Energy Consumption Optimization using Social Interaction in the Mobile Cloud

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Transcript of Energy Consumption Optimization using Social Interaction in the Mobile Cloud

Energy Consumption Optimization using Social

Interaction in the Mobile Cloud

Katerina Papanikolaou1, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis

2, George Mastorakis


Athina Bourdena3 and Ciprian Dobre


1European University Cyprus, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

6 Diogenis Str., Engomi,

P.O. Box: 22006, 1516 Nicosia, Cyprus

2University of Nicosia, Department of Computer Science,

46 Makedonitissas Avenue, P.O.Box: 24005,

1700 Nicosia, Cyprus

3Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Department of Informatics Engineering,

Estavromenos, 71500, Heraklion, Crete, Greece,

4University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers,

313, Splaiul Independentei, 060042, Bucharest, Romania

Abstract. This paper addresses the issue of resource offloading for energy

usage optimization in the cloud, using the centrality principle of social

networks. Mobile users take advantage of the mobile opportunistic cloud, in

order to increase their reliability in service provision by guaranteeing sufficient

resources for the execution of mobile applications. This work elaborates on the

improvement of the energy consumption for each mobile device, by using a

social collaboration model that allows for a cooperative partial process

offloading scheme. The proposed scheme uses social centrality as the

underlying mobility and connectivity model for process offloading within the

connected devices to maximize the energy usage efficiency, node availability

and process execution reliability. Furthermore, this work considers the impact

of mobility on the social-oriented offloading, by allowing partitionable

resources to be executed according to the social interactions and the associated

mobility of each user during the offloading process. The proposed framework is

thoroughly evaluated through event driven simulations, towards defining the

validity and offered efficiency of the proposed offloading policy in conjunction

to the energy consumption of the wireless devices.

Keywords: Resource sharing, centrality, social collaboration, energy

conservation, dynamic resource migration, dependable mobile computing,

temporal execution-oriented metrics.

1 Introduction

As social networking is experiencing an exponential growth and is becoming part of

our daily routines, the communications overlay it creates can be exploited, by a

number of applications and services [1]. Users are connecting to social networks by

using small mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets that are able to form

opportunistic networks. Such networks form a potential infrastructure for increased

resource availability to all users in the network, especially to those that face reduced

resource availability (e.g. energy, memory, processing resources etc.). Opportunistic

wireless networks exhibit unique properties, as they depend on users’ behavior and

movement, as well as on users’ local concentration. Predicting and modeling their

behavior is a difficult task but the association of the social interconnectivity factor

may prove part of the solution, by successfully tapping into the resources they are

offering. Resource sharing in the wireless and mobile environment is even more

demanding as applications require the resource sharing to happen in a seamless and

unobtrusive to the user manner, with minimal delays in an unstructured and ad-hoc

changing system without affecting the user’s Quality of Experience (QoE) [2]. This

forms a highly ambitious objective as on one hand wireless environments cannot

reliably commit to sharing resources for establishing reliable communication among

users since there is no way of guaranteeing resource allocation and on the other hand,

if that was to be overcome their limited capabilities exacerbate further the problem.

The mobility factor imposes additional constraints as network topology is constantly

producing fluctuation in bandwidth usage and resource availability. The dependency

on device capabilities restricts solutions to particular devices, lacking generality in its

applicability. In this context and by considering all the above-mentioned issues, this

work uses social interactivity as a method for modeling and achieving resource

sharing in the wireless mobile environment.

As social platforms are used by a staggering majority of 87% of mobile users for

communication and message exchange, they form an underlying web interconnecting

mobile users and possibly enabling reliable resource sharing [3]. Using social

connectivity and interactivity patterns, we should be able to provide adaptability to

device capabilities and operating environment, enabling devices to adapt to frequent

changes in location and context. One of the ever lacking resources in the wireless

mobile environment is that of energy. As energy is stored in batteries, it forms the

only source for mobile device operation and as new and more power demanding

applications are created every day, energy usage optimization forms a challenging

field, approached by both hardware and software solutions.

This work proposes a model of energy usage optimization for mobile devices in an

opportunistic wireless environment, using the social interaction model. The social

interaction model is based on the social centrality principle. With the social centrality

principle users are able to share resources when a shared contact threshold is satisfied.

Energy intense processing and other actions are disseminated using the proposed

model enabling nodes running low on energy resources to extend or alleviate their

energy demands and thus extend their life and availability. In the proposed model, the

centrality principle and the “ageing” timing rule are applied, in order produce a more

efficient use of the available energy. Thus, opportunistic energy conservation takes

place enabling efficient management of the energy available to other wireless peer

users, and guaranteeing end-to-end availability for the longest time possible, in a

wireless mobile environment.

This introduction of the social interaction model for achieving optimum resource

usage forms the key innovation of the proposed framework. The framework evaluates

the energy state of each node, according to its type, energy demands and usage

combines this with its social centrality, determining if the node is to receive or

provide energy to the network. Through the proposed framework, the ability to

adaptively perform tasks for another node increases and depends on the node’s current

energy state, as well as on its “friendship” degree. Furthermore, the proposed

framework strengthens or relaxes the energy usage and the task allocation scheme,

according to the social contacts and the user’s interaction parameters. In section 2, we

describe the related work, while section 3 elaborates on presenting the proposed

social-enabled mechanism for opportunistic and socially oriented energy sharing and

process off-loading. Section 4 presents the performance evaluation of the proposed

scheme through the experimental evaluation and section 5 concludes this paper, by

proposing future potential directions for further research.

2 Related work

Social networking started as an online tool for forming connections and information

sharing. Its appeal and huge popularity primarily came from the fact that the social

activity was enhanced in the online line environment with the use of multimedia,

giving users instant access to information. Another aspect of the online environment

was the ability of the social network users to share their location with others, instantly

advertising their present coordinates either using programs such as FourSquare or

having automatic tracking, by exploiting the mobile devices GPS capabilities. The use

of user mobility in opportunistic networks will help to realize the next generation of

applications based on the adaptive behavior of the devices for resource exchange. The

problem of energy usage optimization that considers energy as a finite resource that

needs to be shared among users, providing most processing power whilst maintaining

group connectivity, will greatly benefit by using the social centrality model.

Opportunistic networks will greatly benefit from the capability of the mobile devices

to gather information from any hosted application, in order to better utilize network

resources. The task allocation and load balancing can be strictly or voluntarily

associated with the social communication. Works such as [4] propose architectures,

which rely on the local information derived by the devices and their local views, in

optimizing load balancing and energy management, as well as even some self-

behaving properties, like self-organization. In [4] resource manipulation optimization

is offered. However, this occurs without considering social parameters, such as

friendship, contact rate or the temporal parameters (i.e. users’ location).

The contribution of this work is to combine the energy management scheme with the

proposed social parameters and model for each node, in order to optimize the energy

management and load sharing process. In the game theoretic approach [5], the energy

usage optimization problem is translated to a contention game, where the nodes

compete to access the energy resources, reaching to the Nash equilibrium; an

approach that improves on the random and individualized approach. In [5] the

proposed system supports fine grained offload to minimize energy savings with

minimal burden on the programmer. The model decides at runtime which methods

should be remotely executed driven by an optimization engine that achieves the best

energy savings possible under the mobile devices current connectivity constraints. In

[6] energy offloading is viewed as potentially energy saving but the overheads of

privacy, security and reliability need to be added as well. The integration of social

connectivity into the process is an unexplored area. Social connectivity takes into

consideration users associations, location profiles and social interactions as a basis for

creating an index for users’ resources over time for subsequent resource offloading.

In this work, a social-oriented methodology is used for minimizing energy

consumption for highly demanding applications with high memory/processing

requirements. The social-oriented model with the associated friendships as the basis

for social mobility, utilizes the introduced social-centrality, for selecting and

offloading energy hungry partitionable tasks (parts of executable applications and

processes) under the availability optimization objective. In addition, this work

considers the motion coefficients for each user (using normalized [0..1] parameter)

and encompasses these characteristics into the proposed energy utilization scheme for

enabling maximum temporal node availability without reducing the processing

capabilities of the system as a whole. The proposed scheme uses both the pre-

scheduled opportunistic offloading [7] and the social interactions that take place

among the collaborative users and their associated strength of friendship. The scheme

improves on predicting user mobility under the end-to-end availability. In order to

assess the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, exhaustive simulations take place

considering the offered energy by the social-collaborative network within the mobility

context. The results of these lead to thorough measurements of the energy

consumption optimization for mobile nodes/users.

3 Probabilistic motion and social oriented methodology for efficient

energy consumption

Wireless mobile networks allow unrestricted access to mobile users under a changing

topology. The implications of mobility cannot be determined over time as the network

topology is dynamically changing. In our work, the mobility model used is based on

the probabilistic Fraction Brownian Motion (FBM) where nodal motion is done

according to certain probabilities in accordance with location and time. Assume that

we need to support a mobile node that is low on energy reserves and requires an

energy heavy application to run. This implies that in a non-static, multi-hop

environment, there is a need to model the motion of the participating nodes in the end-

to-end path such that the requesting nodes can move through the network and

conserve its resources. We also assume a clustered-mobility configuration scenario

presented in [2], where each node has its own likelihood for the motion it follows. To

predict whether a node will remain within the cluster, we aggregate these

probabilities. This also shows the probabilities for the other nodes remaining in the

cluster. The mobility scenario used in this work is modelled and hosted in a scheme

that enables the utilization of social feedback into the model. Unlike the

predetermined relay path in [7] and the known location/region, the mobility scenario

used in this work is a memoryless FBM [8], with no stationary correlation among

users’ movements. FBM can be derived probabilistically from the random walk

mobility model and can be expressed as a stochastic process that models the random

continuous motion. The mobile node moves from its current location with a randomly

selected speed, in a randomly selected direction in real time as users interact.

However, in real life the real time mobility that the users exhibit, can be expressed as

an ordinary walk, where the users spot-out some environmental stimuli and are

attracted to them. Their decisions may be relayed to their respective social

communication. In the proposed scenario, the walking speed and direction are set for

the mobile users and are both chosen from predefined ranges, [vmin, vmax] and [0, 2π),

respectively [9]. The new speed and directions are maintained for an arbitrary length

of time randomly chosen from (0, tmax]. The node makes a memoryless decision for

new speed and direction when the chosen time period elapses. The movements can be

described as a Fractional Random Walk on a weighted graph [1], with the total

likelihood Pi,jL

in Ln.

We model the movement of each device using a graph theoretical model, in which a

device can move randomly according to a topological graph G=(V,E), that comprises

of pair of sets V(or V(G)) and E (or E(G)) called edges. The edges join different pairs

of vertices. This walk considers a connected graph with n nodes labeled {1, 2,

3, … ,n} in a cluster Ln with weight wij ≥ 0 on the edge (i,j). If edge (i,j) does not exist,

we set wij = 0. We assume that the graph is undirected so that wij = wji. A node walks

from a location to another location in the graph in the following random walk manner.

Given that node i is in reference, the next location j is chosen from among the

neighbors of i with probability:


where in (1) above the pij is proportional to the weight of the edge (i, j), then the sum

of the weights of all edges in the cluster L is:


Then the stationary distribution according to [1] is given by


where, it can be seen that the preceding distribution satisfies the relationship ,

when the movement is performed for a node/device i to location j (stationary

distribution of the Markov chain as each movement of the users usually has a selected

predetermined path (i e. corridor etc.)) associated as follows:


} ∑{


∑{ }


Eq. 4 above denotes that the stationary probability of state of i is proportional to the

weight of the edges emanating from node i. By using the motion notation we can

express the track of requests as a function of the location (i.e. movements and updates

) as: Ri(Iij,

) where Ri is the request from node i, Iij is the interaction coefficient

measured in Eq. 2. We use the representation of the interactions by utilizing notations

of weighted graphs (Eq. 1).

Different types of links or involvements are expressed in different ways in social

connectivity modeling. Consequently, several types of centralities are defined in the

directed or undirected graphs [1]. Users may have or not a certain type of association

with any other user in the global network and this is modelled with the concept of the

social network. Nodes carry weights that represent the degree of associativity with

other nodes. These weights are associated with each edge linking two nodes and are

used to model the interaction strength between nodes [10]. This models the degree of

friendship that each node has with the other nodes in the network. The weights are

assigned and used to measure the degree of the strength of the association of the

connecting parts. Consequently the degree of social interaction between two devices

can be expressed as a value in the range of [0, 1]. A degree of 0 signifies that the two

nodes/devices are not socially connected and therefore no social interaction exists

between them. As social interaction increases so does the weight reaching 1 indicating

very strong social interaction. The strength of the social interaction and the energy

state of each node will form the basis for offloading processes to other nodes in the

network. In this work, we propose such a model for efficient energy management

prolonging node lifetime based on the social association scheme.

We propose that the strength of social interaction will also affect the offloading

process, which as the next sections show will affect the energy conservation

mechanism. The social interaction can be represented by the symmetric matrix

(Eq. 2 matrix is based on the social population in the network), the names of nodes

correspond to both rows and columns and are based on the interaction and

connectivity. The latter matrix, forms the Interaction Matrix which represents the

social relationships between nodes. The generic element i,j represents the interaction

between two individual elements i and j, the diagonal elements represent the

relationship an individual has with itself and are set to 1. In (5), the Iij represents all

the links associated to a weight before applying the threshold values which will

indicate the stronger association between two nodes.

1 0.766 0.113 0.827 0

0.132 1 0.199 1 0.321

0 0.231 1 0.542 0.635

0.213 0 0 1 0.854

0 0 0.925 0.092 1



3.1 The use of the “friendship” for process execution memory-oriented


The elements of the Matrix Iij (5) represent the measure of the social relationship

“friendship” between the users. This is determined by the amount of direct or indirect

social interaction among the different users belonging to the network as follows:


( ) ( ) ,d

i jf norm c t P t i j (6)

Where is defined as the direct friendship evaluation from node i to node j,

( )tP k is the probability P(k) of a node being connected to k other nodes at time t in

the network decays as a power law, given by: ( ) where for the value of the

power is estimated as follows 2 3 as explored in various real networks [11].

This results in a large number of nodes having a small node degree and therefore very

few neighbors, but a very small number of nodes having a large node degree and

therefore becoming hubs in the system. c(t) consists of the duration of the

communication among “friends”, and is determined as a function of the

communication frequency and the number of roundtrip “friendships”. The roundtrip

“friendships” are determined by the “hop-friendships” of the node i to a node k, as

figure 1 presents. These are the “friends-of-friends” where according to the node i any

“friend-of-friend” can reach –on a roundtrip basis- the node i again.

Fig. 1. Roundtrip “friendship” of a node i via other peers, and the “reach-back” notation to the node via the

intermediate peers.

Then, the ( )c t of any of the “friendship” peers can be evaluated as the:

1( ) d

i jc t fN

, where N is the number of peers away from i, for reaching a

friendship within d

i kf for a specified time slot t. Each element in the Iij is re-

estimated and varies through time according to the enhancement of the relation of the

individuals as follows:


ij ij






Where Iij is the association between two individuals that is strengthened or weakened

(if less than ( ) ( ) ) and represents the difference from the

previous Iij association between i,j. As associations and friendships vary over-time

resulting in the strengthening or weakening of different links we incorporate this

element by adding a time-varying parameter enabling an association to fade if two

individuals are not in contact for a prolonged time period. This is expressed using the

flowing equation:

,Lij age R


aI b t T

t (8)

where tage is the time that has passed since last contact and is measured until the

individuals abandon the clustered plane L. The empirical constants a and b are chosen

be the network designer [12] with typical values of 0.08 and 0.005 respectively. The

proposed model encompasses the impact of the mobility on the interaction elements Iij

as the derived matrix consisting of the elements of L

ijw and ijI as follows:


ij ij ijM I p (9)

where the element ijw derived from the


ijp matrix of the plane area L, is the

likelihood of an individual to move from i to a certain direction to j, as Figure 1


3.2 Cloud offloading model using social centrality

The determination of the importance of each node in a wireless mobile network is a very important task. This importance is based on the node’s position, connectivity and interactivity patterns, as well as on motion thought time. A large number of connections and interactions signify an important and social central node. The term of centrality that has been introduced in [1] combines user behavior of each individual device with respect to its placement and behavior with the other devices within the cluster [2]. From a group of nodes a subset of the individuals is sampled and used to produce a subgraph, consisting only of those individuals and the links among them. The subgraph produced is used for performing the centrality approximation with the centrality scores of the sample being used as approximations. In social networks the high connectivity degree nodes serve as bridges in order to provide connectivity to

lower degree nodes. A node’s degree can be measured by 1

( ) ( , )n

c iD aj d ai aj


where 1 ,

0 ,( , ) ai aj D

ai aj Dd ai aj

, D denotes the direct connectivity. As the maximum

number of connected nodes for any graph is n-1, the formula to calculate the centrality of the node by using the proportion of the number of adjacent nodes to the maximum number (n-1) is as follows:

' 1( , )

( )1



d ai ajD aj



Centrality is used to indicate the relative importance of a node in a network of nodes [13] and its relative contribution to the communication process as derived by the duration and distance covered with the frequency and parameterized in the context of avoiding network communication partitioning. Adding to this, social centrality measures the social closeness of two or more nodes. With social centrality we measure the number of times a node is chosen to host the “best-effort” parameters, process offloading in our case, for time t in L. A node with high social betweenness centrality will have to strongly interact with the other nodes belonging to social cluster L, measured as:




aj ak

ai k



P P ai


with representing the number of paths in the cluster via which the requested

memory/capacity resources can be served between nodes aj and ak and Pij represents the number of paths in the social cluster that include ai, . Based on the latter, we introduce the social-oriented stability parameter ( ) for a specified time t, as:

( )

( )

(1 ( ))( ) ( )

inf( )

aiij t C i j t

C ij

r C t

R norm Nt m t



where Rij is the normalized communication ping delays between i and j nodes at time t, is the normalized [0..1] social betweenness centrality showing the strong ability to

interact with other nodes in the cluster L, ( ) is the successfully offloaded

capacity/memory units over the total allowed capacity, Cr is the multi-hop channel’s available capacity, mij(t) is the interaction measures derived from Eq. 8 at the time interval t, and ( )is the end-to-end delay in the cluster’s pathway. The social-oriented

stability parameter ( ) indicates the capability and transmitability of the node i to offload a certain process according to the ranked criteria of each process in L for time t.

3.3 Energy-consumption model using social-oriented capacity measurement

Energy consumption is important for wireless nodes as non-optimized energy usage

can lead to uncertainty in availability and reliability for each node and consequently

the whole of the network. In this work, we use the social centrality aspect of the

network as the substrate for efficient energy conservation. As the social centrality

degree differs per node, processes are offloaded so as to minimize the total energy

consumption and provide a total higher node availability for the most popular nodes,

thus maintaining network connectivity. The system will decide when and where to

offload processes, according the current energy state of each device. The degree of

social centrality allows the node to offload resources according to the social model

and the estimation of the each node’s energy consumption as in Eq. 14. So ultimately,

in order to achieve energy conservation, resources may be offloaded to the cloud or

any other peer-neighboring device (so that the device that needs to run the executable

resource will potentially conserve energy). Thus, the measurable energy consumption

can be evaluated according to the:

( ) ( )


where C is the parameter indicating the number of instructions that can be processed

within Tt, represents the processing time at the server-device and ( ) represents

the relative energy consumption which is expressed as:

( ) ( )

( ) (14)

where SC is the server instruction processing speed for the computation resources,

the resources instruction processing cost for the computation resources and cW

signifies the energy consumption of the device in mW.

Each mobile device should satisfy an energy threshold level and a specified centrality

degree in the system in order to proceed with process execution offloading. By using

N devices within 2-hops vicinity coverage which is evaluated based on the

measurements regarding the maximum signal strength and data rate model [14]) the

following should be satisfied:

1,2..( ) ( )

( ) ( )

ii i

i i

r Nc r c r

c c

c r c r

Cost CostW W

S S (15)



r c i jW W f devices (16)

The energy consumption of each device should satisfy the (15)-(16) for each of the

resources (executable processes) running onto the device 1mMN hosting the i


resource. The 1, 2 3, ,.. ir r r r parameters represent the resources that can be offloaded to

run onto another device based on the resources’ availability as in [15]. In this respect,

the ir with the maximum energy consumption is running in a partitionable manner to

minimize the energy consumed by other peer-devices. These actions are shown in the steps of the proposed algorithm in table I.

Table 1. Centrality-based offloading scheme

1: Inputs: , Location, resources 1, 2 3, ,.. i mr r r r MN with certain mobility direction

2: for all Cloud devices that have association of and satisfy

1( ) d

i jc t fN

3: find from 1, 2 3, ,.. ir r r r the ir that can be offloaded to run onto another device

4: for all 1mMN


5: Estimate ( )

( )

(1 ( ))( ) ( )

inf( )

aiij t C i j t

C ij

r C t

R norm Nt m t


6: if ( ( )C t is valid and above a threshold){

7: search for 1mMN

device that satisfies

1,2..( ) ( )

( ) ( )

ii i

i i

r Nc r c r

c c

c r c r

Cost CostW W


, 1,2,3, cW W N

8: offload ( ir ,( )k iMN ) //to

( )k iMN to execute resource (i) onto k node

9: end if

10: end for

11: end for

The resource allocation will take place, towards responding to the performance

requirements as in [2] and [15]. A significant measure in the system is the availability

of memory and the processing power of the mobile cloud devices, as well as the

server-based terminals. The processing power metric is designed and used to measure

the processing losses for the terminals that the ir will be offloaded, as in (17), where

aj is an application and j

kT is the number of terminals in forming the cloud (mobile

and static) rack that are hosting application and ( )jaT r is the number of mobile



terminals hosting process of the application across all different cloud-terminals



 ( ( )))j



i j


ka c i



TC E r

T rf


Eq.17 shows that if there is minimal loss in the capacity utilization i.e. 1jaC then

the sequence of racks ( )jaT r are optimally utilized. The latter is shown through the

conducted simulation experiments in the next section. The dynamic resource

migration algorithm is shown in Table I with the basic steps for obtaining an efficient

execution for a partitionable resource that cannot be handled by the mobile device in

reference and therefore the offloading policy is used to ensure execution continuation.

The entire scheme is shown in Table I, with all the primary steps for offloading the

resources onto either 1mMN neighbouring nodes (or –as called- server nodes (as in

[15])) based on the delay and temporal criteria of the collaborating nodes.

4 Performance Evaluation Analysis, Experimental Results and


Performance evaluation results encompass comparisons with other existing schemes

for offered reliability degree, in contrast to the energy conservation efficiency. The

mobility model used in this work is based on the probabilistic Fraction Brownian

Motion (FBM) adopted in [15], where nodes are moving, according to certain

probabilities, location and time. The simulated scenario uses 80 nodes that are

randomly initialized with social parameter and through the transient state during

simulation the system estimates the social betweenness centrality in regards to the

ability to interact with other nodes in L, and successfully offload memory or

processing intense processes to be partially executed onto socially-collaborating peers

based on the criteria depicted in Table 1 pseudocode.

Fig. 2 (a) and (b). Friendship degree with the completed requested offloads and the CCDF with

the degree of friendship.

“Friendship” degree with the completed requested offloads is shown in Figure 2 (a)

for three different schemes. It is important to mark out that by using the social

interactions the number of completed offloading processes are greater and

outperforms the applied scheme with no social interactions at all. In Figure 2 (b) the

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF or tail distribution) with

the degree of “friendship” is shown within the respective values of ageing factor (Eq.


Fig. 3 (a)-(d). Comparative evaluations and results obtained for the social offloading regarding

the (a) Execution time through simulation; (b) Successful delivery rate with the End-to-End

resource offloading capacity based on the “friendship” model; (c) Average node’s lifetime

extensibility with the number of mobile devices for three different schemes in the evaluated

area (evaluated for the most energy draining resources); and (d) Energy Consumption (EC) with

the number of mobile users participating during an interactive game.

The proposed social-enabled scheme allows the distribution of partitionable resources

to be offloaded to “friendship” peers, whereas the degree of the “friendship” among

peers plays a catalytic role for offloading executable resources in respect to the

location of each user. These measures were extracted for social centrality

parameter >0.6. In addition, when resources are offloaded, a critical parameter is the

execution time, while nodes are moving from one location to another. Figure 3(a)

shows the execution time during simulation for mobile nodes with different mobility

patterns and it is evaluated for GSM/GPRS, Wi-Fi/WLAN and for communication

within a certain Wi-Fi/WLAN to another Wi-Fi/WLAN remotely hosted. The latter

scenario -from a Wi-Fi/WLAN to another Wi-Fi/WLAN- shows to exhibit significant

reduction, in terms of the execution time duration, whereas it hosts the minimum

execution time through the FBM with distance broadcast mobility pattern. Figure 3(b)

shows the Successful Delivery Rate (SDR) with the End-to-End resource offloading

capacity based on the “friendship” model whereas in Figure 3(c) shows that the

proposed scheme extends the average node’s lifetime significantly when the number

of mobile devices increases.

As interactive game playing requires resources in GPU/CPU-level, the lifetime is an

important metric for the evaluation of the overall performance of the scheme and the

impact on nodes lifetime. Measurements in Figure 3(c) were extracted for the total

number of 150 mobile terminals that are configured to host interactive gaming

applications, using Wi-Fi/WLAN access technology. The proposed scheme

outperforms the other compared schemes, by significantly extending the lifetime of

each node. This is as a result of the offloading procedure incorporated into a social

centrality framework that takes place on each node, which evaluates the energy

consumption of each device according to the Eq. 15-17 for the associated cost for

each one of the executable processes. It is also worthy to mention that the proposed

scheme outperforms the scheme in [15] by 11-48%, extending the lifetime of the

mobile devices, when devices reach 150 by a maximum of 48%. The Energy

Consumption (EC) with the number of mobile users participating during an

interactive game (demanding in GPU/CPU processing) is shown in Figure 3 (d).

During the interactive game-playing process, the processing requirements of each

device dramatically increase. Figure 3 presents the evaluation for the energy

consumed (EC) for three schemes, including a non-Cloud oriented method for 150

mobile terminals. The proposed scheme outperforms the other compared schemes,

with the associated EC to be kept in relatively low levels.

5 Conclusions

This paper proposes a resource manipulation method comprising of an executable

resource offloading scheme, incorporated into a social-aware mechanism. The

proposed scheme allows partitionable resources to be offloaded, in order to be

executed according to the social centrality of the node (“friendship” list). According

to the model, which targets the minimization of the energy consumption and the

maximization of the lifetime, each mobile device can offload resources in order to

conserve energy. The scheme is thoroughly evaluated through simulation, in order to

validate the efficiency of the offloading policy, in contrast to the energy conservation

of the mobile devices. Future directions in our on-going research encompass the

improvement of an opportunistically formed mobile cloud, which will allow delay-

sensitive resources to be offloaded, using the mobile peer-to-peer (MP2P) technology.


The work presented in this paper is co-funded by the European Union, Eurostars

Programme, under the project 8111, DELTA \Network-Aware Delivery Clouds for

User Centric Media Events".

The research is partially supported by COST Action IC1303 Algorithms,

Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE).


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