Cerita Sangkuriang Dan Maling Kundang

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Cerita Sangkuriang Dan Maling Kundang

  • 8/12/2019 Cerita Sangkuriang Dan Maling Kundang


    Cerita Sangkuriang dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

    Long time ago in West Java, lived a beautiful girl named Dayang Sumbi. She as also smart and

    !lever. "er beauty and intelligen!e made a #rin!e from the heavenly kingdom of $ahyangan

    desire her as his ife. %he #rin!e asked #ermission from his father to marry Dayang Sumbi.

    &eo#le from $ahyangan !ould never live side by side ith humans, but his father a##roved on

    one !ondition, hen they had a !hild, the #rin!e ould transform into a dog. %he #rin!e a!!e#ted

    the !ondition.

    %hey get married and lived ha##ily in the oods until Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy.

    %he #rin!e then !hanged into a dog named %umang. %heir son is named Sangkuriang. "e as

    very smart and handsome like his father. 'veryday, he hunted animals and looked for fruits to

    eat. (ne day, hen he as hunting, Sangkuriang a!!identally killed %umang. "is arro missed

    the deer he as targeting and hit %umang instead. "e ent home and tells her mother about the

    dog. )What*+ Dayang Sumbi as a##alled. Driven by sadness and anger, she grabbed aeaving tool and hit Sangkuriangs head ith it. Dayang Sumbi as so sad- she didnt #ay any

    attention to Sangkuriang and started to !ry.

    Sangkuriang feel sad and also !onfused. "o !an his mother love a dog more than him*

    Sangkuriang then de!ided to go aay from their home and ent on a ourney. In the morning,

    Dayang Sumbi finally sto##ed !rying. She started to feel better, so she ent to find Sangkuriang.

    But her son as no here to be found. She looked everyhere but still !ouldnt find him. /inally,

    she ent home ith nothing. She as e0hausted. She fell aslee#, and in her dream, she meets

    her husband. )Dayang Sumbi, dont be sad. 1o look for my body in the oods and get the heart.

    Soak it ith ater, and use the ater to bathe, and you ill look young forever,+ said the #rin!e in

    her dream. After bathing ith the ater used to soak the dogs heart, Dayang Sumbi looked

    more beautiful and even younger.

    And time #assed by. Sangkuriang on his ourney sto##ed at a village and met and fell in love

    ith a beautiful girl."e didnt reali2e that the village as his homeland and the beautiful girl as

    his on mother, Dayang Sumbi. %heir love gre naturally and he asked the girl to marry him.

    (ne day, Sangkuriang as going on a hunt. "e asked Dayang Sumbi to fi0 the turban on his

    head. Dayang Sumbi as startled hen she sa a s!ar on his head at the same #la!e here

    she, years ago, hit Sangkuriang on the head.After the young man left, Dayang Sumbi #rayed for guidan!e. After #raying, she be!ame

    !onvin!ed that the young man as indeed her missing son. She reali2ed that she had to do

    something to #revent Sangkuriang from marrying her. But she did not ish to disa##oint him by

    !an!elling the edding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she ould do so only on

    the !ondition that he #rovides her ith a lake and built a beautiful boat, all in one night.

    Sangkuriang a!!e#ted this !ondition ithout a doubt. "e had s#ent his youth studying magi!al

    arts. After the sun ent don, Sangkuriang ent to the hill. %hen he !alled a grou# of genie to

    build a dam around Citarum 3iver. %hen, he !ommands the genies to !ut don trees and build a

    boat. A fe moments before dan, Sangkuriang and his genie servants almost finished the boat.

  • 8/12/2019 Cerita Sangkuriang Dan Maling Kundang


    Dayang Sumbi, ho had been s#ying on him, realised that Sangkuriang ould fulfill the !ondition

    she had set. Dayang Sumbi immediately oke all the omen in the village and asked them to

    ave a long red s!arf. All the omen in the village ere aving red s!arf, making it look as if

    dan as breaking. De!eived by false dan, the !o!k !roed and farmers rose for the ne day.

    Sangkuriangs genie servants immediately dro##ed their ork and ran for !over from the sun,

    hi!h they feared. Sangkuriang gre furious. With all his anger, he ki!ked the unfinished boat.

    %he boat fle and landed on a valley. %he boat then be!ame a mountain, !alled 4ount

    %angkuban &erahu 5%angkuban means u#turned or u#side don, and &erahu means boat6. With

    his #oer, he destroyed the dam. %he ater drained from the lake be!oming a ide #lain and

    noadays be!ame a !ity !alled Bandung 5from the ord Bendung, hi!h means Dam6.

    Malin Kundang

    (n!e u#on a time, on the north !oast of Sumatra lived a #oor oman and his son. %he boy as

    !alled 4alin $undang. %hey didnt earn mu!h as fishing as their only sour!e of in!ome. 4alin

    $undang gre u# as a skillful young boy. "e alays hel#s his mother to earn some money.

    "oever, as they ere only fishermans hel#er, they still lived in #overty. )4other, hat if I sail

    overseas*+ asked 4alin $undang one day to his mother. "er mother didnt agree but 4alin

    $undang had made u# his mind. )4other, if I stay here, Ill alays be a #oor man. I ant to be a

    su!!essful #erson,+ urged 4alin kundang. "is mother i#ed her tears, )If you really ant to go, I

    !ant sto# you. I !ould only #ray to 1od for you to gain su!!ess in life,+ said his mother isely.

    )But, #romise me, youll !ome home.+

    In the ne0t morning, 4alin $undang as ready to go. %hree days ago, he met one of the

    su!!essful shi#s !re. 4alin as offered to oin him. )%ake a good !are of yourself, son,+ said

    4alin $undangs mother as she gave him some food su##lies. )7es, 4other,+ 4alin $undang

    said. )7ou too have to take a good !are of yourself. Ill kee# in tou!h ith you,+ he !ontinued

    before kissing his mothers hand. Before 4alin ste##ed onto the shi#, 4alins mother hugged him

    tight as if she didnt ant to let him go.

    It had been three months sin!e 4alin $undang left his mother. As his mother had #redi!ted

    before, he hadnt !onta!ted her yet. 'very morning, she stood on the #ier. She ished to see the

    shi# that brought 4alin kundang home. 'very day and night, she #rayed to the 1od for her sons

    safety. %here as so mu!h #rayer that had been said due to her dee# love for 4alin $undang.

    'ven though its been a year she had not heard any nes from 4alin $undang, she ke#t aiting

    and #raying for him.

    After several years aiting ithout any nes, 4alin $undangs mother as suddenly sur#rised

    by the arrival of a big shi# in the #ier here she usually stood to ait for her son. When the shi#

  • 8/12/2019 Cerita Sangkuriang Dan Maling Kundang


    finally #ulled over, 4alin $undangs mother sa a man ho looked ealthy ste##ing don a

    ladder along ith a beautiful oman. She !ould not be rong. "er blurry eyes still easily

    re!ogni2ed him. %he man as 4alin $undang, her son.

    4alin $undangs mother 8ui!kly ent to see her beloved son. )4alin, youre ba!k, son9+ said

    4alin $undangs mother and ithout hesitation, she !ame running to hug 4alin $undang, )I miss

    you so mu!h.+ But, 4alin $undang didnt sho any res#ond. "e as ashamed to admit his on

    mother in front of his beautiful ife. )7oure not my 4other. I dont kno you. 4y mother ould

    never ear su!h ragged and ugly !lothes,+ said 4alin $undang as he release his mother


    4alin $undangs mother take a ste# ba!k, )4alin:7ou dont re!ogni2e me* Im your mother9+

    she said sadly. 4alin $undangs fa!e as as !old as i!e. )1uard, take this old omen out of

    here,+ 4alin $undang ordered his bodyguard. )1ive her some money so she ont disturb me

    again9+ 4alin $undangs mother !ried as she as dragged by the bodyguard, +4alin: my son.

    Why do you treat your on mother like this*+

    4alin $undang ignored his mother and ordered the shi# !res to set sail. 4alin $undangs

    mother sat alone in the #ier. "er heart as so hurt, she !ried and !ried. )Dear 1od, if he isnt my

    son, #lease let him have a save ourney. But if he is, I !ursed him to be!ome a stone,+ she

    #rayed to the 1od.

    In the 8uiet sea, suddenly the ind ble so hard and a thunderstorm !ame. 4alin $undangs

    huge shi# as re!ked. "e as thron by the ave out of his shi#, and fell on a small island.

    Suddenly, his hole body turned into stone. "e as #unished for not admitting his on mother.