Manifest Destiny and the Contentious Politics of the 1840's

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Transcript of Manifest Destiny and the Contentious Politics of the 1840's

Chapter 13: Expansion & Sectional ConflictFirst half of chapter (and this slideshow) focuses on Manifest Destiny and the Contentious

Politics of the 1840’s

Crash Course US History Episode 17

Essential Questions

Why does the US

grow quickly

between 1845 and


How does the US

grow quickly

between 1845 and


What are the

consequences of

this rapid growth?

The Philosophy of Manifest Destiny - Expansionism & Exceptionalism

".... it the right of our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the

continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of

liberty and federative development of self government entrusted to us. It is right such as that

of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle

and destiny of growth.“ John L. O’Sullivan, 1845

What is Manifest


How do the

quote and painting


a belief in

expansionism and


inherent in to this


Annexation of Texas







Conflicts in 1820s & 30s between Anglo-

American settlers & Mexico on:

1) Texas Self Rule (Level of Anglo autonomy)

2) Religion (Catholic vs Protestant)

3) Slavery (Allowed or not)

In the mid 1820s, “Tejas” is a sparsely populated region of the

newly independent nation of Mexico.

Many US residents (mostly from Southern states who support

slavery) are interested in settling into “Texas”

American Stephen F. Austin negotiates agreement with Mexican

government for “Anglos” to settle in Texas.

These settlers are supposed to abide by Mexican laws, but end up


Anglo-Texans outnumber Mexicans in Tejas 10-1 by mid 1830’s.

Mexican officials feel Anglos (settlers led by Austin) are not

following agreements and armed conflict begins in 1836

Texas War for



(Texas Wins – the US is officially Neutral)

Key battles


Anglos & Mexican

military in

map below

Texas becomes independent “Lone Star

Republic”. Texas seeks to join union in 1836, but

delayed until 1844 due to slavery controversy

Relevance of documents on left and cartoon below?

James K. Polk“Young Hickory” or

“Mr. Manifest Destiny”

1844 Election

Whigs abandon “misfit”

John Tyler and nominate

Henry Clay who

loses (again) to Democrat

What is the relevance of

election map & cartoon?

How and Why does the US acquire Oregon & California?

"As to Texas I regard it as of very little value compared with California, the

richest, the most beautiful and the healthiest country in the world ... with the

acquisition of Upper California we should have the same ascendency on the

Pacific ...“ US Ambassador to Mexico in 1842

What is the relevance of above quote?

54º 40’ or Fight?How Oregon was acquired

• Dispute with the British dating back to

Lewis & Clark

• Disputed boundaries - Joint Occupation(sharing of territory with England) not working out

• American missionaries & farmers join early fur trappers via the Oregon Trail in 1830s/40s and soon greatly outnumber British in the area. Like in Texas, American settlers want to join USA

• Democrat Polk (pro Manifest Destiny) makes Oregon “reacquisition” a big issue in 1844 campaign

• English fear of total US takeover and US need for British support in brewing conflict with Mexico leads to peaceful settlement in 1846 Treaty - 49º line between US (modern Oregon, Washington & Idaho) & Canada (modern British Columbia)

How did the US get California? • Missions abandoned by Spain after

Mexican independence in 1821

• Mexican “Alto California” sparsely

populated and many Anglos begin to move in

by 1840’s (like Texas & Oregon)

• “Pathfinder” US General John C. Fremont

conducts “scientific” expedition and

encourages Pres. Polk to offer $30 million to

Mexico for San Francisco Bay in 1845

• “Bear Flag Revolt” occurs in 1846 in Sonoma

& Mexican Gov. Vallejo & Californios deposed by Anglos

• Meanwhile, in Texas…

A border dispute (see

map) officially triggers



War (1846-47)

Young Abe Lincoln &

“conscience Whigs”

who oppose “slavery

land grab”

are outvoted in

Congress…war is on

President Polk

sends General

Zachary Taylor

into Mexico after

Congress declares


Mexican-American War


Better trained and equipped

U.S. forces attack several cities

in Mexico including

Mexico City (1000 miles south

of “disputed” border) and two

year long war breaks out. US

forces victorious.

Kearney, Sloat, Stockton,

Scott, Taylor, Fremont

& Polk (on the left):

Are among the American

“heroes” of the war

with Mexico …

Why are

SF streets named

after all of them??

Why are they heroes to

some and villains to


End of the Mexican-American War

Treaty of Guadalupe – Hidalgo (1848)US pays Mexico $15 million and cedes huge tracts of land to US

(See map)

Why does Mexico

agree to such a one

sided treaty?

What later problems

might treaty

cause for the US?

Southern Newspaper Headline – 1846

Newly acquired land from Mexico causes

slavery issue to heat up in Congress

Political divisions increase

Whig Party falls apart due to different views on slavery…(makes things complicated for AP US History students)

And a variety of new political parties spring up in the 1850’s like the

Free Soil Party, Liberty Party, Know-Nothing Party and Republican Party

Sectional tension grow even before war ends (ex: failed Wilmot Proviso)

Then, the 1849 California

gold rush happens and

newly crowded California

wants to join union in 1850

Why is this a major catalyst

for the Civil War?

REVIEW Essential Questions

Why does the US grow quickly between

1845 and 1853

How does the US grow quickly between

1845 and 1853

What are the consequences of this rapid
