oa2i.: - Deshbandhu College

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SEMESTER SYSTEM C0MPLHV1L:NT,\RY Cl Pub1icrtion Division Un1vc1sity of Delhi Dc1hi-110007 .... _J

(Effeotl ve ftuttt Ute Academic Yeat 2011 -2012 otiwards)

Sylldblt dppllt!ablt fot· th~ 1Ytudr!1Jtij 1ntekf n.g ddmtsslrm ltJ rite 11.A. (fltJHJ) Jt14rlbh Acddemtc yem; 1dl 1-12

l1Hce : t 7tt.OU


Course: B.A. (Hons.) English

Sewester Pa.per No. & Nome Semester I Paper 1 : Bhglish Literature 4(i)

Paper 2: Twentieth Century Indian Writing(i) Paper 3: Concurrent .. Qualifying Language

Semester Il Paper 4: English Literature 4(ii) Paper S: Twentieth Century Indian Writing (ii) .Paper 6: English Literature l(i) Paper 7: Concurrent - Credit Language

Semester III Paper 8: English Literature l(ii) Paper 9: English Literature 2(i) Paper 10: Option A: Nineteenth Century European Realism (i) Option B: Classical Literature (i) Option C: Fonns of Popular Fiction (i) Paper 11: Concurrent - Interdisciplinary

Semester IV Paper 12: English Literature 2(ii) Paper 13: English Literature 3(i) Paper 14: Option A: Nineteenth Century European Realism (ii) Option B: Classical Literature (ii) Option C: Fonns of Popular Fiction (ii) Paper 15: Conctltre11t - Disciplii1e Centered I

Semester V Paper 16: Ei1glish Literature 3(ii) Paper 17: English Literatttre 5(1) l>apet 18: Cot1te1nporary Literature (i) (>aver 19: Option A: A11glo-A111ericatt Wtitillg from l 930(i) O~tluu 13: Lll~ta.t-y Theory (I} Otjlldtt C: Wo111e111s Wtltittg of lite Nilieleet\lh rutd

'l'Wettllelh Ceuturlt!S (I) dt1tlo11 tJ: MudeHt Butot1eru1 bra.hut ti)

Semester VI Paper 20: English Literature S(ii) Paper 21: Contemporary Literature (ii) Paper 22: Option A: Anglo-American ~~iting from 1930 (ii) Option B: Literature Theory (u) Option C: Women's Writing_ of~e Nineteenth and

Twentieth Centuries (u) Option D: Modem European Drama (ii) Paper 23: Concurrent - Discipline Centered II

Semester based under-graduate honours courses Distribution of Marks & Teaching Hours

The Semester-wise distribution of papers for the B.A. (Honours), B.Com. (Honours), B.Com., B.Sc. (Honours) Statistics and B.Sc. (Honours) Computer Science will be as follows :

'Iype of Paper Max. Marks Theory Exam.

Main Papers 100 7 5

Concurrent l 00 7 S Course

Credit Courses 100 75 for B.Sc. (Ho11s.) Mathemtttics





Teaching per week

5 Lectures 1 Tutorial

4 Lectures 1 Tutorial

4 Lectures 1 tutorial

Size of th~ tutc,dal Otoup will be ht nccdtd1tttoe wlth the exlstl11g 1101111s. the exl~ting sylhtbl of nll Ct1ntutrettt/Credlt Courses shall rettteln u11olumged,

th~ exhitlttg t t·lttwht ftw tJ~tbt~ fut lh~ et1ttdUttet1t/dte1:tlt Ctnltites ~tmll 1:1 lso t"ttutlu Uttthtmg~tl.


Main Dl1clpllnc Course : Engllish Detailed Courses of Readi.ng

Semester .. J

Paper I: English Literature 4(1)

Unit 1 Jae Austen Pride and Prejudice Unit 2 Charles Dickens Hard Times Unit 3 Background Prose Readings and Topics


a. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Selections from A Reader in Marxist Philosophy ed. Sels and Martel (New York; I 963). Pp. 186-8, I 90-1~ 199-201.

b. Charles Darwin, Selections from The Descent of Man (in the Norton Anthology of English Literature, 3rd edn. Vol.2) pp. 1647-52.

c. John Stuart Mill; Selections from The Subjection of Women (in the Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2) pp. 1647-52.

d. Matthew Arnold; Selections from Culture and Anarchy (in the Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2) pp. 1403-12.

e. Topics:

The Novel Form in Nineteenth-Century England; Fnith and Doubt; The Wi')tei- attd Society; Fiction and its Readers.

Paper 2: 'lwcntictb Century Indian Writing (i)

Unit 1 Raindrnnath Tagore

Unit 2 Premchand, R.K. Narayan Vaikom Muhammad Basheer

Saadat Hasan Manto Ismat Chughtai Ambai

The Home and the World tr. Surendranath Tagore

'The Holy Panchayat' 'The 'M.C.C.' 'The Catd-Sharper's ;Daughter' 'Toba Tek Singh' "lihaf (The Quilt) 'Squarrel'

Unit 3 Background Prose Reading and Topics


(a) Rabirtdtanath Tagore, Nationalism (Delhi: Rupa, 1992), Chapter 1 and 3.

(b) Namvar Singh, 'Decolonising the Indian Mind', Indian Literature, no. 151 (Sept/Oct. 1992).

(c) U.R. Artanthamurthy, 'Being a Writer in India', from Tender Ironies, ed. Dilip Chitre et. at., 127-46.

(d) Topics:

Nationalism; The the.me of the partition; Language and Audience; in Modem India; Tradition and Expetitneht in Mt1den1 Indian Thea°"; The Individual and Society in Modern Indian Literature.

Note: Texts prescribed in Unit 2 are available itt an artthology prepared and published by the Departhle11t of E11glish, Uttivetsity of Delhi; Modem ludian Litetature: Poems aud Shott Stories. Oxford University Press, 1999.


l ill


Concurrent - Qualifying Language Serncstcr-11

Paper 4 English Llterature-4 (ii)

Unit I Unit 2 Unit 3

Charlotte Bronte George Eliot Alfred Tertnyson

Robert Browing

Christina Rossetti

Jane Eyre The Mill on the Floss 'The Lady of Shalott', 'Ulysses', 'Crossing the Bar', The Defence of Lucknow' 'My Last Duchess', 'The Last Ride Together', - -'Porphyria's Lover', 'Fra Lippo Lippi' 'The Goblin Market'

Paper 5 Twentieth Century Indian Writiug (ii)

Unit 1

U11lt 2

\Jult J

Jibananartda Das

Sri Sri

G.M. Muktibodh Nlssitn Ezekiel

Jnyntttn Mahtt~et:il1

Vijuy l etidUlkrtt·

Mult t111 llukesh A111lhw cihush

'Before Dying', Windy Night' 'I shall return to this Bengal' 'Fotwatd March' From Some People Laugh, Some People Cry.

'The Void', 'So Very Far 'Etttetprise', 1The Night of the Scorpion' 'Goodbye Patty for Miss Push pa ~t 1Huttge1\ 1blumli1

, 'Orattdfather\ 'A Com1try'

OhttshiUt\ Kot\vnl It. Jay1:uu kni-Ve att fj lieru,or Z"ll lt1t Hrtlf-way House lt. Bl11du llnlttl Thi, ShttcltjW Lilies


P11per 6 English Literature l(i)

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare William Shakespeare

Doctor Faustus Othello As you like it.

Paper- 7

Concurrent - Credit Language


Paper 8 English· Literature 1 (ii)

Unit I


Geoffrey Chaucer

Philip Sidney

Edmund Spenser

John Donne

'The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale'

Sele-etion from Astrophel and Stella: Sonnets I, 15, 27, 34, 41 , 45

Sele-etions from Amoretti: Sonnets XXXIV and LXVIl 'Epithalamion'

Elegie : 'On His Mistress Going to Bed', 'The Sunne Rising', 'The Canonisation', 'A Hymn to God My God in My Sicknesse', 'Batter My Heart', 'Death be not proud',

Unit 3 Background Prose Readings and Topics:


(a) Pico della Mlra11d0Ja, Excerpts ftohl the Otatiott ott the Digrtity of Man in The llet1Bissam~e Portable Readet, pp. 476-9.

(b) John Calviu 011 Predesttnetlou and Ftee Will; itt the Reneissattce Pottuble Render, pfl . 704-1 J.

(~) 1Jaldm1smo Castlglh:me, Excerpts fhmt 13uok 4 of The Cdurtiet t1t1 tJ1e cnt11'tle1·. love trnd bettuty (flt Htt tht, P~uguitt edftidtt1 l,jp, 314-81 t,~. 11IJ•5).

( d) Philip Sidney, An Apology for Poetiy, ed. Fomst G Robinson (Bobbs-Merrill, 1970) pp.13-.18.

(e) Topics:

The development of English Drama: Ideas of Love and Marriage in the Middle ages and the renaissance; Control and Censorship of Drama; The Poet in Society; Renaissance Humanism.

Paper 9: English Literature 2(i)

Unit 1 William Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra Unit 2 John Webster The Duchess ofMalfi Unit 3 Background Prose Readings and Topics:


(a) The Holy Bible, 'Genesis', chapters 1-4 (Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel): 'Luke', chapters 1-7 and 22-24 (the Nativity, the Miracles and the Passion of Christ).

(b) Niccolo Machiavelli 2Xi from The Prince, chapters 15 (How not to be virtuous), 16 (Generosity), 18 (Princes need not honour their word) and 25 (On fortune).

(c) Francis Bacon. 'Of Marriage and Single Life', 'Of Truth' and 'Of Studies' (Norton Edition, Vol. 1, pp 1563-8).

(d) Thotnas Hobbes, from Leviatl1anj Part I, Selections from chapters 8,11 and 13 (Penguin edition. pp. 134-137, 160-161 and 185-186).

(") John Drydet1, from 1A discourse concen1ing the Otigin and Progress of Satire' (Norto11 vol. l , pp. 1767-8).

(f) Toph!s:

Rell~lon in the Seventeenth Century: Attitude to Womett a=in the seventee11th cetttm-y: The begltrnlt1gs of Secular thtough; Bpi~ and Mock-~~lc; Cot11edy and Satire.

l'dfJ tU· 10: Any tnae or th~ fullu\\'htg : Stutleuts t1pllt1g fut Part (i) of a given tj~tlou \vi ii be fl!qUlt-ecl to u~t fbr µdtt (II) ot the s11111~ t.1i,tid t1 111 Vti~et 11 .


Option A. Nineteenth -·century European Realism (i)

Unit 1 Ivan Turgenev Fathers and Sons Unit 2 Fyodor Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment Unit 3 Background Prose Readings and Topics:

Readings (a) Honore de Balzac1 'Society as Historical Organism', Preface to the

The Human Comedy, •in Ellmann and Feidelson, eds., Th: Modern Tradition. pp.246-254.

(b) Leo Tolstoy, 'Man as the Creatu.re of History;' from War and Peace, in Ellntann and Feidelson, pp. 265-7.

( c) Gustav Flaubert, iHeroic Honesty,' letter on Madame Bovmy, Ellmann and Feidelson, pp. 242-3.

(d) Emile Zola, 'The Novel as Social Science,' Ellmann and Feidelson , -, pp. 270-289.

( e) Georg Lukacs, Studies in European Realism, chapter 3: 'Balz.ac and Stendhal' (Lottdon, 1972), pp. 65-85.

(t) Topics: Contemporary politics alld the Russian Ntwel; The realist novel and its relationship with history~ The realist novel nnd the middle class; changing fonns of the novel.

Option B. Classical Literature (I) Unit l Hotner the Illiad (Pertdultt) Unit 2 Aristophanes Lysl~ttabl {PtmgUlrt) Ut1it 3 Baokgrou11d Prose 1le11dbtgs:


(n) Aristotle, Poetics~ chapter 6-1 t, 1j~ 24 attd io (l?~ttMUlu),

(b) IJtnto~ the lll~pubtltj~ llt1ok X (Pl!tt~Ui11).

(c) Hltliflthti NutyEt~1tdslttt, tt Mtttidltttihatt dllush, chn~tet· o: 'Settth11~1tt~/ h~V~. 1nd t!LllL {Calt uH:11~ dhuttlu1i1tytt, l ~67)~ Vol. lf I ou .. 1 a.




( d) .Iravatl Karve, 'Draupadi' in Yuganta: The end of an Epoch (Disha, 1991), pp. 79-105.

(e) C. Rajagopalachari, The Mahabharata, 2nd edn. (Bombay: Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 1972). .

(f) Topics :

Notion of the Epic; Comedy wtd Tragedy in Greek and Indian Drama: Drama in the Athenian City Stage; Catharisis; Rasa; the Heroic and Dharma.

Option C. Forms of popular Fiction (i)

Unit 1 Agatha Christie The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Unit 2 Ian Fleming From Russia with Love Unit 3 Background Prose Readings:


(a) Christopher Pawling, 'Popl!tl!I' Fiction : Ideology or Utopia?' Popular fiction and Social Change, ed. Christopher Pawling (London : MacMillan, 1984).

(b) Y mberto Eco. 'Narrative Structure in Fleming', in The Study of Popular Culture: A Sourcebook ed. Bob Ashley (London : Pinter, 1989). pp. 124-34.

(c) Darko Suvin, 1011 teaching SF Critically', from Positions and t?resumppositions -in Sciet1ce Fiction (London : Macmillat1), pp. 86-96.

(d) Felicity Hughes,' Childrei11s Literature : Theory and Practice', ELH1

45 ( 1978), pp. 542-62.

(e) 'topics :

Wl1lit Selig lUid Why; Bestselle1· and OU1et Media of Mass Coltu~; MonilUy ulld Ddltcullu11 111 CIHld1•ei11S Lltetatllt'e : ~opuhu· Lltcl'EihJt·e t111tl l1u11t.m1y.


Concurrent - Interdisciplinary Semeste~IV

Paper 12: English Literature 2 (ii)

Unit 1 John Milton ~aradise Lost .. Book 1 lines 1-26 and Book De Unit 2 Aphra Behn The Rover . Unit 3 John Dryden Macflecknoe

Alexander Pope The rape of the lock

Paper 13 : English Literature 3(i)

Unit 1 Unit 2

Jonathan Swift Samuel Johnson Oliver Goldsmith

Gulliver's Travels 'London', 'The Vanity of Human wishes' Selections from the The deserted village. lines 35-84. 195-238, 267-339.

Thomas Gray 'Elegy written in a country churchyard', 'Ode on the death of a favourite cat'.

Unit 3 Background prose readings and topics:


(a) Jonathan Swift,, A Modest Proposal

(b) Daniel Defoe 'The complete English Tradesmruii (Letter XXII), The Great Law of Subordination Considered' (Letter IV), and 'The complete English dentleman', hi Literature and Social order in Eighteenth-Century E11ghmd. ed. Stepheh Copley (London. 984).

(c) S1u11uel Joh11s011 . The Rtt.n1blet-. Essay 156 (ott Literary Rules) j Rasselas Chapter 10 (on the Business of the Poet); oh Oettius (front 'The Life of Pope,' Ndrtot-t Edition, VoL 1, ~I'• 2300; 2:l08-9).

(d) Mt1.1-y Wollstonecraft, frotu A Vindioatiott of the kigltts of Woman, Cha11te1· 2 (Pe11gul11, 1915), pp. 100-5, l 06-9, l l l-- 113) (011 Mlltcm's Aduru noel J~ve, lloussettu, attd F aUu~1·s ot dttUllhl~ts),

fc} _Wllll.t111 Wut·clswotth li11ttt 'Vt·efttc~ to Lyt·lc1tl aalh.tds1, hi Ntu-tc,II EJllloo, vu l. 2ij l1J1. 127-g; lj0-7, l .3 H09.



l t) John Keats, Letter to George and Thomas Keats, 22 December J 817: Letter to Richard Woodhouse, 27 October, 1818.

u;) Topics:

Science and Literature; Neoclassicism; The Country and the City; Concepts of Nature; Concept of Imagination; The rise of the Gothic.

Paper 14: Any one of the following

Students who have opted for Part (i) of a given option in Paper 8 will be required to opt for Part (ii) of the same option here.

Option A.

Unit I Unit 2 Unit 3

Nineteenth-Century European Realism (ii)

Honore de Balzac Gustav Flaubert Emile Zola

Option B: Clasical Literature (ii)

Unit I Unit 2

Unit 3

Euripides Vyasa


Old Goriot Madame Bovary Therese Raquin

Medea (Penguin) I . 'The Dicing' and 'll1e Sequel to Dicing, 2. 'The Book of the Assembly Hall' from The Mahabharata : tr. and ed . J.A.B. vai1 Buiteneh (Chicago, 1975), pp. 106-69. Abhijnat1a Shakuntalam, tr. Chandra Rajan, in Kalidas: The loom of Time (Penguin, 1989).

oi,tlon C: 1ro,·111s of J'opuhu· Fiction (II)

Unit I U11it 2

!seat Asimov Lewis Cattoll Murgurel Mitchell


FoUildttl 1011 Tht-ough the Looking Glass. Gone with the wi11d


Concurrent - Discipline Centered I Semester-V

Paper 16: English Literature 3 (ii) Unit 1 William Bh1ke 'The Lamb', 'The Garden of Love'; 'The Chimey

Sweeper' (from both The Songs of Innocence

Unit 2

and The Songs of Experience), 11The Little Black Boy' (The songs of innocence). · 'The Tyger (The songs of experience), 'London' (The songs of experience).

William Wordsworth

Samuel Taylor Coleridie

Lord Byron

'Tmtem Abbey', 'Ode: Intimations of Immortality', 'Lines Composed upon Westminster Bridge',

'Kubla Khan', 'Dejection : An Ode'

From 'Childe Harold' : Canto III, verses 36-45 (Lines 316-405); Canto IV, verses 178-186 (Lines 1594-1674)

Percy Bysshe Shelley 'Ode to the West Wind', 'Ode to Liberty', 'Hymn to lntellectual Beauty;.

John Keats 'Ode to a Nightlttgale', 'To Autumn', 1La Belle Dame Sru1s Metci', 'On First Lodklttg itttu Cepman's Homer',

Unit 3 Mmy Shelley Frauke11steit1

PnJUW l7: Euglbth LHe111tUt1' 5(1) U11 lt I W.B. Yertls 'Leda lll td the Swru1\ 't he $ectlttd Ct1111lt1g1

; 1Nt1

Si!t!t.1t1d ·nt,y'. 'Snlllttg tt1 Byumtlu11t' 1 'Amc.111M Schaul Chlldt~H'.


T,S. Eliot 'The LoveSongsofJ.Al.fredPrufrock' 'Ge 1· , 'S , ron 1011, weeney Among the Nightingales', 'The

Hollow Men', 'Marina'.

Unit 2 Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot . John Osborne Look Back in Anger

Unit 3 Background Prose Readings and Topics:


(a) Sigmund Freud, 'Theory of Dreams', 'Oedipus Complex' and 'The Structure of the Unconscious', from The Modem Tradition, eds. Ellmann and Feidelson, pp. 571 , 578-81, 559-63.

(b) T.S. Eliot. 'Tradition and the Individual Talent', Norton Edition, vol. 2, pp. 2198-2205.

(c) Albert Camus, 'Absurdity and Suicide' and 'The Myth of Sisyphus,' from The Myth of Sisyphus (Penguin), pp.11-17, 107-111.

(d) E.M. Forster, 'Art for Art's Sake.' from Two Cheers for Democracy, in Ellmann and Feidelson, pp. 198-202.

( e) "Raymond Williams, 'Introduction' in The Ettglish Novel from Dickens to Lawtence (London: Hogarth, 1984), pp. 9-27.

(f) Topics:

The Theatre of the Absurd; Modernism; The Uses of Myth; The stream of ConscioUSi1ess; The Womert's Movemeht in the Early Twentieth Century.

Papet 18 : Contemporary Llteratute (I) Ut1lt l Chlttutt Achebe thlt1gs Fall Aplltt U11lt 2 Nndltte d()tdltt1et My Stlli'~ Stt>ty Ut11t 3 13a~kgtound l'rose Readlhgs attd Tdpljjs:

lte1tl1t111 {tt) 11tttt1t ~tmu11, {ot' oo lutJt· 1nejudic~) frott1 ~ltojk Skill. White Masks

(11tthttlht «'dltlon, I g7U)i PIJ, 11-99.


(b) Ngugi wa Thiongo, from 'The Language of African Literature' i Decolonising the Mind, Chapter 1, sections 4-6. · , n

(c) Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nolx:I Prize Acceptance Speech, in Gabriel Garcia Marquez: New Readmgs, eds. Bernard McGuirk and Richard Cardwell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987). . .

(d) V.~. Naipaul, 'East Indian', in The Overcrowded Barracoon (Penguin, 1976), pp. 32-41.

(e) Topics

Magic Realism; Literature and Revolution; Literature and Cultural Identify; Writing for the New World Audience.

Paper 19: Any one of the following

Students opting for Part (i) of a given option will be required to opt for Part (ii) of the same option in Paper 18.

Option A. Anglo-American Writing from 1930 (i)

Unit 1 Graham Greene The Power and the Glory Unit 2 William Faulkner 'Dry September'

F.Scott Fitzgerald 'The Crack-up' Ernest Hemingway ;A Clean Well-Lighted Place' Somerset Maugham 'The Door of Opportunity' John Updike 'Density and Doubt' John Cheever 'the Swimmer' Salman Rushdie 'The Courterl

Unit 3 Background Prose Readings ruid Toph!s:

Reading• (a) Saht1at1 Ru~hdlt', 'Imagittary HomeJartds1

, from Imaginary Ht,mehwds. (b) Oeorg~ Orwell, 'Polities ittld the 13111H•h Language, (c) S"atttus Henney, 'The Redtteu of l'~ttf i frllm the The! lt~d~S!J of

Puetty {Lottdott: Fttbet, t «195), {d) Adrlettllt! lth:h, 1Wl1tt1 We tJead Awaktu : Wtttltt~ d~ lttWl~lott'. f\-dttt

Adthmtt" ltlch111 Po~lty {Notttltt Critl~el Bdltlutt).


(e) Denys Thompson and E.R. Leavis, 'Advertising Types of Appeal' from Culture and Environment. '

(t) Topics: Social Realism land the Contemporary Novel; Folk.Jore and the Contemporary Novel; Black Women's Writing; Identity in Contemporary Poetry; Tragicomedy in Contemporary Theatre.

Option Bi Literary Theory (i)

t. Mnn:ism:

(i) Antonio Gramsci. 'The formation of the Intellectlldls' and 'Hegemony (Civil Society) and Separation of Powers,' Selections from the Prison Notebooks, ed. Quentin Hoare and Geoffrey Novell Smith (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1971), pp. 5, and 245-6.

(ii) Bertolt Brech4 'A Short Organum to the Theatre,' in John WilJet, ed. Brecht on Theatre, pp. 179-205.

(iii) Georg Luckacs, 'Critical Realism and Socialist Realism,' from The .Meaning of Contemporary Realism.

(iv) Lous Althusser, 'Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,' from Lettin and Philosophy and Other Essays.

2. Femini11m:

(i) Elabte Showalter, 'lhtroductioh' itt A Literattl.re of their Own: British Womett Novelists from Bronte to Lessing ( 1977).

(ii) Juliet Mitchell, 'Femininity; Niltnltive attd Psychoanalysis', in Modem Criticism ru1d theory: A reader; ed. David Lodge (Londht: Longman, t 988), pp. 426-30.

(Ill) Michele Bettet~ 'the c ulttttel Ptoductitm of Ot,t1det'.

(Iv) Luce ltlgmy, 'When the Ooods Get To~ethet' (frdm this Sex Which Ir. tmt one)1 lu New Ptettc'1 Fett1i11ls1t1s, eds. Eleltie Marks at,d Isabelle de Com-t lvtott (Nt;w York: Sth(jcken bodks. 1981 ), p~. I 07-11 0.

3. Pu11t .. ctJlutthll ~tbdl@NI

{I) ~dWdttl Suld1 Ol'letttttll ~1111 (l-l.nit101tdswlrih: Vett~uti~ I 91H). dtd~te1· I.


(ii) Gayatri Chakravarty Pivak,' 'Can tbe Subaltern Speak?' in Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, eds. Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisma~ (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993).

(iii) Gauri Vishwanathan, 'The Beginnings of English Literary Study in British India', Oxford Literary Review.

(iv) Aijaz Ahmad, "Indian Literature': Notes towards the Definition of a Category' from in Theory: Classes, Nations, Litaratures (London: Verso, 1992).

Option C. Women'sWritmginthenineteenth and twentieth centuries (i)

Unit I Elizabeth Barett Browning Aurora Leigh, Book V lines 1-44 7.

Unit 2

Eily Dickinson

Sylvia Plath

Marge Piercy

Kate Choping Katherine Mahsfleld Charlotte P. Gilntan Walle Cather MahliBWetll Devi

'Because I could not stop for Death', 'Elysium is as Far as to', 'I had no Ti.me to Hate', 'I Felt a Funeral in My Brain', 'I Heard a Fly Buu', 'The Soul Selects her own society'. 'Daddy', 'Lady Lazarus', 'Soliloquy of a Solipsist', Mirror'. 'Rape Poem', 'The Consumer' ' 'For shosharia Rihn - Pat Swinton' 'Right to Life'. '

'The story of an hour' 'Bliss' 'The Yellow Wallpaper' 'Cd111 ing Aphrodite' 'Dteupadl', in Oayatri Chakravarty S~lvak; ht OthetWdrlds, ~~. 179~9G.

Uu lt J Backgroo11d Pmse Readings attd TdjJics ke11dl11gs

{It) ~:1i::~,: ~!~,1~-N~::1~~::~; f,~~-!:~~1~:~IJHi~ l~Sll7t)ChdJjli~I: J tlf A ltuu1u

4 ., , I tJt:1, j .. 24 t\lld 1tff .. 5t)_


1b) Simone de Beauvoir, 'Introduction' in the The Seco d s · N ' .. 1

F , , n exm ew Freno 1 •emmtsms. eds. Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron (New York: Schocken Books, 1981 ), pp. 41-56.

(c) Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, Chapter 2: 'The Infected sentence· Women's Authorship and the Anxiety of. Influence' from Th· Madwoman in the Attic (Yale Univ. Press, 1979), pp. 45-92. e

(d) Cora Caplan 'Wornen and Language', in Deborah Cameron ed. Feminists Linguistics, A Reader: ' '

(e) Sigmund Freud, 'Female Sexuality', in The Collected Works of Sigmund Treud. vol.5 (London: Hogarh Press, 1957), pp. 252-272.

(0 Topics: Redefining the male dominated lyric tradition; Sexual politics in the construction of the self in modernist women's writing; The confessional mode in women's writing; Social refonn mov~ments nad their impact on gender relations in India; The correlation between Aesthetics and Activism in Women's writing.

Option D. Modern European Drama (i)

Unit 1 Henrik Ibsen Ghdsts (Penguin) Unit 2 August Strindberg Miss Julie (Methuen) Unit 3 Background Prose Readings and Topics:

Readings: (a) Sumislavski, An Actor Prepares (Per1guin) Chapter 8,

11Faith and the

Sense of Truth,'\ sections 1;2,7,8,9 (pp. 121-5, 137-46).

(b) kaymond Willlams, Tragedy 1111d ltevolutiott bl Modem Tragedy, revised edition (London : Verso, 1919) 6 l-84,

( 0

) 13ertoli II tech!, 'the Street Scene' (VV · 1 2 1-8}, 'Tlteatre for ~lell!IUre ot to,· 111sttt1ctlo111 (pp. 68-76) rutd 1Dratnatlc theatre vs. Epic Thmitrn' (dlrnit) .. {pJ l) 0'blH t3recht mt thettU·e. The devaldpt11e11t ctf no A~sHtetit:, t,d, Joh11 Willet (Lt1udou : Metlmall. I gg2)1

(ti) Autw1l11 Al-laud, 'Nti Mute M1tsletjjletes'; lhlttt the the1ttte 1md Its 1Ju111ile (Lt111du11 : cttld~r 1tttd JJt,yttts, l g1U). p~. 55.63 .


( e) George Steiner, 'On Modem Tragedy', from The Death of Tragedy (London : Faber), pp. 303-24.

(t) Jean Genet, Reflections on Theatre (London: Faber), chapter 2: 'The Strange Word Urb .... ' pp.63-74.

(g) Topics : Naturalism, expressionism in theatre; Forms of realism in European drama; Politics, social change and theatre; Performance and text; Avant Grade drama; Tragedy and notion of heroism in post-war European drama.

Semester VI

Paper 20: English Literature S{ii)

Unit 1 Joseph Conrad Unit 2 D.H. Lawrence Unit 3 Vrrginia Woolf

Heart of Darkness Sons and Lovers Mrs. Dalloway

Paper 21: Contemporary Literature (ii)

Unit 1 Gabriel Garcia Marquez Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Unit 2 Dario Fo N gugi wa Thiongo

Unit 3 Pablo Neruda

Derek Walcott

Margaret Atweed


Accidental Death of an Anarchist The Trial of Dedan Kimathy

'Poetry', 'Tonight I can Write', 'The Way Spain Was\ ;Arts Poetfoa; ., 'Discoverers of Chile', 1Ode to n Tomato' (Pengui..tt)

'A Fat Cty fn1tt1 Africa\ 10cn1ts artd Monkeys•, 1Ntttt1es1 'the Sen is Histoty'. 1Spellit1g1

, 'this is a Plu;togm~h of M-,', 1Vrocedt1tes fu1· 1Tttt!Auitt1als iu that Coutttry\ 1the Ltutdh1dy1,

Paper 22: Any one or the following

Students who have opted for Part (i) of a . . . . required to opt for Part (ii) of the m gi~en ophon m Paper 1 S will be sa e option here. Option A. Anglo .. American Writin _ fl _ 1. .. . g rom 930(11) Urtit 1 Arthur Miller

Tom Stoppard

Uttit 2 Toni Morrison

Unit 3 Adrienne Rich

The Crucible Rosencrantz and Guidenstem are Dead


'Aunt Jennifer's Tigers', 'Necessities of Life'. 'Diving into the Wreek', 'SnapshQts for a Daughter-in-law', 'A Valediction Forbidding Mourning'.

Philip Larkin 'Whitsun Weddings', 'Annus Mirabilis', ;Dublinesque', 'Homage to a Government', 'Toads', 'The Explosion'

Seamus Heaney

Optloil B. Llte~iu-y tbem-y (II)

'Bogland', 'Traditions', 1Punishmet1t', 'Art Ulster Twilight', 'the Railway Children', 'From the Fto11tier of Wtitit1g' .

Uhlt l. Post .. Sttttctotallstn, Deco11str0ctidtt, Fost-Modenllsnt: (i) Jacques Dett·ida, 1StrubtUre, Sigu attd Phty itt the blscourse

of the Hmnal1 Sdettce IJ1 Modetti Criticism rutd theory: A llltder, ed. David Lddge (Lot1do11: Lollgtnlllt1 l 988)1 p~, I OK-2l

(ll) Mlchel ~ollcttult, 1ttUth It.ltd PoWet/ fh1ttt Powe11k.nowl~d~e (New Yotk! t:'ttttUti:,tni, I g71}.

(Ill) Jt;1tl1-P1·ttUctlls Lyt1hitd, 'A11sw~tlt1g th~ ~Ue~tll1tt What lg ~1.1su11udt!ti1ls111 11 •1 tttJm the ~dsttt1udett1 eundHtun~ A ll~putt u11 KlltiWletl~" tMIIHlM~olts: Umvet-slly otM11111esoln 11tt~s. l~MJ.


Unit 2 Cultural Studies: (i) Raymond Williams, f~om 'Forms,' in Culture (London:

Fontana, 1981), pp. 154-S0.

(ii) Stephen Greenblatt, 'lnt~odu~tion' in _Renaissance Self-Fashioning (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), pp. 109.

(iii) Alan Sinfield and Jonathan Dolli.more, 'Foreworld' and 'Introduction' in Political Shakespeare. New Essays in Cultural Materialism (Ithaca: Cornell, 1985), pp. vii-viii, 2.17.

(iv) Roland Barthes, from Mythologies (New York: Noonday Press. 1972): 'The World of Wrestling: 'Novels and Children', 'Toys.; 'Striptease', 'Photography and Electoral Appeal\ ;The Lost Continent; Plastic; and 'The Great family of Man', pp. 15-25, 50-5,84-7 and 91-102.

Unit 3 Background Prose Readings:

Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: Art lhtroduction. 2nd edn, (Oxford; Blackwell).

C. Women'• Writing the Nineteenth and 'Iwentleth Ceuturie1 (If) Unit I Alice Walker The Colour Purple

Unit 2 Doris Lesslng t he Ooldeh Notebook Unit 3 Rassundari Debi

Pattdilrt llrutiabal

PltJtettce Nlg_ht1u~1ile Hnrt let Jfleob

E,u:erpts from Amat JlbaH ih Susie i hant Etud K. Ldlita, ed,; Wumett's Wtitlttg it1 bidia (Oelhl l Ox.furd; 1989); Vol. I, tjfJ, I fJ 1--202.

Etterpt8 ftoht thut·U atuJ LnlJttl ed. Wutttett's Wi-lflllM ht f11dht vuL 1, pp, 247 .. 5j ,


lucidettts 1t1 the Life ui- ct ~lnve t1M

o1,t1on Di Modern Euro11can Droma (ii)

Unit t Bertolt Brecht The Good Woman of Szechuan (Methuen)

Unit 2 Jenn Genet

Unit 3 Eugene Lonesco

> I

The Balcony (Faber)

Rhinoceros (Penguin)