Soal Ujian Semester Bahasa Inggris

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Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris

Transcript of Soal Ujian Semester Bahasa Inggris


KELAS X SEMUA JURUSAN TAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013I. Read this text carefully and answer the following questions!Vaccines can fight diaseas. For example, when the diaseas bacteria are dead, or they have lost their danger, they can be used for good purposes. Pasteur discovered that inactive bacteria. If it introduced back into the body by means of inaculation, can be beneficial effect and speed up development of our natural defences, the antibodies which are capable of fighting and blocking an invading diaseas. Can also produce in us the extra defences our body heads to fight against the dease. Louis Pasteur was the great French chemist and biologist who saved a nine-year-old boy from Alsace in France.

1. What is the function of vaccines?

2. What is the vaccines derived from

3. Who invented them?

4. How vaccine works?

5. Who is Louis Pasteur?II. Change the verbs in the brackets into Present Continuous Tense!

1. The director _______ (have) a meeting with a foreign client now.




2. You _______ (cut) the plants in the garden.




3. I _______ (look for) my money.

4. The mechanics _______ (repair) some cars at the moment.

5. Nina _______ (type) some letters at the moment.

6. We _______ (shop) for some new clothes now.

7. The man _______ (repair) his car on the sidewalk

8. Rizky and Ratih _______ (talk) about the lesson now.

9. My little sister _______ (wrap) a present for her friends birthday party

10. The receptionist _______ (ask) the guest to fill in the registration card.III. Read this conversation carefully and answer the following questions!Visitor:Sorry to disturb you, but is this the way to Ahmad Yani airport?

Informan:Thats right. Follow this way and turn right at the cross road. That street will take you to the airport.Visitor:How kilometer is it from here? Is it far?Informan:Yes, it is. Its about ten kilometers from here. I think you had better take a taxi.

Visitor:Yes sure, but where can I get the taxi?

Informan:Its easy, you can call the taxi center 888 or go to the taxi station by tricycle.

Visitor:Thank you very much. Thats very kind of you.

Informan:You are welcome.1. Where will the visitor want to go?

2. Does he get difficulties? What is it?

3. Does he get the station?

4. How does he go to the destination?

5. What should he do to get the taxi?IV. Correct the words in the brackets!

1. Small cars are (easy) to park than the big ones.

2. Borobudur is (great) temple in Indonesia.

3. Playing music is (interesting) than dancing.

4. The cleans his shoes, which was (good) than yours.

5. She was (beautiful) girl in their age.

6. The cost of fried rice is (little) expensive than the cost of satay.

7. My grandmother is (old) woman in the village.

8. Travelling by plane is (convenient) than by train.9. Nining has (many) working hours per day than Yanti.

10. He is not (dangerous) criminal in the country.V. Answer these questions using the correct preference forms!

1. Mira

: Which one do you prefer, an apple or a mango?


: ......................2. Dimas

: Do you like living in a village or a big city?


: ......................3. Riza

: What would you like to eat? Pizza or spaghetti?


: ......................4. John

: What kind of music do you like best? Pop or dangdut?


: ......................5. Bella

: What sport games do you like to play? Tennis or badminton?


: ......................