Critical Appraisal of Energy Resources in Central Asia/Eurasia

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Transcript of Critical Appraisal of Energy Resources in Central Asia/Eurasia


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rpgAlexamrne engaqe empower

Asia EnergySummit 2on

A cerebral forum examining cooperation forSecurity, Stability and S!stainability

The tr6t A5ia Enerey sumnit 2011

The everchanqing dynamcs ol g oba economics and geopo lics has b@ughlJodh a newword

oder wliere westem cou.tes, wlro once dôm naled the sandbox ol lhe iûtenal ona ene|gv

maûet, w I now have lo share it wilh Asias mosl vibanl aôd dynamc economiês Atrvâ ol

thes€ econômes on lhe nlernalionalscêne as êquas, an idea which evên live yea6 ago was

cônsidercd Io be an emelginq rrend, hâs now become an indispulâbe reaily. New reâlites

TheÀsiâEnerqySunmit20llorgâniædbylPPAl,soughllonilalêlh€processolcryslaLizalionol deas and apprcaches lo achleve lhe aloremenlioned oblecllve tlrrough a g obaL conve4enceol e&erls and rhouqhl eade6 in lhs area. For lhe rising asiâÔ economies, itwasan occas onro êxchanqe wilh each olher. lheir own conlemporary energy scena os and synchrcnize lheirpoices 10 aôliieve max mum benelils. For the weslem nalons, it wâs ân opporlunily 1o gel

àcô imalized wilh lhe new nlêmalionâl order and consequenlly dêvelop a b ueprnl lor lutur€

engagement wirh lhe rsinq pôweB. For lhe nlernalional enêQy supplerc, I was â unque

oppodunity lo communicale wilh these markels and underctand how lhe alesl g€opollicâlaûd

linanclâllrends may complcale an a €ady comp i.aled bùs ness

Th s li6t-oi ts-k nd coniluence ol ideas bbughllonh lor nirospeclion and d scussion alaspecls

ol lhe enerqy domâin. ll locused on lhe changing qeôpolllca dlmensions ol eneay supples

âround lhe ûord and lhe mpacr ol recent evenls lhroughoul lhê gob€ ând their blltedly ellect

onlh s seclor In addil on lwildeveooablueprnlolenhancodinlraconlinenla@opêalLonand

sel the lone ror an asân dialogue wlh lhe wesl on lhe issuês ol enercy.

The As â Ênergy Summii bouqhl togelher Asia s linesl and mosl inl uentiâl ûinds lo address

issues renloned âbove aôd more.

Agenda - The ̂5 a En-êrgv Sumnr t 201l

lnaùEuÉl Talk - []tr. Nllr oot arar., lvento. of ge.utity watch lndialppAl

f.lroducliôn tolhe Asia Enèrgy summit Mr larryDtrau DnecbraereEt, tppat

Sening the sænè A'nb Aii.d Aûba*adartuJ Kingdû of Saudj Aêbja

Ouesl on & Answer Sess ôn

Geopolilics- New realities démand new slrategiés-Dt Fia is \ na Vice Pêsiden. China tnstitute or tntenariûat Studes (CllS), Chitu

Indla's Enerqy srralegy in asiô and the retated porèntiat for conflicr ând cooperation,Ms Ianv [iâda] êæst Rêæarchet, Forcign potby studiæ, B@kings hstirJte

oùêstion & answer session

Energy Fesôu rce5 in Ca u casus Règion: Utlttsation psitemand prcsp€cretÂs tèt). At èra. PÆident cehtet fù National and lntena @a] stùdies, Bakù

Crlticâl Appraisal ol Enèrgy Fesources in cenrrat Asla/Èurasi.-Dr Zab k! ah S Sa pov UniveÊit! at Wôttd Ecanmy e Diptamcy, fættt@t

Energy Sæurily wllh spæilic èlerence lo Hydre Porer, tesson trem KyrgFstanMr Kubanyc rbck sma ov, Dy. Gene@l Directat Jsc (Narianât Etectri@t aùd at Kyayzstan)

tiloderalorandChâirperson-[4r l-]rmangshu WâlG, .seito. Edlfo t, fhe E@nûic fines.

Nuclear Power ceneràtion In mêeting Energy næds ot South and Soulh E st Asta:Stàrus and Prosp€cts.Dr K Sàr\nanan. Famet Diecbt GqeÊL 1DSA

Japan's issuæ a.d co.@rns ot energy secudty b€tore and afrèr ihe Énhquakê-Mr \tj) Mat ra seniat Resât h Felbv fhe lnstitute ot Enery! Eûnanic6, Japân

Nèw Pahdlgn lorlndia s Feglonat Enèrgy TÉdÈOr Sameena fâmeed. ,4ss,start Ptufesn Jania MiIâ lstffih, New Detht

Ouestion & Answer Session

1 0




1 a





The eveÉdiangino dynâm ôs oi qroba èôonomics and gêopolilcs has broughl lodh a new worldrhe.ewestehcounraes,shôoncêdôminâlèdrhêsandboxotthe nlemalional enercy ûa el w I

o< v brârt ând dynânc e,o-oTies.

Welcome by Mr. Mâool Râza

9:50-10:20 lnircduclion lo the Asiâ Enerqy Sùnnll Mr.Hâry ohaul, DnecùGenenl,

10:20- 11:00 seting rhe sc€ne: Adb. Talûiz Ahmad, nrbassadotlôthê Kingdanol saudi

1r .00 . r1 .15 Teà Breàk

Gêopolitics- Nêw Ealitiës denand newstraleqies

Chlna Ênelgy Devélopmênl Sl€l€AyDr. Ronq Ylnq, vi.é-Prés,itéra Chinâ lnsïtuta a, lntemtianal Sludies lolts)

India s Eneçy s1É1e9ry ir As a and rhê rêlâl€d porânl al lor conl cl and æopeÉtuôMs,Tanvi Mâdan. Gue$ Aesærchet, Fa@gn Pôli.y Studiæ, lhe Ùo.kings lnstitution

13:30-17:00 Enerqy Baskel ôl A3lâ

Chânperson: H,E, kina Orofbaeva A! 9, / aûba*àdôt tô tndia

13:30.14:00 Enersy Resôùrcês InCalcâsùs Hegion: Urilisarion Panern and Prospeclsl!ts. Leila Alleva. Pêsdert centet lot NâIional and lnletMtiml studies Bâku

14:0014:30 crilical Appraisal ol Energy Resou.ces inCentrâl Asiâ/EurâsiâDr. Zàbihullè S, Saipov, Uave6i,/ ol Wodd E@ôaûy & Dipbnacy, îâshkenl

14:3$r5:O0 Enèqy Security wilh spêcitic Glerence lo Hydrc Poûêr, lesen lbm KyqyâtânMr. kmàild Kubsnychbek DepLt GeæÊl Diedôt, ltati@at Eéctic Gtid ol Kyt1:tzstan

15.00-1sr5 Tea Srcâk

rlroderâror ând chairperson: Mr. Himàn$hu w€il3, sen/orEdlor Eneoy & Po||er

151 5-15:45 ùclêâr Powêr Gen.Erion in mêêring Energy næds ot Soulh and southEâêl Aaiâ: SlâIrs ard ProspærsDt. K S.nrhan n, Famet Dnectu GeneÈI, IDSA

15:45-16:1s Japan s issu€s and ænæms of energy sæurily belo@ and aller lhé éârlfrquakêMr,Yuji Morita, Serbr Âesearch Fèllôv The hstitùte ol Ehetry EMn:s, Japan

Nêw Pa€digm lor Indias R€gionalEôe4yTradeDi Sanêenâ Hamêed, Àsstslarl P@tessot, Jâûia Milla

10:00-13:00 South Astan Energy Scênaio: An ovetoew

Overu'èw ot SÀARC Ma*er tor Etecfi,c,rt and tModê,âror ofthe Sèsson:10:00- 10:30 Mr.AnllSâsi. çptrÈt Cd G,pondèît H,tiL BLriôc<

10:30-11t5 Ojl & ca! ErptoEtiôn ând produc ôn and En6ey Se.u.iryt A View trcû

itr. Nârendra Tânêiâ Soùth A..è BLGàj a hgt up.teèn Chtthè

Energy Sl.âièqvand Energy secunly: qlôsè^oconæf kol Bargtoo€.fAmb,Ir,!. HunâVun Kabir. y.."Pes@nt Bènatàde h En'è thstttu@

Trading ôl Power: The presenlscenafo and ils tulure, â view trom $ Lânka[!r Dânlrha Kumaræinghe, Dt ector Genehl, publlc utinæ cannissiôn ot sti

14:00-17:00 Energy Coûidors in Asta and Fuetrrading: Srrrùs ahdWay Fouâtd

Thêpar o , rno" .<rândrg drd .ooôe,d lon .o ,a . à r ,ou p \ rhà . (c --è o Ù 1ore ôrÀ. rvê ?9o-d td d n .ôJ ,eo io .d bône. r .

overvrew an! chitrpersôn:

14:05.14:2s Amb, Tarmiz Ahmad Anbd..àdot to thè hhqdo4 at SaLù Atàû

14:25-14:55 Exisling Eneey Coriidors ând Fulure ptans in Soulh and Wesl & C€nlntAsiâProf. Abolqhâseû Mah.d.vt Mazdeh, Unive5irr' at fehmn. t6n

À oo.s b i lh ô , ' -e9 'a |nQ \du à tC"s na . " r , lp 'ped ând LNG)êva uaE po (y and weriare impidèronsD-r. ChangYoungho. d. .,,jrn, S.hodat ÈùranrÉ<


15:00 Prospecls tô r Turkm€ n sla n.Aiqha i slan pak slan ndatTAp)pioetneAnb. Abdusâmât Khaydarov, Héad United Nâtûns Oiice Wætèh Atohanistan


TIFomet Sarctary. Seclntt Ga\onûent ôt tnùa

Univê6'ry or Woid tuùony & Dp omacy, rashkènt

zsbilidlo S, seip.v is a polidcal $i.dùr tom U,bdtùh, spe.ialùins iiÀned6 dd Middtc Fab !ùi6. He hs tudkd d ùe u veriry or wùtdEcoimy ûd Diplôhæy. u$€D (rhD pot.sci. lo)i srpÀ, cotumbâ univmiry, s

lTÙiô^D'p]omsslJcuûrly he ræhs NB m 1trd"u Dirto"a.f,,"I:he Bstts otDtpbùûy,,

où ,.oeiçn Paln ot uùêL,tu" r qo q ] 0 0 | | . $ J ' o r o ' p | o f u ' ' t r t r R j L \ e M n ' Ù y

ùf FoEisn aft^ or uzbcrisbr ssirs

Enbasy f limab His mùosnph ?,e rst@k Fûtt4vs F;EE|poticy,n


Drân naLuEr qàs reætoes nI UzbekEran Tùrrmen6ràn andKâzaklr sran êqua more I han 236 tr riôncm. The €gonis totât ôit resodêsmay rêâch morc thân 60 br ôô barôrsor oir wirh some esrnaræ âs hiqhâs 200 binôn baïêts. The côunrêsunder @nsideraron arc un.t€r reparh ôr slatô drvetopmênr ot enêEy

process prômisestô be ir€vérsb e Tô compâre thecurEnr slal€ ôl oil and gâs nduslrywirh rhe slale ot âfiâtG ot twô decadêsback lhê devôopménr ls obMôus n1995,Ihê iêgon wâs producing ôny37,000 barcls per dây, and nôs ir

They hâvê Ea s€d rhe impôdanceoî prcjecls bêins undedâken ior theoir ând gas indùslJy tor thê be.ôft orrhê r counlri€s ând w€l-be ns ot lhê

Kâza khslan i Tu rkmenisrân and nôwUzbôksrân hav€ made a deôision nottôbe depêndénr on the sing e pipetinercûres ThôE âr€ morê prcssinqssuôs rhar tho munrles lâæ now:- rhe expànsion ol rêsource bâsê orcenrÉ asian expo.l€fs and rhéirtânspodaiion €pacly espec a yô rhe conrêxr or compe o. ior kêi

Kazakhsrân, lurkmén slan âidUzbêkisran sr ôn huge o andnarura aâs rcsêdês yel rhêy tacerhâreng€s in genng lhôse ræêruêsro grobâ ma.kê16ro expod rher €sôuræs through

Ru$an ôônlrc €d p petinæ, sô lhevsêek Io allâii epitar po ltcat soDoonfor pipe nes rhrough othêr adiacânrcounr'es Kazâkhslan hâs lhêlaeôsl ôil and !âs resëryê rhrcushrhe casp ân sea €oronat slarês. I sàfr,ng ro b@me one ôt rô word.sropôiexp0rrê6inlhecôminsde.adé.Tho déveropmênt or ls oit riêtds e.nake it onê ol ihê wôdd s lop rivê oprôducerc wrhin rhê néxr dôcâde,and wih a prcdùôton ot 1.54 m ionbaro s per day in 2009, Kâzaktrslan6 a rëady â major pr.ducef

an or Kâzâkhslan s proven oilreseruês werc esr mâled lo b€ 3obiutonbârels in Jânuary 2010, compaÉbtelo Aroêda at lhe low ond ând Libva arlhê hsh end. rhe counlrys mâjn oil

Pad or lhê counlry The onshôrê fietdsâcôountrors0% ollhê ôurcnt prcvênræêrues rl is bêæming one ot rh€Pillarc ol ênercy sêdurily in Asâ andEurope, and ptans rô producê 3.5mirrôn barels ôr oit per dây and 60.30 b lion cm ol âssocialod qas by2015. ll onê cra$tês Kazakhsiânspaneh oi potitiôât condûôt one mâyco.crude rhat ii hâs a w ngne$ lo

dip omâr. and êcononiô €jaronsw[h majd poliricâr prcwe$ n lhenrênatunat ârena, nâûety chinâ,US, Tûrkmen stân, Bussiâ, EuDp€âôd ihoAÉbÀ, lus imword

Chinâ has long v€Md cenùaiM ddte East The

initia pbposal ior rhe centEr asia,cbna gâs pipe n€ wæ proposedâs rhe cênrâ/ asia.Kâzakhsrânpipe nê which wâs tô ro ow âtôôs lhêKazakhsrân-chinaoitpipe n€ In June2003, durino Chinâse Prcsidenfsvsf lo Kazâkhslan, aqEênenls tôëxpêdiê the appÉsais to rhé prcjeclwerc sqned. on apr 3, 2006,chna and Turrinânktaô sgnêd âramêwork aoreomenton thê oipe nêconsltud on and loig remqâssuppty.ln 4pd2007, Chinâ made ânother b ssrep rowârds captû nq uzbêkisranând on apdr 30, 2007, uzbëkisrânand china signêd an aqrêemenr onthe consltuclion and éxploiatioi otlhê pipe nês uzbôkistân s€.tioô.On Jùy 2007, ù was rômanyânnounced lirai Uzbèklstan woutdtôri lhe oiq ôat kâzakhsran.chinappêrinê proi€d rhe whotê piperinewas inâuguGled2009. t ls abôur 1333 kms onq, ôrw,ricir 133 kms is in Tu*mentslân,ând 530 kms n Uzbekstân. Themùihun dischâae is 40 bi/to. cfrper yêâ. For this éason, diversil,ingtânsit nftasùuclurc caô hep rcducecênrar asas vutneÉbt ry ro po câlano êôonômc prôssue rom à s ngtô

rpgAl .orçlrppal