Surat Izin Aksi Long March

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.Make it easier for other people to find your content by providing more information about it.V

Transcript of Surat Izin Aksi Long March


HANG TUAH PEKANBARU JL. Mustafa sari No.05 Tangkerang Selatan Pekanbaru, Telp : 0761-33815,7077627

Fax : 0761-33815 Email :

No : /HMK-STIKes HTP/III/ 2012 Pekanbaru, 28 Maret 2012Lamp : 1 lembarHal : Permohonan izin

Kepada Yth,Dosen pengajar Di _ Tempat


Teriring salam dan do’a kami ucapakan kepada Bapak/Ibu semoga selalu dalam lindungan

Allah SWT. Dan selalu sehat wal’afiat dalam menjalankan kegiatan sehari-hari. Amin

Sehubungan dengan surat Ikatan Lembaga Mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia

(ILMIKI) tertanggal Februari 2012 tentang permohonan partisipasi dalam penyelenggaraan

”Sidang Tahunan VI ILMIKI”, yang akan diadakan pada:

Tanggal : 10 – 14 April 2012

Tempat : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Maka kami mohon kepada bapak/ibu agar memberikan izin kepada Mahasiswa PSIK yang

ikut serta dalam acara ini untuk tidak mengikuti proses perkuliahan (nama terlampir).

Demikianlah surat izin ini kami sampaikan kepada bapak/ibu dosen. Atas perhatian kami

ucapkan terima kasih.

Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan (HIMIKA)

STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Ketua HIMIKA Sekretaris

Rahman Anugrah Ezza Nuryuliandari

Mengetahui,Asisten III Bid. Kemahasiswaan

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan

Ns. Lita, S.Kep.


HANG TUAH PEKANBARU JL. Mustafa sari No.05 Tangkerang Selatan Pekanbaru, Telp : 0761-33815,7077627

Fax : 0761-33815 Email :

NO NAMA SEMESTER1 Rizka Novianti IV2 Desria Vewinda IV3 Ervina Sinaga VI4 Anggreni Tarigan VI5 Yessi Anggreni VI6 Zarrina Andalas Putri Jhon VI7 Malahayati Despriani VI8 Cahyo Setiawan VI9 Zulina VI10 Rizki Eka Putra VI11 Putri Cahya Rini VI12 Estria Ramadani Astari VI