Aus Dem Leben Eines Taugenichts - Internet Archive

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^1X5 Izm ^tbtn eines ^augenichts,




Associate Fro/tssor of German, Indiana University.


(Eigensinn, ipciuMx.




Pre/euor of German m University CoUeee, Toronto.





Notes to Einer mviss heiraten and Eigensinn and Exer-cises to Aus dem Leben eines Tauirenichts

Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year

one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, by Tub Copp, Clark

Company, Limited, Toronto, Ontario, in the Office of the Minister of



P R H F A C E.

.h/s dem Lcbcn eines Taugenithts is admirably adapted

liy its smooth and easy style, its charming humor and highly

poetical conception, for intermediate college reading or

advanced high school reading, and it is hoped that this

edition will prove acceptable to the many who are seeking

suitable material for this purpose.

It is assumed by the editor that the field of grammar has

been fairly well mastered by the reader, accordingly but

few grammar references are given ; but the more difficult

idioms are explained, or, if necessary, translated into

English, and numerous commentaries of a general nature

are introduced, when deemed advisable.

The editor desires to express his thanks to those who

have aided him by their suggestions, especially to. Professor

W. H. Van der Smissen of the University of Toronto, and

to Mr. F. F. Gunn of Glens Falls, N. Y.



Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, a descendant of an

old noble family, was born at the castle of Lubowitz in the

Prussian province of Silesia on the loth of March, 1789.

After previous training at home by private tutors he went

through the full course at the Catholic Gymnasium in Breslau,

and in 1805 became a student of law at the University of

Halle, finishing his academic studies in Heidelberg in 1809.

As the condition of public affairs in Pmssia was then very

unsettled, he resolved not to start at once on his professional

career, but to spend a few years travelling in Europe.

While, after some years of wandering, Eichendorff was pre-

paring to enter the Austrian government-service in Vienna, the

condition of affairs in Prussia came to a final crisis. Napo-

leon's first disaster on the Russian ice-fields had enflamed all

the repressed rage of the down-trodden people, and when now

in the beginning of the year 18 13 the king of Prussia, Fred-

erick William III., issued that famous appeal An mein Volk,

To my People, from his exile in Breslau— for Berlin was in the

hands of the French— Eichendorff, too, followed the appeal

of his sovereign and hastened to headquarters to become a

volunteer and soon an officer in that well-known " Lutzow

Corps" made immortal through Korner's poem. He served

throughout the victorious wars of 18 13-14 and 18 15, but left

the military service in 18 16, as his whole nature was averse

to it.

The share which Eichendorff took in these great events, had

strengthened again the ties which bound him to his native



land, and instead of returning to Vienna he devoted Inmseif

henceforth to the Prussian governmental service. During the

years from 1816 to 1831 he acted in different capacities in the

administrative service of the provinces in Breslau, Danzig and

Konigsberg and became in 183 1 a member in the ministry for

Catholic church and school affairs in Berlin. But in conse-

quence of the troubles between the Catholic church and the

government he retired from public service in 1844, as he was a

devout Catholic and too conscientious to remain a member of

a government whose course he did not approve. After his

resignation Eichendoi-ff spent most of his time at his country-

seat among the mountains of ]\Ioravia, but returned for long

intervals to Berlin and Vienna, drawn thither by the magnifi-

cent libraries and his desire to meet his friends in a literary

centre. Besides he often indulged still his fervent love of

travelling at home and abroad. He died on the 3d of Decem-

ber in the year 1857 at the home of his son-in-law near Neisse

in his native province.

Eichendorff is generally classified among the so-called Ro-

manticists in German literature. The name Romantiker,

Romanticists, was given to those literary spirits who, in the

first three decades of the present century, continued the oppo-

sition to the rationalistic tendencies in social and literary life,

and, disgusted with their dismal present, turned back to past

ages for comfort, or constructed for themselves a world out of

romance and fancy differing completely from the sober reality

around them.

We may call Eichendoi-ff the lyric poet of the Romantic

school, because in this field lies his greatest strength and

popularity. Many of his lyric poems have been set to music

by eminent composers as Mendelssohn, Schubert and Abt, and

are now sung everywhere. Only few poets have ever suc-

ceeded in striking such popular chords as Eichendoi-ff. Almost


everything he wrote reads like music. Students, musicians,

gypsies, actors and similar lu/tit^c Gestaltcn appear in his

works in pleasant confusion, wandering along by his murmur-

ing streams or resting by splashing fountains and dreamy

waterfalls, roving through rustling woods and stately forests,

over lofty hills and lonesome mountains, from which rich fields,

quaint villages and picturesque castles are seen in the deep

vales, on the winding river and upon the summits of the hills.

True to the principles of the Romanticists he tries to place

everything about us in the closest relation to our own feelings

and moods, or rather, he transfers the latter to nature and its

phenomena. But as Eichendorft" does this with the good

taste and sensitiveness of a genuinely poetic soul, he never

grows unnatural or eccentric. These lyric productions are

full of overflowing life, to be sure, but the harmony between

conception and expression is never disturbed, and the language

is of the greatest purity.

Some of Eichendorft's most popular songs will be found in

every collection, thus Das serbrocheiie Ritigleitt :—In einem kiihlen Grunde

Da geht ein Miihlenrad, etc.

Morgengebet :—O wunderbares, tiefes Schweigen,

Wie einsam ist's noch auf der Welt, etc.

Der frohe Wandersmann :—

Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen.

Den schickt er in die weite Welt, etc.

the two AbscJiiedslieder an den II 'aid:—the first beginning

Wer hat dich, du schoner Wald,

Aufgebaut so hoch dadroben, etc.

the second

O Thaler weit, o Hohen, etc.

with Mendelssohn's soul-breathing music.


Besides these songs may be mentioned the touching series of

poems entitled Auf meines Kindes Tod, giving the most

eloquent proof of his tenderness and. at the same time, of his

resignation to the will of the Almighty.

In addition to these lyric poems Eichendorflf wrote prose-

novels, dramas and works on literature, not all of them, however,

of an equal value and perfection. In his novels his lyric propen-

sities interfere too much and too often with the calm progress

of the story and the development of his characters, and the

same is true of his dramatic efforts. He frequently yields to

his love for descriptive coloring and to his altogether too vivid

imagination, and the reader soon loses interest and is lost in

fantastic episodes where he is unable to follow tlie author


still, beautiflil passages will be found scattered everywhere and

the lover of nature will be amply repaid for reading even the

least entertaining pages.

Aus devi Leben eines Taugenichts, fortunately, is free from the

weaknesses which appear in Dichter und Hire Gesellen, A/mutig

ujid Gegenwart and smaller novels. In his Taugenichts Eich-

endorff's powers are at their best. We cannot read it without

feeling at all times the deepest interest in the joys and sorrows

which, alternately, delight and trouble the hero of this genuine

romance. His outbursts of immoderate joy, followed by re-

lapses into anguish and despondency, never exceed the bound-

aries of good taste, and yet, the whole story deviates fi-om the

customary novelistic reading-matter as widely as a deed of real

estate from a love song. We are not even made acquainted

with the proper names of the principal characters ; the real

name of the Taugenichts remains a complete mystery all through,

and so it is with the rest. A modern writer says of this novel,

that it gives us the most perfect and delightful glorification of

the dolce far tiiente, the sweet idling. And it surely could not

be described with more innocence and attractiveness and with ?

more sparkling humor and freshness.


In conclusion, we niay .idd, tliat just upon this kind of

novels the assertion is based that Eichendorflf is a devoted

follower of the Romantic school, and with good reason. The

Taugenichts leads a life entirely opposed to general custom.

He has no settled occupation, he is a musician, though not for

gain, but when he feels happy or sad, his violin is the partici-

pant therein or is his comforter. He has run away from home

because he does not wish to work. He jeers at the janitor in

the palace, because he is so matter-of-foct and slow of mind.

As a gardener he wanders about dreamily and cares only for

flowers, and when he is given the position as toll-keeper, he

throws the potatoes and vegetables immediately out of his

garden and plants roses and other flowers instead— for raising

vegetables is menial, not romantic.

And thus the whole tendency of the story could be analyzed

in all its details : glorification of an independent life, uncon-

cerned about the troubles and cares of one's sustenance, the

utmost trust in Providence and the unlimited rule of our whims

and fancies over our actions.

Die Tragen, die zuhause liegen,

Erquicket nicht das Morgenrot,

Sie wissen nur vom Kinderwiegen,

Von Sorgen, Last und Not um Bred.

Den lieben Gott lass ich nur walten;

Der Bachlein, Lerchen, Wald und Feld

Und Erd und Himmel will erhalten,

Hat auch main' Sach' aufs Best' bestellt.

Erstes 1f<apltel.

^^a^s 9^b an meinev 'isater^ ??]"^ii braufte unb raufd^te

^^frfion toieber red;t lufticj, ber ^c^nee tro^felte em fjg

toom ©ad^c, bie (S^serlinge jiDUfdjerten unb tummelten jic^

bajtDifrf;en ; id) fa^ auf ber 2^f)ur[(^^JucIIc unb toifcfetc mir ben

6cf)laf au<j ben 3(ugcn ; mir Wax fo rcc^t iool^r in bem h)armen :>

6onncnf4ieine. 2;a trat ber Skater au^ bem ^au\c ; er fjalte

fd^on feit 3^ageganbruc^ in ber 53iiif)Ie rumort unb bie ©dblaf'

mitfee ' [c^'f auf bem ^o^fe, ber fagte 5U mir : „2)u 5rauge=

m6>U I ba fonnft bu bid^ \d)on loieber unb bel^nft unb redfft

bir bie ilnodf^en miibe/ unb Ici^t mid^ alle 9(rbeit allein t^un. 10

^d^ !ann bid^ i)ier nid^t Icinger fiittsm. 2)er ^rii^Iing ift ^ji

bex_^^iLr, gef)' aucf) einmal {)inau§ in bie 2Belt unb ertpirb

bir felber bein 33rot." — „5tun/' fagte id^, „tDenn id^ ein

^augenid^tg bin, fo ift'g gut, fo toiH id^ in bie 2SeIt gef^en

unb mein ©liidE madden." Unb eigentlid^ twar mir ba§ redBt 15

lieb, benn c§ Wax mir furj toor[;er felber eingefaffen, auf

Steifen ju gefjn, ba id^ bie ©olboinmer, toelc^e im §erbft unb

SKinter immer betrubt an imferm ^cnfter fang : ,,58auer, miet'

mid^ ! 33auer, miet' mid^ !" nun in ber fcf)onen -Jru^IingSjeit

iDieber gan^ ftolj unb.luftig t)pm 33aume rufcn f)orte: „33auer, 20

htijait beinen, ©lenft !" — ^d; ging alfo in ba§ ^au'S ^inein

unb'bolte meine ©eige, bie id; redbt artig f)?ielte. toon ber SBanb,

9 'Xuj' &fin I'fboit oiucd 2:aihioiit(fn'f.

mein3Sater gab mir noc^ einige ©rofdjen ©elb mit' auf ben

^Scg unb fc fcftlcnbcttc icf> buvc^ ba§ langc O^orf f)inau§. S^fl

fiatte re*t meine r)cimlic&c ^reube, at§ id; ba atlc meine alien

33c!annten unb i^ameraben recf)t§ unb \m% Iwie geftern unb

:^ borgeftern unb inuncibar, jur 3(rbeit binauSjie^en, graben unb

pflmm fat), iuabrenb ic^ fo in bic freie ®elt ^inau§[tricft.

^cb rief ben armen Scuten nac^ a^lm ©eiten rec^t ftolj unb

jufriebcn abjc^r ;,u, abcv e§ finnmcrtc \\d) eben feiner fe^r

barum. Wax Wax e§ \m ein en^iaer Sonntag im ©emute.

10 Unb aU \6) enbUd) in§ freie gelb binau« !am, ba nabm icb

meine liebe ©eige bor, unb f^ielte unb fang, auf ber Sanb=

ftra^e fortgebenb


aSem G^ott mill vecfjte ®unft erweifen.

S?en )d)icft ev in bie uieitc 2iJelt,

15 2)em unl( or feine SSunbev weijcn

3n a3erg unb SBalb unb Strom nub gelb.

®ie 2;ragen, bic jutjaufe Ucgen,

@r(imifft nid)t ba8 3D^orgenrot,

@ie ttiffcn nuv oom j^tnberunegen,

20 SSon ©orgeu, 2a^ unb ^Jiot urn Srot.^

Die Sadilein »on ben Sergen fpringeu,

2)ie geydien fcfjiuin-cn ^od) »gr guft,

2Ba8'» foUt' id) nid)t mit ilinen fiugen

^2tue ttotler j?el)r unb frifd)er Sruft?

25 Den Ueben ©ott lafs id) ""r loalteu


Der Sad)leiu, i'erdieu, SBalb nub gelb

GrftcS .fiapitd. 3

Hub Gvb' iiitb .^iinnif( unH crtjoltni,

.^at and) uieiii' <S>aij' qufg ^eft' bcftcKt!


^nbem, luie id; mid) fo umfebc, fommt ein foftUd;er 3?eife=

Jwagcn n^i»,^ "^'t'c an mid; {;eran, ber modjtc ivohl f^ion einige

3eit l)\\mx mtr brein gefal^ren fein, o^nc ba^ td> e^ mertte, :^imi^^-»

toeil metn ,^pcrJ fo boHcr iilang* luar, bcnn e§ ging ganj langs

jam, unb jluei borncbmc 2)amen ftedten bic kbp^c aii^ bcm

2Bagen unb Ijoitcn mir ju. 2)ie cine Wat bcfonbcre fd^on

unb jiingev aU bie anbcre, aber eigentlid; gefielcn fie mir aUc

beibe. 21I§ id^i nun auft^orte ju fingen, lie^ bie diterc ftitl 10

^jten unb rcbcte mid^ bolbfelig an : „6i, luftiger ©efeff, Gr

h>ei^ ja' rerf)t t)ub[ci^e Sieber 5U jingen." ^d^ nid^t ju faul

bagegcn :* „GltJ. ©naben aufjuhjarten/ \m^V \6) ^ nod^ biel

fd^oncre." SJarauf fragte fie mid^ toieber: „9Sol^in toanbcrt

(Sr benn fdbon fo am friif^en ^Icorgen?" ®a fd^dmte id^ micb, is

ba^ id» ba§ felber nidbt iou^te, unb fagte breift : ,Sad) 2Bien"


nun f)3rad^en beibe mit einanber in einer fremben ©^rad^e, bic

idb nid^t bcrftanb. 2)ie jitngfere fdttutteltc einigemal mit bem

iRo^fe, bie anbere ladbte aber in einem fort unb rief mir enb=

lid^ ju : „(S)3ring Qx nur l^inten mit auf, tttir fat>ren aud^ nad^ 20

Sien." 2Ber tuar frober aU id^! ^d^ mad^te eine Dleberenj

unb ioar mit einem ©grunge jointer bem SBagen, ber ^utfc^er

fnattte unb \vix flogen iiber bie glcinjenbc ©tra^e fort, ba^

mir ber 2Binb am §ute ^fiff.

Winter mir gingen nun SDorf, ©arten unb ^ird^tiirme 25

unter, bor mir neue ^Dorfer, ©djloffer unb Serge auf ; unter

inir (Saaten, 33uirfic unb "iiUcfcii bunt bovitbcrfliegcnb, iibcr

iniv umdblige i'cidK'n in ber flaven blaucn i'lift— icfi f(fdmte

mid), laut gU fdu'cicn, aber inncrlidift joudh^id^ unb ftram=

^jeltc unb tanjte auf bem 2Sagcntvitt bcrunt, ba^ idh balb

5 meinc ©01130 t»erIoren (nittc, bic idB untevm 5(rntc Iiiclt. 2Bie

aber bcnn bic Sonne imnicv bbkr fticg, rings am ^orijont

fdbircic iueijjc 9]tittaaelr>pl!cn auffticgcn, unb nlte§ in ber 2uft

unb auf ber iucitcn g^Idd^K fo leer unb jdb^ul unb ftiH Iriurbe

iiber ben leijc tpogcnbcn ^ornfelbcrn, ba fiel mir evft iDicber

10 mein Torf ein unb mein 'J>ater unb unfcre ?)IiiHc, luie eg ba

fo ^eimlid^ fiibi 1t»ar an bem fd)attic\en g^eibcr, unb ba^ nun

affe§ fp ii>eit, iueit binter mir lag.'

¥ixx 'max babei fo !urio§

jumute/ aU mitf^t' icb ioieber umfebren ; \d} ftedtc mcine

©eigc 5Unfd>en yiod unb Sefte, fe|te midb boKcr C\^ebanfen

15 auf ben 2iNagentritt bin unb fcblief ein.

91U td^ bie 3lugen auffdblug, ftanb ber 2Bagen ftitt unter

l^o^en Sinbenbciumen, binter benen eine breiic 3:^re)3^e ^tuifd^ien

©dulen in ein prdcbtige§ Sd^Io^ fiibrte. (2eitiydrt§ burd^

bie 33dume fab id^ bie 2^iirme t»on 3Sien. Sie S)amen iDaren,

20 Une e§ fdncn, Idngft auSgeftiegen, bie ^ferbc abgefjjannt. ^dt

crfd^raf feijr, ba id^ auf cinmal fo attein fafj, unb fprang^fd'ipinb in ba§ ©dilofe binein, ba borte id' Don oben an^- bem

A-enfter ladfien.

^n biefem ©dE)Ioffe ging c§ mir luunberlid^).' 3"crft, tnic

25 id^ mid^ i" ^er irteiten !uf)Ien ^orbaKe umfdBaue, tlop^t mir

jemanb mit bem <Stodc auf bie ©dEiuIter. ^db febre midfi

fcbne-H um, ba ftcbt ein grofjer iperr in StaatKfleibern, ein

brcite^ Sonbclicr* t>ou 0olt» uub 3ett'c bis an bic .'oitften

itbcrgcl^dncjt, mit einem ohm berfilbcrtcu Stabc in ber ij^anb

iinb ciner auf,ei-orbentlid> \a)uyn ijcbin3encn furfiirftUc^en

D^iafe' im @e[td)t, brcit unb prdcbtig luie cin anfcjcblafcner

filter/ ber mid^ fragt, \va^ icb ^iei nn((. ^d) ir»ar ganj bcv= r.

bliifft unb fonntc i>ox Sdncc! unb Giftaunen nid)t^ berbovs

bringen. 2)arauf famen mebreve 33cbienten bie ^re^)^3e Iters

auf unb f)crunter gcrannt, bie fagten gar nid^t^, fonbern faben

mid) nur boncben bi§ unten an. Sobann fam eine .hammer ;

iungfer (tpie id) nad)ber bi3rte) gerabe auf micb Ids unb fagte: in

id> it>dre ein fd^armonter ^unge, unb bie gndbige iperrfd^aft*

lie^e mid* fragen, oh id> bier aU ©drtnerbur)d)e bienen iuollte?

— ^db griff n_adb ber 2i>cftc ;^ nieine paax ©rpfd^en, Wzi^ ©ott,

fie miiffen beim .^•>erumtan;^en auf bem SBagen au§ ber i^afdbe

gcfj^rungen fein, iDaren tueg, idb Ijatte nidbt_§ mcin ©eigen= 15

f))tel, fitr bae mir iiberbieia audb ber §err mit bem Stabe,

h)ie er mir im 'isorbcigebn fagte, nid^t eincn fetter geben

iDottte. ^db fagte baber in meiner ^'ger^cngangft ju ber

^ammerjungfer : '^a; no6> immer bie 2(ugen bon ber (Seitc

auf bie unbcimlic{ie ©eftalt geridbtet. bie immerfort h)ie ber 20

^erpenbifet einer ^urntubr in ber .<oafIe auf unb ah Iwanbelte,

unb cben iineber majeftdtifcb unb fdouerlid* aus bem §inter=

grunbe l^eraufgejogen fam. S^Ul^t Urn enblid^ ber ©drtner,

brummte h)a§ ijon (jkfinb^I unb Sauerliimmel unterm 33art*

unb fii^rte midb nadb bem ©arten, Htdbrenb h mir unterioeg§ 25

nod^ eine lange ^Ike^i^liicLt : lt>ie idf* nur fein nit^ern unb

grbeitfam fein, nid^t in ber 2BeIt be.rumbagieren .'' !eine brpt=

6 'illiK^ ^fnl Vchen ftne^ Xaugenid^t?.

loicu ^iunftc ull^ unnut}Cv ^0113 ticibcn folic, ba !onnt' id^ eo

mit ber 3^^^ "^"^i etnmal 511 imi'g 9icd;tcm Intngen.' — 6i

JiHivcn nod) mclu' fcfir fiiibfrfje, gutgefe^te, nul^Iid)e 2eF)rcn, id)

babe mir fcitbcm faft allci> luicbcr l^rgeftcn. llberf^aupt' Juci^

5 id) eigciitlid) gar nidit rcdbt, luic bod^ aflcy fo gcfoininen luar,

id^ fagte iiur immerfort 511 allem : ^a — bcnn mir twar tt)ie

einem isogel, bem bic {Vliigcl bcgojfcn irorben finb. — ©0

UHir id) benn, ©ott fei 2)ant im 3?rote.'

^n bcm ©artcn iuar fd^ibn Icbcn, idi Ijatk tdglid) mein

10 uiarmcC> (5[fen t)oUauf, unb mc{)r ®elb, alo id) gum 2Beinc

braud^te, nur ^atte id^ Ici^er i^icmlid^ bid ,^u tbun. 3(itd(> bic

!Iem^el/ Sauben unb fdbijnen griinen ©dnge, bae gefiel mir

aHc§ red^t gut, tncnn idb nur I)dtte ru^ig brin l^erumfpajieren

fonnen imb bcrnitnftig biv>!uricren, line bie .'pcrren unb !j'amen,

15 bie allc Xagc babin famen. ®o oft ber ©drtner fort unb id*

aHein tear, jog id^ fpglcicf) mein furje§ Xabaf^r^^feifd^en ^ers

aui, fe^te mid) bin, unb fann auf fd;onc boflid^c ^cben^arten,

Unc idb bie cine junge fcbonc 'J)ame, bie mid} in ba§ (Sd^Io^

mitbrad^te, imtermten JpoHte, loenn id; ein ^abalier iodrc

20 unb mit il;r f)ier l^erumginge. Dber id^ legtc mid^ an fd^JDiilen

9Zad^miittagen auf ben !)tiiden bin, iuenn allc§ fo ftitt t»ar,

ba^ man nur bic 33iencn fumfen I;Drte, unb fab ju, Icic iiber

mir bie SBoU'en nad} meinem Dorfc juflogen unb bie ©rdfer

unb SBIumcn fic^ I;in unb l;er belDcgten^ unb gebad^te an bie

25 ®ame, unb ba gef d)a(; eg benn^ oft, bafj bie fd^one ^rau mit ber

©uitarre obcr cincm 33udbe in ber ?^crne Iwirflid^ burd^ ben

©arten gog, fo ftilt, grof? unb freunblid^ luie ein ©ngcle;=

erjieg tapitcl. 7

bilb/ fo ba^ id; nic^t reci^t iuu^tc, oh xd) trdumtc ober


©0 fang xd} axid) einmal, iwie id; ebcii bci einem £u[t[;au)c

3iir 2lrbett borbet ging, fiir mid) F)iu


SEBo^iu id) get)' itub jc^aue, 5

Cvn gelb itiib 2Batb imb Xl)ai,

33om 33erg' iu« §immcl^b(aiic,

!i>telfd)onc ^ gniib'gc Ji^aue,

(SriiiV id) bid) taufenbmal.

2}a fe^' xd) aix^ bem bunfcl!iif)len Suftlnxufc ^luifd^cn ben lo

f)albgci3ffncten ^aloufien' unb 33lumen, bie bort ftanben, ^icei

fc^one, junge, frifc^e 2(ugen berborfunleln. ^d; Wax ganj

erfd^roden, id; fang ba§ Sieb nid;t axi^i, fonbern ging, obnc

mid^ umjufcbn, fort an bic 2(rbeit.

^bcnb§, e§ tiHir gcrabc an einem ©onnabenb, unb id; ftanb 15

eben in ber 3>orfrcubc fommenben <Sonntag§ mit ber ©eige im

©arten^aufe am genfter unb bad^te noc^ an bie funfelnbcu

5(ugen, ba fommt auf cinmal bic ^ammerjungfer burd^ bic

^dmmerung babergeftrid^en.* „©a fd;idt (^ixd) bie bielfd^onc

gndbige "i^van \va§>, ba§ foHt ^f)r auf ibre ©efunbbeit trinfen. 20

(Sine gute Dtad^t aud^ !'"* 'I^amit fcl^tc fie mir fij eine (^-lafdfK

SBein auf» ^enftev unb Wax foglcid) iinebcr jioifd^en ben

Slumen unb >^edcn Derf^nuunben, lute cine Gibecbfe.

^d^ abcr ftanb nodb lange Dor bci lounberfamen ^Iafd;e

unb U)u^te nid^t, toie mir gefd;ef)en iuar. — Unb f)atte id) 25

bDrF)er luftig bie @eige geftrid^en, fo fviclt' unb fang idB je^t

erft redbt/ unb fang ba^ 2icb non ber fd;onen Jrau ganj axx^

8 2IuS bcm ?cbcn cincS Xaugcnid^t?.

unb atte mcinc Sieber, bie tcfi nur toujjte, bi§ aHe !Radf)tigaIIen^

brauncn ediHid^ten unb 9Jtonb unb ©terne fcfion lange iibcr

bem ©arten ftanben. -30, ba§ luar einmal eine gute fd;ouc

5 @§ toirb feinem' an ber 3Biegc gefungen, lra§ fiinftig aui

i^m ioirb, cine blinbe .<oenne finbet mandnnal and} ein ^orn,

toer 5ule^t lac^t, Iad;t am beften, unberf^pfft fommt oft, ber_

SJienfc^ benft unb ©ott lenft, fo mebitiert' icb, aU \d) am

folgcnben 3:age icieber mit meiner ^feifc im Oartcn fa^ unb

10' e§ mir babei, ba \^ fo aufmer!fam an mir bcrunter fab, faft

borfommen WoUU, al§ irdre \6) hod) eigcntUc^ ein red^>ter

2ump. — ^d) ftanb nunmet;r, ganj tuiber meinc fonftige ©c*

too^nljeit, alfe STagc febr jeitig auf, e^' fid) noc^ ber ©artncr

unb bie anbern 2trbeiter riifjrten. S)a Wax e§ fo lounberfdBon

15 brau^en im ©arten. 2)ie Slumen, bie S^ringbrunnen, bie

DlofenbufdK unb ber ganje ©arten funielten bon ber 53iorgen=

fonne Icie lauter' @oIb unb (Sbelftein. . Unb in ben ^o|>en

Suc^en-atrteen/ ba Wax e§ noc^ fo ftill, fiibl unb anbac^iftg',

toie in einer birdie, nur bie 9]ogeI f(atterten unb ^jidten auf

20 bem >2anbe. ©leid^ t^or bem ®d)Ioffe, gcrabe unter ben g^cn=

ftern, Wo bie f(i)bnc grau l»of)nte, luar ein blul;enber ©traud^.

©ortf^in ging icb bann immcr am friibeften 53iorgen unb budte

micf) l^intcr bie 2ifte, um fo nadi ben ^-cnftern ju fcben, benn

mid^ im greien ju Iprobujiercn l)atV \d) !einc Courage. 2)a

25 fal; ic^ nun atlemal bie allerfc^onfte ®ame nod; E>eifj* unb l^alb

i)erfd)Iafen im fcbneeJoei^en 5lleibe an ba§ offne genfter l^er=

bortreten. Salb flod^t fie fic^ bie bun!elbraunen ioaare unb

Grftf? ^apltel. 9

lic^ babei bie anmutig f^jielenben 3lugcn' iiber $5ufcb iinb

Garten ergekn, balb beg unb banb fie bie 3?Iumcn, bicbor

ilircm ^cnftcr ftanbcn, eber fie nabm aucfj bie 0uitarre in

ben Uieijjcn 3lrm unb fang baju fo iimnberfam iiber ben (Smarten

^inau§, ba^ fidfi mir nod^ ba§ .^rierj umtoenbcn luiK tor SBebs 5

mut/ tuenn mir eing Don ben £'iebern bi^tDeilcn einfallt—unb a^, ba§ alle§ tft fd>on lange ber !


<Bo bauerte ba§ \vob{ iiber eine 2Bod[ie. 3lber ba^j eine

Tla\, fie ftanb gerabc Unebcr am ^yenfter unb alleS Irar ftittc

ring§ umber, fliegt mir eine fatale Jylicgc in bie 'JJafe unb icb 10

gebe midft an ein erfdirccflidbc§ 9'^icfen/ ba? gar nicbt enbcn

tDill. (Sie legt fid^ Jneit gum ^-enfter binau'S* unb ficbt mid^

2(rmften jointer bem (StraudBe laufcben. — 5tun frfidmte id^

mi^ unb fam biele 2:age nid^t l^in. ^©nblidB trtagte tdB e^ irieber, aber ba§ ^'cnfter blieb bie§s 15

mal 3U, idfi fa| bier, fitnf, fed[i^S ^Oiprgcn bintcr bem (Straud^e,

aber fie fam nid^it Jrieber an^ g^enftcr. ^a tourbe mil? bie

3eit lang, id^ fa^te ein .V)er5 unb ging nun alle 9)torgen

franf unb frci Icings bem Sdbloffe untcr alien ^^enftern bin.

3tber bie liebe fd^one %rau blieb immer unb immer auc>. 20

Sine ^tredfc ireiter fal^ id^ bann immer bie anbere 2^ame am

^enfter ftebn. ^cb l^atte fie fonft fo genau nodb niemal^ ges

fel^en. (Sie iuar ival^r^aftig redBt fd^on rot unb bicf unb gar

^rdd^tig unb l^offdrtig ansufe^n, line eine 2:uli)3ane.' ^dB

mad^te i^r immer ein liefeg^ 5lom^3liment, unb, idb fann x\xd}t 25

anber§ fagen, fie banfte mir jebegmal unb nidfte unb blin5elte

mit ben 9(ugen ba^u ganj au^erorbcntlid^ bi3flirf). — ^cur ein

10 2tu^ bem ?cben fines Xaugcnic^t§.

einjige§ 2RaI glaub' id) gefef)n ju Ijaben, bafe audb bie ©d^one

an ibrem g^enfter fainter ber ©arbine ftanb unb berftedft ber=

Dor giidEte.

25itie Xagc gtngen jebod^ til's 2anb/ oF)ne ba^ id^ fie fal>.

5 ©ic !am nid£)t meF)r in ben ©arten, fie tarn nid^t mel^r ang

O^enfter. 3)er ©drtner frfialt mid^ einen fauten Sengel, idf>

loar bcrbrie^Iidft, meine eigene 9tafenf^i§e tt»ar mir im SBege/

ioenn idf) in ©otte§ fveie 9SeIt l^inau§ [ab.

(So lag id^ eine§ (Sonntag§nad^mittag§ im ©arten unb

10 drgerte midb, toie i(f» fo in bie blaucn 3SoIfen meiner Sabaf^-

))feife binau^^fab, bafj idf) mi6 nidBt auf ein anbere§ §anbtocr!

gelcgt/ unb ntid^ alfo morgcn nidbt aud^ Joenigftcnl auf einen

blauen ^ontag ju frcuen bdtte.* Tic anbern 33urfd^e iuaren

inbe§ aHe inofilauSftaffiert nad^ ben S^angboben' in ber naben

15 33Drftabt binausgejpgcn. Ta Icallte unb icogte alle§ im "Sonni

tag§pu|e in ber iuarmen 2uft jiuifrf^en ben lidftten .s^aufern

unb loanbernbcn Seier!aften fd^hjarmenb l^in unb juriidt.^ ^db

aber fa^ h)ie eine S^o^rbommcl im <Sd^iIfe eihe§ einfamen

2BeiF)er§ im ©arten unb fduiufeltc midb auf bem ^al^ne, ber

20 bort angebunben iuar, Judl^rcnb bie 58ce^ergIocfcn au§ ber

©tabt iiber ben ©arten beritberfc^allten unb bie ©d^ludne

auf bem SBaffer langfam neben mir bin unb I)er jogen. 5Rir

iDar gum (Sterbcn bange.' —SKdbrenb be§ borte id) toon lueitem allerlei Stimmen,

26 luftigeS 2)urd)einanberf)3red;en unb 2ad(*en/ immer ndber unb

ndl^er, bann fd^immerten rot unb n)eif;e ^'iid^cr, .^iite unb

/^ebern burdb« ©riinc, auf cinmal tommt ein better tidbter*

fO^oL fitSL-vMJ^jQ..

evfie« .ftapitel. H

.^xxufen bon jungcn Jocireu unb 2)amen bom ^cf)(offe iiber

bie 9Biefe auf midb Ukv meinc beiben Tamen mitten unter

i^nen. ^d; ftanb auf unb iuolltc ^oecjge^en, ba erBIidtc midCi

bie cilterc bon ben frfjonen ©amen. „Si, bas ift ja tmc_ges

jlffpti " ^ ricf fie mir mit lacficnbem ?)iunbc ju, „fafn-' Gv un§ 5

bod^ an bag jenfeitiijc lifer iiber ben 3^eic^ !" ©ic ©amen

ftiegen nun eine nad; bcr anbevn ucrfid^.tig unb furd^tfam in

ben ^aF)n, bie §erren lialfen il^nen babei unb marten fid) ein

toenig grof^'' mit ifner i^iihnbeit auf bem SBaffer. 2(I» fid)

barauf bie ?yrauen alle auf bie Seitcnbiinfe gelagert batten, 10

ftie§ id^ bom Ufer. Giner bon ben jungen ioerren, ber ganj

born ftanb, fing unmerflic^ an ju fd»au!e(n. ©a loanbten fid^

bie ©amen fur(jbtfam biii unb ber, einige fcbrieen gar. ©ie

fc^onc 3^rau, n^elcbe eine 2iUe in ber .s^anb bielt, fajj bid^t am

Sorb be§ SdBiffleing unb fab fo ftill Idc^elnb in bie flaren 15

SKeUen binunter, bie fie mit ber 2ilie berii^rte, fo ba$ ibr

ganje§ 33ilb jlyifcfien ben loiberfc^einenben 2^3olfen imb33dumen^

im 2Baffer nod) einmal ju fel)en knar, Une ein Gngel, ber leife

burd^ ben tiefen blauen ^immel'jgrunb ' jiebt.

3Bie ic^ noc^ fo auf fie ^infefje, fdfft'g auf einmal ber anbern 20

luftigen ©iden bon meinen jt»ei ©amen ein,* icb foKte il^r

todl^renb ber <^abrt Gin» fingen/ ©ef^trinb brebt fid^ ein

fe^r jierlic^er junger §err mit einer 33ril(e auf ber 9^afe, ber

neben i^r fa|, 5U ifir f)erum, lii^t \i)V fanft bie §anb unb

fagt: „'^(i) banfe ^bnen fiir ben finnigen ginfall ! ein 33ol!g» 25

lieb, ge fun gen bom 35olf in freiem g^elb unb SKalb, ift ein

2lI^)enroglein auf ber 2(l))e felbft*— bie 2Bunberl)orner finb

12 -'iii' t'l'iii I'el'cii fine? Xaugenicf)t<«.

mir ^erbarteu^— i[t bic Seeic ber ^'^ationalsBeele."' ^d^

aber fagte, id) Ivifjc nici^t^ ju fmgen, lua5 fiir folrfje §errs

f diaften * fd^on genug todre. 2)a fagle bie f cbni^j^jifd;e Aammer^

jungfer, bic mit einem ^orbe boll ^affcn unb glafdien ^art

•"> neben mir ftartb unb bic ic^ bi§ jc^t nod) gar nicbt bemer!t

battc : „®ci^ tS'r bod^ cin red^t f^iibl'd^cvi Sicbc^cn tion ciner

t)iclfd)onen fyraue."* — ,,'^a, \a, ba§ fing' (Sr nur red;t breift

i»eg,"' ricf barauf fogleid^ bie !iDame h)ieber. ^c^ antrbe iiber

unb iiber rot. — ^nbem blidte aucb bic [done ^rau auf ein^

i<» mal bom SSaffer auf, ui|b faf) mid6 an, ba^ c§ mir burd) 2eib

unb Seele ging. 3)a befann id^ micft nicbt lange, fafet' ein

§erj, unb fang fo redbt au§ boiler ^ruft unb Suft


JiJoljiu id) \3,d)' un^ idiauo,

3n j^elb unb i!i>alb unb %\)a\

15 iBom 28erg' ^inab in bie 'Jtue:

SSielfc^one, ^o^c gvane,

(SriiS itf) bid) taufenbnial.

3n meinem ©arten finb' id)

i^iet SSUimen, id)bn nnb fein,

20 5siel ^rdnje \v>q\){ brau« Juinb id)

Unb taufenb (Seban!en binb' id) .

Unb @rii§e mit bavein.

3£)r barf id) feinen reldjen,

eie ift gu I)oc^ unb fc^bn,

25 3)ie miiffen alle Dcvbleid^en,

Xie ?iebe nur o{)ne @letd)en*

33(eibt ercig im ipcrjen j^e^n.

GvM •^Taptti-l. 13

Z^d) jd)oiu" \w\)\ fro[)er Du\(\c'

Unb fd)afft' aiif iiiib ab,

lliib ob bac< .'ocr5 jerfpringe,

orf) nvabc fovt unb fuic^e

Unb qxab' iniv balb meiu (^H'ab. 5

3QBir fticpen an^ 2anb, bio §crrfdiaftcn fticgcn allc auc-,

t»iele bon ben jungen ^errcn I^attcu nud>, id) bemer!t' e§ ittol^I,

^Ddf)rcnb ic^ fant3, mit 'liftigon ilJiicneu unb Jliiftem icrfpottet

Sov ben 2)amen. 3)er §err mit ber 23riIIe fa^te mid; im

28eggeben bei ber §anb unb fagte mir, ic^ Iriei^ felbft nicbt lo

niefriBa^, bie d(tere lu>n meinen 2)amen faf> mid^ fel^r freunbs

lid^ an. ^ie fd^bne J-rmi batte n^dbrenb meinc'o gaii^cn 2iebe§

bie 2lugen niebergefdilagcn" unb ging nun audi fort unb fagte

gar niditl. — 3}Jir aber ftanben bie ST^rdncn in ben Slugen

fd^on h)ie icf) no* fang, ba§ ^erj toottte mir 3erf|)ringen toon 15 i

bem Siebe bor Sd^am unb bor Sd^merj, e^ fiel mir je^t auf :i^^^^^

eimnal alle§ red^t ein, iuie f i e fo f^on ift unb id^ fo arin bin p ^j-"^^^

unb berf^jottct unb bcrlaffen bon ber 2BcIt — unb aU fie alle

l^inter ben ^Biifden t)crfd>nnmbcn iraren, ba !onnt' id; m\d}

nidit Idnger t)alten, ic^ toarf mi4> in bai ©ra§ f|in unb loeinte 20

bitterlid>. '^1^^ ")vv»/>xiAl

^weites Ikapitel. ^^

'^i^t am ^errfd^aftltrf>en ©arten* ging bic iJanbftra§e bor=

^^^ilber, nur burd^ eine fjo^e 5Jtauer toon berfelben ge=

fd^ieben. Sin gar faubere§ ^o\ii)an^%(i}^n mit rotem ^icgelbacfte'

tuar ba erbaut, unb fainter bemfelben ein flcine§, buntum^

5 jdunteS ^ Shimengdrtd;en, ba§ burd^ eine 2u(fe in ber ^Jtaucr

be'l Sd^Io^gartcnc- binbiirc^ an ben fdtattigften unb »erbor:

genften ^^eil beg le^teren ftie^. 2)ort tear eben ber 3^^=

einncbmer geftorben, ber ba# alle§ jonft betoofinte. 2)a fam

einel ?1iorgen§ friibjeitig, ba idb nocb im tief[ten Sdblafe lag,

10 ber ©cbreiber 'ooxn Sdfiloffe ju mir unb rief mid^ fdjieunigft gum

§errn 9lmtmann/ ^db jog mid^ gefdjlmnb an unb [rfilenberte

jointer bem luftigen ' ©d^reiber ber, ber unterlr»eg# balb ba balb

bort eine Slume abbracf) unb born an ben diod ftecfte, balb mit

feinem Spajierftocfcbcn liini'tli^^ in ber 2uft l;erumfod()t ^ unb

lii atterlei ju mir irt ben 2Binb f)ineinparliertc/ h)Otoon icb aber

nic^tS berftanb, toeil mir bie 3tugen unb Dbren nod) boiler

Scblaf lagen. 3(I'o \dj in bie .'Ran^Iei trat, Wo C'-S nodb gar nid>t

red^t ^ag luar, faf> ber 3(mtmann binter einem ungel^eurcn

2)intenfa[fe unb Stolen Don ^]}apier unb Siidbcru unb einer

20 anfef)nlid)en ^eriid'e, tuie bie Gule aue ibrem 9?eft, auf mid;

unb bob an: „3Sie bei^t ©rV ^Bober ift Sr? ^ann Gr

fcbreiben, lefen unb red^nen?" ^a idi ba§ bejabte, bericWe


.'^uieite\> .Hapitii.I 5

cr: ,,'Jia/ bic gndbigc .sSenfrfHift bat '^s^m, in '^ctrad'tung

<5einer gutcn 3IuffiUn'uni'\ iinb bcfiMibcrn '^licritcn, bie Icbige

Ginnebmer;® telle jugebacftt." — ^sdi iitHnbadbte in ber ©e^

fdf)luinbigfcit fitr midh nieinc bieberigc ITufiiibrung unb Wia-

niercn, unb id^ nuif,te gcftcbcn, idi fanb am Gnbc felber, baf; ber 5

Slmtmann xcd^t batte. — Unb io wax idb benn loiril'd) 3offcin=

neljmcr, chc id> midi'e- tocvfalv' y^^d^ bejog nun fogleid) mcinc none 2SDf)nung unb luar in

fur;cr 3cit cingcriditct. ^^d^ haik nod) meln-cre Weriit^diaften

gefunben, bie ber felige ' (5'inncbiiicr fcincni '•liad^folger binter= 10

laffcn, unter anbern cinon priiditigen rotcn Sdjlafrcd mit

gelben ^^unftcn, griine '^antoffcln, eine (Sd^Iafmiifee* unb einige

^feifen mit langen 5Holn-cn. 'J'ac- aUcS batte icb mir fdon

eimnal gciriinidH, aU id} ncd? ju^aufc iu«r. Wo id; immer un-

fern -^pfarrer fo bequem berumgekn fab. 2)en ganjen 2:ag (ju 15

t^un ^atte id) ireitcr nidit§), fa^ icb babcr auf bcm 33dnfd>en

bpr meinem §aufc in Sdilafrod unb Hd^Iafmiitje, raud^te 'Xabal

au^ bem Idngftcn 3Jobre, ba» id) Don bem feligcn Sinnebmer

borgefunben fjatte, unb fal^ gu, h)ie bie Seute auf ber ?anbftra§e

bin= unb bergingen, fubren unb ritten. ^cb tuiinfcbte nur 20

immer, ba^ aucb einmal ein paar 2eute aus meinem 2)orfe, bie

immer fagten, aus mir linirbe mein Sebtagc nid<t§, bier boriiber

tommen unb micb fo feben mocbten. — ^er (Scblafrcd ftanb

mir fdfton gu ©efic^te/ unb iiberbau^jt ba§ alle§ be^agte mir

fel^r gut. 3p fa§ icb benn ba unb badbte mir mandn^rlei bin 2;')

unb ^er, tuie aller 2lnfang fcblrcr ift, luie ba§ uprnebmere 2^'bm

bod* eigentlid^ rcdtt bequem fei, unb fa^te beimlidi ben ©ntfdiluf;.

16 "^fii^^ ti^iii ?e[H"n cine* Xaitgenid)tt^.

nunme^r alle§ 9leifen ju laffen, a\\6) ©elb 311 f^aren Juic bic

anbern, unb e§ mit ber 3eit gett>i^ ju etiva^ @ro|em in ber

2SeIt gu bringen.^ ^nji»i[d;en berga§ id^ iiber meinen QnU

fd^Uiffen, (Sorgen unb ©efd^dften bie aHerfd^onfte Jrau feine^s

:> inegg.

S)ie ^artoffeln unb anbere§ ©emiife, bag id^ in mcinem

fleinen Sartd^en fanb, inarf id^ ^inau§ unb bebaute e§ ganj mit

ben auSertefenften 33tumen, iporiiber mid^ ber ^'ortier" bom

Sd^Ioffe mit ber gro^en furfiirftlicben ':)(afe, ber, feitbem ic^

10 l^ier U>of)nte, oft 511 mir fam unb mein intimer ^reunb getoorben

h>ar, bebenflid^ bon ber Seite anfal^/ unb mid^ fiir einen t^ielt,

ben fein ^Iot^lid[ieg ©liidE berriidft gcmarf^t bcitte. ^(^ aber

lie^ mid) ba'^ nidit anfed^ten.* ^enn nidit itieit Don mir im

berrfdiaftlid^en ©arten l^orte id) fcine Stimmen fprec^en, unter

15 benen id; bie meiuer fd)onen g-rau ju erfenneu meinte, ob=

gleidb id) Soegen be§ bi(^ten ©ebiifd^e^ niemanb fehen fonnte.

'^a banb id) benn atte 2age einen ©traufj toon ben fcbonften

Slumen, bie ic^i ^atte, ftieg jeben 3(benb, luenn eg bunfel

it)urbe, iiber bie 9}tauer, unb (egte i^n auf einen fteinernen

20 2;if d^ f)in, ber bort inmitten einer Saube ftanb ; unb jeben 2lbenb

tuenn ic^i ben neuen ©traufj brad)te, \vax ber alte bon bem

2:ifc^e fort.

®ine§ 3(benb§ \vav bie §errf(^aft auf bie ^agb geritten


bie ©onne ging cben unter unb bebedte bag ganje Sanb mit

25 ©lanj unb Sdnmmer, bie 5)onau [d[i(dngelte fid; prdd;tig Irie

toon Iquter G)oIb unb g^euer in bie lueite g^erne, ben aUcn

53ergen big tief ing Sanb l^inein fangcn unb jaud&jten bie

SBtn^er. "^d) faf? mit bent '^untici auf bcm "i3anfd)en Dor

meincm .'Qaufc, unb frcute mid; in bcr taucn 2uft, tuie bcv

luftigc ^ag fo tangfam bor un§ toerbunfcltc unb Derbatttc.

2)a liejjeu fidf; auf ciunuil bic .^ornev bev juriicffefjrenben

^ciger Don ^vcrnc bcvnehnen, bie tion ben Sergcn gegeniiber

einanber toon ^c\t ju ^i\t lieblid) 'Xntiuort gaben. I^d; tuar

red^t im innerften §erjei^ bergniigt unb fprang auf unb rief

toic bejaubcrt unb Derjiidt bor Suft : „'0?ein, ba^S i[t rnir bod)

ein '3)?etier, bic cb(e ^i'^S'^i^tn!"

' 2)er ''^Uutier aber flopftc fid;

ruf)ig bie ^fcife au§ unb fagte : „2)a§ benft ,^sf)i" Gud' i»ft fo." lo

^d^ fjaW e^S aud^ mitgemadit/ man beibient fidb faum bie

Sol^Ien, bie man fic^ ablciuft ; unb .vtuften unb Sd^nu^fen luirb

man erft gar nicbt Io§/ ba5 fommt bon ben etuig naffen

^ii^en." — ^d) luei^ nid^t, mid; ^jadte ba ein ncirrifcfier S^vn,

ba^ id) orbentlic^i am ganjen 2eibe jitterte/ Wxv Wax auf 15

einmal ber ganse ^er( mit f«inem langJoeiligen ^Jtantel, bie

eiuigen ^-iifjc/ fein !J'aba!'?^fd)nu^fen, bie gro^e 5iafe unb altei

abfd^euUc^. — ^d) fa^te i^n, ioic aufeev mir, bei ber 53ruft

unb fagte : „^ortier, je^t fdE)ert 3t)r ©ud^ nac^^aufe," ober id)

^riigle @ud^ l^iev fogleid^ tuxd) I" 35en ^ortier iiberfiel bei 20

biefen 3Borten feine alte ?)ceinung, id) toare Derriidt gei»orben.

©r fa^ mid; beben!Iid) unb mit beimlid^er ^^^urd^t an, mad)tt

fxd), of)ne ein 2Bort ju fpred^en, toon mir loi unb ging, immer

nod) un^etmlidf) nac^ mir guriidblidenb, mit langen Sd^ritten

nad^ bem ®d;Ioffe, Wo er atemloS au§fagte, ic^ fei nun Sbirflid^ 25

rafenb getoorben.

'^d) aber mu^te am Gnbe laut aufladen unb lt»ar berjlicb


18 -^111? bfin Vebcn einc* laufleuicfit^.

frob, ben fu^>erfIiu3on ©e^etlen Ilv5 ju feiu, bean e§ tear gerabe

bie ^t\t, iuo irf) ben 53Iumcnftrau^ iiiimer in bic Saube ju

legen ^flegte. "^6) fprang audb ^eute fd^neU iiber bie 9)iauer

unb ging eben auf ba§ fteinerne Jifdicben loe, aUS id^ in

5 einiger Gntfcrnung 'ipferbetrittc liernafMn. Gntfpringen fonnt'

irf) n\d}t mdn, benn fd;on !am meine fcbonc gndbige ^rau

felbcr, in einem griinen '^agb^bit unb mit nicfenben g^ebern

auf beni ^^utc, langi'atn unb, lino c§ fdncn, in ticfen ©ebanfen

bie 3(IIec berabgcritten. (I§ iuar mir md}t anbero jumute/

10 aU ba id^ I'onft in ben alten S3ud}ern bci mcinem 3Sater toon

ber fcbonen 5}cageIone - gelefen, h)ie fie fo jiinfc^en ben immer

nii^er fcbaHenben ^\>aIbbornsIldngen unb nicd>fclnben 2tbenb!

lid^tern unter ben bo^en Sdumen l;erbor fam — icb fonnte

nid)t bom J-Iedf. 3ie aber erfcbraf beftig, aU fie niidi auf

15 einmal gelDai>r tourbe, unb f)ielt faft untoittiurt^nftiK. ^d^

tt>ar iuie betrunfen t)or Slngft, ^erjflopfen unb grower ^reube,

unb ba id; bemerfte, ba^ fie toirllid) meinen 33lumenftraufe

toon geftevn an ber '-Bruft battc, fonnte icb midi nid^t Idnger

balten, fonbern fagte ganj berJoirrt : „'3d)onfte gndbige ?$^rau,

20 neljmt and; nod^ biefen Slumenftrau^ toon mir, unb alle

Slumen aus meinem ©arten unb atte§, hja§ id) i)ahi. %d),

fonnt' idf) nur fiiv (SudB in§ ^euer f^ningen !" — Sie batte

mid^ gleid^) anfangS fo ernftbaft unb faft bofe angeblidt, ba^

e§ mir burdb 5Jiarf unb 53ein ging,' bann aber ^iett fie, fo

25 lange idb rebete, bie 3(ugcn tief niebergefcblagen. (Soebcn

lie^en ficb einige Sieiter unb Stimmen im @ebiifd> F)oren. 35a

evgriff fie fdbneU ben Strauf; auc- meiner >>anb unb toar balb.

> TnCi"

3«citcS ^^apitel. 19

Dl^ne ein SSort ;;u fatten, am anbern @nbe be§ Sogengange^

bcrfcfjtDunben.' u

©eit bicfem 3(benb ijattc \d) lycbcr 9tuf)' nod^ 9taft me^r.

(^§ trar mir kftcinbig jumutc, Juic fon[t immer, tuenn ber

6C<ut4»^ ^^-rul^Iing anfangen fotttc, fo imrul^ig unb froBIid^, cbne ba^ 5

:^^ id() km^te, l»antm, aly ftiinbe mir ein grc^c^J Gliid obcr jonft

ettoaS aulerprbentlidico bcDor. !iu']'onbcr§ ba'S fatale 9ied)neit •

iDottte mir nun erft gar nicf)t'* melir i^on ber Apanb, unb id>

l^atte, toenn ber ®onnenfcf)ein burdi ben .^aftanienbaum bor

bem ^ycnftcr griingclbcn auf b'ie 3i?f*^i"" f^*^^/ ^^"^ f'' f^E ^^"^'^ ^"

^rane^ort big gum Satu'o unb iinebcr binauf unb binab abbicvlc,'

gar feltfame ©eban!en babei, fo bajs ic^ mancf)mal ganj bcr=

Ittirrt hjurbe, unb tuaF)r(;aflig nid^t bis brei jdl^Ien fonntc.

3)enn bie 2ld^t !am mir immer Dor luie meine bide engge-

fAniirtc 2)ame mit bem breiten Ho^jfpu^, bie bofe ©ieben* iuar 15

gar irie ein eiyig riidtpdrts jeigenber 2Begtt)eifer cber ©algen.

— 3lm meiften <Bpa^ mad)te mir nod^ bie g^ieun/ bie fid^ mir

fo oft, eb idE) mid^'s berfab/ luftig aU Sed^s auf ben ^opf

ftellte, irdbrenb bie ^luei ivie ein (y'^agc3ei(^en fc pfiffig brein

fab/ all toprite fie midb fragen : Wo foil bae am (Snbe nod^ 20

binaue mit biv, bu arme 5tull?" £bne fie, btefe fd^Ianfe

(5in§ unb ';)(IIev/ bleibft bu bocb cling nid^^tc^


2lud^ ba£> 2il}en brau^cn bor ber ^bitr loollte mir nicbt mef)r

beljagen. ^d) naf)m mir, um e§ bequemer ju l^aben, einen

Sdbimel mit I;erau§ unb ftredte bie ^viiB^ barauf, id> fUrfte ein 25

altel ^Hirafol bom ©innchnev, unb ftcdte e§ gegcn bie Sonne

nne ein dbinefifdbel Suftbauc- itber midb. 3(ber C'S balf nic^tl.

20 5lue bent Hehtn ciixcg 2;augenid)te.

(f§ fc^tcn mir, iine \d) fo fa^ unb rait(f)te unb fpcfulierle, all

ivitrben mir otlmdblid^ bie Seine inimer Idngcr Dor Sang^eile,

unb bie Diafe loiidife mir Dom 9tid)tetl^un, iuenn idi fo [tunben=

lang an ibr I^erunter faf). — Unb tocnn^ bcnn nianci^mal nod^

5 iH'^r Xageeanbrud^ cine Gjtrapoft borbei !am, unb id^ trat f)aI5

bcrfd»Iafen in bie liibic Suft f)inauc\ unb ein nicblidic§ ©efid^t;

d^en, toon bem man in ber Sdmmerung nur bie funfelnben

STugen fa^, bog fid^ neugierig jum 3Bagen ^erbor unb hot mir

freunblid^ einen guten Sllorgen, in ben 2)orfern aber tinges

10 umber frdbten bie §dbne fo frifcb iiber bie leife toogenben

^ornfelbcr F)eriiber, unb jiinfd^en ben Sl^orgenftreifen i)Dd) am

.•gimmel fd)lt>eiften fdbon einjelnc ju friif) ertt)ad;te Serd^en,

unb ber '^^oftillon naf>m bann [ein ^oftborn imb fut)r toeiter

unb blieS unb blie§ — ba ftanb id^ lange unb \ah bem 2!Ba=

15 gen ttadb, unb es Wax mir nid)t anber§, al§ mii^t' id^ nur

fogleidE) mit fort, iueit, ireit in bie 2BeIt.,-r-

5}ieine 33Iumenftrdu^e legte id^ inbe§ immer nodb, fobalb

bie Sonne unterging, auf ben fteinerncn 2;ifd> in ber bunfein

Saube. 2Iber bas tear es ebcn : bamit Ivar e§ nun au§i feit

20 jenem 2lbenb.' — ^ein 9)knfd^ lumjnerte fid) barum : fo oft

id^ be§ 5Jiorgen§ friibjeitig nad^fab, lagen bie Slumen nod^

immer ba Inie geftern, unb fallen mid^i mit if)ren beriuelften

nieber^ngenben ^o^^fd^en unb barauf ftebcnbcn ^autro^fen

orbentlid; betrjibt an, aU oh fie loeinten. — S)a5 toerbro^ mid;

25 febr. ^d^ banb gar feinen ©trau| mel;r. ^n meinem ©arten

mod^te nun aud^ ba§ Unfraut treiben, lr>ie e§ iDoIIte, unb bie

S3Iumen lie^ idfi rubig ftebn unb icadBfen, bi§ ber 2Binb bie

3'Vfitf* ^apitel. 21

Slcitter bertrel^tc. 5E>ar miv'c" bodt cK'ii I'o irilb iinb Inmt unb

' berftortim ^crjen.*

^n biefen fiitifc^en 3eitlduftcn" gefd^af) e§ bcnn, ba^ eiu:

inal, al§ id^ eben juf^aufc im ^enfter liege unb iKrbnc^lid^ in

bic lecre 2uft Innau§ fefic, bic .^aminerjungtor bom ©d^Ioffe 5

iiber bie Strafe balicr getrip^^elt fommt. 2ie leufte, ba fie

mid; eiblidte, [^niell ju mir ein unb blieb am ^enfter ftebcn.

— „2)er gndbige S^'r.r ift geftern 'oim fcincr 9Knfe juriidfgefom^

men," fagte fie eiffertig. „2p?" entgegnete icb DeriDunbert —bcnn ic^ batte mid; fdon feit einigcn 3SodKn um nid^tS befiim= 10

mert, unb Jcu^te nid^t eintnal, bafe ber §err auf Sieifen \vax —„ba luirb fcinc ^od^tcr, bie junge gncibigc %xau, awi) gro^e

greube gebabt baben."' — ^ie .Qammerjungfer fab mid^ !urto§

'*'*-«' Don oben biy unten an, fo ba^ id) mid) ovbentlicb^ felber befin=

nen mu^tc, ob id^ ' iuae 2)umme§ gefagt bdtte. — „Qt it»ei^ 15

aber aud^ gar nidbt§," ^fagte fie cnblid) unb riim^jfte baS Heine

Dtdedben. „9hin/' fubr fie fort, „e6 fott bcute abenb bem iQerrn

gu Gbren 2;ang im Sdjloffe fein unb 5Rafferabe. 3)?eine gnd=

bige ^rau ixtirb aud^ masficit fcin, als C^drtnerin * — berftel^t

6r and) rcdbt — ale Gditnevin. 9tun bat bie gndbige ^rau 20

gefeben, ba^ Gr bcfonber§ fd^bne Slumen bat in feinem ©ars

ten." — 3}a§ ift feltfam, badite id) bei mir felbft, man fie^t

bod^ jefet faft feine Slume mcbr ,bo£, Unfraut. — ®ie aber

fuf>r fort: „Xa nun bie gndbige ^rau fd[)5ne 3?Iumen 3U

ii^rem 3(njuge braud^)t, aber gang fnfd)e, bie ebcn bom 33eete 25

!ommen, fo foil Gr ibr tbeld^e bringen unb bamit I;eute abenb,

toenn'S bunfel geiuorben ift, untcr bcm gvojicn ^ivnbaum im

22 '-^u* l'«m Scbcn eincs S^augenic^tf-.


©rfjlofegarten ttjarten, ba trirb fie bann fommen unb bie SIus

men abf^olen."

^(^ tear gang berbliifft Dor g^reube iiber btcfe ^Wad^rid^t, unb

lief in mciner (Sntjiidfung bom ^enfter ju ber ^ammerjungfer

5 f)inauc-i. —„^fui, ber garftige ©dblafrod!" rief biefe au§, ba fie mid^

auf einmal fo in meinem 2tuf3uge im greten faf). 2)a§ argerte

mid^, idf) hjottte and; nid)t bal^inter Heiben in ber ©alanterie,

unb mad^te einige artige ^a^riolen/ um fie gu erl^afd^en unb

10 ju tiiffen. 2tber ungtiidlid^cr SBcife bcrtoidelte fid) niir babei

ber 3d)Iafrod, ber mir r)iel ju lang \v<xx, untcr ben ^yii^en, unb

i^ fiel ber_2an^e nad^ auf bie 6rbe.^ 21I§ id^ mid^ tuieber

jufammcnraffte, iuar bie ^ammerjungfer fd^on ireit fort, unb

i^ E^orte fie nod> Don fern ladien, ba^ fie fid) bie ©eiten balten

15 mu^te.

?)^un aber l^att' id) hja^ ju finnen unb mid) ju freuen. © i c

bad^te ja nod) immer an mid^ unb meine 33Iumen ! ^d^ ging

in mein @art(f)en unb ri^ f)aftig aHeg Unfraut bon ben Seeten,

unb loarf es I)dc^ uber meinen ilopf ioeg in bie fd;immernbc

20 2uft, al§ jog' \^ aUc iXbel unb a)ie(and)oIie mit ber SSurjel

f)erau6. 3)ie Sbfen luaren nun Juiebcr h)ie ibr '2iMnb, bie'

oxuf t)immelblauen SBinben ' luie i F) r e X^Xugen, bie fdmeeipei^e 2ilie

^vti'-kvic? ^^ i^rem fcblocrmiitig gefcnftcn Ho^jfd^en faf; ganj au6 h)ie

fie. ^d^ legte alle forgfaltig in cinem ^orbd)en jufammen.

25 6§ toar ein ftilter fd)oner 2(benb unb fein 2Bi3lfd()en am ^ims

mel. (Sinjelne ©terne traten fd^on am g^irmamente i)eri)or,

bon nteitem raufdbtc bie "Donau iiber bie j^elber beriiber, in ben

3tiicite9 Ifapitel. 23

boben 33dumcn im bciifcf^aftlidicu ©arten ncbcn mir fangen

un5dl;ligc iBogel luftig burd^einanbcr. 2tc^, ic^ luar fo

GlucfUd,! I^/J3((§ cnblid) bie 3iarf)t hercinbrarf», nabm tcb mcin ^orbcbcn

an ben 2(vm unb mad^je micb auf ben 5S}cg nac^i bem gro^cn 5

©arten. ^n bem ^orbcben lag alU§, [o bunt unb anmutig

burd^einanbcr, loeiB, rot, blau unb Cufttg^Vtafe mir orbentlid;

ba§ §er3 lacfite, luenn id) binein fab, t^f^'^6) gtng boCfer fro(;lidier QJebanfen bei bem fd'onen ^nbs j

fd^ein burdi bie ftillen, rein'ficb mit ©anb beftreuten ©dnge lo

iiber bie fleinen iwei^en 33riiden, untcr benen bie ©dilodne eius

gefdilafen auf bem SBaffer fa^en, an oen jicrlid^ien Sauben unb

Suftbdufcrn boriiber. S)en gro^en 33irnbaum l^atte id) gar

balb aufgefunben, benn es lyar berfelbe, unter bem i^ [onft,

aU id) nod) ©drtnerburfcbe toar, an [d>ltmkn Dcac^mittagen i.'>

gelegen. ,^,l^w!^ ^-vu.

§ier ioar e§ fo einfam bunfel. 3fiur eine bof)e ©f^e sittcm*^

unb fliifterte mit ifiren jilbernen SBIdttevn in einem fort.

58om (Sd^Ioffe f(^affte mand^mal bie IJanjmufi! ^eruber. Studb

^]!J^enf^enftimmen bijrte id^ juiiteilen im ©arten, bie famcn oft 2n

gan^ nabe an mid* f)eran, bann it)urbe e^ auf einmal ioieber

gan5 ftitt.

W\x Iloipfte bag ^crj. G» ioar mir fdEiauerlid) unb feltfam

jumute, al§ toenn id^ jemanb befte^Ien hjollte. Sd> ftanb lange

3eit ftodfftiH an ben S3aum gelebnt unb laufc^te nadb alien 25

©eiten, ba aber immer niemanb fam, fount' id^ e§ nid^t Idnger

au5i)alten. ^d^ ^ing mein ^iJrbd^en an ben 2trm unb fletterte

24 ^ii& bcm I'ebcn einc8 Xaugenid)tS,

fd)nell auf ben Sirnbaum l^inauf, um tuieber im ^reien 2uft ju

3)a broben fd^aUte mir bie ^^anjmufi! erft redit^ iiber bie

SBipfel entgegen. ^6) iiberfab ben ganjert ©arten unb gerabc

5 in bie I^ellerleud^teten g^enfter be§ ©djlofje^ I;inein. Sort bre^=

ten ft^ bie ^ronleud^ter langfam h)ie ^rdn^ie bon ©ternen,

un5df)Iige ge^u^te .^erren unb 2)amen, \vk in einem ©cbattcn=

fpiele/ tDogten unb lr)al3ten unb toirrten ba bunt unb unlennt;

lid) butd()etnanber, manc^mal legten fid} iDcId^c' in§ g^enfter

10 unb faf>en f)inunter in ben ©arten. 2)raufeen Dor bem (Sd^iloffc

aber tuaren ber 9lafen, bie (Strdud^er unb bie Sdume bon ben

bielen Sid^tern au§ bem Saale \v\t bergolbet, fo ba^ orbentlid^

bie Slumen unb bie 33ogel aufju^ttad^en fd^ienen. Sffieiterl^in

um mid^ ^erum unb fjinter mir kg ber ©arten fo fc^toarj unb

15 ftia.

1)0 tanjt fie nun, badbt' id^ in bem Saume ba broben bei

mir felber, unb ^at getrife lange bid) unb beine Slumen trieber

bergeffen. 'J(Ke§* ift fo frof)Iid), um bic^ fummert fidb !ein

gjJenfd). — Unb fo ge^t c§ mir iiberaH unb immer. Oeber f)at

20 fein ^ld|d^en auf ber (Srbe auggeftedt, f)at feinen irarmen

Dfen, feine 3:affe taffee, feine grau, fein @Iae 2Bein ju Stbenb,

unb ift rcdit jufrieben; felbft bem ^ortier ift ganj toof)! in

feiner langen §aut. — SJlir, iit'§ nirgenbS xcd^V 6g ift, aU

h)dre i^ iiberatt ebcn ju fpdt gefommen, aU l^dtte bie ganjc

zft 2BeIt gar nicbt auf mic^ gerecbnet.—^^





2Bie id^ ^htn fo ^^iIofo^t)iere, l^ore id^ auf einmal unten im

©rafe ettoa§ einl^errafc^eln. ^ixnx feine ©timmen fprad^en

,'^iuftt('^ .fiapitfl. 25

^anj nabc unt> Icifc mitcmanber. 33alb barauf bocjen fid» bic

3i»eige in bcm ©cftrdud; aueeinaubev, unb bic ."^ammeriungfer

[terfte ibr !lcine§ ©eficfitd^cn, ficfi nad> alien Seiten umfe[;enb,(P'^.

3h)ifd;en ber £aubc binburdi/ ©er ^JipnbfdHnn funfeltc rccbt

auf if)rcn ^^fiffigcn Slugcn, iine fie bcrl^orc^udtcn. '^d) biclt ben j

2{tem an micb unb blidtc unlicrtuanbt binuntcr. ixt- bauerte

aucb nid^t lange, fo hat Unrnic^^ bic ©dvtnciin, ijanj fo line

mir fie bie ^ammcriungfer geftern bef^'iiebcn f^atte, jittifdicn

ben 33dumen F)erau§. !0?ein .'oerj fb^jftc ntiv jum 3cvf)}ringen.

®ie aber batte eine 2ariie bov" unb fab fid\ iuie mir fdiicn, lo

ucriuunbcvt auf bcm ^Ia|e urn. — Xa ir»oUt'§ mir borfommen,

aU h)dre fie gar uicbt red>t fcblanf unb nieblidb/ — Gnblidb

trat fie ganj nabc an ben 33aunt unb nabm bic Sarbc ah. —Gs lt)ar Joabrbaftig bie anbere dlterc gndbige %tan !

955tc frob tear idb nun, aU idb micb bom erften '3cbved erbolt 15

Fjatte, ba§ id) mic^ bier oben in Sid^erbeit befanb. 2i5ie in

aller 9Se(t, badbte icb, fommt bie nur je^t bievbcr? h^enn nun

bic liebe fdione gndbige %iau bic Slumen abbctt — bae iuirb

cine fcbone ©cfcbidbte Jr»erben ! ^cb bdtte am (rube Jweinen

mogen ttor 3trger iiber ben ganjcn S^eltafel/ 20

'^3nbem bub bie Dcrf'ap^te ©drtnerin unten an: „(V6 tft fo

ftidenb bei^ brobcn int Saale, id^ mu^te geben, micl^ cin iuenig

absufii^Ien in ber freien fdbonen ^Jfiatur." Xabei fdd^eltc fie

\\d) mtt ber 2arbc tn__einem_4Drt unb bliee bie 2uft bon fidb.

33ei bem f)ellen 2Jionbfd^eine fonnf id^ beutlid^ erfennen, tbic 25

il^r bie ^led^fen am igalfe orbcntlid^ aufgefd^iuottcn ^aren; fie

fai^ ganj erboft au§ unb giegelrot im ©efidbt. Xk ^ammer=

26 ?lii^ ^PTt I'oben cincS iaugenid)t«i.

jungfer fudBte untcrbe!§ binter aUm §erfen l^eruin, al§ bdttc fie

eine ©tednabel berloren. —„^d) 6rau(f)c [o nothjenbig nod^ frifdbe 33luirtcn jii metner

5D?aefc,"^ fubr bic ©drtnerin i)on neucm fort, „\vo er aud^

5 ftcdcn mat} !"^ — ^ie ^ammerjungfcr fudBte unb !idievte babei

imnierfort beimlid? in \\d) felbft binetn. — „Sagtc[l bu lt)a§,

Stoiette ?" fragte bie ©drtnerin fpil^ig. — „5(^ f^^QC/ i^^<i§ i<^

immer gefagt babe," eriuibcrtc bie ^ammerjungfer unb mad^te

cin ganj crnftbaftc^ treuberjigeS ©efid()t, „ber gan;;c Ginncbmer'

10 ift unb bicibt cin £iimntcl, cr licgt ge^t)i^ irgenblco bintcr cincm

; / Straudbe unb jdildft."

r-^j^ '^^^ 3"^^^ ^^ "^ '^^^'^^ metnen ©liebern, berunter ju fpringcn


\ unb meine SLfinitotion ju retten— ba bbrtc man auf einmal cin

gro^e§ ^aufcn unb ^TJufijicren unb £dnncn bom Sdjioffe tier.

15 3^un bielt \id} bie ©drtnerin nid^t Idnger. „3)a bringen bie

9J{enfd^cn," fubr fie bcrbrie^Iid) auf, „bcm .^errn bas 3?itoat."*

Aomm, man Unrb un§ bermiffen.!" — Unb l^iermit ftedte fie bie

?arbe fdbncH i.'ior unb ging ioufenb mit ber .ft'ammcrjungfer narf»

bem ©d)Ioffc ju fort. 2)ie 93dume unb Strducfier. iuicfen

20 Iurio§, Joic mit langen 'liafcn unb J^ingern, binter it)r brein,^

ber 5Ronbfd()eiu tanjte nod) fir, iuie iiber cine ^labiatur,* itber

ibre brcite ^ailte ' auf unb nieber, unb fo nabm fie, fo redbt

h)ie icb auf bem ^'beater mandfnnal bie Sdngerinnen gefel^n,

unter Si^rom^eten unb 'ipauJen fdbnett ibren 2lb5ug.

2;'! ^d^ aber tuufjte in meinem Saume broben eigcntlidB gar

nidBt rccbt, tt>ie mir gefdBcben, unb rid(\tetc nunmcbr meine Slus

gen unberiDanbt auf ba§ Sdfjlo^ l;in; benu cin 5^reis bolicr

3>t)eite« ^apitf I. 27

SffiinbUd^ter unten an ben Stujcn bee ©ingangeS lt>arf bort

einen feltjamen (5cf)ein iibcr bio blil^cnben Jeni'ter unb tocit in

ben ©arten binein. Gs^ tiuir bie Xicnerfdnaft, bie [oeben ibrcr

iunt3cn ^errfdtaft ein Stiinbcfien brad'te. 'DDtitten unter i^nen

ftanb ber ^rdrfjtig aufge^juftte ^^ortiev, \vk ein Staat^miniftev, ">

Dor einem 9?otenpnlte/ unb arbeitete ficb emfii.'^ an einem 2fl-=""

2.\>ie ic^ micb foeben juved;! fe|te, urn ber fdboncn (Serenabe

jUjuboren, gingen auf einnial oben auf bem ^alfon be§ (SdbIof=

fee bie J-Iiigeltbiiren auf. ©in bolder §err, \d}'6n unb ftattlicb lo

in Uniform unb mit Dtelen funtelnben Sterncn/ trat auf ben

SSalfon berau», unb an feiner S^an)> — bie fd^one junge gndbige

3^rau, in ganj ireipem ^leibe, wic eine Silie in ber 9iadit, ober

iDie Joenn ber 2Ronb iiber ba§ flare g-irmament joge.

3d; fonnte feinen 33 lid toon bem ^vla^e beripenben, unb 15

©arten, S3dume unb ^elber gingen unter bor meinen Sinnen,

toie jie fo tininberfam beleucbtet bon ben ^adeln ^od^ unb

fcblanf ba ftanb, unb balb anmutig mit bem fcbonen Cffijier

f^jrad), balb >»ieber freunblidb ^u ben DJtufifanten f;erunter

nidte. Tie Seute unten h^aren gii^er fidi bor ^-reube, unb 20

ic^ ^ielt mid; am (|nbe aud^ ni6t mebr unb fc^>rie immer au§

Seibesfraften 3>ibat mit/ — )U^^M) ^^ .l>-«^v^ .

%U fie aber balb barauf ibieber bon bem ^Balfon berfdbtbanb,

unten eine %add nadj ber anbern berlbfcbte, unb bie 9toten=

^ulte tbeggerdumt icurben, unb nun ber ©arten ring§ umber 2")

and) ibieber finfter tburbe unb raufcf^te tbie border — ba merft'

id> erft alle§ — ba fiel ef mir auf einmat aufl iper?, ba^ mi^

28 "^(iif i>em Veben cinef- Xaugenidjte.

too^l eigentlid; nur bie %ant^ mit ben 33Iumen beftettt Fjatte,

ba^ bie ©d^one gar nid^t an midE> barfite unb lange »erijeiratet

ift, unb ba^ id^ fel6er ein grower 9^arr Wax.Il*^''^'"^

Sdle-S ba§ bcrfenfte mid; rcd)t in einen 2t6grunb toon ^aci)- ,

i> finnen. ^d) tuidc^tte mi^v gleid) einem ^gel' in bie ®tac^,etn*

meiner eignen ©ebanfen jufammen : bom Sdiloffe fd^allte bie I ^^ff^

^Tanjmufi! nur nodi feltner befiiber, bie 2BoIfcn tuanberten^

einfam iibcr ben bunfeln ©arten 5oeg. Unb ]o \a^ id> auf bem

Saume broben, iuie bie 9?acf)teute, in ben I'Kuinen meine^

10 @lud§ bie ganje 3lad)t I^inburd^. *

* 2)ie tni)U 9)torgenluft njedte mid^ enblidf) au§ meinen

2^rdumereien. ^cf) erftauntc orbentlicb, iine id) fo auf einmal

um micf) I;er blidte. 9Jiufif unb ^Tanj Wax lange borbei, im \j\

©d^Ioffe unb ring^l um ba€ ®d^Io^ l^erum auf bem 9tafen^(a^e\

15 unb ben fteinernen Stufen unb Sdulen fa^ atte§ fo ftill, fii^l y-^^^-^

unb feieilid; anz- ; nur ber 3pringbrunnen bor bem ©ingange

pldtfc^erte einfam in einem fort. §in unb f^er in ben 3i^eigen

neben mir ericadjten fd()on bie 3SogeI, fdiiittelten i^re bunten >

Jebern unb fallen, bie fleinen ^-liigel be^nenb, neugierig unb

20 beriDunbert ibren feltfamen ®di(affameraben an. "J-rofilid^

fc^toeifenbe SKorgenftrablen funfelten iiber ben ©arten meg auf

meine Sruft.

2)a rid)tele id; mid; in meinem Saume auf, unb faf> feit

langer ^z\t gum erftenmal tuieber einmal fo redtt ioeit in

25 bal Sanb l)inau3, toie ba fc^on einjelne ©dnffe auf ber S)onau

jUjifdBen ben 2I5einbergen b^^obfufiren, unb bie nod^ leeren

Sanbftra^en iuie Sriirfen iiber ba§ fc^immernbe Sanb fid^ fern

iiber bie 58erge unb ^bdler binauffdblrangen.

3iueitfe fapitel. 29

^d^ iwei^ ntc^t, i»ie e^ fam — ahev mid) padti ba auf ein^

mal tciebev meine efuMiialioic :"l{cifelu[t : alle bie alte 2Qcbmut

unb "^xinti uni grc^e GmHivtung, 5Jiir fiel babei juglcid;

ein, h)ie nun bic frf)oneJ^rau broben auf beni 3c^(offe jlDifcften

25Iumen unb untev feibnen ^edfcii fcbhimmcrte, unb ein ©ngel 5

bei \l)x auf bcm 3?ettc fd^e in bcr 'lliorgcnftide. — ?tein, rief

id) an§, fort muij id; uon bier, unb immer fort, )o tr»eit aU ber

§immcl blau ift


Unb f^iermit nabm ic^ mein ^orbcbcn, unb iuarf ee ^ocb in

bie 2uft, fo bafj eared^t licblid) anjufe^en Wax, trio bie 33Iumen 10

5tDifd;en ben 3tueigen unb auf bem griinen 9\*afen unten hiiHi

um^er lagen. 2)ann ftieg id; feiber fc^netl l^erunter unb ging

burc^ ben ftillen ©arten auf meine SBobnung ju. ©ar oft

blieb idb ba nod^^ ftebcn auf mancbem ^Id^dien, too id} fie

fonft iDobl etninat gefeben, obcv int oc^atten liegenb an fie 15

gebacfjt tatte.

^n unb urn mein §du$c^en fa^ allei noct> fo an^, trie ic^ e§

geftcrn bcrlaffen (;atte. ®ag ©drtcben tuar ge^liinbert unb

toiift, im 3im'"er brin lag noc^ ba§ gro^e 9^ecbnungebud) auf=

gefcftlagen, meine ©eige, bie ic^ f^n faft ganj bergeffen batte, 20L1|^^,]^

bing berftaubt an ber 2Sanb. @in 2Rorgenftraf)I aber aui

bem gegeniiberfte^enben Jcnfter fubr jgerabe bli^enb iiber bie

(Saiten. Sa§ gab einen re^ten ^mng in meinem §erjen/

^a, fagt' id), fomm nur fjer, bu getreuel ^nftrument ! Unfer

dind) ift md)t bon biefer 2SeIt !—


Unb fo nabm i^ bie ©eige Don ber 2Banb, lie^ 9tec^nung§:

budb, '2(^Iafrod, ^mntoffeln, ^feifen unb ^arafol liegen unb


toanberte, arm trie id^ gefommen Wax, au§ meinem Apduld^en

uub auf ber glanjenben Sanbftra^e bon bannen. l' ' ^ 'rv. I'vJi/vx- "i f;

^6) blic!te norf) oft juriicf ; mir tear gar feltfam jumute, fo'')*^

traurig unb bod) audb uneber fo u6crau§ froblicf), tuie ein

o SSogel, ber aus feiuem ^cifig auSrei^t. Unb al§ ic^ fcfion eine

hjcite ©trede gegangen h?ar, nabm id) brau^en im ^^reien meinc

©eige bor unb fang :

3)cn Iteben ®ott laf^ id) miv uialteh ;-')c«-


3)er ^ad)Iein, ?cvc[)eii, aiJalb^unb gelb

10 Unb @vb' imb §immel t^ut cv^alt^n,,

i~r^^^ §at auc^ mcin' ©ad^' aiifg g^eff befteUt


2)a§ ©dE)lDfe, ber ©arten unb bie 2'urme iion 2Sien toaren

fd^on I;inter mir im 5Jiorgenbuft berfunfen, iiber mir jubilierten

unjdt)Uge Serd^en f)od; in ber 2ufl; fo jog id^ jtoifd^^n ben

15 griinen 33ergen unb an luftigen ©tdbten unb 2)5rfern borbei

' gen^^talien f)inunter. \

H)ritte6 Ikapitel.

to. hrber ba» tuar nun fdMimm ! '^6) hatU nod) gar md)t

bavan gcbad^t, baj5 ic^) eii3cntlid; bon ved)tcn 5lBcv3

nic^t iDu^te. Siud^ ir>av rtng§ umber !cin 'Tjienfd) ju feben

in ber ftillen SJiorgenftunbe, ben ic^ bdtte fragen fonnen,

unb nidit Joeit bon mir teilte fid; bie Sanbftra^e in biele neue 5

;iJanbjtra^en, bie gingen li^eit, Jueit iiber bie bocbften 53erge

fort, aU fii^rten fie au^5 ber 2BeIt ^inaul, fo bafe mir crbent=

lid; fc^tpinbelte, iuenn id^ red^t V^^^V^k- . ^jif^/

Gnblid^ fam ein 58auer beg SSegee baber, ber, glaub' icb,

nad; ber birdie ging, ba e§ f)eutA'ben Sonntag "max, in einem 10

altmobifc^en Uberrode mit gro^en filbernen ^nb^fen unb

einem langen fpanifd^en 9tof)r mit einem febr maffit)en filbernen

©todfnopf barauf, ber fcbon uon lyeitem in ber (Sonne funfelte.

^d) frug if;n fogleic^ mit bieler ^ofUdjfeit : „^onnen Sie mir

nidit fagen, too ber 3Seg nad) ^talien gebt?" — S)er 33auer i')

fclieb ftei^en, fal) mid^ an, /^ejariri fid^ bann mit iucit borge;

fc^iobener llnterli^j^e, unb fab mid> toieber an. ^d) fagte nod^

einmal : „nadb ^talien, too bie '^omeranjen' lyad^fen." — „2((^

toa§ gef)n mid^ Sane ^.|]omeran5en an !" fagte ber 53auer ba,

unb fdn-itt toadfer toieber toeitcr. '^s'i} bdtte, bcm 3)tanne mebr 2n

^onbuite jugetraut," bcnn er fab red^t ftattiid^ aul.

2Ba§ toar nun ju madben ? iBieber umfebren unb in mein

'xivCM. nK^xM Caw«jl^vh "^^^

Ati^J</yy 32 5(it«i bcm i'eben eine« 2:auflenicf)t^.

2)orf jurMge^n? 2)a f)dtten bie 2eute mit ben ^ingern auf

mid^ gelmefen, unb bie ^ungen Wiixm urn mic^ f^erumge;

f))rungen : Qi, tmifenb imllfommen au» ber 9KeIt !^ h)ie fie^t

e€ benn au§ in ber 2Belt? ()at @r ung nid;t ^^efferfud^en" mit*

5 gebrad;t au§ ber 2BeIt'? — 2)er ^ortier mit ber furfurftlid^en'

D^afe, iDclc^cr u6erf)nu)3t mele ^enntnifje toon ber 2SeItgefd}id>te

batte, fagte oft ju mir : „5Sertgcirf)d|ter §err Ginncbmer !'

^talien ift ein fclones Sanb, ba [orgt ber liebe ©ott fi'ir a(Ie§,

ba fann man \id) im @onnenfd)ein auf ben 9ti'tden legen, fo

10 toad^fen einem bie 3tofinen in§ 9JJauI/ unb lyenn einen bie

2^arantel bei^t, fo tanjt man mit ungemciner ©elenfigfeit,

toenn man aud; fonft nid;t tanjen gclernt ^at." — 9ccin/ nad;

^talien, nad^ ^talien ! rief id; iDoIIer 33ergnugen aus^, unb

rannte, of^ne an bie berfd^iebenen 2Bege gu benfen, auf ber

15 Strajje fort, bie mir cben for bie ^it^e lam.

2n§ id; eine Strede fo fort geiuanbert ioar, fat) ic^ redf)t§

Don ber ©tra^e einen fet)r fd;onen Saumgarten, h)o bie

SRorgenfonne fo luftig jioifdjen ben ©tdmmen unb 2Bipfe(n

f)inburd^ fd)immertc, ba^ e§ aulfat), aU todre ber S^tafen mit

20 golbenen 2^e^pid)en kicgt. 5)a id; teinen 9Jienfc^en erblidte,

ftieg id; iiber ben niebrigen ©artenjoun unb legte mid^ red^t

be^agli^ unter einem 2l)3felbaum in§ @ra§, benn i?on bem

geftricjen 5tadjtlager auf bem Saume tbaten mir noc^ alle

©Ueber iueb. 2)a fonnte man Joeit in§ 2anb ^inauSfebett,

25 unb ba e§ ©onntag iuar, fo tamen bi§ aui ber toeiteften

g^erne ©lodenfldnge uber bie ftillen g^elber ^eriiber, unb gc=

pni^U Sanbleute gogen iiberatl jlxtifd^en Siefen unb SBiifd^ien

Slitter .^apitel. 33

nati) ber ^ircfic. ^cf> tt>ar redjt frofjUc^ im §erjen, bie 58bgel

fangcn iiber miv im 33aumc, i6 baditc an meine 2Ku^le unb

an ben (liarten ber fd^oncn gndbic3cn ^van, unb iuie ba'o attee

nun fo tueit, nnnt lag — big i^ jule^t einfd;liimnierte. ^a

traumtemir, aU fame biefe fc^one ^^xan an^i ber ^rciditigen 5

©egenb unten ju mir gegangen obev eigentlid) langfam ge|Iogen

xlDifd^en ben (^lorfenflangen, mit langcn iuei^en 6d)lmrn, bie

im 5)iorgenrDte ioe^en. 2)ann tear e»- iyieber, al§ J»dren

h)ir gar nid>t in ber <yrembe, [onbern bei meinem 2)orfe an

ber 9)ZubIe in ben tiefen Scbatten. 5lber ba ioar aCe^ ftifl i<>

unb lea, ioie lucnn bte Seute Sonntag'o in ber ilird;e finb

unb nur ber Drgelflang burdb bie Sdume fjeriiber fommt, bap

Q6 mil recbt im ^erjen h)e^ t^at. ^k fd^one ^rau aber tpar

febr gut unb frcunblic^, jie bielt micb an ber .<ganb unb ging

mit mir, unb fang in einem fort in biefer (Sinfamfeit 'ha^ 15

fd^one Sieb, ba§ fie bamalg immer friibmorgen§ am offenen

g^enfter jur ©uitarre gefungen bat, unb icb fab babei ibr

Silb in bem ftiden SBeiber, nod) biel taufenbmal fc^oner,

aber mit fonberbaren gropen 3(ugen, bie mic^i fo ftarr an=

fa^en, ba^ id) mid) beinab gefiircbtet f)dtte.— 2)a fing auf 20

einmat bie Wu.l)U, erft in ein^elnen langfamen ®d>Iagen, bann

immer fd^netter unb beftiger an 5U gef)en unb ju braufen, ber

2Beiber inurbe bunfel unb trdufelte fidv bie fc^one ^yrau

tourbe gang bleid^ unb if)re Scbleier lourben immer Idnger

unb Idnger unb flatterten entfe|Ud) in langen ©^ji^en, irie 25

5?ebelftreifen, bodf^ am §imme( em))or ; ba§ ©aufen na^m

immer mebr ju, oft tuar e§, aU bliefe ber ^ortier auf feinem

,^jL^\A>M^^ \A^O^<J«xJt

34 "^In^ bem ?ebfn eince Saugenic^te.

^agot bajirifdjen, bi§ \6) tn'blxd) mil fjeftigem ^er5flDpfcn


Q§ batte ficE) tpirflic^ ein SBinb erboben, ber Icife iiber

tnir buvd) ben 2I)3feIbaum ging ; aber lua§ fo braufte unb

5 rumorte, Juar luebcr bie SJiiible nocb ber 'i^sortier, fonbern

bcrfelbe 33auer, ber mir \)otb\n ben 2[Seg nacb ^talien m(^t

jeigen iDoIIte. Gr batte aber jeinen Sonntagsftaat augge=

jogen unb ftanb in einem tuei^en i^omifor toor mir. „9?a,"

fagte er, ba icb mir nod^ ben Scblaf aui> ben 3(ugen iDifd^te,

10 „\x)\U Qx etipa bier '^^o^^erenjen flauben/ ba^ er mir ba^

f^ume @rae fo jertrampelt, anftatt in bie ^ird^ie ju geben, @r

^aulenjer !" — Wlxd) argert' e§ nur, bajj midi ber ©robian

aufgeloecft fiatte. ^d^ f^Jrang gang erboft auf unb berfe^te ge=

fd^iomb: „^a$, Qx tmll midB bier au^o|aum^fen? ^rf) bin

15 ©drtner geluefen, eb ®r baran bad^te, unb Sinnebmer, unb

^1 trenn ]^ jur ©tabt gefabren tt)are, ^citte @r bie fd^mierige

<Sc^Iafmu|e box mir abnebmen miiffen, unb batte mein ipau^

unb meinen roten ©dblafrcc! mit gelben ^sunften." — Slber

ber ^noflfin!* fd)erte fid; gar nid)t§ barum, fonbern ftemmte

20 beibe 3(rme in bie (Seiten unb fagte blo^ : „3Ba§ \mii (Ex

benn? be! be!" ®abei fai) i4>, ba^ e^ eigentlid; ein furjer,

ftdmmiger, frummbeiniger .^erl lr>ar, unb Dorftebenbc glo^enbe

'^(ugen unb eine rote, ettoae fdbiefe, ^^iafe I;atte. Unb tuie er

tmmerfort nidUo iyeiter fagte aU: „t)e! — be!" — unb babei

25 jebe^mal einen Sdfiritt ndber auf mid) ju!am, ba iiberfiel

tnid^ auf einmal eine furiofe grau#Iid)e '3lngft, ba^ id^ mid)

fdbnetl aufmadte, iiber ben 3^"" fprang unb, obne mid* um^

XritteS .^apitfl. 35

flUfcbcn, immcrfort qucvfcltein liof, bafe mir bie (Seige in ber

2:afd;c flaug.

2(1^ 16) cnblic^ lincbcr [tifl liicit, urn 21 tern ^u fd^o^fen^

hjar ber (^^arten unb ba^ QClw^c 3:l}al nid^t mebr ju fel^en,

unb td^ ftanb in einem fd^ibnen 2BaIbe. 2(ber id) gab nid^t 5

biel barauf adjt, bcnn jc^t drgcrte mid) ba§ (Spe!ta!el erft

re^t/ unb bafj ber Rixl mid} immcr C"r nanntc/ unb td^

fd^im^jfte nodf* lange im otillen fiir midn ^n fold^en @c=

banfcn ging id^ rafdi fort unb fam immer mef)r bon ber £anb:

ftra^e ab, mitten in bag ©ebirge hinein. 2)er .^oljireg/ auf 10

bem idf) fortgelaufcn limr, bortc auf unb icf) l^attc nur nod^

einen Jleinen tuenig betretenen ^-u^fteig bor mir. 9tingsum

irar niemanb 5U fefien unb tein Saut ju berneF)men. 'Sonft

aber trar e§ redU aninutig gu geben, bie 3Si^)feI ber 23aume

raufd^ten unb bie ^^ogel fangen fel^r fdion. ^d^ bc|at>I midb 15

balder ©otte§ g^iibrung, jog meine 3Sioline berbor unb fpielte

alle meine liebften Stiide burd>, bafe e§ red^t froblidt in bem

cinfamen SBalbe ertlang,

9)iit bem ©^ielen ging ee aber auc^ nid^t lange, benn idb

ftol^erte babei jeben 2tugenblidf iiber bie fatalen Saumtourgein, 20

aucE) fing mid» jule^t an ju bungern/ unb ber 3\>alb trtoHte

nodEj imnter gar fein Gnbe nebmen." <5o irrte id) ben ganjen

2'ag l}erum, unb bie Sonne f4)ien fd^on fc^ief jirifd^en ben

58aumftdmmen l^inburd), aU id) enblid) in ein fleinei SSiefen^

tf)al l^inauSfam, ba§ ringg bon 33ergen eingefd^Ioffen unb 25

boiler roter unb gelber 33Iumen trar, iiber benen ungd^lige

Sd^metterlinge im Slbenbgolbe ^erum flatterten. §ier h»ar

36 'l"§ iifttt ?cben eincS Xaugemd)t^.

e^ fo einfam, al§ Idge bic SBelt iDobl f)unbert 3}?eilen ineit

toeg. ^Rur bie §eimd;en jirpten, unb ein §irt lag bviiben im

'i)o\)zn ©rafe unb blie§ fo meIand;oUfci^ auf feiner ©ctialmet,

ba^ einem ba§ .^erj bor 3Sei)miit battc serfj^ringen mogen.

5 ^a, barf)tc i(^ bei mtr. Jeer e§ fo gut Iidtte/ luic fo ein %au=

Icnjcr! unfcr ciner" mu^ fid) in bev ^rembc i)erumfd)Iagcn unb

immcr attcnt fein/— 2)a ein fd)one§ flared ^"^lii^d^en jtwifd^en

un§ lag, iiber ba§ id) nid^t f)erii6er fonnte, fo rief id^ it)m

Don toeitcm ju : luo Jiicr ba§ nddftc il^ovf Idge? Gr Iie| fid)

10 aber ni(f)t ftoren, fonbcvn ftredte nur ben .^o^f ein iuenig au§

bem ©rafe l^erbor, it)ie§ mit feiner (Sd^almei auf ben anbern

SEBalb l^in unb blie§ rubig iuieber iweiter.

Unterbel nmrfcbierte id) ftei^ig fort, benn e§ fing fd^on an

gu bdmmern. Die 9>ogeI, bie alle nod) ein gro^eS ©efd^rei

15 gemad^t batten, all bie le^ten Sonnenftral^Ien ouxd) ben SBalb

fdE)immerten, iourben auf einmal ftill, unb mir fing beinal) an

angft ju iuerben in bem eioigen, cinfamen ^Raufdben ber

SBdIber. Gnblid^ biivte id^i toon feme .fiunbc beUen. ^d^

fdiritt rafd^cr fort, ber 2BaIb luurbe imnier lid)ter unb lid^ter,

20 unb balb barauf fal; ic^ sir)ifdE)cn ben Ie|ten ^dumen ^inburd^

einen fdBonen griinen ^4a^, auf bem toiele ^inber Idrmten,

unb ficb um eine gro^c 2inbe bcrumtummelten, bie red()t in

ber 9)iittc ftanb. 9Beiterbin an bem $Ia^e trar ein 2Birtl;

^au§, bor bem einige 33auern um einen %\\6) fa^en unb

25 Garten fjjielten unb 'Xahal raud)ten. 33on ber anbern ©eite

fa^en junge 93urfd;e unb ^dbdben bor ber ^f)ur, bie bie

Slrme in i^re ©d^iirjen gch)idelt batten unb in ber ^iible mit

einanber plaubcrten. yaf^

/^.fA^^ «*^^^^^ y-^/" ^c^®rittfe .«apitc(. 37

^(^ befann mid) nxdjt langc, 5013 mcinc ©eigc au§ ber

Jafd^e, iinb f^iel te fd;nell cineu luftigen !iidnblcr^ auf,'^'^

hjcifjrenb id; aug bem 2Balbe J^ertooitrat. Sic 5}^dbd;en i)er»

luunberten fid;, bie 2lltcn lad^ten, ba^ C'S Jueit in ben 2BaIb

I;ineinfd;ante. 3116 id; aUx fo 6i<j ju bcv iiin'Dc gefommen 5

iuar, unb mid) mit bem ?)iiiden bavan lcf;nte, unb immerfort

f^ielte, ba ging ein fjeimlid^eg Stumoren unb ©cUnf^er untev

ben jungen Seuten red;tc> unb Iink\ bie ^^urfdien legten enblid)

if)re Gonntag^^fcifcn lueg, jebcr naf)m bie Seine, unb ef;

\d)'^ mir bevfaf), fdiiiKutte fid^ bac-« jungc il^auevuDolf tiiditig 10

um mic^ lucrum, bie §unbe bellten, bie kxttd flogen, unb

bie ^inber ftanben um mid) im ^reife, unb fal)cn mir neu=

gierig tn§ ©efid)t unb auf bie ?^inger, tine id^ fo fir bamit

2Bie ber erfte ©d^Uifer borbei mar, lonnte id) erft red^t 15

fel^en, ttjie cine gute 9}hifif in bie ©liebjna^en fd^rt. 2)te

SBauerburfd^en, bie fid; borber, bie ^feifen im 5Runbe, auf ben

Sdn!en redten unb bie fteifen Seine bon fid^ ftredten, tt»aren

nun auf einmal tok umge^aufd)t, lie^en if)re bunten ©d^nu^f=

tiid^er born am ^no))fIod) lang l^erunter l^dngen unb fa^jriols 20

ten* fo artig um bie 53Zdbdien l^erum, ba^ e§ eine recite Suft

an3ufdf)auen iuar. ®i"ei, i>Dn ibnen, ber fic^ fd^on fiir tt)a§

diti^H^ ^ielt,* f)afgeIteMange in feiner 3Seftentafd^e, bamit e§

bie anbern feben foUten, unb brad^te enblid^ ein fleineg ©ilber=

ftiid ^erau§, ba§ er mir in bie §anb bruden JboUte. 50?id) 25

ar^rle__ba§, toenn id) gleid() bajumal !ein ©elb in ber Slafd^e

l^attc. ^d; fagte ti)m, er foHe nur feine ^fennige be{)alten, ic^

38 31"^ i^fin I'elien eiiieS Xaugcnid)tS.

^^fpiettc nur fo au^ fyrcubc, lucil id; luieber bei 9Jienfd;en ludrc.

93alb barauf aber !am ein fd)nu|dc2; 9)idbc^en mit einer gropen

yA^ ©taiTHje^ 2Bem ju mir. „5Rufifanten trinleu gem/' fagte fie,

V unb ladite mid^ frcimbltd) an, unb i(;re ^jerllrci^en ^dl)\K

5 fd)immcrtcn rcd;t fd;ar)nant jiDifd^cn ben roten Si^jjen I)tn=

burd), fo bap id) fie iwpf^l lidtte barauf fiiffen mogen. ©ic

tuE^te ibt ©d^ndbeld^en' in ben 3Sein, luobei ibre 2lugen iiber

^\ bag @la§ ireg auf niidt) ^eriiber fun!elten, unb reid^te mir

J barauf bie ©tampe l)'m. ®a tranf id) ba§ ©Ia§ bi§ auf ben

C 10 ©runb aug, unb fpielte bann luieber bon frifcbenu ba| fid^

allege luftig urn mid^ ^erumbrei)te. ' "^ xsmi/>

5Die Sllten iwaren unterbe^ bon ibrem (Spiel aufgebrDd)en,

bie jungen Seute fingen and) an miibe in toerben unb jerftreuten

fic^, unb fo iDurbe es nad^ unb nadf) ganj ftiff unb leer bor bem

15 SBirtg^aufe, 2(u^ ba§ SRdbd^en, bag mir ben 2Bein gereid^t

^atte, ging nun nad^ bem SDorfe gu, aber fie ging fe^r langfam,

unb fab fid^ jun^eilcn urn, alg ob fie toag bergeffen t)dttc. @nb=

lid^ blieb fie ftef)en unb fud)te ctluas auf ber Grbe, aber id^ fa^

\vo^\, ba^ fie, h)cnn fie fid) biidte, unter bem 2lrmc E)inburd^

2(1 nad^ mir juriidblidte. ^d; l^atte auf bem Sd)Ioffe Sebengart

gelernt, id) f^rang alfo gefd)iinnb berju unb fagte : „^abcn ©ie

etrttag berloren, fcf)onfte SDJamfell?"* — „2(d^ nein," fagte fie

unb Vourbe iiber unb iiber rot, „eg tnar nur eine S^lofe — ibiff

(ix fie ^aUn?" — ^6) banfte unb ftedte bie 9tofe in§ ^nopfloc^.

25 ©ie fa^ micb fet)r freunblidb an unb fagte : „©r f^)ielt rec^t

fc|>on." — „'5a/' berfc^te icb, „ba§ ift fo eine &aU ©otteg."—„T!ie 9){ufifanten finb f)icv in ber (^egenb fef)r rar," Ijuh ba§

2)nttt'«i .<lapttc(. 39

3Jidbdicu banu iuicbcr an unb [todftc unb tnittc bie 3(ugcu be;

[tdnbifl niebeicjefdtlagen. „Qx fbnntc \\d) liter cin gutc§ Stiid

(>3elb berbiencu — and) meiu 2>ater f^iclt dWa^i bie ©etge unb

Iiort gcvn Don ber (^rembe crja^len — unb mein iBater ift fefir ^veid>." — I^ann Iadf)tc fie auf unb fao(tc : ,,21^^^ cr nur nidbt "o"

oAje imniev foldK G)rima]"jen nuid'en niodite tnit bem_^o^r[e, beim

'^^^'^©eigeu!" — ^Xeucrfte ^ungfev/' ' ertoiberte \d), „er[tlid;


nenneu ©ie niic^ nur nid^t inimer (£r ; fobanu mit ben ^'o^jf^

^remulenjen, ba-o ift einnml nid;t anberj," ba§ ftaben \xi\x "^xx-

IfJ^iiJ,tuofen nfle fo an une." ' — „ ^}id} fo.!" cntgegnete ba^> ^J^bdu-n. lo

' ©ie iDoIIte nod; ettras mebr fagen, a6er ba entftanb auf ein=

null cin entfe^lid^eg ©e^Iter im 2Birt»{)aufe, bie ^auetfjiir

ging niit gropcnt ©efradbe auf unb ein biinner .^ert !ani tuie

ein au§gef4^offener ^abTjtod^erauggcflogcn, luorauf bie 2:f)ur

fogleidf) jointer iBm jugefiflagcn Unirbe. >^^i4sAAxuv/wv is

2)a^ SJidbcfien Juar bei bent erften (i)erduf(f) iuic ein iHeh >o<

babongefprungen unb ini Dunfel berfdiuninben. 2)ie gigur <^-*VU^

Dor ber 3:bur aber roffte fid; i^urtig tcieber bom 58oben auf unb

fing nun <x\\ mit foId)er ©efd^ioinbigfcit gegen ba§ .*gau§ los-

if i /turttq ;iufcbimpfen/ ba^ e§ orbentlic^ gum (Srftaunen fear. „2Ba6!" "-^o

fc^rie er, „id; beioffen? ' idi bie ^reibeftricbe <xxx ber f»errducber=

ten 2:biir nicbt bejablenV* 2of4^t fie <x\\i, lofcbt fie a\xi\ .'oab'

id; Suc^ nid;t erft geftern iibern i^oc^loffel barbiert unb in bie

9?afe gefcfjnitten, ba$ ^^r ntir ben Soffel morl^ entjtrei gebiffen

f?abt?'-* 33arbieren mad)t einen 3trid;"— ^od^Ioffel, toieber 2-5

ein ©trid() — ^flafter auf bie 5Rafe, nod; ein <3tri(f) — toiebiel

fold)e ^unbofbttifcbe Stridte iuollt .^sbr benn nod) bejablt \)<x-

40 2(u8 bem i'eben eineS Jaugenic^ts.

ben? Stber gut, fd^on gut, \d} laffe ba§ ganje 2)orf, bie ganjc

2BeIt ungefdBoren.' Sauf| meinetiuegen^ mit euren 53drten,

ba^ ber licbe ©ott am jiin^ften 2rage nid^t trci^, ob ibr ^uben -yjsjy^

feib ober gl^riften ! ^a, bdngt curf) an eurcn eignen 58drten ^

5 auf, i^r pOttigen Sanbbdren \" §ier brad) er auf einmal in

ein jdmmerli(^e§ 2Bcinen au§ unb fui^r gang erbdnulid^i burcb

bie ^xjid fort : „2Baffer fott id^ faufen/ Wk eiu elenber gifd^ ?

ift ba§ 3^dd^enliebe ? 33in id) nid)t ein SJienfd^ unb ein au€=

gelernter 8^elbfd;er? %6), id; bin l^eute fo in bcr 9^e !* 9Jtein 2^^10 ^erj ift ttotter 3fJuf)rung unb 9}|enfdienliebe Y' 33ei biefen SSorten

jog er fief) nad^ unb nad^ juviid, ba im §aufe atte§ fttll blieb.

21I§ cr mid^ erblidte, fani er mit ausgebreiteten Slrmen auf

mid^ Io§, ic^ glaube, ber toHe ^erl iuoEte mid^ embraffieren.*

^d^ fprang aber auf bie Seite, unb fo ftolperte er ineiter, unb

15 id) l^brte ibn noc^i langc, balb grob, balb fein, burdb bie ^in^er*

ni§ mit fid) bi§!urieren.

W\x aber ging mand)erlei im ^o)3fi5 f)erum. 2)ie ^ungfer,

bie mir ttorf)in bie Sf^ofc gefdBenIt f)atte, Inar jung, fd^on unb

reid)— id) fonnte ba mein ©liid mad;en, eb man bie §anb um=

20 !et)rte. Unb §ammel unb ©d^toeine, $uter unb fette ©cinfe

mit Stpfein gefto^ft — \a, eg loar mir nid)t anberg, all fdf)'

idfi ben -Jsortier auf mid) jufommen : „(^reif ju, Ginnebmer,

greif ju ! jung gefieit F)at niemanb gereut/ \\)§xl§ &ind l;at, ,

fii^rt bie ^raut beim,' bleibe im Sanbe unb nd^re bid^ tud^=_

26 tig."* ^n foIdBen ^I;ilofo^t)ifd[)en ©ebanfen fe|te id() mt(^ auf

]\ bem ^la^e, ber nun gang einfam inar, auf einen ©tein nieber,

bcnn an bas ifi>irt§baul anjuf[o^)fen traute id) mid* nidht, ireil

2)ritte8 ^apitel. 41

i(f) fcin ©elb bei mir fnittc. 2)er SDionb [dncn ^rddbtig, bon

ben 23crgen rau[(^ten bie JiHilber burd^ bie ftitle ^ladit kiiiber,

mandniml fdilugen im ®orfe bie .'ounbe an, ba§ tueiter im

Xfjale untev Sdunicn unb 5Jconbfci()em trie begraben lag. ^d)

betroditctc baS J-irmamcnt, toie ba einjelne 2©oIfcn langfam 5

buvd; ben 5JJonbfdHMn jogen unb nmndMnal cin Stern Unnt in

ber ^erne berunterfiet. ©0, badite \d\ fdieint ber DJionb aucb

iiber meine§ isater^ SJiiifjIe unb auf ba§ toet^e grdflidie

Sd^Io^. Tovt ift nun aud^ fc^on alle§ lange ftill, bie gndbige

^yrau fd)ldft, unb bie 2Safferfunfte unb Sdume im Garten 10

raufd;en nod) immcrfort Une bamal§, unb alien ift'S gleidi, ob

\d) nod) ba bin, ober in ber 5i"^mbe, ober geftorben. — 2)a

!am mir bie SBelt auf einmal fo entfe^Iii^ treit unb gro^ bor,

unb id) fo ganj aflcin barin, bafs id) aix?-> ^erjcnsgrunbe bdtte

tueinen mogen. 15

2Bie icb nod) immer fo ba fi^e, fiore id^ auf einmal aus ber

g^eme §ufid;lag im 9SaIbe. ^d^ tjielt ben 2(tem an unb

laufcfUe, ba fant e^S immer ndber unb ndber, unb id) fonntc

fdbon bie "l^ferbe f(j^nauben fioren. 23alb barauf !amen audi

toi^flid) jtoei 9^eiter unter ben Sdumen ^erbor, ^ielten aber am 20

Saume beg 3BaIbe§ an unb f^3rad)en F)eimlid) febr eifrig mit

einanber, lyie id) an ben ©dBatten feben fonnte, bie ^^lo^Iid;

iiber ben monbbegldnjten "^la^ borfc^ioffen, unb mit langen

bunllen 2(rmen balb babin, balb bortbin h)iefen. — 2Bie oft,

Juenn mir jufjaufe meine berftorbene SRutter toon loilben 2BdI; 25

bern unb martialifdien S^dubern er^^dfilte, batte id) mir fonft

immer ^eimlid^ gelintnfc^t, eine folc^ie C>)efd)idite felbft ju erleben.

42 2lu6 bem ?cbcn eines 2;augemcl)t8.

35a F^att' id;'§ nun auf einmal fiir meine biimmen, frebel;

iniitigen ©ebanfen !— ^d& ftredte mid^ nun an bent Sinben^

baum, unter bent id) gefeffen, gang unmerflid^ fo lang au§,

irie id; nur fonnte, h\§> idf) ben erften 2lft .erreid^t I^atte unb

5 ntid^ gefd)iuinbe ^inauffd^tuang. 2(6cr id) Baume'ite nD(^ mit

Iialbem Seibe iiber bent 3lftc unb iuolltc fo zhm and) meine

SBeine nad^f)olen^ aU ber eine Don ben Steite'rn rafdi Winter niir

iiber ben ^ta^ bai)er trabte. ^d^ ixMt^ nun bie 2lugen feft

ju in bein bunfein ^axibt, unb riiljrte unb regie tnid^ nic^t. —10 „9Ser ift ba!" rief e§ auf einmal bid)t Winter mir. „':)Jiemanb!"

fdE)rie id^ au§ SeibeSfrdften bor ©d)red, ba§ er mid) bod^ nod)

ertoifd^t ^atte. ^nsgef)eim mu^te idb aber bod^ bet mir lad)zn,

ft)ie bie ^erl§ fid) fdf)neiben trtiirben/ tcenn fie mir bie leeren

Stafd)en umbre{)ten. — „@i, ei/' fagte ber 9iduber icieber,

15 „h)em gef)Dren aber bie jtoei Seine, bie ba f)erunter f)dngen ?"

— 2)a ^alf nid^t§ mef)r. „9'tidC)t§ irteiter," berfe^te idB, „aU ein

^aar arme Derirrte 9)iufi!antenbeine/' "* unb lie| mid^ rafd^

toieber auf ben 33oben f)erab, benn idf) fd)dmtc mid^ aud^, longer

luie eine jerbrodfiene ©abel ba iiber bem 5(fte gu f)dngen. 1^

20 2)ag ^ferb be§ 9fleiter§ fd^eute, aU id) fo ^lo^Iid^ bom

33aume t)erunterfu{)r. @r flojjfte iF)m ben ^aU unb fagte

IadE)enb : „9iun, loir ftnb and) berirrt, ba finb iuir red)te

i^ameraben ; id) bdd^te alfo/ bu f)dlfcft un§ ein tuenig ben 2Beg

nad^ 33. auffucf)en. (S^ foU bein Bd^a'^c n\d)t fein." ^d)

25 l^atte nun gut beteuern/ ba^ ic^ gar n\d)t ibii^te, two 33. Idge,

ba^ id^ lieber I)ier im 2Birt§f)aufe fragen ober fie in ba§ 35orf

binunter fii^ren itjollte. 3)er 5lerl nabm gar feine 3taifon

S)ritte« ,napitel. 43

nn.' @r jog ganj ruBig eine ^Uftole au§ bem ©urt, bie rc^t

bixb^d) im 5lionb)diein funtclte. ,M^'w Siebfter," fagte er

babci fel^r freunbfc^iaftlidi 511 mir, Jt)df)renb er balb ben Squf

ber ^iftole abtrifdhte, balb Uncbcr prufenb an bie 2tugen l^ielt,

„mein Siebftcr, bu toir[t tuobl fo gut fetn, felber nad> 33. 5


®a toar icb nun rec^t iibel baran.' 2xa\ id) ben 2Beg, fo

tarn \6} gelui^ 5u ber Stduberbanbe unb befam ^riigel, ba id^

!cin ©elb bei mir bvitte, traf id) ibn nicbt — fo befam id)

aud) ^riigel. ^d) befann niic^) alfo nid^t lange unb fdilug 10

ben erften beften 2Beg ein, ber an bem 9Birt6(;aufe ttoriiber

bom 35orfe abfuF)rte. ^er S^ieiter fprengte fd^nell ju feinem

Segleiter juriid, unb beibe folgten mir bann in einiger QnU

fernung langfam nad^i. <2o jogen Ibir eigenttid) recbt ndrrifcf)

Quf gut @Iud' in bie monbbelle yia<i)t f)inein. 2)er SBeg lief 15

immerfort im SSalbe an einem 53ergeef)ange fort, 3"^^^^^^^"

fonnte man iiber bie ^anneniDi))feI, bie bon unten berauf*

UijL/" langten uub fic^i bunfel riibrten, ioeit in bie tiefen, ftiHen

r ^^dler f)inauffeben, bin unb ber f^Iug eine g^ad^tigatl, §unbe

bellten in ber gerne in ben 2)orfern. ©in g^Iu^ rauf(^te be= 20

ftdnbig au§ ber S'iefe .unb blifete jutoeilen im ^Ronbfcbein auf.

Dabei bae cinformige ^ferbegetra^^jel unb ba§ SSirren unb ^ v J)

©d)lpirren* ber 9teiter I)inter mir, bie unauf^orlid^ in einer ^^ *

fremben ©^rad^e mit einanber ^jlauberten, unb ba^ belle 5D?onb- ; ^^vJ{^'^

Iid)t unb bie langen (5d()atten ber Saumftdmme, bie ibed)felnb 2'5

iiber bte beiben D^eiter Iregflogen, ba^ fte mir balb fd^h)arj,

balb ^ell, balb Ilein, balb h)ieber riefengrop borfamen. /-/

44 '-Jliis bi'in ?eben eineii Saugeniditij.

W\x bmrrteii ]\6> orbentlirf^ bic ©ebanlen, aU lage ic^

in einem 3;raum unb fbnnte gar nicfit aufiDarf)en. ^dt

" fdBritt iinmer ftrainm__ain- mid> l^in.^ SSir miiffen, bad^te

id;, bod) am ©nbe au6 bcm 2lHiIbe unb au§ ber 3^ad^t l^er=

5 auSfommen. ^t;,,^*^ JU^o*.

(inblid) flcgen b in unb luiebcr fc^on lange rotlidje ©d^eine

iiber ben Apimmel, ganj Icife, i»ie tuenn man iiber einen

@))iegel tjaudit, aud^ eine !i^erd)e fang fdBon Iiodf) iiber bem

ftillen 2'ba(e. 2)a imirbe mir auf einmal ganj flar im ^erjen

10 bei bem 9)iin'gengru|e, unb atle ^nivcbt tear boriiber, !I)ie

beiben 9teiter aber ftredten fid^, unb fafjen fid^ nad; alien

©eiten um unb fduenen nun erft g.ejpflfev ^u tverben, ba^ lt)tr

bod) \vo\)V nid)t auf bem redbten SBege fein modbten. ©ie

))Iauberten irieber biel, unb id) merfte \voh\, ba| fie bon mir

15 fprad;en, ja e§ tam mir bor, ale finge ber eine fid^ Dor mir

ju fiircbten an, als fount' id) tyobi gar fo ein l^eimlic^er

©d^naV5l;af)n fein, ber fie im SBalbe irre fii^ren ioollte. 2)a§

mad}te mir 'S^a^, benn je Iid)ter eS ringSum tcurbe, ie mel^r ^gourage friegt' id), jumal ba ir»ir foeben auf einen fc^onen

20 freien 2BalbpIa^ F)erau5!amen. ^c^ fab mid; balder nac^ alien

©eiten ganj trilb um, unb ^fiff bann ein ^aarmal auf ben Ccvp<^

^ingern, icie bie ©))i^buben tbun, loenn fie fid) einanber

©ignale geben iDoIlen. ^'- \

„§alt !" rief auf einmal ber eine Don ben Sieitern, ba^ id^

25 orbentlic^ jufammenfu^r. 3Bie id; mid^ umfel^e, finb fie beibe

abgeftiegen unb f)aben ibre ^ferbe an einen 33aum angebun^

ben. S)er eine fommt aber rafd; auf mid^ Io§, fiel)t mir ganj


I Xxittei itapitel. 45

(lair in§ ©efid^t, unb fdngt auf einmal ganj unma^ig an ju

ladien. ^d; mufe ge(tcf)en, niid^ drgcrtc bag unberniinftige ...ACj^^dA^

©eldd)ter. 6r abcr fagte : „2Baf>rf)aftig', ba§ ift ber ©drtner,

tDoIIt' [agen : (Sinnef)mer tiom ©d^lo^ !" -^-^-^uj^

^(jtfUvvv ^d; fab if)n gvoft an/ iuujite mid) aber feiner nid^t ju er^ 5

innern, ijaiV and) Diel ju ttnm gef)abt, luenn id) mir alle bic

jungen §erren {)dtte anfe^cn iwolfen, bic auf bem ©d^Ioffe ah

unb ju° ritten. Qx aber fuf)r mit emigem @eldd)ter fort:

„Ta§ ift ^jrddjtig! 2)u bacicrft/ Juie id^ fe^e, trir braud^en _j ^-^

eben einen Sebienten, bleib bei un^J, ba ^aft bu eluige S^atanj." * 10

u, l-u.J(^ — 3^ "^^^^ S«"3 berMiifft unb fagte enblid^, ba^ id^ foeben

auf einer 9teife nad^ ^talien begriffen iudre.— „'^a6) ^talien? !"

entgegnete bev ^rembe, „ihm babin Wolkn and) h)ir!" —„3^un, tuenn b a !§ ift I" rief id^ auv unb ?og bottev g^reube

meine ©eige au§ ber 2:afd;e unb ftridi/ ba^ bie 3Si3geI im 15

2BaIbe auftuad^ten. 3)er iperr aber ertoij^te gefd^tcinb ben

anbern §errn unb ^ualjte mit ifjm tuie berriidt auf bem 9lafen


®ann ftanben fie ^I5|lic^ ftilL „33ei ©ott,"" rief ber eine,

„ba fe^' id; fd^on ben ^ird^turm toon 33. ! nun ba tooHen trir 20

balb unten fein." @r jog feine Uf)r ^erau§ unb lie^ fie

re^etieren, fdtiittelte mit bem ^ojjfe, unb Ue^ nod; einmal

fd^Iagen. „9?ein/' fagte er, „ba§ gebt nic^t, tuir fommen fo


ju friif) f)in, ba§ fonnte fd^Iimm luerben I" (rc^

©arauf f)oIten fie bon ibren ^ferben ^ud)en, 23raten unb 25

2SeinfIaf(^en, bveiteten eine fdf)one bunte..^£i|e auf bem griinen

3iafen au§, ftredten fidi bariiber ^in unb fd^mauften fe^r ber= i^-'^ ^-^

46 3luj* bcm Seben oinee Saugfnidjt^.

gniigltciB, teilten aud^ tnir toon attem fet^r retdblid^ mtt, tr>a§

mir gar irof)I befam, ba id^ feit einigen Xagen fd)on mcf)t met^r

toernunftig ge[peift i^atte. — „Unb ba^ bu'§ toei^t," fagte ber

eine gu mir— „aber bu fennft un§ boc^ mdf)t?" — id^ fdjiittelte

5 mit bem ^o^fe. — „9lI[o, bafe bu'§ toei^t : \6) bin ber 9JtaIer

Seonbarb, unb ba§ bort ift — ttiieber ein dTiaUx — ©uibo

ge{)ei^en." w-^^^d^ befa^ mir mm bie beiben SRaler genauer bei ber

?!JZorgenbdmmerung. 2)er eine, §err Seonljarb, Wax grol,

10 fd^Ian!, braun, mit luftigen, feurigen 9(ugen. 2)er anbere Wax

biel jungev, Ilciner unb feiner/ auf altbeutfdfje ^Jiobe" gefleibet,

ioie e§ ber ^ortier nannte, mit iceipem ^ragen unb blopem

§al§, urn ben bie bunfclbraunen Sodfen l^erab f)ingen, bie er

oft aus> bem f)ubfd)cn ©efid^te Jr)egfd;utteln mu^te. — 3(1^3

15 biefer gcnug gefriit^ftiidft f)ntte, griff cr nad^ meiner @eige, bie

id; nebcn mir auf ben S3oben gelegt Ijatte, fe^te fidfi bamit auf

einen umgefiauenen Saumoft, unb flim^jerte barauf mit ben

^ingern. 3)ann fang er baju fo F^eH \vn ein 28albt»i,iglein,

ba^ ee mir recf)t hnx<S)§> ganje ;^erje flang :

'\,,,rU' <-'.'-^


20 5Iic9t t)fi-" fi"ft« ?Jiorgenftral^t

Sitrcf) bae ftide ii^'beUf)aI,, w«xt-,

9tauf(^t evnjad)enb SBalb unb .^iigel


2Ber ba ftienen fann, tiinimt ^li'Sf'!

Unb jein §iitlein in bie !i!uft

25 SSirft ber 2.lccnidi nor ?uft unb vnft :'-

§at ©efanfl borf) and) nod) ©c^unngen,

9^nn jo luiU id) fri3f)Ud^ fingen!


s^^.h^^ sUli 1 >./VV_ff**sX^X.

S)ritte« ^apitel. 47

S)a6ei f^sielten bic rotlici^en -IJiorgenfdBeine redBt anmutig

iiber fein etircT-S blaffey ©efic^t unb bie [d^nDarjen berliebten' c.-.-^'w^

3(ugen. ^d^ abet loav fo tuiibe, ba^ fid) mir bie 3Borte unb

Dioten, tt)d^renb er \o faiui, imnicr mel^r beritiirrten, bi§ ic^

jule^t fcft cinfcblief. 5

2(l6 id) nacb unb nadi Unebev ju mir felber fain, borte id)

tDie im2:raume bie bcibcn DJialcrnod) immer ncben mir fipre^ien

unb bie S3ogeI iiber mir fingen, unb bie SRorgenftral^Ien fd^ims

merten mir burd} bie gefd^Ioffcnen 3(ugen, ba^ mir'§ innerlid)

fo bunfcIbcU Wax/ h)ie h)enn bie Sonne burd) rotfcibcne lo

©arbincn fc^cint. Come e bello !' bort' id) ba bid)t neben

mir au§rufen. ^db fcblug bie 2lugen auf, unb erblidte ben

jungen -IRaler, ber im funfclnbcn 'TIJorgenlicbt iibcr mid) l^erge=

beugt ftanb, fo bafe beinal; nur bie gro^en fdfnoarjen 3(ugen

jtoifcfien ben berabbdngenben Sodcn 5U fel;en Joaren. 15

^d^ f^jrang gefd^h?inb auf, benn e§ iuar fd^on l^eHer 2;ag ge-

tcorben. S)er §err Seonbarb fd;ien berbrie^lid; ju fein, er

^atte jnjei jornige t^alten auf bcr Sjirn unb trieb ^aftig jum

2(ufbrud). SDcr anbere 93ialer abcr fdiiittelte feine Soden au§

bem ©efidBt unb ttdHerte, irdbrenb er fein ^^^ferb aufjoumte, 20 y:

rubig ein Siebcben t)or fid^ I)in, h\§ Seonbarb jule^t ^lo^Iid^

laut auflad^te, fcbneU eine ^-Iafcf)e ergriff, bie nod^ auf bem

Dtafen ftanb unb ben Dieft in bie ©Idfer einfdf)enfte. „2Iuf

eine gliidlid^e 3ln!unft!"* rief er auc^ fie ftie^en mit ben

©Idfern jufammen, e§ gab einen fc^onen ^lang. S)arauf 25

fdbleuberte Seonbarb bie leere Jlafd^e l^odb tn§ SJiorgenrot, ba^

e§ luftig in bcr Suft funfeltc.

48 "-Jiu8 ^cnt ?eben eineS Xaugenid)t'?.

©nblirf) fe^ten fie fid^ auf it^re ^sfevbe, unb idf) marfd^tertc

frifd^ iriebcr ncben ber. ©erabe bor un§ lag ein imiiberfel):

Iidf)e§ STbal, in ba§ toir nun ^inimterjogen. ©a icar ein

S5Ii|en unb S^iaufcfjen unb ©d}immern unb ^ubilieren !* Wxx

Wax fo !iil}l unb frbhlicf) jumuto, aU foUt' id^ Uon bem 5Berge

in bi: ^)rdrf)tige ©egenb f)inau§fliegen.

IDlertes IRapftel.

t^un 2lbe/ Wiibh unb <Bd)\o^ unb ^ortier ! 9hm ging'l,

'^'^^baf5 mir bcr il>inb am §ute ipfiff. 9^e^t§ unb Un!§

fiogen 2)i3rfer, ©tdbte imb JBcingdrten borbei, ba^ e§ einem

bor ben 2lugcn fliinmerte ; f)inter mir bie beiben 5.1inler im

3Bagen, bcr mir bier ^^ferbe mit einem ^rcic^tigen '^poftiHon, :i

id^ l^oc^ oben auf bem ^utfdiboc!, bn^ id; oft eKenbod^ in bie

§of)e flog.

®a^3 War fo jugegangen : 911^ toir bor 33. anfommen, fommt

fdfton am 3)orfe ein Uingcr, biirrcr, grdmlirf^er ."perr im grdnen

^(aiifd^rodt" un§ entgcgen, madit biele Sudflinge bor ben lo

^errn* 5)ialern unb fiibrt un§ in ba§ 2)orf binein, 3)a ftanb

unter ben f)ol^cn Sinben bor bcm ^oftliaufe fcf)on ein prcic^tiger

28agen mit bier ^oft^ferben bef))annt. §err Seonbarb meinte

unterh)eg§, id^ ftdtte meine ^teiber auggelua^fcnl Qt ^olte ^'' ^''

ba^er gefrf;tbinb anbere au§ feinem 9JianteIfa(f fierbor, unb id^ 15

mu^te einen ganj; neuen fdfionen '^•xad unb 3Befte anjief)n, bie

mir fef)r bornef)m gu ©efic^t ftanben/ nur ha^ mir atte§ ju

lang unb tbeit trar unb orbentlirf) um mid^ l^erum fd^Iotterte. y:

2tud^ einen gang neuen ^ut befam id), ber fun!elte in ber

(Sonne, aU Wax er mit frifd;er 33utter uberfd^miert. 2)ann 20

na!jm ber frembe, grdmlidbe §err bie beiben ':|iferbe ber 3JiaIer

am 3"S^'^/ ^i^ WlaUi f^rangen in ben SSagen, id^ auf ben^(49)

50 3tii8 bem ?eben eineS Saugcnid^tS.

SodE/ unb fo flogen toir f(f)on fort, aU e6en ber ^oftmeiftcr

mit ber Sdilafmii^e au§ bem ^enfter gudfte. Xer ^oftiUon

I bliel luftig auf bem ^orne, unb fo ging e§ frifd^ na<^ ^talten


5 I^d^ {)atte eigentlid^ ba bro6en ein ^rcid^tigeg Seben, tDie

ber SSogel in ber 2uft, unb brauiiite boc^ babet nid)t felbft ju

fliegen. 3" *^"" 'f^^tte id) aucf> treiter milt's, al§ Stag unb

9?ad^t auf bem 33octe ju fi|en, unb bei ben Sirt^^dufern

mand;mal Gffen unb 2^rinfen an ben 2Bagen berauSjubringen,

10 benn bie 5JiaIer f^rac^en nirgenbg ein/ unb bei ^age jogen fie

bie genfter am 2Bagen fo feft gu, aU tnenn bie ©onne fie

erftecf)en toollte. 3hir juhjeilcn ftedte ber §err ©uibo fein

^ubfd^e§ ^o^jfcben 5um 2Sagenfenfter berau§ unb bi§!urierte

freunblid^ mit mir, unb lad^te bann ben §errn Seonbarb au§,

15 ber ba» nicbt leiben iuoUte unb jebegmal iiber bie langen

2)i§furfe ^bofe iourbe. ©in ^jaarmal ^dtte ic^ balb SBerbru^

belommen mit meinem §errn. 2)a§ einc Wlal, tuie id^ bei

fd^oner, fternflarer ^Rad^t broben auf bem Sodf bie ©eigc gu

fpielen anfing, unb fobann fpdterljin njegen be§ ©d^Iafeg.

20 35a§ Wax aber aud^ gang gum ©rftaunen ! ^rf) hjoUte mir bod)

^talien red^t genau befeben, unb rip bie Stugen alle 3>ierteU

ftunben tueit auf. Slber faum batte id) ein SBeildien fo bor

midE) bingefeben, fo i)erfd)it)irrten unb bertDidelten fid^ mir bie

fed)jef)n ^ferbefii^e bor mir h)ie ^ijet fo ^in unb l^er unb

25 iiber§ ^reuj/ ba^ mir bie 2tugen gleid^ loieber iibergingen/

unb jule^t geriet id) in ein foIc^e§ entfe§IidBe§ unb unaufl)alts

fames SdBIafen, ba^ gar fein 3tat mebr trar. 2)a moc^t'

aUertc« ^apitcl. 51

c^ I'ag ober 5Zacf)t, iHegeu ober Sonnenfcf^ein, 2:uol* obcr

^talien fein, id; f^ing balb rcdbt^ halh ixnU, &alb riidtling^S

ijber ben 33od f^erunter, \a mand^mal tunfte icf) mit fold^er

3Se{;emenj mit bem ^o^fe na6) bem 33obeu ju/ ba^ tnir ber

§ut toeit bom ^opU flog, unb ber §err ©uibo im iJBagen 5

laut auffrfjrie.

©0 tear td^, id^ hjci^ felbft nic^t luie, burc^ ^alb 2Self^=

lanb/ ba§ fie bort Sombarbei* nenncn, burrfigefommen, aU

loir an einem fd;bnen 3(benb tior einem 95>irt§f)aufe auf bem ^iv' Sanbe ftillf)ielten. 2)ie ^^poftpfcrbe luaren in bem baranj^o^eilis lo

ben ©tationgs2)orfe erft nad; ein paax ©tunben befteUt, bie

§erren TlaUx ftiegen ba^er au§ unb lie^en fid; in ein be* yfonbere§ 3^"^'"^*^ fiibren, urn bier ein h)enig ju rafteit unb

einige Sriefe ju fdBreiben. ^c^ aber iuar fe{;r Dergniigt bar=

,^^y^ iiber, unb berfitgte midj fogleid^ ilj bie ©aftftube, um enblid^ 15 Xtoieber einmal fo red^t mit Slu^e unb ^ommobitdt^ ju effen unb

ju trinfen. 2)a ]ai} e^ jiemlid; lieberlid^ au§. ®ie 5!Jidgbc

^^^^'^j gingen mit ^crjottelten ^aaren" berum, unb fatten bie offnen

Oon(4,'<r§al§fudf)er unorbentlic^ um bag gelbe ^-ell ^dngen. Um ^v/\-s

einen runben 2:if4> fa^en bie ilnecfite bom ^aufe in blauen 20

C'^^^,' UberjieJ^s^emben ' beim Slbenbeffen, unb glo^ten micb ju:

hjeilen toon ber ®eite an. 2)ie ijatUn alle furje, bide §qars Xgo^jfe unb faben fo redf)t toorne^m tuie bie jungen ^errlein' •' -

au§. — 2)a bift bu nun, bad^te id^ bei mir, unb afe ftei^ig

fort, ba bift bu nun enblid^ in bem Sanbe, Jrtober immer bie 25

furiofen Seute ju imferm §errn ^^farrer !amcn, mit *D3taufe=

fatten unb 33arometevn unb 33ilbern. SSag ber 9)?en|d; boc^

52 2lue bcm feben cincS 2;augentd|t9.

nid^t alle§ erfdl^rt, tttenn er firf) einmal l^interm Dfcn l^erbor^

ma^tl' ,' :.. r -'

:''^' ''

2Bie i(^ nod^ eben fo effe unb mebiticre, tuufd^t ein 9)?dnn=

lein, bai bi§ ie|t in einer bunflen (Srfe ber ©tube bei feinem

5 ©lafe 3Sein gefeffen battc, auf einmal au§ feinem 9\?infel it)ie

^' eineiS)3inne auf mid> log. ©r inar ganj furj unb bucflid^t, 'j^-^

batte aber einen grofjen grausUcben ^op^ mit einer langen

romifd^jen Slblernafe, unb fparfamen roten Saderibart, unb bie

ge^uberten §aare ftanben \l)m t)on alien ©eiten jy 33erge, aU

10 hjenn ber Sturmiuinb burd^gefabren iudre. ®abei trug er

einen altmobifdben, l^erfd^offenen ?^radf, furje ^liifd^ene Sein=

fleiber unb gang bergelbte feibene Striimpfe. Gr Wax einmal

in 2)eutf4)Ianb getvefen, unb bad^te SBunber iuie gut er

2)eutfd) berftiinbe. Gr fe^te fid) gu mir imb frug^ balb ba§,

15 balb jene^, ludbvenb er immerfort Jabaf fdf)nu)3fte : ob id)

ber ©erbitore^ fei? Juenn toir arritoare?* ob h)ir narf) 9?oma

!el^n ? ^ aber ba§ iyuf5te idb alle§ felber nid)t, unb fonnte aud^

fein ^auberiuelfdf) * gar nid^t bcrflebn. „Parlez vous fran-

gais ?" fagte id) enblid; in meiner 2(ngft ju xijm. Qx fd;iit=

20 telte mit b^m gro^en ^U"»pfe, unb ba§ trar mir fel^r lieb, benn

ic^ fonnte ja aud^ nid()t ^ranjofifd^. 2lber ba§ {)alf alle§

nid^ti. ©r f)atte mid; einmal red;t aufs i^orn genommen/ er

frug unb frug immcr ioieber; je mcbr iuir parlierten/ je

ineniger berftanb einer ben anbern, jule^t h^urbcn 1t)ir beibe

25 fd^on I^i^ig, fo ba^ mir'g mandbmal iiortam, al§ njoUte ber

V ©ignor mit feiner Stblernafe nad) mir f)q^en, bi§ enblid) bie

gjRagbe, bie ben babt;lDnifd)cn 2)i§fur$"' mit ange^brt fatten,

L^SBicrte« ^aptteL 53

un§ beibe tiid^tig au^Iad^ten. ^cft aber (egte fd^nell SReffer

unb @abel f)in unb ging bor bie §au5t^ur I;inau§. 2)enn

tnir tbar in bem fremben Sanbe nid^t anber§, al§ trare id^ mit

tneiner beutfc^en 3""9^ tauj^enb ^[ajter tief in§ 5Reer ber* -v

fen!t, unb allerlei unbefannte» ©eiDiirm ringelte firft unb 5'

raufcf)te ba in ber ©infamfeit um mid^ ber, unb glo^te unb

fd^na^^te nad^ mir.

2)rau§en tnar eine tuarme Sommernad^t, fo redE)t um paf^

fatim^ ju ge^n. 2Beit toon ben SSeinbergen beriiber ^orte

man nod) julueilen einen SSinjer fingen, bajhjifcfien bli|te e§ 10

mand^mal bon feme, unb bie ganje ©egenb jitterte unb fdus vdm^felte im SRonbfrftein. ^a mancbmal fam e§ mir bor, al§

fc^luj)fte eine lange bunfle ©eftalt binter ben ."oafelnu^ftrducben\^

bor bem .^aufe boriiber unb gudfte burd^ bie 3ibeige, bann tuar

alle§ auf einnml toieber ftill. — 2)a trat ber §err ©uibo eben 15

auf ben 58aIfon be§ SBirte^aufee berauS. ©r bemerfte mid^

nid^t, unb f^sielte febr gefd^idt auf einer ^xi^tx, bie er im

iriaufe gcfunben baben mu^tc,'' unb fang bann baju iuie eine




©d^weigt ber SKcnfdien laute ?uft



5Raufc^t bie Srbe wie in Sraumen

SSunbevbar mit alien Saumen,

2Bae bem ^er^en taum bewu^t,

2l(te 3fiten, Unb^Srauer,

yoL<- Uijb e§ fdnwifen teife ©c^aucv V2^etter(cu(^tenb ' burc^ bie 33ntft.

^d^ toci^ nid^t, ob er noc^ meFjr gefungen ^aben mag,

54 ^u* t'Ctti I'ebcn cinc8 Xaugenic^tS.

benn ic^ f)atte mid; auf bie 33anf bor ber A^auet^ur Fringe;

ftredt, unb fcfjUef in ber lauen dlad)t bor grower ©vmiibung

feft cin. TVUii

(S§ mod^ten troljl ein paar Stunben iuiS Sanb gegangen

5 [ein/ al§ mid^ ein ^oftf)orn aufiuecfte, ba§ lange ^^i'xt luftig in

meine ^rdume IjereinblietS, eF)e id; mid; tootlig 6efinncn fonnte.

'^6) fjjrang enblid; auf, ber %at^ bdmmerte fd;on an ben

y Sergen, unb bie 9)torgen!uf?Ie riejj^lte mir burd^ aKe ©lieber.

2)a fiel mir erft ein, ba^ linr \a urn biefe 3eit fcf'on ioieber

10 toeit fort fein iDoEten. 3I^a, bad^te id^, ^eut ift einmal ba§

>^ SSeden unb 2(u§lad;en an mir.* 2Bie trirb ber §err ©uibo

mtt bem berfdjiafenen 2oden!o)3fe ^erau§fabren, iucnn er mid)

brau^en Ijbxt ! ^o ging idf) in ben fleinen ©arten am .'paufe

bid^t unter bie 3^enfter,iuo meine §erren luobnten, bebnte mid^

15 nod^ einmal red^t ins 5Rorgenrot fjinein unb fang fro^lid^en

^ SBemi ber .^">oj3jn'iioiio(Md)rcit,

3ft ber Sag nidjt nteljr weit,

SBcmt bie ^oxuxe fid) auftf)ut,

20 @d)mc(ft ber Sd)laf nod) fo gut I-

2)a§ ^enfter inar offen, aber e§ blieb alle§ ftiff oben, nur

Jl- ber 9kdE)tn)inb ging nod; burd) bie SSeinranfen, bie fic^ bi§ in

ba^ ?^enfter bincinftredten. — 9iun, toaS ^oll benn bag tuieber

bebeuten? rief \<i) bott ©rftaunen an^^, unb lief in ba» §aug

25 unb burd^ bie ftiUen @dnge nad) ber ©tube ju. 2lber ba gab

e§ mir einen red)tcn StidE) inl ^er^. 3^enn tuie id^ bie Sl^iir

aufrei^e, ift alles leer, barin fein g-rad, fein .'put, fcin ©tiefel.

SBlerteS Siapitel 55

— ytnx bie 3it^^'^' ^"f ber §err ©uibo geftcrn flef^jiclt ^atte,

{}ing an bcr 3Banb, auf bcm X\]d}i mitten in ber 3tube lag ^_^ein fd^oner better ©elbbcutel, iuorauf ein j)ettel fleflebt Juar. VUV^^d^ ^ielt ifin ndf)er an§ t^enfter, unb traute meinen 2(ugen

foum, ey [tanb iuabrbaftig mit gro^en 33ud^ftaben barauf : %nx 5

ben iQerrn (iinnefjmer


3Ba€ iyar niii* aber ba§ atte^ nu|e, tocnn id^ meine lieben

luftigen i^cnn nid^t toiebcr fanb? ^c^ fdf)ob ben ^eutel in

meine tiefe JlodEtafd^e, ba^j ^^lumpte luic in einen tiefen 53run= X' vt>Q^

nen, ba^ e§ mid^ orbentlid^ f)inten iiber jog. 'Dann rannte id) lo

f)inau^, mad;tc eincn gro^en Sarm unb h^edfte atte ^ned^te unb

3Jidgbe im .^au[c.. ^ie tuu^ten gav nid^it, \va^ i6) tuoHtc, unb

mcinten, id^ iudve berriidft gett)orben. Sann aber bertwunbers

ten fie fid; nid()t twenig, aU fie oben ba§ leere 5?eft fafjen.

'Jiicnmnb h)u|jte etJua^ toon meinen §erren. '^nx bie einc 16

53kgb — luie ic^ an% i^ren 3^^^^^*^ wnb ©eftifulationen jus

fammenbringen fonntc — liatte bemerft, ba^ ber §err ©uibo,

aU er gcftern abenb§ auf bem 'Salfon fang, auf einmal laut

auffdE)rie, unb bann gefd()lttinb ju bem anbern ^errn in ba§

3iinmer juriidtftiirste. %U fie ^ernad^ in ber ^fJad^t einmal 20

aufluad)te, borte fie braufeen ^^ferbeg.etra^pel. ®ie gudte

burd^ bai fleine ^ammerfenfter unb fa^ ben buctUgen Signor,

ber geftern mit mir fo inel gcf^^rod^ien Ijatte, auf einem (Scbim^ ymel im SKonbfd^ein quer iiberS g-elb galo^j^jieren, ba§ er tmmer

etten^odE) uberm ©attcl in bie §o^e flog unb bie 9J?agb fic^i 25

6e!reupe, treil e§ an§>\al) \vk ein ©ef^senft, ba§ auf einem

breibeinigen ^ferbe reitet. — 35a Wu^i' td& nun gar nid^t, h)a^

i(^ madden fottte.

66 5(u9 bcm Seben etneS 5:augentd^t«.

Untcrbes aber ftanb unfer SKagen frfjon lange toor ber ^(;tir

angef^jannt unb ber ^oftitton ftiefe ungebulbia in§ .^orn, ba^ cr

l^atte bcrften mogen, benn er muf3te 3111* bejtimmten 6tunbe auf

X ber nad;ften (Station fein, ba atte§ burd) £au|^teP 6i§ auf bic -^j^f^

5 9JZtnutc borauS befteHt iuar. ^d) rannte nod^ cinmal urn ba§^"'^^'^-'^^

ganje §au§ f>erum unb rief bie 5D^aIer, aber nieinanb <^(ik)

Stntinort, bie Seute au^ bem §aufe liefen jufammen unb

gafften mid; an, ber ^oftiUon fludf)te, bie ^ferbe fd^naubten,

id^, ganj berbliifft, fpringe enblid^ gefd)lvinb in ben SBagen

10 f)inein, ber §au§!nedf)t fdfilcigt bie ^^iir I)inter mir %\x, ber

^oftiEon fnallt unb fo ging'§ mit mir fort in bie h)eitc 5fi>elt




•^ lU-C^'



[iL^^^^^\ /^-ft-^-'U-u^

OL * JUt—**^

jfftnftes Iftapftcl.

|ii- fubvcn mm iiber S3erg unb Sbal Stag unb 0la^t ims

mcv fort, ^db J^tte gar nid^t 3cit, mid^ 311 befinnen,

benn iro Idiv ^mtamcn, [tanbcn bic ^sfeibc angcfdjtrrt, i^t Vfonnte mit beii Seuten nidtt )|)vcd,'en, mcin •-

^cinoni'trieven ^alf -i-£^«Xvvt'':

alfo nic^ti ; oft, tt)enn id^ iin ^Birt^baufc cbcn bcim beften ©ffen 5

tuar,^ blie^ ber ^oftiKon, i^i mu^te 5)ieffcr unb @abel iuegs '^trr^K

iwerfen unb nncbcr in ben 2iL>agen fvi'i"9cn, unb linijite bo(f»

eigentlici(» gar nid^t, loof)in unb tv»e^3iiicgen id^ juit tnit fo au§-

ne^mcnber ©efdjtuinbigfeit fortreifen foHte. bit <:^»^"unrv ^ p-«^ '^

©onft Wax bie Seben^arl gar nidbt fo itbel. 3d^ legtc mi^, 10

oi-€K >oie auf cinem .^ana^ce, balb in bic cine, ba(b in bie anberc

@de be» 3Bagen«o, unb lerntc ^enfd;en unb Sdnber fennen, unb

hjenn toir burd; (gtdbte ful^rcn, lebnte id^i mid^ auf beibe Strme

sum SBagenfenfter ^crau§ unb banfte ben Seuten, bie ^oflic^..'^>-^^*^'

'OCX mir ben .'gut abna^men, ober id; gru|te bie SJJabdben an ben ig^?"uKi^(

j,,;i]fr Jvenftern icie ein alter 58efannter, bie fic^ bann immer fel^r ber*

tttunberten unb mir nod^ lange neugierig nad(igudten.

Stber jule^t erfd^ra! id^ febr. ^d^ f^attc ba§ QJelb in bem

gefunbenen S3cutel niemal§ ge^d^It, ben ^oftmciftern unb ©afts ^^^^^-^«- <:"-

J)U— hjirten mu^te id^ iiberaH biel bejal^len, unb ef)e id^ mid^'€ ber= 2c j____

fa^, tear ber ^eutel leer. 3(nfang§ na^m id^ mir bor, fobalb {,^'<^

toir burd^ einen einfamen Salb fiifiren, fdbnett au§ bem SBagen


(X;fX<^A6u^ ' SS-^t^ >

-> _£» ^^

5g 2lue htm ?ebcn eiiic? Xaugentc^ts.

,5u ipiingen unb 311 eiitlaufen. Dann aber t^at e§ mir ttncbcr

leib, nun ben fclioncn SSagcn fo allein ju laffen, mit bem id^

fon[t Utof)l noc^ 6i§ an§ Gnbe ber 9BeIt fortgefaftren irdre.

S^iun fa^ id^ eben boiler ®eban!en unb luu^te nic^t au§ noc|

5 ein/ al§ e§ auf einmal feittocirtg Don ber Sanbftra^e aSging.

^6) fdirie gum 2Bagen I^erau§ auf ben ^ofttllon : toof)in cr benn

fa^re? 2lber, idf) modBte f))red^en iuaS idft tooHte, ber ^erl

[agte immerblo^: „Si, Si, Signore !"" unb fufjr immei iiber

®tD(f unb (Stein/* ba^ ic^ au§ etner @cfe be§ 3Bagen^ in bie

10 anbere flog.

S)a§ iDottte mir gar nirf)t in ben 6inn/ benn bie Sanbftrafec

lief gerabe burd> eine ^jrddbtigc 2anbfd^aft auf bie untergel^enbe

Sonne ju, tool;I toie in ein 9Jteer toon ©lanj unb ^un!en. ^n'j^;{^- ber 6eite aber, tuof)in \mv uij§ geioenbet flatten, lag ein toufteS

15 ©ebirge bor un§ mit grauen ®d^Iud)tcn, gioifd^en benen e§ fd^on

tange bunfel geiuorben Wax. — ^e toeiter W'lx fu^ren, jc iDilber

unb einfamer tuurbe bie ©egenb. (Jnblid^ fam ber 5Ronb l^inter

ben 2BoIfen f)ertoor, unb fd)icn auf einmal fo f)ett jtuifd^en bie

M Sdume unb ^elfen I;crein, ba^ e§ orbentUd^ grauSlid; anju*

20 fc^en tear. 9Bir !onnten nur langfam fabren in ben en_^en^

fteinigen ©dE)Iud;ten, unb ba§ einformigc, ehjige ©eraffel be§

2Sagen§ fd)attte an ben Steintwdnben toeit in bie ftitte SRa(i)t,

aU fiibren linr in ein grofje§ ©raT^gciuoIbc ^inein. 9?ur toon

Dielcn 2Baf]erfdt(en, bie man aber nidf)t fel;en fonnte. Wax ein

A 25 unauf^orIid)e§ 9f^aufcf;en tiefer im 2Balbe, unb bie ^du^d^cn

riefen au§ ber ?^erne immerfort: „^omm mit, lommmit!" —Tjobei fam c§ mir t>or, aU loenn ber ^utfd^un-, ber, Juic id) je^t


tift \ah, flar feine Uniforin tiattc unb feiu ^^oftillon Wat, fid;

einigemal uimiliig umfa(;e uub fdineflcr ju faf;ren anfing, unb

toie id^ m\d) red;t jum SBagen I;erau§Iegte, fam ^jlo^lid^ ein

Steitcr ai^S bem ©cbiifd; fjerlior, fprcngte bid^t Dor unfeven

^ferben qucr iiber ben 2Beg, unb Dcrlor fic^ foglcid; toieber auf 5

ber anbern (Seite im 2Balbe. ^di Umr gan^ ncduiirt, benn, fo

biel \<S) bei bem [;etten 9)ionbfcf>ein erfennen fonntc, \vax eg bag?

felbe budlige 2)iannlein auf feineni Sdiimmcl, ba§ in bem

SBirtgJ^aufe mit ber Stblcrnafe nad) mir gebadt batte. 25er

^utfd^er fdiiittelte ben Rop^ unb ladjte laut auf iiber bie niirs lo

rifd^e S^eiterei/ iDanbte fid^ abcr bann rafd^ ju mir um, f^jrad^

fel^r biel unb febr eifrig , Wo'oon id) leioer nidbtg berftanb, unb

ful^r bann nod) rafcber fori. Kc^^V^n

^d) aber lyar frob, al§ id) balb barauf bon fern ein £id>t

fd^immern fal^. @§ fanben fid^ nad^ unb nadi ^ noc^ mebrere 15

Sid^ter, fie lourben immer grij^er unb buffer, unb cnblid^ famen

h)ir an einigen berriiudberten ioiitten boriiber, bie h)ie <BdtvaU

bennefter auf bem Jelfen bingen. Xa bie '^lad^t toarm tuar,

fo ftanben bie 2;f)iiren offen, unb id) fonnte barin bie f)ett ers

leud^teten ©tuben unb atterlei Ium^ige§ ©efinbel fe^en, bag 20

toie bunfle ©dbatten um ba§ ^erbjcuer F)eruml^dte.' 2Bir X.

aber rafjelten burdi bie ftiHe 9?ad^t einen ©teintrteg l^inan, ber

fidt) auf einen l^ol^en 33erg l^inaufjog, Salb iiberbedten l^obe

53aume unb ^erabf)angenbe ©trdud)er ben ganjen ^ol^Itoeg,

balb fonnte man auf einmal Uneber bag ganje firmament, unb 25

in ber 2^iefe bie iueite ftiCfe 9?unbe toon Sergen, SBdlbern unb

2;^dlern uberfef)en. 2tuf bem @it?fe l be§ Serge§ ftanb ein

grDf5e§ alte§ (Sc&Id| mit melen ^^iirmen im I^ellften SJionbf^^ein.

— „9^un (^ott befoHen!"' tief id) au^, unb Ittar innerlirf) ganj

munter getuorben bor @dt)attung, h)obin fie mid^ ba am @nbe

nodb bringen linirben.

5 @» baucvte toobl npd> eine gute I^albe ©tunbe^ ef>e ir>ir enbs

Ud^ auf bem S3erge am ©d^Io^tbore anfamen. 3)a§ ging in

einen breiten, runben !Iium binein, ber obzn fdbon gang t»ev=

fallen ioar. SDer ^utfd^ev fnallte breinial/ ba^ e§ toeit in bem

alten ©d^Ioffe h)ieber(?aC[te, \vo ein '3tt;lDarm Don 2)ol^Ien ganj

10 erfrf)ro(!en ^lo^lid^ au^ alkn £ufen unb 9ti^en fjerau^fu^r unb

mit gro^em ©efd^rei bie 2uft burcbfrcustc. Sarauf rollte ber

SBagen in ben langen, bunflen 2;f;orioeg f^inein. 2)ie ^ferbe -

gaben mit iJ^ren ^ufejfat g^euer auf bem ©tein^flafter, ein tl

^ gro|er §unb bellte, ber 9Bagen bonnerte gtoifc^en ben getoolbten

15 SSanben. ®ie Do^Un fArieeri nod^ immer ba^.if4>en — fo

famen \v\v mit cinem entfe^tt(^en @^?eftate l in ben engen, 9c=j^^,CAr^A)

^flafterten ©^iIo^iDf. e,a^ ! G --> -^ '^^''•^-•'>

rpp-*^p'<' - Sine Juriofe Sj^tion! bad^te id^ bei mtr, aU nun ber 2Bagen

ftitt ftanb. 3)a h)urbe bie SBagentfyiir Don b'rau^en aufgemad^t,

20 unb ein alter langer Tt^nn mit eincr !Ieinen S^aterne fa^ mid^

unter feinen bidfen 2(ugc'nbrauen grdmlid; an. gr fa^te mid^

bann unter ben 2lrm unb ^alf mir, Wk einem gro^en |)errn,

au§ bem SBagen f)erau§. ©rau^en bor ber §au§t^iir ftanb

lU /-X eine alte, fe^r f)a|]id^e ^^rgu in fcfttuarjem ^amifol ° unb "Siod,

25 mit einer toei^en ©d^iir^e unb fc^triarsen ipaube, toon ber i^r

ein langer (gjj^p^er* bi§ an bie ^fiafe ^erunter f>ing. ©ie

^atte an ber einen §ufte einen gro^en 33unb ©d;luffe( ^cingen


pnftf* .Capitol. 61

unb l^ielt in bcr anbcm eincn altmobifd^cn 2(rmleud^ter mtt

jh)ei brenncnben 2Ba(f)'lfer5en. ©obalb jic mid^ evE^Hcfte, fing ®^fie an, tiefe ^nije ju mac^en unb f^^rad; unb frug fe^r biel

burc^einanber. ^d^ berftanb abcr nicfitg ballon unb madbte

immerfovt ^ra^fii^e bor \bv, unb ee tt)ar mir eigentlid^ red>t 5

un^eimlic^ jumute.*

3)er alte 5J?ann batte unterbe§ mit feiner Sateme ben SSagen

uon alien ©eiten beleud^tet unb brummte unb f(fiiittelte ben

^opf, aly er nirt3enb einen Coffer obcr SBagage ' fanb. Ter

^utfd^er fu^r barauf, ohie ^rinfgelb Don mir ju forbern, ben 10 *"^

Sagen in einen alten Sdiiqj^n, ber auf ber ©eite bel §ofe§ >c ^Jxjl^/

fd^on offen ftanb. 35ie alte g^rau qber bat mi^ fe^r ^oflic^

burd^ afferlei ^i'xdjm, ibr ju foIgenV ©te fulf)rte micf) mit iljren

SSad^sfcr^en burc^ einen langen fdbmalen @ang, unb bann eine ''--^-*~«^|

fletne fteinerne 2're^|5e binauf. 2lll trtir an 'ber ^iid^e boibei; 15^^^^*^M^JM

gingen, ftredften ein paar junge 2)?agbe neugierig bie ^opfe

burd^ bie balbgeoffnete ^l^iir unb gucften midb fo ftarr an, unb

toinlten unb nirften einanber ^eimlid^ ju, all tpenn fie in if)rem

Zihzn nod) Urn 5Jtannlbilb ^ gefefien batten, S^ie 2(Ite madbte

enblid^ oben eine 2'^ur auf, ba Irurbe i^ anfang§ orbentlid^ 20

rU*-"^ ganj berbliifft. 2)enn e§ inar ein grovel, fd^one§, ^errfd^aft*

lid^el 3^"^"^^^^* "^it golbenen SSerjimmgen an ber Txdt,un'b:jQ€(^oJm

an ben 2Bdnben l^ingen ^jrdc^tige STapeten mit aHerlei g'iguren. L\JU\eCr

unb gro^en S3lumen. %n ber 3JJitte ftanb ein gebedfter ^ifd^l

jrcuv' mtt 35raten, ^uc^en, ©alat, Dbft, 2Bein unb ^onfeft, bafe

einem redbt bal i^erj im 8eibe Iad()te. 3ii-^i|<^<^" ^^n beiben

^enftern f^ing ein unge^eurer ©^)iegel, ber bom Soben bi§ jur

-/-^"', 2)edEe rei^te. _ ^<>U cc^-^^je-^-s^

62 '^ue bent Veben eiitec^ lauflenic^t*,

3d) nm^ fagen, ba§ gefiel mir red^t irof}!. ^db ftrecfte miA y

ein ^aarmal imb ging mit langen Sd;ntten t>Drne!^m im ^xms -yr^^

mer auf unb ab. 2)ann fount' icf> aber bod; nid;t h)iberfte^en, iGuivj jyt

m\6) einmal in einem fo gro^en Spiegel ju befel^en. 2)a§ ift

•'i toal^r, bie neuen ^leiber bom §errn Seon^avb ftanben mir

red^t fdf)on, and; batte id; in ^talien fo ein getoiffeg feurigeg

2luge befommen, fonft aber tear id; gerabe nod^ fo ein 9JliId^s

bart, toie id^i jufiaufe geioefen Wax, nur auf ber Dberlij)pe '.'^f^'^

jeigten fid^ erft ein ^aar ^laumfebern. i^Trw-K

10 2)ie alte g^rau nia!)Ite inbe§ in einem fort mit if)rem ja^ns

[^K^jg^ lofen SJiunbe/ ba^ e§ nid)t anber^j aii§l"ab, aly lucnn fie an ber

_y langen ijerunterJjdngenben 9fJa|enf^i|e foute. ®ann nbtigte fie '^^J^^'^^f^

mid) gum Si|cn, ftreidE)eIte mir mit i^ren biinnen g^ingern ba§

^mn, nannte mid^'poverino!^ ioobei fie mid^i au§ ben rotcn

\ 15 5higcn fo ft^elmifd^ anfal^, ba^ fid^ if)r ber eine 9)hinbh)infel

big an bie {;albe 3Sange in bie ^bhi jog, unb ging enbUd^ mit

einem tiefen ^nig gur 2;f)ur I)inau§. {j-trur- c>«>-wvXaa^

^d^ aber fe^te mid^ ju bem gebedten Sifd^, icd^renb eine

junge bubfcE)e 9JZagb bereintrat, um mid^ 6ei ber ^afel gu bes

y 20 bienen. '^d] fnii^^fte allerici galanten ®iefur§ mit ibr an/ fie

berftanb mid; aber nid^t, fonbern fa^ mid; immer gang furioS

bon ber ©eite an, loeil mir'S fo gut fd^nnedte/ benn "oa^ ©ffen

mar belifat.^ 3(I§ id) fatt toar unb it^ieber aufftanb, nabm bie

SJtagb ein 2id)t Hon ber 3:afel unb fitbrte mid; in ein anbere^

25 3i^nicr. 2)a mar ein (£ofa, ein fleiner Spiegel unb ein

Vrdd;tige§ Sett mit griin^feibeneu 3Sorf)dngcn, ^d^ frug fie

mit ^i\(^m, ob ic^ mic^ ba t;ineinlegen foUteV <Sie nidte

^'TwWvii YvvA jlMvjiA^ ot^-r^V-^^U.^

jtoar : ,,'^a," aber ba§ ir>nr bcnn bod; ^ nid;t moglicf), benn fie

biteb h)ie angenat3elt' bci tnir ftebcn. (5nblid; l^olte id^ mir

nod; ein gro^eg ®Ia§ 25>ein aiiy bcr STafelftube fjerein itnb ricf

ibr ju : „felicissima notte!"* bcnn fo bid I;att' id; \d)on

^talicnif^i gelcrnt. 2(bcr Jinc id) ba^i ©(a§ [o auf cinmal au§s 5

[tiivjtc, (n-id^t fie ^liJ^Udi in ein berl^teneS i^idtern au§, toirb ^iiber unb iiber rot, gei)t in bie ^afelftube unb mad^t bie ^f^iir Jwc^I;inter fidb ju. 2Ba§ ift ba ju Iad;en ? bad;te id; ganj bertouns

bert, id^ glaube, bie Seute in ^talien finb alle Oerritdt. >:, ,. <-,

^d) {;atte nun nur innner Stngft Oor bem ^oftiUon, ba| ber lo'

gleid) hjieber ju blafen anfangen loiirbe. ^d^ ]^ord)te am g^ens

fter, aber e§ toar alley ftiK braujjen. 2a^ ibn blafen ! bad;te

id^, gog mid^ aii§ unb legte ntic^ in ba§ prdd)tige S3ett. ®ay njar

nid;t anberg, aU toenn man in 9JiiIdf) unb iponig fd)iyamme!*

SSor ben genftern raufd;te bie alte Sinbe im §ofe, juloeilen is

fu^r nod; eine ^o^Ie ^lo^lid^ Oom '^ad}^ auf, bii id) enblid^

toller 5i>er0nugen einfd;lief.

"^^^^ f<JnAyWCL OA/^-oM^ A^^wJa/n.^

Secbstes Ikapitel.

"^r^ISicf) Jyieber erluacfite, fpielten fcf)Dn bie erften ^JJorgen*

"^^ftra^Icn an ben griinen SSorfjangen iibcv mir. ^d^

fonnte mtd^ gar nic^t befinnen, too icf) eigentlic^ tudre.

(S§ {am mir bor, aU fii^re id^ nod) immerfort im 2Bagen,

5 unb el I;atte mir toon dnem ®cf)Io[fe im 9)Ionbjcf)ein getrciumt

unb bon einer alten §ej"e unb ibrcm blaffen Jod;terIein.

^d) fiprang enblid^ rajd) au§ bem Sette, fleibete mic^ an,

unb \al} mxd) babei nad; atten ©eiten in bem 3i"^"ici^ u"^-

2)a 6emer!te id; eine f(eine ^apetentbiir/ bie id; geftern gar

10 nidjt gefeben I;atte. ®ie toar nur angelebnt, ic^ offnete fie,

unb erblidte ein fleinel netted <Stu6d;en, bal in ber -Diorgenj

bdmmerung red^t IjeimUd^' auefa^. Uber einem ©tul^l toaren

grauenfleiber unorbentlicb bingetoorfen, auf einem Settd^en

baneben lag ba§ 9}cdbc^en, bae mir geftern abenb bei ber

16 2^afel aufgetoartet I;atte. ®ic fc^Iief nod^ gang rubig unb

j^ l^atte ben ^o^jf auf ben h)ei|en bIo|en 2trm gelegt, iiber ben

t[;re fd)lDarjen 2oden {;erabfielen. 2Benn bie iuii^te, ba^ bie

'Xl)nx offen irar! fagte id) ju mir felbft unb ging in mein

(Sd^lafjiinmer juriid, n)df)renb id; {;inter mir toieber fd()Iofe

}( 20 unb berric£elte, bamit ba§ 5Kdbc^en nid;t erfd;reden unb fid^

fd^dmen foUte, toenn fie erJra(^te.

^rau^en lie^ fid; nod) fein Saut bernel^men. '?flnx ein


^eri)fte« .Uapifd. (^5

friifjertuacfiteo SBalbbiJcjleiu [a^ i^or meinem f^enfter auf einem

Btxaud), bcr au-S ber 9J^auer l^eraullDud;5, unb fang fc^on

fein 5)iorgenlieb. „5?ein/' fagte id}, „bu fodft mid^ nicf)t

bcfd^amcn unb allein \o friil; unb fleifeig ©ott loben!" —- ^d^

nabm fcfmed nicine G3eige, bie id' gcftcrn auf bal 2'ifci^d)en 5

gelegt 'i)atU, unb ging (nnaul, ^m Sd^Ioffe tuar noc^ adel

totenftitr, unb ey baucrte (ange, ebe ic^ tni^ au^ ben buntlen

©dngen in§ Jreic f)crau§ fanb.

2(ly id> iH^r ba§ Sc^Io^ ^erau'^ trat, fam id; in einen

gro^en ©artcn, bcr auf brcitcn S^erraffen, trobon bie eine lO

immer tiefer Irar a(§ bie anbere, hk- auf ben ^alben Serg

^eruntev ging. Stber ba§ U'ar eine liebcvlidie ©drtnerei. ^ie

©dnge tparen a((e mit bobeni ©vafe bemacbfen, bie fiinfts

li^en i^-igurcn mn 53ud()5baum tuaren nid)t befd^nitten unb

ftredten, loie ©ef^enfter, lange 9iafen ober eflenbobe fpi^ige 15

Slcii^en in bie Suft binauv, baf, man fi^ in ber Tdmmerung yc

orbentlidt babor f)dtte fiircbten mogcn, 3(uf einige jerbroc^ene

(gtatuen iiber einer bevtvodneten 2Safferfunft tr»ar gar 33afc^e

aufgebdngt, ^xn unb luieber fatten fie mitten im ©arten ^ol^l

gebaut, bann !amcn irieber ein ^aar orbindre Slumen, alleg 20

unorbentlidB burdjeinanber, unb toon E)obem, h^ilbem Unfraut

iibertoadBfen, jtrifcben bem fid) bunte Gibed^fen fdbldngelten.

3h?if(^en bie alten, bof)en Sdumc l^inburc^ aber tuar iiberall

eine toeite, einfame 3hi§fid)t, eine S3ergfo^)j)e Winter ber anbern,

fo ireit ba§ Sluge rei(f)te. 25

^ad)bem id) fo ein 2Bei(dien in ber 3JJorgenbdmmerung

burcb bie ©ilbnis um^erfpajieit n?ar, crblidte ic^ auf ber

gg aiu^ bem ?eben eine« Xaugeni(f)t^.

STerraffe unter mtr einen langen, fcftnmlen, blaffen ^iingling

V in einem lancjen braunen 5la^utrod/ bcr mit ber[d^rdn!ten

2(rmeu unb gro^en ©d)ritten auf unb ah ging. @r t^at,

al§ fd^e er tnic^ nid)t, fe^te fid^ 6alb barauf auf eiiie fteinerne

5 33an! I^in, jog ein Sucf) au§ ber 2:afcf)e, Ia§ fe^r laut, al€

^ lucnn er ^rebigte, fab babei jutoeiten jiim i^immel, unb ftii^te

bann ben ^opj ganj meland^olifrf) auf bie recite §anb. ^db

fa^ if)m lange ju, enblid^ icurbe id; bod^ neugierig, luarum

er benn eigentlic^ fo abfonberUd;e ©rimaffen mad)te, unb

10 ging fdEjnett auf ibn ju. Gr batte eben einen tiefen ©eufjer

y au^geftopen unb f^jrang crfc^roden auf, aU \^ an!am. 6r

V iuar boHer 58erle^nt>eit, ic^i audE), Jpir tou^ten beibe nid[it,

h)a§ hjir f^jrei^en foUten, unb mad)ten immerfort ^omjjlimente

bor einanber, bi€ er enblid^ mit (angen Sdfiritten in ba§ ©es

15 biifd) $RciJ5au§ nai)m. llnterbee loar bie ©onne iiber bem

SBalbe aufgegang:n, id) f^rang auf bie Sanf [;inauf unb ftrid;

bor 2uft meine ©eige, ba^ e§ tueit in bie ftiKen %[)aUx l^er*

unter fdEjallte. 2)ie 3((te mit bem (Bd)Iuffelbunbe, bie mid^

fd)on angftUd) im ganjen Sd)lojfe gum griibftiid aufgefuc^t

20 \)atU, erfd)ien nun auf ber 3:erraffe iiber mir, unb bertounberte

fid^, bafe \d} fo arttg auf ber ©eige f^ielen fonnte. S:~er alte

grdmlidEje Wlann bom ©d^loffe fanb fid^ ba^u' unb berluunberte

fidi ebcnfan^\ enblid^ !amen aud) nod) bie 9Jidgbe, unb aiU^

blieb oben boiler SSeribunberung ftel)en, unb idb fingerte unb

25 f^tbenlte meinen g^iebelbogen immer fiinftlid^er unb ^urtiger

unb fpielte ilabenjen unb 3Sariationen, bi» i^ enblid^ gang

miibe tburbe.

Scd)f}c« tapitel. 87

2)a§ Jtjar nun abcv bod) ijanj feltfam aiif bem Scftloffe!

.Hein OJienfc^ barf)te ba ang SBeiterreifen. 2)a§ (Sc&Io^ it»ar

aud^ gar fetn '2Birt§bauy, fonbern ge^orte, tuie id^ Don ber

5[l?agb crfufir, cinem rcic^icn G5vafcn. 2Benn id; mid^ bann

mand;mal bci bcr 3tltcn erhmbicgtc, imc bei ©vaf f^ei^e, Wo ;>

cr icofme? ba fdimunjeltc fie immer bloft, toie ben erften

3tbcnb, ba id; auf bay B(i)lo^ lam, unb tniff unb irinfte

uiir fo ^jfiffig mit ben 2(ugen ^iC als Jrtenn fie nid;t red)t bei

vSiune hjdre. 2'ranf id) einmal an einem Ijei^en 3:age cine

ganje ?^lafdte SSein a\\§, fo fidEierten bie 9)iagbe geioi^, i»enn lo

fie bie anbere bradf)ten, unb aU m\d> bann gar einmal nadi

einer ^^feife 3:abaf berlangte, id» ifinen burc^ S^idjm befc^nieb,

toag id^ iDoflte, ba bradien alle in ein grofee^ unberniinftige^

©eldd^ter au§. — 2(m Dertt)unberli(^ften irar mir eine 9kd^t=

mufif, bie fid; oft, unb gerabe immer in ben finfterften 9Zad^ten, 15

unter meinem ^ycnftcr f;oren liefe. @§ griff^ auf einer ©uitarre

immer nur Don ^cxt ju ^dt einjetne, ganj leife llldnge.

S)a§ cine 3JlaI aber fam e^ mir bor, aU toenn e§ babei toon

unten: „))ft! pft!" ^erauf rief. ^c^ fu^r ba^er gefc^ioinb au§

bem Sett, unb mit bem .^o^jf au§ bem ^enfter. „§otta ! fieba ! 20

iper ift ba brau^en ?" rief x(i) ^inunter. 3(ber e§ anttuortete

niemanb, id^ t)orte nur etioag fe^r fd^nell burd^ bie ©eftrdudtje

fortlaufen. 3)er grofee §unb im §ofe f^ilug uber meinem

2drm ein paarmal an, bann wax auf einmal atte§ tuieber ftitt,

unb bie 9?ad)tmufi! lie^ fid^ feitbem nic^t toieber berne^men. 25

©onft E)atte id^ F)icr ein Seben, toie ftd^'s ein 9)^enfd^

nut immer in ber 2Be(t )r»iinfdE)en fann. jDer gute ^ortier!

68 2[u8 bem ?eben cincS Xaugcntcl)t?.

cr tttit^te h)ohI, \x>a% er ipxad>, menn cr tmmer ^u fageu

jjftegte, ba^ in ^talicn eirtem bie Sfiofinen Don felbft in ben

UJiunb h)u(^fen. ^d) lebte auf bem einfamen ©dfiloffe h)ic ein

uertDunfdbener ^rinj,^ 2Bd id^ f)intrat, batten bie Seute eine

5 gro^c @(;rer6ietung bor mir, obgletd^ fie fd)Dn alle iru^ten,

bafe id^ feinen .^geHer' in ber ^a'idj^ haik. ^d; butfte nur

fagen: „Xifd)ci^en bed' bid)!"" fo ftanben audi fd^on l^errlid^e

jy S^jeifen, ffizp, 2Bein, aJielonen unb ^artnefan!dfe ba. ^d^

liep mir'^ iuof)Ifc[)meden/ fdilicf in bem ^jrdditigen ^'unrmU

10 bett, ging im ©aitcn f^jajieren, mufijierte unb \)al\ toof^l ' aud^

mandjmal in ber ©drtncrei nad). Oft lag id; aud; ftunben=

lang im ©arten im ^ofjen ©rafe, unb ber fd^male ^iingling

(c§ h)ar ein ©dfiiiler unb 25erinanbtcr ber 2(Iten, ber ebcn

je^t \)kx 5ur SSafanj tuar) ging mit feinem langen ^a^utrod*

15 in iueiten ^rcifen um mid^ berum, unb murmelte babei, iuie

ein ^anUxit, au§ feinem 5l3ud^e, iworiiber id^ bann aud^

i-ebe§ma( einfd^Iummerte. — ©o toerging ein ^ag nad^ bem

anbern, bi§ idj am @nbe anfing, bon bem guten ©ffen unb

2;rin!en gang meland^olifd^ ju tt)erben. 2)ic ©lieber gingcn

20 mir bon bem ett)igen ^Jiid^t^tfiun orbentlidb an^i ben ©elenfen/

unb e§ tbar mir, aU tuiirbe idE) bor g^aulbeit nod^ ganj au§=

einanber fallen.

^n biefer 3^^^ f<ife i^ einmal an einem fd)tt)iilen 3^ad^s

mittage im SBi^fel cine§ l^ol)en Saume§, ber am Slbl^ange

25 ftanb, unb ibiegte mid^ auf ben ^ften langfam iiber bem ftitten

tiefen ^^I^ale. ®ie Sienen fummtcn jiwifd^en ben Slattern

um mid^ l;erum, fonft tear alle^ 'mk auegeftoibcn/ fein 9Jienfdf»

wax jJyifcf^en ben 33ergen ju jc^en, ttcf unter mir auf ben

fttllen 2SaIbtt?icfcn lubtcn bte Mht auf bem t)of>cn ©vafe.

2lber ganj ton treitcnt !am bev i^Iang cince ^^oftborns itber

bie Ivalbigcn Gipfcl bcriiber, balb faum bernebmbar, balb

toieber IjcUer unb bcutlid)er. Wax fiel babei auf einmal ein 5

alte§ Sieb redbt auf§ ^erj, ba§ idb nod^ jul^aufc auf meine§

3?ater5 DJ^iible Don einem iranbernbcn §anbtoerf#burfd^cn


geternt ^atte, unb ic^ fang : ^ .

SQBer in bie gvembe luiQ roanbern,

®cr mug mit ber Siebften gefjn, 10

G§ jubcln itnb (affen bie anbeni

Sen gremben aKcine ftc^n.

SBa8 miffet i^r, buntcte SBipfel,

3Jon bev alten, fc^onen ^^it?

SIc^, bie ©cimat Winter ben ©ipfctn, 16

S33ie Uegt fte con ^ier fo weit


2[m liebflen betrad^t' ii) bie ©ternc,

®ic fd^ienen, ttienn id^ ging ju il^t,

S)ic 9tac^tigatt f)or' id^ fo gerne,

@ie fang oor ber ?iebfien S^^iir. 20

S)er 9Korgen, ba8 ifl mcine ^reubc


S)a fteig' id^ in fliffev @tunb'

3tuf ben bpd[)ften Serg in bie SScitc,

®ru§' bic^,2 2)eutfc^lanb, au8 ^erjenSgrunb


G§ Wax, al§ toenn mid^ ba§ ^oftborn bei meinem Siebc 25

au§ ber g^erne begleiten iyollte. ©§ fam, tud^renb td^ fang,

jh)xf(^en ben 53ergen immer na^er unb ndt)er, bt« \<i) eg

70 2(ue bem Jebcn cines Iaugeni(f)t?.

enblid; cjar oben auf bem 5dilo|I;ofe fd^allen {^ortc. ^rf)

fprang vvifc^ bom 33aume f^cruntev. 2)a fam mir aitd; fd)on

bie 5nte mit einem geoffneten ^afete au§ bem Sc^Ioffe ents

gegen. „®a i[t aud^ etit)a§ fur ®ie mitgefommen," fagte fie,

5 unb rei(f)tc mir auy bem S^aUt ein !Ieirte§, nieblid)e§ Sriefd^en.

@^3 iuar d(;uc 2luff4rift, ic^ bvad^ e§ fd^nett auf. 2lber ba

hjurbe \<i) and) auf einmal im ganjen ©efid^te fo rot toie eine

^cionie, unb ba§ ^ev§ fd)Iug miv fo beftig, bafe e§ bie 5llte

merfte, benu ba§ S3rief4ieu Wax toon — meiner fcbonen ^"^rau,

10 bon ber id; mancf)e'§ 3^tte(d)en bei bem ^errn^ Stmtmann gcs

fel;en f)attc. ©ie fdjrieb barin gang !urj : „Q§ ift attel luieber

gut, atte ^inbeniiffe finb befeitigt. ^d) benu^te l^eimlid^ biefe

©elegen^eit, um bie erfte ju fein, bie ^^nen biefe freubige

Sotfd^aft fd;reibt. ^ommen, eilen ©ie juriid. ©^ ift fo obe

15 t^ier unb x^ fann faum me^r leben, feit ©ie toon un§ fort

finb. Slurelie."

2)ie 2(ugen gingen mir iiber,' aU \d) ba§ Ia§, bor (Sntjiiden

unb Scared unb uniaglic^cr greube. ^d^ fd;amte mid^ bor bem

alten 2Beibe^ bie mid; toieber abfdieulid) aufdimunjelte,' unb

20 flog ime ein $feil bi§ in ben affereinfamften SSinlel beg ©ar^

ten§. 2)ort iuarf ic^ mid^ unter ben ^afelnufeftrciud^ern in^

©ra§ f)in, unb Ia§ ba§ 33riefd()en nod; einmal, fagte bie 2Bortc

auStoenbig fur mid; i>in, unb Ia§ bann toieber unb immer ioieber,

unb bie (Sonnenftral;Ien tanjten jiuifd^en ben Slattern ^inburdb

25 iiber ben 33udbftaben, ba^ fie fid^ toie golbenc unb f^eHgriine

unb rote Sliiten bor meinen 2(ugen ineinanber fdfilangen. ^ft

fie am ®nbe gar nidfit berl^eiratet getbefen? bad)tc id* ; luar ber

fit'inte C'ttiji^'^' t^innal^ uielldc^t iijx s^txt Sruber, ober i[t cr

nun tot, ober bin id) ton, obcr— „3!)a6 ift affe§ cincrlci !" rief

id; cnblid^ unb \pxar\c\ auf, „niin iffw ja f(av, fie Hebt mid^ ja,

jie liebt mid)!"

2(I§ id* ally bcm (^V-ftvdud} anebcr beruoi trod), neigte fid) ">

bie Sonne 5um Untergange. Der i^immel Wax rot, bie SJocjcI

fangen luftig in aHcn iBcilbern, bie Jf)dlev irarcn ttotter 8d)inu

mer, aber in nieincin .sVijen h^ar e^ nod» biel taufenbmal

fd)oner unb fri?l^lid;er


^d^ rief in ba§ Scblo^ {;inein, ho.^ fie mir ijmt bas 2(benb= h»

effen in ben ©arten ^erau^brinc3en foUten. Tie alte flrau, ber

alte grdmlid)e '?DJann, bie ^33idgbe, fie mu§ten afle mit berauc^^

unb fid) mit mir unter ben 33aum an ben gebedten Jifd) fe^cn.

3d) jog meine ©eige f^crbor unb fpielte unb afj unb trnnf ba:

jtrifd^en. 3)a tmirben fie alk luftig, ber alte Tiann ftric^ feine lo

grdmlid)en j'^alten an-:^ bem ©cfic^t unb ftiefe ein @[a§ nad) bem

anbern an^ ; ' bie 3(lte ^^lauberte in cinem fort, ®ott tt)ei§ \va^;

bie 2Rdgbe fingen an auf bem ^l^afen mit einanber ju tanjen.

3ulefet fam aud^ nod) ber blaffe Stubent neugierig ben^or, n^arf

einige berdd^tlid^e 58Iide auf ba§ S^jeftafel, unb tooUte ' ganj 20

bornebm ivieber treiter geben. "Jcb aber, nic^t ju faul,* f^rang

gefd)iyinb auf, erioifcbte if)n, eb er J}d)'« l^erfab, bei feinem

langen Uberrod, unb tua(jte tud^tig mit ibm f;erum. dx ftrengte

ftd^ nun an, red^t jierlid^ unb neumobifdb ju tanjen, unb fii^elte*

fo emfig unb fiinftUd^, ba^ i^m ber ®d)lr)ei^ dom ©efid)t l^er* 25

unterflo^ unb bie langen ^iodfdhoB*-' ^'« »-'i" 9^ib urn ung ^erum

flogen. ^abei fa^ er micf) aber mand)mal fo furiog mit ber=

72 2tn« bem Scbcn eincS Staugenid^ts.

bref)ten 2lugen an, ba^ \6) mid) orbentlid) Dor ifjm ju fiird^ten

anfing unb if)n ^lo^Iid^ triebev Io§ lie^.

2)ie 2(Ite f)dtte nun gar 511 gerne erfol^ren, h)a§ in bcr.i ^Sriefe

ftanb, unb Juarum id) benn eigentltd^ I^eut auf einmal jo Iu[tig

5 War. Slber ba§ irtar ja biet jii ipeitlaufijg, urn e§ i^r auSein*

anberfe^en ju fonnen. ^d; jeigte blofe auf cin ^aar ^ranid^e,

bie eben f)pd^ iiber un§ burd) bie 2uft jogen, unb fagte : „\d)

mii^te nun aud^ fo fort unb immer fort, iDcit in bie ^erne !"—®a ri^ fie bie bertrodneten 2(ugen toeit auf, unb blidte, tme ein

10 SBafili^!,^ balb auf mid), 6alb auf ben alten 5[Rann F)inuber.

3)ann bemer!te id^, trie bie beiben I^eimlid; bie ^o^fe gufanimen:

ftedten, fo oft id^ mid^ jce^toanMe/ unb fel)r eifrig miteinanber

fijrad^Kn, unb mid) babei gutoeilen toon ber ©eite anfal)en.

®a§ fiel mir auf. ^d; [ann l;in unb ^er, lua§ fie toobl mit

16 mir borjjaben m5df)ten. S^ariiber trurbe id^ ftiUer, bie Sonne

trar aud^ fd^on lange untergegangen, unb fo tt)unfd)te id^ alien

gute 9?ad^t unb ging nad)benflid) in meine ©d^ilafftube I)inauf.

^d} luar innerlid) fo frol^lid^ unb unrul;ig, ba^ idf) nod^ lange

im 3innner auf= unb nieberging. 2)rau|en iudljte ber 25inb

20 fd^trere, fd^iuarje 2SoIfen iiber ben @d^Io^turm t»eg, man fonnte

faum bie nad^ften Sergfoip^en in ber biden g-infternii er!ennen.

2)a fam e§ mir bor, aU Voenn id^ im ©artcn unten ©timmen

l^orte. ^d) Iofd)te mein Sid^t au§, unb ftcUte mid^ ang ?3-cnfter.

S)ie ©tinimen fd;ienen ndljer ju fommen, fprndjen aber feF)r

25 leife mit einanber. 3(uf einmal gab eine Heine Saterne, ir»eI4)e

bie eine ©eftalt unterm 9)iantel trug, einen langen <B6)im.

3d^ erfannte nun ben grdmli(^en ©d;lo|berloalter unb bie alte

@cd)ftcs Sapitel. 73

^augf^dlterin. 2)a§ £irf)t bli^te iiber ba^S (3efid>t ber 2llten,

bal mir nodE) ntemal§ fo gra|Iici^ borgefommen Wax, unb iiber

cin langeg ^Okffcr, ba» [ic in ber iganb F)iett. ®abei fonnte id^

fe^en, ba^ fie bcibc eben imcf) ineinem genfter binauffaben.

2)ann fd^Iug ber SSerJralter feiuen 3JianteI tcieber bid)ter um, 5

unb e§ Wax balb afleo iuiebcr finfter unb [till.

2Ba§ tooden bie, bacbte id), ju biefer Stunbe noc^ brau^en

im ©arten? Wxd) fd;auberte, benn e§ fielen mir alle 5Rorb-

9efd;id;ten ein/ bie icb in mcinem Scbe:: ge^ovt f^atk, toon

^ejen unb Jidubern, toelc^e SJienfd^en abfd)Iacbtcn, urn ifire lo

^erjen ju freffen. ^nbem id& noc^ fo nacf)benfe, fommen

9L)tenfd)entritte, erft bie 3:'re^)3e ^erauf, bann auf bcm langen

©ange ganj leife, leife auf meine 2^biir ju, babei wax c^, aU

hjenn julDeilen ©timmen beimlic^ mit einanber iinf^erten.

^d^ fj3vang f4)nell an ba§ anbere (Snbe ber ©tube Fainter 15

einen grofeen 3:ifd), ben id\ fobalb fidi etiuas riibrte, bor

mir auff;eben, unb fo mit aOer ©eiimlt auf bie !J[;iir loss

rennen tooUte. 2(ber in ber ginfternis loarf id^ einen ©tu^l

um, ba^ e§ ein entfe^lid)e§ @e)3oIter gab. Xa lnurbe e§ auf

einmal ganj ftitt brau^en. '^d) laufd^^te binter bem 3:ifc^ unb 20

faf) immerfort nacb ber 2:biir, aU loenn ic^ fie mit ben 2tugen

burd^ftedien Jrolltc, ba§ mir orbentlid^ bie 2lugen gum ^o^fe

^erau§ ftanben. 2(li id^ mid^ ein 2BeiId^en Joieber fo rul^ig

berF>aIten hatU, ba^ man bie S'^'^^S'-'" O" i'^r 9Sanb ^atte

fonnen ge^en ^bren, berna^m id), wk jemanb bon brau^en 25

gang leife einen (Sd^Iuffel in§ Sd^iliiffcHod; ftedte. ^d) WoUtz

nun eben mit meinem ^ifdbe losfabren, ba brebte el" ben

74 2lue bem iebtn etneS iaugcnic^ta.

<2c{)IuffeI lancjfam breimal in bcr 2i)m urn, 51x3 ibn bor^idjtig

y ipiebcr I;erau§ unb fd^nurrte' bann fo^te iiber beii &a\\^ unb

bie Stre)3))e ^inunter.

^d^ f(^o^)fte nun tief 2ttem. Di}0, badite id}, ha haben fie

5 bid^ eingefperrt, bamit fie'g fommobe baben/ lr»enn idE) erft

V. fe[t eingcfd)Iafcn bin. ^d; unterfucbte ge)rf)iyinb bie 2:buv.

©g Wax rirfjtig, fie iuar feft t)ei-frf)Ioffen, ebenfo bie anbeve

^^ur, tjinter ber bie I^iibfd^e, 6Ieid;e 5IRagb fcblief. I)a§ tuar

nod) niemal§ gef^ieften, fo lange ic^ auf bem Sdbloffe iuo^nte.

10 Xa fa^ idb nun in ber i^rembe gefangen! SDie fcbone ^rau

ftanb nun itiDl>I an ifircm ^enfter unb faf) iiber ben ftitten

©arten nadE) ber 2anbftra^e binaue, cb id; nid;t fd^on am

3oIIf)au5d)en mit meiner ©cigc babergeftrid;en fomme, bie

SSoIfen flogen rafd) iiber ben ^immel, bie ^i'xt toerging —15 unb idb !onnte nidbt fort bon l^ier! 2{db, mir U)ar fo tDel) im

^ergen, id) iini^te gar nidjt mc^r, tt)ag id; tf)un foUte. 2)a-

bet n)ar mir'l aud^ immer, luenn bie flatter brau^en raufd^ten,

^ ober eine 9^atte am 33Dbcn !nDJ|iertc/ aU iodre bie 2ltte burd^

y. eine bcrborgcnc lapetcntbiir ^eimlid; fjereingetreten unb

20 lauere unb fd^Ieicbe leife mit bem langen SReffer burdb§


2(Iy id; fo iH^U Sorgen auf bem 23ette fa^, i)Mi id) auf

einmal feit langer 3eit iineber bie 9iad;tmufif unter meinen

genftern. 33ei bem erften 5llange ber ©uitarre 'max e§ mir

25 nid^t anber§, ali hjenn mir ein 5J^orgenftra^I ^lo^lic^ burd^

bie ©eele fiibre. ^d) xi^ ba^5 ?3-enfter auf unb rief leife f>er=

unter, ba^ id; ioad; fei. „^^ft, ^jft!" antiDovtete e^ con unten.

Eect)fte8 ^'^apltel. 75

Jc^ befann mic^ nun nicf)t lange, ftecfte bas Sriefd^en unb

meine ©eicje 511 mir, fdBiuang mid) aul bent S^enfter, un^

Iletterte an bcr alten, serfpruu^enen 93^auer i)'mab, inbem ic^

mid) mit ben ioiinben an ben Strdudiern, bie au§ ben S^ti^en

h)ud^[en, anf)ielt. 2(6er einige morfc^e 3if9^'t gabeii nad^ id; 5

!am in« 9iutfd»en, es ging immer rafd>er unb rafd>er mit mir,

6i0 id) enblicfi mit Bciben ^yiiBen aufpluinptc/ ba^ mir'^ im

©ebirnfaften fni^erte."

^aum luar id^ quf biefe 2trt unten im ©avten angefommen,

fo umarmte mic^ jemanb mit [oilier ^ebemenj, ba^ idi laut 10

aufid)ne. 3)er gute g^reunb aber i)iclt mir fdmett bie ^yinger

auf ben 5l}?unb, fa^te mic^ bei ber §anb unb fiibrte mic^ bann

au§ beni ©eftrduc^ in§ ?3^reie f)inau«. Xa erfannte icft mit

SSertounberung ben guten, langen Stubenten, ber bie ©uitarre

an einem brciten [eibenen S3anbe um ben §a(5 f)dngen bait^. is

— ^d) befd^rieb i^m nun in greater @eid)iinnbig!eit, ba$ id)

au^ bem ©arten binaus luoKte. Qv fd)ien aber bag allel

fc^on lange ju biffen, unb fiibrte mic^ auf aKerlei berbedten

UmtDegen ju bem untern 2:^ore in ber i)oi)tn G3artenmauer.

2(ber ba tuar nun aucb bal 2:f)or toieber feft berfcblofjen ! 20

3)od^ ber ©tubent batte and) ba§ id)on borbebacbt, er jog

einen gro^en Sdiliiffel ^erbor unb fd^Io^ be^utfam auf.

Stis w'xx nun in ben 2Balb binauStraten unb ic^ ifm eben

no^ lun ben beften 2Beg jur nddiften Stabt fragen Joottte,

ftiirste er plo^tid^ bor mir auf ein ^nie nieber, hob bie eine 25

§anb l^oc^ in bie ^'6b<:, unb fing an ju fluc^en unb ju

fd)lr>5ren, bafe e§ entfefelicb anjuboren tear, '^d) Ipugte gar

76 5Iu^ bfiH I'ebeii eiue« 2augenid)tS.

nidit, lDa§ er tDcUte, id) fjorte nuv immerfort : Idio unb cuore

iinb amore unb. furore!^ 3(I§ er abcr om ©nbe gar anfing,

auf kiben ^nien fdfineH unb irnmer ndber auf niid^ juju;

rutyieii, ba luurbc mir auf einmal gan5 grau§lic6, id) mer!te

5 iDobI, ba^ er berriidt Wax, unb rannte, oijne m\6) umjufe^en,

in ben bicfften 3SaIb F)inein.

^d) F)orte nun ben Stubenten \vk rafenb t)inter mir brein

fdireien. Salb bavauf c\ah nod) eine anbere grobe Stimme

bom S4)Iofie ^er Stntioort. ^cf) bad()te mir nun tuol;I, bafe

10 fie mid) auffucben imirben, ®er 2Beg trar mir unbefannt,

bie i)la(i)t finfter, \6) fonnte ibnen Ieid)t loieber in bie §dnbe

fatten. '^6) fletterte baber auf ben iBipfel einer ^of)en 3:anne

binauf, uuj beffere Oklegenbeit ab,^utt)arten. ^'-' t. - - '«

2>on bort fonnte i^ ^oren, toie auf bem Sc^Ioffe eine

15 Stimme nad^ ber anbern tpac^ lourbe . ©inige SBinblid^ter*

jeigten ficb oben unb ioarfen ibre tuilben roten ©c^eine iiber

ba§ alte ©emduer bel <2d)Ioffe^j unb u^eit bom 33erge in bie

fd)tuar3e 3iadit f)inein. ^d^ befaf)! meine 2cele bem lieben

@ott, benn bae berioorrene ©etihnmel Jburbe immer lauter

20 unb ndf)erte fid^i immer mel^r unb meljr. (Snblic^ ftiirjte ber

(Stubent mit einer ^adel unter meinem 58aume boriibcr, ba^

iF^m bie Sf^odfcbojie it)cit im 2Sinbe iiad)f(ogen, SDann fdtienen

fie fid^ alle nad) unb nad) auf eine anbere ©eite bel S8erge§

^injutbenben, bie Stinmien fc^allten immer ferner unb ferner,

25 unb ber 2Binb raufcbte tbieber burd; ben ftiHen ®alb. 2)a

ftieg icf) fd)nc(( bon bem i^aume ijerab, unb lief atemlos lueiter

in bai Xbal unb bie ^I'Jadftt fjinaul.

Siebentes Ikapftel.

frTaQ unb 5?ad()t Wax id) eilig fortgegangen, benn e^ fauftc

^^ mir lange in ben Cf)ren, aU fcimen bie Uon bem Serge

mit i^rem Dtufen, mit ?5^arfeln unb langen SReffern nod^ immcr

binter mir brein. UnterlDegg erfu^r id^, ba^ \6) nur nod^ ein

paar SReilen bon 9^om tocire. ®a erfdf)raf id^ orbentlid^ bor 5

g^reube. ®enn toon bem ^Jidd^tigcn 9?om ^atte ic^ fdion gu;

l()aufe al§ ^inb biele tvunberbare ©efd;id)ten gefiort, unb tocnn

id^ bann an (Sonntag^^Diad^mittagen bor ber SJiii^Ie im ©rafe

lag unb aUel ring§um fo ftiHe Irav, ba badhte id^ mir 9iom

h)ie bie jielienben SSoIfen iiber mir, mit tounberfamen Sergen 10

unb 2tbgrunben am blauen 3Jleer, unb golbnen Jl^oren unb

f)of)en gldn^enben ^iirmen, toon bcnen ©nget in golbenen %itoanbern fangtn. — 2)ie 9iarf)t iuar fd^on loieber lange fjerein*

ge6rod6en, unb ber ^Ronb fdBien ^jriid^lig, al§ ic^ enblid^ auf

cinem §ugcl au§ bem 3Salbe ^eraugtrat, unb auf etnmal bie 15

©tabt in ber g^erne bor mir fal^. — 2)a§ SJieer leud^tete bon

tbeitem, ber §immel bli^te unb funfelte uniiberfebbar mit un=

jdl^ligen ©ternen, barunter lag bie l^eilige ®tabt, bon ber man

nur cinen langen 9?e6eJ[[treif erfenneu fonnte, trie ein ein=

gefdfjiafener Soiue auf ber ftiffen @rbe, unb 33erge ftanben 20

baneben, ibie bunfle Stiefen, bie mid; beirad^iten.

3d; fam nun juerft auf eine gro^e einfame §eibe, auf ber eg


78 '•^tuS bem ?ebcn einee 2;augenld)t?.

fo grau unb fttfl h)ar, tuie im ©rabe. 9?ur bin unb kr ftanb

. ein alte§ berfaUenel ©emduer ober ein trocfener lt»unbcrbar

gehjunbener ©traucb ; tnanrfimal frf)trirrten 9^adf)tbbgel burcb

bie Suft, unb mein eigencr ® (flatten ftrid^ imnterfort lang

5 unb bunfel in ber (Sinfamfcit neben miv l^er. ©ic fagen,

ba^ i)kx eine urolte ©tabt unb bie %xan 3?enu§^ begraben

liegt, unb bie alien §eiben jutreilen nod^ au§ il;ren ©rdbern

f^eraufftcigen unb bei ftider Siac^it iiber bie §eibe ge^n unb

bie SBanberer berioirren. 2(ber \<^ ging immcr gerabe fort

10 unb lie^ mid^ nid^tS anfedfiten,'' 2)enn bie ®tabt ftieg iinmer

beutlid^er unb ^viicBtiger Dor mir bcrauf, unb bie boben 33ur=

gen unb 3:^pre unb golbenen .^u^'pcln gldnjten [o l^errlidh im

bellen 5[Ronbfd;ein, aU ftdnbon nnvflid^ bie ©ngel in golbenen

©etodnbern auf ben Sinnen unb fdngen burdb bie ftille 9^ad>t

15 l^eriiber.

<So jog \6) bcnn enblicf) erft an fleinen §dufern borbei, bann

burd^ ein ^rdcl^tige^ 3r(?or in bie berul;mte <2tabt dhm f^inein.

^er 3Ronb fd^ien jtrifd^en ben ^^aldften, aU iudre e» f)etter

^ag, aber bie ©tra^en iuaren fd^ion aUe leer, nur l^in unb

20 loieber lag ein lumj^iger ^erl, lt)ie ein ^oter, in ber lauen

^J^ai^^t auf ben 9}?armorfd}n)eIIen unb fd)lief. 2)abei raufd^ten

bie 33runnen auf ben ftiUcn ^Id^en, unb bie ©drten an ber

©tra^e fdufelten bajluifd^en unb erfiiHten bie 2uft niit er=

quidfenben 3)uften.

25 SKie \<i) nun eben fo UKitcr fort frfilenbere, unb Dor 33ers

gniigen, 2)ionbfcbein unb 95}obI_ierudb gar nid;t iDei|, lDoF>in

id^ m\6} loenben foU, Id^t fid» tief au§ bem einen ©arten eine

@ifbentee J^apitel. 79

©uitarre ^oren. Tldn Q6ott, benf id^, ba ift mir h)oF)I ber

toHe ©tubent mit bem lancjen Uberrod j^eimlidf) nad^^gefprungen!

I)ai'uber fing eine 5)ame in bem ©arten an iiberaug lieblici)

ju fingen. ^d^ ftanb gang trie bejaubert, benn el ir>ar bie

Stimme bev fd^onen gndbigen ^xan, uub basfelbe tcelfdBe^ 5

Siebd^en, ba» jie gar oft jubaufe am offnen ^enfter gefungen


2)a fiel mir auf einmal bie fc()one alte ^dt mit fold^er ©e*

tcalt aufs iperj, ba| id^i bitterlic^ f)dtte Ireinen mogen, ber

(title 6)arten bor bem (3c()Io^ in frii^er 9)?orgenftunbc, unb 10

njie id^ ba ^intcr bem Straud^ fo gliidEfelig tear, ef)e mir bie

bumme gliege in bie 3?afe flog, ^d^ fonnte mid^ nid^t longer

l^alten. ^cb fletterte auf ben bergolbeten 3'^raten iiber bag

©ittert^or, unb f(^l»ang mid) in ben ©arten Ijinunter, hjober

ber ©efang fam. 2)a bemer!te icb, ba^ eine fd;Ian!e, toei^e 15

©eftalt toon fern Winter einer ^a^^jel ftanb unb mir erft toers

iDunbert jufal), al§ id^ iiber bal ©itterlrerl fletterte, bann

aber auf einmal fo fc^metl bur^ ben bunflen ©arten nad^ bem

§aufe guflog, ba^ man fie im 9}ionbfd)ein faum fiipeln " fel^en

fonnte. „S)a§ Wax fie felbft!" rief ic^ aul, unb ba§ §erj 20

fd^lug mir bor g^reube, benn ic^ erfannte fie gleid^ an ben

fleinen, gefditoinben giiBc^^n toieber. @§ tear nur fc^limm,

bafe id^ mir beim §erunterf^ringen bom ©artent^ore ben

re^ten gu| ettual bertreten ^atte, id^ mu^te ba^er erft ein

paarmal mit bem Seine fd()lenfern, eb ic^ ju bem §aufe nad;^ 25

f^jringen fonnte. Stber ba batten fie unterbel 2;bur unb

Jenfter feft berf^loffen. ^d) flopfte ganj befd^eiben an, i)Oxd)U

80 '^titS bein i'ebeu eineS 2:augenid)t«.

unb fIoj)fte trieber. Ta toar e§ nid^t anber§, aU toertn e§

brinnen leife fliifterte unb Iid;crte, ja cinmal !am e§ mir bor,

al§ hjenn jiuei ^elte 2tugen giDifdien ben ^aloufien^ im SJionbs

fd^ein ^erborfunfelten. !Dann irar auf, einmal atle§ toicber

6 [tia.

®ie itiei^ nur nid;t, ba^ i d^ eS bin, bad^te idE), jog bie ©eige,

bte id^ aHejeit 6el mir trage, [;erbor, f^ajieite bamit auf bem

©ange Dor bem i^aufe auf unb nieber, unb f^)ielte unb fang

ba^ Sieb toon ber fd^onen i^-xan, unb f^ielte boll ^ergniigen atte

10 meine Sieber burd^, bie id^ bamat§ in ben fdjonen ©ommer*

ncid^ten iin ©dfilojjgarten ober auf ber 33an! bor bem 3on^aufe

gef^ielt ^atte, bajj e§ lueit 6i§ in bie ^enfter be§ <2d^Ioffe§

^iniiber !Iang. — 2lber e§ f)alf atlel md;t§, e-o riifjrte unb

regie'* fic^ niemanb im ganjen §aufe. ®a ftcdte id^ enblic^

15 meine ©eige traurig ein, unb legte mid; auf bie ©d)tbeKe bor

ber ^auSti^iir l;in, benn id; tbar fe^r miibe bon bem langen

SJJarfd;, ®ie ^f^ad^t ibar tbarm, bie Slumjnbeete bor bem

§aufe bufteten lieblid), eine 2Bafferfunft tbeiter unten im

©arten ^Idtfc^erte immerfort bajibifd^en. 5Rir trdumtc bon

20 l^immelblauen 33Iumen, bon fdE)onen, bunfelgriinen, einfamen

©riinben, too Qu_etten rauf(^ten unb ^dd^Icin gingen, unb

bunte SSogel icunberbar fangen, bi§ ic^ enblid^ feft einfd)Iief.

21I§ id) aufJbad^te, riefelte mir bie 3}lorgenIuft burc^ atte

©lieber. 2)ie 3SogeI ibaven fd)on luadE) unb jiDitfd()erten auf

25 ben 33dumen urn mic§ Ijerum, aU ob fie mi(^ fiir'n 9larren

l^aben toottten.' ^d; fprang rafd; auf unb fa^ mi(^ nad^ a^tn

©eiten um. 3)ie 2Bafferfunft im ©arten raufd^te nod; immers

<Siebeute« ^apiteL gl

fort, aber in bent .*gaufe Wax fein 2ant ju bernc^men. ^"^

gucEte burd; bie griincn ^alouficn in ba§ eine 3''"'"^'^ f)inein.

2)a l»ar ein ©ofa, unb cin grower runber Xifcf) mit grauer

Seinlnanb ber^angen, bie Stii^le ftanben allc in grower

Drbming unb unDcvriirft an ben 2Banben f^erum; toon au^en i>

aber tparen bie ^alouj'ien an alien g^enftern F)eruntergela[fen,

al^ tudre bag ganje ^^axii^ \6)on feit bieten ^aF)ren unbeliicF)nt.'

— 2)a ijberfiel mid^ ein orbentIid^e§ ©raufen bov bem ein=

famen §aufe unb ©avten unb bor ber geftrigen ^ ibeifeen ©es

ftalt. ^d) lief, of^ne niid^ tbeiter umjufe^en, burd^ bie ftillen lo

Sauben unb ©dnge, unb fletterte gefcbhjinb luieber an bem

@artentF)or t^inauf. 2lbcr ba blicb id^ Ibie berjaubert fi^en,

aU id) auf einmal bon bem ^oben ©ittevtber! in bie ^rcii^tige

©tabt ^inunter faf;. ©a blifete unb fimfelte bie 'DJorgenfonne

toeit iiber bie 2)dd;er unb in bie langen ftillen ©trajjen ^inein, 16

ba^ id^ laut aufiaud^^en mu^te, unb better greube auf bie

©tra^e I)inunter fprang.

Slber tbobin follt' id) mid) loenben in ber grofjen fremben

©tabt? 2(uc^ ging mir bie !oii|ufe Dkd^t unb ba» melfc^e

Sieb ber fc^onen gndbigen ^rau bon geftern no^ immer im 20

^o))fe l^in unb f)er. ^d) fe^te mid; enblid^ auf ben fteinernen

©^jringbrunnen, bev mitten auf bem einfamen ^(a^e ftanb,

touf^ mir in bem flaren SSaffer bie Stugen IjeU unb fang

SBenn^ id^ ein 93bgteiu luiir', J 25

3d) wiifit' uio()(, luouou id) fange,

Unb aud) ]xvd gliiglein l^att'/

3(^ wiifet' tDo{)I, hJot)iu id) mid) fc^niaiige


82 5lue bem ieben einea 2:augenid)t«.

„Qx, Iiifttger ©efeU, bu firtgft ja toie eine Serd^c beim er[ten

9JiorgenftraF)l!" fagte ba auf einmal ein junger Wlann ju tnir,

ber todbrenb meine§ 2iebe§ an ben Srunnen fieran getreten

hjar. 2Rtr aber, ba ic^ fo unberbofft 2^eutfd^ fpred^en ^orte,

5 tear ei nic^t anber^ im ^erjen, aU ioenn btc ©lode au§

meinem SJorfe am ftiUen ©onntagSmorgeu plo^Iic^ ju mir \)tx>

iiber flange. „©Dtt unrifommen/ befter §err 2anb§mann!"

rief \6) au§ unb fprang boiler 33ergnugen Don bem fteinernen

Srunnen l^erab. Tcr junge 3Jlann IddBelte unb fa^ mic^ toon

10 oben bi§ unten an. „i(ber hja§ treibt ^f)r benn eigentlid^ f^ier

in 9tom?"^ fvagte er enblid^. 2)a tru^te i(^ nun nicftt gleicf),

tnai i(^ fagen foUte, benn ba^ id) fo eben ber fd^onen gncibigen

^rau nacblprdnge, moc^t' id) il^m nicbt fagen. ,,'^d) treibe," ers

loiberte \6), „mi(f) felbft ein bi^djen l^erum/ um bie SBelt ju

15 fef)n." — „(So fo!" berfe^te ber junge 5[Rann unb ladtte laut

auf, „ba ^aben hjir ja ein iKetier.* ^a§ tbu' i^ thm a\xd>,

um bie 2BeIt ju febn, unb f>interbrein abjumalen." — „2lIfo

ein 2JiaIer!" rief irf» froFjIid^ au§, benn mir fiel babei §err

Seon^arb unb ©uibo ein.* Slber ber ^err liefe mid^ nid^t ^u

20 2Borte !ommen. ,,'^iS) ben!e/' fagte er, „bu gel^ft mit unb

friil^ftucfft bei mir, ba tr>i(I id^ bid^ felbft abfonterfeien,* ba| ei

eine ^^eube fein foil !" — S)al Iie| id^ mir gem gefaUen,' unb

toanberte nun mit bem 2RaIer burd^ bie leeren ©trafeen, too nur

Ijxn unb lt)ieber erft einige ^enfterlaben aufgemad^t tcurben unb

25 balb ein ^aar toei^e 2(rme, balb ein Derfd^Iafneg @efidE)t^cn in

bie frifd?e SOIorgenluft fjinauSgudfte.

Gr fii^rtc mid) lange bin unb l^er burc^ eine SJJenge tonfufei'

etebentee ^apitel. 83

cn^cr unb bunfler G)aiion, bie wit iwHxd) in eiu a\U^ ber^

rdudf)erte§ §au§ l^incimuuidbtcn. 3)ort ftiegen l»ir eine finftre

3^re))pe ^inauf, bann ioieber eine, all luenn loir in ben §immel

^ineinfteigen inotlten. l\>ir ftanbcn nun untcr bem '^atijt bor

einer 2^t)ur ftill, unb ber 3Jia(er fing an in alien 2afcf)cn born o

unb f^inten mit grower Gilfertigfeit ju fuc^en. 2(6er er ^atte

tjeute friif) bergeffen jujufdilie^en unb ben 3 d^ luff el in ber

©tube gelaffen. 2)enn er ioar, w'xi er mir unteribegel ers

jafjlte, nod^ bor SageSanbruc^ bor bie ©tabt ^inausgegangen,

urn bie ©egenb bei 5onnenaufgang ju betracbten. Gr lo

fc^iittelte nur mit bem ^opfe unb ftie^ bie 3:f)ur mit bem ^u^e


Xa§i tbar eine lange, lange, gro^e Stube, ba^ man barin

bdtte tanjen fonnen, ibenn nur nid;t auf bem 5"Poben atteg

bott gelegen f^dtte.' 3lber ba lagen 3tiefel, ^apiere, 5lleiber, 15

umgelrorfene ^"^^'^^^"t^ljfe, aHel burcfteinanber ; in ber 2)iittc

ber 3tube ftanben gro^e ©eriifte, ioie man gum 33irnenab-

nefimen braucftt,' ringgum an ber SSanb iDaren gro^e 33ilber

angelef)nt. 2luf einem langen j^oljernen 2;ifc^e tbar eine

3c^uffel, trorauf neben einem ^arbenfledfe Srot unb Sutter 20

lag. (Sine }^la]d)i ^ISein ftanb banebcn.

„-)?un e^t unb trinft crft, SanbSmann!" rief mir ber 'ifflaUx

ju. — '^6) tbollte mir auc^ fogleid; ein paar 33utterf(^nitten

fc^mieren/ aber ba hjar ibieber !ein SJteffer ba. 2Bir mu^ten

erft lange in ben ^a^^ieren auf bem ^ifcbe l^erumrafd^eln/ e^e 25

tbir e5 unter einem grcj^en ^^afete enblid) fanben. Tarauf

ri^ ber 9J^aler ba§ genfter auf, ba^ bie frifc^e 2)iDrgenIuft

34 9lu8 bent ?cbcn eincS 2;ougcntd)te.

frohlic^ ba§ gan^e 3i'"»i^6i^ burd^brang. Tci^ 'max etne l^err=

li^e 2tu§fi(f)t it)eit iiber bie Stabt ir»eg in bie Serge f^inein, too

bte 9Jiorgcnfonne luftig bie toei^en 2anbi)dufer unb 2Bein:

gdrten be[d)ien. — „3Sii)at' unfer fu^IgriineS S)eutfrf)Ianb ba

5 fainter ben 33ergen!" rief ber 9JJaIer au§ unb tranf baju an§

ber 2SeinfIa[d;e, bie er mir bann ^inrei(^te. ^d) t^at if>m

I;oflic^ 33efc^eib/ unb grii^te in meinem ipergen bie fd^one

§eimat in ber §erne nod^ biel taufenbmal.

®er 3JlaIer aber tjatte unterbe^ bal boljerne ©eriift, toorauf

10 ein fef)r gro^e§ ^^a^ier aufgef^annt tear, nd{)er an ba§ ^'^"[tsr

f^erangeriidt. 2(uf bem ^a^iere ioar blo^ mit gro^en fcfjtoar;

jen ®tric^ien eine alte §utte gar fiinftlid) abgejeidjnet. ®arin

fa^ bie f)eilige ^ungfrau mit einem uberau§ fd^onen, freubigen

unb bod^ redBt h)ef?mutigen ©efidbte. 3" ^^^^^'^ S^ufeen auf

15 einem 3^eftlein toon ©tro^ lag ba§ ^efusfinb, fef)r freunblid;,

aber tnit grofeen, ernftf)aften Slugen. 5)raupen auf ber

©d^toelle ber offnen §Utte aber fnieten jlt»ei §irten=^naben

mit ©tab unb ^afc^e. — „'Sief)[t bu," fagte ber 5ltaler, „bem

einen ^irtenfnaben ba toitt id) beinen ^opf auffe^en, fo fommt

20 bein ©efid^t bo(^ aud^ etlraS unter bie Seute/ unb lrill'^5 ©ott,

fotten fie fid^ baran nod^ erfreuen, toenn mx beibe fd^on lange

begraben finb unb felbft fo ftiU unb fri3t)lidf) bor ber l^eitigen

SRutter unb ii)rem ©obne fnieen, ipie bie gludlidfien ^ungen

l^ier." — 3)arauf ergriff er einen alUn Stu^I, toon bem ibm

25 aber, ba er i^n auf^eben tooUte, bie balbe 2ef)ne in ber i^anb

blieb. Gr ^a^te if)n gefdbioinb toieber jufammen, fd^ob ibn for

bai ©eritft l^in, unb id) mu^te mic^ nun barauf fe^en unb mein

(gicbeateS flapiteL 85

@efid;t ctloaS 'oon bcr ©eitc, nad) bcin 51taler 511, Jrenben. —£0 fa& id^ ein \)aax SJiinuten ganj ftill, obne mid^ ju rii^rcn.

Slber id^ luei^ nidit, julc^t fonnt' icfi'^S c3ar nid^t rec^t auc^s

balten, balb jiicfte nud^'-5 ba, [H^l^ jurfte micf)'§ bort. 2(uc^

l^ing mir gerabe t3egcnu6er ein jerbrodnier ^alber Spiegel, ba 5

mu^t' id^ immerfort f^ineinfeben, unb inad^te, irenn er ih^n

mnlte, au§ Sangclueile aflerlei ©efic^^ter unb ©rimafjcn. Xer

Scaler, ber e§ bemerhc, ladBte enblidi (aut auf unb luinftc mir

mit ber §anb, ba|5 ic^ luicber aufftcbcn fotlte. 3)iein ©cfid^t

auf bent §irten tvar audi fcbon fertig, unb fa^ fo flar auv, ba^ 10

icE) mir orbentlid^ felber gefiel.

dv jeid^nete nun in ber frifcben 3)brgenfii^(e immer ffeifeig

fort, lt»df)renb er ein Siebdbcn baju fang unb i^unHnlcn burc^

ba§ offne J'^nftcr in bie prdcbtige ©egenb binausblidte. ^c^

aber fcbuitt mir unterbc§ nod) eine 33utterfto[Ie^ unb ging 15

bamit im ,3ii"iTier auf unb ah unb befa^ mir' bie SBilber, bie an

ber SBanb aufgcfteEt toaren. Qw^'x barunter gefielen mir gang

befonberg gut. „§abt ^br bie aii6) gemalt?" frug icf) ben

3J^aIer. „93arum nic^t gar!"' eriuiberte er, „bie fmb t»on ben

beriibmten ?Oieiftern Seonarbo ba SSinci unt ©uibo 9ient* — 20

aber ba iuei^t bu ja boc^ nic^t^S baton 1" — Wxd) drgerte ber

Sd^Iu^ ber D^ebe. „C," berfefete xd) gang gelaffen, „bie beiben

SKeifter fenne ic^ tuie mcine eigene 2:a|cbe." — 25a macbte er

gro^e Slugen. „Sie fo?" frug er gefdblDinb. „9tun/' facjte

idi, „bin id^ nid^t mit ibnen 2'ag unb 9iadbt fcrtgereift, ju 25

^ferbe unb ju ^u^ unb ju 2Bagen, ba^ mir ber 2Sinb am

§ute vfiff, unb hah' fie alte beibe in ber Sd^enfe toerlorcn.

86 2lu6 bem ?eben eines Xaugentdjts.

unb bin bann attein in i()rem ^^agen init ©rtrapoft^ immer

njciter gefabren, ba^ ber SSombeniuagen'^ immerfort auf jtoei

9tdbern iiber bie entfe^Iid;en ©teine flog, unb" — „D^o!

0^0 !" unterbrad; mid^ ber 5RaIer, unb fa^ mi(^ [tarr an, al§

5 hjenn er mid^ fiir Derriidt ^ielte. ®ann aber hxad) er pIo§=

\\6) in ein Iautc§ ©elad^ter au§. „3(d)/' ricf or, „nun berftel^'

ic^ erft/ bu bift mit jiDei 9Kalern gereift, bie ©uibo unb Seous

i^arb I?ie^enV" — 3)a id; bag bejafjte, f^rang er rafd^ auf unb

fat> mid^ nod)maI§ toon obcn bii unten gan^ genau an. „^d^

10 glaube gar," fagte er, „am @nbe — fpielft bu bie 3>ioIine?"

— 3^ f<^Iii9 auf meine Sftodtafc^e, ba^ bie ©eige barin einen

^lang gab. — „9fiun lt)af)rl;aftig," uerfe^te ber 5RaIer, .tha

h)ar einc ©rdfin aug 2)eutf^Ianb ^ier, bie ^at fid^ in alien

SQBinfeIn toon $Rom nad^ ben beiben ^Tialern unb nad; einent

15 jungen DJJufifanten mit ber ©eige erfunbigen laffen."*— „@inc

junge ©riifin auy 2)eutfd()Ianb?" rief id^ better ©ntjiiden au^,

„ift ber ^ovtier mit?" — ,,'^a, ba§ iuei^ id^) atte§ nid;t," er=

ioiberte ber 5)ialer, „id) \ai) fie nur einige 3RaIe bei einer

^reunbin toon ibr, bie aber auc^ md)t in ber ©tabt ttiof)nt.

20 — ^ennft bu bie ?" fubr er fort, inbem er in eiuem 3.i>infel

))Io^Iid^ eine Seintoanbbede bon cinem grofjen '-Bilbe in bie

iQfil^e l(|ob. l!a Juar mir'§ bod) nid)t anberl, al^ it)enn man

in einer finftern ©tube bie Saben aufmadjt unb einem bie

SDforgenfonne auf einmal iiber bie 2(ugen bli^t, es luar — bie

25 fd)one gndbige g^rau ! — fie ftanb in einem fdjiuarjen ©amis

^leibe im ©arten, unb l()ob mit ber einen .^anb ben ©d^Ieier

bom ©efic^t unb fab ftitt unb freunblicb in einc toeite, ^jrdd^tige

©icbentcs ^apitel. 87

©egenb I;inau§. ^e Idiu3er id) l)i\x\ai), je mef>r lam es mir

bor, aU todre e§ ber ©artcn am ®d}loffe, unb bie 33lumcn

unb 3^^^9^ toiegten fid^ leife im SBinbe, unb iinten in ber

S^iefe fci^e id^ mein 3onf)du§d^en unb bie 2anbftra^c tueit

burd^g ©riinc, unb bie ^onau unb bie fernen blauen SBerge. 5

„(2ie ift'§, fie ift'S!" rief id; enblid), ertoifd;te meincn §ut,

unb rannte rafd^ jur SC^iir i>inau§, bie bielen ^te^jpen l^in*

unter, unb ^orte nur nod;, ba^ mir ber beriuunbertc TlaUv

nadbfd^rie, id^ fottte gegen 3(benb ttjieber fommen, ba fonnten

ioir »ietteicf)t mel^r erfai|ren



acbtes TkapiteL •

-^dj lief mit grower ©ilfertigfeit burd^ bie (Stabt, urn mtd^

^ fogleicf) irieber in bem ©artenf)aufe ju tnelpen, iro bie

fd^one grau geftern abenb gefungen l^atte. 2(uf ben

©trafeen ioar unterbel allei lebenbig gehjorben, ^erren unb

5 2)amen jogen im Sonneufd^ein unb neigten fid^ unb grii^ten

bunt burc^einanber, ^rdd)tige ^arofjen^ raffelten bqluifd^en,

unb bon alien STiirmen lautete e§ jur ?Keffc, ba^ bie flange

iiber bem ©eh)u^le luunberbar in ber !(aren Suft burd^ein^

anber fiaKten. ^d^ Wax n^ie betrunlen bon grcube unb bon

10 bent 3tumor, unb rannte in meiner gro^Iid^feit itnmer gerabe

fort, bi§ i4) 3ule|t gar nid^^t me^r iuu^te. Wo \6) ftanb. ©§

Wax Wk berjaubert, aU Jcdre ber ftitte ^Ia| mit bem Srunnen,

unb ber ©arten, unb ba§ §au§ blo^ ein ^raum geicefen,

unb beim l^eHen 2;age§Iid^t alle§ rtiiebcr toon ber Srbe i)er=

15 fd^njunben.

j^ragen lonnte id^ nirfjt, benn id^ ftjufete ben 9?amen be§

^Ia|e§ nirf)t. ©nblid^ fing el aud^ an fef>r fd^ioiil ju hjerben,

bie ©onncnftral^Ien fd^offen rcd)t toie fengenbe ^feile auf ba§

^flafter, bie Seute bertroc^en fid) in bie §dufer, bie ^aloufien

20 hjurben iiberall toieber gugemadf^t, unb e§ Wax auf einmal

tbie auigeftorben '^ auf ben ©trafeen. ^d^ tbarf mid^ jule^t

ganj berjtceifelt bor einem fd[)onen gro^en §aufe i)in, bor

?l(^te9 lapitcl. g9

bem ein 33aIton mit Sdulen breiten ©cbatten trarf, unb bcs

tracfjtete balb bie (title Stabt, bie in ber vIoMicben (Einfams

feit bei ^eHer ^JJittagftunbe orbentlid^ fdjauerlid^ au§[af),

balb iuieber ben tiefblauen, ganj irolfenlofen §immel, bii^ id^

enblid) bor grower ©rmiibung gar cinfd^lummevtc. 2)a tidumte 5

mir, id^ Idge bei meincm Sorfc auf ciner eiufamen griinen

2Biefe, ein iuarmer Sommerregen fpru^te unb gldn.^te in ber

©onne, bie focben jointer ben iBergcn unterging, unb tuie bie

9?egenti-oi>fcn auf ben SUfen ficlen, luarcn e§ lauter* fdbone,

bunte Slumen, fo ta^ id; baupn ganj iibcrfc^iittet Wax. lo

3lber toie erftaunte x6), al§ id^ itWad)U, unb iuirflid^ eine

2)tenge fc^oncr frifdter Slumen auf unb mUn mir liegen fa^


3d^ fi^rang auf, fonnte aber nidbt^ 5^efonbere» bomer!en, nl§

blo^ in bem §aufe iiber mir ein Je^ftt'^^ g<^"5 oben boll ton

buftenben ©trdud^rn unb 33Iumcn, l}inter benen ein '$apagei 15

unablaffig plauberte unb freifd^te. ^c^ lag nun bie jerftreuten

S3Iumen auf, banb fte jufammen unb ftedtc mir ben Strang

born in§ ^nopflodb. ®ann aber fing id) an, mit bem ^^nipagei

ein loenig 5U bisfurieren, benn ei freute mi^, trie er in feinem

bergolbeten ©ebauer" mit atterlei ©rimaffen l^erauf unb ber= 20

unter ftieg unb fid) babei immer ungefdbidt iiber bie grofee

3ef?e trat. X'od^ el^e id^ midt'g berfai), fd^nmjjfte er mid^


' 9Benn e§ gleid^ eine unberniinftige 33ejtie tuar,

fo drgerte eg mid^ bod^. ^6) fd)imj)fte il^n toieber, trir ge=

rieten enblid^ beibe in §i|e, je mebr id) auf ^eutfd^^ fdtimpfte, 2s

je me^r gurgelte er auf ^talienifd^ tuieber auf mic^ lo§.*

2luf einmal ^orte ic^ jemaub Winter mir (ac^en. ^d^ bre^tc

90 2Iii§ bem ?eben etncS 2:augcmd)t3.

mi^ rafd^ urn. (g§ ioax ber Scaler toon I;eute friil^. ,,'^a-i

ftell[t bu trieber fiir toKel 3*^"S an!"^ fagte er, „xd) tuarte*

f(^Dn eine ^albe ©tunbe auf bidi. !rie 2uft ift toieber fii^Iev,

intr irollen in einen ©arten bor ber Stabt gel^en, ba Irirft bu

5 mei)rere 2anb§Ieute finben unb bicllcidit ettua^ nal^ere§ toon

ber beutfdben ©rdfin erfabren."

S)aruber iuar id) auf^erorbentli^ erfvcut, unb ir»ir traten

unjern S^'^asiergang fogleid^ an, todf)renb id) ben ^apagei no^

lange jointer niir brcin fclnm^fen f)orte.

10 g?ad;bcm it»ir brau^en bor ber ©tabt auf [d)malen, fteis

nigen g-u^ftcigen lange jtoifcben Sanbbciufern unb 3Serngdrten

l^inaufgeftiegen Utaren, famen icir an einen Ileinen BDd)geIegenen

©arten, too tnefirere junge 5Rdnner unb ^Jidbd^en im ©riinen

urn einen runben Stifd^ fa|en. ©obalb toir l^inein traten,

15 minften un§ atle ju, un§ ftill ^u i)erf)alten, unb jeigtcn auf

bie anbere Seite be§ ©artens i)in. SJort fa^en in einei

gro|en griinberiradtfenen' Saube jtoei fd^one ^raucn an einem

%x]6) cinanbcr gegeniiber. 2)ie eine fang, bie anbere f^ieltc

©uitarre baju. 3^^^'*^'^ beiben I)inter bem ^ifd^e ftanb ein

20 freunblid^er 9Jiann, ber mit einem fletnen Stdbd^en jutoeilen

htn %att fd^Iug. Xabei funfelte bie Stbenbfonne burd^ baei

2BeinIaub, balb iiber bie SBeinflafdien unb j^rud)te, toomit

ber ^ifd) in ber Saube befc^t \x>ax, balb iiber bie boHen,

runben, blenbenblpeifecn Sldifcln ber g^rau mit ber ©uitarre.

25 2)ie anbere toar h)ie berjiidt unb fang auf ^talienif(^ ganj

au^erorbentlii^ funftlid^, bafe ibr bie ^led^fen am fiialfe auf=


3lcf)te8 ^a^jitel. 91

2i>ie fie mm foeben ntit jum .*QimmeI geri^lteten 2lugen

eine lange ^abenj anbicit, unb ber Tlann neben ibr mit aufj

ge^obenem ©tdbd^en auf ben 2(ugenbUc! pa^U, tuo fie irieber

in ben 'Hah cinfallen toiirbe, unb fciner im ganjeu ©arten

ju atmen fief) untcrftanb, ba flog ^lot^Iic^ bie ©artentbiir tncit 5

auf, unb ein gang er^i^tee 53idbd^en unb f)intcr ibr ein junger

2Renfci^ mit einem feinen, blcidften ©efidbt ftiirjten in gro^em

©ejdnfe l^erein. 2)er erfd^rodene 9}tufi!bireftDr blieb mit

feinem aufgebobenen ^taht tok ein berfteinertcr 3*^"^^-^'^

fte^en, obgleic^ bie Sdngerin fcf^on Idngft ben langen STritler lo

pIo|Iid; abgefd^najj^t IjatU ^ unb jornig aufgeftanben \vax. Stlle

iibrigen jifd^ten ben 9?euangefcmmenen n^iitenb an. ,/5arbar!"

rief il^m einer ton bem runben Jifcbe ju, „bu rennft ba mitten

in bas finnreirf)e 2'ableau " ben ber fcf)5nen Sefc^reibung binein,

loeld^e ber felige Hoffmann, ®eitc 347 be» „^rauentafcben= lo

bud^§ fiir 1816," toon bem fc^onften §umme(fd^en JBilbe' giebt,

ba§ im §erbft 1814 auf ber Serliner ^unftauSftellung ^u fe^en

ftjar!" — Slber bag f)alf ades nicf^tg, ,,2(6 njas!" entgegnete

ber junge SJiann, „mit euren 3:^ableaug Don StableauS !* SJcein

felbft erfunbeneS S3ilb fiir bie anbern, unb mein 9Jtdbd^en fiir 20

mid^ aHein! ©0 h?ill idt e§ Ijalten! D bu Ungetreue, bu

^alfd^e!" fuf)r er bann toon neuem gegen ba§ arme 5J^dbd^en

fort, „bu !ritifd)e Seele/ bie in ber ^Ralerfunft nur ben Silber*

blid, unb in ber 3)ic^terfunft nur ben golbenen i^-a'i^tn fud^t,

unb feinen Siebften, fonbern nur lauter (id^d^e l)atl ^c^ 25

n^iinfc^e bir l^infiiro, anftatt eine§ ebrIicE)en malerifc^en

'^infels/ einen alten 2>uca mit einer ganjen ^Kiin^grube Don

92 'Jlit^ ^fni Sebpn fine? Jau^entdit?.

2)tamanten auf ber ^Rafe,' unb mtt ^eIIcm ©ilbcrblidf auf bet

tal)Un ^latte, unb mil GJoIbfcbnitt auf ben paax nod) iibrigen

§aaren! ^a nur bcrau§ niit bcm nerruditen 3^^^^^^' ^c" ^"

ba borF)in bor miv i-ierftedEt fjaft ! 2Ba§ ^aft bu toieber ange*

6 jettelt?' SSon hjent ift ber 2Bifd;>/ unb an hjen ift er?"

3lber 'i^a^ Wdhd^tn ftraubte fic^ ftanbbaft, unb je eifriger

bie anbern ben erboften jungen OJtenfd^en umgaben unb i^n

mit gro^em Sdrm ju troften unb ju berufjigen fud^ten, befto

er^i^ter unb toller tourbe er bon bcni Sfiuntor, jumal ba ba§

10 ^J^dbd^en aud^ if)r 5RduId)cn* nid^t balten fonnte, bi§ fie enbs

lidf) toeinenb auy bem berlcorrenen J^nciuel berborflog, unb

fid^ auf einmal ganj unberfjofft an meine 53ruft ftiirjte, um

bei mir ©dbu^ ju fud^en. ^d^ ftcUte mid} aud^ fogleic^ in

bie geborige ^ofttur, aber ba bie anbern in bem ©etiimmel

15 foeben nic^t auf un§ a<i)t gaben, fefjrte fie ^lo^lic^ bag

^o^fd^en nad^ mir berauf unb fliifterte mir mit ganj ruf>igem

©efid^t feljr leife unb fdbnetl in§ Obr : „bu abfdieulid^er ©ns

nel^mer! umbid;* nui^ id^ ba» atleg leiben. 2)a, ftecE' ben

fatalen ^Qittl gefdf)Jr>inb ju bir, bu finbeft barauf bemerft, too

20 h)ir ibobnen. '^Ufo jur beftimmtcn Stunbe, tuenn bu inf

^^or fommft, immer bie einfame ©tra^e red^tg fort !


^d^ fonnte bor SSerlrunberung lein 2Bort Ijerborbringen,

benn toie id; fie nun erft rcd^t anfa^, erfannte idB fie auf ein^

mal : e§ tnar itiafirriaftig bie fc^mi^^ifd^e .^ammerjungfer bom

25 ©c^Io^, bie mir bamalS an bem fd)onen ©onntagl=2lbenbe bie

?^Iaf(^e mit 23ein bradte. <Sie ibar mir fonft niemal^ fo

fd^on borgefommen, aU ba fie fi^ je^t fo erbi|t an mid^

?Icf)tce ^apitel. 93

lel^nte, bajj bic fdiUnu-jcu Socfen iiber nieincn ^.Jtnn fjevabl^int-icn.

— „3lber, l)cre()ite 'i))iamfell," ' fagtc id; boUer ©iftaunen,

,,\vk fommen ©ie" — „Um ©otteetotKen/ ftiH nur, je^t ftiH!"

ertoibcrte fie, unb f^^rang gefdBhjinb Don mir fort auf bie

anberc ©eite be§ ©arten^, el) i^ tnicft noc^i auf afleg xed)t 5

befinnen fonntc.

Unterbel Flatten bie anbern i^r erftetl ^bema' faft ganj

toergeffen, janften aber untcreinanber recfit Dergniigli^ ioeiter,

inbem fie bem jungen SJienfdien beloeifen iyottten, ba^ er eigents

lid; * betrunfcn fei, \va^% fid; fiiv einen ef;rliebenben Wlakv gar 10

nid^t fd^irfe. ®ev ninbe, fije 9Jfanu aug ber Saube, ber —trie id^ nacbber erfufir— eiu grofeer tenner unb ^reunb bon

.^iinften luar, unb au-3 Siebe 5U ben SBiffenfdEiaften gem alle§

mitniadite/ battc aud; fein ©tdbd;en lueggetoorfen unb flanfierte*

mit feinem fetten ©efid^te, ba§ bor ^reunblid^feit orbentlid^ 15

gidnjte, eifrig mitten in bem bidften ©etummel ^erum, urn

alle§ ju bermittein unb ju befd^tbi^tigen, Judf^renb er ba=

jUjifd^ien immer toieber bie lange ^abenj unb ba§ fd()one

S^ableau bebauerte, ba§ er mit bieler SJiiil^e jufammengebrat^t

l^atte. 20

SJIir aber toar e§ fo ftern!Iar im §er§en, tuie bamal§ an

bem gliidfeligen ©ounabcnb, aU id) am offenen g^enfter bor

ber 2BcinfIafc^e bi§ tief in bie 9Zac^t ^inein auf ber ©eige

fjjicltc. ^d) bolte, ba ber Shtmor gar fein ®nbe nel^imen

\DoIIte, fvifd; meine 93ioline iotcber l^erbor unb fpiclte, Df;ne 25

mid; lange ju befinnen, einen tbelfcben ^anj' auf, ben fie

bort im ©ebirge tanjen, uub ben id^ auf bem alten^ einfamen

SBalbfc^Ioffe gelernt ^atte.

94 3lu8 bem ?eben eine« Saugcnit^ts.

2)a redten aHe bie ^c^jfe in bie §of)'. „5Brat)o, bratiiffimc,

ein belicii3fcr ©infall !" ^ rief ber luftige tenner toon ben ^iinften


unb lief fcgletd) Don einem gum anbern, urn ein Idnblid^e§

3;)it)ertiffement/ h)ie er'§ nannte, einsund)ten. @r felb[t macf)te

5 ben 2tnfang, inbem er ber 2)ame bie §anb xi[6)U, bie borf^in

in ber 2ai\bc gefpielt l)atte. (Sr begann barauf au^crorbents

lid) fiinftlid) ju tanjen, fd^rieb mit ben fyu^fpi^cn atterlei

S3udE)ftaben aiif ben Siafcn, fdf)Iug crbentlidBe SCriller mit ben

^ii^en/ unb mad^te toon S^'xt gu Qi'xt gang paffable 2ufts

10 fpriinge. 2lber er befam e§ balb fatt, benn er Wax ettuaS

for^ulent. ©r mad^te immer fiirjere unb ungefd;irftere (S^jriinge,

bi§ er enblid) ganj aii§ bem ^reife l^erau§trat unb I^eftig

l^uftete, unb ficb mit feinem fcbneeiueifeen ©dbnu^ftud^e unaufs

^orlid; ben ®cf)h)ei^ ablrifd^te. Unterbc'o batte aud^ ber junge

15 SRenfd), ber nun toieber ganj gefc^eut" getrorben Wax, au§

bem 2Kirt§f)aufe i!aftagnetten E^erbeige^olt, unb ebe idfj mid^'g

berfal^, tanjten attc unter ben S3dumen bunt burdjeinanber.

2)ic untergegangene ©onne tuarf nocb cinige rote SBieberfd^eine

jtoifcEien bie buntlen ©dbatten unb iiber ba§ alte ©emciuer

20 unb bie Don G^J^eu icilb iibcriDad^fenen, balb berfunfenen

©aulen f^inten im ©arten, nHif)renb nuin toon ber anbern

©cite tief unter ben SBeinbergen bie ©tabt Stom in ben

2lbenbgluten licgen faf). S)a tanjlen fie aHe lieblid^ im ©runen

in ber flaren ftiUen Suft, unb mir lacbte ba§ ^erj red^t im

25 2eibe/ wk bie fdblanten 5)idbd;en unb bie ^ammerjungfer

mitten unter if)nen, fid^ fo mit aufgebobencn Slrmen li»ie ^eib^

nifd^e 2BaIbnV)m^ben jloifd^eu bem Saubannf fdbioanjcn, unb

3l(^tc8 tapitcl. 95

babei jebeSmal in ber Suft mit ben ^aftagnetten luftig baju

fd)naljten. I^d; tonnte tnid; nid^t langer l^alten, id; f^rang

mitten unter fie l^incin unb niacfite, tt)af)renb id^ babei immers

fort geigte, rcd)t artige ^-ignven.^

3d) mod^te cine jiemli^K SSeile fo im ^reife f)erum ge^ 5

fprungcn fein unb merfte gar nid>t, i^a^ bie anbern unterbe^

anfingen ntiibe ju loerben unb fid; nad) unb nad) toon bem

9tafenplane bcrloren. 2)a ju^jfte mid^ jemanb toon f^inten

tii_d^g an ben S^odjduifjen. G§ Wax bie ^ammerjungfer.

„(Sei fein 9carr," fagte fie leife; „bu fpringft ja tpie ein lo

3iegenbod! Stubiere beinen S^^^^^ orbentlid^i unb fomni balb

nad), bie f(f)onc junge ©rcifin toartet." — Unb bamit fd^Iiipfte

fie in ber 3)ammerung jur ©artonvfovte fjinaug, unb Wax

balb jtyifd^en ben 3\>eingdrtcn berfdilDunben.

9)iir flo^^ftc bae ^erj, id^ h?dre am liebften gleidf) nacb^ 15

gefprungen. ^\im &IM jiinbete ber ^eUner, ba eg fdjon

bunlel geiuorben tear, in einer gro^cn Saterne an ber @arten=

tl^iir 2id^t an. ^d^ trat f^eran unb jog gefdtlinnb ben 3fttel

l(>erau§. 3)a toar jiemlidE) frifeUdE) mit Sleifeber ba§ 'Xbox

unb bie Strafe befd^rieben, toie mir bie ^ammerjungfer 'cox- 2o

bin gefagt batte. 2)ann ftanb : „@If UFjr an ber fleinen Zijixx."—2)a iuaren nod) ein )paax lange ©tunben ^in !-— ^db iDoflte

niid^ beffenungead)tet fogleic^ auf ben SSeg madden, benn id^

^atte feine S^laft unb 3fiu^e mel^r; aber ba fam ber 3)ialer,

ber mic^ bierber gebradbt l^atte, auf mid) Io§. „,f)a\t bu ba§ 25

5Jidbd^en gefpro^en?" frug er, „'\d) feb' fie nun nirgenb?

mel^r; bal Wax bal ^ammermdbd)en tnjn ber beutfd)en Girdfin."

96 'I"* t>eiii l*ebcn eine? JaugenidjtS.

„«3ti0, ftiH!" ertoiberte \d\ „bic ©rdfin ift nod^ in Stom."

„5'?un, be[tD befjev," fngte ber ?[RaIev, „fD fomm unb trinf

mil uns auf i^re ©efunbfjeit!" unb bamit jog er mxd}, toie

fefjr^ id^ micfi aud^ ftroiibte, in ben @arten juriidt.

5 ©a luar e§ unterbe§ ganj obe unb leer gelDorben. 3)ie

Iii[tigen ©dftc iuanbertcn, jebcr [ein Siebdben am 3(rm, nad^

ber ©tabt 311, unb man borte fie nod; burdi ben ftillcn 3tbenb

jh)if(^en ben 28eingdrten ^)Iaubern unb ladnn, immer ferner

unb ferner, bi§ fidb enblicE) bie ©timmen tief in bein "Jfjale

10 im 9taufdicn ber 53dumc unb be§ (Strome§ berloren. ^c^

hjar nod; mit meinem WiaUv unb bem §errn Gdbred^t — fo

^ie^ ber anbere junge 3JtaIcv, ber fid) borl^in fo berum gejanft

\:iatH— allein oben juriidgeblieben. "Jier ^onb f^ien prd^tig

im ©arten jknfd^en bie fio^en, bunflen 33dume I;ercin, ein

15 Sic^t fladerte im 2Sinbe auf bem 3:ifd^e bor un§ unb fdjimmerte

iiber ben bielen tiergoffenen 3Bein auf ber S^afel. ^d^ mufete

mid^ mit ^infe^en unb mein SRaler ^jlauberte mit mir iiber

meine ,^er!unft, meine 9ieifc unb meinen Seben§plan. §err

@dbred)t aber fjatte ba^3 junge f^iibfcbe 5Rdbd(ien an§ bem

20 Sirtsl^aufe, nac^bem fie un§ ^lafc^ien auf ben 2^ifd) geftellt,

t)or fi^ auf ben @d6o^ genommen, legte ibr bie ©uitarrc

in ben 2lrm, unb lefirte fie ein Siebd^ien barauf !Hmj)ern.

(gie fanb fic^ dud) balb mit ben ficinen iodnben juvedjt/ unb

fie fangen bann jufammcn ein italicnifd)c§ Sieb, einmal er,

25 bann toieber ba§ -Dcdbdten eine ©tropbe, ioag 1x6) in bem

fdionen ftitten 2lbenb prdd^tig au§nal}m.^— 2lb3 ba§ 2)cdbd^en

bann ioeggerufen tuurbe, h^nU fidf) §err <^dbxzd)t mit ber

©uitarre auf bev 33anf juviict, legte feine j^ii^e auf einen

©tul^I, ber bor ibm ftanb, unb fang nun fiir [ic^ allein biele

berrlid[;e beutf^e unb italienifd^e Sieber, o^ne fid; locitcr urn

un§ 5u betuinmern. I^abei [rf)ienen bie (Sterne ^3rdcbtig am

flarcn g^irnuunent, bie ganje ©egenb \vax tuie berfilbert bom 5

9Jionbfd;ein, id) bad^te an bie fc^ijne ^xan, an bie feme §eimat,

unb bcrga^ bariiber gang meinen TlaUx neben mir. 3"^^i^^"

tnu^te S)cxx Gdbrecbt ftimmen, bariiber touvbe er immer ganj

jornig. @r bref^te unb rife jule^t an bem ^nftrument, ba^

^jlo^lid^ eine 3aite fprang. 2)a Icarf er bie ©uitarre l^in unb lo

fprang auf. 9Zun luurbe er erft getraFjr, ba^ mein SJialer ftd^

unterbeS iiber feinen 2trm auf ben 2;ifc^ gelegt ^atte unb feft

eingefd)lafen toar. ®r iuarf fd^netl einen n^eifeen 5RanteI um,

ber auf cinem 3Ifte neben bem Stifdie bing, befann fid^ aber

plp^lid), I'ab erft meinen 2RaIer, bann mid) ein ^saarmal fc^^arf 15

an, fe^te fid) barauf, obne fic^ lange ju bebenfen, gerabe Dor

mid^ auf ben 2:ifcb bin, rdufperte fi^, riidte an^ feiner §al§=

binbe, unb fing bann auf einmal an, eine 9iebe an micb ju

^alten. „®eliebter 3"^;orer unb 2anb§mann!" fagte er, „ba

bie Jlaf^en beinab leer finb, unb ba bie 5JioraI unftreitig bie 20

erfte 33urgerpflid)t ift,* tuenn bie Stugenben auf bie 9?eige ge^en,

fo fii^Ie id^ mic^ au§ Ianb»mannlid^er Svmpatf)ie getrieben,

tir einige 3Jioralitdt gu ©emiite ju fubren.' — SRan fonnte

jlcar meinen," fuf)r er fort, „bu feift ein blofeer ^tingling,

tbci^renb bod) bein ^rad iiber feine beften ^abre binau§ ift;* 25

man lonnte bieffei^t annefjmen, bu f)abeft bor^in tt)unberli(^e

Spriinge gemac^t, toie ein ©att^r; \a einige moc^ten tbol^l

98 ^"* ^«'» I'cben eineai Saugeuic^te.

bef^au^ten, bu feieft icobl gar etn Sanbftreid^er/ hjeil bu l^iet

auf bem Sanbe bi[t unb bic ©eige ftreid^ft ; a6er id^ fe^re mid^

an fold^e DberfIdd^Urf)en Urteile ntdbt, \6) fialte m\6) an beine

feingefipi^te S'Zafe, ic^ fjalte bid^ fiir ein bacterenbeg ©enie."^—5 Wad) argerten bie berfdnglidBen 3^eben§arten, \<i) toollte iFjm

foeben redf)t anttoorten. 3(ber er lie^ mid; ni4»t ju SSorte

fommcn. „(Stef?ft bu," fagte er, „\vk bu bid^ frf)ou aufbld^ft

toon bem bi^dBen Sobe. @ef)e in bidb, unb bebenfe biefei

gefa^rlidf)e SRetier !* 2©ir ©enie§ — benn xii) bin aurf; ein§

10 — madden un§ au§ ber 2BeIt eben fo tcenig, al§ fie fid^ au§

un§/ tt)ir fd)reiten bielmef^r ofjne befonbere Umftdnbe in unfern

©iebenmeilenftiefein/ bie tuir balb mit auf bie 2SeIt bringen,

gerabe auf bic ©Icigfeit Id§. D, f)od)ft Ildglid^e, unbequeme,

breitgef^jreijte * ^ofition, mit bem einen ^eine in ber 3u!unft,

15 too nid^t§ aU ^Jlorgenrot unb 5ufiinftige ^inbergefid;ter bajtois

fd^en, mit bem anbern Seine nt»d^ mitten in 9tom auf ber

^iajja bel ^o^olo/ too ba§ ganje ©dfulum* bei ber guten

©elegenl^eit mit toiH unb fid^ an ben (Stiefel I;dngt, ba^ fie

einem ba§ Sein auSrci^en moc^ten ! Unb allc ba§ 3"^^"/

20 SBeintrinfen unb §ungerleiben lebiglid^ fiir bie unfterblid^e

©toigleit ! Unb fiel^e meinen §errn ^ollegen bort auf ber

35anf, ber gleid;fal(§ ein ©enie ift ; i^m toirb bie 3 ^ i * f^^n

gu lang. toa§ toirb er erft' in ber ©toigfeit anfangen? ! ^a,

^od)gefcf)d§ter ^err College, bu unb id) unb bie ©onne, toir

25 finb t^eute friii) jufammen aufgegangen, unb l^aben ben ganjen

^ag gebriitet unb gemaU, unb e§ toar allc§ fd)bn — unb nun

fdbrt bic fd^Idfrige ^^ac^^t mit ibrem ^scljarmcl iiber bie Selt

3ld)te« ^apitel. 99

unb l)at aHe ^arben t>tvm]d)t." @r fpvad^ nod) immerfort

unb h)ar babei mtt feinen beriuirrten §aarcn bon bem Xanjen

unb Xrinfen im ?[liDnbfd;ein gang leic^enbla^ anju[eF)en.

5Rir aber grautc \d)on langc Dor if)m unb feinem toilben

©erebc, unb aU er fid; nun formlid; ju bem fd^Iafenbcn 2RaIer 6

Ijerum toanbtc, benu^tc idE) bie ©elegenfieit, fd^Iid^, ol^ne ba^ er

c§ bemerfte, urn ben 2ifc^, aul bem ©arten l^erau§, unb ftteg,

aHein unb froblid^ i'lt ^crjen, an bem Stebengeldnber' in bag

ioeite, bom 9)^onbfci^cin begldnjte 'Xi)al Ejinunter.

SSon ber ®tabt fjer fd^Iugen bie Ufiren 3^^"- Winter mir 10

l^orte i4> burd^ bie ftille 9tad^t nod^ einjelne @uitarrcn=^Idngc

unb mand^mal bie ©timmen ber beiben SJtaler, bie nun aud^

nad^^aufe gingen, bon fern ^eriiberfd^aUen. ^c^ lief ba^er

fo fd^nell, aU id^ nur !onnte, bamit fte mi(^ nid^t h)eiter augs

fragen foHten. 15

2lm Sf^ore bog id^ fogleidft red^t§ in bie ©tra^e cin, unb

ging mit !(opfenbem iperjen eilig jtoifc^en ben ftillen §dufern

unb ©drten fort. Stber l»ic erftaunte id^, aU id) ba auf eins

mat auf bem $Ia|e mit bem (S^ringbrunnen I)erau§ fam, ben

id^ t^eute am ^age gar nid)t batte finben lonnen. 2)a ftanb 20

ba§ einfame ©arten^au^ icieber, im ))rdd)tigften 9)(Dnbfc^iein,

unb au^ bie fd)one grau fang im ©arten toieber bagfelbe

ttalienifd^e Sieb, tbie geftern abenb. — ^d^ rannte boUer QnU

jiiden erft an bie Heine 3::^iir, bann an bie ^augt^iir, unb

enblid^ mit aller ©etbalt an ba§ grofee ©artentf)or, aber e§ 25

njar aHeg berfd^Ioffen. S^iun fiel mir erft ein, ba^ e§ nod>

md}t @lf gef^lagen f>atte. ^d^ drgerte mid^ iiber bie lang^

100 2(u« bem fcben €ine§ laugenid)!*.

fame 3^**/ ^^'^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ©artentl^or Ilettern, tt)te gcftctn,

mod^tc id) trtegen ber guten SebenSart nid^t. ^d^ ging bafjer

ein 2BeiId^eu auf bem einfamen ^Ia|e auf unb ab, unb fe|tc

mid^ enblirf) tt>ieber auf ben fteinernen Srunnen boiler ©e=

5 banfen unb ftiHcr ©rtoartung l^in.

2)ie ©terne funlelten am §immel, auf bem ^la^e Wax alleg

leer unb ftitt, td^ Ijorte bott 33ergnugen bem ©efange ber

fd)onen g^rau ju, ber jtoifd^en bept 9taufd;en be§ 5Brunnen§ aus

bem ©arten Ijeriiberflang. Sa crblidft' id) auf einmal eine

10 h)ei^e ©eftalt, bie bon ber anbern ©eite be§ ^Ia|c§ I^erfam,

unb gerabe auf bie fleine ©artentE^iir juging. ^6) blidEte burd^

ben SRonbflimmer redtt fd)arf ^in — e^ trar ber tuilbe SRalcr

in feinem ibei^en '3Jiantel. @r jog fd^nett einen ©diliiffel

berbor, fdE^Iofe auf, unb eije id^ mid)'§ berfa^, ibar er im ©arten

15 brin.

g?un ^atte id^ gegen ben Scaler fd;on bom Slnfong eine

abfonberlid^e ^ife^ tbegcn feiner unberniinftigen 9leben. ^e^t

aber geriet id; gang au^er mir bor ^oxn. 1)a§ Uebertid^e

©enie" ift geibife it»ieber betrunfen, bad^te idi, ben ©dBIiiffel

20 fjat cr bon ber ^ammerjungfer, unb ibiU nun bie gndbige

grau befd^Ieid;cn, bcrraten, iiberfallen. — Unb fo [tiirste

id^ burd) ba§ !Ieine, offengebliebene ^fortd^en in ben ©arten


%U \6) eintrat, tbar c§ ganj ftill unb einfam barin. 2)ie

25 fjliigeltfiur bom ©arten^ufe ftanb offen, ein miId^Jbei|er Sii^t*

f d^ein brang barau§ fjerbor unb f^ielte auf bem ©rafe unb ben

S3Iumen bor ber %\)ux. ^^di blidtc bon hjeitem therein. 1)0.

2t(f)tc8 Siapitel 101

lag in einem ^rcidfjtigen griinen ©emad;, ba^ bon einer luei^en

Sam^e nur iuenig er^eUt Wax, bie fci()5ne gndbige %xan, mit ber

©uitarre im 2trm, auf einem feibenen g^aulbett^en/ o^ne in

il^rer Unfd;ulb an bie ®efaF?ren braufeen gu benfen.

^d; hattt aber nidbt langc ^c'xt, F)in3ufel;en, benn id^ bc= 5

merfte foeben, ba^ bie trei^e ©eftalt toon ber anbern ©eite

ganj bel^utfam jointer ben ©traud^ern nac!^ bem ©artenl^aufe

jufd;Itd^. Xaht'i fang bie gndbige j^^rau fo fldglid) au§

bem §aufe, bafe e§ mir red)t burd; SSlaxt unb Sein ging.'

^d; befann mid) ba^er nid;t lange, brad^ einen titd^tigen lo

2lft ah, rannte bamit gerabe auf ben 3Bei^mantel lo^, unb

fd^rie au§ boUem §alfe „9Jlorbio!" ba§ ber ganje ©arten


©er 931aler, h)ie er mid^ fo untierbofft bal^erfommen fa^,

naf)m fd^neU 9tei^au§, unb fdBrie entfe^Iid^. ^d^ fd^rte nod^ 15

beffer, er lief nad^ bem §aufe ju, id^ i^m nad^ — unb id^ tjatt'

i[;n beinab fc^on crlcifd^t, ba bernjidelte id^ mid^ mit ben

g^ii^en in ben fatalen Slumenftiiden/ unb ftiirjte auf einmal

ber Sdngc nad^* bor ber §au6t{)ur l^in.

„2lIfo bu bift e§, 9?arr!" I^ort' id^ ba iiber mir auSrufen, 20

„l^afi bu mid^ bod; faft jum Stobe erfd^redt," — ^d^ raffte mid^

gefd^lDinb iuieber auf, unb iuie id) mir ben ©anb unb bie (Srbc

a\x§ ben Slugen toifdbe, ftel)t bie ^ammerjungfer bor mir, bie

foeben bet bem le^ten (S^jrunge ben toei^en SJlantel bon ber

©d)ulter berloren l^atte. „2lber," fagte id^ gang berbliifft, 25

„h)ar bcnn ber WlaUx nid^t ^icr?" — „^a frcilid^," entgegnete

fie fd^ni^^ifc^, „fein 9)?antel tbenigfteng, ben er mir, aU id)

102 2tuS bent ?cben cineS Jaugcnic^t§.

'it}m t>orF)in im 2'f)Dr begegnete, umgebdngt l)at, toetl mi^

fror." — iiber bem ©epiauber Wax nun au(f) bie gnabige %xau

toon ifjrem Sofa aufgejprungen, iinb fam 311 un§ an bie %l}ux.

9Kir flojjftc ba§ §erj gum 3erf)3ringen. 2tber luie erfc^raf i^,

5 al§ id^ rei^t fj'in^ai) unb, anftatt ber fcfionen gndbigen ?^rau,

auf einmal eine ganj frcmbe ^serfon erblicfte


G"» 5r>ar cine etlraS gro^e, fcv^julente, mddttige 3!)ame mit

einer ftoljen Stblernafe unb bod^gettjolbten fdin^arjen Slugen;

brauen, fo recbt jum (ErfcbrecEen fd)bn/ Sic fa^ mid^ mit

10 ibren grofeen funfelnben 2(ugen fo majeftdlifdb an, ba^ idb mid^

bor g^rfurcbt gar uidBt ju laffen tuuBto." 3<^ '^^''^ S^i^a ^^1^=

tuirrt, icb mad)te in einemfort ^om^jlimente, unb hjottte i^r

jule|t gar bie ^panb fiiffen. Slbcr fie ri^ ibre §anb fd^neff

toeg, unb fprad^ bann auf -Stalienifd^ ju bee ^ammerjungfer,

15 Wo'Don id) nicbtl tocrftanb,

Unterbee aber n>ar bon bem borigen ©efcbrei bie ganje

S'Jac^barfc^aft lebenbig gen?orben. §unbe beHten, ^inber

f(brien, jhjifcbenburdb borte man einige 5Rdnnerftimmen, bie

immer ndbcr unb ndbcr auf ben ©arten jufamen. ^a blictte

20 mic^ bie Same nod) cininal an, aU tcenn fie mic^ mit feurigen

^ugeln burdbbo^ren mottte, ioanbte ficb bann rafdf) nac^ bem

3immer jurucE, lodbrenb fie babei ftolj unb gejhjungen auf=

lacbte, unb fdbmife mir bie ^^iir bor ber ^afe ju.' 2)ic ^am=

mcrjungfer aber ertuifd^te mid^ oI?ne toeiteres beim ^^lugel unb

25 jerrte mid^ nacb ber ©arten^forte.

„Xa I^aft bu rtiieber einmal red^t bummed 3^"9 gcmad^t,"

fagte fie unterhjeges boHer JBostjeit ju mir. ^<i) murbc audb

eediHeS .QapiteL 103

id}on giftig.* »9^un, jum 3:cufel!"' fagtc ic^, „^abt ^hx nud>

benn nicft felbft ^ierher beftcttt?"— ..iTa^ ift'^ \a eben," rief bic

llammeriungfer, „meine ©riifin meinte ec- fo gut mit bir, ioirft

bir erft Slumen mis bcm Jenfter 511, I'ingt 3(ricn — unb b a e

ift nun ibr 2obn f 3lbec mit bir ift nun einmal nicbt^ anjus r>

fangen ; bu trittft bcin ©liicf oibentlic^ mit JiiBen." — ,Mhtx,"

eduiberte id), „\d} meinte bie ©rafin au§ '3^euticblanb, bie

id'one gndbige %xau" — .Md)," unterbracf) fie micb, „bie i[t' ]a

lange [ebon trieber in 2;eut|cb(anb, mit famt beiner toUen

Sfmour/ Unb ba lauf bu nur and) trieber bin! Sie fcbmacbtet 10

obnebieS nacb bir, ba fount Jbr jufammen bie ©cige fpieten

unb in ben Monh gucfen, aber bafe bu mir nicbt n.Meber unter

bie Slugen fommft!


9?un aber entftanb ein entfe^lic^er burner unb gpeftafel

binter un§. 2(u5 bem anberen ©artcn fletterten 2eute mit 15

ilnit^^)eln fjaftig iiber ben 3^^""/ anbcre flucbten unb burcb=

I'ud^ten \d)on bie ©dnge, befperate ©efic^ter mit Sc^Iafmii^en

gucften im ?}ionblcbein balb ba balb bort iiber bie .v^edfen, e§

n?ar, al5 tcenn ber 2:eujel auf einmal aus alien fjecfen unb

3trducf)ern ©eftnbel berfte. — 3)ie ^ammerjungfer facfelte* 20

nic^t lange. „3^ort, bcrt, Iduft ber 2:ieb!" fcbrie fie ben

2euten ju, inbem fte babei auf bie anbere Seite be» ©artens

jeigte. 2Jann fcbob fie mid; fcbneE aus bem ©arten unb

na)3^te bag ^^fc'rtcben Winter mir ju.

jDa ftanb ic^ nun imter @otte§ freiem oimmel tuieber auf 25

bem ftitten ^^la^e mutterfee(enallein/ nue icb gcftern angc^

fommen loav. Tie ^JGafferfunft, bie mir' sorbin im "l^ionblcbein

104 2(uS bem I^ebcn cincS 2;aug€nid)t8.

fo luftig flimmerte, aU Jrenn ©ngelein barin auf unb nieber

ftiegen, raufdfite nod^ fort, Jr>ie bainal§, mir aUx \vax iinterbeS

aHe £uft unb {^reube in ben S3vunnen gefatten.*— ^d) nabm

mir nun feft bor, bem falfd;en ^talien mit fdnen berrucften

5[RaIern, ^omeranjen unb ^ammerjungfern auf eiuig ben

9?u(fen ju febren, unb luanberte nod^ jur felbigen ©lunbe gum

2;^ore I;inau».

IReuntes ikapftel.

S^ic treuen 58cvg" fiel)U aiif bcv 2IBad)t


„9i5cr ftvcic^t bei ftiKer 9DJorgcii5cit

Ta au§ ber grembe burd) bie ^eib"?" —^d) abev mir bie SSerg' betrac^t'

Hub iad)' in mic^ uor grofier ?uft, 5

Hub viife red)t aii^ fviid)cr SBvuft

':j>avor nub 5(;It»9tld)vet fogteid):

5.>i«at Cftrcid)


2)a tenitt mid^ erft bie ganje Stunb,'

^Jun griiBen iBac^ itnb !i>bglein jart' 10

Unb SSoIber ringe nai) ?anbe^art/

2)ie 2)onau bd^jt au« tiefcm @vunb,

2)er (Step^aneturm ' auc^ ganj tton fern

@u(ft iibern 3?erg unbfa^' mid) gern,

Unb ift er'§ nic^t, fo fommt er hod) gteid), 15

SBittat €flreid) !*

rf) ftanb auf einem f>okn S3erge, h?o man 5itm erftenmal

nad) Cftreid) t^ineinfel^en fann, unb fdnucnfte DoEer

greube noc^ mit bem §utc unb fang bie le^te ©tro^Ije, ba fiel

auf einmal jointer mir im SSalbe eine prac&tige SJiufi! bon 20

33Iaeinftrumenten mit ein. ^d) bref?' mic^ fcfinett um unb

erblicfe brei junge ©efellen in langen blauen 9}idntcln, babon

fclcift ber eine Dboe, ber anbere bie ^larinett, unb ber britte,


106 3tu^ ^cm ?ebcn cince Xaugcntc^t?.

ber einen alten ©reiftu^er ' auf bem ^opfe Iiattc, bae 3Balb=

fjorn — bie alfom^jagnierten mid^ ))Io|Urft, ba^ ber ganje 2BaIb

erfd^allte. ^cf), nic^it faul," jiebe meinc Geige berbor, unb

fjjtele unb finge fogleirf; frifrf) mit. !Da faf) einer ben anbern

6 bebenfltd^ an, ber 2BalbI)orni[t lie^ bann juerft feine 33aues

Baden ' ioieber einfaKen unb fe|te fein 2Salb{?orn ab, h\§ am

(Snbe aUe ftitte ipurben, unb midi anfd^auten. ^(^ l^ielt t)er=

tounbert ein, unb )ai) fie aurf) an. — „2l'ir meinten," fagte

enblid^ ber 2Balbf)Drnift, „h)ei( ber §err fo einen langen %vad

10 i)at, ber §err toiire ein reifenber ©ngldnber, ber I?ier ju 5u|

bie fd^ijne 9Zatur &eh)unbert ; ba hjollten ioir un§ ein 3Siati=

turn* berbienen. 2(ber, mir fd^eint, ber §err ift felber ein -D^u;

fifant." — „Gigentnd^ ein ©nnel;mer/' berfe^te id), „unb

!omme bireft Don dlom f)er, ba x^ a6er [eit geraumer ^txt

16 nid^tS mel;r eingenonunen, fo f)a6e id^ mid) unterhjege mit ber

SSioIine burd)gefd;lagen." — „Sringt nidftt Diel l^eutjutage!"


fagte ber SBalbbornift, ber unterbe§ mieber an ben 3BaIb

juriidgetreten Juar, unb mit feinem ©reiftu^er ein fleine§ geuer

anfadjte, bag fie bort angejiinbet (;atten. „2)a gefjn bie hla-

20 fenben ^nftrumente fc^^on beffer," * fuf)r er fort ; „iyenn fo eine

§errfd)aft' gang rubig gu SJJittag f^eift, unb h)ir treten unber=

I)offt in ba§ gelDolbte 3Sor^aui unb fangen aUe brei au^ SeibeS=

fraften ju blafen an — gleid() fommt ein Sebienter l^eraue;

gef^3rungen mit ©elb ober Gffen, bamit fie nur ben 2drm \mts

25 ber Id§ hjerben. 2tber toill ber §err ni^t eine Collation* mit

un§ einne^men ?"

X)a§ ^euer loberte nun redbt luftig im Salbe, ber 93torgen

^Jieunte« .ffapilfl. 107

luai- frifd^, h?ir fel^ten un§ alle rtngS umbev auf ben Stafen,

unb jlyei i)pn ben 53tu[ifanten uaf)inen cin '3:o^f(^cn, ioorin

ilaffee unb aii(i) fdbon 93tild} trar, bom ?ycutr, bolten Srot au§

i^ren ^Jiantcltafd^en f^erbor, unb tunften unb tvan!en ah'mzd):

felnb au§ bem ^ojjfe, unb e6 fdBmedtc iF)nen fo gut, ba§ e§ 5

orbcntlid^ eine £uft toar anjufeben. — 25cr 3SolbBorm[t aber

fagte : ,,'^d} fann ba§ fdMoarjc ©efoff nicljt bertragen," unb

reid^te mir babei bte cine .^alfte bon einer gro^en, iibereinanber

gelegten Sutterfdmittc/ bann hxadjU er eine 5Iaf<^e 2Beiii jum

3Sor[cf)ein. „2Bia ber ipevr nic^t auc^ einen Sc^Iucf ?" — ^d; lo

tl^at einen tiiditigen 3»i5/ niu^te a6er fdBneff iuiebev aBfe^en

unb ba§ ganje ©efid;t bcrjiebn, benn e§ [d^imedte ioie S)reis

?[Ranners2Bein.' „§iefige§ dJeiudd^S," ' fagte ber aSalbfjornift,

„aber ber §err {}at fid; in ^talien ben beutfdien ©efd^mad ber^

borben." i5

2)arauf framte er eifrig in feinem ©d^ubfad* unb jog enblid^

untev aUerlei ^hinber eine alte jerfe^te Sanbtarte l^erbor,

tDorauf nocf) ^ ber ^aifer in bollem Ornate ju fcben trar, ben

©center in ber redbten, ben 9teid)§apfel in ber Iin!en §anb.

@r breitete fie auf bem 33oben bef)utfam auSeinanber, bie 20

anbern riidten nd^er ^eran, unb fie beratfd;Iagten nun jufams

men, iuag fie fiir eine 3Jiarf(^route nef^men foHten.

„®ie 2>afans gef^t balb ju ©nbe/' fagte ber eine, „Jyir miiffen

ung gleid^ bonSinj* Iin!§ abtoenben, fo fommen tuir nod; bei

guter 3eit nad^ ^rag." — „9^un lua^r^aftig !" ricf ber aSalbs 25

f)ornift, „ibem \mii\t bu ba rt)a§ bor^feifen? nic6t§ aU SGdIber

unb ^ofjtenbauern, fein gelduterter i?unftgefd^mad, feine beri

108 5iu5 ^^1" ?eben eineS S;augemt^t8,

niinfttge freie Station!" * — „D 9^arrene)3o|jen !" ertuiberte ber

anbere, bie Sauern finb mir gerabe bie licbften, bie iriffen am

beften, Wo einen ber 2d)ui) briicft," unb nebmen'^ nic^it fo ges

V nan, h)enn man mand^mal cine falfdBe '^loU bidft." — „^a§

5 maift, bu ba[t fein point d'honneur,"" berfe^te ber 25 albs

bornift, „odi profanum vulgus et arceo,* fagt ber Sateiner."

— „9?un, ^irdicn aber mujj e§ auf ber ^'our bodf) geben,"

meinte ber ^rittc, „fo febren luir 6ei ben ^erren ^^farrern ein."

— „©e6oriam[ter 2)iener !" fagte ber SSalbbornift, „bie geben

10 fleine» ©elb unb gvo^e Sermonc, bajj iinr nicbt fo unnii^ in

ber Selt berumfc^iiDcifcn, fonbern une beffcr auf bie Stiffens

fc^aften a^plijicren fotten, befonberg lucnn fie in mir ben fiinf:

tigen .r^errn Sicnfrater Suittern, 9^oin, nein, Clericus clericum

non decimat/ 2Iber \va% giebt cs benn ba uberbau|)t fiir

15 gro^e -Kof? bie ioerren '^^rofefforen fi^cn and) nocb im ^arlls

babe/ unb balten felbft ben ^ag nicfit fo genau ein." — „^a,

distinguendum est inter et inter," erJuiberte ber anbere,

„quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi !""

^d; aber merfte nun, ba^ e§ '^rager Stubenten' toaren, unb

20 befam einen orbentIid)en 5tefpeft t)ov ibnen, befonberl ba ibnen

't^a§> Satein nur fo toie 2Saffer bom 'D3tunbe flop. — „^ft ber

<Qerr auc^ ein Stubierter?"^ fragtc micb barauf ber 2BaIb=

bornift. ^df) ertpiberte bef(f)eiben, ba^ ii^^ immer befonbere

Suft gum ©tubieren, aber fein ©elb gebabt bdtte. — „Sa§

25 tf)ut gar n\6)t§>," rief ber 2BaIbl;ornift, „Jpir fjaben auc^ toeber

©elb, nod^ reic^e J-reunbfdiaft. 2lber ein gefd^eitcr ^o^jf mu^

fic^ ju belfen iuiffen. Aurora musis arnica." ba^S beifjt ju

^JJeuiite3 .ftapitel. 109

beutfc^, mit bietem ^ru^ftiicfen foUft bit bir nid)t bie 3eit ber:

berben. Slber iueim banu bie jO^ittacj^ijlocfen bow %nxm ju

^urm unb bow Serij 511 53evg iiber bie Stabt gebcn,_ iinb nun

bie <B6)nUx auf cininal nut grofjcm ©efrf^rei am bom altcn

finftcrn ^oflegium' (icrau^bvcc^^en unb im Sonncnfd^ieinc burd; 5

bie ©afjen fdnudrmen — ba bovjebcn loir un^S bci ben ^ajjuji^

nern* jum ^ater ^iid)enmoiftev unb finben unfern gebedten

^ifc^, unb ift er and) nid^t gebecft, fo [te(;t boc^ fiir jeben ein

boiler 'Xopf barauf, ba fragen W'n nid;t biel barnad;' unb

efjen unb ^erfeftionteren un5 babei nod) im 2ateinifd)fpred^en. 10

Siebt ber §crr/ fo [tubicven W'xx bon einem 2^age 5um anbern

fort. Unb inenn bann enbUd; bie SSafanj fommt, unb bie an;

bern fa^ren unb reiten ju if)ren GItern fort, ba ioanbern tcir

mit unfern ^nftrumenten unterm 9}?antel buvd^ bie ©affen jum

%l)Ov^ f)inau§, unb bie ganje 23elt ftebt uns offen." 15

3^ ipei^ nic^t — tbie er fo erjd^Ite — ging e!§ mir red>t

burd;§ iperj, ba^ fo gefebrte Seute fo gang berlaffen fein foUten

auf ber 2SeIt. '^d) bacbte babei an mid», tbie e§ mir eigentlid;

felber nic^t anber» ginge, unb bie 2^^rdnen traten mir in bie

3tugen. — ®er SBalbliornift fa§ mic^ gro^ an. „3)a§ t^ut 20

gar nid^t§/' fu^r er Jrieber ibeiter fort, „\6) moc^te gar nid^t fo

reifen: ^ferbe unb ^affee unb frifc^iiberjogene 53ctten, unb

5fiad)tmu^en unb ©tiefelfned^t bcrauSbefteHt. ^a§ ift juft ba§

©c^ijnfte, tbenn Ibir fo fruf)morgeni f)erau§treten, unb bie 3"S=

bogel l}od) iiber un§ fortjiefjn, ba^ ibir gar nic^t Jbiffen, Jbeld;er 25

(Sd}ornftein bcut fiir un§ raud^t, unb gar nic^t boraugfet^cn,

lba§ un§ bil jum 2(benb nod; fiir ein befonberes ©liid begegnen

110 9(ii«' bem ?eben cineS 2;au(ienid)te.

fann." — ,,'^a," fcigte ber anbere, „unb tt)0 tuir binfommen unb

unfcre ^nftrumcntc IBerauC'jicben, iuirb allc§ froMid), unb tcenn

trir bann jur SRtttagsftunbe auf bcjii Sanbe in ein ^errf(^aftl5

I)aui treten, unb im .^au&flur blafen, ba tanjen bie SKdgbe

5 mit einanber tor ber ^auetbiir, unb bie §errfc^aft Idpt bie

Saaltbiir etlrae aufmadfien, bamit fie bie SJJufif brin beffer

boren, unb burc^ bie 2iidfe fommt ba6 2;ellergefla^per unb ber

Sratenbuft in ben freubenreicfien (SdbaE F)erau§ge5ogen/ unb

bie ^rciuleing' an ber 2:afel berbrefjen fid^ faft bie §dlfe, urn

10 bie ?[Rufifanten braufjen ju febn." — „2Saf)rf)aftig/' rief ber

SBalbbornii't mit Ieud;tenben 2(ugen au§, „\a^t bie anbern nur

i^re ^om|)cnbicn repetiercn/ iu i r ftubieren unterbee in bem

gro^en Silberbudbe, ba§ ber liebe ©ott ung brau^en aufgefci(>Ia=

gen l)at ! '^a, glaub' nur ber §err, au§ un§ toerben gerabe

15 bie recbten ^erl§/ bie ben Sauern bann \va§ ju erjd^Ien ioiffen

unb mit ber g-auft auf bie ^anjcl fc^Iagen, ba| ben ^nollfinfen

imten bor Grbauung unb 3^i^^"^rf^ung ba§ ^erj im Seibe

berften mod^te."


SBie fie fo f^)rad^en, imirbe mir fo luftig in meinem ©inn,

20 ba^ id) gleid) aud; fidtte mit ftubieren mogen. ^d) fonnte mid^

gar nid;t fatt f)oren, benn id^ unterbalte midb gem mit ftubier*

ten Seuten, iuo man etlr)a§ ^rofitieren fann. 2lber e§ fonnte

gar nid>t ju cinem terniinftigen S)i§furfe fommen. ®enn bem

einen ©tubenten Joar Dorbin angft gctDorben, toeil bie 58afanj

25 fo balb ju Gnbe geljen foUte. Gr batte bafjer l^urtig fein ^la;

rinett jufammen gefe^t, ein Sf^otenblatt bor fid> auf ba§ aufs

geftemmte ^nie bingelegt, unb ejerjierte fidf) eine fdbh)ierige

>J?euute8 tapitcl. 1 ] 1

•jpafyage an§' eincv 5Reffe cin/ bie er mitblafcn fcHte, lt»enu fie

ncid) "i^rag juriicffaincn. ®a fafj er nun unb fingcvte unb ^^fiff

bajitjifdben mandbmal fo falfd^, ba^ e» eincm bur^ Wlaxt unb

33ein ging' unb man oft fcin eigenel 2Bort nirfit beiftef^en

fonntc. 5

3luf einmal \d)x\i ber 25?aIbhornii't mit feiner Sa^ftimme


,Xopp,^ ba \:}ah' \d} cl," er fcftlug babei froblid; auf bie 2anb=

tarte neben \i)m. 2)er Slnbere lic^ auf einen Slugenblicf bon

feinem flei^igen Slafen ah, unb fab ibn berluunbert an. „§ort,"

fagte ber 2i>albl;prnift, „nicf)t Jveit toon SBien ift ein(S(f)Io^, auf lO

bem (Scbloffc ift ein ^orticr, unb ber ^^ortier ift mein 33etter


^cuerfte 6onbi#ci})eI§/ ba miiffen ioir ^in, mad;en bem §errn

SSetter unfer ^om^jliment, unb er Unrb bann fcbon bafiir for;

gen, tuie er ung toieber tueiter fortbringt!" — „53Idft er nicbt

auf bem ^agott?" rief id^, „unb ift toon langer, geraber Seibels is

bcfd^affen^eit," unb bat eine grofee borne{>me S'iafe?" — 2;er

SSalb^ornift nidte mit bem ^o^)fe. '^d) aber embraffierte i^n

tor gi^euben, ba^ ibm ber ^reiftu^er bom ^o^jfe fiel, unb irir

befd^Ioffen nun fogleicb, alle miteinanber im ^oftfd^iffe auf ber

2)onau na6) bem Sd^Iofe ber fd^onen ©rafin l^inunter ju fabren. 20

21I§ trir an bae Ufer famen, toar fcbon atte§ jur Stbfal^rt

bereit. 3)er bicfe ©aftirirt, bei bem ba§ ©c^iff iiber Skd^t

angelegt ^atte, ftanb breit unb befjagltd^ bor feiner §au§tf)ur,

bie er ganj au^futlte, unb lie^ jum 2Ibfci^ieb allerlei SSi^e unb

JRebengarten erfd^aHen, tr»af)renb in jebem g^enfter ein 93Mb4ien= 25

fo^f berau§fuf)r unb ben ©dnffern noc^ freunblicb ^unidte, bie

foeben bie le^ten ^afete nad; bem (Scbiffe fd^afften. ©in alu

112 2(n6 belli ?ebcn eineS !Xaugeiud)t8.

Iid;er ^err tnit einem grauen Uberrod unb fditrarjem §al§=

iud}, ber au(^i mitfabren liioHtc, [taiib am Ufcr, unb fprad^ felir

cifrtg mit cincm jungen, fdblanfen 53ui"fclbd)en, ba^S mit langen,

lebernen 23ein!Ieibern unb fnap^cr, fd^artadu-oter '^adc box

5 i(^m auf einom prdc^tigen ©ngldnber^ [a^. S^ fdnen miv ju

nieiner grc^cn ^erluunbcrung, als iucnn fie betbe julueilen nad;

mir f)inblidtcn unb Don mir fprdd;en. — B"'^^^^ lacftte ber aUe

.^err, ba§ f(^Ianfe 33urfd)d;eu fc^maljte mit ber SfJeitgerte/ unb

fprengte, mit ben Serd^en iiber t^m um bie SSette/ burc^ bie

10 5[IiorgenIuft in bie bli^enbe Sanbf^aft binein.

llnterbeg batten bie Stubenten unb id) unfere ^affe jus

fammengefc^ofjen. Xer @d)iffer ladite unb fdjiittelte ben ^o^jf,

aU if>m ber 2SaIbf)ornift bamit unfer J^f'rgelb in lauter

^upferftiiden auf3d{)Ite, bie toir mit grofjer 9iot au§ alien

15 unfern Xafi^en gufammengebrad[it f)atten. ^d; aber jaud^jte

(aut auf, aU id; auf einmal Irieber bie 2)onau fo recf)t bor

mir faF) ; toir f^rangen gefc^loinb auf ba§ Sd;iff I;inauf, ber

(S(^iffer gab ba§ 3^i^^"' ^^^^^f"^ flogen tt)ir nun im fd^onften

'IRorgenglanje jiuifc^en ben ^Bergen unb Sffiiefen I;inunter.

20 Xa fd)(ugen bie 3SogeI im 2Batbe, unb t>on beiben ©eiten

flangen bie ^Diorgcngloden ton fern au§ ben 2)brfern, l)od) in

ber Suft f)orte man mand;mal bie Serd^en baji»ifd;en. SSon

bem (Sdiiffe aber jubilierte unb fd;metterte ein S?anarienbogel

mit barein, bafj e§ eine rcd[)te 2uft tear.

25 S)er gefjorte cinein fiiibf^en jungen 3)tdbd;en, bie aud^ mit

auf bem ©cfiiffe iuar. ©te l^atte ben ^dfig bid;t neben fid^

fteF)en, Don ber anbern ©eite I>ielt fie ein feine^ SBiinbel SBdfdbe

9?eunte« ^^apitet. 113

unterm 9(rni, fo fafj fie gan^ jtif( fiir fic^ unb \ai) red^t jus

frteben ha\h auf ibre ncucn 9?ciicfdw[)e, bic untcr bcm diodd^m

bevborfainen, balb toicbcr in ba^ 9Sa[fer boi* fid; f^inunter, unb

bte SRorgenfonne gidnjte i^r babci auf ber iuei^en <5tirn, iiber

ber fie bie §aarc febr fauber gefd^eitelt battt. ^d; merfte 5

\vohl, ba^ bie Stubenten gem eincn f)ofIic^Kn Xisfut'S mit xi)v

angcfponnen hdttcn, benn fie gingen immer an i^r Doriiber,

unb ber ©alb^ornift rduf)3erte fic^ babei unb riidte balb an

feiner §al§binbe, balb an bem 2)reiftu^er. 2(ber fie l^atten

feine red)te Sourage, unb ba§ 9}tdbdH'n fcblug aud; jebe'lmat lo

bie 2(ugen niebev, fobalb fie ibr ndbcr famen.

33efonber§ aber geniertcn fie fid; box^ bem dltli^en ^^txxn

mit bem grauen iiberrorfc, bcv nun auf ber anbern Seite be§

©c^iffeS faB, unb ben fie gteidi fiir einen ©eiftlidien bielten.

6r IjaiU ein 53ret)ier Dor fid^, in lDeI(J)em er Ia§, bajJcifd^en is

aber oft in bie f(^one ©egenb bon bem S3uc^e auffab, beffen

©olbfc^nitt unb bie bielen bareingelegten bunten ^eiUgenbilber

^rdcbtig im "-lltorgenfcbein bli^ten. ^abei bemerfte er aucb febr

gut, teas auf bem Sdiiffe Gorging, unb erfannte balb bie 3SogeI

an il^ren ^ebevn ; benn c§ bauerle nidit lange, fo rebete er 20

einen bon ben ©tubenten lateinifcf) an, luorauf afle brei l^eran

traten, bie ^iite bor ibm abnafjmen unb ibm luieber lateimfd^


^d) aber fjatte mid) unterbe§ ganj born auf bie S^i^e be§

©d^iffeS gefe^t, lie^ bergniigt meinc 33eine iiber bem SSaffer 25

^eruntcrbaumeln unb blidte, iudbcenb ba§ Sc^iff fo fortflog

unb bie SBetten unter mir rauf4»ten unb fd)dumten, immerfort

114 ?lu8 bcni ?eben eineS laug^nli^ts.

in bie Blaue gerne, luie ba ein S^urm unb ein ©d^Io^ na^ bcm

anbern au§ bem Ufcrgriin^ l^crborfam, h)ud^§ unb tDud)§, unb

cnblid^ I;tnter uns n^ieber t)crfrf)UHinb. 2Benn id) nur l^eute

gliigel f^dtte ! badite id^, unb jog enblid) Uor Ungcbulb nieine

5 liebe 3SioIinc f)ert>Dr unb f^sielte atte meine diteften ©tiide burc^,

bie id; nod) suf)aufe unb auf bem ©d^Io^ ber fd^onen %xa\x ges

lernt I)atte.

2(uf einmal ilop^H mir jenianb toon ^inten auf bie 2ld)fel.

©g tear ber geiftlid)e §err, ber unterbeg fein Sud^ tueggelegt

10 unb inir fd^on ein 2BeiI4)en 5ugef)ort {)atte. „®i/' fagte er

Iacf)enb ju mir, „ei, ei, §err ludi magister," Gfjen unb 3:rin!en

bergi^t Gr." @r I)ief} mid; bavauf meine ©eige einfteden, um

einen ^mbife mit if)m ein3unel;men, unb fii{)rte mid; ju einer

fleinen luftigen 2aube, bie toon ben (Sd;iffern au§ jungen

15 Sirlen unb 3::annent>dumd)en in ber 2Ritte beS ©d^iffee aufs

geridbtet toorben loar. Sort l^atte er einen ^ifd^ BinfteHen

laffen, unb \6), bie ©lubenten, unb felbft ba§ junge 2Rdbd^en,

ttoir mu^ten un§ auf bie %a^tx unb ^alete ringS^erum fe|en.

5)er geiftlid^c §err );ia<iU nun einen gro^en S3raten unb

20 SButterfdBnitten' au^, bie forgfditig in ^a^ier geltoidelt itoaren,

jog auc^ an^ einem ^utteraP mel;rere $Beinflafd^en unb einen

filbernen, innerlid^) toergolbeten Sedf)er berbor, fc^enfte ein,

fo[tete erft, rod^ baran unb )3ritfte loieber, unb reid^te bann

einem jeben toon un§. 2)ie ©tubenten fa^en gang lerjengerabe

25 auf il;ren ^dffern, unb a^en unb tranfen nur febr tuenig t>or

grower 3)etootion.* 2(ud^ , ba§ 3Jidbd()en taudBte blo^ bag

©d^ndbeld^en * in ben Sed^er, unb blidte babei fc^iid^tern balb

9?euntee ^apltel. 1 1 Fy

auf midh, balb auf bic 3tubciUcn, aber jc oftcr fie ung anfab,

je breijter truvbe fie nad) unb luidv

(Sie erjal^lte eubli(^ bem geiftlidf^cn §errn, ba^ fie mm juin

erftenmalc i)onf)aufe in ilonbition fomme/ unb foeben auf ba^

6cf)Io& ibrer neucn §errfd;aft vcifc. ^rf) iuurbe iiber unb iiber ^

vot, benn fie nannte babei ba^o ®d;Io^ ber fdioncn gndbigen

^rau. — 3tIfo ba§ foil meine jufiinftige ^ammerjungfer fein


bad;te ic^ unb \a\) fie gro^ an, unb uiir fd)h)inbelte faft babei.

„2(uf bem ©c^bffe loirb e^S 6alb eine gro§e ^odijeit geben,"

fagte barauf ber geiftlid^e iperr. „^ci," erJr»iberte ba§ 5Jidbcf)en, lo

bie gern tton ber ©efc^idite me^r getcu^t fjdtte ; „man fagt, e§

iodre fd^on eine alte, f;eimlid;e Siebfc^aft geirefen, bie ©rdfin

f>dtte e'S aber niema(v jugeben JuoUen." ^er ©eiftlic^e ants

irortete nur mit „.§m, ijm," n?dbrenb er feinen ^agbbed^er'

boHf^enfte unb niit bebenflid)eu ' 9)?ienen baraui nip'ptt. ^d) 15

aber l^attc mid^ mit beiben Strmen iiunt iiber ben 2;ifc^ borges

legt, um bie llnterrebung rec^t genau anju^oren. 2;er geifts

lic^e §err bemerfte es. ,,'^d) !ann'§ Qnd) h}of)l fagen," f)ub er

tt)icber an, „bie beiben ©rdfinnen hahin mid) auf ilunbfd^aft

aulgefdf)idt, ob ber S3rdutigam fd»on bielleid^t l^ier in ber 20

©egenb fei. Sine Tame aus 9vom Ijat gefdf)rieben, ba§ er

\d)on lange toon bort fort fei.—

" ii^ie er bon ber Tame au§

Stom anfing, tuurb' id) n)ieber rot. „^ennen benn Git). ^^od)i

tDiirbcn* ben 5Brdutigam?" fragte id^ ganj bertoirrt.— „!J?cin,"

erhjiberte ber alte iperr, „aber er fott ein luftiger 3?ogeI fcin." — 25

„D ja," fagte id> baftig, „cin 3>ogeI, ber aus jcbcm ^dfig aul^

rei^t, fobalb er nur faun, unb luftig fingt, l»enu er tt>ieber in

116 2lu8 bem I'eben cmes Xaugenicf)te.

ber grei^ett ift." — „Unb fid) in ber ?5^rembe I^erumtreibt/"

fuf)r ber §evr getafjen fort, „in ber 9]arf)t ^taffatim' gef)t unb

am Stage bov ben i^aiuMbiiren fd^ildft." — Wdd) berbro^ bae

febr. „@brtDurbiger §err/' vief \<i) ganj f)i^ig au§, ba fjat

5 man (2ud^ falfd; beri^tet, 2)er 33rautigam ift ein morali!

\6)n, fcf)lanfei-, ^offnungeliollcr ^iingling, ber in ^talien in

einem alten ©d)lDffe auf grofjcm g-iqV gelebt bat, ber mit

lauter ©rdfinnen, beriifjmten SDklern unb ^annnerjungfern

umgegangen ift, ber fein ©elb fe{)r 'mo'ijl jurate ju l^alten trei^/

10 wtnn tx nur toelcf^eS l^citte^ ber" — „9hin, ic^ ir>uJ3te md;t, ba^

^l}x i^n fo gut !enut/' unterbrad) mid) bier ber @eiftlid)e, unb

lad^te babei fo l^erjlid^, ba^ er gang blau im @efi(f)te tourbe,

unb i^m bie 3;i)rdnen an^o ben 2(ugen rollten. — „^d^ hob'

bod^ aber gel^ort," lie^ fid^ nun ba§ 93ldbd^en toieber bernef)men,

16 „ber 23rautigam luare ein grofjer, iiberau§ reid)er §err." —„%d) @Dtt, ja bod), ja


' ^onfufion, nic^^t^ aU ^onfufion!"

rief ber ©eiftlid^e unb !onnte fid^ no6) immer tior Sadden nid^t

jugute geben, bi§ er fid) enblid) ganj bert)uftete.'' 21I§ er ftd^

h)ieber ein ioenig erbolt batte, l;ob er ben 33ed^er in bie §51)'

20 unb rief: „bag 93rautpaar foE leben!"' — l^jd) Juu^te gar

nic^t, \va§ \6) toon bcm ©eiftlid^ien unb feinem ©erebe benfen

foHte, id^ fdf)dmte mic^ aber, megcn ber romifd^en ©efd)id;ten/

if)m f)ier bor atten Seuten ju fagen, bafe id) felber ber berlorene,

gliidfelige Srdutigam fei.

25 2)er 33ed[^er ging toieber flei^ig in bie JRunbe, ber geiftlid)e

§err fprad^ babei freunblid^ mit aHen, fo ba^ i^m balb ein

jeber gut tourbe/ unb am @nbe attel frbf)Ii4i burc^einanber


9?euutc8 ilapitel. 1 1


Iprad;. '^Iwd) bie Stubcntcn luuiben immer rebfcliger unb er=

ja^Iten tion i^rcit 5al;rten im ©ebirge, biy fie enblid; gav ibre

^nflrumcnte boltcu unb luftig ju blafen anfingcn. 2)ie fii^Ie

ffiafi'erluft \tx\d) babci burd; bie 3*i^*-''9<^ i^*^i" Sflube, bie 2tbcnb=

fonne bcrgolbcte fdbon bie SKdlber unb Sbcilcr, bie fd^ncH an 6

un§ boriibevflogcn, ir)a(;renb bie Ufer bon ben 2BaIbborn§s

Ildngen tDieberl^allten. — Unb aU bann ber ©eiftlid^e lion ber

SRufif immer bcrgniigtcr Juurbe unb luftige ©efc^icbten aug

feiner ^ugenb erjcifjlte : trie aud^ er jur S^afanj iiber 53erge

unb 2;^aler gejofjcn, unb oft ^ungrig unb burftig, aber immer 10

froFjIidE) geioefen, unb luie cigentlid^ ba§ ganje ©tubentenleben

eine gro^e 3Safans fei jtuifd)cn ber engen, biiftern 6d)ule unb

ber ernften 3(mt§arbeit— ba tranfen bie Stubenten nodB einmal

F)erum unb ftimmten bann frifdi ein 2ieb an, ba^ e§ treit in bie

S3erge ^ineinfc^allte. 15

SSlad) ©iibcn nun ftc^ (enfen

S)te SBiJglein atfjumal,

33iel' SBanbrer lufttg fd^itirnfen

S)ie §ut' int iOJorgenftraf)!.

S)a8 fmb bie .^erm ©tubenten, 20

3um 1t)or IjiiiauS e-? gef)t,

Sluf i^veu Snftnuiifnten

Sie blafen jum 33a(et:


2(be tn bie ?dng' unb iBrette,^

D ^rag, irir jie^n tn bie SBeite



Et habeat bo^am pacem,

Qui sedet post fornacem 1


118 2tu8 bem feben cincS ^laugcni^t^.

9Jacf)t^ mir burd^« ©tcibttein fc^njcifen,

2)ie gcnftor fcf)immevn uieit,

2Im gcnfter brel)tx unb fd)(eifen

SBict jc^on gepu^te ?eut'.

5 S5?tr b(afeu Dor beu Xf)uven

Hub ijaben Turjt gemtng,"

2)aS toiniut iiom SIhiftjicren,

§evv 3Birt, etneu fvifrfjeii Xvnnt I

Unb fte^e ilber ein ^(einc«^

10 SJZit einer ifanne 2Beine«t

Venit ex sua domo —Beatus ille homo !


9?un \vei}t id)on burd) bie SSalber

S)er falte iBorea?/

16 23?ir ftreidjcn burd) bie getber,

SSon Sd)nce unb 9tegen nafj,

S)cr aJJantcl fliegt im SBittbe,

3erriffcn ftnb bio Sd)n]:i,

2)a biafen ttiir gefd)ir)inbe

20 Unb ftngcn noc^ ba^u:

Beatus ille homo

Qui sedet in sua domo,

Et sedet post fornacem

Et habet bonam pacem !

25 ^c^, bie (Sdbiffer unb bag ?l}?abrf)en, obgleirf) trir aHe fetn

Satein berftanben, ftitnmten jebe»mal jaudBsenb in ben le^ten

SSeri mit ein, idE) aber iaud)5te am atterbergniigteften, benn

ic^ jaf> foeben 'oon fern mein ^P^f'^ii'-'cfien unb balb barauf

aud^ bae Scbloft in bev Slbenbfonne iiber bie Sdume tierbors

:".o fommen.

Zcbntcs Ikapftel.

^T^ka^ Bd)xfi ftic^ an ba^ Ufer, n,nr f^jrangen fd^neH an§

'^^ Sanb unb tiertetlten un§ nun nad^ alien <2eiten im

©riinen, mt '^OQtl, loenn bag ©ebauer* ^^lo^Iic^ aufgemad^t

iuirb. '^cr Qeiftlid^e ^>erv nabm ciligen 3l6fdneb unb ging

mit gro^en ©d^ritten nad) bem ®cf)Ioffe ju. 2)ie ©tubenten 5

bagegen hjanberten eifrig nad) einem abgelegenen ©ebiifc^, tt)o

[ic ncd^ gefrf;l»inb ifjve SRdntel au§fIo^)ften, fid^ in bem bor*

uBerflie^enben 35ad^e ipafd^en, unb einer ben anbern rafieren

moCten. 2)ie neue ^ammeriungfer enbUc^ ging mit i^rem

^anarienboget unb il^rem SBunbel unterm 2(rm nad^ bem lo

2Sirt§^aufe unter bem Sd^Io^erge, um bei ber %xan 2Birtin,'

bic id^ i^r aU eine gute ^erfon refommanbiert ^atte, ein

beffcreg ^(eib anjulegen, ebe fie fid^ oben im Sd^Ioffe bor=

jiettte. W\x aber leurfjtete ber fd^one Slbenb red^t burdbs

^erj, unb aU fie fid^ nun atte berlaufen l^atten, bebad^te id^ 15

mid^ nid^t lange unb ranntc fogleid; nad^ bem l^crrfdfiaftlid^en

©arten' ^in.

SRein ^oUi)au^, an bem id) borbei mufete, ftanb noc^ auf

bet alten ©telle, bie l^ofjen SBaume aui bem ^evrfc^aftlic^en

©arten raufd^ten noc^ immcr bariiber l^in, eine ©olbammer, 20

bie bamalg auf bem .^aftanienbaume box bem g^enfter jcbeg*

mal bei ©onnenuntergang il^r SIbenblieb gefungen batte, fang


au6} iuieber, d^ Joare feitbem gar uicf)tg in ber $ffielt t)or=

gegangen. 3)a§ ^enfter im 3o^^iaufe ftanb offen, icf) lief

boEer ^^-reuben I;in iinb ftecfte ben ^o^f in bie Stu6e l^inein.

@§ tuar niemanb barin, aber bie SSanbufir ^idfte nod) immer

5 rul)ig fort, ber ©d^reibtifd^ ftanb am ?^-enfter, unb bie lange

^fcife in cincni 25?infct, ir»ie bamal§. ^d^ fonnte nidit iyiber=

ftelien, id) f^>rang burdf) ba§ g-cnfter fiincin, unb fel^tc mid^ an

ben ©d)reibtifc^ bor ba§ gro^e Sicd^H'nbud; ^ fiin. ®a fiel ber

®onnenfd}ein burd} ben ^aftanienbaum lun- bent ^-enfter

10 luiebcr griingolben auf bie 3^ff^^'" ^^^ ^*^'"* aufgcfd;lagencn

SudE)e, bie S3ienen fununten luieber an bem offnen g^enfter

I)in unb ^er, bie ©clbamincr brau^en auf beni Saume fang

frb^IidC) immerju. — 9{uf einmal aber ging bie 3:^bur au§ ber

©tube auf, unb ein alter, langer Ginnet^mer in meinem

15 ^unltierten ©cfilafrcd trat l^erein! Gx blieb in ber S^'l^iirc

ftet^en, ioie er mid} fo unDcrfeljene crblidte, nabm fd^inett bie

$8rille toon ber 9?afe, unb fab micb grimmig an. ^db aber

erfd^ra! nid^t hjenig bariiber, fprang, o^ne ein 3Bort ju fagen,

auf, unb lief au§ ber cC->au§tbur burd} ben fleincn ©arten fort,

20 ioo id; mid^ nod^ balb mit ben ?>-iif5en in bent fatalen ^artoffel=

Iraut tterinidfelt ^tte, bao ber alte Ginnebmer nunine^r, h)ie

id^ fal>, nad^ be§ ^ortier§ 9tat ftatt nteiner 58Iumen angejjflanjt

{>atte. ^d^ librte nodi, tuie er bor bie ^bitr berau§ful;r unb

l^tnter mir brein fdiim^fte, aber id) fa^ fd)on oben auf ber

25 ^olien ©artenntauer, imb fd^aute mit flo^fenbem ^erjen in ben

(Sd()lo^garten l;inein.

1)a toar ein ©uften unb Sdtimmern unb .^ubilicrcn' i)on

3cf)uto<< S\a\nkl 121

alien SSoglein : bie ^Id^e unb @auge twaven leer, aber bie

bergolbetcu SBi^fel neigten fid^ im 2lbeubiinube bor mir, aU

iuoHten [ic mid^ beir>iIIfommnen, unb feitlttiiftg an^ bem tiefen

©runbc bli|te juh^eilen bie 2)onau jluifd^en ben S3dumen nad^

mir ^erauf. 5

3(uf cinnml bovte id^ in einiger ©ntfernung im ©arten



®d)nieigt bei iT){eu]d)eu lautc i'uft


9i'aufd}t bie ^xbi luie in ivauincn

SBunbevbar mit atlcn 93ciumcn, 10

2Ba§ bem .'gei-5eu !auni bcwugt,

3I(te 3fiteu, linbc Sraucr,

Unb e« frfiiueifen Jeijc @d)aitei-

2l>etterleucf)tenb' bard) bie 58ruft.

jDic ©timmc unb ba§ Sieb flang mir fo iounberlid^>, unb 15

bod^ toieber fo altbefannt, aU l^dtte id^'§ irgenb einmal im

3:raume ge^ort. ^d^ bad^te lange, lange nad^. — „®a§ ift

ber i^err ©ulbo \" rief id^ enblic^ boiler ^reube, unb [d^itoang

mid^ fd^nell in ben ©arten Ijinunter — e§ loar ba^felbe Sieb,

ba§ er an jenem ©ommerabenb auf bem 33alfon be§ italienifd^en 20

2Birt§l^aufe§ fang, hjo id^ i^n jum le^tenmal gefef^en ^atte.

@r fang nod^ immer fort, id^ aber f^rang iiber 33eete unb

§edfen bem 2iebe nad^. 21I§ id; nun giuifdBen ben le^ten

Stofenftrciud^ern I^erbortrat, blieb id^ ^lij^Iid^ h)ie berjaubert

ftel^en. S)enn auf bem gritnen ^ta|e am ©d^iuanenteid^/ red()t 25

bom 3(benbrot befdiienen, fa^ bie fd^one gnabige ^^^rau, in

einem ^jrdd^tigen ^leibe unb einen ^ranj bon toei^en unb

132 '^11* ^^J" ?cbert elttc* 2;augcmd)t§.

roten 9lofen in bem fd^ioarjen ^aat, mit nicbcrgefd^Iagcnen

2lugen auf einer Stetnban! unb f^jielte todljrenb be§ Siebeg mit

i^rer Sf^eitgerte bor fid; auf bem ^Ajen, gerabe fo tt»ie bamal^

auf bem ^al^ne, ba id^ if;r ba§ 2ieb toon ber fd^onen ^^^rau bors

5 fingen mu^te. ^^v gegeniiber fafe eirte anbere junge 2)amc,

bie E>atte ben toei^en runben 9ia(fen bott brauner Soden gegen

mid^ gevoenbet, unb fang jur ©uitarre, it)df)venb bie Sd^todnc

auf bem ftitten 2Beiber langfam im ^reife I^erumfd^tnammen.

— 35a l^ob bie fd^one g^rau auf einmal bie 2lugen^ unb fd^rte

10 laut auf, ba fte mid^ erblidEte. 2)ic anbere 2)amc banbte ftd^

rafd^ nad^ mir F)erum, ba| x^v bie Sodfen in€ ©efid^t flogen,

unb ba fie mid; ted^t anfa^, brad^ fie in ein unmd^ige§ Sadden

au§, fprang bann toon ber 33anf unb flatfd^te breimal mit ben

^anbd^en. ^n bemfetben Stugenblidf !am eine gro^c 3Jtenge

15 fleiner 5Rdbc^en in bliitentoei^en, furjen ^leibd^en mit griinen

unb roten ©d^leifen jtutfc^en ben 9?ofenftrdud^ern ^erborgci

fd^Iiipft, fo bajj ic^ gar nid^t begreifen fonnte, too fie atte ges

ftedft l^atten. ©ie l^ieltcn eine lange Slumenguirlanbc in ben

§dnben, fd^Ioffen f(^nett einen ^rei§ urn mi4>, tanjten um micft

20 {jerum unb fangen babei


SBir bringen 2)ir ben Sungfcrnlranj'

Wilt »nt(^enblaucr ©ctbc,

2IBir fii^rcn S)id) 3U ?ufl unb %ani,

3u neiier §oc^5cit6freube.

26 ®d^bner, gviiner 3ungfern!ranj,

SScild^cnbtaue Seibe.

3«t)»tf^ ^apitet. 123

2)ae toar au§ bem 5reiicf)u§en.' 33on ben fleinen ©angc^

rinneu erfannte id^ nun audj einige Joiebcr, c# U'aven ^luibrfien

au^ bem 2)orfe. ^d) fneipte fie in bie 3A>ani3cn unb Jyare

gem au§ bem ^reife enth)tfd[)t, abcr bie fleinen, fdE)ni))^ifc^en

2)inger lie^en mid^ nid^t l^erau§. — ^^ h)u|te gar nid^t, \va§ 5

bie ©efrf)icf)tc * eigentlid; bebcuten foUte, unb ftanb ganj ber=

bliifft ba.

2)a trat plo^Iic^ ein junger 9)?ann in feiner ^afl^rfleibung

aug bem ©ebiifd^ ^erbor. ^d^ traute meincn 2Iugen faum —e0 ipar ber fro^Iid^e §crr Seonfiarb !

— 2)ie fleinen 93cabc^ien 10

bffneten nun ben ^rei§ unb ftanben auf einmal luie berjaubeit,

alle unbetoegli^ auf einem Scinc^cn, n)df)renb fie ba§ anbere

in bie Suft ftredten, unb babei bie 331umenguirlanben mit

beiben STrmen i)od) iiber ben Aopfen in bie §b^' f^ielten. 2)er

§err Secnbarb aba fa^te bie fcbone gniibige g^rau, bie nod^ 15

immer gang ftitt ftanb unb nur mancbmal auf mic^ ^eriiber

blidte, bei ber §anb, fiif)rte fie big ju mir unb fagte


„®ic 2iebe — bariiber finb nun af(e ®elef)rten einig' —iff eine ber furagiofeften 6igenfrf)aften be» menfdjlid^en §ers

jen§, bie 33aftiDnen Don 9lang unb ©tanb frf)mettert fie mit 20

einem 5«wfi'"&Ii^c barnieber, bie 2BcIt ift i(;r ju eng unb bie

©tpigfeit ju furj. ^a, fie ift eigentlirf) ein ^Deten=50tantel,

ben jeber ^f^antaft* einmal in ber fatten 2BeIt umnimmt, um

nad^ Strfabien* augjutoanbern. Unb je entfernter jtoei ges

trennte SSerliebtc toon einanber htanbern, in befto anftdnbigern 25

Sogen* bidft ber 9teifetoinb ben fc^itternben 5IRanteI jointer

it)nen auf, befto fiif^ner unb iiberrafd^enber enttcidfelt fi(^ ber

124 5(nx' bem i'eben eineS Jaugenic^t'g.

?5^alteniintrf, befto langer unb Idiu3er iud^ift ber 2:alav' ben

Siebenbeu f)inten nacft, fo ba^ etn 9ZeutraIer ni(^t iiber Sanb

gcf)cn fann, olinc uiUH'rfef)en§ aitf ein ^aar folc^e SdBle^^en

ju treten. D teucrftci' ^err (i;inncbmcr unb Sirdutigani ! ob=

5 gleid; ^f)r in biefem 9}JauteI big an bie ©eftabe ber ^iber

baf)inraufdf)tet, ha§ !leine A^dnbdben (Surer gegentrdrtigen Sraut

bicit Guc^ bcnnoif) am duf^crften cnbe ber Sd^Ie^^e feft, unb

iuie ^br ^ucftct unb gcigtct unb rum. rtet/ "^^r muptet juriirf

in ben ftiUcn 33ann ibrer fd;5nen 2(ug*.r. — Unb nun bann,

10 ba eg fo gefommen ift, ibr jluci liebcn, liebca ndrrifd;en Seute!

f(f)Iagt ben feligeu 9JcanteI um cud;, ba^ bie ganje anbere

Jl^eIt ringg um euc() untcrgcbt — liebt cucb Une bie ^anind^en

unb fcib gliidlidi!"

^er §err 2eonf)arb Jyar mit feinem Sermon faum erft

15 fertig, fo fam and) bie anbere iunge 3)ame, bie borfjin ba§

Siebd^en gefungen ^atte, auf mid^ Io§, fe|te mir fd^nell einen

frifcfjen 'Dt^rtenfranj auf ben ^o^f, unb fang baju fef)r nedifc^,

iodbrenb fie mir ben ^ranj in ben ipaaren feftriidte* unb i§r

©efid^tdben babei bid^t bor mir iuar :

20 2!anim bin id) biv gewogen,

2)antm unvb bein §aupt gefc^miicft,

2BciI ber iStric^ tton beinem JBoigen

OfterS t)at mein §erj entjiidt.

2)ann trat fie toieber ein paav ©d^ritte juriid. — „^ennft

25 bu bie Sf^duber nod^i, bie bid) bamat§ in ber 9Zad^t \)om

Saume fd;uttelten ?" fagte fie, inbem fie einen ^nij mir mad^te

unb mid^ fo anmutig unb froblid) anfab, ba^ mir orbentlid;

3et)nte« .ffapitel, I05

ba§ iQerj im Seibe \ad)k. 3)arauf ging fie, obne mcine 2lnt=

ti'ort abjuirartcn, nng-3 um mid; (nn-um. ./Ssafjvliaftig nod)

gang ber 2(Itc/ obnc affen iuelfden S^cifdnnacf !" a6cr nein/fic^

bod; mir cinmal bie biden 2^a[dicn an !" rief fie ^^lo^Iic^ ju

ber fd;onen gndbigen Jrau, „2sioline, 2Bdfd;e, 53arbiermeffev, 5

Sieifefoffer, alfel buvc^einanber \" 3ic brebte mi^ imd^ alUn

Seiten, unb fonnte fid; bor Sac^eu gar nid;t 511 gute gebcn/

3)ie fd^Bne gncibige %xai\ tuar unterbe^ nod; inimcr ftill, unb

niod;te gav nic^t" bie Stugen auffd;(agen bor ©d;am unb "i'cv:

loirrung. Cft fam e§ niir bor, ai^ jiirnte fie Beinilid; iibcr 10

ba§ biele ©evebe uub 3^)a^en. ©nblic^ ftiirjten i[;i- plo^Iid;

J^ranen a\i§ ben 3(ugen, unb fie berbarg ibr Gieficbt an ber

33ruft ber anbern '2)ame. Xiefe fab fie erft cvftaunt an, unb

briidte fie bann berjiid; an fidi.

^d; aber ftanb gan,^ berbu|t ba. ^enn fe gcnauer id; bie 15

frembe 2^ame betracbtete, befto beutlid^er erfannte id^ fie, eg

tear ioaf^rfiaftig niemanb anberl, aU — ber junge ^Dialer



^d; iou^te gar nic^t, toal icb fagen fottte, unb toottte fo=

zhn nai)ix nacbfragen, aU §err Seonbarb ju i^r trat unb 20

^eimlic^ m'xt \i)x ]\)xa<^. „2Bei^ er benn nod; nid;t?" fjbrle

\6) ii)n fragen. ©ie fd^iittette mit bem ^o^fe. Gr befann fid;

barauf einen 2(ugenblid, „9tcin, nein," fagtc er enblidb, „er

tnu| fc^nell alle§ erfa^ren, fonft entftebt nur neucg (>)e^(auber

unb ©eicirre."" 25

„.'perr (Sinnel;mer," hjanbte er fic^ nun ju mir, „U)ir §aben |e§t

nid)t biel ^txt, aber tbue mir ben ©efaflen unb tounbere bid^

126 SuS bem ?eben eiue^ 3:au£^cnid)t§.

f)iev in aEer ©efcbtuinbigfeit a\iz\^ bamit bu nirfit I}inter^er

burdb iyra^jcn, Grftauncn unb ilrpfi'dBiitteln unter ben Seuten

alte ©cf(fii6tcn aufnibrft, unb none (Jvbic^tungen unb 3Ser=

mutungen auvfdbiittclft."^ — Gr jog midb bei biefen QBorten

."i tiefer in ba§ ©ebiifd^ iiinein, h}af)renb ba§ ^-raulein mit bet

toon ber fcbonen gndbigen %xa\i lucggelegten Siieitgerte in ber

^3uft focf^t^ unb alle ibre Sccfen ticf in ba§ ©cfid^tcbcn fdbiittcltc,

burcb bie ic^ aber brd^ jcben fonnte, ba^ fie bic> an bie Stim

rot irurbe. — „9?un benn," fagte §err Seonl^arb, „^J-rauIein

10 glcra, bie bier foeben tbun h)ill, al§ borte unb toiifete f;e

fon ber ganjcn (Befcbicble niditS, batte in affer ©efdnr)inbig=

feit ibr ^icrjcben mit jemanb tcrtaufd^t. 2)aruber frmmt ein

auberer unb bringt ii)v mit '^^rologen, Xrom^eten unb ^aulen

tcieberum fcin^erj bar unb iintl ibr .^crj bagegen.' 3f)r

15 ioerj ift aber fd^on bei ^emanb, unb ^^'^t^nb^ ^erj bei i^r,

unb ber ^emanb ' \v\U fcin §erj nicbt h.nebcr baben, unb i^r

§erj nic^t hjieber juriid geben. 2(Ue 9SeIt fd^reit — aber bu

\)a]t Hiof)! nod) feinen Stoman gelefen ?" — ^d^ berneinte e§.

— „9^un, fo i)a]t bu bod* einen mitgef^nelt.* .^urj : ba§ ioar

20 eine folcbe ^onfufion mit ben ^erjen, baf3 ber ^s^manb — ba§

bei^t id) — micb julc^t felbft in§ 33tittel legen' mu|te. ^db

fcfin^ang micb * bei lauer Sommernad^t auf mein dio^, l^ob ba§

grdulein als SJlaler ©uibo auf ba§ anbere unb fo ging e§

fort nadb Siiben, um fie in einem mciner eiufamen Sd^Ioffer

26 in ^talien ju i'»erbergen, bie bas ©efc^rei Iregen ber ^erjen

boriiber hjdre. UnterhjegeS aber fam man un§ auf bie <2^ur,

unb bon bem SaI!on be§ ipelfcben SSirtsl^aufe^, bor bem bu

3e{)ntp? .^apiiel. 127

fo t)ortref[Iicf> 2l"a(f e fdiUefft/ evblidte %loxa plo^licf* unfere

SSerfoIger." — „2llio kr ludlu^t gignor?" — „®ar cin

©pion. 2Bir jogen im§ baber beimlic^ in bie 2BdIber, unb

liefecu bic^ auf bem Dovbeftellten ^oftfurfe' aKein fortfa^ren.

Xiag tdufd^te unfere 2?erfoIi3er, unb jum U&crfluij aud) nc* 5

metne 2eute auf bcm 'i^ei-gfrf'Ipffe, toclcfie bie berfleibcte %loxa

ftiinblicf) ertrarteten, unb mit mefir 'Xicnfteifer al§ Sd^arffinn

bi^ fiir bac' Jrdulcin biclten. Selbft Bier auf bem Sc^Ioffe

glaubte man, bafe ^loxa auf bem J-elfen n^obne, man erfunbigte

fid>, man fdnieb an fie — baft bu nidjt ein 53riefcben ers lo

balten?" — S3ei biefen Shorten fu^r id} bli^fcbnett mit bem

3ettel aue ber 3:afd)e/ — „2(lfo biefer Srief ?" — „3ft an

mi(^," fagte Jrdulein ^lora, bie bieber auf unfere 9tebe gar

nic^t ac^t ju geben fd)ien, ri| mir "tin Q'itUl rafcb au§ ber

§anb, iiberlae ibn unb ftodtc ibn bann in ben Sufcn — „Unb 15

nun," fagte §errSeon^arb, ..miiffen trir fcbnell in bas Scblo^,

ba titartet fcbon aHes auf un§, Stlfo jum Scblu^, tr»ie ftcb's

won felbft lierftebt unb einem troMersogenen S^omane gcbiibrt:*

(fntbedung, -Heue, 33erfo[inung, toir finb aEe iuieber luftig beis

iammen, unb iibermorgen ift C^odBjeit!"


J)a er nod) fo ^pxad>, erE)Db ficb plij^Iicb in bem ©ebiifc^

ein rafenber S^^eftafel i^on ^^aufen unb Jrompeten, ^crnern

unb ^ofaunen; Si)tler muvben bajimfcben geloft unb ipibat

gerufen, bie Keinen 2)idbcben tanjten bon neuem, unb au§

alien Straucbern lam ein ^opf iiber bem anbem I>ert)or, aU 25

toenn ftc aus ber grbe tDiicbfen. ^c^ fprang in bcm ©e*

fcbn?irre unb ©efcbleifc ' etlen^oc^^ bon einer Seite $ur anbem,

ba e§ aber fd^on bimlel hjurbe, crtannte id; er[t nacfi unb nacf;

aHe bie alien ©efid^ter tcieber. 3)er iilte ©cirtner fd^Iug bie

^saufcn, bie ^kager Stubenten in iliren ^Jianteln mufijierten

mitten boruntcr, \KUn ibnen fingerte ber ^ortier iuie toil aiif

5 feinem ^yagott. 9Bie id) ben fo niiber^offt erblidte, lief id^

fogleid) auf if;n ju, unb embraffierte ii^n f)e[tig. 2)aru6er

iam er gan^ au^5 bem ^onse^jt.^ ,3hin hja^rbaftig, unb

toenn ber biy an§ @nbe ber SKJelt reift, er ift unb bleibt

einSfJarr!" rief er ben ©tubenten gu, unb bUe§ gang iuiitenb

10 Joeiter.

Unterbel luar bie fd)one gndbige ?^rau bor bem 9?umor

^eimlid; entf^rungen, unb flog Iuie ein aufgefdieuditcil dM)

uber ben 9ia[en tiefer in ben ©arten I;inein. ^d; fa^ e^3 nod;

jur redf)ten ^dt unb lief ibr eiligft nacb. 2)ie 9}tufifanten

15 merften in i(;rem (Sifer nid^tS babon, fie nieinten nac^f)er


tr>ir tociren fd)on nad^ bem ©d;Ioffe aufgebrod()en, unb bie

ganje Sanbe fe^te fid^ nun mit 9}iufif unb gro^em ©etummel

gleid^fatt§ bort^in auf ben SRarfc^.

255ir aber toaren faft ju gleid^ier 3^it in einem ©ommers

20 baufe ange!ommen, ba§ am 3lbl;ange be§ ©arten§ ftanb, mit

bem offnen ^enfter nad; bem lueiten, tiefen Jljale ju. 2)ie

©onne tear fd^on lange untergegangen i;inter ben S3ergen, e§

fd;immerte nur nod^ icie ein rotlid^ier 2)uft iiber bem tuarmen,

t»erfd;allenben Slbenb/ au§ bem bie 2)onau immer bernebm=

25 Iid;er ^erauf raufd;te, je ftiUer e§ ring§um Juurbe. ^d; faf)

unbertuanbt bie fd^one ©rdfin an, bie ganj erl;i§t bom Saufen

bidf)t bor mir ftanb, fo ba^ id^ orbentUd^ fiijren fonnte, h)ie

3el)nte« topitel. 129

i^r bag ^erj fc^Iug. ^d; luufjtc nun aber gar nid^t, toal irf;

fpred^en folltc tior 9lef))eft, ba id; auf einntal fo allein niit i^v

toav. (Snbli^ faJ5te id; ein §erj, na^m if)r !(einei, ioei^e^

^anbc^en — ba 503 fie mid^ fc^neK an fid; unb fiel niir urn

ben §o(§, unb id; umfd;Iang fie feft niit bciben 3(rmen. 5

©ie niad;tc fid; abev gcfd;i»inb Uneber loy unb legtc fi^

ganj berlDirrt in bay 'Jenfter, urn if)rc gUif)enben SBangen in

ber 3(benblnft absufiiblen. — „2ld)," rief id), „mir ift mein

§ers red;t jum ^^J^fV^'i^S*-'"/ ^^^^ i<^ ^^"" n^i»^ "od^ allel

nid^t rcd^t benfen, C'S ift mir atte§ noc^ tnie ein 3^raum !" — 10

„2Rir audf)," fagte bic fdjone gndbige g^rau. „%l§ id; ber=

gangenen ©ommer," fe^te fie nad^ einer 2Beile ^inju, „nut ber

©rcifin an% dtom fam, unb tuir i!a§> g^rciulein ^lora gliidlid^

gefunben l^atten, unb init 5urudbrad;ten, toon bir aber bort

unb ^ier md)t§ ^orte — ba badfit' ic^ nic^t, ba^ alle§ nod; fo 15

fomm^n tDiirbe ! 6rft ^eut-ju 9)littag fprengte ber ^o!e^/ ber

gute, flinfe Surfd;, atemIo§ auf ben §of unb brad;te bie 9fiad^ =

rid^t, bafe bu mit bem ^oftfd)iffe fdmft." — 1)am\ Iad;te fie

ftitl in fid^ f^inein. „2Sei^t bu nod;/' fagte fie, „toie bu mid^

bamal§ auf bem Salfon gum le^tenmal faf>ft? bai tear gerabe 20

toie l^eute, aud^ fo ein ftiller 2lbenb, unb SRufi! im ©arten."

— „2Ber ift berin eigentUdE) geftorben '?" - frug id; f)aftig. —„2Ser benn?" fagte bie fd)one ?yrau unb fa^ mic^ erftaunt

an. „©er §err ©emajy i?on @lt». ©naben/'^ ertoiberte id^,

„ber bamalg mit auf bem Salfon ftanb." — ©ie tourbe ganj 25

rot. „3Bag f^aft bu aud^ * fitr ©eltfamfeiten im ^o^fe !" rief

fie axi^, „bag tr>ar ja' ber Soljn toon ber ©rcifin, ber zhin Don

130 '-Uue bem ?ebcn eine« jTaugeiiic^tS.

Sicifen juriicflam, unb es traf gerabe aurf) mein ©eburt^tag, ba

fu(;rte er mid^ mit auf ben 33alfDn ^inau§, bamit i6) aw^ ein

SSibat belame. — Slber be§F)aIb bift bu loofjl bamalS Don I;ier

fortgelaufen?" — „%6) ©ott, fvcilicfi !" ^ rief ic^ aue unb fdilug

5 mid) mit ber §anb bor bie <2tirn. <Sie aber fd^iittelte mit bem

^'o^fd^en unb la^U red^t ^erjlicl),

2Rir Joar fo lr>oI?I, lute fie fo froJ^Iid^ unb bertraulid^ neben

mir ^jlauberte, ic^ ^atte bi§ sum SJtorgen jui^oren mbgen. ^d^

tuar fo red^t feelenbergniigt, unb langte eine §anb boll .^nadE=

10 manbeln" au§ ber 2^af^e, bie id) nod^ au§ ^talien mitgebradbt

^atte. <Sie naf;m audf) babon, unb toir fnadften nun unb fallen

jufrieben in bie ftille ©egenb f)inau§. — „®ie{)ft bu/' fagte fie

nad^ einem SSeild^en hjieber, „ba§ hjei^e Sd^Iofed^en/ ba§ ba

briiben im 5Jlonbfd)ein gliinjt, bn§ fjat un§ ber ©raf gefd^enft,

15 famt bem ©arten unb ben SSeinbergen, ba toerben loir loofmen.

@r toufet' e§ fd)on lange, bafe ioir einanber gut finb/ unb ift bir

fel^r geioogen, benn l^citt' er bicf) nirf)t mitgehabt, al§ er ba§

^rciulein au§ ber ^enfionSs^nftalt * entfiifjrte, fo todren fie

beibe ertrifd^t loorben, e^e fie fid) borf)er nod^ mit ber ©rdfin

20 oerfo^nten, unb aCe§ lodre anber§ gefommen." — „9Jtein ©ott,

f d}onfte, gndbigfte ©rdfin," rief id) aul, „id^ toei^ >gar nid^t

me^r, hjo mir ber ^opf fte^t bor lauter* unber^offten 5Jleuigfeis

ten ; alfo ber §err 2eon!)arb ?" — ,,'^a, ja," fiel fie mir in bie

Stebe, „fo nannte er fidE) in ^talicn; bem gel;oren bie ^err^

25 f d)aften ba briiben, unb er f)eiratet nun unferer ©rdfin 2;od^ter,

bie fd^one g'lora. — Stber loag nennft bu mid^ benn ©rdfin?"

— ^6) fa^ fie gro^ an. — „'^6) bin ja gar feine ©rdfin," fubr

3e^nte3 ^apitcl. 131

fte fort, „unfere gndbige ©rdfin bat mid^ nur ju \id) aufS

Sd^lofe* ijenommen, ba iiud^ mein Onfel, ber ^ortier, aU

fleine^ ^inb unb arme 2Baife mit F>ter^er brad^te."

9?un tuor'-S miv bod; nid^t anberl, ol^ ioenn mir ctn ©tein

toom ^erjcn fieic ! „@ott fegnc ben ^ortier," berfe^te id^ ganj 5

entjiidEt, „ba^ er unfer Cntel i[t! id; Ijahi immer gro^e ©tiidc' ''"^^^'^

auf iF?n getjalten."'— „@r meint e€ aud^ gut mit bir/' erloiberte

fie, „tt>enn bu btd^ nur d)x>a§ bornebmer f^ielteft, fagt ev immer.

3!)u mufet bid^ je^t and) eleganter fleibcn." — „D," vief id^ bols

ler g^reuben, „englifdE)en ^-rad, Strofjbut unb ^ump^ofen ' unb 10

S^joren ! unb gleid^ nadf* ber Xrauung reifen luir fort nad)

^talien, nad^ 9bm, ba gefjn bie fd^onen 2Saffer!unfte, unb

neF^men bie ^ragcr ©tubenten mit unb ben ^ortier !" — ©ie

Idd^elte ftill unb fa^ mid^ red^t bergniigt unb freunblid^ an, unb

eon fern fd^aUte immerfort bie SJiufi! I^eriiber, unb 2eud^t= I6

fugein* flogen bom ©d^to^ burd^ bie ftille ?Rad^t iiber bie ©ar=

ten, unb bie SDonau raufd^te bajtcifd^en l^erauf — unb ei 'max

atte§, alleS gut





ffirst Cbaptcr.

Page 1 .— 1. mir • • • IDO^I, J was feelingJust comfortable. The

impers. subj. Cis is omitted, as very frequently when the order of

subj. and pred. should be inverted.

2. (Sl^Iafmii^e, also ^ipfelmiijJC, a linen cap of a conical shape,

ending in a tassel, much like toboggan-caps. It is much worn in

certain parts of Germany, Austria, etc., when one is at home.

3. belinfl . . . niittlC, you're stretching and lounging about until

your bones become tired.— In this, and similar phrases, the adj. gives

the result of the action indicated by the verb; thus also er itlt fid) tvaiif,

figt fid) fictf, f)nt fid) bic '?(iigcn vot gciveint.

Page 2.— 1. einigC OJroft^Cn (Selb, afew groschens, or, a small

sum in groschetis.— A ©lofc^CJl was a silver coin of 2}^-3 cents in

value, abolished in 1873.— The adv. mtt signifies iti addition, also,

simultaneously, and the like ; it forms many compounds with verbs, as

mitgcbcn, initgel)cii, mitreifen, mitfingcn, mitiueiiieu.

2. %!){(§/ popular transformation of the French a Dieu. This

term pronounced 2Ibio, 31bjo, ^tbje^, "Jfbie, 5lbc, etc., is employed quite

extensively in Germany iox good-bye or farewell.

3. fit tOtffen • • • 93rol), their thoughts do not go beyond the rocking of

children, the anxieties and burdens of life and the daily struggleforfood.

4. ttJoS = wavum.

Page 3.— 1- l^Ot . . . fiefleQt, has provided also for my welfare

as is best.


136 NOTES.

2. boHer Stlan^/'/uU of music, instead of the pred. form Wott we

find frequently tioUer, which is a relic of past usage ;originally, how-

ever, tJOller was used only in reference to masc. nouns in the sing.; at

present it may be applied to the plur. as well as fern, and neut. nouns.

gg ning, //'O' w''^ driving ; e8 is here impersonal.

3. (gr ttJCift jtt. 6v is used for S)u in addressing the young man.

(Sr and @te (the latter for the fem. sing.) were so used in the last

century by people of a higher station speaking to men and women of

a lower rank, especially if the latter were dependent on them.— ^0,

why, states something that is supposed to be known by the one


4. id) • • • tiogcgcn, supply id) antlUOVtctC, to which I answered


^ g,^^ ^ euer^ gen. of the pers. pron. tin', formerly used in

addressing where now @ie is employed.- GlD. @imbcii,;'^«r ladyship,

yoiir Excellency.— ®n<x\iiX[ must betaken as ^ pluralismajestaticus.—

It may be added that from this fashion of addressing persons by a title

in the 3d pers. plur. originated the now general @ie for you, when

formal. — aufjUtOOrtcn, to wait on = if it pleases . . .

6. ttiifet' i$, the subj. is often used to denote m.odesty, politeness,

a certain hesitancy in making a statement, e.g. id) I)atte bir iuaS gu

fagcn; id) Ijotte cin Suc^ gu iibevgeben (Stifter).

Page 4.— 1. tnir • ?umute, l fdt so queer; e8 ift mir pSPlute Ifeel . . ., as in a large number of idioms to be found in this


2. ging . . . ftunnerlid), it fared strangely with me, strange things

happened to me.

Page 5.— 1. '$,m^t\iiX, shoulder-belt, scarf sash.

2. furfurfilit()C 9la{c, a princely nose.— His aquiline nose would

have done honor to a prince elector, it looked so distinguished and

aristocratic; as is said later on, cv {)at cine flrofec yonicl)mc 9fdc.

Strange to say, portraits of princes of the iGth, I7lh and i8th century

show much more prominent noses than we usually observe now.

NOTES. 137

3. Citt . • iPuter, a strutting turkey, lit. puffed-up.

4. ilie . . . §Crrf(^aft, her ladyship. The sense of §cnjd)Qft is

ambiguous, as it may denote master, mistress, theirfamily, and a landed

estate. — This country-seat and estate were owned by a dowager-


5. t^ , . . SBf fie, / put my hand to my vest. — '^'ilOi^ ciner ®ad)C

gveifen, to put out one's hand for something, to grasp at ; cp. also td^

gviff in tie 2ajd)e, Iput my hand info . . .

6. brumntte . . . Sort, growled (lit. under his mustache) some-

thing about rabble or country-bumpkin.

7. ^erumbagteren, lotmge about.

Page 6.— 1. bo . . . firingen, in that case I might perhaps be of

some account in the future. — Such an indef. object e8 is equivalent to

life, station, career, actions, thus here lit. I might bring it to some-

thing useful. — ®utgcfC<jt, -well put.

2. iiberl^OlUlt, on the 7uhole, infact.

3. it^ . . . SBrotC, / had a living.

4. bic Xen^JCl, pavilions.

5. benn, too ; then it happened often, too.

Page 7.— 1. ein ©IigelStiilb, lit. image of an angel, angelic

apparition, angel. Cp. 2Jiann8bilb, 2Beib«bilb, which mean the same as

?(Tiann, 25?pib, although now vulgar. — JJiir (oov) mt^ ^tn, to myself.

2. btelfc^bne, most beautiful.— 33icl was used in older German

as an intensifying adv. before adj. and adv., like the modern fe^r, thus

villihte= fel)r Ieid)t, whence Dielletdjt, in a narrower sense, /,?r//a/j.

Cp. the 9?ibclmigcnlicb I. 15 : vil liebiu muoter min = meine fe^r Uebc

= liebfte SD^hitter. — jjraue, an older form for grau. The modern

German has dropped the final e in many nouns of the 2d decl.

3. ^Olouftcn, window-shutters, blinds, horn French "jalousie,"y^a/-

ousy; then a lattice of wood or iron which permits us to look through

without being seen ourselves (Littr^).

4. fommt bO^Crgejlri^Cn, comes strolling along.

5. (Jinc QUtt UJndjt audi ! So good night to you.

1 38 NOTES.

fi. Crfi tClftt, more than ever.

Page 8.— 1. The nightingale sings only late in the night and

in the earliest morning-hours.

2. Here we have several old sayings ; the first : It is never sting

at one's cradle what one is to become in the ftittire. — 3Ber }UlC$t . • .,

he who ... — Unberl^offt • • •, ^^^^ unexpected always happens. — %tX

Sficnf^ • • ., viafi proposes, God disposes; cp. Kortum's "Jobsiade,"

II. 2775: —%\>n bcr .^"tiiniitel bi'i'ponicrt,

aBcnnglcid) i)cr 9JJcnj(^ ^jvoponiert.

3. iDtC lautCt . . . as if all gold and diamonds.— lautei", if un-

declined and without distinction of gender = mere, nothing but, — but

if declined and showing gender, pure, clear, tautcrcr SSein, lautereS

SBoffer, lautere S^viebc.

4. 9inee, avenue. 5. '^t\% flushed.

Page 9. — 1. btC • • . 9lugeu, her pleasantly glancing eyes.

2. ba^ • • • toill, that it still seems as ifmy heart would break.

3. t(^ • • 9iicfcit, Igo into a frightful sneezingflt.

4. §u • • . l)tnttU§, 03d of; cp. in . . . I)iucin, ;i»jif(J)cit . . . l)emii«,

Utn . . . I)eruin, where the adv. illustrates more distinctly the meaning

of the prep. ; Ulttct oflctt ^ff"flcm l^itl, a few lines below, should be

understood in the same manner.

5. J^uU^One, obsolete for 2:ulpc.

Page 10. — 1. gingen in8 iJani = »ci-gingeit, gingen worbet,

passed by.

2. tnetne • im SScgC^ the very point ofmy nose irritated me.

3. tia§ • . • QcUgt/ th<ii J had not chosen some other occupation, lit.

had not laid myself upon= devoted or applied myself to . . .

4. unb ntid) • • • l^ttttc, atid thus was deprived of the cheerful pros-

pect of a blue Monday, or, of an idle Monday. The name 33lauci"

2JfontQg is given by apprentices and journeymen to the Mondays on

which they are excused from work, especially in those professions

NOTES. ] 8f>

where Sunday-labor was or is required, as among bakers, butchers,

etc. Cp. b(au inad)ni, to take a holiday. — Grimm explained the use

of blau in this phrase from its application for the English indistinct,

useless, false, in that case blauer SD'fontag would originally signify

a false, not real Monday.

5. £an3bblien, dancing-resorts, lit. the dancing-floor.

6. J)0 • • ^Urtitf, "/'' "Mere viovino to and fro . . . in surginQ

crowds ... — SBaitDernbe !l!eierfaften ;lit. migratory hand-organs

CDrcljOrgeln) = street organ-grinders.

7. mir • . . bangc, lit. I felt an anguish as if I should die, I felt a

mortal anguish.

8. luflige^ ^ . • • (fie fpredjen alle burt^einanbev), the merry talking

and laughing ofa number ofpeople.

9. ^cU and \\i\t, in this idiom, large, numerous. Heyne says, ber

f)elle .^aufeit orig. meant the main body of troops in an army. It now

simply means a great crowd ; the two adjectives together may here

also refer to the bright dresses of the ladies.

Page 1 1 . — 1. @i . . . gerufen, lit. that happens as if called for,

that isJust in the nick of time.

2. ma(^ten fid) groR mit, boasted of

3. §tmmel§grunl), firmament.

4. Jer OnJlErn . • ^antcn, the other one ofmy two ladies, the merry

and corpulent one.

5. txni — ein I'ieb.

6. iSpienrddletn^ ^JUpenrofe, alpine rose or rhododendron, Rosa

Alpina. It grows in the Alps at a height not below 4000 feet. The

idea is : one must hear a popular song from the people themselves,

among whom it originated, to enjoy its freshness thoroughly, as one

must see the flowers where they grow, not in collections, in order to

perceive their real beauty.

Page 12. — 1. tlie SBunlDcrprner, cornucopias, magic horns,

from which everything wished for can be obtained.— This line

140 NOTES.

contains a friendly cut at the author's friends, Achim von Arnim

(1781-1831) and Clemens Brentano (1778^1842), who, in 1806,

published a collection of popular songs and ballads entitled Des

Knaben Wunderhorn. Therefore Eichendorff means to say : such

collections of poems ar*^ only like Herbariums.

2. ijj bie <SeeIC • • •, is the soul of the national soul. That is one

of those fantastic and vague catchwords of the Romanticists. The

idea is: the melody does the most toward making us feel the inward

thoughts, the soul, of the people.

3. fiir fold)C §errfd)Often, for suck a distinguished company; cp.

page s, n. 4.

4. Ufraue, cp. p. 7, n. 2.

5. rcd)t ftrcifi lOffl* sing away courageously, sing that and don''t be


6. o!^nC ©letdlCn, without a parallel, or, that has no equal. (Slelc^en

is the ace. of the now obsolete noun der geliche = match, equal,

shnilar kind.

Page 1 3. — 1. froftcr ^inge, supply JU fein, /very likely seem

to be ofgood cheer.— fioljer S)inge is an adv. gen., like guteS or guten

SSJiuteS, frozen ^crjen?, td)Ied)ter 2)inge.

2. ^ottC . . . llieliergcfdilaBen, had kept . . . cast down, ^atte is here

the finite verb, not the mere auxiliary.

ScconO Cbaptcr.

Page 1 4. — 1. l^crrf^oftlidjer (SavUn, manor-house grounds;

cp. p. 5, n. 4.

2. cine . . . ^iCQCl^Q^^' quite a neat little toll-keefer's house with a

red tile roof. Such roofs are very common in Germany, Holland,

etc.,— far more so than shingle and slate roofs. The toll-keeper was

tu collect the turnpike-toll for the use of the private road.

NOTES. 141

3. 6untumjountc3 (itmjdimt and binit) = mit einem buntcn ^ann

UUtgebcn, enclosed with a gay-colored picket-fence. Cp. Goethe, " Her-

mann und Dorothea," III., 88.

4. 3Um §Crril 9tmtmoniI, to the head-steward. 2tintmann, magis-

trate, overseer, steward, a sort of judicial and administrative officer

in private employ, formerly also in state-service as a justice of peace,

justiciary, warden, the farmer of a crown or lordly domain. — The

German title ipcri" cannot be translated in English; it is used as a

token of respect in the mouth of the servant or as a general show of

regard for a person's office and station. Cp. ber §evv Soltor, §evc

^aftov, $crr 3?atev, $eiv 23etter, etc., or with gvau, grau aD^Juttcr,

gran 'Xante, gvau 23enu«.

5. luftig, like luiubig, light, airy.

6. fiinflli^ . . . mit . . . lit. fought about artfully, now beat the air

with . . . like a skilledfencer, or, brandished his cane in . . .

7. oQerlei . . . ^tnein^ar(i(rtf, chattered a7uay idly on all sorts of sub-

jects. French farler, ipred)en.

Page 1 5. — 1. 9Io, well. — bie . . . §errftf)ofr. Cp. p. s, n. 4.

2. C^e . . . tierfa^, before I knezu where I was. The form e8 is origin-

ally the gen. case, ic^ neric^e mii^ eiuc6 2)inge?, einev <2ad)f, bf ffcii, be§,

e8. The latter form, although the former gen., was then taken as ace,

and the refl. was changed to the dat. as the indir. obj., and thus we

find id^ t)eiief)e mir e8, as frequently in this story ; tieife()en = eritiarten.

3. ber feltgC/ the late . . ., lit. blessed, saved in heaven, the late

and lamented.

4. ©^Ittftnii^C. See p. i, n. 2.

5. flonb . . . @cfi(^te, was very becoming to me, thus bev $Ut flel)t

il)m gut (id)(ed)t) ju ©cfic^te, it fits . . . to one's looks.

Page 1 6. — 1. unb . . . brtngen, see p. 6, n. i.

2. bcr iPorttCT/ janitor, lodge or door-keeper, from French porte,

Lat. porta, the door, Fr. portier. — English porter, ^adtrager, Xicnfl=


li-i NOTES.

3. bcticnllit^ . . . looked askance and apprehensively at me. Care-

fully distinguish bebfiifltrf), bcbdd)tig, bcbarf)tfam, itad)benflid).

4. id) . . . anfp^tftl, I did fiat alloi.0 this to attack, i. e. to disturb, to

bother me.

Page 17. — 1. ncitl . . . lit. nay, indeed, that is a profession,

that is -what I consider a good occupation, the noble chase. — \\t\\\ in ex-

clamations as an interjection denotes a strong affirmation, as if we

were refuting a possible objection to our opinion.— WltixtX is from the

French = trade, occupation, 33erilf, 53pfrf)aftignng, etc. — &0$ is

simply intensive.

2. bill . . . fo, that"s your idea of it.

3. i^ . . . ntitgemOl^t, / have tried it too; cp. p. 2, n. i, for


4. Crfi flOr nic^t/ and besides, a person 7tevergets rid of . . . Gvft has

often the sense of but, tnoreover ; so here lit. moreover, by no means.

5. QX'HtniixiSi, actually, really, fairly : note this meaning of Pvbent=

lid) which appears in a number of idioms hereafter.

C. l>ic elOtgen tyit^C/ his cotitinually wet feet, lit. his everlasting feet,

an ironical repetition of the doorkeeper's complaint.

7. je^t fdjCrt . . ., now off with you to your home. 3d) fd)eve Itlid)

ivrg or fovt, or itad) cinem Orte, / go away, mostly used in the im-

perative. @d)cre bid) rceg, should not be employed in polite diction,

unless it be intended for a jocular remark.

Page 18. — 1. e§ . . . }Umute, Ifelt a similar sensation.

2. t)On bcr fdjiincn SRagelone, a piece of old folk-lore of Proven9al

origin, introduced into Germany in 1 536, and often printed in the old

3?oIt8biid)er, revived again in more recent years by the Romanticists,

as in Tieck's ?icbc?gefd)id)te ber fd)oncn 9ifagcIone imb beS ©rofen

*^<etev Don "pvoiicncc (1796).

3. bo^ . . . fling, lit. so that it went through my marrow and bones,

that I was pierced to the quick, that myflesh crept. — iBcttt, leg, is used

here in the orig. sense and collectively for bones, — now represented

NOTES. 143

by ^nod)en. The old meaning is yet apparent in compounds, as

ISlfeilbciu = (SlefantCUfnod)CU, ivory; in baS ©ebciu, bones, skeleton ;

beinern = fubcl)evn, mac/e of bone ; 33cin^aU«, charnel-house.

Page 19. — 1- 93ogCtlDang, arcade, formed by vines growing to-

gether over the pathway and over a lattice-work. Cp. "Hermann und

Dorothea," IV., 27:

£rf)attig mar iiiib bcbortt bcr liolje mittlcre Gaubgang.

2. IIUII erf} flOr nid)t, now less than ever; cp. p. 17, n. 4.

tOOOte . . . '^anD, supply flel)en, would not get along as usual; \iixi

(Scf)Veiben gel)t i^m flint OOll ber .'paitb, he is a quick hand at -writing.

3. unll • . . flillicrtc, was adding accounts so nimbly up thepage and

down again, i. e. the sunbeams were dancing up and down on his

account-book as if summing up items. — 3^rand|IOTt, brought for-

7vard, Siaiwi, balance carried forward, orig. Latin terms used in


4. bie bofc Sicben. ©iebeu, like S)vcisel)il, is considered an un-

lucky number. The term bbfe @teben is also a jocular expression for

a shrew.

5. om meifidt is adv., modifying iiiadjtc, but it should be connected

with @pa^, the 7nostfun I had with the nine.

6. el^e . . . berfa^, cp. p. 15, n. 2.

7. fo . . . flll^, looked on as slyly or knowingly.

8. too . . . ftir ? complete hJol)inau« jell . . . fommen ? lit. whereto

is that to come with you in the end, what shall be the outcome of all

this in the end ?

9. GiltS Unb 3lfle8, without this slender One that is everythingfor

thee. In English the point is not so plain as in German, as the fem.

gender is wanting in the former ; cing Ultb alle?, the one and all, the

one thing and everything, thus mein @in§ itnb 2tUe?, fie tft feiit (Sine

Ultb 3lUe8, she is everything to him. The neut. is employed as not

referring to one special gender.

Page 20. — 1. unti toenn . . ., only in the first part of this long

144 NOTES.

period is the order transposed ; in the remainder, up to where the

principal sentence begins, the order is normal in order to lessen the

stiffness, while, according to grammars, it should be imb id) . . . ^inauS

= trat, etc. The transposed order is not now observed as rigorously

as heretofore.

2. bamU . . . auSp that was all over now.

Page 2 1 .— 1. iDttr mir '5 boil) . . .,for indeed my mind wasjust

as . . . an emphatic statement in inverted order and intensified by

2. in ... Sfi^ffiuf'f"/ '" *^^^^' critical times, at this juncture.

ber 3fitlauf, pi. bie ^-'itlaiife and '^t\\.\^Vi\\.i, period. The latter form,

^fitlaufte, is a corrupted relic of former stages of the language:

M.H.G. loufe, loufte, louffte,— @tevbrn§laitfte, epidemics.

3. iDJrD . . . ^aticn ; the fut. often expresses probability, supposi-

tion, so here, I suppose, Iam sure, I expect.

4. orftentlid), see p. 17, n. 5.

6. obcr OUd) ; nud) is frequently employed as an intensifier denot-

ing indeed, surely, truly, be sure of it, mind now, and similar mean-

ings ; Gr icctfj aber a.\\&\ gar nld)t6, but you know indeed nothing what-

ever, i. e. but I declare, you don't know anything.

6. (^axiMX\n,Jlower-girl.

Page 22.— 1. 11lttd)te ... fftt|)rtOten, cut some nice capers.

Ital. capriola, from Lat. caper, cz^irz, goat ; ^a^Jriotctt, hence = iBo(i»

jprijnge, goafs leaps.

2. ttV !(2dnge na^, atfull length. The prep, nad), 311, are, at times,

placed after their objects ; eiitgcgeii and gegeniibcr, generally so.

3. J)tc . . . SSinben, morning-glories, Convolvulus, Ipomaea.

Page 24. — 1. Cr|i tC^t, more than ever before. See p. 17, n. 4.

2. Inie in . . ., like the figures in a shadow-play ; i. e. where the ac-

tors are behind a screen on which their shadows are seen.

3. 8egtcn fid) tueldie . . . Some of them leaned out of the window.

4. nUtif everybody. — He is addressing himself, of course.

5. tnir . . . rc^t, I am discontented everywhere.


NOTES. 145

Page 25. — l. jtnift^rn . . (jintiurd). Seep. 9, n. 4, also for

att)iicf)CU . . . I)crait8 a little further below.

2. bOV, i- e. bcm @efid)t ;— she wore a mask.

3. gar ntl^t rCC^t, quite not right, i. e. not quite so ... ox by no

means j-(3 . . ., as he expected his lady ought to be.

4. SpCftafef, noise, row, affair, business.

Page 26. —1. jU meiner WttSfe, i. e. for her costume or the

part that she is acting.

2. too . . . mug, / wonder where he keeps himself. — When in-

transitive, ftccfen is a colloquial term for to be hidden or simply for to be,

ruo l)Qft bit fo lancie geftecft ? and it is generally tinged with impatience

or surprise. The adv. awi] in such questions expresses also anger,

impatience ; thus, ttjanim l)aft bu el U)m aud) gefagt? Cp. p. 21, n. 5.

3. l»er flOBje (Jinneljmfr, C]an',= altogether, construe with ift.•

4. t)03 iStOat^ an ovation. Vivat is Latin, pres. subj., long live;

this form is used here as a neuter noun ; such words when used as

nouns are generally neuter.

5. Winter . . . brcin = bareill. See p. 9, n. 4. — gif, merrily.

6. itlabiatur, key-board, on piano. 7, XaiUc, waist, from the French.

Page 27. — 1. SRoteiUluIt, music-stand or desk.

2. arbcitctc fi^ . . . ob, toiled hard, or, was toiling hard on his bas-


3. Stetne, this is a reference to Orben§|icrue, stars, the highest

class of the decorations granted in monarchies for distinguished


4. fd)r(C . . . init, Ijoined in the cheers ivith all my might ; cp.

p. 2, n. I.

Page 28. — l. %^t\, hedge-hog, commonly called ^OUniS^^

®d)meiiugel, ®tad)el|ci)tx)ein. When attacked, the hedge-hog rolls

itself up like a ball.

2. Stddjeltl, stings, quills, thorns. As the thoughts of our hero

iire wounding him like stings, this figure is quite descriptive.

14fi NOTES.

Page 29. — l- bn? • • • .§erjCtl, that resouuded (or fotind an

echo) in my heart.

Page 30. — 1- gen= 8fgen, toward, in the direction of . . . gcn

for gegcn in elevated style, when referring to place or time.

c:birD Cbaptcr.

Page 3 1 . — 1. ^omcron^en, oranges, also 5tpfelfine, Orange.

2. ftoniJUite,<"^«^«^^, from the French. Translate: T should have

expected better conduct of the matt.

Page 32. — l. After tauicnt) 935. swpT^ly at your returnfrom . .


2. $feffetfu^en, also called 'ijjfcffevnitffe, spiced cake or cookies, re-

sembling gingerbread in taste. These were and are still very popular

with the children, especially in the country, as their parents bring

them home from the annual or semi-annual fairs in the cities, when

they are sold in a great number of booths.

3. ttJCrtgCfl^O^tcr (ttiert and ft^d^en), most esteemed, worthy and

esteemed. For §erv, cp. p. 14, n. 4.

4. in8 !l9laul. The term SJiaut for 9[Jtiinb is applied to man only in

a jesting or vulgar fashion, otherwise to animals.

5. netn, cp. p. 17, n. i.

Page 34. — 1. Ifatnifol, doublet, a sort of under-waistcoat worn

at home and about the farm in place of the coat, by peasants and

workmen. It is knitted or of a rough woolen pattern.

2. ^0|ICten}Cn, either intentional corruption of '•Jjomevanjen, or the

way the peasant understood it. There may be also a vague remin-

iscence of ^^0pQn3, bugbear. — floubcit, /«V/t, cull, find out, gather in;

also figuratively, the whole phrase ^opevenjen flQUben, therefore,

may have the sense of devise mischief oxfoolish tricks.

3. ber 3noOf!nt clod-hopper, boor. !J)CV giu!c, ginf, orig. finch


then the apparent merry and light-minded nature of this bird

NOTES. 147

gave occasion to calling i)eople of a loose and wild disposition,

ginfeit; thus ©rcdfinf, ajtiftfiuf, @cf)micrfint ; jemanb ift ein luftiger


Page 35. — 1. <BptttaM, cp. p. 25, n. 4 — erfltei^t, cp. p.

7, n. ^.^

2. ®r, cp. p. 3, n. 3. By addressing him with this pronoun the

peasant appears to place himself above him.

3. ^oljtttCg, cart-road in a wood.

4. ntt$ . . . pungent, cp. p. i, n. i.

5. tOoOte . . . ne^nten, seemed as if it never would end.

Page 36. — 1. toer eS . . . t)dtte, complete (@lucfUcf)er) wtt,

happy would he be whose life were so easy.

2. unfcr finer = eiiicr oon un8, ciner in un[erev ©tellung, in nnfcret

?age, we poor people, or such as we.

3. ^MtxA, from the French = aufmertfam, attentive , on the lookout,

on the watch.

Page 37. — 1. Siindler, orig. i'dnbcr, a genitive plural, where

!Jan3 or SBalser is to be supplied = a dance of the country people


9it)einlanber = SBaljer bcr 9t^einlanber, waltz of the people on the


2. OUf . . . l^OnttertCi at my quick manipulations, lit. at my fingers,

how I was so nimbly working with them ; the verb ^antieien is

coined from the French hanter, I)anb^aben, l^anbeln, but orig. not

related to §anb.

3. (S^Ieifer = jc^Icifenber, langfamer SBaljer, say waltz.

4. Ia)irtf)Iten, cp. p. 22, n. i.

5. fiir (et)tl)a$ IRet^teS, something quite big, quite a great personage;

cp. the English slang something right (or real') smart.

6. \i^\>^t\ii , ftimbled, lit. reeled or fidgeted about.

Page 38. —1. 'Ziaxalf^t, jug. @tampe probably orig. meant a

measure of liquids, properly stamped or gauged according to the laws

prevailing in most parts of Germany and Austria.

148 NOTtS.

2. S$nabfl(()ett, like ajiiinbd^en, 2)'?auld)cn, terms of endearment.

For @d)nabcl, cp. p. 32, n. 4.

3. ollf?, cp. p. 24, n. 3.

4. SnomfeU, Miss, young lady, corrupted from the French made-

moiselle, mctn ^rdulein. The term 9KamfeIl was used in the last

century and in the beginning of the present in addressing unmarried

women of the so-called middle and lower classes, while graulein was

reserved for those of the higher classes. Cp. Goethe's Faust,

I., 2550.

Page 39.— 1. ^Wnflfet, 3unfer = 3""9fl'»"f dearest maiden,

in former times the German equivalent of SJJamjcII, now either maiden

or maid-servant, as ^'ammeriungfer, ©auSiungfer.

2. gr, cp. p. 35, n. 2.

3. fo bann . . . onlierS/ this construction is not one to be employed

in higher diction, it is a rather careless way of speaking, say : then, as

to these shakes of my head, that is ahvays so (lit. once for all),

that cannot be helped. — S^rcmulcitjcn, from Ital., a term used in

music, trill, quaver, ba§ S^remolo or Xremulo, trentulicren, to produce

a tremor, to sing with a tremolo.

4. tiaS . . . Bn Un8, that is a habit with all of us musicians. — fin

SRirtUOfc, Ital. virtuoso, a master in an art.

5. hJtC • . . Uabef)0(f, Hke a ramrod shot out (of a gun).

6. fing flit . . . \&tiXt began to hurl invectives against {those in) the

house with astonishing volubility.

7. t$ befoffen, complete i^ tt)aie befoffen? or id) ioU befoffen fetu?

8. id) . . . bejal^Ien, complete id) fbnntc . . . bejal)(cu . . . 2)ie ^reibC'

flric^C . . . the chalk-marks on the smoke-blackened door. In many

inns in the old country the inn-keepers used to have, or still have, the

habit of indicating each guest's unpaid drinks by chalk-marks on the

door or on a slate suspended there or on the wall. Thus each one

has the account of his indebtedness always before his eyes.

9. §flb* • • gebiffcn ^obt. The phrase iiber . . . barbteren ibolbtercn

NOTES. 149

= vaficrcn), should be taken here in the literal sense, while other-

wise at present more frequently to cheat or dupe.— It is said to have

been a not uncommon custom among village-barbers, in the good

old times, to place a wooden spoon or a ladle in the customer's mouth

in order to smooth down wrinkles or other roughnesses of the skin.

As these proceedings, to be sure, were neither pleasant for the one that

was to be shaved nor inviting for the others that were to follow him —the same spoon was used for all— the expression acquired soon a

different, figurative sense, as said above (Schrader, 53ilberfci)niucf ber

beutfc^cn (Svvad)e, p. 205). — iibcrn= iibei ben, conversational form

only.— morf(§ entjioet bcipcn ; for the use of the adj. cp. p. I,

n. 3 ; morjd) cntjlUCi as a whole phrase, all at once, quite suddenly, as

if rotten, like a rotten piece of wood or board.

10. Slrid), mark, item. The confused idea is : they ought to pay

him for these items. tulc tJiclc . . . ^ixxi^t, hcrw many such mean

items . . .

Page 40. — 1. ungefd)Oren, aside from its lit. meaning there

is a fig. sense, uiigefd)Orcn laffen, to let alone, not concern one's self

about . . ; as the speaker is a barber, the phrase sounds especially


2. inctnctttegen, on my account,/^r all I care.

3. SBaffcr foil . . . ? when they threw him out of the inn, they

gave him this uncharitable advice. — ^eltlfd)er, surg^eon.

4. fliage, the French for 3Sut, ^Qxw, 2tufregung.

5. embrofftercn, from French, embrasser, umarmeiT.

6. .Sung . . . gcreut, an old adage, complete : niemaiib (ace.) l)at

c6 gercitt, juiig gcfrcit 5U I)abcii. In such proverbial phrases the

verbal forms are often shortened in order to enhance the decisiveness

of the expression, thus: grifc^ genjogt l)alb geiDonnen, well begun is

half do9te.

7. tncr'l • . . ^eint/ the lucky one gets the heiress, another


150 NOTES.

8. iltiit . . tit^ttg (often VCbUd)), remain at home and eat heartily,

a proverbial application of Psalm xxxvii. 3: "Trust in the Lord, and

do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed."

Page 42. — 1. IniC . . . tOitrlien, how the fellows would be dis-

appointed ; iltc fieri?, a colloquial plural form instead of ^er(e, thus

also bie 3ungcn§, 2JJdtid)cn8, ilinbers, etc.

2. nt^td . . . nothing viore than the two legs of a poor wandering

(straying) musician.

3. i(5 tifi^tc alfo, cp. p. 3, n. 6.

4. i^ . . . IbetcUCrn, no ^natter hoiu much I protested; formed like

the Frenchy'<zzv».r beau affirmer, or the German, bit l)aft gut rebeil, it

is very easyfor you to tali.

PagG 43. — 1. natim . . . an, would listen to no reasoning.

9taijon is the French form of English reason.

2. to • • • bttrfln, there I was noiu in quite a sadplight.

3. auf gut Oliirf, at random, trusting to fortune or luck.

4. bad SBtrrcn Unb S^loirren, the whirling and whizzing, caused

by their lively conversation, the humming and buzzing.

Page 44. — l- flramm . • . briskly, or bravely along.

2. bod) Mao^X, perhaps after all.

Page 45. — l- groS = mil grofeen 3lugcn, 7uith wide-open eyes.

2. ab Unb JU, lit. away and toward, in and out.

3. bU tjacicrft, from Latin vacor, to befree from . . ., you are taking

a vacaiion.

4. bd . • . iBafaitj, then you will have vacation for ever. — English

vacancy = Oafante, freic atelle ;English vacation =; j^fri^n- — The

term iBofans may be used in either sense.

5. unb flrit^, i. e. bie ©eige or auf ber ®do^i, fiddled.

6. 8el ^t^ii, V)hy, great heavens !— In the words of Prof. Matzke :

" This and similar expressions ... are used . . . merely with the force

of exclamations, but being foreign to the spirit of the English lan-

guage, they may properly be either omitted altogether in translation,

NOTES. 151

or rendered by some other appropriate exclamation " (Edition of

Hernani, p. 173).

7. \0, as it is.

Page 46. — l. frtnrr, more delicate looking.

2. auf aUl)CUtfd)C URobC, in old-German fashion, i. e. in the fashion

of the 17th century, the time of the Thirty Years' war. This fashion

was revived by the Romanticists at the same time when German-

istic studies were reviving together with the national spirit. Cp.

Heine's ^av.^vcijc : cr tnig l)evabl)diigcub laugcS §aar, ein ritterlid^ee

Savett, einen jcf)rDarjcn altbcutfcfjcu 9Jocf.

Page 47. — i. bcrliebt, here languishing. — 2. lia^ . . . toor,

that I had inwardly such a sensation of dark and light, i. e. through

his closed eye-lids.— 3. Come e bello, Italian, luie fd)bn cr ift


4. OUf . . . 9lnfunft, this to a happy arrival, supply lagt Un8 bit«

auf . . . triuteu !

Page 48. — 1. .^iubilteren, exultant singing, i.e. of the birds.

jfourtb Cbaptcr.

Page 49. — i. SRun KDe, cp. p. 2, n. 2.

2. ^lauf^rod, an easy coat of shaggy cloth, say : in a thick, green

woolen coat.

3. borlien ^crrn SRalcrn, cp. p. 14, n. 4.

4. bie . . • fiantien, which gave me a distinguished appearance ; cp.

p. 15, n. 5.

Page 50. — 1. Soil, i- e. H^utft^bOlf, as above, the coachman's


2. ijcnn . . . cln ; einf^irfdien, to give a call, to put up in a hotel, to

stopfor the night.

3. f • • . tkXtVi^f the sixteen horsehoofs in front of me became con-

fused and entangled like net-work, this way and that way and crosswise.

152 NOTES.

4. tdff . . . ittcrOtn^en, (^tai my eyes straightway grew dim again ;

at another place this phrase signifies tears started to my eyes, my eyes

grew dim with tears. Cp. Goethe's Faust, I. 2404, @retd)cne IHcb, bcr

Sonig oon S^ulc :—

%\t ^lugen gingcn il)m iibcr,

So oft cr tranf bavauy.

Page 51 . — 1. 2iroI a province of Austria, or rather an old

crown-land of the Hapsburg-dynasty, bordering on Italy.

2. i(^ . . . \\\, / shot . . . forward, a colloquial term for toornuber=


3. SHJclfl^lonfi, here Italy. The adj. tualfd) or ttJelfc^ orig. foreign,

then applied to Romanic nations, at present especially to France

and the French, but either in scornful or exalted language. Cp.

Webster's Dictionary under "Wales".

4. Soniborbei/ Lombardy, the north-eastern province of Italy,

east of Piedmont, with Milan as capital, named after the old Teutonic

tribe Langobardi, bte ?angobarbcn, who founded here a kingdom in

568 A. D., which was overthrown finally by Charlemagne in 774.

5. fo . • . ifontlllOiJitttt, with my accustomed case and comfort.

6. mit . . . ^aaren, with flying, uncombed hair.

7. itbcr^tePrmbeit, blouses, or smockfrocks, ^emben jum Ubevjie!)n

iibev ba8 Untcrjciig.

8. ^crrlcin,/<?/J, here, of course, ironical.

Page 52. — l. tOCnn . . . I^crborinac^t/ wheit he gets away at

lastfrom his fireside. Cp. Ofen^OCfcr, a stay-at-home.

2. ftUfl, more correctly, fvagte (part, gefragt). The pret. fvug is

very frequent in this novel ; it is formed by analogy to fd^lug, tvug,

from |cf)tagcn, tvagcn.

3. iet ScrBttore (Ital.), valet, servant.

4. tDCntl toir . . . '? more correctly, ttJautt . . . The Italian verb is

arrivare, to arrive, here when we had arrived ?

5. nad) 9iomo fe^«, = narf) 9tom gebn.

NOTES. 153

fi. fcin JtautlCrlOClfd), Jari:^on, broken lafiguas^e, gibberish.— faubem

is orig. a word imitative of the sounds of certain fowl, especially

of the turkey, /<? gobble, then if applied to man, to prattle ; A^'aubcr*

Welfd), hence, means strange, unintelligible Welsh (see p, 51, n. 3),

but in a broader sense any mixture of languages or a badly pro-

nounced foreign language.

Y. Parlez-vouz fran^ais? @prc(i)cn ®ic granjoftfc^ ?

8. tX • • gcnotnincn, he had taken his aim at me, or he had his

eye upon me oncefor all. ^WX is the bead or sight of a gun.

9. liarltcrten, cp. p. 14, n. 7.

10. ben • . • ^iSfurd, a conversation as confused as the talk of the

people at the erection of the tower of Babel after the confusion of


Page 53. — 1. |inffattm, step by step, deliberately, slowly.

2. tnu^te, may be rendered h^ presumably, or which he could heme

found only in . . .

3. \atiitv\t)Xi^itX(li, fash-like, fitfully, otherwise lit. heat-lightning.

Page 54. — 1. in8 ConiJ . . . cf. p. 10, n. i.

2. ift . . . an mir, it is my turn to.

3. §O^|)et)O0Cl= ber SBiebe^opf, hoopoe, Upupa Epops. The bird

is called so from his cry hupupup (Grimm).

Page 56. — 1- bur^ Si^)\\\ti\t\, by special orders, i. e. circular

letters sent out in former times to order post-horses in advance.

ffiftb Cbapter.

Page 57. ^ 1. beint bcftcn (?ffclt,/«J'' when I was in the middle

ofmy dinner.

Page 58. — l. tmi^tC . . . Cin, I knew neither how to get out

nor into (the matter), i. e. I was at my wit's end.

2. Si, si, Signer {^\.i\.'),yes,yes, sir.

154 NOTES.

3. liBcr . . ©tCin, over hedge and <//A//. — Richter, in 5)euUd)f

StcbcnSOVtcn, p. 145, says, by sticks were meant the stumps and roots

of trees which may be found on new roads, especially in woods


but the more general idea is that ©tod unb <Stctn refers to the

sticks and stones with which in old times deep tracks and mud-holes

in the roads were filled.— Notice the alliteration in ©tod unb

®tciu, a very common occurrence in such proverbial and popular

phrases, as id) rii^rtc unb rcgte mid) ni(^t, mil iKann unb iDianS,

Sinb unb iffgel.

4. llfl§ . . . Sinn, that would not get into my mind, that was not

at all to 7ny liking, i. e. this manner of riding.

Page 59. — 1. iitct . . . 92cttcret, at this queer way of riding.—

9ieiterct has here the sense of manner of riding, while in its concrete

sense it is cavalry.

2. fatttCtt ft^ • • •

fcame to view, appeared one after the other.

3. l^erunt^OCfte, were squatting about. . . .

Page 60. — 1. 9lun ®ott bcfo^Ien ! complete nun fci id) . . . or,

if addressed to another, UUU feieft bu . . . or fcteu tt)ir . . ., God be with

me {oxyou), may Heaven protect me. What case is Oott ?

2. fnaDte, i. e. mit ber 'iPeitjd)E, cracked his whip.

3. Aamtfol, a knit jacket, here used of woman's apparel; cp.

p. 34, n. I.

4. ©^niJUlCr, otherwise @d)nippel ((d)Uippeln, to whittle), a piece

cut or torn off, snip, shred, (or ribbon, bow).

Page 61. — 1. Unl) • • • SRute, and, to tell the truth, I had a

very uncannyfeeling.

2. SBQQflQC, from the French and pronounced 33ogo'fd)f.

3. aRonngbilli, cp. p. 7, n. i.

4. cin . • • S^lttmCt, a, lordly looking apartment, befitting the mas-

ter, not a servant.

Page 62. — 1. bie ttlte . . . 2l2unb(, kept on jabbering away

with her toothless mouth ; fortniol)Ien, to grind away, to con

NOTES. 155

tinue to grind ; cp. phrases like ft rebel Wie cine SRii^Ie, Wie cin


2. poverinO) poor dear, a term of endearment in Italian.

3. 34 • • • on, I tried to converse with her gallantly in allpossible


4. toetl • • . f(^tnetftf, because I ate with such a good appetite.

5. belifat, delicious. E. delicate= fein, yxxi ; cp. p. 46, n. i.

Page 63.— 1. benn t)OI^, emphatic adverbs, surely, of course,


2. angenagelt/ as if nailed on, as though fixed to the spot; cp. angCs

froren, angettiQci)fen, angeiuurjelt, etc.

3. felicissima UOtte^ Ital., happiest \\\^\., good-night.

4. al§ • • . fdltoiintine, thatfelt just like bathing in milk and honey.

This is quite an odd application of a well-known biblical passage


" unto a good land, and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and

honey" (Ex. in. 8).

Sijtb Cbapter.

Page 64.— 1. Xopetentftiir, arr</j door, portiere.

2. re^t ^eimlil^, quite cosy.

Page 66- — 1- il'ttputrotfor ^apu^enrod (^opujiner, Capuchin

monk), hooded gown. Such long, clerical-looking gowns were worn

by scholars, especially in Catholic countries and schools.

2. fonft fi^ bOJU, joined the company; cp. fid) t)Crau«fi:iben, fid)

in etttiag finben, etc.

Page 67. — l- unb fniff • . . JU, she blinked and winked at me

in such a sly manner ; Ineifen = 5iiDrucfen uiib rofd) TOxebev offnen.

2. C0 griff • • • iildngC, some one struck up. e§ = some unknown


Page 68. — 1. \itx}iaux\.\i^tn,enchatited, bewitched. The regular

] 5t) NOTES.

participle Dci'ttiuufc^t means cotifoundi'd, cnrsed, abominable, the form

Ufrttiunfd)en is of burlesque origin.

2. §eUer, in former times the smallest copper coin in most parts

of Germany, and worth about one-eighth of a cent. The name is de-

rived from the ancient townof Schwabisch-Hall in Southern Germany.

3. ^^ burfte . • Sid) ! all I I'ad to say, was : table, cover (spread)

thyself ! This is the title and subject of a well-known fairy-tale,

which is found also among Greek myths as one of the features

of the Golden Age. In the German tale the lucky owner of

the extraordinary table or table-cloth has only to pronounce those

magic words: 2ifd)lciii, bed bid)! and the choicest food will im-

mediately be served on it. Therefore the phrase cv l)at eill „2;ifc^lein

beef bic^" im §aufe signifies that every wish of that person meets with

fulfilment. — ^^arntcfanfafc, Pai-mcsau cheese, originally so called from

the city of Parma in Italy.

4. i^ . . . tOOl^Ifdimeifen, lit. I allowed it to delight me, I enjoyed

the delicious things, I did allJustice to . . .

5. lOOl^If perchance.

fi. .^a|iutro(f, cp. p. 66, n. I.

7. biC (SliellCr • • ©tlcnfen, my limbs fclt fairly out of Joint in

consequence of this everlasting idleness, i. e. he commenced to lose his

alertness for want of exercise.

8. fonfl . • • OUSgcRorbcn, as if all the people had died away, as

silent as the grave. Cp. Goethe, "Hermann und Dorothea," I. 2: 3fi

bod) bie @tabt trie gefcl)rt, une auSgeftorben.

Page 69. — l. Don . • . ^OnftttCrfSburf^en, A^w an itinerant

mechanic. In former times mechanics and journeymen who

expected to become masters in their trades were obliged by the

guild-statutes to work abroad for a period of two or three years.

In consequence of the many temptations associated with this unsettled

life, many of these wandering mechanics developed into loafers and

to-day eill rcifenbev .S^anbtDerfSlnufd) is equivalent to tramp.

2. ffiriift' bid) = «ott griifee bidi.

NOTES. 157

Page 70. — 1- bei tern §crrn . ., see p. 14, n. 4.

2. tit Slugen • . tiber, cp. p. 50, n. 4.

3. bic • • • anf^tnunjf ItC, vjAo sinirked at me again horribly, as has

been described above.

Page 7


. — 1. mit, too, see p. 2, n. I.

2. f!icR . . • 0U8, auSftofeeil in this sense, to pour down.

3. unit tDOUte, ivas about or started to . . .

4. Itic^t §U foul, not wishing to remain behindhand, see p. 3, n. 4.

5. fu§elte> moved his feet, used his feet.

Page 72.— l. tnic ein 93afltidf/ w/V// an evil, malicious look.

53afili§f is a mythical beast, a sort of dragon, whose glance kills.

Cp. the phrases 33afiti«fciibli(f, 33a[ilisfcnauge.

Page 73. — 1. ftfnn • . • Cin, the7-e suddenly came to my re-

membrance all those horrible tales.— SnorDgcfc^il^te, tale of murder,

horrible tale ; the term is often used for cheap, trashy novels.

2. e8, see p. 67, n. 2.

Page 74.— 1. f^nurrte, more commonly fdjiuirte, f(^lurfte,

jd^tiirftC, shuffled down.

2. bamit • . l^abett, to have easy work of it; cp. p. 6, n. i. fommobe

= bequem.— VAQ\^txit, gnawed ; commonly fnufpern.

Page 75. — 1. aufplumptr, struck the ground, fell plump

to the ground, as anything heavy and ungainly, a filled bag or the


2. bad . • . fniflerte, lit. that it crackled in my skull, i. e. that I saw


Page 76. — 1. Idio . . . furore, Iddio or Idio, God, Heaven ;

cuore (cor), heart ; amore, /Wc; furore, rage. These Italian words, if

properly connected, would mean that the student assured our hero in

the name of Heaven of the mad love in his heart. How he came to feel

love for our Taugenichts will become plain toward the close of the

story. He was considered a disguised girl, hence all these strange

158 NOTES.

actions of the people in the castle, who were ordered to keep good

watch over her or, rather, him.

2. 2BinfiIid)t, aBinbfacfcI, torch.

Seventh Cbapter.

Page 78. — 1. bie gfrou SJenud, cp. p. 14, n. 4.

2. i^ . . . onfci^tcn, cp. p. 16, n. 4.

Page 79. — 1. wclf^c, cp. p. 51, n. 3.

2. fiifteln, cp. p. 71, n. 5.

Page SO. — 1. Solowftett/ cp. p. 7, n. 3.

2. eS rii^rte • • •, cp. onthe alliteration, p. 58, n. 3.

3. (ll8 ob • . • tOOUtcn, as though they 7uished to make sport of me,

to rally me. — fiim (colloquial) = fiiv cinen, otherwise gum ^Jiartcn


Page 81. — 1. 0l5 hJttrC • . • UnktnO^nt, had been uninhabited

for years.— In German the present is used to denote some action

or state that has been going on for some time past and is still so at

present; \iQi^ S^OiXi.^ ift jeit 3ill)Ven unbcit)ol)nt, has been uninhabited

for years ; ber ^'iiabe ge^t jeit mc'^vcven 2Bod)cn in bie ®c^iile, has

been going to . . . When, therefore, in such sentences, the German has

the preterit, the English requires the plup., as in the present in-

stance. Cp. also id) tt)o^nte feit brei 3al)ren in S5edin, ol8 bie

@tabtba^n gebant WUrbc, / had been living in B. for three years,

zuhen . . .

2. geflrig/ of yesterday, of the previous night.— Such adj. are of

quite modern production and easily formed, as l^eutig, ^eurig, ^ieftg,

bortig, baftg, morgig, etc., all derived from adverbs denoting time or


3. Eichendorff makes use of an old popular ditty :—

SSenn id) ctn iSogkin tour'

llnb au^ jiuci fjliigleiu l)att',

NOTES. 159

SflSfl' ii) ju Dir.

2BeiI§ abcr ni(^t fann fcin,

Sleib' i(ft Qtll)icr.

33in xi) Qleii) roeit con bir ("though I un . . .),

Sin t(^ bo(6 im Sraum bei bir

Unb rcb' mit bir.

2Benn i(6 crroac^cn tt)u',

Sin i^ attoin.

6s jjergct)! tcine Stunb' in ber 'Slaifi,

2a ni(^t mcin §er} erroac^t

Unb an bicf) gebcnft,

^Ea^ bu mir tiel taufcnbmal

iTein ^crje gcfd)cntt.

4. The third line, unb and] gjcei gliigleiit ^dtt', is still dependent

upon the conj. Uienn in the first line.

Page 82. — i. (Sntt toiflfommcn, complete fci Oott »t)ia!om=

men,— @Ott is the dat., God bless you.

2. tnO§ . • . SROin, lohat are yoii doing in Rotne, I wonder; etlUaS,

(etne @ad)e, u. j. Xo.) trcibeu, to be employed with, to pursue, study, etc.,

often with a tinge of jest or irony.

3. i^ . . . ^erutn^ / am trarnping about a little ; fid) l)crumtreibcn,

to lead a vagrant life, to loaf. To give this play on words, we may

perhaps translate : what are you carrying on here in Rome, I

wonder, and the answer, / am carrying myselfaround a little to see

the world.

4. ®o fo ! . . . 3Retter, is that so? . . . ein is here = ein unb bo6=

fetbc, eben baefelbe, one and the same.

5. alfo ein 2Fla(er, alio feib 3br ci" nJJaler, ok, you're an artist,

I see. — fid . . . ein, the verb is sing., which is often the case with

more than one subj., if the verb precedes the latter; cp. also

p. 73, n. I.

6. Jo . • abfonterfeicn, make aportrait of. The verb is of French-

160 NOTES.

Latin origin (L. contrafacere). Cp. Engl, counterfeit ; in a diiferent

sense, taS .fontcrfci only = 33ilb, 5lbbilb, Sbenbilb.

7. bttS . . . gcfntlcn, I allowed that to please me, /assented gladly,

Iagreed to that with pleasure. Cp. p. 68, n. 4.

8. foilfufcr, crooked, winding, running in all directions.

Page 83. — i. tocnn . • . I^iitte, a popular phrase, alle« Uegt

OoH, every space lies full, filled up ; so in this case : if the entirefloor

had not been covered with all kinds of things.

2. grO^C • • • braut^t, large scaffolds, as those used in picking pears.

He refers, of course, to the easels, which he has never seen before,

they make him think of step-ladders, jjum 2lbncl)mcn bcr ^iriicii.

3. cin . . • fdltntcren, spread butter on some slices of bread; Die

©dnutte, slice, bcr @d)nttt, cut.

t. ^Crumraf^Cln, generally to rustle in, here to runnnage in.

Page 84. — 1. SBiuot. . ., long live, hurrah for I— fii^lgruneS

= tiil)le6 unb gviilie^, cool and green ; cp. p. 26, n. 3.

2. i(^ . . . 93ef(^eil), I made response politely, i. e. by joining him

or following him in drinking; say, I responded politely, ox Ipledgedhim


3. fommt . • . Seute^ comes . . . somewhat among the people, pres.

here instead of fut. : will come to be known (or familiar) to the people.

Page 85. — i. SutterfioDc, 25utterbetnnif, etc., provincial-

isms, sandwich.

2. bcfo!^ tnir . . ., such an ethical dat. cannot be translated. Thus

also er bcftcl)t fid) bie @tabt. Burger : 3d) tobe mir mein .'Bovfd)en l)ier.

Latin: salve mihi, quid mihi Tullius agit.

3. SBarum nil^t gor. Why, what an idea !

4. Leonardo da Vinci (15th century), a celebrated Italian

master whose most famous picture. The Last Supper, is in Milan.

Guido Reni (i6th and 17th century), another Italian painter of

renown. His masterpieces are : Mater Dolorosa, Ecce Homo, Peni-

tent Magdalen.



Page 86. — i. mit ^ftrafiofl, i>y special mail-coach, thus ©rtro

jug, special train.

2. JlCr SBonibcntOdgen, the bomb-wagon, i. e. the confounded coach.

Cp. ein 33ombenfcrI, capital fellow, but somewhat ironical. — ^0^Sombeit iiilb Oranateil, bombs and shells, an exclamation of surprise,

wonder, etc.; thus also .Jfanoneuted, ifanoneinnageii.

3. crfi, at last.

-t. bic . . . lafTen, who has caused herself to inquire, i. e. who has

been making inquiries about . . .

Eigbtb ^Ibapter.

Page 88. — l. itavuffcn, from French carrosse, ^Utfd)e, here


2. tnie audgejtorlien, cp. p. 68, n. s.

Page 89. — 1. Ittuter, cp. p. 8, n. 3.

2. @ebauer, a coll. noun formed from baS 58auer= ber ^dfig.

®ebauei" is a provincialism.

3. furfante, rascal, scoundrel (Italian).

4. jc . • . loS, the more he rattled {Jabbered ) on at vie in Italian. —gurgeln, utter deep, guttural sounds from bie ®urge(, throat ; beftO

might stand for the second jc.

Page 90. — 1- tD08 • • • Hit, what mad things are you beginning

now again ? what new madness ofyours is this now ?

2. id) toatte f^On, for this use of the present, cp. p. 8l, n. i.

3. gritntlCrtOai^len, overgrown by green (branches or vines),


Page 9 1 . — 1. fl^On . • • ^Otte, had broken off some time ago,

finished abruptly, a colloquial term ; bie S^iir abfd)nappeu, to snap off,

to shut suddenly.

2. l^ableau, French tableaux vivants, lebenbe Silber, a scene or

picture represented by living persons; you are rushing right into the

162 NOTES.

ingenious representation . . .— t^tX ftltfle ^offtnantl, the late Mr.

Hoffmann. The author referred to is Ernst Th. A. Hoffmann,

1776-1822, poet, musician, artist, jurist. He died in Berlin, as a

judge of the Supreme Court of Prussia ; an eccentric, phantastic

man, in every-day-life as well as in his literary and artistic produc-

tions; a prominent follower of the Romantic school. Cp. p. 15,

n. 3, for feltg. — 3frauent0f(^CnbU(^ fiir 1816, Woman's Almanac

/or 1816, or almanacfor women . . ., an annual publication edited by

Fr. de la Motte-Fouque, the author of Undine, and the poet Friedrich

Riickert, during the years from 1815-1831, and containing poems,

stories and essays.

3. Hummel,—(Johann Erdmann) 1769-1852— not to be confounded

with the musician, painted in 1814, for the exhibition of the Berlin

Academy, a picture with the title, "Die Gesellschaft in einer romi-

schen Lokanda," on which Hoffmann founded one of his stories, 3)ie

^ermate. The tableau described in the text was meant for a repro-

duction of this picture as described by Hoffmann in the ^Jrautlt'

tafc^enbud)" for 18 16.

4. 81^ tOOj ! . . .never mind, ox: pshaw ; complete ad), ttJttS get)t

mic^ bag on, or tt)oS frage ic^ banad), what do Icarefor ... — mit . . •

Saillcau9, let me alone with your tableaux of tableaux; complete ge^t

mit ... or lafet mid) gufrieben mit . .


5. lin (rittfl^e, • • • S^dl^e ^Ot, you critical {fastidious, particu-

lar) soul, who seeks but thegleam of silver in the art ofpainting and but

the golden thread in the art of poetry, and who have no sweetheart, but

only a lot of valuable admirers. The sense is : you are fond of artists

and poets only for the sake of their silver and gold, and you do not

care for true love.

6. ^infitro, antiquated form for l)tnfiir, fiirberl)iii, in 3"I"ntt»

henceforth.— onftott • • • %m\t\i, instead of an honestfool ofapainter


^illfcl, lit. brush, is a colloquial term for simpleton, fool, dupe.

Page 92. — 1. einen . 9la{e, an old duke with a whole dia-

mond (or ruby) mine on his nose. — Sniinjgmbe, lit. a mine of money.

NOTES. 163

2. angejettelt, plotted, contrived. — ^ettel and ailJCtteht give

opportunity for making a pun.

3. tier 2Bif^, that wretched note.

4. i^r SRduI^en, her tongue.

5. urn bt$ = urn beinetitnllen, btinctttJegcn.

Page 93. — 1. aWomfeO, cp. p. 38, n. 4.

2. Um Ootteflluinen . . .,for Goodness' sake.

3. Sl^enta, subject, object, purpose ; a Greek word.

4. eigCntlil^, really.

5. gcrit . . . mttmai^te, liked to join in everything, was in for any-

thing,for anyfun.

6. flanfterte • . ., from bie J^lanfe, a military term, then ^crumfIon»

fieren, to stalk or stride about.

7. cinen . . ., cp. p. 51, n. 3.

Page 04. — 1. Ctn . . dinfaQ, an excellent idea, a delightful


2. bolt Sen ^iinflen, this form is quite unusual ; we rather expect

the poss. case tenner ber ^iinfle.

3. um . . . ^iberttffeinent, to arrange a rustic entertainment


from French divertir, to divert.

4. f^Iug . . . %VL^t^, fairly quavered with his feet, i. e. he moved

his feet as rapidly up and down as the voice is changed in trilling.

5. gef^eut, usually and more correctly gejc^ett, = flug, toerniiiiftig,

rational, sensible.

6. mir • • • 6(tlie, my heart leapedforjoy.

Page 95. — 1. rej^t ortifle ^tguren, cut gracefulfigures, cut up

gracefully ; cp. p. 22, n, i.

2. io . . . 5in, rather careless, instead of biS ba^in kDaretl e8 itod^ . .


More generally ^in fein, to be gone, to have passed by, but not in this

case, where the translation should be there were still a couple oftedious

hours to pass up to that time.

Page 96. — l. lute feftr, however much . . .

164 NOTES.

2. fie . . . jure^t, she soon learned {found out, knew how) to manage

the instrument with . . .

3. tOflS • • • aU^tld^tn, which sounded very pleasing, which was ex-

ceedingly delightfulin . . . — fic^ auSne^men, to distinguish one's self, to

show well.

Page 97. — i. riitfte an, pulled.

2. bte !!Rotat, morality, good morals, moralizing.— tOCntt • • • QC^tt^

when the virtues are on the decline, are running short. The expres-

sion is ironical or cynical ; he wishes to infer : people fall to moralizing

when the means for dissipation have been taken away from them. In

this speech we must bear in mind that the young artist is pur-

posely made to speak without connection.

3. Jtt • • • JU fu^tetlf to bring home to your mind, or to impress upon

your mind some points of morality.

4. liber • • • ifl, fast its prime ; iibcr . . . f)tnau8, lit. beyond.

Page 98. - 1 Jionliftrcidicr and bie ©eige Prei^fl, a pun which,

however, is lost in translation.

2. i(^ . . . @CntC, I consideryou a genius without employment ; cp.

p. 45, n. 3 and 4. The followers of the Romantic school wished

to be eccentric.

3. (Be'^e . • • IKeticr, go into yourself, i. e. examine yourself well,

repent. For SJietlcr cp. p. 17, n. i.

4. nill^en • • • tOentg, care as littlefor the woi-ld as it does for us ;

the idiom is ic^ macf)e mir »iel, (nicfit§, hjenicj) ait« ctnia«.

5. mit wnfern <StcIienmciIenfltcfeIn, with our sei'oi-ieague boots.

These are a well-known means for rapid transit in fairy tales. Cp.

Chamisso's '|>ctcr @d[)temi^I, Chap. IX., and Grimm's SJJar^en.

6. breitflCfprcijtC (brett + Ipvei^cn), widely straddling, strutting

and boasting.

7. Piazza del Popolo, People's place, a public square in Rome.

8. Siifulum, Lat. saeculum = 'ii(xi 3al)rl)uubevt. — mtt toill, = mit.

cje^en ttiU. The idea is, perhaps : we are pulled back to earth out of

NOTES. 165

our dreams of freedom and future happiness by the prosaic people

around us.

9. crfl, then.

Page 99. — l. an bem iRcficngCldnDer, alongside the vineyards

which were sloping down terrace-like ; bae ©clcillbcr, lit. trellis.

Page 1 00. — 1. einc . • • ^Pifc, a specialpique.

2. titS • . . (9fntf, that dissipated genius.

Page 1 O 1 . — 1 |5ouI6ctt^en, ottoman, lounge; French, chaise-


2. Do^ . . . fltnfj, cp. p. iS, n. 3.

3. Slttmcnftuil,= '^\\X\\\t\\\iiZ\.,Jloiver-bed, to be distinguished from

iBliimcnftocf, a single specimen of a potted plant, ^yinnienftiicf may

also be a flower-piece in painting or drawing.

4. bcr fiongc nod), cp. p. 22, n. 2.

Page 1 02. — 1. fO . • • f^on, quite so beautiful as to frighten a

person, of awe-inspiring beauty.

2. ba^ . . . tnu^te, that I did not know where to leave myself for

reverence, that out of reverence I did not know what to do.

3. unb • . . jU, slammed the door right in my face.— juf^metftcn, a

colloquial term for juiuevfen, with a greater degree of impatience or


Page 1 03.— 1. OUd) ftftOn . . • %\^\%at last Ibecame spiteful, too.

2. JUm 2eufel, hang it, curse it.

3. bie ifl jo . • ., for the use of the Present, cp. p. 81, n. i.

4. mit • • ^mour = I'iebe, from the French, but rather contemp-

tuously infatuation, passion. — Foreign words have often experienced

a deterioration of meaning, thus compare ^affiotl and ?eibcnjd)aft,

penchant a.nd passion, iid) amufieveti and fid) unterljaUen, ^piaiftr and

SSergniigcn, 3lmour and ?icbe, etc. This fact shows the innate aver-

sion to the introduction of foreign words, if uncalled for.

5. abtV Soft bu . . ., supply as governing sentence a phrase as

nimm bic^ in %6)t, bag . . ., take care that . . .

166 NOTES.

6. fatfein, orig. bum like a torch, hence flickeringly, unsteadily,

and then in a fig. sense, to be unsteady in one's determination, to

waver, loiter, in this case, she was not at a loss what to do.

7. muttcrfeclenftflctn, alone with mother's soul or spirit, i. e. quite

alone, utterly alone andforsaken.

8. inir, in my eyes, in my opinion, when he felt happy.

Page 1 04. — 1. in • . . gefaUen, had fallen into the well, i. e.

had ended in smoke, as in German JU 9xauc^ obcr SBaffcr ttjerben.

IRintb Cbapter.

Page 1 05. — 1. ftic trcucn Serge, i- e. bie ofterreid)tf(i)eii Stlpen.

2. tit gonje 9iuntl^ the whole country round.

3. JOoglcin jort = jarte Sogtcin. This position of the modifying

adj. after the noun is now obsolete, except in poetical or purposely

antiquated diction.

4. nat^ Santiedart, i- e. noc^ ber %xi jeincs ?anbc§, jciite§ ?aiibe8 =Ofterveti^S, in l)ctmatUc^ei- 2trt.

5. ber Stcp^anSturm, = bcr Surm »ou @t. ©tep'^ait. St. Stephen's

Cathedral, of pure Gothic style, is the principal church edifice in

Vienna, the Austrian capital. He sees it, of course, only in his imagin-


6. JBttJot Dfireij^, cp. p. 26, n. 3.

Page 1 06. — 1. Srei{lU^er« three-cornered or cocked hat, also

called ©reimaftcr, 2?reift)ife.

2. 3t^, ni^t foul, see p. 3, n. 4 and p. 71 n. 4.

3. SBouSbOlICIt = '^auSbadcn, puffed out cheeks.

4. ctn SBiotitum, from Latin via, ber SBeg, = SBegjc^ntng, Steife-

getb, JRcijeunterftu^ung, 9{eifcpfennig, provision for a journey, some

little money to help us along.

5. brtnflt . . . "^eutjutogc, bie25ioUneorba«SSioUnfpieIeu

. . . that does not yield much nowadays.

NOTES. 167

6. bo • • • \t^iX, brass ittstrumentspay better, ifanything. Slaftltbf,

lit. blowing = which are blown = Slaeinflrumente, S3Ic(^muftf,

wind-instruments. The adv. \6)QTX signifies an English phrase like if

any (pay).

7. fo fine §errf(ftoft, some suck noblefolks.

8. einc floOtttion, lunch, repast.

Page 1 07. 1- iiticreinoniier gelegte . . ., placed above each

other, i. e. sandwich, consisting of two slices. Cp. p. 83, n. 3.

2. SretsHRiinnersSBein, three mens wine. There is a story

about wine grown in Prussian Silesia. Among the funny names

given to the different and equally bad kinds is one called 2)rei=

mdnnerttJeill, and the explanation for the term is that the wine is so

sour that two men have to hold down with their hands the third

one who is drinking, in order to check his spasms or outbreaks of


3. ^teflgCd (^CtOiid)^, native product, home-grown : cp. p. Si, n. 2.

4. S^ubfad, realise, portmanteau, knapsack, a bag which is used to

shove ()d)iebcn, fci)ub, |d)ob) things into, or which may be shoved into

some other place, in a coach, under the seats and the like. (©d)Ublacf

may also denote the large side-pocket in a great-coat.

5. nO$ JJCr ^difcr • . ., upon which the emperor could still be seen

infull imperial robes. This adv. noc^ has here a certain significance

as indicating the age of the chart, for the office of the German

emperor ended with the dissolution of the empire in 1806, and as this

story is supposed to take place after 1816 (cp. chap. 8, p. 91) the map

was quite obsolete and of little use, considering the changes that had

taken place in Germany and Austria within the decade from 1806-1816.

This novel was published in 1826.

6. yinj, the capital of the province of Upper-Austria, and

situated on the Danube above Vienna.

Page 108.— 1. Station. The term frete Station is a busi-

ness-term meaning usually board and lodging free, ox all found, e. g.

168 NOTES.

ein §au8lel)rcr mirb gefuci)t mit cinem ®el)alt »on 600 SD^iar! unb ftcUr

©tattOlt, roanted, a private tutor with a salary 0/600 marks and his

board and lodging.

2. bit • • • btiilft, where the shoe pinches, i. e. they know best our

weak points {foibles). An old adage says : Scber Wetj] am beften fetbfi,

tt)0 il)n ber ®d)U^ briitft, i. e. where he is most vulnerable.

3. tia9 mo^t • • ., supply 'ba'ii i>u jo rebcfl, baS mad)t, . . .,you talk

so because you have no ambition or self-esteem. The phrase boS HlOC^t

frequently means the reason or cause is. — point d'honneur, French,

lit. point of honor.

4. Odi • • • arceo, Horace, Odes, III. 1,1: " / loathe the vulgar

crowd and keep them at a distance," the Latin poet says,

5. ClericuS . . . decimat, clergymen do not tax (assess) each other,

i. e. do not beg or take money from each other.

6. tnt j^arldbabe, generally called farlSbab and treated as a

proper name without article and endings of decl., except in the gen.

Sarl§bab§; a famous watering-place in Bohemia. — belt 2(19, i- e. the

first day of the new term.

7. 3a,distinglienduin . . . bovi, that is all very well, but there is a

difference (between professors and students) ; what Jove may do, does

not behoove an ox : though professors may come in late, students may

not do it.

8. SPtOfler Stubenten, students of the University at Prague. For

the form ^ragcr cp. p. 91, n. 3.

9. cilt Stulltcrter/ a literary man, man of letters, here student or

scholar. Such an employment of the past part, of trans, verbs is

quite exceptional, because, ^as a rule, its nature is that of the

passive, as fin ®elcf)vtcr, eiil gcpviifter ^Irjt, one who has been taught,

examined. In such forms, however, as tin @ef(^>t)orencr, cill 2Iu8»

gclcrnter, eitt ©ereijtcv, etc., the part, has an active sense, o>ie who has

sworn, learned, travelled, and possesses the nature of an adj., eiu

©tubiertcr, one who has studied, a scholarly man.

NOTES. 169

10. Aurora . . . arnica, nJiorgcnilunbe l)at @olb im SDhnibe, morn-

ing is the best hourfor study, lit. Aurora is the friend of the muses.

Page 1 09. — 1. ^oQCDtum, lecture room, also lecture itself

,toIIegicn^au6, lecture-hall, ^oUcgiengelb, lecture-fee, ^oUcgicn^eft, note-

book in which the lectures are copied.

2. bei iien i^apUJtncrn, at the Capuchm convent to the Father

Cook. Cp. similar phrases : ei* ifjt bei mtr ju SJiittog, cr !ommt bei

mir JU S3efud^.

3. tin . . . iKtnQ^, w^ do not care, it's all the same to us. The idiom

is : er fvagt Oiel, nid)t8, \t\)x menig, etc., banad), iiad) einer ^a&jt, lit. he

asks about something much, etc. = he cares much, etc.,for it.

4. <Ste^t ter §crr is a question addressed in the 3d person (cp.

p. 3, n. 3) = fel)t 3'^r? or fe^en @ic? do you see? or look!

Page 1 1 O. — 1- Unil . . . f^tXam^tlQ^tn, and through the open-

ing is heard the clattering of the dishes, and the odor of the roast

mingles with the joyful melodies. — fomtttt ^crauSgepgen, lit. comes

floating out into . . .

2. bic ^riiuleittS^ the youngladies ; for this plur. form cp. p. 42,

n. I.

3. la^t . . . re^icticrcn, may the others review their text-books and

notes. The plur. Sompeitbien from ^ompenbium, as @tubien from

©tubium corresponding to the Lat. plur. compendia, studia.

4. au§ UnS . . . fterlS, it is we who will provejust the rightfellows


5. ba^ • . . mii^te^ so that the clodhoppers belotu feel as if their

hearts would break with edification and contrition. — To ^itollflnf cp.

P- 34. n. 3.

Page 1 1 1 . — 1. unb . . . eilt, atid was practicing a difficult


2. t)a§ . . . gtng, that it was agonizing to listen to ; cp. p. 18, n. 3.

(Sinem takes the place of the dative to the indef. pron. man.

3. \Xi!^^, agreed, hallo,found! or all right! The form tOp)3 orig.

is a French verb,yV tope, I agree, accept, i. e. a challenge, as in betting

170 NOTES.

or the like ; then in general an ejaculation implying acceptance and

agreement to the terms proposed.

4. (SontltdCt^el0, fdlcnv-stude7its, from medieval Latin condiscipuli,

SDtitft^iilcr, with the colloquial ending -8 in the plural. Cp. p. 42,

n. I.

5. J^eibeSbef^affenl^ett = 33efd)affen^cit bc8 ?eibe8, condition, state

of body, i. e. in this case, stature.

Page 112.— 1. Gngloniier, a thoroughbred English horse,

33oUblut. Cp. p. 91, n. 3.

2. ft^nttllte mtt ber SReitgertC, cracked his whip. Notice the dif-

ference between the German and the English idioms.

3. mtt . • urn bic 2Bette, vying in speed with . . ., lit. for a wager

with . . .

Page 1 1 3. — 1. 93ef0n&erS Obct • . . DOr, most of their em-

barrassment {constraint), however^ was owing to the presence of . . .— ft(^

gentevcn tior ; French se gener; to constrain one's self, to feel em-

barrassment on account of.

2. A proverb says: 2)en SBogel erfennt man an feinen J^ebern,

meaning in this case : he soon found out, from their appearance and

dress, what these young men really were.

Page 1 14. — 1. ou8 bem Ufcrgriin = aiis ben griinen Ufern.

2. §err ludi magister, = §err ©pielmeifter, my musicalfriend.

3. Suttcrf^nitte, cp. p. 83, n. 3.

4. ^Utteral, case.

5. bor . . - ^ebOttOn, because of their great reverence or respect.

The term 2)ct)Otion is somewhat different from the English in its

general sense. The German 2)etootion is reverence, respect, submis-

siviness, in the latter sense touching the English devotion =: ^nbad^t,

(Srgebung, (2vgcbenl)cit.

6. S^ndbcl^en, cp. 38, n. 2.

Page 1 15. — 1. in jfonbttion fomtne, that she was, for the

first time, entering upon a situation away frotn home.

NOTES. 171

2. .^agbitl^er, hunter's cup, focket-cup, folding-cup, a cup so

arranged in shape, weight and size as fit to be taken along easily on a

hunt or trip.

3. mit bci)enflid)cn • • ., cp. p. i6, n. 3.

4. 6tO. ^O^tDitrben, your reverence, a title of clergymen ; cp. p.

3, n. 5 for the form Stt>.

Page 1 1 6. — 1. ft^ j^erumtreibt, cp. p. S2, n. 3.

2. })oRotim, cp. p. 53, n. I.

3. auf grogent 3U§, in great style, or on a large scale.

4. hct • • . tliet§, who knows very well how to economize with his

money; 511 9iate fallen, lit. to take to counsel . . .

5. %.6\ id. Oh dear: why, yes: to be sure.

6. unb . • . fiCr^Uflfte, still unable to control his laughter until he

finallyfell into a violentfit o/'coughing.— fic^ gehcn, to yield, to surren-

der; |id) gu yute or jufriebcn geben, to compose one's self to calm down.—The prefix Der= in fid) tierl)u[ten, fid) »ertd)Iucfeii, ftc^ oev^bren, etc.,

indicates a change contrary to our wishes or intentions.

7. lldS . . . leben, long live the bridal couple, three cheers for . . .

Cp. note to „3>iDat", p. 26, n. 3.

8. toegett . . ., on accotmt of those affairs {doings) in Rome. —(Seic^id)te here = event, things, mess.

9. gut tOCtben, with dat. pers., to grow fond of lave, like; while

gut gegcn einen feiii, to be good to one, to treat well.

Page 1 1 7. — 1- JUm SBolct, for their farewell, from Latin

vale, lebe roo^t


2. ?H)e . . • 99teite, good-bye, Prague, in thy length and width, i. e.

as far as you extend ; to 2lbc cp. p. 2, n. 2.

3. Et . . . fornaceni,/^<?f<? and happiness to him who sits at his

own fireside. The refrains to this song are furnished by an old

Latin students' song of the middle ages, a specimen of the so-called

poetry of the travelling scholastics, bie fnbrciiben Sd)ii(er.

Page 1 18. — 1. genung, a nasalized dialectical form, instead

of the more general form gmug.

1 72 NOTES.

'i. Uitt tin Jtleince, supply @tucf ^eit, a/Ur a liUle while.

3. Venit . . . homO) that blessed man steps out of his house.

4. SBoreoS= 9Jorbtt)inb, the ancient god of the cold winds.

ttentb Chapter.

Page 1 1 9. — 1. l>o5 ©eboucr, cp. p. 89, n. 2.

2. Bci bcr gfrOU 2Btrttn, at the imt whose hostess I had recommended

to her. For the use of bci cp. p. 109, n. 2.— '^xo.M 3Sirtin (masc. §err

2Birt). Aside from widows keeping inns on their own account, it is

often the case that the management of the hostelry is left, in a large

degree, to the women, while their husbands or grown sons look after

the farm, store, or other business which they may have. Cp. Uhland's

well-known popular song: fj^tx SBirtin Sbc^tevleiii:"

„6§ jogen brei Surjdie n)ol)l ubcr ben iWlieiu,

Sei cinct gfrau SCBirtin \>q. fcl)rtcn fie eiii," u. \. id.

3. ^errfc^oftltt^, cp. p. 14, n. i.

Page 120.— 1. ^li!^tV^Xii^,\i&xe. ledger, account-book, ci&.tdL.?C(.

another place 9ied)nung§bU(^ (p. 29) ; 9ted)enbud) otherwise == a text-

book on Arithmetic.

2. cin $uftcn, such sweet scents. For ^ubUteten cp. p. 48, n. i.

Page 1 2 1 . — 1. tocttcrleui^tcnii, cp. p. 53, n. 3.

2. om S^ltJOncnteil^, at the lake with the sicans, ein %n6) mil

@d)>Bdnen. ®d)ttian is now of a mixed decl. or strong dec!., gen. beg

©c^rcanrn or be§ ©c^roaneg, pi. bie ©c^iDaiie ; at former stages of the

language it was of the weak decl., hence the form ®d)ft)anen, as the

old gen. pi. in compositions.

Page 1 22. — 1. icn ^ungfernfranj, bridal wreath, cp. Schil-

ler's „'3)a« ?ieb »on ber ©lode":

fiieblid) in ber Srdute Sorfcn Lovely round the bride's locks clinging

©piclt ber junflfraulidie ^ranj. Plays the virgin coronal.

NOTES. 173

Page 1 23. — l- iJCr 3fwifd)U^ ^"^e free-archer, i. e. one who

employs charmed bullets) is a famous opera by Carl Maria von

Weber (1786-1826).

2. bte (9cfd)i(^tf, cp. p. 116, n. 8.

3. bariibcr • • • Cinig, in regard to this point all learned men agree.

This is a ban mot, stated, however, as a rule, negatively,— 2)ariiber ftub

ftd^ bie ®clef)rtcu nod) nid)t einig, with the general import, that is still a

matter of doubt. Its origin dates back as far as Horace's "Ars

poetica," V. 78.

4. ip^ontttft, dreamer.

5. 9lrfatlien, Arcadia, in myth and fiction the genuine home, the

paradise of the poets ; cp. the Latin proverb et ego in Arcadia and the

first lines of Schiller's well-known poem „9?eftgnation":

?(udE) itfi tuar in 'Jlrfabien oeborcn. And I, too, was amidst Arcadia born,

?lu(ft mir {)at bie DJatur And nature seemed to woo me,

?ln mciner 2Biege fjreube juge^ And to my cradle such sweet joys

f^rooren . . . were sworn . . .

6. in . • . 93ogen, in so much the more graceful (or in all the more

graceful) curves.

Page 1 24. — 1. Jer S^olar, robe, cloak.

2. unb toie • • • rumortct, lit. and however much : and in spite

of all your wincing andfiddling and blustering.

3. fefltitlfett, lit. move till it is fast, i. q. fasten, arrange ; cp. p. i,

n. 3, for the use of the adj.

Page 1 25. — 1. no^ gonj fier 9nte, still the old one entirely,

i. Q.just the same as he always was, he is the same as ever.

2. O^nC . . . Seifl^moif, generally S3eigefd)macf, without all foreign

tinge, or tang.

3. Ober nein, bt4t, dear me .' or, I declare, cp. p. 17, n. i.

4. unii . . . gcben, cp. p. 116, n. 6.

5. modjte • . . nil^t, did not dare to.

C. fonfi • • • OctoirrC, else there will be a renewal of the gossiping

and confusion. Present used for future.

174 NOTES.

Page 1 26. — l- tOUnbere • • . 0U8, and have all your wonder-

ing done with all possible speed. — fid) aiiewiiubcrn, aufettJCinen, 0U8»

tBac^fcn, to wonder, cry, grow to a finish.

2. OUSfd^itttelf}, lit. shake out, spread, give rise to.

3. fO(^t, cp. p. 14, n. 6.

4. llariifier • • • ttagtgcn, meanwhile there . . . and offers to her his

heart with much display of eloquence and boastful pomp, and wants

hers in return. — $roIoge, 2rOtn|ieten unb iPaufen, lit. prologues,

trumpets and kettle-drums = with much eclat, show. Cp. p. 26,

1. 24 : jo ualjm [ie . . ., unter Srompeten unb ^oufen fc^neU i^rcn


5. ber ^Cmanb, that somebody.

6. initgefpiclt/ well, you have played in one, ox,you have been acting

a part in one anyway.

7. fl^ iltg SJIittcl legcn, to interfere.

8. 3d) fc^toong, a purposely high-sounding and poetical phrase-

ology, as in Schiller's „9titter Soggeitburg":

. . . %xt\\. fie I)cftiQ in bie ?lrine,

8ftroingt fit^ auf fein iRo|.

Page 1 27. — 1. Dor bcm • . • f^Iieffl, in front of which you

kept, I mean to say slept watch to such perfection.

2. out • • ^Oftfurfe, on theprearranged route, cp. p. 56, n. I.

3. t$ ful^r • • mtt . . . 0U8, I drew forth, or pulledfrom.

4. toic fi^'jl • • • gcbii^rt/ as a matter of course and a thing to be

expected ofa decent novel. Lit. as it behooves a well-bred novel.

5. tit . @f fdjleifc, in the bustle and turmoil, lit. in the whizzing

and sliding. clleit^Ot^ = eine @IIc ober mel^vcre ©Qen ^od) = ell-high,

as high as a yard.

Page 1 28. — l. bariiber . • . i{on}e|lt, /« consequence of that

he got entirely out of time. ^OllJCpt (from Latin concipid), rough

sketch, text, words written down for a speech, etc., therefore

NOTES. 175

au8 bcm ^onjcpte (^^ejte) tommeu, to lose the connection, "to get

stuck"; in this case = auS bcin Xattc fommcn, to get out of time.

2. iibfr • • • 9lb(ntl, ivhUe the sounds were gradually dying away in

the warm evening; nid)t ber 2lbenb »evfd)aUt, fonbern bie laute ?uft be8

Sage^ (cp. p. 53, 1. 20).

Page 1 29. — 1. Uer ^iiU\\, see p. 112, 1. 3.

2. tocr . • geflorben? who did die, I wonder? ift geflorben should

not be translated by is dead, but as the perf. of flerben. tcntt

eigentU^, cp. p. 82, n. 2.

3. bcr ^tXX ; your ladyship's husband, cp. p. 3, n. 5.

4. au^, / declare, cp. p. 21, n. 5.

5. bad tear jo, why, he was . . .

Page 130. — 1. 'il^ @Ott! frcilit^, yes, indeed, Heaven


2. i^nadmanbeln, 9JtanbeIn pm ^nacfen, shell-almonds.

3. ®d)IO^$Cn, villa, here probably only a little more pretentious


4. ba^ . . . ftnb, cp. p. 116, n. 9.

5. anS ber ipenfion8;lnfioU, from the boarding-school. — $enfton

= private hotel, boarding-house, boarding-school, board, pension.

6. tJOr lauter, with all these, cp. p. 8, n. 3.

Page 131.— 1. ttUfS S^loft, into the manor-house. The

original realistic import of the prep, aitf in this and similar phrases

is often completely lost, but it is used nevertheless, even though the

location of the place in question be on a level with the surrounding

houses or even lower. The Germans go ailf ba§ 9fat^au6, auf bie

*^Jofl, auf8 (S^mnatium, ouf bie Unitjerfitat, etc., but in bie 3?olf8f(^uIe,

in bit Sibenbft^ule, in ^iOA ©efangnife, \\\ ben ?abcn, etc., because the

city hall, the post office, the palace, the Gymnasium, the University,

maintain an elevated position above other institutions, sometimes in

location also, but, more frequently only in the estimation of the


176 NOTES.

2. t$ • • . ge^altCIt, / always held Itim in high esteem ; grO§C

Stillfe, large pieces, very much; ^altcit in many idioms to think,

consider, thus icf) ^altc nid)tS baOOlI, / do not think muck of that; id)

l^altC C8 fitr toortcil^aft, I consider it advantageous.

3. fPutn^^ofcn, /ar^^ trousers, or knickerbockers.

4. fieUlfttfUflCdt, Roman candles.

J^ff /lii

giner mn^ ^dxatent



Professor of German

UNrv'ERsiTy College, ToRONTa




These little comedies are prescribed for candi-

dates for honours in German at the Junior

Matriculation Examination hi the University of

Toronto. The notes are brief, being confined to

the explanation of such colloquial forms as are

not elucidated in the usual dictionaries. Par-

ticular pains have been taken to show the proper

use of the particles \v>o^{, bo(^, fc^on, etc., which

is so difficult to acquire.

Untv'eksitt College, 1894.


.^^ Q ^<!^-«t*«^y -^C-«.Xy^cZl.

_ ,, .C-CcJ^ ^fjcl-Cc^

^H^^IolA- J«*i*-^'t<^ ,0-JtyJC^t^,

^ffUCiA. O.*.^ -t-.^ ^*^ /--i^«M


§iner mn^ ^eirafen!

3acob <5<5r"I33ruber, ^rofcfforen an einer

n)xlt?elm ^ornj Umt)er[itot,

(Sertrubc, if)rc Xante.

£outfc, il)re 9cid}te.

Cfrfter ^uftritt.

3acob unD XPiIl?clm. Jmu ^ertrubc.

®crtru6c. i1tid)tic3! 4}a fil3cn [ic luicDcr luic

CetqiHjcn, in bcv^ ucnuiiiifditc HalbfctI ucrticft . ^XUc^

fonnte riiiivouiii ,^ii rs3ruiibc i^cIku, ftc mcrftcit ntrf)t»

bauon, unt) bac; [tdvtftc (i'vb bo bcii lodrc uid)t im

©tanbe. fie qu^ i()rcr Sctt)argic auf^uriitteln— ^cba,

Stir ©iirfjenintrmcr, S()r ^crgamcntmottcn , bic 5i"ii^)'

ftiidsftimbc ift langc t)oritbcr, iinb SI)r tf)ut gcrabe,

al§ ob SI)r gar !einen S)^aacn bdttct


JD ill? elm. ®ay I^abcn 3ie luhi \a bcrcit^o brci=

mat gcfagt.

3cxcob. (Storcn Sic itii^o nid)t, liebe ^aiitc, bag

t)at ja teinc (Silc.

©ertrube. Su ? Unb glaubt St)r, man t)at

nic^tg Hnbcrcg ,^u tl)un, aly 511 tuorten, big cy ©ltd)

bcliebt. ha^i bi^dicn ^affcc ,^u nc^meit, unb eg immcr

marm ^u balten? (ibcn lucil ic^ eg fdjon brcimal

fagtc, mcirc eg 3cit, ben!c id), barauf ^n oc^tcn.

XDill^elm. ©g untcrlicgt fcincm .'^tucifct . ha)^ bie

^inncn unb Scttcn t)inbo[taniid)cn Uriiu'ungg finb.

5{ug bcr untcuabarcn 3prad)nerraanbtid)att ber

^\^tfd)cncgcu mit bicjen '^oltgftdmmcn ge£)t aljo

t)evuor —

6 €tncr mug l^ctratcn.

©crtrubc. Jinncit unb ^almiicfcn, bag ift benn

bod^ ^u art]! (i^ i[t cjcrabe, al» ob Unfcreing gor

nid)t an] bcu 33c(t lodve


3a cob. !vSl)r (^ej(i)rei, (icbe ^onte, ift ein unbe=

ftrcttbarcr ^3eumg ^t)resi ^afcin^ .

IDilt^elm. Unb eg tt)are njiinfcfienglpert. bofe

@ic uniere ©tiibicrt md)t burd) fo nid)tige !l)inge


©crtrubc. 9?id)tige S)irtge? 3)ag piodjtigc

^rid)[tud! ^Yiffee, ^utterfcmmcdt. (£icr unb 3diinfen

nid)tigc ®inge? ®ag foitneu nur )old)c Xintcnfifc^e

6c()auptcn, luie Sf)r fcib. <3agt mir einmal, tuag

unter ©urern gan^eit gelc^rten ^rimgframg tpicfttiacr


3a cob. Siebe ^artte, bag berfte^en ©te nt(^t.

^ertrube. ©olltc mir ouc^ nod) fcliten, mid) mit

foId)em 3c"gc ju bcfaifcit. D, id) meif, rcc^t gut, ha\i

St)r bc^()alb mit @eriuat'd)dt3ui!a auf mic^ t)crabbltdt,

unb bod) [age id), ha^ 3l)r nid)tg, gar nii^tg ot)ne

mid) feib


XPilt^cIm. Sabod)! SSir ttjiffcn Sbre ^or,wae

noKfommen ,^u id)dt3cn, menu @ie nur nid)t fo oie(

^(ufhcbeng bauon mad)tcn.

(Sertrubc. 9ta aber! goll CSincm ba nid)t bie

C^cbulb rci^en ? Sft eg nid)t cine Siinbe unb @dianbe.

haY^ ein paar tud)tiac , frdftige junge ^3J?dnncr, bie

ctmag 9tcd)teg ,^u (eiften im 3tanbc mdren, l)intcr

il)ren 35ud)crn uertrodncn luie in i)Jauc^ get)angene

J3drinae !

ip i 1 1^ c I ni. 3Belc^' ijrofaifdjer i^ergleid)


(Etiicr mn|3 l^ciratcn. 7'

^crtrubc. 9(bcr loahr unb treffcnb ! 23cnrt tcf)

(Surf) nicfjt manc^nml aufruttcltc, Uigc bcr (Stoitb

fingcrbid" niif li'iid) luic aiif ben l^'igamcnt bdiibcii in

(Surer !iJ^ibliotl)ef. lliib li)iv3, luito U)iJ3t ^l}r benii

cigcntUd] ? ^JJic^t^o, qnr nirf)t>3!

3 a c b. STi^afir, niir ,vi lualir, liebe Xante ! 3tiicf^

toert i[t be^o i)-\\Mifd)en '-JBiffen.

©ertrube. Sa, lotd)er'

J^irrcn 33iffen. inie ts()r

)cib. ?(nberc i^cnte, bic nid)t ben gan^en lieben 'Xaa^

in ben ^iid)ern uergraben finb, U'iffen uiol)l mv$

JRcd)tey. 2)ie luiffen, luic fie ilir .sSnuo m Crbnjnig^

__^a(tcn, Uiie fie ilu"'

^^ermogen ueru)alten, rjie fie leben

foden, baB [ie unb "Jtnberc Ji^'ibe baoon l)ahen!

3acob. SBcun 5{Ee fo gcbgd)t t)dtten, ftdnbc c§

nod) fdi(immcrrum/bie ^£5i|)onid)aft, aUj co unrtlidi bcr

^ail ift.

IDilijelm. Unb bie profane 95^e(t faun bic ®c=

lef)rtcn barum nic^t f)od) gcnug fd}at3en. ^Icennen Sic

(jJclbAufammenfdiarren , Gffcn, Xrinfcn unb 3d)(afcn

(cbcn ? 2)ic 9J?ciften luiffcn gar nic^t, ha}^ fie Icbcu

unb loaruni fie iibcrfiauDt (cben. 3Barum, Xante,

leben 3ic hcnn cigcntlid)? Sagen Sic mir ba*? cinmat.

©crtrubc. 2Sag? ic^? iSarum ic^ (cbe?! 9^un

fe()' mir (Sincr ! Sd)— ic^ MlMI '"cincm i^ergniigen !

IDtll^cIm. (Bd}Dncr @runb ! 2)cr ^ieljt nidjt,

Xante; cinen beffcrcn.

^ c r t r u 6 c. SSarunt id) (cbe ? ! X'uo ift mir bod)

nod) nid)t uorgcfommen ! X^avi ()at mir nod) 9c'iemanb

gefogt! Sd) (cbe bcf5t)alb, bajs fold)e porfonificierte

^ud)ftaben, ipte ^f)i: )eib, mi(^ gudlcn uuD draera

8 €iticr mnf) bciratcn.

fonncn. l^a\] ^{)V mir ndc mciiic (Sorgc , mctnc

^jjlnc^c init (Sud) mit Unbaiit" lotincn , ha)] ^t)r Crurcr

altcn Xante, bie fiir (Siircn Stifc^, (iurc Rleibiiiu], Gucr

bi§rf)cii .S*")au5ioc|cn fonit, bcti Xob luunfdicii fiiiiiit!

^sd) Icbc (Sud) lr)ol)l fdjoii ^u laugc? C, id) idciB co

iuu()I, id) bin @ur^ ,^nr gnft !

IDill^cIm. ?[bcr bcftc Xante, bauon luar \a c\at

md)t bic ^Jiebe.

3acob. ^efd)iet)t'

Dir gan,^ ied)t, mavum Idffeft

^n X)id) mit ^rauen in 3treitfraQen ein? Gie bleibeii

niemat'^ bci ber 3tanae.

^ertrubc. ©o, luir [inb e^ atfo gar nid)t mert,

bafe man iiberbaiipt mit un5 jprid)t ? Wix finb fiir

nid)t5, fiir gar nid)t^5 aiif ber 3i5clt ? 5(bcr red)t, X)u

bift ja ber ^(elterc unb muf5t mit Xeinen gnten i]e()rcn

nod) ha^i bisc^en S.dKn 3Silt)c(m^ ^crftbren . X)er

l)at bod) nod) (^efiibt . nod) ein .f)er5 im Scibc ; aber

S)u, 3)u tl)dteft am beften, 2)ic§ in Scber binben unb

5U X>einen alten @diartefen ftellen ju laffen.

ID i 1 1? e I m. (Siet)ft Su ! @cfd)iet)t 2)ir gan,^ rcd)t,

marum mnfjt X)u !I)id) in unfern @treit mifd)en.

©crtrubc. S)ag fann ni(^t met)r fo fortqehen !

^a§ mufi anber§ toerbcn! Unb l)ente nod) mu|5 e^^

cntfd)ieben fein! 3*^ merbe e^ (Snd) fd)on ^eigen!

|)eiraten miif^t Sf)r! (Sin paar tiid)tige ^rauen

miiffen in'^o .Spang! X)ie mcrben <&vid) fc^on 3J?orcg



IDilt^elm, 3*^^:0^ ^d), S)u meine @iite


3acob. Um ^(((eg in ber 2Bc(t, Xonte, fommen

(^ie uiic nid)t miebov mit ^()rer alten Srohung !

€titcr mni^ bciratcn. ^

tDill^elm. ilomin', '-yvuDcv, loiv luollcn itir ben

SBidcit tl)uit unb friil)i'tiicfcn gct)cit.

(5crtru5c. ^Qia! 1)cvo hat cictroffcn ! vsa, ()cira'

ten, faiV id), nnb biccsmal bc]"tc[}c id) bavauf. tsd)

l)abo Gnd) '!|5articen flcnuf] uorncfdilagen , bic allc uor=

teil()aft finb. vsfiv l)abt nnr bic 'Jtui^mahL

3acob. 3I^ic oft fodcn \mv ^()ncn bcnn jacicn,

ha^i ein foldjcr 3d)rit t n)o()l bcbad)t nnb nbcvlogt fciii

mnn?©crtrube. SSic lanc^c roillft 4)u nod) iibcvlci^cn?

S5efief) Dic^ cinmaf in bem 3iHcac( , nnb fci fvol),

ircnn cin jungcv 'I)Mbd)cn nod) jo 'nc ^^oact)'d)cnd)e


n)ilt]clm. Urn ,^n licivatcn liabcn miv nod) (ant-jc

3eit. SBaruin uni) mit iucld)em 9iecf)te brdngcn 3ic

un^ fo ?

©ertrubc. @c()t bod) cinmnl! 'i\?cr hat Snd)

bcnn c£^o£cn_? 3Scr hat (Sud) anf ben ?trmcrt qc-

tragcn unb gcdcn, ftc{)cn unb fpred)cn getcl)rt'? '^o ift

frcitid) Uingc gcnucj her, um cv ,^n oergeffcn ; obcr ic^,

bic id) (indj roie cine iJiJhittcr licbtc, h^W^j nic^t uer^


3acob. 9tnn ai)o, mcnn Sic luhi noct) tteben, fo

ftoren Sie unci nid)t in nnfcrem ©ludc, ba^S roir in

ftillcr 5^urudaeAoaenhcit in unferen Stubien unb

^orfdiunaen finben.

@ e r t r u 6 c. S(^ Ifei^ heffer, \va§ Suc^ gut ift,

unb hiv,v locnn ^hi" nid)t folgcn uiodt unb Gnd) glcid^

entfd)eibet, fagc id^ mid) lo» Don \iud} unb enterhe

10 (Etncr mulg betratcn.

H)il[)clm. C Tantc, luir tmclitcn nicf)t nad)

3acob. Uiifcrc 3i^iin]d)c fiitb bcfdicibcii unb lui^

icrc ^-Bcburfniffc tacrine]. ilMr iDodcn cjcrii aiif ©clb

imb (^ut ucrAidUcii , niir qiiiilcu oic luiy nid)t Idngor

mit bcr fuvd)tcrlidicn -'pcirat.

(Scrtrubc. &ut, bcVo fount ts()r l)abcn! ?(ber

id) i-}cl)c aud) unb iibcrlaffc (ind) (iiircm 8diid)Ql !

©et)t bonn ^u, n^ic Zi)v fertig tucrbct.

3acob, IDill^cIm. D, befte 2ante, U)o bcnfcn

@ic (lin?

(Scrtrubc. ^a, id) ucrlaffc CSucr ^an(3, bcnn

biefc^o -Ircibcu fann id) nid)t ldnt]cr mit anl'chcu . SSatS

irollt ^()r banntf)un? Xrot3 (Surcvi ^-Kiffcni? fclb S()r

gc|d)lac3cnc Scute, bcun in adcn (iurcn grof^cu S3dnbcn

ftc()t nid)t, luie man fiir ^iid)c nub JitcKer, .S^")cuu5 unb

^Icibunc] forgt. '^aun lucrbct tst)V crft cin)cl)cu, \va§

^Tancn()dnbc lucrt fiub, menu aud) uur bic cincr oltcn


3acob, ID tit?dm. Siebfte, bcfte Xante —ci1d)vcden 3ic uuiS uid)t fo !

©crtrubc. ^fui ! @d)dmt (£ud), mir alten ^-vau

oud) (jar nidjt^o ,^u Siebe 5U tl)uu. 2.l^cnn id) C£'uc^ auc^

nid)ty cjcltc, fuUtet^I)!' bod) ba-:i O^ebot (Surecj fterben=

ben 35ate^o in (Id)reu ()alten. ^sd) ()abc nid)t!3 [tubiert,

abcu ba5 luei^ id) bod), ha]] q<:-> cine beilige ^ftid)t ift,

ben 333un|d) bcr (Sttevn ,^u erfiiUen.

IPiU^clm. (Sip i[t iual)r, Sacob, e^ toav fein

letter '^\m\dy

(Etnor imii^ hiMrateit. 11

3acob. (3cin IcUt^3 Ji^ovt! ?(bcr, Imitc, or

fagtc niir: ©iitcr Hon iniv muj? ()ciratcn.

ID tit? elm. Hub <2ie ucrUingcn c^o uott '^VMbcit.

SSaa foilcit mir bcun mit ,^U'ci g-raucu anfaiu^cn?

S)ann mdrc \a gar !cinc ^)iu[)c incdr ini .s>iii)c.

^crtrubc. 5ld) lim^^, baci ucrftclift Su iiicfit!

Se mcl)r 5"raucn, bcfto bclfcr. Hub Uicmt luir cvft

©iiicr anfdngt, fommt bcr ^Inbcre uoii jclbft luicl)


abcv (Siricr miiB jeUt b'van.

3acob. 5tt]o tiiiicr uoii uib3 mufe I)ciratcn


H) ill? dm. (£-^0 luirb Uiol)[ nic()t anbcry gclicn.

3acob. 9tini, Ti>iU)clm, liuv^ bcnfft ^u y ^ii

bift nod) jung, Xn faitnft cv cbcr uuigcii.

IPt I ij c I m. 2i^a5 2)ir nid)t ciiifdUt ! 2)u bift bcr

5(cltcrc, fiir ^icb tiant cy nicl bcffcr.

3 a cob. 2)u U)ir)"t 3)id) tcid)ter barciit fiubcit.

S^ii {)a[t gcfdlligcre ^'-''I'nicit unb iOionieren luib bii't

luirflid) nud) rcd)t [nib]d).

ID i If? elm. 5)u bift nicl gcfclUcr aU$ id), uicl

mdnnlid)cr ; 5)u taiiqft uicl bcffcr ^u cinem CSbchcrrii

qU id). Unb bann inuffcii \a immcr and) bic 5(cltcrcn

perft Qiho bcm .S>iufe.

3acob. S)i>3 Qiltjtm-JiiXiQ^fli^dicn Stct), licbcr

S3rubcr, id), id) taim co iiid)t tl)un, unmbgtid) !

H) ill? elm. ^sd) and) iiidjt; id) biir^^ nid)t im



©ertrube. ^anfelmut unb fcin Gnbe! 2)a

tudrcn tuir alfo lu'cbcr on] bcm altcn Alccfc. <2tet)t

St)r uid;t ba, al^ ob ^i)v ^uiu Oiidjtpla^ folltet ! Slji

12 (Einer mu§ hcirtitett.

JpQJenfunc . fafet (£ud) Pod) cin 6jer,^, an ^opf unb

^ragcn gct)t e^ \a nidjt.

3acob. 3SiU)c(m ()attedmmcr me{)r DJtut at§ ic^.

IDilljelm. Sacob t)dtte mir Idngft mit gutem

93eifpic(e t>orangeI)cn foflcn, fiber ailc 9J?dbd)cn, bie

©ie il)in Uovidjlugcu, iutC'3 cr jiiriid. ®r fann je^t

(Sine bauon ^udtitcn .

3a cob. dla, bic finb gciuiB Idngft aEc tot ober

bertjcimtet. ^d) bin iibcr^^eugt, ©ie loiffen im 5[ugcn*

tviide fclbft feme ^^artie.

©crtrubc. 9i>a«§? ^c^)'^ t"!^ <^ine ! Unb ein

^rad)tmdbd)en ift baruntcr, bie uiel ^u gut fiir Gud)

ift. I'tbcr frcilid), fo(d)e ©Quertotife ttiie S^r mcrfen

md)t§, unb luenn [ie bariibcr fielen. ^obt ^^r benn

gor !eine 5tugen, !einen ©inn fiir'ig ©d)one ?

ID ill} dm. 3Sie fo, ^ante?

©crtrube. ^abt S()r benn gar nid)t gemer!t,

toarum id) mcine!^ berftorbencn 33ruber^ Joditer in'^

^^am naijm ?

3 a cob. 2Bie, Sante? Sonife ? S^re S^Jtc^te?

Unfcre ^erluanbte ?

©ertrubc. (Sine fo tueitldufiqe S^ertpanbtfdiaft

t)at gar nid)t^o ^u fagcn. ©ie ift nic^t reic^, aber fd)on,

unb, tro^ bie .C'^auptfadie ift, gut unb brat). ?tlfo tein

^eberlefeng . fonbcrn einen rafd)en C^ntfrfifiifi^benn

nidjt 5ll(e!§ luirb gut, mv$ lange lodbrt. S'runi fadelt

uid)t lange ! (£incr uon (£ud) mufe unter bie ^aube,

uiill fagcn, unter ben''Eantoffet . Ueberlegt je^t, unb

menn id) luiebertonime, nui^ id) luiffeu, tt)eld)er uon

©ud) ^rdutigani ift. Stbicu


(£iticr mu§ tjeiraten. ^^

Inieitcr Jluftritt.

Portgc of)nc (J5;rtru6c.

Jacob, gatafcr Safit^o


H} i 1 17 c I m, "^atcik ©c] cl)id)tc


Jacob, i^at mid) (\an;^ in'

jdifrcaung c^ctiracfit!

9Sic foil ha§ crft lucrticn, iu:nu cine J^tui im i^auic


IDtltjcIm. odivccftid) ! 5iii'cf)tcrlid) ! Unb r»od)

i[t fcin HiuSrocg. — 3.l^ic fict)t bciiit bie Soiifine am?Jacob. Sd) ()abc fie mir nod) nid)t angcfcf)cn

ID ill? dm. Sd) anc^ uid)t. — 2)ie 2ante n)irb

nid)t nif)en, id) fcnnc fie. Sie icivb a'm ifjrer

5)rol)nnt3, unc^ ,^1 ucrtnffcn, (Srnft madien.

Jacob. Unb imi'o foUcn luiu bann tf)un ? ^IBir

[inb fo fcf)r an nnfcre altc Ci'bitnng gcU)ol)nt.

H)iII?eIm. (^n'cilid), alfo cntjdUienc 2)ic^.

Jacob. Sc^? Si^arnni nid)t gar ! 3Si[t)c[m, fet

pcrniinftig ! S)u bift cin boffnnna^DQlIev jnnger

3Kann. ^t)ue mir bie Sicbe unb f)eiratc


ID i 1 1? e I m. Sieber 3^ruber, ^tUeg tva§ ^u miaft,

nur ha^^ nidjt I

14: (2incr inu§ betratctt.

Jacob, ©id), id) \vq[% 2)u l)aft frf)on friif)cr bet

ben 2)amen ddiM gcinnc()t. 3)u l)a[t met)r Sioutine.

3)u bift Qud) fcf)on geliebt ftjorben. Wlit \\t ha^ nie

pafficrt; id) unirbc mid) au!pnet)men luie ber 33dr,

luenn er taii,^t.

ID ill?dm. S)Q§ ftet)t c^av nid)t fo iibcl ou^l Sd^

faf) ciitmal ein fo(d)e>o 3;ier

Jacob. 5)n l)a[t incl)r latent -^iim ^eiraten, ®ii

tpiirbeft geloijs red)t gliidtid) luerben. S)er Sheftanb .

ba!5 3'a'i^ili^'Jd^'t^cn foUen bod) fo fd)on fern. Sd) fet)e

S)id) orbcutlid) nor mir, an ber ®eite eineS rei^enben,

gutcn SBcibeig, umringt t)oit bliif)enbett, g(iidlid)en

^inbern ; luie fie ®id) ()er(^en unb !iiffen, Qiif 3)einett

^'niecu fid) fd)aufe[ii imb luie S()r @uc^ 5(fle fo rec^t

oon .^cr.^cn licb Ijabt. O, cjlaube mir, ein foId)e§

©liid ift bencibengluert .

XDiH?cIm. 9cun olfo, lieber ^acob, Oerfd)Qffe eg

!I)ir, Qvcifc bod) nur ^.

Jacob. Wi), Don mir ift \a nid)t bie 9?ebe. Si^

IjahQ teibcr fein Anient fiir bie ©be, fo loie ®u. 5lber

ixd)t erfrcnen luid id) mid) on 2)einem ©liide. ^6)

tuid S)eine ^inbcr er^ie()en, fie lieben, aU ttjenn e^

meine eigenen ludren; 5(Ue^5, 3([[eg luitl ic^ fiir 2)id)

t[)nn ! Unb bann beben!e, tDeld) f(^one§ 5J?ab(|en

:^ouife ift


ID til? elm. SDu T)aft fie \a nod^ gar nid)t ange=


3acob. ^yjun — e^ tarn mir bod^ fo t)or; aud§

fogt eg ja bie ^antc. Unb fo brao unb gut ift fie!

©ie mufe ein QflerliebfteS ^xan(i)m gcben


(Etncr mu§ hetraten. 15

XDUl^cIm. ^a, bivo fat]t ami) bic %antc, a(fo

^liirf 5U, Itebcr ^ ruber


3a cob. 9ta! bci bcm ift borf) '3(llc!3 t)crgebcn^.

^d) geOe mir alio crbcntlidic SJ^uhc mate it)m ba^

®lu(i bcr (£1)c mit ben rei^enbftcu ^arben , iinb bod)

bleibt er fait iric Stciit. Sage mir mtr, marum luiUft

S)u bcim cigcutlid) nidjt l)eirateu ?

IP i 1 1} c I m. 3Barum millft 'I)ii benn nid)t ?

Jacob. ^Vgreifft 2)u bemi nidjt, bafj id) baiS

md)t tann ?

ID i 1 1? e I m. S^Jun fief)ft !Dii, ic^ fanii e§ aud^ nid)t.

3acob. !4)u u'iKft nlfo nidjt ? llnmibcrrnflid] ?

XD-illjelm. ^dj tann nidjt.

3acob. Scl^t meif3 idj, \va§ id) Don Reiner Siebe

gu (jaltcn Ijabe.

ID ill? dm. SBenn Xn mic^ liebteft, njiirbcft

S)u f c I b [t ^ciratcn. 2)amit ®u abet fietjft, baf^ id)

nidjt fo (jartt)er,^ig bin mie S)u, mil id) 2)ir eincu

SSorfdjlag mad)en.

3acob. ^un?tDill^elm. SSir tp often lofen !

3acob. 2ofen'? ^rubcr, bag ift (eiditfinnig .

ID lit? elm. ®a^ finbe id) audj, b'rum Ijcirate

lieber gcrabe^u.

3acob. 3)a<3 Qo§ tann ja and) mid) trcffen !

IDilljelm. ^reilidj; aber mid) leiber and).

3acob. 9Bac^ foil id) bann tfjuu?

IDilljclm. i^^ciratcn


3acob. ^c^ lofe nidjt, nimmermetjr fe^e id) mid^

ber @efabr aug.

16 <2tner mug t^ctratctt.

H) til? dm. Wxc 3)u luillft, banit m\\\]t ^n aber

gan^ fieloif^ ()cirQtcn, bcim ic^ tl)u'^5 nicl)t!

3acob. 93rubcv!

IP ill? dm. Sct^t (affe mid) in Oiutie ! ©iner ton

un§ mu§ baron, luir iDodcn 33cibc nic^t, ai]o mufe

bae- So^ cntjc^cibcn, mcr bcr Unfl(nct(icl)e fcin fnll.

^QC' ift nicin Ic^te^ 3Bort, ba^ i[t ^lIlc^J, U)Q^5 id) fiir

S)id) t^un !onn


3acob. 9cnn bcnn, ic^ bin cinDcrftanben , hjcnn

e§ biird)aui§ nid)t anbery fcin fann. %bQX loie mad)cn

ipir btvo ?

ID tit? dm. !J)tv3 i[t balb gc[d)el)cn. 3Sir nelimeii

^m'l £uae(n . einc fd)n)ar,^c unb cine \vc[}]c.

3 a c b. Sine )d)raar5e unb cine lueifee.

IP ill? elm. @^S [inb feine ^ur ^anb.

3acob. 9}?ir fddt ein '3tein Hon bcr 33rnft


IP ill?dm. 9tod) beffer, luir net)uicii ^luci ,-^ette(.

3acob. 3'uci 3^ttet.

IP ill?dm. 3o, ben cincn bcAcidinc id) nut eincm

^rcn^c, bcr anbere bleibt lucife.

3 a c b. dJlit cinem .^rcu^e.

H) ill? elm. Permit bcm ^reu,^e tJcrDflicbtet .^ur


3acob. S)Q§ ift rcc^t bc-^ei(^nenb.

IP i 1 1? c I m. 5)cr luci^c gc()t leer ou^.

3 a c b. %d] ! luenn id) ben befiime


IP ill?dm. %i, hivi glanbe id); ha fonnte Scber



3 a c b. 9tun, mv$ gc)d)iel)t lucitcr ?

n? ill? dm. 9hin braudjcn njir cine Urnc; in ^*

(Etncr muiB hciratcti. 17

mnnQctung cincr )olcf)cit ncl)nic iclj ^ciii ?Jcorc\cn '

Kiplirficn .

3 a cob. 9ccin, ^^nibcr, nimin (icOcr ^ctncy, id)

t)abc Ungliid


XP i 1 17 c I m. SOkiiictiDcgcn, bnrauf foil cci mir and)

iiid)t anfommcn. 3o, jdjt luirb bic r^cict)id)te orbcnt-

lid}_buvd)ciiuinbcv c3cid)uttclt.

3acoK 5(bcr cf)rHd), 9Si(()clm, cl)r(id).

H) i 1 1? c I m. S^ivo ljcrftc()t fid) ! 51 Uc^o iiad) 9?cd)t

imb (^ciuiffcn ! So, jctjt ,^icl)'


3a cob. dh'm — id) — id) {)abc fcinc doiivagc,

^icf)e -Tii.

IP i 1 1^ c I 111. S, mad)c bod) fcinc foId)e llmftdnbe


rofc^ gc.^ogcii


3acob. ^d) fanii iiia()r()aftia nid)t, 53nibcr, ic^

i)abe iDtan)cur ; id) 5icf)c gan,^ cjciuif] auf ben crftcii

®riff bti^ fatalc Slrcu,^ t)crau«g. X^u' mir ben (^c-

faflcii unb 5icl)c ^iicrft.

IPill^clin. 9ciin, aud) bui^ nod) ! (Grsiei)!.) 2)a



3 a c b. ®o !

ID ill} elm. Sc|t l)Qbcn mt Scbcr imfcr Xeil.

3acob. Sa, abcr id),^ittcrc am gan^cn Jstbrper!

H) 1 1 1? c I m. 9iur rafd) gcbffnet.

3acob. S3in'y nidjt im Stanbc. Ccffne 2)u


IDilt}eim. @i, itiorum foil id) bcnn imraer ^Ifleg

^ucrft tl)nn ? 9^id)t^ ba ! S[«ir iDollcn jugleid) offnen,

njdl)rcnb id) bvei ^dhle. 5[(fo : ©ino !

3 a c b . Giny !

18 €incr nm^ l^ciraten.

ID ill? dm. ^3^Dci!

3a cob. >^tDQil

VOxlliclm. XxQil

3acob. M), id) bin b^5 Xohc§ !

ID i 11) c I m. i^-)urral) ! ,S^-)urral)


3a cob. ScI) Unali'tctfctiqcr .

IDiH]cIm. iocrrtic^ ! pmdjtifl ! id) din franf unb

frci, kvo unb Icbjg^! ^d) m6d)tc bie gan.^c 3Belt um=

armeii ! i^urral) ! A^^iivral)


Prittcr JVuftritt,

X) r i g e. ^ c r t r u 6 c.

®ertrubc. SBa^ i[t bcnn ha§> fiir cin Scirmen

luib vsndcln? 3Si(()c(m, l)nft ®it 'ncn Siaptiu^?

lt)iH}cIin. (Jiiicit Stufe, Xante, cincn ^tuB'- Sd)

bin bcv (*>)liidlid)ftc nntcr bcr Sonne!

Sort rube. ilMU (£t mid) iijol loalaffcn, (Sr

Janfcnbi'ajfa! So babe id) 2)icf) feit ,^c[)n Sal)reit

nid)t gejcl)en, — \viv$ ift benu nur uorcjcijancjen ?

llnb tViV^ ift benn mit Sacob ? 3)er (Sine fprinflt

unb tan,^t, bcr 9(nbcrc licgt ha, aUi ()dtte il)rt ber

(Sd)lag getroffcn.

cEiiicr inui5 beiratcti. 19

tDtll^cIm. 9Jcin, Xante, cv ift nur in fid) gcgan=

gen nub l)at cincn C£ntid)(nf5 gefalV; ha^S l)at i()n )o


©crtrubc. 2isiv5? ^sacob?

IDilboIm. ^sa, Xante. S-v mill ()ciraten.

(Bertrubc. $((), bmuo ! brau ! l£-nblid) einmal

ein Dcrniinftigey Sinu't!

3acob. vsd) armer, gcfd)(agener ?l?enid) ! ^d)

t)abc C'o abcr glcic^ flcilfint ! ^d) fcnnc mcin 'Dial()eiir


ba§ fann nur mir paffieren! S)a^5 Ungtiid! X5d) —unb beiraten!

© e r t r u 6 c. ^H()o tsacob ift bcr ®(iidlid)c ! ^ag

freut mid) bopuel t ! ©iebft X)u, 3SiI()clm, id) unifjte

e§ tuol^I, ban e r ber ^serniinftiaerc ift. 9Jimin ®ir

cin (iienipel.

IPiH^cIm. <3ic bnbcn 9fJerf)t, ^antc. ^acob ift

cin bc^en^ogntcr 5Jcen]d). 3Bir ()aben bie (Bad)c reif=

lid) iibevlcgt, unb er bot fid) cnblid) frcinjidiq an,

Sf)rcn 93unfd) 5U crfiiUcn.

3acob. 5(ber tc^ tf)ue c^o uic^t ! S)ic (Sad)e ift

uic^t mit rcd)tcn X)ingcn jugcgangcn ; X)u marl't im

l^^nrteif . ^IDu t)aft ^uerft ge^ogen.

IP ill?dm. 3)u rtJoEteft \a nid)t! S'^^nge nid)t

tDieber ncuc 03cfd)id)ten an.

^acoh. Sie Xante ioK cntfdieibcn .

H) ill?dm. X)u toirft i()r bod) nid)t am (Snbe

fagen moUen, bafe mir getoft {)aben ? X)a^ mdre ja

tm bbc^ften ©rabe unfd)idlid) .

3acob. @o?ID i 1 1^ d m. 5^'eilid), 4)u mdrft blamiert fitr eh)ige

20 (Ettter inuj^ bciraten.

3citen ! ©ci ucriiiinftii] unb cvgieb 2)icf) mit »X-Qffuna

in ^ciit 3cl)icffal.

^crtrubc. 9ca, Unvo fartct ^lir bcnii iriebcr

ah ?

IDill^cIm. D md)t^i, qar nicf)tg. Sacob ift mir

in 3?erlcgcnt)eit wcgen bcr Jr)odi^citg'9lnnclcctcn()citen,

bcr ^(ittoftattung , bcr (Sinriditung 2C.

3a c b. 5lu6ftQttung — (£inrid)tung ?

^crtrubc. Gi, ba^o ift ba^ ®cring[te. !3)a§ ukr=

laBt mir, id) rt)i[I 5[IIc!§ prddjtig arrnngicrcn ! !^a'5

t)erftct)e ic^ qii^ bcm ^unbament , unb gleid) l)eute

niill id) an bie 5(rbcit.

3a cob. 9tur nid)t fo cilig, ^tante.

®ertru6c. SottJol^I, citig. Sa gicbt'fS gar uiel

3U t^un unb ^u iduiffcn . 3)a ift bic |)au!3^, bie Xifd)=,

bie Setti^iii^ ^u bcforgen. S)a finb bie fc()lcnbcn

Wbel, bn§ nutige @cfd)irr fiir ^liid)c unb J^ellcr,

ba ift cin fd)oncr Q3rQutftaat ^u fd)affcn mit ^tUcm,

IDQ^ b'rum unb b'ron l)dngt, bamit bie jungc ^;>au^>frau

gteid) ?((Icy in Crbnung finbc. Za, ja, ^acob, 5)u

fodft l^cinc g-rcube an bcr altcn "Jantc ()abcn. 9^id)t^o,

nid)t'o foil ocrgeffcn lucrbcn, biiS ju ben Slinber-

ftriimpfd)cn unb =^6ub(^en l^erob.

3acob. 5(nd) bt^o nod) ! iilinbcr[)dnbd)cn !

H) i 1 1? c I m. Wnh Striimpfd)cn !

©ertrubc. Slinber, id) fidjle mid) orbcntlic^ iicr=

jiingt! Q)ott fcgnc 3)cinen (Sntfd)Iufe, ^acob ! guf)re

il)n nur gleid) aih$ unb fd)miebe ha§ Sifen, fo longe

c§ morm ift.

3a cob. 'Maxin gcnug ift mir, fo oiel ift I'idier .

(£tticr imtf) luMratcn. 21

IDtlt^cim. SScnn icf) nidjt irrc. tontmt eben

Souife aihi bcm ©artcn tiicrticr .

© c r t r u 6 e. 61)armant, bag trtfft ftcf) ja prac^tig !

^Ifo frUd> b'ran. Socob ! 33rin(^c !5)ein ^Inticgcn uor.

3 a c b. SclU, ict5t gtcid), iante ?

^ e r t r u b c. 5)0^ Der[tc()t ftrf) ; imb fci f)u6[(^ ^art

unb manierlid), bomit ^u fcinen ^orb bcfommft.

3 CI cob. ^d) VDotltc, t(^ bcfdmc einon !

©ertrubc. 3lbcr iuie [icl)ft ^u bcnn au6? ^')aar

unb ^Bort miiffcn in Drbnnng gcbracf)t lucrben, unb

bann fort mit bcm fatalen ©d^(afrode unb cinen f)ub=

fc!^cn 9tod, obcv bcffcr, ^rad ange^^ogcn !

3acob. ^d) glaube gar nid)t, bafe ic^ eineu ^vad


©ertrube. '^o^, ben )d)6nen fdittjarjen, ben ft**^-

S)u bci jDcincm ^iaorojiim trugft.

tPtll^elm. 3Scnn d)n nid)t bte iO?ottcn gefrcffen

l)aben. ^omm, ^acob; id) mid S)id) t)craug^3ufeen.

ba'^ !Du luie cin $rin,^ angfcfjen )od[t.

3acob. Sa, luic ein Dt)fcr[tier . ben man ,^um

Stltarc fut)rt. — '^hm benn, eg fei ! 5lber ©ie ftjerben

fe'()en, Xante, baB [ie mid) augid)tdat .

ID ill) elm. 3)ag tudre ja nod^ fd)6ner! ©o'n

l^iibfcl^er Wann tt)ie 3)u, orbentlid) augftaffiert nnb gc=

fdinicaett. in fc^mar^em ^rad, n^eifeer JoaUbinbc . be=. -^ j ^

lommt 5ct)n 3J?dbc^en ^ Sine, unb baf] 2)ic]^ Soui)e i^m*^**^ ^ '

nid^t au§[c^lage, bafiir Ia| mid) nur forgen.

(Sertrube. ^ort , fort! ©tcid) luiib Souife ba <iM^^u«^fM^^ein; mad)t nur, ba^ ^l)r balb fertig feib


22 (£iiici- luujg iKicaten.

Pierter ^uftritt.

©crtriibc^ Couifc.

^crtrubc. 9cint, cnblicl) l)abe id) [ic fo lueit, —btv^ l)at 90?itl)c gcfoftet ! ^etjt iDiU id) (^Icid) 2oui'od)cn

aiif ben .Rahn fiihlcn . (£^5 ipdvc cine fatalc (^c)d)id)te,

luenn bic niir oud) nod) Um]'tanbe maditc !

£ U i f C (tritt ein in eiiiem 33ud)e Icfcub).

©crtrubc. T'iber luay fc()c id) ha? Gin Sud)

in ber ^anb unb Icfenb ! 2)Q§ fotltc mir noc^ fcl)(cn,

baf? bie fid) and) uon bem ^45iid)crfram nnftcden (ie^c.

— Sonifc, nnvo foil ba^ bcificn, lua^ ()aft 2)u bcnn ba

in ber .Spanb?

£outfc. 5(d), ^ontdjcn, ift bo^ cin bcrrlidic^'

Snd)! G'i ift ba§ neneftc S'i^crf 2isi(()elm'?, fcine

9teifc im S'Jorben. SSie fd)on, n^ic gciftreid) ift c§ fle=

fd)rief)en ! dJian c\[aubt (^cgcnb unb iD^enfdjen oor

fid) ,^u fcf)en unb fiil)(t fidi mitten untcr itinen . 2BeId)

l)crr(id)e Gdnibcrnua ber Qittcn . ber 6f)Qraftcre


mid) fc^onc Stubien unb ^ctraditnngcn ! D, 2Bil-

l)clm ift cin (]eiftvcid)cv 9}knfd)


®crtru6e. 8o ? 2?3i(()elm? Safe boo 3eug,

e^ mivb 3)ir nur ben ^'ot>f t}erbrchcn unb Sicf) uomSfJiit^lidicn ab,yc()en.

Siouifc. i^a5 fann e^ bcnn S'Ju^lidjere^ geben

(Eincr inufj bctratcn. 23

aU ein gute^ ©ud), nament(irf) roenn c^ fo Ictirreidi

i)"t iDie 9,lM(fic(m^i W\']c ?

©crtrubc. ^Icli luao. 2i5il()c(m! "^acob id)rcibt ivli<i^ (^

and) fd)oiic 53ud)cv iint) nodi uicl groBere.

£ u i f c. 2)ai? nuuj luol fciii, abcr bic finb gricdjifd)

unb latciiiiid); bic ucrftcljc id) nidit. %Ikv 2!^iU

t) c I m ^1 odjriftcn —©crtrubc. Safe mir jcljit 3iMI()clm^i 2d)viftcn

tici Scitc. 3d) ()a6e jcl3t aiibcrc 3)ingc im Mopfc.

©ag' mir cinmal, luic gcfdUt c^o Sir I)tcr im i^aitfc ?

Couife. 0, rcd)t gut, Xante. (Jy ift nur ciit

hjciiig ciniam.

©ertrubc. iBic qcfadcn 4^ir bic i^cttcin ?

Couifc. *ii iiuii . fie finb rcd)t crnft. 3ie ()a6cn u/i/(^ n*^

nodi fcl)r lucnig mit mir gclprod)cn, unb tsacob {)at o^ ^ji^ ^z

mic^ n}o()I nod) gar nidit cinmal angc)cl)cn. ^c^ glaubc, (^''j^iJl*^-

er i[t rcd)t finftcr . Sagcgcn ift 2Bilt)clm bod) —©crtrubc. Sa, \a bod)! '^(bcr Sacob ift cin

fel)r gutcr 5J?cnfd), fag' id) S;ir.

Souifc. S)a!5 glaubc id) h)oI)t; bod) muf? man fid)

cin .fierA faffen , lucnn man ibn nur anfcbcn foil. 3d)

glaubc immcr, cr ift bbic auf mid). ilMll^clm blirft

bod) mand)mat frcunblid)cr.

^ertru6e. ^o? ?(lfo SSilbdm blidt frcunb=

lid)cr ? (giir fid).) S)a liabcn mir'y ! Sav ift cine

fd)bne S^cfcficrung ! i)cnn gcfdtit it)r ber miebcr

beffcr ! Soil man fid) ba nid)t ,yt Xobe drgcrn, nad)

all' ber 9}?ut)e, bie id) mir gegeben ?

Coutfe (fill- ftct)). '$!^iVj' l)at benn bic Xante?

© e r t r u 6 e (f iir ftc^). Slbcr fie foil mir feincn Strid)

24 lEiiier mug bciraten.

burc^ bic 5)kd)nunfl mad)en, id) rviti ii)x f(^on bie

5(iigcn offncn. (3'i ^ouijc.) 2)u ()aft nur Sacob nid)t

orbcntlid) bctraditct. (Sr ift cin fel)r fanfter, liebcr

SJJcnfd). €, cv hat c\<m:\ tiubfd)c b(aiic ^(iigcn, [tet)'

ibn nur ciiniial rcdjt an. ^icl jdjoncvc unb fanftcre

al5 5&5ill)clin.

fuuftcr 3(uftritt.

Dorige. IDilljelm. 3^c<'^-

IDiltjcIm. So, nur immcr bcmn. 3J3at)rbQftia,

5)u ficljft Dortrefftidi aue.

3acob. 2Sill)clm, id) mad)c mid) liidicrlid).

^crtrubc. 2^a ift cr ! ©icb' nur, mic fd)on cr

ausfiet)t ! 3)ie grofee, ftattlid)c ^igur, bie cble ^qI=

tung —3 a c b. tsd) glaubc, bic ^antc jnftruiert fie bereit§.

©crtrubc. (Sci nur nic^t fo idiuditern. Slide

if)m frci in'^ ®efid)t unb cr luirb fd)on freunbtic^cr

unb Dcrtrautidicr uicrbcn. (3ii 3acobimb 2Bilf)elm.) ^c^

laffc (Sud) jctU allcin ; 3SiU)cIm fann and) mit mir

gc{)cn. 55ringc bann 2)cinc (2ad)c uor.

3acob. ^Ic'm, 33iU)etm blcibt bci mir; allein

'i)ah^ ic^ fcine CEourogc.

0ertru5e. 9tun, mie S)u millft (3" Souije.)

(Enter mitf^ bciiaten. 25

©icl)ft 3)u, inic frcuiiMid) cr Xid) nnblirft? 3Scnn

er Sicf) aiifpvtd)t, fci rcd)t gut unb (icbrcid) gcgcn

i()n, bcrftcdft l)n ? (3u 3acob.) '?(ljo lun-uuirt-o . ^acob,

cin ."pcr,^ gcfatV f Sicbt fo ciii A-rcicviomaim aiisi ?

??a, lucnn id) cin 2}?ann indrc, fodtcft 3)ii ciinnaf fobcn,

luic id) fie im ^turm eroberte. Da ,s^")afcnfuf5 2)u!

Scdjstcr ^uftritt.

tPtll)oIni iiub 3^^'*^^^- ^ouifc.

3acoK ^a waxen inir alfo !

ID til? elm. Sq, unb [ic iDiirc and) ha.

£ u i f c. Sic babcn gan,^ gcuufs ctuni-g nor .

ID i II} dm. ©cbc nur l)in unb rcbc fie an.

3acob. Sie licft \a. Sd^ fann fie bodi icljit-ttrulK

nid)t ft^cn .

IP ill? dm. SBarum bcnn nid)t ? -Dn U'irft bod)

nidjt marten luollcn, bi^^ fie ba!§ bide 55ud) au^^gclefen

3acob. 3Sq§ foil ic^ il)r abciinur fagen ? U/i^Mi^ tUM/- i

ID til? dm. 2)a'5 ift gan^ glcid). Su trittft t)in,

rcbeft fie an unb eiKarft it)r 5^cine Sicbe.

3a cob. ^Jlbcu id) liebe \a nid)t!

IDtII?dnt. S)ag ift ganj glcid). 2)u muBt bod^

hjenigfteng fo t^un.

26 €tner mug l}ctratcn.

3acob. 2o? 3i>ic foil id} bcnn bas anfangen


IDiltjelm. 3^ae ift gan;^ cinfacf). ^u fagft ^.

S3.: ©iitcn SO^orgcn, liebe Goufinc. 23ie gcfit t^

Sf)nen ? 2iHT^mad)cn 2ie '? 33efinben ©ie fid) tool^I ?

oberjionU etuuv5 c:d)oncCv

Jacob. 5)a5 fann id) nid)t. 2)a§ ift mir uiel ^u



ID tit? elm. 5(d} niariim iiidjt ggr! 8tcHc ^ir

einmol j^^r, 2)u iDcircft bic (Eoufine iinb id) irdrc iDu.

9tun giob 9idn, inie id) ba^ mad)en lucrbc. ®uten

SOiorgcn, licbee Soufindjcu


3 a c b. ©utcn 3)Jorgen, better


n)ilbclm. (i'0 — id) — ()m — iBie f)aben @te

gcfd)lafcn ?

Jacob. So, fo : id) bantc.

ID i 1 1) e I m. Ai'cnt mid) — ©o— eg ift f)eutc fetjr

fdjijncg 2A3cttcr


3 a c b. ^sa


ID tit? dm. Unb— ja— iinb id)— ()m— I)m—3acob. 9citit ficlift llw, llw tommft audi nid}t

nom ^-Icd !

ID 1 1 1) c I m. 9iuu, 3^11 taitnft bod) ntd)t ncvlangcn,

boB id) Sir bcit A^'^of luadjcn foil. W.<x\\ fommt ja

QU!o ailcr tsUufioit, lucnn man 3}id) anfteljt, mit

S}cincr lucif3cn i^^alebinbc mib 2^cincm fpi^en gracf.

^ei i()r miirbc ci? nicI bcffer gc()cn.

3a cob. iNcrfiid)c cci alfo bci il)r.

ID tit? dm. 9hm gut, id) luill ;3}ir'y oormadi^it.

Stritt biiitcr ciucu 3traudi unb paffc ja red)t gcitau

auf, bamit Xu cy baiui uad)mad;cu fannft.

(£tncr tnuy bciraten. ^«

3 a cob. 3rf)on, fd)on, licbcr 5^rubcr, 4}u bift

bod) cine gute Scclc.

IP i It? dm. (2ic()ft -Du cy nun cnblid] cin, luie

id) mid) aujopfcvc ? ^l)iic jdU, a(ci ob -Dii fortfliiu-jejt,

ober rajd), fiibie mid) ebcn im ^cuer.

3acob. (*»hit, gut, id) gcl)e [d)on !

£oiii[c. 5ic gel)cn, o()nc mir ctiuoy ,yi jagcn?

5ld) ncin, ih>iU)cliii tommt ,^uriid.

ID i 1 1? c I in. 3li, jol.U gilt cv^l ^Ibcr crft miiffcn

Juir rccognoScieren.

€ouife. illHio cr luiv luoltci! mag ?

ID ill? elm. 3ic fiet)t luabvbattig rcd)t licb(id)

au'o ! 3ie IW )o ctiinii; 3dmHirnu'riidicc\ ^^octiid)ce!

S)er (£rn[t, mit bciii fie il)rc I'cctiirc Dcrfolgt , ftcl)t il)r

gaiT,^ gut.

3tlC0b (l)intfr bcm (StrQurf)e t)orfcf)auenh). 9hin, 2i3i{=

t)elm, fangc bod) an.

IP ill? elm. (>3(cid), glcid), )o limrtc bod) nur cin

mcnig, id) mutj mid) iommelu. S^m, bm !— ''-'-


bod) nid)t fo lcid)t, ab5 id) badite ! .Vrni, l)m. — 5(u=

rcbcrt muJ3 id) fie abcr, fouft blamicrc id) mid) oor

^sacob. S^m, bm, fo ucvttcft, fd)buc (ioufiuc ? (re;

ift irobl nid)t crlaubt, <2ic ,^u ftorcn ?

£ouifc. Gi, i^ctjer, bac> 5>crgnitgcn !^sbrcv Untcv ^

baltung luirt; mir fo fcltcu ,^u ^ci(. bnja bier uou

cincr Storung uid)t bic 9icbc fciii fanu.

IP ill) dm. S^arf man fragcu, may ^br xsntcrcffc

jo fct)r in ^Jtnfprudi nimmtV

€ouifc. Gin uortrcfflidic -o 2i^crf uon cincm gc=

JDiffen ^rojeffor 2Silt)clm ^oru.

28 €tncr mulg tjeiratcn.

IP ill) dm. ^a-i, Don mtr?

£ouifc. ^sa, S()rc Sicifc im 9?orben. D, ©le

cjiQubcii nid)t, luic uicl ^-Bcrtjiuigcu St)r SScrf mir

)d)on imtc()tc.

IP ill) elm. 3.1^11 l)r()nftifl, mcin ncucftc^o 3Scrf!

^ft c^^ abcr uid)t tc^bc iim bic ]d)oncn Slucjeii, :!^ouife,.

bic Sie bamit anftrcnQcii ?

3acob. ©d)5iic ^lucjcn, bivo ift cjiit!

Soutfc. 5)ie fbnncn au| ind)t^^ (Sblere^ fallen.

IDilI)clm (fiir fid)). 8ic l)at inirflid) rcd)t fd)6ne

?(ugcn. (3u I'ouije.) eie fiubcn alfo (^cfdimad iinb

^utcrcffc an ber Siteratur ?

louifc. ^raucu Sic mir fcinen (Sinu fiir ba^

ebelfte SSirfeit"^^

itnb Sc^bnc ^^u. ^n cincm fo ld)i3ncn, Ucblidjcn

^brpcr mii^ mid) cine fd)i3nc Scclc iuot)ncn.

3acob. (£d)5nc ©cele, ha'o ift and) tiut.

ID ill) elm (fiir fid)), ©ic ift uiirtlid) c\a\v^ alkv-

liebft ! Unb tt)el(i) nieblid)C !g .£">dnbd)en fie l)at.

3cicob. %i)a, cr nimint fie bc i ber A anb. 2)Q^i «rr o^otwH*

madjt fid) (\a\^ gnt.

IP ill) elm. W\c fd)meid)e(l)aft ift c§ fiir un^,

nnfere SScrfc and) in fo rci,^cnbcn i^;>dnben ^u cr=

blidcn ; bcvo erfrent nn^o niu fo mcl)r, aU bicfg &{MlUK-' (yclel)rten fclteii ^^\i ?cil inirb.

3a cob. Gr fiifit il)rc Aj^anb ! ^m, ha^ gefallt

mir!-^ € u i f c. tsa, (cibcr befaffen rvix nn^o c]vof5tenteiI|

nur mit beni otridftrumpfe, bcm ©tidrabuicu , ober,

(£incr nuifj boirateii. 29

tt)enn c» t)od) !ommt, mit ivi"jcnb cincm (cicl)tcn 9io=

mane. 5(bcr glaubcn Sic mir, !Ji>il()chn, nid)t 'lUHe

finb fo. g§ giebt mof)! 9J(ancI)c, bio Jidj gcrn mit

ben ernftercn 3Siffcn[d)aften befdiaftigcn mud)ten.

ID til? elm. SBic, :2oui)e, ©ie, ©iefprc. ycn fo?

Couifc. 9hid) mcl)r, id) fidjle fo.

H) i n? c I m. Sic finben uny (^elcl)rtc nid)t peban-

tifd), lanciUH'ilig ?

Couifc. 5Bic fiinnte id) bat?? 3)a,^n ()aOe id)

ttiel 5U t)ol)c ^jtdjtung lun- ilirem il^irfcn iinb bebaurc

nur, baf3 ey u\hj armen ^i'^"*^" '^i'i^t l^rgonnt ift,

bem ^luge il)rc^ (^eifteci ,^u folgcn, loie id) e§ luo^l


IPilljcIm (fiirrtfi)). <3ie ift luirftid) be.^Qubernb !

9Bo umrcn nur mcine ?(ugcn ?

£ouifc. $Kie fd)Lin mu\] csi fciu, g(eid) ifjnen i>a§

SBefen bcr Siinber unb 33oI!er, boS 2Befen ber ^^otur,

bcig UniiicrfuntiS 5U crfaffcn unb ^u l3erfte()en, fid) ^u

ei't)eben iibcr bicfc (irbe unb ben gauf ber ©onnen

unb JiNclten ,vi ergriinbcn ! ^ic ffein fomme id) mir

nor, luenn id) ^n il)rer 4^b()c l)inaufb(ide unb nic^t^J,

nid)t^3 in mir finbe aUj hen X>rang, i()nen ^u folgen

unb fie ju begreifen


XDtlljelm. 3.Bcv5 I)orc id), Souife, Soufind)en?!

SBie fd)6n fie jetit QU!gfte{)t, unb mie begeiftert fie

fpric^t! Souii*d)cn, menu fid) nun (i!ie(egenf)cit fcinbe,

bicfen 3Sunfd) ,^u befriebigen ? Ji^cnn fief) cin iO^ann

fdnbe, ber mit ^^-reuben ^^brcn SBunfd) erfiiUen moUtc,

ber fid) ^sbnen gan,^ mibmcte , @ie auf biefclbe ©tufe

be§ 3Siffen^ ju fut)ren, bie er fclbft erreid)te ?

30 €tner mug t^etraten.

Couife. Sd) iriirbe if)m t^cnt fotc^en itnb cine ge^

Icl)rit3e ©djiilcrin fctii.

H) ill? elm. Unb incnn cci cincr Slircr 35ettern tv^lj-

iDdrc ?

$" u i f e. ©incr mcincr S5cttcrn ?

H) i 1 1? c I m. \\ni> Uicnn — borf icf) co niUofprcii)en,

Souifc — uicnn id) co linirc ?

3 a c b. '3d)un, fd)6u ! 2)ao unf( id) miv mcrfcn !

£ouifc. SSiirbcit ©ic bcnn and) OJcbulb mit bcm

fd}Umd)cn $Ocdbd)cu haimi itiib nid)t Aiirncn , lucun id)

nid)t fo rafd) bcc3viffc, aU^ ,Sic glaubcit ?

ID ill? elm. Sd)i''3yMll_ililiKIL Souifc? 9Bo

bcnfcn ©ic t)iii? @tcticn '©ic mid) aiif bic ^rol^f.

tsd) U'ill t]cbulbicj fcin, luic cin Samm. Sd) iuitl

5((tc^o ,^c{)nma( tuicbcrtiotcn, urn nur redit oft ba^5i*j-'^i]jj^^

S.^crc]niigcn 511 1)abcn, in ^sl)rc fd)iincn ^liigcn bliden

,yi lonncn. 5[d), Soui^od)cn, Uui^; l)abcn ©ic fiir

l)iinintifd)c ^tutjcn ! Sd) bcgrcifc gar nid)t, ha'^ id)

bai?i nid)t frii()cr bcmcrftc.

£ u i f e. ©ic ()abcn fid) iibcrhaiipf:,^Denig urn mid^



It) ill] elm. Unb bicfc^5 9J?imbd)cn ! Si^ic t)err=

lid) iniif5 Co fcin, fcinc cigcucn ii>ortc au§ bicfcm

9}iiiiibd)cu uncbcrl)Dlt ,^1 I)brcn ! X^oui^idicit, antiuor==

\m ©ic ]|iir. luoUcn @ie eg mit m ir uuigm,?

3acob (tommt Iirranaetditidien itub jupft SBilljcdn am


ID i 1 1) e I m. 9Sag gicbt'g bcnn ?

£ouifc. '^Xd) ! ^acob


Jacob. 2)u, 3Bill)clm, ')^ ift gut.

(finer mufj t)etraten. 31

tDilt^cIm. 9tcin, 'c^ i[t iiidjt p,iit. ^.^crfdjlDinbc

2)u nur luicbcr.

3 a cob. tsct) Uicif? jctjt fcf)on flcniifl, c\d)' luir.

It) ill? dm. SiHirum iitd)t (\a\-, id) bin jiud) laiujc

ntd)t fcrtifl. ^sdjt fommt crft bic A2)aiip t)'ad)c .

3 a c 1>. ®o ? 9tori) mcl)r


IP ill? elm. grcilidj; mad) mir, bafj Su fovt^

Jommft, unb ^affe rcd)t aiif.

3acob. 9ta, meincttpcgcn ! bod) nid)t ,yt [awQ^c.-cMAUU

(®cl)t suriid.)

IDill^cIm (fur fid)). S)a§ indre nod) fd)oncr, lucnr

bcrjid) mil! b'rciit mitcto molltc ! (fr jd)cint (^JcfaUcn

an b cr iL'cctioit ,^ii [inbcn. ^sa fo, ba fdtit liur cin, («(. mi. ^/»)

ban id) ja cigcntUd) nur fiir Sacob fpvcc^e ! Sa, bacs

gilt mir ict5t glcid), marum ()at cr mid) in bie gcfdl)r^

Iid)c toituntion gcbra^t. ©ic gcfddt mir gan^ gut,

unb ba id) nun einmal im ?,i\at bin, fann id) boc^t«f«*^*«^

nid)t mcl)r ,^uriidtreten.

€ U i f e (luenbet fid^ bei ben lefetcn SBorten jum @et)en).

ID ill? elm. 3Bo()in, Goufindjen ? <Sie mollcn

'u^t^ bod) nid)t fort ?

£ouife. Sacob t)at gcmils nottoenbiq mit Sl)ncu

gu [prcd)cn.

ID ill? elm. I)urd)an>o nic^t. ^fbcr id) f)abe mit

SI)ncn 5u fprcdjen. :ii>o bin id) bod) nur )"tel)en

gebtiebcn ? S)cr fatate 9Jtcn]d) ^at mid) ganA aug

bcm Sonccpt gcbrad)t.

^^ £ouifc. 3tc botcu \\d) mir ,vum Sef)rcr an.

IP 1 1 1? e I m. S^cin, :^ouifc, ha^i mar eg nid)t allein.

Sd^ JDoEte St)nen dud) fagcn, baf] — ba^ 8ie mir

32 (Sincr nuiig tictrateti.

giiBcrorbentndi flcfallcn — bafj icf) 3ic rccfit inntg

iicb l)abc.

Souife. 9.^ctter, ha§ Q,ci)oxt nicf)t -^um llntcrricfit.

IP ill? dm. W\Q, :2oiitfc, ©ic cnt,^icf)cn mir S()re

.S;>auh, 3ic aiitioortcn mir (\ax iiid)t '?

£ouifc. Sd) fagte ^f)ncu ja fd)on, baf? id) gcrn

Sljvc 2d)idcriii jciit UtoIItc.

H) ill? elm. llui) warn id) Zhmn luclir lucrbcn

iDoIItc — Si)r ^c()rcr, Sf)r ^rcunb iinb — men it v2ie

ciniuilliticiT, ^()r —£ouifc. 9cim, better, ©ic ftodci t ja; in iiuio foU

id) bcnii cinunlliQcn ?

Jacob 'fiirftd)). ^c^l fommt bic IdUe S3ombe;

mcif] ]d)oii, ma^ cr fatjcn toill.

XT i It? elm. aBobtau. Souife, c>3 miiJ3 bcrau§!

a.i5cnn 3ie ciiUDittigten — and) Zhx (Mntti:, bor <Sie

uon 4'>cr5cn (tcbcn, t)crc()rcu, aiif bcii A^anbcii tragctt



£ouife. SSilfjcIm, Sic iiberrafc^cn mid) — ®te

iDOlltClt ? —to til? elm. Sa, ja, Soufind)cit, id) mill! Unb

mcim ©ic „Sa" fagcn, mod)cn 3ie mid) nnau^'

fprcd)lid) gtiirflid)


2) CLC oh. %i)a\ baio ift aljo bic ^;)auptfad)e




S^ouife. (Std)cn Sic an]; ma^S Inirb bie Stantc

ba,^u jagcn ?

IP i 1 1? e I m. @^ ift i()r innigftcr SSunfd).

£ u i f c. SSa^ mirb Sacob fagcn ?

XP ill? elm. S)er, nun bcr mirb fid) rcd)t t)er5lid)

(Airier iiuii^ t^etratctt. 38

boriibcr frcucii. 5Uicr \va<§ iucrbcn 3ic, Souifc,

£ouifc. <3inb <2ic mtr bcnn quJ) tuirftid) gut?

IP i 11^ dm. %\, \m[)x\)a\tii}, Souijc. ^d) iuitt

Sic nid)t b ctiigcit iiiib ^Illicit cine nrcn;^cnIo]c gicbe

lun'i'piciiclu : Qbcr gut biu id) Sljucu luni .'poiv^cu, unb

bic jo rcd)t iiiuigc, )va[)vc Sicbc luivb todijl and) !Dm=

men, lucun id) l)of[cu barf, Sl)vc g^cigung ^u gc=

luinnen. (2prcd)cn ©ic, Souifc, finmct ^5ie mir bicfe

[d)cntcu ?

$; u i f c. dlnn — 3SiU)c[m —ID tit) elm. Sa? Sa, Souijc?

€ouifc. 9(un bcnn, 3?ctter, jg ! ^sc^ rt)itt ^f)ncrt

ticrtrgucn , nub — untcv un>^ gcfggt, 2Sill)ctm, id) tugr

tsl)ncn gtcid) Doin crftcn ^tutjcnblide cui gut. 5(bcr

©ie, ©ie bojcr i')Jtcnid) ipbm mid) ggr nid)t angc=



H) i I f) e I m. g-rcilid), id) war cin 9tgrr, mit 93linb*

!f)cit ge)d)lagcn ! 5lber jcl^t gc{)cn mir bic ?tugcn auf,

unb id) fef)c cincn gan,^cn 4^immcl t)or mir. S)u

licbcio, tiimmtifd)C'o 'iO?dbc^cn, jcM, jc^t gicb mir cincn

^uJ3 5um ©iegcl un]crc^5 93unbcy !

3acob. ©i, ei, baio modji fid) d)armantl

34 (£iner mug heiratcrt.

fester ^uftritt.

X)orige. ©ertrube.

(Scttrube. 9Sa§ fcl)cn mctne 5Uigcn?! WiUI)chn, lutv^ foil ha<-' ()ci^cn ?

H) i H) c I ni . D tuel), bte 2:ante


©ertrubc (juSacob). Hub S)u ftcf))*t fo vuliig ba

unb [iet)ft 511 ?

3 a c b. 3Bi(t)c(m 5cigt mir nur, luie id) c^^ inod)en


©crtrubc. ©0? 3Barum tduft "^u ba^ nic^t

fclbft? SSantm f)aft 2)u nod) nid)t mit il)r ge-

fprod)cn ?

3acob. ®(cid), gleid) ! 3SiIt)c(m i[t baran

@d)ulb ; cr i[t nod) nidit fcrtig.

H) ill? elm. S)od}, 93riiber, jcW bin ic^ tjollf

ftdnbig fcrtig. S5cftc ^antc, liebcr 53rubcr, id) ftctle

tSud) t)icr unfer Iicbc!§ Soiifind)cn aU meine iBrout


€)ertru6c. 3Sa^5iftbag?

3 a cob. 3:)cinc S5raut ?

H) ill? elm. 3a, mcine tiebe, ^er^ige 95raut, bie

(£tiicr m\\\] bciratcn. 35

mid) c&cn biircf) il)rc (SiniDJUigunq t^nm glucflic()[ten

SD?cnfd)cit iiiad)tc.

^crtrube. 3cun, bay [iiib miv fd)unc ®c=

fcl)id)tcn ! 2)11 Riillft Ijcimtcu ? ^sd) hadjta bod), ha^

Sacob —3ticob. vSii, fvcilid), id) luoHte mid), cv gefiel ntir

fd)on gaii,^ cjiit.

IP ill? elm. Ww l)at c^ abcr nod) bcffcr ge=


3*3 cob. ®ag 2o§ bat \a abcr mid) gctroffen!

tDtIl?cIm. ^a, au\ bcm ^^apicrc. tsd) i)abt ober

l)icr ill 3iMrttid)fcit unb gcluifj ben grbfjten ^reger



® c r t r u 6 e. S^nn, unb nja§ fagt Soitife ?

ID ill? elm. C, bie ift c§ pfricben; nid)t tpaf)r

£oui^<f)en ?

£outfe. 3Seitn meine gntc Xante nid)t^5 bogegen


©ertrube. 9?un, meinctn:)egcn ! W\v ift e^3

gleid), itielc^er t)on ©ud) t)eiratet, n)enn nnr get)eiratet


3acob. ®a§ ift rec^t fd)led)t oon S)ir, 3Sill)e(in,

!5)u luollteft mir boc^ nnr Oorarbeiten ! 3Sarum t)abe

id) benn nicincn ^rad ange^ogen ?

ID ill? elm. Sa, in fo{d)en S)ingen mu^ ^eber

fiir ^id) felbft I)anbeln.

3cicob. @d)abe ! ^lun crften Mak in meinem

iCebcn t)dtte id) @cfd)mad baran gefiinbeii. 2(6er

fo gel)t e-5 Sinem, lyenu nmi [ic^ wit graucn einf

lafet' .u,v^t^-<i^

36 (Etncr mnf; bcii\itcn.

IP i 11^ dm. 9(icf)t immcv ; man muf^ e§ nur quf /u

bic rcd)tc 5lvt aii|\"iiu]cii.

(Sertrubc. Hub [id) 'nid)t (\icid) Qbfc£)rerfcit

laffen. ^crjudK cci nur nod) ciiima(, c^S luirb fd)on

bcffcr t]c()cn.

3acob. ^%i(It mir nid)t im Jvaiimc cin ! ©inmal

inib iiid]t Uiicbcr. G'o \\i Jo gan,^ cjiit. 'vsrf) (affe

mid) nid)t mc(}r nerteitcn , blcibc (cbig itnb 6ci mcincu

i^iid)crn. Tn ^atcx fagte [a and) nur: (Siner )u,»<viuv^

luuf} Ijeiratenl


7^ 70^ ifp^/z^T^^'TrpoO'^^l'


!KatI?artna, feine ^rau.

(£mina, fcine ®attiu.


V in 5nfrcbg ©ienftcn.

(Eigcnftnn. 39

Ciller S^uftritt.

^{^bzilf (Winter ber ©cene). ^einricf), .^cinricf),

ttiQC^ auf


^einridj. ^omm, irf) luill S)ir f)e(fcn ! (?i8bet^

tritt ein; er fiifet fic.


Cisbetl?. 5Iber, ^einricf) —• hjcnn bay Semanb



J^etnricfj. 23cr foil eiS bcnn fc{)cn ?

C is bet I?. S)er S^qxv tann \a jebcn ^Qitjcnblicf



^cinrtdj. Hi^, Si^36etfi, fo cinen ^u]] im ^dv=

bcigef)en, jo auf bcr ^^ludUd" cnDifd)cn, bac^ frf)mcrft

om 5^cften.

S" i s b c 1 1}. 5(ber lucnn bcr ^crr —^ctnridj. 9htn, iDcnn cr ec; and) cjcfclien l)dttc,

toa^j iodre babei ?

Cisbetlj. Sd) fcf)dmtc micf) tot.

f)ctnrid?. 25?ariim bcnn? (Sr toirb fcinc Jvrau

aud) fiiffen — feit brei SO^onaten erft ocrbeiratct—Sisbetlj. Sa, feme ^rau! SSeim ^u mein

?[l?nnn JPiirci't —

40 (Eioicnftnn.

f^ctnrtdj. 2Bic laiujc inirti bcnn ba^^^ nocf)

bauern ?

£ i 5 b e 1 17. 2i?cr lucif,

£)cinrid). ^c^JifilliJ ldn(]cr, ale; 3)ir lieb ift

C is be tf}. ii^tvo ba^i fiir 9icbcn [iitb ! 3)enf an

bag Stifdjbcden


Jiueitcr ^uftritt.

t)ortgc, 2CIfrcb (tifcibt nubemcrft an b:r £I)ur ftc'^en).

^ i s b c 1 1^. S)cr .^crr 3d}Uncc^crtmtcr unb bic ^rau

(Sd)U)ic(]crmuttcr fommcii 511111 ^ru()[tu(f.

J^etnrid}. Hub frcucn fid), loie gliidlid) bie

jungcit Gljcleute [inb ! — ^m, einen ©d)lpicgcrDater

tann id) Sir frcilid) nid)t aiifiocijcn -

£isbctt?. S)a2i tl)ut nid)t^o, id) and) ntd)t!

f^cinrid). Sd) benfe, ft)ir 93cibc finb unto felb[t

gcniU3 ! @ut fo, bcr Xi)d) ift cjcbcdt.

£isbctt?. ^sa.

I)cinrid). SSaio?

€isbctF^. 9lid)l'o — id) facjtc: ja.

f)cinrid}. S)a!o ift nid)to, 2)ii mufet ba^ aud)


CisbctI). ai^a^^?

^eiriridj. „G^)iit fo, bcr Xifc^ ift gebedt!"

£ is bet I). SBarum?

€tgcnfinn. 41

^einrtcf?. 2)ae^ fdjidt fid) fo.

€ 15 bet I;, ^ummc^^ ^cug.

I^cinrid?. 2Bcnn man Gtoay fcrtic^ i)at, fo faqt

man: ,X^kit fo" obcr „@ott Sob" obcr „®ott fei

5)Qnf", bic '3ad)c i[t fcrtig.

Cisbetlj. ^uUTctci!

f)einrtd?. S)cVo ift fcinc S^Jorrctei, fcin bitminco

3cug. ?(l^o bcr licbc (?!5ott bic 3Sc(t gc)d)affcit dattc

unb [a(), baf3 ^tflco gut luar, fagtc cr audi : @ott fci

5)anf, bie SBelt ift fcrtig. Hub bovuni ift c§ ein

froinmcr S^mudi . bafe man bai? immcr fatjt, menn

man —Sis bet I}. 9W), flc()' mit ^einen ^M)ern{)citcn !

f)cinrtdj. I'icibctt), e§ ftub fcine 5((bcrn()eitcn,

jDu mufjt nid)t fo frcigeiftcrijd) tl)un ! ^omm l)cr

unb fagc U)ic id}: @ott fci 2)anf, bcr ^ifd) ift gc-



^ is bet I). 9tcin!

^einridj. Wix ju Sicbc.

€ is bet I?. ^'c]^'nnUnid)t!

^ e i n r i dj. S)u uullft nid)t ?

£isbetl?. 9tcin!

^cinrid?. 9Scnn idi 1)id) um cttva? bitte, fo

fagft S)u : id) mil nid)t ? !

£isbetlj. Sa, ja, ja! 9Scnn id) nict)t iriK, bann

loill id) uid)t, unb lucnn 2)n mid) ^cl)n ddlal bittcft


J)cinrid}. ^ie mdre mir ba«o ? ^sd) founte 5cf)n

9}?a( bitten, unb 2)u fagteft immcr nein ! ?

Cisbett^. Sa, iDcnu ®u folc^' bummei^ 3c"9

Dorbringft —

42 (Sigenftnn.

^ c i n r i dj. @^ tft fein bummed i^eug ; ober batjon

ift got nicf)t bie 9icbc, 5)u follft cy ^^ fagcn, iDcit

id) cy tDiinfdjc I

€ i 5 b e 1 1?. Sd) tl)ue c^o uidjt.

^ctni-id?. :^ic4ictl)!

£isbctt?. 4'^cinnd)!

I^ c t n r i d}. Sel^t mufit 2)it cc^ fagen


€isbctt?. 3c^mufe?

^ c i n r i d?. Sa, id) licilaiiflc c^o !

S" i s b e 1 1^ ®u trdumft ttjol&l? Dbcr bift ^u bcute

9?covgcn mit bcm linfcn g'ufee ^uerft qu6 bem 33cttc

gcfticgcn ?

^etnrtd?. Maci}' fcinc ^offen ! ©^ ift mcin

©Tiift ! 3)u follft fagcn : (^ott fci ^anf, ber Xifd) ift



^J i 5 b c 1 1?. !4)a§ foft id) fagcn ?

f) c i n r i d?. Sa !

Ctsbetf?. Sc^foU? Sc^mufe?

^cinrid?. S)n foUft nnb mufet.

C i s b c 1 1?. 9cini tliiic id) c^5 garnicf)t


£) e X n r i d). i'ic^bctl), id) bitte S)id)


S: is bet I). Sd) tbn'^^ nid)t.

f) c i n r i d}. 3um lct3tcn Tlal bittc id) ®id)


S:i5betl?. Sd) it)u'^ nid)t, id) tl)n'ie^ nid)t, unb

trcnn ^u '^id) anf ben ^'opf ftcUft


£) e t n r i dj. 3)a^5 luollcn )uir bod) fct)cn


Sisbetlj. S)aa tuoKcn luir fc^cn


f)cinrid). 5(Ifo 5)n gicbft mcinen ^Bitten ntc^t

itadi , ^u uicigcrft 3)id) l)artnddig ?

Cisbetl^. Sa!

:iaonnnit. 43

^cinrid). l)u mi lift 2)cincn Gicjcnfinn iiicljt

bred)cn ?

€ is bet I). 5Mn!

^ e i n r i dj. ©o follft 'Du— (parft fie am SIrm.)

Cisbetl?. ^fii!

^einrid). San' ^-' '

!fisbetl?. 9(ein, qu, qu!

^cinridi. fsjott fci X'aitf, bcr 'Jifrf) ift c^cbccft!

£ is bet I). i){cin, nciii ! Tit l)afilici)cr 'Wcitfd),

mid) fo ju briirfcit — unb id) facjc ciS bod) nid)t


^einrid). 65iit, iiiit iiiiy ift cS aufo ! ((apt fie tog.)

Cisbetl^. '3o gel)'


£)cinridj. ©o Icid)t giebft 2)u mid) mif ?

$" is bet I). 2.i>cmi 2)u ciii 9unT fciu unf(ft!

I)einrid?. 5(bcr 3)u faitiift bod) bio paar 'ilNorte

fagcn ?

£isbetl). 5(bcv id) luill nid)t, id) tnilt ntd)t, i(^

toill nic^t


^cinrid^. 9iun, fo gcli' jum —£ i s b e t f?. S3ir fprcd)cn imc^ luciter !

f^einrid?. Sic^betl): (i)ott fei 2)anf, bcr "Jifd) ift



Cisbetl?. 9Zein !

^einrid}. Gigenfiittt, 2)ein 9?amc ift SScib.

SSittcn, 5)rot)ungcit, ©cioalt, %ik^$ ocrgcbcn^^ ! 3d)

glaiibe, id) fonnte fie tot fd)tagcit, fie fagte e^S bod)


Zllfreb. Sofe fie oor ber ^QiT_b nod) leben,

^eiitrid), fie mag e!o fagen ober nic^t


^einrid?, 2(d), ^^err, ©ie t)aben gel)ort ?

44 (gtgcnftntt.

Zllfrob. Ginen ^cil ©ure^o 3^'^'^^-' —i^^- j^^-

2)a§ 9J^dbrf)cn i[t ftarrfopfig. .

£)ctnrid?. 5W), [ic i[t jonft gut — id) Jueife nid)t,

\va& \i)x ()cittc im Slopfe fterft


2tlfre6. ^a, ja, lucr fann immcr luiffcn, U)n^5

ben i'Bcibcrn im ^'opfc ftccft. Sod) gc()' jeljt, bc[orgc

nod) cine S'Iafd)c 5J(\ibcira, mcin ®d)U)icgcnu"iter

trinft gcrn cin (^ln!?d)cn 511111 grid)j'tiid


^einrid). ©ic mu^ cs^ bod) nod) fngcu ! (^einridj

unb SiSbct^ gel)eu ab).

21 If rob. Ob [ic iiiit i()rcm 5(ii,^iige nod) nid)t

fcrtig i[t ? @ie l)at bud) ]d)Dii gcflingclt ! Sit), ba

ift fie.

Ilrittcr ^uftritt.

(Etgcnfinn. 45

3Bir ftnb jc^t [dfjon brci 'iWonato Hcrftcirntct, ^it mufjt

onfaiigcn, ciii C£1)cniaiui 511 iDcvbcii, iniifjt aufl)ovcn,

bcii i^iebt)abcr ,^ii fpiclcu !

2tlfrcb. Hub njdrc 3)ir benn btv5 licb?

(£mma. ^e lunt, ndc 2Sc(t \ac\t mir, bafs bie

9}?dnucr iit bcr (£1)e fid) diibcvn, id) imif] mid) and)

barauf gcfafst mad)cn. Sc tdngcr 2)u abcr mit bicfcr

^(cnbcrinig joqcrft, bcfto mcl)r licjQuo^nft ^u mid),

bcfto fd)U)crcr lucrbc id) mid) nad)l)ci- liincinfinbcn.

2(Ifre6. 9^ie lucrbc id) mid) iinbcvn, UcbciS SScid,

itic [oUft ^11 ciucit Untcrfd)icb fiiibeit 5lui)d)cn bcm,

luic cy ift uiib luic cy mar.

(Emma. Unb id) tucrbe S)ir and) iiicmaltS (55e=

Icgent)cit gcdcn


nifrcb. Zsd) mcif3, 3)u bift btiiS bcfte 2Sei6 auf

Grbcn, 54)u crfitllft meine SSiinfc^e, nod) et)e ic^ fie


€mm a. Unb t()itft S)u nid)t baffclbc ?

2t I f r c 6. 2Sie fbmite id) and) 2)cincm 5(ugc miber=

ftcf)cn, Incnu c^3 jo fvcunblid) au\ mid) gcriil)tet ift

unb — cincn ilufj bcgct:rt ?

(£mma. ©adUc . mcin 4"^crr, mcinc 5(ugcn bc-

ge()rcn nicmal^ Sliiffc, fie gcmdf)rcu I)ijd)ften'y


^ If re 6. 9'^un, fo gciudl)re


€mm a. Sicbcr ^dfrcb


2t I f r c 6. 9Jcciit fitf]^5 2Bcibd)cn !

(£mma. i)J(cinc ©ttcrn blcibcn lange, id) had)te,

fie murben friif)er fommcit.

^Ifreb. %rmiffeft S)u fie


(£mma. Sie grage iDor t)o*i Sir nid)t bebac^t!—

46 (2tgcnrtnrt.

2llfrcb. 9^cin, neiit, fie fiil)r mir fo f)erQU^ —S)a I)abc icf) focbcn —€mma. 3Ba^o l^aft 2)u foebcn ? — S^o mu^ fet)r

luftig fcin. —2llfre5. (Sincn l)od)ft tomifct)cn §(uftntt be=



(Silt ma. ^tQu[^J? (Si, ct, |)crr ®cmQf)t


2tlfre6. &an^ ^ufdllig. 2Sie id) am mcincm

dimmer tretc, ucrncf)me i(^ cin teb^aftcio ©efprdc^


id) bleibc ftc[)cit : ^cinrid) unb fiiiobet^ f)Qbeit focbcn

ben Xifd) fjeorbnet, ipcinrid) fagt barauf gan,^ fclbft=^

^ufrieben: ®ott fci 3)Qn!, ber Stifd) ift gcbcdt, nnb

ncrlangt Hon Si§bctt), fie folic ha§ and) fagen ; benn

hivi miiffe man nad) ooUenbetcr ^Irbeit tt)un.

(Emma. 3Sie cinfd(tig


2llfre6. Sisbctl) meigertc fid), .^cinrid) bcftanb

baranf, fie gerieten in einen fi)rm(id)en ©treit, er

iDotlte fte itnmgeii , ober fie blicb eigenfinnig unb

fagte c§ nic^t.

(£mma. tse nun, man fiinntc immcr nod) fragen,

h)er i)ier am eigenfinnigftcn mor, i^einrid) ober Si^*



Zllf re6. 5([fein er bat fie barum


€mm a. (S^S mar cin alberneg 3-^cr(ongen.

Zllfrcb. 5tber fo unbebeutcnb, ha^ fid) bte f)art=

nddige ^eigernng gar nid)t red)tfertigcn (dfet.

€mma. Qbcn fo toenig hiv$ t)artnadige 3.^er*

langen ! Sd) finbe nid)t, bafs Si^betl) Unredjt i)at.

^Ifrcb. ©treiten mir nid)t bariiber. S5ei vm§

fonnte ba^ freitid) nid)t oorfommen


(Eiaenfinn. **

(Emma (rtei)t itrn ^jnitiiwjt nn).

Hlfrcb. 3Sicnn id) ^id) )o urn (Stiuac biitc, 5)u

tt)uvi)e[t e^ tf)un.

(£.11 ma. i^m, ()ni!

2llfrcb. ^c^ bin iibcr^cugt, ^u tuurbcft c§ tbun.

€ mm a. Unb lucnn id) c^o nid)t tf)dte ?

^Ifre6. 2BcnnS}u es nid)t t()atcit? 5)er gaU

ift nic^t bcntbar, barauf iDoUtc id) luctten


€ mm a. 3Scttc nid)t


2llfrc6. 58cr)iid)cn wiv e<§ glcic^.

€mma. 9Zcin, iicr)ud)cn ttiir e^ nid)t


2JIfreb. ^d) bittc Sid), liebe (Smma, fage cin

9«q1: @ott fci 5)anf, ber Zi]d) ift gebedt.

(Emma. ®et)', 5)u bift finbijd)


2llfre6. Sitte, bittc fagc c^5!

€mma. 2Sa!§ bog fiir cin iscrlangcn ift


2(Ifreb. ©itte, fiiBea 23eibd)cn, fage ein 'SRal

©ott fei 5)an!, ber ^ifd) ift gcbcrft.

€mma. 9tein, has fagc id) nid^t!

Otlfreb. Sitte, bitte!

(Emma. S^ein, nein!

2JIfre6. S)u fagft ca nic^t?

(Emma. 9tcin


2tlfrc6. 2)u fijnnteft mir cine 53ifte t)crrt)eigern ?

€mm a. 'illber e§ ludre \a finbifd), bas ,^ii fagen


2tlfre6. ^inbifc^ ober nictjt, barauf fommt c§

nid)t an ! (5^ ^anbett fic^ nur barum, bafe 2)u mcine

Sitte erfiillft.

€mma. 2)u t^uft Unrec^t mit einer folc^n


48 (Eigcnftntt.

2tlfrc6. ^a§ mag fciii, allcin !J)u tt)uft Unred)t,

fie mir Qb.^ufdjlngcn.

€mma. Sc^ tf)uc Uiircdjt? 2)a^ ift bo^J erfte

Mai, ta^ S)u mir jo (itiuae fatjft


2(Ifrc6. ^§ ift Quc^ ba^ crftc Wai, bofe S)u mir

cine 33ittc nermiigerft


€mma. Unb bivo crftc Wai, bafi 2)u fo finbifc^,

fo uniibcrtcgt bittcft


H If re 6. Slinbifcl)? Unitbcrlcgt? 93c(cf)e i\5orte

miif3 ic^ t)on 2)ir t)5ren ? Sft ba^o bic 8prad)c bcr


(£mma. ^anrt bic Siebc Hon bcr ©elicbtcn cine

St)ori)cit Dcrlangcn ?

Ztlfrcb. D, id) t)acc no(^ nid)t Dcrlangt, id) Ijabc

nur gcbcten


€ inm a. ©o— unb mcnn S)u oertongcn miirbeft ?

^Ifreb. S)ann —(£mma. Unb ttjcnn ®u t)cr(angcn fciirbeft?

2tlfre6. ®ann miirbeft Su Sid) bcftimmt nid^t

tocigcrn !

€mma. ^nft bonn toiirbe id) mid) mcigcrn!

:tlfrc6. mc?(Emma, ©o (Stma(3 mitlft !I)u Don mir ncrlangcn


60 millft 2)u mid) crnicbrigcn ? S)cr S^ittc I)dttc id)

t)icUcid)t nQd)gcgcbcn, bcm 5_^crlangcn lo^idli^ id) nid)t.

2tlfrc6. 9}?cin ©ott, mic f)cftig, luic cnt[d)icben'

trittft 3)u gcgcn mid) anf ! Sft hiV^ bcr ^on, in bcm

eine ©attin mit i()rcm 9}?Qnnc fprid)t ?

€mma. ©inb folctjc SLl)orI)eitcn ^^crlangen, bie

ein SQionn an fcinc ©attin ftellt ?



<Eiaetintm. 49

piertfr ^^uftritt.

Portgc, Cisbctb, l)cinri6.

€ m m a. Sd) I)abc mcin Xafd)cntud) licgcn laffen!

(^^ic-bct^ iinb A>einrid) gel)en ah.)

Hlfreb. @mma, hxihc cine Sad)c, bic nnfant]^j

©d)cr,^ wax, nid}t bi^o ^lu f bic gp it^q.

(£mma. Xliue id) bcnn i)a§? S)u bift c^^, bet

eincit 5d)cr5 in Grnft ucriDanbclt./'i''

2llfre6. ^^^Qft ^u S^ir iibcrlcgt ? mHit "^n

©eincii ©iiicnfinu aiifc;cbcn ?

€mtna. 9Bic? (iigcnfiint ? 2)u lt)cif5t, id) fann

ha^^ 3iHirt iiid)t (cib^Mi, id) bin nid)t cigcnfinnig, in

biefcm i^aiic bin id) c^5 gar nid)t, fonbcrn 5}n bift c§,

inbcm Xn fo I)Qrtnadig auf cincr 'Jfiorbeit bcftclift


2tlfreb. 5Ibcr, ©mma, bcgrcifc bod), nm bicfc

^f)ovI)cit ift c^ mir \a gar nid)t ,^u t^un, id) ttjill bkvi,

boB 3)u mir !cine ^ittc abfditdgft


(£mma. Unb id) bittc 3)id), Don bcr (2ad)c auf-



2(Ifre6. 5(bcr id) I)abe 2)id) ,^ucrft gcbctcn, incine

95ittc gcl)t bor. Sd) l)dttc c§ nid)t fiiu moglid) gc=

l^alten, ha'iii S)u jcma(^3 dk'm fagcn fbnntcft! S(^

fann ben ©ebanfcn nid)t ertrojjeii


^ <2igenfintt.

(£mma. <So ? Scf) foil nicmatg 9'lem fagen?

Smmcr nur: Zci, jo, ja! Sict), 3)u 6i[t loie bie

9}?dnncr qUc. S()r luoUt fcine licbcnbe ©ottin, feine

gkidibcrcditigte ^rcunbiii Ijabcii ; il}r t)erlangt, ha^

einc i^xan cure ©flabin fei.

21 1 f r e 6. 2Sc(d)c Ucbcrtrcibiing


(£mma. 9tcin, ncin, ]o fdiigt bie lJritcriod)iiug

on, mit ber ^ovbcntng bc^ bliiibcit (^_cllpr]aniy . ^^(ber

id) (affe mid) nid)t ^ur ©!IaDin mad)cn, nie, niema^J.

Sc§ Uicrbe mcine 9?cd)te ncrtcibigeu bic^ Quf bcit

klUert 5ltcm^ug, nic luerbe id) mid) 4}rDl)ungen, nie

rofier ©emalt unterm erkit.

2llfre6. „Unb cr foil bciii Syxv fcin", fagt bie


€mma. ©ielift 5^u, baf? ic^ 9?ed)t {)atte? 3)u

millft ber ipcrr, id) foil bie (S!lamn fcin, Xn n)illft

bcfcl)lcit, id) foil gct)ord)cn. O, id) erfeime 2)eine

^crrfd)aft an, inie c§ fid) ,^icmt , icl) merbe 5)ir ge=

l)ord)cn in alien ocrnitnftigcn 3)ingcn, nie aber, iuenn

SDcine 33efel)le unucrniinftig finb !

2llfrcb. 3)a^5 finb fcine 5tu|]2xMi'r i^ie man

gcgen Scmanb bvaud)t, ben man ad)tct


(£mma.- (2old)e ®inge mut^t man and) einer

gran nid)t ju, bie man ad)tct.

21 1 f r c 6. 5lber cin (£d)er,^ —(£mma. D, "Xn t)aft bittern (Srnft barau^ ge=

mad)t. 9tod) oor einer isiertclftnnbc fagteft 5)u mir:

nie luerbe id) mid) dnbern, unb fc^on je|t ftef)ft 2)u

mir al(? ber falte, gefiibllofc Sbemann gegeniiber, ber

in feiner ^xan nur feine Untergebene fiel;t I

(Etgcrtfinn. 51

2llfrcb. SBeinc nic^t, 3)u rtjetfet, bafe ^l)rdnett

mic^ rei^cii


(£mma. ^cf) fann nic^t bafiir, lucnti !J)u fie mir

geraoltiam ausprcffcft


Ztlfrcb. ^ehie ©iite, tt)el(^ cin Uiu]cl)cncr bin

id) fdjoit c]cn)ort)cii ! Scf) prcffc 3)ir ^l)rdncii aui?!

Slrmc^, bcbaiicrn!?rDcrtC!g SBcib, bo^ il)i* Uiigfiicf an

folc^ einen i)J?cn)cI}cn fettctc !

(Emma. ^2o vcd)t, fiit^c uod} @pott ^u 2)einer

@raiiigin|cit. Ti?cr mir bo^ uor einer ©tunbe gcfacjt

()dttc ! ^sd) ftanb )o frb[)lid) nuf, id) fiiljlte mid) ]o

flliidlid), uiib jcUt

2tlfrcb. (iJicbt Ci§ fcin iinflludlid)cre^ 2Bcib, aU®u bift, fprid) cc! nur oiho.

€ mm a (meiut imb nutiuovtet iud)t).

2tlfrcb. Seljt mcint fie ijar! 3Senn je^t bie

(Sltern fommen, \va§ folieu fie benfcn ! Gmma,(Smma — }^van — liebe^ Rinb — tomin, laB un^

^ebcn mac^en.

€ m m a. ^ricben ?

2tlf rcb. Gf^ ift tt)ijrid)t, baf] mir un5 bcu fd)Linen

9J?or(^en felbft nerbittern.

€mma. ©iebft ^u ba^5 ein ?

Zllfrcb. 9(iemanb ^at mo()I menit^er ©ninb, fic^

^n t^enmeiiugcu, a[§ tuir



(£mma. Hub bod) unirft IDu fo l]art i]egen



2tlfrcb. 9iun fict), id) fomme l^iv cntgegen, id)

biete 3)ir bie |>anb, mad)en mir J^ricbcn.

(£mma. 2)u Uimrt, mid) fo ^u qitdlen.

52 (Etgcnftnn.

2llf rc6. Unb mm fai]ft ^u inir ^u Siebe bie paar


€mnia. 933ic? 3»nimcr no(J) ?

2tlfrc5. ^u luillft iiicljt?

(Emma, "i^ber, 5Uficb

2tlfrc6. ^d) bin ^ir cnti^egciic^cfommcn, ):}alit

S)ir bic i^^anb gcreidjt, jeljt i[t css an 5^ir, and) S^ciner-

feit^ nad)5ugcbcn.

(£mma.' 5(lfo !^ii bc[tc()ft barauf? 2)u wiii^t

ben ©trcit ijon ^ orn anfancjcn ?

2llfreb. (Snbe ben ©treit— fage bie paar 93orte,

unb id) bin befricbigt.

€111 ma. 9tein ! unb obermals nein


2nfrc6. 9Zein?

€mm a. 9?ein


21 If re 6. ®nt, fd)on, fet)r fd)6n. ®u fict)ft, ba^

mir cin (befallen mit bie|cr ^(einig!eit ge|d)icl)t, adein

S)u tf)uft Q'$ nic^t. 9}t'cin 3Snn)cb mag eine St^or^eit

fcin, aber esS ift bod) mein S^nnl'd) — 'Dn erfiidft il)n

uidjt. (Sci mag (Sigcnfinn uon niir fcin, ba^i bon 2)ir

^u Derlangcn, aUcin bie Siebe foUte fid) bem (Sigen-

finnc fit^ni, foUte uad)gcbcn, — SDu t()nft ey nidjt.

5(n ben bnmmcn SBovten fann mir uid)t§ liegen, abeu

c§> xviixc mir ein iiBemeiiS S)einer Siebe, ba^ S)u fie

fogft, unb an bicfem 33emci)e (icgt mir 3?ic(, — allein

S)n giebft mir biefen 33emei^ nic^t. Sd) ijabc !l)i^

gebcten, id) [jaho: bertangt, id) t)abe Skrnnnftgriinbe

allcr 5lrt orfdjiipft — adein 3)n b(eibft bartnddig!

Unb Xn uuU[t mid) licbcuj? Xu, bic nid}t cinmal

t^rcn (^igenfinu bcMmpfen fann, urn if;rcm Tlaini

(£iacitfttm. 53

cine (55cfdIIigfctt ,yt cvluciicu ? ®cf)', get)', [age mir

nie ipiebcr, baB ^n mid) licbft.

(Emma. ®u njirfft mir (Sigcnftnn 'qox? Unbmit mcld)cm 9?cd)tc? ^u gicbft fclbft ^i, baf3 c^S

cine ^l)ort)cit ift, uon mil* jcne cinfdltigcn Slnirte ^^u

Derlangen, unb bod) bcftel)ft 2)u auf bicfer jll)orl)cit ?

(Ss miirbc mid) ej[[tmiirbigcn, luolltc id) miiicnttic^

cine 2{)or'^cit bcgcbcn, unb bod) ocrlangft 2)u ent=

fd)icben biefe Gntunirbigung ? Z]t hci^i 2iebe ? S)u

fiet)ft, bnfs mic^ -i^cin !i^erlangcn Kbmcr.U . bafe mir

S)eine ^umutungcu mcl)t^un — obcr ha^i riU)rt 5) id)

nid^t, 2)u bcftcbft aiif 2)eincm Slopfe. SDeine ^pdrte

prefet mir '3:i)rdncn aih$, fie (affcn 3)id) talt —mein gan^^eg SBefcn ftrdubt fic^ gegen 2)ein 35cr=

longen, abcr f)artnddig be[tct)ft !4)u Quf ^einem

SSillen. SSo, auf mclc^er ©cite ift nun ber (^igen*

finn ? 225o ift ber aj^ongel an Siebe ?

pufter ^uftritt.

Portae, f^cinrid?.

^ e t n r i d}. 2)ie |)errfd)aften fommcn


2tlfrcb. 95erbirg 5^cine 5:()rdncn! 3Sq^ foUeit

fie oon ^ir bentcn ?

(£mnia. SO^einetmegcn mogcn fie miffen, tva^

Dorgegangen ift, id) ful)le mid) un]d)ulbig.

54 fitgenftnn.

2tlfrc6. Dcimni 3)cine ^fltcf)tcn n(^ .^ou^frau in

%d)t, man mufs jciitcn (^dftcu ctit frcunblid)Ci3 @e[id)t


Sedjstcr ^uftritt.

Porige, 2Jus6orf, Katljarina, Ctsbctlj.

Zlusborf. ©uten 9)2orgen, ^inber, gutcii dJlov^^

gcu ! |)e, it)ie ge{)t's ?

2(Ifreb. (2eicn Sie ()e^Iicf) midfommeii


€ mm a. 2i3i(Ifommen, liebe 9Jhitter, bcftcr 5?ater


K at tsarina, ©t, mcin i^inb, id) t)aiK 2)id) laiige

iiidjt gcic[)cii, 2)u mad)ft 2)ic^ fc(ten. ' ^€ m in a. Sicbc 9J?utter —Kattjarina. 2J3ci[5 fd)on, Slinb ! Juci^ fdjon,

cine jnnge ^ran l)at mcl)r ^n t()un, al^g an it)re 9[l?utter

gn ben fen.

2t u s b r f . 3)ng ift bcr 2Bc(t gml %va\x, fte mufe

Skater nnb iDhittcr lierdiffen, luie e^ in ber ©dirift

ftelit — aber Smma benft bod) nod) ^ulueilen an un^,

nid)t )o, Slinb ?

(£ mm a. Smmer, 5.^atcr, immcr


2llfrc6. SBoIIcn luir nns nid)t fel^en? (§einrid^

unb Ji^bet^ ge'^en ab.)

ilusborf. Sd) bin'^ ^ufrieben, .^eiT ©of)n; eg

ijt ein lucitcv !Scg ^u ©ud) f)er, ic^ bringc miibe ^eine

(Etgcnftntt. 55

unb tnc!)ttgc Gyu]t mit. ,s>al)d, ^rau, '^n t)aft -i^ic^

,^iui)\l)cti tiic jimacii i^cutc gcfctu, bay ift cin cjo[d)cibtcr

©infall Don2)ir; bcnn luenn bic bei einanbcr fi^en,

ftnb [ie fiir ifn'c ©dftc gan,^ imgcnic^v. ^Jui, ftofet

an, it)r iungc'^ !i?olf, nod) uiclc Iiujc luic Ijcutc ! SBa^o

ift ba^ ? S()r ftoBt ntd)t an ? ^c — ^'^err ®ot)n,

<Sie mac^cn ein ncrlcgcnc^S ©cf{d)t unb bic jungc

i^rau t)at cine ^lirdnc im 'i?lugc I 4")at cy ciiicn (il)c=

ftanbyauftritt gcgcben ? --

Katl^artna. !Ji>ic fannft Tn fo un.^art fragcn?

Saf? ba5 bic ilinbcr fclbft aiiymadicn


2tlfre6. ©ine ^(cinigfcit, cin <Scf)cr^ — nirf)t

bcr iHcbc iDcrt ! 53(Cinc "gutc tinuna ift ctiiuiy ^n

cmpfinblidi !

(£mma. ^ind) bcvo nod}'? ^^'lud) ©mpfinblidjfcit

h)irb mir nod) iiorgciuorfcn !

2tlfrc6. S^u joUtcft U'cnigftcne in ©egcnniart

unferer Gltern —Katl^arina. 33crut)igc Xid), Gmma, )o ©tumy

fomnit too^I nor


€mma. Set) ful)lc, cy ift Unrci^t, ba^ ic^ mic^

nid)t bcticrvi^n fann, — id) I)abc Cy licr)ud)t, l)alic

mit mir gcfdmpft, allcin id) bin ^u ticf gcfrdnft.

Katl^arina. Gi, ei, ^cvr Sd}iDicgcr|o()n —2lusborf. ^ft, (Vran, inijd)c Ijid) nid)t in biofc

©ad)c, bi>o gcf)t nur bic iiinbcr an.

21 1 f r e 6. 9iad) ©mnuii? 9(cuv?erung fd)cint cc; mirf-

lid), olg [)dtte id) i()r cine nnci1)ovte Jdrdnfung yigc=^

[ugt. Sie mogen felbft entfc^eiben, ic^ roiU "sbncn

bie Sad)e mitteil^n.

56 €tgenfinn.

Tlusbovf. Saffen ®ie boo, !r>QXt ©o'^n, trit

mifc^en un^ md)t in (Sure et)c{ic^cn Streittgfeitcn !

2tlfrc6. 9ccin, ncin, gerabc ^t)ncn gegeniiber

niiif? ii^ mid) red)tfertigen.

^fusborf. ^ft nidjt niitig !

2llfrc6. ©ie fonntcn glaiibcn —Husborf. 2Bir gtaubcn 9?id)tg


Hatljavina. 2af3 bod), uicflcid}t fiifirt ba§ pcincr ikrftdnbigung. Sicbcu Sic, §crr @of)n !

2llfre6. ^d) bclaufd)te t)eute 9)?orgcn unfern

^einrid), ber tion ber ^is^bct^ ocrlangtc, fie foUe

fagcn: „@ott fei 2)Qnf, ber Xifd) i[t gcbcdt" unb mit

il)r in t)eftigen Streit geriel, aU$ fie ba^o nidjt iDoUte.

£Qd)enb erjal^Ite id) bo^ meiner g-rou: fd)meid)e(nb

fagte id) if)r, fie luiirbe Tiid)t fo eigcnfinnig fcin, unb

bat fie im Sdjer^e, fie niod)te jene 3i^orte fprec^en.

Sie lueigerte fid) abcr mit fo cntfd)iebenem ©igenfinn,

mit fo auffadcnbcr i^')artndd"igfeit, ha^ irir einen ernft=

Iid)en 3iHn-tircd)fet l)atten.

€mma. S)a I)oren <Sie ei§ fctbft: ^ortnddigfeit,

fiigenfinn, (Smpfinblid)feit, 5(IIcy iDirft er mir oor.

Sie fonuen mir be^eugen, ha'\i id) niemal^ eigenfinnig


2lusborf. 9^1, na, Stinb

Kat tsarina. 9ccin, SO^ann, ba tf)uft !I)u @mmaUnred)t, fie ift niemoB eigenfinnig gen^efen. 93erut)ige

S)id), Sl'inb, Wix luollei: im<o nid}t 5luifd)ert (£uc§

brdngcn, Sf)r tvn-hct Gud) fd)on miebcr oerjo^nen.

€mma. S(d), er beftet)t noc^ immer borauf, ic^

foil feine 3Sorte fagcn.

(Etgcnftnn. 57

Katl^artna. 2lMc, A^crr Solin, ©ic ticftcljen

nod) immcr barauf ?

2(Ifrc6. 55ittc, (affcn unr bic (Sacr)c uncrortcrt


Ztusborf. ^a, bavitm bittc id) and), ncvbcrbt

tnir bog (^^^"^ift"'^ "i>^f)t. !I)it bift ciii 9cdnd)cn,

(Smma, iiitb Sic, .'ncrr tSoIiit, ^Sic iuit||"cu ciiicr '^wm

fd)on ctiuai? (iit^cmuillcu iiad))cl)cn, [ic luirb fid) )d)on

gclDoljiicn, lt)ie meine 3ttte ha. ©cl)cn Sie, bie fcnnt

fcincn li^3ibcrfprud), fie cvfidlt aflc mcinc 2Siin)c^c,

unb uiciiii id) Hon i()r ocrlant"jtc, fie folfc fatten:

„®ott fci S)anf, ber ^ifd) ift gcbedt", fie luitrbe e^

fltcid) t()nn !

K a 1 1? a r t n a. '^a§ luiirbe fie aber nic^t t^un


:tus6orf. SSic?

K a 1 1) a r i n a. S)n miirbcft Cy nid)t bcc}cl)ren.

2Iu 5 bo rf. ili^cnn i<^ e§ aber bege^rte ?

K a t ^ a r i n a. ©o loiirbc id) c^5 nid)t tl)un


^ u 5 6 r f . 5(f), 'i^nm, ®u fprid)ft nic^t im (Srnfte


K a 1 1? a r i n a. ^m ooltcn (Srnfte


^tusborf. S)u luitrbcft S)id) n^eigern, ntein "^qv

langcn ju evfiidcn ?

Katljarina. Sa!

2llfreb. S3itte, fprec^en tnir non Qt\va$ 5rnbcrcm.

2(u5borf. 9tcin, bivi ift rair nod) nid)t Uorge*

fommcn, ba^ mnfj in'^ Sllarc gcbrad)t luerbcn. :^icbe

^Qtl)arina, fage cinmal: „®ott fci 2)anf, bcr Xifdj ift


K a 1 17 a r t n a. 2a)] mid) ^^nfrieben


2(usborf. iBitte, fage c^5


liiattjarina, 3Mn\

58 €tgcnftnn.

2(us6orf. ^scf) fngc c^o tdgticE) {ant unb Teife fui

mid) au<S DoIIcm 4"^ci\^cn, ipcnn id) ben Xifd) fcrtig

fc{)c: „@ott fci ®anf, bcr Xifd) i[t gcbedt," fage 2)u

c^^ and) cinmal!

Katljarina. 9ccin!

€mina. Sicbe 9Jhtttcr


2lu5borf. Slat()artna!

IK alizarin a. 9cciu !

y ^lusborf. £at()d)cu!

K a 1 1; a r i n a. 9cein, ncin !

Husborf. Sicttl)?

K a 1 1? a r t n a. Sd) tfjuc c^ nid)t


2tusborf. 9tein, ba^5 ift mir niiVicr bom ©pafjc!

SSillft ®ii S)cincr ^oditer ciii fd)led)tc!5 ;6\njpicl burd)

^eincn ©igenfinn gcbcn ?

2tlfrcb. 5(ber id) bitte

Katl^artna. ^a I)abcn Jpii* bie olte (Srfaljrung:

bic 9)?dnncr I)alten .ytfammcn, lucnn c^ bie llnter-

britdung bcr ^-raucu gilt. S)cr ^^atcr ninimt ^artei

gegcit feine eigcnc Xod)tcr


2Xusborf. Sd) ncbmc gar fcine ^nrtci a(^ meine

eigene. 2Ba§ mcinc Xod)tcr mit i()rcin liWanne Dor=

fiat, gc^t mid) md]t^i an. SOJit 2)ir l)abc id) Cfg ju

tf)un, Don "Sir ncr(ange id), 2)u foKft jene 3Sorte



Kattjarina. W\c tam\]t 2)u Hon Reiner grau

cine Xf)ort)cit Dcrfangcn ?

2(u5borf, X()or[)cit ober nid)t, bnUou ift feine

9iebe. 2)ie^^ ^l^erlangen ift bcr ^riifftcin be^o (5^el)or-

fqm^, fo|t)"t nidjty, C£'bcn)o Ijing ®0ki- ben berut)m=

(Eigenftnn. 59

ten ^ut auf, ben bic ^d)Uici^T flriiHcn foKtcn, dtoy

§um ^riifftcin bc^5 @cI)Dr|atny.

Katl^arina. 9iid)tig, luib incil btiv mit bcm

^utc cbcnfallv cine lad)er(id)e,t(}ovic()te,cntiuiirbic]enbe

govberung Uuiv, jo emporten [id) bic 3d}ii)ct5cr cjcgcn

i()re 3tt:'ingl)evvn.

(£mma. llnb U'ir fui]cn nn^o edcnlomenui, Uiic

bie <S(i)n)ei3er [id) fiigtcn.

Katl^arina. 2.l^ir fiinncn nno and) in 5(nf[tanb

gcgen nnfcrc ilciinncr fcl;cn.

(Enuiia. 9,iMr [inb ^yranen, abcr feinc llntcr^


Katljarina. 53ci hen ^iivfcn mag bic 5^-an

einc llntcvgcbenc [cin, alicin nnr Icbcn in cinem

d)rift(id)cn (Staate


€ m m a. ^ic .£">crrcn )d)cincn bie tnr!ifd)cn Sitten

I)icr cinfnl)rcn ^n luoUcn; bcnn it)r inn'faljrcn i[t

gan,^ tiirtiid).

l\atl)artna. ?[bcr 6)ott fci ^anf, mir finb fcine

(Sflaoinnen nnb nicrbcn unferc ;')icd)tc ^n nial)rcn nnffcn.

(£mma. 93(inbcr CM)orfam ift cine (g!lat)en=


Katljartna. 3.i?ir unterfud)cn erft, ob bic 93c=

fet)(e gnt [inb, cbc nnr gcf)ord)en.

€mma. llnb [otd)c tf)orid)te gorbcnmgcu er^

fiillcn n)ir nic, nic, nic


"Kattjarina, 9cic, nic, nic


Jtusborf. 3)a ()abcn luiv bic 33c[c^crung, ba<?

gan.^e nicib(ic^c (ye[d)(ec^>t ijabm luir um auf ben

|)al^ gcl)e^t.

60 (Ettjenftntt.

2t I f r e 6. 3Ba§ foUcu luir tf)un ?

^usborf. St^un ©tc, tua^ ©ie toolten; mir t)er''

birbt bie ©ejdjidjtc ba^5 griU)[tucf, uuh luenn id) nid)t

mit c\d)6rtgcr ©ccknrufje gcfrutiftiidt Ijabc, fdjmcdt

mir bag 9JZittagcffcn iiid)t.

2llfrc6. 5([Icin luir fonncn bod) md)t nad)gcbcn


2lu5borf. <Sd)al^, ba§ ift cin ©treit, bci bcm

tcin 93?cnfd) ctiDoS gciDinnt; id) I)abc mid) l)inreiBcn

lafjcn, bin etraaig drgcrlid) gciDorbcu, abcr ict3t !cl)rt

mcine 9\ut)e ^uriid. S)ie ^Bcibcr I)abcn jo Unrec^t

nid)t, am Gnbe ift e§ cbcnjo cigcnfinnig, ctma!§ f)art=

nddig ,v' Dcrlangcn, aly csS I)artnddig ^u Derlucigcrn.

€mma. §atte id) gcaf)nt, bafe bie ^adjc fo )ueit

fii()rcn irurbe, id) I)dttc c^5 glcidj anfangg ol^ (Sd)cr5

genommcn uub fcinen iJBillcn gcttjan,— ictjt fann id)

c^ nid)t mct)r.

liatljartna 5{nf fcinen ^aU, S)u n)dr[t fiir

en)igc .3eitcn feiner 3iuing()crrfd)aft uerfaEcn.

€ mm a. @r foil fcl)cn, baf, id) einen fcften SSitten

'i)ahc !

Kattjartna. 9icd)t fo, fcinen ©d)ritt ipcid)cn

liiir ! sitcin 5([tcr foil fid) munbcrn : cr fann lange

bitten, e^e id) tuieber gut lucrbc


(£mma. ©ie fte^cn mir bci, bcfte SO^uttcr?

K a t {) a r i n a. SSerla^ S)id) borauf.

2t u s 6 r f . 5)er ^(iigftc giebt nad) —2(Ifrc6. tsd) iDoUte gcrn, abcr bie Sl)re —2lusborf. 53a(), ba^ fagt man fo. 2)a^ 9tad)*

geben tl)ut mef), unb ba^ ncnnt man gcrn (St)rgeful)l

madjcn ©ie bie ©ad)e mit ciucni 8d)er^e luieber gut!

(Stgcnftnn. 61

2(Ifrcb. ^a, ciit 2d)cr3 — id) lucrbe bcm ^inge

ein Snbe mad)cn.

21 u 5 6 rf.

4"^ort, ftinbcr, Sdr foib iiiir 511 mdd)tifl

in Suvciii 33unbc ! Sd) unll mid) bind) ha^:-> ^viilll'tud

crft ftdrtcit jur gortfctjung bc^o STampfci^. (^ott fei

S)Qnf, bcr ^ifd) ift cjcbcrft, man bavf imr .^iigrcifcit.

€ inm a. ^kbc iHtuttcv, luollcn luir itid)t and)— V

K alizarin a. ^a, ja, (affcn tv'iv nn^3 biirc^ bic

jt(lorl)citcn nid)t um unicr ^I'idjftiid bviiujcn !

2i 1 f r c b. i'icbc!^ ^^cibdjcn, luir luollcn bcm ftricgc

cin Gnbc modjcn, id) bicte 5}ir bic .r-)anb ,^um gric^

ben. Zd) bcfcnnc, baf] id) bic A~")auptDcranlafi"unii ,yi

unfcrcm Strcitc wax. ^uv ©u()ne mcincr 3d)ulb

fd)cnfc id) Sir cincn bicfcr bcibcn 3i)au)ly.

€mma. 5Qfrcb, id) iDcif] nidjt —2tlfrcb. 2Sa()(c!

€ mm a. Sn bicfcm ^(ugcnblidc —2llfrcb. 2Sd()Ic, liid()(c, i^inb! CDcr rccf)ta ? @o,

er fkibct ©ic^ gut. Sd) bin 5^ir nun bvci ^^sicrtcl bcci

2ScgC'5 cntgegcngcfommcn ?

(£mma. ©ott fci 3)anf, bcr ^ifd) ift gcbcdt I

Jtusborf. 3^rau, ilinbcr, bcvo liabt iljr gut



2t I f r c 6. 5>cr gvicbe ift gcfd)(offcn


(£mm a. 9hif immcr


21 If rob. 9cic fommt fo cma§ micbcr nor!

(£m ni a. SZicmaUj


2i u 5 b r f . 9?cd)t f0, ftoBt an haxan] I

liatljarina. 'Xltcr!

^usborf, ^m?

62 (Sigenftnn.

Katl^arina. ©id) cinmal.

2tus6orf. 9Sas?

K a t f? a r i n a. S)a ift noc^ ein (St)art)t.

21 us 60 rf. ©0?Katl^artna. 3BiIIft 2)u mid) nic^t auc^ licr-

f61)ncn ?

2lus5orf. Wit bent <Bi)atoi? ®q^ ift mir gu



K a 1 1? a r i n a. 5(6er bebenle —2tus6orf, Sc^ t)offe, S)u tf)uft e§ 6iffiger, SHte.

©0 cin jungcr (£I)emQnn fann bie Un5ufriebenf)eit

feincr (^-rau nici)t ertragcn unb bringt ein Opfcr, uni

[ie 5u t)er]of)nen — ift er erft io alt mie id), ttnit cr e^

and) nid)t mel)r.

Hail} a Vina, ^fui, trie a6|cf)eulid)


€mma. ^Ufrcb, id) mii nidjt t)offcn — (^einridf)

unb ii'isbftt) tretcn ein).

^Ifrcb. 9iun, ^^cinrid), bift S)u mit Siabetl) in

Crbniuu] ?

I7einrid}. 5(d), [ic mid immer nod) nid)t.

2ilfrc6. (Si, Sicibctt), luie cigcnfinnig !

§ i s b c 1 1}. I'bcr, .^^cn —(Emma. 5^n mu^t nad)geben, Si^beti), ^u mufet

bic il^ortc fagen.

$^ i s b e 1 17. ©ic miffcn —(Emma. SBir miffen ?(de§.

2tus6orf. Sa, Si^obctl), 3)u f)aft bie gan^c 5^er-

mivning angcfangcn.

Katl^arina. ^mi, ja, 2)u I)Qft una baburd) ben

gan?icu 'DJcorgeiT gcftbrt. ^ur ©trafe mufe fie cs^ je^t

(Etijcnftnn. 63

fjffcntlirf) faflcn. ^llfo Ijcraii^ bamit. &ott jet ®auf,

bcr Xifcl) ift gcbcctt


nilc (Iad)cn).

Katl^arina. S'tun ?

2t u s 6 r f . Scljt l)aft !I)u ce> borf) flejnnt, ?r(te


Katl^arina. So ift cc> nm (5iibc.

2tlf rcb. ^un, l^u^bctl), btft X)u allciii nod) iibricj.

$ t s b e t Ij. Sd) tann nidt)t.

(EniTiia. ^d) forge bafiir, baf3 in bvoi Ji^od)en

l;£'urc ,Spod),^cit ift.

€tsbctl). .'podMcit? M), ®ottfci2)ant!

2lIIc (lad)cn). 3(nn'?

£ is bet I?. 9?nn?

Tllh. ^yeitcr, lucttcr!

Cisbctlj. Wk?^otnridj. ©age ben 9ieft noc^


S:isbetl?. 3W)fo!

2t 1 1 c. 95orlDart!§, norludrtv !

£ i s b e t {7. 5)cr Jifd) ift gebedt.

2tlle. SBraoo, braoo!


fitter mi4 i^eirafen!

Page 5. 1. 1. 9li(^tig, "to be sure," "just as I

thought."—toic bic Ccltjb^cn, "like stupid block-

heads." The word CclgO^C is of uncertain origin, and

is used by earlr Protestants to indicate both the

wooden images of the saints and the ayioinied priests

of the Romish church.— 1. 2. toIBfcff, "calf-skin,"

i.e., calf-bound books.-- 1. 3. mcrftctt, "would take no

notice of it," subj. condit.— 1. 9. ja, " you know."—1.

11. tl08-@ifc, "there's no- hurry about that, you

know."—1. 13. So? "Oh! indeed!" " you don't say

so!" ironical.—molt, "a person."— 1. 17. fttgtc = gefagt

^te, impf for perf.—ttjiire C§ ^cit, "it ought to be

time," "it is Ligh time;" observe the force of the

condit.—1. 18. ^§ -^Wcifclf "there can be no doubt

about it," lit., " it is not subject to any doubt."—1. 19.

fl^iltnctl, the Finns, inhabitants of the now Russian

province of Finland, on the east coast of the Gulf of

Bothnia.—Ccttcit, Letts, a branch of the Lithuanians,

inhabitants of the Baltic provinces of Russia.—l^tttbOs

ftanift^cn Urf^irungg, gen. of manner, etc. Wilhelm


is an ethnologist, and interested in the origin of the

various human races.— 1. 20. <S^rat^ttcrn)anbtf(^aft^

" linguistic relationship.—1. 21. ^ctft^cncgctt^ PatchL

naks, a people who in the 10th and 11th centuries

occupied the south coast of Russia, between the Rivers

Don and Danuhe, and caused a good deal of trouble.

They were eventually merged in the Magyars or Hun-

garians.—QC^t. . .^tVtfOr, it follows.

Page 6. 1. 2. UnfcrcinS, "the likes of me," i.e., "I."

— h 11. 3^intcnfifl^C, "cuttlefishes;" the cuttle-fish

emits an inky fluid when in danger; lit., "ink-fishes,"

in allusion to the litei'ary labours of the brothers.—1.

12. Sogt inir cinmo'l, "jnst tell me."— 1. 13. trimSs

frtttnS, "stuff" and nonsense;" comp. Germ. 'iD'cif^^

mafcfc, 2CirraHirr, Singfving, etc,, and Eng. zig-zag,

knick-knacks, luishy-washy, shilly-shally, etc. 1. 16.

SdQtC^ supply t>ai? ; "I should just want that, to

etc.;" transl., -'indeed, I have something better to do,

than pottering with sufch stuff."—1. 21. ^O ^"(^ •

"yes, to be sui'e;" the words are meant to soothe the

old lady.-h 23. fo tltcl 5luf^cBcn§, "such a fuss;"

obs. the gen. after the quant, word ttiel.—1. 24. 91(1

after! "Tut! tut!" exclamation of impatience.—1.

27. ctloai 9lC(^tcg^ "something respectable."

Page?. 1. 1. trcffcnb, "pertinent."—!. 6. ©tuifs

tUCrf—llBiffcn, "human knowledge is piece-work,"

i.e., imperfect. The allusion is to I. Cor., xiii., 9 :

"Unfer Stiffen ift etiicfttjer!/' Engl, version: "For

we know in paW."—1. 0. bcit gtttl^cn Hcfictt %ti%, "the

livelong day"—ttiO0 9lc(^te0, for timai %, see above.


—1. 11. tote flC. . t^aiUn. . .fottcn, "how to keep."—1.

22. Sogcn—cinmo'l, •• just tell me that."—1. 23. 9lnn

—©tncr, " now just look at that."—1. 25. $cr ]ict)t

ni^i, "that won't work," lit., "draw."—1. 2G. ciltcn

bcfjcrcn, ace. ; supply: nennen (Sieun^.— 1.27. ^o§

borgcfommcn, "well, I never heard of such a thing!"

Page 8. 1. 7. batJCIt—fRcbc, "that wasn't whatwe were talking about at all, you know."—@cf(^tc6t

—rci^t, "serves you quite right;" supply eo.—3ic6(ctbcn—Stangc, " they never stick to the question."

Stance, the polo with the regimental flag or colours in

battle, comp. Eng., "stick to your colours."—1. 16.

ItOt^—JCrjtbrCtt, " destroy even the little bit of live-

liness W. has."—1. 19. ju 2;cincn— loffcn, "andhave youi'self shelved away, among your musty old

tomes."— (3(^(irtcfc, a word of uncertain origin,

probably connected with Fr. charte, indicating worth-

less books, etc. Obs. the use of laffen with the inf

act. in a passive sense.—1. 23. !^cutc ItOl^, "this very

day."—1. 24. ^(^ Wcrbc— 3019011, "I'll show you

quickly enough (f^on).—1. 26. SWorcS, "manners,"

(Lat.), i.e., how to behave.— 1. 29. \\m—JBBcIt, "for

goodness' sake."—fomincn—toicbcr, "don't Iwther us

again;" un^, ethical dat.

Page 9. 1. 6. 3^r—3lu0toO§l, "you will only have

to choose."—!. 17. 3c^t bot^ cinmo'l ! "now, just

look at that."—1. 20. Ultl—Ucrgcfjcil, " to make one

forget it."

Page 10. 1. 10. too bcntcn Sic ^in ? " what are


you thinking of ?"—1. 13. btcfcg 2tCt6en, "this way

of doino; thini,rs."—mit anfC^CU^ "to witness."—!. 15.

gcfl^lngcnc ficutC, " mined men."—1, 22. miX—t^Utt,

" not to do even the least little thing to oblige an old

woman like me."—1.23. SBcittt—gclte, "even if you

don't attach any importance to me."

Page 11. 1. 6. $t(^ hJO§, "O nonsense."—!. 8.

fotnmt—ttO^, "the other will follow suit as a matter of

couise."—1. 9. abcr—b'ron, "but one of you will have

to go to work (at it) at once."—1. 11. @8 toirb—gC^Ctt,

"I suppose there is no help for it."—-1. 13. C^Ct,

"sooner," that is, more easily (than I can).— 1. 14.

SBttS—cinfctit, "a very fine idea of yours."—1. 19.

gcfc^t^ "set in your ways," "staid," "sober."—!. 23-

gilt, "holds good."—I. 25. ^^—!*tttnbC, ''1 can't do

it," lit., "am not in a condition to do it." The (e)3 is

t!ie old gen. form of the neut. pron., as in : {(^ bin eS

jufrieben.—1. 27. 2BttnfcImut—6nbc, "Out upon your

endless shilly-shallying." Comp. Eng. " no end of a

joke."—!. 28. OUf—^lerfe, "on the old spot," i.e., where

we started from.

Page 12. 1. 1. fop—^ftj, "come, do take heart."

Obs. the encouraging force of t)0(f) with the imper.—otl

Ho^lf—nic^t, "it's not a matter of life and deatli, you

know," lit., "head and neck (jlragen, collai') are not

endangered."—I 1!. ^C^tl fur cittC, ten where others

would liave only one.—1. 14. Ullb tOCntl—ftclctl, "even

if they were to stumble over it."—1. 23. lyot—fogcil,

*• doesn't matter at all."—1. 24. fcitl fJcberlcfcnS, "no


trifling," lit. "feather-picking;" conip. fo tticf Sluffte^

Un^, p. 6, 1. 23, and note.—1. 25. rof^, "quick," not^

"rasli."— 1. 26. nir^t—lUa^tt, " not everything turns

out well, that takes a long time;" in allusion to the

old Gennan proverb : S5a^ laiige ivii^rt, luirt) gut

fttrfcit llil^t longc, "don't dilly-dally long."— 1. 27.

fitter—^ttUtoffci, "one of you will have to get


Utttcr bic .^nubc, "under the cap," used

of women g<"ttiug married, the c;»p or bonnet being the

mark of a matron.— ttliU fagcit, "I mean to say;"

supply fca^. The ohl lady has made a mistake in using

the phrase untcr tie ^"^aubc, which refers to women only,

and corrects herself by saying, Ulttcr bcn ipatttoffcl,

" under the slip2)er," i.e., under petticoat government,

the slipper being the strong minded wife's symbol of

authority and instrument of punishment, — 1. 30.

§3rdutigam^ "engaged to be married," "betrothed."

The German 33rautigam and SSraut indicate a betrothed

couple from betrothal to marriage, unlike the corres-

ponding Eng. terms " bridegroom and '' bride,"

which are bestowed only on the wedding-day.

Page 13. h 1. il^tttolcr Gttfu§, "a confounded

business." Safuf' is a technical term of logic, appro-

priate to the pedantic character of the speaker.— 1. 3.

^Ot—gcbrai^t, "(it) has quite stirred me up;" supply

the subject of the verb.—1. 4. 2Bic—ttJCrtCIt, "how

(much worse) will things begin to be (ivcvten), when

once (erft), etc." Obs. the force of erft.—2Bic—au§,

"and pray (bentt) what does our cousin look like."

Obs. the use of the def. art., with the name of relation-


ship for the poss. pron.—1. 8. ^H)—QltgCft^Ctt, "I've

not had a look at her yet." mir, eth. dat., leave

untransl.— 1. 9. ^^ ttU(^ tlir^t, "nor I either."

1. 15. aBorum nil^t gor ! "O, nonsense;" lit. "whynot indeed."— 1. 19. nur tloS tlir^t, "only not that;"

ba^ emphatic demonstr. pron.

Page 14. 1. 1. 2)u ^ttfl— gcmo^t, "you have,

made conquests of ladies before now (fc^on frii^er)."

1- 2. ^u l^oft—Sloutinc, "you are more of a man of

the world;" jRoutinc = ^eknsart, Fr. savoir-faire.—1. 4. i(^—tote, "I should cut a figure like, etc."

1. 10. follcn—fcin, "are said to be so beautiful, don't

you know (bot^)." Obs. this use of follen.—1. 11.

ortientlit^, "actually," " almost."~1. 18. grcifc—JU,

"just help yourself, do (bo(^)." For the force of toc^

with imper., comp. note to p. 12, 1. 1.—1. 19. 5tc^

Sicbc, " O, I'm not the per.son in question, I tell you

(ja)."—1. 28. yim—XmU, "well, after all (boc^), it

struck me (as being) so; besides (au6), auntie says so,

you know (ja)."—1. 30. ©ic tnu^—geBctt, " she would

certainly make a most lovely little wife;" obs. the

force of miiffen here.

Page 15. 1. 2. @Iutf JU, "good luck to you;" ex-

clam, phrase.--!. 3. 91a!—t)Ctgc6cn§, "well, I declare

(boc^), there's no use talking to that fellow!" lit. "with

him all is in vain." Comp. note to p. 13, 1. 19.

1. 6. ttmrum—^cirntcn, "what's the real reason you

don't marryf lit. "why will yon really, etc."—1. 11.

au^ nxi^i, comp. note to p. 13, 1. 9.

Page 16. 1. 9. ttJCtin C8—foittt, " if there's wo help

NOTi^S. 71

for it," lit. *' if it cannot be otherwise ;" t)urrf)auS has

emphatic force.—hll. ^ag— gc|rf)C^cn, " that's easy

enough," lit. "soon done."—1. 16. JDJir fottt—©tufl,

"a heavy load (stone) is taken from my heart (breast)."

—1. 25. gc^t Iccr 0U8, "will get nothing," lit.

"comes out empty "

1. 27. ta fiinntc— fommcn,

"anybody might (come and) wish ihut," i.e., "that's

easy enough to say." Obs. the demonstr. force of ta.

1. 30. UrnC, "urn," i.e., ballot-box.

Page 17. 1. 5. SWcitlctttJCgcn— Oltfommctt, "O, very

well, I don't object to that either;" niciuetroegen, lit.

" for my sake," i.e., as far as I care ; indicating assent

to a proposition.— 1. 6. bic ©cfd^it^tc, "the (whole)

business."—1. 9. 2*q8 ticrfic(|t fi(^, " of course," lit.,

"that is to be understood ;" obs. this use of the impers.

refl. verb.—Stllcg—Octnifjen, "all fairly and honestly,"

lit. "according to justice and conscience."—1. 13.

Umfldnbc, "fuss."

1. 14. rafi^ gqogcn, pa.stpartic.

for imperative; "draw quickly." -1. 16. 9JJttI^eut,

"ill-luck;" pron. as in Fr.—1.19. 9lttn—ItOr^, "well

(I'll agree to) that too."— 1. 25, ^in'8— (Stcttbe;

supply i&!, and comp. p. 11, 1. 25, and note.

Page 18. 1. 4. id)—2obc8, "I'm a dead man."—1. 11. Iiaft—9l0^)tug? "are you crazy 1 diaplu^, Lat.,

a spas7n of frenzy.— Gr, "you." A mode of address

still sometimes used to inferiors in some parts of Ger-

many ; also to express indignation or disapproval, as

here.—L 15. ^ttufcnbfaffo, |"rogue," "rascal," play-

ful term.

Page 19. L 1. cr tfl—gegongcn, "he has just


repented ;" in fic^ Qciitn, lit., to go in upon one's self,

hence to reflect (es])ecially on one's sins and short-

comings), to rejient.—]. 2. tag—ongcgriffeit, " that's

what has upset him so," aflTected his nerves."—1. 10.


Unb '^Cirotcn, "I many!" lit. "I and marrying,"

—1. 24. ^•(ingC— tltt, "don't begin your nonsense over

again," "don't begin making new trouble." @ef(^il^*

ten niacfcen, '"to make a fuss," "make trouble."—1. 30.

^rcili^—^eitcn, "to be sure, you would be disgraced

for ever,"

Page 20. 1. 3. 9la—06 ? "Well, what plot are you

concocting there again?" aBfarten is used of stacking the

cards for the purpose of cheating.—1. 10 OrrOligictCIt,

Fr., arranger/ pron. Q soft, as in Fr.—1. 11. au8 bctll

^., "thoroughly," "from the foundation."- 1, 13.

9lur—ciltg, " Pray, don't be in such a hurry.—1. 1 4.

^attJoP, Ciltg, "Hurry? Of course ! "—^fl gicBt'8—

fthaffcn, "there will be plenty of work to be done."

X^Utt Utlb f t^offCn, this use of two synonymous words

to express one idea is very common in German ; fre-

quently with alliteration, as: t()un uut) trci'ben, or

rhyme, as: 2ug unb ZxuQ, auf ©c^ritt unt> Jritt. Obs.

the use of the act. inf with pass, sense after e5 giebt


fd)affen in the sense of working is weak.—1. 18.

fd^ttffcn, "to be got" ( = oerfd)affen) weak; here also

the inf. with pass, sense after the verb fcin ; comp.


mit—^tingt, "with everything that belongs

it," lit., "hangs around and on it."—1.24. 5lut^ bO§

nO(^ ! " What, that too ! " Is it as bad as that ?—1. 26.

orbcntli^, "actually," "quite."—1. 30. 2Sorm—mir,

"I feel hot enough," i.e ,uncomfortable : supply 3tt mute.


Page 21. 1. 3. (y^jarmont, pron. (^ as in Fr,—1. 4.

SllfO—bor, "So get to work at once (frifd)), James !

Make your proposal;" lit. "bring your business before

(the lady in question)."—1. 6. ^08 ticrftc^t fij^ ; see

note to p. 1 7, 1. 9.— 1. 7. ^'orb, " refusal " (to an offer

of marriage); comp. Eng. "to get the mitten;" of

uncertain origin.—1. 9. WiCX— ttUS, "But what a

figure you are ! " auiJfe^en of personal appearance.

1. 12. fl^rnrf, "dress-coat," the wearing of whicli is

obligatory in Germany on great occasions, such as a

formal visit to a superior, an examination (see below),

or a proposal of marriage.— attgCJOQCtt^ past pai-t. for

imperative; see note to p. 17, 1. 14, above.—1. 15.

^oi^, " ye.s, you have ;

" i^od) is used for fa, to give

an affirmative answer to a negative question or state-

ment.—1. 10. Stigorofum (Lat.), the final examination

for a doctor's degree at German universities, so

called on account of its severity.—1. 18. ^crauS^U^Ctt/

"dress you up."— 1. 23. ^08—f^iJncr^ "why, that's

out of the question;" lit. "that would be still finer."

24. OUSftnfftCrt untJ gcft^nicgclt, "dressed out and

rigged up;" comp. note to p. 20, L 15.—1. 26. JC^tl. . .

^int, see note to p. 12, 1. 11, and obs. that @inc is

fern., agreeing with the natural gender (sex) of

SSl'(iid)en, instead of with its grammat. (neut.) gender.

Page 22. 1. 3. auf bcit ^ntjlt fuPctt, "to sound;"

find out the state of hat- affections ; a metaphor taken

from dentistry.—1. 4. Umftiinbc mttt^tc, "were to give

me trouble."—1. 7. ^0§—fc^lctt, "that's all I need to

make my annoyance complete;" that would be the last

straw; comp. p. 6, 1. 16, and note.—1. 8. bo^—Hc^C^


"if she were to allow herself to be infected with this

bookish nonsense too. - bie, demonstr. for pers. pron.

—-1. 9. ttJng—^Ci^cn, --what's the meaning of this?"

1. 11. ift &a§, the Older of words is that of an exclama-

tion, the vei'b being in the first place.

Page 23. 1. 18. ^0, \a U^ ! "Well, yes," doubt-

ingly.— 1. 23. tiOli), ''at least."—!. 25. ^o§—©Cs

fl^crung, "Here's a pretty how-d'ye-do!" iBeft^ening,

an (unexpected) gift, and particularly a Christmas-box;

here, as frequently, of an unpleasant sui-prise.—1. 26.

bcr, " the other," "he," i.e. William; the demon.str.

pron. usually replaces the pers. pron. when emphatic.

1. 30. 5(bcr—mat^cn^ " But she shan't spoil my little

game;" lit. "draw a line (or mark) through myaccount," i.e. cancel or annul it.

Page 24. 1. 4. fic^'—ait, "just take a good look

at him.—1. 7. tlUr immcr ^cran, "come up to the

scratch," "toe the mark."— 1. 15. Cr ttJtrb—ttJCrbcit,

"he'll be sure to ([d)on) get," etc.—1. 20. Gourogc,

pron. as three sylls., but otherwise as in Fr.

Page 25. 1. 4. citt §tV) gcfoP^ "take courage;"

p. part, for iniper.; comp. p. 17, 1. 14.—<Sic^t—au§,

" is that what a wooer should look like I


—1. 5.

einmar, "just."— l. 6. crobcrte, " would make a con-

quest of," condit. mood.—1. 7. 2)0—flifo, " so here

we are;

" obs. this colloquial use of the conditional.

—1. 10. 2ic ^aficn, etc., this speech is an "aside."

1. 13. bod), "surely."—!. 17. 2)08—fllcir^, "that's all

the same," i.e., it doesn't matter.—1. 19. 5tbcr—nic^t,

" but then I'm not in love, don't you know."


Page 26. 1. 1. ontangCU, "go about it."—1. 8. 9t(j^

—90r, see note to p. l.i, 1. If).— 1. 9. toiircft^ obs. tlie

position of the verb, tap being omitted.—1. 20. ^U

^Itdf "you don't make any jnogiess, either;" comp.

auf tern alten g., p. 11, 1. 28.— 1. 23. ben ^of moi^cn,

"go courting."

SWttlt—anfic^t, "it's enough to take

all the imagination out of a man, to look at you."—1.

28 i^—tiormni^cn, " I'll show you how to do it."

1. 29. pa^C—ttUf, "be sure to pay strict attention;"

ja has emphatic force with tlie imper.

Page 27. 1. 9. jc^t gilt C8, " now tliere's no help

for it;" comp. jeftt ijKt ce ^u (}ante(n, "now it is neces-

sary to act."— 1. 11. SBog—mog, "(I wonder) what

ever he wants?"—1. 17. fttltgc toU) Olt, " why don't

you begin?"—1. 22. tiCttieft, ''absorbed."— 1. 23. tOO%" I suppose."

Page 28. 1. 4. ma6)tt, = 3emad)t l)at ; impf. for

perf; comp. fagte, p. 5, 1. 17.—1. 11. olfo, "then."

1.15. 95c^Utc, " not at all ;" i.e. "you quite mistake

me;" lit. "(God) forbid."—!. 21. ^0§

gut, "that

looks quite nice."

Page 29. 1. 1. ttJCnn—fOmmt, "at most."—1. 3.

tOO^I, " no doubt."—1. 9. ^OJU, " to do that."—1. 15.

93Bo . . .nur, " wherever."

Page 30. 1. 8. ^08—mcrtcn, " I'll make a note of

that."—1. 12. S9S0—^in, see note to p. 10, 1. 10.—1.

15. ret^t oft, " as often as possible."

1. 20. U%tVs

^mpU "at all!"—1. 30. 2)tt—gut, "I say, William,

that'll do !



Page 31. 1. 1, SScrft^ttJinbc—ttJicbcr, "you just

vanish again."—1. 7. tttttt^—forlfOmutft, " make haste

and get out,"—1. 9. Sla— lattflC, "Well, it doesn't

matter ; but (don't be) too long (about it);" comp.

note to p. 17, 1. 5.

1, 11. 2)tt§—fl^btlCt, "that would

be a pretty business.— 1. 12.

fid)—b'rein tttift^CIt,

"interfere."—1. 13, ^a fo— Cttl, "dear me, now (ba)

it occurs to me."—1. 14. ^0—glei^, "Well, I can't

help it now; " lit, "it's all the same to me."—1. 17.

tm Sugc, "in full swing."—1, 26. ou§ flcJror^t,

"put me out."

Page 32. 1. 13. tit le^tc ©OmJc, " the last shot."

—^1. 15. C8 mu^ ^CrOUS, "I must speak out."

1. 19.

<Sie ttJOfltcn V " do you really mean iti


Page 33. 1. 3. 8inb—gut ? "Are you really fond

of mel"—1. 14. untcr Un8 gcfogt, "between you and

me."—1. 23. bo8 mtt(^t fil^, see note to p. 28, 1. 21.

Page 34. (l. 2. bo8—@cfdji(^tcn, " here's a pretty

state of things;" obs. the sing. n. pron. tai3 before the

pi. verb.Xh 3. O tOt^, "O dear!"—1. 13. 2>0^, see

note to p. 21/1S15.—1, 15. ^raut^ see note to p. 12,

1. 30.

' L -,.Page 35. ]. 12. ^rcffcr, "prize (in a lottery);"

lit, "hit," successful shot at a target,

1, 15, C§ juff.,

see note to p. 11, 1. 25.

ni^t ttJtt^r, "aren't youl"

or simply "eh?" used when assent is expected.

1. 19.

incinetttjcgen, see note to p. 17, 1. 5.—1. 20. tocnn

toirb^ "as long as somebody gets married;" obs. the

impers. use of the pass, when no particular person is


meant.—1. 23. t>U—tOOtttcfl, etc., «'I thought (t)0(^)

you were just going to prepai-e the way for me ! "

1. 25. 3o, '-Well."—1. 28. pttc—gcfuttDctt, "I might

have taken pleasure in it;" obs. the force of the condit.


$l6cr—Ctnlii^t, "But that is the consequence,

when a man meddles with women." Siner is used to

replace the oblique cases of theindef. pers. pron. man,

which is indecl.

Page 36. 1. 2. attfattQCn, see note to p. 26, 1. 1.

1. 4. eg toitb—gc^cn, "you'll be sure (f(^on) to fare

better."—1- 6. fj^dttt, etc., " I wouldn't dream of such

a thing;" lit., "(it) does not occur to me (even) in a

dream."—1. 7. fo, "as it is."




Page 39. 1. 2. tnO(^' OUf, "open the door."—1. 7.

JBBcr—fcl^Ctt, "who is likely to see it, anyway (tenn)?"

—1. 10. fo, "as it were."—1. 11. auf tcv ^flu^t, '-on

the fly."—crttlifrf|Cn, "snatch."—1. lA. tDOfli—babci,

"what (harm) would there be in that?"-1. 16. ^^—ioi, "I should die of shame," condit. mood; lit.

"shame myself to death."— 1. 17. ®r loirb, etc., "Heis sure to;" obs. the use of the fut. to mark strong

probability.—1.18. Ctfl, " only," not more than.

Page 40. 1. 5. JffittS—filttl, "what stuff you talk!"

lit. "what sort of talk that is;" obs. the separation of

was . ..fiir.—1. 11. aufUicifen, "produce."—1. 12. ii^

OU^ nt^t, see note to p. 13, 1. 9.—1. 14. @ut fo,


Page 41. 1. 1. ^08

\q, "that is the proper thing

(to do)."—1. 2. ^UmmcS ^eug, "stuff and nonsense;"

lit. "stupid stuff."—1. 8. bcr litU ®0ti, "the good

God," or simply "God"; the affectionate and half

familiar way in which the Deity is spoken of in Ger-

man.—1. 13. $1^, gci^', etc., "O, get away with your



silly nonsense."—I. 15. fo—tl^utt, "behave so like a

freethinker."—1. 19. WlV JU Hkbt, "to oblige me,"

as a favour.—1. 27. SBtC—tlO§ ? "What do I hear?"

—i. 28. fttgtcfl, conditional.

Page 42. 1. 11. mit—^^U^e, it was an old supersti-

tion, that to get out of bed with the left foot first was

an omen of ill-luck for the day.— 1. 13. SWoi^'—^offcn,

"come, no nonsense;" 5^0 jje, a farce, hence a (comical)

trick.—1. 26. ^0§—fe^ett, "well (t)0(^), we'll see about

that.—1. 28. Silfo, "so."

Page 43. 1. 4. ®0, "then."—1. 11. mit—OttS,

" things are at an end between us," we are done with

each other.—1. 15. bot^, "surely."— iiaot;- "few,"

indef num., with small p ; when it means a pair, it is

spelt with a capital letter.—1. 20. 92Bir—ttJCitcr, "weshall have some further conversation," meant as a

threat.—1. 28. tJor bcr ^Otlb, "for the present."

h 29. fie tnag, etc., "whether she says it or not;"

obs. this use of mo gen.

Page 44. 1. 3. fonfJ, "usually."—1. 9. Sic—fogeit,

" I'll make her say it yet, in spite all (boc^)."—1. 1 1.

06—ift ? "(I wonder) if she hasn't finished dressing

yet?" Obs. this elliptical use of ob —1. 12. boi^, "I'm

sure."—1. 14. SWanttt^Ctt, "dear husband," afiectionate

dimin.—1, 20. $)tt—frageit '^ " How can you ask such

a question ]


Page 45. 1. 5. gc nutt, "well, well."—cfle 99Sclt,

"everybody"; comp. Fr. tout le monde.—1. 9. VXlii)—^ineinfinbctt, "get used to it."—1. 22. Sari^te,


"gently."—1. 27. 6(ctbcn latigc, "are late in aniving;"

supply an^.—1. 30. t)On—bebai^t, "not well considered

on your part."

Page 46. 1. 1. fie—I^CrOUS, "it just escaped me

by chance (fo)."— 1. 7. ^tXX ©Ctttn^I, this formal mode

of address is here used playfully ; conip. Fr. monsieur

mon mari.—1. 13. fottc, 1. H. rm\\t, obs. tlie use of the

subj. in indirect speech, where the opinions or state-

ments of another are quoted as such.—1. 17. fortnltt^,

"actual."—1. 20. ttlOlt—ftOQCtt, " one might very well

ask;" there is still room to question.—1. 21. Ottl cig.,

the pred. form of the superl.—1. 25. fit^ . . .gttt—liip,

"can't be justified at all ;" obs. this refl. use of lajfen.

—1. 30. frcilil^, "of course."

Page 47. 1. 14. @C^', "getaway."—h 26. borouf

—on, "that doesn't matter."—1. 28. (i§— borum, "the

only thing in question is."

Page 48. 1. 21. 3«it— ^OCigcnt, "that's exactly

when I would refuse."

Page 49. 1. 1. ^t^— If^fff"/ desiring to get rid of

the servants' pi-esence, she sends them for her pocket-

handkerchief.—1. 12. inbcm ^U. . .icfieP, "in insist-

ing."- 1. 13. ficgrcifc—t^un, "why can't you see

that it is not this foolishness I care abouf?"—1. 16.

iJOn—auf^U^BtCn^ "to let the matter drop."—1. 19.

QC^t tior, " has precedence," comes first.

Page 50. 1. 13. bic Sll)nft, "the (Holy) Scrip-

tures."—1. 27. ttOt^ tior, etc., " only a quarter of an

hour ago."—1. 30. Ulttergcbctte, "inferior."


Page 51. 1. 3. ^^—bafur, "I can't help it."—

1. 10.—SaScr—^dtic, "if any one had," etc.

Page 52. 1. 7. ijl—2)ir, "it's your turn".—1. 10.

trnn llOril, "from the beginning," all over again.

1. 23. Sin—licgen^ "the stupid words can't makeany difference to me."—1.29. tOtOfl, "pretend to."

bit—fdltn^ obs. that the verb is here in the 3rd pers.;

the rel. in Germ, is always in the 3rd pers., unless the

jjers. pron. of the 1st or 2nd pei'S. is expressed after

it ; as in this case we might have : bte bu—fannfl.

Page 53. 1. 7. S&oIItC, account for the position of

the verb here.—1. 12. $)U—^0|lfc, "you persist in

your obstinacy."— 1. 18. ^ic ^Ctrfl^oftcn, "the lady

and gentleman," Emma's parents.—1. 21. S(Rctnets

ttJCgcn—ttlifjcn, "I don't care if they do know."

Page 54. 1. 1. gjttttm.. .in %ii)t, "mind."—1. 9.

^U—fcltcn, "you are a rare visitor."— 1. 11. 933ci^

f^On, "(I) know all about it."—1. 16. to^, "at least."

—1. 21. ^crr So^n^ "my dear son (-in-law);" for

<St^tOtegcrfo^n ; comp. note to p. 46, 1. 7.

Page 55. 1. 4. nngcnicPttr, "useless," because

absorbed in each other; lit. "not fit to eat (or drink)."

—(top On^ "touch glasses;" a universal practice in

Germany in drinking to a toast.—1. 8. @^cftanb§aufs

ttitif "a matrimonial scene.—1. 10. iSic—frOflCn ?

"how can you ask such an indelicate question?"—1. 11.

OUSmO^cn, "settle."

1. 12. ni^t—hicrt, "not worth

mentioning."—1. 13. cm|)finbU(^, "touchy."—1. 19.

f—bOt, "that sort of thing is sure (WO^I) to happen."


Page 56. 1. 1. fioffctl ^tC btt§, "never mind;" see

also 1. 8, below.—1. 13. in—gcrtct^ '-began to quarrel

violently."—I. 18. ^odltodigfcit, "stubbornness," lit.

"stifl-neckedness."— 1, 20. (sic, it is unusual nowa-

days for a daughter to address her parents by the

ceremonious pron. ®ic, but the fashion was different

in this respect 40 or 50 years ago.— 1. 24. 9l(i, tlfl,

"come, come;" the old gentleman does not accept his

daughter's view of her own character.

1. 28. ft^Ott,

"you'll be sure to."

Page 57. 1. 3. loffcti—uticriirtcrt, "let us stop

discussing the matter."—1. 7. na(^f C^Ctt, " pardon."^

1. 24. bog ijl, etc., see note to p. 7, 1. 27.—1. 25. tn'§

«Iore %ehva^i, " cleared up," " settled."—1. 28. 8o§,

etc., "let me alone."

Page 58. 1. 13. OU^cr, "beyond."—1. 18. tocntt—

gilt, " when it is a question of oppressing women,"

1. 30. ©C^Cr, a tyrannical Austrian govei-nor in

Switzerland, who adopted this method of testing the

obedience of the Swiss. It was William Tell, the

hero of Schiller's drama of that name, whose omission

to pay homage to this hat, and subsequent imprison-

ment by Gessler, led to the revolt of the Swiss

against Austrian tyranny. The allusion is to Schiller's


Page 59. 1. 2. jutn, "as a," ju expressing purpose.

1. 28. SBefc^erung, see note to p. 23, 1. 18.—i)c8

Qdttje, etc., "we have brought the whole of the fair

sex down on us."


Page 60. ]. 7. <B^a^, "my dear fellow."—!. 11.

cm 6nbc, "after all."— 1. 14. i^ pttc, when in the

pi-otasis (or condition clause) of a hypothetical period,

Wenn is omitted, the apodosis (or result clause) gene-

rally begins with fo ; but if this particle is omitted,

the latter clause has the constr. of a princ. sent., as in

the present instance.—glett^ . Ottfan0§, " at the very

beginning."—!. 18. ^ttJingl^ertfl^ott, "tyranny."—

1. 22. SKcin—ttJUnbcrn, "my old man shall have a

surprise."—!. 23. gut, "pleasant."—!. 26. 2)cr—ttOI^,a common Germ, proverb.

Page 61. 1. 6. borf, etc., "need only help one's

self"—1. 7. tUOUctt, etc., "won't we (take something)

too?"—!. 9, um—Brittgcn, "be deprived of our brealc-

fast;" what does umbringett mean, when the obj. of

um is omitted?

Page 62. !. 5. bcrfo^UCn, "appease."—!. 10. S)tt

—(ttttger, " you will let me off cheaper (than that)."

—1. 11. ©0—(i!^eutann, "a young husband like that."

— 1. 13. ifi—ntcl^r, "when once he is as old as I am,

he won't do it any more either."—1. 16. tl^—^^l^dffctt,

"I hope you won't.—!. 18. 6iji 2>tt. Orbnuttfl,

" have you settled matters 1"




Note.—The following abridgment of the story of the Tange-nichts is intended as an exercise for translation into German.The vocabulary corresponds, for the most part, to that of

the chapters indicated. Words in [ ] are to be omitted in



On a fine spring morning, the hero of this tale was sitting on

the doorstep of the old mill, enjoying the warm sunshine and

the song of tlie birds, when his father came out of the house

and cried: "You are a great ne'er-do-well. You do nothing

but bask in the sun and stretch yourself, leaving others to do

all the work." The old man said he could not feed such a

worthless fellow any longer, and bade him, now that the spring

had come, go into the world and earn his own living. This

was a welcome message to the lad, who had been thinking of

making a trip on his own account (auf eigene Faust), and seek-

ing his fortune in distant countries.

So he went to the house, took down his beloved fiddle from

the wall, and, with a little money his father gave him, set out

on his journey.

No sooner had he got into the open fields, than he fiddled

away merrily, singing at the same time a pretty song, in which

he commended himself to the guidance of the good God, who

watches over birds and flowers, over earth and heaven.

As our young friend was walking thus along the road, a

splendid carriage came along behind, containing two beautiful

ladies. As soon as he stopped singing, the elder of the two

ladies had the carriage stopped, and asked him where he was

going. Being ashamed to confess that he did not know that

himself, he boldly said, "To Vienna," whereupon the lady said

that they, too, were going to Vienna, and graciously invited

bim to jump up behind. The invitation was promptly accepted,



and our hero Jumped in. Soon, however, overcome by the heat,

he fell fast asleep.

When he opened his eyes he found that the ladies had dis-

mounted, and that the horses had long since been taken out of

the carriage, which stood in the court of a splendid chateau. Aladies' maid soon approached and said he was a charming

fellow, and that her mistress wanted to know if he were willing

to serve here as gardener's boy.

Finding that he had lost all the money he had received

from his father, and had nothing left but his fiddle, he con-

sented (zusagen) readily. And so he had at least a means of


He would have enjoyed living in the garden if he could just

have promenaded about in it like the ladies and gentlemen he

saw. But unfortunately he had a good deal of work to do,

and this did not suit him at all. He used to lie on his back,

listening to the humming of the bees, and watch the clouds float*

ing towards his home.

One Sunday afternoon, as our Ne'er-do-well was Ipng in a

little boat on the pond, a company of young ladies and gentle-

men came towards him, among them the two fair ladies whohad brought him here in the carriage. The elder of the two

bade him row them across the pond. After he had pushed ofif

from shore, it suddenly occurred to this merry lady to bid him

sing his song about thfe fair and gracious lady. He blushed,

and, without hesitating long, obeyed her command, thinking the

while (dabei) only of the younger and fairer lady and of his love

for her.


Now the elder lady supposed that this song was intended

for her, and procured (verschaffen) him a position as toll

collector with a small house and garden. And so he was really

toll collector before he knew it.


He at once moved into his new dwelling and was soon

settled. As he had nothing else to do, he used to sit all day long

in front of the house in a splendid red-spotted dressing-gown,

which became him very well, smoking a long pipe. Heresolved to give up travelling, and to save money like other

people, so that he might get to be something great in the world.

Our young friend did not however forjjet the fair lady. Hepulled up and threw away the potatoes and other vegetables he

found in the little garden, and planted it with the choicest

flowers. His friend the janitor thought his sudden fortune had

turned him crazy ; but the young man did not let that trouble

him in the least. Every evening he laid a bouquet of the

loveliest flowers on a stone table in an arbour that stood in the

garden, and every evening, when he brought a fresh bouquet,

the old one had disappeared. One evening, however, the col-

lector was surprised by his gracious lady as he was placing a

fresh bunch of flowers in the arbour. Observing that she wore

his last nosegay, he could restrain himself no longer, but cried

out : " Fairest lady, take these flowers too, and everything I

have I " But from that evening nobody paid any heed to his

flowers ; every morning when he looked into the arbour, he

found them lying untouched and withered on the table. This

disgusted him so, that he let the weeds grow in his garden, and

ceased making up bouquets.

At this ciitical time the lady's maid came to our hero, and

told him that there was to be a grand festival and masquerade

at the chiteau in honor of my lord's return, and that his fair

lady desired the colfector to provide her with some of his

finest flowers for the occasion, as she was to appear in the

character (RolU) of a flower-girl. He was to bring his fresh

flowers on that evening into the garden, and wait under the

great pear-tree there, where she would come and fetch them.

Overjoyed at this news, our hero filled a small basket with

his most beautiful flowers, and set out for the appointed place

as soon as night fell. With beating heart he waited a long time,

leaning against the tree ; however as no one came, he could


not endure it any longer, but, with his basket on his aim,

climbed up the pear-tree to get a breaih of fresh air.

From here he could see the beautifully dressed ladies and

gentlemen turning in the dance. Presently a masked figure

came forth from among the trees ; but it seemed to him not

slender and elegant enough to be his fair lady ; and when she

removed her mask, he saw that it was the elder one.

The stout lady, who was vexed not to find the collector there

with the flowers, withdrew and returned to the chateau. Great

hurraing, with drums and other music, was now heard ; and,

looking towards the house, our hero saw the folding doors on

tile balcony open, when (worauf) a tall gentleman in uniform

with orders on his breast stepped forth, holding by the hand a

beautiful young lady, in a white dress, like a lily in the night.

This was no other than the fair one whom our young friend had

so long worshipped in secret.

[It was] only (erst) when she had disappeared again [that] he

saw how it all was. It suddenly occurred to him that it was the

elder lady who had really ordered the flowers, that his fair one

did not waste a thought on him, and was long since married, and

that he himself was a great ass.

His old love of travel once more came over him, and, return-

ing to his own abode, he took down his beloved and long

neglected fiddle from the wall, and set out, as poor as he had

come, for beautiful Italy.


The worst of the business was that our young friend had not

the slightest idea how to get to the beautiful countiy for which he

longed so much, nor was there a creature to be seen at this quiet

morning hour, whom he could have asked. What was now to

be done ? He was ashamed to turn back and go home to his

village, where the very (selbst) boys on the street would point


the finger of scorn at him, and ask him what the world looked


So he wandered at random (aufs Gerateivokl), taking the

first road that offered itself. After marching all day through a

forest, where he had nearly lost his way, he reached a village,

but did not venture to knock at the door of the inn, as he had nc

money. So he sat down on a stone under a tree ; the world all

at once seemed to liim terribly wide and large, and he felt so

lonely that he would fain have wept.

As he was sitting there in this way, he suddenly heard the

sound of hoofs. Soon afterwards two horsemen came out of

the forest, who halted and held an earnest consultation. Belie-

ving them to be highwaymen, he hastily sprang up the tree, but

before he could draw up his legs after him, a voice cried,

"Who's there ?" " Nobody," shouted our hero at the top of

his voice. " Then whose legs are those I see hanging down? "

cried the robber. So the collector dropped down on the ground

again. The robbers said they had lost their way, and demanded

(verlangen) that he should guide them to the town of B . In

vain our musician declared that he did not know anything about

it ; the taller of the two robbers drew a pistol from his belt,

and ordered him with threats to lead the way.

So, without much hesitation, our friend took at random the

first road that offered, the two horsemen following him slowly

at some distance. " Surely," he thought to himself, •' wp must

get out of the forest some time or other." As the day began to

dawn, his courage increased, and he suddenly gave a shrill

whistle on his fingers, as footpads do when signalling to each

other. At this the taller of the two supposed highwaymen dis-

mounted and ran up to him. No sooner, however, did he stare

in his captive's face, than he all at once broke out mto loud

laughter, and cried : "Why, on my word, it's the gardener—


mean to say the collector—from the ch^eau," and then con-

tinued, laughing incessantly :" Why, this is splendid ! A

servant is just what we need; stay with us." The ex-collector

replied, quite taken aback, that he was just on a trip to Italy.


" To Italy ! " cried the stranger, "that's just where we were

bound for too !" " Well, if that's the case, I'll go with you,"

was the reply ; and the young musician produced his fiddle and

scraped away till the birds woke up, while the stranger seized

his comrade and danced about on the greensward with him like


The two strangers now produced wine, roast meats, etc., and

spreading a cloth on the ground made a merry repast, sharing it

with their new servant. The taller gentleman then explained

that he was a painter, called Leonard, while the name of his

shorter and more delicate companion, with long dark-brown curls

clustering about his neck, was Guido.


At the post-house in B they found a splendid coach with

four handsome post-horses and a postillion awaiting them. Mr.

Leonard furnished our friend with a new suit of clothes

{AnzHg), which gave him quite a distinguished appearance, only

that they did not fit bim very well. He now led a fine life,

free as a bird, without even being obliged to fly. He had

nothing to do but sit day and night on the coach-box, and to

bring food and drink out to the carriage—for the painters never

entered an inn, and kept the carriage windows closed all day.

One evening, however, they arrived at a certain village too

early, and, the post-horses not being ready, the painters went into

the inn and were shown to a private room, where they could rest

and write letters. In the meanwhile the collector went into

the public-room, glad to get a meal in quiet and comfort.

Here a hunch-backed Italian so bothered (qualett) him with

unintelligible questions in broken German that he fled into the

garden, and fell fast asleep. He slept soundly until aroused by

the sound of a postillion's horn. It occurred to him that they had

intended to have been far away by this time, so he ran to wake

his master. But when he threw open the door of their room, to


his amatement he fonnd it empty. On the table was a hand-

some purse full of money, on which was written with large

letters : " For the Collector." Then he made a great noise and

roused all the men-servants and maid-servants, but ''ley knew

nothing about the matter, and were as much surprised as himself

to find the birds flown.

In the meanwhile, however, the coach was at the door, with

the horses in, and the postillion was blowing his horn impatiently,

as though he would burst, for he had to be at the next station by

the appointed hour. So our hero, in despair, jumped in, the

postillion cracked his whip, and away they went, he knew not



And so our young friend proceeded on his journey alone.

At each station he found fresh horses harnessed ; he could not

talk to the people, since they spoke only Italian, which he

could not understand, he only German, which was quite unin-

telligible to them. He had scarcely time to get a decent meal,

and yet had not the slightest idea why and whither he was

going at such speed.

But he had to pay the postmasters and landlords everywhere;

and, as he kept no account of the money he paid out, his purse

was empty before he knew what he was about, and he was at a

complete loss what to do. Suddenly he noticed that the coach

turned aside from the highway. In vain he asked the

postillion the reason of this. They turned into a forest, and

drove through a wild and lonely region in the direction of a chain

of hills, along very rough roads. At last they ascended a steep

hill, and arrived at a lonely castle, where they were received

by a morose old man and a toothless old woman. These people

waited on our hero as though he were some grand ivornekm)

person. The old woman, with many curtseys, led him into a

large handsome apartment, in the middle of which stood a table


with roasts and salad, frait and wine, which made his heart

rejoice within him. When he sat down at the table, a young

and pretty maid waited on him, who seemed much astonished

to see how he enjoyed his meal. When he had eaten and drunk

enough, he was shown into another room, in which was a

magnificent bedstead, with green silk curtains. With a secret

dread that the postillion's horn would blow presently, he un-

dressed and lay down in this splendid bed, where he soon fell



The next morning our hero awoke very early, and for a long

time could not make out where he was. At last he jumped out

of bed, dressed, took his fiddle, and went out into the garden.

Not a sound was to be heard in the still morning air but the

song of one little bird, which had awoke early and was singing

its morning hymn on a bush under the window of the bedroom.

On the terrace a tall pale youth, clad in a long coat, was sitting

on a stone bench, reading aloud as if he were preaching. The

collector began to play on his fiddle, and soon the old woman,

who had been looking for him everywhere, appeared with her

bunch of keys, and seemed much surprised to hear him play so

beautifully. The life our hero led in the castle, which, as he

learned, belonged to a rich count, was a glorious one. Nosooner did he wish for any food or drink, meat or cheese, fruit

or wine, than it was there, just as in a fairy tale. He had

nothing to do but play his fiddle or lie in the grass, until he felt

as if his joints would fall asunder with idleness, and he grew

quite melancholy with doing nothing. At night, after he had

retired to his room, he often heard the sound of a guitar under

his window, but when he put out his head and shouted


" Hello ! who's there? " there was no answer.

One sultry afternoon, when our young friend had climbed up

to the top of a tree, he suddenly heard in the distance the blast


of a post-horn coining nearer and nearer through the mountains,

until at length he heard it sound in the court-yard of the castle.

He quickly descended, and the old woman presently came from

the castle with a packet she had opened. " Here is something

for you," she said, handing him a neat little letter without any

address. He quickly tore it open, and blushed like a peimy on

recognizing the handwriting of his fair lady. It was very brief,

and told him in a few words that everything was all right again,

and all obstacles removed. She had taken this opportunity, she

continued, of being the first to send this pleasant message,

aiding: "I can hardly endure life here since you have been

away." Overcome with inexpressible joy, our hero flew to a

solitary comer of the garden, where he read the letter again and

again. He could not understand how this had all come about


whether his fair lady was, after all, still unmarried, and the

strange officer was perhaps her brother, or whether her husband

was dead, or whether he himself was crazy. But it was all the

same to him : only one thing was clear, and that was that she

loved him.

In his joy, our collector summoned the old man and his wife,

and had his supper brought out into the garden. The old

woman wanted very much to know the contents of the letter,

but he could only point to a pair of cranes flying high above

them through the air, and say that he too must depart far, far

away. At this the old woman opened her eyes very wide and

looked at him askance (scheel) and began to talk secretly to her


Wondering what they meant to do with him, our hero bade

them good-night and went up to his bedroom. After he had

put out the light he went to the open window. Hearing voices,

he looked out and recognized the melancholy steward and the

old house-keeper, the former with a lantern, the latter with a

long knife. He shuddered, and all sorts of stories about

murders, witches and robbers came into his mind. Presently he

thought he heard a stealthy tread coming up the stairs and along

the corridor towards the door of his room, and voices whispering


together. As he was preparing to defend himself, if necessary,

he heard somebody put a key into the keyhole from outside,

turn it slowly round, pull it out again carefully, and steal away

along the hall and down the stairs.

Our hero was very badly frightened for he had never been

locked in before, and believed that the door had been locked so

that they might the more easily kill him when he was fast asleep.

The time would pass away, and he could not fly to his beloved,

who would expect him in vain. But he determined not to go to

sleep. As he sat on his bed listening intently [angestrengt],

staring into the darkness so that his eyes stuck out of his head,

he once more heard some one touching a guitar. Hastily throw-

ing open the window, he called out in a low tone that he was

awake. A voice answered, "Hush! hush!" Without stop-

ping to consider, he put the note into his pocket, took up his

beloved fiddle, jumped out of the window and climbed down

the old cracked wall. On reaching the ground he was received

by the long-legged student with an embrace. The latter led

him along the terrace until they came to a gate in the castle

wall. The student produced a key from his pocket and unlocked

the gate, but, when they had passed through, the student suddenly

dropped down on his knees in front of our hero and began to

talk as if he were madly in love with [verliebt in + ace.) that

[person]. The collector was so astonished and frightened at this

extraordinary behaviour of his liberator (Befteier), that he

promptly ran off as fast as his feet would carry him into the dark

wood, where, as soon as he thought himself safe, he climbed a

high pine tree in order to escape pursuit, for he soon heard

voices and cries from the castle and saw the light of lanterns and

torches. As soon as the pursuers( Verfolger) had disappeared in

the forest, our young friend descended from his lofty seat in the

tree and breathlessly ran down the valley and forth into the


fix ERCISES. 97


The frightened collector, glad to have escaped, proceeded

hastily on his way day and night, still fearing that the people from

the castle might follow him with torches and knives. Learning

on the way that the celebrated city of Rome was only a few miles

away, he resolved to betake himself thither, and see with his own

eyes the wonders of which he heard so often. When night had

fallen, and the moon was shining brightly, he suddenly, on

emerging from the woods on top of a hill, caught sight of

(trblicken) the holy city. In the distance lay the shining sea,

the sky was sparkling with countless stars, the great city looked

(aussehen) like a huge sleeping lion, while the mountains round

about seemed to be black giants keeping guard over him.


After all sorts of confused adventures, our young Ne'er-do-

well resolved to turn his back upon Italy, and to return to his

beloved Austria and his fair and gracious lady. As he had, how-

ever, no money in his pocket (for the contents of the bag left him

by the two painters had disappeared long before he had reached

the castle in the mountains), he was obliged to return in a style

far different from that in which he had come. No carriage, no

postillion, no post-horns, no horses now ; the journey homeward

had to be made entirely on foot, for it was so long since our

collector had collected anything, that he was forced to get

through with his fiddle. After many days' journey, he caught

sight for the first time of his native country, which he greeted

joyfully with a song. Three musicians, who were standing be-

hind him, struck in with their instruments, whereupon our young

traveller produced his fiddle and accompanied them. The others

suddenly stopped playing, very much astonished and crest-

fallen (kleinlaut ), and the man who blew the hunting-horn

said that they had taken (ansehen) our friend for a wealthy


English tourist. When, however, they found that he was a poor

musician like themselves, they forgot their disappointment, and

the horn-blower said :" Come into the bushes with us ; we have

kindled a fire, and we shall be very glad if you, sir, will join in

our little repast." The invitation was accepted with pleasure,

and the company sat down together on the grass round about the

fire, which was burning merrily in the fresh morning air, and

enjoyed their meal so much, that it was pleasant to see. In the

course of their conversation it turned out (sich fin en) that these

jolly fellows were poor students of tlieology, who were attending

the University of Prague. "Of course," said the hautboy,

player, " we have not much money to spend (verwenden) on

breakfast or supper ; but then we do not spoil our stomachs with

too much eating, and when the noon bells ring we repair every day

to the Capuchin convent, where Father Cook always has a table

prepared for us ; at the same time we profit by the opportunity of

talking Latin." When the holidays arrived, he continued, they

left the stupid old lecture-room, and wandered on foot into the

free country, to earn their living by their music. The horn-

blower said that, for his part, he did not care to travel like wealthy

people, who ordered their meals, horses and beds beforehand.

He preferred starting afresh each morning, without knowing what

chimney was smoking for them, and without anticipating what

particular luck they might meet with by evening. They were

welcome with their music wherever they came. "Well, per-

haps not always," said the clarinettist, laughing, "but even where

we are not, wealthy people are always ready at least to send out a

servant to us with money or food when we enter their hall and be-

gin to blow our instruments, if it be only to get rid of the noise."

" Yes," replied the horn-blower, " while the others are grinding

away at their tasks, we study the great picture-book which God

has spread open for us out of doors, and we are so best fitted

{geschickt) to preach to the clod-hoppers, for we tell something

to them, and when we thump the pulpit with our fists they shake

in their shoes."

In the meanwhile the third musician, who had been studying


a map he had spread out before him, said : "I know a chdteau

near Vienna, where I have a cousin who is janitor there. That's

where we must go, for I am quite sure my cousm will help us on

our way to Prague." When the Ne'er-do-well heard this, he

cried, " Why, that must be my old friend I " He then asked

the musician if his cousin did not play the bassoon, and whether

he was not a tall stiff man with a great aristocratic nose. Theother nodded his head, whereupon the collector embraced him

joyfully, so that his tall hat tumbled off. "Let us," he cried,

"take the mail-boat down the Danube together to the castle of

the beautiful countess."

On board the ship they met a clerical gentleman, who told

them that there was soon to be a grand wedding at the chateau,

and that he had been sent to find out if the bridegioom was in

the neighbourhood, but the collector was ashamed to tell him

that he himself was the expected happy bridegroom.

The clergyman soon grew very merry, and began to tell fiinny

stories of his student days. " I too used to wander over hill and

dale during the vacation," he said, "often hungry and thirsty,

but always in-goo<l-spirits (frohlick). " In fact," he continued,

" [the] student-life on the whole is but one long vacation between

the dull confinement (Enge) of school and the seriousness ol

official and business life."

A few hours later our hero, to his great delight, caught sight

of his beloved toll-house and the chateau by the beautiful moon-



As soon as the ship had reached the shore, the passengers all

dispersed in different directions, like birds from a cage—the

clergyman to the chateau, the students into the bushes to wash

and shave, while the collector hastened to the well known garden.

Having to pass his toll-house on the way, he could not resist

the temptation of jumping in through the window. But as he


was sitting at the table and looking at the account-book which

lay open on the table, the door suddenly opened, and the new col-

lector walked in in our friend's spotted dressing-gown. Fright-

ened at the fellow's furious look, the former collector took to his

heels ( Reiszaus nehtnen), jumped out of the window, ran as fast

as his legs would carry him through the garden, and vaulted

(sich schwingen) on top of the high wall between his garden and

that of the chateau. As he was sitting there, looking with

beating heart into my lord's garden, he suddenly heard a voice

singing a song. Both voice and song seemed familiar, as though

he had heard them in a dream. After long thinking, it came

into his mind that it was the song he had heard the younger of

the two painters sing on the evening before they had left him.

Exclaiming: "Why, that must be Mr. Guido ! " he jumped

down from the wall and ran over beds and hedges after the

voice. Suddenly he stood still, as though enchanted—for there

sat his fair and gracious lady on a stone bench, with a wreath of

white and red roses in her dark hair, playing with her riding-

whip, and opposite to her sat another young lady with short

brown curls singing to a guitar. The fair lady raised her eyes,

and uttered a loud scream when she caught sight of the collector,

whereupon the other lady turned round. At sight of our friend,

she burst into incontroUable laughter, jumped up from her seat

and clapped her hands thrice. At this signal (Zeicken) a crowd

of young girls came forth from the rose-bushes and surrounded

our hero ; these encircled him, holding a garland of flowers in

their hands, and singing a well-known air (Arte, fem. ) from

Weber's opera, the Freischiitz.

All at once a well-dressed young gentleman came forth from

among the bushes, whom our Ne'er-do-well at once recognized

as his old friend, Mr. Leonard. No sooner had the latter recog-

nized his former servant, than he seized the fair lady by the hand,

led her up to the collector and delivered (halten) an absurd

(wutuierlich ) lengthy speech, concluding with an exhortation

(Mahnung) to love each other and be happy.

The other young lady, the [one] with the curls, now came up


to our youth, placed a myrtle-wreath on his head, and asked him

if he did not remember the robbers who had shaken him downfrom the tree. On looking closely at her, our friend recognized

her—it was no one else than the younger painter, Mr. Guide

Mr. Leonard now drew the puzzled youth aside (bet Seite) and

explained (atiseinander setzen) the situation (Lage) of affairs.

Miss Flora, be said, pointing to the young lady with the curls,

had exchanged hearts with Somebody. Then somebody else

came, offering her his heart and demanding hers in return. But

Somebody—namely Mr. Leonard himself—would not take back

his heart or return hers. Every body cried out at this, so he had

to interfere. So one summer night he mounted his horse, lifted

the young lady, disguised (verkleidet) as [the] painter Guido, on

hers, and away they went away to the south, to hide her in one

of his solitary castles in Italy, till all the fuss (Rumor) and talk

should be over. But from the balcony of the inn, while their

servant, the collector, slept on guard, Flora espied their pur-

suers. "Why," exclaimed the Ne'er-do-well, "that must have

been the hunch-backed Italian fellow." " To be sure," replied

Mr. Leonard, "he was a spy." He then went on to explain

that they had sent the collector on alone in the post-chaises

already ordered. This had deceived not only their pursuers, but

also the people at the castle, who had taken our hero for Miss

Flora in disguise. This also explained the letter which he had

received there. "And so," concluded Mr. Leonard, "youhave helped to play a part { Rolle) in a romance, although youperhaps have never read one—and the day after to-morrow the

wedding is to take place."

In the meanwhile, the fair and gracious lady, angry and con-

fused at all the talk and jesting, had fled li'.ce a deer toward a

summer-house at the end of the garden. Her lover saw this andran quickly after her, arriving nearly at the same time. H«gazed steadily at the lovely countess, and at last took heart andseized her little hand, whereupon she drew him towards her, andthey embraced each other lovingly.


When they had come to themselves, she asked her lover if he

remembered seeing her on the balcony. He then inquired if

any body was dead. " What do mean ? " asked she. "Why,your husband, who stood with you on the balcony," replied he.

She answered in astonishment that that was the countess's son,

just returned home, who led her out to the balcony so that she

too might get a cheer, for it was her birthday. The young

countess now pointed to a white villa in the distance, and told

him that the count was going to present it to them, in return for

the services rendered (erweisen) to him and Miss Flora, when he

eloped with her from the boarding school, for things would have

turned out quite differently, had they been overtaken before the

reconciliation with the countess, who was Flora's mother and

the owner of the chateau. *' Whom do you mean, fair and

gracious countess ? " inquired her lover. " Why, Mr. Leonard, of

course," replied she, "for so he called himself in Italy, and he

is going to marry Miss Flora, our countess's daughter. But why

do you call me countess ? " she continued, " I am not a countess

at all, you know ; but our gracious countess. Miss Flora's mother,

took me into the chiteau to live with her, when my uncle, the

janitor, brought me here as a little helpless orphan."

Her lover was delighted to think that the janitor was to be

their uncle ; and so they sat together hand in hand, like two

happy children, while the music floated over to them from the

chateau, and the Roman candles flew through the slill night over

the garden—and let us hope that they lived happily together, as

becomes (sich gehormfur) the hero and heroine of a respectable

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