Jk M ® .© "^ I3i B, AOTBIIISSI, - Memorial Hall Library

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Transcript of Jk M ® .© "^ I3i B, AOTBIIISSI, - Memorial Hall Library

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I'IIIII rain corns* down with a sleddy beat On the ilu-ly su.ni>* of the grey old slri .t; I.Ike liMi oeaselees pillar of unison feet.

It fall* on the ilatad roof, A inim la rising from off tha Sea, The pall of many an argeay ; Thu wave* that .laali on the rock-bound lee

Weave laany a tangled woof.

Tha clock In tliv belfry tolli th. boar, " A beacon gleama from the Unlit-hi iuti- tower. The ships in the harbor f**l the powar

Of tha wind, and their aalla. The seamen Lhlnk of tha rooky ahora, Where ablpe go down and are aeon no naore, Aad abrlaka are atllled by the Uimpaat'a roar

When human afforta fall.

Tlic maiden, whose lover Is on the deep, The wife fur her husband sad vlglla may keep, The mutber for her loved onaa, deapairlngly weep,

For thtlr treasures are east un lha aea. But while skip* are wreaked on tiio rock-ribbed land, And brave men are cast un thu desolate strand, Uurtlo.lhul.U0ir wlndi and die waves ID bis hand;

1 May uur Oust be forever In Thee.

We sit lu our homes through the long dark night, And ".'.' through the tempest a benoon-lire brlghl, That tlic storm beaten mariner bails with delight

For It guides to a haven of reat. And tbna, when the clouds of advuraliy rtae, And the pall uf despair bath obacured our aklea, The " BUr In the Kail" la revealed to our eyes,

And leads to the hum* of the blest*.

rate rAHMKH t-t:nut:in ALL.

My lord rides through bla palace gate, My lady sweeps along In state, Tha saga thin It■ long on many a thing,

- And the maiden maaea on marrying, The minstrel harpetb merrily, The sailor plow/ the foaming sea, The hitnistn.'ii kills tha good red deer, And the soldier wars without e'en fear; But fall to each other what'er befall, The farmer feeds them all,

Smith hammered cherry red the sword, Frieet preacheth pure the Holy Wurd, Dame Alice workelh broidery wall, t'lrrk Richard tales of lova can tell; The tap-wife aalla her foaming beer, Dan Fisher flsheth tn the mere, And courtier* ruffle, strut and ahlne, While pages bring the IJaaoon wine | But fall to each other whale'er befall, HIP farmer feeds them all.

Man bolide hla castles far and high, Wherever river mnnetb by, Oraat cities rise In avery land, Qreat ehurobes show the builder's hand, Great arches, monuments and lowers. Fair palaces and pleaaing bowers; Oraat work I* done, bet here or there; And well man workath everywhere; But work or rest, whale'er befall, ' The farmer be mint feed them aH. i


Collector & Accouutant. Hooks Opened, Ko-teU & Audited.


Office, 239 £IKX ittreet, Lawrence, (Over Powt OBoe.)

Odtce hour* from 'i to 3 aad 7 to a P. M.

Manrtmci-J. F. Battles, Agent AUantle Otl toe Mills; Wut. II. Jaqulth, tfasbler Pemberto H»ui , W.A.HImhall A Co., Hrroliauts. UaCM


Hla trunk was packed for days before: Tha blood coursed quickly through bla veins;

The hour* be counted o'ar and o'er, As counts the captive In hla ehalns ;

"i- • —ir waa fln'r**—!—whv ilulnv The eagle In bla upward way ?

e rose are morning Illumed lb* ikies; Tli.i cluck had ..nly rang out three;

It was an early hour to rtaa. But nut an early hour for thee,

O, boy I for In thy dreams all night, How loomed the promised land tn alght.

O, boy I I would that free aa tbou, 1, loo, might sweep o'er hill did plalu;

Without a wrinkle oa my brow, Live over life's young morn again;

And pack my trunk and rise at three. And start at sight, along with the.-.


I like to creep gway Into corners and hide myseir wttti the fold of a curtain,, or liHlf-open door, or behind ouu of the greit pRinted lire-acreeng, or In the d»rk shadow of the tallest rurnlture. There I have odd little fancies all to nit -HI, and wish thluffs and dream things which no- body knows an) ttiinj; about. For I am different from all the reat; my parents are tall and handsome, and Louise Is the prettiest |{lrl 1 ever saw. Then there Is my brother Harry, who was killed In the Indian Mutiny, was' like a prlnoe In a fairy sU>ry< so brave and beautiful. Km 11 I am small and feeble, I cannot run or wreatle, and there Is somethlnir ffrow- in;' on my shoulders which keeps me from MlandliiK straight, and they call me deformed. 1 shall never grow any more; strangers think me nine or ten years old, but when 1 count the years from the date In the family ltlble, 1 Und 1 am sixteen. People always speak kindly to me, with a great nil) In tbuir eyes, and *nce In a while I pity ibyaelf, hut not often. '

Dissolution or Pstrtmersblp.

I Srm t i'.. Mai i It la i urner aad esuie as

sari lu ekwelaeao ' No. MS I.-ex Street

H. B. Kr.NNkY, A. 0. WM.CII.

Letwraaea, Masa., Jaly 1st, laflv. r. *.-l>r. |M| will remain at the sasae old

and esLahUshed Ontoa. (NaO ststaa St.,) wbrrr be wiU stUI auatlaur the praotler ot Medicine and treating tha Hie*, (aa ho has so successfully doue lor Utwlaat eight yaara,)aud will alsu visit patlcuis aa their ifeaaM When desired to do to.

Or. WBLOH has raaaovud to No. 1 Ai'i'i.mm ST., where ha wiU atlll eoalinaa bli CUlrvoyml aervtoea, a* he hat eo saassssfally done lor the Lit fuoneea years, and will \t» happy to see ail who may wish lor kit tec vices, iaaVJyH

J. V. (J1LUKBT Jit COMPANY, (oaooasaort to M. S. Dodge

lMaiers in

HXN'I AMU mil's

Ready Made Clothing. HATH, i Al'S, Ac.

A large aatortmant ot

GENT'S FUKNISK1NG GOODS, Trunks, Vallaus and Bagjg, -*J

897 Essex street, - - Lawrence. tnt.lt OHM PMICI ONLY.


Baggage "Wagon AMD


Uon« with promptaett.

Particular attention paid to moving of Trunks and Street Work.

skf-Teata will be at Passenger l>epot, connecting with all of the principal trains through the day.

Ord«rt,ebeoks,e*«.,reswived at Be.l'a Pariodi- sal Store,nest to horse railroad itauou; J. Pills- burr's PnVnitara Uooms, Ul Ktsei si.; Cooper'. lilprses Os»ae, opposite Po.t Oli«; tUleilla. tear H lietea atrwat. I-11 s*^u

Do Tou Want > CUUCM BOOM on stay Siaia or Pambertou

' ' Goto 1KIW ACO^S. Baak.l (

To SCALDS and BURNS Apply Da vis' Pain Killer.

1 like to be this queer UUle llgure. Utilise Is like the lovely ladles In legends and bal- lads, and I am tike thu imps and dwarfs. When I read about them I look at myself In the mirror, and make grimaces, and whirl over on one hand and then on the other, till IAJUISO 'looks distressed and begs me to stop.. Being what 1 am, of course 1 don't often go anywhere, except In summer, when we leave town; and nobody makes me do anything; so 1 roaui all over the house, and llu with my eyes shut for day-dreams, and am merry aud happy almost all the time. 1 \vl N I were only all inches high, whnt ftm I would have hi the world! Then wb< In the country, I could ride on :lte bird's backs, aud down in the woods i could sit astride of the great lush toad-stiH>ls, and drink from acorn cups, or by the xuasln 1 tanoy I could launch a nautilus and sail away like any grim little sprite. Hi ever, to be four feet high has Its disad- vantages.

When Harry was wounded, and lay In the hospital, knowing In- must die, he wrote a very long letter to my father and mother, lull of grief, and cotulorl, too; mi.! (hen he (old Utem a tiling which sur- prised them gr«ally : how lie was engaged to be married to a girl In ihe town In which be had been quartered. How very sweet and lovely she was, and how deso- late she would be now j and be wauted them to send for her, and to love her like a daughter. I clapped my hands at that. I like to have people do things to Interest me; sod the Idea of poor Harry having lullen In love I For I know very well what love la; 1 have read the " Fairy Queen " all through, and a great many romances. And some lime ago I begau a sly watch over Ixmlte, ou account uf a esjftaln Philip Bay-burn coming to the lioSse very often.

Iluf about Harry's lady-love. Mother does not like stranger* very well, but be- ing for Harry's sake made a difference, and my father urged the plan. As for Louise, It seemed as If she could not be eager enough for the coming of this Miss Kmlly Qrey, she was so determined to cherish and love her. For my part, as home Is all the real world there Is for me I like to have as many characters in It ss possible. 8o when we heard that Emily Urey was oomlug to England, we Invited her to stay with us.

Uhe would not come at ouoe. Hhe was timid, It seemed; or perhaps, Harry being dead, sbe would rather avoid his house- hold. But l.onisi' pleaded for her, and wrote a great many loving letters, and at last Emily came. .

Emily came. That first evening when they bronght her into the parlor, t was lying under the table, with my head on a hassock, thinking about the Old Man ol the Sea In the Arabian Nights, and wish- ing I bad been one of the genii of those days. But when Emily entered, 1 forgot everything else, and peered' out from un- der the table-cover at her. Whatadalnty Httls lady she wast so pale and alight, she made me think of frail, fluttering

1 of

her yellow Mril, which lull all over her shoulders when ! .< ml -■■ took away her hat and shawl. Her eves were wide and pule and blue, her cheeks were colorless, and she had a frightened, depreciating way of looking up, even after my -i tn-ly mamma had embraced her. Hut Louise kept about her. and cheered her, and talked to her. Mil she began to look a little brighter. l.nni-i- was so different, such a darling ' nut-brown rnayde,' with honest, dark eyes and rosy Checks, and' lips always ready to smile. Louise is my beauty.

My father and mutber went out after a while, aud Louise still talked to her guest while I lay where 1 oould see all that passed wlilnuii turuinjr my head. I*oulsa went to an Mayere at the other end of the room to get a little picture of Harry, and I idly kept watch of Emily. That same moment she Interested me; her wide, pith* eyes narrowed and grew luteime, she osst a quick furtive glance after Louise, and around the room, curving her little white neck, and a strange, bright smlln flitted over her Dps. 11 bought iuilantly of Opt* Bridge's Oeraldine with ihe evil eye. and just I'nr fun I HftiHl the table cover and put my llu.1.1 and shoulders out so that she could see me. 1 am afraid I grinned at her. She shrieked ajid flung her handx before her lace. Utilise came running back, ami inquired what had frightened her.

■Oil!' -in' whispered, ' such a dreatllul face peered at me from under the table ! There It Is again!' And then she shud- dered.

'Charles!' exclaimed [*0pUw, looking srniind,' come out, you naughty boy, and speak to Miss Urey. It's only my brother chin -lit', our pet. He Is lull of frettkit. One never knows where he Is.'

Euuly Urey looked at me like the ■ >.i dest little creature that ever lived, as I went up to her. and she reached out her small, white hand to mc aud said, in a low, musical voice, ' Ho I his Is dear Char- lie. I have heard of him. We will be friends, won't we?'

' Will you-lell me stories?' ! n*ked. Uhe laughed merrily.

1 Yes, heaps of them, child.' ' Did you love Harry?' I asked again. She shivered at that, aud looked Im-

ploringly at i ■'■. ' Charlie, you are unkind, said Louise,

reproachfully. ' Well, then, I won't ask her If she

loved Harry. I'll go on and read my book of hobgoblins.'

'O no! don't be vexed, Charlie,' said Emily, with great sweetness. 'Stay by me, and 1 will tell you a story.' 8o 1 re- mained, and she told me a senseless story ol two girls who went to school. When 1 saw it wasn't going to amount to any- thing, I started to leave her,

-1 don't like that,' I said; ' I like witch stories.'

'Ah!' she replied, smiling, 'perhaps this will be better.' And then she told me a story of an old witch who had a throne down In the slime of the sea, with a string ni bones around her neck, and a toad perched ou eaeh shoulder. And this witch bought souls, and gave people [tower over hearts In exchange.

1 That was a good story!' 1 said at the end.

' And now, dear Charlie, go to bed,'

sUter's iianti and gilded off." Emily soon learned to be perfectly at

home with us. She seemed to wind her- self about the hearts of tuy lather and mother, aud as for Louise—Louise would have walked over burning ploughshares to do her service. 1 liked her about half the time, and the other half I felt like teasing her. She would grow so white and Utrritled when 1 sprang out at her from behind curtains or doors. More than ever I wished that I had fairy power, to change myself Into all sorts ot, sliapes, —a liny ties to hop into her ear, a yellow snake to twine myself with her curls, a mouse to run over her pillow, or an ell In her desk to opcu her letters I She was such an absurd coward. But being four leet high and not, a fairy. I could only And my wicked pleasure In annoying her by constant surveillance and the most sudden starts. She seemed afraid to be angry with inc. and never irxposed me. Perhaps her conscience made her uueasy, for my dear Innocent-hearted Iconise never was startled or .terrified i.y her dwarf i 'Inn lie's tricks.

O, slender, willowy Emily, yellow- haired Emily, my brother's darling! why were you not all Ijitilse dreamed you, pure-hearted and true, sorrowing and loving? My father treated her as another daughter, und declared she should never leave us; my mother gradually came to consult her exquisite taste In all little matters which Louise formerly decided And at lust (hey even Insisted on her nut ting off the badge of hsr fidelity to dear Harry,—her mounting,—despite the ssd little shake ..I i.ei best) hi mild remon- strance. " -..

' She shall not make a unit of herself, xclahued my lather.

My heart will be lu mourning all tin e,' she whispered to Louise; and Ibci

meeting my glance. -Kitty says yon liave^the evil eye for

certain. What does she mean, Emily?' I asked, mischievously.

• 1 should think, Charlie, you might kunw by this time that what the servants- mean Is not of the slightest Importance.' And she moved haughtily by me.

A week after Kitty was dismissed. L'iui-c pleaded for her lu vain. She bad lived with us six years, and I asked my mother what fault she had committed.

Emily has discovered her lu some dis- honesty,' mother said, qwletiy. *I don't know 'hat I should do without Emily

Evidently Emily was quite usurping " place, but l<ou didu'i seem to

mlifil, and loved her just as well. One


time,' _ LuiiUc kissed her.

Spring came, and our mother com- menced house ensuing on a grand scale; every ni.uo was vi LI.I!. scoured and raluted, and the litrnlture rearranged. low she made the servants fly about!

Every one wished It well at an end; every one but me; I found too much fun in It; I rolled over on mattresses; made nests to curl myself up In among heaps of the blankets . revelled lu hidden rellos which were brought lo light; [lerched my null un cupboard shelves; readUulllver's Travels undisturbed in Ihe pantry, by a Jar full of sweetmeHta; and a down times nearly tripped up our portly butler M he was carrying loaded trays up stairs. When the raldcxteudcd to the sitting-rooms, I found u II anticipated pleasure. The statu- ettes of broiise aud marble hod always looked at each other so unmoved Irom their different comers that It provoked

had read somewhere In a German story of a house where tire- China figures of a shepherdess and a chimney-sweep insde love U> each other when no one was lu the room, and Rnslly ran off together. I was always hoping that something of the kind would happen to our art collec- tion, and now, when all the casts and tlgures were set down In A crowd on the great centre tshle.lt really seemed ss If they could not keep silence. At night when every one hail gone to their rooms, a whim seized me to creep softly down i,tnil *, and peep Into the drawing-room to see what was going on among the bronze and marble* 'lite moonlight lay aorosi the table and Clytle unchanged never breathed or moved, though a bronze Pan made mute music on his pipes before her, as motionless as she. fuikt did not kiss Marguerite; and Mercury, poised ou one toe, did not catch at the chance to substi- tute the other loot. Altogether the whole assemblage waa a failure. Have the fai rlea, then, never crossed the ocean trom

Germany? .,,.». There was a low hum of voices in the

kitchen below; so, disappointed in my miracle-seeking, J thought I would -lip down stairs, and KCC what was going on so late. The butler, the cook, and the chamber-maid, each ol them stood, candle In band, lingering over some dispute.

'Well, leastways,'said the butler, 'Miss Emily have a very sweet manner, and that's all /know.'

• She have her own way, that's what she have,' said the cook.

■ Hum!' interrupted Kitty, ' she makes cold chills run over me. She's winding 'em all about her two little lingers, aud she has the evil eye for certain. Mind you. she brings no good 1'

Next morning, as 1 met Emily ou the staircase, I stopped her and looked right straight at her face.

* What's the matter now, Charlie?' asked, with a toss of her yellow curls.

' I want to see your eyes; please look at ni"

lay I asked Lou If she wasn't Jealous. She blushed brightlv, aud said, win. a hy smile, ' Why, Charlie. If I should

ever be leaving imine. you know. I should feel so much better lo have my place tilled, so that they would not miss me any!'

'/should miss you! /should miss you!' I exclaimed, clinging tn her. nut! hall crying. She bent aud kissed me. I

'My darling hoy. do you think I should not take you with me? We will never be parted, Charlie. I could not bear any me to take my place in your heart!'

,1 suppose that wheii'she spoke of leav- ing home, she wa* thinkhu of 1'liillp Itayburu, for-I had heard several Hide hints and whispers lately, which made me pretty sure that some things were set- tled between them; aud he came to the house ofteuer than ever.

When the reception rooms were all ar- ,uged again, my mother disposed the

furniture dlffercutly, movlug chairs and ables and sofas to quite different posi-

tions, Emily advising her. One great, richly carved sofa, with a high antique back, she Insisted should be placed trans- versely across u corner.

' It looks so much easier than to have It stiff and straight by the side of the wall,' she said. I chuckled to myself, for 1 foresaw a rare hiding-place, which might

■main unsuspected for a long time if 1 was careful; and the next chance I had, when no one was lu the room, I collected a tew things In that corner for private, delectation. 1 put (he soltest hassocnT there, and a Scotch plaid to lie ou, one of my little chloroform bottles which I keep to smell of when I am nervous, and some

my favorite books. Of course I oould not read In there, but just the laying my hand or my cheek on a volume makes It seem like a companion, and brings its contents all Into my mind. Such a snug little triangle as I made of It, shaded and secluded entirely by the high back of un- dent carving, and the only light which could reach me there must orawl along the carpet, under the-dainask and fringe. It was very satisfactory, aud all my own secret.

Kmlly began to be Invited every where; under mamma's ohaperoiioge society re- ceived her with open arms; bouquets'and

■nr.l- of Invitation kept our little waitress doing duty at all hours, and gentlemen made calls ot an evening, inquiring very especially lor Miss Grey. My mother scolded iivi for receiving them so coolly; hut, despite the coldness, Emily Infused sos)te nameless charm Into her manner,

h(illi''U'-,iYrt'1" ''"*'" ''All ilium her airalu It was during these days that Louise

nud Philip had a railing out; why, I did not know, but some trouble there evi- dently was. I.mii.e grew sad and con- strained, but made no confidant of any one. unless It was Emily. 1 would have cut my right hand off at any time to serve Louise, but she never asked me to serve her.

One day I beard her say to Emily,' You ust see hlin when he comes this after-

noon. / cannot. And O makr Mm mi- le rut and that I never1 could have written those dreadful letters, aud tell him that I cannot see him till he has faith In me again. It wou|d break my heart to see distrust In his eyes. O Emily!' And my bonnle Louise bowed her head and wept.

It cut me to the heart, and I was so helpless to aid her! For the first time In my life I regretted my peculiar yhijnqw, for oilier brothers were expected to de- fend their sisters, aud did It; but what

'could I, a i""'! dwarf, do to bold,athletic and handsome Philip Itayburu? 1 felt very ignominious, and orept away to my corner and my chloroform behind the sola lor consolation, and there fell asleep in my misery.

I awoke suddenly at last, hearing the sound oi voices. 1 am always ou the alert, and never -tinted Into making a noise, so 1 lay perfectly still and quiet to hear what was going on, Emily Urey was talking to Philip Itayburu in her characteristic low, sweet voice, aud 1 could imagine just how her lovely pale face looked with Us great, sad blue eyes, and her yellow cqrls floating over her shoulders.

- It puzzles me so,' she said, in a hesi- lullng manner; ' I cannot bear to believe thai l.oiii-e wrote'them; and yet — what ean I believe. Mr. Itayburu} Oh, do not say that yon nrc sure ol her guilt!'

■ Mi-.- Urey,' said Philip, sternly, 'your affection must not mislead you. The letters were sent from this house, and the writing Is undeniably thai of l»ulsc. She Is afraid lo meet the one she has so deceived aud Injured. Do not let your kind heart excuse her too far In this. Miss Grey 1'

Emily's voice trembled as she replied Mr. Itaybui not bear it!

le.iive t>»ii—you, who are so true noble! She could not, Indeed,site u Ml

. ■' Von pity The world Is not all false,

'What tor?' she dsMtintlerl, without I did not know tshiA.

Philip spoke lu .-.'it.-I tones, me. Emily? "" then.'

moment's silence ensued. O. If I eoftld only have peeped out at Uieui un- seen, for 1 certainly helh-ve that Emily bent her graceful head over Philip's hand and wept upon It. I was flerce with In- dignation, but perfectly collected. Per- haps the dwarf oould help bis darling, after all.

Presently Philip rose lo go. ■ 1 -upposc, then, we shall not see you

any moref murmured Emily.plaintive)). Ob, how I hated that false and plaintive murmur I

1 Hardly wain,' he said gloomily. ' And yet, Emily, I shall not wish to lose your friendship. In ten days I will call and Inquire for you, and give into your bauds the letters which I nave received from Louise, and you can return them to her.'

Then he went. As the street-door closed after him, Emily threw herself down upon the sola, and with her face In the pillows, muttered very low, '1 love him, and I shall win him now. And yet, his heart will never Ire really mine. O cruel fate! Why was Louise ever born to spoil the only love I care forF

And she writhed upon the sofa In her malice till she set-med to me like

■reature ol olden time possessed by moti within, which raved and tore. I lay hidden away In my corner, thinking deep- ly, with a volume pressed to my cheek.

What was Emily plotting against my slater? I began to believe her capable of _jj Korgla scheme aud resolved to spy upon her unremittingly,aud foil her where I could. How low I breathed, lest sbe, so near me, should catch a sound. Twi- light shadows crept Into the room at length, snd In them she floated a-way.aud 1 presently emerged from my lurking- place. How 1 wished 1 were an Invisible gnome to chase her, and haunt her, and And out all her dark deeds 1 But I had to content myseif with smearing phosphorus all over my lace, aud meeting In i with a horribla grin In the uullghted upper Ii when -be came out at the ringing ol the i • -ii-beii. It did my very heart good to see the terror In her fsce as she crouched back In a corner to escape me. I had appointed myself a Nemesis to punish her, *

1 had noticed that when Emily went out alone to walk, without naming her destination, she was always absent three or four hours. And the next day bring- ing an occasion of that kind, as soon as she waa safely down the steps I weut straight to her room and looked nil about It. The white lied, dainty and pure, the drooping curtains, the flowtws. tbe books, were all correct and inoidunly enough, but 1 was A detective for the nonce, and passed them carelessly by. A small desk- table fastened my attention; I attempted to lift the lid, but In vale; It was locked. Belli, the key. with a blue ribbon attached, rested In the key-ltotj, and I tried to turn It to unlock the deft, be* tt would not move.— the wfirdsdW nwilt. 'The key evidently was not put there to help pry- ing fingers. The next thing to do was to flnd the right key. and to that end I glanced curionslv about. The recent reoTJIng of some of Edgar Poe'a atrnngc analytical stories sharpened my percep- tions to painful keenness. I threw myself down In Emily's easy-chair, and leaned my head hack In ft position I had often seen 'lift' adopt. Then I narrowed my eyes and compressed my lips as she did when thoughtful, thinking that so, per- haps, iny mind might ummf-ntaiily take tin- tn. II ot let's, and give me some In- sight Into the mode ol concealment sbe would be likely lo practice. With my bead thus thrown hack, my eyes naturally fell upon the cornice altove the long lace window curtains, aud I distinctly saw, hair hid by a projecting glided grape-leaf, a bit of blue ribbon. Still keeping my features after Emily's fashion, the thought suggested Itself to me how natural It would be to put blue ribbon on each of the two keys, thBtaspcctatormlght never know that more than one was used. Full of excitement, 1 sprsug from the chair, and taking the long gas-llghtlug rod which stood hi the corner, I reached up aud dislodged (lie hlpol blue ribbon. As I expected, a key lell with it to the floor. With trembllnir iliijfcrs l tried It in the lock; It turned easily, and ] lifted the lid. That way ul last 1 discovered Emily's treachery! There on sheets of paper were words and sentences carefully writ- ten and rewritteu dozens of times, In evi- dent Imitation of my slsler's hand. Clev- erly done too. I looked them over hast- ily, and fouud beneath copies of two let- ters purporting to be from l.nui-e lo Phillip Itayburu. 1 read ihein In a sort of delirious glee, for now 1 held the elew to tbe whole labyrinth in my hand. But what base letters! In them Louise was made to avow her falseness to Phillip, to confess that she never really' loved him, that All had been a pretty farce to conceal her passion for another; that remorse had seized her, and a determination to ho honest at length; so now these letters begged him to set her Iree and to keep her secret.

A shallow plot indeed, which a few straightforward words between the two would have set right at once; but Umise was proud and Philip pitiless. Emily hazanlod much, and had so far won, de- pending on the pride and the pllllnssuess. Then the handwriting! It would have deceived my owu parents; but I—1, the cuttulng dwarf—bad fathomed the w hole, and held the proof In my hausl. if 1 took

■tit*-'i.AiMc Mit,'»r«,'it**e'tiiiii,ftiti>'*'iHr oordlngly. Was the hour arrfved for ex- po-ure f I thought not. 1 determined to leave the papers, trusting to that fatuous blindness which so often leads crlmlnala (o retain tbe dsiuulng proof of their guilt. The justice of romances suggested Itself to my mind: you know the true will al- ways he hidden somewhere iindcstroy-d. the fatal letter always found, the deed or oertlhcate lost for years, but not forever; and 1 felt sure these letters would wall for me. Was not I the servant of Neme- sis? So I relocked the desk, lifted the true key with Its bit of blue ribbon to Its hiding-place behind the gill grape-leaf again, aud placed tbe false key with its bit ol blue ribbon also In the lock. Then I crept away to think It all over.

In the hall I t my sweel. sod Louise, with that new look or desolateuess lu her. face. I kissed my hand to her. She stopped, Instantly, aud winding her dear arms around my neck said softly. ' You Will always love me. won't you, Charlie?'

* Yes, I will, and every' one else shall, too,' I answered, stoutly, at which her smile was sadder than tears could have been, aud she passed on.

You may be very sure I kept close watch of the ycllow-halrod Emily during the days which followed. Many a ioug rerery of hers had me for spectator, (.eering through a key liole'i r the crack of a door, or with one eye bent on her from behind a curtain. I knew her reveries meant mischief.

One afternoon my vigilance hud Its re- ward. My mother asked Emily If she would get tier some violet silk when she want out, ahd Emily answered sweeetly, > 1 thought I would not go nut this after- noon, I Dave a headache; but rather than disappoint you—'

Orooursemy mother Interrupted her with an assurance that she should not think of letting her go. A Hide after I it-keil, just to see what she would say, ■Will you buy me a little ivory skull, this afternoon. Emily, if 1 give .you ihe money? There's a man down an alley two streets off who carves such things.'

'I'm not going out. Charlie,"-he an- swered shortly.

Under these circumstances 1 thought It best to be on my guard In the drawing- room, So went quietly duwn, climbed over tbe back ol Ihe antique sofa, and so down into my linking place. There, with that horrible, IWsclnstlug bonk, ' Frankenstein,' under my head, I lay head, I lay dreaming and waiting. Pres-

I called out from the drawing-room, 'Emllv is at home, she Is up lu nor room, I'll call her.'

Ho the young lady swept In aud took a seat. In high glee I went up to Emily's room and rapped on the door.

'Kmlly, there's Flora McFIImsey down In the drawing-room to see your

> Tell her I'm not at home, Charlie.' ■ O. but I cm.'i, Emily ; I have already

told her that you were up stairs and 1 would call you.'

* Then 1 suppose I must go down 1' she sold. In a tone ol vexation, and came out carefully closing and locking the door after her, So much the better! 1 knew another way to reach her room—hy going through my mother's, and my mother had gone herself for her violet ailk, so then was no danger of being waylaid. This plan succeeded, and I stepped boldly Into the pretty chamber where a subtle e'rfume of heliotrope pervaded the air,

mlly had laid out all her dresses on the bet).and her trunk was open. I wondered If sbe would have the effrontery to send tor it sometime. But my business was with letters, nut dresses, so I sought the little desk table; the true key waa tn the lock this time, and In a moment I pos- sessed myself of the fata) documents. How fortunate that Flora came lust at* tlfat time, for It mlsbt be that Emily was about unlocking that desk to destroy the papers! My heart beat fast with exolle- meni as I left ibe room again hy the same way that I entend- aud hastened to my own little den, a flight above, bolting the door alter me.

Then I sal down and wrote a letter to Philip llayburn, telling him all 1 hod heard, uuil all I had done, enclosing the fiapers as proofs. I felt very manly at aat, so to vindicate my slsler's truth; and

it made me smile to be able to write that I expected him to aporugtae fully to L. HI i -e, and after that never to darken our doors again. I finished the letter, scaled It. coaxed the butler to deliver It at pure Into Mr. Rayburn's hands, and had ten minutes to compose mvself before Emily politely attended her visitor to the door. Then she Hew op to her room again.

My spirits ran so high I oould hardly keep from shouting my seoret aloud. I found Louise sitting iouesoiuely In her chamber, like 'Mariana in the moated grange,' and 1 kissed tier band again and again, telling her 1 would set everything right, while she looked at mc half-lright- eiied. and wholly pmsled.

Then I Imitated an Indian war-whoop at Emily's key-hole, and as It gradually became darker lay in wait for her behind an open door, and sprang out at her w hen at last I heard her gliding step. I liked to see her shrink and shudder. At tea she was pale and thoughtful, while my father and mother and Louise grew kinder than ever, heaping her plate with delicacies, and delighting to pet her; but I took no trouble to poos her anything hut strawberry Jam, which I knew she haled.

The night waa clear, there were stars In the heavens. After tea we all went luto the parlor; Emily played, and gang, and chatted, and now and then a restless glance at the clock on ihe mantel-piece. At .ten she said she would retire, and bade us all "good-ulgbt." That was the signal for s\,geii£ral dcuai tlqis-aud before Kmlly might heat me and think all were out of her way at last. But no sooner had I slammed my door than I turned again, and crept down stairs quieter than any mouse, past all the sleeplng-roonts, down to the drawing-room, and there 1 waited In the dark. I always liked to stay In tha dark, imagining grotesque creatures lu every corner unseen, ami there I lay on the sofa very contentedly, hearing tbe clock lick and my heart beat.

At last I became connfions. by some In- stinct liner than hearing, that Kmlly waa coming down from bar rootn. The clock chimed eleven, and I began to fear my pint would fall, for why waa there no word to me from Philip? How ^softly Emily gilded down like some Impalpable preseiioe! Hhe stood hesitating an instant ou the lower stair, when the door hell rang a peal which startled all the sleepers.

I ran out with a about. Emily would have fled from me. but I caught her band and dragged her to the door, which I opened. There stood Philip Kayburn, his eyes sblsxe with neroe indignation, grasping the fatal letter* in bla hand. He held them up before Emily: he compelled her to recosriilze their meaning; then cant- ing them at her feet with a gesture of utter scorn, be strode into the parlor, drawing me with him.

I was proud then, as 1 collected all my four-leet-high dignity, and called htm to mc.mril. He did uoi notice my manner though, he was too full of wrath and griefand contrite love. I almost began to pity him at last, hut remembered that would never do. so 1 told him HIM l ac- cepted his apologies, bu! he mast never insult us by his presence again. That moment Louise came lu hurriedly, look- lug ni i iliid and perplexed.

'Where Ut Emily, ('harlief Who rang the li.ll, and why is the door opcii? O Philip!'

-I will go and Dud Kmlly,' I laid. 'I will leave vod with Mr. Kayburn. He has a confession lo make to yon, Uiulse, and after that you will forbid him the



inh the door-bell rang,aud Philip came, inquiring for Emily. I hoard her quick -lepiinlbe utalrci-e, and shcgHdcd Into his arms—could It be tefaThlras Into bis arms? A subtle Instinct told me that it waa so. Philip's voice was changed from Die old light tone, and there was no ten- derness lu It though he called her ' darl- ing.'

' Here Is this package,' he sold, 'which I wish you to return to Umtae with my lorglveuess. Sbe will soon see that her heartless has not destroyed my happi- ness,' and he laughvd bitterly,

' Dear Philip' Murmured Emily's false, sweet voice.

1 Kmlly. you are the only true woman I know, after all. My life shall be de- Voted to you.

' And you love m« Phillip?* she asked, longingly.

'You know my love's not worth much; such aa it Is now you may have Ii,Emily,' and his tones were reckless. • U-i us have It over at once. <'an you be ready to-night at eleven?'

' Yes, she answered,' breathlessly- ■I will have a carriage here at that

hour. When the clock strikes, you must come down to the door all ready. You will find me there, and I will carry you away at once. A' pleasant surprise to Louise to-morrow morning, to Hud her lover so easily consoled. Hhe hardly kmm H how frequently we have met.

' 1)0 not marry m« only from pique!' said Emily, with a touch AT sadness which was real, I think.

- I simply ask you, will you marry me, Emilyr was all his answer, and Kmlly ■aitl 'yes,' without hesitation.

I did not want to come out and de- nounce them then snd there; I had a" Urr plan; so Philip weut at last no wiser i IIOII he came, and Emily fled to her room, full of her plot*, whilst I climbed up out of my ambush, and lay down as any one else might on .the ...la. thinking my own thoughts. I wanted those letters now, quick too,—bow could 1 secure them? I could think of ,IH> opportunity until tea- time, unless bu I iiiunfavored.

Fortune did lavor about an hour after, and a young lady In silk and velvet came to call on Miss Gray. Aa tbe servant hes- itated, aot having nmlnmi tusUTiotions,

bo Emily was not lo If found; 1 hunted

for her above and below, hut she was gone. The halltloor atlll stood open. Mic had il. il away with her guilty con- science under the keen-eyed Kara. So I went hack to the parlor without her; Utilise and Philip were at the door.

T will come early to-morrow,' he said, smiling brightly, and Ixmlse smiled brightly too.

'What! have you not forbidden hlin tbe houseV I exclaimed.

'No, Charlie! That I canuotdol' And with au astonishing lack of spirit she let him fold her In his inni.

I have decided to have nothing more to do with my sister's love-affairs or the family dignity. My little part Is played, ami now I will hide away behind the cur lain with diy dreamt of fairies and elfs.

. mmwm t UMMAB*.

SATUUDAV.—The Braalllans sre about to make a Baal attack upon lbs stronghold of Lopea.—The Japanese colony, oboat fifty tsuet east of Sacramento, an doing well. Their tea and oil-nut plants have come up three laches.— A skillful detective, who worked up the Au- burn, Me., »tiroer case, has been detected him- self in robbing Adams' Kxprsss of 1790.—A feud between the Patterson and the Dickens famines has already caused the death of sev- eral persens near Memphis, Taen.—The floods have nosed a loss of •300,000 In one county alone in Texas-—la Nevada large armies of grasshoppers, each containing millions, or* marching south.—Gold 130 S-s.

MOKUAV.—Don Carlos bos goue back to France, and recommends tbe abandonment of all CarUst ■targglflfl In Spain.—I-Jt-Secretary Toucey, of Utuhonaii'i admlolstrslion, died recently in Connecticut—The reduction or the public debt In July will prove heavier than erer before,—The steamer Hayamaro stuck upon a sunken rock off .Japan, Jane 17th, and sank ni- mutt Immediately. Tbo captain, a dozen of the crew and as many paissngen perished.— The train .on its way down Mount Wash- ington, on Thursday, broke an axis. Owing to lUc admirable provision In such cases, no one was hurt.— Some one in the New York Herald makes a startling statement in regard to the uxteniof r'enlaulsin. — It is thought that tea and coffee rolling In California will be a fail-

owing, to tha high price of labor.—A eabls Is now proposed from Ban Franckico to Uolno.-A California judge decides that the olaose In the U. S. Oonstltatlon, as lo tbe light of the people to boor arms, defeats the law attains! carrying deadly weapons.—A refriger- ator ship Is to be tent from New York to Texas

irheef.—Gold lMT-t. TunsosY.—Thflie Is talk now of a Scotch

cable to ba taken to Quebec.—Tbe puulk' debt lsS9,SB5>lXl,13d.AU; reduction hi July, 17.183.- Ttt.'sw,—People at Monnt Washington com- plain much ot tbe cold.—Senator Wilson denies that Congress Is, or ever was ss corrupt as has been represented—Oil more received ttO.OOO from the Peace Jubilee association — There are supposed to be at least twelve millions of wild cattle in Texas.—The democratic papers con- tinue to copy tbe rebel blorkguanlism about Southern Union men, and colored men.—Uohl 13u 14,

rum into mt.LiNu.

VYe give below the reports ot the ma-

jority aad minority of the committee of

conference appointed by the two boards

of the city government, upon the ques-

tion of compensating the police officers

for sums paid out in legal fees In defend-

ing themselves lu suite fur killing dogs.

^l^rUpwewrUUL U1U) Jtllafd.. uiU'ir-ii, wr-

it), docs not aeeui to have brought the

two any nearer together thou before.

The following la the—

Af.o-orilp Jlsevorl.

'Ail** rug sewsowlof (Ae snagq/ lm*rme§• ULHTLKsiH.il: Tbe ouauntttse of auDJrreoee, on

claims of Pottos lUBoera dlav.iu and Wbtlebooae, have altanded to their duties, and respectfully beg leave to aubtalt tha following Baport J—

The committee have held two meetings, at both of whleh, Ihe full ooiuiulitea ware present; at the last meeting, held Thursday svaalng, July Xtd, tbe above-named affloers were pruseul, aud also Mr. Eatery. The lesUmuuy uf the offloers was board; aflerwards Mr. Kmerjr mads some ataleraente of the clrouiDslaticM of the caw, and depoeilioM of per- sons smplored upon bla promisee at the tlaae of Ihe visit of the uffloera, wera read. Year ooeualltoe made, as we believe, a careful, thorough, and Im- partial examination and ItiveetlgaUon of the oaae; and It appearing, not only ftom other teeUseoay, but also from the edmtsatoaa of lha ollcers tbatneelvet, that thay had no right, or authority whatsoever to do what thay did, your eummtttea are uf •pinion that oftleera Stevens and Whlwboaao, la their pro- eemllngs upon sir. Boaerv*s premises, at seeded Usair auilmrlty and duty, and have no slaiss, a liber legal or r.|ultelilc upon the city, for eompausallou lor any expenses they may have Incurred, in Sjouseo,uenoe of going outal.le and beyond Ihetr doty, and over- stepping their authority. Your committee believe that while II U the duly of the ally to deseed, and sustain Its tafflooro In tbe rightful and proper die charge of their doUea, wa have no right to refund from our treaaury any money, however small tha sum may be, which an ufllciT may b* compelled lo pay for having violated Ma duty or sioeedad his au-

Puur of Your Own mil tee am of the above opinion; tn tngret lo say thaelha report could not have bean manlmuus. Your Oomniitlee would diereforr reo- imiitend that llw t>etWooersbsvoleave to withdraw,

fur the OasaaalHM, Uno. LirruriflLD, Oholnosn.

IN <>OMMOK Uoi*<(>., July «Hh, Ul Head and aaaeptod.

E.B.Oaooou, Clark,

la BOAKI) or At-mianon, July SMh, ISM, Head snd placed oa flle.

Thr AflHBMfi/ Jester*.

7.) IAt tltmuraUt llty townou uf tkt <*fy a/


Is COMMON COUNCIL. j Thonday sWesueg, July fctb, \

and la the chair. Absent, Oouncll- men Carrier, O'Bulllvan, bleveas, llurae. hegw, Bailey, Couch and Abbott. .

Baport Of the City Marshal for the quarter ending Jona >«U>, .sow, sawAftwsV

PaUttoofur and Bradford sire***, la

lUport (favorable) on peUUoa of K. P. Furlong, ei. «!., for sidewalk oa JToapect street, aoeepted la

Baport Of Joint special committee, on provision for truants, oooepted.

Order for sewer between White and Hampshire streets, adopted.

I'eUUou of Thomas Drew for the asooprtanoa of Atkinson itreet, referred to oomadtlae oa at rests,

Baport (favorable) oo aeesptanee of Margin street

He owl favorable oo crossing at Kseei and Appls-

An order waa adopt ad for printing cards, giving loowUoo of nro tolegropb bo is*, for was of nresnen

tddUaetle. ComsnnuloaUon bom the Mayor la relation to the

red sat I on of the Oily Debt, Laid oo tbe table. He port of majority of oonfsreoe*) committee, in

relation to dog killing and poUsemsa, leave to with- draw, aocepled.

Order for a,new furnace In tbe City flail boaemMt adopted lu concurrence.

Order for a new bridge aaroas the Bnawtboeo, adopted In uoacurreooe. *

Adjourned two weeks, to Aug. Wh.

BOAOO of ALOKRHEM., I Thursday Evening, July «Ma. |

Mayor Davis In Ibc'chalr; abeeot Alderman Rol- lins.

I'eUUou of (). E. Itunnslls and others for edge ■tones oh weal tide Of Morton street, rssVrred to eoramliiao on etreeta of this IItend

Of James Brady for leave to sink wall at corner ol Hampshire and Ubeetiiut streets referred to cumuli- Lua on streets.

I'eUUou ofj. w.nargeiu, A.O.'Tapley and E. II. flulehtns, for victualler's lleesue, and of T. W. Hnse for Inn holder's license, referred to oommlUee OO licenses with full power,

Hoadry pcUUons to enter sewers, granted. Leovo to withdraw was t tin was tail ail la the case

of W. Ii. 1'luiniunr, Jsiuas Mr,SMI and lUehard HHaunda applicant, for victuallers license at M»

street. committee oa providing a ptaae for children tod Of truancy.reoomnuHided Lhil they be sent Lowell truant InsllluLloii. The ooat, If over an enrage are (apt, is to be |l par week,

and If leas than ten, tl.M per week. Tbe coot of setablaatilug one In Ibis otty would be #10,0011 and tbe •speauMt of maintaining It far greater than tbo

likely to be paid by this oily to Lowell, lie port aoeepted.

Keporte on peUUons of O. H. Merrill for A ag- on** at tbe new poel-offloe, Stevens Doehbam and

K. P. rnrlong, aoeepted. OeetmaroeavJoo from In* Mayor la regard to the

etty debt reeWred to finance committee. The amsndsaeau lo the order laying out s por-

tion of Jackson street were oonourred lu. Order for now furnace In oily ball basement.

Order for aew wooden bridge over tbo Bhawahewi on Luring Htreet, south slde( Alr-llne road) ado) i OSaaAaJ

Bond of Vespasian Daiiforth, liquor agent, (i re* approvad, Otty Marshal's report aeoeptod Ii Minority report oo the dog kllllag eaa*, aoeepted. Adjoaraed two weeks to Aug. Itib.


The City Marshal reported the arrests for the quarter ending Jan* Sou., ISSS, a* follows:

Drunks tn. larceny S>, safe keeping S3, disturb- ance SS, Idle and disorderly IS, drunk 3d offooo* IS, vagrants IS, truants II, breaking and entering 10, ooramon drank I, assault S, violation city ordinance 7, fa.1 driving 7, luseaeS, violation of Sunday law S, mutual aaaaallS, adultery ft, foniloeUoa 4, lewd- no** t, assault oa otooere 4, dJ*turblag seaooIsS, violation licence law ft, larceny from the person!, Illegal peddling I, rni hers lament I, delivered lo Out of town offloera i, cruelly u> animals, false pretence,

i* Of prisoner, eeoopod prisoner, aumllng a ride, forgery, obstructing cars and setting fire In Ihe woods 1 each. Total srrests 4TI, number uf lodgore ITS. Total of all oil. Baedvod of Polio* Court clerk for ofswers, witness fee* fee., and paid to

oarer »ll*t.lo,

The undersigned, a member of the oommlUee of conference, appointed lo 1m sell gals and report on lbs petition of Onaoar* Htovons and WhHohouae, for ■ipeusea looarred In a suit brought against them, by parties, for supposed trespass, while eaeeullng thslr duty as officer* of lb* lily Uoearumenl, In the deatruoUun of unlicensed .lugs,— as provided by tJafep. ISO, Bee. 1, of the Hovwaa* HtatuU*,- - have aUanded to Ihelr duty, and beg leave to aubmll tbe following Minority Report:—

il a .- tl..'

■low mi: KVIL UNK QKTS IM.—The ■•Morning Star" Sunday Hchool meet a In Pike's Opera House, New York, 'lite following Incident of a recent meeting is reported :—

"During his remarks, I>r. Tying took occasion to fasterf the attention of the children by aaklng them question* con- cerning the subject ou which he was s|ussik- lug. Heferrlng to the subtle manner In which Siitsn acquires power over his victims, he asked: In what way does tbe Kvil One gain admission to tbe human heartf ' 'an any scholar tell ma how he gets Inr •Through the back door.' In- stantly shouted a little fellow on the front seal, whose mouth, aa well as eyes and ears, had beeu wide open with Interest and animal Ion. "Yes! impressively re- sponded l>r. Tyng. with a smile, when the confusion caused by the prompt reply had subsided.'be dare not altsniitt boldly to force his way Into the bean, which < .ml intended to be a temple for ills worship, snd so he seek* to obtain possession by slipping stealthily In, like a thief, through the back door.' This little Incldatit will long ba remembered by those who were present."

Kadi au> In a hill is known lo Us com- jianlous. Mr. Darwin several times car- ried ants from one hlil lo another, Inhab- ited, apparently, by tens of thousands ol unt*; but the strangers were Invariably detected and killed. Thinking that (here might ben family odor by which they were recognised, he put some; ants from a very large neat into a bottle atrongly perfumed with aaeaftrJtlda, and restored tb.-oi aftor tweniy-lour hours. At first, they were threatened by Ihelr compan- ions, but were soon rveognUed and allow

thai the Mayor leaned warrants lo sold officers, •iu<-itin!) them to kill all unlicensed dugs.trAeai or WOerarer found ; In obedience to Uieir warrants, they proceeded to the premises of [*vl Emory, and obtolaod and killed aa unlicensed dog, whereupon .action was brought against tbrm for suppoeed tree-

i, Involving them In siparia* to lha amount of firty dollar* (SS0JJ0) for which they petition Ihe Ctly

overament for reimbursement. The Baas, being aed by the parties eommanolng It, and Jodg- van tha peUUouera, w* cannot see thai tbo n of iroapaas Is Involved, tag| did the officer*

stacatr their uwf * under lh*lr warrants ? W* ma. not Bad anything in Uie eollun of tbe ameers con- trary to lb* law under whleh thay acted, bat In our

they are entitled to great srsdlt for tbe falthfel aud impartial manner In which tb*y dia- 'hargedtthi'li duty.

We therefor* beg leave to reouansaend the City luvururaenl dial lb* prayer of lb* petitioners be [milled. WtSISH IUILIT.

lu ttoANii or AutBKMatiplOff fstb, letw. Head ami adopted.

.uno. It, luiwi , fUg t'tw-4.

In Conajoa COUNCIL, Jaly SStb, ISM.

Nun-ooueurrad lu lb* adoption uf the report. K. B. OeUUOU, il.ri

A Too. GuiwiNti BOOK. — Ditur- PoiNTMKNT.-Moat people have either read the exciting and Interesting work ol

llev. Mr. Murray, describing scenery aud adventurna lu the Adirondack, or attract*

in,in it. Ills advice to Invalids aud

pleasure seekers will be remembered.

Tlw following was tha effect upou tha Im- agination of the million:

" The Burlington (Vt) Press gives a inelaiicliolv picture ol the groat crowd of ion rial* atid Invalids who have sought the Adirondack regions this season In re- sponse to Mr. Murray's glowing descrip- 11on und advice: "Tha rage for tbe Adl- rondack*,' It says, 'will soon be over. The three thousand now there spend ihe moat of their time cursing Mr. Murray for writing such a blgh-flowu book, and their own stupidity for taking It all aa gospel truth. They canuot get guides, they can- not get deer, they cannot get fish. Tatar got nothing but their Journey for their pains. The tew hotels there are In that region are overcrowded , three weeks ago one of them, we heard, had refused more I ban a hundred applications for accom- modation, and another party, last weak, spent four days In their wagon, driving from one house to another .unable to get a lodging anywhere. The moat frequented lakes are 'black with people.' aa one who has Just returned Irom there remarked, and there Is no shooting at deer, 11 deer there be, for fear of hitting men. But Hie most painful sights, a* described by ilinsc who have returned from the woods, ■ire the invalids. Numbers Just dying of consumption aud other diseases, enticed by Hie delightful picture held out by Mr. Murray's only too well written work, have gone In search of recovery Into the woods, lo il in!. some of theui.only death. We have already heard of two deaths In i in: woods. One young woman was there last week, so helpless a* io be cerried round In a sort of box with handles;

Idle miserable fanes and sickness-eaten forms appear everywhere. The Adiron- dack woods are no place for the alok ; It is emphatically a rough country, and only those who can "go it rough" can lake pleasure there. Mr. Murray Is now In His woods with a party of thirty or iorty friends, aud goto only lalt-handed ooiupllineult Irom the disappointed health aud pleasure-seekers, some of whoa have actually Insulted him In tha expres- sion uf their Indignation.

-I Tbe Slate Constable* alsani bora are by oo

mean* severe. They allow klnibalt, Use hard- ware man, to sell nippers to any extant. Porter is patronised flxtenalvety, lank at the sublea and at the .lent 1st uAcn, Moouulto laws bare not l-ocii interfered wiib at all. People who want their roofs Axed are still allow,-.! to take a Hum, i hough tbo Ingres, of cold water by any possibility Is prevented tburaby. If Ike money market get* light, no constable gate after it, and tbe man whose faith staggered, ha* mil tiueti arrested. Though tbo Colonel I* no conjuror, bo can call up spirits from tbe v*»i .loop (of the fetation House collar) if ba cfaooeea, more suci-oaefully than the Witch of Junior.

Adver-ttes or* vary good ties to oonneot

WATEK SPOUTS.—In some places tliese

gatherings of water iu or from tbe clouds,

do more mischief on laud than at aea.

Thay scum to strike mountains through

which Uuire arc deep outs, and the outs

or canons are filled with water, almost

iuHiaiitiy overwhelming everything.

Karly in Juno one swept away a bridge

iu Mexico, and a train which followed

shortly alter was precipitated Into the

abyss, killing some tlfty persons. Wa

notice that a trnln was recently struck

by one on the western portion of the

I'aciflc railroad, but no lives wore lost.

('tMii.lt is refreshingly tnodest for a

writer who unbliishlngly reproduces, as

hts own, a leading article, covered all over with the ear marks of a sharp mag

axtne paper or a week earlier, lo aflect a sneer about " retiilurciog brains-" with

of other peopU 1


The following communication was reeelved by both boards of the City Uoveraraatit on Thursday evening from His Honor Mayor Da- vit, fa the Board of Alaaraisa H was Twferrad to the Committee en Finance, and lo tha Oo en cil It waa laid upon tha table i—

MA ton's Orricn, July 29th, lowf. QaxTLBhTsx or TUB OITT OODHOIL.—The

rapid Increase In the debt of our dtv dwrimg Ihe.peat tew years, the certain pro*poet of Us further augmentation during the pros in I veor, the smt*Bral apathy with which these coeuoeo! sddltione to tbe liabilities of the city are re- garded try tbe public, and asy own firm eon- viftion tbst these arcnmnlatlon* of Inowbwad- not* for tbe purpose of meeting meretr lb* or- dinary expend It ares,artj nnneceiiary and unjust to the future ux-pavers of this city, coootrala me to call your attention to the adoption of tome measure for the arrest of this growing tandflncy.

While the country Is working dastawntsly to extricate itself from the aeornsons bnrdsn of

iio**d by on expensive war, states, cities, towns, and individual*, seem nesjsasaw by a mania for indulging In all the lusmrtoa ot tbe moat prosperous seoaons la an eswei limited only by the amount of credit they ran command.

This basanlou* system can only result at lest la s casaatrophs in which many must ire overwhelmed In Irretrievable min. Such a du- stier always bean most crashlagly upon tha Industrial classes, the substructure of tbe whole fabric of eocrsty-

i to avert such a consummation I he- Heve to lie the duty of every community" and Individual, aad I earnestly rocommond such action on your part as snail commit this city to a policy which shall steadily aad surely dimin- ish and ultimately extinguish tha dty debt.

I hereby submit a draft of aa ordinance, the adoption of which, with tucb modification as may be deemed desirable, Is the plan that I would respectfully suggest for the accomplish- ment of tbe object I have reco mm ended.


The Mayor, on* Alderman, (who shall be a member of tbe committee on Ptnanoe),and the President of tbe Commun Council, snail con- stitute a committee to be called '' The Commit- tee on Reduction of the City Debt," whose dnty it shall be to cause all motile* passed to their credit In the boobs ot the Auditor uf Account*, to ISJ applied to tbo purchase or payment ot the debt of the city in the inonttur they may from time to time deem expedient; and it shall be th« duty of the Auditor and of tha Treasurer of the1 city to conform to all orders In writing, In this respect, whleh shall be mads and signed by nil the members of sold commit tee.

All balaaoos of money remaining In the Treas- ury at the and of any financial ymvri ail receipts In money on account of the sale of real estate of any description, now belonglug or which may hereafter belong to the etty, and also or the annual city tax in every future year, a sum Hint shall aot be less than four per rent or tbo - amount of tup urlncliial uf the cJJj deist and

i >t,« sainfl hereby are **&***&•& ta^mm tmy.i^.r?: I.? r~+~° of tbo r***tat ef the City debt.

It shall be the duty or the Auditor annaally to pass to tits credit of the cummlltee on tha radurSJon of Uie city debt, all receipts In mousy. the proceeds of either of the sou roes baron mentioned, and the sold amount out of the annual tax, and the sums so posted to tbe credit of sold committee shall bs drawn from the treasury of the city for the payment or the pur- chase of the capital of the city ilabt.in tbe man- ner before inonUoued, and In no other mode and for no other purpose whatever,

Tbs committee oo the reduction of the oky debt are hereby authorised to lend on interest lo tbs Treasurer of tbo dty, any aiuonnt so passed to Ihelr credit aa afotesoid, which may not be immediately wanted for tbe purchase or redemption of nald debt.

MILITARY.— The dlsbandtnent of Com- pany F of Concord, one ot tlic companies

of tbe Oth Regiment, and one of the feeb-

lest, will greatly Improve the appearance

of tbe latter, aa lu place has been sup-

plied by a splendid corps of fifty-nine

men, which was raised In a few days In llarertiltl. The men were measured for

Ilia new regimental uniform Friday eve- ning- An Informal election of ofloert

haa beeu held, aud Col. C P. Meaaer

chosen Captain,U. W, lieuiiuoiid lot Lieu-

tenant, and K. U. W. Cartwrlght liul

Lieutenant. Tbe youngest man ou the roll is twenty-one years of age, and the old- eat illly-fcHir. It Is said that there can be

no iiootponciiiimt of tbe muster ot our

(the Beoond) Brigade, and that It will

lake place positively at the time first as-

signed, Tuesday, August Mtlt, two weeks

from Tuesday oexi. The sixth reglmaut

nnlforms anil those of the 4th Battery,

will be completed by that time, but It la

to be feared that some of the organisa- tions will be compelled to appear In their

"old olethea." Our city companies are

drilling up sharp and will be sure to hold

np their end at the .encampment. Capt. Varniim Is drilling his company Ave nights

In lha week, and < 'apt. Decker la never behind. The battery Is being exorcised frequently.


fall of lrMlK. one .Inhnaon, a reeidoul of

Sacnununto, t'nl., inatle a bet of a oon-

aidornbiM amount, with one Freeman,

that KryuKMir would carry tbe otete.

The stokes were placed In tha hands of

a Mr. Huaacll, Three weeks after tha

election Johnson notified Huosell not to

pay over the strikes as he repudiated the

bet. ILuasnll, mil withstanding this, 1*1.1

Uie stakus. and was sued In the District

Court by Johnson. That court threw

out the case, and the Supreme- Court has

now sustained It unanimously. In an

elaborate decision. In which Sew York

opinions are also cited. * *«>»*> AMOTIIKK COMPLIANUK WITH llr.Hn-

CBAT1C BKtJUftSTS.-Tbe Si ale < onalut.les,

stirred up by Die urging of the late big Democratic meeting at the City Hall, vis-

ited the premise ul John Farrell Satur-

day, aud seised a barrel uf ale and a cjuart

or so of liquors. At John I'opplewell's.

next to the Station House, they took six

i.iin.l- of ale, oniitaining one hundred and thirt)-right gallons, three quarts 'of

rum, two quarts of brandy, one gallon ol

gin, two gallons uf,whiskey, three quarts of wine, and one quad of mixed liquors, all In jug* atidiiotll.-s. They were locked

up In the Station House cellar.

T so* STS.—The city rather* have voted lo tend truant* to Ibi: Isvweil Iruaul bomr, aud pay fi.oo per week fur their board it tbo num- ber averages over ton, or 9*.*o 11 under thai number.

The Now Tarfc riraa* Imd a Saturday eltemo.ni, but a very good one In ihe evening. Tb4 performance) waa a very line owe,

♦♦eW-o- Latex 4 wont u* to thank Mr. Albert Blood

for ifitakmean whtla they ailed a roster obi-




H it w * n r M m A "a r.

WIDKIIDX-Tfcm hundred tad twenty-

on* persona were killed In a mtne, near Drss-

den, on Monday. Nu pavrtlcialars.- A diasffecl-

•d Captain-General In Madrid says that the

Spnnlrli rev.ilultoll WU a fu,Uuru.—Maj. Thom-

as II White deliberately iho4 anil killed tbr

wife ..i Dr AI van II It --. In Hoaton, Tun

day tventaf. White la thirty yesra old.llobha,

BIWUI ■i»iy, and Mr*. U. »»« about thirty-dive.

Whlto ww hoarding with the larnlly, and •«

under medical treatment. The aflalr la very

my*ieri<>u*.—The mwn of Moure'i Plat, Neva-

da Co., 0«i.,waa burned July Slat. laws f IOIJ,.

000.—Kentucky baa gone democratic by U.000

majority.—It b> believed that tbe PrOMtati p>f-

srntnent will cut a canal, and connect the Bal<

tlaund North aeaa.—Sharks are cauitht at New

Yorfc.—Na|K>leon la flaat ilberallalug the French

giivernirinit — The I<utidon Tlmea anya that

Catia la likely to be transferred to the United

Hutea by Spain.—There ia to lie a Hoclety Tor

the prevention ol cruelty to Soldiers end Hall-

' on. —It la not pleasant to notice that another

active liieiniHT of tbe Portland convention ul

ChrlalUn A**ochvthMs haa proved a buavy de

faulter. Thl* time It waa 0. L llackett o

Pawtnekcl, It 1. -Newa cornea now by both tbe

French and English cablea .—Oold 136,

TKUMSDAT —Tbe nvolntluti seems to have

been dlaaatroa* Tor Spain. In Seville, Vabm

tia, and other large place*, every man-d'-ce m

he likes, nod ilio law* cannot be enforced. Uoh-

bery and worae crime la open and unchecked,

the irenaurv la utterly bankrupt, and all la an-

archy and ntlaery—Twenty-two barrel* ol

liquor* marked "dab," were captured In Fall

River on Msndsy.-Tfa* Prlnvt or Wake says

that hi ha* been * bad follow, but thai he will

positively reform He make*


on Monday, at the fine nutate of Major ! The ancient and honorable anil selenllfic

Ben Perloy Poore, in West Nownury. I society known us the " Whips," took

waa MUM] plttaaanl an«l enjoyable ocea- | tlu-ir departure Wednesday from Lonjf,

alon; the Eighth waa mitaJltaJlj an Es- Wharf, Boston, hi the tWD-ntistcd yacht

tux ootinty regiriiont, and one In whose called tho Flyaway Some peoplo would

early reword ind p.-tlriottu services, the call her a schooner. That Is, tlioy left

Porta'iml wants a raids.—Madison

County, Ala., Is tbe locality of many uutrsg**

against UuUni men, and of murder*. Troops

are to be sent there —Home gun boata built fur

the Spanish Kuvernnteot have been seised by

tbe II- 8. Marshal at New Tork.-Tbere la talk

that Iwlligeretii right* will be given to the Ou-

Jssoa in * few days.—Gold ISA 7-8.

FMDAY —I'aiuiraoii'* warehouse Wts burned

In Philadelphia yesterday. m.DOO.OOO worth of

whiskey Iniended to consume other*, was luell

consumed.—There are one buudred and Kveuty

thousand Chinamen In the United Slsiw, The

younit Chinese bucks In New York sport atore

cloihea, walcli guard* and siunnlng neckties on

Sundays.—Mr. Frank Whitney. Chief F.UKlneer

"i Ban Francisco, and a leading temperance

man, ia to be received on his return from bos-

ton, bis uauits plait!, by a grand parade ol

all tbt temperance orKaulsailons, escoried by

the Franklin Light Infantry.— Al Traul, Sicily,

t church took Are, and in ibu rush .sixteen per

•ons ware trampled to death. The fire was ea-

sily extinguished —Tho fare Iron) Han I'rani-lsci:

to Boston l« ll.MIln nrWtibacki.—Gold ISO l-j

A tiHK.tr TIMK TO-D.tr.

I'll" .'.■!.'In .ilii.li of (.lie r.impl.-li.iiL ol

the r'int Telegraph will take, plaeo thii

l I'riil.ij i altiTiiMon, and will lie eiiijilia.li

oully a loud ttnd brilliant .ul'iir. I In

liivm.-ii will turu »ut in lull mid i.vi,'jtit

UDiroriU, It I id ill -iv.il Strength, 1

their shining and doeorated uppamlua,

and ttalwiti't IIOISCS.HIHI form upon l,aw

rwnue street, above Coiuiixiu, .it 2 I'. M

The ludt'pciiilunt hosu compuules ol thi

Paolfio, Atlantic, Waahiugtim, and Uii.i

aell Pupi-r Mills, haVo bnen invitod to

join In iti'' di'tuun.ttnttion, and prohuhly

will acuopl. Capt.iin Cuuly ol llio bl>urd.

or Engineers, ha* Ixion elected Marshal

of Ihu day. After all h really. tht< col-

umn will march, bonded by tbu L»w-

iviii'i' Brass Band, through Law re nee

and EiH-tx StreeH tu Broadwny, thence

to 1' uml. down < anal to Union, through

I'm.HI ui Spring!, thence through New.

bury, Ktmx, Jackson, Uavurhlll, Broad-

way, Hi ui i. HI I, Atuesbury, Eatex, mid

Jackson streets tu the Common whe

people of this section may w*>)l feel H

large degree of pride. MaJ. Pot-re was

Lieut. X)ol. ol the regiment in Ita first

memontltln uiimpalgn, hit old rlfic hat-

titlion furnishing some of lla bc«t mate-

rial. Indian Hill Farm, one of the best

In the County, Inn be.m In tha Poore

family through aeveral generations, and

the geoerous and abundant hospitality

or Its present proprietor, whote name Is

to familiar and so welcome in every

New England homo, it nowhere excelled.

The old mansion Is In itself a curiosity,—

a quaint compound of English comfort

ami American eaae, und us maintained

by •' Perley," is doubtless the nearest

approach f> .hu resldenco of an English

country goutloman to be found in our

country, while the good taste und iude>

fatlgable energy of the Major have made

It, lu the midst uf the most sulmtanlUl

comlort, a perfect treasury of relics, raru

ami valuable memenlout of historic in-

terest and worth.

On Monday, the grounds weru in holi-

day trim, and flags, bunting, and deco-

rations, floating among the treos and

shrubbery, gave everything a gay and

lively appoarance. The gathering was

upon the first anniversary of the regi-

mental association, and a very large

company were preseot. In the forenoon

the business muetlnghwaa held, at which

Col. Monroe waa re-elected Commander,

and the other officials choten. At noon.

Major Poore spread a collation for the

entire company, and tbe splendid and

generous fare wat equalled only by the

smiles with which the boat ditpensed hia

abundant cheer, if any one person Is

more gratified than Major Poore In con-

tributing to the entertainment of his

guettt, we would go far to see him.

Alter tbe rations bad been disposed of,

e company gathered upon the smooth

knoll Iruutlug the house, when Major

Poore made a characteristic, hearty and

loquent itddross of welcome. General

Butler, who was most enthusiastically

received, ruadu a stirring speech, re-

viewing the record of the regiment,, and

most heartily and strongly commending

their great services. ■ Capt. Newhall,

Lyun, in a huppy manner, sketched some

or the history of tbu corps, und speeches

were ulso made by (ion. Sutton, In re-

sponse to .L sentiment to the militia;

Cnpt. Merrill, to the Essex couuty press,

Ueo 11. Chase, Esq . of Lynn. Dr. Reed,

Col. Peach, and others, l'hu guthering

was a very happy , to which the

Major's primely hospitality largely con-


put in motion. The ooluuin will, bo <**

eortod by the eutlre force of polluu, uu

dor City Marshal Chine Phllbrlek. It

la expected that engineers, aud otli

gentlemen Interested In lire matters, will

bo present from several different c.lti<

and towns. In the evening, at 7 o'clock,

the liieim ii, :unl a large number uf In-

vited guests, will sit down to a supper

furnished by Mr. E. II. Ilutcblnt. at tin

Evening School Ko<>m.

THE DCSIOOSUOV are quite uneasy it

their new and original role of champion:

of law, order and prohibition, and liki

moat actors on their first appearance

are excessively sensitive to criticism, and

our comments upon thu extraordinary

epectaclu of the ufTwasbed Democracy

of our city,—under the lead of Tarboi

anil Sauborii,—■ virtuously demanding

the eiiliiiv.-iiii.iii of tbe liquor law, li

atirrod-up " J. K. T." U) lufiict upon the

Stntintt readura, a double column broad

side, in which lame iipuloglea for hit

position, are singularly intermingled

with such convincing mid nrgumenUtivi

uxpretslnus as " ntTeclcd stupidity,'.

" demaguguey," " kuavith and oownrd<

ly," '• stupid by choice," etc. Whenevei

we shall have followed " J. K. T.'

through his tortuous course, from a chief

among the Sons of Temperance to

Apoitlcahip of free nun. ami putaridty

and edvuoiioy of the late Innie am)

potent h.-.-ii... law,—then, If the dog

days ,uv not upon us,' wn may pjoasibly

deem it net;estary to defend our teni|

•nee "consistency," and our " law and

order" advocacy; but Bro. i'arbo:

entitlud by his record to a dour flub

some mouths in come.

I. A a*. WiwH'hAikti. I'h.-ii. j

single trip, combining so much of roal

pleasure nml comfort, with brant it

scenery and natural attractions, eupable

of lieiuj; presaed into so -dim t .i.lim.

that affonled by the Boston \ Heine

railroail, to Alton Bay, and tcroea th

beautiful Lake WLnne|iltaukee ; one CHI

make Uie trip and return here in a day

and the region visited Is one ol llie most

attractive in the world , we wonder thitt

nearly everybody tloes not make at:

ourslon every year, to tiiis famous und

beautiful take.

lilt Nl N


THK KCLHY-K I'u-HuRuut PAT. All of the pupcrs uli

taken Up reeenilj , except

Post, llx tbe eollpse lor to-moi

Haturduy, Aiignut 7lh. The I'ost la'

per In wlileb wr have the grMte*t ■

denoe, except ol course politically

we have seen no ex|ilanatlon. tlit.nc

may have been given, ol Us persistently

llirdstlng through MVersJ Issues thai tin

eclipse will be on .Sunday tnsleud of Sal

urday •Iternoon. Leader and loosl, und

•very part id ibsl Journal have adopted

ihia theory, though all of the alun

and the ecieutlltc pcopls generally, are

uuanlinoua ii>r Sahirduy. Tlwi eollpst

will eoniuieiiie ..i i lueuly-four inluulei

past live, and end si sunset, twelve min-

utes past seven. About ihe-sixtbs .■ i the

Sun will be covered. Should II lake place

on Sunday luettwd ul Sslnnla). (t ia pre-

sumed UWI I' Hill be seen aX the sumc

hour ol thud-ij. Hut weight of te>tbuo-

ny is heavily In favor ol Saturday at


AKOrilKIt DlSAITOIb-l'MKNT!—A iles-

paU'ii, Uii!* morning, says the Ports-

mouth liiemeii are not coming. Kiphv

nittioii is promised to-morrow. It is

bojied thai it will be satislactory. A

dinner lor sixty had been provided nud

cooked at the Franklin House, and their

cntertaimtrs Incurred other expense.

They care moat for the d isappulntineut.

fctlMTAKV MATT.KM.—The people ut

Coliennl, MIIHH. bnve got mad beeunse

I bell mllliar> coiiipiiuy ( F.tl'h If eg.) was

illHlisnded. nml bnve held » aplrfieil meet-

bigund voted to xnsUin rheill e-mipuiit .

which lite Lowell Citimn stys was "un-

ceieiiiotilou-ly" tltebnuued, and send It In

iintMier. It Nngteat pl'y thai the citi-

zen- ol that town did not "get mad" and

sustain their oompati) before. We A<<

luforutml that no armory was ever lur

Dialled to lhe corps except the Town Hall.

and when the men went there to drill tln>

If the solemn aasurauoo of the skipper

of the craft, that the favorable wind

which had blown In the anme direction

ten days would continue ten days longer,

held gi>od. Some of the salt individuals

of hia style are quite as good as an al-

manac to predict weather, and better

than those who talk of " constant show-

ers" when there la no rain lor weeks at

the time specified. The society, as will

be aeenj la composed of F. F. La. In

the early part of the war every member

of one company proposed to be raised,

waa to rank as Brigadier General. To.

prevent any heart burning or unpleasant-

ness In the Whip society every man w;u>

made an officer. We give the list kindly

furnished by the ship's doctor.

Comiiiinii.ru Mini Coiuiuuinleiol 'the Ex-

pedition, imbble U. K. I'-drick. L. A.

Executive officer, Uorashogee lldrrh-k.

Superintendent Ol Coaat survey, .lace E.


Purser, Cbarlxa Brown.

Bearer oi Despatches. Jnuoef t^oga-


Geologist, Samtilem Stedmau,

Judge Advocate, UllberT Hood,

Doctor, Jafe Bed Clark.

Medical I'urveyor, Achem Whitney.

Qunner, Jabee Pennlinan.

Poet Laureate, Jajay Doland.

Professors and Scientific f^oipnilttee,

Oeorge Packard, Alpheita Packard. Mil-

ton Bounty, N. W. Harmon, John M.

PI eree.

There Is one danger which Is especial-

ly provided against, and that Is starvation

on some desolate Island. By a glance at

the little bill of ship stores we should be

of the nautical opinion that there was

ample ratlona for the crew ol a 74 gun

ship but as the expedition is to be out

nearly four days there Is nothing like

being sale Ainoiig the Instruments of

survey we noilce 10 Coil lines, 16 Thomas

Cod and Perch Hue*, 56 mackerel jigs,

(not jugs.) and six ..buckets ol clams.

Among ihe necessaries are 300 lbs of Ice,

4 dozen lemoiH.JO lbs white sugar,mini(t)

aud, but we are not on oath aud

six yoke of oxen cannot draw any more

from us. The pork It Is presumed Is to

be used as medlelne in case of the tea

sickness of any one. A small piece dipped

i moieases with a string ultsclied, swul-

iwed and pulled no alternately, Is held

to be sovereign. Should the expedition

get -bun ol dougbiiuiH it will put Into the

nearest port in distress. It i- a part of the

eontraoi of tlie charter party.thai the ves-

sel-baH at once betaken to tbe vicinity

Uf Soltiiille and aneborei) where one bun-

tlretl fish Ihe smallest weighing ten

pounds, are warranted (o be caught In

tilt ecu minutes, If this sort vt thing

should be kept up'ton long, you know,

the party nan get otil of lite boat, and let

the tlsli get lu. It Is suggested to Mr.

Wllxou to see the basement of the City

Hull clear lor the car load* of this ocean

food which will doubtless be lur warded

from Hab'iii. Boston or Newbnryporj as

tbe ease may lie ll will be a valuable ad-

dition to tbe stock for him to dispense.


lor Ihe


take ■ llskel

Minn. Six buiidi

' several years i

voting alone ae

e company nun

leu, und the Coll

in . d dol

«'l "' th'.

al* there and |>ersuai!e them to sfJBBpt

commissions In the company to keep it

alive. I'nder these discouraging clrciim-

atances, and especially when llaverhlll

bad been patiently waiting with a full

roll lor a vacancy. It could hardly be won-

dered thai tbe Colonel bad reason to be-

lieve tbat neither I lie people or (he mili-

tary uf Concord cared much about their

company, While the other (own would

sustain one well. It Is hoped that the

i ran taken Ul.the case of Company F

4111 act as a hint in other towns and OKief

tin sustain their companies. Tlm-i-in this

eily make no eoiliplalnt. It In understood

that i ol. Iteul Is opposed to having more

iban t>-ii companies In bis regiment.

There Is no evidence as yet of any dls-

poaillon to postpone the lime of the en-

campment of ilie Second Brigade, which

is (oeoiiiiueneo two weeks from Tuesday,

anil Is ppitty certain to he either at Box

lord or al Hull, it Is not decided wbleh.

One ol tbe new uniform coals of the

Sixth Rnglineni tin- been received lu to

and It Is really a genteel, tasteful and In

tact elegant dress, and we can safuly

promise our citl/.ens much pleasure lu

seeing elgbtv or one buudred of them 11

not more, iipuu the streets nl an early


The band will receive their new caps li

season fur muster. It Is hoped tbst tber

will be a general parade if only for au

lionr.belore in inter, that our citizens may

be able Ui See the effect ol the mill.inns.

The tth Battery uniforms will be ready

also In season. It Is declared by tbos*-

wbo should know, that It will be the gay-

est upon tbe muster Held. The opposi-

tion to pi'Slumilng UHislei Is the fact tbat

many ol Ihe young men have made

rsngmeuts for taking their vacation

the week tlrnt proposed, and uutiuot well

ebauire 11 .

It Is proposed to furnish ihe men of ih

tlili with new and handsome knapsacks o

the sipiare box pattern, before muster

'bui we hnve HO particulars,

Foimu DknwNF.it.— AI..1111 noon tu

day, as Mi lllluuin. the keeper ol tli

canal gate at the South Side, was walk

Ing about the head ol the canal ahov

Ihe gate, he observed what lie supposed

was a email bag, Hosting in the watei

hi drawing it to the shore n proved t

lie the pocket ol a coat, in which gal

uii-nt waa the body ol a drowned man

The body was titled onto! the w.itei

and Marshal Phiibrick, State Con

stable Heal, and* Aaaiatuiit Marshal

Batcboider, who were notified, were

BuoQ there. The latter recognized it as

the body of Peter Kerr, about thirty-

live years of age, a former partuer of

Henry Beat.

Hia remains M ere taken in bis bouse a

short distance nil. Kerr left in house uu

Wednesday evening, at nine o'clock, say-

ing that be •doubt return soon.

. It Is supposed thai be became confused

and walked overboard. Tbe deceased

was a superior sign and ornamental

painter, bui of very Intemperate hublls.

Coroiit't'Slowe was called, but did not

deem an uupiest necessary. Pen dollars

was found lot his pocket.

OgKM Alit CoNi.KiiTs.—The froo eon-

cert ul thu baud on tbu Common. Wed-

nesday m.:bt. attracted au unusually

large crowd, and thu pieces were given

in the Usual acceptable, manner. The

following is the programme tor WUUQUS-

lay of next week : —

iirsnd March, flsstr.

istsii.ia, frui* IMlaaua, iMirUarlta.

atoboUkMS*, Iturdilt

gallop, Ihxlu-rlk.

rim It**-* in Aaturioa, ltt»#ttb-n

gong, " Jual bffwre IS* ballle,**liuh*r."

Houg, " Th* last rot* uf auiiuiMr."

(JaUSp, UTonitlt.


Most ol our reader's have heard ol ibis

heel, but lew have ever listened to one of

Ibelr speakers, or Indeed have anything

but a verv (hint ami misty idea'of their

doctrines. Many very wild stories have

been I old ol their views, aud u strong cu-

riosity has always been manifested to

become acquainted with them; but, as

**sejs 3"*" '—"fie who care bot little lor

r faith, there bus been but little op|xir-

"lunity lor others to become familiar with

I heir ideas. Wr confess to the same Igno-

rance uf the doctrines ol this churcli as

others, except what iuturmatluu can be

"burned iniiii books. We do know bow-

ever, that there are tbe largest prnportlou

nl highly educated persons In It. ol any

extant, and from personal contact we

can say that lu believers are liberal, con-

sistent, aud an honor lo itielr faith, a- uu

as wc have seen them,

Bcv. Charlea llardon, of Iluitoi

preach at the City Null on Sunday eve-

ning, commencing at 7 M o'clock, and up

on the doctrines ol which we have tpu

ken, tic being au accredited exponent u

idem. Mr. Harden was educated at An-

duvet'Theloglcal Seminary. He will speak

at Franklin Hall in.the day time. The

name ol this people was derived from

it.mm Eiuanuel -Swedeuborg. He wa-

in, i n si Stockholm, Swedeu, Jan. -pi, Ui&H.

Ills father was a Bishop and Swodeuhorg

was u man of great learning aud piety.

It Is tils leaching lliat man Is continually

surrounded and lu continual association

with tngels and spirits of evil, and escb

are striving to lead bun, and after death

II Is the same. The Swedenborglaus de-

nounce spiritualism, as they claim tbat

Intercourse with spirits as they have it

forbidden by tbe Scriptures. There Is

veil drawn,.which imisl not be rent si

no good spirit will do ,lt. The liifiueu

must be unseen and unheard. They have

peculiar views as lo i be necessity of ma

rlage, as conducive Ui happbiess.here sad

hereafter, and the study ol their doctrines

la one ul lascluatlug interest. Sin

publication ol "The (jates Ajar," many

people previously thoughtless, have de-

veted more musing and itudy to the life

alter death. The Swedeuborglaus

theirs tbe "New Church," as It Is claimed

Hull it was accepted as late as 17S7, Swe-

deiitinrg having had a "revelslb

that eftect. It Is sometimes called the

■New Jerusalem Church." There

aus a building used as a New Jerusalem

i i..,i.n in ilut vicinity of Beacon and Tre-

nt..in Si reels, Boston.


tU* 1 -" i = - •■« I'll .1. i v., {

!(l July 27th, 1809. S KDITO* AKEIIICAN:—


I mnsilell yon a little more ahum our »lslt

at Bait Lake i.fty wiuio Doctor V. eras absent

from tbe .Sabbath Reboot he war vicltlng the

l'nl»-ni,.-li He entered st the ii.-iu.--r door,

and found husUMtt sealed on a platform soinu

• Ix fbet hi-.tn-r than anybody else uxceot Brjg-

faem and a tew of his Bishops and Riders.

Brigham looked at tbe din-tor, and the doctor

looked at Brlgbain! ''The Mingrcgatlon, of

course, luoki'd upon tin- doctor aa one of tIn

new Bishops, .-■■: -i.ij.-i u convert irum the i■ r •

lestant church The " women " fiegsti to id-

niiie Ibu new UUhop (he eertainl; was tbe Issat

looking one Id the crowd), and wonder whote

goad fortune It would be to become " sealed "

to this new Mormon Divine I Bat Brigham'*

look was too mach for the doctor, and he con-

cluded he was In tbe wrong pew, and "straight-

war took hli deoarture."

The doctor did not Ititnrm n- of bis mUtske,

but some of our party liapjiencd to lie In the

congregation, and they " blowrd " aa hlrn. and

told of the -mil.- «-iii li passod among tbe

Blahon* sml l-'.l.l. in after Ihe doctor left, and a

Wci]i-, II reporter m.i.l.- a note of it, and tele-

graphed the joke tu Inn paper, aud now we all

call the " t>e*t'tooknu man in thei>arty,"llish-

op French."

Sunn- one ..i the hotel, la I>I i-- -n.-e of several

Mm in.m-., n-1,1-1 why we didn't visit Ungbam's

Harem, or some of ihe Mormons who had sev

oral wives' The opportunity was too good,

and I could nut help a?IVtiig one hit at this

western polygamy bv declaring tbat we did not

care to countenance thu " social evil " system

by visiting iti haunts. How long can the

clvlllxed world bo outraged by Murinonlsin ?

In everything else Brigham teaches the beat of

morals and religion, ilu discourages the use

of all kinds of tntuxictllng liquors, au.i pro

lilblts the use ot tobacco In any form. Be also

advl»e» " all his children " not to use tea knd

coffee. One Mormon wife, the wife of Mr.

Hooper, meiulier of Congress, was asked:

" Well, now, Mr* II., although you believe

In MormonlaiaccAould y"11 ,w wilting for your

huaband to marry another wife f

After s moment's hesitation the answered,

'- Well, no, I say frankly, I should not "

A youiur lady, twenty years ut up-, was

■ HI.'--I, in- i ,.i-.i"-ii!i ; •incorely to believe In

Mormunlsm, " Should y.m as- willing to marry

the man of your love and eholee, and then

allow him to marry Others and divide hi.- love

itween ymi f J*

She answered, "1 sniiunie It would bo ray

duty If It was Ood'* will "

But abould yon lie willing- aud would yon

submit to Iti

moment her ays bright*imd a little, and

she said, "No, I could nut and would not ac-

cept a part of any man's love."

The moru I think of Moniioiilsin in connse

lion with thin great Republic, In thii aw of civ

lllisilou,The more 1 wonder! How could It

ever And a UI.JI bold enough to advocate II?

How could It ever An.! men who would profess

even to believe in it? Ilnw could It And

" women" who would betnslaved by it > How

Ions will It continue r These aud thuuaanda

of iitlmr like ■[ii.--ii.ni-. preaenl theiuselves Ihe

muraent you think of MorinoiiHin.

Now let me fc'ire you a little specimen of

western reverence and u«o of Isofosgs. The

nilu'i- evening, Dr. I'ltr.my asid to a mm stand-

Inghy as be came nut of hit berth In the sleep,

big car, " Well, here we are, all i.m-; my scalp

H -ii.I on, no Indians, no acildent OoA lie

praised tor hia goodnciis. Boon hu Mill cm I a*

home to render Htm an scconut for our appre-

ciation of bis kindness."

" Yes," said the man, '* when he goes for ua

U'll bring ua, you t>et!"

At Elk we stopped ouu hour While there

they arrested a man who was trying to break

into Wells A Farg.i's express, and hung hbn to

a tree before wo left. Short work they make

of thieveii snd robber! this way.

A» noun as the daily [. i| ■■■ -. reported our ar-

rival, we were visited by many Kaatern.meu

now doing buslneaH, all desiring to do some

friendly act snd make our visit pleasant. Our

kind friend, Mr. Desmond, offered a new silk

hat to the doctor. The doctor having, si be

thought, a nice white one, declined the offer.

Soon after, on going on tin- street, he found

they did ma wear the eaoern stylo of a white

hat in iv, and soon some boys remarked, " See

boya, thut big white hat,—big as a house,—big

ass mountain!" Tbe doctor .mil.! not Stand

<?oUrc ttourt $fiotl .---tu KI.M .S.i .. hul.r- |.. .1-y, ami schuel <•**

kepi. .No ilniiik, no aaaauli, no larceny. Every

thins L.vfly. and tb* (Oiiss haus>'is v.-ry high. _,

MUMMI — 111* donor Judgu ■UrrSSS, baVtng

started on a Ihrna week*' v*c*:lon In Ualnu, W. II.

I'. Wright, ICsq., Trial Jn-llee, preililed. It was

rslh.-T unlucky for tha welt known Uury Ana Duffy,

ot Lb* S. H. 8., tbst -In- wa* not arrested preeltely

i wt-uty-foilr bSun before, tot vagrancy, aa In *ach

c**o »he inlglit li*v* bean Ut out of lior cell, and al;

lowed lo gu al large In waauii to i.pan> her blnafaea.

■* b i* U.-.ii IBM caiw U-f.n -e. HI*- b*d ■ most fs*rful

■rrer of wllnrwu* against tier: Captain Blakrlln,

of DM Nlgbl t'nllce, Hian- ConaUble Uual, and a

pUhniii Bf *eane, Harabal l^ilbrlck drove lbs laat

nall.u uiuai.and ollnchvd It undnmeaUi. Threa

in.mil,, fur llary.mii. Ju.i IIaryann'» luck, ll was

a *lugul*r I'lilncldniiea.

A man on Towtr Hill who bad be*n p«*t*r*d

• lih peraoD* booking toaiatoe* out of bl* fl.ld, at

laat lit on two ynung feliowa In the act of pocketing

two or three. It cost tsan about |3 each.

r*uur drunk*, Sf.sQ aaab. Oim Jiuuk continued.

TcaauAr.—Tha I'otle* Court •com* lo be ran by

>e .aiuo HI of official, dally. To day Trial JusUc*

i. ,|i.. , i K. II i presided.

llsnnnb Sullivan w*a lb..-.l |10 *nd co*U for

empty Ing Ibu hot contant* of a "uy pot" or the oon-

lenl* of ahot Uypol, upon * CMM looking uuuntry

woman of her*, and walding in r arm mid b..«.nn.

l'hu Injured per*oo offeiad H exhibit the Injury, but

I..-1 .-.H.I...-1, .11 r. (,'ronln, who I* a I ery mudttil gun-

tleiimii, huallly inti-rpoeed and Ilk,- tbe randwned

Voota, told her "ll waa of uo comi'^ueiic*." llaj'.p

llrowu did UMJ boat ha ouuld f.ir,.ll«iinab, but llin

l-l)J. -I .ll.l lo-l l,li-l|l--«- !!• W-ll .1- lilflt Of

agml porno n.

TaSCMH O'K.-.-N- not satUlled wltli li.-ilbig drunk,

and railing ( alti ouuilda, deinollahed Ilia cell tnilde.

♦T.su, and |l3.au added.

Bridget Vure aud KMia Bbleldi.uld custouiera.got

tlin s iii.Miiln each fOr too *u>*dy drinking.

stsry l)uyl«,v*grwit,*li ntuiiUi*. A rather pietty

girl, whom even Urn oCsoera plead for, waa lei off

with coela.

Two drunk*, ST.SU «*ch.

in..- ugly drunk, t».»0.

\V i.usIJ-I.AI -Mary Dojlo and Csth'ne Toomay,

two truublsaooia feanalaa, aimoat eonalanUy drunk,

were lined arveraty, *nAsS*a *p for noD-paymant.

A ca*e of female dlaturhaoc* al th* Houlh Sida

was dl*ml**ed by the exertions of Counsellor Tar-

boi, who conducted lh* delanee.

TUCKSDAT.—A man w*a itiie.1 fur laying nil baud

.i|,..i. the iboulder of a lady to whom be wa* s

•Uangar, on the ('oinmon, Wednesday evening,

Hltnon Ulckay got $t.SU or niity day*, for lighting

with Mlka Nkkaraun, on Common itr.-.-t.

A woman named Kliiabath Kuckwell, whu IU

furiously drunk, and breaking tblug*, wu* *rn-*ted

by Hlale Coiulable l.i-i Wednesday afternuou. The

ulBcer bad groat .lllfloulty lo getting her alung, *hu

lighting, *rrstohlng, billng. and attempting to II.-

duwn all tbe way. When oppoalt* the City 11*11 a

fcagnn Doming along, with Ihe aid of olber ..ill

cera, ahe iu bolaled Into th* vehicle, cue of tbe

men alltlug upon Bat leg*, for decency'* *ake, and

another huldlng b.r iboulder* down.

lly ill,-. i»;m. ska wu gut Ul |he Pulloe tltalloii

Where ahe ws* locked IIJI, and could do nu harm lo

herself anil oilier*. A* niii.il when there I* an ..r-

re*l nf tbUkbid, ■ certain, clwa* galhrr around and

illy tbe ..Hi. . i by cries und threat*. If they aru

drunk eunugh they all.-nipt a reacue, but they have

burned th.-lr llngrr. au much In doing thl* tbat they

r. Uu* of Ibo rufflaiia un

ihl* II.■:.■!.ui ruared fur aom* one lu bring turn a

daih out bl* ,|—,1 brain*,'

much tu my dlacoinuture the ladle* alt adnilre

the doctin and in- nice new hat, and don't oven

look ut me,

Our eastern men, who bare come here, ap-

pear to tie doing well, and ure liberal with their

friends from the East.

I like the appearance ul California; It looks

a little ..-111 to a prub)hitln!ilit und a temper-

ance man to see Ihjuor of alt ktndu floating

srotind plenty a* water. Kn-iv other a hop is

for lunii.i- lolling.

I like the looks of " John t'hinamun." He

looks-aud appear* honest and Industrious.

Mm I must tell you more about California at

another time. 8.

<i li •' > i: i t .% It.

tin Wi-ilui--day evening new Tost, iu'. |**1. ot Uo- liiaml AriUj of tin- It. - ublnl, wa* ii.Biijuu-d lu Ibis own. t ant. .....S. Merrill. Assistant. Inj jieelor. rt-ji- t-i'iiium the stair "IlliiiK. 'he new or- sulsatbiu iiH't.iu Aoadeiu) II lll, and was nl> oiMaiii/td In llio now ritual just it .nli-d tor tin: onln. I'll lollowltig

Ulcers svure elected, ami « iba«|ueiiUj

it:irt:tt FHOM rMIroii.\t i.

HAI FBAHCISOO, cat- f* July -O, Hale. \

Km ma AMBBICA* — Wo arrived berotafely laat

•telling, after dbe .if tha gloat esoltbig,iutoruln1iig

and dellgluful trip* tbat au Aineriaan can laka on

thia conllneiil. before reaclilng Uie Itochy Uoun-

talna wo pastwl through a tb.iiiiand mile* of the

in. «l dreary and deaolat* euuulry, 1 think I can

safely *ay, on il><- fac* of the whole e*rth. growing

nothing but *■«« bruab, and poor .in rT at thai, and

alkali depoalla, Had It nut been fbr the m^)e*Uc

Kucky Huunlalu*, covered with crown* uf ever-

la*Uug mow* (no irea* lo make Ibeui beautiful to

lh.' .-).-. ii..- (,|. i.ir.-i.i-i.- NeTad** and Uie golden

plain* uf California beyond u*, we should have

■Icbeued uf our journey and turned back.

Hut wbal la thl* ... -ii.-in. ,i al till* rude luuklng

d*pot, am.ing id. t,. barren plain* and moweapped

muunlaln* 1 A rubber has Ju*l been oaugbl, at-

tempUug to rub Well* and fargo'* Eipri-** omo*

at kl> ■■all'.n, ami M t e I. no UiWnihlp, or law

eioapt lynch law, hu la grabbed up at uno* by the

rough looking crowd, and IN !.,-■ th,tn i.-n iriiinit.-a

hi* neck I* (Irtilahad before the liorrur.itrlckun

paatenger*. bul llila 1* nothing remarkable bare;

two more war* aarved tha aaiue wayl laat Uunday.

Thl* I* li '-'/ UomHatnlotntry.

Auuihur aoarsl dome Indiana are *e*n coming,

on tit—i■ mountain ponl*>, al full *pee.|, with car

bin** In their hand*. Thu ladle* are frlgliUm.d, tin

oiaii look earnestly at ll a* Ihej near lbs train

pistol* are got uul, and ail are ready Hul thor* 1

no danger whalavar a* tb.-y balung tu a pvacefu

li li-.-. out hunting game. Uul nuw coinea the m.o

plclureaiiue, grand, lovely to—*fy lhal human *y

ev*rb*h<'Ml l'hu rllerr* Nevada* loom up In tin

■ II.IJI..,, And nuw another engine mini lj.- at

laohedtoihe Iralu until wn aaoand an alUtuJu o

over S*>i ti*!, along ut.iunlani >l.l«. between blgti

poaka, uvt-r yawning precipice*, wher*, If a wheat

• In,1.1.1 break we ihould plunge mor* than .Vn.i fo*| ;

bul without peril and venture the romance and nov-

i-liy wuuld be gun* jgA

But oh, how luvely and ohurmlugl .u.-li * beau-

iful harmony uf th* ■■ , . .M Bteadlag *|,:i "■'■',' plcturM<tu* and vailed *c*n*ry I N.i uu* can poi-

-ii. , liiiagln* what It I*,—It HI MI b* «,-e.j to be .ip<

predated- Thl* I* the r.-U -iwm.-in-i.i uf America,

uutbliig oau p.mlbly vicead tblaregiun in graudtiur,

nd < i-ry. No.

i .-1..1.I

!■■- I... ^ lino tbu but snd ...ii.

■ in-..tu Wbal a Dbaugel Due hour ago we bad un

..ur overcoat*; nuw w.- want nothing but lb* light

.-.I linen wa oau wear. A* ahurl, delightful Hd*

k.f twenty uillrn on the Sueramenbi rivar Ukea u*

lo lh* laws] where inure, bf a Unfold ratio, have luat

than gained * ftwUU*. Here averjrtUaf ll don* nil

a douOle pre**ure prlaolpU, I'liey ,|o not belong lu

the L'nlh'd Si«U-a In California, your greeiibauk*

iu.,-1 be couverted Into gold belore you can pay

your hoist billi the i,n«ilr-i bil tint ia lakin In a

ten caul *llier sols , I hope the 1' li It. will unit*

her bl Uie aUte*. Her* we meal ( binaiueii ei.-rj ■

wbrre^and every other man i* a foreigner. The

valtajit of i ,i'-f..i i,u aru vury rich, and abound sou.

.lerfuliy In all bind* of t'bulce frulla. Tomorrow

i we atari for Uie valley of big tree*.

Truly yours, K

I'UBI loiuiuaudt'i. Maj N. K. I.add; b).

V. i'.. ^tl I*. Webber; J. V.C.J. t

Stai)'; AteJt.J.i'. Ruodlett; t^r. Mr. D.

ri. Kundloft, l ha|ilaiii, 11. f, Kloc; (tors;.,

(tins. II. i .iiiuiin I. tblgt. Maj.. I.. II.


It was voted thai the name of tliv Kn-

,au.|>...eui h*"t. It Schwab*." TI.e , WATEEI1((1 i,lyuoiw._ ,„, MuI1(Uv

new I'ost tuts excellent fuaterial, and j

starts ivitii •soellcni proepccti of suooaas, i afternoon, the 8tato Oonstahlrs tui't a

wao;ou at Llio South Stdo, li.-l.m^iu^ to

Kiibrii Smith. Husjieutiuo; thure was

-.inn- of ihc I'liutraband in it, tboy fol-

lowetl tin* vcliiolo, aud when It wag

irossino; ilu' bridgu tlui drivur throw

over tlio rail iyug and a doiuljolin, suji-

I ■■-.■ d ut I'ujjtain Ibiuors. They were

prolxibly at ouou dusliod to jilouoa, and

tlio conteuU mixed with thu watnrs of

.I agreeable to ih* tjul Jiorriiuaoli. Our tlaverhHI lumper-

ofthegraiiemade ^^ |H;1U.|IU|„( U(]|OW ugi Ml} notilloil of

the danger of drlnttiog river wj^br for a

**'•"* I day or two It won't IJO SO hurtful for l ha* been full and ei|tre*«-d >>) I'hyaJ- J

Ni'wburyjwit uoouJe- Thti uouslablos visitud tlio simjig uf

two in.-n, sloQulrk -.ii-l t'uUer, iu Audo- vur, uu the saiuu day, aud captured a very email quantity uf litiuors.

Hi. RMHIHU SkttlAKTU, of this city,

lias boon ap|>oinUid Sm^i-ou to tlio 4th

Light MiMeiv

A dOUSCK or PUASmtK.—ll ia a aouri'* of pi. ..■

Hpaer*a ■'Hiaudar.1 Wine IlilU-re" la a credit hi il*

WSSar, and will b* of uiealculabk benullt to aulfer

lug liumaoliy. Ilia partirulaily guo '

euueral debility Pl*a*am

lasts, ll U almpty U* pur*

li.U.-r, by herba and root*

.sold by Ilrugglata

Sir A wan Ian*, for a aafu and reliable .purgsUve

mm ii now auppiledio "I'aiaoii*' 1'urgsll'

(le.iry K. Iloiid.ol Jefereon. Maine, w

t lyinsssj of Mood, sursesks and wsskaea

(Uimach. by thl nu ol

al'*). Nu t

ksr * plii ii

Hl.l.t ,

ugly drunk, fv So:

did not, fur the rairal

ntni aejied Iwfureh* could have thrown

la one un the police bunch at preaunt

be coaird to lul Off a orholuul by ever]

Iful Storf, If about a doieU of thoai

i •ii'i.fB i-r by wurda or acts were abu

r, thu other* might quit Tli* womat

to gu lo ber friend* In Lowell,

du.r.k- I.'.MI each. Another, *li„ waa

Then- was a new and very handsome car

turned out from thn workshops "f the Maine

Railroad, st the South Hide, where (tood work

Is always done, put upon that mail for thu first

ti ii ii on Tuesday.

Thu State Constables liullgiiuiitty deny that

they i-auiedthe dry spoil of weather.

The new post office will Iw one Bf the j-nyest

mil festlvost In Massachusetts, but don't crowd

the carpenters.

The Boston people are mysteriously hinting

of another big thing, an Immense thing, to

coins nil' In two years. I* it. to carry all Its In-

habitant!,, and those outside In New England,

the Common, and the State H,..i .-, mi shal-

loon excursion to the moon, or wbat ? Talk it


The City Marshal lias a gallery of photo-

graphs and tin-type* of notorious rogues.

Some of them, however, could easily lie mis-

taken for those ot some of our most worthy

residents of both sexes.

father Doberty's plessant face, In a pleasant

frame of walnut, can be seen and bad at Mars-

ton & Prince's. Suspended in a room. It is well

caleutated to drive awsv all devils of the ceru-

Tlie nautical expedition returned ihe, morn-

ing, rather -,.! I than otherwise. Calms, fog

and rain steadily, dreary and .li-.ni.il weather,

' but pleasant a-. «oou as they quit,) and a scant

pattern of flah.

Husk hu a different effect upou different

creature*. While human Iwings were HaieulnK

entranced to the dulcet poles of the Band on

Saturday evening, a big dog howled dismally,

as If it were roally too much for his feelings.

Whether the howl wa* one of joy or sorrow,

iiih.i., muni explain.

The heavy drinkers at the Police Court can

escape the regular S7.81 by dlst-'lo*lng whore

ihev got their "ticker". But when asked, ihey

smack their lips and don't disclose.

The police who are supposed to know some-

thing about the matter, say that In this village

it is unjuat to judguone by the company they

keep- A quiet homwc girl, Just from the coun-

try, is likely to tie neon walking with one of "the

vilest of the vile who has "cultivated" her.

The State Constables can seise beer, but ex

penence show* that no amount of law will en

able them to hold it In every case. One barrel

In the Station House cellar, effectually slipped

through their Augers a day or two since.

The trot at the Riding p,irk Momlay after-

noon, was won by Moshcr's Muggins In three

Straight neat*. Time 9.43 8-4 2.49 %M 3-1

Fsro run againat him. 'l'hc uul;;.-- were Sain'

Stewart, Thorns* Sauniters'and L. T. Tucker.

Ynung men who slug, " We won't go home

■ill morning," after 2 A. M.. are very rtpt tu

have their aanurtimiM sustained by the police.

They don't get home until 10 a. a., and after a

vlnit 10 the Police Court.

The Bloomer rumume in worn in this village

by many young-lasses with blooming itlceks

It does not seem to make thu wearera pani lo

wear usuts.

A Doctor, In Harper's Uagssine, sava that

Eve wa* its t. or, 9 laches tall. Hover mind

'"* ui.,.in the Inches. She must have boon a com-

fortable customer for an affectionate young

genikman to hold in his lap.

In St. Paul, hut a fnw hundred miles from

ua, venleou and bear meat sell* for six cents

per pound, peas ten cents per peek, an*) tins'

potatoes twenty cents per puck, etc., etc.


AwnnvjiB A nutjoniPR i(N*w Kn«ll,liu- w,! understand Mr. ER' T|.i,ohfleMliM also received a call from

— A I...J- charged with at«alljig prara wa*

ogo snlllsi , .1 for

I v /i .• i I■; it I I V. M S.

The [allowing perMVJ nu<l corporations

pay a tax ol' *,2"> and upwards In the towu

of Antlovcr thv present year.


ir.1 m ua M II W 03 71

U.l„,ii. Hermon so M " Ueo. h ■• 1 Mary T. 3» 00 John L :'.', nu

John V, l»i " D. I'. si n liken, M-.iv U SO OS

44 38 Duck Edward •2 30 iaiuuU, Willlum as to Hunt Henry

'. u n.-i .1 -i W ru ;w lllciud Mar.leill VJ M lti-a.ii Hamli A ST SO

1 * it 11 It 17 H H.-.u.l ll P rs os 11 II Cora* William 43 26

HP B*t i^ .,: 1 ■' 11111! 111. K ■■ C O a; au JO Ul ■M .',.. i -.I. In un Jam** il 4i -y.i

» Wn 37 » Cugiwull Franoln Jhurch V I. a 1*1 Dean John II 1» M Draper Warmn ? SS OS

37 411 Kplacopal ijuclety t:l;i- Xathau

lil 21 Hi:; '.HI to f.o IV 11 Kante* Plato 48 04

Foater H P 423 13 l-'i-ter Uoie* 117 41 W W " Uuorgu 33 ec

Fry* Naihim IH W Parley I Alvln iMVI.-i, H W 151 27 S3 91

■ J II S4 30 ray II N free Church TI 60

Gray Hainucl Ualllahan O W K

' rr ■ -i .1 Klli'h 44 00 ll.l 'ill 1 1

Urifevcnur atary I lr...M-ii..i- Klli'h 72 03 Uk-aauti Uainalle 60 &b

lluen.X W SO SI Hitching* ll ti 84 10 Holt Sarah A 27 28 Holt h fllsglna Hlgglnub) Heal 31 lu Haywar.lIIK llowarth Jame* 25 ai Harinluu J * H II li » Harding John 48 47

Johnson Hara'l e*l 3D 17 Johnaon I'll SU IU Jenkln* WH 35 44

Klmball W U 37 75 Klniball ICIlia 27 U8

Law J L eat 48 08 Loeke B B 73 23

HoraoOH 53 70 MeaniWU 118 Ul kferrlll Samuel 42 22 " " S othera 27 IU Morton Uareu* 83 tu afa*on 8 E rar* 44 00 Mean* James **t SJ 48 Mllner Antony 3S 20

Newman afark eat 28 SO

Parker HUW 27 50 Punchard Mar- Pike Wlllard 44 57 tli* I, 224 02 Peabody 0 A 15 SO IV.u M (I Perry OH 100 50 Pray (Jharlea *.

'- Mary A 77 13

Ulcliardaon Joaeph 55 04 Kogara BonJauJi H.iliert« J A 53 43 '■ Mary (• i Klpley tleorg* 83 00 Itulaoll Moody

Swift Nathaniel 112 55 Hinlth ,1 II " Jonathan 7S S3 " .III

Shearer Dan'l L 28 0U " Charloa

40 50 Tnfi* Charlea TO 00 Hi So Towli Jonathan 81 70 85 80 " Tr«a*. 148 50

138 li

BO su

SI TO 41 01 35 56 S3 IS .'.I SS

17.1 Si Tracy Stephen tavlor J L

Kdward TjrSf 11 U

Upton K C

V i,l 11,-1- Brother*

Whltller Nalh'l

01 82

SI M Wluun Hurac* 3

NON Run>Rirrs. Carlur «t Hhelden 2U Iti Wlbon [aaac 3

Edge I. A 20 In


H .1 I. I, A It It TALM.

SEVLHK aocioKsr. On Saturday last, at the ftiur c. u. train from

Lawrenve, passed here, Monroe lUiac, a lad

about eight years old, got ou thq train, a ml-

unitary haiiit with the lioys here for a long

time, and laisslng hia hold, his foot somehow

got unilur ihe csr, and was terribly crushed ;

he was i-onveyed lo his home, where lit

ball dressed the wounds, taking off the great

toe entirely, the whole front of the foot being

mangled to that the lad mffored ii.i.-u ■ -i i irom

the pain.

KISSIONaKT i- -M-i.m.

The missionary concert of tbe Union Congre-

gational society held last Sunday evening, was

made especially interesting by the presence of

Mr. S. A. Lovejoy, of Boston, and Mr. James

Uilmore, uf Chelsea. These gentlemen ad-

dressed the meeting* on the subject of Home

and foreign missions, going largely over the

Held of in i--ii.n:u-v work. Mr. Lovejoy li some-

what known here, and hai at times addressed

the members of the Suuday schools, showing

not only much experience and ability, but a pe-

culiar nines* and a degree, of earnestness in

thus laboring that cannot fall of being produc-

tive of the best results.


The fever (or "golngsomewhe

ords, " having a vacation," i

reached our village, and for the last fow weeks

him been at work with considerable energy.

Sum.- have gone cast, and some we-i. wearing

nurne, their gowd clothe*, so that their

friends may bo ihe more forcibly struck with

the imp.ui,HI, ,- of in,-n visit. This Is surely

wise, a* one may learn, and gives relief from

alarm or anxiety In regard to those who

may lie expected to dlue st tho second lable, or

leep in aitir chamlwr*. Could the length of

their vacation lie compared to the sixe of some

trunks tbat have been takcn.ttntightbe Inferred

ibat lomo time will tuapaed belore their return.

The contents of these "arks," of course, can-

lie made tho subject of inquiry, but some

cormouMloii may be afTiirded from the fsct that

a* tbe eclipse ol the sun Is near at hand, science

will nut lose anything In consequence of their

not being provided with an observatory.

TAX BILLS. • Tax payers anxious to locurothe autograph*

oi' the Town Treasurer, either for Ihelr albnrai,

or as s Hpecimcn of penmi-nshlp, will Hod a

document in Ihe hands of J. 0, Blunt, Esq.,

that will show iheiu how to obtain It.

Wit, l'OOB,

Wagon Manufacturer, haf cuimtantly un baud, and make* to order,

Light Express, Crrtter, aud Busiuess


with or without Top*. ,

Also, light Farm Waguii* mid Carl*, for horse*.

Ki-jairiit:-- iu all its brunches.

Andovrr, July 0, ISBB. tl

h*r way lo Tewkabury (no wondrr;

wa* picked up very drunk, all un une drop of alt

She wa* inilefe.l to lie taken in the ear*.

■I..- In*.I a tilaok aye, 15.30, and " a

day, curlaln,'' sot fur p.iymant.

A Mr (tsrftfl Was rv.|iine,| lo |>a)' #15 and goals,

for keeping wh.ii he railed a iluk puppy, Without a

llssnss, *i die douth Side,

H O M at li (' .1 .111'.

The l.innur Agency Is open at lu*t,ju*t In-low

Ibe I'ulice Station, and next to Bunker's. Ves-

pasian prealdu* over the unruly spirits.

A nice concrete aidewalk haa been laid ou the

west side of Hampshire street, betwoen Essex

and Can al. It will be nice for a great raauy

people In muddr times.

Several dne shover* have fald tbe dest, snd

let! ua wllh au UcU/t*r atmosphere.

Tliere was IIHIK: a little breeae In Harerblll,

caused by a conflict uf authority between "th*

local, civil or uncivil comisble and tho Deputy

..Sheriffs men. The muss was about the pos-

session of Ibe store of George k Moody, bank-

mptfi and the Deputy KheritTs keepers were

" lifted " out. Tho arrival of High Sheriff

Herrk-k, who poured law snd oil upon the

troubled waters, smoothed everything.

Thu PadftO Engine Co. stsrt on their annual

excursion to Lake Wlnneplaaukce one week

I'm in next Tuesday, and will lie absent two

dsys. They always htiva * goud tune.

" Bishop French," of thu Murmon church.

Is exported In a week or two. In consequence

uf ibe high i lie of railroad fare, he will not

bring any considerable number of wives.

Ansel M. Ws.te.of this cliy.haa been swarded

a patent fur a machine fur spooling thread.

Decker &. Andrew* are thu Lawrence agent*

thl* season, of au extensive poach concern In

New Jersey.

The friends of Stevens Duckbam Ksq. pre-

sented hbn with a rich gotJ-hesdoil , ,ltu- from

the estahllahmunt of Wbltford, on Saturday

night, It being ihe tblrty-fllth anniversary of

hit wedding day. It Is wbat Is styled a "Cane


There Is another beginning, so tu apeak. In

Schsake'a I'ost office building. Un Saturday

night llowarth* apothecary establishment, in

the corner,was openod.and shuns resplcndently

with black walnut, chestnut, marble, and de-

lightful InoKlug medicines.

Neighbor Osgood. who n in Ihe flesh line,

hsgged une hundred and llfly-nlne white perch

at Nurth Andover I'lind, recently. He should

starts Ash market.

A young man who was watching a biddy

somewhat'anxiously, to see bow many of each

sex she wouhl batch uul, wa* aghast al finding

Instead of roosters and hens, kitten* nf varioui

sexe* under her, they having abandoned Ihei:

natural protector, aud being klmlly WSlcorned

tiy ihe feathered muther.

Jsiiulth I* nut bad as s pedestrian He eat

footupa columu stMiut a* quick as moat |......


"Oue price" don't mean exactly one price

llodgiuiin & Bartlett don't sell * cheap vest al

the same pries aa a costly uvorcoal. They have

reral prices, tint noi two prices for tho foam*


■ ).,i:i...,.,- Auudyu* Uul.


The Isuech c.-rrvjayisnaMit, «bu i-|..-.iki uf ihe

ladles "bunting their conventioualltlci," of

course Lu ike.I another way at ihe time. „

Une uf uur Essex street merchsnts has a cat

wilh a bell ui...ui It* neck, which Is suggestive

of .Esop's animal, wound whose neck the mice

did nut fasten * bell, that Ihey might

know when she was coming. The nllght ob-

jection to Ibo proposal was that none of tbe

fraternity were •ufnelently venturesome to as.

sunn- the list.ir,I.mi task of fastening It on.

ll Is said to he the SwedenImrglsn Ides' that

those who do not do their share of baby tending

in ibis world, will hare to perform a double

share in tlie next It will bo remembered that

the author in The dates AJnr, promise* "Mrs.

island" plenty of employment lu thl* line there.

The sWedonhorglau gentleman wbn is hi preach

on Sunday, may expaUate upon Ihl* doctrine.

It has litei, made n line uf frurq twi) td

iweijly dollars fur playing upon hand-organ*,

or Ihe like. In Boston, without a permit, from

the Chief uf Police; and Ihe aaine officer has

;■■■., II to revoke tbu permit, If they are played

uver four hours under any one window. Happy

Boston I

A " learned cu*s" say* thut "Brutuldo of

uuituoiiium," whatever that may be, will lako

down Ihe fat.

(la some day* last week there were *.W,0Q0,.

i-i. il..-■.!' .in,I iii-- Hm.l w n.i nut heard


Someone asked tho other day ho* far tho

Meirlin.uk ran up. A funny, but unlucky of-

n, ml unce lu*t hli .>nV i.u In-.i-i by replying to

a qucitlun of a meulier of the cabinet uf how

i,ii a certain river rsu up, that it <<id not inn up

stall, It ran duwn. Fourth uf July orators,

who speak of rivers running- up and down our

mighty country, will please notice.

There have been several " lame druuka " be-

fore tbe police Ceurt ilu-, week. They bad

partaken too freely of " bung Juice. "

Ihe colored postmasters down south are

Styled by irreverent Ossxoc.au, "Idackmailera."


Hud tlio follutviiijc In tho Luwell Citizen,

t.f Tueada* :—

■• Lust s iinnl ii week, two factory

^Irls of this city, after a week's itcijuttint-

anoc, wore married in church, to vonofl

men bsjtwecn thn ajrai of twenty ami

twenty-lour years, eaugnola from EniT-

land. They li.nl bann hem tmt about

three months, und in that time li.nl made

the acquaintiincn uf u number uf thu op-

eratives. Shortly after ihelr marriage

it was rumored by some of their friends

tbat the exquisites wore married and had

wives living iu England, and the parent*

of the girls, to make assurance doubly

t, procured the assistanco of-State

Constable Clark, who followed them to

Boston, where they had gone In Uie

meantlme.i. Ho traced them to a board*

Ing place, but they, being Informed of

the pursuit, absconded. They were sub-

sequently arrested in Newhuryport, and

L«f ught to this city. The names of the

■Id JOtU S. Andrew.' When arrested.

It was lound that they li.-nl spent over

1200 of thu bard earnings of tho girls,

leavlug them deserted and penniless.

The parents and the girls themselves are

reeling keenly this deception. ID the

police court, this morning, Kenihuw was

ordered in $&*) to Saturday next, to

appear at the police court for examina-

tion, and Andrew, pleading guilty, was

ordered In tho same sum to the Superior


There aro probably a groat many

othur scoundrels about, of thu character

of these two fellows, who have richly

earnod a hempen cravat. Young wo-

iiHu cannot he too careful in factory

places Informing acquaintances of either

vex. In this case, however, tho young

mun appeared hunorablu by offering

marriage, and the1 acquaintance was

quite as loug as results in many mar

riageB. Tho desire of youug people to

marry is natural, and there was no pro-

tection for them. Tho punishment

should be severe in proportion, especially

as robbery was added to the othur vll-

lauy. There aro too many from every

country here to permit of such work es-

caping detection long. Some une Lnows

of tho wife at home.

Abbott N H " 8 I>

- " Albert " J 11 " O A

ill ut HI SS 48 SI

M ii

Abbott A ft tl 11 Mamuel

Allen William Academy I'lillllp*

M SS 34 TT as 8>

3nl :\:>

ill.i.t B P e*l Rod well H A

-.ll 4" Berry N s ■' N U mra » SU

Oahlwull It H- 11 ■■■-., i J o

" " a Unther

31 U ■„i -.J

It ■ 1 Ml,- 1,-U H IN..J.I

Cumminvs Churl* AT OS bl SU ■tH 40

■ ■ -.. 11 v. set H N Dole l-'H SB TT

Goldsmith Kllz'h WG

Gray U J

41 38 m so

163 If

Gould A ,1 .Hi " HA


Holt D ft B " Jtl " JM.H •• a M

Ml 77 ■I IU f.1 N 88 81

Hidden D nit Harndan Je»» HackeU Win Hay want 11 A

SI SS 41 flu Lift Si BJ to

Jenkln* William JB Ebuneier


J Wlllard " H*i*klab

ST SO so as

UaiuaSHJ irest Ua-itifP«U V 60 TS

llmirov A oat IS OS

Pearann Uary C ien .1 ..'|,. i


■1 N ■li -.1

IV J J Ryley G W mra

u eil

Ray Uary

4T S4 IU li :W W) 80 S3

Ht*arna Jame* ST 7T I'll-K.-I Huti.ii-l ,.«t 4S IU

N'UN lti:SIIiKNT3.

1 .;- -.-..,! ! Henrj 'JT SO Tenny.Lllllo S Ol bi 00


" Moody U " Nathau !tl

\1\ IH ST 86 il .VJ SO BO

Abbott Wllllira " NC

Aahwurlli J

40 III tu IMS

HurllJ Brown Anesas* Hani well Bakur David ItuiiiH .-ti Sainuul

B II llrajlvy J V

ft Co.

4:1 'll >: iW

34 II


Ihiynton Jlenry Barley Tl moth*

Vsibeaest " JB " .-Jiiiijii.il


l;i-j mi &1 iJ 31 ST 41 N

Carrath laaae Clark Nathan «*l

" TI inn " Cbarleiis

■■■.;-.-.,-il FrancU

44 SI SS 81 31 SO 41 H

iso m

Chandler J.iabua

:: is? Culler WUltasn

01 SJ SI H H- M 33 VI)

Uucmitb Jw-iib IKiv«Ju|,ii

" U W W

41 W ssi as

Donald W C Duranl Wlllard

.',1 71 40 7o

Film AbuMoa K.lll.ili.bfe I' B

44 SS 84 TH

Passas* Porter 33 II

lUASW.y.'V. 11 H lleui vu.lu. U «

Ilanly Henry


■ ;■, SS SU n H

Ilu..,-, Klljah eat Holt ctiluiuaii

8.'HI M H

I.nil.--HI [l.m.j S3 ST Jetsraoa P M III II Luvi>joy Ballnrd

Uaphssi Byivoatar

BJ nl ;«J .'1 H M

Luacomb A .V Mvlngatou A W

38 OS || :.J.

Haddoi Danlul Morgan Daviil HanlaiiJ A sst


114 US

Uartand U Co . Uurrlaon John

IM OS 21 H

K<v**Fi*Mleriab ■ 1! Noursu .1 I oat Iti Jh riltabury V r Thelp* llerniiiii

80 Tl :<•; ::. a- H

I'arrtn William 1'oor William

■1 ::■ :;:, H

Hiehardsnn Caleb 3V 40 Huiinal* A D

Smith JolJ

43 SS


leier HID II y Co " JoeSph W HI 87 Shutluck Nathan

Hylvealer ,11 SD eitate 48 Se .thatlues .I.iauph TT UT SaunriVraThomai 'lb mi Htlmaon John 4U So

T-y J-.it.i-. 31 on i|,-,,ii i|...,-.. aa r,

Whipiilo Flh. It While Daniel JS U rltael work* IT3T 00 Winning Hubert 44 ti

Web*ter 00 30 80 W«b*t!-r John -/T SS

NOM Bmunrn,

l'.it,i 77

Draper Dan ft Son

Nsli '


Jil-.'.SOJ.ri'ld.V.s UF lilMI < (.

Ala meeting of lb* Klvuralde Band of Uupe, h*ld

Ausual Sd.lUD, the followhiB reaoluUunaof ruapeol

and aympalh) were ..rr.-n-.l and acoeplfd.

Where*, ll ha* pieaaod Almlshiy Ood, In hi* AII-wU* ITuvldenu.. lo remov* by death our dear brother, Hubert AMrcd, w* di'alr* to bear public I,--linn.uy lhal In hi* In** w* fuel a mil berravamenl to our cauae, a* hu haa always stood a noble advo- e,.ie for il.,- tirlrmlpl** of aobrluly, a* we bave often ll*len*d lo Ills plvaaant atorla*, which have come •o humbla.alnl *o kind from llio** lip* which now are null In death, u a ti-acher or tin. rl*ln| ic-iK-ra linn waahlicblafilullB-hi. How our heart* go uut lu ayinpalby fur the Iwraavrd wife, child, and ■■ L > live, of our biulhar, iruatlng thai God will baa rather lo the fklherlea*. Hay they trust In thai God

' srbrolher trusted, lie alone I* able i.. Ha will eumfort and ld*aa them, ill try and follow the Uuble. eiemph

iihrlatliin char un rwurd for _.. _ of the IIU-.I . wlwra lb* trunblnl oaa*e from sorrow- ing and the weary arr at rest.

Therefore, Ruutntl. lhal thu tidings of the death

hy thl* MHilety. Wr aava lo*l a fallbful, kind, and hiTtiig brothnr, whoM peraevcri'is' cbri.llau charas- Uir will ever lie nherl.lieil In our mumuriea.

Huolitil I II il w* do derail)- tender i,, M* .till. i»,l wifii ami fatberlea* nhtld our Under**! aympaihla*. and hearifelt prayer* thai .God will oomfurl aud ■■ i- -- 'IM-I.I

tttsolvnt That a o.ipy of the preamble and r**o- lotl.ma be forwuriliil tu n.e family of our iltparled tin,il..r, and lhat ih*y i..- publi.hed lu the LawrBao*

TeuBtheman wasonl* hMt, "~ ili.itiiilii

,,.,! it. |,l.ii,

nimly given, snd tl.. n lie i

To dwell wilh him in Haavau. UUI .1-- Milled .

NORTH UKAUINU.—-Om- iluy lust wuuk

•one ttliei or tbleves hroko ioto the

botiae ui Joseph EaUm, Ksij., of North

KoHJ-llDg, uul stole liiiTolroni shout

»>i.i-' iu ciuili, bolougiug to tho Orlhojox

church, of whioh sooioty Mr. Salon is

treasurer. A | k.-t -l I,. containing

tthout i."i, lying near tlio church niouey,

was not troubled.

i MI.it Am MKKTIXO*. —A. c ferkln*. Prss.

tuool of the Y. M. 0. A., ami Ueo. I1. Wilson,

City Missionary., Will apeak M Ihe nnettni; tin

Ihe Canoioni ihu aluKlDg; will be conducied br

the Association,

Jt.-i W. ¥■ Mi..», N. W. Harmon, and John

Collins, will speak uu Kasex Street, uear the


t - .-..,, in- -in,, at ibe Depot, under the

• in.-.pi.iii of the Temple of Uouor. Mi

Knuwles. uf New Jersey, father ut the lie v. Ur.

Kuowles, ol llaverhill Hi. l|etho.li*t Chureb, a

> t-iei-jtii worker lu Ihe teiiipurani-u cauas. will tie

une of the apoaki'rs.

*#-IIleasing* on the mau who lir.i Invenled sic*),.

Mil how can any mie alccp who 1. Riled full of pal it ?

Uy U*<IIK lUnnc'a PalnKllllng Magic uli, tu b*

.ur.. Bold by all our druggist*.

J j'N'ow ll your time to buy summer (roods

cbeaii.: lUn.ii Truell ft Co. are -.-llimi all

their summer goods without regard tucost.

ll is reported that tbe boatmen at Block

Ifllanil have )[ot over tbslr disagreeable seven

trielty uf uharKinit nassent[eH ftrtaen eents to

laud Uieiii, aud a dollar end a ball to set thorn

aboard again.

44 00 i

Nlebol* J Howard to lb

Hev. Daniel C. Gfaae of the Last class

ol the .Siiulnary was ortlalnotl sa a mis-

slonury of ihe Anu-rlcuu Idmnl. at Wust-

In.ro. July- 28lh. SuUOQ hy I'rul. E. C

Smytli of tbls town.

Charles K Abbott tiffers for isle his

buUdinifs wlilV two urej ul laud for «1K)0.

or with 10 tores f„r gjaoo: The whole

would III .It-- a snog llule |>l«ce fur a per-

son of moderate means and ibo urlee

asked for il Is low.

Dea. Joshua Blanohard, will Nell his

roal eatnle on ehiojner street lor »1000.

It is |,.i-a-.i,iii Iv nduateil, the bulldktfl are

in j i rapalr* and the loeatlon but u

•hott dli-taiiee In.in the village.

A phllologloal eonveiitlon hujusl been

lieitl at I'oiljfhlieenaue, S. Y. I*ror.

Mead, ol Andover Seminary, WHS secre-

tary, snd Or. S. II. Taylor of IMiilllpa

Acail'iuy pninilimuily partlc1|.attil lu Ibe


John Abbott has sold au uoru and a

half of his laud on Central atreet, south

of his resldenco, lo Charles W. Illgglns.

It la one ol thu finest sites for a dwell-

ing house in town.

The Selectmen, on Monday, annotated

Thorn J* Smith. Liquor Agent, mid the

following; -i.liliniiin.il police officers:

Abel 11. Walker, Henry Uoyulon. John

II. Bailey, Sumuel G. Hniluy, Moses li.

Ablwrtt. H. II. Lewis, of Fryc Villiige,

lias reejHiuly been uiipuinteil measurer of


State 0 tHbles Itinl.Keyesland Miller,

ninth) Ihe following seizures o( liquor In

Mil* town on Monday: At Mrs. Jane

kfoOarks, In Abbott Village. I 1-4 galle.

Will-key. 1 qt. giu, 1-2 gull, porter. A

sniall quantity ol rum was fuuud. hut not

I aken.its It WH ulatiued lo be in dispensa-

ble lor bathiny purpoiiea. At UarreU

Cotter's, on Pearson street, 3 jra.ll. whis-

key. The writ waa Issued by Justice


Ituv. Chan. Smith, of the South church,

will lie absent, from his pulpit for the

mint four Sabbaths on his annual vaca-

tion. Rev. Dr. Blauchard, uf Lowell,

will preach ou the nuxt Sabbath.

Dr, David llowarth. formerly of this

town, hits opened a splendid apothecary

alorc in Lawrence. Ho U an uicetlent

pharmacologist, aud in uuy other busi-

ness is like a fish out of water. The

doctor thoroughly understands putting

up prescriptions, and knows what to


■ Bev. D. C. Lliclilleld, late of this town,

has received a call to aetlle over the Uap-

Uat church nt Urlcksburn;, N. J., where ho

has been prusi:h|ug for several months.

It is a comparatively new town, and we*

named lor the rounder,Mr. Brlcks.endnot

from the business of the plsce. The Inhab-

itants are euterprlsiug, and mostly from

. to have

WOOD I WOOIS I The -.iiti-i-rll.iT hu* for mile a largn lot nl hard

ind suit wood, wlileh IK- will sell in quantities aa deaired. I irdurs left at ihe periodical store of John 11. ''handler, Main Htreet, Andorar, or at the L'uioii »tor. In Abliotl Vlllsgf, will bv proiupl iyattended to. JOHN I'HANDUlt.

Audorer, June 4, ISuV. tf

CQasMlsaloBerS Notice.

(uHiauuwrilth »t Masstarkuiftls,

ESSKI, as. We, the -ui,- ,ill„-i -,, hereby K>» notice lhat we

have beea duly appointed Comiulaaionera to re- cite and examine the claim, or tbe creditor* uf

late ol Aii.lt> TIT iii said County uf Kssrx.deaeaartl, rrpreaeated Insolvent; that *lx mouths from Ibe elahleeBth day ol May. lWW, arr allowed *aid creditor, to

aitrtd to tint dut> <m tin- third Mondays of Jane, September md Octi'tier u>xt,iudon the eighteen tb da}> or November next, at tf u'rloe* A. M., at the Andover National Hank, lu laid Andover.

OKOHOK w.^■(^S^Klt,|Co>",,■,,l",■",• Andover May S4, leBV.

ta J. C, WUIT1NQ,

HATCH-MAKER A*IU JKWKLER, Comer of Malu Street tind ICbaeWaan-i

Watohoa, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and riiii.-.l Ware, A«.

All kind* of Watch*., Clock*, he., Cleaned, Ke- palred, snd wBrranted.

Andover, Oct. ti. IHus. oevaiy.

Wagoni 1 Wagons 11 New and iceond hand, for sale by

* K. It. A W. 11. I.AMlt,


Manufacturers of I'. nln>.-lll'» I'atent Hi rs


Cart, and Wheel* of all kind* to order. IOBS4

CsT'All orders for Tin Koonng prompt- ly attended to.

If OB Til t v /) a l i (,-.

HI 1 Ml \ II I. ll.l.

The citizens of this plsi« are iiroatty in-

■ l lor a serenade wbicb waa K<ven oue

svuslnK la*l week by Hiss Hasting* and airs.

Stodtlsnl, ;t.-.i-,i,-,| hv Messrs. Kenuev and

Cooper, all well-knovru vocalists of Lawrence.

The reMident-e* ut M.-.-i-,. Guor>r,o L. Davis, J.

A. Wiley, und J. M. Stone, with two or three

others, were specially favored, while the whole

village reuUTi.U-1 with their enchanting; strains

aa ihev paused along. All who wore fortunate

enuutfh lo hear it, spealt In the hlichvsi terms

of its excellence, and those who were *o deeply

wrapped in alumher as not tu be awakened, fee)

their loss. Mr. Wiley arose, and illuminating

hi* mansion, invited tbo Honrcstera lu, but lu

consequence of thu lateness of the hour, bis

hospituliiv wsa reluctantly declined. Uiss

llasiing* will he readily rocoKnized as tbu so-

prano of tbe quartette sins-tag In tbe Urthodox

church In thia place Here she i* perfectly at

home and a (Treat favorite wltb tho whole con-

gregation, none bearing her beautiful solos bui

with sdmlraiion. It Is said hy compeiem

judges that Ksnex couuty can offer her very

lew equals, and uo superiors. Wo all with one

I..-...r.i ii.ti.ii/.- her, Queen of Song, bbe itsrt«

this week ou ■ visit lo her friends In the Pine

Tree Histe, to be ahseut five or six Sahbatbi.

May -In- tie safely returned to greet us with

song. I , .ui hut briefly allude In the other

uiciiilient of the church quartette, a* I have

now occupied more space.ibau I intended. On

Ihe right of tho nudlence, in the organ gallery,

(which, hy the way, in hack of the preacher.)

Stands Mr. Willium ¥. bates, ol manly bearing

and large propurtiuns, being over two hundred

pounds uvolrduptii*. with a rich bsss voice of

corresponding *lse. He is cunaldered a No. 1.

At his right is Mrs. Win. f. UatM who haa ■ nne auo Voice, completely under her control.

She Is now taking bor vacation, hor place being

very nccopitthly fliiej tiy Mrs U. W.Osirood.

The tenor is nicely chimed in by Mr Hotman,

who has a ainooih, melodloiM vo ce, and last

hut not hy any means least, we shall spesk of

Mr. Frank 1>. Foiier, by who<e skillful touch

tbe'oritan Is mntle 10 peal forth the richest and

must dulcet musk. Mr. Foster stands high as

an organist, and is u most exemplary cltisen

and chrisiiau.

The Methodlm Sabbath School In Ihl* village

bad a picnic at Nason's grove at the pond on

Tuesday of this week. Swinging, singing and

a bountiful collation was undoubtedly enjoyed

by all. 8.

■"imiiii.iHir-cijf*. »/ Viutacfeusslf*.

[L.S.] I-, J-,:, K McGUKK, of Andover, In the oounty of Kaiex, and to any and all other iirraoi.* .'UiinuiK any Inlcreat In

■ - ami nu.- liiurlli jalloit ot whiskey In six jufs,

A bout About About ■ 111■ ■ -r• ■ uri 11 xall.ni of j;l Mi.nit tinr.lialr Ballon of port.

h.l0B'.b' !**•( °* ■ 1«m»"t 'a'a1^ by me, have porter In

at i-smd by ■elied Bt the tlwellmi house of asid

JANE MiflUKK, In said Andover, on the anoond day of Au- snst, ID th* year one thousand eight hundred and si*i)-nine, the value of wbleh liquor*, with Ihe trsael* containing ih.-m, does not, lit my opin- ion, saeaeal iTsssty dollars.

Toil are hereby required lo appear before rue,at my olQue tu Anduvrr, iu said ooBnty, st two o'clock, I'.,**., on the iweutieth day of AUBUII,

In lh* year one thouaaud right hundred and sixty-nine, to Bnawer to ihe eouplalnt againat said liquors.and th* ve*sul* oouUlnlng them, and lor trial, and to show cause, Ifsny you have, wby •aid liquor*, and th* veaiel* coaUlnln* them, ahoutd not be forfilted for being kspt fur sals by said Jan* Moliark In violation of the laws of thl* Commonwealth.

Witness, my hand *ud seal, at Andover, this third day of Aogu«t In the year one thousand • «lit liiiNtlrt-il and aUiy-ninr.

QKtl. II. I'OIIK, Trial Juillee. A truooopy-Atteit, MI-.l.VIN HKAI-,

_ ** *** Deputy Slate Constable,

CommwuMaltk of Mnmnkuulu.

[L.8.] To QAHHKT1- CUTTKK, of Andover, In the eouuty or K**ex, and to any and all other perron* claiming any Interest IB

About three gallon* uf whlakey in two Jugs, —* issue by me, bave which, by vlrt

be Ml seised Bt ( in said Andovrr, i the

e Of *af(

' day ot Aa-

Voa ara It. il., required to aB|iear before tae, at my or&cv lu Andover, lu laid count) at two o'clock, 1'. M., uu the iweutieth day ol Au Busi, In the year one thouaaud eight hundred ami *laty-olne, to answer lo the omnulalai B|«1B*I • tin liquor*, aud the veaavla *outaluIug tbeas, and for trial, and to *how oause, 11 any you have, why tald liquors, and the vratel* oonUlaing them, should not he lurl, ited for nelnu. kept for Bale bv said (larrett Cotter In vioWrun if th* l.w. it UU I i>ni nwealth. JB»a*»S| "•» hand aud *MI, at Andover, H

third day of August, In th* tear one thousai ei|bt hundred aud sixly-ulne,

UKO. II. I1MJM, Trial Ju.tlee. "■■" eopy-Atteit; JOAKfll If. KKVK:*,

11, |,ui. si ,!■■ Couatable.

EXAMINATION. Sueh peraon* a* may dralre emplo>

leather, in the Psbtle Hchuol* in Andover, are

l«SH»aats*J to meet the Committee, for Kxaml-

ii.ii i.ui, al the ■ .i ,n.i tu.,i School llouae, on TUKH-

DAT, mm Intl., at 1 o'clock, P. M.

K. rKANCIS IHU,1,-,,,.,-,.

Andover, Aeg, 8, IMW. it

ANDOVER SCHOOL*. The , ,,iiii,ii'iit'i-iit-ni ot ihe Public Schools lu

Andovsr, will occur a* follow*, tls. :—

Ho. Centre and Vll.ag,

I'hlllip* aud

Weal Ceulre aud ¥

■ Isgood and Itailey,

Norlhand Abhuit,

Mallard Vale,

Scotland aud Holt,

Moaday, Aug. IB.

Wednesday, " Is,

Thuraday, *• u, «

Monday, « M.,

Wednesday, "• *iuj.

Thuraday, " vf.

Monday, '■ lo.

K. KKANL'18 HOLT.gest'y. ' Andover, Aug. S, l|ow. aias.8

Place for Sale- Ihe *ub*orlber ufl.i. for *ale hi* Ural Katste in

Andover. Il eousi.ta ot about two aeres ol Land, With two *lor> llouae and Ham. I.'pou Ihe prem- ise, are ti.rifly nrarted Apple TreM an.l a well nl exeellvnt Water. It 1. .,mated oa nalem .ireet. and wa. formerly owsed by Walter Scotl Klmball.

If desired. ei|{bt seres or mawlng sn.i mi*|, laud, wilh a large ousaber of fruit tree*, contlgn- ous to the above, will he addad, and lbs whola MUteftJJOO. CHAKI.KM K.ABUtin.

Aadover, Aug. fl, INftS.

For Sale "Cheap. A pair of acoond baud double HAKNEHH, mil-

able fur toowluf maehlne or any otber draught

pUrpo*e, In-itilr, „l WILLIAM ht Mil A I.I., n. ar

Si. veil-' Factory, Nurth Andover. )ys

Covered Hsfos,

11M anbseriber ha* for saie a esvsred wsgrs, in

good repair, and st S low price.

Aadovar, Jaly Lett, UISS.

HERMAN ABBOTT, nu ri n Tinn un it i: it,

lias always on hand a larjte a.-urt nn ui ul

Coffins, Casketa, Kebes, Plates, \r..

Also, having several Corpse I'reaervlag ' a*e*, he Is prepared to furnish lee and preaarvi' budlo* when deilred.

Corosit Main and SJassx tfts., Andovar.

Andover, July 1,1SS7.

REMOVAL] In troniM i|ueine of the Inereaw* uf my bnatneM, I

li.ve removed my r'urulture Wareroonu lo the

Large Brick Bitildiag North uf the Town Hall, (W,'

Where, with better (aellitiee mad st good assort- ment ot

AM kinds of Furniture, I hope lo merit a nontlaoaues of pablio palronage.

Picture Kramins;, Upholstering, etc. and all kind* of I'urnlture repaired In a »*perior

manner, at moderate prlees.

T. HEART, Aadover. Andover May IS, inSS. 3m



MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Uats, Cap* and Ueni'* rurniablng Goods,

Second House South of Town Hall, Jam AMDOVXH.

V.n.i i iin- \. On Tueetlay eveuing, a

new Post of the Gntiu) Army uf thu He-

inililii-, to he known as No. 102, wits insti-

tuted in thin town, Uy dipt Guo. S. Mer-

rill, Assistant Inapector, Dep't. of Mass,,

:i"i:Sii-i| by C'omraandur J. II. VViMes, ol

Lawreuce. A vrrj- large delegation from

l-owcll was preswnt. Aftur thu organi-

zation of thu Post, thu following iillif.-rs

woru installoil:—

Commandur, J. W. Monroe; Senior

Vice-Corauiitndur, J. T. R Foster; Ju-

nior Viuu-Coniiiiuiitler, F. Juijuitli, ,lr ;

Adjutant, (i. W. Uragg; Quarto master,.

S. Osgood ; 8urguon, E. B. H. HiiskuU ;

SurgeanUMajor, R V. Walker | Quarter*

Master Surgeaut, C 8. Smith.

After the iustallaliou, (Jomtuainler

Monroe made a briuf addrvas, followud

hy Chaplain Jaiuos, of I-owull, Com-

mandur Wildes, Capt. Merrill, aud oth-

ers, concluding which the comrades

partook of a bountiful collation provided

by tho new Post. The new organization

promises well for the future.


O'er the woatern windows Blrsaroing,

In a radiant crimson glow ,

Through th* tr*ua th* red lights gleaming,

Now the sun i. sinking low.

Un the hilltop*, In gre*n valley*,

By the rustle winding atresuna,

lu ilu. oold, damp lana* and alleys,

Fall* alike Its golden b*am*.

Yes, tho bn*y day I* ending,

And die still nlgbt drawtth near.

To ihe .tirtli their beamy landing.

tine by On* tb* al»r» appear.

While ihe purpl* twilight *vaalln| ',

Hoftly o'*r ihl* world of oars,

And the svvalnf bells' low pealing

Bring aad thought* of mlupant houra.

Golden hour* now fled for*v*r,

Faithful memory polnla lo vl*w,

All too late for we ess naver

Bring team bash, tan wrong u.,,],,

O, tiielr inasnorl** gild* bslhr* u*

In lb* dim. iiiii-ei-t.iii, light,

And Uwti akoduwa cracplug o'«r ua,

iSe«in more dreary than th* night.

Vuuih's glad morn la abort and Sealing,

Hoon th* " wintry hour draws near,"

When ih* heart* wltb bright hope* banting, Miall b.i tilled with sudden fear

When th* aunllght all haa fhdad,

And lh* pal* *tara hid* USstr light.

ritlll may wa with pnrpoa* alaady

Kver itrive lo graap lb* right.

Then shall w* our life worh ended

Anchor on tb* ulhur «hor*,

Whar* tb* IBB la aver ahltiliujv.

And wher* ahadow* cuni n# nuin-.

Anduver, Aug. Sth, lSOSV

(Fat ih*i Amtrifim-\


PTHttsst bf R*iu,$t,

srr c. s. B. us,

What ahall I write, reapeeMd friend *

The taak la bard. I Oud,

From almoM ohaoi lo eunairuii

A plawaure fur yoor mind.'

I do not deem tha moment* lo**


But iui the bapplaat hum* of llf*.

A* thine lhat Ihu* 1 upend

I ran not lake your hand In mlna,

And Bay," When we were young;•*

Fur urn* bad miukiJ j. ,m ag* by y ■■••...

Kre mine had*.-are* begun.

1 a*e a maldan full uf hopca,

Too brlg-hl, by far, to laat.

The wheel* of Time ravolv* 'niidal Bower*,

With llessur*'* [in.iiil... rife,

And, ere tb* thorn* ear, Intervene,

The Maiden I* a If./-

Bh* think* her earthly bll«* oomplaia,

Nor wlaheB any other;

Bul Joy and Oars go hand lu hand

Tbs U aiii.u i. a AjbtA*r.

II,"I help her, tho' she de*m* h*f boy

The falreat of lh* fair, \

8b« Suds lb* future web of life '

lia' waip and woof of Care.

Tha daya grow dark; behind tha eload*

Thu *un aimoat r*oed*a;

And round ih* Molhar'* trembliag f.irm,

Are wrapped the Wuhiir't w*ed*.

Her bop**, her , an-., all but h*r grief*,

Are Ivillg In Ihe dil'l.

Bul purllle.l by •oorehlng Bre,

Shine* lh* llrlierrr't Iruat.

Nonb Andover, July .-uli, ISS8.

07~No need of going " up in a bsllonn " »-

Snd Talbot's dntR st*u«< Just walk to l'->4

Essex street,—that U tha place,—and drink the

richest glaa* ol au.*s. you ever bad. A rompe-

taut person alaisys ia charts day AT nl»jbt W

sttarsl M |ar**>etiptlt*as. ,

-L. — _ OH, MTttOhfl'M I.

MIL. KniTou.—Suing c.m»M just rccovrrlntf train, n lilll.m adthaeerafu cough1, «*u-'il>> 1 «u Mtfftanl of •«>' pnyaieU "Hvrntugi Bprtitsu-" Acting thi* advice I same » tlil. eha 1 was mual (oltuiwtuly ulre' Madias! loalllitla, where 1 n"**1 ,"1""1

ant homo. Tha building and groun* mi agreealiUi Iinpreaalusl "I""1 * •»■»* uraiul •isiuliiai 'V •,rh- "■ »"■"'!«.l *

nroucblaldlflk • ■'■It tbe furli

1 .111!)] •- Vi ll

,lii* plane* July il |o l>r. rjirm

■ry 1.1.



rh,|{ dim ii IUJ [iiMtnr n with wot*

suits My o lay brallliStally liaprnvliig .ml

:.tilu t.i ri'lurn IU my tuu (v uii.l met lilllll.'a Wllll tuft*) KUli Jlli'uailM'

iu formerly oue ol lhe mud L' -3" '' U*. I

rerted al th.' a«t.- of flfnw

MHl effeeltve inference. He wu- uti.iaunce.l urniL'b-

1 York OMfhruoa at nineteen. Afun preaching eleven yeer* h« KM

..l>Li,(i;.l lu lake a euBerantiualad relaiiuii (or I* • year. In jjUaeiniunee of f*lliny health, during wlilvli Urn.' In- studied medial iu aud took a again* of tec lures at iJloveluiid, Ohio. HI* health twlug tuucli Improved ho again entered Lhe inlnlatry, bul after preaching live year* bla health ugaln fuiluJ, anl .lie- lag ooinpleloly broken dowu Wa* ohlltfed Lu leave the ministry aadapeud about three your* ID trav- elling iii regain 111* health, burlug tin. time bo vl*- Itel .lilf.inut medical Inatllulluua, to obeervo lbu effect* of the different kind* of treatment. Being paruall)ro*lorei, bul not able .to miter the active work of lbu mlnlalry, hu look a course of lectures at Albany. N. V., and afterwards auotbor course at the Now York Madloal University, at which place be graduated. Tlicu, after *pendlog eight iiiuiuli* in vlaitlug hospitals, and following op specialties, euub as lllilg, ruinate, a lid n.tl HI- chronlo ilinmr.., came to Una place la lbu year ID., aud eaiaulUhud tin! Itemedlal 1 .i ililute, Hui;li waa Ilia mooiwa Uia I IL beuaiiM iiaouaaary ui bavo an uaaUlanl, aa it waa linpoaalbla for nlia to moot tin- domaitda of lit. pa- il.-nu la iIn; itwlltutu. aud aiiawur lbu numvroua calLa of tboa* v*bo dualred bla modlcal avrvlcoa lu tna rlelalty.

Kartuaately, liu waa alilu to auuura aa a partner bla ton, 1 Jr. d. K. Mlumg. who, after flnlalilng bla oullaflaU aourao, puraued Uia atudy of mudlclin.' wiili bla failmr, who aparud no nil'ori, not only lo acquaint lilui with UM prafeaaloo in general, but' tboae dlacaaua be makea a apettfiilt*. Tin- Doator ■JWrward gra.luai.-l at ill" Nuw V.nk Uodlcai Uul- vurilty, taking nol ouly lbu pruaorlltud two ouuraoa, but alao a tblrd. MO.HI aflur ha Waa appoluted I'll/ aiclan and Hurguon of the Inland Uoapltal of New York, wliuru ho had from two to Ihrou hundred saaoa, and waa lu dally cooaullallou with ill* leading pbyalclaua and aurgoon* of thu ally. Among Ibuae under bla oare waa a ward cuntalug iliiy caaua of Lhe oonauntpllou, repruauullug efury form of Lhu dla- tiaae; aiioth«r, uoiilalnliig aurgloal caaoa; auutliur, jlboaa ptdlioWd wllii |f'-malo dlauaaea; and auurua of oltion, embraolng a Variely of raaJatlloa. During the war ha rwalgnoU bla poelllou aud oulerod lhu U. M. aarvloa, diet acilug aa aurguou of lhu Third il In- ■eaota, at Naahvillu, loun., then waa ordered la lake cbargo of lbs aurgery al lbu Uuneral UoaplUU at Loulavllle, Ky. lie waa afterward, al the rsqueat uf lhe aulborltlea of ladlauapolla, lud., trauaferfed to that puat, wharu bu waa examining phyalclan ill moatha, ftolliig aa Mudlcal Dlrootor for lhu laal ihroe monlha. Tile doutor'a largv nperlenoe m mure val' uabla In lia Gbaraoter, and more aiteualve than or- dlnarlly faila wlihlu thu eoopu of a practitioner'a life. The repulallon of thu Dia. .Strung for "kill In lhe irealuii'iu uf lite dlauaaea which they bava lung made ■ aueclaliy la coaalantly eitendlug; and uiauy phyalelaaa at a dlataao* an j*ow tending many of their patlenta lo avail ibemeolvea of the adranlagu* whlob auoh an liialiluilou aa thla alTurda. I lie ln- atltute la a oommudloua brlok building on Circular etraetflu the moal ilealrable alLuatluu In Saratoga, otoaa by lhe new Uougreaa, and between the old Uungreaa and Kuipirr aprlog*. The huuae la airy, Jlgbt, uhwrful, rotJH large and wall furuUhed. Thu .Utile la eiaclly what II uughl to be, amply provided arlth wboleaoina food. UefotlooaJ •leralaea are held every morning, where rellgiuua aympalhlua blru.l around ona oominun nliar. '1'ruly, Ifala (a a ■ilirlaUan homu uf the pnreal aor-lal and rellgiuua character. A> a chrlatlan man, 1 wuuld uuiiaelen- (ioiialy r.»oiinneiid to all Ihoau aflllclod Wllb uhronlc dleeaaea, eaueulailj Limy, Female, and Xntriilgic affe lion., to Iral thu .kill of lira. rj. ri. and H. K. tllroug, conUdunl thai ihuy will never rugrel n.


Faator of Uardeo Hi. U. It. Church, Lawrence, Ma.

1*. M, The Dootor'a lerme aru from $U to gli per wreuk, dapwndliig un thu room aud atu-nllu'i ueedud, Including board, treatment, audmudlcal advice.

Iii cotton and other maniifurturlntf rorpnra- tliuiH, till* tuovtltitjC lilodKL'.H itself iu use c»«ry lointl msauii in it.* power to efiVol the enact- UMM uf a t.ii hourlnw.

Betoiotd, That wtCtho cMitjni of Ltwrmon, in inililii- incfliii-: .i..,>[iilil.'.l. il-cUn: liml we will not rot*for"- wim wJUnot ple«|_ cnnctliiK U'li hoara itomcn mill minors in porafci <.'Htiil)lliili]iR'iit~.

TIIK KtitB ALAUM.—We tiriul again, Tin- tin) boucfit »i our ollisetii, the list ol hoxi'H of fgjlif Fin1 Alarm, aud iithor in- ■brmftiioQ in roltttiob to them. If tha al.uui oomeg from i;.., 5, Ht tin- Wuah' iiiiTtou Mills, iiv-- utrokus will be Hruck, ami after it puiist' of bull a inltmtu, live inure, anil so on, until the alarm bug been ■ouniied tivu timeB. 11 a double numlier, such tw l.'t or i'5, iti lo bn struck, 'i'i, for iiiHtani'i1, corner (rf llavi>rhill aud Margin stret-u, two will be struck, and aftur a paus*- ol eight seconds;'five more. A liHlf'-miiiute interval elevptes, and then twenty-live is struck again, (ireat care must be exercised NOT to pull the hook or slide again after being once drawn down until the alarm and number of the box baa been sounded five times, or confusion may be the result. Firemen and citizens can obtain the cards with numbers of boxes, free, at the City Clerk's office. So. i. I'aper MltL.-Ki

peel atruel. 3, Corner tipring aud Union atreeta.—Key at

11 J. Dwyer'a. » *. Uardi-u dl. obureh.— Key at Caplatn Lang-

maid*., M) Uarden itreel. i. Waahlngtun lllll" — Keya In tin- uflloe, and

M li. U. Ilurrlck'a, No. w "Waablngton Corporation,

a. Corner Jaukaun and Oak atreeta.— Key at Ur. Urewater'a, No. BS Jaekeon itreel.

T. II. u... - lii-y M It. il Tewkibury'a, No.

t Chvnuy'a, No. 1 Ptl

11 Oun MS Jackaon alruet.

and Oak (Irecta .r-Kuy ■

M 9-TMV K.\.

An im-iilfiK reeeutiy traii-niini hi tills vlllag-e. that ileaerves to be uhrutilcled because of Its uuujueuegs and rarity. A laiurly re-uniou took place but Tuesday, at the house ol Mr. Albert Smith, to oel- •bHt.aka ■ta»e«lw«l« Wrala <l«y OIUH. Al-i

tlttll K. Cottle. the toother ol Mrs. Smith. Krteiids aud relatives were present from .Kiui and MTftt and the Middle Slates. The *K*<] laby appeared lu lier lie I lunoil, diale, hopelul and trusttul. Her Ineuliles MI- astonisliln^ly vi^nn.n.i fur her years. aSeated under a canopy of beaut it'ul Ho wei», ■ihe received her vUltors with BMe, grace, .ui I unatteeted illgnlty of be.ulug, that wvldeueed noble woinauhoud. Amid the garland ul graoes that adorned hor eliar- auOer, none appeared so beautiful us her iruat iudesiis. Such conlldeuce aud hope aud quiet waking lu old a",o make the best eoiumeiitaty on the substantial value ol Christianity. At two o'clock a chapter was read from the Bible and a prayer ottered by ttev. Mr. Graatlu, of Melhueu. fin- guests Ihen sat down to a stiinpiiious reput. On Hie table was a bouquet com- loosed of ninety varieties ol (lowers, a jforgreutis dlaphky ol tints and colors. Hi Jts side was placed a fancy cake, bearing .in silvered letters -'Mother, Aujf> 3d." viiel dinner, t pooiu written by oue ol

Hie family, printed by auuthur, and dedi- ■catetl to the aged pilgrim, waa read, (speeches were then made by Itev. Messrs. lirasslu, It. 0. Knowles, E. Kuowlcs. and J.Mutliteof Boston. The thume wasapro- llle one: ajte, experience, change iu manners aud customs, improvements, the value of Christian faith, the dawning* of a new IBe, were dwelt upon by tlie several », ukurs with evident Interest to all. Jv geel lent singing enlivened the occasion

tholr of the UiVefllUI II. M. ». nvb, of which Mr. Smith is a membei

gave some Hue selections. The lutorvlc1

was appropriately termlnuted by a bean-* lilui duet, by Mr. and Mrs. HYli-ii r, en- ilileil ■* When shall we meet agaiur"— Uradually the Irlends separated, leaving fervent wishes and prayers for many years IM be added to the ninety already granted unr" mother In Israel." Il was a de- lightful occasion, permeated ami sauetl.- Hnil with the sweetness of Christian lel- Jowsblp. A i,ii-i

Armitrong k Co. a rail; iclr „ii.-.- iioek of Dry

gaTBeaure that you gtv thcy I, in ruarkid duwn Ooeda and great bargab (roods, Shawla, KlannH, llouaukueplng Uoodi -ISO ffiw »., »<ula SUa,

ttirtbs. IIOn'K.-In All

Jra. ,l.,t.u W. II.,. CilAMII.i It —ITI Andu

Ir. kllra. J,.hn II. Chnnd

• ■■ Mi -s. July anh

July wall,'a auulo

■liiuglilvr lo Mr.

ug.Sih, aaunluUr.

til A x ti i a o t s. UAKVb;V-fOl.l,liV.-In thla city. July Wth,

by KeV. K. li. Cbadduek. 111. Albert 1). Harvey to "nil. A Oolluy, bolliuf LaWNwe*.

I-.I.I.I-..S W.n.ii |i.\| .- 1,, thla city, Aug. M>, , Uev. Tratnan Carter, air. rbarlea T. Kll.-iiu......I ' Lawrmcu.lo H|g| l.ucy J. Day, of Townaeiid,

WILM1AN—ATKINSON.— lu thla city, Am 4lb, al Ibe houau of Mr. Thoiiia- Atkliiaon, by Key. J. II. Lev, John It. Willm.u to l.lnle K. Aikluaon, both of Lawreiico.

V:- i . I > I . I « . \\ I | ,, li - ■ ,. | | ,1 | , .-■!.,!.. ItU*.

Mr. Uetnindl, Mr. Henry J. Wluda, of Cbelaea, to Mrs. Lucltida Alice Lowe, of Uoaluu.


UANFi :.;n»i. (

Dr. Roberta* drug 13. Corner Lawrence and Kieox atreeu.— Key

in II. M Whltney>a. 14, r.iclil.! MllU.-K.iy at tha offloa. 16. Corner Oak and Hampshire atreela.—Key at

Maboney'i groeary atore. m. Arlington Mllta.—Keya at offlrie, and al Mr.

j,j Uolby's, So. 331 Broadway. ft. II. ft H. North Depot.—Kay at Ibe Franklin

House. tt, Tiger Kugfoe House.—Say al (Jrvckutt'e

drug atoru, Nu. 33 llruadway. n. Warren tit. Bebool llouao.—Koy at Ber-

nard doward'e, No. 3T Warren titreel. 3e. Cor. Il.iv.-rliill and Margin Bla.—Key with

Mr. t'ownell, No. 3T3 Uavrrblll Btraet.

TUK BOCTOX BETHEL CHURCH.—We have briefly mentioned that Rev. Henry A. Cooke, of the Second Baptist t'hurch of this elty, hits received a call to take the charge of this church, and that his people bore fear (uot "hear" )tlutt he will accept. Mr. Cooke has been singularly successful in raising bis church In this city to a high and uaexapipled state of prosperity, to whluh his pleasant and winning manner and earnest eeal hare contributed not a little. We really do not see bow MB plaue can be supplied for there are few men who could secure thu same amount of popularity there in so short a time.

The Bethel Church, .to which he has been called, is on Hanover street, at the corner of North Bennett.- The brick buildiug was originaHy put up by a pow- erful Universallst Society who had a frame structure there previously. The celebrated Sebastian Streetcr, the Uni- versallst pioneer, was the pastor. Years passed, and lhe north part of Boston waa gradually abaudouod by the old families, though a few of them hang on to Salem, Charter, North Bennett, Unity, Sheale and Tilcstou streets, in the neigh borhood of the church, with great tenac- ity. Mr. Si reeier's ehuivli did not move to the south end, like most of the churches, but rather caved Inthau other- wise, and sold out after the conirrega- tlon became so sparse at to almost ren- der it necessary to use a speaking trum- pet for one member of the congregation to huil another. At its gale the church was purchased by J. M. S.Williams, and other wealthy gentlemen, and converted into a Baptist Seamen's Bethel. Uev. l'hiucas Stowe, who died within a year or two, had charge of It, having been a .-nit ,il missionary atuoug the sailors and the taw generally lotj twettty or thirty years. The financial affairs arc man- aged by the associates, and the mission- ary or minister, call him as you will, has nothing to attund to but to work, to preach, to visit and to pray. We should be of the opinion that the managers might have searched a great while before they could have found one so admirably suited to the position as Mr. Cooke. We should state, howevor, that his mission Is not to seamen only but to the poor generally, who may stroll in or bo di- rected to the church. Uur clerical friend, should be accept, will find plenty of hard though Interesting work, mid he will be very apt to take off his coat to It.

OUDtN daughlur ul 10'dyi

FORTH.- In Amheral, N. II„ July - nli, Daiiibrth, aged S3 yri 4 moe, father of

I Mi.i.H in, of Hi.- oily. LOUD.-In Botfurd, July Uih, ivij, Mlaa Han.

nali Lord, aged BU yeara, IS day*. IU >U*K.-li. Weat BuaTurd, July -Tib. Huale A.,

daughter or Bainuel and Mary 1'. Morae, 31 year* Bin i W N ii, Wuai Bogford, 3d lu*t., Ura. Allee,

widow of the late John lirown, ol Uuifnrd, aged II yeara.

KlltK.-InTyngaboru', J aged 1 yr. j mot., aud July 3 yra. if moa., only child run uf Jainua I*, ana L. li- sle B. JtutLertl.l.l.

WATBON— In thla city, Aug. let. Annie Wat- son, aged ggyra. 1 m. 1 day*.

PARTINUTON— In thla city, Aug. »ud,NuUle 1'arUngton, aged I yeara monlha,

1UKH1I.K.S -In (lila elty, Aug. 3nd, Bertram M. Iliiggli-a. aged 1 year 1 month.

UUDKN.-Ii. thla city, Aug. lad, Hannah K. Of d.'n, aged 11 niuiiili* 10 daya.

BTCAHT.—In thi. cliy, Aug. 1th, Andrew B. Muart, aged 1 year V monlha 34 day*.

8AUNDKR3.- In Wilmington, Aug. 3d, Rhode, wife uf Timothy .-,aunder*, aged S3 yr* 10 uoa.

JOUWBON.—In New Vurk Clly, Aug. Sd.Cbarle* II., *un of lhe lato Dr. Bamuat Jobnaou of Andover, aged 38 yra.

Funeral aerrioe* at lhu Booth Churob, Auduver, on Saturday, Aug. ilh, al 1 o'clock 1'. U . Relative* and flignda are liivlud to atUnd.

OARDNKR.—In Itethusn, July 13lh, Joseph Oardner, aged M yran, 10 muoUia.

CLOUOH—In relham, July asui, Moaea Ciougb, aged S3 yeara.

dHITH.—In Methuen, Aug. lib. Ur*. Harriet Hinlili, wife of Joe. Mmlili, :>.. yra.

OOBH.—In Hethuen, Ang.ath, Mlaa Uary Klla Qoaa, only child ofCharlua B and bfary U. B Ooaa, aged IT year*, 10 monlha.

Jar-Heir way up Lookout Mountain, Uio plaue

where memory la allrrvd by a thousand thrilling aa- aoclatloua, and where the brave boys of both armies

met and fought hand to hand, where lha blood ur until friend and fou weru mingled together and ran

down UM mountain aide In rlvuleta, U a 'smooth- faced rock, upon which a vuur, wounded aohlluT In-

scribed tile following:

T. B—SSO—X.—Early lu thu battle I was wounded

and carried lotfataipot by Iwo slaver 'Yanka.' They

bad* me tkr-wi-ll, and aa they auppuaed, to die, for

1 waa ao weak from lose of blood that 1 could but faintly thank lham for their klndnree. They left In

my canteen a pan I,.,in,, of PLANTATIOH BITTBIS,

in wlili'i, I owe my life, for it *lrungtheued im, and

kept life within me until help came and my wound

waa dreased. Uod bleaa them for their klndne**, ,.ii ! 1..I II,. Ti. V. , i in.', IU, ui.,


213 (old No. li)7) Essex Hlr.ut,


Would Invite ■

[sfeMEG and Varied Assortment

i i i. i it i i).


ruKii i■: o

Piques | Marseilles.

Alao, to tlirlr


Summer Shawls.

A. SHAKPB & 00.

Closing Out Sale

Spring I Summer Goods.

II..: 1 I) i.

mpaiiy II, lutb Da. W AT n.—rluperl o r

ported Uerman Cologue, and Bold t hall the I'li.-.v

D. IIOWART1I dexlrea to Inform hi* friend*, and the public ol l.awrrnoe g,-u. rally, that he haa opened the gtOf*

Corner of l!.isr\ &u<l Apjiletun Slruuts, (I'oat ODli

C II E H 11T AND I MM i. (. I s i . He would aMure hi* fri.-n.li of hi* ptriomU and

atrict attentlou to their retju ire menu, and nfrr Uia public to hi* ■•■perlinoe lu »oute of the Or*t li ua«* lit the ivmutry: to hla poalilon a> Apothe- cary at King* Co. llu.plt.i, N. V., and td tha reil- di ni- ol Andorar, who bare known hlui f..r inrni j

llu will I., p a well *i'lr ini ini'i ciion'i- *tock ul


Family & Patent Medicines, Proprietary and (ieuoral Kutuedius,

together with inch variety of

FANCY AND TOILCT ARTICLES a* are uaually found in a Mrai slaa* Iiiug UMre..

UK, NARY K. nu II -:ii, Kormerly Kealdent Phyalclan lit lhe New Kn gland

Uoapltal for Women and Children, Hoaton, reepectfully Inform* the IjKllea of Safem and

Tlrlnily, that abe haa opened an uAre at

58 Washington St., liubon Block. Ofnce hour*—Monday* and Thuraday*, from A lo

tr.a, Me**agea ran be left at *uy time In tha box at

the door. Maluiu, Uaaa., Aug. 0, 1SAV. "If

An unurually large aatortUent of

Window Shades may be found at DOW k CO'S. They arc tha Agent* for Kuapp k Cutler'* Celebrated Clock Kprlng I ii rial n Kiiture.


Haverhill & Bradford Exprelt.

All murcbandlso transported at rugson- ablo nilI'H.

i'*ititular "lliiilliili given tu li-fllug Note*, llraft*, lllll*, etc.

All ,,|.l, n left at Mt M'KII'

What waa announctii) as a tuu Uour luueUog, was called at llu- City Hall, Aiuaday ovtinlng;. Mayor Uavls, by re- iH.'i-t MI tbo comiulttou, IMIII-,1 iii,- miit

ing to ordur and prusldod, llu si>oku ol' liis indtintity witb thi oauiu of lalmr, and ■ ii ib.' llulu likuliuood tbat Im sbould *>vur turn bis tiaok upon any proposition ior Lbu um,-lioratiiHi of the cuudition or

host) ol bis ulass. llu tbougbt (but tbu J.IIMII-.-I- sbould bo ullowuil pLuuty of tlmu to HIIIHML: biinsult, tlialhu cuuld thereby

■ .mi I ul.' witb tboso ol otbor uooupa- lious. I'liiii' serviuus weru the last wiiach could bu dlspougtid with. The last uuuaus showed tbut eight millions, ubout one lourtli of lbu iubabitants ol the nation, had oocuputiuus. The bal- uuoe must bo wouiuii, oluldrun, or pur- gonsot'nooooupattous.loaturslu faot. It was shown, also, that ot the eight mil- lions ouly thrue-lourths were autual la- borers, MIX mi tin.ii.^ w.'tr laborers, and thu balance were traders, or professional linn. It was llu; policy of tbo laborer to iiicruaac the number of laborurs, and ihi-irii* iliiiiininli tbu number ol hours of labor to be done.

The niiH-iiu^ w.i-i alao iMldrossud by Mr. Cli ii"■'■.1 Cowell of Lowell, Mr. Ira Stewart ol llostou, aud Mr. Webb of Fall Hirer. Some ol Mr. Stuwutt's propositions guunied to buinoru energet- ic than practical; "but as lie u .-, been iu the ten or eight hour business for years, lie should know best. Tbo following mild resolutions wure adopted ;

JfssuaW, That tiiiwiii'niiK KM buura to be MkwMlMly wif -or aWatM aud lalaora lo work

FAIB AT THE MKW ST. M.IIU'S Cu.— Tbu splendid now Catholio Cliurch In process of erection at the corner of Hampshire and Ilaverbill St.. will be iu a sufficiently forward condition by Octo- ber to allow of a Fair being bold in It, to raise funds for Its completion. This certainly looks encouraging, uml as if this great enterprise was likely to be an early success. While our people have been attending to Itheir daily pursuits, regardless of the progress of the work, stone has bucn added to stone, brick to brick, and timber to timber, under the auspices of the. patient and resolute Father fidgc, until completioii has be* come a certainty, if it were not always thought such. The Vast building will be decorated after Lhe munner ul the Boston Coliseum, and the usual amount of fair attraction will be presented. Most |>,.. pie will have a strong desire to see what kind of uu itppeamnoe Ibis grand piece of .uvliii.'i iui,- presunts utulur such clr- cumstuiiees. When the church and steeple uru eoiuplutud, how many will be delighted with the beautiful old church music, common alike to lhe Catholic and the I'i-,,[.- .i ii.t church, pealed lorth front the bells in the steeple, lor that will bu the next in order. It IM difficult, also, to see how every . friend of order and peace on the Sabbath tan refrain front Wirihiiig well t,. this undertaking. It would certainly be no improvement tor the thousands who will worship it i shrine in a ijulut and orderly maiine to be wandering about thu -div. tu i, want of a place ol worship. The Fair will commence on Wednesday, October l-iili, and coutiuue until the ttUUi.

I'aylng and Col-

No. 2 Appleton street, will be pruuiully

it. il. Aim. door lo the Heat Offloe,

attended to. I.awrrnor, Aug. S, iww. 3I»-I


Pharmacieu, ;SI.'"it., i uf llu r.ill..,. uf I'h.nu...,, N Y.)

Cor. LSWJX aod Applcton Su.


u lion AH ins.

Vichy W»ter, Kiasengen Water,

Soda Water, In ayjjboui and on draught, at

11 it W Alt Ili'S.

WALL FAPBUS. J. C. W)W a CU. In*., the largeet tUtrk Is

K...J. i ouul). VKRV, VKKT UUKAPl

I a**aiaBW(*lth *r SJaMsavahaiaatta.


Marked Down our lArfc alook ol


^ i AT

Half the cost of Importation.

Muslins marked down from 50r. to

30c.; from 37 l-2c to «5c.

French Cambrics marked down to

gOc. ,

Beautiful Dress (ioods, fur Suits,

marked down from 62 l-£c. to

X37 l-2c.; from $1 to 62 l-2c.

Scotch Ginghams, 25c.


Tor Hiii'- and Hoy*' wear,at


White 8bawl*



In Long and Hquare,

at Prices that will Insure their Sale.

Insure Bargains

Whole Stork in Attractive,

and warrant* the attention or every purcHaaer

Juit opened a large Meortment ol


Kemumbtir, wu belluvo In <iui< I. Sales mi.I Small I'mlilH

VKMSIKONii .V t'l>„

Essex Street, l*awrence.


OKOHll NO MA UK o# ,


W* bavetbia da. MAKKEU IX1WN oar entire ...-k "I i.,....l- to l KIIV U>W prloea, lu Order

Stags Diem out, thereby nuking room lor r*all Uoodi. Il l» ,,-■;.■ 1 ■ ■ mi" ■ i .-i ■ ■' Mm I ,-■■■ almi.lj isy nil: WtKH.K •■ n>t K.

NTs claim Hiai oor Stock t* lb* Hoar KXT.KRHIVS

and Uie r>H»lckal to bt found Is l.a»n-nce .-very department being replete with Hie Ue*l and Moit Kaabtouablr liood* the market aforda.

We have a tear

rtilk Cassaoquea, I Of 0«r OWN latikr,

which we will .ell VKKY CIIKAIM

«. Wi call apet-UI attention to our

White Groodu Department. I'lmu, I'lal,I aud Htrlpe Urea* Muslin*, Wlilt.

I'IIJUM, White MhawU, White (llovea, eu., logelher with a Ml line ol

XJO.MESTIOS, Table l.lueni, Napkin*, Towel*, QrmmSt, Tick-

ing*, rto., all al Very t*iw Prloea.

H. Il.-Uruy Uoud* In abundanoe for Su I* I tin <-l< F-.I1U- Air liurm. in, Slid hreaaea, witb Trlmtulng* lo match,



No. 249 Kssex Street, Lawrence. 14th July, ISM.

House for Sale- Hllnatad No. 0 Karsum Mreat, South Lawrence,

within three minute* walk orB.AH depot.- Said hou*e i» IS X 30 feet, with ell I waa bnllt In lBSHt contain* 7 UuJ.lied ruoma, with a good cel- lar, good water, ahool .1500 feel of land, and will be tToi.Il fllKAl", If applied for aoos. r*rmi ■••ay. Inquire of W. II. I.ILACU, on tha premi- *€■*. or of A. K. HACK.Uen'l luaurano* Agent, 1HI Kaaex atreel. C"irn«T of Jaokaon, L Haa*. Uf-H

4o LoTm Of

LAND FOR SALE on Oross street, ld*wret*ce.

The lubacrlber oflVr* forty vary dealrnbla Iota of land, *ituated on C'ro** *1m.t, w«*t of Broad- way, oppoalte lha Arlington alllla pund. The location of theae lota, *o near tha horw ralliva i, cannot fail lo greatly increaae thrlr value In a ■hort lima. The new Uiwell road will be opened very aoos, which will alto greatly en ha uoa their valve. Apply to A. M. WILIAIUUUHY ,

ir i.;". on the premlae*.


337 F.SHOX stroot, Lawrenoe.



DTRR & (i <).

337 KKHOX stroot, Lawrenoe,

Ai.l.M : I. .It


Celebrated Pianofortes,

Plancw, Cabtarl Organ*, anal Melow Seun* lu let.

Alao, a fall ■aaortaaent of

W'iinlow Shades,



Fancy Gooiln,

Travelling Hags,

HuakeU, and all kind* of

Musical Instruments.


GOLD LOAN $6,500,000.

We beg leave to announce tbat we have accepted tlia sgancy of the

Kansas Paoiflo Railway Co. for the *ale Of IU

N«w Seven Per Cent. Thirty Year Gold Loun, Free from Tax.

Thi* l.oau amouuu lo |SAoo^aXi. Finf Mortgage /.and Grant and Sinking

Fund ttandt, leeured ui-in the eileailon of the Kail".. In.m near HhcHdan. In Kaaim, lo Denver. Colorado, a .ll.Uiii'.- of £17 mile*, or whlcll M mile* are com pleted, and Uia real i* ander onaatruillon. It 1* alao a kloragage upoa Hollkag Slock and r'ran- i-blra of thla drat claa* Railway, be.ide* now run - nlng through the State of Kamaaa, and In

Successful operation for 437 miles weat of the aflaaourl River, nod earning alrrady enough to meet allot It* expenae* andexlttlag obllgaUon*, lie. 1.1, a More Innn Ikr latentt HtMiu thi- new

AH Appeal lo r*>N*jMrw««« M*H.

At it rrjrular luuetlny; of UIXMI (VIII I ...iljjr .No. :>-l \. U. Ul U. T., It »:,. ■

Httotctd: lat. Tlist wlioresi ^iur olijwt i» in- thi; I'iiUi. j'-, I. without regard to por- •oua or purtit'*, mnular, poltili^l ur rallgiuu*. Kvnrj- dtlssa who would protiiuia the ,uii-r ol Tempera IU e, Muniltiy and RiU_n-.it, ilioald give ii-. .i rni ILH auppon, and u* far at powtblr alt ikottlti itrvni/i/irn ui a itli lit-1, j-.- i, II.-,'.

3d. That It I* not expulietil tlist uur Iri.-u,!- reiiiiii.] Ul Of the liaul latlii ul aoliie ol Our inenl- l.ih. I. il' llll- Hilt .■IU'llll.-surr .'li't H-11,1, to llu J but tUMt tlitiy come tu thu wurk, and ahow ibstti liuw Uuoal lemplar* mmln lo live.

ad. Hi >-J-'. ni. Thai w* loytip iliniuiph Ui« 1'ul.ln- I'm-.*, nil, who have any Intaraat Is our eauae, lo come sad aid tu In thi* groat work »(

mj thr fiill> n and Mlitnijtl,- um i thu weak,


The i ltd.. ot the Vlaitllig Agent Board ..I Stale t'harliie*—ander pro>l*lon* of Chapter le-1, f)en- eral Law* -ttate of ataaMChuavlta— is .aialili-lie.l at lhu Mats l|on*e, fioitoo.

All appllcatliiu* to take children from the mate Reformatories or 1'rlmary Ndtool, or thoae otlier- wiae under the care of the btnte, by ImdValure, adopllun, or any Slkgf method lined by law; and ■11 loiiimuiilcallou* relating to Hie Im-in.-- ul tin Agency, should be made and addraaaid totiAli- ntssa Tvrrm, vuitlng Agent.

' Kull iiiioruiailou eoneerniug the term* of luden- ture and adopllou, will be gireu at the OAst, or by letter. t, i kin M-.it niiv

ntltngo Vlalllng Agent.

26 FARMS FOR SALE. Al,-u. -'i.-inl



tmvago •*•' Kssex street.

If jou want ■:HVfl«|»r«Hllh AaJmrrajial'rlnit-el, gO tO IMHV III

' Soda Water, In *yphon* and on draught, ai


Hyphona nil. .1 with

Ibatwg may banlah lirtempdrance irum our Vicliy, -KisMngeii and Soils Waters, at IIUWAKTHI..

'2 (ill



Eisseugen Water, lu ayubona and on draught, al


Uommonaraallh of ktaaaaohuaetta.

kaiaXI, SSa l-lt< Hi A I K I'l.llir. T* Ibe llrtr* at-l-aw, naat uf Km, and all othe

pataon* later..l.-d in the e*tate of JOSKP UAKI'MKR, late ef Hethuea, '

*;:::; la Hi. .siat. of JUSKPH f Mcthuea, la anld eoanty,

i.dceeaaed, (Ireellng; *. aoertaln Inairuinenl puruortlug to be

in* IB*, will and testament of aaJd deceased, list been presented tu *ald Coart, for probate, by Hary 1'. Uardner, who pray* thai letter* testamentary may ba rjaned to hei, the eaewulrls tbeealn

Vou ara hereof died to appear at a Probate l'onrt, to be held al Lawrence,In BBSS oouaiyol Kates, mi the taoond Tueutay of September neat, al nine o'clock before nooa, to show eaaaa, II aa i j.iu have, agalnat the same.

And said petitioner I* hereby directed to gtr* public notice thereof, by publlahlng tin- eftauun weak, for three laaoeaalva weeka, la tha

called the LiukKXi. Amninii r \-i\- HI., i. p. i ui,,I ai I.awrenar, lhe blloallon to be two daya, at lea■ t, b>'fore I pi '

i.i r

one ttiou*anii eight hundr.'d and ■iaiy-aiiie, agS A. 0. i ,1 II 11 .K l.i , H. (t.i, r

Cuiiimunwaalth of Maaaacbuaatt*.

ISSMI, aa. I'HlUtA !►. I III It I To lh» helr*-*|.law, next of kin, and all oAarSaf' .»m lui.re.lrd In tlia ealate of |IAt III MEn SKH, laieaf Malim. In lhe ooaaty of Rocking ham, and atale ot New Hampshire, deerased,

V. Inn a- a petition has been preaeutrd lo *aid trt, fay Joseph lluw.of Methaea, la ilia eoanty ol l.i.n, with eertalo paper*,parpomng io be eople* of tha laal will and testament or said de- ceased. Mint of the probate thereof la asld *taie'ol

ijempihlre, duly antliaalloated, reprsasatlug

•'ill will

;u,u IB UU I'rouale Ollea u| said county of K*asa, and letter* lealam. niery thereon granted iu him, ,.,u are l.n.i.y .11,4 t,, appear at a Probate l!ourt,tu be held si l.awnnoe, In tald eoanty of Lssea, on tl>. aecoud Tuesday 01 Heptcraber neat, at nine o'clock lu the Ion mafia teibuw

And a JW cause, ii M) )uu have, agali 1 -ahl pMlAnw I* ur--ir^'-

i notice thereof, by pu three week* ■accculveJy, lu the »ew*paper oalled

laiwreaca Amsricau aud Audoier Adurtlaer, Hint at Lawrence, the Brat pablloatloi


Drug St Patent Medicine

W A H R ku v s *•





Kvary one know* thi* eeui>ll*tii«ieBt ao be the tieadquart.-r* fur everything la late Hadleiae line. Call for anything yon weal, and get It.

HRIUUAM la eoaalintly reerlriag, Bad ofeia for tale the following artleles, wsrraalsd pun and of the bet! 7W..IK, ,~

(C/"t jum Cauipbor,

(^•Kbuburb, (J^*l .'li.tiniiiiiilt: Flowers,

Q^*Gum Atabie, (tj-Kpsom Suits,


(tJ-Oat Meal, (tJ"Opium,

{^Morphine, {^Peruviun Bark,

(fJ-Uniniiu', ,

(f^ Senna,



Bhaker Herbs,


I'.nyli -li (. lyci-t in,-, Iodide ul" I'.iia-^iinii,

and tome three thousand limllar artlelaa too nil In. I ,■:,- tO lUVntlUB,

' Patent ICedieinei

.1 every desorlplioB, and warraatrd genulae,which hr will (ell a* *»w aa aay reliable dealer.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ketmbold's Bucbu,

Uuak'a UixiiuiBisH,

Scbemik's Medicines,

Peruvian Sjrnp,

Cod Liver Oil,

Wistar's Balsam,

Halt's Lung Balsam,

Schenck's Syrup,

I').mi,itiiui Bitters,

Hostetter's Bitters,

Hootiand'i Bitters,

Johnson's lainimeut,

Sweet's liniment,

Wolcott's Pain Paint.

We hata all Us

Popular Article* for the Toilet.

Barrett's Hair Restorative,

Hall's Hair Renewer,

Ayer's Hair Vigor,

Mrs. Allen's Hair Iuvigorator,

Burnett's Cocoaine,

Batcbeldor'i Hair Dye.

305 Kssex St-,



— or — A


Ladies Gloves! •l.as per pair, all Colors, and


1 o 130

ao M

§ I—1 m





New and Klegant Deeigni.

1*1 before

aaid Coart, ilila tlilr.l ( . oue thousand elgbi bundled aad *laty-aln«.

*g- A. C ... iui.r.1,1., ategliter.


at HUWAKTUTS. h' " O1

riBIaUlMU 4k Hnkrl'h p^«,r gu,,. Is at Mm. lAlt Btaaei auamf. gall

ona Acres, eaieii.lin,; lu alternate aeetlona on either llrte of the track, fnim the Sotth mile poat In K*n*aa to Denver. The nroceed* of lha sale of tbe*e land* ar to be Inveded by the Trailers In the 7 per cent. Bond* themselves an lo kn. ot In II. ii. Baada, as a

Mtiikliiif I 11 nd for the Iti'drmp- lion or ill.- Honds.

The land* embraoc some of the Huu*t ii.irtlou* uf lhe magniScent Terrltorj of Colorado. Includ- ing a eoal Held and iiliierv The ],.m) *l*u holds aa an asset anether traet of Tkree Million* of Acres its the Mute al

Kauseis, and although not pledged as a aeoaait* lor thi* l.oaa, their po**e**lon adds largely to IheCom- penva wealth aad eredll. We eatlsmaU the Value oj the Company's property, cov-

ered by this mort)f*ga/tU |-.'3,ixni,- i«-i net, while th« Loan Is

merely •n..'-0o,000. The Honda have

THIRTY YEARS TO RUN. In.111 Mar I, Ir-','', and will pa*

Seven per cent Interest In (told, ..-mi aniisally, on Hay I and Nov. I, aad ara

Free IroM f.'ove>raM««t Taiailon , the Companx paying the tea.

Tha muuir-At. uf the I.,..a I. made rat .in i.e. in ti< 11.11, iti the I'M j(>f New York, bat aart, eaati on

I'ay+bif in *V.ml/r.rl l.iimlim Or .\rm Tort, at option of the holder, without notice, at following rate*; thigUMuHondtnN.Vork. I >b(euUje*oh hall rear

T' " Loudiiu, tTJa. IS. " " " r'r»iilii,,ri, B7 tlr 10 krtsi

The Agenl* uf lb* Loan, beltore ara eutlng the trust, had the ei.adlliou of Ilia It,.ft, BBJ Hie .'<minr> ilir..n;:li vtit. li li runs, oarcfully eksuiliietl They are happy to give the I-iao an enuihatle aa- dorsemeut a* a

I IHSI CLASH IMKvmiM, IB every respsctperle.tif .ur*, aad In som* easen-

Heiifr thaa fJovrraaienii Securities. The Bonds will be sold fi>r the present al

iW, and accrued Intercut, Itoth in Currency, the Agoni* reserving Iherliht lo advance the rate

The ait. nil..11 oflnveatur* la lavllad to theae well secured botnl* wlileli we recommend a. une uf ikr moetpruSuble UiveatmeaU 111 the markH.

Cold and tloterumral -"curlllt* taken In pay mem al thrlr market .alar, wllhoat oummi**iua*

I'auiplilrl*, will, uapa giving fall iiifurmatlua, ..1.1 ..11 appltratlun.

DABNKY, MORGAN .y CO., Nu. -..; Kxi-hange Plwu. N. Y.

M. K. JKSUP A CO, No. I-.' I'iiin Stn.ni, N V.

DtNTISTBY. At a meeting ut the U-QIISU of Uwreaee, it

• a. voted that their OftVe* be closed from tl.e 13th of aagu*iuniiiiiie laiuf.'ieptember. la the lui.ii.iiur !• all. al|| |>e rairacled by the iik.. •Wan*. J.ll.KIUlJlCR.

Iml-ljagt , A.W.HOWI.Ami, U.T. HOUrKB, jo.isra ACHTIS.

■a vichy Water, la syphuaa aad ea draught, si


Cosmstlc* for lhe Complexion.



MARKED DOWN M eloee balance ol


a* we purpose to do al

VERY LOW PRICES! ue we need UM room Sir our Kail eloek, which will be uasarpassed Is Ihls cli>.

We will aot enumerau tloods or 'Qualities ,•' a* every lady KNOWS Uml the can lad a

Large Assortment, AND AT , '


ul our*tore,—If you want

Janci] 0500cl«i, CALL AT I



8 H AW L, 8. TR1T l,AV. A

Full Stock and Very Handsome Ones,

.All Very Ortal Kt-lucli.,,- iu Price,.


that we Take tha Lead in

Dress At Cloak Making,

as we have a Lady Is charge tbat never hat bees > sorrsa

Be Beat in giving Perfect "Fits" to all her patrons.



SIS Essex Street, L*wrence.



toofer oar eatlreMtock or I

Spring and Summer Dress, Goods,

Spring and Stnnmar Hliawln, - r

Spring ami Slimmer Garme|tU,

Spring and Summer

Trimmings, Olovei, Hosiery! etc.,


T^app^ Ssaoinlice to Insure their rapid sale, aad clean loam all iMat lo make room fur the Pull ramualga

of lass.—Many of uar Uooda are

Marked Down 50 per cent.,

aad will be sold lor ONfcVH AbV what tuu will ba asked for the tame (sued* la other •torus.

We -ball oaTe* oar


for Men's and Boys' wear.

at a Large IH*eooal, together wllh meet of our ■ t,>ek, ao aa to make the sale geaerallr

inviting and Intereating to all who have a few dollar, to In veat


309 aad SU Enei St., Uwreace. KraMC. Iw, WI.S.W Kcrcfl.a aa.S. I.

•rSer kr PIEI.UIKU J

Prollliible. Millinery Business, w.r.

sStock, Ifixtures, etc., FOB SALS.

la Ik. CUT oT lAWfe.ce.

Oentrslly Situated. Paying Well. tluly cause ul the nraeent nroprMreua ssdliug,

departure la the rail lor Lallforala, Kor partlos'sri, Itniulre ol

MM. ■. 8. WASS.

No. 138 Esu'ex sti-eet. Iml-ltTljyw LAWKKUCK, ktASS.

Iiunit'dlale \utlt*. IB oovseqaeaee of euterlug upon cngugenteMs

la aiioiher ohj.lh.. uB.leeelgaed tauit luvmedleaady dose hla bualneae In tbt* Blast, and reuue*la all [KTIIHI. Indebted to aim to nail al once, aud


I.. A. rii.Hlli.l-. l^wienoe. Jane I, 1SSS. tll-f

HAMPTON BlAtll, RJ, u. To i"T, at tbu above b

" " lant eaaaoieu.., _. ■ nutted throughout,]

n « '«•! t ii|g»' i roiims uaok.—

.„tio«t,plaal*Mam. S«. Lwrsxl ami nalated, aud rotuluriubly furudabad;




. rua ara BO .iu


uaM.b.bM|ktl..hl.Mtr. BMMabar

306 Essex Street, CORNER Of LAWRENCE,

La Hue's Alabaster Cream,

llagan's Magnolia Halm.

Burnett's Kalliston, Lily White,

Pearl Powder,

etc., {lie, &C.

Alao on baud a Urge slock of

Strengthening Piaster!,


THI ,.i:>, ai re.iHTKH.,


Nur.ing Hottlea, Rrruat Fumpa, \.

A.d ■ ,IHW1 ■.H.rta.M, ul


Culognea, Lubin'a


Hair «c Tooth Bruahea,

rmtyvHKu HOAHS.


aud KVKKYTUIM.I. la .MM, to b. I.e.. lu .

Fir.l Claaa KaUbliabmeul.

Physloians' Prescriptions

oaSBniLLT rsaraasu.


Aootbei Large Invoice of

t± A. T 8 last received, aad aow sag)B,

th PKR CENT. CHEAPER I I thus ever amaare.

OOOD ZX^fVXS •25, r>0, 75 and 91.00!



S05 Essex street, • • Lawrence.


WI1KK1.KH t WII.Hl/s-H



. c^l aa. M* It, at tha



>. C. H AI.I.KIUH,

JOS Kaari atrr.1, - - Uwrenc.


Book Binding!


I arise* tbe atUatlou of Ue |ruUle to tke varloas Strlas Ot blank Books uMuufBotun d by

lil«, laelLtdluf

■ *• •* ••••to, Bsada U order, for everr form ol ejMouBta.aud

dealfc-ued tor

Merchants' Counting Kooms,

Corporation Accounts, of all kinds, ~ .

Railroad Offices.

Record Book* and Memorandum

ul every fbtua aad slse.

PATTERN CASES aoutUalBg all tbat aaa be desired, betag light.

SCLRAP BOOkLS. <:arufal alteatioa glvea to bluilin.

Sheet Music la a style Im aad (•liable, aad adapted to easy


M«gtuine« & Periodicals Bound

Is aay steaaar tbat aany be desired.


UllaUIMii or KIMIKS ami MAitni.tex, III -n My Bt.p I in I

RUIJNU to meet e>vwy want or busl ness mem. *

Fancy and OruamenUl

work tbaruagbly does, after the rtcbeal asodels.

We are prepared to furnish all lb* good goalltie of warkaaaa*lilg Is our line that MB be fonnd li

Thread Laces. Very liaitdsonw Msorliueint at

305 Eaaex street, Lawrence.



(^Special care Uken to set tin strt-ngth and durability in everyt IMIIK

we undertake.

f tease eaaaalae our rrtees aud speetaue* Work oa bead.

A i.i. urn) Kan Piimniv Ktntturgn.

I. A. WHlTa)MB,


IU ESSM 8t, Uwrenc*

auble and earrlafc bouee Included. WUI ba let i>> lhe day, week, or euuaoa, al raaaotaable prior*. Uood oroiiuel grouuil and *ei or erouuet.

Apply to, U II.SALiUKNl- lia.iaria II laawreaoe St.. 1-a.wreare, utaae,

riELDlNO * riSKB keep P»awr ll-ugiugs anal Window MhauiuW at ISO

■iresjl. mpii -


I'lu* popular and deslraale Suaiusur resort was pened lor lh< aeaaos,

jrjNH aWth.

Hi, .IUaii.nl nf tltetloeun Houee.at lbu sntfer*a edge, apoa tbe Bnest breed us the «i* t, aad with Ibe beet faoUil Ir. I.tr balblitg, aatllng and Bshlug, surrounded by splendid drive* aad a waver oaaatag

bruese, render* it one of tbe aaosl attract!v.1

..aside resorts tu Hew Ksglaad; aad aotMag will be umilted that aeg tend to tbe comfort uf Its guests.

L'.rrtufua at tbe Hssaptoo Depot HMM evaee iraln ovur Ibe Ka-t.- m atallroad, sod at Ksetar

rer tha Boetoa aad Hause,

ess- To uurats frosi Lawrenoe and vlslalty, a large dtsSoaBt frwaa usual rate, will be eande (reas tbe time of opeaiag until July W)

l*nIMP I-KATON, puiratanta, * ■i-f)e« Hampton isaoh,


8. P. til, O. O. P. PEllLEY'S, *09.

Wanted. A BUY I.1H.UI ia rear, ul ai., 10 toara ...

t.u- ui... ,

Superintendent Wanted. A ourapeteut peraou to take cltarsw ol s Woolea III, oa very SBS work. A middle aged pnreoa, ■d one baring bad Vsperleaae la Baadllag the

bell uf .loss. Nosve otbers used apply. Address Ut-ljygi •• omtuoHlil A," at THU ..rru:..

"S.P.&.O.O.P." .Small Proflto A Only One Price

l'EULEY'S, «0H.


Phyiioians and Clergymen toatlly to IU merit* In restoring ilKKY IIAIIlio its original oolair, au.l promtiilsg Its growth. Il taakas tbe hair soft and glossy. Tbraldlaap pearauee are maale young agnlu. It I* the beat


Oar Treatise on the Hair aeui Irre by Kail. Hewareol Use aaaseruus preparutloaa whl.lt are

sold upon our mputatlou. a P. HAI.I. a CO.. Kaehaus.rj.-tt., Praprtrtore.

Por sale ■) all diaggtst* *t)*>*

Htsssua I'ap. ra aud Wlwdow Hkaatea al riv\.\y\Hi; 4s PISKK*N, lao Basea si.

8. P. th O. O. P. PKHLEXVTWtf.


Nature's Hair Restorative. IMPROVKD.

a A.l"ti Jg^'il *9* 91 h-slth* preparatlos hir Hie IWlr.co-italBlag no Uc Kulpliur u.> Hua.r ol LsssLag Litharge, so Nitrate or-ilUrr. Ill* SSSJaaJl frr, from all polsoueu* and health lajar- log dran*. 11 will ao] -lulu the in... or baade, or

Jtwraattvs aad earatlf a. It pre*,m. ih. f.Miaa- j| ol lit* hair, ai>.| prumi.iea tu growlh-makiBa II an raeellenl Dn-a.iug wlllioul the use ol olla whwh are so lajuriou* to the eealp and kali.

i'ii u. SMITH, Paaewto.'. '-HAS H Wll.l.fAUrl, Agent tbr Uwrrora. Por -ai. bvUro. r. Talbol.Charleii'brkeaad

Horatio rln.lt,,, Urugglsta,

J. ■BUINA, Ilhlr !►....,., Ilrrrlman Srolber*, IM Kaaeu .1 , Ii.eker A Aa drew*, M AWKslwry ■!.: J.K.fcd.oii, IM llruad- •a, , .la... by Mr. J, g\ We-.er. B ^.ck^n al min.er I nmnun wh> re .inli-ra enai IM- It'll

l.awrn.re. July 11, |SS». aan**l.

WUdaw Sen... g|>d M..,HU(I „,,,,, laOKasnssl. HHlMNt.A I JNKI-'N.

Tbe Largest Aiaortsnont of Window Shades

lu hears (^sualy mar be foaad al 1H»W A cu'a, Agrat* lor Kuai.p k toller a juuiljp cslebraaesi pal.ali»o.kapr(ug.SuaueMataee.. "*m™"~

Wat Ptowar aud ArtlaU' MsUarUls IU riKUIIMU * r|SKS*B, IM -nig ai.

Special iotlffl. Bun yea Chaseed Heads 1

Ham rM Nurd Water 1

De y«e waal roar f.ooda to have n Clear, Natural Leuire and Fielne 1

De roa WMI Waaaiai made HH-»|I

BEACUS WASHING SOAP, It'a the oheaoest and beat aver of-

farad to the public


ELLIS' IRON BITTERS- Havtu ■•«''! your Iron Witera lo my piictlee, I

—'-f Ionic propertlra lor tod proaotlng ill*e*

. i i mi. ii'l II '

Having iiol yuu, ••■ testify to it* Invigorating tin- ape i

of general 'I tlon* of the

wotl It to a)

iy*lea requiring the uir of a I [la agreeable flavor aiuat n Your*, reapeel fully,

t H \ ■ - i, \l M I. M I' .

L L-Jl Ladies' Under Clothing.

I'liia I* the~ag« of'arogr***, end lu no depart- ment of iii'lu-irv la tliii iin.ri- app rent than la Ihi' manularlurr of Under Clothing.


No. 341 Eaaex St., LawTence,

ilrtl' Ailt'trtitiemtutS.

ONLY ONE DOLLAR *M-9BUjYN*fl HKUA.T*!* lo.Ian HI,TO. A lr*t daai lllii.tr»t«d Religion a Journal uf 16 page*. ttX) Contributor*; 1 Kdm.i*. The Che. pe*t. paper lu the land. $tM a year In advance — HpaHmrn coplea frra. B. D. WIN8LOW, Pub-

" r, ll CoruulU, Bo.tuo,

la now prepared lu aliuw roa thr proirrci! that liaa been made la Ihli direction,by exhibitingone of the moit varied.

ier Cloth-

■ Hlrntng

A A -Jim iii'ia, raWrrd a grr ii obataclu to (he uwaerahlp ol wbat li *o highly in lit-ii among IniWaa


irraih of Medicine and ■srgSf roraala by driiggUt*generally, ■iw'linh&i wfe< ->

For »l* iu|Lawri nr- •- lift, i or li.-1 ot Kaaea a

i-lollo ncl the

"Bilk MK.ANII 1*1* no Yol H(«iU,"-Now I. tli>' line to uaethe Hreal Spring and Hummer Mr.ll.- IMt. LANUI.KVH K ASH It Kit II HI rr»MIS, composed of Sarsuiiurllla.Wil.H I.. rr> . YelloW lNxik, PrlekJry Aah. Thorough-wort, Hltu bnrb, Mandrake, Dandelion, Ac. all so c .iii...iuiul ad Mto act la ooocert wtlb Nature, and llielr ■fast la truly wo.viiaartti.. Tiny ab*olul.-ly cur. Liver I'oeaulalut, J a*, mile*-. Co.iiveor.a, Head Ben*, Pllea, Vrraknesa, Dyap. p.l*. ImlLi.-.tiiiii. Dlialne**. Heartburn,Flatulency, l.o.a ol Ai.|Hv tile, nil kind* ufbuaior., and every dlaeaaearlaiiig flom a dlaoriler.d alomai'li or bad lilo.nl. Iih.n £ iHHUiWl N v CO., Itoatou, ami all druggi*!*

•MnO'b ruarlW

"It Works Mkca «Jim in." Have yoa llr.ria. In I U*e keuue'* Magic i HI I EM yoa* Tnoth.che I llaelteBUr'. Magic I III I Have you Neuralgia I Uae Krone's Magic I >ii I II...- )IKI lll.iua.aM.... I Uaa Renue'* M.gie oil f llBva you Kur* Ihroal I Uae Keune'a Magic Oil I Have yoa MMalleat I Uaa H.-BU. ■. Magic nil I Ha»*you a llrul-.-l Uae II. no.'- Mann oil ■ IU».Joat:ramp.I I'.e Heaiue'a J«4glr <«l lia».yotil'tiul.i. Mort.u.t tWKeBHe'aMaufOil lla>« yon lj.men.-aa 1 Mm Keiiut-a Maitl.i I HI

Thla la (he it. -i la Keun-dy! lo .-in.- al kliola ol rain, you ■-.,-• I.

It la Heaa, aaf- ami ilrllcloua to uae, and If you uae II faithfully, 11 wn.t. i»> rot' (lamn I

Ulreolluua uii raeh Imtlle. tluy It of tile Urugglat or Harohanl where yuu trade. If they bar. got It! on hand, they will ■-.-ml lor It, at your re- uu-BI, »u.l i,ll ion Hi- liMUiaa lt> -M '- I' MS

AiLLiao MAUI. tin. al Hka maoufacturer'a-loweat BflM al retail. WM. KE.VNK,

Bole ITui.rl, IIH ami Manulaelurer, I'lttaSeld, Maaa.

Hold wholiaalr and retail by II. M.Hhllu.y; reUlled by (). V. Talbol, W 11. Hrlghatut U. *.. i 'luckr r lug. Itinrf apt I

* lOlflni.MUi. -Young meu a-bo bare \i Injured Hi.-i.i ■■ I'.- - by rrrlaln aecrel hulilla, Whloh BUHI lloiu lor l.u.in. aa, ol.aaure.or tile 'tu- lira of Married lll.-j nlau mfddle-aKeil and old men, who, froui Hie loin.'- ol , mult, ur ulher uaa- ■■, Iwl a del.llllv 111 iideauo.- ur their yrara. belur.- plaolag tlientaelrea under tin- lr.atlt.eul ..I Buy one, .Gould Mrat read • ll.e S.-cn I Km ltd." Mar rled ladle* will learn I MIDI of Impurlanee bv jn-nt.ioK " file livi. i I'n.-ti.l." Meut to any ail draaa, In a HtM enrelope. ou reel ul of Jdciitla

Adalraaa IIH. CIIAHI.K-S A. - ll'v l( I fe CO. Boaloa Maaa. lf*J*i

ufWBXHCK Soap and Candle Factory,

la, HKAHII X HUN, I'riilint.t.ira,

M.uul'a.-lur.r. of

Scouring Fulling Soaps KIT W.n.l.u Mill.. H.I Manulaolorlra, ulii.

Hard Soap, Candles, Talluw, NytAT'ri Pool OIL, ETC.

Our houia having boon establish ad upwards of twenty years, with facilities to oommand the best stock In the market, and a manu factory perfeot In every detail, un dor our constant supervision, pur ohasers can rely on finding the quality of all our goods aa repre- sented. Corner of Ijawrunce & Maple Sta.,


■-rhenck Haawvad TonIt- au auaiptlOD, I.Irani kro aeourdltig to be lakan al the -no. tl aionia.lt, relaa the llerr at

t.-tltr !■■ ■■■!.. ■ K ■"■■!

I'ulmoiur Nyrup,

laii.lrakr I'llla, will cui pyapafail


tllrerlluiia. I'll.-f are all tbrei- aaiar lint.-, I'hry rleau-e the

I iiut It to work i thru id. r ■.. i ■ i dlgeala and

IJ.KI-I IIIO.HI ; the patient begin a to fro* Iti ,||.,-a-e.l matter rlp.-oa lu the luug .ll.raae.1 matter rlp.-ui In thai luuga, ami I miltirowa the ilWaar aud gela well,

i* me uril. war to oun- emiaulnptl.in Totbear ui.slntluea In..I. II Sobi-ock. ol I'lilla

delulilit, Vn . owea hi* uurlvalli-d auc-eaa lu 111. ' t'onaumutlun. The I'ul

. in...I.I.I mailer nti - V, on *+-T —T—•■

in.ii, for when the phlegm or mailer la rip allglil - .i.iili will throw it off, and the patient i.--i and Uir lunga ttrgtn lo heal.

To do thla, the Meawfttl Tutil I'Hla triii-i be in . 1, "-. .I to eleai Iiol IhiT.-n that the rutmouln Syrup a food will ntak<- i|ood Mood.

Sohaoi'k'a Mandrake I'llla act a■ i tin- ll


ud Mnndrak.

[all '.la.l.l.r.i i rell... fa'


> bile al the •

a of 111.

Jliaa erer liei-n Inteuti-d if uulauii M IH.-II la »rry

■reroaa lo uae utilea* with great oare,} that will unlock the gall bladder and alart the ■. ■■.. ■ " thai ..rllk.'-ai1ti'iii'k'. Mandrake I'llla,

l.i.IT ( i.ii.[.liii.i. i - our ol (IK- moat proiuliti

CIU, is \ CAM..

-dull In' pliant d tu allow our llooda tu 1 i are pleaaed tu ettalnln*.

■ I'm |.i are |raa Ihau the coal uf It tulanlure.

lira" S.I. Cl„»,l«r, [(rnwrra, and1 Nlifht Dpeag, l.lalit, all I ti noon .1 with llailihurg, "inwiin and - ■. .ii' i l :. and luaerlliiga. I.'..ill. ■

i II n a »|ii.ni'h r.ni-i, naira-, un ■Idea all oilier km.!- uf Hooda ll


A large aud well aelerled aaaortmi-ut uf

millinery Oooala It Hinnll Wares

II e-» cui a tan th on hand.

lily KSHKX STKKET. i««



SIlllttllT FANCY COO I) S.

AlnW, Agent lor the Celebrated


Improved Family Sewing Maobine

lepl.MI • 11, l*W, .Maiiclie.i.ir, N. H Sept. " I, Itam. Meat M ,. ion, hi llo- worl.l lor all kl

it In noli rtewliiu. Mieblne ,N.-r.H,.., Oil and lliread f,,r aale b) tap! ' W. H M.h.ll,

1IN K.aaex alreet, l.awrenr HvwlOM Maehlnea repaired.


Aromatic Vegetable Soap.

/ ■«aifl'»:«K* a «*»:*^\

For the Delicate Shin of Ladies and Ctiildrc

NOI.D BY ALL llltl lit.ivi s.

MUSKET SHOT GUNS WARRANTED ia.so« I., -t ..- ;iml kill IMIyi

Wuiita'ft.—Atawi""" -tamp for one.- lial Ml io juuiisTofv urn

nd i:. -■

fW-"5 'olver tlttibamh, Pa

«l>a Hay for alt. Addreaa A. J. Kl'l.LAM, N.Y

flO PER DAY GUARANTEED ;ital» aell Ilia IIOMK HlU'TTMt HBWIWO MA ih. II m.ikea tha i..« > n -ii'i ■ liaa the miil-T

rery reaiiect to any Hewloy ■' Warranted.... .,

ur HI. I.ouli

Kur partlcul

,cd. I'rlee »*. .. . u. ..Lu Addreaa .i-nr. . tun, Maaa,, I'ln-lnn^ii, I'a

faed.aini la\i"|iial In Mai -I'MT Invent- for 5 year*. Send for

»8K your UtaOTO .1 ..I I MM I'.

I for MVK.KT I, Mnnu- 1:. lui'.r ■

with age height, color of ejrea and ball win r.i-.lir.l^ return mall, a eorrerl (ilatti.^ ... your future huabandur wife, with name and date of marriage. Addreaa VY. FOX, p. O. Drawer No, a, Mil iii''. New York.

A. V AN l>


Fainter aud Oralner, No. I AppUiton Ht.,opp. Pout Office,

inarsi ijiwreuor.

IIOIHi.MAN & BAR'l'I.ETT. I'llllli l,M


Mala, t'llpt, StOaa

lii.'!) KsHt-x It root, - - Litwreiu-f.

For Sale in No. Andover, Ms. The llouar aud Land altualeil upon Maclili

tibuu atrt1' Mail •

Tin lio,' large L. 11

lew riHla from llavla * Kui ' inw o,'i>upled by I ■■ I.L C. r

■-aide neat of the aubacrlbe 'n.twualory building, wll

all ..ll t

and arranged In Ihe luualcouveulHi ample eloai-ta, and a dry, oeinented Oa-llar ulnl the whole I -.. . The kll.heii liaa a brlek or.- waah iHiller, twu Iron u ■ aud g I wat brought iinn tin- room trnm a w.-ll uutalde. A taebed la a large wood all. J wllh other coin ni.'ii.-.-.. ami rhamber aUive, I'ln-re la a go. lUble, III - In, Ii la a clal.-ru ol water.

Thegard.'ii lH-l<mgiHg.ciiiil ilua I l-'Jaereof rli loam laud, well Inld out fur ralalng I'rult and vrg lablea, I'lle fruit tris-a are nnw 10 thi-lr i.tim i-oiialallng ot elt.-rry, peaeli and pi ar—the latter many and .hole- rarletl.-a, le.th dwarf ami -Ian ard. III.' apple tri-ea uuiulnr aln.ut to, .uibri ■•a lu variety. Summer, Kail and Wlnlir Iru producing ir.nu iai lo rr. iiarr.-la ol a ir.Hxl .iiiall peryear. rtir,. i> aiao a ,wni auppif <u cdrrai guoaeba-rr), Idackberry and raapberry liualna, al

"Tfto*iSaalr«l ImrbuiHl, wlula HID ganl.n, a- ll UN upon ttie anulh atde.of the liou-e.nnd H.1J..III.II -autitul gruunda of lion.

Kur lurth.r parliculura, lurnilre of .the IT ill octui'Uiil.or.il . OKU. K. MaVlri.

e location, good alreet ami In Igll

a ..f I ^Jl

illr Htlutlllaill

i Mo- preparation la made of, a >cb tu throw off the |fa-lric Jutre

-ltd the I'ului.inla Mynip, * ' lain good biu-nl without 1. 11 ii III or in Iheatomarh.

The great reaanu why |ih>alclana do i-oiiamaptliin la, th.-y try to do luu uiucl glra umllrlu. lo atop 1 ongl.j'-to ai.ip elilM. atop night aw.-Hla, In ell" tin r, an.I liy «.. d< thai derang.- Hi" - bob- dlgi-aiive pown/a, IIH-I

up tha arcri'lloua.Stnd e(.utuall) 111 • |>Hlieitl ll and dlea.

Ur. "

I ll."

|nTfeAM fll I.IVKKIHHU., t'ulhiiK "'■ 0,ui'i'lialuwil.

Harrying the U. Slate, aud Hrr Maji-iy a Mall

i y N K w


If a

>ugll, ulgtll

,\n .nil can be cur

.■in "'!t,'..',,l.-.alb.' ll'. allhy. ranii baa o»iiauiii|itiui

I- trealmi'i|l.diiea uot I


rilrtl Ihv I'.IH i

kni g'.-tan.-by'aud w.li' ILL" I- H

Saturday, Aprtl.t



Ahead of all Competitors, Richards-oil's New Method I



The llnok every Pupil IB Atlmrled la. !'-■■ ■«■■■ l'o|i]ra . In mlv aold, aud the demand great

er than erer before. ;■•.—> I.'oplra uuw iilllug every year.

I la leaauiia are adapted to puplla of all a^ea.and Ha .i.-n-t-ra ait aUrartlra and aathil lu enry • hi. .-HI iiilv.rii-i nmiit. Ihi- hook La*,on acoOuDI of Ha actual merit, brcume tha atandnrd work ol I'lano Inatructlon, and the only one which every well Inlorim-d teacher and acholar uaea. frlce

1.71. Sent t"i-t liald, O. DITdUM ACO.,l'ub- hara,«7 Waaliliign.u St., H...tuii.' C. H. DIT- >.N a CO.,Til Hroadway, New York. agU


A wt>rtl Un- ItiUIca are moat loin! of-* the ln-i .Jin'.

Tliere la a Itrtu In DOatOn iiamed Gray it l.init. Hull* their IsUanonOH to t 1H-III

addreikeil 'Jkaaj AOrtmi.' An In-h woiiitot who wai tfiutrnrilnc

with her bodbaad the rtesr day- »HM lie watt » ' aulsshos thiit tit'i-ili-i! a hatlii-'

Polite Niutiker. at elds of railway car: "Allow DM t<i naslut yen to allp;ht." Se- vere olii lutly— *• Thank you, I do not •moke!"

A little hoy being Mkwl il In- knew where Han went, aaswered yes—thai ihey went to New York, mid wrote lur the iiewipapers.

Jennie .lime eayi the motto ol the BOWH

ala li. 'Principle, am ineii.' Principle* without men will not keep tin' Borosta «"- itiff a hunilred yeara lonjtsr!

A nati-iiTi- vender ol New 'Orleana hsi proeured the arrntt nf all (he tieixhboriiif butehera bensnae tliey barked utnl mewed when uii-t'iuti'i> ■■ to buy of Mm.

A yduiUT VVt-lchmiin. jilted by the girl of hU ctvotot*. hsa N*>M in to her H bill lor ii,tiiiii;'i--. in arbk'bperbapa the atost cruel U. 'T<i 1J .hit a km In, your compa- ny, £4, 7a. 60.'

Some people, like lemon*, appear It exlatJjir iioUtlOK hui to In- aqiieexml, and they are rarely neKlecteil; il llwy don'i "jfo In" like lemoiia,.ihej are ptti-hetl In inrw cereiiioiiv. j

•"•'here IK Ihe hoe?' '*V^rl tie rake,1

IURHM!' 'Well, where U the rske^Why wlJ de hoe.' Well, well—whereare they botar -Wliy, Unit higedder, ma^a, you 'peara to he berry *tloular <ii ■ tuornln!'

'Two olsaamol people are always out of debt—I hose who never want to buy wbattlrF) have not ihe uumey In hand topnyJ>r, ami litosi- who are nm-ti noto- rlotia raaealathal they eat I yet trusted,

oopieUuHM a ui'l nays no lo an otler, when it la plain aa the now on her lace, that die i IIH yes. The hunt way to

Boston Alrfwtfsements, TDK IlivulilaVHti-nt BUHINKH8

OSQaBOl and NOKMAI. WU1TIN(> IN- STITUTK.3M VYAaHIXUToa Br., Boa roll, Mala.,

roi.i.ViiK and HOUMAI. WHITING IN -..rUTK.Sno VYAaHOtuToa UT., Boa run, Mala., nfira a liberal aud practical eduoalloa in prrpara tloa fur artlrc bualaea* puraulli. and baa acqul ed,by III lungataadlnicaadextcnalvecouueeilon (acllilk-a for aaaiatlng fradualcl lo poaltlona ed.by Itaiungataadlnicaaidraicnal

"'"i for aaalatlnf grait - od iruat, which can tltutlon. 1'upllaca

houor and iruat whlolTraiiiioi he equaled by auy 1'uplli can rifi '

fur Fall aud Winter term- after „ .and will be recslred at any lima If there arc vacaurlca. The Kail term or the " Eugllab Training- School" ot Ihe above Inatltullou, will commence Hept. 0,

For further Informallun, addreaa i.Tjitn II. K. IIIUBAItl), HoaroH, Uaa*.


iwjj*» J

Work for the Ladies at Home. You can M any Brat ol*a> Sawing Maohlne

and pay for it In work aupoll.-'l 1>) ua, or In amall muiillily paymeuu. Addreaa National Clothing M.uulacturlng Co.,.TO Winter Si., Uoaton. 4tjyu arlng

The Qett and Cheapest Place to buy

CLOTHES WHINGERS Off Waahlaft Mo. Lin.'-,

Or to get your VVKINtiK.HslUi'AIKKii,l8at II. H. TIIAYKK'M,

4^ Elm street, Boston. KblraDcefromthe Yard..(Mllde'a Hotel, lyjyu

Widening of Hanover street.




5Cf(l<ll ildtitfS.

C*aa»M«>awraith of MaaaaekaBatla.

KMKX.M. HtOB.V'rSTcoUUT. Totha heira-al-law, and Dtberi Intere*tad ,„

eitateoflil I.MAN It. CO AN, late of Law ru dorer In laid County, trader, duceaaed.,

UnlctriMi Wherean, William II. Coan, admliitatrator ol

altate of laid ri*-eased, lun |>ruautite.l to itaid Court Ml pi'tHloii lor l(r|-il«o lo aell ■onun-liol


.f..!■ Hi" ..'al aatati-of mid diii-na.td a- will mm Ol aeren hundred iiliielyi-lgltt .I..U.H- ■ uiol one oenl, for Ihe paymentol debt a and chargua >'l oil- miulatratlun,

You arr hereby cited lo appear at a Probate Court,tu be holden at Lawrence,in aald county, on the aecond Tueaday of September next, at lilun o'clock In the ron-nuttu, to aliuw eauae, If uny you haye.agaliiat 11." aame.

And laid adm I ill at rotor la ordered to aerve tin* citation by publishing the aame once a week, time weaka-auseaaiveiy, In the Lawrence American ami Audover Advcrtlaer,

wapaper priut.'d at Lawrence, the lait publl-

Essex Stre et!

FRENCH & CO. ad lo their large itore, No.71 Kairz

to better aci-ommudule their numrr-

, and having repleulahed tlliiratoak

■'. i in. i.i Hi

Win ' odaya, I. ail before -.

Witnt-la, li.-urge K. Cltoalr, Ka.julre, Judge ol ■aid Court, thla twentieth day uf July, iu Ihe


To the Honorable Hoard of l.'uuniy Commlnlon- ' " - oounty ol Kaaex :

111-1 II 111. On tiehalf of the aald oily of Lawrence.and In

accordance with a vole of thr City Council there- of, your Hon. Board li thurctore rrapectfully pelllloued to view the aald ■.tint. and lo lake ■uch aiepa aa are In auch caae necaaary and pro- vided by law for the purpuae uf deti rmlniiif,' and

Ubliallln^ "alo disputed lluea, and ftirtller to i of aald 11 ■ ■ i throughout III

whole extent within Ihe llmltaof Ihii city, from H.-lLueii tu Aodover.

And pray

No. 7 1

J. V


with | large*

Oeut'a, Ladlra', Miaaea and Chlldreu'a

BOUTS, SIIIIKS & IIUIIIKHS. Iiey now led pr"pttred to meet the demandi ol the

UKNT'S CALF HOOTS,THRLai WIDTH ill iliea.from one to thirteen. The larger! aa

well aa the amalleat foot lilted with Call Hunt*.

We are Ag'-nta for the Celebrated Premium

Boon miniufactored by O. Kendall A Sou; alio

ageul for thr Vogle German Mllpper,

.1 nut received a large InTolce of

ARCTIC OVER SHOES; all of which wc offer at the manufarturen'price!

Hubben repaired in the ncateit and promptest

or |.-. . KKANK 1>AV1S,

Mk^or uf Lawrence.

K. A. I '-ii.vi r I

SEAVEK, Hull..., & Clark,


No. &».'» Eaiex Street, -

DR. "W7". E. HIOO/S, •'■i Dr. i. l»- n.t..

SURGEON DENTIST, laSKawei at.. f,awrenee.


Attorno & touiiNellur ut Law. HOLICITOH OK I'ATKNT,

No.'aMV Kaaax HTHKKT l.aVWSBBOS Mans «1T1

The Woman's Friend

Washing Fluid, of a.uperior ouallty. The heal that ha* ever bVwn produced, ami to apak within boundi, will aare ■on- li .'f iii.. lime and labor in waahiug clolhea -nil.mi Injury lu li.r fabric. It la alio uaedln - I. i.ill "k noora, |. tint, wludowa, dlahea, bleaching, acnlblug, and acourlng. II Is aure death to bed tugs and all oilier kinds uf vermin. Hie proprl- i Mt I- prepared lo bat Ihla fluid against all Hie soap* and fliii.i- in Ihe marker, for all purpuiea.

Mtlla. hotels, larife boarding It will r a lltHTU

i, and all large mount. I. -t lllue Ink.

allutlid blui'liig.whlnh the public can lie -upplle.i al hall price by Ihe plot, ipiarl, or gallon. Un propriulor will drive a team through IheCllyol l^WreucF.ciMUini'iicini; about Ihetlrat of May, or I., l.iti. All parlies wishing lo give the above 8i»ul a trial In fore tnat time, can Jo a0 by leaving

telr ordrra at 11 Colon Street, l^wreni-e, Maaa, r. OliOK.N, Stile Mauufaoiuri-raud Proprietor.

, I.AWRXMCE, Marth US, iraltt. I Live II...I, mill continue to uae Or. Ogd.-ti'i

"Xorlletil Waahlng Kir"


ILat I In worat k

Iti ■oiil.li.

ind laar ul

with hall t dlalie.1 u nli.>i III.- HllIII. e nt.i-l . «.-. in

Has. A. it. SANHOIt.N

II idl. a plaater

H-nii'i, to.in. Lial Irrltallou, pleura ul the lung' are a maaa ■)( liiltamniali.ni at caving, la am-lt eaaa a, whal i» to be doi not only Ihe lung* that arr waalhiK, hut Whole body. I'd.' al tinmen and liver their puwvr to make blood out "I loud only ohai.ee la In lake Or. rt.heuok'a Hi rill"-, Which Will In .II. Ull I. tou.lln till' lha pallant will ta-glti eaaily.and make mu*»\ beglnatugalti la Seal

aud Ih* pail onl* way lo cure

When there I. no lung .11., a.e and only liter

Tontiilaud Mauriruk' I'n'la a.e aufB.-ie.il, witl»wl the PultaoulC Syiup. take Hie Maudr.Ue I'llla (i.ili in..;i bllloua complaint*, Sa II..)' an- pet

. feelly harmleaa. Ur. Seheack, who ha* enjoyed uiilnti rruplnl

heallh for lhauy yrara pail, aual au* w.lgha ;j., Kiuuda, waa waited away lo a mere lkeMtui, In

I* vit| lei alage uf I'-ili .1 > i -in v i Ull phyaiclaua haying pronounced hla caa,- hop.- Ii-aaaad aliau.loued liitii In In* late, lie waacurnl by thr afort-sald mi-.ll.lura, ami alnet- hla recuo-rt, aaaliy tbuutauila almllarlv aflnied hate uaeriT'r. Huhaneh'a ureparatloiia with the same remarkable •uev.il. full directloita ai-tioiiipauy asael aknig II not abauluialy neceaiary lu peraoitdly aee Or Nolianak.uiilraa palleiita wlah lbe|r luuga tit a 111 latsl, and for Ihlapiirpoar he I- prof, i.loiially at hi* Prlmipal OlHtle, I'liiladeiphla, every Satur- day, wlu-reall letter- tor ail vie. oiual lie a.ldrraaeil

- He la alau profoaalouilly at do. M Houd alnel, New York, every other fut-aday, ami al Mo fci Haaovrr alrawl, lloatou, avary uihvr Vt'i-dueailay. Hrglvraa.lv lee Ire., but for a thorough raauilu alloawllh hla Kvaplromelar, the prl.. i f . Ol e«> hour* aiseek elty ''■■'" »*. a. to3 p. a,

Prti-a of Ilia P ' •aah tl JN p.r b drakl Pill*'-'A H'uii |MT taia. u. . . innaiin t" S lo. *• Han alr.rt, lloatou, Wil.ll.-aal. afaati. tor sale by all druggiai-. iml

An Invaluable MaJIclna for Htrongthoii lOK the Hjatillti

IHI. .Mill ■WKBT**,

Strengthening Bitters Oyapipala,

day^lrmn i'V.r'l'n North River, New Vork.


Payable lu (told. Payable in t'urreney. ... . ,i.,,. . anail Sleeraae. S:*i a li

>'or Cabin or hi.-.ruae Paaaaipt, apply lu I, Hal.-, lu Broadway, New York, or to

I*. MtiKPHY, IM Keeel stseel Duly AuthorUetl tg-olfor l.awren.-.- aud HI

HILL" or KXCHANM r un, a I, for

nn|i ieatral n- i.-m. ■ .

Ui h>, ick ill.

.Oi. All., n.ii.. Female Weahuea.ea, Oepr.aalon of t>|.|rl Hi U.K. a lllaonirr-, ' >uiuii|. r t oiiipialnl Aa a Spring Hedktlaa tiny an- ,..

Thl. preparation I- a king aed well proved dy, prepared liy Or .lull sw. et, tin great N it.HI. •. it- . Am ti

Hold by all riruggiala and drab-ri In m. d WM.A I'r ASK a I o„ Proprietor*. New 11. Mai*. Sold by Week* A Potter, II. a.

Have you an Orchard or OardenP

Now Is your time to do away with

the Injury from the Inaeot tribe that

Infest the Apple, Pear, Poach and

Plum Treee. The beet thing to use


bar dissolved In three quarts of wa-

ter making a wash for the bark of

the tree that. If thoroughly applied

will destroy all Insecte, and give tho

tree a healthy and vigorous growth

Beech's Waahlng Soap for salo by the Grooere. mi; "un >

HI,\lo\ I Mom |',t XX Km.

Kr.Mi.nv. pr.iMiii! .i Hood -lr.... New Yoi tradr lupplied by who

Hi dMIggl.l.. nmaiwri 11


MOUBTAUUHB lor il'.-. ... i. i If nut

for yuar troable. Samplra

ed lOKroW io,wa wllla

.. _y mall, 'J die*, i i,».KKiill. Portland. Me.

S'alk wr.ka,

3tL TickftH..

Ua. r,

II' HlHH.,MlHl'll U, IW tliii.Ki*, Dear atfr—Thia la to cerllty

m <■■■■ u ainutnl with anab-ui-**ol the id, and h tvlug tried everything lu the Ithout any rrilt'l, until I heard of your I Black Salve.wtii.'hoiiri'.l me like magic .

I '.. i HI , grallludn lo you lor ao val - It i- for Die auke ul aiilf.riug

. „ivc you my teatlmnuy. JOHN CASIION,

No. 1.1 Aah 81., Worecater, Maaa.

i., May 14. lam Thl* la tuisurtl oolhwlthbroki t«i I. -i doctor* remedy lor relir

udgfl wlietlier

LO look itralK

•lie lal earueel or not, ia

it 1 1 hi r eyes and

niin! her noes

A Western i"l er 1 ay a that 1 all the

malnesa ol ll ' I'O iria in Illinois s 'etn« to

be to satisfy Ihe vet oeatiee ol women

MCauae 11 icy an' pi the men to mam

theiu, and Un- oil.. III. If to enable women

to x«I rW "»l i en who lave tuartie ithein

A stop' is I ld< 1 la i Vorkshlr • ty kes

who traveled lop; Hi.' iiini' ii.t] s hi a

ataxe-ooHirh w lUiOUt e er a word laaslnir

between tbetn. Ou las lonrtli day one t them ventured to remark that It was line murnlup;. Ami t.im said it warn'1 was the reply.

'Yuu mean to thay, sir, lha*h yon don't drink—tlrink (hlo)-dou't drink a sm glassr 'Yes, Bill, I'vejrlveu imp; I llttd I can do more work without.' 'Fliiyou L-ndomuru work wltholt? Why John, ili.vli mosi 'xtroruery resaoii ever 1 heard (hie) John. sin..j. ahoshlv (hie) jrlma l' tlomowork!'

While ihe Knlgbl Templars procession was 11*■ ■ \ MI;; hi1Philadelphia, u> ratrjreil hoy CSine running: out of an alley, yelling ul the top of hU voice: 'C'doM ipilck, Jimmy! Uereoontei the ■,•■.:•■'- " Jltu- my. another little r i■::■;i■. I fullow, i 11 ■ In-. I out to the hirxet and nald: 'Sobers he il—il! lliemlrsmllirlii'ralBr

AllUleglrl In a Monday School wax asked by her teacher;'Hary. do you say your prayers every ni'irnlut; and nlghtr' No, Ml*s, I don't.' 'Why Mary, are you not afralil to jin lo sleep In the dark witli- out asking Ood to take oars of you anil watt-it over you until the morningf 'No' Mi--, 1 itin't alraiil, OaUte I aleep lu the middle.'

Au hiehrlatatl individual fell down a iii>rin ufatalrt, iii'ii.iiiui ■. iimla bystander, thinking him seriously injured, run to pi<ik him up, but iliu man iiiaj-Mtleally -i-> ■ " " i to his leet. ami In response to the proflered aid, roared out: "Now you jia lemnie 'lone; wai ■round' me. I alln* ■ litat way I"

Even Frenchwomen i one eitMlher auinnthnea

' un -liililn ii

■ un' down -i.iit-

dei ■si -dm ■ -I in 'I'll

ids' wer

•cable to other day

Win T, t« a. nil ,—

that I have hn-ii ntli, i. .1 over a u brnaata, bavlAg e.iuiultad lha *i .llteelly.and alter trying every 'l failed to dUcovrr any thing mil t-elebratSd lllack BaJva, Ailaruiing I am iii.nki.il in aiy my hreaati ar ih'alu, and my health rei"

tl. h. A J. P. I'll.l.SHltKY.


Manuftflurera ot

Cotton & Woolen Maohlnery

MILS. MANAHAN, No. 3, Koylr at., Worrealer. Maaa



CHAIN HIMIMaa-: A PLANK ROAO. On and alter M I ,■. i .,|, »lth

(h« •nbicrlbera will run a ever*.! llari;e from Nrwburypurl to Salis- bury Heath, dally, (Sunday* rx

pled,) leaving lite lloaimi and Maine Ik-uol on .■ arrival ol ■ l A. M. tram; returning In Mini for" Hit. -%J<U P.M. up train. Any number ' Hargea fiirnlahrri al ahort tiotlri'.


■alley a, raring and SLaHl tg.lac le loordi

an all km a of 1 ii KUI, don. ,r M l!.\l .'OH WORK ai d Mill • pair* do Idly a il faithfully.

Koeti'r'a Btiildina, Corner ol' Frank- lin ami Methurn Streets

Lawretico Marble Works.

WILLIAM L. IMIWI.INIJ. (late Of it.,*! I

Comci LUin|wlitn> ...ul Low. II Sis. Minutanlurar of

its, Tessaa, lleael M s, ,\ ...


Fire and Life Insurance AND

RKAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. -1 l'i iiilii'it.iJi Street, l-awrrn're

W. U. J.irmt, Ulapi a. V. Uuoesa.

Venation. 'My dear,' said ihe eldeit. do you know thai your husband odd me lasi .|i;:lii i li.ii uiy cheeks were like-roses?" Yea, love, I know he .lid. , lie spoke of

It afterwards, and aald It was a pity tliey were yellow rose*.'

A |f 1 rl keeper of a toll-Kate iu England was asked by a swell velorlpedlsl, who ihoujfhi lochitll'her, how much lie had iu pay. 'Thai, air,' replied aim, 'depends upon whether you ride through ihe gate, or whether you jret oft' your dandy horse and iliHjt It tbniUKh; because in that case every two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a horse or an ass pays three-penci.'

The Uanlols tttyes ihia oonversatlon at a (Jertnan railway ticketofltee i -Hallway Offleer—'Your tickets, gentlemen, if you please.' Impetuoui Travelhfr—• Ah t— llliniiielkri-ii/si'hockschwrHiiotiidiniiii'rw - eitor! May I he Belied .by ten million ii i- It I can tlnd my ticket! Yes! here It is: lor Klh.'rth'id. I'i.ui-Traveller— •It yasii a,wiiai' hi I III" way_. "lr, I lekr y


; .144.



Antlolpatliii: rF.o our ba*Lnr*i< will be Inter-

upled While Ihe aldenlng of Hanorer atrwel l« in

progreta, we ahall endeavor to reiluoe our Sluck

by ulTerhtg tlooda tit the following

HUM I, I It PKII'KS: Scotch Carpets, per yard, 30c. Heavy Cottage Carpets, 4-yc. Hea.vy Cottage ('arpets, (Bras-

sets Patterns,) 50c, Ingrain Carpets, 75c. Fine Wool Carpets, 90c. Extra Fin*- Wool Carpets,

Itri^;i*t Colors, warrant- ed Ire" trom Cotton ot Shoddy, $1.10

Superfine Wool Carpets, l.ilo Three-Piy Carpets, (all Wool,; 1.00 Genuine Kuglisli Brussels Ta-

pestry, 1.50

OIL. CLOTHS I i to IB left wide.


China Muttini^s; togrther with a large aaiorttneut of

WINDOW SHADES Sl proporlloiiately Low Prloea,

Uoods cheerfully shown. Order* by mall will receive prompt and careful



134 Hauover at. & 78&80 Union at. It H O 8 T U N .

A LAKQE BUSINESS. The drm of J. Vt. lino k Co., who occupy tba

uew ,;ntiilir bulldipg dlrMtly oppoallo the fimn

liuii.i , Hu-lun, are probably tha largcat dealer*

in their tine of buaio.ru la tha New K.iiglnn.l tiule*.

Their apaolou* and elagant *totr, one of the Uneat

In the ally, I* arranged In three department!, rum-

prlaliigthehualueaaoi tiai«,Cap«, Kur*,—Trunk*,

V:iln..-i, lt.*a,i,.-i.lle.u,-o'a Kurol.lilng liooJ.. In

Department A la found Ihe gautlemen'* Ore** Hat in all itjlei.

Ihe young luau'a nobby Kelt or Straw Hat, and

Ihe ueal aud ta*ty Hat or (Jap for youth'* wear,

alao Panama and Straw Hat* of every ahape.

Department B cunipriai'* the lar^-eat aaaorttueut ol Trunk*, Trav-

elling and Shopping It..;, in Hi- State, HI,In in,

the Sole Leather, Saratoga, Patent Laci-laior, and

Hureau Trunk, alao (iaut*1 Kallruad and Ladle*'

sboppiug Haifa of many klada.

Department C I* vapeclally arranged fur the bualnra* ol Ueutle-

meu'* Kurniahlng lioud*, Shirt*, Hoalery.Ulorea,

Tiea, Under (Ja'rmenta, So. Their "Halauce Yo ka

Sblrl," (lha pal terua'of which aren-cureil hy let-

ter* pateut.) I* claimed with Juati '• aa the beat

iHllog llllrt lu Hie .....in.

ThlaealabllahuifOtU our of the moat popular

place* of resort lu lloatioa, and iu great inceeaa

lathe r mil lot bualurai lact, ganllcmanly nlerka

id low i ttjal]


QUEENS1XJWN &LIVEKPOOL. Kor panwge appt) to PHILIP 11. BKAlIT, Hook-

ii'llvr god .Mali.OUT, ItS l r,-imiut air. e! , Itu.loo

Orafla liaued lo any amuunt payibli u ' .iiut it. ii.iin or Ireland.

''oMHionirenffA of Muiittchutttt *.

Kx,aa. Court of County Coinmiialunari, July term, A. P. ISM. n the petition aforeaaid. ordered, that laid pe-

titioner* give nuHce to all person! and corpora- tion! lnr.-r.--Ji.il therein, that aald Commlailonera

meet ai tin' i .mnt v llouae, In *ald Lawrence, TUKMUAY, the thirty.Nr-t day of Auguat t, at three o'clock, P. M., by pubillhlng an at-

leated oopy of aald peUtlon, and of thla order hrrtou, In the l*wrruce Amrricun, a tiewipaper

rrioted In l^iwreuce, three weak* iucc«**tvely, he last publication lo be fourteen day* at loan i.fore the *ald thirty-Brat day of Anguatj and ilso by aerrlnK the I'll) Clrrk uf -aid l.awrrnc- • ilh an atleitcd ropy ol aald pellllon and Ihla or- der, thirty day! at leaat, and by p..-tin.; up an at- leated ropy thereof In two public place* In *aid ally, fourteen day* at le.i-t h. for.- iln- aald thirty- Brat day of August, ut which time and plaue aald i .iiiiiin ■■■ i..inT- Will prot'eed lo view (be premises, and lake auch urricr in relation to the prayer ul Sid pellllon aa by Isw they may lie authurlii'd lo

i. A. HtlNTlNUToN, Clerk. A true ropy ot p- ilium iiu.l order thereon.

Atte.l. A. III'NTIMITON, Clerk. A true oopy ol petltlou and order thereon.

Atteal, CBAB. I. ..n---. :itlijyj3 Deputy Sheriff.

Uoinmonwealtti of Uaaaaohuaetta.

*T Having aeourrd the aervlce* of Mr. K. II.

Sat mi, a man of IS year*' eaperleuce in the in

(ai-nire and aale of Boot! and Shoea, we hope to

■tilt merit a ahare of thr public patronage.

Pleaie call and examine par itoek.

Don't lore;el the number,

No. 71 &**•«* Street, - • Lawrenct. J. Y. FRKNCH & CO.

J.Y. French, Hauls J, D. Herrlck.

Boston A irittlne Kullroad.

seaj ■■eT-^ea^'eB* Summer Ai-r:iii»eincnt. May It, leHili.

Kur Portland,Knco

itili. ami on I ui-i-Uv , Tl'urn.ai -For Kx.-i.T.'i..*er.t»r.:.i Kail

Iaaada»,'lheradi) and'

vlal.eorpe- UiWlih ijbo,

il,elc.,:.:uuej ' 'apiaiaio

..I II


Of.a-'ei Kor. Havcrlilll :.n

lOWU) A. M , IS M.. o .ixpreaa.) 4.14 [vii (via tu OI^-I-IUWII.)

KorMaiicheat.'r.C ,HU . eapreaa) a, a., _ „ Kor l.tiwrince rHoulli M.I

10.16A. M., I^M.,.I.H0,

Uaorgetuwn ncord ami I pp, r


RHEUMATIC MEDICINE m ItlieumiitiHin and i- dinli-iiltft's, Pleurisy,

Sjirains, r Com.

Scald*, Bun

(eapreai to .-*u. Heading,)

•rtlaud a.14, M.-IS A

o.au ■'. x

m Pel. Tuesday, Thursduv ami '-uturilai al ti I". M,

Kroui tireal Kail-4.1o,;.44,10.34 A.M., 4 41111 from Dovur 4.40*,».0u, 1U.44*, A. M. 6 ua* r

■" ' !n,i .1 . ., i i,, ■ eler •.**•, H.S0. | luradav and hatu verhlll 11.14, (vii irvrtuwu.) s.30, ;JjM, Slviiitieo

il.i.i . I inn ,i . ami Saturday 7Jln'V.'ii rrom Kxrter «.:«,., „.;,,,. [|.4 ,.*«., rt-i-.M.- uiaday, Thundav aud haluiday H;M e. M.

1-rom llaverhlll il.ia, (y|, tieurgetowit] 7.14' ■JU(V ataeorKetuwn.) U.Jo, li (via (jeorgrtuwi ■»-t ■«■»•. 3.W», 6(yi„(Jeorgetown,) tl.40' P. 1 Hf*d")fi rtiaraday and Saluriiay DM l: u. Krom North Audover 7.'i4,u.nj A.M., yz.:\D, i.ii


'.WKX.it. I'lii Hi v I I-. I I il li I .

o Ihe Helra at Law, next or Kin, nu persona Interested in the Nutate liUMi.hi Helhuen, lu *Bid ■ of John Young,) dt-oeaaed,

all I.I I.. if MA ll ii uiy, I w

ISKSTIS iiirilug.,.

been presented lo aald Court, for Probate, by JolCph HOW, who prnyi that Irttrra testamentary may be liaued to hltu, the txreator therdo

You are hereby cited lo appear al a l'robale he held at Salem, in aald County ol

Kaaex, on the llrat Tueaday Of Auguat next, at nine o'clock bclore noon, .10 ahowcauae.lt auy you have, agaiuat Ihe aalue.

And aald petitioner I* hereby directed lo gl -"ie notice thereof, by publiBhl

a week, for three. tailed the .... .v.!i.i ti■"■(-, printed

publlcatlou to be two dayi, aald Court,

Wltaeaa, UKUHIII K. ClIOATK, Katjulre, Judge of aald Court, thl* alxth day of July, lu the year

... citation wsts, In Ihe

A.in.iii. is awri'uce, the I. it, >,. I ,,■

•ivi the Honorable the Juatlcea of the Supreme I Judicial Court next to be holden al Salem.

wlihin and for tha oounty of Kaaex, on the third Tuesday of April, IMW,

MAKY V. KOHY, of Lawrtnct', In thrcouutj ol Kaaex, afure.ald, wife uri.KUSAKDT.KOIIY, formerly ol Naahua. in Ihe alale of New Itainii- »Llre, rr*pectfull) llbela aud glvea thla honorable Court to be informed that ihe waa lawfully mar- rleil to the aald Leonard T. Kobv, at Salem, afore- said, on the twenty-third day of June, lu the year uf our Lord 1st;,, and li.ia had bv him two .Lll- ilti-n. both of whom bave,alnce died; thai your libi-llant, alnce their Intermarriage, liaa alwaya betiavrd heraelfa* a faithful, chaatc nud affi-ctluu- aie wife toward- the aald Leonard T. Hoby; hul that Leonard T. UoLy. regardleal ol hla marriage

about the llrat day - .el-

MEDICAL AND SCBG1CAL OFFICE No. 48 Howard St., Boston.

I'M. KltKll'K MOKUILL give* ap.ei.1 attention to dlaraaeaof Ihe genitourinary organa, and all ohroulo and dlfltruit dlaeaaei la both aexe*: hla if real iii ■I:I-I- la iliuae long atandiug and dlmoult esSeSjaeeh a* wereformrriyoonalden.'dlnourable, la auin. lent tu commend him to the public a* wor thy the extenilve patronage he haa received. [

OK. MOKKTLL leal talent of tha i iieiu iin-iii ol Kemal* (oinplalnli, and ll usual oca-urrenre for phyalclans In reguli lu ri-eoiiimi-nit patlent> to lilui fur Irentn iitfliiitil with dUSSBM In hi* *perlaltr.

Ladle* will receive Ihe moat acleulW attention, both medically aud surgically. Hoard, with old and experienced n.n- ,, will be furnished thuae who wish to remain In the elty riurlne treatment.

The poor advised free ul charge. PhyalrUna ur pallenta wiahlng hla opinion or advice, by letter, and Inclosing the usual fee, will be am we rid by return mall. lyUuiy'Aipb

Mrillclnea aent to all part* of thr euuntry.

The Attention of Musicians [a called lo the



33 Court St., (opp. Conrl House) Bunion. Their atock comprise* in..-- and (lerinan Silver

In- (em. for Hands, of every variety of nann- Cuiure; Vlollua of all pattern*, from t~ to S40 each; Mulea of every variety of quality and price; Muaic Uoxe* from Ihe beat man tl factor le* of Ku- rope. from $4 to SlUO each ; Marllu'a celebrated (laltara, aa well a* Ihuae of cheaper grade*; Krench and (Jerman Accordeon*, Klullna*. Uerman Con- eertlna*. Clarionets, Hageoleta, Fife*, Harm.ml raa, Violluoelloa, Double Haaaea, t'to.; alao a line asaortmeul of JrWocfevnia aud Retd Organ: They alao keep a complete atoek of Shfrt tt'tiic, .Wuaie itoott, and all kin.la ul Mualcal tuerchaudlie at prices aud term* that canuot fall to prove latlsrac. lory to purchaser*. I, i.- y,


^■"^JatWtesae (North hide) BJtt, 7.30, 9.40 A,

B Lawrence (South Hide) n -a. 7MU S.44 A. M., li.is, U.*o>, 3.44, B.M, flj^' r. *. Tueaday, Ihuraday ami Saturday V.IOi' »

•Or on their arrival from Ihe Karl. lOron their arrival from Ihu N-j-lh. laa.eugera are not allowed la carry baggage

above S60 in value, nor over HU pound* in weight, and that personal, unlet* not Ire I* i,-lven,andan

' paid at the rate of a price of a ticket

C. Cf TALBOT, M. D., (Korinerly of Salem, N. II.)

Office, Mill street, rear of Talbot's l 'in," Store.

C'.ll- answered day or night. Sm[-"mvl


UNDERTAKER, 3»3 CoaansOB alreet, - - Lawrence.

'liy-Siil Mr. Porter itlllcontinue! the Kuueral Kurnlihlng

bualne**, aa he haa done for the pait two year*, at the old aiand, where everything in hi* line can be found, and at thr lowest priori.

r II uerals attended wllh one or a pair o horae*

HJ-. COolatRS, for preaervlng bodle* Is warm weafner, tan be obtained at all I line*. X. II. -Order- led wllh Superintendent ol Hurlali will he promptly attended to. I 'He'.'I

A bo'l T li Kl.

I'l-tpureil b>

'KAllODV He CO., suiihouihiti.ltridge, N. ||.


ru 11 nouy. r .. . ul duty, did,

of January, A. 0. isji, utterly d)

lelf o

your Jlbei t fo

yeara of ISSl thai naahua, where bet

il October, A. 0.

ticket will laid rather tlsts.li 10 Klberdelil.' linpeUlous rniveller firrlinlv)—'<>, I don't rare; I've eot a return tloki

Newbtrypurt, July Vt, ImW. im'ijyju


Ihe Uital Allraitivo ou iho Atlantic Coast

Thi' HAiaAMOUi: Hoi si;,

Fiusi'a P-ntit, Rye, near rormaouib. N II. lake p

d* that I a, 1U.UI.T 111 II I. I1...1, lu

III.M ...» ,.f ll„.

rukla. .ul liu.t. I....ll„l >, .-iirr,

VV.I,.,..,. ,, i.

UhlA.1 w».n.. I-I.I-. 'ill's.'-" Vili l.ixl. ,».Hv M-..I.I ' I '."I ■■' -ii" i'o.m.,-,.,1 will, il,.- ili.iiw-.. . On.- I.IVI.KV SIAI.I.,:.

l'i,..-li.-. ,l H»- ■'". .Hi H"|»,l> ... arrl.,1 „| lr...». ll.W.feJ S. I-KIIC, K. I'f-.|,rl.t..r.,

.•„,-j,J |-u.t.i...,ull.. S. II

.1,1.1, . -|MI,M.

tl..- .. III..

„„i .1. ii.i,.i„i n.i,.-. au.l w.

X 5




es2. 2o iu S 33 0 r*

| n * 0

? II (I \\ I. A K ll



a- \.|i..inis|.-n.l

aar Hi iir.oii' la.uiii, Pblla Dental Collage

New No. 2M Easbx St., (old No. l V.'. >

A I'at a I'll! •«*» s lea lor separation

fn itnfHe Iiusbs ul, itni puts forth as tlie

III Mil Iff imtl nt ■natai ceof eonjuK"! tru- elty. I n. I'rbi ■e did ml est her, dill not ki- li.-r vvalllnif-ii aid, lit) not flirt.

ll!.! liseiil 1 i.Use. II wrltfa Hllt'Atiae, alia]

not den) her ai opera box. a I'sshmuri

shawl, • r any ■ llier nevesi ary of life.—

But this inoiiiti i lu In nan form, return

big to I iris ah 1 lu. y ea a shsenee It]


HARD ANI> WHITE I'lM: TIMBKR on hand and aawrd to riiraenaiona. Hard Pine Hunk.

Hard Plea t-'iooriag and Miep-lloarii Kor iale by

M'l'KTHOri A I'dl'i;,

yeara of age, aud the other Iwu ■he ooutlnued lu realde In aald ■aid huabahd de*ened her, u . 1B4S, when ihe removed to Lnwreoiw,alore*ald,

re ahc hiu alnco contluued toreildei that a monUi* alter her buibaud left her, ihe reoelv- leiter from him, Iroin California, which ihe lered at onoe, and haa had no communication

from hltu alnce; that for many year* ihe ha* be- lieved that her aald huabaud wai dead, aud waa

luformed by hla relative*, but hal been Inform- , within two years past, that he la .till living lu iliiorina wllh a Woman aa hla wife. When-fore,

your llbellaui praya that the bouda of mairlmouy mai- oe dlaaolvrd between beracil and the laid Lavuiin i. itony. aim n* in uuty onunil win ever pray. MAKY P. KUBY.

f '.liliwl,Oltl'(-<if(/l Of M'UiltckliiiUi.

tXi i**. Supreme Judicial Court, April term,



}N BONTON II A It 11 O It .

Hull, Hingham.Nantaiket Beach 4 Ft. Warren


leavea Livorpool Wharf, foot of Pearl St., Huston, at V A. Ma, '.'-Wi and 4.W e. M.

Lenvua Hingham at 7.30 and lu.w A. M„ aud I i'. M., itepplng at Hull each trip.




leave* Liverpool Wharf, Ho*ton, at M4 and UetO A. a., *\a> and 4 e. a. Kataraliuj, leave. Naataaket Beaohi at s aud 11 A.M., S.suaad 6.14 r. M. On Muuday*. Wedneaday* and Satur- days atop* at Fort Warren on too ...to A. at. trip from Ho>ton, aud the 11 A. M, trip Irom Nan ■ taakel Besaa, ittiag paaaaingera one hour's time to vialt thla ceK'hralcd fort ideation.





tl.B. PAVNK, Pre*. fl. 8. COK, Seo'T.

1 Capital, 9500,000.

New 1MI;-I onl lu in r il A.:i-iu->.

1-2 Kilby street, It..-ion.

HTKAKNH, KINSLKY S CO., Ueneral Agent*.

Ihe Cleveland Iriauran.-r Company have catab- llalted an Agrnoy at Lavrrencat, Mali., for the trauaaetlon of Rlrr Iniuranor at eqaltable ralea.

Iloalon form of policy laaued. and all lone* aat- lied af Agency where risk !■ taken.


Agent for Lawrence and vicinity,

;iin«iinyl Unlce, 283 Eases slreei.

Ilba-l bel, ordered, that the aald ■aid Leonard T, Ituby, by

nf an altc*t«d copy of her aald libel, and ol order th.-reon, to b'u published In the I.

rence American three werka aucceaalvvly, the last publication to be ilxty daya at lea*t before the next term of thla Court to he IIHII! at Salem, with- in ami lur the oounly of Kaaex, ou the Drat tuea- day of November Seal, that ho may then aud there appear, aud ahuw oauae. 11 any he haa, why Ihu prayer ol aald libel altouid uot lie granted.

Atte.t, A. HU.iriMiltlN, Clerk.



VETERINARY 8UKUKON, High Street Square, Lowell, Maaa..

I'rrataalldlieaieaof Horaei.Caltle.andlhelowet aultuals, perlurm* aurgical oprraiioui; cure* all Durable ca*e»of apavln, rlughooe, curb, apleut sand tlu-llle. Ord.rs promptly anawerrd. Addreaa by mall or telegraph aa above directed, lleler* to all well knowtihurtrmiTilu New Kugland,

RAMIOM'N KNUCKLE WASIIEK, The cheapeat and bell

WASHING MACH1NK that we have rver *eeii,ha* Jual been introduced


Ye Sick, Halt, and Lame! All o.i i.-k. \-\ and Impoalllon on the public ol

Lawrence lu he doue away wllh bv uslug Ua GHOSH'S KXCKLLKNT ItKMKUfKS, and J Cl.KAVKLAKIl'a

Celebrated Vegelable Dolorluge.

There I* no " brown bread pill" about thl* me.lt cine. Dr. Ogden having graduated under " Uncle Sam," I* prepared to teacli every man and woman In the city of Lawrence how toWome their own phyMolan for all kind* of Sore* and Palna, lode- pimdeutof all doctor*. The**. Uudlolnei are man- ufactured by the subscriber, lu Lawrence, and he know* the quality of the iugro.llenta of which tbey are made. Hit. IH"-. OIIDKN,

itap-'l Union itrcet.

Hy a recent Inveutioii, a full seven •nave PIANO—Ihe "COL1HKI" -nnll'll la («.■ le.ir/.i.y, I [Hia.ea- alug tb* powerof the common aliel haa made Iti appearance In Hoilon. llie volume nt tone ohtalnrd from

thl* " Kquallilng Scale," (patent- Imated at OelkV-TlllTtD UOHlll aud

nei^er, jiurer, «weot»r thin nH]f6thrr th- ai a* It bring* the atraln of the atrluga ar/uiH

Al.L «irt>*i./lkecii*«,lhe Piano will aland long- ?r In tone, and muat ■ STAIR ITS Voi.uvs or roes rou A i.ii i nu i- :iiiii*p£i L'laaa 2 (the rommuu alii) niual tu a (Iraud Plauo I

Kole Afeacr, 3'i3 WaaliinKton st.

I HAS. .1. M'i K...

Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, AND ■ouorroR IN BANKKUITCT.

Parlleular attrnllon paid to drawing of Deeala, Se,

No. 3 Hawyer's Block, Water St.,


Dr. Ham's Aromatic lavigorator.

remove* Irom the ayitem Ihe III eflVct* caused by the eaca'aalve uir nf alenliullc liquor*, and elfcct- ually destroy, tlie ii|ni,t|t,. fur th«*» attmulajnta. It glvai tune n> debilitated mui-oua aurfacr*. KlTute mailer i» removed from the »yill' restoring It to Ilr

i In tiei, it Is most aggravi

alms, ami all other derangement* of tin and bowel*,la a ipeedy manner. Tbi*

elrgr.nl preparation haa * total Ihe teat of yean. A 'glaaatull before eatlnt; will give u goud appc- and prevent all aufferlng irom lu.llgeatlun.

Ijulirtul weak aud di-llonte eonatliutluna should take the Invlfurator Ihreu timi

furnishing and Funeral UN DERTAKERS,

Would oall attention to their


Corner Common and Amesbury Sta.f

Where they will keep a full aupply of everything In their line, and aell ut thr luweat living prloea.

They arraole Agent*for Klfk'* Metallic Caiei, Crane'* Metallic Caskets; al*o Shuler'* Metallic Cinketa, a SKW and desirable article.

Funeral* attended with a good hearae, aud one or a pair of bone*.

Residence and Manufactory 156 Elm St. Salesroom comer of Common and

Anii'-litirv streots. Order* left at either place, day or night, will be

promptly attended to

Carriages furnished If d. aln-d.

A, W. oii.ii.i'.u n. ttl-tlfell J. H. KarHOLDS.

The Flue Bred Stnllloii, BLACK ETHAN,


f LWW at the Stable of. the

Near Policy l'ond, Salem, N. II.,

le from Salem Depot, 3-4 Irom Smllh'i


waa mreii by young Kthau Alien, and be by old


J. KIl.KY at COMPANY." ■ operation I* from a i UK la


iitl'iTiiai rt'jfloViii" whTuTTrtin irivrt.-taud^jttriu^uijii jlK

The Eyes. *^1 The Eyes.

M.-- mi 'Inn . II-1.'L;I 'ijilu-il to Hla alle-

oonaolalfl wile, not any wonla of thrill- InjEJo* at ills return, hut the brutally liiciiulc meaaase. 'Whet* an- my aliirta? I en it llllll tllt'lll.'

ua iu thr habit ol An obi lady who wa JerlariliK alter the oeeiirrenee of an im- uaiial event that she lit! predietei] It, was one clay very nicely sold by her worthy spouse, vt Im hail trot tired of liet^ contin- ual "I told you so.'-

Kii-liiii^ Into tint house, bmallileas with I'xi'lti'iiii'iii. he dropped into Li- ehslr, elevated his inuuls, ami eielalmed, "0 wile, wife,—whit —whal — what do you ihinkr the old brltidle cow lias gone aiiJ ale up our jfrlnJaloiii-!"

rheold laily waa ready, sml hardly waitliiK lo hear tin' laal Wonl, ilif tirolte mil Ai the top of hen lungs: "[ tohl you go] I told you soT y«iU always would let It at and out of doora!"

riu mi of uiltiifllnjr mouruInK and moo- ey-maklnjr was never ht'tter HfuatraU'd than in the lullowlng notice of a tlt'Sth in i Spanish paper;—'This'morning our Sa- vior summoned awav the Jeweller Siebaltl lllutags from hla shop to another and bet- lt-r world. The umlerslgBed, hi-t widow, will weep ti|K>n his tiuuh, aa will alao Ills two daughters, Hildii mid Kninia. the ii.rmir of whom IH married, and the latter la open to an oiler. The Innnral will lake place tomorrow. HU disconsolate widow,


|>. S.- Thla hcmavituicnt will not liiler- rupi our hiiaiueaa, which will he earricil on aa usual, oiilv our plan' ol business1

will Its reatoved Ironi No,:) TessJ de IVi- •aturlert to No. 4 Rue o> Mlaalonalre, si our grasping landlord has raised our rent.'

a tub full. nd rleau, with common soap, doing mltoua or the most fragile lahrloa. it remove*

Ihe dlrl like a pair ol knuckle* worked under wa- ter, by f.'Ming and rubbing the layer* of cloth rapidly hack and forth against each other, and by auuceilng Ihe auda bark and forth in every poaaf- " dlreotloii. When prop»rly uawl u elilld can


OCULIST, I 17 I--I » airri-t,- -■- - Lawreucc.

N. H -NO ■ inn a- lor advice or eiamuiallon of Kye*:' •ittii.'in

nifc-i ti.inr. from a to U 14 A. H.

•*OUT UK Moifi's." Take OK. O, *. KICU A KDSON'S 8HKKKY

WINK ill riKIIH, CM won medicinal In the

taarkrl. K.lakdl.braJJa naat atari ill a

in iiiosi'ii rni; Alter oae yini'- eiperieace, it is

pl.a-ani to -ay that our aeeeeas has equalled our moat aanguiae etperta- iit.ns. nur tin nds and the public gen- . i ivH, have placed us under lasting obligalioaa to them for the teserons iiippott accorded to ua.

PKOIPECTIVE. V» ahall i iiutiioic, aa heretofore, to

mark all Uooda ia plain n_-i.ii--, to ad- here rigidly to the ON K I'ltH i: -,-t. i.i, and lo s,|| ai the loweal living prices. We do not claim to aell lower than any oae elae. We caaaol anord to aell AT (ONTl—but we do believe that, as we are under leaa eipeaae thaa many of our colemporariea, we tan and do aell a good article as cheap as aar house in the trade.

Wa have a sood line of Hosiery, Iloop skirt.. Toraeta, Dry Kooda, and Small Ware* generally, mid we are coaataat- h mill MI ii to onr slock. Inteadiag put- rhaaera will do well lo call al

381 Essex street, Lawrenee. (Old No. liu.i

T. L E Y L A N I).

Altna Life Insurance Co., II v It I i oni', CONN.

Chartered with Kina lire Co l-.1v>. Poltciralaauetl IsttB, IUST Total AaaaU, #10,ivi..',|j.;.l Tutal i uiiiinie*, 7JiM8ljfc7 IKvlaiblr Nurplaa, i.Kl.WM.t*

Life Policies beooutv. payable a* Kudowiiienn in H yan, by leaving Dividend* with Compauy.

r'li.lowujeal l'ollcle* al very low ralea on New All laah Table*. JOHN KDvVAKD*. Ag't,

on' ,.,, i New No. tat y .„ . -ii,-et.


D X K TI 8 T,

e. h Lawreace at.. -

work It. fcvyfy peraon of good aei with the operation of Oil* Machine that it la uneoulvoually one ol the greatest labor „ aaving liivuitti'iiia. The price la only ib. and ao SonBOell ir.'thi'tr^rrtakmiiUuiaymaoda-atrlal ^ to lltaure a sale, that tliey at. willing to leave the ' Maehlnea, uud If Ihey do not prove perfectly lafaolory, take thuin baek. They are nieetiug I an Imm.'iiae aale Tor ihero.

Order* may lie 1*11 at Kll.hV IlKiH'IIKKS' aud mi i.H in'. A HI Still AM'a. in' .ii'

Gunard Line Mail Steamers IIKTWKKN

■rpool and New Vork, ailing nt Queaiiitown.







ii 1 -i ia nti nd. d tu aall as lullu

from Liverpool, (falling New York direct, every .taturdi

Krom Liverpool,(calling at Cork Hi HOMTON DlHKI'r, every Tueaday.








1 Mail 'Mi,.1,1, i

Cork Harbor,) f,

"t 'I'..

t plui

i irom trie ayni'm, inereny ll heal thill I nmillllon. Aa

Is i.ulek and elTi-ulual, curing Ihe lied eaa#* ol Dyapepalu, Kidney

glasi lr. -h " a trill All the proprl.

la he ha* put up the Invlgoratur .'i re ul-. .pi irl., #1 ■!■>. I'rln.-i-

ural Wnarf, Hoaiuu. Sold by all wflm-tnyU Ph

;la*< full before rvtlrluii will iu ■ -'■-igilerp, ""

In pint bottlra paldenut, U (.


K. H. EDDV, 8OL10ITQR OF PATKNT8, IAUC Aytui af ih' UaUnl Males Paimi onier,

Mmnftom, »a*l*r isa ,i<t u/ isiy. No. 7B State St., opposite Kilby St., Boston,

■ ■ practice of upwarda

i, |.,. in, ■

Jtt* of

I'lllted BM i, I I,.-1 11 il.-l, Houd*, Assignment*, and all paper* ur drawlnga' tor I'.iiein., i ,.-.-iiiid on ruaauuablalem* wlUi

Ke*i'irche* made lulu Amerlcau aud work*, tu determine the validity aud f Patent a of luvrnlluni, and legal and

matter* touching the

- -' jUti

high, and «i'i.

TKKMB;—BlaUriSBi Warrant, |.'.'..i*J.

All mare* at the H


BITTERS HPEKK'B >A Mllt'CI WINK wllh Herba and

Uooii, and by far the

BEST and mo-t Reliable Tonle and hi > ur In the market,

which la alwaya the

CHEAPEST. The Herbs, Bark* and Roots used In

8 P E It •

; Nea-oii, ti:..oo;

I dollar. ' aalgnmenta

Vork for Harbor,) every Thuriil ■ i eriliLai. ■ imui.I lo bring out paaaengar* from any part of Kurupe al l<owt>at Rate*.

r'or rr.lghl or cabin Paaaage, apply to ■.Ca- nard, I ILjwllugiirr.il, New Vork. Vor Steerage 1'aaiagr, apply lo I.. Cuuard, 111 Uroadway, New York.ur lu ! Snit>iuh2o

P. MIIHPIIV, CM ls-< i atreet,

Only Authorlied Ag't for Lawrenee and vicinity.

OR. Ci N. CIIAMHERLAIN, Late Surgeon and Brevet Lieut. Colonel U, b. V ,,

aud rturgeon In-Charge ul Ihe (irllyiburg and pale C.a. A.tioneral Ituipltal*.

orrtca AT OK. UAHLAMU'I, Corner ol LawrayjM

and Commun Hlrcet*.

Ofle* Houri--Krom 1 lo H F. *)., and after • r.u

BOLT OK A' Fire Insurance Oomp'y,


Thl* old and popular Company continue* to lamr' the lafer olaai of properly only, at (-urr.nl


and other properi) not baiardoaa, lakrn by thla i'ompany unly.

No Polidra litued ou KaUa or Hpeclal baiard*

Cash Asset a. July 1, lNtin, * I .'* #. -4 in.:,;i

.Mii'MN & BUQBIB, A..i M -



DENTIST, lias Removed

NEW OFFICE, IlUt Esses street, - - Lawrence,

>all Nearly oppuaila old oAca. ,

other advice reudi. . -inn. . Coplea of the i, i "I.. .1. by re to 11 ling recorded lu Waiblnglc ..

.Vn Agriiff la thr I'mttil Slulrt yoiirttet tu jarlur fatUmt* for itbtalniny I'utg/iti or nacrr to (ui nu Ihe tmitutitM itu of iHrviifiuiir.

During eighl uioiillia the auhaorlbrr, oT hlr '-

KRY ( . III.' C inl.al.Hi.r .ll P

1K8TIHONIAL8. ■gard air. K.ldy aa oun.if the moat eapubtr.

nmtMuecfful praetltlouera with whom I have had ■iltn .ill llltl l.tnll-e.

HAH1.KH MASON.Cotnmuiioner of Patent*." "1 have no bealtatlon In aiiurlng Invenlura

they cannot enpluyaman B»."-I coaaprfml

large lira.ili.e. made on Ur-*.-.- r. " flXTKKN APPKALH, K\

waa decided IN >••■- ilnvi by

iftrortfep aud more oapable or nut I heir application* in a form lo aecure for then


oid Tavorable ooiialderatl.ni at tin I'.i'Mli.M. BL'RKK.

Late commlidoner of Piiteul*," It. II. RODl haa made, fur me Til IK I 1 l.\

aim.i.. lu all but (INK of Which patrnl* •tiled, and that one !■ now I'tndlna, ecu gr

such uuml'takable proof ot great talei ability on hi! part, lead* me to reooomtnend ALL

Inventor! lo apply lo him to procure their Patent*. ua itu) may be lure of having the molt talthful mention beatowed on Ihelr caae*, and al very rraaonablcithargc*. JOHN 1 A till Aid."

Hoiton, Jan. lat, law. 1|v/

D. S. HALL & CO.,

Clothing Dealers, Have it I-.MI i\ i-.i. to

Ltl ward's Store, near Sims' Block,

I'oruer of Jsckaou Street,

Where they are opening a Oral rlan atock of

Ready-made Clothing;, Gent's Furnishing Qooda,


Ha. UrlDK.LI. i

round *l our slon hi! frieiula.

He of It..hii A Ko.lirj eanbe where he will ba. happy to i»a


A. J. STKVKN8, M. 0.,

Otfice & Ki siil. in ,., g«(i Common at.,

tlmfaplri (Megr Lawrence street,)

BRICK FOR SALE The Plaiitow Briok Co., at Plalatow. N. H„ are

now ready to deliver both Face and Common liriek. In large or amall .luantlilra, to suit pur chasrra, at thr lownt market prlwi. lor further parlleular*, addreaa

K. PERKINS, Helling Agent.


Just above Arlington Mill

Price from 2 to 8 cents per foot. Inquire of A. J, ERKNCH or I'KDKICK ft

OLOHSON. Sml "ajal

EDUCATION l Oil i t it'll II- Per ml'- i ' respecting Ihe Masaacaiuaetta Asricultural College,

apply lo W.S. CLARK. President.

I, June I, 18«r. Sm|-V

Henl'KnlHle Sales by IVilriek &C!osaou

Beautiful Biiilding Lot.

Splendid House Lot! euf the must eligible lu the oil y.ou the elnvalod

part of I..iv,ell -trei i, adjoining the line eilale ul

I'homa* Heott, K*i|.,aud ouiniuaiidiug one ut the

tint at vl. via of the r.uy and its »iirrouiulloga, lo be

bad from any point within It* limit*.' aaay ot ac-

orn, upon oae ol ihe handaomeit avaaara In the

city, running ■traight tu Ihe common; airy, plea-

aanl, and In the beat of neighborhood*.

The (ot coapHan ttLiKXJ feel of Ihe beat land lur

gardening purpotea lu ltd* leallon, tlwruughly

tilled, and uf uuaurpasard 1,-rttllty, It I* newly

and sol.'.iniii.dlt fenr-ed, and atuokud with a Sue

orchard of vlgoruu* ind well grown pear, cherry,

apple, plum and poauh traea, already ul uttering

age, with a mannh.ith *.trawlwrry bed, grape

vine*, rurraul*, quinor*, etc., In abundance, *nd I*

iu thai complete ind thorough ouuditlou which

the owner Intended fur hla own IIUHM lot. No

more lovely or dvalrable looatiuu I* lo ba I .nmi In

the market. Will be aold at a low price, u *oon,

Apply to I'KliKli-h % CLUHSON,

1-* Baal r -t'.H' Agent*.


WINE BITTERS! are Peruvian Hark. Camomile Flowers. Snake runt. Wild Cherry Hark, Calemu*. Ulnger, nad auch other Herb* and Hoot* a* ha* alway* been foand thr moat.

iJEALTU-UJYlNQ and invigorating, ao a* to Impart ,

BLOOM to Ihe lallow, oare-worn and lean peraoa, and

BEAUTY lo their pale aud alckly countenance*.

Ladies from Utah, South America and Kuropaareeendiag by .-v.pr.-a. for Uu-ar Hitler*.

For aale by drugglit* and grocer* generally, See that thr ilguature of ALKHKII SI-UBK, Paiiaic, N . J., li over the cap of each bottle. 1 vt lijt-ut

HODOHTON'S PAVILION I lloughton'i Pavilion I Hougbton'* Pavilion I

Hough-on'* Pavilion I llouabton'* Pavilion I lloughtoo'* Pavilion 1 Hougbton1* Pavilion I


Houghton's Pavilion V* si, H, ti, u, ta, u, M, u, os, a, u, o&, u, u,

'i i. in.mi st.. Tremont St., Tremoal Si., Near Hchool street,


la now ready lor the aale of Linen Oood*, t'or- *el«, o„||ti, Cotton Clutha, Ronneta, Hats, Fine French Flower*, Flannels, Hoalery tloodi. Linen Handkerchief!, Cheek . ainliri.-a, Hook and Swln Muallna, Uou CurUlni, etc., etc.

AXaaXi OF W II ti II

will be of Brit olaii.aud for iale at

Popular Prlre. I Popular Price* I Popular Triers P


Please Etaaelae Them. dew pair* good Coraeta, lur. a pair,

E- F. MOBSE, Uanufacturerof


Packing Boxes Or ALL KINDS,

Shelf Boxss, Honnet Hoxeg, tkc, &c. I

Alao, H.-aler In

ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. 1'tin. ii.i..ti Timber lurnlah.d iu urder. Hpraea,

Pine,Oak, Maple mil < li«tuut U.tanla and Plank alwayionhand. Planting, Jointing and Hatching.

Lit hi, Clapboardi, Shingleittt Finiih Lumber Of all itialllle*.

MILL, MAIN HTHEET, (opp. Woolen nm'linhl* Mill,) METI1UKN.

,rr DOM MOT »^:„!; „ BILIOUS, DVSPtpV.^t

»tM^RErUHDED.3^,'«t HSMSl

Jl'Wpaira good Curaela, Ml et*. a pair, all ilia* I THtrO palri good Coraeta, 73 rli. a pair, all .lie.. I sLlflr pair* good Cnriel*. IK eta. ■ pair, all aliea ! JUSti pair* good Coraeta. gl.lUloS3.oU per pair I

All our CORSETS have been marked down lo reduce atock. Haaae with our HOOP HKIHIS- l.ndiea will tlnd them good, aud very cheap lot Ihe money, at



VHOO ilo-e u I in. it To well, 10, 1)1, 11, If, -.n eiiit*. S0O0 yard* Bird.' Kye Linen, 17 oenl*-<-cheep I VOOO yard! Table Linen, 17 W 70 oeula-elieap I 16IM1 piece! Cra.lt, S. 10, Vt eta. -good bargalua I HOOO yardi Hoaoto Linen*, ail to A cent*. /*«« loilel oullta, #1 totu—very chaap 1 al



JUST HO II t. It 1 , .

INHO Uot. Ladiea' and Children's

Straw Hats, Seasides, Bonnets, Ac. I'llH'r:s .'., 10, 13,la, 3d, to, no, AO, 7S oenta lo

|l..'iO--tln- beat and t'hiapeai lot we ever alpoied lor aale I l.atliea, tail not to aaU and aea lhata, aa tbey are jmL tin- style* wanted, and oar


WAV Hi: low i

OTafU in:A1.1 itsi

$•40,000 In Artlurial Flawan, Uoi lei. ai

■a. if dova

Sniii'ooh. .Ka.lli.i, It t-is. worili .iiu. aure. Hmikmtt* Nrrlaaifu., VI, I:,'.'! to fi.very riieip. «S bajei Aaiorted Flannel., 13 tu .vu.- -all under

Pavilion Prices 111 l.-nHr.' Man, Hdkft, i, B, 7, 8, IL 10, If. 13, ITS

to ».ii, we v.l.h lo call your particular Bllenliuu lo, a* wabave marked our entire atoek down, to make a rail CLKARINU OUT OF TIIMK •JOODO,

loo may expect to inake mine good trade* al uur HANDKkKCIIIKF DKPAItTJtaiN T I

All kind* Children'* and Gentlemen1* Hdkl* - Harked vary ulu ap, tu cloie theio all out during t hit grral iale.

Ilenli' Llaen Hdkfa, 13, 13, 17, M, ti to g*S— 1. heap, and Do inlatake.


ItksT NKKDI.KS. :t .1-. Heal Plus, .1 ,-i*, i„*,.| Teeth Itrulhra. 4 le 10 Ml.

DKEHH HKAlDS.neUapleae, Vctaayardi Ifood .i.'l.-ora, 10 loW OU.

t.OOD 11 All! HHCSIIICS, 1Z, 15, 17,10, «c to *L SPOOL COTTON-tltebe.l. lea apooi; ao.poul*

for H'«', aa.oi te.l In neat bosa*. HAIR NBT8, Jc. coll* .'..c- -worth 3uc. Lao*

Veil*. 5, I., tu ■„-. CAHHItlc *tl>OIN(J.s,;,:il,Mt. 17c a yard. IIAMHURti EDtilMiS.lZ lo 'Ac—very cheap lot. VKLVICT ItlltHONS, nil aarketl down. 1IONNKT UBSUMJL marked down lo do**. HHKs.S TKIMHINtJH, all roduoed Iu price, lo

I'lna.i them out. COITON DRKSMTHlMMlNliS. I to 5c a yard. JKWELKY, all markeri duwn tocloae the lot, 14,000 IIALMDHAL aKIRTs, .ia ciiii; wall

KID t.UlVLS. toe per jialr. 35,000 PARASOLS, at very low priori I 100,000 FANS, Juat purchaied al auction, Which

we will aril at unheard uf low price* I l.l-.A I li Hi HAiis, nil marked down to oloae, al



The Ltsrgest Retail Store IN AMERICA!



Ibf Laurence ^mtrirau A NI> O YE U A h !"/■; II TIS E li.

I'l, I. .1 - - ' .'(.It

GE0.8.MEKUIIX & («..,i,roprietori, Cor. EMS* .ty/.'.MM Sis., Lawrence.

TK»ils-#: ' ;■" !■' •'■ "• ■-'■■"■'••■'it »** In


No iharrc of itib* than on* equare, (""" I' Assignee*' sad A.I httMM1 »«kMu«Ul!

■tc**eiiger*', t'i; I'r >'M>IMP "«>" ■.<■■*- f 3 per auiiiiiv f..r Hire-inVrtloti" or Ion.

Special Nnlieoa 31 pi

tBer Legal Noticet,

20 ccnta per lino, No

The rircuJaMuit o/~ /he iMtrrmrt iwirt- MM *• n*aww '*"» TIIKKE TIMES that of . a a If other >■■ >tkty t-'i" •' pvblUhtd in thl* A1S0TSI ADTSlflSEl

? Vic Dally «f Mter-fetm, . i-uwt.mil go

KVKRY KVBN1NU, (Huada) exorpted,)

11a* a large circulation avuoug the bu*|nets public,affording a very desirable adtertlaiue,



Out' Veer. - ■ - i ■•■ I till H • - «C M When i>«i palrl ia advenee,«*,


T It K A 3i K H I V A M


U ih« . i..'< ■■' and ucjat i(Hirw««lil( furatehed la uaatera Ale***t:hutvt1t. Having tilr moat Improved iuod«ru Prretea.tud wltlMonttanl addition*(aTUe


jod with •MI- eaiei.slve vorlety ol work, we ar* able lit luruii.li Hi.- Heal Uuality Of Work, rxpegj ■ li..u-ly, aud «t low prlOBt. Order" b) flttl promptly Blh-d.

UEO. B. MERRILL * CO., Proprietors, ItO ■•■IX «T.. LtWSSMCa.


Reliable. RELIABLE.

Fire Insurance. ' FIKE INSURANCE.




In the United States, ami



1 7 9| 4.

17 9 4.

1 7,9 4.

Ins. Co. North America.







$3, 0 0 0,000


Insure in Reliable Companion



No. 7 Lawrence street,


SlllNKY A. .IKWbl'l',

Collector & Accountant. Books Opened, Potted & Audited.



Otiicu, JioMl Essex street, Lawrence, I (Over t'o-i (Jtlloc.)

hours Iruui I lo 1 ami ," to B I*. at.

fttayMH'-J. I'. Ititlll.., Am-nl Atlantic Cut- tan ilill., Htm. H. JI.|IHI1I, ia.ilu.-r IMuUn. u Hank. iV. k, Ktmb ill ,'. ilcn-iism.. tt'H'Jii

Uinsolullon ul I'tirtncrshlp. Tin- |..ir-*i.■ rtllip ' ii S between IT"- M. II.

ki.NiiLV A A. rt. vVn.i il.iny iin.ln.il coii.eul,. I. id.- day ii--...i...i, ami ail oarMIBI imlt litnl In

.inI iliui art1 nqsiawd to rallai Hr. KKHRKV'a ' ilii,1.- iiinl -. 111.- ,i" -a.in i» ,i..-.itu. . i - .; IF UBCM'


I'lioy nat aloiLii Ly the l.riylit wno.l flra, rin- Kray-halri'tl diuna anil tin- BKIHI .Ire,

IlriamliiK of Jny* n-nu I.) , Tint Irar-dropa Ml on t'taii wrlnklrj olwek. Tlii-y bolb had UtOMghti id.n Iliry"<-,.ul.l not n)i

Al ■■:!. Il lii-.ll! Illlrli.l u uli.-li.

l''"i iln-lr B.i.l and leitrfit] wftt deioriud TaWM lilll« cbolra plavud .!.!.■ by ■l.l,-,

AgaliifJ the ill Hint-rnuni wall; 'H-l-Ti-].l..n..| ..il. aa ti„ ,.- ,!„■.■ .......i

T"hptr aa«U of flaf, and Uinlr frwnn of wood, Wlili tbclr ba«k« ao it raisin and UII.

Than liif tire ahook bla illvery liuad, And with in-mbllug- voter he gontly aald—

" MM'II. I It. hi|'.ly,-t,.ili ,' Tlu-y bring n- aatl, aad 11:.m,;lii- tln , \V.''ll put them forever out of aiiflii.

Tbu the ohlldran went away. The bnyi cirni. Iia.-k, and our Mary , ton, Wild htt tipron on Of eha«k«f«d blue.

And alt here every day.

Johnny •HI) whittle* a tbjp', mi maata, And WllUe hi. Iwdan bulleta out,

While Mary lirr patohwork aewi; At arming lime throe rhlldlah [.invi- , do u|t to i luJ from Ui..„. little sbajra,

Su MfU) that no one kuowa.

Johnny eomea back from tltv blllow'a iitm Willie wake- frui.i hi. batUeU.Od iloaft

To aay i... .-I i, .rlii to tua , Uary'a a wlfo ami mother no more. Hut a llrt'd child who.,, playtime <a o'er,

And cornea to real on my knee.

Ho lit then aland here, though empty not And every time when alone we bow

A t the Father'* throne to pray, We'll lutL Ui meet Ibe uhlldruu above,

iir :--,i i.nir'-. home of real and love, here no ehlU Kouth away."


Bella Rlsley hail been Rone from the city a Week when I hail iny OiHiippolMt- ment about Cape Mar. There wan qaita a varly ul ii" who were i:»liig, bin it wan all broken up, 1,,.,-au-.' otir chaperoiiK failed ns; mid now with mi I-ntiiun'r eloto at hatitl,th(i elty Item jfrowlnp; intolurable. and m_v trunk already paclcod for a mart, I wan tlelt absolutely aluitesw,—nowhere to co. So I wrote to Bell, and In two day bad her ansanTor.

■ Do COIOfl down here with me,' she wrote; 'its desperately lonely, and I'm dylnjf, tor the shrill of a friend.' There U absolutely nothing to do, and no one lo speak lo; HO you can Ima^lue my state of uijiid. Otherwise, the air i* lovely, the scenery perfect, and il la a funny little old humdrum village, jnct such a* you like. I've spoken to Aunt Kin about it', and she wants you to come; so hurry, do, and j on needn't brlnjf any Ituo dressiis, for you" won't wear them. I juat keep on my raiulsole from inorulriL' till iiitfht. and hum "Ah, nan ijiitivje," and sure at the roses.

Iiallpai-t eight. .In t :li..' Him ; |..r you, I'lii'iie dear, so conic and get recruited."

1 decided that I ahoultl like lit so re- packed my trunk,putting in fewer dresses nijd more books, thinking Belli' and I could read to each other under the trees; and just a week from the date of tier let- tcr the old yellow stage-coach left mo at the farm-house gate. It wan a great cotn- furuble-looking house, painted red. with uiilturuut trees'lu fnillt,and lilac and ruse bushed.

And there wa* Belle running down the paili to meet me, while a handsome, stal- wart young MI ui stood in the door look- lug after Iter. Camisoles and simplicity indeed! Belle's hair was crimped and pulled three Incites high, and site had on her while alpaeca anil turquoises. Belle Mas blonde, and always looked prettiest in white anil blue. She kissed me on both Cheeks, and then danced a. little waltz

■ II.MI .1 me, as 1 walked up the path w lib my travclllng-hag. A moment more and she Intiodncetl 'Mr. Brooks' to me.

'My new friend, I'hene. Latest but no' least!'she said,with acuipietlisli air; ami the gentleman, bowing, made a few pleasant remarks about my journey .then. with the excuse that lie was sure we would wish to be alone together, lie bade us gnod-aficrntinii and departed.

I caught Belle's hands an.) made her look straight In niv eyes.

' What mischief are von in now, dcar'f' 1 asked.

i him, love, for he's m ibeghuofllr c-pceialprop

,ry to el i'Ibe

it. h, inn, will remain ul lit.- ■■■ I ilJihud tlmee, fJNJ K.w\ St.,) wlnr. In

will atttl ooutiuuc the oraulii'. rtl Medi. Ine and treaUag I1 = lor the laa

it. » i i in l>.,. removed lo No. I A IT I, it I ., where he Will -nil ouulluut, hi. Ciairvoy vioea, a* ha hue ao •uoevaalully done lor i i.imitvu yeara, autl will lm h-nni} lo aai o may wlah lor lila aervlvea, Iiiilljjn

J.F. U1L11KKT it COMPANY, (Snaawaon to U. tt. Uodye

Mfc.N'8 ANI> UOV'S

Ready Made Clothing. UATrt, i AJTd, Ac

A large aaaorliueul ol

UENX'S FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks, \ .in-.- ami Bags,

HD7 Easex street, - - Lawrence. iflfcU "M. 1'KlCk. U.M.V.


liaL^L|UL^e W^agon AMI


Dona itnu proiuntiii**,

i'artieulai attention paid to moving ol Trunks and Street Work.

#»- ream will be at paaaenger Uepol, eonnoetlng Wltb all t.l the prmeipal U1IU lliruUKh the day.

ITrtMl, ihittn. rtr , TTTI"-* at Hcel'e I'eriodl. oal autre.neat to liorac railrond aution , '.I ^I'ili-- bury'i"furniture lliioiiia, Lil K»-.K at.; (,'ooper'a Kiprea* uiiie... ..,■,, ..ii-. r..-i litkauf llaJe'e n.i- •ear VI t.-.-n atrrel SMrtnpSQ

Do You Want _ BOOK Uo Ui [Ml

To SCALDS and BURNS Apply Davis' Pain Killer.

Sarah and her mot tier cleared tile Uble anil washed up the dl-dies.

'How did von get acquainted witli Mr. Brooks, Belief' I asked, as I fastened a pink hutl In li-r light pulls.

-Why, you know, I wrote you there was nobody hen: to speak to,' site answered gayly, 'and I felt like wasted sweetness and m lonesome. And wasn't it queer, tie came to call on Aunt Km the very day after I sent my miter. I suppose be beard somehow ol iny being hen1. He was away on i.II ine-- all the week before.so couldn't pome ioouor, be n&id. And now bo bas • ..■en here tour times, and 1 think he's splendid. He isn't very easy to flirt wltb. because lie's m honest, I aupposc; but I mean to have him dead in love with me before I go home.'

'Anil what then?' I asked. >1 should think you'd be tired of getting yourself into serenes, Belie.'

She began to slug 'Oh, 1 won It be a nun,'and we sat in the door looking down the path. What u dear, old-fashioned place It was! A 'live forever' g/ew one side ol the steps, and a bush of southern- wood the other. There were cinnamon roses and damask rosus along the luuce, and the clover grew deep and rich all over [lie l.l.

•Hum!' said 1, '1 wonder vthal Archie Itui-ell would r»yf'

'I haven't accepted Archli- yet,' said Belle defiantly ; -and who knows but what [ should like t.o live in the eoiiuirv alter all? Honi you ibluk Gurydon Mas tine eves, rheiic- hul niavbe you didn't iiu- ifcc'

- No. I didn't.' I answered, a little shortly, quick U> foresee thai llclie and I were not to have MI.II long, indolent, dreamy talks and readings under the trees as I had Imagined. For Hiruilous pul everything out ol tune.

Ilui Bclh ouH laughed, and led me off up stairs to a large, plc.i -aid 'i iwt cbam- bcr* (lint we were to neeupy together. She flew around in bur mm aTnaoine way, helped me oil with niv ci.iiheisonic dress, seated me In a Hale low rucking; cbuir. and taking down niv hair began to brueh ii for me in tiurold s'chonl-cirl fash- ion, while she ebalted about all (lie city news.

By-aini by her aunt Km caiue In lo see inu anil make me welcome. She was a nice old lady, with shrewd. Iioncsi eyes, and I liked her In a moment. •

Where's Sarabr asked Belle. •Oh. Harsh** out watching the bees.'

said Aunt Km. 'We're expeetlllK every minute wlieu they'll begin to swarm. And I must n" rljctil away to see after the milk; HO you won't see tueagain UII Sup- per's ready.'

And away she went, lull ofhouaewlfe-

•Your cousin Sarah f' I asked, vaguely, remembering thai I had" heard a cousin Sarah mentioned some lime or other.

'Yes,' said Belle. 'All the test of Aunt Kin's daughter* are married, all but Sarah.'

■Is she nice and pretty V 1 asked, with some curiosity.

'Why, I don't know,'said Belle, laugh- ing carelessly. -Yes, Sarah is good, very good In her way. She's as much as tweuty-llve»yeara old, going to be an old mall],yon know,ami she's youd audqului in her little way. ami she makes the but- ter and watches the bees. That*!all there is about Sarah. Have you seen Archie Bn-ell since 1 came a Way, dear? and did be ask annul mer'

MI wc*\venl back lo our oily gossip, and only IlllUhed When the call to supper was heard. Such a supper! such bread and butter! such fruit, and cream and liouoy 1 while Aunt Km kept up a little friendly lalk Shout her Alderneys and iuir currant Jelly, and Sarah wltb a preoccupied air said .be was glad I be new hives had been sent up Iunii tbc store that afternoon. I liked Sarah, slie looked so gentle, so little ■elf-aisertlng; U seemed as if she had grown up lo her way ol lite as naturally and contentedly as the lilac bushes In I heirs, autl as (Irmly rooted, (iolugiobe an old maid! I Wondered why, lor In those days 1 had not learned nhal beauty may lie III the lives ol the unmairled.

'Come,* said Betre, springing up from the tabk—'come, Pbenu, and pul some rose-buds in my hair, for Curydon will lie here this evening—1 almost know he will.'

Ho wewentoutlothefroutporoh, while

lie's coming,' whispered Belle, and Mr. Brooks walked rapidly down tlie road, apparenlli with no intention of stopping, till Belle called and asked hhn If he wasn't coming In.

- I was going to the village; but tills is plensanter,' he said, opening the little gate and coming up to ns. 'Miss Bennett. I ii..|n- you are pleased with your first afternoon here. How are /our aunt and coiilsln.MIss ltiluyr 1 have not seen them to-day.'

'Ob, they are out In the kitchen.' said Belle, raising her smiling nine eves, •Isn't It lovely here at this hour, "Mr. Brooks t Every day after tea 1 come here to watch for the eveulng-siar. Hee. there it is now, just over those clouds. Isn't Venus beautiful?'

.Mr. Brooks seemed to think that Venus mu bountiful, and sitting down by us he appeared quite ready to join In Belle's lively chatter and quick repartees. But It occurred to ine that he was not quite so suseeptable as Belle thought.

A (aw belated bees were humming around the white clover.

-Some of Sarah's honey-bees,' 1 said. At that moment Sarah herself csme through the narrow entry, and sat down among us wlt'i her knitting. She was a quiet bit of background for Belle's brill-. ianey; only,when any of us salt! anything' witty she laughed as If she enjoyed It.

Tbc sun went down, and the moonlight came instead, shilling white on tbc sliver elm'-: and willows.

'I am going,' said Mr. Brooks, and be rose. 'What do you say to a ride on horse-back to-morrow, young ladies? Don't you think your cousins would like It, Sarabr

indeed,' she said; 'and It is such a pleasant road to the cliff. Belle has not seen tbc el Iff. yet.'

Very well,' he replied; i know your two horses are gootl under tue saddle, and I will bring my Brownie tor the third. You had hotter take Brownie, Sarah; Ue Is used to yOu. And now I really must

And od lie went. We prepared to go Into the house.

lie did not give mc time to answer,' said Sarah, in her quiet way; but I have no idea that I shall be able to go with you to-morrow. And you shall ride Brownie, Belle; he Is Just the horse for you.'

'You're a good, amiable lltllo thing, Cousin Hade!' exclaimed Belle, Joyously. 'That is just what I wanted. Oh, bow I shall enjoy riding with my handsome Corydcn! 1'romlse me not to interfere, I'hene."

Sarah gathered up her work silently, and went into the keeping-room where tier mother sat. But Belle and I went Into our own room, took down our hair ant) had a comfortable talk, i like your cousin Sarah, Belle,' 1 said,

' she Is such a harmonious person; she don't jar on any one's feelings.'

'Oh uo of course not,' said Belle; 'Sarah is a good little tiling, and I have quite an affection for her. But she is gray, Do yon know what I( mean? Some people seem gray all Ibe way through—all a uiouolone too a minor key—no warmth, no sparkle in them; nothing to take hold of. Sarah Is that way; I never think about Sarah—there Isn't any thing to iblnk about in her.'

And Belle, with her shining blue eyes, and hair rliipltbg In waves al<l down her shoulders, sprang up ami danced about the room like a bewitched iludlue.

'I teel so fuH-'ol life!' rile exclaimed. "lopping breathless, beroheeka rosy-red.

'And I'm tired, dear ; I'm going to bed,' I replied, feeling more and more tlte after fatigue of travelling.

The next day was lovely, but [ fell still tired and had a headache, . It seemed to ine that to ride on a strange horse thai day would be intolerable, nudi lol.l Belle I would stay at home if she did not mind.

No, dear. 1 don't mind,' she said, gai- ly, 't'orydou and I can have a good lime all by ourselves.'

Cory do n came rkllllg Up lo the gate presently, leading a lady's horse by the bridle, and Belle ran out to greet liiiu, then new up stairs to put on her pretty blue riding luiblt.'

'But where1 are the other horses?' asked Mr Urooka, looking surprised- *

't>li! Sarah and I are not going.' I said. 'She has to wiih'b the bees, and I am w.ti enough to ride ip-day,so I shall keep her* pany.'

Mr. Brooks actually lilt Ids lips, and rooked gloomy.

■Why I'hene Bennett,' l thought to my- self, 'have you made a conquest already? Ileaafa't be the man is disappointed because I am not going.' In the instant another idea struck me. and 1 looked around for Sarah, but she was up stairs making beds. She came to the window w heirllelle was ready to mount. Mr. Brooks scarcely noticed her, but assisted Belle with (he greatest enre, paid her a compliment on tlie way she held the rt'lne In her tiny. gauutleted bands, and then away they rode, Belle's merry -laugh floating back on lite air.

I went up to our room and tried to read a little, but the scent of roses and of new- ly-cut bin stole through Ibe wlifduw, and the hlue-blrds and robins were singing, so (bat I was soon glad to lay down my book, lor It was better to be qiijct there and receive rest Into my soul. I liuard I lie bees humming and Inuring among the Dowers, and 1 wondered il Sarah was watching them.

•1 believe I w 111 go down and study into rt u lire of gray? I thought, suddenly. and on the Impulse I went.

MI I went out exploring. I can fairiy see It now, that flue old yard with its row of fruit trees and the little garden In the corner, ruder the trees stood the hives, ten hi a row . withlhc bees coining and going full of business and excitement. And near by sat Sarah wltb her work In her hand, In her quiet, contented way, seeiiilug a natural part ol Ibe sunny morn- ing, the bee*' humming, ami the sweet air.

•To begin with.' I thought lo myself, 'you remind me ol IsaacaW'aIton and Ids book, where he describes lite meek who inherit the earth. You are inheriting this morning. So far gray is good."

'An end ofthls beucTi is all I have lo offer yon. Miss Bennett.' said Sarah; hut won't you sit down?'

■ Don't call me Miss Bennett—I'm I'lirne,' 1 entreated. 'Yes, I'll come there in a minute; bull want to look at the garden first.'

For I delight In qhl-fasbloiied gardens. and this was just after my uwn heart. The beds bad old-fash ion I'd pinks for bor- ders, that double kind tluit fall apart, too fragrant to live. Gillyflowers double and sweet, popples like great quadrupled roses, amaranth* and 'bouiea,' marigolds

and peonies; sweet-peas and larkspurs there were in plenty, and a bed of* migno- nette. Early asters were In bloom, and the chrysautliemums were Just beginning to hud.. Then there was useful beds, all sweet and bitter herbs, and it seemed so good. Lavender and sage, rue and saf- fron, and a dozen stalks of spicy fennel. I like people who keep such gardens as that right along from year to year; they seem to mean so much more than showy city gardens with hired gardeners.

I pulled a sprig of heart's-ease, and went hack to Sarah.

' W' " makes you have to watch the bees all the tlinef [ asked.

icy are just ready to swarm,' ahe aalll. In a tone that showed her Interest, 'and we have to watch where they go. or we may lose them. They might fly to the woods or to aoiue other.larm.'

'Pretty little brown things, aren't they?' 1 said, after observing theiu a moment.

'Yes, in.feed Brown all dusted with bronze. And suuh busy, cheerful little creatures. I almost feel as il 1 knew them apart, ami I have names for some of them. ' There's- Dot now !' -In- said as a tiny bee poised Itself an Instant on her arm, and ilieu flew ofl to the clover.

•Why, how splendid 1 I never knew you could make [>ets of them!' I exclaimed. •And bereyoii sit these pleasant daysget- ting the very heart of tlie summer Into your heart, while Belle and I rush- from place to place, and gut dizzy and tired, and don't know what we ire about.'

■Oh no!' she said smiling. -Just think how much you can get from every place you go to. I went on a journey once to the mountains, and 1 remember every height, every troc and cloud;"'aud the very roads vte went by, and the people we'met. such different characters I I felt Hcli when 1 came home, with so much put safely away In my life to Hunk of.'

' You are a regular bee, yourself,' I said, as I watched some of the llule A itiged things flying home wltb the honey they hail gathered far away.

' My flights are most always like Dot's, thou.'she said,; and her contented look struck me more forcibly than ever. ' Be always goes to the nearest flowers. But honey Is honey, wherever we get It.'

And this is one of Bell's gray people, I thought, with no sparkle, nothing In her character to uke bold of. Why Bhe la aa good reading as one of Auerbach's ro- mances!

' My headache is all gone,' I said. ' It is a great deal nicer to be sitting here by the bee-hives, than riding under the hot sun with Belle and Mr. Brooks. I don't like gentlemen very well, do you? 1 thluk love makes about tliroe-quartersof all the troubte therp Is.'

Why no, I think love is the must beau- tiful tbfug In life,' she said earnestly; but ut the same time the color rose in her lace, and she looked slightly uneasy.

One of Belle's old maids I I thought again; and she here thinking love tlie most beautiful thing in life I

While we were talking, the hum and buz/, of the bees Increased rapidly, and there seemed to he a perfect cloud of them Issuing from one of the hives, and hovering over It. Some of them flew ao near (bat their wings almost brushed my chock, and I -i.nte.l.

loIv.-e'xcViea^lce'r^ or act frightened; they wont hurt you. Oh, I hope they will settle In our yard,

me where. Last veur on* swarm went nile off.' There was a clatter of horses' hoofs

down the road. There are Belle autl Mr. Brooks,' I ex-

claimed. *• ■ Sarah bad risen, and stood with one

hand resting on a low limb of the apple- tree, while she looked first at the bees and then at Belle, In her pretty blue habit, springing to the ground. Belle saw us, and came running round the house with her little whip in her hand, while Mr. Brooks fastened the horses.

Oh, we had such a splendid ride! she xclaimed. * But mercy ! how those bees

act! do come away, you'll get stung.' - Oh no. Belle; they won't touch you If

<iu keep still,' said Sarah. Wern't you veil pleased with the cliff? It is so fine

In summer, wlih the laurels and rhodod- endrons all In bloom.'

' Bees swarming, eh?' asked Mr. Brooks, joining us; 'I'll hive them tor you, if they settle soon, Sarah.' i

'Oh, thank yonfshe said, I was just going to blow the horn for James, he Is down In the meddow-lot. But If you will do It, Hugh, you bad better ask mother light away for the gloves.'

'The flying and buzzing grew so formi- dable tlint I was alarmed; they seemed to darken the very air before my eyes.

'Go away, you wretch!'.cried Belle, striking with her whip, 'Oh! oh! I am stung! Oh, they are killing ine!'

' Sarah, Sarah, screamed Aunt Em, from i be window: don't you stir hand nor foot; they'resettlEiig on your arm! Belle, run in here as fast as you can, and I'll put some saleratus water on those stings.'

Poni" Belle had been stung twice on her lip. She was crying, and did not know which way to turn, till Mr. Brooks led her into the bouse. I was Ircmbllug all over, for the bees were on. every aide of me, flying towards Sarah, and there was al- ready quite a large black bunch of them clinging lo her sleeve, as her arm rested on ttie applcdioiifh.

• I'm sorry," she said softly,'but ynti bad betler not stir away yet. or It may disturb them, and you will get stung. But as long as you keep perfectly still ibei won't harm you.'

So 1 stood and thought of Joan of Arc. and I'oeahoulas, and all the heroins I could remember, to keep myself from fainting on the spot.

Mr. Brooks, in greal buckskin gloves, was waiting a little way off with one of (he new beedilves all ready.

-It Is fortunate I have on this loose sacque,' said Sarah. -Tor I can slip my arms out or the sleeve so easily, when the bees have done coining.'

1 l.x-kcd at her in admiration, as she stood l hereto mot Ion loss In her graceful Costure, resting on the bough, her eyes

right with excitement, aud ber cheeks the loveliest pink, ber lips Just a little parted, anil showlthout an aU»m of terror, almost tenderly watching the little brown bees as they crowded to Tier.

It seemed an age that we waited there, hut at last the swarm bad all settled, and •«ainil coulessed that she was glad, for they hung so heavily on her sleeve.

-I'll take care of them now,' said Hugh Brooks, and he looked at Sarah anxious- ly ; 'you must be all tired out.desr Sarah; but il you can manage to slip your arm out of the sleeve as I hold It, I think you can get away safely.'

The words 'dear Sarah' struck me. I felt very much enlightened, and began to move cautiously away, but I coultl not help hearing him say, as he bent toward her. releasing her arm from the sleeve something about her avoiding him for so long, ami he certainly asked her some- thing about love, and I beard 1dm say 'darilug.' ■'

I glanced back at her as I reached the bouse, and she looked radiantly happy. II lie was Corydon she was Phyllis—evi- dently no one else.

In the" kitchen sat poor Belle, her lips swollen, aud ber eyes red with tears of vexation/ But Aunt Em was bathing the poor lips with her famous saleratus water, and the nuln was quite gone now, Belle sahl. The swelling began ,to disappear loo. so her spirits revived and we sat to- gether by tlie window watching llugh Brooks hive the bees with Sarah at bla ride.

It seemed to lake them a long while, and when all was done Instead of coming into the houscthey waudeied slowlyaway down the lane.

'Ob, wait for me,' called out Belle; 'I want to go too.'

■llusb,hushl' 1 wldapererivebefueaUly: 'you mustn't go. He has just proposed

to her and she has accepted- Don't you see?'

Belle stared at me. 'What! Cousin Sarah!' she uttered in

bewilderment; -Mr. Brooke and Sarahf' I uodded, and there was silence for a

few moments. 'What a little goose I have been!' ex-

claimed Belle at last, wltb a merry laugh. -Very well, I'hene Bonnet, Just as soon as ever I get back to the city I am going to accept Archie Itussell, and love him dear- ly!'

Which she did, and Is happy. But of ail the engaged girls I know, I like .beat to think about Sarah. Sttls such a real honey-bee, gathering af^eotnejaa out of every thing. !—♦■♦■♦

A STKP TO INK PACIFIC.—The agents of the Kansas Pacific Railway present. In another column, an enterprise possessing features which seem to merit special com- ment. Having built their road from Kau- aas City to Sheridan, and found it a prof- itable and promising investment,* tlie Managers now propose to continue It to Denver, and thus open up the trade to the Kocky Mountains. That much.lt Is honed, will be completed by June next; and Its agents, Measra. Dabney, Morgati & Co, and M. K. Jessupdt Co.. bankers anil mer- chants of high reputation, now tender, through our columns, a loan of atl.otKi.t'sMi for this purpose.

These gentlemen state with clearness the reasons which have Induced them to give inU loan their Indorsement. 'The Kansas Pacific Hallway, now runs through the centre of Kanaas.'aud la lu sucoeMsfiil and prottuble operation for over four hun- dred miles. We remember the coiintrv .through which it passes as a wide, open plain, apparently as boundless and roll- ing as the sea, known only to a few tribes of wild, roving Indiaus, and occasionally to a venturesome -quad of stage-guards aud herdsmen, who ministered a (•fliultlvu' hospitality every fifteen or twenty miles. Topeka. Sallua, and Manhattan were little mure than the geographical designations of towns that hoped to be. Uays. KU.- worth, Sheridan, and the twenty stopping- places now upon Its time-table, did not ex- ist, even in the Imagination of the pio- neers. Denver was a mere cluster of min- ing cabins and Indian huts. The Chey- ennea aud Arrapanoes held solemn coun- cil or high revelry In its ways. There was uo law, but a great deal of rude, sum- mary justice, which grieved sober believ- ers In habtai corpus and trlsl by jury. Now, Denver Is as neat, well buflt, and comfortable as Hartford, with schools and uhurclies.rows of brick stores, hotels, and tasteful dwellings, which recall the luxury and comfort of tlie East. Nature has rimmed and fringed It wltb the noble Rocky Mountains, whose hills glisten In snow, while their sides are clothed with deep and rich midsummer greenery. It Is now proposed to unite this city with the East by an extension of the Kansas Pacific Railway. To do this, It will be necessary to build 320 inilesof road. The Managers are wise not to defer, ft. In the vslu hope of being able to Induce Cougreas to vote them large subsidies. The Gov- ernment has bulk one road to the Pacific at a great expense. Private citizens ar« quite ready and willing to build another

sstrtt a^UsmjttuMUME W Kansas Managers. St. I*ouls ia on the natural route from New York to the Kocky Mountains and San Francisco. It is the metropolis of the mighty Valley of Ibe Mississippi; and the extension of this road Is a new and Important step In the great highway between Si. ixmls and San Francisco. The Union Pacific (Omaha) Road bas as much business as it can man- age; aud we have grave doubts whether It will be able to keep opeu a through route amid the midwinter snow aud Ice of the Sierra N'evadas. A through road must finally traverse the warm countries ol New Mexico and Arizona, along the thirty-fifth parallel or below It. General Palmer has surveyed a route whore snow rarely falls—every mile of which opens rich milling deposits. It embraces the oldest towns on the Continent. The country demands such a road, and this extension Is a step toward completing It.

It Is Interesting to note the progress of a railway which draws lu business from a country ten years ago conceded to the buffalo aud the aborigines, lu April the Kansas road oarnod. In gross income, «J17.!M l.-lii. of which tltt.-itil .ui were bal- anced by exwusea, leaving a net profit of SI24.02-1.88. in May the earnings were »222.1«3.4(J; the expenaas •BJ7,iW7.77, leaving a profit of flU.176.8". |'W)1

mouths aggregate, H'to,;.*. 57. There are few roads lu our older and riper Slates that would not be content with as good a result. But the truth is, these new coun- tries have much growth In them. We have bnt to touoh our Western prairies and bills with the Iron wand, and cities soring up; towns cluster along the streams and highways, and broad plains blossom with wheat, oorn, and barley; school- bouses ami churches take the place or the block-house aud the fort, aud the great rivers-are disturbed by steun autl water-wheel. So our t-lvlllxation has marched over the prairies, U advancing over the plains, and in a few mouths we shall have the vast tretweres of < olorado and the ^oldcountriesundor eontrlhuliou. The President, in his last Inaugural, pointed Ui those hills as the ■ strong box" whose treasures would pay the National debt. This railroad fa the key to open li. We, therefore, look with pleasure upon this effort of private citizen- to carry another road to the Pacific. We must have at least three railways across the Continent. We must enable the Northern aud Southern and Middle Stales respee- tlvely lo reach the furthest Went by the uiosi convenient way. We look upon the State of Kauaaa with an Intereet mu far removed from affcctlgu. This child of tears, and blood, and agony, uow match e» to the dignity and grandeur ol an em- pire, and well discrves the proud, fond name of "the Massachsetts ol the West." To this road she owes much ol her pros- perity; ami, now that it- owners propose to carry ft to Denver and wed tlte Rooky Mountains to the Mississippi Valley, we hall them as men doing great National service, and earnestly hop* th«y will receive from our people prompt and earn- est support. The loan they offer la cer- tainly a good one. It yields high interest In gold, has many years to run, U secured by large grants of laud aud a profitable railway, aud Is Indorsed by men whose word gives It the force of an Irrefragable guarantee.—iV. )'. '/V'tiine.

TUB Finer IIKAVV AKTiij.Enr.— A short time since we mentioned the fact of ■n organization of the survlvora of this regiment, foriuerly'the 14th Infantry Vol- unteers. Their first meeting will proba- bly be lu Ipswich, some time lu Septem- ber, l.iem. Col. Shatswcll. oommamler of the regiment, residing in that town. It Is said that he commanded the regiment hi most of the battles, the nominal colonel being absent on oiber duty. -The regi- ment went Into catup at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, during the laat of June, 1861. At the fort at the »am* time was the Webster regiment, (/he ljth,) com- manded by Col. Fletcher Webster, soil of Daniel, who was afterwards killed In bat- tle. ioi. William II. Oreene, a nephew of the editor of the Boston Post, was (he first Colonel of the llth. He afterwards resigned. Dr. David Dana, of this city, was Surgeon, and Dr. Mason, of Boston, Assistant Surgeon. Shstswell was then Captain of Company A. of Ipswich. The reghueot waa at Fort Warren six weeks, and was afterwards sent to garrison the forts at Arlington Heights, near Wash- ington. Where It lemoned about six months. About .the first flftit that the regiment was in, was at Warrenton Junction, where they had been sent to re- inforce Pope. At Fairfax Court House, they could Irear fighUng at CantrevUie. The flrtt man shot hi the regtnsesit was a

Klokeian Ipswich man. He received a all hi the front of each thigh. 'Tlie sav-

age custom of shooting at sentinels was afterwards abandoned. It was siiKpuctetl that Stuart's Cavalry surrounded the camp all night, which afterwards proved to be the case. The Surgeon took posses- sion of an abandon -d housi* about a mile in the rear, which was made a hospital, and the wounded man conveyed to It. Scarcely had the work of dressing the wound commenced, before a party of rough looking fellows rode up, and pre- senting their revolvers, with many oaths, demanded a surrender. 'The hospital guard of six men wore anxious to fire, but were-restrained. It was an outrage- ous proceeding, as surgeons are recog- nized as non-combatants In civilized war- fare, and not liable to capture. The Sur- geon and his assistant, however, were compelled to travel with their brutal captors as, well as they could, all night, the riifilauk holding their pisUd* al their heads, abusing, and evidently aching to murder them. In the morning they came to the head quarters of a brigade of Vir- ginians, utider Kit/ Hugh l<ee, a nephew of the i i em-in I.

lu the course of the conversation thev remarked, that they got the New York papers before they were dry every day. Col. Lee, sou of the geuural. In command of a regiment, was a classmate of Assis- tant Surgeon Mason, but that did not prevent the robbery of Mason of lib* horse, a splendid animal, and also of swords and sashes. The conduct of the men In making the arrest was disapproved of, aud a pass given to the prisoners to re- turn to Fairfax, from which place tlie regiment was afterward escorted to Wash- ington by McCleltan's superbly mounted body guard. After this, there was much sickness in the regiment.

After a season In the forts, the re-gl- munt.whlch bad been changed Into heavy artlllcrv though still drilling as infantry, was ordered to the front, and though they had previously been sup|K>sed u> have a -soft' thing of It, they hud fighting enough afterwards lo compensate. They lost many brave ami good men lu these con- flicts. Captain, afterwards Major Rolfe, fell atthe Battle of the Wilderness. Capt. Joseph W. Klmball, of Company F. was killed In front of Petersburg; though an officer, he obtained a earbine ami flred as deliberately as If far away from danger, always with effect. He was shot dead. Capt. Klmball was an overseer of the Weaving' Hoeui of the Atlantic, and went out as First Lieutenant of his company. Yoiiug l i- ui Sloddard, who wont out as Orderly Sergeant of Company K.was also killed lo front of Petersburg, and mauy other gallant officers and soldiers met their fate In some of the battles. The re- cord of the old " First Heavy " will com- pare very favorably with that of any reg- iment ol the union army, and it suffered quite as severely. It at one time mus- tered eighteen hundred men exclusive of officers. When the regiment came home there were but about two hundred came with It. First and last, Lawrence con- tributed about live hundred men to l|s ranks. '—*-♦■».■♦

r'lioM FAH AWAY.—In his capacity as surgeon of a man of war, our neighbor,

mhJto&tiP: '"Me" rtW^^'aOaaaa' looks, and tbc features of the Cape of Good Hope. Greenland Is not uiilamlllur to him, neither Is Cape Horn, China, Bra- zil. Australia, Peru, Africa, the South Sea Islands, or more genteel and com- fortable Europe, where he was born. Of course he has maite many acquaintances in every part of the world. One has Just scut him from Cape Town, ibe southern jumping off place of Africa, " The Cape Argus." a large square paper, with adver- liseineiits ol the size of the old style of theatre bills, reading matter heavy, or If would pot be English, and local matter generally Ignored, old fogy style. Of the psesent size of Hie British colony at (his point, we have no data at hand, but It Is large enough to have a parliament, and a great deal of fuss about It. We give a short extract from the long letter accom- panying the paper, dated Juue (lib :

" lu minerals we are still wanting, ex- cept cooper, which Is exported in paying quantities. Oold has not yet proved suf- ficiently plentiful to Induce immigration, and open up the Interior. Diamonds have been louml constantly, and I am surprised thai, emigrants have not been Induced to come from other countries on this account, but the Tact. Is, loo little Is known about our Ideality In other parts of the world, the knowledge of our. po- iltlun aud transactions being ooiilliied io he few who trade with us. Persons who

come from Europe are surprised lo find hen-a civilized people, with large cities, colleges, a parllametrt, museums, etc. Their previous coiicep ion had been a race of savages, and wild beast., roaming through the villages, What Wo want Is railroads, ol which there Is now but H-l miles. Neither the government ur indi- viduals seem Inclined to make any exlen- sloti. so there we stick. Earthquake shocks are frequently felt in the interior. 1 fmgotto mention that the dav before yesterday, a diamond. " The Star of South Africa," was forwarded by mail to England. Il was valued here ai'eiOO.oon, Weight 83 i-2 carats. Many other* are being turned up. hut chietiv - ii emet.

I am still waiting (or an American girl for a wife. H I can manage to gel over null obtain, one; at present 1 am doing very well. I thank you very much lor he papers and the photograph* of Law-

rence, which must be a fine city, | ., ,■ thai your great Boston Musical' Festival Is to come off uexi week, and I dare say | It will be a most brilliant afl'alr. I hoiie

III be successful."



Tns OvKai.axo MONTHLT-This merlmrf aa publication has reached its third volume.

It is Issued by ■ wdl-ktiowu Tacille publishing bouse in San Francisco, A. ttomau *. Co , and oaa the ucnural aiipearance ol Ibe Allsulic yiiititl.li/, of Boston, Its in.. II.HII. ,i, exi-t'Utlon '» extremely nesi, ami does ample jastbe to the JkeufltM literary matter with which It I* always supplied. The present ii. rontafn* well. written1 papers, entitled, "In Yoeemlle Sim.I owe," " Southwestern Hlnug," " A Okiud-horet a water spout) upon the desert," Chinese Or- ult Hi-ienc-e, Vnrnon, and others of a ueerrlp-

liVS character, " Hold IMck lhtnaline," a very Dxciiiug Australian storr, poetry, sir. The magazine seems likely to lie sustained, wbii li la s B-retllyluK eviduutto»niie progress or litera- ture on that far-off roast. A periodical of equal merit, called the Pivnrrr, was started abont BWt, by Ur F, C. F.wer, a reponer of the £Vev» and Transcript newipaper, hut now a Bar. Hltnal KpW.ipal In New Yurk, wltb a 8Hi.issi.aUri. II waa i.«- early, an.1 the I'lo iircr dlod. It was in this that Mr. fewer pub- lished bla noatly written sensation sketch, "The eventful nifihu of Heptemtxir ERth and Mlb," In which be describes an Imaicinery Interview with the spirit of a dead man with whose corpse he waa watching. To the areai araase- ment of Mr. Kwer, he was overwhelmed with

inumiulaiioiia from .J.||.|K,- felmouds ami a large nutnltur Of other leading ■ptriiuuli-t*, who bad >upisi*i<l that be waa a medium, ami was not writing mere ndidn

a>ea>aaa Mr, Johnston was surprised by Hie

beauty of New York ciiy, which, until recently. he had never visited. lu Streets, parks and |>opulatlun made a great Im- pression upon his mind; m.i ao did an enticing young lady, by means of a sliding panel, an impression to the amount of about |2UO0.

«I«I> ■'— For the extremely uiifillal act of pil ' ' ' i father's abdomen

Mr. Tower languia iiiK Ida father's abdomen with a pad of

i-lie- lua Brook

Stock I ne.- are now darned by luaoliiu- «ry, and they are darned nice.

irutwa H v M M i/(i.

8ATU*DAY.—lion, Charles Alkm, Chief Jus- tice Of tlie Supremo Court, died at Worcester yesterday, aged seventy-two years.— Then baa lieen a political riot In Mobile. We have the rebel account, which, of course, lays all of the blame to the negroes, though none but uegroea were killed.— There has baea aa explosion In tlie aefiar of the btsase of taw Brine* rat-aa- tneiit No explanation Is given.—The difficulty between tin Sultan and the Viceroy is likely to be settled.—Gold 1U 1-8.

MOHDAT.—Oeu. Hosecrans doc lines tlie dem- ocratic nomination of Oovernor of Ohio.— There Is loud talk of removing the national capital from Washington to St. lsjula.—An- drsw Johnson's protpeeU for U. 8, Senator of Tennessee are not ttivod, though the democrats, atlas conservatives, have carried the state by a large majority. Johnson continues to advocate repudiation and an empire,—Ureck in ridge Is tin admitting negro testimony In Kentucky.— Neither the Sultan or Viceroy can fight, (Or want of money.—An oil cloth factory waa burned at Colnmbnsvllle, L. T., Friday night. Loss f 100,000.—KufUs Lord, of Lord Bond no- tori ty, who died In New York, left (our millions. —A fire at Premonl,Nebraska, destroyed 8-*»n.- 000 mu Hi ol property otiThursday.—The 8|ian- iards are meeting with many defeat- in Coha.— There Is to be a cable lietween Cuba and Pan- ama—Gold 186 3-8.

TUESDAY. — The government defends Its coarse In regard to the seizure of the Spanish gun boats. It says that the SpanBK govern- ment la still at war with Peru, and It would he a violation of neutrality to let them go.— The dry goods firm or Bowers, Beekman At Co., has railed for 93,000,000; the fall In woolens was the cuti'e.—A block on Athertou Bock, at Yonkcrs, N. Y., was burned Saturday night; loss, »i,000,000.-- Tlie masons celebrated St. John's Day In Alaska by a plc-nlt.—The House Committee of Wsys and Means have returned itorn c.iiiiimii.i, .wiicre they hove been paying a visit.—Detectives are following rogues to San Francisco, where they had previously thought they were -ale.- - Two sons of Joe Smith, the original Mormon prophet, arc trying to over- throw Brlgham Young: they have ■ strong puru to liack them—Oold 18S 1-3.

/ i i.f WA.V.S II it ni: i i/o.v,

The firemen had a sunerb day on Friday for ilia celebratloD of the completion of the Fire Telegraph. The sun shone brightly, and the air was brsring and cool. There were uo visi- tors from abroad out of all who bad been in- vites), which caused great disappointment, but thoFiru Department showed conclusively that they asked uo odds of any one, and could run s celebration without aid, In good shape. The line was fortried under the direction of Kngineer Edward Caufy, Marshal of the day, and at ten

CaaatsjBM an the ^>n SL-Kaaaai ""rteJ Jow" liful appearance. The engines were drawn by tour and some by six stout horses, quite gaily iriuimod wlthJUgs, aud the machines them- selves were also handsomely drossod with flags ami dowers. Tlie carriage of the Eaglo Hose Company especially, looked very rich and taste fist. The long truck of the Book A Ladder Company was bung with flags and flowers from one end to the other. A little son of Al tlei'uiaii Samuel M. Davis, in UroiDau'a dress, rotlu upon the Kssex Kuglue. The TaclAc bail baea newly paluted and looked very gay indeed Carmine prevails largely In the colors. All the apparatus in the line glittered like highly pol- ished silver and gold. In U» procession was the Klniashar, In which were the Mayor and several member) of the City Uurarnmeni.

Headed by the Lawrence Brass Band, and escorted by a platoon of police, In command of Capt. Slmou lilakelln, the procession passed through Kssez street, Broadway.Canal, Union, Soring and Newbury sustaus to Beaaa, tbroogh

m "trout to Jackson, through Jackson, Ha- verbill, Broadway, Bradford, Amesbury to Rs-

streut, and through Essex to Jackson, tbeuae to thu Common, where (lie snglnes ware pluced at the pond. All along the rouie ibe people were gathered on the sidewalk*, and the parade aiiracted great auentlou.

The playing, which showed great power In u machines, waa whncsaud by ■ great number

of people, and the maefc of the hand made the ue vary lively. A tunny a<<cklent happened Number!: a beauiiiul bouqnet, which had

lawn carried upon their smoke pipe, got down somewhere where. It had no busitreas lo he, and among the works. After It bad gone In and got well squeeael, it was at laat, when the

am was sutDcienily strung, spit spitefully t. The objective point wss the flag stall,

the top of wukh U some hundred and fifty feet tioin the ground. They went several (M( over

nptwithstanding the rather strong wind' which prevailed. After the spori waa continued

some time, at a little cost of hunted hose, alarm from Box 1 j auddenly stopped It, and

there Was a great rushing almut, gathering up boae, hitching uf boraea and tearing across the Common urolght towards the box, i-orner of

1*M| and Oak streets. There was uo lire, the firemen allowed that they knew which

way to go. This ended the calrbraliou outside, a very successful and pleaaani one.

No !ii.'iii.'i! uut.lde of the regular orgaulxa- lion took part In the p.oadc, except the hose com pain from the Atlantic Mills, Charles K. Hall, ftnvinsn They numbered from flfteen In

•twenty men, and mode a good sppeuraang. TMB -i.ee. u

The eulehreiloii ended with a supper in lbs Free livening (school lloom, City Hall. The llreuicn MBSejhlad upon the Omnium, ami with their Invited guests and beaded by the band, marched over to the hall. Two table* were set Ike entire length of the room, and Hutclilus had covered ibem wlih cold meats, oyster pies, plea and cake, and the fruila ur the eeaaou, and his BtSfl wire fillitig eupt wltb tea and codec. Alton! otic hundred and sixty firemen, roemlairs of the City Government and other Invited guests gHt down. Capt- Oaofy railed the ivtnpsiiy to order, aadjiitorcordlally thank- ing the firemen lor their presence In surh num- bers at lucMchratioo autl ihugood order which they bad preserved, and remarking that there wa* no nine Ioi sysSBbss just itieu, be requested Mayor Davit la act a- I'realiiom of the feoal.

The Mamr consented, and (hen the viand* were aiisckeii and sought to lie "extlnguMiod," inn Mi. (in nit n were not entirely aucfeaaful In the latter, attempt. After on earnest attempt they uuit with a poor appetite Immediately upon the reaaatlou of the eating the band played a lane and retired. J. J. Boland, Bat),, who wa* |.II -.in, reiinok.ii Ural the firemen appeared much plesaed with ttmlr coAcc(Cauf> j. HI- Honor, the Mayor, mule a few remarks, to the effect that ihe satisfaction of the people » nil the firemen. Sod confidence In their man- agement, bad1 induced them ma only to pat ■teamen In then bonds, but a are telegraph, al an expense ol «Nooil The illaplay, to-day, bad laNiu mie of the UMIUI utiiuid with die heuutittd lie called upon l'nsld«ii|f|>oland, of tin- Common Council.

Mr. Bulalid remarked dial lie was pleased at any and all times to acknowledge the merll of Kit- tlremcn, aqd thai be thanked ilicm fur the pleasure which they hod afforded him thai day He concluded bf remarking that Ihe eftisens of Lawrence having ihowa their confluence lu ibe (Ira department liy giving them steam to work with, bail now Misled ike llgliinhiK to aid them.

Cot. B. F. Watson, of New York, bainr called upon, said that be wa* quite unable to express tlie pleasure he felt at meeting so many familiar races. When exbsuste.1 by the labors of the year he could lake refuge In no place so pleasant to him a* his old home, Lawrence, to which his footsteps turned. He could say but llule, for be was rather out of practice at speech-making. Col. Watson closed by again speaking of the happiness of greeting Ida old fnands.

Captain Langroald, In response to a oal I for some remarks, said that It seemed like old time* to moot with the firemen. U ever be was proad «* the Lawroaca Fire D**pa*eoao( It was on this day. The days of laasde had passed, to lie sure, but more aiTeeilveiies* existed. He concluded wlih a sentiment, to the effect that the member* of the firs department, whethnr on duty In the workshop, ihe mill, or at the conflagration, knew their duty and did It with a will.

1 The following despatch was read by Captain Caufy-

II A VkKlll l.l., AUg. "'111. To <A* Ckitf Ktiyituei of Utwrnct.

The youngest City In the Commonwealth send* Ihe City of Lawrence ber congratulations on the *ucces*ful completion of the Fire Alarm. May her prosperity continue as peace- fully and as surely as the beautiful Merrimack that supplies her wltb motive power.

W. H. Tuunaa, Chit/ Engineer

J, Horace Stevens, the builder of ihe tele- uniph, being called iijsin, said that he need not ■peak for the telegraph. It had spoken for itself that afternoon, and If the firemen always went for the ]."\ a* promptly as they did that after- noon, a tire would have no living chance. He expressed his pleasure at im-etim.' with the fire- men, and compared them very favorably with those of other .cities. He wa* very proud to walk at Ibe head of their glorious procession ■ hut afternoon wltb their engineers. He boped they would learn to love the telegraph.

Superintendent Betijamlu Booth, of the Fire Alarm, mode a few remarks, and was followed by Ex-Kiigineer Meteaff and Captain Samuel lauigmoid. Alderman Katon, being loudly called for, made some humorous observations about men who grumbled at everything, grum- bled at the steamers, grumbled at every step they took on the Ktsex atreei aldewalk, grum- bled at schools and grumbled at the Tire Tele- graph. He verily believed that these men would grumble If Ihe new* should come that the devil was dead.

The celebration was closed by cheers for tlie Mayor, for Mr. Stereos the telegraph man, llnicbltis and others,

'I'm KCLIHSK.—The eclipse was a de-

cided success In this locality, though the

clouds at one lime threatened to produce

the" greatest obscuration." There were

sufficient rlfta lu I hem, however, lo be-

hold the shadow to good advantage

throughout. Smoked glasses were In de-

mand, and answered a good purpose. though facetious persons troN'd hand the

"iiwked aide to the lace aud rap II against

oided eclipse on tlie end of that organ.

Quite u small rim of the sun was left vis-

ible, about as much as of ihe moon at Its first appearance, and the light was

strange and t atural. Tlie shadow

gradually disappeared and the suu set fully visible. It is said that there will be

nothing of the kind again for forty years,

by which lime we hope to have made a

fortune at (he newspaper business and re-

tired. The Boston Post says nothing ul

tlie Sunday afternoon eclipse, which ll in- sisted upon. Its prediction proved quite

at accurate as some of Its political proph ecles.

8BT Youa WATUUBS AMD CLOCKS.—On and after Wednesday of this week, tho true time will lie struck at half-past twelve o'clock, each Jsv, from Mr. Whltford's regulator In a portion of tho store of John C. Dow, on Essex street. This time was selected after iiin.-l, dc liberation, as the best at which the signal could be given, and therefore, when a single stroke Is given on the An' alarm at thst boar, the people will know that It Is exactly half-past t wcl vr.aud; to use the language of the sea,will "make It so.' ll it hoped that Hill arrangement will secures iniiih needed uniformity lu the clock* and watches of this city.

DIDN'T KNOW MI n SKX —A few nights since the house of a prominent resident of New Vork. was entered by a burglar, and -one- valuable jewelry and othur property stolen und carried away. But before leaving the house.lt appears thai he paid a visit in almost every apartmetit lull. Trace- ol ljtin were found above and below stairs—wherever Indeed, it was probable that valuables could lie ob- tained. It so happened that one member of the -family belonged to that much abused and very excellent class of society called "old maids." She Isafrei-liMarte.!. geuurotis lady.Intelligent and refined, and the only fear that her well-balanced mind has ever known. Is the apprehension that In some evil hour Satan will lure her af- fections Into the keening of that abomi- nation of her mlml. a man. Now, whether the unrglar knuw tin- peculiarity of the lady's mind or not. he, al all events, determined lo pay her a very practical Joke. To this end he carefully removed from the chair on which -lie hud neatly folded and laid It. all her wearing apparel, and aubsiliuUtl from another room, a complete suit of gentlemen's e|mhes. Then laklng off n huge pair or false whiskers, he carefully adjusted them io Ihe face of the steeping lady. Of course he could not wait to see the dsaoufment, but I hat pleasure wa* rssotrrad lot Hie family the nexi morning. Awaking si an early hour, the lady pro- eeiHled (o(he mirror to enjoy a look *i her face. The first claim- petrified her with horror. Waa she Indeed a many Tlie latest superstition of her nature re- viving, she Imagined that Satan had beet) playing ber a horrible revenge for her uuitnoslty to the male creation. She stag- gered to a chair, and almost broken- hearted, concluded to dross,and send Tor a barber. But uow, ahe noticed for tlie first time that her doilies too were gone, and a gentleman's outfit was substituted in their stead. She was certain now thai the metamorphose was complete, ami re* •Igiilug heroW to (he Situation, tried to Ion (he apparel. But having no ex|>erl- i nee in ihe adjustment of this new-fang led apparel, and habit being stronger than lusliuet, ahe found that every time she put the pantaloons over her head, she en- countered an Impediment that defied all her efforts to overcome, lu short, the pants would not go over her head. At last, lu despair, she rang Tor assistance, itud her maid appearing at the door, she

rled out; I no, i come in Belly, for I am a man.

io* ; bul jnM ph-ase in u ami ask my brother If he usually put- his breeelws on iver Ids head, or commences I eel fore- uoal.'

ll I- loH-illinsto .uv the message aslou Islu'd the household. It was «ometlm«- before Ibe lady would admit lo her a|i- panuieiii any - of either sex, for fear lie uilgbi make a mlsiake; but finally, me, more adveuiurous than tiui rest,

pusheil oiieiilhe door, and soon convinced Ihe sotely troubled maid I hat ahe had nol hn-ukeii her estate,.but waa waa one ol the angels ist (he earth. _,

- » ■»■* _ An uapleasont. maniac in ibe MisMHtri Aay-

luin ceta the clothing wUti which propriety woald cover him.


Our early potato** have bean dug I I knew the " yield • beer* MOW* proportion te Us* taaoeut et* ased planted, to I will aUta that one IMSSSMS of" kte- baea" ware duly out and placed lu llule ring* of lerUllaor, about Ui« laat uf April, There ao* also on Investment of throe dollar* la a* many pounda uf " Karly lima." Those were eat wUh the ettaest ■Mie, and eoaalgned u> raoiaer earth, wtth tow haMy* that ber oareful nursing woald make at* aeeh "eye" a BUI* family or tuber*. In woteh we ■wmtwaaW* qualities of the dleaevereS aareol •h*a*S be leaara- duoed. rjunalilujr day* followed, until One owning It Waa anrtuunoed that the palatoe* bad aawwaLvd. The whole fasally laateatly adjuarwefl M tew tssx with ese-w faee*. Bythe awalrj, I avaea tbetMS ■olntereetad In pSoaHt, **- 0*t, (Sa> ■MyaaWij- self, f do not know wbal my eaawseaaviae won, hut If I had any they war* all hag when ray ayes looked vainly lor a tlgu of graeu 1 "Where or* UM •pr.tut*?" I Inquired. My oUenUoa wa* Uwn oloMly drawn to rsgular, tiny looanaa, with Jut* dl-cerullil* oraaka radiating from the eenu-e. The Ufa »ncluaad tacinad ao very weak that I wanted lo •ee bow little atrt-ngtb woald enteh If I had, hew- ever, mural itrength lo keep my he* where laoy ahould be, while lb* dog and eat wanted srorelv bock lo the heuea.

Hay oad June earn* aad went. Warotlh aad daw and rain eoaoed the** Into the light, oad ones above ground the (trugglr began,—the old Straggi* for lift, whether In humanity or potato tope. The eut- worm laid aomu uf theiu low In a alOfte night; ■ sprightly llul* bug, nailed by aouie the " turnip flee," pinned aaeh green leaf with laaeaaerablf- hiilea, caterpillar* devoured, vaolea dog tbroogh aad around lb* rooia, and dually a broiling July sen crisped them day after day, until we tin** earns tor them to be dug. The prooee*, n*w lo me, wa* eleu quite exotUug. Leaving *ota* bread to loaat on* lauruliuj I ran onl to waloh the unfolding uf Jual on* hill'* mysterl**, The une grew lo adesen, aad tli* bread—wall, I have a way of loatlng breed quite unique lo lu way. Mow the laat time It wen thought a .le.lr.til* adjunct or the broahfeat I ar- ranged the aiiuaa en the wire Mesoer, over a quick tire, and tbaa went out and eel oa th* orilar doer. It wa* Jnai a* easy lo loll law a reverie a* wait down, and I wa* arose**! free* ailae etiljr by th* amoky otnoaphare gallwrlng aruund a». In view of my proollvlUe* In thl* d|reetlee It *e**n* untbr- niiiale that our " Hva aUteh " eonabM* uf only two ehlekeaa, *nj thee* *o *s*all that we are yet uode- olded a* to tb* nainber of *gg* w* ahall *end lo market; lnd*ed, th* rhanoe* are feeeened one-half by die appearance on one of ih**n, Juat bach of lb* wlag*, or two Basalt bleak (aether*, having a deeld- *dly perpendiaulat tendency.

Tb* day before jr**terdey, wishing anna* potato** for dinner I wa* obliged to go lo the born for them. 1 went with •mie internal, having reeadved no Sad- nit., knowladg* of their abandonee or els*. A placid «mlie covered my fare a* I dleeovered four barrel* arranged JnM oppoelle the door. I looked into Ui* Brat, only a few nail* In the bottom; the •muni wa* empty; the third wa* about tart*- fourth* foil or what looked Ilka walnut*; Ihelburlb and laat contained ahaviug*. 1 eloa* thl* part or our farm work a* 1 began,—our *ariy potato**have

Have yon any ld*a, dear reader, what pcr*f*t*ni patience place* the sweet potato on your lob*** Th* amount ur forethought, preparation, culture, and beok-Mb* attending Ha raising, boa glled at* with WOIIIIIT Indeed the whole sutler of fanning, tilth- a* I know of It, i* a perptcilty la aw, oad I fall to get Ibe eomfort from '• **et ag thing* grow " that our neighbor doe*. It 1* of hi* potato culture, aal hav* ubeurved II ■ Uiai I elll etuern taj erlu.. th(w-ll „„ «... ■—*» i«"7 usutnadttr VUTJO |WW*

TV- manure for'our pateh wa* ao *uae**sfu(ly I eevota • lew tinea lo g, put io (bow

of what Uw Doetor I* capable, even under aathvar- ■Itle *lrnuin*taooe*. Three or roar bethel* or *elu>* were wiraped up from the Hpring bouflr**, sod two wheelbarrow load* of a.ill man tb* hitching- po*t* near th,. ehureh. These war* raised, aad oa* large inaae added ; afterward two email otMM, then an " earth dog," *u called by black Jim, our etey*. lupedla when otber *onre** felled.—ll may later**i lb* reader to knnw that Uila " boy " WM auhjwt te dreadful aUaoka or eratnp, In eooeeqaene* of which In could work only about one hair the Hate, aald cramp coming Sf wbwievur there wo* a aebtng ■*- ■■union ur frolic uf any kind, and looting loaalt eoiiveiileiiee.—Jim called il an " earth-dog," sod aald It waa "pU*ti,"*o It w*a killed and burled In thu eompo*! heap. Then war* added at Inter**!* three little drowned dog*, two laol**, and four blind kitten*. With .noli eaouuragataenl the vines ar* doing wall.

ejhorUy after coming ber* 1 ooUeed. on th* nnrtli ■id* of the houte, about four acre* or ploughed ground, and Wo* told It wa* tar *w**t polaloe*. About u* Arstof Jan* ll we* ploughed agoia, the* furrowed . Manure from a hate compoel heap wa* earted on, and dirown into the d**p farrow*. Than the plough WM run along •**«• tide of la* t»mwt, throw in* th* dirt In oa the manor*, and changing ihem Into ridge* about a foot lu buUrlu. With a ho* ih.' lop* uf the ridge* ware ■lightly tlatleiied, and the gruuad wa* ready. No*; for the potato**I Do you auppo** thee* war* cut In pleeee, ao many eye* lo Ut* piece end planted ? Hoi al all.

About all o'aluck that avenlng I waa startled by ■ he Bound uf voidee, and looking frim* my window ■aw an unuiual number of children (a my neigh hor'a Sel.1. They held bunch** of green In their llule hlaok hands'/and aa they ran along by the rldget Uwy placed bit. or green el nearly regular. Interval*; In otli*r words, Uwy war* '■ drapplng." and the green (n their hand* proved lobe potato aproui*. Ill I tb* children followed four men, each astride a, ridge, with the body beat, ao aa to form aa acute angl*. They were •■ setuog oat." Melting a plant with the left hand, at Ihe BOM* Uat* making. ■ hole with the right. It wo* pal quUkly In, and wltb une plitcjmf the dirt aruaiid It left for the netl, about a root tn advance. The work WM rsp Idly done, but lb* bank wa* elwayi In thai pueltfuii. Ii began lo tell on Uioee who had oomptotad on* row oad begun on lb* **eond. "a'Pasra Ilk* any back n*cd* apll. iiii,".al.| on*, a* be ap-alghiened, wbll* anuUier went through *<mb a »erle* ul iwiett in-r.ir* reaching the perpendicular, that I laerad b* would forget us whleh aid* uf Ma neck th* outfe* w**balton*d. Teuruw* war* taiabedaefor* dark, and an, gradually, the Slid ha* been rilled.

I noUced Ihe plant* w«r» aet nut only al Ihe eloa* ■■< ■!<>. and -ke.l ibe reae.n. " Beraae* they will not will to badly tomorrow ;H but who* alVtrwardt, w* were oUoadlng to the •am* work, w* wer* ad- ytted lo tet them out from 11 lo 1 In tb* alWaooa, and fur the torn* raevaon. We Irted bath plan*.

Uy neighbor ha* " eulUvaled " hla IWlee, thst Is, ploagbed betwres Uw ridge*; they have been bawd t»lc*,audaf*w.Uya ago Uwy wer* ploughed again. Hy thu Umc It ha* beeora* a tadloa* proa***, tb* vine* being in tome liultiioe* four or live fact la length. It |. neoettary Bret to piae* Ihem where the plough will not lojur* Ihem. I'm. I* dun* by pa* •lug down between BOB ridg**, and drawing the vfnea Inn, the apace paeaed ovwr, leaving UM alternate ■pee** fro*. Thu* •marad, the plough U driven through... Afterward*, th* vine* are arranged over the phinghod aaasna, and Ul* cultivation done aa be bra, On Ih* third juarney same ihe field. Uw vluee ar* laid on thvir reapecUvo ridge*. All weed* left are pulled sp, and Ihe dirt ItHwaoed aroae* each plant All tbl. (line Ih* men ar* In the painful po- -iii.in .lt-«,-11 | atrunxly r*ruludlng at* of ttraw-

Th* hul bed, for the prodscUoti of apronta, la or range.l generally the laat Haiunlay lu April, and lb* ■proula ar* ' pnlle.l" when all danger uf fro*l be* peacsl. TKUI* tlie In a Ing ; the end 1 !„,,„■ |o a*e ; though I SMBS Sear doing ao, by atmoBl falHna. luloapolelii bole, ■ few waatka after comlag here; this" bole" being the kllcheua whoa* uwuer* oannul afford a healed ■cam for ih. potato**' apodal eomfort, a arrange! IHUM slway. look for ll Juat In from of th* *lo(*. In be aura, ll It uovered, genvrall) ; hul II 1* often ntoaetary lo remove Ih* hoard*; always, during Ih* "•westing" pr.te*** It wa* whit* tb* cover WM temporarily removed, that I, walklna laooeenlly la, wu elutuuvd tin ihe very border* ul a pit, whkh teemed up.ii for my dealrucllun.

i»" i potaioea In February f Hhould yua b* for- tuuat* enough (•> And Ihoui on your bill uf fare wh*n Ihetnowuf Hint in.i.ati I* at ynar door,—1 coal •ay,—ha I f really do not think they will be from uu> potato hoi*, or a* ihe a.ove. invariably hav* It, •'teler hole."

Ihe Mats of a wedding al (lalrna I* followed by lie announcement, " No carda. I'rcaraU, fsmti. HpecMl train Letter* Irotn (leu. (Irani, Hlietman and Nherblon."

A Chicago husband oeeks dinner Iweausefela wife has a haMt of la-atbig lom wltb laruom* stick*, crocking his bead with irou bars, throw ing tuml.lcM at hiiu, aerate long him an J kicking blw oat of bati,


. •



mmwB a UMMAMI.

WlDXKftliAY.— Tlir sleuinsbip^ Ue-'inaiiln, from New York for-Wsuinany, anil Ibe Cleo- pairs from IlWMl tor l-.«ui<ni, were wrerkeu off Newfoundland, BM uu SMarday and tlm

other on Munils*^jju*t«*i ■'"•*■—John Uoincy Attain* basbfiMi'^lntcrviewed." He «ay* ihal It makes lio lIMWwm whether the Iftth amend- ment Is adopt*. 1 or mil; It In InciinablcM aud will ^o of no account.—" Andrew Johnson mid raputllallon " ti lha cry of the .Tennessee item octet*; Johnson may not win aa U. 8 Senator. —At Hoaallon, Peon., a cage eoiiialiilDii eight people Ml forty fact, breaking arm-. logs, aud rlba.—Charles Goodman gambled away fAO,- 000 of bla employer'* money In Chicago, The (ambler who won It baa been arrested—The Cnrllsi trouble* In Spain ate far from ended.— The Prealdrn. heartily austain* the radicals ■gains, the conservative* at the South.-New- foundland wants lii annex..—The President baa returned to Waslilntflnn temporarily.—There ■* quite a war on thu i:rl<- tinl Husiiiiehaima rail- road , one hundred and HIty men are engaged on both sides; there haa lawn some Iroaf, and one man waa -lux through ihe hand. Fink I* at the bottom of It —A milliner at Port Ho- ward, N. Y. haa received a fortune of (19.U0U.

OOO.-Oold I •■■■:• If

Till' MftaTi -The 1'acllir express WBB nrWwl Of lllO.IK.ai yesterday lielwren Albany Mid Fonda, S. Y-, by eifchl men who uoi upon tlie train aud overpowered the ai<ent and hat-cat roaster-— Cornshue Urinnell, ot Sew York, walkad off a ladconv at Kyde, Knglaud, an< waa killed; J. U Bennett, Jr., test Met) thai Urlaaail waa tober - The Hrillah Perllainmii haa beau prorogued.—The Kiuuuubauua road baa Iwin pui Inio the bamla of Governor Hoffman, of New York-Gold 130.

KHIUAI . AnotNrr awiul and d)a){Ui|liiK •t-ene, well calculated to create sympathy for murderers, haa occurred In a tuwii In I'eunsyl- vanla; the rope broke, and the condemned man waa then lie-1 up again and choked, kick- ing and struKKllitK lor a louic lime. If men ■uuat be put to death, bumaulty would sugge*! the muikatortba garoie.—(Jen. Koancraii* hav- IOK declined, Pendleton haa been uomluaied for Governor ol Ohio by the de crei* —Seymour propbealed laat October that there would be a deficit of 9140,000,000 In tbe national treasury. The balance M baml la SIM.OOO.OOO, and 8ey-

orer U00,00O,(KW out of the way.— Fractional currency U likely to tw ware* for a time, owing io a airike or plate i -i- — The accounts from Cdfoa continue disastrous to thu Spaniard*.—The old liiue or $10 greenback*

II (lopped, owing io itio number of counterfeit*,— Thrro 1* a tied itate oi thing* In Spain; the treasury I* empty ami ibe people refute to pay taxea—The President haa re- moved several democratic I tint ufflcer* In Mia-

slaslppl; be will not sustain the Dent 0MM-- The ;M BHgade la to encamp at Sprlnglield, Sept. 34th.—There ere banditti In Tenths* see a* In Italy. They kidnap citlien* and demand and ge> a heavy ransom — Gold 181 D-t.


funeral of Mr. Francis W Will-, a ma-

-im nl' high rank, look place on Wednes-

day afternoon. The member* of hi.

onler, thn Knight* Templars, Nethany

Kneninpruent, M. K. romiiiander, W

II. .Iin|iiirli, nsacinblcd nt Masonic Hull.

IIIII] proceeded, nei-ompnnh<i| liy the nfil-

HIIII it fi'W ini-iiilnT-i of the kXaffea,

to lbs Into r«Bcleno« of the JjnoiiMmT. on I^iw.-ll Hlrt-ft, whore the remaina wprr

nseirad. with tha unual bononi, noil ea-

cortcii with i In- iiKiiiruura to tbe Law-

niHM atn-et church, thu tmntl |.|,iyin-

i-hun-li '{MHluimly aa iln proc-eiMon

ji.iiHi-il lii. The -i-i'\ i in thu church

wuru oouducted by ttcv. 0. E. Fiaher.

A chant, " Caat thy hurt hen on the

!.i'nl." waa sunfr. after wliich thu pttstor

rend tippropriut** aeluvtloDH of Scripture,

The hymn, " Thou urt KOIIO UI tlie

yntve," (olloweil, aller which w:w a

I'm:: mill I'luiiiHt prayer. The aervluea

in the ihiinli i-oti.-linieil hy the hymn,

"AilWI|l III Jt-niM," illut it h.'lll-liirliini.

Alter nil who I'hoxu Uflaapil amum! nml

beheld the remniiia, n procusnlon wua

fonuotl upon tho oiiuhleof thu churoh,

Till- pull iieiirera Were Sir Kui^lita, II.

(1. ll.nl.k. John A. Wiley, Snmuel M.

steduiim. Ub«H PMlbrlek, I). B. Web-

■ter, mid W. F. Fiirnuiii. A long; line

ol eaiTiiifroH followed the hearae. Thu

cirte^u moved toward* the cemetery to

the muaie of thu Kuiok Uirgo, and at"-

UTwnrdii the Dead March, from Saul

The jfrnvu waa. in thu vicinity nt tin

Noudham monument. In front of which

the aoleiiiii MI.I luipreieilve ct-'ruuionien

ul the Kiiighta went conducted by their

commander, nml .acting I'rulatc L A.

Hiahop, the Knlghta giving the runponses

in the aurvleo.

Thu heat waa very great, und Doctor

French conferred a great favor before

the pnicoaaiou movud, by a supply of [M

water U» those in the line.

!>!■: III! Of MH. fH4.SK WKLI.H..

We regret to announce Lliu death, on

Saturday morning, of Mr. F«a>KOfl W.

VVKI.L8, a son of Mr. Nathan Wells, of the

Poet Ofloe, after an illness (principally

bleeding at the lungs) of some two

weeks. The decoaaoil wan formerly a

partner in the well known firm of Hi mil

ley A CO., of this city. Mr. Wells was

nearly 40 years of age. and wu* a Mason

of high rank.

i itti. \\ Si-Hi; i, PiSUINti,— Visitiirs at

the beach are having an extraordinary

run of luek In .n.1 tlshing; two of our

Lawrence Irieuds went out from the

Ooean House, on Friday, and in a few

hour* eauiu in with forty-four splendid

>■..,!. and Wm. M. 11*11, K*).. o( the

Ku-. II Paper Co., caught a inamtiiulh

follow, a day or two before, one of the

[tatriarrlii of his tribe, weighing f-'urh/

I'olimh. _^j_-__

HAII.HOAI' riiANiik.--Every one, a,.'

are Mil t, A ho lias liad occaalou to i rauaaei

liu-liie— with the coiinmius ami genlle-

inanly railroad stailmi Agent In Law-

rence, Mr Alexander II. U>>wc, will re-

gret to learn thai he la Io leave in* and be

located on the road between Hover and

Alion Bey. iiiHklny nil headquarter! tor

the preaent ai ibe latter place. Mr. Ho we

has been among us tor *!x years or more.

and hi ll iiiuy dltllcult position* In

which he haa been placed, has acipiltted

himself to the satlsfaclli f all. Ill*

service* here have been Invaluable io tin

company, lor lew QUtsJUfl have an Idea ol

tho amount ot oaloulatlon requlrwtl for

the IraiiHporlnllixi of large bod lea of men

with a modiTitte number ol cars. Mr.

Ho*e takes with him the hearty good

wishes ol all of our citizen*, ami eaueol-

ally lliu-"-ui Ills UaOOlatel on tbe road

whoseabldlng place h In thU viclult)

Ilia luowaaor l«.Mr. .lamea T. Furber, ■ practical printer. Of course he 1™ a clever

fellow and a -miarl man. He ba« been in

the rnllroad buillieta lor aonte yaara. ^ ■»«♦»♦ —

FlHLMKN's KxctmatiiN.-Tbe Pacific

Engine CoiupHiiy No. I, start upon their

annual ex>'iir*|iin-to t^tk0*Wlnnipwaatike«

on TiiPNtlay. taking ll nrs at the Hnutb

Side at» l-'i \. \t I'licv expeci t<> arrive

at Wolllh.ro mi the lake at 1 f. !U. In rea-

son lor dinner, and will take up their

quarMta at the Lake Mouse tTbey rtlll

remain Jil Woltboro ihe bala'nce of lb.

day and In the morning take a small

steamer lo l.acunla, another point on the

lake. Here they will nmain during Ibe

day am) night, and on tbe jnornlng of the

third day will return Io Wollboro. Anef

dining there they will take ibe boal lor

Centre harbor.froot which place they will

return to Alton Hay and home. The

tickets for ibe whole three day* trip, hotel

hill, and everything, are Used at fit.

The regular tare for lhat amount of rail-

road and Htemrtei travel would alone be

•0, and every wbw haa I ravelled

kliowawhat hotel bill* are among the

He HI nf inn The ticket * are therefore

llxed ul a very low rale. II uipaii)

Invite their honorary members and other

frlendalojoln with I hem. Tie- number

of tickets are limited. They rail be had

at Uenrge'-. KlpreM office or at Merrill's

store on Amraburj near K»acx street.

lions*: CAR SH-AIIMIS - A rotidtioior

Oil • boras cur fu Sah-m, wan receii

brought lwdore Ibf Police t'ourl In ll city, charged with emb<-//ling *:t(NHl

.the money id the proprietors, during

connection with ibe road. The case u

be ini'.l si the Superior i on it in lulael

In October.

A STYLISH Minrutv ('AI*. -A n

and very clegu

almllar style ul

Iteglmeiit, waa

window to day. Ill* Intemleil

and itatr o«eers, and la richly

with gidd braid and tirllliaiit bra

The plume U a -tiort while t. i i

with blue. I'be cap of (lie pr

tlietflb, K to be id light blue, wl

blue pompon tipped wllll while.


gentleman who M.J ned for

upon Hie lop

a hard accoi

has been in

and SHOW en

heavy fugs w

tlie shape <d

Itora loft tor i

spot however wh

WKNH ill ('AMI1 HnrflNd. -1'lckets en-

titling the bold.T to a passage to thW place

aildTeturir, call he tool at the depot for

ll.o.'i. They are goml from Ibe Kith lo

the aflat .11 !

Km DiiowNKlJ. -Wednesday mnrnfug

as James Ke-itlng, about eight years of

age, WHM bathing In the Spleket river

near Hie Lawrence Street bridge, with

several other boys about bis age or

younger, hu got beyond bis depth and

sank In deep water, not knowing bow to

RWlin. The alarm was at mice given and

he was got out wllbln tineentjr twenty

minutes, but life could not.b« re-tored.

The litllu lellow belonged In UharJesiown

and was on a visit to hh uncle Mr. Mar-

tin .Sullivan In this city, "lie was the

only sou of his mother and ihe wus a

widow.." He had been visiting here hi-

tore and hi* Uncle took him down to bis

mother but tbe boy begged so hard to bu

allowed lo upend more lime In Lnwreiici

that Mr. Sullivan requested the hoy

mollier to let hint come up again.

The Splckei Is H dangerous place for

those uuactpiahitcd with swimming to

bathe In, being ipilln deep In places, and

It-lsnot alwa> sevklunt where these places

are' loon ted. There have been double the

uioba of till Nil

earn ol (tins,, in the Merriniack

l>HV TlMSB.—Everywhere there is com-

plaining uln.nl tlie drought and vegetation

Is -iifTerlng severely. The ground Is

parched and In some places almost baked,

aud (he dual 'i- Intolerable. The streams

are very low ami the fuelitries sutler mm-b

Inconvenience. I'be Arlington has been upelled I lilt tloi


frith i Mlfflcl



ai. for Us pu

..supply ofwi

We have he

i portion ot in lo till op

ter fro ird •



ilaek ii :•■.•• <-ap ol

i a<|i>pled by .he Six

ie seen In Hu n

ui Wasblnglon gives

int ul that lucidity. There

-les ni considerable Tciigth

i.ugh for wballlng. also Idch .111 off everjiblng in

i prospect, Most ol the vls-

i summer climate and ihe

irly de-erlcd. It is a lovely

whan Ihfl weather Is right.

1 UtPK KANC H'i UOD8.—Tbfl Ilii mis

Pi blhlli HI in in Itetl to meet nil .-!■'

Ev unl- Sclu ol Itoom, at •a pas o'c ock. Sit ii r la) evening, A I-. 11. Hi'


s.i i(e



egaU in, u> tug

I lo

be the State 1 luddeiilirlt.



if tni

left high ami dry In t

brook*. UK-re not being water ei

tlml Iheiu. At Ihe time this Ii

^here seems to tie 11(111- prospect of any

ehuugea for the better, though on Wed- ncBitny arrrrrtmm nnn rvpfitng Hu- skv

was blink with clouds, Even on ibe

Common Wednesday evening the crowd

raised a thick cloud of dual In moving

along Ihe main pathway, our elly fathers

having seen lit to close up the most desir-

able walks.

I'll*-: NEW St A NUN AUKNT.—Mr. .las.

T. Furber, lb w Miatlon agent at Law-

rence, I*. a* we have before slated, a prin-

ter by trade), and was al onetime in thai

buslneaa at Oreal Falls. He was for seven

years hi the employ of tbe Maine railroad

In thai vicinity, but fur the past loiiryt

has been engaged hi the Erie Kail road

service, being located at Jersey t'lty, N.,l.

Mr. Furber is an energetic man ami will

be very useful lo the company In his

preseul position.

A L.AWKBN0K MAM IN TnounLB.—A despatch to tlie Boston Herald, Ifilin

Concord, says that one Benjamin (iruun,

a hard case, recently from Lawrence,

employed at the West Concord stone

quarry, was brought before Judge Dana

in thn 1'otice Court, Thursday, ami com-

mitted to jail in default of |700 bouda orr

a charge of burglary in entering the

house of MM. Kate Speed, oti the even-

ing of thu loth inat.


agree with the Chief Engineer that tbe

(Irenien are not to be censured, but com-

mended for their promptness In respond-

ing lo every alarm, however casual; If, in

the hi■■• working ol the new apparatus, as

Is almost unavoidable, a slip or [wo hap-

pens, (he engltiemeii, certainly, should

not In' blamed lor an early response. ,\

trial or two will make everything smooth,

TIIK CiiiRF END INKER'S Cann.—Our lompllmeii. lo (In- tlrciiieu foi their

pminpinesH a( (be lit Ian alarm at hall-past

twelve Wednesday, -ceuis to have

been construed by ibe Milcf Engineer

into c.iiMire, for which Ii was certainly

not Intended, Their rush was Imth nat-

ural amfpralae worthy, and we dlMloclly

-tated that (hey * lion Id have been notified

per-onall). Tbo alrlkhlg twnw was an

accbleiil. which is not likely to occiir



Death of on* of tho Combatants.

l.l.sf u( 111. SurHriiiff Ii II.' '!■"! «'•■< Are4»0+rlrt.

On Tuesday night, a party of fellows

re drinking lu a cellar on the plain*,

ami alter they came out upon White

licet, near Elm. one of the party,

harlea I arbury. about twenty-one years

of age. proposed to Michael Loony, two

■ years older, lo have a ii in to

settle up an old difficulty. 'The tight re-

sulted in Carbon crying "enough," and

in Ids death Hie neit alteriioon. LOOBJJ

was arrested on Valley atreet aboul halt-

past seven or eight o'clock. An Inquest

was held by Coroner W. O. Lamb, on

Thursday. Alter the body had been

viewed, Ibe following testimony was

elicited : Chase Phllbrlck, City Marshal. Kucw

Charles Carbary, the person here lying dead. Have rreuurntly seen Mini drunk, and under the iiiltueiice of Hipior. Michael LooBy was brought to Ibe Htatloii House last night by uffl- cer Wntauii. Took Loony up stair*, and examined Mini In the nrcscucu of otHcer Uutcb- i-lder.

Askrd I II..nv If be would tell roe all alsiut lb<- ('..limn M.it'iLir, -ui.I iliat hu would; *ald thai be [LooBy] waa to blame lor (.'arliury* death, If any onei «ald lhat he went nn mi the plain* on Tuea'lay evening abom nine o'clock; thai he Went down Him Tbumaa Morlarty's cellar; found Carbury, Ttiomaa Morlariv, John Lane, (or McLane), Daniel Loony aod Tatrick Canaly ; stahl ibere a boat an hour and i-aine oiit on White *iruei; Carbury prupoitsl to *eii1e a little dllflculiv which bad exiated Iwiwisiii them; I>*ony agrt-tsl m tin* propuial, hut wanted lo go ovur ihe other side of the Spleket where ibe ufflcer* wnuid not he likely to Inter- fere; Uarbury objected and tnsi*tad nn Milling it ibere; he sajd that no one should. Interim.-, and thai the ludu should continue until one crle.1, enough; Loony said thai they then pitched Into each other, and each beat, kicked and hit each other a* hard aa they could ; 1 oony aald that Aa did, and be supposed Car- bury did bli best alto; there were other looker* on than thoac mentioned, but BU one Interfered; when Carbury cried enough, he let blm alone, and went off home; alter reaching borne aoini' one told Mini Carbury was up in the church yard and <-ould not get home; Loony, Moriarty and I. me went to tbe place and look hi (Carbury a) houne; It was about eleven o'clock; Hut Carbury In tbe eniry; aald to him that he would go for a doctor if he wanted one no ruplv; all then went home; he, Loonr, went to work iii-it day, and when he came home at in.-lo board Carbury WM dead; thought of de- livering himself up, hut was arroaust by officer Watson; I caused (he arrest of Moriarty, Can- aly, i. ui'1 and Daniel Isxmv ; they each said that they aaw the Itidit, and heard Carbury aay lhat be had enough; did not know the nature of tbe difficulty helween Loony and deceased i it was some old irou'de; the srresi of l-ouny was alsiut 7 r, ■ Weduoatay. ,

Dr. David Dana. Do not know deceased; did not »ee linn heftire his death; examined tbe holy at l"l Uiwutl St.; found a cut over the left eye ami the eye black. Hit band waa Mumetvhailirulsed and there were ionic scratches mi ihe forehead. They might in- caused by a •harp or a blunt instrutneni, or hy a fall. The cut was utiiiui an inch and a half lung . found no mark* over ibe bowel*, and none anywhere but <m Ibe bead. there wa* no unnatural mil nc** uf ihe Istwels; should think death wa* caused by [he eftVct of a shock from an injury following a debauch. Whether the Injury waa oaused by a fall or kick 1 could not say or judge; a kick In (be 'MJWUI* might IM aufflcietil to pro- duce such a abock ; then thu shock might have ruplured a tiluod vossul; a*hi>ck might produce convulsion IT a person was iuloxicalud at (be tone Of receiving It.

Dr. (1. W. Oarlanti Waa called lo see Car- bury at I A M . on Wedneiday , found blm lying nn tho righl side, kiitm* drawn up; aaked Mi HI if he wa* much injured; he laid yes, eome; bis |.u'-i wa* lull and rugulsr, face hushed, dry btood about tht BOSUHIs. t'here was an abra- x over itie left eye; bu complained of paln'in ■ lie laiwels, In tbe centre; waa told he bad vom- ited ; lie it'iilit turn without aashnaUce, and also exicud hi* Ihn.M without aid. bound no dis- coloration or redness ou tlie bowul*; there waa


waa tolerably well filled on Sunday

evening, by an attentive, aud, aa a gen-

eral thing* a courteous audience, they

having assembled to listen to'the re-

marks of Kev. Charleallardoii, who was

to explain tlie dootrluoa of Entauuel

Swcdcnhorg. The reverend gontliirann

took for his text tho 9M verse or the

;l"Hi chapter ul Is^ah :—

"Moreover tin* light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of thu sun shall be seven-lold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord.bindeth up the breach of his peo- ple) and bealeth the stroke of their wound."

This was applied to the day when tbe

doctrines of the new church should pre-

vail, the many breaches and differences

which now exist In the Christian church

should be healed, ami the church become

united. The heavier theology of the

Swedeitborg churoh, Its views upon the

inject of tlie Godhead uml the Trinity,

tho lonnation of the New Church, and

its acceptance by the Almighty, in 1767,

aa revealed to SwodcnlHil'g, and other

distinguishing features were announced

but scarcely explained, and of course a

lecture of halt or three-i pi alters of

hour would not have afforded time to

illustrate so profound and mysterious a

faith, one of the chlof features of which

seems to be that there is somo duep,

hidden meaning under the plainest sen-

tences of the ttihlu, which they take to

be their guide, They claim that by

searching out this hidden ineitnlng with

the aid of Swedunborg, thoy make more

of the Divine book than others.

It would have been far more ploaaing

to the audience to have set forth tbe at-

tractive portions of the faith, tbe oom-

munion with tbe departed, the state of

existence in thu future, and other attract-

ive points of their belief. Not many

were interested as it was, and many

were guilty of the rudeness of gutting

up and walking out In the middle of tho

dlscourso, thereby insulting the speaker

and disturbing the hearers. This piece

of ill manners Is not uncommon In our

city, however, wo are sorry to say.


W. (>. Herry; our former townsman, is

doing a large business in San Francisco

in selling and putting up machinery

manufactured at the east, lie Is the

agent for Davis, Wiley A Stone, (gener-

ally known as Davis & Furber.) Nortli

ilover, tlie Wood wort li Planers, and

other wood machinery, also for Blake's

Steam Fump, and other apparatus. Mr

Herry j* always glad to see his Luwreuce

acquaintances and give them the best

counsel in his power. His establishing

is at No. 114, California street. We R

the following items In the San Francisco

Scientific fretn:

The San Jose Woolen Manufacturing Company have ordered all their machin- ery for a six-set mill, of the agents of the builders, Messrs. VV. O. M. Berry & Co., of this city, and It is expected'to be shipped at an early day. The machinery

peered pcrt'ecily natural; hfa breath was some what heavy, hail ihe appearance of being somewhat Intoxicated, aa he waa petulant and cross lu speech; bis tongue was awollen, and Ibere wa* anpuarauce of debauch; *aw no Injury in tbe liody except those mentioned;

■ii .in.i ihluk there would have lieen tome ex- ternal appearance*; there waa no pallor or coldness of llnitu. l-Mimni.-i ihe boily after-

wards with Dr. Dana. There wa* every appearance of venm* con-

gestion of tbe whole body and IIIIIIM. They were rigid. - Had the appearance of having died of convulsion, or convulsive disease. Think It might bsvu Isjen produced by debauch aud injury. It might have been caused by a blow. There was no concussion of the brain.

Jaiiie* Carbury , fattier of the deceased. Live* at mi Lowell street. Charles died at 3 1-2 P.M., Wednesday. Haw blm aliout iiilduighl, wli-n brought borne. He said that he waa murdered ur broke In bla belly. Would not tell ua who atmck or kicked him. My wife and myself were all who were preaeut at thai lime. Officer Watson uauie.wllh Dr. (iarlaud never knew Charles lo come home tight so liul that he could work the next day. He-waa twenty last June. He worked steadily In the

rcsilng-room of Ihe Kverett. He has been idle fur two weeks. Have not *eeu lim drink ll.(uor lu that time.

.Ittfau Carbury. BraUitr of lb* deoaa*«d. Wa* ,i.l. i'|i whsu he waa bruufht liume stiuut mid ul|ht. (><■[ up after h* waa takes up ilalra, Aaked who ,.i. ,-. i i. in Us seat, "I dun't know," "1 ain noi aWe to speak aaw.." Bald Ibal h« bad bran klcbod In tin- guU. Til* only .tiller plan* he ooiDplalu*d uf waa til* eye, wlikli *■■ •«rnlli,n and a plaea nf Arab laksuuut. Tbi'ta wars black and blu* apota upon hi* illi< Did BOl tiav* Ih* appaaranue uf ti.-lim drutik. Navwr knew liiin to omit home drunk Of rr.|ulre *ny ulie lo help hlm bom* Have even blm . ..in,. I,..in. In liquor, bul never drunk.

Oltlci-r Daniel Ibninavan testllled in re-

gard to the probable duration of the tight

which wa* about live minutes, ami other

matters. We have not spaotflor hi* lea-

A Va Lu adei


lo he issaeil Carl)' iimt w.-.k , flic People's Calt-cbism of To " by Prof, .lame* Uarlatchlln,

■ me ot llur llajjeaiy'i Inspacti , taring a r.-prnu from thu L

pp...) leu. and ran ■s ol ing Informal llglll (siring claasc

ought lo bav

-» : a in ui pamphlet of alsiut i« work i* exceedingly well writ in* uiutli valuable and Interest

n, of Npei-ial interest to tbe la L has been highly isiuimended .., (KM, uthen

wide sale It is piibbnlnd, loi the author, hy John I'rotighwell, of this citv

and cnii IM procured Iroin hini.or through ib< :....,l, itnrei; ike pricetsOBI) ihtny flve reals

which bvurj cheap tor so sound spauiptilct

AirililT\r. <»u Wednesday forenoon i

staging npon which wejo several pal uteri

in ibe employ ol Hr. Franklin Kdwards

gave May and let all hands down lo lln

sjdcrtalk, a dislauce of ten leet. Ihe)

were pi i ll) well stiried up, pal III poiaant!

ill. bul none were seriously..Injured, ♦*»»♦

MKTIIUKN. — Frank Clifford, while

getting gteou apples lloin a tree near

the hat shop of Mr lugalls. lull lo tbe

ground, breaking both wrists:

Mill III). jurors, Samuel Latigmaid, II. II

Barton, N. 1 Whiting, Ueo. It Barker, Henry II. Bishop, and K. ('. Walker, returned a verdict that the deceased

came to his death by reason of injuries

received to his person by the hands of

one Michael Loony, as principal, and

Thus. Moriarty, John Lane or MeLano,

Daniel Loony and Patrick ( aualy as ac-

cessories. F, T. Hurley,d-is.p, Is coun-

sel for Michael Loony. The ■ ■ ■

tlou will lake place Monday.


Liguou SKI/tilths—Those democratic

scourges of thu liquor sellers, tho State

Constables, aeuoil to-day from William

Kccd, Common street, a gallon of whis-

key, half a gall I rum. quarter of a

gallon of Wine, lift) gallons of beet,and

eight' gallons ul porter. From John

Margraves on ihe same street, thirty-two

gallons of ale

I'be officers also visited the premises of

Mary A Courtney, and captured forty-rlva gallons nt ale and a mlscelln us quan- tity i>| liquors in jug* and bottles,


llp| -dered Is to be Davis & Furbcr's make,

built al their celebrated works, near Lawrence. Ms., except the looms, which are to be Crompton's patent, built at Worcester, Ma. The company have just broke ground for the new mill, ul San Jose, which it lo be a three-story build- ing, and intend to have it all ready to receive the machinery by the time it arrives here. They design manufactur- ing blankets, (launch, aud plain and fancy casslmeres.

Mr. I'hilip Illrleinan and Mr. Julius Inholsky, have started a shoddy and bat- ting mill on Iterry street, occupying a part of the ground floor In Kmanuel's Flaulng Mill and Factory. The machin- ery was furnished by Herry & Co., o_f

8su",iiSy! .MArahfHrtf pability of the minm a short time; thoy manufacture wool and cotton shoddy lor upholstery and other purposes, of various grades, and cotton batting and wadding."

—s>«-4>«-e Mi sir.a At BoxrOED.—There is but

liti.li- doubt, now, that the muster ol the

Second Brigade, in which are the milita-

ry of tills city, will Like place in Box-

ford, commencing onu woek from tiext

Tuesday.. The encampment will bu con-

tinued live days. The grouud selected is

that used by the 10th, and other regi-

ments in 1863 and 1863. It is about ten

miles from this city to go in vehicloa.j>ut

it is situated on the Wakotlcld (South

Heading) and (ieorgetown railroad, and

to get al it by railroad, one must go to

one or thu other of these places. Ilia

ipiite probable that stugos will he put

on between this city and the camp dur-

ing thu week of muster.

KaeKX SAVINHS BANK.—A very goudi

place to sail down your spare change.

I f you led tempted to squander live or ten

cents lor candy, beer, ur anything else

which can be uf no possible use, but

i it her «n Injury, step Into (he haiik which

Is almost always open, and deprive your-

self ot grulltlcutlon present, for far great-

er enjoyment In future. You have no

Idea how these little odds ami ends count

up, and a* Hie cashier Is well paid tor so

doing, he registers them lu your book

with the ulmosi cbecrluliiess. The fol-

lowing Is the aggregate of atloh and larger

deposltn in tlie month of July lor the past

three years; July 18**7, 634,048.07. July

1HU8. 607,131*1. July B60, 6tOO,i».*4.

Alt this money Is not kept In the sate, by

any means, ll Is loaned out on tbe strong-

est and heaviest possible security, and

your Interest ui.mcy will aboW this.


Hill* are posted up for a caravan circus of French I Co., on Thursday evening, Aua. 20th, one week from next Thursday. Tho chief fea-

an Immense elephant. It will lie a aood chance tor those who have never Iwen boat much, to see .be animal legitimately,and ot metaphorically. The animal will bring its

trunk along. It never travel* without one.

The man with the big telescope was at our corner Thursday, day and evening The show

lu the day time was the sun with halt a down ■pots, of leas sixe than ihe bead of a pin, and a sort of side show, preen at I tig'a drop of water niagrttllcd. with more snakes in it than a bard drinker ever aaw In bis booi*. There was slso a drop ol vinegar magnified The nar show in the evening was a great Improvement.

A pair of splendid golden epaulets' which will be worn by Captain Varoum of Com- pany I, of tbe Sixth Reulment, are to he seen In I tun toon 'i window, near Ibe Post Offlcc. They are to supersede the shouhler strap*, which lor Ihe lasl erght year* have put epaulets in the back ground, ihe practical, In- Itead of Ibo tasteful sod detrain, having pre- vailed during that nine. The co*t was about v.:n. With the nsw uuiform, both oltlcui private* will have to keep out of streets where thu ladies are numerous, or there will be un in- i-onvciiieni rush for tbetn, for they do udmlru 11 ii n> ■■■..ni.- uniform.

Al the Manchester races, Wednesday, Mug- gins, owned by Hosber, of tbl* city, slier win- ning the pole, came in fourth, and won the third prise, owing to one of the horses being distanced. The trot was open to all horses that

IVbr boat '2.50.

temperance men will meet on Saturday evening to choose delegates to tlie State Con- vention to he held next week.

Scbaake I* advertised lo be in the now Post (Jfllee building by Stptem.wr Uth. Messrs. Fielding k Flske, dealers In paper hanging*, lie, will take bl* -tuti;.

The Banner of Light (Spiritualist) Is quite heavy upon a sermon of Rev. Mr. Park*, de- livered In Connecticut. It styles Its orthodoxy

one hundred years old. Mr. Park will sur-

vive. |

It seem* to lie a foregone conclusion that our friend, Mr. Cooke, will go to Boston ami talk to those who gu down to the sea In ships. He will in- coming up here on a visit, after a time, lu a vory briny condition, so much so that (he salt can be ,N.T.I|"-II from tbe back of hi* coat, and there will >■<■ the scent of tar about tils garments. We must fancy one of at* addresses tn the gentlemen whose home Is un the rolling deep, " My friends, you are on (lie wrong course ; there are breaker* dead ahead. Port your helm, bard a port, or you are lost! Heady ■boat! Hands hy the weather braces! The rocks are those of sin and Iniquity. If you strike upon llifin you are gone forever. There I* no chance to swim ashore. Cling lo youi only hope of safely and stick to the ship Look aloft and see everything hauled taut Overhaul the rojies of your conscience and see everything in good trim. Mow lei her go oft free from (he coast of sin and rain, and steer straight tor the coast of salvation, Keep her up to the coarse and mind the helm. Set everything set alow aud aloft, foresail, malt} aall, spanker and jib, niretopsall. maintapsall and mlzaentopssll, top gallant sails and royals, ou rakora, sky scrapers, flying Jibs and stud- dlug sails. With tbe wind dead aft or on hei quarter we will soon reach the heavenly port

for which we have lav-u seeking all of our long vuyage. Lei ibe storm howl about lightning* Masb, we can but clew up everything and scud even under hare pole* and storm -aih, but we will still preserve our reckoning and keep our .-our*e steadily un in despite the adverse winds until wa pass the lighthouse and are In the glorious haven."

The ball of the firemen proposed for Wedne* day, ha* been posipoued for tbe prcieul.

A good concrete sidewalk I* being laid down on tbe east side ot Franklin Street tier l'.---\ snd Metbuen street*.

A pursou from Mount Washington say* thai siiow enough fell last week up (here for snow- balling purposes.

Tbe driver* snd conductors of the home cars are gentlemen much looked up Co In this com- munity.

The Battery drill al loading and tiring theli piece* In from of (heir armory lu the evening, occasionally, of course without powder. The


ftllff ffiourt Srrorfl. ■MIIIIIHV, ,1 iiaighbor'i cjuarri'l hi None An-

dovcr occupied met time. Iluy A slappe.l lloy 11. who wu smaller, In-cause Boy 1) dolt* tin.' Iiread an.l buuer of Iluy A'* sister, ainalW than 1). After much swearing, Iluy A wa* dlncliarfeil.

lumen, who lltisil llllll I nil si In song imCaiiul meet, aiaauuaeasonaulr hour uf thu *Ully night, got (6.10 each.

Two drunk*, |..» each.

aloMDAV—Julia O'Diian.au old customer, wl.u ha* only keen out of Un- House of Correct lim ten day*, waa found Impr.ijHTly noutlguuu* i. a young man lull uf beer on froapt-cl Mill. Julia got *U moDtlu, and aska.1 " UI*Ehi-r Wright" If that wa* ibe beat as could do, and If hi- could not make It one year. JusUoe Wright said that In had given bur all the law allowed. Hue ruturaed Ihaiika. ll.r guilty partner aald that h* waa ao full of beer that ha knew nothing uf what had ooeurrad; Sv.i-u.

A boy of sixteen, charged with being brought up theeecond time fur gaulng druuk, was allowed U>

Hartbolume Aah, coinmtm drunkard, with i. fearful III of ih e ahakes and the liorror* In prospucl. till months.

An aaaault c uu wa* postponed to Thursday. Horn* four o r in drunks. B,S.S0.

TUKSDAV.— Bunuet Roger* wa* sentenced |o a Una off land cosli, or thirty day*, for getting very drunk. If that wur* all, Samuel inlgln have «u •feed ll, bul It waa not. While In that stale, he jui niched from til- fellow-workman, Daniel tjulllvnn, In Juuvjyit'i Iron Foundry, u " slicker,1' and :il*o ■ -Iriill.ii tool from another workman, which were found upon Itlm. U.iruover, oilier luola which were

claimed, but believed to bu stolen, were found ti Mm. Tha prisoner, who fought, blud .ml

died fur the union cause hy enlisting and being .11*- Tged In a week for running, or a disorder caused ruiiiilnn, whether from ibe enemy or not I* not

slated, claimed that his being drunk -Mm,1.1 exempt from Ihe consequences of theft. The Court and

Justice Wrighi failed lo *ue It In lhal color. A man that meddled wllh liquor ran the risk of over excit- ing all tbe pas*Ions, dealrns and trail* wllhlu hlm If he wa* naturally a Ihlef, thu pasalon would comu out, mil being under conlrol, and a man who drank liquor was alone responsible for removing, and for Ihe time losing that control, goinu men were natu- rally murderer* and quarreUom* persona. Homo were natnrally sanguine and when druuk had M much property they did not know wbal to do with ll. Itemorlng Iho reatralut of reason caused the natural man lo ahow nself, good or evil. Upon ibla view of the case he ahould hnposu n penalty of four months for each uf tho iwo case* of larceny . Itog- ers wa* one of a gang who were howling about an officer and calling for a rescue, when hu waa mak- ing an arrest recently.

A ease 0r Common Drunkard, which will bcn.ugla by lawyers, w*a continued to to-morrow.

WeiiNKSDAV.—Catherine Looby and Bridget It ly, or some name* like lho*e, packed off John Urldlvy'a tub Which In set out under ii-pump In ihe vicinity of Itumford street to get swollrd, Tbe theft took place at 11 o'clock VM. Officer llngruc wenl lo the buuse, saw the lub, and told thu ownet to lake ll away ; all tho women denied having been out at all. After Ihe olDoer left he board thu women laughing about how they fooled blm, and bragging of [b* iViit. They laughed on thu other aldu of their countenance when they got thirty daya each ibis morning. Tbe JuaUee wa* of thu opinion that every lub should be permltlud to stand upon its own bot- tom all night, If It waa put out, and nol be lugged off.

An old chap who make* himself out a hundred and flfty or ihureabouls, complained of one of bla neighbors a* a common drunkard and then walked all tbe way to Uaverblll to avuld u-aUfylng. He wi captured, brought back aud locked up over night.

A young fellow charged with being drunk, called a witness lo prove that hu wa* Intensely sober. Tha witness aald that when he left bla friend, they had drank one glass orale, one ditto whiskey, one ditto gin, one ditto alu, but he could aol tell wb dune afterward*. Tha wltuesa did not help out uelntoiloaledmanmueh. #s-i.

Another one who had Ihe hardihood trump* got $T.I0.

Home four or five druuk* * I and costs,

TlicasDAV.— there was a long examine charge of disturbance at Ihe 4outh Side, brought agaliut llnmphrey Lynch. It retulled In a l;'i and costs. A Ur. Frank alinore wa* Involved In It, bul no eharge waa made agnlnat blm.

William Hulll.nn wa* fluid t30 and coal tvrlng the IIUIISI- of Manure, and aaaaull A civil suit f-.r |1.■.on damages ha* been brought ag.ilnst Mr Sullivan. W I, Thompson ,L,.|t.-.,,,,i for Ihe defence In boUi cases, «nd W. K. Ulle for tbe 11 msec n 11.1 n.

Thu case of Common Drunkard wa* dismissed, the ul.l chap who mads thu complalni and Inalated upon thu arreal sUII uuntlnnlng contumacious and refusing lo teaUfy. Owing lo hi* great age, hu dlschargud also. tC. T. Hurley fur defence.

Jatnr* Walsh, on Common street, was charged with larceny nf a uook-etuve from L. A. Bishop, Tbe laraany coualatud lu refusing to deliver up s

ive wblcb be held under a printed agreement such are used by stove dealers. Uaae coulluuud.


new book "The) Merrimnck River." we

tlud the lollowin"; in rogtird to this lo-

cality where there am now so many me*

lul and busy iiconln, tlion occupied hy

ganjri of thieves nod murderers or ten-

der females mid helpless intntits, whose

Dries would have raised pity in a wolf.

A great deal of poetry and romance has

been waited upon these vagabonds, gen-

erally by tbtMsB who never saw or had

dealings with them. The pilgrims and their immediate descenduuUi, who well

knew what they were, from bitter expe-

rience, talked plainly of their treachery,

meanness aud cruelty. They are well

rid of, though perhaps not lu the-most

justiliable manner:— "Around these fills tin; Agawaius often oongregat-

ud,and ranged along Ihe Merrhuack lo the sen. Fishing Ih.' numerous small -1 reams, which rising InNVw Hampshire, sweep down Hi- gti IKverhlU, Ainesbury, BaUabory, and S.-ubrook, crowded with all-wives; then agulit, exploring the bays, Inlets, and ■mall rivers, around tho eastern *hore, from liirf- buryporl lo N'ahaiil; awurmlng across thu gusfju bills aii-1 wooilud plains anil swampy lowlands of Kssui, (li ■>■ lighted ih'ii campllres around lut.rior ponds, well stocked with pickerel. Here, with pomp, parade, and bright prospect*, wi-nl lo reside

'rlncus* of the House of I'efiiiacook. IVIniiu- piirket, often oaltod (ieorge, Bashsna of Baugoa, sued for and received Ihe hand of Ihe daughter of 1'iusucoiiiiaway In marrlngu, ami soon after, on u nice Point of barbarian punctilio,a fierce Imbroglio, Involving thu oslraugnmcul of the young coupli arose between father-in-law *nd SOO-ln-law, which,' only for the lliuely adveiil of the pale-faces, might have resulted In a rubi'lllon, largu bouiillei., and ui Intermblable llrebraii.t or sapling dance'!- "Thi poet or 'li- Uerrliuauk " has chrtinlcled this ataantl In iriinitu t:ii i .■!■■..■, Wliirii'|iu ii,. t being clutraclurlze. a* "dog of Ihu marshes," among other matedIctlnm heaped upon hla devoted bead by hi* L■■..---■ .I and Implacable faUier-lu-law. Wluuupurkct married

Of Philip'* war, hu, together o Barha-



.1 N ll ll V K U IT' .M S. I and is

PhuM* for Sale.

■ '

■sahs hi* ...„ >HSlsl* ..I about IH a seres ot LME

I Ihirij. |,„ the ,... ,,,

telb-t H'ai It

thu do. wllh several cargoes uf Indlai does, and aol.l Into slaicry,—a I rebuked by their more moral deacen tin.illy returned, and died at tin- age of ■


Jor Brow fun .-defer.

KKII us IIK fm. (•AM. tKit.—Dr. Qeo.

W, (.Mila.ul ii'iiirnifl lisnii hi* fivuralun

tu tlie Aiorea on VVwIuuatlay, lunch Im-

proved in health. Mr-. Hall, hi* fellow-

|Maattiij[sir out, riturtied at the same time,

lln' voyage out took fourteen d»ys, and

Ihe return twenty-(OUT. (''Oiuluir up Hos-

tus Harbor, the hark tuet tlie Lawrence

yaobt golnjr out. The passenger* -peak

In the liljrheM term* "f the hark, (the Kre-

.I.mi i anil ('aptain Burke, th« com-

mander. The clhnale nf iin Ulaiuli Is

rcprcMunl'd ah very line, lint the dtnni-

iitilioit of Portuiral a* rigorous, and las i-

l lun tar in) i.ml all prccetlent In any coun-

try, amounting to actual robbery o| ibe

iiufortunate people, who sannot ruslsi.

As cniiipaieil with It, taaailon In this

country, and in Kurope la trilling.

Thn money thus raised Is used to sustain

a frivolous end extravagant monarch, and

the favorites ol the court. Dr. QerUnd

sojourned pi ludpully lu the ottj ot llorla,

un ihu lalaud »l i ..I .ii though visiting

oilier places. On the same Island reside

the lauill) of Hr. VVehsler, who was litiiig

for the niiinlti ol hr. I'arkiuaii in Boston,

nineteen years au;o. Two of UMJ ■ I > ■ J .■ I.

ters are married to ^eiitleiiien nf great


IN i'HR t'ANAL. Ihe st •

wall of (he i anal tor mime' lime haa at

points showed an Inclination lo topple

over Into the water, which would leave

the banks unprotected. Thi* wa*. espec-

ially the case Oil the south bank between

the Kew Pacific and the Washington

nml ■. and ou Saturday Ihe water was

drawn out of the canal, ami ihe work of

re vlllg the wall and relaying ,, WM

i-oiiimeiieeil. \'\w work was continued

all night, all day Sunday and Sunday

flight. Temporary gas pipes were lltled

up. ihe llglil froiu which WHH amply mi-

ll cltml f<>r the purpose. A hundred feet

AIIS thus rebuilt. The general wurk was

l"ll,t" ••Hwb.t4intlei.ee of Mr. 8an-

boru oftheKxexrompany.and Hie lay- . lWrtbU „U(.Je Mother, t..tere.te.l m ibe

inv ol tlie stone, ol Mr' »'HH"hai.. It Is ftwitB Mil corufon of ihslr daughter* are In-

proliablu thai tbe work will he continued '. yWr.l to esaialas lu merits. For sale by ll>

at Inturvals. - ronTraell k Cg.

; (imn.itKii it) BI. l>KarKuvi:n.—Jnatlite

I VS. II. 1'. Wright, presiding at the IVdice

I I imri, this inorillug, urdereil a barrel ol

{ alu, seised I row I'elcr t'oiiuully, in tran-

i .trill lo be destroyed. The barrel will ac-

rronrrngly be rolleil up from, the cellar,

tin- bung taken out. and the i-outent* al-

I lowed to run Into the gutter. The iniall

! amount of llip.ora aeked from Ahby Lou-

I nelly, at the South Side, had previously

■ been ordered deslroyed. No opposition

! was made to the Issuing of the order.

trli-i><, with at. ancient white horse, stopped m ti nut uf one uf tbe cannon, and was examining it critically when the word was given to lire. In great dismay, be exclaimed," Please don't tire, gentlumun, till 1 get out of (he way," and whipping up Dobbin, increased Ihe distance ii'un tile piece as quickly as possible. Tho piece was snapped at tbe word, hut tlie estab- lishment was not blown into the middle of next week, ss he supposed it would be.

Cool nights and warm and dry days at pres- ent, We shall catch a big rain after tbe dry ■pell. Muster la apt to bring it, bul there li little indication as yet.

Military gentlemen will want chargers for muster. It Is hoped thai the Stab** keepers will not prove over-chargers on the occasion.

Tbe muster Held I* two aud a half miles from (■vorgetowA by rail.

There I* much gay upholstery on Kssex Street Saturday evenlnjie.

Uei your lire telegraph card* at the City Clerk's office, City Hall, free. Mr. Howe will not put "no cards" at the conclusion el hi* notices, M least, while they last. '

There was a great to do Tuesday about a cook stove on Common Street which Mr. I,. A, Bishop claimed as his aod the parties In posses- sion claimed as theirs. He sent Deputy Stierlfl* DrlaTg* for ll and thu doors were locked agslnsl him. The ultlcur procured the proper papers and the aid of ih-i police, and lha stovo came

There are flaming poster* up about a five legged cow with two tails, wblcb gives milk on ibo top of bur back , of ber calf wi ih an eye In the centre ol her bead and a tall over Ihu M".

also of it wonderful bull, all to be exhibited iu Lawrence.

1 us reseat uielaneholj death of lien. II. Ilernard, lu tbl* elly, lias given rla* to some discussion In re- K.rd I', tin- (ii) merit of a policy of life Inaurauco lo

a heir* of a party dying by hi* uWn hand. Mr. Bernard was Insured lii ih* Charier Dak Company, of Hartford, an.l Ihe agent here ha* reoelred In- formal Ion from the home offloa thai 111* loss will be

tbe company ulaliulng no exemption from lti.tr responsibility, when ibar* I* good reason to hullem-,

this inn, that thu act wa* a reaull of Insaulty tva refused to pay the loaa, under Ihe clrcutn-

•Un.'i's, wunld have cast reproach, not only on lln- Charter Dak Company, hut on Ih* whole ayat.-m of III* Insurance, while to pay ll without delay or con leal Is every way ori-.IIUtbi*, and will loud lo ma>e

In » hl.-h thla eumpBJiy la held — rFbrcestar Spy.

Tbe Vice IT. .1.1 in of ihe Company, Ur. Starrs. •ay* In his lallsr lo Mr. ■ ■ ' I I :~

" AI ii our [. .h ■■- are sen alrlngunl In regard lo the payaaaot jf loass* In oases of snlcld*. we oner hare aud never aball decline to pay all such Mis-., wl.eti the rtldanue la aaliifeolnry thr- ill* party look bla life under ail Inaaua impulse. A

Kiaenl such seems lo bav* been tb* case with M riiar.l. We have paid other Ilk* cases, and mil

raeslilly paid one of (.KiOJ, where Ihe party waa li sured wllh u* only one jsjr ur thereabout*.'1

A I- Maak, IS1 K.s.i. comer Jaokann street, agent for lb* Charter Oak In Ihl* Sttf.

ArPLaTOM*S .IHUIMI.. I'lu- m-i volume . ihi* admirable weekly Journal closed wltb Hie n.1 DItn i lor Auiiasl I |:h, and tin- publisher* aiinnuiicu its complete' success. As a literary aud scientinc peiiodkal It lakes high rank, while its Illustrations and steel plates are (be tlneai specimens of the an. The number* for July Dial and Aug. Tth routain snide* un Mr. IW>ody'« tnit to the l'oor of London, giving a complete blaiury of rhl*' princely douaiiun, and ihe .( li. i.HI ■ in iiinet of its itive*tmeiu, hy which it is made self sustaining and perpetual, lwoullttitig, as Mr Iv.iUidv hope* li will, "fu- ture generalloua." lllusiraiiom of the liuild- lugs erected with tho* fund sre .tive.i, and a rJeectlptlpa ot tin- distinctive leaturee uf eajjf. Kaili number of tbo Journal is swuMWpauieil by a steel plate, a cartoon, or a supplement ec*V

mining an illiastraied article on some interest- inii ■iiMj1.l-i. This week ihe first number uf the *s< oiul voluniu ia issued. Subscription* re- ceived by or single nuu.liers oluuined ol I, A WhiKomli.

ttaoaav KKAL hM*n. lautaby Jo'plla * Bug- bee, Ko. 4 1'MubenuB sireat. . ...

House and laod ou Turner street, lo Aim kiM-r.nn House and land on Mapl* street lo U 11. "ktthur. U*t on I til-slum .inert to John While, and one OS

aaius alruel to Timothy t'ouiaford. Six lot. on Bebulogiuu .li.cl, sn.l onu on H.in

mouib atreet (al auction} to Kreduriok Holioti. I ..i ou Chestnut street lo Anthony alutrey. Two lot. on Haraloga street lo Nichols- U.

Unrrsn. foJIemlirr farm, In Hsltiiien, (al suction), lo Ju*

II Kdwards I,, i..n I'M,■•in ui .i.. . t.i sn tioin lo John l.yncb leji oornar of Croe* aad Askura *lr**u to Hr*

upon agreeing to bill where be got hi* liquor. A drunken vagrant wa* si-ul up fur aixly days.

KBIDAV — Bllxa Lynch who by some atrangu elr cumslance wa* out of the House uf Cor roc lion fa twenty-four hours, was disposed of again ; also

The commence incut at this Uuptist Institu- tion, formerly known us Wntervllle College, took place on Tuesday. On the same day Me- morial Hall, erected as ti tribute, to thoso of tbe University who sacriticcd their lives for tbe union cause, was lormally dedicated. It cost about 840,000. [t was expeeted that Ocn. But- ler would be present, but his military duties prevented. The address was delivered hy Kev. Dr. Boa-worth., of Iluverhill, recently of Law- rence. From tbe Journal's report we lake the following: —

(ll .>(><Ti1i.|f llie mule a brief reference to the moral and Intellectual forms which Were engaged in Ibe -Ir- repressible oonfllel' leu years-ago, aud uolleed Ihe chief characteristics of Uiat court let which Immedi- ately preceded the war, and their near eijuallty, and the duclalvenesa and tlie putiKuncy wllh which they acted. He then glanced, al thu operation of those brass a* they reappeared lu the war. They al once abow i M.-ni ■ -I-, ■ • In every part uf the republic. The conflict become* uulveraul, showing thai Ihe cle- ment* uf the nation were of a llrtu anil powerful character, and had been thoroughly wrought to- gether. The republic aeeuied one vasl vrgaiilsni of life, engaged In uglgauLIc otTorl to Uirow off an an. unnou* mass of dsalh. In an effort U> wrench from ibself an elmuunl hoallle to its fuiidamuutal principle, which bail been enfolded In IU Constitution. Tbe war paaeeil away. The Dual victory wa* decisive andcomplnie.and waa *oon wrought Inlo th.-Con- -i,- -.in.ii and frainework of the aaUon.

The war I* fast becoming monumental. He ad- verted to the cemeteries and monuinuuial structures which have been erected to com met no rail- ihu heroic dead, speaking of thorn a* our national sStars, around which we may continue lo npledgs our- selves, and lo pledge our son* tu the work of j.re- serving Ihe rich truasuri-s lhal were vouchsafed by such coatly sacrltlceB.

He then spoke of the par. which ibe I'ulvcndiy took In the war. Op* of It* earliest graduate*, Urn. Buller, a stern and gallant spirit, led thu battalion whloh guvu the ll. .i blood to the luotialur nf sedition, and was the llrsl lo reach Ihe beleagured Capital. Another, the nuw saUrted Knox, was Ihe llrsl miu- later of the gospel In this Stale to offer UsssHf fur military service. He received , Chaplalu'a cuiumls- •loii, twice renewed, and truly honored, till he died on the field. To her mil of honor this li nlvetslty may point aa ihe pledge, of hor worth and dnvollon to the rupu bile, and a compensation for Ihu ulunlll- eence with which *bu ha* been undowu.1. To un shrine ihe memorle* and name* uf her herulo *on*, llii* Memorial Hall has been oon* I rusted ~lhu flrsl

uf the kind lo be consecrated to such a 41 lined tu com memo rale their noble

Join. IIIIII.,lei, ■.: --'ihllii-ti.rn.l-. Mr-.

Kllaabeth Stlnsqu. Into of l_'iuiitirld«.e.

.Jacob Itnriiiinl. of this tnwit, now

serentr-nlneyearsold, lias mowti 2tinrr.-s

nf atnua 'In jirrat'iit season, iiiiil I't't-

foruied nil otiii-r kiuiU of r«rtnlng work.

Bev. .1. P. Lane, ol tbe free Uhiireb,

isiiikiiiy bis vai'utiou. Rev. Mr. LYrkliie*.

nf Mo., gup^llotl tin- pulpit lust Subl.alli.

Ueorga '1'. Kaisell, baa sold hi* place,

COHslstlntJ ol twelre acros of luud. will.

bulldlnffs, to Mrs. Abigail II. Wheeler.

Henry A Bodwi-ll. lias dblil his late resi-

dence on Salem street to .Mr*. Harriot K.

Adams recently of Jersey City,and widow

nl the late (Jeorite Adams, formerly of

Xtirtli Andovur. There tu« about two

acres of laud eouneuteil with the bulld- Intjs.

There is in be n large] auction sale of

second hand furniture at Abbott's ware-

house on Saturday (to-morrow) after-


Mr. Crawford of (he Seminary i* supply-

ln<r Die i>iil|iit ot tbo church lit South Mer-

rlmaok N. II.

The friend* of prohibition are Io have

a caucus to-morrow, (Saturday) evanlnjr,

tu"choosn delegates'to the State Oonven- lion to be held in Boston, on Tuesday, of

next week.

Prom BU advertisement in mother col-

umn, it will be seen that i in- annual ex-

amination oi candidate* for admission to (be I'niii'liiinl Free Sebool Mill take plaee

on Holiday. August 23d. Tbe fall term

of tbe sobool will commence Wednesday.

August -'"'Hi.

Measra, E; It. Paruaworth et Co., bavc

boiiybt out the stock In trade of Jobu

Bardlnjt. under tbe Baptist, church, and

will be pleased io supply the former pat*

ronn oftbe store, and (hepubllc)reiierally

wllb dry goods and groceries, al satisfac-

tory prices.

A|'|*' Tree* a _ i-ituiil.-rl on Salem *trcot li) W liter Si-oti In. ,i ..i.i|

» 01 ftOWlng add tlllaee' nf null trrt-s. conlleti- ad-l.-il. mid the -.hole ,itJ-i:s i: ABBOtT.

.... *WJU: if dtalrsd. u-lit seroi

Iniid, with sur|e n ll lu he ir lo lln- above, will I t.lfortl^si. i | Aiiitiivur, An«- ll. ISfll*.

Covered HnKOa.

I'hi' satMerlbcr has for in'c i eiou^-d «u(fuu, In ood repair, sad ut a Im* nrHr. *^


Wagon Manufacturer, tm. noastaally ou baud, und makes lu order,

Ligiu Exprees, Order, nml BusineH

I , Wagona,

with ur wilhuui lops.

Al-.M.iu.-lii l-,i-iii Wacuiu mid Carts, Inr horse*.

llepairing in all its branches. July 11, law. tl

WOOIt I HOOII! Ttu»sabserltwr baa for aalaa tarfs lot ur hard

illd SUll WOOll, Wllt.-ll lie Kill -I'll III ijllSLllUei a* desired. Inler* left it r lie |.vi io.lie.i I ■ lore of John ll. Chaudl.-r, Mum Mr.-.-!, Andover, or at the I'liloD store lu Ahholl Villas.-, will be u ' atn-iidid ti

Andover, .tune 1, lo..-l*. (f

Wo [earn from the Uanchcatar (X.1I.) Mirror, that Mrs. Mercy Wtillnce, moth-

er of Rev. Dr Wallace, of that city,

died at the residence- of ber son, on Tues-

day evening, aged \)2 years 7 months

i n. 1 S days. She was a native of Dracut,

Mass., was marrictl at the age. of 111,

:tii'l removed to Itmdfonl. in which i..wn

and in Manchester she b:is since resided.

She became a widow 6S years ago, at

the age of 34. {

it i i. i. i it n r ,i L K.

James M. l-"« —:• -n-h-n, Ksq., st&ruxl laat Sat- unlay for Heaver Falls, F'a., a small town Irrttlg aiiout twenty miles west of Ptttsburir,, whore hu will cuinn.enro iininetllately the ereetion of buihlinjrs suitable tor swrybtjj on the til.-'im-i - n>«N. Mr. I.i.e.inni ■ (ilia Koes with him to su- pexhiteml ihe brick work, also Mr, Henry (hap- py, who will Itmk lo tbo delivery and reception

of macblnery «"d stock; ■averal others will follow as soon a* ilia works are ready, Itolli bund ami niacbine cat liles.wlll be manufai- tttrett; the tnachlnes, which bjaveahraady been Shipped, are those formerly ajed by lb« Weed Pile Company or Souiti Bostoa. Tlio town li admirably located for ihe manafarture of tile* al the very lowest cost, Injiiin siirrouinlcd on ail sides hy iron ami coal mines, from which ■ upplies inn be hud al very low n«ures.

Mr. John French, who lives near the Wil- miiiKinii line. Jnsi in stjrhl ol the Junction, fell one .lay lust a-wk, t'ronl a load of hay, and broke his .1 i |i i lame.

ConimlsNlouers Notice. i oiiiiiiiii.in i,till nt !U«*««uohu*etla.

K.-IA, sa, We, the suhsurlher.i, hejel.e ^jy, uutlr« that W«

luive IHVII duly ao|Hiiutt-d ('omiiilKSioners lo re- evlve LIIII ■-x.itnliii- tin- cliilm - ol the creditors oT Ibe esiaii-i)t JOMATIIAM UUKKIM., tale ol Audu- ver In said Omni \ ol K-..u, deceased,represented liiiolvi-tit; lhat six mouths iroiu Ihe •lahier.utli day ol May, u*W, are allowed said er.-ditCr**lu brhiK In and prove Ihelr olaltiis, a*i J>mt we will attend to that duty on the third H'tuiuty* nt .(ua.- --. -lit. ■niher mil UJtub«?r m at,an Ion lln- eiirlit.-enlli day of November next, al V o'clock A. if,, at the Anduver N slums I Hank, lu said Audovw. "n..

UKUKUE W. j-0jf-rKK.(U"",,*li"!n£ltB- An.lover May art, ItUMr.

J. K. WH1T1NU,


Corner of Mala rltreet mid Elm Suuare,


Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Silver nud I*liaf* *> Ware, Ac.

All klnda of Wutuhcs, Clocks, Ac , Cleaned, Ite- paired, aud warrnuled.

ur, Oct. s.i, IMOM. ocU^liy.

Wagons! Wagons I! New and -. , ..I..I hand, fur *HI* hy r

K. It. A W. B. I.AMU.


Manufacturers of PctUaiflll's I'ateut Hi r*

CsrU and Wheel* at all kind* to order. it,* ■ ■ rjp-All orders fer Tin Uootinej prompt-

ly sltended lu,


COFFIN ■ARDFACTIl KI it. has always on hand a large aasurtmeiil it

t'aakela, Itulies, I'ltite., rV c,

hortesl uoliiv and

Co» Mil ki.i;'- FKIBSIJ.— Kvery person wliohas milked a cow In My time knows bow aiitti.vitii: is the consuni switcbiri"; of ihe tail In one'* fare, and what a nlesslinr, a contrivance for makintc fast (lie unruly memlier would .lie. Our Irleml, Hr. S. 3. Ilkkolt, of Metbncn, (tot a smart rap In the eye recently by thu aforesaid member, ami straightway made an arraiiu;e- ineni li.r .-initiiiiii^ the animal's tail during the milkiiiij process, it conslsta of a rubtror rlti|t passed around tho tail and hooktxl; a wire bent in the proper shape is put aronnd the leg just above tbe Karrsbrel joini, and the two part* con- nected by a ll|fkt chairf, thu* allowing a little play to tho tall, bin koopinK It well away from the triiiiriipiere of the biped. Mr. Lev! F.in- ery, ol Tower Hill has niv.-n this article a trial, and sn.v. that every farmer would consider it in.lispei.sible If he hail ever tried It. They are so simple that they can be sold lor twentv-tlvo cents. We find ID the New Kncjiuii-l Fanner a description of a machine for the same purpose, more complicated than Mr. Ilk-kok's, invented by 11.m J. M. Ware, ol Heabrook, N. 11., hut which lias never come into use. We hope our tm niei friends, wbo have to ruaort to all kinds of contrivance* for protecting tbe (mo durlujf milkiiiH. will try ibis llitlu arrangement, which

rill save a large amount ol patience.

oLmtUTy by ALKX. DI MAR, the great French author, Is in pre**, and will bo pub- lished In a few days, by T. 11. I'etorson lb ltrotlier*, rtiitadelphla, Anything that Dumas writes ts entertaining., and It will command a very large sale, being a narrative- ot" the French Revolution of i ,'i'; the Interest Is lutcnae from tbe llrst page to the last. The. price Is only >l .' ■ I-ui ii-1 In cloth. The following new Imokt are having immense sales, and should lie read tiy all Mr*. Southw.irth's • |lri<le's Fate." "Changed it rides " "How He Won Her," mid "Fair PUT." Mrs. -Sicphcns' "CurseoffJold," "MaUI's Mlslake," ami "Doutily False.1; "The3

Woiunii lu Ited," and "The Urellmamr's n.il hi. 11" In .me cloth volume with a gtoasary,

BAUM ov RBAL RSTAra ar I'SDHUS tin.os- aoa.'*AI ,in.-ti»ii I he Horgan Ssstaaa, on Uroad ss., io |>r. lien. W. Harirent, for »i.. m, No. In i '.immini ol. tu llrriu Andrews, grocer, for * .loo, and ih.- aitjnlnlai house and land to K l„ Cliap- uiaii, for ai,7l7. I'rltale *als>—the Hcllovran cottage, no Howard St., for tl.'iOO; ihe Hois1 es- tate, nn Mprlng HI., to Dr. u™, W. earfeet, for S'.'ssi. ootlageou Cross 81., tollci. W. II111, for I'J.n'i"; 1>I A. Bishop's lirkk Jioui

power which "lie imparted In Ihe inillon In till* airnuglu for a new llfu. Tbl* iwo fold ohject'eor- rc*l>omt* wlUi a great fact which may wolt occupy our attention on thi* ocuaslon, to wit: our imlilu- tiont 0/ Miming urr our \utioiinI Imlimrk.

The speaker said that these institutions de- velop and nourish truu manhood, our Institu- tions in. ul.-.in- and foster the spirit of true subordination. They have educiited the con- science and nourished Ihe spirit oftrue religion. Alter enlarging upon all these points bu closed by an appeal to (lie friends of this university; standing around this Memorial Hall, to recon- secrate th Pin selves to the tiotilu work which has thus far been so gtoriomly prosecuted

t>r lining rrad* of Bast ii plan of Charles l.lltle-

i Klre Alarn


>'■■■ win or \ i in i. •!, -, . i Thursday Kvcnliig, Aua. tab. I

Mayor Davis In Ihe nbalr. Full Doard. A hearing w.t* had 1*1 ilia inallor of ealabllahliig

m .i I- uf K-i"! Itav*rhlll street No onu utijucte.l to ihe aeceplanOM uf (ireeti and Witst atreet*. An or- der was adoptod lu lay Out (ircoii sireul. Urdaf for layhig oul West street laid ua lliu lalilo until the

An order was adopted llavurhlll alroet aucurdlng Held.

iirh i for assvsslug abullors on . Ucthueu and Kssex slrouls, Inld upon

Itepuil uf Julnl spiwlil .-iimiiilii,..- , IVlegi aph acii.-ptud In coucurfeucu. Ttia* aii'iouuce Ihe appointment of Engineer llunjamln llooih a* Tutnporary rJupurlulciideiit, al a salary uf |'JO0 per

feUllun uf I}. U Uonll, fur victualler's license, rvfuned lo uuinmlttee uu license, wllh full power.

Keport of L'lly Treasurer aceupied lu concurrence, lVtltJou i>f tl. B. Pslf* and oihurs of the Freu

llaptlst church, asktiUI thai the pump al Ihu t'lty Hall, ihe wording of whhti la a serious .,..,-.■ In il i In service time, (MI I ■- n-.l, wiuTnTi-rred tn couimllliMi on puhllc property.

Order from ulhvr Ilusrd providing for |iayment of hill lor Ihe firemen'* sapper (SIT'J) ftimlahed upon the uceaaloii of the Ulugraph Oelubrallon laid upon the table

l.rdiir from other lluard for a.UIUuu*l seals uu the Common, nun .concurred In, and referred lo com- lUltlve un Ihe Common.

Ordered lhat Die Oil* Auditor be i ■■■ I to re- port amount eipended from Ihe fund of each do

leelpl* to the present lime.

> ii ll I 11 .4 X It tl Y E R.

The funeral of Mr. JatMs It. Taylor. wbo dlejl In this town on 'ruesdav. at the n„'o ot 71 years" took place from hi* lute repidrnc" mil lur Inuii the niai-liliii. alii>» on Tluirsdiiy nlU'iimon, mid win very

larirely attended. The services at. the

house WVTV conducted by Rev. N. M.

Williams of Uetbuei). and tiller these

were over, the remains, were taken In

cbnrge by the Oreelan l,nd.'e,ot Free'

Masons of Lawrt-nce, of wliluh he was a

member, who escorted them io the ceme-

tery at North Andover Centre, nboiit two

miles distant, the Lawrence Brass iinitd

playbiK appropriate mualo on tbe route. At (lie grave Lhcinual masonic rites went

observed under the direction of Actln«;

Muster Sluipsoti of the Ureclan Lodge,

The Isawrenoe maaons and the tuitul were

taken to trie depot viil-i-.- iroiu theli

liouies. und buck nxnln. hy the horse cur..

There WHS H Jtir^e number out.


hich he will lurnlsh st The. In the best uiaui

o lies

Oorner Main aud Uasnx a'*., Aiulnv.ir Anduvvr.July a, IM:;.

REMOVAL. lu ■ .[.I. i t tin- Increase of my buslimn, j

han removed iny furniture Warcruom* lo the

Large Brick Huildiii"; Norlb of the

Town Hall, i Where, with belter facilities and a good IBSert-

meiit ul

All kinds of Furniture, I liuoe lu merit a coiitliiuauce uf public i>|iruna*;<>.

I'icturo Framing, UpUolstering.-eto. and all kinds uf 1'urulture repaired in a ..upertor

in in II i, al l.-i .it ■ prices. 1\ IIKMtV, Andover.

Andover Mav III, IWW. .Int


UBBCHANT TAILOR. And dealer in

MEN'S A$U> BOYS' CU)THIN(i. Hal*. Caps aud llenl's h -i : |.,

•Second House SuutJ^of Town H»l|.

o A. llrlKK* A inn, fur Si'v" 10 Thus.

i lul of laijdo

.v.-(,- ( ...ly.-i >• ffnff, Muntfoya Hj>riM(f*.

The Old i .ui ■!■ ■-- Hall waa .lasimyud hy rlre at the opening of the season of ISfifl, T'|le ticw

cditlce stand* on Iba same Kround, bin nn a inii. h more e\i«u*lve aud maiciUlleeni scale, li wa* bultt by (be proprietor, llonry 11. Hat horn, and cost seven hundred ibousaml dollar*. Viewed from the inuiti street, its Kreal bciubl, him.I..ou.■ M,in-.ul i II.-I .uei lowers, the latter • iiriiiuiiiitwl by lofty Itaif-stafTs, thu lop of which reach an elevation of .'mi feat, ){ive it a very grand and iinposini; appearanea.

t'asslnit tbrouicb the dilTeivnt department* cmbratea a ramble of ovor two miles within the wall*. Mure than lortr tous uf ualls was usesl In Its construction, and upwards of one linn.lied miles of hell-wire »m requlrol In imii all the rooms wllh ihe annunciator. Tbe taia.lt- is I no feel in hntfth, and live st«

biich- It has nearly (too rooms, and will i lorlably accommodate from \i io 13 hundred icneits. Tbe dinitij{diall I* J .o by ISO feet, am

will seal lUSO persons. To judtce of tbe sixe o this hotel one must pus* through Its corridors plaxsas, Kallcric*, |i i.-.i.-..--, balls, from base meiit to tower it li *ald In IN) tbe larxest, best built, and most thoroughly lurnjshoil publl house In America. CaaTKit.

asf ttpeer'* " MUndarl Wine Bitters " are destined Ul siljiel ■< ,|, all i.lhel 11,11,1-, lu Ih* in ,i k-1, ..,.[ a* hi* " run- Wine* * are now preferred to any other <iv*r nisiU lu iin- cuiiMry, ur Imported fruiu otlmr csjualri**, for lb* simple reaa.ui iliai tbry an- ihe pur* Jules tit lbs STSU* road* good hy **(*, and uu* daltaralad. Bald bi druaxjlsu.

adjoi eewks

CITV retuatttuwa ay roar The City Treasurer ha* mad* the folio • liiS report

uf the cash trans*.ilium of llm llrsl save uiuiilb* of tli* preSsal year, up to July 31st, isflu.

asantiFta. Balance (Tom lost year, *J.,!M'.... Cash received frum all suuroca, '2H,8S&WJ


I'al.l un accl. uf the several depart muni* tSSlJtfl M

Ualancu at cash uu hand July 31.1, IM, i- ■,■■■■'. -i

IH « Co Thursday Kvcnliitf, AOf, 1'Jth. \

I'realdeulllulstJIii lha chair. Alu-ntCuuuclluii mrrtsr, K..s--i. Uall-y, data, Abbott ami tiaundei

I'elllluii of .1 sines Urady fur leavu lo aluk well oruer of lUnipahlm ami Chcslaul tltreels, refcrri

. ti.ili. enroll.-.1.

Ilrdlnanee In reference lu LoartR lusiliutluii, passed to I

l|umuiunlcaliun of Ihe alayur In refvreiiee lu (lly [>el.L,tak«ii up and referred lu Coiniullte.- on Klilance,

l'lly Trsasurrr'* repurl for the seven months end- ing July 31*1, presented and aeceplad.

The Jui.it special coranilllc* un Kite Telegraph sutiinllted thrlr report H hi. h waa accupled.

An urder wa* adopted lo pmvldu Jnyiueiit fur the supper furnish.-d fur Ihe Kir emeu's Telegraph cele-

sta onler wa* adopted lu ptwrkls additional aaeil uu thu i i.imiii.II.

Adjourn, .1 three week*.

UASV peraons suffer with alok headache rtm) nvrv. oua headache, usually Induce.) by obsllvanesa, In,11 geailon, etc. Su.-h person* will find relief, If not cure, by k.'.|ii'.« the buwel* open wllh small du*ee of - I'areon's I'urffallva PI1U."

SarlUvs jou liiltamuiati.iy *ure diruat, sUffiivas In ihe Juluu, or lamaiieae from any cause whatever t ■lave you rhi.iiiii.iin- or other pain* In :my part uf the body!' If so, us.- " Juhueoii'a Anudyn* l.lnl- ■uenl." 'in word for ll, 111* Ihe best pain killer in this cunniry.

*sr A friend uf ours trud un a rusly nail, KIIU_.

penetrated Ills foot abuul un* Inch. lie use. I aoine of Iteiiuo's I'aln-Kllllni Magic Oil Ihurougfaly, aud cured It without trouble, Tills Magic UU la wbal every family needs lu the house. Suld by II. M, Whitney.

Mi HIM is redecinji his slock as much as possible before removing: to bli new store in tkhaake's huiKlm*. Now ia the time lo obtain a bargain.

PUNOHARD FREE SCHOOL. The "Annual Kiarolnatlon of candidates for ad.

mission to tbe I'unchard r'r.-e School, will take Since la tlie .School It , in ihe Town Hall on

tONIiAY, August j:ld, beginning precl-ely at HISK o'clock, A. M.

Candidate* are examined in iho whole of Col- bum's itcnt.] Arithmetic,and in Kiton'* Arith- metic as far a* Involution; they must be able tu answer Ihe most ImporUul ijuesllons lu Modern liciiprrajihy, and imi-t have * sufllclent knowledge ol Kngllsli lirammar to tursc comuioo sentence* In prose; they tousl he able tu uad corroctly anil lluently, to spoil ill words of oummun occurrence ami tu wriitB fair hand.

Appllcair^kuatfiyMiah sarliltcales from parents ■ J ho age of at

teacher lh.it admission MITlf,

least twelve years, aud fn ihey have Ihe rcuulsloUi now ledge fur a to the school. *"TVM. U. IJOt.U.S M , Andover, Aug, 13, l--Vi. ■;•

CAUCUS. rliefririids of prohibition are reqm

al the Town Hall, ou HArUttliAY August 11th,at r l-a o'clock, tu cbuosc iiii-inl Ih* Stale Cuuvenllon to be In ou Tursdsy neat.

Audover, AUK. Ll, "WI). It

Safe ibr Hale. A tlrst rate lltON SAr'r:. manufactured hy K.

It. Morsu, of lloatou; weighs ivuO lb*. Will te sold at a bargain. Apply tu ANIiltKW SMITH, ul the Depot, North Andover. illtagll*

CRAM MAR SCHOOL. .Such scholars a* desire io ontsr the (immtnar

Mohoot, will preaeut tin m-elics (or ouiiilualioii, ai the Orammar School Huom, on Tl'KMiAY, I. -I...it '..'elni-V, \. V.

K.VHANCIS Hlll.T.H.ct'v. Audover, Augual It, 1SAR, i|

Auction Sales by tieo. Vaster. Furniture at Auction.

Will be sold at public auction, on SATURDAY nexi, August llih, at '.'o'cluck, I". M,, al Ihe ware roumsof II. Alllltil T.ournerof Main and Has-* streets, a large assnrimeut uf Household Furnl- irtlnit ot lied., Bedding, H.llrt-s.es,

'halre, Tables, Ku lei.-Ion Table, Cook- a Israe lul ul Tin. Irunaml


heen rer-fjivutl by t'.il. Itual of llie Sixth

Kcjiliiiciit, to appear with lila oomuiaiid

nt Btixfiuil. otw weak from Tueatlay next.

As'tbe locality Is but two or Uiree iiiilca

from Georgetuwit, the refrliuwil will proh-

ubly rt'iuh'zvons at that pulnt. The Bat-

tery will of course rule to the yioinul di-

rect .

The muster of the First Brigade, took

plaoa at Hull Tuesday, and contlnnea nml!

datiinlay. The camp equipagv uua sent

Iroiu (,'anibrldife nr«eiml, l>y leauis. One

mni-L-oimiii-glutied ofttuer and four pri-

vutes from eiieli oumpany of Infantry,

anil one iioti-coiiitulNsluneil ufflcer and ten

privates from each troop of Cavalry ami

ouch Battery were detailed to no down to

Camp nml erect tent* nml jrei the camp In

riMilii,.■■--■ for the troops on Tuesday.

There will he seventy wall tents, three

large marquee tenis. tor headquarters,

anil one band lent for each regiment; six-

ty wail ami three marquee tents for the

Cavalry; twinly-Hve wall uiid one head-

quarter tents for each or tbe butteries,

and twenty wall tents for Hsjoi uaiil'-e

bitiiillion til Inlaiitry. over two liiuidred

in all. There are soiiie tldrty or lorty

tents In addition tor headquarters. Steam-

ers leave Liverpool Wharf, foot of Pearl

Street Boaton, at O.iUu.D.tt.lo. U.30, A.M..

12. M., a, a80, 145. 5.30, I'.M., ami return

ul 7,;t0,10.3(1,A.M., I,15JJQ,8,4A,4.15,P.H.

They will siari at other hours ulao' each

way. There will be ample opportuulty

foi military gentlemen In ihi- locality to

rfsll the camp and return Hie same day.

The sail ooetlples about an hour.

Hum. 1ngl4|u*es,rli frwltrry War

Real Entato in Andover. WII|IHI sold BLpuldioiiiieihin.naTltl'ltnUA

AuHuat «llh, al !. o'cluck, I'. M„ OU Ibr |iremi>r tilt- real estate of .losliua lllsiielianl, situated on. -iii.ino r sir.-it It iiiii-l -i. uf ul.mil half an acre! ul'i-xocl cut land, wllll eutls-e liuuru* liavlns; lereu iiMiins, * barn mid wuoil sli.d. I'be luiildniHs arc In aood repair, and vrrj cunrcaleut. llpnu Hie urrnilsis are apple, pear, clicrry, and oilier fruit in-es uml * mvri falllua we<l uf p*ci-llcnl water. Ihe locatluD liaili-sirablc one. »:io-re'|u1rr.| ,.l tlir purrliaser al the Salt, Ollur randllluns ol |..i) III-III i s-> , an.I I In n ma.le known.

Ai,.|.... i An.. I:I, I-,.-. -n

New Firm. New Goods, fill.] .nil i In- all. in ' am) vlotultjr to Ibelr u

.-tiiuie -I..C* oi iiuiAls now opening *t t •tHiidofMr.Juliii H»rJin«,mid.r ItiiitUtl' -ii..- -.. ,.r . ,..^..-i .*!!„

llie -ul.- Til,e|, llscns ul Andovc

ibe uld

latins. In pan of a Ki-ii.'ral sssorluianl or

Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Crock- ery und (i Uss Wnre, Hue TeM, pure

Coffee, Spices, etc., ete., all ul which wi- utter lo our patron* at satlsUstory price*

Ami. , Auf. HI, I

ANDOVER SCHOOLS. flic i-iiiiiiii.-ii,-i-iio iii ul llie I'ubllc -.liuul. li

Auduver, will occur as follow*, vlf. :— .10. OSrUn and VHla|{c, M vii.la,, Aug. in. I'lnl ii|i- aud 111 SHIIIIIII , » . dm - i,.i " is. w< MI t'eiitu- mi.) Kr>i-, Thuradar, •> |D, II-».III.I and llallcy, Mindsj, " Zl. Korlh aud Abbott, W.dnrsdsj, •• 'tt. HalUrd Vale, Tl.ursdsj, '• ■#. Hooilaadaud Holt, ' Hornla/, " lo.

>.. rlt.t.M IS HIM. I, heel',-. Assiover, Aaj. i, llau. ««.« ,

aVa.j.s'ui'lcSt., Worprsvnr, a*—-- j \

CATEKKKS.—Mr. 8. V. Wright, of thin city, will enter at the camp for Compa- nies 0. and 1), of Lowell, Captains I'intlar ami Torsey, anil also for tho Lawrence lirans liaml, the three orf'aol- zationB being perfectly satisnod with bin providing at previous musters, Mr. Wm. B. (iallison, of this city, waa also so oceeptablu to Companies 1 and h. of this city, Capta. Varnum and Decker, that they have secured ids service* again.


K. .1. Sherman, Dlslrlet Attorney for

ftaaei (Joiinty, and Dr. Alfred .1. r*reuoh

reitirned from their flying trip to (Jalltor-

nia on Sattinlay last,baving been aliaent

bill liule over live week-.. They left rtm

Francisco ou ihe afternoon of Thursday

of the previous .. .ek, ami had they not

sloppi-i] a day in (JhtoajfO would have been

home ou Friday of the week nfier leaving the PaolflO,

Twenty years ago, two months ellber

way was a alion trip, anil many were

Inuii live to seven uioiitha In ihe transit.

Three or linir uioniha wa-^the usual lime

for an nvei'lanil journey. The travellers

were not In CallltinJa at the most jilesw-

atil aeasou lor that uounlry.

- i, - «'■•■«■ A i liim--r trial haa heen In progress al

Silver City. Idaho, ami has oonaldsjrabls

interest, from ibe novel methoil of swear-

ing wttnaaiea. TneTttlal Wave Mm .Ie*

scribes the ceremony:

- A rooster's head Is hacked oil' wllh .. knife, a saucer broken, the oath written ou yellow paper, buructl, aint the llOoke, lu which la siioiHiitHl to lie Ihe aph li of llie burned oatli, llown up to heaven, in eaoh .■i.e. Tbu proseciillon and tlel ■ each SWnre live witnesses, killed live chickens, broke live saucers, burueil live piece* of paper, etc. AfU-r killing the chicken* they are thrown away by the Chinamen, autl considered until for use, hut having had their throats cut, nicely blutl, etc.. the American heathen uoii*lder Ihem none ihu worse for having heen sworn by, ami we confess lo having been irullly of the sacrilege of aailatlug to devour a porllon that was really fat, tender and Ki*od, bo our uiMaiiotlttad palates.'


• I I J


Alioiit eleven o'clock TimatUy A. M. an alarm waq struck from Box. 8. Cards were palled out, nml the '»ox was found to lw nt ibe coraur tif S|Hin£ and Union Sttvutu. It wtW| rtifreshing to sec the

A Jo week.

ilutfil and cjuoted. mollm nstU 120,000 in Wall strict li

ClevelandJklfU "White Stot:kititf Club;" they are cfttquetrssvH. v

I A bultlnit match TO oiie ef the features of a firiMiii-n I'IIIII'1 Hi- ir »>\ with sucli mi- j ' . ™A mtm. II guing IUI Dcjrro mnrniimi'iit iiiThiini'mwe. erring oartulnty. Thoro woi no uesitat-

irjg whether t" go to tint South Si<l«>, to

tin) I'iiui'r Mills, or tu the Arlington

Millti. Than w:is no <li.*ruitiii£ u to

which ball rung Ant, nil hells sounding

alike. It was uimiisUkaljIy liiix 3, tmd

thtty all knew whure to look for it. The

liiu w;ia iu a chamber of a frame builil-

iu:;. on the north nlde of Eaat Kim street,

ut'xt house to Meadow. A wouinn had

been pickiug rags, and by some means

unknown they look lire. The flames

WVJV extinguished with buckets of wa-

ter, and the services of the firemen were

not required. The box was but a hun-

dred or two feet from Lbe soot, but the

nearest bell would have been that of the

engine house on Uardun Street, which

Is a quarter or half a mile off. Even had

that have rang the firemen at a distance

would have labored under some uncer-

tainty whether it was the bell which rang

first. Suob delay In the night time might

•have caused the loss of thousands of dol-

lars, and a similar case might happen in

many parts of the city.

Owing to some work going on in the

City Hall cupola, the telegraphlo alarm

was uot allowed to be struck on the first

round, but it was on the balance. The

whole apparatus worked to a charm and

showed Its value at once.


the Manchester Mirror, the following no- tice of the animals which we have men-

tioned as about to be exhibited in this city I

Two singular specimens of natural his- tory are on exhibition In Manchester, on the circus ground by the depot. One Is a bull of the common Canadian stock, well proportioned, though not targe; is the father of offspring, and now gives milk to nearly the amount of five quarts daily, When about five years old. some ttuggest- i'i! that he had an udder like a cow, anil on trial found lhat milk exuded from the teats. Prom that time, the process of milking has developed more and more the functions of the cow.

The other curiosity is a monstrosity in the shape ol a fair proportioned Short Horn cow, with the audition of a fifth leg and hip attached to the back and hanging down over the side ot the cow. Connec- ted with ilii - is a diminutive tall, and a small udder development. The oow has had, as the story Is told, three calves, first a pair of twins, grown together at the back and living hut a week, and secondly one with a perfect form, except Its bead, which is represented as having a single central eye, no JioitrlU, a deformed tuouth, and a small protuberance like a tall projecting from the forehead. Thl* lived but three days and Is now represent- ed In taxidermic art.

Count de Chateauvlllard, who has jnst died In Part*, was hi his day one of the most brilliant men and dashing equest- rians of France. It was he who one day rode up the steps of the Jockey Club (then at the corner of the Kue Drouot and Boulevard) Mid played a game of billiards on horseback. He rode for some lime a most vicious horse. A friend said: "If you ride that horse three months longer, I'll bet he kills you." The C-nunt replied : "What do you bet?" "Twenty-five thi>ii»anll francs." "Tak- en." The Count felt In honor bound to hU Iriend lo ride the horse every day. und the horsu showed hlmselt tu be so very vicious that the Count had tils .■nii'ln made and sent home, for he was sure he would require It before long, IIU wife (who hud long been extremely uneasy lest his horve should kill him), ■■..■.■in," her liushiiud look upon the home as dangerous, as she heiself considered liiiu. no sooner saw the culSn placed in ILII husband's dresning-room, than she went to the stable, armed wlih a pair of pUtnls, and shot the dangerous steed

COWII was asked by a'lrli-iitl, allarqufse, lo see her to her carriage. They were at a ball. Going down stairs somebody i roil on her dress aud tore It. She asked for a pin. The Count took from his scan u dlatnoud-pln worth SUOO and presented It to her. She declined, saying: "Oh, Count, It Is entirely too valuable." "Is that the only objection to the pitir" "Certainly." This word was no sooner out of the Marquise's mouth than he broke olf the diamond, threw It out of the neighboring window, and gave the golden pin tu her.

a MOM ax TOW x.

uaaii-rr. In nil or Net urn's subjects wa see Uia love of lib-

erty H> strongly Implanted thai the lua*of lYerdwm creates great suffBrlng. Take a small loseot; Im- prison II and watch lit struggiu* to escape, and you have a food Mlu.lrilhui uf the fact. Although Iho in..vi world la guided only by In.tin. t, yat man, win. la enabled by reasoning to measure the advau- laga and disadvantage arlalng from tbe enjoyment of freedom, arm. • at tbe urn* oonelualon.

All nailnoa aeern m reallie that liberty I* a glorl- uui uriie, and worth their noblest effort*. The Are may (moulder for a tjme, but beneath the surfeoe there llee a feeble hope thai will aome day be tanned Into a Ham* wblob shall blue forth lo (he ileslruo- lion of all opjiiuulori and tyranny. Much waa tbe hope which animated our anceatora, and enabled Ibem lo encrl8ce upon the altar of liberty their riches, bom** and live* lu tbe support uf lhu cau*u, tbe Irluinpb ot wblch would ualablUh fur tbolr da* ■c umlauts a free country, tbe noblest Inheritance In their power lo bestow, tiuob waa the hupe wblch caused them to declare the Independence of their ruuntry struggling sgstnat a foreign power Its supe- rior In everything eiceul patriotism,.aud ainld alt tlielr hardships and an (Turing* tbay ware sustained by (he knuwledgo that thoae pilnclples Ihey were .iff. u.ling paved the sure road lo success.

Has America disappointed her defenders ■ Have lhu AUI.-IK.I-I people with »ueb principle* consigned to their huiuir, proved false to the trust': Look al America, and ahe tills her own story. Tb* fee IIIH colony In leas than a century ha* become the i nighty Million, and Americans are proud of thi nallr* land. Liberty waa the ground-work; onco get lb* earner itoue firmly Implanted In the soil and prosperity must follow. The) tree of liberty doe* uot grow old, but It* brancbt* multiply and stretch out tiniii tbey sbail encircle the globe from polo lo polo and shore to shore.

A New^Jerwoy hotM thief KIU IIII Tuesday lentenee-d to ISO years' impt-iaonmetit.

A Urn year law-suit prevents the building t>f a hotel on the summit of Muunt Wasbtoglon.

Nevada lins a performing .■...■,,..n who sup. ports an anvil onhur breast,—and her children Ijy It.

A marriage, in DubuJju*'. sft*T a eutirtshju «I llftoeu ji■ i• ■ -..-vi ;i- followed liy a divorce after si* hours. l

naked wild men are cutting tbr UtnMU of horses and cropping tbe ears oi cattle alwm Harrlsburg, O.

San Francisco is to have a btf hotel, cover- ing two block*, connocted at each story by n covered bridge.

The office of an Ohio mayor wa* the scene of tbe birth of a new but itligitimtite eltiien ou the glorioui Fourth.

A Sacramento uomokurist gaye, Scward, an a parting gift, a " twig" three feet long, on which wai nine pound* of plum*.

Horse thieves are now drowned In Mi--uirl, just for variety, hke mts, with a ntonc tied to the neck to prevent mistake.

M. Dergh ha* built a f.MWO truck for carrying disabled animal* from the NfWU ; appropriate texts are painted on the sides.

" Orant sipping hi-, coffee and looking al the rolling waves,"hi part of a gu*her'» description. Looking at the rolls wai meant.

A Newark young lady ttamler* about tbe ■treets In the evenings, writing upon the pave roent, In ehalk, warnings to the Impenitent.

T. Tllton's Indeptndent isn't quite orthodox enough for bis patrons, and JiiO.iWU is to start a rival concern which will give the pure, simple doctrine.

The "great iQccess" of the Oermnii surgeons Iu separating two children Joined like the Siam- ese Twins, killed one of the unfortunates the next day,

Mr. ii i. ivn . of Mustcash, reports that his cat lias a litter of kittens, five In number, all at- tached together after the manner of the Hiam- eac twin*.

A Swedenborglao ot Toronto has bad a vision or heaven. In which he saw the Unitarians rid - ing in sledges behind tailless horsed jtiiout the North Polo.

Bogus newspaper »"■" are said to abound at fashionable snowier resorts, sponging landlords and stable keepers who are uot shrewd enough to detect the counterfeit.

Tbe length of ihe PaclDc Kiilroad is inch that a courtship begun In Ohio was consum- mated in marriago before the two travellers reached the end of the route.

. Newton Dennis was Indiscreet enough to tamper with the affections of a ltiippahannock, Va„ young lady, who had two fierce brothers. Consequently Newton is a corpse.

White Pine papers chronicle 'a good joke on the grasshoppers," which have come in mil- lions to that barren spot, leaving the wheat Molds of Calllornla to ripen gloriously.

The Beauffrement divorce ease In Paris still goes on. They seem to have been a nice little couple. Tbe husband writes, "Amusu yourself, mind you amuse yourself well; as long as you do not make me ridiculous I ask no more."

A terrible stench on one of the fashionable streets of Moutrcal. the other day, was at ln-t found to be caused by the little game of a u her of carters, who were throwing at each other the decomposed body of a cat.

Komluarow, who saved the Ciar's life iu 1866, by Just knocking up theassassiu's pistol, couldn't sustain tbe greatness and the large fortune thrust upon him. and so hanged him- self when VITV ilrimk a short time since.

A large, red-huadod woodpecker Hew Into one of the rooms of the Lewisburg Academy a few days ago, and, alighting upjn the head of a schoolboy, plucked a lock of hair from his head and departed with the trophy in his Uenk.

A disgusted highway robber returns a ten cent scrip to the Chief of the Hartford police, with a note stating that It was all he ohtalued tiv " eoliiii through" a man on tbe Park the night before, and It was torn so he coukm't pass It.

'm An insane woman from Burners, Haas., un- der the impression that she was about to be be- headed, visited Springfield on Monday, aud took her place on a meat block In one of the maritets, and quietly waited for the execution- er to do bis duty. She was taken in charge by the marshal and sent homo.

A little boy In Danbury, Ct.,waa recently en- gaged in throwing stones at an empty tin can, when suddenly it (lew into the air with a loud report, and the little boy lost no time in getting out of tbe neighborhood. It contained glycer- ine, and the last stone had struck a portion of that dangerous stuff adhering to the can.

Peppln Is the name of a jocund individual 'who eloped from Montreal In the spring with the wife of a Mr. Day. Last Week ho appeared at Day's oilicc, lifted one of Mr. Day's bats In salutation, wiped bis brow on one of Mr. Day's handkerchiefs, all of which were plunder of the elopement, and told him that if he had any use for his wife he might liavo her hack again, as her company bad Income monotonous. As soon as Day could recover from the shock, he had Peppln lodged In jail.

Tr.MI'KltANCK CAUCUS,™The h icu.!- uf

prohibition are invltyd to meet In the Free livening .School room at 7 1-2 o'clock .Sat-

urday (Veiling. Aug. I lih. to ehooso dcl-

Ujtalus to the Stitu Teui|icrunce (Conven-

tion, U> he held in Boston next Tuesday Aim. 17th.

Ol*BM Ala MKKTlNiis.— MMttuif at ihe D«'pot will bo addressed by J. II. Katun Esq., and Mr. .Julio folium. Mouth)*

tioar Kverclt Mills will bo addressed by Dr. .1. 11. Kldder, and H. W. Adams. Temperance Meeting on the Common

under tlio direction of ihe Good Templars, meetings will all he held at elx

o'clock. If pleaiabt,

VOUHQ AUKltttM LODUR I. O. Q. T.- Ilereafier the, regular meetings of thii

rxxtifo will he held on Thursday, InsteM ot Wednesday eveidnjr.

The C'hii-f Bnginew laliu* this opportunity to say, tli.n If the Kim Alarm Is not to hu meogalafd h had batter b* taken J„wii. [ftfca Alarm strikes Two or

it other Boa Uta Flrasnan will pruned trm.i,<. •ly tulhat Itui.iiii.l If Ihoy du to Ilii.)- do 1101 10 lie eeiisuii-.) fur iMt,g ibtftr iluty,

I.IINKH l.AI>l>, lllUfKngllfeiT.


WII.KI.NS - In this olty, August lUtli, a .011 to \( 1 ft Hra. Joteph Wilkbis. -. UASilN—In Au.lovt-T, July 'Jlli, a daughter Iu Mt ft Mr*, li.■.,..:. P. M ,.

"WILLIAMSON -1 n Andov.r, Augiitl Bth. ■ MI to Mr ft Mrs. ttk-hard Williamson.

WAKDWKLI..—In Amlover, Aug. Sth, a daugb- tor to Mr. ft Xrs. Juwpb W. Ward wall.

BAHNETT.- Iu Auduvir, August IWh, twin daughter* to Mi. ft Mr*. Win. llarmm.

larviaflrs. ULKASON-UltOBVKNUU.-In IIanSlkMIsr, N.

li., August lltli, by fti-v. M,. WallKW, Ur. B«U}a- nilii li. Ukiaauii to Ulns Klliabuth It. Urosvcnor, bulb of Andover. \

KOOKTIY—HHKUIIY.— At II..11.11 I Vale, Aug. Ituv. KatluT (Jilmoru, of Boston. Ur.

... .ffigeUy, of Lai isharry.of Kaliard Val< Jurr'y Fugully, of Lawiume, and Miss Mary

HI(JUISri-HALUONI>.-In Uila city, Aug. Sift, bv tU'v.Ueorgv r.nkiird.Slr. iliwiirii'r.'lll'gglns'lo' Mis* Mary A rialmond, both of -VoiHb Andover.

it a ttii WKLL>».— In thta city. August Tib, Krauola~W.

Walls, aged 3U jra 10 mo* It dya.

■a ST. l'UAY— In Andover, August SUi, Mlas Sarab K.

I'ray, aged Uyra II mos. LOVKJOY—In Andover. July 3d, OrlanU Love-

Joy, aged 89 yra. 1'A Vl.OK -In NorUi Andover, August lull,, Mr.

iraoaB. Taylor, aged Tl yrs 3 mos 6dys. KKkl; -111 UlU City, Aug. 4th, 1 Vi.-r K.rr, aged

1 y«ar_ BUN DE III. AN I J.—ID this

iidi-rland, agi-d LKKU.-tiitltls

1 yuar 7 months.

__ this oily, Aug. tth, K.II1I. .-JLI-I.1. rl.m i,a»d 1 rawtsaariai li Jays.

KKKIl.-In tills city, Aug. tilth, Iaabella Kerr,

District Court of the United State*.

District of Mats.—lit Bankruptcy. This li to glvr nollee that a petition 'ha* br.u

ph'Sftiled to the C.url, this (llli ilav at August, INV, l>T " -Ja+'IN It. KOLrJOa, oi StonubaihT » bankrupt, praying that hi- may In' di'i-ri'i'd tu have a lull dlai'luirjc trmu all bis dibts provable Utnler tbt> ltankru|ii A. t, and uiKiii n-ailfuj" said petition. It la ordered by the (liurt that a ln-jrluH bn bad upon the same on the rihilay ofMiTiumbiT, A, I). Iww, l*fore the Court In Boston, In said district, at IU o'clock, A. at., snd that Ihe second aud third inert logs of the creditor* of said bankrupt be held before Kdgar .1. Hhermau, KegUter, on (be lib day -it Septem- ber, A. 1). 1NW, at room No. 7 II, ri. <oun llouae- li.. iui>. at lit o'clock, M., u u.l that notice therrol be pupllsbed Iu the l.nwi. in- American and Boston Dally Kveulng

Traveller, ni'wsii«|ier* printed Iu said district, otior a Week, for three weeks ; aud that all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persuus la Interest, may appear at said time and place, and show cause, If any Ihey have, why the prayer of tbe said peti- tion should not lie granted.

agU KiUVAItll Ur \ 1 i:u, Clerk uf District t^iurt for ■ aid ln-t.

In Hiiiiknipie). HI-run r "i- MASS. H,

Al Huston, Die otb day ot August, A. I>. ISflu, I'be uililir«lgin-d hereby gives uollce ot Ills ap-

|i,,intiii.iii ii- II~-1L: in-.' ill thi' 1 slut,' Hi DANVILLK rt.BOWrKS,

of Maiden, iu ihe county of Mldillea-x, and slate of Massachusetts, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on his owu petition, by til" District Court uf tsld district.

,,■.!■. IlKNItY 11. II AM 1 I N Asalgner.


By virtue of au ekecuilon which Issued .._ , Judgment la favor of Klvin Kastmun aud Henry A. liuell, both ol Lawrence, wllbiii our couuty of Kssea, cuparlnurs, dolna; business at said Iriiw- reuci', under the tiriu name ot" Kaslman ft Buell. al the last term of the Superior Court for said

y, I have taken all the right tu rquity that Hie said James l.luUsej bad ou ihe twenUi th day of rVhruary last, lbe day when tbe same was at- tached on mi-sue process, Iu redeem a eertaiu unirtgaxed real estate lying on Oak street, in laid Lawrence, being tbe premises whereon Ihe said .lames Llmliey how lives, and the same Ilia I Is di'.rrlbed iu a mortgaged deed thereof from Ih" said James Lindsay to Ihe Essex Saviugs Bank, a body corporate at said 1-awreucc, recorded in tile Registry of Deeds for said county, book 761, leal 101; and on lbe I'll III I KK\ I II ilay of beptem- brr next, at TWO o'clock. P. M., al my Offlre, No. OH K.-ex street, hi said Lawrence, 1 shall offer lor sale, by public auction, to the highest bidder, ssiii right Iu equity of redemption.

3l_1i.aj(lS CU AS. K. tit)Ss, Deputy rtherlff".

To the HlKheel liidder. Align*! 10th.

A U O T I <>~S ' BALE

WOOD AND SPROUT LAND, Monday, the icth day of August,

Commencing at or about i o'clock, P. M.

___ far from the site where the tavern stood previous iu Us bclug barued; No. ■ is a lot of about 10 acres, culled ami known as ihe '• Dra- per lot," upon which Is considerable wood; No. 3 lot contain* aome it aorra, and-is situated near Martin's Poad, comprising wood aud sprout laud: No. Hot Is in Wilmington, uml euntidu* 14 acres upon which Is considerable wood. Any one wish- ing lo examine any or all of tills property, will receive full particulars und the assistance to and It, by calling upon CIlAKLKS WKLCH, at Brown's Mills, North Wilmington.

Tbe properly will be sold In lot*, or as a whole as the company may desire; ami the sale will cumiiii'iice al the Draper lot.

All periuna who wish tu attend the sale, will slop «l or near Dennis lUiuheldcr'-, on lbe inaiu (raveled road, being near (o No. I aud i Iota, No. Reading.

Termacash. P1DBICI ft OLOSBOM, K-I Auctioneer* and Iteal Katate Agen

The mambcra of lbs Union Hook and Ladder l'.;in|isii), gratefully acknowledge tbe aid uf their frlunda in..I neighbor* In decorating ihelr truck with lloweraoii the occasion of (he parade of lbe l-'n. [lijiarlnii ill ..11 Friday, Aug. ttlh.

Per order, W. M. IIAIIOV, ri-tns.i». P. B WATSUN, Clfr*,

I^swraucu, August Wth, --■ ■

THE "DIIIK DAY" IU New £ti|{laiid was May lU,17tJ(J, «l)(iity-ii[iie years affo. ' 'undies' were used at iminiday. by prliil- ers In Tliutnas A Andrews' otflce, VVash- iiigTton atrut-l, wliilu srillinr type for tbe llrstedltlun ul the Bible printed In Amer- ica, uxosjpt John Elliott's Indian Ulule. An old lady Uvlnv in Boston seut tiei ilAtijflm.i 1,1 \U:v. Mather Byles to Inquire liii< cause of the phuDoinenou. Ills reply was, "Ulve my luve to your luothur, ant) ti-n Her that I atu as inuoli In Hie daik as -In- Is. »>»«*>

llu' UaJII|>olls man who disembowelled

In- brother-in-law expregses sincere

n'..:iii at liis 11.mlii.-1 80 would the In other-In-law, perhaps, but he Is dead.

There is a umveiueut In Kngland to

abullsh tnwisra. Ladltts wlm wear

' iieiu oppose il.

- A foppish fallow advlxed a Itleud not to marry a poor -.m, us he would I

luatrlniony with jioverty "up hill work."

■ I,, KC I." eald his friend,- "I would i uili.'i no up than down, any lime."

bat, JaOiilfl retorts upon Ubleajco Jesters that Kilward's exevutlouer buuj{led ho-

OaUM he hasn't the'practiee a residence in ChloagO would g-lve him.

A story Is told of u Jolly (food fellow

who rcnided In Chicago about tour years, a,nd while on uu Kanteta visit was asked

how hu liked the water out West. "By

George, Mr. —," sa)d he, alter a minute's reflection, "I never thought totry it."

A Boston lady at one ol the watering-

places, who has twenty brau new

dresses, writes'to tier husband at home

Iu the moat distressful tone, saying thai

,'really my dear hussy, I've iiothlug to | JjgttBigej Wear.'" "Hussy" wonders If twenty is , And said N.Daaa Wells, is hereby direeled to

... ..... ... .. , a give public notice thereof, by publishing thl. oil* UOthlng, Whether forty will be tUIICU? ^„„ lm,.r » wcak, fllr tlnae suocsisslve weeks, In

... d. ' 11- the newspaper sailed th* Lawrence American and Wheti a son ol tender years speaks ol AijUVBT Advertiser, primed at Lawrence, the

his father as "the old bo),"iils time lor ttlgSs " " *" >Ul"'u '•*"• *"""• tbe latter U> order tall eoatS aad Stova- Witness, Uaorge-I*, Choata, Ks^alre, Judge uf

pipe bats tor tbe Hopeful, lie is making ^^.^uTOrnOTju^lfe Un^ rapid progress, | »HU Xu.(sOUOKLL Haaoaur.

A large number of awitiitea for sale, cheap, at Mr. Medina's. ,

lhjT~AII the appurU'iiances ot the sick- chamber, tied-paus, feediug-ci |is Ac,at

Talhol's drug store. 124 K>-i\ street Also a new lot of Itubber Stjiutit'^--

*>**>»♦ (-ili.m «.«.*■ IIHI/ l.ttittlrr V. A... 1.

Lawrence, Maas.

. (

A. 8HARPE & CO.,

213 (»ld No. 107) Eesex Btreet,


Would luvlle BPROUL An ►Mm* to tlielr

L*arge und Varied Asaurlment


ri i; ii it i: I..



Piques | Marseilles.

AIM, U. .... i,



Summer ShavtTlK

A. SHAKPE & 00.


»• U Ii estimated dial sivaii-teiitlis uf all adull

ailment* proceed from a diseased and torpid liver.

Tb* biliary aec.reU.ona uf Hie liver uvorfluwing Inn.

tbe ■luinsch, ji,,i.„„ [|„. snllrw svslem, aud exhlbK

lbe above ayinpiom*. Aft,, ■ long research, »■■ am able ut praaaut il„ most remarkable <:ur« fur ihe..- Ii.irrl.l ulgbtmare of dlaeaaea lbe wurld lias

avar pruduciHl. Wltblu on* year uver sli Inn. Ir. ■! and forty Uiuuaand paraon* have taken I'LAHTATIiiN

111 i ri i;-., and uot au luatanos of ooraplalnl haa cume

to uur knowledge. Il Is lbs moat effective tonic and

agree.!,!,, stlmulanl satanl, sultad to all conditions

uf life. Iii'imr. of your drugglat in regard tu It.

UAUMOU* WATKK.— rtupsrt.ir t„ the bat lm purted Onriusii Cologne, and sold at half tb* pi I e.

ID. :KO"W\A.:R,T.H: desires to Inform bis friends, and the public Lawrence generally, that he liaa opined the *tc-i

Corner of Essex MM Appleton Streets, , I'..-i mlii . bulbilug.J for lbe purpose of carry In

ou bla business as


lie would assure his frleuds of bis prrlonal aud •trict alteullou lo Ibelr requlremeut*, and refer lbe public lo his experti'Ut» Iu .itnic of Ihe first h.uses in tbe ceaantry; to his position as A pot lie cary at Kings Co. Ilimpital, N-V,, aud to tin resi- dents of Auiluvcr, who li.;* ■■ known blm fur in.ui>

He will k(Hp a well selected und choice st,icb ul

DHUG8, CHEMICALS, Family & Patent Medicines,

f'iu|iiirhuv ami (ienetal Keiuedies,

together with such varlct). uf

FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES as are usually found In a lirst elasa Drug Store.

I). HOWAUTH. I3 h a v m tiqitjii,

(Member uf the College of I'llaniiacv, N. Y.)

COT. tsst;x aud Appleton Ht».



Vichy Water, Kissoiigeu Water,

Bodl Water, In sypbon* aud on draught, at


"Wanted- An AMKItll AN UIKI. lo do house work In a

small r-iimlj V|.i.l) al IMI Ksaas Mt. If*agl3


Closing Out Sale

Spring i Summer Goods.

Marked Down our large atook ol



Half Ihe coal of Importation.

Muslins marked down from 50c. to

30c.; from 37 l-2c. to 25c.

I French Cambrics marked down to


Heautiful Dress Goods, for Suits,

marked down from 62 l-2c. to

'37 l-2c; from*, to 62 l-2c.

Scotch Ginghams, 25c.


for Men's and Hoys' wear, at


White Shawls

H^"AT HAL? W1UTTIIIV ...il.^)


la l.»ng and Hqaare,

at 1'iices that will Insure their Sale.

Mow Is tbe Una lo

Insure Bargains! (UK

Whole- Stock is Attractive,

llu alteullon of every purchaser.

it I.IIIIIIII a Isrge assortment of

< 'r'Mii'WHM-r.i/f/i of MwuathturtU. IX,IB. I'U'IIIAI (.; COURT.

late of I *

Wherea*. I

1.1.1, d county, deceased

( said OBceas1 been presented lo said Court, tor I'robaie, by N. IMUB Wells, a ho prays thai letters testamentary may be Issued Iu blm lbs ciecutor tbcreln nanled.

\ ou are hi'raby cited to appear at a Probals Court, tube beld at Hslnhln said Bounty ut Ksrra,

the arat Tuesday of tlepli

il crmtui't I'l.iinl-, .._ and Mallet, lm thi-

ne, at .lull s V. DOW and ii. vWt kisaiea il,

J 1 ST l; BCBI V Kit

Window tShjtdes. Wi' can - II -i l.i'M r article tor le*« tauin-y tbuu any i>u<-else luti.wn. Jtlli.V I . IXlW * CO.



flaln, Check, i

Uviuumljur, wn UiOluvu in ijnick Sale

tut) Small IV.ilii .


260 Kssex Street, l.uwrence


Drain Pipe Co.


bare beca appointed Agents for the aborcCt paay, and ..u'. r their Stone Ware at

Wholesale ut Manufacturers' Prices. Hit \ IN PICK, the vary best, as low as other ot

Inferior ijuallly.

WHINOINd MACHINES M arrarif ed tbat any one Iu a luosaeut can ib-elil. which Is Ihe beat. All klmls of Machine, repslr*. si the Hardware Hlor* of

W. A. MMItM.I. d> CO.,

■J\~ KXBVX Slruet, - - - Ij.wreiieo. W, A. KINaAl.l., S4JI1 W. P. SIUHAI.I..




We have Ibis day MAltKKD DOWN our entire tockuf Uooda lo VKKY U)W prior*, In order o clo*c them out, Ihervby uakluf roora for

kail lioods, l! la ateleas to enussrrate all,but we iluiplysay OL'H WHOLK STOCK.

We clslui tbat oar Muck Is the MOST KXTBKSIV t aad die iiiiiicur ts) be found la Lawraaoe—erery departmeut balnf replete wiiti the Best aad Most rasblunabie lioods the market afford*.

We bare a few

Silk Ci.ssacciuet=*, of our OWN as.rile,

which we will sell VKBY CBtUsM

WH'r call .prH-lal altenlioa lo Mr

White Goods Department. Plain, Plaid aad .stripe Dress Muslins, While

Plijues, White Shawls, White liloees, etc., IOK'I h. t with I fail llae of

DOMBSTIOS, Table Unens, Napkins, Towels, Crashes, Tlok-

Im;-. ■■!.■., all at Very l.n* Prloes.

H. H,-Gr07 OoottSJ la abundance tor ul*. Illin-U Mlllcs* for Uanatnla and

Dresses, with I rlatiiilsfi to asalcli,


BYRON TRUELL & CO., No. S4» Essex Street, Lawrence. mill July, ISO*.

40 liO.TB or

LAND FOR SALE on Cross street, Lawrence.

The subscriber offers forty rery desirable Iota of land, situated on Cross street, west of Broad- way, opposlt*. the Ulmg-tuu Mills punii. llu- luoatlou ol these Iota, so near the barse railruaii,

uul fail to greatly Increase their value la a short time. The new Lowell road will be opened very soon, whloh will also greatly enhance Ibelr raise. Apply to A. M. WILLOUQHBY,

[ffJrSS on lbe premise*.

Frame* Tor Wladow Reiweas aaado to urd.T by FIKLDINtiJc PIIKK.


337 Essex street, Lawrence.


DY ER & .0 0.

337 Kaaex street, Lawrenoe,


cieu. a. miiLii a co*s

Celebrated Pianofortes, now OB is-liilntluii and lor aale, al their alore, Pianos of this superior nuke.

'ianoa, Caaiaei Orgaaa, aad MPIO-

oai to let.

Window Shades,



Fancy Goods,

Travelling Bags,

Baskets, aad ail Had* ol

Musical Instruments.


GOLD LOAN $6,500,000.

We beg leave to anaouaoa tbat we have accepted the »,;■ in-y of the

Kansas Pacific Railway Co for the sake of Its

New Seven Per Cent. Thirty Year Gold Loan, Free from Tax.

This I nan aJBOanu to taJMWJWU. i-'ir.-r Mortijagt Land Grant and Sinking

Fund Bonds,

aim, a Hur*|l|r BBOB Kolllng Mlock and trau rhlse of this Srst Class Railway, besides n ulus ihruaBh lb* Slate of Kaaaa*, sad In

Successful operation for 437 miles west of the atissonii River, aad earnlnv already rnoagli lo meet allot Its expenses and existing i ill 11 (-1 inns, beside* More th«B tke IatorMt Hpus thi- itw

"one Acres. extending IB alternate sections ou either aide ol ihe traek.froiu the MNH, mil* post In Kansas to Denver. The pro peed* Of the sale of these laada ar to be lavriled by the Trailers In Ihe : par cent. Bonds tbeoweltea mp to 1 ■». or in I). H. BOBdr, as a

•HukllisT l""«l for llu- It.drmi*- lloii ol llu- HtuiiK.

The lands rtnbraoe some of tb* llnest portions of the iiiagiiinueut Territory of I'olnrado, Inolud- lau a I-II*I Held and pinery. The ('aiupauy also huliis as au asael anotaer>traat of Three Million* of Aercw Is IheMlatte e(

K.naaia, aad ilti *:!i uot pledtrvd ae a aeoerily fbr this I.IIHII, iln-n uo**e*B»a adds lar|rly to ihe i nm pany's wealth and rredli. We estluate Ihe Valuu ul' tbe Company's property, oov

VisitTlthe -

Drug & Patent Medicine






Kveryoae kaowa thl* esiabllshsaeat lo be tbe lieaJfiuarten for avarythiBg la the Medlolne

ae. Call for aaythlBf yoa waat, aad net II.

HKlUIIAat la oua.iaa.llj rwrarlvlag, aad oSTera for »*1* tbe followluj articles, warraatesl />«rr

"oftheeesf owUlp— *

f£>"(.iuin Csmphor,


{^"Chamoinile Flowers,

(t^Gum Arabic,

(t>-Epsoiti Salts,


(13-O.it Meal, (£/"()piuni,


C5»Peruvian Bark,





Shaker Herbs,


1 I

I'liii'.li.lil i l\ < t-i inf. lii.liil-'ul' Potaaaium,

ami some three thoMsand similar article* loo us to mrntluB. *

Patent Medioii.es

"f >v-rydescrlptlun,and warrantediruutuii,which he will erll as low as any reliable dealer.

Ayer's Saraapsrilla, -

llelmbold*B Buchu,

Hush's Medicines,

Schenclt's Medicines,

Peruvian Sy rup,

Cod Uver Oil,

Win tar's Balsam,

S, Hall's Lung Balsam,

Schenck's Syrup,

J- 0_ "WADLEiaH,

305 Essex St..



Ladies Gloves! i

•1.36 per pair, all Colors, and


v. ©

5 00 w



j i > ■




New and Elegant Designs.

jperty, 00

IsMMsawtalik «r MwsaaeliNielts.

oTT An A III:I :., (UIAWA BKtajt,


. ba. ±.«Stta±

mi iiianii HALLS


■2iM£W£R. Restore Urey Hair to itn Original

Youthful Color. It frill prevent the Hair from i ,Hh.,< ,..,i itukti fas ffmr Bmootk <iaJ BIOSSH, a*./ dim Ban

al«tn far .ti» at olhtrt.

UUR THEATIHK UN THE IIAIH l.KM ■. ill .| .11 .

E. 1*. IIAI.l.atO.. Nashua, N. H„ i-r.ipn. tors. •"•» sale b* all ilraggiats. ttaslJ

VlalTINti A.. is, i , 11,M 111, Mill ( in Kl 111 -, 8TATX llinaa, lloatou, J u\y Jt, IhjW.

The i mi... of the Visiting Agenl Board ol Slat* Charities—ander provisions ol Chapter 4*1,1 lett- ers! law* ststf of ItassacbusetU—la rsiabllahed al Ihe HUle House, Boffoa.

All applications to take children fioas the Stats Ueformalorle* or rrimsry Schotil, or those other- wise under Ihe eare of the Stale, or Indenture, mi .|.Hi.it, or au) other aaethod Used bj law; aad all i ..i.iinitiili .it in us ralallBf to lbe business ul lbs Agency, should be niade and addressed to (JAH- . i•>i i 11 i i -. VlaltlBg A|. in.

full Inforniatluu ouncernlnc the lenas of inden- ture and sdupllou, will be flven at the OIS.er.or hr letter. UAKUINKIt II r In,

■fit' *s« Vlaltiaf Agent.

S. P. SL O. O. P. PERLEV8, 2Qtf.

tired by this mortgaffti, <KK) net, while UM Loan is

JL morely a6,W0,00U. , ■ ■n.Wluttd. hare

isIIRTY VKA1LS TO RUN, from Mar 1,1"*", aud will pej

Soven par Mat, InMrsat la Grold, siulanunally. un Mat I and He*. I, aad are

Free Irota UeveranfJeH Tatall*a , ih. CoMpanf pejriBf the tan.

I'tie i-iuft. ii' \i. of lbe lsoaa 1* asade VAVABLB I tt< .i 11, Iu IhrCllr of New York, bat each oonpun 111 !»■ I /'MeaUr in e"riini./url, JAHMSDB tr JVear I ',.< 1.

_l optioti or the holder, without BuUoe, at the fullowiBf rales: DnSlUOOBoadiuM.Vorh, aVUigoMleaeh half tear

"' " I mi.l.u,, tr at. id. " •* rranklort.rTSr.Wartas.

Tke Agent, of the Loau, before aorepilag the trust, had the condition of the Koad, and the uunutrv ihruugh whloh II runa.earefallt eaamlued. they are happy to give tbe Loan aa emphntle *u

riRST CLAMS INVettTJIKNT, In .vary respect perie. 11/ sure, and Iu aome essea. Hal** OB

Hettrr than UoveraBaeal SecarilleB. I be Bonds will be sold fur tbe present at

'.tit, and accrual ItUcrent, both in Currency, lbe Agent* reserving lbe Haul lo advaaae ike rate.

The atteulloB of investors l. Invited to Un- well scoured boa da, which we rswoeamend as one of the saost proSlaUe inn atmenl* in the market.

Isold and Government S.-curlll** taken in nay. meat at their market talae, wllbeal eowmU.iuas

l'aui|,hlrt*,with taapa giving fall lalurwatlon, sent oa applleatlon. I

UABNEY, MORGAN a CO., No. ..:l Kxuuao^e Place, N. Y.

M. K. JE»UF & OU., Ko. VI I'll... Strni, N. V. ii-i.; ' .1^

Soda Water, In syphons and oa draught, al


Hyphosj* tiled with

Vichy, Kisaengen and Soda Haters al HUWARTU1*.

vichy Water, la ayphoni and oa draught, at


Kit I. IH St. *% PKMK keep fmprt MatugiBg. waat Window Mhaslei at ii KSBTJI slraet. Srnieil

WALL PAPJSKb. J. C. MOW a CU. hare the laraaat *loeh In

fcaeex County. VKKY, VKKT CUKAI"

Wauted. A few raore rAULIt IHJAaWSaU at SSI Keaea

Street; aealaowr Irak KUUtU TU IJtT.

Plantation Bitters,

Hostetter's Bitters,

Hootland's Bitters,

Johnson's Liniment,

Sweet's Liniment,

Wolcott's Psin Paint.

We have all the

Popular Articles for the Toilet.

Barrett's Hair Restorative,

Hall's Hair Rene we r,

buyer's rfair Vigor,

Mrs. Allen's Hair Invigorator,

Burnett's Cocotine,

Batcheldor's Hair Dye.

Cosmetics for the Complexion.

La Rue's Alabaster Cream, C

Hagsn's Msgnolia Balm,

Burnett's Katliston, Lily White,

Pearl Powder, ,

Ac, ike., &c

A IBS on hand a large stoek of

Stren|rtb.ening Plasters,


TBUSSBS, N i i H i t: „ «.

siiuiii.iiKli BSACSS,

Nuning lt..ill.«, Hmil Humpi, 4c.

A..1 . KuudkMurtM.Kl ol


Colognes, Luhin's

K strict I

Hair & Tooth Brushes,



and KVKKYTIHNO, In Sana, 10 be f on ad Inn

Kit si Class Kstablishmeul.

Pbysicians' Prescriptions


5 I s 3

1 a


'A O

H r1 M w

! 1 o



. . utis


POS WK ixi HBi.L


van oaa be bought In this elly. Kemember I

305 Essex Street, OOKNEK OF LAWRENCE,



rWhUn we are grateful to you for your very liberal patronage ealriided to us, wr BOW rail yoar attention to oar


whleh we have


to close balaaee of


al we pu rpoee lo do at


we Bead the room fur oar Kail stoek, which Will be unsurpassed iu this oily. .

We will wot ensBserale Goods or "qualities," as ar* lad* KNOWH that she eaa led a

Large Assortment, AND AT


at oar store.—If you waat

(vjfaiuu $wito, v A l.i. AT



3 H A. W L 8 . I UK, BATS A

Full Stock and Very Handsome Ones,

^41 IVr, QttaA Rei*<H\t» in Price,.

■ isiain

thst we Take the Lead in I

Dress & Cloak Making,

ae we bars a Ladr Is charge lhat never hna been nor eaa

Be Beat in giving Perfect-"Fit*" to all her patrons.



313 Essex Street, Uwreface.


Book Binding!


Invites the attention of lbe public to the various styles of Bleak Books manufactured by

Mas, Ineladloi ,' „.

BIT. •* «••««, made to order, for ever* form of aooouuls, aud

Another Large Invoice of

HATS Jest received, aad now telling

25 PER CENT. CHEAPER! I II... ...r b.r,^..


35, 80,TO and ©l.OOl' AT


S05 EIMI Mreel, - - Lawrence.


WUKKI.SH t wii.son-a



I all sad see ii, at the



J. C. HH.lHl.ll,

S06 KAMI ttreet, • . Uwrenee.

Thread Laces. Vi-ry liaiiilMrUit! asauriiiittnt at

306 Essex street, Isawrence.



S0» Keucs .irrrl, Lawrsai e,

Merchants' Counting liooms,

Corporation Accounts. ' of all Binds,

Railroad Offices

Record Books and Memorandum

of erar* rbras ,nJ ,|/r.


OIAKAI- JTiUUfrko. Carafal atteutioa fivea to Hindi■■

Sheet Music IBMllBg,

Magazines 8c Periodicals Itoum

la say manner that may be desired.


In all styles, Hew aad Antique, la Morooao Tur k,ey and Uoat.

(Ill I'INii OP KlHI u.'iilly a|i|ilktl.

Itl'I.IM, In | ticas tunri.

Slid MaitHi.iNii

sargsm want uf biist-

Favnoj and Ornamental work thoroughly done, after the rleheat raadrls.

We era prepared to furnish all lbe good <,aalllie, or workmanship in oar llae that 04a pa rut,mi in the best binderle. of Beeto*.

{^Special care taken to secure strength and durability in everything we undertake.

I'lener esamlne our frloes aad Nu-riraeti Work OB head. . '


LA. WHm,.)MH,


IMS Kssea St., Unninr

■sarn Pasers aad WlnSosr HhaSr. at

riELDINU *> HHhKN, ISO bHi at.


Nature's Hair Restorative, IMl'ltOVEII.

fur the llalr.OoUtalulnAfUolAaBulpbur.aoSugar of Lead, no Litharge, no Nitrate Of Sliver. It II eutlrely free from Al poisonous and health iajur luj drags. Ii will uot stain tbe fa«a or heads, or soil the while.! Haen. IT COI-OSH OtKY IJAltt and IHl'AUTS A BKAUTirtTL OLOaWY At*- I'KiKANl'K. It removes all dandruff,eutaaeou* eruptions, and unnatural treat (roan Ihe head. It also Is an eaoaletnt remedy fbr heaaaehss, hsMh BB a urevrnlive and mtratlve. It prevents the falling os of tbe hair, aad promote* Its growth—ntahing It BB eaeellent Dressing without the use ot oils, whleh are so injurious to the scalp aud hair,

US. Q. SMITH, l-nlealee. (J1IA8. S. WILLIAMS, AgwiH fbr Uwrsfltw. for aale bj tiro. K.'

liorallo Smith, Drncftii J. MEDINA* Ilalr

■tssvy as., J. 1». _ . way; also, by Mrs, J. K, Weaver, il Jaoksou st,, curlier Comnsoa, where orders way be lell.

Lawreaoe, July M, law. :imll*

WiaSow Screens aad MtMejalio Bar*.

ISO Eaaai at. PIELDINte a P1SKI*S.

rrofllulilr Millinery BIISIIIPHK, WITH

Htock, Kixturen, etc., FOB SALE,

la the l:il» ol Ia«m«.

Centrally Situated. Faying Well. 1 lulv reuse ol Ihe present proprlrlree* aelllug.

il.-pens re IB the rail Tor UnllforBla. For partloa'ars, insmhm ol

*\ Mr*. I. 8. WASS. IVO. 138 jf^UMex utreet,

imt-lttJrn LAWBKMCK, aasa.


APOTHECARY, ■'.■•■■' Kssez, corner of Peraberlon Strtwt,

sole Agaat for

Dr. Irish's Ottawa Beer for the 1'lty or rsswruncn,

[Copyright seewrrd.l

This rnlein-aUd drink Is BOW uuirersally popB- lar. roiiow the orowd, aad try a glass of this cowling, health giving Iwverage.

I'riee 1 eeuis a glass.


Hsverhlll & Bradford Express.

All iiii-rrliiiiiillHc tr.iiiMjxirtfil at reason- able rattis.

l.-eUng Notes, Draft*, ifllls, eta. ers left at MAUJf UKK14 Kau

No. t Appleton street,

'torn? neat door to Hie foal attended lo.

Lawrenoe. Aug. t, lenw, saal

26 FARMS FOR SALS. Also, several

HOUSES AND LOTS OF LAND In Ibis city. Apply to


•miags A3 Essex street.

I ut. lop. a with Aalui rra. Prim r-«|, i(o to UOW a (tr-. All orders fur printed work

eaeeated with dispsleh.

Immediate Sutler. I11 eosuuMjuriiee of ent*wlng BSMSB —gng-meals

IB another olty.the nu'tenlgBesl ssusat lasmealately (dose but buelnre* In 11,Is plaoe, aad reqaaslg all

Bsrrri.s rasia AOCMIIRTB. , „ k A, SUMO awieaee, Jsne |, Inav.

IIAIIIFTOM HI kl 11 M. ||. To un, et the above ba«>eh, a A '*»l tM|ge>

HoaiM a* 1.0 l*een.ee,i., are ...... MSMZZ The houa, is Jlul.li-I Ihrougl.out,pla*teeiul, pa-

MlortsvfdV furul- '

iood oro>)uri Apply to imlmyia

it reasonable price a. art of croquet. ft II. MA il.il-;M .

- it , UsrssM, Waa*.

Dent a 1 N otic©. DR. W. I. HIOCS, OChJTIST,

would reapeetlully anaounoa to hi* patrons aad Hit- iml-lli , lliai faf may be I.mini at Ills ll«oe, :|||? kasss ST., as usual, during Ihe mouth id August. All .,p. ..iIn,,, pertaining to Ids prafrasloa per Formed with eare, W. K. HIOI1S,

Lawrmo., Aug. t, INW. IMI vn Keaea HI.

"S.P.dtO.O.P."" Nmiiii Prunisa mil) one Price

PElaUVN, SOB. SJOUSTSUUSa Hrwliu,™. i. .„.„,.' ^ SSnWMM. II .ul.u ». wUI w,H4,ll.ta, lm ,...r i,.H.i.k, iiSaritj liwr STIMJ \.t *nm L. UKKHIail. Hl,|,at, B>. .11 -.ni,iW

uo voe « »M- ii. ... IHIW . I-IIM iaaa m.,Jr


_ (I'l-l'AHA IIKtll, Ti iitiUAinirs.

PIKI.I11M. A |■|»K|> hfR „,„,,. .- Ml \it. Vtlt l.,.,., -irrt-l. „,|pM

Klbiengen-Water, I. ., 1.1 .. .1 w„ dr.B,l,i, .1

II..M ,1.111 ..

Wai Plawar aa. Artl.la* Ual, >,MI.N, I III.IHX. A eiHKl!.». ill, K.„, .„

Wanted. A WI* .IM..I H> jMH, M v.. M |..rB lfc,

IH..IM... l^,ir.H

_*j*rt«l potter*. LAWRKKUK

Soap aud Oamtlii Faotory L-. UBAOtl A SOS. Proprietor.,

M 11 ,, ,.:i,r ,. Of

Ladies' Under Clothing. Thl« la lb* age of progrc**, ami in li-rirt-

Hi-Mi ill iaduilry U HIM more app rent thin In bo manufacture of L'nde* Clothing.


Scouriug i Fulling Soaps j No. 34! EBBQX 8t, Lawrence, For Wooleu Mill*. Hat Mesul.olorics.etc.

j_ _ JF —,.,«. I" now III'Mil. I" "bow '...11 I h. i-roj,, »i Hard Soap, Candles. Tallow, n*.bc< o>iuiiii.dircei(,,,i.byeshibTnugoui

■" "*I F j of the fnoal varied,


Our house having teen establish- ed upwards of twenty years, with facilities to command the beat stock In the market, and a manu- factory perfect In every detail, un- do, our constant supervision, pur- chasers can rely on finding the quality of all our goods as repre- sented. QUTaW ■>' Lawrence ,v Maple Sts.,

t-V bAWdJQtOK.

tLLIS' IRON BIITERS. Htllu u-i .1 youi 1 HIM. J - In Ml pfSStl***, I

ran l».111. lu l|" superior lunk- 1 1..]- ii« ■ lor Invlg.iiailni: iln' appetite i.h.l promoting dljo

■ look.' Il« ejrrVeabir flavor mu'ti.c ■ mil II In .It. Vnqr«, r, -p. , I I., I i , .

L'llAH. - li.vl M I, M H , Prof.--IIr IN lilt' ri.U:..Mi.1.1 .

1'IIIMI.III ur MedlMiie mill Kurgrr

For lale b) J.ugu-n.l.gcerall) liuiluthii V.S 1 in Cwiei.ee by Urn. F. Tnll.ot, |i

a and Mill slrcrl*. gift, 1-11,1! Ul 1 ■ ■

"lll'l MB, ASH I'LL Hi- HIM.'

Medicine HI I I II! . Y*llowDuOh. I'rirkl. 1 A<

■ 'laudrna* 1 act la

Liver Complain.,

You (Hutu."— No-

■1TTKKM, upo*edurSar*apurllU.VV|hli:ti. . Yellow Dock, Prickle* A.h. 'luurougliwuil, Kliu •arb, Mandrake, Deii.lclluii, At., all "u c ,...tin,l

- " «iil. Nature, f llieli 11.. ill.) absolutely our. HOB, Co.tl*ei.e»a, lived

1.11I1.:■-11..1. ■ehe nice, Weakue** Dy.pcp.la, ludUrailuu Diitla***, Heartburn, Plutuleucy, Los* of Atipc tile, el) kle.ln.rfhumon, end every di.ea-c arlaliiK RUM e ai-onlcrcd atiiutaeh 1 *

ODWINI 1-letrbkB

"It Work- Mate H riniim." Unvayou Ue.dsch.-I VHK'IW'I MagU' iHIt Sere you Tuuthaehc I U» Keen.'. Mag it on 1

l*e yoa Neuralgia I U*. Hrmir'. «„VH ' Have you Bh.us.Btl.iu I C.c Kcunc'a Magic nil I Use* yue Bore Throat I Die tenae'i Mafic Oil 1 lUveyom Sciatica I Ufa Kenoc'i Magic u|) I HaveytHtaBrnLeel U*c Xeas*'* KleOill Have yos Cramp. I lie* Krunr'a Mafic • Ml 1 HsvevouChulrnM.irtniat IJwHeunc.MBglcalil I Maveyoo 1-aiaase*. .' t)*e»runi''s MaglcOH!

Thle le th* Baat K.mili li.m.ili, U> ,1.1, -II bled* of ram. you ever tried.

It le eteao. infe ami dcllelou. tu u*e, and If you ■•a It ralHifaily, IT WII.I. IH> Y.HI Oontil

caiMpaeaspeS hatfJa. itu> u..i Hu . muggi" ur Merchani where yon trade. If thi-y have out got It oe hand, the, will aend for it, nt yonr re uueit, and i.dl you the UKNKIMK HUM1. VUS-

Rll.Lll.11 MAHK nil at thr manufacturer's luwct prlee at retell. WM. RKNMK,

Hole rrotirlrlur and ilaiiufai'tui.-t. nil-11.1.1. M..-.

Mold wholeeele aed rrtall b* It. M. WbUut-y; reUlhhd by II. ¥. Talbot, W. il. Brifham, U, K. Chkekerlef. UrowHapl I

j 10Mril>B«TIAI.. - Youuf luili a \j lajarrd thawaxlvia by c«rielu feMTI willcli uurtl Utj'iu tut liualuraa, plvaauri', u tlea of Married lib-, eJao mlddlr-aKrd --- whu, from thr lulllua oi'youtb. *

■*-""f Inadtar- '

iplel.. .-- of I idle*' Under Doll ItHjtu be hWH lu llifHI,.

lb. lii-1. aod reff Imvit-ti. .1 BJS Hit llni- aillrhln nd fieoroldeey unwt lit tkla ulaaa nl

a*v'ji*u j!a u" ii, fen-fa «r. .1 ..1.-.1 >.JA_. . I woer-lnp Bf win 110 ..nl. i-rlj.-.l ,,•■■:.■ ladlea.

PINE SKI'S OP LINEN. Hrad Hli-lidbiwIliRlKl, ufl 11..'',


ilfU' JdltfrtiStttKUtS.

ONLY ONE DOLLAR < x i«» N-- 111 ;n \ 1 .i> ioJa» ui.-m

A ftrai elaaa llluxtratad Hrl.jt..i. .1, uf 111 pegea. lOo Coajrlbelora; i rJii:of». The clw peal paper lu Ihe laud. #' ■'" a year ID .. 1. un.-. — Hpfoinu-u cuplra free k'. I). W1S«1.(MV, I'ub- ll.hrr, II Corublll, Boitoii.



i 1 irlmtnrd with u ■,,,, ■ i.uy Kejrea end I


*u ihe cnai of besM

Night Dreee, .urg,

Ctllldri-u'a Apron., Illl», Hkli •blr> all otllrr bluda of (I,


A Urgr eud *. II ■aeaVeed aaeurtiuuut of

ll.lli... r , eiood* It NuiHll Unr. -

I net ouualaatly ou hand.

Ounard LiDe Mail Steamers i^Ml.inTiiiiol and Nrw York

..II..I --,7eeTe"dVbnity*lu advanc- of Ib.u , . plaalog Ihiinaelvva undrr Hit- tr<-alnnii( ul an; one, ihuuld Drat read " The ieirel Ktli'lid." Mai rled ladlri will Ivaru aorarthlae of loiporunce bv

The Barret r'rlend." rt.-m to any ad ■ . , On reoelpt of ib oeol

il.'.. PH. ill Mtl.KH A. rill' MM A OC dreee. In a ..al.-.l eurel'ipr, 1

Addrea* lie. "" Soalon Ma*..

n-ipt of :a RT h Ifftal

Aromatic Vegetable Soap.

for the Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children sutl) HV A I.I. imi <;<:is 1 s



4HI»a Hay for ell. Ailitrree A. J. M'M.AW, N.Y.

flO PER DAY GUARANTEED Ac.'iil 1 II il.' U..-H Hill Ml.t HKWINU wHUIL It HI .k." the

cvi-ri 1'.|...-i !■■ Ji

to -IHM.I I-I..M- and kill IMI yank. Prlee ♦'J.ntv ^VntllOil.-.Vrmi tlun* I H.iolver. .Hrnt

f.-r i.rli ■■■ l-.t (llrt. ., Mint liui.a. H.volv.r- "*■■ 1.1 N HUkKM.l'llKliurgli.l'.i

0>ur 9pirr- 9 ox.

/*• you WAKT A hist., TAKE IT.

Therr'a a Jolly HuaoU proverb

Thai U i-ii-Mj niuohllketbla;

That a mail la half In Heaven

Wbi-n be hea 4 wotuan'a klaa.

Hut 1 in.■!■•■"-• dauitfur In dole) lug,

And ll.a .wwimi. May foraakelti

Wifcl tell you. baahiul lover.

If you wnnt a klaa, why, take 11.

>faver let another fallow

>ie»l a march on you in thle,

Never let u laughing maiden

flea you apolllng for a klaa.

There**. . royal way of tliajiijc,

And the Jolly onea who make It

Have a, I.I 1 hat I* winning;

If you want a klaa, why, Ink-' II.


M.I.T r.-ii,

li.'.l 1


If he'd have her for hla aw*.

Would you have tho fol4ee apple,

You inn..1 in,,] the tree and abaka It;

If a thing la worth Ike bavntg,

And ynu went a klaa, why, lake II.

M'IK. would burn u | a deavrl,

Wllbafarewt aiolllngby?

Who would give M. aunny Hummer

1 "i- a bleak and wintry aky ?

Oil t I lell you there I. ntefle.

And you eaiinot, .'Hiiniit break It;

fot Ihe awtvteat perl "( loving

la to want a kba, and -lake It.

A ifilnnman a-iw |iln«rn1tv itahbetl In MxparUul ph body in Sun Fratichm

Boston A.dv«rt(8©ra4>nta.

BT1TUTI,M< WABIII.iOTiiN ST., III.-IUH, Ma , off. ra a liberal earl practical education la prvpura tl'io for artlvebaalncaapuraulta, and haa acijulr ed, bv IIa loogilaadluK and txtcn.lv.' coDiieetfoua. faolHtiea Tor aaetitlnk graduate* lo pnaltlona ol bonbr and Irwet, which cannot be equaled by an) local iualltuUon. Fnplla can n-glater their namea for Kail a.id 'Vlot-r Irnut after Aug. I, and will bi received lit one lim* If HHTC arr vai'eiiele*. Tilt Kail term of the " Kugli.li Traiulni; .School " ul Hie above Inatlluttou, will .inniuetici- Sept. il.

Kur lurtber Information, a.ldreaa IvIJyV) IT. K. Illllllvlii'. Il--- r.-s. ll,--.

Great SUN-SUN CHOP imjjv

Work for the Ladies at Home. You oait gel any Irat el*.. Sewing Machine.

and pay lor It In work auuplle.l by u>, or In .mall iiionlbly payuirnta. Addre.. -Nallouel rioHiliig M. i.-mrli.* Mi...:ki Wluler St., Buaton. Itjyu

The Beit and Cheapest Place to buy


Or UtfPfh/Olir WKIMIKK^ lirl'AlltKli.Ullt


4'ri Kim tttrt-et, ----- - Boston.

Kutrniir-e from the Yard of Wilde's Hotel, lyjft

Widening of Hanover street.

Hiiriiini.il for a year*. B I f-n ular Addrtaa JOIINWIH, I'l.tiiK * Co., »"■

1, Una.., I'ltlaburgh, Fa., ur HI. I.uula, Mo.







l^u. I'li-H.






TRIPOLI. Cla. a UallMtei

rk Harbo

KMri.llYMLNTlfoJ'pria/a. e'or particular*, a.l- ina>B.lt.h>SaU)*Ulil Co , Braltlel.oro', Vl.



..1: or IIMUouiaT for BWKKT

IH IMNK-ll e<iuala(blllermulull]e. Hanu ratiuii-.l by smiiiss, k"*r" -

will rect-Le.by return mall, a i ■. 1 Jtlcli your i"uinn- liuibeuil or wile, wlih uaiot aud dati of marriage. Addrtaa W. FHX, I'. O. llrawti No. 8. r'ultonvllle, New York.

IMI. HAI1Y I IIHI■■.!■:I»,

ormerl} Kc.kl. ill I'hyalelau lu lb.. New Kliglalu UuapllaJ tor Worn.la aud Clilldreu, lloatou,

.-p.-.'HiHU- luloriua the Ladlea of .Salem am vlilully, thai ahe hua opened an Office .'

rtH \Va-uj.ugtoii St., Hubuu Block,. Olllce hour*. Monday* and Thursday*. Iroui 1 1

tfeeeagea Itfl al any 1 1. tka

Wh ilNiNf (hut cerlainlv ivliijfrt iin.l Ay awajf

i'ciial Hot in... OommoQwealth of Haaeaohueatte.


To the ilelr)-at-t..iv., ma uf Kin, »nd all other per.ona Inlen-tct In iln- esialt of .IOSKI'11 OARDKRH, lale ol 11.(1 11, In -ul.l rouniv. «i)mau, deci'«"e<l, (Ireitlug

'hrrtas, acertnln liistrtl the last will and It.taiu. 111

•aldC J ll.-l't.. obale,

uutilx IMJurdner, who prat* t may be l«,ue<l lu be.,

You are hereby cited lo appear *1 a Trobaie t'ourt.lo be held al Lawrence, lu ...id eohalyol 1: -.1, mi the aetoml iucday ol Soiitember next, at uluc o'clock bcloru noun, (o allow cause, il any you have agelu.l Hie a.nnc.

And aalil p.lllloiier U lien 01 .Iimttcd lo give public UOUM llierciil, by pulNl.tiiug I 111- cllutiuu once a week, lor ilirw *ucce».ivu wn.-ka, lu the ue*.paper called the I,AWio:«ri. AMKUICAN

BUd AudovlT ■.■!■■ in- . . primed at LaH relic. , tilt l.i-t pill.lie. 111.HI 10 be two days, at tfJMt, b" Tori .aid Courl.

Wllncaa, UKoltufc t>. CltOATt, b sou ire, Judid of aald Courl, till, thlr day or August, lu the y ouethou.au.I. Iglil buiidr d and ■rxly-uiuu.

;•*•■ A.C. I.IMIIU'.LI , Itcgleter.

OoaUBOawealth of htaaaaohueette.

RaeKX, u. PROBATR CUL'UT. To Hie heira-aldaw, next of kin, aud all other per-

aon* 1.11. 1. -re.1 lu the eat ate or DAVID MKM- BKIt, lale of .Salem, lu Ihe ouuu|y of Kocklng- ll'lll. Mini -I !.■■ ..' Sew H iuii|, .liirr, I|. ■■ I-..1.

Greeting: Whereas, a petition bus been presented to aald

" 1, by .10-1 pli How,of M.rlni. ii, in theeouuty iiex, with certain paprra, purporting tu be

'■-■ will and 1,


No. 71 Essex Street!

J. Y. FRENCH & CO. Having removed lu their large eton , No.?l«aee«

Ore. t, ill order lobelteraceoilimodulelticli iiului r-

IUS cu-iomerM.aud hating rcjileirMionheir»luck

wiih a large assortment ol

1 lent -, l.iiditH'. MH-US and ChlldreiiV


Have yea Ckassea HaatJa I

Have you Hard Water I

Do yoa west yoar <Jooda lo have dear, I", at a ml l.aeire aad Plalah I

Ik* yes waat Waehlag mad.- Ka«y|i

BEACH'S WASHING SOAP. It's the oheapest and best ever of-

fered to the public.

ILL IT. ,_, l.KIKKKH rll

St-kvackN I'II tin on 1 ■ Nyrup,

Baa*red Ionic aud Mandrake I'lll., will cur ■uielplion, l.lvir t'onipHlul ami l>y*pep*la,

to 1- lak II ut Ik. ■ mi nle n>r II.c i-. mid .HI it 1. k; then

He li.'C.ilue. g.HKl , 1 it loo.) l'i< rrow (u

lean: Hi

' .,".T"» "1 'V ..".Ul lip ' *

.J I1 b . 1 mile lit 111 III.

laiiK- m ..relbrow.lt Hoi,, lor -hen Hi. ,,t,

•lla-l.ic... all Mill tl 1. ..11, .11.1 III. !>• lent has

' To do till*, the Seaweed Tunic and Mimlrakc fill. 1.111.I I.. Ii. .1) II..'1 I'. rleaiiae iln aloimiih aad liver, ao that the I'UIIBOIIIC rtyrup ami the food will make good 1.1 1.

Bebeu.k'. Mandrake 1'illa act U|H.II the liver, re- moving all obairuclloua, relax Hie duct* ol the

Call M,..I,I. 1, ii,,- bile -imi 1 iie.ii. mi.Mi., liver 1 .....I1..I..-1..I The atoolawlll .how -I1..1 Ho

Fill* omu do: nothing ha* ever been Inveutid,. ■■ OOpt ralomei.la .badly pol-on which I. very dan- gerou. lu U".- mile*, with great cure,) that will unlock Ihe gall 1>U.|.1< r ami alart Hie .ecrcllon. ol tbel ver Ilk. Stlicnek'. *1 nidtake I'lll*.

Liver I'uinplninl la onu ol the ■,,,., 1 prominent

Hchenck' aad alt.ra which mil

reed I'uulc I* a gmillc ml the Blkull In the


From Liverpool, (calling at C01 New York dlreel, every .Salurdav

From Liverpool, icalilug at lurk HarlMir.l lor BOSTON DIIIF.CT, everyTuca.lny.

From New York lor Liverpool, . catlllitK il ' ork Uarbor.) every I'hursilav.

1 triiil.-.i-. 1.-111 il lo bring ool PBamunur. rr.im 1.111 |...n ..I Kuropcal Lowest Kate*.

Fur Fr.lglii ur Catnii I'a.aege, apply lo K. I'u- uard.t B.twlln«i.r.vii,New York. Fur rlieerage FBMBge, apply lo ¥.. Cuneril, 111 llroa.la.ay. New York, or to MalPtkM

p. vii ic I'll v. m iSici itreet. Only Authoriaed agt for Uwreuce tad vlcluily

It 0 I.Y O K K

Fire Insurance Comp'y, H.vi.Kat, MASH.

llil. old and ajopelar Cotnpany ooalinue* to

Inaure the saler ula*. of properly only, al current



and Othar property nut haiardou*, taken by Ihfa

I Company only.

Nu 1'oilcle* i**ued ou klxtra or Bpeclal baiard*.

Ossa Asiets, July 1, 1868, •lM.ifO.&S


No. 4 Pemberton Ht. Idtwronoa tie apt

Lawrence Marblo Works.

WILLIAM L. DOWLING, {lale or Boat.,u,l

Corner Hampshire sad Lowell Sts., M.iuufaclurer of

Honumi-iil-. I'oaib-, lli'ttil Ndiue*, A r..

of Marble, r'ree.lone.mid liranlle.

Marble M ..it, I. ralileli.p-.nml everything In the llae, pr pity made.del.v.r. d.ao.l warranted HI rcirc.t.ili.t.

Befn, i'oily pr

leM«u ll.it

■nl...f.. of the,

,.l i ..fnewanderlulm

Which till* i.repaiallou 1* made ul, as*.el* Iln atomach to throw on"the ua.irlu J.uite to di.soln thefuuil wllh tin I'ulmoulu syrup, and it I* Hindi Into good blo.d w llliout Tel ■a tIn' *

■on why phy.luiau* do mil I., i in i,i do loo much. alop Ihe COUKII.IU *lupohll

ill, beetle fever, and by ao <


The cUeapeal .md beat


.1. KII.KV * « OMl'ASV. It* onpacity m OH operation Ii front aetaate

arltcle lo a tub fall. It work* may, wa.bei fast and clean, with coiniuon -nap, doing no Injury to hulloiis or the inosl lr*ulle fabric*. l| remove* the dlrl like ., pair „| knuckle, worked under wa- M-e, hy I'.il'llng and riibl.lng Hie layer* of oloth rapidly hack ami I'.rlli i^aln-l c.th oilier, and by wiurcjlng the .uda l.m'k mid forlb lu . verv po.-(. hfe dlreot.o... When prop.,1, u^l a .-1,11.1 en work il. Kv.ry pi-r-ou .it h'"."l -■»*»■ aeouului.-.l wilt, ll perillonol'llil* Hacl nl oiiobmlniil* Hut II lauiie.piiv.Hialli -nl llicy;uuj,t labor

** .lent arelhtag.ulalt.nl II only neeifsalrlal

Salem, Ma..., Aug. I'


W. H A ti B R , Jll-AI.KIt IN


MlItltlMIET FA N C \'AhG,i)0 L)S.


Agent lor the Celebrated KLIAIHOWl

Improved Family Sowing Machine deceived the " h'r*l I'lemiuiua " over all other ex- hlbllor* at Hie State fair, held al Burlington','*'!.. Sept.Mt.i II, imta, Maucneatar, N. II. Bept. M to 'I, IWW. Ht-.t Man.Uit In Kit world for all kind* f Family Sewing. Marhlue Needle*, Oil aud Thread, lor ial" by ' W. II Ai.KII,

i'"' Kaaea afreet, Lawrence, Bewlng Machine* repaired.



llaln. Cape, tie.,

iiii'J Essex street, - - Lawrence. A SUMMER RESORT.

The ll„i! Altra.tlve on the A limit,,- Coutl


Fnist'a taint, Rye, near tamnonth, N. IL The aubacrltxTa lake plenaure Ilium .uliclnw tu Hielr fridida tlia' their

new end ipaclous tlolel will be open .Ion. «. It entail, all the muifern

|,ru>eiuaul., ami we hive doul.l.' Ihe number ol nu. which wr hail laai aea*on. It I* Hi.. 1 v lo- ,.l, couimiudlug au uurlvallnl view of the eau, Furl*, LLglithouai-s, Navy Yard, Sagamore ver, etc. The a.lvaulai;e< ol Sen aud Klv. r thing, ami Hie lactlltle. for H.hliiK and Boat i.u, unaurpaaaed. Fur III beautiful .Scenery

in.I Walk*, Sagamore |r — --llgl


ami .l.liLiillul IL... already ftvorehly knuwn •• one ol the mu*l F||u|. bit mid delightful WatTln,: I'latta in New Lag laud, eailly leached hy laud ur walel. Hour "' with the Itoiiir I* a tine LIVKKY BI'AHLK,

I'oauhta at Hie I'IIII.IUUUIII licpol* ou arrival train*. il.W.fc J.M. I'KIKCK. l'r..prleUir.,

nafjyH I'on.m.iutli, N. II




I hey daraufe the wll.lle dlgellive poi up the *eerellou*, aud evwutuelly el. - aud die*

and eventually ' I. ■ paih-ut .ink.

,loea Hot try lo _„_j or fever. Ke-

nove tne eauae, ami they will all alop ut their uwu aeour.l. No One Oan be Cured ol I'uoauiUpHon, Liver Complalnl, DyapepaU, Catarrh, tanker. II eeraled Throat, unlra* th* liver and alumacli *r. made healthy.

If aperaua ha*ooi pli.ni, of course ihe lunu. lu ..line way are dlaeasrd, ailher lulierclca, ab- Me****, bronchial Urllallou, pleura adhe*lou, or th* lung* are a uiaaa of liilammajlon ami ta-t lie

UOtOiiiy Hie lunaa that are Waatlug, hot ll I* III. wbol* body. The aloniaoh and liver have lo*l their power tu make blood onl of food Now the only she nee la lu take in. Bcheuck'a thne medl olaea, which will bring up a lone lu ihe *tumach Ihe nallenl will begin lu waul I..mi. It will dlgeai eaally, and make aoml blood. I'heii Ihe palieui healnaiu «aiu In rf.-li,-in.l it. *oou a* Hie' IHI.I)

I lu heal up.

only * Wh

the luuua c.i lei. rt.-li. and well.

e roii.umpliuu. luug disea.e ■

the I'nli.i..:,!■' »yrup. lake the Mandrake I'lll. IVuely lu all tnll.nn eumplaluta, a* Hieyctre pet feetly harmlei*.

Dr. Schea.k, Who ha* tajoyed nululerruplcii health fur uieuy year* pa*I. and nuw weighs-/j.. Kuda, wa* waali-d away lu a OHTU akeleum, lu

very la*t atagr uf I'ulmonary Coiiaumptluu, hlaphyateiaua having prouountij hi* eeac liupe- lea. and abandoned him to hla lale. He wa. cured by the afureaald uie.ilclue.,and*lnc. hi* rceotci >, Utaay tbouaau.ls *iiullarly nleolr.1 haieunsll'r Scheuek'. prvparaltuiia wllh the -~i... remarkable awooeaa. Full dirrcllou* aeoompau) nook,BaalUUg II net abaoluiely uaceaaary lo peraouilly ..e Dr Bahouoh.uiilea* palleiila wiah Hi.-It luua. exam laed, ami tor ihi* purpo*.' he i^ pruleiaioiially ul bil Vriuclpal tlilce, I'hlladelpliia, every Salur. day, where all letter, lor a.lvlf m.i.l beaddreaa.il He la al... urufeaaluaally at No. .U Houd atreel, New York, every other luea.Uy.and *l No ll llanovrt -Ii.-el, llo»toii, evary other M.ilue.day

' He give* wlvlce free, but lor a thorough exaiiiiii atlou wllh in. Hi 'i ii"- I""'1 " » ■ oi lee buura at each city IrONatA.M, lu :t f. H,

Frleeorihe I'ulu Sirup and Sr.iwee.i li.iiit ea*A #1 .«' p, i l.,.l'lt, ,.i tTJoa hall doaru. Man ■take Fill* J4 eeula pet la.x. II. I IIOOHWIS m CO., »» Hanover alraal, Ito-l ,.u,,i. ..i. ugeata. Fur sale by all drugglal.. ImH

An Invaluable atediolite for Blreiigtlion- liiu tlio Myat.'tu

nit. inn s\t I i; i s

Strengthening Bitters

Marhlue. e perlec d If Oicy ,. theiii back. I'he)

,ale for them Order. iaav be left al KII.KY IIUOIHKRS' and Order, maybe left at KII.KY I

1IAI illll'iN a BINOHAM'S.

tiiiik.' the Out. kites.

A hai it Isolate bluiiili; at SAIMII.^H

Iwsntf-OIM DSW ilrenst's lusl wttvk ■us liax Just begun.

It is tlii)u<fht hy eoOHJ thai |jiit[iii|f nun*- I'l.iii.i iui.i tlie kiU'ttfii will hu in" nfuiix'kery ware. ,.

l'i..' . Ii i .|., -in i JI in ni a WUowiuln tuealre went up uiii'Xpeiteilly HIIU disclobeil the li-,uliiio iictur .■hiuij.'iri^ Ills -Ini'i .

Frrdrrick—''riierti n«w. how pruvokiiiu:; I've li'll the prayer liooks st home1!'

.Kunui —■ Well, deur, neviir tuinil; hut Is HI) hoiliiel itratght.'

'Kaly, havti you lalvi ttietuble-cloili ami plates, ye*T 'An' ■ 1 tiavu, ini'in, ,'\ri> iInn/ tin: Hi,- .',.;,..- , .111,1 Isn't that IliJily'a wjurk »urn?'

A traveller mi being asked whether hu ■I ni been through Euclid, replied thm be lliln't quite ri-incnib.T, Imi thnughi liu hail intsard a iiiKtit therv.

•ut) ill-nt in I clerk In NVw Orleans fistatilnihejd ntiea terms ol' I-..iiii.I.'i with hi,. ].l..yi.i 'i lii-lili.iiiilil.- wife that sin- i in Mil' with him last week.

A lurim-r bdijg askfil if his horses were unit. Iii-il. said, 'Ves, they are Bttolietl first rate; one ol i hem lii'Villiii"; to iln nil the work, ami the other Is willing he should.'

An lrlslmiHii who had blistered his fin- gers hy endeavoring to draw on a oidr ol boots, exclaimed, 'By St. Patrick! I be- lieve I shall never get Vni on until I wear tbetu a day or two.'

In ('lilclntiatl a re|>oiter watched the river steadily live hours for an aeeiilent and left (o get a drink. During his mo- mentary absence a man jumped In and committed suicide.

"Mammy!" said a precocious little boy, who, against bis will, was made Lo rock the cradle ol hla baby brother, "If the Lord has any more babies to give away don't you take 'em."'

A number Of percussion primers were mailed In Indiana recently, and an explo- sion accompanied the stamping of the teller. If such a practice Is continued, the post-olHcc clerks had bugler be mailed.

The Ingenious Mr. Sam Slick, when •peaking uf a Frenchman, said, 'Blowed If he didn't cull a hal a sAopjio,- 'but,' he added, with thoughtfulnesa and logic. 'that conies of his not speaking English.'

The Siiurai'iHiito Ttmfa says. In the course of a report of tlie proceedings at a public dinner, "The Mayor, the ladles, cir.. were appropriately and elegantly drunk, and Ihfl party separated In flue cheer," *

A mmi seclnir a crowd of people ap- ptoitchliig, silted what was the mailer. lie was answered, "A man going lo be burled.' -Oh,'replied he. 'I'll stop and see that, fur we carry them tu be burled



ol K. eople ceased anil of the probate thereof in I;II,I aiate 01 New llatup.hire,duly authenticated, representing thul at Ihe i nu, of hla death ■ . i.l deceased had es- tate lu said couulv of Ksscx, ou which suld will may oper«le,.iu.l i.myiiirf thai Hit copy ol aald wil. limy La tiled and rccordi d lu the I'roliuli-Oillce oi aald county of Kaaex, nod letters i.-i.un. „■ .u . " gTiulcd to lii.II. you art hereby riled to

I a I'ruoate Courl, to beheld at J.awr. \ Hunt} of Kaacx, ouithe second Tutadny oi

■■;i,i.i',, . u.i i, at nine o'clock lu Ihe loreuoou, tu mow euuae, it any you have, agaluat Ihe lame.

Aud said petitioner I. hereby directed lo fIve public iiuii.'e Hitr.ol, by iiutillaliliif thl* dtailou thru- wiS'ka succe.-U ely, lu the newnpapcr called the Lawruih* Aiucucan and Audovtr AdvertUer, prluted at I.awreuot, the first publicalluu lo be lluriy day. al leaat bUorc la'd Couil.

Witness, ticutgc F. ChoatS, Fsnuir.', Judge ol laid Courl, thll third day of Auguat, lu the year one thuuaaud eight hundred aud nxtyftiluc.

ago A. C. CiUODEI.L'; It. gUltr.

appeari 111 r.lli.1,

76c. 90c.

■elIIIU Wllh

IIF. US' kalapi

I' h. A.I. I'. 1'll.l.SHl'KY,

MACHINISTS, iSueoraaur* lu Welwtrr, [ruilln A Co.)

Cotton OJ Woolen Maohinery AMD

MACIUNK WIHCK liKNKKAt.l.Y. Fulleya, tlearlng ami Shafting, .lack Screw*.

All klud.ol Bolt, on hnnd.or made loonier, al*u all kind, of Forging done.

UJUtKKAI. JOB WnHK and Mill repair, don* promplly aud lallhfully.

Dealers In Manulacturer*' Hupplle*.

Foster's lltiildiitg, Corner of Krit.uk- liu and Methuen Streets

lyl-pl i.awKSiai'B,

For Sale in No. Andover, Ms. The House ami Land altumed upon Mnfbiu.

Bliop *tre.l. a tew rod- from Hill- * Furfier'- M nil. --InS., ami now upled by l.nsc I . S.ir geul -furmerl, (he re-l.lence of Hit .nli.crib.-r The house is a modern, I wo -lory building, win. a large L. It ooulain. 10 room., all a, II ilni-li.,1

ninpl" tio.tl., in.I a dry, te.ntiiie.i cellar unde. Ihe whole Imu.... Ihe kll.heii ha. a brick ui.u, waah iB.lltr, twu irou sink., and gi»«l water hrnuahl nil.i lb. looin Iroiu a w II oulilde Ai

■Mr**, and ehainber Blnive. there la ■ good .1*1,lr, In which Is a .later 11 oi water.

The garden t.elimglng . coulaln- I I-'.'acre of rl. h laud, well laid out for rulalug fruit r" '

ic *rn>*l of ili..V.;MiA. 11, tram ; relut a.ou for the 100 P. M. up iraln. X.iy

I llargea furiiixhed al ihnrt nnltte.

I Fare 40 etflits.

[>. W. Dur r. U. Box XVi J. B. M"l i

Newburyport, July &, ISW. 'n,' n ■•


Ilyipi p.la f lh.r.k

Ltver Co,

Female W .'.in.-

laid,-.. Ihe fruit trev* art mi* In llu-tr prime, it cherry, |«'ach aud p. sr-lbt latter In Jot .'lierr* tH-atli ami l ..

choice rnrlell. a. both .Iwnrl and -I aril. Ihe apple ireea number almul to, embrat tug lu variety, xumiuer Fall ami Winter Iruil ,,..,,1,1,11,, Il ■■■' 1., , ■ '-I.. I, I- ■'! asoud (.,....i. per year there is also a amid supply i.r curraul goo»etN'Try,l'lacklierr> *u.| ra.pbcrry buahe*. itrti

Il Is a dealrahle location, food alrra-l ami Uvlgtl b.irhoo.1, while Hit ui.Oorily uf 111.

Tho Woniitn'H Friend Wanhin^ Fluid, of a >iiperlor .iiiallty. t'he he.I thai hat ever been produced, ami tu ap.sk within bumidt. Will aate one half Ihe lime BUd labor In waitlluf ololhti wilbout injury lu the fabric III* al... need In cleaning tl.mr., paint, window*.dlahr*, ble.chlng, acruhiilg, ami aouurlng. It la sure dentil lo bid bugs and all other kin.I. ..f V.TIIIIII. The proprl etorla prrparinl to tell till* fluid agaln.l Blithe ..nl- I fluid* In Ihe marker, for all purpuaea. I'll.',- l,i lhc.ju.irt l.loenla.ur iln cenu per gallon. Mills, h la, large boarding bouse,, and all large consumer* will receive a liberal diicounl

Ihe proprietor Manufacture, the beat Blur Ink. a llipiiil hlualnjt. which Ihe public can he supplleil at ball price by the pint, .plan, or gallon. Ihe Koprietor will drive a team through the City ol

i w rence, .'OIIIIU.U.'IIIK abuul Ihi gr*l <>f May, ur l.,i.,i- All partie* wlahing lo give Hi., aliov,

jefore tnal time, cnu Ju *o by leavnif good stria thi Ir urder. at n union nrrri, Mmmwi wu* r. HIillKS, Sole Manulacturer aud I'r.ij.rkti.r.

I.AWKSjtGS, March Uo, ISiie I huv* u-.d, ami coiilliiHe lo u.e, Hi. Ogd< u's ...,„,

excellent Vta.Mug Hul.l, sod Uo.l it all II i, re - the wear ami tear ol I jrirl'

The New Hcilf.iril Mercury says thul In view of thil ilrunkemuws prevalent in that cltv. In spile of the new Massachusetts prohibitory liquor law, " the question is not where the plus go, but where does the rum come from."

Among other charges against Itcv. S. P. Mini, on trial before the Ohio l'resby- ter) . are, 1st, that he preachesl one of Dr. Campbells sermons as his own. and Hud, thai he lorolbly klseetl Miss , tear- In.; her dress lu dnlug so.

At a camp meeting last fall, in the high- est beat nf excitement, an ovor-foalous worker, In a frenzy of fervor, exclaimed aloud: isinl, Qoiue down among us; dn eonie; cotue now ; eolne just as you are, don't stop Hi change jour clothe**"

A Chicago surgeon recently removed four and a half feet of mortillcd Intestine from a ruptured lady, spliced ihe remain- ing portions, sin! restored hi* pattern to good health. Ibis Is one ol the most remarkable bid-, <>l modern surgery.

Due id ihclsshioiiuble churches ol .New York, which, iilcil lo draw a crowd hy having liainlsniiic yriititif ladles act a* nailers, tins been laughed oul <•[ the prat" flee. Ihi' ibiiicb got sin be known by the ■.in I "Iln-church of the holy waller

Anticipating that our buslueu will be 1

rupled while Ihe wldeuing of Hanover ntreet

progress, w. Khali endcatur to reduce our Slock

by oBTerluf Uood* at the fol lowing

1'tll'II.AK I'HICKS: Scotch Carpels, per yard, 80c

Heavy Cottage CarpetH, 46c

Heavy (.'ottagt- Carpets, (Bru sels Patterns,)

Ingrain Carpets,

Fine Wool Carpets,

Estra Fine Wool Carpets, .Bright Colors, warrant- ed free trom Cotton or Shoddy, #1.10

Superfine Wool Carpets, 1.25

Three-ply Carpets, (all Wool,) 1.00

Ge'huine English Brussels Ta- pestry, 1,50

OIL, C L O T H H i lo is feel wld*.


China Mattings; together wllh a large assortment of

WINDOW SHADES at proportionately |,ow Price*

Ooods cheerfully shown. Orders hy mail will rooelvo prompt aud careful



134 Hanover at. & 78 & 80 Union at, It ■ BOSTON.

A LARGE BUSINESS, The iirm of J. W. KAMI) Jr. Co., who occupy Ihe

ucw granite building directly opposite the Court

llouac, Boston, are probably the largest dealeri

In Ihelr line of bualnei* lu Ihe New Kngland Slate*.

Their ipaoloua and elegant .tore, one of the ttoeat

lu 11..' til), la arranged In Hire., departments,

pii.liiieihet.o*iue.»ol Hat*,OaBS,Fun,—Trunk*,

Valises, Bag*, Oentletneu'* Furnlahlug Uood*. lu

Department A lifuuml thogenliemeu'i Dren Hat lu all «tyle*.

Ihe youug man'i nobby Felt or Straw Hat, and

theueat and ta*ty Hat or Cap for youth's wear,

alao t'aiiami. aud Straw Hal* of every *hape.

Department B ( comprise! tlie largest uiortmeut uf Truuka, Trav-

elling and Shopping Hag* lu Ihe Slate, including

the Sole Leather, Baratoga, I'ateat ELaoelilor, aud

Bureau Trunk, alao Uanls' Kallrood and Ladle*'

Shuppiug Bag* of many klu.ls.

Department C is especially arranged for the bualuea* ol Oeutlc-

nieii'a Furnlahlug Hood., ShirU, llotlery.Ulove1*,

lie*, Under OarnvnU, Ao. Their 'llaUuuc Yu ke

Shirt," ithepBlteirua of which am Ht*a*«4 by let-

ter* patent,) la claimed with JH.II « a* the belt

tlltlBg -nu i in Ihe cuuutry.

Iliis ei.lalili.liiii.-ul I" ■ ill i N.' most popular

place* of reeurl In Builuu.end Ita great incoe**

I. tlie result ol builneii tact, gentlemanly clerks

aud low price*. HJell



I uutaiDUW. allli or Ms..«rhu,.ll..

r:in.',i.i. FBOUATK COUBT.

loth* lielrs-at-law. nti.1 others int. rc-Unl in iln; eitateofUII.ltAX Ii. riJA N, ln[e of Lawrence, dover in iai.1 County, trader, devcaaed,

UKKKrtNu: Whereas, Wllllaiu B. Costj, ailmlnlatrator of Ibe

estate of said da'eased, has proaeuied to suld Court hi* pctlUin tor life use to sell the real estate of iuid dceaied a* wl

lul ■ ■., n :.iii..J.. ■! >iiii .-r :, fur the pay men to 1 d

I You arc hereby cited to appear it a l'rubuie I'ouri.lu be holden at Lawrence.In *aidcouuiy,ou

50c. 'he second Tuesday of .Septnnber next, at nine o'clock in Ihe lorcuoon, to -Ii JW cause, If any you

ive, agaluat the -nine Aud laid administrator I* urdere.l tu serve this

ullatlon by publishing the ultir once a week,



RHEUMATIC MEDICINE iLi.- i;i„„„ ali.nl ami

l.iv.-r .lllll.'iiltl. ., Pleurisy,

'' -. l'..i..|. ., Suraioa,

Ill.,i-,....v Mil,. n,.r i-,,...-

,.l.,h..-. Ill,,, ~. Scalds,

Clilll,laii,-,|.i, . n,-


UEN'l-S CALF BOOTS,tfiKEKWIlrlH All aliei.from one to thirteen. The laryesi as

well a*the stuulieit fool fitted with Call Buola.

We arc Ag.nts fur the Celebrated l'remium

li.i.nH Hianufactored by O. Kendall ABouj al*0

agent for the Vugle (jerman Slipper.

Just received a larjtn invoice of

ARCTIC OVER SHOES; all of which we offer at Ihe manufacturer*'price I

Kubber* repaired lu the neatest and prompleil

•*- I Living secured the services of Mr. IC. Ii.

SKITH, a man of is yean' esprrleoce iu Ihe manu-

facture aud laic of Boots aud Shoea, we hope to

still inerll u share of Ihe public ptttronauc.

l'lea«eciHl aud examine our -lock.

Don't forget Ihe number,

,V" 71 K**ex Htreet, - - Lau-rencr-

J. Y. FRENCH & CO. J.^ , French, llmylw J. D. H.rrlrk.


No. -18 Howard St., Boston. DH. FKEU'KMOltltll.Lgfveiipeeli

to 'h ,.,■■■■ ,,i lh, k',',,11, in n ohronlo and dUncol ;t[::

l lire Lawn

lug the aau ively, lu the

■ American aud Audotei A.her

0O0DKLL, Kegiatct.


To the Honorable Hoard or County Commission en of Ihe county of Kaaex :-

■ited, Mayor of t . .illy rentes -"-

Unit a portion of the line

.11.pule, n, the damage aud Incotn

respectfully repte'lenti to your lion. Board portion of the lines of Braadwev (formerly

Turnpike —-

On he tnili or tbe aald city of (.awrence .and In aocurdanou with a vote of the City council there- of, your U.iii. Board i* therefore reapectfUlly petitioned to view tbe aald itreet, and lo take »u.' Ii itep* a. are In aucb caae neoeisary and 'pro- vided by law for ihe purpose of delennlulug and catabllahini; *aid dliiiuted lines, aud further to eslabllih the lines of -aid -u .ti throughout IU whole extent within the limit* or Hu. city, from Methuen to Audovtr.

And aa In duty bouud your petitioner will ever pray. FRANK DAVIS,

Mayor of l.awreucc.

CoinsnoineeoftA t\f Maiiuchutelt*.

KSSKX,SS. i^ourl of County ( ommls*loner*, July tens, A. D. imw.

On the petition aforesaid, ordered, that aald pe- titioner* give uotlce to all persom and corpora- tion! ini.Te.lcd lie rdii. lhal aald Comrolsiloncr* will meet at the County House, In iald Lawrence, on ITKiliAY. the tiilrty-lir.l day or August next, at three, o'clock, I'. »., by publishing an ut- i.-.ted copy of *ald petition, and of thl* order thereuu, fu tbe Lawrence Amcrlcun, a uuwspaper prluted In Lawrence, three weeki luccvieively, til* laat publication to be fourteen day* at luast before the (aid tliirt) tlr.t day of August; and alto by (ervluir the City Clerk of aaldLawreucv with au atii'ited copy ol iald petition and this or- der, thirty dayi at least, and by polling up an at* i ■■■!■.i copy thereof lu two public plare* lu laid city, fourteen day* at least before tlie iald thirty- Ural day of Auguat. at which trine and place aald Conuulisloocr* will proceed lu view ibe premises, and take such order lu relalluu tu the prayer ol said petition as by Isw they may be authurlicd to do. A. II L'XrlNOTON, Clerk.

A true copy ol p> liiooi and order Ibcrcou. Atteii, A. UUNTISUTOM, Clerk.

A true copy of potltluu aud order thereou. Atteet, CHAM. 14. OOSS,

;ilHJy«M I Deputy HberiB".

greal su ct.. lu thoae loug alamlliif and sfTmOull en..'., nidi as were furmei ly considered Iticurabh-, Ii Bumolent to cniuineiid him to ihe public as wor- thy the eatvuilve patronage he hai received.

He. MOItltll.L I* admitted by tbe best med- ical talent of the country lo have no . IJU ,1 in Ihe .ib'iiinieiii ul Kernel* t'ompUlma, and II Ii uo un- usual occurrence for phy>lcl,ins lu regular practice tu recommend paiieui. lo hlu. fur tre.itmcnt when atflicte.1 with ll.cH.es 1H his specially.

Ludlea will receive the milil sclcutlllc atleiitlon. both medically and mrglcally. Board, with uhl aud i'X|„nene, ,i inn-,, -., will be furnished thoae who wlih to rcmalu In tlie city during treatment.

The poor advlicd free of charge, I'ln -l.-ii.ii - or paiieut. w.lthiua his upluiuu ur advice, by letter, aud iuclo.iug Ihe u.uul fee, will be auawered bv i. I'll n iiiull. i>' ur. ■'■

Medicines seut lo all imi- of the countri.

The Attention of MusicianB I* called to Ihe



33 COUti SI., (,opp. t'ourt House) Boston, stuck eomprlnes Brasi and Oerman Silver

manulaclorh-i of t.n rope, from |l in i luo each . Martin'* celrbrated tlulian.u well a* tho*eofchea[ier grade*; French and Oerman Aeeordi-ona, Fluttua*. (ierraali Cuu- eerllnas. Clarionets, Flageolets, Fife*, Hurmunb caa, Vloflnccllo., Double lta*.ea,etc. j alao a Une an .or I men I of .Vflmlr-m • and /.'• tol (traan*. They ulao keep a complete stuck of Kh'tt Mutt.; StUHr Hooks, and all kinds of Musical merchandise, at price ■ aud terms that cuuuol lull to prove Hniiitiie- tory to purchasers. \\ te Ji


Te Sick. Halt, and Lame I All Quackery aad Imposition ou the public ol

Lawrenoe to be'douc away with by using DK, OoDKN's KXC..1.LKNT i(V. 11K11fV,&, and J. CLKAVKLASbcS

Celebrated Vegetable Dolorfuge. pill" abu

aduated u evury mm * A beeui

■tll.<uil i..It,. ■ inday, 1 hui.ilii'. ji . in ill Onal Full'. ...4"

iT.im Dover a.uit',..i.i, iu..c,. ,. \, ;, UH'e ,i Tuesduy, Tl.ur.d-) ami .ii.tnr.l.i, : :LN p. m.

1-rom Ks.'ler rt.:ie«, s.:iu, [1,4.1* A. U.. «• p.si.- Tucsda>, Thundat ami Bataiduj S.SS P. M.

From llavirhlll U.I.'., (via Ueurfetows) 7.IS*, 7.:«l(vialii-oigetowii.) UJlo, 11 (via lieoriretowu) A, H.tlif.kW*,:UU. 4fvi>i(i...,r|fetown,) 11.111* e. M. 'I'ue.dBy Thura.lay aud -Sulutday S.oil r. U.

From North Andover .". -,,-.».».'. A.M., |-i.30,:i.40,

'.i.i. :t.lo, ;..:i..' ■-.„. From Lawrence (South Side) ii a:, ?.3i|,».t.1 A.

a., IJ.lg, U.tO*. l.tft, 6.32, I1.D3- p, 11. 'j'seaday, Thur*day and Saturday W.ltl v. M

•Oronthctrarrhalfronl the Kurt.' tor on 1 heir arrival from the.N'jfh. 1'asseDiiers arc not allowed to carry baggage

above Sou In value, nor over SO pounds In weight, and that personal, utilcs. notice I* uiven, and an extra amount paid at the rate of a urlce of* ""*'• fore""—-

c. c. TALBOT, M. n., (Kurmerly of S.lem, N. H.t

Offi.'e, Mill street, rear of, Talbot' 1*1,,;. si,,,..

CM. ....ml il.y or ul.tn. :„n| .m.i



1'rei.aml I...

^L P KA ill) 1 > V .^" 1




Hull, Hingham, Nantasket Beach & Ft.Warren


leave* Liverpool Wharf, foot uf l'earl St., Huston, al U A, M., J.lm ami .,,30 P.M.

Leave* Blngrinm at ; lu and liLftO A, M., and * v, M., alepplngaMlull each trip.

VAUK lOCmrrs KAIH War.



leaves JLlvorpool Wharf, IfoiUon, at U.I5aud KJW A. »., '->.ai and 0 r. a. It. turning, leaves Nantaakot Boaah at n aud It A. at., ;i.So and ii.ll I', u. Ou llondny*. Vt'cdncaduys aud Satur- days alop* at Fort warreu ou the u.,10 A. H.

trip 1


U 1'...' I"H. i'l'l 11 ■each, ylvlno pa In ■ . , I, tiv.il. ,i 1

FA HB ■.::. Cas YID irllAl'IN. Au.ut It. h II. B.H.L'o.

Mr.Porterallllcontinue* the Funeral >*urnlablng iii.iiier.™, a. he bai done Tor the pnit two yeara.at

)h<' old "land, where everything lo his Hue oan lie prior*,

- pair o -horici

ICK COOLKKS.for prearrving bodleilowarm wealber, can be obtained nl all I Itue*. <t. II.—Order* l.-li iviili Sup.-.u.l.'mlculol Burials Will be promplly .tieiul. .1 lo. 1-HleVl


There Ii no " brown bread pill" about thl* medi- cine. Dr. Ogden having graduated uuder " Uncle Sam,'' I* prepared to teach evury man and woman In the oily or Lawrence how A become Ihelr own physician for all kind* of Sure* and I'alni, Inde- pundentof all doctor*. These Uedlciuei are uian- ufactored by the subscriber. In Lawrence, and he know* tlie quallly of the ingreillcut* uf which they art made. DK. TUOS. OOUEN,

ii;i)i.'i Union -ir.et.

ROBERT W (t O n..

VETERINARY SURUEOiN, High atrsot Square, Low-all, Mm.,

rreat.alldl«ea*e»of ltor*ei,Cattle,andthelowei

1 New Kngland, BUfl7fllf ;__

Hit. C. N. C1IAMUEHI.AIN, .ate Surgeon and Brevet Lieut. Colonel U.S.*,, and Surgeon-lut 'barge of the (ietiyibum and

Dale I. , S. A. i.i-niral Hospitals

IK Kick AI DR. UAHLASU'S, Corner ol Lawrence

and Common Btreel*.

Oflct ll-'uf Y nitii I to I r. a., and after 1. F,»


.DENTIST, Has Remneed

1 lirlts tl]ell

11 tun AND u Hi 11: mi: ilMiu H on baud and sawed lodlmeualoos.

Hard I*lne Plank. Hard Pine flooring end Btep-BoardH,

ul.l.ill, IlllIK II ■llAlflh


I (hi Ii ball It..

Without Hie dm


Y I i-'ii IsLe.l -, Wil

■ertalti pi. !...« far In-

'.li.-t alx

audit Imll'."

miulgr.i ,1,1. ..I 1

A* * Spring Hediclne fhey are un.urpii.'ed. Tbli preparaiion I. a hum aad,Wall prut, it id in. dy, prepared b) Dr Job Sw.ci, Ibe great Nnlaral huuMettcr. :tm inyvl nl

Sold by all drug*!.I. and ,1. ai> (s n< m. tliciue. WM.A.I'FAM. * 1 0.,riopMet..i..Ne« ll.dloi.l Uaai. Sold by vY.-k. a I'uit.r, llo.iuu.

Have you au Orciiuril or Garden?1,

Now la your time to do away with the Injury from the Inssot tribe that Infeot the Apple, Pear, Peach and Plum Troen. The beet thlnu to uno Is BEACH'S WASHING SOAP; one bar dtssolvuc! in three querts iif-wn ter making a waah for the bark of the tree that, If thoroughly applied, will destroy all Insects, and'give the tree a healthy and vigorous growth.

Beach's Washing Soap for sale by the Grocers. - uahyimns

raaesi.K l..nnii. sold' by all druggist.. I're pared only by Dr, B.C. Ferry. liinMtVF] "uihl\

1."IU BI.Al K VtOKMS.and I'IMI'I.KSnn Ihe T r^ACK, uie I'KIIULN i ',INM>OXKand I'lMl-t > Kanuii, 11. psr.d .nil) by I'r. B.C. Ferry, tV Bond ilreeS, New Yoak. Suld everywhere, the irad- supplied hy wliuthiale druggist*.

for your trouble. Sample* hy mall, -'1 eenla. Ad droM L. UKKklsll. Portland. Ma. Ill **BBIH

JOI'l.IN & ItlKiltKE,

Fire and Life Insurance REAL ESTATE BROKERS,

No. 1 IVmlH-rtou Street, Uiwri'iKT.

w. n. .1. iriaa. tfspt A. v, iirnHKi.



Faintor and Oraiuer, No. 1 Apple ton st., opp. I'osl Office,

I at.'".) In'in yard-, two feel. t\gU\

< was tlie reply. How eaitie you to lie BO

ixaet.iii) fileinl. " "Beflatiae 1 tltoughl 1 BOlUe l»«l or Oilier WOllld :i-k lite, no I

ipeasuretl II.*'

j "Ma, liau Auniy Jane |(nl ,,("('s '■> ,u'' I mouth." "Nu, my son : why do ynu 10.lt j Hueh ;r ipiesiion?" "Becauao I heart) I Mr. Btiwatelllit-rilmthe would lake

sir:—This Is to ,-eriir) [ tlie h.iuei li.iinliei' ]|p> : iin.l lie um< so lolly; ghoul it I womleiixl he didn't p;el

*1"'' i allllnr .1ih.iiodl..-..vtra.i,li.ii.a: I I beard ol your "'""S- rl,'T'\"!!"'\\V/:..A"Zl\T^!l'Z^Zn \ A lll,lv Ht N*'wiM,rt «'*• ^"**M «»

inieerly while takllMfS Inttl

lea It-tilb.d iu> KI ulliilelo+o.. lor .uTi ualdc a piaster. Il is lor lilt take ol •uSen Ill thai 1 i;ivt ynu my I eat I mo il) .

JOHN CASIIOvi, Nu. II A.liSI.,VVnrce-|.r, llu>

W.iu. ■.arnit, M.vai., May II, I T. (liini'.K. Dear Sir:—Tills is lu 1 ave been altilclcd over s mouth with brok.

.. bavin* i.ulled Hit smarlest doclura lu ir relief,


0 0 r


sn:isii> at I'ui'i, Dock, Flr*t, corner ol K si

Mtirvfi NEW OFFICE, 'ir,-* Basel aireel, - - Lawreare.

Jell Nearly opponteold olDcc.

X Inrnaii. ^kK SI 1. til TO I.IHlltl'HOI.. Calling nt


il Her Usje.ty a Mall*.

Saturday, April 3 ..», Tuesdiy, " ,'■

Saturday, " .0

Carrying Ihe I). State.


I IV i.F I iltll

Ahead of all Competitors,

RiobardBon'n New Method! FOB THK PIANOFORTE.



The Hook every I'uinl la Atlraeled 10.

taOLON Copies iilr.ady Mild, mil the deiuaud greal- ir 11..,, ever lietore. n, uuw

■tlllug every year. . 11* l,.**oiis arc adapted to pupils of all aets^aud

it* eaerel.rs are adraa-llvr aud uielul lu .very ■in, . .,i ...u in.. ineiii. i iii ■ bouk has,on ■n-mnii of In actual merit, Iwoome the auudanl work ol I'iaau ln*lructiuu,*ud the uuly une wlu.h every well luh.riii.il teacher and scholar use*. Frici g.i.ri. Sent poll paid. O. UlTSON k V JL-.ll. I - '-*?' IV -.l.ln.'i ....

ITY oF«OKh, via Halilak, Tue.day, " 1 and every suiiceedliigrl.iurday aud alteruate 1 ue»

day. from I'ler V> North Klver, New York.


Fir.l'ca'bili. " SI'"! I Steerage, ♦ f. a i; lo London. U<1 to London, 3i.li 10 Cad* till lol'arl*, Unit

For labln or Steerage l'aa*auc, apply lo John ii. Ilale, ht Brosulway, New York, or 10

p. 111 unit, I'M Easei ursel. ouly Aalhorlsod Aguat for LawraaM and . iciuliy



The Eyos. r*^ Tho Eye*.


- a I 0 0

e?3 H 0

■* 0 Ps

? 1

I..M I'll Al'STIN, I B 1ST T I S T

formerly in charge ,.i oMee oi the lale

lie beach nk-'ti for a In- tilrd and wan

ntiarly fired si dy a iporuinan. They are often laken Tor seureerow * at such plaeen ; hill there la im danger lu that, though lliey dn look like irlghts.

" Dn you think, doi'iur," sakerj an ani- rona nn.iiii.'t. •• thai it would Inprovs

j llttl Johnny's hsalth to take him 10 the : sprliiji- and lei hill! Iry the water'." " I ' haven't u doubt ol It, minium." " Wlml \ -|n im;- would ynu rei'iinunend, DoctorT"

1 -Any spring;*, uiiolam. wnere you Hud plenty ol soup."

j SayM s writer In Blaekwood 1 "1 lentuiii- I her a cruel old school master of mine who

itlv.ni*. iteetunpaiiied till II sue I latin us with ' the unsiiruuft' we'd hleaa him yet lor this

nci.iirtflng. and , that the time would eome i when we'd IhiHik him 011 our knees for I these whole*) ue lliixHiiiKH; but after long; 1 ispse of yearn, I have tell 110 p;rutltmle nor

ever met a achoolfellow who did."

1 1 i 1—. 1 Btrert, - - •

N. U -No charge for adv of W ,f Kye*.

11 hi.'.' in ■ from II to l: 1 A. H.

, l.illllriui'.

■ -.linn.ill,,i lllep.'e

, ej l,H WtlUC'l' *!.. . - I.III. 1. III'.'.

IfMtO Lawr*uoe,

fitliftf ■ I...- aimtrt boy], "i'u, Imw iiniiy chleksm am thereon that dinhT'

I'artill.—"Two, my son." t.'iliUf.—'So. there sre lliree. Thle la

ir yes warn * ' „,,,._ B,„| t|lMt |* two—and don't one and roioi 1 iiiiiiti Wlinlew Nhnde, two make threeT

G !^itV"ii^!.V^n,r,?t,'vaneii.7,,Ani.i^ i -"dreaf-'Weil then, your mother BMJ Ji ibi.,cla".of_i.;iod.\cpi touMauti, oniianifai j have olie. I'll lake the other, and you

may have the Llilrii for your dinner.'

KETHOIPECTIVE. Alter one year'- eiperleare, il is

pleiiM.ni to say thai our nuccess has equalled our moat ..anguine eiperla- ion*. Onr friend* and the public gen-

erally have plucsd ui under laaling ubligallons 10 llieni for Ike generona -nppoi I 111 < nriied to Ut.

PROSPECTIVE. We -hull continue, aa heretofore, 10

mark all Uood* in ptnin fig urea, to ad- here rigidly to the ON K PRICE system, aad 10 aell nl Ihe lowest living prices. We do not data* lo -ell lower than nay one else. We caaaol afford lo sell AT COrlTI—bnt we do believe lhal, a* we are under lesi eipense tana many of our eolemsoraries, we can and do aril a good article aa cheap as any houae in Ihe trade.

We hnve a good line of Hosiery, Hoop' Nkirla, Corsetn, Dry Good*, and Mmnll Warea genernlly. and we nre constant ly adding to onr stock. Intending pur chasers will do well lo call nt

381 Essex street, Lawrenoe. (Old No. 101.)

T, L E Y L A N p. "OUT Or' NORTH."

Take DK. O. 8. Iili'tl A liHSo V. BllkHHY

WINK III riKBH, -Ihe most medicinal lu the

aaarkal. KalabUahad Is lavs. asarUltai


Just above Arlington Mill-.

1'rUe from t lo M cent" per foot.

Inquire of A. J. FHKNt'll or PhD RICK A

O'AJSSON. 1ml "ap*

Mill UHl'i I (lit 1 llt'll Itv

For luforinallou respiting the

MaHMacbuaelU Agricnllurnl College, apply to W. B. CLAKK, I'roldenl.

Aauutrtt, June I, issu. im: ■'■


Ihi. popular and dealrabl* Summer retort wa* op. 'ml for the ■■■ 11-.111,

.IIJ.-M-. natn.

The titUBtlou of the Ocean House, al the water's

edge, upon thr Uueit beach ou tbe cuait, aud with

Ihe beat facilities for balblug, -ailing aud dihlng,

-1111,uni,ltd by iplendld drlvra aud a never ceaalng

MM breeie, render* 11 one of the in...I attractive

-ea-i.i, ri .oil- Iii New Kaglaadj and uothluu

will be oiullled that can lend lo the oomforl of it*


l.rrlagti* nl the Hampton Depot meet every

11.111. uv«r the kaatc n hailruail, and at KKFI.T

over the Boiton and Maine.

**- I, . ,1, ,!■■ ...MI Lawreuca aud vicinity, a

large dunouul from u*uat rales will be made from


ICON, Paoraisroa,


recent luveutloii, a foil aeven i' I'lANO—tbu ••COLIIIB1"

. ilUtt la (Ii.- w.'ilrf, yet po.se.- ilng the power of the common site! has uiadcit. aiipearauceln Boaton. The volume of ioue obtained from thl* " fcouallilng Scale," {patent-

ed,) Is climated at ONK-TILlTlD MOItKl and

^iT'and-^uvrinf:!^^:!,,'^^,;."!^^,;:!! no ALL liilrl nflhr cur,the I'lanu Will aland font; er In luue, Bud inuat BKtAIS 11". VobUMB ul ross r-.nt A LIKKTISIK. Imlapfl i:ia*B2(tlie oummou liu) niual toaGrand 1'iauo

Bole Agency, 3*i3 WMahingtou at.


Attorney and Caunxellor-at-Law, AND 30L1CITOK IN BANKRU1TCY.

Farllrular attention paid to drawing of Deeds, he.

No. 'i siiw y.r't Rlock, Water St..


SerCollectlous made In nil parts of tbu United State* promptly and ou ihe moit reasonable

H11-1 attended to In Ibe Slat* end United State* Court*. 1.' I., n

Ur. Iliiiu*i Aromatic lnvigorator.

removes Irolu lh« syalem Ihe 111 eflccls caused by the exoeaalve use of alcoholic li.piors, iin.l effect- ually deslrov. Hie niaj.Hile for th.-ae illiuulauta. Il glvas lone lo deYiilliateil miieou* aurfaeea. Kffele mailer i* removed from Hie system, Ihereby rt^lorlng It 10 Ii* normal heutlhlnl eoutlltlon. As * medicine, It Is oiilck nud etf.-tlual, curing the moat a^gravBleii ease* o; llyspep-la, Kidney Complaint*, and nil .other derangement* of Ihe atomach aod bowel., In a *tn-edy manner. This elegant preparation hn* stood Hit leal ul year*. A wlmglB'Slull before eallmi will give it good uppe- tlle and pr.'veut nil sulfering irum liitligesHon. ladlea of weak and d.liu.ite coiiitliutlons shoultl 1 .me Ihe lovlguratur lliree lime* a day. A wlue- alas'full before rctlrlii/ will In-ure aw.el and re Ireihlnglleep. All Ihe proprietor ask* 1* a trial .uni I,, li.'lio-. Ibis he ha* put up Hie lnvigorator Inpliit iHiiHtsai.'.iii'.'iii*,—luirt', »l.uo. I'rluci- pat depot, tSCealral VV.ari, Boitou. Bold by all ■im te I-1 wilm-tnyll I'b


H. II . I. 11 I> « .

SULUJITOR, OF. PATKJtTB, lAilt Aatnt of tht Uuilr.1 ttafe* /'utrnt iHIicr

iru*Amp'on, uii.ler th* Art 0/ ISI7.

Nu. .8 State St., opposite Kilby St. .Boston Aner au eatSMlva praciiue of upward. 01

iwenty years, ooiilinuen lu atcure patent* In the Culled States; alsolullreal Brit .In, France and olliertorelgli o-iunlrle*. Caventi, Specillculiun*, lluuda, Assignment", and all paper* ur drawings for Patent*, executed ou roa*ntiBhlr term* with ill.patch. Researches iitailc lulo American aud l-orclgu works, lo dctern the validity and utility or I'nlenl. uf luveiillons, ami legal and oilier advice rendered uii all mitller* luuchlng the mr Copies uf Ihe claim, of any patent* fur- nished, hy remlHIiig one dollar. Assiguiilenta recorded In Waililnglon.

.Vo .lorocg (a /*.' I'liifrsl Sl.ittt /.ors.-s*/* au- ptrlor fifUiti'-i for ••bl.iininy I'ofeiifa or .racer. fofiilnif fnru.i'r,. I, ililll n of HUT .ir ion*.

During Aghl in.'i,iln Ihe .uh.crlber. in the course ot hi* lurwi' practice, mude ou twtre re ,r,-tf,t appllcatioiiH, rllXl'KLN AI'I'KALH, KV- KKY ilNKuf -1 1. h wa* decided In *I*/u by the I'litniulsslun.'r uf Patents.

1KSTIHOMA1.K. "I regard Mr. kiddy aauueof the moat ..,,..,'.

iin.lsic. r.'/'tl pratlilloller. wllh wlluiu I bava bad oftltlal Intercourse. I'IIAHLKM MASON,Coiuiiiissiiiuer or Patent!."

"I huve no 1,. .11 .le.11 lu assuring Inventor* that they caiinul employ a niu.11 at..re rjaumtfeni1

iimf ■ ■ ■■ ".■■■ and more capBbte of pultlug their appllcalloni lu a form to secure for lliem an early aud lavurahlc cousidtrailoii at Ihe Patent ..„,, KHMI'Nli III 1IKK.

Lale cuiumlaaloiicr ul Patent*." Mil It. II. LliliV has inatle forme TillH I'KK.N

.ipplici.iioii". lu all but i'M. of which patent* have been granted, aud ihat one i« now jieiuflno, r-io'li unmistakable proof ol greut taleut and ability on lili part, lead* mo lo roc com mend AI.I.

Invciilor* to apply to hltu to procure Ihelr Patent*, a* they may be mrr of havlug the moat laithfol attention bestowed on their c.aea, and al very reaaouabie rhargea. JOHN TAOHAltT."

11.,-ion Jan. lit, ISDv. 1<lV

iU*mWW. Furnishing and Funeral

UN DKRTAKERS, Woaldcall :,ii.-.ni,.n lo Ihelr


Corner Common and Amt'sbury Sts.,

re they will keep a foil supply of everything in th.ir line, and aell at the lowest living price*.

They are sole Agent* for Fiik'i Melalllo Case*, j.rane'* Metallic Cuket*; also Shuler'a Metallic Cuikels, a SKW and desirable article.

Funeral* attended with a good bearae, aud out or a pair of horiri.

Residence and Manufactory 105 Elm St. Salesroom comer of Common nntl

Ameabury atroets. Orders left al either pUoe| day or night, will be

promptly attended lo.

Carriage* furnished If deilred.

A.W.0O0DU0H, tll-Tlfell J. II. BBTSOLIM,

The Fine Bred Mullion,



B- I>. MOK8E, M.uufi.'turiT or

IV001. AND. l'Al'KK(

Packing Boxes Shell Boxes, Honnet Boxes, &c, &c.

Aim, Dealer in

ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Dimension Timber lumlsh.d 10 _

'iue.Oak, Maple and Cht.tiiut Hoard, and I ways on hand. Planting, Join tin,' and Malcl

Laths, Clapboards, Shingles4 Finish Lumber

Of all qualities.

MILL, MAIN STKEET, (opp. Woolen ntotmhu Mill.) MKTHUKN.

R. A. SEAVKK, (Succe,..r ,o Holli... & Cl.rk,



No. 395 Essex Street,

DR. W- E. BIQQP (Sucp'.sur to Dr. K. U. HATKB)

SURGEON DENTIST, 153 l:»-et at.. I,nwii ti. ■


Altorney & Counsellor at Law. SOLICITOR. OF PATENT,

No.ill* KruiKX SnihKT LAWHKSdS. Hi" are*


811 BO nor; DJBMTI HT.

vs:i K'.-i


Near Policy I'oml, Salem, N. H., cue mile from .Salcro Depot. 3-1 Irora Bmlth'a

BLACK ETHAN was i-in-.l by youug tithnti Allen, and he by old Kltniii Allen; Is dapple lil.ick. Is tUteeii baud) high, aud weighs 1000 pound*.

TKKMH:—.Single .ervice, ♦10.00; Season, #i:...", v. ,,,,.,I. ,',-....

All mare* at the rl-k of their owner*.

;lml-l!mvfo' T. C. WKMSTKK.

?*-*. OB* Adiniui.li'itd

le-Keferenoe—Faculty, Pblla. Dents i Collage

Now No. Qfl Ksscx St.. C.I.I No. 11 J. >


v*^'\r- ■' 1-Oosi.VjtifltAlJn 1 wJJlF IT DOES MOT *'*»(,;.,' ,uftV ■ll,0US' DVSPEeJffl*

he time or ..,..,.,


i*ji*fjKa. Hampton Beach, UAMPTUS. N.H.

The Isargest Assortment of Window Shades

lit K**ea Cuuuiy may befouudat DUfTatCO'tei Agiul* lor Kuapp k Culler'* Justly eelebnted palest Clonk spring -.hade FlatarM.

D. S. HALL & CO.,

Clothing Dealers, ll IV RBMOVKD to

Etlwiud's Store, near Sims'Block,

Corner of .lackson Street,

Where they are opening a ur*t elaa* itoek of

Ready-made Clothing, Oont's Furnishing Goods,


Mail HKDELL ilate or lledell 4 Poster) can be

found al our store, where he will be happy to lee

hi* friends. Il*.|.:

A. J. STKVKNS. M. !>.,

Otlic & Residence, titi Common st.,

i.iuva|,ti, .Near Lawrence itreet,!


Iloughtoi. . Ilouglilon* Pavilion I llought

'-"- llluni Hougntu

pianneli, Hosiery ilood*. Linen Hand kerchief*, Cb.-ok . .atuhllts, Book aud Bwiia

HOUQHTON'S PAVILION I llougbtou'i Pavilion I

Hougntou'iPavlliunl Hougbton

WHERE IS Houghton's Pavilion P ., 65, BSj Uj 53, 45, 4S, &S, ,M, M, U, M, M,

rnmont St., Tremont St., Treniout Sl„

Near School Htreet,

in is i. i s. MASH.

now ready lor the aale uf Llneu liouda. Cur- Clolb*, Bonnet., Hsu, Fine

"Hilary lie-' BS, Book

Muslins, Lace Curtain*, etc., etc,


will be >.i' il. -i .-In-., and lor aale at

1'opuUr Pricua I Popular Prices ! Popular Prices I

s. a. iiouGimiN & co\y l'AVILION PRICES!

Please Egamine Theat. IM pain good Corieti, 40c. a pair, .in..11 me* I

ISIHt pali« good Core el-, liOi't*.* p.nr. all *l*e*l 7SOO pain good Corsets, ... eta, a pair, all sixes ■ g.'US pairs good Cora.its.u.'. ct*. a pair, all sties' •JUSn pair* good Cursrts, tt.lU lo i.'I.IMl per pair I

All our COHSins have been marked down lo reduce atock. Same wlih our HOOP sKIIM S.-- I .ml i. « will flnd th. in good, ai.d very cheap lor th* money, al



-VSHO duieli 1 lu.ii luwel*. 10, I'J, 11, C, 'Jo ce AOOOyard. Bird*' Kye Linen. 17 cent*—cheap ' HOOO yard* Table Linen, 117 ta 70 cent*—cheap : i.'./m pi. ces Craab, H, 10, it .-U.-gooit bargi.iu* I

XOOO yards llosom Llu.us, ;:, to JO cents. fj*M lodci IJIIIIIM, *i to*S—very cheap' ul



j t; s T i -. ■ • i '.HI.

1800 Uoz. Liidie*' and Children**

Straw Hats, Seasides, BowietB, dec. PKICKB-S, 10, IS, », JS, #1, 40, 00, To reut* 10

SUO— Ihe beat and cheapest lot we evor caponed lor ■'■■!.■' i -.lie- foil in oall and %e ihuin, as tbey arejuil the sly lei wauled, ami our




S-'O.'iOO Iii Arlllk-ial Klowcrt. Hose., lirasses. tic, which sr, anlU new style*, ..nd desirable.

IfMMi bale* Bleached ami Brown Cultun* of de sirable iuak«s, which we will lell yuu al MS*/S*nra

Vaiii«.„,t .VII.IIIK, 14 i-|.. ■ifiiMli :toc. sure Ilotikaud Siff**,f»., VI, i:,.'.'ilo to, very cheap. ur, bale. Assorlcd Flaniieli, In lo '.<•■■ ■ ,,il uiititt

Pavilion 1'rk'esII! i „<n,~- Uasa >(,!>.,., s,u,7,n,u, iu, |«. is, i;«

loS'JO, we wish tu call your particular altcution lu, ■*-we have marked our entire slock down, to make a full CI.F.AKlMi OPT OF Til KM: UDODB. You may expect to make aomc food trades al

our HA.NDhF.lll HlfcF DKI'A It 1 MKNT ' All kind* Children1, and <.cMtlciu.cn'* liilkf*.

Marked very cheap, lu cloae theiii all oul during thl* grrai iiile.

Hi-Hi"1 Linen Ildkf*, IS, IS, IT, ■■•>, *ft to a7,0— cheap, SUd no mistake.


IIL.sr NK,.1)I.LS, I el.; IlUat PlUl, 3 el* ; I......I l.e111 Itrutbea, Ito 10 Ola.

I Hll-^S lilt A IDS tl cl* a piece, i ct* a yard; i:<iotl Selaaur*, lOIUAIot*.

HtHID HAI It lIltt'SHKB, lit, IS, 17, JO, Xc to #'J. SPOOL COTTON—the beat. 1c a ipool; ,V> .pools

lor UAo, aasoried iu neat boar*. II Al It SKI'S, Sic. coil* 'JOc-worth Mc. Lac

Veili,.',. 10 tu ibe. CAMIIItIC KDtilSIJs, 'i.a.ilo l7cayanL HA Mill IU. Kla.lNOs. I.! in _'.,,r -i, ti cheap I..I. VKLVKI IIIIIIKINS, all marked down. IIONNFI BIB 111 INH, mat*..! down to alu** DUKBB TU1MM1NUS, all reduced lu price, lo

cloae them out. il HI ON IHtKss I lUMHIM,-, i lo.,cajaid. .ll.lVLI.in. all mark..I down to tin*.' Ihe lul. 14,000 HALMOKAI. SMKl'S, :IH caul.; well b ?S«.

I.IIH aO(UuO IMIl.i.n,...!, ", 100,000 FANS,)u*l purclia.cdal HIICIIOII, which

w* will i ■' - LKATHK


Tlrel'lslitow Brick Co., al Plalitow.rl. H-, sru | ., u . w n UatrTTtftM now ready to deliver both Face and Common OHANL) I *\ I L I H A , llrltk. In large or imall quanlitlei, to suit pur- ' ......,.„. clia.Htrs.ai thr lowc.i market prtoi'i. For furl her !*»*•* ««,

■"i.;"%!l"*^rea«is»,wii« IM, The Largest Retail Store l,», „.u,r„r,, .„..., l...r.uo«, M... ._ , .- . ,

IN \tii:itn i



B I TTEES Mill Cl V.-INL uf, and by lar t

BEST an.) tim-l ItelUhle Tuolu and lllller lu Ihe market

which is always the

C IIK APE8T. The Herb., Bark* and Ituul* uatd iu

i p ri i'i STANDARD

WINK BITTKUS! are Peruvian Bark, C«m ile Flnwers, Snakerool Wild Cherry Hark, lilemu*. Hluger, aud »ucl Other Herb* and itoot. as has nlway- been luum

HKALTO-aiVlNd aud Isvlgorstlag, an a* lo Impart

11 I, O O M lo Ihe aalluw, oare worn and lean perauu, and

It E A UTY lo Ihelr pale and »lckly countenance!.

L adie B from lull, Soul h America aud Kurope are sending hy eaprc** for these Hitler*.

For *ale by druggist* and grocer* generally. See thit Ihe signature ol Al.fHKli SeKKK, Paisalc, N . J., I* over the cap ol each boHte. IvJ-HJeld

Real Estate Sales liy Peilriik ACIOHSOII

BeautilUl Building Lot.

Splendid House Lot!. On*Of! Ihe moat eligible in the city, on the elevated

part of I ...well itreet, adjuiuing the doe c.lnlc ol

I ti..inn- wuii, l.s'i-, mid comntandlng one ol the

nu. -i view* of Ihe oily and It* turruUmliuga.to be

had from any point within Its limits i (say ol at-

«*•**, upon one o( tbe handsomest avenue* In the

, in . running at might to the Common; alry.plea-

saut, and in Ihe beat uf neighborhood*.

The lul r,.i.i[,ri.r. ■.i.iMiiV.'i.iiiti. best land lor

gardening purpusei In II.ll iccHou, Ihertoughly

tilled, and of uusurpaiied fertility i It I* newly

and substantially fenced, and stocked wllh a line

orchard of v ig.irou. and well grown pear, cherry,

apple, plum and peach tree*, already ol bearing

age, wllh a mammoth strawberry bed, grape

vluri, currant*,qulnuea,cip., lu abundance, and I*

in iii ii complete aud thorough oondlllou which

the owuer intended for hi* owu home. lul. No

more lovely or dealrable loeatioa U lo be fouud Is

the market. WIN be aold at a low price. H *oon.


1-1 ltd KitaU Agent*.


6o lo DOW h CJ)'S, and order one of t perfect fllllug SCRIIHS.

to keep out File*. Mutiiullora, and Hugs of f


T** .ll illiwfllfl */ (*• tlHWHI Amert- 9mm U m»« "•'"* TBREB TIMES IHnl •/ M*P olAer sees*** jsepor F-WU*^ in .Ai*

>r<iU|'liii i ..mi.I Mgllu mi-it Improved



rut with ■ur ••»■ slvi- .arleiy ol w»rk,w*kve 1.1.n.furiii.lilt.. Ile«l Umdily ..I Work.rXueSt. loosij, ami JI low prise*. Orders by wilt

pily a

QBO. S. MERRILL k 00., Proprietor*. 110 ESSEX IT., LAWnSNOS.


Reliable. RELIABLE.

Fire Insurance. FIRE INSURANCE. '




In the United States, and



17 9 4.

17 9 4.

17 9 4.

Ins. Co. North America.







3 s,o o oao o o


Insure in Reliable Companies

. D.H.8WAN &SON.


No. 7 Lawrenoe street,



If the world ■■■■ m. cold to you, Kindle Are* lo warm It I

Lei their emu furl hid* from view Winters ilisi deform It.

Hniti a* frnifu aa your own To that rmliaiii-u gather ,

You will xwti forget to moan, " Ah I the cheerlees weather I"

if the world'* a wilderneaa, Uo, badld DOIUM In It I

Will It help your loMllnoM On the win.U to tltii it:'

Raise a hut, however slight.; Weed* mill bramble* * ninth ur !

And to roof and meal Invite . Home forloniur brother.

If the world'* a vale of tear*, ■mil* till rainbow* *pan 111

Hrealbe the lava that life endear*. Clear from the aloud* to fan II,

Of pour gladne** lend a sleniii Unto soul* that shiver; ''

Mlmw them bow dark Borrow'* alrei III.-ii.I- wltli Hope'* bright rlyrrt


Collector & Accountant. Hooks Opeueit, Posted & Audited.



OlBce, «S9 Kmex street, Lawrence, (.Over Pest OfBof.;

• from t to ;i and " lo 8 I'. M. olio* JtutreacM-J. I*- Uallk*. Ageul Atlantic Col

to U Mill, i Win. If. J-UUitli, Ca.l.ler I'emuerlo Bank, W.A.glinliiUl*Co. " "

Dissolution ol Part..er»l.lp. The psrluersblp existing between Ur». M. I

hat*.:* * A. rt. WKI^-IHK* mum*, a""""1''1

tin. da; Sle-olaed; "'•' «'i ":7M''K1J;,t. .•til nria are re'iueaieu lo oall ai in. »*•■■'; SttVS "tUe a. auol. U possible, -■ U I. a*™ Mr* lo do** tbe aucounU.

NO. 383 IIIN Street. no. **•»* aw. ^ pjjjgw

A. H. tVKI.fU. Lewwae-, X«M Jelj l* M"-

T a —Ur. Kanaey will raiualu at Ih* >"»* ul

..ll .nil conlluue tin' prattle* ot Heillelne anil

l„r tkelo.1 e.gbl year.,) and will al*u vl.it pall, ul* at their l/ow*** when ueelred to do lo-

kaffQS Ur, WhM'ii baa removed lo N ,ii„ ttbere ur Will .ml ouulluue RMI.I-,.. ha haa to «uooea.lul)y

.i fus risen year*, and will wr hi who may wial* tor hi* tarvloei.

hi. , ,.; ..i

THE Utxanoil OF UOMR.

Dark I* Ihe night, and lllful and drearily Ituaht-a the wind like the wavea of the aea |

I.In !.■ .■in.. I, aa here I .Ing liiecrlly, Wife ai my ildu and bab)' on knee |

King, King, crown me tbe King; Home la the Kingdom and I....-. la the King I

Plashe. th" Hrellgbl upon lb* dear face*, Dearer and dearer aa onward WO go, .iree* the shadow behind u*, and place*

Brlghtiicaa arouud u* with warmth In tbe glow. King, King, Drown ma the King; Home U the Kingdom and Love I* the King I

KlsHho* Ih* lovellght. Ittcreaaing iha glory, | Beaming from bright eyee with warmth of the

Telling of truet and content the iwni atory, Lifting the (badow* that over u* roll.

King, King, crown me tbe King, Home 1* the Kingdom, and Low i* the King!

Richer than mlier with perl.hlng treaauro, Served with a aervlce no eono,ue*l could bring;

Happy with fortune thai word* cannot measure, Light-hearted I on the hcarthatone can ling,

King, King, crown me the King: Home I* (he Kingdom, and Love I* Uie King'

Mttnjari-I Btntr—A Woman't Trial.


And ihou loo, meek, unoontclou* dove, That allied ranging golden li.1i, And imll'it lo find iliy.clf.,) fair,—

Bweat child that waitesl for thy love I IN U/; MO HE AM.

• Sl«ler MajcKle, nister Miigifle! tli« .lrr~-iiif bell hasrtiii^. Do you hear me, sister Magpie?'

'Yes, darling,' answered a low, plea»> snt voice from the chamber; '1 will be down In eeasoii; oODie In, Louise, If vou like.'

She had bc«n awake a long tlmo, for who could have slept with such a hurst of Himshlne and hlrdrsonp; an came In at the

•Tatars** "boneyailcklef 8h"e liad lain wltb her face covered by her bands, as If to conceal tbe bluihea that her own pure maidenly thoughts had called up; for, on the morrow, she was to be a bride; to-day she was to welcome her betrothed from bis distant home, and she had been recall- ing his whispered words of love when they last parted, and the very echo of the earnest'God bless you!' which he had turned back to say again.

A maiden-nay. a bride, in a sweet love dream; It was hard to put It away, and come forth to the actual dally cares that surrounded her, to think for herself and others through the long hours ol that summer day; for he would not be there until nightfall. No winder that she turned attain to her pillow, nestling down her flushed cheeks, while long waves of her heavy hair swept around her, tangled and disordered by the restlessness of the night. She had counted every stroke ol the clock since midnight; and the day stretched away so endlessly before her.

But she came down at length, Just as they were all assembled for the morning prayer and song of thanksgiving, thdt al- ways consecrated the commencement of each new day In the happy family circle of the Hlalra. How could bitterness, and wrath, and anger, ami clamor, and evll-speaklng/ And place among them alter the earnest beiiedli-ilon of the father. — I*tthe peace of Ood that |><i**WA oil ututrritan'tiny he among you. ami remain with you'' and then the affectionate morn- ing kiss, us they rose from their knees, more tender than ever now, as the time drew nigh when the eldest. Margaret, was so soon to go forth to another home? The dither's voice trembled as he said.

■ (iod bless yon, my daughter!' and the mother moved away to her houseTiold tasks, not trusting herself CO speak.

It was a very long morning, iintwitu- staudlng there was a hundred last thlnsg, atthnTC always are to do. Friends com- ing 1« wlUt their little oflerlugs.—pin- cushions by donens. ami *weedh>books enough to have supplied a fancy fair. And amid all this hum of business and

I congratulation, the bride's thoughts were ever with the absent one. Hie breadth of the rutlle was an Important affair to the busy seamslress, ur the folds ol a wrapper were to be adjusted: and VMM sat Agnes, and her obld friend and bride i ,,i«l..7marking the piles of im-wy linen with the name she was s- -oon-o n-slgn.

•Will von have It 'Margaret ltlair In full?orshalll put only the Initial and numberT O, loll itltchlng Is miublte! whataprotly-lace! I declare I «rl»h I was going to be married mysell, Maggie, one has so many lovely things. 'Marga- ret, did you say ? * 'ome, let me mark this Margaret Irving, Just for fun.'rattled the

merry girl; f<*. M It >• •*«■ »" '» school girl friendships, ^hey were very unlike each other In dlspHslllon.

• O not for the world, Agnes! O.

Margaret pulled at the border of the cap le was crlmpluK to the danger of ihe

delicate muslin: she even pressed the blade of tbe penknife so firmly that the keen edgedrew blood ami spotted the hem. She then threw boili in tin- Boor with a cry half of pain, half ol fear; she knew Jt was wrong, utterly foolish, ami yet she 'could no) «hakc off the Impression that the 'oroaklng* was but prophecy. It Is not strange that this was so. IIow many a young hrlde bus folded fear to her heart In the excess of happiness, lest It Is too IT real to be realized; that something must come to mar the bright picture before her!

No, It was not strange; and Agues was so sorry Vjr her silly thoughtleasuessi and Mrs. Blalr so aeuslblc In her comfort- ing, that they forgot the little Incident before the dinner came to make a period In tbe Idng summer day. All but Marg- aret.—the forebodlnif stink wlih a heavy Welgbt deeper and deeper upon her spir- its as the meal advanced. Fears for Mm, ■lie had none for lierselt.and recollections <>f all the sad tales she hail ever hoard of the bridegroom's death, or mvsierlouw disappearance; and It seemed us If she wo'ild have given all tier hope* of future happiness for the (insurance of bis present safety.

Hut the loilgeet day has Its end, and her careful toilet for the meet Ing wae tit last completed. She nrrniigid the hi"! braid with studied care, drew the Told ol lace that edged the blue muslin dress clear about tbe Ibroat. and bathed her [■■ill}'!.'- uiili i .ilii..;in\ lor the mournful thoughts and the restless fever of expec- tation had brought a [hrobbluif pniu.— Then she took up her needle and sal down by the window, trying to busy herself, and call hack tbe sweet morning dreams, of bow she should meet him. and that kiss of welcome.— 'welcome home,' for henceforth there was to be no more part- ing, lint she could not; her hand dropped listlessly at her side, and pain- ful reverie came ever in tbe place nf pleas- ant dreams. The children ttimed away sorrowfully from the quick. Impatient an- swer to their teasing questions, so unlike tin1 ..".■ul I" rorhearauee of their favorite irlend and sister; but she was uot con- scious she had s|mken.

FoolUhgirl! and Allan said so when he clasped her In Ids arms, as the sunset shadows lengthened, and bade her look up in bis face, and see bow well and strong he was. But she saw umrc than that; a proud fondness, as bis eye* sought her own. and he bent down to whisper, 'my little bride!' Ay, what couM come between them?

He said that also, as they walked up and down the garden In the evening. ■ It was a quiet, old-fashioned place, with a trim grape arbor, where they had sat many an evening, and long alleys lined with currant and gooseberry bushes; a grass plat, smooth and close, with fruit trees overshadlng all-—such a garden as one sees only In couniry towns, all the better for their formality. Tbe lovers had come here to take n la-t stroll in memory of the tunny pleasant hours they liad passed there; for It was In that arbor Margaret had promised to give up home and Irleuds for tii- sake, to be his tme. faithful and loving wife. Allan had and Bomctiinea Tney pamwu w uio»ntr the perfume of the honeysuckle, or break a ripe, crimson cluster of currants, which neither tasted after all. The moonlight came down In silver rays through the quivering leaves, as they entered tin- arbor; and It was here, leaning her head upon his shoulder, that she told him all her grievous foreboding. Aud he chid her playfully, for teasing herself with such dismal thoughts; then drew Iter still more closely to bis bosom, as If he felt she was already his. aud said:

•My own darling wife! What OMIW

come between us?' It was Mrs. Blalr who broke In upon

that silence of deep reeling, with a remon- strance of the night air, and Margaret's headache; and several more urgent rea- sons for their return to the parlor, when1

the family were gathered. ■You can have plenty of time tor long

talks, niter you have left us. Margaret, ihe mother said, treading carefully upon the broad walk behind them; 'besldea. your Aunt Mercer has brought you a CUP

and saucer, and you must thnnk her tor I hem.'

Allan smiled and salt!: '« e .lo nol need any presents to increase our htppllMIS.

Aud when they parted for Ihe night, with Ihe recollection that thej were to sleep under the same roof, he said again : ■Sleep sweetly, and lorget all these Idle Uncles, my little bride!'

It was strange that Margaret should he late on her bridal morning. Surely real- ity was belter than any dream! yet Allan lifltl-bren pacing the floor Imimiletilh almost an lumr; and Mrs. Illklr looked In Ui wonder what could have detained lo I. I'oor clilhl! She would willingly have been there; but she woke with that same throbbing pain, and a strange lalntne-s that came over her. il she attempted to move. The brifh fell from her hand, as she tried to smooth out the tangled masses of her hair; and when they came to seek her, she was lying motionless, ami pale as the dead, before the dra*alU|p table. Then followed hot lever, Hushes, aud the physical! continued their worst fears; lt was fever .already mr developed, and anything like a thovghl "t exalte- inent was banished from the darkened chamber. Low and sorrowful were heard. Instead of congratulations, and the wedding guests trod aolily. «* they learned how the Joy hnd ended In mourning.

Margaret did not die; hut the fever tell her so weak and feeble, that all thought

llrsl brought down stairs, and laid upon the chintz couch In tbe sitting-room. Kobert brought a bouquet of wild flowers, Michaelmas daises aiijl golden-rod: John- ny his new book; and Esther the slippers -In' had commenced for her father. And Margaret tried to be InteresUil In all their little plans, as ever before, and to smile when her mother brought the familiar 'stocking basket.' aud sat down in the low rocklng-chalr, to the week's I'tendlng. Yet she could only remember her meeting with All,in Just there, on that last happy evenlnir. and bow her dreary aiitlolpallour had It u In part fulfilled.

TTe wrote very often at first, and so ien.., rl>.longing for aplefter from lieraolf, aa soon as she should be well enough for the exertion, and trying to in- content with bearing of her Improvement through others. Three months, be said would pass very quickly; yes. to him. no doubt, in the stir and buslle o| an active business lite; hut to an invalid in the solitude home, time creeps uiorej slowly. All the preparations were made, even Ihe family sewing for Ihe winter, was accomplished; neither head nor hands had occupation. Often and often Margaret found herself murmuring the little poem she hud copied for him long ago, wnen they had iii-i separated: "

" What .hull [ du with all ihe day* and lioun, Whlcli unit be counted ere 1 are thy face ?

How shall I charm the Interval lliall.iwera Bel ween llilalliue and 111 at sweet lime of griu-e?

Shall I In iluinber aleep each weary eriiae— Weary wlUi longing .'—.hall 1 tie.- away

Into past days, and will) smile find urt-i •■ Cheat inysutf to forgel the present day ? "

Kvcn Mrs. Blalr came to sec, at last, that Margaret struggled with more than physical weakness, and urged her to ac- cept the repeated Invitations .i her aunt. Mrs. Mercer, who was the centre of a gayer clrele In a gayer town.

We can remember wondering, years aito. before we felt Its need, why phyal- clansordcred-'chaiijte of scene' In Ihe elas- ticity ol youth; one cuiinot comprehend why 'tie mind should grow morbid by dwelling upon one mournful train of thought, perpetually recalled by the same surroundings. The heavy spell seemed broken when familiar sceues were left behind, and strength anil cheerfulness once more brought elasticity to Margaret Blftlr's weary, listless tread.

She thought that it-would nmkc Allan happy to know of this;—he had been so troubled by her sadness. So she wrote

1dm playfully, as of old—ol tbe little visits they paid, the attentions she received as Mrs. Mercer's nelce and gtieat; and wondered when he replied coldly, or, at least, Indifferently, to her sallies. From this time, the cloud deepened again; but she was proud aud uncomplaining, and strove now to hide her wronged feeling under a levity foreign to her nature. It was a natural nillMMI ■ folly that many wise people have committed, in- teiul of seeking at once a frank explana-

tion; and so the wound deepened and rankled In both hearts, for there were

'whisperers' wanting to -separate chief friends.'

The worst came at last—11 anything could be worse than the re|retttion of tor- turing. Jealous suspicious—aud the bond

W.Wg4rfef''rvrirf1- *»' JWST Jf'hM1 ■■>■ ro.nu. destroying, one by one. the prec- ious relies of the past. The tress of dark brow., hair, kissed convulsively before committed to the flames; the letters, so often read so carefully treasured, the very hand-writing seeming a portion of him- self-till she saw consumed, the flame curling over tliom, the heap of dull white ashes, so mournful a token ol all the hopes that had brightened the past two years. She was to turn back to the des- ert or life again, for the fountain by the wayside, with Its springing palms.

■ lor tbe oy to *ee all


J.F. GILBKBT & CO MI'ANY (Uuooeaaor* to VI. 6,'Dodge

Dealer* I",


Ready Made Clothing, HATS, CAiy, *c.

A Ism-' aaaoruueut ot


Trunk*, Valises and Bags,

897 Essex street, - - Lawrence. tttfJw OMK I'bUCK UNLY.


Baggage "Wagon AMD


ALL KINDS OF LIGHT JOBBING „ Don* wltb prompttie.a.

Particular attention paid to moving ol Trunks and Street Work.

«*-Team will be at t'ssienger Depol connee.ln with all of the principal train, through the day.

Order*, cheok., etc., received st Beat's Pariodl cal .Store,neat to hone railroad station bnry'» raffJtera Ko.nn- '■' ■ipreas OAce, upuoeiti ■aar tfl Ksacg atrert

ul the marriage were postpooed lor the The old family ph> shiati. who

. J.flili

mi.. , Hate'* Hit

Do You Want a CHECK WIDK on Ikty Slate or IVnihefton Baakal tlo to OOW * Wt'S.

To SCALDS and BURNS Apply Da vis' Fain Killer.

please don't.' '• 1 .Nonsense. Maggie! yes, I shall;; I ere It goes; doesn't it Took sweetly V I his is a capital pen- there, that's my very best •1,'wllh along flH«M on the end of It. See how It's g"h'g to %.'**»»»!

'That's a bHd sign,' said the seam- stress, 'to call the bride bj her husband s name, before she has any right to It. I wouldn't do so,' , „ _

'Pooh! you're an old croaker, Mrs. Johns; you make Maggie look as d sins as If she had any faith In signs. Hand mo that pile of handkerchiefs; I hemmed these my self,so I know they're well done. Now I should like to ask, what can be the possible harm In calling Maggie by a name she will always have lo answer to after to-morrow this time? Do ptw see any. Mrs. Blalrr

' I suppose Maggie does not think i ouite modest,' Mrs. Blalr said, pausing ai

he passed through the room. She had splleot fresh napkins In her

hands that she was going to spread over the snowy bridal loaves; for the cake had been made at home, Ihe business of tbe kitchen department for the whole week, with stoning raisins, mincing citron, bcat- Inif, eggs to a froth, and all the etceteras of real wedding cake. That last and most delicate trial of all, the baking, had been fairly accomplished, and Mrs. Blalr, true housekeeper that she was, felt her mind relieved of a heavy rcsiwnslblllty.

• Well, but I don't think anything of U. she's as near being 'Mrs. Irving' as she can be; I should like to see anything turn up to prevent it. Allan will be here

tl"-'rhere-* man/a slip twlxt the cup and the lip,' broke In the Indefatigable Mrs. Johns. In the pause ot threading a needle. -I'mir lUchartf' had been Mrs. John s fa- vorite authorTand she was In the habit of making pertinent but by uo means gener- ally agr*eabw,prOTerblalyuoUUloua.

present, i ur vm ■■»•>; w"t —■ •—' »■■ had watched over her as If she hnd lm.. his own child, gave his verdict against It, and Mrs. Blalr was ol tbe same opinion. It was In vain that Miugiirei protested she would soon be well again; or that Allan begged und pleaded that he should at least have the right to cull her wife before he left her. Mr. Blalr understood ihem both better, and might have given his eonsent; but bis wife said:

•No, no; It would be all the better ftir : Margaret to be at home ilmmgh the fall. Margaret's hair would be long enough to curl then.(lor her hair had been sacrificed to the fever ;)and on the whole.she thought it well the wedding had been deferred until mld-wlnter.'

Mrs. Johns, now promoted to the office Df nurse, took occasion to say that she was 'desperately sorry for It. She never knew any good of a wedding thai was put off;' while Agnes, who had scarcely left Margaret's pillow, hell) her thin, pale hand, and cried bitterly over It. when she saw the sad hopeless look that came over her frlend'e face.

[t was a hitter parting. Allan Hire' hlm.elf on his knees by (he bedside, ami refined to leave her, while she, so weak. go sorrowful, had U> seek comfort fur both, and to essay cheerful words, when hi her In-art all hope was gone.

Mr. Blalr himself came to them si la-t, when all was ready, anil let) Allan .way. almost by force. They pnrted as dear friends would part; and Mr said:

•We will take care ol her for you, tn> dear BOH!' ..

Kven Atrnes did not dare to enter the ilck room for a longtime after tlie car- riage had rolled away. Then she loun.l the curtain displaced.-and knew, that though she had not attempted to sit up for a moment before Margaret must have crept to the window for one parting glance. Now she was lying with her face pressed downwards, sobbing In a wild abandonment ol grief that shook her whole frame convulsively, ll was as If she had parted with him forever.

But she galnnd strength as the mild autumn days came on, and something M her former cheerfulness returned


gain. 1 JHh Its sm......

a well of bitterness, mocking Iter cruel Ihlm. It was a still, calm selt- renunclatlon. All wondered at her calm- ness when they knew what her love had been. Her mother said little; her father did not even allude U> It. but his tender consideration said all. From that day forward. Allan Irving'* name was never spoken In her presence.

She saw It once afterwards, in print, the announcement of his marriage. In Mi fin-off home, ami In their little w*irld-fo she bud not excluded herself from It- she heard his wife spoken of as wealthy snd accomplished. Ills wife! She only felt that he had perjured hluiseir before Heaven; had he not called her his bride long, long ago!

Mrs. Blalr almost came to forgel that Allan Irving had ever been more than a pleasant visitor. Her younger daughters grew up. and were married; what should They have done without her* and "Sister Margaret," und "Aunt Margaret." was so much lu demand on every side, that Mrs. Blalr was not the only one who said so. Sometimes Margaret heard them, hut a slight compression of tbe thin lips was the only token that ll recalled her early lovtMlresm.

But the time came when she was left alone In that once cheei fill home. Father mid mother were both laid at rest, and she hud I u all to them to the last. Her lather's last Illness had been slow and winning, it was Margaret who arranged Ihe cushions lor his emaciated limbs. and supported him when he essayed to walk; she rend to him. she »ven tried to sing tlurseoldduiUads that brought tears in the cadence, to choke her voice—the songs that Allan had loved. But her father hid been her chl»f friend through nil; he understood the struggle, and the scll-conipicst. and he blessed her ere he died, as bis "own patient, brave-hearted Margaret." No sound of passionate love had over thrilled her with deeper happi- nan. . ,.

He was gone, now, sleeping In the ehureh-yard beside his wife; ami Marga- ret felt mote utterly crushed than she had done since her last grief. It came back uiM.u her now, with strange lorce. She hud nol heard Allan's name inentlmi. ed for years, yet, as she moved about the now lonely rooms, they seemed haunted with his face, and echoing to tils voice. Many homes were offered to her; cheer- ful ami bright they seemed; but still she clung to the old house, and the garden. Kill) more quaint and formal than ll had seemed In her youth. Yet here she was living to herself, ohjeclless. and she longed for something lo (HI the void.

She was scaled by the low window, one summer evening, the moonlight flood- ing all over the room. U It had done on that happy, happy night. She satlwlth her face bent down upon her hands, thinking ot this; and how her hair had grown thin and streaked with gray, and that the sharp lines already stood out upon her face. She heard the gat* swing too heavily, as If shut by a familiar hand; the tread upon the gravel walk-that too. she had heard long ago; and when she looked up and saw him standing beside her. changed and bent as If by Illness or sorrow, she did not start or exclaim, hut held out her hand In welcome, as or old. She had forgiven him long, long ago.

They sal down together, lu unbroken silence at first, and then be confessed the wrong, and lolil her ot his bitter sell- npbraldtng In the past, alas! so unavail- ing now; of his rich marriage, thinking Ui wountl her still more deeply not that he loved again; and how after a Joyless murrled life he bad been betrayed aud deserted, and iimt but lor his children, he would glady end a weary exlsunce.

••I thought ol you. Margaret," he said. "When they told me I should not live, and how good and true you had been. ft>r I have heard ol your patience and sell- denial. 0, II you would ouly take flwm. and shield them Irom the disgrace of their mother's sin, and make them like yourself."

That earnest, pleading lone; It had once sued lor love, and she had given it; she could not now refuse his request '

once promised to be his wife, with Ood and the holy angels for her witnesses, to be a true, faithful, anil tender guardian to his children.

They came to her. when he had left (hem, prepared to love her as their father's earliest friend, little knowing why she shed such bitter tears over them the first ulght she knelt at their bedside. Hut they loved her, and she was faithful to her promise, thus finding her own "exceeding great reward."

♦ *♦*•' '- ■ Tun LAST IM>I.I..\H. He gave it to tils

wire with a sigh, yet with a look of res- ignation.

- It Is our last dollar,' lio>sahl, 'but the l-iifd will provide.'

The Hev. James Spring was minister In the little mountain village or Thornvllle. He was poor, and his congregation poorer. Often before he had been very- near his last dollar, but he had never ac- tually got to it until to-day.

'go you've been always saying.' sobbed his wife, 'but what Is to become of us when this la gouef They won't trust us any more at the store, and your salary won't be due for three weeks, even If you | get It then. Why do you stay hero, when tbe people are no poorf

' I have no other place to go to; nor money to travel to It. If ihe Lord opened the way. My work for the present Is here. He feederh the young ravens, he will surely feed us.'

• I wish I had your faith, but I haven't, and It won't come to me. Oh, what shall we dof and she wrung her hands despair- ingly. »-My poor children!'

'Once I was young, and now I am old,' solemnly said her husband, speaking lu the words of the Psalmist. ' yet never have I seen the righteous toraakeu, aud his seed begging bread.'

' As If in answer to his pious ejacula- tion, there came a sudden knock at the door. All (be while Lhu.tolulater aud his wife had been talking, a storm had been raging outside. On opening the door, a traveller quite wet through, enteeed.

• 1 was coming through the forest from Mary vlllc,' he said. * and ventured to stop at Ihe first house I saw. My bores Is In the shed. Do I take too great a liberty V

' Not at all,' answered the master of the house. ■ We have but a poor shelter, as you see; there Is a good lire at any rate.'

For It was In the kitchen where this conversation (ook place. Indeed this humble house boasted uo parlor, and the kitchen wns din lug-room, II vlng-room. am)

The stranger proved tobe a man of ed- ucation and intelligence, and In conversa- tion with him the minister forgot his trouble, and was reminded-of his earlier and brighter days, when intellectual com- panionship had not been the rare thing hat It was now among these hills.

At last the storm abated, and the stran- ger arose to go. His host accompanied linn to the gate aud watched him until he disappeared hehhid a turn lu tbe road.

' See here, James.' said his wife eagerly, when he returned to the liouse. ' 1 found this on the table near where tbe genlle-

on the Inside »(the paper was written the verse of lirv Psalmist, which. It now ap- leared the traveller had overheard.

• I thought he was writing the direc- tions he asked for.' .sahl the minister. ■He means It for us. Thanks be to the Lord! Did I not say, my dear. He would provider*

Ills wife hurst Into tears. •God forgive me!* she said: 'I will

never doubt again. The Lord surely sent this stranger to our aid,'

• And lie will provide,' replied her hus- band. ■ Whatever my lot may be. here or elsewhere, lu Him I trust.'

A month after, a letter, a rare event, came to the -Kev. James Spring." It was as follows:

' itEv. AND DEAR SIR:—The church st Maryvtllo has unanimously called you to its pastorate. The salary is fifteen hun- dred dollars and a good parsonage house.'

The letter concluded 0y saying: • The writer of this Arsafcame to know

you by your hospitality to him during a "storm a few weeks ago. He overheard oti in a moment of great distress, speak

"with such full faith, that he feels you are just the person for this charge, and on his recommendation thU call has been made.'

Maryvllle was the county lown, a rich and thriving place lu a broad and fertile valley, at the foot of the hills, It was a far titter sphere of labor for a man oi the minister's abilities than the wild village in the mountains.

So a young man as yet without a rainlly look the missionary church among the bills, and the Kev. James Spring accepted the call.

But he does not forget the past, and or- ten when people show want of faith, tells them the story of his last dollar.




SATURDAT.—The II. 8. authorities hate cap- tured one Pratt, a Texas outlaw, an alleged murderer an.l traitor, and are hound to punish him. The New Tork conrti are trying to pre test him and Imprison the U. S. Marshal. Tli laiier by authority of President Grant, has a companv of U. 8. Artillery to protect him,and Judge HcCuan will lianlly dire to order out state troops to resist tbe government.—Matters have been brought to a fearful pitch In San Francisco by the I>emocratk politicians, all fa corruption, nearly as hail as existed In IK:*! when the Vigilance Committee took things In charge. There is talk of reorginfzitiK thai famous liody.—The Carlists have re-entered Spain In peat numbers and matters lock very serious. —There la a (treat stringency in the Oak Ifomia money market. Money lets for 24 per cent per year.—The Tacht Meteor has started from New York on k voyage around the world. There i< a fair chance that the radical repuliH cans will win in Mississippi—The hushand of the former widow of Ihniulas wnnts In lie Sen a*M from Virgfnla.—The Democrats voted In it real number* at the Alabama election.—Nu*an H Anthony Is to smmp Connecticut for female sMffrittre.—The Young Men's Christian Associa- tion held a meeting at the camp of tho Kino Brigade at Hull.—There are several British Lords at the Iter ere liouse, Boston.—Gold 1*430

HOMIAT.—Diuilit* sre expressed of the truth of the story of the "xpresa rohhery of SI40,000 on a New York ltallroad It turns out then' was only three instead ol,eight robbers, and ■ hat the express messenger and baggage mas- ter were armed and migtn have had Ihe doors locked. The two mcni.uuud and a postal clerk have laen arrested, but the money la gone somewhoru,—Many hands of CarifHii are re- ported in ripsin and numorou* fl|(hi« with tin-in Tbe ('artists always get the worst of ll. Sever- al priests have tmen found in the bauds, h ia

laid ihat Isabella will formally abdicate In fa- vor of her son.—The effort of a New York

ri to rescue an alleged Texas murderer and outlaw from the custody or the United Status authorities will prove a decided failure.—Asa Packer, Democratic candidate for governor »f Penn. worth twenty or thlrtv millions, never lent the government a dollar in her hour of trouble. He promises to {iour out tnonuv like

aier for his eleeilon.-Gun Canhr is expected i ruin ihe democratic victory in Virginia by

putting the lest oath aa towhullier they aided the rebellion to die members oleci ol the leghdttiurc

e attempt lo rescue a New York scoundrel by the San Francisco lawyers was a failure.— Some detectives in New York offered some thieves SlOu.000 lu irr.enl.a. k. for 1:1.1,000 in stoletfhou.1*. The ufneera-paid In counterfeit ■"""'j —■' 't".i tttU'vrj hi hriis n nmr- — i ■■'■■ lege.1 to have l>ecn stolen by a (of course) "highly respectable" hank president, from the Tennessee School fund deposited In In- hank at Memphis. He has gone through the form of arrest hut of course he will not he *uh|rctcd to anything so unpleasant as being locked up in a celt, us If he was some mere fellow, who had stolen fifty edit*.—Col. W. J. Nagle, the well known Fenian, walked out of a window in New York, on Sunday, and was killed.—43how Chow and Sing Man, the Chinese merchants, aro to visit Long Branch. The shovel factory at Last Tauiiton was burned Saturday night. Loss • 100,000.—Pratt, charged with riot and murder In Texas, has been discharged for want of evidence, and the company of artillery re qulrud in sustain the V. 8. courts in New York will In-no longer needed —The lOOtli anniver- sary of the birth- day of tbe first Napoleon was celebrated in several places on Sunday. —The wheat crop of California will he enormous this year.—Several of the foreign mlnlMer* have disappeared from Washington from lime to

•.leaving heavy hills unpaid.-Gold IBS 8-4.

JTSM* ^|/r!ru.'rwHaf F*hlbili»H.

The annual fair of tbe Essex Agrlcul

»ni ul Society will take place at Newhttry-

]x>rt on Tuesday am! Wednesday. Sept. '-M li and 39th. «V extract tbe following

from iln- programme: On Tuesday, the first day or the Epthl-

I'lMmi. at 10. A. M., the Trustees, Commit- tees and Marshals, will meet at the vestry of the Church opposite City Hall. At 11 A. M . i lie Society will meet at the same id uce fur the choice of a President, lour Vice Presidents, Secretary, and thirty Tmateea, for the lurm of one year.

All animals or articles intended for pre- mium at the exhibition, must be presented and entered With the Secretary or his "gent, at the City Hall, at or Wore 10 A. w. on Tuesday, that they may be ex- amined on that day by- the several com- mittees having charge of these subjects.

The halls for the display of uiauufac- turns, products of the dairy, fruits, vege- tables, flowers? Ac., will be open for the admission of i he public on Tuesday after- noon and In the evening, and also on Wednesday, all day and evening. Per- sons exhibiting fruits, flowers or vegeta- bles, are requited lo give, on a card ac- companying the same, the name of the cultivator, as well us the place where they were grown.

The Address before the Society will be pronounced byj Benj. P. Ware of Marble- bead. A lull pi-..-1.mime nt the order of arrangements will be Issued previous lo 'lie exhibition.

The animals may be removed Irom the show-puns at 3 o'clock, p. M. mi Wednes- day, i in1 second day of the Fair, and ar- ticles ii on the halls of exhibition on the day following, but not before these pe- riods re-pectiyelv. that the public may have it full opportunity to examine their merits, and that the articles may be de- livered with cure, and no premiums will be awarded or paid lo persons violating this rule.

The following arc some of the premi-

um, offered t—I'M Cuttle, 810. ** and $&.

The chairman of Mils committee Is Mr,

William (coster0* North Audover. Bulls,

of various kinds. •,'. to #10, D. T. Mor- rison, til Melliiieii, is on this committee. Milch cow*. *.-. «10 ami •!;.. Herd ol do.

«i:. »Hi and «s. Hellers of several kinds

W to $10. William A. Bussell ol Law-

rence, Is on this committee and also James

Nasonol North Audover. Town Team of

Oxen MB, James Cury ol Newburyport, V.. L. Toiler or Metlmen. and Orrtn Fos-

ter of North Audover, are on this commit- tee. Steers of various ages *;i lo 90

Stallions #."i tu tl'i. Brood mares with loalitl their aides)* to$I.V Family horses

tH lo $1.".. Farm and draft horses *.". to

910. Colts 9-'l to 910. On the com n it tee IsJ. D. W. French, ol North Audover.

Swine ffi to 9S. Wm. J. Dale of North lover I* a member of this committee,


In accordance with a call published In the several papers'or tbe city, a large and earnest gathering of friend* of the temperance cause met In the Free Evening School room at eight P. M. Saturday evening, to elect delegates to the convention to be held In Tremont Temple ■ ui Tuesday, the 17tb Instant, to take such ac- tion as may be deemed fitting and best for the Interests of the temperance cause.

The meeting was called to order by Ihe Pres- ident of the Lawrenoe Temperance Alliance, who briefly stated the object of the meeting, and read the caB, fur it as received from the Secretary of the State Prohibitory Alliance! after which, Dr. J. H. Kldder was nominated and sleeted as Chsirman. and O. L. Allen was nominated and elected Secretary.

The lollowtng gentlemen were then appointed a committee to prepare a list of delegates, and present the same to the meeting: J. D Young, M. D., Bev. Oeo. P. Wilson and Daniel Hardy, Esq., who reported the following list, which was unanimously accepted and adopted i Dr. J. II. Kldder, Rev. C. B Fisher, Daniel Hardy, L. F. Creesey, 8. W. Knight, 8. W. Wilder, J It. Morgan, Q. L. Allen, G. B. Robinson, II. A. Winlck, William Fisher, Rev. O. 8. Weaver, Charles W. Whitney, J, IL Stannsrd, Samuel Howarth, Charles T. Belcher, J. D Young, M. D., Andrew Thompson, H. 8. Robinson, Chan- dler Crocker, John H. Harris, II. B. Dennett, and Hev. D. C. Knowlcs.

Remarks were made by Mr. Knowlcs, from New Jersey, giving a fearful account of the ruin alcohol has made and Is sUll making, bringing out in strong contrast the difference between Masaachnsetts with a prohibitory law and New Jersey with a license law. In conclu- sion, the speaker urged the trlends of temper- ance to hold nnnly to all they bad gained, and not go back one step, claiming that as Massa. chusetU stood by and carried out her prohibi- tory law, so would their success he Insured In engrafting a law of the same Import upon their statute liook, making this sla one against law, as well as against the life anj homes of the people.

He was followed by the Hev. George P. Wil- son, Dr. J. II. Kldder andl Rev. C. K. Fisher, In word* of earnestness and counsel urging all true friends of the canse to work In season and out of season faithfully, hy the help or God. A.


Want has Informed ih.- public that Har-

vard College is pleasantly situated in

the barroom of the Parker House, on

School street, Boston. It would he not

far out of the way to say that, on some

days of the year, Lawrence was eligibly

looatod at the Ocean House, Hampton

Hem-h, N. IL—(not In the bar room, for

there Is none). There Is no end to Law-

rence litre* io be seeli thorn, wu certainly

lo not mean long faces, for they are aU

LWpnttflff ifflWrtiirSife trWiiHpH dVHii! '^;*^^u)nT^'a nappy ("acuity ofmak-

1'IIK FIUE THAT JACK Hi n.T.-Inteiu- ..eranoe-Thls Is the lire that Old Nick built. , . .

Moderate Drinking—This Is the luel that feeds the lire Old Nick Ipiilt.

Hum Sclllng-ThiB u the age, that cut. the wood, that feeds tbe tire Old Nick Both.

\A>VO ol Money-This Is the stone, that grinds the axe, that cuts the wood, that feeds the lire Old Nick built.

Public Opinion-This Is tbe sledge will Its face of Steel, that batters the stone that grinds the sxe, that cuts the wood, ibul leeds the Are Old Nick built.

A Tempcrsnce Meeting-Ibl- Is one of the blows we quietly deal, to Isshlon the iledge, with Its fsce of steel, that batters ,he stone, that grinds the axit, that cuts the wood, that feeds the flre^Old Nlok built. i ,_, ,

The Temperance Moaement— Ibis U the smith that works with a will, to give force to the blows we qiilecly deal, to fash- ion the sledge with lu (see of steel, that batters the-stone, that grinds the sxe, that cuts tlie wood, lhat feeds the tire Old Nick btilll. , .

Eternal Truth-Thls Is the spirit so gen- tle and sllll, thel nerves tbe smith t» work with a will, to give strength to the blows we quietly desl. to bullion the sledge with Its face of steel, that batters the stone, that grinds the axe, that cuts the wood, thai 7eeds the lire thai Old Nick built.

THE SiiAiuir and ultmrly insufficient

moans of trans|mrtntl')n to and from the

encampment, at Hull, of the First Brig-

ade, was the subject of .universal con-

dmuiiation.-Mtiui the move just, as after

the shameful stieties of hist year a re-

petition was entirely without excuse;

every manner of Cood pledges weni

matlo this | year, anil the public relied

upon thnm only to bo gulled as badly as

before. The Boston dailies accounts of

the trailsportatlon is only a series of

" getting aground," " pipe becoming |

clogged," " unexpected delays," and all

manner of vexatious1 delays to the pub*

lie. The nrks to which some sort of a

monopoly of special privileges was

given,were variously two and three hours

behind their starling time, und'crowds

wore left apon Hie wharf till toward1*

miduight. Hundreds, altsW purclntsing

tickets, ami aUuding In the broiling sun

over two hotira, waiting lor the snail

boat*, were obliged to give up the trip,

because they would bo unable to return

in season to get out of the city by the evening traina^'vTh,} whole affair was a

nuisance and a disgrace, and needs only

another repetition to bring the* MOMslp-

iiniii Into general disrepute.

Iti.i lattur lor boys eighteen years of ag.

or under, Ou these couimlilces are J. H. U.iwe.Metliueii. A.M. lh>dwel!,Lswreiioe,

John Duy, Boxford. Joseph Howe, Metlm- en. Ther» are also prizes for agricultu-

ral implements, carrla«es,butler.(Ocorge

I'.-ii'i ol Audover is on this committee),

bread and honey, of which Dr. I.nutb of

Lawrence, ami Charles lugalls of Methu- en are two of the judges; fruit ot various

kinds of which Mllon Jenkins of North

Audover Is one or the committee, fluwers

and vegetables. > lu the matter ol prizes

for counlutpsnes, carpet* Ac, we notice uIHIII the comuilllee ihe names of Moses T.

Stevens ol North Audover snd George 8.

Merrill of Lawrence; on Fancy Work that of II. G. Uerrlek of Lawrence. In the

committee on rarms'are J. T. lugalls of

Metlmen. George tV. Boynton ot George- town,.losoph Kittredge of North Audover.

Levi Emery of Lswrence, Wm. Foster. North Audover, Joseph ilow, Methuuu,

an.) others. Dr. Daniel Carlloti ot North Audover is chairman of the swamp land

committee. W. A. Duraut of lswrence Is

on the committee ol relative value or

crops as foot! lor csltle, J U. Gage of North Andovcr on fattening cattle ami

swine, and Wm. Foster of North Andever

on dc»truc.lii.ii ol canker worms. The

chief Marshal of the lair Is Samuel Moody Jr. of West Newhury. Among his aids

are W. J. Dale Jr. and Thomas Kittredge

of North Andovcr.


rascals manage to get Into churches of all

denomination* a*, well as In other organi-

sations, aud alsO by a smooth, plausible

manner, to gel a high |x>sitloi) lu them,

societies can be Imposed upon ss easily as

individuals if not more so. The Newbury-

port Herald says: "The treasurer of of the churches

ofthii city has suddenly disappeared, tak- ing -IIKI In i,»ii^ine i" in' p.in-h. lie also ohlaiucd Irom s widow woman a deed ol a house valued at 91.400. and ou the plea that he wished to see inhere was any In- i nniln inn. ou It, went to a Havings Bank, where he mortgaged It lor 9700, thus cheating, the widow and ihe fatherless.. Some other lrau«uclloua not more honor- able or honest are r<i|mrl«d. He will be followed no,and learn from bluer experl-

that the way ot (he transgressor is

ing bis guests feel at home under any

circumstances, and the scores of families

who make it their home at the Ocean

House, not ouly from Lawrence but from

other cities aud towns in and out of thu

state, during the summer months, are

happily merged into one united family

nt the beach. There are bowling alleys,

billiard rooms, bulbing, gunning, and

tlstdng, music and dancing, and a livery

stable; a line sand bench for walking,

and a rocky beach for climbing. Upon

a line day it would be difficult to lind a

more desirable place for recreation and


Sunday last, howevor, could not,

alrlotly speaking, be calletl an nxtrcmely

lovely day. Thu wind was strong and

chilly, and there was about as much

dampness on shore as off the land. Urn-

brellas, overcoats and fires were in re-

quest. 'Pit! rain poured down heavily

nearly all day. At Intervals there wns

a slight let-up, aud many struck thu

attitude of Napoleon contemplating tlm

ocean at St. lleluua, and watched thu

heavy waves, which, lashed by the wind,

UuU risen to a great height, dash them-

selves against the shore.

But If all mi gloom aud discomfort

without, there were no such words known

within the comfortable hotel. Nol the

i-MO -d i in- pleasures of ihe latter was to

sit down to s table supplied with about

everything In the way of llsh. Heal., and

fowl, pastry and inilt. that one of the best

of caterers could procure In the market.

And all these coin tort a wore nerves I up bv

blooming, well dressed, Intelligent and pleasant farmer's daughters, eWmr of

whom could llll a school teacher's place

creditably. It Is hardly to be wondered

that the guests made the most of meal

MOItMONIBM IN NOKTH CAUUIISA Mention has slready been made of the laet that two Mormon elders had been proselyting lu North Carolina, and that they had managed In two counties to uishe UO converts. Il is said that the pcot.le seemed lo bo deeply Imbued with the peculiar doctrines of the sect, and to have full faith in As* leaders. They have sold off their property, whenever practicable, sml will roalte a fresh start In the land of promise. Some ol them. IxAng unable to dispose of their land*, left them rather than be left behind. The men seem to be entirely or the Indus- trial classes, stout, suuburned farmers, and would tie an invaluable acquisition in any community. The women, with one or two exceptions, seem to lie entirely destitute of personal charms, and If the universal reports of Mormon- dom be true they will. In many Instances, be destined to become hewers ol wood ami drawers ot water for more lair ones.

Liut uii Stu.i.i>iii.~A man was com- plained or In the PollceCoiirt.SatunlsrJ-.by

a woman, for selling liquor. Her state- ment was, that her hu-bsnd squandered

bis earnings for liquor at this man's place

and that she and tils family were suffering

for food, that she hsd borne It ss long as she could, and had notified the liquor

seller uot tu let him have any more. He came home drunk yesterday, and she at

once went to the seller, bought a gill or

whiskey and-hahded It to the Slate Con-

stable. She told the s.Jler that her hns-

Iniiid was sick after his spree and wanted

something, i'he accused parly said thai he had slopped selling as he did not want lo get Into trouble, that he had on the

previous day put the husband out of doors

had given hint uo liquor since the wife's protest ; thul Ihe woman begged I be liquor

aud he gave It to her. though It was true

that he afterwards found ten cents n|

tin- counter. 96o and costs, or three

mouths. Appesled.


OH SATtitl.AT.tbe rotunda of the Ast«. House wus Illicit with a large crowd < gentlemen. The lunch counter and tli bar did a lively business, and (he big cage of canaries was surrounded by a fine

rowd. Mr. James Castle, the owner of ihe cigar stand <m (he left ol thu entrance was gating ul Ihe multitude and watch- ing for customers, when a geutl an with a while Hie sUqqk-d to the stand and asked Mr. Mtsile ll be would oblige him by changing a 9100 bill. Mr. Castle

when her heart yearned for some

TmT2Z3&MZ*£*sr+>> '-1 *VW.I A"" * i""*""1' ome obleul as she Lad

A Frenchman Is trying to Invent a watch by which thirty-sis hours may be got out of the ordinary |>erlod of twenty-four. It Is mainly intended for those who are In

the honeymoon trance,

* When a lady Indulges In ay two or two. gentlemen are Justlrted lo guessing lhat their hats Are needed on their hauls, and ihat the right side ul the door Is the out- side.

A WET SPM.I,.—The long prayed and

hoped for wet season commenced on

favored | Sunday, after an extremely pluasunt

Saturday, day and uveniug. The rain

•need falling in tile forenoon, and

came down [n torrents, with intervals of

drlssle during the day aud evening, and

wn suppose during the night. To-day

tliere is more llllfSlsj. and like the tales

In Ibo New York Lodger, It Is likely to

be continued. a ■ + .♦

"Children'*' Bowels," la the aeawnat.le Utle of sa editorial la a leading Maw York dally.

box and counted out the change. Then he .Hopped the 9100 In i iM. I Smldculy a gentleman asked for a cigar, another gentleman did the same. iw« gentlemen followed, and filial- ly, live gentlemen a*kiil lor cigars. Mr. Cnsllc wus lining a rushing business. A bar-tender made bis appearance as'the cigar-a-klugcrowd left. He wanlcd a 9-*<> note broken. Mr. Castle I ben looked lor his tin box. It had disappeared. Mr. Castle then looked for the 91600 kept In the fin box. They were gone, and wltb I hem as much more lu notes aud checks. Then Mr. Castle wiped his brow ami swore a lltlle.— Sun.

I!i.\. Row LA Mi llii.i used to ride to and from church In s carriage, fbi gave offense, to One ol his mem her* al tea-t, who went so tar ss m hand In. among oilier notices, one requesting "ihe prayers of this conglegation fur (he pastor, who yielding to pride. Is in (he h.ilni of riding In bis carrUge. nol con- tent, like his Divine master, to ride upon an ass." ll was until Mr. IHH read the paper, and observed tbe seui'atlou created, lhat he noticed Its import; and then laying ll down he said1: "It Is true, brethren, I ride In my carriage, but ll the author of tbla notice will appear at ihe door si the conclusion of ihe services, saddled and bridled, I will do my best to tide

In the evening Mr. Yes ton surrendered bis parlor- to gentlemen ot the Young

Metrs Chrlatlen Association of Boston,

who were visiting at the beach, lo hold a meeting lii. The meeting was conducted

by Mr. Rowland, Hie Secretary of thai

association, and a prajer was offered by Mr. Davis, of the well known firm of

iiniieii tt Davis or Boston, it.-v Mr. Seward of Yonkers, N.Y., sildresscd the

company and there was plenty of food

singing. The parlors were very foil and all were much Interested. Business men

leave Ijiwrence for the beach al

H p M. on Saturday snd be hack again by

7 l-J A.M. on Monday If they are; not be-

guiled mio remaining longer. Oil. Par-

sons ol this city, ha* been very success- ful In his lUiilng operations at this place,

i'he smallest ood he has caught weighed

t.Ti-poiiinI". ami tin- largest llfteeu.

$0trd and (Quotril.

Egyptian mummies are mads to order In Part*.

The man who was driven to distraction had io walk back.

Seven death* from drunkenness Is tbe daily rate In Russia

Lodging houses in New York are getting hor- ribly Immoral.

Chicago haa a paper edited by ghosts. It Is conducted with spirit.

Crocheting and love-maklag sre fashionable indastriss at the seaside.

Plum pudding with Isadaasm saaes Is the In- vention of a lunatic servant girl.

Chicago lira engines mads a total of 1T4 rsns to Are* last month, travelling Ssa 1 'J sites,

A Terra Haute policeman, Just to ksse his hand In, shot s couple of editors ouly the ether day.

A coffee plantation Is among the latest enter- prise* undertaken In Los Angela* county, Csll- fornls.

A " gay and restive " youth or the age of 104 years, ha* been arrested In Hudson. N. Y., for drunkenness.

The soldiers are going to master next week to kill time. They will probably shoot every day. Cruel.

Fifty-three women clerk* have JBU been placed on duty ss copyist* In the Pstcnt Ossce; salary, 9700 per annum.

Another newspaper libel suit has evaporated at Newburgh, the prosecutor decamping wttia hi* board hill unpaid.

A yonng clrcu* rider won a horse st J^naU- ville, the other day, hv turn lag twenty-five ■omeraault* in aucceulon.

due ui the New York.Monde* has appeared in court, asking damage* or s lover who kissed her with sti'li ardor a* to rat''" "P-

aid one politician to another, " my party Is an Immovable rock." "Then sir, the ihlp or State should steer clear of It."

A Mack make, IS feet long, with an unples*- int habit of chasing boys and carrying off fowl* and eat-, has been kilted near Cetnmbns, tl.

A bright red petticoat, waved on an ambrella, stopped a rallroa.1 train in Vermont tli* other day, and ihe Ingenious wearer .worded It In triumph.

" Happy Hollow " Is the felicitous name of. a locality lu Mempbla, where evening amusements consist In killing stranger* with slung-ihot snd hi ud goon*.

Picnic* In a town In Pennsylvania ore wound up by the girls standing In a long row, while * the vnuiig men go along the lioe and klw them

l"good night,"

One i it the principal cau*e* of tbe mutiny at Hlug Slug prison, it I* alleged, we* an utigrsti- flod demand by thu convict* for a plentiful

An Knock Arden case In Chicago narhsen settled amicably, the two busosad* and one wife living together In the same house, peacea- bly and satisfactorily-

Olive Logan describe* the ferasle bathers at Long Branch as "hanging ihemselves on the MUetv rope, looking excedlaglv like newly washed clothe* on a windy Monday."

Anybody Is nobody at 8araloga thai rani swill down half eicore tumbler* of water be- fore breakfast. The more of s besat you make ul yourself the greater the hero or heroins.

Democrstic newspapers In luwa are disputing niHiut ihe spelling of the name of one of their candidates. Tbe gentleman'* own testimony i* rejected on tits ground that" Ae don't know."

Olive Logan 1* disgusted with Iwthing at Long Branch, became there ore no " brawny fellows" t© laas bsr out and teach bar lo swim. Shs says they do those thing* better in France.

The Duke of Newcastle is not *o badly of. if he can starve on llfty thousand a year,— which I* hi* wire's Income,—hi* debt* of some- thing over a million will be all paid out or the revenue* of bl*s*tates.

llsn Hlngllihroan'a hobeerration; "Bin tbe morning, you know, I went to the barbsr; 'e dip* my 'sir, and then you *ee,ln the bevs'ntag I went to the Uip hof my 'mtse, and Saw the moon hecllpse the sen."

The Kx-I'rsaideni of tbe Koyal Astronomical Society of Rugland 1* uf the opiuion lhat the length or our day has been certainly Increasing, and that " the lengik uf a day may be expected ultimately to become a year."

" 1 never put my rooor In hot water, a* I And It Injure* the temper or the blade,"*akl a friend to linger* ih* poet. " No doubt of it," replied 111 " show me tbe blade that la not out of vein IN-I when plunged mm hot water."

A hand of rufllaaa In Live Usk, Florida, who ■ peud their time In getting on big drunk* and maltreating Inuffsndve negroes, have tsseu ar- rested, but no attorney can be found who will conduct the |wu*ecullon again*! them.

A Uavenwortfa edlutrls Inquest or apedal attractions for bis paper. He say*, " What we want for tin* column is person silo**, a* mean

passible. Kxpeuse of libel -nil* lu be de- frayed by Ihe wntsr—fonerol uxpenssa by «*.'"

In Keokuk, Ubki, a few days sjo, s yoesg ilntt "I » valuable breed got sick. His moater administered on emetic, snd the " purp" v...n ■ lied up als.ul a hall pint of leather-headed leek*, -Imli be hail "gobbled"


A. < IUI;M Mr. Luther Averill, 0*

Weld, Me., who, il will be recollected,

wits married to a Imly of Lawrence, on

the '.'■it I. of Julie lost, met wltii a futul

accident UIHIIII three Weeks since. While

paying a visit to some of his Iricuds in

liwlgd.in, Aroostouk On*. Me., he was

thrown from a load or hay by the oxen

starting suddenly In constujueucc of be-

ing frightened, and striking on a henp

ol sUmes, was instantly killed. He was

about sisly years of age. *>**>•• ,t'tt\\CmMr AT BOXMU*.*'— Tills

will be'thc sot* name of the encampment

of the Scoud Brigade at Boxford, com- mencing ou Tuesday, Aug. Jlth, al noon.

Out military arc drllliug up shaip, an.l will make a flue show. The new Jacket*

trf the Bslierv are In Hchaske's window. I'he scarlet Instili.tlotis for the bug lei*

are very gsy Indeed. **

A man In llliiud- ha* lawn fined Hit v dm Inl- and coal* by a Justice uf the Peace, " lor *t- lempUsg to Maal a kls* from a Mr*. Hllppary."

' nut of one or the car-

A Canadian farmer, re*idiug In Glengarry eouuiy, on returning bourn a few evenings since, after dark, bung up his ham*** on a pin, wben be uiscuvured Ibst lit* wife tu banging from die same pin. Kim bod just committed suicide.

The Cloclnattl Hatrltt la railiei ban! on Chi- cago. It up|Ki*e* Ihe .removal ot tbe capital I here, because il does nut lielleve Chicago will in- * permanency; and *ays that Hodou. and tiomurrab and Babylon, whose very ■itea are now unknown, were once as flourishing t» Chi cago.and m their moral* some ul ihem rivaled

her, ll I* aold that a cupol coffee I* a sure barom

eter, if imi allow the auger lo iln.p to the tor torn m the cup and watch the bubble* arise, without dlsiurl.lng ihe coffee. If the babble. collect lu the middle the weather will be flat', ir they adhere to the cup, terming a ring. It will l»- rainy; and If the bubble*) separate wliliout any fixed ismiloti, changeable Wuaile-r im.) Iwespected.

I lie < Llii * quail* Imported by Mr. B. B MM, of Watt Sainl wn-h, al a great deal ol ex n*e, ami -ei at liberty lu tbe woods Isst sum-

mer, have been •ecu several mm-* during ihu present season, and are dying well, ll was thought by many that the winter would kill it*oai, but it seem* they have survived U, and n the gunners will let ihem real lor a few years ihe wood* will aisiund In good shouting ol a rare kind-

' A wretch In (Imabs ha* been uractidugiiu the Innocence ol an urnophiithaleit (lermun glri He purchased a pair of car-lmb*, pui ■hem lu her eon, and lutorai<-,| ihe young lady ihat "This little run-muiiy toPSSJSsjpi a mar rlsgs Is America " Alter a »•■ k had passed, he took du in uui, and Informed her of Bnoilitn- |.i..ii- of news, vis.. " This link' cerrmouv con

i.mi.- a ilii-'n .all for stealing *

lu America. ' rank



K mw I *> VMM A M r.

WMDBKBUAT.— Neil, Marshal or Vraiice.. JM at Part* on Saturday, aged oT years — IT.WO women, 16,079 sjlrla, ltt,8M men, -ml 35u,e*2 buys n»ed the public bath* ol Bo* ton In July.— Tbe financial depression In California continue. — 'I'hcrt! were eleven murders, elghty- iwo fatal accident* and thirty-nine suicide* In Han Francisco .luring the lait twelvemonth*.— Rebel paper* cannot lie h-eliuved on ouib when they am speaking of colored or unlou men, yet they are continually quoted at the North —The valuation of Boston I* S34il,5l 1,«00, and there are 11,116 polls.—-The Boston Journal .-.ay* that there were 4.0U delegate* <o the Sieiu Tetnper- UccConveuilon; the Bccreiary reported lt'J*>.— A Mt-John paper s.tys thai parlies at Taylor'■ Island In that vicinity, have dug. up oue ol Capi Kldd's cbeau, lull ol' gold and silver cotn.-Uold in 1-8.

TtH'MDA*.— l-x Governor aud. Senator Brownlow, of lenm -a.ee, says that Suuter ii a good republican, and that Andrew Johnson cannot be elected to the U■ S. Senate.— Tbt war for the reduction of the price ol coal, k

being: carried oil with (treat spirit, and baa aa< .uni.:.l great dimension*.—Lewi* ,I)eni will not twelve tbe nomination ol the iun«erv alive* ul

Mississippi now that hla staler'* bu*hand, tien tlrant, ha* repudiated him and hia as-uclaies Lewi* la a weak •liter.—A P>ot hat I wen 04* covered of former employee* ol tbe Central I'ai'llli' Railroad L'« to bum all tbe bridge* and fuel ul (he company eait of the Sierra Nevada ■oaalalns —A wagon 1"'"' on ihe Win river, baa been attacked by Indian* and thirteen

whlM men ■.illud — Mr*. Stowo ha* written, an article lu the Atlantic ahowliiK up Lord Hymn aa a raouMrr and hi* wife a* an angel.—John Bo wan, an KnglUbrnan, aged til, has con- feaatd to pulling ap the rail* on the Krle rail- road lu April U*ln, thereby killing thirty and

wounding forty persons.—liuhl 188 1-1.

FaiDAi-.— The location of the national cap- ital cannot be changed without a conatliutlotial amendiaeiu — An Irlafa military company wbo were quietly holding a picnic near Now York, with their ladle*, were attacked by rough*, aud there we* a terrible riot; it nunmeneed by a roagb insulting a lady ami being knocked down.—Inaanlty la and alway* lia* been fear- fully prevalent In California.—There baa been an attempt lu aaaa**liiate thti Shall or I'urst*.— Tbe Culian* have obtained pore vh-mriea. The Spaniard*, aa a rule, nia«*acra all prlxoucr*.— liol.l IK IS.

in THE TieatrKKANci; t'oMVINTlOK,

Boston on Tuesday, wits, for the season

of tho year » well atleiidod giUlinring,

and will Dm mi Influence uinm the

IMUH.I lu this Commoii wealth, during the

year to MM. Of coursethore were Imr

practicable-] present, men who scolded

llaj. .(onus lor nut stopping Instanta-

neously, flu- snluof every drop ul' liquor

In ill" Si ii. , itml who opposed itn en-

dorsement of QoV. C'lnlliu, because it

Was rumored that some ono official in

ili.' aiato was not a strict prohibitionist,

but Oil tin- wUolu, I In' proceedings wore

tompornUi ami earnest. '1'liu opening

address of lint .'resident, Hon. I*. Kmory

Aldrich was especially dignified and 'in'

good tutu; liu struck tin* right key,

•rhert he said thorn was "hut otio way

to effect tlio olijeet* the convention had

in view," mill that was to discharge ihe

greiit duty to tho titiuimrnnou oitusi

"within tho liuiitN ul ttifl Republluai

Party." The H.woIutiuim djwiluro li

favor olprohiliiLi.in ; for the iiroaorvutioi

or the prwlipt law; thai both pot It lea

partlua ought to MMWpt tl)i-> platfuriu

«tnlorai> ti.iv. Clittlin and (ha Statej Con

sUMil.n \ ; the l.iit.'i- ultur nuiitu dwbntti

Tun STATIC L'ONSTAIUII-ABV.— What uvi'r may b*j the ilifforeuuu of opinion in regitrd to prohibitory or licnnmi lnw, il


The little Splcket river is made to

work lu passage nearly all the way from

its source to iu connection with the Mor-

rlmack at (he. lower part of this city.

It furnishes power to t||i: Mtthued cot-

ton and woolou mills, the Arlington, and

several smaller establishments in this

locality, In dry times It is a still, mild

looking affair, though, us wc have often

had occasion to mention, containing a

dangerous amount or water. In some

seasons it comes boiling and roaring

down us if it inoant business, aud was

not content to remain in its bed, but

spread over considerable space u| its


The establishment nearest 4(3 mouth,

which uses in water, is that of Messrs.

Boiler & Robinson, uianufacturiTs of

worsted yarn, uear tin- foot of Ciardcn

strcot. Their mill building, wliii-h is a

two story brick, was erected for another

purpose, and tliey bet-nine, its [HMsossors

about two yoars ago, rummipg froui

their forui.ir lootttlon on tlie river below

Union street. The fall at thUplace wan

originally about ttiu or twelve feet, but

had been gradually tilled up to almut

eight. The purchasers have been deep-

ening tlie river below tlie dam, at inter-

vals since the time of their becoming the

owners, aud now havua fall of twelve

feet, and consequently groatly incrcasoil

power. Last full they purchased of the

Kssex t'umpany for a moderate cunsidi

utiou' all Tight to tlie river from their

works to Its mouth, and can muku any

improvement* in it which they may

choose. In addition to the deepening,

a very largo amount of other work has

been done lu the river about these prem-

ises. A thousand or two feet of stone

wall, averaging five foot iu height, and

two and a half feet widu lias been built.

This wall is to protect the iianks of the

river, and also the banks of tho canal ur

nee. Within a few weeks tbe dam his

been almost entirely ru-built, and great-

ly strengthened and guarded by bulk-

heads of two inch plank well puddled,

aud supported iD everyway. The low

stage of the river, though there has al-

ways been enough to run tin- establish-

ment, lias greatly facilitated operations.

On Saturday last the Arlington shut

down all day, and let Un- pond till up.

This left the river entirely clear of water

and gave a line opportunity to finish the

lam. ITie itone work hup* been in charge

of Mr. Michael t'allahan, whoso skill

and energy in carrying forward lueh op-

erations Is well known, and fully appre

nfa*ted In this locality. A new liollcr

which can furnish steam for a forty-five

horse power engine, having been added

Ui the establishment, the works were

run by steam while the re-building was

in progress

Therejie now some eighty home power

in the mill; sixty-live persons are em-

ployed, there being two sets of hands,

The yarn made iu the mill is used lor

the manufacture of braid, coach trim-

mings, tassets, i&c. Not less than ten or

twelve thouJand dollars has been e*>

ponded on the river at this point. It is

in contemplation ai some future lime, to

erect another brick building, the ante of the mill, lor a Wool house. Allen street. in front of the mill grounds, which em- brace seyeral acres, is n..v, I.mil upon quite extensively. It is probable that a hundred tenements have been put up within a few blocks of the yarn mill since it w:ts stalled.

Th* MUUmry niaplay at Be*/«r«f.

The folluwlng 1* tlie QMtar of th* Saooud Ilrlgadu M.V. y., which will miHi.T at Boiford uii Tee** day, and vnoamp during th* week I

arlsatllBrQBnaral.Oru. II. r*aWOJUia«*ltt, Aaalataiil AitJuUut, rank l.kutenanl Cat, Uulwtt,

B. Daniel*, B. Daoveri. <f> Medical Dirwior, rank Lieut. Cul., Wro. liigalU,

11..-in., lulaum luipwtur Uanrral, rank Uajur, Kban I'lu. N .lii'l"vi i-

I. D. O.. f»"k Capt., Daniel W. Lawreuoe, Hud-

ford. UuarlermuUir, raak Captain, Joseph A. Ingall*, wampacull. Kngtueer, rank CspUUn, Luring W. Uuttey, Lei-

Judge AJvuoal*, John W. Itml- Lealng-lou.

in in aEoiMurr or iNraaTav. Col., U*u. A. >!.-.!■ liitui, Caiabrltbi*. 1,1. in, Col.. Walter Evirau, Charl**towu. Major, Andrew A. Power*, Ilud*t>n AJjuot.it, li. r. Kv*»U, Cbarleatowii. .jniu-i.-tin.i-i.'.-, I,,wi. A. Mauulna, I'eabittly. Huric-i'ii,.i...in.11 11. Troadw*ll, ■oetva, Chaplain, li.lw.r.l rt. Atwood, Malera. I... A.UIiarlrelowii,—Capiatu, ll-nry i.Uulwr

Cliarleauiwa; Flril Lieut,., Kraitk IV1.I. Cliarle* town; .-■.■-.:. I Llvuleiianl. Nathan K. Tufla Charloalowii.

Oil, n. ■natenllt*. ftatitaln Oraeelue IT. Dae IH>,S..m.TvHI«i Klr*t LtaaUnaat, Win K. Dick *ea, OnmarrWto: Beeund UMitamtat, u™. K Lurett.

Cu. V, fambrlJa-e,—(aplaln, ItulxTl L. II, Kol CanilirLlfe-ei Klr*t I.leulonaiil. Uk'bul Dsltoe.Oooi brl.lao; Hocoiid l.lciiloiiaiil, Win- U..lllii*.in, Cam

bttdae, („. D, CajilWatOWe ITeptTtlT KlcharJ It. K*r-

mar, dtirleetown; Kir»i lJeaf«nant, 1>>-I»I1* 1>- Doiiiiav*ii,Charlu*lowii; Huo.in.l Uelltanaat, Wm. It, Cuakluy, Ch*rlB»l..wn-

Co. E, SKdf..r.l,-U*pi*lii. Iiuo K, It Hmea, M.,if...i. nia Ueotenaat, Albert V. Dow,Mad- fJerd; h.T.,n,i Ueataaaat, Jnpbnnia* U. WWiaee,

Modford. Co. r, Wedfor-I.-Cuptalu, Wm. H. Dane, tied-

fbnl; Kir»l l.leul«»»iil,' harlp* O. llurbauk, Mi.d- ford; Hwuixd l-luutoiiaiit, Loreasn LlU-biUl.l, Med- ford.

Ou. il, WobUrii.-t'aplalii. L'yru* Tay, Woburn : Wr*l l.kulenant. Kdwln ■*. Wyer, Woburu; ■***. ond Lieutenant, Alonto Klehardiun, lUailliia.

Co. ll.Cliarleelowq,—Henry .1. lUlltfri-rii, Obefc mi Klr*t LlBUleiiBiii, Albion 1'. Pea**, OhaleaV wi.; .•.-■■■,.-I Lieutenant, .«.. It. Marble, Jr.,

CbarluaUiwn. Co. I, lludi.m,—C*pUlui Jo*epb W. l'udrlck,

Undeoni flrrt (.lentenut, David II. WUieanb, I'.-illn. SHCUIIJ Lloutuuaiit, N. II. Mnrl.lt-. Jr , Ohariaatowo.

Co. K, Heabodyr—Captain, Win. II. HiMrolli, Peabodyi ilral l.lounmaul. Win. K. Wll«y.re*- bojy; tioeoiul Ideutenanl, John A. Uou.r, I'-u- bo.ly.

t',,. L, of Outward, 'formerly Co. V, .if lb* fiih I {..g I m >ii I, llil of "ill. -i- nut yet relurn.-.l.

SIXTH naumaaT or ivrAater.

OnloaeJ, Mi-lvln Heal, l.*wr-nr. . Uentenvrt Cetonel, Benjamin t. Qeddard, Low.

Major, J.iui). W. Hart. Uiwi-ll A.ijuuni, rank bl LleutmanL JHBM n WlMea,

ij.,.iriM.n».l.-r, rank 1*1 i, u

I:I -Uaulel

Vaen ahuutil oh)*nl to ttala auaMlary foroe

for preserving order. They have shown

themselves Invaluable iu keopino; the

peace and utbrclng the laws at musters,

camp meetings and other gatherings, in

towna where -4.be loea] police would I

entirely inadequate, aud if the towu

should sweat in a special force, the ex

pensu would be a heavy burthen to tin

place. The entire constabulary onn non

be ordered bo any jKilnt iu tho state

ivhii'li is not the ease with a local poUee

aa the latter cannot net out of their own

locality in any manner, without special

authority; bcaidea, they could not wnll

be spared from their homes, There is

nothing like a well disciplined body of

SLatu Police for th" purposes we have

mentioned, and the strongest enemies ol

that organi/.ation are now awarding

them the highest praise for their excel-

lent management at the Hull muster and


I'KIISONAI..—Onr old friend f* K.

KICK., B*U., of Wilmington. N. ('., was

hero on a Hying visit this we.uk, and re-

ceived a warm welcome from his old ac-

-piainr me.- ■ He Is looking exceedingly

well, as if southern life agrecsl w ith bint,

A few weeks ago, the firm unfortunately

lost their entire buildings by lire, which

■ wept away the whole properly, inter-

rupting a llourlsliHog business; a new

maiiufaetory ia already going up, itud

will soon be ready for occupaney, and

we are sure many of our readers will

wish the enterprising propricfot

d:int Slice can. Mr. line is Assistant

i 'onimiasloiicr of Kdueatimi for that

Si.i!.'. and states that matters there are

iu good condition and social,educational

and jHilitkttl affaire looking well.


IVtHTAl..—The deiiioi-ralie papers in the

north faithfully echo all tin- wrciebed

abuse of colon.il ami union men, of liielr

rebel bratlirou at the south: I lure Is Ihe

latest: "The in—i.. postiimtier nt Macon, Ha..

eenils all letters «tili no *tam|M l<> tlie .lead hMter olHie."

Don'l ihejaekasi who indited the above

know liiat xiicb Is thtfiiuatoiu lu all p»M

otlces. and In aceonlaiice Milli strict or-

der* from tbe ilvpniimeulr 11 ibis poal-

maater bail piophesie.l an eclipse for

Sunday which look place on Haturday,

. , there might be eame lor upeerlng al bloi.

NUK KRUIT. Harvey, opposite, the

PoatUMce, ha> wtuie ol the nicest poachva

we have seen in the market the present

•.eat.-n. ami ul the low prices, (hey arc

really cheap a* an article ol fijojJ. Try


OUB NKW 1'osr UrriCi in Sebaake'n building is nearly ready for occupancy. It la judiciously and liberally arranged for the publie convenience, and will af- ford facilities unsurpassed, il equalled, by any office in New Bug land. I'ost Master Merrill, in this, is entitled to the acknowledgments due from the coniuiu oity Ui an assiduous public official. Seniinrt

TlIK SAI.ISMt.Ht ItKACII tit lllklUN'..

'('be annual xiubcrlnx at Salisbury Ueach

will oome ell on Hie 1'ilb ol September,

and a great many dIMJngaJened persons

will be prokcut. Last year Ibere were

thirty thousand aeaembled, and a* man)

or more are eapeeled on Ibis occasion.

Sn/,uHi.—Thursday afternoon, State

Constables Heal and Miller eutercd the

premises of Uaiinah Nolan at Hallard

Vale and aeuod two barrels of ale.

The officers on. tho same day, entered

the premises of John 8. Kalloti on Union

street, but found nothing

I'lnimiis Toomcy, Hie lwo In. arrested, avveral weeka at line i ol uuiuTftg tlie death of a J

uametl Michael Ctnmy, aud

hi the sum ofwoOOOtO appei

Grand Jury }» answer, woi

yesterday .probably In eon***

ggeetli •>i hi r|el Ait



he fatal tight ease mid the adieu o|

Lice Wright lu Hint matter. We have

111 the authority ijuutod by Mr. Han-

i IntlBB M.'Ui>venilnilhpie4iloii. The

- ol the boys wu* eolitlnoetl to next

k. that Judge Stevens wbo Hied the

ball, and who will take the bench again

on Monday, may act In the matter, ami

they were committed to juil In the UICHII

lime. It latpiiie pmbable that uudrr the

new iiiiderelandlng of sucli eases they

will be coiumiiie.i .10 juil until October

wiiheiii the privilege of half. Hi.-ir conn-

Ml, Mr. larbox. la absent. When he re.

Judge of tbe Sup iu Court for a writ of

Sabrat corpua to release them 011 bull unto

Jte time of trial, li would appear that

ihe I'olloo Court lias uithorlty to tin

ilherwise than uoniintjt If sathtteil Ibift

leaih wa-eauicl by ilie parti0*, under

illIV elrciim-liuice-i.

Sur««un, rank Major, Wiilt.-r Bsrnhan, Lowell. Ch*fl*ln.fl*nr*»n, W«avt-t, Uwreno*. AMUUUII Hureeon, rauk lit Ll.'Ut'iiaut, Uwr(.'

W. nareaul, l.»wt-i-'.' Co, A, Waketlfld—Oapteln, .lanloe r*. Kmertou,

Wakellel.1; Pint Uentanaat, J*uw* VM aii»lleld, Wakelbl.1; Becuad Lienlenant, Jaeob V. Wllry, Wakt-llHl.1.

Co, li Uruton—Captain, WlilUm T. CbllJ*, tltoloii, V'lttl UenleMWt, Cbarle* K. WIIII*m*oii, tlruUin, rtefolia l.ieuleuaiit, Kran.iU W. Crafln,

, IAI •II — Captain,

Lowell; La

; il. I'

W kl aiming,


II-Captain, Jami-* «. Tenaf, Lew. Alfred .1. Hall, Lnwiill; Nec-

..n.l Lieutenant, Edwin W, BartieU, Lowell.

Co. K, Actan—Captain, Luk.. If, Itubblna, A.-loo, riral l.leul.niaiit, nila* II. Taytor, A-loti; -. .-...i.: Uentaaaal, KrankK Bants, Acton,

Co. V, IUv..rhlll-C*pUtii, K U. W. OeAWTtflht llavt-rlilll; Klrrt Ll.-ulenaiil. Ilunry l' Kill. Haver. 1.111; Bewnd Lieutenant, Win. II. Turner, Hnveralll.

Co. U, Lowell—Captain, AlWt Ploder, \..-*-\\ Plrat Llauteiianl, Oeu. 0. Turned, Lowell; Heeoni Lienlenant,Cbaa. II ttiehnntaen, 1.■■..■• 11

Co, II. i..>w.ii—Canuiti.Heiilicw Duaneeen, i.->w -11, Kii.i Lieutenant, John O'Urady, Lowell; MM

1 Llaulasanl, I'airl.k Cm etkey, Lowell, Co. 1, Lawrvooe — Caplaln, t^hae. 0. Varuum

Lawrence; Klr*t Lkutaeant, banlel A. Batr, i.,^ n.uc..; «.v«ud Ll.-utfiiSiit, Illt-lmrJ rlulllvan, Law


Hi* Honor, Judan Steven*, of tbe Police Court, bns returned from hi* trip of two or | three week* down eaac, irreatly improved In healfb and personal beauty. He ha* visited principally at Belfa*', Maine, where he WII

located from 182* to ivi:., enftaicud lu the leital profession. He *puak* In Klowlnjr term* of (he kindly welcome and entertainment wlueb he received Irom hi* rriend* of " auld lantc «ync," and ul tbe deliubtinl character of hi* tojourn.

A great many people went to walerliiK pieces on Sunday, and watering place* came to many more who were out uf doors.

Tbe window* of the Court Himae roof are being repaired. There will be lot* of bu*lnn*i nndcr that roof In Ovtober.

Tbe democrat* hold caucus on Saturday night to select delegate* to tbe State Conven- tion, which will select mltable persons to be howled down by the republicans In November. "Set 'em up."

Tbe City Treasurer'* luvou ha* coin in u nets I,

and lir will I.- happr W receive callur* with present* for ihe City Treasury. In cumtuon with the rest ol our lulluw-iitizena, for Mr. Tewksbury 1* vert liberal with tils Invitation*, we acknowledge tbe receipt of hi* card.

Weliavu ohtaiuud a glimpse at the upaulutte* of Cul. Itual, of the Uili Infaniry. They are very rich; Ihe ltgnre "•. " I* worked In sliver upon bluu velvet, an Inch In diameter. The eagle Is of tllver, aud being a temperance bird in this ■ .i-i', don't get blue or on It, but 1* ill-

ily upon lliu gold.

I resident ul' Salem, N. II , wont Into Lam- prey's store on K*aex street on Tnesday. ami ni.i.ii- -.'IIM' purchase*, hltcliiiig bl* borse In from ul' Ihe sioro Alter his purehssi'* were completed, he put the article* In the wagon, and drove around to Common street, whure ho aijalu hiicliod. Uy *umu mean*, perhup* by the 1 ■. 1 ■ U door, he got into Lamprey's again, ami made additional purchaau*. On going to the front door, lie did nut see hi* team and was lu great diimay. Il bad been stolen by *umo of those Lawrence rascal*, he felt eaiured. IK the advice of Mr. Slmptou, of the concern, he lore around to the Mnrahal'* otHco, and gave notice of the atrocious rubbery. Thai offlclnl, and hi* utHltilunt Uaicliul.ler, wuut for the case at mice. While tho1 Marshal was talking with the owner at I.nwreiieu Hull, ciphering whether to pm out in the direction of Iluverhili, Lowell, Andover or Metbucn, he observed a horse ex- actly of il..- description of the missing one, Mamling bltchc! dose to them, and remarked, ''Why, than isyne* team!" "Lorf 'So It is!" was ill- delighted reanoose. The man haul entirely forgotten that he had thiftud the wugun from the front of Lamprey's, and so ended thai chapter lu the criminal record* of Law- re m-e.

Some one sav* that "auuring I* Ihe ipontan- i-.ui. "-,.ii"' of tbiiMi malignaht feeliuge which are mippreweil when awake." We hail person- ally supposed thai It was owing to ■■ n .n . flre- men's iniipers late iu Ihe evening, and going to bed lu a > ..11—.(ii.-in placid frame of mind. Never i»-.u I of malignity before.

The man who i-atried out the fainting lady at a Sun.biv evening meeting at the hall last win- ter, iii.i-.i il so well that he earned out all hi* good ruHolulion* lor a week afterward* .

Shakspeare say* "Throw phjak to the .logs." What would heconM of all tbe corner sioret on FJIHOX Street If tbi* WM* done.

The elephant which I* coming next week I* the same one that Mr. O'Leary now of tto*toii, bui rcrcntly from Tljwrrary, gased at in such astonishment and asked the menagerie keeper "What kind til n baits I* thai 'atin hay with hi* tall."

The number of arrest* for drunkenness In thlsdty, In Jalj I860, wnsB&B- In July ISriS, li. In Boston the Increase in Station Ono alone was one hundred.

Slate has been substituted for abingle* un the roof of the Urge frame building belonging to tbe Everett corporation, on the corner ol

Union sad Common streets.

Wsdlelgh Is spreading himself up Lawrence itreet. Tbe ladies will hsve their heads dressed in tho rooms where the gentlemen have had their hair dressed, and the barber'* will move on to where other rtim than Bay Hum has been


golltt fiourt Record.

. K, I.* y. iv, i,, :u; Flrnl U.'Ul''i'»"l. »l

The city gut into quite a scrape on Monday. Tlie hoe was applied vignriiusly to tonic of the principal street*. I

Andrew Daly ha* abandoned bis Intention of Fitting up the Post UlHcu as a ili-.t class i.-*.- rant, being unalile fo make arrangements with ihe landlord to *uit him.

A youthful Sntil.itili School lUiener wanted tu visit 1 he t|ueer place where the Head Sea. He couldn't see how the* did It. The teacher did not hand him a complimentary ticket.

The ruin was very prompt on Sunday. Like s ' i-li cuiiomer, It came right down.

A man who was given the grip did not uli- tain it from 'in Odd KL-IIOW, but from something which be imprudently swallowed, not one of ill.- brethren, but probably a green apple.

Kiniirii ajauaaiiT or wrAirrav.

t Vtlonet, Banjanua t. I'uach, Jr., Lena. UeuUnsnt-Celenal, FraoeU K, Porter, B Major, David \V. Low .atnaeealer. Adjutant, rank 1*1 Lieut,, Abeam 11 Berry, l.y yuartannaster, rank l*i Lieut., Cbarle. K,Jt

■oraeen, rank msjor, Juhn L. KaMneon, W

Chaplain, John It. Th<


A-i.l .111, Ni-wliur:

; lal Lieut., Ebei , Han

Al. RM ►KI lilt:. Tin- alarm lr nil IBo

:t,.o rner ml 11V II ice aud Esa ■x SI reel

tyiii iii-V' )a Mill sir past vie I'll in*

lav 1 M HUH t'atised by sun ki lasuli

Y0111 lie a lies • >fa block on V; ll V sire

11-iirl "I'l uatl iu. gasometer. 1 e |.rl

■i|,,l Milt >u 1 0111I1 ■ from that Ml No. .4

liwa * lull id hut loinethlnK It 1 lull.

mt n Mie -hli 11117 ntid tlie ami k Itnttei

>fg» an ■ ■it i th top, tie.'I.I ■d lo an

anmi ■ \ Hi nil wr i ullonjjfth 1 lil.llnt

I go mil ol Ihe ilttli

leisure, i'liere wu- j; I

ticloro theliHHi'iifty wand

ilreiiieu were proniptly t»

No. I run oil Its hone |mt

1'". \, Ni'wli.n >-1..-1' . .i|.ii.ii.. Ulit.n I'. Culler, Ne weary port i Kir.t Lleutesmat, William K. Weed' man,Hswburyport; t* m.l Lli-uiniaut, John A. Dean, Nswburjrpnrl.

c.i. 11, Hewbnrynort—Captain, Cbsris* 1.. Ayers, Nuwl>ury|..irt;Plr*l Lieutenant, llu.irge W.Clark, Newburjpurt; Beoood l.leiiun.aiil, Uuorge II. riuv an*, Nawberypa/t.

On, t', M*rlilehea.l— Caplaln, j Klral Lleul- cuant, rraaatt A;, «i*g..o.l, Majblahsadi; Keeond Lieutenant, Ueorge W. llotmen, MarblesMd.

Co. li, Lyna— Cental n. Thmii-a II. Hurry, Lynn; Klral Ueutensnl, Ueurge K. I'aluiur, Lynn ; Beeond LLutviiaui, .f.ilniil. Warner, llynn.

Co. K, neverly— Cupulii, lluah J. Munsey, Beverly; Kir.I Mniletiai.t, ■: 1 ■■ F. IIurrick, Iteverly, Second Ll.-iili'tiant, Charlu* L. Oudfe, Beverly.

Lynn;S IV F, Lynn—Captain, John T. V rat Meutsnant, Joetah F KUoUlt, •ulensal, William 11 Qale, Lena. Jo. U, illouoeaUr—OapUIn, ■III, i NiTun.l I -I.' .11 1 'I ,

I'L. II, tfaleni-Captain, Juhn I'. llejui>l.l*,Hal.-in rat Ueutensn't, William K. Driver, Bslem , neeemi ■nwnsnt, Ueurge A. Urownlng, Halem. C... I,-CapUli>, Jeremiah 0. Baabeller, Lynn 1.1 Lieutenant, ^\ Fry, l.yim; rteoand MsutenaM urn* F. I'.H.I, Lynn. ru. K, rtalem,—tJnptalii, Sidney It. Kowsll, I'-*

I l.l.'iil-

ody, Kin I Lli'i I tig, Sel-r,

,,le,l. Il 1 .11 foi

ase. Tho ellie Mills,

to Sillily I be I

box to run

struck In (Ida

No II, the I1


other I.H.K« -

iv, under llie ileslg lice, N... Ifiti." A el

r .ill.mi a inoiitli aun

avory Komi clti^n

mil tokiioM- what

t.-r stiu

l.y four ,,>IUIMTS of 111., l'iiil,.,l

ill. ,0...

»n,l irn UKI, .., Hi,, liran.l l".l-


Lilt.',I. ?l,lll III,'

i.il.l ] ■, 11 • 11' 1 >

l„.l|[ l.l

lltuttid nil .VII^II^I :11st

M,.iui.lii,K'k Hull. '',,ii.,', ,,l K««.". 1,L.-I.st>ii Nlr.'.'Ui (Sims' llto.1.1. .vli.'i., „.» lodge will li"ll tln.ir 11 til I'll,- ...ll.'.'ia ..I 1I1.1 l.;n»i.il.'.i l,,,l«u Inly il|Mt!.ll>-!l 1.1 lliu sain., tinii'. thl] UV..|li»Jg tll.Ti' Hill I,,' 1LI1 illiti'llilll L\,'iity-.'i|,'lit iiilililii.iiiLl iin'mliiii,

Lut... of oourau. Alter lh« InlllHtiun, nil.,,-, ,'l III,' mw l"'l-". Ili.il ,'lu" II„1 111 vit.-.l giit-nO., ununK whom will I In, iilllt-iiLtin^ HIKI visiting iiiiiiil,, 1. ,

Lin, tiraml l.«dg«, will ait ilowi. i,, ■upinr 1.1 ll.,' i:«".'J HULLS.-.

Tin: Si ill I'L.Mi'L.n.Ni'M .,: I'liU l..„lj S.K,.|lllllP,l ill 11.1st.,

liny, liiol wus ,,L1I.',I I" -i-lii l.lUy ul i.rUiul.1 -l.l«... II" llil.wnl.l wH.L't il er.s-l.l, nl

II ...is u-.'.TIiiliii'.l lhat th.T..



) I. 1. Wl.llii

Captain, Kdwaol 1. lunl-r, Mal.l. Adjutaal, rani Firm Ueuieaant, i.. ward A. Y

M .l.l.-ii. ' KlNt Lleiitenit 1, Cliarl-. (1, lloy,l. lelruse. First l:litileua ll, William 1! 11.iw Maiden. Heeend 1- 1* am, Cbarl.-* W. Read, Beaton.

rntrarn i. lilll' HCTTHIIV, leA ULV.1I >. ,

laptslu,-0*i rt. Merrill, Flr.i Ueutsns 1, lieu. «. Ihirrell Flr.l l.leuleni ,t,—Jus. W.I Urdu, Heeosd Llettte *al,-Wal*sea M.l' lasl A4}utanl,--W i. Marhunl,

-AlnnsaJor. ijuirl.-r Uiiii.-i- Ltsrveant, Win A H*wo. Hergeanbi,- M Ilun.*, Henry 1. F. . L. J Url

.1 A Brack*!*.

There are Rood l»t* In rlKhieou* places like L.iwien.'.- a* well a* in S.I.I.HH or Goinurrah.

■ lot which Mr. Fuller oftcr* Tor sale opposite ■ olrlee ii- eepcciatly nire.

lur Free lfupli>t friend* waul tbe pump on lir side of tbe City Hall removed. The

hniililui; of il* brake *b»uld lie sweet iiiusie to sll Cbdaihtna, ibouitb it can't Iw worked to

tlli'i* lulu prayer or sermon, utiles-, buth a cold water eliaraeter. It Is a irrest Im-

provement upon tlie nouiul ol' the to.lily Stick,

at least.

The Lemon—AM Society will meet in Ibe Free Even Inn School Konm on tho lint day when the thermometer Indicates ninety in Hie shade. The City Missionary willl bu Invited to preside. Water will be furnished tr.nn tin1

northeast corner of the objectionable well.

I Inn toon ami Mooar *ell Kuuse* li> make |ieo |.le tec. well. Sonic other dealers, on C-umuinii

street, *elt ulaiiNVi lo make the buyer • ■.-•■! well, that Is, lor a lew Heeling moments.

Sundav wa* cah'ulateil to cause |>e<iplc lu ai- ■.iiiii.. an AiK.isi and grave deineauur.

True hull past twelve i* struck with u'ltmi reitulariiy uvery day by the Urn telegraph1 *et your waiehe* and clocks.

I'oit Ml, (i. A. R., of this eily, was pulled up on Monday, mid transferred nearly opposite, iu the upper * lory of Seliauke'* New Tout Office' tiuil.liuu. where uioetiiii;* will In. held in future.

An Insane person wu on a hunt yesterday for a veloctlpads icallery, ul which there u*od to be a dosen iu town; he wa* kindly taken iu charjm.

The next on the " pepnerKram " al ihe City Hall i* the Charley Morris Minstrels, Septem- ber 1st

The li. A. U, I'll*!* are u very -food Wind to

have auoiil. They man.I very firm when once set up.

Die Siate Constables have u* yet uiadu no arrest ol people for KOtltUK ihuir fuel eorued, unless they are lame drunk.

The liuslinii.l* whose wive* are aWnt at ihe beach or untaln* soein to i..-,u the alHii-tiou null chrUtlaii lortltudo, uii.l to rather like th? opportunity of shuwInK ihalr realgnatkin.

The Htale Constable* will allow mi punch at

BaTUBDAV—A reapeotable lu.ikltiK puraoa uf the female permsslea, oornplalned of her neighbor, an equally deecnt appesrlni peraonafe, fur slapping her child. The defence wu, dm. ihai th* child of Hie .-uiupleliiant, aged three year*, *tni'ek the prog- eny of lbs aeauaed, aged i—t. with a eaae on Ihe lieaj; •eeond, that nj tlspplng waa done. The .■onn. Juilloe Wright, -iiiniM'.l up the evidence with great gravity, and the reiult waa, advice to the mother of Ihe *—| to give plenty of *ireiiglliunlnK food to her .-1,11,1, that helmlgbt thereby obtain abil- ity to light hla own hauls*] egg*, at —— per do*en, were ■uggeated *» suitable for the purpoae; but •lie mull not fight any baltk-i fur hlru, und *he wa* re- quired lo pay oue cent, eurrem-y of the republic, without coat*, aa tribute, Ul the offended tnajeaty uf Ibe law*. Tbeae two ladle* were good friend-, bul eroitable. Had Ihey taken 11111- to rulleet, thl* par- iLeulor Itetn might iievi kSSS ln*l loour readers, and the valuable conirlbulluii men tin nod, lo Ibe County Treaaury, alao.

Altar thl* weighty tuattur wa* dl*po*«d uf, tti- eaae of a gentleman who tald lhal he wa* pro fniiinlly aober, aud never by any roiltllivency lasted a drop, and wbo Would lute b*ekcd 111* Saaeitlon uu oath, wa* taken up. He drunk, never 1 The police- men, lu whom he appllsd to direct him to a lioli-l Wull.-d him lo ll.- 1'Olke BUllon, where'to lib great a*lonlahment, lie wa* locked up, first beln| robbed of *) it.7 -, a wateli, kuift-, tohaecu and olliei artialea. To be aure, lie stepped upon Ihe ofilcer'* fee| oceaaloually, coming along, bul lhal wa* not owing to fermented ur Jl*tlllud liquid*; not by no mean*; li wa* owing lo laineues*. The **nl4.'iilloua "drunk, air," " Maggerliig drunk," or tbe uftleer had inure elTeel upon a prejudiced court than the mil. ii i 111 ly rounded period* of the accuied. gO.UO. Taken out of Ibe $14.14, and th.- balance, the watch, knife, and tobacco reetorvd a* usual.

A young and rather prutiy woman of iwenty-three, a* not drunk eilher, Uiougb she " ■■ i— ->l " 10 ter-

ribly on general principle*, In one uf lliu mill ynrd* -racial otrl -or wa* compelled lo ejset her iu

preserve the m.nul* of the corporation. AfUf be- ing put out, «he " squatted," and wu* laken iu tlie police ilitlInn by the combined alrenglh of ilout

thl* wa* her Orit app earn lice, ah'- was allowed tu gii un probation.

Oue mau KM* drunk, and v.iy aenalbly owned up, aj.,80.

A dug ca*e reaultud in #1 ■ and I-IMI*. tt wu .ill about one of 111* feminine gender, valued at ITU per year for IU progeny. Ur. Raw*, City Clerk, pro- duced bl* punderuu* book, read one Hue and de- parted) fur wi.irii bn la entitled lo iliiy cents frum the County Tresaury. Hay he luo ■■ ■ duien du| .■.."■■" per day. .Uad not the quiet nnd correct officer Helton been the complainant In ihe case, KOIUI' duubt might have eilited a* to the necessity uf the Hue.

Two or tbr** liquor caae* were dlaposed of, the lawyer* llulua ihe party as well a* Uie uourt.]

A eaae of asaaull and anoUier uf breaking a win. duw, wi'iv continued, rlenUnce wa* n.ii ■ .1 In the caae uf a women charged with ateallng wood.

Mono AT.—Mary Smith, th* wife of one Smith, whu waiarreatedln II aver hi 11 on charge uf break. Ing Into a house aud staallngJewelry,bul win. broke out of the Hlatl.m House at lhat p,laee, wa* eiamlneii on charge uf receiving carpenter'* tool*, Ibe proper- ty of Ur. F. T. VVIL.un uf riaverhlll.uiid Helen from

mugh the caae was tolerably Blear a*-aln*t wa* iliat-liarged on Ihe ground of belnu a

>rer(. «r married Woman .'.inatanlly under the thumb and coercion of her husband. A* Mr. liunible aald, when called upon to answer for tbe misdoings uf bl* wife, who ruled him with an Iron rod, " The law i* an aa*, an aa*, *lr." Hut the. law iiin-i be taken a* It 1*, whether good ur bad, lh»u|fh Andrew Johnson construed ll that Mr*. Sm r.m had wuinen'* rl*-hU and hanged her. Ilul alu. was * Widow, and had no huaband.

Twu young men from Concord, W, II., drunk, sinukinit and awearlng In a horse ear, *.■< TI each.

Some foul or five drunk* were served wllh line*. from one cent without coat* to V.su. Mary Tcdley, of Melhuun, who **ld lhat »be wa* robbed or *J" while drunk, waa allowed to Hu on prumlnlng nul (u do m.l I. a foollab thing again.

I i i '.i. i. . '. "il.iiij; ,.f toy great a.-cuunt tuilsy. Due drnnk, a middle aged man, lormerly a polls*. man. wan bound to walk Into the rlpluket Ihe nlglil before, a* an especially safe road to travel. The policemen thought otherwise, and directed hi* steps tu Ihe I'UIMH. Slalluu. Allowed lo go.

Mary Murphy allaa Mannahau, went Ui the City Missionary wllh a pitiful atury.snd asked him to get

lly. lie furi.lsli.-J In

fluted and (Quoted. A J-OUIIK alltijaior Is the pet In a New Jersey


Copenhagen want* a cable now, viu Iceland and Greenland.

The Denial Convention allowed its teeth at female practitioners.

Pinching ii a wire's allcKaliou In the latest Chicago divorce case.

A Parisian lady'f layette—expected baby's clothes—cost «YJ250.

A yountt woman lo Chicago has taken a con- tract to paint a bouse.

They have a terrible can-can in California. Old sailor* blush st it.

Dana confesies it Is easier to travel by rail- road than by velocipede.

Fifty.dollar parasols, with little watches set

In the handles, arc ihe latest aga*.iy.

A St Louis lmly me* s dentist for SowOO lor putting In a ->■! of false teeth Improperly .

In Patagonia women who weigh twu hundred and upwards are banlihed into remote regions.

The Kmperor of China Is to Iw married, hut he is only fourteen, niiil knows no butter, poor



WHO 1'UT THEM J.Y? ~b?laoe for. Sale. The subscriber off. ra for M

a tlokct, and In hums all., wa* brought In, particularly corned, court Inquired Into tlie paradut of a person entirely deatltulc, a* *he repreientrd herself, being able indiilge In the ruinously expensive luiuryof gelling drunk, bul It Wa* unable to get any furllier low the bottom of tli- pioblein than Ihe bottom « single ({In.-* of beer, which Mary said ahe saw, which she said accomplished tlm deed, »hc .being very lmpraalblo lu that direction. Mary, who Uiiwnmanllke unuuilh to own up to fifty,,waa allnwcd lo return tu Ihe I uf Uie family eiupluyed her, pr.onlalng lo make " nary alop,".*nd tu drink " nary beer" upuu the ruute.

A yoiing'man wlm knocked another one down fu: liialuuatlng thai he wu * thief, wa* lined ».V

(Several Jug* of liquor* suited from James M-llimi ty ,ni I'uniiti.iii ilr.-.t wi-n- ordered dedr.iyed, the court entirely dlsrsdarding the suggestion of », ,., j. denlly Interested legal geiillunmn lhat they be brought Into court, and the quality tested then and Uiere.

Two young boys charted wllh burglary were duly dUposod of. Au ulil*rbuy,*u*peclcdof complicity, wa* discharged.

A male and a female drunk were pointed lo the il.iyrway, It belnu their flral ufjence,

Tinman IT — A ea*e of assault waa sett led by Ihe assaulted party ackiiuwlodging aatlsfsclluu. Vhelher he meant Ihi.t lie hnd gut enough wa* nut pparent. deem* ll'ltrlen, who aal.i he wu n't drunk when

be officer *ald that he waa, remarked that lie was IB uld n-aldeiil of Lawrence, and a K.Hid citizen loo. i'l..- court -II,'.:-"! 'i lhal he furnUb bl* photograph

the City Hall—(h wa* rather ail ornamental countenance). The accused said that he Insisted

loini' one who WM playing card* sh.nild be ed to [play out Ills hand Without Interference,

whereupon tlie landlord admin Istli red a sockdolager leneae* which ssat him "kiting" through

th* doorway, The court remarked I lint su.-h Ion- waa certain!* nal polite, and lhat llie laiidh.nl not well asoHned to keep a hotel. Jaetn* wa*

allowed'lo go after a dollar of hi* property wa* ourlei-aled. Shu.HI Mhauahan Wa* earue*tly defended hyiroitn-

sel, un tlie ground principally that there was mi ground* fur considering the accused .drunk b.-caus.- hi* leg* were limber and wouldn't riaad firmly n- tin- ground. Fined *t -I by Die oourt sad -f ■ by tbe lawyer.

A caae of a member uf the night artillery oorpa, hen rrmoiislraleil with, by Sll oluVer for marclilng * ompany Intu town UH early, made a dlstilrb- tee, at least It waa no charg-.l. #.'■ So; appealed. , I'. tlaliborn for defunc...

Hi,;:!:,ini Yimng'n *ons ure marrying us fust as Hi.', can, in hopes In catch up with the old

A smart man in Iluffiilo is organizing a di- vorce excumion lo Chicago. Subscribers uro plenty.

A book-keeper iu St. Lotus full asleep and out of the window. Hi* earl lily account i* balanced.

A bride of sixteen appeared In a N'uw York court charging bur vixiecn-year-old lifnihiiiid with ahniiilonmunt.

A doctor In St. buns, who has hud four wives, is Hippo-.. I to have used strychnine to accelerate his wedding^.

The luspousion lirldgo at Niagara tnlls, is pronounced unsafe by eminent eugiueers, and many travellers avuid crossing It.

The <'.unite.■ of Jersey gave a breakfast at I ]■. M. Sue might have been still more fonli- lonable, und -n-ii it the next day.

Seven sister* work their father's farm iu Wright County, Miuucsotu. They raised ami sold last year ir>00 bushels of grain.

■k'liny Leonard bade " good hyc to her dear Hilly " in Chicago, Hwullnwod Blryclinine died. BUI bud mil behaved like a perfect gen- tleman.

Chicago sends to New York queer telegram*; us recently thus: " Yesterday was not a good day for divorces; only HOVCII BOW iipplieatiuns

The keepers uf tbe life boats at Capo May arc raxed al the ill breeding of the people who. will get drowned on Sunday, when tho boatmen have a holiday,.

A llvc-yeur-old hoy bos appeared before llie |-'.IL.:II-)I House of Lord* and asked lo lie pro- claimed Karl of Wlcklow, and their lordships are In a puzzle.

i in- i ii Si. Gregory toes, in a piste glass box silver, was received 'in 1'uru last mouth,

and (bishop*, clorgy, and military gave ii n grand procession.

The warm nights induced a man in New York to sleep on tin- roof of bis liousu; his dreams Induced him to tall uir. ami hi* fall sup-

intended his funeral.

A tulnei at La Sulle playfully rested an iron ti-'! against a telegraph wire, anil for two days

•patches arm"atiaroantabl* Interrupted.'1

An exchange says: Wu like the revolution. n, from the sweet little girl book-keepers, to

tho bale old girl publisher, who knows bow to newspaper office.

SciuiitincJournal gives a full length por- trait of the lovely creaturu lhat infests cheap sugar, it resembles an alligator wiih the pe- culiarities of an elephant.

Four cumpauics of California militia have been mustered out of ihe Stale service luTi-eftu- lug In in ii. i, in lie: San Francisco Fourth ol .Inly JIII.11 -.'.I.HI wiili colored men.

ML. IF 'ii.. II - ..i'i" I Dr. Lathani's face at Mississippi city. The doctor wulku.l home, got hi* iloublu-barreilc.l gun, returned ami killed Mr. flf-eeii without any nonsense whatever.

I'h- I-.I-.L- .-I .ir.iwimi.. at Cape May was nil aggravating one. The man's windpipj wai cut open and bis body rolled on a barrel, and the ■lywi e>i*i male-naut tarn we tefaaea to etrme to.

This column is,drawn largely from the Hus- ton Post, one of tho funuiust paper* out, espe- cially in It* politics, which are the oldest and funniest of sll. Noah uscil lo bilk them


Kev. l>r. Wallace of Manchester, N. H.

will preach at tho South Church next

Sabbath, KnjiT i-iwci'iisy tins soM his land aud

bUUdlogl to John Dove. Mr. Dove now nun- ,ill ill- laud formerly bclotiKitifr, to John Stiiu»on,on the c.i-t nidu ol the turn- pike.

The liouiostead of tin- late Jucuu Eauies in North Wiliniii^inn, li,:i- been purchased by Klbridge C. Stwckwell ofCharlestown.

Frank and Edward Adam-- of North Andover on Tuesday killed a black snake live leet liin*;. Tliey woro picking berriei and his snuktj-dilp was culled up in the tn-i of ii larjfu blueberry bush.

I'lic rcu) estate of .lonluia Illuiieltard on uiincr Street Is to be-sold at auction on

Thursday next. The place will make a nice liitlc home for a -in.iil family, Is but

lew lulnute* walk from the post offloe, and tbe fxAulltlona ol pttyuieiit will be made i-uite easy.

dipt. NiilliHiiiel Wliitlier has sold about half uu acre of his land Oil Summer Street nearly opposite. Ills residence, to TIIHUIAH

B, Min berry.

Ur. Tbomaa M. May ol tho Seminary Lfl laboring successfully iu OQead, Maine and vicinity during his vucatiou.

Kev. W. II. WitUon, of Southboro', will preach al tlie Itaptist church uoxt Sub- bath.

kllleu uf Mr*. Tahlllia 1'ui ngellne, only surviving < lues ..m, in-.-.l'.' NL„.,^V

Uy btar A. I l.


a l'.il."l •

ii my pei

lliu- were And her

If yuu wl

■ the Iial

I the *ofl iS|>rliig ll ere lAurji an.I fi'tr; plained, how llil* k

■un the pr,m: ""dswrlloi

■till Kleibell. Price aeon, If deslretl. elghl acres ot inuwiug anil tlii.-,

land, with a laige nuuiher uf fruit Irees.coalieV ui ibe above, will h<- sdilni, and ibe wholj

Covered ttngon

Tbe subscriber ha* I good repair, ami at a I

cm end wagon, la

nous Aiinorr.

1 colifia* I shuuld I-. lo decline.

Lena wa* a jn-n.lv.- kllleu ; I>oilng fur hour*, 'moug the gra** uuj the flower*,

While hard-hearted mother (1 can .-lit her no other) .-■I,nir lllint-.| ii.liri devour*.

O, many a nlghl, when Ibe moon Wa* bright, (And Tabby wa* sleeping aonnd,)

tjlii- wuuld dreamily „■. ■■ al its *Hvery rays, With an air of wisdom profound.

Hut nia* for


kitten, (with grief wu Sre aiultli 1, we relate her tragical fate; livd boy took poor pus* In Ihe tiroolr, i sorrow inili-ud was great.

in I e i'.'1-t Ibe hill i ribs by

irl, ('aarlM li Kv

, II II . '.i i: ,

nt Hie II.. I'. Km

di Ich ,.| Woi.iatcr «a. clio-.iip.'i

pic-dihiii. An aildress with elghl

nlu I Ion ■ was adopted nltci a hot

dloii over the 17th.

Slide Constable-', and

..th.T*. Dr. hiddur of l.awretu-e was ap

pointed on lb.' ifjuuaraj cuminliiee lur tlii


i thanked Hi

some of III

people wlm won'l fall back. Sbtnililer straps will in- pcrmiited, hut no black ■trap, r'leld glaase* will b> allowed, If tliey lout hate anything In the bottom.

II,.. i 'cirrus ground was not located on I stilely lor leinperaiiee i-auses, fur iliern get elevated -on llie benches.

he soldier boys of this city are the nrth. Nest week tliey will lie initi-

niglit police stiial— abonl the alleys s, and nun. out sharp tor rogues

i,i.mill -I,

■Ighliors of tlaverbill are id have a telegraph. ■.

Kxi-ellenl board tali bu hail rheap al I'l iner's luuilivr yard.

A geiillemaii up town baa a wile who i sweet thai bu kisses her Instead of during sugar for his leu ui l.l coffue. Tho latter kind ol sweetening, however, is lunil-diod in male visi lur*. !

llllll -Ayoi j llaj

I .luliv.1 d Ihe al

I In- riding park is not .1.-vote.I in Uie colored race, but in other rmes or trots.

(lay uniform*, phime*, sashes, biigbt Imltous, rich triiuniliigs, gold lace, and epaulelles, all new and shining, will pervade our street* lues day morning.

The woman in white .an IK- sesMi almost any night after twelve., iiv those who haw authority lo look al her

on a rather eitenslv* spree laal nlglil. Hlii' roamed U|i and down K**<-i Htreel al lliu unheard of hour* of on* aud Iwo o'olock In lliu morning. A dlapley of Una fruit In la* window of the ||**an, Carr, isiia-ii in i ml. i" " '.'■ i , s ihlng which It i* sel- dom gulliy of. -.ii.' |.i'». I up a slot ll through the ausluu* pau* which gi traetlse article* ami look pains lo till her poeksti wllh applea, culling her hand ami i-ausiiig ln-rsil much pain by so doing. Officer Hmlili heard tin rallllng when afar olf but could mil flu.I any oni ■ ben he arrived .in Uie *p..t. He thought Ihe parly had hid away and went lo ihe station lo oMala aid Ui BMItk.

tin arriving ilmre ho found lhal offlcsr Ingallsha.l arrMleda womau for dlslurhaitce and her bloody hand* aud hill puckel* ia*J#ed bur to be tlm iiuu wanted, rihe owned up and wa* held lu |6U> fur tier appearance before ih- Orand Jury, on llu. ehargfl of breaking and entering In llie nlglil time. The H-UII. Oarr "stood" ihe p*a*hu fur llie po- licemen for their vigilance.

A vlcllm who Mid lhat he bad not taatad a .Imp for three year*, *om*l.ow a.lmltLe.l lhal he wa* drunk the pravtou* night. WsMtiler ll.u drop of three year* slues occaaioually erupted In a drunk lalgluhavi- been an Inler.sUng medl.-al .|*>*iluii llelng unwise euodgli to ailinll llial he could pay a line, he wa* re.pilrett In Mrtte down with ST SO.


A Prenchnua tins Invented a handsome table (liurn, no that persons mny mnke their butter ut ihe table while breuk'usi I* going take* 1ml three minutes time, and llie i is gorgeous with cul glass and silver.

I'fiiin the recent researches uf Professor l>a- ln 1'aris, upon the prodncliou of uion-

strosltles In chirkeus, it Is found that by vary- ing tbe application of the beat tu ihe egg every form of known luotistrosily can Iw produced at will. '

Ihe dying lepers st the hospital at llie Sand- ieli Islamls danced the native bula-hulu at a

hall given In the building lo Ihe patients. Muuy of the patients were *o nearly deconi|K>*ed tbu't tliey dropped in fragment* and were picked up

nl carried ofT In baskets, piecemeal.

Absinthe brings drunk quicker than any other liquor, ami consequently brings insanity sooner upon Its victims. It Is, of course, very frtshloniililc, nnd Mew York youth ere going mad by hundreds from using It. People seem determined to go to us fast a* possible in Hi.— dny*. Ahsiutlio is a green, pleasant [list- ing cordial, bul as we have said, makes nun bluu very quick.

Joseph White went lo South Nashville a few evening* since to visit hi* aflanced, Mi-- Barnes. IIu found her sewing and looking so pretty that bo tried to kls* her. She repulsed him gently, hut In louie unaccountable manner her needle penetrated his heart; be turned ashy pule, .fell to the floor* and,died. Hiss Humes was so ,.' :. ..in- she look laudanum, but had not expired at lost account*. .

Oue of i In tie dictionary dispensers, a New Fork reporter, says then were at the Long tii.in, li ball " beauty marketable and merry, ■beauty matronly nnd mll-1, l-eauiy infantile and peachy, ami sublime with ogv and decorations. The dark ■umptuousness of Israel from the Continental, the sunny celebrity ot the United .Slnti-a Ibe vocal queen of the Mansion, the queen of the brunettes, ami lliu liurawlf, in ipOlleSI white,'from the Metropolitan."

The beautiful city of Cleveland was' very much ogltuietl over the iiiiii.i|,|ii ,, uf a sten- cil cutter's family lUuru. li seems that Mr. l.anpbear wa* iit-i-usiomed to arisu uarly and work bsiore breakfast, and Mrs. i .-.,.!.= .■ i look thai njij.iii Finuiv to visit a young clerk's apart- ment. Ono morion--; Mr. I.anplieur dlsi overcl his wrongs and Hlatibed Mrs. l.anplicar fatally und chased her paramour out of ibe I ■ In his nlglit-gowu. The police found the lady

hlci'iliiig horribly and with her anus, around her has band's neck, acknowledging her guilt lint beseeching bis fnrglvcnuss,

♦ *■>■*> — -

THE OMIT Snow on rim 30TH.—Frenah'i irientsl will bo hare mi Thursday, Ang. Mib.

This i* a big insiituiion, aud " everybody ami vile" will lie sure to altend. We clip tho wing from Ihe Troy (N. V.) .VVsrs k'e'sturduy, our fellow-towusinan, Hi uii, ni..il.- his initial naru.lc. It wa* a grand

ami enjoyable line of splendor, superior lo any, in i','i LU iii.u ileuionalrulitiil, we have ever witnessed. The Coition Car ol Cleopatra, cun- tuiuing Story's excellent hand, wa* drawn by i",ni. i 11 .trolled . ntely suiceudlng thl* " piece of

It is soiucw promised {lui


doulillul whether lliu stuaiuur


Siuimiuud Journal i

bur no llrown.an old

Mil! Ui lhal place, di

i<\ lost, lie had he

where tho men were

noon, lu Ibe tiflt-nu

nnd about hall hn b

IN ^ I'ANSTKAI). — Till'

. that Mr, Sber-

detit of Urow 11*1

siiddctily on the

out in the ii. I I fore- liliVillJf ill III

mil lie went up it air

uiir afterwards wu

) lor Salisbury found lying uu Ills luce dead. He wn

,1 have run during the weeks of low one of (he nldesl men in Ibe [own, ninety water In ibe river, unless lliu passenger* got on,, years of age, and one ol llie first del

out and pushed i tiers id lhat part uf tho town. The de

Some of ihe wood yard* have no dog. but a j ceased was much re-peeled by .. large

plenty of hark, almut the premises. elrolfl of:lilends and relatives. A cor-

Mie gentlemen found lying upon Ksseastreet oner'* Inipieel resulted lu a Verdict of

sidewalk by the police, at late huura of ihe heart disease. Mr. lirown was lather ul night, do uoi pull up the brick* m put in their Mrs T H j.Vmald of l^twreiice. baia, Tbuy have enougli Ibere already. *>»♦*♦

Smith & Son koup not only a large sssort Mini.* is reducing hi* slock as much a* I ui.iii of groceries sud crockery ware, but dry possible before removing to his new store in

good*, also. One article of the latter I* sail Schaake'* building. Now >* the time to obtain 1 ti i, i a bargain.

im very large camels, which were , tiy Mohammedan rciuamcu. [inmedl-

„, -in L-i'i-.lii!- this " piece of splendor," came ibe open don, lu which Col. (jourgo VV. Hall periunned six enormous lion*. The Arabs, mounted on dromedaries, next attracted atten- tion; then lollnwed a cavalcade of ladies and gentlemen gorgeously attired, who bore in llieir hand* liunnur* of the nioit exquisite de- sign ami finish. The long line terminated with an array of vans, cars, i-age* and other vehirle*. which serscl to convince the spectator* that there wn* no lack ol solid and valuable mate- rial iu Mr, French's great enterprise. •* —

fhe periortiiapee* given yesienlay afternoon ami evening wcru most uctupiarrly rendered, ami graciously received by llie thousands ol visitors wbo thronged the immense tent.

While we are willing to admit the ■unparal- leled splendor of Mr. French'*, external display, we moil cordially aci-ede to him ihe posseasloii of ihe linest circus company ever seen in ibis country. .The Mandrill, or uiunkoy circu* rider, surprlteil us, while tbu feat* of the native Arabs surpassed any scene* uf agility ever given in an arena, Wu are sure that if merit should com- mand, as it deserves, success, Mr. French will reap a rich pecuniary harvest thli summer."

atrEsep lit* blood iu good ^ondlUun, and fuvor*. *o prevalent In the. fall, will be scarce I How to do It, did yuu »*> ? 'Lake Kills'* Iron Hitler* I Talbol, U4 l'-«-> *U*et, It *«ienl.


ii ,i i, /. .i H ii r A I: K .

We are constantly in receipt of cominuulca. Until making Inquiries concerning the affairs of the File Work*. The following letter speaks for Itself, and coming as it doe*, from an " old file," we doubt not that the sentiments cmliod- ied therein will lie heartily endorsed by those who havo NiidiTcd under the sumo affliction.

B , August I'lhyiaou. Diaa M ■—Just one year ago lo-day

the works of tbe Whlpplu File Couipiitiy were rased upuu the workmen, nnd tliey, without

one cent uf wages to pay the bills they owed, to support their wives or. tiiiullics, turned

lulrift to obtain work elsewhere, as best they could. Ono whole year, dear M ; twelve long, wcury months, ami where are we now ? So far us I can make out, as near a settlement Ba WO were when Ihe works were shut down; uuy, in laOt, we are worse; for then we QOOlil

•my we bad ul least fifty dollars guaranteed lu us by law; and how stands it now r Dy a well coneerletl plan,— I can't look upon it us any- thing else,— after the Company liad been peti- tioned into bankruptcy, those who bud professed themselves the workmen's friends, and hail expressed a desire to see them paid every cent, got the matter iteluyed from time to time, till six immtlis bad gone, and then only did tliey allow proceedings to go on, after the object bad licen gained, and now at the expiration of • year, by n poor, wretched tecluilcal quibble, us I am Informed, the rights ol the men to their lifty dollar preference is called lu question; .tn.l that, too, 1 understand, witliout any au- tborhatlro decision upon the point at Issue,— the assignees declining to bring the matter op, ami tin; Company being dead, their laic ollkcrs have no power to act; so tlint the poor men, with all their bard won earnings locked ap lu the concern, have now to go to Work and raise money to pay law expenses, ami have tbe ease brought before the court. I trust all our men will aid in thl* matter, so us lo make it us light as possible upon those that give; you can put my name on your list lor an amount such ai Ihe others may lie givjng.

This whole business, nitli that of McKay and Aldus'*, and such similar oases, ought to wake our workmen up, lo have the present most In- iquitous ll.nil. i iii'ti-y Act so amended that they may hate protection for their labor. It Is, I must say, a great thing lor us Amcrlcaus tu boast of our Inn 1 of freedom, und cull upon the working men of the Uld World to come to pur shores, while we have such an act ou our statute books. To come lo us, for what ? To work, It

wage* owing them, as in the present case, doubt- ful If tliey will ever gel a cent of it. Why, man, they manuge things better than that In Eng- land, enslaved, and so far behind us as w< think it is. There the worklnginuu is protected. After the taxes ure puld becomes in first for llie full ami mm ftf bis wages; and I bet you he gets il, without uuy silly quibble us we have in [he case of the pour Wlilpple workmen. I tell yuu what, I wish 1 liml the author of the llauk- runt Act near the Charles Hirer fur a little

■■''■ li;.. . lie would never frumu another, Ur, it would he a pretty good punishment to set the steel works going again for his special benefit, Set lilm over the melting furnaces, nnd make him work them for two months , then set him off with not a cent in Ills pocket, to Starve, a* some of our poor fellows have bud to do, with their wives and little ones. Sec bow he would like his Act then.

Dear M——-, I often wonder if those fel- lows,— gentlemen, 1 mean.—who were the pri- mary cause of the men not lielng paid, or who have since worked that things are In their pres- ent condition, ever expect to go to heaven; I make this assertion remembering bow our old frlsml John used to harp on this *tring , if tliey do, It cannot i>- through reading their Uihlcs lor there we nre told that " whosoever glveth to the poor Icmlclli to the Lord;" and what will tliey be -,inl to do who tnketb from the poor? If the company should ew yiay up, will they puy Interest for the past year f None of our merchants would ever let their money out of llieir hands for less than from seven to i' ii pur cent,; nnd bad alt ihe money now due the men been bi the Andover Savings Hank, over f l.WO.Ol) would have been due upon It for Interest; there, now, what do yuu think of [hair hc-ide* ihe misery and waul it would have kept from Ibe door of many a family.

I hear that some of our uicu blame the Ut siguces for the delay. This Is not right. Tliey are honourable men, and will, I believe, do their duty conscientiously. The trouble was liefore their time. _ You remember It was *ni.l that the men's pay was guaranteed ; and when the crash came it was reported, upon good authority, that fur a month previous it wa* known thut the puy would not be forthcoming, Some oi wu* to bluuie lor this, hut not the nsslguet Thej are not to blame for the Comiiauy'* lielng kept in existence six months und more after ilia works were Closed, whoever is in fault, ail these matters us tliey may, I trust the uffuirs of tin- Wblpple l'H- Compao> will be brought to a K'l-ccdy solution, ll we are to lie puld In full, so much the better; If but live ccnl dollar, let us have it.

I get the Am* ru an pretty regular, am now and again of affair* in the Vale. I understand how some of your folks e ntung at all now, I have written you a loug llie letter, prompted by the anniversary uf stoppage. Let us irust the next anniversary will tells dilleretit Mie.

I.will lie glad to hear from you at your leis- ure, and witli respects to your lady and family, a* also my old friend 11 and others,

1 remain. Yours, etc.,

oi.u FILM.


Some new iirrnugemcuts are alsmt lo lie made with the library affairs, l-eiongltig to the lum[ieranee organUntlim*. uud all persons hav- ing limit... iii ih. if poosscsiiou arc requested to leave them ut llie store of J, Morrison.

HO *TU A A' D O V K H.

Us. and Mrs. Juiiieg Meader, ui this town, will celebrate the fiftieth anniver- sary of their marriage uu the 2Ath inst. .Mr. Meatier w:is it aoldiur in tbe wur ul IH12, and U 7) years of uo;e.

The lulliliving gentlemen wureelected delegate* Irom this town to tho Temper*' anoe Convention held iu Itonion lids 'week i—P. \V. Humes, IteV. C. C. Vlnal, J. S. Uuy. They ox press themselves very niueh jdeaitetl with the action of the Convention.

When we found her at last, her truuhle* sure pa*t Hhe lay on the cold, dewy yruuiid;

1'oqr Tabby aluuil near; down her cheek rolled I

As ■!.- told u* that i.una wa* drowned.

One query arose t.. |ho lip* of those Who i;ii/.-.l un uur kitten there :

Where, whore I* lliu ono whu till* tlceil hslh done And il.- -i-l.'i— rovarborate trhtw ?

Now Iheru'a Johnula Uroen, whom I Hover hav.

Ilul ]'.- MI'-II Auinf tell, how bo pul in tt,,- wel A dear I LET]-- klllon (to bl* ihame be il wrillen)

Perhaps he uur duubl* tumid llhrpel. ■

lint ,<■},.„ .-. i' it be, whan ir,-,- line* be ahalt i«e, Well, well may be blush with abanie.

For thou-fli lung he nay live, we shall uaver forglvf Ilul alway* rumeraber and blame.

Andover, Aue. 10th, HMD.

Andover, July tilth, 1HM

WM. rooii,

Wagon Manufacturer, i*nd, sud ma In order,

Hu-siueu Light[ Express, Order,


with or without Top*.

Also,light Farm Wagons aud Carl*, fur horse*.

Repairing in all ii- hranchea,

Andover, July U, i-.i-j. tl

Co nun I sa loner* ffollce- r.iiiiiiii.niv. ultli mt >!•■•>•< Imarili

Eass-n, a*. i"ii, that

. is duly appointed Commissioner* to ._ ci-ive and eXJinine Ify cluitna of llie creditors of the estate uf Jo* An IAN 'i. I-.MI.I , late of Ando- ver In snidC'uuniy ol Kssex,.li'Cease.l.reureientad lusulveul; lhat six mouths frum the eighteenth day of May. We, are allowed -aid oredltor* bring iu sti.i prove their claims, aad that we will atiend lo tint duty un the third Monday* uf June, September and October next,aud on the eighteenth day of Norcmbtr next, at ■*.>'. luck A. If., i Andover National Hank, I .us, ill said Andover.

MUSKH FOSTKll )<>,„«.„„, Uf-:0K(iK W. FOSr^lt, ("-""aissm

utover May M, IsW. inaa.


WATCII-MAKEH AMI JKWKLER, Corner of Main Street aud Kim Square,

I K..r the .!.,,.•ii.-,in.|


For 8. M. A.

I'm so afraid you've got Ihe " bl I feel that I must write;

And what wi- left unsaid this un I'll finish up ui.iilKht.

I've bad th- " -i.-ii. " of " blue* To make in- dread tlie fever ;

lu pill* uf Fun ami MliVifalnesi I :uii n iiiiii believer.

..ill" I.lover yet Thru, "Man w,

Because, upon a ■ He happened t be burn.

Hut I'm afraid If It I* so, [t( I* a lough belief;)

Shuuld my age uiceed Hethuialt-ti'*, I'll die In dub! to grief,

.■>'.,«■ when you fuel all ".upside dowi And loU ut troublu borrow,

Jusi Up Uie wink In Madam Birth, A ».l make a moulh at Sorrow.

lli.ii'l*ay,"Tbl* f* a if-o-f e/u-l wo: " I should nut grieve tu leavi. It.'1

ili-eause you kuow that all tin- thn*. V,.ii don't yourself believe It.

The world, I think, la very near Correct In every movement;

And should you make the chang. It mi'jht tie no Im/Tovemntl,

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Sliver and Plated Ware, *c.

All kind* of Watchei.Cloeki.ne., Cleaned, He. paired, aud warranted,

Andover, Oct. 23, 1H68. octllly.

Wagons! Wagons !! New anil second band, fur sale by

B. It. & W. B. i. WII..


Manufacturer* uf PetUnglll's I'atent Hrr*

Cart* aud Wheels of all klud* to order. tfjag*

tVAll orilors for Tin Roofing prompt- ly attended to, -

Safe for Sale. A llrst rate lltON SAFK, in

II. More, uf Huston; weighs nuld at a bargain. Apply to A ut the Depot, North Andov


ha* alway* on hand a large assort iu. ut ol ( olliu-, faaketa, Robea, I'lut---., Ate.,

blob he will lurnlih at the shortest notice and In tbe beat manner.

Also, having several Corpae I'resvrvlng i «•", I.- I- iii-iuir.-.l to rurnisb ice and preserve l«Jdlet wheude*lred. Corner Main and BaaAx rii*.. Andove*. .

Andover, July ft, l ■■■■..

- REMOVAL. , you

ii.tber Vou know we both a And don't you *oruoUinea think

About the doll* we u ■.■-.] to havo '.' Their nSSBSS were " May " and " I'lDk."

Their heads, you know, wore tilled with chaff, We gut It from the barn ;

Their cheek* wore stained wllh cranburry juice, Their hair waa ravelled yarn,

These aeiillmental men that " wrlic." And wear their hair In curls.

Forever tell about the " grace" And "charm*'' of Hltlu girl*.

Well—'Iho, of courae, we love ours much, And of Iholr futures dream ;

Vcl, don't yuu think it'* prutiy hard To keep their facet clean 1

Aud when they cuuie to cut their teeth, And havo the whuoplng cough;

litell you what, 'tween y»u and 1, Tiieirnttmmrptm iff' *"

llrk-k Huildiug North Town Hull,

I better facilities > good assort-

Ail kinds of Furniture, I. hope lo merit a continuance of public ra'ronagc.

Picture Framing. Upltolsturiii};, etc. and all klud* of furniture repaired iu a -ni'-nur

aiauner, at modcrali- prices. T. IIKMIV, Audover.

Andover May IS, 1M0V. ( :lm



MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Hals, Caps and Out's Furulahlnjj liuods,

Second House South of Town Hall, Jallf A-ioovan.

' ■.>miu..iH(--Jii(A of .l/.isj.i.S I,I,(|,. [U.S.] ToMlCIIAKL 0OMX0LLT, OfVo, And-

over, In the county uf Kssex .md to *ny and all other per-oua claiming any Intrreat la

Ahiutune-rourth gallon uf whiskey in one boltlc About une-fourlh gallon of ruin In one uoltle About threo i-alluiis of gin In one demijohn and ie bottle About ninety gallons of ah. In three barrel* and

ae pitcher. bleb, by virtue of a warrant Issue i by me, bare

been seized at tin- dwelling house of aald MICHAKI, CONNOLLY,

In said No. Andover, on the aevcntiamhday ol Au- guat, lu the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, the value of which liquors, with the vessel* cuutalning them, In my opinion, eseeeds twenty dollars.

You are hereby re.iuh-ed to appear before the Justice* of Ih* Superior Court, nost lo be holdco at Lawrence, In aald couaty of Esias, on the second atom!*) of October next, lo answer to the coinulalul agnluai niiil li.more, and vessel* eon- t.ilulii-,' tn-iii, and for trial, and to show caasr II any yon have, why said llquun and vessel-, ihould not lie forfeited fur heinn kept for sale by (aid Michael Connolly In violation of Iho laws of thl* I iiiiiineiiwiallh.

Willie**, ray hand and seal, at Auduver this seventeenth day of August, in ihe vi«r one thous- and eight hundred and sixty-iiine, '

<)KO. 11. P«JOK, Trial .lu.tlo.-. A iruecupy-Atle.l, MKI.VIN I1KAL,

(•omwinweallh of Maita.kuittt,,

[L.8.] To UAN1IAII NOLAN, or Andover. in llie county of Kssex, and to any and all other perionsi-lalniliigsiiy iulrrcil In

About Hfty gallons til sir in two barre'- which, by virtu ' been aiUsd at S*ld HANNAH NOLAN,' it.'sRid Andover, on HIP nlueleruth day of An gust, In the year one Hioumnd ilglu hundred and slxly-uln.., the value ol which liquor*, with the

ilng them, does nut, In my opinion,

i B|ip*sr b.-iure me. at It tWO n'cluck, P.jl., We|itembci

tk'puty nlsle Constable.

exceed twenty dollnr*. YUU ore hereby retjuln-d in It ss d Andover ou the fourth day

to answer lo thu and the i lo show

thousand eight hundred and sixty '- -implalnl agalast said flui

.tiling Hi. ui.i.iL.I lor trial


, If any you have, why auld llquv,,., — - .—JI* containing Hum should not be forfeited for being kept for sale by said Hannah Nolan In violation of the laws of this Cominun-

iweullulli dayof August, luth* vein tight hundred and sTxty-nliie.

fiKoltUE H. IIHHl, Trial Justice. A true copy—Attest, liKUKUK l„ Mil l.KK,

*rf> Uepuly Nisi- Cuislalili-.

PUHCHARD KRKE SCHOOL. Ihe Auii.isl Kxamlnallunoi oaudlilafes ful

mission to Ibe I'unchard r'r.-e School, will take Slsee In n.,. .School Koom, In llie Town Hall, on

[ONliAV, August j;id, begioeriag i.t-l-ly al itlHKii'clook, A.M. ^^

Candidates are examined In Ihe wbolo of Cot Mental Arltbmeile.aud In Kalon'* Arllh.

» a* fsr as Involution; they must be able to er the most ttuiitirUui .ju-ailoiis In Modern ;raphy, and iuu-1 liuve a•uffl-lem knowledgi iiuh-li firainmar iu parse curaioon sentcnoei rose; ihey must bu able to read eorroclly am. tly, to spell all words of common occurrence,

'rtlltcali-a from parent* - aotied the age of at

-e-e*>s a

A liesiai; —fi ha* long been a desire wllh tnvdf- cal men lo bare an agreeable tunic which will act beuvflclally upon tho different funciloii* of tin. ays- lam wllhoul deleterious (fleet, Hj..-. i'- '• sjlaiidard Wlii.t Ulllcra" fully meet the want *u long f*li. Their baae I* hi* pur* vine, wllbout any medica- tion, eiMpt by bttrb* and roou. Sold by druggUu,

._. _ fair hand. iAppllcanl.musl>urliisl

or guardians thai flu-y hi least twelve years, aud from Ihey bare the rtiiuislt. ' tu Ihe ai-buol. 1

Audover, Aug. 13, IMS.

Auction Sales by tieo. Poster.

Real Estate in Andover. ilUKSDAY,


I'll IIV i ii'* llii'i'vi'ii Cmoi-a tsn OaWATAJT, It will he seen that thl* inammotb show li to visit Lawrence on Thursday, Aug 20lh. This i*, undoubtedly, the lar-fost circus and nmaag- ■ ■I ie now travelling. Aceordluir to nil aeeunnu which come to u-, thin Institution utrers a cimi- ll I nation of tho rarciit atlracllonH, which will lie looked forward to with t-agcniosa by all wbo believe In novelties. Ur. French has issued an uuii-iiiilly taking programme, in which he bos ■et forth the merits or bis establishment in it plain and unmistakable manner. He has ig- nored the usuul style of circus announcement*, and has, wc think, wisely adopted tbe system ul' aalling things by tliclr right unrtie*. In bin grand display on the streets, he will have driven fourteen camels hnrncised to the Golden Car of Cleopalra. Ho will exhibit six big lions In pulilk', an elephant most gorgeously capari- soned, nnd il.- Hue closed up by a splendid cavalcade. Mr. French Is an extensive adver- tiser, bat his reputation for performing faith- fully all be promise* has long been established. The entertainment* In the arena will Iw among the richest novelties of tho season. The dash-

ing and brilliant young ei)iiostrlennu, who li said to lie without an equal, Is a lent ure of the company; Mr. Charles Fish, the rising chum- plon bare back rider, and the great troupe of Arabs, ore additional attractions. Then, there Is a " monkey as big as a man," but not so savage an one of DnChttlllu's gorillas, wlm I*

Is to essay n feat in horsemanship; elephants to do ih- graceful and agile in gymnastics' horse* tu perforrn astonishing tricks, and other performers U*aU> all sorts of things, which we cannot mcnltoit now. Ur. French has a show uf great mogtiltude, and hi* march through th i- State, w lie re circuses are appreciated, will no doubt Iw a triumphal ode.

s t i i M . s . u .

Will be suld ut public auction, on i, August ■iiith, ai S o'clock, I'. M., on tl llie real .State of Joshua lllancliard .,,u ■ ui.uu- i ..m.i It consists of .ii.,mt half an aare if-i.-.l-nt laud, wllh c.i||*u- tiuuse lisving sfv-eii room*, a barn and wood ah.d. I lie buildings are m good repair, and very convenient. Upon tbe premises are apple, near, cherry, and olher fruit Iree*. and a never tailing well of esrellent water, ibe lueallon I* a desirable one. #vi re.iulred ol Ihe purchaser at the aale. Oilier conditions of -layim-iil easy, aad thru made known.

Andover, An.: 13, l-i.'f. »!

New Firm. New Goods. The subscriber* wo

lllsens of Audnvrra _ Id call tbe attention of the

luinlly tu Ibcir new and — JIII* i,| it the nld

Miiiidiii Mr..l.iliu llardliig.undir It-.-nl.t limn It. romlatlng In part of a general assortment of

Dry Good*, Grooeriea,. Flour, Crock- QTy iinil (ilaHH Wart-, BbeTeu, pure

Corl't-L', NpH't-H, elf., etc., our patrons st *aU*faeiory

i" ■ y'uii)

all of which we ufTer to our patrons si price a.

** v share of public patronage solicited.

liiimls dellveri of espouse. |. U. r \

v ...I. »• i Aug. I i^ l -..'.I.

u IMm i WOOD i Ibe subscriber has for sals a large lot of hard

and suit wood, which be will sell in uuaulltlcs as ilt-ired. <inters left al tbu periodical store of John ir. I'heodlnr, Us in Hlrert, Andover or at the Union store in Abbutt Villsge, will be prompt lyaltendedto. JUHN til ANKl.tH.

Andover, Juae 4, laea, it

Iteln at last, copious and welcome. After a dry spell of nearly a month, during which lime regcla- tluii has suffered greaily.aud man and beaal, mom; we were surprised, yes, surprised, to awake uu Kabbath morning, to Und lowering about Ihe wooded slopes of i-jptckel Kill, loo uumlstakeabb' vapors lhal glvu tokeu of a wet day. The long lookodfor event came whim loaat elpected, yet lu advent wa* all ibe more pleasing fur prurbig an agreeable sur- prise. Qtoomy anil sad had the hut wealher made our pitlunt farmers, who, as tliey gated wllh sorrow and snilety upon their labors it.ml- futile by thu drought, gave way lo furebodiiius of hlaaled cron*. wasted stuck, penury and want. From the "alougb of despond " their hope* hav* been lifted by the re- viving ralua, and their grateful heart, tend forth In unison a tribute, of pre!** to 111m wbo will nut suf fsr them tu be utterly east down.

Tbe wsather during the " healed term " has been t|Ulto as but lo Halem a* slaawhar* hereabouts. IISI. ' degrees In tbe shade ha* been frei|UBUliy uotliW, «%V While Ihe average " noon beat " ha* hern M and W degree*. The mercury f-l tj> 40 degree* In Ike •*> uight of August Tib, and in *IWw lands quit* sever* frost* wore nutlcad. Wbelher Ihla nunarkable |il»- iniiiiuiuiii, occurriDg iu midsummer, waa attrlbuUbir lo the solar ecllpie or not, wa can't aay, but certain wealher-wlse realdenl* predicted a frosl, wlil.h happily for their prophecy, oaius to paaa.

Polatoe* will yield poorly, corn ditto, bay, half tho usual crop. All praducta must rbte In value, smi many are refusing to stll what Is on hand lu aiul< 1 jiail.ui of famine prices.

A son of Ur. William Hurrlaon raceuily caught * Woodchuck, which weighed IB lb*.

rd. ..ill -is .if Salim Contra Lodge, (to. II, 1.0, Q. T., were ln*uilod Aug. Sd, by l>. O. VV. 0. T-, Charles 1'eaalee, of llaiupalaad, aa follow*:— W. G, T., Kev.T.8. Flood; W. V. r.,SualoK. Wheeler: W.See.,A. II. Merrill' W. V. B..J. II. Wnack-r; W.T..C.O. Kelly; W. C, *. K. Abbutl; W M. 0. M. Vllturo, W.I. U., Dora KoJIy- W.O.H.,M. U. .Smart: f. W. l,\ T.. llanjaiuln F. Ayer.

Thl* Lodge Is now Uie only one lu .Salem. It* memb*r*hlp Is small, but unfernjted, and la hound to survive Ihe fat. of lla sister Lodge, lately " gonr op." ViATiia. *>«»!«>

THE I'I ai'i.i '■. CATECHISM ol Poiitloal Ki-iinoiiij-.tu wbitJs, wu last meek aUadexl, has just huuD i . n.-.l, and in nuw resuly for delivery to subscribers ami lui' sulo , it is really a well-writturi aud vulunbln little vrork, anil the very luw prio« places it within the reach of -ill; our rentier* who are iuterested in labor will bu sura to he pleased with it.

S*r A I! th* year ru und, " Hbarldan'a Cavalry Uu» dlllon Powder* " should be glveu lu li.irs,. Ltial at* "kept up," To borae* and calll* lhal graia In. summer, Ihey should only be given In winter and

Oflloere and soldiers who served In Ihe army, phy- sk-lau*, surgeons and tanluuat aien and wumeu everywhere, join In recouimending " Johnson's An o.lyn.: Liniment i.i L- Ihs lust Internal and eitarual imiUy medieln* jet Invented. That Is uur aspc-

■"""•ay- BSSSSSsl _..._ __ ... ._ _ _ _ _._ _.._._ _ _...*■._ I _ _..__ ... _. _ I

RBTVBH OK THL Pi The l>c.j(c S. V, *•>■■ (liree days, eaiiir.losi Silllkee, l.i-i • Vrliill

turned Iroin iln-ii

rl... Tli


fllUlN, Ml


til Si,!.' II it,.I


in ebarge "i itu A^I-I

foreman bolug iili-i-ni, fire men imirrlicil 10 ill pot with tin- Lawrence t'acorttiil their bmliiiT ciiylnu home mi Lowell gtreei.

The Pftoiflti eotupsiiy l*-n Lawrence <>n Tuesday luornlujj, unit arrive ut tVulf- born at '•Iniiil tiulf-yul oue o'clock- At Dover they were Joined hy several frliuiiLi and the parly which Bat down to dinner u[ iIn1 hotel numbered nearly thirty per- sons.. After dUtiiur i.liey took the small ■(•gamer 't.'nlini' and nailed abdltt tlio lake until G iirlml, when they returned in VTplflMiro and had supper. Alter nupper they went In Die -;i iteamer 10 L»a- mond Inland, from which place they re- turned to Wolfboro HI a u'oloek A.M.— They liud a collation ON the Island.

On Wednesday morning they amused tli'iii-i'l iv ■ In howling and looking about. until dinner, about one o'clock. Shortly alter dinner, the steamer -James Bull' ar- rived from Lacoula or rather Lake Vill- age, with a parly of two hundred ladles and gentlemen. Including the Torrent Engine Co. No. 2 of Laconla, numbering forty-live men, with the Bclkuap Cornet Baud of twenty-two piece*. Tliey took the Pacific party on board, carried them to Lake Village and after marching about there, took them to Laconln, three-fourths of a tulle distant, where they were also paraded through the streets, to their quar- ters at Wlllard'a Hotel. After supper there waa a dance at FoUotn Hall, where about one hundred and llfty couples were present. Twelve pieces of tho Cornet Band furnished the music. At 11 o'eloek the I.aeonla couipuny, their ladles, and I.awrenoo guests, sat down to a supper at tbe hotel. The dance was kept up until nearly daylight. Tbe Lnwreuco company left at about nine o'clock Thurs- day morning, having been shown about the town and the mills as much as time would permit, by their hospitable enter- tainers. They sneak In glowing terms of the kindness of the I,aeon in Bremen and of the friendly people generally. They went In the steamer 'Union' to Cent re Har- bor, where after dining at tho Mouttou House, they took the steamer Choeorna

-for Alton Hay on the way home. Capt. Ooodwlii theugh urged, would not accept a dollar for the use of his steamer, the 'Uuioti.' It Is hardly necessary to suy that the i'aciHo boys and their friends bad a delightful time.

CAUOIIT AGAIN.—-Some time since, those rats of society, Patrick Mcl'oland and John Cronln, boys of thirteen and nine years of, ago, were arrested and locked up for sundry crimes of larceny or houscbroaking. Tboy were not sent to the State Heform School, but on the pledges of their friends that they should be sent, one to an institution in Boston and another to a relative in Xew York, and kept thoro, they were allowed to go. The pledges were not kept, and tho boys were soon back bore. Complaint after complaint has been lodged at the Police office of huuses being entered in tho day time and robbed of various articles. At last tho City Marshal has been able to fix three eases of rascality upon these boys. Entering the house of Mrs. Bing- ham on Hampshire street, and stealing about two dollars in silver coin ; enter- ing the house of Felix McKene, on Val- ley streot.and taking a sugar box, plates, and some cakes, Aug. Kith; and the house of Timothy Harrington, on Com- mon street, and plundering it of twenty dollars in bills, Aug. 17th.

They obtained their entrance to this house by getting upon tho roof of one house letting themselves down to a shed ttnd getting into Mr. Harrington's win- dow, la one of tho other cases one or the boys watched while the other went in and got the plunder. The little thieves were sentenced to tho House of Correc- tion on one of tho charges, and will be tried ou the other two by the Superior Court. It is hoped that there will be1 no more such work with them

FATAL UAILHOAD 'ACCIDENT. — On Thursday afternoon, about six o'clock, a middle aged man, John Quinn, who roubles at tho South Sido, where he has a family, came over tho upper bridgo, and found the gutes shut, a train com- ing in. llt- slopped till It passed,his head being turned towards the South Side to see If any other was coming.and then jumped ever the gate, not waiting for it to be opened. Unfortunately the Lowell ouginc, which a short time before had come in with ■ train, was Just backing over to tho South Side, and ho jumped

• in-! iu front of It. He wns knocked down, his skull broken, and one of his legs cut off. He breathed but a few miuutes after the accident. As the law requires an iuquest in all coses of deaths caused by railroad accidents, din' was held by Corouor Lamb lliis morning, tho jury consisting of Dr. Oeo. W. Sargent, K. L. Chapman, E,. W. Jewett, J, Pi Donnavan, Thomas Ken- nedy and Frank L. Chapman. They will give their verdict to-day,

TAo {fuiuMnn of Rail,

The question of the authority of a Po- lice Court to admit persons to bail where so grave a matter as the death of a party Isfnvolvcd, bus been raised twice within a few days in this city. It was discussed In the Police Court »>n Tuesday, and de- cided that the court bad no authority to decide whether the hnraleliJe was murder or manslaughter. It Is presumed tone murder, and regarded as >iielif no bail ciui be accepted. The accused parties inu-t be cither commitd-d to Jail by this court t<> irWati the Button of the Oraiid Jury, or M discharged altogether.

Tho case of Michael HoQovecn. wlmj- ehalved with running over a child with his wagon on < Jomtuon ttreel while Intox ■ kilted, some weeks slnca, was brought before Hon. Marcus Morton, i Justice uf the Supreme Judicial ft. ou same day, by John C. Sanhorn, Esq., counsel for tin* accused. Mctiovern was. soon alter the alleged ottencc committed, brought bit- fore the Police Court of this city, and after examination the court bulged that there was probable cause to believe the defendant guilty of tbe crime charged against him, and ordered him to rfcojr-

Ue with sureties In the sum of 810,000 for his appearance at the,next term of the Superior Criminal Court, and in delault thereof he was committed to jail.

The petition in tho ease asked the Jus- tice to Issue a writ of Kttfwu corpus uud lischarzc McUuvcru, or to issue one and reduce tils recogul/.auce sothut lie might bo able to obtain ball, ll was claimed by Mr. Sunburn that Police Courts lu cases of homicide, an offence not bailable by sueh courts, bad no discretion lu case of probable guilt,but to commit the accused, and that an order in such oases lor the accused to recognize with sufficient sure- ties and ou failure to comply to be com- mitted, was void, and that the order of tho police court In til; case of McOovern to recognize or his imprisonment or fail- ure to recognize was void, therefore Mc- Oovern was restrained of his liberty ille- gally. Tho following was cited from Uuvls' Criminal Justice, puge 172:

"Tho offences which arc not bailable in this Commonwealth are treason, mur- der, rapo, abuse of a woman child, ami arson. Manslaughter is not a capital offence, but when a person charged with homicide is brought before a justice of the peace, ho cannot undertake to decide whether tho crime be murder, man- slaughter, or any othor species of homi- cide; his duty is to commit the offender and leave him to take his trial iu duo course of law, or to apply to tho Su- preme Court, or to a judge, in the vaca- tion, for a writ of haben.i corpus.

This decision (in. The Commonwealth IM. Loveridge) is In conformity to the principles and modern practice of the Common Law, which, as wo have seen, allows no discretion to a justice whon a homicide has been committed, to ad- mit the offender to bail, though it may appear to the justice that the homicide was by misadvonturo or oven iu self-de- fence, unless it appears there is not prob- able cause for charging tho prisoner with tho offence."

The counsel also quoted from the Gab- em) Statutes, Chajitcr 144, to sustain his position. There appeared in the coao several embarrassing questions; whether tho recognizance might not be void so far as tho order to recognize was con- cerned, and yet be good in regard to the corumitmout on default to recognize., and if this latter was the case the court might safely reduce the ball. All whether if the court should issue an order to reduce the bail, and MeGovern obtain it, the bait would be of any va- lidity ngaiust the principal or sureties. Owing to many questions which might ,arise. Judge Morton desired to bold the case under advisement n few days before rendering a dooiaion. Uol. Ii. J. Shoe man, District Attorney, appeared for the Commonwealth.

How TO GIT TO MUSTEK.—There Is u belter road from Luwrence to tho Camp Ground titan that by the Marble Kldge depot, but we are not* sufficiently posted to describe it. Almost any one ut North Andover can point ll out. The Klng- llsber makes two trips a day to the camp and buck direct,on Wednesday. Thursday

ml Friday. II you go by railroad, take lie horse Car to the depot at North An-

dover In season to take the ears for llav- erhill at $.20 A. u. 1, 4, 0 and 7 p. u. You can return from Haverhill ut 7 1-2, 12, .., 5 uud U. Tho cars between Haver- hill and Georgetown run as follows :

Ix'aveGeorgetown for Haverhill at «.;).">, 7.50. 0.08, 11.20 A. M. ami 1.80, :».:i.>, 0.39 and 7.40 V. M.

Leave Haverhill for Georgetown at 0.15, 7.30, 8.30. 11.00 A. U. 1,110, 5.00, tj.ttt 7.15. V. M. '.

Once ut Georgetown there will be no difficulty in getting to tbe camp ground< Information can be obtained at the Georgetown depot In regard to the rail- road hours of getting there. The fare Is not fur from fifty cents.

M.'i:i i : COUM/TTED FOB TRIAL.— Tho exam- ination it Michael Loony, the surviving principal, and of Darfiel Loony, Thomas MorUlrfy, Patrick Kennedy, and John C, iUorjane (not Lane or McLane,) acces- sories, charged with causing the death of Oharlei Carhury in n light on the plains, was commenced on Monday forenoon. Col. E. J. Sherman, District Attorney, appeared for the prusecutiou, ;t 1,11 K. T. Hurley, Ksq., lor the defence. M . j- ■! J. II. Brown appeared -for Oilier- lane. The examination resulted in the gommlUal of all the defendants to jail to await the action of tho Grand Jury iu October. As the charge is murder, no bail could be accepted, ll is stated that tbe court is allowed no discretion in such

see*. It must either commit them or discharge them altogether. No one, we think, anticipates that a bill for murder will bo brought in by tho Grand Jury.

Moriarty testified in his defence that he tried two or three times to part the combatants, and to iuduce Jeremiah Flynn lo aid him in so doing, but the latter declined having anything to do with it. Flynu corroborated the state- ment. \\c went off to avoid seeing the fight. Dan Loouy said in the collar that they ought to settle their old grudge. Gillerlano said that he did not dare to Interfere, as they two had threatened to attack any one who tried to separate them. It was shown that the parties drank three times in fifteen minutes, but it was testified that no one was drunk.

The balance of the evidence was not materially dilferont from that before the Coroner, though somewhat extended. Dr. Lamb gavo tho result of the poet mortem examination by,himself and Dr. Dana, at the cemetery, the body having been disenterred for the purpose. ,

liSDIUKa CAlfP HBRTOfO.—Thocamp- meetlng most largely attended by tbe Methodists of Lawrence, Is at Eppiujjr N. H. and was numed for the lute venerable Bishop Heddlng. It will be held next week, commencing on Monday. Tbe Dover Enquirer My|:

The religious services will he under tbe Oharge of the Presiding Klder.ltev. James Pike. There will be three public services ■ acli day, after Monday, ut 10 o'clock, A. M., anil 2 and C P. H. The railroads will convey passengers at reduced rates by special tickets to go,und return.

This meeting Is a permanent institution. It Is under the control of an incorporated association who manage It through an Executive Committee. Seventeen acres o( land have been purchased, and several thousand dollars expended iu fltllni; up the grounds. The whole encampment Is now enclosed by a high picket fence with suitable gates tor entrance. The spot combines several rare qualities for such u purpose, udry soil, a groye of great beauty, a natural xrade 'hat Is perfect, and a sprlnjr of pure cold water, gushing out of dry ground, lilling a barrel In three minutes. ''

The auditorium Is furnished with a tasteful stand for the preachers, and per- manent and conilortable seats, provided with bucks for some four thousand hosi- ers. The committee are making tbe usual arrangements for boarding and refresh- ments on tbe grounds. Many new cot- tages for family bouses ure building this year, and new lots ou the different ave- nues are constantly iu demand. Several families are already on the ground, rustf-

1 preparing for tile meeting. ■aling

They lli.d their preliminary sojourn, amid the deep quiet, and the pure air of the beautiful spot, refreshing to both body and iniMI I.

Music ON TUB COMUON.—There were about the usual number of persons on the Common Wednesday night, listening to the line musia of the Lawrence (truss Band. Any one who visits tho Common on Wednesday evenings must arrive at tho conclusion that tho very moderate uoi»tl>wtt*«4iot, |f*m to tit* t,nhi! L? * ^.,...1

and wise investment of the city's money, affording as it does, so much pleasure to so many people. It was a source ol some regret that tho programme was departed from, as many were on tip-toe to hear tho Anvil Chorus. It is under- stood that the cause was the inability to secure a suitable person to beat tho an- vils, which aro to be Introduced. The following is the programme announced for MONDAY evening, as the band will be at muster on Wednesday : — March; Suuiiil* from Furl h.-inw.ir.-.

BchulUiclir, Attum*.

Bonn; H|„-iL (i.-iitly.

.\i:)in.i Waltz, /.. ArdUta.

Anvil i ■ln.ru-. frum 11 Travalon, J'«nt(,

Hung, * Ihtnh.elti.

Umlley QukkiUp.

>i"llii|« ft..Ill I If,111.-

Dntn ut ifca owes, I'utpourrl, Xiitiunai Aln.


The Kingllslicr will to run from Essex street to the camp at Boxford, on Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday of next week. Leaves Lawrence at about 9 A. M. and I P. M., and the camp at 11 1-2 A. M. ando 1-2 P. M.

^ ^ ^ _ ^ . is.awia

LAWBMOE ^STUKET CHUKCII. —This church will be re-opened on Sunday,mid the three Congregational churches will worship there for two Sabbaths, after which services will be held as usual.

KKV. D«. ltoswuiuii will oceupy the pulpit of the First Baptist Church, next Sabbath.

■*■«<» ■

BEVaea pain will uel tot ..:n .-i iit.i.:,^, >,. i for a

itf tlraw, and «.) loan, ueupk will uvnl a IJIIIHI

nietly. EUrnWH I'alu Kllllus Mu«i.: Otl la Joit

ii-'i '!■■■ j.i ij'li -- I. i . i i, .■ I,,■.,,!.■ I,, . rliFumallu,

i-uraiglc, and other painful complaint*. BulJ by

Ctwa. Clarke, tetggtat.



KOUlKriON'.- In Ikla clly, Au«u.i Mr. fc Hi-. Wui. Itobtuaoii.

ANDRBWS.—In thU clly, Aug. U Mr. K Hra. HampauU Andruwa.

BKN'N KIT.- In thla city, Aug. 1 111!, a daugl>t«i Mi. & Mra. Alftvd Ben nut I. f

II AlLUV. - In HeUiuen, Aug. Ulli, a daughter b r. fc Uri. Clmrli-a U. UarJy.

^Haniiiflf s.

toblnaoti to ktlaa Maria Molccamp,

In this clly, Aug.13, bv Ueo. 11. Kowo, K..i., Mr. Pmn.-ta Cavltti lu Ulia Jlifry A. Llrliigatgu, bulb of Lawrance.

. DINKii-llANUO.V.-Aug. ml., by Itov. K. Haa- aucrv, Mr. laaac lilnki of Lawr.-inv, tu JII.. Uclen 1 taiit.m or Aaaabvl, MM*. —

'EOBlNflON—MOLKCAUl'.-In Briitot, N.H., Auguri 'oti, by lU'v. daini'i 11, Uouru.of IAI

Mr. Ki.-i.ird Rol" bolh »f L>wi

M..ill>ll\- 1MIAI.I.S.-I,, An.l-.v.T. Aug. l»b. by Ko». J. U. Merrill, Mr. Jor.'mlali I., lladdua , of Andovsr,U> MUl Alma IngulU, of Hhonuan, Mr.

8TOTT — ii M: I.I ■. i .. At Newton, Luwar Kail-. Aiigiiit lltli, by It. v. Mr. Howard, Mr. A. Huw»ll Slou, of Andover, to Mlaa Jumilu Uarrlauii, of N. I-. F.

r-I.KM IMi--IU:i:\Mi:il.-- In It L Ai Igbt, Ibc Bnrkeh-jr ■tr..-l i-liurcli, l,y ll.-v. W. U.Wrigli

-" irding to HIM Kaltlu U BnWOT, grand- r of Capt. T. C. !■'■ i.i. i of Andover

gfaths. BAKKER,—lu thla city, Aug. ljtli, Kinina 0,

Barker, aged la ycara, T iiioiitlia, IT day*.

JACEMAN,-InMotl]ueil,Auguit 11, Mr. R.O. Jai-kiiian, aged 46 yra.

COOl'KK.— lu IhU city, Aug. lllli, Gco. Uouper, aged 1 yrum^Sdy*.

KVANS-—In thla city, Annul Ittb.Ocofgi II. Kvaoa, aged t nioa, 1 dy.

WOltSWICK.- In Uila city, Augu.l lllli, Ida, ■laughter of Klcbard Woriwlck, age,I Ij r 3 moa.

NA"\ Lull -In North Audover,Auguatl3lli, Aun N'aj-h>r, aged ZJ yn i mix 13 dy*.

«aTAod when Abraham and the people beheld

Ike wonderful cure* wblch were produced by ll.l-

■Irink, Abraham -al.l. " My children tnuat not auf-

fhri glvume thy drink lo drink, and 1 will give It a

Arid *u Abraham drunk, and *ald there waa tiutli-

lag like it, even lu rjangsmon county - that it waa

bitter lo the lip*, bill good for fhe alomacb; and l»-

oauau there were bitter time* In liijliiiii,; the maaler*

of UM planlaUoua, 11 *hall be torerunnure called

Pumattea Bmaaai indaouaMbotti, And the woulerful work which It haa perfurme,!

I* wltneaicd at thla diiy iu every lown, |iarl*h, vll-

ligu and hamlet throughout nil ihu world.

And bu aald, '■ Let It be proclaimed throughout

the length and broadlh of the Uvod, from the valh-y.

and mounulu-topa, that ail who aulTer from fever*,

dyipepala, weukheaa, loaa of appetite, ui.iii.l de-

Rpondeuoy, and ncrvou* headache, wilt ilnd relief

through the rialitauou Bitter*. They add tone to

tho atomach, and brilliancy to the mind, or which I,

(> people, am a living example."


Guardian's Sale Real Estate.


INCKNDIAHISM.—A pile of " Exeelator" einptlcd from a bed into the second story of a shed In the rear of tho storo of Mr. \V. II. Andrews, 67 Cominop street, below Newbury, was set on fire yester- day afternoon, about half-past live, by some young scamps by whioh the neigh- borhood is infested, and blazed up lu a lively manner. Fortunately water was at hand, and the flro was extinguished, liut not before the end and side of the room was much charred. It was a nar- row escape. There are stairs leading up to the room outside, at the rear of the building. The alarm was given from box 4, Garden St. Methodist Co., and brought the firemen direct to the ■ <i"it iu more than double rpiiuk time.

DlSOHAMSD AND UK-ARHEHTP.D.—Ills Honor, Marcus Morton.one of the judges of the- Supremo Judicial Court, this uiorniiig, on petition of John C. San- horn, Ksip, counsel for Michael McUov- em, charged with causing the dentil of a child by ruining over it, caused a writ of habeas corpus to issue and ordered the discharge of the defendant on the ground of illegal commitment MeCov- oru was at once re-arrested,-and will probably be committed wiljjout bail. Another application will then be nude fur a writ of habeas corpus. And (bra reduction of bail.

The (tiitiaiueii. who walk over bridges built 2.000 years atfo, who cultivated the cotton plant eciiturlcs before this country eras heard of ;and who fed silk worms before King Solomon built his throne, have M,uw square mllet around Shang- hai!, which are called flic Garden ol Cbl- n». ami which have been tilled by count- less generation*, riii* area i« «* large as New York ami PmintyWauU combined and Is all meadow laud raited but a fc* feet above the river—lakes, ilvi-rs. canals a complete net work of water eo.niuniu cation; the land under tlm highest tilth; three crops a year harvustel; population au dense that, wherever you look, you m men and women In blue, pant* and blouse, so numerous that you fancy some fair or muatar Is coming off aud all bauds turned out for a holiday.

MUSTKR MATTEKS.—Ill sulecLiug the camp ground for tho Second Jlrlgadc, Newbury port was out of tho question. There was no love existiug between tlio- soldiers and tho people of that ph and nonu is lost, Tbe owner of the pas- ture at SwampscoLt, where the muster w.i.- held at one time, wanted the mod- erate rent or $1,4)00 for live days and many uxclusive privileges which could not be granted, and fresh water was not plenty there. The "Camp ut Uorford" will bo locutedon "the old camp ground" of several of the regiments of tho war. It is two and a hall miles from George- town by rail, and the regular (' ire" Trom this city to Georgetown is si out forty cunts, probably llfty to the camp ground. An arrangement for greatly reduced fare for military*men will probably be made. The distance to camp from Lawrence direct, by vchlelo. Is about nine miles, and the roatl is through North Andover by the Marble Hidgn Depot, and is not very straight or plain". People going from lloston and vicinity, can take the Gleofgetown railroad at WakolUdd (South Reading) on the Maine railroad. The distance from this point to Damp is about sixteen miles. There are Wen wells, tho same used by the troops in the war, upon tho Said, all of which give good water. Arrangements have bein made by the person who has churgt of tho Held, 10 supply milk, ice, wood ■■:.■! po:

tutocs iu any quantity, to such us desire those articles. The location is repre- sented us quite as good fur the nutter as Swiunpseott and more level. Vherc is a small poud about quarter of aniile from camp.

NORTH ANIMJVKU.— The Iron moulViK of North Andover bad a pio-nlc, ami a grand time at Nasou's Grove, Ninth Vi dover Poud, oii^iaturday. The (jii*dri|e bandolAv D Fogs, of tlie some towl, furnished the music, Messrs. John I ,iv an, Thomas KeGovern and Bdwln (Jon ley, were managers of the alfalr.

Si kirn - AOOIDMHT.—YesterdayaIW> noon, us a boy about twelve years ol age, named Dow, whose father formerly kept a saloon, was'playing about some ears which were being unloaded at Davis & Taylor's Hour mill at the south side, he by some means got his left hand upon tho hunter, aud when the cars came toguther his hand was caught and com- pletely mashed. It was amputated by Dr. Garland. •*.

TniTii.—George Francis Train renders a Hiiund JudKinciit as follows:

"Men say women can't keep a secret. Itlsjuxttbo reverie—women can, men can't. Women carry with them to their xravux, secrets that would kill any man. Woman never tells, man always does. Woman suffers and dies; man blabs and lives. Man cannot keep a secret; woman cannot make It known. What is sport to the man Is death to the wjpaM. Adam was u sneak. Kra would have kept the apple secret.

lteyc fruitful. Who ever heard u wo- man talking about her love llttsrosr— Everybody has heard u mini gossip. Man delights 111 telling of his Illicit conquests ; woman would out her tongue out llrst. Men am coarse In their club room talk; women refined In their parlor conversa- tion. Wtin ever heard of a woman tell- ing of her lovers? Who has not listened lo the dls"ipatioti of the men ? Men boast; women don't. Women never tell tales out of school; men are always babbling. So down with another old adage. Wom- en can keep a lOtitet "

Id at Public Auction, by tloenio of Hie in within aud for thrrounty of K*< Common weal ill of UkMacbuartla, on Hie WHII day ul rtoplembor. A. U. 1ST*,

., two o'rlork, I', M ., on the pmuuKi, all the right. Iltle, InUre.i, aud nt.lv of l.ydla Adam* White, ol Itotton, In tin- county ol Suffolk, In «aid Commonwealth, minor, lu oue acre of land, more ur I.**, Including tile building* Ihrrron, ■Una ted

Maneiieit.r 'anil l.awrvnou llallroail afallou, aud boanded a* followa, \-\t : — Kmu-tlv by Ihe.road h'adiug to Lswreno ; louthirty by lin.I MM by the Melhueu CooipHny; wrati-rty by a alrret lead- lug from the l,ow.ll road, M called, to the rail- road; and northerly by lota of land owned by Andrew Nlllona}, I'elrr J. I.UOH* and K. Hawyer. Said minor'! interval oonalit* of two undlrfded dfth partaofaald ralatp, The per*ou* iiohlltig the remaining tliree-ltnhi, will he ready lo dlauo** ol their luterett In *ald «*tale at lite lime of the tale.

UKOKtiK HAHlllS.liuardlan. Uethuen, Auguat 10, l-SHI. -r' .„■ .'i.

NOTICE. n;iM'u-.AI.'. will bu received by lh« Coualy

ommliiloner* o( Kl**ua until Thunday, the nth

or Si |iti'inl»'i', at IJ o'clock at no.m. for I'ahitiuf

the Court llouae at Lawreucf.

>l-.i iiii-miuni. may be I... -1 by applying to the

I 'iiluil.l--l.li;! I ■■

1 In in iMiuaiT- i.Hiiit the right nl r. jiTtlu*

any or all prupoaali, If In tbelr opinion it may l»<

Tor Ibe intcreit of tbe county.

J.B.MWKTT. I„ „*.OUD,'r

Ktag'JU CIIAS. 1'. |•ltKriTON,)Coln■BlMlo'"J^,,■

Second Hand School Books. A few tiiiMiil hand Sehool (took*, neatly mvcr-

nl, for »aleby JOHN C. HOW i. <JO. Call ..nil, and ■■■ i-i i < Hint

W A N T E D . A COHI'KTKNT WOMAN to take oharge ol a

I .1-1.-n Hoarding Home with twenty boarder*. r'or lull imtlliiilnr.. apply to WX. It. Mf ALU

ISO. at hi. Clothing fttore, ItVt KM«» .(reel i. n.i. I,., . 2tf-lag-.>o

■ a llakkrnptcr. Plsffke af Mass., H.

.Nolle.-1* hereby given that the uudenlgtie.l ha* In in duh ulilii.Inli il Aailoneeiil the Kilr

Klr-fS A. JOIINKON, of Sauv/u*. lu tilt district of Ma*i*chu>et|a, who

■-- lu-en adjudgrtl a bankrupt ou hi* own peiiUon

r>. uro-WTA.B.Tia ■ii -in ■■ iu Inform hi* frleud*, and Ihe public Lfwmei generally, Mm he ha* opened tin- ito

1 Corner of Kasox and AppleUiii Stroots (I'oit OIBif building,) for ihcijurpote of carrying




We have till* day MAhKKU DOWN our entire

luck of i,.",,!.. to VKKY LOW prloea, tn order

o rlmi' tin in nut, thereby making runu for

rail tioiid.. Ii i* uvi'leaa lu enomerate all,but we

Imply *ay OUK WIIOI.K 8TOCK.

We claim Ihal our rit<ick 1* the HOST RXTkiXHIVK

and the '.'IIOIIXMT tu IK fuundin Lawreooa—every

deparlmrnt being replete with the Heel and Moat

r'aahlonable (jood* the market afford*. |

We have a few

Silk Cjissacques, of oar offl iniiLc,

i which we will ..-ll VKKV LHKAPi

ee-We cull ipeclal attention to our

White Gooda Department. I'luhi, I'lald aud Mrlpe DrcM Muillna, White

'[■in- -, wtin. tihawl*,While Ulovca, eio., logelher wllh's full liar or

DOMESTICS, Table Linen*, Napkin*, Towel*, cri.tn-. Tick-

ing*, etc., all at Very l...w Prioei.

H. — (irey Uocxlsi In abundance for Kllacilc Mlllca for tiarmenl* and

DratSM, with Trimming* to match,



No. 5249 EBSOX Street, Lawrence.

frame* lor UIsdnw Hcreeas aaasle to miii'i iii i iiii.iMMiA rishi:.

New Importations I

A. MI t HIT. * CO.,

213 (107) Essex St., Lawrence.

We have iu-u received 1«U0 yda.


Empress Cloths, In every de*lrable ibadu, which we are lelllng

It, IS OTt. IMHIt 1IIM I ,«1



decided lo i l.n-l'. OUT our Urge

Long uml Si nan Cashmere Slmwla,

ake room lor our New Importation, whleh wi- expect by ateetner In a few weekj. We have

Harked down every Shawl


v«, WU1>.|, „ .re wllln, at l/IW f KIUK8.

A. SHARI'E & CO., 213 (..I.I No. 107) E**ex street.

DYER- & CO.,

337 Essex street, Lawrence.


1) Y E It & CO.

337 Essex street, Lawrence,


nao. H. in II-I> & oo»a

Celebrated Pianofortes, have now nn .uliilililon and lor salt, at tbelr

atore, I'uiii'i. of this laperlor make.

I'iiuiii-, rni.ini i Orian«, nud M< lie to lil.

Window Shades.,



Fancy (iootls, 'I't.ivi Ihii^ HiigH,

Baskets, sad all kind- ol

Musical Instruments. Viohy Water,

In syphon* and on A


GOLD LOAN $6,500,000.

We beg lenvc to annoanee that we have accepted tue tfSMf Of tbe

Kansas Pacific Railway Oo. I'm tin-mile ol It*

\c.v Seven Per Cent. ITiirty Year Gold Loan, Free from Tax.

Thla Loan amount* to SSpWO.OOO.

First Mortgage Land QratU and fiinking Fund Ilond*,

■■-■iiii ■! upon Ihe r.i.-n.i.iii ol the lt.ikivli.im near Sheridan, lu Kaiuaa, to Dearer. Colorado, a dlatance or £17 mile*, of whioh \t mile* are ooni- pletnl, and the rent I. under ooaalraetloa, It it alao a Moragage npoa Hulling Nioefc and Knn- ehl*e ef ilil- in -t elan* Uallway, beaide* BOW run- ning through the Hlate of Kanaaa, sad la

Siicct'ssful nptTntiou for 437 miles weatof the ktliiourl Blver, sad earuing alreadv raough to meet allot It* espenaea and cxldlng obllgatlona, bealdri

More ttimi the Interest npoa this new Loan.

In addition to t til-, the uond* are also *ocured by a Hr*l mortgage of tbe

vernment Land Grant of Three. Millions Acron,

-ndlng la alternate aectlona on either aide ol the traek, from the With mile po.t In Kaniaa to Dearer. The proceed* or the *ale of Iheae land* arr to be laveatetl by the Tru»m>* In the 7 per cent. ii.mil- themarke* up to lo), or In V. 8. Boada, a* a

SiiikliiK Fund for the liv<lriiii>- i ion of the Bonsla.

The land* embraoe wot of tbe nue»t portiou* or the tuaguitlceut Territory of Owlorado, luulud- lag a i'n*l tie Id and pinery. The Company slao liulda aa an aaaet another traet of Three Millions of Acres la the Stale ol

and although not pledged aa a aeourily Tor tbta Loan, their poaael*iou addi largely tu the Com- pany'* wealth aud credit. We eatlntnle the Valuo of tho Company's property, DOT-

fi'i'il by this mortgage, at f LM.IMHI,. U0U not, while the Loan it „

merely 16,500,000. The Bond* have

THIBTY YEARS TO RUN, from May 1, U0U, aud wilt pay

Bsrou par cent. Interest to tiold, aeml-anuually, on Hsy 1 and.Nov. 1, aud are

Free Irons Goreramnat Tasalloat tin- Company puytug the tax.

The i-iiiM ii-11 of the Loan I* mads PSTaaUi In tii »i.i>, lu the City uf New York, but i-ach ooupun Will be

/••lyabU in Fratltfort, l.ond.m e/r Sttt York,

si option of the holder, without notice, at the followlog rates:

i in sik-ilionj lu N.York, aU(gold)eaoh half rear " " I oiiil £7 :... 10. '■ ■' " " Kraukfurt,!.; tlr. :Vt Wri/-. "

The Agent* of tbe Loan, before ac-eptlug the jit, had tho condition of the Koad, and the

country through which It rum, carelully examined. They are happy to glre tbe Loan an einphalic en -

FIRST CLAMS IN Vi;sTMi:\T , lu every respect perfectly lure, and Iti aotne eiarn- ti*l even

llelter than (•overnateat Sttt-urilies, The llond* will be fold fur the preaeat St

96,atMJ accrued Interest, both in Currency,

well ..ecureU bonds, which We reoouimeiid »- one of the in o.i prodlable invretiaent* In the market.

Hold and Uoverutnent riecurlile* taken in pay. ■ ut at their mark it value, without ooninifaaloaa, Pamphlets, with map* giving full lolormallun, ul on appliestlon.

DABNEY, MORGAN & 00., N... ...I Kxcbaogo I'l.i... N. V.

M. K. JE8UT & Ca, No. 12 Ptao Street, N.Y. SsM?1tSt

j. a. -W-A-DLEIO-H,

305 Essex St.,




Ladies Gloves!

$1.25 per pair, aU dolors, and



O £ an 9n

as H

i—i 9 a 00


\ 9

> i a





litrtunal and

SNUW On lilK MOUNTAINS.—'Hie Kxc- tBrOTcfji Litter *a)s that a (irlvutr- luru-r rrtim the Qlan HotlH, White .Mt.untslns, Httttes that i"i 'i'liin -l.ij. 5tli, ulii'i muni ■ b*'"- was 'lulti- a s|itiw xtorui ou (he mountain, ami ice WUH an Inch thick for a iniltt iliiwn thla itltle ut tliti Sunitult, ami U iral li-arlitlly cold. "We had lo kMp M.i tin1- all >lny. Thin ( Krldaj) inoruluy; w<< li'i'l ii lltlli' SHOW storm, ami tho n| - erntor ou Mount Waililuxtou, reports ■Dusrlng tjulle fast. Tht-r. '.i'i tlfKiL-tw."

y.iciFiv H. r. Kfiutsu oo. A Car*.

The Offli-ur* ami lletnbera of Uie t'acillr St. an.

r'lre Knglne Uo„ No. I, would take thla method of

reluming Ihelr ruuat alnnro thank* oil tlio on-Mlon

of Ihi'lr Ian- Kieurslon 10 the Lake first. To our

tinnier.in* friend*In ll iver, an,I especially would, we

mention Brother Firemen Hough, Twomsy aud Km

uraou, Me**r*. Warren, Adams, Young, Jlavla, and

others, for |hu ample aupply of refreahmunu *o

Imilutlfiilly showered upon ua oil our way up. To

r«at»i" (Juodwliiaiid Tabor, of Wolfboro, proprle*

Vii« of the aleainer " Union," for tbe gratuitous uae

of the aleamer mi tlit.-e different times, for pleasure

trip* nn the Luke, To landlord* Kanlalon of ih»

! ii. llouae, Wolfboro, I... i. it of the Wlllanl

ll.iise, IjMtonlS, and alao to the proprietor of tbe

|iU|Uun>l Island House, fur their aUeiitloti lo - i|i-

pfyTng our every wan I,'thereby tending to make our

trip |.|i a*an1 and agreeable. And eapeclally would

we remember with our whole huarU, Otpt Wllkln .

son and the member* of hla rompany , Torrent tin

glne Co. No. 2, ut t.aoonla, and tbelr many friend*

for ibc splsndld reception, at Wolfboro, of our com-

pany onboard thalr *leamer, (tho .lame* Hell,) for

Ihelr uncuaaliiH attention on I, ur I tlie.linat lo make

our trip from Wolfboro lo LieOtila a* plea***! a*

po*alblr, for refr.■hmeiiia funilahnl dn our arrival,

and laat and best, for Ihe moat acrepliible manner In

which the night was paaaed, ami their uncraaiiig ef>

fort* to make th* party a msSSSi In every pBfUenlSt.

An I or to you gentlemen, and a compliment tat u*

hi-rorgolteii. Itrolher KlreQieii we apprt-

lale your klndm •■ highly, and should be pleased in

nite youooliecllvely or Individually lo our home

tale, aud In return eitvnd lo you the *.»rij.■ f.. 1

if frlendahlp you have shown u* on tin* MM'

all.re we i-uuld not do. SJUI hot not leaal,

H Dfllecra and Mrmh.-rs ij the AUanllu rtti un

Kiy Kiigimi Co-.No. 2, aud the Huasell il — Co. No

.1 the lloald of Kitglneer* for their kind reerp-

i■ i..IIi Thursday evening.

In In-half of the Company,

OKO. V. BLOOD, JToreman.

S. \ Huuth Clark ,

III would assure his frleud. of strict attention to their rei|Uirei the. public lo hi* e«|ierleiioe in-some of Ihe Br»t hiiuoe* in the nountry; to hi* ponltloii a* Apothe cary al Kings Co. Hospital, N. Y„ and to the real- dents ol Andover, who have known him for inauy

H" will keep ■ well teleeted and oholce atook ul

DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Family & Patent Medicines,

■"ropriutary ant) tionurul Itumutlios, together with *uch rarlcly of

FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES SB are usually lound in a lint tin. Drug More.


Drain Pipe Co.

W. A. KIM BALL A CO. have hern Ippoiuled Agenu for the above Com- pany, and offer Iheir Ntotie Ware al

Wholesale at Manufacturers' Prices. DRAIN PIPE.tat rrty last-M low a. older ul

inferior quality.

W KIN GIN (J MA CHINKS •ii arranged that any one In a moment can decide which I* the be.t. All kinds of Machine* repaired al the Hardware (ttore of

W. A. KIMBALh A CO.. •217 Essex Stroot. - - - LawreDM,

w, A, aimiAi.i., agi.l w. v. KIHHAI.L,


Apply the Pain Kilter.

FII.UUM. A FINKK ke«p I'np.-r llauglngs and Hlndow fthadei at 130 I--. i .iii'i'i. 8m|ell

S. P. & On O. P. PEBLEY*8, a09.


Good for Man or Beast.

S. P. & On O. P. FKKLEY'S, 209.

. I U I '■ I. 1 N I

Family Medicine of the Age, Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer.


Has Flower and Artlsls' Material* nl PIKLIMNd eh FIUKEI. 110 BtMI at.

tHttrtct Court of Ike tutted State*.

IMitriei of Mau.—ln Ihnkruptry.

Thla Is to give notice that apr lltloii has baen iin.. nte-l to the Court, thla tUt ear of Auguat, IMAI,

by JOHN K.rouoy, of Stoueham, a bankrupt, praying that he may he decreed to have ■ mil eaarharge frum all hi* debt* provable under the Haakrupt Art; aud upon reading *ald petition, It I* ordered by Ihe f ourt Ihal a iieirlii*; t>« bad -J«e« Hie same on III. ;th day of September, A. I>. iW; before the Csnrt in Holloa, lu *ald ili-irni.Bi io o'clock, A, H. and that the second and third meetings of Ihe ,r. ilii.iii. of said bankrupt l| held before Kilmer ,1. Sherman, Iteglsier, on Ihstth day of Hept. m ber, A.D. ISrw, at room No.i«j. H. Coart rfogie, li.i-i.iii, Mt \i i.viut-k, M.,aa4 tiat notice thereui be puplishi-d lo the Lawrence Amerlrsn and lloaim Dally Kvenlug

Travel tor. uewaiiapers printed in aald dlarlet, oner ajreek, fur three weeki; and dial allcedltor* whhtuvi proved their debti,aiid oiber person■ In Interest, may ajipi-ar at said time and plaoa, and ihowcaun , if any Ihey bare, why Ihe |.r*yei of the said peli- tion almuld nut Lie granted.

agll Ki'WAKD UEXTKK, Clerk of Dlalrlot Con* for aald 1H.I,

la Unakmntca. l)laTklOT«rM*M..a».

Al Hoitoa, tin- nth day ol Aafust, a. D. law. The II mien Ign.-tl Inn l.y givoe sullc* ol his an

pDintmi-ui as assignee of the eetah ol DANf JLI.K ». BOW».Ks,

of MlU.ii. in the county of fUtdlevx, ami state of Haaiaohusetu. within aa| dlalriet, who ha* tH-enaiUudgrd atiinkrupt.onhS own petition, by ihe District Uoutt uf said dtntfta,

agll HKNHV 11- II AMLTi. Assliuee.

I). HOWAHllI, Pharmacien,

IHember of Ibr C'ollrge of Pharrfacy, N. \.,

Cur. Lssex and Applettn tits. OTTAWA llli It,


Vichy Water, Kiasengen Wat«[

8ot» Water, in ayphous aud on draught ,11


Soda Water, In ayplioni and un diaught, at

HUVARTlrH. Syphons Oiled with

Vichy, Kisaengeu nod Soda Waters, ■ l ll'"Ml:lll\


Ii for Internal and Eiternl Uae.

Closing Out Sale

Spring! Summer Goods,

M 11 r k e (1 3 ) c> w n our large stock ol

n K Y a o o n s


Half the cost el linporlslloii.

Muslins marked down from 5Uc. to 30c. ; from 87 l-2c. to 25c.

French (,'umbricn marked down to SOc.

Ileuutiful Dresu Hoods, for Suits, marked down from tt'2 I .', . to S7 l-2c,; from tl to (12 l-2c.

Scotch (linfrhams, 25c. ,


fur M.,,'. and IW,,,' star, al '■


White Shawls



In Long and Uiiuarr,

at I'M.I". that will Insure their Sale.

Nnw Ii tin Him to

Insure Bargains! nt K

Whole Stock in Attractive,

and war ran I* tin allriitlou .,f itrry |>urtthai<-r.

Jmt ni.i iii-.) a large aaaorlmenl of


Itoniutiibur, wo bvlievfi in Quirk Sales II.I Small I'r.,I'M.

New and Elegant Designs.

"3 a.

3 o bo M g PJ ? w % 00 2

IIF.O. II. Aim 'I KiiM. a III.,

•2UII KHSCX Strt-ut, Lawrence.

(ISMM.BW.al.fe, ar M.aaMSMaa.ta.






i M




KUH WIC l»o HKhh


Than oaa be bought In lhi» city. Kratasubrr

306 Essex Street, OORNEK Of LAWRENCE,

Another Large Invoioa of

t± A. T 8 Just received, and Boer aelllng




•sf-Whll-- we err grat. tut lo yon Ibr your *rry liberal uatronsge enteaded to us, we now rail your


which we liars

MARKED DOWN to rlosr bale ure of


a* we parpoae to do a

VERY LOW PRICES! at we need tbe room for oar Fall stork, whioh will be unenrpassed In this city,

We will not ruumrral.- Ooodi or "qualltlN," aa rrery lady KNOWS thai she oaa Sad a

Large Assortment, AND AT


at our store.—if yoa want

^am:i| dttffds, CALL AT


SHAWLS. Tit 1- V HAvt: A

Full Stock and Very Hnndsome Ones,

At Very Great Reduction in Pricet.


1 hat we Take the Lead iu

Dress & Cloak Making,

Si we hare a l.ady In oharge that ni-*er haa boon

Re Heat in giving Perfect "Fiu" to all her patroni.



313 Essex Street, Lawrence.


T36ok Binding.

ViaiTts.i AuarHir, lininn MrATu CSAvWlBS, ■Tan lloi'ia, Bo»lon, July w, inw.

Th.- nil,,-., of ibe ViaiUng Agrul I loan I ol Hialr Charlllrs-autlir provlslona uf rtflw stvi, ilt-n- rral l.swa Slate of Maiaaiihuti it*—is eiuUlihm at IhS Hlalr Home, HoeloD.

All a|H>llealloua lo Uke chlldrn, from tin- rilal. It. Iiirin.il,tl. ■ or I'i unary >rl„.,.|, or tl,..-. ..II,, i-

wl*e iiml, r (he oare of the rilB|v, by Indenture,

adoption, or any ul her Method Saed by l» , al„|

all (umniunlcatloBi relating In ihe bnilnes* ol Hi*

Agency, should be nia4e and sddreaaed to tiaa- iiinau Tina, vtnung Agent.

, f'niI Informalion eoaeerning the terme of Inden- ture and idootlou, will be gl.i-n at tho OBoe, or by lotus. UAKUINKR TUm,

O-OOD HATS .25, no, 75 and ©1 .OO!



.105 Essi'i str<-<.t, - ■ Uwrence.





l*ll aa,l «- II, at Ih.



J. r. WADI.KIflH,

3115 Buss street, - - Lawrence.

Thread Laces. Wry bandwau Maortmant nt

305 Eaaex slret't, Istwrenre.

/. 0. If.H>/ l.li.ll ;■


;llr5 l-.-ri alrer-t, |.«wr«BCtt.

I. A. WUfCtll

Isvlloalko atteaUon of Hie public to tho ear loo a ■tylea of HI auk Hooka atauutaolurrd by

ii I in, .Minding

save •* ■••ate,

Merchant!* Counting Kooma,

Corporation Accounts, ul si] kit,.].,

Railroad Offices,

Id<mil Hooks aud. Menunrandutn

"-■■- pi eri-ry turn mil iln>.

PATTERN CASES o..mt.ining all that MI be drelrod, being light,

evmpact and *lri>ug.

ouiiir isouixb. Carofnt allontlon glrrn lo Binding

Sheet Music la a *tyle grat and tillable, aad n-lauted to easy

handliDg. ^^

MaguzineH & Periodicals Itnuud

in any manner ihal may be desired,


t.ii.mv. or KiMitct nit) MAiuti.iNti tiostlX applied.

It!'I,IN<. to meet every want ol' busi- ness men.

Fancy and Ornamental

work thoroughly done, after the richest modrli.

We are pn-jjar. .i to furnish all Ibe good uuulllie* of workmnn*,il|. In onr Una that can bo ftiund iu tho boat bladirli* uf Ho.ton.

(^■Special carv taki>u to neture strt-ngth and durahility in uvvryttitng we undertake. m

Pleaee ennmlne our t'rlr. s and SIH-PIW-SI *>| Work on hand.

AM. OKDKHH ini.Mi'ii i uaovreii.

ROOMS Pa»era and Window Mkndea at FII.I.IUM; S KISK K'M. l*iO Banax st.

Window «rreea« aad atoneiailo Bars. ISO Esaei St. FIBLUINU oh FIMKF'rt.

—1 1 yr A V Kirs

Haverhill & Bradford Express.

AU merchandise transported at reason- able rates.

IUDI li-i'tiug Note*, Drafto,

All uniers left at MAtlNDKK'd Bxprsu,

No. $ Appleton street, aeai door to tho 1'oat Ulnae, will be uroati>ily attended to. H. II. AYKK.

Lawrenoe. Ant. A. Istw. -lni*i

28 FARMS POR SALE. AIBO, several

HOUSES AND LOTS OF LAND in this city. Apply l*>


smiinis oS Essex street.


■t llOWAKTH'S.

1. A, WHITOUlroW


IHS Kssci St., Ij.wr.rric.

I'lHl.l.lN.i Sc P1SHK.S Psssr s.or« I. st Ms. I'iO Basal street. i,,,, n

Klssengen Water, lu a.uliuD. aud on draught at


fl¥ It. TKYIT. TRY IT.

Nature's Hair Restorative. IMPROVED.

A new, p.-rlroily clean and health* preparation for the llalr.outalning oo lao Huliihur, no Mngar ol Lend, no Litharge, no Nitrate of Mlleer, It Is mUrely free from nil poison .us and bealUi Injur- itiL, drugs, ll will nut stain the fane or hand*, or soil the wblli-slilni-n. I r (;<11,«litrl UHBY IIAIK and IMI'AltTM A IIKAI!T1KUI, OUHMY Al*. fKAKANCK. II nm.ires all ilaiidrurf.cutaneous ■ ruplloaa, and nnnatural heal I rum ihe bend. It alao la an eacolleul remedy (or hnadaobO*, both SB a tirrn-ntlre and raratlve, It prrrrnta lhi> (ailing off of the hair, ami promotes its growth—waning It an enoollen. l'reaalng without the uae ut oil*, which aro *o injurious ut th. .eaJp and hair.

Dn, 0. BM1TH, I'...nt....

0IIA8. 8. WILLIAMS, Agrnt fur Lawmnre.

Knr .si. br iii-ii. r. 1 aib.il, < harlrs Clarho and Horatio nuiltli, UragglsU,

J. MEDINA, Hi.M Dresser. Ilerrlassn Brother., IW Ifseex at.; Uoohor A An drew., S6 Araoetanry «.; J.ll. Kdaon, IZS Mroad- way; alao, by Hra. J. K. Weaver, SI Jaoaaon at., oornrr Common, wherr urdera may be left.

Lawreace, Jniy Sd, law, ;imTls



I. the beot artlelo eeer known to Restore Grey Hair to its Original

Yputhful Color. ■vilit the IH It Will pre.<ffTt the Hair from lulling oat.

Afiit'M th* Hair tmoolk ami oluaig, end dot not • intn th* .in, a. olaora.

»M It TRRATIIIB ON THE HAIlt »r,«t man nt MAIL.

ll. t>. HALL A CO., Nwhna, N. 11., Prmvlrtor*. Kur MU by a|| draggiau. ItaglS

WILL PAPIU^"~ J. O. Di>W ft CO. hn*. the largr.t atssefc la


40 T-, O T S or1

LAND FOR SALE on-Cross street, LawrcDce.

The aubaerlber olfrri fortj »ery dealrablo li.t.

ot Uud, slluale.1 on I'ro.i aues-t, west of Broad-

wny, opposite the Arlington Mills peud. The

liNoatlon uf the*e lota, fa uear the horse rallrvml,

cannot fail lo greulty luereaee their ralue la a

-•hurt llmr. Tbe m * I^twrtl road will be opened

.fry eoon, which will also greatly enhanoa their

»atu«. Apply lo A. M W I l.l.rllliU B V ,

tl*)rM on tho presnl.rs.

DENTISTHY. Al e meeting of the U.uO.t. of Lawrenn-, k

was noted that their Offlr-ee be efuaetl from Ihe UUi of Auguat until the 1st of He pi* a ber. la tbe isoenllm. teeth will be eatraeled by the oh*-

ol«n. J.ll. KIHblCK, Itnl-sjyJI A.W.HHWI.AWU,

It. T. POHTtCU, JOUKPII Af.siis.

"S.P.&.O.O.P." Small Profltn a Only One Price

FERLKY'S, «0».

Iliiiilrilialr \idici-. Iu t.ius. .,u. in-f of eiii.-riog upiiu engagenaeat.

In nn..tlu r .-it),th-- iiQileralgn,.. lliotuedl.tely rluse hla tMtalaeea In thla plaoa, and n^uisis all

penons lulthted l« him to oall al uiici, aud

.KTTI.n Tll.tli Ai iiit NIH.

PARLOR CROQUET. Those persona hariug fw-ilitlei for making Ihelr

iiWTicru|u«t boards, ran Ilnd sets ..I lulls, Wkk- ■ts aad >lallels-l„, 11,1. |,!,*.„„l iU,| l4seiUBllli« OHSM, al.ltlllN'C. HUH a »■(»'». ■j«i4Ks»»r» ,|.


a new l.,t „| ^

Wiudow Slia<i#T*M. can w II a beiler SftMf ••in- . I>. n. i..m.. lui

OTTAttA It I.i: it. Ol'IAWA ItKKlt.

at in >\\ \l! I II■-,

Au AMKKIt AN I.lit I. Ii, du htto.e work in a

amall family Apply at 1M tU*.* Hi. iCTagig


— , ,1 ,. II, ■■ ■


^iifttal ttotia*.

Uavr rou Chapped ' -'

Have yea "Mrd Water 1

Do yoa want ,«ar Uoosle to hitvr n Clear. Natural l.asir* and Finish,!

IK. you WHKl Hashing Mile Many,!


BEACH'S WASHING SOAP. It's the ohnapett and beat sv«r of-

farad to tho public.

(..«, (IHIKKHM SKLi. II.

ELLIS' IRON BH TEHS- Hi.m.K .1-1.I )..ur Iron tinier- In M) practice,

tin testify l» 11- .up-ic. uiiiii ...npcrt.c. 1. 11..1^...1 in thin. I ma .111 lit-.u 1111*1 y ree.Mi.ui. itfg.n.ral i|. I.llliv a>id-,ii»pcp*lu, I lu .,,,11

y.tcm romirmg ih>-u*cul n glnuii* tonic. li- H|irc.-*ble llaiur muslr-ci MKIKI It L„ «ll. 1 ..urir, .e.pecl fully.

1'IIASVs.IMliNIT, M.I»., flllMIM In the I'hiladelplilu

Univer*il> 11I Medicine IM Surgcr Furaai" byd'uacUl.g.ncraliy. «in1Hull». vtfci

Pur MM HI ESWnMtbfOw. F "-ll-.r. Drag- fWi ■»

Ladies' Under Clothing. Thll I* Miv age of progr.-.. aud In no d. perl

mculol I .lu.try I* till* mure *|>p (Ml thau In till' i!ril 1 :ilit.-run' 'if I'mli'T I 'In! III-.f.


No. 341 Essex St., Lawrenco, i* now prepared ui thow you the progress Dial hasb. .uniAdcui tin. dircAitinn, by exhlldimgou. ufli.i nio.l varied.

O H E A F,

t of Ladle*! I'ud'-r Cloth 1. 1 1 -in .-it..

Uvl.hcdo). 111' It'll" l.iiibriinlir)- u»«d III -ln-dM.

1 Ijiwr-iiii-by Un. V. I K.-.-a. mi.1Mill strew

Lirlujc and ' "llTAM

II...W.1.1 r,.Ughv,ul

"Hll» MS. ANO I'l Hi. urn. to ii.i'Mi- in-ai Spring ."i'l ■■■"" ' lledl<Hnc,lHt, LAZULI'.VS fi.,»ir AMtllKHH ll|ITKHM,i-inii|Hi.i'<ii>1 m»r-»LiJ-'"- 1,1,..,, 11... :, I'rl.hl.-v Ash, I'll-- -, barb, Mindm*..', HnnuVllo.., Ac..all «ic found •da. lo ail lu I»HI.-VH with Nalur*, ami llie i-ll.ML IP trill VVONI.S.I.H I . IN. t rtloolutci }' in l.lvoi t'oiuj.lal.ii, .Juui.J... . I ■•" ■■■. "•/ ache, |11.-e, Weakni". |.,-|-p.i* Indu.-ili. lluaUf.., ll.'..iH.iirii,H..iui.i..'., l-»aui A up lllr, all kinds ..II.U.HUM, and e*srj diat-»*e *rt*ii n»ai * ilUorilft.il .i.ui.uch ur bad l.loo.l. or. U. UtmDWIN a CO., Baal *ud a" '""Hi""

"II Wwrkt* l.ik«- u 4'hiirm." Uavr you uVaSllsslilT li** Itcni.c'* Manic t) tlkva you Toothache I \ l'«r Itruue'* Magic 11 llavr you Neuralgia I UN Krnu.'a Magic " He** yuu UL.umaai.m. I «■ Bmi*'. MaglnHllt rJe.eyouS.,r. IhToel. I'.c Rein..-'. «»<» '■'!• Have you >.,„,,■ ;> I Dee Hrau.'n Magic I'll Have yuu a Hi ui.. I UM It' ui" .- *I«KH: "i' Hava VtMl Crauili* I L.r It.-in.-^ Mn^n '"' Hav.yout't.iilir-Morbu.1 l:..llr...,."- « ». nilil Uatryoa I .am. ...... f L.r Kouue'* UaaluOII

j I, . |a (lie 11.-I I ..mill ii.-M,.,i-, , to cur* al kind* ol I'aiii, yuu a»i-r Itlnt.

U I* «*«■»", -at.' ai«l iLUcloU. to uar, au.l If you u... It falUtruily, I r WILL i»u T.IU UIHIU I

Utraotluu* ..u HMII l«jtllr. liuy II ol MM UruUl<l •r M.-r..iiai.i mi.r. yautraur. If tlicy I...

haul, liny will «oJ r«r It, at )our n- .11)00 tile OlKI'IKK l(K«ll»fc,-i YM* lull 1)11. nt 1 In- luiiiula.iui' 1 • lna-.il

HtMUraiail. WM. UUMIK, Hoi.- rrnlirlftor m.l Mai.ula.-iui. r,

I'ltl.ll, LI. JlHM. II. >i. Mhltoty

liaiu, 11. V

F1NB SKTS OY LINEN. Ki>n'lth.l.. lowing li-l

.,-..!■ IVK is V < VI.1,.

'.. *liall 1»- i.lrat. 1 10 In. *r» }ili',ia..|| In cKum <M*.

>ur.i,H„|. to.h.

•^-.i.ir pr auuraalUf.

,- am L. ' 111.- CIMI .1 ho

WV£X ''li.iiiUr,|iriirrr

ICUMUNI win. HV.^ilU'. ami

• and NIK

11 Bl rn. ii-.'.ln.K-

lllr. - Hull

iltiv A(tmti«>nniti.

ONLY ONE DOLL A K 'urZI(»"H IIIUAI.D to.Ian IX, 70. A Aral iilai* lllu-lr,.N.I l£.-liul..n> .louriini .if in liajrc*. .i«M'uiirrlliut.ir»; '. K^ln.u-. I 1..- i'l." |..-l l.-.ixT In thr liind. %'i.W a y^ar m ailvai..'* —

■,[,. .-11.1 1, OO|>UM1 frr*. K. V. WINSI-OW, Tub. :|.lo r, II C.iintiill, Uootou.


Arouiat.10 Vegetable Soap.

For the Delicate Skin or Ladles and Clilldrt HOLD nr ALL DawotJirra

MUSKET SHOT GUNSWARHAMTED I.I .luwl Hi", anil kill HO >a..l-. I'lhV #«.*<». Wuntod.-Arati Hun I Hi '■■ ■•■■■'■' -raiuti l»r i.in-i' Imt llilt. -. -No' I Inn-. II-volt.-i-, loJtKINrtTON'H His H'llHKM. l-.n-Nuridi, I'..

•Ht».l>ay Rii-aJl. A.Mr.-A.i HI.IWI.SU


011 ^pir«-^ox. t:..»4-rUrd LUtle Ortuakoppmr.

Thar* w« allttla paMhafpar, Voravr on the Jump—

Anil aa ho iia*vr loohril abi*a>l, H ,,ii. 1. ^ ■' a hump.

Ilir moihtr aald It. him anu day, Aa Ihi-y *uro In lb" nubble,

If you il.-ii'i look '■• f-i ■■ you I. You'll .■ 1 youraalf Into trou 1,1,-.

ThUailly Hill,' (fruahnppcr I ),»(.(«*. 1 hla wlaa old roothor,

And »ald,h>1»at knew what to do, Amlba.Tiuerm.ltohoth.-r

II, lii.rtl.-d olf-atroaa tin- llelila— An unknown puth lie took—

When, ..lit li'- Kin.-.. • heedleaa Jump, And landad In a brook.

II,■ airuiffled hard to reach the bank? A floating alraw he >ellra—

Wl.un, quick, ahi.nxry Irn Ami tcara lilm nil '■■ ph-cu*.


.,.,.! Hill.- buya an.) ulrla, !■■■' I *

I dartau

ourit, awl KlU.lN.1 ■

' '

. f. Talbirt, W. II. i. ,,■■ Hold -I1..I. -,.i. and retail Ny

~ 'ot, W. II

-YtmnL by eertalli UOfal

. tONtflUKNI-lAL. -Yuunki in \j lujunil tlieuiaelxi byee--'- wlilch uutlt thi-tu fur bu*lne». Ilia -.1 ... .in. .1 111.-; Blao ui ■tan, wliu. fruui Hie 1 ■■ ol y ■ •Hi WHO, ""HI -a. leel a dVl.ililJ In a.lv^uu- of lli.lr )...., I« I""- ula,l U)( 11..-..,-■(.<■. I..UI.T IN.- i-.alui.nt ol any. on* atiould Ural nail " I'll. MWI rrl.u.l. M.n rled ladle* * III learn -oin.Lliliu of imporlain-e by iwnaaluii " ll.< n>«Trt rrleo.l.'' Hani to uuy ad drea*. Ill a -.-aiu.l i-u..lo|.e, mi r.e. iul ol tt uvula

AVurea. ..... .IIAIII.V; A. .SlllA.ll * CO, Hoatou Hk>.. I*11!*1


M.lli... r> Uwodi V Sillllll Wlirra





A 1.81),

A^ftit tor the Celebrated •-.i.i \ N now .■

Improved Family Sewiug Machine II.....-I....I iln- " h-r-l 1'ieaal - " over all .nil- r »«■


Yut Ivloe u, look carefully—

IMore you apraut, think twlea.

An otwervar al a •/•Wrinjr pltc* nailly l.-.-lnri-a ililit huaiity never bailie.*.

Henry Ward Bet-titier myi It will never I., tn "iin-ai'lt IT.'un Mid practlct) aklm milk."

I'hiin.ili-i.ii.lDiU' their i-hll-

llie I' ..|iliitt)-i'.Uiiijf. li Pap-nM


8 Otto a AiCWftPtfaements. SOIITHMAVD'S "

PURE CONFECTIONERY! BtffJ partiele ot my manufacture I" warrantrt

free Irom e»ery Inar.-.li. nt deletcrloua to health. v. li..- 1 -, 11 i- AND 1IKTAH. AT

Cornrr of Tremont & Bromfield Sta. tlaaW B0BTOR.

HllTirrK.Sftri WAaniiKtjn.il t>r.,Biiai-«)M,*laa*., offer* a liberal aad practical .■ atlun lu |.r-puru linn for aetWe Imalneaa .Hir-uln. »n«l haa aciiulr-

diduwa flans H t ..rear.-vai-unelea. Tin Kail term of the " KURU-N Irumurf rtohool" ol the ahoie In.tl.Utlou, will nun in cue* S«pt. li.

For li.rthcr luformatluu, aildreaa liltJySU .11. It, lllllilAKI-. l!"»r..N, Ma.a.


The Best and Cliuapest Place to buy

CLOTHES WHINGERS 4lr WacltUl .Miitltiiie).,

Or ID yut yuiir WiUN<;r:ii.tKr.rAlHr.U, i" at

II. «. THAYKB**,

lU Kim street, Hoston. r;i.!raueefroiullieYur,i,.t Wilile'aHolel. hJ)D


..-, 'athull I

IMII'llH VI I.M' thttt)....««. l'"r |..irtl.iili... ».(■

»Hk your'lMrt,.). ur l.l.iZuiar fb. nWKKl \ gl!|MM-.-li.,|ual-(h)ii.i'yululm. llin.u I'artui.-.! hi MliiiKs, KAtiu ft f.,.\ I lifinlala.

Tlllrt IN NO lll'MHCII.-lly MBKllBg'auOTIlU, will, age, liviflll, color of eyea airl Nalr, you

will ....in 1.1 r.-turu li,..,..., ' picture ol yourfuiun Nuxbaml nr wife, with name au.l dale of marrUir... Aildrea* W. KOX, f. O. Drawer N,..a.rulto,.v,U.,N-wYork.

A |).H.r. I

litiui.. linn


Soap aad Caudle Factory, L. liBAOU * -ION. Proprietor.,

Minufaoturvr^ of

Scouring I Fulling Soaps •/or Wool-u «IHa, Hal HutatMtorka.cta.

Hard Soap, Candlos, Tallow, NKAT'H FOOT OIL, ETC'

Our house having been o»tnbll»h- ed upward* of twenty year*, with faellltlaa to command the beat •took In the market, and a manu- factory perfect In every detail, un- der our constant supervision, pur- chasers can rely on finding the quality or all our goods as ropre- santed. Comer ol Uwrence & Maple Su.,


Nthcixk'* I'UIUDIK' Nrnip, ),,■,.-, .-.I I oiilc au.l Mamlrake I'll!-, will rure I .11,. aamplt I.lver iNimplalnl and Hyapt-palu, If tu- ken ai-(!fir.lliiK to din-etluu*. They are all Hit.-, tuta-laki-.i ut tin- aanie lime. l'h..> clvaii-e INe ,l....,.,.-h. relaa I he liver and out It to wo.k u „,... lit,. 1.. ....,..■. MII.HI; llie I.10.I ,llMea|. ..ml

trial". 1.1 -if pulmonary '' nm|i

"!", ' !7i\'n. I'M-MW" II oil ">"a.'i ti.01. I.i wN.n the phlegm or 11 al.g'.i cuigh will throw It off. and )v.I and th. luiiK-hiRln toll. al.

To do tl.li, UK Meaweed loin I1lla.nu.ttielr.ely un.-l le»B aud ll».r. •.. iJiai Hi.- 1'ulmouta food will uiaki'K" ••' I'l"1"1.


Utah*, N. II.. S.-iii. a lu 11 the world l,,r allklnda

ad Thread, tor tab-by

Hearing Machines repafn'd, v



1 II111-., Caps, etr.,

iiii'.r Knnex street, - - Lawrence.




■aamjn^ii,, I„.,I,. .•,,>, ia»i,.i«'..« ,,..,1,) „:,.,»; ,..»,••.. ...■'•»■) ""I"" "'

■H.D f..r (,,.■ .-..», I'. M. vi> """'■ A„y ..uliib.i ■tan.'. Iiinii'l,..! ", •■....| iiulli...

Fun, 10 UC.IU. I,. W. IHKJKIW,

I" «l UOK MA J- II. M.IULTOS. N..wl.iif.|K.rt, July .■... l"<v iD.^Jy.1


■e UM. Aim,.!!... „.i It." Al '"■ CIMI.

Th. «A.Jim.111: nmiii.

oil. .HAHY K. HIII:I:I.. orDH.Iy K..I.1.1,1 l'l,y.lrl,. M !.« .......".I

llu.M.ul I... W,.m> ,1 .,id UMMrau, „.. <..|....ru,ly liiruriu. Hi. I.,i.ll.-| of H.I. ,u

.l.'lllll), Dl.t "l,« li«" II|H-UI.J ui. Uttl..- u,

■r..s WwhingtoD St., Kubqn Ulu.k. < HBM lt.iur,-Ui>u.luy. uti.l I liiiru.l..j>., Imu, . U

IMVI ouii b. I'd a. uuy HiiiM^lip bu. u

's.i'."m.'> Aa,.f, l»». «ll

5 < - 5 !■

ill 0 n " ?a » 3.JS I - 0 \

a. "•

P % .lysHi'li AUsrra,

D B 1ST T I S T , , KoruiiTly lu cli,,,(i. ..I ulUvf ul th. lit.

ttlu. K. D. I..,..)

No. .'1 (.uirrr.iT "... • - I.HW.CIH-...

I'ho Eyos. ^^ Tho Eyes.

I) It. I. I) It I N O . OCULIST,

■a % o f

- se ■x

X Kii

i ttrc I, . •> - - ItHwrcnrc

churg. for MlvuM or eaamlinil 1.1a pin

from" u I. l-i A. H.

II I I It o S I 1: C I eiprrl

' I V I

moving all

c:.l,::»"..t; Cilia can do

"ulCkllie "ail "la.hier* III.. 1 K.he

[.I. .i -nni It) any Mint uur Kiti-i-ena hua in null i-d i>ui Mast «i»inmine siaaeta- IHiii*. tim liituil" null Ihf pnbln urn- •rally have plaeed 11- nailer last la | obllinlioaa In them tor Mae «. IHMHH

■ nii|.i>i 1 acrordcw la "-•

and all.raliv. ami Hit alkali In il.e >,«*,.., Which (Vila i'E.-|i..i«ii.'ii '- ni.,.l, ol. aa.i-1. im-

thefoo.1 will, .lie rnliii.oili- Mjrup, olnl It l« 111.1-I- lnuil(ii.Hil.l«.J"riili"»H ■»» utaliini ..t IOUIIHK HHU-aloniarb. ... .

rim if"" r. »l» pfiyMaii- *■ not ene- ouii*umpi|oii 1-, lln■) li) i" do 1 iiui'li. lli'V

alopnlKhl -w.aH,hf.'Ilc lever, uii.l l.y an du ■■« ttwy dtr ....*- ili.-*li.il. dlg.ai j,- .,.,«, r-Jockina nplhu aecr.nun", .mil.-K.muiilly ih. 11.1i1.11i oi.t-

ln. rVul.vurk.lo ■top a oouxh, nit I

I.lver (oiiiplalul, lly>p.<l»., ,■.,.:■ I rhro.tl.ill.lca.lhe aaatle l.iahli,


■ w.-ala.di.ll* or 1 hey will nllatii|i<>

1 Ui cured ol I m

Tho Woman's Frtoud Washiim L^luid,


Whole bmly. I'll'' Homach mi.I liver lUie 11.-1 Hi. h power lo make bl.aj.t Ml ol loml Now IN- uulychaiiten in take in. n. heii.k * INn-t- nuai Clue*, which will bruit; up a lone lu lllr a oin.ich, th* pallenl wllM-'K'" i" »..;.l I""-'. II W'll'l'-'-1

*aally,aii.l imtkc K'.IHI WIHMI. than th.; imil.in beglnalunulnlu'flrah.an.l IV "ootl a- Hie b".ly bt>«ii»at»Ki»».i"i'; I""-* ; ;;■•■ "; '"■" ;;''■ and llu- pail-i'l K'l- flealit and well. Mil-, n 111. onW way lo cure rul.auin.iti.iti.

•u. compla.i.la, ■

who haa eiiji.yi


ll.TveVy la.t -la«e of I'liluiounry t'011-uii.pll..... hi. phjai.'Mii- ti...' .M |.t"..'..in.e|hi. ""^''^i;^

by Hie alore-ulil iiif.llclii.-».niid .tm. In-1 ■ .-■" 1 . nutiiy Ih.m.aii'l- -Imllarlv ^.U.."! , I n ttulieuck'a pi.-parullou' *»« I* - "i" "n^i-.i'i. .uor.a.. r'ull direct Ion* a.x-.....|.a„, , a. li .a.* II ttot ab.olutelj lie.e..iir> ... 1 ■, ,1. -'■ in tMltauak, auleo pall, ill" Wl-h llnlr land" . \ 1111 luad, Md Tor [!..« purpoa. li. 1. prof, -luuaiiy al hit I'riualpal ollci'. rl.lla,lel| everyftilur .W.Whereall I.M.-r. fur advk-.- .11" a. dr 1 ||.'la al*u prof.'..lnn,illy 11 No. I- H"ml .iriet, Naw York, e«..y r lu.-a.uty and a. Mo ... Hnnoteralr.fi, lln.t.iu, every oth.r W.dnea.la,. Iteolva. ad.l'.'fi" , l"'i »""K'' ' """'■

bvAiro, til purl 1 ,. 1 1."

„..,.„ ,o-l„' .In- alnj.e linn, can do an by leaving

1 .stn.'l.l.awr, ...'.'. Ms*.

WmcNOB, Mai. li Al. iMiu.

.,-,uiibi..ii,uii'i ;'i;l';;;;;;;;l^;l;;1;/w'1;^,""lf','i" |!!l*rVl,'l.".1"''a''.,"'.n|''l''-l" ■.Vwli!!''"'*"-*'"''' "'

SON i' I;«-T 1 v 1:. null I'liiitii.iie, aa aeretafore, to

murk Kirtiouda in pi tun Henri'*, In w«l- hire riKiuly In IkcOMK PBICE aynteai, itnil in noil nl the lowiwl livlrtti price-. We tlo not .Inim lu a.-ll lower tliiiu nut on.- elae, « 1-1 uniiiil tillorj in a.-ll AT rUHTla-bat we do believe iluii, it* we i.re under IM* eipeaae ihan imiuv nl nur ii.li'ii.piiMti.ea, 111- .nit 11 ml dn -ill a ■pas' iiiticle n» ilieiip n* itny linn*.- in tin- trade.

Liuveimnnd l|nr nl ll.t-i.i ), llonp Skirl*, t'nrail-, l>ry tiooda, nnil Hnall

ully, .md wo are eoaaliiiil- l| iiililinti lu our Block. I Bleed! ail pnr- lUnair* will dn Well In nail ill

381 Essox stroot, Lawrence. <.(Mti Ne. I'.M.I

I. LEY LA N n:

Cunard Lino Mail Steamers do rwKKN

1.1., 11 1 mid New'York, lulling nl (JiHiii-towti.

\\ lull |ll (.. ill! Ho- I -. 1.1 ui) lienefitr 'Invite yi.nr er.-.lii"i>.' wa- tl.e reply.

Itl KeutlenJMii ant 1 il.e ipur of llie

tit. nl. Ill* ncrriiniH vvmit li l>jlitliil.

li ,- ...lil i>i n aiiiiiiie. "lie. lal.l biniMljj Inwii ami alWtbtajnell with bis bltf, IOB."

it uaa prubably InaJml wlib UUIIM.

Tin- Detroit Tribune advisee Andrea liilni-nti. Iiiati'itil (.fwriliii^ hi* bltij-rupliv. tu "wrtto bit epitaph ami if.it under ft."

•Mil—a," i,-l Saintni, 'iint.ot^A'diir nxen I* I|<M<|. un lor |(H>. 'Frul.l to tell you of tx.tr 111 ..nee for fear ymi ennldn't bnre It.'

H. film UuinphnoUaiolly loat IJ.IUHI

triiii.'* betting on the color nl' (be liftmen il.itl paued 1 In- Urand ll.iiel in 1'nrU one Siin.l:iy.

A 111:111 InittKiftl that lie once hail 11 bro- ther « ho WM 11 IlKVOl.t IION MtY IIBItlt. It eaiae 0111 that llie person spoken of wan Tonjron a trpmlmlll.

J„HCM -/Poor l.tli-Il.ttil look tint i-ir- ei.i.iatanee very nilich lo II.JUI.' .VoV Mif-'Dltlahu linleml? 1'he dear jflrl J I wtah I wai that elrcumataitee!'

Saidn jri'iitlemaii to s lady, I w ler yon have neVef Utade ii uialrh. f Ihiuk you need the brlnutotie.' 'No, nut the briiii*ioni.,'*be reoli.nl, 'only llie Hjnr* '

Mr. Juuea .alleU tioon ti ^I'litli'inii'l who ailverlUi-il 10 r.'sion- ull-pellltiilKM. mill reqnesled lib londneape wlik-l two yearn ajro.

'Keeolleot, sir,' nubl a tavern keeper lo s jrantleman who was about leuvhig hi: hbiiae without paying his reckoiiltijr, 'ree nlleet. a|f, if yon lose your purse, yoi dldu'l pull It out here.'

A large concourse at a fu lie nil In Xiislivllle we're fpilte illsnppnlnled at (he oorpae. (retting up In tl.e coffin ami 1 clalinltljc hlmseir alive:.' 'I'l were completely Interrupted.

"MUr. llrown, I have been to learn how to tell fortunes," Mill a youiljr, man lo a lirisk brunette, ".lust give me your lianil. If yon please." "I.a.Mr. Whlte.how very ■udden yon are? Well, K'» »'"' »*k P*«"

A euiuiiiii'juiyman aiblresseil llie clerk ol'tl.e 1- 1 when mliniiiislerluL; tin;oath,

aayliiK -*|uak op; I cannot hear what you nay.' 'Slop; lire you denf,' ktked the Judjru. -YOH, itl one ear.' 'Then you may leave lln'court, Mr It'll necessary il.at lurymen should hear both sides.'

A lew days sh.ee it Walerlmry lawyer rriiirmil railroad Ueket event ai ilm! ,,!,. c dollar, over paid him insk- l.ijl ehaujie. Kor a t no in en t tin- IIL'ONI

st I -ve.-ehh-s, Mien, a* He- lear* poured IIIDW-II hi- el.e.-k*. lie urna|Kii hlui hy ti,,' hand iynl exelahued. "I'leawi sli.,,.1 -till one inonieill. sir. a et me I0..U nl-\ou -ami a lawyer !"

I'l,,. l.-adutjj ainn-ieiu niuoiin llie lii-llii.iiiilil.-i nl Atliuille City N. .1. con- -I.LA iii u.lkkli^ crab* drunk. Bnwnl I*

silillll 1 ■•>: NALK. /. lOllMUSW-KAbTII or SASHAOIIUSBTTS, *v ' BNSKX.SS., Auuu.t luth A.ll. ItMlU.

lly virtue of an cit.-eiiilr.Ti which l«ued on a judinieiit lu favor of r.lvln r.a.lni .1. and Henry A. Bntll, both ol Uwrence, within our c.uiuy ol KaaPK, roparluer-. .lujjttl '''i-l"'■" •* ■"hi l-»w- rene, under the llrtnuain, ui r.a.iUM.iA Ou. II, at the la.t tt.ni of the Superior Court fin-auiii rninity. 1 have taken .ill llie rli;!o in npiit. tlial the .aid Jam... t.ind.ey had on Hie Iwcnil-ill da) of February la.I, llie "lay whtiltlie .ain' »JI Mf- lactied 011 tn *ue pmc.-*,, to redeem a cerlulii morlgaijed real c.l ,.,■ lyliiK oil Oak .Ire. I. In -al. Lawrence, ta-lnjr the lircmlae. H'h.-r.ou the «uld .lame. I.lnd.ey now lltiK.aud Hit MOM thai la dt'>.-r<bwd in a DBOrtfBJrrtl drr.l lli.rt-.if fr.'iu lie KMI.1 .lame. I.lnd.ey to tl.e KaacK rtaviiis* [luiik.a Imdy corporult- at K.ild l-awrenoe, rinonled III llie Ki'irhlry of Heed* fur .aid rtiunlt, tmok :4l, leal lul; und on ill. niluri-.KM'll day of .-.cpteui- beruext, at rwo u'.rlock, I". M., al my office, No.

■in I.-— v at reel, III 'aid l.awi ciici, 1 I.... I oner lor aale, by pui.lie auellon. tu the lilk»"*l bidder,

Cumnwmctulth uj M<i*aarhuwtt». I...I-. aa. I'ltOHATK C'OUKT, To the tleiri-al-law.... vt .,C tin. und oilierperaona ltilere-tfdlntlie.-li.leur Kit AMIS W. WF.l.l.S, Ule of l.awr. lice, III «aid county, deceased :

USaSMNOI U li. n ..■■. a certiiln linirumenl, iiuri.ortlt.f Id be

the laat will and te.lament ol aald dwea..-d haa liean prearuteil In aald t ourl, for t'robale, by N, Dana Welli," AIIU pray, thai leller- teiilionenlary 11.ay Im l.aued In hlui llie executor Ih.reln named.

You are herehv cited lo appeur al a I'robale Court, lolH'held it Naleiu In ...I.I coiit.ly ol Ka.ex, 011 the lirat Tinwlay of se|.i.'iiii»r neitl, at nine o'clock bcloreiiuuii.loaliuwciiu.i.ll any you lime, aaniiiat Il.e .11 rue.

Aud .aid N.Daiu. Wclla. is hereby directed to ■live public DOItci- Hi rci.r, by pul.Jlaliilla till" elm- lion once a week, lor ihree aucre-alve week* In Ih.' ncwapip.T.-.lleil tl.e l.uwreiiee American and Andovcr Adiertlier, prii.lcd at Iriiwrence, llie bun pnl'llcalluUU. ba [wu day. al leant, before

Witnc-.*, li.'urue v. cNo.iie, Kaqnlre, Jud/e of wild Court, till-, thir ull.iluyol' AUJUHI, In I he

No. 71 Essex Street!


tunii'r^aml having 1 I Hi.'.' 1—..lOuell! of

'it'tiCi, Ladle*', Mi...- and Children'!

BOOTS, SHOES & III HUMS, hey now le.l prepared to meet the dftnandaoitbe public. 1

GENTS CALF BOOTS.THREl. WIDTH VII •!«.'«, from one tu thlrl.i-n. The larijett SP

well at the •malltft foot ntted with Call Ilooti. We are An'iil* for Ihe Celebrated Premium

Hoot* miuufsclurvd by O. Kendall A Son; aim ■i.:i-nl Tortile Vogle Herman Slipper.

J«at received a |arK< invoice of


red 111 II eat and proiuptval

vice, of Hr.R.B,

ml eight N . UUtfa A.t: OOOl'KI.L Uea-Ller.

UommonwoaltL of UAsaacnusetts.

Hi-ox,-... PSOBATB CODBT. To the Ht'lm.atLaw.nex' of Km. und all other

per.ont iniereaied 111 Ihe e.tatc of JOsKI'll liAIIDNKU. late ol Metliueii. In auiil r.uHi.y, veom.ii.,d,-e.a*ed, Ure.llii(: WhereiL', aeerlaln liiatruinenl purportins lo be

the last will and ti-Ptam.nt of -i.ld tli-ceaaed. ha* been preaeuled tu aald Cmrl, lor proln*te,by Mnry I'. Ilardner, who pray* that Idler, leatamtlnlary

■--■' to he., Ihe eaeculria tl.erelii may be I.Piie.1 I

CO ftoi

.aid cuuuty oi _. . . tbe aecon.l lueaday of September nexl.

.1 nine o'clock l.eiore 110011,10 *how euu.e, II any iu huve. uxalnal tl.e aaiue. And laid pili.iou.T i- lier.t.v dir.tt.-d to g\ ■ bile notice INer.ol, liv |n.l,li.liii.K till" cltall. .ce a week, lor three auucea.ive week*, In I

ncwapapcr called the LAWHKKi.'K AMKIIIC and AmltiVtr Adverti.. r, prlnle.l at Law relic , 1 a.l publlcntlun to be two duya, at leaat, b.-l.

WIlSMS, QKOaol r*.CBOATS, I .|iin. ,-lu I 1, 111 the yi

Commonwsalti} of Haasaobus«tta.

HARD ANI> HlflTt; I'INi: TIMUKR uu hand and .awed lodlmenaloaa. Hart Pine Plank. Hunt Pint' I 100.11..: and Step-nonrda, For -ale by

rnrnori .v POPB, Wharf auu U-aik, Flr.t, 'urn.r ol K alrimt. Ol th*. Mo. IOlMa)terHreeI.lb..t.i.i. Ivmarllt

Choirs aru Delighted with It! Tint


Author of "Harp of Jldih," "Jubilate," etc. j

l'iilv.T.»ll) p.unu.iuced lo be Il.e be-t hook ut Church Mu.le i-u.il .iuriiur Ihe I...I ten year.,and jn-ally eacellliiii Ihe aulhur'a prevlou* Work*, •

Price fl.T.u... tlJ.M* per doleu. St 1 it po.-t paid uu rew-lpt of price,

O. DITtlOS i CO., Itoaton. at.'" C, it. UIT80N * CO.. Sew York.

Tho Attention of Musicians [.called to Ihe



At JUlIX U 1IAYNES & OO'S, .tl < nurt St.. (opp. Court Home) llostou.

Their ftOOk ei.ni|iriaei Itraa* aud German Silver li..lruu.ei.l' fur Hand*, of every variety of inaiiu iuclurci Violin- of all pattern., from »J lo |lu each; Klule" ol every variety of quality aud price; Mu.lo lioxc. from llie beat man utact orlea of Ku- , u. jo B1||ll , uf KK.CK, on wliluii said will rope, from #.. to I ion ca.'H ; M.rtm • .•.•Ir'.rfl.d |||By ,l,,1.r;ltl,pimit prajlni; thai tluctpy ol .aid wL. ilulUr«,aawrlla-.iliii.eOf chcajH-rnru.!.. , r r. ncti u. nll.,i 411ll r..L.„rd. d In the I'rohaU- Office ..I ,,,,( 1,,Tin .1) \ ■ i] |.-.jj.a, 1 III I In:. ■, I.' nil Hi 1 "li rcrtlnaa Clarionet., Hajti'iitrta, Fifea, Harmoni- ca., Vloilucllo*, H-.ulile lla.aea.eto.; alao a Un«. 1—i.rtinral of ,l/.(-/e.'iii aud if. t.l Oruuni. I'bev ,|.„ te.-p a .■.iii|.l-t.' -luck nl Sh.,l .I/-,-;.-, Vuai.- /.'uot*. and nil kind, of Mi.~i.-al inerclM.idi.e at

*ar* II .-. ini: iecureil the SSurii.airtaiiuf isyeiim' HI . fadure and .ale uf Uooti and Shoe", wv hope to • till tuerll .1 .'I,:'., e of the public pulrouauc.

I'leaic call and eaamluc our atock.

Deal tbrj;et the number,

,Vo 71 Utter Street, - - Lavrtnee-

J. Y. FRENCH Hi CO. J. Y, French, Tmyln J. U. llerrlck.


1>R. PKKIVK HORK1I.L alvei apeHal attenllon to dlieaaea of the vt'iilt.i-urluary nritana, and all ct.rotiio and difficult dWeaaea In both *exea: Ida in-lit au.'ce*. lu tlm-e lone. "tali.lln* anil difficult cuai-a, .iich BP were formerly conaldered Incurable, la aufflcleut to commetid him to tl.e public a. wor- thy the entenalve patruuaae lie haa reorlvi'd.

OS. HORBILL la admitted by tbe be*t med- ical talent of the country to have no e.pj.d It. Ihe ilealmct.l ot Feuiiila Complaint., and ll I. 110 un- u.uiil nceurr.-i.ee for pliyaiclau. In regular |iruclice lo recommend pali.iil- to him fur treatment When iilllicicl with dlmaiw la Ida *p.iutlly.

Lutlti'p will receive (he 1111)1.t ncleutUtc attenllon, Null, n.itllcatly and aurRlcally. Hoard, will, old inil experienced nurae* will be furulal.ed tl.n.e who wl.h to renniln In the city during Irealmei.t.

Ihe poor advi.ed free ol charne. n.yalclau. or pallent* wlahlua hi* opinion or advice, by let ler, and liiclo.iilK the uaunl fee, will be aniwert'd hy return mall. lyUmyWPB

.Mel ic I ne. aenl to all part* of the country.


lory to purcNaacr*. irl*'*


IN II 4> KTO N II A It U U It.

Hull, Hingham, Nantasket Beach a. Ft. Warren


leuvca i.ivori.o.ii Wharf, foot of Poarl Bt. iior.ti.li, 111 v A. M., j.3uaud i.iu e. M.

Leave* Ulna-ham at 7.:iuand Hi.;w A. M-, aud 1 .'. M., atapplnn at Hull each trip.

r AUK 10 CKMTrJ KAt:ll WAV.



have. Liverpool Wharf, If on ton, at MoM "-Ml A. H., IM and a P. a. Kt-turnlii({. lean Natitaaknt ileaoti at S and It A. H., ■>.:<" an fl.15 r. II. On Mi.udavj, Wcdiiraday* und Sutu day* «iop* at Ifort Warron ou the •i.M \. ) trip Iron. It..-(..11. and the tl A. M. trip Iruui Mai ta.kel lleach, u'l.tiij,' ua*»eui;er. one hour'" llu lo Hall Ihla ceT-trated forllllcatlun.

ntjjv FfHK_il caara KAOM W_A

r DAVID ires SKIt, lute of Salt 111, in the county of Itocklug ham, and atate nl New llanipal.lre. diTea.ed,

ti ret ling: Wlierea., a petition haa been preaent.d lo paid

Court, by Joseph lluw.of Methuen, in the county of K.iex, with ct-riBlu paper*, purportlnjt lo b>- i-opli-P of Il.e lu.t will and Lu .lament of aald de- ,'iaiil. and ..t llie protmle thereof 11. .aid .talc ol "lew Hump.hire,duly nuiti.-utlciucd,repreauulliiK tat at the time or III. death a.ild deceaied had e»- tie in paid couuly ui Bank, uu which milil will |„y . ... ^^ - -- -'-I - -• _.|.( „,||,

aald couuly of Kaavx, and letter, lenlaluciitarj' — .ranted to hint, you ire hereby cited to

a t'ruuau-Court,to he held al Lawrence, lu aald county uf K.acx, on the .econd Tucatluy ol Septt'iuber ceit.ut Diuuo'cluck lu the lorenooti, ---, allow CHUae, If any you have, uyaln.t the name.

Aud paid petitioner la herebv dlrecte.1 to give ibllu notice thereof, by publishing (hi. citation ree week* auccei.lvcly, lu the i.ewhpBper called

'rei.ee American ami Andovcr Advertl.er, .._ at Lawrence, the lir.t publication to be

thirty day* at leaat before -u'-l Court. W Itne.a, ticurge F. Clioule, 1-jiiuire, Judge ol ,J " "-' ■ il.lr.l day ..I Augu.t, in ihe year

ndred and alaty-uiiic. ,.C. UOUDK1.L, nVgister.


Ye Sick, Halt, and Lame! All (Juuckery and Inipuaitiou on the public ol

Lawreuce lo be done away wilh by ii-lu,; l>lt. OOIIKS'S KXCKI.LKST KKUKDIF.S, and J. CI.KAVKl.ASI.'S

Celebrated Vegetable Uolorlutce. There i* no " brown bread pill" aboul thl. mcdl- rlnu. Or. Oyden hivliif graduatetl under " Uncle

:T. every i.lau 11..1I wc

one thouaaud eight ag6

Itusii.n A 1l;iiin' liullroild.

. • "la )|-i I j *j

awaMP»g->aw*wt.e MimiiiiT Arrangenieut. May J, lsuu.

rKAia* rito* aoaToa, i ForrorllBUd,SBco,ltiddfford,tio,,?.30(exprei

" eiplnalo tlcuii Mat. at IS P.M.

,aud Kiaitoin. 1

Sam," 1- preiiired to te icli every ula.i Hill ill the city of Liiwri-m-i' how to become their o |,l,v-iei„ii t'.ir all kin.)-, of S„re. nod " pund.-niof all doc I or A. 1'htae Medic

ke.l in iv Ill-key

,.,... 10 myriads 10 liiiiii-li tin- iieiii

i.iul 1


En FfKK i". caars KACH W.u. 'AVIUCIlAl'IN, AKetil'll.all. 8. A. Co

H 0 U K H T WOOD.!

VKIKRINARY BDUOEON, UiKb Btroet ilquaro, Low oil. UiuM

rrealaalldlaeaa.'auf llu *M*,CBllle, and the lower .inluiiila'; perloru* auriciealoprralioii*; cure, all curabl. caaeaoi .puvln, rli.gbune, curb, »pleut« and thellke. Ordaraproiiiull) aii.wcre.l. Addrc.a bv mall or ti'U'i-rapli a* above directed. Itelt-nito all well-known hora.'tueulii New Kugljud.



Paiutor aud Grainor, No. 1 Appleton rt.,opp, Post Office,

to, Uwreutvl A.M., U M., :i l". H. lv; log,) and on Tuesday, I'liura. and f

Fur Eieter,Dover,lireat Fall»,a ol tiaverhill, ?.-W*i*pie"i. to Lawreuce) A. a., U M., :l,tRi, 1 e.a. (cKprt-aa.) For Kxetcr, Dover and I'orllHt.d ou I'ueaday, I liur.day and Saiunla), at A I'.it.texpre.i.)

For Itavcrhill 7.M (.-Apr.-..,, Ml (via George- town) A. a., a at.. 3.IS (via (ieorgetowu), 3.00, t iexpre*a,l 4.11 (via ticorgetowu,) n, a.lft P, M. (viaOeoruelowo.)

For Mauubcpter,Concord aud Upper Kallroad*. 7.30 teaprea.) A. a., IS a., a . ■. |.iv.a) p. M.

For Lawrence (.suutli Side) 7, 7.M, (expreaa) I0.lt. A.M., It M.,:f.oo,,'i,(i-Kpre.i to (to .'Heading,) o.OO r. M.

.1 So.Kemdi»5)fl*0U r.M.

Those who

their reward In

!s of the ern*lrt-

K the Heron alilll-

*WH> wbat III 1 It- brain

...M-Vina.. was preparli.tr his ills- i- for Sunday. atopphiK ocn-ioiinlly




which hi

when he


U.euubl. II'


I'n ■ I'ul I llu.

"Hit IS A t:il., :is Hanover -ir.-.-i, ll.t- almlraal. tUffiila, For -nl. by >ll diuggio-.. In."

Aa InValiiablti Motllcltm for HironKt)itiii- inK I ha ayatem.

|1K. Hilt HWKKTfe1

Strengthening Bitters

l.'l'r.-rVnmiii.'li.i. ' ' Chronic Diarrhea, ton. ral Ihlnllt), \er.ou. AH..1I0..., rwatakW.ak .-, Defjre.. 1 -..I.e., nillou* hlaonlel-. So 1. r I plalnl-. • lc

,'ve Vu'.'n alllll'leii * ill. ai. ab-c—ol iliJa i,„i,au.i Noiiig ,ri'"lll


plV-tet'," ll li f"f IN'1 "ike ot -uir-ring 1 that I rue you my i,-ll.u..ny. ' JOHN CAMllOM,


nroaOKarsa, MASS. May II. law. I-. 11..1.K1, Hear Sir:-rlil. 1* toc.rilf)

fflfrtrs . MAN All AN,

,-rn,ml, [calling Bl I



TRIPOLI. .11 MallSt.iim. t

trk llarbnr.iln New York

IrumNew Tort for Liverpool, falling ,

('.■rtillc'il'-l.aau'.'Ii l.i'br'lllg 0111 ua.aciiccM I'runi anVp.rlof Kurup.- at Lowe.I lUtea.

For Fright or Uabta Paa*a«t>. .ipply |u K, 1 .1 nar.l. I II..WH.IM ..r., ,.. New York. Vor St. ,-rag.

iliu'l iiih-;!,1


rial KLMiHi- 1 ami Tan ti""

Pascal a I...;. IM I : lllllg, .- - I rrv. i.mM.tt. rai

l_,tllH BLACK WOKS**.* 'IMl-IKsnn \" FAiF.u- I'Mo..'- iiiSM-iK. ,o.il|-it.i

MOUHPAtJIlK-l 1 krarn.are.1. Ilk

IdY your irtulble, 'at drc-*J*-ittKiil-ii. M'^:„ Ta»


'a..age. apply m h. I uin.r.1, .1.

P. Ml HPIIV, 133 Bsi 1 inly Aiilburlled Ag't for l.awren

// 0 A 1' O K K

Fire Insurance Oomp'y, SAI KM, MASS.

in.nr.- the *aier ch>*.oi property only, at ourrvnl


.-,,„,pan,...,ly. So I'.illcl. . li.U.-d uu Kklri nr Sp. el.il hasanl*.

Cash Asset*, Jury- IrlHliH, |lW,440.ftS

Jtll'I.IN .v 111 lillKE. AoksTS,

N...4 hwltrrt.ni M. Uwrenct,

was diapo

i.i number.

£ 1. 1111:111.


Carrying tin

1 1,1 \ i:npu(ii„ Calllai HI Qui'i'UaloWu.

U. SUtM and Her Majesty . Mail-.

T'lay. April :l

The . preae Wllill I

is lii',1 tell you Inly, my child." icrateli It oul'"

"I'n." said a yniltlK l.opel'i.l th.- other ilny. ' dnlii't 1 hear you say you wai|teil 11 d.iui piivs*" "Y"'" my wni.-jtfhem eim I iret oner" 11-kc.l the parent. "Why, youjij-i try .lake Stokes, lly Mn> way tin hiljtireil slater Hal llie olber liltflit. mil by Ihe OK". ■ should think he lilltfhl he itl.oul Iholl.inyyou waul." S.I sntlili'iily hit In M-e lo Ihe ihll.os it. Ihe kllchetl.

•nil llie >>lil L'eiit ree.-H.-rleil that he had

1101 . "seen to llie pb'ee ol lei tlu.l

iwUbl.or 4oi.es* erlller bfulw down il.e

other il.i)."

Two New Voik Imllcs slopped their carriai; 1 erosslmr. Due wen I into a ■tore and ll h.-t t.u.aliie.1 In Il.e car-

rtajfc Two nentleinen wishing In cross llie -1 reel orileted lllf .oaeloiian to move mi. Tbe lady In llie uarrbwe told him tHit to atlr. On ibis one ot the gentlemen opuiii-tl the coach-door, aud with hi* ho..H and spurs stepped Lhroiifrh the esr- rlajre. He was followed by Ids eompan- i to the extreme discomposure of the lady wllhln as well as the lady wltlm.it.

A.M., It M., 1, 6.,(exprcB* to ros nosToa.

'From Portland S.lA.S.ta A. u., 3 P.M., and ou Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday at It r.M.

From lirt'Sl Fall. a.In,r.ia, lu.ls A.M., 4^0 I'.M. From Hover aJO', s.ou, lO.aa*, A. M., b.iMt* 1-. M.

Tuesday, Thursday si d .Hutiirdsy r.its e. a. From Kx.ier ti.:w\s.io, li.li> 1. M.,isi*r. M.-

Tuc.ilu), TbarsdU and Saturday S,W e. M. From llav. rlilll ''..1.1. .via ticorgetowu) 7.16',

7.30 (via Ocor.ie.lA.Wi..) V.M, 11 (Via Ueoroelownj A. a., li.an»,:i.:in, a uln Hcorgclowu,) il.to* e. a. III.--,U). I'hur.di.i and .Milurday ».a,i C. H.

From North Andover "vtt.V.tu A.M., U.rtll, 1.40,

"Froiu i.a*r.uce (North Side) im, 7.30, a.W II., llt.U.S.iB.SJOl I'.M.

From Lawn-no kSouth Sldcjii .'7, ;.3.',',u.4a A. a., ia.w, i'J.40*, ;i.i.i, a.3J, ii.aa- v. ». Tuc.du>, Thur.day and Saturday vUO e. >i.

•Or ou (l.elr arrival Iron, tl.e Kn'l, [Or on their arrival from Hit, S- rlh. l'u.*cngera are not allowed t ,1 carry biigauge

above titi In value, luiruvt-raoiHHjiiil* in wi-r«l.t, and thul p.-r...ual, uul.ia notice I. u|Vei>,*ud an 1 Klru.11.1uu 1.1 paid al the rate ol a price ol a lieke. for every S.Ha. additiomil value.

WH. Ml Kill 11 . Sup't


nluctiinil liv lln- -ut.-i-rlbcr. 111 L.iwreiice, ami lie know, the nuulUy of the ingrcdleiit. or which they are made. Hit. TllOtt. OOHKN,

llap^a Union street.

1" 1: l 11 4 > I > V !S

RHEUMATIC MEDICINE Cures Itlieiiiniitisiii ami

Liver diilleulties, Pleurisy,

Colds, Cramps, Sprains,

Bruises, Summer Com-

/ plaints, Burns, Sealds,

Chilblains, ete., etc.


Prepared by * N. 1'KABODY & CO..

Siihtioi nioii Bridge, N. II.



Attm»i>y ami. CaunxeUnr^it-TMW, AM) SOLICITon IN UANKKUFTCY.

Particular attenllon paid to drawing uf Heed*, *r, No. "X Sawrer'a Block, Water st.,


uly A

r>i n|.i.

up, ■Ihe Jei

u>.I t

a pa i-hlu^ the joke.

of salh.i

bled ihroiik'hll nr

In CBrdljtoiisliIre,

For Salo in No. Andovor, Ms. TI


I*"' In.' ^'"SreVtHrVV

FtiKin ml, a yminff I man. dlt:i|'|niliiteil in a love all'.iir. -cut a

Lawrence Mar bio Works, i hm (.imtHininK n.e following Hemp to his ' ■ deceitful love," after she bad wedded

WILLIAM L IXIWLISG, ^r"'-!,—.X»v.4.1H«. Mr..—, dale ..f tiu.i.,...) |(|t(J M)M _ |(lMl, , ToKItflastes

Corner lUmptkin: anil Lowell Sts., | (>r w|neBll)iflHrm,t fares and msrkets, 13s. I pair nl shoe-, and tieellng sn-

inlSiniicAc. „.!„.r pair lluil I won t In ifoliijf and .'i.itiliiK from . -Is. 6d ; tor doctor's hill for eiirbi" a eonjih. eauifhl hy wait- ing under your window oil ii'wel lil«ht. ill.'.is. lid.; lo jMu.ta.jc. eic. 1*. lln.; Ui

, 'ftiniba.

orl«1ui ■ ■I ui

c. IV. II >a n ii '•<" enlleliifi me I

ut is. Hd. ear

t in yolir .ou

Pl.ce from Inquln ill A.

nit* per loot j

.< „r I'KHUIt'K A |

BlUCKlTJKSALE in i- k aibaarr.

^:u,;u,'!r:i' ;■ ..inquire uf .NO.1-...1

UNO. a..I>Ai is, l.awi.u.. Uata.

^rwclieV^riTutioIion; -ivhiK „, ,'. ,,.,,.M...i 'l';/i.;V.Vi,,.''[cl'i,i.'imii'lo^'ior I imrliier lor life HUH; to el .'!l','i.'. "•' .',, .,,'■ « ' lied" " "il'l't'' ' i 10 tO r- lft» times, ut

' lime. ilJ; 10 12 dav* lost KANHOBI'fl KMihl.i: WAHHJiR. «. 7a. «tl.-£ll». 14s. Ikl.

niccii,-ap.'M.i..,ib. .r ■ a . ,,.. .»ri> vi a Inie ineetlna "' •!'"■ Presbyter

W A S111 N li MAC 11 IN L „,,,.„ „ |.,., ,„ .„,,,„., „„. „,„., >,... ••',•• '■"„'.';,";,•'"•' "...".'""J ,n„ .„,,|„„. Ilrullw W ...I ».rlj h.

I til, 1,1,1,1.1, v In- unit IIIII.IIHT lir.,llii-r w.n, ..tK.i.Kv»«.Mi'Axv. ■ I:;,,,;;;;;.,,,,; „„,.,„„,„.,,. „.„.,

.rllcirT'a'iiib'inii' \'Vwo',T«',!."..l.'w'asli.*i,raii j laueh n-lhrloni lolere.t. An old UIIIII

!.',',"',',;" ha. ".",.." ,.! '.'i.'-' "».''. i..,!1'.'i'l""'»'«"- , nnd con iniied i, until ll lw|sn Ut\\\\:!TX ' l-'ro.'i ;.,;..'.,a.!.,:.,.!.:r,:,s...l'to,Hi »i - Brother II- '.iu.V,\,,7in'-- 1- ■ - '' "' «"v|.,...| [troiher AV - -, •(.". stop Hull old mull's '"ura".! "e"v., .,k 1 ■'■" 'i' ''i'.i '.',', ', ', 'J!,','1

l[i,',cd noise." He Went to l.lllt Slid -poke a lew 'tub IN- ..I"""'" ■ L|' ; ''^^ ''r i .,"1'';,',',; iiords, and the sboiilluu; man al ouee be- !.'!,'!J '",;'.",',ii'u.V" 'iV„ "i',', .',"■..'"„l. #'. and ... ..Hitie.pilet. Btnll.ev II asked llrotll-

\^n->Z' .'.r'„."".t;'o "ll"."' ';iiio;V''e1''".'l'er't|''' *T W . "Whal did > nil -ay to tl Id '''•■'!'''''v,"^^;!:\;,;V7!.c.'ln-in.,,loo'w*i. ""'» ",',t ,l"i,'',•,| ,'1"1 '", ■•"•■"pHyr'

UrutlTer VV replied; ••/ua*«i aMJfbra dollar furforeiyH rniuioru.

CITY OF MBW VOHK. , 1 1 -i .'i . "i:i.. ■' CITY UP LoNlniN, IIIY 11F llltOi.KLYN, KTNA.via llalif..it, CITY OFIIALIIMOItK. CITY nF I'AUH, «iy ' CITY UP COKK, »U Hulilaa, Tu.-sdsy. " 4 and every -ue.-ci-dlin, Sulurday and alternate I'ue*-

.l,.y.trom I'ur Ij North Hivcr, New York.

KA'l'KS OF PASSAGE. PavaBIs lu Hold. Payable lu Currency.

F.r.l Cab lino I Steerage, I <■> a :tl ... I. I..11. HA 1 to London. ,,,i" to Part* 111 I to Paris, ft a 47

For Cabin or Steerage I'i..*ai[e, apply lo Juhu ll. Hale, lyiftroadwAy, Sew York, or to

I>. »li it I'll Y., I'M Bases sireel, Agent fur Ijiwr.-iic. and vicinity.



lilt. ( , rv.4 IIA.HIIKItl.AI>.

L.ilc Surgeon and itrcvel Lieut. Colonel (,.M. V and Surg.'Oa lu-Charicul Ihe HeltV*burii and

Hale t .8 A.lleueral lloapllal*

[trPIOh. AT 111, tiAHI.ASi.'s.Uornerol Uwrcu and 1 ui.imoi.sirci'tl. '•

uSJne jr«ir«.-Krom 1 to t r, a., and sfterl r,


I III- popular sad ,1, «irublo Suu.m.r re.url wi opened lor thc*i«ou,

JUNB aatb. The plluatlonor Ihe Ocean Home,at the water'.

rdgfl, upon lli.hnc^ beach un the enu.t, and with the belt faelllte* for bathlnL;, aulllng and 11-I.111;. .iirrouiiilcd byaplendul drives and a never ceasing «.-n brwie, reader* it one or the BUM attractive ■cBiide morS In New tt*glaad, and uoil.ln^ nill lie ouiitlid that can lead lo tl.e it-., t of It* gue.I).

CavrriagM it the Hampton Depot meet e.very train over tbp kCaale-n tUllrou.l, and Bl Kaeler over the HuaUu and Maine. •

Sac-'i" k'n'ti- bom Lawrence ami vicinity, a large ducotiil from uiual ralea will be .nade from the time uf Owning until July iO.

PHILIP YF.ATON, PaorsisToa, tat*-***" Hampton Boach,


EDVC4TION IOB I'viiniiils. F.,r lufotnstlon re«|H'ctliig the >III--;I.'I.II-I-its Aurlcultnrnl t'ollege,

apply to VY.S. C1.AIIK, Preside 111. Ar.ili.T., .1 line I, lew- 3mt-l


UNDERTAKER, 1V3 Ussoi street, - * Lawrence.

Furnishing and Funeral r \ D i-: 1: 1 ■ \ K 1: 1: s.

Would unii attention 10 their , •


Oorfier'Ciorhmim and Amesbury Sts.', Where they will keep a full mipply nr everything 1.1 their line, and sell al Il.e lowest livluir prioei

They are pole Vgei.t* fur M-lsk'. Uetalllo Ca«, Crane'. Metallic t'aakela; ,.|.o Shuicr'a Metal t'i..kctH,a «..* ,111,1 ,l.-,ir,.t,lc itrtlole. J

Funeral, alteaded wliN a good h.-ar.e, and due or a pair of boraea.. Residence and ManufaxUiry 1'... Kim St.

Salesroom 'earner of Common and Ainesliury slreeta.

orlteVi left at cllher place, day or nighl, will he promptly attended to

Carrlagca fur.il.hed If desired. A.W.H.H.I.HI. it, UI-lhtll J. II. Ray MOLDS,

C. C. TA L HOT, M. I).,

(Formerly of Salem, N. II.)

Office, Mill street, rear of TsJbot's Driijr Store.

Call, anpwertat day or nlghl. .„, ■ m.- 1

Dr. Ham's Aromatic lavlgorator. remove* from tl.e system the 111 elect* ouuaed by tho.-xcea.lv.. u.cof ..Iciliuhc lli|u.r., and effect- ually de.troy. Hie upi.i-tltL. for th.'*" atlmulanta. ll giro, loue to deltilliat.-d lui.cou. surface*. Ftlt.te mailer 1. removed from Hie lyitem, thereby

-.luring It lu it* normal liculllilul condition. As medicine, It 1. .piles'- and cm-ctual, curing Hie

most s-gravuted aasat 01 Uyaptpsta, Kidney 1 ■.-nl ... ■ ■ ,.. I all other derangement* of the stomach and bowel-, In a ap.-e.iy tuauuer. Itlia ele^aut preparation has .toisl the leal ol fears. A wlneglai-atull before eatuu will give a good appe- tite und prevent all .uttering irum ln.llge.iiou. Ladle, ol wc.ik uiul,I. licit.' 1 o.^Htiitloni shnnld

gUailullbeloc, rcliri.it A ill iii.urc nwcet and re- Ire.hlt.g sleep. An lift proprietor aak* Is a Id*I and lu induce till, he has pl.t Up the luvigurator ll. pint hot! leaat aOee.il*,—.lU.irU, 11.00. IVuicI |,,l ,1. |,..i. 1 . 1 ■ un ,1 Wi.art, lto*toii. Sold by all druggist*. wHm-my'14 I'b


K. II. ibiit, 8 0 L IV. I TO It Of I' A T f: NTS, l*ltr Ayr.nl of thr V»Ur,i gt.ttrt /'.ilcwl Offler,

ll'iuhinplon, nudar Iht Act 0/ IKI7.

No. 78 State St., opposite Kilby St., Boston

wcnly ye. .'lilted SYll

rdj ol

:er.Iillcuiillnuc.ilii I a* he haa done for the psat two year",a sad, where .'verythluerin hi* line can h. d at the lowest prims.

Funei I. *1leaded with one or a pair n l.orsea M|«n wii.KBM.fiir pr.a.-rvlng bortleBlaw«rn wealhe oaaheobialn.il at all lime*. N.U. ~ 'leralrli wilh superintended ol Hurlal will be roeapUyatleadedlo. I-lle*l



(1 H E A V E S T.

WINK MTTKKS! ar< Peruvian tlark, Caninmile Flower*, Siiakerool, Wild Cl.rrty Hark, " .u Hiug.r, and *ueh other lltirb* aud Koota a. ha* alway. been loui.il

USALTU-aiVItfQ and Inviciiratiuu, *u a. to impart


H°E A V 'I'T , to Hielr pale and *lckly couutenanoCa.

Ladles limn L'tah, South America and Ku rope, are .ending hy ripnaa for Ihuae llitleri.

KoraalebydrBgTriBl*andgroc.-r»gcnerally. Hee (hut the aigualure ut Al.t HRI. Si'han, l'**aaic,N.

1 JM U over lie cap of eaob botUe, 1,1-flaU

10 In Hreat Itrilalu, France and tther lorelgn countrlea. Caveuta, SpeclHcalloup, Ifuinla, As.lg.i.t.euta,a.ul all paper* or drawing* for I'ateut*, eXeeuti-d on rcaaunable term* with dispatch. Keaearcl.es made Into American and Foreign works, to determine the validity aud utility of Patent* of Invention*, mul lecfal and other advice rendered 011 nil matter* touching ihe anrae. Coplel of the claim, uf any uatetil* lur- ni.hed, by re..lilting one dollar. Assignment* recorded iu Ytaaliiugton.

No Ag'nru in (Ac I'mlrd Slittti I'ofrtiri m- ptrlxr facU'ti-' for ,*!,..«...« r,ilt*H .«■ n.ccr- lulioau (lie imltiititUlitfi of inrriiHoi.e.

Hurfng el^-l.t luoutlis the aubacrlbor. In llie or till large practice, .undo on twice

■ in .,11 ....■■. ...jiofwhloh _

lit. Com ti.I..loner of I'ateaU.

ll-'IIMiiMAI... "I regard Ur. F.d.ly aa o.i.-uf tl.e 11

' ' .!■ I itlull.'l

Hist they caiinut employ a man <more\eimtprtrHt .iitd truttu:>rtky and more capable of pulling their uppllcationa In a form lo aeoure for llieiu an early aud favorable consideration at tl.e Patent Hlllce. l.I'Mt M' 111 l(h F.

Late eoiuml.iluncr of Patents." Mn It. II. r.iu.vha*iua.lefor me TlltltlKkN

ppllealioni, in all but UM. of which p»tauta have been (ranted, and that one la nom pending, Such unraTatakable proof ol great latent and ability on hit part, lea.la m. In rcuoommend A I.I. Invrntor* to apply lo him to procure their Patents. aa they rosy be aure ol having the moil faithful attention be*lowed on their osse*. and at eery rcsaonable charge*. JOHN TAUllAKT."

Bo.ton, Jan. 1st. laov. liT


Office & Resilience, !Wl> Common st., •a

. !.!*■ ..|.:■■ (Near Lawrence street,)

i tm irtiTt

OR. A. VV. I1UWLANII, . succanoK TO

Mastodon is Coming At Lawrence, TIL HSII.VY, AIIU. 26th.

First VIBH to the Buy State of the

Largest Consolidated Show Ever Organized.


Great Oriental Circus, EGYPTIAN CARAVAN,


RARE ANIMAL EXHIBITION. J. M, FRENCH, Sole 1'ropV and Manager.

The msnagement, in uceoldance with the spirit of enter- prise whloh has msrked1lieiidiiiiiilstratli.il fr.nu Ihe Inception ot till* gigailllc e.tul.lliliuiei.l.atiu. ■*, Tnr the wason ol ISiW, not only the LAltOKSl. bul Hi- IIKST. MOST AT- TRACriVK, NHVKL. OK1..1NAL, aud INHTHUCTIVK PUHLIt: AHUMKHKNT ever offered In this couulry I

Sixteen Prixe Camels , Hl.eie,! for tbolr HI/loU, HIZK aud BKAUI'Y. from the stable* of the He) 0! Algiers, havu In'en imported direct fro.u. AhxandrlB, and will be prominently SfUMiSS In Ihe

ijiiiiidioi s 1; v> ■ iit-s trBCVAClsB which will form siiHNl'AltAl.LKI.KHMTUKF.l HlHI'LAY I

A Splendid I*rooes»ion aurp'dslug 0 deuuin.lt at 10 p.- mill u re.

THE GOLDEN CAR OF CLEOPATRA, containing W. H. Story'. Cornet Hand, mid drawn by ll Camels—two .,lu . .1-1 ,nl> ■ 11 by a native reiii.mau, will pre- Caste the pageant.

The Tribe of I lie Sous ol Hagar,

FOcrau^siN; asAi. A&A9B, Mounted on Hromodarles,

The Massive Den, containing 6 Fine Kaffra Lions, will be thrown open, and the ininsle* perOHWd, in llie prearnceof the people, by Col. UKO.W. HALL.

First Exhibition in America of Monster Elephant



Most positively the largest animal ever captured alive. This large beast has Juat been added to the *how, having arrived In thla country on the steamer llolsatia, at New York, from liiiiiih,,i-.;. June 1, ia<W. Al«o, the amalleat hlephant, the

UTTLE SULTAN. The Gossamer Car,

wafted by Fairy Steeds. '

Cavalcade of the Cresoent. by Ladies aud liuntlemen tn Kiuh Ottoman Costumes.

IHE WILD BEAST CAGES, painted in crimson, decorated with gold, and exrpiliitcly

..j ii..in. ut. .1.

Double-Humped Baetrlan Camel, THE MONKEYS AND PONIES,

* ■«, *s« all Oie itilin. of Tans, Waaons, Car* aud Carnages, > with the stool, ol

Tx*ained and Draught Horses! wtilch render this Caravan so'sunrrior when brought luto

comparison with cotempursry In.tltutions.

T 1» o I* e r i'o r in a n c e s will be found, In al, respects, ecjunl to the outside display. Among the feature* will be round Ihe


:. MONSl'KIt MANDltll.l.l which wlll.LI'ON IIOItSKHACK. execute all the ,limcult feat, ol I'rofcasloual Eiiueslrlan*, iulroducl.ig the Ml Ll 1 AllY MANO: C VKKS, and absolutely FlltlNti OFF A UUN. ' I

r'OUKTKKN THOHUtlOBBRED AltABS.acknowle.lged by the Kurnpcsn journals to be Il.e moat clever Hyn.nnst* ever teen, have been .peclally engaged, su ,1 will appear for Hie Ural time It. America In their MAKVKL.S lei MID-AIK! lu which Hi.y build high Pyramid* wilh men.

The Equestrian and Gymnastic Department, under the direction of Mr. K. II. KOSHTON, will pr WON. Pre re K.pic.lrle.ii.e, who lor ihe pa*l I Metropolitan Clrcuaes and Amphlthratres.

Master CHARLES riSH, 'm- young ,.n.i dasblai Ar rare nierila, Nat , ganoiliui I In pmud bul de.crvc.l rcputat HACK KIHF.lt tn America.

Mr. FRANK PASTOR, "'" Wonderful I'AU-ltlUKIt, Just arrived from F.urope-lir.t earaiiuc iu right years, ,

n AN 1.ON and HOLLOW AT, sVrUlsta; a|i|« at.iiie, iu eight years,

KD. ItOLUlWAY, Hurdle Itl. CL'I'I.FIt, Hcreulesn l'crlori„cr.oiill'Hiiii'.U Hall Manipulator; H'lle i LTI Kit, Mlslret.nl < Fragile Wire; CIIAKt.F.S lll.lss, rlntinploii lu ml.ler ot the World; Ihe IH.lSS FAMII.i Charles 11 t'arlu»,ii. urge and Alberl. — fluuil.iue Acrobat, and I'roliclci.ts In lr

Ira ' I 1 ui I'.M., k^ueptrleuue.

Mr. GBOHGE M. Vj/A IlKK ) WN, la which he will malutalu his hfgh repatallot

The M KN AH hlltl F., inil, ...-udenl oT the collect Ion of l.iona, Catuel* and I'romedarl. ., ptcaent* m. nl llie net r.iu-rkal.le *|,e, i,n, -.,.. KAMA I •., Il.e Munki-i. wltli ll.^r.l.,.,r l'alrl.io bal

Apes; thel'AI'lll.ur Huban ; Hie at ANHItl I.I,, or Malmon Hobgoblin; the CY MICKI'JI Alt S, aud a well Mlucted AVIAUY of richly plumugcd KXOTIU lilUHS.

Admission, SO cent*; Children ten years and under, 26 cants. Afternoon Knlarlaluuiei.t at l| Kvuulng Performance at ". lloors open an hour previous.

Itll-otlaglS A. .1. HI'ltlMliKK, j .„Btjl „„,. ■„.,,.,,.., W. II. HOCHII, ( A»Pnt" •*uu "ifilora


tea Kasax HT,,

LAW Bases

"^***" lit* Administered. •sr-aefereaoe— Faculty, I'lill*. Dental College

N.w No. 283 Essex St,, (old No. 112.)

E- F. MORSE, UIIIIIr.i'tur,T ul


Packing Boxes OF ALL MM--.

Shelf Boxes, Bonnet Boxes, &c.,Stj. Alao. Ih-alrr in

Al.fu KL>\I)S OF LUMBER lii.il,.


Attorney & Counsellor at Law. MILi, i out OF PAXUtT,

Bo.CTr Kaaax HTraar I.AWHaara Mass a|»i

R. A. SEAVi^ik, (Sum' ■ to ltolllns i. Clark,


BOOTS <Sc SHOES, No. 395 Essex Street,

.lealy'i laiwrenoe,

P. S. HALL & CO.,

Clothing Dealers, Have HEUOVED to

Edward's Store,near Sims' Block,

Corner of Jackson Street,

Where they a opening a lir.t clatt stock of

Han ..h.d lo .inter. ."IllUt llllll '

■ui. I,i,..i.iiie..l,,i,l,li,.: „,„l nil

Laths, Clapboards, Shingles■ finish JMilber

m all .piiilill,,,

MILL. MAIN STUKET, (opp.^rTooleD taiabU Will,) UE'rilUKN

Jeady-made Clothing. Gent's Furnishing Goods,


Mn. HF.HF.I.I. (late of ll.-ih II A Fo.ter) can be (bund at our store, where he will be happy lo *.-.■ his friends. tlKspil

IDIt.-W. E. BIOOB, (Snoaeaeor to Dr. K. D. Hum)


ISS Kaaei st*. Lswrcn >e.

If yon want a

I*. . i.. i l iiin.M Wlnelow s , go lo DOW A OM l bey are eonalautly making to. order all Uir different varleUet. A I .'«■ alocK uf thl* cla-s of itno.la kept ciaatautly un hand al their Book aad taper li auglng Slorr, M» kl.se *


Fire and Life Insurance AMD

REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 4 Fomberton Street, Lawrence.

W. D. JorLia, ii".|^ A. V. Bueaaa.


Has Removed

NEW OFFICE, Lawrence.

dtlivfi 'Z5H Esaeii street.

jail Nearly opposite old offlce.


WINK BITTKK8,—the moil un dlolual la the market. KtU bill bed In ItMt. asarlrttn.



Cotton & Woolen Machinery AND

MACHINE WOltK UENEKAI.I.Y. < Pulley*, Hearing and Shafting, Jack ».■..■«■. All kind...i llolia on hand.or made to.ord.r,

alao all kinds of Forging done, HKNKUAL JOH WORK and Hill repair* done

promptly and faithfully, Deaieri in Hanafaotureri' Supplies.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets

lyUapt LAWS. KM I 'B.


„ff|TD0EtN0TW**'""' 6 BILIOUS, DvaprpSi't




•fat gaivrtnre Amutran AN DOVER ADVERTISER,

Published .very Krl.lnv K**ntn| ' >

GEO. S. MERRILL A U,., ProprietSe, Cur. Btm» $ Apptoa* 8*s., /^tcrraee.

TFRMi* — f'JJOU |*?r year, »"*■ isafivMstWi If not In


I Indie*. 1-4 col., 1.3 Ml., 1 .-.il'iiiti

m».|1 ye.

I M| 1 7 4 2 ""] .' OW 4 U". I u"i M OO i o<i ft i«> r. H * ,,o.", ll0,li H w °° mul I nil 'i i*>;u (Hijlft uu-ili ouj ii t»

in no U i>» in wrja uu.au w»,« «>| »° <" at im| -U oil :ii «> -H "i .'>.'. INI iw uu ISO uo

No orwu-f* of 1CM than one mutt*. (one Inch.) AMlft-Ht*"' and Administrators' Nulloe*. ea.M;

Me.«rV'«',*'. '•'">'■•'■ ' "ll,"r '""l Soll°"-' t'i per uiiiur fur t tires- Inaortions or lo**,

HLMKIB] Nutlet* *> urr ""'■ ,,Ilr»', „ „ hfutwi In reeding rolumna, S» <*nU per »*»»• »»

eharp of lea* tbau eight Hoe*. .

Th' sW*etJeM**S •>/ '*" tillSMnei *••»*" MM <* <MM (Ann TBHEB TIMES that of a)MW •***»• *es»eJe|» J*"***1 !•«»«•*•< *» *****

II. .


77ir Omtty .Intrtican eCUI.rSMRIi

KVKUV KVKSINO, (Sanaa*, eaocpted,)

Has a large eirrelatloa UH| Ut baalaM public,aeTurdlna a if IT j deskside advertising


Ou. Year,. ■ ■ tl « I Bin eSoutha, • • •■ 0» Whan not paid la »<NIN,|I>



STEAM ] PRINTING OFFICH la thr Ivmi sud am tt.oroujal)furalsbed la e*«rrn Massachusetts. Having the e»«*t Imprewel aaodsru Praeaes,and withcoa*tant eddltioaeorthe


aad with «ur ejUaasivtyjurtatr of work, we sre ' able to rarniah Ihe Iteet Quality of Worm, esp+dl-' Uoaily, ud at low prieei. Order* by mail promptly IU*4.

GEO. S. MERRILL 4 CO., Proprietors, ISO SSSCK ST.. UtWKlNOft.


Reliable. RELIABLE.

Fire Insurance. FIRE INSURANCE.




In the United States, and




" Olvo in,- a motto," aald a youth Tuone whom yean bad rondered win •

" Hume pleasant thought or weighty truth. Thai urlefeat aylleblea comprise;

Some word of warning <n of cheer, To <r*v« upon my signet here."

" And, reviT. nd father," aald the boy, " Shine life, thry ««y, la a*er mida

A mlii|led Web of Brief aad Joy, Since earea may come and pleeiure* fade,

Hwy, let the muiu> have a raaga i ■ . Of meanlni, matohlnf e*ery ohanga."

" riuuth," aaid Uw elre, " im-iliiuka yuu aah A labor •umethlng over nice,

That well a finer brain mlfht u>k- What think you, lad, of Una advice 1

(Older than I—thou«h I am sray,) Tbli elmple—' Tbli will pau away.'

When wafted on by Fortune'* hroeze, in endleaa I'caoa thou arein'nt to glldr,

Prepare brilme* for roufher neai, And i-lji'.-k llic buait of youthful pride!

Th(iu(h ,i„iii ,. joy I* thin,' t>).day, Ki'iiivniliiT —' Thle will paee away^

When all the *Ny la draper) In black. And beaten by lempeatuoui (alee,

Thy etiudderln| ehlp arem* all a wreck, Then trim agalti thy tattered aalia ;

To grim Dcepalr bo not a pray, I lli'lhliik thee,« Tbli will paaa away '

Thai, O, my aon, be not o'erjpruud, Nor yet cait down; Jud[e thou aright;

When ikli'* are clear, eipuot the uluud ; In darkneia, wait the oomlng light ,

Whether be thy fale today, Hemeiaber,' Thla will paa* away.' "

Ins. Oo. North America.






TWO MILLION 1 « a,ooo,opo


Insure in Reliable Companies

D. 8. SWAN & SON*


No. 7 Lawrenoe street,


J. F. GILBERT & COMl'AN Y, (iiuMon to M. S. i>,..i^.

D-..II r. ■■

M KN'S AND mil's

Keady Made Clothing, MATS, CAPS, Ac.

A large amjurlmeiil ul '""


*97 EMCX atruet, - - Lawrence. tflfcia OMK i'itn>, MM.v .


Baggage Wagon AMU


Dona with pronplaeaa. Particular atleiiUon uald u> luovlnx ol

Trunk* and Strtwt Work. aWTeam will beat Paiaenger l'ip"t. ciinji

•vlth all of the principal trains through the da). Ordara, cheoka, tu., reoelved at Beal'a Perlodl

«1 Hlore.neat to horae railroad station; ,1. I'lll. hury'i furniture ttouota, 161 Knex at,: Uooper'i Hipreaa OMee, oppnalle Post Office; Hale'i Ha aaar *4 hmi street. aa«ai>.lo

Ce>sa>a»aaiwealth e,f MaaaaMhrnaatU.

The Bomg uf tht Printer.

— nek aM Biiak iloea i lie the type In the illck,

Aa tlleplin'tor elands ai his oaao; Ills I'yi'S glance quick, and hi* flngvra pick

The type at a rapid pace; And one by one aa the letter! go, Worda are piled up ateauly and alow—

Steady and clow— Bat allll tbey grow,

And word* of Are they loon will glow . Wonderful word* that without a eound Traverse the aarth to ibe utmost bound;

Worda that iball make The tyrant quake,

And the filler- of the oppreeaed shall brealt, Worda that can crumble anny'a might, Or treble its strength In a rtghteooi light.

Yet the type they look but leaden and dumb, Aa he puu them In place with flngur m-i thumb;

But the printer aralle*, And bla work begullei

By ohantlng a aung aa the lotion he pllee, W Ith pick and clink,

Like the werld'a chronometer, tick I tick I tick I

O, where la the IUBJI with inch slinplu tuola Can govern the World like I }

With a printing preei, an Iron stick, An.I a little leaden die; •*

With piper of white, and luk of black, I support the Ulght, and the Wrung attack,

day, where la ha or who may he be. That can rival the primer'* power ?

To no inunarche that live, (he wall doth he give,— Their away laila only an hour.

Whllu the j>rlin,T aim grows, and only ii.nl know* Wh i hi. might shall oeaae u> Wwerl

The Jfa/arery of thr Orange.


K WAS wlii]... makiiiit a Utur through Wint Uoreland that I U«CUUIR ttcijiiainteii wlilt the atury I am abmit u> rulate. I had put up at A Hmall Inn on the Amblu- n\t\t> Komi, close to the Lake of Wlnder- IDere, and, while ilisi'u--iii^ a bottle of wine, acconllrtf' to my touri«t cuatom, with the hoMt.had cunually expreit)>ed the Mirprlxe 1 hud lelt on percelvln>;, along

'lie road I had come, a haudxouie house, urrouudod by Hue woodland grounds.

1111n■ 11:111n■ ■ I and uvldently fulling into dllaplilation and ducay.

Alt, sir," answered tuy host, "a Hiraiife story is attached to that house. We call it about here The Dark Slater."

Indeed! 1 love thehtstorle* of ruined huiiiea." said I; "huvo you any objection to tell me thla oner

'Certainly not, air, he'rejoined; and emptying Ilia glass, which I hud re-Ill If'1. he began, in a strong north-county dia- lect, which 1 shall lake thu liberty of translating Into English."

"Over alley years ago, (jreatone Grange was occupied by two orphans—sisters. Their parents hsd died there; leavllig tin-in In the old placo alone and evidently without a frh-nd.

It had been a strange family; and there were strange rumors, tou.respecl- ing the father — rumors uf debt and dlf- llculty; which Uilhe surprise of all, had suddenly given place to altlttejice and comfort. Hut it was not long alter the changed titnea had set In, that t he mother, il tin- t.ninT, died, leaving the two girls,—one twenty, file other nineteen,— ■uletresaea of the Orange.

Well over a year had gone by since (his had occurred, when a young tourist inn artist) visited this part, of the country. lie was a handsome, gay young fellow, with a fair pleasant face, dark, chestnut hair, a joyous laugh, and merry, dancing hazel eyes. IIu put up at the Inn, every uiortilng went, "tarllug off with camp-stool amlnketch-hook. to take this or that view;—till, catching -i; I.I ol'Ures- tone Grange, he took II Into Inn head to sketch the old plaie. Hut to d i this well lie had Ilrst to get Inside toe gates. This —a difficult task to moat—was none to him, possessing as be did a luce and manner which equalled all Cmsar's cour- age awl generalship put together, be had but to come, and to hevseen, to conquer. The lodge-keeper could not withstand him. that was certain; but, after a little

t per-

VlniTCdi AuaacV, BiMim STATIC CMaaiT STATX ill.esc, Boaton, July at, law

The Oflioe of tbe VUlllug Ajeot Board oi Stale ('harlllrs—ander provleloBI of Chapter t.1, i, (icn eral laws H|al* .4 Hassach It.- l» eitabllahed at the Stale House, iloslou.

All applications to take children from the Slate UHoritnU.fi.. or Primary School, or those other, wiea uiiiii-r tbe eare of the State, by Indenture, adoption, or any other method Haed by law; aad all communications relating lo tin- bualnasi of the Agency, should be anadr aud addreaaed tu OAK- ninut Ttnm, Vlalting Afaat.

fall lufuruiatiou Funcernlag the i-rui. of Indrn- ture and adopiiou. will be glveo at the OatOe.wr by letter. UAUDIMKB MM-..

StUafS Vi.lting Agent.



IIa.la, Cars, etc,

2£0 Eaaex street, - - Lawrence.

Do Ton Want a CHUCK BOOK oa Hav Htata or reeahanoa ■aaahal tiate UOW * Otr*.

asked tht- ration ol the artist's presence there. Hearing It, and, perhaps not altogether proof against the fascination of the young artist's fane, they bade him visit the grounds when he pleased tilt his sketch was liutshed. Uladly he accepted the permission, am) they withdraw.

Itni the sketch took a vary, very long time completing. Ou his arrival at the Inn, Graham Koyston had stated It to be his intention of remaining only a fort- night, but a month paaaed, and yet he showed uo signs of departure: while tbe Grange appeared the only place In the country he eared to add to'his drawings; and that he ruust have taken from all point* of the oompaaa.

It was during one of bis visits there that, a terrible thunderstorm coming on the sistera bad felt compelled to i-k hhn to take shelter hi the house till it had ceased. While in- .11.1 so, Alice tireatone's drawings had attracted bla attention, and he hail spoken highly of the skill ills- played In them; yet pointed out some slight crudities, which he offered, as a small return tor their kiudiiuHS to hhn, to Instruct her how to remove.

The elder hesllaied, and drew a de- nial upon her lips; but the younger, with a sudden eagerness, accepted the utter, and taking up her pencils, prepared at once for a lesson. It need scarcely be said how It ended. All might have guessed ■ he coucluston; that before Graham Hoyston. through business, was compelled to quit Westmoreland, he had duclared his luve lo the fair-haired girl, and In a mud, unguarded moment. Alice Gres- tone had accepted him.

That evening he had returned to the hiu, fluelied with happiness: and the next morning he started off gaily to the rail- way station, waving his hand towards the Grange, though It was not In sight apd promising a speedy return. All were sorry to lose hhn ; but eaoh felt that Miss Alice would grieve most at his departure.

In regard to the latter, the night following her confession ol love, which bad hem uttered while bidding the young artist farewell In the avenue, she crept into her sister's room, her golden hair streaming loose over her soft, white dress- ing-gown, and timidly, almost with fear, nestling down by Edith Grestone's side, had, In a faint, trembling voice, and with many tears, told what had happened.

With a shnrp cry, as If a terrible spasm had wrung her heart, the elder sister heard the first words.—then, as if petrified, sat rigid, her hands clasped, gazing into the fire, and listening In

Co the murmuring voice of her Not a wunl pas>ed hef lips llll

the other bad ended, then, as if the sen- tences were torn from her, she cried desparlngly:—

Oh I I feared—I feared it from the first: Oh, Alice!—Oh! my sister! what have yuu duner"

"The tears were fulling quickly down the youuger's cheeks, as, thruwiug bet*- sell on the elder's neck, she sobbed forth.

Oh, Kdlth, forgive me; I could not help It. He was so very dear to me. that my love gruw stronger than my duty; aud this night 1 have promised to be his!

but." she added, eagerly, aa If her life relied upon the other's confirming her word, 'that oue—Ac will not surely claim the in liniment ni my oath after an many years have gone away; and vet not a word—besides I wan but a child when I did It."

No, no, Alice; aeek not to excuse yourself thus, exclaimed tho sister, quickly, almost angrily. "Our parents' troubles bad made even your gentle nature strong In reason and thought. Yuu were no child when you gave your oath, and signed your name to It, to be- come Arthur Heriton's wife, at a suitable age, on condition that he granted peace and freedom to our father. Our father, Alice, whom It was, otherwise In his power to cast Into prison; for his debts were many. With your own free will you did It. even aa I should have done, had he selected me In payment of my lather's liabilities. Ah! why did he not choose me—why did ho not? I could have been firm—I cutild have resisted my own heart—though thu struggle broke it."

"Oh! Edith—sister! your words hurt— they wound me; tbey carry in Lheui such a tone of reproach," sobbed AllceGres- tone, clinging, clinging to hercompanlon. Oh! pity me; I could not help but love Graham—who could? My affection was too strong to he resisted; 1 was power- less against it; but believe me, Arthur Merit..ii will never oorae.

"The elder sighed deeply; then gazlug down at in-!- gcttlle, delicate sister, and marking her heart-rending distress, an expression of the Inlenscst affection spread over her features.

There, there, Alice; do not weep," she exclaimed, softly, as. stooping, she kissed lite bowed-down, golden head. I do not hi.one you. dear—no, I cannot. From my soul I will pray your surmise may In- correct. Who can tell? We must leave It as all other ulTalrg In the hands of heaven, and rely on Its mercy. Now go, larling—the hour Islata—you need rest — and I would think quietly over what you have told me. Ii has come so suddenly yet, I feared—1 leared.

without hiin-eir asking he knew well the slsiers' repugnance to strangers. Ho, the next morning, Gra- ham Koyston had -truck his camp-stool upon the green slope at the Western side of the Orange, and was hard at work with pencil and sketch-book. /*-*v

It so happened that, ou this very morning—a bright and-kolden une-^tnr -«a;

two slaters chanced to turn their steps in ihe direction of the slope. Hut let me stay here a moment to describe them, few words will suffice.

Slaters they were, truly ; but as unlike In face and hi temperament as dark to light. Only one similar feeling held them together, as with chains of Iron thla was the Immeasurable affection the; bora for cii. ii other. The elder, tali, alight, and with a figure fully developed, had hair of Iho silky jettftiess of Ihe raven's wing, a pale complexion, a ruby momh. and full, dark eyes, uver which the long, heavy lashes fell, adding much to the general pensive, almost sad, ex- pii'M-ioii of thu entire face. The younger was shorter, of a rlight girlish figure, and ■with gulden hair, a. talr, peadh-llkn complexion, soft, violet eyes, and a gentle, reliant expression In tone and manner, which made her seem as If form- ed like ihe tender tendrils ol a plant, to cling for support to those of older growth.

Different then, as night and day—yet eloaely bound together—the two sisters passed down (lie path; the youuger's anm clasped about the other's waht, ou which she seemed tu rest; while the elder's was cast protcotlngly, as If accept* Ing tacitly the trust implied, round Alice Grestone's neck.

Aa they emerged upon the slope they certainly formed the most beautiful, the most striking portion of the scene; at least, Graham f-Koyston thought so, as,

■'i-hook, he

Like a child, the younger obeyed; and an hour after was sleeping peacefully dreHining of Graham Koyston. the young artist; while Kdlth Grcstone, pu!c,miite, ami worn, more conscious of the trouble in store for her slater (through her un- fortunate attachment) than she was her- self, sat with bauds clasped before the lire In her dressing-room till long after the first sireuks of breaking day appeared in the cast.

The next morning the sisters met at Ibe breakfast-table. A letter lay upon Ii, addressed lo Alice Orestone. She took It up with flushed cheek; for sbe expected It brought a few lines Iroro Graham Koyston; but ou— the writing was strange to her. With trembling fingers she broke ihe seal and glanced at the contents; then with a wild shriek, fell Daek insensible In her chair. The letter was from Arthur

sTle had pleaded, and begged, even on hci knees, for her sister's freedom. But a very Shylock was Arthur Herlton, and would hear or take nothing but his bond. That must be fulfilled, or out Into the roads they should go, penniless, frleud- lesa;forthe Grange was his; (hey were living ou his charity. Had he not the papers, which he always earned about with him, to prove It? Let Alice reluse to keep her oath, and their parents' name, as their own, should be covered with shame, aud exposed lo the world. Ay, further, he would have tbem In prison,too, If oidv for a tew daya. that it- heavy. cruel ■ dn might bit* Into their vory ao '.! :,.awl rest tiswan their delicate, aeusl- iivi: natures through life. What! was he to be robbed of his inoiiny, ami also ol the girl, who, ou hur oath, had sworn (o be his? No; while there was law in thu land, he would have bis rights, or take a dire icveuge.

He led- -striding down thu avenue, and out of the lodge gatos, muttering thus; while Alice, running Into the library, was crouching at her slater's feet, her face burled lu the neavy fold* ol th» I.liter's dress; for, lu the mute, stony, and downcast eyes, she rend to i well the result of that terrible interview.

-Oh! Edith—sister." Alice Orestone tried at lu-tt, breaking awlul siience, "speakl say what yuitr facehasaheady uttered; Arthur Herltou will not release lie- 11.ini my oath."

"No; be refuses; and should you reject him, threatens shame to utir parents' memory, and poverty and a prison to ourselves."

' Oh, huaveu pity me!' uioauud the girl, pressing her hands to hur throbbing brain; then, with a sudden cry. she con* tinned, as, springing up, she stood, a strange light shining Inner eyes. 'Ves, yes; there Is one way, and It Is certain es- cape.' tt

As-the dark sister looked upon the res- olute face, the unusually flashing eyes, fear seized her. 'An escape, Alice,'- -he murmured.'

'And that is death!' was the linn re- ply.'

• A cry Issued from the hearer's lips; and dashing forward, she caught the other In her arms as If she stood upon a precipice,from which she would save her. No, no, my Alice,' she ejaculated, at

length, with a great gasp— *drna u not even of so great a crime: It Is a sin— It Is oowardly.'

• Well.is It not death?—a voluntary sui- cide to weil Arthur Herlton?' rejoined the other, calmly. 'Yes. and 1 prefer the quicker way, rather than be false to Gra- ham.'

The dark sister paused, ss lu painful thought; then, wftli a ■■ netting of the breath, the cuM. I in passion less look again settled down upon her features, and, drawing slightly back, she spoke:

1 Alice.you shall uot wed Arthur Herl- ton! There is yet auother way of escape. I will try It; aud. if possible, save YOU. Be hut patient. Now leave me; and sue I am not disturbed till 1 ring.' .

' Anuthei way ! But, Edith—what way do you mean?'

•I cannot tell you now. I must reflect, and mature it; ao go, sister. 1 wish to be alone. Only rely on "»o. I will nave you. If lean.'

Silently and-wonderfully, Alice obeyed. Then Edith Orestone, sinking Into a large study-chair before the fire, rested her el- bow on her knee; and. hiding her face lu her hand, began to think and force her mind to alone contemplate oue Idea, which had flashed tu her mind—to con- template, to grow accustomed to It—to recognize It as an Imperative necessity, and not to shudder at its ttilllllmeut..

So three hours passed; the coal tire glowed more faintly, and the dim, wintry twilight was closing round the motionless figure, betore the dark sister, ringing tho bell, summoned her old aud faithful nurse to her.'

• Nurse,' she said, as she concluded a letter she had been hurriedly writing, 'you, who were with us In that aad past- tImu.are aware of the oausc wlilrrii brought Mr. Herlton here to-day. Well, angry words passed between us; aud, I tear, he may take proceedings against our huusu, which may aud In Alice's and my ruin. 1 have, therefore, written him this note. Kea.l It. It is bidding him come here to- morrow morning; as, before that time. I hope to get my sister to hear reason, and accept his auk. It Is better so, la It not, nurse?' T,

'Ay, -iH'i v. rejolued the old woman, whu bad read the letter mechanically, and nuw handed It hack with tears In her eyes. 'Ah! "Miss Edith, poor Miss Alice —laucy her being sacrificed in this cruel way. H Mr. Koysion now were only here—'

• Hush, nurse; hush!' Interrupted the young mistress, almost sharply. 'You must never utter that name In our pres- ence again. .See. here Is the le.tter;take It yourself to Mr. Herlton; he Is al the neighboring Inn. Leave It there, aud re- turn; wall for no answer.'

The nurse, replying In the afflruiatlvc took the note anil tie


dropping pencil ami sketch-li started up, cap lu hand,before ihem.

The sisters' surprise at the Intrusion of a stranger upon their privacy at Last yielding lo luualuioe curiosity, the elder


al the Grange, to claim Ihe fulfillment of the young girl's vow to become his wife.

I,nte Into that day the two sisters sat side by side, clasped In each other's urtiis—Alice clinging despairingly, hope- lesMy, to the elder, who, her white face

and a certain contraction about the .-lender fingers, Indicative of the

irtf.-iiM- working of the mind, looked, as she was. the only protector upon whom the gentler nature eouhl rely.

•'Alice' 'tis useless these tears, or rum- plahiings about fate. It Is but a weak spirit that sloops to that," said the dark sutler, al last. "We must look to aoilou— action, which alone can make man or woman Independent. Arthur iTerlton ■ hie- his letter from l»mlon. He will, no doubt, be here to-morrow."

"Alice Orestone started, and shrinking in every nerve, murmured imploringly: Oh.oh! Impossible, Not so soou. U cannot be!

But tbe other continued without heed- ing : I will see him when he comes. Alice. I will tell him all; for, even should you fulflll your vow, it would be a sin you must not commit lo become Ids wife with- out letting him know thai your heart is another's—I hat li never can be his. Sure- ly he will, for his own happiness"' sake, listen to reason. He will not be so cruel as to press his suit, knowing that. Let him take all, so that he penults you lu be free and happy, my sister!

Hloophig, she pressed the other to her bean, passionately, while, for (lie first time, tears stood In her dark eyes; then she strove, with tbe lontlest love, tu soothe and quiet the sobbing, almusi broken-hearted girl.

Arthur Herlton, a man over fifty, with a tall, spare frame, a keen, usurous, grasping look on his sharp features, but the expression of a free liver about the mouth and eyea, had been and bad gone.

Kdrtb Oreetone had seen bun alone; aha had told him all, aba had reasoned,

leparled, dour closed upon her, Edith

Grustonc, with a irainbl'ug hand drew from among the papers, littered upon the table, a letter, the oue the old nurse had read, and which lite believed she then car- ried, looked up<m It an Instant, then, oast- lug It upon the fire, watched IIII! tl every atom was consumed; afterwurds leaving die room, she sought her sister. Finding her lu tears, sbe bade her take heart; then in a short time, complaining of headache, she wished her good ulght, and retired to rest."

To her room she went; hut to rest, no! With a measured, monotonous tread, she paced the apartment, her pulses all fever heat, but her touch ley cold even to her- self. Once Alice, knocking gently, asked how she was. {.\>unterteltiiig a sleepy voice, she had answered, 'belter ' Inn did not wish to be again disturbed, as sbe required strength fur the interview on the morrow. An Interview, she (rusted, might bring happiness to her sister.'

Thus she remalued till the clock struck ten; then going to a table, she threw open an oblong box which she had brought with her from the library; ami, taking out ft "in It a haiids(saiely mounted pistol, carefully /examined It, and saw to Its proper loading. Afterwards casting a shawl about her head and shoulders, she passed by another door Inlo whst had once beeu her mother's apurtments, and from them, by a staircase, gone out ofuse with the rooms, gained a small door leading into (he grounds. When ihnre, her face very white, her eves unnaturally bright, her teeth clenched, aud her hand closing like a vice upon the weapon sbe carried, she hurried along to a spot near a small gate where the trees and copse- wood giew moredense. Here,concealed by the shadows they cast.^she remained, —waiting.' 4

The next morning there was much commotion at ihe road-side Inn. which extending ' to the neighborhood — an- nounced that the stranger, Mr. Herlton, who had only arrived the previous day, bad gone out for a si roll about ten o'clock ibe preceding night, and never returned.'

' The rumor spiead. aud day succeeded day, yet he made no ap{»earance. One man, a shepherd, who hail been herding sheep on the hills, hearing of the affair, affirmed that he fancied he hail heard, ou the evening of the gentleman's disappear- ance, the slierp report ofa pi*ti,j; W as nobody was ever found, tills we(Hf"(or nothing; and as ihe stranger hud not brought any luggage. It was finally be- lieved he had decamped In that way to avoid paying his bill at the Inn'. >'■

Nowhere, however, was greater sur- prise felt than a( ihe Grange, It was a matter of endless talk aud surmise In the servants'ball,while,In the drawing- Alice's astonishment failed lo overcome the Joy she felt at the news; though Edith's calm, almost oold demeanor, held her tu check. Indeed, aa she at times ex-

I ,


pressed ber hopes In gleeful tones that Arthur Herlton had gone forever, the dark sister seemed to start, and shrink hack, shaking as with an ague. Six weeks passed, and Arthur Herlton had not appeared; but the young artist did, and in due form proposed for Alice to the dark sister, begging (hat their union might be speedily aoeooipliaheltl. he hav- ing several en.omissions to execute lu Switzerland; and whst. more delightful spot to spend a wedding tour at than there?

To Alice Grestnaa's surprise, who leared that tbe obstacle of Arthur llerl- ton's return might he thrown across 'her path to happiness, her «w»ter quietly, wlth- oti' either expression of pleasure or pain, but In the peculiar listless manner which had settled upon her of late, gave tier consent, ami even hastened the wedding day.

-But, supposing Arthur Herlton return?' Alioeoiice ventured to say. -M

• Why, yuu will be married, and safe. far away trout here, knowing that.be may- be less hard upon us. But—1 do uot think he will conic,' was the rejoinder.

'It was it quiet marriage; but when the happy pair were about r.u start for I«>u- don. the dark slsier, drawing the young bride aside, passionately, and with Iren- /'ted warmth, exclaimed almost entreat- lugly !

'Alice! when you leave this solitary plac behind, and your still more solitary sister, never, darling, forget to pray for mo In your prayers. Mind, oh, mind, you never do; for from your hands at least I deserve every affection. Oh ! Alice, one day you may learn how much I love you —hush! farewell—not a word more' Aud dragging Ihe other with her. Edith Grestouu hastened back to the impatient, happy bridegroom.

Years passed over. Alice Koyston's husband, having becume a renowned painter, dwelt either In London Of Italy; while the dark sisicr.shulining all society, lived alone with two servants, beside tho nurse, at the Orange—rarely, and, to- wards the end,ncvcr.quitilng'tbegrounds. Seldom was she seen; but when the pass- ers-by caught sight of her, through the lodge gates, they were painfully struck al the change which had taken place. So thin, so white, »o haggard she looked —with,and) large, lustrous eyes—|hat a dread seized them: a droad that was soon oxplalned. f ' '

One day the servants from the Gramre came hastily to the Inn. breathless with the news of the sudden disappearance of (heir mistress, and he..' 'im; help lo.can-li the country round. Then It crept oul that lor a long time past the dark sister's mind had been shaltcrcd; Indeed that she was Insane, and they feared ahe might do herself mischief.

Well, the search was made all day without success; till, as twilight was clos- ing In, in a thick part of the copse lu ihe Grange grounds—so dense that man's foot had not trodden It for years—the host of the Inu, with one or two of his men, came upon a figure, kneeling, as If lu prayer; Il was that of a woman; and. hastening forward, they were not sur- prised to find It the dark sister. But they recolled lu horror when, upon touching her ou tin! shoulder to arouse her, tbey found her to be a curpae.

She was resting agalnat a tree thai bad'beeti struck by lightening. But what was that lying before her.alniost as white as the scathed trunk? Gould it hey Was It possible? Yes,there could be no doutb. It was the skeleton ol a human being. The awe-struck group raised and carried back the body to the Grange, leaving tbe skeleton where it lay. Then a message was sent offto the sitter, announcing the horrible news, and bidding her Immediate presence; and, llll they came—ay, and even after,—the old nurse watched, al- most with the wild attachment of a beast of prey, by hur dead mistress.

Well, when Mr. and Mrs. Koyston came, they had a long talk In private with the magistrate of the district. The Grange is a rather out-of-tbe-world place—the saylugs and doings of which seldom got carried Into any of the principal towns. So the dark slater was burled In the neighboring churchyard, and the skeleton which had been found was duclared by the magistrate to be that of a poacher who Had been missing some years ago. It never seemed to have struck Ihe offl- clal. ilnm/li It did many lu the rfllaire. that Mr. Herlton, the stranger, had also been missing, and had never turned up again; while some, who had seen the skeletnu, averred thai they had remarked through the skull a small, round bole, like that made by a pistol-ball.

It., was a theme of* conversation for months hi the bar-parlor; and the news of Alice Grestone's engagement to Arthur Herlton having, somehow, urept out. many declared that, to free tbe younger sister (who had at first sacrificed her hap- piness for all) from suoh a union. Kdith Orestone bad appointed lo meet the stran- ger privately lu thu eopse, and had shot him there, concealing the body afterward with brambles.

Thla story got to be lold so uliett that, at last. It was related uo luiiirer as a sur- mise, but as a (act. Whether It be so not, the Hoynioiis have never lived In the Grange, iiorlrledto let It; but il Is mured that tbey have endeavored to M but without success, an heir lo Arthur Herlton. Falling In this, the placo has hecii-li'fi to fall into perfect ruin and di- lapidation, the sight ot which createa so iin i <h surprise and conjecture to all tour- ists who visit those parts; till, from the people ihiiui. but most frequently from the host at the road-side inn, they Icai the story of ■ Thu Dark Si ■■. i.' ♦■■»■*>■* +

HOW A NKW Vnllk I'ltlKmt I.IVI.n. 7'o th- Edit** uf the Bum.— sir: I am a workliigman.a printer; and I beg.throtigh your columns, to correct sdmu errors Into which nearly all worklngmen have fallen In regard to the cost ol living at (he pres- ent time.

First— lit regard to reul. I pay BIO monthly l*or tuitr rooms, with suitable pantries, qulle ample fur myself, wife and throe children— llu- iddest, a daughter, cmpluyed as a teacher In oui of the pub- lic schools. 1 live lu a first clsss new house, occupied, I i.elieve, by six other families, each baring ibe same accommo- dation. Ton year, ago I paid ■Ifl..W per month for Inferior apartments. In other wurds rents have not appreciated to the extent that wages have.

Second—I earn »ls weekly at my trade, exclusive of extra work—In round iitiiu - bers say 172 per mouth. After paying rent, I have |B7 remaining, I allow my wife tl pel dlctn lor household expenses, not Including wood or coal. This leaves me 1*7 for clothing, or such other purpo- ses as 1 may deem necessary, or $.121 per year.

Third —It may be asked, how a family of five live on |l per di.y? Easy. I buy (he best of every thing. Flour Is no tl car- er than teu years ago: nor Is meat or coal. I bought litrt c barrels of potatoes two months, ago at f&lft. and they cair IMJ bought lo d n at tlie same price. These will last mil until April. Butter Is dear, hut we use It spai lugly, disking up lor it ,wllh soups, gravlua and syrup. A pound of.eMWaU forty cenls makes seventy-two cups of stroiig(itol buardiug-houae or restaurant stuff j beverage, or a. 111 lie over half a cent a cup; with milk and auga", say one east per cup. I can buy the nest ol unit ion ni lo cents perl pound; beef from JO lo HI, 11urnv IIOIII is to 3U; all quite as oheap as ten years ago. We live well, and occasionally entertain our friends, nut ol ml- per diem ((1) allow- ance. Besides, on New YetVs my wlte presented me with a new overcoat (a eur- pi Ise). for which she paid BS0, and that, low. out of her savings,

true ilasby gaprrs.

A New York sexton has mysteriously disappeared. _ He way have luterred him'

Paul, the 'posse), lu hla epistle to the Second Corinthians, remarks as follows: 'Thrice wuz I beaten with rods, wuusl wuz I atoned. • • • • •

In Journeylns often, In perils uv water, In perils among false brethren.'

Paul wuz doubtless a devoted man, aud suffered much, but I kin give Paul fifty in a hundred un the skure uv suffering for a <■«/. and beat him. I hevn't Mil In enuy peril uv water, for I never let that element git near ma tu enuy sli >pe. hut I bev bin beaten with rods; I hev blu stoned, ee wuz Paul, and I hev bin peltid with rot- ten eggs, ex Paul wux not; at least 1 her ain't no akkount nv It "In the Skrlptoors. indeed, I don't, remember that eggs, ee evidences uv popler disapprobasheu uv ptiblik speakers, win ever inoushund lu i lie [tilde. The Jews had either uot tlls- kovcred thereffldioncy, or the price wuz too high in .i.e.'!-' to make ther use com- mon for sleh purposes.

Two weeks ago 1 receeved a letter from ihe Chairman uv the Nashnel Dlmokratlc Cum i nit tee requested me to take Hie stump in Ohio, Pennsylvany, Injeany anil Ten- iit-see. I alltia go wlter uooy calls, pervl- di'i expenses Is pald.aud that belli aekoor- ed I startld to wuust. That I didn't suc- ceed, and that I am back here in (eu days, hevln In that breef time completed the tuor uv futir states, is no fault uv mine. Il yoo»t to be the boast uv Dhuneracy that It wuz one and the same everywhere. It's one and a good many now, and that my Iutellek aint hefty enough to hold and couipreheud the whole uv It, Is uo fault uv mine. Kutle'r set it down to the ak- kount uv them which made these differ- ences, which are too far apart for any one man to straddle. 1 feel sensitive on this question. I write these Hues with my face klvered with plasters and my lell arm in a sling.

1 commuiicml my labors In Ohio, lu this county uv Holmes, which gave mure patriots to that uoblc force which resisted drafts and shot nrovtr-marshals than any oua iu ihu State. Feellu. uv eoiirae. that I must supjHirt the nominees uv the party, I launched out boldly Into a vigorous eulogy uv Koaecraits. I spoke In that siylis uv ifrvid oratory wlch I learned nv Henry Clay I>ean, wieh Is uv (he sky, rouket order, ea (hough ihe speeker hwil bin born half way beiwlxt a camp meotlti mid a torch-light pcrecsshuu. The stur- dy Dlmocraey uv Holmes are n troo Dlmorrats *-r. the State klu boast, but they don't think ez rapidly ■-/. they act. They learned some years ago that Kosecraus wuz a Fedral h-mnl. and that his men wuz Ihe cheef aelois In hunttii uv em down In isii'2-;i. hut they hevn'l got to the pint yit uv l-okiii at him ee a Olmokratle candidate. Therefore the moment 1 spok tl* ■Kosecraus the gallant soljer, wlch is now a candidate for Governor, they yelled in an outburst uv rage; 'Down with the Ablishu emissary wlch praises a bloo-bel- lli'd butcher,' and bombarded me with stones, rotten eggs, and sich.

U wuiyooaeluss lo attempt lo eontlnvoo to -peak, and so I succumbed. Troo. ihe leaders got em rite on the Governor that ulght, but I coodeut speak lo em aglu, ex my itrj»»oeVea wits too severe.

Tim B*fwl rim I wn> udvertlaod. for wua in a close county, wber the Dimocrlsy hod blu parshelly under blood-tlilrsty in- flooencoa during the late onploasaiKiils, and wher ther show uv success In cap- eberlng the county offlsna onnslets In ther gobblln a hundred or so Kepubllcan votes. Spoaiii from the eggsporleuce I bed hod that pralsln soljers wasn't Ihu dodge In Ohio. I opened out with a vlggerous de- nunslashon uv tho Llnkin hTrctlns wlch brot onto tbe country the woes wlch we wtiR now Millet in under, gettin off fluent iy the speech I yoosed in the Vallandygum campane In ltMVJ. Immejltly liter wuz another uprore. Ihe candidates choked uie orf. and their friends In the aujleuce peltid me with sticks and stones, and ez I wux betn carried away 1 hed the satlsfao- diun uv hearlu a speeker damming the committee lor sendln an escaped lounatlo to speek to em.

My eggsperlence In Ohio wuz not (iv a uachor calculated to please me, ami I moved to wunst to Pennsylvania.

I felt good es I struck that sakrld soil. Here, (hot I to myself, is a State uv labor* ers. Hero Is a Si ate Into wlch I shel only meet the brawny-armed and horny-handed sons of toll. Here, for wuust, my path Is clear,

I opened out,at my flrst meetln furious- ly agin bonds, aiflu monopolies, agin bloated bond-holders, agin the aristocrat- ic men uv wealth, wlch by acktimulatln bonds, hev managed to get Into ther hands emiff to subsist onto, thus wrlnglii gorjus luxuries out uv tho sweat uv the labrlu men, aud then rejneinburin my

.last Ohio eggsperlence, had just com- menced tii branch out eulogistic uv the noble men who opposed copperhcadlsm donrln the War, when the moat unearthly yell that ever wuz hoi rd assailed me

■Who brut yoo here to abooee utir can- didate, fur Governor?' shouted Ihe inlou- rlaiedlnob. and sioues ami slicks began lo fly like hall about me. I stood this ill: two enthusiastic admirers uv Packer inshed lo a grocery hard by, and red urn- id In a mlutilt with a basket uv eggs.

I hem I never coud stand, and demural- laed and lie wilder ed | left Pennsylvany.

I made my way Immejltly to Tennessee, where I wus takln eharice uv by the Dim ocrlsy which is supportm Senter. I wus somewhat In doubt ee lo wal pcnlkelm kind uv Dimocrlsy lo go for, hut at my first meettu I uotisl perhapa a thousand iliaguslln niggers mlxiii In the crowd. To wuust my lino uv ac*hun wuz decided onto. Ther Is a reality, licit I, In the re- pugnance the natural f'aucashuu fuels towards the uateral A trek In; and here where the nigger elhows his way Inipoo- dently smong whites, what better string kin 1 harp ou (ban nigger suBVage? Con- fident in the correctness uv tuy theory I opened out onto ihe nigger with the fcro- clly uv the tiger. " Men uv Tennessee— Democrats >uv the Slate uv .Inckson," yelled I, "are yoo wlllln lo stand side by side wiUi the greasy, dlaguailu nigger, wliuso smell alone Is sufQdient wsruln agin too close relashetishlp, pollllkle or toabelf Dlmocrais uv Tennessee! will yoo consent that that disgusting beast,' (I pi II led to one pekoolyerly offensive,) 'shel Be yoor ekal, and that—'

'I got ho further. A shower uv sioues varyln In size from a hen's egg lo them nearly ez large 0S that we i. I'll HI curiior-sione for the Military and ('laalkle 1 n«ll tool, overwhelmed me, and the itidlg mint white Democrats |e.ui,d..| un- and trampled oulo me lor aboozlu llielr Am kin frens, and wat wua wuss, lor singlln out ez a object for my Insane ribaldry, (her honored carldldale for the l^-glsla-

Ingeauy wux my next essay and the last. My first meetln wu/ held hi a spot iMikoiilverly favorable for such purposes. The village wuz -mill, ronslsliti uv a gro- cery, blacksmith shop and store, and ther wuz a distillery, the proud boast uv ihe proprietor uv wioh wuz that he had never paid a con! uv tax to a tlrauikle govern- ment, and Ihe aujlence Will large and f iitboosiasilc. From my eggsperii-iice In Tennessee. I spoeed that probably the Democracy had ahaiidoued Its Opposition to nigger suffrage, and. seln no niggers, I judged il wood be perfectly safe IO Irv mi self on that slim* then, and there, | akkordluly upem-d o it with a vigorous domii'laaheu uv them wliih wue so hlgutcd and so prejtidlst ez to deny Ihe ballot lo all men, lil.uk az well ez white.

I didn't git uo further. The Democracy uv Injeany la ee lively ez them uv Tonnes- sec Pennsylvany and Ohio. Ther Is a good crop ot stones In thai sekshuii, ami the air wua suddenly tilled with em. and sll uv em wua llyln lu the dlrucshiiii uv ma.

'Down with the d-d nlgger-lovln Ab- ItahuUtr aboutkl the iutoorlated populls,

and my heels alone aared my Hie.

I am hack In my room under 1'eppor's hospitable roof, In Holmes county, Ohio, hevln madt the toor ot four States in two weeks. The fullering letter wux I his im.r- nln fnrwardld to the Chairman uv the Nashnel Democratic Central Committee in Noo York:—

'Sue—I am wlllln to lift my voice In behalf uv < he Democracy.but I can't afford io do It too mlacellsDuously. I oan't spread myself over too much territory, ex things polltlkle are at this time. Trie- ellu expenses and unlimited whiskey is good, but Ilia la better. I oan't afford to give my stumlck a good time at the ex- pense ur the rest uv my anetomtele -i i ucter. I her bin egged In Ohio, atoned hi Pennsylvany. stomped on In lenueesee, and clubbed In Injeany for advocatln De- mocracy ei I understand It. Now, sir, 1 am wlllln to proceed In the mlsbuary blt> tils, but only ou these conditions ;—

1. I am to go only in one State. 2. You must give me before 1 start a

legibly printed copy uv tbe Democratic platform uv thu pertlkelar Stale Into wlch I am to speek.

-1. You mii.i furnish me, before speekih, an authentic biography uv eaoh uv the Dimocratic candidates uv liiu Slate Into wlch I am loapeek, statin fuUy ther race, color, flimnshel condlshun, views on all tlieqneatlons before tho people, parentage and antecedents.

I consider this necessary In the present highly mixed condlshun uv the Democ- racy, to prevent our orators from falling .Into such errors as them which neerly laid me a cold corpse Into thu silent loom.

unless these eotidlshmis are til I HI led I shel speek no more.

Kespectfully, I'I i it<> 1,1 i M V. NASBT, P. M.

— Toledo Blade.. (Wich wue Postmaster,) -* ■*>**>>*>. .

r*e Fmthnr't LaasoN. I had been married flfteeu years. Three

beautiful daughters enlivened the domes- tic hearth, the youngest of whom was In her eighth year. A more happy and con- tented household was nowhere to be seen. My wife was amiable, intelligent, and contented, We were not wealthy, but Providence had preserved us Irom want, und 'Wo had learned that 'coiitentmcnl without wealth is better than wealth ■a H limit contentment,'

It was inv etistoui. when returning home at nWht, to drop Into one of the many shops that are constantly open In the business streets ol the metropolis, aud purchase aome trilling dainties, suoh as fruit and ooiilecilonery, to present to mother and the children. Ou one occa- sion I had purchased some remarkably line apples. Alter the reiiasl, half a dosen Mure left union,'ii,..|, ami my thrifty com- panion forthwith removed them to a place of.tlopodt, wlieru it was her custom to preserve Ihe remains of our knick-knacks. A day or two after, when I had seated myself at ih<- table to dine, sue said to me,smiling, -So laihur has found the way to my safety box. has he?* I was al a loss to understand the meaning, and de- sired her to explain.

' Have you nol been lo my drawer?' ' What di HOT:'

- ' The upper drawer In my chatuber- kmreau. lilt! you not take therefrom the lanrnat of thai pl|i|,ine I U-J *>«• -«», lor the girlsV

-No. 1 did not.' ' You did inn -■ ' Not (! I have not seen an apple since

[he evening I purchased them.' A slight oloud passed over the oouute-

uauce of my wile. Shu was troubled. Thu loss of the apple was In Itaoll nothing; but we had carefully Instructed our chil- dren not to appropriate to their use any article whatever of family consumption, without permission: when ihe demand was at all reasonable, It bad never been denied them. She was loth to suapeet any one of the offence; we had a servant girl In the family,but as the was supposed to know nothing of tho apples, my wife hesitated to charge it upon her. She al length broke the silence by saying: 'We must examine the adslr. I can hardly think one of the children would so act. It we find them guilty, we must reprove. Hi'1"' Will yuu please look Into ir y

The girls were separately brought Into my presence—the eldest one first.

' Ellxa.dld you lake from your mother's drawer an apple?' No, sir.'

- Maria did you lake i your mother's drawer an apple?' 'No, sir.' •*

' Mary .did jou take from vour mother's drawer an apple?' No, sir.

' It must have been taken by the ser- vant; call her to me.' said I, addressing my wire. ,

' Neil.ji,,.-. riiim you lo take Irom the drawer of your mistress, without permis- dou, tbe largest of the applua she had placed there?'

•Wot applesv* ' Did you not lake apples from Ihe

drawer of your mlsirussy 'No sa.* Nuwlt-was evident that falsehood ex-

l-led somuwhero. Could it be thai oue of mi children had told me a lie? The in.night hai rasFi-d me. I was out able lo attend lo business. I went lo the store but soon returned again. Meanwhile, ibe s.-i vant-glrl had cumiiiiiiileateil to her mistress that she had seen our youngest go into the garret with a large apple the morning belure. On examination the core mid several pieces of the rind were found upon the floor. I again called Mary to inn, aud said lo her attectInnately :

■ Mary, my daughter, did you not go Into the garret yesterday?'

' Yea. air.' ' Did you go il with an apple?' • No, air.' I was unwilling to believe my sweet

child capable of Lelliug me a falsehood, lint appearances seemed against ber. The fault lay between her aud the serv- ant. and while I was desirous to acquit my child, I did uot wish to arouse unjust- ly ihe negro. I therefore took Mary into a ni alone; I s|M>kn to her uf the enor- mity ol lying—of (be necessity of telling Ihe truth—of the severe penalty I should be ccinpedjod to Intliei upon her. If she did nol confess the whole lo me. and with teen in ntrerea urged her to say tlamt she had done II, II Indeed she had. Grad- ually I became convinced of her guilt; and now I lell thMcruii.ed she slMiulduou- te»» it. My threatening* were not with out effect. After weeping and protesting her Innocence, and weeping and again pt..ii ■ iin... my threaleliliigs seemed to alarm her; and falling un her knees, she said. 'Fitiher. I did take the apple.'

Never shall I forge) ihat moment. My child aaafifaaietl Ibal -he was a liar lu my pi caence!

I Suppressing the emotion, I retired ; and Mary, rising irom her poahhju, ran to her iimil.t-i. and In a paroxyism of gtlef tiled out: Mother, I did not take the apple, n.11 lalher has made me confess thai I did.'

Horn wus anew aspect of atlalrn. Lie multiplied upon ih! Could it bo possible? My dear Mary, who had never been known tu deceive us—so affectionate.

•ntle, go truthful lu all ihe past—nould It be possible tbli die was a eoirflriued liar? Necessity was stronger than the ii-irderiiea- ol Hie tatln-i. I chastised her for Ibe tlraythiM! Ill my life, severely chas- tised hui r Ji almost bruin her heart— und 1 may add. It almost broke miim also.

Vet Mary was Innocent! Atler-eveuU moved ihat tbe uugto was the ihiel, >i„- had lonjured upibe story ol tin- garret, knowing that Mary would not deny hav- ing ln-e.ii there; and to make the circum- stances stronger against her, had strewn apple-rinds on the floor. I never think ■d the event whlmm fears. But It has laughl me a useful lesson, and that Is. never lo Ihrealoti a child Into a lie. when il may lie ho Is i.-lllng ihe limb. Tin- only lie I ever knew Mary u» tell me, I in> s.di foreed upon her by threateulugs. It has also fixed In my mind the deter- mination to employ no servant In my family wnom I ean possibly do without.



SATUIUAV.—Tbe " conservatives" In Missis- sippi Intend dropping that Dame, and Dent, also, and will now ran as " democrats " with A. K. Browne fur their candidate,—Panics in Buffalo have got up a big patent swindle, and made 9230,000 oat of Ihe fanners.— Strange red and white lights have sppeared In tbe sUsa In she vMalty ef Ban KraaHsco—It Is thoaghl that J. Boss Browne wilt be rs-anpolnted Min- ister to China.— Tbe Prince Imperial reviews troops, and is becoming an Important person- age In France; be Is some ten or twelve years old.—Tbe question of making dtlsens of ike Chlncee, is lielng dlscusaad.—Philadelphia Is in a stew about water. Two days' supply only,— Tbe shoe dealers of Pearl street, Boston, lost 4300,000 by tno lallarool a St. Louis linn.— " Keddy, Ibu Blacksmith," a New York rogue Who escaped to San Francisco, has been brougbl safely back tu New York. — A large Invoice of California fruit has arrive 1 in New York, prin- cipally pears and grapes.—A lady gave blrtb to three babes on a train near 1'ltuhurg, recently, -Oold 1S2 3-8.

Mo*DAT.— The Governor of Now Hamp- shire has Invited Prcsioeut Grant to W»n thai State.—Tbe mills lu Fall Rlvex are all running on naif time. It la denied (hat there Is to lie any cessation In Lowell.— Old Commodore Vandorbllt Is married to a young woman.— Admiral Munes, of tho Spanish navy, ht dead — The labor movements have obtalDed vast importance.— Mr*. Stowe Is catching It all around for her article on Lord Byron, whom sbe charged with Incest with bis half-sister, and demanding, that bis wife should counte- nance It.—The Methodists voted two to one for lay delegation.— Another New York cashier Is a defaulter in 140,000.—Tbe t her wo meter Indi- cated 100 In Waililngti.ii on Sunday.— Tbe U. S. Treasury ssfe locks have been picked, by in vital ion, by Mr. James Sargent, of Kochester, at Y. -Oold 181 T-S. TiMiui- Tbe Brillsh Prince Arthur, son

of Qncun Victoria, arrived st Halifax, N Sunday He will visit Boston baton returning to England, anil nay call up, here — The Km press Eugenie, of Franca, will visit this coun try next setnmer. A United States flag ship will escort tbe French steam frigate which brings her over.— Chit-auto Is lo have a great Chinese laundry, and one hundred Chinamen have started from Ban Francisco to work it Washing will he done with unprecedented cheapness. — A man In New Hampshire nar- rowly escaped death from a snow slide last week — Seven Chinamen have been registered as voter* lu a single town In Louisiana, band of rebel rufflana a short time since at- tacked a republican meeting In Mobile, killed, several negroes, and tbe agent of the aasoclated press at once ttnegraphed all over tbe county, a " negro riot."— Vsndertilt, who recently i ried a young woman, Is seventy -six. Ilia flrst

'■HSa ^i«J —'«.!- ■ r— a*a— a_, u— I licensed as an Insurance agent In Iowa. — A democratic association In New York demand, the nehrnatton of Augusta Belmont as Chair man or the national committee.— A convict In the Maryland Penitentiary has fallen heir to $*i,000,—The estate of A. J. Butler, brother of the general, proves to be Insolvent, after all tbe talk.—Tbe Ku-Klux outrages have beet vlved since Ihe " conservative" triumphs at the south.—Gold 13? .1-8.

THK MILITAIT To-Moeaow.— The 4th Light Buttery will parade about H o'clock to-morrow morning in their and beautiful uniform, all of which has beeu received. Tbey wlllpmbably pass from their armory up Haverhill street to Broadway, through Broadway, and down the entire length of Eaaex street, and over the lower bridge. The uniform consists of a dark blue jaoket with three rows of buttons, and crossed on the breaal with rows of scarlet braid. Tbe other trimmings, and the wings or worsted epaulettes, are also of scarlet, The pants are of dark blue with n red stripe. The hat Is of the regulation pattern, similar to those previously worn. The right side is looped up with nil uagle, and on tho lell are two gay scarlet ostrich plumes. On the front are two cannon crossed, and the figure 4. The uniform of the officers la still nion gay and rich. The trumpeters wear scarlet The busy fingers of the ladies In Wbiling's millinery establishment were engaged to-day in aocuring the plumes lo the hate, which completes the work of uniforming this corps.

The two infantry companies will wear their new uniform mats and pants as they have no othur resource, many or the regiment, and In fact the whole of the Haverhill Company not having pro- vided tkumaelvca. with any other, In an- ticipation of appearing in the now uni- form in lull. Company 1 will have to wear their old army oapa. Company K have a very pretty fatigue cap of their own. Tho regimental uniform, It will lie remembered, is of a dark blue druas coat, (not a frock coat,) and pants of the same color, all trimmed with bull'. Without the wings, and tbe cap to match, hut a limited idea can U had of iu effect. The Lawrence Companies uru promised their caps by Thursday

Tbe now cups and plumes of the band have arrived, and they will appear hi Ihem for the first time. The weather hltls fair for being very favorable for muster week.

The Sixth Regiment will carry ul mus- ter lor tho lii -t time a new and beauiilit] pair of colors, one slate and the other national.—Ikiily Aut/.JS.

AMI.IIIIH Huir.v- < iiKi't-* CASK.—

A pet ni..u for a writ of K»t» ■».■- corpn* in ihe case of W. B, P. Kraytho, the attor- ney, who has been lor soam months in Lawrence jail, charged with ciul>c7.zling • llHJl),—money collected by him Irom a Life Insurance Company lor Mrn. Joaaa* lyn, a poor widow ol this eiiy,—was pre- sented by his attorneys, Mussra. If. W. Paine and Mr. WttuLwurth, to Judge Gray, of thu Supreme Court in Beaton, on Saturday. It was claimed iu buhall uf Iho petitioner ihat there was uo such offence as that charged,—" Etnlic/.jtlc incut by an attorney," and Hint therefore the court ought to discharge the defend- ant Judge Gray did not think the oueslion raised a clear one, and remark ml that the court ought not to interfere by kabciu corpun in any case except In ex- ceedingly dear ones, lie declined' to

frant the petillou. Col. E. J. Sherman, Ustrict Attorney, app^wred for the gnv-

$ott« MA v5.etrd. Tom Allan Is anxhms to' punch ike O'BeM*

win besd. A family tooth-brush Is In dispute la a Sew.

Orleans court. Oue of Ibe Chinese eaabassr Is lo snarrv a .

Paris beauty. A detective pau the number of mnrdetara

in Tennessee at 1100 A Georgia boy pussies ths doctors by breath-

ing only tour times a utiuute. People, sags Mr. Qallp, go down to the sea .

to get their failing health snored up. The Chinamen wash lor A less* cants a doaae..

Chicago is rairaauMB* a laundry Awes tl*es». An engagement in Chicago was raptured be-

cause the young man saeeasd in his sleep. A Chicago artist has been sent for and given

the llto-lask to paint the Mrs. Brigbam Young. The Philadelphia newspaper men are reported

as spending the greater time at Gay's, playing poker.

A nurse In Harritburg kilted the Idol of Its parents by dally pricking It with a pin behind Its ean.

A Hungarian woman of lift yean baa tried to poison ber family because It was growlug to large. (

The "lower limbs" of the sun havs been com-_ niented upon with remarkable freedom since the eclipse.

A Missouri paper says that a certain horse thief "was caught. He will uot steal any more, . In this world."

A lady out West has recently,relinquish rd a tumor which weighed 33 pounds. It was almost a thraemor.

Some time In the future it looks as If a htdy contsuplating marriage might order trows—, instead of a Irouaseau.

Mr. Hornet uf Bryan, O., horsewhips his wife ruituiarly for getting drunk.. He says discipline I* heller than the pledge.

Mr. Ureer, of Union, S. C, 1* quite ill front s pistol ball placed In lilt stomach without bis pei no.-ion by one Saunden.

An Alabama clerk's Ignorance of the differ- ence between corr. tub. and sun. alt. of blstn., made Mr. Plckalt a widower.

The Danville negro who looked down th.e miuale of a pistol to see why It did nol ex- plode, died beiore he found out.

A New Haven couple were divorced six months ago just for the fun of conning over again. They ro-married la»Tf week. ,

A Chicago piper mlbllr and In Salnt-Hke i.'un.. protests that Uerman brass bands an noi adjuncts of a Christian Sabbath.

A Ksnsss youth forged to the amount of 910,000, married a preliy girl In Lexington, ano safely escaped with ihe beauty and booty.

.The ladles of Port Lee, New Turk, are an- nullable. Mrs. Hodman'* altercation there with Mr*. Barman wet to seven that the latter died.

A le-iivc horseman in Kansas Ciy, Mo., rode' hit hone up tune fligbu of nalre, and ibeu hired six neuroes to carrv the animal iloaw

Whst might be styled an abrupt Intnulon was Mr. Gate's entering a barber's shop at Maaooutah, Mo., and culling out the barber's inlesdnea.

The Connecticut Musical Association listened io an exhaustive essay on the evil streets of nibewco, and immediately adjourned to a late

inner ami cigars.

A young man has gone erasy at Brigham Young'* appropriating all his dtummd lather's property. His mother is niece of'"Tentaoa- •sad a year" Warren.

A pretty tittle Miss aged fifteen ran away from New Jersey io Now York "In search uf a husband." The police rsu ber right back sgaiu and without one.

The Ireneli Court of Casaatlou has Just decided Ibal (wo men, who died -In the galleys fifteen years ago, wen Innocent uf tbe crimes of which they wen convicted.

A terrible warning to children Is the case of little Miss Frost, of Cleveland, who stole some plo from (he cupboard, sic It, and then dis- covered It was poisoned with arsenic lor rats.

Huriug the freshet In Connecticut, a Water- bury editor telegraphed another at ibe scene of I', Hon, "Send me full particulars of the flood." The answer cam*. "You will find then la

A New Orleans paper says that a young widow In ihat city, who writes well. Is "trala- ing herself for an editor." Wc hope that we HIV not the odhor she is training heruutf for.— i 1....1 Courier.

An sxblblttou in Hamilton, Ontario, came lo i -ILhi. II close the other day. Aflfteen foot •make got out of iu cage, llu hapneuasl to ha lively. He Imparted the (acuity tu all who were In ihe viehilty.

Orhtdhag a cat's tall Is an amusement of a CtnWitaau youib, aud when a humane old -■cm letnaii Interferred with It, Ibe older day, the playful child knocked I down with a nrfckhai and continued to grind.

The Mobile tteglsler opposes the Importation nf Coolie-,011 the ground that Ihey will not only drive the negroes of the country Into abject pauperism, but will cuter Into competition wUJi sll kinds or white laiwr, and take Hut isnaa irom ihe mouths of our.Jtlnamen and women.

Dr. Beecher says some bsve ths Men "thai heaven is lor tbe mosi part a great singing- ■ ITMHII, and; that every l»,.|v stands about the great white throne, and slogs, and sings, and •lags. And people wonder what they do Wheat i ue> an not smsiug. And it seeeaa, Juagiug tiom Ihe theological notions that tebjeet, as ihough there was almost nothing else for ibeut

Then are Till convicts in the California State Prison uf whom un are funlguers. Of these

118 un Irish, T* Chinese, 37 Mexican*, 16 Kng- uli, S8 Germans, TO native Cafllomlaoi i M are

under 10, K13 Isstween Vt and 13, MH between ."iinilli, iw between an and »6, fa fawn sen .'i.iatni in, Tl lactwoeu 10 aud Ml, and aJ over 1*1,; Twenty art in for life anil (weiity-Ilvr fat jj or* and apwards. ''• In honotua county, (^allfurnla, within Urn

nii'e* of the city of Han Francisco, two men mul a nog lately treed a panther, or California hon, as they call thorn there. After the m-n ha 1 killed the Onset the dog continued in bunt, HH I -in. .tde-l In lr**MNK another, and ibe hum was nintiuua 1 until flf*. hail beau killed ni lea* than Inn hour*. The average length ol ihe panther* was *cven feel.

One ot the trt-aks ol a yodng French scape- (fttoa was stn-iiditig s masked ball and hnctlng i tssar b> a -u ., ■. The iwar, he aald, tnsj ,ie- i'relcv|!ilUgul*o>l, ami the aultusl hugged the soinuti, made loin lo the «lrls ami ,1 Dwelled niiiet'if scandaloualy. Ii was altarwards .IU overctl that the Prefect had gone io Paris and hr hear wua ibe roeia's vab-t. Society wat iiucb shocked and the^Prefect'* promtiniKtoff nan ,h -n-_ni.-.e.| He w«* uuaide n> ruhahlll- atu hililH-ll an t-reaiantii. •

the r'oerlli Hiatiicl Court in Man I isi,.t,.o hsa granted a divorce lo • youa*; and IH'MNIIIUI

lady Who Wa* roamed lo Joseph J Smith ol hslt Tike i:,tv The )..|i leMinod that Kmhta

■ e oa iii Hi- Mormon fTinrtli, and that he always treated her kindly, Ihey having lived pleasantly together lor several years. Il<.emu, however, Mouth uonclu leal lo bar. a aeaond wile, tu which Mr*. Smith ohjaotad, and so when the dsascoit look bunts Ills new bride, wila No. 1 rat areas! to ber taiilher




jr m w * M v M MA m t.

WaDBMDAr.-President Omni wilt Wilt Maw Hampshire to-day ,pa*#ln if ibroitub Nashua •sal Manr heater, noppinn ball an hour Iu each place, and arriving; al Comord HI lrn. He (OS* IO Mount Was hi II it tun lo-morrow. ami •fur that to Harllnitton, Vi A new Are extln- galafcer baa bee* irled wlih (treat success in New Turk. It can b« attar-bed to Or* steamers —Twenty-live Chinamen haveheea quietly In- trodaead In New Turk hotels a* wait«r». Their wajr** are to be 97 per month ami board—Tin nbel gwwrala xewanllr decline at tend in/ die Qtwysbarg reunion .- Mie llllnola penitentiary hi bMkrapi. owing; f 160.000 -The Chinese mer- ehsata wan verr much nouid at New York. —TaMlerblir> bride le iblrtr-one and literary. Oreeobacki In Ben Francisco brliiK 7ft 1 -'■)cents far dollar. In (told—Tho government baa eelted aoaaa ol tbe Tenneaaee rallruada tor delna due h.—Tfcert M to be a grand international boat rare on baa* HeinphremaitoK In Octolier.— The Democrats are at loggerheads shout Chi ■a wen.—Ha verb III votes wbeiber to unlto wltb Bradlord, wept, lit.—Oold 1*3 3-8.

TIIIIMUAI.-Blokes, ibedelcated republican caudklata In Tenneaaee, saya tbat tbe reault ol tke " roaetrvailve republican " victory 1* thai all of the old rebels bavc come back, and this Ku KIUK la attain rampant. Kvery leilcral oaT.ce bolder wbo voted aialnat the regular republican ilckot, will be removed, tbuu^b Ben- ter, tbe succesatul candidate, la alter drum, to baa; bin not to Chans**..—A new cable I* to lie laid from Ireland to America.—A Hhliadelplna paper say sol Aaa i'si her, tbe millionaire and democratic candldale for llovernor of Pennsyl- vania: " Wbo ebneked blm Into LehlKb river? Hb own worbnteu, lor compelling tbem to work at starvation prices." Massachusetts Atatoerau, plea** notiee. — Preeldent Urani arrived at Hoetoo, and paaaed through very qaietly on Wednesday-Mr. Creewell, P. M Utneral, baa been ludorved by bli party In Maryland.—Soule's lime abed, and otber prup- eny, waa burned at Kocklatid, Mi- , .vesierilui , loss IN,0U0.—Sept. Iflli la tlieday ol IOC Hum boltlt celebration In New York.—OoM 133 5-8.

FSIDAT.—The. boat race between MHUC mem bare of Harvard University, ol Cauibndgc, in Ibla slate, and Oalord University, Euglitn , comae off la tbe latter country at .'> I'. M., to- day. Tbe Atlantic cable haa talked little else for waaki.—Qeoeral dburmao ba* been vliliitig Boston for a few days ; be waa scarcely noticed —Prussia Is to have an Atlantic cable - Tin Soulb dread tbe election ol Joh-tauii an Untu-i States Senator, for tbe III leeltng it will Create aa-alnst tbem at tiie north.— Two mi lea of tbe anow abed ol the Pacific railroad in tbe Sierra Nevada Mountain*, Cai , bave been burned. Tbey were to protect tbe truck from deep enows.-Oold 133 1-8.


I IF -i DAT. There waa but little accompllahcd in tbe way

Of drill un the first day. Tbe Brigadier Gen- eral, George B. Plerson, arrived at one o'clock, escorted by the Sib Kegimeni, wbo received bttn at tbe Trctnunt House In Bonton. They i|i|n:u' .1 in their new unilorm. consisting ol liiilit blue psmUi dark blue ahort frock coat, with light blue cloth facings and white cord trimmings, and hble and white worsted cord wlnga, dark blue ¥ ench pattern cap, wltb white poiniHiu, ami brass plate In iront :he rcgimniial mnnlier, anil white patent leather i.. li■■ wltb the company letter. - By two .'clock all the Brigade, with tuo exception ol tbe Maiden LhjrM Hnttcr.v (3dj, were in camp They did not arrive until 4 1-2 P. M. There were some drill and regimental dress paradea during the day.

Fur the preservation of order on the out- aklrta of the camp, a detail of furty four men of the State Constabulary, under cominntid of Capt. Boyntoti, have ouartcrs on the west of the road at the main guard entrance, and tlicit pteaence alone will have a good effect. The booths for the feeding urn! 'envtyatt <n of ihv unwary were few in number, und, so lar the cunslabulary knew, nothing contraband was of IV red Tor sale, and we ho, this will be the case iu tbe end or the week, lucre la Hie Inevitable troop ol Hying horWes, and the mnnlier of shows. will doubtless lie Increased. Tbe light of the brigade line Is on the comity road, and the ex- treme left, the 4th Light Battery, on thu rail road Lieutenant Colonel Uoddurd, of the Slh regiment, was officer ol the day on Tuesday The Fourth Battery, Capt. Ueu. S Merrill, had a flue drill, but their mauujiivres were confined Iron tie- muvemeuls of the infantry and cav- alry.

Hie following was tin- retiurt ot the force on the Beld:

UftWrs. Hen. Total.

have bean let If all applications could have been ranted. Tbe Kingfisher went loaded to the

■/nurds and other eonvuvanccs were equallt well patronized. Mr M-rrltt, the energetic Superintendent of thn Boston and Maine rail- road, made ample provision ior transportation, and the ear*, by the time (tier arrived at the .'amp station, which waa wllhin a stone's ihrow <>f the tell of tbe line, were crowded. Those vho went from Lnwrnnee were noi compelled

to. change cars. In one of tin- care on the «rav Uome, the nMseiigers <*ere enllveiie<l all the way tiv the howling, roaring and break-downs of a drunken " non com" of the Fifth Regl- nent. The police report an extraordinary tmi'iiniiif drankennesa ahoaf the camp. The State Police arreated five, soldier* for stealing a ride, drlvlnir ten miles. Patrick Manahan.a soldier, was fined 910 90 fur .reeling several eanes. Three men were fined for liquor selling- .Jntncs Ward waa hound over to the Superior Court Ifl SAU0 for assaulting an officer, and brought to Lawrence Jail hy State Couiiahle Miller. Tbe Governor was to review the Brig- ade this morning.

Klfth IMalirielil, Hiiib l-.1,'lllll '• Third Baltery, Kuurth ,"

Total. The1'ground .

iiu I-.HJ

DMATU Of rtiiii.it i;.li i K.inn

Wi! art: pnlnexl tu sptlltMiDC« ttio H*OM*.

aiquarior pWt aevon o'clock W'ednchiluj

evening, Ol Ki'v. Miobtn-l K. (..tllaglH'i

wbo hit lor Hie imst M-vni yeiira Been

OODUOCUH] with St.Mary'a rmliuliv L'hnrcli

lit till* city, and who at ti ■ ol hl»

death waa. at) 1 had heen tor throo > earn, pallor Ol the Aud"Vrr Catholic Church.

Ibough allll coniioutod with Si. Mury'a.

Father t. al lit^her WM taken 111 on Sunday

after the services. Hie disc a at) waa DOIr*

nectod with the bladder, ilu waa Kieat-

1) beloved and re>|>ected by hla puoulf

and by liia {>ubllo gcneruliy. Tim de-

ceaacd wA»«ap«clally eattretued and llkud

by tke more eldeHy purtioti of hla con-

Kregaliou, with whom lie hud tmtoy niurt ■ympalhlea In couimon, lie waa a warm friend and Benefactor alao of the tirpJiun,

and out of hla tuodoiate lucotiie alwnya

aupportad lour or five. AUIUIIK tin- poor

ba waa a nioat welcome vlalior. alwaya

ready with friendly counacl, ami il ntc-

aaaary with someiblng more Mtibetanilal. Poaaeaalng as lie did, no mean amount ol

medical knuwltid|t;u, heuiadu hlmaell very

UMfiil In suggesling remedies, and Ini-

aav*»l many a poor lamlly a doctor's hill • UKii .n> j ......i.i lit atauid w |.-.i . ii. alwaya, thruugh nla long llle, obeyed

promptly the call to the bcdalde of the

dying, and admlnlatered the holy cunao- latlom of til* church. Fair and honor-

able IN hla dealings with all, energetic

(lew have done more work In a llietime),

xealoua and earneat in the discharge ol

all of hi* aacrvd dutlea. hla disorder Being

brought on Irom over-exert Ion, Ida <le- ceaan la a heavy blow to tue Cathollua of

tbla vicinity.

Father Uallagher waa burn In Donegal.

Inland, In iSU3,aud waa consequently (HI

years of age at Hie time or hla death. He

came U> America at the early age ol eigh-

teen >eara. lie waa ordained to the prteelhood In 1S37, and admitted into ilie

Onler or Sun Auguallne In 1*4M. He

bas couacqueuily been connected wttli

the prleethood for Ihli ty-two years. Pi e-

Vloiisly to Joining the Order ol Sail An

guailue, lie waa h<r many years a miaslutt

ary In the weaKTli p*rl of Peun^) Ivaiiiu,

where Itla ilrcuil waa one buutlretl mile* In extern, and he had hut little aaalatance.

Like moat ol llle clergy of Ids cliurcli Hit

deceased was a man ol great learning,

and extensive travel hail added uxiiei ieru'c

to Ilia st.ne. I lie good man flat gout- to

hla reward.

M,■!■■'! hy tiie iiiMips for en- id drill rovers somu rine humlred

and twenty-five acres, and II will undoubtedly lie extended before the eiu-nmnmeiit closes, for u wiill and shrubbery will be taken down lot the reviews which are to Hike place The fron- tage of the oamp la eiiout MOO Icet, each of the three regiments of Infantry, namely, the Fifth, sixth ami Klglith. occupying about -XHl feet, the two balteriaj I'"i feet each, ami the cavalry comtmuy the remainder.

IKUOaTD DAT- The soldier hoys were in high spirlls Tuesday

night, and gave vem IO their Joy in songs, lances (the music beinn lurnislied by thewhrsl- ling of any uml every ouel. and every other kind of Inno't-nt ainuseinem. To those who desired sleep (and this number was compurn- tivuiv small) the noises were rather annoying, but they submitted with a good grace. Mon- day was almost intolerable to those men de- tailed for pitching tents, on account of tbe intense heat Tuesday ihn heat was somewhat less, and Wednesday Ihe strong westerly brecse ninpered the warmth of the sun's rays to a degree that SIIH quite comfortable.

The attendance ol visitors at the camp was very large, ami included a great quantity ol ladles, wlio were apparently intent on enjoying themselves Major lien Perley I'oore also vis lied the camp, and extended an invitation Io the General's staff and also to the commamlerti of regiments to visit hat house at Indian Head Hill, on Friday evening next.

At half past five o'clock, Wednesday morn- ing, for tbe first tltuo In seven years, the reveille was sounded uu Boxfurd camp vrouud, and quickly called ont the men, to many oi whom the huglelcall was a very laiiiillar sound, pulling them in remembrance- ol old limes. Lieut. Cot. Everett, of tbe Fifth Regiment, waa appointed oflker of the day. Major Sntlon waa staff olfii-er.

At hair peal nine the Fifth Itegimcut was drawn up with open ranks, for ihe purpo-e ol undergoing Inspection bv Adjutant General

Ingham. The General expressed him»cli pleased with ihe appearance, of the men Alter

they weni through, in oomparty with the otber troops, regimental and liaitallion drills,

ider ihulr several commanders. During the morning, the cavalry, Capt. Koby,

r'ounh Light Battery, Capt. Merrill, were uui for drill. They maneu'vred well The guard mounting, under Major Uutton, proved a very pleasing sight.

Dinner was serve.] in the vsriuus mess i at hall-past twelve o'clock, and Hie men,whose appetites hail been sharpened by their muri ing'a work, tell lo with a will, and quickly dti posed uf the edibles the caterers spread before

ANOTlilLK KiKb: IN ttKTHUBM.—Aboul

ball paat eight o'clock, Wednesday even- lug, lire was dlecovered In tbe shed oi,

UwT. W. White eeUUe near tiie depui now occupied by Messrs. S, I). * base .\

Nona. It is within a lew leet of theh aho<

manufactory. Mr. Pet.il had been al

lowed the privilege ol storing In tin- abm

a load of nnihiehlied oats. I'hla urn

fouud to be on fire. The load was i in

out, tbe contents oi the wagon thrown oil

and thu vehicle auved. I lie oala wen

all burned. )'lt« aiietl waa auttwwba Charred, and but lot I lie ptuin|ilue-s ol tin

llieiueo ami neigliliota it mnst have b*J«i daairuyed, piobahly luvolvlng (he loaa u

the lauUiry also. It U not kniiwu hov

'Hie tlte originated. The alarm waa verj general. Tap Mcura.Chaao retuiu lliauk

•lee where.

that Hhortlv iiefo.u ihrce o'clock the men were

again out for brigade drill, under Gun. I'lerson. and want through the various movements with great precision, ihe luriuliig of squares, tin loTineiioti irom column of masses into line ol ma—c, and the marching by flank, calling lor especial mention, as being exceedingly well done. At the eoneluslon of the drill a brigade dress parade was given, the consolidated bauds lailug under Ihe direction ul Mr. Brown, the leader of the hand w liich 1«ars Ills name, supper was served iu the men directly alter six oMock.

The dally routine ol the camp is as follows: reveille at &3Q | surgeon's call, II SO ; break test, 7, guard mouutitig. 8. orderly hours, 8 »U; as- sembly, U.:i0; "Kf the rolur," 1.411 dinner, IJIii); asseiuidy, 'J40| "to the color,'' S; te treat, SJOj supper, «; tattoo, )u III), laps, II.

isitu n*r- At t.-.i-t ten thousand persons visited the

■ ionp to-.i,i>, upon ihe aasuranca that there was io las * review l.y Majur-Ueneral Boiler in the afternoon at uajf-pasi three. The ground was in a s.'iv i.ici slate, owing to (he absence of mm, that <d the evening befura not liaving ap percntly visited the locality to any extent. Kverv moveiuiut ol a laid] of troops -. m ttie dust [I. n..: over the held in a moat iiucoiulortn ble manner, and It was necessary to keep the lent -I.II'-L! ."ii hi avoid It. Major J^nu. W Hart, of X Math lUgnmtit, waa tlillcei of Hi, Day. 'llicX^iMh Itegum lit was Inspected in


In bin ilct-iaiou in ntgtltl to Ihe quea

tiun of b:tll in tlif onsw of HcOorern

chnrged with homlcitle by runniny; over

A oliilil. His Honor, Juil^n Morion,

the Supreme JudieUI Court, wn* uml'

stood to remirk, (hut " hy the Com mo n

Luw. munlor und other offertoei punlah-

iljln with (tenth, were not hniUblc by

the DommlttiDg magUtritte. (4th Hlitck-

Htonc Com. 298;) therw beias; 110 provi-

sion of atnliito making murder hafhible,

the Comtnon Luw rcmalne in force.

Title In ii"t affnctml by lieii.-rnl Statutes,

Chap. 170, Sect. 1M, tut it in not ititcmlcd

us nil enunierutioii of all unljuilulile ol-

fonofja. This la uppttrent from the hia-

tory of tbia provision. Up to 18o2, Ireu-

m, rupo uml nr-mii were puniahable

itli ilenlh, uml thereforo nnbajjjtbls,

Cbnpter 309, of thu Acts of 18o2, mill-

Sfiiles the puuisliment to iniprisonmnnt

Ini' lite, uml provides tlntt nothing in thin

ul ahull ho I'otistruml lo include c-crlitiu

erliiies nwssUoned, aa builublo, oUwrwisti

than ' '>'■'■ would Un.- Iicon before. Gen-

eml Sututtn, Chrtbtor 1*0, Section .'.4 is

nearly n re-enactment ot the Act ol

18.V2, uml was, not Intended to mitWe

un) okungtl In tbe law. The effect,

tlie/ufore, is not to make murder bailable

lint merely to provide tbut treason, rs.pi-

JIIJ-I itison HIMII reinuln in the list ot of-

renuua u»t bailable, altltobjih not punish-

aiile with death. The police court, there-

fore, bad no lirrht to .I'liuii thu dLd'endiint

to ball, andi the order dlreutlng him to

recognise in tlD.DOO is rold. It is clear

iii it a reoogoisonoo tltkoii under this

order would ho void. (CottnuonweaJth

ua. Oils, itith Muss. 138 and Corumon-

wmilth vs. Canada, loth Pick. 86). The

record slmws that the aocuwd is charged

with mnrdor. It aUo shows an adjudi-

cation that there is probable cause to

heliefi! that be is guilty of the offsnoe

uliarget] against him. It is therefore

ordered that ho recognize in |1U,000,

and ho Is committed for failing to com-

ply with thts order. The order ihould

have been that liu ha committed to jail

for trial.

It seems to 111.1 therefore that isie order

iFiuniiiiitliig liiiu is void, and las this order

Is ihe only authority for tils detention that he should be discharged

A* however he is discharged merely

roradefecl In the commitment inn order ol discharge -ln-uld be qualified in ortkrf

that tiie govern incut may re-arrest If

deemed lies , and that lie may be Ci>m-

lultted hy a warrant which in not defec-

tive.'' On Saturday, Met iu vern was again

brodtfhl before the Polloe Court, John

C. sUtioru ait't Mij.i J. II Brown, ap pealing lor the defence. Mr. ftanboru ubjbvtsitl 1* >lsa JvtaattlnA of iliu |>pl*ru,„r

on 1 In- ground that two warrants could

not bi* io-ii"J lor thu same offence and that no man could be put Iu Jeopardy ol

tils life by hclng tried tor Ills lilu twice on

the same charge. Tint court thought

there was no legal objection lo an iinv.i

every day of the wuek lor un ofteuce (hough those wh > made the arrests won Id

he liable to Impeueliinenl If It amounted

to peraeuiilloo, and also that a man was not pot In Jeopardy unueaa tried hy a Jury

HI n higher court. The second objection

was that Hie accused had been discharged

tin habsatcorptu *m\ w>*+ "ot subject to mother a1TflBt: The court reminded the

counsel that Judge Morton evidently con [eiuplaleda re-airuot as the order wa-

made simply owing to a defect Iu the com-

iiiltiii'iii; alter some other dlacuaalon II waa decided lo pnMpune the farLlier con-

slderailoli of Hie ease until Tuesday.

fVMMMAL (**•FATIIKH <, 11.in, n I:K.

MO M M flUsfir,

.Tbe police are to he allowed furloughs of ten days each, to lie arranged by the Marshal Krery other cliy In tbe slate allows their po- licemen a similar relaxation. ■

It la -aid tbat there Is to be a large female rutTrage convention Iu tbia city early In Beptenv ls>r, and some superior lady speakers. We I.car the name of Julia Ward Howe,the author- ess of the magnificent " Battle Hymn of tbe Republic," meiitkmed.

Charles L. Brown of Lawrence, was found guilty of peddllngjuwelry without a license Aabury Camp Meeting, and a small One was imposed.

Major Oen. Butler, Col. K. J, Sherman of Lawrence, and otber officers uf Oen. Butler's itaff, visited tbe encampment of the Salem

CadeU at Ipswich on Thursday, lUih.

We regret to notice the death or Mr. Wil- liam Clark, late a member of tbe Common Council, and at tbe time of bis decease, an overseer of the Poor for Ward 4 Mr Clark enlisted In the 33tb Mass In 18f!2, and served nearly through the whole war, He was forty four years of age, and leaves a wife and twi children.

1'eoph- are heirinniug to see ihe wisdom of taking the North Andover horse cars when go- ing tu and Irom ihe east un ihe Maine railroad, They go direct 10 the North Andover depot.

The 1 <■!■■ have taken a strange Ireak Ibis Hummer, and hover aboul 'iuit stun.Is In great limn IK-IS, paying especial attention lo ihe peaches, Harvey, opposite the I'ust Office, could mutter iwo in- three hives ol them.

tot ret visited

I.nit* Olktmrlm Mat th* /fleer 01. L«urrncr.

The Stale Constable* ha • I,..,- dry itouds store. It Is believed that

Hollands are Mid npenlv there.

Tbe near sighted p;enileman who couldn't read ihe lii-i-ripiuii on the transparency outside of tbe pilot chapel, and asked there for oysters, was re'erred 10 llutcbfns.

Messrs Hundley & Co bave taken posseaslon uf their new office In ihe new Post Office build' ing.

l^slgiiigs on ihe Common are cheap and airy, and perfectly healthy, if the gatea are kept shut.

T'iOM' who have never seen the Coliseum can fsHwM the Interior * it li all tiie decorations, for- menu iiw cents Ii is al>out a quarter uf a mile beyond ibe Common towards Koxburv.

Per si early I,

At Un

Long Un button, 1

ton Beach the charge for a good is only fitteen or twenly ceni*; at

h, flfiy. Al the latter place all tbe bound to hurst off, and ihe wearers

bave 10 lice to (he dressing linii-c holding themselves together as well as tbey can. The result is thai ladies have in a measure quit bathing there.

diers of persons were seen on Mundav wending their way iu the distant .smith Hide with valtsea, bundles, etc. Tbey

1 ■!mnd lor the Lpping camp meeting. much more comfortable It would bave

been lor then lo have taken the horse car for North Andover, and got on laiard Ihe train

Colonel tl-iii bas nut attempted lo close the kasex Bar in tbia place. It Is still open, and Opens on him occasionally.

The bushel women advertised for by a tailor dues not mean exactly a bushel of a won say iwo hundred puutids.

The gentlemen who contribute ST 80 lo treasury through the Pulice Court are nut going to make Iwaats ol themselves. Cateh Ihem Irinkitig water like tbe brutes.

Our deputy sheriffs are very affectionate gen- [cineri, and are not backward about showing

their attachments sometimes.

You ran generally find a person out by railing ben they are not In'.

The St.it.- Constables denuuiicu 1 of tbe liquors seised by them as uf poor quality and it Is ordered destroyed. Col. Beat evidently think* mine is of a good quality—fur drinking purposes, nut even tbe f M brandy.

Truell dues not pretend to give thu sack to the ladles, hut furnishes tasty unes at modest prices.

In tba American of July Ulb, an article, entitled "a trip 10 Niagara FMII*," appeared, giving a few details uf the dlrToreat routes, be-t way of seeing lbs falls, etc. Tbe wTiler's Journey extended la Montreal, far way of L'ke Oalarlo and the HIVST

81. Lawrence. Leaving Nlsgara Falls In the mum ■ big, a railway ride of seven ralles along the per particular cliffs of the Niagara river brings US la Lawletoii, wbsrs our vojrsgu commences. Here the river banks lose their preelpllous character, gradually nrcedlog until al Ptfl Niagara the river empties Into tbe lake at a level Hi feel below that

f Laku Brie. We bave seven miles of rlvor « ry befors Ontario opana Iu blue vlsia before xpecouit eyes. Uionar i- now announced, am

the style waa somewhat novel to me I will gl uliiiri deacripllon of it. It wsa on I)

AR BaOLISU ncsm, with (ha traditional ro*»t beef and plum pudding of Uld England. Tbe captain of Ibe boat presided at ili« table. He was of medium bright, with sandy hair, and leg of mntlon whisker* of a reddish baa, facet browned by expoear* tu tbs Weather, but with an expression of bonssl) and manliness la awry llneamsat, with a free and easy manner and mirthful syea,— a Una specimen of an Kngllsh sailor. Soup was Drat served; then a large plaUar containing an Immense rosat of beef was placed before the r*i>talu, which be pie. led to carve and dispense to his guests. I wi»h you could have seen him dull, slany liosls bring to (hl> duly a slern determination and energy worthy uf a wurrlor on the evs uf battle. Their Ml HpS snd fn.wiilng brows and exclled ruovametits show ibat Ibey aulla- Ipals s fearful alruggls and are pruparud for ihe worst. Tllcy attaek the Innocvnl looking fowl or John as lining!] It waa dslermiued lo make stubborn realstanoe, and cut and slasb wlih meralless snsrgy. Itni our aaptsdn wss calm snd collected; nay, hs was merry, aa his knits quietly descended, laying a ■ ilily-cut and generous illoe In ths plate Ibe servant held, chatting cuiistsiitly with ladles on either side In Ihe moat nonchalant manner. Thare were otber meets, but of eoursu Ws took roast beef. Ii was lendsr and Juicy, and cooked to a turn,—in fact, the vary perfection of the article. Then fol- lowed the plum pudding, rich with fruit, and eaten wlih s sauc* heavy with spice*. Tbe waiter* were mulflttoe*, and one big fellow, weighing nearly three bdndrad, I should ihlub.rery polltsly attended to my wenta. 1

Till LA.BI JlltllSIV , As we approached Toronto ws met several steam-

era ..ml pleasure boats of rarioas kinds, gaily dn<m orated wlih flag*, some with bands of music uu

id .all tilled with merry parses. Tbey tbrailni Dominion Day. At Toronto we

Changs boale Biid, securing our stateroom, make ,M- for the trip. Following Ifae

Canadian shore all the way, ws pass Port Hope, Cobourg, IJraftun aiml Colbourna, and other tuwnr, all looking very mucn alike, the buildings being principally of slum', and having a ralbnr sombre appearance. Ontario la lbs lowest a: d smaltosl of the live greal Inland ssaa of Ihe north, eilendlng ISO milea from wr*t lo east,with an average breadth of -i.'i miles, li I* s lovely sheet of wster, affording tbs iraveller an unfailing source of dollghl In wstch-

depihs of ■parkllng green, as lit

the channel. In an incredibly short space of time llie dangemas rapid, nine and one-half miles long, Is peal'. The deacenl is forty-right feet, and llie canal which overcomes il Is sloven and a hair mil--. In length.

l.un,isii 11 vinos. Lake St. Francis Is a msg 11 lllcenl eipsiislon of the

river, thirty-six mile* hi length, picturesquely spud- ded with lalauds. Al die terminus of thu lake we



AS itor r K ITEMS.

boal out* Iu S/uJ throuah. leaving a'li while fnam in murk Its ooiirse. The paeultar shadaMs the same BS (hut so particularly null In ths deepest purl of lbs lloreeehoo Fall, as II pours over tin- preelplae In a denae voh flashes and sparkles Ilka a baauilfUl emerald, tiail Ing fur a day over t lit- lovely lake one can realise why UM Indian dwellers uf Ihl* region gave II the name of " Ontario!" " Beautiful I"

At daylight we tlnd that we are Hearing Kingston, which stands at the enlranoa of ths Itiver tit. Law- rence. As the boat slops hers lo lake on fuel, we have an opportunity ur noUoIng the characteristics of this old town. Its ■ubsunllsl stona buildings, its furUflcatluna,Including furuand raartello lowers, iu long wooden brldgu, and other eat us until the boat surts.


mill Ot H. k, W,dialer A Co.. oil Citll.d,

a abort (lUtaln.-o below. Union itrue*,

which waa uVairoti'il I'j tiro Itiat r'ull

at the aaiuu tun" with i'llUburj'a IUU-

chtne simji uml otlur propertj, has been

In lull operation again lor several woeka

io Uiu'eaatern halt ol tlm uuw two, or

rather three, etoti/ brick ediftoe which

haa been put U|i on the site in Mi.

1'avis The other |'-ii 1 ol 1 to- ■trtWture

haa not yet been oooapled. It ot cooree

haa plenty ot power. Webster e* Co.

ere dealora tu corn, ahorU, Hour, ry*

aiol Irnli.m meal, uml arc always glasl

to aee their old eualomura luf wbnui

1I1. > hevu ground ooru und rye tor youra.

A POLICEMAN HsjalltstllltltKU.—(Mllfir

Klchard Sulllvnn wuH preeettUrd on I'ri-

tUy eveulng, by Dr. J. F. Ullpetriok, in

behall ol several gentlemen on Ins bent,

with an eU-tjuut gold watch and chain,

fur iiiitliiul eorvioee M en ofjicer. Mr.

Sullivan la u qtllel 1'Ut luitlilul and roao-

lute.oiouiberot the uulKe, and we arv

very glad t" e«o tlntt ho ia thus appreci-

ated, j


laraperanee mevtiug on it bath evening, at six o'tioek, U the weather b pleatsani- Kuv. Dr. Uuswoilb, ul t Have-Hull, formerly ol Laareuee, well known as otie ul our most earne.i ami eloquent tempeiauee ad voeaoss, and A. ti. ferkius, IUq„ Ol our City, will addiess tbe meeting. Let there las a lull .neiidaii.e Uuwd siuglUg and pleuly ol toiu- paraaca tracU will he pfovided. Ihe open-an meetlUK at the depot will he addressed h> Messrs. Partridge and Hood, aud will com-

casuee at six .M I.I- k, 11

- There will he 1

0111111011 next Hah

mng By portroii of Ihe day tereul regluieuls ai the Held the ilern hands, of Muslim Hand, but as then day until


1 1.

1, and Hint by the dif

and Brown's Brigade Hie Usrrence Brass

10 playing during the

l of Its . the gr

Th nd 1 lid (him attempt to kei

who desired to see the troops h.ul in'get close to them and run the eliame of Iwing over tin tied ii) a Hidden moveiueul. A middle-aged lady, whilu atlempiiug to ssoBpe at one of these eharges, stuiutiled uu the ploughed gruiiud, and went cud over eud, spectacles and all. The lith Kegnueiil, net being Vel provided with their caps and wings, old md appear lo uyjod advan- tage, a* lai a* iimloriu is cooaldered, Hut iheii dnii »a. iiiagiiiileeiii. It la iiy no means cer- tain, though possible, U1.1t they may have them by Saturday. The uniform m Hut Filth, though neat and pretty, makes uu xreat display. The Eighth wore their old mtlftirjns. TU Ubeltus lord t'avalrv, antuberlng over one hundred men, have new caps wiih white home-tan iduines. The capsol the Maiden Light Halter j are similar to'lbuae (rtihe tl s marines, wltb pouipon. In p 1 uf snow and g.iy attire. Ihe sr.oiiil Brigade i-anuut lor a ueni hear rVun- p.iiisim wiih the lir-l The uniform uf Hie Kourth Battery 1* ihe only one that redeems it 111 this respect,

li was atiuKuureil thai tien. Butler would arrive upon the Hold al iwelto o'cha k, aud the lih Mattery were posted, with their placet loaded, tor iioarly throe hours 1 waiting, like patience uu a munuiiieiil, iu the Inutlmg sun, IU hulHN- him ailh a salute. The Clieliualurd Cavalry rude in tiuorgetowii, to escort him tu tin ground, hut Lined tu rind him, and word waa glveU out that he aa* Hot roniuig at oroe- ent. Al UVB o'clock bo arrivedv and was saluted by the 3d Kailet), ihu lib hatitig been dismiss! d until dress parade, ui ha)l petal live. In ihu altwnoou there was more drill. The dress parade lame off alter Ihiee-luurllis ur inuruoi the Immense and disappointed crowd had lull the groUiu*. „

Ihe l..iwren-e ladles bed geutiruiLli w ho via- ued the eamp, ami Ihe.t were a lion in number, were iiitertaiueii, 111 ine uaiidaoiupal maiitwr, by Capt. Merrill, ol' Hie llatlery, 1,'apls. Keeker aud Varnuiii, and the luemlier* u| thu corps, and also hv ibe meiiil>ur* uf the Lawrence

. Hand

er) thing Ibe v*i

hapu ol a vehicle at the -1- en lei |or iiiu day, a uuituiig with |uur leg*

• tahlvi in Ihu oi) day or iwo ovluf», eould l>c had lor lute uui monej , uu iliui muru-

mg. Fuur limes the uumber on baud would

The funeral services of ibe late Uev. Michael I- Gallagher took place, at tit. Mary's church this muruuig, aud wure attended hy a great concourse ui people. The sodality, hsdiea ikod. aeoUenven, of that cherch, and ut ihe Uhaneb ui thu 1 in ul.ite Conception, were protein', thu ladies wearing tbo usual white veil over their heads and shoulders, and hlack dresses. and ihu gentlemen, liieir regalia. I lie Irish iieiievuieiii Society waa also present, aud other association* «cre represented, the hauliers were all draped in mourning, and also the altar and Ha surroundings. The stores in ihe vicinity Here closed, and iheiu were oilier evidences ut grief. 1 'in in ■ a portion uf the services, man) ul the lemale portiuu of the cungregatlou ei.uhi not retrain iron sobbing audihly.

I be set vices were commenced with Ihe t utter lor Ihe h iml. hy the clergy, aoino thirty ol whom were present, altar which .Solemn High Mas* was celebrated bj Kiglit lloveraud liialHsp WlHtauis, ot lb il diocese, aud his assistants. .Reverend rather IlltV, uf Lnnsuigtiurg, ^. Y., oiTlciuicd as Deacon, Ituvereod father liilmore, ui Lawrence, an '1 ■■ ■ and Koverumi James llealy. Ol t>( Janiea chtrnti, Uusioti, a. .M11.let ul Cereitiuuies. Alter the muss, He-1 1 end I'- 0, ll.irii", uf Knxhur)', addressed ihe people, taking lur a text, " lllessed are the dead who die lu the Lord, etc "

liu alluded tu (he virtues uf the deceased, his humanity, piety, and iu«l Much ul the address *as m eaplaiiaiiun ami delrmu ul Ihe t'liiliulie dueiritieuf prater lur llie dead. At ttie cuiicliis.nii, the curctnuuy ot ahsolutiun was performed hy the Hisbop, assisted hy ihe clergy

Alter the services in ibe shurcb were over, piinessiuti ol great length was lotmed ou(side ul llie ehun li, 111 ahull Ihe Sudslily, uuihbor- III,; many liuu<lre>is, were a cousbtceoaa lea-

duwn, iml 1 eiete' pUme ffie v

The ed,

church was llnely run eats assisting the choir ml al the organ. Mis* katy Welch praaid

MH.IIAHV PtttaMTATlolt.—On Kriilay

cv.iiliij', tlm iilH.-crs ol llin loilititry

voriM C4jmusj*dngUn) First Uiig;.i>lo Maaa.

MIIIII.I, wjmao unortiiipiniiut cloaod ao

sui'ccaslully lust week, pivsenlotl Adju-

tant (;nH'f.il.Jainua A. Cunuingbam with

11 mitgnltlvttut gold waCob and cli.tiu.v.tl-

ucd at over #-1"". ■n an appreoUtivu

token of Ins ell arts lu heball ot tbo mil*

11 II \ uf the .Stuto. We uru -Id to

record to well merited u gilt; aiuco, Ucn

Uanaiogbnm hue held hla preeent ollloe

he haa bean untiring in bin effort! to

pupuUrlie uml tunkc efflelent the utUltla

ul tbeetatu, and It ia largely owlnaj to

hia aotd ami good judgment that'to-day

1I1.- volunteer militia ol Majaaehueutta la

ui i'litef eiiuditiDii limn ever before In

its history. lion UtinnlnghsUU bus

priived a- most cibYicnl and vulunbte

ollleeivtiud it it grutsTylng lo know thai

lhuso wliiuii ho biw W faithfully served

appreolatn tiie elloit.

I'ArtslT—Kvuivtt IV Hiohardaon ol

Lawrence baarwcciveil upatunt for a boot

and ahou sowing machine.

Tbe boys in Uuaton crack puat-h itunea, and siring the meats, and than gat oue cent a hun- dred fur tbem. It is rather a bard way to get a living, but a good way to keep tham out of ...... 1.1. ■ We am nnl awar* ol aa/ aganaj here.

Tbo puhllc schools re-open ou Monday next. Tbo hm, Ini ve'icli nved exceedingly well during vacation; tew or noue getting drowned or killed.

Mr John Kdwards has taken tbe room n- eently occupied hy Iluadley & Co , and will inn it us an insurance office-.

Medina warns his cuilumers snd the public generally who are sound un the hair tiuustiuii, thai he will l>e found wlih his tuns of curls,

Itches, en- , In the new I'ost Office huilding, alter Sept. Min.

There was such a|ru»)i tu Howarth's, at tbe new Fust Office huilding, on the but days, that he seriously eunteinplated securing the service ul a steam fire engine in pump up Ottawa Ueci Until In und his stone mmitain sweat freely.

8buwer Saturday evening. Girls caught nut In the rain. De— llghtful coot and pleasant Sunday. No excuse fur nol guing lo church.

The new three slury Hweeney's Block of brick, adjoining the new fust Office biiildinu, is aboil finished uutsidu. It has gone up, like Aladdin". 1'alace, almost in a night. As soon

sgiug Is removed, (he walk will he laid then there will lie a heeiitltul con-

ic, mi that side of the street all root I ■ ■■■ i- n " to Newbury sueets.

Our Cily Kaihers shuuhl see all the connectiuns made in Hie shape ul flagstone crossings.

fiirls wanting tu do housework can gel tu California lor a little over tM. (And provlaion themselves tor right dava.) Wages there lor ccncral housework, from V'-'i lu ISO per monlh ■ cooks, liu families) SSO; rhamhermaula, * ' ■ 10 *iU; luundres-es, $SU to M.l. There I* an ur- itent demand fur (his help

Mr. Charles Smith, (grucer) of this city, who li on his way iu Cahturuia on a flying trip, wriuss thai when the train was within ninety miles ol Omaha, while crussitig a plain, the weight ul the train drove the rails duwt) Inio the earth, which was tfn ilrm Hi this point, and caused a general disarrangement. NH one WII

hurt, ihungh some delay was causeil.

Among tbe list ul non-resident tax pavers lu l..i«r .1 ■ Und the names of I'auicl Saunders, Jr . ll.iHtii, W II I' Wright, 1187 7«, heirs Of Ihonms Wright, Slfll.ffl, W, II. P- Wright, udtu'r, IU7JM, all oi Lawrence, ami Stephen Barker, of Methuen, TJBJ6*- There waa a gain in valuation ol fl,***,)," over last year- tune of taxation, f IS.80 on the ft000

There waa talk at oue time of turning the Mertimack river Into Ibe Bplcket above Broad- way, snd al another of running tbe Essex Canal through what is no* Union Street, but lliose idea* acreahsmloncd

The New I'ost tlfrlee Huildlnir will l>e resplen- drnt with new signs. On the lower story Me dlna and llnwartb are each tu have them iwen- ty-uiio feet lung, and ul ihe gayesi and richest stvh-. The I'ust 1 (dice sign. If 1-2 feet, is lu'l.e in thu centre. Ilaue Is paltultig them.

The woman suffrage couveniluii Is to lie on Friday, Sept, 10th, iwn weeks from Friday ol this week, ai ihe Cily Hall.

Kong of ihe democrats u !.i Uordccal .— " And our Tarhox Ihe (Jreai; Shall bear the

seals ul State." Solo: so luw you can'l hear it: " I'erhaps."

The Boston TrmtlUr has a diagram of ibe in 1 at lloxfurd- A cemetery is al the rear uf

the general's bead quarters. This Is supposed to he the pjace where the flabting men will hury their duad.

Our pleasant friend "Jajay' IMatid, ihal is iu lay John J. uf ihe Ailanlic, and f resident of the Common Council, has been cororniasloned Jiiiiiceol the 1'eaee Hi ami fur ibe Com ty of bases. The roung ladies uf tbat mill, and of ihe city generally, will thank us for informing them thai he has now authority lu marry tbem .ii- ill..; is II they lurnisb ihe bridegroom, John nut lanng a Mormon, and anuihor parly Inter- ested having sotncihiug lo say abuut tncreax- 111,. iiie ii mil in 1 "i parties In hia present dun

In man) cases ihe seeds of the hundred and illlv pound squashes ami six feel cucumbers iv 1.1. h were aiiuul last Summer, planted tbl* Spring, du nut make much ui a demonstration. The seed did Its best last year.

How many time- m youthful d*y» and iu the thoughla of maturer life have I sailed In Imagina- tion down this beautiful river, passing In vivid dreama it* picturesque islands, and IlKenliig 10 the monotonous song uf lb* Canadian boatrnoii, and now my wishes are about to bs realised, and Ihe

rsr Is opening befors ma. 1 oau hardly spare na fur a hurried breakfast, so Jealous am I of sry mnmeni, lor wen now ws are passing island*

1 either side. It Is Impossible to describe the beautiful panorama whlsh wa saw apread out before us fur forty mile*. Bver varying and changing In outline and perspective, It opened up holme us jrsndsr views of the worka of Uod and the world which He has mads fur our habitation then we evsr befors conceived. 1.1 k* a kaleidoscope, olianslng upon uur approsoh, surprising us al every point of our progress with new beaatlas, It led us un from view to view, thinking each one finer than any pre- ceding. The beautiful group* of lalanda, surrounded with ribbons uf sparkling water, presenting *uch fanciful forms to Uieeys, remind one of tbs famous Labyrinth In the park of Versailles, In ihe lima uf Louis XIV., whsvs It ws* almost Impossible not to lose one's self In ths samphoated paths running in every direction, but where lb* Ingenious fountain* of strange device, whl«h out lb* eie an testy hand, renasrsdttapieaaaraiowwst. Tta bsr* it would be easy and yet a pleasurs W be lost; (0 Wander about among Ibeas gents set so graoefully upon lbs boeom of Ibla queen of rivers, and explors ths mys- teries which He bidden la their deep recesses.

Island* wa saw with rocky side, lining themselves out of ths walar wllhin a stone's throw of th* boat a* ws glided past, wltb vsgeullon in picturesque disorder, aa thuugh no foot had ever pressed Its mossy turf, and uu lbs opposite side a group of ex- quisite little Islets, Just large enough tords/eillug ntaca* for the fairies, clainud our intention In one place wa pass through a narrow channel between wooded Island*, wlih overbsnging trses forming a natural bower, and as ws emerge into the open river we discover a large Island la front, dividing the river Into two noble streams, and In the distance th* Canadian and American shores he spiead oul before us. Occasionally a lug bouss or small frame dwelling Is seen, with its vegetable garden and a few I run trees, and twoor Ihree barefooted children,

ia lu th* snore lo see Ul* boat pass, a* oue of ihe most interesting events of their dally llv** .

Onward we gUdo, winding Uuough cluster after cluster of lllllu Islets of every Imaginable shape and ■li*. tbe river aomsUines prisenllug tha sppwar-, aucs of a large uumbvr uf little elraams, • wldeulng lo Its full -Us. lor forty miles Is s oily of Islands, the various shapes aud forms representing huuses aud aburcnea aud palaase, the rlvsr forming ths streets, only needing lti« qualol gondolssof Venice tu ijerfeul the Illusion.

A* We near I'reseoll lb* Island* become leas nu- merous, and the shores un elthsr aids srs mure plainly visible. Ou lb* New Vurk aid* a ainuutb, rounded rldg* uf laud sxleudi fur many mile*, aov- srsd vHlh enlilvs «d liuids sod fruit trees, showing grsal ferdllly, and uuineruus farm huuses denote a thriving community. Ou the Canadian if, although the view Is Just as pleaallig, the land doea nol look ao wsll-llllsd nur in.- dwellings su comfort- able. The open river, In all Its grandeur, ■treluh- u.g In.in shure lo shore, two mile* wldu, Is now iiiiiili.trnete.l, ainl Hows grandly ou towards Og- dei.sburg and fruaoutt, which aru quW saau. 1

Ws luavs this part of our Journey with legral, wishing to turu about aud rsiray oar steps, and enjoy It all oVor again, bul the aiillclpatlun uf the rapid* beyond parually coinpeusales furlhunocae. •Iiy of going furwsrd.

SlH-Ollllj/ IS* ll.ipi.lt. rrescoll and Ogduusl>ui|, opposite each other,

art two thriving tuwus, with a lurry connecting them, and mauy *!gi» rtf busy activity. We arrived here uu (lie eacund day of the greal 1-a 1 v.--.- I ..on. ui fur the cliainplunslilp ul ilia world, Whelelii ihe 1'reseolt .lull beal tbe Ml. lUgls Indiana, Ciuivds ul spectators aero sealed un bsuchea srscud on the side of a bill, a surt of uat-

iils) griouel, snd so lulvuae interest waa ui a til fe*led In ihs play. Tha gams of La c origlnalad with die Indians, bul haa been adopted by the Ca- nadians aa their national gam*.

At l'rsacolt w* ehanf" boal* again, laklug a auiuewbal smaller (Irsmar for ths approachiug trip. Our boal la laie.su thai every prepaistiun is *lpe- dlUuualj ms ie, aud we are soon on the way. We Hud oursalva* In a snug little boat, plainly furnished, and tbe ladies era provided with staterooms.

Tha 1 isl.iji Kijn.ls, all miles bslow 1'rescolt, are tha nrst ws ivseb, aud are esslly passed, all ihu 1I1 ffureute we ran perceive lu lbs water being a very rapid current, with th* rippling a Btae dulled wlih roam, buun after leaving these rapid* w* are 1 ailed lu dinner, a huh must b* valeu and all the diahea put away bafurv ws como tu (he Long Bsult Hapid, see uf lha hinge.1 ami rooel dangerous rsplda ou the river. Ths next In course Is llapid du I'ial, abuut two and a half mile* In leuglh, very mild, Uks ths preceding, llavlug ths lUv. sir. aturray'a vivid daacrlpUuu uf sbuoUug lha rapids freak lu mind, we Were not prspared fur anything su tame, aud think wa are to bs disappointed lu a ssusatlou, Uapudussys: "Wall uulll you bare sssu the Loug Hault, ihen let us know what you think abuut It."

taiau SALLT KAPtU.

Al last, nearly folly miles frum frssoull, w* dls- Sover a while Hue uf lm.ni, oulllutd agaiuai u,e ho- rlioii, luuklug vsry much like biaakers, aud wa

|in |i ire for the ru-it rapid*, which are a succession of short but furious deaoenta, named respectively, Coteau, Cedar, Unlit Hook, and (Eaacade rapids, wlilob terminate at tha head of Lake tit. Louis, sib gvlber having a descant of eighty two and a hi feel lu about eleven miles. In tbe Cascade Kept Ihs wreck of a larg* steamer, Ihe "(Jreclan," was seen. It waa ua its way duwu the river, in com- mand—ao our capUIn told ua,—uf oue of the most skillful pilots on lbs rlvsr, when, swerving a vary loth: from its course, and being very heavily loaded, having a troop ol four hundred men, will) their arms, on board, It struck on a rock, and tba current whirled It round so that It headed up stream, and drove It In betweea Iwo rocks so fast tbat It still slood there when ws passed, about a month /after the accident. It wss still whole and sound as far as

Id sea, but II looked aad and lonely, Impris- oned, aa It wsa, by those hidden roeka, In the midst

rsr aoUv* waters. All the pauengsra were saved, but It was Impossible to gel tbs veaael off. Ws could not help thinking thai IU fate mlghl be ours, though, perhaps, wlih a more fearful finale to the people on board, and many questions were asked Ibe caplalo regarding the causa uf Ihe dlsas- e.. It was uu fault of tbo pilot's,—nothing but a •light unstL-adlneas of band, some nervous move- ment, perhaps sn excess of anxiety concerning thu result,—knowing that ihe boat was heavily loaded,— and Ihu mischief Wa* done I Ileluw Ihese spiteful rapid* the river brusdens iulu a bskuUful lake, with quiet Water and peaceful shores.

Itla now growing dark, and tba captain la lu doubt whether ha will paaa thruugh the 1-e Chine Itaplds, Ihe most dangerous uf any on the river, or lake his host thruugh the canal. The pasaenger* are for tho most part anxloua to try these oelubrated rapids. Tsn minutes will decldu the qneallun, and we exeludly await the reault. The aeltlng sun, which haa b**n partially obscured by clouda, now shines oul clear and bright, and the decision la made In favor of tho rapids. Wa see the while line uf foam that marks the oommsnesmsot of tbem, snd now we behold the whole boiling, seething Uiaas, with Immense rooks rising hare and there. looking grim and dangerous, kfany boats are wrecked here, In spile of the skillful Canadian pilots, and now we are about to try our ohanoes. Everything Is ready. The oaptaln, the pilot and his assistants, are all prepared fur Ibe struggle, and one can hardly resist an Impreadon of danger aa ho look* In ths anxloua face o I ths if lot, whose eyes are filed on Ihe foam wreathed waves. Here wo got The host Istoeaod like A feather by the waves, shaking up ihe passengers, and causing consldersblc confusion and numerous "Ah'*," and "Oh1*," while one lady exclaim* : " Oh, Captain, did We Strike a rook, then?" ss a huge wave rolls under the boat with a aolid sound. " N'o, Indeed, you would bave been sure of It If we had," smilingly answers the captain. There I* one dlreit descent of eight feel which Ihe vessel leaps like a thing of life. When nearly through, we go to the rear part of tha boat 10 leek back on danger* paat. An Englishman Is gailng from Ihe window wltb rapl attention. Turn- ing In us aa we approach, he exclaims: " There! I have always had a great curiosity lo see the rapids of the Hi Lawrence, and now I have seen ihem, and I HI rer icoul lo tee thru, Ht/itln! Why, the buat almost grasod ths rocks on either sldo, as wo passed between Ihem I" The oaptaln pointed uut to us thi smile place aa we approached, saying, " Do you ae< those breakers ahead, while with fuam, with a nar- row paaaage of darker water between thu two lines,' Thoae breakers mark tho channel, and the boat niuat be kept eiselly In the centre, or we are lost." " IIuw does lha pilot know tho channol?" wsa aaksd. " la It by landmarks ?" " Oh, 001 la these rapid* tho pilot sloors siitlroly by the appearance of ihe water, and tha skill oxerclsed by these French Ca- nndlHiis 1* something wonderful." " Between th* La Chine Itaplds and atoulreal," continue* tho cap- tain, " navigation la quits aa dlfflcull as I lbs points we have Just passed; the channel 1* shallow and Intricate," However, aa the pasaenger* could not see the danger, ibey settled themielves comfuriably, without a shadow of anxiety, while tbs pilot care- fully attends 10 his dlfflcull duties,

.Hi. Itoyal Is now looming up on our left, while before u* wa see what some traveller has described as lha " rlghth wonder uf Ihe world," the celebrated VlrUirla lirlilgc, leading the It rand Trunk Kallway serins th* Hi. Lawrence river. This struclure Is DIM r.ei In length, and rests upon twenty-four piers and two abutments of solid masonry. We pass under the bridge, tha smoke-stack being low- Ted fur ths purpose, and are soon landed In th*

Queen's Dominions. c.

Homos AND MAINE RAILXOAD.—Prom th mial report uf the Boston a Maine Kailruad Co!

poralIon, Just Issued, It appears lhat tha operation if tha road for ins year ending May Hat, 1109, wer

ss follow*:— Tbs grrws receipts, from all sources,

amounted lo Ths sxpsndltures, of evsry kind,

Th* bsisnt-S, being lha net revenue, 1'wu dividends of five per cant, each

have been paid,

Keserved for ihu purchase of rails,

The undivided earnings for the year

« I,Oil.■!'...( D& 1.2.-V.S0Q T»

|J3i,ltU TO

1 00

»eo,otn uo

T7.1S3 78


On Monday Hftoruuon about 8 oVlock,

the lurgu boiler at thu stetim mill of

lien. L. Abbott,bant, with utrt-menildnis

i-\(i[ii-..nN. Quitu a niuuliei of workmen

were in tba mill at the time, but iniiu-

ri.it. 1 v no one was Injured. Mr. Henry

Brownell was unloading boanla within a

abort ili- r me,-. A large portion of the

Iwiler wan thrown several feet under tbe

box laetory of W. 3. Jenkins. The roof

of Mm dry house was taken away, aud

tbe lumber speedily removed, which with

tbe prompt exertions of the Sltawshin

Engine Company in suppressing the

ines prevented a genera! DOtflti^l'jtloD.

The boiler was defective, and no blame

is attributed tu tbe engineer.

I Thomas Smith I11-. lircti obosen juror

for the Superior Court, civil term, to be

held at Newbury port the llrst Monday in


The funeral obsequies of the lute S.

Charles Jucksun took place on Thurs-

day afternoon. Prayer wits offered by

Rev. J. H. MI'ITII, l:tt tbe late residence

of the deceased, and afterwards public

services were held in the Seminary

Chapel where a ver/largo and sympathiz-

ing audience were assembled. Appro-

priate selections of the scriptures were

read by Uuv.Mr. Merrill,and a very ler-

vent ami impressive prayer was ottered

by Rev. Prof. Phelps.

rin' Fall terra of Phillips Academy

commenced on Wednesday, with ao un-

usually Urge number of students.

The delegates to the State Democratic

Convention were Moody Knssell, Sam-

uel B. Locke, 0. D. V. Noyes, and Tim-

othy P. Holt.

In H196, this town voted that twenty

shillings be given for every wolf caught

and carrictl to the constable.

On Saturday ovening, Dr. Tracy, dis-

covering that a uight-bloomlng cercus

plant in his resideuee, was about to dis-

play its rare nod splendid beauty, very

kindly invited his friends to witness the

development. About one hundred per-

sons gladly availed themselves of thu

opportunity,one or two only of the corn-

puny having ever before seen any of its

kind. There were five beautiful and fra-

grant flowers, and tbey began to bloom

at early evening and to fade just before

sunrise. Tbe plant is three years old,

and previously had produced hut one

flower. It is a singular fact, that it

blooms but once a year, and then only

for a single night. In conveying tbe

invitations in be present on thcoccasion

oue of the messengers forgot the precise

errand, and gave notico tbat there was

to be a teriotU night meeting at Doctor


Rev. James G. Vose, of Providence,

R. 1., will preach at the South Church

on Sunday next, the 29th inst.

(ieorge L. Abbott, with characteristic

promptness, bas obtained a new boiler

lor bis Steam Mill. It is twenly feet

long and forty-eight inches in diameter,

and was purchased of the Stvampscott

Company at New Market N. 11. The

whole cost wheu it is placed in position

will be about $1,500.

Father Gallagher, the Catholic Priest

in this town, died at Lawrence on Wed-

nesday evening. While he was devoted

to the welfare of the church under bis

charge aud was highly esteemed by its

members, hla genial nature mid unllornt discreetness secured for him llie friend-

ship aud respectof all others with whom

bo became acquainted.


l..i-t Thursday, "Mr. Hunter Foster bad thu mli. fun line to have thu two llrst lingers of 1 lu- ll it hand taken uir, while engaged In fitting up Mime new ■■■"'■ '-■■■ machinery In the Lyinan mills at Holyokc.

The funeral of Mr Poland, on Monday, was attended Iiy the firemen belonging to engine einniinnv No '1, of wtilili llie deceased was a member. Tho foitiiimiy u|>|ieiiml iu uniform. wearing the usunl badge, of mourning on ihe left arm, and manht'd in a body to thv jdaio uf Interment at Tewkshury.

The Rev, Mr. llaskel, ttie Presiding Klileii, will preach Sabbath forenoon m the Methodist Episcopal ^h 11 rch.


Commissioners Notice. < oiiu.iiiuiveaitii nf nXaaaankaiaatte.

We, the subscribers, hei .IIT give notlr* that wr havo biiin duly appointed Commissioners to re- ooive and i'X.onitie tin- claims of tiie creditors of llie "*Utf ol Jois-ATHAW MKKHII.L, late ol Ando- ver In sniiU'ouiitvol t£ss..x,ilecfaspd,r*nrst»Bted in-iikeiii - tliai six months, from tin- elflhtreatk day "i .'■!... !■■■■'. are allowed' uU creditors in lirlnn In and pruvi- ibtlr claims, aud that wc will alteud to ii. ,t iiu'i uu Hi* third Mondays of Juar, .■!■■],! 1 -miter jQdOctiibtT nexl.siidon thuelahtreatb ■tu uf November next, at V o'.-lock A. *., at the Andover National llauk, In said Andover.

slOSfcH lOMTKIl. I ,,„,.„.„„„,„ UKOHUU W.H)-iri:K.l,">'1"!wl0!*""-

An lover Mf 28, IS09.

Sale for Sale. _. flrst rate IKON SAFK, manufactured by V..

It. Mnrsr, or Huston; weighs 1*00 lbs. Will be st a bargain. Apply to AMiKKlV isllJTH,

3 sou our old Irinud, F. A. again, alter an ulisence of

We are pl< MantiliiK, am light years.

OOF esteemed imf, Mr. V. frk Drown, the gen Humanly uml aeeompHabed boolfkeapai at DyiM Truell * Co.'s extensive dry »roods es- tabllshtneiit, in rusticating lot a low weeks at his father's, among ihu classic shudits of Wa- lerville, Vt ; tils l*eUived sistur accompanies him. May they ban a pleasant trip, is the wish of S. II

By special request of several of the sumn residents at North Andover, Mr. Josiah Crosby will give a rending at Stevent Hall, on Tuesday evening, August list, commencing at 8 o'clock, Subject: "The Fire Worshipers," Irom Lalla I took,


•• |."l, North J 4t*ag!e*

WIH>IM WOOD I The subscriber has for Mia a large lot of hard id soli wood, wiileh IK- will icll iu ^uaulltlss aa tstrad. Orders left at the periodical store af

John II. Chandler, Ham Mirct, Andover, or at the tlalou store lu A boon Village, will be prompt - ' 1 ■■■,. !■■! 1... .[.HIS' CHANDLKH.

Andover, June I, UM0. ti

Th. lubscrlher bori'hy londsrs bis thmiks lo the In ■ 1 jj company and uther clilsrus win.

1 snifprusaltiu Ibe flru at his steum mill, ui in day last. Uto, I, AliaoTT. Andover. AUK 37th, lSiin.


REV. S. R. A.SIll'RV,




1 street, • - - - \ndo\r-r.

MRU. S. It. tsinitv,

■ I'n[ill of Antonio 11.11 ite.

Advanced Lesson, in Vocal Music lni.i,; ■: Print* ot la Class.

Principals of Schools please notice.

M 1: 1 11 1 1: \

Last Wednesday evening, about half-past eight o'clock, there was an alarm of On. It WHS -in.ti ascertalnel thnt a esrt-load of oats un I straw, cut for fodder and thoroughly dry, which had been run under the shod near tha shoe uictory of S U. Oliase & Son, were on Are. The il uui'- ".Ued the shed romptutely, and ratted out ol ihe Irom, which was open, and up Into the air thirty or fonv feet. Very soon several men Were on the uround, and skillfully managed lo make something fast to the thills of tbe wagon, and then ran with all possible peed for a vacant lot, which was near hy, Utk-

ini. the wagon and the burning load along with 1, the (lames reachitiu hack twenty or

itiiny feet. There they succeeded in turning ihe wauon over, and getting it out of the fire bul little injured. The shed was completely eli 11 red inside, uini bad the burning mass re- mained wllhin three minutes more it must have 1 wen consumed, and if the shed had burnt, the shoe factory, which ia wllhin a few feet ot It, would bave been saveJ with dlfflcalty, It al alt. It is expected that some of the hoys flied the oats, for sport. The police are looking Into the matter, and possibly the offenders will servo a term at Lnwrence or Cbarlestown. The oats were the property ol Mr. Pearl, and were pui into the shed lor the night 10 keep tbem from the weather.

n it o v 1:1. A ,\ it.

To Let, A I+TI1KK near Davis k Kuril. 1

1 North Audover. This Store divided lo scconiiii.idnte (iruceri, 1

is; also Ury Uooda. lln-n- is


uaahlne shop, s Isrgr, and Is and Tloota aud

areat d em snd


FUENITURE. Af. if fur Wpbit.r * i.„,i.i ,

PATENT SPRING BED. Picture Framing, Upholstering, etc.,

and all kinds or Kiirniturr repaired In » superior

Opposite Savings Hunk, Andover.

" T. MENRY, ■

Opposite Savings Bank, Andover,

Uauufarturer of

COFFIN8 & CASKETS. A large ■ iirii-tv euostantly on hand; also,

This sum.sdded lo the accumulations of former jeers, makes Ihe undi- vided net earnings, at eloee of the

' Decs! year, amount In ihe aggregate (o tba sum of |UU3,'A)» Xu

The gross rocelpls from paasengers and freight for the put year exceed thus* of thu prevlou* year by $nn,«il iJ-J, and the eipense* of svery kind, In- cluding nstluiial, stale and munleipal taxes, wera •TT.SIO.IO more than In the former year, In addition to the sum of «U,|U3.U expanded for rails, .-te , which was charged lo the reserved fund of $tW,l>M.

A datalled statement Is made In relation 10 thu extensive Improvements and repairs upon the depot building In lloslou. A nsw paaaengar depot has lieen iTieii'd at Suuili Ni smsrki't, an.) a larg* addi- tion h*s been made tu the ear ahup at Lawrence. An Iron bridge of ths Uorely pattern hasbven con- tracted fur tu be placed over tha river ai i:\eti-r.

I .sn, I 10 lbs amount of forty ihunsand dollars waa purchased In l.awrenoe last yenr, and lu Homorvlile and Charlestown to Ihe axtent uf iwanty thuosaud dollsra. During tha If at iwo years extensile repairs,

been made on tha Charles river bridge. Ulli.-l Improvements In the way of depots^ etc,on lha line of lb* road, will b* made In due aeasun.

The passenger receipts ur tbe corporation have 1.Teased IWS.sTI during Ih* last Tour years. The

gruse receipts for the last year were at the rate of dfleen hundred dollars dally more than they were four year* previous thereto. In conaequenee thare- of the Dlreclura have been compelled to Increase tbo transportation facilities In every department, tu mret the reasonable demands of the public fur ac- commodation. They bava now, in efficient condi- tion, |..n> 1 -.-. ■ locumollva engines, seventy.four pnaseiigiT ears, and more lhati ono tbuusaiid freight ears. In addlllun, a full complement of baggage, gravel and ullier .urs. The) are all fully employed, and frrquunlly favoed lu liudr utmost capacliy.

,1 / We unhesitatingly recommend Tariaot's Heltier Aperleail Unce used, }ou will never do without it. It 011, unmet prevents a severe aiiat k ol sicknsss. lalbyi, druggist, 1U4 Eases sirssi, Is agaul.

■ ♦«*>

•i""1 ary,' ybod) Is on (he llplue u( annul-

palluii, nul iiiiiiuieil wlih a little diSsd, lur most uf tha pasaaugars bars uayer beeu Iwr* U.-(..i t. Tb*< [.II.,1 is at the whesl, wlih three assistants, bla ,:aliu ays swveping lbs borisou, aud Uklug bla tiearlogs •ocuralsly. Ths captain la lu froul of ih* pliul liuuse, ready to give any nucraaary signal. Aa ws appruacn nearer 111* rapid are eve thai tba water is In a lilgblful imiiiiu lbs waves run tilgb as In aaluriu at asa, and whirl and eddy aud laab iJiein. salves Into foam aa If furloua that Ihulr domain Is to ba lu-aiif ,1 by the tjrsnt, luan, wbu says aval, 10 tin- wind* and wave*, " Uo my bidding, and spun,I nol your strong li lu vaiu'.'' Uui Ihe captaJu baa given ths signal tu shut off sleain. Bud,—hurrah I bare wa go lutu lb* bulling, angry waiera. Ureat ways* r.,11 1.1..1.-1 ihe boat, lifting It and dashing II onward lo lbs ussl, hurrying us forward a* ibougb w* wars bul a straw tbay were toying with. Hut a slsady band Is ou tba wbeei, aud a practiced eya knows all your acts and coquetries, 11 must bsau- ului aud dangerous rapid. Ua knows th* hidden rooks, Ikrssw.nlog dssirtieUon to ll* uu wary. II* •eaa la *v*rj wkltw-ssgypasl wave a sigoal to laark


cis Train in a speech in Untie ('imnty,

('al., In iillii'lui:; to thu greut farm of

Kx-rungroaaiuaii Ititlwull in that vicinity


" ilnw manv acn-s lo tlii. tluld, fion- aralF One thouaind. How inuflj fB ilie inn P Tweiity-tUu hushula. Let in drive over and aee tbem cut and Hi real 1 and bag. What aatmnirtt ai^lit! Ileru we are in the nilddtu ut thii won- durful field. Here are the four-horae lieadora, and two-hunte wagim lumlud, lilled in three minutea hy thu watch— three men cutting their twenty acres a day. Under the trees, thuru is the tfii Im 1 ■ :->■ ■ engine, threshing out the grain—two bushels a minute! What economy of labor! Compare this ma- chiiit'ry of production with tho little one- horse (arm In Waltlntiji, MassachuaelU, where I was raised, of six hundred acres. Where five hundred and filty were rocks aud trues, and thu balance iiluadow and stones. Where tor two huudred years we gatherud the gaum perennial crop of stunes. Would the rrullana have peopled New England had they seen a luiin like this f "

No ltoitfc WASIIINU DAYS.—In a town

near Boston, a neighborhood of some

twenty lamiliei run a laundry, and thus

relieve themselves from household de-

moralization 011 Mondays. Il the family

having the most washing done would

pay a proportionate part of the expense,

the plan might work.

New Firm. New Goods. The subscribers would call the attention of (In

■It ueu- of Andover and vlolnlty lo their new and iholce stuuk ol liuods uuw opening at the old itandofMr.John liarJhij[,under Htptlatchi .i.,»ii.tln« In part of agin '

all uf which we offer to our | prices.

# » ■ \ -I....' of pobllo 1

Dry Goods, (i roeeries, Flour, Crock- ery and (.Inns Wure, fine TOUH, pure

Coffee, .Spice*, etc., etc.,

runs ai aatlsfac'ory

niiii.i.e respectfully

(Joods delivered lo all part* of the village free ol mp.ii.c.. K. It. KAItNdWOUTII kill,

Andover, Au|. It, IH0U.

The piste for tbe new Hallrosd from Writ Am.s- bury through West Newbury and Uruvuland, was surveyed a fuw Weoks ago aud the distance from West Amesbury to U rove I am I Depot waa found to beshortuf asven miles. Two r.nitcs through Uru\r-

rere surveyed, 0110 thruugli tiie vslley and the ulher on Ihe shore of the river, The route ihrouib. the valley Is very Igyal, but crosses every street In the village, and divide* a gaud many house Iota and gardens into triangles. The routs on ths river- bsnk Is level, and will noi do one half Ihe damage to house lots snd gardens, that the valley ruulu will, and . ItW of these roulea Is a-aalls less lu distance to thu Orovoland tilailon than the routs to 11. or„. ■ town, which Is over a hard rocky grade, and wlU cost ennslderable more than the route to Urovelaud. The ruutc ihrougli llda town will furnish accommo- dation* tu a larger number of people, and tbe eoal of construction wlU bv less, the road will be planeanisr for summer travel? being on tbe shore of our beauti- ful river for a larger part of Ihs distance If the roe<< is to be built tho shore r.uite through Qrova- Isinl would sesrn to bs tbe natural eoura* It would take, rurnlahlng communication moat directly with Ikistoil an.I with the eliies and manufacturing towns on the river above ua.

An aot of Incorporation wa* granted by the last legislature lo some of tbe clUiens of ibis town 10 form a Saving! Uank, and on Monday evening, the lid, a preliminary meeUruj was held at Uia office of Nathaniel Ladd.Hsq,. and the following peraona wore chosen Trustees : N.ll. Griffith, N' iih'I.La.hl, E.T. Curtis, J. SpolTurd, Cna*. dUckney, It. 11 I*afe,fJ.U. Bsvary, A ..I. Iluulreas, S. Uarrlman.Nath'l.l'arker, Hoses Foster, K.C. llitrdy.C.II. Ilopklnsun, II.I-: (l.-nlll. Abner Chase, C.A. bbaw. Zeuaa C. Ward. well, T.M. Ilupkluson, U.W. llopklDsoti.C.W. dpof-

Cbarlcs Utlckney was chosen 1'resldant, and 'reaaurer will bo uppulnted nt the 11.11 meeting.

I'tPrajTKlAMS*!.—Mr. J. I,. Taylor, ol

llini.ui. will commence bis great walking matcba^alnisi time,— luOniileslu -'I hours

—next Friday, Mcpt. Jii, al 7 o'clock P.M. 1...ml day uml ir.ifl. at the Lawrence Uld-

lug Park.


Sevantl (avorito horses will he trotted

at ihu Bldlltg l'aik. H-rnth Hide, on Tues-

day niieiiiiii.il next, cuiniueuulug at J

o'clock. Tin- advurtlseuiKiil gives fur-

ther particular •■ '

04 1 In- Horse Cars couneet with all

iralua going to or Irom tbe east, at North Andover. aiUw

Kassx, August 21st, 1869.

KnitiMi Asmiii'iN- TI10 writer is sojourn- ing In this plate fur a few days. It was flrit tattled In 1 ■ -"■> 1 and was n preseiuet of Ipswich, anil called Chelmcco, until half a century afto when it was incorporated wlih Its present name. It Is nut iiiiij'i'i "JII i.it.ii termed the huh of old C'spe Ann. The population is MMl. It Is the birthplace of lion, Kufu'Chonte, und of Judges J. C. Perkins and George F. Cbuule. The for- mer owned a firm In It at thu time »r his death, which Is still kept In tho family.

The prlucipal business is ship huilding;sixty vessels of 7A tons burthen, on an average, have lieen built In a single year, and one man has built 13 In ill.11 time Out tins been built limn tbe rough material entire, In a month. There are ten ship ynrds with a capital Invested of #200,000. In the construction of these vessel) all kinds of oak timber are used.. Stem and stem posts are usually of white oak. ltoik maple Is used for keels. Birch, maple and are also used In the frame. The tup limber and the "out board" plank are of white onk. Tho "in board" Is uf tbe same material ofa cheaper I'uullty . The deck plunkj, masts" and bowsprits are of white pltte and the small spars uf spruce.

1 he timber Is mostly obtained In this stale. Iligglng for vessels and their anchors were for- merly made here, but are now buughl elsewhere hy pnrchasera. Of these ve-.-eK.it Is said, none staunchcr, trimmer, iluutcr, breast the waves of ocean. I Tradition says the first hoat was built hi a garret and the window had to be cut away before they could get It out.

Several attempts have been made within the last 25 years to build a railroad from the centre of the town to the Kastcrn at Hamilton' and to the Gloucester branch at Manchester, but ef- forts In this dlreciluh bave thus far lieen un- successful, and It remains one of the few towns ^¥n this sectiuti of thu state without steam com- munication.')

Chehucco pond shout a mile hi length border* i[ulte near my stopping place, and Is a very at- tractive resort tor piscatonans both In summer and winter. We made up a enmpany of four and tried our luck this forenoon. In a sliyrt tlntt I, not we, caught sixty-live fishes of re- spec table slie. Although no one of them weighed four pounds or anything like It, tbey relished well. Home of them were while perch. One of our number, a gentleman less than three years or age, caught nine and a half. Tbe half refers to the only pickerel brought so near aa the host's edge un the occasion. Gunners by llie use of decoys kill large nnVibers of wild du. k» find geeso In tbe pond during their season, and plovers are <(ulte plenty. Tbe Inhabitants of the no I glit tor hood would gladly welcome hunters to their premises. Foxes are i|uite inil.1 in helping themselves to poultry, and rac- coons Infest some or the corn fields.

Yesterday we went to Camp Meeting at Ham- ilton, some live or six miles distant. It was the first visit to the grounds, hut we found fine ar- rangements ami good order. At the love Teas! more than three bundred testimonies were given 111 an hour and a quarter, with excellent sing- ing Interspersed. The attendance of leas than a day Is hardly sulOclant time to describe or Judge of a continuous meeting ofa week's dura- tion. The congregation waa large and much interest manifested. Hev. George P. Wilson, who is always and everywhere doing good, ad- dressed the children's meeting lu his usual earnest and felicitous manner. Messrs. Keyea and Boynton were present, and It Is certainly a great blessing to bave such wicked creatures as the State Constables are, brought within the sound of the Gospel.

I have noticed all about in this region an abundance of pears. The trees are propped up and Ued up, and It Is with difficulty tbey are made to sustain their ponderous loads of beauti- ful fruit. In the general scarcity which pre- vails about home, it is really refreshing to see an atiiinil.incc of any kind of fmlt.

The American finds Its way to Ibis place reg- ularly, and is read with Intervit. 1 have writ- ten a much longer letter than 1 anticipated when I couuueuced, aud if it Is not au iulllctlon, its length may make up In part fur the paucity of

It till IPJ.AU ('DUHkSroKJII

Covered V¥Mgun.

Tbe subscriber lias for ssle s covered wagon, In good repair, and al a low price.

MII-.M i\ AnnoTT. Vndover, July 16th, iml,


Wagon Manufacturer, 1,1,1, ,1

Light Eipr kes to order,

1(1 I'lii-iii' ■■■ I,'Order.


with or without Top*.

Also,light Farm Wagons and Carts, fur horse*.

Repairing in nil its branches.

Andover, July u, i.-,i.i. tf

last week.

t'n' i.intt.N;'» AND Missis' COSSET*.—A most duslrable article. Mothers Interested in the health and comfort of their daughters an In* vlted to saanuns Iu merits. For sale by By- ron Truell 4 Co,

J. K. '..


Corner of Main Street mid Kim Square,

Watchos, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver uml 1'inii .1 Ware, «%c.

All kind* of Watehes, Cloaks, Ao, Uleaned, Kc paired, end warranted.

An.i.i.ei-, ii.i. .-(, |,.-,. >, 1 oeUlly,

Wagons I Wagons !! New and second hand, lor ssle by


fatent Htrri

.■S. .Mil t.llu,

Manufacturers of I'et tin gill's

Carts and Wheels or ail kind- to order. tfla.'j

Or Alt onlura Tor Tin Roofing prompt- ly attended lo. * I I

HERMAN ABBOTT, COFFIN »i V > I 1 » . I 1 111 it

has always on hand a lar*.e assortment uf fulfills. Casket*. Robes, Plates, Ac.,

Also, having several Corpse Preserving cases, l,e Is prepared to furnish ice and preserve bodies whoa desired. Comer Main and Daaea tti*v, Andorar.

Andover, July 0, IMA7.


MERCHANT TAILOR, Aad dealer la

MEN'S AND BOY8* CLOTHING, Hats. Caps aad dent's Ku MdshinK floods,

Second House South of Town Hal], lsltl ANDOVKft.

[Ul romntonumtllk of JTnssarAusetft. To HICIIAKI, CONNOLLY, of Mo. And-

rr,ln the eoonty of Ksaeg.and loany and all her per.iius claiming any Interest la

count v of Ki ■i- mi- claiming any lulervst la

. fourt li gallon nf whiskey In one boltle, Aboul one-fourth gallon of rum In ope bottle, About ihree gallons of glo la one demijohn and

one boltle About ninety gnilous of ale In three barrels ana

oue j 1 re',, ,, whlah, by virtue of a warrant Issue by me, have been soiled at the dwelling house of said

MIUHAfcL CONNOLLY, in said \ .. \ 1,,1.11. r.i... ilieseventeeinhday ol Au- gust, io the year one thousand sight hundred snd -ist) inn. . the value of whlah Hqaors, with the vessel, eu.Ualniag iheni.in my opinion, saeeids iwenty dollars.

You are hereby reoulrvd to appear h. lur- •>— ■lusllcsa of Ih* Huperlor Court, next 1 * at Lawrence, In said county ol Ksi -.■"■ii.l aloudey of October n. it, to answer ti comnUlnl against s.ild liquors, and vesaels (alolug dieni, and for trial, aad to show eau.

0 be holdc:

ou have, why said liquors and vessels should - ' < inn kept for sal* by said

11.l1.t1.in of the laws of this


HlBhaal Connolly oramon wealth. Witness, ray hand aad

li day uf Augtti SHUT,,, ,, r one thui

liKO. K, Trial Justice. MKI.VIN BUL

IhpUly State constable,

cVMSaoDsreoJIa of ilaua, kutMi. [L.K.] "To HANNAH MOLAlji, of Aadovsr, in

Hie iniiiit, ,11 hasea, aad lo any and all other persons claiming any interest la 1

About till) gallons ol ale lu Iwo barrels, whleh, by virtue ol a warrant Issued by me, have be.11 seised St Hie wooden building oceupleil by said HANNAH NOLAN. in ..id Andover, on the nlusteetith day of August, In the year oue thousand eight hundred and -niv-nine, ihe .»lue of whioh iluunrs.aith the ressrls eniilsiiiliig them, dues not, in iny oulniou

.1 I w.'iily dull-**

louijh day of

I appsar before me, at at iwoo'duok.l*. k: Hepteraber. '-

L- answer to the complaint against said ilqu,,,. and the vessels runlalniug ihsin,aad for trial, aud to show . ui-,-. If any )ou bare, why said llquun, add the vessels eoutaiuiug- lliera. should not he lurlriied tor being kept for sals by said Hannah N.ilsn in vluuuluu ol the laws of this Couiuon- wvalih.

Witnesr, ia> hand and seal, at Andover this Iw-uti.ih day of Augtist.ln i h* year one thousand right hundred aud siaty uiue.

UBOituit U.I-oim.TrialJasUes. Atrasosaiy-AUaat. QJsUaWal L. allLLa.ll, f Us>|auy itaaa C*saasal.W

MCSTEU MOBNINO.—A hrigbt, lienuti-

t'ul liny again, the sun shining gully and

thu iitiuosplioru bracing anil cool na could

be expected at this soiison. The slgni

tire protiiising lar glorious weaUiur all

cainji wi'i'k. At an oarly hour the sol-

dler boy* were seen hurrying to their

armoriwa, drums were beating, fifes wen

playing, ciunp wagons being loaded, and

there were preparations generally of all

kinds. The horses fJtrniahed by Mr.

Browator to tho 4th Light Battery ap-

peared to tnfee their places upon the ar-

tillery and caisson wagons, as if they be-

longed thure, and the light between the

man of the Battery nail the (juadrupods

for tho mastery was far from being, as

exciting as usual. The horses were

larger, handsomer and better behaved

than ever before. j-

At about quarter past eight. Company

K,, Capt. Docker, anil Company I., Capt.

Varnum, Oth inlantry regiment, started

from Lawrence street for tho depot.

-They bore the new and splendid stand-

ards of the rogimont, one of white silk

or satin, with 1I1. coat of arms of the

state,- snd the other the national flag of

equally costly material. Tho battalliou,

which was in command of Capt. Decker,

looked somewhat improvutl iu their new

uniform, coat and pants, but tho regret

was general that they could not havo

had their caps ami.epaulettes to match.

They wen beaded by the Lawrence

Brass Baud, who with their new capa.

plumes, shoulder knots and belts, pre-

sented a very neat and ornamental ap-

pearance. An entire now uniform

would not haye made them look better.

It is pleasant to see the old tasteful stylo revived.

At about twenty minutes of nine, the

4th Light Battery appeared at the head

or Kssex street. For some reason unex-

plained, not thu first note waa hoard

Irom thu trumpets to let the people know

they were coming, and many lust the

anxiously expected sight for tbat reaaon.

As tho Captain, Geo. 8. Merrill, la now

Several miles off, ww feel at liberty to

speak of thu parade ns it really dtaorvos.

In numbers and appearance it la cer-

tainly superior to any lour gun battery

in the State, and lit the style of uniform,

ahuad of all. Tho colors are unoiiatak-

ably artillery, but sufficiently brilUaqt

and tasteful to be seen Sit a great dis-

tance, and to be the observed of all ob-

servers on a great muster field. It can-

not fail to create quite a leuaation at

Boxford, where ail the leading military

men of the Slate will be assembled.

By to-morrow the camp will ba in

good running order, and the military

will be happy to see their Iriends Irom

home. We can safely promise visitors a

hearty welcome, especially if they aro

accompanied by ladies, The Kingfisher

will be run to the camp, and also other

teams Irom this city. Between tbem

and the extra trains whioh are run at lo

minutes of 10, and 2 P. M daily, there

should be means enough to get there,

Tho distance is about nlno miles with a

vehicle—Daily Aug. 24.

AH AWFUL DEATH.—On Sunday even-

ing about seven o'clock, a man named

Julian tiipsee weut into a privy on Starv-

ation Alley, just below Jackson street.

There were two or throe partitions in it,

one of thorn intended tor throwing down

slops only. In this there was no top

sent and only a front board. Upon this

trout 1 In- unforluuutu man, who was

somewhat intoxicated, sat, and it broke

down at once, throwing him .backwards

into tho vault. A woman who came in

shortly alter, saw his boots sticking up,

and gave the alarm/ The man was at

once got out, but only breathed once or

twice allerwards. The deceased leaves

a wile and one child. He bad been em-

ployed in tbe Pacific yard as it laborer,

and waa to have removed to Wobtirn the

next morning. The Coroner did not



gtlitt ftourt Sci-ord.

H.ll,iu i-._ Mwy Don eaiitiir.-d Ju*t

•elite lined to »n nimiilii. In for the laroeuj of a pint iiiu propertf <•! Benjamin who keep, a (roll aUud I pealrd, ami wa* required .jf *■"' i" proMonW <<>' ■ Iriii.kfiu.i ■■> .iBui>i»l her

ippci I'll-

v all" fp>l IKT ilijuor fntiick Daley v/a* lined #7-10 fur aasaall upon

Henry La Hue. who »•• awitness atTain-H l.lm In a oaaeof assault, a sliurl Una ■lriw-1 La Rita uU thai he UwalaMMl tu «"t tba stun which ha paid, out of tils hldi■■ fJaluy wu also r.i|uln-.l to give bonds In * JW '" kuup the peace toward* ever> body, an■ ssapeclsJIy La flue, fur aix mouth*, lie appo .led t Hi- HUB. Pour drunk* *i vi each.

MUMHI li»- f.iiniliar and amillng luceand w.li kiiuwu funu of ill- llunur, Judge HMvaua, who. through aiiu'Lii an.I sunshine, war and (nBoe, f.,r a ■pinuf wi cau'l ituy im« many years, mla-lii !»■ seen w.'iiilliif lii- wny toward* ililn tribunal, again appeared, ltd* morning, upon tin- bench, speaking In legal parlance, and lu iln- urui eliali, when i:mii- inu down to facia. Tin- Judge, a few wcuka ugn, purauaded hiwaelf with *uu)e -luli <H;, U> Indulge In a fuw weoka uf relaxation and raoraalhMi, fur llie ih-i nun- for years. II. looked to-day aa though liu might attend lu the criminal* uf the clly for the null twenty year*, in the daytime, and " ounce all night 'UU broad daylight, and go hotuw wllli the gill- in 111.- in lag "

fatrlek Ryan waa required lu pay $14M fur aa aaaaull on N- K. Morse al UIB borse railroad depot.

Martin Wuleli and Jaine* Sweeney worn called upon fur flu each for disturbing Ihu peace.

Win. Smith and David I*. Joni - wire HIM-.I *i und one-half tbe ooal* eaob, fur driving unu of fur tar's horica too bard.

Patrick Kane got l&.SU, and (aili-rim. do S1.B1, fur making tba neighbor! ililnk lliey were admen, Instead of oue.

■ili drunk* wurs aorved all ibo way from one cent to AIM. One fumalB drunk IIILIL.II uheuper, aud one allowed lo escape six monlba by bolting full ipuvd to IIHJ depot.

TDHDAT.—A wamu uamed Julia M. Chapman, from North Audo»«r, waa obarged with filching twfrom lha poakat of Hr. Varuum'a puU, wbiob were hanging up lu bla aaluon In a bueeniaut on Anteabary atraai. The ahlef ovldeoee aeemed u> be that aba and dtatla Hlckey and two wan wero Hie only [itiiauii* In the plaov, that the two woman weul lo Ulaua lllokey'i liouee, thai Mr. Varnum after .11 -■■ ouvaring hla loaa called tbcra fur [lie acouaud, thai abe made bar appearanev lu four or I'm- inhiUWa, and "looked guilty." Tim other woman Uiallllod unergetloally aa tu her opinion of lUe Innoouucvof bar Trlend. Tha rvlduoce not being atrong anougu, the^ecuau.1 waa dlacbarged.

One of the plpara draaaed lu IllgbUnd altlru, who IIIU parraded tha alroela fur twu or tlirw daya, waa Hoed fo and ouala or Hlity daya, aa a " (Jotniuun J'llier." Ilawent up.

A young fulluw by Out name uf Wm. Wolch waa fined $2ii ami ouata for cruelly ualug onu of Brewa- ter*a boraaa. Ua rafuaed to dfecioae the name of hla

a lu thla meanaat of orlmea, and bla mother d liini for It.

An aiaminallou waa waived In tlie atclioveru aaaa, and tha aocuaed waa committed. Another kdhtm corjntf will bo applied for, and the ancuaod probably relaaaod on reduced ball.

- r"lva drunk! dT-go ealbb. If tbey oan't pay that, anything wblcb they have about their clolhea.

Jamea Walch waa bound ovur lo the aum of f2W for lila appearauoa bt/fore the Uruud Jury to anawwr to the ebarge of larceny of a atuve from liamuu] A. HUhi.ji, ba having takeu It uuder the uaual printed agreemanl to give ll up unluaa paid for, and rufualng Ui yield It.

WKDK Ban AC.—Alice MoParmoit, a lady with blua atnamara uf great length, waa arruatad to pre* aaol damage to the Maacboatar tralua, Allea having got mad with till* wlokud world, and It* wlckadar wbiakey.aml laid beraelf rvpealodly down on llH trash bafora the train*. Tba muo gut tlrod ol holatlng bar off, and had her locked up. |1 and

Kata Koley, wbo waa ui< a day or two aiuce, and aaatenoedlo miy daya, with the prlvllegu, fco., wai a woman, after all, and oouldnl got out of towr without another new dree* (aa ahe aald, though I waa probably Bourbon, not calico, which waa the ■natter), ll.ir huurof eiile wa* poatponud*M her aarnaat requeat, and *be waa given Until muni. .-In- |iroml*ed to croa* the border lu Ove mlnutrT, which oould not be done by any live Individual In tklrta and boopa, though aha ilarled ■ ■:■ lha run for the Uf I Inn-n Hue.

A nun uaiaad Uonnavan. a vagraut »ltb luaanc wraellvltk'*, waa *uut up fur four luoulha.

A man wltb a family uf gruwu-up clilldruu, who oould take oare of ttjomaulvea, waa aunl up for two month* aa a common drunkard, lie wa* In tlm habit of flgbtlug the whole parly whun lu liquor, wbli'h *■* abuul half the time.

Special Despatch to the American,


Oxfonti have won! Ttniv 2S tuinuti's

40 1-2 lecondi. 11 mi :>.fi ■ ■iiiu- not


i THK HAW OHOAIW.—The |nop|n ol , tht) Intorlor loV>m and citk'B hum <>\ latti

lifi-ii ■•ivare Buflfertrs l>y thu fnitiiHron <il it HIHMI HI' Organ grintlert!, iliimi hy (lie stiit't liw> of tin- iuctn»|».lis <>m ol Bon- ton. 'I'll'' nuiataiioa is otupoitillj' tipon EHMJZ -'n.!, in tliis city, tvln-ri- the (lindera [■■• i thi'insi-lvyH with tholr lu-

1 "' ijm- !-i"it

'IHU DAILY ADVKRTISKK.—i'ltio Bo»- iim jinpasr, whloli wan pure It aged six yt-ars ago for tatfriXH), wan recently sold at tlie rate of 9325,000. itiowluK the extraordl- nary luureHBt: In ttiu value or ncwepupvr property In Dial city. Mi. Watera of the old lii in. a third owuer, reuialiN, ftiid Mesara. Dunbar and Chandler retire. The new owuera are a stock company ,ol width Mr. J. Wiley Edinands. Treasurer of tlifc Paclflc Mills, UPiexideiit, and Mr. Wa- tvera, Secretary. Mr. Duuoar, the retiring editor, la one of tin- nm-i ^racelul, power* i'ul, oourieous, and Interesting writers In the country. He leuveit on Recount of ill health.

llAIB. ON KIKK.—People lu thu vleiuiiy of Major Cate'a stucco and planter de|iot on i illinium Street, near the .Second Bap- tist Church, smelt something bunilug mi tiuuday uijfht, eapecially toward* uioru- lii|-,but neither they or the Vtjtllaiit (tolke- inan could hunt up the cause until quite a late hour, wlieu It was discovered that a ball of hair In that estahlU|tmeat »■»» on tire and siuotilderlu^. T'iie tire v i-aslly extinguished when disetivcred, tor one of !i- size It waa about as oht give upon the seuses as is often met wl ■Mnaeed oil had been gpllled in the room above and bad run down upon tlie hair, causing lgnltlou. This oil upon MUM

material Is almost as sure to create lire ata rubbing a friction match upon a coai M surface.'

THE DEATH OP JOHN (^UINN.— The vi'i iiii-1 ol the Coroner's Jury in the case of John Quinn, killed at the railroad ORNMaU on Thursday, l'Jth.was: "That deceased camo to bis death by reason of Injuries received from the tunder aud engine of the Lowell and Lawrence

,railroad paaaing over him, aud they fur- tberflnd that no lilauie shmild be attached to the Boston 6%, Maine or IA>WU1I rail- road, or any of the employees of laid companies, as the truln or tender am engine were moving with tho usual care and manner."

struim-nts ol car torture, und Insane pi'i-petrah' the iiieluut'lMy grimj'. grind! •rriiid, of the unu dre*ry tune for houri, eontinuing till a late hour in the even- in,"-. In vain tho unlucky merchants, lawyers, and others, protest and declare it too bad, and u unendurable nuisance. There is no remedy, tlm polios declaring they have no authority to stop It, and the persons who pay a liberal tax lor protection from tlHun annoyance get no satisfaction. This is ccrtaiuly not right. If a punou wad roaring and ■hooting about the street* at any hour, he would assuredly be locked up, to whttcver class of people he iiiij^lit belong, A man lias icen sent to the House ol Correction for lixty days,in default of paying a line of

9'J.Hi), for playing a single pipe In the btreett, under nu old law against Com- mon Pipers; w'liat should bo the puu- iihiinjiii of those who harass tho public with a dozen pipes of a hand organ ? We urn far from desiring tu be bard with tho soldier class of grinders, though If all tho maimed aoldiors of the Union army should be permitted to hire organs of needy Italians by tho day, and go into tho business, tha wholu population would fain plunge into the Merrimack to rid themselves of the din. If one In- jured soldier has tho right to do this, certainly it would bo very unfair not to give the others an equal chance, and if they should avail thomsulvos of it. iln> result woultl In- a general insanity V.\ i'ii it these " musicians" could b made to diffuse themselves over tin city, and not agonize the inmates of one building too long, it would be some re- lief, On Saturday lost, there wero throe within one block, und all of thu occu pants wero declaring it a shame and u nuisance. We nave no doubt that the City Marshal would regulate this mat- ter if power wero given him. The Sec- ond Section of Chapter 301, passed last winter, reads as follows:—

The mayor and aldermen of any city may adopt rules and orders not incon- sistent with the laws of this Common- wealth for the regulation and control ol pi'i'siuii who shall, after the passage ol this act, frequent the streets and public places in said city, playing on hand- organs or other musical instruments, beating drums or blowing trumpets, with penalties tor violations thereof, not excueding twenty dollars for each offoncu.

THK MI -n.it FIELD.—The Boston hurnul, speaking of tho groundsof tho "Camp at lloxford," describes it as a large plateau beautifully surrounded by thick groves and hills, situated near the little town of Itoxford. The trains will stop at a ti'injinraiy platform built in the immediate vicinity of tho ground.

The ground itself is located rather more than a mile to the westward of Boxford proper, is well sheltered by hills, as previously stated, and will afford capital marching for the militia, the soil belngof a light sandy character. Some ol the men had looked toward SwitmpscotL (where they encamped in 18(17) with longing eyes, as being in their estimation tho very perfection of a camping ground, and tlfty expressed a strong desire to be sent there again this year; but it was felt by the officers that the terms required by tho proprietor could not he conveniently complied with, and that Boxlord was miost admirably suited to their purpose, it being far enough removed from any targe town to insure quiet and orderly conduct on the part of the meu, and yet possessing con- veniences for procuring supplies for Qunrtermaiter and Sutlers hitherto un- MnNattA] at any encampment.

'me site to be occupied is the old war camping ground, which was occupied by several rejrfuioiits in lH6i previous to their proceeding to the front. That por- tion of it to be used as a parade ground is very level and Is 1000 feet square. This is considered large enough for the


The following, addressed to the republi- cans of Massachusetts opposed to pro- hibition, appears in the Boston Journal. That paper statis that it lias organiza- tions already in seventj of the tow.n*f( kept it and cities in the state, ami that Ihe num- ber is being Increased daily :—

he Uiiiou Republican League of utacnosctts is an organisation com-

posed ot Republicans ONLY, who arc opposed tu ihv Prohibitory Law, but who have always boon true to thu best Inter-

is of that party. Tlie attempt ol the "Prohibitory Com-

mittee" to force on the republican party adoption ot " Prohibition " its a part

ot its [jl.iiloriii. meets with our unqual- ified dissent. The re-enacting ol Ihe 'lohibilory Law in the last Legislature

gives color tu the claim that this measure low a part of the republican pollOJT,

and we urge upon every liberal and eon- iTtvativc Republican ol the Common-

wealth to unite with us in our efforts to have this dogma of Prohibition repudi- ated by the next Republican Slate Con- vention. Tho Prohibitory Convention recently held.in TrcniontTemple,Boston, have siguilied their iulculiou of con- trolling the State Republican Convention, and every effort is being made U> carry out their plun.

Let the conservative Republicans in the commonwealth rally at the caucuses and sec that thesH ultraists are defeated in their purpose. Let none but liberal Republicans opposed to prohibition be elected as delegates. Towns which aro not already organised are requested to do so at once.


StiolltK.— A despatch trom Portsmouth says that (Jlty Marshal Johnson has ar- rested a horse thief who hired a team .it Haverhill, Mas*., to goto Lawri'mi', and

tooked his name at the National llousu its George Wilson, of Freedom, \. II.; says his real name is S. A. Parl.er, aud that ho belongs in Wakcfleld.' Since being arrested lie bus tried to suffocate himsell by lying a handkerchief around his throat. He was discovered by an officer in time to save his life, but his face was black, ami in a few minutes lie w-'iild havu been beyond the roach of earthly justice. He is about twenty-three years of age. The team is owned by William Richards >f Ha-


. ]>I:MI» nine STATK CosvKdTioa.— The Democratic Mutual Admiration Society ot Massachusetts, aaaumliluo at Worcester on Wednesday, under the Dame of a convention, The number* are reported mustier than uaual, which M evidence that tho leaders of the party have nu hopes of carrying the State and divid- ing ofTkea. If tture »ie- S prospect of spoil, all Worcester could 'Out hate held the-delo- gated. One feature of the convention wan the entire abaence of any considerable number of the young Irishmen who have previously Uccii an Important element in theae gathorlni;>. Those who have grown to manhood in thla country uannut tie wheedled into the support of the old fogy, conservative Ideas of the old world, even If they aro presented under the guise of democracy. That can only he played upon n.-w cuiucra, who can tie mure easily im- posed upon.

The cuiiveution was called to order by J. U, Abbott, of Boston, and Chaa. L. Woodbury, ol lloston, waa cho*en President. Among the Vice Presidents, was N. P. H MeWIn, of Law- rence. John K. Tarnox, of Lawrence, was placed upon the committee on roso bit ion a. The following were nominated as candidates for the several atate oraVes :—

For Governor, John Q. Admin, of <4uincy. For Lieut.-Oovemor, 8. C. Lamb, of Green

Held. For Secretary of state, John K.Tarbox, of

.forTreasurer, Mr. Ituywood, ol Gordnor. For Attorney-General, J. G Abbott, or Bos-

ton. For Auditor, Pliiuea. Allen, of Pittilicld. The convention did two sensible thing*. ■

was to extend the compliment (rather empty, to be sure,) of the nomination of Secretary of Stale lo our worthy and courteous neighbor and lellow-cillteu, John K. Tarbox, Kaq. It would have bSSD stilt more creditable in them to have named him for Governor, instead or a renegade republican. Another was, virtually to own up " whipped by thu republicans," give up the contest, and start ahead on dltferent is sues. Their brethren in other states, however, arc not so intelligent, and aro still kicking against ttiu solid bricks. Thu Massachusetts leaders have now picked up the uM bank and tariff ipieatious which were laid aside, though not settled, at the commencement or the war, and upon which tbore Is undoubtedly a wide difference of opinion in the abstract, in the re- publican party of the nation. A large major- ity, however, will agree upon such measures for years to come, as a matter of necessity tnivi'.l upon the country by the rebellion of the .mul].TU democracy- The prohibitory law Is also an open nuestiun in the republican party. Al the damourattc membara uf tha legislature aro responsible fur its passage lu Its present shape, that party will nnd It an unruly hobby to ride.

■FIUE NKSK TOWN.—On Wcdnes lay, between 'J aud 10 o'clock, A. M., firo was discovered in a small dwelliug house on thu l.mvll road, first housu in Methodn from tho Lawrence line. (Back ot Tower Hill.) it was soon destroyed Hash all its contents. Tho house was recently unr- chased by Mrs. Catherine Uolser, wnm. husband Is lu New Hampshire. IA>SS

S..IIII. Insured *;; m in AudOver. Twu children, who wore asleep in thu attic at the time, were got oqt by an old lady in the house. Mrs. liolser and another woman wore out in thu lot picking ap- ples. There was no alarm In tho city. It is not known what caused the tiro.

Flit.. .IKN, DON'T KUNI—The Chiel En- gU r notifies Ihe tiremen not to run If the tire-alarm should be struck acciden- tally on Thursday or Friday evening" of this week, between seven and ten o'clock- as the ti.irr.-r> I* to be cleaned in that space of lime, ihe cleaning will be done every three week*, between those hours. It the alarm Is repeal oil four times, thai means tire. Once does not.

Jiysros PUBLIC BOBOOLS.—The cost of the public -'■imul- of Boston for ayear |S as follows: ttipmiU)* uf Iln- High nnd Grammar

Scti'iul diipartmviil, In. Indira] *■'' arias of offlnir* ari.l IncUluntala— School 1 ' . n <■, 11 '' '■.

Kiptniai-a of Ihe Primary SchtMil Jo- parUnriit—- — ■ -1 J - - -1 i '.jiniii.' i. ...

111 .iiiiiii.ii f. Ii.,-,!. — 1'utill,- llulMliisa, Primary SchiHilH-Public BallaUafa,

Siii.MIS l

Total ordinary achiKil ripi-m In addition tu Ibuatiiouulabovaa

a;Utf,SlU IN ha* bi-vn eipuudud i

PHKSKalT.—Mr. tloorue It. Couxiloii, of hlo. i Weaving Room on the Pacific, be- ing about to change hi* location to another duparttneu', was mi Saturday night pre- sented by sit. 8. B. Paige with a liaud- soiuaj silver watch in behalf of Ids lady associate* lu the room, and dc-drus Ut re- turn thanks.

I.IWIII.SII Luinii. —Wo are requested to say thai the Institution ot Lawrence Lodge of Odd fellows, next Tuesday afternoon, will not be public as at first stated. (Tickets (or the supper lor gen- tlemen or ladles, cull be had of cither of tho charter members.

purpose of a division muster ,but, should the brigade require still more space, n Held of nearly the same dimensions has been placed at ijts disposal, and this will be occupied as a batalUou drill ground. About tlie centre of tho encampment a largo patch has been put under cultiva- tion, but as this would materially inter- fere with thu movements of the troops, the present tenants have received per- mission to roll it out, and this operation will be porformed prior to anything be- ing done by the men in the shape of drill or parade.

The supply of water Is good. Six ex- cellent "Wells, one of which is Immedi- ately in tho rear of head quarters, and the others so situated that one Is devoted to tho purposes of each regiment,' have been thoroughly cleaned out ami tbey now yield lu abundance. It Is proposed to dig one or two wore wells, however and lost night a few men set about that work. Tho wells now In use wore in operation seven years ago.

Tho ground yesterday was being rapidly transformed from a quiet amphi- theatre to a busy camp ground, live men from each company beutg detailed lor the purposo of erecting Ihe tents aud

'attending to those little uiauers. that usually precede the arrival ol me blue- coats. The men, witli the (Jnnrtor*, masters of the different rcglm ot-. were under the directions, of Brigade 0,uar- termaster Captain Lawrence, .mil so rapid Were they in their operations that within throe huurs four long Hues of iem ■; were erected for the accommoda- tion of the men, the mess and cooking touts pitched, and.affairs, wore a "ship-

trSMytn ifttnan MUM of the

dutalla ut whkb may IH^fuund on pages M. : ',■>.!, .<■;, -.'> and 134 of lha Auditor'* Iteporl.

I .Mul j>n.. mi-iin ..ii riivmint uf acboola anil Kliout- houiea, during tho Duanelal year lS03-u,|l,xiv,IST IS,

lu iln- i. i .LIUii..i !).-|>.niiii..iii tlm eijioiisua weru : salaries ut Instructors, tMb.auO in rjalarle* of offli-ura, IB.TUU UO locl.leniat*, " va.UUO 00

A CARD. Tha met' raiyio-il would runjii ctluil) takr lllla

method of returning tlmir aluwra ttiaokn to llie SriTni-u and elllioiis ol till" pl»oe, for the valuable swiatance reudend al tlie lire uu their pteulae* on ihe I'vi'iiniif of Wiilursilay, August -Hill, and will ever hold lu grati-lul rtaneuihraiii'u ma proinpluea* of action which doubilcia preveuied a nurioua oouSagraUoo. .1. L>. t'UASr, A SON.

Metbueu, AUf. W, IS0S. 1*

jiNTotice to Foremen. It balng naceasary lo dlaonueot some of the

r in- Tvl'grapU wires at the rii> U all, lu order lo el. uu tba batterlrs, the alarm holla maj strike (ouoe) ut dift. inii tinea aaxt Ihuradaj aud I-1 i.iiis evanlngs, from 7 to 10 o'clock, to t>a repraled about everr threa weeks. All will ua- .iT-iauil IhalOHK sound doea Dot mean KIRK, and that the alarm from any bos la to be repealed four lUnea. i.i IIIKI; l.AUU,

11-1 Chief Kngineer.

Lawreuoe Rilling Park.

Tuesday. Aug. 31.




Webavelhltda) M \HKhl> DOWN our entire slnckof tioort. |« VKKY LOW prlara, tn ordrr to clune thrm oat, thereby makios rot no lor Kalltiood*. 11 i» ii-eh"» to enumerate all. but we simply s*v Ut'K W1.IU1-K »TOCK.

iv.- .-I m III ihat uurfltock Is the Moar KXTKSMIVK

and dMChoHJBaTt Hi bt royatt lo I*« n-ute—t-M-ry dKpartwent being repletii with the Beal aud >i"-r r'asuiuuable Hood* the markrt affurds.

We have a lew

Silk Cussacciuert, of our own iniiUe.

whleh we will sell VtRY OaUUlM

Sar-We call spt-rUl attention to our

White Goods Department. I'lalu, i-ini.i aud atrlpe Urea* HuallDa, While

I'lquea, White Hhawla, While -. •■ . etc., !

lasrfllawf with a fall line of

3DQMESTIOS, Table I.lucm, Napklus, Towels, ttsaSaW, Tick-

nu-, etc., all al Very Low I'rloa*.

X. Ii, — <ir*iy Uotala in sbundauoe fur Su is llluok f-illk- tor Uarmint* and Hi Will, with Ttluimlufa to mat.-li,



No. 249 Essex Street, Lawrence. loth July, ISAS.

PURSE *60. %a to iir.it.ai.ii' seeotid, S in l ■bird.

Tom Mal^ughllu II. 1 bll . m. PIN a. Clark Kpaldlng U.S. blk. at. 9 KKSKASII. Jaini* Hii..tn. n. *, b.f. QaUaUf, Owner u. *. in. Kara. Ueo. K. Porter u. a. ii. h. KuKSI'MaAM.

Beat 3 to j ill harttesa. I'I.HI ■! by Fashion 0g«t*a rule* tiiniii day

nd track; Ifnul.nrst good day ami trsek. Trotting to cominru M at i o'olook Adml.aloa

UcenU. i;i"nif.'.'

New Importations I

A. Miiliri: a < <>..

213 (107) Essex St., Lawronoo.

W. km* I"" riciv.-.l l«nu yd..


Empress Cloths, In every desirable sluula, which we are selling




We have decided to CLOU OUT oar large slock Ol

Long ;iiul Siiuuiv Cashmere Shawls,

to make room lor our New luiportaMon. whlrh we expect by al easier In a few werka. W*e have

Marked down every Shawl


r, wklSO we are ulllag st LUW CBIOKS.

FOB SALE. A BOOT and SIIOK M'DHK on Bsaes street;

he best location In the rlty; doing a good bull- ies*. Small ■luck, all In good style; uu unou voru goods. Had health reaaou fur selliug,— .'all and get BAKOAI** before aellliiK out.

IllwJagW JOUN OUBAOaf, 'aWt ESS0I -U.rt.


M!oney to -Let. K:I.I»IMI.(HI O


Real Estate in this eity A. B. (J*

Lawrenoe ]'. i

In tlie Primary 11.-|. ut m ♦•iS,3W 00

I tlie expenses were I

glrtks. -. \ Mi.. William Ullehell.

llliut ia«rs.

KAII.KOA1) AOOIDWT.— When the 2.45 intin ii inn ],n well »■». about hall s niiio lioin Men olaee on Wed ne si I ay afternoon, s MM nsiuetl John Hurley rteeiuly ai- riveil in thla country, nltem|itrd m yei oil' audulok up hla hat. Ho was thrown un- der the wheels snd one ol his feel CUl oil.

WHAT CAUSKU IT P— The stroke, of " one " on the Ore telogranli Mouday .■teiiin;; Bt ten or fifteen minuU's ol elovou. ami tho sauio stroke just before the olook struck olovon, wns OAHBed bj sumu instlvertuiioe ot tbe managor of tlm telegraph at tlm City Hall, who WHS

iuspeeting aud raglllSjUng the mitohinery.

■ Paln-KllUng Wagle Oil 1* very highly reeacamanded lo use both externally and Internally, and if n*vJ Willfully according to the dlreeilona on •aeh bottle, it t urea pain like a "charm," and whuu one* uaej by any pera-.n, ll bus a new friend tu pratea lu vlrtuee, Tbe beat pralae ia Ju.t to buy a

I pL___ shapo*' look. The boudtiuarters placed at tho easterly side ol tlie ground, trom whence itretch the lerupurnry hoiii.-i ol the Fifth, Sixth and Kighth regiments, tho naileries, und the caval- ry in regular order, lu the rear of these tents are placed the eooklntf accommo- dations, ant) to the westward—or nearly adjoining tlie railroad track—are the stalls for tlie bones. The arrangements made, and tlie orders ulready Issued, lead to the belief that the best of good discipline will lie maintained, and that the eucatnpiuent will ho ■ model one in every sunse of tho word

NIIHI it ANUOVKR.— At a meeting ol the trustees of Dartmouth College at Concord, N. EL, August 17th, the hon- orary degree of A. M, was conferred ii|iini Hon. Moses Stevens, of North An- ilnver. Ms.

UrJABHS —ItlOIIAltDa.—In this city, August ad) by Itev. Oeo I'. Wilion, il r Joseph Hi James to Hit. KUen Itlohard*, all of Lawrenee.

01 BUS Itev. Ueorge I' Ulsa Jennie U. W

•11 A w \\>.\ il.uN. ii. nu- ah*. Auuuet 3TUi. by Itev. Ueo. 1'. Wiia.ni, Hr. nainuvi sh.w to Hla* Ann Ail.inn.nii. all of l..iwi r ■

rtTIUBIt - TBtrifBY.— lu Oaor,,.towi nth, by Itev. I) 1>. Marsh, IIr Adai ' New Vork, lu Mi- Mary H., ilauKh t'eiiiicv, Ba.'i-i.<i' O.

Get your SCHOOL BOOKS, New and fecund Hand, st

DOW a CO'U, *U Bsaes street.

NOTICE. Tlie AMxiMt. ManTtHoof the II toll -ril.nil.

All MM Associallon, for Hie chutrp of Uffleer* and other buslnrai, will tk) held at the High rlcliool House on WBIiNKBDAY 1 Vl.MM; ueat, September 1st, al I o'olork, A full aliendauoe is parllcula' ly desired.

If-tMTW C. II. l.l l i l.l-.H I I.Ji, I'realdenl.



t A. BHARPE & CO., 213 (old No. iii?) Essex street.


GOLD LOAN 1 $6,500,000.

We l..-n leive to announce that we have tfsSgsJMf I i i.:i ii. > ui I lie * A

Kansas Pacific Railway Co. | Tor the sale of it.

New Seven Per Cent. Thirty Year Gold Loan, Free from Tax.

Thla I.u*n am Ionia lu #rt,Ain,<s*j.

Firxt Mortgage /.find Grant and Sinking Fund Bonds,

secured upon the eiieusiua ot the Beltway from near MieriJun, 111 Kansas, lo l>euier, Ikilurado, a dlstauoe of •.'.,i; mil.--, of whleh IK stllea are i-uns-

stul Un- real i> aniler ouaatruetlon. It is KoraiasT uuis Uitllliur stuck and r ran

J this nr.i aJaaa Kallway, beiideknitw run- ulag Uu uuKli the State at Kansas, and la

Successful ojieiatiou lor 437 mile aruiiig already ■ nml .-MIII ii,'. enough to meet all ut it

■ihlla tiino, beald.-*

r> Bond* are also aeeured by

ons Acres, tending In ulteruale aeeiiou* uu either side ol e traek, frotn Ih* SWIIh int'e post lu Kansas to mvi i. I he urooeeds uf the aale ol these land*

tu be Invested by m> Truatues lu the ; per ut. tiuiul. Ibemaelvei up lit l«u, or In U. a.

Bond-, a. a |

Muklilat I'liutt for tin- ICi'diittp- UOII or the Ho nd--.

lauds enibraoa soata of lha Um-.t purtloa* .ne niasnlBoenlTeirltor- "

liul.l * aa an as*et anotiier trad Tkrse Milllona ot Aero* la the HUte el

Httusau, although not pledged aa a security fur thla l.oau, ilnlr uoaseHiuu adds largely to tbe Com- pany's wealth and credit. We eatlnate the

Valuu ol tho Company's property, cov- ered by this iiioit«i»«ir, at $j:t,oi>i,-

000 ti.'l. while loo Loan Is uieruly s)0,oOO,uoi>.

The M i - have

THIRTY YEARS TU RUN, from May I, ISSN, and will pay

Bsfan par os&t. Interest la Uold, *e ml-annually, on May 1 and Nu». I, and ara

Free Iross UoTeremeat Tmsilos, lha Cotspany paying the tax,

The n;iMirii. ot the I i Is nude >■ o viu » In um.c.ln UieCity uf Sew York, but eai-h ooupon will be ,

l'<t;itililr Is Fr.i»l/-rt. LoHtton or \eu< York, at option of the holder, without notice, at the following rates; On * I.KHI Bond In N.York, $36 (gold) each hair year

*• " London, *75a.IS. " - ** " " Kranklurl,-7 tlr SUkrtas. "

Ftta* L lha evudltli

onus try through which It They are Mffir tOJtlVe I

FIRST CLArW IWFNTWFIVT, In every respect perfectly «ure, and In auuar ea sen- I ml even

Belter than tiovemsaeMt Beo■titles. Tlie Bonds will be sold Inf tbe preaaut al

l.h,, a,id accrued tttiertut, both in Currency, the Agents reserving the right lo advance the rale.

The attention pf Investor* Is Invited to tbaac well seoured Itouds, which we reoommend as oae of tbe most profltsble inveatmenti In tbe market,

Gold and Government Securities taken In uay- iiietii at their market valae, wlthuat commission*.

I'anipblet*. wltb map* giving full la formation, seut uu application. ,

DABNEY, MORGAN 4 00., No. ..;! Eluhangu Plug. N. Y.

M. K. JESUP 4t CO., No. 12 Pln« Strort, N. Y. jiui.:-*,.*

Closing Out Sale

Spring; Summer Goods,


305 Essex St.,



leRiffitt^r*), IN LAWRENCE.

Ladies Gloves!

tl.85 per pair, all Colors, and Warranted.



ee I—I as 09 I -—I 9 o r/J




New and Elegant Designs.

.. AUKU*

.'r of iui'haii


Thu undersigned dealre lu Inform tbe eltlsene

of Lawrenoe and vicinity Ihat their new mill Is

now In perfeet running order, and that thorn:

wishing to have their Corn, Hyr, Barley, and

other uraln converted lutu Heal or Feed,ren have

11 dune with prorbplueas and dlspatoh, a* the

mill has II,'«■ ample faellltlea.

There I- alia for iale at the mill

Flour, lirain, llvr and Indian Meal, mul other articles ul the klud, which are offered) at moderate prices.


a*m1*f» Ijwrence (irUt Mill,

Canal street, opjHialto Evurelt Mills.

A New Invoice of Envelopes received by MOW a CO.. are selling very cbeap.


Insurance Agency. wil.UKs .|„ ihl* city, Aug. -■■,. I,. .;,,.!„-,. r.. II uf J*' 11. Wlldea, aged III

elty, Aug. -■■tu . Mr*. KJIsabelb, IILODII, ii.- uf Mr. AI i. ri Blood, agad t. yuare. Funeral from hla real.lauoe, Saturday afleraoou,

I S .i'ii... k.

UI.AKK — In this ally, August lath, Wm. Clark, ■gad 44 yrs i mos .1 dys.

UAVIENlMltl'.—In tlila elly, August lUth, Hubert 11. Oaveupurl, aged 4 mua.

CHADWICK- In IhU clly, Aug. iinli, Mary A. Ctiadwick, aga.l S mos.

HlPriKY.- tu thla city, Aug. ltd, Jull.n Nlpaay, aged .IT yra, a

M I I.I.I il In ibi* cliy, A uau.i J ;.i i :■■!.. sillier,

II ALL.—In thla oily, Aug, *Sth, II L. IIall, aged 2 yrs I mus.

i.l Vale, August Bat, Dstid

Aug. Mlb,

rOLYND.- I'.iUud, aged '.I yrs tu mi

JA< IteJON — In Ando. •uu uf Itev. Ur Haiausl (J. JMIioa, Imue.

UllACKKri'.-Iii North Wlluilnglu... Mrs M-iry f III■*>■!!. wlfauf ttsgaud liracac Ii -i .n llighlauils, agnl U yrs 10 mo*.

lit' rl'itlt K—In Urihueii, August lllh, fcCdward K ll.i k .K.-.I I yaarSmo* in-ly..

CUKKIKK.—In Maihuaii, Aug. nth, Joseph Cur- rier, aged 67 yrs.

TKNNKY -In Mulhuen, Augual Wnd, Mary A. ey, Bgud 11 »ma



sjgrA gveal iaany psople have aaked us of Iale, ■' How do you keep yu«i horse looking so sleek and gluaay?" Wo tell UHHB If* the eaaieel thing In lite world; give Bhurldan's Cavalry Ooadltlon I'uwders two or three times a week.

A gentleman in the eastern pan of the Bute, who wa* about having hi* leg amputated 6n aaeounl of n- being bent at right angles and attaf at ifce knee, heard of Johnaon'* tnodyna Liniment. Aflar using It a shirt limn, hla leg became atraluht, and 1* now aa serviceable a. ihe ulster.

CHKAI*.—Medina Is selling hi* stock at *ery low rats*. Now is the time Ui

HIITI n« — > c llarrla, M D.of NvwTork,*ay* (J Mr. Hpear's wine " I And ll u> be an eioellant tonic and gentle siluuilmit, pralWahlu lo all other Wises.'' Tba"Wlno Uliiere" has b> pure Wine a* a baaa, only being mad* bluer by the bliur princl plea of auob bertM and roula aa are In dally ua* by the medical Vacuity. Try them, and you.frill uaa no i.ther. Bold by d/ugglau.

UOH -1*1 c Bdun* be <

A Uruo number of iwllcbea fur asle, cbosp,

thi-y may,—marble palaera, hmad I

plate, ur casket* of « precious slniiea," - thsy all

■ink In ihe halaucu against Heaven'* grealeal boon,

HEALTH, and they cannot be eiijnyod erltliout It.

And yel how little It la valued, and bow carelessly

preserved. The lawa of ualure eauunl be elolaled

-lili impunity. Mght revelry, luiurluua living.

Irregularity uf inejiia, and a disordered appetlle,

will gradually dealmy tint power aud acllvlly of tba

stomach. How many ladies ami ganlteraeu eel and

drink dlaeaae at late suppera, and arise in the WsraV

lug wllh huadaebe, loaa of appellle, feeling languid

and unrefreabed. Thi.ru can he Uu medical remedy

that will turn lead Intu food, or poisoned drinks luto

iiutrlmeui, I.m medical science can assist Nature,

aupply eihaualed rluhls, and to a great eiteul, ur

reel the effect* of dlaceec. In all case* adch a* ihe

above, wv recommend ri.ASTArlOa linn..- You

will And ih.-ni juat lha thing; al lb* aame lime a

moat delicious tunic and appellaer.

yaiiMoi.it WATKS —Sapertor to the beat Ua-

.ICt.ia Life Ins. CII., llartfonl.Ct • 10,350,000 Capital

Cleveland Fire lus.Cu., Clsvaland, O. 500,000

Hide*Leather " Boston, Mus. 300,000

rJutfeloF.iM. " Buflslo, ST. 300,000

Buffalo City, " " " 200,000


And nil L«o«H'S Settlud at t)ii« Agcnry.

For parlicnlari, call and aee ira' ag.7 JOHN E I) W A II D 8 ,

No. Ii83 Kssex streot, Lawrenct-'.

NOTICBV I'KOrOHALH will be received by the t'ouuly

<:omsala*loBersol Kasea until Thursday, Ihe ml. of Biptember.at Uo'olock at noun fur fanning the Court House al Lawrence. ,.,fpe-ltli-atl.ias may be had by applying to tbe t'o m ifrt' aloaars.

1 het'utnmlsslosers reserve tbe right of rejecting uy nr all pn puaals, It In their opinion it may be ■r the Interest of tba county.

JAMKB Kl Mini I.

D-yEJR Sc CO.,

337 Essex street, Lawrenoe



337 Euex street, Lawrence,


GBO. N. l.lll.li * 1 U's

Celebrated Pianofortes, have now on eahibitlon and lor aale, at their

■lore, llanos of this aaperlor make.

. Pianos, Cabinet Orgunn, nnd FJelo- J en ii- to let.

siao, a full saaortmeut of

Window Shadus,



Pancy (ioodn, Travelling Hags,

Haskets, and all kind, of

Musical Instruments.

*3L Iuruuii.

To nnel frosss Liverpool 4| lire-il slow ll-

The Liverpool, v.w Tort ascJ Cbllsdelp t:om|iany's Mall M'niiri. sail as folio

i I I V ul I'Altl-. (JO A'. M.l Hslarday, sVUM lITY U¥ HlliinKI.YN.(lP.ll.>»*lurdaj,Sepl.s CITY ur LONDON, via llallfaa,

(1 I*. H.) Taesday,l*epi.7 Kvary ss II HUM and alternate TI'KSI'AY.

from Past ii North Klirt, New York. First Cabin, SH«Oold | Hleeraee, »« (^arresey II ■,-.>■ in. ,. I lam- i Havre, llremen, ( ,.,...

barg.ete. Slloliold Hanburg.rie. { * -" I'sria.rj lIBOoldl t'arls, SS

It) the I uesday Hteamer ; Mr.I i HIJIII. #W Oold | M.'i lag., (Si t'urtruey

Prepaid I'srllflealea from all part)

Marked Down our large atoek ol


a i

Half Ibe cost uf Importation.

Mii.linB marked down from 50c. to SOc.; from S7 l-2c. to *5c.

French Cambrics marked down to 20c.

Beautiful Dreta (joods, for Suita, marked down from 6!i l-2c. tr S7 l-«c.; from »1 to OS 1-Kc.

Scotch Ginghams, 25c.

-e*7- OOLENS,

For Men's and Hoys' wear, at


White Shawls ,

(fcy"AT HAl.K WHAT TllKY <H8T.«OJ


la Long snd s.|iisn-,

at Prices that will Insure their Sal

Insure Bargains!

Whole Stock is Attractive,

and warrants Ihe attention of every putybMau

J lint opened a largt aaaortmaal of



5 ■S

'A O M H r 5c


> Q X H 1

1 I M

■ a i M



aWWblie we are graietWI I liheial pJairiiiiage eatendeel to i

j j*i for year vary .weaowallyuar


whioh we have



as wa psrpoao to do at


wa aeed tbe roots for oar rail atoek, whlah will bo ssaaupsaaoi Is this city.

We will sot ess awl* Good a or "qnslitleo," as every lady UNO WS that lbs OSS Ml S

Large Assortment,


si oar store.—If yea want




Full Stock and Very Haqdsome Ones,

At Vt-rtf Qrtat Reduction in Price: \


that we Take the Lead in

Dress & Cloak Making,

ga we have a Lady la charge that sever ha* bras nor ess

Be Beat in giving Perfect "Fits" to all her patrons.



SIS Eaaex Street, latwrenoe.

Will I »l.dow aonna sa* So.,..io Ban.

inn ...«> «. riKi.DiKi;* riaan'B.



P1ELUINU A PIHKE'o Pst»rr WOT* I* at N«. iao Bases strMt. mjoii

Kliiengen Water* lu syphons and on draught, at

WIT, TIT IT, mit

Nature's Hair Restorative. IMPBOTBD.

A saw. perfeotly elaaa and h. alihy praparstloB for the Malr.ooatalalnif no l*oMalp»ar,e>o Bogar of lead, ao Lllliarire. so Nitrate of fillver. It to

^-polaosswiand healllt lajsr- it -lain tha fane or hands, of

. tharsn, ■ entirely free from all polaoaoos and he* I Hi iajar- \OM drugs, ll will not -lain tha fane or hands, or nil Ibe whitest llaen. I l tXIIAJKH I1KBY HA IK






rtiss oss b* bought la this oily. Remavnbor

305 Essex Street, CORNER OF LAWRENCE,

3tagW I'll AS. I1 I'ltk MTON, ...1,1;

J. 0, leiW a op, have in tli.n M'.illr. BII.I MTOKK HIH>H, OBI the large't retail stock* of Wn II 1'np.i-- tci he found In ihe state. They are sr1"-■■ ■tyleiof Ollt. Satin and I'lalu I'apei dera lo sasteh, al very I .m Flgaras. a sail before |iurcbaalag elaewhera.

llllU tilt I. Will. I



at lha best art tele ever known lo

ItrMmt' (jrey Hair to its Original Youthful Color.

It will prevent Ihe Hair from falling out. af.il.ei Mr H-iir tmxilk aaw gt—tjf, aaal due* aol

altals Ikt stta <*s otaers. OUH TKEATHE ON THE IIA 111

■ sir rasa at BAH..

K. I'. IIAI.l.a («., Naahaa, at. II., r*ro|Hl.tors.

I > i at i ■■ oa Apply to

eat Britain a ad Ireland, £ I asdovt CKEAOH * HKBRY, Agent*,

street, Hoston, or

P. MURPHY, 345 Esaai ilraet, l.'AWBKNCS,



Drain Pipe Co.

W. A. KIM BALL A CO. hare bees aptiolutrd Agents for tbe above Com- pany, and ..It. i their Htone Man at

Wholesale at Manufacturers* Prices. in: UN l'11'K.the very best, a* low as other ol

iaferlor ijaslity.


KfincniUer, *<■ belhivs in CJnU-k Hales and Small Profits.

OKO. 11. AHMSl l(i iN<, A IJO.,

*2fi0 Kssex Street, Lawrence.

Another Large Invoice of

H. A. T S Jaat motived, and sow selling

»9 l'EK CENT. CHEAPER!! than ever Irefore.

OOOD HATS J5, 50,75 and Sl.OO I


WAnLEICfHU 305 Esaei street, - ■ Laurence.


Book Binding!

thlehit Ibe best.

1'17 Essex . KTMBALl *t CO.. Stret't, - - • Lawrence.

Second Hand School Books. A fVw • • .ii..! band I

•d, for sale by Hall early, and «eur<

S. P. SL O. O. PERl.EVH, «H9.


FiNMf.. tor HI.Sow Ncr.«.s as.*. 1. o,.cr»r naunssa nasa.


Family Modlcine of the Age, DsTia' Vegetable Pain Killer.

Vlohy Water, I, .yphoB. ...1 o, drurhi, .1

H....AIM II'.

Was eiesr.r ..a Artlals' ■•serials .1 FIELIMSI; a riasE'a. no esses at,

35 FABII8 FOR 8ALE. Also, Beroral

HOUSES AND LOTS OK LAND lo this city. Apply Ut

WEBSTEK a IIY8I1N, ■n,ssr M Essex street.

1). HOWAETH. F h armaciuu,

(M.niiHr nf th. n.llr,. ..I Phsrmse,, B.TJ

Cor. i.s^.x and Applctoo Sts. 1TAWA BKKa,






t al I sail f II, at the


J. V. » ADLKIUH, t

306 Essex strtMt, - - Lawrence.

.Thread Laces. Wry hairdaome asitirtmcnt at

SOfl Essex street, l^awrence.


lavltes the attention of tlie pahlle to the varloa* style* of Blaak llooks autHufaetured by

hlsa, Isslsdlsi

eaTO •» ataxt),

MercbaoU* Counting Uooms,

Corporation Accounts, Of all kind*.

Railroad Offices.

Record Book* ami Memorandum


O^K/V*- tSUOla.6. (Jarafnl atUalloa arlvaw to Hisdlui

Sheet Music la a style ir*a and pttsblo, sad *>S*ss>»d t* assy

Magazinea & Periodicals Bound

la asy manner ihat May be daalred.


=aT» Is s« esssUnat ra«edy fof hewdsaaWa, both as a .levveatlvM and oaratlve. Jt jurrveuti the fallluf nil of the hair, and tiromuit* Its arowth—vaaklaa; It an i-a.illent Dreaslnu without the a so ol oils, which are so injurious to tba seadp sad hair,

Ua. 6. MHI I'll, ratenlee. i HAS s. WILLIAMS, Agtsit for Lswreiira. Kor !•*!> hy U<i>. V. Talbot, t'liarles lllarka aa*l

Huralio ntnlth, Draiglsta, J. MEDINA* Hair BtHMt,

Hrrrlmaii Brolheri, 1M Kaaex St.; Deokor A Ai- drewa, SS AoaMbury at.J J. l>. Edson, l*S ttroad- way; also, by Mrs. J. K. Weaver, II Jasksos at., corner Conrsoa, where orders way be left.

l.awreor*. July Id, least. 3as«1a



Wanted. As AMKKII.AN IiiK I. to do ho... work Is S

.null fkto.ll).. Applf ot ISO Sooos. Bt. lifo.la

To Let. A flr.t rate TK.NKMRNT, oonUlalBa 7 rooaM.aw

I-..ax street. AptJ. .1 KKKNfH 'fj Hat rtlore, 1K7 I■'"(■* *in• t. 1-Ja*rl4

Immedlale NaHee. interlag npon enffAfasMBtl

Is another elty, the ua ierslf uril laual 1 lamed lately, rdoae hi* twaloesi la this plane, and regoeeta all peraoos ladebUd to bias to sail Bt OBoa. and


I.«wi enor, Jane I, I MO. || j.t


Small ProflteA OnlyOne Prior PERLKY*8, flOH.

DEMTI8TRY. i aieetiuif of the Deatlet* of Lswrssoa, It oted that their Oilees be oloeed frosa the I August until the i*t of September. Is tho Ian-- tearth will be ealrsered by tho phy-

s. J. II. KIuilKH. al-ljyll A.W.HOITIAIBTD,



Good for Han or Beast.

0 P. SL O. O. P.

i'EKLKY'S, |0i*.

J. 0. WADLKWirs


305 Kaesi olrvet, Istawfeacc.

(lii.niN.i or KIHIKS and MAUHI.IN.I neatly applletl.

IH'l.lMi Ui meet ever* want of bual- nesi men.

Fancy and Ornamental work thoroaghly done, after Ihe rlaheat atodel*.

We ara urei^rrd to tarnish all the food liuallllee ui worhsaaashlp In our line that oan be found la tha boat bladi rlra of Boston.

(£JrSpecial can* taken t-o secure ktrength and durability in everything we undertake.

WINDOW SHADE. set IHtW k en, to stake It, and pat ll so on thelt &ookfspriaf nataee. BmybUr Uk-ltomT

WANTED. A COMfKTKMT WOMAN to lake Usarea of a

raetury Boardlus House with tweiilr boarders. Kor fail partloslsre, aoply to H M. K. HfAf.lt-

INU, al his ChHhlnu Hiore, IfU Kises arreot, I — r.ne.. . . Srt-IaaTSS

• Is Hssltrssitrr. _ , lllslrlet of Ma^., as. .% iiilc.- Is h.-riti, gleaa thai the aoderslsued hsa

oeondsly appolated AsaiifBOr of the Kalale of Kl KIM A. JOHNMON,

of "auk-nt, ia tbe district of Maaaashs-edU, who lia* been adjudswl a bankrupt OB bis ol l.y the IHatrlat lourt of Si dletriat.

•»- B.IIW. AVKlt\,

Wort on hand. ' rrlo-a ami Hperlm




IKS i Ma Ht, Lawrenjue

ZD. HOWARTH doalrea to laferM bis friend*, asd tho osblla of Lswrenoa fm< rally, that he ha* up-ni>d the atora

Cm mi uf foSsez and ApplfUin Strnets,

l foot 0*M balMlae j for the porsoao of oarryIsts oa hla nuslaes. aa


He woaldaasBi-a bis friends of bis »*r*->nmt asd • iili-i atlentiou IJ their require ate at*, asxl refet the public lo his esparleuor In aoaae of the Srst Inusealn tlier-.untry to his poallloB aa Auolha- oary at Kln«. ('.,, Hoepital, M Y., aad to tt.e real- di-Bt* of A nil..HIT. who have known Ma* tut Busy

He trill keep a well sole, led aud etinlce atoek ot

DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Family & Patent Medtoinea,

Proprietary and (jenentl Itentediu*, togelbar with each variety ef

FANCY AND TOILIT AHTICLta aa aro anally louad Is a Srai alaa* Uraa Htore.

HoosH Psp. ra aaal H laalow Nhitale- si

PIKLDINU A I'l'KI's, 131) K.B. s -l.

To SPKAIN8 and HKCiisKa, Apply the Pain Killer.

riELIHNta A UNHi: h..p lape, IIHHKISI- HMd Wiadow "hsd.- -t un I --i > -ll ■ i■-. .nu. II

Soda Water, la syphons sad on 'Iran,-In, at

HOW A Kill It.

Hyplion* .III. .1 with

Vichy, Kisiieni/eii nnd Soda Waters, at IMiWAUTII's.

THE PAIN KILLER ' ■Is for Internal -.ml KxUtriial Use

Vichy Water, Kissang«i) Watery

Soda Water, la Jyphas* asri oa draasht, si


' ~

,'.;' V


£ptrial ^otircs.

Have r«a Cha»p«l Haadai

Have yom Hard Water 1

Da yo« amat year CtooeW to have a Clear, Natural l.u*in- and FiaUal

Da |ea weal Washing mate Ka«ir,>

BEACH'S WASHING SOAP. It'a theoh«ap«itand beet ever of-

fore*! to the public. I


tLLIS IRON BMTERS. tLnrlag used tour Iroa Bitters In mi pieetice, I

Can testify to Its superior tunic ( ropert lea lor Invigorating Ihr apr>. ille and promoting dlge. tlon. I ran unhrait-illngly recommend ll In >a-e- Of general dehi itv and dyepep*la, and in condl HUB* of the system rru,ulrlng in- uw uf a Jerru gluoua male. Itn agreeable Oaf or niuil r.coiii MvrKllliu.il. l..Ur.,ii.|...iii.ll>.

' in • - GAi M i, M i' . ladelpbla Irdlrloaaud Kurgi

■really. «n1nliK'W«ii) by Oro. F Talb»l, Drug-

gist, eonier ol KMH and Hill •In-Hn.

'"HurMK,AHi> I'LL IM. Ton Uoou."—Now I. Hi.- tine to ua.-tlie ilreal Spring atid hummer Medlolae, DR. LAKOLmtt Hllir AND II hit II HI nKRM,commra*d of rkraaparllla,Wild'lorry,

rough wort, Ulii , i posed OL

Yellow lux*. I'rickley Ash, _ barb, Mandrake, UainMInn, A« .all ».ie«mi.ouinl sd a> in art In ooncert wllh Nature, and their •feet )■ trulf WON Minn.. They absolutely cure 1.1**1 l|umplalni, .1 nun,lire, Coatlreneea, ilenuV aeba. PlIi-, Weakness, Dyap.pal*. Induction. Duilne... tlearthnrn, t'latuleucy, l,<i - nf Aupe- tllr, all kinds of humors, and every diseaei arising fto« a mraral arli or bad I.I.....I. UUh 0. GOODWIN* CO., tlo.iou, and all .Lrui;xi-i-

f-iairb-jaarlf •ll Works l.ik. aj 4 amrm."

Hate ,.in Headache r Use linn,.'. tin, i.-nil Ham jruu t'oulhachi I I ..■ Kriine'a MsgicOll Haveyo.i Near-dtlal I ar Ilenne'a Magic I Hi Have you Ithi-ufaatisial I se Menne'e Magi.-o|| UMIIOU Sore I'brual I Use Heiinc'a llasi.- ml IUveyou H.-latlca( liar Heane'a Uaalc III) Have you a Bruise f I'ae Henue's MajflaOill

iff Hi» you Crimp-( Use lirunr** Magic mil

This la lh.- heat fatalIj Remedy, kind* of I'aia, ynu m triad.

It hi aleea, safe and dellcluas to uae, aad If ton ate H Otlthiuily, IT WILL I«I r.»D Uounl

Direction* OB each bottle, liny ll of tbe DrofglO «r Mrriiliaiil where you trailr. If they'bate mil got II OB hand, they will eend for It, at your re- uuael, aud aell you the OKaiilMa- RBUNK'N I'AIJ*

ft. I I.I.I flu M Aim till, at the ruaiiufaulurrr'a low. .1 prloe at retail, w \t RF..NNK,

Hole I'roprlelor ami Manufactur. r, IttlaBild, Mail

Mold wholesale BUd ret,,", by II. II Whitney; mulled by U. F. Talbnl, W. II. Brig bam, U.K. Chlckcrlu*. Iveowl -I'll

A rOaTnDwM ll *!■■ Youn| man who liai \j lajarnl ihanaelre* byerrtalu arcrrt babll ■ nlch aant Iheai for buatnria, pleasure,ur llle di litre of awrlad llle; alao mi.ldli- w<il and old IN, who. M Ihefollleiofyuuth, or other caurt- aa, I eel a debility In udvtnv of their yeara, before plaalaa themeHrei under the ir.aiin.i.i ol any rln. lh

land." d liral read " The Secret I'L

will karu ■UBBI'IIIIIIN of luiportunce by 1 [be Horrat t'riiud.' rleot lu any aJ

m, m a araled antelope, on receipt uf .'.", oen"" Ailitreat IHi. i-HAHLK.i A. •» I I Ul I 4 I'I

Boaloa Maaa. . lr^la.1


Boap and Caudle factory, h. UI10U ct BUN, Froprlatora,

■aBafaotarar* uf

Scouring i Fulling Soaps For Wooleu Mill., Hat MBBataatorlea,etc.

Hard Soap, Candles, Tallow NKAI'H FOOT OIL, ETC.

Our heuaa having been oatobllah ad upward* of twenty years, with faollltlea to command the beet •took In the market, and a manu faotory perfect In every detail, un dor our oonatant aupervlslon, pur ohasera can rely on finding the quality of ell our goode aa repre eented. Comer of l.ttwiviu'c & Maple Sta,,


■ekeavb'a Palraoaie Nfrua, seaweed Toole and Mandrake fill., will cure (on. •ampllon, l.lrer Oomplallll and hyapepala. if ta- haa aeoorillDK lo direi-ilua,. They are all three to ba taken at the aanie time. They cleaune the •toaiaeh, relax the liter and put II to work ; ib.ii ilie appetite become! food , the food dl|(eal> and makei Mod Mood j Hie patient begin* lotfruw hi He.li; rTir.li.niN.il mailer ripen a In the lunga, and tin- paileiii nul)[rowa tba dlieaae anil gela well. i in- la the »nlv way In cure rouanmptloa.

lo Hi. -■■ inHlolnea Ili.J. II. Hohenck.uf I'hIU delphlu, fa , owei bin unrivalled luoreuu In the Ireaiment of pulmonary I'ooaumplluu. The I'ul- m..r.i, ■■■.. i| rlprna the morbid matlar on the laafa, nature Ihrowi It oil by an eaay vxpertora. lion. Tor wheu the phlegm ur matter I* ripe, a allgbl cough will throw II off, and Hie patient haa .... ...I ,C. \*m„ lu.4. ... k_l

To do Ihta.tha Seaweed Toule and Mandrake Fllla nmat M In-ely naed lo rlcanar the itomach aad liver, •» thai the I'ulmunlo Syrap and the food will makej(i>.nl blood.

Baoanek'a Mandrake I'MU act Upon the liver, re- raoviag all ubalrartluu*. relax the dui'la of th« gall Madder, Hie bile .turn freely, and the liver hatvott relieved. The MoaU will ahuw whatthe fllltoandn: nothing haa ever be*n invented, •■■ •apt calomel, ia deadly poUou whieh I- very dun fareaa to nae unleua with great care,) thai will a a lock the gall bladder and atari the aecretlona uf thai v«r like Hcheock'a Mandrake Itlla.

Liver Complaint la i ol Hit- moat promliicni eaaaa* of t'onaumptlou.

tMbeuok'a Htawee.l Ionic la a gentle atlmulant aad alurallte. and the alkali lh the Seaweed, which Hit- nreparatli

-■-'i throw off l li the I'uluonlo Hyrup,

alomach to 11 ol. I

iua-lrlc J' mlu *i ru|i

Into good bin id without reriueulallon ur aourlug IB the ■tonia. h

Tba great reaaun why phyalclana do not cure •aaaampll'tu I., lloy irv lo do too much. They glta madlclue to Itoo Hie euugti, In alnp chltla, to alapnlglit aweala, heclle lever, nud by ••> doing they derange the whole dlgeaiitv power., locking apthe aecretlona, and eventually tli.i tiallenl .Ink*

Ur. Kchenck, In hia trealuieul. doea not try lo ■top a dough, niiihl aweala, ebllla ur lever. He- move pia fatal, and Ihey will ail atopol their own aaeord. No one can be cured of Consumption, Liver Complalut. byapepala, Catarrh, tinker. II aeralwl Throat, uuleaa the liver and atoiu*ch are aiadeheallhy.

If a parson haa oon-umpliou. of course I he lune,. la aome way are dlaraaed, either fuberrlea, au aoeases, bronchial Irritation, pleura mlin-- , <<i the lungs are a maaa ol lulls u mo and la.l il. fab'lna. luauuh uaaea, whal la lobe done '( ll la aAOulv (he luiigalhal are waallug.but ll la the ayfral* body. I he alomaoh and liver have loat llo'lr |n.wer lu make bbmii of I Now the only elsBurr is to take Ur. S. lie lick's thrre aiedb Claea, which will bring upwnune In Hie .tonmuli, the pal lent will begin lo wsnl lo.xl. It will dlje.t aaally.aad inakr «I,.MI til t. I hen Hie |iallen[ beglui lo gala M lleah, and as soon aa Hie body

,the '-" I get.

only way lu cure t a Whan there I* ■

"I l> KASHIIIM.H SniVANT.x.— Ill llio-f l>> « lion till' lid-Hill *l ij[fiilllro «/•> III Im -n MM. -nl- with !.( .in - cheeka

QaVIUfl h'.iiii Iho [lino w |, of M:iino. the

lin-e^y hlllo Of New UarupRtiire and the jiri'i'ii rallrya et Venni>iit. to tUt henoi'- work In the ellr. 'They, arrtvetl by ataje nvorf linrio-i.nvn hrliL'o. and bcht-lil with

ilerlnp; eye* ilio •hlppfno; In the har- bor. YVfutwanl tbev MHW Iho >>pln*a or « unitii IPIL."'. wliili- ln't.iic tln'iri roae the city <>f Beaton with ll* labrrlnih m -n •■•■; - slid Ittnva. Do»»B 'Siiim-'li Union afreet irallnperl tbe hornt-a. ihe iieople riialllntt; to (In- doom and window* to Wltne-* the event of Ihe ilsv— the conihijr ut i li.- -r i<..-.. -and refreohlti'. their ayao with the i N- il hrutili Hiid ticaiity.

The (Havre fugeh wbh t,\x hm .■- mi iho mi aim the hltfheet lilea of jirojiicn-. S-i- leiv at thai lima m^vedat the rule o| jlv- nllea an hoar. Parmart Irmn all "Dba ii Kiel."* It-oio IIH- I Mi.ada lino, and mnn BerkPhlre hill*. r4ni« In mldwlmer 10 Boatqn Market, ami ihore•*•■ MI* »i

ronjf ot i oil -l.'li/h.. round Faneitll lln.ll. In fho-e itaVd there tH» m> j.,, I n| rl.ll-

•Jren In the Innd. and M ll.'- mid D.D.'odM noi feel iiiiiHlraluol Ul Mrlie trn<-iH and deliver ItaMurei In the nometi of Amerlen vpna the baby ouoatloiL Parmvri had ri:ni"ii'i-i ■ by ihe wore, who could "pi". ai'.iyo. knll. new, milk. k>' batter and el -e. and whn. b) hard Work tr- l.i dawn Ul iwili»ln at Ihe wheel mid liHini. couM earn llftv rentu a week

rtwae whn had a lunMiia of daOOhtW- Were 11 o ■ ■■ mi HIP luofciHil when uf iiiur- bat. for -ItimilmiK where ,t duller u week mill board lid Ire earned liv J.ino ur Mary; 0*. wlen Un- ^nl- rama whlrltau Into the rjflfr In the Mag*, (hey knew where they Were urnlnjt uinl whnt wagei tht-y were to reeelve. (nr il had nil Iwcii ■etflfd by the prudent lallier.

Ah! Ihere were . IJ.I- ,i ehainhermalda and i I-.- hi those day*, immy uf whom have hlooiued Into matron* iturlitft 'he lapse of yeurs, and are -irm . In their karldra vainly wlnhlnjf thoy could tlnd trlrla «g vtllln^ to work ft* 'hem A. they had l n (or others, and -iirlilnrr (< iho .-in..i ulil |Intel when there WH* raapa between vinployer and employed, and when reapeol and cnntldence ■ ■ i■ ■ •. rljieneil Into frlendoblp iml nfleeilon.

But the time* are nnt a* tlii'v w neither lire the servants. The Kami datitfhters have diiiappeared; we n *lnl 11 look upon their like . ifraln, new servants have MOM ; we never looked upon their like before.

Tin* change from the old to the new. wm like the eominu; of an WliDM— like the Lrausltloii (rum lijrhl to darkness We know when the niWuratlnu befrun, and many a vexed bouai keeper would like I • know wlieti it Will ami. It be OHO In that year when three men weui up rriim, Huston, and I■ ■ u11.j.■ ■ I tldnf the hanks of (he Merrlmae, at I'uwtnekel Falls prtJteietltnif to he tl-bln-, hut In reality epeeulnthiir how tbtW mfjrflt IISIIL the river. Their brains weri-full ul wheel- and Ihelr 11 1 ii ■ were *pl lining dowi the eurrenl ol time. They IJOIIL'IK lh. WHterlull. dan * 'Mnill, ereded it row n tirlek DilUdlnaa, lllht) them with iiiaulil nery, srmired the country, fathered up the fanner'* jrirl*. grave them a chance t< earn f-l a week, anil the result of If all ll Lowell. Lawrenre, l^wjston, and a aeon ol mainline! nrlii"; towns.

It is a mystery to know what heeume< of all the pint, and equally a pHStle U know what ha* heeotne ot the 1 [inner'• daughters. They were In the Factories hut neatly all of them have disappeared Ireland IN tending loom* In mills HI WI I as teudluit to our linuseholds.

"Doyoh know of any American Rlrh dolna Ivoaoework in the cltyf"

- 'I have put till* ijueillon lu geveral of my lady (rl I*. and the Invariable an- swer ha* been : "No, nut one."

And vet there are aome, a* 1 have aacor- talned by Impilrles at lutelllyrenee offlcei. (tf bontfl servant* in eltleo, about oue In a hundred are uf American tinrohUi'o. In die eiHirrtrj and bi subtirhan (owns the paroentage I* larger i for ihe .1 '■ i ■■ n| fork and Klllarney prelorthe city to the country, while AmerlCHU jrlr'*, *■ M rule, are mure wllllno; to if" where they will not he compelled to ellmh from basement to attic several times a day.—' Athtntif. W-iifhh/ ',„- Jin,,-.

MKBTINU IhiTKi. KXI'KNSK.I.—"Are you the keeper of thli "ere tavern?" inqufred a tall, lanky Individual, belonirliig m the liioiiiionr, North Uaroliua troops, ml then In the ( on federate St ale* servlee •I am ihe proprietor ol till* hotel,*1

eplled Ihe hii-Hiio; little hotel keeper of n eaubllabmeul not fur from Itlehiinmd. What can I do for your

What lb)you ax fur a bedf*' said the

o.g dl-e.w , I only I

the rulmonlo.Syrup. Take thu Mandrake i'llia freely I a all bilious cumpialiila, aa they are ,.. , ferity hal ml...

Ilr. rWheuuk, who ha* enjoyed uninterrupted haalih lor many years past, and now weighs OH pounds, waa wasted Ihr v. ' hl.nt lea. a

i .i.in -..I.I i.n .lo , thousands aluirlnrly .it.

Sflhenek'a ureoarallous wllh ll ■nr,.. ... lull direction* aetsniipany eai'ti, making

, It aM absolutely aei-es.ary to |>ersoually see Ilr. Hahaaak unless iiallenta wlah ihelr luuga csam,. I Bed, and tor this purpose he is professionally »i hia rrlaclpsl Oftiie, l>hlladel|.lila, evert k.Uur. day. Where all leii.ru fur adTta* inu.l be address.-.!

- Uela alao prates.lonslly al No. .IJ II I street. New York, every other I u< -U» so.I al Mo SB Haaovar alreet, lloaton, eveey oilier Wedneaday. He glvea advlr.. free, but for * thorough exmuiii atloa Wllh hia llesplrouieier, llle urit-e la l/i (Jj taa hour* at each diy Irom la. M, MO T. u.

rrteeuflhe I'ulmonie.Svrnp anil Seaweed 1'onlc •ask 01M per Udlle, or (..4Ua half doien. Man draka Itlla M eenl* per Wa. II. ('. tioollW IN 0 tXJ„ .is llsnoo'i street, lloatuu, wholesale agenta r or sale by all druggists. Int

aa Invaluable htadlolna Tor Strongtbaa- 1 ng tbe By ate ni

. ■ - IIH. .ItHI NWKKT'H

Strengthening Bitters II a iafe and reliable pre|iarHilon for ihe cure aud

aapepila, I.OH of Appeilie, Nraaet of Ihe Hkln, Mich Headache,

Liver I oiniilsoit, Chruulr IHarrbea, (lea. ral lleulllty, Nervnu. Alte,- ,., Female Weaknesses, I I.|.I i-in:.. Illlloua IHaurdrrs, summer t'oiiiplalnls. .to. Alaaprlng Ue.llelne lh.) are uusurpaao.l.-

Thla preparation la a lung *u.l well proved Idmr dy,prepared by Ilr Job Sw. et, Ihe ,r.nl .Nalor.il

nin nil J L ■

Maaa, Huld by Weeks a I'uller, Hoatuu

'I'lMLIIiill. MiM II I'AICIIKS, r'KKI 1, i.rK X aad Tan from the lace,use 1's.HHt'- Hoin and

raKCBLa l.nrinN. Sold by *ll drugalils. I're pared only by Dr, B.C. i'eiry. ihnM WI 1 -'iiuhia

L-ntt BLACK HOKUM, end riMrT.Ktt tin I

KattBliV, povparerl only by Or. II

'Irugglst lh.

• In si*

.'."•n land tlnX'Sew V.i'r'i

tnuie supplie.1 by wh.il

M— t5uBTAUUBa r. Warroolft. II n.

dre»a°t. tlk.KK Isl'i" I'


Haverhill & Bradford Express.

All merchandise tranaportoil at reaaon- able rates.

Parllculer attention gUeiLio l*aylB| ami I ol leetlng Nines, I .rail., hilla, etc.

All orders left al MA I MrKK'S Kapreas,

No. £ Apjlletllll rltri't't,

mo.', will In- promptly u. ii. IYKA.

iWu* Auvatlsrmfuts. EHD to J. W. P. JKNKs, A. M., Hlddlrboro',

1 Mas-., for i^rvtiuie q/ lh,- ffltrl SeUnti/U Court* •>/ I'rlrct .Ir.i'/caag, Itwladlng Vrencli, adapted lo both aeiea. Iroiu th* age* uf U lo is. Number -r pupil. Ilmlte.1 i. v~ New elaase. formed Kept. 1.1 #rv,i p.-r quarter of lu weeks will pay lor Board, Tuilbrn, lio<ik«, fuel aud lights._ ;;heapeat school In the United SUlea fur Iti

UrawsaevaJThe KUIIllt'lS lUlllk. >\ .11 1 KlrT i;v •■. II. in. i.r, „,..,. .„„i

Hi.,, *'#>(*«. / Hi,.r. Agents L,'»'^* *■•»«•*:-■' "•;•"«, ■ si owing how lo d. uh!-- the • alue roa jof Laiel; makerhr..-11 . . u IOUI I.

JIOW murii Omata, aaa, «■*!/», *n* all Tll farm crops, and more than dtirjhl ■

»e s w'rm, *" the proila uf the tar re. Kerry M A KKi ll'»"er, stock ralaer, gardi

„ suer, will learn Ihe par tlculara of a money inukliiir bu.l !.■■■- by addrexl' g /.KILI r:u, Mr Cr-nnv A n.„ I'tulu.l. Iphia, Pa

lor NnriDgfleld, Mas*.


Hlt,l\ll lilliMllhlf!


Mining Company.

I,... ii. .1 at Monitor, Alpuir f ..mily,California,

aaTl'arti.- hating l-'.l :.. *.V W to int. -i In Ilia SATKRT ANIP HK'1 MIMNi; K'Srt-.KfltlsK l; VstHOrlKKr.il TO INK I'l lll.tr, are dealred

subserlpllon to J'A INI II Ks I r'; K, President" 11 John street, New York.

For the Detircate Skin of Ladies and Children HOLD BY ALL DKUC1C1HTH.

AMK Tour IhsToK or DauooisT for MWICKT gdlNINK—ltequala{bliier)Uulnlue. Manu-

ln.'ioie.l by iiniii', FAXK k Co,, (hemlals. New York.


tat»a.Oay for all. Addrraa A. J. KCIXAw, N.Y.

KMI'LuYnkNTfiViliMwa. r/or parllculsra, ad- dress S. U. MI'KMCKK A Co., Itr-u IHM.I ■■■, Vt


Tells the u.irne,* age, oeeupallon ami nativity ol


fells I he name and age. Ifeta, Sent per mall on receipt of price Addre.. CI.AKKNCK IIF.K-

Ladies' Under Clothing. Mil- I* the age of progreal, and In no depart-

ra. ni of Industry la this more app rent than In the oi oniiii.-iiiii- of L'n.lir Clothing.


No. 341 Essex St., Lawrence, Is no* prepared to ahow you the prugreaa thai ha- been made in thla direction, by exhibiting one of lie must Varied.

CHEAP, ■>■:


ddlei "rwvwi tiniiaia

eman III|IIIO--I-.[ ■•Only seven dot I an ver *av!', Welt,

that IM oheap; doj(rj*oiie II It ain't. Here's a eonl'ederale Hve, and ihnre'* a two; It* all rljrht nliit ll. milter?"

'•Certainly, -lr." replied Uoiillaee, -ll'* ill perfeutly correct.

"Vou hearn him. didn't you JeemaP" *ai<l the military ueutleiuan, luldreaatnji one of hi- eoinnanionri.

"I hearn him " wai the retpohae. • And von hearn Mm. too 'dldn'l you.

Ike?" Inquired he or another. "Iniourne I .lid." wa* the reply. "I

•-|>eet it's nil rljtht between von." ••riiat's a l>le—In anyhow," aaid tljfi

■oldler. -And now, mliter, el vou'd ftiilv traveled a* (am* I hev.yoilVoilId want to alee)) hlljhfliEy -uddeii,"

"Ortalnlv -lr. all rlffhC'eielaimed Ihe landlord, ai he proortaled m direct a eervajit in *buw the ifentleman to hi* apart ment.

Ihe no Idler nlept ooundly, lint very earlv In the mornlntf he wa* HI1

tleueittllni the italro with the niattre upon whirl, he had ilept, narefully lied up ami -linio over hli -boulder. He I, n riot |iri>eeidiil far, however, before hi was met by Ihenalonlihed landlord, win loilii'o.mih demanded what ho WH «lntii|> wllh (hat bed

"liwlne to take It out to (he regiment," oooly remarked the -oldler.

•■Yuu are. are yon?" roared the e\n*- peratetl landlordi " Imw dare vou carry off my property In thai manner?"

"^ our |iro(ierh ? Wo|| | like llnil ! didn't I (five ion -even dullur* for thl- •ere bed only la*l nlgbt, and dldn'l twool our fellow* hear the trade? Vour pie- iwrtv. ehf"

•hie -even dollar* you paid me wa* lot your lodirlnjr." *ald the pmpi i ■, IfrowlnjE -oiiiewhai Irale an he -poke,

"Nary lodjrln' el I know It." re-) ded ll Idler. "I paid you what yuu axed fur a bed, aud paid yer own prlie. and aoourtlltr to II..un uf a trade the bed'* mine."

"Well *lr," Interrupted the angry boat, "anil what do 3 on ark (or your h,-d? I want It."

"Vow yer lalklu, " replied the North I'arolluiiiii, it" he dumped 'he bed u|iou the floor, and earele-*ly threw liim-elt nn ' I etanito en ible. and belni It* you, I'll let yuu have (lie bed for lllt.'eu dnllar-."

"Fifteen tlollarol" gaopetlthelandlnrd. ".Iu*t oo," quietly remarked the ooldler ;

'ef a man don't make one hundred per rent, dnrn me I. he Can pay hotel ex- penoeo."

The landlord paid t) loney, and proh- ahlv molded -| iil.iiino wllh tuiv ol the North tarollna troop-.

Tint Detroit AVer h>»* want* modern Improvement* wmkr-.l Into ■ehn.d read- IliK-booki. and oflitri the rollowlitu; a* a aatupleol the son I hal would he up to the ■plrlt of ihe it :■■ ■

■ Men U a man. He I* a llreiunii. He belong- In No, 10. If you aie i ..'i. .1 hoy, you will some dai he an Alur/el like thai llri'piau. It I* a ilauueroii* thing (o he a fireman. The) sometime* gel Ihelr head* broken.

'Ihiy.ni gee that -mall boy! He I* n good troy and Mipportahloutother by sell- ing newspaper*, Hi- fntlier don't have to work any ninre now.'

• Here 1* the pli'tunj or a youi.it wl.low, See how sad' -he look*. HIT htuuaud IOIIIII tint pay her drv-guod* hill, and lo he-died. Ho vou think she will get another man? she will try hard."

• Here I* the fnee of a rupoiter. See Ttuw joy ml he look*, He ha* jiigt heard that a rgan ha-eut hia own throat, ami he I- :: ■: tor the item Should yon like to hen reporter,, and *''' Inked on dark night*, an.l nee dead per-ui*. ami ellmo Up lonr.pidr- ul'stair-*'

and embroidery used In thla clai

i.tr. i. .1 ■ gnu ol..is. te to the owoerahlp ol what la a., highly priind among ladle..

FINE SETS OF LINEN. Head the lolbiwlng hat, and then


We shall be pteasiil to ahuw mir iio.nl. tu thoae who are pleased lo ..

• e "nr prlcea are leaa than Ihr coil of home manu fact are.

Ladles' Seta—Chemise, Orawera aim Mght liro., I lain, an I trimmed with Hamburg, Kfhyrna ami SIXOBT rSdawl and Inserting*, Itufflea

I'hlldreu'a Apron. Illbs, Mklrt. and llreasea, l>«-


A large and Well .elected assortment Uf

niilaWry deoodw lc Nmnll Wnrci

lilt. MAItY K. III!RKI), Ian In tht'NewKiiglaud

of Salem

All Uliaophl.tk from Tail- lo in. 'Iho


, writing

'■■kin. re-

• Heaven

aeal dour to Ho Attended lu.

Lawrence. Auf.

WALL PAPEKS. DOW k CO have the largest stock In

;'ount}. Vl:KY. VI.KY CIIKAI"

|-:ii\«'lo|tt". \i Hli lildii" 1*1 ilk ■ a >l. go to U>W a CO'H. All orders forprluli'd work

n.ruu.l with dispatch.

forbid (hm lor-lal hablto! nh!lfyo'u had leeti (he wmneu at our hall! I'lnv emue hall un- dressed -thai Is lo sit! .the upper part ol Iheboilt waa wholly exposetl; hut the) are Jo.Ions of ibnwiiig their feet, ami ■com io dejlre i« bide the iloui' al-o. a* enih woman drag- ahoiil with her it Imuj robe, un wllleh il 1- no! etiquette to place jntir "hoe. The ! ■ . i. ea-te women are allowed every IJeeiioe. At our fete they were ttaaped r 1 (lie waist hv men Ihev-kuew not. anil dam id »llh (palnlul vigor, lor ll wn* hot."

'CBsfual HI von tlei" lu St. Louis.

are puhll-hed II

lorilierly Ke.iil. lit I'ln Uoahltal lor Women

reapei'liully lolorm. Ihe I...II. vleluity, ii...i aha baa opined .... i uli. . al

58 Washington St., tlubon Block. IIITICB hour*—Uuuilaye and thursdaya.rrora i it>

a v. M, lies.

Hi. doo ages , an be 1 n al .ay . III.. Ill III,

m. Ha *.. AB| . ', IruW. fl« h»

t > i s


t. a * 3 D 2

- C i



5" ffl s - 0 3


1. 2 o ts

0 e.

Ii o tr •» i - 0

I 0


0 ►J

lOSKl'll .IS 'IX. i: INT T I S

roraM rly In charge K. ll. 1

.1 ..ffl .... """""'" No. ft Lawrence at., -

T ,

Tim Eyes. ^^ The Eyes.

I) K. I. 0 It 1 N G , OCULIST,

Lawreaee. ill Kaaei street,

N. a -He charge for advice t of Rjrea.

iri'lii HtO Is |.| A. M r Ryea, i Ittce hoi

it i: T it AIPEC i i v ■;. After one year1! etaerleace, il ia

(ileasHiit to any thnl our sueeea* haa equalled our itioat aangiiine etpeeln- tion*. oui iiiinil- uinl Ihe publie a>eu> inOlv hate plut-etl u- undei In-llng obligiilion- to thrill lor the geiieroun support afforded to H*.

I'HOM1 I ( I I V I .

We ahull eoittlioie, a* heretofore, in

murk all teeoa&l Hi plaoi Hgtires, In ml-

here nti.Hi to ihetlXK PRICK system,

and to aell HI Ihe lnwe*t living priee*.

U e do lint eliONi to aell luWer Ihllll t'tll)

oae elM. \1 e i inuioi nil.ml to sell AT I Utl

VOVt I—but we do believe tout, aa we

mo un.1. i leas eipeiiae Hum many ofonr ,

inn mid do I

ehettp n- itny ho

II i eotemporitn

good article

Ihr trade.

11 e have n good line ol Hosiery, llooaii >

imet*, llri I.,mil-, uinl Sinnll ■ ll

<0ur *pirc-yox.


■T a. c- -iioaiv

The Conference meeting through at leal,

We boy a .round Iba veeiry waited

To sir the girls come tripping past,

I.Ike anew bird* waiting lo be mated.

Not braver hu Itist leapa tbe wall

Hy level muaket flaabee llll.n.

Til J n I stepped before them all.

Who lunged to aee me get tbe mKlen.

Hut no, ahe blushed, and look my arm '

We in ihe old folks lake the highway.

And started toward Ihe Huple Win

Along a kind nf lover*' hy-way.

I mm remember what we aald,

"1'was nothing worth a song or alory ,

Yet that rude path by Which we sped

ri.-eiii.-il all tranafurmeil and in a glory.

The snow waa erlap twncath our feet.

Tim moon waa full, the Held, wore gleaming ;

Hy hood and tippet ahejlered sweut

Her faee wllh youth and health waa beaming.'

The llille band oulalde h. r noiff—

O seulplor, If you could but mokl It I

Mo lightly touched my Jacket eiifT.

To keep It warm I had lo hnUl ll. |

To have her with me i Inn alone,

Twaa love and fear and triumph hlended ;

At last we reached the foot'Wurn atone

Where thacnnllloua journer ended.

Ma shook her ringlets from her brow,

And with a " Thank you. Had," dlaeeinhleil;

Hul yel [ knew ahe understood

Wllh what a daring wish I trembled.

A cloud passed kindly overhead ;

The moon was alowly peeping through 11;

Vet It bid It. fnceaa If II anld,

"Coine, now or never, do it I Do it I "

My lips UN tbaa hall only known

The kiss nf mother and of sister,

hm. -■ Imw, roll upon her own

IjWMt, rosy, darling mouth—I kUaed her.

Tertian* 'twai boyiah Love, yel, still,

O llsilesa woman I weary lover I

To feel once more that fresh, wild thrill,

I'd give—bul who can lie* life over!

llrii;hum Young nay* be marrle* HO

often he forget* It. Prondee Inquire! it' his wive* sometimes forget it ul-...

A French dentist ha* received five yntl In prison for Improper uae of chloroform in connection with female pntlenla.

Hpeiklag of tbo great number ef sui- cide* In Chicago, the Time* ■»>-* tbe fools are dying with commendable raptdjty.

A crazy liidlanliin evince* his Insanity by buying cofflui lor al! hli friends and sending them on wllh ill* compliment*.

A Ingenious fellow In New Haven has been lined lor cutting a hole In the hat of a sleeping neighbor during vermon time.

A lady In Boaton recently declined the ■ iih-i of a gentleman, on the ground thai he had no taste lor arranging hia necktie.

"Why don't you a*k your aweelheart to merry you?" "I have asked her." "What did she say?" "O, I've the refusal of bar."

A French phllo.sopher tell* us It Ut to he a happy thought for two lover* In New Jersey that their blood may he com- mingled In the game mosquito.

Mrs. Dall say* "I would have woman keep out of active public life until the fortieth year Is past- Then private and public duties need never conflict."

"1 say, Pete, when my little boy git hi* hair cut, why ort dat to be regarded as a greet phenomena?" "I don't know, itin.'- ^wttam-de 'ollpaeof-de auu,"

The Bangor Whig Instances a remark- able in-:ti of the in'Notl! of advertising. A man lost $17. advertUed it in that paper, aud found It—hi his hoot!

Mrs. A. K. Ballsy, editress nf the Decorah (lown) RvpubUrnn. apologize* lor the detention of her paper, 'because of the late arrival of an extra male.'

An attempted suicide In Liverpool, when arraigned for reprimand, excused his rash act on the ground that he had got wet aud was hanging hiimelf up to dry.

Byjthgo say* oOBteetaonatry In adulter- ated awtuliy Just now. The only pure and sweet thing he can get ia a kiss from the lips of bis Intended, Miss I.uchtda Whltehiown

A wife atone of.the faohloneble resorts write* lo her husband In tbe city that she fears she Is losing her voice. Husband write* hy return mall, * Afraid not; stay till October hy all mean*.'

A genlu- out West hn* jivst patented a machine for making chestnuts nut of sweet potatoes. He Is brother to the old man who put handles to prickly pear* and sold them for curry.comb*.

Thai wa* a laughable occurrence at Davenport, la., of a husband's Inking magnesia aud making Ids wife think It wa* poison. She had him itomaoh- pumprd within an Inch of hi* life in spite of hi* explanation* to the physician.

An Omaha paper hu established a de- partment of betrothal*. The only remains lug Item of Intelligence of this character to he seized upon and puhliHhed Ii the paper* Is 'flrMatfon*.' the publication of which has been monopolized hy sewlug societies and quilting parties.

A drunken fellow, who slept oil hi* rum hi a churchyard In Concord, N. H.. th. other night, promenaded the enelusure which wa* surrounded by ft high lence n good part of the next forenoon wllh tin Idea that he was serving out a penal sen l.-nce In sonic place nf conttneinent.

One exceedingly warm day in June, a neighbor met an old man. and remarked (hat it was very hot. ■ Yeo.* said Joe, ' If It wai not for one thing, I should say we were going to have a thaw.' • What I* that?' inquired Ihe friend. ' nothing froze,' said Joe. The in mi hi* way

An Indianapolis lawyer ha* received the following:—' Sir—can I gel a dlvon, A how noon on grounds that I cannot -uppnrt my wite have one child, a boy am willing to take cure of (he boy, ana. Imeudllly A slate what It will coat; If It cost* SJil I can't pay (hat mud), Direct io box 2-10. Burlington, Vt.*

A Louie*llle matron whose husband snores luully keep* a clothcH-piu under- neath her pillow, and when hU snoring

,.awakes her she adjusts the pin on in- iiasal organ, and then slumbers peaceful- ly. No patent ha* been taken out for tin* valuable Invention, and hence dis- tressed wives may make use of It without cost.

lu from of (he ciuh House, yesterday. llilghl have been seen a*colored youth shedding hitter lean and weeping terri- bly. A bystander1, trying to cheer up the Infant, asked: 'What lo the matter, little buy?' 'Ho, hu, my grandfather Is dead.'

I am very sorry; when did he die?' 'Oh dear, I don't know; mammy was Just telling me auou] it; l n-okon twain long time ago.''

One who attended a (icrmnii turnfeat and was beguiled Into a dance, think* that the (lermau* enjoy turning altogether

For three-quarteri of an hot.r lid that girl keep me wnl'/ing, and I only neaped when 1 tutmd she hud gone to

Boston Ao>«rtf»ftrneiit-.



MACY& B LTTLT5R 90 and 92 Tremont St.,


a the ladies of Bpsl.

■ -.'in ; f>om the ve

,..oral,.. .1.1,..

have been aelliug their ■

much unifer irgtiUirpri't-

and vlelnliy well know.

liberal patronnge they lo

shell up. u


Ten Thousand Dollars Worth

LINEN GOODS, BOUGH'l ATOKEA I SACRIFICE at the 4.rent New York Auction Made

iii-i w -ek.

ronalallng of Crashes, In

Tow.la, LiojIieejTable th


ra, llurka, Napkin

v-ery small adv^iid all of whieh

All the Balance of oar Old Stock REDUCED AGAIN!

a will H all l lie- ih HI ever bs-lore.

Also full line* or HAM III ItU KUUlNU.atl

I.ACICM; lo.oug I'll It I- A 1 > COI.l.AKM, a grail

Jot 1*4-,,tk,tlf pric: 'AIM a spU-nilltl aasorti

NUW FLOWKRS, i i t r^iiKs,

KIBBOMS, .v. .,


Lota of other New Uooda, making our atoek

DOtler mill -led and at lower prloe* than during

our recent Great Sal".

£cilot notices.

Guardian's Sale Real Estate. Win be aolil at I'uHlo Auctlnn. b] llwnee of Ihe

Probate Court within ami for the i ountv of Ha aea.lu the Corninonwenlih i.r Mn--B -liiiseirs, on MOXDAY.tln ;iuh il*. ot -eulein'ier. A. l>. IMW, at Ivro n'rleek. I'. M. on the uremia. -, all lire

White, ol I'. ■■ ■ ■ ■ Commonwealth, minor or !■•-», InHmllnK Hie In llethuen, In anhl I Manchester uml l.awr houliderl a« follows, i "■ .'I.II.' io Lawteaoe; the Mi-thuen ri>iu|.ioi> inj; from Ihe l.nwell : rou.l; ami norllierlv A'.drew Hillotray, I'ele s.i.i" m nor'- Inter ■ NHIi part* of aald eett* r.'iiishnii- [lire. Unit-, their Interest in 'Sftl ■ ■




LAND FOR SALE on* Cross street, Lawrence.

Tbe inbeeribor ofTi-ra forty very rl. ilrahle lots

of land, situated op Crews alreet, weat of llroart-

way, op|-ii-Ur Ho Arlington. Mills poud. Tbl

No. 71 Essex-Street!

i. V. FRENCH & CO. ra.: ::'rirr lived In Ihelr large store. No, 71 Kaaex

hr in heller aci'oniiuodnte their numer-

•r ■, anil bating repleuisbeil Ihelr slock


KHHHX, «*., AilKUat KHh A. 1>. IMW. C Hy vino.- uf mi et.TUt1i.il vrhleh

judjOiieio lu favor ul Klvln Karlinu uell.botliul t*

ol ilei

.doing oUHiiesa al MM Law- ruuie, under III.- Ilrm iiaiiu-ul KaslinoiA ltu.lt, ril the lust term of Hie Superior Court for said c-ouiiiy, I have taken all I lie right In equity lliut the auhl James Llinlaey li.ul nu i lie Iweuli. th day of February last, Hie day when Ihe sain,. Wl„ a). tachett on ntesue prooeai, to redeem n eertalll imirlgaited real estate lying on Oak *lree|, lu i>ald [.nwreuce, bilng Ihe rircmlse* whereou the aald James l.lnilsey now lives, and tire snme tIml la c|e„erltied In a inorlgaged deed thereof from th" said Janwl l.hi'lre) lutlie KlMa8a*laj» Hank, a liodv . <ii-|i.n-.it.' at "iild l.uwrenee. reeorded In the

" (,'iatry of Heed* for said Guuulv, book 751, leal — ■IttCKKNIIl'day -' '

lOi'k, I'. II., at my > om-e, ■ aid Lawrence, 1 ahull i

loraale h) pol-lte aui-tion, to Hie hlj;li.ist hi.l i-ald rlglll In eijul!) ul f .liiioullou.-. -

■tOsUJia i IIA.S.B. lilLSS, Deputy Shvr

(ZmmimtCrlltlh t.f M '--.I. /, If:.. II;.


been preaeuteii lo said <ourl, tor I'robale, liy N. Dana Wells, «h>i'pr,iys th.it letters lest amenta ry innv be laau.il to lilm the exivutortherein n.imed.

) ou are hereby rlted to appear al a 1'robate Court, to be held at Salem In amil uounly ol Kaaex,

the III-I Tuesday of Si'ptemoer neat, at al ne o'clock belore noon, to altuwcuuie, il any you have, against the aame.

And aald N. Dana Well*, la hereby directed lo give public iwiiee ih.-reof, by publishing this cita- tion onee a week, for three aucoeaslve weeks. In the newspaper outleil the Lawrence American and

- ' er Advertiser, printed at Lawrnaoe, I'll' iblloatlun to be two days, at least, befure

, hey now. I.'el pr.-pnred to meet the demands ot the

I •""""- | IJKN'rS CALF B00T8.THRF.rt WIDTH

\ll sliea.froui oue lo thlrtiwn. The largeal aa

well as the smallest foot tilted with Call Roota.

We are Agents for the Celebrated Premium

Hoots mom fart ured hy O. Kendall k Son; alao

aifeut fur tbe Vugle (ierinan Slipper.

Just reeelved a large Invoice of

ARCTIC OVER SHOES; all of which we offer at I lie manufacturers'price!

Rubbers repaired lu llii'ueateat and prompteat

OBrOaaai TKHMMhl'


nr nunr TI

ntAcv A m n lit,

90 and HZ Trcinont Street, Rout on,


PURE CONFECTIONERY Kvery particle of my manufacture la warruntei

free lr..in every ingredb. nt deleterioua lo health.

witoiKNAi.a uu uaTAit. Ar

Corner of Tremont & Dromfield Sta. ttar-w B 0 8 TO H .

8T1TUTK,3H WASIIISOTO.I BT.,BMTI utl'. r. a liberal and practical e.lioui lou It

1 — for active buslnea* puraulta, and h _ _y It a tone ilauilin '


local Institution.'

the above I For iurtl I'.TjyW

Great SUN-SUN CHOP i ■(]>■.;i

The Best and Cheapest Place to buy

CLOTHES WRINGERS Or Wanhine; HachiDe*,


42 Elm street, Boston. Knt r- on- from the Yard of Wllde'a Uutel. tyJyO

HARD AND W1IITK nil; TIMBKH on hand and sawed to dimensions. Hard I'i nr I'lank.

Hard Pine Flooring; aad Mtep-Honrd For ehy

.Id .'. al, (ieorge V. ChOnle, K-IJU

rl, thla thirteenth day of AUKUSI

thousand eight hundred aud alxty-i S A. C litiuDKLI. Keal

lKe ol III the

t'.uihiujitrii ilotirci.

District Court of Ihe United States.

liittrict of Has*.—In Bankruptr.j/.

I'lii- I* lo give notice that a petition haa been Jireseiiled tu Hie l'our1,thl»«th liny of Auiruat, INW, hy JOHN It. r'OJ.rillM, ol .Sluiiuham, a bankrupt, praying Hint he may be d.treed to have a full discharge Irom all hli debta provable under the lluukrupt Act; and upou r.-.i.liu.. aald pelitlon, It la ordered bv the Court that a lii-ino- be liml upon Hie aaine oil the rthdayolHer.leiuber, A. I>. IN*!, before the Court In hn■■mil, In said dial riot, at It) o'clock, A. H., • rid that the accond uud third meeting* uf Ihe creditors of aald Lunkrupl be tnlil before Kd)jar J. Sherman, lieglsier, on the till clay of Seplene ber, A. 1>. INW, B( ,,„„„ \,, 7 (j, g, 1 .-.,,,, JI,,„„ . lloaton, al \i o'clock, M ., mill that n..r i.-.- thereof be pupllahed In tlie

...I !'.,,,:.1, Dally Kvenlug

■ lint ired the » s of Ilr. It.


v and sale or Hunts and Shoe*, we hope t

lerlt a a bare of the public palroua^e.

.ae call and exajnlnc our atoek.

abort Urn

I fail to .: h-'ir value in a

'I'ln- new Lowell road nlll be Opened

very soon, ahlch will alao greatly enhance their

vj.lue. Apply to A. M. W ILI.ot'lill IIV ,

ll«)rtl on tii. pretniaoa.



Hull, Hingham, Nantasket Beach i Ft. Warren

STEADIER JOHN HOMER, 1 'i'i. 'ilAid.I■.- K. QOOD,

leaves Liverpool Wharf, fuot ul I'earl HI.


■ ni . 1. .. . . ,...|.,-,■,, I* >i.(.»iuen. tu Iliad.

Inu,. HII.I 011 I uesday, I'i.in ...ml ...l.aier M. For Kkeifr.limir. I.ri'.t rull<.and alatiunr east

ot II a vet hill. ;.to eMo- to I aur. net U.u , UJ M„:i.l*i. r. »■. M ..xpre... hur 1 xet.r, llcirrand I'.otliud on lu.-iii.i, ibur-ils) mm ^Bturlt•;,■t

For I1MV.TI.1I 1 ;..|i> (expre-s . ;.t6( via Oeorge- town).A.M., 10 H...-I.I4 iv.lt, to.r. etuv.1,), J.00, ■ --pi-eaa-1 6.li 1 via UPurj,-el< «u '1. ll.IS ]■, M, [via U*i.r|(»-l..»U.)

I ot .ifaiiv.lii.-ti 1 < 7,31' (t'Xpres-, A. Mi

For l.uwr.iice [> 10,11 A. a., 11 H..0.I

. ... a.Su and ■ ve* Bingham at r.;m and in aluppiug at Hull each trip.

Vaar '" '

l*ya. Wedi t Wairei


Traveller, newspaper! printed in said district, once a wei lor three weeks; and that all creditors wbu lit proved their debts, aud other persons in Inlere ■nay appear al aald tMM and plate, and ihowoau it uny lliey have, why the prayer of Hie aald pe lion -t Id im! be -mil. .1.

agU KulVAKD DEXTER, Clerk of Dlatrlct"

In Bankruptcy.

t for said HM.

Dial ._ lloaton, the ill h day ol Auauat, A. i >. indv.

The undersigned hereby gives nolle- ul llisap- .1110 111 ii" u—iL'iiee of l\u eslate ol

DA.NVILLK S. HOW His, f llal.l.'u, lu Ihe county of Mlildle-ex, uud tale ol Ma-"nuhu.rits, wilhlu aald diatriet, who iaa heeit udjlidded a b»iik'iupl. on hi* own petition, ly the Hlitrlct Court ol m.l.l district.

agll I1ENKY II.IIAMLI.N.Aaslgtiue.


leii mill ■■>.!■■ "till rJanclrifl awa.* with all « vlffor of tier Bole*. I ttlaeiigaiteil nu- ll i-aril'ulli (10111 her eiuiiraee anJ lilt •r to her tlanee, ami I think ahe In mill

Hurt- geitenilly, nitd we are loaainnt- It milling lo our ■leeks liileitdlng pur* eh it sir* Hill do well lu eall ul

381 EttBux 8troot, Lawrenoe. I'H.I >o. tttt.)


SURGEON DENTIST, 153 Kaaei alM Laarreace.

waltttlng.' The pre** of Si. Lottb will tie .lell>;litt>tl

to luar (lint a voyntre ot exploration up Chicago River dticloeetl the pretence of I iin7 wvll tleflneil and stijarat*'bail aiuell* which are duly catalogued hy the rtporler tor T*r Chicago THoaae. Tbeoe oQori wereeuust-d hy ill*tlllerlei, ilead dogs. Hie eorpaea of eat*, faunerle*, j"0-'piii'il lisb, limit trout itie lirewerle*. th« reftiae of alaiightet-tioiiifli, and cotitrlhutloua from the oeweri.

8TET80K <* POPE. r of E street. 4)1 1. IvmarlV

Choirs are Dolightod with It! THE


L. U. KMEIINON, Author of " Harp of Jodah," " Jubllule," etc.

CBtTcreally pronoun*.if to be Hie l»-.i l^wk Ol ChureliiMu.lc waved durlug the laat leu years,and greatly Excelling Ihe autbor'i prevluu* work*.

Price OC'iU. kVt.Hi iwr doscn. 8ml post paid on receipt ul price.

0. DITHO.N k Co., Boaton, ar-ii t:. U. in WON k CO., New York.

The Attention of Musiciana la called lathe



33 court St.. (opp.*0barl House)' Boaton. Their alock eomprlaet Itn.. and Herman Sliver

Inatrumenla for Hands, of every varlcly of manu. faclure; Violin* of all patterns, from »! to tall ■ Belli Flutes of every variety uf quality aud price ; Music Boxes from llle beat inaniilaciori.-s of Kn- riip.-. from *.i lo#liw eaell i Hartlu'a eelehraled 1 Julian, aa well aa I hose of cheaper grades . French and Herman Ai'c.urdeona, Elullnaa, Isennuii t.'on- ..Ti111.11. Clarionet*, FlB*reolets, Files, ll.irmonl. ca*, Viuluiuelloi, Double ll«sscs, etc. i also a rl ue a-.ortmeut of M.:l-dt;nt and «er.i •lioaUi. They alao keep a tiorn|ilele * k of SH.-rl ,lrV.»ic, ,1/usiV Hoots, and all klnda ol Uu*|cal mcrcbaiidl.e, al prloea and lerin- thai eannol tail lo prove -ati.lao- tory lo purchaaera. lyfejl

It it li K H T W 0 0 I),

VEl'KHlNAIiY SUHGKON, High Utreet Squaro, Lowoll, Maaa.,

rrealaalldlaeaaeNof Horara,Cattle, and the lower anlmiils; performs surgical operation* ; curia all ourablecnsesofapavlu.rlngbouc.rurb.aplciitaanil thellkr. Orders j.roioprlj unawetcd Address bv mail or telegraph aa abuve directed. Helen to all well-knownlinraruieu In Mew Knglaod.

l»e !■::. si-, x 8TKEKT. mil

W. IIAOEK, I.. ,l.l 11 IN I



AIsBO, Ajjejit for the Celebrated


Improved Family Sowing Machine Kecelvrd Ihe " Frat I'lemuuna " over all other ei- tllbiloraal tile Stale fairs held at llurllugton, Vt.. Sept.St • rl, law, Manchester, N. 11.. .Sept. N to II, IHrtM Beat Machine lot he world for all kind*

For Sale In No. Andovor, Ms. The House and Land situated upon Machine

Shop street, a few rod* frl»M Davl* h FurtMT'a Hsctilne Shun, and BOW oecupled hy Isaac C. Sar- gent— formerly the neideuce of the subscriber. - The house Is a iood.rn, two atory building, wllh a large L. It cunialna 10 room*, all will finished and arranged In the mo*t convenient manner, with ample eluarta, and a dry, cemented cellar under the whole house. The illdien haa a brick oven, waah buller, two Iron alnk», aud good water brought lino Hie room Irutu a well outside. Al- 1..1 li.d ia B large w<n<<! abed wllh oilier rouve- nleneea, and rbaniber aliove. there ia a good alable, in which la a oiatern ol water.

The garden belonging, coin, ilo- I l-*».re of rich loam laud, well laid out (or rat-dug trull and vege- tables. The fruit trees are now ill their prime, consisting; ol cherry, peach and pear—Ihe latter In many and choice varieties, IHIIII dwMrf and aland ard. The apple tree* number ahuul W, embrac- ing n, variety, Summer fall and Winter fruit, producing from rW to 7S barrels of a good i|ualily per year. There la alau a good aupply of currant, gooaeberry,blackberry ami r.ispberry bueln-a, and


The Woman's Friend Washing Fluid,

-half the time and labor In washing clothca without Injury to tlte fabric, ll I* alao used In cleaning floor*, paint, wlnduwa, dlalii-a, bleaching, aorublug, and aoouriug. ft la aure death lo bed bug*, and all oilier kin I' >f vermin, l'lie propri- etor is prepared to test thla Quid agaln*l all the snail, and guld* Inthc murker, for all purpose!. Price by the .mart la r»»t.,or t>U oenta u,r Kallou. Mills,hotels, lari;, boardlun honaes, and all larae

- liberal d.......ion Clurea the bei

„, 'hloh the publlo 01111 _. half price by the pint, ijuart. or gallon. The

froprletur will drivealeam lliroui:ll the City of •awreiK-e, commeiiuini.' about Ihe Ural uf May, or

before. All purtie. wishing to rive tile above good a trial before lost time, can do so by leaving their order* alt I l.ufoii Street, Uwreueu, Ma.ia. T. HliDEN , '...I.- Jauuuiacturcr uud Proprietor.

LAwaaaoa, Mareu^o, imw. I have used, and continue to Bae. Ilr. Ugd.ii'a

excellent tVaibliig Fluid, mid Uml It ull it U re- commended to be, ll aaves the wear and li er of scrubbing, and enables one to do a given amount ol wuahlu* 111 one-half the time and with hnlr the tabor It can be accompllaii.il without the fluid. Its tileuchlng i[iialiilea are most excellent.

Hi:-- A. It. SANKOKN.

VToitcaaTKK HAHH.,IIAIIIH 1.1, moil. Da. T. tioio*, Dear Slr:-Tlii» la to eeriify

thai I have been alllialed with an abscess ul the

market without any relief, until 1 heard of your celebrated llluck Salv

i) 71 liar

■ luealloii, good a'

the gard. n, a* 11 lies upon the suulli side of ilie house, suit adjoins the beaiililul grounds uf II,01. Ueorgu L. l>kTt«.

,For turther particulars,inquire of the present ■ ^■"■■ » "* Vltl,


PARLOR CROQUET. atae person* haeing facillllea lor making Iheli crmiuel boards, can tlnd eel* ol Halls, Wick

, wliieh eared ran like magic » gnalilisoV to von lor so val-

uable a |.li.-i. r. ll la Tor Hie sake ot aulfiTltig humanity thai 1 l/lve y mi my (e-timnny.

JOHN CAMION, No. 13 Ash rlt., Worcester, M , ..

eroaOBaTea, MAM*., Hai If, ItNW. nit. T. OIIIIKV. Dear Sir:—Thla* lo eeriify

that 1 have been alllkli -I over n on.nth with broken breasts, having eousulted the srnaltea! doctors In the city, and alter trying every remedy for relief, I failed lu discover an) thing until I heard ol your celebrated lllack Halve. Alter using it one week 1 am Hi mktiil tn «■-. my breasts are quite well again, and luy health restored.

Ml:-. MAN A II AN, No. I, Foyle at.. Worcester. Mass.




Hu and alter Mondny, July Mtll.

Hurge Irom Newl.uryport lo Sails- I."" lleneh, daily, (Sutulaya ex-

celled,) leuviuii the Ilo.Ion ami Maine Depot on Ihe arrival of the V.I w A. M. train; returning lu -.-...ni for Hie .11*1 I". M. up train. Aoy number nr llargi-s furuihhr<l at ahorl notice.

Fare W cento.

A SUMMER RESORT. Ho- Most Attrarllvi mi the Atlantic Ooaat!

HM ■AtiAMOHE imiM, Front'* Point, Rye, near I'ortsin.iiuh, N. II.

luuclng tu Ihelr rr lends thai their w and *pacioua Motel will he open Lie W. It coulaiua all the lem

uupruveiiianla, and M have double the number ul routa* which we had la*> season. It Is finely lo- cated, .'oiiiia Hiding an unrivalled view of the Ocean, Forts, Lighthouses, Navy Yard, Sagamore lllver, etc. Ihe advantages „f Sea aud ItiVer Hnlhliig.and Hie facilities for Kishlng-aml lloat- lug, are r, 1. For its beautitul Scenery and dellgliilul Hrivea and Walks, Sagamure Is already favorably known as one ot the moat eligi- ble aud deilalillui Watering Places lu New Eng land, eaallv reached t.y l.onl or watei. Connected Wllh the Monads a line I.IVKllV SI AIII.K.

Coaulu-*Hl th* I'lirlsminiili II. pota on arrival ol trains. U.W.*J.o. I'EHttE, I'n.prlelor*,

Uatejjpj Purt-inuulh. ,\. H.

Don't torget the number,

No 71 /.'-i- Street, - • Lawrtnct.

J. Y. PRENCH & CO. J.V.French. tlmjia J. D. Herrick.

alEDlCAL AND SUKUIOAL OFFICE No. 48 Howaril St., Bomou.

DR. FKKD'K MDItKII.Lgivea special attentloa lo dlaiNaei of the genIto-urlnary organ*, and all chronic and ditnrult dUeaae* la both leaea: hia

.as In those long ataudiug and difficult la were formerly considered Incurable,

10 commend him to the public as wor- thy the extensive patronage he hat received.

Da. MOKHILL I* admitted by tbe beat med- ical talent of the country to have no equ.il In Hie itcatment ol Fctniit* Complaints, and II I* no un. usual occurrence for physicians In regular practice to recommend natietii- to him for Ireaiment when Hlfllcled with dt*ea*ei in his apcelalty.

Ludlea will receive the moll icleullllc attention. imili medically aud surgically. Ilourd, with old and experienced nursca will be furnished those who wish to remain In the city during treatment.

The poor advised free ul charge. Physician* or patients'wishing Ills opinion or advice, by letter, and ludoslug the usuul fee, will be answered by -cturn m-.il. 1, - ,,,-. ■ ,,.|,

Mediciues sent to all part* of the country.


Ye Sick. Halt, and Lame! All Quackerv and Imposition oil Hie public of

.awrenoe to be done awuy wllh by 11 .in Da. loons'* EXCELLENT KKMEltTES, and J.

Celebrated Vegetable Dnlotfuge.

There Is no " brown bread pill" about this medi- cine. Dr. Dgden having tfraduiitcd under " Uncle sain," 1- prejiiired to te wU every man and woman in the city of Lnwrcnr.- Imw lo bi'eome their own physlelau for all kinds of Sorea and Pains, iude- pendentnf all doctor*. These Medinnea are nian- ulactured by Die subscriber, in Lawreuue, and he knows the riuallty uf tbe lurtreillcul* of which they ar» made, UH. T1IO.S. OUDKN.

iia|..'i L'nlun street.


RHEUMATIC MEDICINE Cares Kheuiiuitiani and

I.ivcr tlifucuhioe, rieunay,

1,'niii-, Cnunpa, Bpnltii,

DralMt, Summer Com-

uljiiiiLs, Hums, Scalds,

Chillduiiis, etc., etc.


Prepared liv

N. PEABODY *te CO.. Mini ion Brldjre, N. II.



Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, A»i> aoLiciTDit nt inNKui'i-icr.

I'arllrular attention paid to drawing of Deeds, ftp.

No. '4 Sawyer's Block, Water at., HAVERHILL.

»«■«■.-ll . li.-i- made in .ill part a of the United Slatea promptly and uu tbe moat reasonable

Dr. Ilnm'a Aromatie Im Igorator. removea (rum the syatem the.Ill effect* caused by the exo-aalve use of alcoholic lli|uurs, aud effect- ■■ally destroys the appeilie fur the a •• stimulants. lr give* time to debilitated raucous surfaces. EfTole matter is removed from the system, thereby restoring It lulls normal healthlul condition. A* * medicine, III. oulck aud effectual, curing the moat aggravated rases 01 Dyapepala, Kidney (\>raplaiuta,and all other deraogemeuls of Ihe stomach and bowels,in a snecdy manner. This hgant preparation haa atuod the teal of year*. A

' " belureeat ■nt all au _ k and ■l-'llc.ttr eonstltutlo orator three time* a day. re 1 • 1 imi/ will (usuto awe

Ireahlhg sleep. All the proprietor aaka I* a trial nod to in hi.-i- ihla he has put up the Invigorator In pint buttles at .HI,-«iita,—ouarta, 01.uo. I'rittcl- pnfdeput, Hi Central Wi.arl, lloslon. Sold by all drugalats. wiini-iiiyll Pb


It II. EDDY, SOLICITOR OF PA-TKNTS, iMtt Auail of Ihf (/pit/eif Sf«fcj r.,/,„t Office,

MiMflinp'on, umltr tht Art 0/ 1KI7.

No. 78 State St., opposite Kilby St., Boston, After an eateenlve prartlec uf upwards of

twenty veara, continues to secure patents In the Lulled Staiea; alaulu (treat UiiMln. France and other in ■ 1,-II countrlea. Caventa, MpecltiCBllnue, iloud", Assignment*, aud all papers or drawings lor Patents, cxecuti-d ua n-aaiinable term* with dlapalch. 1:. -. in ),. ■ made Into American aud horeign works, to determine the validity and utility of I'ateuta of Inventions, and legal and other advice rendered on all lustier, touching tbe aame. Cuplca or the claim* of any patents fnr- ■ilahed, by remlllliig un>- dollar. Aaalgntuenta recorded in WasblnglOO.

A'o Aari\,-f in Ihr V nil til -Vfn/ea poMtrtf* tu- prrior /;■ itili. 1 fur oMoiniap f.ilri.n ur umr ttiinina Iht ptitrnt.iliilUuof iiieenftaNe.

DurlniT eln'ht inouiha the subscriber. In Ihe euuraeuf his largo practice, made on twice re- ,r,lfl application*, SIXIEEN AI'I'EAf.H, EV- ERY ONE of which was decided In A11/aeor by the Commissioner ul Talent*.

TESTIsIOMALS. •I regsrd Mr. Eddy us one of Hie moat capable

andfUtoUtful practiliuners with whom 1 have had

CIIAUI.E* MASii.V.Commiasluiieruf Patents." '-[ have no hesitation In assuring Inventors

thnl I hey cannot employ a man store ti.mortrnl and Irtttir-irthji and more capable of their application* In a form to secure for et.rly and iavorahle consideration at lln . _. once. EHMUND IILUKE.

t*te commissioner ol Patents." M.i It. H.EIIIIT ha* made forme lllllllKI.N

i|.| lli-.iri.iii-. In all bul ONE Ol which patents have hi*'n granted, aud that one Is n«*> funding. Surh unmi-takable pruor ol great laleut and ability on his part, leads me to reocomraend ALL Inveutors to apply tu him in pnuure their I'atenls, a* lhey may be auri- ol having the moat lnuMiil iiieutiou beatuwed nn their canes, ami af ;»ery reasonable charge*. JOHN TAi.HAUT."

Huston, Jan. 1*1. 1HIW. fl|V

.-M., and 4

1 1 N i> EACH WAJT. -



leave* Liverpool Wharf, Huston,at n.tfiand VJW A. M., ^.*i and a e. M. Keturnlug, leaves Nantankut lloao't at H and ll A. M., 3.30 and B.16P. M. Uu Muudny*. Wedn.-edsy* and day* atopr '

aket He. elsit thja

nijvu r'Aita i'i (Kara EA. 11 WAT. DAVID Cll APIN. Agent ll. a H. 8. S. Co.

Gunard Line Mail Steamers HI7TWKEN

Liverpool and New York, Culling at Quecmtown.






TRIPOLI. * Iron Hall Steamers






JAVA, Onrof the above First Cli

Is Intended to sail as tollo vs; ■ ■ From Liverpool, (calling at Cork Harlair.ifor

York direct, every Saturdai t, every Saturday. From Liverpool, (calling al Cork Harbor,) tor

IIOMION DIRECT, every Tuesday. From New York lor Liverpool, (calling at Cork

Harbor,) every Thuradny. Certtllcates Issued to bring out passengers from

any part of Europe at lowest Hate*. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to E. Ca-

nard,! Howling tireen, New York. For Steer age" Passage, apply to E, Canard, 111 Broadway, New York, or lo 0nr¥mhX6

P. Ml KI'IIY, 123 Esaez street, (inly Authorised Ag'tfor Lawrenoe md vicinity

JOPlS & BUGBEE, Fire and Life Insurance


No. 4 Pemberton Street, Lawrence.

w. D. JOPLIM, ti'inpi A. V. Buoaaa.


Has Removed TO Hia

NEW OFFICE, '■">H Eaiei alreet, ■ a Uwrrsrc.

Jell Nearly opposite old offloe.

*«OUT or sours." Take DR. O. K, HICH AltDSDN'S SlIKKItT

WINE BITTERS,—the taoit mediolnal In the

market. Established ID I wet. iaarI21ls»



if s..>C

mil I , 1 ■ 1 Kailroads, expms: I-.M.

:.' r ;.:ti , trapraut res- In ^.Iteadlug,)

1 IJIUl(j|j(ureai] Itl.ll so.lt.-aiXTiiK.llooe.M.

i-W.. 3f.H„ and ou i.lui at n i>, H

, toil A,M„ypp.a, ,Ui', i. M., ...nn* r. „ 1.I1" fJO P.M.

I., 0* 1-. n-

" { jrg.-t.iwu) 7.W In lieorgetowaj

fl.su* P. a..

From In; .: ... n.lft in ...... . .1 . an Fr.it,, t,I<Ht Kullst.l I rotu Dover OJIO*, a ue.-ii.i), Thursilnv am Front Exeter I).:UJ\ ut-s.iai, Ihuraday From llBverhlll ...„

?.aO(vlaOeore;elown,) II a, M., l.,.*i*,:I.Hi, 4 (vUlJcurgelown.l 0. Tuesday. Tliuraday and ."iaiurday O.-'BI p. I

r'rom North Audover r.*»,v.*n A. H , l^.:M>,.!,«. I.ilir. M.

From Lawrence (North Side] I'm, 7 ..10 V.tu A. H., Itji, 3.W, 5.30f P.M.

From Lawreiite (south side, fl 27, ?Mt.tM A. a., 12.18, llc.fl>*, 3.*/l, &M. 'i.o5» r M, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday tf.10 P. M.

•Or ou th.-lr arrival from (he EarL [Or on their arrkal Irom thu ,v rib. l'*H.et|girs are not allowed IJ carry baggage

above #**i lu^value, nor over Ml pounds In weTgbt, and that personal, uulesa notice I* trWen, and an ■ Ira amount paid at t he rate of a price of a ticket ir every 0500 additional valnc.

WIL MKHttl IT, Baa-t


Tbl* popular and desirable .Summer resort was

opened lor Ihe season,

JUNE aoth. The situation of the Ocean House, at the water's

edge, upon tbe flnett beach on the coast, aad with

thu best facilities lor baUitng, sailing and fliblag,

aurrouDded by splendid drlvea aud a never oesalag

sea breese, renders It One of the moal attnutlvc

seaside resorts In New England; and nothing

will be omitted that can tend lo tbe comfort of it*

Crriugea at tbe Hampton Depot meet every

train over the Eastern Railroad, and at Kaeter

over the Hostou and Haine.

•sTTo guest* front Lawrence and vicinity, a

large discount from uaual rites will be made from

the time of up- nint Until July M.


amt-ijeai Hampton Beaoh, II U1I-M.N, M.B.

BRICK FOR SALE The 1'laiatow Hin.li Co., at 1'lulaiow, N. "., are

uow ready to deliver both Faee and Common liib-k. In large or sluall qusuiltie'a, to suit pur- chasers, at the lowrii market prloea. For farther purllculara, addresi

Hint *jeij E. PERKINS, Selllug Agent, ion Bradford Street, Lawrence, Mas*.


Juat above Arllntftou Mill-.

Price from t to H cents per foot.

Cotton & Woolen Machinery AND

MACHINE WOBK GENERALLY. Pulleys, Hearing and Shafting, Jack Screws.

All kludaol Holts on head, or made to order; alao all kind* of Forging done.

UENERAI. JUB WORK and Mill repairs dour promptly and faithfully.

Dealers In Manufacturers' Supplies.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets

lyispt LAwaaaca,

£ ii imau. Jajt-t-T

HTF.A.V TO LIVKRIMIOL, falling at 4 in iii-i"" 11.

L'arrylng the U,I

1 OF NEW 1 ( OF I'OKIi.vu It .lu 1 \>\ \'S.\*}»>*^

CITY OF.SEW YOKE, "II Y OF I'OHR.vIa Halifa IK 1.(1..:

Tl-Y oFll/ltoohl.rN, ETNA, vU Hall!**,

Saturday, Apr I

.Saturday, "

TY OF IIAl.l'IMOItE ITV OF PARIS, 1 TV OF COKK, via Hallfaa, Tuesday,

Tuesday, » M -iaiurday, " *.t

May 1

RATES OF PASSAGE. Payable in t:

"lo Li'mdoi lo Paris, 4. a

Payable In Oi 'IrBt Cabin,

to Loudo lo Paris

For Cabin or I i. Dale, IA Broadway, I

P. MURPHY, IM Kaaei utreel, inly AutliuiU.il Agent lor Lawrence uml viclul1

111 I, LS OP i: XC II A N «. 1: ml. fin-



Painter and Orainer, No. 1 Appletun .1., upp. I'.I-.I Office,


A. J. STEVENS, at. I)..

Office & Residence, 22(i Common st.,

.'.III-I;I|,!I- (Near Imii'iifi- -it. 11, ■


OR. A. W. HOWLAND, Hlie.siil. TO




•eT-Nltroua .1,1,1,

Ols Adrnlnistereil

y, I'blla. Deutul Colics;*

St., (old No. 142.)

IE*. MOBSE, Manufacturer of


Packing Boxes OF. ALL KINDa.

Shelf Boxes, Bonnet Boxes, Jfcc.&c.

Also, Dealer In

ALL KINDS OV L UMBER, Dinninlon Tlmlta-rfurnl-lnd to order. Spruce,

I'iue.oak, Maple and 1 he.tout rlourd* aud I'lank alway*unhand. I'lanelng, Jointing .ml Matching.

Lath*, Clapboards, Shingles A. Finish Lumber

Of all ipjalitlea.

MILL, MAIN BTRJUT, (opp. Woolen 0.laUtt Mill,, MEl'llUKNa


Attorney & Counsellor at Law, .SOLICITOR OF PATENT,

No.mvEsiKX St-naur UWKINCI, UO>

R. A. SEAVEK, (HuceusKor 10 KolLinu &. Clark,

in. M.I.11 ia


No. 395 Essex Street, 'iinji : Lawrenoe.

D. S. HALL & CO.,

Clothing Dealers, Hm,- KEHOVEU to

Kdward's Store,nearSims' Block,

Comer ot -lacksoti Street,

When, ih.-y .r. .i|..-i.m. . Brit rl... itook .if

Beady-made Clothing, Oent's Furnishing Goods,


MR. RKDF.LI. (late of Bedell a Foster) can be

found at our store, where he will be he'ipy to see

hia friend*. HlaD.

OK. C, N. i II V-rlltKICI.\I!S. ^

I.aleSoinei.il and hfevel [ ,!i 111 . . :,l -I I,..-,. V ., and tiurgeoD-ln-Chargr oflhe (ietlyabureiail

Dale U.8. A. General lloipltali.

OeTlOa AT I in. li.tm.AMi'.H, Comer ul Uwrcnce

and Common Streets.

Ilf»i-e Ihmrt - l-roni 1 to I T. at., aadaJlAr " r.K lalrrtlll ^S]

Lawrence Marblo Works.

WILLIAM I, DOWLING, (late of lloaton,)

Corner Hampshire and Lowell Sts., > Manufacturer of

Monument*, Tonals*, Head Hloaea, Ac.

of Marble, Freestone and Granite,

Marble Mantels, Table Tops; and everything lu the line, promptly made,delivered,and warranted

ili-iiig fully prepared for the business, he will furnish Monuments of every description, and erect Hum lu any part of ihe county, of new and original designs. Having worked lerrlve years In Boston, be la ei.undent thai hu work will prove equal to any, either here or elsewhere, as hi* larllitles for business are unexcelled. '■'■'n-1


Fire Insurance Oomp'y. SAI.KM, MASS.

K.M1M KLSKS, DWELLING IIOUHES, and other property not hajardous, taken by thli Company only.

No Foiloles Issued on Katra oropeeial haiarda.

Cash AssoU, July 1, 1S68,1164,440.69


IIII < l I M»> FOR l \ It ii r liv For i nt. .linn' respectlug the

MaaHacktjietta Aajrii uliuntl Collefe, apply to W. ti. CLAHK, I'resideui.

Amherat, June I, ISo*. 3m'-1I

C. C. TALBOT, M. D., (Formerly of Salem, M. H.)

Office,* Mill street, rear of Talbot's 1>TTJ|* WtTVfay— i j

Calls anaw.rvd day or nL-lit. Hn| "mil


UNDERTAKER, *«V3 Common itreet, -

M r. Porter (UH continues the Funeral Fur nlahlnr business, as he his done for the past two years,at Ihe old stand, where everything lu hi* Hue can be found, and at the lowest prloe*.

Funeral* attended with one or a pair o horses

ICX COOLERS, for preserving bodies In warm weather, can be obtained at all times. !*. II.— Orders I. II with Superintendent ol llurial- will be promptly attended to. t-Hfe.1


- *|fAiAi| *am. sJBH

&U^i&Mm Furnishing and. Funeral

II N 1IKKT A K KKS, Would c^l .UcBtlon to ,... lr


Corner Common and Ameiibury Sts.,

Where they will keep a full supply of everything In their linn, and sell at Ihe lowest living prices.

They are sole Agents for Flak's Metallic Caeca, Crane's Metallic Caskets; alao Hauler's Mrtnllia Cusket*. a MKW and desirable article.

Funerals attended wllh a good hearse, aud one or a pair of horsea.

Residence and Manufiictory 16A Elm St. Salesroom corner of Common and

Amcslmry streets. Orders led at.-Ither plaee, day or night, will be

promptly attended to

Carriages furnished If desired.

A.W. UooiiKlOH, tll-lffell J. II. ktttruoLiM.


BITTERS of isl'F.r.ll'rt 8AMBHCI WINK With Herbs and

Roots, and h>- laiHi.

BEST and most Reliable Tonic and Bitter lu Ibe market,

whlnh Is always the

CHEAPE8T. The Herbs, Barks and Roots used In


WINK\BI1TERS! are Peruvian Rark. Oaraomlle Flowers,Huakeroot Wild Cherry Rirk, Caleraus, Uluger, and such other Herb* and Roots as has always been found

HEALTU-OIV1NQ aad Invigorating, to at to Impart

BLOOM to th* sallow, care worn and loan perMO, aud

BEAUTY lo their pale and sickly eon men* noes,

Ladiov from Utah, South America and F.urope are sending by cMpresi for these Hitler*.

For sale by druggist* and grocer, generally. Bee that ihe algualure oi ALfKKri hravH, Passalc, N. J., Is over tbe cap uf each bottler h-j «ij. 1.1


rrfDOE.SO^'-''"- ^sft rjiuoua, 0YspEpl

T E"i

J VmT RECEIVED a io* lot ot*

Window Hhades. We fan sell s tii s>y «BH aWsj f» li