LAWRENCE AMERICAN - Memorial Hall Library

Post on 28-Jan-2023

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Transcript of LAWRENCE AMERICAN - Memorial Hall Library




OPERATED IN THIS CITY Yeggmen Arrested in Somerville Be-

lieved to Have Been Concerned in Local Burglaries

the rent en


what Is claimed l« >"' catch ever made in the annuls of Hi police department of Mmnervllle Is the ol the three alleged yeggmen who hmvo been making breaks ail over the 0©un ny. by Railroad officer Mattocks lues day morning at I he point Of R lus.ol. lifter he had threatened to shoot then down In their tracks It they did iwt furrenUer.

Some Interesting developments at-' eroytti out of the arrest ot Charles Wentwoith, llarry JackeOn and Thoin tin fiavCH, the three alleged yeggmeu.

The men claimed Lawrence gs their 1-1,ne of residence, and. the local poll*.' Bow have reason to be.iafW that they were cohcihed In a nnmbr of «e«j breaks In thii city,

H is the Supposition of Ih \ UN police that the men are ed with similar break* h Me..- Nashua. N. H-. and a score i other New Kngiand towns and cities.

Railroad Offloer Mattocks was here tills morning trying to trace some r»l the stolen goods found upon the. men MM to belong to v.. fioidherg. proprle tor of the 'Racket Store" at the lower end of Esftfg Street. The goods con- sisted of two patterns of men's stock- ings, pocket books and carving knives Mr. Goldberg had such a consignment ui goods shipped to Mm hut has not yet received them and it is thought the stolen goods may belong to him.

Other property was Identified as having been stolen In Lowelk

On Charles WN-nt worth 71 articles were found. Including 8 plug of tobacco and a pair of black stockings, an El- gin watch, also a large number of kevs and a small amount or money.

i in Barry Jackson there were found A'* articles! including two. wheel glass riitters, two pocket knives, a pawn li'-ket on an Rlgtn watch, pawned at Brown's \U Munroe "treet. Lynn: also a silver Columbia watch, and a com- pass,

on Have?, when arrested «;r. articles, ranging from baseball* to Klein watches ami long barreled pistols

One of the local police will go to Boston this afternoon to try to idenlifv one of the watches as ono belonging to a lAwrence man and which was stolen at a wake house some time ago.

In the possession of Went worth Hayes and Jackson when arrested 278 articles were found, Including 28 gloves arid 31 pall's 0/ -hoes

Meutenant Carter of the apmervltu police has been working on the case id nee the arrests w^rv made- Tuesday morning, and hopes to connect With a number of breaks' throughout the Ne* England slates before the trial comes

oftnexl Mondaj morning. In the mean time the alleged yeggs are .iwaltluf trial at the Beast Cambridge Jail.


Mrs. Moses T. Stevens of North Andover Entered

Into Rest

For Those Who Desire to Be- come Students at Evening

High School

was found; iiO pennies.

dry goods


This .veiling at the high school building there* will be an examination for all of those Who wish to been students at the evening high school and who do not hold a grammar school diploma. Sfmv the evening high school was established in this city there has baen a great interest manifested In it by young people who were obliged to cut oil their .education In order to earn their living, as the school mad.- poasl M.- for th*tn further -study, althoogn at considerable personal inconvenlen

For a time a rule existed which made is necessary for all those who deslr to attend t.. possess a grammar school diploma, hut of "'recent years a high s( hool preparatory division was or gantsed in the same building an those who suocesafuily pass this grad are admitted to the hrst year in tb high school. All those who pass sue <rs.Hilly the examination this evening will be permitted to attend the high dn lalon.

Although i!i/'., general Impressing was that the evening school commit- tee WOUld name teac hers for certain vacancies In the,evening high scboof teaching* corps Wednesday, they took no action and following out the sug- gestion- made in The American recent* ly decided that those candidates who wish to enter, must take the necessary examination for teachers.

Mrs. Charlotte timeline, wife or Heft, Hoses T. Stevens, entered into rest u Qagood Hill. North Andover, early Thursday morning.

Her death has cast a gloom over that town, when? she was widely known and universally beloved.

The d*ceased bad not been In the best of health for several months, ami Tuesday forenoon "Sept. JJ, she was suddenly stricken with illness.

The attending physicians. Dr. tieorse M. Garland of Boston, and Dr. C. P. .Morrlll did everything poaalblu for their patient, but alt efforts ware unavailing,

Mrs, Stevens was borri In North An- k>ver centre, Dec. kg, is;:i, an-: was

atunjet|ui!nu.y in- her ..ISih—year,


Ames Named by Acclamation in Convention at


SLOW IN ASSEMBLING Few Delegates Present at Opening

Hour of Democratic State Convention

(Spscisl to The American).


A ctrong, sober and rehable^woman for general work about hotel, Apply from 9 to 11 a. m„ at Essex House Cafe.

John J. Hurley, AUCTIONEER

Auction Sale

Saturday, Oct. 6, "06, at i o'clock. P. M.. at No. 5 Irvinq Road, No. Andover. A modern two-tenement house of 10 rooms in good repair and lot of land

50x100. To be oolo free and clear of all iecitmbrjncen to the highest bidder. $100 to be paid Auctioneer at time and place of sale. For further particulars

apply to

John J. Hurley, 263 Fsstx Streit.










Tel. 49.1-11.

I). S. GOVERNMENT Gfficer« aupervi»j th. distil ling and bottling of the old

Van Hook Whiskey

to that you are absolutely certain of getting the purest straight vwhiske?

when you buy the bottled in bond VAN HOOK WHISKEY..

Come In next Saturday and let us show some of this famous Whiskey

FORD BROTHERS Bottlers l75-J77|Essex Street and 5-7-9'Jackson Street.


Mall Orders otJTel. >3JJ

Frank Jones' Portsmouth Ale • « CASES, 1-« BBLS OR 1-4 BBL8. I-OR CLUBS. OUTINGS OR FAM-


On hi'th tin- paternal unti maternal ides she was a descendant of early pttlers of the historic town, and her .locators were prominent and distil

gunned in the annuls of (Hd Amlovi dupt. Isaac Osgood, her fatiit-r, veaa

,i master marlivr,'aikgagad in the Boat hulKii trade. He died Sept. 2, 1MM uhille the ship Henry Tukc, whleh In captained, was returning to Bostor frmti Java;

Hir mother was rharlotte Adatnw. Sne Is tht1 last ot a family of live

throe *<<i!s and two.daughters. After attending the public schools of

her native place, Mrs. Stevens entered Rradford academy, from which she graduated.

she married, May ■•. L&53, Ponner Congressman Moewi T. sTtevana. Rev l-'ran<is A. Williams: i.f Itr>iokltn«>, then minister of the Old North church, officiating.

The golden Wedding «>f Hon. and Mrs. Moses I*. Stevens, celebrated three years ago, was a notable and JoyoUS i-venl.

The deceased was ;i woman of r. i*i tinaliiies. «>f HiiKiiliirty Hweet iTtspoaT tion. and her beautiful character en deared her to all classes.

in (net, she was the Ideal genth9WO man.

While ,-sseiniirii\ a ''hornehodyr1 sh gave much time to benevolent aetts I ties.

iho was* a past president of th« X.nth Andover t_ha>ritabli< union, .ml an officer la the Ladles' L'nlon Char) table Bociety.

Beside^ being Interested in cliaritie in this virinln s|„. tt-as ;, iinn n-jem of the colored educational movement in the

She established and conducted thr rharlotte Home, JI vacation insiitu lion for young ladies, on the Col Adams' place, the ancestral farm "f her mothers people.

N.rt only, wan she a generous oontrl butor t" public institutions, -but her hidden charatlejs to Individuals and fanillios were numeroua and largf hearted.

Dentil has Ktllled In i helpful hand always extended i<» those In need, iuid her loss to the needy Is Irreparable.

Her gentle personality, Mlnoare na lure, unvarying kindness and thought lulness for niliers. won lor her uutver sol love and respi <M.

The surviving membars of the Hor- row-sfrlcken lamfly, to whom tiv sympathy <>i many people goaa forth are: A hiishand; three sons, Nathaniel Bain l>. and .\I..T. Stovenw. Jr.; thnt daughters, MrSj J-dm K. Tyler, Mn Whitman cross of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. Arthur »". Lovelrui of River wide. Cni.. also -ix grandchildron.;

The out-<»f-tnwn daughters were s Osgocid fill at the time of their moth pr*n death,

The funeral l« to occur Hnturd'a; artsrnoon,

Services, to w conducted by R»v. - C Beane, Jr., will be held at her iat home, iit l":«<i ..clock.

Relatives jnul friends incited. Tin- which i.f to be privai.

uill be in ih" family lot, Uidgewood cemetery.


Wit! hold a dance at Saunders hul l/rlda.v evrulng. CicL t They would like to see all their fi'lends there. K "rag-Kme.*1 but a good, sociable time. H.nV- tft'cnestra, UeuLs' 3? cents. 35 rents. 10-44 sa

Cannon's Commercial

College Students are busy in both





Enter Now


I.IIWKI.L. Oct. 4,—ConBressniui lutler Ames was nominated' by accla

million today ns uiftflMUHs soy oongresi and his late opponent, Prank E. Dun nnr, made the nominating speech. Mr DunbarN remarks were manl) and l complimented Congressinan Ames up-. mi ids victory. |

The ("invention WHS railed to order by frank L. Weaver of Lowell and af- ter George H. Taylor was elected per- manent chairman. Mr., \\ eaver ten- his reslanatlon as a member •( this dictrict contnitti n account >f pressure or butinoKs. Oeotge O. Kred- (

rlok, of Methuen, was ch<>sen perma-1 n*Mit s"cietary.

"The credential coimnit'te.' reported 90 delegate^ present out of lh« 1(>2 al- lotted t.- the district.

Frank R, Dunbar nominated ' 'on-

Kressniitn Amaa and when be had lin- ished a most .nthindastic burst ot ap- plause showed what a line Impression had been made by Mr. Dunbar.

Congressman Ames was then escort- ed to the platform and In a tine rpeeeh which consumed 4T> minutes, discussed national Issues,

The district committee chosen, fol- low--

Andover. Edward Brooks; Blllerleu, iMtaifel H. Kohliau'seh; Rurllngton, T. I. Reed: CarHsle, W. A. Pmscott; i 'iiclinsford. If. A. Warren; Dracut. Oeorge H. Stevens; Dnnstable, William T, Proctor; I .a w rence, Fred N. Ah ■ hofl and Abbott Poore; Lowell. John T. Wilson. U A Wilson and Josepli Lagara' Lynnneld, James .1 tngraham Methuen, George <S. Frederick: North Andover, Newton ". Krye; Keadlng. 12. H, Drake; Tewkshmy, Ekfooh Foster; Tyngsboro, W- B> Barrle; Wttmingion. i 'harlea Sargent.

B08TTON, <>ci. 4.- For -povgrnor- John It. Moian of Hostuii.

I'or lieutenant governor— K. < Jerri Hrovvn of Brockton (subjeel to re-

vision). For auditor—Tl

West Sprlnglleld. The democratic convention was very

jlow in assembling In TTcinont Temple thlg morning. The hour set fot^thc con- vention. 11 o'clock, saw bjt a few dele- gates in their seats In the hall and a comparative!) small crowd of hangers on about the entrance to (he temple.

Dlst Attorney Moran himself was. of course, not In sight. The candidate- lo- be arrived at the Suffolk county court about '.' o'clock, ami resumed the prose- CUtIon 'if the cases. Which occupied his attention until late last night. He pent the night at the Quin. y house,


Fashionable Nuptiel Event Wi I Take Place at Grace Church

This Evening

The Wedding of .Miss Alma Gluasofl Oswald, only daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. William Oswald, of 191 Jackson street, to ItlcharU Ward, 61 St. Louis, Mo., son ot Mrs. Ward of Lancaster; tvlll Lake place iiiis evening «t T

lock In tlrace church Rev. Arthur i,',.,,,.h('.(I ;ll| things brought


ITodu) is the annual Donation Day at the Wood Home tor Aged People and iii. time «hen all the friends of toe

! home are invited to c.tmc with or sgid ' any gifts as they may see lit to offer, The rttceptton hours started at t* o'clock and win continue until I o'clock thi-

t vening. Tea will be served late thi^ 1 afternoon

The afi tlr is in chmge of th-> a.lvis- ury board <>1 the home and cards wer <•■ i mn .. ,i great many announcHni the even! Mrs. Litxie Merrill is chair- ■nan. Bssjsted by Mrs. A, V. Poor, Mrs. 1'. Ii. Valpey, Mrs OUphanl o| ■Me- thuen. Mlas Kate Kimhall of llie Law- tvhee itreel church, Mrs Caleb Baun di rs and -Mrs. William Bfooers,

The hoiise was decorated with flow •■is. Mrs. Caleb Maunders provided the afternoon tea which was'served.

Those In attendance -bowed all vial about the home tind gratefulls

News of Mother's Death Believed to Have Affected Weak Heart of

Mardiros Baterian

Wheelock Moulton win officiate. Al i 800 Invitations have i n sent for the chuieii ,. ii-iiiiir but "only tin- near- est friends .n 1 relatives will be pres- ent lit tie' rifeptlon at llle home.

In prosper! of h.r appronehlhg inar- ]ia«e a ilimcfng party was tendere*] MWs Umi*uli| and her llance Tltei ' evening ;" ine MerrTmacIt V'H Country culb, It v an celled the "H bait", falling as it did on the Hunti moon. Aboif't Mi couple- urorc III i tendance nhd the affair was very « !•' Mrs. Paul K Clay and Mm. Thorn di l>. Howe in.I charge of the arrant incuts. .Miss Oswald was presented handsome bouquet at Jacqu* in It roses.

Tin- casino of the olub house w arttstioaliy decorated with autui braves, corn stalks and pumpkins, t whole design being in autumnal i feet The Columbian orchestra furnb ed RIUBIC rtefreghments <>t Icei n fancy caked were served, A uper electric car brcughl the dancers bu to the eiP at i 1 : ;iu ..'clock.

The brtdi -to-be is a leader in i city's younger social set and is \,v [dent of tlh '"inios .lob. Jin organti tion thai has done creditable work i the Children's home and v\ lib h i been noted fur IH aovel nnd uni.i soii.ii i-> iius. The club was propijs and organised by .Miss Oswald and ,-h" was elected Hrst president and I hll,-.! tluit ufhv* ev.r sine.-. Tlw Hi will now be owing to lb ■ that sin- will go to St. UUIIH to llv«

Mr. Wartl is manager of the w known Hapgood Business Opportun agency of Si. Louts, and ha* Won reputation for himself as a di1

husincss man of the mhldle west:

Ttn- cause is ,i very worthy one i use in charge will he very eratetal r any little gift or any large one, gv rlea being eery much sjgaded.


.. as it is callill, in orthodox ffebi easting and pri ntlnucd tor (he :

If ye ■e looking for a good thing K ladb s and gents, Mi i

Bo\.- or riiibireii. Charlea II, Bvart* X3fi losses street, is the place. He i ar« Ties a tali line of Op-lo-dil I r. s1 v :i-l utul [lurabfe rootweari trunks, bags and dress suit eases,


'O LKT ,ia attractive turn is h--1

room ror gentleman; table board II desired: st. :<m In at: iiKHlern eon- \,•nifties and llelophone. Location close to three plectrlc lines. Wlthlr B mhsateW wnJg ot the Bsiy Bha-ti References required. Apply, Mrs M t\ Barr, S Albion st |0-60a

I.KT i"nnii>l;.d room, op. repUn • - desirable locution. \pp, i I,T Hampshire BL, Matfanan.


.■hnhl goods at private sab ■/ id way, Methuen, From rueedait L.i Haturdaj^-OcL IH. Hl-Brrfn1

TO LKT ■ tust class sl\ in i double house; steam water, line bath, set. tubs, . doors and plassaa; three

walk from electrics Appl \i< 4fto, Bay sinie .Bid

-.. . Jn-i

ushered In l last night. ^ hid,"will i ctBht days.

The f..;isl nue being oliser\r.| | oni ,,i the three pilgrimage fegsta com manded !n the law of Moses, when tin ar.'-ient Jews went up to the tempi" <d J, rusglem three times a year.

They were' commanded by MTIKCH II hulk] themselves booths .»r tents ti fiiiiiineuH'iair tin- 10 years' Wjmdcllnj BJgypI to Palestine.

II is (bis | the Jews of lb' elt) are celebrating today.

The Feast1 ol the Tuh.rnacb- \* less rigorous* than other feasts. It more loyotui, and it is net Intended '■ iuleTM-lT W Mil llle |jliwi]|.-^S Utl.l i \ ■ I

oay pareuHs •<( the eelegragtts. Little booths adorn d>** roofs u

many »t Hte houses In the H«*briM iMi-ti-rs foTlgX The Talmud tavs doui in it hou tb- y should be Imiit. The nmst havi a window and a floor to gh ll:<- appearance nf bahltation, and ar -iiiiposed to i.t< covered over with living houghs, o tin- light can Hhine thrnugl

There Is more symboUsm attached to this feast than any Of the other The weeping willow, palm and inyri ■in.I citron branches are used, whi. svmboiifcf the character t,f Palestine

Ml He- meals eaten in the homos i Mi, orthodox Hebrews during the n< -,-i- uill ii. s'-rvi'.l In these boiith

ami inanj lamilb-s will sleep on oobel ,-> durlftg th- niplit.


I'in !l\ Tin J.,1 ii-M pretty novelties .it the tench ere convention aj mnthrop, thli sumnier will be Introduced bv Pro! Italton to the Lawrence high school ■ laneinn class at Pilgrim Hall, Friday evening


All kinds of property, cottage*, 4, 6 ,.nd 8 tenement blocks for salt. Alto 150 house lots, Will build houte or block on order.


Insurance Agent and Auctioneer. 473 ■ROADWAY.

and . while Hie I'Veiiey-lJulncy confer- ence wns in session at the Revere house the dCkftrlct attorney was in oleesj imieh with the situation.

He insisted that Ins friends make no compromise Dp 'he organisation of tho convention, the tesulutlons or any ether Important detail of tt,e ..invention and tnthh* atlttttde he had the consistent backing of i;m>rge l-'n-d WMIInmf.

Karly this tnomlng the Moran lend- ers were all at sea on the balance of the state ticket. K deny Brawn ap- parently had a lead fur "econd place. Mr. Brown" is the nominee o the Inde- pendence league conviction for lleut. Lrovnioi that 11, kel nominated 111 rail- euil ball 10 days age being Moran and Brown. _

HtsgeH, slat..! for auditor on-The "Mo- ran ticket today. Is also a nominee of ihe Independence league for that office.


dardlros Baterian. an Armenian, was found dead in bed Thursday

.ruing at his home, J30 Common st ri'ttf.

He was suffering from severe chine and had showed some symptoms of spinal meningitis. H<- also had a weal, heart. A few weeks ago be received that bis mother had died In the

>td country, which news may have af- fected his weakened heart.



Inspector .Mattocks of the Boston & .Maine railroad, visited ljrwrencc lo- dav In connection with the break made on the Iteighl oafs by Harry Jackson, Charles C Wentworto and Thomas Hayes, the three sunnoaed v'ggnion, arrested In Somerville Tues- day, Some Of the goods foniuJ on *UW men answered the description of goods belonging to ft. Goldberg ol this city, proprietor ol the Racket store. The> \ ,fr two patterns of gents* stockings, j.oeki tb'-oks and carving knives.


John .1 MeHrane who recently con* trusted iha «'aib..ii. pilgrimage from the United States to Bonie is vhalting Father O'Reilly at St Marys parochial residence.

$10 Reward

The d-'Ceased lea\.-s a father, broth- tr, s Ife and child In Armenia.

Dr. Dow will hold an autopsy on the body this afternoon. He states thin he li;i- no reason to believe that the (loath was not from natural causes but on account <»i ine sudden nature of it ho must hold tho autopsy.

The deceased «7gg about -ti years old.


Dr. James F. fJasngr, third haw- man and captain ol the. Brooklyn Na- tional baseball team, was in town thH morning visiting friends. Dr. Casey Is a dentist ami practices during tho winter In Deli'dt, Mich.

I will psy the above reward for any information or evidence that will secure the conviction of the party or psrtiet who broke my front window between 1 a. m. and 7 a. m. Monday last, when they stole two Boston Terrier Pupt, one about 3 months old, white and brine1*-—jpots, screw tail, bnndle head, and bat ears; alto, dark red brindle, had white and black face and a screw tail.

1. J. Tepper 308 Common S\

5th Essex Senatorial District

Republican Convention

The Repilblli ans ol the City Of l.a« - rence and tin- towns ol Andover. North Amiover and Methuen, comprising th-^ Fifth ESacx B«riatortal District, are re- quested I" semi delegates I » I conven- li.m to t.e held iii

Lawrence on Friday, October 5,1906

AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M. IN CITY HALL then and tli.r- d. uoinmale n candi- date -or Senator, to..pleC1 a member of tin- [tepublican state c.Mnmltte.', t» elect a district commlttee'ftnd to trans- act such other business as may legal- ly i-oitie befOfe Bald convention.

IVr order of the l>isirl<-t Committee. N IV FRYE, Chairman. \v M. BTUART, Becrotary,

.1 N ctiu-:


Sept. I1.". IW«,

NOTICE Democratic Convention




Friday, at the City Hall, Lawrence, Mass.. October 5,1906




lohn £. O'Neill, -— CHAIRMAN.

Jeremiah J. Carey, SECRETARY.

THEWINN I NG STROKE If more than ordinary:,!.ill in playing brings the honors of the

gama to the winning player, eo exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the oommeriefatiori of the well informed, and as a rea- sonable amount of ovrtdoof life and recreation is conducive to the health and strcnji'J. o does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in caces of constipation, biliousness; headaches, etc It is all important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one of known quality and excellence, like the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig SyrupCo.,a laxative .which sweetens and cleanses the system effectually, wh?n a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant' after effects, a:; it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothingof an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manufacture of Syrup cf Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met' with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth considering in making purchases.

It is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that hss led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who wovld not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. E-very family should have a bottle of the-gonuino -on hand at all times, to use ,when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the

genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size only, by all reputable druggists, and that full name of the company—California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on the front of every package. Regular price, SOc per bottle.



the Opera House evening will tw

l great play "UO-




The attraction at this afternoon and Lottie. Hiair Parker oVr Southern Skies.

Since last Been litre "Under South- -li Bklea" bas-bi.n played over an

t xtfnaive territory, everywhere mcet- iiK with, great success. Its beautiful rtory appeals to ml classes of theatre- fowling enthusiasts were Riven ;..,.is and the Hallowe'en i .1- oration . x ,n auiimgton'a alleys last night lelights everyone who sees it. AM _ llt.n Haverhlll went down to i nlirely new arrangement "i songs and w (| bftndB uf Lawrence. Moirell and lances haw been made for thi* seastm M.lS()l| lun ,„,w mc:n, showed tu Ut the Hallowe'en party and no end of we|. fo[1 (\,„ ,.,.,„ e, Harrison WUH high

id enjoyment will be Provided. nmn w,tn ;1 ,im. t0taJ of |08, und M II had tile highest single string, its

plaj audience by this feature of the

An entirely new and beautiful nlc Betting 'will also be seen and a v siruiiK company lias been engaged present the large number of parts.


highest single string.


The Lowell and Lawrence second teams played a fast same on the Bay State a.Veys last night, the former Winning two strings out of three.

Wcltshe was high man for Law reneo and Johnson did the best work lor Lowell. The score:




***■***#***•*•*•«** mm********


TO LET—Five room tenement at li Manchester street, near Broadway, Price $2.00 per week; also two stalls In stable, rear of 375 Broadway, cor. Cross street. Apply J. F. James & Co 181 Essex, street p. in., or 275 Bread- way, 8:30' a. in.

Houston, »'ohnBO&, Thuxtton, Miirall. Shmv, ...

96 87

110 in;



45« 1X2


I— 13S7

Plafherl, Rdmonds, Mill, r, . .

77 93


100 95 X2


TTI—«w—400 noa -

How's This?

(AL'FQRNIA FIG SYRUP (? 5>.n Frfci rvcisco rtrrr ^EffiE

TO LET Corner Office

on Essex street, up one flight, over American-Sun Office. Steam

heat. Rent low.




IViil piav "School for Scandal' here Friday, int. f,th.

During her i 'in vigil ' Nance i I'Nell m [he < [peril nmi'iow njyhi |.hiy«U the in ihl, ape cnl

Australia, House tn-

io8t remaSfe- :'ii in thai , lln- fulled phenomenal

octeto. In undsco anil lias ap|,ear- ken all rec-


Tin Kvenieg High School commit tee in. T in Pupt. tfheridan'a office hi njirht. AM" tiie members were .preset All flf last s ie.n In rs were r elected. There are still two vacancios In DM- corpi Bud." an examination wm held next Thursday night, at which time they will be filled.


A meeting of the letter carriers of this city wfll I"' held at Hi.' postofftc I MM evening .if tin- week to tak action in regard t" applying '" Wash Ington ror :i new contains in this city. It is ih.- belief of tin carriers that th« actual population ..rthe city is at tb< i.resent time nvei 75,000, and if this cai be uhown to li.' the case, the local post office will I.,' placed in He' first clas and tin local carriers will receive.aj iii'n■ i". in pay. A superintendent "f carriers w»uld also he appointed.

li is und erst 1 that the board Trade and the Merchants assoctatl n ill co-operate w Uh Hi-' carriers in in this move.

Advertise in The American



L.dli-.! A,k JOU. IrftiMlH (i»/A « hi .•»«-urt nil* Ti itfd/A\ .mi.I l;oln VflSdA Ix.iew, ■.'ilolVV/ l-itt, BlM l'IH-n. TnLenoother. \V l]I..y ..( y- .IT Dr'.L-k'i'-l "nil «^l( <'>f V

rHl.rHKS.TKIi>* RNOLISH, the -' MOND It If VMI I'll.l..*. (,.r «S

,' r-.^ it Inl iii \\r\x, Safett. Alw«y» Solil Iiy Drni.Ki<iti ercrywherr.

ilcnl »'...,>hl«. I'm.

by the {Eastern Drug CUohuaUr liii:


Ales, Lager andPorter SELL ON THEIR MERITS

Because they represent the best in Brewing. The finest procurable In- gredients-- the highest knowledge of the art of Brewing--fast the right amount of ageing together with PURITY and care In every detail makes • .

1 her retu States was followed I aOgaffi lie'] '. ill Si:, Australia and lii Sal other places in which sh ed. NsiiK. o'.Neil has b eras hi the matter of lavish .produc tlons, superb performaftces ami hux- affice reeeipta. in Ban Francisco in tin largest theatre In that city, the liian- EHfe*neBl bail in remove the orahestn ,in(i place seat- to accomrobdate thi throngs that desired to enjoy the per tuiniaii'.s ulvrii ti\ Nanee O'Nell.


h. is tu ik-nsi


dramatization c In which Harry

li:iK BO much fiivr. the Lawren


POR SALE—Great bargain. Nine room house, all modern Improve- ments, situated on corner, 13,000 square feet of land, 10 minutes' walk from Wood mill, at only {2400 If sold at once. Easy terms. Address Joel Bean, Jr., 503 Bay State Blug., Lawrence, Mass., or 4 Perkins ave- nue, Brockton, "

Ft »H KALE—Hoarding and longing house, doln^ a tlrst-class business Apply at 415 Cunul street. 10-^J sa

FOK SALE—Boston terrier dog, screw tail. 1 yr. old. Apply to W. E. Get ehell, manager, 2 and 4 Hampshire St., next to Colonial theatre, Lri rence. 10-Ca


M you have second hand furniture t« sell or exchange, call on us and w4 will pay the best prices. Bargain Furniture Store, 468 Essex Btreet 1

8-24V sa

PEARBORN & CO.. the SECOND- HAND DEALERS have removed to the corner of Amesbury and Common 6ts. Highest cash prices paid for second hand furniture and all class- es of second hand goods. satf

BEST CASH PRICES given for sec- ond hand furniture. Apply to James Irving, 311 Common street **

MONE7 TO LOAN on Diamonds an« Watches at a Low Jtajte, Fine..Watch Repairing at lowest prices, GORDON The Jeweler, 427 Essex St 6-J27s*

Havo you se"en the taken by the now Thayers lc. studio.

swell little photon, electrlo light, at

2'S'j Etesex st? ■J-447 sa.

••David IWII ha si id which

Opera n Saturday afternoun^ and eve

ning is said to be very cleverly ar- ranged. »)t course, Ilaruin is the een- trai figure, and around him are group- ed all the characters of the book. rhii- is dear old Aunt Polly, pretty Mary irlake. the Widow fullnm and John Lennox, who is the Cashier ot Harum'a Hank. Then there is Diek LArrlbee, pert chet T)mson; the mis- erable old USUHT, 'Zeke Swlnney; Hie sain ttmonlous, yet wiibal horse-lov- ing Deacon Perkios, iiiHayAinns Elrlght, the laiidlonl of the Icicle Tav.-rn, with his boast that his is the only hotel at which they give tlve kinds of pie for breakfast. ' ieneral Woisey moves through Hie play and so does the vil- lage tough, Bill Montaig, and Poleg Hopkins, ih small boy at the hunk. *i'h,- character sketches air all capital- ly drawn ami equally well portrayed, ami the play proniises to win even more successes thnr> did the book. It has much to oommeAd :t. Inasmuch as it is clean and wholesome, Interesting story, is repJeti lines and otiaini' sayings, delbjrhtful, and refreshing atmospben Seats uii salu,


We offer one Hundred Dollars IK urd for any caso of Catarrh that can-

not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY-* CO. Toledo, O.

Wc, the undersigned, havo known F. ,T. Cheney for the last IT. years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all IHI im-ss transactions and hnnneiaiiy Able to carry out uny obligations made bv bis linn.

WAUDING, KINNAN & MARVIN - Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, o Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter-

nally, acting directly upon the blood tnd mucous- surfaces of the system. Testimonials ifent free. Price 7'. cents per--b<*tle. Sold by all Druggists.

Take Halls Family ."*ill9 for con- atijiatlon.


Charles Maglnnis, the popular dancing teacher, held a grand open Ing In Hibernian hall lust evening. Tie' imil was beautiruiiv decorated with potted plants and flowers. Cps*y ct ■ '.- arranged in different pints of the hall, added much beauty to the scene

About 150 people were I" attendant' and ihiiiiri] to the SWeet strains of ; full urctaestrtu

Air. MaglnnlH will hold his first lea son in the Buffil Htttl next Wednesday nlalit.

Cards from the following list can be purchased at the American-Sun office, 364 Essex street. In any number de- sired :



with bright and ha-


Chasr'.-, business

re and limes.

Salem Willows, open for \>rv (IHV until Oct. j. i>in- frled lobster served at all

< in*- storm ni^ht early Tom Waters in "The May land" played before p _hou [airi>- gaud but soalu <j t > fact, it was the deadt ever clouded over \\v


■ 111

TI Ma thi

;lnd ot i :llt-cdge

plau uric

11 up

i- of Laugh> .- that was the skin in

Midi- n. thai pike but when per started his of Laughhuid" 0 the liveliest i.ik was of the onfllcting wlt6

Harvard Products Pre-eminently the Pure Beer of America.

Look for the Trade Mark on Every Cask and Bottle.


>r ilopfntllriB Upon ;u results ' He la. so fai ah.y liveruae ..-m.-lian on tie pianist thai his work deserv mention and li. got II In tin. a full column write-up on page. The name nt the towst?- noi be fair to tell but it is in I'« van la. T(«n Waters will appear Uiwrenco < ipera Housi oi xl S Hvenlng In "Ntighborli Nvlghl

no for ,i ii,-

1 spe. shape

it would nnsyl-


Tin nudevillc >.'k is Thi

show ill ,11m playing to

alent this we. u an exceptionally fine pingru hc.ul. d by the tuui Hi..ic hilarious tun. maker "Cu;i in

d is ,i ser.-ain ■|l| through.

:ulonlu.1 rowded n-iscnts . It Is i their \fiica,-


What I Have Done

For Others In restoring them to full Health, I ci do for you. Hundreds of people In Roston will tell you that I do exactly what I say, and always give perfect satisfaction. You are cordially in vited to consult me free of charge What more could you ask ? Many yearn' experience and hundreds cured.

Dr. Jos.Grady,239TBraf0tN5t

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Hrs: 10-12 a. m.; 2-6, 7-8; Sundays,

10-12. Advice Free.

WANTED—Capable woman desires work at office cleaning. Best of ref- erences. Address M. T. American Sun office. sa tf

WANTEDt-Bright, intelligent young man to learn the photographic bus- iness. Address Photographer, BUB- American ufflce. ■ 'S-363 sa.

WANTED—A position as housekeeper for a small family; experienced und competent; city preferred; refer- ences. Address L. P, W.,' this office


WANTED—A situation to do general housework, or run a small boarding- house. Apply at 137 Elm St. sa

l'AKM HELP WANTED—Man and boy to pick fruit, and other work by month. C.ood wages to right parties. Charles P. Knight. South liylh-ld. Mass. 9-473 sa.

Low PRICES for the finest quality of watches and Jewelry—watch and jewelry repairing, finest work, rea- sonable prices. 1 have a few fine old violins for sale, JAMES WAIN, HI ESSEX BTREET.

MONEY TO LOAN On Household _ Furniture, Pianos,

Heal Estate and other kinds of prop. arty, at legal and reasonable rat.-s of interest. Loans can be paid by small weekly or nionlliTv""p;fv:iieii(s. Interest deducted as the principal is paid back, Business confidential; pleage call and get our terms; you will find them satis- factory.

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday and Thursdays, trom 4 p. m., to '.» p in , ami Saturday! from i!:30 p, in., to >:a0 p. m.

Forrest Loan Co. 228 Essex St., Room 3

(Over Leonard's Clothing Store).

W A NTED—A housekeeper; good, plain cooking In s'msll family; rafc. erence required. Apply "4T1 Essex St. afternoons. 10-7sa

WANTED—French saleslady ft Eirst-Clasa local piano store. Address "Piano," this office. lu-30 sa.

WANTED—Two makers at nnee none but first class makers need ap ply. New York Millinery store, 19 Eases St. l0-48su

WANTED—Second hand Furniture of all description. We pay the beat cash prices. W. L. Welch & Co., SM Essex St., Telephone J33-5.

WANTED—Men for automobile drlv ing and repair business; for |25 wi guarantee a license; easy payments largest and best school; open even1

ing.s until 9 o'clock; enclose stamp for catalogue. Boston Auto School, S43 Treniont St., Boston, Mnss.


dwuy. a" petite English tomede hue hat* a fin. \..iii rronv the "outd coun- try" and is an InstautaiV cms Ml In hi i rtm?el mi. Maceo and Fox, col >r--a comedians In Bong and dance have an cntert lining act, Thomas SoVfgan and Company presenting the comedy play- let ''tin the u, T." are Welcomed from

tu lii drop tie

I'. l\ Kl lontli

IP ll

he openltif s"ft li'iretl ■emaltider ill star :ici ii) comedy fll

orchestra sei ts. Rewrved telephones 7

■d the su^cesi day. li- ha for anvonc

f the bill is The moving


Lad! i, matlm icats can and 866*3

an. act that. u sotr The composed of pictures are

are admitted •a- fur HI be ordered

Gymnastics alone ci tat elasticity^ ease a re which opines By t oaky Mountain Tea.

cents. Currier Drug Company

n ncv d gra king Holllster'S

r Tablets,


A reguls land boiie.i M ih he .-■, n i

UUl l''iishioin dinner wli h I d, b¥ the In h.



..pi. w

baked bi will be

In the duh hnuSl b< r B, there u III he 2130 until 5, Witt* refreshments.

"ffaTTii Rxrra efforts

■ the occasion rhere will i i A VlrglhTa i s i/Cloi k aha

X ■ w E11; : "flxin >e-uiniitl' vT^n'tntinr are elng


17 upper- will lie aerij

i whlal party f suitable prises


Will be paid to the person

furnishing sufficient evidence

to convict thoie who started

the fires at the various

stables recently.

CHARLES G. RUTTER, Chairman of the Board of

Fire Engineers.

Lawrence, Sept. 26, 1906

WANTF.D- ,.1.1, l„ If ply at ti

young man, 17 or is y^ear mi Hi.' 9rug business. *\|j. i Euex ilreet u-437 a

WANTED lainily.

- wol'k v mlddlo-aged '. .'..," Ain.i'ii

I small tan. AI

384 /ANTKD—Opuenhclm'H liiaiuh i:^s. x St., ri'tjulrLK tHo Hervlcta o experienced ■clnihlitK and men's turn ishlliK sali'.sni.h. Apply ... Ml", i'.i:,

10-112 s.l


LOST—A brown p.aketh.i.ik enid InK Wi. Saturday afternoon, betl hawnii'e and Hampshire street' Bsjaex i^tre'bt. owner cantlot a to lose the money, hut will pa t<. the liuder. Alaard Blanch ano Methuen street. S-48D l

l,DST-A solid guUl, watch, between thi etal huspital Pindei pleas.

pen fflc liely' II tin.' Layrenco tJen- nnd N.'whnrv street return to the Genera


The Lawrence and Methuen teams will contest for supremacy Saturday, on the circus grounds. The Lawrenae lineup: Gam, NeeL- full backs, Wii- lianis. Tnrtoii; half hacks, l,e,aeh, H.i.idun. iluthre«:: forwards, M. Craw- ford, Roberta, Lowe, Eaatwood, lley. EtOHPrves, shea. Christie, Linesman, J. Stephenson, Kick-off at 2:4.~> p. m.

A smoke talk will he held In the club In,use (HI the I., in-fit of the football

|',],i.,\ . Vi nUi-A. Oct. " .rn • ! ■ o'clock.

The -Cinders, average weight 115 pounds, challenge any team in He city, Si, Patrick's church feared, Apply to tie Short street, city.


DRINK PURITAN SPRING WATER Best spring water in town. Delivered

freeh from the spring ev*ry day. Sample bottlea free. Drop postal to George W. Piper, Box Ml. Catr.

NOTICE I Lewis H. Schwartz Uu removed his LAW OFFICES t" the Day State Huildlng on the Fourtk FOOT Suite 406.

Telephone No. 914-1-

Thomas Bevington 283 ESSEX STREET,

•pi:;il und reee-iv* reward.


)tTND—Big .'ill,, k ll 'IV

iwn.r can

k pocket book. •rhill car, Haturda; have same by i

mi paying "hirnta n-Sun ollice, ^6J

James T. Long & Co., Auctioneers.

Auction On Saturday, Oc-

tober 6, at 3 p. m.

53 WEARE STREET. Absolutely Sold to the Highest Bidder.

Consisting of 'a cottage house of eight large rooms, bath and pantry, li.-t nnd cold water, uas. upci. pluinb- Ing and all modern con\cnlences. Large lot of land, tfleq three other i.-t-? adjoining house, All kinds, djfrjreea and shrubbery in the yard, owners to leave city ift once.

One hundred dollars ($lfiy> deposit will be required at time of sale. For particulars «ee Jumea T, I^ong & Co., Bay state Bldg. Suite 324-325. ' .Tel. 1376.

Oet the beet waen y*u buy whiskey —get Van Hook a pure liquor for family use. Bottled in bond, under government Inspection. At Ford Bros,, and best retail atone.

PUBLIC STORAGE i if Pianos, .''urniinre and Merchandise. M.'dcin brick practically fireproof; large Lawrence Hh'rau'e Wuivhi-u;- patt!c,uk*fs apply to SSI

General, elevator. e. 1'or. Methuea

street, 1I3«-^.

or 4..0 SCasjeg street Telephone

THE MONITOR Boot Blacking Tarlor tar Ladles *Ad Gents. Private Parlor Tor Ladles. Rteaaa Cleaning. PreBBlnir and Dyeing of LCr dies' and Gent's Clothing. Called for and Delivered. Lowest Prices. Best Work.


Insurance, Real Estate,


Thomas Bevingion 283 ESSEX STREET.

M QRTGA6J Money to fcoan on R*eJ Estat.) In large or •r11*^* amounts at a low r»U ef Interest.


S Abbott's SPRING

WATER DellYerefl direct from the Srrno

•very morning. Order bj po.tal. E. «. Abbott, I l'leuaut Vall.y »U««. «•"

Old-fashioned Paint

The good paint which lasted so well a generation and more ago, was simply pure white lead and pure linseed oil. Paint made of these two ingredients alone is just as good to-day as it "ever was.

The only point is to buy a brand which you can rely on.

PhQehix or Salem Pure White Lead

(Made by the Old Dutch I'roceM)

. guaranteed perfectly pure. It has the reputation of years behind it.

If your dealer will not supply you, it will pay you to write to us.

NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY 67 liruad Street, boston, Masi.

W For sale by 6rstcli» dealers.


BOflTON, Oct. 3— A-«st-Dist.-Atty Joseph A. Dcnnlnon formally .severed his official wmnectkHi with the office nt IMst.-Atty. John R Moran. He in- tends tu engage in private law prac- tice, lie formerly lived In Lawrence and Andover.


BI-UBTIBLD, W. Va.. Oct. 3— As the result of an explosion this after- noon at the West Fork mines of th Pocnhohtas eolrfcrtes company. 75 mei are supposed to be entombed. Two rescue parties have entered the mines


Policeman Arthur French again re ported for duty at roll call last night He was not assigned to" fluty.

Take the Trolley TO-THE GREAT



UP-TO-DATE TROLLEY CAR3 From Lawrence to the Fair Grounds without change. Leave Lsrwrence transfer station Oct. 3, 4, and 5 at 8 A. M. Returning leave Brockton Fair Grounds at 6.15 P. M. Tickets on sale at offices of the Boston & Northern St. Ry. Co.


Miss Josephine Hlggins, Miss Qer trude Ileutley and Mlsf Martha RngKe J man were among the many Andover ,

lie who went on the excursion to Lake Winnipesaukee, Wednesday. '

An account of the P. A. football .game may be found In another column

I this issue. Th,- town auditors meet In the Town

house this evening;.


The Andover association football tram will play the Buntings of Low- ell on the cricket field, Saturday af- ternoon. The follow Ins; will probably be Andover's lineup: OVonnell, g; Matthews and Patton. fb; Welch, Had- don, R. Anderson, hb; A. Matthews, Poland, Black. Falconer, Adams, f.


The annual meeting of the corpora- tion of the Andover Home for Aged People was held In the school com- mittee rooms, in the Town hall, Tues- day evening, noutlne business was transacted, and it was also voted that Ihe gift of 125,000, given the associa- tion by the late Mrs. Helen.G. .Coburn i>r Boston* be gracefully accepted.

The following, officers were elected: President, Frederick 3. Bout well; 1st -*lee-nrenU,entt Mrs. Frank K. Gleason; 8n vice-president, Mrs. Ellen o. Rills; treasurer, George' A. Parker; managers for three years, Mls8 Emily Carter. Mr*. Katherlne Middleton, J. Warren Berry, J. H. Campion; managers for two years, Dr. Sanborn. Mrs. Joseph W, Smith, Mrs. George T. Eaton, Mrs. Charles Er Abbott; managers for one year, Mrs, Mary S. Jackson. Mrs. Hen- ry S. Robinson, Joseph A. Smart, Hon. Jehn N. Cole; clerk, Mrs. Matthew S. McCurdy.

Hon. John N. Cole- was elected a member of the Republican eounty com- mittee ot the county convention, held in Danvera.

Herbert L. Phase and Omar P. Phase are attending the Brockton fair today.


Tlv followl»g oM .Aji4ove» men played on the different college teams, Wednesday Yale-^Burch, Overall, Hockenberger, GHHs. Veeder: Harvard —Burr. Princeton—E. Dillon.

. . 1 Lorlng H., owned by William Hlg-

gins, was one of the contestants In th % )]i clio-s. trot or pace, at the Acton PhRplelgh fair, held at Acton. Me. v\ edrieraay.


The annual meeting of the Andover club was held in the club rooms In the Musgrove block. ^Vedneadny evening, The following officers were elected: President. Harry M. Eames; vlce-pres- tdent. Porwln ft Palmer; treasurer, Rarnett Rogers; clerk, Charles U White; board of directors. Lewis T. Hardy, George A. Brown. J. E. Whit- ing Frank H. Hardy: entertalnmem committee, Frank H. Hardy, Frank H Messer, Dr. Hiland J. Holt. Dr. Albert E. Hnlme, Pharles L.- Whlfc-;. . hou: committee. Dr. Hiland J. Hofc, Burton

Flagg. L. F. Hitchcock: committee on rtnawoe. Jobn-ILJ-'UnL_Dr. Albert K. Hulmc. :

Real Estate Bargains

We have a large list of fine proper- ties for homes or investments for sale, If you wish to buy or have any prop- arty for sale call and see us.

INSURANCE in first data companies


T.I. 215. Room 822 Bay State Bldg

Now Ready Lamson & Hubbard


Funeral services Mr Charles H. T. Mann were held Wednesday afternoon at tiin iate home on Prospect street. Out of respect to Mr. Mann, who had been town auditor for several gears, the town offices were closed In the af- ternoon mull 4 o'clock.

The services were conducted by Rev. Charles H. Ottphant, pastor of the Congregational church, assisted by Rev. L. J. Thomas of Duxbury, a personal friend of Mr. Mann. Ther? were many relatives and friends pres- ent, also a delegation from Monadnock lodge of Odd Fellows of Lawrence, of which Mr. Mann was a charter mem- ber. During the services George. F. i*. Webster, leader of the Congregational .cJuirgh_jihQlL_rendered "Uock of Ages' and "Paradise."

The remains rested In a black brond- cloth covered casket with silver trimmings and plate. The casket was surrounded by numerous floral trib- utes, testifying to the esteem In which Mr. Mann was held. Among the trib- utes were clusters of fragrant flowers from the relatives and friends, an an- chor from the deacons of the Congr gatlonal church. In which Mr. Mann

"" u deacon, wreath from the Hlstor leal society of which Mr. Mann wai

retary since its beginning, over It Ura ago; basket from town officials

and a design from Monadnock lodge. I After the services the body was con- yed to Walnut Grove cemetery where,

burial took place In the family lot. The pall bearers were Frank Kemlck

nd J. V. Emerson, deacons of the Con- ■

Fall Style * For Sals By

Loading Dealers NOTICE.

Auction sale of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Opera Glasses, Rings, Chains, Charms. At! kinds of poods found in a first-class jewelry store. Every article must be ■old. Auction tvery evening at 7:30.


WE PAINT Whitewash, Stain, .Crarn ana do every, tiling to tone your house up. Rooma tapered, with border to match, only 12. Our prices on wurk are the lowest In town and the work Is guaranteed. Send postal and we will give you nn esti- mate. ._



Quit yourselves like men.—I. Sam- uel, lv.; 9.

Wo need not turn to the New Testa train* to hear that voice. That Is the voloe that Is nluays speaking to u from within. We know what are ought to t'o ami bo. and whenever we fall chort of our Ideal we are overcom with humiliation and chat-Tin. -Quit you likv men." That is what to one another.

Do we not go to the drunkard and say, ".Now be a man.'" <»f course In is a man already. Even III his drunk onneaa he is a human b-ing. but he I n. t a man In the complete moaniiwr o the word. He lias put an enemy Into his mouth to steal away his brail! II" has abolcted th* privilege* ami dignity of nanhood. <a«l has seated him upon a throne, but he lias sue rendered Ills throne and bis sceptre and «'• endeavor. rrr-Wt him out of hi degradation by say Ing, He a man. How many limes we have said. I more ni a man."

A man can be a man up to a certain point, ami there slop. Be may be Fragment Of a man, simply the rudi- ment of a man. He has a few of the virtues and graces of manhood but In many i there he is deficient. "Ob, bov I wish he .were more ot a man!" w- say of Ihis Imported specimen ot man heed. Ami whets do we g. t our Ideal of manhood? We get It from Jesus Cbil-l ihe Son of God. "Ilcbold th i«»■ 11I•"' -ii'i Pontius Pilate eigtiteei

I years am. And that is what rid is saving still,

of us huvV nl times felt like .. ■, when we have looked through

,,'ttiin quarters of society, "Ob. thai niv even might fall upon a in in'" ' have said as we have looked Into |: in*-, with Its corruption, ami Into social life, with Us frivolity and its shams. Hut as soon as we turn our eyes on Jesus Christ we say In

lively "Ah. horo Is a man:" How g He Is! Not all the leading peo-

ple of Palestine can tnat;o htm budg. II*. Traction of an Inch, l.lko a Victor it., moves onwsard inward illw cross, savn.L- to His sad hearted follower": ■ •It,, of good cheer. I 1i.iv ..velcoln the world " How brave be l«! lie dare to rjenounoe wrung wherever he firm It. He drives Ihe traders from tie Temple He speaks words thai cut and I,,,, the hypocrites of the belll'lm He dares speak Ihe truth both t„ tli. high and the low. both to Nlco- ,1,III,is and lo the woman at the welt yv is there ever such bravery as His.

Il.,« kind He was-klml to every- body geiille, consldeian, thoughtful He 11,1 not believe In the doctrine. I'.v- erv man for himself ami 111- devil laic

I. He hlnis.lf was always for Ithe (vlndmnet. Th

i. Ihe weakest man. th he most comfortless man

humli the ,v



,. hill,linn oklng on

,,„•«, man. 111.- tons nfortless man. yns II ,■ man which his ,v-s,searched nit and found. How ,,lf-sa, riticlna!

He (lid not II He went about doing g,

live for H!ms*-lf. but ft,. WES obedient unt Bth. oven the, death of the cross." Ami m Ills man bond He keeps crying to us all:—' Fol low me. If,, like rn»! He strong: Ee brave! He kind! He sell -sacrificing'

BUI somebody says: "J cannoj m ■, inaii, I cannot control inys.-lt I am weak.' Li-'''" t" "hat th- Son "f I s,,vs to y„u:-"Wlth ('. "I all things ,,,, possible," But someone says:—'I have ruined myself. I have thrown iwav in, opportunities, i have wasted inv life. There Is no chain f fi Listen to the words of Christ.— Him thai enmeth unto Me I will in u" wls U'S'' UU1t''H.Ut!.KS E. JEFFERSON. Pasim Broadway Tabernacle, New

Ymk city., 7~f_


The funeral of Thmnas F. Slmiigli nessey will be held al 9 n clock Frlda> morning at Ht Mary's church


Conductor HudU-y BOmmMiced Tues- day on a week's vutation wiiith will ht/ npont with relativuH ut Bostun aud vicinity.


Howard A. Jameson of Wiudliaiu and Miss Alice Brown of Lowdl Were mar- ried at the home o£ Hev. Albert Wat- .suii at windhum untre Monday af- ternoon. Following thu ceremony a re- oeptlon was held at the home of Wil- liam Anderson, where the happy bi'ide has been spending the sutnnier. Mr.

nd Mis. Jameson will make their home with the former's parents on the raiige und have th* best wisln-s of u host of friends.


The Democrat* of Halem will meet



The Parish Koger Wolcolt club will hold tin first meeting after the sum- mer vacation. In St. Paul's parish hous«\ ut 7 o'clock.

A lull attendance of the boys la re- quested us business of Importance will be acted upon. * «


Sel-ctmun James C. Poor, candidate for county commissioner, delivered the following speech at the convention, Tuesdayi In Dnnvers. It was enthu wlastlcully received:

"I have tried, and T have won." s:iM Mr. Poor. "My friends were with me, IIrid now you are all with me. You


w illlVi f-^rr-lnto"^>fTlee with no

'lenrge B. FTeyman, master i>i .\i- kinson grange, attended a cdmmlttee meeting of the state grange ut Con- cord. Wednesday.

, J. William Dlnsinoor of Windham gregational church and Charles Mor- ' V:illKV \K paeklng 2W barrels of Baldwin gan and George Daniels of Monadnock] .,,,,,!,>s ^i the C. H. Tenney farm, to lodge of Lawrence. ' l)(. shipped to Liverpool, England.

Mr, Mann was a charter member of) muuM. the threr-vi-ar-trM ehiUI i.l' Monadnock lodge, having joined the ^r and Mrs. Frank Plumb, died with

it Pilgrim hall Saturday evening, Oct. enemies to punish and no friends t «. for the .purpose of nominating can- reward, free from all promise*, and dldatei to be supported in the coming n<- polities will enter into the conduct election. of my duties. I shall strive to give

...... , the county of Essex, of which I am LEG INJURED. | proud, the best that Is in me. I am

£-— I thankful for the loyal support of my Highway Agent C. A. Dow of Wind- | inMghbors, the Lawrence delegation,

hum, while assisting 'n '-Utting down who came down here and stood solid H tree ->n th.' new road from tin- hlrh- throughout the light, and 1 want to w iv t-i Corbett'B pond on Tuesday, had say this, tnat It Is the llrsf tim. that his leg severely wivnehed. He was re- a delegation came from Lawrence and moved to bis home at Uik«-. stayed by one man without a break and although his injury Is painful, no and I assure you tnat I appreciate serious results nre anticipate. I heir loyalty and support, Again

odge in ISfiT. When a .voting man endeavored to get (Into the naN-yr but tailed to pass the examination. At the

time -his cousin, Rear Admlrol Edward T. Strong, retired, applied for admission and was successful In tho examinations.

In connection with Mr. Mann's death the following lines have been sent to The American:


O, Father of Wisdom, We come to Thee now

With hearts tilled with sorrow, To Thy will, we would bow.

Who but Thee, to fill the vacant places, Help banish all the gloom.

For all the absent faces? And who can take the places,

Of those so tried and true?

Who on all the pathway of life,, When darksome.

Those Rowers of happiness strew, O Wisdom and Light,

.Renew! OirMV out fnntola intirago \n iel— And place at the dewey cross. In memory; of those we hu've lost

Por "a while" Our flowers too.

W. Methuen. Oct. S, J90G. *

A number of Methuen people at- tended the Hrockton fair today. Among those in attendance arc Dantej Carter, R. 8. Brown, Newell D. Leach. Dr. Roy V. Baketel. John F\ Tenney, George W. Tenney. Henry Wlllctt. John Q. Hill, Chief of Police Jones ami P, E. Doyen.

Mrs. <-'. J. Pullen 0! Pawtucket, R. T., is visiting Mrs. Fred M. Swain, Glea- son street.


The annual harvest supper under the direction of the Cheerful Workers of the- Baptist church was held Wednes- day evening In the ohurch vestry, sup- per was served from 6:30 to S o'clock. An orchestra furnished music, while supper" was belnp served. About lfii) persons were served at the four tables.

Following is a list of th* commit- tees: Supper. Mm. 3. D. Price, chair- man. Mrs. George Frederick. Mrs. .1.

Blodgett. Mrs. Levl Clark and Mis* Mary fluff; Ice, cream committee, Charies* Hutohlns, Henry Kh-inke, Louise Kleniki! and Mrs. Henry Klemke; vegetable and preserve com- mittee. Katherinc Frederick and Se- lina Cunlllte.

Among those who served nt the ta- bles were Mrs ',.r.iy How.rd, Mrs. William Thomson. Mrs. Arthur Ken- ney, Sflsn Julia Emerson, Miss BHna Averlll. Mrs. L. A CIMSS. Mrs. Claude Whittier, Miss Marion Silloway, Miss EnV Lyns, .Mrs. William dark. M!*s Besale Cunllfffe, Miss Dolly Nowell. Miss Lillian Nowell, Miss Pansy Blod- gett and Miss Emma Hutehlns. Coffee

as poured by Charles Hutohfai and rrank Magulre.

Henry Lee nas accepted a position In New York city.

John Thomson, M. H- S.. "»I7.,has accept ••<! ;| position at Robertson, Sutherland & Co/a for Tuesday nights

ml Paturdays.

tuberculosis Wednesday morning at S o'clock. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon al 2 o'clock. Burial will he in Pine Grove cemetery.

William Forsyth has- purchased a Chestnut horse of George Noyes of Windham mmte.


The annual chicken supper by the ladles of th. Pleasant street M. E. church took place at the vestry Wed- nesday evening, and was the best at- tended event held In the village for a long lime. Fnusi 6 tc * o'clock an ex- cellent supper was served, consisting of roast chicken, crnnberry sauce, frlc- aseed chicken, chicken pie, mashed po- tatoes, oeleVy, assorted, cake, pies of every description Including whipped • ream pie, puddings of various kind- fruit, lea and coffee.

Around the festive hoard were seated guests from Lawrence. Methuen. Ha- verhlll and several from the nearby towns. A corps of efficient waitresses gave fine service and the quality of the "fare brought "praise fmni all'Bldt'S. Tastily arranged laities for the sal COtlfectlonary, fancy goods and mys- teries were well patronized and on th Whole the affair WHS creditably man- aged. The society rtalUed a good sum. The mystery table was in charge oi Miss Ida E. Woodtury; candy table. Mrs. James Cameron and Mrs. George CummlngS; fancy table; Mrs. Leon Hartwell and Mrs. Charlotte Iladlev SUPper eouiniittee, Mis. C. F. KimllHll Mrs. Luther TuUlf, Mrs. Rose Whee- loek, Mrs. (Cgbert Manors, Mrs. w. H. Davis, Mrs. n. n. Teekess, The wait- resses lomprjsed: Mrs, Willis A. Hall Mrs. Stanley Purdy. Mrs. C, Edwii Merrill. Mrs. I-Mward A. Busiell, Mis* Ktli. I B. Wade. Miss ln< B Gale, Mis- Ada Hall, Miss Flora Thorn, and Mi Jessie MCDougall. Willis A. Hall and George E. Cummlngs poured.


"Neighbors' night" Wfl« obsnve.l ;i Windham grange Tuesday evening Visiting Rtembers from several nearb) fcrangei were present and a flue pro gram was presented After an appetlz IUK lunch was partaken of. speecn i from prominent grangers were listen' " to, followed bj a general good time

thank you for the honor which has be come mine through the vote of thli convention."


The following reception commltte has been appointed for—the— Yo^ng Men's club:

Monday, Edward E. Curley, W. Henry Kowles; Tuesday. Thomas R. Mitchell. Samuel Hargreaves; Wed- nesday, Thomas Mllner, Bertram Wrlg- lev; Thursday, Clarence I. Smith. J. Ccrald Miller; Friday, Clifton P. .Car- ney. Edward Meghar; Saturday, Her- bert S. Stilling*, Joseph A. Duncan.

For Steam and Hot Water Heating To those who want heat—and plenty

of it—at the least cost of care or money, « suggest an inspection of the new ''Crawford" and " Walker" boilers. In these boilers the size rated to heat your bouse is guaranteed to heat it. You don't'have to get the " next larger size." And that is where they differ from all other boilers. • •.

-CRAWFORD'' Here are some of the features:- ' t. All heating surfaces sur- rounded by water, a. No perish, able packed joints, no sheet iron .parts, no brick linings. 3. Large grate area—with interchangeable grate bars instantly removable. 4. " Heat Ribs " cast on the inte- rior of the boiler; save coal. —L Walks, a Pratt Mf(. Co., 31-35 Ualaa St., Bo.Ua.


Our eiw booklet, " Warmth, Health end Comfort,'* expletna fully. May ws sead It 1*

ARLINGTON DISTRICT organised National clui

illowjng officers Wedne lusTa* H.'iinessi y, PTCsl

( ':nre v. \ici--presld.-n' rpe, financial secretarj


Mrs attach

Thill Is recovering from pneumonia.


Bliss Julia Emerson of Broadway has returned from her vacation which ivaa spent In Maynnrd,

Minerva Rehekah lodge held n regu^ lar meeting Wednesday evening at Odd Follows hall. Routine business was transacted.

Edward Russell expoets to enter Bryant nnd Stratton's cminerclnl scbo*)l in Bosjtorl next week.

\ Canoe elub tnoeting was to have been held Wednesiiny night, but on account of not enough members at- tending, the meeting was postponed.

Edward Klmbah sprained his wrist reoentlj.

James Lyons, who is eoniTned to his home on Broadway with blood poison, is reported to be impp'ving.

Essex, eounty Pomona grange meet' at Qroveiand today.

The first and second degrees will h, conferred at ERe grange meeting to- night.

21L'1 price <'f milk has heon nd- viin-o'd I'V most Of the locnl dealers {. ieVen cents per quart for the winter.

Miss Ada Smith and Mrs. Adam of Melrose Highlands spent Wednop day with Miss Sarah T. Wood bury of IS8 Oakland avenue.

The newly elected the f day nl^ht < d<nl; Tbom« William Bhi Alfred Knaptotl, treasurer; John llsh. recording secretary; board o| dl- rectors, Jeremiah Lyons, wuiiam finl- lagher, Brneal Ambry, Joseph Sharp and Frank ItalTerty. Alter the bus In.'f meeting an enjoyable social session was held

The election "f a new vice presldeni ■ the Methnon football club will be

held alter the next regular meet no; Monday e\ enlng.

The Crescent and Ainory fotuball chibs recent I) played a Me game mil

nother game in the near future will be played l" settle the question of su- premacy.

Still another new s-tclal elub hat been formed this season in tbls district, This- wilt ni;ike three clubs form i i>ne month, the Klin, the National and this latter elub still unnamed. The

organisation vp**ned quarter* Wednesday evening ' at 108 Myril ■ slivei and i* formed only for the win- ter hy residents of Myrtle. Walnut and Park street! Considerable new furni- ture arrived Wednesday at the quart- ers and more v, ill he put in next week. Meetings u ill in held eiicb Friday veninu eon.menolng Oot, 5, when an

Important meeting will take place, a ffieers will be elected. About 35

..vQng men have already signed the membership roll and many more are expected to join before Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nocnun nf Center street recently observed th« christening of their Infant daughter, Mary, in D utting manner at their home About "<i friends attended and a plensanl rtrnr was sngnt by all.

Mr and Mrs- Oeorga Holland of l \\ illow street, Methuen. bold an in- formal party at their home, Monday evenmn, the occasion being the chris- tening of th'ir Infant daughter. Veron- ica \lioni tit) friends attended. A fin-' musical program and u pleasant even- ing was enjoyed.

Harry Holden returned recently from a three months' sojourn in ttngland.

Mrs btghtowter of Bradford. Kng. sailed this week from Liverpool I -• i:.,..i,.., she will take up her residence in this district

Mrs, t'n'd Smith of Bradford, Km;. recently wrote her relatives here that sin- -would set sail on tho Saxoiii.. oi Hi., i nnanl line for this country this


Mr, and Mrs. George Woolley have the sincere sympathy Of numerous friends in the death of their daughter, Ruth, a bright and winsome child, which occurred Wednesday, at the family home, till Pleasant street.

Funeral Friday afternoon.


A well attended meeting of the North Andover Veteran Firemen's as- sociation took place, Tuesday evening. President William H. BomorvUlu In the chair.

Tin report of the committee on the annual outing of the organisation, presented by Oliver T. Costello, chair- man of the committee of arrangements, was accepted us progressive.

An obituary of Mrs, Moses T. Stevens appears on Page 1.

The first lecture In the White Fund Course lor the coming season was given this afternoon, at 4.18 o'clocK In the city hall. Lawrence. It was the Initial one ol ;i series of six, upon the general subject^ "Moral Leaders," the topic being "The Function of the Moral Leader. Socrates." It Is to be repeated tonight, at 7:4.r> o'clock, In the sum' pUice.


For several weeks past there seem to have been an epidemic ot sor throat, but that is nothing very unusu- al, for in our New England climate sore throat Is an exceedingly and com- mon complaint. It Is usually best treat- ed by medicines whirl, relieve the r..|l- stlpated condition1 of the bowels, since the Inflammation in the throat Is usu- ally the manifestation of a congested condition or the system, and the tuti-

ils'iind the mucous membrane is simp- ly attempting to do work of excretion which should be done by the skin, the

gs. the bowels and kidneys. If lie- Individual is In proper physical con- dition the danger of sore throat will be very little. If. however, sore throat lias come, proper treatment may w II be suppli mealed by local application, say- the Healthy Home.

One of the most popular of these [> Ihe gargle. This has been made up In many forms and undoubtedly does

io gis)d. but It Is difficult for some people to use, and at best it falls to touch a very large portion of the sore, inflamed und tender area.

A much better way of applying tned-

Locai Patrons ol trimtted u number to tin- program at servancc, by th Orange. Wednesda;

Husbandry •'• of capital numbers 'visitors night" ■ "

North Reading evening.

Roland A. Present! served at a iiiemher of th eeommittee on creden- tials at the Republican register of d. eds convention, held In Lawrence, Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Ann Morton Is passing ■ few weeks In Revere.

The Charitable Union holds its flrai mi "ting of the season Wednesday eight. Mrs. John Burnhum. Mr* George L. Barker and Miss Laura A K.lhy arc th- supper committee.

Constable William J. Toohey and family are occupying Ihe bouse on the Mirabum Kershnw place, which he purchased some time Bg* The dwell- ing lias been remodeled and all the modern conveniences Introduced

John T. Campbell attended tin* "li- rltes' night" observance pi the Maiden Knlgbtfl of Columbus council, the other evening.

Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Ladies" Social circle meets In the M i;. parsonage. A general invitut km i i extended to the ladles of the church .mi congregation to attend and assist

m the sewing.

The meeting of Esses County P-- eina Orange, in Grovetand, Thins ay, will be largely attended from thi

At the Republican county eon held in Denver*, Tuesday,

iman fami * ' '■ - Poor was eh nember of the eounty eotnmtttt


The first meeting1 of the chadwpk luh. for ihe present season, will -be ,.|d at the mush' rooms of KniK-pfei nd plmtnock, KH Ba*ex street, this vcnlng. The following program wil ,e given:

Mrs Thomas Dow I Ing of .11!- 1 ., i recently ri^eetYPd^eT lelnlne bag

irk hands-

friends in Nt"

Lings, "Oefundan ('■Found") Van Der Stucken

laid ti - Wish." ...... Chopin

leal treatment locally to the ihi out and mucous inemhrane is by the use of the atomiser. Atomitwrs are now made which will send a spray of any kind of liquid Including healing otla directly to tin- s|»>ts affected. They cost but little and are on sale at every drug store, and offer a much more sat- isfactory way of applying local treat- ment to the nose and throat than gangling and snutiing. Here is a good and useful mixture lor use la the ato- miser: Menthol. K grains; oil eucalypt- us. Sin.; benjtolnol, i ounces, t'se in oil atomizer.

It often happens that a spray of sim- ple salt water will relieve etifds aiui catarrh. Another good and cleansing preparation for spraying the' throat and none and mouth Is made by put- ting six drops of sulpho-iiupthol In » bumble? of warm water. This uvtter is excellent to sweeten the breath.

The state of California which bus within Its borders over 26,000,000 acres of forest, is taking steps permanently to ptesi ive pl'ae; leatly t lie ivholo am. int. t'allfornia's forests ura look- ed upon rot only as a great wrwKl Supply, but they an far mop valuable us a medium of water eonsvrvatloii.


For years I have been treating all forms of chronic, long standing obscure, and difficult diseases. By a method original with me and peculiar* !y my own 1 have successfully treat ed cases In which others have failed, and cured case* thai have been gi\en up as incurable by other specialists and reputable physicians. This method consists "i. a systematic application of tiie true elements of Psychic ^."cu- rie healing in < omblaatlon with 'the rational methods of Medicine and Bu/gertf, os practised by me, and whir h i plalm to be the true and natural manner of applying the healing art. In my use ol this mode of treatment and application of It to this class of diseases I clulm originality, although my Universal success has led to many crude Imitations. The bnrhnrous, im. natural and unnecessary operations, and harsh and painful treatment, the needless espnaures in examinations, and tiie old methods used by the ordinary practitioner, are all done away With. This treatment la ut once sclent Ihe, sensible and progres- i\e, sale in ii applieat ion, and posi-

tive in its results. Although he treats all ffirms ol ■ hronlo, long-stunding Obaeura, dfifiCUlt diseases, and cures manv so-called Incurable eases, he •% II III flMM JH wishes It thoroughly und, that lit I fl tin W ll T fl 11V il. after a car, 1 al cxnmlnat (your \) \ , JUIlll If I |) I M U I ease, he is in doubi BM ttl the curu- * blllty of it, be will frankly tell you so; and he reserve* the right to reject any und all easel.

All Diseases and Deformities Treated CATARRH CURED—Consumption

in the incipi-'tit stage, bronchitis, asth- ,na. rheumatism, diseases of the, throat, lungs, itomoeh, liver, kidneys, scrofula, sores, ulcers and ail chronic blond iroubles. ecsema, psoriasis, pim- ples, blotches, and all skin troubles ti' stsd and cured.

NKRVOl'S I)ISKASi;S — Nervous Debility from any e iiisc, hysteria, neurasthenia, Chorea, St. Viius' ■ lanee, epilepsy, etc : diseases of the -i in,, paralysis, locoraotor ataxiu, pfilsy end all such dlseasea posftlyeiy cured bv his "Tissue Coll Building'' treatment,

IHSIOASKW 01'' . WOMBN -Ladles i > inline.! without exposure, and all disease* peculiar to their sex cured Without the use of rings, pessaries,

orters, I llielll

ete, In ami pleasant sup] home method:

lt|Si;ASi:s OF MEN and weakness arising from Indiscretions, exi i overwork, etc. causing weak or failing memory, lorn vitality, pimples. Impure blood, lallnu: hair. ,te Hufferers call at out''. My Ids impr ived metliodti and Remedies BuchtsufEercts are gusranteed Immedlnto nhn and a perfect cure.

CANCEItfl, Malign aril Tumors and growths, all enlai^rnenls and gland- ular swellings .removed and cured without life us, uf a knife. .No pain. No matter whal disease you are suffering ii-oin ,.]■ h >\\ long standing; no mattet how many physicians have failed to cure ynu, call on htot U will eosl you nothing and you may profit by It.



Tag ■ ('■Whether by b> day") •-■ Tribal Rowskl

Mr. . JO wn it. .Miss Baston at the Piano.

Song. 'Farewell to Mummer," Wool Johnso

Mrs. Russell. MlSi Sanhorn at ihe I'iano,

Pianoforte Symphony No. ',, In K Minor, ' I'roni the .New World." op, !ir>. ' Dvorak

l Adaait! dilfigro Molto, .-. - fi Larito, IfI-S<'h,;r/n. 1\" Alb-Urn e,MI fllOCO.

Mini KaTioorn, Mrs. Ross. Kend! IR ol Current -Musical BVenta,

Mr Ba under*,


Fiftj^'MgTii h'S'ffiW"WPT» added to tie- v check-list nt a session of the reglsnnrs ■of voters held last night.

Are You Sick? Are You Suffering? If so, Call on Him N'it only win v.m i>c lurnrlwd at his wonderful snowle^M" "' dlasaaen,

his plain, cmnctsc oxp\i lion ■•< every oause ann effect, hut al th; marvel- ous rapMlty of his ,.•■«■ oommon-sonsa RATIONAL Ireatment, whlcn gm to tho vary seal ol the trouble, glVliw almost Instant, ...n.i. in .11 ■■ * • that have not proaresHed Ion far. A PBRFEOTANDPBRW \M-:M ' I RK No i»erson Nli-.iii.i ,i,,. t.,r .'my furiim or U\\iv imy men mtciutui- baCaei

■ .consulting Dr. John W, Qrady.

Dr. John W.Brady, Specialist, FRANKLIN HOUSE, LAWRENCE, MAS?.

Three Days Only




Mrs. Alir-il S. Stanh.-pc wax pleas- nntly ■urprtwfl nt h»-r home. »o Pel- luuu street, Friday, "n tha oceatrion of her -74tii Urtluiuy. lira. StanMoiw w- rcivt'd her callers in the afternoon -urnl .■llU-l'tulned thru, at tea. Til- tfUe.sTS inelutleu Mm. Win-en McKay. Mtra. Julian K, MctCny, Mrs, Mary WiKgir.. Mit Cameron, MTrn. f*. nrse.*. of Salem. N. H.: Mrs.- V: W ,U»uglas. ana Mi*. J- ■'•■ Hawyer.

Mrs. Stanliope i» a native of New-, It. I., hut has resided in INIH ws-tlun fur many y- .trs. Her husbatil, who js 7t). was for ;i* tlin.- a C*T« penter in one of the, hit, l.a\wii'- mills. RMlgnlng his p-^itlon about 1ft yean ago lie Hurchaatd prop-iirty here nnd hai sine., pertded in this town. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stanhope are (a U.HKI health. They are u well known couple and liave^mauy friends Whq wish them many .more years i>; iia,*|.i- n>si together. ■***


Mr-i. j. W. Adams is suffei inj- from sc\ ere sprains wuMUilnM by falling down several -stairs at he* nop* mi High ntrtet. In dewendihR a Might of. •-tails t lie heel of one of her ihoetl caught as she was nearly at the 001- toin, causliiR her to Tall the remainder of tin 'listiince. She carried a ihrhud \:,,i}y"in |H.|- htum at the t|nn -I.lit for- ■ unateiv the name went «n oeior« the lai.ip (rtrttCh ihe Moor. Mrs. Adajjia \.r aloIM in the house, her hushaml RwV, Mr Adams bt -tiif iwny hot nt** WgH not st> injured xho cotHd not oare t"i heraatf until \*\- return.

S. A. DitlK'' and family are to re- move tron Hit?li streei to the Jani'-- S. I)odtf" mam on PteEHOH *<treet. A-- .■bll.-ot lie-uKe M. Adams is to OCCUp? Mi-. Dotlge'it house un lltuli .x(n > t

The L'Ktti jiiiiiual meeting of the Me- thuen Mich s. hool Aluiunl asBQctatlon will im held Saturday evening. October a. lyftti. at the home of tiio secretary. Miss Mabel U PHne. IS Pleasant si. Member! of tin- class of 'ot, and others who h*.uv not alread\ joined, will luiv>», the opportunity to do so at 'tills meet- ing.

br t.'lia'i'le* Phillip HmeTsoii. son of Hon. Jacob Kiuersou and resident phy- Mi-lan In Hi*' Johns Hopkins hospital. HaliiuKfre. has JUM issued, through tho i.ippin.otis. it fiiM* pafre octavo vol- ume entitled: ?*d.nteal Diagnosis, ■ text book of elintcal lilfcroscopy ant! iJieuiiativ tor ni.-iiieal etudent*. labora* lory workers ami practitioners of med- icine " As an Introduction to the work, Dr. William Oalei apeaJca InrhighIS'ift' of the author. Or. Bmaraon. who i.^ hut ?,i years'of age. has already ach- laved dJatlnctlon In a noble and labor- imiH profeation.

Mrs, Fre.i Wood bury entertained the member* of Minerva Rettefcnh degree stufi' at la r home on deaaon atraet, Thursday evening. A RueaHing control wa« indulged in. Mlae Allhea Co I burn being awarded (irs; prlae Refreah- mwnta ware aexuad by tf*6' hogteer, imd the party broke up at a late hour. naving eiijoytd a most deiigtutul ev- ening.

Miss Qenrude GlavTh is entertaining Miss Clarke and Miss Emily Rdgera <<f (./utn.y, at her home on Di'dadwayi

H. Buawell Is with an attach

...litiii-'il tu of lumbago

||r>, A H. Wt»gland is expected pi r-tuin from the 'JtM.-ral hospital next u aek.

Miss Helen pmmonf I* cunflued to JUT botne alth a apralucd ankle.

Mr" V, II. Pllcbei has returned to h- i home In Keene, V. H.. arter apettd ing - tin Rummer with tier aunt. Mr*, w .1 Nlchole, :;•■ Oagu Btreet.




Willard A <;■ I ftfll

i:. H.Vtt»'H,,

d« il. \\v tb


preaching piio language in the Phil

land!*, will apeak In the ch HundHy morning and evening, Mr.

, GiKjdetl is a cloee obaerA-er and studeni of national movemedta and ids <ii~ , out -v will be both Intereatlng and I roll table, In the morning at 10,3ft o'clock his subject will be "Our M lh- odist Missions In the Philippine*." In ib. . v.ning at 7 o.-|..,-k: 'Tb.' Inii-.l Htatci Governmarrt in the Philippines."

T.IK- LadlW Aid soci'tv will meet on Tuesday iiiiniMM-n at 3 o'clock wl».h Mrs. John H. Kent, mi Hat'-s -trcet. .

The recently organlxed Bible atudy . i.,ss will hold its tirs' miiettng u \\ jo. .Mi.iv evening, ut 7.30 o'clock in tb. veatry. Ti xt k: "The Old T.-- t.iinein." by s. Kan Tayluff Leadei STHH ClfacT ProWH Ah>* ne»r«i>n« wlahlnii tu loin this cla-K w Ml l>le«»e give til- lr nuiiiej- tg Ihu accrcury, i , Mis. H. i'. WHkin-

Mr. Mann had for many years been tews- auditor. For 12 iwara ha had been Unk of the Congregational church. Of which he waft'also a deacon. He had bean aeorbtAry of the Mathuen Hlator* l*al soclnty since Its .beginning over la v.'urs ago. He was formerly a mernbex uf the Methuen grange, P. of H., and at th» time of Ids death wan a m-m- h.-r*of Monadnock lodge. 1. O. O. P.. of L'iu riiii'e.' '. *

Mr. Mann was unmarried. He is sur- ni\.-d by one Stater, Miss Abble B, .Mann, and one brother, David C, Mann. both of whom lived with him. He leaves Mann.

an adopted noil. Charles W.

visiting at the residenc Remlck on High street.


George t'unllffi ha\ *■ gone on a four w< Maine and the Provinces.

Prank Me. Js Waiting at the home of hN e.-t. uncle, Dr. Amo> Wobater. Mr. Reynold - spent Tuesdav In Boston^ ml Charlec Eiphll



(inn purebas' busin-s.-i

Mis: is rec

I the iMdies" ■pclal circle held at the M, K. parsonage. '.)nly routine buaineog

i was transacted

' Hon joftft N. cofa; apeakbr of the house, delivered an address at the Ameshtiry and Salisbury AgricuHura Society •fair.

The funeral will probably he held \\ ediesday allenioon,


Kally day exercises were held. Sun day. rft the Baptlal church. The i*ru gram was as follows:

Hinging ¥""1 llv< Kinging .. Recitation Recitation Singing .. Recitation ii. citation Singing .. Addn-ss . . Recitation" T'.,lb(tlou' Ringing .. KecjUatiun !t( citation Singing . AildreSH ,. Siuglug .

i 'ongregatlon reading and prayer ,'. 11 *

Ira U right Chaste crowell

Florence ''rowe^u .. Krnest I'nseott

.. St J. Smith Everett Rond

.... ' Inez Dow Oeorge Davis


John R Remlck, aged *«. commltieal suicide Saturday morning, directly In front ol his home on mis ftreet, K-it- terv. M.v Mr Renrictc had Been in poor health for about B year, and of forte bad become despondent-. Btwrtly after I') o'clock he left the house and on reaching the roadway bareo his breast, even stripping off his shirt. and placing n revolver, tired. The bul- let passed through his heart and death was instantaneous, Mr. Remlck was a foruor' resident •( Methuen and was highly esteemed b\ all who know him. He was a member of the local Baptist church and the K. of P. He leaves a wife and son.

Tuesduv evening prayer anil praise service Will he held at the Baptist Church. The topic will he 'Pairt's De- fence,"' Acts X> ii.

Rally day services were held, Hun- day. at St. Cleorge's churcTV. Addresn•

s were delivered by the following pegjters: Pred labs superintendent of

Sunday school: 'Mr. Murray, secretary or the local branch Y. td. C. A. David Ackrovd, Joseph Teele, Mr. t'llen. About -JO were present.

The home department of St. George's church will hold its quarterly.meeting and social at the parsonage Tuesday evening. \ trustees meeting will be held Monday* night for thi- transferr- ing at tin* old church property on Centre street.

Rally flay service was held Sun (fay at the Seeurd Primitive Method let

hiirrh, K.-v. <". A. BreCk, superintend- ent ol tchOOta, Spoke to thost present on the quail ties ol a gentleman: Thegi was ai]i attendance pf 1-7.

Miss Gertrude H. Qlavtn entertain tl .i party of Jjrlenda at her home on Broadway, Saturday evening,-In honor of her guests, Miss ('larke of Wollas- Jon, and Miss O'Brien of Boston. Var- ious fantegi were played and a general gnml time enjfiyed by all. Liglv. rreshmenfs were served.

William Seott of 7 Merrill street I resigned Ms position with Leaver .v Morse

Methuen, has accepted •• position as organist at' < (race "Church, i,au rence. Mr. Wilson k. a cousin .,i \V O. WHao'n, proprietor of the Methuet [ne Cream company.

The Tiajer football team held Its an [ nual ball at the Town.hail Saturda


MIM 1 ■nnl.' lordon ■r w.ii. rrown ■ppntMhi hilt, r pan oi lUl \\i ek at nr homi here.

iii the abaence of the president, Mrs. k's trip to Miss Merch- J-nes, who is learning S' T" ,u nHl Mr* <:"jr«*; f Sander-

at the Marsh school, is living with sVn,w 7 2Sd°«' ",cul.,U,,i "';• l"alr Mrs. Nichols ,t 29 Gage street. \RS Wednaaaja^ afternoon's meeting of

' Gordon ft tVIHfle has - _ •new horaa to us.- in its MISS Etelan H KeHey, teacher at the

i- v-*'" t'.ntnil grammar school, wllj rtmovj from 14 Gage street to ti High street

KHle Dodge of Pleasant street Vborlly. ering from her recent Illness. |

' Mrs. R. ?ri ('ross It; so|ournfng In George Needhatn la able to be out Canada and the provinces,

again after being confined to his home -. x

for about four weeks by illness. J Thomas Spoiliswood has moved troni ".;; Hampshire street to '>b L«awell

Sydmw Cook .of fviham street I-.. street. Monday to attend a "Rrep" school a, tirandling. Canada. Mr. Cook was a' Miss Klla I'lahlve. who is employed member of the tm class, M. H. 8 as clerk at W K. Bphlins, spent Sun-

■ day In Boston. The Met hum high school ("ad.-t

drum dorps rehearsed at the home, of M,- nmi \ir< James Ruble spent Bert'Gilbert, .Monday .-veiling, Sunday ut Can oh U? lake, as guests uf

I Arthur Crosby. teURhtar was born Saturflay

Mr. and Mrs. \ pact street.


man Lyon, 57 Pros-

John Dugdale of Oakland av« nuawas honored by belnn elected grand rhie-president at the annual grand lodge.' convention of the Indepandenl order. Daughters of St. George, last .\eek, at Worcester.

DMI'I Ra^nmmtle Pills absolutely cure ftheumatiscm and Neuralgia. Entirely vegetable. Safa


Wedffemere Rondo, » Boiiton lerrftr o«aetl ty .lulin DrlMoU '>f tliiw ttun.

iwon one flr»t and one tiiRhlv commehd- The funeral oervlcen-of the lel» "' >"'"'' iU "' annual dog ttaow.ol

Charlea H. T. ,\i:inn >vfil l«- held ^it thu "<>■ • oimtry club, which la twtnC.hek! M.inti rvsldt-uc.. Wi.-<ln«> ;ift,riin,m '",,,'""''(,',":''.''•

ffleitite. i-ri.mis are ini-Hed without J"1n ""• ""«t"n orcheatra, ,>f which I'nrthrr notice -~- I'"' is l ",,'tn^>',', They will niJik,' ;t lu

! I weeka' tour fHrniiyh Ih,- \v,st Roliert W. Dew nv»ipBuluin tlH« weelc "■'"■ oWeen of the Andover GnTuI

ITVIIIK aa lurymati at tho criminal MM- hlv" invit.-.t t harlen apraguo Smltr

Ion ,,r si rter oouri, which adjourn. '" "" Peoplea' Inatltut ,i from l^awrence. city to addr,

this i-x.-nlng at I'rank UeuiBik Hr fHSR Min-,-t 1K,S <** house,

be, u In iCHtery, \t-'. where ho waarj- jrlted by the death of a relative,,

Voris tin ople

::tn, in the Movembor


.Mrs ClarenceJPr'Adami! haa rVturned"; Al PliUiaUaj: afternooti'a praettee the from htr visit-In ilaiono. N. V. IJ".iii.i-» aeadeiny f ball aquad had

- llnir lirst acrl !iiK< .- I'll,.- last tt-ain ThepreMdeni f Mra. I.. A. Gutter- Hnad up as tollowa: Maaon, I.-, uun-

m-'an High stiv.-i is receiving a freah t'1'1-', '• H. 1. MadKay. Ig, Clough, c, <',,a( of paint. '. ' ' 1;- i;- atacKay. rg, .Fisher, it. Kleh-

__— ■ mono, re, H. vrerrlrt, ob, PavorTte, rim, .\HMS Jennie Pier >r Pover, V. H. Odly, Icnpl), fb, Kllpatrlck. Ihb. Th*

la'vlaitlng Mrs. W. H. Sawyer for a"!""' tl'" 'a- aecret The above lineup few days. i "III probably be tti.■ team thai will

- atari the game for AjtdoyeT aKwins, Mrs. N',wt,,n CISROOII of Haveihlll Bw-Phelaea A. A.. wJilch will be played

rlalieif-trtenda in town Man,lav. on Brothers' Held, Saturday afternuoa ,i 1:3(1 o'clock. \ good game Is ,-x-

Phe ydung people of the, Qleaann i—i,,l as this featn trtmnced Bxeter in M, VI,,rial" " I'nlversallHt iliarcli will their Ill-t B, bs the acore of 13 liitet-ttie twistor. Key. Judson P. Mur- t" l.'f. v-rft. at his home, Btevens street, this *=" a -* : e\antng I The gam. scheduled between the

■ Methuen and Puneharu iiiBii acJiool the members ,,r Phllllpa otrele. baseball teams tor thla afternoon, ha-

KJIIRV OauHhtera, -,t the Congraga.- been postponed and will he played al church, met with Mrs. i:. A. Ar ^either Monday or Ttteaday aftern i, L-liiliiil,l Monday lilRlit. anil spent a' most enjoyable evening. i Knnxte B, owned By wmiaa. H

I'u HOLD SUPPER VN'D BALK. Hlggina and driven by H'llllam Mc- Manahan, won sixtii place In the 'J::,

The Ladles' Social union of the Uni- pacing clasa at the Rooheater fair. vefaallat ebrureh held a and FTldaV aft,rii,,,,n. In ih,- nrst heat tho acclaj nu-ting with Mrs. \v. II. Saw- horse came In third, while In the last a>r on HlKh street, Tuesdav afternoon, two heats it got liftli position, •I ne onion vojed to conduct a harveM Beginning Monday, Oct, I, the local sapper and sale ai the church hail on milk dealers a ill charge seven eenta Hampshire street, Friday evening, ooi. per rjuart for their milk. I" TTfE ,-,,nni'ln,e appoint,si tn i-iak-- — arrangement! for the affair Included Mrs. John y. Hill, Mrs G. A Lewis. LOCAL WINNINGS AT DOG SHOW. .Mrs. Isaac ''. Brown, Mrs. VV. H. Saw- • yer. Mrs. J..lia Russell, Miss Mvrt The* fnlluwlng Is a I plate list ol Blodgett, s. Wesley Voanif. Charles 11^ the local winnings al the annual ,T-u Cooper, J-,hn ,:. Low, J. Moattell Qor- show ,,i the .\i, tinea (Country club' don mal George II. Richardson. After English Betters—Class S4. Novice the hush:,,** meeting the lad lea present oipii,-. Lady Pocaliontas, engaged In aewlag for the t Ing sale. B Cl. Blonqulst, hrai prlae; class fie, Refreshments were served by Mrs. local hit, lies. Lady Pocahontas. J first Sawyer. Prize; class tX winners, bitches, Lady

At H ineetlnti of the Veteran l-'lre- leu's AsBoclatlnn, held Thuraday eva- Inc. over whhh President William H. 'olaer\ ille preside,I. 11 was voted lo

lay the in, itati-Mi I-, attend 111" lh.,,-1, - ton i.'iir mnster on the table,.


I', ata,

AHMTloNAl. TIIAIX SERVICE. Airedale Terriers—Clasa 1U4, Novlo

hltchoa, nanharton Belle, owned t>> Han Hilton, reserve; class 198, open

Methoen people are tq have addi- bitches, American bred, Ciaybrbok tional train sere !,,■ on the Boatbn ,v Fashion, owned by Mrs. Perclval Dove, Maine railroad Beglnntllg Saturday, third prize.

albert J. Wilson of Boston, formerly-fa,,., n, the theatre irain iron; Boston Boston Terriers—t'laaa !9S.' Puppies, will he nm to this town every Satur- ,lo«'s. Wedgemere Rondo, owned by .:.

,t|aSS day Tlight. Heretofore Ihe Iran l,a\- .1, Drisci.ll; highly eanon-n, ing iio.ton af 11:15 Saturday night L'H. local doga, Wedgemere Rondi has made Haverhlll its destinali"ii. Ural prlfte.

J,|,inti at l.a,\r,nre elironfe to H,

H Taylor is seriously Steccns' street.

at hi

Tuesday ' afternoon the Women'.. Soeia! union of tile i'liic ersalist church will meet willi Mrs W II. Sawyc-r, l', High street. t>, transact business and sew for a e,oning sale.

has it.

I "red Dan. who Mi ihuen rc'-iii i 'on le, . pled . poslllol ih. fiurdwarc deal"

reeently ruine ..i.l .Inn, lion,

with Staia'liti ,,f Lawrence-.

It,, \ I ,' Dor , aid and family ut i-lsitlug Mr- M K. Dorward. Stev'eni -I I . , I la \ Mi 11,-raal'd Is a retttl e,l mlsslor if> rrom Afnca. He (vaa !u , a'< o 111, !■ fi'i sei,^a! veals

Sun,I.,, will be rally day al III, Hsu. ii-i ,iiai,!i In th. morning the pnsl,- IteV Ruhefl B Flshei ii il1 preach .,. appi',,i,riale sei oi'Oi ai],l Sp I ial I ih' ,la\ exerotses will !„■ held by. 'ii sen,.,,i at 12 .,■','!,,«J! - . ' •

John Hancock lodge of Mas,, ■ eelecl llios.-^rffle-s: Edward A ,-r. W M.i-r:l'Miarles Ii. Marole, S. W. W. II Hasweli. J. W ., lieiirc N. Hal1

treasurer; llraiuille !■:. Fuss, secretary I'rederlc 1. Baratow, S. D.l w. l„ siostroivi. j D-. The Installation will take piace at the next meeting.

court i-:\e,lsior.^A. O. !' la arrang- ing IT its annual concert and hall which is to be held this season, nrol ably, as usual, In Nevlns' Mempiial hall, il'he committee aelscted to mal, Hi,, plans i,-r tie- anair la,]nd"-s ,1. V Ifurtley, Thomas Littteaon, I.'MI VVatson, Kdward 11, III

It k lauafi I T- [II li,,l,l bean -supper this evening al i ■

i, -i,l, nee ,,( Albert ■' Fish, ■■:'.< I.,, - - ,ll street. I, ,• cream will be served to , h ise who desire. Soi-pe,- will be i*-i ved men ii t,, 9 o'clock \ good a-- lellli.lll, -• IS eXfJ "led Th, .olOOlille ' ir, cnargi, tdrriprtsea fflsTeTa 1'isli. 'irt.- fiii. Mien and llarvec.

■ Try, ... u.

Following *aT" the notices

Joseph H G Wynonn. N. 11.


returued t


• Ted


Preshleal E. t',, Hnrtinan Maaaachuaetta Civic League an alii,- address before the n the -North Audover Improve

Kjlatton-. ill Stevens hall .elllllg. At the elose or ilie address, which as attentively Uatencd t,,. the sneaker ■eelved a cordial vote of thanks. President Charles Adams Appleton

ih,- asMoelatlon occupied the chair. The n,w s,i of by-laws, as presented

v tin- executive colnmftte'a was a,I,,pied. ■

The report of the treasurer, Samuel Rockwell,, showing th" organisation be in a nourishing condition, was

copied. There are now t93 nienihers. the

la'tlon. .1 .


I'h, toliowTnii orogra a was carried- t at the Johnson High school Friday;

l',, lie i. ■Fanfaf-e." iroin the eriur- 1,, Ulliain Tell,"

Rossini Mis.~ Johnson, Miss Humphrey.

What \Vi "Id you c ill It? Miss Glover.

Discontent. M ISM hearaort;

National Greatness, George Barker.

\ Steria al Sea. Miss Viay Smith.

The SI. cping Beaut v. Miss Sullivan.

Vocal Trio. "The Oars \re Flushing Lightly.''

Girls In,in Freshman class. . Amelican Flag.

ciaranc, Farnufn, Burial of so John Moore,

Miss Murphy • Problem of Self-Qovernmenf,

Raymond Towne. Al Ben Adam,

Miss Run,II,it Piano I t. from a Sympnony,

Mills Rea. Miss KnowleS.

Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Pickles of Manchester, N .H.. are visiting at the residence of John Pickles, his brother,

sin,,ii 'street.

Daniel A. Carleton of Trcmonl V[ai- ivy farur., pur-dnaaed m cawa al Brighton the other day.

Rehearsals are being h, 1,1 We la, s av and Friday alien.,K,as at :i.J 'clock in Stevens hall, for the i dv. "Me and oils." i,, be preaented l, he senior- of the Johnson High soli.,,,

B. W. dent, is

Ctirrlr quite

i former Parish I in Methuen.


ni-on. Da< id ' Id lligninl

■ SlKO'kletoil.

•raven. , ,in. Join


oslnia .Mack

n W,

Reed. Ar


a ill hi ting of the C onnill, " held

7•■rhili. Hereafter, or siter Otft. 13, th*- w. t\ Zanders was among the Ar .miu will run through to Manchester, rinrer. people who attended the R< N. it., every Saturday night. The train chwtpr fair. rt-IH arrive in .Methuen uboui HTZD fui.l .\ll;in Hinton aii.hd another troph

ii leave passengers, It toill to his ajready large number, wh»n I: stops Hi Halem, N. H., nn.i Uiih-il H fox In the vicinity >if Martin's

iNrrv, X II. pi'inl, Friday. | Candidates for the P, A. baseball

th ■ team were called out for fall practice I'onKrejriUloniii eiiun h Cm the re- Friday afternoon, inaiiuler of.the week; Thursday, annu- Mr. and .Mrs. Prank Ward leave al donation party In.old ,of the Wood (own next Wednesday for Monterey. Home for.Aged People; Friday, 3 i*. fain, where they wlll/feside In the in,, ttjeetlng of Ladles' Mission" future. «rv seelety in the ladles' parlor, 7:30,1 teachers' meeting will be held in tie- ladies parlor, lull atUpdance beln.r] Alluu Hlntun shoi another ros desired: Saturday, 2: ::»i. Junior King's Tuci day ,morning rtiurtli after Daughters w ill meel In [he tadUm ."o'clock I-at-l.T subject. "Comradeship Wlthl ltal,;'|-. the -[,,r hall l.ael; o ! last Christ." Romans, 8-81-88. trader, MI«H vmr'* Law r. nee\ ill.- eleven, rejiortcd Kuith nplilsmlth. Sunday m vt, thy an-' ut BhlUipa acadcim EoutbalJ practice nual offering for the American Kdttcav Tuesday aftern i. having passed iu- (ion society will l" taken alter th- , ntranci exaiuinatldni, earlier In t morning Sermotf. Ai 6 o'clock the reg* day. if-- <■; ■ i>. Andover on socou nlar evening sen-Ice will be rcsuiped, i ol ih< football al Lawrenrevllle b.-i

■ I all IIIMIII d for the remainder of the v.- Rose VIma Bourgeois, mi.on child ..]. Hecuuni ul Ihe death wf Hi.- captu

of Euclitie and Hose BOUTgeola, dluij ■" •! ill- .t.'\.n Ii i-: i'.p..fli •! Ih-il IW- the 1'ii'iiv home, ISI School sir- -■;. ' ..r.,i i,i„fi member* n| the tfam will Pnriul t iok plaei- Tu.-sday \n ih^- Iftt'i enter urbool. maculate t'onceptlon cemetery. j' Audover e-mhcll, k. ol <'.. will ■■

ducJ -.\ Krand haaar In th> TOM n t . rapt. George lirlat?" and wife, of ijeginnlni

Benjamin |,V11I1. lutW. ,.,,,, n.,| the N ■

superintendent, presided over the la tereatlng exercises.


The Tlgsri of MethUM defeated the Rambler*, Saturday afternoon, on the, Qrogan grounds, E to o.

Next Saturday the latter play the Ettversldea ul i,awr*-uve on the Orogan


of the harvest supper, to Penelope Ftabekah lodge,

is been changed to Prida

'Ih. leas! ..C St. Mtehu.l* patronal saint <>r the loeal Catholic ehureh.-wag rtttlngly observed here, Bunday, Rev. l-'r, J. »'. Burns delivering un appro- priate sermon.

.Mrs. Frank Tlsdale and Mis. MobeJ,, left todaj for trii> ihrougli different parts York state.

daughter, a week's

of New

a I ca is run io Methuer arter Ihe secund annual asHembly n] the North Andovet drum corps, To fit held In Merrlmack hail. Friday even. ins;. Oct liii. i'IIrran s orchestra tl I- Curnlsh music.

Mlas C A. French and maid hgVi returned to Cocblchewttk farm, in iht River district, from a trip abroad.

John Duncan of New Haven, <*onn. W spending a week's vacation at the r>■-i.11■iiirI'TT hIM moThT"r;~MrsT"Robert

Ray Nell, who underwent a surgical operation tin- other day, at tHe Law- rence General hospital, is convalescing.

Miss Clara C. QUe and Miss Tina UtUeflel 1 have returned from a ,va.-u. I4«n of several weeks, paftaed in Caff- a da.

Thus. A. Johns of Lynn is risking ar the rrsidenr.- nt his pan-nts. Mr and Mrs. Thomas John*»n.

Robert Clapperton lias removed from Btevens Village to River Vleiv street,

Letters for the Allowing parties are unclaimed at the Parish postof- Rce Mrs. J M, ''i rrter, .Miss 0. K. Thomson, Mrs. Ernest Young. -

Officer James M. fralg took part in the exercises, Saturday evening, in connect Inn with the institution of a new Good Templars lodge in Ames- bury.

Joseph ■tii't'-uwi.oil wh» hmt fibarge of a 'Vetting up" crew from the Lowell machine shop, ha- a*rtved home from u business and pleasure trip ol several months in England, Scotland, -France ami Germany.

The Amor> dub of Lawrence, In which Bernard Alhrecht Is lefl end, pbiyed the <'r--sc.-nts of Methuen i Me game, Saturday alternoon. on the Plays'.ad in that city.

Harry inn is reported In a i omfor- labte condlfjon at the Lawrence Gen- eral hdspTtal.

Hiram u. Mosslah. drlver-td the Fuller farm milk route, is attending ">'■ evening sessions of the Lawrence Coin- nerclal schodl,

rnxhloii Taylor-Wed Sam Scull yon, Tewksbury's hired

ni«n Lawrle Carej Betty Tewftsbury, Otis' daughter Miss Mildred M. Jost

Florence Follett, Betty'* city friend Miss Harriet Blxby

Roailla Tewksbury, wife of otia and head ol the family - hftsa Virginia Bryani

Sophronln Buggies, Frances' maiden au,lt Miss Alice I. KIIK

Mrs. Joseph A. I bind Is ill luune, on Water street.

it IPT

The Fben Suttons meet next \lon- day and the < 'ochichtwlclw the tullota - ing .night.

Mllllcani Bejinetl BtaniHald of At, klnson; N. H.. is passing u w(^ tR the residence of h,.r grandparents Mj and Mrs. John F. Bennett, Elm street!

The odlcers-elect of Bradstreei onv, U. tl. P. F., are to be IBSU,„ Monday evening. Oct. U.

■ Th.- Misses lona and Clara Lake re- turned, today from a month's trip tc

Contractor i» J. Coatellp has returned from u trip to Nan York city.

George F. Fraaer and family, re- moved, H'.lay. from Uit Secund sUe-t to lt^3 Main street.

Rhetorleals at the Johnson Hid. Mchool. Friday. "

cream pies and cream cakes, fresh every day, may be found at Relnhold Scholz's haker\, 11 Second street.

Meeting of the Congragathmar sen-- Ing seheifl. Saturday afternoon, . jii,., I gg ..eiiH-k, in the raatry;—~* —~

uiK- Men's Catholic assoi U- iiH-i-i on OcT 7.

Tin- Yu tion is in



1*he unanimous nomination of Ghalr- man James C. Com- pf the board of selectmen for county commissioner, ai the Republican convention, in Dan- \i rs, Tuesday evening, was received w-<U-h—;u4v+Tsai■■■ siat^th'HtitHY bsr bis !■-- ttion ol friimls, among all partita, Iti this vicinity.

He win be elected, and he will, brim; to the discharge of the duties ut that Important position first class executive ability, absolute tldeliu to duty an I fugged honesty.—

The -odcoc iison . inliiT

open s.-as-.t! for partridge and ■ting is in order, The

le pheasants begins No- ontl OIK'


luring > ictoiie

nonth, whit h Is e tn tl' ath.di.

Mi Frank S, t and Mrs

11., ale til-

Jenl ■ n l-i

.-ii. Ill Ike ■^t r Bt.

Ralh . Kfrclsi i will be h'ld ,i i Kbeneyet*) Prtmitlt.

Methodist church on C'a.rleton - ni Sunday ' '•• p Secret at * Murray ol p,i ;M. ,,I v M c A , w ill be the sp**Hel .


at tin- home .if Mr Dennlson on Ar- nold Kireet Tuesday night. Tickets H un i.-r lie- fiili-rlainm.-nt t" be gtWfl

liv lh>' r.i'iooiis Hlacb l»yke hand. "ri 11. and ran !•• obtalnwl from I »a\ Ld ('raven,' Charles Bruadbenl rfiid l:M - e.ard Connors, °

The officers of M«thu< n gsange, P. of H I.'II.MI— d* Ih.- d.-Ki.-r -Aurk M..H-

^ evening. ■'! the Orange hail. The -t mi! «.<•■ .iiil degrees Will la- eoii- rrd ai ih' ie \t meeiliig, which wtH

Urn ulway.

-. m.iM

sins home Tin regular meeting of the Abbu t CH!a-r:i- Mothiis' clol. AHI be h.-ld I 1 'In- IniH.iii Ridge sel i k-tndergart<

Mrs. John Cgdcn •■' 56 Second stree arrived home on the Cunarder Ivor- uia the other day,- from a fou months' trip to ESngtand and Bcoi land.

Master James Powers "f Medford • vhilting ,n th.' residence of his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. .1 M. Miller.

Daniel D. McDufflc is convalescing front his recent I lines"?.

Miss Mary Haslffl&rick Sutton >.-■ Blimes h. r Hdidles ai Mi:.-: Fathering A. Aikeii s private school, Stamford

■mi . Wednesday, after ihe ttummoi cation.

The ilrst lncetlnx of thtf.Junior Al- liance for the season \> ill take place in the tdd Xortli parsonage, Saturday aftet noon nl 3 o'clock.

Tie- condition at H. W, Currier, a former Parish resident, who is ijulto ill :.t his home in Methuen. i* reported as about the sain.-.

Edward Mac kit tiul family of ::r Whil' Kiov k,i\r r.-inoved toL.o\.-il.

Rev, and Mrs. James llichmon i and i-liildre-fi, Esther and Philip, .of W 11 - in.un. N. H. are visiting al th-- \l !■: parsonage. Th Mrsl najn.-d is a broth? ■ i "t .\iis Sanderson.

Ml* A. S. K.-II.'V. who has l„„ , •(pending several weeks ai the real**

ice ol her daughter. Mra. S. I). Hlnxman Railr i avenue, returned, today, i" her h in Danv.ersport,

lally dedicated to IP-- Ble>sed \ Irgln .Mary in tin- < 'ath.di. calendar, the rosary and prayer lo St Joseph will he recited al the masses and at ben- ediction in St. Michael's church.

Dr. Stanlej C Xeales and famlh have removed from Middlesex street tn South Lawranoi

u. v John Cotton Ekrooks, rector ot c.hrisi ehureJir*saned during the past week for a sl\ months' dtp abroad.— Springfield Republican'

The atate hoard u£^ railroad com- missioners have received petitions from tin- l l.i\ .-ti.iii & Boxfyrd and Mupli - world & Oanvers Street Railway com- panies asking for an extension of th-- corporate franchises' of these two- roads which are soon ''■ expire. *•

Tin-, annual convention kil the Ease's t'ourify Teachers' association will i" held later than usual, this year, h\ two weeks it will take place in Pea- body Town hall, Friday, N'ov. 2,




The fall millinery opening of jfctbw Elisabeth McAtoon, ;<ti Second street, attracted B large number1 St patrons;

The beautiful display of fall and winter styles, in the latest and moid fashionable lines, .>i ladles, misses anil hlidrenS millinery, was greatly ail nirwl by those who called .and th-" repressed their high appreciation of

tin- spli'iullil array.

uFl'l'Kit ,I.\M1'S M CRAW A PROMINENT F.-M'TiiK.

At the Institution of a Good Temp- ar lodgi. in Ameabnry, the other ■v-enhtj-7-'tiiniUKb the efforts of Officer

James M, I'I-HIK. chief templar of M< I■- rlniack Valley District lodge, he was on-1 of the, principal speakers at a notable gathering of prominent officials of the order.

Ofhcar Craig, who presided, said, in suoataA&e.

After alluding to his 18 y. ars' con- nection with the order, he cdnstdercd the work thgw it had been, doing along temperance lines, as well a* what H was still doing. H- had found the order a great blessing to him. t.-i it hail been the means of not onl; turning him from a downward cours through intemperance, but had k--:-1

htrn tiles.' \s years a good citizen. He desired to sa> to all sons of Temper- ance members that the order wa*t no antagonistic to that body of temper* nnoe workers, bul working hand In hand with it. Hoth organizations un- doing like work and should always be in harmony »iili each other."

The idea of forming a football eleven the Johnson high school has been


John Duncan of New Haven, Cunn uho la visiting here, spent Mondaj an Tuesday in Boston.

Alfred 8. Sanford and (amity, of tl Centre, have returned from a fort- night's vacation iji Nova Scotia,

e Kdward Botver hipL imws 3 bumlaj afi m .. Kirk «tree( ,., ,i,„ ,-,..,., .,.|h. t,n,Jtflm, delegates rt'vuj ihb

i occupied b> siipt. »fj .,nvrl .,,,. ,„,,.,, ,,U|||, 1.,,iU,.ll, Brack, at la 1-2 Central held in Danvera.. Ttiestlas (ieorge I.

| riinil'.iui. Qaurge A [iiggins VVall ' H laid ami i ;.-o it- L. Aj -till \\ d-

,-Htmt-.** Knov. ..i ihi- I.-VMI made lie is- visit ift.j her BSttgntcr; Mrs, Josbna, nnmlnallng «l ch t, r the winning

ndl late, .lam. s i'. Poor of

l« III

Mi- ll




FoSH -.1' Kadn lUghti r.

!i for a few daj

Em ions ,\

• ■I.l Thurs 1.,

th i Xorrls


i.s.vrn OF li. T

Charle* H T Maim, one "f W thuen1! h- si kn-iwn rilizeiis. dedM-.M- ,1 ,v murplng al Ins home. K3 Fr- stu-.-t. For spine time Mr. Maun hud i,. en suffering from heart troi Id Sunday he remain.-d in liis ruoua futs:- Inn Miii.M-d a never* attack »« day th- was taken s idd*-nl3 w .■.,1 u (his morning and t» fyr* mei

^ .-nuiii be Mimionii'Ml [ie 1

the delh Laurence Supply vhlch Norrls fliclM- 11. (' .it mjl strHggles, kicked i.. [us in.' kneecai Henri wound. The clan were requlr Norrls uiM be H ti.-s in a ."few da

i fro\ e >lri ii.-nt Monday whih y wagon of in. unipiinv. The hor*M i dri\ Ing becairn

•■l-i.-. i and in lib irrls on the leg

i'ldi- ling an tlgly services of H

tii dress the |,:i,.i-


..II.III', of naklunil In .M-'lr,,^,'.

.tr,l K l',rr\' mil , nf l,,.„,|l, ajWnl

K. f-.irni'tu,i.l ,,i

,. ,ii r.r,„iilu;i tunallltln,

la aerl,,

,n,KV. Mr. Maim »n» hufn 111 AlllMi'li, « ,. r, nil- -Mi" kin i". I

MI "■' •■

., .\i, ili'i,n u u-ii \TA> \,.,uini iiii.l It."I ,-vrr ulnce until,' lil- home li--r-- Kur ■' |..UK tin,,. li,,.>'i'\,'i'.' lie aiaa ,'ii«.,a"'l

, lh a,, ..un'.,,ii In f;,,si,,ii. H. nil i"<l M iHi Hi- I' a S. 'l-'r,_,s, dry - IM cdmm&iHlon "itouttp'. fir. S*v(*ral , ,.„rs rn,I J",,, '.'" > eara w aa with Ira. i uiriiiiii,-, flfnale c party. H- t-tt tha , ,,,. : ,..,:■ |.:,i,\ ; I i,. | - 3 - > ult'-tn: -i^lit , ,.,, . ,.,, ■,. , ,. .1 .,,■.. ,,,.,

i in,I iii'- ii-i,'. II- iv;,- i\ell known ,.i ,t-tfli.-|,lv I-,|.,.,i,',l and 111- ,l,--,ill

tii'ii'i'. . sra

VValtilc, dsltlni h-i

n ,',, iii.i,.\. i,tk iii i- iti,i,..]'s (units utore.-jtntf Mra. nm ir,- .ill. n,liiii: the l',u„l in Boat,

Mrs II T I, i -un,- atreet -ialliitg—In Brlnklow. Mil.

'I'll- annHtfl han ,-i aaripi i rrrc the direction ,,i ill- ,'1 rful i\*,.i k< « ii-i night in the Bapl vi-ylrv. Su|ii„-r \,lll l„ s,r\.,I ir. •: :,» ui H ,i,ii.,'i, .in orcheatra w iiinii-li IIIUKI. while aiinpcr Is l,,-i

la oonllnetl to lilai Th„ S|„ ,„„,„ ,,, Tl„mjri._ .,., """ '"' »t'»g1 '" I,„II Hum arrived In t.»vn nn

' i rain" 'i'ii"5,l,iv ev'eninK, ami l-Klilli; i. Ill: Hi, I' Ai ,1 lie il,. i ■. i„'l,l. un, .ui, rn,, a.

II. W. Klim .m,i i.'iriiK ,,' ■ 'I" hm cuiiie.l Prof rt" MonieheMd,-a holtae I Iii- atim

, Mini toilM Mra. Margare, Taylor, ils-tl ",l ut Ii, r li-iii- in rrve Vilki .)'. ",-l. 1.

ii* in,,i Laal in, ii :i pile of tin.> maty tin il penel

■de k *


, -i,

i:. -,-ii., .111,1.1.1

!• -,i

Tl' ll|,|l|T Ki'.t.I-s ,,! til- Kiniliiill school t,,,ik „ pleaaanl trip, the other lin. ii iih thejr t'-ni'li-i'. Mi,s Vlolel A.

I '.it, - |., til" I i- f'Uil'la,', .,11,1 \\'int'-li, ntii caatle.

I'm.TV HiH'its n;:\, Tli iN.

i ommixHloner Oll.c la conatrnctinB concrete aldewAHc ,,n Main atreet. t'r,.... tli- inrii'T 'itM-Triiini-h street, tli-li," through ''li'ii'ili -ti— t i.. \v,i!..r -it,.t The n-ork is being 'I by Smith Blngham ,i| l-,iivr,.n,-.

\,M .-iiii,li,y. .it th,- I,, i" Mil.,,;,' muss, tl'- forty in,in-.- devotion begin-, lh St. .\'Uliii-ls church.

It mil H'l,,s, tli- i,,ll,,,, ii\k rneaday mornlngi.wlth a liiuli muss ut T.i'.n o'clock

,v number of of mil of l,n, n urteata .11- 1" i-si-l lh. isislnf ini) ||1- us Slstillll.

. A largo alii ml in,, of Hi- parlah- i.,n,i- I- diatieit is |,i,i 11,- i|,;i i,- in Mi- llions practice; •

Any A. !•' KIPK. Jrf- chairman :

the achool committee, prealaed yj meeting of the achool c nittae, h-l-1 Tn, -'I.,! afternoon al the Merrin - si'l .ml .V, hnalneaa nf public lllti'i- ' un. transacted.

I'mii further notice tli- ■ to meet r<>r reheuraui

1 "tlitlK nl each week.

.His, Qertrude t,, trie Phllllpa :i:n liarbor.

Brooka ha innsi- from

HKXKY ,<N"\\ .l-.s UlfAVVN TO sniyi: "X fill: .I.'IIY.

11\ ,,ii

i.-a I A Hox "iis found. Snmlm. 1

rlelei t i Poor'a place and .l.ini-s I'iiiii-itin, .- r, -i,I, iii',-. iii ih.- I;'i, . illstri-t. The ,,,i!i-i -nil have tn- MUM

in- applying n ,'M-r of Police rieorg n. Mi/.-i. =....- i rn, troi property:


RulU IT,

si'NliYY AT I IJEH ~W »—1 Illlli'll



InlK rtunduv "iis, ol ■-■ church Sunday si I'll.Hi; M i'\ 1. . Sun-In> loulnjj program mis


■it.Hi I It. I.., lb


ooney are camptng i„ nli.i ,i,,,„ls, iii the i-' Tiny .ir.' paaalng ;h-

and Freeman a few il.ii s In

rnh.nn di.-trli'.' time gunning,

■ge I". ^argent Rangor, Me;

Is vi.-ilin:

.Mm,,!.i, evening. VV s drawn ui aerve .i

tli, October term of iii

Henry Knotrl,* s ;i juryman ui

Hupcrlor court

THRU W \ 11 i' A'llNtl Tl

Tre liBlitl

i. iiiiriis ac-rvaJ


- anil Ii, nag llu


Ti,. lulu-,,- nt iii- railj ii,,, .ii- ervapce of tli- l Ml N,,,tli Bundaa , I Kaa ,1 -ni,r- linn ,,r the ,-r,iiii-


I:, in ..I Nova St daughter, Mis- n

• i-iis str—l

John 'I'-iin-v ret' ... Wash., iiii-i eeka In town.


\,l,li-ss "Three N'-ii The our' . !■' A U'i:.-

AimfrSs. "Ttre-rhi..ii Siindu: ■•I T...I.I, I Si,|,t i" !' Pa I mi

\ ii-1

The in, , - M flrahiim deal h'nh ; r.-iliiti.

thanka ills


' late .Miss Blanch. I nowledge thell nil return th.-iv sin

titlV fnl UIK Hi'li .Itirllia I,"

■In.I, I,, -ssimis

• ling • Ink,


will I,,

JOHNSON limit -l'i!A,rn!Ni:

,f ihe llitl.i- place I'm-s-

ingregational .mil evening

In charge of i, III, Il .In,lit,



lt.s.'U,'. Inilh-,-. I. i. I!. T. Il-J.1 ' -lull;. Tn,'s,li,\' evening, t'lli-l I', ii-

I'lnr lt,ir|,i,' K N-lsmi In tli- ilinii' Visit,,i-s rrom Merrlmack Valley

lodge, Haverhlll. Good II- f "i; ■ i f II,'f. nmi liiiiilim; Star and Bronl,

lo<lg.,Bi \l-iliii-iii were in Qttendane,' Two iirnpn.sitlotis for iminl,ii-l

were received. Ii HIS ini —i t,, nil,, a supper . n

.-nl.T-iii llliii.-tlt ,,|l Suliinliiv ,'!■•,in: Nov. Hi.

The next I ting "f tl ';;.,)],-,'- i,,ii is in be In Id ,,n Hi. 1,1

The offer of Mra. t'atherlne , ,-- ' lodge d, niil.y. t,, iir-s-ni a gTuTl I pin tn the parly bringing In the larx -si number of n-n memb*'ra i. -i ■ .i ■ ■ tl;- Insi n tine, in January, wua an II,nun ,,l.

Miss rani,. Hiek-i ,,l P.irlamoull x I- is apendlng ;, rurtnlglit'a -• cation nl The lltltl,,n\l..nils, tile 1-si- ll- tu t ii.'.,!-,. t: I'll,,'in i-k III tie River district.

i-uli reavement; ;,ls,,. for iii- nunw-roua beautiful li,>ri,l offeringa it Ihe fun-ral. Til, ' 1,-11,1, I- ii„'iii,,ri,s ,,l Iii- Ili,,m;lil- ml kindnesses will always be denrlj ili-ilsh, ,l

N,, Andover, Sepl '-'-'. I!i"'l

|i\v IA1TH THK "I.l III si wnxy si llniil,.

sii—.-ssiiii ohaervance ., Siimiays s-s

tunday s* hn I ih,. ill.l Nnrlli aig-iil. Ill- inn ly -,-lt,,

ih. are in i -y-lv ;,t presentation of "Me

.1,.h,\aan liis'

'•Jack", .,i,,i in,, longing, i

in ill.

uirectionaie. lute Ig- black

Harry Smith. in the I'.MNII.I Tin s.l.iv. by i ddleton .v nm is an l-aiMi In

M 111.- l-'nnlk- i iiisii'i-i. was

till 11. I'u rn


I reparln

glnal . .iii-i.ili. in four ints. to be liivii in Si.v-ns hall f'l'f'l.i.i -I'iilng, N'.-i. »d.

The I'-SI of - hniai t.fs Is as f,,ll,,ws: Dick Davis, a -'ikl-nt ,t Hale ->,l-

lege rond ,,l roWball and glrla, Philip M. Hamilton

it\ i mi \i.ii., fit., ■ Thornton. Ida i mati mil rond nf football .,,' s|ils ; Harold Leltcl

otla T.ivksl. iry. ,,l I'-i'kiiisi in,.. Betty', fathi i- ■ ■ floorgo f. iii-k-i

1 I,! Ii .-I tin I l,t.—II,. will'II Tire—n-T—II-, when—Hi'- -

Travel" ,. ill be gin II Iii Mrs. A. R. II,,li. Mra ' ■ w Paul and Mi's -: K VV ry Mrs. Walter 11 Hayes Bill havaeaharga of the mwdalaJ ptwgr'mi

Joseph Din,t of l;,,th,'.say. N R, wim haa i—a vlaltlng bis bnnher-ln- l.m Miilliin- I .Mini nl l.'l Kit. r xlei utreet. ha. accepted a position with M. .1. Mali,HIM , tin undertaker.

eglal old il \\',',l!

Wall Paper and Curtains Set th« Thousands of New Designs That Have Just Arrived at

Ball «ft Mullen's 2J7 ESSEX STREET.




NEW DESIGNS. Opposite Byron Truell Co. NEW DESIGNS.

New Designs in

Picture Frames JUST RECEIVED.


Geo. Clayton, STREET NEW DESIGNS. Opposite Byron Truell Co. NEW DESIGNS.


Anniversary ...5316...


Thornton Brothers




Business Men FOR




All kinds "i excavating, brick ami

Sinn,, mason work. Sewer work a

specialty. -.". years experience.



Ii the time i" select your JEW- ELRY. \\v liavo some new designs in Bracelets, Hair Pins; Brooches, Collarettes and Chains. These are 'M now-, of iia- latest models., un- til- look in, in ,,i, r, Right prices.



a RA.UPNER-John ST. G*aupner, of IT5 KnrnhiiTn ."tivet, psssfd aw«y Tin s.liiy at Concord, Mass. The ile- n>aped was a native of (his city ami

25 years, nine months and 21 day .!(!. j

He was the son of Charles H., ami Sarah and leave's a * Ife. A brother, Albert-, also survives. He was employed as a i-ierk.

The funeral nervier* were held a; 1ft Parnham street »t 2 o'clock this afl moon. Rev. Bernard C. Bowaer c»T- tldated. Burial wa« in Bellavue ceme-

in'WIK-Jaiiie.s Hotwie. u Ions time r. — i-1. in "I' chla city, passed mray We,i- ri.'siiay after a prolonged illness cuuseii by a stroke of p&mlytl*. The deceased w as borri In ' Qlasgijw, Scotland, til

hgu and when a young man came i . America, locating ilm at Montreal, l' Q. beavtrrg Montreal, he carrre to Boston and remained for a time, after w hi. h he located With his family in this city, He passed an active and use- mi niv. His ts mourned by thrap fctms and two daughters, nam-Rv: 8am- nel and Alexander "-, oif tins . ity. Robert of Boston and the Ml-sses ESdna and Lillian ..1' this city.

The funeral wHl take place frotn the Imme of his ion. fUexatfder 0. Bowie, 1!«3 (hinlen si ret I. at 2 o'clock l-'i i.l:i> and will he private. Burial Will be In Itellevue cemetery.

ElTTltlrfa Mnry ffiltm ' Hirrna, i tllfwti Wednesday nitfht at the family home, r. Methuvti street, n^ed two weeks. Slit- was the Child of James and Delia Burns, Tiie funeral was held today ami Interment was in the Immaculate I'mi- ceptlon cemetery.


MUSK >W-Julius, child of Joseph and Victory MuttqWi died yesterday

i;,ru i no,in at the home of his parents, :;0 \ ll-n strtet. uned one year and six months, Tiic funeral took place this afternoon in the immaculate Concep linn (eineti ry.

1H.XM.SUN Leonard R., child of Roberl and Mabel Dennlson, died at

I CJI Kssex street last night, aged isso. 'months. Burial was in Bellevue came* I tei'.v lids afternoon.

TH iWIIC-Jamis Bowie died at the j Cottage hospital, yesterday atfed Hi 'years, Deceased was a .native ot Scot- land, hut* mad.- this city his home. lie leaves IWO Sons. Tile funeral Will be htld Friday. Interment will take ,.!,!,,. in \;, ii, \ur cemctry.



A very pretty and stylish wedding oocurred ut st. Mary* church w«l- nesday afiernoon ai .'. o'clock, when Miss Catherine Magulre, daughter- ■>*■ Mr. and Mrs.*Janapn Magutre ol 394 Lawrenee street- and >sister of Mra. Patrick J. Hennessey, wife, of the su- perintendent .»t tiie public property depa H m*-nt,-wa.s unlf-Ml—in—rrre—rrrrhr bonds ol matrimony to John A. Plan- hagfifl yj li'I" llroaduuy, a furtmnp ,,:i the public property department,

A large number of relatives ami friends of the happy couplti weiv ai tin- ehui'li to witness th. eoremony which was performed by Melvenna ol SI. Mary's Njfcleli. Mis.s ArtrrtF AVhalen of Hawu the maid-of-honor, Jame 'i brother of ihe bride aeiedNys n-i man. The bride was haiulsuiiie Hied in ti wliiit- Hilk dress wiihVrhh hahv lace trimmingH and cat ried large bouquef of bride's roses, Tli bridesmaid also wore white- silk ami carried pinks. Both wore picture bat.

The happy etui pie were Bhoweie with rkSc up'in l«a\ ins 'he eliuicl

I'ricnds Fwere present from Bostoi Lowell Springfield, Mass. Man distinguished guests attended the re ceptlon v\iiiiii was held'at the borne u the bride, ZM Lawrence street

Mi. and Mrs. Flannagan \\eie th recipients of many valuable and use- ful wedding gifts Including silver, cu rilass and chin i.

Mr. ami .Mrs. Plannagan lift on tie B:l. train Weilnesdaj' evening for ai * xtended wedding tour through N.-v York and will return home by way of the Great Lakes in Michigan. Tin will he home in friends at ;',!» Lcxlnjr- street after November


■ddln - the scene

,,i | o-ch. .. PU mm .Marv

Mrs. Charlei

st. Mary's < another prett Wednesday evening, L, i'liinf. daughter uf Prince or 2is» Park married to Waiter J. Cantwell l Dorchester sheet. South Lawrence. st>ii of tie late superintendent at K. 1- Lewis' null.

The ceremony was performed b.\ tftfl Het'. Kr. Melvenna oX St. Mary's.

Miss Helen F. Prince of Don li a <>W.'r of the bride was the maid-of- BOBOP;- Ma-ltiiv—t^witvy-iUiUui—iu Itx^iL man. Tile bride WOWS a steel colored silk dress with pJetur*) bat and carried bridal roses. The bridesmaid was at tired in a blue silk dress with pictur hat and carried tea r->ses. A reeeplion was held at the home of Ihe bride's mother, 219 Pdrk street, alter t1' t erenimiy. The couple received many hands..n ic gifts, A targe, number at- tended tht.' reception. .

Mr. ami Mrs. Cant wall left on the :\:;n i rain for a short wedding tonir bind will lie home to friends after Octo- ber li>th at 2ht Turk street, * .


CM. Lamprey to be Appointed Head ol Evening Schools

of Boston

Charles M;* Lamprey, formerly prin cipal of the Packard school in .South Lawrence, but now one of the teach ers at the Mechanic Ans Hi^h DchOOl in I'.oston^is slated by the scliool coin mlttee of Boston for the position 0 supervisor ut the evening schoolw o Huston, a position recently created' li an effprt to increase tin- auiiai.ui <■ ;■ the night sessions. Mr. Lamprey i .mother of the comparatively lar«. Dumber of masters who went from this city to Boston and "made good" tr that far famed' educational center. Mi Lamprey-' is. married to a- Lawrejic< Kill, whose maiden name was Mlsi Mabel Murray. She is the daughter •> lainu^^HaiT-jy, oiu. of iht; nlerrkn at lh> loi i! postofflce.

The tiiiiicuity of obtaining satlsfac- ...i\ !e.ieiiei-s Is t lie resibH advanced by the schbol authorities for the tact there has been practically no growth in the H-i-imi evening schools since iii.f-v were established, over thirty yars ago. The day school attendance lias mure than duuhled since IXZi. the , ,-veM.iK s,| s In IMS had but 200^ more pupils than when they were es- tablished in 1872. -—These, are the .raUier, supilslng sla- ttstlcs gleamed from one bf the charts In the -?tith aniuml rer)'>rt uf ilie sirp- erintehdent of publte schools or the Clt> Ol HoSlon, Hist Issue.l by Sirattoll i>, itrooUs. This stagnancy of ih« eveft* inn school system of the Hub, the city nvhlch boasts U possesses the beat

1 system in the world, has reached the liinli^-a^cordiiiK to Chairman Jim a. Storrow of tin.- school hoard.

"The present school h'-ard." said Mr. Shurow to>a reporter yesterday, "has considered very seriously tiie unsjuis I.I tory state of affairs in the eveniiu: schools, and I think \*f liave discovered the remedy in our decision to create the new position of 'supervisor -it




Will Be Formed

Friday Evening AT


One of the prettieaf weddings thai has oocurred m the Arlington dlatrli t for some time past t""k place ill St. Mary's church at 7 o'clock, Wednesday eyenlng, when Miss Catherine Mui- woney, daughter of Mrs; Bridget Mul- wonev of 10 Bromflsld street, waa united in the holy bonds of niaiii- monv to Janes Quiiui of lit" Walnut Htreet. MlhS May Josephine Oolden o 10 Bromfield street was the mald-of honor. Thomaa yuinu. a brother of the Kroom acted as best man. The blush line bride was handsomely atHr.-d in a

OTAT-TVAV Sullivan a well white silk dress with Irish baby 'a. MLIJ\AN .Lims Suil^m. ft WJJI ^ ,( ^^

Sav\.>daya? the home Sf W.'^uSl of initial ro*es Th,- brideaoald wa \. \ ,-x Mhe-i ;.s HDrina- aitlrcd in u white batiste dress am

vl years He!carried pinks. Many relatives an, I friends ol the happy couple gather, i

selir.ols." The nominal |i this position has been laid on th and will undoubtedly be confirm* ihe next meeting] <»f frhe board. siiper\ isioii of trie teachers can not hut Improve the instructors, and that means the Improwmeni of Hie entire evening school system."

Though It Is said the fact that the evening si Bool attendance is not com- pUlsory. while it is wiih day sebinrls, Is pne Of the bin reasons why the lines of growth on the chart are so diverg- ent; the School Officials declare the principal reason lies with the teacheas i llemsi Ives.

MOf course it i.- obviously out of tie uiiesi i, HI to ask our excel lent dOJ scho.d teachers to leach in the evening ami «,i we have to depend upon stinL ems, young lawyers and the like for uur evuiiiiiK. |Cj 1 teaching f^on c." saiti one of the board.

"The guidance and counsel of the new supervisor should s i greatly Im- prove ttufl efficiency- of the teachers, .iiid that means tiie schools are sure to grow as they should."

Hut twice since lv"'i has there been a decline iii the attendance of in- Boston day schools: this was in '6S and ';a. Since 1SB8 ihe increase is rep- resented by a straight tine. Yet the ev- ening s-l K which started in 1^.1.'. with tiuno odil pupils, at once.began to decline, and not until ':■:: did the attendance pass the G0OQ mark, i:\en up to the point covered by Superin- tendent Brooks' report the attendance has only in. leased SOOfl over that Df <|0 v« ais ago.

Charles U. Lamprey, now conn, ted rtlffi lln- M" bxmtC Arts lliuli, I - th* man who has been elated for the new supervisor.

■ i na>, made a careful studs al e% enlng schools." said Mr. Lamprey t i a repOXter, when interviewed in hi- tlass room yesterday, "nut until I am actually appointed l h«d rather not make ans utatein, nt. I kn.-.^' the even- jnK schools have not had a n -inwili. In:.! 1 think we will SO' ;e chanue.

HOME GOSSIP Kx-Alderman Andrew A. Caffrey

and John XV. Duffy attended the,Brock- ton fulr Tuesday.

Miss Martha Sweeney has returned after haying aii extended trip through Northern New York and the Adlron- dacks.

M. S- O'Brien of this city, gradual* of ""Dartmouth, 'Ol, has entered Har

Mattle w F. Carney has Tufts denial college.

Mrs. p, K. Holmes hus gone oil a t-»-i k excursion trip to Sarattigu, X.

nines, who was Annapolis is

Mr. and Mrs. George S. COUCH : t Inline from a vacation spent 'itlslleld. X. li.

has returned t<- months spent a:.

Mrs. i„. j. Leper Lawrence after four Luke Pleasant.

Grant Sherman of tin- 1'. S. Train- ing ship Knterprise. Is visiting at the home of his mother on Bruce street.

Mrs. I'red t'rvssk-v, the pCnaldl DJ ol the local W. C, T. I"., will attend the siatij eoiivciiilon at Woroeeter today and tomorrow. '•

J. Henry Reynolds "f Lowell utreet has returned frojn Milton. Vt., where he has been spending a few weeks1 at the home of liis brother.

Mr. and Mrs. S. .)'. Bnell have re- turned from a vlsll to' their son, Rev, A. L. Sn-11. pastor of thfi first llaptlsl

^'ilehllurt4r• btt»l Sumlav Sept. 80th, the BJbla school celebrated their T.'ith anniversarv. Deacon S. S ("rocker, a fotiner superintendent, now

esi-s ohl.—wa*-f»r-w»^in an,l iiwd4i an address to the school, pea. Crocke.

lime a resident of ,hl- city and a constituent meiiibei ,.f ih> Second Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs, Crocker were married (»!> yean a~gti They are both enjoyls* gt»od health.

hn C bous

Sanborn, Jr., i>\ Illness.

Is conllnetl (■

After a chase of IS yemv .ill ovi WHi-ld, ;i letter h:is ju^i cangl >Vlth llv- man tu ttliuui it was aili ed. lie was a French sailor, an letter wa ■- powted in him in a p, America. When it reached, thei had just sailed. The same at his port. In which the letter v. is re.Ii e.i At length the sailor retired setii-ii down, and He- letter has been delivered to him.

JTis3 KlfsTjee i"if"S;Tln: rriK at the residence Prancu, Sllsbee.

of her brothe

Miss Alice !<• - i assinc the n .• ■baiuin. X. H.

yon on Prospect Hill •mil with relatives a

Mrs. Thomas Sullivan and Mrs. A W KlnrbaU passed yesterday in Bos- ton,

William H. p, Wrighi and Dmo>y T Wright; Jr.. has returned from a town months' stas at Bethlehem, X. H.

Dr, and Mrs. ■ettuned from i

John Winchester havi trip I" Atlantic ertj

Mre, Byron H*ord and Mrs. Herbert Young "f Bedgewick. Mo., are yisltlng their sister. Mrs. Oeorge W. Smith, of r,2 East Haverfaltl street.

Id street, a •I a fatheiv John. and mother.

Catherine Sullivan. also two Bisters. He was unmarried. He efts horn In Ireland bin had rest,led here for some tjm, Hi- parents still resale in Ire-

t the which Jann -


W It lie



/Hiss Smily Dow IVacher^f Piano and Organ

Instructions Given at Convenience of Pupils.


Miss Alice Tcnnant Teacher of Voice and Piano.

Graduate of N. E. C Boston, with 10 years' experience teaching in col- leges of west and south.


Miss Georgia B Faston, TEACHER OF

Piano, Organ and Harmony Organist of Trinity Church.


,, ,„ , i,,. lvln« clerk nl ithi Wash- " Inicton mills storsbouse, He ^;>s ;1 wan ,,: exemplary character :tnu ma<|e a I,...i of friendsi

Th. rum-nil 'will be held S.itiinluv iMoniii'K in :t o'clock with mass in st. I'liii.'UV church, interment will be in the Immaculate Conception cemetery!

I'ol.KY-Mrs. Hannah Pou y. widow hi the Fate Patrick Poley, passed nunv i..,,i,\ HI the family resltlsooe, :"."-' Park -irrd, in an advancd aic. The 4c- ,. ■,....,! wns u woman "i ""'■ chamctpr i,,,.: sterling qualities, .i devoted wii- ,,.,1 tavtBS ni'Mh.-r owl had a host .il rrlends She was born in Ireland bul inoi Hved m nils city a ■»<*! many yi-urs haying been here during a great n:,nV,ht,nK,-K In the city's growth.

She ieaves to mourn he^'tloss, tltr,'^ s,,ns and three daughters, namely. Thomas, VVilllum, Patrick und KatB- crlne, Annie "'lui Mary.

The funeral will b.' held Ritnrday rnTng at ! o'clock with masj In 81. MalVs ihlll'.'h. InU'l'lllunl "'ill b. n, gi Murv's cemetery, i" |,l]" family h.i


, xittni iatlon ut niv iniii

r,' to errH'i- tl nd who Inn

from n grai

I 1„ h, Id.tonlghl ,1 Of Hios nliiK lileli


•I'll,- board or fire engineers mn In Engine B's lions,. Ti I u nlghl and ^■proved the monthlv lulls. Jeremiah ,'i.,!u>- has resumed work.

Berry's Orchestra Will Continue as in tho Pssl.

Louise H. Berry. Manager. lernard Igo, 1st Violin and Prompter, All the Popular Music for Dancing.




Lowest American Prices CHOICE CEYLON


lot satisfactory, Canned Goods.

Money returned if All kinds of Fancy Farmers' Strictly Fresh Eggs. Biscuit and all the National Co.'s Products at cut rates.


Uneeda Biscuit

the ,y the R

Illy of St. Mary's church. ui-ic ui,. recipients ,,i

111C mill useful wedding KIIIIK sliver, china and

, shower of rice. RTieloi' he nswlj wedded pair us they last Hi-

ehurch. Many relatives and friends were present from Boston, Pall River und Lowell.

\u ,-i, ,1 will atti nded reception „-, ii.-ia in Hi- home of Ho- bride. It) i tfleld -n,- i after Lira ceremony,

.Mr. ami Mrs. IJllilill left on tile 10:10 o'clock train Wednesday evanlng for North Adams where they will spend their honeymoon. They "ill be at lion, • 10 friends after October' sth ai III Hi-uiiitieiil street,


A pretty Wedding took place at 8t. Michael's pavochial realdance, North Alliloyer. at 7.110 o'elo, k We.lnesilu, ,A.-iiiny whan James ]■*. M.-Avoy ol" tilt,, town and .Miss Annie Retd.1 of Mouth Lawrence were united in marriage i>\ Rev i-'r. flallBgher. The bride was ex- quisitely gowned In white .ilk, ,-IIIIMIII, no, 1 u lib Irish point ' l:o e. She e.iii-i',1 a bouquej uf beautiful bride". roses. The 1,'iileMnacl. Mrs Man Be- lisle, w-iti- lin elegam gown oi brown sill,, Lrlnuned with Irish polo I la, s nil

n-ii il ,i large bun,i,let tu* [links. Tlin mil, McAvoy, a broTfier of IB, bride Ll,i.n,i acted as hi-st man.

following the c-i ii„i> a reception a-fls tendered to the relativas ,,r the contracting parties at the residence -r Mr. anil .Mrs. MeAvoy, 66 .Mai-I-

i.yeline UlU-sts Wen- present from An- lioner. Jloston. Lowell Maueli.-ster, ,\ ii \-,r ,0 Haverhlll and this town. The apartments wu-e prettily decorat- ed rnr the occasion.

Al an eiirlx hour All. and Mrs. M \yoy left lor an extended wadding lour through New Vml, state.. As the 0,1,1, ,ri, ,,-i-- leavlhj tin- house Hi.-, wit, showen.! with rice an,I oon- fetti The liippy couple were the reci- pients of a large number of costly and beautiful wedding cms. .Mr. and'Mrs UCAVIH "HI be at home ah,on Nov. jgt. I "i'l resllje al ;Tt Middles, v street.

There Is nothing thai takes away Hi,, beautiful, womanly charms like a plodding, stooped, awkward carrfttgi There is'absolutely no excuse fee tl .• -is long as llolllster's Rocky Mountain -i-,ii is iiimle. I Ten or- Tabli Is, , I Ills.

currjei- Drug Company.


POLICE COURT Drunk- |,retl[>ni!natt',l ut this n

lug's session ol' police court. I ,,,-i-e inn live offenders in the cTu

li, inns Calvin pleaded Kilill drunkclllii ss, Matslia.1 Sheelnm Bed i,u,iii,-i him and f.alylii wa l,ii,,iI lu 1" days in jail. He ap" 1111,1 ,s:i -,|'d,-re,l In flll'tllsh DOl 11,.- si r *r,o.

I,mil, i Horgat pleadi-d culliy drunkeni . s, TI

Wllllahl .Melt llrst i , ,luu rii'arg --I A. plcadi ahull!



Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason"


■I i

mill Norn Moral. l»ot to second oflem ■ ey wt-iv linril f& i arl wry WHS tilled JI fu

!. j,. L' ')\ il r uiikciint'SH. ■, ['.'ndergaat, ■ mlnol '■■■> \ A nil larceny (roouthe *t»>i H Shermrtn on Broa^waj M

KUlICy, The ttttft aw urr* ., m en in s as" imi rtn u imalilr lU K.-l hplll ill !'■ iniii! in'u. IViitU'! III.MI u m company with I'atrli i„l BdH'ard Kelley, who w»-i

iH,f,,](- ti in aboul two wfk- •-•■■ ■ii, | ti I were tel fu SI HOT H bundltlon thai they mnki- rontlt ntloi Ki'Miy made restitution hut I*offa kucceedi-H In making ihe courl hi ifti, . Hi i: iif waa outside th,*- --■'"'

'.. ;iiiytliiliK. .i- ordered to turn'

for his appearanc

Th,. luotball squad went to Andov VVftlni n3ay i" ffttnnas the jrame b iweeti Andover and Bptingneld Tral ,,,. Bchool. They (earned many K<*»\ points about the new rulen. They dc

l(|..,i to no la '!"■ next game alao. John Seunloi), president ol IBPI year

tlrtua, and whu took a post-gradtrai ,.,,,, n i;i-i > ear, has been appoints temporary nitfnoger of the loo the pquad.

William McCarthy, '*>4. hat resunul i,js Bturtles ai (*rown unlversltj

ci:i-- of 'OS "ill hold u meeting 1 .wtiii.H hull next araak to selti I n claai plu _ _

Xha in'-i i> i«on ut W, K. R rttun \\\Kh school danciosl t-la»>» will L»B« I,I.IH uiinoi'iuw evonlna in t*llgr| iniii. .\ii the pupUs, who have Bignjn

Hen-jt0»lr lutentl I becoming membei ilell Kre earn»'stl\ requested to i» pr« ■ i

In in Quite .1 numUet t.r iln- gradualt jlu!"i vein's class ii:i\<- etttered Cannoi Coinmerelal school.

Print lp ii Home lefl CM Bo t" ' Jay in sclei i thu decoratlona lor .\ „Miihlv hall, which will be pr< 11 ill

■ to iln id i hj the lliKh School Bull iin <-r 190B, He wan accorapanli il i \iiliin w. Hcribner, Hi.- butructm drawing In the High ■ I,


' Satem be«ft*V ">r 3"'J Ail.n wan treatetl Wednesday tii tfie Oonon hospital lor a laceration ot the sec»n ftnger of ins lefl hand, which Injur hl. ceccis cd wM£ BJ work at the \'-> ciflc mills.

ii Bll b«

iii.' inn ol police court nexl M'J


"galem Kid," lormerly proprl. I ■ Hi v: il,,. Huh pool ttml hillj'tnl pArFl


bin Interests to Najeb iiiiM Mike Macakhomcay.



The funeral <»r Miss Anmt 1' I ai her home, 189 Willow V

years, will be bald i ';■' At '.' o'clock niasH \\-i''

, ,.i,,lir,tl. .1 in the Church t.r in ' pumptlnti and interment will b' '■ Iniinac


•HI. i.. UI' .',i a

ul ne i conception ceinei

SHAl-CHNKSHET The lunei i- shaughnesMey will bi

i ■, |,i i j mornlna ai ft o'clock. w\\\ be celebrated in St. Mnry'- c nmi interment will be in the Inn l:11,. Conception cemetery.

MA Ni ;I.I:H The luheml i>f Klangles. who died at the city ivM be held Kriday morning froi iintl. riaklng rt'uiiis of Karroll

Treat Hardware & SupplyCo. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS'TRIAL


Lowe Bros.' High Standard Paint Proves that it spreads bast, wear* best, looks best and Is the beet

made in this country. For sale at

Treat Hardware & SupplyCo. FLYNN WILL BE NOMINATED.

The DemocraHo congressional t.(,„- ■nilon will be field at 8 o'clock to-

night in city hall, when »Hon: Joseph ,T. Rlynji will be nominated by accla- iii.ii inn, there bulnt- no opposition to hlin.


Tl., committed en BOTauTits met in tiudltor Bbea'B office last nlffht. The month1 y i>nw w.r.- approirctL Alder Den Jajncs and O'Brien and Council nen Tosney, tloffinhn and BcanToli VCIT prfgent.

r the t UJI

1 the rrt In v he

11 M irret-

:iinl .in t


The npriilar meeting of the ProHjiect Hill Inii'iowm. nt K«I''I, ly was held but evealnc in the basement or the j.iini u. ftollbii seiutoi. President <»«o^- Uowatt was In tht chair and a largo number were present

Plutinnan ftdward Savllle of th'* sewerage committee reported the re- BUU oi his ftniffn-mc with Pity Wn- irlneer Marble In regard to ii"1 1m- provemeni of the sewers on Wbodland ■rreef

Mr. Marble win draw the plans for R pipe to be luht oonnectlng the streal wiih Sitw in k, emptying int• > the Merrlmiifk -river, but permission mton !h:t be obtained from the legislature.

fhe Iniprovemenls ui»tn Storrow ui.rk will commence within a week.

Atty. Oeorge McLam , Jr. wHl nd-^ aF*^** the wire let y ii" vl ■ \Vf(Tn * evening on "Real Property.*1 9

James H. Martin and Michael Klley ww-re appointed s committee of two to >-.'.■ Postmaster Cos In regard '■- bet- taring the postal m rvice.

The meeting adjourned at i> o'clock.

Lawrence Highlands Co. Real Estate

We tia*s this daj bought a large tract of land located on Beacon St.,

8outh Lawrence, which Is cut Into house lots to be sold on easy terms. Now

is the time to buy these lots before they are all sold. This Is the time, as we

have told you before, for buying land In the suburb.. The development ot

electrical transportation In a rery few years will havo annihilated die-,

tance, so far as a radius of 50 miles Is concerned. At present land can be

bought at low prices by those who select Intelligently, and-those who hliy

wisely will not only provide for themselves a good home now. but a Tery

considerable profit In the future. Roal estate li Lawrence la Inevitably

bound to Increase In value. Buy your land now If you can afford It; buy

two or three lots. Build your house on one. of these lots—that add to the

value of the others—use tho other lots as a garden and a play ground

for your children. While you stay In the clly Increased population slrnpll

means that It Increases your rent Tou get nothing from It. You can build

In two years as cheaply as now. but In two years you will have to pa r

doublB or more for land, Don't live and pay runts In tho tenements of ihe

city. Oet out In the suburbs where your children will get the pure, fresh

air. Think this over before you are too late. Buy one, two or more lot.

and you will have a bright future before you. Lots are selling for from

three to rive cents p'er foot. For plan and full particulars apply at office of

L E. Walsb, Agent and Manage 6J4 Bay State Bldg., Lawrence, Tel. 396.

"MiUs Will, be—ccli-brill, ,l~ i,„ u in the Immaculate Con, M, 1, and Interment will i>._ maculate Conception cem, i.,i ■


,ii,li.i. li.-n i



,,,i,is,. ..i I'livat,. k,s.^,,i,s gb H nl, every violin. prlc, - Ir

125,00, f"r a few du.v^ only. Millington's, Colonial Bldg.

will lie an examination pi ... r„r the certlBi ate ol qualifies i..,,i, II. ii». I:VI:XI.N. mm

71 HT tli'' - l.avvreni... TTTlFr

clioo ■"■'■•■ «'' ''"' ,l;,y •""' Tliurs' ;,„ ,, , to and ii. '•""'•■ ■■'< ••»" '. Il!

itVj . , required boih day* i • . • L .,. open '", < «" K'."1"'",

.,„lv No other grade of'certificate of- fered ai 'I"" M "o.i"."'"". I''"1' fu"11" ,;,„,, ,,i ,, .,].,.!> al offl, .• of the Super-

intendent i:r.n\.u:i> Mfc

Oct. 4, 1006.


2 DAYS ONLY Thursday, Oct. 4


Friday, Oct. 5 AT MY LAWRENCE OFFICE. J'01


10 A. M. UNTIL 8 P. M.


Glasses For $1.00 That OtheM Charge From $5 to $t0 For.

Every Frame sold daring this sale is made ol Gold Seamless Wire and guaranteed 20 years.

For $1, ..I msk'j this grand offer to advertise the supeiior quality of my optical work, aid to demonstrate that there is .no firm ,n the United States which takes the same care in examiniry the Bight and manufacturing high ijradi ?yeqlafsis and spectacles as I do.

I Will Guarantee to Improve Yoor Vision If There Is Any Vision Left.

If you are troubled with herdacher.. if you squint, if your vision blurs, if after reading a short time you get drowsy, if you have diiiy spells, if you see double obje=ts, or if your doctor ruis told you that

you havo vertigo, nine times out o< ten the trouble >• with your eyes'snd esn be sen-sUcd hy properly fitted glasses.

j Arthur F. Dow, Fl | ryesight Sptcinliat, 230 Washington St., Boston.

I Largest Independent Retailer in New England.

Robbery Humbug

Deceit and

These are the fundamental prin- cipal upon which those traveling FAKIRS do business. So many patrons come to us after hwing been deceived and taken in by these traveling opticians that we feel it our duty to the public to warn them. You have no re- dress or satisfaction for they take your money and leave for other field0. If you have trouble with youreye- sight come to a Man With a Rep- utation. A permenently establish- ed Specialist whom you wi 1 find at his office the year round and in whom you can have every con- fidence. Yours Truly,

D. H. Caswell. Oldest Established and Only Exclusive Eyesight

Specialist in Lawrence.



»\ i-hiimt-ii

FOOTBALL TUN. n. L\-, oil. 3 ; luM'bnij Mason closed ;t double-header between

iociii tram and Boston, the home iii "winning the first '_l to 1 and Uv- quid tains went to the visitors by

The first KUiiK1

MATCHES ("AMBRUHHS, n, S.—Ill a irume o*

LMNir football, but with many brllllani plain, Harvard defeated Bowdoin uu

iMnnlnfi and the second was called S?iai£|,B' fi,,,d lllU ufterndon 10 to o.( HI t nd "f the seventh inning in ™f rirRt »«W* was on a goal from th«, permit the Hoston'S to catch an eftrtS Mrl'' b>' Burr from a place kick on

Detroit, Batterl

yard line after a fair catch. 'Mi" second was mode by good toot- i"n down the ficui to a touchdown, .\i»>i!,mjo oarsylasj rhs baH over for ;i touchdown and Burr kicking the BOB),

There were frequent penatltle* under Lin new rules, Bowdoin suffering most frnrn these infractions.

Harvard made first downs tti lee while Bowdoin railed *o gain by rush- injr. siiii the Bowdoin Interference was U'iiiMiuillv t'xecuti.i. and th* rumor shielded very effective!*. The backs liin-d up like nr-TanniiiK w*H and had the game been under the old rules of

, M u u <) 1—4 Vi i ■ riv" >im' Ka'» Instead of ten. th«- o II " n ii H II 1—3 :, heault might have been different, or at

HesH and Batata; Eubank u'"'il Bowdoin mlg-ht have scored.



iN, i h i. 'V The Hosion Nit am raatatned its i<mih defes IMSIIII today, losing to Brook




Payne: Time- l:S0. I'Luugrhlln and Evatis,



Loult'-Chicacfl two ajann - posl ed on account of wot grounds.

A Leg Wo<ih More Than » Man.

b Ifil ntl



,\ Vil'.-

■nth won

not Is at the age - talented and Kansux ' 'Ity.

In a claim <■»■ Mr James Told

"There was a woman.' h "w hj»c nusband \ at- kilh ■ ! In H-aj accident, The railroad, I sun. gavp her 15000 damages,'

"The i um - ills I the ivnm it month or i w n aft* r\\ urd, i ■ a newspaper, whe re Ml al i who has losi his [egs iii the same ac- cident, and. behold! ibis man hvaa given l>> the company damages to the amount »f IV (W

"li made the-'woman mad. 8he lias- t.■!!.,! .i! <■,,,,. i,, ,ii. office m Hi. rafP a ay** pi lim ad luster, sii-. Bald bitter- ly:

- 'How hi this? I lere you nl\ • H m in 17500 for the luaa ul his leg, wh.l.K y«u ■ ml>- gai •■ me $50»() for the lose of my lia-liand.*



ida th. IS, <| |.|;, The 171 \- -aa pro Idj tl i ! r mar u lib ,t new Ti ■-. H R.-reas STfTi . \..':r 16800, you can easily gui a new hu's- band ana j,,-, hatis a better one

Not 'or Publication.

TTie eng iR- Ill bftwpvu -i v.. all I Haiilniore- belle and an Impecunlou club in "i" thai eit; was at one tlm taxi -rlnter perilouslj the "break Ing off' I'oini according to Harper* Weekly,'and all by reason of the MM tori inai ; ...i..- ,,r a florist's asalst am uf v horn the yjttHJg ulan bud or dered Rowers lor Ills beloved.

it appears thai the young rVlkm lia h isttl) despatched to the florist'* i - tablishmeni t«o cards, one bearing H order lor roses to be s.m- to the voun i,Mh - address ami tie' other Intendi to bi attached *t.. the flowers

What was the astonishnii nt and In dlghation o) the belm*ed our. when, m taking the ro/es irom the box, sh found SfTFTcTl Ma '.,ml. b-ai'ilii,' Mi- jt>g end

"Roses l hi i lie best you tan (or S3.


I Irst tiami— New Tfork 7; l'bibid

S.T..IMI name Phltedetpttta '■': 'o;k &. (t; innings.) called "0 ftc; if darkness.



The Harvard defense stopped i,;a> after one or two rushes by run- ning in behind the runner or tearing apart the. intei-fenm •■ Jun during tii a first part ((f the Bam- Howdoln aver-

aged several yards at each rush. Hftrvtml tried lb'- forwahl -+*«hH

three times during the game. Once it let ted a gain of is yards.-the second lint, there was a short gain, but the third time the hall was lost.

Time was taken out but* twice dur- New '"^ Ih" KHine, once lor euch I'am. and unit :^s fifteen minute halves were playefi,

tlie■ contest was aver inside ..r an hour, The features or the «am. were the

rnafttng or Drtscotl for Bntr<totn and th»' punttnfc of Burr u>r Harvard.

Lilicu.n ami suuimarc;

White Enamel Ware. New, Fresh Goods Direct From

Ihe Factoryv^^

j', * HARVARD. Ho\VI),,l\. <u Y,,rk y <t v y v t uim-i : i H.traham. 1-L' !.•■.. K. imimni.nul Uatterlca-Rlchla i Donovan; "*'""■».■. H.uir. l i.. . |rt., I>T.H»I

MoOlnnlly and Smich. Tlnif— l:4u. '"'" olln""». i-B U. X.uiiian I'—i-arpi-iih r aml.KI.-in. Buttrlck



'Tl ■<■'■!■'■ flival "oT MonUuinlii u as oh' ■rved in the Haverhlll Street M. K h'urcli last niRlit. with a sale and en Ttalnment The vestry of the church

, BH beHurlfuily decorated with au- tumn t'oilane ami the different tables tnvsenied a v.erj' pretty appearance. The following entertainment was rai- ded uul

leatflng. election, Hical So election, :ea..linir.

affair was es E, Hale;

. . Mi-s .Mum. < Orchestra

.. Miss Holgat Orchestra

. . Miss Mum

< Orchestra mahoged bv Mi

: many Aook ad van I 16 minute rid -rrci—rmH -■ eirioyT-d'

.mi the city, '!,• r.iiiou inf; were In charge, of th

■• r ,J lathes: tak'-rv Mrs Reesk- Steele ami Lla

■ i'abtrce. Irocen "' an K. V/ebsti r. 'nndj -Lottie Llrlfjiu. ata> Hati h, lone ntl" Ethel Eastman, Allc.e V»\

.. .. i Sarah Peclotver. ■ <■■ 't-ream- W. E. PWlbrlck, Emil idrcws. Helen Peckuvar. ' *

HARVEST SUPPER wi li attended harvest supper wi In the vesuy of.St. John's church

.. i night, it "was u grand iuc l..a i finaia-uiih and ■.! hei u is,-. Tl \ v<w\ was beautifully decorated an tlie ladles on tKe dHT' renl tables vied jwlth' each u^heir In making the affah ibe grand success that 11 a a

Supper «a- "liloycd "■ "" 1 ..', I,. 1, Ai. entei t.iinineiit «as tlvu held under thi direction of all crass. The ladies in charge wen . Mrs .1. i:. Harris, Mrs, William Chap

Mrs. Kealey and Miss Emll The Parmlngton, t'hronTcle has |>ow.

reci r. rtl fr |Andrew < 'r'oswi il • i hai ph - e an ear ol corn Imin hi garden It Is n * are ly ,,i yvjiow <--<v.. rrP ■'<■■■ prlnt'llUtl ear has no h-ss H'an \ titb-rs 'd» «H+H IhOlT 'ii'l! II ll'tle eftrs clustered at the bus.- ami being sharply deull wtth In the Mu

! ■,! hj -it. ' ire.'- cuui lit.

New Fall Suits and Over- coats at $15 That Strike the Note of Excellence AS AN EXPRESSION OF GOO D STYLE. GOOD TASTE AND CON-
















Get the Habit. Go to Macartney's

Kias-r. c Kersburg. r.jr.. . Inches, r.u, .... McDonald, r.e.. .

M. Hall. i|.b.. ;t. r. I.h.h.. .'. .

Wendell, r.h.b.... . itpollonlo, Mason

. c. Hoynion — e.g., Htanley

i.. Stacy, Cuntmlngi r.e,, \Y. Drummond

. n.U.. Ujttssj iJreni 1 h.b.. I'riscoll. Ellis r.h.b.. Lee

f.b.. Blanchard r.b

Harvard 10: Bowdottl D, Tom hdown- Appolloalo. Goal from touchdown—Burr, tioat* from leld— ilurr on nlnce kick. 1'inpbes--F. A Burtelgh. Milton and Herbert Holt R A. A. Ibrero, ' A. M. Saul. Newl... A. <'. Timei—J. A. Lathrop, Tim.- IS minute halve.". /


PIJ1NCBTON. N. J.. Oct., 3 The Pi lircetqn football . team defeaei d SP \. n.s today In a (oosv^y placed ga by the score of 22 to 0, Princetons team work was poor and her points weri made chiefly by brilliant Indi- vidual wttrk. Tin forward pass and in- stdc kick under the tiaw ruu.s w«rs W.OJkcd ^Uircsslully, Harbin. K. [IJU.MI ..nd T-'im.-y made Bplendtd Ptthfl in a br d;en field.


H.W'i'.'KK. \ H., 6i t. :; -Althougl. ►am u h show'ed some Improvemenl

•v. :■ -Saturday In the game todaj with ii" t ni\■ tsHy uf Vernjibnt. ntlll tie laltmi were abb' to hold the home leven down ra n seoit; of 8 to 0. Dart- nouth tried a number of Forward naw* ■■v- doublu passes and uuarter back

-LiuU, but straight football v.a - r. li, .1 upon for ghort gains,

The 'first s. uu- wa« uti u iaetj. White being pushed back ucrdsa hi* our aoal line, in the frrsi half. Bald- win moored a touchdown In the second U;iir and Qiase kicked Hi'' goal

The foiwaid |Huui resulted In several H 'od sainf

Kcore—Dgrtmouth S fniv.-i.sitv <-l Vermont «. Touchdown Baldwin, tloa! rrnn> touchdown —1 Ilaae. Safet) \v I'll -. Refe* l.iii.ird. L'lrtjjtre- CloudnjHli. Tinier— Bolster. Tin.. IS minute baK. 9, ■ ■*■


The ONE Store In Lawrence That Shows Goods Exactly aa Advertised

Extra Value In:





;r its the latest you arc? looking Cm KI'II make no mistake hi coming le-iv.

We are allowing many new things that Dot be seen elsewhere. We ale OOtt-

sianiK iii vi\ iufi*'froni' New YoriV-cV-*

cry day* new goods. We Invite you to coilie in and see them.


Wi I).I tr er\ u

be uud lb Weigh! in cotton gest asaorTment 1 (it y Prices range from 25c each up to $10.00 P»

PLAID SILK BELTS . . Are all the rage for fall wear. We are £h0VVMg some exceedingly |> ones in a wide radge of plaidn and colors. at 25c and 49c EACH



New fall style goods in plaid*, hi. a

variety ut coloring*; also neat gray,

Invisible clucks and stripes, extra good

quality, ;;i; in, uidc. A speetaJ good

trade at 25c PER YARD

See Window Display.

Ten Qusrt Water Pails, Two and Three Quart deep Stew Pans. Large Fry Pans, L.irge Wash Basins, Sma'l and Medium Chambers: also. Sink Drainers. These goods never ought to sell for les? than 49c each, but for a special run, take your choice, while the lot lasts, for, only 25c EACH


XKW HAVKX, Uol. :: Vale l,ad ht- ib- difficulty1 in defeating WeHbyan tod.... in ii,. frht football sami uf th* •,l here; :'i tu 0. The new rule* mole lit!!,, ^ifleleuee in I be -e||ela style of play. Punting was resorted too fie. 'y ami the double pas« attempted h) «»Jh Hides .\itli. pour success, Yah wan able to gain always ibe- n -s- ■ary dictam-e, when near her opoqn

1 in- gual on straight line plqngea, 8« ore- Vale 2i; Waaleyi Toucff

iowns—Roonte :;. Quals fnnn free kiei, Knox: i.toals kicked Veedt-r Knox

'■"iiJ missed Jones! Refer e*> M .1 I'b'Miipson, I'mpire Samuel Ham n 'i d and i'. rrj Hal . n,-ad llnesmai Hull. Time .,f halve*—15 ami M

nlnutes, Attendance—1200.


Scientific Palmist and Astrologer after two years ' of Phenomenal Success throughout the country.

She will be at our store for a limited time, where she will give her wonderful readings, or write your horo- scope in the most correct and reliable manner. Do rrot fail to consult her upon all matters of a business or do- mestic nature. Learn of your lucky days, have her out- line the events of the ensuing year that are most im- portant that you should know.

Remember Her Stay is Limited Come Early. L. C. MOORE COMPANY.

A Long Time to Earn Interest.

rancl, liavli'-.. jin hiMtoriui rvttirnlns Prom ;i chttreh Thunkwdvlnj, tlm-. i.ioi


tpettng Irhalai

il)tnKha»t .in.- ..fill,, nront luimnrouii "I Hit i".nf 'im. must .-l.' iiinit ,,f

1. '■"■' " ".'- "' 11 • Bristol c itv bar th. Kilting room of ;, hotel.

'ii "i -■■ o( ih,' com -ruutioi) t'h

Shasl ■,i Mr 11,1111, Milii 1,1 Mr

!'»",' iliu'w'it.'tl ., i" ,,i,i lila Hl'lllllltnii bOX. t,. !„• pll r -t 11111II 1 i,..,.|, hravVn " r Tllllnghuilt repllwl: ,' >"l Thai mil , ml

l»rsc' mini before yon will h.

Only One Best Place to Buy Your Fall Foot- Wear and That is Here.

ii. f|i-iuij_ pla-to.

iiit-i's anil inn, r>"i,

$5.00 ,ind $6.00. II TRUNKS. BAGS .

nil III k'utli.-r ii, j : :.M ilMli .;,„,.„ I,,1 u .■ ,,l,i.mi-,l il .1 1,1 |,-.- an.l \imi s,.|| W\\\w lli.i

_ tr. J2.00 A PAIR

tiers wo huvu thrm. 8e. our line of THOMPSON BROS.' SHOES, $4.00.

Ileal r,,r Btytr mill n,-,ir. n,..oi LEATHER GOODS aiwuya m hand. ' f

Chas. IVI Evans wns 335 Essex Street Krt-e- Shines to Cuslomsra .Fine Ri-palrlng and Hubber Heels.

Couldn't Be So Old.

All I - M l'.,».«v t, rs

llnin in Purls. United Stati

lu. Hi,- I'rcnch il trra -nil ,\ni ■i.s pn|,uhtr in Ai

making a lour if ih


Lawrence One-Price GlothmeCo. R. J. Macartney. 43 i Essex Street.

What Did She Mean!

|.U*!,.nil!r.,|,i,' |„Ts.,ii. s,,:

* ntayaaln,., h.;,i,l ,,i ., ,,. u,.. i.H',» Dial naa reported i, ,i,.siiini. l»t«nWH», iiilii. e„llMiK ., I t|,eir |

fo I Hi, reporft truo, Til e,,ii-isle,l of II ,11. til

On, lleniillu inniill Pa -"Lit.- an, >,',nr: .1,11,lr. n T|,,. I,,-,,, \ ,,|, nl Konileinan, .ut. ,- liesii-ina Hi,- inol slur, , gave lie- nfllest s,,n tl in | chicken for ll'e Thanksglvlhi. ill iiivl took his departure.

X,, sooner M.IS he ^ thun th, Kress sin,i I,, bar ■•on: -

"Sambo, you Kill inu dul dotlab, "" ".' I '!,,( ' lliekeii in i]e nal

On Their Way

+t" ■i-U^Ji— ,\l,n, ,.

aftern "the

II. Vfell,

\t li„»i,l.-.,-.s me ill America," M Mitcha raid th. other ,i.,i "Is tl>. in- telllw ii,-, ol in, :„ oiile Tin .v rl ,,1'Mi, is i.,,- .,|, .,,1 ,,| ll,. IJlKil.sIl.

l .1.11 ,,l , 1' ll.-le I -[■•ii IVW in I.,III.I,,II. :,n,i in ihe Hrltboi

In, one nil, iieinli I uverileHnl ,i 1. thai ahoUeil ivi II hn» I rht- e KiiKllsh publ >- Is, T«,, men

"■■ looking nt some tiki Egyptian i.ln

i hi Ih, el il

Hi, i.ii-i be I r I"" vears

■ They're 3«" yeura uli 'inn returned.

Ah, r.lll. Ul IH v., .,,,1 the. Ilrsl ii. tt'h;

in ll'i'l in-ii ' "'

When the Boy Kino. Slept.

I Unit,Ted 111, mtoti tin 'i BHI." time Inn,

■einni pttrred? I "U hit, i i.- tactful „n,i cool. He of-

l,,t : ten,Is n,i one. nnil II Is iuipnsHilile t.l only offend hhh. Il,' remind* m<-."i the tu-

tor ul King Atl,ins,i nf Slsin. 'When AU,,I'S,I i\as eluiu or nlm

yeara old lie would .itten fall nsleep In the mldal of his tutor's leoturct ami

- I'loisitn; Hi,' I.,,, !••■. ,HIIKS. Th,: I.I11 ir i\,,nlil then aay ill ,,i tl B. VVuttef. ilo I..,,',IOII tailor, n low voice: uli,,. llo,,ml. It. ,.t;., ,\ r lu Am, lie i ' • ,yotlr I,iul is ,;iini , l,il-l I

.He to inks for tin nnlicc.'

I'l li utuUMaTes .o SOI-I, the native tailor pleased

"\t Inter is ., mo- I, ,lgn, r." said lite tllllo*. ":,ll,l llllo bUt He. in III,' I ' Il ,' lUtClV lli:it o.iii op HI;:.list llllo.l J|is. Muiv

< 1,1 lime ,lono Ills ii.ol. I,, I'.- is Ihol" i r,,., |.;,,si Til X. II had Poo:, iio intcry, and n the same has been spending the i

.s.ii-ihoi'o tins returned 11 hero she



IOPPENHEIM BROS. & CO. |. Makers of High Grade Clothing at Moderate Prices


are opening a Retail Branch to be known as

398 E88FX Lawrence, Masi.

8T., "\\ in!' I v. hnmi ..r :i un^n rmtttj vniiv i> |i-^rv.j.iii, ;<i iiri .«Ks in nr Um. ahmu tin' Miitiiwt ami tiumi ;>u norudn trt^nsfiostrlati of the typi • tlif f\ UT came wtlttln njy ohsei'vatloti " <■ hat in .i N'-v v.irk paper some vpar> 'i-''- Thai -I.. ■ i used tu prim ii* ship- pins n.'v\s mi ih.- Hutu' ptige with tin

11 rfcw. Imagine u.iv «l«*»* with uhk-l i- !■' tid#rx i .inn! the c»p( Ions' et; hanged one uornlog, ■* hereby ;. long

utMpectabh- nanreH \\ err ael I _ forth nmi.T the utaptne lieait raBaedil ^1 Tnm.'sh Hell Oate resterday.'" J--^^-•^-•-•-•-•-•^-•-•-•--•-•-•^•-•-•-•-•-•-^t-»^«-«^#a*»^«^»-i»-»-»-»-»-t-»-»--

SATURDAY )UVENIR * la addition we shall carry a foil line

of Men's Furnishings I DAY.

Grand Opening Friday Evening, j October 5th.



I I F. K. Foster's Savage Fling Stirs up

Lawrence Politicians

id «■! lh. Lawrence politicians air dtaousains; he could com Villi a good Mini tdMnterest the »tti- to do about as he wished. In view <» I'idf of wtm at iii«- offlctahi of tii" rtw apwOteYs: ftrtji»rnatnrlal- aims mr American federation of Labor toward the developments in the Butler Am" gtwajter John N. t'olf of th** legion-: right In the recent conyreaa tonal can Hire iiH~\oice<] by .KranK K. i-'oHtV-r til vans the political wiseacres ""an* no* the meeting of the State branch ot! the wondering if the altitude of labor to American federation of Labor Man- ward Mr. cole is to change. . flay. Referring to thr1 antagonism -ot If the Irnders of the federation ■> members of the leglsiaturi toward the state are itpilnst him, the queettoi labor measure*. Mr, Foster vehement- i« also raised a* to how it happen* th ly declared that "a president of the labor men in Lawrence and aVndove senate and a speaker of the house, aw with him. li the labor people in Bpu invariably opposed to our mea- this section are to tollow the lead o aucea." ■ T-the fed'-emion otiietelK »n«t-tn;rtty-tiwwv

In Tjiwn-iiif and .\nd6veT •tputlCCT BPTVeTI against Polo, It. Is the g.neral t*«le has uaualiy been very strong with opinion that from now en Cole's polltl the labor men; in fact, it has alw been imderabood In political clrcj th-

ai iniluenee in the aiatrtot is pretty ertaln to disintegrate rapidly.


. ,* " 1

iu hmiPP nnnnT"n Second Class Mail Mailer—A. F. IN rW bUUHT! of L Convention Adopts Over j

Thirty Resolutions-Adjourns This Afternoon


Oldest Edifice in This Community--. Bishop Lawrence to Attend Services

This Evening

Man Who Assaulted Woman Operative Fined $10

DIED VERY SUDD! Nil Mrs. Julia Callahan of Provi-

dence, R. I, fxpirf d While on Visit Here


Aii enjoyable social and nous*, wann- ing i'i"k place Wednesday evening at the home oi Mrs. Thomas Ganley, 13 HrqmflvJd street, when atrau,^ 36 friends.of Miss Loretta Ganley con- grcgrated there and made merry.

Many games and other pastimes were Indulged in by the bappj gather- ing .md apme line vocal an.l mueteal selections were rendered l>v several

—Mrs. JUlla I'til' deniv Wednesday evening at 10.iT, .-..■,\.d , oVIo'fe The deceased Is a resldem of Th* tollcwuig entertained: Miss Lor- Providence It '-■ HOd was In till- ettn Oanley. songi Henry Wefers .-t- visiting Mrs.- Xeary of 280 Bark w..l*tling solo; Bliss »va Muteahy,

feeling w<>l song;' Oeorgs Wafers, piano selections street. had not id I'limmlit that tl

her V. '"1. Bbfl ItOd necks.

Shortly after 10.80 dav ntjrtrt, sh,

hange would n been here

•tuhr Lor McCarthy, song: MJai ]lev and -V.\-.\ Mul-ntif. vocal

Am t Arthur Mefai thy; i omlc *ong, 'clock Wednes- Mis* Laura Cotter, song; Miss Cather-

Itrlchen with n In* Casev. gohg, hemorrhage and althougn medical aid After..the entertainment sui r was Wag summoned and everything poasU nerved and all did ample.JuatW ble done, she d*ed m a few minutes.

.Muhi JitdtR a police tour iboui a we -k's varied dockei cases of aaaault, and drunkenne

•y resumed the bern h i his m«mlng after ,

absence and he had a c efore htm, there ncinj,' thi-

resolution* Tnbrnlng'H session

Oulfford with assault upon Sore < le irge. was lipped thru (Julfforda struck rirl as he was passing her hi one rooms of the. Wool milt. " It was Lllegcd thai be threw the girl t MM

Lssault and battery Branch of the f"r trial. of Labor at tM

adopted at such n the State t>\ -I'le

American Pedenitlbn ll> ' om hall and it |» ex- the state

as. hrv and water, employed He. Unionised. Adopted, idermelon and P..uell -Thai luaneii give all possible aid


The bodv was glvtd Into th.- charg (t Undertaker Devlin.

Her husband was notified, early thi iiornhiH uiul he is expected rlghi awa .» inake the fuia-ra: BTrangements ! -• understood thai bin iai .will !»■ h his it:'.

MMlr-n* Kxainlu.- DOW viewed th ted death due t

nni tir-il i'i


BCtlOOl ('..II inMtructnr


■,l irrlnclpol ,chool. Tin- . ivllh th.

i thi- ovenlng 1 K 1 ilUhan, •e hid mthoal.

1>| i H IB Bupt

tin. e\ -Hint; t tint ,r.l- tit u\\ il nmiit.

ShiTld.'in !■> Rtr«*ngthe ftcltoolii ami to apfvi' he thorn- wh Klre to '« Persona or i».«t h *.-\.-s. rtigardlptta •*( oif. will be admitted and splendid op- portunities r..r culture afforded,


nh. th. nil.

Burton W * the demented wo li.Hl sent tn Don led al he poll asked I'nr his wit vuiiiio had 'heel w.indwiirili l.f;. -nil.-' Rf.sry ami herel

xHclng for wnrifr..~ii

.,s. U'.ilnesila\. atlnn las; nlghi an

When told i)i.II ih - L --- Ti-,vr."..'..


Danvecs 'i""'"1

while ho 'Wijs Kunhatdt's -"-AH ill./


Ai" an Illustration of the cnoru values contained In the pronertv r.. McKinlej -Darragh mine, the lowing Instance uta> be cfted; N vein Is on the side -n a hill. The vein has been worked GUT several hundred fe.-t up the inn. two in-n doing th« work In the tr-ti.-h Tin > were directed to eui fnto the side nl the hill in order in make n platform rrom w hh h to sink a shaft. No an,in],t was !■ I- take out on- except thai which wan en-

The court found Qutfforda guilty t lim'd him v.

Joseph Burke pleaded guilty to Hefreehmonte Mere second-offence of drunkennai

lined ?:.. - William Dorgan pleaded guilty tn drunkenness. He had just been par doned from jail. He was fined 110.

Ntchaloa Andrewa, alias White, was charge i with assault nod battery upon Frank Boris on last Monday night in front of-.4W I'ojnmon street. Officer Ojbrasso!? arrested Andrews, it was . alleged that Andrews Btruck TJorle^" without shy provocattop.

Upon rcouest of .1- J. Sullli appeared foi the deiendini. was continued until tomorrow

ffhomas Kavaney was put bnHon He fraa eharged wltl enness

'l!;un: ill Xerdhiilli EUC dtUl

peeled that by this uftei u<.,>n all .,f the" in Organizing the trades business will have been cleared up and Adopted. ' ' . the convention will be dlsmdved. My Bamuel Korn—Thsft the eXeco

oi Some of the resolutions were most tlva couneii ]>■■ Ineti'uetedSttfiiirge ttu ;|I: ' tmportani and the one which created purchase of onI$ huch elothlnfcl aa bort ike considerable favorable pommept waa the tsnlon label Adopted.

the resolution protesting agitlnxt th • By Detegate Sterling—That th, proposed kicreoat in the postnl rates light of (he oook and Job printers for fur second class matter from me cent the ftyhour wok day be endorsed.

four to x cents per pound and urg- Adopted. -Tending ug a ciiiumlltHt tn-Ttm-- ity- Pertgatog I'arTell ajig ti^jmir— fre^mnwttt* -H^rv«a,

lilrigs prepare^ by Mrs. Thnm- « Oanley, who also acted as matron r ih< evening. Among those present were Kvu Mul-

nbv. Moille Ferrln, l^aura Cotter. t';nhe:ine Casey, Mamie Mahei'i \<-iiie Mal)i i. I'aiherine Murray. May Mr AHillffe: Belle Roach and Jennie Mo- Sally: Messrs. Edwajd Bast Ian, -

M,-'arthv. Henry Wefers. Arthur (Porcy Northam. Arthur U nard, Frank O'Brien, Oeorge Wef< Michael Haves.


A Midi attended sei he Christ I


j held it on Ceie

iff. It it Brethr

Vednesday e\enii he purpose oi the Brethreh in, i service* every Wednesday Hven- ng and an are cordially Invited to at- end, freed makes no difference H his h.iiis,. of worship, 'hi nexi Sun lav Brother .lame- Wailgh i>f Newark v. J., will sp.;ik at the afternoon aer- Ices at 3.30 o'cloc* and again In tin venlng al J o'clock. This is the *ec .ml service <■etidu.-led In the new »|iia.- ,i < and the attendance at both th. tervlces «wus very satlafactoryi


While Ucorge Prince of 219 Park St.. tins dlstriKt, was iiLteiiillng t<> his du- tlna j,, |i>,. machine 5t«op"o_f the 1'ni.ted Shoe MneMnery 'ompany In Baverly, Monday afternoon, a large emery win el at which he was working, awd- deiiK burst,

,\ fragment of it entered uu left e\i-. Tin- wheel was revolving at a

■■-"■■' --tJ'"t -■• ■c..rl,.iiM

Join lev plei



F. regula

■ !i

"trt^ti - fTT,iaj'

i he r 1'iiii. he iv

rusln medi. ed 111


elf. S..

• li.

til .i

>! in th. th. plan nienthmi'il Th '« " kill, uiul iiiiiii..! .llu entire ..\|i.-ns.s -.1 r.-'Bh mine besides 1 over $:I.MIII. rii- ploying unw hetwe .illil Wiltkilltt lliHill

ih. shafts.


i in •av

..I-.. ... i

Mi kii'l. n„ ,, -HI- impanv

il ilov -1

in.t .Inn.- I-. Prince is a ii- of the ptee.S of the

I the celling to the depth iM hers It.-w 100 reel dnwfi A loud . report was all

heard ami at the same mormnfl stinging Bnuitatum In lifs left

tewral of his fellow workers to !*Js assistance and n'-Ctel

1 attend.'.nr,- hint 1" • II >'i nin.Mi- AVU* put ,'ii the tram fur hll n this city.

K. Pfeffcrkorn. the family phy- l« now attending litm NTo ser-

-eHillts are expected. Cl om thi U is n.-t believed that the

•f the optic will he Impaired,

Now You Can See the Difference.

The » l»e pine t l i mninissio Have ordered \»iili a irown,

Thai 'Boaton Baljetl Beaps" i baked ■

in dear eld Boston town. -C level a nil Plain

Officers mpervisj the distil ling and bottling of the old

U. 8. GOVERNMENT distil ling and bottling of the old

Van Hook Whiskey

•o that you are absolutely certain of getting the purest straight whiskey when you buy the bottled in bond VA N HOOK WHISKEY.

Come in next-Saturday and let as show some of this famous Whiskey


postal commission t" register a clger- That the fact thai <:. TV Hugo and ous protest. Crank M. Doyle of Boston, botHera, :m

| The proposed Increase ol second on the nnfn'lr list and that all unions class ponfage one cent to four to be notified, of the standing of theaa eight cents p.'r pound, would effect not firms HS regards union Intxir. only the publiahera lor the printing of An ark-u- vns read from one of the tlP-ir newspapers, magaatnea. Journals^ papers show lug thai the bottlers in etc. The Trad.-, or t lass journal, Bta- convention at Atlanta. flH., had re-

hnw that there are now oh- fused t > allow Mr. Hugo's venomous gaged in th-- publishing of these Jmir- ;i<ldivss print..I and after the ri-snht-

wt nais about 12(000 artisans in the 'hie* tlon had been adopted- on motion '»f .' ,,„s', chanleal department with B payroll Frank K. Foster, the congratulatlotiw

reprecenUdg about Ifl.oOfij M per of the convention was telegraphed to i pro* onum; hVaddition t-. ibis, about liOoo- the qeorgja convention. ifiink- 000.0'. per anum Is paid for ofhec an 1 The telegram follows:

.other servlcew. and |lfi,OODtOOO.tiO for To Secretary of National Bottlers' tones* Paper and .-tip]dies. %29.1)00, .i'» !n Ass.u iatloll t'onvcnlioil. Atlanta, ,if eor- :,!1- In aaatttott t-. this, a large aeiounL (p'orgm; —

|nt money In expended in cither -diaii-, JCha. organd-'.ed,. la bo,!" of Maaaaehu* guilty t" the neis. all of which'goes practlcalh to setts, In convention assembled, con*

HM.-SS He was the working chtaa. A careful eRtimate gratnlates v.en- bodv upon Its refu- ihas been oompHed thai li is believed sal m , iiieiallv publish the unwar- shows in a(ehott titnt'i noarly one-half ranted attack npon trade unions made

;|,VV. hd' this industrv would be wiped out by by George It. Hugo, The spirit rnatii 'an Increase ef thm second class poat- fested in .Mr. Hugo's address Is con-

. ,1-iininai gejt-'oge. iltiei\e neither to the interests of buai v held. Michael] In ajldltloa to these, must be laken peas men or uf employes." ivei- for boarJ"aTr ijlTii-r" .Ones ./ puldieai hms. jnii it is H\ I (li-rry Hrown - Tliat the eS

lion, V\'il|lum!aafe^o admit ii unni.l cotme tin- NUB- eeuttve eOmmM^ee be empowered*arid nslon of the printing and publish- directed to conalder and report upon g art. which wouM throw out of em- the feasibility of formulating plain ,.\nient wago i-nrners w;ho are now wherebj unionf may cd-'opeaate for reiving faou Wi.etB3,(nh>.iW to |8e,« the imrp, s<- of r^tatfrlng eminent eewt- -i, annual -I. who shall became cersed In labor \ piibllxhar now paying .-j-i,i.-'i an- laws pai li.-ulariy in regard t<» prbteot-

oii for his s.-cn-V elats matter v null Ing .the rlglfw ■>( Individuals and ider the four cent, 'or minimum rule unions in the ui.m.r of Injunctions t-

the doctor. 'have t.. pay 112,000 per annut.i. no liw the end thai ihe focal counsel mayor vhen his wife crease u.'SOjOOO.'Ki IHT roar. There ar-. Iginnto their defense agnhist action tn ist pay a lit-1 man v. many publishers who pay thi- » propel and uhlform manner, that Hi [~s paid in\,inount uf posMf;.-. w in-.-.op-id, r iheii'i-';fiindanientai principles ntftj go up.'fpj;

full. i'. H. Rogers appeared for the selves lucky If they van make %9, 1.0*4 deefshm in the htgheoi courts. plaintiff. . per year, clean proMt in their businesaf By Michael T. AVthbrldge -Thai tIK

1'1'his is the class of people this ad- '•'ate brunch fro on rocord as putting vauce w< uld wipe off tin map. the stamp •>! disapproval on ih

A good part of the deficit in thu dldature of Senator i>ani.-l Uine ol l' -Hi . Department is due, an lol- U"sion. Adopted IOM s ity Delegate O'Leary. Kellei and

Fics'i The Pranking Rpl\'flege, al- Brown of Brockton—Thai the exeat lowed ih< fhvernment. Vvh' -r-1-»\ n live ceu.mlttee I tnpowen*d to w. cannon -an be Iwnspeited hi mall witli thn committee or the Ilrorktoh

' rr..m w ^hin/P,!, P. s;m l-'r.-n- i- ■■ ■ C I i' to appeal for financial i ;ilso ;ir:n\ and other MtppHcs i hj slatahce rrom unions In the matter

When "Mover I'ose wenl lo Ihe^houNe the Qovtrninenl In this manner. Injunctions. Adopted, -f I-nni-J Rosa or Luroag yeaterd«y SEfi \*1J—Tin vaal imouni of use- B> Delegate Henley—Thai ih.- c nOrnlns to neareh Urt "t.-len propertv. leaas maiter s.-m out n.mi the ttw- centlon i,-,|itest the Law raw c< *' I.

n hidden then-, atrnmenl Priming Offlce at , '■■■■. to urge the nale of only union m •V--HT"' r■ \prvrrr■■ rh-trr- nt«v*v wn -H>.—h*W .rf-J.Lkl.i-lu .Lii^imjUL- AUmiU-iL

-MIKIII i lleged tli Kiel.I. I

Mam-held. boarded « Held works enough uit He explain due to*\he and In- ha


waa alleged that|p> nud two ehlldren, in

ell and thai Mans- p] Artmgton and earns iv

to support his family, a. ins inability to pay was' t thai nts «if.- was sick m

rdered ''' In

■K until Rogen


believe -irhi-it

nionfhs- old baby, men niarvallon, father .ud inutile with it. but had uiuds gi-ti ag an

'■ntpnr iM-id it is alleged, de,y: K|ieeehea«ghat are done j in a ei>u. The pamphlet form thai are pever of the child were .i--il in ('ongresM n°r tti4- fckmut.

aken nc steps- to- tin- Heading of tona of euon inai undertaker to care, Senators and '"on^ressmen. fre.

for th, little dead bod*. mail, largely !'• r political purpo The fa.ii. splained that ha had THIIIIJ -The Rural Free I

nut piigitged an ni..l,-naker because System But this, however, \- be waa tefreW i-- sign -< death certlfl- welcomed by us all, and is a: eate. tin couplejiioi being married. that the Government did

i ~*- , to have made good at (I THE WHITE' FUND LECTURE' iime n,i„ »pi rj)OW UaoU, amTnn dmibt

WILL BE GIVEN AT OPERA lljiv its expense. *HO' "SE. An Increase, in second , cias* p«.*l

umilii prove disasteroug to the *l i m account "i the i invention in the iness interests of the Countr>-

rityihall tin- White Fund lectnre win Al th- close of the readiim be Riven at the opera hou

s an i

snB. aaonw

this alf- and

li v..- round necessary lo dlaoupiiect telephone in a deaerted hohaa> In Wot—

• [,i, and when the nn-n ivent i" do h,: men u.nt to do the job it jvaai ouiid that the only possible phiee

various pesolutions, a asei kal -inn wsf reail thanking the lo. j.-rs printed the full i,. e.-i-r cl iTolngs ,ii th.- convVhti m,.ti..n oi President-elect <'..l bytnr *J'> «*aa cjonated to the i nsyl'tin i--r tin- loan of the laid i hairs used al the ■ conventioi


a I PI

b: !!(. •]■■ ide

convention tart the Instead ni-

ls to clear losalble. !


i 75-177|Essex Street>nd||5 7-9'Jackson'Stfeet. ALES, PORTER, LAGER, STOCK ALE

Mall OrdefsJoflTel. J3JJ

Frank Jones' Portsmouth Ale 'l CASKS, 1-8 BBLS OR 1-4 BBLS. lrOR CLUBS. OUTINGS OR FAM-



itit until winter

-sent of the

■ hi

p. calm 'he wasps.

Politics About the San- Everywheie.

proule—Thai He- legls, tati\ ..inniiiP-e of the state branch from :. bin determh.Jng lhai eight '■ ■■■,)■ riaTI constllute a Su\'« wara for street e;u ie-n. al tin- next session of th. legislature .Adopted.

By l>el.-KJite Patrick C ieii> That th.- Ronventbui Indorse the sts Iron fnouldi r« agalnat a Cheltnuford f dry. Adopted.

By Delegate w »?. Deehan. Brock- t'-n '11 ..i no inaimlaetured urlitiei sh.ii bear ihe union label unices euel detail of ii- v\ orkmanahlp via* doni by union m- n Adopted in non-concur- rence.

By Deli gat- K. K. iRoblrtaon, Law, rence That ih- exm;utivej ooi i n • special efforts to induce md- p-nd. nt untmis to aftBtttte u nh .be A. I' -\\ Adopted

By DHetmte W. II li bhrrns I Tl th- liv ,,,,,| ii

appointed t.. the police farce, . man who is a me of the \l-t:il I'' union. > . the iav.s r.l.Mi\.- P. th.-ir er.iii

ted. Itv I I,

Wilts,.ii It,, I 1*1

I' rtln iml V. ill om.

ti-ll I'M

oil JHIS

Boel ttrglnj


riui-.i are 10.7 in ,,!. ss of j r-ii Mll.l 11 >.ll fl*l Of Mil rl ar mil pit Illl I'll!' 1 rilt'l I'lllilli' ,,,1't. rmum I'- ,. I..... ;it ' ll, I...

"'■'"■ '" M.i. U, 1."




postal co n Hhingtoh; 1*. c, to pi-i

proposed ilierrns. in and ''.^^^ matter from • to clghl centa per p


A strong, sober and reliable woman for general work about hotel. Apply from 9 to 11-' afr-vm., at Essex House Cafe. I

i- .1 J. 1 'unningham That tin In Ipfl 1 \>t<-nti\.- board of th'1 Nta1 c mi h lie tnHfriirtfwl p. inv.-sttnaP- th timber of hours worked In state Instl inm- by tin -in, n. .as ii is said th houi law is being ciolated. Ad iptei By Thomas \i. Nolan—Thai all loea

nerchants «nd -M-h iirt: pi i ited matter not he

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -label, giving Ihe



Hot den

w w n- p tllrl lo •anhlei also to a* it I'ari; h 1 pf

we, n '■ and II.

..n books Mon.lav

M Nolart Tha as 11 --i-t In the si 1 angle now pried on for the general nb- of the >-i.,ur faw. Adopted H. li Burns rinn when aid bv any local union ihni thn

s and numl <-i- .,] ,„ , ..,n. ,.j , ■ (ojeeitlel, Adopted. *

If. H Burns Thu tin 1 \e- -,ir,i do all in their puv er i ,

■ workers on public ijiiiiti.-s,

fron p-n.l. 1 ■

1 mill rides l ■ . v.-.'Olive , legate. Oeorg.

I hut the Icglt , ■ 11;., I ;■ lav

,■ .'-oiiri r I

i;> tail.

Done . Lav- lure be peti th;.t u HI itliki

rd the namer i ■< If.-nees.

perfod of la years of continued u '

Itv 1. i'

1 ■ tea -H Tl -son, |,i

,1 to th-

I, Malorey nni renca Thai ihi nl as _ being up

manufacture of n pat. n •-now plow in this eiiv under iiuim union conditions. Adopted

Bj r> legate Thomas M. S'olan, BUB t-.n That He- attention bi the l^ftil s. n 1 ■ -eommli sion !••■ directed I - the Chang, HI the law v hereby a tnofe in. t hod ol work hi- iei|iiii...L

for certain < laages <-i appUcanl Adopt Ml

U\ t>, legate -'onvery. Low- ell- Thai all onions I,.- inl'..r d that the in.-|:.l poli-h-*!--- I.;.v.- pla.-e.l on the unfair lid th- Soi I nor I ' 'on^olUlated Sioi-. Hi n i 1 it pap) Adopted,

By T ■•■ M Solan Bnaton Thai the con.v mi aphatieally cornl ih,- legb btth - antl UU>or record of


TI--- services this evening wHI


>lebratlon of the t*"th annl- menrs at 7.4.'. o'clock and will be of a .f (li-aee BipfscopaJ church be- very noteworthy nature. Kcv. William

gan this monrtng at H o'clock with Uwrntr histi-.p of stassaehuaetfeB, services !ri the church. A large mini- will be in atliMidance lanfl wltl pvegcai ber were in atteiidancft and the rites the sermon. Mrs. Lawrence will also were verv heivutlful. be present. Besides the elargy who

The s-i\ii.-s ronsiated of, morning were In attendance this -morning, rtev. prayer and holy communion, Rev. Ar- M. I'sher Monro of St. Paul's .-hureh. thur Wheelock Moulton. rector of the North Andover, and Uev. ilederh-k church, was celebrant, assisted by Palmer of Christ church, And..ver, wit Rev. Henry Wood. of, St. John's atlentT church who read /morning prayer. Rev. Evensong will be observed and sp*u> (Jilbett V; Itussell of All Saints' ehlliill ial inUSlQ will be rendered by a largo read the lessoiiH und the goapel and vested choir of men and boys Rev. chare s Bertram' Bowaar of St. The services will be concluded new Aii'jusilne's ehureb reml the oplstles.. • ,3iinda>, Oct. 11 l-Malioiaie inusle has

Besides the clergy above mentioned, be*>n prepared and a hue sermon will rtev. Qeorga 9: Plske of St. Johns be p»^aehed at the morning service by church, Kaat Boston, was in attend- the rector, Rev. A. \\\ Moulton.

Thin afternoon from o until 7 o'clock History of Graca Church. a i-e,. ptlon will be held in the parish houac on burden itreei to the Misses Grace church was erected yean ape Mania nnd Mary Packard, who aft and was the ftrai church «'f any a** ihe "f the late HeA*. Dr. nomtnatlnn In this city and HIL- tlrst Packard, the first rector of the church, fervlce held there t.ct. 11. 184ft

i-il time will be enjoyed and re- was the first rellglout service held in taiHuvb in tW*4U^..-Wheu-ihu Kast- ein Mission heard of the founding, of the nei\ city, then fainlllarly known as "Menimae'" rather than LawienOo, ttev. Oeorge Packard, who was not on- lv a minister of the .-hureh but waa a me<Heal doctor, was sent t.- this city nd conducted services iu private hou-

ses, until tht; wooden ehitpel or ehutvli was completed. At that first meeting

en wen in attendant which notable f:y t Another IntcreMt-

U?t was Hint the chUTCh was Oov r r Fart? of Thlsl CitV erected free from debt.

pi ». J »/!__ DuAr^ont **f ed in HtW and was ronercrated in that Elected vice President or >eRr ,lev Dr |..nkIinl u;iM ,,,.„„ ,„• 4|_ « • .. the 'hureh for :s» yeasr. up until 1H7G, the rASSOCiailOn ,n , aa .v dam of iu« deuihs_Ctt.-.

ilou* to his death, In the year, iH7n. ^____— Dr. Paoavrd choeo as his curate, Hev.

Wllliain LAwrence. now bishop of M;ifw ' I—The Merrlmaek and al i>r packards death. Rev. Mr. ution held its nn- bawrcn. H was elected ret tor. During dav at the North Mr. Lawrence's pastorate the purieh

was enlarged and the chapel on Chtr ndance, den strea-t bum. A mission was also ; oecu- starteti in -North Andover, now St. i-iv aa- I'ayi « church, Hev. Mr. Lawrence was i start-*rector for eight yeai-s and In 18W choae (y Rev aa mrats, Rev. A. H. Amory, who WHS gtbun esamclate rector for three years and annual when Mr. Lawrence left the city to be-

came d-an of the Tl logical s-unt- tiary ar Cambridge, he became rector, remaining IT years. The pariah had now grown to be one of the largeat out kid« Of Boston ni.l the Hiinday sehool grew 11do the Iai real in the dtocesf i-;\'en-.t\. alp-tatiius and im- **ro\einenti *w«re also made hi the enure* Itself.

In 1901, Mr Amory wan called to St. Stevf-ns' church in Lynn, having chos- en .-i t a year and half before, Rev. ,\,il, p VYhee.tH.-k Moulton UF eurate an.i on Mr. Amory's leaving, Mr. M"ul- ton b»caine rector. .In IH03 Rev. Charlaa Bert tan,i tiftv ?er be< at airate In ISO.i the Amory Momorlal chapel was built in South Lawrence and nt iv Mr. Bowser M-ajne mDnlsJker In harge under Rev Mr Moulton. ttol of Grace church gre ••■ Bt. John's,

t Thomas' and Ail Saints', Melhuen^ Uid now the pat lah I* as st rongl as .u> in tin state of Manaachuaetts and hat means in the country,

l,(i\VI I'.; ,ili:

eh. nuai meeting yea Bill erica Bapthd

There was a very large ■■ ..very seal in the church i» pt-ed early, and the s.-rviees thu'i.'isti -. The murntng serv ed" at iltf.e with d.Ai-tioiis I, H H./Bishop of North '1

''MI" foil,

>>rd: It- W. 1'resi.

CHerms: {Carle of LawTei 1! IVh.r of. Me Sneil. Lawrence years, N <• Ma Norris, Methu'en; for two y ml Thompson. <>T Haverhill

Hey. T. «'. Karh- of i*wn ered an Intereatteg addreaa;

tm-itei ion La

U'illiat'us tm. i'. i' . Rev. It r.-r, B. I-' or thr.-


Th. Igl un was as foll-n

Morning Session.

:. so D«M ntlonal service, Re Bishop, N.-rih Tewkabury.

ro Reports and election of . jo ;a> Address,- -,l-'..rward,"

c. rrarie. tawTerreo. Solo. 11 Annual Bern on, Rev. H

man. Won ester, VI— Vdj.tmnment. Dinner.

Afternoon Sshsion.


, Chup-

if. Devotional senicea, Her; Ar P. Wediri. i.ov.-i!

j -H"\' tu Rt fttii the Urieygngel- |aod." (a), in the small towns, R»v. '». C Bargent, -■ mrd, N ll.:M-b), In the larger cities Uev K. Talmadge Hoot. providence, H I. Bolo. tc). ^moag our fon-ign p/'pulatlon, Rev. V T. Ragle- .vooo, D.D. liotoii. Hymn: (d). In for- Ign lands, Mrs. ilenry Peabodty. Bev<

■. (a i. Sysl.-ioat ic Ben* II s r Sm-ii. l.aurence- nrlpllne, Rev. Frederick ilnll: (■ ). The Work -a


■ ■\ olencJfe, Deac (b), ('hureh I II Cruel. Huvi a church clerk. Lowell, Bupp. i

I'.mila> Steve I sou

Evening Ses.sioo.

Vnl-nish.-d bipii LB Devotlnnal s.

vh.r. I.nw.n, Antin ,46 Address. R. \ .

liM Adjournmc-nti


,-iiv,. of Wlltulngi .1 Harrtsdh A ion, II.- wfes i»m e

Th. body will iningtoh i-'n-iav h ,-i---s will be held :■' , a, in Wildu

id f*

'• shl .l-rilhg nd huri;

■ ■



A meeting of all the wea- vers in this city will be held Thursday evening, Oct. 11, at Needham hall, over Hugo Beit's, 239 Essex Street, at 8 o'clock. Come one, come all.

Cannon's Commercial

; College Students are busy in both

day and evening sessions. «'ll- SAID A MAN IN OUR OFFICE LAST ssr- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TK: i.ik- "| GO INTO 'NEARLY ALL THE




For Sale! AW kinds of properly, cottages, 4, 6

and 8 tenement5 bloc! s for sale. Also 150 house lots. Will buifd house or blrck on order.


Insurance Agent and Auctioneer.


Enter Now

tgf /. :■ I.' Hint it is a most excellent lai mf / ■ t/'j]t it wttl cnre, all manner of Ubj IP// //* f represent^ a laxative remed; uf ''/(&:■ coutainliig nothiug of an objec


There are two elasses of remedies: those of known qual- ity unit which are, permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature ueeils assist- ance; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain jind Inferior character, acting tempo- rarily, but injuriously, as a result or lc/rcing the natural " functions unnecessarily. One of tho most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the! California

1'i'ir Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of 11.;nK kiimvn to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, i'i nUlch the wholisome Californiau blue figs are used to con-

tributo their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy .•I all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse tho system Ciuily and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti- . iii'iii and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princt- pl«l and quality are known to physicians generally, and tm> : irmly has therefore met witli their approval, as well as with, the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that

of Ills, but recommend it for what it really remedy of known quality and excellence, l objectionable or injurious character.

There are two classes of purchasers; those who aro informed as to the quality of what,they buy and the reasons for the excellence Of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well.known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do nut know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect

beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To tho credit of the druggists of the L'nited States be it said i nearly all of them value their reputation for professional

integrity and tho good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations of the


Members Entertained By Mrs. George I. Gage-Miss

Sweet Presided

i Genuine—Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fijr Syrup Co., and in order to buy tho genuine article and to get it* bvnerlcial effects, one has only to note, when purrhatdiifr, tho full name of the Company— California Fig Syrup Co.—plainly printed on the front of every package, l*rice, 60c. i>er bottle. One size only.

The 'Irst meeting of the Woman's Club was held Wednesday afternoon. The meinbtrs were royally entertain-

ed by Mrs. George L. Gage at her raal* dencv. 162 Kaat Haverhtll street. About 10i> were present Including member.* and guests bi»in local and from other cities.

Miss Mary Caroline Sweet, president ot thje elut,. conducted the meeting. The speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. George l'. Possom of Boaton. who spoke "ii her Eastern travels. Sha has travelled in atatern countries for the last s.-wn winters and was ftnety equipped to tell both a fascinating and pleasing story. The talk was Wry beautiful and was much enjoyed by those who had the privilege of hearing It.

Miss Christine Dowries, of Boston, a singer of rare ability, sang several selection? during the afternoon's pro- gram. The renditions were greatly an- Joyed and were as follows: "My Jacqueminot" by Herbert Johnson; 'Could i." by Topsy; i'uipie Heather," by Hamilton Gray. This was MTsa Dnwnea first appearance In this city and she has already made a warm place for hi-rwlf in the hearts of the members of the Woman's club.

The house was beautifully decorated by Swam & Befndtaon.

The color scheme In the parlors was pink and white, in the hulls, yellow and in the dining room, red. Salvia, geranlURUU, dahlias and asters to- gether with potted plants were used in profUBldff

Caterer D. L. Page of Lowull served an exotHent< repast.

Quests: were present from Ha\erhi!l, Roxbury, Dorchester, Providence and Lebanon, together with Mrs. Albert greenwood of Hanrord, Conn., daughter of the hostess.

A Use Electricity

The Modern Power


&Mwvence Gas Co., 170 Essex Strert.


The C U .'8 A. hi Id a meeting last tight In Saundcrs hall and heard te> p'ots from ihc delegates who attended the state convention which was held Sept. *i in Wiiltliam. A smoke talk will be held at the next regular meet- ing which will take place on the se- iond Wednesday In November. The

delegates to the state convention were President Casey and M. J. .Sullivan.


A large greyhound owned by Fred liter of Newbury street, was run over by an electric ear at the corner of Jackson and Essex streets about o'clock yesterday. The dog was run- ning along by a North Anaover bound car, while another car was coming In the opposite direction ori the other track. Before either motormen could stop his car, the dog was caught be- tween the two oars, one car passed over his left leg, mangling it. Officer Marshall who was an eye-witness found it necessary to shoot the canine.

The dog was a very valuable one and was highly prized by the owner.

COMPANY F WILL 60 TO NEW YORK Company F. Ninth Regiment, of this

city will lea\e Friday morning at . o'clock for New York whore tiny will take part in the dedication of the new 69th regiment armory in New York City.

Cumpahy F will leave Uostnn for Springfield at «:10 a in. and will ar- rive there about noon.

Dluner will he served to the com- pany At the Highland hotel after Miikh a short parade through th<> streets of Springfield will be held escorted by companies of the S**ooml Ueglrnent and Company H, Naval Brigade; located la Springfield.

\fler supper ears will be taken ("r Forest i'ark where evening parud" Mill be held nfter which cars will be boarded for New York.

The command will reach* N**fj»York about 8 p. m., pud the regiment will proceed to the headquarters of the 8Mb regiment at the Old Armory where the men will sleep during the nifcin. Three meals a day will be served :ti the new armory on I^exuigton aveiim between 25th and 26th street.

At 2 p m. before the dedication, a parade will start near 7th street * in Tront of the old armory. The parade will end about 4:30 p. m., after which th<- dedication of the new armory will lake place and a reception will be beta until Pome time before midnight.

Sunday morning the r.glments will parade to church where services wt.l be held. In the afternoon a two or three hour*' sail on New York harbor will take place atrd in the evening a dinner will be Riven to the officers and guests of the Ninth regiment after which the command will start for home nl*)iit 11:80 p. in-, arriving in Boston ut .":4~> a. m.

Those who will go on the trip are: Hon. John Brett., Mayor John P. Kane, Paymaster of the- Ninth Regi- ment, John P. Ryan Sr., John P. llyan Jr., Supt. Hennessey of the public property department, Michael Ryley, Charles' Lewis, John Mulcah-y and QUS Alberts. All u( the above mention ed except Mayor Kune will go as guests of Company P.

The company will-consist of Captain Donovan, First Sergeant. D. A. Far- ragher. Second Sergeant. -IVilliam It. Holland, Sergeants James J. Hc- CfMdv, M J. Hunnaimn. T. A. Daly arid T. l\ MrXamam; Corporals- John Donoghue, John Paratow. Arthur Hearty, .1. William Mahoney, Jerry Sullivan and I'. Teschmari, Cook. Frank Burns: Musician, Andrew Mahoney Privates. Anderson, Armstrong. Bar relt. Boucher. Cantwell, ("ashman,

tnnors, Collins. Crontn, Dufrenae, Bbert, IJvans, Kurd, Fri/.zeii, Had ley, Hannlgan. Harinett. Hutton, Judge, Lancaster, Leary, Ford, May, Man ion, Morrison, McDonough, McLaughlin. Mc'l'irnan, O'Brien, O'Hearn. O'Nell, O'Connor, Peeky, Joseph Quint., Km nit Quinn. I;aldy, BoHlvan and Tristan.

imwMijiimunfiniiiit^i ■.■■——■■■■■■■■■■■»■■>—M^-^MM—





TO LET—Furnished front room, open fireplace, desirable location. Apply at 67 Hampshire St.. Methuen.


TO LET—Two tenements of 5 rooms each, gaa and bath, •**!! rent one tenement If desired. Apply 19 (Jreen St., near Broadway. lti-114sa


LOST—A solid gold, open face lady's watch, between the Lawrence Gen- eral hospital and Newbury street. Finder please return to tho Oeneral hospital and receive reward. sa

TO LET—Three rooms and large shed 63 Reservoir street. Apply to John Shea. 22B Lowell street. Rent $1.50 a week. 10-194 sa

I ■

To LET —Two stalls in stable at rear of 117r. Broadway, cor. Cross St.. L'p- to-date stallf, everything conven- ient. Apply J. F. Janus & Co., 1*1 Essex St. p. m., or 375 Broadway, S:3'J a. in. tf-i


LOST—Lady's gold watch. Saturday night, between Ideal market and Jackson street. Finder return to Ideal market and receive reward. 10-147 fca.

LOST—A pair .of lady's eyeglaases on Union street, Sunday forenoon. FlndeT return SHJM to 'Mrs. Frank Dydek, 30 High street and receive reward. lo-na pa

LOST—A liver and white pointer dog in Salem, tf. II., Monday. Finder return to Fred K. Joy, 13 Chane St., Methuen, and receive reward, or telephone 1322. 10-l&9sa

FOR BALE—Great bargain. Nine room house, all modern Improve- ments, situated on corner, 13,000 square feet of land, 10 minutes' walk from Wood mill, at only $2400 If sold at once. Easy terms. Address Joel Bean, Jr., 601 Bay State Bldg., Lawrence, Mass., or 4 Perkins ave- nue, Brockton, Mass. 8-lB5sa

FOR HALE-~One oil tank* with pump, 260 gallons: one tank with pump. 100 gallons. Apply to H. A. Merrill, gro cer, 170 Uroudway. Methuen.

lo-i:.3 si

Cards from the following list can be purchased at the American-Sun office, 384 Essex street. In any number de- sired: A


LOST—Lady's gold watch, on Law- rence Htreet. Had leather fob with letter "H" attached. Will the person who picked up the watch re- turn same to 19K Walnut street or 2M E&lfiX .street, and receive reward.

£0-171 si.


If you have second hand furniture to sell or exchange, call on us and ws will pay the best prices. Bargain Furniture Store, 468 Essex street.

8-249 sa




—AUTUMN EXCURSIONS— VIA. rr.ANT I.I.N'F;, Halifax and re- turn IH.00. HAWESBURY nnci re

. turn tlo.l)') CHAIU.i .TTKTnWN anil return 111.00 FTTiNKY nnT^r.'turn7T1a-TnrST^fraiTifTrTr2 "TTrtnjT-gnlTnr »ny Rteann r S'-pt. t, to <»i 1, Inclu.alve. It-lnrnlnff 30 dnyu tr>>tn date. Bteamors nail Tti.s.l;i\s. 'I'hutsdayH antl Satunl.ivs 18 nonn from Commer- cial wharf. Tlcketa at 898 Waahlnalun St.. and wharf uffloa. K W. PERRY, GENERAL MANAGER



Glasses Every Monday,


Mrs. Grace Norton Whittaker died at a hospital in - f$t**ton feoUwdsy after months of suffering. She bore her af- niction with patient fortitude. Bbe lived at the corner ef Walnut ami Park Streets and was well known In the Ar- lington district Where site enjoyed the confidence and esteem of a targe circle of frlenda She was -ifi years old. Beside her mother she leaves' four ati ters, Mrs. Lena Slater, Mrs. Fred iJarrett, Blanche and i lenevleve and one brother, I'red. Kunerar services

ill be held at the immaculate Con- pti-in church Friday morning. 1'nd'rtaki-r UevMn brought the body

from Boston.


Ales, Lager andPorter SELL ON THEIR MERITS

Because they represent the best In Brewing. The finest procurable In gredtents-- the highest knowledge of the art of Brewing --just the right amount of ageing together with PURITY and care In every detail makes .


Harvad Products 2 Pre-eminently the Pure Beer of America.

Look for the Trade Mark on Every Cask and Bottle.




How's This7

We offer One Hundred Dollars He- ward for any ease of Catarrh that can- not be etfred bv Hall's i'atarrh Cure.

V. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known R

J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his linn.

WARDING, KINNAN & MAKVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.

Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter' nally. acting directly1 upon the blood tnd mucous surfaces of the sysjUarn. Testimonials sent free. Price 7.r. cents pi-r bottle. Sold by all Druggists. T

Take Hall's. Family "*llls for con- stipation. •

WANTED—Capable woman desires work at office cleaning. Best of ref- erences. Address M. T. American Sun office. sa tf

DEARBORN ft CO., the SECOND- HAND DEALERS have removed to the corner of Ameaburyand Common Kta. Highest cash prices paid for second hand furniture and all class- es of second band goods. satf

BEST CASH PRICES glren for sec- ond hand furniture. Apply to James Irving, 311 Common street. ' sa

MONET TO LOAN on Diamonds snfl Watches at a Low Rate. Fine Watch Repairing at lowest prices, GORDON The Jeweler, 427 Essex St 6-127sa

WANTED^-Brlght, Intelligent young man to learn the photographic bus- iness. Address Photographer. Sun- American 9-363 sa.

FARM HELP WANTED—Man and boy to pick fruit, and other work by month. Good wages to right parties. Charles F. Knight. South ByfiVld. Mass. " 9-473 sa.

WANT EH)—French (saleslady for Ana-class local piano stone. Addr "Piano." this office. lu-30 sa.


Common wraith of Massachusetts. toaex, BB.


To th-' h. irs-at-law. m-xt of Uln. creditors.-and all other per.-ons Inter- ested in the estate ■>:. Charles R. Slan- |. v. late ot Lawrence, in sa|d' County; merchant deceased, Intestate. WHEREAS, i petition has been pre- sented to said Court to grant a letter ut .idmlnl.-tration on the estate not already administered ol said deocased

Haruy R. Stanley Of Lawrence In the County "f Essex without giving o surety on his bond. You are hereby cited*to appear at a Probate court to be held al Balem In said County of Esses, on the imh day of November A. D. It06, at nine o'clock in the fore- noon, to show cause, ii" any you have, whv tie* same ahould not be granted.

And the petitioner is hereby directed . give public notice thereof by pub* uhing this citation once in each we#«, >r thr«( succeBStve weeks, in Iho

Lawrence Dally American, a newspaper published in Lawrence, the last pnbll- eatlon tn )>.■ one day at least before said Court

Witness, jlnllii! lv Il.irinon. Ks.|iili ■■. Judgo of said i 'tiurt, this nlntb day of drtotier. in the year one thousand Bfflfl hundred and sl>

J. T. MAHUNEY. ItfHUtter. H. Ii. Stanley, Atiy.

10F1S9, 10-11-18-25.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


'!'.» the heirs- at-law, next ol klib and all oilu-r persons Interested In tin- ea- tate of Bumner c. Stanley »te of Lawrencei In said County, deceased, WHEREAS, B certain Instrumoht pur- porting to be the last will and testa- mint of jald deceaaed has been pre- Knted i'o said Court ,|"' probate, by Harry Rufus Stanley, Wilbur K. Row

< ■ 11 and William Odlin who pray thai letter* testamentary may be Issued to them, the executors tnerein name<t without giving a surely on their offi- cial bonds. You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be bold at Sab in in aftfd Count v of EEssex, on the (ITth day of November A. i>. 190»(-at nine o'clock in the forenoon te shffg cause, is any >oii ha\«'. uby tin- sane-" sTioitld no) IT granted.

And said netltldnera are hereby di- recterl to glee pub'llc notice tb.r.of by publlshlns; tliis citation once in each •^eel-'. f»r. Ilit'ee ydeoeH*HVe WI'«'~kH,' lit the [Awrende Daily Amerlcati, a'news- [»a |M v publl-di.-d In Law rotif publication to be

the l.i one da\, ,;tl tFKBl

before said Court and by mailing, postpaid, or di Ih • ring a < opy of thl citation to nil known persWia Intel eeted in the estate, seven days at leai bnfnrr «taid C,,ltrt-— ——y

Witness, RoUIn E. Harmon. E«qulr< Judge"tft said Codrt, Mils ninth day of October in the, year one thousand nln** hundred and six.

J, T. MAHONEY, Register. H. il. St:<nl.-v. Atty

10-1'JO 10-11-18-25



h-osi Bible class met Wednes- nJng In t)i»' vestry of (he First

itaptist Church. Charles 10 Lawrence eacher of the class, presided, Plani vere matie for furthering the Interest! f tho class, and steps taken for a

bowling league, a basket ball tram. Mans uvie also made for two enter* alrtment3 to be held In the church in

6ar future, The class will be ctlVe this winter and lias plan*

icd to hold some sort'of an entertain- neat » vary otbei week.


The weavers of this city will meet or organisation ltt Neadbam hall, over Hugo Belt's jewelry atore,. tonight at 8 ofclock.


LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy re* moves cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E W. Qrove. 'J"'e.

WANTED—A first clasa painter. Ap- ply at John Slaughter, 29 Woodland ■treat Prospect hill. 10-121 sa

WANTED— A girl for general house- work; no washing or Ironing'. Qooa wages. AppJy at 8 Campo Saco gtn near Logan street. 10-145

S'TED- the Ca

Get the best w»en yn buy whiskey —get Van Book, a pure liquor for family use. Bottled In bond, under government inspection. At Ford Bros., ana beet retail atorea.


Lewis H. Schwartz Has removed his LAW OFFICES t* the Bay State Building on the Fourth FOOT Suite 406.

Telephone No. 114-1-

withtn It concern.

Patrick M. Kearney hill Dry Goods Store, ix room tenement or flat minutes' walk of tin- above


WANTED—To teach two bt three pu* pi is shorthand. Term! vei-\" reason- able. Address "ti. K. C." American I »f||ce. 10 158 wa

\\ ANTED— Young man. is or JO years old, mechanically*'Inclined. Chance for advancement. AdresST "K. C" American-Sun office. 10-172 va

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. DANIElTsiLVER,



Will be paid to the person

furnishing sufficient evidence

to convict those who started

the fires at the

WANTED*—Second hand Furniture of all description. We pay the best cash prices. W. L. Welch & Ca, 18* Esesx St., Telephone 133-6.

WANTED—Men for automobile driv- ing and repair business; for 125 wo guarantee a license; easy payments; largest and best school; open even- ings until 9 o'clock; enclose stamp for catalogue. Boston Auto School, 343 Trcmont St., Boston, Mass.


WANTED1—Housework In a small family, by middle-aged woman. Ap- ply to "C, .O.." Amcrlcan-Sun ofllca,

10-51* a.

MONEY TO LOAN On Household Furniture. Pianos,

Read Kstato and other kinds of prop- erty at legal and reasonable rates >>t Interest Loans" can be paid by small weekly or monthly payments. Interest deducted as the principal i* paid back. Business confidential; please call and get our terms; you will find them satis- factory. ■

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday and Thursdays, from 4 p. m.. to 9 p. m.. and Saturdays from -':30 p. m., to

:30 p. m.

Forrest Loan Co. 228 Essex St., Room 3

(Over Leonards Clothing Store).

Thomas Bevington 283 ESSEX STREET,

MENDERS WANTED—Steady work guaranteed; all piece work. Good menders make JU to $14 a week. Ap plv at Princeton Worsted mills, Tren ton. N. J. l'i-^i a.

WANTED*- v ouic 'Women In every city and town In Northeastern Mas- puchujgUuuiallfied n>r positions pay- ing M»aVok and upward to write to ioufe, old South Bids;., Boston.



Weavers on KUKINI loom»; two loon work. Good \\"iK ami good pay. Xanfl iiichts from $- to $4 per month. Appl Atlas Worsted ('•>.. North Balem, N. n

lU-lll^ B,l


stables recently.

CHARLES G. RUTIER, Chairman of the Board of

Fire Engtneen.

Lawrence, Sept. 26, 1906

Low PRICES for the finest qualltj of watches and Jewelry—watch and Jewelry repairing, finest work, rea- sonable prices. I have a few fine old violins for sale. JAMES WAIN, 11,1 KSSEX STREET.

DRINK PURITAN SPRING WATER Beat spring water In town. Dallvarad

freah from tha spring er*ry day. Sampla bottle* free. Drop poatal to Oeorie W. PlDW. Box Ml. Ottr.


Insurance, Real Estate.


Thomas Bevington 283 ESSEX STREET.

M Money to Loan on RaS m Estate In larga or "maU uM amounta at a low MB* U •(Interact. . ■■ w -

■Et. o. must


Boot Blacking Parlor lot Ladle* aad Oents. Private Parlor for Ladles. Sta Cleaning. Pressing and Dyeing of Lb* dies' and Oents Clothing. Called fol and Delivered. Lowest Prtoea. Bad I Delivered direct from the Bprlnf Work. every morning. Order by Po"*^,*"-

ARSINIA8 I. BVANg, Abbott, i Pla»aant VaUay »tia««. ata- m «SB»X «r.. r'


No More Cold Rooms

If you only knew how much comfort can be derived from a PERFECTION Oil Heater—how simple and economical its operation, yon would not be without it another day.

You can quickly make warm and coxy any cold room or hallway—no matter in what part of the house. You can heat water, and do many other things with the


(Equipped with Smokeless Device)

Turn the wick as high or low as you can—there's no danger. Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke- less device-

Made in two finishes—nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beauti- fully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and bums 9 hours. Erery heater warranted. If you cannot get heater or information from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular.

"Vi.. -^ and steady light, simple con- struction and absolute safety.

Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed- room. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's.



IWassachusetts Sends Congratulations.

Suite fiiir time Ul drawing near, and ►Georgia "Old-Home Week" will con- ■tritMiii' greatly to the pleasure and CjccffHs of the .annual event.—Atlanta ^institution.



Q/ < ■ •»■■■■■. T CO

CO s fSBB^ •■as*

^^ or. J& 0

.£ OL

hi LT> I | f fl — M u 0 S 3 1 O

9E i>

r-«j ffl 1 r

=£ 2 "5

UJ m

^ 1 9SRB M O

^ 1 > 1


5 u.



The annual Methodist harvest sup- per was held Wednesday evening In th© church vestry. An orchestra fur- nished musk-, while supper was being served.

The orchestra comprised Mrs. James Hidings, Marlon Dopwaril, James Rld- ngH, Clarence Price, Robert Wolcott, *nd Richard Sllverthorne.

The committee in charge was Mrs. George- W. Copp, chairman; Mrs. Oeo. Blanchard, Mrs. E. L. Silver, Mrs. A. N. Kim ball, Mra. George CftlVer, Mrs. Granvlllu Stevens, Mrs. D. K. Orr and Mra. Clinton Clark.

Tho waitresses were Mrs. George Hunting, head waiter; Mrs. Herbert F. Nye, Mrs. Frank A. Gordon, MIK. Robert Stanley, Mrs. Asa Harris, Gladys Morse. Clara Orr, Maud New- begin. Blsnche Freeman and Ethel Wolger,


The Ladles' Aid society of thp Sec- ond P. M. church held a bean supper and apron sale In the cnurch base- ment Wednesday night.

The committee In charge wa« Mrs. John Morse, Mra. M. Mack, Mrs. John Geary and Mrs. Lee. Tho apron table was in charge of Mrs. KerBhaw. Mrs. Ma*'k and Mrs. Geary acted Us wait- resses.


The Young People's ChrlRtlan Endea- vor society of the Second P. M. church, will hold a business meeting and so- i;il. Saturday night at the parsonage.

A cobweb iparty will be held and the allowing program will bo given:

Now Ready Lamson & Hubbard

Fall Style For Sale By

Leading Dealers

WE PAINT Whitewash, Stain, Grain and do e«ry- hing to tone your house up. Rooms *pered, with border to match, only $2. )ur prices on work are the lowest In

town and the work la guaranteed. Send postal and we will give you nn esti- mate,


Walter Pilbro of Claremont was In town calling on old friends Wednes- day. Mr. Pilbro was a foreman In the construction of the racetrack.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Woodbury left Wednesday morning for a week's stay in New York.

Chester F, Rowell of Nashua ppent Wednesday at his home in town. Mr. Rowell now occupies the position of assistant engineer for tho Nashua Electric Light company.

Wa'ker Huigh of Salem Centre hns been awarded the contract of painting the Interior and exterior of the Bap- tist church and commenced operations on the inside Tuesday.

Contractor Borchers Is making rapid progress In the erection of the new two tenement house of C. Frank Kiinball, opposite the school house.

The workmen engaged in placing the Steel ceiling at the Baptist church, are making rapid headway under the su- pervision of Contractor Proctor of West Derry.

Prof, and Mrs. F. Clayton Record Of this place attended a dinner given by a prominent Haverhill merchant in that cit> Wednesday evening.

Cole & Brown, the lumbermen, have recently purchased a lot of timber cov crlng 200 acres at Hopltlnton.


Tax Collector L. Henry Bailey I: detained at his home on Highland street as the result of a bicycle acci- dent which occurred a few days ag» when his left leg was badly sprained In a fall from the wheel. Miss Leona baker* Is substituting for him at the drug store.

At the next meeting of Wlndham grange which occurs Tuesday evening, Oct. 16. The evening will be in charge of Ceres and Pomona who will pre- sent "a tine program.

James O. Lewis, formerly conductor on the . street railway, and family. have moved to Nashua where tho I'oniirr is employed.


Rev. C. H. Ketshaw . Prea. Bert Emsley Miss Morrell

Dorothy Amiss.

Remarks Remarks Piano solo Piuno duet, ....".

Amy Emsley Vocal"duet ; ".vr..'•. .-—■. —

Helen Frye, Vfulctta Sllverthorne.

The committee in charge comprises Maud Frye. chairman; Lillian Sllver- thorne and Harold Craven.


The follow!tig delegates represented the local Baptist church at tho meeting

f the Merrlmaok River Baptist JMpO* fation at iBUlerlca, Wednesday: ™rs.

WeafJcott, Mrs. Lorin O. Norrls. Mrs. Sarah Cilppin, Mrs. Price, Mrs. JaJ. Lyons. Mrs. Julia Barker, Mrs. Mat- thews Allblna Howe. Mary fluff. Mil- tic Clnff, Julia Emerson, Rev. Robert B. Fisher, and Deacons Lorin O. Nor- rls and John Barker.


A baked bean supper was held Wed- nesday evening, at the Barker chapel, in the Barker district. There was an entertainment consisting of vocal and instrumental solos a"d readings. Mr':' f anfleld of Bridgeport. Conn., a tenor singer, was one of the soloists.

The affair was in charge 0* Mrs. It. P. Burn ham. Mrs. Margaret Wan Up, Mrs. Ella Robinson. Miss Mary Finn- cane, and Mfss Nellie Wurvup. The proceeds will ■be used in building the kitchen for the chapel. plans for which are being made,

■supper was served by Mrs. Winnie Edwards. Mrs. YmmK. Mary Nice, Edith PUikney and Ruth Youn*.


Mary Magdalene Flnekerzt and" Hor- ace-X. Polk were united in marrlge by itev. Robert T. Walcott at the Me- thodist .parsonage. Wednesday. after- noon at 110. The bride's sister. Mar- tha and brother Fred, stood up for the couple. Mr. and Mrs. polk will start housekeeping at once on Mill street. In the. Marsh corner district.

The annual harvest supper. ■ served by the ladles of the Methodist society. Salem Centre, was held at the vestry Wednesday evening and was e big auocess both socially and financially Supper was served from 6 to 8 o'clock and the quality of the far* deserves Special mention as this socl etv take* the tead for excellence fn that line. At 8:W the auction sale of farm products, consisting of vegeta-l Thp gfjTeH.yMr-old dauffhtev of Mr. bles, fruits, canned goods, etc., took* # Mrs. Albert Bean of Pelhaw place and K. M. McLaughlin as aue-|Htreet is conflnr(i t0 th<> fatnilv ho'ni tione. hutno people U.T

from the re

The past noble grands association of Uebckah lodges will meet In Odd Fel- lows hall, Nenvhuryport Friday ftfter- noon of this week. Local members who dealre to attend will take the 12

O'clock Haverhill oftf from Lawrence.

kept, the gathering in food j with 'a broken a large number of HaverhUI

present, besides several rby towns.

DIRECTORS WILL BANQUET. The directors of the Lawrence base*

ball I'iHii will banquet at the Arlington hotel, Haverhill, tonight at tho ex- pense of the directors of the Haverhill nine.

\ meeting ot the stockholders of the Lawrence club will be held Monday. Kov. '■■■ Dtrectora for the ensuing year will he elected nt this meeting.












Popular Pricee. Ladies to Orchestra, Matinees, 10c. Phones 70 A 8553.

he result of a fall from an apple tree. The little glil was at the top of a tree in ehe yard Satur- day, more than SO feet above the around, when »he stepped on a decayed II into and fell. Her fall was somewhat broken by her prrtking other limb* In the decent, otherwise her Injuries might have been morn serious. The hone of her light arm was broken, and lie was badly shaken up.

The LtfWrenca Knlttlnc company of Which CJeorgo A. Hunting Is treasurer and John Dodge Is president, is now ocupylng the Tenney building (1 Cen- tral square, which was recently pur- chased by the company. The ms been renovated on iho interim for

tho aceomodatidn of the machinery. Th,. coinuany expert!* soon to be In

full operation. They have a large num- ber of orders on hand, and look forward to a busy season*.

A regular meellng of Friendship temple. Rathbons Sisters, was held .AVednfs.l.'iy evening. A good of the or- der committee was .elected for three months. The members uf the commit- tee are Ml»n Nettle L. Kellev. chair- man, tyr*. (Jeui'ge Hunting. Mrs. Mary I, i,.-;tveit llosea E. BrMdstreet, Har-

ry D. Kelley and Frank Hall. | The degree te>ani held a rehearsal af- t"r th« regular meeting. On Nov. 14, the district convention will be held In Methuen.

The Qctobar meeting Of Samuel Ad- ams chapter. TD. A. R., will he held at <;range hail, Saturday at 3 p/'m. This

H one week earlier thnn usunl.

Tho High school football team held heir first practice todny, OB the Mw- rence st reet playstead. Sub-master Odgtir Gilbert was in eharge.

1 The candidates for the football team are: Raymond Cheiuy. 'OR; John Thomson, '07; Harold Craven, '07; (Percy Bughee, '07: Ralph Rugbee. '07: Thome* MHIUUIW. W\ K'lfijr f'raven OH t'larenco HotiMon. 'OS: Frank For-

I er •'OP' Philip Johnson. *09; Arthur AVer '10' Ck* 0*«ty, (M: Hert Oan y, 10 P ('"IP. 'in; Ray Billington. 'IO4

i Md Merrill Caunt, '10.

] fl. A. II. Coupe spent Wednesday at

Thirty boys attended the last meet- of the Boys' club and the order during the first part of the evening showed a great gain over tho previous week. Only 23 remained to elect officers and the business meeting was less order- ly than In previous elections. The choice of officers was very satisfactory, however, and the following will be responsible for the club during the coming year: President, William A. Magulrc; vice-president, John Had- don: secretary, Robert McCord; trea- surer, Stephen Sullivan; house coun- cil, Frank Leslie, Alexander Black, James Stewart and William McCord.

The next session of the club will be on Friday evening at 7:30 when all those who wish to enter the night school are requested to meet. Saturday evening nt the same hour the members who wish only tho social aide of th« work will meet to decide on some plan of action. Mrs. Margaret (Donovan; Klmnall, for 14 years a teacher in the public schools has consented to take '-harge of the night school.


The Ladies^ Home Missionary socle- ty of the Seminary church, held its annual meeting Tuesday, Oct. 9, and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Miss Fanny Brown, president; Miss Mary E. Carter, Mrs. Owen H. Gates, vice-presidents; Mis* Jane R. Carpenter, secretary; Mrs. Charles A. Stark, treasurer.

An interesting address was made at this meeting by Miss Miriam L. Wood-, berry of Boston on the heroic and self- sacrificing mission work done in Alas- ka, and among the Indians of the Western reservations.


A quiet wedding took place, Wed- nesday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander La- mont on Maple avenue, when their youngest daughter, Mary Fleming, was united in the sacred bonds of matri- mony to Ernest Alfred Johnson of Beacon street, Lawrence. The core- mony was performed by Prof. W. H. Ryder of the Andnver Theological sem- Innry, the" double ring service being used. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were the recipients of many useful and valua- ble wedding gifts.

After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will reside at 21 Kendall street. Lawrence.-


The Indian football team deteated (he Young Haw'thornes on the play- stead Wednesday afternoon, by the score of 6 to 0. The lineup:

Indians—Carrie, capt. Collins, Ran- nan. Lindsay, Dalv, Brown. Doyle, Murphy. J. Kyle, Eldred, Platt.

Young1 Hawthornes—Stewart, capt.. Stark, Basso, Madden. Donovan, Morse, McKee, D. Stark, Driscoll, Laing, Kccte, Dugan.


About 60 friends of William Hardy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Hardy or Map'e avenue, who is nt present employed in New York, tendered him B surprise parly in Pilgrim hall, Wed- nesday evening. The party assembled early in tho evening and waited for the arrival of their guest. About 8:30 o'clock Mr. Hardy entered the hall, and In behalf of the assembled gat ti- ring. Dr. Malcolm McTernen present-

ed him with a gold watcli fob. Mr. Hardy, although wholly overcome. responded In a few well chosen words. Games and dancing were then enjoy- ed, after which retreshments were Hervcd by Allan Hinton. Miss Elln Barton and Dr. M. 13. McTernen had charge of the affair.

DAN TORI H. s fi; P. H. 8. 0.

The Danvers hl^h school football team defeated the Pum-hard high school eleven 1 n the formers' ground". Wednesday afternoon, by the score of 6 to 0. This Is the first game the to- eals bar* played and on the whole the team made a favorable showing.

Tho local Y. M. )'. A. will conduct an entertainment In the Town hall oh" Thursday evening. Nov. 1, nl 8 o'clock. The entertainment Will bo furnished by the Cecilia I iperetta company of Beaton. The llrst part of the program will be taken up by the following ar- tists Anna Etttelle Hoiiis, soprano; Kdith EjtacGregor w soda, contralto; Robert Hall, terror; and Edward V Osgood. basso, with Charles P. Scott as musical director. The second part will consist of ii play, "The Sleepers' Queen," an operetta In one act bv Balfo. composer of "The Bohemian Girl" or "Widow Bewitched," by Vir- ginia Gabriel.


At n session of the registrars of vo- ter* held at the old school house. Bal lard vale, Wednesday evening, the following names were added: Eldon rhh'iv. James lleffernan and Jamc* MtcGiine.

The annual harvest festival and farmers' supper of the M. K. church, held In the vestry, Wednesday even- ing, proved a most enjoyable and successful occasion.

Following an excellent supper, serv- ed In abundance, a pleasing pro- gram of speech-making, vocal and In- strumental selections, was admirably carried out.

The various committees In charge, who are entitled to much credit for their efficiency, were as follows:

Executive committee—S. T. Wood, E. 8. Edmunds, Rev. George E. Sander- son.

Supper committee—Mrs. E. S. Ed- munds, Mrs. W. H. Paul. Mrs. George- E. Sanderson, Miss Mabel Webster.

Soliciting committee—Mrs. S. T. Wood, Mrs. E. S. Edmunds, Mrs. W. H. Paul, David ■ Jackson, Edgar R. Tucker.

Committee on tlcketB—G. W. Mor- gan, Ellis Glover.

Committee on tables—Ellis Glover, W. H. Paul, G. W. Morgan, W, W. Abbott.

Committee on Ice cream—W. H. Paul. —

Supper soliciting committee—Mrs. Kiank W. Manchester. Mrs. F. C, Ku llson, Mrs. S. A. Smith, Mrs. W II. Puul, Mrs. S. T. Wood. Mrs. H. B. Bu- gley, Mrs. E. S. Edmunds, Mlsa Mabel Webhler.

^JBQ^M:«^CeWia3^ For Steam and Hot Water Heating

The Boilers we used to make were

■s good as any, but 30 years' experience

had taught us that better boilers could

be made — ought to be made.

Consequently we have made them,

the new "Crawford" and "Walker"

Boilers for heating.

The peculiar fact about them it that -CRAwroaD" tney heat where others fail.

They are a gilt-edge investment for those who want heat and plenty of it, at the minimum of expense and care.

The "Heat Ribs" cast on the interiors of these boilers is a feat- ture found in no others. a Pratt H((.C. , JI 35 Union it.,

vltt: Our sew booklet, "Warmth, Hosltb snd Comfort,"

UiDterntiSK. Shall we send it ?


Mrfl G\ A. H. Coupo Is demonstrniing Ice Cream at the Fond F*alr.




Harry E. Whltcomb i>assed away, Wednesday, at his home, 185 Main Htrei-t, aged 21 years, 6 months, 10 days.

His Illness covered a period of about six weeks.

The deceased was born In West Newton, and had lived In North An- dover about two years and a half.

His manly character, genial man- ner and kindly ways won for him tho hii{hef«t respaat of all with whom ho came In contact.

He belonged to the Franklin club of Lowell, where he formerly resided.

He.leaves a step-father. Wllllnm T. Piper, and mother, Mrs. Piper.

They have the deep sympathy of the townsfolk In their sorrww.

The funeral is to take place Friday. Services, to be conducted by Rev. H.

Usher Monro. will be held at the housj ut 11 o'clock.

Interment Is to be In the family lot, West Newton.

epates from the Lawrence end to the recent Republican county convention.

Mutorman William Fitzgerald Is ab- M ni from his duties owing to a sprain* ed leg.

The board ofrallroad commissioners hss granted the Haverhill & Hoxford Street Railway company a continuance until Nov. 7, tor a hearing on the pe- tition for an extension of time for taklne up the franchise, and In th" meantime the company will prepare ;i financial statement for the use of the commissioners.



Medical Examiner Dow who held nn autopsy on the body of W. Gage Sheldon, who was found dead m bed at hts home, 123 Lawrence street Wed- nesday morning, pronounced death due to a rupture of a tumor in the great artery. Medical Examiner Dow stated that since he has been practic- ing medicine and holding autopsies he bus never before seen n ease like that which caused Sheldon's death.

Didn't Even Have a Bamboo Pole.

KtlplI ( can't ftsh li around here with a permit.

Small Boy^—O. 1 don't know' I'm getting along pretty well with this ungle worm.—Philadelphia Public Led- ger.


'BOSTON) Oct. in—Four DMMngers were slightly injured by a collision ol' two express trains oh the Boston & Maine railroad neiir East SomerviHc this evening.

Agent Riffraff) of the Washington, mill and Agenl Lyons of the Wood mill were on one of the trains. Agent Ingram telephoned hornt tarly in the evening thai all of the party with whom he was .nrlved safely in Bos- ton und were uninjured.

ADVICE FREE. Call or Write

for Honest Treatment.

I cure all NERVOUS SKIN and CHRONIC! DISEASES. Those suffering from rheu- matism, sores, ulcers, cancers, tumors or any form of skin or scalp diseases, should visit

once. Remember, consul- advtce and services absn-

free to all who apply this

GRADY, month.

DR. JOSEPH 23S Tremont Street. Boston.

Mrs.--in-12 a. rr\.; 2-5. 7-8 p. m., Tiifsday. Thursday and Satur-

day. Sundays, 10-12 only.


A very capable committee of ar» rnngements has completed plans for a harvest supper, to be given in odd I'VUnws hall, Friday evening, under tho auspices of Penelope Rebekah lodge, I. O. O. F.

Nothing has been omitted for the pleasure- of those who attend, and patrons may rest assured that the af- falr will ho one of rare enjoyment. i

Mrs. William Haillday. chairman; Mrs. John B. Lewis, Mrs. George I. Dickey. Mrs. Charles W. Hinxman and Mrs. William Mackle are In charge of the event.

i lirm clUMf supper will be served from 6 lit K o clock. (0 be pillowed by whist and other diversions.

Admission, I ncluding supper, 25 cents.

Everybody l« cordially invited to at- tend,



sinOlig the awards by the Boston Jk Maine management, this season, to sta- tion agents for ihual displays and "making the station beautiful'^ were the Pillowing;

Fifth ehiss, prize 115, Richard Pfuil fer. Ingulls crossing.

Blcth class, prize $10. John < Thompann, starblerldffe.

Seventh class, prize jr., Harry I ('iitinlngham. Stevens; R. H. Hanson,, Machtfto Booth


These committees have been ap- pointed by the board of directors 1>f

the Young Men's club for the COUIIIIK

season; Membership committee — Oeorg.*

Woolley, chairman Clarence I. Smith. Kih\ard E. Curley.

Junior worS eommtUee^-Rav H. Usher Monro. chairman; Warren IE. P.dwen, Wallace E. Mason

Reception commute.—William E, ll> lliwell, chairman. Monday, Edmund B. Curley. Allle Badger; Tuesday, Samuel Harffreaves, Claxfon Monro: Wednesday) Thomas Miiner. Bertram \\ riclev; Thursday. Clan-iu < I. ftmtth, .) Gerald Miller; Friday, Clifton V. I ;nie v. Edward Meghnr; Saturday, luseph A. Duncan, Herbert S. Stillinffa.

House count! i It ee—Charles Adams Appleton, chairman: 'William K. iieiii- well, John H. Lewis. ■

postmaster and Mrs. Charles A. Pilling have returned from a II nays' vacation, passed in Rochester, N, H. During Mr. Filling's absence his du ■ ties hay« been allriuled to by T H* i ;,\ dnauffh. The hitter's place was lilli'd1 by Laurense McDonuld of tart Lawrence office.

pnnlel A. Carleton of Tremont ,Vat- lay farm purchased '-- lirst class cows at Krighton. Wednesday?

Contractor P- P. t*«w is making im- proi i ments on the Daniel Baunders house, .Main street.

"Bible Study' will be the topic for tn\t Sunday evening's meeting of the Christian Endeavor society, to be held in the Onngrepaflonal vestry. Rsv. John ], K...-,l> i* tO lead.

Privates Joseph Lord and Joseph McDonoUffh of Co, F. Ninth Reft, go with that command, Friday, on ■ trip to New York.

Mr7 and Mr«. Hiram K. Mills, who have IM"MI -p-nding thu siinuncr at Prospect Hill, returned to Lowell. the ether day.

Ttlfl famous Hlaek DUlS Mills band plan* at the Lawrence Opej-a house, Rnnday afternoon and evening, under the atwptoes of the United British n- clatlaii

Selectman .fames V Poor, candidate for county commissioner, tendered a bftftOUet. Wednes«1ay evening, at lb- rrsnklln JKSJSX Xmttmmi, to iiu- del-

Alfred J. Kohn & Co. Specialists in Copper Mining Stocks We advised the purchase of

NIPPISING, at $9, now jelling at $23, , ' " CUMBERLAND ELY, at $8, now selling at $14. NEVADA CONSOLIDATED, at $10, now selling at $22. .

We advise now the immediate purchase of McKINLEY-DAHRAQH-SAVAGE.


Buy now for tremendous profits. . These und other curb Heeurltlea boug ht. sold and iiceurutely Quoted

44 Broad Strest, New York. Telephone 388-389-5000 BROAD. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED


Beginning October 1, 1906, the gross price of gas will be reduced to $1.03 par thousand cubic feet with a dis- count of 10 per cent per thousand for1

prompt psyment on or before the 15th of the month, making the net price of gat 95c per thousand feet.

At this price, gas can be used to advantage in besting bathrooms, chambers, and all rooms where heat it needed only occasionally, and at this season of the year it is much cheaper to use gas for hasting in the morning than to start your furnsce or boiler.

We have heaters for $1.00 and up- wards,—also a nice tine of gas radia tors, gas grates, and gas logs, suitable for parlors, dining rooms, or sitting- rooms, and cordially invite you to cell st our office snd inspect them.

We alto detire to call the ettention of the gat coniumen to our line of gat lamps which.we sell at reasonable prices. Nothing givet more comfort than a Welsbach reading Ismp, snd we'can change over a kerosene lamp to a gas lamp at slight expense.

Our customers are requested to notify ua promptly of sny trouble with their lights, and all complaints of any nature will receive immediate attention.



Henry Arnold has been on a Vermont mill Canada.


Matthew Taylor died late ■Thur«d«y KTNERAL <»K MI 10, JANE WHIT- evening ai hut home .»n BttfVWU KNet. TIER. . ' \ detailed obituary notice will be '

Cmmd In anbtber column. serviees for June M. •' „,. . ,. . , ,. .. ' ti<T held Saturday n. at the' l:« II-UH

JnipPH AI ""in T dWH he N;\- Kevins Home for Aged and incurable*, * plant. *ii Home on Broadway, liHirsdHy. t>- Rev, r H oHphatrt ufflclated. Bnrtal Boln. ...

n AUMII l i *P*»■"';' was in Walnut Grove eemeierv. .TMafPtanu m

noid Thlel* the flm deftth wtm thfl nrat death to ureur at the 'Reading. ilace .at the neyina n0ine since it van uttoned. Mrs. Wlm-j Song. ..,

the openlnii .j, , tt.aa ,iu. W|«oW ,,f (.'iin rim Whit*. Piano HO I>. NI jiitut- ,i(,r U|M] it-si.h.l Wre many years, she j Remark*, 6 in \. .iinui „ .,., „ tK)tiw ..f \Vyrcen;oi', ln-in^ imru S.-l". ...

[there TII years rtgo.VPhe cause of death • Remark", «as heart trouble, ofcu^-td by exertion Hub.] ...

"- ; by Mr* WliUtIi*r some time ago in1

1 Button, The lirsi appearance of the "Mr, C*r

ey |K «tp. tuljug today iii Ro

•i woa

ha; i,- fur the Aired atnee in- win be held al 8 I;..'].,! wm («*« I*I.I<

nn* the annual roll call and aupper n tin- Haii'.jM church next Tuesday even Inn. Include" Mr* '■' " He C Fredurick. .Mr\ L'liin ii NorrK Mrs. Jamnn Pelrce Airs .James ■ II. Lyoru*. Mr* i'ti|,|x-ii MI .1. i> i'rU.' Thernn 1' Kinber mid Cliarlen Hatching, (le-nrae n. Bradbury has been made chairman oj the nominalm«

\'iiriiiini B, Ki< hardapti I'mun i>. te<rve oh-the jur.

In been

.■ivil m rencf.

at the t *C\ parlor court at

Harold iv flaunt will rwnov*- nM Monday rrom the huise which he noi i..riipie.- MI, Phillip! street, to (he hodw v. ..-iird i-\ Representatlv

xiuble was felt s,.aii after Mrs, Whit- t'er had honied suinc distance* to bo.ird

Lillian RiuUlinv. I'.uiav Uhidfcett. In the Cat hollo Temperance Society, Rthel Holle. Julia McMftnim. Jennie Hum! ay It* '-vis. Margarei pun-fifth and Mlu-. —2S**- ni< Jackson. , | Cclia IJi-aley of Oakland avenue, em

The following; program \va» rend*- rdoyed in tin it. & -V uitlcea in en tred; IJoylnK a ID 'lavs' vacation, Miss Hea-

'lev . . .. Mr. If unto ..f Haverblll lo Alice Ouard WIIMntn Smith, clerk at -the po*I Pansy lilodgett floe, win take u Vacation of nev

do Kmnia Pfteiffer weeks, starting ThurA^ay. • ,Julia McMamiB John Carney John u<ai--y who is emptey-ad at the lo. Mabel Jackson pott-ofice an mail carrier, is :il at hi:

DlstrlCl Deputy James Cralfe home on uaklaakl ovenae.- Alice Weed Mr. Poure The'lnili'" defer** stafl' Bf the nrai,K Louis Cuttroy <"'ld a reluaisal in Orange hall aftoqda:

(evenlns. uggeated the forming ■<(


William ball h h,

Tin- funeral of the late Bannister will take place at "b i'red Donkln on Oakland avenue at :' iiVKwk Thursday. Burial will take place In Walnut Grove cemetery.

born Tuesday night Harrison Turner of

a tr in.

ST. i;i:«.»Ut;Ks CHURCH.

JUIIK ning

. Join

r league, in the imlge, fi folks wim are not old the regular lodge.

Mrs. William Barnes of Broadway U ougii'-ihle to-be "in again after havlUR been

contlued t'u her hoihe with slokncss:

The lirsl ..|' a aexuui of dances Ul ..iven by the menibers of the Oat

Rev Mr. Taylor's subject fur the club at Odd Fellows' hull will be held morning Sermon will be: 'The Supar-: sometime the latter part of this mom lor Obligations of Christianity," Mat- The date wilj be deelaeU U$0«rtater.

t:. in the evehing Mr. Tavior's siibjeci will he: "A PUcta in I'htisi j.m- itv for Thought," Matthew Jj: 42.'

Sunday School will be held at I' in. All are welcome. The Junior and ln- termediate Leagues of -rhrtattan En- deavor will meet at 2,80. The .SenlorJ William Bannister, one <>f Methuen'n League will meet at 5.45. Monday nf- -tldest residents, is seriously 111 at his

The Lawrence district, lMaitfnrhu SettS Sundav sel I associa tinli will meet al the Congregutlonal uhurch here "ii \\Vdnt»lBthry7_«ct. IT.

Bo •ated fry Uepn'seiit.iiive Kilward A.[ternoon at 2.3» the Ladiew' Aid society war. OUtfJtrfc stre**t. HamW—*4mtwt| ^ni niecl al the pa

is well known in inu«ienl clreti l'i"IUieiit piano player and teat Ii will continue to give music i'';^' li'^ in w home.

Tin sidewalk in front "'' l|i' ilitien Transcript building JS . ul- lied and inw curbing net.

M» - tetng

'•"""- "'' '■"• W..m dlsslonarj society "T (TTe "mrpToTr church was* held Thursday -veiling.

Th.- covenanl meeting of the Baptist i lunch will be laid thi* evening.

Tyler Douglas, M. H. 8., "08, is mak- ing a fine showing >u the Dartmouth football leam, having played several games.

II H. Taylor, well know n In this vicinity, died luti! Thursday night at. his home on Stevens street, Metiiuec, egrnl 76 years and 10 inwnths. ■ Mr. Taylor hud b..,, dl only a ihbrt time, having been stricken with para- I; >i. Knock.

Mr. Taylor was bom in I »■ rry, X, H-, N.iv. :"'. IK29, being the s"u of Mat- then and Louipa Taylor. He Is a di- i descendenl of th* Taylors, who eltled In Derry as far back as 17S2. Mi. Taylot; was the oldest of a fam*-

Itv of six, H" ha« two brother* and sister residing in Haverhilt.

Mr. Taylor was married in tjalem, Kebruurj it;, p.-,::. by Rejv, William Page, to Miss Hutchinsoa, a native oi LMndleld Cefnre,

Mi. and Mrs Taylor ha-va bean bleased with six sons and -ix duuglt- tcrs u ni whom are living.

Mr. TaylOr was for marls years en- gaged in the grocery, jn the lumbering; a ml iii the Fnanufacturing btpuaesa at North Salem, N. H. for many year* he -was interested in the Taylor gro- cery business mi Broadway* Lawrence. ii. hail filled many i>r»HltlOns of trust and vt-i silMliiv in Salem, v...11. He nerved as selectman several yea

on age.

The regular Sunday evening service*] al Phillips chapel by the Congregation- al socletV will be resumed Sunday, Oct. 7.

An inspect, n- from the post office de- partment has been hero this week. An

daughter's home. Mr*. Fred IXnikin t:t k trmd ■- avenue:

Miss Mabel Rttunds was in charge .t| the Young I'd title's meeting at the Cnivei-salist church Sunday evening. The leaders of the Sunday evening meetings for the ensuing nine months will be M'ss Maiimi l.ibby, Kalph ghjg-

Mlsa Florence 0«burn, Mrs, Mai\ (nation at the local oostofflc* L Batley, MlfS Plorence Russell, Mrs.

*.UoA\ed eveiyLUing lu be in good order L. E. McCrilli-. Allied W'tnt. . Miss Bessfe Gilman. Ml»s RUSH^I, Miss Katherlue Johnson, Miss Km mo Rug'- i fleorge T. Boyeni Miss A-Hfcee Coburn, Mrs. w. i:. Llbby, Rev. J. p. Marvin, Miss CUM l. Cordon. Miss Helen K. Rlmonda, Miss Ruth Doypn, Percy Bugbee, Mitts'Anna W. Johnsor Miss Marlon l.ibby. Miss Florence t'»

little MSnaiiie. formerly employed by Capt. Holt of the Lawrence lee Compamy has accepted a position «t the Kuinious lesideini' on Hroadway.

l"hn and 1 icsii lay In Ame--biiry



A daughter wa a Mr. and Mrs. Inge street.'

William Mann is abl« to be about again after belni pontliied t" his home neverul we.ks with an attack of In- flammatory rheumatism.

Abwath. the prtUtflUt day

misery of m; uttball stars,

■iinee coming to Ainriea, iwo years ftgo, lie has hntiiWed considerably, and his tt'ork last season was of lb highest order. Last'season he had tli h,.n,>] of leading his to \ ielory agarnsl the champion F*ore River teani and was ,ailed upon b> the aommll tee of the Merrfmuck Valley leagp as res'etver ** the Pilgrim game i T:. I^I "ii 'a st fall. He Indulges In iv gallery play, but put.« his whole en- ,iu\ i»to the game, which fact has

■;i fi ed for him the fear ami respect ■I ins opponents on the soccer foot- .all held.

Tied Hatgh of Oakland avenue. iniur-l himself internally while on ... vacation several weeks ago! I" reported to be recovering. j At a special communication of St.

'Matthews lodge. A. .K. and A M.. held Mrs. Walter Douglas spent last week in Masonic, hall Monday evening, the

!n Brockton.

The annual to!) call and supper .if the Baptist church will be held Tues- day evening, Oct. JtJ. Ii wan reported

tly that the affair was to be held Tuesday evening, i ii t »

TwinK, a boy. and girl, were boca esterdny to Mr. and .Mrs. Charles tongdon, in the Arlington Heights

cHstHpt. Mra, Jolm hi i" M pleasant stnet, G.H.Blchard sim will ,H.-ii|.v tin- boms vacated by a %i*tt \t— /-» u.. *>„..i ' i i .i. A "* w oi mn < "i i's 11

l«ed for the BTethuen high wOwi "lets. The members are: BomsM

Evervt,t H. At*ch'iD«\ld of Otntral '.'dunx. Prank Magu're, drums -»tree*--ha*»-gmt'--tffl a hunting t rip to | ward ljmiglas. Ipiss drum: Bert GUI Now Brunswick,

Mrs. George property.

having purchased thi

.Of Centra 1

under the management of Superlnteti dent J.ijin lioran.

The convention for the nomination of representatives in the tfth republican district, including this town and two Lawrence wards, will be held in Odd IVllnw.s' hal] Mimday evening.

The timeiai of M. H. Taylor will be held at bis late home, Stevens street. Sunday at J "'clock. Rev, (Theories IT. I Hrohant will lofnciate. The icrvlci ■ will be private, but those who desire tn view- the remains can do so between 11.30 and 12.30,

Captain Rdgar <; Halt, \\ho is actln as coach [or the Princeton collage foot- ball team, wa- at Ids home on Mich street, Friday

Mrs. Carrie l. Crawford of George- town is thfl gUPSt ,if Mrs. Mary L. Bai- ley." Gaga strew

burn. M


Arthur J. Crosby and Mitchell John* a leave Wednesday .for a weeks

shooting at Chatham on the cape.

V. M. C. A, WORK,

U Is expected that within a week the local branch .if the V. M. C. A. will be in tie lumte, tin- building formerly occupied |,\ the Methuen club. Many rhangva have been made ii, rb* buiid- in« and It will serve as excellent '|Uat- tera f-.r Uie Y M. C. A. No branch in the state will be able to boast i.f rntv-

, Ing ui.y better home. Much of the fur- niture used in the building While the

i rei

the Andov. r Savings hank, left h.wi I'liday tt*t the White Mountains, where lie will spend a tew da\ -

Hev. \ K Dunnells'of Lowell will ocenpv thu pulpit of the Five church Sundav

Tinii.lh\ J. Ma'moiev and Joseph W HlggitlS "f this town Were elected members of the Democratic district rommltjtee at the senatorial conventlo field in Lawrecre. 1'iida.v evening..

Rev. .7.ts,-|.li Kim ball will preach at le S.tiilli church Sunday. D. Nathan Case. Henry j. Gardner

in. Rev. Charles H. .-liphant. pas- L„ c, ,,, rv. Both are young" men Tud i'1"!1 ''""■^'■',''-k N. While were' the lo- '■al delea*j,tee who attended the Kepub-

nvetttlnn held in

.Mabel Bounds, Philip John- Methuen club occupied ft, will remain mm. land new furniablnga \\Ul bo adde.d.* A

tfj^L "*""' I eiiiuniiitce has made selections of fur- The funeiTIJ of M. H. Tayloi was held nitUre In Boston and It is expected to

Sundav an- i n at his late residence, i an 1\ ■ hei. shortly. Stevens street. FrlenJs were given al The association w 111 start i.ff with chance to view the bony from lX.SOlahou! i;0 members.

til 12.80. Services were held at 1. A. D. Murray is to be general seere- re private. Many relatives wer**lflry and Harold r Dudley osststfini

and Edward Bridge, tiles; Qebrge Meedharn and John Bridge, cornet iii.- director is P**tgnr Pllhert, Ihr CJJ master of the school.,

I degree w as w orked gn several < a-didates.

At a meeting of the selectmen. Mon- day afteriionu. the New England Tel- ephone •* Telegraph < "o. were granted peiinissfnii to erect poles on (.'hesti -.'ve^t.


A very pretty affair look place uii


from Parncroft, Oamers, to this t..wn

In turning from' Klin street to KW enc*. the rear wheel on the righl hans wide save wav. The xufe remalnea here until Sunday evening until a tan* wheel was secured from BoBton,


ig is a list of subje, ts f„r

ompetitioii for [hi- Means are awarded for Original

leelamations. "The Pastoral Poetryui iieoerltiis and Virgil.- "Mlnatrglay i,

gusl.i b« ids Ma Kii

Demi Rheumatle Fills absolutely cure Rheumatlacm and Neuralgia Entirely vegetable. Bafe.



Uoulwil reaaurer

M. i'. A. work y IliU):' iljjUvd

-Mra. Albeit ' -l\i'i)HllH,t*HH—X.- Jaiiios II. Ki.'.l

. Flsber anil pun, uf

-"ii. Huge street.

Mis» Mabal P. ituiii'v uf Bruoklhia is lisilhiK at her hum,' UII Gftgf, stri-ei.

(lui.llliK Siar IUIIBI'. I. ... ft. T., hilil ,s u.'i'kly rheetlng Frltlay .-vi-niiiK. riir kftjge \\\n hold an tnlertajnineti

lAnil bean supper funinlit in the GrunKfl hall.. Th, tickets, Including supper and ehtertfflnment, are !J centit, Suppti4

ulll be served from ti to 8 o'clock.


Mrs I for many,Minn

sinliil Sal. in. N. H .

Frank Kelley ami dalic'i , .,f Provldem-e, It. I., jre vl

uf .Miss Man He represented Suleln, .N. II. In l»* »l me home DC Jll-s Manning ,u el the nuns,- of repr'Msetittttlv*'* ihr'-elcllase straet, v, ,t and two vears ,n tin- senate, 11 | " tvas isistroaatei al Sturth Salem, N.I rnarleg Swain, who is employed a II IUSI before removing to Methtn/grcbmluctor on the Boston A Morthern j u res\ v. nubtil an

Ml Ta end iva- in

[or 'if the e'ongregietloua! eluireli. nf-'lia\e I, en active lieiated. Burial -wan in Mi, iMensa at nj dilLleiil plaui cemetery, North Salem, S. H. The pall hare and are now engaged In prellnii n.areis were Jnhn. l'reil. Tln.lnas. i,,u. wurli. I'liarl.'s ami Homy Taylor and E,IR II M", . Miuiay u.i- 1 i In I'liatam, N. Uitbert. I'umniitlal sere ces were read I:.. .'7 veins ago.' 11» remained here

grave, Rev, Mr. Ollphant offl- inning the ea'rlj nan of bis life a lint*.

The liiah lie!

a huuT Alumiii liss.ieiatl.iil

ii weni lu Cambridge, where lit , graduated from the Hiwli eohonl, re nine years agu he , uin ui.-iie-.l

M: C, A^jtofk with I:.!' eld its annual meeting with Miss Ma-I bridge association. Sine then he. |IIS el Relrce of pleasant street, Satur- been connected-with the work In NTew-

naj H'KIII The following nffleera were burynon; San Ki-anelsco, Cal., aid ilecleu: Krnesi Gaunt, preeldent: Isat.e.North Adams, iieinn located li»- the lat- Hartshorne, vke-preslieiTt Mrs, \ , plate tKfee viais'lle cornea to ihon Morse, secretary ar*J lrvu»iirei.,M, huen from North Adams, Mr. rhe members of the executive cummt.- ..Murray attends -the Congregational lee are Mrs. Alfred llaulit. Mrs. S, ,\ jelmrch. ; Undue, Marlon Dorwsrd, Mary Mulry Assistant Secretary Dudley came to

I'm. ' .Mellluen from I'linxsiilaw nev. Pa.. remr. on |.-rlda.v evehllyt. ,1'diu N I'ole was eieeled a nlumber nl" the Ke- Mililieali district committee.

,\li«s Wllhelmlna Sellars of Newton Centre Is sueitilina si-Aeral da\s al ihe home of her parentB,

A rummuge sale is oelng in-i,i at ihe Mel.,i. r liuild hunse. today. —H^vr-frederlrk A. Wils. the I' church, will oocupa (In p uf Hi. Hlglilanil Congregational eli in Lowell, Sunday,


and llellierl llurdnn. . ' .M,.lbi|.,|i from I'lln Investigating committee of Holder, u'hefe'h* has be*n„ engaged In V. M. c.

-• hip fund, (three year."), Miss ,\. work as all . iin.l.ued ',,llicer. lie y.a .1. Iluldeil: uwn vearsi. I 'I,

Mrs. 8. A li. In Marlbni L'l

ill.- lie

The and II-

rence And,, Sullen M i - diss ,, th,

:,;,r , III,. , I Taj lor, who

its mil straightforwardness in

deceased In survlvcil In u ivlf, children..'The children are .Mrs IJ lor. Methuen, | II. rln.,,.-

i nil Mi.s M. Taylor uf Law-- SJI-K, Julm s crosby ol North r. Henry i>: Taylor m North Mrs. Laura llu^sev ,,l AndoV, e, .., II Of I .a e. rellec. •I'll I", Ta\ IOC W le' is ,1 leaell'l Ibislou i I, schools, Mrs. J-

il Mel ho, II and H'rcd 1 lives al Inane

l-MTillt'l'AIM'l' I'LASSMATI.S

Mi-' C.ussle Slail- I , a promllll II >i. i oi class '09, >r II s„ i ntei

tail - d her ellissi.iates find a tlUIllbCf ill Irteiuls ill li r li II lt.ulrn.ul streej Tl in evening.

Mi Slader was pii -- uted by her classmates with iii" beautiful I Its "The I.e.n I the Mouse, hv riiaeles Klein ami Annul, Horn i,Ida and Mark 'iM.uns. Library ■■ Hi

I 'lal'iu I- ll'ui. - ' rrt' class pr. -i delll, I le lie | -.latiuii s|i. h tu whjiTi 'Ml Hlibler i i-spi.n.led in ittafeful muldier, Me' Slader Was al-, I i l.l '. Illi a beautiful H"ld rmg, ,i with i in, >■ lien npais by her in ■

He*, tleoiTje Williani si, r, end i ■ , .Miss Annie Slud' r of , ml.laud

-i;...,.',, i fitvored diil^nK lie . s ii il li >■ a • I'.il el iplinplinm- s.

el i lam, s w ere played upoi ' i, ■ I.IHII and eiilunil In all until refresh laeul- '■ . a,- SCI Vetl l„ llm l|,n , ■

Tl . i \ dispel ■ a al a late hour having «|s in ., Tiei-i . ni'iiai'le evening

lAtiimilt those presenl were ({UHsie SlUd, I. Ill hi -r.n lul. .In-epllilie Cl|| 1..-I. Il,lib IMII-:!, Kaili I'l.dinil, Man Clo isn i, ilia, i Thomson, S, lie

' •iliillffi . L> ■a,line Maney, l-'rancs l'l. ■,, land M I I'iliM A,,ni,- I'lemel

I'enha Kelli I'hllip .Inlnisun. All, ., 1»- rail, I'll .' Mlhoitj v ,; ge 1 g, Harold Pedlei Cdgsi Craven Clareli. i Houston, Kt| ward liringe. Ralph Kutter, Joscplj llodv ■ li i-l ler Mm, Inn- Berl till- I., ii no i ■;, urge si.,,1. ,.

:.TY r< id, 'N.\ . i;r.\\i;|i;.

Tie I', grange ne-i i Charles sunn,, e iii a.,,, I.,, hall u

r.nelniid. Yinir .1 i, The al ml. irans" rs WHS re-J r, -,ul. d I \

ai ! Bmersoll M,~ John V HII Mrs ii -g, Copji Mrs P ■ ,- .,,,

ml 'ill- end ■ , \VI;.-,' , ■ Tl,en aei. 11 grangers repn . m

■ili-l.lir\ being Ihe only ■ mil re,

IIJ">IIIB a Hi day.

Mis, Charles Swain <-! I'.roudw av i'eihnm, N, il.. Thursday.

Mis w h. Morgai trip In the Adiri'i

has returned smi dael; niuunlaiiis

M rs. I el u

Lucy ililnu'ic aas ,n Iteis'un

il I'. ■ s has eiiili i: ked ill Iju ' I'eia L street.

1 Id, mn has r

'he following roc. nil, elected ofticen i" installed bj tleplll, Soprelin \. riinr Jiisi, A\ IT and -uife uf |„n, . lee ii the regular 'ting of And-

■i- colony, In p iv, ivhl, I, ivai ,1 in Pilgrim hall. Crldav evening; eer Charles A. Clark; lleut. gover-

!"iie yean.-Mrs. s. A UiMlge. He later Heed ,„ I He and Smuli- £'"•,•*•'!: u-' '\', ivl'"""-"'! *'-'-etai> of fund; (three year.). J s ,.... ,,,. „lls graduated from the tKi-r!£,k,. Jf • ' " '""■ '",|l'-'„■"••-. "<;

Howe; rtwb y.-arsi. Miss KHiiiii sbuihtaUge High sch MI. Herman 'y1"" ",""", . "'''lV,""r ,.„""'."'" ,"" Holdsmlthj ."ii" yea,-,, c, ll Rogers. I school al NortSfWid and a Worceater ";"',i: ''Implaiu |..I„ Qetche

. • la.sines, , ge. Prior in iris taking ^W-«l-«rms. Misi Julia Ualy Mr. and Mrs A H. Wagland a.-,, en- f,p i,|s ,,,-es. in work he was m, over a "" ."'rgt.-at-arms Miss u ,

leiiaiinng the former's mother Mrs!,,,,,,. ,UOcied with i Worcester news- ' , ,-..A",;- ™arj <"><""■'■ «". B Wag d. a, It.elr buna- uii paper His home is in Southbridge. Mr '

Marland uf Origin, Ha.. In St. tl ue's church of that plate. Tuesday, Oct. 2nd. The ceremony was performed bv Itev. Daniel K. link,', assisted by Ri

ge H,■ ndree Hairison : Of. I leftlaT I'la Mrs. Littleton was a former res- ideiii ,,f ibis Pawn, befng ihe daughter of Tile lale William -WoeaeHd,

'It., ehrhrt ebnreh Sumltiv-school ,'111 bereart.-r nie.-l a, in n'clock, on Sunday, mornings instead uf I p. nn The. morning service in the church will begin ai 11 ''''lock instead uf lu.ju, as in the nasi

Al I. HUeling "I tile Hills uf I'oli- ebard. held l'iida>-. IL w us ..utiuiimnnis- ly \'.ie,i ,,, pi.-suin p. each member ,,r this year's football team, ai tile i Ins, "f Ihe season, a "unehaiil banner with a siiiall football attached,


The Kawka defeated Lhe Marland Village football team t,y the goore uf

i; t.> n, Monday afternoon. The feaTurea Hudlev iiiul ihe line bucking of B. ,ff th,- game were ihe taekllnK Baitw'ood. 'I'lie line-up;

The lull" the fortieth prizes, win de'elaiiiat i Tl the Mediaeval Days," "Western Liters American Verse." I'Munlclpal OOvarr.. meut in America and In Europe" -I* Democracy tin Ideal l'nrin of Sevent

ifllt? rhe "hi See Captain ri» N f Bettering the Consuter s,.,.

ice." "The Poetry ,,r Julm Keiu. • l-'ranklln. the American Patrloi " ,„,i A Metrical Trunsiution." [passage. i llreek. Lai ill, Crench, and German , he assigned by Hie lead of the ae. arlluelits emieerned. Hayes, the [arvard nAleher, ,,■!,„ ,,moiled Hi,, baseball l",n, for Ihe past two years, has again been eli,.sen p, coach next year's iiine

The class football teams urc",level.,„ ing elevene, ami the series fur ,li„ championship will stari in tip, future.

Ctaas eieeiimis fur fall term—HOT 1'iesldenl. !•'. Hilly: vlo».presldeill r it. Kllpatiick; and secretary treasurer M llaiTerty.

I lies. President, president, l: Merrill

A. Shannon: i-TrcT-

•ereiary and Iieasurer. O. D. Heiiliiig.

lll'IH. I'iesid, in, ronwn, ,j, . .,,., ,. d ■ Duiiiap; secretary, Palmer1


TOR. s,

Iii liic.lnsi game „f Up. aiinprtt^^^ i.-s between the Andorer Juvenile as.,,. eiatinp inutbai; team and the Qainee llivetiiles, the lucal nggregnl Inn aim,. ped their iippnnenis by lhe senie .,f s In i'. 'I*li,. game was played on.-the Ineiil Held, last Saturday iifien

.mil Calrnfe excelled fm An- ml Sheriff plaveil ' well f,,r

IJlli'UA , The line-up:

HAWKS llllluli. le. KeulmTT^ IT7

M. H. I'll,'

DulllJ. It. Hall e. H. llnrli'.ii. , lladley, n, I Hitrtlgan, re CroMln. ,|1,. • iVoi.nell, Ihb. Abie, ilii*. - It.'SS. II'.

ANDOVKR Hllllle. g, Wllkie, ell, Black, iin. Ramsa, Itilev A Oilers- h.-land II, el



QL'IXW g. Hnilelni rri). Ink"

Ifb. Saiiil rhb, W. Kai;

eld. MQ|

Illi'. Mclimin.

Tin ,'ainiie. el'. Mii'lhews. hr. Gordon, i,,r.

rof. a rtrrsiieriff

of. McKensle

l"l. Mile

He I',

rt, Sweeney rg, Stewart

e. Duel.' Ig. A. Veil I

11. C. Din p. . le. II. Weigley Summary smiv Andover, s; gulii-

f|l,. C. ICastwnod ''>■ - Soars' made by—Sheriff, Dakers rhb, i'. wiigi-u Gordon, ;;. Calrnle, 5.: Anderson 1- ihb, .Welch 1 bunaf* 1. .

fie A. Eastw II - AfJ'-r til" gain,. a bannuel was ten-

Ill al his hum., mi ilereil lhe vlgltors by tile local i.

The In, al lip. Ill, ahead, making

1 ll,i)i.

.Mrs. A P. Cook uf Smith - visiting u( lhe Iin f Mi 'urrler at iu_ piegsant street.

oliiut '. !•:.

Dudley attends he- Mathodlst elmrch.


Inseph l' Murpity, who escaped from i«- t* id reformatory in..i I'Vlduy,

.. H, McAllister "f Broadway „:,,- captured l., the Methuim i"- mined 1 1 her vacation which ll?y Tueadarr ha' Oeeu relue, .d to

I'.etiosliin. II which darning let" hour,

-.1. njoyed unill


*-hl Main.


u ll and

.lull! ■Ilipll

u.i JU I

I'oian hai ni bugan

,ail„ a' d from

ed til, till plumber,

Tl hmise formerly occupied by .1 Lester nn i'ark street. Is being moved, it is not know 11 where the building ulll la- placed.

Mrs. William Busaell of I'.ul River, ting fliellds in It,un. Mr. lluz/el

,.- expected l" , le here Monday.

Mr- Mabel il,,.,drlch of Arnesbur) llljng a lew days at lhe 1,-sidene

llcason street. -iiemljim a lew ,1

: ■. \\ 1:11, klej '

'11": llinli school cad, is

.He Mr- Cyrus s a, have 1 11 spending see

-.I'm e a.

died |',i

• r Broad 1.1I dal

William Han inner, a \,,-!l k ■ ,|" , l.-ii residcUl of MelilUi 1

■ in, he ", er :" yeai -. a locnl preu, li-. "i- and trustee 1 imoubcr of lie I'r h" M"ilii',i,si eh.neh since m "lUllleUeelll.'Pl ill MetllU.'ll ill iSST,

■lied a: l'l.' le-ideliee uf hi' daughter, Ills, lie,I bonk aklaml avenue. \rli.,ni"i, ll ightg, Tuesday i nlng.

.dr. i'.anulsler was hurl, ill Kjlglnnd ',:■ eears agi. He ea I" Mils edUntrV In 18SS I "ll-led In Methuen. Cm' many years h nducted a bakery, being sui ei "illi In Ibis business. ! i Inter years he had carried on a farm,

w Two year* atler coming here M; Hani,l'l.t laeaine a nile ■ of lhe

Kbeneser Primitive Methndtsl. church, 1" being one m' the IUSI persons lo he i. ken in," iin newly organixed church. He IU,S "V"| sill,',' kC|'l lip ll do.'l, i,,- teiesl in 11," church. In Ma> a iu i; i'l|. inn Si George's ' hurch. which' tool, Un- pi ■ ihe i:i„ue/'r church on

jpOntro SM'-el ails dedleap il Mi H,

' UiCOltl An ulll, rii.-d '1'ip sila, M III I'll'. leu k in ill..' tei'in aialuri . pile elalliu d thai Hie 'Innglar which were found in his clothe,

his OWH hill thut lie had col

I id .-.

Join Han,nek lodge "f Mas. i meeting' Cridny c-eidng.

BAPTIST Clll'lb 11


i,'ah • ■ l.lgllls

a .gram al He- llapll a eek is ,,' Inl.'i,, - Tl ihi, meeting "i il '■el h.. held al il

. evening pa u'ln Tnpie "Til- , '• ilisplraey

d. ' Ac's xxiii, W. din sday an meeting "f the Metninuck ^'al-

LiUlUill a HI he held 111

ster was ,ih!,. p. he ahml prninineii niu .'I iin nw oeeu iol

.Ml I'.'iiiii-n ]'.' all'.' deal so 111 " ..' iigu. lie 1- survived in nine childrei .' ,in. - .a P.bgluhd, Mn l'l",! n.uikii I; i: IJannlster, Mr-. Kva Parnleatcl Mi-. Richard sterndale, J Charles Bannister and Mrs. Tayl i M, .hue,, and .\h-

Solliervllll- Thele are in -, dreie A brother m !■:. glo

no I'iu'ls'"^' I'i"1- ilie, Joseph l'l -' ' al .• - n-

e|i.le lull, linn people ill ll" All er town halt, Ciida, evening, til,

and look I"""" rforimtnce Of Sama.nll., Al- len was presented hv Indian Ridge Re lic-kah lodge. Tile play uas Weal le eel veil, all participants being heartllj ipplailded, espeelally Ike and Samain Ilia. Tl „■'■ ni-ilp.-sir.i rendered selet- linns throtlgllnui llle play, mtel wide! dancing u.e enjoytnl until midnight

The following „as lhe eai of li.n

1 1

.Mai nls ere

. mil ins nan I,ul inal ue nan euipe in II pn.-"--'l"ii nf ih.iii by exchanging clothes witli a stranger. I' was al- leged thai Murphy attempted in break Into lhe fruit store id W. K. Hi'lifiu Mmi'ln, eight. Ipu Mopphy st-uule de- nied the charge.

When Lhe ,'"ii -<l fillieer arrived .Vurph, -e, nail p, become el,. lei '',,; e uas Hun pun he admitted Hint In- uas lhe in,in who escaped frotu i\>\,- ' nrd l-fu also admin,-,] thai In- Inn] i.led in break into l^plilin's store, but l,in been scared atvay by an, ofllcvi: who 'tad been trying lhe front donl.

111,111 sell,inI, ATHLETICS.

Ai eting belli .Muinlu, -i.rih -


I deck Ha heel

The' I held. ,'

Can I.


, In,Ides'' ... .Mis

iv- lliln.

,-;c i:\ Ti\ SHOWHR

inlijlo es "I ihe Metllotllsl .1

Hlgli School Athletic associnilon, ,',us voted t" form a fmitball t"' Kuril- in the season II wgs voted haee a lean, lllls fall un aeeuiuil

in iigiu material uh.-h Hie le would hare I" la- made up of. The I'' it ij' i,„.\ I'Uies give I In light I'-ain lldvautuges so.ll inu finally decldeti ui yoitt have a team. Sub-master lalga, Ull- bej [ wjn gel as coaeb

IL u.e also Voted l'i_ha,e ., pr.-liini- iiar,, unit will! I'utiehaid and

'J. tl''."2J^I',liil'"il High s.h""is Ibis tall, in prep- '-' i.ii-eil.. . for die annual track in. .-i in

'ill.- ".ring. , A end, ; ,.. y i' heini; l"iii,-d hy

1 Ml. nlong ladies nf llle High school. Ill" eniilpaUV Ulll dlill .l"i, I'

1 I-.


Mi: . Miss Je;

Miss Je, .1 faille. . . M r AI., ,.1 Margaret C II

Mi-s Al Mls> l-.diia

Miss l.nui

■ S. Ciuitis T Gordon ll. Duiidas

Prank II Hard.,

ni,, nn I.I Hull Clan,

• Ha

a Mi's Cee'eli., A. K v .1,1

KM/ lie .. Miss Mabel Abbott aiilha Allen, Mrs Ira A. Ivisinuui

Idiih. Mi-s Kuin Jackson siee i,r Mercy, Mrs. George E, ll"li


Mrs. li, l; !■:,,-, „ Miss KIH, Han.ui - ...' Ml'. James Mav

a- .Mis K H Bar Ate Mis. I, A Dane

Hall phii- "I , ii e „

III 111. luted

t that has "Pher; p. ihep.rienls



. ,i .1 "Tl 1 .,,,, I., I ,,-,-e .ud "e-"'.-""'.'-.-I ene ai.-uinni-i enni.i '"lie, I, „ The I..1U ,',„,. All In,.', ., II, I s ,,,,,,, , s,., , ,,.,„,, ,,,, ,,,..„. ,.;..,. ,1,-1 „,.',, ehureiies ha, e Idled a -,..,., ,,,.,„. , ,„,„,,.,,, „„, p,,

■" "■h'.'h ■'"' "r I'''"-'"' »<»- iviiuun sir.-.,. Monday .-e-niog.

ml dress nf 111, ..I a !,%:. Ijlllellei

1.11' ,1

II .1.

blnu.s , nil' "i

l'l'id. . I'll, ell III W'nrln ,-s Will III i the parsonage Election and othei business will


led.. III. ..lull"

I. pup.- lead In grange.

unpshlre A , i- : . ■ i ,

i- r- n lilt,' ,'tiitl—h~

,.f Nets Vol. Is if tVifner II,-l -

■l H.l/el

.i 1 ,.i Hi al Al Udwav. A larg.

s pr.-, nl Tie- mill. aged In C. II Johl isier. „:,s a-- folio,,

elude. I -., 111,. .. Ill '

Saint'' i emigre

il pri.gra

if of. I.Ike

- held hurch p. ar- ell.iil -

l;.i li

The pan . I' u.-ie opened l,v Mi - I'i.lie, and tile ve»Ses wliieli nil o t l"-in e-uiiain.-d" were read. .Main ■, , • -, , erses were very amusing.

During Un evening gullle- u.e. pin'.I .'lid a H41ge hi'idhe uns'tini! in Hi, null R"|-r"sliliieiil' a. ,e -. : "I in several "I llio >'i|IUg luilt'-- Alioiu .-, were present.

I' lias been announoed 'hill ..Miss Iv, I'linie, I- '""ti lo tu- married I,

. c l:u a i he

er ,,f Cambridge i> , p residence m' , 'tintmi \

\ I-Mll Me i In

and M i .- Willia 111 II. ,\

ii- - sin II 'la\ III Mail

1:. In , Is las ,e| inn a n 'Vtiel e.

lift nl tills

Ihelll- "Vl |IU. 1. Ill ril'h-l ( , . 'le- .', I nee of the M" ' High." In, i,, ,,, '.-. . Martin rimr,.!-;

," sidonal hj inn ill" sniat- ^, p,. s stin,a. I'-iuii iii D minor, Guiiinani u n ,„,


supper a' u Sllle »|l| |,e ladles of iin- duvet .-nils

ie church llall un Hamp- Clidav eienh.u Slfppi'l,

■d Iriui, t, tn s .a. |,,el, ale ■d

11 pi s.ih Ticket* .1 d mis

Un- Cllilei-aii- elll 'W«(ll,"-il.., •

I isllsl -

I tVeil

l'i All. Lueeh John Kusti

: "I'll S'p,p, i ./ Tho'mpm

. ISIIIIU. Cfeiff.-i, l'lum"

1 and James. igvedj hv Ktipi

Wi. " I mn

•-■ Mo

' i"



,| Hi.. ham

han, pal ,

Rowing i' tHkei

gjj llle .elli-inC a fraud i>. ma Dliulry, an ' ivim ti in nan'

111.' It,

Uas le-' ti clits. iii ma ,., new p ' p n

all "endless |irayei ,,,s stl ;n nil ''iiiiv il

ie nf RI. R'A In W|l- Idsl I lhe' Kpi-eie

Mass.,, bus' 11' euliliin :l-ie

lit!. H'hHI II -ill an ans '. . ■-'--

Id-h-p I.,,.,, nei did led -auilmii,., i h.. en i 111.,i, i i lie prayer, i-ut u I,, tl'.- pre.,„| li,,,,. he lee- ii.,1 bvvi

HI" in mn an ■ ml to lhe <cheme..whlcl


l'i l'<„ hale Hruce Dulling, . Mi PtirtlUglulL Iii- PdrTlnginti,


i.iue Mat)

I.ail, Mil


. . Ml." . .. .Mrs. .1. A Kii -Mrs I ■ M 1' ... Mis. V.lsio li,

Fi.,nk 11. Hardy

l'l is, Hyp. Ijlle. Ibid


li ul Scots, ■ -Mis' .Mil , W Sen, s..',,. ....

Mi-' Ma M",

avid rdon

'ha i

-MISS .leal Queen, Miss Malgai'l , .Isaliella, Mrs, Gordon I'aincrm nCllll igan. Miss Annie Hogul

Ig' ■' ee TUPS

ar Ik I'""'""" l-'ri, i"!iii;. Hi- Anliur-Jaeks'.n -,| Mlliaoi -Mi-s All, ,- 1'. Hob 1

..Miss Kithiia 1.. Tbs^TvTfXJi Mill - -Maid-,. Mi- ,M:i ,.,,, I'.einaVdV'i'TuT,:,!- Tl

Wlim I'" ll|i",iee |ll,

Abbott Village hall, at uhh h ilie ;, lowing lining ladies acted as wail -

|.la, s for their annual concert ami hail losses; Misses Mary Ramsay. Miss Ig ., hi,!' will 1„ held as usual in Up- i",,,,,1"'' Wllkie. Krniiics McCa rluiie, Violet hall .ii Thanksgiving eve. The follow-' Anderson, ami Kmll, Bajtley.

mines has charge ol iin r,, ' Aftvr ad the g 1 things had been ds: Plank ,M. Smith George done away uilll lhe elileirailllneiil „„.

C. Dunn, lls, Arthur T. Moese. Chester- '"-1'1- Mr. Alex Anderson spoke fur ,h, I'.ii-iei.ii Walter I Rhodes George Andover bdys after which Mi.Rniiei t: Morse and Kverci, II I'u-senit (replied ii, behalf ,,r the Qulpcy team

Th. pwulai eting ol ihe grain- S"I'B' "ere rendered l,y .Mare uii' held in Grange hall, TiiesdaM' Ramsav. Heter 1'airnie. John Iladii.ii.' -i-i'idiiK - plain,-' R-imsuy., i-Tanecs MeJ-arhu..

.Mr. alii Mr-. \\ N. I'd.,, ai nine- Abal McK-iiuen. MISs ,' K.-iilni-i. log a iu., weeks' Hulling nip In N,o - "lea E. Gordon and Miss Kale Cu cross. Me, I nlnghum. Violin selections were i-

Tbe ainnial business meeting and dened by Miss Helen McKensle, win, social of iiie Seaman's friend Soiletj J"h" Haddon ami Horenee Cralg de- uf Hie (Vest ,'i.ngi''sniimial ehue, n. lighted those present with several uin he he'd Thursday ■ dane. .. TH- yuincy i"." l.-ii Andnvej

th. mi. 11 mibn meeting of the' on 'l,r '■'<■■ train being heartllj Iges .a 'he Merriiiiaek Vjdlej dlstrlcl ''leered on Ibetr return Jiiuniej by ih- ih liiillardvale lodge. No. in:., noxl 'ocal lads; iml',v evening All' n I Teinplars- ,. p,vit,.,i p. mtend' I Th.- following members .,f ITie Phil-

'Ijis academy football siiuad u'fll ".in CLASS ItllKTiiRIIALS. III.


truining table fm- Hi being X"\, men will lie added thru

the Senloi crass nf Vuiichard h-ld Hme: Daly. McKay. Kllpatrick I'ai "ll- pielpihllalw trials f,,| , he led,I- "■- Oreellough, Halnes, MepVilt, C, iii li prlxc speuklng Tuesday mom- '■''■ R'chmona.-Rose ■• mid ci,„

Ing, ,n which ihe full,,wing program Jo»n pay day today wa' .airied .un. Tin- sneakers chose I" represent the sehO"! in the senn tinal mn,id were Mis- Marjurte Davi-s. Hid Miss Cynthia Flint and Crank L.l Smith and clarence m'uiineii. An account of the accident I., Heors

I W. Hinmaii. A. H, Inilructm ill Selecllon ii'dn "Prisoner of Chtllon.". torv and English in Knllllps ..,

.Ml-- .1 Abbott. I may' he found elsewhere in Un- issue. Ship- al Sea,- Mi-s Kinmie Angus Al lhe annual ladies- nighl

"Jim,' Miss Helen Bailey North Essex Congregational elub. held "Gaspnr Recerra." Miss Belle Ro'tvman in the Laurenee street Congreguiloiul Selebtion limn "The Deserted Village.", 5hufi-h. I-n-reine. Mnnua, ,

-I!,". JnSeph Klllllltlll pull'ii of tip South churi

Miss lleleii fate I I'i.ket Guard."

Miss Elsie Cheever. ■Kill"! al the Fnrd." Mi-' A'

■-The Quadroon Girl." .M'ss Annie C ne.'li.

■Th.- Essence "i Patriotism, i Uilll tarke.

Th,- Naidiiek.-I Skipper,-'- Miss Million- lliiii'is

•si- Humphrey Gilbert," v- Miss Annie Dugan

■Th.- silk Worm." Mis- Hele

PrOf Bernard M. Allen nf tlrls loan read an excellent paper "li "Notable Religious Lenders, Mural Ret- ain,! Ten,-hers nf this l.ueiihn K" Crank R Shliimaii of 1'uis ton li ' - ,-lcele.l vie. .preside,!, Inl llle . ll lUM vein, while Rev, chirk cm ' leet'il a Ulemltef nf llle cmillllll HI i il.i rsliip. and Hev. C. 11, |,"' I' l>.. a member of ila e-ominllle, hiinie umk

Thomas Lillian ..I Jersey I'ity'l N ,1 . Eaton spell, Slltula-I- With Ha inl- 111 Inu;

■All r ■The

Love The


Blenheim, Miss iVnthiu Kiln i The . animal fall lav 1- I'm,..-- Phillips will lake plae. Wedii.

'ElIsnL, Hi H..I.I..I. ' lerlinu,,. Mel. "tih. pur,.- ... 1'hillip Hardy The I'lpllips Andnvci

Mis Ethel ilnz.-lw 1 will have the Worcester i ,,a' ■ [for "|,|H,;ielU.s W,


M i s nf CO


full', Lisl

Mis-- Klorenoe SlcCreadle, i-\iin\ nf* Pence," I 'Isr.-iie.- , i'» -niip'-ll Sim, ni ilie Charm;"

\li - ilr.nii proulf. "The King of I n-piparks Itf.t. - ....

Ml'.- I'- I'lull riu II ii -I i 'un. .."■■

Mis-. Mar Sauad-i- "Tlie Huild-rs.-- . Mis- 11 ill tl Slue,, luv n hall, in the pea ;H;,,u Julm ll,inn. Cirenian, Sand I A -,„ i.,l and dan,

.el, i, . Iie-.l..- n ill |.| I I. Tin

-lil'l llle game fn, Aluh'Ver I I -' i-. CloUgh. II Hi —inI,il-. Ig Green niigli e, McKaj rg; Plaher, n. Rii "■ iiiond. re; M.-rrin ,,!,: Kilpal rb 1, Ihb; Favorite, rhh: Dale, "fie

Andnni- lodge, -j;aj. 1 ,' " 1 planning

The Chiding ", lhe Lire. Mi" lllH.alielh Wljltte

k. trial lltllle 'i >;

Clank Smith plees ,,f III, |{ H. M ell,I, , ilgilin HUM. Thill d.


Ulll I" ais.lav

l>r. Timothy I 'nil inn ii medical practice in tow Ills -e Ulll I," Sill I ..II llle SOI ,i,,l il nf the Draper block, ju

Albert Inn e's ph.irina, \.

II. ' hill Tile HUH",. ,

11,nne .\h-.-ui.a

inaiy church Is

leetillg nf Ilie I , society uf Hi. being held lids

Columbia, . Miss Clara A I'linniin ;,),.. »core of ( Miss Ethel Crown. II x comi

I uhtnibla s AHeud'is Miss Annie Daley I us lodge. A . -..,.-•; -Mi's Jennie Nugenl p.-Id t his -viniin

I Mi's M.Hilda

Th- res r iii-'l i R-ln r em p, uill he hall ihis , ,, nlng

ethall l.-aiil ih-realed the Al ill- regular i linn Lawn ■ lhe U«-1 lodge! h-ld ill A. D C W

lead Saturday ain-u i by daj evening, Grand Mas,

iif Il,e VVnlll, h-ld in ,; i li

^ is A, lying I tl

lovers i .li eleven pannle AllUilgln s, ■ ' ale Un' .ui- ti, I friends iu low]

I I I. W ,' W.'I.Sle! ul \e, "ii.,ill f St. Mat- ■ Hislrnt Deputy JObh -I -' and A M., will he rehCe, ueie pivs.-hl I.en

1 servatl bl the entertain hepherd and Ml" tee. after ivhich

l -mi I" Th- bishop receives h-it

•n lhe sul'i — i all pans of, tin lolilltry and' Cariad,, ■• ,1 ll' • in .'" Aiii-iu.iy ill KII

Tin- -l ll-lll-nl ulliell 11


Mr ami M -.ill- d I"'

I -hall" II. Sllea na." luda, un I !,.. -i-am- r Italy From there Ihey

Is praye

1 ilii

ulll. r-iio 1 111! 1


. Those e ami

shop l-i, -..piecl n,

,-ho uiii send ,1

, I a 1,1 l"

■ ibis

i lie ninth .I.IJ. .-' ge-al .in., li i- -iid uill gram Mil- vi ill be

ill calamatles, s,, please ■:.. ,n.,i



l'i-,-nl i- •d llle inl

'If Rub,

-■'"i-n- a I

with] around and ■> sn,p,l hour en|i Several, "lie el's w, r- inStlilli ,1 I'- ll John .1 Han

A\|,n\i-,l:. :,: HCXTIXHS fiF LOW- The nexi meeting "i Hie -J" , ELL. u. „ | ''", fen nee uill In h-ld In Un A I Andover CongregaJJomil chun'li

Th- Ai.'l-n'i- .-.„ini"ii luniii.iir Tn. .-, a, all- un .in.l ..'■in I.-am defeated il,- Itunilngs -of L.-u.-lt ::;i,l

he i'.eal lield. Salurilay afler hi 111.

Th, 11in II

AN|,n\ I;K


ai - \ hange • an ; orlh le ue c id. i -..p. captain pi, A ' ,'■:,, s a 'Sin lilliiil, |;

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rid Hallagh,-' HI. Gallagher

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l | if, Hull,

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_|,"" "inI c

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I'miil ■n.-.I

■lean, iglnal try of sy

Wall Paper and Curtains See the Thousand* of New Designs That Have Juat Arrived at

Ball & Mullen's 2J7 ESSEX STREET.





New Designs in

Picture Frames JUST RECEIVED.


Geo. Clayton, STREET NEW DESIGNS. Opposite Byron Truell Co. NEW DESIGNS.




A selection of over 500 different ar- ticle* fiom the smallest olive dish to the Urge and massive punch bowl.

Thornton Brothers

Wedding Presents a Specialty.


Watch and Wait For the armour cement of details and prre list of the S«le of the stock of Shad- duck & Green Co., 410-412 Essex St .Ladies'and Gent's Clothing

Shadduck & Green Co., 410-412 Essex Street,

.Vn anniversary sol is celebrated In Bt mlnesduy morning at 3 o'clock 1 late Rev. Thomas J. Lee.

Were Severely Dull With A. Par Back Aa Fifteenth Century.

I Gypsies were found In Kmland, about 1614, according to "A Dialogue of Sir Thomaa Mora" (152»), but tUe

! axact year of their arrlYea U unknowa. , They were preient In Scotland In 150G, andjoislbly they were tha "Saracens" whose depredations in that country prior to 1460 are on record.

Batallard and other authors hsflleve that gypsies existed in Europe, from Immemorial times, for they And/no as-, count of thalr oroaaloc tha Bosphor- ous, and no record is known (to exist of their passage to England.or Soot- land.

They were better received in these countries than In any otHer, but so early as 16»1 an act was passed re Quiring the Egyptians to quit the realm under pain of deatfli, a similar edlot being Issued in Scotland in 1641 and at varying periods in most of the n high ma!

Mary's church European states.

A high mass, month's mind was ccl- St. Laurence's churcTl Mon- .day morning at 8 0'olOcR for the re- tmsc ,,i Hi,, soul of Margaici .MaliMm\

A mass of requiem, a month's mind, was celebrated in St. Marys rhurch Tuesuay morning at H o'clock tor Mary pavanpiigh, l'r. .McKcnna was cele- brant.

A month's mind ldgh mass wasccl- ebrRted in St. Lauranee's church Tues- day morning at n o'clock for the rc- poie of the soul of Julia Gleason. Both masses were tile gltts of the Sacred Hearl sodality,

Transportation across tbje seas was among the milder means adopted ami probably was the cause of much fur- ther dispersion of the tribes. Under Henry Vin gypsies were .shipped from England to Norway or Prance, and from Prance, so recently as 1802, they were deported to Africa.

Cast Steel In This Country,

' The first steel castings made in this country were railroad-crossing frogs, made in 1867 from orucible steel of about the same hardness aa tool steel, with a smooth surface, but honey combed throughout, and far from per-

Children eat. sleep and grow after fect -rfce improved Bessemer pro- mklog Holllater's Rocky Mountain ' t )n ,uoce„ful use un- Tsa. llrinjrs rosy cheeks, laughing ce»BOB wo,c ""v " eyas, good health and strength. A tonic Ul 15 or 20 years later, lor sickly children. Tea or Tablets. 35 Now almost any shape which can cents. Currier Drug Co. oe ca9t in gray 0r malleable Iron can J be made in cast steel. For large and

"" small marine oastlngs, and in car and locomotive work, cast steel is taking the place of cast, malleable, and

rought iron, for many large and small parts from couplers, Journal

Winter Arrangemmt, Oct. 8,1906 >*»"» »d ,wheeU„ tofrod!'. ""*

frames, and locomotive frames.

Boston & Maine RR.r

HOME GOSSIP Dr. and Mrs. Sinclitlco of this city

are rejolclnfr In the birth of a daugh-

J08*>ph Norton of Chestnut street Is spending a few weeks in Washington, D. O.

Miss Wlggin of Broadway, in th-? Arlington dtnlrJet, in confined to her home by nn attack of pneumonia. She is being attended by Dr. Charles Bur- gess.

Attys. Frederick T. Conley of Bos- ton and John T. Hayes of Brook! inc ure visiting Atty. Kdward E. McAnally. All three wt-re classmates at Boston University law school.

Miss Maude O'Reilly of Sclinectudy. N. Y., is visiting at the home of her grandmother, 12S Franklin slivet.

William McConnack of South Law- rence ha* entered Villunova college.


Harvest Supper and Sale to be Given in Methuen Univertaiitt Hall

Fi-iday Evening of This Week.

Til,- iilist

ladies of th church will and sale at

Hampshire street, evening of this we

j from 0 to >■> nflVreU fur sale (nods and aprons. s earnestly desired. I.; :iMsts and the u*il>!ic •iirdlally Invited. The price of admU lion. incHiding supper, will be only 20 cuts

Methuen X'nlv comltici a harv the church hall, Methuen. Frldav

■k. Supper will lie o'clock. There will vi-tje tables, canned \ large attendance

iwrence UnlvfT- K«'iifral arc




For LJost



jn—S.40, '



7.1(1 ex., 7.24, 7.3S. \ . 'VI*. ex., fl.3<> ex.,

ID.U:. ex., nT»57 11?::^ ex., a. m.; K3*-

12, W, 1.40, J.L'f.. 8,15 ex., M9. a.r.o. 5.33 c\ . r».44, <j.l.". ex., 7.00, 8.2:1 ex., D.29, 10.30 r- m.

For Lowell—7.38, 8.07, 9-36, 10.58 a. m., ttZt, -J.2:>. 3.L-0, 3,;iti. 5.44, (i.15, 7», 8.29 p. m.

Fur Andover—tl.40, 7.10, 7.24, 7.3$, SMI, 9.15, !».36, 10.06, 11.33 a. m.; 12.21, 18.80, 1.40, 2.25, 3.56, 5.33, 5.44, 6.13, 7.00, ».;;», 10.20 p. m.

For Haverhill—6.51, 7.47, 8.1H, 9.15, 10.28, 11.33 ». 111.; 12.35. 1.4S, 3.00. 4.08, 4.45, 5.04, 5.42, 5.47. 6:32, 8,45, 7.58, 8.52, 10.20 P hi. B. ;J2.05 a. 111. From South Depot, 4.03, 7.02, 7.52, S.27, 9.2R, 10.31, 11.40 a. m.; 12.IS. 1.55, 3.08, 4.It), 4.55. 5.11, 8.86, till. 0.57. 8.04, y."0, 10.30 p. m.; B. 12.14

The Invention of Clocke. ■ IB by no means a raodtern one. Clocks which were run by weights were u«fd"l by the Saracens at the time of the Crusades, and some- au- thorities state that they were In- vented by Paclncus as early as the ninth century.

In the works of Dante are refer ences to machines which struck the hours, and clocks must have been in use In Italy about the end of the thir- teenth century. The oldest clock of which there la any certain record was erected In a tower In the palace of Charles V. of France In 1864.



An unusual attraction was presented at the Lawrence Opera House Wed- aasday afternoon in the portrayal <>f "The Daughters of Men'' by Charles Klein, uutluir of the "Lion and the Mouse."

Henry B. Harris presented an all star east, with Orrln Johnson ami Kf- Flo .Shannon and Dorothy Donnelly in the leading role*.

The pliiy wu.s a high class one and the unusual" opportunity of having the <ast which is even during this week playing engagements in Boston was an unusually gnu I one. Many'attended both the matinee and the evening per- formance.

Dorothy Donnelly, who \M\H one of tin- distinct hits of tie play, has pravioualj played under the manage' ment of Mr. Karris, having played the with Robert Bdeson in "Soldiers of Fortune." Her reie as "Louise Btol- br<'k," the daughter of the revolution, is a particularly hard <>nr ami abo

1 F.

comes up to the rerjuiremen wondirtul way. holding and swaying her audience wlht her Efno acting-

Tiie other members of the company who wire favorably received wetfe Rffle .Shannon, Orrin Jolinson, Kele<v, Lynn Pratt. Oeorge Parnonu, George W. Deyo, the last named, it will be remembered played at the ColonW in Boston with the Wrlghl Lo'rlmer company last summer. Jo- scpii Adelman. (.'.race Flkins, together with Cavorabla mention for Ralph Delmora, t'urli Ahrendt, and K. W, .Morrison.

Many local theatregoers .saw Miss Shannon in the "Moth and tthe Flame" laid si'asou.

The pUay la a Btrong one, but the discussion or BO great a question .as For Tilt'iti

nners worth'—0.51, ; 1.48, 4.45, 5.47, p. b., for Exeter


]•■ r Exeter, Dover,*' *■ 8.1^. 9.16 ex. a. in p. m.; (12.35. 4.0S and Dover). >r Exeter. Dover, No. Berwick. K ncluink. Biddeford, Saco, Old ( chard and Portland—6.61, s.lit, 1 a. m.; 1.46. 4.55, ti.32 p. m.

jrgctown, NeAvburyi>ort bury and Portsmouth—7.47 12.35, 3.00, 5.04, ti;*5 p. m.

Herbert For Merrimae and New ton—'6.81, 8.10. a. in.; 12.35, 3.00, 5.47 p. m.

For Salemi Mass., and Lynn—7.45, 8.16 a. m.; 1.02, 6.00 I<- m.

For -Manehesler and I'oncmd, N. 11.— 4.13. k.S0. '.'.17 a. m.; 1.16, 3.42, 5.52, '6.4'i P- tn.

For Penacook, Franklin, Lebanon and White Blver Junction—7.30. y.17 a. m.; 3.42. 6.46 p. m.

For Warner. Bradford. Sunapee, New- port (N*. H' Claremonl and Clare- moat Junction—7.80 a. -rn.; 1.15, 3.42, p. m.

Laconla, LaTteport

Discovery of Class

According to Pliny, the discovery of glass making was purely accidental. He tells us that two merchants were carrying a quantity if niter over a desolate trtact of country, and at length paused upon the banks of a river to rest.

Wishing to partake of some food. ^■1"*- they built a fire, and not finding any

,11'; itonea on which to place-their kettles, they put them on some nieces of niter. Th© heat from the flres meited the niter, which mixed with the aand and formed a transparent matter, Which was glasB.

Mere- he labor on.- i* perhaps loo "great "

.mi- f"r any play no matter how Cleverly handled. The problem of or- ganized Labor against organised capi- tal remain* practically the same at th.> end of tii.- play as it was at the ipglnnlifg-

t and June-




;it via.


New thtnga arc hen in^s are IIVI t 11 is time having has < nablcd US and the blggt 1 -I big



Autumn : slop l.tokin t; niiikr [irjc ■ 11K* on lh

;its and Millinery will be v.

id Winter, and now HIUI PLTHCHASK- ttmt have set e¥t

very hesi and lat^ rs if you'll only

I.' open- tmfeTul

Lad lee*

Take a Trip Across the Street



Long Coats, 54 inches in length, with Skinner Satin lining, strictly all wool, American Woolen Kersey, Spec-

ial for Saturday only "■

One lot of Black Silk Waists, guaranteed not to crack. Worth $4.00. Special for Saturday :

One lot of College Felts, ail colors, thf most ""popular hat on the market today. Worth $2.25. Special for Sat- urday .-. ■:—'. — .". m-^--.-

dlth. Ashland anil B.17 u. m.; 1.16, 6.4

For Lisbon. Littleton, (aster, Jefferson 9.17 a. m.: 115 11

l-'or fc-t. Johnsbury, Lyndonvill Bherbrook.. vin White lllvei tlon— it.17 a. m.; ti.4ti p. 111.

for Monti" i"T. Lssex Junctloi lington. Si. All).HIS and Montr t*. V. line--it. 17 a. m.; «.4tf i>. m.

iTor Montreal via Montreal and Bos- ton air line--!». 17 a. tn.; C.46 p. m.

1'or Quebec—via. White River Junc- tion--:'.17 a. in : *"'4H I'- m.

LEAVE SOUTH LA VVKKNCK T'ur Merrimae -7.02, s.-7 a. m .;U.48,

y.os. 5.66 p. m. Kor Exfter ■■ l.n;;. 7.82, B.U7, y.^o a. m,. , ri.H9, 1.:>."». 4.16, 4.66, 6.56, tt.41 p. m. For stations between Fleeter and North

Berwick—7.03, 8.27 a. ra.; 1--48, 4.1c, 5.56 p. m.

For Dover.' North Berwick, Kenne- huul- Saco; * Md oreliard and Tort- |a*H'i ■ °-- S-T- ^-i* a- m ' *»•*> i :':'' 6.41 p. m. The 6T*6 train connects tor all sta- tions on the Maine Central and Orand Trunk at Portland. The 1.55 p m. train connects with the Maine r.nir.,1 B i;. aj Portland tot I*w- Iston. Watrrvtlle and way Ptfttlons.

I'or North runway and way stations 9 25 a. m.i 1.65 p. m. '

For W'olaOjoro—9.85 a- m.; 4.G5 p'. in. For I-'abyan -».^r> a. m.

aUNDAT TRAINS. ' V>:r Huston and way stations -7.2S,

s.i;,. 1» in, 11.:;:: ex.. a. in.: 12.10, 1.23. .Mil, S.fifl ex.. 5.4i; r».3f, ex.. 7.41. EH, ex.. 8.46, Jt'-iiO p. m.

Foi Lowell—S.l'> a. m.; 12.10, 8,40, 8^0, :,:■:-, M6 v- ni. 1

For Haverhill -y,»r>, a. m.; M~>a,

The First Quna. The Germans were the inventors

of the first pun. About 1378. Schwartz a German machinist, manufactured numerous crude guns which were brought Into use by the Venetians In 1392.

It is a strange fact that cannon were made before small firearms. AI

nd"**iF*byah—4.18, Ambera; th#»re Is still a piece of orri nance marked with the date 1803. Cannon were first used in war at the Battle of Crecy In 1346. It was nol until 1544. however, that they were made tn Itaxland.

Talks about the Analysis Food Coffee.

To the Doubting; Thomases, tire en dorsement of a physician as to th wholeaornenesaiOf Postum Food 1 offi may be conilorting.

When, coffee causes nervousnes and dyspepsia, it's time to stop,it. And there Is where Postum i* a true farter, it [1 a Bguttn, palatable and wholesome beveraa^ and at the time is a ItQuld food.

Coffee does harm, not because it's well or poorly made—not beeaus" It's " teh or low priced-—but because of the

Ikaloid—drug caffeine, It oontnins. he habitual use of coffee, therefore,

forms a drug habit

Treat Hardware & Supply Co. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS'TRIAL

Lowe Bros.' High Standard Paint Proves that It spreads beat, wenri best, looks best and la the best r made In this country. For saU at

rreat Hardware & Supply Co. PitOfEST ACAINSr PROPOSED OVERSEER



Senator Stevens of Soinen'ille. Adopt- ed.

By Delegate Michael D, Colling t'ambrldjro—That the executive coun- cil take steps HH soon as possible to call a convention of city employes that are organized In the state to formu*1

late some universal enforcement of the S-liour law. Adopted.

By Hecretary-'lYeosurer D. D. Dris- coll, Boston—That the Central Labor unions of this slate be requested to warn the different city governments against non-union manufacturers ot tire fighting apparatus; Adopted.

By Delegate John D. O'Urirn — That the action of the Bartenders' union of [Boston be endorsed In placing the firm of James \\ . Wesson Of Boston on the unfair list. Adopted.

By Delegate 1>. D'Allesandro, Bos- ton—That all local unions be urgfd to asrlst in organizing the 80,000 Italian laborers Of the state. Adopted.

By Patrick K. Shea, Worceater— That th> executive eommtttee be in- structed to draft a bill for tha ex- amination and licensing of motormen and conductors. Adopted.

Hv Ih-legaie K. J. Clarke. Brockton — A Buffalo—physleitm said- retu^tlyv -Thut- the -4JresldenL-.of the Unlfed

•| have used Postum Pood Coffee in family and rind It to be all that

Is claimed for it—a most wholesome, lellclous beverage. When made and lerved according to directions It Is ■ertainly delightful and refreahfng.

"1 huYi- read carefully I>r. l>uven- iftrrT«—Jnrrrlysis of Postivm Food Coffee, is printed on the pkg.. which I most heartily endorse, l.nave been preaorlb-

i: 11 to my patients." The Dr. Is right and. there's a rea- .11. Read tha little bonk. -The Uoad

Wellville" In pkgs.

lto.v to Hake

[>avid J. Boyd of 168 Andovcr street, died very soddenly at bin home ,iinm: 10 o'clock fast night.

1 Mr. Boyd was an overseer In th<i (Wood Waned mill, and was vei \ Well known, lie worked yesterday up t«> ;1 O'clock, and was , apparently f< • ling Very well. His death will !»■ keenly Ii'eit by h\s large host of friends.

The deceased was a native of Michi- gan. He leaven a wife and six children. _

, He was »gcd 43 years,, lu months and (tight itai's.

' The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon. Burial will l>e in the family lot In Bellevue eeinelcry.

status recommend to The Hague Terence a motion lor the general lim- itation <tf sums for armaimiu. Adopt*

un - The following resolution Rented by the resolution committee:

''HeeotvedJ That this convention hereby expresses its appreciated of the generous hospitality accorded the del- egates by the trades unionists of Law* rence and of the courtesy shown us by tile press and public oflicluls."

This was unanimously adopted by B rising vou...

The lady delegates at the convention were each presented with gold • rings.

ThankKKlvInK Putl- T|1,1 |iuiles were Miss Annie !»■ lay. •Jinir. i.vnn, Miss Anna T. Bowen, Boston,

Juiit shelve yours for a'season while, and Mrs. it. S. ataionoy "f this >ay, who wAa in charge 01 the reception o£ tho* Visiting women delegates.

A telegram was n ad which staled that a brother or rc. Gerry Brown had

in Soltuale and Mr. Brown was nabla to be present for the remainder r the c6nveMlon. Resolutions of sympathy with Mr.

trown w ere > ndonwd. As adjournment H was


AT Y, M.

An opening; reception" win "Take ptatn this evening ai M. C. A- fron by the Y. M. ■mjoyed. There lum exhibition,

he building of the y, 11 8 until in. Jsalectlona c. \. orchestra will be will atSO be a Kymiias- lUai Alice Chapman of

bjoaton will read. MisH chapmaffl ■the young lady who SUCh a fav- orable impression at the South »'<>n- gregattonaJ church a wewk 8go( Sun- day. Tiie social committee of the aux- illurv will serve refreshments. All are Invited tn attend the owning.

you try this one: Tour four cupfula of hot scalded milk over oue nuil one- fourth oupfuls of rolled comuiou crack- ers and let stnud until cool, says the died Woman's Home Com pa 11 km. Add oue cupful of sugar, four eggs slightly bentfii. one half of a grated nutmeg, one teaspoon fill of suit aud' one-third of n cupful of melted butter. Parboil one and one-third cupfula of raisins until soft by cooking In boiling water lo cover seed and add to tfifl tulxlure. Turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake slowly two and one half hours, h(.|d a* n stirring after the first hair hour of thin hill, nexi cijoking1 to prevent raisins from set tllng. This pudding may of course he mode a (lay or two In advance nnd re- heated for serving.

at l o'clock.


Plymouth, 4.La, 2, 6.40 p. m.

Whiteticld, Lan-

Boaton—h.30, TII" a m.: Woburn—6.30, 7.30 a. 1

One lot of the same hats, urdav

rth $1.75. Special for sat-

. B.23, 11.02,' a. MI.

Southern Division. NO, LAWRENCE

«. 3.03, «.18. B.4T , 7 r.j 11: S"i th Di pot, 3.45 Manch ■si. r, N. H.—1

1.D2. ' .01 p. m. F.irtluml—»M a 111.:

Gold In Bible Verge. I The first mention which we have of gold is in the 11th verse of the sec Ond chapter of Genesis, or 1n other words four thousand and four years before Christ

I Gold was used as money by the an- cient Egyptians at a very early datf* Herodotus fells that the Invention of the colnagp of gold belongs to J&dls. about 750 B. C. Authorities conflict about the first coinap-1 of gold. Some. say It was Miletus, and some the Per ilans. but there are no records to show Just when.

How Tears Are Formed. I AH emotions, however slight, either decrease or Increase the circulation of the blood. Those emotions that

j bring tears cause the blood vessels ' around the eyes to expand, thus flood

Ing the tacrlmal or' tear glands with blood. The tear-glands always secrete

'g little to keep the eyes cool and 'moist, and carry off specks of duM I through the nasal passages, but the extra Btipply of blood Increases thi:

HOOT to Make a Torkcr Dra>sslna;. To moke a dressing for the Thanks

giving turkey tske three pints of stale railroad h;i bread, oue pint of cracker crumbs, two ftggs, two teuspootifuls of snlt, two- tbirdg of 0 lenspoonful of pepper, two- thirds of a spoonful of auge. one spoon- ful of Bnvory, ow teaspoouful of mar- lor.nm, one teaspoouful of thyme aud two thirds of a cupful of butter. Soak the bread hi cbld water until soft; then pTOta nut all the water; add all the othe* Ingredients to the bread aud mix ■Veil; till the breast of the tnrkey with this and put the rest In the body turkey.

secretion to such an extent that h cannot go off overflows.

In the usual way, so

.2 p. 1 4.52

11.45 a. m,; 1.BS. S.4S

iv stations -4.52 p. 111 6 p, m.. from W. l)l\

NEW YORK'CLOAK & MILLINERY STORE Bradley Block. 486-488 Essex Street

», Greenfield, Bennlngton, ;, p. in., from W. Div. station.

For Greenfield, Amherat. Mllford and Wilton --7.3(1, 11.46 a. m.; 4.BJ \\ m

[.-.,,- \:1:|i'i.i 7.:ui, 1 I IT. ;i. in ; I "■ ' t,.4,V p, in. B— Except Monday.

C. M. Butt, Gen. Puss. Agl

U J. FLANDERS. Pass. Traffic Manager.

Pawnbrokers' Three Balls. Three balls constituted the derive

of the wealthy Medici family of Flor- ence, Italy. They were primarily phy sloians. and the throe balls indicated medicine. foe family became In time tho principal money-lenders In Europe, and their seals appeared on so many documents that had to do with the pledging of personal prop Brty, aa security loans, that tha de- vice lost Its original significance ami

1 rfttno Into use as the emblem . of moneylenders generally.

HAVE YOU EVER HAD YOUR HOROSCOPE CAST? \lailum .Mi' \y making a special offering on lloi bjt-npes Ihla week at the L. C, Moor company's stdre.

How to MnUi- Oynter Stafflnn ' To the ordinary stuffing for a turkey, of dry hreadcnmibs seasoned with pan ley. thyme and sweet marjoram nnd moistened with melted butter, add two dozen small oysters chopped fine. Stuff the breast of the turkey with this.

flow lo Remove Hunt Fp«m frtgt* S«eel. alluet can be conveniently removed from [instruments nnd other steel p Jects by laying them In keroaeu I'amffln oil is the best preservative* agulnat rust, ifnd the most convenient, way of applying it without getting an unnecessarily thick coating Is as fol- lows: One part of the oil Is dissolved in 200 purls of benzine, and the. Objects, after belug thoroughly dried aud warm ed, are plunged in the fluid. When removed from the fluid the beufclne Is allowed to evaporate In a dry room.

he seventh annual gospel service ting, railroad department, «ui be

B Academy of Music. Hue* r- Suiiday afternoon at 8:30 Tins annual maetlng marks

the cloae of the regular series of open- air Sunday services-at the BoaUW & Maine depot under the auspices oJ Tlckej Agent A. <*. Tapley, and which has been such a success In the pust seven years, being u- distinctive fea- ture of Haverhill religious life. The management of tha Boston & Main-'

given It's hearty co-i'|n ra- tion to the plan of holding goapal services ill the Haveiliill gajpol earh Sunday, and In appreciation of the ef- fort! of \]r Tapley to bettor the lives of those in the employ «»f the com- pany, us well us others, the officials win attend tb« service nexi Sunday in large number*. The offwtols will, :i usual, arrange i"i ■ special truin to Lave Boston at 2 o'clock, slopping at various pojiitli along the route to Haverhill. This train will leave Cor Boston HI the close of the service* Mr Tapley lias extended Invitations bo nil

f the the agents and employee of western , lines, us well as steamship lines and 'Boston «ft Maine "employes andfrtenda,

and be nearly ^llttt) people pres- ent, and over 1200 out -of- town peo- ple.

A feature ef the meeting will be the presence of the various speakers at the meetings this summer. The speak- er or the afternoon will be Rev. L'harlaa H. Moss, pagtor of the Ktrst

j Rapt Is I church oi -Maiden, ami itev. n \\. Lambert oi East Providence, it.

ll. Will presille al the meeting. Seats' orchestra will furnish music and will

fgtve a concert previous to the mect- 1 mg, \ chorus of lo voices from the

Law rence Street Congregational rtitrrch ot Lew leneg Wow»rd Clankd pa Vis, director, wlfl ahm assist In the exercises. Th<' gospel service quartet, Harry Jaqutth l>w vioUnlal and li<-r- i>< n w. \v. Dnwnes pianist, will also

Miss Gertrude O'jponnelt the popu- lar South Lawrence toucher, Is con- fined to her home by illness.

ALIVE AND LASTIN] QUESTION Is what Abraham Lincoln called the Tariff. Every voter should understand it. He can and also enjoy it by reading the Bright & Strong Papers. There is not a dull line in hern; 10 cent?. News-stands.

miss Emily Dow Teacher of Piano and Organ

Instructions Given at Convenience of Pupils.




Lowest American Prices


How lo Frrohm l'» C1IH Pl«»«i To frMhi'n tip gilt rrnmes wipe with

n cloth molstenas) In oil of turpentine) mill lot the Cram* dry without rabbins;, or UM trams may lie carefully nnd then trained with the whiten of three eggs. Into whleh an ounce of (MMIU has been beaten. If the frsme la nick- ed to show the wood beneath, touch these spots up Orst with a good quality of gold pslnt.

'UNCORD, N H Del I" ugln, for rhv treasurer Khun trustTcfltripany, who v ink' u. sentence in 'li making false reports

n of ill,- trii-i 1 tinrpm s

John p Urn

h;ii- Been prison

lh, i.pnili- N, ■ M


npshl In

■ IS, IVill

rdo ,1 So

■IrM.i ,r tio- ii «;i

1 to llinl ilHlf. IJo-'iilli .Mm M, H04,

III. Ill or

voted Ol.lull II'

Banti , rva n"i les


Probably s Pin.

■oiiinicnleil ilo' y..,i IOM|< wsetry,' n 11,- explorer. "V, », 11,1,1," repll -kimo "th,- baby 1 night' "Indei 1 "\c~' and tliiii , sactty live inonths

- ptin.ia.-ipiiii

f'-ar yearn '"ni seven yaai i in ■ 'te been arrested on Jan year. « hen o tlefli ii n about lliio.HOI) in 111,' ti

Several IndJctanenii against him Including ,■ the funds h|, ••■ni

nut mere Hun prison, Re had :•:, at the same , amounting ti uik'.s finnis *\.i

wars brough no for 111 ii-us).

,1 tin' lill-t i-i.minin>. lint Vils on nil Ilidl^tllH'lit fo

c hetu liii-n

nailing fnisc repoTts.

Troubled About .-lie Eyesight.


ENGLISH 6 tbs. for 11

Money returned if not sstisfactory. Air kinds of Fancy Canned Good.. Farmer,' Strictly Fresh Eggs. Uneeda Biscuit and all the National Biscuit Co.'s Product, at cut rates.


Bnr!v s Orchestra Will Continue si in the Past.

Louise H, Berry, Msnsgsr. lernard Igo, lit Violin snd Prompter. All the Popular Music* for Dancing.




ill /

All ki.

8l"llt' ill.i



brick ami

wirk ft




'u.T HAT: -llt-fl tlghl

-II- woman, rollowing :i nenila io had had th-' misfortune t> ,n"?"^. kept .v.liimlnn: ,•

c-n'T'rw'i'U' .tuiir huri'ir'** *■?•■**■

TI K.ntl n WHS nt last annnyc l portimlty and said:

io >uu wish my eycBlsltt to ii • Wothlna alia my i \---


•■iv.- SI'HI liv La at— FtrawaU." bt ptci ■ V-VIII- Up*1 v"ll! Eyes, four Ooldan tight, nor Is likely to.1

Hair," anil "The Bee That i)<-ts the "No, your" honor," aatd the wrtrpan Honey pbean'l Hang Around tin* Vin.-." -but it will be a sad thins; If it Ten cents each, lnnlal Bldg.

MUHflfton's, Gthu for you will haye nothinn to J Bpactaclea upon."


Business Men FOR






Beloved iin-l respected in life, thi memon of Mr«. Mates T. Stevena fragrant with food *wdi *in" kimll> acts, w as evidenced by the raw •»r. nt and iinl'Vr-;.! tribute .paid to ho

■ mrin.-rv ui ill-- FiiiVriil. Saturday of ternoon. In North And>>. er.

Th- very large attendance of al dassei and r<>--t« al the last rite* held i*t Oagood Hill, was H .itting trih ui. in a Woman. '.' ho** nobllilv • > character, Broad sympathies, and Ken erous charities won for her the ad miration and regard of ',"' people It- various M'tiona.

Tin irnurnerx represented a numbe u! cities »nd towns.

The Services conducted bs Rev. s. C Beam*. Ir., minister "i Uu- Old N->rth church, "f which she wan .in aettvi member, begun at l.w o*cUKk.

A IIU.HK sUnpUolty choi-*ct*rlsei the obsequies, in harmony with ih. quo-l HI- ••( it"- .l.cea-o d

Beginning with the "I am ihe resur rectton and the life." the offlclatlni Clergyman conducted the Cmi-triai setvte'e ) rescrlbeii ,,,r MU*n occasions

He followed with a scripture lessoi from Pro*. x%xi.

Krai i He readings, appropriate to h<-r I tinitilul Ufa, nnnsUtlng pj :*The Dead Leave* Messagi ■" IP \ sftnol j Sa\an'. an.i "The Horn S--K. _vu 11 Satii cited. ft

With H rerv.enl prayer and hene-di* ilon ih«- services rd-natd. | beautiful an', choice collection ■■

flora I rensembraaoss mare an-n-ags about the bier.

At the burial, which was private Rev. Mr Benne conducted coinmUta servt,■.■••> at tin srav iii !)-•■!y m In RTJgeWOod i ■iii't-T>.

The poll bearers were sis nephew ut the deceased, as ftdlow:-:

John P. St.v. n- and Horace X St.- vena of New V..rK. BTDom Kt-v.-m

, rfnd fleorne Steven" /»_f Lowell, Isaa* Otigood of Lawrence and Edward H Smith oi" Broofcline.

• ■ John O. Lorlng had charge "i th .arrangements, assist. <t by Join. Hamll

ion Worse and Samuel F Rockwell. W. H. IHRRM.- "f Andover look*

a/tar the .-.rriaKe-".

The fourth anniversary of ths^lSnrfaJ Roger v,*oh-ott Hub occurs Thursday <)ct. is. The event will be appropriate ly cbsi rved

Th.> Women's Auxiliary of M. P&uT) church i. t" meet in the parish houw Thi-r.-di'v ufternoon, at 2:80 o'clock.

six children a-et« baptized by Rev John It. Kt-ftiy, Saturday

Mr. ; n.t Mis Gnorice H -Miriin hav ir'unv d t" Th Itu-h from Hoi Springs, \'«.

Th. refrular Thbrrtdaj right M.'E prayti meeting «i! take place on Kri day evening, at the residence of .Gill ijluv r, MerrltnacK itreet


• ' PdOR

Tii. lV»bo(]y dolumn of Wednesdas Hfllom Sewn contained the follow Ins tribute i" Belpctman James*!' Pu

" *'The noinlniMon Of Jal i* Poor of N-rth Andover as the I pubttaU) candidate t«>r county com* mtsa|on**r gives general satisfaction sniorB .)i.- Reputllcane of this town un<l many Democrats gs well. Mr. Pool is one "f do- sturdy and HUCCOA r■TIP. r< of BSSPX * ottnty. He is - known liere from his conn ction ettl th.- Ksst-x Agricultural soctetj and W exhibits of run].- at me counts f*1' every' >'■;.(■ N" speatcer at the annual • I inner "i th.- sr«lel y Is l.-t-n-d t «viih in ire attention than Mr. Pool none hus made move practical re marks oi receK'eri more applause, il i- a man for-whom in-n can Cuts' an. haul on who th-\ are voting for. M wan really Hi eholce "t the "Peabodj delegation Tuesda). althougn rb.-v it-era pledged t«< Hon tsttac P uii. ranvnsjled the town before Ihe cau


Thursday afternoon the iVoriiann Anxiliarv held its annial meeting in Si. Paul's pariah house

Rev. li Cahei Monro, tin rector in.-.nt.-.l a new s. t rtf by-Unx. Vh was accepted.

* >rT.«-.r-. as folloe « were eh eted foi the enaulng term

Prestdfmt- Mrs. Susan L Cogawidl Vice-Presidents Mrs. William I

Johns) n. Mis- Marion AppletDh. Secrete n*— Mrs, K. r Hough ton. Treasurer Mr- .1 Vlbvri Ellison Kxccutlvu ''.Jiniui t. -• -lh. of\< i i

named, togethei with Miss Swr.. B. Hthepard and Mr- Philip 11 lfost.

Plane for the coming season's work w- r.' 'ilsrus«i*H

' The 'I'^ani/.n Lilt "ix to ineel ■ \ '' hui '!■■ ■ .iH' i iv- ..I .' ;>. ..■.■!•.■ i, lh-- ;.,.ti R iv ■■■



Tli preshh ni. Mr- i teorgr t'" >,.■■. d'TBuji, M. ,ll(-i. ,1 III. . I,,II .,1 . iiiti. -n.u.i ni.'.-iiim ..f ih. Wotnan' TUreign Missionary, .society, held Wed n*sda> »v.gnlng aJ "iii.- M E. psrson HI-

Ifter pfMV»*.r. b; Uev. Mr. Samh r -..jli th. tOph at tte .\.4iini. ";'e.-. Schools nel « ii[.b..!...-■ ■- s .s 'ii n| . thi i n*-in*»-r ■■ ol 11 ■ or ganlzation giving remllngs, „ .

At Hw |pi--in---s BFKSI m rrnoTt^ shoaing Hi* * octets !•■ be [tr».-<"p*;nmi were read i>> -li->- SlabTl W'ebsn r S»H rt-tary. ami Mrs. Ellis * Hovel. tr*. ■■■■< i

Both i irt*. "•'■•''.i.

When Ughi refreshments w» n s.n ible io. lal L.-t ii

A (.|. urine and ni. ■ Htins Tfrytnri nf th. '..ti, r. «vas 'i" r-hil OIL:

h '•'■ in. .r.l'.-t:-. •■[ their \ aCalk>n ':Xp»rl* nce»

ml his tle-tik-t after he had taken Ms •at In iltc legfaNtture.

AI:ISH ROOK*! WUU'OTT t'Lini KLKfTS n|-T'H"l-i:S

A largely attaqded aiid Intereatlag Lfleting of the Piirish Ho^er n'okoti lub tool, plaee. Thur-il.i> '•\.|)inB- Ii. t. PJUTS parish house. These offlc*m were elected:

" ;••- erii-i Lythan Perktna. Lh utenant*Oovi rnor—H' rbert i»

Mo-/-.-ii. Kecorder I'ninklin Roberta, Treasurer- U. Blrney BedeiL l.lhrarian—USMJI-ge Mmiulnn. Dlrectora— Austin Miller George

Crtovte*. Taylor Wrtl, H. Bhn.-\ Be- li-ll L.VIII.111 Ei ikin".

Rtebaril Qre< nw i .was ■ i. el o ;.s pr»hat loner, .Masnn \\. Kent, Franklin Houert*

iroree Knowles an-' Herbert t>. Mo- ..■■ii were se>nted to represent tin r.-ani-/..iii"n In the join! debate, te be reld Thar*la>. Aug. is, u ;tb tb< "id North club. The topic win be, "Ue-

,h t.!: Tim! ill.- N.^ro ha- 1" • -n j uifi] worse il an the Indian l>\ tin rilted States «"■ ernment." PapeTi air to i»- Pead ut the nwtt

ng nan '■<' b> Am rei\ I'.o-i.-r (8) v. nion Pr>"e. Lymiii Perklna: (leorg (nun !■ ■-. <;• urge Manning

'■'Hurry,' aw affection ale and IntelH* nt blach an.! tan, belonging to Hav- Sinitl' in to I'.indiaiu dlatrU't, was

4*trW-**n—tbt- Aiid^ llfior A- Danvcrs tin.? the other day: ih.- dog «as mi badly Injured that trt'f-er Arthur H. Kurnlmni noned to kill the antmul.

Dai hi A. Fleming of \lt..i. It, i.. is vurltlne ai ti. rosldvm • ■ • si.:s, tii.- .'ii-.-. ■ Kltiinlng, "i. taint sir.-i


^. N - bla Bel*

Friday afternoon the funeral 61 upper and plea mralJle program, go to

Ri'lh. th.* Infant ohlki o? Mr and Mrs leorge WuotU-y. "»« place from th loitne •>': Pleasant street.

The remains rested In an elegant rskt i. covered «it It white brocaded jju«h, lined with hii'- s.,tln. and hav ng silver irlminlptrs, Th'- inscription on the plate read

Loth Woolley, died "ii. 8..1906, aged months, H' day.-." \boiit the bier was a ehoire eolleO

eenn of beautiful floral t^ken*. lt,\ Oaorge lv Saiuh-rson oflleiuted

il..' rTOTTTe--n-nd—tn'rf'ornied ftimmll- mettt service* at the grav* -side., at the family lot in Rldgewood cemapBry


Th-- following prosTaiTi was carried >ut at th** Johrxson high school, Frldayj piano s.ilo, Bonaiine abd th.- Mhl


Brutus S|

Kuhlau Arthur

ech fron En

JUMUK I'a-'sar'" ShaKeipeari

Philip Hamilton. HoratiUfl HT th. Itrirla-e - . Maeaulay

Miss The Place .of Athletics tn College

I,lie Cliaun<*-> M DepeW Rnlph Bradley.

The Golden K"d . Bd'win Booth Low Miss Marion Matheson.

plane solo, in the Porg* Jungmann Joseph McCarthy.

A Psalm of Life LoiiRrellow Miss Ada Watts.

Hannibal to th-- Carthaginian „\rinv Before the Battle of Tl^tn. Llvy

Krhwird (Jarner. B'-ti* and the Bear

Miss P il.-\ A Welsh* Chuvtic H. K. Baihtrd

Mi-s pernald ,\S'h..! a Man < \in Do for 'lis 'I

or City ' t'harles 11 Parlvhurst Prank Woodhouae,

Rest ?■'. Rubenatefn * 'horufl.



The North Andover Educational aa soclatton held ..n enjoyable sochi v -Hi Mtss Kat- T Puller, ■«.' h.-r home In 4h> Kimball district, Friday even in?- i

The committee in chargs* consisted ■ »i Miss Annie L. Sargent*. Warren 11. BOWCn, Miss Theresa e-K .lollll-lly, Miss H Bernlce Kogers,

At the Democratic senatorial con- vention. h«ld Friday evening, in Lawrence John M- Oarvey wan elect* ed a member tut th*- tlistrtcl committee.

owing t<' the ioirit' rteKatf of the two Roger Wolcotj (lulls occurring Thufa- .la-. < i, • V. the meeting of the North rhurth club announced for the pn fCutng Tuesday has been postponed

Th.' meeting ot the Charitable Union, announced for next Wednesday

■ninn. has been postponed to Oct. juh. .ni accouni ol tile death of thf

Ire.-presldent, Mrs Mosei T Stevena" \-'r\- w as (deeteH a ■h. district committee ;1| th

i \ itepublican senatorial • Frldaj evening, in La« rem

Stephen, flarsecl has been pa.s. .-. Us \acatfon In differenl placi

iber ..f firth K

mi - ition.

Wlttlffm Watgrhotipc of fi. pmantte \\<-*t Ausiraila. hi-vialilng bis brother, h.lni Waterhou^e

U a ■ ! UUJJ ■■ at Burllnatop. Vt.: i- in to\. n, ..n a vJaH

Kill" „•'••! if th

,..l f.i! V.lllll SI];I\

poRtpon^ l I<I mi Ill-Hill nf Mr- Ml

- \ "■tllim -M ..|, 1 ■!

.en T. st.\

Th ,ni'l..t..iN« .1. |TP, »af

li ill 1 ,.\-, MlilK MM Hi n Mil-. . ..Hi ll.ii

th.> iftr. .Ml,,u of

ti,. bnati ■ ,i . -. i

rh.iji a. P W.-nii, will ir> I: rill

i-cre appotnMd a eomntftte "■A* r, to make arrang* int1

iinuui social aaaembly.


itii full | thi


V, Jf the i', litre lo^t ■ es by poisouint; th -

George B. D kwo tirst class

next meeting ot Essex County1 other day. L-.-mona Omnge will take pi.o.^with, i>r, j, p_ Winchester of Lawrenc tarerhUl tirango the llrai Thid-day^h. n November.

George. A. RJchardson. has hired the cottage of John A, McAvoj on the turnpike, raeantly vacated by Charlea Pe.ii.oily and family,

... , , . . .... ,. The leneinei.f recently vacated by l he annual fair by the Went Haver- .n,,ni.. Meeban and family mi the tum-

■■- ian !



Rev. John I. K'-'-dy. ongregatlooal ehurch, hildnn. Baturdaj aftei


th, v,-ll known veterinary surgeon, hdl grange was beW Wednesday even- ,ki. has |„,t.n gugaged b) Moiorm who was called, performed an autopsv. ,lltr Fnuo « ... 1 oei"k an excellent jJJJ. a^Hteveps who with hfl moth and discovered traces of ^strychnine in 5*™*l_*u5?#ft.JS?* ffl -.-!S!?i. V'*. Will »oon occupj the property,

U,Vs,:i vcnlng.

Ml' till anlnea,


tomachi Any poreon or .persona in.-an <nougu

i • In'Ttct gunTerlng on a harmless dumb ■ animal should receive the mil ptinlsh-

Th. Mvrrlmaek valley Bast Noble mint of the law. Irands* issoclatlon ot Renekahs will, u ts nlncerely hoped by the towca- neet ai Odd Fellows hall, in N-wl.nrv- ,., l]lU. lUal Ul). ,..,W(. wU| ,„. ,,K. thor. M.n. Friday afternoon, Ot,J:M o'clock [^nghly Invcsti/at.d. and the . perpe-

itrator or parpeartora, if apprehended. 1 prosM-uted.


STKYKNS DEATH Frid-iv .'\-'-ninff the annual Harvest

Penelope rwpekah lodgfe-. 1. \i the annual meeting ol ihe l*- ,_ili be odd l-ellow;. ,„,.„■ Charltabh 'Union, which has

hill, front • to 8 OCIOCK [-(I,; V0, ,,[ tiie Lawrence General hospl- Tfo- arranK-m.Hts ;iiv loh.^ dlr.<; • ,., n,.iu- TuesdiLv afternoon. Mrs. WII-

d by ' comtldttee, and n, „ \ Husseil and Mrs, A .\i. Gntver •.thing will be left undone for the en-U-,Jr(. rieeted vice-presidents and ni of patnms. ii;,.u-tfe K jfiinhardt a member of the Following the supper there uITTb.- advisory board.

whtei playing and other games, | ]( ,VIIS V((tt.,i ,., *,.m\ ., letter of Ad mis-don, including supper, only aafevpipathy to the family of the late

•••••M* I Mrs. Mos.s T. Stevena, axpreaaing the A general invitation is .xt nd-<l to ,|.M, regret felt bv the orgunlautlon in

HIM public. I-, ;■ lamented dentil. Th«- deceased was -- • , la ■ .r,ii and gen-Toils friend ft tlte

. .. .. „., ' wiMhv institutlnn. in:tsi.itors op ARRANOJNM i;\Mi:s,

N , , , I • The Parish Roger Wolcott club Is to Th- Parish Roger- Wdcott < oil, hi to|ltb.*i*vi: itsj fuurth unnivcrsary

place a football eleven In. the field. I da . evening, Oct lStb. In St. Paul's hbseti pailah Rouaa.

l-ii.thall eleven ill. tli .1. Ausllri Mill. ■ has bee

.IL'I i and Herbert LJ.MuZi.en cttp- tain, | Rt, Rev. William Lawrence, T^i>..

are wanted with teams aver*, pr.te^tani Fiplscopal bJahop of tn* aging l"" pounds. 'oi—.v,, will make his official visit to

Ad/lress tin' manager at it Pleasant si. Paul'i church, BuAday evening:, ■tr.-. T [Nov. is. for the nurpcwa at udminls-

Candidates for th.- eleven are re- teilug the rife of confirmation. iu,-sifil to eetn* mtj for practice, rimrsdny even big, near St. Paui« F. I. Bridge*, travelling gaTeeman Centre poeTofflce. diunh. •. . [tor Rose Bros., the Worcester seeda- John Britard. Mr

ATKINS..X ORANOK, feature in Itself, At s o'ekjok thi

an■ sale of veajeiaohw, irult. fancy' geo Is grtfl useful a* tides place ' with Robexl Corliss as auctioneer. H*.- '. ^miBT meeting or kept the gathering m good humor ano „r.h|li:,. waa i,< Id Tuesday ih. goodja ,brought a v prices, Th. g ' visltom ware preaeni rrdm naar- aliair was a big .SUCCOflS in every les- ji%* ^,,,,,^,-s ;(,ui ;1, ter the t i-iiu-^ i,,,r:- '.sesflni: the.lecturt*. Mrs. .1 M. Good-

John Peters of the repair deparuiP-n .,( „ preMntcd the following program, ^i th? car i-arn Is enjoying a months ,,, ;|Hl|n- 0f pa pern on interesting sub- \ leatiou which, Is being spam ;,t Boa- |ert9. ion and vicinity. ^ |

Cliail'-s Peabody and fan'illv hav-- . Vt| eVenlng with tin- apple.'' .. rtored :h.-lr goods as both are ew~-1, " su-. Goodrlcn ployed out of town. Th.- Oltl-fuaUioned apple, boa^r,

workmen from the repair depitTtnu-n | jjra ,; M,. p pow. are reimiiing the roof and otherwise -The best and most profitable va- naklng Improvements at.the cat baru.-i HeUes,1'^ George A. Page

Medrick Oreenwooo of the repair de part men t at the car barn Is upending • w<> weeki wltn relat.\es hi t'anada.

M4as Am\ Shaitoon of H.ivrhltl Mass.. Is a visitor at thehom. of Wil- liam Aj- r <.f Salem Centr*.

Mi-s K-i'n i Kimball ol Pol . V Si. ifteU a two we-ks" va-.ili'.n lifts i"

■urned to liei duties at ihe Tvar Rub- ber cu.iipany's j-'unt a; And-i

A ftirnaca h is been M.*'aJ estdeva e ot I b«uar Ho

\ i»yeclal meeting . of Enterprise ,TUnge~ was held on T

Cni e be orchard," K. K Sawy.-i;

Importance of packing properly'* i-.r market," Frank 1, Kulght

Would ii i»- advisable for the farraars in thJs vkUPlly to em- ploy an gjgenl to markel the! units':'- .... •... Barman A. N«yes

. Ma m Mr. ami Mrs. Win field French of

West Derry have returned home after a short stay at the Kohie "t John LamSon of Canoble Lake.

ia> evening j Mlf|| x,.ll(),i Lamson of Canoble Lake Jl

'"Il atlyes at Naahua

j in-u. has aon<- to V. rmnnl on a four w-. ki business trip.

VI.I'I.UAN Fllti:.Mi:N'.s OUTINU \ SMXAI. MLCCEHB. I Rehearsal nf St. Pauls choir in the

(parish house, Friday evening, at 7 The fourth annual outing of that o'clock,

popular and thriving organisation, the Veteran Firemen's association, which was held .a Hemlock grove, In th- Friday evening the annual han eat I' district, proved a signal success, supper of Penelope u- bckah lodge, I.

Those iii attendance, InclulinK mem- *». i». P., occurs in odd Fellows hall. ii. i - and Invited guests from Law- Follow inn the supper there will be ranee., M. ttiu.n, Andover and North whisi and other gjannea. .Supper from Ami.

Ab firs;

pi- ll: th.


,'• r. ni.inhered almost 100, ut L o'clock, P. H. Finn served a lass dinner In excellent style.

:iwt.lining his high r.pitation inc.

spread, whtcn ..^■•—." 'J 'obsters, ,,..] ■clams, sweet corn, sweet pu- >s, Irish potatoes, pickles, coffee,

crackers and cheese, received ..Mention. ., Itable prises were awarded for the

spiTrtTT.-TnmtuTfd tmtlTT- the direction



1'clock. cents.

Admission, Including

lo V. I-rid.

catechism claww, t.-d i>y John, L. Keed> y afternoons, at a membership*

l: 15 o'clock, residence -.f

n» boys and

A son was recently born to Mr. and Mr* limy i). Rockwell, Preacott ire., t

of (Joorge H. Butterworfht the prorl gmm affording a deal of pleasure I Mia. J. P Mer£e 'eft. this morning,

The winners of th. events follow: l/or lynu, when- she is to spend the <;ap.t. WIIlam -I Stew:, i

yards dash—Ralph l

Tim, art's team.

one I,im.In Uoldus'.n.

Tii« of war—Ernest J t. am

'I lip,- legged 'race John '. iraitd Palph F. Robinson Tug (i| war Thomas Murpl Tug ol war Towle Blshpp Tug .'i war- Harry \\ ntnlk. 'iii? of war—Willam Lord Phchini quotts—Thomas


nder of thf^jw.- k.

ri - officers-ele\?t of Brads't y. c. <». P. P. are to be

Benck< r's Monday evehlng-^iext. MiSS AI Ida. Stevens of Poplfl

it'ih. rt ■ Hants oftunty. Nova Boot la, ' y^itin-: i.t .1. lui f>-Klsn's residence, 1" Ashland


Th rare , Isfai't


■■rry affair was one . o yrnent »n'' gave uerfeel sal to -il participating

.in Cte b> l ':

itte p.Th tall, and eli'-i'il much commendation

< diver T ' 'O^ti'lio,,in, GcOFgi H. Rutterworth. secretpry-lreasurer: William H SooeiMII, , Jofcepll J Dunn Albert (*. Fish.



Motnia. morning! the rural mall let tor box al the entrance to Lake Vies was discovered destroyed, having been blown t i pieces o' ;i pow erful dls charge u( huckshol

Th.- case was report*1*! to Coustabl. George l. Hi n ts. who is Investigating the affair,


There wen several remonstrants at ihe hearing, Monde) evening, given by the selectmen on the petition of .the New England Telephone and Telegraph company, to ■ ivt poles ami string wires mi .Massachusetts avenue, from

* arm-v's Corner, ai the Centre, to the i..i n i'. me boundary line,

'.'ii.- Interests'of the com pan j n-vre look, d an. i by Bupt. ' 'heney.

Tin board ol selectmen tool; the matt' i umi. t .oh iscment.


Tii* ■•■ tetters awaii Claimants al the Parish tostolhce:

alaurtc* Bobcoik, .1. Doocook, John Corrlgan Miss Margaret Clancy (care

>l Mi. \Vheaton», ..Miss. Marv »;ddea, (COn Ol Ml-, .lolni Mel.uttai. rushing (.oo.jl.u,-. ' Kdith Miller, Jim P.Tsell, Frank Wallue.-, ,Vi> Ftlit-sl ■ Young.



LIKPLV . I'll!: PlUKONE* .


L. "Harris ■oiii i. by

■ r I,-I n*,n, Conetable < feorge accostetf near HartH -

stranger, who enquired tin uuiratd way to an electric cat

IP a-afe din- ted, a- desired Lai. r ,n <tt,. afternoon the offloer

earn d from Mi- Ipswich Roi i 01 rbrrictlon oitlclals of the escape of .i nan U-oiii -thai iiistiluiiiiii. ' From tiff- doserlptlon then given tli«;re a nitie doobi that the stranger mei >\ < ''iiw.ih!.- Man-is w,is [he es';*aped

pri! A) He iii . he was Hi i n h

, r Hi.- latter ko.'w a few hou


Raymond J: Null, wh« recently un- derwent a successful operation for ap- pendicitis at the Lawrence General hospital, is doing nicely at that Instl-


J -in

neettng of tin exw olive <. of the Christian Endeavor tiled for Tii'-sday avehlng

ngregStlonaJ veatry, was p. >o iii^ in the storm.

lui nd degrees which will be

cr.-d ;,i the regular meeting on nest doiainv evenins At the meeting, Uw rang*' win i>* in-p'ct.-d by Deputy . M. Oooditch rd Atkinson. Pred Harrlvol MHMIIe has accepted

. p..-«Uion with a leading contraotoi t Ha\ erhill * and .-oinmenced hie du- l-s last Tuesday nwrnihg.

(.!-[ of ad\f|li--,| letl--rs at Salem Al'ur suspended aet i VitieS Jie^a W-e Addressed

Blake, C. Ma sbftU Bray Dionne, F r.U. Mrs Hiss M. l Mrs. ii.i

Kdv ,d r. run), i tilev, Mr. Will Fi

F. Gbrdon. John PValker, Loud. Col, Johi W. \'y., M Milieu. Mis- Ethel E.

Hit.- hot weather, the local v M C, A. opeiird last evening with more than :10

Eugeiie members present, A business meet' held a-ui officers for the ensuing

y-ar were elected, Mr, Israel the coun- :> secretary, who pupervlscs the An- dover league, was present and discus- Bed th< situation for the fall and win- ter giving a very pio;perous and a hopeful outlook.

in his report, Presloenl G. W. White sold: "A Hibh- class with Rev. W. E. Lombard ol the Baptist church, win i).' formed, ami will be lh session on tl'.tfridsy evening ol each week. Prac- tical talks on IMerestlni subjects will

iatfves and friends in town. " be given by differed business and edur Fdwurd N Rh-t of Soi lerville Mass.»e>ttonal men. A eihss tw English., at -

has accepted a oositlon In the fuetori Ithnp-tk- and p nmanship la b^elng ar- ,„ r p Woodbun 1 <'o. Mr. Rice la a ranged fur. aTso 3 BaTsU foT phv-i..., survivor of the San Francisco disaster ,work. Sunday afternoon meetln though losi all his possessions in th ajao be held. The n>« tarthouake, He and his wife were toe | ever) evening ex.-pt M-d out of bed" by the shock and barely and will be helpful m mans way. . had time t.t seise their- clothes and tl ■ j \oung men. Litetature. games ur ,.,,. .ar,.ty. [music are always there to be enjoyei

T:(, ^a4ew Depot hon comnnha held hi Uu members. monthly meeting Thursday "TI uestion haa often been askeTI,

■ |.> you expect to do in this 1 boyi

Page. Bertha May Smith. ■ The subieel bafora the mating of

Atkinson grange Tuesday evening, Gel .,. V\in p..; "An evening with the ap- ple \ paper on 'The old-fashion* d apple bee." Will he i -ad by Mrs. Ge i P I »o w .

Mi-*. I'r.d W. Alien of Mclhu n. a former resident, sp*-it Thursday with)

will unday enlng,

gular ■ nins-

GOODJiRIENDS. "Jim In going Instead of Her-

man,'' announced Mrs. Day. "But 1 don't know Jim," objected

Lois. "And that's the reason," answered

Mrs. Day, "that I want to tell you about hlrh. The fact Is, Jim was Jilted last spring. She was one of th* most beautiful girls I have ever ieen"—Mrs. Day talked rapidly— "but none -«f us wanted her. Sha was selfish and thoughtless and ex- acting, but Jim never saw it. Ho Just adored her and followed her about, and gloried In being her slave, until we were all in despair."

Jim was the brother of Mrs. Day's husband, but It was her way to take all Ihe responsibility, even of her husband's family. "So we were all very much relieved when she jilted Jim."

Lois was llstenlog quietly, some- what at a loss tn get tho trend of these confidences.

"We were all rather glad, as I said, except"—here Mrs. Day patti- c-d. ihen plunged ahead—"except for the dreadful t fleet it. has had upon

Ho was heart-broken; he's uuag, you know." This in apology

Mrs. pay paused for breath. to Lois' smile. "And since then he has been perfectly reckless."

Mrs. Day stopped for breath. It

Thc'-Kniplre skating rink ai Haver-;*. C. . ■ »» h^« '° s*>'- •■* »he meant to n v.h'f-h i< c.ndueie.i hs locoj par- what a city organisation does. Perhaps gay, "Lois, my dear, -she finally

li open for the season thTs ' ■ '. bm with the proper ilnam iai back- rontinucd. don't let. Jim make leva Who can tell what it could do' Jf hag VOTed , ,)fl thin« Is certain, however for it I . *•* , , _ . _ _

hous. on Saturday, attractedihi able t" go, Il is giving the young revenged on he whole race of wom- -e number ol local personi who men of our town the best possible en- en, and that is the way he has taken

vJromnent and placing them under the to do It." The first .night at camp Lola had

■ nlng. "Duvki Harum' the Lawrenci

rday, i ri per*

pro"■»meed Uifi production as being excellenT,

Rev. Eugene Qoodwln ol this place preached at Epplng Sunday.

Th.-. shoe factory of I-'. P. Woodbury gt t'b., commenced:, on the winter or- rangemenl laal Baturday by running 10 :'■ o'clock in the afternoon instead Of 12 noon, as through the so mm.'." months.

i 'hrrh-- E, Knight haa been draw 1 1.1 serve on the" grand Jury and War-

'reii K, Bcdwell, as petit Juror; : \:-\ Mr. Beebe of Dca Molnes, la., 'who with family arc guests at th■■

Metbodisl parsonage, pre,.died an •xeellent sestnon at the Pleasant street

T. Campbell has accepted a -v- |: uhurch Sunday, morning, which to. ii ion with the Metropolitan hlfi ^as wei! received. rtMiranco company, at the Lawrence A regular meeting rr) Bn+erprU-j fflce, - grange will be held this evening.

Thi buildings use,i as sleeping jV;.IPX. ' .martyrs, stables, blacksmith simp '

A crossed wire caused th. ur« ^lirrni bj the workmen when the race ti


STTh'it*SS!l.U'x£,£gffiZ* M ~«« '" ^-nen.b.r Mr,. Da,-, •«. the V. Al. C. A. meets tln-m and ( Ing. It was a party of lovers, all earne&tly sppeal to the citlaena of A*n- young married couples, or engaged, ilov.-i to help am; on this noble nH (,XCPpt L0IS ^ad .Tim, the young-

est. These two started up the lake

ound ntervals PUvs ng

ui Hi ihen w. Gilt- ret urned from a Jllo

w: - being bnllt, have been purchase. i-\ A. 1". Kimball and lorn down 'i ir lumber and boards are b* i:m nettled away by prospective buyers, |

l»i and Mrs. K. A. Wade, .Miss Ethel

The nominating committee reported the names ..f th- following forotlic- In a canoe. Just as tbo others did; for the ensuing year, «"ho were unaiil- but when Jin) MiKgesied that they mously elected Presidenl Oeorge.W. di,.ft j_0|S f0\{ a misgiving. Jim

^,;'\,::::,;,VV '^k,,!;1'^snd ■* *. ™«? » »^»*. ■» trea»urcr. Wiliiuin TVyllie: l'«llgi"J, tlniiped his half-H'ndi'r QompHmalltl ("iiimlni ■■. Oewffc W \\ hit.-, Qilbert wllh a warning hand. r, n! is,.,,. Wright: mt niii.- . , • i.ijipn, Jim." she naid. »lo«lv

-;;:;::"]^X"\^::. Ky;l:LTui":»-' ««-*. "*><« •«« »»«"« IY.,1. rick Cheever: membership cmn- m" about your troublo I'm nut golnn mltlee. Rob, rl tockhe&d. William to talk about that." she added hnst- Lyle. George Klpley and i George i|y as Jim frowned, "but I want to

^.. tell \ou this. Somewhere there is a I The nominating c-omntMlee WOT IOIU- ■il ,,f the' fnllowliiB: tiiorgc «

Moiori Olio ha, |iasi-...| in Bondulnliam.. Oarttner and >'•■ u :" ' :'"" *»*«• Sabra- uth'-r |.|n,,s in Mi,in., mi,l in ManelieM- ,i:i'" rrturned from u weak t , ter null Amherst, \. H. i-im...- ami frienda al New

. - * ' i". ii. a li. \ll, i, ..i Haleni A ni,-,.ling of the -Woinana Auxiliary." " Biin<laj wiiii telatli'sa

IM I-, luli,. pl'ire in St. I'aul's p;ir:«li tontlule, Maw. iMus- Thursday afternoon ai 2:30 ''"'" Ite'prtbllean caucus wa


i, wit! ■."■rk C'entr

it ctif

man that I love as dearly as you love, this girl. For his salie and for hers,

(let >ou and I help earh other. T i want 10 be true"—diffidently, It wa, I hard it, "say- "and so. I know, .io

v a meeting of the school commit"' ym. l.el us here and now pro: <-. TII. -du\ .I.IUUK Kallnrin,. I., to he just good romrades. Notlvng


rt-hli •. vvnii ■ in Uvll J..I11. Kydd.

\ i:\v

Williaei Hi.


ill, n


was elect. .I t.. Ui,- \ ucani \ le :,iii and 8th-grades in the In-, Ridge school, Mi-s .1 H Muni' ' . sllH looked »t the boy wltli •

i. Btibetituttiifi ai present. | bright smilo anil held out her hand. held, * Piter IJ-.u-.v an has returned t" town Hfl hesltaled a minute, then grasppil

ler al Bi

Mrs. J M. Miller langM", Mrs, J. Midford


; > .John J. Rid X.-.sf iVedncsday tr\-enlng the board ",|1 m.»ders

ot registers' of voters arc t<- meet In " ' ,,vis ......_■, ., - - „ ■■ . . 'I'!.., 11..,,,..., hall, fro :30 to aftel ilium bj

hull te

Sali'Ydaj p\-cnlng ai the Town hatl.Jafter having spent tli l'h.- following were nominated: Rep*| Hatijor. M-. vsentatlves to the general court. Johu] b!dward. Br.wk* tvaS elected .1

1 Hunt. Charles E, Knight: snperris- ber ol tin- Republican dtstrtel .1- ot -heck lists, James H. Hadley;|w|tte to succeed Hoti John X. Cole,

•hatdson, blmery I-:. Rlais-thi ih. congressional lortvention held In rator for two years, I' U well Thursday afuin gin.

] A picture of the P. A. football 'quad 1 'fiiiooraiic caucus was held at] was taken *fhursdn

Pilgrim hall, Saturday evening, wltn, Leonard. l» Khifi-man. " Mo follo-ving nominations: Represen- Thn Phillips atadomy f.

A upllectlon of phutogmnhlc ■ lew** tsltv. to the general court, Charles H.jjvill play the Norwich univetsltj eleven of j'.ri.- frotii the Idbfary .Vri'vfuS Is ' ■""'i;i1' Prtmh Pi Wheeler; wtparvlsqrjst."." Kioth^rs' th hi. S^iuciUiy 1 on Exhibition at the pabllc llbnirv, "f ' " cHllst. Prod «». Wheeler, Kimball

M. .-'■ l.:.o-:hlin. David s. Emery; mod- Mlsa Elisabeth M. 8aimder» led ti, ■ erajoi tor two cars. IfranltD. Davis.

consecration meeting 01 the Christian i'u>tavus rJlover of Boston is visit* Kmle;i\..r Min.-u. held in Hn* i-ongre- Ins at the ncu residence of Charles gffttoiiol fpstrv, sunjttaj' t-ventng. K- Ht'**"> W iiujobie lake.

_..._ " 1; . Charles i: Biatr of the I'lu.i-- Mra Wiiiiii',1 p; Phtilifx and Mlsa un ureel -M K ehurch made an ad*

Minnie Phillips who passed the sum- rl""" :(' •' preachers' meeting at N'ash* tner sea-}on ..1 The Bush, have return- ua ;: '»>' everting. 1 ii to -li. ir hon.e, in Salem - J;" " - Hoonej;, a leading produce,-, of Boston, In spending a week ti the home of C. K Hilton of Cauo- I4CB, . : inmlssloner (Jih; is oonatrui ting *

i.lew.itk ..r Satil.»h"-T« sir—-'. from Cleveland to -Main streets, Smith M" ft Birjglianj inv Uoing tha V..U-K ' ["Jj

Mrs ,1,-n' s Regan Is qiiP" '" -*• "' hh a. .-. I'nion sir.'.'t ' IT r

Mi- 'Jainew Merrlon, ami Jilag Htm-

1111..11 T ,i,.uie- Mungan and 9 H. Cathoun an enjoying B

\,.. ;iti.-n fTom timtr duties rm - 1 eel railway.

'■ ' . i.'i.u Conlln ..f Stcaj i,(11J haj. entci • .1 t! - employ of T. P Woodbury and

iiul commemed his duties this

her hand, "It's* a go, Lois," he t-nid. ,.,,, I n wat the last bight. Mrs. Dty .in- looked ah.nit the tablf and. sighed

"Tliis is the firs* year we haven't had an engagemenl to announce," she said; we me aW gotiing old. I sin afraid." And it was proof of th« Buccasa tn* Lois' plan thai not one of them thought tn Sok« about Hi*» "young fellars." Thpre was no ques*

|.ic!, 'l'h.- foii'-wi.ic will in all "on °^ sentimentality with them. i.robablllty be the i; .<-up -f the local] Lois ,ind Jim werg forbidden Tr» learn Richmond, re: Klsher, 11 Ro*- (civo a concert to snoll the last sven-

BurnhatnT \uTfiZS£'to. Me'rria qS I ln«- "» "'f'>' l'»«»«Ilod swiftly along I'.M'.i.'' ebb; Kilpanhk. ihh. ,i)ai-.. -the south shore. At length Tim fb. Fred Jennings the old Dart- broke the unusual silence. "'Thifl

star, and.' lelne." Hobbs lasi bPen ,|H, besl inmmar of my life ' he said, "and it has all been due to

n..i. M.i.e,.,i .-[■ Parrls* oro. Cumberland county.i N'ova Scatia, are visiting at I. Af" Alilh r'y n Hldence

SCISJI i*lara C. Olle has. be. n vlsltlni: In Slam hFRTTl ,tn.l Amln rUT N. It

N'-l mg Stewart, night foreman at

the iar bartl, after two weeks' v.oa- i"i.. has returned t" his duties. •«'..!-iiict,.] ste.'ie, win. tias been sub- I'l'-inn f'U- linn, bas r.-ttirnul !■. In.-

car on the Lawrence ami tiavei

Note JoiN'ph w.

yeai * asiisteu < ouch • 1 ■■■!■ In couching Thu^-day afteru

ci.ailes \Viic..\, ,1 ;.uner resident of POU, Lois. this town, ion now of Muynard, itpent 1 The Rlrl looked up, startled at Thti .i,.\ In renevlng old acquaint-; this sudden tntnitttOB from bon- "TM'. rSrd Hlgn ch^ol ,,,.,,...'homie 10 somoThtng very like sen-l^ team have u I;J s.n.duhil r»l Hii- "lent. utti na.oii uith ih, Ki.vai^ ,.f Uu'-i "I'm not «oin;Mo break our prom- retice while thej will play,the I''n-; ise," .Mm said in answer to the look

m 'ilM^lt.'.o'.-,,'" "'"" — ""; U" "' "I want you to be as true as ever to

The preliminaries ror tht f4otdsmith that raan- M,lt lm R°,nK t0 teM you

-II- spMfcfchtg ol |'-II, mud will he this, that other girl was a dream." held in the i.eai fnioi'. The " Will huve their Irluli for the round roda>, w hlle the uppi " ill have their trial* earl) 11

Tip- registrars of \ uterw 1 *eV : > ie-\f M.mdav .eVenln

■ml rfnal * cla«m"

ill he the

They both laughed. "I mean sho wasn't real, like yon

I understand now that she naver, could hare been a wife to me. Why. wo wern't Mends."

''''""' '(|'" '" ' :'" Lola was silent. .'■' \".i iderld! '. ip^rntvw".!. "Lois 1.Urn's voice faltered, so In-

iiv Ha Ha 11 W \v ilpph* leave* tense were his feelings., would if h" in his ii..- fui Hi. contest, ami unfair to ^he other man or to-yoti if

shn+th v.,„ ,,f ,\t; ,,,„( .\Ir^ T ro], VOM (h;u yo1l arR trt)|y thP onI>. ■ M""M- ls ',1-" Planning *■ wonlani[ ]nve. the nnly one r could

—— possibly marTf? A man ought to William c. Cruw!e> was elected a spend his life with a girl who Is bis ember of the netnocratlc cngieselon- friend." be sdded wistfully. "I

.teldlnCRvl sirtowrence TSK npvPr hn*w ,llat beforP'' I.,, ..^1,in-.. ! "Somewhere." remarked l.olf In- Mir.iK after the 1,-11..ini.m... in th consequently, "Is a very Indefinite

„tf~h hull this ,i,i)i,K 3aSeTh« will piaee. and' vnu remember that's

Th..Andover Assl^aiLn f lilll wllera ' ""[A ,hat msn waB'" ...i.i will hold .1 dunce In Abbott VII-1 J,m wa" 'I"1''1* wl"ed, nnd a.'to- is" hull tills,

E rlsilon with l.ols had sharpend hll

1 this, tnwri wa« percODtieni. "Where Is ho now?** he

i;-*.'»my."T|!!n"'he".l lls''"d "I*1^ "W*" he * tT**m' ],,, ■ , too? "

I.I. III. M>a±: N'o," Loll lRiiched, "lie's no dreatff, .Tim; he's—well he's Injme.- «nd."Vshe drawled lo keep up th»

«leari m will Mies 111,'IISl.ll tlllK ,1 S„l..n ,..!■ U neast, , enlng, ..11 fou (Kj vertlns;

r \nri,.\-ei- ,..11 r 1.■ L 1 nrr^ KL -rtf"fT n01

e held in tRe.Town hull ,.n W.-.t .- ay. Thursday ami .'li-iev iiri. Htb.l

:.-,,„ .nil, •imi sneak'. , ,1, -, suspense as long as possihle, hs 1,,„ live, the opening address, seuson tick-' love, and so am I. We'ra nnth In th*i

M HI., on."sate ai the nominal -■■■ ol aauis boat you see." cents, vrnlle a sli ■'■. udmIs»fon tick- ■

Ngthagf Gage, Jr., of lulu town wa- l«duln"c Boohner. Mm is the man .,■ -.t the usher* at in- weililliig nf ager for'the John P. Squire companj

aid to Richard Ws wep» noil 1 letl Tliio

<•■ I'h.inh. Law

il han returned after loum speni ai in Paradise, \nn ipol Rent la,

tw fori h<




Judge Sherman Orders Verdict for Everett Mill-Unexpected Ending

of an Interesting Case

Body Brought to This City This Morning for Interment

The entire seeelon of superior civil cmiri this momtnir. MM rjpaum^ "» the trial of the case of Ufc.iu:h:ird vs. the Atlantic cotton mills til this city. Blanchard received H fractured left >m ocootml of ft liirw seml-clrcul i. niece of steel thm waa being raised i.\ ropm and pull.-vs. He HIM for lio.- (100 and is p-prcsenteri by Hi\td1--'v \ l»n«.icv while Hhe defendant company Is fepn scored by <'•»!. Bwccney »nd Louis s. Co*. <>r Sweeney, Dow & Cox. Tim case commenced Wednesday af- tcroonn^ and the plaintiff, Blanchard, was on the stand at adjournment.

His examination tins morning was ,iu .\r.i(iinKiy taOfit. £&£ i,s the evi- tlence was suhmltted through ronee- inim Oscar Bnoolt, Btanchard being unable i" sneak tflngHsh.

The suit of Donnelly vs. the Evcreti mills oame to ii rather unexpected end yesterday afternoon In n verdict betna nrdored for thi defendant company, by .imtR. Bhcrjnan, Mrs. M.u-v noi+n-w* snnfrht io r v. r 14000, because of Injuries received from a fall on the Ice. In t'pmt of Hie property of the mill.

numbtr.'.i 1"" ("iarrten street The house is occupied by a family named Dowd. nnd rtfter th** both sides had put in their etfses and before the BUraments to ih>- jury, ( cl. Sweeney for the uV- fendant mage a motion to have, the cane ink. n, Trim; the lu.01__iii--J^ Kvcrett roiti'itvii> iV.nrTToT lesnimslbl the low being; thai a tenant is tacitly understood t-> make all necessary re- pair* on the bouse and see that no nuisances result. The ley condition of. the sidewalk, resulting from dripping water fro'm tho eaves, caused t ti- ■ ac- cident i • Mrs. Donnilly.

(♦"nues were riled both by- »'ot. Sweeney and i>. ■'■ Murphy for .the t>ti\intlfl i" uphold thauj claim.--, bin hut-.'.' rlherman sustain*-] Col 8 ween- •\-v motion' and ordered .1 verdict rot tho defendant. Any. Murphy fiivnl exceptions and will carrj tic caw ta the supreme aeurt

The sudden termination of the cane waa.aU the more not let-able because >t

fine general Impression' that the ease: ■was to be settled before coming to trial, earlier In the day.


At the nwettna nf the bawreue*- Board of Trade for October, held lasi oven hi a- ftt^th*1 mnms of the board.. tb*? regular order of business wni -""■ thi-oTiKh and the evsrlng vae devoted %n -in Informal discussion of various topics of local Interest by President Sullivan and eS-P/Uddents Donlfran, eromble and Hlldreth and atamnei KJttradjre. The matter of holding a social evening tor Ihc member and their families at an early date at which there would In- mi .MH eiinniuiCiit and .oHatlon was .. Brought up nnd plir~1 in 'hi hands Ol fr-si.l, :,i S*tl- livun. ex-('resident Hlldreth rind s.-<- retarj d.inl. Held with full rmwei to u>- range foi the same.

Hoveral matters of fusV-iess wore taken up and disposed of, after which Hi. Ung adjournbd.

1'nrter the stamp saving system which is iu ose In the Bellows Pall 1. Vt . puhlle sehools, ■'•:«; pupils raised last year |62».1». of this $82R.t* was put into the -avines bonk. In Hi"- •" "','1

and third grades $40.03 was saved. In the ninth grade $fi 1*. Thbi ^hown HUM the amounts saved arc greater In, tp" lower gvados.


To the Members of the Arlington Co-operative Association.

On Thursday evening, Oct 18, 1W«, ji meeting of the shareholders of the above nssoelation wlU he held In paunders hall,-i46 Rsatx street nt 7:45 o'clock. Business of m<-e(ins: 1st. re- port of Investigation united l»t. lid, report of president: 3d, any other busi- ness that may legally corro bofore tfr- meetlng,

Per order, mm \i:n CAP.OKN.


A. Nicdham ami Herman t>. I'lrich are. homeward hound on a hfcycle trii Th.\ started Dili PJ the u-ip Sundaj Oct. *, and went from this Bite t Worcester, a stretch of 'H miles ► beautiful macadam road and . frotl there on f> Springfield, a distance of :..i miles of .'air roadway] Tiicy pro- ceedi d through the beautiful Berk- shire hills to I'itlNlield. a trip of «■' miles, and hron there to AlUmy, N. V. making 39 miles more.

I'rom there the riders following tht Moluiwlv rlyer ant v.ij.h-y ,,r the sanw ti, MehnecrsTlv, thmoerr* VJttle Fain, lierklmer, Utica, Hume, ' mcldn, Ryraouse, Rochester, BuffaW and Niagara Palls, altogether a did- tanc< of 600 milt's from Lawrence. At l 'tic;! there was a. severe rain atom which turned into snow and at Buffal SnOM Shoes A'Oilld llUVt liWM hettei for trafllc than the bicycles. Aft si ulna New fork city they will r turn to their homea in this city, ar- rivlns. Friday or Saturday.

N. I'. pJercc of East Jamaica, had 'i hen lost one night, and she left it nest fail of 10 chickens. The morning nfter the lltth- chicks wandered aooift

1 with no one to look af tor'them, when all at one,- a Rhode Island Spring tail

- let took them under her wins to brlna; 01 . gibe prov.-s to be a model mother and doe* as n 1 work for. the mother- less onea a» ti realis jytRfrleneed hen


WANTED At once Hardwocd Finishf r.-. Apply '0 Edward N:ch'ls, Foreman at the Wood Worsted M1 .'Is.

I All fancy worst ds. First class work. Guaranteed wages $15 »er'wreck. Good

{Boarding in Private famlfiea

FRENCH RIVER TEXIILE CO., Mcchanicsville. Conn.

Parsons & Bennett Funeral Directors

188 BROADWAY. Per.onal Attention Given tc all DetaUft

Telephone -120.

Officer, iupn viu tin distil ling and bottling of the old

U. 8. GOVERNMENT distil ling and bottling of the old

Van Hook Whiskey

•o that you are absolutely certain of getting the purest straight whiske; when you buy the bottled in bond VAN HOOK WHISKEY.

Come in next Saturday and let as show some of this famous Whiskey

FORD BROTHERS B ttlCTS 175 J 77 Essex Street and 5-7-9 Jackson Street.


Mat! Orders or Tel.fJ 311

Frank Jones' Portsmouth Ale In CASES, 1-8 BBLS OR 1-4 BBLS. POR CLUB8. OUTINGS OR FAM-



The funeral of Mrs. Annie M'Ewan, who was shot by her husband, Alexan-

M'Ku-an In a nistauram ,u i'-'vnai, Monday arternoon, WAS held this rnorn-

pTVlcej were held early this morning at the Catholic church "ti lOm'lyon avenue, Itostou, at whivh

nlv tin Inunedlate relatives of (he .lecasei. T!i,- h.M.y arnve.l ill tiii.s

ity ai '.*.J7 and was hrough here by ndeit.ikei:- A. and \V. Hickey. The hody reposed in a handaoma ateel

gray plash casket,, half couch and with »tension bar handle?*. The phrrn h.<i- he Union:

ANNTE Mi:\V V.\. .Died i


Will be Reared by ;an Aunt in Middle town.Conn— Father Not Consulted

' BOSTON, teCTB^rehiid -„r fate, tossed gbOttl on the rOUgfa see ol ad- \fisUy, little .lohn JVicKuan, Cor love of whom his father killed Ills mother in a Hmvartl" street retuaurant Mon- day, has at last found a home which promises to, shelter him henceforth from the buActings which have bei-ci his iu the stormy two y, ars of life tie has seen on nirth,

Johnnie's aunt, Mrs. VVlUlam Sews- tuna of Middieiown, t'nnn., yesterday took the hoy from Mr-. Myra Amea, at whose home, :tf Seho.-i street, ''am- brldge, rhe ohlld has been aired ror tltirltiK the past tlin e w.eks.

Accompanylng ..^u^^-bu.^ct.imi-tt—MCIV \terrlll of Jackt

.awfenee, the st'-pi'«ther and the moth- er of MeBwan, who had at lirst pro- posed to take the child. The arrange-



Th,- many friends ol'.popular and g. nial Michael Kolley. of the «treet de- partment, wlm ivaa ''rushed to death Tuesday afternoon M"'a load of stone at the su-ne ennahrt*; turned out in a -body to do him h«nor at his funeral this morning.

When the si,.i new* of hie untimely id iraale hath was heard among

■ ami a*so iat. t, there was «t«nuitmn and grief. His b.. n about the only aubjeet

talked about Ritumg them an-1. toJaj fully 70fl men turned out in force and n.-i on!} attended the fniniai mast Inn escorted Liu buvrs t- its fiVsj i.,;- ina place.

No; only the entire force of the street department were In ntteiuhrace, hut al- nn many from other depr.rtments of the i Ity, together wllh the mharji of the Pastime Social club, of which th,- deeeaaod was one of the most pop* ulsr member*. The tfjVny relatlveu .v.-re also there to pay their lael reapecta,

tstoiomn high mass of requiem was ^■-■'"t" '" -■■■i.^L- in the )ii*«na- (Muate Conception ehur. h by Pr. Adam, assisted by Kr. II--rr.-n S3 deai*" l and Fr. Meaney .is suh^ileacon,

The body reposed In an elegniit f-oUd oak easket, half rou. ii nint wtth silver extension bar nandl'-s. The Hnt-red Heart plate here the Ins njiio.-, ■ At Best."

At the . lost- nf ci ■ mass, Wdliam Ivers sang "Beyond t'tte '■'"■- ■■■ l^ara- dlae/' and as th« 'tody was being Uoine from tin- altar, the Inimaculaio Con- ception rhurctj h"ir rerider»d ' Keartr M\ God i.. Thee." ■

Tho bearers were fJanlel f'aneii. [ohn MOtrlasey, John Daley. Putntk S'lechy. Joseph Kior.i -n and Stephen Mahoncy.

Among- the many hand«i>ine Itorol trrhutes were: Slaitdln: i r-i«s and crown, front Uie employoa if the itr*el department: atandlng cross and an- chor, Pastime Social club; largi spray. Mrs. William Ryan. HaverhUL

rutermeni waa In the family lot in the lmm.i< tilate Conception cemetery


Ion' iliiMK'i


But Had to Give Them Up.-

n New lOnRland they are. tt t.ihi Alas., lady lutd

n leave oft pie, hnt found something far b.-tl> r t"r her rttomot h. She writ.

"Six ■•)■ ehTIfl >ears Ogo chronh liver trouble waa greatly exaggerated hy eating too much fa' meat, pastry and particularly pies, of which I was vei-v fond.

"Msvere biiadaches, dizziness, naur-ea fnHowcft, and t I, even fruit, lay like lead In inv Htomach at npanied by .1 dull lleavv pain almost unbearable. L had peculiar 'spells* - flashes of light before my alght. ' couW reed half a woni and the rest would be invisible. . ".\ feeling of jaasltude and'eonfuslon of t.ha* made me even more miserable. I Finally decided to change Thou stlfn- gi-ther ami bnghn on Orape-Nutl food w ilien brought ma prompt relief.—re* moved the dUslness, headache, cm euaed reeling, and put me on the roa^ to health and happiness. It clears my head, strengthena both brain and 11' I Vi

'jVluncver r inter our grocer's stora li, tiHimlly cntla out 'si\ packages of 0rape-Nuts!'- -end he's nearly always rlffht." N.'in" glvCJl bv Postilin < 'o.. Battle 'v. ek ,Mlch. "There's a rea- -.|i.-' Read the famous bookh t, "Th |:i.:nl to W-ll-ill.-.*' in pkgs.

nient whereby the ;uint In Middletown becomes guardian of the child, which she- will doubtless adopt later, is en- tirely satisfactory to the living rela- tives. "The father was not*"Crthaulted Eta to the arrangement)! and may not even know the whereabouts of the child thai was the cause,of big deadly quarrel with his wife.

Mrs. New sham visited her sister, Mrs, Mi Ewao, Johnnies mother, ai the ..ospiial, and was with her :\ few hours before her death. Sobbing hit- terlv. tin- dying mother commended to her ulster the Itle and welfare of h only ciitid^JIjdie_Juju~4i*—y«* 7fm-~stld. ''aleTgrve hlny the loving Care thai he can never know from me. Make blni a good hoy and don' let htm Know hla lite, story until li is old enough to bear It.'"


Judge Mahonev Deals Severely With Man Charged With Grave


For Many Years Adjutant General of v Massachusetts Volunteet Militia

BOSTON', ">'. 18.—Brig. Oen, Annual Dalton, who (or many years waa adju- tant general of thu Massachusetts vol- unteer militia, died tlits morning after an illness lasting about two years. He died In a private sunitarluin ai An - burndale.

LECTURE ON" VICTOR HUCO" The third lecture in the serhM on

moral Isasttts wlB «ho given at t; IS o'clock IIIIM afternoon In elty hull by Prof. EMward Bbwapj f>rleig« and again tills ■ veiling at , : M o'clock,

Th.- si-ecial subject today will he "Vietot Hugo," and this great tnnntl Icad.-r will IHUstrute a man Ot his kind In modern times.

In regard to the course, the lecturer

TI ill, di. ,-4t1f oi ,i rew moral lei dedicated

ul at nrinbcr » 11. U. hi

the s, rvice of mankind. Such study i- always profitable, sine* it deals with humanity in certain of its highest expressions, am' considers the force that has been moat active in moral evolution. We in America, how. ver, n^ed particularly to return LI such study, shu e In dacnoAraolee moral learti rshtp Is al once most neces* sarj arm most difficult to develop. Moreover, • ur time *■* one of vast and Increasing mechanical, organisation, not only In Indnstr) and commerce, but in education, and rellg)6n, fhe machim rj has*grown*so cdrhpllcarud, the organIxatlon so far-reaohhur., thfti

i to count for nothing In tb*- great ma-

Mr. Dalton retlreO from bis official position in broken health, ana he m \--i- regained It. lie was widely known In military eln lea amd had twreaented the state Lifficlaln on many nccaalQfts, He was *>H years .if age

This morning's session >f police court is long drawn out, although there ■tv but hair a doaca, pffen

nte interesting eases were beard.

The Oral case called " for trial was that of Yousepaha Kachlnska, charged with maliciously horning a wagon. In tin- rear of 16 Union stree., ihc proper* ty ai iSt.iiiislaus Ken in. a bsker, it, was alleged thai the Kachhufca woman poured Reroeene oil upon the wagon and then set fjro to It.

Th,- defence claimed that the wagon was old and abandoned and was < nuisance on the lot where Fur in had left It and that the owner of the house where tho Kachlnska woman Jived had told the woman to keep th^-k-K—elem-. and that she wus Justified in destroy- Ins tin- wagon.

The cowl lined her ilO. Kr<d Broavn pleaded not g'tiilty to

procuring girls for Immoral purposes. ii was aliened that he went to Pea- e.-y's restaurant and asked nne-ej HIA employes, -9eorge Sinclair, to get some girls for bint. Sinclair went to two rtfomen and tpld them that Brown eeanird them to go '., B hbust of Ill- fame in Pi lhani N. II

Thninaa Dyer, another employe st Peaveyrs restouran.* teatUled thai Brown took him to a saloon and gave blm it di-ilik, telling him about hU blls-

Indlvldm or only chine, v thai He

It is true ino.i'. a t njw :IJ n.ral capita] p't. any n>ilin<

.'I ailjll woaisn

In an average -*ime of baseball the Iteher throw., the ball at ieaat 105 Imes. That means an average of thre ■ lines for every man who comes tn bat. go out or get to first base on th - rst ball pitched, others are noi dls- osed of "«tll thr-i- balls and two trlkea have been called and three or mr fouls have been' made.


'O l.KT—N" ■' Albion St., attractive fnrnisb.-il n»oms for gentlemen; ta- i)i,. board ii desired; steam heat, modern conveniences, telepnohegr \<r- ,-aiion ejohi to '.I electric lines; within R minutes' walk of Hay stat.-. Inference* required. Apply to .\t I Hun. lil-34,lHa

id; sAi.i-: Cornet, nearly now, in rirst-claes condition.- Price low. Ap- ply to Jow ph il. Banks, WOi Turn- ,0k. i,nd, Nei'lh Audover. Mass;

10-3W ,i

.i II:T Shop formerly occupied b> "Brown Brothers corner of Methuen and JacJuion streets, as a paint shop, or will be remodelled to suit H tenant, llpply .1 E r/Brtan. Hampshire streel lf>*J&] s *

i manlh hood; and no other Vapjml W Slrahle lltlteSS it Test Oil this. I ! "II . mic leadership in the end hVUst r< ' u moral lendership; and that nation J hastening to rffln, even to oomm.rri ruin, which exploits its manhood .,n wotnaiib"".! (or, its children) ' increase temporarily iis wealth. Th need ol the hour is men uhd womei Btroag, earnest, cultivated, conauocuti t,> the sem'tcps of tho world. U i.s tn study nj moral leaders, who hnve*'br. In the lot. front Of the aiU'ancim; ■ jar gin of life, perceiving the light oi the dawning Ideal white their follows slepi proclaiming it and awakening th world to follow it, accepting marts dom, if need be. Hint the world nilgk grow through their sacrifice 11 i such study that brings homo to u< th1

wnrrh t,e--mrii--stHl--t-he--o^-wl mil •■[- portupltj for devoted social service

I'h.- men 'we shall study are Widely dlfjerent from each other in personal tendencies, race and civilization. \\, .< :. far crj from Socrates, the cheerful Ailn nian t< acber, never questioning the worth of virtue or tin sound meaning "f life, to gtooniy Tolstov; v.xed with all the dotihls of u qucB- linning i entury and fighting a dcsp.raf bat th lor faith and Itie, Bw, et S.iim Francis, th.- flow «i the spirit npo.i Pint, preaching> his stutple gospel of ('In isii.m lo\e. his SUUl touch,.! Ill] tie- uiysilevdreama and aspirations of the middle age. is remote Indeed from the social enthusiast Hugo, herald of popular freedom and social democracy. If I'arhle and Emerson were friend** and eon temporaries, bow far v ■ r they noi apart In personal spirt! tnd Mtitude, and in .view and sohiti-.n nf

I he problem Of lile. Vet gill tbrS- l,|. n ci rtain « f whom couhi not have un- der* I cadi oih.-r. differing so wide- ly in the theatre ol life and form' frl rTTcTFngl . fulhll alike the sane- gn '■ hiiii-ii..n "t moral leaderahln, standing r...r the vision and aJlirnuttion, in id and teaching, of the higher moral Ideal, ,,i»,i so contributing the mOrai teaTi-u hi il"- t.i"gress ot niiwikind.

OBSEQUIES -Til.- hull, •.! J..s

Count! il-ii't nt his V\...ln.-t«h,y m„rntnr


Btbert n. Dyar am! .MISS Marlon Kendall of Cambridge were married at the home of the bride's parent■• »t\ Huron avenue. Cambridge, Wednesday night. The ceremony was performed vajl goietiy. and only the ttnmi-diate fatnllies and friends of tie couple were pteseiit. Th.v wef.- uiiauended, A re- eeptlon followed.the tyhig of tlio knot. The groom is a son Ol l.'latenet M. i>yer, formerly a member ot the Arm . i Dyer A- Co., ol this city, lie Is well mi favorably known In this city,

having lived here l<>r many year*, bo- fore removing with his family to Pram* inghnm. He ht-now employed as pur- chasing agent for the' Bostofl Public libraries.

Tlie newly wedded couple will reside in Hinoklinc.


Charles Cater and Mrs. !.. S, Day were married Tuesday evening cu the restdanci of the officiating cirtgymun. Jtcv. William E. Woirott, on Fast Ha- ■erhill street. The bride was gowned in white cashmere and carried bride's roses. Both the bride and groom hold prominent po-titinns with the Hygienic '■" i Co., of Battle Creek. Mich., and have been here for several weeks in the Interest • of that company. They are tvsldtng f.-r the-,present at 2*2 Broad-

■. -i>. but cx]iev t t.i leave soon for ' be iL.


Ln ■ttv weddinff occurred in

•H churoh at R:3n o'clock, Wednesday ■ vt ning when Mfes Alice Sterrigan. daughter of Thomas M<rri- Of S!t I'.t'.Milfl- Id street was United tn the holy honds of matrimony to lames F. Mahoney of ^ Methuen

• trei t, Both "f the young people M r> popular. Miss Merrigan hi in?r widely and favorably known m the Arlington district while Mr. Mahoney b. th. popular chauffeur at O'Netl'e Knrage on Methuen street. The cere mony -which was performed by thi i:<\-. Charles fhiscoll of St. Lau- rence's church was witnessed by. a i rye itamber of relative* and friends of the happy couple. —•Tin?—Wide—fcHvod tt—ltTmt4s"mv

art shaped gold locket from the id, ■ -r Miss Mollle MeiTlgatl. a ite> of ile laid.' was tin- ii i .f inor Frank Ma homy of T3 Mi thm j !■■ -t ■ hfo{h< r "i the bride rr ■< t.-d as li*sl man The bride wa* handstoroely gttln-1

a bh... traveilIh3 gown as win Thi bstdrfknaid Both Itfdies carried large

of roses. The happy couple recipients of many eostiy and eddlng gifts,

■ niini reception was lu-l-l at th. I | ihc bride, x:- liromin hi street, arter tho ceremony About ."i relatives and friends attended the event, Including relatives and friend* j K-.-i-.n and Homi rvitle,

\ largi touring car was placed it Mr. dali..m-\- dfspowii i,y hla em- ph>yi-i who values bis services highly hnd Mr. nnd Mrs Mahoney left uhoiil

he automobile for H Dying irip i. \arii.o■; elites tn \'< .\

England. Mr, MttboAey, nlthough on expert -iiiffeur. will have ii drit.r on this, D honsymonn trip. Mr and Mrs, Mahoney win he a m<- t.. friends after November Iff, n

Bromfield rtreet

Iress in IVlham and asked his htlp in prnourtng females, but l>yer re-

to hslp the insn. Phe defence clulined thai tho women

of bad reputation. .1. J. Sullivan, for the defmutant,

j nee. ed that the case be dismissed. 'claiming thai tho complaint against

own was not covered *>y any statute of the comuionwetilth.

The court over-ruled the motion and sentenced Brown to six montiu in jatl.

He appealed and was ordered to fur* nlsh $r.t.Ki bonds for hla appearauee in superior court.

Antony .1. Moore was charged with tin- 11on-supi.oit of bis wife and he pleaded not guilty. Hix esse was con- iiiui-d until Monday UJMMI rtjquest of Ids attorney. 1). J. Murphy. It is al- leged that Moore had the furniture taken from his bouse with tho inten- tion of njoving to Fitchburg and that alter ii had been taken away he did not ffo t > Pllebburg and he has not been living wilb his wife since.

('buries W. Ettrige was fined t\ for nrwt offence of drunkenness.

K. Jos'-nli I«ijeunc^ac, whose case if drunkenness was continued from Wednesday, was lined"-$3. Ufllcers Hoar and iiiip'x icstiiicd agatnat hint.

Thomas Merrill pleaded guilty to a third offene, ot drunkenness. The court put him on peohatlon.

Ray. W. Emerson of This (ity Marries Actress at

Dover, N. H.

DOVISH. M''■■ "' ' 1"-" Bny ' Waldo Emereon, pianist, and Mrs, Mabel Ev- erett Luce, l.-ading lady of the McEvoy • ti,.-k company, wore married on the stage after ihe performance of the eompany fast cv.-ning.

The ceremony was performed by Cal- Justice of the


Inquests will be held tomorrow Into (be deaths of the following:

Charles A. Hiintnons, Rr., who WAS killed by stopping ln front of a train In Houth Lawrenoe, Sept. 2fi. Slm- mon» was a brakeinan on the Boston

' i\t Maine railroad, ( (imries A. Simmons. Jr.. U years 1 .hi, was killed on the railroad tracks 1 in Booth Lawrenoe Sept. ir.. Just how He- accident happened is net known.

MutthiS llofs\e!t and Joseph Nolette who wen: struck bv a irain between Ward Hill and North Andover.

partial Met arthj who was killed on the Ducjt bridge.

Howard b'yet and Michael Deljava Who were klll.-d by the falling of tho n'ijv coal pocket at the new Wood mill,

,.rilded"we«olng bad" not' been «•!*• J*' announced and the audience was aur-< Worry «' Porter who was scalded i,:i„,i apd dellghU-d when it beheld n.-ur th.- "Whine Pups" bridge at n real Hv stage wadding.

At the elo-e of the ceremonv tin BOUple entered :i closed carriage which

.result ton & Main

train crash d.

n the Bos-

REAL E8TATE. I been prepared for them. The hitch

was profusely decorated with cow bells, white <i"'h and old shoeg, Thi , am san started for n hotel, but the Th'' <>""'* »n a big real estate tran- erowd was determined to have s little sactt«m were passed Tuesday when fun and the result waa that the new- John \\ Duffy purchased about half iv married couple were given a long of the Lcvl Rmery estate on the top Of

hrouffh the aireets ftdlowe.1 by Tow«*»* hill, Mr. Uuffv contemplataa t .,,„) [oynus throng, (cutting thh land up Into lub-qtHt^ '.,,' is said to belong In LAW- h-uise lots. The land purchased will Masi while the bride is a ng- eQi»l fully 100 building plots. The land

drive :i nob


Hv ol Han N. H.


inspector Cadogah w.nt ta ibis morning end brought back pe-1 trunell Kryscunas, a Polish wumau |_ — whom the Lowell .police were Ijoldinic lor tin- local aatliudUea it Is alleged thai the woman went to the House of ■mother Polish woman to visit and that v hen the woman was ..nt she took sum., money ivhli ii the woman had in i h- house

prise ; the area south ot Lowell Street towards the Merrlmaek river, and west of Ames street.

The transfer waa made through the Lowell r»al estate agency of John J. Hurley.


«; VHDNBTt Samuel flardner died tmluy it lie Cottage hospital, where I,, bad been r*if lb- pasl inotPh. The dj ceai ed was born In i:ngl.-md and w..s HbotM Tti .-iit's of tore; .\ parslyHtf shook was tb" cause ol di ath. Ther an- no relath ' a,

'■ he body was -.-i\.-n mto th.- oharge of I'mhriaker W \V. t'-dbv. No fu* neral arrangemi nts ha v.- yst bei*n



family of th- l:.t, Io express their

i b and all. who *

Louise |-,pulk* am,re thanks

i.- so kind to

,i-i..d today at 9 o'clock from the i rtaklng rooms of CndertAker M, ill y. No ' relatives Inn,- bt ,i„l iMi.rnn rtl WUS in Reltcvu. i


.i.imev I'.I^.-V of iMiriiam street, s>>. l,;iwnn.". was overcome \<y gas ttii^

ning, about 11.80 o'clock, while per- forming MS dl'tle-. ;

v i^i iis WMrklntT wllh a ga.HK of rut- th.

.1.! some tai g> ii j in i v. eon i ■] ■■

Idently 1.1

UP LANNON—The funeral of Michael,

hild o| Thomas and Matia Lannon. rled him la , i„, dbd Wednesday, was held Ihls ston s

tern I ;i1 ;i o'clock, Interment was ■ afternoon -h. n the immaculate t'onceptlon ceme-1*hough prett:

i aft. - a ^■¥sitr| ***fBt|

Lawrence 9ns < -o. c ma Inn on Broadway

and Daisy street, it- il down m th,. rx ,-i\a- and reding ill, he hur- ttresi level, only to fall

Ms fellow workmen , ;n - W. .1. HuffVs drug

, ■.. i resuscitated. Thi* was himself agadi, si- miieh upset by the ftc«

Pure Jersey Milk First Class'Quality from

Hill Crest Farm J. J. McDUFFIE, North Andover.

WANTED Sober, industrious young men to

learn to windand sew brooms. Cood wages and steady em- ployment guaranteed. An excellent opportunity for men, who care to work steady. No others need ap- ply. Address, — Gardner Broom Company, Amster- dam, N, Y.


All kind, of properly, cottage., 4, 6 and 8 t.nem.rt blocV. for sal.. Also 150 house lots. Will build hou.e or block on order.


Insuranre Agent and Auctionaar.


Carpenters and Floor Layers. Wood Mills. Apply Merrimack Street Gate.


Will be paid to the person

furnishing sufficient evidence

to convict thof e who starte i

the fifes at the various

stables recently.

CHARLES G. RUT ER, Chairman of the Board ot

Fire Engineers.

Lawrence, Sept. 26, J906


At Annual Convention of Sunday School Association •Miss Sadie Morgan Is




\ meeting of tlie parishioners Trinity church was heM Wednesday ■ i"ninir, at which the parish aoooumd with the church in voting to extend a call to R«v. Arthur barber, a young minister of Di'l'iitn.■.-. Ohio.

\\-v. .Mr .Barbei preached it Trinity chur>-h nn Sunday. Oct. 7. and the favorable hwpremlnTi that ho made at /hut time ban resulted In the call now tendered him. The church held a meet- ing recently and voted unanimously to extend the call ami the meeNng of the parish last nfghi was railed to con- si'h r tin- ratification pj th£ vote 'if the ehurvh and to take action on the ■ante. The parish also voted unani- mously and church and parish appear- ed to be of ond mind In the matter.

Ii wan voted tn fix ill.- salary at I2S0O and to allow Four Sundays Va- cation, Vn appropriation of 3,380 was also made for moving expenses in case thai Rev, Air. Barber accepts.

The following commute* was ap- pnlntnl In nfflrlnllv rTtrmt-ttn—nrTrT.,,':''''11 HS ''.'"'.'V'".

NCWI'.l'KYPORT, Oct. 17— IV. Mlx- r, a Boston special 1st. by an opera*

r tlon on . Adam Rausch, the deputy game warden, who was shot while at- tempting to arrest Patrick Cn hill in Rowley tasi Saturday, haw successful- ly removed two of the wadaawhlch were blown Into (he warden's ^ody,

Tli. v .-truck R rili, and following it around lodged in the hack. Xo shol liinr i>. .11 removed as yet. So ether was administered and Unnseh stood the operation Wonderfully well.

Another thing feared is pneumonia and great precautions are being ftfke'n to prevenl if- Rausch's wife and rhlt- ilien iite constantly at his bedsid**.

c. w. I'iske. chairman pf the Fl*h and Game Commission, and John W. Delano, superintendent ol hatcheries, together with a sten'ographer, have vivit-d iiftusch and token his state- ment.. .

This morning Deputy Warden Nixon wont to Howley at an early hour and made a close examination of the grounds where the sjinotihg took place*

\\'ant. n


Classes tvery Monday,


Tl . . ..■ ' .,, .,; ;],,. I,.,,,,,,,- Hiuli ■ i ! i , ..m . i ,i >,\ |th ihi- alaai "I IS"* In ftSntlKill ■... l.nlnv Mil. rn.nii

"ii thi' INayi i.ii.l Eiior, aide played *<"-'! l. I ;. 'I'll. r. u.iv lu

him i . ,iiliiii(v halves, Tim s, „■.. «a



0nuanVr Wa| lllc boxes, lealc ' TnL««iiuthfi

i Dr i .1 | (III iilKK-TKH* EMJI.IaU, iimiiiVli liHVND lll.l... I r K6 itiis' i«B»r (ril at licit, hsli-1. Alway-.

__— f hHiihla. Sold t>y [in,j,i.d e< nywhet*. • .Ur C'h-nli'ikl Vu., fhlladHnlil*. 1'a. supplied by the Eastern Drug-. *.!.. Ilnstull, Alas

Watches, Clacks and Jewelry. DANIEL~1ilLVliR,


The Lawrence District Sunday School Associatr* n held it'-, annual r'inniilji.11 with the First Oongrega.- i MJIIUI church 1.1 \l< ihtien, \V'dnesda>. w ,lli al.-iiii r." del. - In all'ti.l:in.'». Tlie meeting was an enthusiasts rm» and inui h reft] benefli and prufll waa il»r|yed Tie' m'T'inj; upm.ud .n '■■ o'clock In ttu>afternoon, supper was ■nerved ■ ;n •■ o n i In-:, in I'htlllp*' chapel i.\ the Voting Peopli '■• Buclety, after which the eycjilng session was h. Mi and i.u.-iii. - - conduct, ,i.

Prof. i*. w. in la II. ol Bonton Unl* verslty, wns In ntt- nU*«ce a^jd *\M.KM .in Hi" Fubjii : '-Tin Place of Psych- ology In Sunday School Teaching." Airs. Florence s. w.u-.- was nn other <>f the speakers ami gave an address on elementary Sundnj Hvhool taachlns;. Main of the teacher* In this hist men- tioned grade were present. Airs. Wara rs stale elementary grade secretary. Itt v. .1. L. Kfi>dy of Xnrih Anduver

"spoke nn inteTTncoiTrrn gm rh wtrrte At the business session held in the

evening the "following officers were . lected: Paesldent, Oacnn S. P, Snell <.i the Second Baptist church, Uaw ■ rencci \■!• ■■■-!-raaldi nt, F. At,'Victor, Ot-rman Presbyterian church, Law • rence; trasUuror, W'ullaeu ATSfiBtt' ->r lh-' I'nlversalisl ehnr.-h. "I,.n\ren« <■, secretary, Miss So din A. Kfnrgan, LawtviK r: executive board, A. I; AIU-

TTkeh, Pre* Baptist church, fiawfence. Prank Parr, I^awroi Rev, J. U Keedy, North And over; John Colqu- Jionii, United l'i>-i.\ i. riaiu churehil Lawreni e. \\<-\ i \ H. I rffphanti Me- tiuien. secretary of h.en.' dAoartment,

Mrs, t. F Pmsby: secretary primary department. Mtssi Klefe s-arle.

The day's program follows:

Afternoon Session.

Devotional service, Rev. C. II ull- phant, Methuen.

3:15 -Addn HS, Rev Arthur Wheeloek Moulton, sector arace Episcopal church, LAwrence.

3:40 Business. Reports of officers, Atipolntmeni of nominating commit' tee.

I "" rtihlr.-ss. Haniillon S. Conant. Huston. Iil.n. *.-.■ Mass. g, S. Assn.

-i:;;i< >Bnapshotsi i>f the jN'orthiMU a imiper M'l !. Miss Helen Oampbell. Miss Minnie A. Mellows, Miss Kuth M. Mllllki II. Rev A'. .1 Twort.

Now Ready Lamson & Hubbard

S—Addreaa. "lml.'ln'nil' ■«••••' IniTcach- IIIK: H»W 1'i.r Slumlil It ."• i '.irri.-.l."' in. u. E. 1 ombaril, paator Hiiinlst

■liiinii. \mliiv.'r. *.. MI Hlnylng. itrfi-rliip. I.;:, Aililruna. ".simv Ti.'1'llnii." Mrs.

nun- S. Ware, tt'or'ceater, aim .•I. nn ntury (Tada s.'i'i'i■tiiry.

'. ''i aupper. '

DRINK PURITAN SPRING WATER Hest spring; water In town. Delivered

fiirth from the spring every day. Hample heities free. Drop postsj to (}H>o-a* w Plo«r. Bos «M. mtx

Fall Style For Sa!«r ny

Leading Dealers


7:1T — P.b-nieiitary grade, Mrs. P. Ware. Intermediate grade, Rev. •!• Keedv. aeneral work; Hamilton S fo- nant.

Evening Session.

ROT the church, Charles \\. Walworth, John Hartley and Wilbur B. Row el I: for the i>arlsh. George L. Selden and William 1>. Twlss

The iireacher is about %\ age. Is oiarrfed and has on' years old.




-Two furnished fri >nt street, telephone

nt rooms in house ro-2SS ■

ro I.KT — Ten» merit or six roomff, (new Imi'dingt parlor, dining room, three

.bedroom*, kitchen, bath, pantry, gaa, hot* water, cornei BromfTchl and Alma stre.'i. Apply *>- Bromfleld street. 10-828 sa

Nixon' stated" tha\ lie had discovered two exhibits which vvlli hl" important factors in the case when it is tried,

Slate Officer Proctor arrived here ears of'this morning ftnd weni over the whol


The Clara Turner Company, under the" management of Ira \v. Jackeon, begin an engagement Monday at the opera kouse. Miss Turner always at- tracts large audiences because she

ftva case with Deputy Marshal Lfttthne. State tKlieer rlodgeS WAS la iv yester- da\ H orking on the > ase.

Proctor, Lattlme and Officer Alnrphy rlgggd up fl dummy this rnurnlng. which thev tnck l" H local wharf and experimented upon with the sun that C'ahlll used.

One ahot was Cited ai a distance of six feet ai the right side of the dum- my's heart. Another was fired ai a dlstam f i: i-'"' at the left side. The lirsi shm made a hole about an

presents excellent plays, has adequate mt.n [,, a)ameter, and exactly Like thai support, arid dors ihhiKs carefully and )n ,},,. clothing which was cut from

tistlcally. She is a little gem of an ];,|U

7; I' It. votlonal service. ;:.'■ Business. Report of nominat-

ing committee. Rtectlon of officers, <>f- ferhuj.

Brufi Address, "Place of psychology in Siinda\ School' TeacmBg." Prof, <V W. Uishi-ii. Boston university.

v:if. Moiyoke state convent Ion In a nutshell, District Secret a rj Miss Sa- die \ Morgan. Presentation of i be as- sociation work from a business point of view by members of the djstrlcl ex* poutive cotuVnitlee.

Hows This7

We offer fm' for anv c:;

nut lie cur.d by Halls f^atafrh Cwe

Hundred Dollars Re- f CaXarrh that can-

lir ciire.ljby Halls Catarrh Cure. !•■: J. CHKM'V ft ii i. Toledo, O.

""IW, the undersigned, have known P. A. Cheney for the lust l". years, and beHeve him perfectly honorable in all buMness transactions and rinanelally able to carry] out any obligations mods bv his Arm." , ; . „

WALDINO, KINNAN ^ MARVIN, Druggists, Toledo, O.

HMH s i .itanii Cttre is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood ■ind mucous surfaces uf the system'. Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by alt Druggists.

Take Kail's Family Tilia for con- stlnatlon,


oflfe nesduj

Shank was arrested wed- moi uinv. b\ Inspei tor i 'adogan

and Kelleher upon ie.pi. st of the fail River ir.dl ■ t* i alleged thai Shank r.i'iI,.'ii i man of S10« M lei was In H drunken bondltlon, after bis sister, Ida Bhmik, h.oi enticed him Into D ro im In a hotel, poth i i ib-' Shanks have, ap- pearoti h\ tore the local police courl and have reeeu, • ii sentence's hete^

l! Is >.. Well

'pough thai a. woman should ii .■ io fie charming and

I. id. i to be this idle must ilUater's Ito !.y .Mountain Tea,

: :r- ui. atest beaul Iflers known ■ ■nts

'un ■ i In n puny

Get the best wKen y-u huy whiskey -get Van Hook;, a pure liquor for family use. Bottled in bond, under government inspection. At Ford Bros.. «kO<1 txwrt r*tati «tor««.


Ales, Lager andPortcr SELL ON THEIR MERITS

Because they represent the tsest in Brewing. The finest procurable in- gredients- the highest knowledge of the art of Brewing --just the right -mount of ageing together with PURITY and care in every detail makes ■ • • . ^ «' —/r i • • •

ictress, and the public appreciate her iml wfttch for her rettim each season. This season her repertoire is command- ibte, itcr company far above the usual alible, and the equipment lavish and ostly.

Mls« Turner is a star who shines with uniform brilliance Nature avn- nrously gifted her with unusual talent. aJid tin industrious cultivation It re-

ft brought the bright little actress bound from the rear to the cen- f the stage. A change .if name to

Marjorle or Gwendoline waa not nee- iry to (piicken her progress, and t Clara Turner, by which she has

been'known since childhood, was pp1 warded for something more preten- ma, Miss Turner won her way legitt- itely to fame and -popularity.


The Village ('hoir. a quartet of ex- iient slngera. are making a lug' hit tin- tvionial tli is week. The quartet

Kings some Very catchy melodies and win several encores, Nat. Hnines. vaudeville's matchless monologue, in B blackface stunt; is entertaining the- large audience to perfection. He keeps them laughing all the time. The Pryprg in a singing, dancing and musical comedy have a v*»ry neat act. The moving pictures are excellent films. Itcserved seats itm be ordered by plumes 7a and 9558. Ladles are ad- mitted to iorch"s!ra scats matinee-- for

TO I.KT—Two stalls In stable nt r< of .t7T>.Hr<iadway. cor. Cross St.. l*p- to-date stalls, everything conven- ient. Apply .1. F. James & Co., 1S1 KJasex St. p.' m'» or 375 Broadway, v:i" a. m.' tf-a


LOST—A solid gold, open face lady's watch, between the LafVreuce tlen- eral hospital ami Newbury ■treat. Finder please return to the Oeiieral hospital and receive reward. sa

LOST—A pair of lady's eyeglasses on I'nlon street, Sunday, forenoon. Finder return s-ame to Mrs. Frank Dydek, 30 High street anil receive reward. 10-149 t*a

TO I.F.T- House, 17 Albion street, "with modern improvements; furnace and hot water heat. InQUJre, 4 Berkeley 8t - - io-2ooa


FOR BALE— Great bargain. Nine room house, all modern Improve- ments, situated on corner, 13,000 square feet of land, 10 minutes' walk from Wood mill, at only $2400 if sold at once. Easy terms. Address Joel Boan, Jr., 503 Bay State Bldg., Lawrence, Mass., or 4 Perkins ave- nue, Brockton, Mass. 8-l»5sa

The-second shOl sentter>-il and cans ed a hole to h'e torn in the dumm

ftout three inches in diameter.

Dean ■ Rheumsile Pills absolutely cure Rneumatlscm and Neuralgia. Entirely vegetable. Hate.


The recent bookbinding exhibit it the public library, has given plac n fine display of photographs from the famous paintings of Albr. i ht Durer, a German artist of not.- In the I'll 11 century. The exhibit consists of about- 13* photographs of miscellane on. sii'hjr. t<. manv of which ar portraits, and are considered fine re productions from the originals of th artist. The display is now r. adv fu Inspection, and will probably re mail in pop 11 imi for ab.nil three week;

Von 8ALH*—Household furniture In- cluding piano. Must be sold before next Monday. Inquire Ayar A .Mac donaid, 113 Essex street, city.

3t sa

FOR SALE4—One pair Hay Horse- cheap. Apply 136 Union street, Cttj

10-312 sa

LOST—Lady's gold watch, on Law- rence street. Had leather fob with letter "H" attached. WIN the person who picked up the watch please re- urn same to 198 Walnut stresj or Z3S Essex street, and receive tea aid,

10-171 sa.

LOST—Pair gold bow snap glasses at Colonial theatre or on Hampshire St., between theatre and Essex St.. Monday afternoon. Finder turn to Attv. crowd!, Hay state, and receive reward. . 10-291aa

COST A small-sized, snort-haired, black dog. near Stone House birin. VWst Box ford. Binder return to'W.A, Tlltotl, _•:! Alarb'rebeail Sire.t, N.ollli Andover, and receive reward.

l»-3t8 sa.


If you have aecond hand furniture to aell or ext-hange. call on ua'and w, will puy the b«Bt prlcea. nargaln

. Furniture Store. 418 tiaaox atruet. 8-14) aa

I SAI.K • -31.111

•onH - h nnti -f imw+wir-r-64 * •t. 10-380 a.

Carda from the following Hat can be purchased at the American-Sun office, 3,4 Ksaex atreet. In any number der atrt'd:



Real Estate Alhi



LAXATIA'F BROMO Quinine, th work! wide Hold and Qrlp remedy re moves cause, Pall for full name. Loo for signature E. VV. Grove. 2~>c.

The best is none too good In sick- ness. Van Hook Whiskey is the beat medicinal liquor pn the market. Tour physlclata will recommend ft At Ford 8re*.. stud Arst-claas retail storea.


Harvard Products Pre-eminently the Pure Beer of America.

Look for the Trade Mark on Every Cssk and Bottle.


Commonwealth of Massachusetts. KSKI-X, S':.


To the heilre-at-law, next of kin. creditor.-, and all other persons Inter- ested In Hi-' estate oi t*harles R. St in* ley, late ol L*wfene*. In said, c.iuiuy. merchant, deci ased, Intestate. VVHKRKA8, i petition has been pr.-^ Rented to said court to grant a letter of admine i ration on the estate not air.aJ;- administered ol said deceased io Harr> li. stanby of Lawrence In ihe County «>r Essex without giving a aurety on hla bond. You are .hereby cited t" appear ai a Probate Court to p.. held ai Salem in said <Vmiv of Essex, on the lifth day of lfeoyemhe* A. I>. 1906, at nine o'clock m'jjhe ion- noon, to -)u,w cans.-. If anv -if**v tiav, why the Bam" should nbl be1 granted,

And the petitioner is hereby directed to give pabttc notlfe thereof by pub- Mulling this citation once in each week, for tbfe. successive weeks, tn the Lawrence Dail> American, a newspaper published In Lawrence, the last pnbll* ration to be one day pi leasl bcfbra -u.l Court . ■——: t

Witnens, RfiTlln E. rTHrmdhi Esquire, ludg" ol natd Court, this nmih day of ii'inber. in the year one thousand bine

hundred ami nix. ,l. T. MAHONHY. Register.

II. K stanle\. Atty. . IO-ISH. 10-11-18-J

SI.—Choice house lots. St—Pour -- tenement houses.

Price 1(1,800. Oood investment. allston ■)*.—Two-tenement house; All

modern.. Price $4.i Arlington . St - Six-tenement block. d investment.

Bailey St —Up-to-date four-tenement Price M.800.

Henmnxton St.—Three-tenement house (4,200.

Berkeley St.—Choice house lots. Bradford St.—Six-tenement house.

Price- $7,700. Bunker inn Bt. *»Three-*tenemejit

house in Rood condition. i base St.—Three-tenement house.

Price M.f.OO. i 'bestnut St. -Investment prop TI lei

of all descriptions. Craps St.—Three-tenement house in

t*ood condition. i: Haver bill St.—-Up-to-date

dene.' I'rieo |7,500. i:im St investment proper! ic

kinds. f'airinont .St.—Three-tenement

Price $3,600. Parnhan St.— Two-tenement

[*date in every w ay. Cnrti. id St. - Modern resldenci

•3.S00. It a mi shire .St.—T wo-tenement

and cottaget, Price $3,200. Raverhlll St. - Two-tenement

Price FB.600. ' Highland St. -Elghl tenement'

and cottages Price reasonable. .laii.-un St. rp-io-daio sesldences, Myrtle Bt. Two-fenemeni house and

cottage. Price $3,700. Lawrence St. -Thr tenement house.

Prl :e |4,40o, Lowell st. -Nine-tenement house and

Ktore. Price t7,S00, Market st -Three-tenement house

ami cottage. Price $6,300. May St.—Four-tenement house. All

modern Improvements, Melrose St.—Up-to-date Cottages. New ton St. —Three-tenement housa

Price SU.L'00. oak SI —Eight-tenement* - house in

good condition. Reasonable. Osgood St.—Up-to-date two-tenement

hou , Price $4,raw. Phie St. Two 4-tenemehl Blocks and

store. Salem St. - Two-tenement house.' All

of all



. Price




WANTED—Capable woman deslren work af offlce cleaning. Best of ref erences. Addresa M. T. American Sun office. sa. tf

WANTBlD -To teach two or three pu- pils shorthand. Terms '

Address "(J. K. C able. Office

Ainei b'an 10 LSI »U

WANTED—j era! house1

flee. '

competent girl for gen- ork, Adreaa MQ." this of-

10-908 sa

DEARBORN A CO., the SECOND* HAND DEALERS have removed to th« corner of Amenbury and Common BtH. Highest cash prices paid fun second hand furniture and all class- es of second hand goods. aatf

BEST CASH PRICE8 given for eec* ond hand furniture. Apply to James Irving, 311 Common street as

MONET TO LOAN on Diamonds tog Watches at a Low Rate. Fine Watch, Repairing at lowest prices, GORDON The Jeweler, 427 Essex St. 6-127s»

PRIVATE DETECTIVE, evidence of all kinds, evidence for divorce a specialty. Experl detectives . sent everywhere^ Address A. i«. tireen- uood 8 Grand St., Havej*htll, .Mass. N. B. Tel. 1131-4. 10-24Ssa

WANTED—Five experienced sewing girls. Apply to A. E. Brown, .176 atreet 10-207 sa


Gentlemen of good address, willing to works will find profitable employ- menl by calling at room 108, Bay State building, between B and io a. m. It. W. Swift. Mgr. W-8IM ;-a.

WANTED—A table girl; an order I and a dish washer at ur. R street. 10-28

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, _.,


To the heirs-at-htw. n-xi af Uin.and all nther persona Interested in the cs tate of Simuer C. Sianlev late o i.awren.., In said county, deceased, win REA8. a certain Instrument pur- porting i" '"■ the last will and testa- meni of s.iiii deceased nan been pre- M>n|ed to said Court, for probate, b) (Tgrry Rufus Stanley, Wilhur ET Row eii and William Odlln who pray that letters testamentary may be Issued to them, fti" executors therein named, without giving a surety on their offi- cial bonds You are hereby cited to appear at a Pre* tte ''■•an to be heM at Salem In said County of Essex, on the fifth day of November A. D. I9M, at nine o'clock in the rorehndh W show cause, is any you have, why the same should not be granted-.

\n.i >.II.I p.-iiiioners *v< -hwehy dL rectwl to give public notice thereof by publishing this citation once In each week. f..r three successive weeks, in

modern Improvements, So. Union Bt. Pour-tenement house. "Price |7,300/

Tremonl st Seven-tenament house. Good Investment.

-Walnut St.- Three-tenement house. Price «1-200.

Wat.r St.—Up-to-date two-tenement house.

Willow st. Four" tenement houae, Priia. J4.400.

Six cottages from JlOufl to $1.0011. A r.u hundred dollars ^-iii be suffi- cient to buy one of these nice homes.



SUITE 324-325. TEL. 1376i

Real Estate Bargains FOR SALE ih.. I .i v\ rone. Dully Amcrlciin. a n".v.«-

pap.-r puhlt*h§j| 'n r.-iM''- the I;,sl

I |.niiii..jiii..M in be one day, al l»aat, A >ix tenem,nt b|ock on Bradford •"Tore aali rt, anil by mail m.. 81., at a bargain. Call and aae ua about imatpald, or d.Ilvorlnn a copy o this it ot once, tn all known paraona int. r- cated in lha oatati?: ipven days at i"a*i bofnn H.,'1,1 limit

Wllneaa, Itnllln !•:. Harmon. K-ii'iii' ju.ii:i. or said I'uiirt. .his ninth day ••( iHiiinor in thp var one thousand nine hundred nnil six.

1 T. AlAIMNFY. H.Ki-l.r II, i: Stanley, tin-

Ju-lij lu-ll-lH-ii

INSURANCE In first class companies.

FRANK N. RAJID AGENCY. O. J. Randlett. Manager.

Room 822. Bay State Bldg. Tel. 215. Office open Tuesday and Saturday

rvwnmgs till g o'clock. Also Friday evening till B o'clock.

WANTED \t the Lawrence Hoaplul, kitchen Bin. tut.I. ward maid. Apply at mice.

General clrl aivl lll-JSl »U

WANTED in pi . . km .'o..

Sali' for mir bakery cperlenced. Lawrence Mar- I34.A3D'X St. 10-293aa

PUBLIC STORAGE Of Planoa, Furniture and General Merchandise, Modern brick building, practically fireproof; large elevator. Lawrence Storage Warehouse, For particulars apply to 89> Methuen street, or 450 Ksnex tttreet. Telepfiona 1136-3. i 2-42Jaa

WANTED -Saleslady in our cloak Dept.. ona who speaks* Freneh pre- ferred Apply E. Kob'inson, 163 Essex St, lO-3Z6aa

MONEY TO LOAN X>n Household Furniture, Pianos,

Heal Estate and other kinds of prop- erty, at legal and reasonable rate! of Interest. Loans can be paid by small weekly or monthly payments. Interest deducted as tlie principal fs paid .back. Business confidential; please call and get our tenhs; you will llnd them satis- factory.

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday nnd Thursdays, from 4 p. tn., in J p. in., and- Saturdays from 2:30 p. m., ta '.l: JO p. m.

Forrest Loan Co. 228 Essex St, Room 3

(Over Leonard's Clothing Store).

WANTED- F\perienred salesladb-; for Tuesday evenlngjs and Saturday afternoons and evenlnga \ppiy al Boston Millinery Parlors, 490 Kesen ^t- 10-386aa

WANTED- A smart grocery clerk about W years of ag*1. Apply at Sweeiiev's Cash Store. bit SoMlll Broadway. 10-217 sa.

WANTED—Seeona hand Furniture of all description. We pay the best cash prices. W. L. Welch ft Co., 186 EsSM 9t., telephone U3-B.

WANTED—Men for automobile driv- ing and repair business; for 32S W guarantee a license; easy pftytu.en.tjli- largest and best SObool; open even- ings until 9 o'clock; enclose ' stamp for catalogue. Boston«Auto School. 343 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.


WANTED Housework in a small family, by middle-utred woman. Ap- ply to "C, Q." Antierlcan-Sun oMU e.

10-&9 a.

WANTFD— -YounK women tn every city and town in Northeastern Mas-

■tachusetts qualified for positions pay- ing $1" :< week am) upward to write to tons, old South Bldg., Boston.


WANTED—Olrl to work In store as e'ashter. also to assist on hooks. Call at Park hotel parlor. Monday. be> iween ^ and 11, 10-195ft

WANTED- By two Intelligent young men. positions ae salesman and mechanic; willing and'Obliging; A»I dress "li A i'^." this office.

Low PRICES for the finest quality of watches and Jewelry—watch and Jewelry repairing, finest work, rea- st>nable prices. I have a few flno old violins for sale. JAMES WAIN, itl


THE MONITOR Boot Blacking Parlor for Ladles and Cents. Private Parlor for Lsdles. Steeusj Cleaning. Preening and Dyeing of Ltv dles' and Oentn 'Clothing. Called fog nnd Delivered. Lowest prices. Baaf Work.


Cottage House —AND—

6 000 feet of land S-ON—

Butler Street.

Houses and Land —AT—

Waverley Park







M OKTSAGJ Money to Loan on *••* Bstats In large or smail amounta at a low raw Jsf lnUiratiw : ^



from the riprlnal Uellverorl direct every morning. Order by postal, ai". Abbntt. I 1'leaaant Vall.y atreat. at


Do Not Burn Off Old Paint

You will have to do so if you use hard, inelastic paint; but there is a better wav.

Use old-fashioned white lead and linseed oil paint. It wears down uniformly, without that scaling off vvhich disfigures so many modern houses, and is ready for re-painting with- out burning or scraping.

Phoenix or Salem Pure White Lead

(Mad* by (be Old Dutch Proces*)

is jiifit such an old-fashioned paint.

Our booklet will tell you about it, and /i»e yuu other paint information valuable tu llit house-owner.

NATIONAL LEAU COMPANY f. llroud Street, Boston, Mui. ]

F«>r *\V by fir<t-rhs< dealers.


r^ i-i i= ir» S CD

k— i » t—'

# < S >


j j t ca

"3 " C 2 N

CZ | E r-»j 2 ca t § fa ^t i E 1 M ( 3

j LU |

CD • W —— 1 L sc 5 ca

I g (J)

9 *° > %^^a e/O a

• 5 g y

ca- i


lb-member the second annunl social assembly, under the auspices of Mw *'>. O. B, club, in MpiTtmu.k hull, to-] night,



\t a recent meeting of the full henc-h of the supreme court, Attorney HDIIIH It. Bailey, chairman of the atute board of bar examiners, was, re-ap- poLnted :i member of the board for an- other term of live years.

lawyer Bulley, Who is a well known flTiri ante Boston attorney, stands very high among tin- legal fraternity of Mttasachmeitk, and hi.-* re-Appointrnent is a deserved tribute to bis knowledge of hi* piufesHtun. 0r

He Is a native of North Andover, born in the historic t.ov. Bradetreei house, and has many local friends w ho are greatly pleased with his steady ui!vunc:eri,enl. , ' *?

He Is :i graduate o| Phillips aeaoVmy. Andover, Harvard college and Har- vard Law sehool.

lie has twd brother*, John AUbm Bitlley, iii Denver, Col.,' and t*hnrlen P. Bailey, of Alanieda, t'ul.; and throe sisters Miss i 'haiTotte Hi ,.

111., high instrin-Ior In a t'hli iohool; .\iiss Hannah H. Bait ployed in the Social Law library, Bos- l<m. and Miss Laura A. Bailey r>t the i 'entre.


Next Sunday will he oPseryed as 'Tnitarlan Day" at tHe i mi North

The pastor, R»V, S. C, Beane, Jr.. wthT preach a sermon in the morning on "The oppolumliy of I'nliarlan- isin.1' and the annual collection will In taken for missionary work.

11 you desire lo learn something con- . uiiii-.' i hi- denomination and to aid

In the doubling of funds and new churches, come ami give generously.


Tin- Hnston & Northern railroad will cut its running time between Salem and La wiener from 9n minutes down to 7". minutes. It will double traek its line from Salem to Mitldleton, and ii wdl cut down its running time between Salem and Unnvis and Dinners and -




Minerva lb beknh lodge entertained a large delegation of members of IJcho lodge of Hudson, N. H., Wednes- day evening. There were also present many other visitor* irum Lawrence, Lukrport. N, H., Nortli Andover, Nashua, N. H , and Lowell lodi?e<.

During the evening the first degree work ot the season was performed bv the staff of the local louKe. Those on lbe start in addition in Noble tJrand Mrs. Kred Woodbury were .\1i>. fjeorge Langlev, Mrs. <'harle> .) Burgess, Lollie and Lillian Now. II, .\liss Lena Klemke, Miss Elsie Seari.-. Miss Allliea t'oburn, Miss tSmma P.-dler.

.Alrv. Jtirin'w j;_ R>rwli-k, Mi-i Krank A.

The floor


M. LW'Tl'RR rnrnsE.

The annual lecture course, under tho BU spleen ot the M. E. church, will probably begin about Nov. 1st.

A HplendUl course is anticipated. Fidl particulars will be announced



Tile registrars ot voters met-tn Ste- vens hall, Wednesday evening; wheg the following names were added, to the voting list-:

Fred W. Gordon, Martin J. Lawmr, Robert Wiehert. Patrick J. Lawtor, George L. Lanlgan, Thomas J. Law« lor, Arthur L. Redman, Timothy H. Cavanaugh, Claxton Monro.

The last meeting of the hoard previ- ous to the slate election occurs Satur- day. Oct -7. at the selectmen's ottie from !- m- to lit p. ni.


< Jordcit, Miss Jane p;n r. Hidings, Mrs. Lawrence Rcnilck, Mr: Charles Russell, Miss Edith P-dle and Mrs. tjeurge (J. Frederick. Thef were S3 candidates Inillated. work was well performed, tin work being highly commanded.

A banquet was held after th» This feature was in charge of Mrs, T. W. Cobuiu, Mrs. George H. Brad- miry, Mrs. George \V. Copp, Mrs. ('. A. Clark"; -Miss Marhm Silloway, RHsa J.ine Parr, Clinton A. Clark, fl! B. >!radlure>, John K»*it, Lcn.y Howard Mrs. Robert Morton, Mrs. V'arnmii Ban born, Mrs. George E. Rlanohard and Mrs. Lena Woodbury.

After the supper speeches were mad' bl Hiss D. Walk. r. noble grand of the Hudson lodge, members of the local

iudge and se\eral \ isitors. The meet- i11?i ail.i"uiti'-d gnOUl midnight.

A full report of the Sunday sechool convention held here Wednesday will he found in another column. The del- egates presenl were urved to supper prepared unoer the direction of lln? Young People's society of the local

< 'ongtegntlonal church. The supper took (hoe iu Phillips chapel. The com* Ulittee iu charge were Helen Fr.-derii k. chalrmam Ulanch Silver, Merrill "iatint and R, irish. Supper was nerved b> Vera Chlsholm, i.'lorence Dodge, Ar.oline Goodwin. Mabel Page, Nellie Hou lb worth. Mollle Harrington, Helen Emmons, Lucia Itiley. Dornthy Binny. Annie Pi.iitet, Alma Pfelffor, Emma Pfeitver. Viarion Dorwood, and Beatrice spicer. Coffet nras poured by ROglnahl Remick, Chester Hutchins, Harold Irish. George Needhnm and Merrill tjuimt. The kitchen was in charge of Helen Frederick, Blanch Silver and lOdiiii Goldsmith- Donations of monev were taken by Maud Irish and Ruth N'onls.


past, since leaving Methuen. He enters at once upon his temperance work, being in charge of the work in New England,

Eva Spottiswood ot Lowell sireet and John Qufnti r>f South Lawrence will be united In marriage, Nov. II, at the home Of Miss Bpottlswood.

EverPtl H. Archibald has r.iiirned Ironi a hunting trip in Maine.

Mrs. George Heald Is visiting at the home of her sister,-sJVIr-. Llndsey Keyes, on Williams street.

After the regular meeting of t li •• grange tonight, a box party will He b*'ld. All those attentling an- request- ed to bring boxes.

Mrs. John M Tenney is \dsltmg her daughter in Brooklyn. N. V.

The llrst fall meeting of the Beta Gamma club will be held with Miss Florence Sullivan on Lowell street, Friday evening.

ciaronre Hayes visited friends .ynn Wednesday,


Nathan Mnw i,<« building a t.irg.* ennery on Stevens street.


The third and fourth degrees will b© conferred upon three candidates m the meeting of Salem centre grange Fri- day evening. . Several local persdhs took the Ini- tiatory degree .ft the meeting ot Mln- ervn Rebeeca lodge, l. a o. F., Me". thut-n-, Wedneeidgy evening.

At the next meeting of Granite col- ony, U. ft P. K.. wTilcii occurs Monday evening. Nov. ;, each member will in- vlte a fi iend io Join the gathering in a s<>< i.ii when u musical and literary program Mill l>e presented.

B, !■'. Benson of Hrockton, Mas.*., «l» a visitor at the home of Mrs. Edward W. Wright of Catiobie Lake.

Charles Burns, who recently sold his I.HIO -in the w-estAiHt pa+t of Ci»- town, will erect a house oppoaKe the mill pond and, has commenced to Bgfld the barn. Mr. Bums and family ar«> board- ing ai tin Fairmont house while op- eration* are under hay.

Herbert Harris of Millville has ae- captad a position at Winchells shoe lartory. Havertlill,

.fames Cummlnga \" building an addi- tion to his cottage on Pelhara street, o.i-ut'led by James Ccmeioii and fam-

Henrv A. Merrill. Frank A. Gordon. EdgBT \V Siher. Williaui Wdli^oisuu. charteS Goldsmith and George fiufl Were a mon g the Mi ■tint en people who visited the food fair in Boston Wed- nesday.

Rev. Nathan Bailey, f,,r 10 years pastor of the local Baptist church. Sunday, dosed his pastorate 'at the Baptist church in peabody. where he has been located for several years

'( A meeting of the board of trade will (ie held at the hose house Friday ev-

i ' I enlng i'enis Robinson has removed from1 *j oarnel Dryden of Haverblli Is

sending a tew .lays at his home a I the Denpl Village. ' Tl'e Somerset < lub of Law

mis sireet to ft.". Broadwav

Ocorga w. Rise is confined t-v hts home (.n Lowell street with an attack of tvphoid pneumonia.

P.n v Pnrshley, who is employed out ot town, has been spending several days with his folks on Arnold street.

Ijiura Ayer is confined to her home On Tenney street with sickness.

Out-of* town* guests are being enter* tabled ft the Nevlns' residence on Hampshire street.

All Saintp" church- choir rehearsed Tuesday evening In the church v.strv.

Mrs J. Price is confined to her honv with an attack of acute Indigestion.

The fnurth annual concert and hall ot court Excelsior. A. O. |-\. will h- held in Nevlns Memorial luiil. Friday evening. Nov. - The committee is pre- paring' tin excellent concert to be given at that time.

Mr. and Mrs. rhanmnn Orange and M isses Florence and Laursi. nl Aller- t'ti. I'm,', arrived on the Siixonia from England last week, and w ill take up their residence in Methm-n They are staying for the present nt the resl- denee of .). w. Hartlay street.

Consul General William H. Michael of Calcutta Is sanguine of great suc- cess in ostrich farming In pertain parts oi the United States its development Mi Italy la also promising. It found stlf- iO butty profitable It will no doubt ex- tend largely in this country. pandowdy, Indlun pudding. squash, custard. mince. apple, anil pumpkin pies, tea and coffee.

Tho vestry WM prettily decorated and a decided novelty was a huge bell made uf vegetable*, which was sus- pended from the celling and arranged by eX-Seleriman George W. Thom. It attracted much attention. At s.l". the auction sale of farm producti took [dace, with George W. Thom as auc- tioneer. 'The goods all brought good prices.

Tastefully arranged tables for the sale of- home-made confectionery, mys- teries, etc., were in rtuuge of the fol- lowing: Confectionery table. Misses Ida F. Wood bury and Flora A. Thom; mystery mide. Miss Wwtelle Betes

The waitresses wer«> Mrs. Willis Hall. Mis. Edward Cnvannagn. Mrs. Kdwin Men ill. Mrs. Edward Buxxjell. MTra. S:anley Purdy. Miss Ada Hall, Miss Inez Gale, nttta Jessie McDQUgall, Miss Ftiod |{. Wade

The supper coninill tee comprised: Mrs. Chad.- A. KlinhaM. Mrs. George Noyes,. Mrs. Hora Rolf, Mrs Daniel LaiiHgan. Mis. (Cg+ien Manore. Mrs W. II. Teekles, Miss Rowena Hall. Miss Grace McDonald.

The local hum. b of the \ E. O. P. | will be a" social and dance held a regular meeting ^ai l'iigiim luiil under the auspkfea of the'JH. It. M. club Wediesilay evening. Ij ncnly rormed and a thriving organi-

Mrs. ' trtnda 'I'm ner died tit Salem aatlnn In* Pilgrim imii this evening. Centre Tuesday. She leave* a husband, Thome*' orchestra will rurnish the

The funeral will he held Friday af- |- assured to all.

Aliss Mar) MeSplgott has resigned' BONNER -JOHNP'IV. her position at the reatauranl "f Mrs. - Bertha K, Jonea Her surceeaor is James J. Bonner and Mary E. John-

and Hey wood. Linesmen- R. Hardy, Length of halves - i*» minutes.

Fred Towle, who has been employed for | he past few years by Charter glurphy, the well known barber, has mined (o Couway, N. H.. where he will stan H tonsorlal shop of his own.

Mat Ian C. Wilson a iiutciiinlst in the employ of the Tver Rubber company. suffered a painful injury early -Wed- nesday morning. WaAJrt was shifting a belt on the back gear of a luthe when an* "i hts ringars on his left hand got cRUffhl the result being tliat the tip of the finger was token right off.


At i meeting of the reglslrars i>f voters held In the town hall Wedne.s- day evening, from 7.10 to s.nn p. m. at which the following names were added to tbs voting list: Carl Canium. ',* Salem street; David Dirk, 21 Bart- bit street: Haniel N, Gage. fU Main street: Vaitghln Jealous. H Punchuid avenue; Eanpihar UcKentle, H RMge streei; Markbam BUckpole, p; Abbott ttreet; Frederick VYhlttemore, HI Main

Fred Robinson oi peavey's restaurant 1 aw r» nee.

ANDOVER 1W7-9. 6; -IWH-10, II.

« held uiing at their cottage at CaAoble

1 ,ake, Wednesday Mrs Leonard Taylor Is moving into

the cottage owned by Charles Hilt on i I'lmton street.

Luther Tut tie is spending a week with bis daughter at Rrattleboro. Vt.,l ■where he formerly resided previous :o coming to town.


Much excitement prevailed on Wed-1 i..--.-inv e*'i^lii»--.-a.L.aui...tibiyviTJg: "f the' lire whistle at the electric light plant, bin Inquiry developed the fact that the test stroke had been given and will be. repeated ■ every evening at '"..

Mrs. John A-. Tenney of East Con- cord !<■■ a visitor at the horn*, of High- ua\ Surveyor Chattel F Merrill of Centre f


A ba sket ha 11 t ea m picked from t he ghls of the Senior and Sophoinoro -hiss. - ai Punchard defeated a team picked from the Junior and Freshmen lasses on the school grounds Wednes-

day afternoon, by,, the score of t; to Q The game was interesting from start

to finish, although rgmewnai one-sided. Instructor Charles L. Barton acted :|V" referee and umpire.

The line-up:

1607-9, Miss I'olemnn. f Miss Ralph, f. Miss ProiMy, r. Miss HaileV, b. MlS«l Cortiiell. b.

b. Miss Ewlng b Miss Coyne

c Miss Temple f. Miss Q'Sulliran

f, Miss Unwell

P. 11. S„ '■■>; ROVA1. RENGAT^tnr—

The Pun.hard High sehool football team defeated the Royal Bengals Wed-

i .— lav n'tei m on the local play* stead by the score of :» io n. The game was close, and interesting from start td Ilnish, the defeated eleven being strong on the offence and defence, but fumbled' at critical moments.

Tb. ■-up.

The annual harvest supper by ttv bulfes of the Pleasant street M. E. church, was held al the v.^try Wed- nesday evening supper s/sts served from 6 to B "'dock. Several former residents knd friends ..r the society

Biown-|_fLom.. Mj_lhUcti. Windham and Haver- hlll were present and i he excellent ft re - reflected much rredll upon the i.i<11■ i H ti.. were highly please^d H Ith the result Of their efforts

The usual tin.- service by the walt- ,,.sses was :i' noticeable feature pjf the occasion, The farmers' supper was aer-l ved in tine New England style and f. ins I sled of boiled Jlsh, baked Leans. brown bread, rold meats, asaorted

P. II. s It H. Eiardy, M, IP, HHIV S;ilnui|i!*nii. rl, II. 'Hi.U.-v D in le. It. RlilKhnni M, 1 'Hush, f. o. Berry Jud*», 1«. IK, c. Bingham I«. It, rt, .1. Iiniiiiviin .. ii.t^.-. tr. i re.urn.■!!. 1... re, sinwiir: Kyle. nil. • i... EWllara K.ilnn.l Ihli. ihh. Mannlni Smith, rhli. Ihli.'l AriWuSnn, fb, . fb, Morrlnwy,

Summary: Score P. H. s., :.; R P.. (V Touchdown smith. Umptsg and referee Pete Dugan, Timekeepers—Cole

i known Baliardvale peo p.le. were married Wednesday evening bv Ft McKeuna of yjius/reni i

There will lie n harvest supper and whist party, under the auapjcej Of the Women's Relief c«irps, Thursday ev-

ening. O^l. ^..111, In O. A. It. hall. The - ptihiie is cordially invited. Supper will be sseued toanl -Jfl to idUL followed by whist. Admission, including supper*

LODGE AND CLUB Eoulty lodge 18,'N. E. O. P., held

their regular business meeting In Black Prince hall last night. Only routine business was transacted. At the conclusion of the business meeting a whist party was held. six tables were used. The first lady's prize was won by Mrs. Jenny Oilman and Mrs May Hinxtmm second. Tin- first gentle- man's prise was won bv Estv lltnx - map, with Charles Hinvmau second.

The regular meeting of Harmony lodge 4f.. A, .11. S.. was held In Hughe* ball last evening. One member was init la ted and J. air aplicat Ions for membership were favorably acted up- on. The election of Officers was post- poned until the next meeting which will be held October M, Arrangements wvr>- completed for. the annunl reunion and ban.met to be held on that date


The new travelogue on Ireland which TV". Itowker will give for the nrst linn* at the Tarbox school on Oct. 22. will laubtlcas be one of the most Interest- ing he has ever delivered in ihls' city.

This summer he revisited Ireland with ins earners' girt writ Illustrate RM talk w ith some unusual things* tibou* this well known land.

With one exception Or. Itowker Is the only lecturer In the field whose lei lures are entirely original, ll'or ha tidies his own photographs, transfers them to the crystal squares and paints and mounts them,






Suits I Special Jil Ladies' High Grade Suits, In plain

ami mixed materials, elegan tly~" tailor - ed, lined and finished. Btyllsh, no-thing newer in the market. This >s a sample line ami worth from- HS.mi io $.'.",,mt.

four choice for, o few days



! lot high grade Nun's Veilll Waists, richly embroidered pokes', i tia full fronts, buttoned back, all 'I new Shade*, no prettier waists air Where for IS.WI. Special price


Dress Skirts

Tin values we are offering In Ladies' and Misses' Ores Skirt- are simply astonishing. Even our competitor-* are

You can't afford to overlook this About m Ladles' and Misses' Tburh ('oats, IS and BO Inches long. Many in tb*

f I"! semi-lined nnd made Of medium and heavy weight material's. Man tail- dumbfounded; can't understand or.-d. every one of them.-This is also the sample line of one of the best makers in the country and will go on sale tomorrow us foil

2fHI Ladies' ami Misses' Skirts ill plain and mixed materials, not a skin In tb- loi but would be cheap at jj::.oo. Special price .y.

Furs To get a true conception of our new

lliie nl Furs it would take hours t look the. variety over which y»u an welcome to do at your earliesl oppor- until . \\ V heir men I i' u !w " special! which will give von mi Ides of th. values.

l lot ol i 'on. y Fur Scarfs, s\ inchet Iqngj style am) shape equal lo a %Z0M neck piece. Ila Vlllg sl\ loOS ll,:i l'1''" Cur tails, silk cord ornaments Specla price ■,-,-.-,.,-_



More attention is being paid to this departmont than ever befors for the reason that our growing trade

' demand* it. El.eqsnce snU economy are the two words thst correctly describe our stock of Fsll snd Win ter Dress Grods and Suitings. Cheapness stone* doesn't mean economy, but chespness combined with style and quality is the true meani.ig of the word. The better judge you are of fabrics the more favorably will

you be impressed by our »electTon. > | t

Borne good Fur Neck Pie.

1.98 1 i.,i ,,r Inlwlla Fo\ Mutt-, Dtllow

•tape. ..|..«iinlly-mnrk,'il. 11,1 heller Is the imirk.-t Sumo. Special prln*..


49 cents 1 In! ,'l*.Riiri! nflij rhecki and i.lnliH

?1S in. wide, for Imllen* uml mi**e* BUlU, > ■mill In :i|.|'ilii-i. t.i Jl.'i'

K.I.IIK. n,.r v,l ',.

49 cants M»n ■ lot uf n. >v Ti'nd I'II-H- plaid*

iust its stylish .11. i .is , — llnir

double the main ) n y«ro

Domestic Specials 59 Cents k nnil Turkish Towel* 4 1-2fc oa ' . .

J.i |i< s fo A|iriin i liiiirhanis .... 5c yd 2Q |il,i-i-s r.t In Ii.-t quality Tiilil./'ililollir I2*1-2c yd :::.,■ Bleached Table Uiiiiiiisk, 24c yd '" "Very conclva

49 cents A full line of .Misses' arid Cliildr

Furs at equally tempting prices

Headquarters for Blankets and


19 cents i Are you looklbg for something neat. durable and cheap ' ft' so this Is B b'-

aanza^JtWul TT" r1ftTlt»rna »'of rrrrxed suitings, actual yalii - [rom :•■:•■ to &»e yard, price ..


1 ■ Twilled craah, I im Huge White Spread) T".. H,.iiiiiii,I N'aiikiiis ...

h.z. Krlnavd Linen I).

s r,t in. All -w.i... Biilllnits

shiHi.-. vv.iiii ;'•■

todny, but nwintt tu our eeonomleml

ii in- your. r.'. per yd.

1:. ins. T. IIHIIIIU I i;iniii.|>, 4 t-2c yd 1 .us.- r.nllriK Hi-inn nits. He ijiliilitv. I A 1 -2c yd

IftC Klmnno Flaiiin Is. J"J siyl.-s, 6c yd

Hosiery and Underwear,

yd 4 1-2c yd

D9c e.i 59S do* method. Hi"S


L'IU .in/. La,Dos' X't'fttls and Pant.

.M. ns r.iic pjaeoe LI Drawer.

■- Da'Mn Lndli-s III.- Pluck Una,.

Inn il-.z. Mi'n's ii.-in- St... kings, tust 111

Ii 25c ea

.1 Shirts anil 39c ea Fli*eri' Lined

. . 12 1-2c pr Ribbed W

home-made, . 25c- pr ai ;.((,■. i,..i lo

.sis.K t hililrcrrs Itiht.' .1 Blach rfoae, i a lot i.f manufacturer's si.s.nils, Pump lli. in :i .•nly a sllghi imperfection, lust j hull prici. 8c pr Im Laiili-s' Scarlet W...-I \'.sts and Pante, $1.HS trade, ,«i I Sgo

59 cents

39 cents A mw lot (':' pes) of checks, stripes

plaids and mixtures. \o letter a) ao\

price 'and no better value uffywhere

f.»V a leader, »%■■ ar..


The M. J. Cahill Dry Goods, Cloak and Suit Store



[Original,) We were both staying at the same

hummer resort in the mountains, she at lif hotel Opposite mine.

I never tired of looking at her and wondering aboul her. She waa qualm. Hn.l when 1 Uave sold that 1 have said nil I can Kay by way of description. 1 funded bat au embryo actress or one ambitious to i ■.■ an actress. Then I put her down a*= a would be Bcrtbbler. one who U'ouhl, if she could, write stories of the ouida kiud: Whatever 1 thought tier, I never attributed to her auytblug commonplace.

Her room fronted mine. Before up pearlng dressed for the afternoon and evening she would .-stand before her mirror combing her hair. And such hair! It wua ruvlablog. Ita depth and ItOfftb were only to be compared to a high cataract. On one occasion wbeu ahe waa walkfilgTroiu-Hie" wTnllow-T saw that It swept the floor. Every afternoon at :; 1 would take ray posi- tion at my window, cloae the blind so i*a not to be observed and watch through the slate for her to display her rnagnitieeut tresses.

One evening, returning from a walk in the mountains, [ passed the l'evil's well. A stream tumbled, ovor a ledge, iiud beneath wTffl a basin vrhtcb small boys said bud no bottom. It was the well. As I approaches! a woman carne from beside it. and through the dunk I recognized "the girl opposite." She was alone and a long way from the i ihage,

'^V>u are out late,'' I said, 'for a woman. Aren't you afraid?"

"The place fuseiurite* me." she re- plied, with a gasp. "1 wag dreaming. Is It very late'.'*'

"Eight o'clock, and the twilight is not .-o lnnu as \t WIIK earlier in the ium


HANDLING MEN. FACTS IN PEW LINES l)li''''Hii« Others In Hualnr.

tuMiitl* l m i and Ability.

Business men often fail becausa ther ilo not know bo* to bundle men. They ceil do their own work all right, but they at9 failures when it comes to di- rect in;; others. They lack tact, diplo- macy.

Many inen antugoui/e others; lhey la.k patience, lose temper, fly to piece* uver i'ii.- things. And no man Is a good leader who cauuol control him- self.

A great many business men seem to think that it takes a deal of driving, scolding, fault finding, to get the beat j out of others. It is. however. Just the I opposite. Employeea never give up j their best In response to forcing metb- I ods. ;

1 know .i young man who promise** i to be u leader in his line who Is as ' ijuiet and gentlemanly iu hla methodii as J modest woman. He never ruises liis voice, never gets angry. When an employee needs correcting, Instead of xcoldiug or uugglug he aita right down and shows him or bar .lust how to do the thing, lie trlea to help them out of their difficulty, not to confuae them. , He does not need to scold, because ev-' eryhody respects him. admires him

U«- One reason why colonization by

c You are n gentleman; I know you ~"'Srer~Tbe'ro'"lA' rTrrema'gosr; between

ladles and tfeuttemcu which clrcum stances cannot do away with. I'm sure I can trust you To take me to the hotel."

"You nmy. certainly." 8he put her arm through mine, cling-

ing to me HS Hi.nigh frightened at the loneliness of the place. We walked between towering rocki and along the margin of the stream, which now lull- ed and babbled and now .resolved it- self into little lagooufl, Coming to a bridge under which It flowed, she ■topped end leaned on the rail, but not releasing her hold on my arm. The fait moon shone through the narrow gorge, the beetling crags standing out In hold silhouette on either side.

"Isn't it iK-autifulV" she said, turn- ing bet face to mine.

The moonlight softened her cotoplex- lon. It lighted her eyes, lier lips were in dose proximity to mine. What could I do? What dirt I do? I kiss«kl 1 tie in.

"What have you done?" she walled. "I hnve trusted to your honor, and you have taken advantage of a poor girl IB this lonely spot.'*' *

"Forgive me." [ said. "The tempta- tion waa tin* much for me. I will not offend again:."

We walked on. .Not for a moment did she cease to cling to me, leaning more and more upon me as we pro- reeded. She seemed tired, for. though I bore a great deal of the weight. I could not get her on except at a (.mill's pace. Every now uud again, vrheu we reached a spot where the

'gtream wound fur below us and the .face of the rock shot up far above us. she would) pause and. leaning on a guard rail, luok out upon the moonlit scene, apparently forgetful at the hour or her distance from her hotel. And I, too waa forgetful. 1 forgot more than unee that I was a gentleman with a lady under ttiy protection', and a kiss' WM the result of each failure to re no iiifVr

W«a ii tin- tvtktaesa of the fflace or the girl that . asi u spell ow>r me? At any rate I was bewitched. It was near Bldnight when we reached her hotel aud stood In a dark comer of the ptnx/.ii, 1 bidding her hand and pour tug forth a torrent of words, every one glowing with love. Then after a rap- turous l.iss she stole into the botiee, while I went across the road sud up to mj room.

1 HI ngbt sight of my face in the mir- ror. M.\ <-yv- were as wild as the en vlP'hs of the ] (evil's well. My heart was beating like u drum. I wondered if the gtrl was not ;i denizen of the spot -u aptly named. Was not her May Ht the hotel opposite a pretense, her rear home at the bottom of the well?.

As i looked nt my excited image the s|>ell fell a way and I cursed myself for i, fool. Undressing. 1 got Into bed. leaving open the shutter, and the moon shone through the window. I was again la the gorge. We were standing on the bridge, 1 was enthralled.

The next morning I tied. Before any. ■ of the guests hud risen I was on a

train Pteaming for the city. When I reached it I drugged myself into the

'crowded, dingy street and to the de- serted where I lived. There I struggled till midnight to resist a temptation to go back to my embroil- ment.

In a week I was myself again. During the following »utumn I was

walking don n one of the principal streets of a city when I* noticed H

efowd about a simp winduw. I paused and. craning my netfc, looked over their heads Ahoye tire entrancf/ was' « sign denoting that a marvelous hair restorer was sold within. A woman wtood-m--the--window with ht'r-baWr-t^


Latin, races hae been so successful I* that they Intermarry with the natives.

ahout $;S5,000,000 worth of linen aoods are exported annually by (ireat Britain and Ireland, of which one half is shipped to this country.

The original "Brother Jonathan" wa- Mr. .fonathnn Tnimbull. governor or the state of Connecticut during ;hi American war of Independence.

In Antloch and other Syrian town* fine iieacbea, plums and other fruibi sell for about a cent a pound. Kggv bring from n to 7 cents a dozen.

Two whip thong makers who went uto bankruptcy recently in fiouthwark. '..ngland, declared that they had been rulued by motors aud especially by mo tor omnibuses.

A single, MI Naples receives hah a million dollars a year sent out of the l nlied States by temporary Italian residents, The same bank has receiv- ed from Italia us In Argentina and Bra- zil gH'JS.iWU and $425,000 respectively iu one year.

tribe of Indians, who Is probably the' most advanced thinking Indian of the present day, aays "the death knell of

1 knows that he Is always trying to tue individuality of my race is sounded ilo the fair thing, to give a>so,uare deal, ihat he wants only what is Just right and there is nothing arbitrary In hU methods.

The result is he does not need to _foYtu around bis establishment and use abusive, profane language. He knows there is a stronger force, a bet- ler way than that. The result" is that he has perfect discipline.


Mrs. Michael .1. Moher died Monday afternoon, at I"16 o'clock, at her royl- n-slriVnee, School street.

The death of her husband, who was murdered during the Lawrence semi- centennial observance, affected her ser lonely. :

About a year ago Mrs. Moher'-i health befrnn to. fall, and, although everything possible was done lor her ooihmg permanent could be ncconj t.llHhed.

I>uflng her illnean she suffered much but displayed n calm, Christian reslg nation, never complaining or murmer- ing.

The rieeeased was n nallve of Nort'i Andover, nw Alary A. Keefe, th* daughter of the late Dennis and Ann (Cuitln) Keefe, and was 30 years old

She was a devout fnthnijr and an e\cel|ei>.t, good-living woman.

3he was fond ».| her home* a trim wife, a devoted mother, and affection ate sister and a faithful friend.

Her lovable disposition, cheerful manner and unfailing kindness and broad sympathies endeHred her to a wide circle of friends who gtiuwrejy regret her demise.

She Is survived by a son, Arthur J„ tftiiitmer, ib'len M. Moher, and four

this plac rence, I>enls

M. Keefe of Canton HIIII t'atrick KM fe of Cambridge.

Tiny have the deep synvpathy of tho

in Indian Territory In the establish inent of statehood."

Huring the reeeut llritish naval ma ueuvers M mldshlpuiau who bad rani- inetl the admiral's ship with a steam launch had to make a trip around the fleet in the launch while she was hung | all around with fenders and bore the signal. "Not under control."

formerly milk producera In England Not one Would think of taking advan-1 were at the mercy of wholesale dealers

tnK*' °f him or trying to deceive him, or middlemen. Hy judicious eombina *e<'iiiise be is so kind, square, true. { tion in various places they have been

I know another man lu business able to obtain uniform ami equitable near by him who adopts Just the oppo-1 prices, securing to Individual members site method. He storms and swears. '. extra profits up to $'JW a year. scolds, nngN, < a»e* through his estab-j The late Baron de Key Is'mieathed lishuient like R bull through a china 180,000 trams to the French Academy shop, making everybody teal mean aud of Science, from the interest on which dlsagrtteahle.__NuhtHly:-reepecls him. He ihere is to be offered quinqueuuially H

rules by brute force, keeplug every priae of uo.dOU fram-s to the Trench i hotly cowed sud afraid of him. They reatigatora who have heail eontrlbut


Harry E- ''unnlngham presided and Constable p, J. >tcale>- .served as sec- retary at the rath fH'tnoenttie—renre- scntative convention, held in Haver' bill. Monday evening.

Cant Thomu; H." l-troderlck was nnanimnusly nominated for ' rejiresen tatlve.


t. W.


furrier, a. hliildy esteemed former Parish resident, passed away In 'Methuen, Monday.

He waa in his OSt year. H|s wife died a few weeks ago. Mr. Currier faithfully filled the nosl-

i watchman in the Oegood miltfl n<niib<

lb of -hon upright man

tK won for him th<" nil with whom he

otwy him nod let him impose upon them Iu order to avoid a scene or for fear they will lose their positions, if an office hoy or stenographer makes a little mistake he will go nil to pieces. My into ,\ rage and make It

to the progress^jf psychical aclem-c. Mlaa Mildred pBck/the'young dangli

tar of Judge Epophoditus Peck of Bris- tol, Conn., a professor In the Yale Law school, has trained a pat hen so that no

comfortable for everybody about blm. People waiting in the outer office

often bear loud talking and most abu Siva language in his private office. Hut he is not nearly us successful as bis quiet, unobtrusive neighbor.

He never thinks of recognizing one oLbls-ejuidoyees on_the street-

The other man always lifts bis bat to the humblest ylrl in bis employ aud has a pleasant smile for everybody, be cause he feels an interest in every- body and they all love him.- Success.

very un cat or dog dares intrude on the prom-

the spectators < swept the f.oi.l •he gaze of the stare She »n

milling- her hair, which She turned and met

■rowd with a.hardened the girl opposite."

The VUlon of InNrefN. A notable fil(.t about the vision of in-

sects and <iue which it may be sup posed must largely Influence their view of the external world is the number of facets or/ lenses In compound eyes. A (iciinau nMurallat, K. I.einemann. has been painstaking enough (< number of facets In the fewer [fi.m ISO sppHos of beetle. He finds that in the same species and sex the number increases with the slee of the body. There is usually no perma- nent difference between the sexes AH to the numlier of facets. Occasionally, however, the difference is marked, us In the case of Eumpyrls spleudfdula. In which the male baa 3|fi00 and the female 800, One species is noted which has the extraordinary number of 24,00b facets in its eye". The number or facets is greater in the rapidly moving active forms [ban In the more sluggish spe- cies. Philadelphia Record.

< IUMI'HI nixl llomiuil If Muni,

Classical composers are those of the tlr.-t rank who have developed music to the highest pitch of perfection on its formal sldi^t, and, lu olwdieme to gen- erally accepted laws, preferring aesthet- ic beauty, pure and simple, over emo- tional content, refusing to sacrifice form to chnrncterlsite expression. Ro- mantic composers are those who have s night th.-ir ideals in other regions and Striven to give expression to them, Ir- respective Of the restrictions, and 11 lit 1 - liilioiH rrf form and the conventions of liw composers with Whom, in brief, content outweighs manner.—"How to Listen to Music," Krehbiel.

be; '■""■rd.iK I .nlh.t.

ther ;roods, IMhea.1- appearance Is to be preserved, should not 1H> kept in that are too dry. a* the brat will -anse the leather to crack, Nor in damp places thai Will make it moldy.' To freshen leather chair seats, travel- ing b.igs, book -overs, etc.. that have l> iiin sTlnHhy or spotted, rub them wltl] Hie well beaten while of an egg Sole leather bags are best (Manned by using ordinary russet shoe polish, i leaning them ID the same way that sioes are cleaned.

Pair hat la

• f i

The Roelal murt. Hostess- I want yon to take !y over there by the door in to

ler. My husband says she is a hit n old frump, but as she bus money

one of bis greateit friends has just married her for it.-and we must' be nice to her. 'Juest I am sorry, but. you see. I am the particular friend who married hei.

ises. Tramps, too, urn loath to pus the "watch dog hen," which n:..ies lier feathers and flies in their faces.

Because of a recent order of the boat Office department cutting the sal: ty or the clerk in charge just one-half the Kennlngion center station of the Hep nhigton- (VM- postontee - has-ber-tr-dis continued. The office was esiabo-hed 140 years ago and has been In CSBStnUl operation ever slme. It was the oldesl post station la the state.

People who are received by the po|*e must appear in full evening dress, ul- though the hour is usually at 1Lo'clock in the morning. The outer office looks like that of a gotsl New York lawyer. A pleasant young secretary in secular garb meets the visitors. All is very simple, not iu the least awe inspiring. Visitors must kneel ahnd Ittas the pope's

ouut the hand. >s of no Prance Is to possess a new order of

• hlvnlry. It is to he styled the Order of Merit, is to be the Ereneh equiva- lent for the British Order of Ht. Mi chaei and st. George and will be espe- cially the reward for service in con- nection with foreign or colonial affairs. The order will also be given to foreign- -rs v\ ho have rendered seryhe to Trance.

l#eon Lewis, a former resident of Turlington. Conn., tins u new plan to own the earth. He writes from Hono- lulu that he is president of the New- Ear West Stock eiuupinn, fanned to j'cipiire the most desirable portions of lbs earth's surface that will remain above water when the great glacial deluge now impending shall have count again.

The use of furze In paper makfnp Miggests a new Mass of materials to lake the pub e of the rapidly d&MtppSfir ing timber supply. On boiling under pressure with caustic fDjflfl lye, treat- ing with sulphuric acid, bleaching with -Ylorlde of lime and Dually washing, the given plant is converted Into a i-ery white and solid pulp which has proved very suitable for paper milking purposes.

A man bought .i wooded nUtelds in Maine for $ii-"s) twelve years ago. He wild the lumber for .*<i;;ii. Net tpTOTt

\ inent $230. Next spring be planted needling apple trees) among the Mumps and at afted good apples on them. While the seedlings were growing he raised aheap and pigs on the ground. The trees began bearing in the seventh your. Last fall he cleared 1873 from Ida apple-, [jtfd spring bs sold the or chard for $3.850! ' A hu.Het thai hits the marl,, but does not kill.-has just been invented by Hr. Dalrliers of Paris, The details of Its construction are not mentioned, but it is said to be hollow and can be used several times, in a test for dud prac- tice pistols, were used with ateel guard* lesembliug u sword hilt, bscaose, al- though the bullet does not penetrste the clothing. It will wound baked flesh. Both men wore goggles. Out of 27^ shots 4Lrj struck some part of the bod ies of the duelists.

Mine. Em.rnu fcalve says there 1 nothing .i In proof of ft cites the fact that th first year of her engagement at tin

liter survlveR,


The husking party at Orand View farm, Henry Lacourse's residence, proved a. most r-rijoyable 'affair.

About 3S people, from Lawrence, An- dover and North Andover, attended

An excellent supper was served, and dancing and vocal selections contrib- uted to tho pleasure of the occasion.

Eddie Kelliher of, Lawrence frunlsh- id the Instrumental music.

The merrymakers were conveyed to the place in the barge, "favorite."


A large number witnessed thf pub- lic Installation of. officers of Bradstreol colony, I . O. I*. P., Monday ev.nlng.

The work was admirably performed by Miss Alice Loonsy, deputy supreme governor, and suite of Lawrence.

The list of officers is us follows: Governor—(dhVcr James M. C'ratg. Lieutenant-governor - .Miss Kaihcr-

hlC E. Donndly. Sceretary —B. L. Perley. Trejo-urer—Peter Hurrington. Collector- Mr.s. Ci. Wlllluiu Morgan. Sergeant-at-Arms — Mrs. f'r. William

Morgan. Deputy Sergeant* at-Armi — .Mrs.

Wentworth Lewis. Chaplain—Miss Emma I?, Trulnn. indite Sentinel—Henry A. Webster. niiiside Sentinel <b-orge H. Bhaw. Pianist Miss Elisabeth A. Murphy.

POBMEK Hi:sil)EXT'S ri'NKIt.M..

. The funeral of Abraham Holroyd, a former highly respected resident, who died oct. ii. of hemorrhage "f the brain, was held Sunday from his home, on Hyatt avenue, Itradtord, at 2 o'clock.

The deceased was a native uf Eng- land, coming to North Andover from i hat country.

\bout 2D years ago he removed to Bradford, where he since resided,

Mr. Holroyd was a worthy and use- ful rttlsen. ^

He was a painter by trade and a thorough and reliable workman.

lor a long time he has not been jytrong, hut has kept busily at work, doing his best with the strength that was in him.

tie was H member of Ihe First (,'hureh of «'hrist, Bradford, a kind husband and father and a good neigh- bor.

Mr. Holroyd will bo missed by a large circle of friends, who had come to know his character and worth.

He leaves a widow, one daughte and one sou: also, a brother in thli place and a Brother' in i •alif..rnia. an I two slaters in Hnverhlll. '

at the residence of his brother WH lard W. Parries, In the Centre.

William J. Maney returned Monday from a trip of ahout a week in New York.

Calvin of East Baugus ha:i bought of Horace E. Tow no the Lydla Towno place, at the confluence of Hex ford, Foster nnd Salem streets, in th^ Klmhall district.


The Holy Name society, numbering Irtfl men, assembled in St. Mtehaet'H chapel, Sunday morning, and, headed by the president, < ornelius J. Idaho ney. proceeded to the church, receiving convmunion in a hody.

Hev. J M. Gallagher, the pastor, of- ficiated.

The nid North sewing school will begin at \:A't Saturday ::fn-rn"on, n half-hour earlier than usual.

She*Mayor faaao poor of Haverhlll, a former resident, will probably be tt candidate for mayoralty honors in thai city at the oomlAv oaucnaes.

Mis;: Annie Duncan visited in Ames- bury, Sunday.

Russell (Mary week on a tour th

Mrs. William / started rgsl round the world a and Mrs. Henry t'lay Pierce of Louis, whose summer home is "Long worth place," Prides i 'rossing. Th pn rty took t hei r departure in th Pierces' private car. Mrs. Russell1

husband died during the early sum mer.—Sunday Globe.

leave the Den. Ezra Clark place, in the river district, fur 'Lawrence, the latter part of the week, to remain in the etty during the winter months.

Tho Parish Koger WolOOtt club cloven practices- Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings and Saturday afternoons. This week the boy.s are to practice 1-Ylday, instjead of Thursday 'nlg*hti Next Saturday they play the Amory club «u" Lawrence on the Grogan grounds.

(iranvllle P. Foss, Jr.. and" family and Mrs. BtmondS and Oen. H. Sltnonds leave Willow Brook, Prlday, for their winter residence,' in Boston.


Lovltlg tribute was paid, Wednes- day, by a numerous assemblage to the herisbed memory of Mrs. Michael J.

Moher, a highly esteemed resident of the Parlph.

North Andover was. largely repre- sented and there were people from Cambridge. Hnverhlll, Hyde Park. 'ant on, Ixewell, Lawrence, South

tlroveland and other places. Itev. F'r. J. C. Burns celebrated a re-

qulem high mass at 9 o'clock In St. Michael's churcih.

After the mass Frank Copplnger sitn)?—'*Jeru?iarenT;**

Henry Pea hody and Charles Murra of salem apehl Sunday in town.

The Neighborhood club meets, Thursday, Oct.'30, with Mrs. Daniel <i Berry, in the Parnham district.

A special meeting of Essex Count}; Pomona Orange is called for Monday evening. Ocfc '.'Ii, at C.roveinnd. The fifth degree- is to be conferred.

Latter* for Ortna Porter, Alexander M. Thompson and Carl G, Young arc tu the Pariah postofnoa,

Judge Harry It. Dow has qualified for (he second round In the Mcrrimaek Valley Country club contest.

\fter the church rites the, body was .conveyed to the Immaculate Coneep-

guest »( Mr. * lion ,.cm(Ver>-, for Jnttyment in the family Int.

A long cortege formed the funeral procession.

Patrick P. Keefe and Kdward Curtin of Cambridge. Denis M. Keefe of Can- ton, Thomas J. Keefe of LsVWmiOe, Arthur Keefe and Arthur* B. Keeie nerved as pall bearers.

Since Airs.' Mnh there have been many callers at the saddened home, a School street, to

tender their sympathy and offer pray-

Barberries are plentiful and of ex- cellent QUaHty and the s«me is tru- of cranberries,

In the football contest, between th- Ilamb'lers and ih« Beverleys of Law- rence, the former won. jy to 0.

Herman E. Wills of Cleveland, u, A. G, G. E. of the Brotherhood of Lb' eomotive Knglne^rs of America, hu left town after a visit with relatives

John A. Currier of Pranklfn, N. H., has been visiting here.

Eugene W. Fish, a Somervttlo letter carrier, is spending n(ir» days' vacation nt Deer Meadow farm, in llie Kimbail district, the rnsldenow of bis. father, Samuel A. Fish.


Rescue lodge. I. O. G. T., held on in- teresting meeting. Tuesday evening, Chief Templar Burpie K. Nelson in the chair.

Mrs. Kathleen F. Cogan, D, <\. C. T.. of Haverhlll, paid an official VIBU, and there were other vlslt«irs.

Throe members were Initiated. The report of the committee on the

Nupper and entertainment to be held, probably, Saturday evening. Nov. 10, Was accepted as progressive,

The negt meeting of the organization will take place on Tuesday evening, Oct. 30.

Walter S. Wrlgh-y, a student In the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, will spend Saturday and Sunday at his horns here.


These officers have been elected bj the. Holy Name society for the ensuing term:

President —James L. Toohey. Vice-President John F. Hannan. Secretary—M. J. Connolly. Treasurer -Hurry P. Cunningham.

The full couch ea-ket, In which the remains reposed, was an elegant one of m\v design. Il was* covered with lavender broadcloth, lined with cream satin and had silver extension hnndles.

In place of th- customary lines on the plate there Were two handsome de- Signs, bearing the words "At Rest" and having a Sacred Heart picture.

A choice display of h«Hiitifu! floral tokens of regard was tastefully ar- ranged.

The list follows: Cluster ol" white carnations, inscrib-

ed "From lb I> II to Mamma." This was held in the right hand of the deceased.

Pillow, lettered ■■Mother," from the children, Helen M. and Arthur J. Mo- her,

Barket, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kng- Hsh, Houth Orovstend.

Basket, Miss Julia Murphy. South Lawrence.

Basket,, the Misses Casey, Spray, Mr." and Mrs. Maurice Eng-

lish, Lawrence. Spray, Mrs. Ceorge Allen. Spray. Miss Ttn-retw Flanagan. Spray. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh. Mound, a friend.


Tuesday evening, Leonard P. John- son, the well known and very compe- tent dancing Instructor, opened his dancing school, In odd Fellows hall. umbr the auspices of the North An- dover drum corps.

There was a good attendance, nnd those present took a lively Interest' in the lesson.

Miss Liln M. Johnson efficiently pre- sided at the piano.

The school will hold sessions on ev- ery Tuesday evening, at tho same place, until further notice.

The public is Invited to attend.

L. B. Cordon, She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Ida Pearl Cur-


The plans for the winter's amuse- ment at the club Includo "Ladlev nights," which will be held when pos- sible on the third Tuesday evening of each month, under the joint auspices of the entertainment committee ami the tSUHes* Auxiliary. This month the. "Ladles' night" will take the form of a Hallowe'en party, which In to occur on Wednesday evening, Oct. 31.

Several tournaments are to be start- ed Immediately and suitable prizes will be ottered in each. The tnurnamonts In- clude bowling, pool, whist and check- er.", and entases mav be made at tho. uiflce In the cbib house or to the men Who have charge of each event The howling tournament will commence. Thursday of thla week. It in in charge, of Samuel V. Rockwell. Both bottle and candle pins will be howled.

Among the arrangements contem- plated lor the winter is a freer use of the game room, especially by the old- er members. Duplicate ^hls-t sets have been provided and plenty of phivjng cards. The room Is very pleasant and comfortable and is a quiet place where cards may bo enjoyed to the best ad- vantage. The older members are asked— to try It and make us of it often

Tuesday evening at tho Lawrence Opera house, the famous Keatuns In vaudeville features.

.A telegram from Wellington, New Zealand, to ihe Umdon Times, states* that the colonial government's land proposals are creating Intense Interest

*«.t,«i *an,u throughout Stew Zealand, eapeeit lamented deatTTTt||i, rlHll8f.s cowiemng „ij olrnsrVto

sell within 10 years the excess of land hold beyond $250,000," unimproved value, and the provislona preventing the present owners of 1000 acres of first clasa land or JiOOO ncrea of second Class land from adding to their estates either by freehold or leasehold. Thero is said to be a popular feeling in favor of Huch legislation, but landholders aw* making serious opposition.

Boston & Maine RR. Winter Arrangemnt, Oct. 8,1906

-\IpheuH Prance of Rose Meadow farm, in the Pond district, Is under sur- gical treatment at the Homeopathic hospital, Boston.

Sam D. Stevens and family take up their residence, about Nov. 1st, In An- dover, lor the winter.

Western Division,


For Boston—6.40, 7.10 ex., 7.24, 7.38, 8.07, ex., 8.53 ex., 9.15 ex., 9.30 ex., 10,05 ex., 10.55, 11.33 ex., a, m.; 12.24

'T7.&0, 1.40, 2.1:5, 3.15 ex., 3.20, 3.&C, 5.33 ex.? 5.44, 6.15 ex., 7.0O. 8.23 ex , ft.29, 10.20 p. m.

For LoWull—7.3K, S.07, 9.36, 10.55 a. m.. U.U, ^.25. 3.20. 3.56, 5.44, 6.15, 7.0», 9.:: 9 p. m.

For Andover—0.40, 7.10, 7.24, 7.38, 8.07, 9.15, 9:38, 1*06;" tt.33 a. m.; 12.24, 12.50, 1.40, 2.25. 3.56, G.33, 5.44, 6.15, 7.00, 9.29, 10.20 p. m. ^

For Haverhlll—6.51, 7.47, 8.19, 9.15, 10.25, 11.33 a. m,; 12.35, 1.48, It.Ofl, 4.08, 4.45, 5.04, 5.42, 5.47, 6.32, 6'lG, 7.58, 8.52, 10.20 p, m. B. 12.05 a. m. From South Depot, 4.03, 7.02, 7.52, S.37, 9.25, 10.31, 11.40 a. m.; 12.48, 1.55, .1.08, 4.16, 4.55, 5.11. 5.56, 6.41, 6.57, 8.04, 9.00, 10.30 p. m.; B. 12.14 a. m.

For Exeter, Dover, Somersworth—6.51, 8.19, 9.15 ex. a m.; 1.48, 4.45, 5.47. p. m.; (12.35. 4.08 p. b., for Exeter and Dover).

For Exeter, Dover, No. Berwick, Kcn- nebunk, Biddeford, Saco, Old Or- chard and Portland—6.51, 8.19, 9.10 u. m.; 1.48. 4.55, 6.32 p. m.

For Georgetown. ■Newburypo.rt, sails- bury and Portsmouth—7.47 a. m:

■ 12.85, 3.00, 6.04. 6.45 p. m. i For Merrlmac and Newton—6.5L 8.19, I a. m.; 12.35, 3.00, 5.47 p. m.

Harry Wormald has returned home * FoJ,faU?m- fw a., and Lynn-7.4.1, from the t.'onvalcscents' home at Wa- I „ 8'151

a* m; <-°2, 6 00 p. m. irerlev Ior Manchester and Concord, N. II.—

j 4.13, 7.C0, 9.17 a. in.; 1.15, 3.42, &.W, FRIDAY'S" PROGRAM AT THE 646 pl m'


The following program was carried out, Friday afternoon, at the Johnson high school:

I Piano .solo, Bagatelle Beethoven

V. M'NV; UAMHLKRS WANT T^5 ' The Pride Ot B»iUr?&Ma

PLAV TIlK_rBESCENTS. | ^°.!.. '' 'In/V.'r^^iy

Saturday 'afternoon tho Young The Long Whlb games on the Qrn.

VV. Henry Knowlcs Lowell.

John luston.

M. .Harvey Pttssed Sunday in

Sunday morning. Rev. Alba M. Mar- l.ev of Abirlborouuh, N. Ii., a former Pariah resident, preached at the M, ]■:, eiiurvh. in the evanhtft ''apt. Marajarol fHalg ot the Lawrence division. Salva- tion Army, conducted th- servloes, Sev- eral solos were beautifully rendered try a. I.avr. nee vocalist

A Rival-, opinion. ' Pans Opers ('ombpie at «t;,(HRi she end VIr8, style Mrs. c'Hshc has u great ",| All> *1-"*' ih ''♦•'d. America came

ffenl of PTBIKWII it. .Mrs. Parvenu-- '" ""' r*1'*''"''. «"d she accepted an « iheii if she nas n good deal of it, I a*sT»n»n* tot nijtt Bum. By the time

Limw-jshe |t"l II .-Heap. - Baltimore ^'' lmi1 ''cturheri and paid off-her~t>re-


The Junior Mllanne has elected tho 'illOWlng "Mieers;

Prestdenl Miss Farniy 1. Ooodhue. Vice-Prenldent—Miss Emily Driver. Hccrelnry.Treasurer - Miss Mnht I



Hume pt rscn or pi r.son« paid a visit the other night to Qrand View form. In the ivimball district, occupied by Henry Lacourse, and stole 2', Inns.

At the Democratic senatorial con- 'tlmulatlntf as debts" and| *,'n,t"n;l

,1ri KaV&fnTn, Monday after-

' noon,, Alderman David F. itoche of that city, who Is-wet] known h<\-.-, was nwninuicd as a

Ramblers play if»n grounds.

The Oral ofla, at L-34, will he wHh t; Patrick's Sodalltv of South Law-

rencc, the eecoad, at .1. with the Am* *ry club of Ijiwrence.

The Young Ramblers are verj* nxious to meet the Crescents of Jrl»- huen. Communicate with William Lawlnr.

15 Phillips court.


raaac C, Day of Weat Boxford Is in charge of < 'ongrtssmaa. Gardner^ campaign, and has opened hendmiar- Lfija in the Kimbail building, Boston, next to the office of the Republican state-committee.




J, too. turne«l and walked away. EVERETT L. GARDINER.

Bohrikr I., ii. n( Rionirhton hern iiu tl

person thni has ever* vlslb Rrockton fair. She is ,t ;-u. h ihy. She \> .i reatsti »*■ <i In tin orrarten ai the grounds

kr-old kind-

Life insurance was Invented by Pas- cal. whoM) "theory of probabilities" find •Itiw of sTermres" still govern the business.

Hunt, rs in t'anaan. Conn., do not have to iron for partridges, which geb helpleaaly drunk reeding on poge ber- ries and ore then easily captured. A number of intoxicated partridges hav ■ In.-ii tak*'« there

rlotoa debts she owed $40,<NS* more, mostly to dre-sin.ifeers She cuug hftfik to. America and made $l(H).dnu. She hai made more *tne** and ha* losmed to -aye and Is building a house for her •elf at Montpeller.

, Qeorla Angell,'secretary of the Hu- mane Soeletv and of the Rand of Met*

'•, bus offered fofty tio prizes ynd rortj ?:• nrlaes for theh conviction of any peraon shooting song birds in thla Htefe • / .

I 'harles I-;, Ward saw a large deer !ir?.w?!"K n,';ir Mf,flr hM|. in ,h'- Kim bail district, the other day,

.Vint, ,b»bii 1-lndinty Imii. been vUlUntf In Sonih OrovelaAd.

MtKS Kate

i Franklin, Putter pas H.

Krnlly l*. currier hft fr.-m a rortntght's sojourn al the inncn cottage, Saiisburj beach.

Varnuni . lat.'K I

rn. a fornu in \bthii. in Dra-cut.

re«i- hoa

Mr. nnd Mrs. George Farrips and dntighter. Ml-« Hertha, spent Sunday

v special meeting of the Young Men's Catholic association has been railed for Mundav afternoon. Oct. 81. at 2 o'clock.

As blMlness of importance i* to be icted upon, every member is request-

>-d to be present.

Miss Katharine E Donnelly and Miss Elizabeth A. ■ Murphv Mervod as membem of Miss Alice (1. I.ooncy lUlte at the installation of the ohleei if Essex coi,my. p. ii. p. p., in Law- rence Tuesday evening.

Seleetrmn James (?.. Poor, candidate lor county Commissioner, is to speak with Congressman Gardner at a Repub- lican rally, in Haverhlll, Friday evening, Nov. 2.

At ihe JOth district Democratic repre- sentative convention, held in Haverhlll, 'he oth.r .evetibiK, t'onslabl^ 1'. J, Dealey and Harry F. Cunningham were cimaeu members of th» dlstriol committee.

Joseph H. ttone tante here this af- t' rnnon from Wynona. N. ii., for u, few days" stay.

Jean InKelo.v .Miss Florence Stone.

Address at Gettysburg I.meoln th^fph Currier.

Jimmy Rrown U*. L. Aldeii Miss Ruth Hamilton.

Selection from "Washington's Farewell Address"

Charles Wllcox. Piano solo, The Robin's Return .

Miss Edith Khowlea Roll-Ca.ll Nathaniel I'. Shepherd

Miss Harriet Smith. Lord " 'hatham Against the Am-

erican \Vnr Richard Houghton,

For Penacook, Franklin, Lebanon and White River Junction—7.SO, Ml a. in.; 3.42, ti.tfi p. m.

For Warner, Rradford, Sunapee, New- port (N. H.> Claremont nnd Clare- mont Junction—7.30 a. m.; 1.1&, 3.4:, p. m.

For Til ton, LftCOnlS, Lakeport, Mer'1- < dith, Ashland and Plymouth, 4.13, *J.17 n. m.; l.lfi, 3.42. G.tfi i>. m.

For Lisbon. Littleton, Whitefleld, Lin- easier, Jefferson and Fahyan—413, 9.17 n. m.; 1.15 p. m.

For St. Johnsbury, Lyndonvllte and Xlurbronke, vht White River Junc- tion—9.17 a. m.; MS t>. m.

For Montpelier. Essex Junction, Bur- lington. St. Albans and Montreal via. C. V. line—9.17 a. m.; 6.46 p. m.

For Montreal via. Montreal and Bos- ton air line—9.17 a. *m.; 6.46 p. m.

For Quebec—via. White River June* tlon—9.17 a. m,i 8.46 p. m.

LEAVE SOUTH LA\VRENCE. For Merrlmac—7.12, 8.27 a. m ,;15.4S,

3.06, ST16 p. Curfew Ivongfatlow p,lr Exeter—4.03, 7.02,'* 8.27, 9.25 „.

Miss Edna Watts. I j2.48i i.c5( 4,Ui iMf ~Ml, 6.41 p. m. \ppeul to the HungnrlMnH .. Kossuth For stations hetween Exeter and N<irth

Arthur Daw. The Life Moat DatrotMt

Miss Claribelle Hanson. Sonp. "Roekcd in the Cradle of the

Deep" knight Meaara. Ptcltey, Baraillon, VVoll,

I-, itch, Towne.

27 a. m.; 12.48, 4.H.

.Ntr. nml Mr

On the Orogan grounds, Friday nf tetnoon, the Johnson hitrh school tean played ;i tie game with tin , T'oncbur. eleven! of Andover.


The funeral ol Peter Reerea will oc-;

cor from bis late home, fix Marble-' head stre-t, Monday afternoon. I

Services nt n o'clock Itev. H. I'sher Monro, rector of St.'

Paul's church, is to officiate. Burial in the family lot ;it Ridge-!

tvood cemetery- t The store of the deceased on Kagex

striH-t, Lawrence, will be closed Mon- ■ day. l


Herwlck—7.02, 5-Gti p ...

For Dover, North Berwick, Kenne- bunk, Saco, old Orchard and Port- land— 7.02, 8.27, 9.25 a. m.; LBS, 4.65 6.41 P. m. * ihe Ol train connects for all sta- tions on the. Maine Central anil C.r.ind Trunk at Portland. The 1.55 p. m. train connects with the Maine Central It. R. at Portland for Lew (stop, VVatervllle and way stations. >r North Conwuy and way, stations —!».-!» a. rn.; L.CJ P- m.

For W'oifborti 9.25 a. m.; 4.55 p. m. For Fahyan—!'.25 a. m.-

8UNOA1 TRAINS. For Bostop nnd way stations— 7.23,

8.15, 10.10, 11.33 ex., a. m.; l-'lft, 1.36, 2.40, 3.50 ex., 5.41, 5.55 ex., 7.43, «.2S. ex., 8.4'., 10.20 p. m.

For Lowell—8.18 a. in.; 12.10, 2.40, 3.50. 5.55. 8.45 p. in.

For Hrtverbitl—9.05, 11.18 n. rr-; 12.50, 1.48, 3.03. 4.U, fi.46, 752. 9.2.1, 11.02,

I p. m; South Depot, ^.45 u. ni. HARVEST F°r Manchester, N. H.—12.20, 9.10 ft.

; m.; 1.02, 7.01 p. m. 1 For Portland—9.05 a.' m.; 1.48* 6.45 !►.


Penelope Rehekah lodge, I-. t>. O. F., <-onduete<l » very successful harveal supper, Friday even ing, in Odd Pel* lows liainpiet hall.

There was a large attendance. bountiful supper was. served

m. Southern Division.

TRAINS LEAVE NO, LAWBBNCfi. E-ir Boston—6.30, 7.30 a. m.; 4.52 p. m, For Wobum—6.30, .7.30 a. m.J 4.5S P-

Mrs. I'hnrles trom SCoteb Vlllnge. N'-wl ScHa.

i—ILMiry-UrlhUtmun- and Payaon have returned).I

from r, to s ovioek Eollojving the supper whist nnd other

games were played. Mr-i. William Hallidov, Mr.


win, Mrs. Oeonre I. Dlckev, Mrs. Hants county,; i harles W. Hlnxrnnn and Mrs. Willis ni

j Mackic, the eflelent committee of ar- w „ , [rangetnents. «ere HHsinted .bv Mrs,

Joseph Reddy nnd Patrick Nolan of'lobn H. Greenwood, Mrs Oeorge L Dorchester hav been visiting m thu Harris., Mrs. Joseph A. Hinchcllffi- residence m Hlebnrd HcBtOV, Phil-1 "" lips court.

For Lowell—7.30, 11.45 a. n p. m.

■Tohn B For Snlcm, Mass —7.3Q a^

4.52, 6.46.

; 4.52 P-

For Ayer nnd wny stntions—4.52 p. m, 10,65 a. m.; 3.56 p, rn,; from W. Dlv. station.

For Peterboro, Oreenlleld. Bcnnlngton. *" p. m„ from W. Dlv. station.

Mrs. William M. Fernahl. Miss lona P^L'l22in5t!?* ^^SP?1^^ M******m I-ike and Miss Marian Fernahl Wilton-7.30, 11.45 a, m.; 4.52 p. m.

H. D. Hinxman sold |pb Jlckets and For Na*»i»ft—"-^. U.45 a. m.; 4.^. orps wilt tMtlcer .fnmes M. Cralg on the f:A:\P m The North Andover dr

parade on Essex street, Lawrer rday evening, to aovertise the com- ■g dance. _ _ v| Mrs, A. P. currier has been sum-

—— " fmoned to Hampden Corner, Me., tiy ^ r.ostnv A. Yunggebauer nnd family ;the criticnl Illness of her mother. Mrs. |

H rRxcept Mondav. C. M. Burt.

■ ** Gen. Pass. A|i J. FLANDERS.

Paas. Traffic Manager.




The Cheerful Workers, of the Bap list church, lir-ltl a regular mwimg at tin' parsonage Friday evening. The fol- lowing officers were elected: President, Mrs. John Mugulre; vice-president, Mrs. William Thomson; secretary, Mrs. Arthur Jenkins, directors, Mrs. Joseph Price, Mrs. Varniini Sanhorn, Mrs. Robert Fisher, Mary OltifT and Henry Kletnke.

it was voted i" hold the Christmas gulfi Dec. 7. , _ mm-

A social and cobweb party will he held this evening by the young people .,t the 2nd Primitive Methodlat church, ht the parsonage.


Cheater K. Pierce of Rochester, Vt., and Mis- Abble A. Hubbard of (Jran- ville, \'t , were married ibis week by Rev, Judson P." Man In, pastor of the L'nlveraalisl church. The couple came because they Knew Rev. Mr. Mar- t in 14 rears ago when in* was located in \eniK-nt and vanted to be married here. The ceremony was performed at Kev. Mr. Marvin's home. Stevens street, and was followed by a dinner.

. and Mrs. Pierce were accompanied

I must be in by Saturday, Oct. 20 at 3 o'clock.

r The October ringing or the Samuel j Adams chapter, D. A. R., was held Sat- I urday afternoon in grange hall. Re- gent Mrs. Lewis St. Barnes presided. After thv business neat--Ion a paper was read by Mrs. Sarah Russejl on "'Pion- eer Women of Massachusetts." . Miss Jennie Gordon gave A reading entitled "The riamfcrel Roof." The meet ing

proved ad interesting one.

The Lawrence district Sunday school convention will be held Wednesda at Phillips chapel. There will be u session ni :i in the afternoon and ano- ther at ?.30 In the evening. The prin- cipal address In the evening will be given by Prof. C. W. Blshcll of BGStori university. ■ . ■■_

An enjoyable social and cobweb par- ty was held Saturday evening by the young people of, the Second Primitive Methodlat church at the parsonage. The niograni Included musical numbers by Miss Helen Frye. Miss vfoletta. Sil vert borne. Misli Amy Kmsley, MlM Dorothy Amiss end Miss MocrJJJ and remarks by Rev. Chjtrleg H. JOrshaw and Ren Bmeley, president of the young people's society. The committee in charg" of the affair included Miss Maud Five. Miss Lillian Sllveithnrno

id Harold Craven.

I Boston by Mr. Marvin.


and A successful harvest supper ■ale was conducted Friday evening by the Ladies' Social union ol the I'niv.-r •allst church in the- church hall, Hampshire street. A bountiful supper was served from *; to s o'clock, there being four tables to a ceo m module the numher of patrons. Those in charge |i

the supper and their assistant "eluded Mrs. John*y. Hill, chairman Mrs. T, \V. r.iburn, Mrs. G. A. Lewis Mrs. ('. vR. Qtlmani Mrs. A. J. Mooiii. Mrs! diaries H. «'ooper, Miss Nettle I, Kellev. Mrs. (.'. R. Aver and Miss Helen Simmons. A sale of aprons was conducted by Alts. John F. Russell and M'ss My re Hiodgett. Preserves were sold by Mrs, Isaac <'. Brown and Mrs. IV*. L. Sawyer and vegetable* by J. ft Gordon and George H. Richardson. The goods not sold prior' to S were auctioned off by [aaac c. Brown. A neal sum was realised from the sup- per and sale.


Resinning Saturday nighi las I Hie fe theatre train ffnm Boston made

Manchester. \. II., its destination. Hopping at Mrtliuen. This train will run to 'Ma iy shelter evei«v .Saturday night hereafter.

Mrs. Will Clark was In cha-rge of the voung peoples meeting held at the Rapt 1st church Sundav evening. Mis Marion Lfbby led the young people' nieeiing ai the 1'niveisaUst chinch.

Rally day exercise* were held ft! the Methodist Sunday. A concert

as given by the members of the Bun* iy school.

The Tiger football team defeated the Riversides or Lawrence in a hard'

ght game on the playstead Satur afternoon, by the score of n to o

The cadets held their regular drill Fi id.iv i 'apt Percy Rughee was in command.

The new cadet company which has been formed bv the young ladies of the school, held a drill Prtday. Sub-Mas- ter Fdgiir Gilbert acted ns drill mas- ter.

At u meeting of the athletic asso- ciation held Thursday, Harold Craven, 07, was elected captain of the football team. Raymond Cneeney. '01, was elect- ed manager.

QUldIng Star lodge. I. O. G. T.. held a regular meeting Friday evening, it was voted- to hidd a pie social Friday evening, Oct. Rt. The follow ing com* m It tee U to have full charge: Minnie Jackson, chairman: Mary Troy and Byeretl Cowell

Alexander MaeGeoch, the bridegroom who was injured at his wedding Thursday night by falling down stairs, is considerably Improved. He was able to walk out Friday. Mrs. MacG-och, who was with' her husband when' he fell down stairs, fainted and fell also. She was unconscious two hours. She was unable to leave the house Friday. j|he lias been under the care of a physician and in a day or two will doubtless be all .right again. It was learned Friday that the cause of the accident wag that someone was hold- ing the .oat Of the biidegt |p and lei go of it suddenly as he was trying lo get away on the stairs. His wife was beside him and when he '• n she was forced over. Upon their recovery Mr. and .MIS MacGeoch win enjoy a hon- eymoon trip.

/' Mr. and Mrs, Frederick* Jackson of

Ma>le parl . went to Boston Thursday to meet th dr oldest daughter and sun w ho arriv il on the Saxonla rrom Leeds, lor (Shire, Kng, •

Mrs. Jan es Lester of Balem was in town Frida y.

Mr and Mrs. S. W. Youpg have 1 from a short trip to New Y


Miss Alice Guard spent Sunday Way land visiting relatives.

Olive Alexander town relatives.

is visiting out of

Landscape gardners are making great improvements on the grounds

bout ihe Xevins home on Broadway,

Twelve football suits have been pur- chased by the association of the High school. The out-look Is good for strong team.


Sunday, who is. ill at the home of her son, Daniel H. Tblweil of Cyprus street, Lawrence, Mrs. 'I bissell is closely related to the Wilson family of the Arlington district. There »ls small hope of her recovery.

Miss Gertrude.Glavtn has returned to Wollaslon after spending several dayt< at her home on Broadway

A bean supper ia to be held at Phtl- Hps*ehape], Wednesday evening. Oct.

Mrs. G. A. H. Coupe, who is dem- onstrating at the Boston food fair, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Driver on Centra street,

Letter Carrier John Healey has re- sumed bis daties at the post office, after having been confined to hpr home for a week with sickness.

The high school Cootbfi practico Moudav.

II squad held

Miss Jessie Greene Ring at the home of Inn Goldsmith on S

of Beverly Is vis- Mr. and Mrs. Al- iens street.

Mrs. W. R. Libhy of Stevens street ipeni Sunday in Huston.

George. G. Adams will remove to 18 High street Thursday.

Mrs. I'la Bllliiigtou and son, Ray mond. formerly of Rldgc street, have moved t,i Lynn.

Walter Boble of Salem Is visiting his folks at ihe family home on Walnut street.

Mrs. C. M. Whlttier of Stevens street spent Monday in Boston.

Miss Jennie McDonald, who has been spending the summer at her home in Nova Seotiii, has returned tu town fbT the winter.

Mrs. Jennie-Rerry of Pleasant street visited frleDdg in Lynn, Monday.

Mrs. M. T. Huichinson and daughters, who are now living in Nantucket, will remove to the Gage cottage on Gago street, sometime the latter part of November.

Dart of Concord lo 1 :<i Oakland

Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Junction will remove avenue this week.

Josephine Bower is sick at the bom" of her parents.—Mr=~and Mrs, Charles Bower on Oakland avenue.

Frank Brawn, who e house at 48 High


The choir buys of AH Saints' church •re given a supper in the new parish .use Monday evening. The supper

was planned by the mothers of Ihe thefr choir boys. The committee In charge! were Mi?s Sarah Bpurr, chairman: Harold Maep Ethel Warwick and Nellie poster.;recovering fron Slupper.-waa>-«exvud by. JJie—committee

charge of the affair. Rev. Mr. and Mis. tj. V. Russel and Choir Master Predertck Johnson were present.

Tha choir boys are planning to fur- nish two rooms In the parish house in

hich will be held meetings of the Choir Boys' club. The remainder of the new parish house will be furnished, by I

Harry R. Oasetdy has 'been awarded Hie 188 reward, which Wfts offered Cor the capture of Joseph P. Murphy who escaped from the Concord reformatory, and was re-arrested an the Connolly farm

Maria Segrr of Lynn N -visiting at ihe horn- ol Mr. and afrsj Warren HUtchIne, il Charles street.

recently bought lrej>t. will move

laid is reported to recent illness

The directors of the Voung Men's Christian association plan io purchase a considerable list Of pcriodic.ils; to b. sent directly to the rooms, The> would be glad to receive, in addiii<|, snrh papers or magazines us individ- uals may be willing to donate, it thee* can be forwarded, regularly end promptly to the rooms, after the n scribcrs have had an op|><u tunttv look them over. The denominational Weeklies are suggested. Hmong Others, and the literary monthlies, such us Harpers and The Century. Person.* having periodicals which they are will- In*; to contribute will kindly communi- cate with tin- gchcral Becretary, Mr, Murray, or with C A, Breck.

The directors of the Y. M C. A' have purchased two Lindeman pianos of ihe Lawrence Piano company, which Will be placed In the buibling at once.

A small party of .local young men attended a halt given by ihe UrooK ville Athletic and Social club in Lowell Thursdaj evening. The party stayed o\er night in Lowell unri returned home Friday morning.

th*> other organisations of the church. Thy members of the All Saints' choir

are JTredertck Langford. Jidm Meager, William Suger, George Sager, Frank Goldsborough, William Quance, Alfred Qua nee, Albert Smith, Percy Smith. Harry Reed. Jesslu Leaver, Walter Jcwette, William Jewette, Roy Bower, Arthur Bower, James Adams, Walter Wilkinson, -l'red Wilkinson. Arthur lOustwood, Walter Pstsold, William Langford, Herbert Preston. Fred Kel- lett and Pred Swales.


Ben.jle W. currier, for many years a resident of lhh» town, died Monday at the home of his brother, F. L. Cur- rier, on Currier street. Mr. Currier had been sick for several monlhs, suffering with asthma of the heart. He was born in Salem. N. H., Nov. i>, is«',. and came to Methuen when a boy. He had always lived here with the ex- ception of live years when he was night watchman at the Oegood mills in North Andover. Mr. Currier's wife died only a few weeks ago. He is survived by one brothey. K. L. Currier of this town and one sUter. Mrs. QeOrgS A. Siutth <>r North Andover. The funcral-*w'ill be held at his brother's home at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in Walnut Grove cemetery.

James Benjamin has resigned liis P< sitioii with George Corliss and .has Bi cepted one with John Q. Hill.

The Ladies' Aid society of the Met! "dlst < bur h met Wednesday afternon with Mis. Edgar L. Silver and rated

hold B i hicken supper at tile cluir. h ■stry. Wednesday evening. Nov. 7.

The society will meet iit-xt Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Woteotl at the parsonage to eetect the committee and arrange fur other details.

the clerk. Lortn O. Norrls. The church has I'L'.'I members and there were 116 present to answer to their names. Clerk Norrls read a number of Tellers from absent members. Reports wire made

iy officers of the church and piesktents i the different socletiea connected with

the church. Reports were submitted by Treamuer L. M. Nichols. 'riier.on P. Fisher for the Bible class. Mrs. Lewi* A. Grass for the Farther Lights and Young People's societies'." Mrs. Lorln O. Norrls for the Ladies' Missionary society and 'Mrs. John Maguiie for the Cheerful Workers. The reports showed the > hurcb and socleiies to be in a very prosperous condition. Officers and commillees were elected as Pillows for the ensuing year: Lorln **. Norrls, lerk; L. M. Nl-hols. treasurer: Lorin ). Norrls and L. M. Ntrhots, deacutil or t wo yea rs: Rev. M r. Fisher, t he

de.o ons, Mis* Alma Gitflin. Mrs. John Barker. Mrs. Lorin O. Norrls and Mrs

I>. Price, examining committee; pastor, L. «». Norrls. Minx Griffin, Mrs. Price and Miss Alblua Howe, missions ominltl'c: Mrs. Henrv Kleinke. Char- es Hutch Ins, Mrs Will clork. Mrs. G. W. Barnes. Mrs. WIllia'Tu rnotnpson ind Miss Julia Emerson, eoiomilte* oi baptism. After the business meeting an In-

terest ing address was given by Rev S. R. Grenl. P. P., Of Havcrhilt. on •lOvangelism. the natural work "*f the

Church.*' Mrs. Moore of Andover gave vocal selections during the evening.

Th, prnceedtttgs~of-Vlve-e-venmg vvei presided over by the pasior. ReVS R. R Flahsr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. M-T. ill lia Urned fiom their trip to Main*

e re-

The Ladles' Roclal versnlist church inef Marvin on Stevens

Union of the Uni- ts' With Mi's. J. P. direct this after-

Alagaader Mcoeocn, who wall injure.' by fnlling down sialrs Ht bis wedding last week iios recovered from bis mjur- i. s and resumed his duties in Lawrence.

Mrs. Orinda Turner. Wire of M. A Turner died Tuesday at Salem On tie. \. H. She' was born in Lincoln Me.. In 18*1. but had lived in ibis vic- inity a greater part of her life. For a number of years the family resided it South Lawrence. Besides a luisbam she Ica.ves one daughter. Mrs. Howard Low,of Boston, her husband being an engineer on the Huston A Maine rail road; two sons, one living in Salem an-' the other in this town, and three Ms- ters. Mrs. McKeen and Mrs. Ros.

Th" G. O. B. club of North Andovei will conduct a social assembly. Thurs- day evening, in Merrlmack hall, f good time is assured. Music: Ourren'i orchestra. Cor for Lawrence after th< dancing.

The Willowdale club held a regulai meeting w the club rooms on Barkei street Tuesday evening. Thomas Had tfer was admitted as a member of tin cluii. A smoke talk will be held Satur- day night, Oct. -7, at the club rooms.

Mrs. Henrv Abbott and daubhter Helen of Hanover, N. H.. are vlsitln* a* t!it. home of Mrs. Frank M. Douglas on Hroadway.

Rev. Charles R. Breck will icl tl moderator at b'e semi-annual meettnx oj Uac Andover <.■onference of Congrega- l .il ■ I h"e"« which will "T.e Hel.T XT Trinitarian church, North Andover Tuesday.

Arthur Boutin of 38 Chelmaford St. and Miss Mary Roy of 77 I-:: Broad way. wer- uuinled Monday morning a, St. Anne's . hiirch, Lawrence, by Fr Hnmet.

I Thoma« Badger of Barker mreel ha? .resigned bid position ai the Bvareti (mills and lias entered the employ ol jsianeiiiieid. ihe Lawrence hardware

og belonging to William dealer. iQwell street went ma<5

A valuable Barnard of Monday and was shot. A yard when the dog went mad w, ten and died soon after. The b. the <l"g has been sent to New io be examined.

procut. where it t which was in ihe

bit- I of



Mrs Cbarloite " . t r. Mis. Duvld S

1 B few davs with | ai Brookllne ) The iwirth-bound

(■in 7.17 has been ch

Had ley and daugh Rmery. are sn-'iidini

relal Ives and frKml


A. Drake

Rev. Thomas P. Evans, former tics town, will leave Billerica this ri\'ai ■" month to be. ome past-v "f the Holt Is- echedule. ion Baptlai church, Rolltston, Mass.' "i**; Rev Mr. Evans' resignation with the hey farm s Billerica church takes effect Oct. 21. A |"B,n« m '" week later he begins his pafl,orate with > »ey anpeop the Hrdliston .Hunch. . i' >""? within

been pasior of Drake was worWl

ain due I ge.l and t to Hie winie

II. Ten

Mr E the Baptist more than nin. July, 1897, shortl

He was boi i, England, in l*J8, education In il

liu has

ch of Billerica for ars. locating liiere In after being ordained. st. Agms. Cornwall,

and received his early SCl Is of that town.

niill pond, where he will soon erect a house.

John T. Link-field, formerly black- smith at Canoble^ X^ake. has moved from Mlllvllle to Nor.h Salem, where he will re-enter the employ of the Atlas Manufacturing "company as en- gineer and general mechanic,

Senator Cole sold. Saturday, to Pr. V. N. Sikorsky, a tract-of land cover- ing 10 acres near the car barn. A road H being built through the new pur*

L-hase and ' very desirable bouse lota will be staked off.

Auctioneer .1. A. McAVoy of Canobte Lake, sold a'lot of running tools, household furniture, etc., ot the home of Mrs. Emmi'llne Btmond* (,f North Salem Saturday afternoon.

"Louis Heaudin of Wheeler's Mills. ■iu» a.copied a position In the Arling-

ii -nulls, Lawrence. The members of the M >•( IM "I I -1 arch. North salem. will purVhaee a

jell Tor i lie edifice and a committee ias beep appointed for that purpose.

Allen Halfch of North Andovei, Mass. passing n few ilflv at the-home of

is lister, Mrs. Charles E. awrrlsoh. Howard A. Smith of Haverhlll .--pent

Sunday ai his home near the ear bain ev. .lames A. Beebe of Dee Molnea, a. who is a guest of Rev. C. H.

Pali, preached an. intfi*esiing sermon it the evning servb» HI the Pleasant treel M. E. church 3und-y. The at- endance was large and Mr. Beebe nade a decided impression upon his

North Andover claimed. However, there waw some quesiiun about It. 'I li- tollowing was the lineup or the local team- O'Connell !e, Homer Judge It. ayiMond. Ig, Mchuovji and Kletcher lg, Phillip L'ole and Baymond Mclntosh.

Percy Dole rg. Maurice SaJomotison and Louts Lindsay, it. Phillip Hardy re, Thomas Kvle qb, Henry Boland hb.

ank L. Smith (cap! t rbb, James An- derson fb. Referee and umpire. Prlncl- •1 Charles L. Curt's. Linesmen, Jew- tt for Andover. Carter for. North An- lover. ^

Thomas orch'estrs will furnish mu- sic for dancing st the social and dance.

i) be held in Pilgrim hall, under the unpices of the II B. .\i . club, next

Thursday evening, Cars l.or Luwrenc ■ and North Andover after the dunce.

. P. Chase Is Fpendlng several davs tu Brsingncld. Vi., si in. home of bis

pr, Mrs, W. H. Haskell. of that place.

A number of old Andover men. In- idlng Andrews and Murphy, are

members of the Yale Freshmen foot- ball ele\ en which makes its appear- unce here this a-i'ternoon, when It will ontest with the Phillips academy I even.

|lev. VV. E. Lombard of the Baptist hiinh and Rev. l-'rank It. Shipinan of

the flkwth church. Will exchange pulpits on Sunday morning, while Prof. K. Y. Hincks of ihe Seiiiluaiy chapel and Rev, J. Bdggr Park of the \Wsi hurch will also exetiange pulpits..

Tin ry if


which served at the recent lUperlpr court, Judge C. A.

Lawrence presiding*

He came to America when about 18 years of age and studied In the Kim- ball Union academy of Meriden. N. n. ReV. Mr Evans also took a course or instruction in the Albion college. Al- bion, Mich. He totet? attended ihe New- ton Theologi. al seminary. New ton. Mass. He was ordained to the ministry

th. loiirn the cl the

d an association to bo known as Hl \fethuen iti l*W and went to BUIeri i.i..un> association. Court axl-

I lust Friday at Salem and at lose of the session Judge DeCourcy presented with an expensive both1

bv ihe members of the.jury, .ludgo urcy made a very pleasant speech boon pastor ceptanoe. Highway Surveyor Dow m the

town was a member-of the jury rnlnll

the same In comtnei

Billerica, a following co

For nine


anil became a member of the Dei cj association; «h(ch will meet In Law pence in the near future.

year, ting on hisfgyastors Lowell paper print i iipliuieiil.u v notice: ears l!e\ Mr Kvans ha-* f the Eicst Baptist church of ill" town. His term of been one nf unfailing (VI-



iss Qladyi Morse of Pelham street, surprised Saturday night by a

i her of friends. Miss Morse was tented with a beautiful gold ring, with a Targe ruby. The presentation rh was made by Miss Alice iady. Miss Morse expressed ner Itude In a few well spoken words.

tu s were played and refreshments e served during the evening.

The annual roll-call and supper of the Baptist church will be held Tues- day evening iHHhe church vestry. The

I iu| hour will precede the sap***'.. Which. Will be served at 7.30. During

, the social hour, and while supper is he- Ing served, music will be furnished by an orchestra. After supper wilt come the reports from ail ol the ehureh orgnn- i/ailon. Mts.^JMojire of Andover will favor with several-vocal selections.

Rev, E. it. Cruel r>. l>., of HavorifllV will address the congregation.

Rov. Bobert WiMcott, pester of t)in

Method I si church is planning tor a ter.-optician lecture on Pgllstlne, to be

given by IP-V. i:. .1. Aiken of Concord. X, HT; at "tin- Methodist church ill the near future.

Hope lodge. 34, I. O. O. E., will pay \B fraternal visit to Andover lodge. |I0( Wednesday evening. Oct. -L and will present to that lodge the "travel- ling cabinet" received In the*spring from MlSpab lodge of Haverhlll. Spec- ial cars will convey the party to An- dover.

Htv His efforts and constant care for the good of his chur.h have been con- tinued through the flay« of discourage- ments as faithfully as through those of brighter ones. His heart was ir his work and his work reflected the desires of his heart. In all the (hanging vicis- situde* incident to n pastor's career, j

till in good health he was happily sustained and assisted I u woman Of her by Mrs. Evans. She wag the pastor's,

wife, indeed, and the sincere helpmeet. , Beyond their 0J*n denominational I Mr. and Mrs. Rvans have been known and valued for their sterling qualities of heart and mind. They have been the kind neighbor citizens of lion- MI and Integrity, the friends of the doubled, and the needy. Posessors of rich minds, they have shared their mental gifts freely with others. Mr. (•Ivans' Illustrated lectnrel have been i feast Of enjoyment to many. Mi'-1,

as o valuable member or the "1900 club." besides sharing Its usual fi'utf s. has also served as its president.' Their going forth to accept a m-w ceding to the pastorate at Roillaton, Mass, means the severing or a He not merely of their own society, and peo- ple but »f the f'ouimuniiy. for they nave been loval frtendri to thoee, « other creeds, or hellers, than their own. They will be missed Here,, but the good Wishes of all attend them, and hopes for their future happiness are, for ihent nurtured, in many hearts.

Mr* RvSna was fOTinerlji wtes May all lo way o' <nlw L°wn.

Mrs. Emollne Hallj mother of Henry N, Hall of ibis town, observed her B0th birthday anniversary in' a quiet manner one day last week in Nashua N. H. Mrs Hall is and very smart fe advanced age.

Announcement is made of the mar- riage or Miss Lena W., daughter of w. H Knight, of Lancaster. N. H., and Allen ' Sewall of New Bedford, fore- man of the Southern MaeaaohURetts Telephone company. Thoj ceremony took place Saturday at Stw Bedford, Rev, P.. Howurd Perkins officiating. Mr. Bewail is well known here, where he was married u number of years ago a ",;1

Mi— Alice Clark, who afterward died 'V iddciily. |

Thomas White, formerly clerk at the Arlington Co-operative association,has opened a store for the sale of dry goods, boots and shoes, etc., at 7 Cra- V. n street, The mutiv frlendi of Mr. White wish him success In his new enterprise

f the c three fUll-grown deet

pasture a few days "ago very tamp and the mal< Hi Teet of wlier.- \li

after a fee minutes sauntered calmly tlnough 11n fields towni .1 Canobte Lake,

I Prof, and Mrs. FVClayton Kecorfl a- | tended the food fair at Boston Frtda\ I Miss Ida Smith has returned to-he

home ai Topeneld. Mass., after a short .'..v at tne home of her brother, con ductor E. A. Smith.

' Edward V Klee is spending a few days with bis family at BomervUie Mass


I Two gentlemen of New York. Inti i -eitted in the manufacture of chemical*,

' wen- in town recently, for the purposi tlh| ihe vacant huildlng own .■ Oxalic Acid I'" re weemlDgly impressed will niefi. es and' tine facilities Ml bm not tjufte satisfied wltl

Hi,, icweragc condltlone. afembera ol the boartl ol trade explained thai ai

nve suitable piping cmil ' bus removing all offensl ,i. t panics' the making

President Cole SI the bo., strong hopes of the ... ting here and states tl ni , uipluj fip person


The officers of General Stark colony. l\ o P E.. or Pelhitm. were installed '»y Deputy Supreme Officer William severance and suite of Qarfleld colony. Lowell,'Friday evening. At tills same

leeiing the i'r.ih analveresry of the dony's Instil ution was also observed.

tu reading a historical paper. Mrs. Alice Hlllman paid a glowing tribute 'o the late William (J. Butler who ser- ved the colony In the office of secretary for ~* years, being abseni from only seven.meeting! durlt; that period, A

■he close of the work ana exercises, an xceilent -upper.was served and the o.■-

casion proved a moat enloyablp on ind was largely attended.

Miss (leorglanna Waldron. formerly teacher at the Mlllvllle sc-honl, but now located Ht Hltpdiaiu. Mass., bae return d after a short stay at ihe home of

S. Milton Kelley of Mlllvllle Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Woodbury have

nt urned from a Bve days' stay New York.

Conductor .lames A. McLachlan has reived a leave of absence from the reet railway for the winter and ac- •pted a position as loomtlxer at Kun*

hardfs mill. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Levl Woodbury and

Mrs. Carolina Foster left this morning Washington. 1>. C after spending

the season Hi the spacious summer Ion t the former at CanoMe JA\W. Mr. W'o.idbury is proprietor of the St. lames hotel at the capital.

Misses (iertrude Felch and Ethel )amon of North Sabon have .secured msitio-ns in Emerson's shoo factory, lampstead.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. DbW. Mr. ii.d Mrs. ['red S. Webster, Charles K Xatloii and Peler Henudoin of 1 anoble Luke, |,-it this morning fur a week'i juutlng^uJid._ib*hlng.„ut Centre Sand- ivtcb.

Miss Ethel Chase of North Salem Is itudylng to become a nurse at the leaconess hospital, Boston. Conductor and Mrs. Waller A. Smith

ire passing a week.with relatives and rieilds at Winchester, Mass. Conductor Char-lea B. Earnltam and

amlly will move Wednesday Into ib« •ottage owned by Mrs, Orlando H A oodbury and recently vacated by leseph Bailej ami family, .

James Mooni y Of Boston. . aft /isil ai the home of C. K. Hilt anu'de Lake, has returned tu

tome in that city. Charles K. Hilton and farnll

noVed into the handsome new reel- lence at Canobte Lake. Mr. Hilton is i police officer In Boston and will re- due in Hie future at the lake

Mis. Charles H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs •'red A. Smith of this town have re- urned to Ban Diego, Calif,, where thai noved a few years ago. ami have bean (pending a month with relatives in .own. They w.-re accompanied back b$ Mr, and Mrs. Charles conant of Ha- .erhill. who will spend the winter at

1 of hi*


i.a pla-v. Hubert A. ('ronln, Mrs. Cronln

llsf Ethel and Grace Cronln of Td ind

oi iiisin* H_(] ro [I They W i ihe . on\ shipping

small ex be used. pdor ivhi chenHI ai egpresBe panya h

Addlaon Morey of W41moi Eiai l>een passing a few days at the h or jajnes i >. Woodbury.

Miss CU-ora M-zer of Salem Ce is spend!n« a few days with ft, where Bhe previous to moving t<

formerly town.

passing of Motorman

PlLiil:IMS MEETrNfl. IT. O. p. F.. livid » pet Ing .Mmi'liij" evening. Af PlnesH meeting hj"hi


Iltl Masle, iiseH l'i.-i



The meeting of aaieifl Centre gra Was I irgely attended Friday evening When Ihe first and second degi i were ponferred upon three Candidai Main' i isiturs from nelghborl granges were present and the w was performed In a cap-dliable ma ner The new members of the orgai ration were: John A. Medalgla, Hai i.:. s.oti ami Paul o, Keier.. After the busines" session was an Interest > program of readings, piano tolne ■ ■ ,-ai «electlonii and remarhs. following the program games and social featui>- wers Iinioduced and the_ evening) plea-'inly passed.

Granite egular m er the bu irare entertained by vocafaeiectiona

(■'rank I». Dow and piano solos bj Mr- 'harles H. ('ronln. Ftefreshmenta werl tarred, followed by.a general goot tine

Mrs, fjeorge T. Brlggi leorgc Brtggs of Narragansel

It. 1.. and'Mis. .lames i Jriftllh of Broog Ine, Mass were gueste Monday Ht rhr toi u llm and Mis. .1. F. Blacklo. k

Mis. Alue-i Huge "f Kelley erossiiu * spend in*; a week with relative* li ,Vc--i i ierrv.

Ereri Newton and family of Utwrenci noved iheir K is to town Hondas tsd win o-viip\ Die tenement of Mm -'rank Nort-ia on tl"' turh|3k«. Mi N'ewi.n Is the new proprietor of the drj lOOds si in the Pilgrim bulhling scetttTy vucntud by Jogepli Haitey. Don't foi'gel the gnnugr harvest sup

ter apd sa.U1 ot vegetable! ai the Pleas- ■ ut st reel M K. i hurch tins everting.

Herbert Hook-Ins has pn|ered tin ■mpii.y ol Contractor Loren R. Balls;

Mrs" Edward J. Nlckersun left Tuc.-- tav for Pottghkeapala, N, v.. when Mr Nickei ,,u das secured ft fine posb i,,n and where ttmy will reside For thi

future. M's. Eiank E Hrhncr of Salem Cen-

peni Tuesday ai her farmer hom<


In the second gsnie this y*ar the Andover lAasoclatlon footbaw second learn defeated the Juvenile el -v.-n on th« Cricket field Saturday afternoon by the score of :' to 1.

Arthur Howell and sister. Miss Min- nie, arc vlsillng friends in Grant. Mon- tana.

Dr. Walktr or Pea body has leased the residence on Main atreet, formerly owned hy (ieorge Eoste?'.

Miss Jaoale Seilars Viaitad the home ' fileiitls in Jamaica Plain, Saturday nd Sunday. Cnrnrln E. Palmer, superintendent nf ie local public schools, gave a very

Interesting talk entitled "My lmpren- lons of Scotland"' ot the evening Ber- ing of the Kree 'hurch, Sunday. About 'J5 members of St. Matthew'!

lodge. A. E. and A. M.. attended the visitation of District Deputy (Ieorge H. Perkins, to John Hancock lodge. Me- thuen. last Erlday evening. A Special

onveyed them on their return trip, stereoptlcon lecture was given In

the South church Sunday evening, by he i:.v. P. 11. ShVpman. pastor or The hurch, on "South church and our tnls- ilons there."


The Andover association football earn defeated the Olympic* of Lowell n the local grounds Saturday after*

nnon. by the score of 8 to 0.


StMd 7» 4 8 t UK, Cronln !1 SS s 3 1 0.7


. no a i ah sb ave. 2 > »SS

H.Klnet:. lb. SO 6 2 1 4 HT: Clinton. <-f; rf. lb. .. 18 t 1 It ( JM Clavke. lli 77 4 7 3 t m Hammond, '.'b. rf. .. 3« 2fi 7 SuunAVrs. 2b. p. If. 18 1! 4

1 » .K»9 I « iu

Cronln. p 17 uR 10 S « .178 Movnihnn. 3b 17 :i 2 0 2 JK Conl\i-ll. rf, It 4 2 1 9 4 .857 IKIIfv. pf 4 2 1 l 1 M Dane. *i. 18 31 8 3 i m Juhhnnn, ,lr. Jb. 2b. 4» 4 « 1 3 .NI Cltowna. 3b 13 18 < 0 t six Mcioalf. of 1 j l 0 t HI SlPod 2 (I 1 .0 S. .4..1I

The following Is the town draft October:

Suite Aid.. .. Almshouse. Relief Out Repair* "n AIIIISIM

I 1S2 B«

:t4« 73

The <i. O, B. club of North Andover will conduct M social assembly, Thurs- day evening. In Merrlmeck hall. A good time Is assured. Music: Curran's urchefftra. Car for Lawrence after the dancing.

About 50 members of Andover coun- cil, 10T8. K. of C. attended the meet- ing of the Ainesbury council. Monday evening. The trip to and from Ames- bury was made In ft special" car. A delegation from ih*t local bulge will at- tend IIH- degree work at Reading Thursday ulght.

"|. P. Chase has returned from Springfield. Vi . after having spent the pani- week with relatives in thai place.

The Punt bard High school football team were scheduled to play thy Roy- ;iU of iLnwrence on the local grounds, Monday afternoon but the opposing team failed to put in an appearance. Signal pracllce tpog. up the greater part of ihe afternoon's work.

The gills of the Sophomore and Hen- lor ctaages and of the Fresbninn and .liiuiois at •Puuchard are playing a basket ball genie this afternoon.

ficiu.nib.ei thai The great K. of C. bazar comes off In the town hall on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday evenings, Oct. Nth, 86th and lifith. Tick- eta may be obtalneil of the members.

The Andover association football team has no league game scheduled for Saturday as yet.

The Phillips academy football team and the Dean academy eleven nre oon- lesting on Brothers.' field this after- noon. The- Andover team will be aor- iousiy handicapped by ihe absence of Captain Daley, who was Injured In the Yale FreHhtiuin 'y^a-me. and 'his plao will be taken by Donohue. All the men are In good condition with this one exception.

Degree work was performed at a •pedal meeting uf ib*. grange .--held Tuesday evning.

A spefal meeting ofthe school com- mittee was held Monday evening. Rou- tine business was traiiaocted.

There will be a Calendar supper at ihe South church. Thursday at i).30 p. m. The supper will be held under the auspices of the Courteous Circle, which invites all who are interested .as far as the sealing vapucity or the tablet w'll ellow, j



insurance fctacada*tn. Horses and Town OfhV. Town House Tree Warden Miscellaneous Itreei Ugining, - Fire Department Pai k Department, . . Rprtng Oroflfe cemetery Police

>oi Houses Hooks and Supplies, .'

hools Interest ■*

The freshmen ut 1'unchord held their trials for thr final round of the Gold- smith prize speaking last Friday morn- Ing. Miss L. Coyne and Miss Marjorie

^JLiL-MiirriLL-^Arthuj.:,, Jubnsou. .aud—Ufiargi. _ ■no ^a Ri,h,,t'ds«iii wer« thw four mvmbern

M thos.-n to ■peek before the svhoui next l.'rlday. 292 03

00 '.»1 I

fi4 H7 7ti V2

. _'79 HK 82 .9.1

. (inn )!i n.(K)H l^

455 0«

7.177 M

luable horse owned by John An- .. of 'Cuba street dropped dead

-, S Sunday afteriHHinh In the vlcinltv of +r> w David neatly-& Sons' coal sheds.

1 Mr. and Mrs. John Monro of Mineral ireet, ire rejoicing over the birth of daughter. Kntherlne L. Moynlhan who was

elected at a recent meeting of the school committee to teach In the Mh and filh grade* In the Indian Ridge sch-.'d. to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mis* Duval. lias as-

Total Mil M Hiiined her dulle*. , I Timothy Hlckev a-"' Andrew Cidlln.*

P, 1. Hannon has purchased a new „.,.,.„ am)l,1R ,],„ many AnOover people earn fo, us.- in his Furnishing and m witness the performance at the. Col- PaHorlng buslneea. jcnial theatre. Boston, last Thureday

HALLARDVALK BASKBALL TKAM'S ^K"", U p»rUy( ttltClon rigent at the RKCOltD. (local B. AM. stailosj. who has been

—~ , . . spending ihe past six weeks In Cnlifot- The record or the Ballardvnlp baae- lll(1 ln Cf>mpgn» Wltb Mr«. Perlev. has

bull learn hae In many respects been ,„SUIIK.d i,u duties, he most successful one during the Tlltl Ma.iand Village football team past leaeon <d any one In Kg history, defeate*! ihe Alerts on the mill field, While Manager Joseph Lynch found at Mlu.)nm| village, Saturday afternoon, he beginning "■* the season thai He |)V thr. Br„r^ ,,. |] ,,, a. Tne fentures.of would have to build up »n entire new ||l(i KMI)lf w.(<t 1h)1 p|aymf nf ^hsrles kesffa, be s,-i euurageously about his ,,;|l.u f()|. ,np w|nnMJ)i

>ask and bj his untiring effort* and .,-, , , ,.Riy,,.„,.„ M voters will be in oerssverence finally c.dicied a teani s,.uclj„n „, ,(,,, «|«own bouse Wednesday together (hat any town could be proud (,v,.n|ng; fmm ; jw tn 9.-TII o'clock, .f. N'o team thai ever repreaented Th,. I'uncliard High tononl ftiothall Ballardvale played the fast winning |(Mn| ^frj, ,ay Ih(1 U,,^K ,,, [,nwri.Iir,. hall that thN team did tl the niemm- (i ,h), p|.IV!4to1l(i ,hN afternoon. Wed- blp 14 Inning game agauist ihe strong ,1(U(,.1V ;(,t«MnU((n they will play a lo-

u compoaed as follows: nd, Janes Dalv; It. Andrew

V M. Catholie team of Lawrence. Its proud record of 13 u.iorles out

if 19 plaved with thP strongest' teams In thi« vblultv certalnlv stamp them is champions. The following lathe record of the pitchers for the season;

lodbury of this Station Ag4>ui

Ire road

The degree staff of the Minerva Re begun lodge held a rehearsal at odd I'Vilows ball Saturday evening. A large number of candidates will be Initiated Wednesday evenings The members of Hudson lodge have been Invited to at- tend. Supper wil be served after the Siectlng.

The selectmen have called for. bid* for A:, tuns efJreal for the town house and Central Are station. The bids

MIss-LiUian Joy »f rimar. si reet en tertalned a number ot friends at tiv Jnv (amp, Canobie lake, Sunday.


The annual roll call of the Baptist Imp.)! was held Tuesday evening -'

cbt rch vestryTThere Was a larg<; lance and the meeting proved n

,, rnterestlng one. Mrs. John Roberts of CTaremont. X.' Pre^sdlng thr business meeNng ignd

H., is visiting at. the home of Ww ,,,n , ai! y aoclal hour was tPnt and George Harrison on CaVleton street.

Waller S. Wc strbstPui.d for n.ivi oi Hamj WhhV II"- lailer spent the day ton on. busines!

Rugene A. Rowell of North Balem lost a valuable cow recently, it beini choked hv an apple.

Arthur L. Morse spent Saturday and rBtinrinv—wit-h relstlveM and friewl

if Vermont are e of Julian A

Mr. and Mrs. Cruel visiting at the residen Dodge, on Bn,ail«ay.

Mrs Walter C, . and MlM Fannl- WUSOO visited MfttV D. V. ThlsseM,

supper «as served. The committee in , harge fif ihe supper Included Mrs. «ieorge < ■ Frederick. Mrs. Lorin < > Sorrls, »,ylr'; James Pelroe. Mrs, 3*mv il Lyons Mrs crlppeh, Mrs. Josepl b. Price. Theroa P. Plaher and Charle TlutcblnH.

The rull was culled after supper b)

RoftO. ..|,,s I'tlul Jennings of North Salem

"liuL I■■■' i]«nd severely Injured while .u-oVk +H WH^'lef's Mill* a few davs Mp„ 'and all bough being painful. H -erioijs result* are antlelpated

i',ile * Brown. Hie lumbermen, "hav purchased of John H. Smith ol Atkln- Rort. ^'*»i.oon feei <tt' timber near Cap- Iain's pond, which will aoon be cut off.

Charles Burns has purchased

n Ho


ord put into iroughi ■light <l" the t|re

io», i oinpan Tuesday to

H bill, t

Hi. rear

aa called out a ively bruah hi

A line of hosp Wgl lervlee and an liour> tlghltnt

blase under control wltl t. During the progress < roof of a .amall shop h no- home uf Motormai

Crotiln, .. faundera, ^Ahter, ..

Won 14


Lout S 0 1

he work of the star battery, Cronln Daley has been somewhat inaivel- and * I thou I doubt has not been en-

eii bv any amateur bait cry in ihe .. Th. following is the record and be t pant

V P.I. Ball.inl

Th. following is the record and ^ emtsflaimnenl *UI v< ulng and fielding averages for M(iw si,r(),s |jf lllllvlflR pi, llir„

l.-fi Mickey: Ig, C Rlngham: «. it. Hardy: rg, R. Bitigliatn: rt. James Donovan; re Jam»s Stewart: qh, H. Seilars; Ihb. Guy Bb-kell: rhb. Arthur Man- ning fb Walter Mortlssey. On Friday nfi ir n they will play .the Johnson Hltih s. hool eleven ,.n thV local grounda.. S/hHe n**l Monday afternoon they w l|l have the Methuen boys tor their oppo- i--n: P,

F 11. Howard of Boston has been cn- gaged Io luinlsb the entertainment at. . itt, annual conceri and bali |o be bcld't In (he i.owti hall Thanksgiving eve. r*

msisi of a res.

,.n ' The^degree staff uf Hie Indian Ridge Pastime Jun- |n^e w RerH*ahs held a rah ear sal „f-

May .''; Ballardvale 4 Defendei May no. Ballardvale ">, As.

lub I - June i Ballardvale 8, Pacifies Jan.. ■) Ballardvale 4. B. &. M.

A., 3. 112 innings.) June id, Ballanlval. . 4.


, n i let the regular meeting Monday

A V.

July Revere I.

July 14. Ballardvule Salem T

Julv 21 Ballardvale » 11 t julv M. Ballardvale


Aug. 4. Ballardvale 2. Sacred Heart- lanAridh '■>■ Aua iv. Ballardvale 7. As. enslons

. Haverhlll


Prospects of

Lions of LOW'

6, Pacifies of


BlslsdeU , aught lire i extinguished

bui Hi. rlann


the Andovei y will BO Icl' p. in. Me- iber

Objects »r Iteffli

el John Taylor opposite

I'II'M H\\\r> man FCHOOI., n; J. H s.. B,

Pnnch.-itil hiyb and Johnson high mel ,»n Grngan fMttl; hToSfi Andover. Crl day afternoon In the firs! football garni In the <Nnrth Rsses Trlangiilhr league Nettb'-r learn scored, although* Pun- chard cam.- within a Half nf It when Dole Bttempted e Ri Id 1001 from tin <n-vard line, "be ball going underneath

i lie the bar about six inches* from It, sc

Boston .1. 4ug 25. Pept. 1.

Lowell ft. gept.

Ballardv Batlardv

ib- i>, Oladlatore 5. lie in. Warnesits of-

. Ballardvale B ProJ- ., Lowell 3.

gepl :: p, m.. Bnllardvnle ^. Auburn* f Camhridge L 4ept.- A. Ballirdvals 8. Intervale*.,of 'eabndy I "1 Innings 1 , Sept "l->- Ballardvale '.'. Y. M Oath*

.lie of Lawrence !.-04 Innings.) Sepi "' Ballardvale 7. catholic Y.

M Uvcetim of l.ow.-ll 0. Total Bi-tlardvale. 99; Oppunents/M


Ins. A union, nice, Ing of the varloVJ

lodge-* <ff [he Merrlmack Vnlb y was held wltb Ballardvale lodge, in:,, in flood Templars' hall In the Vale, Mon- day evening' «

s V Browne, the bw-al auctioneer, . b-fi town Mondav on an antique seek-

ing trip to Vermont. A rrfeatlng or the Lawrence. Lowell

and District Association Football League wts held in Abbott Village liall S.ituid'v •■venlng.

.Tame- Ciiiiu, the tneni champion draugbi player, will he one of the 2f> players from this elclnlty to meet Charles F Barker, champion checker slayer of the world. In the Caledonian hall. L.iwr.nce. this evening.

The Cnngregailonal Ladles' so. lety meets wiib Mrs Charles B. Davtra in the Vale at l o'clock, Wednesdgy ■*• letcoon

At a special meeting of the Andover grange t.i be held this evening, Hie tiiinl aiiH fourth degrees win be per* formed.

The Phillips academe football eleven will play the strung Bean academy leum on Brothers' field, \Wdnesday <t i. i noon. ^ 1

Charles C ("lough, ihe obi P A. hptsehall alar, Is spending several dayi In ti


Olarke Hatinrtr-r- Oaley demons, • Tulhlman. r,runln. .. Dane . . . Ulh-v Hammond CartheM/ Hodnett, .. Metcair, .. Uoynlban

gab'r bh tb ate. I In the-ancient land s .in ; in to ,8$r borders of Persia an

1 6 7 -T .BM extraordinary wind bl

if gets ten, on the 1 Afghanistan, an iwa in the sum- 'BJtd-1-g.Td-n-blst 19 SJ 14 27 '1~ .3& mer. I*. Is called The"

in :•; K $ in ,148 rog." or wind of l.o days. Col. Sir Hen* 18 7S. 1'. 1< 18 ..',17 ry McMah.ut. a British explorer, says jf) *i g it \:> .226 of thia wind: "It sets In at the end Bj

,. IB K', la 18 I1* :l\'l Mav or the middle of June and blown ', .888 with apnlliug violence and wlin Mule

B 18 .200 or no cessation until about the end of ', .', 181 September. It nlwiWs blowi from Ogf 4 4 *.i3S direction, a little w.-t ..f north, find rt :t .IT; reaches u velocity, of over 70 mues au

•. 84 1? 4.'.

, . 8 SO . 7 88

. 8 2*2 . 5 19 2 I0S



il. i !


as vfth joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play—when in health—and hov conducive, to health the games in which they induige. the outdoor life, they enpy, the, cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the, wholesome

~ffie, orwtTicinhey should partatBT^MowTeraJerly theirhealth shouidbe preserved, ' not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injuri- ous or objectionable nature, and if at anytime a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence shouidbe used; remedies which'are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, lite- the pleasant laxative remedy Syrup of Fhw'..manufactured by.the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs' has coine into general favor in many millions of well informed famiitBs, v.-hooe estimate of its quality aid excellence is bao;;' upo 1 personal knowledge and use.'

Sy-.ip o: !..« ha:; also met with the approval of physicians generally, b \. u & wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We Inform ill i iputa-


they kflow i: is wno.esome, simple and gentie jn its action. : We Inform all ble physicians as to the medicinal principles of "Syrup cf Figs, obtained by rn original met) ;, teaa certain plants knev/n to them to act most ben :i aally and present,,! in an agreeable syrup in which the Wholesome Californian I lue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore-it is not a sec. :t remedy and hence v/e are free to refer to all wcl1 informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines,aod never favor indiscriminate self-medication.

he&se to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company—California Fig" Syrup Co. —plainly p rimed jmilic front cf every package and that U is for sale T:i bottles oi one size only, h any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent sire or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accop- it. If you to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every famtfy shouldalwavshave a bcttle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parent's and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required.

BE=*-~" <• •-« «*n2ffi£

■ 'i.-m ,.\vr \Vilin HSCd In thft c*11>. i the opening round there wan not .1 >w v.hich did Shj mihm ■ -\i

p. 11 ni LC of thi POCHHI pound c<m* i.t-ii,■»! and caught MrTlnvorn

. ti ri n-iiir rii-in I-IT the chin which, i •■<'> ill. lint, r rn itiki tli. I'Miiiit ■>(

\\ l|. 11 .lU'«;-\. Ill urn to lit. : iwhi'ri i" ;i i liii-'h ami in so dntng

i,. . LLrt- <i Curhi■*.: "VT Liu i» fj <A--. opi-nlnK ;* Hash ir-'.M v. Mi . 111■ • blood" i tm ■ ri In ii tip .tin. J'i"t[i tin- ft'iii-i 1.1 iho finish ihf'fighter*) iviTf covered

blood IT-.. M hi ad I U<TS Kn W IVOM" ..j. After Ourbi-tt had mi i fwlngn i'ti■■ Mt-'lovern'

fin My lami.-ti :I hard rlghi 11 i■; > .-• eye, opening ■' 6; in. i, \\, y. Hell v. llMli (1 g-iiir -..UIK1'-L ;ii the 'iv

1'uiirih round 'fl-taa decid*.diy *n 'i-n's Favor, 'i taw and again ha .inn. r Mil Hi., wind ;is < lorbetr

■iu,lem.."Jah to iho


Tli.- Phillip* Academy roiitbitll eleven, ttw*i M. .1 ihe .>.:.TI Vcaflemy I. am on llrotllpf'i. I'i. I.I. \V. lint K«la> l.v til.' BCOTP of 22 M) .

IMu- u.-im-: ivt.t. Intr-reRHn* HUhmiRli MiHl.'.Mial a n.- Hided. !'•■ Mi I.. Ill 111 Miiil. H MM.- prounj pt-jialll - rrl.Kid. piny. ini. rf. r. niv ami holding.

Tli.- Wttlror* i Ireli il th, Aiulovrr end - i"i ■ yatdp i»n on< rush, im, th ■ .lift.Hl.-.- KHlniHl w.i> lusl mi a.-.'.nuii M li .l.lini'. ill ill.- (Inc.

I>. aii , iuyed ;:•" -I "ii Ihi- rfi'l u--- Imt HI--- [.--.I- ill u--rl..

Haiti- s «|., punted for M.-i-.i. i- -i II..- ahn. a.-, of Kilpi-n-i.-k. ii.1 i- ri iii-ll. urnlli'! ilt.itu l,..|.t il,.- Ii.ill iv.'II In ill. ulr nil IllM 1-nils. Hi. r. ,-,ult Ii. - Inp: Fliel tli--' Aii-l-n.-r Inn k>- lniul-1-il t'ri.i.ii.-tiliy. .ih.-. Ii-an -nil- ftvttl&K tli.- bull on -. vi ral i»-•■a-.inn.-.- iii.ciin-d h.-l- flrd tun-It- .ltiivn .-ii -i i.i". i-.-i kick, Doniihui rnii- illi; ..II. th.'l.all utter it lia.l rolled over lie- ioal line, i c.'->nn..r. who subati- luti-il for Kili-etrii-li, scor-.l the Kecond t. a. I1-.1..11 n on a ".'. yard run an. -■ a forward pasn l.i .\f. t-t-iit Ami..', i .■ m ..ra.l in a I laiiila by D.-an .."1 her ■■■->: r.l I ill. . Do I-.IP. p. inn punh- i-d OVI r l..i- till t..n.-11-il..ii-n

■\ml....'--i- made he'r fourth and laa! wore, i-.ti-.-ii ii'1'..ii-.r aeeured i'i-! |iftei>a -niari. r-b-i.-li t-i arryini; Hi. bi I >. l Done

airaln tilt,-

tit' iv.I I'i. I.I. lull

-.i i.i mi

lured in the V Patrick who

Tli. lil.- up

\NI" A El!

In II ill l-'isli- I h .\li-Kay Ii; I'-rlinc In (11 ■■■!.■■ I'I.. Mall l-l Burnhoin [tmendalc r Mtrunn re l.amali-11 fc . '..iiv ,ii r. M.tiitt lib

an.I Kll- i.l I..1--


I-.- Kif.-lt- Il 'la.


i ■ . lanpj t.-: Morrtn

. c H.cfay I-; I. .II.

Hill I II,i. I


i)..ii..ii.i. II,

Siiniii: r> . Se !»■; 'I. an Arail Mad. l.v from trail la'-- - n I'. I1III.-T..II. Itai.ln

Mi ICn 1


- 1'hiiiir-n \"-i" a. Touel Ii

: . i'i '.-iin-.i-. 11 [■'iKlir-r . ,: ef

Hudson. I.ii--1- lild l..-r.i>' Tim- k--< per

I . ni th of halve*. 20


in.". hall

. i in r, nc.

ile llll Mi

if IV--1 TOV til. .'I- V V m'-li tie- l.ill.n InR i'i"'

- i .in-l.-.-tia-.l. IH IOUI- ^l^-l■ avi -i

II. - N

fSu' ■i I t I - I.i •Ir.lM . ni

I.I. inVnnJi' u'un i n Uiiy de 'ai (■■' i\ itli i Mm t.'ilkji tiuti ai i umn i *vr Tin- IMIIMI hcan MM'i" i- and i.ll tl I! : i hint* '■ in. li ■- 'in \> I th ii uvi .,. i\. ,i from " "■•> u'tlofk until '. o'clne Cl \<-r \ hU'll <i int'it;:; ...i - ■ njoyi 1 nr U! •<.!"• itVlnel - Mnmld Cote fwriii-h-if |1 il: Il for .1: ;tt.

'Phr ■■•'iinniti. ■ in phnr^fp ivcro Mrj Allyn 'H"ii;;. .Mr- t'h<"-i.-r K. Hu.l-or

H \. \ S1..11:'. nl. MrV. Alvanl F. V'.ll..n. .Ir.:. r'rn.-i lii'iiiiirs, .Mrs. [M- tn'i mi I!*' knoll and Mm N'tithnn I'rnry.

Proh ibly th. ln«i I-VI nl ■■• thr -nclal P. ;.--ii - ,11 !-■ ih..- HntloweVn party v !ii. '1 (ih j-nnnjj peopl. :n-. plnnntna

I'I . AVI.ns i\ ^.-KW \Nn BEAU- ill-'i'l. Hi:sl';xs AT CHARLEg K VINCATDS. lia ESSEX STREET.

STYL E alone, isn't enough in a Suit, what you want is style that

Yo« can see for yoorself the style to oar new Fall Saits and ihe wear we guarantee. Made to our special order by the finest tailors to the world.

These are the Clothes that are worn by the swdlest yoong men in the larger cities. Don't fail to see oor Fall Display

Fall Suits From 312 to S30 (orrrrt ffatket. far. »*W» MADE IN Nl VS YORK ^B^iji,fo;x GET THE HABIT. GO TO MACARTNEY'S


McGovern and Coibett Have Warm Argument

NODECISIONGIVEN Battle Was Give and Take

II Way Throoyh-Both Men Badiy Damaged

\I>I-:UMII \, K-\. ' 17 '1 rry TI and You lW I'm in 11 fn iKllt ■ \\ I'numl li.. .1 .it i lit' -S l! 1 ClUl i;i' \\ hi II lil ■ £<>nK

«ed tho chia ..' tin- l>: ttl ■. in littl.- i" i lio ., i n ■ M it..

The rifh Wan Mil. of the

in th third .1 three Jaw, li.-

•■•,-. uver p gash, n.-n the of tliis

ruiiu : n,

McOi id

TTTTrrnrt-frrrnirt" ti ihi- damoKud »y ■, hh'h partlj hllhVlod

i.'t- falnwl irom will I.ii

Tin nuh and M\EII r I.IIMUI ..-.. ii hilt thciV "J1:

M Mi th- ,,!,. At rh' hi in ilu lit- nii'ii \v< i-.' i.. ing

. r could haw havu'lasted two rounda. SleQoyern vvaa weaken -

Corbftt> blow* and tin- latter. ■.HTii (1 ;il - Li «t -''• ptiuuil.- in ' tvi'lglit, was vtT.v wiiiry fi.-in hlfl MTtlona. ii tin (..- n apfw an il in iii. ring, . in lookt-'d to If in Hi', pink <>i Ion; hut «'.ii-ii.-H. while ii-' look- II iihmit the \\:'i.-t, n-a* B«-\praj

I-in i:irn' ii. ni. Klrih, Mii„-a thi

d hy rlH.HiTpmlH. i ^li x." .Irt-it- Timmln ft rath and Harry Tut-

UcOQvern Culluwfd v1- Ith < 'fcnrley , .l.i.. Hinnt.hil.v and John

Cm.I.I I,, w In ii McOm in flhnhi d Intd th. rinic. l



i.i Raid: V liii- n

o you. i ■ tcmiphi I'll take p^f) u l wani yoii to aol i ralr'tlKht." un-i e^ald'

|n . i , n.i fUjhi 1 I'.M mil smiled

: \ rinht,*' Ti rett'ret annotin*' d iii • ( the. ii^i

woul'i b-' itniltfhi Mamnlit oC Qw. u- hurv. iiit; men t-t protect thonifi-ivt-^ • 111.- 1.1.-,'!■:-. 11 1VOH ■ \ I.lvli' ; I1H11 .Il i irtKh i iJial T, rr\''li;i.l H rtjjul ■■; c, i.i tor ' oil 'tis i-uin. IIM hf 'ii'i n h. .-.. i.i t*rki op oj hnrni1)* way.iin m t't'tbett bocanw partially hlindod lu th- IHIHHL

When thu bout closrd I'orbi u wnlk- r.i Mvr and RVaappfl Mcaovero> Bli v,i hn»d and thu two an llocj evrh nj;. d poiirtbrjles.


KIUST Rot'Xn -'i I.- j ^l arivd Otirhi :t Jabboil p**ft to fan . i' irbeti wan ivarned for hoollna wltJi his Btoi Ii WHS evident thai Me^fi(Vprn wns not Bolus i" taku oni! fhaiu'^Ht Mf'io'.''ri jRwuhv right lo tteart and t'orbetl put n lit ii., . .ii. rv.rb. u jahbed left li raw itnd.TitInKt,d rlgti" upper'-ct't .\H th-' bi ii rang. Itonnd «x*i*n.

lUH'M) T\V«» '«'orb. u drovo right t.t Hi. heart and ih-'ii floored Meijoucrc v. hii riuiu RWtng ">t Jaw, Mctioytrn t... I- i nunt of nine and thi n hit < 'orbetl nV'tT eyi and fpllt It oja n. ' 'orbetl kwonif t-i n-.'k and Ithej punched ni th" i nil. i 'firbett'H round.

\l< IIMJ THUEK Mt rim*, rn P.vun« h't tn inidy end L'orhett IUI.-S-O" rlKht i.M.i k-ft; head. The> es* h HW. I right* i . bodj and Corhi-ti hooked I,-; I.. fi .. Mei'l u w -L.■ i.n;^. r- -I b; rlghl -■ i m Jui\ :in.i at <-rn' < ineh . il Th- \ . xiillHlUP tl [< n i v lag; ■ ■ ii' ■ and 'rial ta ii l. ml, ■ '•►rhi tl h'ook« d left In li itu r.nd nnotlu-r t■» j.iw, Alr«luvem »i'..*- .i i io.'hi I.. .( hi.i and n.' n -'■'■ "ii-. il tn 1. i ,. nf h. til. i '..Hi. II ;.iii Me- riirt i rnJ • i >-.■ H Ith tfrrhle right - '"■ hi il \U '|M\. I-., [.ni MRht rffcht to Kind t' ti I>..K. tVn lefin to j;i'> and ..i. ' 1<»VI rn - >*. img two i. fis [■

rt...H 1... ,k.-,t hwnt h ■.'. ill. I

t i,'i \l. < M-\ i-rn'-. -. tin hltii. < 'MI'I.I-H'-

it'tr.Mi I'dii: Th-\ ru* I'liii'Ji, LUUJ ' -'■■ IL '( y . -M ■'

otyfc^ «»*


The ONE Store In Lawrence That Shows Goods Exactly as Advertised


[Nottingham Curtains $U5 Value for 98c Pair.






Your Choice, 98c Pair, Regular $1.25 Value.


■■inhTii'i'.- • ■it


f the i». t saw ; i:.*."l with " hnllatlon -ii;.. . I RTTtl WTTk t'tMih. in a v;iri Iv til M,.t.-r v-iiii. .1 with good batting, extra heavy: :i BOTOforwr ttnrt will stive good .^ti'viee, 'inly LI lim- it.-: number at- 98c EACH


Inod )ti\i nizo Uhinkcte in gray, tan anq wh(t», with colored nor* .1. ■:>. :. good blanktM or aTioPts, for blnglo h.'.is. onsv i.i ivash. Vonr .I,.,;.- ..( thr. «• rolorH for 25c EACH

I in the ll.'-'tiiM'nt i

MILLINERY. n."w i:ili ,-lvhs MI Trim-

. tl :mtl riitriinni" •! -.tiatfl are now! rt-:iil\ |..r v.nir tn>i«-.-l i..n. its n Irai that you aru l>ioWng f<>p

.M ii- ■ <1 v.i re , ni'lh. i- t k OU1 ■ irk < t>in':>iisi-*, all ill-- sought ar-

I. 1 -l\|.s :iihl lli.vvi'v llt'TTUt i!T

"' iltrtur. iHir prleen mnse H'^IP S1.4V up to lilO.OO


\ lull v. il! ranrloci ya - aif r-.-.-ft.uai-1" .mil hr latoHt.

■ that our -'.(• htylen

CLOAK DEPT. Coats. Suits. WaisU and Skirts,

n i\ narniiHil can bo.found all

iVoarlng Apparel. All that's new ■ii'' |.i-.u \ can i""- found hr-tv in ttroaii ■■ variety than ■ Ian where!

is lai-urr an.' pHefjH '■r. St.--.-l;.! good \al- fOlVi r iFiiui

U**H in eoatw, fe.W, I^.SS an|f upwardT-

Sniis .-it the same l"\-. prteea in pro- portten. Don't rail to visit our Cloak 1>( I'inti.i. in for ih.- boat value** In <V:ii-', Hultn, Waist*, Furs and Skirt-


VI' i "NCI-:









Remember Her Stay is Limited. Come Early. L C. MOORE COMPANY.

: : : COLD WEATHER 18 COMING : : : The titie when w« all oeecl .\ pair of good, warm, comfortable .*.hoes. Wc h^'ve them, all kinds and prices. Sole ,-*gerU for the Thompson Bros.' Shoes $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00

The height of style and excellence. We have A lot of Iv.-avy Box Calf Shoes, douhte full sole, which we are selling at $2.00 a pair. Cannot bj duplicated in the city for $2.b'J. If you are troubled with wet feet try a pair of our Water Witch Shoes, guaranteed to be water proof $3.00 and $150

A full line of Lec'ie*.' and Children's Shoes at reasonable prices.

Chas. M. Evans «• ««• 335 Essex Street Free Shines t.i Customeri .Fine Rrpafrlna; and Rubber Heels.


Autumnal Season Pleasantly Observed in Churches By

Social Gatherings

Iv.-ll \\. ,ili.y|„. ■ ' II.-, - -lr-',.t '

II I.) Il,- . -1- i -11 'P.- ,lli,i|- v,

KS.|*U1 11.1.1 I

i.i, ri.ilt.i.i. -1 llHlU ., II:

MUlv^ili-.l. -,.'l-l

- ..!„■ ..I III.


I-- i' ii n.i bt

' in- i- i.u


i> ii I..

,1'l.iii- ,-.i rn ir. |..-v. ,i.-l '--

,',ii,iil,.riilin. 'I'll ■I III in -1 IUUI i "■"

.Mr AI.- nil.I

'.In- I,

,illi linil Willi.iir Mi'i-h.-l - .lo, wi.-.- Lllllnn Mom ra.

Mr. Wnlcotl whi i-.v-^id. .1 :in- U IIUIC ■ Mill I'.lks I .. in I,- ui-.-ii mii.rtly, i-i--ii.-,i.l>


\ I'i:;.- Ii:.:-\'.M Bupp^t ;|H'l 'ill. I'll! ill- i.'i'ii WBa I..1.1 \V.-ill... -.l:n i


I.I.:\-.M Mi|,|,.r la 1,,1,1 \V,-ili.., - ,,l l-rcuhylorlHr

nl th.- .li .Mr .

nin-4 Ii under

|li«' AM .- Uiehiird Kills

i.i. I',

iii. i:,l,l,-. i.. I...I.

! - with




I i.ii-

i- l.iri; B'I.I-1 ililne-, in IT \ . r. in :,u, n.l.iii.-.

',- n li.. ii.i.i . hargr MI ill IVI tl. :.- IMIIM-,1-: l-'ir-l. Mr- Alkin. • :m.«lslc,l i.\ K.,,1 . -in.- Si- II.II-I. Mi- M ir. --..', ,-inil \l i-- M: ruiir, 1 Lawn ; .Mr-. I'liin.-i.s llr.i.l.-.i, . Iniliin.ii. - «ii..l l.i Mm. Al.-.\imili r T.-.-.l, MW.

iirrtn . I.-i-.l.-.i, ..MISK fitlirl MrlJin.i iin-l Mm l«i»- Inn,.: third. Mm IVHUOII II' V. li. :i i-l. ,. I,\ ,1||-. .1 KMII. v, .Mrs. .I< in.i*. W'utMi.n ,'IH. Mi - il,..iv-- MprrlHl I'Miinli, Mrs. l:,,l„ri .-i'i- i. :, -l-i-.l l.v Mr-. ,l-,ln, 1 . M."

mini -n uiili ilu- ,.\,-. i,ii.,n "i '-.i':i .«i- luii. Mlllltl', MlHB ,|.-ss i- ,il . u-1-i..n-. 'I'll- -il'-ii' In Ll ln-'l 'I"l mil Mr- M. MI.I.I. r N..1.I.-

-,. Bl-.-iM II I ii-.iin, i.i -ll.--, 'I'I,. ■ 111. I'liiinin. ill .'Miniiiilt.'.' ...Mi- ll.: th.' "1 Hi. n- i- mi- in-"- Mrs. li.nrg.. Mirrlll, .Mrs. \- 11-

i .... Hh'ir.l) I- -i|- -I-... Iii Horn -'I'litiii:-linn n.iii .\'r.-. AV:ill<.,i

|.l'..i.,r;lli: ililll inslrii.ll.'lltiil s.-lr, lii.n Th. following Indie* luicl i-li.irt"

Mrs. M. M. Hutch, hnlrman; Mr- <■ p. I nininiiii. in- I-:,IK:II' W, nil ' ' Mm Hi-rlM-rt-'liirnsln-r, Mrs. Aril, ' Nl 111. Mr.- U.ssi. M. SI:, i'i-. Ml \,- . s.

Mr.'. K l-l.issi ,n;iii poured nm' Mr., Wftrren had charge --r ih, in-k.-ts

'li., follim-lnB are th nmltleei l>lnlitic I-.....I - Mrs. i; .'. Dunhnni.

.■li.iii-iii.ii. •|'-ilrl.-s-.Mr., i'-luir Itiil.-ont, Mr

ll.-rl-.-ri I'lir,.' her. Hi's. A. il. N. .Mis Sk. , IS ml,I Miss .An N.iyi-s.

Kllehen Mr'. M M. Il.' chnh molt.

t'nflTei Mrs. K, I '.,-1 mill. s,.l,, li.,r- M, . ll-rli-ri Thru- In

Mrs. U llll-iii: Wiirt-.ii. All's. HI Hisfi.■ : .Mis Ih,i,li .Mis. Sniiiiteii. Air.-. Sk. . I .Mr-. A. 11. N.itl Mrs. II. K. M-i. Mrs T l.p.M" ,i- i.n.l .Mi- ■ II" r, r. hi"


Hull S. 1 III. Ir

'I'I,. I ri . I'lM-'h . in. '■ |.illli.' I", ill, I h ins ■ i, st.rilai.

Tl" l-'-ll'. MM ,', ■Mill- in,.I n.ltliiim ,.! 111. Iiari . si s

.a, ii MI -: itlllllnl llnr


R. J. Macartney.

A i-nkt- :unl •'.Mill the iiftemuon1 inni ii \\ u* v > i/tt!. In ihi ■ ■ . niiii tl.,.- *-'j.|,. VVJfi.- x'•■■ i.MM, ,t : n.i u nmnher •■[ tnuli mix, ■■. ,< rtpth'f ot ili>- -liiur. II ftrtVi ri;■■ ni'-u^. n • i-.' . •:.'. utnt—

rtitleen •■

Mrs Bttrtom and Mi

Mrs. i?o(Cff^w

nu ('akt'— Mrs. lir.iH II

n.( iii'- \i,-i 'loin!. Bnt frin In men i AI i


meeting o( woavi r rtlli <i Loomflxerti' hall, ***!

hehl i;tM n in in pnd ;i permaneni or- ganisation was formed.. Ptreni en- th'isiiiMM. wnn nhown and the foundn. ti'-n nf the largefll union In MasHaehu- st'lis was laM. Ad'h-t-sM-s Were mad'' hy U. H. Mai \. i.n-siil. nl nf Ihe, '.' L. r.. w. o; Kennedy ,,r rm T**t» Couni il, .\i. .Merarthy "i tin '1 ■ xtll Council; W. V ils-.n cf Hi.- Mule Bpfn n<-rs nn-1 .ToneDli-Mills ..i Methnen. •' CMIIIIMI- ..[' the Seel Inn rlnndn wrl I'IM is' iinirin pr.-sii'.'il. \\'.;i\.-is frnm ■ill Hi,. nilllH In the city wore |iren< n. The flection of nff|cetf_ reanlted >\ fn

Vlj. Uiinn;ip<'rl; vl;' IMIIH i>moRHn; I"-"»T7TMT

sn'r.-uir; Roherl A lair: Ireaaurr-i Bui -i Pwogatcli; werg; nil - " -ari UbrHa S;iicarln.

Tin- next iiii'iHnc «i!l "!>'■ held i .. fretkn


Tli. R-efll- E»t«te Owners Ion v ni iiit.i tonlsbl al H T ra da roi > m s. i ta > Rtfl! ,t H o'clock.

\; ^ill'l,

he Rooi



SUIT AGAINST CITY Woman Claims $4,000 Damages for Injuries Received From Fall

on Sfreet ,n<' sitniamrti of counsel wet* made

in the tpaspfcss oasa 01 AHHI V# Kbdd, which raiisiim'-d must "f tin' W*»ijlon Wodn^Kday, wore made this morning ;uid then -Jiuiiit- Sherman chmK''d tin*. Jury.

Ar ih'* oomPlPtlop of the Phflrgi*, Ai- tornev Walter Covilson. "f CouWon & Murphy; eoun—I tot Uu: plaintiff n-k^d that s;»v**ral .exceptions bp entered np- ■ m tlu- record to certain Hems in the court's Insirucilons. Mr. Coulson aver- red thai the court <Hlat«*'l at eonslder- nble N-nmh upon the evidence nre- • trni<d by the aeftanf*. to the detriment of the plulnurrs ,,"s"- -IndK.- Sherman rslusod to entertain certain 'if the ex- ceptions made by Attorney Coulson, but instructed the statiogTapher to make a part "f the records pertain ex- ooptton* rolallnsj to part "f the evi- dence in tlic case.

At the adjournment t»f court for the

lition ret'pfs, the jury in tin- case had not arrived at a verdict, being Out about two hoars.

The case MOW on is a suit a train st the Pity of LauTenee. Mrs. Emma J. i;n, ,,,,' ■■lalroH Jlnoo damages hpcauao of injuries alleged to have been re- roiv-d as the result of ;i fab sostalnerj by her at the oornsr or Valley street and Vtrouduty. JtHfl I. P'O-t. H is also claimed that tire woman fell because, of the oxistehce of a depression in the stone flaRs'iiR caused by wheel* from vehicles continually patting the spot. Mrs. Uowlo'i Is a woman thai weigh* about 250 poandg and In tailing per i-larht leu was severely wrenched, so much Kb thai sbo ivaa laid UP for "some time under I he doctors eatv.

col. Rweeney and bout* H. Cox, of Sweeney, Dow & CO*, appear for th plaintiff and City Solicitor IV J. Mm phy represent* rne city.

At iiie regular meeting ol the school committee to ko this evening the recently revtaed rules of the board will be dlMSUtted and adopted if found to be satisfactory. A Buedal commit too hy been at work upon tb for .some past and tbry have gon'

over previously ex luting rules and odd ,d new ones thai "ill make the "or.; nf the hoard proceed more smoothly in tne futur

Uiceiiilv prejian (I rules aa to the duties Q£ the school physician a Is.

lea'lcttines up having been patterned aft


The huteral "f Mrs. Maty Conway, wife <>{ Timothy Conway. who died Wednesday at the Cottage hospital, will be held Friday morrrinfe from tlfu late 'hoTnc. I" l-owelt direct, HI*.. mass-of requiem wili be celebrated at u o'clock In St. Mary's church and in- terment will be in tie- immu. u'ate I'onceptlon cemetery.

**+*•«•*•«•*•***• *•*•*•*•*


| $2.50 Gold | Piece

lino.' rtito., adopted in cities,

SB ^g;

Action Taken This Morning on Death of Judge W. L.


A meeting of thfl Lawrence itar as- spelatlon was held this mornhin .nth. probate court room of the court houn" to lake action on the death ol Judge William U Thoninson. Hon. William g.. Knox presided. William .1. Bradlow was elected secretary, pro tern.

\ loiiniiillee was appointed to draw- up resolutions oT regfe-1 for the death of Judge William I.. Thompson. The committee comprises John «' sanbowh cVairman Xewton I'; Krve, and Alh.rt !•'. King. Jr.

A committee o.' iive e/aa also up pointed to attend the funeral which I 10 be held Friday afternoon at L' o'clock ."miii the late name, (6 Kasl Haverhi!! street. The < nuillee p Ca- leb Bounder*, John V Sanhorn. Jo* ph t'l.viland, Joltn It I'ooiv, All., n IV Rtngi Jr.'

William J. Mnnlley was Instructed pi s.-i- that an appropriate floral tribute b. sent.

I Possible Result of Regrettable Accident

That Occurred at Tarb^x School

It was learned aut1iari»ttv$|j (odaj that the Injury-to^Frank Tracy's eve from ;,. knife in the \v.unU of Wesley Reek was purely accidental and state


"At 3.Ki p.^ in.. yesterda>-. during drawing lessen in one of the fifth grot rooms. Wesu.y Beck, n t»n-year-ol bojr,, while waiting for his tefteher

men-'-s to the et'icrr t+rat—tor*- wound arrive"nt. hiy;7wntl—trr-npprnvc his out- line drawing, m ■harp pen-knife

>k from his in off a tmng-

n.ill The boy back of him, Frank. Tracey. hit his arm and book, [h~0lighl-

''>''' least) throwing back air; arm without ''*' turning in his seal, fecctdentally- pama

was itHletud in a fit of rane 1 Becft were wholly imon-ect.

The accident occurred yesterdaj tcntOon at the-Tarhox school.

1>^ Uannon and I>r. (Vinlon, the spfoUl'xt, aue now .. attending Tracey hoy and ihe\ leai ihai he wjji j"'",' lose the siffhi of the eye, i"p to 2 o'clock this nftenmon'the Witund had not bfiejj drewapt| since the tlrst care alven ii by tne doctoaa ttrsi .ailed. The knife penetratea the eye-lid . ■: .1 CQI u i on: slderable dln>.ance Intu the eye-hail, nflrd-feellng between th narrow!) nav^Ptng the optic nerve. enslly be learned from

Principal A. i:. Ilak-c.^f ihr Tai box LbilJ YU B£e lads wh school was hit- rviewd. this N'mcnim; li,1"v' t;i.m. in lheir s-'hool in regard to the matter and his stale- bshava a« \\---n no the otrdtnary boya, meni of the affair pleam np the talk Neither of them have been senl to my of trc1 deed bavins beeo Intentional, ..ill.- foi had bahavlDur."

iittu i ua ■ Inrter Ic.airil I m..menr. The -Tr

■cldent and [here e.-li be laar

;i Tiin.n-'s fa.'c as tile forward at the same

starry) bin tie rntererl rHrr- -wtroV—matt wan-

< not the leasl ' boys an car Hher .a them

.. as fa,, as ondui i

I A!


MUCH ABUSED MOTHER Afraid to Appear in Court Against

Worthless Son

John J.Sullivan Did Not Recover From Shock Recived Tuesday

OBITUARY nrm.KK Mrs. Sarah Blttler, wld-

w Of Frank Itluler. passed away this morning at iho home of her daugb? ,cr. Mis. Geovgo Davis, T:i Maple street.

The de.eased W08 formerly a I re -idem of Shenandoah, Pa., but had been re- siding with her daughter In this city some little time, She was aged 04 yeara; Pt months and 11 Oavs.

The body will be sent to Sheft&ttdoah, petm.. Prlflay and burial will'be In Fnion eometer)', that place.


Charles Bra ward, who formerly re sided hen- and Worked for tl. H. Kit tredge, has accepted a position as bookkeeper for the Boaton & Maine. being stationed ai Bast Cambridge. Mi Krninanl now resides In North Reading.-

Miss Kdna Keisliaw of 28S Lowell street has accepted a position at Wool- a'orth's'flve and ten cent Rtore,

Mrs. Marv tlulM of Nortlilleld, VI will swud the week with her sister Mis, f;. T. w.isson of the Wilt or

Mr< \ II i.ihhy la verj ill at her .,,iii i lOasi Haverhill -treet.

L. AUERBA6H & CO., Bankers and Brokers,


Corrctioondents -of John Dicki nson A. Co.

Member New York Consolidated Stock Exchange.

Listed and unlisted securities bouqht and sold for cash or earned on

comervative margins'


Lawrence Branch Office, 200 BAY STATE BLUG. TEL. 1329. CriAS. E. KNIGHT, MGR.

Officer, tupervii.- th, distilling and bottling o( th« old

U. 8. GOVERNMENT distilling and bottling of the old

Van Hook Whiskey

•o that you are absolutely certain of getting the purest straight whiskay when you buy the bottled in bond VAN HOOK WHISKEY.

Come in next Saturday and let us show some of tills famous Whiskey d


Tie- annual fall track meet at Phil- lips Academy waa field on the upper C. A. ir nk, Wednesday afternoon.

Th ." i-nts proved eTosc and tntjfr* eating especially theclas.< relay race. which waa won by '69 with '08 a cloda necond. The time in the different events were wlthejd.. hut no recordfl were broken.

The new material tried Ou| slioue<' Up fairly well.

Itlefkohl end Lewis were the largest. individual p<»int Winners having two lir-as to their credit The nummary)

ina Yard Dash -1 MT. Orlt, t Irani, s.eond; i>av third.

:^(i Yard Daah—Won by Pierce. IP' Yard Oash-llodenpvi, first:

Whit., second, Olfford, third. NMI Yard Itbn- Kiefkohl, hrst: Ross,

second; helli third. 11it-It Hurdles—Drew, drst; Daln. sec-

ond; lleynnkhk, third. Low Hurdles Lewis, Orpt; Stuart.

aecondj Smith, third. Mile lain —Mcfreadie, tirst; Howling

second; foreman, third. Ktgh .lump, rticfkohul, i;r-i; Logan,

second: Blcki 11, third. Broad Jump—Dearborn, lirst. Khw-

am. second; Thompson, ihird, |M|. Vault—Won by Lewis. Shot I'm - K'ilpatrick. Tlrst : Ilaine.-t.

second; Oreen«ugh, third. dass Itelay Race—1909, (Tnvli-r.

Reynolds, Adorns, Lewis and Olfford.) first; 19"*. ' Pinch, Morrison. H. B, Wilson, Plan and White.i second.

nfticla Is—Referee, H. P. Keep. judges nt finish, H. M. Poynter and A. KIT, man: clarh oi rae, H. R. lb-illy: starter, Sid Peet; 'tinier, H. L. Chase, lb- P. 8, Page; field judges. .Mr. Agard, Hr. PVeneh and .Mr. Graham, ni'-asnr. is. J. logemoll, W. \' ash- burn. • » rlemmlng; snorwa T, i". Parlor. \ liiilis. annn.ineer. 11. Oun- nlng.

The followii.K was the list of enilies' li'ii-y;ir.i high hurdlea—Drew, Dear-

born. Daln and Reynolds. i'.'O-yai.l low hurdles ■-K. H. Stuart,

Denny, ,i R, Lew is, R, Reynolds, K. Reynolds W II. Smith and Pfacft

Mil.- run William McCYeadl*, W_esl. Dowllng, Coleman, Dale and Thomp- son.

HgO-yard run—Rlofkohl, K. H. Stuart. C. F. Puss, t.riitln. Denny, Ooaa, Cook, Dale. Thompson and Belt,

140-yard run Hoss, Wheeler. EHgotl .Mead, Spmule, Maker and Pi/a,

22o-yani dash Magowan, K. H.Stuart, Denrborn Hurley, o. .1. Pierce, Mo Morrow, BowKer, Todd, Burchard, Urant ond Busaaida.

pm-ynri daah— MaRowan. Sin<dair, Dearborn, Hurley, Badger, m. P. Lew- is, a ft Pay. Pun hard. Rockwell, tVse. Todd, Piaikcs, Siebrarlu. Mo««ftr, ami Oranl

Shot-pm J. ft, Lewis. High jump Piefknht. Pat'ton. Ttel-

i\.r-d, i^ogan, Burnsldje, Lewis, Rtf> II..Ids t'ase and Pralnerri,

llroad Jump ■■■Dearborn. K. C Lewis, Plen •'. Denny, Burchard, J. R. Lewhj, II, vii.-Ids and r. K. Thompson

Pole VaUlt—K. C. Lewis, \llelfon1 t iardOer. and Keyimlds. -'ieiiv riri--i»T, Cooka^onaa, \\*eNt

(*. !■'. Thompson, and substitute, Hod- enpvle: jiiiis. Finch, Morrison, H. IV Wilson. Piza, and substitute White, liMUl. Tnvlor, Reynolds,' P. C. Adams Lewis, and substitute Cifford: l!»in, Kennedy, MiCullo. k, W, , H. Griffin, Lock, and substitute <*hell.

Pure Jersey Milk First Class Quality from

Hill Crest Farm J. J. McDUFFIE, North Andover.

John J. Sullivan, die w.ll ;;u.iw druggist, a broth, r n DIM AI K. HII

be;,n ,and e memhcT of the tirni - Butllvan Brothcs, died ihls morning • hU home. 16S Jackaon street, ag* ahout 40 years.

The dec*-as.<i had been troubled greai deal with rheumatism bul aitl In the last week had recovered sufl oiantly LJ ht* nhb> t,o be about. 1 Tussdas evenlns/i ait.jy vls.ltlog a friend who lives across the street, he returned home to retire, when he WHS stricken with a shock. He has failed gradually since that time, nniii this morhftig; when death • turned

Mr. Sullivan was b..rn in this ott > n.l storied in th.- drug buslnpas in ^7s with his brother, Dr. Michael F

Suihv in, Barnes tnw nfterwarda, the tnttei ^r.tnsferr.'ri ,li< husiness to the leeeasad and another brother, lames lL Sullivan, iind the firm was known

;>* Sullivan Bros. iTmlcr oarelul yel liberal btlsllieHS icibods. lb.- firtx has been -ucc.->siid. The deceased recflJv- . ,i in-- pducatlon In the public schools of ihj^ cltv. He v. .is iniinarri. I and leaveH two hrolhws, tw.. sisters, Miss- is Annie and Mar\ Sullivan, and his mother to -mourn his premature de- mise, as well us hundreds of personal friends who appreciated bis worth as

i i] genial companion and a mode) cltl- aen. Many deeds of kin.ines- and < liar- ii\ have been ne^orfaed ;hv all three brothers among the poor and deserving hi the Immediate vicinity of their store, l he I ni familiarly known as "th.- plains."

The .1. ceased v«aa fl member of conn Columbia, P. of A . and Hi. Pat- rick's branch. (*, M. B, A., and several iiier frnteraai and social orpani/.a- ttmra!

The funeral will nrobably bs held SsitiTday morning from the Inimaeu- late Conception cemetery,

OBSEQUIES -The tun. i I a'.beri

'-n W<


1th m;

VVAL Walsh, who died ar her Imm- sir.-ei .\iethu.n, was held th inp from the late home, High requiem waa celebrated In 8 church b: Fr, McKcnna.

The church w,as thronged friends and relatives, for tlu- d.-ceas. was n luna; lime resident, baring Hv< in this vicinity about 4S years. In tha time makhtg lasting friendships.

At thfl nffertorv, J. William Male, in v scsns "De Pmtlimbs," -and al Ih Close !•! Ihn "la-s, \llss Sar:.h Tan ner sans *l L'o< in Hear Viv Rn

lour't v*oi -..' The iloral irib.ites were very nu

lerotiS and \ cry choice, test 'fylng ii viibstanttal wn\ Ui the lo>'e and es

iem n-hlrh all h< id fois the .1.. -a •Ttt Tin bearers «•( re Walter J. . H n

,- and Joseph Wal.-h ond Tbomai

Int. i'ii i \yai in th. fan ppllon

,\iVKI s--T)»i> funeral of ,vi Agnei Myers was held Wedneadnj imrninii from the late borne, M Mel rot ■ -treet. HiKh mass of requiem was ct ebrateO at 8 ni St. Ann 's ■ 1 irefl bj Fr ilamei.

The remains reposed in black boniilclotb co.-..r.-.l casket i! r trine med and inscribed "At U.-st.

Inierr.a 01 was in the In. in. ulatc i'nu pti« ii cemetery

A serious accident occurred thi-t barrel. nfornlng about n o'clock when a bay iiors.. attached in a covered delivery wuKon belonging to Monnay & ICa- Laut<biin, proprietors of the Qulncy market, ran away at the lower end of a'ominou streei and leiiously Injured N-HUI wyctslsk, a , lnM of three ..ears, ri.-idinit with his parentsj at xi Common street.

The horse was fsedina. from a box which was |uaced on the end nf an oil

lu-lii ilns afternoon ai J o'clock al the ate home, i ' Newton street

Th-- body'lav in a white brocaded plush cask. i. sliver trimmed and In- scribed "Jomcfl .1 Harrlgan. DI-.I Oct. f:*, 1906, Aged G Years,'< Months an.I JiS Pays."

,\ number of beautiful Moral tr lltis Were seji' h> IOVfalg lli'lliis.

Iriternient >\.'is in the Pmniieulai- Cnncejn ion eejnetery,

l.' ■■ ,< 11: Tllfr film I ■ ■ . ■ over the lemalns il Mi,. ):.. .-tiil.l '1 l,,-\i itIK! 1 ,■ ' n l null, who (1 ,*■■ 1 HI Ill" f.llllllV MUM-, 'ili Trenton si-reet,' «i ■ held UU- nrtfin :n ! o'eloek l • A. A W Unullxn \ ur ii-ini

ifflclaled Burial i\ l>T\ .

\n i Bolle-


Ki>frif ToV ,l;i.. Oct. -' Tlie .illiR line ^t'-i. ner AlleshMM . .'. ptiiln Wii-


lert, Ii S u VurK, \l.iiu.y,. Bay, KinKst'ni. -mrts. HIIIIMI hem today, the hnrrleriho nf laid week, Hor ntllni-'M were .lamiipri-il ntul her iiiul hard unr'i io prfvriii ih, deck ir...i bethn earrrert »«nj

HANXIflAij The funernJ iv r lit., of Jnnii", .1 .'.■in. Hie sl\-y....|r.ol.l rhllil ,.l mil \nnii- Honntajan, whi, ill- l;iv iiiiitiKKin as Hi,- result "I I... ivil fr..i,i a falling ohtmn

Il.-.unl. r.iii.i,


I.. 1ST II ' ' Khun

Al ll.i»ser-.\I. Iluflle iliwllal RU. i- ,liur.ll, .let. J4, II limn, .1 hnnkerehlef, irlmmeil ivlti

li ar.l In-ili..ii. Very Milimlili. i. rnvnet II.I.IHISI' ..f Its UanelnAlnnf, I'in.l.., \\ill he amply reuniile.l if Iv iuUtiat-UJ Alts—nnftiy. ,: n»r i,,. MUM Havi I in -i i, |0.ll ,



Fancy Groceries. Best Goods at Lowest Prices, Now and Always.

A sad case was before Judge Moho- ney In notice court this morning,

Jeremiah Sweeney was charged with b« ins drunk and disorderly. Officer' W'adlln i.stilVe'.l thai he was .-tilled to the Sweeney house, 320 Dm stregl at £iU *\ .dies-day evening, H.> found thing* in rtlsor.dcr. The dishes, he said, w • iv scut.-red on the floor, and bud was all over the place. The officer statt-d rliai after be arrived Kw.>eney iiH4-4l pPofBUS lanatjtage mother harsh names.

Policeman Wadim' further said th;it .Mrs. Swe.n.y w as" al raid 'to .. pp. a r tn court Bgalnst h<-r son as she is in con- stant drend of him.

f>n!v a few weeks ago SW*M nay's old.r brother was fined by the court l'..r assault ii|.on his mother, and i! seems from the twi. cases that die i'. a much nbuwetl woman,

on Ibe ehnrge ,,f ' drunkenness Sweeney was given two months in jail, Th.- other complaint against him wits e.intiuircd for sentence, . „

Adam rtostn was charged wiiii as- saiilt upon Albert Shtnka, both hrtlng Poles. It is alleged that the men were urinkhu; In H sain<.n and that tfosta was ordered out. He wailed oil the outside fur th*1 other man ami when he aipenre.1 ft.Mow--.I him home. gj» -.inlting him in an alley. The pnse vsoaj ."iitinued until tumurrow in order thai nHnessea mlKbt be summened. Harry

tunsei for (he com- it. Lawrence, plainant.

Frank PluIT. a bov of 15 years, from AndoVer, was charged with the tareeny of a bank booh frm)1. bis fHthcr. Wed- nesday.

The b.,ok was found on the hoy when be was searched at the police nation \\. dn. silav afuruumi. Sonw; lime ago Phd. ran away and - his father had to K<> to New Vnrk for him.

alle.l His)Later on he ran nwny tn Hiddeford. AI*.. The case waa continued until the bivenlle session Monday.


James n. Lynns sued Will lain M. Tripp for money alleged due blni on n lumber BUT, The lumber. It Is said. was us.".! bv Trlpp In building a hous.. Victor V'errler claims" tha nion- i-y has been paid to Lyons. He W"-*» hi piirtm rsbip with Pripp at the lime and claim* Trlpp is Indebted to hint.

Pierce & Wads worth Oppsantd for the plaintiff and <'bnrles F. Sargent eppeared for Mr \'.rrler, DeclHlon was reserved,

II. rl.. 11 Whin sued Jainct; K. Ttar- ter for II. the balance of a, bill for coke .which he claims Baxter bought Iroiu biro.

itraiti.-r.l D. Smith appeared for the plaint iIT and It. K, Ufowell reprenented lib* defenduur. v

L y


.loan W. Duffy will hold n land safe shortly on the land purchased fr the Ktne'-v heirs, known as Km.rv terrace. Join. J.' Hurley, the well known real eatats broker, will hgve charge of the wale, and as the land is sightly; and conveniently located, proper res- triction! ior the welfare of purehaserH will be nui into each deed. 1 .Iberal term-' will nl*o i"1 an ewaentlal part oi evefj transaction, and it i1- believed i'i ii this nte win -irove i,. !>.■ Just • • i>:i! ili»? puiip. have been watting for ii the way of splendid 'and "snaps."

Pit. die lodge, ti A. <>. P. VV I. i i« c. pi. it an Invitation to \ bill Burl lodge nf Haverhill next Monday even- ing, Oct, ^!t. to make arrangement with them to attend their baJl \ apfCial car will leave the transfer sta- tion al T '10 o'clock.

nd In sfim<' -way the barrel ly.-ame overturned said rolled be- tween the hoi-SeNi lens, caUBlW the ttnlnial to bOOOfna frightened and run away.

Tin- horse took to the sidewalk, A by- stander attempted u, stop it but the bridle slipped from the horse's bead and It continued on his night down Common atreet, knocking down and in- jurini; the child before (i could be -'■'I I

The child will pobaly tint recover.


At his residence, 57 Milton street, hist ev. nlng. Rev, lYank l». smith. paH- tor,...f tin i'nite.1 Presbyterian church, was tile recipient of ,t handsome gold mounted umbrella, the gift .if the board of trustee* and elders and the Men's teagl i ll ■■ « burch.

tile-hard Campbell made the •T)r>'aen- tat Inn apeech hi which the pastor re- aponded graciously, \n informal Kood time waa then enjoyed by the men*/ pari> BKHcmbled, (luring which I her*1

i\ tin lUglnR and iecilittions. The vlalt- ur- .1. parted at an early- hour, wishing the reverend reclplenl many happv re- nuns ol the day.


Madame" .h-noe. she will most tolly help yon tn decide <*n all crs of Importance to you, all (hii l with I.. ('. Moore Co


To Piano Buyers During the next tew, days the LAWRENCE PIANO CO. will copduct a notable piano sale

nt. ii,.

.i very allKhtl v ils. .1 Tli.'Si' ,v.' shul I si 11. .•

mill iii.'il.,. rn-. in I..1

i'i.rif;his which in.1 in every t ;i ri-ilu. tir.n ..f ;il.nut V) p'T

.1,1' lull SIoiU



Several seconeVhRnd square* aitd organs :it any We enrr; Hi. hHllili-.'.[ii''. apleiJ.d "'HUlilIn

MAN [ilnn.>. lli>- fjroatest piano value fit- tli.

%2*S. $235.

. $225.

J200 TO $600.

imy |iri.'. t<. innlir room.


.ii. v in the world.

Sol,- lecal ajrenta for the EVERETT, a piano unsuermmed at any price,

in Mix ,\ii, rn I.III.K rtVKS nil: siu.'K BEFORE vc.r nirv

We htiv.. ill.' JiiT-si piiiti.i attcm r.i'.iiii III l. as caw. I ,.MHO in uml lalk ti

nver whether you hoy 'or not.

175-177 Essex Street and 5-7-9»Jackson Street. ALES. PORTER, LAGER, STOCK ALE

'Mat! Orders or Tel.|J 3t J

Frank Jones' Portsmouth Ale lei CASE8, 1-2 BBLS OR 14 BBLS. I-OR CLUBS. OUTINGS OR FAM


Parsons & Bennett

Funeral Directors 188 BROADWAY.

Personal Attention Given to all D"t.->'li. Telephone 320.


LAWRENCE PIANO CO., Bay State Bldg., Cor. Lawrence and Common Sts.


Jtorf FrttniHf' F.vtry Mothert Book, rnnfoiriinr VaUabU Htnts en F*t4ingJfthing,Wt**ingtSlfp\ngt&<. FENNINGS'

ink* (Mr f«M, Pr#v#fif £' « Cova/if jrtJ Soothing.

CHILDREN'S his, nor -«t ■ ■■ ■'-:.-. Injurioust cnti and VO ceoti with lull d


For ChiUrrn Culling Ihtir Tttth. Frtvtnt Luiivultiunt. Art Cooling and Soothing.

(Do not contain Antimony. Cftlotni Sold everywhere m ht.imj

Will b« «nt FOOT 1KKH nn »|:i.!i. ji N I* Ai.FM .(•.it'«,lMr..| WIK'H, KIIKUU.1. oito U«»« ■;.;:,-,, In.., in WiliUin titrwl, M«* V..t

Morphia, nor aro tiling injurious to a tender babe.) t 35 cent* n 11'! 90c*ntt with lull direct ion-.

Observe, otieich of the genuinr Powders- •> ii printed FENNINGS* CHILDREN'S POWDERS, with my Tnde-M*rk the C*oUf —"A Baby Cradle."

Lawrence Highlands Co, Real Estate

We have this day bought a large tract of land located on Beacon St.,

South Lawrence, which is cut inlo house lets to be sold on easy terms. Now

is the time to buy thess lots before they are all sold. This is the time, as

we have, told you before, for buying-lard in the suburbs. The develop-

ment of electrical transportation in a very few years will have annihialated

distance, so far as a radius of 50, miles is concerned. At present land can

be bought at low prices by those who select intelligently, and those who

buy wisely will not only provide for themselves a good home now, but a

vary considerable profit in the future. Real estate in Lawrence ia-inavita*-

bly bound to increase in value. Buy your land now if you can afford it;

Buy two or three lots. Build your house on one of these lots—that add to

the value of :hv others'— use the other lots as a garden and a pls*y ground

for your children. While you stay in the city increased population simply

means that it increases ycur rent. You get nothing from it. You can build

in two years as cheaply as now, but in two years you will have to pay

double or more for land. Don't live and pay rents in the tenements of the

city. Gat out in the suburbs where your children will get the pure, fresh

air. Think this over before you are too late. Buy one, two or more lots

and you will have a bright future before you. Lots are selling for from

..three to five cents per foot. For plan and particulars apply at office of

fill. LeMIe

in the aft.'

■uppos « R.

lit. H.- Mr*. Marc.tret tree*, fmitld 'loud In h»r Palace hotel last Tlrure- i, dtd nol rommit suicide H?d, bur »M murdered.

Herbert R. NiJtiolapg a theatrical manager, arrested Saturday night on suspicion hsa" confessed that he aid- ed in tin' muiilci and Unit George I^eu- nold, a drug clerk for whom the police are now searelllluT, was his mnimpllce. 'Phe wtinian 's <lia iij.mtlrt and money \v*re the motive for ih&rerlme.

Nicholas first tell his story l! Ki' rl.'inrn. v, lint on this being;

I, he made a complete confes- sion, implicating Leopold,

Ho mid th;it he and Leopold went M the woman's' room Wednesday

niglit, nnd after a tew moments' con fsatlnn he HUggested 'hat they have irink, prod wit if? a bottle of whisker, ■a, Leslie waa taking off her Jewels the time and had her back turned

ward tiiem. Leopold, according tp NlcfttOns, Beli-

ed the woman by the throat and Chok« ed her irtto—IttwenMbH-lty. Thro-wini; h r on the bid. he [.laced B lowil saturated with ehlerofflPrw eve* her face. The men-then-took some '>r th» woman's K'artn. lits and H.-djh.'tn tlghtrj around her neck.

King her jewel?, which (TOW val- BJ |2D00, the men turned on the

Kiis Jets, hurried out Qt the room and left the hotel. The next morning they

appointment nn'l divided the i--w.N. Those which Nicholas toote have already been recovered.

Anxiety to realize on the jewelry .led to hi* -arrest, Detectives found some of the diamonds in a pawn shop and they were traced to Nicholas. He was then arreated end declared that Mrs. Leelte who had been an old friend of his, had given them to him. He told ccm- rtlcttng stories, however, and finally

lmltled the theft and the confession ' the murder followed.

REUNION HELD AT BAPTIST CHURCH The 4i'.th anniversary of the Second

Baptist chinch was celebrated Wed- nesday afternoon by nn enormous gathering oi the members and parish- loners who Joined in making the tiny one nf hap^jIneHH and rejoicing.

The affair took (be character of a reunion and all name, young and old, and old friendships were renewed and new ones made.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the older peoTJlfl and mothers met. Some of thu older ones were feebje. but they made nn effort to be present on the anniversary day. Hymns were i-mm and remarks made by the pastor. Rev. C. C. Karle. Kcv. E. P. Tuller, former- ly pastor of the church but now of Al- Iston and Airs. Tuller were in attend- ance.

Supper was served nt ", o'clock to the afternoon guests and the fine, npast was enjoyed by all.

At 7 o'clock another assembly was heli] in the audience room of the younger and middle agrd members. Ail organ voluntary wan rendered by Mrs. Clare Norton, of Andover, after which the entire Kutherlng marched to the vestry below winging "On ware


LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide fold and Grip remedy re- moves cause. r»all for full name. Look for signature K. W. Grove. 25c.

LI Walsh, Agent and Manager 614 B»y State Bldg., Lawrence, Tel. 396.

DoYeu Suffer With Piles? I Can Cure You!

Free Treatment This Week Dr. Temple's Office, at 351 Essex St.


I wMI personplly treat absolutely free of charge, medicines included, all persons suffering with


WASHINGTON, Get. 24—"The total Immigration to the United States may reach 1,400.006 people this year." said Secretary Metcalt ol the department of commerce and labor. as he left the White House after a brief talk with the President today. The secretary has just returned from New York, where lie investigated oondttldns nt the Kill* Island Immigration station.

I do this to demonstrate my skill in the treatm-nt of and to prove that without the use of ligature or the kr piles can be

Rectal Diseases, ife many cases of


Christian Soldiers." In all fully 4<l«i were in attendance and in the evening ebOUt 300 were seated at supper. Ar- rived in the vestry, all sat down to the

nntifui supper which ha.i been pre- pared by tlic ladles of the church iin- ler the direction of Mrs. George Car- rie.'w K P, Fuller invoked the dl- *ylne blessing and the member* joined in Shllrtna; the doxology.

Supper was served bj R large num- ber ot men and wpmen waiters under the direct Ion of lSsacon Frank ITarr, Some who assisted were Mrs. George Cnrli.-de, Mrs. McAllister, J. \V. Shir- ley, George Thayer. Otis I'Yeeman. Mrs. Woodman and Mrs. Archie N. Front.

At the conclusion' of supper, the meeting was failed to order by Devon S. F. Snell, chairman of the commit- tee .if arrangements. Mr. Snell spoke in regard to the organisation of the church.

David C Farr favored with a flute solo, after which, Rev. C. C. Karle gave an address of welcome. Mrs. Georgia S. Shepherd gave a vocal se- lection and Miss Ida Freeman rend an original poem.

Dr. K. P. Tuller also addressed the gathering. The entire affair was warm spurted Hid the speaking sTTrrlng ana enthusiastic.

A fine selection was rendered hv a trio composed of David C. Farr. flutist, Mrs. David C. Farr, violinist and Mrs. Herbert Krec-nan. pianist.

A arand social followed and many took the opportunity to speak and shake hands with Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Puller.

Thi* decorations wbich were fine, were of autumn leaves. Mrs. Seth Kln- e/ii.l, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bradbury, arranged and decorated the vestry


RECEPTION The executive committee appointed

to make the arrangements for the re cej.tlon to the Irish envoys. Ka&letlQ. and Kettle, who will be here on Sun dav evening next in the city hall, met in St. Mary's hall Inst nlnht.

Chnll*ra*n Hev. James T. O'Reilly presided, t'oiiimlttees on music, hall, and escort, Mere appointed.

Fr. <» it.'illy predicts that Sundav night's reception wilt be the most en thuslastlc and most largely attend.'.] ever tendered to envoys In this city.

Howe This?

We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.

V. J. CHENEY A CD, Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F.

J. Cheney for the last 111 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm."

WARDING. KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaees of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.

Take Hall's Family "Mils for con- stipation.




TO LET—Two furnished front rooms, ft Tremont street, telephone in house.

10-285 Ha

TO LET—Shop formerly occupied by Brown Brothers, corner of Methuen and Jackson streets, aa a paint shop, or will be remodelled to suit

.a tenant. Apply J. E. O'Brien, 30 Hampshire street. 10-3M a *

TO LET—Two furnished rooms, and two four-room tenements at HO Park Btreet. 10-398 as.


LOST—A solid gold, open face lady's watch, between the LaWence Gen- eral hospital and Newbury street. Finder please return to the General hospital and recelva reward. sa

LOST—A pair of lady's eyeglasses on Union street, Sunday forenoon. Finder return Fame to Mrs. Frank Dydek, 30 High street and receive reward. 10-14!) sa

TO LET—No. 6 Albion St., attractive furnished rooms; table board If desired; steam heat; modern conveniences; 'telephone; location close to three electric lines; within 8 minutes' walk of Bay State. References required. Apply to M. F. Ban-. 10-343sa

LOST—Lady's gold 'watch, on Law- rence street. Had leather fob with letter "B" attached. Will the person who picked up the watch please re- turn same to lt»8 Walnut street or 239 Essex street, and receive reward.

10-171 aa.

TO LET—Tenement of six rooms, (new building), parlor, dining room, three bedrooms, kitchen, bath, pantry, Ka<», hot water; corner Bromlldld and Alma Sts. Apply ti2 Bromlhdd St.

10-4K7 sa



Louis Caramcle. of 117 Elm «t sustained an indued wound on thumb of his riitlit hand, while at work in the Washington mill yester- day.

Besrfle Hoffman, of 4M Hampshire street, received a laceration of the tlrst finger on the right hand, while at work in the Washington mill yesterday.

Charles Bonton .u\ r.:t Oxford strret got a spiinter in his left foot while at work in the 1'einberton mill yester- day.

The above Injuries were treated at the General hospital.

TO LET—Upstairs tenement on Lowell street. Tower Hill. Two family house and til st class In every res pee t. Ap ply &92 Lowell street or f>iW BiMag Btreet 10-W3 ■ am

TO LET— Furnished rooms, modern eonvenienees, centrally loegted, be- tween Arlington mills and Essex street, 21 Green street. 10-465 sa

LOST—A small black Water Spaniel, with collar, no name; near-Cymnuin. Finder return to Joe Woytesxtg, id Allen street, and receive reward.

10-358 sa

,OST—A sijrnot. ring in North Ando- ver on1 Main St., between Epiacopal church and Third St.. Please return to 386 Main St. and receive reward.


LOST—On Oct. ICth, about 5 p, m., on Lowell street or Broadway, a steel bead purse, containing a sum of money and a key. Please return to til Warren street and receive reward.

10-42C sa.

Dean ■ RkennsaUle Fills absolutely cure Rneumatlacm and Neuralgia.

TO LET—Two stalls In stable at rear of 375 Broadway, cor. Cross St., Up- to-date stalls, everything conven- ient. Apply J, F. James & Co., 181 Essex St. p. m., or 375 Broadway, 8:30 a, m. tf-a

. JllV&KS-TMt'* ENOLINH, U« l>IAMOM» ltUAMI I'll.I.n, 1. W6 yt»ii" r»n"l<-d *i !'<-». Skfat. Al**y» Kclid le. b.'ld W DriittfiM •ve*y»h«rt.

IhomlcjU Co., rl>U»del0tii% I'm-

Trade supplied by the Eastern.Drag Co.. Boston, Mass.

Cured Let no one have any hesitancy in applying for Free Treatment. Cour

taous treatment will be extended to all, whether they, be rich or- poor, SL.

this is not charity but simply an honest test, and the . requirements can ba fulfilled by all who apply in sincerity and who wish tp be cured. Remem- ber, treatment of all rectal diseases, medicine included, every Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday.

Free r MEN r

If you suffer with nr\y form of a Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Skin, Blood Bladder or Nervous Trouble, you can consult with Dr. Temple personally at his office, 351 Essex street, Glcason BUg„ Rooms 44-45-46-47, Free of Charge, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 2 to 8 p. m. This'also is tho last week you can have Free X-Ray Examination. The terms f<*r treatment are within the reach of all, paying as able.

Advertise In The American


Will be paid to the person

furnishing sufficient evidence

to convict thote who started

the fifes at the various

stables recently.

CHARLES G. RUTtER, Chairman of the Board of

Ftre Engineers.

Lawrence, Sept. 26, J906


NEW YOKK. Oct. 24—Olaf Foyn. who bud been second milte of the cuttle steamer Carmeltna. aboard which Manual Sllvrln, the Cuban agent of the firm .if J. M. (Vbarios and Co fled from Havana Oct. -1, arrived her today as a passenger on Ihe fted I Tine steamer I'hlhidetphirtr from Pueii i 'abello.

I'ovn left the Cannelina - August JO nt Curacao because of illness. When tin- steamer returned there Opt. ' from Havana, he was taken aboard a a messenger tn no to Puerto cabetlo, in order to make connection with th-i Philadelphia to come to New York on bis way in bis home in Norway, Dur^ in* the trip from Curacao to Puerto" Cabello, which occupied one night. li<* learned that the Cuban agent, Manuel Sllv.lra. with his family, was aboard. Foyh left the Cnrmellna at Puerto Cabello and professes to know nothing about Sllvelra's movements.

Entirely vegeta-bl*. safa.

VAN HOOK—The smoothest, purest whiskey on the market. Try it as a builder, nuthlng better. At Ford Bros.



Monday, Oct. 29th



If ynu.havo second hnnil fuitifture to B.'U *>r pxchunKo, call on us and we will pny the best of prices. Dargaln Furniture Store, 4C8 Essex Ht.


FOR SALE—Great Bargain. Nino, room house, nil modern improve- ments, situated on corner, 1H.001 square feet of land, 10 minutes' walk from Wood mill, at only X2100 If sold at once. Kasy terms. Address, Joel Hean, Jr., 603 Bay State llldg., Lawrence, Mass., or 4 Perkins ave- nue, Brockton, Mass. 8-195sa

FOR SALE—Household furniture In- cluding piano. Must be sold before next Monday; Inquire Ayer ft Mac donald, 113 Essex street, city.

St su





Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. — DANIElTsiLV&R,


WE PAINT Whitewash, Stain, nrain nnd do every* thing t<> tone your house tip. Rooms papered* with border to rratch. only yi. our pplces on Work tire the lowest In tnwn anil the work Is guaranteed. Send postal and wa will gtee you »u <sti-






WEEK OF OCT. 29—The Scenic Sorctacle, "COME. &ACK TO ERIN,"

Papular Pricet. 'Ladiea to Orchestra, Matineei, 10c, Phonta 70 A 8553.

DRINK PURITAN SPRING WATER Best spring water In town. Delivered

fiv.-'L from thfl spring msix day- Sample bottles trw. Drop postal to Ueorge W. Piper, Box 666, City.


Auction ssls of Diamondi, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Opera Glssses, Rings, Chains, Charms. All kinds of poods found in a first-class jewelry store. Every article must bs sold. Auction every evening at 7:30.



Real Estate Albion St.—Choice house lots. Allen St.—Four 2-tenement houses.

Prire J6.300. Qood Investment. Allston St.—Two-tenement house. All

modern. Price 14,000. Arlington St.—Six-tenement Hock.

Good Investment. % *, *-• Pailey St —L'p-to-date four-tenement

house. Prlee. $6,800. Bennington St.—Three-tenement house

Price 14,300. Berkeley St.—Choice"house lots. Bradford St.—Six-tenement house.

Price |7,700. Bunker Hill St. —Three-tenement

house in good condition. Chase St.—Three-tenement house.

ice J3,r>0n. Chestnut St.—Investment properties

of all descriptions. Cross St,—Three-tenement house In

good condition. IB. Haverhill St.—Up-to-date resi-

dent. Trice $7,&Q0. Kim St.—Investment properties of all

kinds. Fairmont St.—Three-tenement house.

Plica } 3,600. Farnhum St.— Two-tenement house.

Up-to-date in every way. Oorfleld St.—iModern residence. Price

J3.S00. Hampshire St.—Two-tenement house

and cottage. Price $3,200. Haverhill st.— Two-tenement house.

Price 15,600. Highland St. —Eight tenement house

and cottages. Price reasonable. Jackson 8t.r—Up-to-date residences. Myrtle St.—Two-tenement house and

cottage, Price $5,700. Lawn nee St. -Three-tenement house.

Price $4,400. Lowell St.—Nine-tenement house and

Store. Price $7,300. » Market St.— Three-tenement house

nnd cottage. Prlee $6,200. May St,- Four-tenement house. All

modern Improvements. Melrosn St.—l'p-to-date cottages Newton St. - Three-tenement house.

Price $3,200. Ouk St—Eight-tenement house

good condition. Reasonable. O.sgood St.—Up-to-date two-tenement

house. Price $4,500. Pine St.—Two 4-tenement blocks and

store. Salem St.—Two-tenement house. All

modern improvements. So. Union St.—Four-tenement house.

I'riee $7400. Tremont st. - Seven-tenement house.

Good investment. \ Walnut St —Three-tenement house.

Price $4,200. Water St.—Up-to-date two-tenement

hottssp; -4 Willow St.—Four-tenement house.

Price J4.400. Six cottages from $1000 to $1,600. A

few hundred dollars will be suffi- cient to buy one of these nice homes.



SUITE 3*4-325. TEL. 1171.


Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Essex, ss.


To tin- heirf-at-law. next of ' kin, creditors', and all other persons inter- ested In the estate of Charles R. Stan- ley, late of Lawrence, in said County, merchant, deceased, intestate. WHEREAS, i petition-has been pre- sented to siiid court to grant a. letti r of .MIministration on the estate not already fidrnlnl»teYed of said deceased to Harry It. Stanley of Lawrenca In the Cminty of Essex without giving a surety on his bond, Von are hareby cited to appear at a Probate Court h be held at Salem In said County n Essex, on the fifth dav of November A. D. Woe, at nine o'clock tn the for. noon, to show cntiHe, if any you hav why the same should not be granted.

And the petitioner is hereby direct to give public notice thereof »iy pub- lishing this citation once In each week, for three successive weeks, in the Lawrence Daily American, a newspaper published in Lawrence, the last publi- i iiion t<, be one day at least before saiil Court.

Witness, riollin E. Harmon. Esquire, Judge of said Court, this ninth day Q| October. In the year one thousand nine hundred and six.

J. T, MAHONEY. Register. H. R Stanley, Atty.

10-1S3. 10-ll-l8-2:>.

FOR SALE—At u bargain, some exfn line machinists tools. Do not mlSi this chance, Enquire of «■ Folger. 606 Essex St., 10-430 sa

FOR- PA-LE—Irlslv Settejrs,. prize dogs, for sale cheap. 117 Maple street, Lawrence. 10-432 sa

FOR SALE -A pair of handsome eork er Spaniel pups, nine weeks old. a red and a black. Th** mother of,these dogs took first and special at Law- rence dog show. I have bred this strain of dogs for 12 years and can guarantee them all straight, Call anl see them, ur write to Andrew Law- ion. 21 School street, Methuen, Mai*

J0-44U a

FOR SALE-Corne , nearjy new, in tii si -eiass eondltl >n. Price low. Ap- plv to Joseph H. Banks, 11MI7 Turn- pike road. North Andover, Mass,

10-319 a.

Cards from the following list can be purchased nt the Amcrlcnn-Sun office, :<>;4 !-:ssex street, in uny number de- sired :


DEARBORN & CO., the SECOND HAND DEALERS have removed the corner of Amenbury and Commo Sta. WBhest ca»h irt4ees- paid for second hand furniture and all class- es of second hand goods. satf

to nbii

REST CASH PRICES giver ond hand furniture. Apply Irving, 311 Common St.

for sec- to James

MONEY TO LOAN on Diamonds and Watches at a Low Rate. Flno Watch Repairing at lowest prices. GORDON The Jeweler, 427 Essex St. G-127sa

LOW PRICES for the finest quality of w'atvhes and Jewelry, watch and jewelry repairing, linest work, rea- .-..liuble prices. I have a few line old violins for sal.-. JAMES WAIN, ill ESSEX ST.

PUBLIC STORAGE Of Pianos, Furniture and General Merchandise. Modern brick buildmg, practically fireproof; large elevator. Lawrence Storage Warehouse. For particulars apply to 3i»7 Merhuen street, or 450 Essex- street. Telephone 1136-3. 2-423sa


WANTED^KrlK-ht, refined young wo- man lor work in reception room of photographic studio. Address. I'itoto- granher, ^un-Aim-*ricau otuv«*

10-446 sa.

Commonv/eslth of Massachusetti.


Tn the helr»-at-law, next of kin, and all other persons interested In the es- tate of Sunnier C. Stanley late of Lawrence, In said County, dereosed. WHEREAS, a certain instrument pur- porting to be the last will anil testa- ment of said deceased has balm pre- sented to said Court) for probate, by Harry Ruins Stanley, Wilbur D, Row ■ ell and William Odlfn who pray that letters testamentary may be issued to them, .the executors therein named, without giving a surety on their offi- cial bond--: You are hereby cited to appear nt n Probate Court to be held at Halem In said Couyity of Essex, on the fifth day of November A. D, 100*. nt nine o'clock In the forenoon to show cause. Is any you have, why the same should not he granted.

Vnd "ftalil petitioners are hereby di- rected in KIVP public notice thereof hy publishing this citation once In each Week, for three successive weeks, in the Laurence Dally American, a news*-

- -Dauer luihilshpul In lAwrcne- the last 1 infiltration to be, one day, at least, before said Court, and by malllne, postpaid, or delivering ;i copy of this citation to nil known persons inf.r- ested in thi! estate, seven days nt ioast before said Court

Witness. I toll In E. Harmon, Esquire, Judge of said Court, Mils ninth day ,,i October in the year one thousand nine hundred and six.

.' T MAHONEY, Register, 11. It. Stanley. Attv, /

I 1U-1B0 1Q-U-11-2&.

WANTEBt-Cai>able. woman desires work; at office cleaning. Beat of ref- erences. Address M. T. American Sun office. aa tf

WANTED—To teach two of three pu- pils shorthand. Terms very reason- able. Address "G. K, C.,M American Office. 10 158 ua

WANTBD—At once, kitchen girl, at Flanders' restaurant. Apply 11 Maid street, Anduver. pi-T.-l sa.

\Y.\ \TKl)-.\ Protestant housekeepei for family Of three. Apply a,t V

.ISroadway, Methuen.- 10-4f.0a

WANTED—Second hand Furniture all description We pay the beat cash prices, W. L. Welch & Co., 386 Essex .St., Telephone ;;:i:i-5.

MONEY TO LOAN On Household Furniture, Flanos,

Raal Estate and other kinds of prop- erty, at legal and reasonable rates of Loans can be paid by email weekly or monthly payments. Interest deducted as the principal is paid back. Business confidential; please call and get out terms; you will find them satis- factory.

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday and Thursdays, from 4 p. m., to 9 p. m., nnd Saturdays from 2: SO p. m., to 0:110 p. in.

Forrest Loan Co. 228 Essex St., Room 3

(Over Leonard's Clothing Store).

Cottage House —A NO-

WANTED—Men for automobile driv- ing and repair business; for $25 we Kuaroflti-e a license; easy payments; largest and best school; open even- ings until 9 o'clock; enclose stamp for catalogue. Boston Auto School, HZ Tremont St., Boston, Mass.


WANTED—Housework in a Brnall family^ by middle-aged woman. Ap- ply to^'C. O.," American-Sun office.

10-59 a.

WANTED—Young women In every city and town In Northeastern Mas- sachusetts <iual tiled for positions pay- ing till a week and upward to write to 1028, Old South Itl.lg., Boston.


WANTED—Girl to work In store ns cashier, also to assist on books. Call at Park hotel parlor, Monday, be- tween 'J and 11. 10-l%a


6 000 feet of land —ON—

Butler Street.

Houses and Land —AT—

Waverley Park







M ORTGAGE Money to Lonn on rlettl Estate in large <>r small

amounts at a low rate of Interest. S



Boot Blacking TOirlur fnr Ldiillps nnd OIIIH. Rrlvate Pmrlor fnr UMUea Steam Cleaning. PresKlilB and Dyeing1 of La- dies' and Ui'iil'a e|.,|hlnK. Cal|«o lor.

, iin.l DHKwtl. IIj.wvsl Frk'i-9. Ili-atl Dellvwcil direct from 11"' hpring w.irk. I,'very innrnliiK. Order by Doatal, B, »■

ARSINIAte E. EVANS, lAhbntl. 5 l'l.asant Valley slruet, Me- l» ESSEX *T, LAWRKNCB. Itnuen. _ J

Every Heart Beat forces about 8 ounces of blood out of the heart, and sends it coursing through the veins to the remotest part of the body. [This is the amount required by nature to nourish and sustain your body. Every ounce less than this means a shortage in nature's supply of building-up material. A weak heart cannot meet this demand, and conse- quently you suffer. If your heart skips a beat, or flutters, salpitates, pains you, or you have shortness of breath, you may be sure that the heart is working imperfectly.

Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will strengthen the heart muscles and nerves.

"I had been a great sufferer for 11 years. At tlio time I commenced Uklng Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I had bt>ea confined. 19 ray bed for four months. I had frequent sinking spell*, sonf times as many as threeMn a. day, durlTiff which my heart would seem to stop beating, necessitating; the call- ing of a physician to resuscitate me. Before finishing the first bottle the linking; spells had er«s«d, and I took altogether five bottles for a complete cure. I now enjoy perfect health, and am verv grateful for this wonderful medicine, for It Is the means of my bfitigr with my family now."

REBECCA BONNET, 1519 Yandea St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.

Boston & Maine RR. Winter Arrangemint, Oct. 8,1906

Western Division.


F^r Hoston—6.40, 7.10 ex., 7.24, 7.38, SOT, ex., 8.53 ex., 9.15 ex., 9.30 ex., 1<M,:, ex., 10.55, 11.33 ex.,-a. m-; 12.24 18.90, 1.40, 2.25, 3.15 ex., 8.20, 3.66, (.33 o\., 5.44, 6.15 ex., (7.00, 8.23 ex., I.2», 10.20 p. m. b

For Lowell—7.38, S.O", 9.36, 10.65 a. m., 12.-4, 2.25, S.20, 3.56, 5.44, 6.15, 7.00, J.28 p. m.

For Andover—6.40, 7.10, 7.24, 7.88, 8.07, 1.15. 9.36, 10.05, 11.33 a: m.; 12.24, 1Z.6U. 1.40, 2.25, 3.56, 6.38, 5.44, 6.15, I'M, 9.29, 10.20 p. m.

For HaverhlU—6.61, 7.47, 8.19, 9.16, 10.86; 11.33 a. m.; 12.35, 1.48, S.Otl, 4.08, 4.45, 5.04, 6.42, 5.47. 6.32, 6.45, 7.88, 8.fi2, 10.20 p. m. B, 12.OS a. m. From South Depot, 4.03, 7.02, 7.52, Ut, 9.25, 10.31, 11.40 a, m.; 12.48, 1.55, 3.08, 4.16, 4.55, 6.11, 6.56, 6.41, tST, S.04, 9.00, 10.S© p. Mi., B. 12.14 & m.

for Exeter, Dover, Somersworth—6.51, 8.19, 9.15 ex. a, m.; 1.48, 4.46, 6.47, p. m.; (12.35, 4.08 p. b., for Exeter and Dover). i>r Kxeter, Dover. No. Berwick, Ken- nehunk, Blddeford, Saco, Old Or- chard and Portland—6.51, 8.19, 9.15 a. nt.i 1.48, 4,45, 4.45, 6.32 p. m.

for Georgetown, Newburyport, Salls- hury and Portsmouth—7.47 a. ra.; 12.30, 3.00, 5.04, 6.45 p. m.

F'.r Merrlmac and Newton—8.51, 8.19, m.: 12.36, 3.00, 5.47 p. m.

Fur s;tlem, Mass., and Lynn—7.45, IS a. m.; 1.02. 6.00 p. in.

For Manchester and Concord, N. H.— 4.13, 7.30, 9.17 a. m.; 1.16, 3.42, 5.52, (.46 p. m.

Fur I'onacook, Franklin, Lebanon and White River Junction—7.80, 9.17 a. m.; 3.42, 6.46 p. m.

F»r Warner, Bradford, Sunapee, New- port (N. H.) Claremont and Clare- mont Junction—7.30 a. m.; 1.16, 3.42, p. m.

For Tllton, Laconla, Lakeport, Mere- dith, Ashland and Plymouth, 4.13, 1.17 a, m.; 1.16, 3.42. 6.46 p. m.

For Lisbon, Littleton, Whltefleld, Lan- oaster,. Jefferson and Fabyan—4.13, 9.1'.*- a, m.

Rf St. Johnabury. Lyndonvllle . anij Shirbrooke, via. W hlte Hlver Junc- tion—9.17 a. m.; 6.46 p. m.

For Montpeller. Essex Junction, Bur- lington, St. Albans and Montreal via. C v. line—9.17 a. m.; 6.46 p. m.

Fur Mnntreal via. Montreal and Bos- ton air line—9.17 a. m.; 6.46 p. m.

fw Quebec—via. White River Junc- tion—9.17 a. m.; 6.46 p. ra, LEAVE SOUTH I*A WHENCE.

For Merrlmac—7.02, 8.27 a. m .; 12.48. 1.08, 6.56 p. m.

For Exeter—4.03, 7.02, 8.27, 9.25 a. m., 1M$, 1.55, 4.16. 4.55, 5.56, 6.41 p. m.

tor stations between Exeter and North Berwick— 7.02, 8.27 a. m.; 18.48, 4.16, siiti p, m, or Dover, North Berwick, Kenne- btmk, Saco, Old Orchard and Port- land—7.02, 8.27, 9.26 a, m.; 1.55, 4.65, Ml ■ p. in. _j_ The 9.25 train connects for all sta- tions on the Maine Central and Qrand Trunk at Portland. The 1.55 p. m. train connects with the Maine Central it. R. at Portland for Lew- l«t..n. Watervllle and way stations.

'»r North, Conway and way stations —9.25 a. m.j 1.55 p. m.

a? Wuifboro—9.25 a. m.; 4.56 p. m. or Fabyan—9.25 a. m.

SUNDAY TRAINS. 'or Boston (ind way stations—7^3, 815, 10.10, 11.33 ex., a. m.; 12.10, 1.25, '■Mo, 3.50 ex.; 541 ex., 6.65, 7.43, 8.28, ex.. 8.45, 10,20 p. m.

bl Lowell—8,15 a. m.; 12.10. 2.40, 3.50, U4, 8.45 p. m. or Huverhlll—9.06, 11.18 a. m.: 12.60, U8, 3.03, 4.18, 6.45, 7.52, 9.23, 11.02. P. m; South Depot, 3.46 a. m-

■W Manchester, N. H'—12.20, 9.10 a. 1.02, 7.04 p. m.

or Portland-r-9.05 a. m.; 1.48, 6.46 p. m. ,

Southern Division. "WAINS LEAVE NO. LAWRENCE. or Boston—6.30, 7.30 a. m.; 4.52 p. m. or Woburn—6.20, 7.30 a. m.; 4.62 p. m. or Lowell—7.80, 11.46 a. m,; 4.52, 6.45, P. m„ T Salem, Mass.—7.30 a. m.; 4.62 P-

•f Ayeftjtnd way stations—4.52 p. m.. 10S6 a, m.; 3.66 p, m.; from W. Dlv. SlUttOB. r-T }', terboro, Greenfield. Hrmntngton, " "5 p. jn., from W. Dlv. station.

^r Greenfield, Amherst, Mllford and Wilton—7.30, 11.46 a, m.; 4.62 p, m. jr Na*, 11.45 a, m.; 4.62, Ml p. m. »-- Except Monday.

C. M. Rurt, Oen. Pass. Agl

J FLANDERS. Pass. Xrafflu Uuifst ■■!■)•

Mis. Eliza Harglit of Somervllle, Mass., Is a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mis. c. K. Hilton of Canobie Lake.

S. Milton Kelley of Millvllle has been pushing a few days with relatives and friends at Newton.

Mr. tnd Mrs. .Tame* Bwtn* of Raletu Centre attended the food fair a', the Mocbtnlca' building, Boston. Wadaast duy.

Mrs. John Keefe of Reading, Mass., for many years a local resident, was In town calling on old friends Wed- nesday.

A chicken supper and entertainment Will be given by Mis. Charles E. Mer- rill Sunday school ilass at the Meth- odist vestry, Salem Centre. Wednes- day evening, Nov. 7. A fllne program IK being arranged and o pleasant time assured to all who attend.

The—conferring—o£ the tiUrd- fourth degrees upon three candidates will lake place at the Satem Centre grange Friday evening.

The harvest supper and auction sale of .vegetables at. th«' Congregational ah arch Tuesday evening, netted $43.

Motorman Mil.can has moved from the turnpike 'Into the lower tenement In the home owned by Mrs. Rhoda Buxum ami sVcently vaeeted by Con- ductor J. O, Lewis.

Motorman John S. Stevens underwent a lurglcal operation at a Boston hos- pital Wednesday, wjvlch was reported as being very successful.

Rev. H. F. Qulmby of West r>erry. will exchange pulpits with Rev, C. it. Btvlr of the Pleasant street M. E. church, next Sunday.


The Ladles' Social union of the Bap- 11m church Rave a well attended sup- per and entertainment at the vestry Wednesday .veiling. Prom 6 to S O'clock an excellent supper was served by the Mies and enjoyed by a large number of l"'«l and out of town per- sons. Following the supper was the en- tertainment each' number of which was heartily encored. The rending of Miss Rosina Blood of Nashua deserves special mention. The piano selections of Miss Marlon Dorward and vocal solos of Miss Helen Frederick both of Methuen. were also well received .


LODGE AMD CLUB The meeting night of the Hoisting

and Portable Engineers has been changed from Wednesday to Monday night. The next meeting will be held next Monday night in the rooms at 1!)SS Essex street.

A special meeting of Lawrence council «7. K. of C., watt held in the rooms last night to take -action on the communication received front the ex- ecutive eomniltttee in charge of th^» inception to the Irish envoys, request- ing that the council appoint a delega- tion of 25 members as an escort. It was unanimously voted that the com- munication be granted'.

The rooms of Si. Mary's council BB°, K. of C, are undergoing a renovation at the present time. The room which wns formerly used as a cloak room has been enlarged ,and will be used in the future as a billiard arid pool room,


The quarterly meeting of the Maasa shusetta Association of Boards of Health will be held at the Brunswick hotel. Koylston street. Boston, today.

The members of the local hoard and Agent Smith will attend.

The program follows:

Lunch at 1 p. in. - BuatnCM meeting. Paper on "Gaseous Disinfectants,"

By Dr. H. W. Hill. Discussion. Paper on "Value of Three Consecu-

tive Negative Cultures In Re- leasing Diphtheria Patients."

By B. R. Richards. Discussion. Paper on "Methods Employed In

Provldcrtoe^wr -Releasing Diphthe- ria Patients."

By C*. V. Chapin, M. D. Discussion.

Now Ready Lamson & Hubbard


Fall Style For Sala By

Loading Dealers


Hope lodge of Odd Fellows went to Andover. Wednesday evening, to pay a fraternal visit to Andover lo<Jge and to leflve the "travelling cabinet" which has been in possession .of the local lodge since It came from Haverhtl some months ago. This cabinet la car- ried from lodge to lodge, having em- blems of various designs added by each lodge which receive it.

A large number of Hope lodge mem- bers turned out to go to Andover, there being about SO In the pany. A special' electric car conveyed the visiting Odd Fellows to and from Andover.

Upon the arrival of the visitors they were met by a committee from And- over lodge and given a hearty welcome by Noble ttrsnd Harry Abbott of j dover lodge. The occasion was also marked bv the—presence-. ■ of D, D, M. Jesse. J. Prescott of this town and grand officers. The gathering also in eluded Speaker John N. Cote of th house of representatives, who . madi very Interesting remarks during the evening. « i"

The cabinet carried to Andover was presented to l lie lodge by Hon. James O. Parker, one of the oldest past noble grands of Hope lodge. The cabinet was received by Noble OJrand Abbott on behalf of Andover lodge. Othe speaking followed, taose being called upon being D. D. G. M. Jesse J. Pres- colt and Pas! Grands W. A. Bower. H.;eorge N. Rlodgelt. Oeorge B. Brad bury and David S. Emery. A suppei was served after the speaking and the. Methuen delegation returned horn* about midnight, their visit having proved a most enjoyable one.

Thos< In the party Included Noble Grand Sidney Nowell, O. A. Peaalee James H. Hadley, G. A. Marsh. Elmer Coburn. John Q. Hill. Wallace Wright. Winford Nowell, Hon. James O. Park- er, Eltloi Spooner. George B. Bradbury, Herbert Cordon. George Johnson, Qeo, N. Blodgett, Leroy Marble, c. A. Clark J. H. Hidings, Charles Bower, J. W. Hall, R. S. Brown. James Stanley, A. N Bean HL P. gniery, D._s. Emery, Frank MuVhelt. Robert Hancock. Al- fred Mannlileld. Walter Fletcher, Had- ley Nesbttt, John Rent, Osoar Orr, John FaUlk, George W. Barnes, H. F. Willett, G. W.-Silloway, Hubert Jamie- son, A. B. Fainsworth. E. T. Gam- mons Ler09 Howard, Ijnvrenee Kem- ick. Gilbert Boiwen, S. O. Bultell, Dan- iel Carter. James L. Moxsom, John Ostler.


The Bock Social held Wednesday evening at the home of tfr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cooper on hroudway was attended by about SO persons. The af- fa'-t WUfl conducted by the 1-adies1 So- cial union of the Cniversallst church. Those attending. brought small silk socks Which had been sent them. These socks contained money to the amount of twice the size of the sock Worn hy the persons attending. Many who we*-e--una4>U-4o .attend-.ncnt the

BOoks. received by them. Nearly $2.\ was realised from the affair. During the 'veiling music was fur«lshed by an orchestra and a social time Was en- joyed. Refreshments were served. Mrs. BUrton IJbbv and Mrs. W. H. Saw- yer poured and Miss Bessie Oilman Miss Marlon Libby, Miss Alethea Co- bum. Mrs. Kdna Carr and Miss Mnbe; Rounds served.

Y. M- C. A. NOTES.

meeting of the committee in charge o' th-1 opening of the Y.MV A. building was held Thursday evening, William D. Hartshorns acting as .hair- man It was denied to open the build lug Wednesday. Oct. M. There will be a reception from S to R o'clock, during which time all persons over 1S years of age will be permitted to examine the building. Music will be furnished dur'ng the reception. Rev. C. H. Oli- phant will give the opening prayer.

Thursday evening there will be a free entertainment i(|r the bova at the Y. M. C. A. building. All that attend will be given the.Opportunity of viewing the building throughout.

A regular meeting of Friendship temple, Rathbone Biters was held Thursday "igiit. The following com- initteew were elected in prenaraytn for the stHte convention, which will be heJJ In Meihuen, Sov. 14

Decorating copimfttee Mrs. Maud HiadMreei. Mrs. Gxaee Pc.tsey, and Mrs. Ivllllan Richardson.

Reception committee Grand chief Lillian Kelley.' Mrs. Julia Nichols and Mrs S. H. Jones. After the" regular nieMing , rehearsal of the degree staff WBS held There will b. another rehear- Krtl Monday night. All wtuiil>crr.'J»re

iq lies ted tQ be preTR pt.

A very successful lecture was given nt the Msthodlfll church Wednesday

vei Ing on "Palestinc.' by llev. R . Atken of Concord' Over 100 beauti-

ful pictures of the Holy Land, pro- •d bv Mr. Aiken in 1903, were

thrown upon the screen. There wa» a targe attendrtnee.

A rehears..! of the grunge degree Btftff will be held In Orange hall, Fri- day evening. [I is important that all

em hers be present.

Tapley & Moore have been awarded the contract to rurnlsh in tons of soft

iBl for the tqwn house and central tire station and IS. tons of hard coal for


Announcement. My increasing business hat

made it necessary for me to move into larger snd mor«i convenient quarters. I can now serve my patrons better then

''FALL SUITINGS You will get the best of sat-

isfaction If you wear clothes made by us. There is a dis- tinctive mark about the perfect fit. and thorough workman- ship of our garments. It will be to your advantage to look ever our line of Woolens Tor

- ■*Btr-StrH^-*neV-0v#Fftuau,

:A K. James, Tailor, 188 BROADWAY, METHUEN.



Tho sisler and .brother of the late Benjle W, ("urrter vrtoh to thank the employes of the Oagpod mills, neigh- bors and friends for their many kind- neaaea during his lUneaa In North An- dover.


North Andover, Ort. 2«. 1006.


Remember the second annuol social nssembly. Krlday evening In MerrlmacK hall, under the auspices of the drum corps.

A good time la assured, t'urran'a orchestra IsMo. furnish mu*

flnd p ■poctHl car will run to Me- tlmen after the dance.


A numerouBly attended meeting of Hi.- charitable Union took place Wed- nesday afternoon, In the rooms at the i fntre.

George F. Sargent wag elected a member.

The president, Mrs. John H. Rea, and 'Airs. Peter Holt were selected as a committee to draw resolutions on'^he death of the late lamented Mrs. Moses T. Stevens, who very acceptably serv- ed for a number of years •« president ol the organization.

Mrs. John Burnham. Mrs. George I.. Barker and Miss Laura A. Bailey had charge of the slipper and social.


Thomas A. Walsh, a popular young man of the Parish, left town Wednes- day afternoon, for Nogales, Arl., where he if. to locate.

He carried with him the best wishes of numerous friends for r his future prosperity.


Motorman Andrew H. Paul and Con- ductor William H. Klugerald of the street railway have been appointed policemen by Ihe board of aeleitmen.


The remains of A. Putnam Carle- ton, who died in Randolph, Oct. 2-. aired 74 yours, 9 months. 27 days, were brought here, Wednesday, for burial In tho family lot In the Prospect street cemetery. .

Bey. S C. Beane. Jr.. conducted commitment services.

The deceased was a native of the Centre, born In the house now owned by Maurice J. Casey.

He was a butcher nnd conducted business at the old slaughter housfe formerly located on Milk street.

Mr. Carleton married Mia* Harriet i'littertleld. who survives hlrrr. us does a son and daughter.

He was an. honest, upright man, W1M had the reapect of all who knew him.


Capt. Smith's team, No. 2. met and defeated Capt. Putnam's team, No. a- U xlnesdny evening, by 29 pins In tw- strings.

W. Bamford of Team 2 rolledr-th highest single and two string total of the evening and of the tournament miTely :t7 and 178,

following are the scores: TEAM TWO.

I 2 Ttl Smith, capt 87 15—113 Miller 11 73—lot W. Bamford SI »7—III Bowen i.... 56 61—1U

The M. J. Cahill Dry floods, Cloak and Suit Store.


1 lot pi Children'* warm Winter

Cloaks, made of a heavy mixed

cloaking, colowj navy and olive,

neatly trimmed with straps of velvet, faney buttons and -niplng

Will compare favorably with tiny

15.00 oat in the market, cut price,


1 lot children's and misses Tourist

Coats, neatly tailored ami trim-

med sizes from 6 to 14, nil new

colorings,, up to the hour In style, Mmllar grade Coats, sold every-

where for Jo.ittl. Our price


1 lot high grade pure silk plxld WalStS, repi.-neiiting a vurMy of patterns. See for yourself nnd bs convinced that it's the same grade WalSti others offer for 16.60. ftpeo- lal price for these two days only.

$2.90 iOfl line muslin Handkerchiefs, Ince

an.I hemstitch*)) borders, will he s I veil .iwav this week at ■-■

5c ea WlLpiecea tine SaUii Kihbon. Almost

inches wide, Including all vhsdea, would be cheap at 12 l-'Jc Special cut price

Be yd

100 pieces jiure Silk Taffeta Ribbon, :t 1-2 arches wide, A run line i,r colors; never before sold for lens

iin 15c Friday nnd Saturday spec- ial

10c yd

1 lot of heavy Ootton Eiderdown Dressing Sacquew. rich designs. neatly trimmed with satin ribbon to match, regular SI M grade. Spec- ial price ;


We guarantee a saving from 10 to 30 .per cent, on all Fun purchased, here with a poaitivs SMurance of having the beat variety in the city to select from.

The above are only a few of the many good things picked at random here and there.

Totals "38* TEAM SIX.



Ftcld 83 I JH- J. Kamford "I I 77— Mllner ,,. •* / 80- Kelley Putnam, capt.

Totals The standing of the

er* with an average now as follows: \V| Banil'onl t Hargrcaves

| 3 Ttt ■ SO—163

HI 144

72 M—133 Si «7~-14H

371 370 U candle pin howl of "5 or over. Is

89 85

Reynold* .......:..... J3 Stllllnys lteld Smith Woolley. ... nand .« McQueston 'urley

1.. Knowles Hainlln ... Millet

The team

Team No. Quest L

Team No. Smith- ^^

Temp No. 1, Hng.

81 1-2 si 1-; 81 79 1-3 78 1-J 77 1-2 77 1

landing follows Points Won

Capt. .Mc- .... 1

2, Capt. I ('H|.!. Stlt- 1-2

I'rit- . 1-2 cur-


Potnta Lost

IVam No.. 5, Capt nev .. - .'

Team No. 4, Capt. , lev Team No. 6, Capl. Put-

nam ' Tonight will occur the second slltinp;

in the whist tournament at 7:80, 1 riday night " 'apt. McQueston's

teftm meeta Capt. Carney's team.

Penelope rtebeltsih lodge. I. (). O. F. hold- a rehearsal, ihis evening.

Mrs. D. W. Carney and Gardner I. Carney are vlsittng In. Wyoming.

A number (tdm ihis place attended the Bowser- McIJufhV wedding, -a< Grace church. I^awrence, Wednesday

W. Henry Knowles is passing a 10 days' vacation in 1'rovlncetown.

Street Commissioner Glle Is con- structing a concrete sidewalk Maple avenue, between Third street und Railroad avenue.

At the Bssex I'nitarinn Conference. *4d—In Liiwrnnce. Wednesday, reso- itlons were udc»pted on the death of ;rs. Moses T. Steven* M

TRe BHUJU of Andover council, K. of ., Is attracting a number from this


Hereford BeTy and family of Pitts- burg, Pa., are visiting at the horns tt

his mother, Mrs. William B. Hoblnson.

At Wednesday evening'* meeting of Wuuwinet lodge, I.o. (j. P.. u com- mittee consisting of Past Grand* K.

JC-C^hesley—George H. Perklmt ~and- Thomns P. Wentworth was appointed a committee to prepare resolutions on the deatha of Peter Reeves and .1, Al- bert Dill son.

October devotions and benediction* this ivenlng. at St. Michael's church.

Daniel Farries has returned to his home, in Charlotte. Me., after a visit

■of about a month with bis son. \\ illard W. Parties, In the Centre.

The selectmen have granted the New England Telephone and Telegraph company permission to erect poles and string wires mi Massachusetts avenue, from Carney*! corner, at the' Centre, to the Lawrence line.

Today and every other day this week free special curs leave the liuy State J3ank building, Lawrence at t:4* o'clock,,for Beacon Htn. In the Centre, where a big sale of house lots Is In progress. Valuable presents given away every day.

Mrs. vVlllinrd P. Phillips and Miss Minnie Phillips wlio-haVe 1 en pass- ing the summer at The Hush, leave Krlday for their home in Salem.

D. W. Carney, superintendent of the Standard <>n company, is in different ports of New Hampshire on a business trip.

The afternoon session of the Kssex inference of mttarlan rhurcheg, ai

I the First Unitarlftn church, this city. j opened 'Wednesday at' 2 oYlock and

business of minor hnportaiue was transacted.

* A roll call of delegates was held, Lawrence hn\lng'4lT. Beverly 14, Dan- vers 11, Newhurvport 7. Gloucester -. Huverhlll «. Lynn-Murblehe;M] <iw Nofth Andovtr 17, Peahodv », Salem A8. North Salem r,.

Rev. John Hnynes Holmes, minister Of the Hind Religious society of Dor- chester, gave an address on the topi.-

Freeman Ft. Cooney has accepted a position in Boston.

, Rev. P. C. Beane, Jr., took part In the ^gerclsej at the Essex conference ol 1'nltarian churches, in Lawrence. Wednesday.

J. Byron Marston. a foreman in th-*' Davis Hi I'urber Machine ('ompan\■■< j.latit. ariti Mrs, Marstuu, are in New I Hampshire, on a fleveral Weeks* car- :

rluUe ride. I

A man was found guilty of larceny ol a i a in-coat byi Judge l-'rye, Wed- nesday afternoon. He was taken into "custody, yesterday. by Constable George l- Harris, upon his release from the Lawrence bouse of correct- ion, win re he had served a .10 days' sentence for drunkenness. The m*- of larceny was continued I'm- sentence.

,\ han'est concert will be given in th« Congregational church, Sunday evening. Nov. 11.

There was an Increased attendance. Tuesday evening. yt the dancing class taught by Leonard P. Johnson. |n< odd Fellows hull..

street Commissioner Glle Is restrlot- en io his home by illness.

-M the Lawrence Opera house, ihis evening, ciara Turm-r and her com-" pan) of playeis present "Outside the Cat- H i f Paradise.'

'ANDOVER The Will 1st on seminary football

management 1ms cancelled the game which 't had scheduled with piiiilips academy for Saturday. Nov. 3. The Brown second team win be the locals'

t opponents on the same date cancelled.


. F, Abbot I C lime, P. A.. '«, has I been elected t<» the position of grad- uate treasurer or Phillips academy to nil the vacancy caused by the resig- nation of s. L. Puller, who leaves An-

I doyer for New Yurk In tin.- near future. I ,

An ft< ■ mint of the P, A. fall meet may he found in another column of

II his Hsuo.


D&lid Muj', uliu has been employed in the flsb market of J- A. Collins A (CONTINUED ON PAGE POUR.)

Charles H. Malon/n. O 1> O. M., .f Iwiwrenie, ussiste.rl by Charles OjiJis, G. AL.jaid Minot H. Kenl. G. \\\, Wed- nesday evening. installed Albert B, Howes as vice grand of Wauwinet lodge, 1. O OTfr

The Johnson high school football elev-n goes to Ando\er, next Thurs- day, to play Puncnard high.

George Treen goes to Boston nevt Bunrhry t"r it fortnight's vacation.

Th. Misses Ward have Olovercroft, next Tuespay .after a month's May1 in

Avrrv M. Farrlos and family, who have ) u stopping for several months at the Centre, have removed to Char- lotte. Me., where they are to reside.

■ The Lawrence Gas 'company has been granted permission to re-locat.- the an light In- Phillips suuure at the Centre. (


NEW YORK. <iet 24—Counsel rep- resenting the American Sugar Refitt- ing Co.. todav filed demurrers to In • dictnients recently found a gainst that company on a .charge of ^accepting rr^ hates on sugar shipments i?* violation to the Flkins taw. The indictments de- murred to allege that the Ameriean Sugar Refining Co. received $;'0.0O't In rebut. - in the spring <>t V.WS from the \\ astern Transit Co. < Counsel for the company declared that the crime Is <l Pg7d to have taken place before the Eutlni law went into effect




Of course you do—quality counts In advertising as well ss in any other kind of merchandise. By advertising In the columns of THE AMERICAN

You Get Quality Here —Quality of s purchasing clientele, —Quality of an intelligent, discerning public. Vou arc resetting the reliable families in Lawrence because



"The Distinctive Doctrine of Unltar- ianlsm." His talk was highly Interest* jug and contained many pleasing points. At the close of the addi-ss, Rev. Samuel Collins Beane, Jr.. of the i-'irsi Unitarian eaurefV, North Andover, opened n discussion on the subject, which was entered Into by manv of the clergymen present.

The meeting adjourned at i O'CloCtG A vote of thanks was given by those present for the hospitality which the entertaining Church had given them and to each of the speakers.

The next meeting will be behl Fob :J2, In Salem.

Sana "n Barnard itrsel for the past IS years, has purchased the milk route owned bv Jamas ''Baton pf Cu&e 04* Mi. May will take charge on the (list day of November,

The new style of electric cars com- menced io run on the local of the Boston A- Northern Wednesday,

Alton W, Pierce, a former principal of the Punchard High school, is spend- ing several days in town renewing old p qualntancer,

Mrs. William 11. lllggins left town ihis morning; for Indianapolis, Ind., where she will spend a shorf stay at the home »f her sister, Mrs, George Hltt of that place,

Jam.** May. the well kn<ikn painter, is doing some work for the American Woolen company In Maynard.

.Miss Mary MeOugaa was removed to the Lawrence General hospital Wed-




lie Troubled Hlii.»*!f LI 111* Aliuu U liut Hi- (lord or llt.iul HIiKI Ulh

• i» HMt'U Hun—III* \\M> I he iioiuu' Uraior Ikurnifd Ilia < rxtliun.

As often n* nature makes a demigod out uf u man slit* (n<ks on lo him sunn badge of inliruilty, some sign or tokoi by which Ibe lens favored of the race may know Hull In- in Dot absolutely re moved from them, but Is, in cert ah ways, co heir with them in comuioi humanity.

'i'he "godlike Daniel." 'expounder o( flu- cohsHtuiiou" mirl father ol the fediiiuieiil' uf American nationality, whose eloquence the "applause of Its letting senators" did eonunaud, v.;: - mighty ctaelew about his fluaueial oh ligattons, seldom troubling himself about whal lie owed or about what others owed ului.

The late Erastus Corning and Web- ster were warm friends, and thereby is exi'Ialned" the fart that once upon a tlQte Mr, Coming Indorsed Mr. Web- ster's note for ft considerable amount.

.As things go lu this world imies must ■oouer or later come due, and when this particular note reached maturity It went to protest. But Webster was the 'grcHt expounder," uud the linn, not wishing lo embarrass him, paid h.

Time passed, and when It was sup- posed that Web>ter's rtuiimial condi- tion was Improved Mr. Corning was prevailed upon by ihe tlrm lo a*L Web- ster if he could make It convenient to liquidate the claim.

lu answer to Coming's letter .Web- ater sent a note abounding in apologies for the (rouble he had put bis frleud

"ttV-tntd-nvotTmi-- ivirh- Tnrist rnnibvl "'injTW tuvltatloii to the gentleman to visit him. when be would probably be In a position lo pay hltii, or, at least, to give ti; ui some sort of satisfactory se- curtty,

Corning accepted the invitation and w«n-t#-»W' the *-xpouuder.

In due time Corning returned home, delighted uud charmed with hi- visit to Murshtleld.

Entertaining his partners with en- thusiastic accounts of the great states- man's hospitality and with descrip- tions of the various incidents of his visit. Coming forgot lo say a word about the main object of the visit.

Finally, ufter Corning had exhaust- ed himself lu describing the good time lie had had, a member of the tlnu broke fn with the remark, "Well, I suppose Mr. Webster was highly pleased to be able to pay the note.**

' Highly pleased to pay the note!" re- sponded Corning. "He didn't pay any note. He not only did not pay the note, but he so charmed and delighted me that he got me to sign another note for him lor $5,000, and Lam thankful lhat he did uot ask me. to make it 110,000, for I don't think I could have refused to grant his request,"

An old Hosioiiiau who knew Web- ster well told me some years ago the following story:

A Portsmouth (V. H.l tailor bad a bill against Webster for several hun- dred dollars. When Webster was elected Coiled Slates senator, the tai- lor went flown to the "Hub'' to sec him about Bis bill, thinking that he was tbeu in a fair frame of mind to pay It,

When the Portsmouth mau got to Boston. Webster was holding a levee, at which were gathered the most dis- tinguished men of the nation. *"

Presenting himself at ihe door, the tailor was denied admission on the ground that Mr. Webster was engaged with affairs of state and could not lie disturbed.

ihe tailor sent up bis curd. Which Webster no sooner saw than fee or- dered the gentleman to be ushered into bis presenea,

Keeelving the muu with u COflUaJ hand shake uud a look of supreme be nignlt.v. Mr. Webster Introduced him oue by one. to the illustrious company 'lined I iin uud wined him. and in the course of time the guests, including the Portsmouth man, departed.

I pou reaching home the tailor wa asked if he got the money for his bill

"Money for my bill, Ihe mischief! he replied. "Mr. Webster treated me like a lord, Introduced me to more bit; folks than I ever saw Iwfore in ill my life, and do you suppose I COUtd have the heart to mention that bill to blmV* - .New York Amen

A TrUk *f Actor*. Must people know that tbe memory

may be easily confused by learning a passage in two or fhree different ways or by having once beard au incorrect form of giving it. Working on this principle, actors are fond of putting stumbling hlo.-ks in one another's way. A stock Joke dear to the hearts of all players is the regular thing to be in- dicted upon a beginner In ibe first act of "Uicburd 111." It Is in the scene where the cofflu of Henry VI. Is borne across tbe stage. Oue of the men who cany it has been raised from the posi tiou of supernumerary to his first upenkiug part, which consists of a sin gle line. Lie Core the performance It is usual lor some older actor to take bin) aside and Impress him with the enor nious dim" 'uhies of delivering, that seu tence correctly. The victim listens nervously.

".Vow, most sctors," says bis tor men lor gravely, "make this mistake the tirst time they play the part: In- stead of saying, as it is, "My lord, stand back and let the coffin pass,' they give it this way, 'My lord, stand back

nd let the parson cough. And alter lie baa heard the latter ver-

sion, absurd though it is, the chances are that the poor supernumerary will give that to the audience on tbe first night.

TttoniHB 'Moore. Measured by tbe popularity and mar

ket v;ilne of his poems when (hey were written. Thomas Moore has no rival among ibe poets of Ireland. While en gaged uf his Irish melodies. In which be was at his best for they called forth the powers in which he must excelled— he was paid £300 a year by his pub Ushers. Their Immense and well merit ed success induced lougtuau to give Moore 3,000 guineas—the highest price tbai luut up lo lhat time been paid fur a poem for ■ -[.itMa Kookh," tbe gor- geoiut eastern romance which dazzled and delighted readers of that day, but It now rarely read. As a lyric poel Moore was. like Burns, one of the best writers we have ever bad of "words for music." arid, In tola lensl. the words are Inseparable from (be music. Goldsmith, a poet of a different order ami with a wholly different ex peiience, got little popularity and l*s» mouey for his poetry, but In "The Trav eller" and "The Deserted Village" be has a better chance of immortality tbftii his compatriot.—London Tit-Bits.

A Famous Old Unlldli,s. Kveusoug was held the other day on

the site of the ancient oratory of St. ti'withiau. one of the many Irish saints who descended upon Cornwall in the fifth and sixth centuries. In a waste of sand near the Oodrevy lighthouse. which marks tbe eastern born of Ml Ives bay, lie what are regarded as tbe remains of tbe oldest Christian build ing in England.- The nave"bulges with sand to the level of the plain and through a grass covered hillock over the demolished altar protrude a few rough stones. During a stormy night of 1828 the sand shifted and revealed the lines of a structure about forty elghl feel long by twelve feet wide, with a priest's doorway, a small win- dow, truces of stone benches and au altar of masonry now gone as tbe re suit of the building being forth with used as a •■owslied. London Globe.



Friday evening the Standard Bear- ers held a well attended and pleasant meeting nt the M. 1*2. parsonage, the president. Mrs. Oeorge E. Sanderson, in the chair.

After the reports of the secretary. .Miss Irene wiicox, and the treasurer, Miss Marjorie Tllton, had been read nnd accented, prayer was offered by the president.

The staffing Of the Jubilee hymn and responsive scripture readings followed.

The topic. "India Jubilee; Schools and Orphanages," was then taken up. readings being Riven by the members.

An enjoyable social with refreshi meats brought the uffair to u close.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Mon- t-^-iil, (^m,,-\vito hav* been, passing a portion of their honeymoon trip ;it the residence of his uncle, G. William Mor- gan, M Pleasant street, have returned home,

Robert Stewart, Jr., Iti years old. of da Main .street, badly lacerated hll right hand while at work in the Davi & lurber Machine company's plan; Friday.

Rev. Prs. Gallagher and Burn* at- tended the funeral services of Rev. Fr" JJatal. the Syrian priest, in Lawrence, Friday.

Thomas It. Mitchell, commander Of Bethany Commandery. Knights <>f Malta, l^awrence. went to Boston, to- day, to attend a general meeting of the oredr .

* Punctual \rtUt. One well known and decidedly in a

Untie quality of Lord Lelghtou was his punctuality. Me was once lu Damas- cus and was urged to remain there, bin he declined. His reason was. that ha had to he lu London on a certain dai because1 he bad made au engagement with his model. A friend was anxloii- to learn whetherI>ord Lelghtou had ac luully kept this engagement, and In found that when Ihe artist was at (■ending the staircase straight from 1to inasctu the model was knocking at the door of the studio.

Hit Wraknfit. "Alas!" confessed, ths penitent man

"in a moment of weakness l stole v carload of brass littiuga."

"fa a moment oi' weakness;" e* claimed the .fudge. ''Goodness, mat. What would you have taken if you bad yielded in a moment when yjBJ feji strong':"-, .luilge ,

• ',

Jack-You should have seen Mis. Waldo, "HW eyes flashed the. uud- Arthur—That's tunny. You said a mo meat ago thai she froze -f on with e glance.

.fudge thyself with a judgment oi alncert'y and thou will Judge othem wl'h a judgment of charity — Mason,

A I niifuNion of Nauirft. Although Scotia Is now known to Scotland, it once was the name of Ireland. Two centuries before the birth of rhrist Ireland was known to the Greeks as .luvenca. Caesar called it Hibernia, as did also Ploleiuy in bis map of that Island. Ir is said the Phoenicians tirst gave Ireland tbe name of Hibernia, meaning thereby "utmost *>r last habitation/' for beyoud that laud westward tbe Phoenicians never txteaded their voyages. Toward the flu-line of the Roman empire the couu- Or began to be called Scolla, n name retained by the monastic writers until the eleventh century, when the name rVotla, having passed to modern Scot 'and. the .ancient name of Hibernia be- gan to be again

The reflection of the hre in i he U'o 1'arish, Friday, was plainly visible i this place.


The program carried out at th* Johnson high school, Friday, was as follows: Piano solo -The Bell In the Valley," -. Herman W.nzel

Miss .Margaret Ma rat on October"■"...... Henry Ward Beeehe?

Tenney Gage>. tatcy Gray William Wordsworth

Miss Mary Hennessey. The Raron's Last Banquet

.' Albert G. Green" Miss Florence Poor.

In School Duys John G. Whitt.ier k.Mlss Florence Foster. •

A Snow I- Aaventure .... D. B teed ha u Miss Elizabeth Herod.

Piano solo, "Hunting Song" from Mendelssohn's ".Sons; W'Hboin Words"

Miss Marlon Hea. The Statue of Clay

Miss Mabel Daw. A Contrast D. Hammonrto

Miss Catherine McGraii. The True Story of a Kicker Holma n F. 1 >.i y

.Miss^'M^arston. Selection from "The Strenuous Life ', ,- Theodore Roosevelt

i Joseph McCarthy. The Lighthouse, Henry W. CofigfeTIow

Miss Allison Kirk. Violin and piano, "Satanella," Balfo John Knowles and Miss Fdbli Knowh-n


- The Yfnmg Men's ^fl+hoHc— Hssocia. (ion has' postponed its contemplate*! fair.

Jamec Smith Of Ashland street ll

North Andover was largely repre- sented at the Democratic rally, in the City hnll. Lawrence. Saturday evening,

Mrs. Katherlne M. Harper is ill at her home on Water atreet.

At the regular meeting of Gen. Law - ton post. C. A. It., in Lawrence, Wed pesday evening, it was voted to pres- ent the name of their chaplain, Rev. Oeorge K. Lovojov, as a candidate f°T

f'ehe position of phaplaln of the depart- ment ot Maasachuaetts,' at tbe next annual convention of the department,

J l(c\- Mr. Lovejov is welt known to our joWer rehidents as a former emjiloye of I Davi.■ &- Furber Machine company.

Mr. and Mrs, Richard S, ►rton are' m town tor a re

Russell x days.

The management of the O. < >, H. etui ..,'sin to return their lhanks for th«

! liberal public patronage bestowed ai (he second annual social aaseraWy

The general them*1 of the confer- ence was "Our Local Prosperity."

Charles A. Breck of Methuen very acceptably served as moderator.

The beautiful and spacious auditor- ium of the church was filled ot 8 o'clock wh**n the afternoon session ©pened u ilh devotional exercises, led by Rev. Owen James of Dracut.

Then ihe committ.-es of arrange- ments, consisting of Rev. Frank R. Shlpman of Andover; William Shaw of Ballardvale, A. C, Ruesell of Low- ell. Rev. Herbert O, .\tank of l^nw* rencc and Dr. Alberi \\. Burnham, secretary, rvportcd.,.'

After the reading of records by th-\ secretary, a business committee of three, as follows, was «nM>cied: Rev. Renjamin A. Wllbnott ol Lowell. Dee, John Wilkinson of Lawrence and Rev. J.^A* llcKnlghi of Dracut.

Rev. Edwin it. Smith of l^oweil was chosen moderator and Judge N. P. Frye of North Andover alternate.

7" Papers on "PUT Mission f'hurches and Our Missionary Work." were ijbxt presented by Rev. P. A. Wits<m of An- dover and Itev, George FV Kengoti Of Lowell, n discussion following-

Rev. William' K- Wolcott of Law- rence, who spoke on '"The Future of Andover S'-innmry." advocated the re- tention of the Institution in Andover. with a scope of work inchtding tb" training of men for work among^ the foreign peoples in the>. L'rjited rftat'-s and the division of the board of trus- tees which governs botii the seminary and Phillips academy.

This Wets followed by a discussion. It was voted to have th<' paper

printed in the Congregatlonaltst The following resohitlon was adopt-

ed: The Andover Conference of Congre-

gational churches; having cherished the theological seminary ;tt Andovei* for many years w|th the affection born of close acquaintance, respectfully submits to the trustees of the institu- tion its strong belief that the semin- ary undi r present changed ennditldh-i needs & board oi trustees responsible for lis Interests apart from those of Phillips academy, and we express the belief thai some method of securing such exclusive trusteeship may be found

The topic, "Evangelism In

sESttassaaBsagagflgflMHHi trustees for the seminary, nnd that more attention be given, to raising up preachers and leaders, rather than critical scholars; and that attention be given, also, to training missionary workers and Bible teachers.

Ultimately, If it Is found necessary to remove the seminary, he asked why one possibility only should be consid- ered. There Is In Boston a Methodist divinity school with 90 pupils. Why not ask If some arrangement could not be made with that institution? Or n*hy not inquire into the possibility of finding B favorable independent loca- tion.

Rev. J. M. Leonard.'D. D., of Mel- rose, presiding elder of the Lynn dis- trict, will preside at the third quarterly coniercnce. at S.ItO Sunday morning, at the .\l. !■:. church, and preach at the 10,34 o'clock service.

M*ss Helen (I. Moses, who has Stop- ped at the Prospect htntse during tbe season, leaves Saturday for lift- home In Trenton, N. J.

St. Paul's choir holds a rehearsal Friday evening.


The Charitable Union is to hold Its "STh!tr"nnnlvers-aTy--sahi----an^—swpper,- in the rooms, Thursday, Nov. 1st.


F. O. Darling of Boston, Marcus T. Crabtree and Albert D. Ranchman have returned from, a hunting trip of cbout three weeks In Aroostook coun- ty. They shot three handsome deer besides numerous ■ small game and thirds.



The fourth annual social of the Young Men's Catholic association Is to take place in Merrimack ball, Fr*l- dav evening, Nov. 16.

The Columbian orchestra Is to fur- nish music.

Special car for Lawrence after the dancing.

Harry F. Cunningham, chairman ma mated by Rev. F. x. bdui _J,_ \V_UJis, secretary, and Daniel

Hunnewetl of the state association After discussion, Rev. Clark Carter

of Law rente presented a paper on •child iabor Within the Bounds ot Andover Conference," which is given further on.

After Rev. George i;. Martin. D.D., of Uowiill had. apoken-on. "The. puHonk in Foreign Missions" an hour's recess was taken for supper and sociability.

An excellent supper wa.«* nicely served in the large vestry under the dlr*rtion Of the social committee of the North Andover church-Judge N. P. Frye, chairman, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Moody, Mrs. Vlrum B. Watts and Mrs. Moses \. Dow -assisted by Mrs. Charles F. Rlllllng*. Mrs. Edward Butterworth, Mrs. J. W. Moseen, Mrs. George Mat- theeon, Mrs. William Dare, Miss Ger- trude S. Badger, Miss Ada M. Watts, Miss Edna H. Watts, Mlsa Lula Smith. Miss Bertha M. Hurnham. Miss Markn Mattheson, Miss Amv Smit Miss Alice Perley, Miss Nellie M. StU- ilngs, Miss Annie L. Stevens, Miss H Leletla, Drew. Allss Millie Drew, Mis* Hattie Dore, Miss Mildred Ellis, OeoYge C Dickey, Philip M. Hamilton, Walter Q. Itnsset', Hugh Stewart,

Re-assembljn.g at 7 o'clock, the con- [erenoe passed a vote of thanks f-Kr hospitaiiiy extended.

in resoonae to a letter from th.« State association, recommending c operation In.the matter of securing and enforcing Sunday laws, rh.e folbnehij committee was appointed p\_y*^3per at« v ftb the committee ot the stnti association:' Rev. C H. Oltphnni u Methuen, Mr, Shaw of ltalh.rrivale an< Rev. F. Victor Blgilovv ot Lowell.

j. Donovan, treasurer;" eoinpflse U0 nimittee of arrangement


the second degree on two candidates, Wednesday evening.

Tbe Junior Fndeavor school meets Thursday afternoon, at 4:lf> o'clock, In the Congregational vestry.

.1. H. D. Smith and family return to Boston about Nov. 1st.


The second annual social assembly of ihe North Andover drum corps, in Merrimack hall, Friday evening, gives every assurance of being a most cn- loynble affair.

Currun's orchestra is to render mu- sic

A Special car is to run to Methuen after the'dancing.


There, was much Interest. Tuesday evenlngi at the howling contest in the new club house.

Each team won a string by 11 pins, and each takes half a point. The score;

L* TIs 74—141 «!,—123 ti9—139 7.V-14H U—159

•2 TIs 87—1«4 fcl—114 69—135 7 U—141 R2—163

375—717 trlng

1 Carney, capt. 74 Duncan B8 Blackstock 7n Rextrow 73 Woolley 78

— Totals 1

77 f.3

Reynolds ....... HelHwell Monro 66 tl. Wllcox 65 Stillings, capt SI

Totals 342 High roller, Iteynolds; s

87; toUl 164. ingl


Hnrr> Dyer. 11 years old, ono of the brotliers who disappeared from his home, on Sutton street, has returned.

The other lad is still missing.


The Parish Roger Wolcott club fogt- hall team Is anxious to arrange games with teams in this vicinity averaging Vift pounds. ~ Vmuuuuileair wKh—4h^- managnr,— l. ivntf*., Austin Miller, 14 Pleasant street.

Robin B. Wardrop and fainily havs ransoyed from mo Main street Amestiury.

Tlie rt mi, in, fr ot (hi prnlit:il,l, l»ro- ffmni follows

"Th Hull >ok in Home Wn- : i-MlH,' 'lev. Albert F. i:arnsji:i«-. Cbelii i •nl.

•A ( reded Blbla School." R, v. V.\m ,. V,.rk, we»i Medto'rd,

• "Irlf h Frcshvt.Tiani °m and Am- erl^iin < onvregBtionallsm; What Bat-fl

i I.'urn From the Other." Id v. .1. Edsar Park, Andover.

Benediction, Rev, Mr. Park.


tain used.

"At a l>ainjuet.'' said an editor. "I once heard Jerome K. .lerome make a speech on snoring. 1 remember that it ended with these w ►rds: 'To cure ihorlDg, :t is advise? that a piece of soap be dropped Into the mouth of the ■norer. The oil in tfle soap will lubri- cate the phaiTtut and other Latin paftl of the throat. This remedy must he applied with caution; otherwise tbe Poorer will arise and lubricate the hoot with the i Tsou who dropped in the soap.' "

W orali 11, ■ De«S. When Dean Swift was called to tbe

living of l.oracor he inaugurated the custom of reading prav«*rs on Wednes- day and Friday. A, the first Wednes- day service he waited In vain for any appear except bis clerk Roger. At length be began. '"Dearly beloved Roger, the Scriptures moveth yoiv'and me In sundry places,'1 and so proeeed- wl to the end of the service.- -Harper's Weekly.

^ Pepper. Black and white pepper are from the

sntne round seed of u tropical "plant. The white i» ground after the black outer skin has tieeu removed. That la the only difference, The white is con- sidered lo** irritating to the stomach. It Is also preferred for dishes consist- lug of GTMlri and milk, such ns oyster stew», creamed put a toes and the like.

Alwerra j'i..i,i„* trrtaltriy--w—Bte~ luckiest

girl. Jeas Vou mean becatlSSJ she has an engagameat ring? Tess Not only that, but she's left handed Philadel- phia Prefs.

learning will gi?e culture, bvt It will aet give

'h'rles Qreanleaf Jennes' of K<- Cboater, N. H.. had green peas for din-

■o wlthnul lightsIner Friday. Oct. r(. fmm hif garden. It

nigh! while thelwa'* the third crop of.peas this season ii removed ihr- from H' ■ sam< garden patch, the last he big rthetti |cr«.p being planted Aug. ll.

Mrs Patrick K. Keefe of Canrfbrldg" Wbo .has been here since l_,ab« will return home Monday.

John Hallsworth. nine years of age. von of James Hallsworth lf.» Sutton street, who was recently Injured on the street railway near the Woo i worsted mill, has returned home from th.' Lawrence General hospital.

The ?oung Rlncks defeated the young Red stockings. Frida> after- noon; In a football content on the Brad street grounds, by a score of hi to l".

The North Andover Drum Corp" held ;. rehearsal Friday evening.

Word has been received Of the death of .Mrs. I. R. Gordon, mother of Mrs. \ P. Currier, at Hampd-n Corner Maine. The decenserl, who was a most estimable woman, had visited here, and made a number of .rriends. who regret her demise.

The condition of Miss Harah Rich- mond, of Darners, sister of Mrs. Qeofgf 1„ Sanderson, is reported ns ninre comfortable.

Pntil further notice Penelope Re- hekah lodge. I. <). (>. P.. will held re- h-nrsaN on • very Tbut^dny evening; at T. la o'clock.

Mrs. <}, William Morgarl of Pleasant ■tree! went to Needhnm, this morning, to remain over Sunday with Mrs. s. A Cook. * ,

' The yZoung Ramblers will ta to Hav- erhill, Saturday afternoon, to plavBuh-' St. James of that city.

William C. Wentworth of 16 Main street caught a sheep Saturday. The animal had crossed the Merrimack river several times, and'war* returning to the North Andoyer shore when be was raptured hv Mr Wentworth near "The Mend"

ppeaklng on dove- Setnln;cr>,'

Id, In jwrt The period oi

through which th ilR'',. ad, ha4 created nldeenread lay, LT:!

1 MTninary among the c

tl e maui, thli

The Future of An Rev. Mr. Wolcol

storm and .'-ires, seminary has pass-

dlstrust of hurehes. in

llstrust Is unwarranted and.esceesive. Andover^hae acted as a pioneer lo secure ihe freedom of all Congregational seminaries. In all of them, the same views are now freely ndvanced, for which tb.- Andoves pro- fessors were placed on trial.

Th<- a.ttendance at -Andover has Dorna very near to the vanishing point, and it n now proposed to put new life in it, by removing It to Cambridge, where It will come into affiliation with the Harvard divinity school. Th ■ plan proposed is an experiment of un- certain outcome; and all admit thai whatever compensations would follow, there would be a great loss In tearing the institution away from the attrac- tions and traditions'"!.! its present h cation. .

Without marshaling the arguments for and against removal, Mr. W discussed various possible reasons cor the failure of the seminary hi present location.

Among tpe* causes which militate Against the Igficess of the seminary, in mentioned ths fact the trustee! are also trustees of Phillips academy, which is the older institution. With- out »"ofitcting upon the fatthfume the trustees to the interests of both institutions, he Questioned whether it is advisable to put n theological sem iti'try and a preparatory school Int >

-the bands of the sumo trustees. The trustees of the seminary1 ought to be representative of' the churches for which the ministers are t<> be trained,-

Me dOUbted, also, whether it were possible that the trustees, in consider- ing this question of removal, should not be Homewhnt miluenced by the thought that the removal of the sem- inary from its present location woul t make it possihle for the academy to secure ,i superb plant for its educa- tional work.

!t*would be natural, should this plan prevail, that the Andover students should avail themselves of tl.o teach- ing of tbe Harvaru professors; but it

11 be j^nfortinate that the spirit Harvard divinity school should

dominate Andover seminary. The church needs trained mlssion-

■n-ry- workers and Bible'' teachers,

The first debate of the senior class Of. the Johnson high school occurred the other day.

It was mhinnnd bv Miss H. Hernie Rogers, the head of the English de- partment.

Tbe question was, "Res,olyd I July Macbeth was more guilty than Macbeth.'*

The disputants were: Affirmative— M-iss Jennie IU>a, Philip M. Hamilton. Miss Virginia Bryant; negative—Miss Anna {Stone, Oeorge C. Dickey, Miss Allison Kirk.

Principal Mason nnd Associate Prin- cipal Miss Sergeant were the lodges grounds Saturday afternoon nnd awarded the decision to the affirm ntive.

This week's meeting of the Rounda- bmn du*) took phjee with Mrs. S. C Beane, Jr., at the Centre, Miss Francis H. Stevens leading. Next Monday af- t« moon the organisation meets at the

That sanifl place. Mrs. Baane will lead.

Oeofgtt A. Smith is painting the ex- terior of St. Michael's church and the barn and other buildings nt Btons House farm. West Boxford.

ciscs. A number of local patrons *t Husbandry are planning on attenriitj


The first husking bee of the sea™* was held Saturday evening at thl home of David W. Pelch of North a? lem. After a large quantity of the com had been-husked, games of variant kinds were introduced and the evemn* pleasantly passed. An excellent iu„S was served by Mrs. Fetch. The guSJ comprised persons from Hav*rhiii Atkinson and West Derry. '

Mrs. Herbert A. Parker of North 8A. lem who suffered a slight paralytic shock a short time ago, is showtaz marked flgns of improvement and ii very comfortable nt this writing

At the next meeting of Windham grange, which occurs Tuesday even- ing, Nov. 6. the topic for discussion will be "The Noted Men and Women of Our Country." A humorous readinr wilt be expected from every member nnd there.will be on essay by Mm Clara. Parker.

Mrs. Walter Richards, after „ month's stay at her home in town haa returned to Mt. Vernon, N. Y., where Mr. P.lcharda has secured a fine wwi- tfbn.

Mrs. W, Torrey Upton of Salem, Mass., who has been passing two weelu at—the- home- et- Highway Surveyor Charles E. Merrill, has returned to her hobie.

A large herd of cows from Hills* borough Bridge, arrived In town Sat- urday, consigned to Harris Bros., ot Pel ham.

Supervisor J. H. Hadley, J, j. Hunt and J. E. Sloan met at the Town hall Saturday for the purpose of revising and posting the checklists. They will meet, again on Saturday, Nov. 3rd. and Monday, Nov. 5. for the purpose ot registering voters.

Joseph Mackje and family of North Salem will move shortly to Vermon; where the former and sons liave se- cured good positions.

Paul O. Kerer. driver for T. II. I loss, the shoe manufacturer, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Londonderry.

Willis Turner of Portland. Me., i* passing a month at the home of his father, Melzar A. Turner, of galesj

The C. A.

Ramblers are to play the Y. M. of Andover on the Grogan

Mr. and Mra. Tenney White of Man- viile, Conn., passed Sunday at the res- idence 1>f Water Commissioner Xa- thiinio] Stevens

I there is the great campus on Audowr On account of the rain no football 'hm' with n theological students. Thr

games wen- plaVd Suturday afternoon. i

The semi-annual nwetlng nt the An- dover conference, held with the Trini- tarian.. Congregational church, North s>ndaver. Tuesday, proved one of the most successful in the history of tin i old-time organization.

There was an unusual ia'rge and representative attendance* th«' topics w«r<* timely and treated In a very able manner, and the discussions Interest- tn(;

-•■min-irv was eatabllahsd to saces the I churches! Here was n work uhirh tbe churches needed lo have done, on 1 Andover wonl'l not do it. The present altuatlon is a dlagf&cti to the semin- ary and to the denomination.

Th.-re would dOUbtieSS be legal dif- i.cullies in securing !' separate hour I of trustees tor th* aemlnary; but it is scarcely reasonable, it all parties In- terestod desired it. thai the leglslaturo could nt.e k"<-p away the difncultles.

He recommended ;, separate -n of


Letters for the following parties arc unclaimed at the Parish post office: .

Boston Valley Farm, Miss Mary Cronin, It. H. Eskilson, J. J. Jennings, Thomas McCahc.

The Old North sewing school meets! in the charitable Union rooms, Sat-] urday afternoon at 1.40 o'clock. *j

Miss Hannah Kittredge and Miss' Wat.-on have returned from a week's Canadian trip.

At the annual meeting of the Mer- rimack branch, HaasachuaattS Sun- day school cnion. Rev, H. Usher Monro is to deliver an address on "A Graded Sunday School in Practical Operation.- The meeting Is to !)•■ held in Grace church narJah house. Law renee, Thursday, Oct. 3&

Mrs. William Ti Stevens hns re turned to her winter home, 107 M' Vernon street. Boston, after spending th" summer at the Prospect house,

Two propositions for membership were received by Penelope Rebekah lodge. I. O. O. P., Monday evening.

Mrs. Mary H. Sutton, who has bee.i abroad for several months, expects to ail for this country Nov. 7. She will

reside during the winter months in the vicinity of New York.

Walter L, Purnhnm of West New- ton has been visiting at the residence of his parents. Cant.'and Mrs. Jchn L. Hurnham.

The member.", of the Ladle*' Social Circle nnd others interested, are re-

quested to meet at the M. E. parson- , Friday afternoon at '2 o'clock, to

sew for ihe needy In the parish.

The Toung Ramblers go to Haver- hill Saturday, to play the St. James leyen «>f that city.

The Women's \uxiliary meets In it. Paul's parish house, Thursday af-

ternoon at L'.SO o'clock, and the Junior Auxiliary at t.lri In the same place.

Miss Charlotte Caldw.cll of Boston, who has passed several nvuiths at the Prospecl Souse, wll shortly leave for a trip nbroad,

Miss A. M. Stoodhy of the Centre is convalescing from her recent Illness,

Miss Jessie Savage of Saco, Mi?., has been visiting, at the residence of t'ap!.

i John Hurnham. . .' 1 Mr. nnd Mrs, Putnam Jenkins of JAmherst, .N. 11., have been visiting I relatives In town. - ■

A hot water heating plant" is being Installed in *it. Paul's rectory by .Wil- liam P, Hutter & Co., ot Lawrence.

George W. Grant nnd family are tj remove next Tuesday from 103 Prcs- cott street to Reading.

Meeting of the Women's Auxiliary And the Junior Auxiliary in St. Paul's parish hon«e, Thursday afternoon.

SALEM N H Prank Ray has entered the employ of

Highway Surveyor Dow of Cani>blo l^ake, as teamster.

The cottage of Mrs. Currier Webster at Cnnobio L.ike haa been attractive- ly painted and the work was done/ by Fred Freeman and Rnstus clement.

A special meeting of Salem Centre grange was held on Friday evening when a rehearsal for the third and fourth degrees took place.

Mrs, William (iunley of Salem Centra Is passing a Cow days with relatives at her former home at Roikland, Mass.

Misses Elisabeth Brown and Maud Wheeler, teacher of the grammar and primary grades respectively at Salem centre, attended the teachers' state convention at Manchester. Fri- day. Ernest Silver, a former resident, now superintendent of schools »t Ports- mouth, presided at the meeting.

George P. Sargent, a travelling salesman, has returned from a week trip In northern New Hampshire and Vermont.

Meeting of the Junior Alliance, Sat urday afternoon, a l 3 o'clock, with Miss Mabel llanalerd the secretary treasurer of ihe organisation.

White of cninbridg' residence of Rcinhold

Masti r John Is visiting at the Bahols,

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Fowler of Boston and Mr. and Mrs. E. P, Lcland and son. Oliver Stevens, of Brooktine, vhtlted Sunday nt J. H. D. Smith's residence.

The Ladies" Benevolent society meets on Wednesday afternoon of .ncx:

»k In the Congregational vestry.

Mission Studies" will bo the toph for to-xi Sunday evening's meeting o the Christian Endeavor society in thi

mgregat lonaI vestry. Mleg Helen A. Benfley is to lead

Miss CMedyrf I. Helen (J. ISassi tt,

Hougbton and Miss students nt the Sa-

hnvp been selected members of th£ Glee club, com-

posed of '2i members of. that Institu- tion.

Contractor Edward Adams is to ereel i storage harn, 3fix7- feet at his place >n Milk street," at the Centre. Con- tractor Louts II McAloon Is to do the


Met-tlng of the Congregational sew- ing school, Saturday afternoon at L':30 >Vioek, in the vestry.

Wauwinet lodge, L O. O. V., con


The hoard of trade met at1 the hose hOUSe Friday evening. The question of the new firm wishing to locate in the building owned by the American Oxalic Acid company was- brought up and the secretary instructed to offer en- eourngement to the managers of the company who are engaged in the man- ufarture of chemicals. The attendance uas large and a lively interest was mjtnUesttd.

Miss Olive Alexander of Lawrence spent Sunday at her home, Canoblo l4lke. Miss Alexander occupies a fine position in th<> Arlington mills in that city.

Arthur B. Millay, clerk in the general store of A. O, Alexander at Cannhl Lake, has been passing n few daysjyith relatives at Boston and Cambridgi Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles It. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton L. Silver of Sa- lem Centre attended the., food fair at ihe Mechanics' building. Boston. Sat- urday.

A house warming was held at th" remodeled home of Joseph E. Merrill. near Grovenor's corner, Saturday evening. Persons were present from Haveihlll, Ayera' Village, Methuen and Salem Depot. The evening was pleasantly passed with music, read- ings and games of various kinds. An excellent supper was served by Mrs Merrill and the occasion will be lon>; remembered by all those attending.

Misses Ethel and Louisa Armstrong of Cape Cottage, Me* are registered Tor two weeks nt "Elmwood.' Salem Centre.

Itev. William Ganley of the Congre- gational church preached a most in- teresting temperance sermon SundHy, The attendance was large and the ad dress —-'

ope rations will soon begin at the Gould witeh hazel distillery at Canoble Lake. The .plant always closes in May tor the jfliTnmer and fall as the witch hazel hush Is not used when In leaf. Numerous orders have been received and all Indications point to a busy season.--4-he4outpufc-hV-usually about- -ik barrels daliy and being of exoellsnt quality is used largely In New Eng- land.


The work of grading the turnpike near Canoble Lake station, under the supervision of Selectman Emerson of Wlndham, has been completed. Tho road is. a quarter of a mile long and was one of the worst In this section. The Improvement is a long felt want and w-lll be appreciated by the local and Derry persons who found the road almost Impassable In the spring of the year.

Conductor and Mrs. Walter Smith has returned from, a week's visit with relatives and friends at Winchester, Mass.

Charles Bradford has finished a large painting contract at Concord


A largM hen house, 75 feet long and containing a large number ol register- ed fowl, owned by Archibald Spurr at Wilson's corner, burned to the ground Saturday evening. With the exception of a few, all of the poultry were saved. Fortunately the wind was in the right quarter to carry the flames from the house, otherwise that too would have been destroyed.

A home bakery' has been opened In the small building owned by Ju.-ph Desinarias and formerly used as S plumbers' shop.

The work of excavating for the new residence of Oeorge Petted :»nd Mrs. Lottie Oilman has commenced and the contract .secured by Everett Brown

Don't fall to attend the harvest ■un- ites' at the Congregational church this evening. Supper" served trom fi to * o'clock.

Several local persons sow Wright Lorlmer In "The Shepherd Kins" ^ the Academy of Music, Ilav.rhlll, Monday evening.

Harry C. oilman of Melroae sis»nt Sunday and Monday at Wlndham. where Mrs. Oilman Is visiting relatival

her former home.


The third and fourth degrees wvr«* conferred upon one candidate at En-- erprise grange. Visitors were present

from several neighboring granges Sfld. the work was performed in ;t credltaole manner. After the business session speeches from prominent grangers wore enjoyed. A social followed nr\<H s general good-time wns the result At the next meeting which occurs on Nov. 12, the following commlttrr will havo charge: Mrs, James H. H.nlb'V, Miss Florence RowMl, Miss Hafti" f. MotTlll. Miss Cleora Reser, Frank D. and Edward K. Noyes.


Rv. H. R. Mcltrlde of Boston preach- ed at the morning and evening service" or the Pleasant street church, Sunday, and proved u most interesting speaker.



Iran are

The West Rockinghnm Pomon.i grange will meet with West Held grange, East Deny, Thursday, Oct. 28. The closed session will take place In the afternoon and public session In the evening. A fine program has been ar-

nged and several prominent granges •Ypected to take part In the exer-


Complaints are again being made by the camp owners at Canoble lake about persons breaking. Into their cottag*1

and although nothing of value ha* been nflssed. heds are found to have been slept in and closets and bureaus have been mnsiu-ted. A cottage owned by Lawrence parties was broken Into last Sal urday night and on this oeeaslofl a Quantity of preserves wen: devoured and the beds evidently had been occu- pied. The police authortttei are lnve»u- gatlng the affair.


A regular meeting of Atkinson grange was held Tuesday ey^nhuSr.The attend- ance was unusually forge and ni.ui>' visitors were present

After the business session, the |e,■Hir- er, Mrs. J. M. Goodrk-h, presented iM following program: Piano solo, .Mi-- Kobert A. Tavlor; reading. Mrs. George W O!Inert; Grange journal, Mrs. M "> 0. Omenough: qneatton; "Who derives the most henrfit from the Orange, i:i0M.\ who entertain or those who are enter/ talned?'1 opened by Charles r,"JPresse) and talked upon by several others

After the program doughnuts -11

coffee were served, followed by *P degrees will take pia< meeilng which occurs Tuesday Nov. ll.


Mr and Mrs. William Meloon. « North Salem left Tnesdky for I w» Wisconsin, whoi.c Mre. MPI'H.H nv"

pruvlous to moving to town and wnei» they will reside for fhe future.

Hotormen Drummond received ru™' day a crate containing "> n'g'-i'''' pullets of the Rhode Island Red Drew Which vxlH be added to his fin" '",M"" Don or poultry neaw the ear oarn.


chaplain steward: ItoberJ

James L.


\ uwctal meetlng~of John Hunco. k JggM5 Mawni waa t.el.1 .Thursday

l„ The following officers were n- .tailed bv l*aat District Deputy J. Sld- Sli5 assisted by DT.QWW ft v7ood*»y S «%rrt»H WwJgJ A- ££«•• w. M.; Charles R'MarbleJ, w- \V 'H. Buswell. J. W-. nmiii, m. uai] iWiartti Oranville £ ^^. "" 'v Frederic U Jtarstow * I Vv | Sjostruin. J. U.: Kugene N. marsW Cynii Rbbertehaw 1 H. Blnns, senior sie

Stanley, junior steward yiuxsoin,. tVl«T.


\ 6Ii social wai n,-u* afler the n*K" ula. moetlng of Guiding Star lodge.

11 O a T Friday evening. The pie* were auctioned off by John Brady, who frequently amused the party by hi* funny sayings and jokes. MissMln- >u .hi.k'snn, Louis Conroy and James 'iinagun. favored with aoteft Ktai \||c« <iuard gave several piano eeleoe ilone Refreshments were served by pveral of the young ladles, Mips Mary

Tiov having charge; The committee Irt ham of the affair were: Minnie

jacKSOTf. chairman; Mary Tmy and Alma l»feiffer.

^imtlav will be observed as harvest Thanksgiving at the ftfvu^Ftmttive uethodttt church. Gifts of fruit' arid .,,. tables will be received from 1 to ( The following Is the program of in..ruing and evening; eervicem:

Morning. 10.30.

llvmn. "Onme; Ye Thankful People. I'.rnio," .,.-.

AMUirm. Vt> "l.urd. How Manifold aru Thy Works."

offertory • "•; neuron*!vp Reading, Cta *•■ <, tint lire Lesson ■■; Hymn. -Praise tv OoOj Immortal

Praise," ■ • • ■ • ■ • • • •v; Harvest Barrhon, subject: "Life From

Death.•" text. 12:24. ....... Hymn, "From All That Dwell Below

The Mries." ivuedJctlon. ... .. . ■■

Kv.ning, «.»». Pra,tae Barytce

Exercise ' '"Lhikain 'trove's Chain,' Uieeaa Flossie Kemp. Ktsle Amiss. Hannah M. Clark. Alice Moss. Mar- garet I.nngford. .

Recitation, "The Day Has Come, ... Alice White.

Recitation Harold Donkln Hymn: Congregation Exercise ■ "Sfflrtlers of JesuiC

Three btivs from Primary I>ept. Recitation. ".Bring Your Loving (lifts/ rteettfttloO. 'Keep Sweet," Fxercise •'Snmethlng for Jesus,

KlrN fi'om Primary Dept. . Congregation W. H. Craven

Three Hymn, Address Hvrnn. Benediction.

A commlttf from the Y. P. S, C. K. will have charge of decorating the church and receiving fruit and vege- table These, according to the usual custom will be distributed after the service among the needy poor of the district.

The Samuc] Adams chapter, V. A H Una- for some lime bean consider- ing the marking of the site of the home iif ('apt. Johp Davis. Matters have now n-sfhed-a sta-tn. where it is belle-ved il will be or interest-to the public. Capt. lohn Davis raised a company at the beginning of the Revolutionary war fought throughout the struggle and re- turned safeiv to his hooia al the close.

His house stood on (he I-*'"' ""w

owned hy Mr. Lea on Pleasant street Ever since the plan was broached to Mr. Lea. he ha* been enthusiastic in (he matter, and of the greatest help to Hie chapter, it was through his klnd- -.eS8 and courtesy that the chapter ha* been made the recipient of an historl.

■annon. This cannon was presented* to the Daughters by H. P. Straw, agent of the Amoskeag mills, Manchester, X. II.. and Iti history, ns nearly as can be 'earned, is as follows:

*t WHS cast in Cat-ron, Scotland, 10.J vear« ago. Capt. Charles H. Manning, r n X retired, is authority for the statement that it .Was undoubtedly captured' off the New England mast during the war of 1811!. It CMttB tc the Amoskeag foundry in 18W). In a large shtpnient of condemned guns trnni the Portsmouth nttvy yard. Near Hie centre of the cannon an arrow is ■tamped, and this is believed to have been the British trade mark. It Is cer- alnlv an interesting rell«. and is now

in the Held 'back of Mr. Leas house, where It mav be seen by any person who desires to do ao;» Probably In the spring It will be sultahly mounted, and a bronze tablet erected to mark Ibis historic spot In our town.

Rev B. P. Wilktns. pastor of the OaklandB M. K. chutvh, will go t Newflelds, N. H.. next weefe to take part In the Dover district preachers' meeting to be held Monday and Tues- day. He will ,bo one of IKS ipoalcera.

The first drill by the cadet eorapany recently tormed by the girls of the High school was held Friday In the town hall.

The committee having in charge the opening of the V. M. C. A. building, met In Phtillpa chapel Friday night Arrangements wefe rnadp fur the open- ing of the bulldog.

stagt he met with an accident, being thrown Horn the stage und having leg broken. Mr. Bracken was in Snn Francisco at the time of the earth* quake, und escaped without injury, ihlmugh with but little of his personal

eft'AOta, end assisting in the rescue of a hundred or so persons.

At the onnunl mee'tlng of the W. man's F.train Misslonary society ■ the Hnverhlll street M. K. church to be held in Lawrence Wednesday, Mr: Benarn P. Wllklne of the Oaklands M, K. church, of this town, will give a report from the New Fngland brand meeting recently held In Springfield.

The annual meeting of the Merrl nack brunch of the Massachusetts Sunday School association, with which the Sunday school of All Saints' church Is connected, will be held Thursday evening, Oct. 25, at 7:3* o'clock, at'th Grace church parish house in Law rence.


Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus ('. Suell, well known in Methuen and vicinity served the 25th anniversary of their marriage Saturday evening at home on Broadway.' Mr. and Mrs. Snell held a reception from 8 until 10 o'clock during which tltni many friends called to offer congratu lations. Many guests were pfaacnt fron I^awrence, Andover, North Andove und other places.

Tho house Was prettily decorated with autumn leaves and cut- flowers. This feature was in charge of Waller Harding and Mrs. A. B. Davis. Mr. and .Mrs. Snell received jnany gifts from their friends. During the reception re freshments were served under the di- rection of Mrs. George R. Merrill, Mr- Walter Harding, James Abbott, Miss Lulu and Miss Josephine Abbot'..

Among those present were: Mr. antl Mrs. Chorlea K-^b.'", Miw* MHIV-H und Fred Kelea of West Medford, Mrs. OeorKe Pink ham of [xrwett, Mrs. Frank Pratt, Mr. end Mrs. James Ab- bott. James Abbott, Jr., Misses Jo- ■epnina and Lulu Abbott of Andover, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harding. Mrs. A. Hutchin's. Mrs. M. Hulbert. Mr. and Mrs. George Snell, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Snell, Mrs. George Dodson and Mis» Nichols of Lawrence, Charles Howe of Seattle, Wash., Dr. and Mrs. George B, Woodbury, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. limit's*, Hon. and Mrs. J. (>. Parker, Mrs Hctrrf—Spormpr.-^Vrr.: and Mrs. Alon/.o Howe. Mra. Henry Arnold, Mrs. Clara ('arleton, Mrs. Frank Dou- glas, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Merrill, Mrs: Westicott, Mrs. Lawrence Rein- Ick. Mrs. Susie Mann. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Davis, Mrs. M. Kimball, Mrs. H. A. Merrill, Misses Camelia Howe, Helen

<£iwnd&. Alien Guard, Klla I*. Bodwell. Carrie J. Holden, Hattle ,Ste\'ens and Masters Ralph Kimball and Joseph Remlck of this town.

Mr. and Mrv. Snell have resided in the house where they celebrated their anniversary ever since they were mar- rid, 2'* years ago. Mr. Snell was born in Tamworth. N. H.. being the son of Nathan Snell, who wns a native of Bridgewnter, N. H. Mr. Snell's early life was spent In his native town and In 1S75 he left Tamworth and located In Lawrence. Two years Inter he em- barked In the meat and provision busi- ness, which he continued until a few years, ago. In 1881 Mr, Snell married Miss Elizabeth Jones and since -thai time he has been a resident of Me- thuen. He is an Odd Fellow, being a member of one of tht Lawrence lodges.

Mrs. Snell is the daughter of Jew- ette Jones, Jr., for many years a prom- inent citizen and business man of Me- thuen. He conducted an-pxprcsstntsr-- ness here many years and made trip'- between Methuen and Boston. In 18a? he was killed on the railroad. Mr.-v Snell attended the local schools and Abbott academy, Andover. She" Is a prominent member of Samuel Adam* chapter, p. A. A. Mr. and Mrs. SneH are members of Methuen grange. The] attend the CongregattomTl church.

Mr. and Mrs. Snell were married b> Rev. Charles L. Mitchell, formerlj pastor of the local Congregational church, now located in Wlnchendon They had one child, a daughter, Lil- lian, who would have hern ^.'s yearj old last July If she hud lived.

The purchasing committee of the lo- cal branch, Y. M. C. A., have given W. K. Kphlin, proprietor of the local fruit store at Dame's corner, the ordci to supply the association with maga- zines and news matter.

The Methuen Basket company- wil ilose next week for repairs.

The cottage owned by Mrs. Pierce, on 1'leasant street, is being made ln(i it two-tenement house.

ell is HI at his home on Lev I Lo\ Summit a\

Extetislv, the Cestdej Broadway.


The Beta Gamma cluh held itl first fall meeting with Miss Florence Sulli- van on Lowell street, Friday evening (UIlieiM were elected and other busi- ness of importance was transacted. The officers for the ensuing year ate President, Miss Catherine Ganley secretary Miss Lillian Moyes; ins- urer. Miss Florence Sullivan. Plans for the winter were talked over and a very enjoyable evening was spent by - Refreshments were sen

epatrs are being made or of Josiah Bodwell, at 8-


The regular October meeting of thr rhrtstlsn League of Methuen will b< held In the St. George's Primitive Methodist < hurch Sunday evening, «' t;.::o o'clock. The sojnject for the even-

IK will he "The Relation of tht lurches to the Work of (he Kounj lens Christian Association."

A very Interesting lecture ,,n Pales Ine, Illustrated by stereoptfeon wltl ver one hundred views made fron ihotographs taken In 1903, will b. Ivan at tht* M. K. church. Wednesday u-iiinii, (Jet. :M, at T.3U o'clock.

Rev. Mr. Wolcott of the Methodist hurch. Rev. Mr. Fisher of the Baptist

church. Rev. Mr. Taylor of St. George's ■hurch and Rap, C H. OHphant ot the. Congregational church, spoke along

lines encouraging the churches to co- operate With the Y. M. C. A. in its work. Secretary Murray and Ills assist- ant, H. C. Dudley, spoke of the work. In other places and referred to the bright future here. The meeting closed With singing and benediction by Rev. Mr. Marvin.


The Central fire station wan the scene of a Solly gathering Saturday vening, when the annual supper and

entertainment of the two fire com- panies tnifl held. Many guests were present and alter, being shown about *he building, the ilremen and their friends were entertained .In a first class manner by the following artists. Joseph lilott, Ernest Croch, Hardy Borrocke, Edward Davis and William Treble. After the entertainment an exhibition hitch was given by tin drivers, who did themselves, great red it. The party then proceeded to

the basement .where an excellent sup- per was served under the direction of Janus Skerrltt, the department chef. Cigars were then passed around and spe. rites were made by Selectmen George Bunting and Kirk Brown. Phi mas Delaney and MOBB-^B Marshal. opposing candidates for irglster -of *red3. -end H*»nry- A^ooi'i 'i'"e rum. mlttrcs in charge of the affair were: Supper committee, James Skerrltt, 'larence Adams, Harold Newsholme;

■ntertainment committee, William Brady, Frank Howe and B. N- Hall.


Miss Mary B. CttftlMa led at the neeting of the Baptist Young Peoples' union Sunday afternoon. The topic was: "Faithfulness," Luke xv.

The Farther Lights will meet with Mrs. Jenkins at IB Central street this v.ning at 7:30. Tuesday evening's prayer maerting

will be held at the church. Friday evening's service of prayer

will be held In the church. Beginning Oct. ^9, there will be a ties of Fvangellstlo services In this lurch for two weeks. The church will tve the assistance of the Rev. W. J.

Swatfield, Ph.D., of New York city. Detailed-announcement of the aarvicea will he made from time to time.

A daughter has been born to Mr. nd Mrs. Kirk Marsh, formerly of this

town, now of Maiden.

The lire department responded to an ilarm, fr> m box 64, situated at the iuhctinf, nr Lnwrenrr and Hprttce

*ets, Saturday aiiernoon. Repairs iv. re being made on the, lire alarm box nd the alarm was turned In by accl- ent. The department made excellent

time, covering the distance in less than re minutes.

Gccrge Macfnrland, of Worcester Polytechnic institute, spent Saturday and Sunday at his home, on Broadway.

Arthur Burby Lynn.

spent Sunday visiting

Harley Remtck of the Boston Insti- tute of Technology spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, on High

Miss Anna Lea of Pleasant street Iblfi to be out after her recent illness.

M Worcester this week, commencing Thursday, There will be a numbei be- sides the delegates go from the local chapter. The Oral session opens on Thursday afternoon in the Woman's •dub bouse. Mrs. Theodore C. Bates, tlie highest national officer for Mussa- '•hu»etts. gives a handsome re.-epttdjj at her home In the evrnlhg. sssi-ted by her daughter, Mrs, Frances BauhtjJler, formerly of Ijawrenca. '

Thursday afternoon, the, ttth, John Hancock chapter, U. A. R., will pres- ent a portrait of their patron saint to; the s. hoolhouse named for him.

Rev. E. J. Alken of Concord willi?lve an illustrated lecture on "Palestine" at the Methodist church Wednesday evening, Oct. 24th. The lecture should be interesting to every student of the Bible, as there will we over ioa beau- tiful pictures of the Holy Lund, which were procured iby Mr. Aiken In 180U. :uwl pronounced by prominent critics

be as perfect as the photographer's i make them. The admission

(«« will be 25 cents.

Another meeting of the committee in charge of the plans for Hie opening uf the jocal Y. M. (\ A. quarters will bold another meeting tomorrow evening

complete ihe arrangements. It 1s Intended to have one day set aside for the man, another for the women and one evening for boys. The new <iuar- ters are practically completed ami ponslderaihlii of the furniture has ar- rived.

AHDOVER The Punchard high school football

team were scheduled to play the John- sun high school eleven. Priday, but the latter failed to appear. The local team will undoubtedly clnltn the game by forfeit. The Methuen high school team has also cancelled Its game, whl. h was to have been played next Monday, on account of lack of practice. The local eleven will play Uanvers high on the local grounds next Wednesday af- ternoon, while the Lowell second team will make iis appearance here a week from Tuesday,

Mrs. N. K. Blackburn is visiting Trlends in New York.

Speaker John N. <*ole will make the opening address at the -grand bazar,

-A—w u-k- meeting. ot_ the Farther Lielits' society.of the Baptist church was held Monday evening with Mrs Grace Jenkins at her home. 16 Central

ireet. During the evening wewijng was engaged in and refreshments were

ed by Mrs. Jenkins.

Hope lodge, 1. O, O. F.. held a regu- lar meeting Monday night at Odd Fel- lows' hall.

rehearsal of the Orange degree " >vaj held Monday night at Grange


fur- Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington. rly or Methuen, now of Boston. "pent Saturday nnd Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gaunt, on Centra!

k, K. James, the local tailor, haB been spending several days in Boston.

A number of the members of Guid- ing Star lodge, I. O. G. T. attended an entertainment given by the ■aaw sheen lodge, I. O. G. T. in Andovat. Monday evening.

Arthur Vianley has resigned his po- ■iiilon wJth-Jlurpee Q. Welt on. the lo- cal butcher. The position will be lllle.l by George Uilng of Chase street, who recently resigned with John Broad- head, ihe' wholesale confectioner.

Edward Galloway has removed from Merrill street to tru? Marshall block on Chase street.

Walter Richardson drew the lucky ticket In Muhilly's suit club, Satur ilay night,

O. L. Part and family, formerly o Concord Junction, have removed to 1- Jaklaud avemio.

Mr. Frye and family of Ashland avenue will.remove to the house re- cently buift by Mr Frye un Maple

..wood avenue, ■ss. Mfc«- LtaxW Stoimont-is ill at_ her

Mrs. J. B. Hall of Lawrence street limiK) ,m oaklund u\etiu« Is ill at her home.

• ' v, - . | Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Oak- Mr. and Mrs. J. Branch Ingalls have [nm] :,Vl,nuo \iavf> returned from a

taken up their residence here week's stay in New York cltv. in absent during tht lifter having b<


Mrs. B. Crowell of Concord, N. II. who has been visiting Mrs. J. V Oodge of Broadway, has returned burg. home, j

—- I Mr. Wallace Berry George l*ahan of* Gleason street has },is home in Nova He cured a position in a barber shop Inju^a month in town


Mitchell Johnson of pltson place hat eturned home after spending the pas i-eek with his brother Harry, in Fitch-

hns returned t' >tla afier spend

Mrs. D. H. Sawyer of Pleasant street The number of inmates of the N'ev

Ins Home on Lrondway is steadily in has returned after spending a week In,creasing, there being at the presen Worcester. time l."< inmates.

Lawrence, rendered the principal ad- IrSas of the meeting, which was large- ly attended.

The Tlaer, football team was sched- uled to play the East F.nds of Law- rence Saturday afternoon, but on ac- count of the rain, the game was called off.

Delegates from the local Congrega- tional churches will attend the semi- annual meeting of the Andover eon- fereiMe, which is being held In North Andover this afternoon and evening.

Hope lodge of Methuen Will make Q fraternal visit to Andover .odge, I. O. <). F.. no, Wednesday evening. After the regular business meeting a social hour and refreshments will be enjoyed.

James H. Abbott. Mrs. James J. Ab- under the auspices of the Knights of Dntt, Mis* Lulu and Josephine Abbott I'olumbus, which will be held at the attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Town hall, nest Wednesday, Thursday Mv». Cyrus C. Snell, held in Methuen, and Friday evening of next week. I Saturday evening.

Prof. II. Y. Hincks will occupy thai H. Frank-Smith, president of lh" lo- pulpll of the Seminary chapel, Sunday cuj b(,)ird of selectmen, and his sons. morning,


The tinul round ot speaking for the honor of representing the school be- fore the public in the Goldsmith prise speaking was held instead pf the reg- ular music period, at 1'unchard high, Friday morning. The four persons, two boys and two girls, chosen from their respective classes, spoke before the school, after which a ballot ivas taken

decide who the choice of .the, school re. The following were the'Tepresen-

ta lives of their respect I've classes: It-Gi. Miss Cynthia Flint, Miss Mar- Jorle Da vies, Clarence O'Connell, Frank Smith; 190S. Miss Helen Da vie-. Miss Ftbel Hitchcock, Boy Hardy. Hiirold Mnrlund; l»a9, Miss Margaret lingers. Miss Maude Bennett, Floyd SaStman, Lewis Lindsay; l!tl0, Miss Marjorla Morrilt, Miss L, Coyne, Ar- thur J(dinson, George Ulchardsod.

The result of the ballot showed that Miss i '\ nthla Flint and « larencc

'onnell were elected from the se- niors ; M iss H'den Davis and Hoy Hardy from the Juniors; Miss 'Mar- garet Rogers and Floyd Kastman from (be sophomores, and Mi's Marjorie Morrlll and George Richardson foe the llrst year class.

The dale for the prise speaking will ■ announced in the near future.

An account of the disastrous lire on the River road, In the Parish, Friday afternoon, may he round in another column of this issue.

The bodv of Mrs. Phoebe Stevens Pash«, who died In Lowell, Wednes- day morning, was interred in the South church cemetery this afternoon.

Kt a session of the registrars of ters held in the Town bouse, Friday en ins, from 7:30 to* H:3«, the follow-

ing names were added; Kdward I>»- herty. David A. Lynch. Charles E. Maver. Alexander MacKenzie. Patrick Mead. William B. Morrissey and Ben- jamin W, Pitman. The next session of the board will be held In the old tehoolhouse, Ballardvale, Monday evening. ANUUVKIl JUVKNILES, 8; F.VRR-

fcTT JCNKHtS, 1.

The Andover Juveniles defeated the Bverett Juniora association football learn o-n the Andover ctVket field, Sat- urday afternoon by the score of 8 to l.

After the game a supper was tenth) wed tbs visiting ertven in Abbot I Vil- lage, hall by the local aggregation, lit- er which a concert was enjoyed. The following was the line-up:

ANDOVER. Home, g, Blnck, fh, ■ WlUtle, fb. Ramsay, hh, Rlley, hb Ayets, hb, ,;airn|e. for, Ireland, for. Bj Matthews, for, f< iltu-doii. fur.


"fb. Flanagan hb, Sullivan

hb, Cnalbotl hb. Fdgat

for, Johnson for, Hallinon

j A. Matthew*. for. Shields


A sock social will be held Wednes-] lay evening at the borne of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dowllng of 1' Mrs. C. H. Cooper on Broadway. Ad- Cypress avenue will celebrate the 10th Mission will IJO by socks, which have anniversary of their wedding sometlna been distributed. Those who desire to next month, ittend .the social, and who have not] received a sock can be furnished with r ■ me by calling upon Mrs. W. H, Haw-1 The V. M. <\ A.' directors at theif /er High street, anvtime prior to last meeting appointed a committee h Wednesdav ev.ning. An orchestra will purchase the furniture for the club urnish music at the social, which is They recently purchased two ver?

to be conduct..! under the auspices of beautiful Lindeman pianos from th .he Ladles' Social union of the L'ni- Lawrence Piano company in the Da: ,' ehnrch «ai* building. THe committee li cnunn. . charge of the buyinir of the plann. Mrs C W Douglas Is spending the showed excellent judgment In ■electing

lav in Boston and vlcnity the Lindeman piano, it being consider, i lay in Boston anu VIUIH>. ^^ vn[w fQr (he money on ,hw

MnrtfAil thnrikxalvina services' were market._/Tliese pianos with the oth. IsffttlWallsff^ furnishing,, will make splendidly equip Methodist church. There were special pad quarters f rxerclses, morning and evening, thi trogram afl ptevloualy primed In thh ■olunm being succossftilly carried out. odisL.Hmrcl, Liberal donatfons ot fruit and vegeta des were made for the needy famlllc n Arlington Heights.

Score:—Andove.r. 8: Everett, I. Goal - Made by Gordon, t; Haddon, 2, Cairnle. .'; trelund and A. Matthews,'

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins are re (aiding over the birth of a daughter The father is a member "f Hie well known firm of J. A. Collins & Son, on Barnurd Street.

At a meeting Of the teachers of tin Christ church Sunday school, held di- rectly after the mornfhg service. Sun- lav, it was voted to h"id Bundas ichool al 12 o'clock hereafter Instea* if a* 1 o'clock- and the regular churcl service win be hdld at 10.30 a. m. In- stead of 11 o'clock, as usual.


The annual meeting of the liarrlmaoh branch of the ' Massachusetts SUM.lay ichool Union will be held at„the Oraci 'hurch parish house, l^awrerTre, Thurs- lay evening at T.80. Rev. Fred.tli Palmar of Christ church of this tnwi

■: president and will preside at tlu neeting.

the Y. M.

The Ladle xiiHL.fhurcli with Mrs. W.

snent ed by th.

nil. host-

Tbe teachers of tho local schools will attend ihi 77th annual convention of the Essex County Teachers' assoein lion, which is to be held in IVabody, Friday, Nov. 2.

Invitations are being se-nt out for a private HallowVen party, which' will he held at Odd Fellows' hall. Hallow- Ven. j;

Claud Ohphant. York, has -moved deuce on Stevens

Prayer meeting i MM at the Veib

formerly of New to the Ubbey rest-


was held Friday church. -list

Rehearsal! are being held cantata, rhrTerThe Palms.: will he held at the 2d P. ft Sunday, - ing as leader and will over 40 voices.

Regular praver meeting Tuesday evening at the church,

for the which


A number of new applications fo' in.-mbi-i'ship to the T. M. ft A., hav* been received this week. Those wish inir npnUoatton blanks can sfiCliie tb' njmT fiom Kdgar GUbett, Clifford [• A. c. Gaunt, a. J. White oi Dana Wood bury.


The hrst fall meeting of the Methu- en Chrisiian league was held Bundaj evening ot St. George's Primltiv* MethodhH church. It was a union meet Ing of all-the churches and there WIIF

;n--'c nttendance. Rev. <\ A. Bred; superintendent of schools, presided He .\tencled a welcome to tho.larg' number present and spoke briefly «r the subject of the evening. "The Reia Ion of the Churches to the Work of

th> Young Men's Christian Assocla tlon"

He believed that Hie churches anr1

nrw branch of the Y. M. C. A hem should work together, and If this plat- was carried out there would be lit11. donhl of a successful carter tor th- organisation in Methuen.

Rev. ,1, P. Marvin, the new pastor of the 1'niversalist church, waa Infm- duced and mnde Interesting remarks He spoke ot the lack of nhrMtei friendship in Some places, but here he said, he had found a true Christ hu friendship nnd unitv among th- churches' He believed Ihrtl I!■*■ t^tttee4*- Vs should cooperate with the Y. M. C A. in its work from the irers bajln ning. He said there should be muel rejoicing over the opening of the com- modious new quarters of the Y. M. C

Mrs F. M. Dooglaa has receive* WOWJ from her brother. Henry Brack ell, who is n..w In N.vudu. that while. pr.»»»-i traveling in that state recently by. church

George W. Gage has gone he winter months.

Aid Hoclrly of the Meth met Tuesday evening

iCOtt on Lowell street, li was voted to have a chicken supper In the i liutvh vestry Wednesday evening Nov. .'. The ''ollowing committee will

,,r iijiv. charge of the affair: Mrs. AM Harris. Mrs. G. W. <'<>pp, Mrs. Georg Blanohard, Mra., Clinton Clarke, Mi-

Miss Harriet L. Cro«hy, llbrarlun at KdWr Silver Mrs A. N. Kimballi HTA Sv L M-mnrial lihratv. is visit ing Imnl.-l Orr Mr*. G. A. Hunting, Ml Ur "„.' Mrs. lUrrv H. Johnson nTCeorge Silver and Mrs. Granvdie s,; ,'' ' ,?«I8. There will be a candy table ■ 1,",""e- - 'winch will be in charge of Mlas Alk'

Principal. Caleb A. Page of the high Wheeler. * ; ichool spent Saturday in Boston. #F m_ ,, 1 I Mrs. Kate M. Cooper of Boston will

inn Clarlmond K White vtsited the speak ••„ .ieaeonesV work, at t oodfairin Boston. Saturday. Mnbodis, . hurch, Sunday night al

;. o'clock.1

-pound hoy has been born t \lr: and' Mrs. Sumner Orr of Mystic A box party UndW the «WPtejf itreet, Mr. Orr is the well known the Sec. nd Irlver for the Lawrence Ic* c(mipany

F. Smith. Jr., and Stewart Smith, are enjoying a short hunting trip in Maine,

A week from tonight will bo open night at the Andover Ouild.

The board of registrars of voters will he In session in the town house next Saturday Tor the last session before

ctlonday. from 12 o'clock noon t" 10 o'clock at nlfcht.

The K. of C, bazaar will prove to W lie of the most prominent social eveuls

of the coming season. The Girls' club » of the Andover

Guild will meet Thursday evening.


The following Is the program to he given In the town ball, one week from Thursday evening, under the auaplceC ■f the lo^-al Y. M. C. A., by th- "

(iperet ta company of Boston



At a session of the local bc«rd ofl registrars of voters, held In the old sehtKil bouse in the- Vaic, Monday ev- ening, the follow big nnmes wcrt> ad* ded to ihe check list: .Charles L» Burns, Charles fibatttuk, Jr.


The Voung Hawthornes and th»Jn* dinn Rblge football teams played *•* tie game on the play-tend Monday af- ternoon, the score being 5 to 5. Tha Indian Ridge team scored their touch- down In the first half on an end ruu by Hartfgan, while their opponents* touchdown was made by Louie Bnsso. In the last few minutes to play "pick" Stark made a 50-yard run. landing Win bu'l on the Indian Ridge's 20-yard Hue.

'•a Hie next down C. Bowman made L"> yards, and L. Itaspo four yards directly following. Time, however, was called before the ball could be pushed over the KOal line.

The line-up': — Young Hewihornes—re, Q. Keefe;

rt. J, It ark: rg, -Bob" stark; e, H. Eldred; hj. T Madden; It, M. Gonovan. le. D. Doyle; qb, J. Daly; rhb C. Bowman; Jhb, R. stark: fb, L. Basso.

Indian Ridge—le, Hadlev; h. Keuh- ner; Ig. J. Lynch; c, J. Anderson; rg S. Roger; rt, Sutcliffe; re, J. Stewart; qb. J. Duffy; |hb, C. Eastwood; rhb, J. Hariigan; fb, N*. Hart

At a meeting of St. Matthew's Judge. A- *"■ and A,..M:l_held in M»s*M»ie-hnU- M.LII.I:.. ...-....;.,.. .1... ... i


Trio, Mrs. Hall

et. "Tallyho!" The "Compani

' I Hid My Love," Mr. OsgiMKl.

•■Miserere" (from 11 Truvatore.) - , Verdi

Mrs. Woods and Mr." Hall. Lovely Summer.'' Dell 'Acqua

Mis. Hullis. "Thine." Hohen

Mr. Hall. "Love's Shadows," Scott

Mrs. Woods. J Auderfou 'Waves «f the Sea.

Hollis, Mrs- Woods and Mr.

Monday evening, "i"be third deKree"wa'n performed.

Last Saturday 22 members of Christ church choir, under the direction and guidance or John nachelder, JUIJoyed t Night seeing trip to Cambridge. where they visited the various places

by the Ce,elia|nf interest. Dinner was enjoyed at the house of Prof. Palmer,

David Anderson, who for the. pust several months has resided In Winne- peg. Manitoba, has* returned to town and has entered" the" employ of the* Boston & Maine railroad as assistant

William G. Donald has returned from a trip to .Fryeburg. Me., nnd North Oonwuy. N. H. in the latter named place Mr Donald was the guest of Fred Towle. a former resident of this "uvn.

B. Frank Smlih, chairman of the lo- ca I b< ia rd . if select men, ha s ret u rhed from a short hunting trip in the Maine- woods.

iiftjp h„ .Manning, the



"The Sleeping Queen."

Standard operetta In one a. t; words hv II- B. Fuinle, music by M. w. Balfe.

Cast of Characters.

Maria Dolores, Queen of Leon. -■•■■; Mrs. Hoi Us

Dona Agnes, maid of honor. Mrs. Woods

Phiiiippe' D'Agutlar, a young r^u,Hall

His Exoeilency, the Regent, Mr. Osgoisl

Musical svnopsls: Aria. "The Prime Minister." (Tin the Regent); duet, I Crave a Boon;" trio. "She is Heart-

hs;" ballad, "Only a Ribbon;*' •i">-i The Treaty I" serenade, "The Rose;

ballad. "Wi'tb You; " trio, "MOSl Awful -Slghl;" quartet. "^mdly Dreamed.M EVEBBTT,

g. Ashton fb, McCarthy I j*.- Cungregational Ladles' Aid

letv of the Vail, mauls at cha herta rmmh- f Mrs. J. H. Smith al 2 o'clock

Wednesday afternoon

The annual meeting of the Womfl Foreign Mission auxiliary .if the sei

y chUPCh will be held in Barllett chapel Tuesday afternoon al 3 o'clock The text books for the study of th year wUl be distributed at the meat ing and a large attendance Is dealred

B. ginning todav the Memorial rial uatv will be open daily, with the, centlon of Sundays and legal h

days, from !< to \2M In the morning nd from 2 in the afternoon t ■clock in the evening. Cieorge R Abbott of this town

played right tackle, on the Lowell Tex til." eleven, when ihey gained a decte-

Victory ov.i the Rlndge Manual Training school eleven at Lowell. Sat- urday afternoon.

iWalter ■'• Morrtsaery and Clarance VConnell were members of a "skidoo nartv" hebl bv BallnrHvale young men tt The St, Charias, Lowell. Saturday

The Punchard football team will play the Hanvers HI?h nohool football team >n the pfeystead, Wednesday after- noon.

Wi:LL KNOWN RKBIORNT DBAD. - driver of one of Wright's express teams, has moved from Bernard street

i the house on Chestnut street re- ■ntly vacaied >y Fred Towle. The left hand set 0f gates, at the eal B. A W. station were not in use

Sunday on account of being out of ■order. They were repaired M-unlidj During thv.time the gate« were hot In use. flags were gsad Irmtead, ■


The Andover and Methuen Associa- tion football teams, two old rivals, will clash on the Barker street grounds, Methuen, next Saturday afternoon A large delegation of local rooters will accompany the team to cheer them on

victory once more. The local eleven bns'trounced the Methuen lads In the flrst game of this season and hope to reiieat the trick this time as well

The fiineral services over the re- mains of the late Henrv .leweit New- man, who died at his home, U iRart- lett street. Sunday morning, were held from bis late home. Tuesday afternoon

t O'clock by the Rev. Frank R. Hhipmun of the South oCngregntlonal

The floral tributes wore verv beauti- ful as well as numerous, manv availing themselves of the opportunity t" pav their hist respects to the deceased, who wns widely known and denrlv beloved by all that knew him.

The hearers were George a. Parker J. Warren Berry. A. W. Caldwell, and Warr.-n J,. Johnson.

Af the grav%. Royal Arcanum, 65, of which the deceased waa-a member, held their usual service.

The Pun.hard High School and the Danvers football elevens are contesting on the playstead this afternoon. . The preliminary catalogue of Phillips academy will lie issued within a day or so.

The annual fall meet at Phillips is being held this afternoon.

(Jreat preparations nre being made by Ihe local Women's Belief corps for the harvest supper to be held In G A.

! ball, Thursday evening.


The Knights . inder the ausplc


Harry Paul (Jreetiough, 1907, of Mi* no la. Montana, was elected manage f the Phillips academy baseball tear

for the coining year, at a recent met ng of the school, held directly afte aapel.


Henrv Jewel! \'< v, man one of fee d.iesi and Andover's best known resl- lents paaaed awaj si ihe family home m Bartlett street, Sunday morning.

The deceased, who had bettn under he constant care of doctors for the >»-' I. w year-, had attained the old


years, of m jrears and three month

was born in Ipswich, July *thj 1«3« bill came to this tOWfl at an eaiU

' iler and1,

onage will be held Ht the DO

Saturday evening. Nov. 3. Charles Howe of Senttle, Wash, is

•isitlng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. VIonso Howe on Railroad street. Mr. Howe's family has been visiting in M>- huen and vicinity for some weeks.

Edward Quessy Is visiting relative in Amesbury.

Extensive repairs are being made u the Methodist parsonage. John R Denham, formerly sttb-

naster of the local high school, later - teacher in Cambridge, has accepted a George « unllffe and Charles Bpnl.n KMHtlon in the Kngllsh high school, who have been , spending several W"'

Boston. . ' ,m hunting trltt through Maine, are ted homo today.

William D. Hartshnrne, one of the di rectors, said the organisation shonh pmsner with the assistance of- ' tic

The E. M. Woodman house harles street is offered for sale,

be removed.

Edgar Gilbert has been elected a di- ■ector of the N'evlns Home. He Will >e the secretary of the board.

f-'rank Hither of Dexter. Me., is visit- ing his brother, R. H. BHher, of Hamp- shire stre.t.

Arthur Crosby has returned from i fishing trip to Chatham.

t There i« a free exhibition of drnw-

ncs at Xevlns Memorial library. .The Mrs. Arthur Crosby and family vork has been done by the_chtldren in HJgh street have returned from the grammar grades. All Interested weHt's vacation spent in N,«w H:imp- iw invited to see the exhibition which sblre ■vlll last for two weeksT

Chester Burkett, employed by thi leneml Tefephoof company of Boston ias i. tutu.■■"! trj thai elty after aevera lays' - Clsii to his parents who reshb tl 403 Essex street.

-,-•• [e\. K. 3. Alken of Concord will ,. ;m illustrated lecture on "Pal

;,! ihe M.-ihodfst church Hits n»ng. Admission l3.r» cents.

.Maikharn W. Stfl. kpole of th entral church Hoshtn. conducted ^-''

• A. vesper service, held In thP semi ary chapel, Sunday afternoon. The Hawthorne football team an>

he Babndnts of Lawrence played on half on tin- plavstead Sat unlay al't< i mron. when tin- game was called on :. ount of the weather. The score, at ih

■ nd of ihe Mist half was B to 0, in favoi uf the local aggregation.

TJra tasfn-lathwi footiwil game s.lied- for Ihe l."al grounds.\' afternoon, between Andover and th; Long's Ftovera, wa« i ailed of on a,,;

count of the Inclement weather. The ■' -v I ,M" team will have n<

game SVetlnesday arternnon. owine t. the fall track meet, which Is to be held the same afternoon. On MXI saturda> a f t ernoon the Ha eve rd ffneata men m i I be their opponents.

The regular meeting at the grang. i be held in Grange hall, Tuesday fa iiuE, will-be ;in -'at borne" meeting he VTesi Bog ford and Draclil grange,

will furnish the entertainment, gular meeting Of Indian Ridg.

RebekaH lodge, I. O, ''■ P., will tfe hel, hid Fellows' hall, tills evening. 1,. annual meottng of the Women'i

Ouild of f'hrlst church will u# held li the parish lions. Thurs. |i(\ afternoor at :;-oeiock. The election or officers wll follow the usual ihort service and ad drew, and the discussion of the ivorli f„r ih ting -eason will ahro be t;ik . n uc. \ti. T 110..1. tea »'ii be served an< .,!l the ladles of the parish ;iud gOTdlal ry invii-ti \** be ramnflnt

Pent, R, V Hincks occupied thr- pul pit at the Seminary church. Sunda> in.a iitnu. ' " -The annual fair, under (he aueplcef

nf'ihr bra! grange, w-ill-ne-lteld Thurw.

ge. His neeupat - grain**, he being 'atii r. having r* ,nd diplomas, elved at an

Saghvnd, and a Prince, Albert of ' A wife and t w

;md ''harles H., I .e. bruther.

a paint proficient


fvh gates have bean i el Adams chapter, l>. he annual state cantei

An acTnunf of the P. A. football gam. may be found in another column of thb leJUe

Another meeting or the committ.e !'i At a public meeting, held in tin- Y. ted by Sam- charge of the local Y. M. C A. quar-|jf. C. A, rooms in the Musgrove block, R.. to attend ter* 'Vlll be h*»ld this evening to rv)\i- Sunday afternoon

n the lals

Ofimg a medal rv- itltlon iii London, diploma signed by

rKngland. children. Violet B..

th of tbfs town, and nd uf Andover Mild

Newman of Mid-

Roman Women Were Beauties.

Parsle> was eaten by the ladies of an. i. in Rome as a cleanser of tin* breath, and honey boiled In anise se**d ami wine wns itlso uned for the »ain" purpose. Care of the linger nnlls WHA giv.-n as much attention by the ladtee of those days ns at present, and bea«i- t If lit finger nails, wen- among the ;<f» beauties of Helen oi Troy. Only etfVer Instruments were used In earing for the nails, ami no lady ever cut her own finger nails.

\iinh' 1 I.ton. survive The funeral set v i - will be held at I* late home, li Bartjett street. Tuna- ,.v afternoon at 2 Rev I-rank l ' Shipman of th.- South chur.h will ffleiate.

\ «; Liihunie will "pen a clam I" ;,n,i dan. ing for i hlldrefj at

hall. Friday afternoon. Oct. O'clock. Panwis are lnvit.-l

attend with their children

inett Pilgrim

Columbus' of the i.,

m-ns in the Town hall this Hpoaker John N. Cole will ipi ning aildresa.. .

All members of Andover lodge. :';;<\ I i» i> F.. are eatneatly requested to ti'emi the meeting tonight; Mt Hope lodge of Methuen will make a fraternal hlatl to the local indue, when thev will brlna with them a "travelling cabinet whl. h will be left In this town. This ■ablnet waa. originated by a, Boston bulge and after having been placed in Ihe variguR lodge r ns In different oarts rif'the State It will he ret ft med to lt« originators. A collation Will' bi .erved which will be .fnlloue.l bv I jorfa) hour,

day and I'M.lay evening*; Nov. Sth am ■ih


Every boy who has signed the sa*v itltutlon of the Boys' cluh should be ,,, .,,,' nt the spe< ial business meet* nK next Saturday evening, when tlu ■■■^H""» concerning any cn.inges In

lltutlon and the matter or see eti . will be roniidkred * The pro- aeem will consist of musb- by Mrs I'ie.1 i Moore, accompanied dV Mr. V(o..t. reettatlons and reading iis Mr Parley F. fillbert and an exhibit I

GE0. M. AUSTIN dells real estate, see him before buy- ing If you want a good trade.

IDEAL HOME—On Phillips Hill, 8 rooms, pantry and bath, water closet on every floor, furnace heat, screen for every window, everything modern and uti-to-date, could not be built for any- w-iere near the price It can be bought for today. Cull and get particulars be- fore It Is gone.

NORTH ANDOVER—Modem house of 9 rooms, cemented cellar, steam heat, net tub and nice barn, houae waa built B years ago, bam I yearft, lfi.uoo feet of land, 5 minutes to electrics, nice town and street, beautiful ha.b trees, property cost over $0000.00 and Is us good am the day It was built; price S4JO0.OO.

METHUEN—A fine two tenem«nt near the Arlington mills, Fi room*

■ach, pantry and bath, large piazzas for both tenements largo yard and4 shade trees, rents $12.RO each tene- ment, \ i shape inside and out; price $3000.0(1.

FARM—Of 30 acres, fine land, li' room house and two barns, hennery. J 1-2 miles from Lawrence, et< k, tools jgffd everything to start right in, prlee/firtHb \-l cash. Thi* U one Of the Cheapest places on tha market today; If you want a bargain he sur:> and .tiee. it. ''all. write or telephone for further partb ulara. "

Samuel .1 Smith. dumb-bell work by Mr. 1, ridge, ftWcompanled bv Mr.

inoe to be bald plate arr lie ii- in i II ir- <'• i-iiinK. i" cuiu r»urnui v ;u i'-i ie ",,l> ',,,M|,"i ■'■ m«»n«i ■ '■■^, ■ ■" • \ ungements lor the opening. chief engineer of the Arlington mills, both Of Phillips academy*,

Ibtn I.. Da*


THEWINNING STROKE If more than ordinary skill In playing'brings the honors of the

tame to the winnine player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a rea- sonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. Itjs aU important, however, in selecting a laxative, to

i'" .. I m* i ■

choose~one of known quality and excellence, like the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritatingU>r debilitating the internal organs in any It contains n3hingof an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in trTS Tfismifacture of Syrup ct Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a* family laxative, a fact well worth considering in making purchases.

It is because of the fast that SYRUP OF FIGS Is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that hs6 led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who wn^'d not_uje_ariy_iejii£dy_ofiinr."rt.ain qimnty'orTnierToi reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use-when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size only, by alf reputable druggists, and that full name of the company—California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on" the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle.


in -■■■-..■■:1


»"'"M»l! .


BUILDING \ whist party '» nil1 M the building

fund of m. (\nne'i church was held in Hi.- city hull last night it was con- ducted by tho< noclety 01 the Children ■ ■I' Mary of si Mine's Rehool. The rarty well attended and quite a laray* i%tpi nils realised, one hundred and 'iiy tublt's H.I'. used \\ y ihc whist.

Aj iniernu.-sinn thfl follow in* pr.»- -i mi wns carried out: Piano duet. Yvonne and I-.dlth Rother: i-lnnn duel 1'hoebe Lorn ,.u.l «lla..heth Morris- »< tte; piano solo. I'tn-vf.,.; piano

' ". JfivH l,uuthlen song. • HhviM'i '*• url.manche; piano solo, itoso EtaJn- \ We: chorus, children of St. Anna's school', direct* r. PhrtPb« t;ord; plan"

'■!•>. Prof. Bernard;- chorus, children ••• smry, director, Ida «soiirtmanehe.

Uev Inin.iv HaTael was cbtiirrrVui "' 'he committee on arrangements vii«F Lou tar i..-tin.., ice cream; Odtll '•■ in, whist, vii" Ousrd 01 Honor So

«*nptHin A. Methot, were-station ;u ilin'prfiii points Jibout the



- EXKTJCR, Oct. 24—Phillip* Rxet defeated Brown > «<>coiut lu football today 12 to n. Exeter ncored one*touch down in each hair, the Kecoml being1 a result of n T.i-yard run hy Vaughn, who figured prominently In the gam* throughout. Both BtdM punted fr ■- <l\ienny, but very littlr of the on xtd" v ■■: i Iv was ,i-.-tl.



u I., iii-diiy

'TflH' II, tlio stronp v.>rs .111 the river hunk .Su; -'M.'. n, m. The llnettn: N'oij

,....1: TiTlon :ilul S-'f ^ fiii!-h;i< ks Unbcrta, Rarldon, Christie,, halM>aok«; Lrfuch, SIH\I, i.ovM-, Uoorc Qutbrie

[forwards. Rcaerve, Heya, Linerman, ; SUTh(n.'"in—brtw ' rmv'Vi

p. m. Thi- football committee has arnuiKatl ■moke mil; lor .'ri.iay evening In

lib hoi'se. The hevi lal.-nt in the



The ONE Store hi Lawrence That Shows Goods Exactly aa Advertised

Fxtraordinuy Value In Full Size Odd "Catch-On" Hat Pin

No Mure Uosighi'y Hciet tn Hat • Trimmings.

Cannot Drhp Out. M»y Be Withdraw At Will. .

Keeps the hat m place. Cannot bltf# ot.". The only hat fastertno sup;)iying two hat?.

(>-,.,. tin m n run: \"ti"u ■ "pttni -v >

Lace Curtains For 49c each

kind ivlth rich, de^p hordei's. In a varl i-ty . mil) rurtuhis. the NotOnffhi

l.tvity'd.'sitjns. Curtains

;n- I'lill—5l7.i--'r»ruiiiis. sniTt.- I'rr J yarda MI for wi

■LI.. JUKI <vhm voti anl for i

sell this


Your Choice 49c ea L<J»wn


I'rlly I'll shan. plush.


DCf'l oHrad.

tviviBtim.>.,yi* ^t'FQRNiA FIG SYRUP ft

»>i\ fi-fcrvcKCO re»rr Mac


Ti to

rer A. A. will t;o to K\ th<^ strong AlB»ini|nlnH.

I. ,


W ASl!lNt;T.)N. ■•. exception of i In i< I AirthAsifador VVrlghi irfntrs from Janan -hnuinc the (•■■ li Which th» Jitpaiii .-*• ' pie ;i ifig o\> r the antl*JapanpHi

i w itii tlv duHi«tch .iron

enclosing ellp- • ■ newtfjapera

entnieni rxhlldt


in '•;iii.-,ruiii. has nothing i IV.I1I1K 'Nists £•>!■>■■ Mi'i'll.-V- slNti m.- in tli ami- SuHTir.'ii will duarf in fllctPd iiimh

l-'.-ar here, ho naltailj

ni h! tin

A expressed in ever, that per-;

may n - ill i in Japan tha ltd' Mijary'i I- trade In the

\ China.


l-Tv-nit. S.'ininl.lN, 'I'll.' Tiirrr: slrnno roam anil have won the lhr<-.- palm's play.,I go far tliis f«amn and hav.- nn. yet been Rcored airainsi. Tlie \i . .nqiiin is conatdorad a strong team iri'l n Rndd ,*ram,' is expectad. Spocfnl rars win |.-a\.. the oornar <>f Broadway and i'.iri. sir.-, i al l O'I look. Tho line- up Cor the TiisT'T's will h, aa follows: Poiard, le; Hair, li; Biirna, lg; liiilis , 'l'i-irhly, rg; w.-i, rs. rt. i'arnpv, r>- Delaney, Mil,; Blumol, rhh; .Nloholaou rb: Cndbout or Bherlock. *il>; Hum- phrey's and Coughlln, aub.


•auW A,|-


eeley - .nd^RUG^siNG^-L^''-;,;?,:;;' ss

c-5=^- iffie hLCLCY INSTITIITf. . LEXINfiTON, MBSS.-'


Fall and Winter Millinery, Suits, Cloaks, Skirts, Waists and Furs




i l'fsmut stars defeat - Garden »treet eleven on the Pli

y.-hrday. to 10 ■,. The. pinners Tha Orphans' Friends Society J-I-i lll:e l.o play any team in {).*• cl

In the; prphan Asylum last night, an! ■ dr>^.i H-njamin '*onway. 202* <'li..-inut cOmplefeu the arrangements for tho ^treer, or M. Kennedy, 2:.s ohe<ttnu< annual whlsi party and Rocial, to hv BtiyM. luld at Uio asvluni on next Kridnv -—r~

AMtJScMIWTS iRjng 1 r- in the ■ present time the affah SUNDAY AT THE OPERA HOUSE

3.98 to 7.98 ea

Plaid silk Bella, made ..I plaids in nil ilu> nou'e

with large -tli buckle


I New Suits and t'nnts direct trotn fi'.ii.i I N-,.w york'a leading manuracturen

nr In and s< ,• Hi.-in. Kvrry day s...- ■ are Hi, popular thi

lulls Thi


nrlci is li. JJlb- iinil new-c irrli. will Hi

in Is The dis|.h iiiprn.. ...

.. 95c eft in. at

49c and 98c ea

With ill- I Kin with

• '< < i ion is 'marked nl i store famoui

Fuel lhoi goods ran wj advantage at home. large and varied.

that has mail.' ill]




will tn- more than successful pleasant evening is guaranteed every one who at tends, and the pur pnse for nlikh Hi" party is ],-).\ \ snr.' to hrlng out a large attendance.

The soetets '*oted i" aecepi an Invl- * tat Ion n r\w ntlng them to attend the r i I iair to (,.- held In the slate armory ■ the latter pnrl of November. Thej will , attend in a body nn the aftornnoh of . Thnrsdny, Novemb. r K.. ,

Some nay thai city girls are p. ignorant things Home ol them cannot tell a horse from a cow, hut they do know that HollJsterV'Rncky Mauwtaln I ■ : Is :ne ■•!' the hT?at< a; beau tillers

known, T. a or Tablets, 30 cents ('urrjor I »nit- < 'ompany.

I.VNN aptikf ti


John i:

might, n hlte |<M>

a,.,.; ,

rfbi Into Hi.


tli.' lf,l>n

iiliiiir i Hi-

The Question of the Hour—


HOWTODRFSS WELL at small expense;"—Is the qaesllon- and a hard one— The costomtailor Is slow, expenslveand and often unsatisfactory; machine-made ready to-wear clothing Is TOO cheap







There is no question as to the quality of these garments They are the product of the highest- class tailoring Institutions. Character, style, In- divldoaltty and excert worltsmanship are re- flected in every detail of their construction.

Come and see the New Fall Stvles OUR FALL LINES



Xhe marriage of King Alphonsctoi Spain <" tlf beautiful Prlnceaw Kna will he show for the-first time in tin. (-ltv In motion picture form al the

rence Opera IIoust- mxt Sunday pfternoon and.eyenirig )■> the ghenartl

t'ompany. This most Intereat- it is perhaps the biggest thing

" the moving picture world has vyer known. Th" Imposlnn speetacir i^ shown clearly* In evefy detail rlghi up

'• to the Ihrowing .1 ihe bomb, Notable characters of public Fife from »tl MV.-I- th< world are seen in murveloua court ■" (umes. In no one incident In the

■I'l's nistory was wealth BO lavishly displayed as in this utmost fatal mar- rlace. The usual Httle prices win prp-


vlls* Kiavja Arcaro, the leading «m- ir. itti .,} "The Student King"' coht- pany at the Lawrence i>pero Hotline on Wednesday evening. Oct. 31, was out '■ Piking With Ah-vatithT <*larl,. Lit, eomcilIan, "with ih.- U-u»" ami whll< n »g Kin-.'s Chapel" in Boston tmo heard the air ftins for the nub- v..\ which arc Ux'ated in the gray ■ vuiii adjoining the chai>el.'-Mls« Arcaro couldn't undtTrtand uhv the nolee if ttyj tans should come from the grave; yard, jiherrt she was guslng upon th"< (■ottt>'v-in thi 17HICS, Crt slu asReil f'lnrli to explain, and In nplyhig I said: "The noise was sinihlv ncra ■ "(I l.y in,. i-,,.,v ro ti,(. gravevaid MII in li frt sh air below!" .Miss Arenr who alwavs mten ah« liullcroiu wh': "Well, iri m ih,- daren on Hie loml stones, i : houidn'i Ihrak air woulJ help the depa/ted much." Then M»*. t'lnrk explained thai nlie mtminder* stood tiim: thai ft was to furnish air

he suhwa.v. rnthnr than



$10 to $30

Lawrence One-Price Clothing Go,

I la >d,


Tli.' Bennett-Moijlton ''ompany ,.,,.„.,-.,,ir,. t!uj aeaann v'lHF'rlin'w mv oral new plays ami a few <>t last year' Bin-cense*. "The Ldndon Hank Hob i.< r>" i> otn- of the preUleM rural \An\ • ■\ •■]• v rltten, The action < pi urn in a picturesque \<u KnglanJ tillage; ih.- c^iaracters r.f the play ar all people of thai locality, w iih the except ion of the two vllllans and their appearance i n the* scene furnisher the..motive f.»r more strong dramatic sc« ties 'i"ii. re i- noii. of th.- blood and thunder of a melodrama nhoiri fhe l'hi\ ■ what ■■thrills" ii tiritduces cotiv tiattitaliv* hv the even curvemenl of tli play, Thi- licence of . Knftgeriitlon i-. a ptourct' .if bleasure t«> those who Ilk an exciting riay without liavlng to suhmil io Hotoe tortuous nc-enen In-or- der t« ffi i an Imitation itf th- real thhiy. '''here is a prettv |ove story running through- ihe piece and gootlh sjri'inkling ol ••rijrhi < nedy. The visit of this |.opti(ar company will be wel- comed h\ all lovers ol good playn well acted mil orenpnted; ■ t-atii-^' tleketf laftued for .\!<uul.i\ ei'enbig. (Sieute >•« sale at the hex office' Friday. Oct. 2 1.

!( ill.'- one of the most -wnmler- f">r developing the figure and he wrvej evei offered fu i be (.le llollisters Itoekv

Tea *or TaWetB, ■■- eenuj, Drug t 'ompany.


I'h \v. Pc i«n Mi-



A laroc lot of Man't $3.00 an,l 13.00 Shoaa, blucher and lace, all aizss, l.ut broken lots. t6 dote A lot of Mini's ^.bO and $?.00 Shoes. Calf and K:d, good winder weiqhf-,, to close -.-;••-•■ Ju«t recel.cci. 300 p^irs of Ladies.' Eoois. regulac$1.20 „% For tha next two days will sell at Have a pair of Rubbers on hand for the rainy mS«aiaasi«frow -•■■ A Misses $1.00 and $1.20 Boris, all solid leather, now -. Boys' Never Rip-., bll solid leather Shoes, the kind that will wear A lot of Youths' ana Boys' all solid leather Shoes. $1.50 value, to close Ladies' Patent Colt and Kid Blucher and Lace Boots. $3.00 value, now ■.-.;■•■■• A lot ol Ladies' Boots in Patent Coll. Kid and Box Call, all $2.50 and J3.00_; An txtra heavy weight Juliette, hand ed.

$2.00 98c PR

39c and 59c 75c and 98c $1.25 and $1.50 $1.2r> $2.00 and $2.50 alue: choice to close. $2.00

thrubber heel,' you cannot afford to be without'Hhem, $1.49 A PAIR

Chas. M Evans «•«» 335 Essex Street Kr»e Shines to CuMomon .Fine Repairing and Rubber Hoels.


ublican Candidate Foi Register of Deeds Arouses Enthusiasm in Ward Five

ill,li,nn r.ilh wtw Iii'l, I whato W:,,.l - ,,, r.nrmiS Arem.'

.-Mini; "I'll.- hull ivtti^ ^*HH in.! tin iriil". i u,■--

i' \ ,.t. r.- ;,i liuH l.i-i •■ u.-u riii.ii

inthualaallc in, .in VVIIIIn M.- Small. If II

. iPd

IanrliH) ,u ih. HavrrHIII church i..ii VVtMlnesdny .-,IT, r i A W'illinni \V;ur, n pr. siil',1

.v r,.[i..rt ..,■ tha coaveiition held SprlnirrlUd wan raad Iw Mix. B. r VVllklna ni the Oaklanda M. i:. church

PWtilar btiHlneaa (van tranj^ictnl nn l


a iii>' i-'itLh. )•;**<■>: district; . i-'riist. ni. rrrtjnr ", 'hi Htate MHiitiittf, QautgJa & .1. LLy.i<

nuTdat" for (he legTsTafure. Lawyer M; r-hall Upol •' UH fOlloWSI

■*1 want to thank the voters ol Ward ". ai thin time for the PI I. mini n inner in n hi' li \"11 hftrVe i peated me in th pam .' Ithoi ';h 1 ivaa ilefeatcnt fn* mayor, von utood h\ mr ami u.-rK.-l ■ in f.veitt aii\ fox m-- tfr'iflns at> paii n and I l."i'" you will dn the In the preseni struggle. \,*aW i- mttng tOTi-arda the Pcmbcrats, and >M , muni work all the harder in th Future l mtjjMi cohYesit thai 1 posses th■■ -at., ■ feeling chitracti rlstlc oT all mankind. I am well fhoughl of by the pi iii.' ul,n hn>*e know n me ror yeara I turn with prkle to .Vard - Was then , i, r a llepubllcan candidate who !■•■- ceived a majority >•<' 50d in ilna ward us i dill When l was a candldal* for m,ml. i|.u jsfflcQH?

mill.'* \\ iiai Alttoxx iv.• does \..u go to the office "it b i im \ |.. bher Ho- n glster be a Dvmoerai or u UepubllcacV W'iiiu dlfterenet; doni » nioUi v. 11■ -i \ ai pi to thi* mayor' M rnakea n<> difference providing lu- '- aervlng the p^^iiple con sclent louslj

When my opponent was conducting hi- catntialgn lilt"'1' years a*o, did h1; Lei; the Cinuije thai tie- "Jllne y< u experience of his predecessor hi'.i for the office, as h ' 1« doing ihw year" If the office Is pot a iwlillcid one my. opponent «Hi Und that^th- contest i- ;■ political one.

"I am well qualified for-the posHl i have never been ciitlclaed in point." ..I law. [Jay i tier day, an log* :»• i energy holds "'it, I will exert m> ■ to the utmost i" H In the election.

In eonclnalon I appeal to you votern o^ Wurdr. to go out and creat'' itilhusiasni in the K*-ioiliticr«t> ' "i!' When I was conducting ">>■ eaifmalgii foi maj or a man said to nte, I ■• be afraid to ash a man to vote tv ■||' i;- publican ' ahdldate v<m con ilo " ' harm, aUd it will lel the peoi>le knoft that you are working hard for du- el) i ii"n.' Ami now, gentLeiijpn. ' r' ih Maine tiling (O you. It is n 'i " fellows Who do all ihe talking li'11

eouni bul the oney who go to th*" dil ferenl hojiieti ol the yotem arid ■ ■ r

I warn, th.- \ ni.iv.-tn am working hard, \Yhn\ ywn h^ l r-'il a man with the nominal Ion vu are duty tmund to help htm. l!

you do Ihln, gentlemen, I will v. m im rti'i 11.HI.'


nndpoi ■IlilMlllI

rn almost l- huilding

>iihin stone


I b i n t \->l. f,.|'

re is a good igellov standpoint and a i, cote for l)i<

Hi publics flepubilca

nntest siich as r* an:





liu.i nl rron unrl \rii .ll.|n\;.1,l.. ^,

■1 ulii,.|i ihe

Tl by Mrs Ellznbeth

Will. ni. ir I RiH'nk"< r

HI ipiila n

I ■ li .M.i li:

IlierlillR niljuiirnfr:

' I*W ciaima fHffl [fie uTtlci Hlsti r "i iP'ana is a non-politicp

..ii". 11,- nay«. i in' tbree yean of ex- pi'tl' hec han Iih,, for H in,-.. W i ihyr. ., II .in i„ vrhlch i

1 I. Ii,.„-T:il Miis .li.-lril lliiiiS^. dM HOI

"Men . limlnated rruiTitliiii ,,r- "i'»"i»i ni --ii.vs HI,, radsicj

is .i xervanl m the propte


Nli'.V OKI.HANS. OH. 't'Qmpton, u neKrii. was lyni'l '.Ml. l\-|ll,'-. .Miss., today.

li Is alli-Rvil triiit In- .■onr.-ss. lur of

The b.'SI l n. «. Van II medicinal lin pi'



n*.IK- l.„, j;,„nl In sirl ih Whisk, y is the I" jr cm the Myrki-t. V... recommend It AI F"i

l-i-lass I'.-luil atnreH, |

Real Estate Bargains FOR SALE

urgafn on> lln lectrtcs, r,r"":|

A It acre lorm i Thill roitd, ne omy buirainn*. fall and see us nl

INSURANCE In first class comnamd.

FRANK N. RAND AGENCY. O. J. Randlett, Manager.

Room 822, Bay 8tate Bldg. Tel. Z15. Office open Tuesday and Saturday

evenings Mil 9 o'clock. Also Fndjy evening till 8 o'clock.