Abstrak Annisa

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Transcript of Abstrak Annisa

  • 7/25/2019 Abstrak Annisa




    Annisa Mawarni1*

    , Anis Saggaff2, dan Saloma


    1Mahasiswa S-1 Teknik Sipil Universitas Sriwijaya

    2Professor Teknik Sipil Universitas Sriwijaya3Dosen Teknik Sipil Universitas Sriwijaya

    *Korespondensi penulis:annisakiran@gmail.com


    Industri semen menyumbang sekitar 6% dari seluruh emisi CO2 yang diakibatkan oleh

    manusia (McCaffrey, 2002). Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya untuk menunjang mortar

    berkelanjutan, salah satunya dengan cara mengganti material semen dengan material alternatif yaitu

    fly ash. Fly ashsebagai bahan pengikat perlu ditambahkan aktivator alkali berupa Sodium Silikat

    (Na2SiO3) atau Kalium Silikat (K2SiO3) dan Sodium Hidroksida (NaOH) atau Kalium Hidroksida

    (KOH). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Bahan dan Beton Universitas Sriwijaya dengan

    tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kadar larutan aktivator terhadap sifat-sifatmortar geopolimer dan mengetahui besarnya kuat tekan yang dihasilkan. Variasi molaritas NaOH

    yang digunakan 8, 12, 14, dan 16 M dengan rasio Na2SiO3/NaOH = 1,0. Rasio pasir/fly ash= 2,75

    dan rasio aktivator/fly ash= 0,4. Benda uji berbentuk kubus ukuran 50 x 50 x 50 mm dilakukan

    perawatan steam dengan suhu 60oC selama 48 jam. Hasil pengujian mortar segar menunjukkan

    bahwa molaritas NaOH mempengaruhislump flowdansetting time, semakin besar molaritas NaOH

    maka semakin kecil nilai slump dan semakin cepat waktu ikat. Hasil pengujian berat jenis juga

    menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar molaritas NaOH maka semakin besar berat jenis yang

    dihasilkan. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan didapatkan bahwa kuat tekan maksimum dihasilkan oleh

    mortar geopolimer 14M yaitu 10,06 MPa dan kuat tekan terendah dihasilkan oleh mortar

    geopolimer 8M yaitu 3,95 MPa. Pengujian kuat tekan mortar geopolimer 16M menghasilkan kuat

    tekan yang lebih rendah daripada mortar geopolimer 14M yaitu 9,16 MPa.

    Kata kunci: mortar, mortar geopolimer, aktivator alkali, molaritas.

    Indralaya, November 2015

    Dosen Pembimbing I, Dosen Pembimbing II,

    Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Anis Saggaff, MSCE.

    Dr. Saloma, ST., MT.

    NIP. 19621028 198903 1 002 NIP. 19761031 200212 2 001



    Ketua Jurusan Teknik Sipil,

    Ir. Hj. Ika Juliantina, MSNIP.19600701 198710 2 001

  • 7/25/2019 Abstrak Annisa




    Annisa Mawarni1*

    , Anis Saggaff2, dan Saloma


    1Student of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University

    2Professor of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University3Lecturer of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University

    *Author correspondence:annisakiran@gmail.com


    The cement industry accounts for about 6% of all CO2 emissions caused by humans

    (McCaffrey, 2002). Therefore, it is necessary to support sustained mortar, one of them by replacing

    the cement material with alternative material is fly ash. Fly ash as a binder in alkaline activators

    need to be added in the form of Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3) or Potassium Silicate (K2SiO3) and

    Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) or Potassium Hydroxide (KOH). This research was conducted in the

    Laboratory of Materials and Concrete Sriwijaya University which aims to analyze the effect of theactivator solution concentration on the properties of geopolymer mortar and to know the size of the

    resulting compressive strength. The variation molarity of NaOH used 8, 12, 14, and 16 M with the

    ratio Na2SiO3/NaOH = 1.0. The ratio of sand/fly ash ratio = 2.75 and activator/fly ash = 0.4. The

    cube-shaped test specimen size 50 x 50 x 50 mm is made of steam curing at a temperature of 60 C

    for 48 hours. The experimental results of the fresh mortar reported that NaOH molarity affect the

    slump flow and setting time, higher concentration of NaOH produces the smaller value of slump

    and the faster time of setting. The experimental of density results reported the increase of spesific

    gravity when the NaOH molarity increased. The experimental results of the compressive strength

    are showed that the maximum compressive strength of geopolymer mortar 14M is 10.06 MPa and

    the lowest compressive strength produced by geopolymer mortar 8M is 3.95 MPa. Testing the

    compressive strength of geopolymer mortar 16M produces compressive strength lower than 14Mgeopolymer mortar is 9.16 MPa.

    Keywords: mortar, geopolymer mortar , alkaline activator, molarity.

    Indralaya, November 2015

    Advisor I, Advisor II,

    Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Anis Saggaff, MSCE. Dr. Saloma, ST., MT.

    NIP. 19621028 198903 1 002 NIP. 19761031 200212 2 001


    Head of Civil Engineering Department,

    Ir. Hj. Ika Juliantina, MS

    NIP.19600701 198710 2 001
