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ALL Enemies foreign and domesitc 4.144CLEARED FOR RELEASE 06/24/2021 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 100)

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All Enemies Foreign and Domestic

We are fighting a two-front war against enemies both foreign and domestic. In the domestic arena, we are fighting against the notion that we must conform to the beliefs of others. We are told we must support the agendas being pushed. There is a real battle between individual liberty and demand for the collective, where everybody must follow the same rules and hold the same ideas for our “safety.”

In the foreign battleground, we also face many adversaries. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are all working at some level to take away our freedoms.

In this briefing Kevin Freeman shares the key threats facing America and how you can be equipped to combat the policies made by woke corporations and politicians as well as the foreign efforts to take down America.

Your Mission: To better understand the two-front war being waged against America and identify specific strategies you can act upon to protect America and your values.

» Understand why you must weaponize your money now.

» To pray and repent, asking God to heal our land.

» To stand for Moral Democratic Capitalism.

“Most of America thinks we’re at peacetime. It’s not the case. We’re fighting a war. We’re fighting a two-front war. We’re fighting against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” –Kevin Freeman

Ep. 4-144 (OSINT) Open-Sourced Intelligence Special Report. This briefing is an exclusive teaching series with Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room®.

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Domestic Threats

1. American companies are adopting liberal ideals and policies.

It’s an attempt to control your life! The war has reached both corporate America and Wall Street. They are trying to control your spending and your investments!

“We talk about it all the time. The ESG movement with Larry Fink and BlackRock, where they’re wanting to demand that your investing conforms to what’s important to them.” –Kevin Freeman

These “important” issues for companies such as BlackRock are topics such as ESG (environmental issues, social justice, and governance). These choices are pushed through proxy ballot measures.

If you own shares of a company, you get to vote for the things that the companies are doing, through things called proxies, but in so many ways they are sneaking it in without your knowledge!

ALERT: Companies such as Coca Cola are pushing, without knowledgeable permission from shareholders, their staff to be “less white.”

What does this really mean? While we understand the benefits of diversity, the pendulum seems to be shifting to discrimination by race. That is BLATANT RACISM!

2. The Left has a monopoly on our institutions!

Another strategy that our domestic enemies are using is the “long march through the institutions.”

This phrase, coined by Italian communist, Antonio Gramsci, described how a society could be subverted without recourse to arms by controlling a society’s chief institutions, schools, universities, courts, corporations, media, and political parties.

Have you noticed how all these institutions have adopted far left-leaning policies?

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Their goal is to exploit intersectionality, to dismantle cultural hegemony, to subvert the ideological opposition, to challenge the family, religion, and the political order. Guess what? All that means basically to break down American society.

These great institutions, many of which were, like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, all designed to teach about God and about freedom, have become so WOKE that they’re giving tenure and control to those with gender studies and all sorts of anti-American views to where even the American family is considered wrong.

In addition, Confucius Institutes are being established in universities where you cannot say anything bad about communist China. China gives a lot of money. They also send a lot of full-paying Chinese students into American universities.

CAUTION: Even the churches are becoming more woke!

“The church is turning away from a biblical worldview. And I don’t mean the true Church. The true Church will not fail. Jesus promised. But there are a lot of places that call themselves church and they’re more woke than they are Bible-believing. In fact, they have thrown out the Bible. The Bible is considered “hate speech” in some of these churches.” – Kevin Freeman

3. The Left now sees “whiteness” as a problem.

If you’re white, you’re automatically wrong, unless you totally agree with the leftist agenda. They’ve been abandoning objective truth for a political objective that intends to subjugate you.

There may be a student with higher scores than someone else excluded from a college due to the color of their skin so that the college can bring more equity.

“The goal is no longer equality of opportunity. It’s equity.” –Kevin Freeman

That does not allow for the best and the brightest to rise to the top. It does not allow for excellence. It allows for mediocrity.

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ALERT: It appears the left has now approved legal discrimination by race! And Asian Americans are on the receiving end of it.

4. Woke Universities existed in the 1930’s and the foreign influence is coming back! Shockingly, in the 1930’s Hitler was initially highly admired by the intellectuals.The perception that everybody thought Hitler was bad is not true. In the 1930’s, he was highly admired. Hitler was on the cover of Time magazine as a man of the year and in American Universities that were so woke at that time and so progressive.

Planned Parenthood was intellectually funded in part by Nazi Germany.They believed in eugenics, and they believed that some races were better than others at that time and they wanted to reduce or eliminate the “bad ones.” This is part of where Planned Parenthood came from through Margaret Sanger. And that idea, that infiltrated the universities in the 1930’s, was promoted by Nazi Germany.

American support of Nazi Germany led to pro-Nazi teaching on American college campuses!

» Now, if you say ‘Hitler’ on a college campus people automatically think Donald Trump.

» Really, in the 1930’s, Hitler was an admired man who was “cleansing” the world.

WARNING: This ideology is coming back! It is no longer just about cleansing the world of Jews. To some it more broadly includes cleansing the world of white people!

5. Companies on the left use our finances to further the leftist political agenda! The Government has a plan for your money as well.

A. ESG scores are being given to companies and funds are being invested in corporations based on ESG scores.

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“They’re trying to say, “look how woke we are,” so they will try to get a good ESG score. Groups like BlackRock and Merrill Lynch and others are rating companies on their ESG score. That’s right. It is weaponizing your money against your values.” –Kevin Freeman

B. Small companies are also being targeted. There is a Woke influence on small companies!

There is a group called Mill Road Capital and they’ve launched a progressive governance fund to improve “governance and diversity” in small public companies.

Really what they’re saying here is we’re going to dangle money in front of you and if you’re a small company, come along to the leftist woke agenda and we’ll fund you.

“Wall Street’s embracing stakeholder capitalism and ESG over profits and shareholders. Those are just code words for socialism in many cases. And Wall Street’s pushing it. Why? They’ve got their money. They sit in their privileged positions. They want your money to fund their socialist agenda, not give you the best return for your money, not take care of the shareholders, not get maximum profits. They want the corporations designed to take us into a socialist new world order.” –Kevin Freeman

ATTENTION: One of the biggest tactics the left has is with investments. They want to limit your choice. They don’t want you to have investor needs, wants, and desires expressed. They want you to invest in something that’s going to further their agenda. They want to control your retirement plan. Why? Well, because they need the money to fund government plans to build their Utopian society (or simply gain control).

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C. The Government needs your money- It won’t be long before we hit $40 trillion in Government debt:

» Ultimately, they will want to control the retirement plans to force you to invest in government bonds. That’s what failing economies do.

» That’s what they did in Venezuela and Argentina and Zimbabwe and Weimar Germany because they got to come up with some way to get control of the money.

» At some point, people are going to say, “this is a bad investment…I don’t want to invest in US Treasury bonds anymore.” Some are working on forcing people to buy government bonds. At some point, they’re going to give special treatment for Chinese companies as well.

“Mark my words, that’s coming with the Biden administration now. And Larry Fink, we’ve talked about how he’s weaponized BlackRock’s $7.4 trillion or $8 trillion. He said publicly, ‘returns are not our only priority.’ He’s used his influence to bully companies to adopt this progressive agenda. He’s used the proxy votes to force a progressive agenda. He said climate change is the number one priority. Guess what? It’s not even number seven for investors.” –Kevin Freeman

6. The Left is using Cancel Culture as a battle tactic. The Left is using their control over our media and social media to push a narrative!

“The cancel culture is telling us, “if you say anything contrary to the official narrative, we’ll just cancel you. We’ll demonetize you.” –Kevin Freeman

Beware of the cancel culture. If you say anything contrary to the official narrative, they will try to cancel you.

» They will try to de-monetize you.

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» Economic War Room® has been de-monetized from YouTube. We said things that the YouTube masters didn’t like. And they said, “you’re no longer allowed to monetize your channel.” We lost an important revenue source, but we will not be silenced!

» They’ve also dehumanized people. When you eliminate someone from social media, it’s almost like erasing them from society in some ways.

» Beware of the so called fact-checkers? They’re not actually checking facts as we have proven. Who checks the fact checkers?

The idea that they can permanently ban a former president of the United States who received more than seventy-four million votes, that’s insane! But that’s what they’re doing. In other words, they are attempting to silence any speech they don’t like.

“They are trying to silence us. That tells me that they believe that we are on to something.” –Kevin Freeman

We have free speech in America under the First Amendment. People cannot be silenced by government mandate, but people who believe differently than the narrative can be shamed into silence.

CASE STUDY - Shame them into silence – It’s happening right now!

We’ve heard that Secretary Clinton was at a meeting with Islamic leaders, and they said, “Secretary Clinton (when she was Secretary of State) you’ve got to stop this blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad. You can’t let people say anything negative about him. We need blasphemy laws.”

And from what I was told, Secretary Clinton’s response was this, “well, we have this pesky thing in the United States called free speech and a First Amendment. We can’t just silence them by government mandate. But what we can do is shame anyone who believes or says those things. We’ll just shame them into silence.”


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7. The Government and Bureaucracy is being used as a battle strategy.

The bureaucracy has mask mandates, lock-downs, gun control, vaccine passports, and all those things that they’re promoting as safety measures.

Don’t worry, you give up a little bit of liberty, but “it’s for your safety.” REALLY?

“I dealt with this when I was working with the Pentagon and I was trying to tell them, look, there is an attempt to influence our elections using the economy in 2008. And I was bold about saying that. And they tried to shut me up at the bureaucratic level.” –Kevin Freeman

A. Manipulating elections is a part of this strategy.

“Recent revelations indicate Chinese willingness to manipulate our elections. How could they do it? You can’t say they would hack elections. You’re not allowed to say that. But the Chinese essentially said that. Manipulate elections by voter rolls and by influence operations and so forth. And then there are corporate threats. We see Major League Baseball pulling out of Georgia. That’s a threat. We will punish you, Georgia, if you don’t do what we say. And Georgia passed the election integrity law.

“Those who would give

up essential Liberty,

to purchase a little

temporary safety,

deserve neither

liberty nor safety.”

–Benjamin Franklin

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So, they moved the All-Star game to Denver. Yeah, this is corporations trying to tell we, the people, how to live, how to act, how to behave.” –Kevin Freeman

B. Taxes as a battle strategy - Taxes are going to go up under this administration! Additional Government Spending and higher minimum wages. It is a tax on America.

» They’re planning to raise taxes wherever they can get them.

» $29 trillion in debt and Biden’s got $6 trillion of additional spending to come.

» Yet they say they will only tax the rich. They’re going to be raising taxes on almost everyone!

When you get free college, you think it’s free? Kids, do you think you’re going to go to college for free? You’ll be paying for it the rest of your life in taxes!

C. Minimum Wage at $15 an hour – Another battle strategy.

Many small businesses cannot afford to pay their workers $15 an hour. They will go out of business or shift to automation causing more employment issues.

Think about this. Many of the politicians on the left prefer it if their constituents need them and big government to take care of them. It allows them to keep their power. Free markets, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, minimizes their power.

The American dream is being challenged!

Think about this. Under communism and socialism, If everybody gets an equal outcome, who wants to work?

Lessons From History - Equal Outcomes: Communism, Labor Strategies, and Riots.

The USSR Constitution stole a quote from the Bible which says, “If any man shall not work, neither shall he eat.” The communist party picked up this quote because if everyone got an equal outcome, who would want to work? So, they had to force labor to work.

But just because you’re working doesn’t mean you’re working hard. Are you working hard or hardly working? That’s the joke, right? Guess what? Under Communist rule,

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you’re hardly working. You want to do the least. And that’s where America is being shoved right now.”

The Communists realized that there was upward mobility in America and that was a problem.

Class warfare wasn’t going to happen because the poor guy believed he could get a job, work his way up, and eventually on the company. And that’s the part of the American dream.

Think about The AMERICAN DREAM - We’re the only nation that has this!

China has created “the Chinese dream,” which is to take over the world.

The difference! The American dream is about the individual!

» I can get a job.

» I can work hard.

» I can get a house.

» I can get married.

» We have kids.

» I can send my kids to college.

» I can get two cars.

» This was the American dream!

The Marxists early in this country realized that they’re not going to be able to create this class warfare struggle. So, what are they going to do instead? How about racial? Let’s push on that hot button.

That’s how we have gotten “Critical Race Theory.”

This isn’t new, as shown by Manning Johnson, patriot and author of Color, Communism, and Common Sense (https://manning

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Here is a decades-old video that explains how long this has been the communist plan

WARNING: Their goal is street riots and a political crisis! This is mentioned in the book Unrestricted Warfare, which was written by members of China’s People’s Liberation Army.

“Their goal is to exploit intersectionality, to dismantle cultural hegemony, to subvert the ideological opposition, to challenge the family, religion, and the political order. Guess what? All that means is basically to break down American society. To tell them, ‘Hey, look what you thought was American. That’s not America anymore. Don’t you stand up for the flag and for the Pledge of Allegiance! Instead, take a knee, don’t be proud of who you are, and don’t be proud of America.’ That’s all a part of this long march through the institutions. They’ve been told to challenge the family, religion, and political order. And it’s based on things like Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.” –Kevin Freeman

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FOREIGN THREATS A deeper look at the foreign threats America is facing. While adversaries like Russian, Iran and North Korea’s need to be watched, we will focus on China for this briefing.

1. China is at the top of our threat alerts as they seek for all nations to be beneath them. (This is not about the Chinese people, but specifically the Chinese Communist Party corrupt leadership.)

Our Chinese adversaries are fighting for control of the Globe!

“Their goal is to establish Chinese dominance on the planet. That is the “China dream” that President Xi Jinping believes in and dreams about. They believe that they’re the Middle Kingdom between heaven and earth. What comes in between is China. That means everybody else is beneath and underneath Chinese control.” –Kevin Freeman

China has been successful in infiltrating western powers!

» China’s infiltration into our culture and our Intellectual Property.

» They’ve infiltrated our education system at the college and the high school level.

» They’ve infiltrated entertainment. You can’t make a movie in Hollywood without the approval of the Chinese masters.

» They’ve infiltrated the boardrooms of American companies.

» They have infiltrated our political system and its leaders.

» They have infiltrated our financial system.

The CCP plan has worked. In 1999, the Chinese economy was 1/10th the size of what it is today. The Chinese economy at that time was about the same size as Italy, now, it rivals the American economy!

The Chinese Communist Party is executing their plan perfectly while America sleeps. All this while crony capitalism and large corporations work to enrich themselves in global markets with the promise of a new growing customer base.

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45 Chinese Communist goals to take Global dominance by 2035!

The Naked Communist, written by former FBI agent, W. Cleon Skousen, lists principles that will give us insight into the mind of the liberal elite in our nation that are adopting Communism.

These include: 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only

alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to

engaging in atomic war. 3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a

demonstration of moral strength. 4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and

regardless of whether items could be used for war. 5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. 6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. 7. Grant recognition to Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N. 8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s

promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N. 11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand

that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. 13. Do away with loyalty oaths. 14. Continue giving Russia access to U.S. Patent Office. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by

claiming their activities violate civil rights. 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and

current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

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18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which

are under Communist attack. 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-

making positions. 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression.

(An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”)

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. 24. Eliminate all laws of obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free

speech and free press. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity

in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.” 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit

the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture—education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. 37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

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38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity, masturbation and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political, or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. 45. Repeal the “Connally Reservation” so the United States cannot prevent the World

Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

There is an obvious pattern here! These plans have been in place for a while.

The Epoch Times provides more insights from a leading Chinese professor. He illustrates China’s goals for America and the rest of the globe!

“The professor’s multipronged strategy involves a range of malign actors to subvert the United States while strengthening the Chinese regime.” –The Epoch Times

This includes: Interfering in US elections, controlling the American market, cultivating global enemies to challenge the United States, stealing US technology, expanding Chinese territory, and influencing international organizations are all avenues the Chinese government is taking to subvert our nation! In addition, Confucius Institutes are being established in universities where you cannot say anything bad about communist China. China gives a lot of money to these universities and sends a lot of full-paying Chinese students into American universities.


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2. What is important to you?

We believe Liberty, Security, and Values (LSV) are the key to responsible investing.

Liberty – this includes personal liberty, economic liberty. We want people to be able to start businesses and grow. And you should be able to invest where you want to invest. Security – You ought to be able to carry personal protection devices. The Second Amendment promises that. But we also ought to have national security. We shouldn’t let foreign enemies run rampant in our economy or in our nation.

Values – These are the values you grew up with, Judeo-Christian Western civilization values.

Our research indicates these three core values are what most people want from their investments.

3. CAUTION: Understanding the left’s strategy, look at their tactics and know what they’re claiming in the name of liberty.

From the Bible, “in professing to be wise, they became fools.”

So, when you hear “up is down and right is wrong,” realize that is a part of their tactics just to confuse, just to create this cognitive dissonance.

» Or, when they tell you, “Don’t wear masks, don’t waste masks. It doesn’t do any good for covid.”

» And then a few weeks later they say, “No, you must wear a mask. It’s absolutely imperative.”

» Then they tell you, “You must get your covid vaccine because when you do, then you’ll be able to have all these freedoms because…trust the science.” And yet they still restrict you?

Professing to be wise, they became fools! Contrasting the French Revolution to the American Revolution.

The French Revolution was about giving up liberty, it was a collectivist revolution. If you disagree, then “Off with your head.”

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Asking you to give up your liberties. This is the kind of condition that was in place prior to the French Revolution, where the people were rejecting God because of the excesses of cronyism. You literally had the people revolting against the king, but also against God.

Another Fool Idea: They tried to create and institute things like 10-day weeks.”A week’s not seven days,” they said.”It’s 10 days.” It didn’t work out very well for them because a week is seven days!

» But they also had extreme bloodshed. That’s where the guillotine came out and people literally lost their heads.

» People that were a part of the revolution at the beginning became the enemy in the middle and they lost their heads in the end.

» They turned on everybody. It was a horrible moment in the human experience.

The American Revolution was about personal individual liberty.

» We believed in the power of the individual.

Guess which endured? Guess which can endure?

» One revolution was righteous and good and right built on biblical truth.

» The collectivist idea is spawned from hell. Somehow, they want to deny human nature and objective truth.

4. Are you ready to invest in Liberty, or do you prefer the collectivist idea that is being forced upon you?

a. We have the money and need to weaponize it in our investments, spending, and giving.

b. We need to repent and ask God to heal our land.

c. We need to promote Moral Democratic Capitalism.

We are still the majority, and we still have the money, at least at this moment.

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Recognize your money doesn’t belong to Wall Street, nor does it belong to the government. They’re trying to make it so. But as of now, it’s still your money.

» China is desperately in need of American investment. Guess what? It’s our money! We can decide not to send it to China and not to send it to corporations and not to send it to the government (other than legal taxation). We need to stand up!

» Recognize we have the same vote as an 18-year-old, but they may lack wisdom, and many are likely indoctrinated into the academic ideology they were taught.

» My vote can be cancelled out by an 18-year-old. I vote one way; they vote the other way. It cancels out. But they don’t have the same financial situation.

» Most 18-year-olds don’t really have any money. So, we need to stand up and weaponize our money and we need to make it count to help preserve, protect, and defend the United States.

Wall Street Journal, NBC News Poll – The Generational Values Gap

On Patriotism: » Among people 55 and older, for example, 80% said patriotism is very important.

That’s our generation.

» Among 18 to 38 years old, 42% said patriotism is very important.

On Religion: » Among 55 and older, 2/3rds said religion was important.

» Among 18 to 38, only 1/3 cited religion as important.

Now is the time to pass our culture, our patriotism, our belief in God to the next generation.

KEY IDEA: Our vote may be offset one for one. Their vote may count the same as ours. But we can weaponize our money, humble ourselves and pray and make the real difference.

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“I believe in a very real God, and I believe God oversees the affairs of men.

It’s time to listen to the words of Jeremiah, Chapter 18, which said, ‘Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, oh, House of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter? There is a potter forming clay. And God said, House of Israel, I can form you any way I want to just as this Potter can form the clay. He said, look, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand house of Israel the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck up, to pull down and to destroy it.’

“I think we may be where we are now because we’ve turned from God so harshly. God said in verse eight, ‘If that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it.’ So, he’s not just talking Israel. He’s talking about a nation. And if God’s hand is turned against America, why don’t we repent and ask God to return with his hand of blessing? So, we need to do that, we need to cry out to God, get back in his Word, believe the truth, love our neighbor, do all of the things He commands us to do. Christianity is not a hate religion. It’s a love religion.” –Kevin Freeman

5. We need to promote Moral Democratic Capitalism.

» Capitalism is a good word if it is moral and democratic!

» Crony Capitalism is evil. Crony Capitalism is where I’m going to try and take from you for my own benefit, where I’m going to manipulate the system to benefit me, or I can buy off government.

Adam Smith, the founder, the author of The Wealth of Nations that really launched this incredible capitalist blessing that we’ve had in the earth, was first a moral philosopher who wrote the book The Theory of Moral Sentiments.

Moral capitalism is based on the Golden Rule. It is based on doing for others as you would have them do unto you. In other words, a capitalist, true capitalist, system is “if I’m buying something, I value what’s being sold to me more than the money I hold.” So, I benefit because I get something worth more than the money to me, and the other party,

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the seller, is exchanging something that they’ve produced or created in exchange for money. And they value the money more than what they’ve created. And we both win. Both parties get wealthier as a result of free-market capitalism. And it needs to be more democratic. That means we’ve got to have equal opportunity, but not necessarily equal outcome (or “equity”).

IMPORTANT: Understanding the Difference between Equal Opportunity and Equity.

Equity is described as equal outcome for everybody. The only way to get that is to dumb everybody down. So, take all the money in the world and divide it up among everybody. Guess what? It won’t last very long, because when you do that, people won’t be incentivized to work harder or accomplish or create or build. Why should I do that? Why should I go to that trouble if there’s no reward in it? That’s one of the universal truths of life. We need equal opportunity. We must make sure that regardless of your ethnic or other background, you have the opportunity to start a business or get a job. You’re not restricted in terms of opportunity.

We should be reaching out, for example, to people coming into the United States legally. We should reach out to the immigrants who are coming here for the American dream. They’re not coming for a social welfare system. They’re leaving a failed system and coming to America. So, we should reach out to them, and we should say, guess what? We want to teach you the values of liberty, personal liberty, individual liberty, what the Constitution allows. We want to get your creativity going so that you can build great opportunities here in the United States. We should make sure everybody has equal opportunity, moral, democratic, capitalism. It’s got to be true free enterprise and economic liberty, not cronyism.

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Why You Should Care: » America is being attacked by domestic and foreign enemies.

» American values are not being taught in many of our institutions

» It is a battle for your money, but more important it is a battle for your liberty.

» You have money that can be weaponized toward your values in how it is invested, spent, and given.

» It is important to understand there is a difference between equity and equal opportunity.

» With the Chinese government developing methods to take control of American society, it is important to understand that this battle is real, and all you can do to avoid aiding the Chinese Communist Party financially.

» Understanding that the left has a monopoly on our institutions will help you to be more aware in the domestic battleground.

» Taxes and debt will go up under the Biden administration, they want your money.

» America must keep its moral compass. Be aware the left is pushing a racial narrative against “whiteness” similar to the way the Nazi’s tried to “cleanse” the world of Jews.

“Maybe the most important thing you can learn from this entire Economic War Room® is that you must have a financial advisor standing at your side that understands all of this and is willing to do the hard work with you to weaponize your money.” –Kevin Freeman

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Action Steps:1. First, and most important, we must turn as a nation back to God! This requires

personal and national repentance.

2. Weaponize Your Money in your investing, spending, and giving aligned with LSV. (Liberty, Security, and Values)

3. BE INFORMED: Go back and listen to old shows here at the Economic War Room or view the Economic Battle Plan™.

4. Have a financial advisor help you weaponize your money. You might boycott some things or invest in something that helps influence culture in a positive LSV way.

5. Invest in entertainment and education aligned with your values.

6. Be careful where you send your kids to school, so your children are not stripped of their values.

7. Invest in LSV and not ESG.

8. Nominate your financial advisor at and let them know you think this would be a great opportunity for them. Classes are expected to launch soon, and our list is growing fast.

9. Also, if you have not already done so, please consider the following: Be sure to sign up for our free Economic Battle Plans™ at

o If you are following Economic War Room you will be on the leading edge as it relates to global threats, geopolitical analysis, and how you can weaponize your money to strengthen America. Your money, livelihood, and way of life are at risk and these tools are designed to mobilize America to protect their economic liberty.

In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk.

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We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

√ At our Economic War Room® website, sign up to TheBlaze for our complete weekly shows. Please use our code (ECON) from that link for a discount and FREE trial.

√ Follow, like, comment, and share on FB and Twitter. Look for short video segments on FB and Rumble and make sure. We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but if they are not filtered, they are the major platforms available to reach out to the public. [Know that alternatives to the social platforms listed above are under EWR consideration.]

√ Check out XOTV (, a new free speech video platform that Economic War Room is proud to partner with. Access is FREE but consider making a donation to EWR on that website to help with Economic War Room’s research and production costs.

√ You are welcome to share this battle plan and our short video segments with friends on FB or YouTube. We set up the Economic War Room® to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

√ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

Shareable Quote:

“You’ve got money. It’s a tool to preserve, protect and defend the culture, to enrich your life, to take care of

your family. But you’ve got to weaponize this tool.”

– Kevin Freeman

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman(List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access LinksThe Domestic ThreatThe Foreign EnemyWorking Together to Destroy AmericaThe Long March Through the InstitutionsCritical Race Theory and the Marxist RevolutionReturning to Our First Love

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

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Episodes and Economic Battle Plans™ from Prior Shows with Application to this Topic:[ ] 06/10/21, EP142, Power of Opportunity Zones, Dr. Ben Carson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/20/21, EP139, Using Your 2nd Vote, Dan Grant, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/13/21, EP138, Blatant Hypocrisy, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/06/21, EP137, Grow Up America!, Dr. Everett Piper, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/29/21, EP136, Formula for Healing America, Dr. Ben Carson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/15/21, EP134, Using Salt and Light to Weaponize Money, Download Economic Battle Plan™

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[ ] 04/08/21, EP133, The Threat of Stakeholder Capitalism, Dr. Erik Davidson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/25/21, EP131, Death of Shareholder Capitalism, Justin Danhof, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/18/21, EP130, Word for Warriors, Sam Sorbo, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/11/21, EP129, Woke Capital, Stephen Soukup, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/11/21, EP125, Things Have Changed, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/04/21, EP124, The Inflation Threat to Your Finances, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/28/21, EP123, China Special Part 3, China Rx & China Threat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/21/21, EP122, China Special Part 2, Dave Brat, Eric Bolling, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/07/21, EP120, China Special Part 1, Gordon Chang & Rod Martin, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/23/20, EP119, China Hustle 2.0, Joel Caplan, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 11/12/20, EP113, Dave Brat and Ryan Helfenbein, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 10/29/20, EP111, Playing for Keeps, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 10/08/20, EP108, Investor Values Poll, John McLaughlin, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 09/17/20, EP105, IMPORTANT! China’s Unrestricted Warfare, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/27/20, EP102, The Proxy Voting Weapon, Justin Danhof, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/20/20, EP101, End of Shareholder Capitalism, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/13/20, EP100, Patriotic Investing, Gen. Steven Kwast, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/06/20, EP99, Follow the Money - BLM, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/30/20, EP98, Racial Socialism, E.W. Jackson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/23/20, EP97, China’s Stealth War, Gen. Spalding, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/09/20, EP95, LSV Investing, Dave Brat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/11/20, EP91, China Threat, Steve Bannon, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 06/04/20, EP90, Enemies Within, Trevor Loudon, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 05/07/20, EP86 Arguing with Socialists, Glenn Beck, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/23/20, EP84 Solutions to the China Threat, General Steven Kwast, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/16/20, EP83 A Distorted American History, Howard Zinn, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 04/01/20, EP81 Hollywood’s Real Impact - Sorbo, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/26/20, EP80 The $40 Trillion Monster - ESG, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 03/05/20, EP77 Committee on the Present Danger: China, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/27/20, EP75 Free Markets are Good for All, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/20/20, EP74 It is Expensive to be Poor, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 02/13/20, EP73 Finally, Winning the War on Poverty, Download Economic Battle Plan™

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[ ] 02/06/20, EP72 Why Free Always Costs More, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/30/20, EP71 Moral Democratic Capitalism - Frank Holmes, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/16/20, EP69 Investing in Our Adversary - Roger Robinson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/26/19, EP67 Values Investing - Art Ally, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/19/19, EP66 War on Wealth - Jeff Deist, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 11/28/19, EP63 War on Education - Everett Piper, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 11/21/19, EP62 Red Green Axis - Jim Simpson, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 11/14/19, EP61 Free Speech Under Attack, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 09/05/19, EP51 LTC Allen West - Domestic and Foreign Threats, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/08/19, EP47 Gordon Chang - China’s Plans for Domination, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 08/01/19, EP46 Red/Green Axis - Frank Gaffney, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 07/25/19. EP45 Gordon Chang - The China Threat, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 01/31/19, EP19 War on Free Speech, Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/13/18, EP12 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 12/06/18, EP11 7 Deadly Sins of Socialism (Part 1), Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] 11/28/18, EP09/10 America’s Debt Crisis (part 1 and part 2), Download Economic Battle Plan™

[ ] SPECIAL EDITION, EP08 America’s Dunkirk Moment, Download Economic Battle Plan™

The Domestic Threat

[ ] Biden’s plan puts U.S. taxes under ‘global control’

120 American generals: U.S. may not survive Biden’s attack on Constitution

SCHILLING: Joe Biden’s Plan for Government To Replace The Family

Biden to Propose More Spending in Address to Congress, Bring Total to $6 Trillion

[ ] Packing the Supreme Court means “Blowing up the Constitution!” | Tom Fitton – YouTube

Blackwell: American Exceptionalism in Crosshairs of Radical Left

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Biden, Inc’s ‘Infrastructure’: ‘White House Moves to Reshape Role of US Capitalism’ [ ] Biden reportedly planning largest tax hike in almost 30 years

The Left’s Revolution Is Just Getting Started - More Riots Are Planned

[ ] ‘We Are Turning into A Version of a Totalitarian State’: Liberal Author Naomi Wolf Knocks Lockdowns

North Korean Defector: My Homeland Wasn’t as ‘Nuts’ as U.S. Ivy League School

Pat Toomey Grills Wall Street over De-Banking Fossil Fuel Companies

Democrats are getting increasingly nervous about ‘woke’ culture, analysts say

[ ] Report: Walt Disney Co. Promotes Critical Race Theory to Employees, Telling Them to Reject Equality and Strive for ‘Equity’

[ ] Blackrock in the White House

[ ] ESG Investing Pretends to be Noble, But is Fundamentally Flawed – Ken’s Thought of the Week

Who Really Pays for ESG Investing?

China Pollutes More Than US And All Developed Countries Combined: Report

Buffett’s ESG snub risks alienating Wall Street

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BlackRock Starts to Use Voting Power More Aggressively

What is ESG? The Looming Leftist Economic Threat You NEED To Know About

It Begins: Financial Giant Merrill Lynch Assigns “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG) Scores to Rate Customers Just Like the Chinese Communist Party (VIDEO)

[ ] Mega-corporations going all in, and out on weak limb, to prove ‘wokeness’

Doug Casey on the Rise of Woke Companies and ESG Investing

The Great Reset BlackRock Is Fueling A 120 Trillion Transformation

[ ] Mill Road Capital Launches Progressive Governance Fund to Improve Governance and Diversity in Small Public Companies

The Foreign Enemy

Foreign Companies Must Act at Beijing’s Behest Under New Law in China

[ ] Top US General Warns: China Increasing Military at ‘Serious and Sustained Rate’

Crop Dusted: While America Slept, China Stole the Farm

China Is Stealing Our Technology and Intellectual Property. Congress Must Stop It

China’s Potemkin Peacekeeping

Leaked Chinese document reveals a sinister plan to ‘unleash’ coronaviruses

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Top Chinese mouthpiece suggests country prepare for nuclear war with US as Wuhan lab leak theory gains momentum

[ ] Has China Mastered Hybrid Warfare Better

Biden: Chinese leaders believe they will ‘own America’ in 15 years

[ ] Does the US Have Time to Counter Beijing’s Unrestricted Warfare?

Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Lays out Plan to Control the Global Internet: Leaked Documents

‘We’re going to lose fast’: U.S. Air Force held a war game that started with a Chinese biological attack The world doesn’t realise it’s already at war with China

While Americans Fiddle, China Wages “Unrestricted War” on U.S.

Working Together to Destroy America

Amb. Ken Blackwell: Globalists Running Their Playbook for One World Government

[ ] Is Beijing Funding Riots in America? It’s Time to Investigate

[ ] This BLM Co-Founder and Pro-Communist China Group Are Partnering Up. Here’s Why.

Chinese Organization with Communist Party Ties Funds Black Lives Matter Ventures

China revels in US protests, sees unrest as PR opportunity

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page 31 Burn, But None Dare Call It Communist Insurrection

Those Burning Our Cities Aim at Destroying Our Civilization

‘Breaking the News’: How Pro-China Corporate Media and Left-Wing Activists Gutted Reporting on the Wuhan Coronavirus

[ ] China Isn’t Winning. The West Is Forfeiting

CCP Adviser Outlined Detailed Plan to Defeat US, Including Manipulating Elections

U.S.-Chinese Rivalry Is a Battle Over Values

Bill Maher: While China’s Dominating the World, America Is Having a ‘Never-Ending Woke Competition’

US companies riddled with members of Chinese Communist Party: Devine

Chinese Defector May Finally Bring Down Treasonous US Deep State Intelligence Community

[ ] Here’s What the Chinese Defector Has Reportedly Given Us About COVID...But Also on Joe and Hunter Biden

The Long March Through the Institutions

[ ] Antonio Gramsci’s long march through history

The Long March through American institutions continues

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The Marxist “long march” into the age of identity politics

The Long March Through the Institutions – Douglas Murray’s Book on Our Civilization and Its Discontents

[ ] Antonio Gramsci: The Godfather of Cultural Marxism

Communism’s Long March Through the Institutions Has Succeeded

The Long March Through the Institutions: How the Left Won the Culture War & What To Do About It

The Long March Through the Corporations

The Left’s Long March Through The Institutions Is Now Pretty Much Complete, And It’s A Disaster.

The Left’s long march will be hard to stop

[ ] 45 Communist Goals for America

Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 Current Communist Goals

[ ] Legitimating Nazism: Harvard University and the Hitler Regime, 1933–1937

Higher Ed and the Third Reich

Business as Usual: Elite Universities during the 1930s

[ ] More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think

[ ] Hitler, The Ku Klux Klan, and Margaret Sanger

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Margaret Sanger and the Nazis: how many degrees of separation?

The Controversial Beliefs That Led to Planned Parenthood Disavowing Margaret Sanger

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

Hitler’s American Friends: Henry Ford and Nazism

Confucius Institutes: The growth of China’s controversial cultural branch

[ ] Confucius Institutes: China’s Trojan Horse

How China Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms

Former Professor Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison for Using Federal Grants to Aid China’s Medical Research

500 American Scientists Compromised by China

U.S. Government Flags More Than 500 Scientists In U.S. That Might Be Compromised By Communist China

Critical Race Theory and the Marxist Revolution

How Critical Race Theory Overran the Southern Baptist Convention

[ ] Woke Ideology Mimics Precursors to Totalitarian Slaughter, Experts Say

[ ] Watch: Mom Who Survived Maoist China Takes Down Critical Race Theory Push in Epic Speech

[ ] Video - Are you okay with a Marxist/fascist takeover in America?

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[ ] The ‘Defund the Police’ Movement Has a Broader Agenda and Its Not to Stop the Killing of Black People: Brandon Tatum

You Asked, We Answered: Critical Race Theory – Explained

Black father and daughter go viral with video denouncing critical race theory

Watch -- Former Black Lives Matter Activist: ‘I Learned the Ugly Truth’

[ ] Mothers of Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor Criticize Black Lives Matter: ‘Benefitting Off the Blood of Our Loved Ones’

‘Kill Everything White in Sight,’ Speaker Tells Crowd at Tulsa Massacre Rally

BLM Founder’s Video From 10 Years Ago Reveals Her Fondness of Mao’s Red Book

Survey: Most Americans oppose Critical Race Theory. So why not take a stand?!

The invention of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea

[ ] ‘EQUITY’ vs ‘EQUALITY’ Explained: How This Marxist Ideology Could RUIN Us - Glenn Beck

BLM is Marxist but DoD Ignores

What critical race theory is really about

[ ] Purging Whiteness To Purge Capitalism

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Social Justice, Critical Race Theory, Marxism, and Biblical Ethics

Blatchford: CRT employs Marxist concepts, pitting groups of people against each other | COMMENTARY

Chinese Americans mobilize against critical race theory

[ ] Color, Communism and Common Sense

Returning to Our First Love

Lincoln’s Day of Fasting, two days later, Civil War took a turn... & “Juneteenth” celebration of Republican policies! - American Minute with Bill Federer

National Repentance Needed: Ezra’s Example

Bible Verses about National Repentance

[ ] Jeremiah 18:8

[ ] Great Awakening

[ ] Facing DUNKIRK

[ ] A Special Thanksgiving Message: America’s Dunkirk Moment

[ ] Facing Our Darkest Hour; Calling Forth the Dawn

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