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris, siswa aktif berbicara dengan

metode yang anda gunakan dikelas?)

d. Are there difficulties in using the methods you used to teach in class?

(apakah ada kesulitan dalam menggunakan metode dalam mengajar dalam


e. How much do you used that methods in teaching especially English to

improve speaking skills?

(Berapa banyak metode yang digunakan dalam mengajar, khususnya

bahasa inggris untuk meningkatkan berbicara?)

2. A protocol interview for students

a. What is the methods your English teacher used in the class?

(Metode apa yang digunakan guru bahasa inggris anda dalam mengajar

didalam kelas?

b. How are the learning activities of your English teacher doing on the

opening class?

(Bagaimanakah kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru bahasa inggris

anda pada saat membuka pembelajaran kelas?)

c. How will your Englih teacher during class?

(Bagaimanakah cara mengajar guru bahasa inggris anda pada saat


d. How do you thing when the teacher used his methods in teaching English?

(Bagaimana menurut anda metode yang diguanakan guru dalam mengajar

bahasa Inggris?)

e. What methods do you like when the teacher teaches?

(Metode apa yang kamu sukai ketika guru mengajar?)

Observation in the classroom

Teacher A : XI MIPA 1

Teacher B : XII MIPA 1

Interview with students

Interview with teacher



Pernyataan Pilihan sikap

Ya Tidak

Observation : teacher 1

1 Guru menjelaskan materi dengan jelas

2 Memberikan instruksi dengan baik

3 Memberikan motivasi agar siswa lebih

semangat belajar

4 Guru meminta siswa memainkan peran

dengan instruksi yang diberikan

5 Dengan bermain peran siswa lebih aktif

berbicara dalam proses belajar

Observation : teacher 2

1 Guru menerangkan motivasi dan pencerahan

kepada siswa

2 Guru menerangkan materi kepada siswa

dengan mengkombinasi dua bahasa agar

siswa mudah mengerti

3 Memberikan tugas dengan bermain peran

4 Guru memberikan arahan untuk mencari topik

5 Mempresentasikan materi membuat siswa

berani berbicara didepan kelas



Note :



S : Diam semua ibu sudah ada didalam kelas. Stand up please. Lets pray and say

greeting to our teacher.

SS : Aamiin. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

T : Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

S : Sit down please !

T : Good morning, how are you?

SS : Morning mom. I‟m fine. And you?

T : I‟m fine too. Oke what the last material?

S : Yang di LKS mom skill speaking

SS : Ada tugas mam berdialog dengan topik yang dikasih minggu lalu baru di

presentasikan sesuai peran masing-masing dengan pasangan

T : Ok, sebelum memulai saya absen dulu. Anak-anak sebelum kita belajar kita

harus membaca ayat dulu agar belajar kita berkah dunia dan akhirat.

SS: Iye mom

T : Saya jelaskan kembali bahwa bermain peran itu kalian harus mengekspresikan

seunik mungkin agar kalian tahu bagaimana mengekspresikan suatu topik atau


SS : Yes, mom

T : Ok, siapa yang siap pertama naik kedepan kelas untuk berdialog

S : Sesuai absen saja mom, supaya bisa naik semua.

SS : Yes mom

T : Ok, sekarang saya panggil sesuai absen dan naik berdasarkan pasangannya.




I : bismillah, assalamualaikum.

S : waalaikumsalam

I: ok, sebelum memulai wawancara silahkan perkenalkan namanya.

S: nama saya nisa bahagia

I : menurut adek apakah ada cara guru bahasa inggris yang membuat berbicara

menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam kelas ?

S: dia selalu menggunakan bahasa inggris kak dan memberikan instruksi untuk

berdialog diatas kelas dan memainkan peran berdasarkan topik.


I : Sebelum memulai interview silahkan memperkenalkan namanya.

S : Nama saya fiqih zulkairnain

I : Menurut adek bagaimana atau adakah cara guru bahasa inggris yangdigunakan

membuat berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam kelas ?

S : Dia memberikan motivasi dan menerangkan terlebih dulu apa materi yang

akan dibahas.

I : Menurut adek apakah ada cara guru bahasa inggris yang membuat berbicara

menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam kelas ?

Fiqih zulkarnain : Saya fikir iya kak karena beliau menggunakan bahasa inggris

dalam kelas dan memberikan tugas untuk berdialog di atas jadi kami pasti aktif



I : Sebelemu memulai interview silahkan memperkenalkan namanya.

S: Ok, I‟m amina rahma

I : Menurut adek bagaimana atau adakah cara guru bahasa inggris yangdigunakan

membuat berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam kelas ?

S : Ibu selalu menggunakan games atau berdialog dalam kelas dan membuat kita

bertanya-tanya dan seru dalam kelas

I : Menurut adek apakah ada cara guru bahasa inggris yang membuat berbicara

menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam kelas ?

S: Saya kira ini sangat cukup bagus karena teman-teman semua sangat senang

dalam belajar.


I : Sebelum memulai interview silahkan memperkenalkan namanya.

S : Nama saya M. Farhan Naufal

I : Menurut adek bagaimana atau adakah cara guru bahasa inggris

yangdigunakan membuat berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam kelas ?

S : Pertama ibu memberikan terlebih dahulu motivasi kepada kami dan

memberikan ceramah terkait soal dunia dan akhirat

I : Adakah cara yang digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar yang membuat

adik terdorong untuk berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris?

S : Ada kak, dia biasa menggunakan topik dan kita yang mencari dan

berdialog dengan topik dengan bermain peran diatas didepan teman-teman.















Interview : Assalamualaikum

Teacher : Waalaikumsalam

Interviewer : Maaf mengganggu waktunya ibu

Teacher : Iye tidak apa-apa

Interviewer : saya akan interview ibu bertanya mengenai metode apa yang

digunakan dalam kelas.

Teacher : Silahkan

Interviewer: what methods used to teach students in English teaching?

Teacher : I‟m using role-play and games

Interviewer : How many methods do you used in teaching to improve students‟

speaking skills?

Teacher : Saya sering menggunakan role-play itu terkadang juga tergantung

dengan pendekatan teachers kondisi dalam kelas,seumpama kita

menerapkan pembelajaran itu kita lihat situasinya saja. Karena kadang

anak kelas ini cocok dengan metodenya kadang tidak tapi kalo kita

dituntut sesuai kurikulum kita samakan semua metodenya di kelas 2.

Kadang stimulus yang dirangsang. Sebelumnya kita kan menggunakan

kurikulum ktsp dan ada namanya pembelajaran building of,ada

modeling itu digabung biasanya, nah itulah kadang dituntut speaking.

Interviewer : Do you thing that all this time students are actively speak to the

methods you used in class?

Teacher : kalo saya sih sebenarnya, paling bagus atau baik itu adalah role play

karena anak-anak suka karena anak-anak terarah dan juga anak-anak terangsang

untuk belajar. Yang kedua juga ada yang menggunakan games. Kita masukkan

modul,kemudian kita searching siswa tetapi disini kelemahannya siswa adalah

kekurangannya kuota internet.. kalo yang paling tepat untuk diaplikasikan itu

adalah role play

Iterviewer : Are there difficulties in using the methods you used to teach in class?

Teacher : saya hanya terkendala dengan waktu

Interviewer : How much do you used that methods in teaching especially English

to improve speaking skills?

Teacher : kalo saya pribadi menggunakan role-play dan games agar siswa aktif

dengan guru dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris


Interview : Assalamualaikum

Teacher : Waalaikumsalam

Interviewer : boleh saya minta waktunya bu untuk wawancara?

Teacher : boleh nak

Interviewer : saya akan interview ibu bertanya mengenai methode apa yang

digunakan dalam kelas.

Teacher : Silahkan

Interviewer: what methods used to teach students in English teaching?

Teacher : Saya pake bahasa indonesia saja ya

Interviewer : Boleh bu

Interviewer : How many methods do you used in teaching to improve students‟

speaking skills?

Teacher : Untuk meningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa saya menggunakan

role-play dan games dalam mengajar karena saya anggap siswa akan

aktif dalam belajar dibandingkan dengan ceramah didepan mereka jadi

mereka akan menggunakan bahasa inggris secara otomatis dalam

belajar karena dalam role-play mereka diberikan topik dan mencari apa

yang akan mereka kerjakan dan untuk mengefisienkan waktu juga.

Umm, kadang ibu juga menggunakan Handphone dalam mengajar

karena ada aplikasi dan juga materi yang mereka akan pelajari

didalamnya jadi mereka biasanya aktif berbicara bahkan berebutan


Interviewer : Do you thing that all this time students are actively speak to the

methods you used in class?

Teacher : Kalo saya sih sebenarnya, paling bagus atau baik itu adalah role play

karena anak-anak suka karena anak-anak terarah dan juga anak-anak terangsang

untuk belajar.

Iterviewer : Are there difficulties in using the methods you used to teach in class?

Teacher : biasanya sih kuota internet dan waktu yang digunakan

Interviewer : How much do you used that methods in teaching especially English

to improve speaking skills?

Teacher : kalo saya pribadi menggunakan role-play dan pairs agar siswa aktif

dengan guru dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris


NURINSANI was born onAugust, 23th

1996 in Takalar. She is

the six daughter of Abdullah Boa and Masurung. She have four

sisters and four brothers. She started her study SDN 1 Pasuleyang

and graduated in 2009. She continued her study at SMPN 1

Takalar and graduated in 2012. Then she studied in SMAN 1

Takalar and finished in 2015. She was accepted at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as A Student of English

Education Department in 2015.

At the end of her study, she could finish with her thesis under the title “Teaching

Techniques used by Female Teachers To Improve Students Speaking skill in English

Language Teaching(ELT) At SMAN 1 Takalar (A Decriptive Research ofSMAN 12
