
Weadief toffloffow: P ro iiM f f i t r u id cold. , ^ J




btim ates to Powers that Huerta Regime Will Collapse if Foreign

Aid Is Withheld.


Inlnma Rumifan Gavcra- a n t * th a t W ill R e c o a n lnA«ta a t Itaw L 'u M m a —l.oB ia and O a a u a lo n a to Bb H ccirdad Aa II- la g a l—A aqulth hfCBch Shoma PaaalvB

I A ttttn d a o l KoD-l»t*rf»r*DCB b7 G reat B r lta la w ith <7. 8. A d a la la tra tlo a .

WA8HINOTON, Nov. 11.—Indlcalloo* h a t« to d ay a ra th a t tha AmarloaD pol­icy to w a rd U aiico la itlU “baiida o il," aaid I t la bopad th a t tha nallona o( tha 'taaold, yoharally . w ill follow It.

Xka F raa ld ao t la undaratood to ba- Uo*o th a t ib a eollapaa of th a H u arta r ty im t la laavH ahlo If foralyn aid la

'witbald. Aid, Ih tills coonactlon, bat I tw o m aanlnyal ona, financial aaalat- aaoa. a n d tha other, rBcoynitlon of tha da fac to B ovarnm eat and Ita a c ta

Xha g an a ra l In to rp re ia tio n of th a ell- a a tlo n 1a th a t tha Unitad d ta taa haa In- dloatod to tha powera lia dealra th a t th ay ra l ra ln from flnancW f d ealings w ith th a H u a rta yovarm nanl b y g iv ing th a n data llad intanuatlcin of Us own d a ta rm ln a tlo n not to rtcognlgti tha ac ts of th a uaw hlaxican OuDgieat.

Bo fa r aa can be iaarneu, no epaclflc ra- tpaaat for aupport by the powers haa bean BWdA but there haa been a pl^Ln Intlnia- UOh tha WaahlQgion Governmant beiievci H uarta caouol aurvipa wltliout their aid.

Couplad with this IntlmaUon of our In- tantlon to regard as Illegal ahy loans or eoccaaalona itie new Congreai jnay under­take. a dlatlnci liulinatlon hae gone lo th a powers that a policy of a^,quleacanc* hy foreign governnKtue would be grailly- Isg to WjLeUinifUJn-

W iibout fluancial aid ai)d IL#'machinery at governmont iiroDOuiiued Ulefalj of- fioEalf e ipecl lu 3 ^ a Btato of a ffa iri th a t may force H uerta to «liiAlDato liim ' M il aDd show tho way id a solution of the problem from the American vlav^polnt.

Pr«ml«r Aaqulth'a apBech in Ixmdon l» r tfa rd e d by hl«h afflclaU h«ra aa dl*- cliotlbV a paBBl'ts atiitud/"ot‘'‘ n * ln tr r fe r - «noa by G reat Britain 1/ the ^ te m p i i ^ tha Unitad BtaUa l o ^ v e the •;

O a b tn e t 'ia e f^ a ln today w ith all tnambera presen t except S'^«-retary wiiaon. Xha M ancan topic was forornoat. The r a l t l iu of the embargo on arm s, which h a i been urfad upon the Prew dant and practically all the McretaHee, w as dli- cUsaad a t leiwtb.


/ N

T.dKUON. Nov, 11.—A significant whrujng to Preeident H uart* was Isened today by tha Westmlnsteir Grsyetto, the governm ent newepaper. Commuting on Prem ier Aaoulth'e annual apesch a t the IjOi4 H ayor’a dinner las t night, tb which he Unade U plain th a t no antggfbnlem ex ist! hatwaen England and t m United S tates In regard to Masiloq, th e t l u a t t a

the'.*anae IB which democratic ohp«onatl- tuUonal countries unddratand tha^fcord— o a a 'b a held in Mexico !e probably, a dip- lomhtlc fiction, bu t the electoral ttjht was of ( |*nera l H uerta 's own chooelngand It la well to keep him reminded t l ^ t his fattura to conform to Its result le t te s all gcVUrnments free to reconsider thair act of tacognltloD.

"B riefly, the llmlta of B ritish hctlon a ig th a t the British Government dbould not put Itself In a position of m ining protest Which. In default of forclbw sc- tjosi, m ight be flouted and defied. B diplomacy has other .resources than pi- ■ fogca, and Provisional President U g an D|gy eaa ilr find th a t the attitude of thi.4 country Is In a variety of ways a iphtter d1 groat moment to him."

The T ln w , In an editorial, says of the P rsm ler'a references to Mexico:

"They will be read throughout the em- plro w ith heartfe lt satlafactlon, and we aro confident tha t this scttsfaction will not be lesa deep or general across tna A tlantic. Tha Prem ier's words effective­ly dispose of the stories of strained tOla- tldtte between the two countries,^ stories wnlch w ere never even plausible."

P re m la r A squith 's speech, w hich d e a lt a lm o st exclusively w ith the Hex- loan situ a tio n , followed th ^ p re se n ta ­tion , by Am bassador Page, of a v e r ­b a l m aaaege to the F ore ign OBtee, 'suc- eeaded. la te r In the day. by a cable m ssaage from W ashing ton o u tlin ing th e ad m in is tra tio n 's policy.

A fte r s ta tin g th a t B ritish in ta r e m* (C o ^ p u e d on 2d page, td column.)


Four New Captains Made. New Pre­cinct Created and Many Trans­


C arrying ou t alm osl to the le tte r the program which for m onths has heen forecasted hy thoae cloae to headquar- ta r i, tha Police Board has effected the m olt sw eeping changes the departm ent has known for years

The net result la th a t four lieu ten ­an ts hsve been prom oted to be captolna. a new precinct has been created and a captain and a num ber of lleu ten an ti and sergeants have been transfe rred The ehake-up a ffec ts abou t fo rty-five men all told.

R unning tru e to fo rm ae ahown by recen t past perform ances, th e bosrd. at Ita m eeting yes te rd ay alternoon, did not Ignore the elig ib le lis t a s prepared by the S tale Civil Service Coraraliilon. bu t promoted the th re e h igh men. and for good raeaau ra advanced the fourth man on the Hat. The sam e policy was followed In the prom otion of the leaser candidates.

The Kew CaptaiBB.L ieutenant F ru n k W Tiilte. of police

headquarter®, who itood a t the head or the eligible list. Is inada csp ta lti of de­tectives. succeeding C apta in WtUlajn A Carroll, tran sfe rred lo tha F ifth P re ­cinct In piece of fo rm er Captain Mi­chael T. Long, recen tly prom oted to be ohlef.

L ieutenant Joaeph Cordano, aecond , on the lilt, la made n igh t captain at i headquarters, a position th a t has not heen filled since the re tirem en t of Cap­ta in John H. lihhauB some tim e ago.

Ueulenant Thomas J Corhally Is made captain of the new Seventh PreclncL [ created out of the sub-precluct planned ■ aume monthe ago to take In the Vails- hursh BK'lion.

Li«iiten®nt William H Sturdy mada a ta ila in and put In charBn of th e ' mounted men of all the precincts—horse and motorcycle. The bicycle men remain I 111 charga of Sergeant H arry T, Stillman, . ae htreltifore j

All the rsp tains will hegln Iheir new | duties today with Ihe exception of Cor- tially. who will he stationed at tieadquar- | ters until the now stallon-houso is ready, which will bn about December 1. I

deveath P rec lu c t Buunde, |Instead of taking lb that section of the

city lying west of Twenty-first street, as ' ortgliially planned hy tha board several months agn. when It cipented to make the new precinct only a sub-precInct^ the ; Seventh will take In the terr1tory*hound- ed on tha rest by South Tentti street, on the south by Avon avenue, on the north by Twelfth avenue, and on the west by the city line.

Instead of reporting at Ihe various station houaea, as heretofore, the mem- bera of the motorcycle sriuad will now go to the First Precinct Stathui, where Cap­tain Stucky will m ake hie headquartera. The Iioreemen will continue to report at their respective precinct a.

In additloti to nam ing Ihe new cap ­ta in s and m aking th e changes necessi­ta ted by th e ir advancem ent tho board shifted about th ir ty eergsan ts . seven lleu tenan is and four patrolm en, and also elevated a p a tro lm an to the rank of sergeant. These changea. which the beard has con tem plated m aking to r a long tim e, a re said to bo for Ihe b e t­te r efUclency and diacipllne of tha de- parttnant. hiost of th e gargeants af-


Reported that ladictmenls ia Ros^ ville Trust Co. Wrecking



Fatahties on Great Lakes in Recent Snow Storms Estimated to Ei*

ceed Fifty.


C v/C L fi- 'i


Woman at $t. Barnabas’s Hospital Reveals Identity, but Gives No

Reason for Suicide Attempt.PHYSIGAN HGURES AS FRIEND

t*42ted by th« 6hang^«* w ill go Into > IdM th i t any' vaJld ®led|iion—in \ s trange te rrito ry and have man new

to tbam under th e ir tih trge , |All tba eer^rm nts in tha F irs t Pra* {

einct. w ith tha axcaptlon of those In j charge of aperiai d a ta ilt, svilt to . the Second tonigh t, and tha m m In the | Second will move to the FIraL The | sargeantB In T hird and Fourth pre* clncU change p lacet, aa do the aer- geanta In the F if th and Sixth.

The only cxceptlona to th e Immedi­ate tran sfe r a re S erg ean ts John F. McCabe, of the F ifth , and John \V. Mc­Donald. of the Second. They have >oen sfsigned to du ty a t the Seventh ‘recinct and will rem ain In their prea-

out quartere unUl December 1, o th er Cbnnges,

Because six lie u te n a n ts were ap* pointed about aoven m onths ego to do ’'ex tra" duty a t each of the p re ­cincts It was not necesaary to name any new men to ta k e th e places of those made captains. These six llou- tenan ts were th e leaders on the e lig i­ble list, which au tom atica lly ceased to exist la s t June. A nother exam ina­tion was then held and a new lUt prepared. None of th e men on the la t ­ter has yet been promoted.

Tlie places of Tulte, Cordano and Cor- bally In the detective bureau are to 1m ’ taken by Lieutenants Thomas J. Daly* of the Third: Robert J. Jones, of the Fourth, and John McMahon, of the Fifth prednets. These men will report for duty December 1. O ther lieutenants af* fected hy the changes and who will find new fields of labor on December 1, are Samuel Meyefowits. of th e F irs t: Ed­ward Van Orden, of the Second, and Charles Lindner, of the Sixth preclncta They are to do desk duly a t the Seventh Precinct.

Patrick J. Troy, who has been the extra [ieutenant a t the F irst, Is to take MeyerowdU’s place; H enry P. Frey, ex­tra man a t the Sixth, is to take Lind­ner's place; Van Orden has been the extra man a t the Second.

Patrolman George H. Estler, of the Fourth Precinct, the firs t man on the eligible lists ^ a s promoted to the rank of sergeant, and will go to the Seventh Precinct. The doormen a t the same pre­cinct wlU be William McMlnn, of the Second; Jam es A. W ynee and Robert A. Martin, both of th a Third. Patrolman Luke Conlon, of th e F ifth Precinct, has been detailed to do detective work a t headquarters.

HIS RIVAL, MITCHELProblems Mayor-elect Faces, De­

feated Man Says, Should Make All Citizens Assist Him.


W ith the UUlng her tru e address and the finding of a maq who knows her, much of the mystery surrounding the 8t- Garnsbae's Hospital of ruercury patient has hern cleared up. Tho motive for the woman's a ttem pt at Bulc'de hii8 not heen disclosed, however.

The sufferer Is Mrs. Jennie R. Roth- gerry the name ehe gave soon after being admitted She Is about th irty - five years old end ehe has been living , of late a t 19 West Kinney street, a fu r­nished room hoiiee. She was Identified j

£rp«ifll fiSTtkee fit Hit NFTTiBNEW TORK. Now. 11.—Chairmen

E dw ard E. Mc'Call. of the Piihlli! 8er-ht-chlorlde 1 Commission, m ade today his first indictm ent obtained hy hie wife, Mrs.

s ta tem en t sinoa the election last


Mrs. Irene L. Boesch Canses His Arrest for Slapping Her in


For th e Mcond ttm o w ithin tw o yoars Basil 'W Boeech. a chem ist and lea ther m anufacturer, has been arrested on an

by Dr, Frank Stockton, of 22 Central \ night from a

publicTuesday. He refused to comment on the possible oulcom e of th e Tammany defeat, declaring th a t the election la now oTer and th a t it Is the duty of all good eltlsens to get behind John Purroy Mltchel and uphold bU adm in­istration .

Mr. McCall got back to town last

Irene L. Boesch. of R96 Routh Rlxteenth street, who appeared before the grand

I .tury a few weoka ago. This tlm* Mrs.I Boesch charges her husbsnd with hnv- : lug slapped h e r in the face. The first I tim e she caused his arrest. In the early I p a rt of 1911, It wae for beating their

little girl, 01gs_Mrs. Boesch Is a member of several


D e o K ^ tic Leaders in Conference of Asking Governor Tlylbr

to Summon the Legislature.FOR AQ WITHOUT A REFERENDUM

/ V

ladeted ;'aisttwo7.S06.76I


t f n U i ftretoa »t ffls yjiw a . _ . .JX K 8ET CITT, Nov. 11.— wa a

^ onn^aranoa of p r o m In a i^ J |i ^ Jaraex D am oorats in Naw Torje-Tift n i s h t to r th a purposa of 'f t iwaalble.■oma m athod o f-d tra lg h tan tn it o u t the t a n f l t diacostered In th a leh an ee llo r- aharU I i v t y cowm lsalon 'b ill, w hich

adopted on rafa randum hy th a T atar* w eak a*o and w hich goaa Into a ffe c t dn Novem ber JB.

of th a conferaea < daclarad the ggr ^ f i aaislon plan had n a |b a a n aariously cooMdared, but according to ona report I t waa decided to u r t^ A etlns Ckrv- a m o r te o n H. Taylor tu oall a apeolal aasalon of th e L ag la la tu re to p aa i a * iw Ju ry bill, d raw n on .lSi* aam * Uu m b u t w ith o u t a referendijtn, to » o In to a ffa c t a t once. In tlfla new m eaaure I t ’la propoaed to overofm a aome of the ambiKUltlee dieoovera# by Suprem e C dnrt Ju s tice F ra n e le 'J . Sw aysa In the re c e n tly adopted act.

TH* g rav ity of th e d ttuatlon w aa pre- le n te d a t th e oonferw ee by P rosecu to r R a b a r t 8, H udspeth. <S Hudaon Caunty, w ho h ad U lten up th e m a tte r w ith Jua- tiba Sw aysa, and ha Inalstad th a t some im isad la ta smd deflq ita acUon a h w i« bo utcon. . '

T he confersas wet* gottau to sa tbar a t a d inner plven. by S.tals Comma- aiwtiar of B ank ing a n d Insuranoa d a o rg e M. La H o n tu and am ong ^ q s e A a a a n t w ere Q irT m o r-e lea t Jam M F. pteJdeer, Joseph P . Tumulty, secre tary to F resldan t Wilson: Bscretary o f S tate Da'Md S. Crater, M w ard B. Grotecup,S la ts treasu rer ai>d chairm an of tba D em ocratic Btate gpmmittee; Prosecutor. U odapath and former M ayer H. Otto 'WtttiiaBn. ^ ,

TIUBKTON. Not. U (ftiadaJ).— Both OeTemee-aleet BftU ar a M Olfktttiian Qroeee«m' whan . asked th is aftanm on aho u t ^ eeitfaMgoa ta> New T ork laat

aald th a t g b ila tlia caOlgg <K a a as tim aaseloa wa* disousaad, tha aubtaci

» e t ■‘•ariauMy traatad ." No ragpaat „S 5 j y a t tpean i M a of aoUng C k iv im r grothi f lg y l* to e a U ^ e legislators tegathar.I t to fu rther 'pointed ou t th a t the. Doatootats, owtitg to tb a redtonatli Hnm tora F ie ld s and p w to , up-HH Haua « m ajority o( tlto B a w to n M gs a consequaBc# t b S Q j O T l A b a t o ^ d t tb a (* a a a * # jif(b JS y 5 * fF >***—.


NSW YORK. Nov. 11.—Beginning the day in prayar as ehe bad always done, Hannah Moran, * seam etress. fifty years old, was stricken w ith paralysis while knoMtng In a paw In the Church of 8t. John the B aptist yesterday.

Many worshlpera and th e priests of tha church saw th a woman In prolonged meditation, bu t It w as no t until fourteen hours later, a f te r a aarvlca last night, th a t any o«a sought to investlgste the cause of hor long prayer. Than It was dlseoversd th a t ih e bad suCfared a stroke, was faint with hunger and unable to rise from her kneeling position,


.ffi' ■“ ' ''W ATSaBUBT, Conn.. Nov. U .—Judge

laiclan F . Burpee, of th a auperior Oeurt,L who laaantiy sentenced U ra. Basala 'Wake* f l ^ to death for th e m urder of her hus­band. yesterday received a letter th rsa ten - Ing him w ith death In case the woman la hanged.

Judge Burpee declined to make public the contents of th e letter, and eald ha did not consider th e m atter of enough Im­portance to tu rn I t over to tb s poltoe.


HAIUKBBtntO, Kov. Up— O ia tn l R e re a d C o m i t y of New Js rssy today I t J o r ^ th a PnbUe ea rr ie a ConmlMlon th a t It la no t vtoUKlng th a full eiaw tow,

■ V ^ a s t d a n t Laa. of tha of RBIlioad nalm gsD . Ob-

th a law, N |a eompuiT e ty t, has In added o^st of raera than ItO dd

a tnonth on accoagt of th a a x n a hrska- man mads

n accoiait oln a o e ta j^ .

avenue, ae a former patient he had | known about nine years.

Although the doctor denied knowing where the woman lived, it was aald at the IVest Kinney street house that letters, with hli name on the envelopes,

i esraa there to her, Mrs. Rothgerry told ' her real address to the hospital physicians

last night. She had previoualy tneisted th a t she lived at 18 Weat Kinney street, which pqoved to be a stable.

While holding out hope tor Mrs. R oth­gerry, the physicians a t the hospital are uncertain th a t ehe will recover. They have been unable to ascertain whether tho poison reached the vital organa. To­day her condition appears to be excel­lent, but the doftore say It will tak e l h r « or four days to determine w hether she can survive.

The board of manfigera of the New­ark Orphan Asylum will s ta r t an Inves­tigation Into the case. Under the rules of the Institution, no child can bo ad ­mitted unless either the father or m other or both are dead. Mrs. R othgerry has been separated from her husband about five years, and she posed as a widow in order to have her nlne-year-old daughter admitted to tho orphanage.

I t waa while the physicians w ere tr y ­ing to learn more about the wom an from hor yesterday afternoon th a t she ask ed for Dr. Stockton. T he hosp ita l au th o ritie s telephoned fo r him and he called to see her. According to tho doc­tor, Mre. R othgerry adm itted to him th a t she waa sorry for w hat aha had done. The young woman did n o t te ll him any reaeon for her a c t T he hos­p ita l physicians said the w om an told them she would try ano ther w ay If she did no t succeed In k illing h e rse lf th is time.

P u ts Child la Asylum.Mrs. R othgerry has been liv in g a t the

■Wfost K inney street house elnco th e la t ­te r p a r t of July. She had no ro teranco to o ffe r and said she expected to r e ­m ain only a short tim e She s ta te d th a t ehe w as employed as a eanvaseer by a Chicago firm, and sola a sham poo prep ­ara tion . According to th e landlady, Mrs. R othgerry said she cam e from T exaf, while she told o iner room ers of th e house th a t th e came from T en­nessee, She received le t te rs from a s is te r In Houston, Tex.

D uring conversations a t th e bouse Mrs. R othgerry spoke of h er child and w an ted the landlady to ta k e ca re of the g i r l bu t the la tte r declined. M ra R oth­g e rry told the landlady the child was In th e N ew ark Orphan Asylum an d to g e t her there th e had to pose »• * widow. M rs R othgerry declared she le f t her husband five y e a rs ago. b u t d id n 't te ll why. She said he l l i ^ in th is city and waa employed In a o w lsry ehop somewhere on the '■Hill," A t th e fac to ry of J. Wlss Sfc Sons. L ittle to n avihiue. It is said R o thgerry w orked th e re eeven years ago, h u t le f t to go to tho W est

Mrs. R othgerry rem sined In h e r room good deal more th an u su a l F riday

and Saturday, a lthough she w as o u t canvassing each day. On Sunday m orn­in g she w ent out for a n ew spaper and ra tn rn ed shortly a fterw ard . I t w as ab o u t 4 JO o'clock In ino a fte rn o o n w hen she left for the la s t tim e and did n o t come back. I t Is believed th a t ahe owallowed the poleon ta b le ts die- I solved in orange Juice In a glee* in h e r I room.

R ad Plaaned 4o Die. ^Tho woman evidently h ad p lanned to

dt* unldantifled. One of th e reaeon i fo r th le belief Is th a t ih e d ra ifk th e polaon In th e bouee and le f t so th e peo­ple th e re would hot know o f It, an d an- o th a r la th a t she destroyed a l l m ark s o f tdsh tlflcatlon on h e r c lo thea and ca rr ie d no letter* or paper* b e a r in g h er s a m a '

A s effort ssa* made taet n ight to find out where th e women hed bought th e tablets, but ebe had deatroyed th e tobel of .the drufghit on the bos. T h e ..pack­age contained ten tablsts and th ree were m tssJot. I t Is prebaUe th a t sh e ,to o k th a t m any instead of tour, e* ehe *ald wh*& fotnid.

iS w A, to. autohdn- <a>alt«>aa o f th e tConitn'iied on td vate« I tb e o i u a ^ :

we«k'B re s t In the up- 8t&te woodi. wti6r« he w ent immedi­a te ly a f te r the oloctlon. When he ap­peared a t h li deak a t the com m letlon'i headquarters he gave no outw ard sign of having w orried over his defeat. He wM as cheerful as he was a t a n f time during his cam paign.

"The battle has been fought," Mr, Mc­Call eald, "and haa been very decisive, M far aa the expreselon of the voters goes, I accept the result philosophleally.I wish to say th a t i believe that the . Mayor-elect Is facing a situation and li confronted with problema that call on

WUh tho reorganisation of the wrerRed RonevUle T ru st Company apparently dtH>med to fallofe, according lo the men moat interested, it is understood that the grand Jury haa taken cognlaance of the case and that the qneallon of the respon- hUiiIHv of the directors of the inalltutlun htis been taken up-

!t is reported that ripeclai Deputy Banking Comml»lon«*r L. It. Vreden- burgh, who haa been in charge of the m* vestlgetlon of the inslUutlon, has been lb 4,’onference wUh Proaecotor Hood eaveral Llmea recently. I t U alao aald that the grand Jury will take up the quealloo of the reeponalbUlty of th e directors aa a body, the responalbllUy of thoae directors who were nem bera of the exaiolbibg committee, and the personal iransaetlons of several members of the board of di­rectors with the bank, through the secre- tary-lreasurer, Raymond il. Smith, now in Jail.

Clifford F. MasEvoy, p resident of the ! Depositors' Aasodatlon, and one of the ' Incorporators of Ihe proposed Mutual

Bank of Itosovllle. said this afternoon : ihftl w hllr hope for the euccess of re- ' 111 ganlxaUvin h id not been given up,

I hey wer« about ISO,009 short of the ii' I Raptiry am ount and thkt U would )iaw» lo b»' made up tonight or. a t the Uiiffi, bs the early mall tomorrow moriilnK if llquldatton was to be slaved off.

Wbpthpf JlOiinO worth of nolea drawn Ml fHviir Umllh were the property of

I (ho l>ank or of SiitUh himself, uaa a I ■[ .eHiir.n Mr Vrodenburgh wa» unable to I Ktiswei Hi I hearing In the flmlth bank- ' rupiry hitollop before Ffofetee Adams j es-

(fhlfty Hfternoon.Mr Vredenburgh testified that he

'bed SM ry reason to behave tha t Smith's ’ Hme Bi'iieared on the note* ^e an accom-

' imidallun. and that the m akeri of the ; Iioiea got 4*redlt Ht the trust company for ; tin* siipis r«*presented."

Tho annio was true, aocordlng to Mr.Vrf.hmb'Ji'Sh. of a rertlflisto fur phHrcs of stock In the Frisco Gold Mines '■.•mpuny. having a par value oI |1 a Rlmre. 'J hl« st4H'k was made out to H=ttUth. hui vihen George Fursl. allorney fnr the rci'civer asked Mr. Vredenburgh if ii4j WHS viiiimg to turn over the oertlfl- I atv. th'J witness replied that he waa not sure tbi! Hlofk had not been purchased ^^ilb funds of the k>anK and should be held hy It as collateral. With carefuj

.Belling. Mr Vredenburgh elated, the j stock might be disposed of for about

(wenty-five rents a share.Mr. Furst asked Mr Vredenburgh If he

i was williny to turn over seventy-alX shares of etoclt of the Home Ice and PruduL’ls rom pany and twenty cerlltl* ckiea of the Duiiellon U'^al and Supply f'om rany, hut Mr. Vredenburgh entered the same protest on the ground that ha believed the stock represented money

; longing to the hank.Mr. Vredenburgh declared he hsd not

I hart sufficient time to traoe the <10,000 I worth of notes made out In favor of

Smith, He said that he would Investi­gate the accounts of the various makers of the notes to determine whether or nut they received eri>dtl on the books,

One of the notes made IDy the Interna­tional Tobacco Company, In which Smith was Interested. Is declared by the makers tn have beeo paid. I t Is signed by D. W. Foster treasurer of th« compwsy* who was also a director and one of the v | ^

I iiresidenlB of Uis bank- Mr. VrtdSPburW I said th a t the surrender of the note had I been demaisdsd. but th a t It had Iw B r t- I fused uqill the bank sa tm lners had In-

v ee tlg a t^ the account.1 Desirous of determining the assets and 1 llabllilies of BniHli as apart from the : bank. Mr. Furst aeked Mr. Vredenburgh

how soon he <;ouJd examine the accoutus I of the various debtors represented by 1 the notes and certificates. The wltnoss

replied tha t It might take another month. He explained that the work of the bank exam iners had been confined lo m atters more urgent. Mr. Vredenburgh was ex­cused a* a wltnees until such time aa he can report the result of his Investigations

i of the aecurUles Introduced In evidence. How Bmlth provided funds for the pro­

motion of pr.>ducte company. bv him. G. Howland Munroe and Francis W Holbrook, of AckermanviUe, Pa.. wa» told by Mr. Holbrook on the witness aland I ihIsv ,

After telling about $12,00(1 losses \ bh-h the company ansUmed In plants at Eas- Ion and Trenton, Mr. Holbrook derlarod

I th a t Itio money uaed by the company "cam© either from the sale of Ice or from Pmllh



DTsrturB*d \eeae l la Labs H aro s Mttll Awrpi by fiaeb Vloleat Wavea Ta4ay th a t n reeu ers Could ?fet E eaa l ia a tl* t j H er—LUblahIp w llb Crvw a l Sim Wrerked lear Buffaloa- Wagt* e ra Cltlea Ceuat Up D am age— !• T ra la gaow bouad Biore t ^ s SI IMtf*

Lois of life on the Great Lakag th a t may exceed fifty, end heavy property damage in all of the cities of the Middle Wet th a t were swept by the recent eiwsw gakee, wae reported today In the wake of the tto rn a .

An untdenurted steel freighter th a t turned turtle In X-ake Huron was atlU washed by such violent la v e s today th a t It was Impossible for a reecue ship froni F’nrt Huron, Mich., to get near enough to make out her name. Another veeeel was reported lost near there.

The overturned vessel carried a crew estimated a t forty men, and It la eon* sldered extremely unlikely that any wera saved.

A llxhtahip. that carrlaA a craw ot ■Ik was wfftckefl on L ato E rl^ th a ■haUrred portlona of tha boat d rlftlnc into Roffalo Harbor today. No b-P* ,*■ held out for tho craw.

Al Washington, Pa , a train on • BW- row gage road was atalled In anowdrifl* mors than a day. Thera wars 100 pa*- aangers, "ne of whom was flsnatof CUBl- inlns. and they were twenty-four hour* without food end had to ahoval anow to keep from freesing. Th* engina *f • rescue tram was wrecked near them.

P Ittab 'irih la slowly reeoverinf from tlis storm. Cleveland la allll praotleally Imlated. and Chicago. Columbus and other W eitem cltlea ara taking toll Of their damage.

PORT HURON. Mich., Nov. 11.—'WTlgri Ihe tug Bsrnla City returned this for*—^ noon. aD er an all-night watch o v « th* big steel freighter which lies upalda down In luika Huron, she brought no addltiora^ Information as to the Identity vessel The nam e of the m ains fa r beneath the waves a re etlll high. ...

Captain Reid, of the tug, «*uroad more firm than ever In his belief « l « tho th irty or forty membora of tha m w of tho 600-foot freighter m uit hav* l*W> drowned. The wreck, not having b W reported Lintll late yestarday. it wa* diffi cult to ascertain when the c r i e d and where It took J*” ;turned vesael probably drlftod aavgrel

"’ cap ta in Plough, In charge of thalifft-iiavlng station, left Ibishis crew for the , ^ * 0Saarchlng ‘'S'aam.-mi tKn ahntw n search of WTtoWI*-


Df tb s dsrsH et rs*

w atar sbd th s

patrol the shore: In Haport* indictto tiigt ‘ may hav* been reiponalbia to t th* sect

o th e r v e . . , l l .^ o n ^ th . ^o»om «H uron near steam er

ovarlu rnad ‘w as f l r i t diacovared. and th a t

the two sh ips may have been In cOUl-

Nov. 11.—L ight Ih lp NO. crew of alx jparaohs^ h*"

slonb u f f a l o ,

82, carrying a " -■ -wiWastationed In I-ah»fifteen miles west of this city. 1* I* ^

ilghtahlp f l o a t - m t o

too t Sconflatad

If*. *9~ ■avaraland

"Uni tod auto*erewi

H anltt**.

c lub t tn thle city and New York. Her '^u"n)e.'rmroduced In evidence. Kjjc'hlWi" '*’>'! flotsamm arriage to Boesch th lrts sn years ago Smith provided funda tor the pr»- ^ railing, two Ot thr»* doorg, * |^fotlow sd her divorce from Jgraee L. m(,p|,5n of producte company, organUed parently off of a boat,C arhart, an ac to r and theatrical m an- py him, G. Howland Munroe and Francis preservers markeda g e r She divorced C arhart In North w Holbrook, of AckermanvlUe. Pa . was y ■■ .D akota a f te r ahe hud gained a good told by Mr. Holbrook on the witness ahlp carrieddeal of n o lo rls ty a . the com plainant .p ™ , IIZ.OOO losses ' 'u.'h . charies "nutler; engl’neer. raal-agalnet a Now York physician, whose ,„ j ,* , j ,u in e d In Plants at Eas- „nKnown. Cornelius Leahy. aigW -arrea i ehe caused for the alleged kill- I renton, Mr. Holbrook declared ; engineer, Elyria. O,; Andrew J * l^ n .Ing of her In fan t by prescribing drugs ] ipa money used by the rompany seaman, Muskegon, MIelj.; Peter a t w ere too powerful. i 'v am e either from the sale of Ice or | cooh, Buffalo.

Mr. Boesch waa taken Into custody by from Pmllh. ' ^ ^ I This afternoon a, lifeboat from WjaDateotlvo Howard, of the prosei,utor'. of- "Bmlth was the financial agant end he | »*hl*hlp w'as found floa mg bottom upflea yaaterday at tha plant of th . A ^ x ^ ^ J - r d o ^ k r : a a r d ^ H ^ o^^ok*." I.‘I , r r ' m ‘’ 0 ^

“ ■ ■ - - admitted th a t he owed flmlth I „vercciat and the cabin door of th* Ysaagli.eather Company, of which he Is

A broksh A heavyevery loyal and patriotic clttsen, Irre-

: ^ r , " ; r ^ T . ’Y i ^ l u r . u p ' ^ r , n " r « y " ' " J " ' S 7 ^ T o n T '‘p ;reor.a ;;"o \.‘;h .r h rh e latter ; ; ; ; r - ; b .V - a a h o r e V f h . tenderway, refardles* o t w hat hla political be- j released In | .ngroimted. 1 and several tugs returned to Pdrt th i jllefs may have been or are now, to the end th a t Mayor M ltchel a hands may ha ■UBlainad to the utmost.

'IJinow . and 1 bell*vs, that I can sayIt wRhout the least fea r of being conild ered egottitloal. th a t the new Mayor's official life Will not be a bod of roses. No administration or Executive officer will have greater burden* to bear or greater teak* to ms*t. Tbarefore. all unneoesaary bickering and carping should oaaae now and every roaiujrho loves hla oity should strain hH every action to aid Mayor Mltchel and uphold him,”


Natke Press Predicts Government Win AssDme Entire Control of


PEKING, Nov. U .—T he disappear­ance of tho Chlnoa* P arliam en t and tha aubatltu tion to r It o t a "Cantral A d ia ln litra tlv* C ongrasa" giving the governm ent an tlr* con tro l over all m at­te rs o f Im portance, la predicted today by native new epapera In touch w ith the adm lnletratlon . iT>e proposed adm in­is tra tiv e congroaa la to eonslat of two repreaentatlvaa from each M inistry and eigh t m sinberi of th a P re ild en tla l Sec­retariat. . . . . 1

The two houeea o f t s t N ational Aa- eemhly could b* dissolved, the newa- p ap eri suggaat, Im m edlataly afte r th* convening of th * new o ongrosa T his they eay, geem i tho •aa lea t way out of the praaent deadlock.

N either of th e hougei o f th* Chinee# p arliam en t hae bgen ab le to form a quorum alnc* th ey f lra t m et April 8 la s t On th a t day <9# o u t ot SS* rep­resen tatives an d 17T of th e 274 Sena­to rs ga thsred tn P ek ing , h u t a f te r tb s form al In augura tion o f th* Parliam ent. Its member* rap id ly dwindled, owing to arrest* o r asp ttlilon* on varlou* charge*. T he houaea neVer w ent Into w ork ing seaalona

On Noxembor S, P resid en t Yuan 8M K al Isshed a proclam ation expelling from P eking m ore th a n 100 member* of the D em ocratic p a r ty w ho had tried to cu rta il th e P ra a ld en t's power and m ake him a n tlrs ly dependent on P a r­liam en t H e th u i m ade I t Impoielble to r th* house* to fo rm a quorum.

The dem ocratic p a r jy wa* form arly l td by Df- S'*® X at Ben. the flra t pro­visional P ra a ld m t o f th* Chtneae R«- pubtle. and eom prtg*d m any form er n h e ls frb<d so u th e rn provinoea

■even H*r*aa Bax* at Bayea**.BXYONNB. Nov. U .—ftoven horsea

w*r* h u rn td to d ea th yggtardsy In a fire th a t de itroyad tfas llvgry stahl* of Abraham Bohulman a t I t 'E a s t Twwi- tla tb s t r a t t hat*.

M M toaUag“ * T h ? M e 5 *

(800 bail <0 await trial.When Mr. Boesch was asked today to

make a statemont In answer to some of the things th a t his wite has said against him hs refused lo do so acd gave no rea­son for bis refusal.

Mr. Boesch Is a Russian, and waa for a time an employe of the Ruealan Govern­ment In th li country. U la the opinion of his wife that shs Is the victim of what she calls "a Russian plot," In which •he believe* her husband ta the prime mover. She also arctiscB savcrnl others as being in the conspiracy, and sKpresit'S the beltsf tlia t her husband and hla Wends ars trying to have her committed to on Insane asylum.

Before ahe m arried Carhart, tw enty- tw o years ago, Mrs. Boesch waa an actresB of note in am ateur circles In Now York. She Is still a member ot the T w elfth N ight Club o t New York and appeared In many Ebakespearlan plays produced by that organ iiatlon .She also appeared In productions of the Profesalonal Women's League of New York. In w hich she Is still active.

For m onths Mrs. Boesch, then Mrs.C arhart, tried to obtain the Indictment of the physician whom she blamed for causing the death of her alx-week-old child.

Every day, Mr*. Boesch said, she used to go and s it by the hour a t the grave of her l i t t le girl, Violet. There ehe ! Jersey aald £Ir- Boaach aaw ner and mad« up hla mind th a t th© woman who had auch lov6 for h©r daad child ehouM b© hla wife. Bh© aald ah© r«fij8©d to m arry him and aped across th© country to D akota to ir«t a dWore© and thdii aal1«d from V ancouvsr on t tr ip around th© world.

Mr. Bo©sch foUow«d h«r across th© country* so ©h© ©ays, and sall©d on th©©am© b o a t Thoy w©r© m srrlod la Japan and rem arrU d accorolni^ to th©RuasU n rlt© In Naw York.

Th© products company ha* h«en for^od into bankruptcy by Mr, Vradanburah. Ih© tru it company appearlns «s lb® largastI Tcdltor,

■Slttinf? In Ihe I'nltcd Stalea a tScranton. Judg© Wllmer yostarday ftp* pointed Mr, Furst ancillary receiver, n ih© middle Fennsyivania district, of tho a ffa 'rs of Di© producta company Furat v.aft mart© recalvar In New Jersey. Thurs- tlay, and on th© day following waa namtHl rtiuMiary receiver In th© asm© connecUon in tho Faai©rn Pennaylvaola district, by ,Jud*ift ThompBon. of ih© Federal Court in rhllailelphla. All three appolntmenl.o vver© mad© on the application of \Vllf*ud C. Ftoaifil. Di© tccclvor’s attorney.


flf>fc44?T Kf’n'fce of NEWR.JER6?2Y CITY. Nov. Ll.—EDaputy

mit©d States m anhala were thla noon aaalaned by lh« Postoffic© Department to each of the railroad tomiln&ls In ihlK city to prevent a ttacks upon mail wafonA due to the strike of th© New York drivers of wagritiB .

Andrew Naphol. eighteen years old. or S Bright street, a driver of of ‘be Jersey City wagons, has been held in |2;000 bell by United Stales (’nmmlasiijn- er Jam es D. Carpenter Jr., ''I* ''having thrown a step* at T4 Ilham M . Glynn, a strike-breaking chanffeur, who was on on* of the New York ina l trucks a t the Comniumpaw Station of tra l Railroad, McGlynn wa. jured th a t he was taken hospital. Naphol, ■who will he f ,"* " .“i hearing Friday, told Beekman th a t he threw the stona out S d not know that It hit McGlynn.

afternoon without finding any trace of the missing ship.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.—T he rev­enue cu tte r Morrill a t D etro it hae been ordered Into T.aka E rls to aeereh for ligh tsh ip No, 68. missing from h er s te - tlon off Point Ablns. L ighthouge hgea- q n a r trra her© had no w otd fTom tn© ship early today, „ „ „

IiKTROlT, Nov. U .—tTlth th* *XC*P-(C:ontinued on 2d page. 4th column.!


fffaff Pormpondsare.TRENTON, Nov. 11.—Th* Btate Board

ot Equaltgatlon of Taxes today auitatnsd the Essex County Tax Board in holding th a t th* Montclair Academy, Meo'Vlcer FoundetJon, Is exempt from taxation. The local board esssaasd the Inatltutlon 149,100 on land, |99,(I00 on buildings and 19,000 OB persona! property. The county board canceled the assessment on the ground th a t tha academy was exempt. From this ruling Montclair took an ap­peal, which the State board dismissed today.


BLAIRSTOWN. Nov. 11.—-wmiam Eibler, whe owns a farm near Cedar

waa assaulted yaaterday by a party of hunter* gunning on hla land. He ordared them off and In tha quarrel which followed, oh* of th* man I* alleged to have broken hi* gunatock over Mr. Hibler'a head, lacerating hi* ecalp and on* ear Th* men were atrangera. John Doa w arrant* war* Ijaued fhelr arr**^ hv Juatic* of th* F**«e Craig.hunWr. *«**t#d at th* c«d*r Lake


PATFR^DV Kov. l l . —HIb f©©t cniishf between the floor and the elevator p la t­form. Andrew Bengert,.employed by the T A Van Winkle Company, hung head downward for forty minute* yesterday In the elevator ih a ft of th# company's w are­house a t 41 Tyler atreet. H e w u i » teased when firemen cut a hole in th* ■floor. He Is In the General Hospital to­day with both lega *o badly crumbed th a t It is believed he ylll die.

WARMER? COLDER? PROPHEIS DIFFERUnfurling the white flag of fMr w eath­

er, the Centra! High Bchool prophet* say w arm ar tonight and tomorrow, while the Waahington experts foresee contlDued cold with brisk to moderate easterlywinds. . ................

Th* tem perature a t I o clock th is morn­ing was 29 degree*, a t T o’clock S2 and a t noon *8. The humidity a t 7 o'clock waa 94 per cent., and a t IS o’clock 90. A Dorthweat fourlecn-raU* wind blew atDO©0,Yesterday'* highest tem perature waa 99 degree* th# loweat 85 and the average 8* 7 The maximum humldUy wa* 78 ner cen t- the minimum 9* and the aver­s e 99 A northweat wind traveUng a t



B eiliss S p en d s Night Alter Acquittal at Brick Works, Where He Was


KIEV, R ussia, Nov. U .—Armed: ^ a - sBckB Bini pa tro lled the g treeta o t K iev Ihia m orning. The p ^ ro l ex tended fa r Into the ou tly ing suburban d la tric ts . No d istu rbance* occurred d u rin g th* n ig h t

T he a u th o ritie s announced th a t they would suppress w ith in Iron hand any d iso rder w hich m ight b* insM gatsd by th* num erous antl-Setnltlc ngU ato rs In th e city.‘ Mendel Belligs. acquitted by th e Jury la s t even ing , spent th* n ig h t w ith a la rg e p a rty of relatives and friends In th e hom e of the superin tenden t ot th * Z atte ff brick work*, w here he w a* fo rm erly employed.

B elllaa w as quietly re lsa ied from Jail a t a la te hour last n igh t and w gs ta k e n to the Z alte tf plant, w here h li w ife and fam ily aw aited him. The m an ag er of the brick company p u t thg ■uperlntendent'u residence a t th a ir d isposal for the tim e being.

T h e verdict, returned a t I o’elook la s t n ight, a f te r two hour*’ dellbera-1©Yl V

"Mendel Belllse Is not gullto . murd©r wa© committed In th© asaltan

In sum m ing up, the cou rt dismissed all the ****’®®"J po in ting to th* Tcheberlak woman h e r band. Instating ‘h"* indicated th a t the crime »ad beenm u ted in the ®'L*J*bertIj?*w o rk s and not a t Vera TcheberiaJt*

lu ry m ust consider, he ealAwh?to.rSh. PO«»*Wll<fm urders, as proved, and. If‘■•t Sto’’ qu«"'ton. wer. put to to * JtaW-

. J tntod© no mBlltlOTl of

Cottag*. *»Y* Wo n « » •• ’Warren fourteen mUes •" taduTbut refnggd to toU Wi heme »d- One year iJfo, <*• W * ^ E 2 r or gire to* naniio W hi* em - was (4 «««»•;!• *5*

^ ju »»4« 1100 b«U. 1 average M- Th* day w * d*ar.

. . . ire* !>•“proved. BelUW m ust

.K « « r o f which ^ no re”" " * " B e U is r bu t simply IM ulred ? h . Irtm e. as diwcribed. wa* c o m m i t^

ek,* hrick work© pr«ttila©©- ThS©; " a . ‘X w . t e S m th .Kng«oiid qtieaticn, aik1©C w hrth jjr, Belli©© wo© tfulUy, Wi© atz©w©red lo

thes ^ n g t the meiiltoii of th e M ite n^ r k * a* ,tue J« * w W4«to



T hm to* w tlm fm lrtln f n «' lA tb* tdon t All t t i t

D uiet i v d e r to Sure


in M v c n l Kim** In th t tooin. iimV th t boy M id, b li totJior ooUod out for b ilp . bu t u n til NlooU NlM llottl ond HoRiuol Vottnool, botli of whom I m U- floit yootordoy. rMobod tho hom o ho bod bottlod olon*.

Mlehool Mid th o t whon th t two m*n oomo to tbo houM hlo fothor "ron ow oy,' bu t U WHO brouybt out on hlo croM -o*ooiln»tlon tho t tho m tn told hlrn to no for o doctor. Only o t on# port of tho olory woo tho boy o t th« point of b ro o h ln i down.^ Thot woo whoD ho o»ld.w lth roforonco to w hothor hlo fo thor pu rpo io ly p o u n d bonolno on

. . h li wHo or tbo b u rn tn f wot oeoldontol;IN EVIDENCE 1 suooo. ho dldnjt m ton II; moybo ho

Sayi He Tried Wife froB


did. Tnoybo ho d ldn’t'"_ olirPotro lm on WllUom Johnton. who or-

lOo-otttTt*- .« t l » d D » th o w to » o ,th t u u « r w ot ro- i« told to- tufiiiUn hom o^ovB rar-Jiourt oftor ho

to y M t w i r riohow irh, on trial, rh a r* ^ U ft th o T to u « , 'with murdar. ofter tho tarmlnatlon of tha mon naor h i t homo Ir tW o tl n- I,..- |.mu at noon today. At dIroot . t re a t . Daokowlob had 0 0 m ftiee e with lha thooiTi on which tha in h it hand, which ha tal

Hlo own otory of tha iSndeata iBw tlia burntn* of hlo wifa wM

CantroIc of o tndy

waa fo r hlo.......... .. pollecman to ld h

M il» o u n « l tho borni ooddontaUy. . did not p .rm lt I'oabowlchP T M ^ Io n booad Iti eoaa, ho twora that four children . The

a 1_soaoalolmntmHv I A\A nnt Tiiiraitt D^ll'^ r d ^ f e n t o n t ended hlo letllifioBy"at ; tha houae, bu t In itaad took him l™>na-

ThO defontom . . . ------ j u i a ly to tha police tia tlon . D eiko-Wich rapaatod ly Inquired for nawa of Wo w ife 't condition, ha tald.

I o'clock, when tho court look Ito noon le c w . I t wa* thattho onoa would fo to tho Jury th it after-

**oIeeordlni to Daakowich. ha waa atlll In bod when hlo wlfo'o clothao coufht flro, end whan ha ruehad Into the kitchen the | fyoBt of her okirt and her woltt wore ibleM. On the kitchen otova there waa a M art bottle half tlllod with gaaoltno. ha mUd, .nnd knowtn* tha atuff waa eoplo- atra. ha ran ovar and puahad hla wife a tito with one hand and with (he other awopt tbo bottle from tho otcnra towordtiw open kilehon door iMdlnc to tho roar . _____________ _________________________

The aoenood man oald tho fir* raaii1t«i I m** ioo call for rla llon t core, Mr. Whiai kla wife poured looollno on th* denied th a t thnro had ayorflta, Bho roaa a liu la lata and made the in ten tion of Urltlah politicalflro with " iraan" wood, cut from a Iwa , Into tho domaatlo affaire


Idea of Prestdeot’s S eaetary Suc­ceeding McCombs Gaiiuiig Sup­



^Continued from Wlrtt Pwi«J

J roBi thr Bur«ai* of <Aie J?FBN*t \ ( ) yKwa

WAHHTNQTON. Nov. I t .— Memberm of thft natloniil D^m ocratir commltti^e ara |tn!n« tip in favur of making JuHeph P. Ttiniully, MiTetary la Vr«iiJdenl. na­tional chairman In 191A In tha last Iwo monihi. In fact, aince lattl mummer, whon the talk of Tumulty'a eltgUifllty mtartticl, there have been varloiiit mtoriam on thin topip publliih«d thm ughtju t the country, Theaa ilorlem have been favorable to Tjui- ulty and they have hati the effect <f crymtallliliiK M ntlment for him.

The reiult la th a t auch veteran niem- bera of the committee Clark HowoH.of Georgia; John T. MrCJrnw, of \Ve*t Virginia, have made It known that thvy would like to fee Tum ulty leading <he flKbt for Wllaon three y*-era hence. How­ell haa not been counteil nn an h Wili^on man, while McOraw la an original \A'il>'an

Uon of tha report of an unldanllfied auukcn lumber corrler In Lake Huryn, no additional raporta w»trt recalvatf her® up to nuun today of th ip dtaaatera.

IM itaburah HecoverlDg, UITTHtlUROlL Nov. 11,—Although

wantirn PennayIvanla, Eaatern Ohio and northern W aet V irginia, atlll ware burlrd thia m orning under a b lanket of A fool or mura of anow conditluna were rapidly im proving.

TeUphone end te leg raph companies mail'' progrcea d u iln g the n igh t In rr- HtonriK ro inm unlcallon and rallrouda lud dug out irulne th a t had been hurled for liourB In the ta rg ea t d rifta known In thJa eectUui for a long period of yeare

f)mk t r a i l arrived here from Cleve­land **aGy iiatay, a f te r having been on the way a Htt!« more than th irty hours. It was fllniU-a In a d rift for twenty-eight hoiira, not far from Cleveland, and the paseennere Buffered eaverely from cold ■nd hunger Train achedulea ware re- ■toted to eomt-thlng near normal and wlrea al'-ns the rallroadi were again


Change m SitoatioD (h e r Filimg lodge Cross’s Place Cansed by


(Continued from FI ret Page.)

or o ther lA tlu-A rnartoan» ttm toy* b*for*. H* h*l<l that hl» Mekteo Win WhiiM to t o t th* fir* w*11 atfddlr, to M not to Il*l*» hi* b rM k l^ ^ A jquith okplulDKl th»t Huerta.W W th» flatoM »udtoi>ly ilw t “b -* ™ „ „ r*oofnl»*d. b^raui*. 'harin* m lUwr

I t h . will nor tha power to Intervana, wa and M la har azdtem ant, laid bottle bound to deal with the da factoea tl i t etova. Tha defendant added that whan ha laaehed the atove the fiamea


Hlafl t'lirrtipmulmet.TRKNTON, Nov. 11 — P ro .ecu la r

R obert S. H udspeth, of H ud.on, hav­ing; made It known th a t he did not care for the plac*. County Judge tjeoru* C. T ennant, of Je r.ey City. 1* looked upon here ua the moat likely nuceeasor to th* la te Judge Joieph CrOM, of the United Stale* Dlatrlct Court, d la trlc t ot New JeraeV. It waa reported from W uahlngton. however, th a t United S tatea D latrlct Attorney J. W arren Davla would have the lup* port of Senator Hughe*. froBi (he IVa.Iitnpton JJureau of (Ae BVBX-

/.Vfj .VBirs.WASHINUTON, Nov. 11.—In eoliae-

quence of the refuaal of

c h u t o Ik tbk m ethed of MlkcUng otkdl- to tea to* W aat IPoInt uadalaMpa art II b* mada by BbcraUiy o t W ar aarrU on. atthar In h li annuaJ report or when U. appaara botor* th a H oum conunlttae on m irnary atattya -to dlaoaaa army leg ltla . tion.

For a num ber of paara there haa bean dJftlculty Ir obtaining a lu ll n p rH en ta - tlon of alt Btataa and Oongrtaalonal dla- trleta a t tha acadtm y. Tatlaua n t n a u hav* e*u aialgned lo r it. T il t . m ilitary powar* aay th a t th* tonator* and R epn- tentative* who have the appointing power do not * u rc )H th*lr right *nd (h*r* ar* alwaya vacancla* due to thla caui*.

In Coiigrta, It la aaa*rt*d th a t nomlna* tlona for cadatabipa are made regularly, but th a t th e eotrance examlnatlona, both mental and phyalral, ar* too rigid and that the candidate* cannot get by. W hat­ever th* caua*. the tac t I* th a t there ar* alwaya vtcancle* In tpe cotpa ot cadet* and con**uuently a ahortag* of oKlc*M.

Colonel Clarence P. Townalep. tup trln - tendent of th* academy, in hi* knhual re­port. call* atten tion to the fact th a t with (c i cedelB preaent, there ar* *1111 »ev»n- ty-nliie vacaoclea In the corp* on Auguat 1 thi* year. Since 1*0!, the number of vacanelet haa ranged from twanty-nla* In th a t w m i to a* high a t l ! l In ISO*.


Poiiticiiins at Trenton Seem to Think \ He U Most Anilabte Mao to


E’roaecntorcmmnJfc? i-n. The hope was held out that Ifudareth. of Hudaon County, to

I«ach*d alBMwt a* high aa tb* cellingjU tar ta*.bad *w*pt tb* bottl* away,

Dgakowieb ran to bl» wif*'* aide, he tei- tU M , and tried to beat out the flaraet, hbl lh*y bad gon* loo fa r for him to cop* with hod forcad him back. He wai a t hi* wlt'a and in the confualon until two Mlghobr* aiTtved In reaponee to hit cell* (or halp.

Deakewjob avrora th a t b* had not haaa ou t la ta tb* n igh t bafor*. but we* In b«d a t 10:10 o'clock. He aeld he hud g M * to Ktor T ork to collect e debt ot f l l and a p tn t t b . avenlng w ith hla d tb ta r . D uring th a t tim* h* bad tlv* . to i lg drtnfca

Th* dafandanl then told of hla w ander-' tng* afte r b* left tb* bout* In Raat Oen- tf* altoat. H* w ent In tearch of a doe- vtar, but falUng to find one. bacame au bawl)tor*d th a t ^e wandered about Uio cMy. not knowing w hat to do. Finally ba want t* J«r**r City and from th e n to Hraiallira, where be vial led a friend, dfttff awhile be redumad home to Nutley.

Dilfcowlufa tirid o t taking a revolver from b it homa, boeania, ha tald, he w u afraM tf tb* polloo found U th a n they wwuld a t t ack a« ernmaou* iftoltlcanc* to th

Tb* dafandant d*ul*d th*r* had bt*n a g a a ^ bitwaan Mm**lf and b li wife.

i l ig ta itn t* m ad* by Mr*. Detkowleh •d lto ab* waa bum ad. U arch i t laat, and ta le r t* h«r daatb l a u r la th* day. fomwd a (ta tu r* of tbl* m om iog'* proceeding*.

Two wltn***#* who ta lked with th* w a iiM a# *h* lay In a dying condition (MtlHod. and a dying a u u m a n t mad* by b to to C ounty Pbyilo lan McKanal* raaebad th a )nry .

Th* arldano* etH>*l*t*d o t acau*a- tl* M mad* by Kr*. D*ikowloh ag a ln it h to haaband. th o u g h th* d*f*a*e icorad p*gM tidly. and m anaged to m aterially traak aa fla Im port. I f n . Deekowlob'e gtM ament w u adm itted yeiterday

____ bound to dealoJid bmcaiso®, occorauiC' to

Infoim atlon then In our poieeeelon. there appeared to 1« no element except th a t of H uerta and hie lupporlere which offered any proapeol of the reetorallon of etabim y and order.

"Blnce then there bae been no change In polley and no departure iif any kind. Th* Cheng* of Mlnlalere to Maiteo In­volved no change of policy.

■W* have the right to eaeum* th a t In w hatever policy America dopt* th e will have regard for the legitimate com­mercial foreign Intereat* In Mexico, a*

i well a t her own.


MEXICO CITY, Nov. 11.—Em lllano Z apata, th a rahal whoa* operatlone

altar a hu d fight by J. Vletor D'Alola. Whm with Philip D. BlUot, It dtftndlDg D m ito rf • ■rlith, but w u not raad to tb* I t r r gntu today,

n g atntamant w u

have caused th* governm ent *o much troub l* In the eouthern etaiee. 1* egaln on th e po in t of eurrenderlng. according to o ffic ia l Inform ation leeued today.

An em leaary from Zapata 1* eald to hav* o o n ftrrad w ith proTteional P re s i­den t H u erta , who offered the rebel a u t e oonduot to the federal cap ita l In Ol'dftr to conclude

I t Is n o t generally expected th o t Z ap a ta w ill accept the proposal. He ha* been periodically reported a s su ing fo r peac*. b u t nothing h u ever come of tha negotia tion*

The M in ister of Finance today a u ­thorised th* Mexican banka of laeue to pay o u t allvar coin a t th e ir d isc re ­tion. T h is la a modlfloatioii o f a re- cen t daore* by H uerta forbidding eueh paym ent, .

In o rder th a t the hank* Ttiaic not w eaken th e ir reierve*. t io ^ v e r , gov­ernm en t Inapectora hav* been In- ■Iructed to u e th a t the ellver holdlnge o f th e b a n k e do not fa ll below the legal req u lrem sn t.

mA.nTh® fafi that iiuch r*^lltl-

olana are fnr Tum ulty dlidusen th® unanimity of the holier th a t Wllnon will b« renumlnated for a Bprund lorm, deflplte the on«*t®rni plank In th* BalHTni>r® plat­form

Tho national chalrmAn la sfllfictfd by the national commlti#*®. Ordinarily the committee doe» not o rsan lio for a Prea* tdentia! fight until n\x m onth i prior In; the convention, but it m ay l^ that the committee will tjrganUe next iprlng, In carder lo help the Congreoalonal campaign coRimltiee to the fight to r«-el*rt a Dcm- or ratlc FloUfft and Benate, It la Prea- td®nt Wlloon’i Idea th a t the two com- mllteefl ihould b« In cloee working rela­tione.

For meet pUTpoeea. Tum ulty 1« now and hae been olnce laat epring. the etage manager of the Dem ocratic party; thU. by v1rlu« of hie being the right-hand niaa of the Preeldm t. The pari that the admlnletratiod played in the recent e ledloni In New Jereey. Maiaachueetta. New York and MaryJ®” - largelyunder hiB direction, and h li work hoe had the effect of bringing him into more prciitilnence than ever ae the proepectlve leader of th© fight In IfiB .

Ae the m atter Btande. tt te neceefartly In nrhuloim etale. If William F. Me- CoomhB. the p resen t na tio n a l chairman, will only make up hie mind ae to whelhar he wanU to be am baeeador to France, the iituetlon will be clarified perceptibly. Another conaldoratlon conrcrni llielf with the queellon w hether President WU- ■nn will be the candidate In l9l€. Mr. Tumi'lty'a aouree In the near future In-

being hound up In that of hiechief.



m *to th rough 0 * « |t iB la rp rg tto A braham Goban to UM * e tu ly pbyalelan In th* 0*n«ral

a t Pa**al« abo u t an hour b*- te r* K r a Dwtkowlob dlad. P a r t of It U H Stttaa la th * tlr* t p*fat»i and p a r t ■la ^ th ird paraon. J t waa w ritten by D r. MoKaoal* a f t* r Gefatn tran ila tc d th * w o n a a 'i i r o r to from A oitrian Into

a a d th * a Coheii. told M ra Det- kvwfch V h a t t t eonUlti*d. DnabI* to v r i t h ah* p taead b a r ‘ m ark on th« ••p to - M ra a d ;- < '

^ fcaow I am gq lag to dU. Pet<r, m y —e f I iHirnad m a 1 w u In my hoaaa la h*d. H* w ant to lodgo and did M t oMn* ba«k nnttimor&liiB. H* qaM faiad w ith h*r. Bh* wki tick . Mw W U (la lB z a ta r* . B* poured karo- ••■ * po hto. H * aald th * poured It on h * n * I l S te aa ld h* poured I t on b*r. i t e te* k a bo ttl* o f baailn* and thr*w I t Ml BM. Th* bottala* waa in n bot- tt* t o th * A a U in h la room. H* Juat Boarbd k*rd**d* on h er elothea and baaiiBaa on h e r ta o a 8h* w aa t to go * a h H* aald ah* had to h u m In hla


B K R L m , Nov, 11.—I t w u officially d to la n d a t tho Foreign Office here today th a t tho German Oovornment doe* not Intend to oond any more war*hlp» to MexAeo.

“The hattleahlpe Kaleer and Koemg Albert, and th* erutoer slra*burg. which have boen ordorod to leave Germany early In D*c*n»bar, are not to vlalt Moilco," It w u e la ted ; "their crule* l» for purely to c h n le a l' and non-polltlcal reUone."

Mta n a n o M Ryan, of t i t ^ t h tev - to tM ath t tn a t , who know tbo Doakowteh ^■ony (or nlMM tdoo y«ar«, tottlfled to a vM t to th* Tmnwd woman a t tb* boa- pllal. W M li aha. sma that*. Hra. Ryan •WMfA th* afS lctad woman declared har haBbiutd *»«A pourad karo ttM <n hor.

*1 Wfcod hto If t t leaa korooan* or gaa- e H to u " l |ra . R yan conHnutd, “and ah* toML tb a a th a t t t w u gatoXn*' Then I • Ik M h to It P a M had done It, and the iM I th a t h* o a n o up behind hor and th a t he m u tt have done it."

f t Wha' on *Mo point that Mr. D'Alola................ . th* wltnoa*. finally gnlnlng

■ ■ ■ I th a t Mr*. Doakowlch w u not


KnOTHAPOLIS, Nov. 11.—"Tho aoelal ovtl can bo ttam ped out a t positively and e u l ly u typhoid or yellow fever, b u t I t m uet bo along aclontlflo line* and w ith th# fu lleat recognition of ac tual cauBOt and condition*," ta ld Dr. T. B. C rothora, of H artford . Conn., in hie ad- droa* to the In ternational P n rlty Con-

TORN, Nov. 11.—Charge* of frtiurt s*aln»t H. o tto Wttipenn. former Mayor cf Jersey City, were msde h^ hi* hrolher-ln-law and form er partner In the brick bualiieaa, Edwin M. HoiightalInK, In paper* before Supreme Court Justice New- | burger yesterdsy The court granted an , Injunction ro itraln lng VVIttpenn from voting Tifi share* of slui k of the Upper Klttannlng Brick Company, of 4* E««t Twenty-third street, in order to oml hi* brother-in-law from the presidency.

Houghtallng told th e court he owned 94.6tb of th* brick company'* 1S9.5I1P share* of stock, and th e t he arranged to

|buy 160 more, enough to give him con­trol, from William C. Sherwood, heceuse of the effort* of tho group headed by former Mayor W lttponn to oust him. H* got an option on Sherwood * stock, he Bay* end paid him 1100, but before tho stock was delivered W Ittpenn got Sher­wood to sell him tho stock. Thla. Hough­tallng'alleged, wa* In fraud ol the right* of the plaintiff.

Former Mayor W Ittpenn »ay* In hi* affidavit th a t he l« merely trying to pro- tact invaalori who bought ttovk upon iiIb • uaaestlon. beuauBO hi* brother-in-law 1s unfit to be In control. WIttpenn *ay* Houghtallng drew a chock for hi* aalary. although warned th a t it would cause an overdraft, and th a t he ilgned tha pay- rolla irregularly, aa tho result of wh ch the employes were not paid and a *tt ke was threatened. He aay* Houghtal n i h u caused a aerloua impairment of the corabany* credit and th a t he la of doubt­ful financial roeponalbilUy. because he permitted * note for IMOb to go to pro­test two week* ago. W Ittpenn said that If h* Is restrained from voting the slock he bought Houghtallng will be In control and the iiockholdera wrill suffer.

If the .Icrvcnts (lid not Interfere during the day. ihl* entire section would be a* lilual lon^ghl.

Borne anxiety waa ®»pr©a*ed for f«ar thal a iuJiian thaw would traoiform the vafl amount of anow tnlo waWr. and flotHla In ih© Ohio, Monongahala and Al­leghany Rlv®r valleyi would follow. Bui the lorai wralher foreeailer anticipated nothing hut ronUnued low tem peratures for ihe n«jxl tw«aiy-four hours.

\VA5?HlN<JTUsN Pa.. Nov. 11.—In© paefl©iJifftr ireln of the W ashington and W ayneatnrf Itallroad, a narrow gag© line, which has 100 posaengers. Includlni linlted Senator Albert U. Cumrol&aof Iowa, altuard, was sUll stuck Id drifts Is it niglit, three miles from this

Senator Cummins had been visiting his father a t Carmichaels. Pa- train,bound for Washington, became snow­bound Sunday night and © relief Lfal*' WH.S tent cut. The engine of tha relief train jvimped t»i© track within sight of the Btrandad truln * ^ .

The entire party was without food lor ovsr tweniy-fnur hours. Yesterday n«igb- l>ormg farm ers wont to the aia of the passengers and all were taken to fsrrn , hmises. Hnads Are lmpassfl^>l© on account , of drlfU. and railroad officlala eay the train will ro t reach here before this a f ­ternoon. a.

The passengerB were forced to snovsi ■now yesterday to keep from freeslng,

young men left the train and walked here. They wert! ©ihausted when Ih ty arrived and are under care of physlclana

CLEVKLAjND, O.. Nov. 11 (Via Private Wire to F lluburgh).—Cievelund le burled under twenty-one inches of snow, Its ■irsrtis are filled with a tiUiKled m s« of broken and twisted wires, and thousands upun ibousande of Its inhabliante are ifl Itnnilnent danger of Buffering for lack of food.

Three persons have been killed, ten are mlBSlng and are believed to have been frozen to daalh, and a great aleamahlp U struntled on th© beach, Us t;aptaln and twenty-two ssilora wsLllIng for the death that may come a t any moment because of the mountainous «eas rolling In from Lake Erie.

It Is stin snowing, and unless the stnrm, which has continued bIuc© Sunday.

tell what theNQon ahatee, no on© can uilhnate toll In dollarsi nnd lives nuty IH\

The loss is already estimated at 12.- 0( f).n00. half of which will fall MV'on the telephone and telegraph companies.

A few tra in s a re s trag g lin g into th© city and a few have mad© an effort to leave. T here has been on© Are w uh a lo ts of 175,000. If there should be ano ther o u tb re sk of flames the Are d e ­partm ent would (lad It alm ost Impos- alble to b a ttle w ith them.

T hree d eaths by violence hays oc­curred. An unldsnttfled man was burned to death In a dr* *1 the Car- rell work* of th e S tandard Oil Com­pany; Carl Bounteols. eeventeen. elec­trocu ted by a fallen w ire; W illiam H. R urkbard t, th row n off a box car andkilled . . , ,

r e tin sv lvan la . W heeling and Lak© Erie and E r ie Railroad triad" alallert lb d r ifts otitsjlde th* city. A I'et.h sylvan la train (a reported atallod ten m iles sou th nf C leveland with 100 paa?enisfrs aboard. HeMet parties are now urt th© way.

Milk dvalars w©r© unable to m ake dellvprlei! and there g rea t suffering

conasquence. A food fam ine Is

slder an offer of appointm ent, the con- lest for t h e United State* District Court vacancy, caused by the demiae of Judtfc Croas, sh ifted about today. The candidacy o t United S tates Dla- trlc l .attorney J. W arren Davis loomed blKKCr when It waa made known by Henator Huffhes th a t he would fiv e hi* support to the Salem man.

Senator Martins has announced th a t his policy Is "bands off" until the situation develops more thoroughly. It is Intl- mstod, though, th a t the Senator favor* Judge Jam es C. Connolly, of Elliabeth, who was put into tha race by friends yeslorday.

I t w as stated by both of the Senators end by Secretary Tumulty a t the While Houee, th a t they had no knowledge of a reported gathering of State leaders at Trenton yesterday afternoon to advance the name of Former Judge John W. Wescott, of Camden.

There arc two consideration* that pre­vail agalhet Mr, Weac*;tt's candidary. The first I* the fact that there le a hiU now pending to ureate a new Judicial district St I’hlladelphla, and It I* under­stood thal his B'ln, John Wescott Jr., is In line for the Judgeship. It Is believed that the senior W escott Is much more Interested In this than In landing a Job for himself.

The second consideration—and this also ratmate* against Davis—Is tha t Mr. Wescott hall* from South Jersey. It is the deelre. everything else being equal, to appoint a man from North Jersey.

Judge Clarence L. Cole, of Atlantic City. I* out of the contest, Hepresenta- tions have been made th a t he Is needed In AllaiiHc County to support the task of koe[)lng Atlantic City from lapsing into the evil way* that have been Cor­rected In the last three years. President Wilson took an Intimate part in tho work of clearing the shore resort and la fully cognizant of the necessity ot keeping Judge Cole on duty there. The ofter which Mr. Hudspeth turned down wa* a tentative one,

JERSEY CITY, Nov. 11.—Prosecutor Robert B. H udspeth, o t Hudson, who Is a member ef the national Democratic committee, announced last night he had declined tho appointment profered him by P resident W ilson a* Judge of the V nlled Slate* D istric t Court for New Jersey. He said he liked politics, and wae too young to "quit the game, as he fed he m ust do If he accepted the Judgeship. Mr. H udspeth Is prosecutor of tho pleas ot Hudeon County.

Denial was made today by Edwin O. Adams, referee In bankruptcy, th a t he Is a candidate tor the federal Judgeshi|j(t in this dlatrlct. In a le tter to the News. Judge Adams ask* that hi* denial be pub- lehcd. He declares tha t he has not been, is not and has no Intention ot being a candidate tor the position.


(Continued from First Page.)

Biaft OofTMpoodsges.TRENTON, Nov. 11.' -H th ere was tin

Btate comptroller to be elected In Joint teaalon of th a bogieieture. It would bo easy, perhapa, to pick the Speaker of tha , next Houto. hut the altuaUon is cunptl- j cated becauae a succeaanr .1* to ho chosen to Edward 1. Edwards, th* preteiii comp- iro lltr. H* was a candidate for State treaauter when S tate Chairm an Edward E. UroBgpup was choaan to the latter poll, Edwards, It will be recalled, wa* oppoatd by Woodrow Wllaon.

The men who were with Wllaon in hi* e p p ^ tto n to Edwards ar* stUl agaUiat Md- w ardt. Who, then, will bo th e nOit comp- trolIerT From a apurco th a t has usually good Information on political malter*. H, Otto WIttpenn la mentioned a s tho on# who will try to w rtal tbo plum oway from Bdwardg. >' * -

Thla atory of WIM|)*b° *'*' comptroller "llatana w«|l." Tb* polltlcsil pin* ora gat up r ig h t for Jujrt Wch a n outcoito. It

sdmiaaton commllteo of the orphan asylum, will call on Mra. Rodhgorry a t th* hospital and may apeak to Dr, Btook- ton to see If sh* can get any addlUonal Information from him relative to tJ»

“ " la a Em m a T. Ormandy, aupertntsn- dent of tho homo.Roihgerry brought her child to tullon about a year and a “ J*in* th a t her husband waa dsad, th U th* waa forced 10 work tor h « Hidng, and th a t aha had no place for ibo child. Mr., Bothgerry .a id that her P «P U lived In th e Weal. >>ut th a t ah* ™ t c d to a u y E ast and earn her o * " ,

Before th a t th* child waa the Orango Orphan Asylum. Mr*. Rotb- gerry form erly lived In OraM*. fhe removed to this city i^e authorilloo informed her th a t she lake her child because she In Orange. Three weeka later ihe b rought th e g ir l to the local orphanage,

Mrs. K o thgerry vlalted her child In July and August a t the •'j"'™®'' the orphans a t Mountalnslds, and a t th* time ot her last vielt she said she wobly ed to U k* the child out. When aakod If 0h« had a home for It. ih© woman ra- nllod th a t ©he had a fumlih«d room. Bh* wa© told th a t ©ha would not be allowod to tftk© the child out of th* InatltuUon to live In a hora* of that d©©crlpliOTi.

Th© woman U ier wrote a l«U«r to her daughter oaylngthat she wa* safe and well cared for in the aaylura, and proralatng to come to see her as soon a* ah* got a chance.

will u k e twanty-llv* voW* In Joint oto- toBie the party candidate for th* 'WiUpenn can got a t least nth*


rftaolutlon of M ontana,



aoftilv* wbotbto hor husband pourod the 'ftjnjid t o her or wbother tho bottl* tell a a i bmkw oanalBi a tlar*-up In semo

A to te to HitsOB* uAo talked with Mrs, Dtokowleb waa Hr*. Tliomaa U u m o . who U*«( ogatAir* 1b th e same hooH. Bhoe .^ of h o ^ n g th* oxeitoinoDt down-■lalro w b to tho flro atarted, during which glip bagld a taan 'o voloa calling, Michael, tho nlno-yoar-tild goo of the defsndaot, rao lltf la r awoiw th a t hla fathar called tor Old when hi* rootho*' was aflr*.

liee .itn T ito aald wbon iho woirt down- (^.1— K n Doakoarleb was lying on her bod CPvarod w ith buroa. Bh* aald aha tbonght Ujo womon'a burn* cam* from ai- toDpUng to nrgo tho kltchoo flra by pour­ing koroaone on tt, and to told hor. The woman rapllad, aoootdlng to th* wltnssa,

tixat w oj iM>t bow ib© com© to b©

today. ^•'T h ii can b* don* by eoerolon. **»re-

f a t tn n »nd a hlRber r©oo«tiJtlon of th* oauioa w hich exist In every coimnunl-

th a ©peaker ©aid. 8*jfr*ffat!on of


ty.'vlotlm * of th* toolal evil In aelf-aup- p o r tin g hoapltale waa recommended.

Dr. B. H. P ro tt, of Chicago, d lteusteij Im m o ra lity in achoole, “S uppretslon Is n o t a cure," he said* "and m ere m anner- loma w hile they serve to Im prove a p ­pearance* and eatsbllah a veneering of good m an n ers among pupils, w ill but cover up morbid proponaltle* If the or­gan ic aelt-oonaclousneas Involved la suppressed by some form of Irrita tio n . ■Under such odnditlon* sooner or la te r when opportunity Is ripe and otreum- ©tancM a re eoTivenleut the ■uppreaeed tendencies ar© ©tire to break out Into ©om« tTP* obJecUv* expreiilon /'

T he conclusion© reached by the speaker w ere th a t much of the IrtiTnor- a llly in the echool© wae caused by dls- a r ro n g f in e n t of the nervous ©ystem and should be treated by a physician.

BRATTLE, Nov. 11 .- 'W h en Ameri­can Federallon o t Loibor assem W ^tor it* second day 's session. It to take up and debalo tha report* of com


•rhe new method of combining sll the annual reports into one. and that Issued by lbs executive council, I* said to hsv* accomplished a saving of two days In the work of the convention.

Th* report ot tho executive council was divided Into aevsral topics, and BMh turned over to It* proper comtn two tor acUou, Resolution* subm itted by delogntes were rofertod a t once to the committoe on rsiolutlono w ithout even bojns read by

*'^S*cr«tsry of Labor Wllscm will address th© convention tomorrow.

Bo fsr there ha# been no outward sign of revolt aealnat the old officers of tb* convontion, and a continuance ot tho poli­cies that have boon followed

Fort Worth, Texas, has asked Tor the next convention, bu t t t virtually has been decided lo hold no mfiatlng next year and to assemble In San F randaco in tdlB.

Bsoecid Asslotant Prosecutor Van Pier* o m then Boujfht to get before the Jury porU of a atatem ent glvon the police by this witness In which ahe stated Mrs Doikowlch accused her huiband a t that tttna. I t developed, however, th a t the la t t tr had talked in Austrian to others in

room, who, in turn, toW Mrs. Murren what ill* wojj saying.

For this reaeon Mr. D'Alola ©ueceeaea In prevenUng the contents of the ©tate- m in t golog before tb© jury. Mrs. Murren • tid ih* pevR^r k&sw the Deskowiche© to anaiTSl. and th a t they appeared vary af­fectionate end devoted to ©adi other.

The tr ia l w as given a touch of the drom atte yesterday afternoon, when the n ine-year-o ld son of Deskowloh* HlehoeL w en t on the ©tand (or th« preseetttlon. Dr«#»ed tn a gray Knick­erbocker su it, he bad to stand up so tha Jiurors could see him ss he uar- roted b is story . He w as firs t qulszed by th e court and counsel to determ ine w hether o r no t he understood the na.- tu r s and g rav ity of an oath, a fter w U eb he w as sworn.

I t w as confidently ©ipecled by the pregooution th a t the boy's story would he dam aging to hU father, but Instead th e dsfenae w as m aterially strengthw •ned by It* D uring both hla direct and orose-exam lnation the boy kept bU eyes In ten tly upon h li la th er a f«w fee t away.

Mr* Von Blaroom explained gently to th e lad w h et he was to tell about fftg then d irected the lad to go ahead w ith the ato ry tn hie own way. Ml- ohM l stood up* took a firm grip on th e ro llin g of the w itness stand as though to hr6Loe him self for an ordeal an d w ent th ro u g h his narration.

The hoy w as awakened on the m orn­in g h fs'm othev w as burned by hearing a bo ttle break. I t developed th a t the bottle contained bentine. He leaped from bed an d ran in to the kitchen, he atid , w here he saw his mother s ta n d ­ing In the cen tre of the room, lite ra lly a n ilia r o i flam e. H is fa th er appeared froDtlo a t b s r p ligh t and strove tim e and aga in to a ssis t her, bu t so fleros -wag the f ire about her th a t he feared ^ approach too close to bsr, the lad

''dMlorsd-lllkbool torop* tlia t W* Tatlisr t r t ^

m b ea t ou t th e flam es on his m o th e rs c lo tU n s w tth W*»i.~. n * d * ( to tNa w *t*r (*uo*t Thafo. Ik* bor to ld , b i ir*# mot wHb » w th * r Made, w hich to ss around the sink and W tooBtad Daakowloh from roaohln* Ik* ( m o a t , m o b to l **14 bl* (* th to wnt>*t blm Snte tbo badroota t« pr*>

i J X - n o - to t mM M T bU f«tbto « 4 B*t *t tb* W*t«r ami tbtaw Mf9 W tbPa* p*iT* *>T

. tF .!!* * **>• <TW"«* 4t*4 tetoM.

■WASHINryrON. Nov. I t .—B«cr«t»py of tV sr Garrison roturnsd to hie desk todsy from his first trip to th* Panam a Canal, enthusiastic In approval of the fortifica­tions devised for Ito defense.

Mr. Garrison went to tho Whit* House prepared tn take up tho quMrlion of *perm anent govemment tor TfiOZone Pending his report to Prosidsnt W ilson, he dOollned to give his view* formed from recent oonferences with Golonel Goethsle end Comrolaaloner Met* calfe. Colonel GoMhale favor* a con- tra lliod governmont presided over hy a Governor, a* provided In the Adamoon act, while Commissioner Metcalfe favors a commission.


Acenaed Jrraeym aii R eleased.NEW YORK, Nov. 11,—P a tr ic k Mc-

K evlU . of Je rsey City, who w as a r re s t ­ed on the charge of being the aseall- an t of Isabelle Collin*, a stenographer, who wa* attacked and robbed In thew oo lw orth building, w as fhrT*om bs tvv Mft.fflstral© Appleton In tn© Tomos Court yesterday, when Mies Collin* *d-

she could not Identify him. .m ille d

D teertod Berg* Oo*o Ashore-BEAUFORT, N. C„ Nov. n , —W ithout

a eoul aboard, the barge J. R- Tell, lum­ber laden, waa dashed ashore a t Capo I.ookout beach yesterday during a aouUi- weet galo. The veeeel'e boat wa* Uahed to lb* cabin top. and It 1* believed that tbo crew was taken oft a t aoa by tho tug th a t had bar In tow.

Snedo! Perefre o/ The WJTWSSEATTLE, Nov, 11.—An echo of the

Mulhall lobby inv ea tlg a tto n was h e a r t In the annual convention of the A. r . of L today w hen Samuel Gomp drove from th e flo o r Jacob Teielaar, a delegate from O rahgo, N. J_

During Colonel M artin Mulhall a te s ­timony before th e O verm an committee In W ashington, th e colonel mentioned T n ie la sr se one of severol New Jersey union Offlclule whom he had employed.

Tazolaar la a m em ber of the I’a ln terk and D ecorators' Union nnd was elected a delegate to th e p resen t convention before the M ulhall Inveetlgution s ta r t ­ed He m ade a sp ectacu lar effort to oeours recognition, and when he failed, shouted, "All r ig h t. I 'll tak a my medi­cine."

threatened. Bhould supply tra in s be ■tailed tw o day" longer the situation would bo precarious.

GUAFTt'N, W. Va.. Nov. 11.—More than tw enty Inches of enow has fallen here since Sunday n ight and th is m orn­ing It wae BtlU snowing. Th* B a lti­more and Ohio R ailroad Is digging out Iif the w orst blockades It has known in a dogen year* and train* are from e ig h t to tw elve hours late. Telegraph lines a re out of eomralsalon.

FAIRMO.NT, W. Va,, Nov. 11.— T ransporta tion lines w ith few excep­tions a re closed and travel in and out of Fairm ont la a ttended by th* g re a t­est difficulty . The snow haa con­tinued alm ost w ithout In terruption since Sunday nlghU and telegraph eerylcpibaa not yet been restored. Tho dam agb to farm ers th roughout th is section will be heavy.

DULUTH, Nov. 11.—The steamer Simon LaJigell. reported last night as possibly lost. 1* safe here. The James E. Davidson, thought to be In trouble, safely passed the boo thla morning, The Frank C Ball, reported aground, is In Buffalo. The Sierra, also reported In the Hat of losses, Is here.

"The only steamer In our fleet that may possibly be In trouble Is the H art­well.'' said an officer o f 'th e G, A. Tom­linson Company today.

MILWAUKF.E. Nov. 11.—Tha United States revenue cutter Tnscarora left Mil­waukee early this morning for Gull Rock. Manltou island, where a large lake carrier le reported going to pieces. Tho cutter cannot reach there before Thursday. Sprrloi Sfnilcf of the VEWB,

Lf.lRAINE. O,, Nov. 11.—The steamer O. J. Drammer, bound for the upper lakes; laden with coal, is agroumi off tho entrance to Loraine harbor, and iinleea released soon 1* In danger of going to pieces. Her captain, John Burns, of Buf­falo, and a crow of twenty-two men, re­fuse to leave the steamer. Tugs aro standing by. ready to lake them oft.

WHEELING. W, Va., Nov. 11.— It be­gan snowing this m(Tn!iig over the Pan-

om peri handle of W est Virginia, and reports from other section* to thi south and east show the gtorm I* general. Th# Btate I* still In the grip of pundey's bllzard. and It la feared th a t If th* enow continues much greater damage nnd suffering will result.

BUENOS AYRES, Nov, 11.—The Unh IvernUy here yesterday ebnferrrt the hon­orary fiegree of doctnr of laws on Colonel Roosevelt In nn address at the cer- mony the former Foreign MlnlMer, Esian- Islas Zehallos. eulogized the former Pres­ident of the United S tates and hla policy loward Panama-

Colonel Roosevelt, In his reply, recog- nlied tha t Argentina did not need the pro­tection of the Monroe Doctrine.

•■\Vc should have regard tor Ekirope," said the tormer President, "but above all wo should be cltlsens of our own criun- irles. I will alwaya denounce rcvoIultnn.s In countries where th'e people are unable to Rovern ihemselvos.” ^

WASHINGTON, Nov. l i .—Bareback w hipping ot tw o Delaware convict* a t N ew castle la s t Saturday b rough t a

from Congreaamen Evan*, today, proposing th a t At-

to rn ev -^ a tie ra l McReynolds Junction proceedings against the S ta ts o t D elaw are to enforce the oonatltu- tlonal p roh lh ttlon against "cruel and inhum an punishm ents."

C ongresam an Evan* expected hla reso lu tion to save th* same b°hvlet* from b e in g whipped again next S a tu r ­day and to preven t auch punishm enta elsew here Republican Leader Mann expressed the opinion tha t the ques­tion w as too Im portant to be decided by a quorum less Houae and blocked the reso lu tion by an adjournraent-

The tw o convicts, who received tw enty lashes a t the workhouae w h ip ­ping post, and who on S aturday next are due to receive tw enty more, aro negroes. They were convicted pf en­te rin g the house of a farm er, ktvl. upon being observed by a sa v ­agely aoaau lted the lad w ith a brick. In ju ring him, #erloualy.

cua* t* -Hutodn. amd with the- tiolp of file S tate organUotltHS,-ik* coafldance of w hich he possesses In t n unusunl dagrae.It la th o o th t B# o«n' undouhtodlF com­mand ooowfb In otbor- coiintiao to win- Cumbtroller Edwaid* Brka o to of th* prime movers in tho dotnmtaalon gov- ornmOBt fight hi Jortoy CWy, *hteh movement tvittponn support*^, bu t w itob resulted lujlaa-vlng him w ithout poltUOkl offleo.

Asoombtyisaa A n rin b U. Beokman, of Somorool, .would probnMy b* th* hart hot tor tJa* Bpeokerablp V ther* was no fight shilling on th* ^mptroUaratdp- But Somoraat has only on*( reproaontatlve In the lowdr houao, not m uih to trod* with. iVtltlilm A. LoonoriL of Union, which ho* tire * Aasomblyttion, la rogbrt- ed aa 'hnvtiig a ehonco. Tli* candldnto* are numortos- Jnhn P . Klrkpotrlek. of Middlesex, ,1a On* Of thorn, and Chtole* A. Nutting!-of Esiax. added blmaolf to the list today.

Nobody aoema to doubt th a t Sonator John W. Slocum, of Monmouth, will bo president of th* upper house, and Peter J. McGinnis, of Passaic, m ajority laadar.

Governor-alaot Plaldar w as on* of thoac who cam* to th* B u te houao today. Ho aald thal ha merely dropped In to ahako hands. Mr. Fielder^ mada It known to some of th* leglalatora-elect th a t If the number of amploye* In the next L-agtsla' lure exceeded w hat I* allowed by law. h* will veto the Item In the appropriation bill providing talari*# for the** omploy##- Th* number was exceeded laat year, but the appropriation bin cam* to him a* Acting Govomor, Mr. Floldor aald, and ho fait th a t he ahould sign it. a* all th* employe* had accepted their jobo In good faith. _

Senator Isaac T. Nlohela. o f CumbOS' land, who will bo auccoodod by a Dora*- crat. John A. Ackley, had aomathtng to ©ay today os to tha rssu lt In Cuntbarland. He attributed the defeat of Edward C. Stoko* therd to thro* reaaon—tbo alia of the Colby yet#. 1,700; Mr. Btokoa'a ab ­sence troni th* county for long period* and the opposition of T oft Rapubllcans.

The loss of a S tate Benator to the Re­publican party from Cumberland County he laid to a factional fight over tha office of aurrogata. The protent inouni- bent had hold th* office ten years, but insisted on another term .

Acting Governor Taylor today appointed a board of canvasser*, who shall can­vass th* TOt* ot th* general aleclkm and declare the person elected to th* offloa of Governor. The board wtU maet in the Sxecullv* chambar a t T renton, on Tues­day, Novamber 16. next. I t ii of ienators John W. Slocum,E. Ramady. Auatok Colgate »ttd WlUlain W. Bmalley. i




WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.—Govsruor- Hect Walsh, of Maasochueett*. conferred with President Wilson today, and the President become so interested In his ac­count of the MassachuaetlB campaign that the Cabinet meeting was delayed.

Tho dlacusslon, according to Governor, elect Walsh, turned toward general poll- ttc# and the Ideals of progresatvs Democ­racy. Mr. Walsh aald hla vlatt was purely social and that he did not dlocuii Masaa- chuaetta appointment*.

■WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.—Plans for reo rg a n is in g the Republican party w ere dlscuseed here toilay by the law com m ittee of theenrmnitt©© Pr< posals for changing tna num ber of d«-le»<at©t and r©pr©s«nU- tlon bas is In the national convsntion a lona lines p u l forw ard by th© pro­gressive faction of th© party war©ta k e n u p a , jm iTh© discufislOTis Indlcatsd inoiv ldual opinion© th a t th© national commltt©© had not th© pow er of itss lf 10 chanffe th© basis oI repr©s©ntatlon. but th a t It oould ca^l a r jnttim edial© convention to mak© th a t and o ther change©. The Bub'Commllt©© recom m endations will

' bo considered by th© national commlt- te© here December 16.

Thos© presen t wore Charles B. W ai- reti, M ichigan; Reprosentativ© Mann, Illinois: Roy West, JillnolB; Jam es A. Fow ler. Tennessee; Sherman G ranger. Ohio, and Marnhall BuIUtte K entucky. S enator Jones, of W ashington, se n t his proxy Ja m ss B. Reynolds, sec re ta ry of the n a tio n a l committee, was present.

■WABlflNGTaN. Nov. 11.—Henry H. Ptndell, "of Peoria. H I . sotected for Am- baaeadof to Ru*s!»: Becrotary Bryan and Samuel M. Graham, A salstant A lio w y - Generml, wont Into conforenc# with Presi­dent WlHoon early today concerning the publlckdon of the le tte r purporting to hav* been w ritten by Senator Lewi*, of llMholk. to Mr. Plndell, offering the la t­ter tha, .SI. Petersburg post on conditionth a t he resign a t the end of one year, Jn- tlmaUOn# have come from Mr.


Frost thf lVa,6lnslos Riireou Of Pm BVB.V- J \(J A'EirS.

■WASHINGTON. Nov. 11,—It le expect­ed tliat strong recommendations for a

NegTO S layer K illed by P h i *.TUNICA, Miss., Nov. 11,—A fter hold­

ing a sh e rif fs posse a t bay for several hours ysaterday and wounding two of the men attem pting to arrest him. Bam Jones, a negro, who shot and killed hi* wife la»t night, was *hot to death by the posse. HI* body was burned when the torch wax applied to the hut In whicn the negro had barricaded himself.





Mr*. Cstherine V. W alt*.CHICAGO, Nov. 11—Mrs. Cathortn*

Van Valkenburg Waite, author and a i- eoctato cf Susan B, Anthony and EUxa- beth Cady Stanton in early work for »uf- iTOgc, died yesterday at the home of her daughter. Death wa* due to heart dl**a*e. Mrs. W aite was one time president of th* W om an’s International Bar Association.

NEW TORK, Nov. 11.—The United Booking Offices of America, promoters of theatrical enterprise*, are made defen­dants today In the Sherman law anti­trust suit for *3,000,000 damage* Hied In the Federal Court by H, B. Marinelll, Limited, of Now Y'ork, London and Fsrta.

The Central Vaudeville Promotion Com­pany, Benjamin F. Keith, A. ^ U l Keith, Frederick F. P roctor, Edward F. A lb«, John J Murdock. Morris Mayerfeld Jr. and Martin Beck are also named a* d(^ feodanla. The Marinelll ooncera which It engaged in h iring vaudavtlle perform­ers. allege* th a t It* bneloe** baa da- ftiraved by the deCendantSt who are charged with oontrolUne the vaudeville business In this counllY to d with black­listing performer* and theatres Keith and Orpheum circuit*.____

BEAUFORT. N Nov. 11.—All the crew of the lumhvr-laden barge J. R- Teel which wa© dsnhad ashore on Cape Lookout beach in s southwest gale yes­terday w ere laved by the tug Wellington, vrilh tho exoepil™ of the cook, who was washed overboard. An effort will be ^ ,ld e to save the Teel. The Wellington was bound from Jacksonrille, November q, to Phtladelphla end New York.

Spsriol d*n4fJ of 1^ JTEIFS.BBLVIDEHE. No*. 11.—Under S

charge of being a common scold, Mrs, Nettle Crutti, wife of Elmer Crutts, s farmer living on the McMurtrle farm, Just below Belvldere, Is awaiting arraign­ment in court. She was placed under tiuo bonds and then released on her own recognizance by Justice of the Peace Silas Gibbs, after Blackstons and the com­mon law had been quoted to him.

Mrs. Crutt* was haled before Justice Gibbs Saturday on a charge m aih by Mrs, Jacob Miller, who occupies part of the old farmhouse. Mrs Miller and her hus­band were represented by rls, attorney, while Mrs. ’pi'R*" *'*"?]*? her own case. Mr. H arris asked Mr*. Miller It Mr*. Crutt* over used profane

* ’*We*l, she called me an old rip and a t me terribly," answered Mr*.j sw o re

**'"U her language bad when she get* to h raw lln g r' tbs Ifisryer asked.

"Bad' W hy she gweare e.t ii* all, In- h«r chtlflrtn." the w iteeis ro-cludlng


H ere Mrs. C rutts contradlctad the com- p lalnan t'a narrative by saying, w ith con­viction:

"I t a in 't so. not a word of It, I don't sw ear o r use bad language and no mother in the land loves her cblMren more than I do." ■'

M iner corroborated his wife's story, and Miss LIfxIs Dalrympis, sls tsr ot Mrs. C rutts, who live* a t the Crutts home, deciarsa th a t tbs bawling of her sister w as unbearable.- Mrs. Crutts, tes­tify ing for herself, said her huxband and sIstAr bad usurped Che household gevorn- metlt and ahe couldn't sUnd 1 any longer.-

T h a n 'U r H arris, aummlng tin for the proaacutlon, tp ld Justtes Gthbs somothlirg of the powara of hla coart. H* quoted the old English common law and Insisted th a t B lackqttoo declared th* penalty for common atwid* knd brawler* wa* a f liu of forty-sdght sbUlfusa or A public duok- ing In any cor.v*nient pond-of w atgr

The nSfIsC tete dsllberatad, whll* Ur% C ru tts W*W. PlnaUy Jurtieo OIbbk gift nounced he would plae# Ur*. C rutts ooilsr bonds for 4»urt, aooSpting her «oog> nliantw.

forC o U i n H ^a n d C a t a n h

banker FINDS MISSING WIFEHEW YORK, Nov. n —M issing sine*

N ovem ber *. Mrs. Alice F itzp a trick .■ ixieiT b©J th© b an k tn s firtfl

, , w Dom m erlrh & Co., waa found nlwtat. 8hs telephoned to her bus-

b a n d a t th a tr home, 220 W est N inety i t r e s t from a re s tau ran t a t

l t l ? h iveV ua and S t M ark 's place.

^ ^ ^ c o rd in g to lbs woman, she had

in the

' B e n e g a t Ttdaa r ia o d T rask*.b a y h e a d . Nov. 11.—The h ighest

tide* In r*csnt years cam s In Sunday n ig h t in B arnsgat Bay. whan tb s w at*r a t . "Ih s Narrow*." Just _ below th is


place, wa* a loo t over th e Pennsylvania R a ilroad track*drov* th* wat*r a n d u p th* bay.

Th* into B tr n s to t

sou theast gal*InIhlot

B ar** Oaptala D m n * d la Badaoa,S a CKENBACK, No*. U .—John Jd.

Ttietk, (orty-tlv* y*an old, captain of a ooal barto , fsH Into th* Kudton RlVCr n .* |. the IM* 00*1 deck* a t 8hady*td* yaatafday and wa* drownsd. Hi* body

fto toorsd . The n a a bad b**n boat- tpg .ltt th a t *»*tlwi 1st tw aaty y tarA

E.gpBdal Serrle* of tSx NffWB.BALTIMORE, Nov. -11 ,-Wllll*m

A nd^som of k l l H aw thorn* avenue, llSwVrk, and A lfred Rockwell of th is city. w©r« held f t f th© potion ol th© grand Jury to d ay by Ju itlo s the C entral P o lice Court on a charge of assau ltin g an d robbing Pairtck Han- rahan, of B parrow s Point, a •uburb.

H anrahan earn ha lo st » pair ** »o'd iMCtaolos and 110 Jji ea»h. Th* t t o t f mony showed t h a t H anrahan w as held up OB the i l r o s t an d polled Into a door­way by tw o m*n. Several persona testified tn a t th e y wltB#**sd th* hold

sp e n tT h r horti* o f theF iizu slr lck a 1» Brooklyn, now vacant, fncl h id boon .Ithovit food. Th* hou.o hus been »**rcPed twice sines she w ent « « av Dofltor* said sk* had boon w ith ­out fto d . as sbs slated, Mr*. P iu p a t - rick* ©xho had besn a su(f©r«r from inolanchrlla . aa ld that *b* waa •e liod w ith a to a ir* 1° Ylslt Iter old homo and w ent tb*ri-


and called th a poUoa Andorsen do- jod to m ak e an y ktatomMit la co u rt

B tokw oll tU nlad th * oltarg*.


INDlAlkAPOUI, Nov. I t —Tho Pod • ra l G rand Jury , which bogaB It* No^ vem bor ••■Sion* hers today, txiptctcd to ta k e up a t ones the cai* o t George E Davis, confeissd dynam iter, who wa* a rrsa tsd In New York •*v*ral weak* ago and made a eonfesalon.*"

D avis Aeelarsd th a t he did m ost ot th e d y n a m lt^ g against non-union eon- tro o tn r s 'ln Aie so s tsm ssetioit a f tb* noun try , a t tho tim e OrtI* M eU anlgat and Jam** -MeNemaTs war* oarry in g on th e ir w ork o f dootruotlon. I s tb* cen tra l, an d t w w w it

P O NA m b e r A le

The largest Odwtos pf Ale m-AniericaTH E REW ARD'lOFuMERIt


Rct. Cbarle port, C


Rev <’hsrli'*>nn., wH! I" i;op©l t 'h 'jrfh ’«\’hi1©, "Who Icom© r<'f:lor < sdelpbi©

Agc©r>l©nc« «d t© linii by the liKsl i’hu Gnmph tiy Cwarden, this i h© wilt asiui prear^h his ft Yj©r 7.

Mr. Gempi old, and for b©Rn fir. I or c

rou! a leaspoonful ol Onieia Oil into a cupful ol boiling water and inhala th* dtpara, wWc^cafrlM tha heating properllea of nia wonder­ful oil into th# paaaagea of the noM and throat i t usually glvM relM. Trial bottle 10c.; large bottlcf 25& tnd 50oJ'

it«iTindgsport. inutileaiiti r parlsF rroxlm ates

Bom a t J rtetdvod hli Atjodsmy. 1 vs© f n d u i ©tudsQt a t t nary, in N« j^oduattd ' of divinity 1

«sr 04 d©Enrlathood t rro iw all Dc

Mr. Gotni ocUnff vico] Virick strt th a t ohsrrs



Ptndonth a t the letter wae a forgery,

President Wilson ha* Indlcatad. h* would investigate all the clrcumstancos connsetrt with the letter, and the' sum­moning of Mt. Graham was taken ** an Indlcalton thot the D epartm ent of Ju s- tic* mlglH look Into the affa ir. The ttus* Sian Government had already notified the iStkte Department th a t Mr. Plndell Would be "persona gra ta .''

Neither Mr. Plndell nor Mr. Graham would tiiseues tho conforsne*. but Sscre- ta ry Bryan rem ained behind to talk further with fh# President. I t wa* saiB thk t Mr. Grsham wn» present merely as an oM friend of Mr Plndell.

There were Indlcstlons th a t on official statem ent m ight be mad* later In the day.

WILMINGTON, Del.. Nov. U .~ T h e twenty-two mutlneor* a t the bark Manga Reva, who woro takoo from the vssx*l #t tho Dolawar* Breakwater, after their re­turn from era. wore given a hearing be­fore- a Unitad S tates coidmtsSionST her* today.

Thro* of them pleaded tollty . Th*oMo ra'-ol'’s*b:" not gn Ity. '1hS comtnis- stontr held all the men under ball In the sum of SJ.'W't es,-h. for a preliminary hearing next Monday.

More thi the annua the Baptls In tho nsw The** rep all over t reived f n ■tor* of tl

Tbs dor vsgotables goods and In sonlunc wa* # salt

Dun ot Inorsas tutloD. ‘ Ml*i K*l

rsporttd t month wm meat* |1.1 May to d* bunsraenti hand is I building f rash halos ths receipt dieburaarat balsDos of

Tho w which wa of BIoor Bslrd, Ml Craft. Mr Smitb, M Jaeger, 31R. W alks Holcomb, Charlos 3

H r* G ss s ls tto ti Mrs. L S th* luno)S. Bovti m anaged

/ \ALLOYOommb

have hsaiAndrewtst* of k In Mapit B urnet i tng to tei ful oont rwslv* c

Th* o( on * r* counting Taylor sta tsm sc self w it proceeds ■ ftsr t •m ount wa* H V to com*

.GUSSE!Tho pi

Echool In field dal aw ertsd I'llled thi th* flfto tho eve* by fiu*st ths b*nh

Addtvi the prtiwho g*v former <: harles fiecretar preafdeti Asioclat crchltocl TetwllUi

enue pr.ncips



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ln'’nl*■t I'kl- comp- itu a tlr i sr». H.It on* y from

itroUcr ire ««t OM. ItIt ''.Of the t n it* i«lp eC ince of lecree. r torn*0 win. if t t e9 fO»-whleh

. wUeh oUtlonl

nn , of >• MMirej noleriblp.ntmtlvn1 trede Unton.

raKnrd* ^IdntM bsk. of UinrlMimU toSenator wtll be d Poter Under.

>f thoac av. H*0 akake lOWB toL If tbe LagtelB'law, he priatlon nploree. ear, but bim ae Lid, and1 all tha In good

Cuniben'I Dwno- Uitng to ibertand. ward C,I slin of .**'■ ab-

periodt llcana. the Be-

1 County jvor the t tncum- inre. but

ippolnted tail can-itton and ofttoa of t In the on Tuea- ;omposed

wailam WlUUm

E :"m m



S S sssm tS B


Rev. C bries L. Gonph, Bridge­port, Conn., Will Assune


Rev I 'harle i U. Goniph, of tlridgrport, Conn., will h* the rector of Grace Uple- cflpal t'h iirrh , aincoedlrg l>v. ICIliot Itliile, who realgned Noiemher ! Ici be­come rector of 8t. ^ lark 'a Church, Phll- adrlpble

Acceptance of the call recently eilend- ed to him by the Harden* and leeLrv of the local i-huroh wee received from Mr. Gomph by Charle* L. Lirumnion. eeiilor warden, tbie morning, U t< expected thel he will eHum e charge Deoeinlicr 1 and preach hi* first eermon Sundey, Decern- her 7.

Mr. Oomph Is about Ihlrty-fiL* years old, and lor the past four vear., Iiaa been rector of I'rinlty Itiitaaipal Hh’irCh,

F U H E R 'S W IFE . , i m O S T H H K I lReftored to Health by Lydia

L Ptokham'e Vegetable Compound—Her

Own Story.Weitwofid. am a farmer'g

wife and do moat of ray own work when I am able. 1 had

P iP W W r W i l i !

catod. he jmstance* the' aunt-

ken ae an ,t of Gus- The Bui*

9tlfled the iell Would

'. Graham but Secre- I to talh ; wag laid m ereir as

an official' :er In the

■, U .—The ark Manga a veewl at IT tlieir re- leartng bd- iloner here

iillty. The le compaie- ball In the preliminary

nervous spells, fe- ipale wealiness »nd t e r r ib l e bearing down pains e v e r y month, I also suf­fered much with rny right side. The pain started in my back and extended around my right side, and the doctor told me it WHS organic inflam-

/ \


:1. , i"

■j E .\ V’r''


'M iMif:

M i

R«t . C barlM Id* Goitpb.Bndgiport. Tn th a t charge ha had com- iriuQleaiita numbaring about UO. At tha Local pariah tha communicanA Hit ap- rroxlmataa 1.090.

Born a t Albany, N. T., tha flaw ractof racatvsd hla aarly aducatlon a t tba Albany Acadazny. E ntarlng Aiuharat Collage, ba waa graduated tn iwoo and *etudent a t the General Thaologjcal Semi­nary, in New Tork, from which he wai graduated with th e dagrea oft bachelor of divinity in 190S. Aftar aarvlag for one ear ae deacon, he w as ordained to tha nrlathood by the la ta Bishop Wllllanj rro tw all Doane, of Albany.

Mr. Gomph was for a number of year* acting vicar of old 8t. John's Chapel, on varick ftreat, Naw York City, laavtng th a t oharga to aaium a his present dutlas.


More th en SOO people raglaterM at iha annual h arv ee t home reception of the B aptist H em e Society, held today In th e new ho m e ISS Roseville avenue. These rep resen t th e B aptist churches all over th e State, and donattons re- calved from each will Increase the store of the hom e to a la rge eitonL

Tbe donation* conelstad chiefly of vegetables, fru it, grooerles. oanned goods and preservee. as well as money.In eonjunctlon w ith the reception there was a sale of fancy and domeallo a r t i ­cles. lu n o h e o a w as ssrved as a means of Inoreaaln* the revenue of th e In itl- tutiofl.* MlM Ksts tie Thoopwbflr th* tr«A»ur«f.

reportsd that the receipts for ‘b* 1 ^ month were ll.OTl.ll. end the dltoursa- ment* The receipt* from lastM»y to d*.to w*r* Afld tha dla-burwraont* la.HO.W. The caih now on hand le ISI».7L Reporting on the building fund. Mlse Thompson *^d the cash balance Ootober 1 wa* ll.ias.Sl, and the receipt* for October were (100. The dleburaemente hav* been $870, leaving a balanoe of I7 tt.ll.

The wovk and sale* oommlttee, which wa* hseded by Mrs. F. A. StonA of Bloomfield. Included Mlsi I;®'*'"* Baird, Mra. C, ,R . Bishop, Mrs. B. R Craft. M r* F. D. Runyon, Miss Minnie l^mltii, Mlsa A nna Boloe. Mr*. H. A Jaeger, Mr*. W. E. Bloodgood, M rg F.R. -Walker, Mr*. F. K Lee. Mrs. I. W. Holoomb, Mrs. J. D. Mill* and Mrs. C harles Myar.

' H ra C. M. Collam*r. w ith a corps of a s i ls ta n ta received the donation* end Mre. L a. L ew reno* wa* In charge of the luncheon a rra n g em en ta Mrs. H.1 . Bevenaee and M ra A. D. Meysr m anaged tbe reg istra tio n .

ALLOW COMMISSIONS ON ESTATEOommisslon* am ounting to t l t ,7 t t . l7

have been allow ed by Judge 0*born* to Andrew 8. Taylor, executor of the es­ta te of Mil* Ann* A. Burnet, who died In Maplewood October 8, ISO*. Mlse B urnet wa* th e woman, who, accord­ing to teeliraony given In an uneuceess- ful oont*»t to break her will, had tw elve cat* nam ed a f te r the apostles.

The oom m leslons allowed are baaed on a reatatod and supplemental ac­counting of th e esta te filed by Mr. Taylor w ith th e surrognte. In thle sta tem en t the executor charged hlm- eelf -with tSeo.lM.Ot, w hich Inchidee proceeds from sales of real eetate a f te r the te s ta tr ix 's death. The am ount expended up to November 1 wsa *373.183.81. The commlaslont are to come from th e balance of 181,131.11.

.SUSSEX AVENUE PRIZES AWARDEDT he prises won by the Busse* Avenue

Bchool In the a ttle ttc events of th*f annual field day of the public school*, were awarded today before a gatherfcg tha t iTIled the auditorium of the sclAol, Of the flftsen cups thaA-tWsre preetfflted for the events last June, ten were captured by Sussex Avenue School pupils, beside* the banner for athletic supremacy.

Addresses were made by the donors of the prlies. Including Mayor Hauasllng. who gave the banner; Frederick 8, Guild, former president of the School Board;I harles P. Taylor, preeldent oftthe board; Secretary Robert D. Argue, A.G. Batcom, president Of the Public Schdol Athletic Association: Ernest F. .Gullbert, school crcl'.ltoct; Thonias IS. (ilcCart^, Joseph L, Terwilllger, principal of the Fourteenth ,\-.enue School, snd .famea Eggeuherger, pr.nclpsl of the Sustex Avcptio School.

CLUB BRANCH IS ORGANIZED HERE',VUh forty members enrolled, the ICew-

sri! branch of the Interstate Round Tablei. iub was organired last nljtlit In the Hoi- la'id Ftousc restaurant In Market Street. XU.- ilco In said to be the firs t of Its kind ,■1 .-ifs r ta le . Dr, Robert RoeaslerW as cliocen president, Otheri officers elected '.or.-, A'ice-prealdent. Hans von Hun- J.jisl.autcn: treasurer, Frank A. Henschel, I nd fceretnrv, Wllllain Holtge Jr

Tc’t-yrnms fnuii r>: m hers uf similarii. jha i:t other i itle« «r« received The I'hiC' L vf the flub l.n to promote acTsi and ITIi'iidly relations and biisIncHS liucrcsts l :-uc ns Its tiiciip'ei'a.

LOCKED SAFE BLOCKS RECEIVERTh© out of the affairs yf

"i'hon'’3S A Atherley, the RfssevlUe hot©*- liAcper, dlsappcaranre t^o s\eek(iit.itT Vafi f•JI1 j voll hy ihu sran'llriK of an

oliip-t'iry petition In bankruplo./n ioffipt him ia tempurartlv a t a elanJ-

T->nvlfl A. Hobknr who wag fippomled r-i-^tser fif Wlrorley a busineaa. was abo-t l.j hiji dntieiB yesterday when houu8 abruptly halted by h it Inability to get the Reresm ry piapers front the aow nt man s safe. locked a»d no U rItabody -has been found' wtio cag obtn It. |

$10,000 SUIT IS ACaDENT SEQUEL !PajiariM t * iib.OtO suit agatn it Brnsct.j

Boerger, of West, Clinton avotue, Irv in g -1 ton, whose auto Is alleged fo have fatally !n.iured W. lo y a l Tompkliu, on Avon a v e - ! nua, October IB, I t l l , *rere filed in th r l offtc* df the county oMrit today. The action la brought by tb* tatb*r of the Tlottn. .Iflltoi; 0 . Toig|thto,..«t T1 Chad-

mation. I wap sick every three week* and had to stay In bed fnun two to four d»ys.

“ It U with Brest pleasure I tell J-wi what Lydia E. I’inkham’* Veitetablo Compound hea done for me. I have fol­lowed your direction* a* near *• po*«i- ble, and feel much better than U have fe lt for yeara. When 1 wrot* yon be­fore I w * i almost a wreck. You can publish thl* letu r If you like. It may help to strengthen the faith of soine poor luffo rin ii w om an/’’-Mr§s J ohn F. Kichards, Westwood, Maryland.

Women who suffer from those dis­tressing Ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pink- ham’s VegeUble Compound to reatore their health. T

I f y o u h a r e t h e g l lg l ite it d o n b t t h a t L y d ia E . P ln lth a m ’g V e g e to - b le C o m p o u n d w il l h e lp y o u , w r ite to L y d la B .P ln lth a u iM e d ic ln e C o .

I (confidontiftl) Lyniii for vice. T our letter will b« opened, read and answered by a woman, •n d held in strict cootidence.

Th« Q,alek«tt, S lm pU st Cough Rom ody

z' .B m II j A nd C h « » p l7 N lade iMt

H«m «. R«T«a T«u tS-

This plin mskfs a pint of cough lynip—pnou(?h to lif t a familT lonisf time. Y ou couldn't buy rb much or ns tood couRh tTFup for $ .-50, .

Simple ae it isi ffivca almoit m* ftant relittf aJid usuellv conquers an ordin^rT coujjh in 24 hours. Ttus iipartly due to the fact that it is slitfhtly UzatiTe, atimnUtea th« aj^pftite andhas an' excellent tonic effect. It is pleaeant to take—children like tt. An txcellent remedy, too, for whoopine coujtrh, ipaemodlo croup and bronchial aithma. , ...

Mix one pint of granulated sugar wito 14 pint of warm water, and etir for 2 minute*. Put 2', ounces of Pine* (fifty cents worth) in a pint bottle, and add the 8u(tar Svrup. It keeps perfectlv. Tske a tesspoonlut every one, two orthree hours. , . v i

Pine is one ol the oldeit and best known remedial sgents for the throat membranes. Pinex is valuableconcentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, and is rich in piaiacol and other natural healing elementa. Other preparations will not w ork-in this combination.

The prompt results from this mixture have endeared it to thousands of houee-

ve* in the UniW States and Canada, wnich explains why the plan has b«n imitated often, but never succeoalully.

A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded. Roes with this preparation. Your dragglrt ns.a Pinex, or wilt get it for you. ICnot.

sd 4 The Pinex _Co.,JTi_W*yna, Ind. —Advertisement.

Lgrgesf J tw e ltr on tb» Hill

G ifts fo r M e n

l& n d W o m o nSome think It diffl-

cSilt to select gifts for men. Not if you come here.

Our wide assortment of gift things for men and women and our attractive prices wilt appeal to you.

Idere are W A T C H E S , CHAINS, FOBS, CHARM^ RINGS, SCARF PINS, TIE CLASPS, CUFF LINKS, STUDS, e t c ., plain, engraved or set with gems. Also Brooches, Rings, Lavallieres. Bracelets and Watches for women.

very pioasant feature of ng here is the assurance the quality Is right,

WaddfngRItig* moderately Prietd Ocalisti' Pruertpliont Filled


AURNHAMMER224 Springfield Are., Coraar



If Coetlve, Headachy, Bilioua, Stomach Sour, Breath Bad, Clean Your

Lircr and Bowela.

Gst a 10-omt l»x eo«.T©u nrto and wdntoa who caa'l flat

riiht-w ho bava haadacU*, cogui lonaua, toul tail© and foul breath, dJazIn##*,'eaa't ilwA arA blllou*. nervouf an<1 upa*lt l»lh*r*a with a •Ick. dltorderad ftoroMh, At- hav«Kmrvk*ch» ftnd wtira out-

you k#eplbr yo ^ b€wr*li d*M with r a S r t t i or uwwily forclni a pa tM ^m y

day. with sek*. ^athsrtto pill, or

“ "uL tr«» Werk whit* you sls.p: *!**»• ^ Momaoh r*mov# Ih# wur, ufidlf*atad»S"Sno* food th , «K «sMl* fr™ the llvM and carry out of the sy^ tem ell ih* constipated wsat. melter and DOleon' IB the bowsl*.* CXwwrat tonl«ht -will ftmlfhteo reu out by mornln,-* 10-oenl be* ftO” *™*store will keep your stomsch ewest; liver endK^el. reetilv. •>»' »•»* ''* f "S?*"''DM't rorict the children. The* leve Caaca- rets beceuee they tail* food—nsver gripe orsIcken.-Adverilienieiii-


Girlal Try H! Hair Get* Soft. Fluffy and Luxuriant at Once— No

More Falling Hair,

If you care for heavy bslr, that *Usteu wUh beauty and 1* rsdlsal with life: l « *a incomparable eotimM and It fludy »nd lus­trous try Daoderlne. ■” a .t one eppllcatlep dooblM tbe M

yoor bslr. besides It limnedlauty dissolves Jv,fy particle of da*dra«: you c a ^ Uve ofa. baavy, healtpy hair IT you hare dan­d l e Thu destraeilve scurf lebs lb* hairrt IS; i X . Its strecft^od Its vy* »»«■and tt not ovsroom* It peoduoss a fsvaftmi- ness and llehln* of tbs s«lp: Ihs hair mW S S X ^ lo o * - . and diti tbsa tbs hair Call.

®“lf 5oSr haw h**.be»n neglcotad Md to IW*.1 M e £ dry, sareksy <* I*® oUy, le t a Id rent bottls of KeOwltoo's Dsnderlno at any d r ^

i m m t t t toitot eounlsr; apply a »tB A U dl- MMOd aaid ton nlauita sftsr yo“ will say tbM ws* lbs hs« la<i*tm*i«t you tirtr mad*

Christmas Room-Making Sale In jJewelry DepartmentR rg. Mtc B oau llta l tiold Plated l,* » * lll« es .

w ith chain, w ith rsm eo drop, a lto o th er fancy Jew eiry pendants, Special a t . . . . . . •

Heg. BOc Gwrmen Silver V * s iy faseifc In b rig h t silver n iilih . etched on both sides w ith chain. In- tide contaiiia m irror, powder conipsrtm onl. also spai'c* fo r lie and lOc ptacaa, »p«rJaJ a i . .

Rea. BOr iMForlffdopera S«nfth. 2S Inchf'i long, oval ami roiiml b^adu: nolld plated rlaap: aparlal at

Hrae tbe lMp«rt«<l Pearl Pfarklacr^ 31Inches Ions, amall, rurdiMm and la rsa a iie h8>idiD, w ith plated rlaapff; ipfi'lal a i.ff* ..

R«JI, M e M trrHaa b llv rr Proai t lla tf in m any p r* tly Btylwft r*f ohaafd hhiI eicnen df^Blsna. b rlph t rinlah h^an eTida. npri’lal a t

Store Closes Siturdsys 9 P. M. Other Days 5:30 P. M.

‘The Bee Hive' U iil and Thon© Orders Prompt NjfiuAdrlcand C arrfu l Allcniltm ix ^ a w a iiv

Christmas Room-Making Sale of

Hand Bags and BeltsB rat H aa« B a f t, rinq Aligora. WatrflB and

bral Grain Hand Biigv. in 8 afld 9 inch, m tia l fratnea, lea ther Itufid, w ith pun©;aprclal a t............. ............................................ ,

1.00 B rautifu l M \ b ||k CHrOln* wUh tuckfi and nF>at covFfr^d bm-kka, w ith I 'o te im Is front, in white, KIng'a blue. «reen. pink, ligh t CCrbtua and b l i r k ; npoolal a t

Bag. R^al lUarDci'A Haaif Baga, nlultediitvlpe. *fi!k Hnari In hlurk, brow n ann fancy nictdl fratiim. ©trap handle, fittedw'iih minor »n<l p»in«f: vpcf'lai a t............

n»g. :t,00 Ural Sral Hand Raga. M. T and i inH) 'ant*y mciu! fninifi.'i, li'jtbrr Unrd, brok*'ti bot­toms. k-trap hiiinbc. imniu in maUti; ape-* 1 fiC

, oial Ml .............................................................■III i i^ *

i l l ' * 'tX7

In Conjunction With Thanks^vinji Sales and Other Special FeaturesThere is no trade event on our entire business calendar iliat ofTci- Riciucr cconmnics or savings of a broader scope (covering such a mere is , r.>m,irpmFtiKY that! our Annual Xmas Room-making bale. I t is not a clearance of odds and ends, but a drastic,

Loniprehensive inultit q . ^ jp (,rder to make room for holKlay merchandise. And so to speedily effect this

which you would gladly pay full prices at any time.

In Our SpeciaUi} Enlarged

Fancy Linen DepartmentOpposite Rie Regular Linen Department.

will be found a renurkable collection o f beautifu l fancy linens appropriate for Thanksgiving brides and holiday presentation, marked at unusual savings, as they form an im portant part of

Our Thanksgiving Linen Sale Hand Drawn Open Work Jap. L inen Pieces. , r-. e-1 - c iDacKjl.iib h^nr

Reg. $1.25 24-Inch hand-drawn open work centre pieces;.pedal ...................................

Reg. $1.50 30-inch hand-drawn open work table tops; 1 1 0

Gigantic Purchase and Sale of

FinestQualityOstrich Plumes

specialReg $2,25 36-inch hand

open work lunch cloths;special ....................................

Reg. $4.50 54-Inch hand open work lunch cloths;



T 29special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reg. $1.50 18x54-inch hand drawn

open work sideboard scarfs; I IQspecial ■

Reg. SI.25 18x54-iii. hand-drawn open work sideboard scarfs, Q C ^special .....................................

Reg. $1.15 18x54-in. hand drawn open w'ork sideboard scarfs, I I Qspecial ..................................

Reg. Sl-PS 18x.54-in. hand drawn open work sideboard scarfs; | CC.pedal .....................................

Reg $6,50 Madeira Embroidered Lunch Napkins—Superb quality round thread Irish linen, beaulifullv embroidered in crest and wreath e f ­fect corners and with hand embroid­ered scalloped edge, choice ^ 7 C designs; specisL doren. . . “ . l O

Sale of German ami Silesian Pattern Cloths and Napkins In Regular Linen Deparimenl-The last word in table refinemenr

Beauliful^igh-grade, soft, satin damask, renowned for ‘heir purit y and (rmriftoriitl riiifahilitv hith-Erade tabic damask, woven and bleached

perfection' in most complete and attractive choice of new designs, for round’ square, oval and oblong tables; damasks we recommend for (heir exceptional rich luster, splendid wearing qualities and up-to-date de-

•___ **.:r*ri Frtr this sa e as follows-signs;yards -Regular . .

Special . . •2x2'-i yards- Regular

Special .2x3 y a rd s - Regular ..

2>4x2 yards—Regular Special ■


4,.Sf1 fi .50 R.98 7,503.65 5.39 5.85 6 2,5 8.7.- 9.504.75 ,-,.19 7.’2 5 7.95fi.7.5 7.5(1 9,7.5 10.985.59 6.29 8.19 8.9,1,5.50 0.50 8..50 9 984.59 5.39 7.19

Respective Grades8.35

5.98 7,98 8.98 10.985.10 6.75 7.39 8,95

te a tu r in g

A Wonderful $5.00 Plume$ 8,000 W o r t h o f P i u m e * \

f o r $ 5,000 I ( t jEvert) Plume is worth $8.0Q. t!p

The entire stock wtll be offer I

eii at the one piice of, each f

Our idea, when planning this extraordinary plume sale, was i!' feature a plume at $5.00. In order to do this and give our I'atron-^ something better than ever before, we had to scour every part of the New York plume market. At last, after a long search, we succeeded in locating a maker of high-grade French plumes who had more ostrich stock than money. The demands of his business necessitated the immediate converting of a large portion of his stock into cash, That's how it comes that we can offer such beautiful French plumes in black, white and colors, Rt such a big saving.

These plumes are Ihc finest carefully selected NhK, full flura and fiber broad stock, deep droop- ng heads of French curl variety—the kind of

plumes which, with ordinary care, wdll last lifetime.

For Christmas presentation. pi ‘ rne • are verp much m de­

mand. as everp woman loots Ostrich Plumes.

[ A Small Deposit■ ■■ * selection, if y ou are\ not readp to purchase outright.

The Room-M aking Sale Brings Big Savings in

Lace Curtains, Portieres. Etc.

R o o m -M a k i n g Sale Muslin Underwear

I -B sH e d H aad-m ade Larel Arabe

expert lace m akers—I r t ' ' ,Tteg. price ACO, sale p rice .............. S.7®■ '■' Beg, price 6.00. sale p rice .............. 8.7®

Reg. price 7.60 & * 00. sale price * .«Reg. price 10.00, sale p rice ............ 7.TBReg. price 12.60, sale price.............».»5Beg. price 16.00. sale p rice---- 1X.W

Also a reduction of 20 per cent, op any lace cu rta in s in our Block over (16.00 per pair.

Curtain Materials Greatly Reduced Reg. 18c ead 18c F aac r Scelau, In

new S eilgns. white, cream and lO cArabe colors, a t .........................

Hea. Site to 3#c'Voile. Scrim and Madras, 30 to T A f 48 In. wide, new, perfect, yard

Figured and Crinkled STI k Portiereso th e r sto res 13.60, our reg. r r l j^

?,60. ealo p ric e .............................. "-"OO ther sto res 13 50, our reg price

11.60, sale p rice ..........................Ollier sto res 17.08, our reg price

14.96, sale p ric e ........................ ia.»SCouch Covers Greatly ReducedW onderful asaortrnent In Oriental

n tslgns. ex tfe heavy quality,Reg. price 3.60, sale p ric e ............4.7Jlleg, prlc<, 3.00, sale price,Iteg. price 4,0H, sate p rice .............. 3.OSUeg price 6.00. sale p ric e ..............H.80Bona* Lac* Curtains at Big Sivings

IiT Arabft and wtiUe. new' deilgns i ty DcbI net.Re^f. p rlr* 300. lal© p r r r a . . .

•yieR. price 2.60. itale p r lc t . . .R«ff- price 3.00, eale p r ic e .. .

Ref. prlc©----

.. .l.Sft ^.2.39 T,2.fii5

Velour Portieres at Reduced Prices

we have them lii slock, or made to ^our order.Other sto res 36,no. i Other sto res STOO.

our reg price 17,50. our reg, price .sale p rice .............. iS.»6 I eolo ........... '"■™

Women's Reg. 5»c to 68c Cor-eet Covers of nain­sook, fu ll front, in variety of desirable styles; some are trimmed w ith fancy panel effect yoke o f good embroidery; some trimmed from and back w ith em­broidery inscrlion ami edge; others lace trim - i T f *med; special .......................................................... O l

Women's Reg. LOO Princess Slips of nainsook, trimmed *1 neck, in fancy design, with fancy wide lace insertions on side and embroidery medallion centre, ribbon trimmed; skirt trimmed with two wide 7 7 ^lace insertions; special ........................................ I * v ,

Woiiien'a Iteg. 1.25 to 1.39 Muslin Skirls of soft j cambric and nainsook, with and without uoderlay; others flounce of handsome detigu, semi-open work I embroidery, ribbon run throupii flounce; some have narrow flounce of fancy scallop embroidery, Q f lp beaded w itli ribbon run embroider.; special.. OOK,.

Women's Reg. 1.50 White Skirts, trimmed with flounce of handsome design open work embroidery, in assorted patterns; made with underlay and cambric dust ru ffle ; any wioman w ill pronounce them excel­lent values at this reduced price; also others | Q A lace and rihbon trimmed; le rv special at . • -V /v

Sic Cortet Cover* of fine n*in- 'ull front; trimmed with panel yoke

embroidery; *cilloped edge, ribbon run, lace 25cWomen'i R « .

sonk, low neck, fu

edge on armhole*; pretty pattern*; sp ec iil..

Women’* Reg. 98c Fine Nainsook Gown*, low round neck with yoke of h*nd*ome embroidery *nd low Val- lice Insertions; neck ribbon run, Val. lace edge on neck, and short sleeves; others low round neck, trimmed with scalloped edge embroidery; 7 /liV special ....................................................................... *

Women’i l .t8 and l.TS Combinations, nainsook and crepe corset cover with drawer; also skirt, nain­sook with cover; trimmed front and back with Val. lace insertion and lace edge ribbon run between; drawers trimmed flat with 8-inch \ ’at. lace I “J E trimming; special ..................................................

Reg. 2.50 and 2.00 Gowns of nainsook, elaboratelyirimmed Empire styles, with from of fancy lace in- aertions, combined w'ith embroidery and wide Val. lace; back has \oke of allover lace, sleeves made of lacc, slashed and edged with fancy iace edge t i A and rihbon how-s ; special.................................... I »T T

Other s to re s (lur reg price U.CO, ta lc p ric e .............. 13.80

fe*a<nlt|, tfeat If r*u dtelra

• ..... .. ■ *C 11-

* Christmas Room-Making Sale of

Women’s 3.50 & 4.00 ShoesHere are some most excellent shoes, good sty-les in perfect fUters,

consisting of the following discontinued lines,Patent leather button with turn soleA ___________ | O C?Kid button with turn aoiea and Cuban heel*._________r t p J W ^Plain toes, kid b m t^ w lth cloth top* ,*lth turn aole*. ) f c J a W ^

also the following made with Goodyear welt soles;,kid button and lace fvfth X i n toes kid button and lace with patent lips, gunmelal button

h cloth anTdull kid tops; tan calf button and lace, black suede, brown suede and g?ay suede; small lots in button only; regular $3,50 and $4,00; room-making sale price, $2.85. ^

Blankets and ComfortablesIn the Room-Making Sale

3.00 Sateen ComfortablesHeavy w in te r weight, filled w ith

beat one-*h#*t w hite eanltary co t­ton, c lo .e ty *tHehed; choice d .eigne; g rand a*»orim *nl of alleolora; e a v ln r «f fo r double bed*; combination lotro r aouDifl ^coneletlng of very flne, lue- | Q P trou* aatoen and oloie l t 7 0w eave naln*ook;i*P*clal. .. .

w in ter w eigh t, rloeely et'* ';»;f- w ith double th lchneei of good w hile cotton carded In one eheet. sran d aseo rtm en t o f colore; choice * J w new dealgna; ligh t and dark ; | , ‘t U ets« 73xTS; tp a o la l .e .e ..........

2.00 ^ ‘ool Kaf BlmDk«4a—Sltt 64x78: h«avy w alsh t, ehort napb lan k a ti, thoroughly twtUod, w aaH nf. cholco of ,whlt« or fray . n&Bt p ink or blue bordera; | ‘} A launder nicely, fiv e aatlaface- |tory eervlce. a t.........................

X36 W lotcr W elfh< Comfort able* —Ooverlnge of beat gradik iilkollne and fine cambric, neweat designs. P«ra1an> and neat daloty patterns,w h ite one-Hhoet cotton fill-

72x78; speolah . . . 1.65g ran d cblor aM ortinent, b eef w hitiIftf: -- . . _

§.00 Wonl Wap BIiPliM a— 72x80. very wide and long, th o ro u g h ­ly tw illed, sh o rt nap. white and f r a y w ith n ea t p ink aud | blue borders; w h e t you quire cold n lg ta t i . .....................

Notion Specials th« Room-Making SaleR tg , 19c im ita tio n Silver ThlmblM

Reg. l*c Drea* Bhlelde.... . .IJ*Reg. 36c Sanitary Apron* at, .. .l»c Reg *c Shoe t*c*», dosen, at... .«c Ref: to Ito Englleh Twill T»P« JteBeg. *0 Safety Pin*, doien on ear^

t doaen for--- ^ ...................H e r le D reaetng P in * ..........*c imllallon Gold Collar Buttons

3 dosen f o r - - - - - - ........4 'i SReg. Eo Hook* and Bye*. I doien M ReJ. iSc Embroidery BclB*or». 3H Inches long..... ..................

Reg. *9c Stork Sciwor*..............3»o6fl J. J. Clark Bowing Cotton, 200yard*, * for.......................... lOeReg. tic H air Fin Cabtn«ts, 4l>9 ae-sorted ................................... *eReg. 6o Perfumed 'Wax...........S’/ieReg. lOo Sew-OB Mos* Supporter* Be Reg. *c BIxby Royal Shoe Dressinggc

Rag. 17e out Edge Dressing__14cBe O. N. T. Darning Cotton, 4(-yd,■pool*. 4 for............................. ScBeg, Sc German Sliver Thimble*. .He Reg. lOn Ocean Pearl Button*--. Be Reg. 60c Silk Crochet Guttone. .3Sc

Toilet Good! in Room-Making Sale7Se Hair Rruthea, apcelal at....BOe jOo M unyon'a W itch H aie l 8oap ,.*c3!a Chamois Skint, apeclal..........ISe3)e Green CaattI* Soap, special..31c36c *tse Sbiodont, apaolal.......... - Me3Ec Eath Sponges, s p e c i a l . . i P c Itc Tooth Powder, *peclal Idc 3Ec Luaterlta Nall Polisb, spsdlal Ide 10c Powdered Pumice, special... .To

16c Labeled Medicine Bottle*. 4 OWe t ......................... **

1.35 S qt. F ountain Syringe* a t , .T4elOo V iolet C ream .............................. Te35c *Ua Da Merldor Cream, epeolal

IvQ3te W hl*k Broom A apaolal at-•I'** 10c T oilet Paper, large roll, apeclal

1*0 H and and Nall Scrub Bauahe* Ic 19c and 2Bc Hand and Nall

Broshe* .......... z*.IBc and 19o Tooth B ruah ti, t for

XSe, e a c h ..................... •*

10c Pum ice Stone, sp e c ia l............ ,Tc26c Violet Talcum Powder, apeclel

iSe19c Setdllts Powder*, apeolal......84v36c Absorbent Cotton, ipectal.. .l*e 1.00 Flat Hat ajid Cloth Bruahea SOc

aoe P iUb OUve Onmm ead le a p CoaMBOitloB « * * a t M e—WUh aimhp u rlh S a T m ? ! J a r of Palm Olive Cream, a t J9 ^ w* ^ l l l give * cake* of Palm Oliva Soap: the lo tp belU reg u la rly a t JOc a o g l^ ,* p a o l* l a t . . . ,

This Sensational Sale

Beautiful Silk DressesStands Pnsifiveli) W ilhoui o Parallel This- Season

They are wonderful Silk Dresses j ^They are beautiful Silk Dresses ' ^ I t - v They are entirely new Silk Dresses j

As stated in oi:r initial announcement, this extraordinary assemblage of charm­ing sfik dresses came ft; ns from three of New York’s foremost niamifactnrers of women s garments, makers whose names stand for the very best in style, design and workmanship, Never before have we made a more fortunate purchase, and we can state with the surety of conviction that never have wc offered such a remarkable collection of up-to-the-minute 'Styles in ex­quisite silk dresess at so low a price.

Not a Dresd Was Made to Sell for Less Than 25.00, 30*00 to 35.00

T h e M a t e r i a l s Rot onlpare the materials • the finest and choicestsilks of the season, such as crepe de chine, char- meuse, crepe meteor, silk canton, but the assort­ment comprises nooeltg floral silks, brocade .silks.

sjPalds and stripes, in such a broad and varied range as to meet the desires of every w om an , no matter what her idea or fanep relating to high- class silks mag be.

T h e S t y l e s comprise thoseI XT faooT this season ,as die tpodeis

are not extreme, get withal right in the height of fashion, such as vottid appeal to the most ex­acting and discriminating. Dresses for all imr- poses and all occasions—mang partkularly a^_ propriate for theatre, opera, horse shot^anH some exguisite robe dresses in combination of white and some delicate color: ,-rP

All Sixes tor WoBEDi*AH Size* foi

Every Dress Has a Beautiful Corm sage Bouquet, Now the Vogm.


*f '1 - , NKWARK e v e n in g new s. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER U. 1913.



U o D ted bj Defeat Third Party WiD NoniDite Caodidates in

AD Districts.


O K . Tomorrow— IVednesday—November I

Big Coat Sale iBouclei, Chtnchillai, Matelaise. Two Tones, $15. $18, $20 Values

• . 9 8

■’Xm.Th« P ro»rjH iv« p tr ty i t to

p rM ttd Wllh th t theory advanced by th e ir Republlctn opiKinenU a f ie r eiec- tlo r th a t It It moribund and no lontcei a lec to r In polltica tha t it propotea In n o n iln a tt a candidate tor C o n g rw t in MCh of the twelve d la lric le of Iho • U te next year.

ru rth erm o re . at a m eellng of the • U te loedera of the th ird p y t y held a t county headquorterf. *11 Hnlifty a lro o t y«-Hteri1ay afterno«^n. r^ ffr^ n ce i to the Jam M K F ie ld e rDomoernt, t*uvortu^r, over Rd'ward L. i Btokot Hepubllreii. dnrln* tin- Inte un- •plaaeantnoee. were greeted with nii- ,

'’•'filnuie.yaveral of the county repreaenlniivi-dcaid th a t many of ttieir fo lltw e ra le i thatn to f i c for the D rm ocralle tam li- da ta on the Ilionry th a t "a vote tor Colby waa half a vote for S tokei, and they w anted to Inturo the defea t of the U tte r by votlny for Klelder

A bout liO peraona were presen t, tn- flluditif meinl.Bra of the S ta te eomiriit- taa. o fficeri of the county o ra a n iia - tlo n e and several women. Follow ing a M s e ra l dlacuaaton of the “" h ' .Sltlona in the S late aa they Frc«h«*»l''* party, there wae a m ealing o f th a s ta te ccm m ltlee

W uiaea'a Aid H eielaed. l ira , F ra n k Ambler Paitlaon. of Co-

lonla. chairm an of tha Progresalvo eer- ThM com m ittee, ralaed the P '" " 'W hether the active lu p p o rt of the women waa an aid or a th e progreaalva party before the ^ m a n actually had the f r a g a Her Inquiry was made, ane •Z d . becam e of the crllldarna ahe had baard of the activity h a lf of th e candidacy of Str. C olby

Tha reault waa tha paeaege of a real- 10«o!I, otferod by Joel Borlon. of Salam and aeconded by Joseph Mar e . S f T t 'u n t l c . commending the women ? « au p p o rM n the recent cam paign wed reo ae itln g a contlnuanea of It-

Mr S l r t e l a a « credit to woman t^r th ^ m c eS M of «rorm work tn A tlantic Caunty. He added incidentally th a t In th a cnniDalffn Ju*t ended th e elogein S a a n 'S r w i . that If Stoke. « « « .l.cU d tb* m*n who hgve beftii

there nnd who faoe punlebment, J 2 .W ^ "" trd o n ed . one of Ih . convlcU wboaa case la now on appeal la K aehn ia the chief Pepublicati leader In

^ ^ n k W**''Leach, of Tuckerton. who w iu for aevoral year, aecreu ry of tha U U UnJUd Statei Senator Matthew h- Qnay of Petinaylvanla. and who waa •U o chairm an of the Peonaylvania Ke- vabltcan committee for a tlnia. gave ia to t practical advloa on organliatlon. W f Leach la now a Progreaalvo leader In Ocean County, which wae c^arrled for Booaavelt la il year, and where the Pro- ■NMlvea made a good ahowing thle year

K f Laach laid that no campaign could, won by a fight of two tir three

moattae. but th a t the way to win po- lilSeally waa to work e te ry day of the

‘T i*tg born twenty yeare too late, H r, Leech. "T wee twenty yeare too

fotut In roechlne poHtlce in Penneylvenla; I t w ki ell e mieteke. I cem e to New Jereey for my health. I hope to epend ■MBT more yearn here, and I aek Qod to l5ve tne etreogth th a t I m ay put U Into th l i movement'*

. XMecuealng handfeapt under whioh they vnrked In th e recent campaign, eeveral gif the epeakere referred to oewepaper ndtvepreeentetlon of their meetlnge and

The annals of retailing record no tuch radical lowering of price as that which will be given paramount place, tomorrow, at Bedell's. Here before you will be spread the coat fashions that have presented to Autumn its most alluring creations m

wraps and an opportunity for never equaled.


P ro g re ss iv e M a n a g e r R ep lies T artly lo B ugbee’s D em an d fo r P ro o f

o f $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 F und.


asa v in g

Novel Model

■ m

And as for the tailoring the long array of trimmings

and colorings,'each one the fiat of the moment—we can but ask you to come and reverin person in these stunning ideals of the opening Winter season, with but one single low price for all.

I ft. j-f-FilvmK T'l th«* de*fHArid nf N>wl'Ttr\ 1a Ji ' halnriATvof thf HffT"jMI''ah

I fnr I'toof f ihflfJ'-’il thf' RifpiihikHi) iirKtirura-

I ■ . [>'1,1 f i n Thp »»jfriin tn cl«rt! i.jvsxrti '■ Gov rh'ir. Ak«1 V.I ttli'* w«« mnmwgcr t>f tli« Colhyjiam iiiiR n rt'fiiMd today Ao iak« backj tin' tliUiR

Mr Itf'kcn how much m<incv wiajM"Hi !■' ih" vHi-i'iiia rotm iy ni-Keiiii?fltlon« j

\ •<* MiA Iff; ■jl llf'hn [ittcty In Hie mil- iI Nii]ii I'*' i|i4 Niiin iji^hiirped hy tlifl States I

frag* MsiA

Exceptiouaa- . jiues inM en’s F u rn ish in g s

ACold Weather Wooltex

'■TTirv li" pll> M .

■ M\

mRemember—Alterations FREE

S A L E A T ^ E ] ^ A H K S T O R E

645-651 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. New York Brooklyn Philadelphia

i t il

une uf them. Cbl. jWilliam 8 Ketcham. .'.f .sewark. lu oL j^^Yloctlon la-l “ear. the He-ft-r A ream utir-n | nutelkan^ can d ld a to und A n n lu g * »tro rmcumnilUw? l-> < ••'lpr tlio advlsabiilty , j Ma<Ptu:htiB«tlB. also, we havetjaUmiBhlrig «n frenn I “■ '•

‘Here In "aid Mr. Kefv'hnTn,"the Newark liveniuK News haa Iseen fnlrly Rood tn hfi. hut It w i" "o Imprea^ei! wllh Wllaon that In the recent campatiiH It lupported l‘'l«Mftr f'lr (hA'ernor

Burllnglnn ro .in ty repnrted that II had done botlpr for th*y Progreselve ticket ihia year than It did !a«t. when Theo­dore Rooeieveii led the ticket. The T ro- prewlvee elected their freeholder m ndl- datefl In Hiirlingtr'ii.

P la n lo n a k a e M oney- A plan waa auRnetsted for the rnlelnR

of rmm»'y through the year for the Fm - greaalve rnmfialKna. It waa auh'gef'iet.l that each ele< tl«'n dlatrlct irt the i^Ute j contrlhiite J'J a ninnth. There are mure than l.RflO auch distrlcta. The Idea waa generally appro\ed and the a ltcnipt will be made.

Everett Colby httI Ksimnnd B. Oanorne werp ninong Uiofle who addreaaed the meellnk. Mr. ' ‘'Thy "aid that if the fight wtre to he made over again and if he knew that he would receive only half j" many volee aa he did he would he ready to lead. Mr. Oahorne eald th at no mallt'r whAt beram© of the fTogreafllve party the work It had ina'iii'irfticd would he mm* plated. It w-aa Juat aa certain, he "aid. that privilege in all forma would he eb.jl- abed a" It la that slavery waf* abolished.

A telegram waa read from tli« ITo- greaalve national rom m lftee. which *ald:

Whal Party Haa Done- ' We will have tw enty membera of the

tncornlriK Legislature New York), wherea* we have only four up to date. We have Elected Mayors of five cities In New York, •lx cUlea In New Jersey and scattered

rcities 111 Ohio and other 9tatee. Tn Mas-

alei ted two member* of the Governor a uounul und hold balance of power; have cigliieen memiber* of the MassachU' aeila Leglfllature, as compared with l i \e last year, and also hold balance of power jji ihnt body.

" I d the Indianapolis Mayoralty contPiL we ran a stronf eecond, Democrata firai. httHia In Louisville, where we beat the Republlcani sixteen to one. and elected ITogresslve member of the Ketuucky l-eglalaturo,"

The reiull of tha elections was declared ■•moat encouraging to the Progre?'Slve cause."

At the Stale commlUue meetlnx the cl.alr Will aulhonied to appoint an v\- ecuilve commiUee of five membera; hIso a legislative conimlltee to draw up a bill to pennU tha ITogreaalve party to drop the name "Rouaevelt*’ from Us i^fricUl title: and lo see that the election law i« reformed so »a to vtrevent the dlafran- chJsemenl of Progreaelvea a t prlmArita; to devli© al«o a plan to prevent the abuse of the paymenl of c h a lle n g e r* at the polls, and to prepare bills in hne with tluj PfDgreslve platform. ^

The committee was directed tn bhialn again, If possible, the eprvice* of l-’ran-.T* F). Fouer. of Cunihrrrland County, as a Stale organiser, and a rescjluiion was adopted suthorlilng the committee tO’ se­cure the Servlcei of one newapaper man In each county to handle publicity m atter

Irving K. Taylor, chairm an of the Essex county committee, was elected by the State body New Jersey member of ihe national committee to succeed Borden D. VVhiUttge whose term ha^ expired. Mr. Whiting did not Bpek re-election.

fiy lliat he replies tu the ..n '- ::iui uhrti riilrjn il ‘-ai ,Mr. Hugl'Ce--! tla^e read!

\ li r • MM'wliHt b**lated burst of vlrtuo'i* I in l.yiiHii- ii I iiBc the wnrd ’beiaied' , f«<h l.ii'iJIv, f'.r ns you must have known, | durint; tti'* iiitm>aiKn the aJr wa^ full uf | ilibTk'" ubiiut the uao of money by the Ite|iuMir*Dn Tlieae chargee did nut iuiKiiuite vMth me, they were tb« com­mon iHik whi“rever men met. Bo much Bu. in f» 'i, thttt bnih (Juvern-T tTelJer □ nd Lv»*ii-tt ' -diiy piildiiTy railed atlen- tlun tn ill'll' in llicir speechea. Colby nlio 1'hHlb‘hgrr) Slukes lo publlah iUU.|.algn ex[)erk*es he/or© the electi

"TTen. If t \ t r , wu* the time to set ihr piiblb' Tiund Ht rfs=i on the aiihject— and the i i rilrn -jf Uuing ihl^ waa upon .Mr HlokcH The* only prartirnl way lo l.ill Uio r iiti' TH waa to publlBh th«: «x- pnisliLir*-'. ii.d Jiis Mi" BlokL** refuaed tu do ftnil K" "houid n«>l.l>e heard tiow lo l••^lllinll. ihftl ho bJl. h»5eii nilareprw «enU-d - i1 b«' 1 Ha " 1 ^Tlay a&y.huwcvcr iiirti your puai-Jiiortem is pot• '(iiiviiu itiK.

• Niiw ili' F. r :mi'iH wrre not hnaer] on ihlii nir T'Ih re n rin nly waa enough ian,.{1bl<' rM .l.nn- IMH; i-U'tit\ of inuney was iH-Uih' u.Hud. Mr hi.-.ikua waa adver­tised l!k« h [iHtPiu m'-iii'ino trtuii uiie end of Hi© SiHtr i. ‘ III' other—Ih news- papeTs. oii billj'OHLt rH i>u Hiiitibijarda, In street cars. ahmK the railj-nsd tracks, etc. This, aside from the ao-f^alled ‘fak* letter' aonl briia-k-ast o s tr ihe Stale. (

Aak* fo / HO Kpithet."And. by the way. >u i seem to hav© a

choice (olb-.iiun < f el’ilhciH. how would )<ni chara-u t :7.o a nvaii. lunnirig for the groat ofibo «jf tjuvern'it, who sendfl out *iAke' IclifTH lo thousands, Btal*lug In mihstar.-r (hal 'you hav* been nipnllonird to me as a man Influence, eir ,' when as H iiialit-r of fact tho vaai mHjnrliy of s. ■ h persona muat have been Liiikriown to him

'•[ ha'. 0 se<"n it staled In the papers— bv ifovernivr K t-lder. I beheve—lhat th li llllle Take’ letter alone •■"fit $l*i.[TOO I haven't seen that denied. Th© fipendlng

We invite inspection and comparison of the following items:Men’s Pure Silk Shirts of reliable quality in a choice assortment of patterns; siies 14 to l 6 !/2 , special It $4.75.Men’s Negligee Shirts, made from Imported Shirt­ings taken from our piece goods department, as samples for Custom Shirts, which ordinarily sell at $4.00 to $6.50, special at $2.75.Men’s Pajama,s, plain color Soisettes, mercerized satin Broches and fabrics suitable for present wear, spe- cfal at $1.65.

V necks, special atMen’s Gray Worsted Sweaters, ‘ $2.75.

Blanket Bath Robes (all wool) made from North Star Blankets, special at $7.50.Men’s Neckwear, open end, four-in-hands, all new goods, special at 65c, each, $3.75 per Vi dozen. Men’s Vi Hose^ black and plain color lisles and black, with split feet, special at 3 pairs for $1.00,

James McCutcheon & Co.,5th A ve., 33d & 34 th Sts., N .Y .

§ i f = B r = I T 3 i = d r = d r ^ f 3 i S i3 t= = J f = d i= l |= = i t= J______________ ■

,jf money for thle purpose wii. ehHmelese. Thte letter was not a polllkal dor'itnent— It rontalnert n,, polttli al arsiimetii. It was an attem pt to make n lot nt simple

a persiinal tetter tr-im Mr. Stokes It was Intended to ra ter In their van.ty

•■But. In adihllen lo the ahn, e linw much money a'lis spent In the r.rjntlea, hy Mr. Fdgo nhtl the ma, hine In .Ulanllo, hy .Mr, Baird and the nmchino In Cam- dftn: by ’Cnole I'tin’ Vonrhecs In Morris.

> y 'Mam' Kean In fn lo n ; hy Dory Strons ■Mn Middlesex, by 'Are' F ranrle and ‘Joe'

McDermott In Monmouth, h r Joseph Hoff and 'Tom' Mathis in Orean; by Morris Davia and 'Doc' Thompson In Cum berland, by John Rotherham In Hiid- Bont by Jack' Flavell and F ranklin Mur- [ihy'a henchmen In F.ases; hy 'Ed' Wake- lee and hie crowd In B erjon; by e i- Sherlff Allen In Salem; by 'Tony' Kuier. Oeneral Murray and your o ther friends In Mercer?

"I axree with you th a t falsehood doesn't make etateamanshlp- I think that waa proved when the voters refused lo accept Mr Stokes's statem ent th a t he wa.i a Progressive.

"And, before I forget It, let me say th a t th is Anaoias Club, which you bavt started U Uve only real evidence I have seen th a t the Republican psirty means to follow Roosevelt.

But, my friend, don't forgot th a t the

which you have clothed In such exqulill* language and conveyed with such ta c t­ful grace applies Just as much to Gov- eruur rteW ar and Everett Colhy. as Itdtca tc me.

"Yours very truly, (Signed! "AXEL V. BEEKEN."


RD aiiempL in mnKr 11 ii’t "t flifiiiim ij'j"- ■•►J . i. lam inded fo lk heiiove th a t they were setting 1 delicate Intimation about my veracity,

Tom Thumb weddings are to t,o popular In Ihe I-'oreal Kill and Woodsirie sertlon during the next two weeks. No lees than six will bo held, Thee« will be in three different churches. Each church baa been drilling for weeks without the other churches In the community knowing It- Yesterday It was found out.

Rev. Orman M West, of th* Summer- field Methodist Church, announced the entertainm ent for November IS. Rev. Frederick W. Levs'ls, of the Forsst Hill Presbyterian Church, announced th a t two would be held on the same date In the afternoon at the church fair, and two on the following day. Rev. Perclval H Barker, of Christ Reformed Church, stated tn a t a ilm llar event would be held next Friday In his church hy the Junior Christian Endeavor Boeloty.

. f t Everybody’s Going to THE BIG S70R E ”-jm ain b u iu iim g .

A One-Day Sale of 300 Women’s ne.50 to ^9.50

F a ll and W in ter S u itsTomorrow at n o . T S

What do YOU plan to do on

“* I

Thanksgiving Day

Realizing that you are more interested in the SUITS than in the reasons for this sale, -we skip all the "whys” and,"wherefores” and get right down to the garments.



to mark it as a day different from all o ther days of tffe strenuous year? For itflhould be different, don't you th ink^

We all have much to be thankful for, even though it may be but for the greater strength tha t has come from struggling with temporary adversity. How shall we express our thanks?

MusicCenturies of discovery and progress have not revealed any medium for the

expression o^em otion so fine as music, the natural medium.They have, however, brought us dangerously close to a materialism which

would substitute trivialities and the commonplace for the rrioving m ajesty of music.

Let us remain natural

W hen we lose our inborn love of music we shall have no need to give thanks, nor any inclination to do so.

After availing yourself out-of-doors of the opportunities Thanksgiving Daymay bring— and incidentally whetting your appetite for the family feast—

■»—gather the family around the piano.

-J —play a little finer music than you have ever played before,— any one can play music without even a moment s practice on an

Angelasthe world’s first and finest player-piano.

—sing some of the good old songs.And if th is does not bring you all closer together in spirit and understand­

ing, and make you all feel better than you have felt in many days, we know mighty little of human nature.

If you have no piano, or if you have a piano but cannot play it, come and consult us. We have investigated, fully and without prejudice, the piano and player-piano industry, and have assemoled in the W anam aker Piano Salons what, in our Judgment, are the most w orthy pianos and player-pianos made in America.

For style-example only, we illustrate four of the charming modes in this selling occasions at SI0.T5 inmorrow. But every suit in the enitire colection is new and distinctive in de­sign and wholly desirable from every standpoint.

The coals are lined with guaranteed satin or peau de cygne. A wide range of this season's newest draped and tailored styles in skirts for your choice.

The attractive assort­ments of materials in­clude:



This Splendid

Chickering and the C bickering-Angelus Schomacker and the Schomacker-Angelus Emerson and the Emerson-Angelus Lindeman and the Lindeman-Aiigelus Knabe and the Knabe-Angelus

1 8 % a k " B u f f e tW ill be reduced tomorrow, to » 1 3 . 5 0

B e t It t i f u l lymade, excellently finished, in a rich golden color; this buffet is a bargain.

Solid and sub­stantial, and made of well-seasoned oak. The top Is 42 in. long. This buffet will afford a lifetime of service.

The favored colors of the season are represented Also a good showing In plain black.


This Year’s Very Lowest Prices onWilton, Axminster and

Velvet Rugs

An Underpricing of Dining Room Furniture

Too many pieces to itemize here, but come to our Greenhut Building, tomorrow, and make your selections.

Of the Very Finest Domestic Grades These are patterns that have been discon­

tinued by the manufacturers. The designs arc floral and Oriental effects in exquisite color­ings. Suitable for any room in the home or in the office.$36.50 SeatnlcM Wilton Buga—

size 9x12; at .................................... ‘2 9 i0$36.50 Seamed M'ilton

S - W u ‘ 2 9 . 5 0Axminster Rugs

at .$39.50

12x15; * 3 2 , 5 0at

Ruga$32,50 Axminster —size P A10.6x13.6; Z C U Uat

Ruga$32.50 Axminster —aize $ R/v11.3x12.0; Z Z .O \ )

/ ”Complimentary Stamps

FREE 1 omorrowAs many sets as are reasonably

required for books urihlled will be given. Distribution in Ladies’ Parlor, MAIN Building. Only 100 complimentary stamps good in any one book.

OvrktU IKITH a. aiitt

No t e th® long gravceful Hne* of this garm ent. Does'nt its very

a.ppeara.nce suggest ifcw a .rm th e n d com fo rt <

T he ideal eoat for the woman who toaa to business, and It can’t he best for winter sports, for motoring,

driving Of hard daily service. Of 6nest quality handsome cut chinchilla, with Wooltex tie col­lar of good warm plush, which in extreme cold weather fastens tight and snug around the neck. Its broad welted seams and pockets impart to it a distinc­tively English appearance.

F o r s thoroughly good looking, practical coal, combining the beat of style and unusual ser­vice, this gsrment can­

not be excelled.Like the rest of the Wooltex

family, this coat bears a two years' guarantee. Sold in New­ark only by Lissner’s, where ii is priced at Ihe most reasonable price of

6 9 3 .6 9 3 B r o a d S t .

wchoice of which is at the disposal, under the W anam aker Educational plan any responsible individual or head of a family desiring it.

T h e F o o d D rin lifo rA llA ie tucx muc, l u f ouH i .smtAcr.-Ri r a w m

B u y D i r e c i !Save the Jeweler’s ProfitAnd here is the reason for ii.

We make our goods in our own factory here in Newark, and what another jeweler charges as HIS profit, we put in YOUR pocket.

Solid Gold Diamond Cuff Links

5.53aPairn'Uhaut Dt*'

nkoa ISs 9So Ff

T h e N o r m a n C o .Hftuufueturlnc mudBlWenmltbi

No. 8 W. Park S ired

Don’t Tempt Deathby keeping the deadly

'Bichloride o f JTercury

tablets in the homeCvtry mssiSsr t t (S* Swm(I (n iallgr i u t t f tro* <*• urriilt BlthltrUt ta tlil


Is Absolutely M urm less Ti Not Id Tablet Form Is Conventont atid Sure


At AllDrug Stores 2 S ‘


prove B Fe


r^'iinc 14 ati-'ni

I*i© iTfJKf- ■ f o M - p A ,

th©th* f * ]><« to anii; Plver i

Altlv-*')iih bT'Idera peuttiJ thatth© laM m©'" three Y' airti wouM

AI»h^"Kh trnlBM’ e fiwe'r'j' f IFth$H ih© ' fill©' ij . ’ f tJ'y2.T9& W'VH <■' ’111 ©til Htn abJ\ will h J'TOflg© Rni ^■hlch C’lfHi frr ihia

wUli till strA"*» MiK'riF-f-rlnA;Ih < LikIk*

Of Ih© v‘' - I I I' ti'.© i’« r ''I *ti

/ ' N

idectl(cteiie0!»T reurtTaiNO.HorRio,on il u iw h m *

0«t th *O r i g i n a l a n a G e n u i n e


•lit I1' t itniTi'

r'l‘ l ic r i i i iA t Ih '’ t

far t!l‘ 1rsrr^-'t'-l i

In• f brirUe- dGd-ng Ih'* tobridi''' ''tii’e '■ f 1 h(nd. d''1 n-

f’oniDVin I fin ■i h r L ' T i ' i

>. a 1 I rv isa pf*'' • Rp’ iri!'. ’ r ’X'ing-d' a

em -jotlii ■'t r i v e r * h i i HN a m-m l-’i tre fh,.

Iti fi. Ml' "i.'-Mi t m!iiiA n M 1 i I , .1.1h v t i l ' ’- 1''inun, ' *'e r i- .a l :' hj (onf'fi' ’ ,'onal» n iu r^ r ii' h a ir * m in i MiGji in-' ' Kd ft’ ' R h' Apr.'

ThiF H'* JfPfifjnli ivl ■-"Oire'l fi typ© b© a

fr'ntrito " afivh-'-r tS I'lfl nP


EbM' lor Stepna pxpell'^ H Slavorc Li©ly f to a »lckt35.?C-iSIt reialmeach.

Thlammltl^ tC‘ •a'hrfl.b y ' 1C2-Lthe >rderB a f d t t-of aiarlei


vonb'. a r la usejnf?m1vGri

"Only Catholic virolc la bpT9 cf

IMnoD wpf© a Grepk < Irttfs hp v«n» po ryclopu' •rntl.llt’d rioh." i' to Pfttrlan . In Ihi

tifiri. ft'S

nritntloit-in© aheisrjiftiy I


Any tn#

nifli© » Ikj'lo ndoi»h Koman a IDfillT r haii li fihHlj t a m©m

Wltli maJoYli p«il©J who tl eenKra l l v a t , '

■ r«dr©p5 for tl Joined plainai



Not ib n q r T n gp y . hufat ott **H jpiR U C T y

Upol Jones counts tVsshI ImpcQ’ and b who of the th© Cl too ni tj-ollej rh« h

The yes tot road ( Englr t-hiori2 {l©ns Tiirni Pftsea cieic. srairii which will t the v>

All wctlo gers ‘jertei' Ihe t I eet bl lowfn

rto r« MPhi

r work »veni itJ ’ee tttjd:

Co ceQ»

* wae lllgh'nmt



l e r

lo n gI n e se n t/ o r yg e * to rt?r th« It to can’t

(rfnier □ring, rvice. e cut B col- whlch istens neck.


good coat,

tt ofI ser- ■ can-

jollex , two New- :re it nable

NBWAEE e v e n in g n e w s . TUESDAY. NOVEMBER IT. I8 g . B


prove Bascule Type, PendS Federal Sanction.

EMATED COST IS $1J872.50tkpprp’.al t r Ihe*

^ f ‘t ■. uti.^ris hv 1h** Wnr P*rtTnftrit.t’la Iti-Jk'. ■ of tf-Tiotrda nffias'I pf Eg|t«‘x ind conn**1**'. tr> I'-'Mit MagionAhe l.a5.'»k or *‘Jark-i<nlflh» ( to bo ongtrurletJ, *"SRlc PIvgr «l HellevlUa.

^ttho jtfh the llutl«0nboldara not J*pecttd that thfv will the* fhoJc*

\hc'>thes laM n>»pttnn thnl,three b airts dpddpd >T*-wouM '■' Tr'T'ir. ''

Allh^"Eli n « ar-tlon aterlBM’ e ftxvant ofe*rj^t on t; 9n laKrn. • HiiU.-lnetM thnt thn vv -Ti of ei-M r.ije «UI :.P to ••'If' ‘ .r-fm iig

feel this Monui%?.lUcsTtib'■or<

XOV k _________________ 4 raMrtloa.TkaVa ealr eearteay. laoat *ae-

*M w allai —Ai. • aaatf aailla aat b tl|U •UaTnUOataa kaaltk. t w f iS U u T e w ^ wltk iw ovlac j 2 g * t f l r « a laatwlaia ayw SS ^ M ttea. Ton eaa

taiuMe pattealar *"• j£ ,^ i!? ? Y i5 ll^ t^ V y ^ te k a leBuCUaf ‘ia -SOMT wall till year aVy w-a alaM. H yo" lake■ - ■ Ho It aow aa4 aT»ti_a «aa(»M*la aa^a^a^ . / -------r yoa W uayar

Bh, ft a

‘ r I hid i-uy,. \hr’Ba liitl i)fIJ . ‘ > IIMO ' IIJi . i , 1 ^the Iciwfi*tihniitter1 in the r.-metin™ The rn-h^.b h « ,ll he hihU hth- ' " - p ,. Jieehse ,n i Doek ^j'roogo am uorn. .,i— *,nR.iisc»Which preHente.1 a fw a' frr thia .ontruct, f'*"''"'. •"■r r Inis <oniru':t. •• ■ . 7je ’her elih the ten< ""t t.. be paid tl„ - tr a -» Baacale'MK '-r.s.neer!n« fees, e ''’ n /'',h e \.l- .le ’?tVrrly per cent, will 1, iMpe b- l-;se.s"thn'b "tt tw«ot'- , e . e .,!> rn.-l'' Hnd.s'.n and Ber-f , h stated tiiHi work ' "11 ' ' e V 111 I"|, .lavs alter the’V ’ ," ' he *y>"'«hts..Iprll!., "I I ■ , .■.■.int'etlt:. htds

At It!” that l.erettjforafor thesvina dn ^ r . ^"'r ■; In. a- Ii!;‘"'-e f t "-'e '-lasaca!,.<l *b» l-a ,|i|-eh , and tn-dhd-ng he s,Ma.-Ota^ ^,0 t-.. Slvi,.,..^ re,,oired thr.espen.Ji-

' ‘"T a. I t It,Id" the enL-ineejin? fo"* rBid. d"l n t iii't .... t .T e. t t 11,Id" the enL-lneeJin? fee*-Bid. d"l n t It, I, l i , adcp-t’.,n,pi.,r."iie I , W t r m

o.-in -t . ,i,,aH f HpU'"'- I'e nii'l M-.b Ti.t pjtie 1 \'T' laM'r

. in t Ilf- ri ■ ‘ '•.*Ti'*TS and11. t'M' -'' ^v hlch teq jlr- d »

II ii:t • * n'iii ' ’s vtfl? • hnr?i't«'rii»d-II fls an oLeini'-lion

the L 't i 'I f''"'.al lr i ' l “ '■»V' * 5 a pr »"b.o- '' Rp’ttiri!', "p*x "ing 'tra a I

em-jOtlii-'t; t*'ni'ier * huioo •FiH a m-iiB'’'’ .'"all;......... Ihe apir.'-a l ..flhe Ber-

V .,: I.r.d.e, attw -ha lr-

„ ........... . ."tvle «a» desire.!bv th" h'.'».ieleahtit.ti. ■-halt min Fohl-

. 1 ,ett . eittl- . raid IhlJ he per- ' 'a re I he.-l, m iBvO of Hd*

*' '■*.' lie had unnlheret hla per-' ^ ' ” 7 '," " , r . , „ - ; i upen flriing that

h s ..oll-aniiee w*e of th* "slni'ntmtys the t>se. freehoters^ He

in , , Hi,' adoption of tie )aoak7rc andiie t -a O to the l-Host bid-

^ ''r h i ' B'V.II WBE atnended Btiha stia- oi otintt Hrtgmaer Be„er. who

r.iviBo.! yti ..nly arti..n appraing thet ip s be tkei, at UttB time. »id that leeomnv lat;..n» legardlnc the ward eontraot,," le l- irM miH f^ - ra laothoiT# Ibtte l.nd tifiie to pn3 on theI’liarift .


r„. I- Bpeakinc Ihroiiah Vlee-'.anrel- IprSlesrta tat Ins dte-iered that Tty-six evnells iiihinbota ..f the First Itaslan Sl7t,rt F.reek fathollc Benevoldt So-

r Fasenlr. "ere entitled Ushare ID a tick »nd death henefit fhil of (35 (If a belotiBlng to that organiatjon. It r^atned t.) determine the atre >f

“ Th sntui.on nf the mathemaUcapTob- lam iM.heti was glv™ In *■ r«t>®. >nb- mnt.l todav t‘Vh^. aa epertal matter. It waa-tterredWhrdby ics-L-tiR-iceik.r httvena the inter of referenoe authorttd# Mr. naVeB to avail hlmaelf of the wvdoet of diaries E. Brewer, an expert a.Vary. ArP,n 'n LhS report wa. daferredW the ^7,rt to ?ivo cotiiisel for the defele an nportimlly to take exception, MlBaf- r«< was t-IUtwed (nOl^SIax Brew^lUO am 3 Ueihert tVolfe, an act.iiHem- ?,lrred hV.Hio sc.-'lely waa allowijhlH.

i (primula devlaed 'OJ Mr. , t-kdd itke a oli4nn._ ^ *k'"*l.*j**lint the inaity different p g l ( ^ o f .mbershlp, vkrrins 1 *:

from a maximum of 125t.l* * a m''nlmum of W.'2. '"f® appoftlondto thpae expelled, the aggregate bkig

*S'vHe*n the defendant Russjan-a- V.nio' Boclpty waa organised, n SO. a hlaiiae In Hhe by-lawa relatlngto memhorahtn read: „

"Only nfen' of tvreek or Roan Calholic faith and speaking some a- voplc language are admit^d aa ren- bera of IhU dofllety."

gmnng the charter memberi were a number who helongcd toha Greek Church, and at one of tlia tii- tiiira before him Vice-Chancellor Ls- vcM puinted oul that Ip bolh tho.ii- ..yclopacdla Britamilcft and a volno ontlileil "i'ahipel of Catholic Refona- rlofi ' ihe C'rni 'Greek Church" Ikold to me,ah the EB.stern Church unddtha I’Strlar.-h of conatantiuople. '

In Ihe Biinuner of tk ll , a maJori1|fac- t,on against the proteata of a leek CBthoiir minority, hroiighl about tHouh- Btitiitlon of fho following clause (, the one a.boye quoted ^ h . .

■'Menitiera uf Viiis society analljnalat foleiv ..f pe.mona spcaktiiB some ^'onle

. inpiiiBg.', uinl "ho l.eloiiB ty the dek or Homan Catholic . hutches, whichlo un-IT ITIHIK lOKiv...... " ' i i . ■ »» " i> *pinfTntiK'nt ui th© Pop© i^nni©Any incnitior of Hub society whop-l_ etUwlie.. *« •

to b©

r©-lipuiK-f ..r disa-.i." fidelity tn tjleglll' niBt.’i sutl.nnty .-if puI'1 churcli. tlulentl- ludo pf which resides In the jfop of rtdmc. J''■lnlmou1y .'ailed tho Pojpr the Komaii Tontlff. 'ji "h..> shall c f to he a inemher of a Hreok or UomaEathollo rl.iuvli'under iho government upo I’ojie. shall tliereupon Irnnuidlately c a rnenihtir of Ibis society.' ;

With tha by-laws tbiia majorttv faction on August 2 pelieJ fifty-two Greek ■athol who thereupon. Ihrougti Wll Bcnkranx of Pateraon, and llvan, of Passaic, turned to redrees. Four other meiuL,.(or the illeged nonpaymef « jolneiJ the .tlfty-two as ^rty plalnenta. _____

, ed, tha *11. ex- lemben, Y, Re.

[rlan Sul* mcery for


Ion? whtleft ofUpon the decision

Jones hangs the ducatlorf ^county wdll ehare In mhifW ashington avenueImprovement Is desired^ ****,„f.*i?f.” *and bUBlneae men ofwho wish to have theof th© road, belxvee» tje a r track© ^iiathe curb, wllch, It >» " h*too narrow fortrolley tracks are l a l ^ aacn side olthe highway, j

The queatlon waa dated a t le n ^ n yeeterday before belr referred ty the road coinotittee of theSP-xelders. County Engineer Frederick ^Relm er w m wu-


Turnpike, fiom Bloo^eld avenue to the Paseald County llneglth bituUthlc eon- ('i©te. Cotnddftnt xj’ th ii th© ffroljlw arau lle uavemert olNoomfletd avenue, which oiidH a t the fbtclglr-Vefona line, ■will be carried alortbe avenue to moot the proposed turnp^tinprovem ent.

All bids for the JJ r 'o f trnproying ttie aectlon of W ashiti# avenue, from Rut- gere street to th ^ tj f ty line, were re*•jerted by tho cori(tt:“ when It learned th a t any award irf t* made to the loW"ina i auj anw.u lu- ----- r— ------ * "set bidder when If* *» competition. Fol lowing this actio,deolelon wae reached

rto rrmdvartlse rt|fds fo r the thyJng of Mphall Wock o if oonctet* base, Th*

r work of improtg th*

atreet with irojfl granite blijdit.

Overcoat W eekAt Stoutenburghs

.ready under waG ^Complaint th th* proptrty ^ Vto-

« n io Fuaaro, jWndeley road, Ve( -wae damaged, *»« «>* g™«*

highway wee■©natilymMi JorA, re p rw ^■la* Mr. FtiiarfiH# WQu©ft*d th*

ont th * t I t Ahout t! Th*gnectloa wti

Gives.You Choice of Season’s Best Styles in Overwhelm­

ing VarietyK in g O verco at lifts his sceptre here

this week, and bids his loyal subjects to come and revel in the titty-seven varieties

of Stouten burgh Overcoats on special display.

This is the city’s greatest dis­play of good Overcoats by long odds. Coats of chinchillas and shaggy shetlands—serviceable friezes, meltons and kerseys— handsome fancy cheviots and Scotch homespuns. Coats with shawl or notch collars—single and double breasted—half-belts and no belts—medium length and longer—plaid back and full lined. In browns, blues, dark grays, Scotch mist, smoke, Ox­ford and black.

t.horiaed to pr©pjtr© tna and itenfi for th© ImproM®*'* TomptMT

Overcoats $12 to $50Stoutenburgh- Made

and Retailed at Wholesale Prices

The greatest thing in this spe­cial display is astonishing value.You can’t get away from it. Fromthe splendid warm coats at $12 to the big, warm leather and wool lined automobile coats at $50, it s a progressive story of value on value. Come and judge for your­self.

Fur and Fur-Lined Coats$22 to $135 ^

Overcoat Week Is for Boys,


$5 to $12Mackinaws

tor Boys and Girls $5 to $15

Sloulenburghs797-805 B ro fld S tre e t ^

founded 1649

W e've a big display of school coats for big boys and chinchilla coats and reefers, all thoroughly good priced from

Entire lim ily htppy? '«'hy not idopt a new plan; Instead of buying each member of your family an vldual present, some article which in a few months is worn out or forgotten. Why not take a small amountof your *

Green Trading Stamps With All Purchases

Broad and Cedar S treeto-S tore Open Dally, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Except Saturday

Other Sales Now On in{ Toilet Goods, Notions, linens, i Stationery, Jewelry

Great Time to Buy RugsIndiided *re 200 niRvIo"

,ni(l Skbfnrd f»rppl site 9x12 .AxmibHtPr ruR"- Also . IIO i>iher equxllv good nigs w ill be ckhiftiicd for sale st verv »l- Irnctivc. ssvingB, And please rcmeuiber, the Rigelow and S.iiifofd quality has been main- iHined ill any ensi bv two of the mOM reliable concerns in ihe Unitecl Siaics. V^hc name Bigelow and Sanfnrd in carpet (rade are like Tiffany in the jewelr! line, whose reputation Is known the world nver. V;ver! roc offered in iliis sale IS ahsohitflv perfect

Novelty Braided Net Curtains■ ■' " ■ Duplicate lot

1 . 5 0

Also inquire about our club plan.

27.50 Bigelow and Sanford Axminster Rugs, 9x12

Onlv 100 in the lot. The whole worth of these goods. They are Ut® Pt and are the finest rugs made m this have a thick, lustrous pile and the desi are reproduced from the finest Turkish regular for two days o n ly .. .

Best K iv* Frame Body BrnssolsBuga, in medallions and allover et- fects, sire 9x12; regular J J OCm M l, a t . . : ...................... i-fc.O sJ

di,e 9,, value S22.,'iO. *t Size 8,3x20.6, value $22.M1, ei$22 j f l All-Wool Axminster and

Seamless WMton Velvet Bugs, heavv high grade quality, in a choice of selected Oriental and floral designs,Ihc kind that regularly 1 5 .8 5

world knows the ide of their mills......... - ‘ )particular grade,

gns and colorings , and Persian rugs; \

2 2 .0 0

An extraordinarv offering Duplicate lot nf those we sold last week, add as there are only 2<KS pair*, we would advise early selection; Hi different pat­terns; while or Arabian color , value $2.50; at, a p a ir . .

$1.79 Reventible 'riipeslry I'ablc Covern Just f if ty of these covers, and they ought

to be sold in record liinc; fu ll s ire; have a heavv tassel fringe all around; in choice of rea and green combinations nr solid | 2 Qgreen, special ...........................

Other special prices in table cover $2.9fi and Sfi.Sfi.


All perfect new goods,

$:T98 and $1T)(> Irish I’nint C ate ("urtains

in this year's new designs; choice of,> b ^ : . r ; ; : ; » , " : « r ; n m e d 'p e r f e c t goods, fu ll 3 yards long and fu ll widths, special, pair

$!,1 Seamless Brussels Rugs.heavv quafitv, woven in rich oricn- lal and floral patterns; reg. Q Q C S.1S, rnr this s a * ............ U .Y a J

, ’i nf Fverv 1 2 and 3 Pair Pols of Fine Idit’e < iirtains/ ^"^ka^^le^Brice reductions. Included are Irish point, plain and Klled

[ r t l i : s * w i i fT e " ? o u n r h e " ? r a . ^ :n - . , ’ prices. ’ As these arc small lots, they

include the '•ample curtains.Values from $2 up to $30, sale

ISO Rev ersible Tapestry ( outh

T a p e s t r y B n i s s e l s R u ffs10 hales of the best ten-wire tap-

esiry brussels rugs, none beitci made, closely woven in Persian and linral effects; regular | Y OC -I'l V.s, special................... lO .O D


llHVi rn m e B t

fringe, othf'FS hikI vHllieK. 1 .5 0

retail at $22..50. special $1.5 6x9 W ilton Velvet Rug*.

extra heavy qualitv, ape- 10.85t" X 11 rt

Tapestry Portirres^<yod (Hisllty tup^-itry.

price $ up Id $15.00.

Scotch tlollinifhani Lite Curtims\*m r> *'q.-a». »->..t* *"* ' " •‘■'v

F'xa-a llem assortment of rienljthA nr St’OlPh NntrlhBhitm f'ur

111 I'nrret t ruDioh '’f IrlAn rninl. llenH-lNAAii'p. C’limv hihI Ath-Mhm IrAfn rurlHlMB. tli'u l'l* (hrean unit hill* Mi-oiic ,.1 .■ilu.'k, (1 I it ye".Hhicb rmiki' lh»iu wciir »" “ ell- fu ll lenqili" B'1‘1 wtdthB. I e p

while HO'l .Xiiiblnii I . l lO

cial$|R 6x9 Seamless .Axminster

Rugs, just the rug for h a lls ,J fve r, den or library, for this sale .....................................

,!)() Small Size A\m in- ster Rugs

Rfg tq Ml, 6170 .IBx'ii. sp. ,$1.l.iReg. $2.5(1, biie 27x.M, sp .$1.55

I h

: v ; 7 ' ; , , 2 ' ' ; £ $ A . f " . 'Kit,iM InlP nf t'Tt© anti ivo

y;yUH o f ft PtylP. hII ..ft* «*>1llnn f i r l r r —pair. ■


1 ncolor

2.V ( urlain SrrimChoi.-I- or while, rremii "f Vcablan

.-Blni', 111 “ variety >>t iM'i’tty open Mi.ik «nn <lrBwn woih (I'.eiKnu; tn«- 'erluln IK" sr''«.<l.v in iI.-imbikI nUUmilk© p r ft t i Imih; (’UfliilnB , \-artl .............


I - -

Carpets Made, Laid and Lined Free Durinf?

This SaleI.OnO Yards of Extra Heavy

Velvet Carpet, suitable for halls, stairs, also room patterns; reg­ular $1.46, made, laid and lined free for this sale, | I C yard ..................................

50c Linoleums at 34c

1,500 Yards of VelvetStair Carpets, regular $1.

50 cases of printed Unoleum, ex­tra heavy, that has won wide favor for the excellent service it has given, made of pure cork and lin ­seed oil, in hardwood block and tile patterns; reg. 59c !his sale, square yard

Floor O il Cloth, 2 vard:

Speciai Purchase and ^ e of Regular 25.00 | C A AArabian Lamb and Chinchilla Coats 1 3 * v w


wid'^ neat lilc and block de- 2 7 csigns, durable, square yard.

It Will Pay Parents of Boys to Take Advantage of This

Sale of OvercoatsBoys’ $3.75 Chinchilla and Caesimere Overcoats, $2.98

Made of gray, brown and blue chinchilla,I also neafm ixed effects, Russian style, all have

belts; sizes 3 to 10 years.

Boys’ $4.50 and $5 Overcoats, $3.98Gray all-wool chinchilla and neat gray and

all-wool mixtures, Russian button to the neck style; sizes. 2'/2 to 10 years.

Boys’ to $7.50 Overcoats, 5.00Long coat and Russian styles; made of all-

wool blue, gray and brown chinchilla and the latest mixtures, sizes 2'/: 'u years; long coats

’ in mannish mixtures, sizes 8 to 17 years.

At this price we are showing one model in Arabian U m b (the nearest mu a to (0 Persian Lamh). snd three prcti> models in Chinchilla. These models are direct copies of imported s'V . ,

The Arabian Lamb coat is inenes Inilg cutaway effect, large storm coUar and deep cuffs, finished with large orna­ment and plush buttons; 'ined ibroughou m il) guaranteed satin; womens and

" ' 'S ; ^ ’ ^ " h in g ly made in the three-quarter cutaway effect, etrec ively irimmed w ith plush to match on col lar, cuffs and button*.

Another model, a pretty coat, exact copy of importeo model, in awaV effect, finished with a wide bell and boude of plush; other models in ch e m is and boucles; colors include | P A A black, navy, gray, taupe and l O w U vmode ...........................................

i W'ftnien’s »nd Misees’ $16.50 Fall Coats, $10.95

i A moat unusual purchase f i r in g this timely bargain offering; length cu t- away styles in zibelines, boucles and novelty m ixtures; fu ll yoke linings, se material, velvet and plush trim m ings; all newest fa ll shades.

Regular $25.00 Tailored Suita a tBeauty, elegance, Indtvidu- | P A A

ality, o rig ina lity , characterize this collection of suits. About six d ifferent styles in the new cutaway models and new draped sk irts ; materials are imported poplins, mannish serges, pebble cheviots, eponges and novelty mixtures, in black, navy, Copenhagen,

A t 'W

mixtures, in imhcia, no'y*tobacco, mahogany and taupe; women sand misses sizes.

Stock Women’s “Merode fS « i) UnderwearComplete__* . . * tu Wt> fnrru Every Size in Every Style and Weight

And It h the Most Favored Underwear ot Ihe Dan. We la n d w v » _ Q i i U r e n ’ s “ M e i o d e ”

UnderwearBuy your winter's supply in this brand if

tion is gained only by having real merit.

Underwear of Merit

you want satisfactory llnderwear. An honest reputa-

Do You “W ant” to Make “Your”

sesses all these good points weight.

Must Fit Well, Wear Well, Look W ell. “ Merode” Underwear pos-

We carry every size, in every style and

Women's UnderwearD e s c r ip t io n

Cream, med. weight, best combed tollon Cream white, heary weight, fleece lioed Cream white, silk and cotton, med. weight Cream white, 50'* wool, heary weight Cream white, silk and cotton, 35'* silk,

Christnias Moneyand pay down as a first payment on a Popular Pease Piano or Player Piano? Thus placing in your home sometliliig that will not only add cheer and happiness to your Christmas holidays, but for years afterward prove, the most valuable addition to your home.

Qo the Farthestfrom konr home, any distance north, south, east or* r I .... .B /« .... h., to

VUUl tlVUtOp W**W*.»**W.'W- *• —* *-■west, tou will hear tho same verdict as to the dura­bility |n d rich, sweet tone of tho well-known

Pease PianoW rl^ today for catalogue and easy payment plan.

•ease Piano Go.JWanroonv, le New St, Newierk, N. J.

' I , 7. '

Dcayjf ................................................ ■ ■Cream white, *#'*> wool, mediom weight

^Merode"tfCaiD ffOlUt HMiw J -oSilver gray, 59'* wool, he iry weight

r>lremftiid PadI*

I’rlfMUalein Kelt.

Slid Htiea4 fi 7 to » 4 In 6 7 to 9

,50c 65c 1.00 1.2550c 65c 1.00 1.2575c l.OO 2.00 2.5085c 1.00 1.50 2.00

1.00 1.25 2.00 2.5075c 1.00 L50 1.751.00 1.25 2.00 2.501.00 1.25 2.00 2.501.25 1.59 2.50 3.001.50 2.00 3.25 4.0085c 1.00 1.65 2.00

Children's Heavy Fleeced Vesta and Pants

Sizes 2 to 15, a t ...................... 3;>CSizes 7 to 8, a t ...................45cChildren's Medium Weight Un­

derwear, Combed Cotton Vests and Pants

Sizes 2 to fi, a t ...................... 35®Sizes 7 to 8. a t ........................ 45cChildren’s Heavy Fleeced Union

SuitsSize* 2 to 6, a t ................... 75cSizes 7 to 8, a t ................... 85cChildren’s 50 Per Cent. Wool

Vests and PantsSizes 2 to 6, a t .......................50c

Union Suit, $1.00Sizes 7 to 8, a t ...................... 65c

Union Suit, $1.25

Special Thanksgiving Values in BasementUniversal

Percolator*Spfictal At


3.50*t *.6«.

Universal Bread Mixer*

4-loaf kne©d«dougH thoroufhly In t mlnut©«. perfectly ©an* liary, spwclai 2 .0 0 at

Double Coated fCaainei *‘HIoe Rll*-hott*' WliHe l*t*«d lloamler. oCaiihap©. will hold a large also 1 ,9 8 turkey, apeclal a t .......................

$8.98 Dining Room Dome*

Uand-made, ? t#olld hraMt 32-ln. sire; haa 8 fancy hon( a r t j^aaa panels, with five* Inch f r l nf f © to match: filled 'wrltha ino ca.ndlfi-pow©rdome light; com- pleie at

5.98Thtro ai-e other new dom^a. JgQ

specially deslKned for ua, up to.

foiporte* C klaaBerry *©*» AO'af©r

0 e n r a t t o n . large bow l and elx berry sau^ cers to inatcfe, at

59c .

CHBRRFUti HEATERS "Miller" on Heater, solid brass

tank, holds t gallon of oil. ^^23nickel or japan finish, a t..........

“Perfeelloa" Standard Oil Heat©^ fully warranted, braam buraer, 2«69 4-qt- ©n lank, special a t .........

Mode! Go* Radiator. 4 tube 1 .2 9*ly!*, lewel front, gperial *t.

Paarr Ck'liu Baka Sat, neat border deslvn, ( dacoratlon* to chooa*. frotn, at ......... ........ ..................... ‘jailr eiaaaaw with eovari 19<**17e |.o a ala*, a t . . . . . . . . . . . . a*. a

FoodH e 11 a b C'hop*or^-*All pAfta warranted, heavy plated, non-rustAbls. 4 changeahbLJtnlvMi for all kinds or meats. vegetablea, DUti. etc.; here 68c at *.. *..............

frtp«* rhoeotate Se4a—Kin© china;for ft perHUJtft («cc HtuBtratlon), richlypainted mid enameled de- $2.98sign; At .......................................

Rteh Am er- Iraa Cat Glaiw Berry [Boveta fine deep cut­ting/ spark­ling design,


I Jtusar Bowl 1 Crram Jus Z Largo Covered dlahoB

S Baking rtl«hc«I Pickle diKh ] Saaee boat 1 Turkey platter

■ 5.98

clal.ahert Iron Donbfe HuatlBS 0 1 ^

r .o . . 11x18 In. atie, special..........-Sovorj”

9elf-BMtlng oval roast­ing p a n s m a d e o t heavy sheet Iron, ITti Inehea long,

UK Inches wide, tpecial at

'o f l im ■» i * i i a * :enlr

Here’e the Beet lOO-piece »1a- C ■er Set hlver Ollbee'd o t ..............

Choice ot three rich decorations, all treated with gold edges; sot conslsta of 100 pleoea:1£ Dinner plates ^12 Tea plates '12 Soup plates13 Dessert Saucers12 Butter plates 12 Cups ;IS Haucere

I Platter 1 Covered Butter



Moral AoetrioD cWm ?«*•-Splendid set; several now decora­tions to choose from; ooni- plete service for ia.P?*P’£ v „ „ Analrloa Chios get*—Theao aro awe" « “ most be ‘ dated; 100 pieces to the Mt. ^ J 9 ,9 8

piece dinner aervloe. spe- $Xft,OV“ 'D h a a l ' i i i i i i 'wkyr tio d 'u X a ^ p l e l e t o T ^ AM "ffWW delicate »os* d*oor*Uon. $ 4 5 > ^epactal ......................... ... •


i/ -;*

- ■ r v Jf|£(K5E- 1

Remark (Cuening Tems.r rubUiiiMi a»iir.


■ ut.r.d • ! U)< M w »rt N. J , PwioHlo. u MOend-cltM m»U»r.

T*l*ph*>ti# lOOfl M»rk*L rrlT tU Br»nch E ic b in n conn«ilni *11

KAIL *Da*rH IPT10N ^ T h . N .« rb .» « l h " ( 1 ? ^ . .V m™ «oN»r. .nd n /'l

B.W X#ri. <Vm« i n ' i i i Brun..ici. t n rm b .« n u ^T*T. Uadliwll. _ ^

ChicHfo Ome*. 1101 Trlbuna WMhrrtfton Bur#Eil. *04 Colorado bundlnc CSevalfcnd aiTMt.^AAKi> Branch OlTllra. I*'* Main tiiraal, opp. < ie'

T#V Orang* branch .E ch .n i-T«t. \ t l

TH 7IJ.connoctltig *H dppwrrmenia.

Marriatown Branch Offlr#. U South atPMl.Hani' Bianch UfflcCi •<il (i I 'l g i ' av nu® ■Wmburn-PprlngflHd Hranch ^

bullying. Mlllbujn avemic TrI. to Mlllburn.Kawton Branch niBca i:I St’fl"* t’.■unmJt Branch Offlcc. Room 1 (. U hbCdm*,f nrrr Branch nmrf, S I o»'V •'rrri l» l .<1 Tr.ninnRENTON BUKrAl' —IT W .it Siasr atrail. Trl. SSJ Troninn.

cornar B .n ti ■va-mr .Grortr W niMnsrr-. rral . . .a l . aSlM). ODD. nrw poaloraM Trl T*» Arit'Ury 1 arh,

ATLANTIC CITT—Th» Dorltnd adrortlelnj A irnij. WalCrr K Edta.

LOCAL BRANCH o m C E S ;Ballrvnia avrnue. 101, Hamhur* r'ac*. '*Bruca uratt, !«li. M vri ln.< . 1.9 Olnr.rlllei.Elm alrtaL H6S4. h'"lO' *‘ ', '**■Clinton nvanue, 21K Wallac-a pUc®, _ _ _

T U E SD A Y , NOV EM HER 11. 1»U .


i i

JU B V R E FO R M IN T H E HAI .YNCi:.S upre ine C ourt Justice Sw ayic, In his loiter

g h e r lff W edln, of Hud.son County, leaves ill He do t thA t he la convinced of the Invalid ity of the chan- » l lo r - » h e r l f f Jury act. The m ethod of procedure he ha» p rov ided fo r a teat of the new law, tu*ether with the pltA llon o f previous declslone show s at least he la ao f u r f u l of th e law 's constltu tlom im y th a t he la n t w lU In i to tak e any cheiicea of n p e ia lln g the courts v n d e r it w ith o u t a m andate from the court o( last M io rt.

In A niA tter of ao much Im portam e, a prom pt test la TDO«t d e tlrab le . If the courts shou ld decide the law IHKalld A fter ju rtee had been aoleoied according to la prOTlAlona, th e w hole processes of th e adm ln latra tlnn Of Jo itlce tn th e S tate would he upse t. T hat Is why JuAtlce Swayxe has acted with such eelertty.

T h ere w as very strona d oub t expreasiul as to the fA lldIty o f the ac t while It was pendlPK In the L tcis- jA ture. T he very decisions cited by Ju.silre Rwavzc In M t le tte r w ere also cited by the News as Indlcaiing thA t th e court* would upset th e mcKSurp In |■uS'• H PAMBd. P e rh a p s th a t Is why th e an ti-W ilson men la th * Tr«Elslature Insisted on a tta c h in g a State-w ide re. o rondum to th e bill. By doing ao, they had two ohAncea o f hav ing Jury reforn , k illed —one at the , I's And one In th e courts. They lost th e ir firs t chance, (or th * peop le voted overw helm ingly In favor of the change. T h e tr eecotid chance prom isee to tu rn out to ,su it them , p o t beeauee th e courte a re ag a in s t Jury reform , but for th e reeeon th a t th e an ti- ju ry re fo rm e rs’ referendum w ■ A "Joker" In th e ac t th a t th e Judges could not overlook.

B u t w ith th e ch an ce llo r-ah erlff Jury act knocked In to a cocked hat, th e re will still he the dem and re fle te re d a t th e recent election fo r tru e Jury reform . T h e people have d em onstra ted by th e tr votes th a t they Are no t gatlafted w ith the F ie ld er Jury law. In fact, thA t m e a su re was an acknow ledged m akeshift. 11 w-as In tro d u ced by G overnor-elect F ie ld e r so th a t there w ou ld be som e little Im provem ent In our Jnry-draw lng ApAttm In case o f the fa ilu re to en a c t a real Jury reform Act th a t w ould stan d bo th th e te s t of the polU and of th * courte .

Bo th e d em and fo r som eth ing bette r than the n * ld e r law reg iste red em p h atica lly cannot be honestly IgtBored a t the com ing session of th e Logtsjature by IX em ocrats o r Republicans, B eventeen of the tw enty-one co u n ties In th e State, by a n ia jo rlly if the vote* cast on th e p roposition , practically gave a m andate tu their re p re ie n ta tlv e a In the Senate an d Aasembly to provide rea l Jury re fo rm .

t P re s id e n t W ilson, w hile G ov ern o r and since, has . fav o re d th e app o in tm en t of Ju ry com m issions by

O overnor. T he C hief E xecutive la th e p roper official In w hich to VMt th is power, i t he la g l .e n these ap-

. po ln tm ent* , th e fea r expressed In m any q u arte rs of "JtidA *-m atle" Ju ro rs will be a llay ed . T here has been b u t one i ta te d objection to ao lo d g in g th is power, and th a t U th a t It m ig h t give th e G ov ern o r an opportun ity to Ui* th e p a tro n ag e In build ing up a personal m achine. B u t su ch A fe a r h as leas g round th a n th e re la now th e b u ild in g up of personal m ach in es by th e tw enty-one a h e r l tf i . B o th G overnors and sh e rif fs are elective o '- fleers , w ho a re constitu tionally p rev en ted from suc­ceed ing th em se lves. The com bined pow er of the sh e r ­if fs Is In ce rta in d irec tions m o re e ffec tive than th a t of th e G overnor.

S hou ld Ju ry com m issions In each county be m ade tip o f th e sh e rif f and one com m issioner of opposite po litica l fa i th to th e she riff, ap p o in ted by the Gov­e rn o r. even th e com parative ly a ligh t objection reg is­te re d to th e ad o p tio n of the ch a n c e llo r-sh e r iff act will h a v e been rem oved , and Justice In th is S late will no lo n g e r fa^ce th e peril of being h a m p e re d by political and gpeclal In te re s t "pu ll."

extravagant price* for trolley lines, a» well a* fo r s te a m ­boat* and wharve*. Money wa* poured so lavishly In the** purohasetthal 1381,000,000 w as spen t In ten years f o r p ropertlo* In no way connected w ith the operation o f th e New Haven R ailroad , w hile in th e last two ya^i-g A43 persons wore m aim ed and seventy-one p e r­so n s w ere killed tn w recks upon th a t road.

B u t wo have never know n th e real cause of those ex travagance* . There rem ained , and still rem ain*, the ^ im c iilty o f believing th a t even a d irec to ra te dom lnm ed by a M organ and a .Morgan sp ir it conglom eration would sim p ly shovel m oney o v erb o a rd — w ithout a sulhi lent cause.

Wa* th e Boston b an k e r r lv a ^ y fo r th e c o r lro l of th e u rb an tro lley traffic of th e Boston te rrito ry ono ca u se ? T his Is distinctly th e ch ie f question raised by th e .Mellen charges. It would tie m ost help fu l It Mr. -Mellen, having set his hand to the task of re tro ac tiv e ex p o su re , should clench h is tee th and go oil.

IN THE A IR— 1 •

The new process of making arUtlcisI i rul'w ,urg*ry aad ccrtAlB IndusUtsa daylight si night is quite simple secord- { Jsiwnd upon Ui* color Of til*


THK C l'K It i:> C Y m t l - For th^ Dpmocrritfl !ti Cons reas to fwll on t he c u r ­

rency bill now would not only be political bhintlerlnR In more way* ihnn one, hut would also Increaue i ■ r ha n c e a that the neerterl rr-form In our cur rency syatem la BtUI a long way off.

If t he bill, properly amended , can be passed wi thout A caucus so much the bet ter . If It ciinnot without , then, hy all means, hold one. If It falls Rltujfelher, the JieniQcrats as a par ty wlH be accused, with fair war rant , of pe rmi t t i ng a lack of broad th ink ing on thei r p;iri to p e r pe t ua t e and cunttruis t hose jiartl: ular f ea tures of n u r p rosent system which rtmkn for what \n loosely t e rmed "Wal l Street" coniroi .

. lust a word aa \o what this reallv means: Thepresent cur rency si tuat ion mi gh t ht expressed hy say* Ing i ha t t he supply of money through w h l h « rodll r an he extended rnuy n^cet fai rly cuir avertitfe net-da. The re la too much for HliiGk shusous. too littl?* fnr s t r a ined. The BltUFtlPm works louh wovs Into rh** humla of t he specula tors und l ianker-mitH' inlv-bulhl ' - ta in That vagiro dist r ict known iis Wall Stn-et

Idln money nn-ana Inaa. Hence In slack l imes It hu n t s empl oyment nml f inds It in liuluK loani-tl <uit to give t he oppor tuni ty more nr speculHnvo v e n ­tu r es In t he h f ad q u a r t f r a of .«\u"h toHulimlaMon. Then U RftH t ied up lh> re, and apatn h* I ' fUa the muriipu- IflMng e l ement when the o r di na ry mi rchiini and f a rme r has to p ay unusual ratt-s to gel 11 hai k aKaln.

W h e t h e r or n-'t t he r e in fairly t ' ‘Money Trust , " i here Is this "Wall J^treet" erid, whP li the p IhmI u c u r ­rency sys tem is rtesUaed to stop. This is nrtditiunal to th»' "pun t c" danger, iis wf-ll an tin iluuisuiid ^ 10! one o ther drHwhncks anil lnconvenieru.'ej» ■ f »ujr planIt should tiul tn- iiv.-rloiikeft. ell her. 1 liKi this n-’W ineaK-tiro npens the doors In new trudo opp'Otunl t l rs, aids l and I ncnurngcj i icnts that we hnvo iu-\4#h! id.

T h e t f tie\'or hiia l>efn a hett^u* upfi t ' i lunity f"r an elasHc cur rency an d no one cfin jire .cl howlong It will he before the psycholuglcftl inum^nl ci mea figaln Incldenlal ty, It might he rneiiHoned that the a r g u m e n t thul there Is no urgent need now for a jmnSc- proof sys t em rinca not apply, It will take some t ime to get t he new plan working smoothly, ant rushing a c u r re nc y law when clouds a r c ga ther ing is like laying the keel of a d readnought a f t e r war 1r dec laml .

T here are ossoutail only u few f+.HtureH on w-hich there Is a l r eady Hgr*'ement, These are:

Tha t the cutTcnry provided should be in bnlanco with sound husincpy tniiisiiotloris. This rcuul rcs the exper t j udgmen t of hunketa aa to credit al ihe InillJil in insuct lon, and 1h j uu v l d ' d for both In the original h anks a nd the r^.sorve nsaor latlnns:

T h e cur rency pr«'vldrd should be "gold basis:"T he reserve asanclalloiis should be few enough In

n u m b e r to approach the best "workabi l i ty," nisny eno ug h to provide " nc l ghhnrhond" credit, 1. e.. th»* ucquuln t ance wUli a bank a nd lla field a t Ua n-servn ashnr la t lon headfiuarLera;

The cont rol should be governmenta l , as dist inguished f rom poli t ical or prlvaii*. It should Include enough adminifi t ral lori offlriTs tn tie t he banking sys tem to th© govcvnmet i inl deiiHririH riis v«.Jth which It niuat work.

T h e r e seems mUhing In this that f reedom frn.n prejudice, academb' nat ions an d personal suspicions c a n n o t a d a p t the pending bill to.

T he r e Is no use or sense In t rying to satisfy the banker s .

,\!r President- , h iTb*fri. .M no hian on earth whom I lAuuld j

ruUier save from dlHa{4»oimmeut than ]V -I TJie rocolluctJon o f lou r kindness in h‘-l-llrii< the French Aml*napadi>rsh-i>'i[-fn f r jue iheee many montha la 1inirig Thai will stick In my memory likeji r. itik t f ihew'u*< <>P a Nhn**

,'hall i forget lhal my country w.-=i,i'd to honor me with th:M high gift. .It is Thv f.m-il dlalmcUon that has I’ome ' i - lUi'; ih my career, but 1 am oUilgcd to IPIJ ymi, air. with real regret and j-jD itanre lu li'irt your feelings, that you rnijst fre[>ar« youraeif for an UDfavoralde (ieciBion .N'ol to kt^ep you in auapense any loiiger, Mr Pren.deat I will aay lhai 1 almli have lo dciUfie to be the repre- pputat've "f vd'ir go 'em m eiit In Par'LS.

M> sadnntft over having to refuse Ibe pnat , i.fii l y the fear that my a> Imay ic miftconairued aa a reflection on j^our iJ iinu.ihTrutiun. nr aa an indicaili'n of e I'll k ff vnfldcTu-o an ray part in your j r #;rHm. ur evuu as a niove In Ibo con^pirat-.v of the Money Tm al to 'W .r.dr ?\v "

It Is U'.'L Improbable th a t the New York Sin w:ll try to twlat my to go I'l PariH liit'i evidence; U» IT ai New Jersey haa turned against you. ilii 'rijrtt I'liiiJ 'ei if» nri ihn verge uf ile lanni?' ' ar aKfiiDol viu. Ih a t 1 luck eiiu-igbfa:ll> ‘n mv- <Ji»nr ‘'id S itulay-Bcho'd teech* or. Mr Hi Mm. u- lake n diiiiormillc po­sition Wkli le he 1« Secretary of Stale

Su«’h pfb rts s\ill luid-niUiedlv I'O made l(F mien I'lcseni tii>- ruoUveH an>l to tiirn

Important embaaalei. . . __ ______ ___ _____ with U n to dancers

1 Uf> t*oi w ant the embassy for mytalf.Mp. P n sld rn t. but as a elanch Kreaby. lt*r an and a membf'r of the Y. M- C. A I 1 utruuyly fti^oui this Un*o business.The two-wcp, the wait* and lha achot- . . _ , u. .

Hr* na far s t » dlDlomstlBl should j J " [ 'I* '’' U> “ l«<*»t BK',. ’,\'ith these threp dan’ CS 1 sm quite | * j:*.familter, tie.n* known a* one of the moK KruiTful weltii-r* In New Jersey ■ .

.Vfori-o'er, I wsa wtUin*. aa I h*ve told t |"vhea deiD

ill 11 q

T H E P U B L IC S E R n C E R A n.W A V deservea he d l i t ln c t en co u rag em en t o f th e p u b lic and th e police In Its e ffo rt* to p u t a stop to th e u n p le a sa n t habit w hich )*Ad* stnokera to han g on to tb e lr stuba and bu tts on th * cars. T he o rd er th row s an u n p leasan t task on " ' b condu c to r, an d h is share can be m ad e m uch easier by *om* ev idence of tn co u rag en io n l on th e part ot th e o th e r passengers. Of course, if a m an can 't afford m o re th a n one c igar and can em oke n t no o ther tim e e x cep t on the ca r because hla boss w on 't let hlnr l i th * office and hla wife w on 't le t him a t home, he o u g h t to be allowed to sm oke If he will fu rn ish a sw orn c e r tif ic a te to th a t effect and on posting h is nam e In all cars. O therw ise, the public chnuld stan d back o t th e com pany in the pereon of Us rep resen ta tiv e , the cu - duetor.

IN r U l ’I.IC.VTlN (i Uif "Jo h n Doe" now u n d e r­ta k e n by W hllm an, G overnor Glynn, of New Y ork, no d o u b t fa irly understan d s th« d an g e r of co n ferrin g th e " Im m u n ity b a th " on c e r ta in of those subpoenaed lu tes tify . Instead uf m ak in g th e probes ilm u lla n eo u s, b e tte r Judgm en t and a s incere desire to see Justice done w ou ld consolidate the tw o Investigations, or drop th e S ta te -w id e one until th e New York City one w as over, o r a r ra n g e som e m eans by w hich one would not d e fea t th e o th e r . I 'n d e r the clrcum B lances, G overnor G lynn 's m ove cannot be reg ard ed o therw ise th a n w ith eua- plclon. until, a t least, he h a s m ade clear th e Im p rs- s lb lllly of danger to justice from It*

TH EY ARE A F T E R K IN H EA D .F ro m th e fa d th a t one U epubllcftn hat? alrcpd

been n am ed willing and i rio ther as anxious to run fo r C ongress hext year In thf; K lehtli Dlatrlot, !l spenis t h a t th e re Is an l.npreselon abroFul th a t lion . Eugene K ia k e a d Is doom ed to the tobaggDn,

T h e g en tlem an who la anxinuR to m easure sw o.ds w ith th e p re sen t m em ber lo E dw ard W. Gray, of lh« K lg h th W art* of New'ark, som etim e aerre tn ry uf the S tate R ep u b lica n com m ittee, and recen t chief nianiiffer of th e S tokes Q ubernatorlfll cam paign . The gentlem an w h o Is w illing Is Ja m es F. Dowling, of Bayonne, who, It la clfitlmeds w as chiefly responFlble fur the defeat of M ayor C ron in , of th a t city, at th e re ren t election. Mr. G ray h a s a lread y announced his candidacy, and Mr. Dowling Is expected to do the sam e m a few days.

T he E ig h th D istrict, w hich com pnecs parts nf Essex an d H udson counties, last year g a \e Mr. K inkead a p lu ra lity o f 4,531 over B outon, RepuhlU-iin-lTogiesfllve. a n d a c lea r m ajo rity of 2,263 over the com bined votes o f B outon and Tew, w ho ran u n d e r th e (leBlgnallon " T a f t fo r P residen t." T his w ould no t seem tc offer an sncourag lng prospect to R epub lican nsplrants, but • 'th e re Is a reason," and one no t h a rd to find.

Wr, K lnkead has m ade h im se lf obnoxious to the B m lth-N ugent m achine, and It la confidently expt -led t h a t If he again secures the n o m in a tio n ho will get the ax e on eSecllon day. How N u g en t feels tow ard Kln- ke&d W'aa clearly shown a t th e o rganization of Hie S ta te D em acrnllc com m ittee w han N ugent voted for G rosscup for chairm an ra th e r th a n K lnkead. It was a case o f crow or bur.xarrl. and Mr. K ugenl chose cro\v K ln k ead re ta lia ted In a sta ten ’.ent Issued last Thursday. In w hich he denounced Sm ith an d N ugent as "two estim ab le tra ito rs ," and dufiiul th em to do ihe lr worst. All of w hich m ay serve to lino up •• .cq m ore th e r t - gpectlve sym palhlee and purpoaes nf th e D em ocratic p a rty , an d dignify Mr. K lnkead In th e m inds of the free- th in k in g citizens as being conaldored a real m enace to th e Essex m achine.

E v iden tly , it Is R epublican behef th a t the K lnkead cha llen g e will he accepted and th a t ho will be maCe to pay dearly fo r his presum ption.

Mr. N ugent ts reported to have expressed the op in­ion th a t Mr. K lnkead was a fit sub ject for a aanltarium , so If th e re tu rn s next fall shall show serious D em o­c ra tic defection . It may be ch aritab ly attribu ted to the m ach in e 's solicitude for Mr. K lnkead 's health ra th e r th a n to personal vengeance.

F IR S T N E W L A N P S -E R D M A N ACT A W A R D .Sim plic ity and good sense a p p e a r to be th e o u ts ta n d ­

ing fe a tu re s of th e llrs t a rb itra tio n aw ard undor the N ew lan d s-E rd m an act, w hich se ttle s the d ispu te In­volv ing th e conducto rs and tra in m e n on th e forty-on© E a s te rn railw ays. The m en o b ta in about o n e -h a lf of th e i r w age dem and, and th e av e rag e Increase coincides w ith th e rise In th e cost of liv ing since the lest ad v an ce th e y received in HJlO. S tan d ard iza tio n is n o t g ra n te d by th e a rb itra to rs , bu t they d ec la re th a t It m ust e v e n t­ually be w orked out. As betw een th e claim s an d coun- le r -c ln im s of the men and th e railw ays the aw ard a lc jra a ca lm and dlscrlm lnaU ng uourfio of Judgm ent.

B u t th e central th o u g h t In th e repo rt, ao fa r as thw p u b lic In teres t la concenieil, bears upon the affect o f the In cre ase upon railw ay llnances an d hence upon elll- clency, sa fe ty find coat of tran sp o rta tio n .

I t will be recalled th a t In th e rep o rt of th e E rd m aii a c t a rb ilra to rfi In th e locom otive eng in eers’ d ispu te , h a n d e d dow n Uat N ovem ber, th e board took up th e e f ­fec t of th e wage th e n allow ed upon th e r a i l ­w ays' ab ility to sus ta in th e new burden. The board in ld th e railw ays th a t if the new w age scale fo r th e en g in ee rs em barrassed them , th ey should tak e th e ir c o m p la in t to the In te rs ta te C om m erce Com m ission, w ith th e a s su ra n c e th a t they wo\ild get a fa ir hearing . T he re p o rt In th e p ieaen t case follow s th e sam e line of reaso n in g , w ith added detail.

F irs t, th e rep o rt d ec la re s th a t, w hile th e a rb itra to rs h a v e no n u th o rlty to pass upon rates, they m ust p iccecd upon th e basis th a ' the serv ice of em ployes s tands oi. lls ow n foo ting . They Ignore " th e d ilem m a In w hich *he rallroaclH a re evlderitl. p laced by th e law s w hich m ake It im possib le for them to p assenger and fre ig h t ra te s w 'lthout th e au th o r ity of th e In te rs ta te C om m erce C om m lsslan . or th e ra ilro ad com m issions of th e s«v- e ra l S ta tes." O therw ise, all w age advances, w hile the law s rem ain as they aYe, m ust depend upon th e vuluii- la ry a c ts of the railw ays.

Second, the case of th e sh ip p e r and th a t of th e co n ­sum er. as regards possible ra te advances, a re to u ch ed upon In these words; "A t the p re sen t tim e a ton of f io lg h t l.s moved In the E aste rn te rr ito ry m ore th an th re e mllea for th e value of h two-c©nt postage s tam p . T h is Is th e cheapest ra ilro ad serv ice to th e sh ip p e r to be

i fo u n d on the face of th e globe. In th e face of such a fact It would be un ju st to gay th a t th© ra ilro ad em ployes m ust con tinue to be BallBfi«d only w ith w h a t can be paid fro m fre igh t ra te s as low a s th is."

T h ird , the board "wdshea to call th e a tte n tio n o f th e co u n iry to Its belief th a t ra ilro ad acciden ts can be re- cluced alm ost precisely In p rop o rtio n to th e m odern izing of th e ra ilro ad s and th e im provem en t in th e ir e q u ip ­m en t." It declares th a t "any policy th a t would m ake It Im possib le for th e road s to com m and m oney fo r thee© Im provem en ts would be a p ro found m isfo rtune to th e w 'hole nation ," "bad enough In Its effect upon t r a n s ­p o rta tio n , but • • • c rln ilna l In the senae th a t Itw ould m ake the g rea t a rm y of em ployes * • • fo l­low th e ir hazardous o ccupation u n d er conditions m o re h a z a rd o u s than necessary ."

ray r*‘fupal nil but History will rlarlfy th-’ »ui <>t dii!*t Hi Uist nn<l makf U i .Hin Hun ni.v 4 i- If-rminatlon tu remain ui Ani''rl«K \Mts due lu nolhlng ' '^'r which you had con­trol

I had practlrnlly declrleil t*' '’onaent ' to become Arn! ii’'iHrttli r I ■ Krat;--*'.1 read the following paragraph from the

[ pen of L\ V\'aid F ruc In Hic London i Mall:I WICKED FARlijj Already Faria Is the most viuli'Pt I tiipUal of EurvFpe. The pm airator-' g»i-neral slated. In dealin^i with tliSj French rrinie statistics for Hfl3, thatI I rim© Iq IncreaHinK In Franop eu rap-I ully, Hiid eBpscially m Faria, thatI th«re are mn enough judges to try

the cases Your morning paper often reads more like the record of a min­ing camp than of a great cSty. "Re­volver Drama:" "F ight a t Mont- inartre: Two Killed." "Apache Bat­tle with Flstol and Knife"—these are stuck headlines of th© F’arls newspapers. 1 do out guppoa© there la another capital In I-'urope, perhaps not in the world, where It is the regular habit of so many respectable male citizens to carry arnns. The pis­tol is SB common an the penknife tn the pocketa of the average Parisian. And It la often more useful. The very footpads do not begin thefr work hy knocking their man down after the Lngllsh fashion. They plant a knife In hla back from behind before going IhroiiRb hla pockets, and the fact is recorded as a "Ihreo-Uri© Item" In next morning's papers.I <im not a timid man. sir. as I think

ray course In supporting you against th© Smlth-Niigent machine will show; but the kind of knifing w© had in this bosa-rld- den oily last Hootion day is fierce enough for me. I have a family to support. Therefore 1 withdraw from the race

yo\i oil along, lo scrimp along on the meager sa lary of $17 SuD a year and If you iiad maked me you might lia\e found rn© VMlJinK to lake even !©*■. I would have knocked off 12.500 a year, seeiug that it was my beloved country that Idrcd me.

Hut let .MrComha ha\e the Job If y-u feel confident of h e ability to h"M It dewn. It IS a pretty bn underiakinK to he sure and to far as I know. McFombs has never been In France When I was In Faria attending th© expos'Uun In I ’Jhi,1 used to think what a terrible thing U wnuld b© for a rmin to go there a.s Am- baBtfjtdor who had never been there be­fore-.

Several tlm^s, In the Hu© d© RIvoU. in the idaue de la Concorde, in the Hotel

unwtlUngnes.s t I n v a l i d e d and thv Clmmps de Mars, this aolr-mn thought occurred to me. ar^d It vomea back to me now as J picture pour .McComha. going there to assume the iptnundous rtssponslbUIUes of the office and Hi-t’ know mg h]s way around town. Still, ha iH a man of intelligence, and no doubt hn van learn If he will only laa© ihv nine.

I ho|io you w:ll consider my declination final. Mr Freaideni, ami hand the np- pointment to Mr Me omba, though every uno la aaylng that he has heramod e n d hawed ar..) hoai la ted aooul Jt ao lOL that periiapa h© ia nut the m a n for tho va' fliiry, after all.

It will no g'">d lo ask rn« to recon- Nidei. *My tiund la uult© rriado up lo ppr\© my country ty siayuig her© in J*‘]-ai'y and acting as >our adviaer and 11i»- behind tlie throne.

Hnriir© I close, sjr, I wish lo a.vy a f word ah- i;i your- ntiw weather rnun I have rend gc.mewhur© that he la it rol- ' nmri. but i aak you to ln\ejsJgal©' tliut. eratem ent thoroughly, In v e v of ! thu '.arlety of weatlier h© has been hand­

ing out for the college football samva LhiH I all.

You were not at Frlneeton last Satup- dai' nor on the baturday two weeks be­fore s:r and 1 am glad that you were not Fbit i wish the weather man had been there on both days lo see the misery that he precipitated ujion an Innocent and happy world with his aborninabl© ramelnrraa.

Mr I'resident, did you ever drag a lady friend to a football game amJ compel her to alt out in a cloud­

ing to Arthur til. Georg© Joyce, whu writes oo ihla aubject in The T«chrtlcai World 3lagettn©. Ail th a t U netded he ©xpiglna. eru two color i c ^ n g gnd u ■iron* incendtacent light. Then the a rti­ficial light reys ere passed through Jt© scretns. which draw out th© exe«aa of colorings that are foreign to dsylighi, and there rem uns pure, true and unvarying daylight.

I Venous cabinets, lamp©, and lights t<> I produce daylight have been I tured. but none bea stoird the teat, con-

atest inven- 1)1 net

fs constructed in xsr^oua alzea. but th© on© wh.i'h la moat crmvehteui Is ©Igiiieen

thirty Inrhea wide and twenty-eight 'rjches high.

An Incundeerent gas light Is placed at the top of th© ( RbUiiM There is a metal reflector to throw the ilghi downward through tin delicate scretus which filter ou» th© rays of red oranc© and vallovp wHrh ai’H ff^relgii to do’k'MRhl except In a araali wuy. In uth^r w-ini^ the srreena e> irarl from the I ghl evccaaes of these colors

Th© In-, rntkui has a Krcal field of use-

i sl©ll whether they sr* •

or no great dasl uf surgery is done In ertlfictel light the tlssuee

hev© tpyg color. The Invention©111 i^hai in that op©rsUona mgybe hy of daylight a t t n rbout of J night.

In manufacturing dyeing and color pr,hg dayhgia at night will have many u§ jj, .-ojor printing for In* stance, ran b© run only *olung as py^ IP by daylight lasts,

m anufac- M'ith the invention presses con'h o run all i^t In the sorting of cigars

It »s impoB^j. thair color by aftl-firiai light, jitewlo© In dental work the exact culpr artificial teeth cannot >• determined Ojighi. In paper manufec lurlug and 1* © nisnufsctur© of flour daylight la to dlffereniiste the various grade.

Thia Invcrtl be made tn various fi rras to be I’t different pdthoseS. For netanc©. used to ilghl •am«M room or ft can he uo©d totllimiinHle a pted nas© or for any other purpose perfect light Isdesired In the hjahold. Th© Invenier’e dlnlng-rnom tab ^ niumlncd by tht« srF fjria l day^tg1l

Millions Spent for Mineral Water in U ted StatesThe people of the rn licd Stat©a IsnI j of sprlnga. quantlt^f <pgt«r. total value

year drunk 82.341.201 galHran of mineral water, for which they paid f6 rtl5 67l, i according lo an uiBanc© chatJier from j ‘M ineral HcBO-jrcca (5f th© I nlied Stales." | juflt laaurd by th© I'n:ted States Geologl- ' cal Hu-vey, rh© figure quoted does not, 'of courh© r©pr©St‘tU all th© money th a t , _ _was paid for mineral water, for the figure , rank© second In th e j^ b a r of sprlngi gjven by the Ocologkal f^ur'.ey repre- | roporling sales, senta the prbe rectised a t the source uf Th© itatlstic© ahow^^^fcupply. — *1*- ---------

There Is a wide ran©** In price fromth© cheaper table waters Mold In jugs | _ _____ _and barrels lo the more expenai\p m edld- | !n the Middle Weat. wl* a'grtcultur* I*

and vatu© of table ^ul rank© #©v-©nUi In the valu©f njadldnal waters ©old. Indiana tak fir©t rank In th© ^ulu© of medicinal is thirdIn totsi value, hul a . nut appear among the ten leading 8 U li„ the nurahar of springe, quantity of ^ter Bold, or vain* of table w aters ■» M sisachusetts

MtpUon the States th ih ,d a larga In- create In the quantlt>f mineral water sold are located ellha„ ih , south or


ual walers and th© table waters tha t are put up in bottles and charged with carhnn dioxide A large amount of water is also give-) away at Hi© springs and furnished free to guests of hniels and other places r.f ©nlerlalmiienl l--catfd iieaihy. There IS. In addltu-n. a large u 'laniiiy of min­eral w’ater cISs'i.Kcd ©s artificial tliat is not includ»d in ihe Hialletics

The total MflU-g of mineral waters In

an Important pursuit ^ th© Incroasod cost of the tieceioacli of Ilf© would naturally hav© leaa ©f than In Ih© North and East, whoi ^ r ic u i tu r t 1g relatively !©•■ importan

From the su tls tica thered by the survey It haa been otrUlnod th a t

I .‘i. 139.&2I gallons of mltm watar wera j ii8©d In 1912 for the manictur© of "ooft

drinks.' The total Imp^ of mineral.\? \2 wert l©na than In 1911 by l,:c'T.3r.l I waters It 1912, IncludlpfatunL setfll- galiona ami th© decrease in '.alu© was ©rliflcl©] and artificial wi -©, ojstoupled J222.31T. New York leaJd In the number | to 3.499.4^7 gallons. valu©t,t M3D.091.

w -

burst for two hours with © twelve-dollar ostrich plum© In her flfteemdollar fall hat?

Did you ever see twenty-two fleet, finely trained Mercur^a and Apolloe slop and Blush around in a slippery, slimy swamp until they looked like mud fences?

Did you ever see a ten-second man catch the ball, and with no one between him and the opponent s goal, stop to pry his feet out of a quagmire before he Could fllart?

Did you ever see a sure-aa-shootlng drop-klckcr manfully try to kick a goal from the forty-yard line with a football as soggy as a bucket of ta r and a shoe

gently but firmly, end ask you to con- aa heavy as a house and lotelder Mr. McCombs In tny place

Mr. McCombs was a member of my class In scbuol. and I can recommend him highly 1 believe th at with a little guldancf lie 'vid make a thoroughly sat­isfactory Ambasador, and I know that his ©fftirts will bo afneere and well- meant. whatever the reault of them may he. I have no hesitation In afi\lsing you to appoint .Mr. McCombe.

True he has Jiist married, and a map who has been married as many yi-gra as r have might be willing to devote more time to the interpats of the United States than ft newlywpid like McCombs. I notice, too. by thpi cable dispatches, that Mr- f'ombs's he5t man. Charley Halsey, dances the lanpro.

Mr. Halsey la also i claps and a aplemlil whom I would not breathe a word Stlji. th© rtiapatches derlftr<? that he danced the tango at McComhs’ii wed­ding feast, and i ask you If It would b© quite dignified for th is nation to f!h

Did you ever see a referee's shirt turn from pearly w'hlte to the color of a peat rick in fifteen minutes of play?

Did you e \e r go many mllefl a t great expense lo see a game of fast football, and witness instead an exhibition of Mud Poke

Do you know w'hat 11 really means to ''sm ear a play?"

The only real crlticisni o( your ad- Tnlnistratiun th a t I have heard ha* been about the weather dealt out on big football days. If you need © dependable man to reorganize the W eather Bureau for you. let me know.

I hope, however, that you will not ask me In go to Paris, While I would alniost

i ratl\er go than disappoint you, or upset member of my your plana, or lead you to feel th a t no fellow-, again.'il one took an Interest In helping you to

run the covintry, still I hop© th a t you villl follow my fiNggestlon and appoint Mr MD'orabs In my stead. .lust try to make h;ui do, .Mr Prealdent. Your© truly. L, H. H.

Vermont’s Fern Pickine; Industry


GO ON, H R . JfE L L E N ,C h a rle s B. Mellen has s truck a vein th a t connects

th e b a n k e r m anagenient of th e New Haven with b an k ­e r r iv a lry a t Boston, He ch a rg es th a t the acquisition o f tro lley lines by the railroad of w hich he was form erly axecutlv© head met with financia l oppoalHon when the tro lley system s su rrounding Boston bso^m e Involved.

T h e su b u rb an system s ab o u t city, Mr. Mel- Sen gtatee, w ere sought tu be contihiUed by a Boston

■>1 b an k in g group, and to the efforts of th is group to obtain co n tro l of those system s he traces the agitation against

W IN T E R shut dowm wdth unexpected suddenness to th e west of us. R eports of a ten -ln rh snow fall as near a s IM ttsburgh, com ing a f te r a m ild fall, m ight seem lo in d ic a te th a t when th e season gets here It will be th a t r a th e r m yth ical "o ld -fash io n ed " w inter. And If It. Is go in g to be puch. m ig h t no t th e police d e p a r tm e n t p ro fita b ly rem ind citizens th a t they are In deg ree re ­sponsib le for th e ir fello-w-cltlzei.s' necks— a t leas t ao f a r a s c lean sidew alks a re concern ed ?

From the first days of eaily fall until the first enow closes the season, the people living in the small town© on the ©lopes of the Taconic Mnuntains, In south- ern Vermont, are busy with their fern harvest, an industry th a t has Heen grow­ing steadily ihn past few years and In vhlch there is considerable profit.

Ju s t why this Industry should be con­fined lo that small eectlon of couniry, write.*' ft liennlngtoft correepondant of the New Vi rk ^un. has never been aatls- faclorlly explainr-d. Ferns grow every­where throughout parts of New England and northern New York, but th© fact re-

durinp the winter, when little green is available.

Since It became known that ferns could be kept all winter in cold storage, the biisIncs.H of gathering and retailing has Increased rapUlly, so that there are at present many firms In New York and M assachusetts which give It their entlr© attention several months of the year.

The btjdiness now' annually brings Into the iiioLuitain towns confliderable money in wage?. The pickers are paid by the piece. Hi the rate of four cents a hundred, and flomo of the induatrlous and nimbi© ones earn from tf> to 37 a day. Tf th©

mains that In no other locality Is business w eather perm its the business to b© car- of the picking of the little sprays cf green Med on untl) early In November, all of so thoro’ighly eMahlished as In the belt 2h,00u,000 ferns are shipped from Pen- of mountains le»6 than 100 square mllea nington, and fully aa many from Hie in area. | other side of th© mountains. It Is ©n easy

The Industry rum© Into ©xlstenr© , m atter to figure out that this means l2o.- through the discc\''ry by florlfita In the ODO to th© ptekera alone, to say nothing cities that the fidiulnn of a few ferns i of th© wages paid to owners of ‘•^anrjs who aa R background for a tiox of blossoms haul the ferns from th© pickers' camps added materially to their value, especially to th© railroad atatlon.

Hoboes Give Dog a Funeral

T H .^T T H E RITU A L M U R D E R "tr ia l" ahould fall In R u ssia Is evidence of ad vance in Kusslo- Such a p ro p o a te ro u s accusation an d such proof of persecu tion as th e prusecuU on reso rted to. Is u n th in k ab le here , an d se rv es to Illustra te the gu lf w hich sep ara te s u s from th e Colossus of the N orth .

Seeing th a t severa l h u n d red new spaper co lum ns have been p rin ted ab o u t U. Miss Jessla WUaon p ro b a ­bly will be com pletely ta k e n by su rp rise when sh e re- ceh 'es th a t necklace as u, w’eddlng g ift from th© m em ­b ers of th e House of R epresen ta tives.

th e N ew H aven In th e m e tro p o litan district of Mussa- *tiUBeita. E lsew here, acco rd in g to Mr. Mellen— InC n n h ac ticu t. R hode Island an d ru ra l MasBachueetta— th e m agnification of th e New H aven was received w ith a p p ro v a l o r a t least to lera tion . I t wag the outw itting

■^^.1,; j |^ ]4 d e fa a t o f would-b© B oston«se banking monopoltsts, |j^ oaya, th a t led to local a t ta c k s upon the New Haven monopoly.

Th!» vein should be follow ed up. I t appears likely to OOntoln rich deposits of fac t h ith e r to unrevealed. W© h a w k now n since th e d lsc losurea m ade during th e re- CMtfit Inquiry Into New H aven affa ire by the In te rs ta te

C onsidering w h at h a s hap p en ed to th a t o n e -y ta r- am bassadorsb ip schem e. It m ay be safe to say th a t " J im H am " Lew is's w h isk e rs Just now *,r© a m are 's nest.

In th e event o f G eneral B lnghap l being nam ed aga in as police com m issioner in New Y ork, w hich Is ta lk ed of, th e re will be a n o tab le case o f com ing back.

"Snowball," & nondescript terrier be­longing to a ban-l if hoboes who frequent "Hobo mil," on the outskirts of Kansas City, was burifij with honors by the human derelicts who were his friends when he was klllHii by a street car.

It was an unkempt lino of men that trailed behind a rickety express wagon carrying the remains of the dog, says the K ansas City Btar. The wagon creaked up "Hobo Hill. ■ a shavk-covered clay bank In the »lu<1 quarter of th© North Side.

"H ere Ilea Snowball, the hobo's friend- May he real In peace."

These words were roughly ©crawled In crayon on th© homemade coffin In the express wagon and painted on the smooth side of the wooden ©lab that was driven into the ground a t the grave'© head.

The dog, covered with sleet frozen to his half, slipped Into a cheap N orth Side saloon lo K ansas City one winter ntght five years ago. The floating das© of men th a t frequent the district adopted him, tau g h t him tricks, fought over him and for him and often put In thetr nickels to hall him out of the pound.


Lever-operated clamps lor the hands and feet have been Invenled In England to lake the pleco of ankle spike© for pole climbers, with the added advaptag© th a t Uiey can be used on nietai pole©.

A motor-driven flow of English In­vention auioinalical ly guides llaelf over a field aft> r It ha^ plowed the first furrow undur lUe direction of a human miud.

A handy new fire extinguiaher for house­hold use contains two liquid© which, when combined Ify turning the device over, ejects a heavy, fiarae-smothering foam.

Hon. R obert B. H u d sp e th a p p a ren tly does n o t car© w ho adm in U teri th e law s of New Je rsey ao long aa he can m ake some th e poU tlca

An ©lectroftcupe for detecting the pres­ence of radium dUcliarges, so delicate th a t ll measures curierkt strengths a© small as one tcuurlUlnnih of an ampere, has been made In Paris.

Tetescopo spectaclea have hceo Invented in Germany fu r persons Buffer ing from ex­trem e near eight.

C om m erceC om m lM lon , th a t th e Now H aven d irec to ra te .h f (fa* lAte -John F te rp o n t M organ, imld

A bout tim e to revive th e old eqtilb al^out th e sw eet m uelo of the nsdla tora the** no riU n g fi > > * •

A telephone which Is claimed to b© explosion proof and flam© proof has been Invented tn England for ui« In mines or anyw here th a t explosive gases or liquids are present.

Th© entire body of a new automobile headlight la made of glass, a vacuum between the reflector ^nd the outside pro­tecting th© finish of th© exterior and keeping it cool.


E t h e l C e c i l i a Smi t hV i o l i n i s t

MISS ETH EL CECILIA 3MITH, a violinist who is favorably known to musical Newark, will be the soloist at the LAJTER-HUMANA RECITAL to be given in Lalter Hall on Wed­nesday afternoon at three o-lock.

Miss Sm ith’s numbers wll be accompanied on the LAUTER-HUMAIiA, played both

p n e u m aticalljLsuter Hill, 591-S93 Braid St., Newirj

Wedneadiy, Novsmber >2, 3 P. M,

P R O G R A MMtU'Elhel CecfUi Sm ith - Violist Mr, Walter - at the L auttr-H uoi*

1. O m lu r ; Wll.lam Tell Pas.lT2. Violin W .ither'* PrUr nonjt3. Polka de la Tliine 0[). 1*5 TiT/4. Violin ThaU Mfilltatl.iii MitsSiti5. Rljole lo One Daj If I Rememh.r ell

V diS. Violin By die RrooksM* Boisdtrt7. Inetfomental Silrer Spring Myn8. Violin Llebesfreud Kfeer9. Seleetlon oh: Oh: DHphloe

iiyand by hand. The visitor will have an excel­lent opportunity of investigating the artistieworth of theLAUTER- HUMANA.

These weekly recitals are open to the public, ADMISSION IS FREE.

CAUTION: The word humair meanB bum an—'hum an-llkecobu'ol, This name la our ti-ade-nrk. The a rtis tic suprernacy of the LAUTER-HUMANA has bright forth countless tmlti* Ilona with claim s of ••humanHIke n trc l”. "hum an touch", etc. There la hut one H um ana—th t L*JTER*HUMANA—m anufac­tured wholly In oui own Newark tn t.

LAUTER CO. 59-593 Broad Si

In a new oven Invented by a Denver man. meat© are cooked In air hoaUd by electricity and compreteed by a m otor- driven pump, which ts claimed to reduce shrinkage to a minimum.

Colored gloss hoods, t© b© slipped over iBcandeaent lamp© and fastened with cUps, hav© been Invented (or tem porarily changing the colors of electric lights.

Every veeset in the British navy li now equlpp '^ with wlrelesa telegraph appar­atus, « * «

Electrically Illuminated algne to be car­ried on th e roofs to show whether taxl-^ egbs are vacant or occupied have betn P«MIM4 Ut asalM*.;.. r-.

No R isk, N) LossThe Prudentia Month­ly Income polfcy puts the Life I n s u r a n c e money where s>ecula- tors and the un^rupu- lous can not retch it. It is as safe as luman ingenuity and jreat resources can m£ke it.

Forrest P. Dryden, resident




LAW MlTh© ri

UommlEP aven\7© i by ihe liandcd '1 rentun. nance e: 4venue

The c such ei th© epm the cuau ieglBlalP itatul© commiBi way© mi

Aioni Cor th© the mat I t to r< Trsneha would I E rro rs Uon. Ml read thi Juitlc© m ent

The d' tloQ Ins ethers, < Barnes i ‘tack waj appUcab: lying bei and the Orange, to reguL syllabus

"Th© I Essex ¥ avenues public 1 tak© Ju(

"An t Public o f th* the boa n u e i 'f travel i In ssM shall be lie roai high wa;

"A CO for all m ent th the Atre the put any me end w h fer© W'l s tree t l or with tin g ow

"Whei tur© has commies ment In lag busl: such po common customai strictly, enactmei found.

"Th© vhk'h. i ^ommlBi the use' and W'hl'

lalegulatlc and cuni ©mpowei use of a a public th© pub strlctlon, ©venues business


"Whit b*d boy 1n*le," I of the Verona. Boclai T Young Mr. Hel fo r "ro£ currlcuh 'rlthmetl

■of boye acboot.

Mr. H w*e con fecUva Juvenile tion of Iraroely every sc

The c impreeee Oeborne, for a I equipped for a he tlnquent home al parental aald thi made to children.

Judge Juvenile ment of 10 brins a h o art rhlldren. court Ic law, he

Other evperint Mome ( Stonafcei CharlUei neat D. County tJullen. Ohlldren Dougall. Charitlei

Bill The, f

the dv l poeJtisD d ep u tm Foyle, J F rank 1 Georg* Otto E.


O ipMata


A l lWaeUntl

“THIW ith



N E W A E K E V E N IN G N EW S, T U E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R I t 1913. t'-"'

4u«UtM. r 0t th* «lswe«d’ li dr>n« B tlBBUttinvention ona m$y t t t tnyrlnv *nd wfll hAve

for 16' oDljr to

;tit lA*U. iMea c«n of clgara • by artl- work the tnnot Ml iienufec of flour :lete the

) varlouB pi/rnoBei. > lifb l i t uMd to for any light l i

nventor’Bby thte

esU l value^nki iev«I w atenk tn the d li third IT among uraber of or value

acbueetti t aprlnga

I one e i ' large In* ral waterSouth or culture le Increaeedfe would n In the■ulture l i

1 by the led that Iter wereB of '‘eoft r mineral, ral. aeml- amounted BSO.OSl.



» s




BUSINESS VEHICLESm a y u s e p a r 'k a v e .

Saprerae Court Rules that No Legal Authority Exists to Restrict


The rifflil of ih« b)a§ex County Park f'ommlBBlcn to prohibit the u*c of Park uveriue h\ huBin^nB \'ehlclee \vae deni.sJ by the aupreme Court In an oplntoi. lianded down by Juelira Trenchard. at ‘I rentun, yteierday. Betting aeiUe the orui- nani;e excludmg such vehlrlee from tnt« avemie

The court held, in lu b sta ice . that anv tiuch exclusion, being In derogation uf the cpmmiun right to uee the high* ay in the cuatomary manner, muat haveapeclfic legiBlative aotliorlty. In other woriiB, th t Btatule conferring authority upun the commlailDii to restrict traffic uii park- waya muir he atr.ctly cnnatnied

A lon io Church, aecrelury and counsel Cor the com m Usion, e la ted today that the m atter too Im ponuni to allow It to reat on the dacislon of Ju stice Tranchard. He declared th ai the c a le would be CHirried to the Court of Errors and Appeala for fin al dispoal- tloti. Mr. Church aiated that he had not read the opinion of the Supremo Court Ju itlce and could not offer any com ­m ent upon It. I

The dectelbn was reached In the Ittlga' tloQ Inatltuied by ilobert Barnee and oth era conatltutlQg the firm o | R oben Barnea 4 ISuna The ordinance Under at* ‘tack waa adopted January 7 Uiet and was applicable to tho p&rilou of Park avem;e l]^Qg between Hoaeviiie aS'snae, Newark, and the end of the avcoue in Wee; Orange. The powers of the commiaBlon to regulate traffic are set forth In the ayllabua as folLowa.

'T h e eta tu ie o f IBTft. a u th o r ltliig the Eaaex Pubhr Road Board lo lay out avenuea In Die county o f Hieex, is a public law nf which the courts w ill ta k e Judicial notice.

"An avenue laid out by th e E ssex P ublic Road Buanl, under authorlt\' o f Ih* art of 1S70. w hich act veated the board wdth power in lay out ave- n u e i 'for the convenience o f public travel by carriages and other vehiclen in aaM county, which sa id avenues shall he deemed and taken to be pub­lic roads or h ighw ays, le a public highw ay,

"A common h igh w ay !• jjreaumably' for all people, and the public eaoe- 1 m ent therein includes the r ight To use the Alreet for purposes of passage by the publh- arrl. therefore, to em ploy any m eans ihrectly conducive to th a t 1 end w hich do nni siibBtatuially Inter­fere W'itti the n istom ary use of the street by any finrlion o f the public or w ith the recognized r igh ts of a b u t­tin g owners.

“ When It Is claimed that the Legisla- ture has granted pow’or to a county park commleilou to impair the public ease­ment in a common highway by prohlbtl- Ihg buslnees traffic thereon, Its grant of such power, being In derogation nf the colTimon right to use the highway In the ' cuitom ary manner, will \>e consiriied alrlclly, and clear a iih n r it / for the enactment of the prohibition must he found. I

"The perk commfs.sior a t under : vhk'h. by ti. it,« ('Miinlv P ark't ommleslon l.s enipiiwert'd t" ■r^milato The u w of 'pfirkways' tr lilKhu ay.s,' , and W'hlrh by the s m en d m er i i il .. n i.< ,,{ I'uj? la amhonzpiJ tj enact ‘riilf.^ nnd legulatlona for ttie protei iion, rcj4u|atl<m and control of i;uch parkways,' docs not empower such cumniiaiilon in lrtij»air the use o f an avenue >h ich was laid out na a public highway and used aa such by the public for forty years wuthout re- plrlctlon, by prohibiting the use of the •v sn u e i for vehicles ordinarily used for buslnesa traffic in public etreeta.'* I

m n S6iAUieNi .$

The Horn of Plenty Arrives on Wings of ThriftEasily it glides to its accustomed plai'c—tlic

DAVdD STRAUS CO. store—lightly touchiniT the purse for the things you need and most want. Tmiy a Horn of Plenty, scattering? pfifts in the form ot fjenerous sax'in fs on seasonable merchandise \\ itli which it is o\’erflowin^.

N o Mai! or ’P hone O rders Boys’ Overcoats

Vi'arm, substantial coats for the bov from 21/ to 10 yrs., of wool materials, in plain :ii fa n c y mixtures, cut on new wiii’er models, button to the neck, semi and full belted mod- c'K, velvet or seif collars; worth

1 !iR, S2 ‘iO nnd $2,ftS. |

C O A T SFor Women & Misses d j C The Ten Dollar ClassThe styles are the newest and include

smart cutaway and natty sport coats in 36, 45 and 50 inch lengths. The mate­rials are boucle and mixtures, In blue, black, brown and combination colors.

Notwithstanding the very low price of the coats,


Two Big Lots of Wash GoodsWe can assure you of the two best lots of wash goods

sold in some time. New York’s largest wash dress house be­fore stock taking clearance of piece ends; lengths are from 2 to 8 yards, widths from 27 to 3fi inches, materials are Madras, Percales, Poplins. Ginghams, Reps, Tub Silks, Outing Flannels, Semi Silks and a great many others; values from 10c, to 35c. yard; on sale in two lots.

Lot 1, ^ l ty „ Lot 2,Yard,. 0 Yard..

Toilet Goods Dept.


Mennen's Tal­cum Powder.. . .


''Whip >m ; Its the bent way to prtivent bad boya from ffrnwln^? up to be ertm- Ihals. said Carl Hellor, sup^rlntendont of th« Nawark F’arental School, ip N arena, addresalriff Iha Essex County Social Workens- Club last night, In the Young Women's Christian Asaociatlon. Mr. Heller said that if the fourth "R," for “rod.’' were to be restored to the cufrlculum of "Reading, writing and ’rlthtnellc," U wou-d leeaen the number

-of boys who are aent to the parental schooi.

Mr. Heller stated very bluntly that he was convinced that one of the moat e f ­fective moves for the correction of Juvenile criminals would bo the applica­tion of a hickory stick to thoao ex- Iremely' bad cases that are found in every Bchool.

The club membera «ere particularly impreaacd by a talk hy Judge Harry V. Oeborne, Id which he advanced reagons for a better planned and more fully e<lulpped building than the one now used for a houee of detention for Juvenile de- ilnquenta. He asserted that a parental home should be erected sim ilar to the parental echno] at Verona. The Judge aald that further provision should be m ade for the special care o f aub-normul children.

Judge Patrick J. Dolan, of the Juvenile Court, recommended an amond- ment of the law that would permit hint to bring Into court and punish adults who are parties to the dellnquendy ot children. Judge "Ben" Lindsey's fam ous court tn Denver is run under such a law. he said.

Other speakers were: John C. Kalleen. superintendent of the New Jersey State Home for Boys, at Jamesburg; C. L. StonaJeer, general secretary of the State Charities Aid Aseoclatlon Bureau; E r­nest D. E aiton, president the Essex County Social Workers' Club; John A, iJuLlen. superintendent of the Catholic Children's Aid Society, end A. W. Mac- Dougall. of the Bureau of A uociated Charities.

B llc lh le lo r Cultore Calleptor.Tbs following candidates l iu ^ passed

the d v ll service exam inations for the position of culture collector In tae local dej>sJtnient of public health: W illiam J. FoylAi John I. W alsh, John A. Donovan, Frank Lange» Charles E. Messerschmldt* George E. Furlong'. Henry F. Knellar. Otto E. Bernhardt and Frank, J. Hopter.

A M U S E M E J m

Fraak A. Kmost. Proprlstor sad Htasger. "THl flP&RTlira DTTOHE8B." Prsesdsd at 1:30 and 7:80 ter first-run KlesBisMlgr pictures snd>WsuderiiJt,Next Wssk—pint tLci« le srock, Cosmo

HatelltOB's BrilHaDt rlsy, "Blledniia of virtue/*UltO, •T«ry day* , -Avuilqil,

tfc, » e . 80c. 10c. 20e. dOe. HOe.

PROCTOR;b :‘t*.JACK mtSOK * CO,, CYKIL OHA.O- WICK * CO.. MELVILLE 4 HIQ01N8, eeCKJC SVARTBT, ELICABBTH OTTO, CLARA BALLEHtVi. SAM BARTOIf, SHAW 0 PACKARli; MAX LAUBB,a r c h i e o n r i a n h d o l l y . P rtcci-~ H B tla*H . 19«> IBe, 3Bc. SOc,

E tcbIAA^ 10*. XSc, 36«. 00c. TOc,


lUti.. YiATiNtshif ii%n >

Mrmtil-ttgfl Osn ttniY lOa16* Oos 1b "Madjun fktfTf." »•m Vnt WMke "SOOABA* pf 10*Ht tat Uadtrwertd." lOa

•ahshUBERT t h e a t r eMctlncM WfdB«dBT end SatardOT

**Believe Me XanUppe”w ith Joba O airracFt aad Hacy Ym p o Ifcat W>«li~"Thc riT c Jraaklortaya"

WMbicdWi 'fhwclpSrt WMsthiw billy,•t h e h / ^ p y w toow s** With Watson and Cohan

w o p NOT- fT. "Oaldao PWdlla"NEWARK f>fm»tiIHEATRE■ nV EM ta I , Jiig MiMtiMll MffMi


Bed Wear

Castile Soap, good quality........

Large bars Cas­tile Soap..............

Vt'ilch Haiel/S o a p ...............................

BabeskinSoap ...............................

Peroxide,bottle ....................... .

W hiskBrooms ...................


1.39Double Bed Size BlanketsRegular price 2.00; pair...........

Buy these fleeced wool nap blankets, 11-4, double bed size; soft wool-like finish; warm, w'inter weight; pink, blue or yellow border; double-stitched edges.

Silkoline Comfortables 1 |QOur Regular 1.69; each.............

These comfortables are filled with soft white cotton, covered on both sides with figured silkoline, in good patterns and col­orings; fancy stitched and extra well made; double bed size.

89c11-4 Fleeced BlanketsRegular price 1.2,5; pair...........

The blanket bargain of the year; large, double-hed size; white or gray Reece blan­kets; extra quality, finest winter weight; you will never duplicate them at this sale- ilay price.

59cNewark’s Best Sheet SaleValues 79c to 95c; each...............

These well-known brands of sheets are all perfect, first quality, seamless and full double-bed size, 81x00; Mohawk Valley, "’ortlands, made of Atlantic Mills cotton. Harvard Mills and genuine Dwight Anchor

Remarkable Sale Bed Spreads 1 1 Q

Five hundred bed spreads, in hemmed and fringed, with cut corners; targe, dou­ble-hed size; good, washable weights and raised Marseilles patterns; all perfect and ;lean, new goods, just received from the mill.


.25, tpecltli


Playing Cards

Pinochle or straight decks Z _(seconds) ....... U v

Stampedpillow Tops...........Towels .................Aprons .................Cenirepiecs ........Pin Cushions........

A s s o r te d s ty le s .

Curtain ScrimPlain and colored scrims, l-yard wide, in

a large variety of pretty designs in plain bor­der or allover effects; fast colors; remnant lengths from 2 to 10 yards; sells reg- ular at IZi^c.; special.........................

J5c W omen’s nose at

^ 1= price, SYjc.

Outing Flannel27-inch outing flannel, white grounds,

with neat pink or blue stripes; clean Eastern- made flannel and worth 9c, yard; for this Z - one-day sale, yard ................................... U w

Yard-wide Domet FlannelBleached, heavy weight, fleeced on both

sides; domet flannel full yard wide, much wanted fabric for all kinds of winter under­garments; regular 14c. yard; sale at, yard ............................. ................

Notion Dept.Glass Buttons, as-

sorted colors; val. IOc m ' v B l o o m e r Elastic, 3 ' / ^ c

H a i r N e t s , per | P _

Velveteen Bindings,yard ............................... O v

Corset Laces, perbunch ................ 3'/^

9'/acUnbleached Muslin

Two lots of 30 to 40 inch unbleached sheet­ing; lengths from 2 to 10 yards; grades that have sold at 8c. and lOc. yard; on sale, while they last—Lot 1. P - Lot 2,

y a r d ..............u L yard ..

Leather Goods Dept.Black Patent Leather Belts,

all sizes, all widths, assorted buckles; values 25c. | A

Ladies’ Ham] Bags ofkara- tol leather fancy set-in frame; some leather lined, fitted with change purse; value 59c.,,. m x L

H em stitched PUIow Cases 45x36 bleached linen finish pillow cases,

spoke hemstitched, well made; the cotton wears well and has no dressing; reg.17c. each; this one-day sale, each .lU ^ C

Mercerized Damask58-inch mercerized table damask, the

good quality kind; assorted patterns; snow white: value 39c, yard; one-day sale, yard ............ .......... ........................... m O v

Children’s Lined Kid Gloves

Well made, serviceable, fleece-lined, kid and Mocha gloves, with Paris point back, suitable for boys or girls; all sizes, in gray and tan value 69c pair, spe­cial, at .....................

V ... — .47c

Uatrinmted Hats 1.39Pick out any shape in stock

now marked up to ,$1.98 at this special price. The mate­rials are velvet, plush, ve­lours and beaver, all blocked in the very newest styles; plenty of small, medium and large shapes. Many of them were originally priced much higher.

Jewelry Dept,German Silver Mesh Bags,'4-

inch fancy frame, fine ring mesh, silk lined; value / I C /vSi .50, at ........................ l ) u L

Jewelry Assortment, Brooch Pins, Bar Pins, Lavallieres, Hat Pins, Baby Pins and other novelties; values up to —Si.00, at .......................Wm. A. Rogers’ Silver Nickel

Flatware at Special PricesTeaspoons ...................................... 3'/icT a b lesp o o n s ........................... 7cTable Forks ...........................................7c

Lace CurtainsScotch lace, in white and

Arabian, 21/, and 3 yards long and 40 to 50 in. wide; large as­sortment of styles; they came from a manufacturer about to t.!ike stock; sent us all his left­overs; they will match into pairs, and are worth from $1.00 to $1.50; special at, per strip .............................. 37c

House Dresses & WrappersFifty dozen $1.00, $1.50 and $1.98 dresses

and wrappers, some shaded, some slight sec­onds, but no defects which will mar the looks or hurt the wearing qualities of these gar- rnents. You will find a laige assortment of pretty styles, in both high collar or low neck models, of percale, gingham or flannelettes, sizes 34 to 4d; spe­cial a t.............................................


New WaLstsOf batiste, voile, linen,

nuTdras, in fancy and tailored eftects; long and short sleeves, high and low necks regular^ sold at 79c, and OSclp^pecial. . .

Tailored W aistsOf chambray, gingham

and black and white striped percale; neatly tailored with pocket or smartly tucked in front; special sale at ............................... 3Sc


29c50c W omen’s U n ion Suits at

Made of a heavy pure white cotton Jersey rib ­bed style, high neck and long sleeves and ankle length .

25c Infants' W ool Cash- mere H ose at 12f4c, with colored silk heel and toe.

Girls’Coats,Reg. siold for ,3.98

Sizes fi to H- In low belted or plain

box styles, of good quality cheviot and ziheline, in navy, Copenhagen and brown.

B u c k T ow elsHemmed buck towels, union linen, size

18x36; all white or with woven red borders; regular selling price 15c. each; sale at, lOc

Long Cloth12-yard pieces of long cloth, yard wide,

underwear weave; culled cute; that is, eachpiece contains two lengths; regular 95c

T ab le P a d d in g64-lnch table padding, the thick, wash­

able kind; pbft fleeced; regular selling _ price 59e- V^rd; one-ddy tale, yard .. 0 7 ^

Hom at 7J46 a Pair Men's Cotton &lsoli and Colored

Ko h , lila grloi, o pair.. .•••<«m i • I ' * v

5 ilk s and Dress Goods36-inch Silk Faille, 59c Yd.

Regulir price, 89c. yard. The very popular yard-w ide F aille , the make that we se ll thousands o f yards at the regular p r ice ; every wanted new and stap le color, a lso b lack or w h ite ; if you w ant m a­terial for a w a ist or dress don’t miss this sa le , for we sa v e yon thirty cents on every yard.

28-inch Corduroy, 59c Yd.Regular $1 .00 value. Delayed shipment of fine C orduroys,

newest wale lustrous velvet finish, best color assortm ent, w hite, black, cream, Copenhagen, tan, beaver, wiitaria, olive, m yrtle, d a te , garnet, brown, tnaletot or navy.

54-inch Cloakings, 1.59 Yd.Value 1 2 .6 0 to $3.08 yard. Bought way under regular price

from a coat manufacturer going out of business; they are all wool, In various styles In plain colors ^and fancy w eaves , su ita b le tor ehUdrsfl'a, misses’ or women’s coats. '

^inch- Serges, Sponged and Shrunk, 59c Yd.Regular $1.00 yard. Genuine Hamilton mills sponged and

shrunk all wool 50-mdi serge; one of the best wearing aklrt or suit strgM they have ilvtye sold at St.00 per yard; two shades of any er part bfaOks for this oni day salt.

Offerings Aplenty of Children’s Shoes

C h ild re n ’s F la n n e l P e t t i c o a t sFrom 2 to 6 year

sizes, made of white and striped outing flannel, cambric waist attached, generously cut and well made; reg, 25c., | Cy-v special ............. I O C

Children’s RompersMade of good quality

gray outing flannel, in nretty striped effects, '■’y down collar, pocket '.ltd belt piped with •'asf color red; sizes 2 to 6 years: value 29c., special.,.. J9c


Little Boys’ Shoes— High cut, solidly made storm shoes, with two buckles, in tan and black; sizes 10 to I3J4;regular $200 pair, at ......................................... ..

Big Boys’ Shoes—Sturdy shoes of satin calf, in blucher lace style; sizes 21i to 5 1 / 2 ; reg. $1.50 pair, at

Misses’ and Children’s Shoes—-Good wearing, well appear­ing shoes of dongola kid with patent tip and box calf, O Q - button style; sizes 6 to 11 and \\]/j to 2; reg. $1.19 pair. O y C

Little Children’s Shoes—High cut shoes of patent leather with plain toe and spring heel; sizes 3 to 6j regular H Q p $U 0 pair, at ............................ .. ...................... ................. / z V

RibbonsFancy Taffeta Ribbons

An assorted lot o f all- silk fancy flow ered m oire and satin striped ta ffeta ribbons from 4> i to .5(4 in ch es wide in a large variety of co lors; | Q — value 25c to 39c I q U yard, at .................

Handkerchiefs for Men and WomenAn assorted lot of sofl^ri

finish plain and novelty w'hite handkerchiefs; val. up to tOc sach, a t V V -

$18 Seamless Tapestry

Brussels 9x12

9.15Lar^e assortm ent

of patterns

Muslin Underwear\Vomen'.s Drawer.-^- 0 1 goo.i q u a lity cam bric, deep

tucked flounce tr im m e d w ith linen lacc. all sizes, t i j in open: regu lar 25c specia l. . l l W

W onirn’a tiow n a— .Made of tine nain.sook. prellily trim m ed with Val. and linen laces, dainty medallions and em­broidery, with beading and ribbons; all sizes; regularSI 00, special................................

W hite PettieoBls - O f good quality cambric, pretty flounce* of the new point em broidery and several other pretty 1 m styles, with or without underlay , all lengths; value Site., s p e c ia l ................... .......................................................................





Oktofl Rill Iniirovers Critkiie Trol­ley Straps liid VentilatioD-Say

PeBce Permit Speeding.



Am r y eTrollfv Ki'I'.r. .iMoiii;

tiiue tn fuf i'f II. 11 I Ilf niff I in* la»i nl»h l ol the C liip ifi tf.ll Imprn-.rmemAmocHIIoii III r i l l ' i . ' lin 'l I'r lm lh - line 1(1 I’d


uRL’Itli'd to lismunt thfifraps in t« t’A .iri'1

plHged Iniolioii nf ti pollif, w tio, ar- 4^0l4inf to P”> tit* iittfnttoii I<0 oytomoliHei* troni ilitrtj toforty inlletM «t> hY>'n >" t'lintou rv^hua .

Th* «o»oclMtloJi tilao look up I roiaimfilon form i ( goverumAnl prob- tan in a irinniifi. aiml afttr TrAiie-Uref ThoiHRR VVetlkpr limF iJac];Tr*'il itint niDJiRy XAP* h> tha (,!omwiMJonGovernm^til TAnHru . a rRaOlijilun waa Adopts to p*iy month out of Uie l4»ocl*iiIon no'Stir: lo the un­til »it:u Mais'b WovcTiil liidiv l<luala Alto p|o(Jt«d flrtHncinl vnppori

A comtnonlratlon w ti received Crom the y' oaLotfke iJepartinent in roapuna tft A letter "*nt hy the eaeoclaiinn. ask­ing thet part of thft appropriation for the propoaed new i lt> poaiDfrire bo uiOd for the rr#<'t|oT. of u brflrii'ti poai- offtee to the ClIiiLon Hill a»r(lnn The esommunlcatlon n*t forth ihRi tbit? would be linpoRiJble for tuny rejAmia

Trolley '’lira and A'if«pm..bllefi. iv-w •, ever, eero on ih' i sr diron durnia moe*

nf the meftinii •o orni aj'eekeni. ip ad- dittoQ to talk'ny ai-'niit (h* allefrri unasnl*lory itjaiJ* "H I'-til'Ti many nf Ihe Ira'el-

public htts** f" lianir daiJv, aTH'*he of * p* poor ventilftilop of tti- ' era and com- “ ./*red the loral ayaiem wnfa^urahU Wfib I Ldut of PhlladelphiA A reeolullon waa adopted to proteat to

th e PubllcScrTlro Htreet R ajlnay I’oiti- p u iy «|Qlnat the dtrty atrapa and aak ih et • oommlftee of the aeforlatlon be Allowed io eelect e atrap from cm,e of fh** c m end eend It the c ity baot«rioioiiat for ttem lnetion , lu prove what term - ciftniera they are. The roinptny will i j io be taked to ’entilata the rarj end will bo warned that failpfo tn dn ao will tn ^ n «n ppp^al to Ih* b^'anl <-f lle«Uh

Ift eifffkliiil of the aulnrnnhde manece, <Morfe M. iJudil end ai>.erni olhera de­clared Ihev had nerrow oacepp-s from be- Inf pm down. A doien oihera in the htU teetifted they had eeen etitomobitoa f o i f f up and down ritnton avanuo, almoet deJlv* » t e apeed of from thirty to forty mlWi tn hour, with the police v ey in t no eUtntlori to the ^'lo1etlon•

Anoth “r ih et la belnip obaer'od lr Uib -breach according: to e number of tyMBbera. la the* which pruvidca tliet when e troltey car ta atopped i- recel\« «r let off paaierifera, aiitomuhtleo either paat' alx feet frupi ih»3 car or aiej until tho pasBOug'jrrs are i.vji nf (iamt*?r Mr, Judd *a1d he had apoUpti tn raptatn famual Brown, of the Sl.'Uh precinct ^ ho pffflBAeed to look into the metier.

The membera are mikinf arrengcnicnt^i for the ennoel dlnn*::* uf the asBociaiion, Whi^ will be given at the Krucffcr A'ldi- I

. tdriem Februery 2i

■ ^ (hrvu Mf aaM* tmt br ye*bwi-wS.^.ANAHAs I s o N .B ^ w it , Mil

B e S u r e of th e P l a c e —7 8 3 B ro ^ d S t r e e t j

Honest Workmanship and Prices

Vnu're sure to ge* good, honest ireatineni *hen you ■ ome here, both as regard workmanship and prices. St’s nnr policy to give every one our best price iwe have only one), '*'« also giie them the best there is in us. My staff ot skilled operators will give you work that will please I guarantee it for 10 years.

FILLINGS 5 0 c . Up


rinflistimI'ori’- elain HlivRr, <>oH

E v e r y O p e r a t i o n P a i n i e * * a n d G U A R A N T E E D F O R T E N Y E A R S

p r a c t ic a l d e n t i s t .

I RtR M s i s * n AniRrlpDD I>RBttt f-Drlor"

7 8 3 B R O A D S T .THKICSt DOOBS F B o n m a u k c i

llvrr StrohRtl’A FlowRr aioFR% ..l Door in PRilr's r^riMDOr

F.AllniiK's < a»Rrfolly fc h f*Trl. «(WI H *rkH

I,Rita .AtisBasRi—lieTiDan SpokenorricR Open a a . >i . to a r- si.

SuDdSF. to A. M- to a I*. At.

G O O D P L A T E S A vith m y g u a r a n t e e

a n d u p

T h e y N e v e r S lip o r D r o p


lpr«gr««» in growth und dpvflormenL C th« w eilern rortfnp uf the rltv wmb d^- PoHbcd by Hyteakcr* rI. ihA 'llnner hrlii last nlfbt hy Vac Side improvemcnlAliociatlon. In twtehrRtlon uf Its third | •ttWlvaritry. Th* nffalr »>bs hfid nt the OfganlMitlcm'* hcadTiuartrrp, Springfldd armua and South Tenth atreet. and wrb attondad by about 100 membriB and fVIMtf.

. Addr«$ae« «‘ern ni&da by Augustui V. Uawobun, prcBldent of the Bi'fftrd of Tnidt; Captain C. Albert naee=«r. head of IM. local burciiu of fire rlaka and coni* bvftiblai, and sJohn V. Braisor, preeldcnt of tha lmp o ■eln«nt RBsoclatlon, Leopold Jjtfawanthal wan tcaalmatter.

Captain Oaaaor reviewed iha general tilAulldlng of the “ n il l” BBcllon brlaflv, taJtlKig occasion to iajiua an early warn- jily to tha marchanta against tlroa, In

L .Yl»^r of tha Impending holldBy neason.A* Chrlatmai limo drawa near ha be- coiBMA tmaaiy. ha aaid, becaiiae of the

of decorating atoro* with straw |' aoS cotton batting, uotl unadantlfic elac- ,

trioal WdPltif- IT® admonlahed hla hcRrera i not. to Trira their own placcF, but to havu ao elactridan do tt, bocauBa the percent- a t# of fires from this origin la higher

U ehould he.f t # bureau head's talk waa in the na­

i l ^ Of a Berlea of euggeGtlonB as to what t#-:do In caia of fire and for its proven- flOl, Wth reference lo general condlilona h # ^ K# said that constant rigid Investl* gtLoB during the past aeverat years haa pjuttba dty far ahead in cumparison with oth#f munl< Ipalllles bercahouta

Bo&fii Fi In the Rtrccl**. a|na\9 more or )«ti of a danger. Ua'ie teen rodui ed to a lalfllmum here. Captain (Jnsser snid. nnd

SlOdhar danger whlc h Iirb b -cn prac- i w jly eliminated \s Lh« poorly ronstriirt- ] «d*tOO\ing picture Ihcatre. The«;e plarea In thli olty larger

th##trM are mcnieh uf eaTCty. with re- Qi#et to (Iro dangfli. That the work nf hi# d#partm«nt has been only well peRun was Ulusirated bv c'apinin Ccbbci' v>hon h# TOferred to the ta.-l I'- T there tW#lJty-lTvo deaths L*; in thn city laist

After tracing ihe bii y,iu i.r lie 'it.- fio n ##ver<il decades iiarV, 'lr llamb irff. i t hU comphinente-l ii<e as^u- Ica^oii mombors lor iht mtiTpiisr. ho'I prMTVHive spirit u1 the resulenia on the "HUl ” He urged them to nfi i msUni and’ untiring’in assisting in the furlher- ano# of tho vrogreei Rlready ruadR. and OgnTOwad a fav' orablo oplnmn of tlin plan started by the V>at i*Ulc body over a

railing fur the .'cntruliiatlon of all Improvement asBOi'-lailAms of the d t’i.

Th# growth of the section, from fl>e Isfg# farms, years ago. until the pre«»eTit I d t y i w a s re'»-i#wed by M t - Braasei. • > i • I caitoftal etrceia cropped up m first, f rm- . mg SVSPtually into ainall sorliMn*. wliu:h | veSr# welded finally Into the one Mp sr. > tten astisting nf'W’. be salo. l'hl« i-rin'lpl'' j ha# been true, not onij iif the land forma- i Gobs, he added, hut haa been Nillow«?i1 also by the finvelopmeni of alore.i end buildings. I

ALCOHOL 3 PLR CENT. ,AVcgttabljIVf|)i!n!!loii6ir.1s

INFANTS/CIIILDREXPnnaotesDlfnttonrbKtri^ness andft!st£ontaLns DeittwOnmiLMarphine norMli No " ------

For lafants and Children.

The J n d You Hava Always Bought

Bears the Signature

offo r N a r c o t i c ,


t e L V -JkMfiSA- A iirM *

Anerffrl Remedy foiCmtiaR 1 ion. Sour Stosadi.Dlan^Worms ,Cmivulswus,reverianess *ml LoSS O f Slei R

Si4i»nm cr

T mt Centaub CompaW .N E W VORK.

Atfe moit'k!; o lt lj y P o v E S - 3 5

in Use

For Over T h irty Tears

m m i n


r nntur progressives sperd $62.s6According to e sta tem ent filed by Ita

J, H Bellows, w ith the coun­ty cT^rkt the Nulley bran- h uf ihe Pro- jH"0§ilTe party spent $€*.8S in the re- CMt aleetlon campaign

Th# KuUey branch received |66. of which I2 t was a contribution from £lmt1 DlebUsch. 118 from Alpheue Geer «Bd |10 from F ra n k L Uusby.

A ita le m e n t from i.'harlp.B W. Brow- ff* #rho w as a candidate for Mayor of V#ro#a, show s th a t he bpent %2\, Com- f t-^ t lv e ly few of the candidateB in th# cctm iy h a re filed their Ubib.

o n NEWS NOTES» — ■ '■--------

Atr*nfDinen1s for n F*riS P»rl” to b, >It«s nndflr th e direction o( the LEdiss’

" AostllAry Club ot the Nation*! Turn- T « * tn AFlll he made a t the ttieetine nr th « 'c lu b tom orrow afternoon at I.RU o'clock. In th e TUrnvereIn Hal!. 211 B race itr c e t

This is a final close-out sale of all our remaining Sport Coats.

All season long they have been selling readily at ^ .0 0 to $10.00, which prices are their real value.

If your fancy in color is eiyhere, you surely can get a

bargain at ourClose-out price

prt>(««sor Raphartl D'Armour. nf tha BiO oU yn In st ltu ts nf Arts and Sclancea, w ill addrss# th a K awark group of thaAUtsBcs FrsrtcalBe. In th« fre« pub- life lib rary tom orrow #vanljig. having for 'h is suh lac t ‘'FmpresB 3osaphln«.' f t # U ctura w ill be lllustratad .

T*l#' ^'•®*iuahtc Musical Club w ilj •Ijl#'#-!!* sacond concert tom orrow even - '

Ijag In. the W e«quaiilc Presbyterian jCMrch. Th# orchestra, -n'hlch Is com |

of tw e n ty -fiv e m usicians, w ill I^',g|n1sted by Harry T. B urleigh, of

York, barltoii''. and O corge E _Jer. a 'cellist, of this L.ty. Several

^ d tto n s by a violin Quartet w ill m ake "l o f the features.

1 , A U m a t t $c Q I o .Daily Delivery and Service

by s p e c ia l M o to r s to A l l S u b u rb a n P o in ts

S a f l e o f M e i n ’s a o d W o n n e i m ’s

Franklin Simon & Co.Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Sts., New York

w’’' take place to-morrow (Wednesday), at the folSow'rg special prices;

MEN’S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFSPiairs, firem st’d, p e r doz ., $2.10, 2 ,8 5 3 .8 5

In itia ie d “ 2 .0 0 2 .4 5w ith ta p e b o rd e rs , per dozen $ 2 0 0

WOMEN’S LlNIkN HANDKERCHIEFS With wreath initia', oer dozen $L50 4 2.10 F'ain, hemstitched, “ L25 & 1.6"

Also Women’s Hand-embroidered Handker­chiefs, in decorative folders ready formalUng, at special prices.B. Aitman & Co. desire to direct particular at- terttiors to the advisability of ear.y placing of orders for the embroidering of initials, mono­grams,crests,etc., on Handkerchiefs Intended for holiday gifts, to insure prompt delivery.


Fur Coats and FursrOR WOMEN AND MISSES

French Seal Coats with Fitch CollarSfmi-loose model, new square collar of real Fitch nr 55.00real skunk: soft silk lining. Value $75.00

.Moire Caracul Coats with Skunk CollarStraighi back model, square collar 65.00of real skunk. Value $85.00

Caracul Coats with Civet Collaror well matched Caracul skins, new siraight back model; col' silk llifing

Hudson Seal Coats with Ermine Collar

Value $95.00

Of fine quality real Hudson seal, cutaway model; new square collar of Frmine or Seal; rich silk lining.

Value $125.01)95.00

Moire Caracul Coats with Skunk CollarLight weight moire caracul skins, draped model. I iff AA mandarin sleeves; large square coljar and cuffs ofFitch, Oiinchilla squirrel nr real Skunk.

Value $175.00

A l t m a n & ( E o .

.Vlole Skin Coats with Ermine or Fitch CollarOf well matched real Scotch mole, new cutaway 185.00model; set-in mandarin sleeves; square collar of Ermine or Fitch; soft sills lined. Value $225.00

Hudson Seal Coats—Ermine or Fitch CollarOf extra fine Hudson seal, cutaway, draped model; collar of Ermine, Fitch or Chinoia. in the new square effect; rich silk lining- Value $250.00

ape now showing the newest models off the ESNAH CORSET, as well as off other corsets made exclusively In their own work­rooms. These corsets are designed to meet every requirement of the well-gowned woman and combine superior cut, fit and workman­ship with materials of the best quality. Esnah Corsets are in stock at prices ranging from $8.50 to 18.00.Corsets made to special order at short notice


Neckpieces and Muffs

are now being shown tn late importations which represent all the correct shades for day and evening wear during the Autumn and Winter seasons, as well as white and black.

These Gloves are made exclusively for B. Altman & Co. by Trefousse et Cie, Chau- mont, France, in approved styles for Men, Women and Children.

Civet Fur NeckpiecesFancy cue! scarf's, wd! marked skins

C h et Fur MuffsLarge muff, uell marked skins

Hudson Seal NeckpiecesFancy seal scarf, braid ornament

Hudson Seal Muffs ^Large Hat muff.

Mole NeckpiecesFancy real Scotch mole scarf.

Mole MuffsLarge real Scotch Mole muff.

Real Skunk NeckpiecesFancy animal scarf with head and tails.

Real Skunk MuffsLarge flat muff

Russian Fitch NeckpiecesWith heads and tails.

Russian Fitch MuffsLarge flat OJuff.

Value $19.75 I3..S0

Value $29.50 2 2 .5 0

Value $34.50 24..50

Value $39.50 2 9 .5 0

Va/ue $34.50 2 4 .5 0

Value $39.50 2 9 .5 0

Value $39,50 2 9 .5 0

Value I49-.50 3 9 .5 0

Value $.39.50 2 9 .5 0

Value $.39 50 3 9 .5 0

Jifllj Awimf. 34lli mth 35tlj 0trMtii, Sim fork.

• HOC# FORwomen

$ 3 .0 0 $ 4 .0 0

,O V IR_ ISO OTVLM , k i n d s a n d ,X SH APKS, 1N ALL L*ATHERS,SI Su 4\ A w io 't h s . t o s u i t s v c r Vb o d YT w . li . D o i i g l u $ 3 . 0 0 ,$ 4 .0 0 A ndc

r ^ , 5 0 sh o e s a re ju s t a s go o d in . s ty le , fit a n d w e a r a s o th er m a k es y

, c o s t in g $ 3 .0 0 to $ 7 ,0 0 , th e o n ly d if fe r* ' r c n c e Is th e p r ice . W by n o t g lr e th e m a V

J tr ia l ‘f T h e r a lu e y o u g e t fo r y o u r m o n e y ' r w U l a s to n ish y o u .I f yo u w o u ld v is i t o u r fa c to ry , th e la r g e s t tn th e

w o r ld under, o n e ro o f, an d aee b o w c a re r u lly W . L. ' . D o tig la ssh o es a re m a d e, you w o u ld u n d e rs ta n d w h y

I th ey a re w a r ra n te d to look b etter , f it b e tter , b o ld th e ir sh ap e a n d w e a r lon ger th a n o th er m a k es i fo r th e p rice .

Till Besl t2 , <2.M $m) S3 Bojt' ShoH In tin WnU.Mo Tuattor whar# you llYa» W. Jj. Dougla* ihOM #ra

irttliltt your rawh. If yo# do not llta oaaronaoi W.L, Douglas Btorae lint) Toarlofial daalar cannot supply • jk yooi(tlos*tUka#STiMtltota. Nona ganaltiewltbout i

W. Ih DooflM DMoa •tuopad on bottot#. Bhoee M HUitiSisverywbare dtraot tromt fmetory, postaga

m a . Now la tha tlma to bagln to aave j \ BflonaT on yoftr footwaor. Writs today ^P-y.T

for QMlat showing how to ordsr by -WsL.0itjjlas.BfKU "

T h e clear, full, resonant quality of the bass section of the BRADBURY scale is famous not only among musicians of note, but among practical piano-

makers, who have long used it as a tone model. In the

BR ADBU RYyou get a piano with a prestige and reputation for musical excellence that extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In the Bradbury you get a piano tha't will give you a lifetime of service. In buying the Bradbury you get the benefit of factory prices. You save the dealer’s profit. Your old piano liberally allowed for in exchange, and terms made to suit your convenience.

BradburyF. O. Smith, Manufacturer

Factory Salearootns!

27 M arket St.Opposite Court H o u m


S e l f - R iIs i n g F l o u r s

Beautibil New D e ^ b High Class Solid Gold Jew dry

Now Shown at the Wiss Store

J.W. Greene & Co.Ibc.


31-37 M a rk e t S treet0 p p . Courthouse NEWARK, N . J .

■ J

a t y o u r GROCER’S

■ a-toBM .a ^ In. . - b.D« t « t .d t«r o«w

K* asDVD ll.m COUt to ' tb . ei-DtUM r.m*ar for i',th* n .rk .t toAor.- — - tad uatlDiDDlabi HDt on

f tadrw—pr.p.ia-

CITT A D T U rnsE atE N T fBxaBS

_____ tlLTM Liam th«BolihEuir'#,

....Wl *bB VCtilc*# druf-•A.o K n a c u DO.,


OrriCB 0 7 7HS BOARD 07CQMM1B510N£»| 0 7 Tf(E CITT

o r NBWARK.City ilEU. November T. »18..

The followlD# U Lbe aet of the nemi«. m l* denm end pleeei of uunvtM cf eppHcutf tbr Uc«ne«e. ocnuined Ip eH EDpliccticni cr peti­tion! DiGde lo ihla boerd for ihe trnnUttf m llecnect to Mil eplrltuoui, vinpue. ronit cr brewed Uqocrs* #44 not heretofore publltfiM Ecoordls

ic** r*'’iw, w


ltlc)u.l W .U Judu ., !ia Polk . U.DH. aiB rwry u ............ plilEOn, OAO rv s iy ... .......... ........p

WHOLESALE-RENEWAL Elwmund Eckhou«$ & Co , !!4T Harket at.57 Hcdden tarrac*

BEKR BOTTLKR-NBW APPUCATION- Uatrr CaateUani. 2S3 Bergio it.SS2 SDrlntfleld a e

r e t a il - t r a n sfe r s .

BYi4UA«V\ <A#IT * VI

SpTlnpfleld av$. Sntre et.

Save M9k, Time and Temper And Make

Griddle Cakes In a JiffyNothing to fix, quick to mix—iiwt Aiii water

tad they ete ready for the fire.Buckwheat Cakes or Pancakes

made with “ Tcco” Flours, plesso both the purse end the palitc. They’re the best cakes you ever lasted—brown and lender and one package makes a lot of them I

“ Teco" Self-Raising Flours are blends of the Choicest Cereals (wbeat-and-com or b'jck- wheat) and Malted Buttermilk- -.It’s the Malted Buttermilk that mikes "Teco” Cakes so good.

g e t a p a c k a g e o f “TECO" ATYOUR GROCER’S TODAY

. It will help you reduce your coat ot living.It your grocer happens to ho "out”

write us giving his name and we’ll see tbst you are supplied.The EKENBERG CO.

T E C OkwiEliBR

11 Hormv \ ItaWMawra3i CvrUsiid, N. Y.

A rich display of gems and precious stones are seen in this season’s attractive productions M gold lewelty Asjisual, when procuring our stock, we kept in wew tne ^Dorfant fact of presenting to our patrons *his time a. selection which, for breadth of choice and plMsing variety, together with moderate cost, can hardly he equaled anywhere. Among other, pem inent pieces areequaiea anywimiD. r ---------- .

LaVallieres, Pendants, Ear Pins, Brooches,S c a r f Pins.Bracelel$,Wijsllet Watches, Rhigs

_____ —----------- — — -— —— ------- '/ .l«u.lro Mali. '*'* maintain a department foY special | Jewelry lff»ne Here our patrons may ,Dfucr wu.r. Here our patrons may to Oriler exercise their Individual ideas in the design and siyl* cf any piece of jewelry they wish made. ______ -

n - - The mOat experienced w orkm en a tten d to .Repulinw all repalre. W e assure ai tfefactlon . Mod-

eriktft prices.

J . W i s s & S o n sKanonils, Watches, Jewelry. SHTerware,

{a Glass, Opfical Gooils, Cutlery66S-667 Broad Street


City Olfif Openii

TODAY I!City off I

wer® Inie optnln# o of th# Bn Risk# irs t CommiMin m#tlon ufIs Fire Pr •et EpsrtpoM of !r wisdom ol fir#

Tb« EXt to pr«v*n oth#r th#rAr#g«s, I inA #]#o I flr« pr#v ploalvis th is city

Th# exi m orrow r ano ther • in th# F t'

Captain chaff# of tdihibitjoti f lnn ln f i f t ruction,

"W s hi la la '' laH hav# comi tloD. Be •to rr. an<pr#i#ed u|

*Th# bi opsratlvflblank for of Bloctri lltoratore. m atU r of ventlon r lirg# fleli •rnor'a pi to do Jusi hJbition ]| shl# to t opportuni horo In tl buildtnf !

"Our Ifl rmtion cf t#rested < w s are i them whs

In chs r^aplaln ( bureau, J Thomaa Fredeiicli

One ol la that moving \ remnantf cauflod tl boz of U kept, la I apectora other ar vocatea In fir«p patched by the 1 board.

A earr for horn lAntertu ip ac ten a movin should h *'No Sm laaues T booth# o llcenae# tlona #s rule# wh certlflca bureau 1

8ami>l' tracts 0 posted garages, used In are ahoi

The ds burning demon at light lei airator, ozploslDi

On th graphs I In N»w* of Broo atreets.

The h cetion o how to There a firea In are pro fin#. T stating muat or that Bti tres. an

Th# c •rl: ar# the onl Samplei of the 1 prohibit


Whei Forbe., nut Btr In th* waa r*1 Btrest, ten^y h« wai(hrde Iw as Fc

Date n«lly e waa Id The c( Murt compla

Ryai about .lonllar have 1 ha ma good a Jury a-

The reotori

"BrcV ,of the

' BondBaturd piotUM "The 1 BonSB

Th* at 1 o "The 1

Mr. T-CiaiBi the 1« houe*

"Do dreei in f ne hy » i Christ O'Rou Earl*'

Tho tonlfh be th( ports

At Ordar Inf. r of C apoek'

Atluembbe apislncofam ei

The e'cloc

At In* a thero for cl

At Flecti Rodl^

SPEir «

fallln thuf I CtsD morn In th was t

Pol hla a le fa and -1 limit, tnedii and f» a t lar »


' I -



t .

N E W A R K E V E N IN G NEWS. T U E S D A Y ,maaammacB

N O V E M B E R 11, 1918.


City Officials and Many Others at Opening o f Show of Cqmbas-







T he m otion ulclur* d n n o ln i l« » o m w hich »re ih o w n co m p U t, l n three ree l, t»»ch the,® populer d»nc», i le p hy atep.

« o -------------------------- B v c t v l t m r , l O o

Cfty officials aiu9 many other dtlienn i wer® lniepe»tei1 rialtor* loday at t-h'Y i openlnt of the exhibition of <he worl; of the Bureau of romhuitilfB uttrt Fire Rieka irr the roome of tlie Roani of Firo OommiaRinneri at city hall R)’ procla- matlon of form er tli?varBor Fielder tble la Fire Prevention rtay, the first to be ■et apart In New Jtre«y for the pur- poM of Im preailng upon the public the wladom of tak ing proiautlona to avert fire

The exh ib it ehowe the means taheTi to prevent ftrea In moving picture ami o ther th ea trea . 1ti p riva te anrt public garagaa. IP aio rea atui othpr tuilMIrrgR. and also ahowa the laves that deal with fire prevention SAnipIcs of the ca- ploaivse and ftrew orka prohlLlted In t h b city are also sihown

The exh ib ition will L'' roniluued to ­m orrow and there la a poHsiblllty that ano ther elmllHi- one may he lieUl la te r In the F ree Tubbe Library,

Captain C Albert (jaasAr. who li In charge of the bureau, In apeaking of Iho exhibition today, paid It was merely a be* ginning in the campaign of .public k i ' itnjctlon. which the bureau has slartod.

“We have used only our own mater- la la " said Mr. Qaeaer. ‘'articles which have come to ue In the hnc of Investlga- tloD. Bach exhibit haa Its particular •tory, and Ha cause and effect are Im­pressed upon the minds of the Inspectors.

“The building department haa been co­operative in showing Its entire aeries of blank form s and cards, and the Bureau of Electricity Is also represented by Its literature. VJ e haven't gone Into the m atter of approved devices for the pre­vention of fire, becaiiac tbla covers a large field, and the tmie alnre the Gov< ernor’s proclamation has l-cin loo short to do Justice to ihlfl siibjc.'t . If ih* ex­hibition Is repeated next year, we will be able to f iv e Newark manufacturers an opportunity of showing Just what Is made here In the way of fireproof tanks, cans, building m aterial und kindred articles.

“Oiir Idea Is to help In the general edu­cation of the public, and If folks are In­terested enough to visit tlio board rooms w'e are mdre than Interested to show them what la being done.”

In charge of the exposition, besides E^aplaln Caaser are the Insi'sctors of the bureau, Jam es L. Jackson. Martin Koppe, Thomas Gunning. Thomas Fagan and Frederick H ertls.

One of tha moat Interesting sections is that dealing with the operation of moving picture theatres. There ere the remnants of h film which burned and caused the death of the operator. A tin box of the kind In which reels should be kept. Is exhibited. A lock which the In­spectors found on a movie exit Is a n ­other article showTi. The bureau ad­vocates the keeping of Bcrvs of films In fireproof metal boxes. A switch patched with a piece of wood, was taken by the Inspectors from a movie switch­board.

A sample of a ncn-lnnammable film for home use Is a part of the exhiblt. tAStertis a re shown which the In* specton found stored In the cellar of a moving picture theatre when they should have been placed over the exits.■'No flmoklng" signs, which the bureau Issues for use In theatres and In the booths of movie operators are shown, the lleenses issued for the theatres, the ques­tions asked of operatora ths bureau s rules which they have to follow, and the certificate of fitness Issued by the bureau to the operator.

Saiw les o ' the notices containing ex­tracts of the la # covering garages, ffTe posted In the section dealing with garages. Applications and other forms used In giving tluenses to run garages, are shown. ,

The danger uf leaving automobile lights hurnlne while cara are In a garage ta dem onstrated hy the remains of a tall light left burning by a woman demon, airator, who nearly loat her life in the eiploalon which followed.

On th e walla of the room are photo- graphs of some of the tenement districts In Kewarlt, eoch a s those In the- vicinity of Broome, Prince and West Ktnney Streets.

The horeau 's placards showing the lo­cation of the nearest fire alarm ,boi. and how to send 'n an alarm, a r ^ posted. There are also cards Warning q ja t bon­fires 111 streets, or on’ private tfioperty. are prohibited under penalty ef a »S6 fine. The rotes governing thasilre exits,' stating th a t they must he kept clear, must open ontwaixl and bp unlocked, and that standing Is not pam ittod Ip thea- Irss. are part of the waH.exhlhlt. ■,

The only flraworka psrrnttlhd lit New- arl: are aparktera.and rsdtlre.. Caps are the only eiplosfvea. th a t . may be used, aamplee of these grip ahown, as wall as; of the many kinda of fireworks that ara rrohibitad. ______________

COMPLAINANT GONE, ALLEGEDbunco man is set free

Wh«n the com plalnent against George Forbea Iwenty-nne years old, of SI W al­nut street, failed to aRpesT against him In the F irst Pri'dnct Court today, Forbee was released. Thomas Doty, of 123 James street, called at police headquarters yee- te r ^ y and notified Captain Carroll that he w as "flim-flammed" out of (17 by thrfe men Saturday night, one of-whom waa ro rhes .

Datectlve Hyan and patrolinan Don- nally arrested Forbes last night and he was Identified by Doty, the police eay, The com plainant promised to appear In court th is morning to make a written complaint against the prisoner.

Ryan says th a t Forbes waa arrested about seven months ego for working a similar karae on a man who claimed to have lost (105 to three men with whom ha matched coins. The loss was made good and Forhea was released tor grand Jury action, according to the police.

Y. M. C, A. ACnvmESThe next m eeting of the Board of IM-

rsotors will ba held November 13."B rother Against Brother" li the title

V .o f the comedy to be given hy Hstey and ’ Bond a t the popular entertainment next

fialurday evening, when the latest motion pictures will also bo shown, among them "The IJ t t le Minister" in three reels, and songs by C. H enry Earle.

The afternoon porformanee will hegm at > o'clock, when, omong other pictures. "The L ittle M inister" will be shown.

Mr. Flood Is spending a week a t Kamp Kiameaha. looking afte r t}ie building of tha Icahoueo, the conetruetto of tha boat- housa and o th er Improvements.

“Doubly Loaded" Is tha topic of an ad- d rasi to he delivered a t tha men's meet- in f next Sunday afternoon a t »;(S o'clodk by Rev. P o rd v a l fiarken pastor of the Chitat Reformed Church, Miss Frances O'Rourke will be heard in soprano solos. Karla’s o rchestra will p w . '

• ^ e high school Bible clubs will most tonight a t « o'clock, when Mr, Post will ba th e ir guest. There twill be short ro- ro fta of the Camden conference.

At 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, the Order of the Triangle .wtU hold Its m eet­ing. when Charles Ooqdall, a room-mate of C hristy Matheweon, will be the speaker.

At V:iO d’olook Friday evening, a noW members' "Jolly" w iliib s hold, which will be open to all jn ™ '^ * •**’'* Joinedainca Septem ber 1. Thefa will ba lo o g i, aamea, snappy talka and eats.

Tha MpdeUng C lA will meet a t ti3 « a'clodk F rid ay evanlng.

At th e m eetings <Sf the Saturday tnqra- , Ing and S aturday afternoon Bible d a b s

there wlH ha special game competitions for eloh m em bera ""

A t 7:30 o'clock Monday evanlng the K lsctrical Club will hold Its m tetlng. The R e d ^ Club w ill ajso meet a t that time.


For avwrspeedliw hjs. automobile and falling to heed a policeman's whistle, A r- thu» O. Ileklar. s n advartlsliig man. o f »»4 Csntra street, NuUey, waa fined J SO th is tn on iin f and reprimanded by .Judge Tulll In th e F ifth P rednot COU^ The man was mrrsdted Saturday In Central avabua.

P oltssm an Franks taitjfled thsU Tiding hts qnrtoroyda, he caught up w tU i'R e l- J^ B ear In Central avenue g t First stree t and -told him that hs was JUtOMdlag th e UtOttr iH e llsr , however, he tsier£(d . Iw- p g a d b ^ y afterw ard .tlM V. Ih h ls'olutoh

’ s a l rgh tow ard BTdU' S U ist a t - o io d t g t s t spasd than baton. Pursuing H ilv a 'gteoftd Urns, th e — ..


C a r p e t s C l e a n e dCents, p*'

Y A R DJooC S f Bfilleville Avc.

T dephom 211 B r a c k I r a k



1913Canned^GETABLESA a ils of Canned VegeUbles unparalleled in our 54 years eiperience. We have SMrehed the enUra country friF nnaiiVv Aitrl of aU htTe neTW before been able to jive such treinendoui* value for th# **525*1; Rememberronlhsh^^^^^ 1" preparation for this sale." A CHANCE T ^ U T IN VOim WlNTCkSUPPLY AND SAVE MANY DOLLARS. Last year we acid 173 carloads, or 120,000 caset, or S,000,000 cans, but this year we will far snrpaaa Ihia.


Iona, No. 2..........loiuu No. 3........... ScS u ltana .................A&P..................... 12cGallons ................ 25c

Doz.$ .60

.95 1.10 1.40 2.90

PEASCan Dot.

Iona ... ................ 8c % .95Reliable ................10c 1.15Sultana ................ 12c 1.40A&P ... ................ 15c . 1.75

C O R NCan

Iona . . . 7c Sultana. 8c .\&P .. 10c

Doz. $ .80

.95 1.15


Doz. $ .90 1.15

Red Kidney BeansCan 8c; Doz. 90c

White Wax Beans Can 8c; Doz. 90c

Sauerkraut,Can 8c; Doz. 90c

Iona Beets,Can 8c: Doz. 90c


TOMATOESb y t h e d o z e n 60c

the lowest price on RECORD—5i a cii b u imn- tisn ia tke grocetT *nirli Tlib caa it filled with ddidtiu red ripe Tomatoti. Jut fay a cui uid yaii1! ky a doza.


Iona .. . 8c $ .90 Sultana 10c 1.10A&P...12c 1.40


Iona .. . 6c 65cSultana. 8c 90c


Standard. I3c 41.70 Del Monte21c 2.40


Gxpoaltlonllc 41.50 }el MontelAc 2.1U

10 EXTRA STAMPSWith Any of the Following Groceries:1 pk. A&P Borax.....................10c1 hot. Stuffed or Manzanilla

Olives .................................. 10c1 hot Liquid Blue.....................10c'/i-lb. A&P Premium Chocolate.l6c 1 box A&P Bail or Square Blue 8c1 can Potted Beef....................10c1 pkg. Quaker Com Meal....... 10c

D ois’t If orv«tf Ask

E X T R A S T A M P S Q WffH TEAS AND COFFEES S10 Htempe wdth 1 lb. ('edee. . . . . . . .g5e II

US etemps with 1 Ife. Tea..............t*® PU100 etanipe with 1 lb. Tea...... ... .aie kri

SO etampe with I Ih. Tea..............SO* I ISO etampe with 1 lb. Tee..............Me I JSO etanpa with 1 lb. B1 Brad Caan36e ^ 36 BtawiNi vrtth 1 lb. Ambaaa CaBaatSe n ao atanpa with 1 lb. aultaaa CSaBaa.IOe ■ ■ IS etaMpe with 1 lb. CaBea........... ZS* U

Potatoes, Pk, 2 8 *L a r g e a n d M e a l y

Tor Weirwe Prlete _______________

i The Great Atlantic & PaciSc Tea Co.n

vm rtB ir cTAoFtt_u i Rinomfield Ave 508 Clinton Ave.. 296 South Orane* Are.. 730 Broad St., 90 Ham-f^ntral A vrSM Spriniffleld Aye.. 239 Washington St.

EAST OrS s’G ^ ” ! clS'tVal Av^6f-70 Main St, KEARNY-IO Kearny Are. BLOOMFIELD, MONT----------- bellev:CLAIRrORANGE,'ARLiNGTON'^ELLEV^


reasonsfor H-O

f f i

The Steam-Cooked FlavorT he first thing your fem ily w ill notice

about H -0 Oatm eal is its particularly fine flavor. Steam -cooking is th e reason. B y cooking H -0 before i^ is rolled into flakes and d c^ g it in se^Od cookers no flavor is lo s t

Its Quick PreparationT he steam -cooking o f H -0 lasts over

tw o hours at a tem perature aw ay above boiling. T his leaves little cooking fiir you to do— only 20 m inutes. If you serve any other oatm eal you m ust cook it over tw o hours or else serve it underdone.

Its Easy DigestibilityStarch cooked through ia splendid food

Starch partially cooked is indigestible. Oats are largely starch and need hours of cooking. H -0 w ith 20 m inutes on your stove is a lw ays fuUy digestible, due t o the tw o hours o f steam -cooking. Other oat­m eals are usually served but partly cooked

Its Low CostTo^cook H -0 requires 1-7 th e ftiel that

other oabneal requires. H -0 — m uch dfier than others— packed in m oisture- pfoof packages— sterilised at 400®—^tqilks up larger w hen cooked and costs. less than one-h alf cent per dish.

j m . ( 'T ■>vin

The Doctor’s Warning Against Impure ButterOf course, Mrs. Housewife, you know that im­

pure milk is a danger to health. But do you realize that impure butter is every bit as dangerous?

Tht New York Medical Journal warns you in these words:“Butter made from cream which is impure, decomposed or infected

with disease germs, is a dangerous menace to health."And the inv'cstigations made by the United States Bureau of

Animal Industry showed that 61.5 per cent, of the cream used ui making butter it "dirty, decomposed or both; and that 72.6 percent, of the cream is not pasteurized to kill any disease germs that might be present"

The one safe waj to guard against impure butter is to buj


(Offldel Nune OieenwiulM)

II It m tde undei the tupervliion of Oovernment In tpeelort which It b guaram m of ItB puriir and heal:fifu1nett. Every package of Baby Brand Buiterine bear* the Oovernmen!’! "0 . K."

Then a* an added precaution we ihorougbly patteur- ixo the freth ereeTH and milk of which il It mada. So fhe parity of Baby Braod Butterina la doubly guarded.

Aik your grocer lodey for a poun^ Jlf Baby Brand Bottttlne In ihe tealed carm n which p ta rd e ll agalrui genn i and odort. The price le le u than batter. And U It! delidoue flavor doeeo't pleaaa you, ihe dealer will give you back your money.

F a i s e r e e f I n fn i tr imitmtUmt. h triM e e Bm iy B ra n d

Ammon & Person Jersey City, N. J.

Look for tko B&by Trftdo Mark RvftiNred

Y ' ' ■'*

CAUTION!T h e g r e a t p o p u la r i t y o f the clean, pure, healthful


is causing unscrupulous persons to wrap r ^ k imitations &at are not even real chewing gum so they resemble genuine WRIGLEY’S The better classof stores w ill not try to fool you with these imitations. They will be offered to you principally by street fakirs, peddlers and the candy departments of some 5 and 10 cent stores. These rank imitations cost dealers one cent a package or even less and are sold to careless people for almost any price.If you want Wrigley*s look before you buy. Get what you pay form

Bo sure H s WRIGLEY^S


< -.-Fk

wt urn atfmthwpt






ARCADE THEATREArndt SulUiDf. Ml Bntd Io n ) .

.npiKnll* Mllllir] Pitk). 1-ntrnnj oSlTMl, ^tw VtrMl ind


How to Make Your Hair Beautiful

Does Your Stomach Trouble You?

freehoMeri Will Soon Erect Tuber* d o s is Paiilion and Another


Subitet lo n f*"' m l"”’’ t” *’ItiBinar)- pl«n» f«r a ‘" I ' f ’’,Ion And Ailditlnniil ward tiulldjug K «u» Hotpitiil m dHBrhr« .r « nppnnod hy th« liutldlun .-om-

of tho Bosi d ni ’’■’■'•''‘’‘'‘Y " / ,* ; tw dny. n>""» ‘tlOHA w*r» ordered prepered and bide for th e conetvucllon advertleed.

The ekelrhee • ' r e draw n by the county hoard of .uyervu lnB arcbnecte ” H*nnan Krelller. John F. Capen and J e « p h B. AH.n. It t . « t ‘">al#d Iha ch* tuberruloele pavilion, w h lrh will umw* •ficomrrOjlatloTiw Tor •*fnml« ftTtd f i f t y - p * t l « n t w . " jH

About tufl-noo, T it , addttlnna v ln s for the oar" o f fem ale p a lleu ti will reduire an e sp en d itu re of npproa- tn&lAly I™ e tuberrulo.1* pavilion t-ill ocrupy

A plot About 3U0 feel aoiitb of the prea- Mrt Aoulharly end of ihe main hoepual bulldlnxi and will b« eoniewhat in lh« fo m of a creerant In the hollow of the craacent and ooparated from the pavllh>n proper will bo the adm lnlatratton build- iKg,

OompImU iS fra ia tlon of th* two meiM patient* l i provided for. A t th* tM t

and will ba a ward for thoaa not aart- auilT 111. Whlla a oumbar o f P» wata roama ara provided for thoaa In a critical (MBdltlon. Oppoalte theia. but aaparalaa bjr a corridor, l i tha droaiin f and waeh- room and lavatory. Tha conatrucOon of tha fam ale ward at tha w ait end aud Ita arraasam ent ara idantlcaJ.

Thla itnietura, which will ba ona-and- eju^half atorlM In h*lfbt, will b* tW U d d with porchM. ThM t will b* twelvm fe«l In width, and h»lf cov«r*dt ttit opan portloM, which ar* to b* •ttreaned, bainc providad to parrelt th* flea drcuIaUon of iu n llfh t *nd air. sn - tr»Aca to tha porchas 1* providad Jpy doubla doora placed altartiataly with the w M ow w . theee permitting tha badi to ba moved outaide.

The new female ward which the frea- haliara propciae to erect neat to th e p w i- m i building N o 1. will ba tw o atorlaa IB height « id will follow the lln ei of aiehltaclure of thu other bulldlnge. It will contain accomniodatlone for 100 ad- dltlatial patient*. The conatructlon of thla and tha building for the lubaroular iBaaiM, win. the county offlclala l>elleve.

car* o f the normal Increaee In the pBttont population for the na*t ten yeaxi-

Eciitni. ft c n • ptinplva blotebfti ind all diiflfuriTir »1c1fi affftcttoDi ftr* qulckl/ tradU-ftiad ty PoDlfttn.

Uchlni • r a p »«MT|i n/«T ftppii'ft

FAR FHZEMA Employe in Chicago Who Collected r u n t l i L t l T I H Saeks of Reuiitered U t­ters Is Missing.

tionPturnini #»ilrt lo

ictoihed ftnd com-

InMtmed ■ J< I n gatukly rleftrtd.

Miftiini II iniitirftpm. Imp'o. f-nifn' hpihj

T O M O R R O W (W E D N E S D A Y )

S t r W a l t e r S c o t t ’*


a d m i s s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO C

Judgment in Faror ol Charles Doll, I Sued by Loan Association,I Is Sustained.

EX-CONVICT, IT IS NOW REVEALED Hx'iui* of III loctlloB to rlif jj*ort of ih* •h-’p iiDC dUnici, »bopp*rs will fiiil Iblft lit i1f rheiuo in Ill'll r^llof pli<*


1 n il ViJil SO' II 'I'heft Ilf m.ii.*' „n.l Jeu e lrj, vel'K-t «1 »Ul.i*'l". Ir'>ni lb ' iiuuU today iiy * ’•Inn'’!.Ijimki iSUmrI. h i-iAloffloe • ■->ifvn»*l KLuart •barisr’R Albert lu rd v . a

•>( a mall A\nK!’ti- la iii-ftinug.with ih'* rohberj. li In n* w dlB«'lo»ed lhat Tardv m an ex-conviri

The ihRfi rn’rwrr^d vcMcrday T srd 'no("-l rtft> bf day i roUkrlcd M\f sarkfl r'-inlftlnlna regiftt^r'4

tor ftnd


[• 11 h I’nsi* m.

viTiill (iis ■khi leauinM normftl fonitlllon. At: ..Mm*.. b.irU«r«' ‘ n'tfnrme "t b 'h "'vpibo.n • irfic .tfoubloa yiel‘1 tsJ t’oiiOiB *•l#e.

p a a i . A ' i fU'iAl* ir\Ff1i ' * 'O'l In Ihk Iftf'il ftDil BII'H haiif'l’ lnl »f»Mi f*'r6.tly use, u>M1 ^n.l Dk-h ''— ihos ..o.|Fr ■kin n*.ei Irrisaies

All dfU«kl*i" '•■-I-''’and Postom i prh • ^ <enikJ Yui-

,l,n to irj» Bmerfeniy fliroal, N'w

frea o«inp1«a. l.*L<>mior1e». X'eo* * ’'bVttfli -cMiy.— .A'1\erll**iiien'i


A daclilon la eaperted today from Waehlnaton In tha caee of Mo»« Oaller. en AiiatrlaD lmml*Tanl, who for twomontha haa b « n held on Ellla faland ....... _pandinf a reconalderation of h i ^ a a a by jg p .r ln ieu l

,iafUe**e »< Ihe Hoiilh W iter atreet, Me K.nk Trm rlo end Slo-’k K irhanao eu'i- slatiDn*.

Siisplri ijn w a s Broufl'''1 w h a n t h e w‘#W” ri ffintalnliiK f'>*ir I'f the «arkft waa f '"m ’l ebHiiri'in"! el Ihv rtU'Oi etellon, T b " 'ea.'ks (i.nlalned .............. .. nioiiry eio^rniu ub ifh bed not been d:eturb.-l. 'le f .l ' e o i l ' ,vHA fiiuri'i belay u llb e 'l'io .iLfr.-i.Ilv a* Terdy bed u l'd ll bll. udclr".- el » nMi.ilpt-T Allb:b | .i” ' o hr a ' h -b .U lot silf eebj ' !l«ll''l her f"r a (rv. iv.nirma 1a»L lUahl. lold bor th a t be bed vii.len JiO.trWU from o inall an. k. aiul „.,uld ivrilo to li.., ae anoil aa h' bad Pa. Hunl "aiTuaa the b.irder."

iH i'l'’ gave bar e rmall aiim "f money, ab ' aetd and left, an 'log th a t he would I jb h a miUiilght train

I I. olorel Bluart aatd Tardy aer'-ed a term ' In the Mlaeourl r 'n iien tla ry for highway . robbery end anolbar at Joliet for a t ’

lem rllng to alcal a t ru c k load o f i n i n k a . lardy waa einpInyH by )!- t! Stager, w h'J haa a co n tra 'i with the [o'etofflce

Ida all horara and


Governor Glynn and Whitman Join Hands to Make “ John Doe"

Probe Cover Each County.

* f f fdt t r Of rrtp'vndfttff.: rRfc:NTr>N. Nov n Vhi* Thnirict

of Newark waa siiatalnr‘f1 hy ibB Hijpr<5m« I'cMJTl ysalerdny in ifh ins * vt-r* d in for i.'liAfle* DoU in ft »nit brought aumnsl him liy the Fl'f- Per ' <‘nt Pnild- ing and Ixitn AaftO' iati"n. ot N f^ark , of which L»C'll vifift treaaur^'r

In hla '-Hpa' lty a t irnasurf^r. I ’oil r-*- ' I'f.bM from a ahtrEhoMer two itftyrmm^B,

"lift of ♦!?[►,75, and the other tif $11** “ 5. wlitcli hft di-popitcd hj hank to thfl or'ler "f tht* loan ftiaonation. The w crelary, for Bomft reafton. failed to enter the poy- inenta and iliey were n*:'ver «,T»''lite’'l to thft shar'ho lder’B account The ptiHr<* holder hTougbl HijU and rerovert'! ih«ft i ivomta paid f r o m ih<- aa»"<1a t iu n

I'hft l u l l ftijfiinst Poll WHS ln r i | { l i t j p o n


I r n Minutes' Hnme Treatm<tBt W arks U o m i^ ra ktop* WalllBl Unlr. It rh lpg

ftt'alp and Dawdnaff nmd Haiie* thft tU Ir ikift. Hrmiaat

LufttnHift w d Hoffy.L'etisr th a n all tfia no 'cal lad ‘'hftlr tonica"

in thft Morld ts ft s ln ip la o id -Ushlonad bom* r tU p a consis ting of ptfttn Bs-y Eum, Lftvoiftft i d s compoftfts). ftnd a ll tt la Uwnibol Crya- t« ls Thess th r i f t ml \ftd a t h am s in a taw m ln u t i s a o r k wondftrs w ith ft«y scalp Trjr It Juni one m g h t and sea Cist from yoBr d rugf in t 2 nr, r,ftv'OTSB. s os fifty Runt and <« ilrsf^hm Msnthol iT)statft. DissoWa tb s i ‘r ) t l s l » hi (N«> Bay Rum and pour in an A ft: hftttls Then s i d tJis i-avoaa. s h sk a v e i l and l*t It Htatid for at» hour bftfora using. Apply It by p u i i t n f a ItiMs nf tha u tU nirs Ol! a soft H olh Drisw ih ls cloth ■ lowly tl»r<»iifh thft hftir. tak ing Just on* small ■iriiMl at a tims. This claanssft th s huir acid ■•sip s>f d in . dUHt ftnd excssslyft ftli stid h i a k ' s thft ha i r d' - ' lghtrully aoli, lustrous and ftviffv To Btop th s ha i r from falling Hnd lo m a k e H grow again ru h the totlon brisk ly In ta the ii'ftlp a i t h th s f ings r lips or u n i t d lu m st if t bn isb Apply n ig h t anil m o rn tn i A few da>a’ ' iss and you ■anhot rind u Htofln Irvoss nr slrftfgHftf ha i r Thay will b« locked on your ftealp ns tigh t SB a Ma« Dan druff will d is appear »nd l l rh lr if esas* In ten days you will rind downy new ha i rs sprouting up all ovar >ftur si-alp and ih ts new h s i r wMI grow .^illi l o n d ' r f u l r tp ld i ty ,Ai'v rtruiflst cHfi nrll jftu tli* sbovs The ripdein Lit rry InexpeiisU and wsknoiv uf iK*lhk-,g *o effscilvs and certain m 11 r«HullTN.t* td"i’MlHPri*nt I* publleh#d for Tnka- Ion. I n r . of Ne«v York v liy, — f tdve rtls smsht

W o n d erfu l S to m a c h R * m ed y I* S n c c e ia h illy T a k e * h i C aaea

o f S to m ach , L iv e r a n d In-U t t lo a l A llm a n te ,

■ n d O n * D **a H a * p f t a n O I***M *d Y **re o f S u f f* r ln q .

m es ■WonderfulilDimidiltane^will charier

that'L o n g F a c e !

to pro(he Immlgretlon AUthorltlee cm , | naertert by ili' dep irtiu fiit in thl»KAM tikftfi up a t Ihe rftq'ieet of Congr«*s- • iii i Is imdftr h^ndman W alter 1, McCoy, tvho was appealed to by tdoula Waldroen, of 1I& Fourteenth


av e n u e . \Qeller l» ft brother nr W alam ana

brother-ln 'lav, Abrarn Oeller. of B24 Sut­ler avehuft, BjTortklyn. He arrived from Bucftaca, Auelrta, two months ago on the Amerlka. The Immigrant wae examined and reported for deportalloft beciiise of a eWn eruption HI* friends Iramedlately sought to Intercede for him. and the aid of M r McCoy waa enlleled

In order to present the Immigrant a rase la th* moat favorable Aipecl Wald*

hie brolhftr-ln-lftw and Samuel


NK\A V*>RK. Nov, 11,-—Bssumed to ­day, thft ‘’John r>oe’ Inquiry Into g raft In New York State ron trac ii took on new algntflcftnce, betauee of the con­ference hfttsieen Governor Glynn and Dlg-

rHM'AOO. Nov 11.—Operating amphl- theaUea of C'hicagn hDapIlals u a re taxed to their ulmoal hidsy while ihe a.UHO viaiting aurgeona of the fourth arui'.ial I'llnlcal congrftaa rrowdnl In to witness nearly 600 Dr*ra11"na m ini rllnli'S.

Difficulty uf fulUiwing IKft 'Icllrala tftChiiiMue which Ih th« imiKTlant pert of moat of the upcrnliona

Ihe theory tnat h«‘ did n"i fi«‘'’ounl fur iheae |>«y)»ftnia I'hfi Hupreme i iturl hell | thnl the dratiiri cuuri was lo rm -l 'n ht>lcl1ng Mini, I»"ll had depoatb'd the m*ino>' lo the vredlL of Ihe ftesoclatkm. and th a t the asaociatloii, S" far ae h* wun con*■ erned, had ihe money

i:pon the gToiind that ihe Ureal A t­lantic and facJflc Tea i.'ompany did not haxft a chance to defend llialf, tha 6u*

trict Ailorney \\ hitman, a t Albany, yee* prerne Court haa set aalde a fine of ?2S lerday. i iinpoaedi upon one of Ita drlvere. f.'hftrlea

Not -jniy did Governor Glynn promlee j (5 skillman. h> a lo lko justice of Soutn •uppuft to Mr W hitm an# puraull of Amboy. Thft fine waa tiaavd up'vn the grtifiert. luii he aseured him allegatloD that Sklllman did not have awht'le ma' hinery of the Btale would be license to srillcit bualneea The court dl.l set ip lo feiTftt out the guilty 1 riot pass upon Hie validity "f the ordl-and that ihe mt eatnsftUon would be ■made sufflrieutly wide to embrace eacn Although a conductor on a railroadcounty In tne sta te . iraln la not \eated with dlacreilon, he la ____ „

The t*overi!"r has directed nevarthelesa tround to eiercifift ft reasoo-^ vVithlnglon, m Hi*? Hoboken Districttrlrl ftUuinry to co-operate with a bio'Judgment, according to Hie \iew art I'oni-t against tlie roY>llr Service Railway

“ forth in an opinion by the court- Molding Company.ihla to be 111# case, thft court affirmed a | The couri n ffirm -i n verdict obtained Jiidgmeiil for damages recovered '!»y | py j TieHlil ihsgin# aguln*it Luuia Krft- Katherlne 1 . Roche agftinal the I.#icka* I winkei. In thft T’crth Amboy District Ranna Railroad. ji'loiirt. The caati invoRcd the purchase

H'hft incident rBaiilting in the buii . ,,f |ic|ii« lobatera waa The rafuaal of a coiiducior to ac- .Couvlnceil iroin the evidence that Jam '# cept n. com m utation ticket preaenred f Rurke was m default in \.h€ payment ofb> the plaintiff. Inil iiuidc ou t In iho 1 pis dnft.s as a member of the Bricklayors.

P of Mr K atherine 1, Roche Nut ] Maanna end F^lasters i'niun No

■ ilorg lo The auit waa baaed upon a con trac t for the erection of a building.

A verdict of aix oenta damagee. aw arded by a Jury In tha D letrlct C ourt of Trenton, in a su it brought by Milas F. Btxler a g a in s t Samuel Flnkle, was affirm ed in an opinion by Ju s tice Tranchard The suit was baaed upon (hft alleged repudiation of a con trac t to Bell good#

Holding that John H. Wiihlngton was negligent In dn>ing an auiamobile which roHIded with a trolley « ar, the court eat aalda a <iercMct for damages recovered by

AUyFft Woridnrtal Blomteh Remedy can rtslly b# t«rni*d ft wonderful remedy end the bftnefJta that U give# in many of 'h* mon chronic €«■•■ Of fitomacn TroubU h** *pt*aiJ liB fam» from oii« ftnd of ih* coilft* I'v lo in# ij[h*r. No iJiaiiftr B-hptp >ou live—you win flrul pftopi* «ftho hftv# iof- fprftd wHti Slumarh, i.lvrr and lnlei‘*lTi#l Allmimtn, aic., htiJ Bav# hean reftior«d 10 hewlMi aniJ «rh loud In their prala# of (hi# rftni#dy Tbre^ In not a day hut what on# hear# of the wonderful ratullft obtained- frorn thi# reniftdy. and th« benefite are er*tlrftly natural, an It acti on (be aourfia ahd

' 111 ' ■

m*n. me .■TIVw ot the ..pcreli™* «d-Rudee, * friend of the U tler^vrentJo^the ^ „n,phUliflelreo f f l» of W .ehinglon M. ' , , " Y h e u « of m aM 'f •"r*eone In de.non

" to* bone end Join, rene.r‘ inft trftTunlAnt,. , .

The rnmplelft rv-hulUilngto recotjslder their

Two meti who wera fined A Juatlce of the peace for an offense, the maglmuRi penalty for which Is a |40 fine, nrg|^ released today on a w rit of habeas ctfpus by Judge Martin In the Court of Ouamon Pleae. The writ was aued out by Aitthoiiy B FJnelll, counsel for the nm i. and beti. pending e hearing on a ggte to bo fixed, was aet a t 1250 for each «f the two.

Ificheel ClrlUo arid Felix rtrenalda wei^ the men fined by Leopold i-t. BJuin. of 16 Springfield avenue, the peace Jus- Uoe. Thev were arrested November 3 at Pomplon by a game warden, who found on each of them two game birds, Jn vio­lation of law. Ho brought them to this olty and arraigned them before BIupb. Cedar the law. according to Mr. Flnellk

4he man could not Ijo fined more than |t0 for each bird. The court directed counsel to Inform Iho attontay-ganeral’s depart- iQ«Bt ao th a t It may be a t thahffirliig on the w rit. The men fureiehed baU.

were Rftvftrsl

Sell'.V“t o ' i h . country, they would »lv* | hone tr .b .pU nte tio r, oprrHUon. .^ 're

' r r K y ? o . ' d o, ,011,1..^

‘ i 7* rb* rt J I’etler-nn. F H . ' B. * ™ h . X h . r offered to bond bimeelf tor don,16,000, end Riidee agreed to give bond lo I Robert H l.lMott, the *mount of $16,000

Whitman, a n l haa offered to call apedal grand Jury, tf needed. In New Vorh County, and aleo an eatraordm ary aeeilon of the Bujjrejne Court.

■'Mr. WTiltman'e Ideas and mlna are suite,'' tha Governor said. "'>'* " J 'g'lhig lo work together. A n jlh lrg es du for him 1 will do and anyl^hlng he ran do for me he will do Th?” * Irslls all over the Btale. Mr. Wlitiman

fbUtiilftiron ft/ (h«¥« #11iu#nti. r«Tnovieg Ih# pftiftonoufl cftlarrh and bll* ftccrfttlona tSlclBS tyui thft Inflamrnatlon frftm tha InUatlnnl (n e t and saelaLa In r«Qd«rlng tbs aams antliBBlic. Suffftr«ra are urgad te try ftTia tiftas—whlrh slona ahould rallsvs your suf* farlns and cnnvlnc« you that Uayr*ft Wen- dftrfel fitetneeh B sm ^r ihould rsatort yoj to good Jiaaltb. Pul It to a ta#t today — the rftnulf nil I ba a ravaUtlon to you. and you will rsjelcft ov-sr your quick rscovtry • T)d one* agftta knew Iho joy# Of living. R«nd for booklet oo Mtomftch Allmant# lo Cso. H. Uayr. Mfg. Chsmlata 1S< Whiting St., Chicago: or bettar attll. obtain a bouls froin your drugglftt

Fof ealft In Nswtrtt, N. J.. by Saldlar Drug Co.. 21 Ferry s t ,; Croicsnt Drug Co. jOT Broad fit.: C. B. Smith A Co.; Chn* W. Menk, IDS Market Bt.; F«tbd A Ka>i' 71 Balmont Ava. anil IflS Broome St : Pcm '■ Pharmacy. T|| Broad gl., and druggi^ij rveryw here .—A d^tr l li am enU

iw nks seme of them will legd I"York. It « vrime bee beenIn New York o t sny ‘' • ’’Igiving' Mr, WhUrnsn JurUdlctlon, theritalft BOvernment will help him allcm to run the crime dow n.'

Iteeldea eldins Mr. Whlt.nen, the G o y enuir l.itonJs to <l-> eo"'® vestiKeltng. A deputy eltorney-gener.l

Itsimr VI irg» j».n. ........... .. I .— ---only did the o n d u c lu r refnee to recog- | Newark, the Supreme ( nu

3. offt hss rrjfusctl

iilzft thft ticket, but became abuaiv and InPisted th a t bocause of th« uen of 'M r . ' instead of "Miss" or "M rs. j ibft ticket had beer tTHnaferred and was prcftenled by a person o ther than the otift lo w'huni it was iaaiied. i

I 'i>f course, the I'onductor hos iso rlis- | cretloii." paid tho rourt, "»in<1 be m ust • profits of

to Issue a inandainus ■■onipolllng hi# re iiiAlaternenl a# a incmber

The I'ourt refuaed ;i motion io quash, a writ of foreign ati®” liment Usited In thft . ft«B of William T. Kvaua asa ln it Flor­ence A Glbb and others. The plaintiff sued to recover five per cent of the

ropartneralilp by which ho

K' I . ft'iiierln- isndent of tbe sovernm rnl tij-thalrmr

T h i r .”md*viVh»sl*ned the dlsroaltlnn ] llnspItHl. at Wudrss. Indis, '-.rre .im-ng of the c * » , end Mr. Cross seld this morn- | tho lectureis today ing th a t he eipected thet a favorable de- ,—I *1.......vh an riMlicw • rjmi.iiK. »•* ........... . -


'Hie aiirK‘’'ju# Inst niabi 1ienr'l r r ' fr.isioTclifon would I), g iv e n ’ ‘«l*V..aUhough an .Y U r.s^ .u .sh ln a ^ of lla rro rd . dr-v'Tihah 'v a le r t r * l " ta le g l* m sent to Commissioner I new method o( parfurmlng

~ ... Rgturday by ; genglion .uterallon, one of the most dohIn surgery 'I'heof tm m lfm tlon CamlnettI

W ildm an did not help the caae, Mr. (.roea , ra te and dgngerousW aldm an, who Is * yoting man. i gassoraln gsngUnii, or '’f_ n.rv^es.aaJd.

•ent tha (ollowbig msastge;■'Free Moeea Gsller from the black

hole of C elcutU .”Thft youth had pre\iou#ly addreasert i«i-

tars In a slmUar vain to thft Immigration offlclaift, Mr. C rosi added.


The reaignatlon of Rudolph C. Mchaef ** trustee of the ffew arh City Home waa accepted by the beerd of trugteeg of the home a t lU meeting yeeteiday efteTnoon. i t r . Behaaf Inlorraad th e tniateea that be had gold Ma f re re ry builneaa here and had moved to NuUey.

The truataea had gome dlgetiHlea of


the av**U” h of appointing a teacher a t the City Home U> aueoeed Chriatina HalUgan. who realgned to get m arried. There I* nmeh doubt as to w hether or not the position cornea under under civil aervlce. W hen thla vacancy occurred there were no eliflblea on the civil aorvlce Hat.

•operlntcndent Carl G. H eller applied to City Superintendent Poland for a teacher, but Dr. Poland said he did not beUore It waa neeeaaary to have o teacher from the civil aervlce Hat. Tho board de­cided to wait until a general exam ina­tion l l held.

■Tit never ahake handa with a ™ n who bit ma with a brick,” Jacob Bluhen. a concrete contractor, told Judge Hahn In the n r a t Precinct Court t ^ a y , when the la tter edrieed Htuben and Dai^e Wel- lACft, A cftrpftntftr, to makft up th*lr dir-r<r«&«es RT«1 ghakft hand#.

AValiacft and Stuban both workftd on thft Bftw Payton Theatr*. Troublft arosft b«- tifftftn tham ov#r iom a of thft work, ana last Saturday night when they met on thft •trftftl thfty got Into a dlgpuU. Wallacft. who had 8tub*n iummonad to court, oe* clarad Uift la tte r aaeaulted him, fttuben •aid hft only ptlt hi# hand on Wallace and atfted him lo Jiutry out of hl» eight.

•'Four menthft ago," eontiniiftd Stuhftn. ‘*Wallac# Hit mft on the head with a brick arid I'yft r>t A gear yftt from It."

Clarftoce MlUftr. an archltftct. who aleo wi>rkftd on the iheatr« building, and who wltnW ftd thft trouble between Btul'>en and Wallaoft Saturday night, taatl/lcd th a t no ateaiilt w a t committed m far an he could

ftUuated r>n tho nitle# of Ibo head, n^xl lo Iho lirain. and when ilbiLurtiod rause ft vb'lent ih'uialpifl wbuh nflcn drhe« ihe pall^nl lo suicide, ProfeasoT i'liHblnic ■»!(!.

After hia ItiPlahetion «# president "f the ronarcB#, l>r. George Fmorson Rrewor. of iNew York, read a prftlimmarv report f«n a new molhod of pylori'' rionoro In gaatro’enterofttomr. In cxpftrimfnting on doRft Dr. Brewer haa uMfid an alumlPMin ring In «:lo#lng the pylorta. Ho haa ni'it had an opportunky lo apply his method to a human iubjoct. but will not healtato to do »o when the patient appears, ho said.


will probably be (leilgnsieil wUhin i day j with the lickei as U ia prin ted or j \tas emplo^-eil un«J€r a opf-ial agr«rnen tor two lo take this up and hi# aiteniioti | ,g bound lu ex en m e 1 -*— --------nMII be devoted to the allogallon* o’- ^ a reasoxiablf^ Judgment, and when th# I ( i m n n u r rA IlD T T\HC\in highways contract#. . j fart# are made known to him, aa In I jU rR L IlU j L U U lil l/tv L m V t# J

■‘Governor Glynn and AllornftVGenerei ch a ra rte r of the [Cermody have both aasured itio of ine:r • ticket and the oih '-f e \i- |fulioftt cO'Operfttlon," #a1d Mr. ^ i <11*1100 in the c-a»e, he was nut Justified i

” ill saving that Ihi# ticket had been ! transferred or v, ha lifting iiecfl by Kny 1 otliftr ihaii the jierson lo whom it was ' issiued ' I

t'am den t'fturl HftTftr#e(l. |Thft L'amdeii Ih s trb l Court was


alter Ih . em terenec. 'Wllb Iheir aid th« inveatlsatlun new in rrug res. wdl b* carried lo the limit In wbaWver bail tho State or whftl perion or ;leads ns lo. We are now to B 't Ihroiigb U16 aid ®‘.thft BUtft adm lm atrallon

fifaT orr pn/ionrfi'D''^.TRF:NT0N, Nn\. 11.“-Holdui3 ^Hat ft

\ftnl!cl of Jl.oJU'. obtained by Joaeph Zulft ngaim^t TIcrmiin VeRmeyer. both of .lerHpy C!ity. was exrftaai'ft. ih« Supreme <.'nurt today deiKk'i Ibal unlfl#a Zulft

and im portant evidonca which H would | have bftiflti difficult for u anv other drcum atancfti

i.Tir.-. ._k.Kll lam 11 all Ihi

cersed in an opinlun by Justice Sw ajso ! agrees tu accept ts id , the verdict must___ .. , 7 ■ '" w ■ setting a.«ide a lerdlcL otitalned by the ; be set aside. The suit was lo recover 1 — _have been difficult for us to obtain un , ^yhitiwy Hlaas Works against John ul- ; for injuries siiststned by Kule wlien he jj (jop ia ins flO oil; will not change

T»ke ihe right care o f your hair, and instead o f sp o ilin g y o u f good looks, it w ill im prove them . You can’t beauflfy your hair w ith b arrette', ribbons and such th in gs . Knick- knacks make hom ely hair look even w orse, because the con trast sh o w s off its u g lin ess lo greater effect.

If you w ant b eau tifu l h a ir— soft, silky , lustrous and g lo s sy — u se Har- mony Hair B eau lifier , n dain ty , liquid hair dressing. U se it a lso if you want your hair to go in to p lace— in wavy, graceful fa sh io n — m ore easitv. and stay w here you pul it. It over­com es Ihe unpleasan t, oily odor with .1 deligh tfu l rose fragrance. V ery e s-y lo apply— siffiply sp r in k le a lit tle r.-, your hair each lim e b efore brushing


ly uiiirii ijijviaijsovwi'----- . I (K»n aad olhftr# The #uU Involved a cod- \ •wan ftirucU by VeilTneyer's automabllft.“W© fthall ft*ll #ll tHe I trac t for the manufacture of pixty groas 1 The defendarit admitted liability, hut ob-

volvftd In the affidavit made by Mr. H * boUka. bearing ihe name of the de- jested to the am ount of Ihe verdict The nfftsy. Their book# will be^ *, fendaiiit#. Tho defendani# refused to #■ - I arritleni hani-ened Inust Jaiumry Zule.

vepl the bvlllftB and by direotlun of the„ snabld us tu tesru to what ifteaninerjl# they had been 1 irja t court, a verdkt VRh gl'ftn f:>r the

Fri i'i S tate rerordfl \Ae exiiec^t ! full amount of thft contract. The rt'i-prftnift tJoiirt held that this was erronoou.'MsupplemenUl award#

t 'la and ftiibBcnuortly (he lh,'se aw ards to tho assrsim riit"

C harae by Progremaivaa.Pm iressives h a ie intormad Mr. W hit­

man that a large fund waa collected from contractors prior lo tha S tate caraj»l*n of last year. This was collected. It w declared, under a bt-partlxan arrange­ment by which thethe largest share to enahU them ‘o >‘**P thft ProfTftsilvftB tho third part} In t © votft caftl for Govoimor.

Thft Democratic hs>B##ii. according

ttiid that th? Jury should ha^e given op- poiluoJly lu decide whcilier a rebate should hot have been allmved for the salue of the bottle#.

In #P nplnlon by Jus tue Parker, the court held that the t ’amden Common Council liad no right to elect Morrl# G. Bos#et lo membership on the board of frcftbolder# a# a representative from a new ward created by dividing thft old Jieventh Ward, The court held that, undftr tho a d of 1895. vvhftn ward lines are changed or new warda created. Ihe


**Wh7 nftt makft up and b* friendi ag iin?" #ald Jud f» Hahn. “Biitine## men iheu ldn 't b* iquabbllng over trifling mattftT# and running to court with ihera. Sbakft hand! and leave frlenda again."

"I'll rvftVftr do tt," aaid Btuben, ‘TTl never ahake hand# with a man who hit me w ith a brick. If h# had struck m*

firn'lc# of Ihf VKlTfi.NEVA Yl>RK. Nf'v. n . — Mrs Mary

<}■ Keefe, ihiriy >caTS old, wife of Cot- nelUii O’Kftftfft. a renl estate broker, 1" In Ht V incent's Hospital In a rrlttoal condi­tion ftufferli*! from InJurle# suBtalTrftd when she fell from her bedroom wiTnlo-tv on the fourth floor of the Adrian apart- nienli, 312 and 816 W est Twentieth street, early thla morning.

Mr. O'Keefe told the polire th a t yeater- day waft hia ninth wedding anniversary and th a t wl’ftn he ram o home fmm work he decided with Mrs. 0 ’Ke«fft to celebrate thftlr wedding day by having supper out­side.

The couple called on ^f^s. 0 ‘Keefe‘s sister and, with her ns their guest, went to a downtown restaLjrant where they had dinner, Afler the meal (hey took tholr guest to her home and (hen returned

I to the ir own sp«rtinftnt and retired abo"t I o'clock Three hours la ter O 'Keefe wa

thft story, aided because they believed , i^rflcers representinK pre-exiatlng wards (he Renubllcen leaders would be mr>re continue to represent the same territory frleVidly to them than new men a t (he ! ih d r terms of office expires. I hehead of a new party ccuntni Into power. (.i*jctlon of Busset waa attacked by Sam-

Thal part of the fund th a t did not go Wood, to (hft Republicans Is reported to have | opinion by Chief JusUre Gum

_rt'Ule^i hapi-'ftbed lajst JaiuiHryftf a niolojnian, eam ui^ 3L8 •

wRftk, v\6s laid HP for three weeks und V.HB ahseni froiii w<irk about four weeksItlujt,

The I ourl uIho held to be excessive a ktirdlci f"i- SS.""0 damage# recoveied t.\ r a r l T.- nx of Camden, agaliral the U>at Je rsey and Seashore Uallr«>ad t'o ripauv . Should Lenz agree lo ac­cept 35.000 lii lieu of tha Jury aw ard, the verdict will be allowed to stand for th a t am ount OtherwMse a new tr ia l will be g ran ted

Lent, a rnaciilnlat. fo rty -five years old, was Injured by a rear-end col* llslon white a passenger on one of the W est Je rsey tra in s. At the thiie of the ftH-ridciH ho was earn ing 518 a week. The am ount of the verdict was the only nuesilon a rgued before the ooiirt.

The court refused to set aside- a verdict for dam ages recovered by Amelia Kaii- p.nakft, whose husband. Frank Kan- porska, wss killed by a tTjlley car of *ho

been turned over lo Tammany Hall tor | the court has refused to suaiain a p„[,|,r pg.r\i<'e Railway L'oinpany h> Je r­ri the recent municipal election. This , deinurier filed in behalf of Senator Wal-

wtth hi# f l i t maybe 1 would ahake hands awakened hy cold air blowing into ihe

A c#(npflfft In honor of D epartm ent 'C om jnahdar John w , Bodlne, of Cam- dan* and to be partlcipatftd in by th* allied posts of the G. A. R. of Essex Coanty, the I^adles' A uxiliary of the 0 , A. R., and the repi'ftsftnt.et1ves of

with him."The judgft ^ftB dlftYiilssftd the case, with

W allace and fituben etil) on the outs.


th a Spanish W ar V eterans and ihe

Alleging llabllitifts amounting to 5130.- 000 and Ssiftta uf aboiit 5100.000, credit-

Son# of Veteran#, will he held T hurs­day evening in the F irs t FTeabytsrIan C hurch 's BBeemhly raoma In th is city.

I t Is expected th a t several tiien prouiltiftnt ill thft I'lvii Wht will he prOflani. Supper will be served, and th e re wilt b« a m uncnl entertain* m ent consisting of pa trio tic eongs. fleVftral addresses wdll be made, end th e Invocation will be hy Hi"v WiBiam J . Dawson, pasto r of th e rhurch. The exerclaes will be in rhbrgft nf senior V!oe*Connmandler Form an J KeyTiolds. V lce*D epartm ent Com m ander Forman J , Beynoids. of thla city,

ora of (he Ailanllc Vehicle Company, of

bedroom from #n open window and dis­covered ihnt Mrs iVKeefe wa# not n the apartm ent.

The open wlnfl'‘'W rrnjfed Ms su#plc)i’>n and looking out 1u> saw his wife lying in thff' rourt yard- Slie was partly conarln'jj» when he reached her side. She vna rushed (o the hospital, where It was shIi] ihat she ia suffering from interiLftl iii- lurlfts. rnmp'Yund frai-tures of iioth thl^chs and Iftceratli ns of the sralp.


CONCERN R E - E ; ^ DIRECTORSTa dompllancft with the rorporahon

law# and to rorrocjt an error, stockholders r«prft#enting 91.271 shares uf stork of th« KftW Jersey Arnold Damper t'oTupany, met a t the Continental Hotel yeatrrday afternoon and eiectftd dArft‘'toFs. The eieo- tloti of directors held some time ago was found to be Hlegal hecaue# It had not been properly advertised.

The dtrertora choaeti .'oalerdaT were T rao^ ' riole, of New ark, R. M, Jnsrho and Philip L. Reece, of Nelcong; G. M. fitpley, of Nicholson, Pa., and A N. Arnold, of Chlcago.

3S7 Oraton. street, filed an Involuntary petition tn bankruptcy a t Trenton today against th a t concern. The alleged bank­rupt consented to an Iminedlalft adjudi­cation and Judge Rellstab referred the m atter to Referee Edwin G. Adams

On petition of Bllder & TUlder, a tto r­neys, representing the creditors, Referee Adams appolnlod A. Perry Oshortie, of New Tork, and Henr}' I.. Davison, of Orange, b* receiver#

The claims of the petitioning creditors aggregate 160,000. The creditors, all New Yorkers, are Harold S Vanderbilt.525.000, Ralph Sanger, 112.500, and Will­iam Dodge, 112,600.

Deprea.'^lon In the automohMe huslnes# and lack of aufflctent capital are given by Mr. Bllder as the csifftea of the prft#* I tnksinen rceutiiedent finan*'lal s tra its of the company. 1 ---------------- -The concern has be#n engaged for the last eighteen months In the inamifacture of heavy track s and haa supplied brew- erle# und express companies with It# prodiicl

SpciiaJ Ilf fAe .Vf.'RfiWIIE.ATDN. TU.. Nov. IT ^ T b a t Henrv

Spencer, ronipllnr of the "dffithl i s t ’ of twenfv-two allftRcd \1rttma. rmw on trial for tlift nuirder of hire. Mildred Allison Re\!-oal, "f i'liirag"^. dellber- fltel\ and rlo^erl'. ".fttuIlInK ' to fluppnrt the plea nf thn defense Ihat hn la liiBane, was the i hargo made by S tale a Attorney Hadley t'idn\

S p e n c e r ab u sed J u d g e Rlusaer. the S t a t e s Rll 'u-ner. h la ov,n i-ounsel and

story Is one reason for the proposed broadening of tK« "John Don' '" '1 '''''^ take In the "eontrihutlona' made to Ke- pnbllrans and Progreaolvea aa well aa loDemocr»ta. ,

George H McGuire, n( Bjracuae, and Henry H. Hurgard, of Buffalo, were among the wltnetaea cajled today a t the Inquiry. . . . .

II waa McGuire, according to John A. Henneeay, Sulaer'e graft Inveatlgator, who gave him much of hla Infortnalloti concerning Tammany'a alleged nagging" of up-Slate contractori. Bur- gard la one of Ihe contractora named aa having been forced thiia to contribute. McGuire waa on Ihe aland when the hear­ing adjourned laal week. At the time he denied he had given Henneaay any auch (irformAtlon,

Typewriter eicperta employed hy in* dletrlct attorney to exam ine the original of the telograrn aigned "M." which li^en- Iif.asy, testified McGuire had aent him from SyracuBc, were among thoae under aiihpoena. The dlalrlct attorney's Invcs- Ugatora, ll was announced, had olitained McGulre'B typewriter and found that ilm lottnra on the maclime and thoae on Ihe telegram were Identical. , . , ,

The meaaage, whl- h McOpIra denied aendlng, charged William H. Kelly, Dem­ocratic leader of Onondaga County, with

1 helping to "ahake down ' contractora and requeatad Henneaay to come' to Pyraeiiae and make a political apeech attacking Kelly.

I priYftpfti tl'Y'’ jur ifA e.'bftn exsm inatlnn "f




THEATRICAL MEN JFORM "PIRATES"RftVFf»l lee*l th sa tric il m«p. #t

Cfiptured after a ches* ><t several bloclu yesterday, .AnnH ILh> ffik. fifteen ysNirv eld. who Is all**p:*'i1 i" h s 'e stolen t60 of wearing apparel from hertottnftr employer, Mr#, ffimon F.lSftnbsrt, o f IfiB Ferry stroet. I# bi*inx bftld in the KofiSft ef Detention to await trial before Judfie Dol&n In the Juvenllft Court.

Tbft girl wi# arrested by PslrolmftB Bell fit»d J. D. Miller, the Third TTednrl Stfitlon. who traced her througli an <m- plofxaent agency, after Mr. El#enb«rK re- ported the theft yestardey a.ftftrnoon.

a dliififtT given last night by Anthony ataiihwaaaar, a t Achel-Stettaria, formed "X ,., rlra t«p ." an organlaatlor which mill have monthly a/falre oi a like nature during the aeaaon.

Among thoae preient a t th* dinner were Clifford Stork, W alter P. Rlchard- eon. ilay i'. Owena, i.*e Bterrett. William A Mortimer. Arthur Ja rrett, H- BiitricV Slnahaimar. Joaeph W. Girard, Georg. W. Hobblna, managef of tha Kewark Theatre; II- G. Bennett. B. K Fried, Jama* Mulhausar. Kdwin F. Reilly, Max- nell HonieU. Emil Hofman. Frank H. Sadler, Otto K'lebler. Robert Llilngton, Alexander Kearny and Arthur Oliver.

SFIW f o r k . N ot. 11.— Beraiiaf of Ih* iiidden Increa."* tn th* number of death* due to bichloride of mercury Ihe Board of Tleallh la rrmetdering an smandment to Ite code *o a* to regu late tha aale of the polaon. Th* board may prohibit Ita aale except on a doctor'a preacrlptton or deelgnate a hannleaa form Id which tt may be iQld.

"Whee! Corns Gone! ■GETS-ir Did I t ! "

Edftftr Try I t flftfaref— YnnTI MarTftl I t Nlakfts CorBft Vanish.

Th#r® anything llks "GETS-IT" <nr corn#, an-1 thffre Isn't snythluf Ilk# H mi*'. II »« til' torn cuto- on s new prJn-

f^ffTCAflO N'yv. l l .—Mrs. H<*Ipp SwiftMnrria and b^r cblldran will nft&r-iv nil th#' y?ri.i)00.nftn ftatate of h#f husband. Etlwnrd Morris, hy ihft will fil '1 In Pfobfttft rirtiirt hftcft today. This dla- noFltlon of packftri# ftfttfttft make#Mrs. ^forrip. who Inheriiftd a Tor-tiinft from b«r fathar. Guatavus ■on* of the wralthlrst J"

Charllahle betiue.ala total IJlk.aPO- Tb* r'emalndcr of the eslat* goea to Mr Morrla and tHe four ctilMren. Tt *" hand* of alx Im ai'ca. with the derld iig vote, In caae of a Me. to he caat by thft

* The tniateea will pay ^ ra _ M orfa an Income of" a year and »., fo each child until e»-h lie* reached the a g ' of ftevanteen year* At thla ag* until twentv-orie the children will bn directly *6.d(K' "thev will reccKe their flrat aharei of the

Other pavmenta r ill be made from time t" Hm* by the tn .a tee . tmUl at th irty -fl'e ' 'a i" *"'* cfthed hla MU sYisra.

te r E. Kdge. in un artlon for libel, inatl tutftd against him by J Paul Kilpatrick, so Lhft case will gu to trial. Thft suit wa# based upon an article appearing In Benator Edge's newspaper in A tlantic City alieglDg that urgles were permitted In thft ’Turhl^n hiilha uf the Hotel Rio Grande.

The demi2rrer filed In behalf of Sienaiiir Edge, set forth (hat no special damage had been &hown to th# plaintiff In the declaration, iliat the publication did not impiilft that Kilpatrick w-as guilty of i criminal offense, and th a t there wai nothing In the alleged libel Indicating th a t Kilpatrick waa referred to In It. The court held that all of these grounds were untenable.

Sustaining the Bergen Clrcoll. the Su­preme Court ha# held that Arthur C. C. Fletcher la not entitled to recover from the t ’loster Board of Education for ser­vices rendered as #n architect in prepar­ing plans for a school building. The de­cision is based upon (he ground th a t the local Board of KducMlon exceeded Ka power in making a ^con trac t with Mi’. Fletcher.

Ccuirt Rule# for l.ahoree.Thft court a fihm ed a judgm ent ol"

talned In (he Middlesex C ircuit by ihe esta te of Carmine PeFaxlo ag a in s t Ihe GoldBOhmIdt lie th in lng t.'ompany. l.>e Fazio \v»s found dead under a (ra in of cara with n hole about alx inches in diam eter in his abdomen. The recovery w as had under the em ployers' liab ility Isw The defendant said th ere was not proof of an accident. The court ruled it wB# an acoldeiil.

In en opinion by .luBtice B ergen the court affirm ed a Judgm ent obtained in thft F irst D istrict C ourt of Newaik by Daniel T,angberg iigalnat Joseph

ao} City. Kanporska w ts struck whiU HU-‘mpti>'S lo t-roBs a street in front of an upproachiug car.

Thft court held lo be excessive a ver- diiT for recovered by GeorgeFurdy. of I'omden. Bgalnat the Public Service R a llvay Company. Purdy may nccept $900, cr otherwise a. new trial will i.ft gianted . He was lnlur?d In Camden kvhllft :i 'afcF''r.ger on a car which ran off the track and collided with another car

r the i;unpany.rhft ijourt held tha( the tow n of Gut-

tft'ibei'K war entitled to Judgment on a dyinurrer Ititcrposcd In the si.It in tlltu ied Viv Roland M Smyth* tu recover upon a h’md issued bv the (own In January 1^76. I'hft Land pledged the town (o pa>' jifiUO s t the ftfd of ten }ears with intcreai at seven per cent.

color ol hair, nor darken gray hair.To keep hair and scalp dandruff-frre

and d e a n , use H arm ony Shamphn This pure liquid sham poo g iv e s an in ­stantaneous rich lath er that imtuc diaieiy penetrates to every part o f hair and scalp , insuring a qu ick . thorouEh cleansing. W ashed off ju st as q u ick it , the entire operation tak es on ly a few momenta. C ontains no th in g that can harm the ha iri leaves no h a rsh n ess or s tick in ess— just t sw ee t c lea n lin ess .

Both preparations com e in odd- shaped, very ornam ental b o ttle s , witn sprinkler tops. H arm ony Hair B eau lifier. $1,00. H arm ony Sham poo. 50c. Both guaranteed to s a t is fy you in every w ay, or you r m oney back Sold in th is com m unity on ly at our store— The R exali S tore— on e of the m ore than 7.000 lea d in g drug stores of th e U nited S ta tes, C anada and G reat B ritain , w hich ow n th e big H ar­mony laboratories in B oston , where the many celeb rated H arm ony Per­fu m es and Toiler P rep aration s aru m ade.— P etty’s Pharm acy, 781 Broad Street, 4 doors from P rud en tia l build- ing, Newark, N. J .— A dvertisem en t

A JV h fu ra f J k o i iw m f o r


R M d * n e r i ia W e t s s i t t t n e e In

Rlall ( nrrf*(inm!rnrfTRENTON, Nov. I I .—Tbs S uprer*

i.’ourt jpeterrtay set aside the order of the Bnard of Puhllc Utility Coinmlsslon- er.*: requiring the Public Service R allea)'r'nmpani lo eqmply with the ordlnanvea of Pei Ml Amboy, under whlrh all poUce-

; b u ild in t t # • r***r»e force to . teract tn*



ff6**med th in , poor, w ithewt any *4Mt*ln1ng eteength. HOOVS SAII6APARILUA gave me th* ap g a tiU needed, restored atrength, g tv * me lu tu ra l, heelth fu t ileep." Mr*. C. K. T yler, Burlington, V t "MY BLOOD w ts In b ad condltl**,

I h id erjfilpelae on tny hande, th* left one so bad 1 h id It In a ellng t ^ d t h c . I believe Hood’* B ir s ip i- r l l l i laved m y h in d , fo r when I had n iad i botUM It i r t a a ll h taled np to d I felt b e tte r every way,” Mra, ^Jle* BtockwtII. ■Woreeater, U i i a

* t tell any friend# w ho a re baaat w ith d ark -b row n fa e lln ii th a t jb te d 'e B acatparlU a w ill **t them Vf an d m ak* them to ll of Ufa n d te a l tk . I t lw a y a .fe e l Ilk* H d tt* t ta U n c a * * « * • o t th la madlelna.* /•

; I k (H ta*. C htoaco boalaaM m aa, l t d r, B t , 8 u t t a t « la HOODf* tk a t kalpa.

. ■

r iie farU ofi Theatre, tomierly the Geyeiy Thaetrft, at Market and Halaey atreet*. haa been taken over by the Mill- lam Tor ArausftTiiftnt Company. TjOUI# TI. Dalrimftr. scllng s# broker for tb« Baker* Quinn-Dixon i^ompanyr closftd th# nr#i vftHt.erday.

It I# #tB.tft(l th a t only the first-run phcln play* will be uaed in the ihnw hnuaw. tiealde* the tnatallatlon or w hat la railed Ihft unit orrheatra Thft Infttrii- ment Is ptaved by one nioaklan and la d»- signed to take the place nf a full ayro- phany orchftfttra

'i'hft nhangft In the policy of the Carl* Ion TPexlrft will (I' t Iri any ffvay tffftet Ihft WuBhlngton Thentre. s local play- houftft also sontrollftd hy 'Mr. Fox.


men and riremen, while nn duty, are per- mltled in ride free of charge. The gist of the decision la th a t the State baa the right tn w ai\e any uontract which a mu- I ntdpality may have made as contrary' lo | l-'iWIc policy. j

The Puhlic Fervlce Uailwav Company acknowledged the right ot uniformed po- I

11|.-eman and firemen to free transporta- I tinn. but inaiated that when-not In uniform | Mich offlctals should produce llcheta fur- j nlshed them hy the company without 1 ■•barge This regulation. Juatlce Bergen

I said, waa not ulireaeohable.

tn d tear on body

and b f iln . ■ * * 5 ^ 5 1 5 U M iRPi, cM T in as S S I iM iS lk iM a k r t i t i iS Wn i n F R o a i s f t u s s ^

IidoTsed a n i r w m - iM gded p h y sfd ia * - B aw w * « l w S a S a n * -

The geotiin e; PLEO EN H EIM ER ’S I

b e a n tb* word I k c S . oa label and cap o f -aach bottle in d la

sold only in quart and pt«t bottles


ault ag a ln e t Mrs. ru re n c e _ H _ Mackey. In which Mre. I 'a thertne K. B lake a l­leged the alienation ot the of her huataiid . Dr, .Toaeph A. Blake, waa discontinued yeftterday. tnenta leaned did not m ake c lea r the

fer thtj actifttiRiisael Tt. Londalft. personal counsel

for Mr# derlurpil th a t hlB cllftnihad rerft^vftd no monfttary ronftidftra' Gon #ti(T Tifld been pramlBftdtf> her.


AUDIT SHOWS MOORE LECT $37 ,000In A finitl at^r-uunllng of thft sta ts of

fortntr Surroffsie Gftorg" D G. Moorft, fUftd a t thft offlcft of thft Burrogatft to4ay. Frank B. Alien, extculor. ahow# a bal­ance of about U7.D00. The smouBt th a t

n§caTTift Into hT§ hand# tra#orlglhallytBS.O^O-

Mr. Mootb died October 13. 1S$1, after ha^m f Btrv'ftd several terms In th# eounty offlcs.

"U*ft 'GCiTfi-IT* for C oras and Their pal##-’-And ?k'othlDif b a t IMftasixre

Retnalnsr*etol# Pu( IT ^OTTi Sn two SfteoTidj.It stop* pain- th# forn begin# to shr1v#l sod dlsappeara It n«v#r UilSe Slmplftst thlnf Tou #v*r *sw No luMy baad«f«a no arsasr sal'*## to turn hsalthj flssh ‘'pssly" and raw. n® plaitsrs that mak# corns bnlgs out tour corns won't "pull and hurl

up to your h##rt. Lay asld# yourknlrt #nd raior. No mors dlaftnp and t u f f in f and wlnelnf. no mor# '>l**^*®*'t-?-® mors danf#T of blood poison. OfiTt-lT •MAW hurt# hssittar fl*#h; K 1# #a(s. pain*

For wsrta c il-

Bnd of G ettT sbara Sfabblna F ra f ,• OBTTTfiBUMa Nov. U.-ftfiinWne# w ai

iu#p#Ddftd yaatftTday in th# Adam# Cotinty Court In th# ca#fts aCAlnit w iuiain Byrfi HaniTf of FhUadclphlap who stabbad itlna paraoBd ifi fi tlfihl in a hotel durtn i th a

hurts hssittar fl##b Isas, ^ulrk. fImpISft aurs. lussi snd bun Iona too- * . , . * * «

“ Ottia-IT" Is *oTdl a t all druMlsis' at as ftftitcs a bolUs. at eftat ftfl r« s lp t of prios by « Lawttaoa k Co.i CUloafO. Bold In N#wr

Fftlnd * Haln. cat.Brompt aiiTl Uortoa sU* oor. Belmont avs. aad Wsst KLniisr # tt oWl Clinton pU and

f!T. PAUD, Nriv 11.—The Independent Order of Foresters vecterJoy rvlthdrew from Minnesota end returned ita license to J- A. O Frens. Plate Inanranre rom- mlssioner. Notice of iho withdrawal came from F. Cf. fitevenson. of Toronto, s'l- pre.nft chief ranpor ot (he order. There were tnembrrR of the eocielyMlnnftsol#


F in n i t , 51c.F i l l O M r L t r . l l

F L E O E N H E I M E R B R O S . IDO MARKET ST, ® ssJ!!s!S te« 5 ?

W e Deltva*. P h eae U a rk e t f* U

Beneficial to Women


—because the C o w n d Exten* eion Heel aupporta the ankle and eases the strain on the arch ligaments. A helpful, everyday-shoe for women compelled to be most of the time on their feet.

Rtnft f nrt'FJtponStnr*.TRENTON. Nov. IJ .—Th* Board of

rublie Utility Conimlaalonera has appeal­ed to the S late Houa* Commiealon to make eome adequate provtalon for the ac- comBiodatlob of the varlou* department* of the Public Utility Commlaalon In the .State houae. '

During the leglalativ* receai. the Pub- Ur, U tility Commlaalon ocouplea Senate committee rooma, -which muat be vacated whftnavt-r th* Leglalature cotivenea. At tha laal araelon the office* ol the hoard ware Di'vved Into two email rootna. which were entirely inadequate and the work of Ihe hoard was aerloualy handicapped in conaftquence. Btnce that tithe the work ot tl-e commlaalon baa Increased mater- tally aa a result of additional rafponai- bitlllei placed upon 11 by new law* in d the nectaalty for suitable officaa 1* felt keenly.

The u tility commlaalon malqtaln* • branch office In Newark. wWch la ueed for working quarter* for It* anglneera and Inapectora, when not ac tu illy em ­ployed on outside work. WSr* It not for thla division of the force, the board haa pointed out lo the Slate Houae Commla- sloB, It would be Unpoaalble to carry on Ita work. The commission has never had perm anent quartera a t the S tate house, and th* room* allotted to It heie- lofor* have proved entirely too email for the executive work.


fipffcw! SertM 0/ (AsMATS LAN’DINGt H<*v.

Dftfasr Twmlik MonameBt livvelU fii;.HANNIBAL. Mo . Nov. 11.—Bftcausft af

the Utftpft## season, the bronsftmonumftnl of Mark Twain, w hich v a# completed here yesterday, will not bo un ­veiled until nftxt spring . Tho (Ivtire of the humorist h«a been placed on a granite base In Blvervlew Park, over- lookltif thft Mlenisitppl River, where Twain romped #s a boy.

rm infhait David Pftlty'sf ^ t U i aiiDlvftfMTy oftlatoratlaD of tho I Wm* R. fiuafor4ft*-fA4T*rt1ss*battle e f G ettrab u rt hat* la July, I n a a k

O. J. B an ter Bad* Hla L ite .LYNCHBURG. V*., Nov. IJ.—O. J.

Hunter, m anager of the C«r Bout* D*- partment o f Uorris i Co.. Cblearo Pickera Idlted htmaelt hers l i i t n lsh l by shooting. No rtaaon (or th* iu le lil* can be le im ed , . Y *

Cvwafd Aich Jhipport Shoe •fid Cowagd Sxtettelon Beel, lutTC bcqs tnade by Jamds 8. Ctrwud, 1» HI* Ctistom D«- partmeatfor w e r 33 ye*ri.

U .—H arryi .iftii, of A tlan tic City, waa today i placed on tria l

Select Yourghfistm ss pisno now from the F-e*se Piano Company. The most complete line of instniments in Newark. Used pianos of m*ny makes ai very low prices.

F » I A . P i Ocan be seiecled now and a small deposit madd, which will insure its prompt delivery to your home for Christmas.

Nowis your best time to inspect and decide as to instrument. Payments and delivery can be an after con­sideration. Call today or write fof catalogue and list of used pianoa.

Pease Piano Co.F a c t o r y W a r e r o o m s ,

10 N ew S t , N e w a rk , N . J .

SOLD NowHEne e t a s

J A M E S S . C O W A R D3 6 4 * 2 7 4 O i e e a w lc l i S t . , K . T .

( n u w u a n s ra x n )■ il l Ortan Flitad t <«r

I. t>lft. In th e A tla n tic 'C ounty C ourt of Q u arte r Seaaloni, charged y.-lth th e larceny o f a pollbook du rin g th e g e n ­eral election of 1S1»- ««»*dieted by the e lisor g r in d Jury, -w nlwInvftstlffftfft^ •Iftclion frsud# tnthis county la s t year.

It -waa th e charge o f th * S ta te th a t Getz had approached IClIiot Repp, the D em ocratic Judge o f e lection in the Flrat precin ct o f th e ^ r * t W ard, and sto len th e book w h ile Repp waa ea tin g nreakfoat, before th e p o lls opened. Teatim ony ten d in g to prove thla waa Introduced by th* S ta te Ah a b so lu te den ial o t a ll th e eh atgea waa mad* by the defen d an t.

The eaae w en t te th e Jury a t the noon yecaa* S

Save Time!Time lost becaus« of headache^


ProUbHioo A Constitution


COLUMBUS. < proh ib ition , tbrauR b thft rn to th*IctynoW ioiiQdi •r a l epeaJteri i t0d»T o f th eth# Antl-SalO' b od ies th a t are

F orm er UnUi Oil SoDderA, *6 aided, lo l4 ,ah e be n e e e u a r y t th e U n ited Bti e a rn es tly <n fa

[lUon b e fo re thi ; Mr. ' Saiidera

Mona tn Tenno proh lb ftlon cau vaneed th rou gl H ooper. Hii Sandere <sald a Ular reforenca

Tha ip a a k er R ev .-B d w k i C, ton . D. C., le o f th e ieaeu a B aker, o f Co In tendent. a id

Speech** u i n a tio n -w id e p a n o te of C< llq uqr (orce* 1 n ig h t o f th e c delairad th e d e le g a te s and tim e fo r th e c

No root un tton haa been o f g n add reel L u th er B W ll Ident o t th e 1

W tth the "W oodrow W1 ley , o f Madlac tio n le t candid U n ited S ta te s dreea,' th e au<


Luongo la ou o f Oyer and ' Court Juatlce Jury, ch ^ g ed t lU gtlore on J >1

Luongo shot tonlo Hlgllore. n * coualra ha reled with Lu ReteritoWn ai John A. Petei

*.fcd other cltj


tid e* yeaterda th * b ^ r d w a l o f th* beech and T en n esse num aroua ps-

W orkm an « b u ild in g Jet^l th e b a th in g e

WOMAN'm o u r m e l :

Nov. n . —Mn a n aeroplane i a new record

H oahand Cgpedol Sarafea

HCBQKEN houae a t SP7 were living t( Gtadya IJeaei and Carl Wai w ere held in afteruDon. ' w om an'i hnil A fter ball h( McGovetn, tl Prosecutor R cu atod ylof hi released, Mri with her hoe- out to .fin d t


hla newly w« trip, John Bt to borrow am la s t hlkhl to ■WhUdfths w on livfeiie ol n lgh titth leveSU rJfft trun aacapeil' with taln ing'the p< and hta bridi Plttaton banJ covered untl



Court here aw arded t t , E arle, a lal(< th e em pidy H lghtatowJl. under th e a w ill receive f i f ty w eek i tld.eO for I w eek s. It )ld iet yj}|(i«l»

Seek Ydefipecfgl W vle

n e w ,yReo u n ^ eftd i the tdenljfy foundi' yahlei lane near l!)i In tlia t iteig County, Rbyi body' -retnbr takefeSyUUi The man and five f«


hero-frora < hood eweetl becam e thft Joaeph Oe! the PaaaaU are first co gather In L gaged last made a trii

"PolaoB' gpaoial gerrilugneeww oftw —-

e l iz a b e H r*. Ntlaoiw riting off! I*. Jones. 1In the yuaiw as poatpoiacutor la t< ao tltati'nq.

■ / i \ .

pen - tH al'i

,)Pet B| Spadial Saral

PORT J iDonjd Swei and Mrs. I roaff. and B w o e^ i of tardAy. atb lal and wm outtv De a u te n ia d being w atj

Drivf r o D

SaS iU lw i

io u sn ^ is worse wssted. BitioiiOaiess yields i^uickly to the safe, certain hinie remedy-.


S r iIk C


m ed yl i t !

9 !>drsdy and

of 1 h* >i>U hai I* cona-'«t r< Ji IV* PUf” nleptlnal lOFPd 10

of (hHrhat on«obtainfd- •r* pTi’

rre* and vlar (ha I, talcinrntaptinal la a*ma(ry oTia

our auf* r*w Won- tort yoj

today — you. ao-l racovary f Wving. nanta to Whitrnc a botUa

• SaHtarSruj Co.

; Chft*A Ka>: rcM •


■— soft,! H ur.

liquid if you ice— in easily,

t over- with .<

y ea-y ttle f". ■ushinq chaniic lair. uff-frc: lainrn ''1 an Hi-

imnic of hair lOrouEii q u ic k h .' a few hat can mess or ness, n odd­'s , witii

Hair hanipoo. sfy you y back

at our of the

; stores Ida and )ig Har- , where ny P er­m s aru I Broad it build-



4ine« in to ccHin- on body

BROS.derU et

Wfront the The most

m ents in of many

od a small insure its home tor

nspsct and Paym ents

a f te r con- ir w rite fof d pianoa.

10 Catioins, r k , N . J .


ProhibitHn AmendnwDt to F c j^a l ConstituHon Dtscutsed a( Anti*

Saloon Leagnc CoBveitioB.v_ •*


p roh ib ition . to b» agconi()ll»hed tb ro n s ti Ihft m oans o f an natendinent to th e ^ d e r a l ConitltgtloH j.w »B tiiw IternoW sounded In addrossPS of aoV- o ra l ap ssJ ie ri a t the foronqon Besslon

) tod ay of th e nsttonn l convention of ' tho A nti-Saloon lAntfUO and n lllid

bodies th a t a re raeetlnic In th is city.F o rm er U n ite d 'S ta te s S enatd r New­

ell asndera . t i t Tenitesseuf w ho pre< aided, lol4.dhe cojlvanttoB -tbat It would be neosssary to have a s R e s id e n t of the U nited S ta tes som e m an who Is e a rn e s tly In favor of n a tio n a l prohlbl-

A t lo n b e fo re th a t can be adcolnplished.1 Mr. ' Sanders w as dlsouaslnu; condi­

tio n s tn Tennessee, w here he eald the p roh ib ition cause had been a re a tly ad ­vanced th ro u a h the olffiitts o f tldVernor H ooper. H is statenocnt. Senator Sanders .Bald a fte rw ard , had no partlo- p la r .rafe^'ence to P residen t Wilson*

The sp a ah e rs th is m o rn in a Included ttev .-O dw In C. Dinwiddle, o f W ashlnft- ton, D. C., leg isla tive su pe rin tenden t o f lb s leae tie ; Rev. Pr,. P u rle y ' A B aker, o f .Coliimbut, -ganeral su p e r­in ten d en t. asid others.

Speeches u rg in g a m ovem ent for


W ash ^WilhoulRubblngl

T h e w o n d erfu l w ashing tab le t, VAN'S NO RUB, gives th e w h ites t, e teanost wash, w ith NO R U B B IN G . W orks like m agic. P u re untl harm - loss. PreventB han d c h a p ­ping. Ic a n d 10c sizes.

at roar ct»*l»r*i„ ire.p i no eih- ■tllutes Loot lor Ua "StlloW" trada-iusrt.

It not (iSlifaotil. writ. Ml for FReE TRUL PACKAGE

VAN ZR.E CO.., nso bno.mlc Av*., i W. llolwtoD. J.,


NEW B R rN SW r«’K. Nov, H .—In ob- servati’’ of th« HTih imiih*r»ary of tha tfranlln* of the r lo lluigera Col-.kga by WimiAin Franklm . -jovvrnur of the provint!* of New Jersey, exercisea wera heW at K irkpatrlik i^iiapel yesterday (kfternoon. I h e re s^or© addreaaoa by the president of the iuatltiitlon, WilHain H. JJemarfiW, and Unmillon W. Mablo, one of the ©ditora o£ the Outlook.

I A lianuuel was held by the Butgere ' Club nf Ngw Brunswiick a t W ynanta' hall, i After the exc relieja. Form-if Oovenior

n a tio n -w id e p rohibition and ©outidlnff Austin W. ScoO, A1aytir-©l©i:»a no te of tfOwopemtIou In fig h tin g iiransw lck, and Rev, Henry 1».


fileff fToer«tfKmdmr«. ^TRENTON, Nov. 11.—T h e S ta te

Board of Pharm acy haa announced the t succeaeful c a n d ld n e i a t th e Ootober I ©aam lnatlon# fo r reglatered pharnia- 1 d a te an d regletered a s e le u n ta T hirty -

tw o caim idates quaUfled ae pharma* r ia ls and th ree as aaa la tan ta T he next m eeting of the board will be held In the R tale honae Jan u ary IS and K. when an o th e r class will he exam ined.

The oandldaiea who paeeed th e e*- am lnatlone for reg istered p h arn iae lsts a ra Sam uel B- Baron, Camden; G ottlob B aatlan Jr.. W est New Y ork; Diego Jlnn ignetd , New York; F red erick H. Huhn, Beverly; Paul S- C utter. B u rlin g ­ton; Jo h n Be Francesco, New B righ ­ton: Jo h n I t Double. Je rsey City;Isaac Kpsteln, New York; Je rom e E. lltU nger. New York: C E dw ard F iti- gerald . Camden; Meyer S. G lauser, f 'h lladelphift: Philip Holler, Phlliuiel- phla; Chauncey N. Hemion. Ram say; Percy H Jackson. W ildwood; tiam uel K itts, L iv ingston Manor; Max 3. Ku*- seluk. H oboken; Antonio I-apotlna. New Y ork; M orris Llohensteln, Je rsey Cliy; A rlh u r B. Logan, P lain field ; John H M itchell. Now York. Adelaide Pi P eriale, Lodi; V incent Horpore. New Y ork; R alph R. Klnck. N ew itrk; John T. Roe, Patereon; Knnry ^V, Scheuer- inau. EUxAkbflth; Haj'tnond L. Shover. CollluKBwood; A ugusta L. Rolmhif. N ew ark; Loslle O. ftouihgate, Bu iHuk* ton: OKo F. S torklnger. PhllaUel]iblrt; Hellk rsseriuv. Hay-mne: Frank 1' Van Inwogiui, Sussex: H enry W Young. Y onkers

The cand idates who qualified as reg is te red aeslBlants w ere George K iite lus and W iliam H. Bchultx, of N ew ark, and B ugenell Keller, of Union Ulli.


ilquqr fo re ik ma.rkftd the opening las t n ig h t of ih© convention- Snow su>rn\s delayod th e a r r iv a l oC h u n d red s , of d e lsg a tM and many did n o t a rriv e In tln is fo r the opening session.

No r e s t u n til ngtlon-bwlrte proiilbl- tto n hao been a tta in ed whs the tiieme c f add ress delivered by B ishopL u th s r B W ilson, of New York, prc«v* (dent of the league.

W tth the m ention of th e — n^yme **Woodrow W ilson” by Jo h n <1 Wool- ley, o f MadUon, Wls.. fo rm er P roh ib i­tio n is t cand idate fo r *T*re8ldrnt'of the U nited States, In the course of his niL drees,* th e audlepce app lauded loudly.

----------- .4 --------------------


truongo Is Oh trial today in th a epurt o f Oyer and Terminer, befor© Supreme C ourt J-ustlo© Jam es J Bergen' and a )ury, oliayged wUb the m urder of Antunlo lU gllore on June 1 in this city. «,

Lhongo shot the vlctlm'.s cousin, An­tonio Mkgllore. and badly wounded him. The c o u s in had been dripklng and quar­reled with Luoogo a t his hom'b In the PetsratoW n section. Chief of Police John A. Psterig Mayor Victor M ravltg

Other city officials were witnesses.

(’ohh, of New York, also apoke. Tho sub­ject of th e form er Ooveraor was ’‘Tlio Relation of Rutgers to the Stale. ' HU said the Institution should act In the ca­pacity uf adviser to Ih© State and th a t the State ahculd seek ideas of leglslaliuni from cbllert-a.

I>r. Scott traced the development cf Rutgers in Hu relation to the city. Mr. t ’ohb a address was In behalf of the slumm.


tid es yes te rd ay underm ined po rtions of th e boardw alk , cut aiway a la rg e part of th e beach betw een N orth Carolina and Tennessee aveefuea. And to re down num erous p a v lllo n a '

W orkm en w ere hu rried ly p u t to work build ing Je ttlee in th e hope of saving th e b a th in g grounds.


Nov. IL —Mme. Palller yesterday made a n aeroplane flight of 174 itilles. T^ls ii a new recbwS for women. *


Ri-rrliv of fAr N’FIIK.NEW BRirNKWIUK. Nov. 11. —H unt-

era yealGnlay a fternoon raiiml in the woods off M ountainside avenue at Bound Brook th e body nf a njan which was Idonllfled th la m orning by Sergeant John (.’Union uml Themiorc H artm an as C harles H artm an , of this cUy, who hail been mlsRlnK since October 17.

Heald'.i (ho body wa.s a thlrty-two- raliber revolver with one cliamber empty. The body w as iu such condi­tion IhH the fealiiiufA could not be recognised, bu t a ring niol g lasses were hleiUlfletl aa th e p roperty of the mlss- !hg man.

llftrlm an w as th irty -o n e years old, and had been In a had m ental s ta te for snine time. H e a[ietit two weeks Iti a re tre a t and upon com ing home diaap* peared. Ho wax nn export m athem a- IJcian and w as employetl hy the M etro­politan Life Ineurnnc© Company.


Special fffffHrf of (As Yf/Fg.PRINCETON. Nov. 11.—The second

an nual report of the B ureau of S tu ­den t Self-H elp shows an Increase of nearly* $3,000 In the am ount of money w hich it mads posalble fo r s tu d e n ts to earn tlurlriK the year. The to ta l am ount w hich passed Into the hands of the stii* denta th rough the medium of the b u ­reau w as t20.161,r»(>.

D uring the year there w ere DUO men

Uj KgoAkh Plate allows fretnluia to tengue tad

taate. «ad feeU pvrfVetly <x»mfAArt- iUe. It l« tbe (onet •clentlMi' metUxl ef iralorlut nlNalni (iieth, and iwlll rtre Jimi tbe ueceieerr an'tn* for

pwfwt matticeiloA. lla«e 7ucr old ivetb citrected free iQ tbe

' moral&f ijad rstiin!l tUTma il uiffat with ■ bew het.

llkTesr Qnarantee. Yfm EKSialDatiM I'liUus*-MllT4‘f. Mo: loll!. tr<m |1 up. MrldsO work, $5. <Joli] i’rovrpe, | | . Hett of teeth. iloure, VA kiiutleyi, D-’J.

Dr. FOX’S DENTAL PARLORS741 BRO A D S T ., N ew arkAlso N. V.. 3d9 Avenue*

8. Ei;. C'lar. 3i!n klrset.•SM VV- 4£d at, «Hie ThIrJ Avs..C >r. 0th Ave Near 4ld 9t-



Je rse y City Citizens to Number of 500 Applaud Panniug of Com­



*%T i ENT?hC n m . i l —City Comtnlz- •lo n e r F rank Hague, of Je ra sy City, appeared before the Civil iSorvIcs Commission today to consider plane fo r th e roorgan lia tlon of the police departm ent of the city. The city com m issioners would like to have p*r- m lstlon from the Civil Service Com­m ission to have a num ber of p a tro l­men ac t as detectives tem porarily , and th en to have them exam ined fo r p ro ­motion aa lleutensht'detectlvM .

M r H ague aald the com m lsslonsrs w ould also like to adopt th e N#w York system of aw arding m edals to m em ­bers of the police force fo r ac ta of conspicuous bravery, such m edals to count for tw enty-five poin ts In p ro­m otion exam ltm ilons uniter civil se r­vice regulAllona. Mr. H ague aaUl U w as planned to hav* the m edals d is­trib u ted l)y n commisiion. consisting of three citlxena of Jersey City, one olvll service comnilasloner and Cummlsslontr Hague.

The Civil ftarvlcs Commission alsohad a conferf^tu’-e today w ith th e New Y’ork coinmlsxlon, ons of the purposA's being to uonsldbr the question of bold- ing Joint exam inations In connection w ith the employes of the In le rs ta lv | I’a llsades i ’ark Commlisiuti.

D uring the conference u num ber of o ther sub jec ts were also considered, w ith a view to com paring tho opera- tinii of tho cKU service luw In New York and New Jersey. Th«‘ subJeH s thus considered liters efficiency roc-



- ijoscklldres’i beeAi, v.sjbot let yosr s•^

Tspta MS It, Nt nttery rtsseea

gbeslstaly eleee ssd bsrtnJsiMi. sod

^ I ssn prersstloe frssi TsralD spreadlna. It 1* sot olty er etlchy, aor will it isterfsrs witii srowtb or color of tbe bsh. Sold ai «U druf and desartoisot itorts. Ut ue. »0s sad ILOI.



Fipecini Fm-i(e f>f the .V£!Ffi,JKIISKY CITY, Nov. 11—More than

fiOO dtiJipns of Jersey City gathered In the ftsH«‘mbly rhami>er of the d ly hall last riiKht to demand the enforcement of the Sunday I'loslng law, and heartily ap- plaiKb’d tbcir spokesman, Charles L>. llIdgL'way, wbniv he told Mayor Fagasi and the nu-nituTB uf tho (''Uy Commission that the reoplfj priMOTit had no rrspert for IM- reiiar l’’rnnk Hague, of the dei’srunen i of [tiibiiL,: safi'i y

_ __ ^ __ - - - Tlio iTuwd <L'lapi>ed and stamped againenrnllcd w ith ilie bureau. AU four : when ihn speaker declared that If Com­

missioner Ha«uo did not ae© to U th a t the •'hiHh-'i's’ law /' with respect to bumJay rbisina of eai<iona. was ubservod. It ana

clai^RCS wnre represented a s follow s: SeoJors. Right, juniors, tw en ty -fo u r; sophomores, slxty-one: frashm on, aev- enty-alx . Of these e lg h ty -fo u r had less than |2u0 whan they arrived in I'rlnce- lon. F o rty -fo u r had only JlOO ur less.

The bureau went Into all so rts "f w ork to gel money, in add ition to the com m on ' m eans of helping men along such lines as new'spaper reporU ng. tu ­to ring . artlTiff as m unito rs in class room s and chapel, the S tudents' P re ss­ing Club, the Hturients' Expresa, eti-..

, 1-rTtfe nf (Ac N’f’tPS8CMMIT. Nov. 11.—Following the

meeting of ihe Hoard of Hi'alth last night. D r Thunnis P. Proui, one of tin- nu'in- bars. KugKt'tiU'd that tnore precautions h© taken uKuiiiHt the spread of tuhvreuloMis

— ----------- , funj other cummunlcighle dlHcssrs Heor.1». or.1 a*ld lhai fumlgalion w^a nut BUtfMem loHons, exam inations In f ''_aia*.v destroy g«i ms, and th a t (h« walls and standing, Btandardliallon . ' woodwork of Infected houhos BtiDuld be..n io r l ty f w i t h b l-o l.lorld .t

.n n n . of w ork of I t). 1 nienllotied n cr*. wlter* o

'V h e^N ew Tnrk rsp reg sn ts tlv ee hare ' c*t«d by Ji tubercular patient, aiiil In s today wer* P rM ldrn t Jacob Nou. of ' a»ort Umo her child wa« sirlckcu with Urooklyn- Ja m e . A. Lavary. of rouprh- , *od died rn.iii tubercular nicnln»ltla, koepale' Dr Meyer W olff, of New i Health uffu-er Maz J, (.'olloii udmltted 3'ork- Hecretary John C. Blrdaeye. of , (bat while fiimi«allon wae good, so far aa Allwnyi Chief K.sainlner Harold U. | It went, it did not go Inr enough. It 8axton,' of Albany. , ©ei-'Uis to l>e likely that when the new--------—* ----- j htiulUi oi'diii.iiii'f'a are put iti shape there« a .r .a . . m«i ««■■■« M ff« s rwkASJ 1 ^ iiiiivlNion slong the lines of theTAKE NON VULT PLEA FROM sugg e.iun „f i,r i mut

PI IVTD n r UtC G IT P r /lT U P R mf-Hog P'-oh*'' nurntli.n waaSLAYER Ur tlu MbrrAinUI caUed to He nc e .sa y o f /ie iiig tliat all__ . - Ice m-atu rnaili* or sold In tlis city was gh-

HOl/lsY. Nov. 11.—When I ’liomas eululi'ly luirc.MT................ . - -Baker was arraigned before S>ipr«me Court JujticB Willard P- Voorhees this mornlnw to answer to an Indictment charging him with the m urder of hln stepfather, Hudson Weh©r. of BoTt«»n s Landing, the prisoner's counsel, Assem-

the duly of the commlsaioD to remove him blyman Robert Peacock, asked for peri -jipnion to retract the former plea of not guilty and enter one of non vult, the la t­ter being ai-c«Med by the court.

Tlilfl met the approval of flamucl A. At­kinson, T'rcBscutor. The court ihereupoji sentenced Baker a t hard labor In the

fn.'m I’ jwer In the police and fire depart-mwiira.

A huge n u m b er of the delegation wci'c [property ow ners and taxpayers Hoii there w er« m any women in the throng They w ere not present rep- leaeiillrig the A nti-Saloon League or auy o ther tem perance organ isation . It was cxiilaliicd, b u t w anted only to «tnp

of the men w ere given p08lli"ns I whal Mr. H ldgew ay called the condt-

Hoslkand Coraplalna* Tw o A rrrsted . Spedsl flertrfee of (Ne y RTTS.

HCBQKEN. Nov. 11.— Arrested in a house a t ^D7 Hudson street, where they were living together. It is oaJd, M rs,. Ida G ladys Mes®rolc forty-four years dd. and Carl ’Wagner, th irty -eigh t yeara old. w er^ held in ISOO ball each yesterdoy afternoon. The com platnafit w as tho w om an's hudband, -w m iam H. Mrtssf»le. A fter ball had been fixed by Recorder McOovetn. tbe woman w as paroled^ by Prosscuior Robert S. Huflspeth. In Aho custody ;of her husband. A fter she paa released. Mrs. Msserole refused to go with her husband. It Is said, but started out to .find ball for W agner.


CAMDEN. Nov. ll.--^AccldcTUally shot th rough the head la s t n ight by his brnthcr. I’asqualp. aged fivo years,

B a iis ta , aged th ree years, of 211 Clinlon stree t, ‘.’ajiidcn, died in Cooper H tispitul w ith in nn hour a f te r his nd- mlSBirih. Coroner Saunders found th a t the bu llet had pas.^yd th rough the lJUlo boy’s brain.

It was w hile the m other of the ch il­dren w as In tha yard hanging up clolhcB th a t the children found the weapon in a bureau draw er. PhNIp bf- gan olJckInp the tr ig g e r and when it exploded P asgua ie fell,

as c a re ta k e rs for homes w hile th e ow n­e rs w ere absent, delivering inv itations, p o ttin g p lan ts hi the fall* waahltig w indows, w heeling Invalids' chairs, et''. T h is y ear the bureau again took charge o f u sh e rin g and a tten d in g the gates a t the alh lsU c events in th e unlverslt> . th e prlncliial rew ard for w hich waa to g ive the men a free chance to see the gam es.


lion of law'lcBsneMs under which ihe city Is being run w ith respei:i to the pohie deparlu ienL

Mayor F ag an called the m eeting to order. Aa com m issioner of public safely, under w hich departm ent the saloons of the c ity are governed. Mr. Hague took the chair. H e made no rem arks, b u t called on the spokesm an of the flltlsens. Mr. Ridgeway said:

■’On October 36 there were held in this city three public meetings of cliUena to can the attention of this board to the fact that since you have assumed the ad- jusimeni of the municipal affairs of this city nothing haa been done lo enforce the provisions of the law governing Iho teUll sale of liquor commonly called the

HoBeymooB Is B locked by Thteveg.PA60A1C, Nov. I I — In s tead of taking

hla newly wedded wife on a honeymoontrip, John atarjo . of P lttston , Pa., had , .v , *to borrow onougb mor«y frowi his /r^ jid s Company,, form er owner ' f Jh« plant, de

qtollt to enable him .to return honap. dares tho properly wus sold to satisfy a


j e r s e y c i t y , Nov. 11.—Alleging th a t the Hevere F ine Brick and Tiling Com­pany, whoso plant on the Raritan River, in Iflddleaex Couniy. Is worth $l,000,00u, was bought for t-HS nt a recent sheriff's sole, Robert G. Hrnwn, of Butler, today received au order from V’lce-Cbancdlor licwls to show cause why past proceed­ings should not be reviewed

In an affidavit, Henry G. Brackett, a alockholder in the Stegmayer Enamel

NEW TON, Nov. 1 1 —'Within half a mile of the spot where his father, Klias Trauger. was found killed, fifty-on e years bishops law*.ago, John Trauger, the victim of a run- j “At Hi«*se m eetings resolutions were aw ay nr«'ld^ril, was found dying Saturday [ jrawn and I was appointed lo present night aluUK Ihe road at the lop of the them to you. m m inialii 1u WaSpack Township. Traugvr expired as hla son. Victor Trauger. and hlH brulher. Linn 'Frauger, and a neigh­bor were driving him borne.

W hile the accident took place Saturday and the sprvices of a coroner were necea- sary, it was not reported to the authori­ties until noon yesterday. Coroner George Teatfleld and Under-Sheriff Al­bert T. Lyons went to th e scene In the afternoon. The coroner, after an inves- IjgQtiun, elated that death w as accidental and ipsuf-d a burial certificate.

What ixuK'tii is there In seeing that a druggist's sud,z fountain Is Cleon and oaiil- lary, ' S4id I'onitnUtiiuner Kuiwiy, “if the ire cri'iuii lie places In his soda water Is lull purr? [t Is Just as necessary that liiti ice cream should i>« pure as \i U liiui the milk supply snotild be uncontami- uated.”

The members dlrcusssd tho provisions of the Montclair health ordinance, and u wea decided that eotne of titsm should he Ir.corporatrd m lh« ordinances now bi'liig

Stalft prlion tor not lom th*n fifteen revued for tlie locel boaid. One of the yeers end not more then th irty yeer*. , eeefnilal le e tu ie , of the Muntdeir lieelth

Raker's mother, who is blind, w as the law, according to the (oral board, ron- wlfe of Weber, and as the la tte r struck <j«rns bacteria m milk. Thpre Is a stlp- her In tho face and brought blood the ulatlop that whpn a milk dealer la found son became angered and later shot Weber, veiling milk showing bacterial count of To do the shooting Baker broke into . ,||J„^0(jq yj. (nore he shal) have lila licfn;is house and stole a gun. then he w'ent loths horn, e t frl«na .r d borrowed t« ^ I sum m it milk d,.,UT.,cartridges, stating thpt he w’anted to I shoot a dog which had bitten his mother.


T h a t ia lb* t tn a oMd by doeiOM to dMcrlb* tffMtloM of tho rMfdr*. toiT OTfao*. A ttkiM , CoiorrK InfluMiM, Bronebldt a n d o t b o r klndrod ond dittr««olo( Itto, do* M dlMW* f t r m i (n th« olr, moN common during ih* wHntar m ontbt, w boo cloood wlodowo end o tiuB N a t mnko tb« ilM plnf roomo tlo W ■nd tbo olr onAl to brtetb*.

R e s -p i - f o r mL iq in d

OMd In th* F e r n u e o n o V n o r i s t r , •o*p«nd*d In (n y room, lo tb* IcMol •n d (u tH t rcllif in d pt*v*ntioa from th a u •tw ekt, d N lto jln f Iha dliM M g*tim In lha air and tha air* c i l ia loothlnc and h ia lln c tha in- flarwid mimbranM , giving ra tlif and eorofon, without tn i^c ina or troobla, •laaping or wtUng.

Suipand th i Form acona V a p o rU a r In th i room ; k l ip It flilid with th i Raa- p rm U gutd, ind youll n » d no Qthir proof of iti •fScacy.

T h i F onc tco n i V ape rtiir •a lllu ttratid h ir i, h ib* gTMlMt Air Puiifiir known tn midlcal id in c i .F a m n a i i UadA Ar dtitotHt-

lag, uood la lha FoFmacon*Vtperissr —tSs ood Mo per bettls,

BM«sA*fens liM M ^aesd Ischargitif the rermacoae Ve- terlte r tsr rsliovtng Coughs. Cstsrrh, weeks' sise, Moi Meiiib%else. IliW .____________

F rO fr F o rn w c o n a V a p o r ln rC a a - p o n g iv in with Mch packaga «i tha F o rm acona Sanitary F redocta a t

follows:F«m*eooe S«aHwj Dust Layor- Ike

and 25c,Saaae. Tk« Fonoacoaa Ugtiid C ie a iw -

lOc. 25c end 30c.FonBOBOae Reach fewder ISo end tie. Fermacena la ia e t CxtenelMaler ^ lOe

end tic.Aok Veer i>Mi/w

Inolat upon (be Pemoos Foemeeeee Brand of Sanitary FreduoU.

BOTBi Dealers who ere net steeked with these so*>ds obtein (hem frem thtir {obbars or direct trem the minufkc- turtr.

T H E FORM ACON E C O .43-4d D rasve Hilt N ew ark. N* A


SsrsifS of fAcr "NEWS.NEW PBOVDENCE, Nov. l l . '-L o u ls

B, High, of raHsalti stree t, is the firs t . . i ilocal victim of the h u n tin g season. | ilnlrk-e weie reported us having been in

It was re- ported by Mr. Collon, are as a ruk< selling ciesn milk, but ilieie Iiad bten Inetabces, I he declared, where the count had reached 3UO.biiO. He udvucalDd making 100.000 li^e maximum figure.

Mr. Colt'Mi, !n his monthly report showed he had examined iw-enly specH inerii for coiiiaginus or comtnunkable d l0 ease. In only three cases were the re­sults fauml pi>Plilve. Twenty-three


‘•Dn|>«'a Cold Compnuo.1" »nda coUi an d r .r ip p a In few Itoura—T a r ta t

nice— .4cta g r n t t j .

■Whilditha wedding yecaptufra waa gi on In fo s . 0^ tha D uni^e.'halfa. Suhi n tghtjF th liv* . wei* buiiy going th»oi S ta r ir a tn ink . with the resu lt th a t they •acapefl.v lth }SS In cash, a eult case ro w ta ln ing 'the personal belongings of hlmaalft •n d Wa bride, and two ■ btWiH hooka otr

The robbery iras not dlB^ ■ s

tJll,P Ittatan bank, covered BhtU yesterday morning,-

N .

A w arded M.ODS (o r In ju rlea .TBEN'^tlN, . Nby. ^ e rc e r

C ourt here y esterday Judlbo OnfehteF ’ aw arded t4,.095 dam ages to , Ruasell ffl

E arle , a la i j^ e r , who w as Hurt w hlls An th e empIoyJVot a ru g e b m p a h r An H lg h ti to w n .! "The m an w on.hJs VerdJiA, under the anrployers' l ia b ility law aha w ill receive *d21 ft w eek fo r the f irs t f if ty w eeks. 116.75. fo r - e l i ty weekjiy (10,60 fo r !0ft.,week» and (5*26 fo r SSIT' weeks. I t JA jiaid to be th e lalrges't '- ^ r ' ' d iet yjjJ^ IV jjtf y id e r the neW I8w.

Seek VanHAr .iLi Alfan F oond Dpad.fipect»l UpfriWo? A* KEIFS, ' .5c

NBW .SHU.N8V(TK;k , Nov. l l . i - T f c i oounAy w hdald a r . endeavoring to ta^^n tho tden lW o i 41' m an whose body- waa found■ yaClalNiaif In ca ham lo Kingston lane near ^ fy to n . jih e man. had appUed In th a t lielw'm^'bood Sunday for food. County, ih y U o la o '.^ s a r CaTroll jm d (he body'remh.Tad-to 'th a morgue of -under- takekSFUHam J , McDede, of th is '(|lty i The man was about s ix ty y ea rs old and five feet, th rto l^cheff In height

Camea^firdiH G erm any topASilAIC, Nov. IT. — Joumeylnif'J)*re

hero-from Germany to m arry her {hlld- hood Bweethcart; Miss A nna StrohHielef became the bride yesterday of F ran i Joseph Oesterle. resident manager of the Passaic P rin t W orks, The couple a re flra t cousins and went to scfitpol to­gether In Ijutterbach. They becakie en­gaged last ium m er when Mr. Oesterle m a d . a trip to his old home.

-Poison Pen" IT’’' " ' Postponed.^ goeelat ganitrs e | iht KEIFB.

*^T JZ A B E T H , Nov, 11.—T he trlaV of Mra. Nelson L. Pollard, charged with wriUng offensive le tte rs to Mrs. Charles y Jones. lyblTh w w schedule* fo r trial In i e O uarter eesslons 0 riU rr^ s te rd ay , waa noatpooed until n e s t weeKJThe pros- acu to t Is to try several homicide cases, w th a t no definite daW for th e "poisonjen'* frla l’ean be aet. - - y . ■ . ^

,1 r ,< Spaalel B ttea Boy to Face. Btiaflial fiersiee of fAs■ ^ A t ^ N M O B T H , Noy. 11— R ay­mond Swoesy. f l v a - y ^ r - i # .o n of Mr. and*M ra. Gaorga A. Baretoy, of Shore^ . _ w _ Mvsiwai ilmra'toMad*, and a . g ran d so n of F ra n k A ■ w aaii'. of H aw ark. waa, a tta c k e d yea- to rday B «ernoon by a p r t w a te t.sp an - lal and w a a b ltton on & e nose .and S o t r tV Of- O' W. BudlofllB. Of Belf o r t u u to H sa d th# w o u n d a ,‘:! tk # -dog in k^lnj^w atclm d. rablea, . . ■ J -

judgm ent nt less than J500. He says he (vas promised tw enly-ttve per cent, of tho ■Stock of the company, which was tn lie reorganised, bu t learned later an attem pt was being made to reaell the property.

Brackett accuses a.s conaplratora Wes­ley H. Pcarno, a Connecticut lawyer; Or- rln Stoddard, Hiram C. Holmea and Jliram Olderahaw.

GROCERY FIRM IS EXONERATEDfitnff CerrMpoftdeore,' TRENTON. Nov, 11.—In setting aside the conviction of Wllkltiaon. Gaddis & Co. for violating an ordinance of Nep­tune City, the Supreme Court has ruled th a t the Deglalature Intended to relieve from th e burden of taking out llcooeea ■for dellverj- wagons In every municipality In which they m ight chance to have hualr.eas. Tho conviction waa based

- upon the failure of the company to take out ft license under an ordinance of Neptune City.

■Tho opinion of the court waa written by Chief Justice Oummero, who pointed out thaL although the borough ac t orlglna-lly conferred such powers upon borough councifs. anhaequenl legislation removed' th is power. In so far as tl might ha made applicable to merchants whose places of b isineae were located In other raunlclpalltlee. ____________


TRBNTON. Nov. 51.—Reversing tbs gusaei Q uarter Sesalon, the Supreme C tu rt today set "shle the conviction of Gaston OltMurd for m aintain ing a d is­orderly tluu Be.

Th* Indictm ent was In the common law form, the S ta te alleging ' th a t Clifford hftbitoainy sold intoxicating liquors and that his patrons sang and made other noises to the discomfort of neighbors.

T he-defense was th a t the liquor sold waa cider, th a t it was not intoxicating, and th a t the sale was not In violation ot law. __________


Staff CofTfSpondesoe.TREN TO N ,-N ov. 11.—Tho Civil Bw-

■Vlco Commlasloh will give a public hear­ing ui. the S tata house n e t t Tuesday upon the.Question of exempting the posi­tion of assis tan t secretary of the board of trusteea of the teacheW retiromont fund. The Imard h a a ' toquesTed t h . placing of lha fidilGon in the exehipt c l ^ .

A hearing will be given n n th « > am e day to CDoalder the contlnaad extoipGon of tljo poaltlon of englheof to r the Naw Jersey H arbor Coromlsslon for a period at i!x ‘ monrii®-

CATCH ALLEGED SLAYER IN HALTSpfrtaT /'rrpitr of (Ae -VfJfl’R.

HACKENSACK. Nov. 11.—“Tony" L iU lerl. accused of th e m urder PfaTTie W arden John C. Relnbold. of H ackensack, was arre sted upon his a r ­riva l In Ita ly last F riday, througfh the a c tiv ity of private detectives. It li understood th a t the United S ta te s au- Ih o rltie s have already prepared to hav© him extradited.

L lttle r i’s companion Is a t p resen t In the New City Jail, and it is expected th a t he will tell all about the shooting a t the tria l. A woman friend Is also under arre st. She says th a t L lttle rl gave her his sho tgun before he left for Ita ly ,

The shooting of W arden Relnbold ocru rred Sunday, October ID. w hile the young officer was a ttem p tin g to a rre st tw o foreigners whom he found hunt­ing In the woods near Tappan, N. T. In view of the fact th a t tho shooting occurred In R ockland County, tbe tr ia l will tak e place a t New CUy.

me! Ileadqches,lioiisofbil-tnwBsted.ick^to thfrremedy—

L n rs

D r i v ^ S ^ y m e i s frtnii the Sdn,:


■ c S K t i S ' u ^ -


grand jurors was called yestarday hy Judge K lenerl to the coee of Joseph Culllngton, a detective of the O'Brien Agency, who hae been In jail since Last spring charged with shooting a man named Modesilno. The Judge remarked th a t no jury had as yet done anything regarding the detective, who was entitled either to hla releaee nr to a tria l In court.

John Schmidt, foreman of the Jury, sta ted that an Investigation made by the Jurors had failed to reveal sufficient evidence to w arrant an Indictment (or homicide and th a t In a form er charge by th e Court nothing had been aald about m anslaughter.

I t was agreed th a t a fu rth e r Investiga­tion would be made. If the Jury falls to find an Indictment. It Is probable a motion to have tha case dismissed will not be opposed. ■


la th« m otive asalgued fo r the deaths by suicide yesterday of C harles Mc­Dowell. tw en ty -e igh t y e a rs old. an in ­spector for the city h ea lth hurenu, who lived a t 2 Leeds place and George VV Thompson, fo rty -fiv e y e a rs old. ot 16 N orth Ohio avenue.

McDowell left city h a ll to Investi­g a te rou tine com plaints. R hortly be­fore noon boys discovered h is body in a deserted house w ith h is th ro a t cut and a razor clasped in h is r ig h t hand.

Thompson w ho had been ou t of work for some tim e and despondent tn con­sequence. w ent to the k itch en of the lodgtng-liouse w here he lived, uncou­pled a gas pipe, a ttach ed a rubber tube to the pipe and k n e lt upon the floor, p lac ing an overcoat over h is head to p rev en t the escape of th e g a a He w as dead when disoovered#

I P S l l r flb G E K U |« p i i i lN P > <


WHARTOK, Nov. 11,—The presence of mind of S tation Agant Hopler probatdy aaved the life, Sunday morning, of Ben­jamin F lartey , who la amrlyv eighty yaare old. Mr. F lartey had obtained his pnpo^ from the early morning, trhjn itid Was In tha ac t ot crdsalng the eastbound Lacka­wanna track when (jio Nevf t o r k limited came thundering alghg.

Hopler saw F la r (^ ' e perilous position and selaed him. by th^ toouldor. pulling him from th e trAoka as.tlib fn ^n swept by.

F A Ii n u s CM DER 6DMNER ^CAUDBN. NOV. llyir-Retum lng from a

gunning trip' Igst nl«l«, W llllejn Buenita; I w ^ y w a v e n yeara old, of HO* FadanU itra e t; a tttW ile^ agalnat a eurtotona a t ha jO tnpel ftom, gn auto trudk, and w iu ■o taCdy'.inJnrad that, ba died ahorUr m fu r tM ok to lndtW E td fcoopy H ospital.

WUarH o a to 3 w ^ Creaa B a ta taBLIZA B STH , NoV»4 U ,—t h e vrill f lt

Jndga JaM ph C ro aa ’ Wbo dlad two v ago a t hie hom a In N orth avanua j m m ad,-tor probata to Itirrogata O a o tia V . P a n o t’a ofBea reo tardar. Tha aoja baaa- frdw T la M n . Croaa.

r Let Us Supply Your Office Furniture

W e .c in flt out y our office cotn- jjletely o r All in th e v acan t spot w ith th a requ ired piece. All h lg h -s ra d e qualHy fu rn ltu ie of g ju i i a rd m ake priced low er here th a n elae'where.

C om plete asso rtm en ts from w hich to select, o r w e will build to your o rd er tn o u r ow n factory any tp o d © piece o f F u rn itu re yon m ay need.

/ 2 - / 4 Branford PlaceB raw i 4i IfaslMC

..VL a a n a a o n a i m .

W rtta tloQ iiy Atttf

Mr Ridgeway then read th«t resolution?. “These." he snlrJ. “were not adopted In the Interests of the Antl-Saloor League of New Jersey or any other sorltty or associ­ation whatsoever, but by the clllscns of this city for the purpose of caJIlng tu your attention th a t one of the laws ot this S lats la for some reason not being enforced.

"We did not rome here to have you tell ui who Is responsible for (lie non-ehforre- meni of th is biw. Wo know perfect­ly well th a t It i9 up to Commissioner Hague.

“But ronrmtlBsk ner H ague says 'I am Rh honeat man and I watiL tq enforce the provisions of th a t law.’

■'WbII, T w ant to say to you, on behalf I of the cltliena of Jersey City, th a t w© I heve not th« slfghtost sympathy for you. and, w hat's rnore. we haven't the slight­est respect for you, Your sworn duly Is BO plain, ftnd your path so broad, that you could not possibly make h mistake.

"Mr. Hague says, '! have given Instnic- tipns to the chief of police and 1 have In­structed the policemen lo enforce the law, and I exjiect every man to do his duty.'

"In the political prisons of Russia every Inmate Is prohibited frutn having any communication with lila felJows. Yet any one of theft© men can send a message from on© end of the prison to the other, and It Is done by scratching on a steam pipe.

“It Is our Impression th a t Mr, Hague has scratched on the aieam pipes of the city hall, so th a t the chief of polk© and hie policemen know that he does not want th a t order enforced.

•'Is ih© end of your responsibility to come when you are elected to office? W© think not—wa know not. You can remove Mr. Hague from the departm ent of public safety tomorrow and put some one ©Is© In hts place, and so long a? you have th a t au thority you cannot hide be­hind the Skirts of Mr Hague.''

Mr. Ridgeway then explained th a t a member of the present grand Jury told him num erous complaints made against Individual saloon-keepers by the police had been throw n out. This, he said, was done because the grand jury refused to allow itself to be used as a club on ni©n to whom th© polios were opposed. He declared, however, that the grand jury was witling to Indict ©vary violator of th© Runday-cloalng provision It ^©. coTumtssl^^n would honestly attem pt to enforce the ‘'blshopn' law.''

"For some reason." said Mr. Ridgeway, '"when a m an Is elected lo office In Jersey City he refuses to enforce the law against th© saloons. Ho Is afraid to.

■Tn th© ih lr ty -f lv e years I have lived Y. -© th e re haa never been an honest a ttem p t mad© to control the saloons. Every policem an and office-holder say i the lab o rin g m an w ants the saloon. That Is an ab so lu te slander on th© la ­boring m an and It m eans th a t he would ra th e r sc© his children b ro u g h t up under th e lawlesB condition of a ffa irs In th is c ity , so f a r as th© police d e ­partm ent Is concerned, than In law and order. U Isn’t so. Th© laboring man has never ru n g u n tru e In any crisis.

"The m an who w ants to keep a saloon and th e brew er are the only ones objeot to closing tb© saloons on th e Sabbath. The noise a g a in s t It means no m ore than the Clamor th a t was ra ised w hen Com m issioner F e rris reclaim ed th e sidew alks for the city, and now every one respects him for his work.

"W hat Is the m eaning o t the con- fllc t th a t hfts been somite on tn th* flu te# and th a oitle# end m unlclpall- tle# to r th e pa#t fifteen year* agalnet p o lltlcu n e and offlee-holdaref

“ It mean# th a t the c ltlu n a are (olnfl to have th e ir rlahU tiiider tba law# patsed by th e I>e*lilatur# and you cojn- mlsstoner# will #tand w ith tha c ltlie n i a t the end o t four year* by the way you her* enforced the lawa t t tha olty.

"I envy you for th# power you have S> make Jereey City a new city. There 1# only one m l* for you to |o by whether you eink or swim, ba tbe conaequence# what they may. and th a t I# tha rule de­clared by Beneca l-i th a dacltnlnfl day* of the Homan E m ^ ra when he »atd 'O Neptune, you m ay lave me If you will and you may rink me It you will, but whatever m ay happen to me I am going to hold the rudder b u e .' “

Ctuamlarioner H aane aiked It there were any other rem ark* and whan non# were forthcom ink be deriared tb# meeting adjourned.

Uecauee o t careleMoea# on tho p a r t o( Thoma# Lurm an. a ooinpanion hunter, H igh 1# nuralny a hole In hi# left hand and a groove In the r ig h t «lde o( hi# hesd.

Lurm an and H igh w ere ta lk in g In the road, near H igh’s home, w hen the fo rm er ©spied a rabbit. H© lifted his gun and fired, not tak in g in to consid­era tion tho proxim ity of h is companion, Rome of th© shot s truck th© road In fro n t of High and rebounding up, re­inforced by stones and d irt, s truck High in the hand shd head.

H igh lost consciousness. He was taken to his home, w here th© flow of blood waa stopped aft©r an hour of e f­fort.

Vour cold w in brsah and a h fr lp p - uiiMry «n4 sft«r laklns s doie of “Pape'i Cold Com pound" ever)' iw o Ootiri until ipn##* d o s r i ar© tak©n.

li pf*nnp«ly opens vlogfed-up aoiPlli itDii sir paMAfSi In tha h«ad. slops

n;d" l^ftT If''^Udluon# were cot Improved ,™ ."rr.'h";-.a '*«r;"l.r«:'soon thfv would not be slloweo lo dls- ^ntaezlng. unretisis-etid ptirfnssa tribute thric* In this city. | Don't stay stufftO-vst (jult blowlfif ami

-------------- -—•----------------- I ■nuffltni' Base roar throbblns ssod—noihtTiff elM In ths world sives such prOmp' relJsf as "Paps's Cold Compound,^ which costs only esnts at any drug iior«. !■acts without assistance. iMtte nio©, ami causes no Inconvanlsiics Acospt no aulieti luts.—Advert IssmanL

npecled during th© punt month. All ex- oepi two wpj© found In a satihary condl- iion, and the owntirs of llieso were noil-




Staff Carreiaatidfnm.

Staff Ptirmjwftdsnr,.THE.NTON, Nov. I I —Chart''# 15. Bow-

ker «lxt,en year# old, wa# arrested and held In JSOO hall todny. lie 1# charged v llh a atalutory offeine. th* nutcorn# of the pnllce Investigation# of Joy ride# end ftttenflBnl evil# In thi# d ly . A hearing will be given him Irefure Pollro Jostle*

I'unn. one of the ‘ fh."'#ppnil*« Wlof Ihe Hleniarck t.«r© surreniierfu mm- ^^tss. detsrnilnatl&n and •SMMmsnis marf# Uv self to Uie aulh-jrlliftft lutlay- H© was them. cunc*mlnf tha opanins of

TOWRaHlF OF ftOUTil ORANOE.Sotlc© U hnrsby glv«n liial ihs CuTnintsato©

«ri uf Assessimsot of tbs Township uf goutn I Orocifs. In ths oousty er Rssss. hav# fUi

ms. Lhti twsntlrib dsy of Ootriisr, lUU map sjKl rspori of ths appmlssmtnis,


Bouth Orangs. that ths innd tu bs takso srhl(he land to b* aHoassd (or said imorDvsmein

aid man of said 091___ __________ _ schsdulM sntjt

rsptiria as roliows:ia’ihowTi upon tbs said man of said oeinmla- ■Mm«ra, and upon ths schsdulM antisitsd to inSJr

TRENTON, Nov. 11 .-A ulom oblle Com- ; i.gil « « "iti"* f ‘‘o" fXiijwujiuns iioouiddi’’! 'H j*»uuiysiui the grand Jury upon two cnarges or aeu^revoked the drlvar'a license of Hyron tng drlnka lo minora,Foon, of Allentown, todny Coon was ttio P'rank Clark wag lield In IbUO hall yes- drlvp'r of the car which rati ov«r nn ©m* i«rday on Plmllnr - hMrgefl. hankmeul, seriously injuring Helen R was Intlmaiftd l v ili« police t*.«lay Swan, a young woman v.ho la atlll In Hint tliey have pnt an yet uhtolner! aur- 8t. Francis’s Hospital, th is c lly , In a ficlenl ©vUlenc© In Justify the arreal of a sem i-conscious condlRon. , number of prominent young men and ^

Miss Swan la Buffering from coticus- i others, wboa© natnep have been mentioned j slon of Ihe brain and other Injurlea. 1 as having t»een Implicated In Joy Buale Schaefer, another occupant of the I and more Bcrloiis offenses. The police and Icar, was alao injured. Coon Is In Jail county aiit’norltles are atlll Investigatingaw aiting the outcome of Ih© Injuries to ; and (t I© believed that a numbsr of ar- MIbs Swan Ho is charged with driving rests will ho mad© nefor© the crusad© is

car while Intoxicated. Th© accident happened eleven days ago.



MADISON, Nov. 11.—Inv ita tion# have Ijeen i##ued by the facu lty of Drew Thoological Sem ln iry fo r ano ther se ries ot lecture# to be given by J. N. F arquhar, of Cftlcuilft. Indio. The course will contain four lecture# ou "Ind ian Bcllgion# In C hrU tlon L ight.” end will be given In tlie Drew ChftD-l

The f irs t lectu re will be th is Rftcr- noon a t *:15 o’clock, and Mr. Farquhitr will take a# his subject "The Religious and Social Fabric of H induism " To­m orrow afternoon he will speak a t tho eam e time on "The Philosophies.’' At S o'clock tom orrow night his subject will he "Buddhism and Jainism ." The clos­ing lecture will be given T hursday evening and the topic will be “The U rea l Seels ot HIndulim."

llBlIceased Hairier I# Fined.WHITEHOUBE. Nov. 11.—Charged

w ith hunting w ithout ft license near Croton yesttrOuy, Marldo Rulio, of New York, w ss arreateo by Game W arden John J. Park , of W hltahouso Station, rfullo w as a rra igned before Jus tice Asa Jonee, who fined him J20 and coats. which he paid.



gsfcial Servtet at Ws NirlfS.JERSEY CTTT, Rov. 11^—Tbata w as an

•cko of th e saototlotULl StMaotbal tnnr- der In Judge TemuDtfd oigurt reaterday, wlien two *U*g*d N *« Tork ginm aii, Dominick De I-app* and Erwest Wlld- haber, ap p au ed Btatk'a srftaaaae* against Fetor F . Uiuphjf, a s total so tlM ehnffa at aaaauU wUb ta to a l to k ia

D* Lappa. Uta* ^ I d .D m w lta , ' ' and toiidhabar. caltad paa-ta r ta r .,th a t p<lw |i < toaaa »»«to ''r a t" Joitn w .;JN nit.ikitBM U tof of .tlM Hotatlng IBnrlitaanf VtataV and th a t U u r

had m at tl lito n aeanoa and with w u a b j M kS S ? * 1V

There's Economy in

Buying the BestIt pays fo buy good mer­

chandise every time. And that applies especially to buying Builders’ Hard­ware. The best is more economical'than the shod­dy stuff that is put into a good many buildings.

You’ll be safe on qual­ity if you allow us to as­sist you in selecting your Hardware. We show the largest sssortmeht of handsome designs of any store in the city, including such makes ts Sergent and Reading.

Prices here are always scaled to the lowest possi­ble level that is consistent with high qualities.

And don't forget that any order you leave here, large or small, will receive our prompt and careful at­tention.

WE‘ are agents for READING WROUGHT IRON PIPE—the bestmade —and gntrantee It. You can't afford to buy pipe till you have seen us.M ack n o t A D o re m u s

C o n p u i yE iw p y a n v o t H M fdw art

796-798 Brood Street

WHITE SLAVE VIOIM TESTIFIESrA TElieC N . Nov, 11.— Details of the

Btory of how she hacame a white ilavo were topi yesterday 1ft the Federal Cnurt lij New York by #lsieen-year-ol<l Fannie KftU. w t" WHS caught In ft raid s t *1 North First street, thi# city. Heptember 7 lH«t. Bho ws# one of the government s wiineHfles Ift the case against William Kla*s end S.amnel. Jake and Rnale I iir- bard, charged with bringing her here from New York for Immoral purposes.

The girl #a'd #ho had not been In this country very long nnd that while work­ing In ft hotel a t Long Branch she be­came aciualnted ft'lth Mr#, ftoale Lam- berd, Samuel Tjirnbvrd'# wife. Later »ho worked In a hotel In New York, and a t a moving picture show In lhat city lft»t August again met Mr#. Ijimberd.

According to Fannie# teitlmony, Mr#, laimberd Uilroduted her husband m Fannie not ft# her hnehanrt but s# her hrolhar, and urged th a t the two m arry eucli other. Though relijctanl hI first, Fannie «atd she overcame her scruple# and went with Samuel Lambent to the m arriage hrreau, where he obtained a license. The procuring of tho lloen»J. Fannie eald Lamberd told her was equlv- alenl to marriage, so ah# turned over her savings of 111 I to him and lived with Hm.

The day after tho “marriage, the girl #ald, she was prevailed upon by la m - herd and hla wife' tu be.omo a while slnve. Soon aftor, sho said, she wan brought tn New Jersey, first living in JiftsHato and then In this city. At the North F irs t e lrre t house, she said, Will­iam Klass acted as guard. She declared she was kept ft prlflonor. and given no oiiportuiilty to escape.

Early In September the house was ra id ­ed by Detectlvc-Cftptaln Tracey and De­tective-Sergeants Lord and Keppler, and the Inmates arrested. Those detectives will testify ot tho trial today.

FRANKUN COMMUNHY HOUSEspecial Service of fke J/BTFS.

FRANKTJN, Nov, J l .—After many weeks of work remodeling the old New Jersey Zinc Company's storehouse, wlilcii waa donated for that purpose by the com­pany, which also paid for the alteration*, th a t building will be formally opened Friday evening as a commimlty house by Robert M, ra tlin , mperlnWndent, o t the compeny. 'Fhe Franklin Band will play.

Miss Irene Lasler, formerly of D etroit, Mich will be director of the eoclolofllcal work.' She was for years connected Wtth Grace Church parish, in Chicago, and did much settlement work.

Eipense i>f operating the community house will he defrayed by th* New Jersey Z'ne Company. The bouse Is patterned eloeely *ft*v '’b* operated by the Untied States Bteel Company a t Oafy, Ind. The system of school work a t Gary h as also been adopted by tho Franklin schools.


of l(T Bond street, was committed to tb* eonnty j*U to detoult of 11,000 b*lt bgr U aclstiw te Carroll. In the poUe* court to ­day, on • charge of breaking, en terins and larceny preferred by. GuaUve 4. Hausermnnn. a Mate street Jeweler.

The heavy ptata gtaas srindow In tb# H*UB#riDsnn tto r* waa nnashed during th# night and aavna fold watekes, four stiver watches and other lesrelry were

. stolen. B ttchl# waa picked up shortly bators t n 'riodk tble momtog by Detac- tlve# Brow* and Klnnay on lusplelon. ^ n M ol th a mtaalpt krUclaa ifcra found on bla p#non. lUtchla la a wall-kaewn poUea duataetar.


OwDsr. Piste Lola Amount.A a Brown....... i t SMSO 11.018 !*U C. TOW.C............ Xri-IOEngineer’s t###-...................... HJ J®(■Jnminlirionor# f#ts................ SJ WtSecrsiary's fees arid sspsnsst.. 12 W ^

i i s r sBCHEDUleH B. _

ASSKSSMCNTi won tUENBriTS.Pisieuiu W rlR i*

.Msiy JenUlTii.................... - t MIJsils Koiler.......................Wm. Cbluss......................... 0wm- ............................ J'Hoard of Bducslloo....U C. Toaer...A. <5. Brown...........A. K. Ross..............Robt. Hetcslf# snd

Qto. A. Myer*.......C. McCormick...........Berth* Jons#............•lohn Wltthuhn ........Klmlr* E Brown.....

lit10 11112 Oil

IS-Sfl «7 IIsnn-iu S7 rilSI.UK! u s 5043 t t Odai 44 #0 JOIsJ'.’I I t Mt s I t 60


Coramlsiloners of Aioessmanti. riled wHTi ms. this twentieth day of October.

'* ’*■ EDWARD R. ABClTLARIUa’T'ownshlp CJsrit- Notic. I# bsreby given ihsi

romrallls* et lb# Townih p of in tbs coamy of E#ee*. will meet on Toesoav. November lA 1WI3, st g o'olMk R. •**'?* Munlclpst Building, on MapSewood • '• " " 5 the Townihlp of foutb Oreiite, l ^ o n s l ^ *M objKtIone in writing to m. >*‘5 cwort commlwlonsrs. or lo the pi-nposed Improve-

EDWARD R. ABCULARlUd.Townihlp asrliMaplewood. N. J.. Octobrr 21. 1013

to w n sh ip OS' SOUTH OBANaa Notice la hereby gh-en that 'be Cotninltoen-

ere ol A##e«>menl of '"e Townihlp Of twjthOre age. In tbe county Of flltfwith me Ihl* IwsTieleih fifty uf Oot©h©r, rtia.t heir map and report of I he •pprilesmwta » tlmetM, deterinlnatlon end " J h lliv them concumlng the opening Cf JSCCby .IrJ l^ ite lK h b S from SprlUgflold SVeBOg Weveuue- ihei the find to bs la‘ eo airi the eJ U 10 bo •i#eMfd for eald Im provsi^l ts itowS upoeVh. .aid map of .aid CCmmlsStolKrS l^,d upon the ich.dut« atmsxsd to their rw^ r ta . . f ’"5;;;4nnT s t r e e t .

BCIlKDi'1->L A—DAMAQY8- Ota-firr Plats. Lot. . AmontiL

FufrUn McDonousii (fl I31-2B0 11.123 Wli. £ (I T

Jacoby .............Hoard bf

lion ............... .Val^t'tlns HrauTi--

804-48. m -B

386-90 39M10

602 68 420 14

1.251 13

Knulriser'ii fsei....... ...............CommlMloftors fsas,»e..j^.......Hocrvtary'p <•** sipsnoM.

lion no52 SO17 W

-J5.897 S4

ITO 0018.887 84

BCHBDULff B.A toESSM E N T i FOR B C N Y « L m .n t .

P late Cot. for Benefit#.« l i .j i? ? !K uian McDonough..

W B. a H. L Jacoby... Hoard of Education.. ValsBlIne Brion......

1 c Btewart and T. a , Wimatni...

204- 8IH-4t g#|-# M#-g0 SOI-418Cal-88

71# «5 *87 ST

I.IOT ’Jfl 88 li

ri.ter #4w arr e n p .. . BAUkKDWARD L. CROWELL. RICHARD W. WEST.

F jirt with m « r w “4S.n:.£'diy” !r5=*s&r;^ r d w a rd a

th* TflwnehiP?Sfn"'l'Bl'n.'’m to the omi-*d hiH-ove-

Uanleertwd, m 1 Oetobar SI. Ittli-----^

N O T IO E B _______^

* lS lo» .B cuJ '« i a r tr t s* Cha#.

Rlddlok -tolrotf t©

a s W i S S A ahril thiri. a#eM-

f tS f l e a S

. |g 10 abtajo •) marriage baiw#iwssn y to

; i 2

c o m s s io N i t r a i f avo« edB Y X O R T H E N D A S S O C I A T I O N

By • unantiBoui rot* th*

sssr" Ar ;<o!i“T .r“uk’n■ d n o U o f Ih* ch»n*» * • ” b f Dr. W lUlim Bu»rmM. P” '? (t*nt 6f th» CtmmlMlon t ^ u u * of Newark; Lathrop liarrlioB Vatf Duyn* and Colonal Jamaa

^ i^ U a * id iS r e ii . Dr. Buarman that cominlaalon fovrm m aot wom** m a t ir alwpUfr thla city * pr*»aot a jr a t^ lia a r tin c that a multiplicity of t>oart* and cemBil»*l-ni which • '* * part of the *ovartim«iit, wart a i n ^ * of oompllcatInK and robbinf It o f tta proper alficlency.

Id*lhrop Anderson outlined n pifcB o* eampalcn by which the Conim lnlun 0 «v- , am m tnt L*a*ue propo»ed to iti»lruct the public In the pHncIpla* and practice of that form of fovernment. He aald “chool bulldlnaa would be rrnled and laoturaa would be *lven In their aaaetnbly halla by htrod apaaker* of the le«*de. >n attampl would be made, he eeld, to i « naraea of SO,000 of Newark'* alentor* aimed to a petition calllna for »ii election Ip April, l* H , at which Jhe people could decide for or a c a lu t the prapoeedchange. ^

Harrlaon Van Duyne declared that ne favorM coinmliMilon guvernmenl. became, he tald. II would m <* Newerlt much e*- penno, both In admiiilnlrattan and m ■warding caiiir*ci» 11c aaaerted tlicte would be e l»»a ihance for "crooked COOtfaotora grafting the dty'a money.

‘•Under N e»ark > preient foira o f gov- •m m ent," Ur. Van Duyne aUd, "It la aaoeedlngly hard to keep track o f what e f f id a li do, Thla la becauaa there la m eb a dlveralty of board* and c o i^ mliglona. It would really take a t e « «a*a to eattla reaponalbillly definitely upon eome o f our offlelali.*' ,

Colonel Jamea W. Howard told o f the m od commlaalon gofom m ant had d om irNow Orlaana and Vraft^New Orleana wa* one of <he woat IP W ridden cttlee o f the United State* befoM Ita adoption of commlaalon aovernmeni. Ha alao aaeerted that If 'f**^****, ditlona In New Orleani could be relieved by th« Ilmpltfled form of government, Newark would certainly benefit by 111 adoption. _______

FOREST HILL AND WOODSIDEBllw Helen Kltbnrn will entertain the

nam bere of the O ati^ a Teu Club tom or­row afternoon at her'homo In Lake a t w t .

A union aetherlng of the aJonary Boclety o f the Summertleld Meth- odlat Church, the Woman'e A uitllary of the 9 t. M ark'i Eplacopel Church, the W oman’e U iiilonaTy Guild o f Ihe E i y tnanuel Baptlet Church and the W o m w k NiMtonary Boclety of the Eoreat Hill Preebyterian Church will be held tom or­row afternoon In the iaet-named church, 'fhe aubjoi-l will be “What Newark l i Doing for H er Olrla." Among the epeak- era wiu be Mre. Hobcrt Kuebler. Ml«a Paula Laddey and Mlae Cora

Ulsa cptlierlno Taylor, of Bummer avenue, la visiting frlenda at Asbury I^rk.

A Tom Thumb wedding will be held Friday evening In th e Chrlat Rofonnod Church under the auaplcee of the ^ n lo r Chriatlan Endeavor Society. Rev. F ord- va l H. Barker will give a eormon-lecture tonight In th e church „*?*j*J'prayer conference entitled. N ob w y. Beembody and Everybody." Mlae Lm» ICddowee, o f Bummer avenue, will be the ■otolat. A apeclal meeting of the Ladies Aid Society o f the church will be held tomorrow afternoon, when final retiirm f t ^ the recent three-day fair w ill he

Chartea Welland Pleaaiire Club will iHdd ita annual banquet and theatre party m a t Tueeday evenlpg.

Itra. J . H . Sp inier and fam ily, of CUfton avenue, returned home ^ a terd a y from a abort atay near Brookdale.

"Nawark City Department* win » tha auhlacl o f the November "w aflM the Men a Club of th* Foreat H ill Prea- hyterian Church tomorrow night. Btraon r . Northrup will prealdm SapMkorg will be Charles P. t.lllen, Fred arlo L. Jobnaon and W illiam O

MIta Mary Skinner, daughter of Judge and Mr*; Alfred Skinner, of U ncoln ave-

" 'charleli K. Armatrong. of Elwood ave­nue, will leave next week for

wUl, loin Mra- Armatrong, who haap ia n in 'th * W e ^ fo r several weaka. They will return In Dec*111-mum in

Tha Epworth League of th e ^lleth od lat Church will conduct the

M ohly prayer conferone* a t th e church JJSJht. Tomorrow night the ■ M Brotherhood will reorganlie tor the fall and winter manth*.

Kav BL O. W ilson, paator o f th e Em- m u u i l Bnptlat Church, will S S t on "Two Kinds o f Sorrow; ^ * 8or now th a t Saves and th* Borrow th at De afm oa" The gathering will be th e regu- u T ^ id - w « k meeting. Thursday evening tha W oman’e Guild of th e church

h , ^ n2S .e*of the organisation th a t will hpvt Charge of th* social work In uonnec- Uon with th e new quarters in the FofSSt H ill Presbyterian Church, which th* church gymnasium. For ih®” thre* months Robert U . Dunn and a s ^ - dAToommlttee of men have ^ l o r an organisation to b®ve charge of ttd i part of the church work. On h r day S g h t t h o aoclal room, m will b* o ff!dally opened. A feature oi th e opening night will be a basketball match Ar»cng the men who have been asrisUng JTr. Dunn are Ralph Danen- ViAwar Qeorge P- Douglas. Le Boy MII aey. J.' Leonard Mason, L'o"«‘ Llebsohuls. A. D. Hobble and George D. Hallock.

VAaSBDRGH SEOIONU ls l Sarah Heilm an, daughter of Mr.

en d Mrs. C. W illiam H eilm an , of I sa ­b e lla avenue, w ill enterta in th e Hyde p lr k Orchertm tonight a t her home.^ • r ^ e d e d c k L Miller, of Isa b e lla eve-nue. returned yesterday from a hu nt­ing trip In Susses Comity.

The session of th e K llburn Memorla P rssb y te rlan Church w ill m eet ton igh t a t th e churuh hall a t 9 u c lock .

P h lllp Ntederm aier, o f Sm ith sireo t, E rn est 0 . Fischer, of Sandford avenue, and LouIb a iilm ann, o f C llnlou street, are h u n tin g a t L ittle W ashington.

Bocoo M arinelli, of Sm ith street. Is hu ntin g a t Newton,

UlsB Mary Trom ans, dau ghter of Mi. and Mrs. ,Vlfred Troinana, o f South O range and St. Paul avenues, held a lin en show er laat n ig h t a t her hom e in honor of Mlaa B essie Lull, o f Mul­berry street. 'Ihore w ere about forty fueetB preeenl-

To Mr. and Mrs. Bdwarrl Sm ulien, of Aalem utreel. VIJS tendered a eurprls* party la«l night at their hom e hy ab ou t tw enty rela tives and friends. T he occasion Tv a the o le \e titli aiinJ- VATPary of ihelr weddlnif The couple w ere th e rcclpl<'HtR of presonta and a co lla tion waa served.


N E V V A l t K L V E a M N t j N E V V U T l i E f c J D A Y , N O V E M B E R I t 1 9 1 3 .' ■ ^ r v \



. J . G0 ERKE — t J,|A ltE »


J H E t


Broad and W illia m Sts.* N e w a r k

W i l l P l a c e o n S a l e W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 2 t h

$30 to $40 Tailored Suits, $18 and $25

T a k e n f r o m t h e R e g u l a r S t o c k

A b ou t 2 5 0 W o m e n ’s and M isse s ’ S u its

R e p r e s e n t i n g s o m e o f t h e s e a s o n ’s m o s t f a s h i o n a b l e

s m a r t t a i l o r e d a n d t r i m m e d m o d e l s o f R i b b e d

C h e v i o t , B r o a d c l o t h , E p o n g e , W o o ! P o p l i n ,

F a n c y C o r d s , T a i l o r S e r g e , M i x t u r e s , e t c . ,

I n B l a c k a n d D e s i r a b l e c o l o r s .

18.00 25.00Regular Values $30.00 to $40.00

iM ABKFTStXM ^ P i ^ i w . c w B r t

Here’s the Best B a r g a i n ft.Year in Dress GoodsFor all-wool Storm Serge that almost every

other store is selling for 59c.We B l.e e on i t i e tomorrow 4,000 y ird . of ae-lncft,gU weol Hamilton Storm Sergo,

In r e ^ n g W a to 1 X h l ’c k f .children’s coats, suits or dresws. in shades of garaeL w vy Diue tno om «, .

Men's Sample ShoesA b«at 200 pulra. •!! dU^

fcrcBt upOB m Ip m.t


AMHUU’S GREATEST $3 Solid Oak Rocker

1.69M a r k e t S t r e e t

I V I S W A R K , TV. J .O PgN SATDROAI ETENINO S S 5 h \ t r e e tN«w Yolk Storo—Block 8th Av>nue-35tli to 36th Street

Solid oak rock­er, golden or ma­il o g a n y finish, high carved back, broad arms and cobbler Beat; well constnicted.«E eiYE ”1. I S" ITAMH

Filly Cents a Week Bays Any Article^ ... - ■ J . M w e have m il lio n i o f aatiafied enstom erg, th at th ia is, 1 nttmm i« m.R« to convinc. you, aa we have milliotii of aatiafied cnatomeia, that thia la

Thia liberal credit off« credit at loweat pricea. When we offer to deliver to you any articlethe only atore where you immense stock, on payment o f 50c. a week, it la not to sell yon onlyIn tWa you of the advantagw m buying at oot stMe. You may buy a aingfe: , t t le f S h l u p f t a Z g le r Z . or furuiahinga for « . entire outfit, on small weekly payments.

w . « .,« t-n r - « • « ‘. -tm orT rou

tr $9 Gas or Electric D O M E

Vfor o t t ^ r

or o leo tr lc ity t \t*m y..... . t l fv l orttotlo Ar* ^

«lVA| boot art flO H pOBOlS* tlthne 9re«B or ■ in b o r a h o p v y headed f r 1 II ■ oi fram e o f eoHd braaw aad very a t r o o B l y coo- atructed.


thwry ww a*. up-w-UtU •fTH-jS'' ilMS, (ooS w U tt.I«S lu tkw , Uk* esltakt*^Ikl., ‘Cid M".ma■MtMs w*w .. . .black *M W.D a . taa etlM U . — u d hnwa veltats. «*» « “ ■ ennaatta aag batkakla.

FaOW omes’t Neweet M o d el 5 h e e e . . . . . .g v O T »A H M Aia TO n i t m t o n

This finely con­structed Water­man Oil Heater, made of beat ma­terial; very neatly flniahed; guaran­teed not to leak.


19.98E xtra la m e and a f -

tra e tlv e ca b la e ti baa th ree swIwafl.B la . e y art .a a e l d eers, three a .Ie e draw ers, s l ld ls g atrkrl tep i h sse has douhle cu .b o srd , w tta th ree draw ers la the ventre.

Ancounts Opened

From $5 to $ 1 ,0 0 0

on Small Weekly



Solid oak ladles’ writing desk, golden finish, neatly shaped French legs with shaped undershelf; very strongly con­structed.

Lit* In tu P in o#*" *" ^Thea Tou mtk« your purebftM

jmi rpvwlve ■ c«rtlBcil« wbleb guai'ftateet fbftt Id cmb of death of the wafe-Mmar of tb« family ’f*«i will at oQce five yoa a K' celpted bill la full of your ic- couDt wltbout extra cbtrfo of any kind. Tbli U tha only itore tb it g lte i tb ii protectioD.

-'Mo m * F urn lD hlni C atalo*WRITE YOUR NAME AND^ADDRM8

ON A PORTAL WITH THE WORD "CATA- LOG ” WE WILL MAIL TO TOD BY RE­TURN POST THE BULLETIN MAILED MONTHLY TO OCR CDSTOUBM. II «■ plain* la detiU our llboral credit temn i»(l coDtaloe eioeplloTJol bargilB* frona oYerT department that ar« ueuallj offered oolj to our catfontert.

$10 BRASS BED'5.98

Heavy posts, five substantial filler rods in head and foot; perfect lacquer and construc­tion.


3.98Massive con- tinuona posts, with five ex­tra heavy fill­er rods In head and foot. Best braced white enamel, exceptionally well made.

Thtrty-tlvB niemher* of the Vouiig W om an’s Mlsslen Band, of the Ellzaheth I A venue Preebyterlaii Gliurvh, alteuded la st night tha November meeting of Ihe ' society, at the home of Mrs. Anthony F. ■ Bnhafer. 363 R ljgenood avenue. Mrs. | L ew is Walker. Mrs. Bvhafer. lllea Hajel Baldwin and Misa .Mary Baptie read I paperH on Monnorisni After the meeting .

•"a raiacfilleneons ehover ttas given to Misn Haael B. Baldwin, who win bo married to Charles F. Dorr, also of thia ■ city, December 17, at Ihc home of her farente, Mr- and Sits, llob cit B. Baldwin. In Badger avenue- I

Th6 wcond concert to be given by the j 'Weequahlc Mualeal Club will be held to- j IBOJTOW evening at 8:15 o'clock. In th* Weaquahlc Presbyterian Church s i M eeker and Peshino avenues.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Rlghtnilre, a t New York, were week-end guests of Mr Rlghtmire's brother-in-law and sis­ter, Mr. and Mrs. w m ia in Supnor, of WllllamsoD avenue, Lyons Farms.


ROSEVILLE SECTIONMra. Edward N olle, of North Tweltlh

Street will entertain at cards tomorrowi eveotHR.

M iss 0 «n e \ieve Kolb, o f North Kiev-‘ «fith Is opetiding « few daya atAabury Park.Mrs Henry Dutton will entertain the

«; ■Wtmstt’s Mtaslonary Boclety. at her ' home, I t l North BUth street, tomorrow

ftflirnTw**’Dr, William F. Kelm, of SC Roaevllle

avenue, is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Uenry Kelm. of DavenporL Nob,

Ur. and Mrs. J. W. HiilTtson. of 39 Humboldt street, are ependlng the winter a t Baanlng, Cal.

Tim annual "donation and reception day of the. Baptist Home for the Aged, win telm place tennorrow, at 315 Hmif- MB* cveone. . .

J ’ ■ No. 1NO PER SO N can be anything but at-

© tractive with a beautiful set of pearly white ® teeth. The above is a practical demons^ra- © lion of our bridge-work. No. 1

t represents the mouth with a few leeth missing.

@ No. 2 represents the same mouth filled by our bridge work, or teeth without plates.They look the same as natural teeth, Feel the same and cannot be detected from natural ones.

^ Our artificial plates are all sup- ® dlied with a patent suction,

^ guaranteeing a perfect fit

N«. 2

AMERICANParlorsL vtttrd for 1ft T«ou* ftt

787 B r o a d S t r e e t S 'X 'tOver Holataeurr'* tyru^ flfore ^

•x tr a e t la v w A

S e t T eeth , $SG d ld C r o w n s ud B r i d g e

W o r k * 15 a T o o t h

Poattivriy palalraatiUftv _ ^

Note— li9 com ing to our oftlee be sure you ore in ih e r ig h t place- Lady attendaTii.


Cor. Broadw ay and 84th Ht* West Dovr to Maer M* BROOKLYN OFFlOKt

BOB pDltoo S4.>. Weor OppMdt* Brawmtoft* KtaW A Co*

F in iaga la Gold, ftUvora P la tte d !■»4 PoTorlate*

50c , 11.00 a n d U pGa* A d n la la t r n g W hew D M lv ea

A r o a m M ^ t o ^ o w m o a

t» **BV eiM fr»» IH ta Lu 9u l H*tM oalrmi* Wtd Idau mlf

lo ^ i in T tS l OalfaUn, with H»ak alatk

Ooltakli Wltk aut mlf tap.

l i ’r S m l (Wtakta with Htak «l*tk bttttoi.

Is Oun ll»tal Oslf. laa*.Is Pstmt Cslt, la«.

,U,aO MCB8BS* AND l.tD IE B ’ COMFMIT SHOBS W ITH HCT*BBH h e e l s , ilB E S4 TO a.

E x t r a o r d i n a r y O f f o r i i ^ i nWoinras and Miiscs Smart Wintor Coab

$10 S e r v i c e a b l e W i n t e r C o a t s

16.98A dandy co llw tlo a of w lntar coat*. In­clu d in g th a aeaaon'a new eat m odal* of ch in ch illa , bouel*. black horaora maltona. a ll trim m ed and am artly t a i lo r ,^ tn ao Btsei.

$ 1 8 A i t r a k h a n a n d C h m c h f l l a C o a t o

The aeaaon’a am artait K **.The aeaaon’i am artM t K a* w e ll « f i ^len gth roodela, aorae a t* lined ^ k r o u ^ u t ■ 1 ! f t w J with guaram teed aaim .grade bou cle , aatrakhan. c h jn ^ t l l^ atujH ’ W , ' V f j Ding m txtnrea, , t c .; In all b lack and th e V - /Ding m txtnrea, , t c .; In all b lack and th e ,, seaaon'a beat color!-

$20 S w a g g e r W i n t e r C o s t lyN e v e r h a v e w * ah ow n a o o lle a lO n *7®*“

M itu n n ln g w th ese at th le pr ies. In^th s lo t you w lU Und everylot you w lu una everj-modol. m ade In astrakhan, b o n d s , d iln ch llia .

— _a_. Qhovrlng fasrfk>n»ttu n n in ft m ixtures, etc.; n ew est s ty le tend en des. n m

Y o u r U n r e s t r i c t e d C h o i c e A n y s p o r t 'C O A T i n t h e H o u s eT O M O R R O W

O N L Y V - F eValue* Freni$10 to l ls

K nit U nderw earFor Women and Qiildren

E x c e p t i o n a l V a l u e sWomen’* Union Saitg-Jn*t 48 down «gul»r S'

union suits from one of the best makers; all arc fine ribbed, pure white, silk trimmed, high neck wirt long sleeves, medium low neck with short ^ sleeves; sdme hive slight mill fsuits,, such as an oil stain or neatly drop stitch; while these last, persuit ...................................... ...........................

i Suits for $2.00.Women’s Underwenr—Fine ribbed fleece linea un

derwear, vests trimrned w ith s ilk tape, mlo ^ o r short sleeves; pants knee or ankleO *9a*+ Mrtif fflin t,slx« 34 to 44; p erf^ qualities, that you can’t match anywhere under 30c.; special, each—

Children’s Underwear Spedri—Part *®?'. wear, while and natural gray,TiMng them are the famous "Roofs Tivoli make;size 18; very epcclal at ......................

5c. more p®* •**« larger*Boys* U nderw ew — Natural gray, part wool f iA -

fshirts and drawers; sire^24jo 34; es^h ^ _

$KM R oom o f W oIIpapcr ^ ^ 25 With w ork, t o r ...............................

.Ilow tag « aiBgle roHa o f . l* i | II, a ■ lagte eolla o* celtlog a* a IS

l i r d a border w ith goaran tee* w ork i n ila r 8.00 room for 4«2ft ftariEg le only*SOe and 80c W allpaper—Im ported

twO“ton«d 8-Ttd plain oatwi^als. 3n U ch rs wld€, \n all colors, regu lar

^o-toued (Uid plain oatTneali r„ches wide, Ir £0c atid 60c. s t

2 0 c and 25cI 8c and ISe Wallpaper— H andsom eA o ............................

or nuts ai*v ',iora l and satin sirlp es apd tepes>

p ^ r u „ T * m , 3 /2 c a n d V l z cdu rin g thlB sale

SSc O atm eal Paper— N on-fad ing Oatm eal. 30 Incliea wide, w ith han d­som e cu t-o u t borders to | ' 7 f/«c> m atch , regular ! 2c, 1forlOe to 35* out ont borders at 3* to IP*

1.PO Lot o l W allpaper, rem nant* of * to 10 Single rolls. Z A * su itab le for any room,for

W e Will O fto Men’s and Youths’ $10.00 W inter Suits and Overcoats fo r/ju s t Tomorrow, a t... ■ ... ..... ...■>A*a44lal.^ 'I-Trh” 7 *7u.* or con vertib le collar*, made o f p la in black.

O vercoats ’''*'* brow n m ixed patterns; ault* cu t on the

Oak H eating Stoves

8cr«w r eg u la ­tors govern flra for n igh t; heavy cast Iron flrepots, fitted w ith ihak* lu g and draw c en ­tre grate, trim m ed with heavy nickel- p l a t e d a c r e w c l r a u g h t a andnaTne plate.


ta p flliilg s lilo D iiiM iif ila g haus tbarV* aaallr (amad

WHY NOT rtrr

C H E E R F U l* h e a t e r s T he New P orlortloa Part®* 2**

e t, mad* by the Standard Oil Companyfu u r w a r r in le d to g lv * a a tit- V Z A faction , hold one g a llo n o f oil,sp ecia l at

Model G s i Itadlatoaa, ' sty le , I tw el front, a t

5M DeDhlc B aattag H oaat*"o f g o o d q u a l i t y ,g TO o 0 t nih e e t Iron; give at

E Wm W ■ WWM4B WE «*■/rrnmn aas gpl n tha ta if way.

CSS.00- t l .»0 a W e e k tSOAO—il.OO a W e e k

llOOsOO-OAO a W e e kI f you esn 't call, w rite— aak for th*

B ed Book.CA S T E L B E R G * S O N F I D E N T I A L R E D I T

1 8 3 7 i Broad 5 1 , Newark

_ , - ® - ^ /hether upper or lower.flgt Our office is open evening* until 8 P. M. If you ctn’l come in during the^day, drop in in the evening M atiindtea eh*«rfvUy P « " - Sunday hours, 10 to 2.


P rom p t e tty and aaburbati d e ltvorr from g j per tn a upward.■OWABD COiJU OOoVtM HH3M ■*>

‘n w W i M i t t - ___

THISYictrqilaThe Uurgeot and best

of all V ic tro la mod- ,ete, Is Style XVI„with large bnittvin record cabinet; $300

Record! <rf yoor eim 'BdeoUtw to the amount HO.


T h e y !for


tho Am4-r1in Vermont nti« tl'Oy bat) Ik They ejuru.-il iiamotl <'Hfn on Die I ti r money for \ axcurelon to tha Pope.

CamorasE( •aliuri hy Reaney, of Rome. Abt wlaheil to [ oser their n etruL-tlori! t them, 'rhi! Ibe men eb ready to eta had ahflooiu

MARaSEIl ISO bluej&c] baui«sbip C today. Wh< an equal n battleahip •ion to the

MALTA.- emlnc. fl&c

•quadron vl from here mo m in i.

It"--.. P l A l b Obla

603 Broad Street■■ S V 5-';.,.

t ; V

1. ^ '



rWCATU Bplfoopol f %io«) her« ti taan oonfar Ifethodlat I Blar reoalpi a f the pre< ILUIsOOO. 11,101.000, raduea a de it from th« 140,000.

^ a n lt i I tnSsOOO, at y«ar, io t araoMds th< prevjoua y are not re the whole, •atioflad. . year will i IOC,000 will

Method! a' iQlfglonf In m eetlnf at receipt! aii craeae over Methodift working In board ruppi given by \ tivQj In th Chrlotlonlt: thetf own conalderabl pended eac Bumber 87


N'CV' ,T' being prroE committee tlon, to be October ne •entatlon t: of this ecu

The exp< tenary of arte, aclenc Slates and

The AngJ organized t San Franc private or be devoted the two cm

T h e , exp handa will of the Con which In chairman Grey, who of the An presldenl, now form Exposition gram, end penaaa are American for the pL rrlae! in c cioJ and i countrlca.

^ Rev

Oatald•“ tLn”DaUy pram Pu City Tic Uptown


P R O \W«ek day ttar SI HoOutBide R( XlcXetOs and Edw.



Ainer The :

g ^ w ckMflet*

X lfi




e r y

S erce . s andick ; a;e rg « t ,



!s F ro m t o f l S

M>pcr 4,25

r—Ini ported ktmeafi. 30 3rB. regu lar

>C—Kioidflome I

and ta p es' |

ind VIk-N on -fa41n f

w ith hand*

" WIzc■■ mi to 10cr« remnantsS'S: 69c


Bluejackets of Fleet Discover Man They Trusted with $12,000



RHMK Nov. II T h e hlvieJttcRFts of the Arn»-r1^Hn I’tKh. Delaware.Vermont nn«i uhitj illiuovered toda} that tfiey hail ti»‘»'ii rolihed of $12,000 w hkh they ejuru.-ilf'il tho rare of a rruiBklan iiameil < it former tianduman on tiiA I tan. lU. was Id have used the moriey for the rjurpoFe of arrsnjrlni an excursion to Rome and an audience with the Pope.

Camerasso waa recommended to the ealtura hy ('tiaplam XNTlliam 11. 1.Reaney, of the Utah, W'ho la now In Rome. About l.'iUD bluejackets who wlehed to pay s visit to Rome handed O'er their money to Camerazio, with In- sCructlons to euk^nKo a apfdal train for them. 'I'hla he proni^sed to do, but when the men obluincit i*horn leu '6 and were ready to start they rmind that Caineraszo had absconded '.m Di the cash.

MARSEIEUE^!. Nov IL —A parly of 100 bluejackets trom Ihc rnlted States battteshlp Ohio left WnrHollles for Paris today. When they return to their ahlp an equal number of the crew of the battleship Vermont will make an excur* ilon to the French capital.

MALTA. Nov 11.—The hatlleahlp W y- emlngt flagship of the United S lates squadron visiting European purta. sailed from hare for Naples at 6 o'clock this laom liif.


tMDCATUR. n i.. Nov. lU —Methodlet Bplapopal foreign m ission boards In see* tJoo here today, represent all of th e flf> tsea ooDfsrencs districts. Reports show Ifethodtst foreign missions. In their reg­ular Teoelpta to be about ifiiY.OOO ehead af the preceding year, with a totsJ of ILttlfOOO. The sum appropriated was 11,101.000, and so the board Is able to reduce a debt of $130,OCO coming over to K tform th e previous year by $48,000 to |!0,000.

f e c i a l g ifts last year amounted to Mas,000, a s against $391,000 the previous lear^ so that while regular g ifts In- eresjed* the total is lo&.OOO leas than the previous year, However, special g ifts are not reckoned as material, and on the whole, Methodists are fairly well satisfied. Appropriations for the corolng year will be about $1 ,200,000, but $1.- |IH)|000 will be asked for.

Methodist women Interested In foreign iQlsslons have just held their annual m eeting at Topeka, and reported their receipts amounting to $911,400, an in­crease over the previous year of $IIO,00'U Methodist women Buppart 444 woni#n working In foreign fields, while the men " board supports B40. In addition to money given by M ethodists In America, the n a ­tives In the foreign fields, converted to Christianity, give $550,000 a year toward their own support making a total of considerably more than $3,250,000 e x ­pended each year. Members In the fields number 876,000.



Prices for A polllnarls W ater

are fo rth w ith re d u c e d

Fifty Cents per Case.


L a r g e s t a n d M o a t C o m p l e t e S t o c k i n N e w J e r M y .

N ew ark G lass Co. 2 7 3 M arket St. '(


NEV^ YORK Nov. U .—E fforts are being pressed by ihe American exec'iiw a committee o f the AtiKlu-Amerlcan Expoai- Uon, to be held In London from May until October next year, to bring about repre- santatlon by States and imporlaht cities of this country

The exposition U to celebrate the cen- tenary of peace and ih© progress in the arts, sciences and Induttrles of the l.'nlied States and British Empire.

Tho Anglo-Anierlt.aii Exposition ts being organized on lines aiinllHr lo th ose of the San Francisco ExpnsHKjn and la not fnr private or peraoiinl Rain The profits will be devoted lo ol jecta of national u lllily m the two countries.

The , exposition rommlttee has joined hands with iha more pennaneiu schem e of the Centenary of Peace Celebration of which In America Andrew Carnegie i« chairman ami In iJneai Britain Lord Grey, who now becomes a vice-presidenl of the Anglo-American Expoalllon, president. The two organlaallona 'vin now form one body, the Anglo-Amen-.-an Exposition will become part of I heir grara, and the profile, after ex- pansea are paid, will be given to the American and British Peace com m ittees for the purposes uf scholarships and prizes in conijactlon with educational, so ­cial and commercial economics in both countries.


2 Days from N.Y.t t O C £ II - SsIliDfS

KXrlp Ev ry W«knek#<5 tnttTeha.nttA9\t

S. S. Caribbean$,MB Tool Reg> 10.870 Tom Dlip.

T in Roytl Mail Sleaim Packet Co.Sandetauu A Sod, Gea, AgrlJi.

22 State 5 t., New York,Or any Local T icket Agent.

S. S. BermudianTwin Serew, 8,500 Tom Reg-

10.518 Tom Dlip.Qaebec S. S. Co, Ltd.,

A* El> t>nterbrldge it Co,, Agin. 30 B roadw ay, New York.

Or Any Local T icket .\fteut.• VVRITF. FOR ■ B O O K L t T S


® S T O N ^h triJ t i OifKi. $1 .50 { Weiwtif, $2 .40

OaUld* Two Itcrtti hLad'rijutiia, Zl.iw. •t*ol Steamshlpi G«orglb oncl Tennesiim.

I ^ T » Including fiiirday, 9 P. M. prom Pier 19. E Ft- 'Phone 2700 Beekman. City Ticket Ofllce. 2*0 Broadway. N. T. Oplown Tickat Offlea B'lray and ZSd St-

\•The PuhHn fie Pleaacd.'’


P R O V ID E N C E Sn . 6 0 1Week clayu and Sumlayi* at 5 H., truinPtir SI N, B.. ft. W. Humtoo at. BertUe free. Ovtaids l^cpR, $F Wlielui Cqulpinaiit

Ticketa, J. K. UMFer. 24 CUntoo at., Newark, and Edw, R- McKcoo, 60T Bsrrkaa ara., Barii-

autum n RESORTSAT1.ANT10 Cl'l'k. ft. J.

90arII)Ctoiisb>£len|]ctia^QSLUl W'llJTK 9 SHLVh

ATLANTIC tJTY, N, J. ADierlca'a Famous Ali-Ven^r Kemri. The Leading Hoieia Alwaya Open.

i o « n , i


OSWOOD T lL U ^ d llH , I . X. DoUwt, T. Mow 4P«L >SD pulor: n a garebt


N HAtL'3*aRFiu.1E.l»Ar—M

. ON CREDirOur conR- d « n t I A I

M \ ' ' chATK, ly* -\\i» m fu lly •» -

*«4 \lJtW !U ?Y i/p 'a !n*il In our oiia / bookI.L CAll orjewelrr w rite for one.

OEM JEWELRY CO. 118 Markrt St.,

Feast Day ApproachesA r e you prepared for Thanksgiving? Is the Dining-

Room at its best? We offer the follpwing items of "lower priced furniture” apropos of the occa­

sion, and tender the benefits of our Liberal Credit Policy which gives you the supreme satisfaction of a perfectly' appointed Dining-Room wtihout unduly taxing your purse.


. D in ing T a b le , 14.98

Beautifully grained solid oak; massive ped­estal; carved claw feet and griffon heads; all hand rubbed to a perfect finish; a din­ing table classic.

Regular value $20; special sale

.98A L ittle D ow n :

A L ittle a W e e k

Handsome Platform Dining Table

The cut is a fair representation of this beautih l extension table. It is built entirely of finest kiln dried oak, has the fashionable platform base and highly pol- ^ C I O ished; a real $26.00 value, special.........

$18 Dining Table, 12.75Not so fancy in design as t h e o t h e r s , but just as

h o n e s t l y built and finished, this e x t e n - A f J P f f j

S i o n table w i l l give t h e greatest of sat- isfaction; a regular $18 value, s p e c i a l

Dining I Buffet, 18.75ChairBuilt of oak,

a handsome de­sign, finest cane seat press-carv­ed back and solidly braced; a $1.00 value, for

A better buffet was never built to sell at the price; in fact, it is a real $25.00 piece, of elegant design, rich 'finish, bevel plate mir­ror and best trim, special at

69c 18.75Heavy,

Warm, Softblankets, in gray only, with striped colored borders ;reg- ularly $1.50, special

WindowShadesWindow shades of

regular 30c. quality, in all colors except white; closing-out price

69c 19c• i R w a r I C a W I d a - A w a h a P u r n i t i i r a a n d C l o t t i i n i M » u » e - O p e n S i t i ^ a y ■ v a n ^ f

J.W G R E E N E aC03 I T 0 3 7 M A R K E T S T .. O P f . C O U R T M O U S E

M E W A R K . N . *1.

Unolemn RemnantsRemnants of best

linoleums in vari­ous sized pieces, ail fairly large, how­ever. If you’ve use for moderate sized pieces of linoleum, save money at, square yard


H r Give and hv h tm Surettf Coupons

JhP A nr Toys Are


/ts'; A b o u t the

C hm fm a J Player- Piano Club

Here's a Timely Bit ofNeivs tor About 300 Women

$ 1 .5 0 to $ 2 .9 5 U n tr im m ed H a ts

at 4 5 c a n d 9 5 c

Only\ h o u i

mH a ts

in T h is O tte r in g .

C o m e E a r ly !

I t ' - \ a lu c s L ik e

These th a t

H a v e L ed P r u d e n t W o m en

to H a h n e ’s

The season is getting a hit late to carry over some of our untrimmed hat stock—hence this little clearance. Every hat is up-to-fhc-minute in style, be­coming, and shapes thai wc have sold abundantly this fall. Velvet, plush, ielt and velour hats comprise the lor originally we sold them for $1.M) up to $2.95. For a quick close-out we've marked them in two lots...........................T)c and 95c

.M-;i OMi Fi.tHm ,

1 0 , 0 0 0 B r a d l e y

M ufflersI n te n d e d to B e

S o ld f o r 50e

a t J 7 c or

3 for 5 0 cUndoubtedly this is the

largest purchase of mufflers ever made in this section of the country and the sale will he the greatest sale of mufflers Newark has ever kno\tn. This is no job lot of imperfect mufflers, hut every one is new and direct from the manufacturer Made of a fine mercerized cotton, and the colors include white, gray, sky blue, black and taupe. Each muffler packed in an individual box.

M a d a m e, Y o u r F u rs!The first snap of cold weather suggests furs—and

at prices we offer this w'cek you will be amply re­warded for your visit to our fur salons, j u s t two Items here as a suggestion

$49 for the Usual $69 Black Fox Furs

Two animal scarf in pairs, with tail finish

S i z e s 1 2 t o 1 7 ; f o r M e n , j Women a n d M i s s e s

.,>1 \ I \ L l.O O Il.

$ 1 . 7 5 f o r $ 2 . 2 5

C r e p e M e t e o rThis desirable fabric,

40 inches w'idc, in prac­tically every wanted shade. One of the best silk values w'c’ve offered this season—and this means the unusual, lor Hahne’s silk values arc indispuiable. Crepe Me­teor, usually sold for $2.25, tomorrow at $1.75.

.XI u x K i . n o R .

and large flat nuiff trimmed to match with shirred silk lining. A very fashionable and serviceable set made of selected skin.

$39,98 for Fur Coats I n te n d e d

to S e l l to r $ 6 4Women's Caracul

Fur Coats made of beautiful soft skins; adjustable shawl collar and deep cuffs; large crochet buttons; made in the round corner effect; coats hand­somely lined. A stun­ning and warm winter garment.

. 1

IFomen’s $32.50 Coals $16.95Women’s Coats of Chinchilla. Zibeline, As­

trakhan Cloth, Fancy Mixture^, FInsli and Nov­elty Chinchilla; three-quarter length models; k i­mono and set-in kimono sleeves, may he had in all the season's best shades; values to $32.50; spe­cial Wednesdav..............................................$16.95

m'ilA OMI ri.OoH.

still Going! And Going Well!

T h is D in n e r S et S a leWherein You May Save Consid-

able From the Usual Prices$58.77 Dinner Set,

$50.00open stock, lOO pieces; fine

Eimoges Old Abbey china: gold edge with pretty fancy green border and matt gold handles; new shapes; regu­larly $53.77; a t ............SaO.OO

$42.93 Dinner Set, $37.50

Open stock, 100 pieces: hne Limoges china; pretty green and blue decorations; gold stippled handles and gold edge; regularly $42.93; at .................................. .?37.i>0

$72.31 Dinner Set, $50.00

open stock, tOO pieces; Theo. Haviland china, very pretty pink garland of roses, fancy double gilt border: gold stippled handles; regu­larly $72.31; at ..........SoO.OO

$62.87 Dinner Set, $53.50

open stock. 100 pieces; fine Charles Field Haviland china; pretty trailing arbu­tus; dull gold edges and handles: regularly $62.87;at ............................... $53.50

.$36.97 Dinner Set, $30.00

Open stovk, 100 pieces; fine Haviland china; decora­tions of small roses and white daisy,; plain edges and gold stippled handles; regu­larly $36.97; a t .......... $30.00

$21.12 Dinner Set, $19.75

Open stock, 100 pieces; very fine Austrian china; white and gold decorations; lace border and gold lined handles; very handsome; regularly $21.12; a t . . .$19.75

$39.51 Dinner Set, $35.50

open stock, 100 pieces; fine Austrian china; pretty fancy green and pink decora-

ations; gold lined handles; legularly $39,51; a t . . . $35.50

$34.84 Dinner Set, $28.50

Open stock, 100 pieces; fine Austrian china; very pretty pink double border with rosebud centre; gold lined handles; regularly $34.84; a t .....................$28.50


R . & G .

C o r s e t s

siruTiji /r-MiiUl, In / low and / ht^Fi Ftw8l,j''|^ long hlpfl a nr) Fiai-E. anti i r im - iiietl w llli d a in ty lace iind emfirolii- tTv, and bIx hoRtt KUpi)orl' eris at* lachitO.The pi l'.ea range



$1, $1.50, $2,FLdUlt.

C o r s e t C o v e r s a t 8 5 c

High neck and short sleeve style or high neck an i long sleeves. Both models at 85c.

W o m e n ' s S t o c k i n g s 3 5 c

Of cotton or nslt. full fash­ioned, in black only, at 35c. the pair, or 6 pain for .$2.00.

B u y On th e Club P la n , A sk A bout I t


tffiUSE BADIY DAMAGED IN MISHAPM n. H*nry O. rnrard,

4o«'ti yM(ird»T »ft«rnnon I'v “ i''« ftU »*»linl ti»r t"’"’" Man S'C«tt OTilW. t> In llw nr»rm- M-mnrial Hoipltat siifftrln* rruin (t fra-Hirf-l and with Inlnrya t - h f Mr. ''o* ■tr t,:a a na* mW In th ' N i-wb y(HBrda), taprantd to *0 to ttiB front door .uim >•tkc tr«» fril. . ,

' j||i^_ roaard had I»rrn f^iraotod by tha dWIaulty 9*()«rlcn‘'h<1 In rrjylriK tlio tr**" which adJoltiBd her hnma. and liod pnn' t® iha door to ace wliat waa iho inBltm-

•A l th« triM fall It damatiad thr rntira fiont of the Cuwani lioiita Window a wara amafhrd. t'arta of the w eat her tMjardi war* rlinx'd off. and th* fn'iit porch roof waa I'mabcd lilta an *t;s£h*ll

Uodar bail of Jl.ritHi for hla appeiir- tnoa bafore Itecorder .hott naal llonday, QOftav* OwaltTiay. th* nat;ro luntrai tor clMrtBd wUh culpability In ronuectlon wUh the Injury Ct Jlra, Coward, waa re- Iliued la*t night after hat in s apent the • ^ m o o n behind the l>ara. Ilia botida- IB u iJ i Abratn B. G.ermlllar, aarscani-^t- a'rna of the HJaBt Orans* niatrlct Court.

Otraltney llvea at (d t.'hrtalopher atreet, CWuce' Hla atory waa to the effect that hh had provided tackle to control the f l u of the tree and bad a team of honaa fltobad ready to pull it away frotn the hwiM, hut a i the tree began to tottor. a aiyoag pnat o f wind took It and carried It .avtr the other way. The horaaa were htipleaa and Inatetd of pnlllnc the tree over In the rlfht dlreelJon. they were In iM l beck off their feet l.aburera In OwaJlaey'a employ and other witneaeei em oborated that veralon of the accldein.

TBoee who law the accident aent In a fUa alarm. Konndaman John II. Mac­donald, whoae home In Norman atraet la dtroctly back of the Coward houae. btard the craah aa he waa at hie dinner. H e w a i one of the firat to arrive on the apot.'anl ten t In the call tor the Record aflbnlanoe, in which Mra. Toward waa tdken to the hoapllal. The five-yaar-old •M o f Hra. Coward waa found Inalda the lidinaa by U a^ on ald after he hed got the ubOoneeloua form of Mra. Coward out of f l a debrla at the front door It waa tiral thdactat the little fellow waa a lio hurt, hdt bn-wnt found to be unacratched.

,l<m -‘ Coward't huaband la a member of t b e n m at Coward A Milla. plumbere, of M pt'O rante.


' ‘harlcr Tolyei, vice-vrcuijenl “ I H-* rtreir.en e Inaiirence i.’omi-eni' ar,d the rh.v Treat t'om pans, died a iddenly j ee lerdM' afternoon at ll'.e home of hla aim. Morrison <' ('y l)er, SSH ''ofton ace- n ie. t |r I I.l.ver '-.SB at h> •■ffice la«’ Friday, when lie waa attacked with heart trouh'e, itn Baliirday and Bund*' he niniearecl Improved, hot vealerilay be Milfered » accond attack, which proved

^*:*r fo ly er had lived all hla life InIvewaru. having I'Ccn horn here Octcl'crin |v in Hie father waa Joieph ol, a ,arr;,'.." manufacturer. He “ *■ *d rated iu ue |,iihll.- ichoola. and on Mar. h I-, u „ . vd It.e emplov .rf i ic - -men a and -e one "f the mnai pow,'*rful la to , , in -bc ophulldin* of that com ­pany li, I'sii he t - , ,m e a»- reiar mi.l ,,l HI,; w ,o-ytfaldeill

The Tits Treat com peny waa founoeo l,v him and aeversl aaeoclaloi '"jr ' '

ih7 t . ' i : : ' : ! : ' o r ‘'o " 'th :!X n a ,'^ h w c .o r . and firn ^ t l ^ -

U d ho roBiKOed t.a i'r ha again aaaiime.l office. r .r o lin * P

, Mr. rolycr marrie.l ,'j’ ^°',‘"*lh ei : , ; ; r t ; ; ' “ H o : .ie : ’ro ^ n e.,ea d .w h ich .h*

v ir ':-c .lv e r ntereaUd In

I, work nrcl H.- 'd''® "/death he waa a veatryman of rn n lty K^acopal T ,„„..h lie,,r the J-efcMX < luh (irul '>f teflicx

' T*he^d*oedent ia aur-.tve.l by three » n a | ohey arc Tharlea T Colyar, o f Glen | Ridge ike-p reild en t of the Sherman Na- hin al Bank, of New T.irk City: r J'plyer, member uf tbi tlrnV ai [l,mn. Tamhlyn end '-o'>"r- “f j^wark^ ; and Julian F. t’olyer, of he ■Insnranuo Tompany, and by a brother and a alatfi. Kdward H i.olyer, and Mra. Kmma .1. I.yle. hoth of Newark.

Tha hineial will ha hel.l Hi Ul o i l o ik I'huridas m. rnlriB at I'rluil;.- t'hiirch [ 1101. Mercer >irocn Johna‘-"o, the rector. i will lOndMi (he servicei. aialated bj lUv. Bleplvn .1 liiu n b crn . 'hurnaboa'a ''hurrh Interment will he In ,

lih e fanillj plot in l it I’lcnvunt L cn ieterj. The iiallbeKrare will t«- Hanlel H Dun

I,am Kdsur H 14>rd. William Halaeyr r k . John r

; I-,HTKla Mcrsei.. Alexander I . Flolhronk . U ikI Oitar \i Mi->i kridR^ i

Ntw na#*!" from thepoint uf rh lld w elfare •re polnleij u iil

ex h ib it belii«r coiidui'ied thiH It i:n lly iThurrh. Murlolulr. tlie aUApi'ec nf the netinnul *irr fn n in i!!iee .

uh lT ’i Trrlui'p’i <*hs»rt iuph»> and arti«’les fom ernniK j labor. V Hr opei,nil

afipvtujon Ilepi eseiH.iilvuH <>t ll^o na Ituiial iTimmiilt^e's hertiliiuai torw. N«v\ Vnrl<. preaent lo e\plRlii Ih# O'#play.

By m ean# o f d ia r ia hu«1 i^lac.inl ptatem ents. Ihe I’unlraal Uelwee^i i,'hllO labor •'n'lOitioTia In tb'x itilicrState:* eMilalTieO. 'i , evhtbit.v isitors srf'! ■iil''r'iieil that New Jersey i;ner ih-1 rank at lUe t*'l» In ii rflre»\<to KOOO <'111111 lilxM' I'taulHlIoiis

r'hntfi^ti H ' i f p ir ls jaellniK, new# pafscrs rmiH'hle of bairnoinw In I'-itei soil eTJiO Hfjhoken are ehowr' vind em- IshasiH Is al#o plui-ed *ni * onflitlim s at the fTaiiliftrr.v l>n«e of South Jei’Be>Ii Ip jilao p id nle'l out that this Stale ha# ten -h ou r labor Iftw for '.liildren w hereas in fnui‘iee:i uilnir Stniea lln ili of e:fi'ht h o u is Is fjiforcPil

In connerlton with tl,e franberry tiop I (>r.dUl->Tis. It is e\|ilnln«>i) that dvii'lnK Sf-idember and OctabHr fipproxlnmtely Dmij I ii'lrjreii Hre tranai’mrieri frojn Phitadrl- rhiii (It th is ti.i fiatiiiT UerrloiI'.ii hi; flint tim e them are nr- school fa* f j ne . -pffi'it"! pti'J the femllloii are ii. ii,M'il nrin- tin- f,c|dS“-one ranm lo falnll^. "firii H HI urn or more fam lhee


A F o r c ’a s ’c o l C h r i s t m a s V a l u e s

Federal Jb AdYance

UlNo iriaiter how iMltr oi how rijiJCh

jo it w ill f"i’ XniHs hi If IB- youI nij he HBiSUrHl hryrjiul pa-niilvenlur# Ihfit )«'U arefor ymir namry hr i f ihHii ynii can fnirl in any orla-i iitnl Ih-U

yoes c. ifv isi.ireserv atl'»n "f > 'n i ' ■ ‘ *■!

MEANS $ 6.1

i-hiinuMiK i."ir t'k

T h i s $ 1 2 5C o m b i n a t i o n ^ d . 2 ,N /

D i n n e r R i n p


P r i n c e s # &

D i n n e r R i n

S 7 g . 3 5


OFFERED NEW ANSWERS CRITICS OF ClOBIIP linu.vp Nu sanitary urrangetnabta

are prui .Jed c bildrcn lirouglit Into tliuae

.Set w Ith fu ll cui Ul ' iiii-e dl.i- niijlids; cM'cy >il m- w li ii c nmJ Inirly "niinpiuK w nli iT iliia n ci. wdRlilti:: 1 and '« .1 I'l l -iiHh ' ucatrI'obltlVely w uilll SI 'JJ. 'Un I'l Iw',

n n cieiiim ■ i n n n T i l If .ondlt'uris la n so from four jeara up. it iaSEWAGE DISPOSAL i UPON RECENT LABOR TALK slate'I



fljM kI KarvtM af IVi y sW B . l § m a t n . Nov. l l . — Wra. Chaflai !.

S m t I H i O I Hhbart ovonua. died aud- a fia r ' «Wl7 th li moTnIni, after a brief nuMpi. in Overlook Moepltal. 9he waa •tfM iflAar o f Calvary Sp licopal Church • i f lw la i aAttva In many phaaea of church

awwsw aarvleoa w ill he held at O’tloek Thuraday m am lng. from

•oopal Church, the paator, .Jartkar Qwynne. officiating, w ill ba In W oodlawn Ceme-

llcrbert N Wildcrap-n. a barter m em ­ber and former aecreury of the Nor- inendy f'atk Imprnvenienl VBiOclatlon uI ir .m gtor, died ih it m uinirs at hla home. 11 lloaebm place, that town. He had been In poor health for about tw o yeara. but hla condition did not become aerloua imlll a few daya ago. when he waa alrlckcii with a hemorrhage.

The decedent v a e horn In Bllllnghurat. Bueaex I'ouTity, Kiigland, and cam e to IhlB country nine jeara ago,Irvington #oon nft'^r lufi arrival here. I waa a member of Sheffield 8“ "of 81 George. The decedent la eiirvlved by a widow, a *■>,,. two Wllde,rspln, of Irvington, and rhomaa Wllderaptn. of this city; hi* mother and one alBier, the latter residing in Horeham.

r,m??a1 aerM ce. will be held at = -3j' . iHrU Friday afternoon at tha nmiB-.

V v Hr w m tani H. Halner officiating r„Term.nt will h* tn .de In c'llnlon - eme- lery

Whether the purrhaalng cnmTnllie© of the Board of Frerholder* has the right to open bids amt avrard uonlrai'ta for the meat* and provisi'ini require*! a t the v'ounty InatUvstionfl for the ne:it four mt.ntha. le a -luepUon County Counael .Irmea will -lefllde. The matterwas referre*! to l> rn yesterdas*. when i doiil't we* eTtprpMei regarding tlie pro* priced Rcilon of llie cammUtee, which | "Illy tViu morilha *KO opened piop’fsal* | I fined 1X1 ft term of six month*. At that ' I'tTirs fontratts wer*? issued only for the tv. M*m jIlUi term.

The- tp.rath II wa* raised ly lJlr<*''tof l . ’ nnH, S'<!th wh'jiTi thfl niftUer Iim-I I'cen d bi iini'il hy I'Quniy flupervisur phhU'K- hniJf rii* Iflil^r had h^vn r|ije^tionod onthe sitiL'j€i.l hy i>ne of 111© I'lLjntTflOlurs nh" M'l "n the six mffnlh* f<[iOL'lflofi* lion*. Slid 'tiKS «i;am a bhider yester­day VM.-nrdinq ti> the dirertor. Mr. .lone*. In an 'iffhfind < [union, staled that dmiM exiPtc*! as lo the lefiftllly of the proijoflifl ftcilon.

When .Assl*(Hnt •’ouns*') Mtikr waa H*kp*i for an I'Pinlon. hf lik fw .se hnd a dotihl. Imt (lef'llntMi to kIv< 'leflnil'' de- I'lP'fin until All opporluhity was affonled tfv luok over the data m nneftpd wilh the Incident. In order to perm!! thif, an ad' Jiuitnineiit wsa taken tiniii Thurs'^lHy, pending whlrh two prf)P»K=ais AuhmiUed will remain unopened.

A rr' i'ositiun fr-'-n ! lie rarrmtAT'oi: . CompAir. “ f thin city i -jt the InslallaUoT of a ,*ev ig c dlHpt.shl [' ant for Orang*' EaJt *?rarif<! and M< td' lair vvas made to the Kast I'range *'Ltv I'.tii.t'ii last night, Jn n letter signe'l Ijv lit** .'•ecretary of the compeny. Ge"rg« K The pres­ident of Ihe flierlli^ati. II i:'nnpany '* ijhairmaii Fretlerlck ^*a^Fb'i, 'jf 'he East Orange City L' UTiuil.

T'he comiianv, as ha' I'**p:i h ’'d In the News. rtceiiTl,'. acr\fc'J n'kb'o '.'ii Orange and liaflt (^iHiigc "f H* ,nlenl!‘'n Ui t ro- i.n *! under tiiu Ihv, c Imb <ff tankWHft adopted thorf’ ’u mlrlpallth-." 'h IIju tiroimd that tlio InuG-tif i* an ih- frtii^?ejiicr:i "• patf'ni nUidk-'l !n this I'fLiiitrv iiv iPf' Slu: ‘ .ifp'ii < oini all'

.\lTbin lH,t IIIBtU l"'l lliv CIiilltlBa ..[iCciul < oTii crenel- I iii'J.d,-n ti'cbl. .N*'-.--Illbci- IV, I,. ,jib,-,lc.r tl.f I I I|,".vllinll. Il.vwell MS the .vllnatin.a created tiv the .dlil- pany'a thn-nta id legal bici-v urnngc an'l Mfmtclall- |-l•[lr(‘ac^ltllll'i-» will be aekt-d W attorn! ili^ luiiffT»*nce.

\n.iworin« i n ll'‘irfi>'M dlrcrted Al Ihs Wnnian'a flli>‘ lU N cllcy t.t-cailsl. uf a

h;. a rciir w iilu ti.e c f the -tmenvnu l ci;,-rrill-iii uf 1 i-bur, iiniliir tlie uusuIchb of ll.e . I'tb. m V I'i'-h ll" exPT‘-3Bcil raril' al V1C.VS on van..-,. t..iiK-.v, Mrs. ,\rthur H. Frual -It I irrceld.nt of the club, and MIbp i-hi-m l.hiyd. lend "f ’ ll" |iom lcal atudy •ectlim made stau-m ents at tlia clnli meeting j-fMeida-

Speak.iig foi the c.veciiilve Liuird. .vi!.=

Menlinn ii. al»u made of coiidltlona in fluutlieni L-i,lton mills, coal mines and glacB faciurips. In the latter liiduatry It 1b I'oinlcd 1,1.t Shat thia Slate la pill under a handicap in com pelItlon with other M.ilea, w here regulatlopa are not aa sa llsfa tlo ry aa In New Jeraey

$12V a l u e

I I • kI y|M akriir h!

i !h<‘Tti



I tr Iprt f -•iimri.Kj

t i n . Now T ort.]— I— Poor b id boon married olovan

g f l i g god If lurvlvod by har huaband mmA tiiao ohlldrta. Sha waa a mombtr e f f l i i TbrtBlfbtly Olub and waa con- ■ tgtid M fli Mworal other organliaUons S f . Mrle -baittannapt In Summit.

. h.n -■ ' I'"-., rr. - i . ti : cell ,.-ii,ir;c,; ing. and <1- al 11 .(■< n pi > -r-:

M|M I'T.HJ. 1 I Ml- S4im-' ^

tii:, ii.ii

1 rt' P ' r tn- I

riuTY ly v-roiiglit J thr wuidy <if mduf- .'I firogrfSa and d J

I lie opmiona SN- ilifit \vlih!» tlir ri-

' ,g V. t II11 -ti ( 'lo •M#Ji' • -II ih ihry

h;''l n"l


l.-iiwlii < it. <!' tht Mt’2 i-inn<': vHH l-^’ 1*

r hLU'II'J; <■. - ::i ' ^ii-MUrr* on

■ ut It* r'spe-. led. * 'tv will






IfJ .U W e, "I T*** <’**:*'* residenta nl 1)ifl;vtel«ifer. yeatorday a t the honia ■ ( Mhi dauCbtar. Mra. Thomaa F. Dalng. dl'CbW hh ft*oat. N ot long ago ho had flfgogaad a v lab th a t h* m ight llvo to he ^ k g |v H a r t old, Hla adah waa granted, iS r U a Blnatlath btrthday came Sunday, tka day beforo ha died

H.nrv Van liic ien , soven ly-tw ) 'car"

"‘'’ ™ e ; y a 7 o r r : r : , i r ‘ ” , r o r r g o " v e - nue dTed auddenly I'esterday frotn apu-

young niahi believed fJtlier to It© crarv nr tha vbLlm of drugs. l.*j hr-l<l at the Mnntrlalr r«.lifT Station unlil an In- vcstigallcm to UetcTtnlne hla sanity t*an be made He Hn>'* he is WMIlum IT. Ackerman. .Hevenh cu year* old. of 304 Hunterdon street this city. He -wai raughf by Henr.v i . Meyer, seventy .v ear© old. ivf Iin Hl[;hland avenue, Mnntclair. Yvho caplnred him yesU rday after th© youth had hroki n Into the hoiiiea of FrancP# T. Meyer and Henry C Meyer ,lr I ' r llii and -I Hlahland avenue. Mont- dalr

Ackerman declare.* he never has need drug# In hi* life.

The r-onstciiL'ilifi of the t-alcony nf Ibe M m iidalr Tlieutrc. ipieati.niad re.-onily by xriine m emlici" nf th'i ,M"nli lair Inwn founcil, gnd ncT" iiartioidarly by Ilcn- Jamln Moore nf Ippci Mnntrlsir. was reviewed hefon the .-nunvll >--inimiilco nn bulidltiF" and pnlice yestenifiv-.

The enmmiU'-v heard an engineer cni- plo'cd by Mr. Miiui'c. and repurts a." to tha .vafely of the alrucf.ire from the town offu-lala and adjourned iinlll Thui-aday night to ooinpk't' the inveetl gatlr-n. The h cann g was tlif nutcumo of a cnnlruveray o'Cr the weight teal tu which the l.alLon' had been aniijeoied.

I,,... i,|i II,c ,|':cn ,,,|i "f .........tie from the• : I,,ip,nil- ,,i' til. I "■ vv. Ill,'I ;i ■ other

,ii.iti ih'- f M|)|i V'T.s' Viewpoint.\!]Sr I.i -;.':i \'h'f eiH I' 'ad ‘jf Hie F'”

t'.iip l ■ii-ri'n ji I FM t , ' f i ' i " th' hii'iiKeis whkI >\ir V.; - ’!i'!i*v '"I I'l 'In* Hint'njt tHa modt:. and!t itc-i m.y ’ll'mhor i- • ' iii' i/.' >. 'r lu!!if in«',li'r wit......I,; *n the ' l iba.. {|ii . !i‘*(i v-hk h Ruio-Jllu*r- wus ii' ll .-pu*it‘oii t" Imtf i tl.. HD*! Ill*' I ..liter wof= fiTiillv ilro|vi'vd fiitt-r t ■' i.pln ■ ri waa (■•.\p!'i''s v'l by sev-

e‘t.1 t.liHl Mu; iTilJi'.jjni lind :i Uiiilly fniTii (nf'rnl i r? \i. ho *Hil

mef'linp. »nd h'» did n"t ' tliG vlnb w:iw jnrrely

Hkci'5 i>n al! "f t!u iiues-

The question of maximum aalartei for Ka.vt Orange ScIiodI teachera waa

I discu.eaid laat li ght h>' Bull''* of I I rat. >11- I-.-nding a report trom Fuper- I inn-ndcnl F d .'in action w-lll

tie taken. lu". Broome Indicaied that In |; hla opinion no definite r.iaxlmiim or hard

and faal m ethirl ot Increaaing aalarlea can bt auuce.Hsful,

Rev. Ferdinand Q Blanchard, preal- dent of th - h-..aid. presented the subject of m axim um ealarlca, a* a matter that : ought lo he determined In anticipation of the eiiBagcm ent of teachera and tlie iiaual adjuatiiient of the salary acbedule, Maxl- mume ex ist am ong grammar jjm ool tem-hers and prlndpala. and Mr. I ^ ^ c h - :ir,i .viisge.vted U might he wise to ealab- h.vh a salary lim it In the high echool, aa n guide to the tcachars committee In “

new In&tnii'ior*.


I r!l!rd

IVatrhe*Sold to UB by a ta n k w hich lolaeda banarupt 101X11*1*1 Block In pay­m ent of notoB W * are forbidden to ...entton the nam e o f tho m ake, t a t It's worn by m llllona and known all over the worlt.. P oa ltlve ly worth tll.OO.

G o o d s G l a d l y R e o e r v e r d f o r X m a a

ft .1!


Harry DeRoy *00BrcMdS tre e t

I'lI i-iti i,.i ti-

-„|. I- I L-|.t

lit n.,M I ‘

" " Z van Gleaen wascr 11-„U At the age >'f thirty-four he

Ih B city M.d eatabllahed tho

d^^^'ln^ri'ntV nrtan G 'rn '':tr '-lv ;'ftmeral will he '.-'O ,,

fp..m m l»«tor* i.hurcli. Hunai ;T in;."ln t r G 0iy Sepul.-hre cem etery



a i'l





mtmtl §trpie$ of the fflTirs. j E c KAWAT, N ov. 11.—H atri- Walker.

Hftw-plM y e a n old, died auddenly at » gfltaek till* m orniof a t th e home of hla 4 £ S l i r , H n . Samuol Tlhpatt, In Hoag- n r t a t a u * . Hr. W alker waa a machlntat t a t want to w ort yeaterday aa usual, ap- ta lt a l ly In food haalth. H e waa taken 111 ST mWnlfbt HI* death ia ballaved to S m h**B due to heart failure brought t a by an ailm ent from which he Buffered flo a t Uma to time.#' •aaldo* Mra. Tippett. Mr Walker la g^jjid.iul by a daughter. M n Reuben j t a r , of Dover, and by a aon, Harry taglk er Jr„ of Denver, Col. The aon waa a k lC M by telegraph and th e funeral will feo M d upon hta arrival, probably Setur- ta y . Bnrlal will ba In Locust Hill Ceme- tary, Dover.


lA Jm SBU BG . Nov. n — Frank Wat- M . Uk officer a t th© Slate ilom * for B of« tor th© last yfara. diedfr o n plauriiy yesterday, after an nine®* lit two doy«- Mr- Wa*tun became ill flftturtfsy while a t work a t the ln*tltutl'>n H i h id JUft returned from a fvirlmigh

iTha body wa* taken to the home 'if N f. Wotaon*© brolh©r-ln-iaw, Dr. U'lh-

at Ham llion Square, where fun-vral s lr v lc ii will be held. Mr. W alton* wife died about tw o year© ego. No rela­tive* live In thl© eecllon o f the State.

AlbeH E" Heyve# Oar©Biett> Deed.HOBOKEN. N ov, 11.—Albert E

Heyne, who for year© held the amateur •les le icuU championship of ih«» HuJbrn Blvwr Kowlnfi AaaoclRtlon. died yc5l«r’ day at Pf>ooni>. f ’a., ^ h cre he had none for hti health iMr. Ik*yn« w*aB an a-t've fneraber of the A tlantic Boat Club and lived v lth hi* mother and hlater at 6i4 WsMhtngton *trcct. The funorai will b© btild from F oci: tiu tomorrow afternoon.V H arrardle Barbour,

Strvice of tAc: Vfc'IFF.SOMERV1U..K. Nov. 11. — Marcardle

BarbcHir, nineteen yeara old, died a t Som- etfe t Hospital, hero yesterday, from a fractured skull received hy jumping from a train near Bound fttfX'k Junction Sun^ day bight

Barbour, who wa* employed at tb© Johna*Man\i1le plant, struck a gate when ha.leaped. He boarded nl Manvilie. where Uttla Is known uf him

New* baa reached Hprlngfleld of the

vialng P r t r p a l Edw-ard V. W,^ '.'

Church in tho f , ‘ V ingh.'x diarae*.ill for BOinu time witn ni nHarry Dlpley*

Harry th ' Gl'ple'v-

n .» t M l -rtonth!. He w as tak en to tho ? 'iBst 'Vi-ek. Heatde hi" pareiitBX '^Dtilov U a 'e a « w idow and two ^on. hree sIGev" and four brutherp. Mi Dipl* V " death w as th e bis fH.nJly in elKtit month*, a ''a'®'-Sirs, 'irtu o ■'last spring

Puuernl nf Mrs, HelenThe ftmerHl ot Mrp. H elen Db I.c.

widow o f WilliHm Dflly, o f Sf'd Johii ■tree! Ettst N ewark, who died batur- day w ill 1>« held tom orrow m orning at fO 'c lo ck from tho rhurch of -he Ho y .'roBs, H arnaun wlu-re a m esa o reuulem w ill be offered, , will be In the Cem etery of the Holy Sepulchre

P.'ASHINGTON. Nov. I I .—The gift of Ihe inemliera of the Houae to Mia.p Jessie tVIlxon. the White House hride-elect. ixlll he R lB"Rmere, This »B" .lei Uh'.l yes­terday "I a conference participated In hy Itcpreaenlatl'e Mann, of Hllnnia. tho Re­publican leader, and hia com m ittee In . harge I'f the sclu'th.n of the g if t ; Speaker I'lark and the Srcaltcr'a daughter. Mica GPiif:vie\ i. Clarl-..

Tho necUlftf'* <vhlrh will f<?*t about S2.0dii. W69 ' ho.'jrn after a dlacuBsion of gift* which ranRf'fl all the way frotn dla- mon<J earrings l = a silver service.


My'slery th at ■' foi Tiial t ii' .11 ik.i ■ 'i roiild not p en etra l, cti" I'aps ihu > .is - of I ’oUccm an I 'a 'h i :'ho«1t'- ''fUraiige. w ho w as n"..> [1 >111 his post tw-clvi! hours on X.ivcmli. I " 'I'he mu’ll w as nn tr ia l la st nigM h cfo ie Hi" t'o- Ik-c Com m iaaion, hlil th" . un.m laalun- ers w ere haffled hy the eiiiKiiia hia vaae pj-eaented. -k'' decisiull ivaa reached. P resident .\lonzo N. Mes.ser said he could not tell " h en it wtiul.lhe settled .

Recorder Frani-iB A Nott. counsel for Shuster, brough t "tit that his c lient, after ta k in g tw o drinks 'vith an LaFt O range firem an In a aaloon 111 1 en tral avenue, w alk ed nine m iles w ith out reco llec tin g a fo o l ..f H'c Jijuincy He m alittained th a t the c'ld .-nce P'ilnG|il to the fa c t th a t Shualer waa not drunk but th a t he w as either Hic victim " a iliiiK or Bome m ental s la te ihiit nan httJe to do w ith the lidimr h.> had taken. He produced tin witneaacs. but r,intended th a t the Lestlmnny nf Ihoae he had Inlorvle’wed convinred him that Shuster w as by no mciins ordinar) j drunk The recorder did not nunio th-j f irrm an .

.-iMiurl lAfrtwu "T M i'n l'itir, -f Nutlfv', J»poK'- "t\ tl:c

-’■nnry am! "f .lor>«cy.,s i:<-*f-r s'l lirujrt'lr \\ny to form H rti^n 3 olub

j'lvl lit'y 'R iTul.i los n-w id© In so"P©., M K ! t i s l f » y tirouylit up

Vi * ('urly movoinout." and apnupdlit'* 'l*.i!-f» in'lors^nent Misfl .\iun© I. '■;in WiiiUiiT' I*lk©d ul-fj; I Ihe i nmpciitn

pla •f' a w'lnifln m©rnl'ur i<n Uic FVj*r<! rtf Il'-aUli said Khr had en* oitnler*dI f r; lu ll ‘ i-ppositlon.


eul a c iio n by Montclair. Orang© itid Ka*l ‘..Yrange toward tlic conatruc- Mrm of a Joint sew age disposal plant, rather than concurrein.e In the P assa ic Valley trunk sew er project, resu lted last uisrhl in the passage o f a resolu - lioT hy Ihe tJleii Kidgft Borough Coun- fil. a u lh u r lz in ? Mayor David Standlsh lo nppoijil an advisory vom m lltee o f cUizATis to consider ihe best course for Olon Rlrigc.

MfjvtT SLaiHliyli urged that som« ©c- linn be v ik en b> <u.iunc!l, now th at E ast firange l\;id d^rinitely affirm ed Its pre-

! vIouH tlevlsiuii uoi to enter in to an j ngn^ernent w ith Ihfi Passaic X a lley I .Seweivigis Voniiiilssion, and said Ih© i advisory voniim ltce should decide I w hether th e hor':)Ugh should act jo ljitly ' with D luom fteld in adopUng som e

H-heme fo i‘ s ew a g e disposal, or m ove [ imlciJcrLdenlly.

YourT ee thDo TheyN eed

None appreciate the value of a sound set of teeth as they who haven t

it. You cannot af- • ■ ford to neglect

them. I f the fear of pain keeps you from having your

, teeth made sound, ou should meei some of

my patients and hear what they have to say

Special Sm i-'C uf t^c VE’TIS.NKW VORIf. Nnv . 11.— The "firat

atory" uf Ml.xa Jeaslc W llsun s wedding cakw waa hel ig Viaked hero tnday. A caterer "n Wcat Slxty-tliird atreet, given th" Ji’b nf halting Ihn Wlnte Honaa wed­ding lake, has taken an early start, aa It will rcijuirc a week t,, finish It.

Ad'an c dcaci'U'tic'na "f It.:, cake de­clare It will he iwn "sKirica' high Over It will tic a white iirii '-niitaInlnc wliit" nrchid'. fhn Iirjl hi''-l "f th" rake wlh

lw cn1'-t"'i inches acrosfl and fmir Inchca deci' ITi" tnp "ann.v " w ||| h e s i j -teen innhea hy f'lur. The inn g will ho plain.

■I'he cake will he mit in 2,non pie.-*a and placet) In hnxes twn inches .Icnp imd three inch"" hing The boxea will lie tied wltn white ribbon


<'iimhfr|rtii'l ."treet, weal "f Fourth slrsAl. llHrn?fin. looks today a*? iJiou sh an army iMiti'-st hfitJ tjccn ©.siablislied. 'I’he 'TvitiMf’ ."tci'l ‘ 'om[)an> has placed several lonn ■ f stopi across tbo wircet. two If-nls :m <- around which bon­fire* fji rn Kinl a nurn1»er of men arft on Vtslrh lo *©1. Ihal no one aaenipta to use *lic hifilmny

Till: hfli< n t'f the steel company is the . rcMili of lliJV'iitH made hy lawyers repre- ’ BerUHthT who are excavating

for ihi' tn iik iu wfjr that they wiuid take Ihe .su»M I Ijy for'.'© in ordei to use the hlKh\Mi\ lu rtHi'li property west of ilio .■Ucel vs'irUi*, uwiicd by tli© PennaiUaiiia Hfidi’uad and o ih u ’a, which ia tu l)e filled in Ilicriji^ht i«f the i-ti-el company lu Muck the flinct i» qiiestinned in some 'iimrtcrH.


A tte n tio n ?

c : .™ ' . ' SAVS 'DON'T j e e r a t c h il d ' s f e a r s '


mUflCWIM - ■ -vanIa aJid pnifeasui- I'f anthropology there, "aa a socuker at tiui meeting of the Men's Asauclatlon ot VImient Meth- odlBt Kplscoprtl I'hurcli laat night Dr Fcmier'a talk w'as iilustrated with stcrcop- ti, on I.lctiiroe Ilf hla s ihjcct, The Navajo Indiana"

Mlw Ella Duntfhf-ath. of St'^'.kholm. is a j^ueai of Mr. and Jlrs. .Uberi B Steven:^.of \ rerlaod avehue.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. carland, of Sat- tprihwalte ftvemjp, retumerl \caicrday

afiPT vlellina friend? in TenaflyrUnton Balmer. of Broapert etroet. whff

' Bpput several months In Liverpool, ro- ! tv;rnr<i home yesterday.

In hi* ndtiress on the 'Tonfiuesl of Self. ' In Ihe [tarish-houae of St. l.»uke s

■ F'pisropal I'horrh, Montclair, laat night.Ttev \n. L TV. Hatten, of Uie Genera!

; ■ni-'uloRivfll Sendnary, New York. «pok« lAfi 111© mclhi'd uf dealing with the aensi- l i \ r ch:ltJ

I - Be w ry oarcfiJl." Dr. Batten said,1 ■ ahuiil lauijhinK at the fear? uf a scnsi- ' live child. If Ihero If anything that I I >\ould Ilk© to im| rr?s upon this audlance j tunijfht It necessity ot taking the

vhMd BcrmfjFTv,"

] R eduction s In water b ills approxi- I m atin g tsu'u ytct© authorlied by tho j ' 'range i.'riinmun Council last n ight.

Since early In the sununer th© council I lias stood 7 to 7 on the qursttoii I w hether reductions should be allow ed I on hillfl w here excessive charges are

4‘ftuatfl by lesk agea . Thia deadlock w as broken laat night by Alderm an

I G allagher, who In the past has opposed j the reductions. With seven other ' n iem btrs o f the Democratic m ajority I he voted to accept the w ater cr»m- j rnlttee r©conimeniiaiions. Mr. L»al- I lagh er is one- o f the F ifth Ward mcm- I hers and his colleague. A lderm an

Freem an, stated last w eek th at the defeat of Alderm an Heberling. R epuh-

I lican, the other niuniher from the F ifth ' Ward, waa due to the latter's op p osin g

red uctions tn w ater bills.

painless meth­ods, and you

would not defer coming To see me another day. Consul! me; w ill cost you nothing.

R n t Set* i. lrn»wu» r,Ti k t. l JR-JJJ

r;«i|ri rm ina© fromSoteonmeUJ OrUh other office

Edmund S. Hine, D.D.S.rria|ii-h>-i "th in- rVffitnl t'arh'

6 7 ! B r o a d S t . "Jdtn t Suritijyii fo u rth l•■|lOJT Ifc* HiiililItJU



of ihe .V&tttS.HAVn.NNK. Nnv l l W illiam Te_aa-

,!ale. Rixty-lw" yeara tild, died ye.iterdav at hla hrme, 11 Kaet Furty-Jterond atreet, IT" wa* a piii'lh: arcm intant ' *admlnlatratlwn of former Mayor Pierre F Garvin he audited the acconnta o f tne Htv. He wna for many vear* a member r.f V'alvarv Fplacopal rhiirvh.

Mr. Teasdalr was hnrn In Enitlana and came lo this ''"untry when a yoiinK man A 'vidow, -no son and two daiiffhtera are li'-in*.

John < . ItbtiaOee.ypr.'lnl Xr i i . f It" ' HI

LllNH HRANi 'H, N"' n -J o h n t . Rhoades, a veterai. r the Fivll War, died fr,,i,; paralys 'csierd ay a t hla home a' ■ .eaiuii'rt Mr Ithoadee. who waa s e ' . year' -'i'l. attended th e f i f ­tieth ann'-'f-raary "t the battle of Get- tysb'irst laat July, "nd suffered a tier- Tous breakdown, l.ater he was atrlcken w-llh paralysis He Is survived by * widow and four children— tw o daughters and two sons Th* children are Lemuel and Harry Rhoades. Mre. H arry I.ausi'h nn-1 Mra Frank iTiance, Mr. Rhiaadee was a member nf lam es B Morris Host. G A. R . and the Jr, O. G. A. M.

KI.IZARK'I'U. Nov. 1 1 — Mias l-OUlse 1 M Haines, daughter of Mr and Mra, ; Henrv A. Haines, I'f Fatrmmint a'-enue, | and Jack r'llter Stockton, of Trenloi', j were niarrh'd at noon today In AAestmin- Bler ITeahj terlaii Church. The o fficia t­ing clergyman was Rev. Frank Haines, of Goshen. N. V., an uncle of the hrfde. aa- slBteo hy riev. l...uils K. Crane, pastor of Weaimlnater, A reception followed at th* residence of the hrlde a patents.

Mr xn-i Mrs. Alhiii 'I’ayl'T. "Tin were married at Fansaa c^ty two wceka ago.


F O R fir iE u r iA T is iiLlriinE fU THAT HAS,.!i^Eti


TRIED AND pROVEN-tO BE THE BEST/ AT ijltX - dRpGClS.TS 2 5 f =: ■


an'l wbn for t'"' I aM w*ck giieats at th'? h^m" i'f Mr, Ta>li>r'fl ['ai- ent* Mr. an<l Mra -'"hn Taylor S r . in nia rihori 1L11'- rnftfl. l©ft yePlerday for a visit at Philadelphia. AtltntU’ City ami W aahlnrtnn They expect to return hor^“ on Saturrlay f- r another stay before goina to Kanea* City, where they will make their home

Mrs. Wllluit-n Tighe will ©ntPTlain mam- hers "f R"h<' of Iiima * Branch. L. C. R A . si h^r home In Chnr. h street t"-

The ReUevlIlf' [lolioo were aaknl tofiRv to pertri’h for Niflinlua .\romando, aix* leen .wars oM. of 172 BclTnonf, avanne,

1 Ip tilt) SIKei Luke Heetion of Hellevllle, j who has beuii ml.*^slng from his homa

aim*e Sunday Mfternoun It la thought I that file youth waft stiisei! with a 'Jftsire j to I rav el, although be gavf hl& family no jln ilm sH cn that he was going away,

V an's De©tb Due to Kxpoaur©.Service of !/ie ^ETFS.

PH ILU PBBUBO , Nov. 11. —Waiter Dqawortb. th irty-eight year* old. died Intn y©$t©rday afternoon at bis home in

©treet, »rom ©xpoture. While yetufiilns hom^ 'ftt© Saturday evening, he

taken lU near hla home and fell to tlM ©treat, w-here he lay all eight In the tainitorm


Funeral o t Mr©. Georne Y.aub.BELVJDERK* Nov. U —The funeral

of Mre Urillla Laub, wife of Georgo 'L.aubt and mother of Mr*. G. Howell Mutchler. whose husband Is county clerk ol.W ixren Cpunly, will he held tomorrow fy o y har late home In Mauafi'eld street

‘flakes Tace loungeTightens Lohe Ties

SBffkil Rmdct of tie A'BIVS,i.'Ai.IFTiN. Nov, l l . —Th* funeral nf

Mra, Mary T. W erne, aeventy years old, was held today at the home of her aon, Jacob Wartie. near Wnodglen. Rev, Harry F King, poetor o f the CaJlfon M ethodist ijhureh. ctflelated . Her body w as taken to \yashlngton, where It waa Interred In the family plot In Mansfield Cemotery-

Mrs W arne died Saturday after an III- nets of several w-eek* from peralyala. She WHS born a l Bloomsbury, and the greater part of her life was spent In 'Warren County. After the death of her husband Bhe made her home with her aon, who moved to W oodglen last spring. Bealdsa her son she lea v es one dau ghter, Mrs. Luacae Howell, who Uvea near Caltfon: one brother at Bloomsbury, and on* alater at Easton. Pa.

The in.jni.ige "f Miss Minnie Schin..ser, da'iRhl’'r >f Mr. and Mrs Aiiraham Si'i'lossi'i, I'f IJti Fairm mmt a'cnue. end Hcjiii. 'ir Fmiiv'T, nf .New York. t"-ik Jilac" Hunilay nfGrnnnn at the Hnl"! llvlmont FlHtihi I'liiirli'.i 1. H offm an porforined the ceremnnv

The bride was attended h.» her slater, Miaa Fannie Schlnaaer. The heat man | was the bridegroom's brother. Mlllon flanger Tin- brida wore a gown of white | silk cTcpe, tr'mmed with Chantilly lace and ciiisters nf orange hlosaoma. On liielr rntiirn fro m e wedding trip to th*' South, Mr. and Mrs Sanger " ill make thtlr home In this city,

hm llh-B oiinor.Mtea F.rncktlne M. B. Bonnot, daughter

of Mine, Rose M. Bonnot, of 5S Mrytlo avenue, In ington. w as married last night to Hora.v Van Dueen Bmlth, ot 130 Cheatmii fitreet. Kearny. The caremony took rlace at tho home o t the brides mother, and was performed by Kov Locaa Boer*, of the N orth Reformed Church, this nity.

g^aeeffer-MtoodrnfC K n gegen jeot.Mr. and Mra. J Hart ey tVoodrtiff, of

1041 Clinton avstiiie. Irvington, ha' s an- nounesd the engagem ent of their daugh­ter Mias Olivo Ray W oodruff, to t.eorg" Victor Schaeffer, of .17 W est End a'S- nue. this city. No date has been set for the wedding.



Tw',' birlb'lB' Rmilveraarlea 'verc cele- nraleU 1a..i nighi m Ibe homo nf Mr, and ■Mrs. WllUnni CInrk. nf South Third street. Harrieun Their .ecina. William snd John, were Ihe celebrants, W illiam's aiinl' ersary oc, urred yeaterday and John's today.

Herhnrt liecker. I.mils Marker and WUIlBin Hnnl' n. ,f kJast Newark, left to ­day ill Mr HS'itcra automobllo tor a Hhi'intliig trip at .Mm'opln, N. T.

i I'atlvnt'a L iberty Short-lived.I Newton W illiams, forty years old,I f.,r flf len i years a jiallen l at the Essex ! (’m.nty Hosiiltal at Overhrook, escaped \ from the institution yesteid ay. but was

caught in Essox F ells aeversl hours afterward, W illiam s and several other

■ uatlenta were d'llng some work on tho grounds toward ii"..n. "heu ha desened

for the nearby woucls A general alarm , ,vi,6 soul mil lu the police 'if Hie ueaHiy I ni.-ipamles, A"»iil three hours after \ ihc es'-aiio, ‘ 'hlbf '•

F 'sol,It "f Essex FcUb. oumd the pa- Heni wanderi.ia alnlis Roseland avenue, 'I'llllams was com m itted from Ibis city.

A m opg the tn ses rapnrted ye*t<irfYay at a m eetin g of the directors of llie tlhiJdren's Aid and PruteotSve Soi:;lety of th e O ranges, w as lh»t of a m an who iu sa id lo have three w ives and who is believed to he liv in g In another S ta le w ith ti fou rth . Ha deserted on© o f h is wlvoa in Orange ebou l a year n y j, lea v in g her to care for the fam ily , Shi> has no m eans of support save th a t given her by ralatives. A gent A u gu s­tus W. Abbott reported the case.


MDifTcuiR soaiu. AcnvmEs

d e n t is t . ^neat work rd-I material*, hackeil up hy

vear*' exper!e»’ ’«> ® »mall toet l knowh“ ' " r \NK W. EICHKORN, Det'J"l Su' aeon. Orvenwowl ave. and Main •!.. t-asl 0>- an*e. over E»*t Orange Bank; bou ™. b to «; evening* and Sunday* by appointment, tel 320.. Oran*©.vvALLE^APFR, Imported and ‘lO'nMtlc: ©ampl*.decora ll ve ©kftche* furnlebM. firr-rlstl work, A. KRIEOER.Painter. 'J4 ColambSa «l'. W. l^range; le!.3080W

Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss DorotlTy finodecor, daughter of Mr, and Mr*. LTlphalet Pnedecor, of W atchung avenue, to Dr. Thf^ima* Lloyd Da Puy, o f Jam es­town. N. D - to take place at the W at- c-hiing A venue Congregational Church, the night o f November 29. Tha ceremony will be performed hy Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor of the First Baptist fh u rch . • • •

Theodore Amca Jr. and fam ily, of Christopher fitreet, iTave returned from Bradley Beach. Avhere they spent a few <!ays at their summer home.

* »W. W lllet Hose end daughter, Mtaa

Frances Rose, of A le’cander avenue, Upper Montclair, have gone to New York, w here they have taken an apart-

‘ ment In W est Ninety-fourth street.

TllEA'i RK t ic k e t s bouBhi, Newark and New York thefttrtf©; good ©ervlca: roftiwnabl©, a , _ a ..aa —_ »* eKa U1nBrV*ront ineantf*, buwu -x.ix*x«. ----

oharaeiL wonderful attraction ©t th* HlTOo- drome. LORTON’S Book Btora, 3S& Main i t


i ! ! i n m a i € p e m n g 9 t e1$S MAIN STREET,

opposite Cleveland Street.

( aHIrm an’e Body Sv»t Hume.Tho body of A lbert A. Sluxder, a

cattle di-olor o f HreciH-asHv- I'ti.. who dropped dead yeeterO ay lu Hie Irvlng- ,ou H otel etabUB, a t Sprtugllcld W est l-•Uutou avciiuea. was srat to hiehum" today. I'nuiity Physician Mc-L n x le view ed the body yesterday a(-ten w o n atid ""Y ’ ]afLur Hniiouncing th at death wns duft to apoplexy. George 1'son of the deceased, a n lv e d In Irv ington th is m orn in g and took Charge o( the body, w hich had been rem oved to a local u n d ertak in g vatnbliBhment.


SSXHEB'S School ot Danclnt, SOI Male e l.Orenae; *11 th* laleet bellroom dance* by

appAj!nlm©fTt; apeclal tango class ©vsry at* t«rnoon[ 'phon* 46D7W.


nfsi nighUnd Av. Dapot; luBtrument* tor i

FTOFIM SASn. holb«ij •ash, molding*, dw *.luTTvhnr and mill work. J. A. N^LL CO.

liSfen nvr.. near rsitroad; ‘phon© M4R _______

Mrs E. E. Jones and Miss M arguef- Ito Jones, of Philadelphia, are the g u ests o f jGlrs. S- B. Miller Jr., o f H ill- aide avenlie.

* * *

Mrs. A. Romeyn Pleraon, o f D ouglas road, le f t la s t n ight for Buffalo to a t­tend tho m eetin g of the N ew Tork F ed era tion o f 'Vometi's C lubi. Mrs. P ierson 1« a delegate from the E clectic Club o f New Tork.

jRnsln©** off!r© ©p n ontil 8 P- AdTarUsementi revel vrd for publlGstlODtame d©y uotil 11 A. .M.

{Orangp unon Market KIKMJ l^rivaie lirnnrh e ConnrrtliiK *M dc(

(ilrP s Amaoyer F ined #MI.For ann oying Mias Mary PoUsKI, a

maid w h ile w a lk in g 1n Grove atreet. : near Oxford el reel. M ontclair

day night. Leonard ^Gard^ " L

. .^xrhoJig© dcpartmrntsi


U'Aiirllla” to Wom*n’a Sph©T*.>A fretful ©xprvfSioTT. a wrinkled face and,fad*d cemplexl<3Ti. dn more to drive the

mat© mamber© froro home toan le commonly

£pectol dfATlra of the yEW 8.NEWTON, Nov. ll.^ T h © fuftiral of

Mr©- Mary Tttman, widow of B altls Tit-

SOUTH ORANGE4t Fourth Tel.

m s s 'SUPpoted. It «■-©* one of ray greateti dlf- fioultic© t© appear ©mlllni. freih and «lt-

■ '©hen my dear one* ware wlih me. hav© Qvercom© ©11 that. I havi

xnati. who died suddobly fiupday a t tiM*----- ... t . . . rr"...*-.-

tt i

9 Ul i fiav© pvervomr a-u npat. s navi my m ental attitude and I no© find

nl l pfflonu nature to look cheerful. Du* portly t© this, partly to a rtmarkobl© treat- meal reoonina©nd©(3 by a friend, my app©©re OIMi Pm Oo Improvid t look flfU«a year©

^flttiisbr than btfor©.A wtDpI© faet lotion m&ds by dtaielvtof

ap MB©© of powdered eitollte In a half- plat witch hao©l. proved ft wfinderfuli «iriail©'0ba*©r. 1 ©till u©* thl* oceaiioa-

To r«A0vftt© m r complexion I pur- cbMed a^ -^n o© o f ordinary morcoilavd 'Mia' at Jny drugsdvt'g oad baforo u*lQg ihit

-d'morvsieu© u'aasformatlou had tiiU*n Sop a It tro© like rim ivlng nn ur.tilglitly MMlif rpveeUni’ u n»w toce, yoULhfnI

• f dlatlacttve dr!:r.(y, elaai'

Aitau, V> UV AAiVU OUUUOUiJ UUWU«J ta 1>4tahome of her eon, W'lJiiam Tltmati. neat Blair, will be held at 1 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, at the homo nf har eon. Rev. Mr. Hough, pastor of the Swartawood Methodist Church, will officiate. Inter­ment will be made In the Bwartawood Cemetery.

W eller A, Evan*, of Second J;''rector ot the Board of tender a reception to h e ”H. Evani, at the letter e homo In Valloy otreet. tontaht.

Mre. H. C. Hartman, "’ho ha* been the r-jcel of her father, .luliua Seldler. ot Ward place, returned today to her Lome In Hartford, Conn.

Orimier. T# FrtTiTlIi T*l. >2KW,BRICK qUURCH-^

B Bloek. Main it. T«l. IDK*-Marka « ft-llro*" r' ,T*l-

Mi T«ar**7* * laiwj M*j ftP -.-ae ••••told cream before niirlaif, weak

r i U Metaitttf. To* U r t treslmeai ' >erd*«ee*et.

P u aera l o l C he'.o* H, Laaah JfSW BRUNSWICK, Kov, U . — TTw

tunoral ot Charloa H. Ivong, a vateran ^ Ihe Civil War, will ba held tomorrow a f­ternoon from h li 1*1* horn*, SO Notlaon ■treet. Ho eonod In Company K, Firat Now Jeraey Volunteer*, and tinea Ot* war tip to eleven your* n io he had hoeiii a 1m ."4"A 0"1 mF 11.., .•.rf.ife siIhIa BI m R


war b'J W4tf'vsi /Mui" Mju nflfl usnitIn the omploy of the . .'...eyji a.nla flan- road. Me waa h r.ior.rx. . tho 1. G, 0 , f.ruau, T>C I'ur 4iiwi«. AV. ' • titu d. a./| Vi .tar forty yaart. A hrotiiec and iw o elaU ii a'jr'lva I'-i"- Yhay are Mre, William fluydam, of Baltlttioroi Mr#, H arty V*>i Sauraati, of thia olty, and rran k Long, of jaraajf «»ly.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Jacobui, 'jf Orove avonu*, are vlalting relative* In

^ jC an k W. tVIckham, of North Clara- mont avenue, le viaitin* hla brother, D. A. Wickham, of E nfliih toam ,

Oeoria W. Brown, of Bloomfield ave­nue will roiurn tom orrow from an auto­mobile trip to Barneiint Bay.

llobeM A. Junto-. |KAdTON, I’tt, 'Nov, 11,-.-Robert A. i

Jatiiee twice praaidoBt of the i t o i* ' liar.Us.'*' .teeocittilon and a member of eettrai impofiaiH oom m iiieoa of tJioa a.aA.Al a. Al AM dlM*1

Yeaie'r, s*» Male .i T.L »91M ttast g r a n g e —

8 BIO?k, Main nt. T*i. J84L.Brodl© * Kolodln, i:o Main al.Frl^iiburg. ID Gn" Tit''0i d ava. T*l. li67W. HaSSman *51A C^rtral ©v*. T*l.! l” tl“ ISO M*ln Tel, 431SW,Morrla IfA Main at. Tal. 346DR- valman. s*< Main at. Tal 812R.PoaaO. EDI »t. Tal.dich*. rantral avt. T*l. o?4W.

7t Main *l' Tal. 79DJ. _S!©*© Central av* ancl Oak » t T©L


Van 'Winkle. Fruntzal iior©, Bak«r ©l tad M©pl*^ood av*.

q b a NOK \'ALLET—Oalllgan* D3 For#n it. T*l. ITIlJ,K.<©lfr, 4fl* Scotland *t, T©!- 10K>. Bpallman. High. Av*. station. T©L ItDi lMtt#i*man. 7 ror*ii *i. T©1. t»o*W.

SOUTH OR A.VO E— Jr^R ^ ^WaUac©- South Oranga aM E v Railroad

vrVI^T ORAVGE- ijT r _Sraadi*. ( -Mfttr at.

I Martin, 11 v«n*y fcad *7A«W.

na'b' ITIEUI- i-CJii a. ■ VI .................. ,Mroft, thai tu . n. puid a 5a0 floe In the .Mont, 1,11- !■'.llce tlo iirt yeaterday af- ten ioo ii Miss P olaakl asserted that Gnrdl fu llo w ci her for several blocka and ac«M*Htf'il her. Sh© added that ihe man ha^- effered no peraonai vlolemie. Recorder YorL ©aid In impofling th© fin© that rtcvfiral slm Uar annoyances of young wotiivn imd recently oc­curred Ir Ihe tow n and th at he pro­posed tc put :i atop to them If possible

Mr. and Mr*. C A. B illin gs hava re­tu rn ed from their gummer hom e at O ceanport to spend the w inter a t their R ldgtiw ood avenue home.


M ove to OppoMc C om m U aloo .Citizens of the Second Ward o f liearny,

irrespecltve of party, are organizing to oppose a commission government project tn th© town. One of the ward leaders Bald today considerable objection w as ©&•> pressed to th e scheme on account o f th© expena© which a apSdal election would #^ntaU H© claimed th at such an election will coet not less than 13,000. It Is also reported that stmllar organization will be cifected in th© other three wards. Th© *’omml&aion Government I*eague eztpects. ....k-e. ta_ __ alAl***..fl »** 111 „ „ ' f

rh am i* < l"vk <n Hjicok in r© ld w fll.Spenker ChaTiip Ulark la schcfiuled to

dplivei' HTI it'Idrcss liHfoic ilir Mena t.Tub of Uiu '-lujichca of i.'uldwell In ttip Firs! rrfsbM ci'lan Uliurcli, that place.D ecrm brr 13, on "The United S tates Inthe Twciiik-th <',.nmry." Tho club will be enterta ined to n ig h t by the Maaurgja Glee Club o f M anhattan. Thirty s in g ­ers, under the l«fad«rahlp o f Ldward G. Marquard, w ill be heard. Frederick G. Shattuck w ill be th e accom panist. /

to file this week its petitions calling fora special election.

Aitiermait OgnUari' AuQfiltttlon, d M I yu ieeday, Me * • * a l » ^ t a t a * »

Everybody hnowo (Uet pracHeally everybody else In liU neighborhood who resdt « newspaoer ia a reader of the Evenlhg Newi. There It no gttiii- werk about the Newi'i clrettlttlon.

D odgre AiHo, HK by T rolley Cer.■While ir y ln g to dodge an autom obile

1 yeaterday aftrrtioon Daniel Conway, o f D avie avenue. Harrlaon. w as knocked down by a K earny trolley car

I at Central avenue and Third atreet. Baal Newark, and cut and bruised abbut Hie face and body Conway waa tak en to th e cdEce o f Dr. W illiam B. MrGlennon. near b y .w here hie Injurlea

, Were dreaaed, and th en he w ent to ble t home.

Xavc hiilelde frum P oltera’ l'’(eld.i.’harlOB J. W illiainso,,. o f Harrlsor,

avenue. Harrlaon, notified Ijndor.aker I ’a ir ick J. Condon, o f that tow n today, th a t he w ith a number of others, would bear th e expense o f the bu ria l of C harles J. Bonnell, wno w as found dead, a su icide from gas, in h ts room a l 2S H arrison avenus, H arrison , on Saturday m orning. W illiam son’s a c ­tion k ep t th e body from b e in g Interred In P o tters’ fie ld today. BonnoH's home wa* a t Macon, Ga. "Word o f Ms death h as been sen t to that c ity , bu t th* police h ave ascsived no answ er.


AMERICAN CO.f r e s e n t s

The Last Days of Pompeii

fr o lo g n e In th ree s e ts of *"« "arts e seb . Itlrecl from 'VJ'el- feck's T heatre. New York City. J a ,t com pleted an engagem ent "tthe N ew ark .'. ‘. T tly different Ter©1«B Ikan *•*•*?" ifrorge K le in '- tb"* n— and s o r c e s- tu lly pre*cnU’il «t Ihift ih tatrr-

O r c h e s t r a - B a lco n y - - R e s e rv e d

- 2 5 c

- 1 0 c

. 3 5 c

d l l

NKW Y'OK; trainmen on roads iiivolvi j©v«n \yer c‘©i of the K«l*‘ra down laat nin

Th© award and tiO.ODU i wage «?©at ot men had sei vanct.

Dissenting •©nlaliveft oi of th© ronirt the neutral i vole©.

fn flgurlriK ©rbltratur© 1 n«© In the f dale of th© 1 rise wa* (t«v<

Referenc© Its report ti advftno© up th us upon cost of tra tors. wUll© to pass u|iot low in g pom'

Th© possit upon Ih© f railroad© mi Is coTvcernoi th© ompluye' th© federal '

.AttanUuu Itef th at rn duced. alm os pendltures and Improv

It U dec) would inak TiMded for devic©© wot tun© for !he ^f such a he bad anou would t'O "< p loy ©8 10 1addad.

The pr©8i the Kasrein I'flnta a ton low©©! In th

By thw ii> lenUon ibai the hoahl of th© rfpinl pome In Itnv

Th© men van*.© Ibai wa^e R'-ale i ©rn roads, i are, huvu'vt ing with en th© 8o!ith©a

Tn a nur board atoftn th© cotitenti iroversy, bi all that ©lit

Th© boar ganlaed uni' of March 1 taniber 11.


BOSTON, who have t tween the Company ai Street Rail ploy©©, mad tng. which prom! id.

E xlftm g paniea and half hour©' valid, and 1 of th© "ntr by th© I&at

But ©tipi than sixty ©hall b© no a^d ©ha!! than an©-tl eleven con le©s than within twel th© remain c<lev©n and

Tt la fur than forty fthai) consl work, and one-half w half within



fipfriftl Ren PA SSA l

Sarah Fal Monroe a tlO and 1 court, chi to m inors pleaded 1 Coatello T

Th© an nf a leal School N sm okers i none of years of th© boys Faber ©tc

Thfi dti In the I teacher b colics. Sh ette© ma< how man class. T m in utes i tin g thearplnatioi further i th a t com to b© lU ©mall etc Ih© ©am©

LADIES' bca\er, r*U, velour ily d and reshaped- GUKRIN BROS,. 2H

Main *1.. Orsi fii?: 'phana S0OYt.

P. J. D1il

JBRStt vine* of 1 h li comr th© Hude departmc begin hli of |1,70( th e ©xp< City.

Devin© of Hobol by the 1 a charg< the balli m ary el«



KOl'It SHGM'S .Y h a y

CarimeDi-lBg .nl - r , M- '! '•Til5 P. M. aud t,il3 P. Jl.

Special Si SUMM

cape fro Frank K w u arre noon by after th< Is tbs &l

Hemm the bluei mad* a I over Ms and is'be nnsF to i

, two ihol Hemm

Wes tak, was senl Ing a rei came he

Hemm ago fur of his pi

After report i been ah' waa miJ the truti

David Bispham***_..*. ascisgwaipar '

H eef Orange le City Pbew. |B eat O range w ilt contribute to the

city p lan n in g exhibit to be g iv en ,n New T ork on November t l by the A m erlean C ity Bureau. Vla'wa ih o w -

iiK ciT A r..Friday F v e u l'is .Yovemhl-r 1 (. .’ t LH5.

New l.*rK e .VuilHorluin.MIsS nk L lM n'' kCHOOl,

ia»JJ 4.*Ui 0«,tl. wp TTW •**»**-l i ^ ^ y g r o u n d and ahaJU tree w ork

BarKelwir A-ye, C r « g r . .Y. J.j -.P op ular Frtcea

■Sht to th* sxb ib ibA dalta ..................S],MV agin I ta ta a ta a a d J a a i n * .■ ■■ >S<M


day Uni the oat County ceodlng the poi U r. He B o rg n being ti of tlia I

aes. ,*



$12^ a l u e

h • • I n dIn p*y

Idflan to &ka, M tnown *11 r worth

r v e d

600BrcM dStreet

t the set of

haven't m ot &f- negiect

he fear ;ps you [g your

sound, som e of d hear

to say t , m y s metb- nd you ; to see ll m e; i'


m .la 7


iEMENTSert lift by Ihlfty L-OBt, "1 knowN. r>oni«l Stji 1 SI,. Laat Or- houn. y to fl.

tnttnt; l«l

imeitlo: Mmpl*. furnish^: flrtt-aiierb*n«er«n«d: lel.3O»0\V

lowojk And New ca; rMUKinebla at the Hippo*

. 869 Mfttn et

$01 Main it . oom dencee by claaft every af*

gTRUCTJON.w ave.. Orance,nimetiti tor iaie.

moWInKi. doore. A. NEILL 0 0 . ne 544R.

and veJvet h§ie UN BROS,. 2H SI'.


Dayspeiiact* ot

frnqi w « l- Vnrk C its,

saaem rq t at .In en tlr t-

Ihao that o l noe rerrnlly rre-cnti'd nt

- 2 5 c- 1 0 c- 3Sc

I n i yMm d V. M

!13 p.



m t m


Federal Arbitrators Award Wage Advance Figured as Equal to

living Cost Rise.M EANS $ 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 TO RA ILROADS

NEW YOKK. Nov 11 - - f ’...ndix itirw anrt trainmen on the forty-one r.aat»'in ra:i- roftda liivolveti obtain an Int'rttirae ol Mvan jrer c*«nt. In ViSKea by Ihe hvmiN of the Federal .\rhitratloJi Hoard. tiainl*vl down laet ntirht

Tha anard affeota t:i»riilucu>raand ao.OuU trainman, i l iiureaafa tfif vtage eofli of tha roatia ili,uuu.vo" The men had aeked a fifurttn iivr cent, ad- van ct.

Dlaaenllnif repoMs wer^ filed bv repre aerrlalivee on the hi»artl_ of bA.ih Hides t»f the roniroversy luaklBif If P'ain thal the neutral HThltrait»ra h id the itatidini* voice.

In flm^rlnk it tmele f“r the euard the arbliratora laid i-h ef atfesa . b“n ihe rlaa In the rum uf llc ins ■m'*' date of the laet rireceilin^ Hdv»n>e I'hte rl*e wa* tteven per rent

R eference I.h inntle hy the iirwinl m I t i report to the hearlriK i f iho whkh advance uprjTi rallrtHid ftnaiu-o uikI th us upon the nffirloii' y andcoat of trenBj)ortatl'»n, Tlie urbitra- tora, w h ile dlaclHlmlnK all authority to paai upon ratuH. enifinaBiaed the fo l­low in g pom ts In lin e lo g u n l.

Tbe poBBible e ffec t o f wsiKe iniTenaes upon the flnancm ] rumlUion nf the railroada m ust be Ignored. The board la concerneil so le ly w ith the w urili of The em playe'a eervlre; (he leat lif-.nvillh the federal and rtiale rate ir lbu iia la

.LUehtloU ia cttlleil lo the bimrd a be­lie f Ibat railroad liRRard may l»e re- ducect. alnioat in exarL proportloh to «»* j


A n ew kink to the d lecu filo n o f th e u ltln ie l^ effect i)f cu ttin g off'N ew York bank* fro m being reserve agen ts (or Interior banks under th e p ro v is io n s o f th e currency bill a s It stands, has been a g ita t in g th e banking c o m ­

m unity.T he iioUon h:is obtained ground , w hether w arratil'

edly or u lb erw lse, that th e a c tio n con tem p lated by th e currency tdll In preven ting In terior banks from carrying a con sid erab le proportion o f th e ir reserves at Naw Voi'k, i>r t'hU'ago, or SI. Lottie, mainly' at New York, of course, would rosult In N ew Y ork banks, for Instance, e iilor ln g a oum[>alK» to Induce lartte depositors a t the Interior to curry accou n ts at .New York, Instead o f w ith

local Instltutluna.Iiltlu -rto noth ing o f th e kind h as show n Itself to an

estet it to ca ll for cornm ent. C ountry and ttietropolUan hunks h a te worked In harm ony. T he so -ca lled needs nf th e L ast for funds, for Instance, h a v e been met by the placin g n f part o f the Interior ban k reserves w ith New York or CbicaKo or St. L ou is Institutions.

T hat s i l lo n such a s th is w ould produce f ilr llo n am on g Imnks goes w ith out saying- T hat som e such sit- uallon h a s been considered uf en o u g h Im portance to he d ls iu ased am on g hank h ead s E a st. W eal and South , is BUlhi'lein to ntlract a tten tion .

A ccurdlng to report by th e com ptroller o f the cu rren cs , the cahtral reserve c ity banks hold for a c ­cou n t o f o tlier batiks a t th e Interior about $li3&,700,0()u . T lic NalloiiuJ City Bank o f N ew York, for Instance, ha.s nearly or about d ep osits from other

bankd.If ih e . iirrency bill prov la lou s applyltiK to resorvea

Ku th rou gh su b stan tia lly a s th ey are now, 11 would m ean

th a t w ith in three y«ar» a ll o f th is m onoy. tb e flve-h un- dred ahd odd m illions, w ould have lu be retained In th « b an k s to whK'h it b e lon ged or in th e vaults o f th e fed era l reserve biwiky to w h ich th e Intfrlor banks w ere atlau h ed .

Nev York t'lty banka, uf course, w ould be th e h en vlea i UiaerH uf such d op osila aful v u u ld have hard aieddinfi to put ih em so lv es in p oslliu n tu m ake up th e rev en u es lost by not hav in g th a t unuuinl (o Lend out iu ad van tage.

At present none o f th e cen lra l rreurve city banks bother ab ou t gettlfiK in ter ior cn m rn erm i ixin\ in-^ustrlnl nr u lh er aecim n ls. Rut It it* now polnu-d u u t^ h a l If biff vuy banks were mH jierjn ilted lu Iu m ' any conslderii- I'lft pruportlon uf in ter ior l.»ank restrvrs uii deposit u n ­der th e new reg im e, In all hkebliciud m any uf th e larger banks at cen tra l r o sc r \e c itie s would start s oan i- p algn to d iu m up accon n la from h u ge d ep o sito rs »U uvTf th e cou n try This, o f (‘lojrsi', would Inlei fere w ith d e iio s lis rtl Interior hank:< and HnlagoiilRnis m is lit result.

It Is furihMr poin ted uu l tluil Hiv iaravr in terior coni- mt-rvial and ih d u sm a i an a u u iei cum -uins are a lready w ell caL^ualiited With I h'f advanlit gea w hich m ay bo u ffe ied by cen tral reserve uity b an ks lo eecure d ep o sits th rou gh th e H ccon im od aiions wlm 'h they tth e m or- ehantfi and m a n u fa c lu n T s) a lread y receive th rou gh

of eom m ei' laI paper at th e big cities.W orse than th at, frutii one vlew pidn i, is th e fact

that tlJi- <iin'cm-y lull would leml itse lf, a s It m^v s ia n a s . t.j th is intA uincni th rou gh lU free c o lle i-Hour jif < h* fk.H .ilaii b>' who h a c fo u n ls of d istan t ' us- lu n iers *nuid be i-iisiii efllc len tly and i^cuiiomlcall> hunoJed 80 sfime uanUera sjiy.

BROKERS DISCIPLINED INpSndltureH for nioderiuzitig the toads

" f t ,f‘'t';ttu'“.‘ ;”*,:!iicy uuu r marconi stock scandalw ould m ake lrnpf*psn>l6 exiiendliu ieti i __useded for Improvaiuouta anit safety i , , v n n v vo v 1 1 —The committee of d.vIcM would be "H profoum i mlefur- 1 , . K^.-hanKC, which h a .tuno for the whole naliuii, ' The effect |'h e Londoii ■ „r«nrtRl in Americano f -uch a r..llcy, 1. CH explained, would | been 'hne.dermg hehe bad enough upon t rnnspor iai ion, ll i ’ '"L ' ,„m cr partne.ra ..f thewould he ■■enmim.r If it . n.o.Hcd em- | years J h '

THE DAY IN CONGRESSIN sd m na r y v ie w



Harried Retreat of Litter Felt Throughout List-Reading and


M;,\V Vi i KK N’uv 1 1 !nlb« »iurk nuirl.ri itkday I'asiufil « rally. The 8luiH|i -f vr8te*rdey brought d . wn prfi va (i) U \ ' I hti-h rfauli»*tl lu iiuTeni^d b\»yina for tLt* b»mf avAounl 'irtideri bcimiu miTf cuufiriC'nUy "in acrounl of ihe riiimnBl'm r^irtilH of thealiiut int'-rehi Ttiv liifl lem'v of tlie Tmr- nt‘d K ir-Mt •! Ibt' L't'ut H YU46 full iftrouah- ■Mit ibe lii*i

Thu Hwni 1 -if lilabrr wi«i*ff to cori- d'li'lurH riiii IriilmiWUi ‘U> i;ui*turn I*'Ki1h WH't nf hi'l*' i f iv f l . n* > nil- 8'iih ••urn- I'mim.Ht*' li.i'.i I ■ I [J Koijciall'i rviH tP'ilH 11»®

.iUurtj \sH» li*li‘(nJ uLi i » It' 111' ti' f'll adviii-H 1 nifTn.nK tli»* vP'MiRJi mlun- t'l.Ii. Ihn U 'l.v - iy Itl rnpiM I mrltt! priuBa Ri>ruHd Hnd \ur refusal -u tin* rnurt* to •m.luin N*‘w lluvcn a tt;7 inm iiOn bond'HH'ii' Hi'tid >■ i-ros irrvK'.!'’.r

Thi* rail' YYini-ti IhI*-«lri> wAa vuMitriUcd In tnul-li,a Tliu wb' I. ;u,llvi3 lli't lilKbef.with llie demt'nJ kreiii'i^t bi r llcudluguiikl 8lvi'l tlrtiM* "f a piiliu w-'if mudt'by I’nluii Pu' ifiL. SoiiIlu'Mi I'luinc.

I'liniiu, ibi.itii LSlHcuU

'lilt* h4*aiH MM" iuUd iJM'S-sM! Itl K»*tHlnckH at llinlMli;.- Ilk** llu*

h< of nrlllii^: was' H”111'ru 1 |:n I riH I'f I t kv

li Iiuibt nf Ibi' hUimlord LirdaS h i‘lu**!iiii flig'

I w ill tccurgtely Ht your eyes with the b est g la sses it Is p ossib le to make at any price you w ish to pay,

H i I b D rn Quality (Hasses at low as SI

$ 1 -7 5$ 2 -50

L. B. HILBORN. 0 . Pti. D.eireslah t SgM lallaf. IB W eal Park Bl. tlilab llak ad IHBS



10 urnereHHHfy hn/ardB. it Is j !*im k hrukvraaiThe inm m lliec foundp loyes ----------- - . ,sadrlad rtjfi. - ■ - -

The’ present aveiaRC froikht rale m | firm adopted knproper m#thud the Easter n lerrlim v i.h Rind K. 1>e tw.. | uir the sbare.R nn the market

ton for u ih ree-n lile ha\ili ibe

lhat the In plat.-

I’onte alowest In the world.

By the award the mi’n l.ise llivir oui- lontlon that wabccs be ntundiinJiKed, imt the hoard in tiR r*fT'ori; rl">iantn ItS'df of the rjptniun tliat Hlandrirdlzallnn must pome in time.

The men (ailed aU o t-a oblatn an nd- vanue that wnuld init them im Uu? name waife Ri-ale br the ein|>l->\»‘H of tlu‘ WPet- ern roads, as they bad demanded Th -y are, huw.evi’r, |ilfi«e<l un an e \e ii fo'.d- Ing with employes of the siinie, claws In the ScuilheaBt

In a ruirnber of H*‘paraU points the board atcered a loiirae midway liptween the contentloria uf the parlies to llv' luJ.- iroveffty, ftiid in nu caao waa the uwiud all that either side had demanded

The board, wbirh wa,s the fust or­ganised under the amended Krdmaii act of March I last, began Its labors tim ber 11.



FOETON. Nov. 11.—Tho flrtilirRtorH who have been eunshlerim; a rti.spuie be­tween the HprinKfleld Slroei Hallway Company and the Wnr- uster t'cmsolliiaLed Street Rallwayfl pyMern luui their em ­ploye*. made public la«t niabt thetr find­ing. which la In thu nalure of a com- promise.

E xlitm g contracts between the coin- paniea and men. calling for nine and one- half houri' work In twelve, are upheld ss valid, and not Invalidated by the enacting of the "nine in eleven-hour law ’ passed by the last Le^lslaturfi,

But stipulation Is nmde that ' not leas than sixty per cent- ><t tne stheAHile runn •hall be not m-'re tlinn nine hu .rs' wt rk. and shall be Su erranKed that not lesn than cme-third ehall l a completed'’wivliln eleven conpecutive houra and iti^l n«l less than onedhlrd shall be completed within twelve consecutive hours, and that ih e remainder sFiall be completed within edeven and one-half consecutive Iiouts.''

Tt Is further stipulated lhat not more than forty per cent, of the aobeduie nma phait consist of rune and one-half hours' work, and that these shall be completed one-half within eleven hours, and ^ n e - haif within twelve hours.


fipreidl fi'en'ice of fA«PASSAIC. Nov. I t .—Morrla Faber and

Sarah Faber, brother and sister, of t43 Monroe street, yesterd ay w ere fined $10 and tfi, reBperllvely. in (he police court, charged w ith leU ln g c igarettes lo m inors. The m an and hia slater both pleaded Ignorance of the law. Judge C ostello refused to reduce the fines,

The arrest o f the F ab ers grew out of a lesBon In ph ysio logy lti Public School No. 0. This revealed n iueteeii sm okers In a c la ss of twBnty*-four boys, none o f whom Ip m ore than tw elve years o f ago. M ost of the cigareU ea, the boys said, w ere purchased at th e Faber store.

The d iscovery of the em ail am okers In the c lass w a s made when the teacher brought up th e subject of n ar­cotics. She told of the etnln th a t c igar­e tte s m ade on th e ftngerSs and asked how m any sm okers there w ere in tbe class. The room waa atlll for a few m in utes and then th e teacher, not g e t ­tin g the desired answ er, began an e x ­am ination. The principal Instituted a further In vestigation , w ith the reault th a t com plaints w ere made. It is said to be lik ely th a t a num ber of other sm all storek eep ers m'IH be arrested on the aam e charge.

MpyboLini vtsBfd tlio ThiteJ S ta tfs In iiiinpanv wltSi Uodfray U a a n . man- iiKliiK ■liroitor lha Msrranl W lrrless rmiiDiiny, ami brotlier of iMr Rufus Isasc.s. now lor<l ‘ hlef Justice. This visit uccurrtd just when the deal between the Aioericar and Hritl-h M companies was iftiisummated. Heybmirn was later an importatit wltnc.-is before the parlla- tiRUtiiry ,-,i'nmilie.- which consiilered the action nf several British Cabinet M inis­ters. who l.ouBht .tiinerlcan Maroon! hlmres

TIu! report «if the oornmiUee of the s'hiock l'.:x<'bane'' was pueted this mornlng- l l RcQuUa brokers connected with the

including Urenfejl & Co., brokers of till' Am rncan Marconi oeimiBii)'. and e»- preaaes the t.elief lhat they acted In Kootl faith


FU'S’TdN. Nov. ]J,—Judge Sheldon, of the Suprem e Tourt (odsy refused to i s ­sue iui oTfter TTStmlning the New Mflvcn Hallroad iNmipany from Isnuing (tie ifiTdfd'.'iOO debenture boTids rerent-

I 1\ fluthorlKftrt by the I’ublic S**rvice I (unmit^sion. A. reRtrainiuK order w as Bought in a bill In equity filed by (or- nit-r ilo\**rTior Morgen Huckelej". of (..’oitneolicu l

rHOVIHENCE. FT. 1.. Nov. U — A d e­c ision th at the proposed $67,000,000 bond Issue o f the New H aven R ailroad wtlJ not be legal in Khode is lan d w as announced today by Banlt ConiiTilw- aloner G eorge H. Newhftll. The Issue, he say*, w ill not com ply w ith the S tate law, w hich requires that in such cases the earn ings of k corporation sh a ll he Twice the in terest charges. Under th is decision trust comiiiHileh In R hode le l- and c'4#niioi carry the bonds a s a s se ts and sa v in g s banks cannot buy them at all

EENATE\ . . t In RftWBi. n. Mi'Ctfl 'J h .rs<la.' tSenalur Kern, rhalrtnan >d Hie l>*'mi'-

crst1<' reiiciiR, tailed » lu irc tu y cunii'r- en< e f"r educHiln)

banking roinmiiu-o h i.-*; cn'lcd w-.rU until Thursday

l-bJlfiEMet at noon'rransicted r.a buslnee* nnd adjo'rned

at 12:33 IV M to noon A\>tJnp*day


With $2,000,000 Subscribed in Day, $ ^000 ,000 Campaipers j

Enter Financial DistrictSOME LARGE CONTRlBimONS M ADE





KFTY YORK, Nov. 11.— More than 80n bankera, bufllnesa mer and others, at tbe New York l-k’diomb- Club banquet at the Tlotol Aetor last evening, among them .losepb H q'lmuilty, Berretary tu the P resi­dent. listened to an address by F'rank A. Vandcrllp. prealdent of the National CKy Hank of New York. In which he called on Prealdenl Wilson to prevent currency leg- laifttlon by caijcua and allow' ample tim e for full consideration and the passage passage of a sound, economic measure.

Representative Carter Glass replied to Mr. Vanderllp, speaking In defense of the bill. Jam es Bpeyer. of the banking firm of Speyer Prothera. presided.



ftfiFrinf S m ire of the .VEIVfi NPIWTON, Nov. 11.—Tfnahle to fur-

null a bond for (GOO tn Insure th e court that he would support hla wife, Mrs. l.ottl6 A. Pellew, ot I’nlon place. W llllani Pellew. who lives near Port Jervis, N. T , was locked up yesterday at the order of Justice of the Peace John E. W hitney. Pellew w as arrested Saturday evening, by Policeman Charles Straway, In rather an am using way.

Mrs. Pellew, who Is thirty years old, showed evidence of work performed far beyond her strength. She said her h u s­band took her from their home In Chester,

\ two yeara ago, brought her here fur a visit and then deserted her, return­ing to New York State. She does w ash ­ing to Bupporl mother.

Fpffffll SfrfVf th« ViWS,NEW YOHK. N ov It - F i f th avriiU**

Tiixodo and W estb u iy in \f ld ‘'d UiiH and Hroad slreeta tOdn> Hrgkcrs. banket* ami uorporm ion l:i\\> crs Yvb-i came dnuii lo ih e ir offxpB with tl *' set facee ch^iracterielic of m e Jiniiinm l rilBlrict Ijrightened wtth ainuecmenL this miirning wlicn eqviad a fter hquh'I of gay young eocicdty buda nnd sprlgh l- ly matrons em erged from their llm ou- Htnpfl »nd shoppiiig e lectrics and burnl g-ally In upon Them in their eanctum s

■ Now. Mr Rankpr, anti >'cu. Mr,Rroker. and ^'ou. Mr Corpora­tion laHwyer.' the youn g women aald In effect. "M « w ant your help.No, we don t w ant you to lead a c o t il­lion to plB\ out a rubber cr to prewide AB c h b f facto lnm kI a g in ik h an a , but we do need J ou Yvm Bee. d s likdi this:

“The Y M 1' A and V W i' A organizAtioiiK intend tu ra.»e $4,'UiL'.rM.jV » niphr's ftii-ircs i In two weeks. About K.UOO.OOO al- " i f f ' ’ ■'''* >ready has been aubecribod and now we have come down here In tiie shadow of Trinity, w here w e have been told that the good g ivers g a th er to en- liai your support tn the cam paign '

In all 400 youn g w onieii toured tbe financial d istrict.

Crowds gathered th is m orning it front of the g rea t olockB on. the face of the M etropolitan Tower, a t 25 Uruad street and at l25th Blreet and Seventh

: avenue. The c lo ck s regia lered In m in­ute Jutr)[)a of $66,6fi6,BH each the pru- ute Jumps of $66,666,66 each the prn-

One dsy'fl plodgea In tlve rami^algn neltod $1,986,346, according to figurea at a dinner of the volunteer workera in charge Isst night

Among thoae who rontributed 150.000 each to the fund are Mrs. William n.Slnane, Mrs. D, 'Willis Jamee, of New Yorks and Julius Roaenwald, of CJhcago.Mrs. Andrew Carnegie gave $10,600; Mrs.Russell Boge, $2,500; Mrs. W hitelaw Reid. $1,060, and Mrs. W illiam H. Moure.$1,000.

It was annoimred that Mrs. B&ge iiad given the Young Men b and Young ]Woman's Chrlstlati asanriatlona ion prevloue ocrapions. tipo woman, 'ivhi.fl wished her name kept secret, gave |$215,000. 1

\ t.M lToN, Nov l l Krrri < httirmau nf tho Llenn • i.H. hn.H d a fnrin^il ' h I i f-ii ;ifi-rcri'f "I I ‘umunratlv f’enalor.'^ i-ii [h T'h. > bill 1. ruerrus^ iifiernuuii TIu

H lln IIUUlllull of a caucu*, ti u 'he I irj '.H» iji li> disnisH rini ;i' ‘'■iii 'h ' iLfiirmiih K*'rii pk il li- i 111.- • Mill I r«. jii I' w ould u rnu mi u^b Miit iir I'l lu*l|' thf‘ banking Lnmi nusHrd an nKrccruvni

I Hh -i].l iht- ilcsdliH-k uuiiMiUc II' I r.riiiii.n.T. ilf'F|iite the J leriiijrrnli -n- |

futvii.'i-. .'«atd Uio Tn-u iliv 'fur a caiu iie may be pr^'^inie.] ,

l lu-if Ju-.-Ht hv urgonlr.atioi) In Hit' hc- .■tu; liHbiiivnl uf viuialnK'llve W‘-pk uf j

rhks i|uu-fi. !c( Oji till* l>em"cTStl' i-art> i lbn r'-.ipMnBibllit} ' j

I 'ln sp c i i-f (he .'unfrrDtii c !i;ius4'il ilip. Imtik.ij^ lum m U ice ii« ud- | .I'lijiii 'ijiilI 'J'liuiadn^ Kc till I rjr H IIiiHin [

I rein- idui Shiifnith Tciustil i '« ta k e l piiit !:i nrn m -. '

LEADING GRAIN M ARKETS'■IlirA dO . Nm n - Alth ..jLh whcrtt I

jiri'cs liardened s'mn wliat ludny, the ml- | was afier'waril more lliftn wipe.I i

uul Fvarly nircnKlli waa due (■• bullish ' fid \u es rcgardlju the «Top miiluolc in I

rKcnllna, ' but t'uylng t>"wer peciuurt to 1 i"U ( "rii weakiipae. d u* lu the \

.neKpeutPd fU'-nl; (hel th** g.'. eriimeiil ITpfiuri iH\ur*'(J Ibe bcHf fid**. Iib l h riiw- | 1 ' .'irukiitiK pffr I on puri lmsi-VH nf wheat |* »[ VII hr; i ru*'.' S’.cre oii. iiimK*'tl to ij*Eiitib' r, und 111. market row .stIM f irther j The * il.-uiiiil; ■l. i linf', h -V ('v i. « arried i<1 ..-iHliuL.'j w* : iiiKicr lajHl nl*;ht B level '

I ; * 1 liitiiTii ' ri'P hrid fiu" .wcnllicr I'died d'lwn 'um . I’lie "pcjjint;, wlib'b was. '*'''1 ^ lo 1* 'iff, wiiji Uv t»*'- gimitug u] H .-ccmlnKly cuntlnnoufi dv-• llnc OffenriRs. ihouRli, were nut ln n \y

Oftts aagS'’ ! with «:r>rn •’ominiHalun’ hou^ie aiijii\.irt \va.‘» l.uireiy H'lffiiienl lo hold the market from a Fharp break

Vnl'Midlnw by pHi'krrR weakened pr.>- \is lon s Fir"l were urichRni;eil t-.7 low er and an additlunol .'fetbai k ful- biwed.

Sinalln<'«fl "f T'rlrnary rerpipts i.f whew' lii-lfj liitei I" brum iib.iiJt a fihHTp railsI "• iplcd r\jih linpuclfinT hii\lru; loiU i od'lf'^'ti fT'.m .VryiTUina vure rn rt- Hj'Ctufji’ and in.'r**H3liurU‘ serious Tn •

IfTfip \sa« ijor\nnp, rantrlrii: tTMin In.' i

No! m udi («(ftr:iy lu react in <nrn wae shosvji 'I'h*- r|ur:#» wan sTe;ids kI

u k i. !i the 1 dtiTU* \ (‘Kiel d '.! P-iiiiia pUu .*huj rK llUu\ 'UL <-B ,

"f wire .MifUeiii i,h wiIIj I'UL-i.r inWJl |"m l* bruufcil-t lu |l'■^ta^bliVmg u;d*TB W III.'ll rilMlntAUj' d pT'it.u i.k-rnniiij li.'in (iie ni I rvuhi'd.

fu ll' t hSii'T; > V\ . M' m.1 'll- 1 'I ill M CH in llie IhIi- III U'I liMUll mS i'IK !•' I'»V bS-( nriiuii uf .1 |u iil uf ilic II.m II.IK >ihui I, .111 CIU'.'I: l.viilKh \uHe>HiiM a pniiit hiduvv III'' lu^'licfll .mn

S l'C l HlTIfr:S. IN ^ I

M O R R IS T O W N T R U S T C O 'j M O R R I S T O W N , N . J

PAYS 3% INTEREST ON ACCOUNTSof $ 1 0 0 or O v e r Subject to Check

Deposits Over $6,500,000Armor Plate Safe Deposit Vault

Best prot«fioo against fire and burglan.

BOXES, lAKCER SIZE THAN USUAL $5 AND UPWARDSStonge of Tranks, etc., it Very Reisoiulile Rilti

SPECIALISTS11 Ih an Mae »f Sp#HaUM»- Doctora.

w beii 1 i . a , , , F n glaaers spaA‘lall*e.iju rn l dr | ^ «rk . Itefure ln%ratli»u ronsult


- j Ml hcl ft Ml Iv N !l.l I f IIH 'll l|' hI Ibi liUirKcl .iMiNcd -j.,'. Iiliit .u,jl-. -Mni* b.'tb'Nfw rind lu ile i • -a h'tilin' w :i |

M ifii'il \\ h»-ti lii»* tn-ai iitlAj k ’d \ir‘ ■'*i.Kaiii A 2 p"inl fb>( liu- u' Mh'.''zi I«lirA.-Hip,iled (lie I'UfuleiU ll• •l.llK ''Ill'll lunl . [ir\H iled rarliei and a cncrfii mi-duin j ' nrrieil I'ru eH i i S'-itImi « fra.ii' iiHl di* tuiire ul y* Bterday .-a i b f e

Post & F laggMeiiili«>rK ^Icivk F ich stig r .

K I N N E Y B U I L D I N GA L F R E D L . D E N N I S

ilra ld ra l l-nrtBfr.

EVENTUALLYOur irfiDhlrn. t»u1b rrnl rb<I iBAnff-- liiary, w ill lit* Irrhlnd u» sad not !■ frnnL l>i» yon exirevl <he*» lo bMf • t lorrsenl prlreaf 4 >

Inquiries coriUjillr Invtfrd-

WM. F. MUTH & CO.Hn«1 llund llr o k rn .

7K.') Bronit St., Newark, N. J.1> . 1.\ws. 4r»s|p, •initli tinrket.

LONDON STOCK M ARKET M ii .i . iu (jN \ o n t i i ' J 5

'M >' i.S Xo\ 1 1 - M"ney w n h u r. a land duti-.'iiiit ratflJ' were tiiiu luda>1 .S.'i\ VurU rBnv'*led hii "IiIit fur burj lu 111 at n- • u- preminiHl'Iy iliruuRb fesr "f I bibber dia. 'i iiit iiilep, 'H)d thci'i'foia tha

-------- -------- I Ibitik uf Ihudand mciiPcled (■' R<"t theTho range uf im iay's pricea lor it^e ,|- j| ,. $.,un,umi SmuMi Afruan K'bd

tibi-A'I .-u till' niHrkel lod «‘Vrup'i i' liii si-i iirltiN'fl LPiii'tiA'ii lnct;nlar.


mure ac tiv e secu i'iilea In ilia New Yotk markaL m cuutraat w ith laai night » Lluajbg quulatiuna (• laBt uala). us tui • niahed fm ilia N ew s b> i um A; i ’lugg lb g iven baluw;

MH.L.IH UN 11 lU NhMI r- Nuike uf as*«Si- tr>-nti lur tibiieliisNoiue i;i liiieiu '-ti Mim 'h'.' fummUflan*

■T'B ■|iiYOlni .M'D''mU'.J by Ui# TciivrNihlp Cotiii'nihtee to siSrrsdliii, i'uriiJniE m.l iinviric; uf.

ll Knob'*'' ^

iina rJiifttiieB of th*

Tuday sLa%il

— umUik:U ijUW. ‘.'J-ie'a k'luse

• I 1 AHI <VJI' '' ■' h A 6;i

-\ Ml • n 1 L: •1 a 12. > m 'Mtl ' 'a 2 ll ’-sii ‘ 1Aim. * 'tlJl, >, ■ S s, .v 4 \SA m t l\ 1 4'; IJ 4 2

in. 1 rtl ' M '• ■ '* • ' A .1 :>A-n 1. r 1 1 1 1 1 ' 4Am ' B '■ 1 \ 1.!A Tl I* r Sii 1! 11 1 l.ll 1 tl" 1 F.".‘tiu !' .V '1 i 1 .1 a 11 • . 1 ' 'A KM1 n||!l* l •' t ■ 4

lb I Ll Sli- Ib-ll, SU.1 11 K T I diri l’H'lf;i I f'll I.A-filh

k ’ '. M A- !-d r

I hi .V .N \ t hill-. I'Mpjii 'mI |- a 1'utl. I:

!Uf*i S''l-'na . .I'jrlu, ] Ht rir 1 ff-n i'dvi i ll 1 I It, .\url b , I'f 1 • i l l N' rth ! in'

1 1 bj

:hji ihH |i.-t I'-o'ivud RA'ud nqipurl dunrrKlilt' fi.r*‘ii--Mti and I'i.rvs iid'anueil frutiiI, In u ['- III AUCf p.'inlj N*’W Vuik liiMjiK jA'iNtHinfil \hf inaikf'l during theiilli tn -Mn E'liv cbiBinK waa st^Kd>

NEW YORK BOND MARKETT'be r-jllowing 'luutatlon* ware furnlsh-

r-d hi FfiBt I FlBK«i . . .A uH.'ii- H lull- 1 .uw - I lon-

mg udi fHi iug.\ I' ■ I t '-i* 71 '» 71 -B 7t '* 74 I*Am Se. t'S I 111 \

k.iMn i ,


y 4a 94W 4H r I'M'L*

11 .'2*-a

flmj Tuyiar |li.-e pili-! Kni'dW' A'il rn:i 1 nil.I i

l-'l Ivll'llWoi'l I'lu ' I it-iU T1| I||BI].I :M eiiur

ult Mlil-I'' I-I-AW’ a ml M yi' m '. i' 'i>'

ti> I’e I,., w "I - ( I-. 1fi mi M' 1T 'h n ‘ "M 'H-

I I I ll-ll* A1 'I I ' '1 ■cn;jT.: * III i-ri'i"'

Ebiiiftit KvenutI I Uu-e. liAIWOBUI ndI Km llwoOd rA)Sd U vntnihn *v«mia

-muiR jivBnilawti'

'■Ir-.f liA' M-

'ill* illl' 'I ' 1.1 n 'll i|i ii|p II >\ < ll I< - nitTl'Itr.' |.iui.ri ,iiI'' iiYB In '. 0 Mdibiini S

,'lTf-rl I.v «nM ■ I- hnnAiMtin.-nt niports mmUtse. «hd

111 luv '>rri(7P. Tha n fiki'ii Monitsv. Oe- K I' M sa lbs (Ink*.

Sntluniit liSrwk .1 H« Ml* nine*. whsiJ

•* Urt'ti • *A Kf 1 1 Sl»** fi\•’4 ,+ 4 1 ■ >-711 , ja1 , l i-ril -if N J Fis/ ' I'hiMt k 4> 4W»

n**!H ln.= H uf V4'EY i.i

Thff fnllnulriB today a cjiintnl "n^. rl'»iwpt'ptug 111 1' II' I' M . -Nes'i York iinir, sser** furnljRlu'1 h> Hyn^ /k Mtl>''niiPll

I .At tiiH f'hirnBu HnurxJ uf ! •- \'f‘>>iard(Ay H

ri'i.*!*-11 j'Pii rioN .■hi S ’-J

s fi (51 yi

8H A fir. ^DllSi^i

MT, VI7 0S

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M"l . l>r r. >f S '

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LudUlrtMi lUun-mi.. ■» "" I-.'--.-. ---- - ,an-I -Afifre t( "111 '-'moi.b'i ulilsctlons b> mW

All ii'iiB HYU'-i 1' i rPUcnlA'd In ' r tN't iM- Ll»i"n)ber 1 HU.'l

Mdlh'jrri K J, S ' vPii liiyr 11- IfllSMILIOS- n KlUANi 1C,

___________________ l„.^nKhin

IlKl.LKV ll.l .K N O T I C K S ^ ^

1 ' I' ■. A\'t;N*''Pl .■ I1U’7\V A l-K ANP CURBIMI’KOVEMISNT ■

■ .1 1 wn ( un. .i uf ilm iL'wn of li^llevlliq „i I .,-1 . .1 ihn niru-i<*'“ntli of Ninfinber, il>r. fl' " .1 rio'k !' M, n( ihe cnunclt rhsm* i.r it \ , 1 i;| iMhiii,iU.n nvknuf. Belleville,\ 1 '> (.‘'’r S' jir I ■•i«iMidi*r abJerliA'Oi InL.T I'M. M' iu<* u.»rk iind i.rjiwrlBle dun* sn i

n It"' '■ |i-Tiir !l 'll .if dkle-iYRUc* »ild CVirh« r-n th» rt-iv nl-b' f'f I'lib'n Hs**nutp. (rnni Jornle- t >n au*-ut m vib.-r'y Ui ihe Sull*y line *

iS'"' i-ri'h.'r I I l!d i '!• ■!' n n rnurudl.


Iiy T.lor 'if

ijf'-a 5}»*

bI(,r*‘ '5, S a n

Mr>\prf 7ilm ltaii i!}s & T ' K. & 'I'.

J'iU mP • Pa I 4.A- W L'

y Cun iXf


NijTli-F.I AKK Sin K bl kIDEWM.K AND a LHR

IMPROVKMEKT ............... *•,Tho J. Aii •■.I'lr.ll nf Cl*- i'«»n of RellevlUfl

nil. n .'■! •' dwv uf S<n«finhWr.Iiu;t ai u u' IihV V’ M ru vtHjT(|ll vlinm-w,1,-r* Nc [. '■ v*. fiKir. Rrllevliie,X ! , « ri-eb- an'l -urud-li r rthl<Hrlbine tn VI ii.jf ; . ibr (\,-.r-k find niRfi rtnle riorte SidJI III lb'* iiijMi'i' lU'n if j.i'lt-i'ft'it* and tiirbf.111 -Hi-h .{ I.akp- fi^mj..Hfk',iL - ' I 'liN' .Mrwrtrk 1‘liy Jln«

X.'W'iib. , II I'il.'l|i ,r. r I Ilf 1 'W n H

rPWAnU li MATflFlP.Tf'wn Clerk

.\ »i t. H. M\. 2 (•< 1 1 4 LlNiit R .Mx 2 pi 1 ' ‘4N'f\. i-un iM... 1 4N V I 'i-Jit . . Lu. ■M\ \ N 11 .Ml .''1N'or Pn.- l'"i-sl nrt \lui!

106 (♦fl K

Ifif.‘bl ifc

lU J . iJ V n .j . i :PIV J'(| •AI.S J't'll W ATI'R FIPK.

bollrviilf N .1-. Nuvuniher 6, iBi*. i 'ilpi! |i| I'l iidu "lb Ue iH-olvHd baiwa-h


Pec. . .,Mrv IIS'®,hjiv il^i

pni k —.luiy .Sept.

I.fird-.Tuly 10 lo.Ti. Fepi

U \ ^ U I

lA.12iJlltl.16 1&. 10.90 10-

NEW Y ORK PRODUCE M ARKETSY* >RK, Nov, 11 -.-“ Klnur-

P/M 'I N’ ‘ I'eriii I'eLU Aia«|■i(l^. ‘I'lii Pull I'hl 11 >■ SI SI liay t ’oiis

Head,. Uock IsL. pr Sears,So. I’wflfu So. Fly


1 i. - • 1 ‘>7 ' V jus I'l,1 '2 2

1"121 ■

1 ■'J21 ■»

11 ■ 1 T.‘

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' lijJIB ,vl|i


her children and her

F p h a n iIT,U„ ■' '

ilhrtriatn.MCHOOLh \

N. J.r ic ^ ■...........

JERSEY CTTT, Nov. IV —Peter J. D e­vins, of th e Sixth Wai$|fl. today received h li cotnmlaslorv a s agen t In oharga of th e Hudson County agen cy of the State dspartm eut of m otor vehicles. He tvlll bertn h l i d u ties T hursday at a salary of $1,700. Out o f th is he m ust pay th s axpenses o f an o ffice In Jersey City.

D evine succeeds A lexander K lttredge, of H oboken, w ho w as recen tly indicted by the H udson County Grand Jury on a charge o f h a v n g been Im plicated In the ba llo t-box fraud s a t the last pri­m ary election In Hoboken.


SUMMIT, Nov. 11.— Soon sfter hl» e s ­cape from 'thfe Rahway Reformatory. ITrank Hemmlngway, o f 175 River roaa. w as arreitsd In th ti clty^reetarday after­noon by Patrolm an Edward T. Nelson, after the policeman ha^. fired two shots Id ths air to cause Herainingway to stop.

Hemminaway, who le but a boy, saw th s bluecoat In the railroad station, and made a beeline through the city park and over Maple street. Nelson gave chase, and when ho called upon the fleeing pria- oner to stop and he did not obey, he fired two ihota tn the air.

Hemmlngway stopped as if ehot. He w as taken to th e police station and word was sent to the reformatory. This morn­ing a representative from that Institution came here and took the young man back.

Hemmlngway was sent up about a year ago (or raising a disturbance at the homo of his parents.

After Nelson had fired In the air the report spread that the policeman had been shot down by a prisoner and there w es much escltem ent lor a while until the truth became known.



JF R 8ET CITY Nov. IV —To recover his flve-y«ar-a1d son Robert, Alexander V. McKenna, of : i s Ea»t 120th street, Man­hattan, yesterday afternoon secured an order from Vice-Chancellor Lewis, In Jersey City, directing his w ife, Mrs, Mary McKenna, from whom he sep­arated May *, 1912, to produce their only child In court neat Monday morn-

'"Tt 1s alleged that Mrs. M cK enna has kidnapped the hoy twice within a year, and that she is now hiding him som e­where in Hoboken. McKenna Is suing hie w ife for divorce, charging m iscon­duct. ______ _

GLYNN TELLS NEW YORK NEEDSALBANY, Nov. 11.— A workmen's com­

pensation law, revision o t the tax law and improvement of tho banking law s are needed In New York, Governor Glynn de­clared la st night In speaking a t a church banquet. This was th e flret tim e since he becam e Governor th a t ha has touched on these suhjects.

"Plrat and foremost I am for a J u « andequitable workiran'o com pensation law," the Governor said. "I advocate a better and broader direct primary law . I stand (or tho development ot the m agplfloent water power In our State, for the revision of our archaic la* law s and (or an Im­provement In cur banking taws.

"My political creed Is the religion of polltleal humanltarlanlsro. and to tho in­terpretation of political principles I In­tend to apply the laudable soclologloat trend o f thought which marks tho true progressive spirit of tflh dsy."


JE R SE Y CITY, Nov. IX.—O so rg e B, Beach, referee in ban kruptcy, tod ay rooommandad th at Ju liu s B sr g e ff , tor- m arly a rea lty operator, o t *80 B ergen

____ „ , , avenue, th is otty, be ad ju d logtsd aH AC K K N SA C ^ N ov. II — At npon to- bankrupt. B ergoff w as one o t th t larg -

day Under-Shorlft Robert N. Heath toojt s e t itook h o ld ers In the H udson M illing aB ssffIrU *■ wa_ . . .__ . . _.......A

fpefffil Srrviet of ihe S E W S IJERSEY CTTT. Nov. 11.— About 200 j

w idows, m any o f whom by their a li l i e. I g ave the Im pression o f b e in g anvlh irig but deetltu le or even poor, gathered to ­day In the Oourt o f Common r iea s . w here Judge SiiU lvan Is pasalfiR upon widows' pensions. A declaration from tho bench caused uneasliieaB am ong som e of tbe p rosp ective pensioners, when Judge RiiUlvan derlarerl that the w id ow s’ iieuslovi act did not apply to grandm others who are the support of the orphaned o ffsp r in g of ihelr owji children.

Miss F rances Day, agen t of the State Board of Children's Ouardlaua, was present. She has exam ined many nf the cases, and her presence Is to act in an atfvloory cap acity to the Judge.


BouthamptonL dock New York Il'ednea- day. Vaderland. Antwerp; dock -New York Thuradav.

NEW YORK, Nov, 1 1 AttIvciI, Cam- eronla, Qlaagow.

NEM' YORK, Nov. 11,— Arrived. Per- genstjord. Bergen; H eiiig 01a\-, Copen­hagen.

NEW YORK, Nov. 11.— Arrived, Prln* rricdrlch Wilhelm, Bremen.

NEW YORK, Nov. 11 —Arrived, Ro- chombeau, Havre; Gear, Llban.

th* oath of office » • eharlff o f Bergao County for tho » r m o f three yeaf*. catdlng Robert ConkllD, who had bald the poiitlon for. tha loot three yogre Mr, H eath la the youn geii eheriff that B ergm County noa had la recent yeara being tb lrty-flva yenre old, He l i the eon of the late Juetice o t the Peace Mltlword ■ w, o f HootaNgMok. .

'.ik *-., ■ v VU’ - - ' ..

Company, tho fa ilure ot w hich oaueed h l i pereonal bankruptcy ic o n a ftar- w ard

An tnTOluntary p etition In bank- ruptoy waa filed n galn et him by the H etropiiU tan Lum ber Com pany and aaveral otbor la rg e ored ltork No adhedula hoa baan fllad , and hla noM ta had UgBtiiUM •* * ittH i.luw ini.

FInsd for ^ Itltna In W adimd'b Lsp.ffpectrti of tht KBW 8.

METVCHEN. Nov. l l . — For silting In a woman's lap In a N sw York straet car, Bsubsn rhIUlpBon. o f this to'wn, was fined U In th s M orrlsanla Polios Court, New York, yesterday. FhlHlpson has ffons to N'sw York to osU eggs he had raised on his poultry farm here. He had a basket of eggs with him. He said the car gave a lurch, causing him to fall In th i woman's lap. Ths woman, Mrs. Mary Carnoya o f B ast S$7th street. New York, said he sat down deliberately.

M-:\v y u 1 f t

\Vhr‘a l - ' “ prnlng sUvirt.v on t'Ullish I'orPiKii crop news, w h fa t tMisftlo ff w ith turn L>ecomljfr IS'j':',i 11 - h;

Pork—StPii 'i VP.pi't'— <5ui» !l.jird— Sifl'i;[roifcuni ritcaijy jM'jlaiiSf'a- SU'iiiiy.I Ik> - GjUi'-MI'J I (J r’ti - Uu ,'U . I > 0 go I fL -3 0 '(f G J ?I.cailier— FinnSugar- -Ftaw. firm , musoi^ftrlo. ori4,

I en 1 t'lf ugul, T j l . m olaases, *.Ty ICo- firiP'l, (|uiet

HuUur. firmer. lube. Creamery,exlrafl 33^'jlr34. Firsts 38@31H, sec- <nids, 2- " ' 37 . Ihinl.' . 23 ’a b‘ id,firsts, 2Si'a3ij. second^*, 2&I&2T: State dairy finest. GiriiniVj; prices, extras, 25Vi'ii'26Va.

rhpifHf- Firm; 2.GDU boxes. WlscunalTi \s Uu!e inlik, flats. I f > ; twins, 1 6 ^ .

Kgg>— 1 rregular, l!),400 oases. Freah gathered e.xiraa, 4o(&48: extra firsts, 42yj 44; firsts. 39!ff41; seconds, 35TY33; thirds and poorer. 2S!jf33; dirllea, £4i4.26; refrig­erator. aperlftl marks, fanoy, 2$fh2yVi. •Stale, l ’ennfi\Ivflnia and nearby hennery whiten fine Lo fancy. GO'ijfSrj, gathered vihliee hennery browns,mixed folora, 40'S46; W estern gathered whUes. 4&^»3.

Iirtisaed Poultry—"Kt'eak, Fresh killed W estern ohlrkens, 13^&23; fo'i IsS, 12^ ® 19; turkeys, spring, 200.23.


! r ial F ollcem an John Conover Jirresied hint In Indianapolis as a p artic ip an t In an a lleged elopem ent w ith the w ife of .Alexander BaUstjtyne, Tviieene L K eenan, la s t n ight, It Is allowed. wen> VO Cono\er'fi home with the aM'WOd in­tention o f thrashing Conover

K eenan, however, a fter n short s tr u g g le had to go to a doctor and have h is head dressed. T hen he was arrested and later held for the grand Jury In IBOO bail on ch arges of m a­lic ious m ischief, a ttem pted a ssau lt and th reaten in g the life o f Conover.

Ho Hy . r'f 7 , l iPlMdetiftkc r 17 1;. I7'i! 1 7TeiiJi Tup 2s M " s 2 M-sTex Co Itr. 1 '(‘1 in'*Thli'.l Av.‘ ' ' 4 ., *4 J '4I'njuii Fin 1 = ' '4 M . -K 1 H T;,I'TiiDn r,n' , ‘ 1 '■ ! sr . H Hill' 2 _ + '■» ■' 2 H17 S. R mm... '1 'i1‘ S St'«'i*| I 1 - ' * H Mr s s iu .i, I>* 1",' |l,4 \ 1' •l mil '• "ll i '' M S

; V a 1 2 ‘'H 2 ‘ ‘h 2s L

NEW YORK OUTSIDE SECURITIESII w I ijl; iriulali uH u « tp I '.t U i| I m rn F M urn A < 'u

INLl k'l HIAI^SCloeiuiiL 1-3(1

VfeKterdny JuUav

’u n ni tIk- •fi'i ' jMiu n pH-" ■' 'iLi*' iriWTi 'if ru-

iii'i''p»nl In 8' 1 •' riK I • sAH riTji' :■ iiMiorlv il ' I • -inll HU i !■ Ti'iUnf t'l I lu’ \ -ijTl'Ul'P f '■I iiri 1 Bl ■ '

h\ iiri'J h P- At* »n iI. ii niini .] tifi

|.uMu niRPilriii 't Ih« TOWi Ti I* '1 "f liflh-vllle. N. J.. lr>iMiui. Il ' 'HHmli-r*. 'W’ftihiBrt'n

tlir M' "KT8*t] call ItOPnpi| ^p.»nnt .'ine lnTB:Ui'-p it>«i I G 8 ia«'r»

I , 11, an r"\ ^II, H - kill iii< I P|i”' lii1 ratiMngli.h , , « ,1 S' -I (lll'ndriche' *

'• ,'i III ri-'' iir'liTiR 1'>......... 'Iirnlu'i-'l Ill'wn ailpllo^-

.fi'i • .r Mr .Icbri T>**ClrnW, l l ' , .1 V q r S' J . irinorn^y ff-r' i:i- u !'i. \ .1 i

I,.' lii-. .miJinifi! >iv tht oor- f riK if 'S' I irt‘*i|i1<‘n |i 01,, I I lit li virciv «' ompany

I ■ i.ii-iii «N In \'u.v .I'Tsey whu;,q . li , Ir If«; I.uiuiuy In the

i>] iinil 10 becemrfill ; ■ nnnrce of me

r pw A I'.l K m ath k?iTown ClerH.


MAhanh, [ir VWhI Mil\\ f•NtlnKhou »■ W'lfl t ’tr l Wr.ohvorth


NEW Y O RK C O ITO N MARKET11 \:i i.'i'i'nlriK ''f

f •■iituji mnrli'i iin.-i'll■ fl;■polntln) «u|<*

i.rii' Ilf y^flt'r-lns h wi'ro well tdk'-i,

IP'* and prii '■J' eu'jn |"'-irip levni nf laHl

Fil (rihutofl I li« ilfe- A mf-rlrfiii Hrlllni;

NKW YiiUl-: \:• t.i X j.'lnS'J m t» luurimu; rnfF i i> iiId till lifjni'livt ji >n "liiiyr-rs. Inti -■I'lnri ni- nr<"Uid 1h>- initial (ihralH^'i 1“ nbu'it Hu- i I niplii I 'j i\ fl (•" uhI-Iu!-

I « lino m Lufrpuol l " ariii ' inUnentiil lujuldHl i >n, bul j*hmJ tha

j rtiHiiiHt lisd rt "ir flidy unrif rtom* oii <oii- j tlri'u'd trade l‘uyig||, ami hoiiaes with

ej'ti'ninp cunn^’rtidfl^ »'i'JO amuriB the*' ili.ef lri\Hrx nr<iiind Ih- lucal rlnii. (ien»- rral biinmesa h IlUb- life nctn e luan yfStHrday.

After ahowioK ri*'t i;nin.‘i of fiorn 2 to 4 pulTiia. the inurket lui'tjud pasUr under Irtfroflspd offprints triim local and Suiith- prn H'i'.rrpa tind pr!i"‘u'< nt mldrlay wfifc X [o 1" puinlft u'-t lower.

Vhu market remnitu'd more or I'.'Mm un- spttl*''l diirtnii the jirturnaon, willi Irad \nfi and with iu h \p munthti ii

Rid AaKi'd. RKl A.-ii\e<lAm \V r 11 f 'HP 1 P i 1 P iA 111. lu 1 III 22'.* 22 7* 2 2 2 3M<>>:uHVu 1' 1 ) 62 1 6. 1 ilH 1 i;i5Mri nirtii's 1 ' M- lUi 116 1 l i ]J 6i'. ' T'I II I ■ M .nr Lii:i W6 10.1 l "6lirli .-A 111 Td t' 2:Mii 2:m * 2 Pa 241 ■rt.'jrcnt F' 1.. r.N r.ii l> 1 ftuMali Tifi 1M 1 ::i 1 i 74 1 i hi lrt MMI ■['oil 3 i; fiHfiv 11 ri li •|Mli pr 0 \2 ;i 121 |t*Clitiill < 111 I.i \ +i 13 16Mil, .Jill 4 '|[, pr 6>i 6'i jp 6nIniur RMPirtr H 1 6 1

SOUTH n i i w i . i ' . i 'Ho p u h AI.s .. I i.oi latei than ,s,.fin..r 3',. ion,,

n Hruiih OranS''.'i.ld'iirtiin to the

pIihH bo sd- r\t fh«: Brhnol die*> ‘f n rifTf. NV j .

iipv rio7v (•« seenIt' \f [>-f.iench *

'..w Y-ik > 11 ■> 1-71 i]Rr ut (lie» i IT I'-rrjt. of the r-f mnanv each bid '

\Uiihrtt n I’lMna 1 Flfi 1 3-lfi 1 1-10 1 3-H ni

>oLJlto polntw net lowsr.

Matufjiii of .'Xrn 3'a 3 S -I’a . V. 'J ransij n

< diiu ' Ul . -' 'Urt l'|u \ator ' o 1b J7le. I 'Trruirh- f'llSI (III. I ’rtl.SI. till. .V, J .SH Oil, Kv.S! N. V.T-jIi Frrj. pi • l iilon Tiink I.V ii. n i l . . .Tjini ipd t ' Stur»*a

RAILROAHH Jim L ight & Tr 327 333Am. L- i T-. pr 104 i07

MI SING-F^raden nonpar, 6Mi GSHnt. t:ol. Cop. 2% 2':'*Rutte-N. y. 1 ^ 1 H<\ms. A Sm elt. 3-16 U

Tl4 i

i t : i.n?? ^ ■; 1 r 2'M M 1.. " 1

:iM 38S ■ ■=. i1 !*ii 1 !' - \ I'M

1 .'(2 i .<4 , 1 .i.'iKI S :sj s. i so

172 171 17 286 H6 i


Tl'.p fi luwlTiK -l,u<l Pj, PUHl *

nppn. Jan . U "4 Man.h. . Li U ,\l a V 13.13

u jrrtMons rp :ur ■Ui:#:

MiRn, I..OW.2 .3(1 F M ' Ioai'1:1 1 -, U.03 i;u n 13.131J.&4 U.lO i n : 13.29]:iZ% la.oh n .c s i'i2'i1:140 13.25 U L i i:;.36

n N A N O A L PO IN T E R Se goo f ■

Mr. Insurance BrokerDo you receivo the best

benefits on LisbiHty end Compensation Insurance placed by you?

Your State's own Company serves you best.

We pay unusual commis­sions and offer unusual ser­vice by detllngdlrt tw it you

Vour outtomeri will appreelat* tht Intelligent service we rettder.

Submit l« u toe»r )«or U»WI^ aial OoippnMtIeq pfmptvtt for n t n •n m lw m u .

Commercial Casualty Ins. Co.,, N B W A R K ,N .J . U

crop o f tho year w as a b r igh t spot In Lh© m arket yesterday because U placed the tota l yield at J,4«a.0n.000 buahftls. or about lOD.000,000 bu sh els above tlie harvest w hich had been calculated this autum n « * •

"Bualn*ee condition© In th e United States continue to be fa ir ly good." said ■Welding HIng chairm an o f the foreign trade con 'm ltlos o f th e New York Chambor of Commerce. "M anufaclurers are look ln a forw ard to next year as one of revived aottvtty. T he e ffec t of the new tariff U w hoe not been and, Is not go in g to 00 as d lia itr o u s as w as oxpectad w hen the b ill w a s under dla- ousBlon."


etvady, S^iiM ruling rate, 3 Vi vloalii,!, 3 ‘A ^ i Time Inane, eaev; 80 and Sujdnys, 5. aiv muntlis,

To B a lia Snath P U Ia fio ia BrlSa*.NEW BRUNSWICK, Nov, 11.—gotanol-

dor A Stool*, o o n tn e to n . o{ tblo city, woro awardod tho eonttact for orootiin a roltiforoad (tool ooneiat* btidfo at South m olnflold by th« Board of Freo- holdori yootordty aftornoon.

Tho olork WM diroctod to notify tho Watohiin* VViitor Oom wny, o f Duootle i to lower the pip* a t Dunellen ao a* to bo fluoh with th* road, Th* el*rh alau waa directed tn uommuatcate with the Ulddleaaa W ater Coiopaxiy. of Wood- brldie, aa to rapahrtna a t*ah In a pli>e on on* o f tha oouaty n a S * a t Coloaia.

N ow on D isplayto our window, end lor m 1« 1i> our aullon.rr dt- portmont— _______AN A D D IN G M ACHINE

F O R 310.00If rhf work better tUau ti't brain'.It etTfi III* brslni for toioritbliif Iff ttor.It ll Bimple to operate. u «IU tSBt i l I«fif *■ 7<n» ate ift boelUFt*. it la MOTealent for its# traveMne ruflO- it la Si fow* a* tJw beat and Joe* roll IS


im viS'Daly Kly Coma i'lrut Nftt. CoT' iJoldfielJ I<;rrene-CarianeRJumbo Kxtenfi n Kerr laftk**.La Rose (’"118 Mcl-Clnlej''!'fti. 1MlncpGo of Am. Nevafift HIMm N ip[e*:irm M.l rtUlilo Gup.............?5rRwrtrl . . 1Tt'!-nullicm . . . Tnnopah Kx Tunon, M of N I’iilted 4:opi»er. Fnlieil (_:op.. pr ^^'ettlaufer SiL Yukon Gold..

X.Y t',4 I960N V.C4VU9 1962 West Pftc 5e

1 9-16 1 11-lfi 1 9-Ifl I n - l64 6 4 62 '4 2'j - '< :? 'j

M 6 1 1, 1 % 1 '-K6 7 6 TK4 1 '4 I .P i P -1 ^ P i 1 Ek.■ 1 H P i 1 ;j-lb ] 12 - 'i 2

IB 4'i 4 B Va

■ ’a ; .1 7 *w ■?*7-16 7-16 '■»P16 I H-] 6lU i 'i 1-lfl U1 S *1. '■J T '■-5»

4 \ 4 L('i

.1 .1 r>7 0 7 D*» 2 1- 16 2 1-16

j o m :S.9S»i 39 93

3377 *9 77 TP

---- ►- —

a I I.I. . IV I I Uf rifCUJlrH lo................'■. ■ . t.. . .1

|., .-J. r ,, I>ri k' t 1 1*1 ■ Th« Tlghl 1*.................... .1 I'. .1 I 1'. I I'V

1 1:1.1 F. LOW.’ n . M i'M :rt.ATi4 l\MK>' M.MifiUAl.J.,

1 iiu .............. Eiu)lding»[I ji ; 'I .I ! ' ! i'yi 11. 1 ' ■ I'l k.

fiKA] Til'S nlil hr rArrlvocl not later tbstJ If 1-,' i> M I 'nuirvifti N'-iVFmlMJr 2D. IWlR.

,.i |■olul,1M.. p . l . i l l.ulidliiK, S.-.uth Orunsf. N, .? for ronalniclOhS a arhnol l'■ln (1i | on Auad- •my S'-ith tnHrn*tF HliJa ahail b« ad-■ p 1 'u h*- li- i rii-i clerk

f* sris -ml ure-iri'‘ll'ruijs hr* now lesdy lo 1* ,npn a; ’ll'' rtf tiie arrhitecti.ri'0*noh A Yr-a' tv'fsi TrirtlMh iireat. NewYork X r••*r1,ltlOil uhat'k. iiavsb^e to (h*or-ler of M -nrl uf Kilucatlon, f' r two per f-BPi tif thi* Hirtu'int of thw blJ, muBf Bc-''*OTe’' lyiiv AHi-h rii'l a Kuanintea nf nrKxl filth.

Thi* PUcrFhfful UlJili r will be remiirFd lo gK*gatlafurtnry hurui.

PIJr flre roi I'l b* The rlffnt 1*• arved tn rft)eci any hPi' all hi 1®.

HarTME 1. L-OW..1 M TMI'.MEH.ATfl I M\PSH.^U>

I’cmmitt**' "rt H'ullJinift'H. IT. TITKER. Pletrl.-t


2S1 i u i n ff . «».7t.7j a n o N »

PHILAD ELPH IA STOCK M A R K ETThe follrt^vins quoUtlona ^era furnish*

ed by Kiocle * King:Bid. Aekerl

Amertran Rallwa,\’ Cfi........... 3B*/4 J&VjAmertoan Oa* 6 s .................. S4 S3Cambria Iron ........................ 42 43 ^ram hria Steel ........................ 47 48Klcctrlc Storage, com .......... 4ii 46ftiectrlc & People's 4 s ........... K2«4General Aaphalt p r ............... 74 75Interstake 4 s . . . .................... 67J4 57%K eystone Telephone, com. ip*a 11Tashlffh Nav. s to e k ......... 84 86L ehigh Nav. tr. c t f s .......... 84 86L ake Superior Corp........... 22 Li 23L ake Superior Income 6s .L eh igh v a l le y Tr., c o m .. .Jjehlgh V alley Tr.. p r , . - .M in in g ......................................New’ Jersey Con. T r a c . . . , iVew Jersey Con. Trac. 6 s . . .Philadelphia B, Tran, stock.PhLladelphla Co., com .............Philadelphia Co,, pr................Philadelphia E le c tr ic .............Phlladelphta Electric 4 s .........Philadelphia Electric 6 s .........R eodltif Oensral 4 s ..................Tonopan M ining........... ............United Ry- A C a n a l.. .United G as Inap....................*,United Rallwmr S*..................Union T ra c tio n ., .......................W arwick L R S tee l.............

• V*.

173* 30 y,

1 l t i7114 72 ‘fi

JOtl'a 101i s i j 19H39 S9Vs39 to2f 13SO SOti

in:)i4«S ^ • C '

t i i123 S 134

t i S3UT03t T lS*9 t t } [1* tovE

Tlifl follnwir;,; iil !■'lij(urniflhe'l hy J- ii. Rini'Vl

Am*r. Dofli & lini' '■». i''-' rvnt, if n nf N J S». l!iui.'t llu ln id ....................t'r nBoliUainil ’i i (ti imri OimsMidiitvd Travtinii uS F vsei K- Htfii.'.on fins ' *n O il ft Electric of Berffen Co. (la* ft !■■., of IWrKi'n ' ’o Int ■jO ' ia e f t li ui UnrKcn C" sen la Hackennnt'lt W ulcr Is Htiileon I■’nnnty Hiib ' HuilBdn ('i)iLrily (Ins < ",!er Citv llo ft Pat * s -----Long Dock ft 'H if:!'. _ ■ [.(■high \Ml Term S' IS" Mor ft i:.- II B 151 .5 U II Mor- & Ff- 19K-.Npw'ft] k I till. <Trtj* '

I K'owai'k ''JU (•'lti.'!*N>wnrk Fi*!-' Hiii' 6s

I Newark 0 ..h 6-**I iS'o JfMHuy ITuIlWU.v 4s .

Pal. <4: PuK. A }■ 'Pat & Prif' fr. & F ‘

' Public Hei'vIk'G ttu ]} ...............Public Servlto C..riinc.rien. Public Servlet* Tutp. •■s. J S Jer. (ins. El, ft Yr. Ci> . s! Jer, Gas. El. & Tr. <-o. 6b aom., Union ft H''*;Som,.Union ft Mid. Ltg.Co.l*Singer M(g Co. . . , .............rntled Elcrtrlr fo . I*. . . . ■ ■ U.N.J.R.H. ft Canni 1941

1 J1 1 :41

115: :li

l-t I7:i

KI 112 K in :S7 S5»r,S TOD

H7»i4 Hfi

P7 131iOl 1 ii275 Tl

121 IDS1 'm; M>9RM 1«D111 2 PH'1 ' :i

104iu;s 105122 12 7iT 7 79■lO <43

JuDU'7 nolOJ 104 sS9 flfl

132 I f l97 9072 74 .

ses7S.HV .

*^'nonda Bitaraiiteed stnoknService certificate* quoted and IntereM.

Antroaenieal B vea te -^ roos N o** T wday la Soou Tomorrow. . jr .•

November '*5)17'm .e nltude Btar which t now M thtly .

ItieK in the aortheaat is .of the constellati-Si than jonly Sirius and V s f j h & b i^ htor u n « ^ fh . star* seen *n 3|BriBotth*rii la t lM U It I* fifth In r*J«, h*a within lt*Mf . lllh t of S09 *un* and Is fif ty ytairn'M , MndlM «» It* beam*.


W h a4 W o m em A re T h in k in g , S a y in g a n d D o mFRILLS OF FASHION

A v«ry tniart Iramplnt »nlt 1» o f wovon D on«al. Norfolk• i l h trimmln«« <>r leaG'or^(ulta of Irlah wool haml-wovan

•t» M d i are miKlIah. Tha plalW whkh Kl'0 srraler fraodom of movamant.

Soma of IhB n«»’ limooalna cnata ara of draped |»-au <1« »»url., and have the com- furtabla innff oiifrH of fur

B\anlng; dmaraa have tha eicaad lin ly Ion* trains defmml "Hh handa of fur.

Vary natty ara tha rhlUlri'n ■ i',.hI a which allow the comlilnatlnii of p ain aii' niald raalarlala. botnetlnira I, of tha plaid, with the plain iiialrrlHl used for collar, holt and fuff", and aKiiln tha uaa of the materlala la rsvrrai-d

i\jji iS

The peK*tf>t> skirt continues In favor It la niade. upparenily, I'f all aorta of maler-

A naw Frsnrh nlyhlgown la of crepe da china with ft ruffled shirt front The Hack la finished « lth a frill which standi up a trifle In ha' k.

l a t h e r balta with salf-covered buckies ara uaad for a finish to chSIdrsn s loose j tiu in* coals, whatever the material. |

Cutaway effecta. whan cotnhtned with ! the vaat. are In "hopllonally good taste.By raaani of the veal, a striking bit f f o L T l n r o d u o e d Into what would :X *rw 1.e be a costume sublued In to n . j T O O D L E

A /B E D T !M E ® ^ T O R Y y



C h iiitm a a Preparation shit too early to liegin to having It workable and sa iism im ry

Fur Is used for collar and tailored suits of every material.

ruffe onAND THE


191J, by H ow ard R. G arli.)

Ruffles have Invaded the realm of handkerchiefs. Tiny net rufflea and ruf- flea of (repo de rhine finish the tlnv ariuarea of linen or silk The materia! Is Of the best au It launders admirably, though al the e ip en se of oonslderabls Uma.

A aingle large velvet flower gives the finishing mile to the handsom e afternoon or evening toilette.

One of the new face valla la finished With a ruche along either edge Tha lop one Is really additional trimming for the bat. while the lower one allow s the wearer to dispense with a regulutlon neck ruff. The ruches often arrf of contrasting color to Iho veil.

In linings Ibis year one has a wills choice. Plain white a lw ays le elegant, but bright colors, too. have their follow ­ers as have the silks and satins with fu­turist patterns.

Jawelled bandaaui are very modish for «v«clnc wear They are shaped to fit the ■tyle o f coiffure.

B u h es of tulle or ch iffon are given body by meana of a headed edge,

Bandings of black velvet i (i,'ouyrlghl

'^ r H c h % o 1 « .S ^°l.kawaistcoats ae w ell as ha' trimmings. gam es did you used tu play when you

Moleskin oontlnuea In favor. Combined ; x o o d le F la t-ta ll, the em ail beaver chap, with rich brocade or lapestry, It makes a even ingmodH*L iojall i it wan aftar lujir^r, and Toodla and

N oodle and Crackle had fln lehed their sch o o l le iion *- There w a s a lit t le Uino y e t before they bad to go to bed, T oodle thought m aybe


r * " ttski 'd Toodle

net. ■Ilk and crepe de chine or chiffon, ere combln»*'i m Borne of tha dainty lep a fa te bltiuses Seemingly there Ib no realrlctlon b» to the different materlala used In a single narmi?nt.

The details o f Btah. collar, cu ff i and v«at are alM m portant In the wardrobe of the well-dr«*9ed woman.

Cotton fabric glove*, excellent Imita­tions of dneakln and ehamolB, are being worn late this year They come heavier in wMght. and are belter looking In ap- pearunce than over before.

Jtome of the new est evening allppors have the beaded omhrnldery extending beyond the vamp.

3II\er heads aro used for ornamenting black suede shoes.

. ^Mitr fr-mi ' ‘rackle a hat The p'.o«aa \".virft iiiKtle fa st t«i ttie two Htkktng'UP tnd* "f the wooden handle of the thing IjkH tliP l♦*Mer V Then a pl'*'"«leather. enough to hold a Bmell*tune, was m/ule fast to the other ends of the en of rubber

“Now fu r gun lB flnlahedl OrandpH 'Whaokum^

“Ar.d vsill 11 shoot — - ■ «if courar, U wlU:" exclaimed lh« old

beevfr gentlem an. "I'll show you' I ih yuu n iu itn 'l shoot e gun in ine

bft.i.e''- sal<l Mr*. "J**men.ling ft hole In her husbftnd ft socks. "It V.II1 make too much noise

' This rubber gun will make no "O ** It «I1 answ ered Cranflp* Whftckum with , "Aurt I will only shoot eomewhile f .'.ins. so. even If thay acclAentally

"11 the

hit liltle I'rackle on her nose, they will not hurt."

‘'Oh. but I dun t want to he hit noise!" cried Crackle

•‘D on’t he a f r a i d - n i not hurt. you. ■aid tlrandpa Wharkum

Toodle got sum© beana fri'm tb** I'sn- try, CJran Wfi Whackum put one m the leather holdar and i>ulle<l hack on the rubber elastic*, which atretchprt out s.uiic distance. Then the old beaver gentif- man audd*nly int go o f the leather holder and the bean, and aw ay H shot ^acnnas the rcK>m,

It i?! n-)tplan * hr stnius g ifts for the children. The festival Itself will be the happier hSAanse of th is forelhoiighl. and the wetkfl and d a js Just prec*wlltig will he JuBt that much easier.

hlarly planning In regard to g ifts means a so ' Ing in many ways. Time and effort are saved, because time now do- voted tn th is pleasant ocA'Upation la pat In to the lH»st advantage, and becaune effort can l e profitably and enioyaldy expended when there is an abapnee of rush. There will iie plenty of laal-ralnuie IhlnK** at best. The more lldiigs that are decided up<m. and acrjiilred or made. In good eeaion, the less confusion of spirit find w eariness of body will there be at ihe ''■'hrIstmaBtIde

I Alt this applies to early rbrlBlma* I sh<ii)ping generally, but It lias a special


The making of rhr!ntm as lists Is a •enslble. action These liets may bo kept In a memorandum book and it s well to liavc thorn an Rll'>ear affair. Then, when the falher or inoiher thinks of ■ome fitting g if. for this or that meinlwrof the family, the suggesthm may ^ jutted dow n, being a v a l la ld ^ ^

nes forreferenda deciding me need

"lust as If It had come from a I apphrallon when gifts to the children rv ftlh sa n g u n ' 'unearned. Fvety fhrlatmft* re-

v.'ent, Klainmlng

(Tied Tmxll*.

Jeweleil buttons ir e seen on some of the tong evening gloves. The coloring, must, of course, herm onlie with that of the gown with which the glovea are worn



fJrandpaW hacku m would arnusa them .

"W hat did I uBSd to do w hen 1 was a sm all chap'" asked th e o ldest beaver g e iitlem a .i In the pond, "W ell, now let m e see! Humi Hal Yes. I d ied to do m any things."

"The aam s »■ we doT' N oodle wanted | to know,

"Yes. Just about th e sam e. aabl G randpa 'Wheckum. "‘ ■•r course, when I w as a boy b ea \«r w’e didn't have as many thing* to play with a* you bavp. |F or liistAiice. I didn't h a v e roller sk ates nar b lryc lea nor even loy c ircu s bal- , lo o n s .' :

“Tou didn't?" cried «'raik!e, In sur- | prise. "What a funny world It must h a v e been then."

”N'«p It w as much ih e sam e spolte | .Irundiift W hackum. "The little girls didn f have dolls that can open and | sh u t their eyes and ta lk , either, ,

"W hat dl'l they h a v e ' asked ,■Noodle, . ,

"W ill, th iy used to m ak e their doll* out of a bundls of rags, w u h sh-JO bu t­ton s for eyes. Or e lse th ey would ta k i 1 corn cob, make tw o eye* "-‘Ih peu

DailuL ^^D ecipes

Menu No< 3.b h k a k k a s t

A pples, CerealHrca k f ft 91 Snuffle.

Toast (."teffee.IprN rH E ' ’N

I 'y s ter Shortcake. Cre. -jmed Bewte. Dread . Cocoa.

F ru it niNNKFU

Hot! PI 'h op s w ith Spinach.

MnAhcd I ' o t a t o . C a u l i f l o w e r . iCndivfl

Sw eet Pulatos rie.Su ifgr«tlon» for Slenu No. 3*

and Ink. and drasa her up in plecos of p tea k fa a t souffle, m elt threesilk and satin. Very nice doll* the> j ofw ere, too.*'

"Oh, huw very n in iij ex ila lm ed C rackle, laughln*.

"Did you have any gu n e when y u w ere a boy heater?" ask ed Noodle^ "R eal gun s that w ould sh o o t and tiiake A b ig tiolBS. and scare bear* and a lli­gators, and—and----- ’

•Oh. don't he so scary! Bov* a is a lw a y s so B^ary!" excla im ed ‘ rarkle. lo o k in g over her sh ou ld er as thouj^h

.1 ilireti (rth lespoon fu ls of flour. Then ploAvly ad H cupful of milk. Bring to

! the b o ll ln s point, and season w ith sa lt and pepper. Remova from the fire, add the y o lk s o f four eg g * beaten hard, and

' then fold In the s t if f ly beaten w hites, i ! Turn Into ft b u ttered baking dish, and |

bake in a m o ilera le oven for tw en ty - ] , fivt- iiunutea. iderve at once. If one | ' lik es the fla v o r o f onion, rub the bak- ! I>5p til eh o ver w ith a piece of onion I

she mlKht see ,i Heu rr a ''g e r s'h ’l'ij'k i tu rn in g In the miMure,w tm l o w o f t h e b s d v e r i . . . . . .h is beat! In Hie window o f ,h e ehortcftke* make a rich b is-

huuse to ask If be m u b l s ta y kH nig ^ fiough ns for ft Hirawberry short-Rut iinthlng like that liappened, I m , , , ,( „

g lad ti' say. .m u tn a '" ‘ baked, .'uirt spread with bu tler andlii,l i,,u have a ,nrt Utose uf I creftmerl p ja ters . .A hsaten eg g added

and hip _ I tu tile n j s le r s Juai liefore pdurlng overthe Cg-iUe is ur, Im provem ent Tha dough

liSked Toodle.tu-other Numllc sp ark led " Hh de- 1 tu the oys

papa. >onr‘« dHr.Keroufl

Hiihi for th-=-' ^^ero sure ib s ir Hrftndi'ft WharKun, was g .nng to te ll them ernne- th tn* IriiereBlIng n iayhe a st 'r j , ft-f,ill ttiey knew ,.

■'Wrtll I ilirlii l h a \p a regular gun. ,Hl.l the nlrt gentlem an heaver, aft he

,,rf tils g la sses so th ey rniiM ii. sleep If ri'V> w anted to.

N.. ( 11,'ver liH'l a regular g ni, ilrBn'ti'H W ha.k'uii, slow ly, "for ms

Ti"idle and Noodie, w as Just liar lie didn't like I'oys to h a -s fi''h

things as guns. Rut I rr- meinhcr oiu'e I made a rubber gun

f nibber guttl" cried .'rackle, "How verv funny' Was it like my rubbex ■ nib and did It whistle, as aho doea, throuKn r i i - ' l ' t in her t.ack when you s'lnerre her

)f rrriirss nt:‘t

■’''“ ;!,:;;r''m ind, *a1d Noodle duickly. Tell us al.-iut the rubber gun, grandpa,

■1 think I 'lau show yon how to make „nc ■' said the old gcn llem sn beaver ' Tliat I-'', if ■ ''"u pieces ufndihei. B"i-ne str'nge. and a rrotch from a tree rubber gun 1 mean w as

'^"Oh. do show us how to make one cried Toodle. all excitoil-like.

Fo the old beaver gentlem an dideasy to get _a n o tch of a

"Baugl" the tican against the wall.

"Oh. what a fine gun "May t ahoot It?"

"And may 1'" en la lm ed his brother Noodle.

"I don't tielleve I'd be afraJd t" about that gun," Bald little rrackte. getting very brave all of a sudden

So the beaver children tovik turns shooting the rubber gun. firing many bean bullets that w ent bang"' un w hat­ever they hit. One bean liiillel struck .Mr, F la t-ta ll* evening paper, that he was reading, and put a hole right througti tt.

Then Mrs, KlHl-lall hrouglit In the diahpan and .he heaver boys took turna shooting at that.

My' what a noise there vvas when the bean bullets hit the shining tm. H sounded like hallslonea on the ruof.

Well. Toodle and Noodle had much fun with the rubber bean gun that evening, until It waa time to go to tied. The gun was left on the m antle In the dl"h'k- room and Toodle and Noodle said thej would go hunting w ith tt In the woodsn«xt day , . ,v.-

Th^n all wft* and qulst in tn«h«*\pr housfl. for averyono liad k’-ne to bed Very q u ie t and sDll and d irk it was_ Crackle was sleeping In her I'ttle cr.b. and Tooodle and Noodle were In beds, all o v ered up wltti leaf and snuggled down In cotton w'">l from the milkweed plant

Then Toodle began to have a fum 1dream. He thought som e one ' l l '" ’ I'jri rs ■nd softly opening a window downstairs and getting Into the beaver-hovise. It w as such a real dream th at T o ^ le sud­denly awakened- Then b e listened.

The heaver pond outside his house was froren over, (or It w as very There was ft bright m oon shin ng and Toodles got up and w ent to his Imdroom wmdow. He looked out. and what do youthink he saw? ,

Why there, com ing l^e s bdfrozen Ice from shore, ^i^d fox Ho was creeplrvk aTi'l J o n g over the frozen w iter, coming to Ih s^ eaver house to get in, Juat as Toodi- had dreamed eome one w as doing

menibruftce alioiild mean sorrifttUinSs shfiuld stand for ■omeihtnx, Ih>IM Ip

the v.ft>’ of thft fiver's thmight atid in !h»! Kifi's apprnprlat^ness. A gift to a rhllil, v^hPlhcr entruflted to Santa r|auft. or roimn)! direct from thn giver, should bo suitable. And Ha Joy-bringing iiuaH- ties fkr Us iisefiilnesa ara closely related j nsKlseted. to the thought ll\ut has been given It by the donor.

8i> there Is nK'rr tbftn a saving In thJ* early plannir.*; of gifts for children.Karly g ift plarmliig kad.s to satisfactory gift making

This planning, naturally. devoUes largely on the mother, but the greater I5u' father's share In It, the belter.Chriatmaa Ih the time of all tim es In the year when parents arr happiest In pro­viding delights or aurprlses for their children, and e\cry Hiivanlage should be taken of the i>rp‘'Ttunlllefl offered.

The father and inolher who talk tiver the rbrtstm aa pifls for boys an^f K'l'la* whii makf. the plans Jointly, and wt?o L-arry thtm out with muiual helpfulness, are the ]»arent* who are doing the right thing by their children and thernselve*In th is m ailer. Hy their exchange of ideas they can arrive al i-orreri con- cluBlons, One very practical thing they ran do Is to decide un the Brnuunt of money to be spent, and then appi^rtlori It, In a fair way and a way to yield (he most return. In too many buiuHeliolds t'hrlstm aa leads to more or lets exirasn- gance. principally because money is Kpenr hastily or thoughtlessly It I* not ii .'sen- son. to be sure, when the purse sir,m;s are held llgh ilv . anil may tt never i>;

But care In the expenditure

when the oocaalon comes upon glfiB. With such a 11*1, never be a t a loss , usually It Is a quest on of ehfx.iing, rather than brains for something that le iltling- number of sufgestlona m ako ll to weigh the merits first of one tnitig and then of another, and the chance or getting Just the right th ing or things is (hereby Increased. A child may have ex­pressed a wish for a particular arUcie. the wish recorded. It wH* looked. Some happy thought may be expressed In the gift to another cn • The pHrent. hearing of th is gift, may make note of \i. All this few momenta now and then, and a help and In many ways valuable hat l i forth­coming Just when It is needed.

T he opportunity for in flu en c in g child by mean* of g ifts Is not Jo ba

By th is le in ea u t turn ing a L'hild's thoughts In cerU ln directions ilirough the medium o f presents him. This opportunity can be rea llien only In tha m eaaure th a t Jhsre >• th ou gh t a» to w hat Is g iv en th* cblia. Certftlu qu alltlee In the ch ild m ay be developed w nnderlu lly If th ere ta wle- dom In g ift m aking. K epecla lly t i th li the vase w ith reepeot to b o o k * but one is ah]e to carry out th e Idea In toys and gam es and ttie th in g s th a t go wtth sp orts Earty and th o u g h tfu l planning, how-ever, la eSBential to an y such out-


come. . .There are plans, too. to bo m ade with

the children about Itietr ow n g lftft the w ave they wloh to rem em ber other m em bers of the fam ily. Joyous coni - ileiK-ee th ese are: cer ta in ly H i* a depri­vation a ll round if th ey are not taken ad van tage of. The ch ild should be on- cournged to m ake at le a st som e of the artic le s that be Intends to g iv e *wa>\ tt Is necesftftry, o f enuree, If any such oi'jeiM iB in vi^w, for him lo start In tim e For g ifts th at are bought by the bov or girl m oney haa In som e way III he provided, nnd th ere Is * chance lor guidance here in the m ailer of sav in g on the y o u n g ster 's part, ns well .,s Ilf tnahliig purchase*.

riy Chrletm ae p lan n in g makes

conkl* cultarmay be ru l out with and Individual shortGakss made

Serve th e soup made the day before.\ Ht‘ the ch o p s cm from the fore-

qu.’u ter tb e dny before. If not enough more may he hoiipht

,1 The ear.^ ........ . -— tnr- the IiplB^htsn10 K of tlift iTieatiliig ormoney ahmild be taken then Jmt as at ,pg,f1va^ H m ak es, w ith youngother tim es, perhaps there j |,, a fu ller m easure o f happl-reaion for taking care then. ."pg ,h a t o th ers may hethought a* to the Christmas budget la . ness in g iv in g

he .dviaed. Slmplv for Ihe sake of I l i a p p y . _________________

'To K what Shall I d o - ^bought■ 1 must driv* aw ay th at had fox

know' he whispered, "the rnhher g m Grandpa W hackum m sde. f i t shoot bean

‘"‘iu k ln g no* noise, and pf ths other beavers. T'.iod'e stole softiv

nick over and vvush a peck nf sp in - j ^'^’t'he' dTtilng-room. Me got theUU 1 ' . __J hda

c r ied Toodle. "r .una

lilt of leather Tflp kili'l of

railed a allng-

tree, f'3r there were plenty of sllcka In th e water under the h ™ ''" h™s* A

sfliii i ufli Add a f'upful of l>oillrg w ater aii leve l le a sp o o n fu l f'f salt, i.ook un til

iT filn am i press outl all w ater [KispUilp T h is w a ter may be ^dded to (he soup s to ck , ( ‘hop the spinach fiiia and add to it tw o level tab lespoon fuls of b u d er and tw o level teaspoonfu is of flour cook ed logrether. Mix w ell, and add h a lf a cupful of thin cream iind suit .’’ nd jiepper to taatP Reheat tliM s]ilTiRfh. Heap In the c e t ir e o f a flish and p lace the broiled chops about !t.

Herve th e en d ive with ft Frenchdresfiing.

For th e d esser t, boil tw o largfe sw eet pota loos Teel ciiid rub through a col ander,an>l add to ^ piitt o f milk; stir tlii* h ilo the potato pulp, addinff a cupful of sugar, a pinch* o f sa lt and flavor with lemon Juice to taste- Pour th is m ixture Into th e pie cru st, and jitiaks aa you would pu m p k in pie. Make a raerlng'ue of th ft/w h itea o f the eg g and a l it t le sugar. T h is m ay be served either h o t or cotdi

rubber ?un and aojro he^na went up to hiB room aSaui

Then lie h« Boftlv

lot ofnnened the w in d o w , a n d shut a hard_baan

“There' Take that- "Oh wow"" hsrksd th s fox, ft. the bean

bulkta from the rubber gun hit him .m rhla Is no place for me!his nose

'^'Twav off he ran over the h"hnlhsr the beavers any more ttial

re, and he

YOU SHOULD KNOWw h en you send exp en sive carp ets and rugs to be c lean ed iust how they are cared for and han dled . Our entire works are alw ays open for your inspection , and it is alw ays a p leasure to show you j u « how we handle a ir l in a clean way.


Vrite, f i l l ni* 'I’hniie.

707 pod 70S ^ a rk el.M'sW AUK. n . j

N««r Court St.

Z u " o t'rU V s; e « n 'o n e in the heaver [ Souse awakened - ^ .n J o , idle yelled andshot the rubber gun, but when they un terstood what he had done they *a‘d t>* ,

. brave, And T think so m jsc ir back to sleep, and

Heat UP ths yolks of two egga ;^ ^ :j ,; l; :^ t* “ e ' ; u b U - g u nR.,t he did not need It. for no more ft-svaa came to scare them .* And tomorrow night, if the ‘ ^

^ -- th e telephone, and telle


r w iat" k tn d '" ' r p r . « n t .h e J *oingme wuwv . (.brlstma*. I'dl" r if ; : T v for and It will be about Noydle and the eggs.

like the letter Y,

The sktTch here given shows one of MU* Geraldine Farrar's charming gowTi.s worn at her cencerl last ^eek.

The effect proriuced hy It* form ntid «o!or vaa of a gauzy ambp.r butterfly, gnd the little gold lace head-dress shn v o r e enhanced the picture.

An airy grace w as given the skirt by th e graduated lace flm m ces (hat fell

laff* sleeves reieated thevving'lik*. liens.

The w as formed of * triangle■if hu'" 4ind a f'*w folds of 'Ik lh* front, v.hile In addition to the i-arne fli- ratiitomcnt a t the hark there \^as h moet purprlHiiig how of wldfl pink aalm rlh- hou Hdiusted diagonally between the shoulders The lUtle Initvh cap of wired gold lace and small lin k rosea

crotch Is shaped .lust — w ith ona part down below and two parts atlckltitr up above,

Toodls dived down Into tha water and brought up just w hat anawed off the sweet outside hark and h ^ a n d Noodle and Crackle a le H. or bark Is what heavers live on In the win­ter It le a s good a . candy to them

"Now for some pieces of stretchy nib. bar;- cried the heaver gentlomam

"You can tak f som e o ft my hat, ssld Crackle, who wanted to see the rubber gun as much as did her brothers. 'There Is some strong rubber e lastic J

"Fine and dandy'." cried Grandpa TVhackum whn laughed and blinked his eyes, a lm o s t aa though he were e hoy

"^■Thcy cut two pieces of the rubber

Special for Women


U n m a tch a b le for d r e ss a n d g en era l w e a r ; v a lu e s $ 4 , $5 and $6; in P a te n t C olt, Q un M etal, T an C alf, a lso In B la c k , B r o w n and G r a y B u c k ­sk in , w ith K id n ey , S p a n ­ish and C uban H eels, for


front boneath th« am ber tunic, and the frn med t he MARTTA 'H jYNN.


Mr. and Mri. Arthur F Sandford, '•’f i flO Bumnier avonua, entertu'ned st j dinnor la it night, In honor of iheir Waco, Mies Graca* H arris. who*e mar rlftga to FrMarlo W, Smith, son nf Mr and Mrs. Edwin Sm ith, of Sfil Hlfton avenuA will tako placa tomorrow night a t • o'clock, at tha homo of Mr and Mrs. Satidford. Tha gueate wore Mr. and Mrfl, Earla Qladelone ChUde, Mr. and Mri. Harold P . AJl«n, Mla« Buth Harris. Of South Orange; Miaa Helen T. Run- roD» of Great Neck, Long Island; Mias Mary Brant, of Madlaon; Horace Bald- wlHg B m eft Baochlln and Dr. W. H. ’Warear, of East Orange. Tha caramonf will ba parformed by Rev. Dr. George 0 . Vogel, pa llor of Centenary Methodist Splscopal Church Mle* Harris, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.

T w e isH m onp ’e r* the R u x ih ftry to th e fr r Ixiforablc-" and Hospital m et

yesl'-rday nflern""u h' th*' homo of Mrs <;e >rjro J. nui'-ic*. of IT ITllzal'eih avenue, ftnd omllnf'd f '.Hne for (he w inter* work, ll wRs som e tim eafter ih* card rnfO to he Riven by the guild Friday afterhooTj. November 31, in Davis s perlors Further arrangem ents wlJl be m ade at a thimble psrty to be held Monday aflernopn. Nov»miher 24, In Ihe home of .Mrs. F-dw-ard Ackley, of 7& [.Incoln Park.

If there Is occasion to '•**' uiattcr aiKl thera l l noTia at hand,_heat] Juk-e ^'lll dark red color and the flavnr vtlil net be parcer'ih le even In the .n"St ilellviitc rnrdlea. Either herrlas or ,t b nbarries will give ,.lnk tint. vvHh’ vpiuaci green 1! nf sn

straw-rich 1

excellent for ! er prated ra rr it or (he yolk

wdl p i'f' f* pretty shade nf ] \e s - '1ahlo r.dnrlng matter*,

vvhh'h His B h .-lu tcly P'lre mni he pur , I'hftscit 111 "mail tiottlca or Jars for slight] cost, rj'tlc la required f"? coltYrIng

Mrs. John Creedon and Mlsfa Anna C o^ - h!g, nf Rtjvere, Mats., are the g u e s li of their cousin. Mr* John Dwyer, of Fourth street

.Mrs George Drnwn Jr., of 74 BJlIsabeth a\enuo. entertained her card club yo iter- day afternoon. Bridge whist was played

Harris, of South Orange, will be at- j a buffet luncheon served. The rtecor-teiided by Mrs. Childs at matron of honors and by her slKter, Mlsa Ruth H u r ls : Mrs. Allen, aUtcr of the bride-

g-ootc-elect; Mias Runyon and Miss rsLBt. Mr. Baldwin will be the beat

tnana and Dr. W erner and Mr. Bseehlln VIU sei^'e e s uehers Following the jhAhtr e rehearsal of the wedding took |t*ee.

ation.-* u pre > cllow chryaenthemums.

Announcem ent has beep made of the engagem ent of Miss Mlnnla Mass, daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Mass, Of 326 South E leventh •treat, and CourtlaAd Palmer, of New York City, ion of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Palmer, o f 86 North Eleventh etreet, th li city.


alxty graduate nurses of tha Iftgia attended a technical lecture given geitarday ftftern'-*on by D r H. B Ep- eUin, of thU cUy, In the home of Mias Catherine Neafcey, of 213 North Broad

Under the aueplces of the Nurees t e d e t f of Essex, Warren and Somerset

John Le'v- A general d liouselon o f the topic fo llow ed , after which th ere w asa sorlij j hour.


The Lure

When You Get


Y o u G e t t h e B e s t

_____ NEYV YORK, Not. n .—Oradugt«» frontgonoUMs Dr. Kpeteln had with him three j fifteen wom en'e colleges have perfected of We patients on whom he has *uo- organisation here through w hich thay gaiffuLly operated. Mies Julia Fuss and | ^^e mtorofit In a th letics

Gertrude M. Duffy uaslsted the which they fostered iQ their under- hoatM* ih receiving. Tea was served graduate days. Mlsi Lillian Sohoedler, during the eoolfti hour which followed I Barnard, i m . who was a leader tn field th . Ucture M ri Mary Oomptou and .-emtesU a t that college for four y ea ri, U W JWure- lit thn tiiH aiBoclatJon, MoreM h A w balla t-rusvl. pru.lhed _al J s Wa | resldants o t Newu b l* . A buslnes* m setiiig prevodail tha U cta n , Miss M argaret bqiitra, pmaldant, 1 sragUlOf. Mlsa laahei RUrr, dslegata t" j tba gami-annual m eeting ..f the New Jar- gar BUta Nurees' Asaoclatlun at Engte- waod Igat weeh, gave her report ol the Mtaating. Y'hB next lecture In the tours- t r t t t trtH ba given Ih# second Monday

noon In Janugry, Tha pSare of meet'

York, who formerly starred In athlatlca a t ftarnard, RrJ'n Mawr, Comall, Vaaagr, Smith, W ellesley, Ml. Holyoke and other i'olli.gre, have aplled for mamterahtp. It Is itoctarod, Tlfia aasoctatton ptazta to go l:i first tor bowling, gymnaattoi, ewtiB* mtng, bashatbalt, fencttif and fanoy dalu* tng, but may later extend to {laid apoM .

I and apaakor w ill h* announced later.

Tka F orest H ill B ea d in g Club met at thg home o f Mrs. J. B tuart Hamilton, M l l i k a s tr ee t yeaterd ay afternoon



waa "The U f a of Dickens,' ‘Davlfl Copper-

Gard nasss, ahapsd quite ITIta m a l l 'alobei, are from far o ff Jgpan

to ha had In aavarsl ahadag n f ptnliiJ dayraadinga from

wore road by Mri, W lHfsdgffao W'ta ohairm an of ths

l iT i I K ^ • ......................i s r i U n B an ford A yres, Mra, G serg i g g f^ a a a . Mra. H enry H aller and Mrs.

anvalopei, are from far o| are to b e had In aavarsl a blue, gray and lavender as wall a s In w hite, Thay v a liatid daa> tarla, ohsrry oloMOiJta and tng fa v o r ite dM lgni, tfeg saaaa are

, provided w ltn m n ar ( k m •onsp art- mants so that sardl, fa n and tlcketa m ay ba cen vanlaalty earrtlA

onratad, wli-I kmono

There Isn’t much for a woman to ponder over when ghe decides to cat out the home labor of bread baking and buy baker's bread.

Snowflake fills the blU for her-ills It to 8 T.

It’s the best bread baked In Newark—how could any be better?

It’s fine and white and light with a pleasing crust. It stays fresh a remarkablr long time—helped no doubt by the fact that each loaf comes In a waxed paper wrapper—elr proof, moisture proof, germ proof.

Snowflake at tdl grocers.

F a n cy S lip p ers in All C o lo r s .


w ra irsSample Shoe Shop707-709 Broad Street

The New Tango

(S eco n d B o o r )Cor. Cedar St., Holt Building, Over Crescent Drug Store.


An o tte n -u * ed expression credits "L i..,u ty

w ith b e in g b u t “ skin d e e p ." T h e th o u g h t

uni h o w e v e r , c a n n e v e r b e used in d e sc rib ­

ing th e S te in w ay P i a n o ; fo r here, in d ie co m pass

(rf ito case, is a h ig h ex am ple o f w h a t the

ey e recognizes as m ateria l b e au ty an d , a lso , a m usical qua lity so ex q u is ite th a t m aste r m inds th e wfwld o v er h a v e p ro n o u n ced it inco m p arab le .


107-100 E ast 14th str e e t. N ew Y ork



Distinctive Sterling SilverwareWe have an old established reputation for turn­ing out ordinary and incomparably beautiful specimens of the high-class silversmith s art.

You can tmy this superior ware in the salesroom idiolning our (sototy at much lower prices than prevail In expensively located retail stores.

SPECIAL , THIS week! v » T ^ » g - O F FTag itg llg A StmiS*. ,r«g.^.rB_t* e.kOJ________ _

Silrerwars U t l g c r B f O S . HaanficlDfers & C o t (H a s s 416 H a l s e y S t . , « !*»»■ ' a * “ j “ <1 R e ta i l e r s

The Fur Shop of QualityA Splendid Line of the Following Furs Are

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Special Attention Given to Special Orders and Remodeling



‘‘Bdla D Newark


n e w a rJam»« Bcr BtlzattoD aiwcted by Dr. Mny«r t h e Mon. I Ughmoud Dr. Hartlo: Sir Henry IbrwhlBi . . H u n M . , ,A U ..............Moalci . . . M ri. Chens Mr*. Marci ^farle . . .

N ot slnoi dealing lltt "The Eaat vldlon of It * heroine serttms dra not Jump t >n*d» by \ fiction Is I becoming vulgar asp an y Indde of modesty be tt rem w as welt ) manner ol tbilt.

This gri had kaowi life before tw enty . 1 parents hi

(When pove ened her, social but BOcleity sf Chepstow, for her be herself afi after ehe vorced at o f society barked on she remal portment deceptive Illusive t l pealing he cruelty m thtrty-elgt over the , relations IdealSet at Is iD ’ing poison aft tb the tu fasefnateft rriide (tier

,\a a I th is worn youth, bi had beer traordina w e know lhan by i about or Bltuatlon teriallBt, m oral an m en whe ta s tes or .'rhe baa one can la turned figure, n

On tb* Campbell aingular ] from the eorrertiy L ast nlgl adventuri ow n diet etnd a at seenas, gracefull: softly B brunette mtmy wt la the CO London i vsntureai

oontmendth e wornnature.plannedm lunteetclosuresparson&tlqptJlttes.

To 001 oadean wioksd t them In band an pleasant ndr llghi but It hi tng of a cimracte: tinacsbn sSheine,

.Ume. 1 Mr, Bry; dfsUnolio 'With the n«r, N does Ml author's wily fu pulses tt mentailt! am dly, vigorous! Vetisss healthy i

Tha sc board tt llfualvel)


For tl and for Is a pro In “Betti Theatre, play, 'wh In a prii gruduati fe ll us g school 0 be adml th is wo; been b] Cratg, t duced, most dll

In SI gtortllea started him self tsiotlves, tbief-tal that ha tb s olnt Th* wi frbm a' triotty teettvatoiiubnposes c

'a r t tha Ittfo a Uounta daudhti blmsett of IhOtfavorltl tlppe." then, tb turned, Ing bir perado, girt fR to ba ' with rt ^ v a •

' Bo (a —and action I of tha laid In daughti ture, p doting Now 1 ’■vrithoi when I arrive th« hei girl, ne and th the ar she hai

A pr amustn enough to bo-I to ba arror e

The , 1* eafl

mom ' Mao k


u e n c ln f ^ not to b* turningdlroctlona

r«eonti to be rea lfi^ l : th ere t i I th e child. Id m ay be ere ie wle- e lly la thla k a but one ea In toys la t go with i1 planning, f such out-

m ade with n g if ta the nber other youB confl- L ie a deprl- 5 not taken ould be en- some of the g iv e ew ey.

If any luch to start In

jglvl by the som e way

a i-hanco nxalter of

larl. ns well

ning innkeB m eaning of

with yonng re o f happl- • rs may be

iLst how alw ays

low you

K. >. J. ourt



''B€lla Doona" PreMoted at the Newark-“ Be!ieYe Me Xanlippe”


1 A r ee s :

NEW ARK TH EATR E— “ Beir* ro n n e ,” Jnm ee Bernard F agan 's (ou r-eel dram- atlMiUoa of Robert Htohene'e novel, enacted by the fo llow lo f rest.Dr. Meyer leaacson ........... Charles BryantThe Hon. Nigel A rm in e ., . .H erbert Percy Uahtnoud BaroudI. . . .Robert WhitworthDr. Hartley .................... .Edward FieldingSir Henry Grebe.................W illiam HaaeenIbrahim .....................a . Romalne CallenderH am sa ................................ . . . . . .C la u s BogelA U ......... .......................... . . j . , A. H. OavaiBM onkf .........................r : . , , .A r t h u r HurleyMri. Chepat<rr................../Mme. NasHmovaMra. Marchmont ............ .Amy V en eii iM a r ie ....................................: . . . May Gityer

N ot since Laura Murdock, that double- I dealing little trollop In Eugene Walter s ’'The E asiest W ay,” pasted before the vision of local playgoers, h u so depraved a heroine as Mrs. Chepstow (ig\jred In serious drama foolllghted here. Now do not jump to the cum-luelun that the play roade by Mr. Fagan from Mr. Hltoheas's fiction is to be avoided through fear of becoming acquainted w ith any coarsely vulgar aspeot of character or witnessing any Incident that would bring the blush of modesty to the cheek of Inoocence. For he it remembered th a t Mrs. Chepstow w as well bom and was well bred In the manner o f socially well-placed English folk.

Tbds grsnd-daufhter of Lord Cheam had known some of t^e hard knocks of life before slio had reached the age of tw enty. Hor reckless and extravagant f r o n t s had been ‘'enid up'' twice and

/when poverty pinched ihem , and threat­ened her. tliere waa some excuse for a aoclal buLlerflv of her rank In London society selling htirself lo WcKlehouse Chepstow, the wealthy brewer. Famed for her beauty she oiitwardly conducted herself after marriage as a lady. Even after she had come a cropi>er. been di­vorced at tw enty-five and with the doors o f society closed against her. had em­barked on her career as an adventuress, she remained ladylike In her public de­portm ent to the end o f the game. Bo deceptive was th ts earm ark of caste, so Illusive this high born manner, so ap­pealing her assum ption of being a woman cruelly misjudged and wronged that at th irty-eight she easily pulled the wool over the eyes^ of Nigel .Armine. In her relations with that chivalrous but foolish ideallfit after wedding him. and while she Is lr>’ing to do him to death by slow polscn after her sensual nature responds tt» the lure in Mahmoud Baroudl, she fascfnates. never shocks observers by any crude display of her base qualities.

.\e ft type of abn orm al fem in inity, th is wom an, w ho jn ilie h eyday of her youth, beauty and eoclal prom inence had been railed B ella Donna. Is ex-

' traordlnarlly In terestin g m ore by w hat W’S know' her to bo in heart and mind than by an yth in g she does In bringing about or tak in g part In a draniaUc situation 8hft is fin a th e li t , a m a­ter ia list. m ercenary and cunning. Im­m oral and a vam pire in her pursuit of m en who can g ra tify her luxurhius Tastes or patlsfy her carnal passions. •She has not one red eem ing trait. No one can sytiipalhize w ith her when she IS uirneiJ ndvift, ypt she is an alluring figure. w‘Uhln th e th ea trica l frame.

On the London stage. Mrs. Patrick Campbell Imparted the rharm of her singular personality to I3ella Donna, and from the Engllsli view' of Mrs. Chepstow correctly bodied forth the character. L ast night, Mme. N aslm ova clothed the adventurMs with the fascination of her ow n distinctive qualities as an? actress Mid a stage beauty. In the Egyptian geaoas, her languorous movements, gracefully sinuous poslngs, apd gestures, so ftly modulated, purring toaes and bruTrttte coloring, seamed raora in har­mony with the character than they did In the consulting room o f the fashionable London physician 3he depicts the sd- ▼sntursas as an out and out sensualist, s n t j r i t h finely artistic Intelligence and owm erid'able reUcence vividly denotes tb# woman’s voluptuous and passionate nattire. Her perfori^nc%-^ ^ f u U y planned and expertly wrought J n Its mtunteet details, is a remaritabjs dla- oloBures o f the R usalan> facility <or 1m- pOraonatlon. as well a s of her pjpiorlal qualities. '

To contemplate the workings of an unclean mind, and the p r o m p tin g of a wicked heart e s Mrs. Chepstow reveals them In seeking the death of her ;hua- band and union with Baroudl, is unr pleasant. There la neither sweetness n6r light in "Bella Donna” as a play, but It has the m erit of creating a » « - Ing of suspense, ajid when th e clash of characters comes a s It does, wheti Dr. Iteacsbn baffles th e w ife ’s rourdegouf iehem e, It is absorbing, even thrltTtn^.

Mme. NaxUnova is capably supporiad^y Mr, Bryant, who lends the needed air of distinction lo the eminent doctor and acts with the equally yssentJal repose o f man­ner, Nellhei' In appearance--nor action dr>eB Mr. 'Whitworth tu lly ' realise the author's conception of the handsome And- wily Xurco-BgiTitlan. ■ w h s bruliUF; pulses the outcast wife. ArfrUDe*! senil- m entallty and Infatuation are stralghtfor- wwTlly. and, at th e crisis o f h is affairs, vigorously shown by Mr. P e r ^ - w d Miss : Vehess as Mrs. Marchmoixt sounds a healthy note In the production. ;

The scenes In the V illa Andivuo on­board the dahabeab are beeullfully^and ll£uilvel>- staged.

MBelleve Me For the not too

•n d tor the "tired bualrifl*IB a pretty good evenlng-h In -'Beiieve Me Xantlppe" a t tJt* 8I |w W Theatre. Frederick Ballard "Wfote the Play w hich Is billed a* a four-act comedy, in a prlie competition by Harvard under ar&duatee, and ho w on th e prlza They fe ll va a lot nowadaya about th e H arvarf school of youns dramattata. but t t f f lw be admitted that Mr. Ballard, judged by thla work, touched up aa It muat have, baen by WlUlara A. Brady and John* Craig, under whoae direction It ta pro­duced Ie not an Edward Sheldon, tbe most dlatlngulahed product of that aohool.

In an era of "crook" plays ano of glortficatlon of Burnsisra. etarted In with a good idea. H a.':^ aa for hlniaelf a hero w ho daeplaed BgUc^. diK teetlvea, ahertffa and a ll other -fett « tb ief-taU ng kidney, and had him wager th at ha could com m it a crim e and eacapa th e olutchaa o f th e U w for a whole yaaj, T h i wager made, th e hero dltapgeate frbm a' darkened room before the eleo- trioitr can be sw itched on after a de- teeUve bureau head haa panwaded him S u b m i t to a Doaed noiee o f Identifloatloa. In i.tb o * e % ^

'aet' the fu g lllta ' f<awd^for:«iti Info a huntlag ih aok in -the / Uonntalna, encountora the,.#>«tjf^ , <,*H daughtar, Ita only o c c u p a n t ,'™ B ellw a bimaott aa tha wanted m an w ith a P*™ o f iM d O on hU 1UMM> by th e u » rt hie favorlta eatpreailon^'‘'Believe me, la h *

thslir fBtAvftteikC#fom ed. ahff there to a g ^ deal^ot artM -,I V b y p la y , iw ie r . gcd)ae<iu«tty a a « -

^rith th e "bad m S S ^ a n tU darm * a U arrive and th e trip H h p B u a the ooutity

to fa i , » g o o d ." v r o i thto a » n w t t . « - a n d there areaction Ig piwfaafly obrlooe, and It eavora O fth e m ^ f o - « r d « P>W. B o tt M t t a j e laid la th e o o m irdaughter, by reamm 0* her t o y f o 1 ture, prmnoted to deputy aherttf hy„W». doting pa. Of oonree tho Maee y m ^ New Torker, who Juet f o n i adven^ t^ "without ehoottng" litiBa .hto w iper.: n * when th e elenth and hto fellow hettt* arrive f r « a th e S a a t, th a y ea y t o , « p ^ th e hero hoe baea oaptured W a * • • • girl, not a t th a t tuno a U ub o f the law, and tbe tort o u ita la flnde th e lady I t the arme o f her prieoner. w ith whom ahe haa fa llea In loive,

A pretty th la ahow tM a fh a a ih 'ia th er amuatng at timaa, w hich arrer geta doaa enough to the araotloiiB d f th e aadltore to be ganotne eomedjr, and In Ita effort to be broadly faro lee l maheg' the fata l arror e f not m o e ln f aw lftty eM agh.

The fe e t th a t .Mr. B rady p i^ n o id It , |g aafftotont ■ nam atee th a t H If weQ

•faced and oapahly aatad. Jolm Barry, m om toho h w I t e i w d fe r ta w (p oen* M w M ama totth * flu e ,and ta o w M p e o ( r tM * S i f P the beta.

M u s. Alla N aslm ora,

rathar a pKy th at Ihs hero has« In fo l­low ing h is book, to use “My Ood'." and "damn" and similar explstivos fro- quentiy. Perhaps, however, th a t Is the undergraduate Idea of eipresM tig virility on the stage.

Miss M ary Young plays th e Important role of th e th s iif f ’s daughter with a sureneas th a t compela admiration, but It Is rather o f a shook to find h es wearing the lateat F ifth avenue type o f skirts In D ella, Col. M. Tello Webb, a s th e sher­iff, does excellent character work In a small role, and Heibert Russell as th e desperado Is quite In keeping with th e conventional Idea of such gentry. A s Violet, a friend of the latter. Miss KaUi- erlne H arris has an ungrateful part, playing a creature half-criminal, half* W estern demi-mondalne. whose Intro­duction In the play had little value save In setting o ff the twenty-tour-carat char­acter o f th e heroine.

• • *"Madaase iherry.**

W h atever e lse may be sa id o f It, It Is c er U ln th at the S tork -B row n ell com pany's rev iva l of the m u sica l play. "Madame Sherry." at the Orpheum T heatre, yesterd a y afternoon and la st n igh t, sh ew ed th at those en gaged In it had entered Into the sp irit o f th e piece w ith devotion . There w ere som e bitch es, ns w ere to he expected In a new experim ent by a com pany h ereto ­fore "engaged In comedy and drajma divorced from m usical num bers, bat tho raw ed ges no doubt w ill d isapp ear before th e end of the week.

tslnglng vo ices of rea lly fin e q u a lity are not p len tifu l, even In the preten­tiou s m etrop olitan m usical show s, and n atu ra lly enough the so n g sters a t th e Orpheum are not m aking any cla im to c la ss ifica tio n w ith those rare b lrda It Is tb e m elodious son gs In the play, w h id i a lm ost sing them selvesj th at hflped out th e vocal sh ortcom in gs y e s- tei'day. The ch ie f prop in th is respect, of course, w a s the lilting. "Every L ittle Alovem ent H as a M eaning A ll I ts Own," f ir s t su n g by Mabel E ste lle and J o ­seph Sw eeney. Its recurrence, though frequent, w as not too frequent for th e large au d lefu r , which found It c a p ti­vatin g .

M iss B row nell, as "yvonno Sherry, put a cap ita l perform ance to her credit, b ein g esp ec ia lly felintouB in her *Tm All R ight’’ number, which had to be repeated several tim es, and su rp risin g th ose w ho w ere unacquainted w ith her V ersa tility by her c lever dan cin g. Mr. Stork, a s Edward Sherry, m ade that you n g yascal an am using character. A n d 'h e had to wdrk like a Trojan to do It: Fred Frear, a real m u sloal com ­edy com edian. Imported for th is re­vival, distinguished him self as The- ophltus Berry, his ’ argument" song being a laurel winner. Gllb'arta F a u st as P ep lta looked her pabft and^ after her f ir s t en tran ce put* m u cB 'flA -Ip to It. L ater on th is firebrand snapped w ith ,,.xpuch le ss vigor, th ou gh there watf no lack o f cgm ellneas. C harlotte VF. D an ie l g ave a good accou nt o f h er ­s e lf a s th e jan itor's w )fe, and M r S w eeney’s abounding v ita l ity a s the fick le Venertftelan mkde him an Inter­e s t in g factor In the perform anes.

• • •L ocal S ingers at Proctor^s.

Varied tastes in threatiical entertain- meht find satisfaction In the vaudeville offerings a t Proctor's Theatre. Although the .ordeal of a first appearance pn a local stage and the presence of many frlsinds.and acquaintances In th e audience tended to make them nervous, the m em ­bers o f tb e E ssex Quartet— M iss I m a HarrtBon, soprano; Miss Helen Moulton, contralto: Robert Bartholomew', tenor, and Malcolm Corlles, baritone— soon com ­pelled th e hearty appreciation o f all tholr hearers by their admirable singing o f old and new songs. The individual voices are pleasing and better trained than moat of those heard In vaudeville. They blend w ell in-concerted numbers and the songs sung are appealing in character. In all th a t It does, the quartet’s refined style m akes Its act one of the m ost admirable sausioaL offerings on the variety stage.

'Jack W tlsoD and h li capable aids-^ 'M i|s A da Lane and Jack B oyle^ w ere cow l*R F-greeted. Although th e possoasor o f 'a happy skit, W lUen interspersed his .lines w ith a review of the beet parta of •Jifeloedlng acts, which kept th e audlsncu in ah uproar o f laughter. H is burlesque on the present day styles of fettilnine 5ress; w as especially good.

'w ith such an English accent and nsan* pgrjSms as seldom have been disclosed or

Are You Run Down?

Now Ii the tim* to pars rourssit for tbs wta" ter. BuUd up yenr ^•a1th and Btrongth so that when th« cold days ooma you will b« physically abla to ward off cold waatbar iMe Taka

D e w e y ’ sPort Wine


Olive OQths Oil v-S Bsa la Imported

aad its Is overtome ts tb* codtUiiitiaa

The But Wlatar Toale.

$100. 12 BotOM $11.09H t . DEWEY & SONS CO.

ISS Taltaa H.. ••« A ^atau t t , N. T.UAKKBB Ok PUBB W IN^ aBakH I. '

U Toara la Bualawa.oiir OsaWatM.. .C rilan , X te fa r ter , M. J.. - .

For 8a!a\ lar'

. - M l o5M-'’ i>*aterK -v^:

tba local ata«a, Cyril ChaJwlok, who 4a- ptrtad an SBallah m U am M In th*0t buyloc a (U b . •■■ur*4 hlm ialt ot a haarty weiconie from thoaa maktnt Wa acqualntaiice la i t Dtoht whaaavrr ha rhooaaa to reappear In thla c!t>- Hla drollery and a c tlon i arere refreahlti*. Carl I.ylA who appeared aa * gaaemilh, alao made an excelleat ItnpraaaloQ.

Other contrlbutora to the bill are Max lAube, a aklKul Im lu tor of bird lon ia ; M ehlll* and HlaBlni, In "Puttln* OB Alra, ' a merry eh it, I'lara Balleriol, e y m n a si,. gam Shew and ThaU Packard In "Bach to Mlaaoiirl," an enllvenlnf bit lit humor: E lliabcth tm o In "Mutlcal Mileatnfieft,"' a planledc net; fiam Barton, eccentrii' cynllat. anu Archie OnrI end MIee tiolly, jtifgiere

• « *The SIMe la Olhrr H e e sn .

PAYTON T H E A T R E —The Payton stock comr^ny, th at aasletsd In dedi­cating Ihia new house last Saturday, re­peated Its perform ance o f “The Sport­ing Duchess" yesterd ay afternoon and last n ight In th e presence oi large apdlences. More fam iliar with its lu r - roundings snd unham pered by the n er ­vous tension incidental to the opening of the theatre, the company enacted lh« sp ec iseu la r m elodram a with a firtner com m end o f Its reiotircea than w as possib le under the trying condi­tion s Saturday The com edy-dram a "SW'eet K itty PellalrR ’ w ill be ihs o f ­fering next w eek .

K U riR E TH EATRE— In a two-act muaicftl farce, entllleii "A Marrlogs of ronvenlence," Joaeph K- Watson and Will H Cohan, the chief .oomedlane in "The Happy W idows ' Company of bur- iesquers, are gU'en such scope for their fun-making abilities that the audience last night was moved to hilarity by their antics in the roles of those adventurous Hebrews— R uih ky and Brushky. Their sense of humor and individuality In e x ­pressing It rank them above most of the jesters in the burlesque field. Other good things in th e well-etaged show are the singing by the W inston Duo and Miss Helen Van Buren and th e cabaret sot by the Tierney Four.

WASHINGTON TMEATHE — The m ost fam ous and in terestin g contribu­tor to the v a u d ev ille program Is Mias Rose P ltlnof, cham pion of lo n g -d is ­tance sw liiim crs, w hose sk ilfu l d iving and exhibftieii o f a ll aurts of strok es In swimming m ake her perfonnarice remai-kable. H er engagem ent la for the entire w eek . T onight she will

nseat m ale uompetUora In na ta tor ia l tr loke, and on T hursday n ight w ill p it her ik lk l a g a in st that o f any wom an c a r in g to en ter a ooDtset w ith her.

T he program also brlnge forw ard M lfs Jeetie H aywood and com pany In Uie oom lo sketch , “Cold Turkey;'" Al* ban and Deaoree. In eongs and v io lin p la y in g ; Tem ple and Kay, In a m elange of songp ta lk and dancing; Van and Pieros. Jesters and singers, and H lie M attie Quinn, s inger and dancer.


The first In the series of three con­cer ts arranged by Mrs. Robert 8. G ra­ham and Mrs. Robert E lliot for th is sea so n attracted to the ballroom o f the W ash in gton yesterdHy afternoon an aud ien ce sm artly fashionable o f aspect and so la rg e In sUe as to test th e s e a t­in g capacity of the hall. It a lso w as In' a recep tive mood and Ite app reciation o f th e varied m usical offerings m oved It to dem and so many encores th at the published program w as considerab ly extended The a ss is tin g a r tiste w ere M iss L llllsn Eubank, tnetso-soprano, of the MetropolUftii Dpera Com pany; Miss Murl SllhH. p lsn ls!. o f N ew York, and Orville H srrold ., tenor of Oscar H am - m ereteln 8 operatic forc^ .

In Mias Eubank, the eudlenee was made acquainted with a singer, whose voice and method In using It lb her In­troductory number, the aria, "More Regal in His Low Estate." from Oounod's ■‘Queen of Sheba." not Goldmark's, as the program stated, quickly recommended her to discriminating hearers. It Is a lonorou i organ, the tones of which have l3«en evenly developed throughout its range, have kindling warmth In the medium register, lend them selves readily to dram atic coloring and are so firmly controlled as to Inspire confidence in her technical equipment. Maturing experience should enable her to express tho emo­tional contents of the Gounod arts with greater breadth snd euthorltv hf et ylftthan she now oominaiida.

Mins Eubank also w as heard tti the prdfude to Landon Ronald’s "<^vrle of Life," xMary Bumner Salter's tropic ■■t”ry of Rarhel,"'which Mme. Scbumann-Hclnk 01) eloquently voices: WoodniBii s ABirthday/' and as encores, MacD-'well's ■■Thy Beam ing Eyes" and Mrs. Maher's ■■Roses In ft Garden." In these her i lesr

enunciation o f the text enhanced enjoy­ment o l her singing.

MIm BUba's contributions to the pro­gram ware B aerlittl'i Sonata In A ntsjor, LlBst’s ’faVl^eslraum.*' liCSchsUiky’s Aral>asqus. radejew skl'a Theme and Varl- stluiis, a Cho$>in Etude, and a i an encore a cuukposUluii LhsL should be better known than it Is beosutie o f Its sparkling char­acter, and In which the player wrought some delightful e ffec ls by her oklifTil command of the pedals. In Miss Sllba'a iwirfurmance there was much to e x d le admiration of her rapacity for labor In acquiring the technique she revsali. Her fingering la fleet, but not alw ays reliable SB was apparent In certain measures of the ' l.lebssi r«um, ■ and hrlllUncy In execu­tion rather than seducUve quality of tone ton often marked her playing If she would arrUr hI ihe goal of her ambition, she phonld 8fr'\e to CHreti as well SlS to riftSJEle Hrr sister. MiSfl Bessie Bllberfeld, who gft\f ft ri'cital In Wallace Hall a few reiasonB ago. might help her to a better imderaliinillng nf tonal nuanclng.

Mr. Hntrold, one of Manager Hamraor- ateln'a "dlsroverles," muM have created diver* Imi reeaions of hla talent on those wiui heard h‘jn for the first time on this occasion Me m ight have l>e« ome A very MKtlsfytbK vnrallst hod he l^egun to study the art nf bei canto in his early msnbcKMl. Ills mualifti ediicttllon evidently has Irtcn of the hftl'hHaard, fon-M coaching sort. Hts voice nui^res high and has compel* ling power In Mie upper register when he exerts it* f'Hl volume. The meaium tones are dark m nolor and, while aym- palhettc, have little reeonatice, and in pianissim o Im k tlie carrying purity that might have n-pulted from mum perfect jilaclng. For ‘'no whose operatic experl- onco hoe lueen brief, he is tjf the stags stagey even in lyrlos calling for elm- pllcUy o f treatnienl.

In the “On w ith the Mntley" scene from “I PagilHccl." Mr. Harrold's te m ­peram ental energy, em otional outpour­ing, Including ft Caru*o-likp aob. and r in g in g h igh to n es made hi* voicing of poor C anlo’s fe e lin g s very ntlrrlng. R esponding to the lnal*ten1 applause he gave the son g ■■I’m Falllnn 1u Love w ith Borne Vine' from ■■NaUKhiy Ma­r ie tta" Later In the concert he was hftflrc! In Johnetrui's “T houghts of You." Knscer'* "A Nor-iume" and Hharlea Mllbcri Pprf^Rs's "Ishtar," finely C>rlenUl In coloring. ’'Yesterday an«J r<vja>'' and ".Icftn." heinR helped in hla in- terp rsla tlo n s hy Mr Sprnss's adm irable Mipport Rt the piano.

" i f ,

tew teM M htonOS Ie * itew h m M htond, f t to w t ' ^ a e - toteiffte » fWto, jw to H to . M ) • l i | to -Tfc — na x in M n * * •»

I -

s, -y-

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'■'If there are some vent- ed pieces > .of Sterliiig Sil­ver or Plated Ware for your Tbanksgivlng Table, yon wni be anw .to find sonetMng here that ’ ia priced to yonr liking.

Onr assortments vere never larger or mere at> tractive.., v

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If you once let your family try Mueller’s Macaroni---and let them taste its delicious flavor, and see its nutritious value---they’Il w ant Mueller's Macaroni early and often. Easily prepared in dozens of tem pting dishes.

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. yiiiiiaiiM

Rub M U S TE R ^ on That Sore, T ight Chest!

Trr tilt. clMn. whU«, »o tliI ii( nlntoiant. Be* h«v qulcUx It tnina* r*Uaf.

ur;8TXROi.a so w xii that tba «M-taatalenad nuutarS Flaatar oaad ta do la tha dayi at aar (TUdiaathan, t e t It daaa H w ltter t tlw Mlatail

Doatoit aad a a p i a a faraaklr raaaiSBiaBd HITS.THR2!;a for Sara Threat Sraachitit Croa*. Sittt Hate. Arthiaa. H aw alila. Oon««tlaa, riaarliv, ateM oittBS. laiatM ca, Valaa aaS aohae at tha H ate or J o la tt toralaa • «

Cold, of th . C h ..t (It pravant. Pn.oni<mla)i At lour druaglat'a In 16o and Me Jara

and a .|wolal larie hoapital a lu tor fUW.Accapt no oubailiuta. If rotir dmaalrl

cannot mppir you. aand 2to or soo to th i MTISTEBOLE CorapanJ', Clevalmd, OSIa and wo will mill you a Jar, poataie pr.. paid.

PROF. J. C. BUPLONa South Lyanat Caan., aayai

‘ Tanr truly rood rant* dr, IfBotarple, tea aavat my Ilf* ., t » “ trauhlid for yaara with Aathma. Plauriar aad allto* trou. blaa I aeald (a la ai aaad hut a nnall atAoaat

iTyotir tralT rantarhabla ranady. aad la- day I 'am a thorousWy wall aian la coBaa- (u a a a It ta * Godaend to poor, auffaflat haBaatty.' Ttrtar ta ata. AU latltra sladl| dgpaaafc’w^towrttaataaaa, tW

llaf whatavar.


A v«ry uniart Irimpln* '• h«n<l- woven D oofie l. m»'*» N’orfolK wjih Iriramlnus <'f leellivr > or Kulftn*. vutte of Irliih. «oi'l

*t«eede are iin"li"h H aiti whk-h kI's arratetiT'ivaiiietit

Some of tivn ne" llm ouilne co a ti are of draped peaii '!» "''"rn. and have ihe com­fortable muff ctirfa o( fur

hand-woven aktrti have freedom of

Very natty are the children a ">ais , which ihow the comtdnatlnn of plain an' plaid materlala. boiiiellmra (li« "'a la of the plaid, with the plait) material need tor collar, bolt and cuffs. an<l eKaIn Ih* Ul» of miiUTUiIi s» rev‘<'rjf<l

K\«nliig th* exceedinglytour traJn« definail wHh tieride of fur.

The ■!’ ‘.'ifTilln«jei In fiivor. Jl It tiiadee nf all Bort» of naater-

I..ealher belta with eelf-covervd buckles ara ueed for a flnlili to children a loose flltln* coati, 'Whatever lha mat^fiaL ^

Cutaway effacU, wtien combined with J the veil, are In

wouldBy mean! of the veit, a itrlkln* hitcolor la Introduced I"'” .,"*'** ..ihenviee l,e a coetmne subdued In tone.

Fur Is used f'tr collar tailored su lti of every materia!

nd cuffe on 1

X new Freni h nlylitgown Is of crejie do | ohlne with a riifflel shirt front The neck le ftnlflH'd with a m il w hich stands up a trifle In La« h.

BuCflei have Invaded th e realm "f handkerchiefs. Tiny net ruffles and ruf­fles of crepo de chine finish the Ih"' squares of linen or allk. The material Is of the best so ll luundars adm iral'll. Uiough at the nii.enBO of oonsldoraMe f lu e .

Bending, of black vahet ;’n>^;;''iaer-1 In striking design In ttie imsele-. on hined With rich colored illk*. mak« hniidHriine svttiatfoai* a t wall an hat trmiTnluRt'

A / B e d t i m eHOWAPBR G A R U -

TOODLKf1nt»h«d'‘ chfd

A tingle- large velvet flovi»*r thefinishing note to the hand*f«me aflern->on cr evening toilette

On# of the new fftc* vella la finished with a ruche along either edge The lop on# l» really additional trimming f«)r the hats while the lower nne ellow s the

to dlipenee with a regiilntloii neck ruff. Tbe ruchofl often errfof I'onlraitlng color to the veil

wideTn Hnlngs this year one has choice Plain vb ile alw ays Is oletant. but brlEht colors. have their follow - •yb as have the silks and satins with fu- tu fis t pattsrna.

Jawollsd handeaui are very modish for •vdn ln c wear They are shaped to fit the ■tyta of coiffure

B aih ei of tulle or ch iffon are rlvo» body by means of a beaded edge.

Moleskin oontlnues In favor. Combined with rich brocade or la i' stry, (t inake.s a mndtsli fixne]il hal.

]*!••. oat. bUK aii'i crape -hlffon. are conibin*'-! In lUInty aeparat# t-1 lhare 1» no restriction

(|a chine « r lome of the

Seemingly to ihe different

'CopsriKhI, 191!. by H oward B. Gsrls, 1 "Orandpa W hackum. w h a t sort of

Names did >ou used t.. play when you • were a lit t le sn lm sl hoy""' asked I Toodle F la t-ta ll, iho sm all beaver chap,

• iiio even ingIt w a i After Bupper. and T oodle and

I Noodle and Crackle had fln lahed their

iinKie garment.matart&Ja used In

The dntallB of cedUr, ruffe and |vent are Hll-lmportani in the wardrobe of Ihfl weli-dreaeed woman. [

• ■'otton fabric glovei. excellent Imlta- | tinna of doeikln and charnoli. are being ; worn late thin year They come heavier i In weight, and are better looking In ap- | pi'arunrfl than ever before. j

Some of the ne-weal evening allppere ' havf the beaded etnbr-ildefy extending hpynnd the vamij.

Sll\er heads are 'jsed for ornamenting black juede shoai.

Jeweled buttons are seen on some of the long evening glove# The coloring, [nuat. nf courae. harmonise with that of the gown with which the glov worn

Noodle wanted





„-,.hool leiBCini. There w as a l it t le tim e yet before they had to go bed, an Toodle thought m aybe <irandpa W hacUum would aniuee ttieiu

■’W hat did 1 iiaed to do w hen 1 was A em ail ch ap ’’’ asked the o ldest beaver geutlem ati In the p»nd “W ell, now let inn je« ! Humi Ha! Vea. 1 ured to do m any th in gs ."

“The tam e an we do to know.

Ves. juat about the eame, tlrandpa W hackum '*'f course 1 wfi.') a boy b#a\«r we didn't have as | many th lngi to play w-ltl» ra you ha e j I^or InalKuce. 1 didn't Ituve mUer sk a tes nor hlryclea, nor even m y L-lroiifi bai- , looiia. '

• . “You d ld irr'” cried fr .i kie. in sur- | prise, "Whet a fiimiy w m ld it muBt have been thei "

-N m il \Knti much Mip •tame Br^Ue -irarKli.a Wh.l' kum. "Tha lUHr klrls .IMn I have bulls thut cs i upsii shut Ihsir eyes anil talk, rllhfir

■■a'hst .ll'l ttis) b in * ' a Noodle. , ,,

“W ell, they 'iB«d (o m ake their dolls out of a bundle of rage. w i!h flhoo but tone for eyes. Or alee th ey would lak?I torn cob. make two e.ves w iih pen and ink. and dress her ap in plecos i.r eilk and ealln. Very nb*e dolln thei were, too."

“Oh, how very fu n n j' ex Crackle, laugh ing

■’Dtd you have any guns iier# A boy l)ea\er?" «t'he “R eal guriB that would ahoot and maUe h b ig nolle, and scare t-ear i and aUl- gatofB. and"-and—

“Oh. don't he ao ecarv- Bnve a iealw avn BO Bcary!” excleim ed < rackio. iw k in k Pvsr bar shoulrtar as tluyupb sbs miBhl sec il llm, rr s his head in I he window ...f '>'« house t.i Bsk if ho ■■mild stay

But nrithlns mio happened. I mKlfltl In aay. , „ ..i

• ^nll luive a uun. grandpa, asked Toodle. itnil h is a. as and Mb hm tlier .Noodle siiark led w ith de- lloh i for tliev ivera sure thoir i.ra n d ia yviuu-kuin w as kaink to -e ll them some-thlPS h iterestln g --m a y b e a s tT y , f . all tliev knew,

"Wall. 1 didn't have a pun said the old gentlem an Viesver. as he

o ff h is Rlassea so they 11. sleep if iliey wanted to.

Ni. I never herl a regular gunG randl« Wbackuin, s|'>wly,itai.R T«)odlc and Noodie. v a# bkclo u r . lie didn't like bnye to h a v . dangernue things afl gnne. But I re

1 mad© a rubber gun.cried rrack le. “How

I'ji-!;!' fr'iin <'rackle'e hat Tti© pie*#© iMftde feat to the two Ktlcklnk-Pp

tnde ' f lli' wooden handle of the thing iti" leMcr Y Then a plf «'e of

kathn- eiKiugh to hold a smallBtune. WHH irui.le fiM to the other ends of IIjh 1 tjf rubber

■ N'tw -‘ur gunUrari'li'n \\ tia' kum.

■ Vt J w:ll 11 dhoof’ ’ aeked 1 oivlle‘ ctf r.i'jpd#>. It w lir" ©xflalnied th© old

hea^^r genllfttnan. “ I 11 show you.' I'C, yuU nuJBtn t ihoot

haife" said Mrs. Flat-tatl. who w ssmen.lihk a hole In her husband s sock ., “I( vii! rnakx' too much noise

Till. r'Jhtier gun will make no noise snswered (irsndpa Whackum wHU

And I will only shoot lorns

they will


C h ristm as P reparations

coni© from


«l H'

Nhhl<> I„,,,ns. S'), even If they acrldentally

D a i l u T T ^

"^Decip&Menu N#>


Mri'akfsBf douffle.TOs'i(*J

Trcsir CocoA-

1h imcd

V h c n youN.itoll©-

I ,r M ’HK' 'N Msjtter ahoricak*

if»f] Het-ta Diuad.K rulL

iPlNNKRw ?ouli-'hops with tipinach

Ma *ln>il 1'oluto. I’au liflow erfclndlva

S\<.©©1 Potato© pie.*iujxg©atloaa for Menu %o. X

h'or P m- lu s-ak fatt aoutfl©. m elt three fHl'lcBpM fills «pf butter. 4iid stir Into It tlirvf tablcspoonfulu of flour. Then !»lowly nd a cupful of milk Bring to thr luiUlug i-jlnt. and season w ith salt nn l pepp< r Remove from ih© fire, add the yolks of four egg« beaten hard, and HiMi fold In the s t iff ly beaten whltea. Turtj Into a buttered bak ing dleh, and i bake In a m oderate oven for tw^enty- | f l \ f m inutes, ilerve at once If on# | hkes ih© flavor of onion, rub the bak- |

dish over w ith a piece of onion iihf:I li^fnre tu rn ing In the miM ure

Pfir the flhoricAke, make a rli'h b is ­cuit dough .'IS for a straw berry sh o rt­cake bill It orton a# soou gs It Is baki-fl. I'ibrl spread w ith butter and creuined oyater« A beaten egg addfcd lo the oysters Just before pouring over ih# cake is un Improvement may b© rut out with

hit little O ack le on her nose, not hurt “

“Oh. but I dun't wmit to be lut. nolB#!" cried Crackle

“Don't be a fr a id -I II not hurt you,fald ftramliia Wtmekum,

Toodle K"i some heana frem the pan­try (Irandpa Whsekum put one 0i th© leather hobler anrl pulled back *>u tho‘ber ela^lbs. vshicli stretched r.ut -^uu- dislapce. Then the old b©avfr gctitl©- man suddenly lat go of the leather liijlder

gun In th« 1 HliJ UiS Ijfan, amt away it slii.t H'-tuss the ru'Jin. just,, ae if !t I'a'I real bean gun

' Bank!" the b 'sn wen! against the wall.

■fih. what B fine gun' 'Tied Tnoaia, May I shoot It ' '

And may I’’" exilatniefl bis t'rnlherNo. Jills.

I iloil'l t*lieve I’d be afraid t'. shout ttiat kun,” said little rrarkie. ki-ltlnk vei y b raie all of a sudden

So the heaver ..'lilldren took turns shooting the rublier gnti, firing many been bullets that went tiang' ' "n w hat­ever they hit I'ne beau bullet s ln u k Mi. Flat-la ll a evening rarer, Ibst be was reading, ami put a hole right Ihr.iugb it

Then Mrs Flat-tall liroiighl In the dlshran and ihe tieaver hoys look turns shooting at that

M )' what a rmtee there was when the hean bullets hit the shtnlng tin H Bounded like hallst'Jnes on the i.i"f.

Well, T..odle and No.jdle had m uih fun with the rubber bean gun that evening, UQlll It was time tri go to bed. Hie gun was left on the mantle In the d in ing­room and Toodle and N"'.rile sat'l they would gn hunting with it m the wood.-next day. _ . .

Th^n nil waB dark snd uulcl heaver house, f..r everyone bad g hed. Very quiet and still snd dark I was^

I f'rackle was sleeping In her UUie i.rd'. and iT ooodle and Noodle V','''''.

beds, all covered ur witti leaf and snuggled down in motion w.."! from the milkweed plant.

Then Toodlo began to have a f.'Hnj dream. He thought some one was abowly and softly opening a window downstaira and getting Into the beaver-house It was such a real dream tliat Toodle su d ­denly awakened. Then he listened

The heaver pond outside his house was (roien o ier. for II was very cold w eather Ttiere waa a bright moon shining and ^o^Stes got UP and went to his «droon window. He looked out, and what do you think he saw?



U lA u bit too early to b#tlti to plan riiralnuib th© childr#n.The fesiils-aj Itaclf will he the happl#r becauac of this forethought, ami the w##ka ancl «iay« Just prccfiHiiff >l will be Just that much easier.

Karly planning in regard to g lf l i means a saving In many ways, Time and effort ar© saved. Lecause llm# now do* voted to this pleasant occut>atlon Is put In lo the ttosl advantage, and b©«:aus« effort can h# profitably and onjoyahly expended when thcr© is an absence of rush There will be plenty i>f Ust-m lnui# IhluKh at best Th© mar© Iblngs that are decided upon, and acipilrfd or made. In ffucid eeasf'n. tf>© less cunfusioii of siilrll and weariru’Sfl fjf body will tbvr©

i''hr1atma»ll‘ic..Ul thlb applle* to early rh n stn ia s

shopping K©nerall>. but It has a special appl'fsUon when gifts t*» the children

: Arc I oncerned Rvery I'lirlstnia# re-I in^mt'rurK’© Hbnuld nicftn som©tbinB.I sl-.iiultl siatul f'tr Bometblnif. both In the \»RV of the ^Uer's thought and In thrt F’ft appr-'prtatcneH.i. A g ift to a child, MhPlticr entrusted la Santa f'lfl^©. oT cMinmK diret't from the giver, should bu suitable And its Joi'bringing uuall tb s nf Itsto the thiuijiht tlm t hnn been given H by the donor

f}o there 1? mfifc llinn s saving in tliiearly pisrnurK •(Rarly gift [lunniJiB gift making

Tins planning. naturally. dc\o l\© s largely on tli© muUier. but the greater the father's share

Utl>‘having It workable reanita

The inakmg of Christm as iislH I® » sensible HvU'in. ‘nics® lists m ay l>a kepi In a iiK-niorandum luKik uhd It la well to h svc them an a ll-year affair, than, when the father .t mother think* of som e fitting gif', for this or that ineinlwr of the fan.lly. the suggestion niay w Jutted down, being avallatde. for reference when the oucgslon comes fur deciding upon gifts. With such a Hal, one need never be at a loss; usually It 1» ® of ehooilng. rather than racking Ih brains fur something that 1s tilting, number of suggestions inakn It pnMiblo 10 weigh the merlte first of one thing

rw and then of another, and the chance ot be nt 1 gstting Just the right thing or things is

thereby IruTeaBul. A child niay hav# © ■ pr©#B©d a w lih for a particular arllcie. ih© wlBh recorded. U will not h© over- Liok©d Sum© happy thought Jl*fxpr©>B©d In th© gift to another ch Thu pHreni. li©arlng of th is gift, may rnak© not# of U, All Ihle requlr©* hut • few momenta now and than, and a "f and in many w ays xaluaMe list I# fortn* coining JuBt when It 1# neaded.

The opportunity for infU ianclng child l\v maauB of g ift i Ifl Jo «

is©fi>ln©-«s ar© cluselv related | noglecteiL By th is lo turningchild B thoughts in certain dtractlon# through the medium of preeanlB t him This opportunity can be realliod ml^ In iha m eaaur# th a t ^th o u g h t a# to w hat U g lvan th# child, t'arla ln quailtlaa In tha ch ild m ay □# rlc^elopad w onderfu lly If th ere iB w!a- (lom In g ift m aking- KBpeclally U tn U the c»«e w ith reepact to booko* but ora

for children i©ad« to eaiiflfHCtnry

It. the better.I'hrlwtniiiB Ih tlic time of all tlniea in Hi© | in able to carry out tha ld#a In toy# year when parenlf art; bapl’lepi in pro- . gum es and tha th in g# th a t go w

Jlng dellghlH '»r aurpripes I'tir Uielr : uporiR Karly and th o u g h tfu l planning,how ever, 1# eabeutial to any such out-

in the I-no to

lilldren. and ©w-rv udvaiitfiKe phould b© 1 taken of the uri"Tlunltlefl offered I

Till" father and intther Who talk n \er j tha riirlPtmas* glfta for boys anrP Kiris, who mak? the plans Jointly, and who carry them oul with mutual lielpfulnasfl. ur© th© parents who are doing the right thing hy their children and Ihemeelvea In this matter. Hv Ihclr exchange of Ideas they .-an arrive at eorre-t enn- dualona. On© verv praotlral thing tliay rap do l» to dei Id© tm the amount of monev tn he spent, and then apportion It, In a fair way and a wey to y;cld ibe most return In too many luju.Aaholds I'lirlfitmaa leads to niara or leas extrava­gance. principally berauae nionej i& hastily or thoughfleasly. It Is not n son. to be sure, whan the purs© striUKs aro held lightly, and may it never h. so. But care In the expenditure of money should b© taken than Jui-t aa at other tim es, perhaps there Is the more reason for taking car© than. At any rata, thought aa to the i.'hrlfttniaB budg«t Is to ha advised, simply for ih© eake of

come. . ,There are plans, too, to b© mad© w ith

thr children about th e ir ow n g ifts , th s w avs ihey w ish 10 rem etnher other membera of the fam ily . Joyoua conf - dances these are. rartaln ly It Is a depr vutlon all round if th ey are not taken ftdvantftgft of Tha ch ild ehould be ©n- cou n iged to m ake at lea st Bonia of tU« artic le s that ha Intenda to g ive awav\ Il ifl necessary, of rourae. If anv otiject is In view , for him to start In Hme For g ifts thoi are b ou g lu by the bo\ nr g in mon©y lias In som e way |.,'h P provided, nnd th ere la a chanc-f' mv guidanre her© In th e m atter of s,av‘ ii« on the youn gslar'a purl, ns w ell as of m ak ing purchases.

Tl^e early C hristm as p lan n ing im ikes I for ih© h e lg h la n ln g of th© m aaning of ' the fe.'^tival It m akes, w ith young I and old. for a fu ller m easure o f happl- i n ess 111 g iv in g th at o ih ars may 1 happy. ____________

Why tlier©. rumlTig bAQ


snM •for my

member one©“ A rubber gun

Tha dough onki© cutter

anrl Individual shortenkeB mad©Serv© th© Boiip riiftd© th© day hefora. I’rp the chops rut from the fo r e ­

quarter th e •lay i*efora. If not enough more may he bought

f ic k over and wash a perk of Bpln- flcli. .\dd a cu iifu l of boiling w ater and a level leaapoonfu l of salt- C'ook until lender. Im-xln and press out a ll w ater pnsHibl© T his w ater m ay be jadded to the soup stock , (.’hop the Bpinach fine and add to it tw o level tab lespoonfula af bu tler and tw o leve l teaspoonfu la

cooked together. Mix w ell.

fro»©n b « from shore. . rJd fox Ho was creeping and stealing ^ o n s o - r thB froxST. wv-.-r, th* heovsr house m get In, Jus a* T.>od,ehad dresroBd some °''®

■ -Oh. what .hall I do ? .hojjght Toodle. -T muBt drlv© away th at bad JoTi-

h© whlBpftMd. “th© rubber g m I Grandpa Whackum msde. I'll sh.50l bean

' ^ C a ‘k-.:g‘ n’;*h :r .:, »nd - x k e n t n k I of th* other heavers, f^r-od'e stol* BOftb

l i e got the

t \v»m it Ilka my rubber doll. | of flour\vhhU* as ah* d « s , throogh ! and ad.l halt a euptul of thin cream

and did It 'T '- ' ' , yon sq,)e.-r* | iin.l salt and iiepper to taste. Reheather he.K wn o ) , ^ en p in th* reritre of ahulrt in

cried Toodl©. ' aun s 1 dish and plar« tha broiled chop©

rubber,and a

h e r ’’rnurs#

mind. ■ said Noodle qo^kly ! Tell us a’.">ul the rubber gun. grandpa.

■I tliink 1 i-s-n show yon how I'l m ase no" s a d the old gontlem an heaver^ Tliat I- If I '■"« 'ihd fwo pieces of

some strings, a Lit of j.rotch from a tree 'Tffe

pihbci- s\in 1 mean was called a sMng-

"' '’oh . do show n« ho'w lo m ake on*;" cned Toodle. all exeltad-llke.

So th* old bearer gentlem an did. It was easy cnoueh to get a ‘tree for there were plenty o f sticks In th* wster under the * . ^crotch 1* shaped Just Ilk* “ i f with one part down below and two parts sticking up abov©.

Toodl* dived down Into the water and brought up lust w hat .aas needed^ He gnawed off the s'weet outside hark and L and Noodle and Crackle bark Is what beavers live on tn the win­ter. It Is as good as candy 1“

"Now for some pieces of stretchy ruh- her'." cried the heaver gentlem an.

"You can tak* some off my hat. said Crackle, who wanted to see the rubber

Th# Bk©tch her© g:iv©n ehowB on# of IflM Qaraldln© Farrar’s charm ing gowns worn at h©r concert last week.

Th© #ff©ct prortucecl hy lia form Hud color was of a gauzy amber butterfly, and the llUl© gold lac# head-dr©RB sb© wor# ©nhanced ih© plct^r#.

An airy grace w as gtv©n th© skirt by th # graduated lac© flounces that fell from beneath th© amber tunic, end th*

lar© Hleeves rerested th©witiE-likeblcsfl

Til© hfiillcc wsF formed •'•f a triangle of Inc'- and a f©w folds of silk Ht th* front. V. hib* In addition to Mm jvain© ai- ranK©rncnt nl th© hack th©r© na* a most surprlHiug bow of wid© pluK satin rib­bon atliuHted diagonallj between th© shoiibkra. Th© little Pui.-h cap of wired ROiri lai*« nnd small jiltik roses frnTTiedtVi© f.ioe MARTTA '11*TNN

about IIServe the endive w ith a French

dreaslng.For the deaaert* boll tw o larg# aw eel

poT;.!oc-B. r ee l uml rub through u c o l­ander. Beat up th© yolks of two eggs and add to a pint of m ilk: stir tlila into the potato pulp, adding a cupful of sugar, a pinch of salt and flavor with lemon Julc© to taste. Pour th is m U lu re Into the p ie cru si. and ^ ak © as you would pum pkin pie Mak© a meringu© of the w h ile s o f th# eg g and a lit t le sugar. This m ay be served either hot or cold-

fjown to the dinliig-roora rubber gun and "on-o be^hs- ''®

to hlB room againwent uphe Foftlv

one'neiJ 'the window, ami stmt * '"t '?*’ hard been bullet* a t th« *7 .

Tak© that! cried Toodl©-■■Oh wow' ' barked th* fox. a* the bean

bullets from tbe rubber gun hit him on bi* nose. "This Is no place f-r me. GhWOW“*

YOU SHOULD KNOWwhen you send expensive carpets and rugs to be cleaned just how they are cared for and handled. Our entire works are always open for your inspection, and it is always a pleasure to show y u iu&I how 'we handle airt in a clean way.


VM rite, f i l l or 'PhOBC,

TOT Bad 708 Market.MCWAItK. >. J.

Near Court St

orr he ran over the Ice. and he ither the h.

night. Of ccurae everyone, „ n ' t hother_the

I l,l.tUIOV» .* • w. ---- .1 . A


B'.it he did not need It. for no more fn'vefl cam© to icar© thani.

7“ d “ morrow night, if th* fuBay ta talk^ to me over the telephone, and tells ^ aafh«t itlnd of tt preoent #h« 1© going r a T v e U ? .* doll for C a., n

for vou end It w ill be about„-rtte a Btory for you and 1 Noodle and the eggi.

gun a* much ae did her brother.!. ,,Is lom e strong rubber ,*laatlc_on my_hac^

cried OrandpaFine and dandy" o ,.WTiackum. who laughed end blinked his

almost aa though he were a boyey©B.again.

They cut two piece# of the rubber


Special for WomenPIANOS

An ohen-used expreswon credits "Li...jty with being but “skin deep.” The thought

The Vogue

U n m a tch a b le for d r e s s a n d g en era l w ea r; v a lu e s $4, $5 an d $6; in P a te n t C olt, G un M etal, T a n Calf, a lso In B l a c k , B r o w n and G ray B u c k ­sk in , w ith K id ney, S p a n ­ish and Cuban H eels, for

implied, however, can never be used in describ­ing die Steinway Piano; for here, in the compass of iu case, is a high example of what the eye recognizes as material beauty and, also, a nm«ie«l quality so exquisite that master minds t h e wodd over have pronounced it incomparable.


Mr. and Hra.070 Summer av©mi#. ©ntpnii‘n#d at dinner laet night. In honnr of thpir Hl#ce, Mlaa Grac# H arris, whoa# mar | Has© to Fr©d©rlo W. Sm ith, ©on nf Mr and Mr©, Edwin Smith, of 3til rilfton avenuo, will tak# place tomorrow night a t 8 o'clock* at th# hom e o f Mr. and Mrs* flandford. Th# guc#l© war# Mr. and M ri. Earl# Gladetone Child©* Mr. and Mr#. Harold D. Allan. Wlaa R uth Harris, o f Boutb Orang©: MIbb H elen T, Run* yoo* ot Great N«ck, L ong liland; MIbb U aiT Brant* of Madleon; Horae© Bald­win, Bm©Bl Ba©chhn and Dr. H.t^'aix#r, of East Orange. The ceremony will b# performad by Rev. Dr. Qeurf# O, Vof#l, paBtor of Centenary Methodist Bpiacopal Church. Mies Harrlfl, who 1© th# daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Harria, of South Orange, will 1>© at* tended by Mrs Child© at matron of honor, and by h©r #Uter, MIh© Ruth B arrlif Mrs. Allen, Bluer of ih© brlde- ^ oo ic-electi Mlflfl Runyon and Mli© Brant, Mr. Baldwin wlU b©< the b©Bt fnan* and Dr YVarner and Mr Baechlln MU oerv'© a© usher©. Following th# ^nri«r a rehearsal of th© redding took ylo#*-

ilnry to tli©Arthur K Sandford, nf i TweU« mf n i ‘•■f iti^ n uxillorn*^ f ‘T InritTablffl and Ho?^pUal rnet I yf'fM‘'rday tVu* lu'in© of Mrs,1 J. II ll! irh, of 17 i.liaaliftih ©venue,

nnd Ciiiiiin''d j' wnp f^r ih# winter's work. It wax I'l hn»o « t^a ©om© timeafler th© cprd parlj to b© given hy Ih© guild Friday aftprnf'nii. No'.etnbar 21. In Davi© 9 parlor# Furthor BTrangemenl© will b# made at a thlmbl© party to be held Monday afternoon. Nnv‘?mhf‘r 24, In the hom e of Mrfl Edward Ackley, of 7& Lincoln Pnrlc

If there la occasion lo us© coloring m atter **<1 th»r* I* non* * i bard, beet julc* *111 B"* * darv red volor end the |fla .n r will uet b* perreptlW* ever In the .n„Bt UrUL-Ble .■Bridles. Klther »tniw- hernee *r rranl'errlea will g ive a rich | Mink lln l. "1"'' epln»r1. is .'xr.ellent fnr creen K'r' *r grirted rerr .t or th* ynik nf an eg- 'VIU give * n 'e l'v Bhad* ' )t | M-llow ^■eg.■tahle cMlnrlng m«tterj, ,)hh'h Ml* nhs,.iiitelv r'lre. may he pur- i hased In small hnlUrs o f J'H'' 'o'' "bght | enBi. T.l'tlh lB requir'd fiir rol-irlng.

Mrs. John Oroedon and Misb Anna Cow- hlg. rtf lt:bv©r©, ar# the guosls of

1 th#lr cfUiBln. Nfra .Inhn Dwyer, of Fourth f atrert

ilre . Lieorg© Hrown Jr., of 74 EJlIiahoth a\©nu#. ©ntcrtalnrd h#r card club yaiter- day nftornocn Brldgo whlat wo© played and a buffet luncheon aervftd, Th© decor- atlon.'f wer© yellow chryBanlhemumfl.

Announcament has be©u mad© of the ©Tigagcment of MIr© Mlnni# Mas©, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Ma«a, of 336 South E leventh street, and Courtland Palmer, of New York iTty, ion of Mr, and Mrs. John E. Palmer, of 8& North Llovenlh ©treat, thin city.

The Lure


When You Get


You Get the Best

*,1iout BlitT kreduBte nurB*» o< th* | ftaiB attended » tectin lc il Isctur* given | F*«t*rtBF otiernnon by Dr. H, U, Ep- ■teln, ot thlB Cliy. In lb* home o( Mlei CAtberloe NekfBC)’. o f 212 Norlh Broad itrtBt, under the auspices of th* Nuriee' XeelBtr of Kbbsi, Warren and aomareet •onntlBB. 15t, KpBieln had with him thie# of )il* patleiUa on whom he hai BU»- •an fu lly operated. Ml«a Julia F ins and

Gertruds M. D uffy asslsl^d the tidltNB In racalvlng. I'ea waa aervad Surlttf the Boolal hour which followed th t iMtur*. Mr*. Mary Gomptoii and IQgg JLfnbella (.'re*' h prualded nt the tea tebl*. A buBlnesa m eeting piereded the Jgatvn, MIbb M argaret Uqulra. prsBldant, pra«UllBR. M'-in Isabel Hlter, dalegal* to lb * Mml-annual m eeting

John Lee A genera l dliouaelon o f tha topic fo llow ed , a fter whloh there waea Bocl ! 1 hour.


flft##n women'© colleg*© have perf#ct©d an nrsanUatlon h#r© through which th#y hrjp# to k#«p up tho intsrost In athletic© Ve’hich thoy foniorsd In their under- ^reduat# day©. Mis© LlUlan 8Qho*dl#r» Tiernard, who wa© a l#ad#r In field

, rontesu at that college for four y e a n , 1© I Dt th# i)#ad of th© new aisuoiaUon, More I tlmn, dOO W'Oinen, now realdent© of N iw j York, who formerly ©tarrod In athletic© , at fianiard, Bt>n Mawr, Comell, Vassar,

H.timUh, Well©«I#y, Mt, Holyoke and oth«r _ r l)»© New J#r- I rollegr a, have ©piled for m#rob#r8hlp, It

■ o r'ita t# Nurses' Aesuclatlon aL Engle- I dei.lared. Th© aasodatJon ptOttl iQ | 0 iM t W«ek, gave her report of Hie > i" h>-«t bowline. o v m n .w i« . . i w . .g. n . e next lecture In ihs coura* ^vill pe given the second Monday

ertMoa in January. T'h* place of meet- aqd gpeaUer w ill be announced later.

f f s r•fttIng

In first for bowling, gymnaetloa, «wtm- inlng, basketball, fencing and fanoy d a w Ing, hut may later extend to (laid aporta.

wha Foreat H ill R ead tn * Club met at Mu hom e of Mra. J. S tu art Hamilton, i l l Twe* stree t y e ster d a y afternoon for tta regular rpeatin*. Th® I'l'p*™™ *M Ihe day waa "The L ife o f Dlekena, i r i t t yaaiflnga from "David Copper-

^aW M rg w are read by Mre, tV llffsd IbMgMat Wbo true ohalrm an of the a«w. y » e S a n fo rd A yres, Mra, Geerg* p S l ^ a i , lira . H en ry H aller anil Mra


JH>hh. T IliyCard oaea*.

envelopet, are from farshaped quit* ITIt* gntall

ipet, are from far off are to b e had In a tv ir s l shadM of pinl(|blue, gray and lavender aa well aa In Whita, They u t hand dtoorstglli W jl' taria, cherry bjaiiom a and pgigBea | f - ing (a v o r lt i d n l f n i , n g saata graprovided w ith tw o S i n r * * sem M rt- mente ao that agrdB. fare and Uoki m ay be ceavenlen i

Thera isn’t much for a woman to ponder over when she decides to cut out the home labor of bread baking and buy baker’s bread.

Snowflake flUs the b in for her—fills It to a T.

It’s the best bread baked In Newark—how couM any be better?

ft’s fine and white and light with a pl«uing crust. It stays freon a remariuibb long time—helped no doubt by the fnet that each loaf onnes In a waxed papar wrapper-elr {WOof, moisture proof, germ proof.

Snowflake at all grocers.

F a n cy S lippers ip All C olors.


WILSON’SSample Shoe Shop707-709 Broad Street

The New Tango

(Second Flow)Cor. Cedar St., Holt Building.

Over Crescent Drug Store.


%yLkX3SXJDaJB^ S BSm ^ y\

Distinctive Sterling SilverwareWe have an old estiblfshed reputation for turn­ing out ordinary and incomparably beautiful specimens of the high-class silversmith s art.

You can buy this superior ware In the salesroom adjoining our faotory at m uch lower prices than prevlil in expansively located retail stores.

AUnoBd tolghM' > . . .r#a . Ii66 to 10% “, SPECIAL j B « b y ................................. " • ; . “i3 r’. " ’« e ! : )• r t C C

Sllverwire Unger Bros.dC atfllass 415 H a lM y S t. , iiwvw ow j >o4 R etailen,

A Splendid Line of the Following Furs Are Being Shown at Remarkably Low Prices:

Fitch Red FoxChinchilla Sqpirrel Sil’ er Kitt Fox

CivetPointed Fox

Cross Fox'*^ M o le



Special Attention Given to Special Orders and Remodeling

f i' ?* r, l) •’•■•Vf r- ■'> .1 -

"Bella Dc Newark-


Jam©! Bert! atlzatlon o «nact#d by Dr. M#y#r ] Th# Hoti. N Uahmouil I Dr. Hartl©y Sir H©nry ' Jbrohlm . . . Homoa . . .A U ............. .Moo3u . . . . Mr©. ChepBt Mr©. Mart:h Marl© . . . .

N ot B)no© 4©allti9 llttl "The Ea©l© vision of lot s. heroin© i lertou© drai nbt jump u tna<7© by M fiction 1© ti becomihff p vu lfar a©pd any Indden of modesty >>« U rem< %a© well b manner of folk.

TIlI© fra hod known Ilf# before tw enty. > parent© ha

nvhen pov#i ened her, floclaf bull society Chepstow, for her bei herself aft< after she ) vorced at t of society barked on ©he remalr portment t deceptive i UtuBlv# th! pealing her cruelly mli thlrty-elgh' over the e relation© v. Idealist aft te in ’lOK rolaon afte tb the lui fasefnate©. crude dlepl

A# a t; th is womB youth, he had been iraordlnai ^'e know than by c about or situation, terlallet. m oral ant men who ta stes or fthe has i on© cen e la furnciJ figure, w

On, the Oampbel'l singular p from th# oorr«ctly L ast nigh adv#ntur#i own 41©tl and a ©ti »o#n*a gracefullj) to fU r m brun#tt# mony w it in the cor I^ondon p ▼onturesB

floigmendi tbe -nroini u tu r e . plftimed I rolnntoet eUieiiraa c pgreonatU qVieUtlee.

To coil unclean ■ wlotwd h them In Imnd anf pleaaant. nor light bnt It ha lag of at charactat llaacaon

Mme. hM il.B rya dfaUnctio: witn th* ner. Ni dt.*e Mr author'a wily ■J’ui pulaea th mentality 'a'Wlly. i vlgorouaV v*h«ea I hetU hy r

The eoi beard th Itfutlvedy


For ttand forle a 'pretin "Belle Theatre, play, whi in a pr li graduate tall aa a achool o: be admit ^ l l WOT been by Craig, u duced, 1 moat die

:n an gloriflea' etarted 1 hltnialf tactivaa, thle(-tali that h* tha dut< Tbd wa frbDi a trtdtT t tectlT* 1 tojftihm p o ^

'a c t tha IsCo a U oiuilal daustitai hlmaaU' ot I&.00 (avoilta tippa.” (hen. th tum ed, Ing t^-l parade, gtri ihv to ha ." yylth tbia'."’So u - ^ a i I acUoo 1 of tha I laid Ind a u ih uture, pi doting Haw T "adthOT when t arrive Itha b it girl, no and Ui< tha a n ■he heJ

A pn amuatnenoughto h « ’ l t o ' ha.' 1 error «

Tha la aoB

Mb* t i

tS Wtfto ilf ’Weefifi

luiy ■litiU |8 a y be kept 11 well Ir. Then, thiiikif of l ineinher

mayri*fer«nt?e deciding

one need a question rking lh« flU ins. At pOMilhluone thlnjf chance of

thlnija le r‘ have e*- ar article;: he over- ; may b*Lher, may

lire* hut a d a helpful It la forth-

le n c in j • not to be turn ing a direcllona

■eeenle to >e rea llied

there l i the child,

d m ay be ire ia vr!a- .lly U thla 1% but one »a in toys at go w ith I planning,

Buch out-

m ade w ith j g ifts , the lher other ouH confl- is a depri- not taken

luld be eti- onie o f the gL\e away, f any such to start In i»?hi by the som e way

a a I'hancf' roailer of

nrl, ns w ell

lin g imikea nteanluK of k?lth young e o f happl- rs may be

ASt howalwayy

ow you

i . J. curt

• t iI



L '» g i j e i u w ^ w B f e « Brf*a


Donna'’ Presented at the N ew ark-‘Believe Me Xantippe”




bTBWARK TH E A T R E — ’'Bella PoTiTia.’ Jame* Bernard F agan 's four-act draiti- at!zatloQ of Hubert H lrhens's novel,enacted by the followlrur oast.Dr, Meyer Isaacson ..............<^harlc« BryantThe Hon. Nigel Arm ine - . • .Herbert Percy , Mahmoud Baroudl. . . . Robert Whitworth^Dr. Hartley ........... ........... Edward Fleldm^ ISir Henry Oreho.......W illiam Haaeen |Jbrahlm ......... ...... .A . Rom alne Callender |Hamza ................................ .... < .. CJaus' Bogel !A U .......................................... ^ . A. R. O avaisM ooki .......................................Arthur Hurley 1Mri. Chepstow .................../Mme. Nar^tmova 'Mra. Marchmont ............. .Amy Venese i'M a r ie ...................................... .May Gttyer '

N ot iJnee Ljaura Murdork. that double­dealing Utile trollop III Eug-Mie Walter * . "The E asiest W av.“ pasted before the j vision of local plas’gnf-rs. haa sn depraved I a heroine a* Mr* Chepstow figured in lertous drama footllglited hare. Now do nbt Jump to the carn'lnehm that th* plaj made by Mr. Kagan from Mr. Hltchen*'* fiction U to be a \u lded through fear of becoming acqualnte-t w ith any coarsely vulgar aspect of charavier or wltnoeeing any Incident that w-ontd bring the blush of modesty to ilie cheek of Innocence, For he U remembered th a t Mrs. Chepstow w as well bom and w as well bred In the manner of socially w<^ll■plaeed English folk.

TWa grand-daughter of Lord '"beam had known some of the hard knocks of life before eho had reached th* age of tw enty. Hor reckless and ftulraviigaBt parent* had l>een "sold up'* twice and

iwhen poverty pinched them , ond threat­ened her, there w as eome e:tcu8e for a social bu llerfh of her rank in London society Beilin^ hf;rself m ftuJehouse Chepetow, the w ealthy brewer. Famed for her beauty she outwardly conducted herself after marriage as a lady. Even after she had come a cropper, been di­vorced at tw enty-five and with the doors of society closed aga in st her, had em­barked on her career as an adventuress,■he reenatned ladylike In her public de­portment to the end of the game. So deceptive was th is earm ark of caste, so Illusive this high born manner, so ap­pealing her assum ption of being a woman cruelly misjudged and wronged that at th irty-eight she easily pulled the wool 01‘er th e eyes of X lgel .A,rm!ne In her relations with that chivalrous but foolish idealist after wedding him, and while she ts in'lhK to do him to death by slow ridson after her sen sual nature respond* tb the lure in Mahmoud Baroiidl, She fascrnales. never shocks observers by any crude display of her base qualities.

.\e a type o f abnorm al fem ininity,This wom an, who IP th e heyday of her youth, beauty and so c ia l prominence had been called B ella Donna, Is ex- iraordlnarlly In terestin g m ore by w hat

know' her to be In heart and ralnd than by c n v th in g sh e does In bringing about or ta k in g p art In a dram allc situation. She is an a th eist, a m a­teria list. n u ice n o r y and cunning, Itti- m orai and a vam p ire in her purautt of rnen who can g r a t ify her luxurious taste? or sa tis fy h er caroal passions.She baa not one red eem in g trait. No one cen eynipatbize w ith her when «h€Jfl turneil adrift, yet she Is an alluring figure, w ith in th e th ea trica l frame.

On the London stage. Mrs. Pktrick Campbell Imparted the charm of her singular personality to Belle Donna, and from the EngUeb ^lew' of Mrs. rhepstow correctly bodied forth the character. L ast night. Mine. N aztm ova clothed the adTentureos with th e fascination of her own distinctive qualities as an* actress and a stage beauty. In the Egyptian gCOQM, her languorous movement*, gracefully sinuous postogs, opd gestuTes. goftly modulated, purring toa^s and bti3R#tte coloring, seem ed more In har­mony with th e character than they Ad in the consulting room of the fashionable XrfOndoa physician. She depict* the ad- ▼snturosB as an out and out oenauallat, o n l j ^ t h finely artistic Intelligence end owameridable reticence vividly denotes tlM woman's voluptuous and passionate nature. H er perfornsancOk*- ^ f u U f planned and expertly wrought Bn It* mlnnteet deUlIs. la a femarkabis d li- ctoBure* of the R ussian'* faculty lor Im- pOfSonatlon, as 'yell a* of her p^toriol QVtUtlSi,

To eontemjiiate tho workings or on unoloan mind, and th* prom ptlnsi. ot o wlotwd heart «* Mrs. C h ep ifow ' revenle them In seeking the death of her ;trus- hand and union w ith Baroudl, U un­pleasant. Thera Is neither sweetnei* nor ligh t In "Bella Donna" as a ^ a y . but it has the m erit of creating a -feel­ing of suspense, and when the Qlath ot characters comes a s U does, when Dr- Itaacson baffles th e w ife's murdtaoni s ^ t m e It is absorbing, even thrilling.

Mme. N ailm ova le capably aupporled/JT M rl.Bryant, who lends the needed air of distinction to the em inent doctor and acts with the equally essentia l repose of- man­ner. Neither in appearance mor action dc-e* Mr. W hitworth t a l ly reallie th* author's conception o t the handsome and wily Turco-BgjTtlan.- who hrota^llT re-- pulsea the outcast wife. A rm ines s*ntl- m entalltf and infatuation are stralghtfor- wardly. and, at the crisis ot hie affairs, vigorously shown by Hr, PaM». and W s i \> h * 8s a s Mrs. Marchmont Bounds a hSsUhy note In the production., ^

The scenes in the V illa Anditjud and On board the dahabeah are betumully_^and UhiilveJy staged,

wBelleve W*ror the not too frequent"

and for the "tired burtniM s^kiJ’ is a pretty good even ing’!In "Believe Me Xantippe" a t tBS 8# « I W "Theatre. Frederick Ballard wrote w * play, which is billed a s a four-act comedy.In a prise com petition by Harvard under­graduates, and ho w on th* pH**- T b ^ tell us a lot now adays about the HagvaM school of young dram aUtts. hut I t must he admitted that Mr. Ballard, Judfsd hy this work, touched up im It m ust h a ^ . been by WlHiam A. Brady and John- Craig under w hose direction It Is pro­duced’ is not an Edward Bheldon, th* most distinguished product o t that s o ^ l .

In an era o f "crook” play* and of aloiiflcatlon o f Burniiflm, .Mrs B ^tard started In w ith a good idea. H a;«ulU for himaelf a hero w ho deepieed psUoa d#- tectivee. sh eriffs and a ll other -folk o f th lef-taldng kidney, and bad him wager that he could com m it a ertme and s icap a th* clutches o f th * law for * s * o ls y ea r Tbd w agtr m ade, th * hero dleappeats frtan a darkonod room boforo th* *l#o- tr ld ty can h* sw ltchod on after a de- tectlvo bureau h*ad hae p*r*uad*d htra t o S t e r i t ™ a : ^ * d flaewurht fo r !« « 'nofoa o f IdontiuS-tloB. Iiii tho

Info a hunting shack In the M o r ja tf UonnUlDs, encounters th* # h e r itf*^& ^f, d au gb t* . tt* “"'I' occupant, ^ tWBayt hlm solf'as th e w anted m an with a p r i« of IS.00(1 on h is head- by th e use of hie tavertte. *)CpT*siton. - ‘'B e lle d me, ^ n - tlppo.” The lady g e t s . th e .drop r a hlta,

w ith th* " b ad dawn » h ^th * tH p M hpgan to tho oowrty

Mpae, Alla N aalnova .

rathax a pity that tha hero ho*. In fo l­low ing hi* book, to u ie "My God! and "damn" and similar expletive* *o fre­quently. Perhapa, however, that la tlie undergradiiaLB Idea of expreiolng virility on th e stage.

MIse Mary Young play* th* Important role o f the Bherlff'a daughter with a aureneee th at cotnj>ola admiration, but It i* rathar of a shock to flttd has woorlng the la te it F ifth avenu* type o f aklrt* In, Delta. Col. M. Tello Webb, a* tho aher- iff. doos excellent charactor work In a small role, and H eibert Ruoaell a s the desperado Is quite In keeping with the conventional Idea of *ueh gentry. A* Violet, a friend of the latter, Mis* K ath­erine Harris has an ungrateful part, playing a i-noature half-crim inal, haif* W estem demi-mondalne, w hose Intro­duction in the play had little value save In setting off the tw enty-four-carat char­acter o f th e heroine.

<*Madatte Sherry^**W h atever e lse m ay be sa id o f It, It

Is certa in th s t th e S tork -B row n ell com pany'e rev iva l of the m u sica l play. "Madame Sherry." at the Orpheum T heatre, y esterd ay afternoon and la*t n igh t, ehow ed th at th ose sTigaged In it ha.d entered Into the sp ir it o f tho piece w ith devotion . There w ere som e h itch es, as v*ero to bo expected In a new experim ent by a com pany h ere to ­fore 'engaged in com edy and drains divorced from m u sical num beri. but tho raw edge* no doubt w ill d isappear before th e end of the week.

twinging v o ice s o f rea lly fin e q u ality are not p lentifu l, even In th e p re ien - tioua rnelropoMtan m ualcal ahowa. and n a tu ra lly enough th e so n g ster s a t th e Orpheum are not m ak ing an y cla im to c la ss ifica tio n w ith thoas rare hlrcla It Is th e m elodious song* In th e p lay, w hich a lm ost s in g them aelves, th at helped out th e vocal shortcotn ln gs y e s ­terday. The ch ie f prop In th is respect, of course, w a s the lilt in g . "Every L ittle M ovem ent H as a M eaning A ll I ts Own." su n g by Mabel E ste lle and Jo ­seph Sw eeney. Its recurrence, th ou gh frequent, wati not tpo frequent for th e large audlefice. w hich found It c a p ti­v a tin g .

M iss B row nell, as T vonno Sherry, put a cap ita l perform ance to her credit, b e in g esp ec ia lly fellcU oue In her ‘T m AU Right" number, which had to be rep eated severa l tim es, and surprlatng th ose w ho w ere unacquainted w ith her v e rsa til ity by her c lever dan cin g. Mr. Stork, • as Edward Sherrj', m ade th at you n g yascal an am u sin g character. A n d 'h e had to wdrk lik e a T rojan to do It. Frad Frear^ a real m u sica l com ­edy com edian. Imported for th is re­vival, distinguished him self as The- ophllu* Berry, his ‘’argu m en f’ song b ein g a laurel w inner. G llb arta F a u st as F ep ita looked her pat’t and^ after her f ir s t en tran ce puWmucIT flba lnu* It. L ater on th is firebrand snapped :Yy|,th ..much le ss Vigor, th ou gh there w a s lio lack of com elinesb. C harlotte W. D aniel gav* a good accou nt o f h er ­s e lf a s the Janitor's w ife , and Jtfr. Sw een ey's abou ndin g v ita l ity a* th e f ie ld s Y enenfblan m ode him on in ter ­e s t in g factor In th e perform ane*.

• « •i l n g e n a t P r o e to r ^

' Varied tastes In threatrtcal ontertaln* meht find satisfaction in th e vaudeville offerings a t Proctor'# Theatre. Although the .oydeal of a first, appearance f>n a local atoge and th* prosonce o f ' many friends and acquaintance* In the audience tended to make them nervous, the. mem- h m ot th* E ssex Q u artet^ M lss Irma Harrison, soprano; Ml«s H elen Moulton, contyiUto; Robert Bartholom ew, tenor, and Malcolm Corlles, baritone— soon com ­pelled the hearty appreciation of all their hearer* by their adm irable singing o f old and new songs, The individual voices are pleasing and bettep trained than most of th ose heard In vaudeville. They blend w ell in-concerted number* and th e tongs sung are appealing In character. In all th at it does, the quartet's refined style m ahes its act one of the m ost adm frabu -musical e ffer ln g i on the variety stage,

l a e k WlliBon and hi* capable aid*— Ada lA S* and Jack B oylo^ w ere

cobdlatty greeted. Although the poiso isor o fr a hftllPT iltlt, W llsen I n te n p e r s^ hlb .hubs ^ t h a review o f the beat part* of i’prebemnjp acts, which kept the audience In ah iipToar of laughter. HI* burlesque pti the- present day styles of fekhtnJnc ^ e S e w as eapeclally good... "With such an English accent and man-

seldom have been disclosed or

tk t loc*! st*c*. C frtl Chmdwiok, » h o 4*- ptotMl *n B M lish ftoU*m *n In th* *ot ot buyinc • fu a , *s*ux«4 Wm**U of * hearty welcome from th ose m aklnf hi* acquaintance laal c l(h t whenever he rhooss* to reappear In thl* cUy. HI* drollery and actions were refreshing. Carl Ivyle, who appeared a* * gunsmith, also made sn excellent Impression

Other contributors to the bill sr« Max lAube. a skilful Im itator of Wrd songs; Melville and H iggins, in '■Puttlnf on Airs," a merry ekU, <'lara Ballerlnl, gytiinsst.. Bsut 8 h sv and Thad Packard In "Back to Missouri." an ehllvenlng bit of Immor; Flixabeth Otio lu "Mu*kal Nlikstonc*,' a planlstk’ act; Bam Bsrton* eccerjlrlc cyclist, end Archie OnrI and Mis* Dolly. Jugglers

« • «The Bill* tp Other Hna*e*.

PATTON T IlE A T R E ^ T h e F^ayton stock compenv, th at assisted In dedi­cating this nCA liDus* last Saturday, re­peated Us perform ance o f "The Sport­ing Duchess" yesterd ay afternoon end Inst n ight In th e presence oi large

I apdJenesa. .More fa m ilia r w ith Iti su r­roundings and unham pered by the n er­vous tension Incidental to the opening of ih e (h ea tie . th e com pany enacted the apectscular m elodram a with a firm er rommariil o f Its resources than w as possible under th e trying condl- tlona Saturday The com-idy-drama ‘'Sweet K itty B rllalrs' w ill he the o f­fering next week,

EMPIRE T H E A T R E ~In a iwo-act musical farce, entlrled "A Marrisge of <’i’iivenlence,'‘ Joseph K. lAatson and Will H Cohan, the chief comedians lb

The Happy Wldowo" Company of bur- lesqii^rfl, are given such scope for their fun-makmg abiUtlea that the audience last night wa* moved to hilarity by their antlcH In the role^ of those adventumu* Hebrewe— Ruahky and Brushky. Their sense of humor and Individuality la «x- preaslng It rank them above most of the Jesters In the burlesque field. Other good thing* m the wall-staged show are the singing hy the W inston Duo and Mjm H elen Van Buren and th« cabaret act by the Tierney Four.

WASHINGTON TH EATH E — The m ost fam ous and InteresLlng contribu­tor to the vaud eville program I* Mi** Rose ritliio f, cham pion of long-d ls- tance swim m ers, w hose sk ilfu l diving and exhibition o f a ll sorts of strokes in swimming m ake her perfonnaric* remai'kabls. Her en gagem en t Is for the entire week. T on igh t she will

m *«t m at* conipetltof* In n a U to r la l tr lo k i , and on T hursday n igh t wIR p it her shUI a n a ln st th at o f any w om an ca rta g to *nter a con test w ith her.

T he progrsn i a lso brings forw ard M ifs J e s i l e H aywood and com pany In th e Qomlo sk stch , "Cold Turkey;" Al< ban and D ssorss. In son gs and v io lin p la y in g ; T sm ple and Fay. In a m elan gs o f so n g , ta lk and dancing; Van and Piero*, Jesters and singers, and M iss M attie Quinn, s ln g sr and dan cer


The first In the series of three con- eerU arran ged hv Mr*. Robert 8. G rs- ham and Mrs. R obeit E lliot for thl* saaeon attracted to the ballroom o f th e W a sh in g to n yesterday afternoon an aud ien ce sm artly fssh lon ab ls o f aepset and so la rg e In e lse as to te s t th e s e a t­in g cap acity of the hall. It aleo w ae In a recep tiv e tnood and Its appreciation o f th e Y srlsd m usical offerings m oved It to dem and so many encores that the published program ^ a s contideraU ly exten d ed The a ss is tin g a r tis ts w ere Mle* L lU isu Eubank, m stio -sop ran o . of the M etrojiullfan i>per* Company; Miss Murl SllhK. pianist, of New York, and Orville frarrold,. tenor pf Ooesr Ham- m e r st f ln a operatic fnrrij^

In sMlss Eubank, the audience was

enunciation of tha taxt enhanoed enjoy- tnent of her slnflng.

M lw Sllba's contributions to the pro­gram wers Bcarlattl's S o n itg lu A major. L isst's "Islciiestraum," f^ex.-hetlslcy'* Aratwsque, raderewakl's Them e end Vari­ation*. a Clwpiii Etude, and as an encore a contposiUun that should be better known than It Is because of it* sparkling char­acter, end in whii-li the player wrought *ome delightful e ffects by her skilful oc^m and of the pedals. In Miss Bllba’s performance there w as much to excite admiration id her capacity for labor In ecQulrlng the technique she reveals. Msr fingering 1* fleet, hut not a lw ays reliable as was api>areni In certain measures ot the "Llebesiraum. ■ and brlllUincy in execu­tion rather lh*n seductive quality of tone too often marked her ploying If she would arrlw* hi th* g*»*l of her ambition, fthe Fbould lo caress a* well a s toilaxfb* H«'r ulster. MlS" Beasie Bllherfeld who g a \c a n-cital In Wallai'e Hall a few season* sge, ndght help her to a better iindcrntshdlug of tonal nuatiring

Ml, Hsiroltl. one of Manager Harrmier ste in * •dis-'ovfrlea." must have created divers liiipri-HSkine of hiN talent on those who heurd fur the first time on this tu’caeii'n He might have l>coome a very HHllafyInk ■ oculist had he t^egun to study iho art or t.el ■•Rnln In h!s early niaohood Ills murthni fiiucatton eviipm tly has been

' i.f the h«|'liH/Hrd. for.'td coaching sort.His voice rsncps high and has rompel*

I ling power In lUc upper register when h* i exerts Ha f'II vMlnuie The medium

Innes are d*rk in color H.nd while symm ade aKqualnted with a stngar, whose voice and method In using It In her In- | ' '/u^tic have little reecnance. and In j — ..........— ------ - ,,,anlsslm o Is k H.,- .-Brnyinh; purity Ihst Itroductorv number, the aria. "More Regal in H is I jo v Estate. ' from Gounod's ■’Queen of Bhebo." not Goldmark’s, s* the program stated, quickly recommended her lo discrim inating hearers. It Is a sonorous organ, the tones of which have t>eeft evenly developed throughout Its range, have kindling warmth In the medium register, lend them selves readily to dram atic coloring and are so firmly controlled as to Inspire confidence In her technical equipment. Maturing experience should enable her to express the em o­tional contents of the Gounod aria with greater breadth and a iitholitj nf style than she now oommand*.

Mis* Eubank also w as heard in the prtffude to Landon Ronald’s "Oyclo^of Life ■ Mary Sumner Salter's tnijnc "<'’ry of Ra- hel.- ' which Mme. Schumann-Hctrik so tiloQiiently voices; ^ 'o«.ximan a

might have r-Hulted from rn-'re perfect iiladng. For "ru* whose oi^ratic experl- oDce has l»en '>nef. he la of the *Uge stagey even in lyrics raJlinx for sim ­plicity of treatment.

In the "t»h w'Uh th e M'Hicy" scene from "I R sglU.-ri," Mr. Harrohl's tein- pcTsm cntal energy, em otlon iil outpour­ing, Including h t 'aru eo -lik e sob. and H nulng high tone* m ado hie voicing of poor ranlo'fl fe e lin g s very Mirrlng. R esponding to the in i le le n t applause ns gave (he snnx ' T'm FallloK In Love w ith Borne one' from "NauKhiy Ma- rlertn" Lat^r In th e concert he wa* beard lr\ Johiipton's "ThougbtB of TOU- KnHier'n "A Nocturne" and f!harlea CllhcM Fpn'f-a* 'Ishtar. ” finely Oriental

coloring, ■‘Y ealenlay and Today"Birthday," snd a . sttcoras, M scD-.wsll’s U nrt ■'.Irai,," hring h;U.«d in M* Ir-

• Mr*, f^alter B lerpretatlon* hy Mr Aprons * sumiraniRIn these her clear support at the p i a n o . ____________

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Try th1« tlwB. whit,, HothlDC alntmant. a » how qolcUy li brtns*i»U*h

u n s T x a o L a dou *ii th*t ta* oM-lh*htoa*d mostard plutar B*«d t« do la to* d a n o< ear (TUdwthRA hot tt dM*It wtth**a' to* hU*t«r!

D eeten *ad a a p i * * - t m k iv n e e a u a * ^ ltUS>T B K O U t*r • « * ‘Threat, Breashltla Creeh,Stitt Weak A tthsu . MtvralfU, Con*•*««». nMUttr. nlMwmttna, t*m **se,'P *t»* **d AehM •* to* a««a *t JelBtA iprataa •**•

Celd* ot th . C hut lit nrertoti m«oinoata)i At yoor drusslat'a in ttc end Mo Jar*

end * tpooifU lar*e hoipltal , i » foi IAS*.Aetept no •ub»tltul*. If your drafsl.l

cAnnot lupply you, » n d .So or tOo to th* KtJ8TEBOl,E Compeny. Oovtlind, Oh!*and w« pAld.

will m»ll you A Jer, po«t»fo p rf

PROF, J. C. BUDLON4 South Uyasa Ceiin., *Ay*l

"Tenr trolir seed rent* dr, ITuterele, h** eavel mT Ufe. 1 w»A troahlkd for rear* with A*thin«t

i pleurUv «Bd alllid trow blea I eeaid od r*

Utt wh»l.T.r, I »**d hut • *«*ll e“ ea « of roar tnilr iwraarkaWe reotedr, and to- dor I km a thotouihiy well man l» «»*»•• aaaan It 1* d aod*end to poor, *unerU| komaaltr- n e tir to m a All letter* AladU

ddVWtlMB***.-si ■

E V E N IN G N E W S. T U E 6 D A Y , N O V E M B E R l L l ^


Niirth mttimttS ilrnreV


lu b d la B »l»r otfrom hU l»t» „I iroro nu - ij j

' ' i JJu

County. Md. .*fcHOWN—Ofl Kovomtwf #. J®'?' a, aJtT^

AN!CIVEB*ARTr M A MHl|kH A M M ia iU tt-n m AmiTwijnr -

“ 1 of RMUtlm f i l l *>• on»rtJ for th*'of tPr'iJIl of J9h« •? K'J'®"*!*.’:-,Vr s T o t tho Vml of John H -•

rhumb. fbum4*)f. **1•t S:M *. U. AilhUToi u d fnonil* « • kindly Lovltod to fttioiil

B t;L E O .m «-;«ur,b “ iK ^jimM'ifor tki fi>lw#e of iko §o^ ^ ^

Mulrociii#'? <M« Borkt), itn#'jf <M« Borkt), - - —-rhviffk." Niirtobor U, it U n. «UtreolinH»lauVoi m<i fri»Q<U ■rw

nUdooM o; Wi "Utof. S I S., K ir i l i : Ahb Ch^mh

wir, uivumber li. f ' * ii. » Hi«hth . Holy Crow. "

10 th. e .m .t .r , of BavulobrA

AHD1.W--O0 N om ^ _> .ITiijMnl iorvli-e. wl

fly taVl.ld Inmrtnml .t r .l~ o « > t Cm- tf &T1 1a rL.odi.t t U>* fifflliy't coflitnl tioo.m i .flttXTWXN—On NoviOibor lOi

w l^ of ChorlOi ChotwlD. In h#rE t»M r BolotIveK ond fTlon-lo. oloo m«m-

o“ ln.m.n‘ .l c l .« of ‘ho tflfit Chrl.- Church Bund* f-*t bool »r» Invltod to

bU Bd th . .fun.r.l_ ..tvdoM


WILL frUBNlSH rOH ITS ,t t ir . III). bl.cJt httuulclotb. whii. o' rray sluih MBhot. wUli )»t bundlenl.U: cu k .1 bMUtlfulIf HBMOMTEVod nomo pUiOi cnokot booutlfullj JIlS fin* *1111 fw ouuWto o»**.In*. ombolnUnc. dr*o*ln«. *havln«, oniidolnbro. flovoo, ohoJrt. li*nr** ond ihroo coacbM to iny olt|LPEOFLE l Bl J tl.l. tt^mP*” *

WILL ri,-RNlBIi Foil l «* fua.r.1 lIMt nw.turrt U)' l« *o> b fb prw* und.fUk.r‘i »W Nn.r.1. O''""*' I’.'olO™ tnr.

rliOPLt'll m-RlAL '!"=?*,Vr.V .v « .


A««n**AasNTS o .n Mrily t ^ *

dS'iVMlUn* utlafM'~~.t«r**- ofllo*?; *?,•

'f . iu .d ia « h .n «rV.f00d,PWI>0^<'°£-food* r*tUTft*d, vorf fOo« igirn # mornlnt*. ond i - l .v*ninn. H. FRANK,

room IM. Olobo buHdlnf.aVikmtk—L'm youP oii*^ timo to bulVd,„ r £ .5 r ? J roppoptuttUi**;hiMMm ®M>jaa«o, Huffolo- N *•AoiNTb^wuitodi Iftt cl****mb .I*!’ « ‘*tJ >( « r t .m « «non* othm wtutrd. ®I'llOWN CO.. T4 •ad I® Marfctt it.

K E L P W A H T B D -M K M

man f « outiM. dfWlhl ’• •r t ••coilKtloaii M . bilwM* « 10 II*" ^ ■

iMiilft*** «x^«no*: ^ kord vorkor. <o•Urt at iiii l l MUryflu worth la»fi*r a o’clock. CSOWF CO., T4 ajM W M*rfc«l•l. ____________ ___ _____ . -

01RL»-A» vtitmai opportunity tan .d . .S U r of ?£??i

n boay offio* und un*of fTUi

grstiuAtM U l*k« k inorouffh oounw ^ n d .Bd IjriawflUn* In

MAN— man. m ld d l.-« .d . Frutort- »nl, no chlldh^n, <o U»* .n <b. plhw. Jn; mu.f h. fo o j fArfl.B.r u d rrt- mrli.r: wllllni to do.m l .il-muBd wcrmr: wlllln, to « »bv-

ihlnf .round p l io .: murt hhir. food r .f.r - • ncB Addrn. X. T. t.. Bq» II, N .w . 0 » ‘n«-


0«ti»*en Hri-i«i «ad U taftowt3S Broad at(W ^olfpT.KTE‘ r i .SFli l l -

r»: «t N.lrn jpl.c.. on Thumd.y, No';*'": l i , »l 310 P. H. Int.rment )o Ulnion

in iit.ry .OOLIXR—ht tho hom. of hli .on. Mor

M m C. Coly.r, ilb CKIlon .» .n u .. on Mnn- S ^ T Nov.Bob.r 10, I lls . ChorlM Culy.r,M M U y..r>. Kuil.r.l wirvlo.. mIU In

In Trinity Esl.oup.l Cburoh on Thur.- N«T.Btb.r II. »t 10 A. H. ........ .......

HL P l.u n n t CmoMry,O n r r -A t b l. plu» of «tip!oym.nt. Elniwiv^

B«nu^«rlt, N. J->.r K. inu.

mtrk br^dcloth; .tfillr. I■ln•l' ook cu k .l h«nd!M mid Hood w oiil.ld. .■..., .itwril,)),,. .mholuln,.dmulof. Mi.vln*. rrurJfU “"t «invM uhalm baaraa knd thrat- vCfacrira to unP Sity oinirlrry' Fun.r.l l’»f;;" l ,„ inon.y 'hon jd (w .d ^ l - -............ . - - d f f J„..nilon I. dlrnri") .“ ..'''‘ L .H'iHhif oricod fiihcru • if“ ?w I kk luiniAi ^T.t. SOI! Mormt ___

alto BCHOOL of N. J - —01d .it .b d l .r . i .1 In th . • t ^ -

oourM 1. onlltollMi llo.BM ,u .r .n t « d , b*. ? u r ." l i l t ln ,™ « - h .r . In.pwt our onivY N g_A N b RKPhlRIN^ COM-

PLETB OOirSM!. II*. l i t MFUIAIJ «T., OABAai, EVBNl.NO*-__ADVEIiTlllINO »lloltot ""h “ JSIl'n o * oil popular intdlunia, ftva raf*renott AddrtH A.. floK Ml N*wa t>fflo*. -----

h9.Th). J B O “ i * TO^l* TEARS 0 ^ 0 * .

U a N wani*d; Chrtfiiuu workman for chamloai ta lorr. muat b« PPWht

fiaiu afP) aagaa **p«Wd ' ' df»»*a (*hamli;al. Boi IBft,

arid rafarancaa. Ad- Nawa offica.

MAN iiikiop. alao

pay. nt r»nci'

handy. wlda-Awaka, nUlIng to work ood aalaltiano aocKl aaiaiitian; aioAdy: pood

, itM Uarkai at., aarond floorMAS waniail to coll#Ot and aollclt: on* llir-

Inv In nrarvi* prafarrad. Apply room No. 41, MB M.irkat at. _____________ _ _UAN-Swrdlih. well OdUoatad man for

niai and arlvar, M* Broad f tPAINTKH(*>—Two yuuUf man. with aoma aapa

rlrn. ♦ in paJnilnf Call 38 Sorranig at . near OraiiK" fr v lD ft o n ._________ _____


-Brikht boy w .n to *nth In •tool;- o f M..1 Bov.lty P l.ft l “ f*

-----'" ' caU.EN a MATTHEWS.fNDKllTAbEItg A.M> KHIlAl.MlRS.

Prl\ntB Kunaral J'ailor.«Ti HUOAli HT.

T lfphona 111 Marhat N«*ifk. N. J.

w u V., balovad aoa of JJanlel and tha CSarollna Cuff and davotad ia o f Marah. Ralativaa and frlanda ar*

Invuad to attand funarai___ day. Novambar 13. Ma t atkla flatar Uri. I>ora Oaillni, IB Joutt ' tbanoa to »t. Haul'a c iurch ^uil*

artary.On Novamhar B, IBl*.

hufbahd of Martarit Draw I"” .,UvM and frlanda ara kindly mvitad to

_ t t f funaraJ aarvlcaa at hla Worth Founaanth ftraat, Oanio, Tiiea- r, Mor».mb.r 1), »t I;db P. M. tllf ooovfnlafic* of I'h* family-

F A U R ftlly^ n Sunday, KtrramlHr 8, IBlA. - t S ^ huahand^ Mary

a n d al yaara. Btlatlvaa and fri«mdt idly Juvitad to attend th* funaral from

la rMldanoa. Surnmar avanua. onetoaoday. Novambar 13, at 8 A- M . thatire Y ^ S itr lek 'a Cathtdral. at U A. M.. *1*®'’*

llaaa of R*util«*u will ba offarad f r------a oC hla aoui. intarmaoi In tha

of itf Boly Bapulohra.'-On NoT.ntb«r 10, IMS, »t bli

. Chip.1 ■tm.l, P.l.r, lieloTM hu.. AnnI. P u l.y <n« Conn.II). Notlr. 1 taaraafiei.

lltEnERI.E A IthRTH. iUCObHiiri to H .m r I.Hri. fun.r*l hlrnot.Ti a.lch*nh.i.iAllmL

Hup) Birth, Alb*ri H..b«rl. .r : "P*" *hF ™ bljcnt; prim. modBrnt*. IM Bprlnyfl.lfl At A, K*w.rk, N. J : 'phon. lOlb Wi .ir)y^_____a7)OI.PH PFEIL-Fnr I'* 1 *1Hc lu i tun.nil. InrlmllnA fTAV. nr DlimAtlon. 17» c U t . t , nmr W .,t « -1, ‘ “l*prnfo.«lonil .mb.lin.r. L, n. pJion. 161. Mm-kat. Uvan day and nla^t runaral parlota fry-

t e l e p h o n e I806-4S01 MARKET. SMITH A SMITR


PH BROAD ST ________ _

HOT—1tootn - - , ,

p»rtlcul»r«. fl» ln i ijgrid rafaranca. AduTta* Irvlft(lon,.Newt otflc*. _____ ___ __


SOY-winlM . offlc. boy, rnu.t h* yr«rnm«r Bfbool srtdUAt.. .bom ll_y*"vn ;choot grad

fui, wiuing. prompt ■Mt AddrM Hey.

jdvanoamant «iiciy BoE 7, Nawi offl'*___ _

ijov to J"..!™!!*;;;*,” *, p.'i*,u h .r .« .hop, on. •" h aTrrrrwl Apply at OhCO. \MLLIAM . •

U JoKnaon at_____ _BaT w.nlM tO ro.k. Wm«'' V T ^ m'

31,0 Mm-

PAINTKR-FlrBl-cl... P*lnt.r » .n lM , OB.«lio .-un b in . prff.rrM, Apply JO

Nb. ioi) pi . lrvln,ton. __ __________ ____PAIN TER J-lr.t . i i . pilnlor mid ^ .blt

h.nyrr ■.»niiO tVlLLIAM HEIKE, Q l.ii gv» Nui'ty ________ ______

K ?’!!,. in i s :^ ^ " ? ! ' r s f v ' bs v r . . M . A . ‘‘^ u ’’’a " ^ p i r a

J " t s a " ^ i i i i i iT t y " ’‘'BSi ‘i t . “ n S iotffoa.

aiHLS, FBOM H TO I*WANTED. TO Tt’ORK IN FA C tt^T . b t e a d t w o r k a n d good p a t . WM. r-RABR A <«., THIRD AV. ibd FOI RTH IT.

' I I I ■_________RUN'u iR i—- e x p e r i e n c e d o n la c e

NINO MACHINE. „ „ „ „ a ium rn e x p e r i e n c e d OPERATOR ON 81NOER

MACHINE STEADY "’DRK FOR c o m p e t e n t OPERATOR!, N LEVY, n o WILLIAM ST. _____OtRI—wwitid. ftrl (or offlci jMlitmit. mutt

hava liart wim* ayperlano- and na nuwk an/i accumta at flruraa; addraaa, atatlng u « . « ’ pertancl, rafareaca and aalary aipactad. Ati" draaa Aaalatant. Box M. Newa office______


THE .mploym .nl offlM ofDICK h u mavad from No. la Arilnfion it., to m Bank at. SltuuUoM ao«uMd for aucb *a ganaral taousawork iif l , draaa an^wuHraaa; alao mun and wlfa plaoad l i iUuitlana togethar^_________ -

YOUNd MAN, having f®***® would Like i faw houra work i t homa or

J r r. I l l South T « .it(h i t . , uity.TOUKO m a n . t « . f « l drlv.r, “ '•h « . P f '

Hfin a* ohiuffaur: can do own rapalrl- Addreaa Prlvar. Box Nawa

r S o i P ^ aI " a , In On

n a r r i r s i .


to i no m a n , 10. "tlhl” * n.nuiun; mt.dy ."'I ...•''’“ I',!,...Adilrtu Voun*. Boi II. NBt .JlMCTI^






OIRU ic n d ln .v l .n Or O.rm.n, (or ^ o d pl.ln cooklnt .nd l.undry work; f.tnilr

four; lacond maid kept; wagai t>5. draaa. atatlng rafarancei. Poatorrice t«7. OUn Ridge. N. J.________ ______


PAINTE'I n«nledApply Ef'ff n 1 M A M . KINNB) -Appl

Bruad «iPAINTI-I.S— pi l ni i r i w. bt . d

JA.MK.'*. I l l Ai adamy at. South OrangeCai; Hi ailoon. Wood at. <*.\RUON,

gt(H men

■ood Wedneaday. kM atsBv w i.t.^ in r.llTor ,nd d .ll;«

RICHARD HAEBEHLE, fun;;ril Jl"ll“ f. ^ »t 111, 1 Bib IV.,, Juno, of '*Il'l"f^’|®

m.r pirlniT of H i.b .rt. Hro. i t * -» )n .W .r.l« . T.I.10ISW.V. Fun.r.1 cb.p«l fri*.

Ent««d Into «M tm Mon^y. No- ■ Anton O.H"'. In hi. TItb

~ Lh Erb'a funeralilr^t, oh Thuraday.

............ood-Intarraaot In Wo

OAlfllOIf-wSuddeiily. on Navambar 8, 1811.haliTVill huaband of the lata klargarat

^ (STo'BriMib R.IM1V... midrnn <M lUM ii. nnd BrlckUy«» Union No. Clndly InvUrt to Mt.nd 'h . fuM "l frMi ■IdOM. of bU Mn-ln-liW. P. H. M lll^ ■“ JlSV SiiM , o p ^ t . WItott * r « t , »poijr, Warambar 18i f lbur l ^ y of Good CwnaaU w h ^ a

■8 B lfk Maaa af Raqulam will lM offarad iweoaa of hli iouL. laUrmaht In tha

af Holy Bagv^ra

JAIAKB j . M A H mF1?NCRAIa 1>IRE'^GR __Opp. Orovi Bt. Btatlon.

flao. B. fkllan In attandanra.__TaL fX>MA'~HTAmi1CV CODH.

m.‘k;'hlm..rt"».n.r.llr u..f.ll;M.nhitt.n CUonlDf «od PyMo» Co. m t Hutw

H(\?5--W» Re'^TR F " i l D T P ' J i s C EPINO a p p l y TO MANAULR„AT ONCEHOTH8TE1N, SPR1NOK1KI.D ^BO'y w .n t.d to work lorhave had aoma aiperlance In ina nua*neaa. STRAITS. ti<)3 Twelfth a v e .________

IT, to work In

PAIN'TKK wanlad and .spiPTilh iv>

PAINTI'KH wanf«!"1 ilirreMrLlo. '.fl2 ji ra_ptiJH ________ ___________ ‘ amed' 30ft North Third at


KarrtiPin. ■'<

aiRL—Trtieiworlhy girl, about li, to oara (or iwi»*yaar-old child; hnuri from • to

fl o-flock, f’all batwaan 10 and o’cloyk. J41 Thlrtaenlh av*.. cor. South Hevantb atjOlRl. wanted in Jewtlry rorr. wagea |7:

jiermanenl poaltlon for ambitloui party; ataie age and oxperienca.Box 4!t. N>wa office.



OKNBRAL KLtCTKlO CO., fifth and B tU SX STB.,




Addreaa Jawalry.

Oinir-Vr'rihled neat refined whlla girl for i^pgia.lra work: nmall family. Inquire M.

I,. A.. Hotel Alvord, II South I'Unton al . Uaat i > r a n g e . _________ _________ ____OIRLp—At once; a dean, reliable girl to

miTul children aflarnoona and avenlhga. rernrcrires. Call !>« Kouth Twenllelh at., flral floor. _____

SKUwJNU. NO HOUCITINQ; 8ALART Jl-M ----- -------- APPLY WEDNBSDAY. I TO 4PER DaY ___t) CLOCK P. "il'.'MtiNICIPAI. FREE EM- p l o y m e n t burbjac, c it t h a l l a n n e xlll'ILDINQ. FRANKLIN ST.

WOMAN wnnlid with .om . rrp.rl»nn. In nlflc. r ln ,. Apply ALFRED POPIK,

Aiii.Or.i, N .lliin il Dink bulldin*. Sprlnl field an>1 Belmont ave«WRITERS-InlelllgaiH: large Income; oon^-

Apply Bl8 Seventh are..PAI.NTER winttdHoaevllla ____ ____

PACKBR W.nUrt «n *ipirl»W*G wft h it.. nn« whn 'ibd.T.t.fl4i hi. buil-

n « KtAR.NT HAT WORKS. ISl Cbfitnul■t , city.PORTER winltd fnr Bro.d *C

pr.vKiu. .ip ir lrn r. ind .*(.11 **p.ct.d, Adtlr... Porlrr. I'ni I. N .w . o f f l c .______ _PAPER IMIXKS -Hip«rl.m;wl “ " ' • ' . ' “" " l

.lw> drlv.r. I'l'i," P.p.r II' * t-n., Mimlltoninrt MeWhortrr i l l ___ ______________

winliA 1* RMri'lll.HANOEH

BO Y-int.111,.nt boy. l i — ... - ,- jimd r c f ir .n e t In-.l.lln n .ry .lor .: qulr. I l l cilnion

Undorukw mid Kmbilm.r,Sll Omn«« it. PrH.1. funeral ch.pM.

T.I. I lM B. a. Mid IBI 0 " R«*

Ml Orond It BOT wanted In dr,




Tameh f , c a f f r e t .UNDERTAKER, -


itoN-Oh N « .iB b « 10, ISIS, Hmnld, b»- 0 n «f AiMlt* « d » 8 1B«U*. Punwi' “ tr*®". iwld trum hi.

.L , m Tu"d.y, Novtfflbm H. »* *

.OKSh-At OrwiK, N. I.. OB *™dnF> kw S. Ptltdirlck. R Tll

It'S z



fumf.ra l d irecto r a n d em balm ek .T.l, TS3 ^nVi,, 1^ BETlntgslA,^-*;— ,

M O U H N IN O 0 0 0 1 ) 8T^^FfirTM^ HOURS AND d e l iv e r e d BT

A BON DRY CLEANERS AND d y e ^ m* » T i w e n EVENlNOe.)- U. •t’HOMF- MARKET. ------------ ,

tT M E T E R H '^'^ ^ E B O R B ^ T ^ E T ERT

iMftS, between Newark and EUxabelh.

Koarambar 11. intmTuent atloa i f fiainlly> Kindly omit flowora.

-il4fifOAKT-Oo Novambar 18. 1«8. M ary.J^ " -^ iw lf f al thf lata John J.

nJ MmSi are kJndiy invji^“fro in 'h w 'ja tr^ d a tc* m Bank L cm Wtdneiday. ^ ^ ,’ SC, to it. Joaaph’i Cburoh, whara f

i Baqnltoft wQI ba oWaewd for th* ra* 1 og her aeal. Intarmnit In th* Cam*tary ‘ I Holy ••pulobra.

Da Ndvambtr •. .m t ,agMfB U i On Novambar a, laiaiElMM MB of M ir ,." ) M*FM. . *u r S a rX n." iW M th * ,* * ^ !*^ (j» F M p l.'i Burijl Comp.ny,

' 'Bdny, linv.Bifc*r 11. IntM’m .nt c .m -tb . H.1P B w akhrt

.E*OW—Os W»f«ib« «k lSU .jM .p b , ekud t< Tbwni* «>s Miry McMorrow.

SSik )om%nr moncr*P.nt in In.pravnn.nt.;£.“/ u " t l t S r & racntly IMd C.""‘* bcar* on laVrn plot and lawn «oDd p.t11H p«fm*nti. **'looker Suptrlnlmiilcnt. Elltibitb. N. J-

BOY winted In d n « V“"-,." fe’?S?'‘V ru.^ iV rtruo bu.lrml. Apply HLHWAR7. I'ruigi.i,

TKR, tm inn nn<> *“ ■ N .w iri. N. J-,tnrc JOHN R FOS-

BOT w.nltd to l.bB “‘ 7 “' - ’‘" II 'amuad butcher ahop. * _____i o T Inr’d .T til l.bor.tory, to !..rn irnd.,

raferencB. H4 LHtletnn ave. --------BOY w.nTcd to d c U v r r . ™ ” "

Elyhlccnlb It. .nd OlltitPP __BOY w.ntcd to tun .rrsodi, white "t •olored.

ROOFEFB—Blate rooferi waninl. QITOID, Montclair.___________

Jc B. Mc-

■ HitrsF- Ex('*ll< nt ( glrla front l l to

wftgee: inuet have rafaratiea. Hhlpmao at

ipportijnity for IntalUgant a to learn trade; go»vl

LOEi^aERc dd

g ir l s wanted, over l l year* old. «o laa^ wlra weaving: elaady work. D8WITT

Wire Cloth Co., Inc.. BtllavlU*. N. J._____GIRLS wanted for light aaaetnhUng work la toy

factory. Apply J CUBIS A CO , glO Ptaaalq tT*., Uarrlaon. K J. _________ ,GIRL-Neai German girl, U or !6 year*, to

mind child four year* old. Call at onee, 214 liafayetta at. ________ .

aprmdJjig for newawipera. hy ranvaaeihg. For parilculira Pmw Pyn<JJraie,^08 I ickuort. N. T.

YOL’VC iT s^ w lih e l work of ihy^P). wrli. LEWIS HARRIS. Su South PU-l»tmh 11 . Nrwirk. ________________

in (11) w lib .l Pn“*D“" “ „ ‘' ' ‘I j; htnd «f work, MCHjpBN, 6|1YUVNtl ma any

Hunterdon at.YOU NO MAN TM)

.(jvancejnanl. Adareae Bieaoy.New* olTIcti

YODNil GIRL. Gennafi prefarrad, for general houMwork, In f|ve*room apartment: fam ­

ily of 'J aduli.8 (0 aleep al taoma; reference required. Addreg* Competent. Uo* 4T, Newa offloe.Ynt'NG LADT wonted, realdtng In the Ojr-

angel, Tor i>npit|uii aa taahJer and booK- keeiier In flrat-crlaas atore. Addrea* for Inter-

•l*w, Pharmacy, Ikik Y, New* office. Orange.VtU'NO WOMEN wanted to taka a cnurw of

training. Appiy at Tfome for t,rippled t.hll- dren. liefL'llfton ave . city; paid while In train- ink. ________

don at. . _______TOUNO mnn. twibly onr •'‘1’?'%''*!’' work. Addrtl. Wurb, Hoi 8)^,^.»l_OI(>bi_

lb c*M m ll_____ -w. 1

pAlu d hsv* M. kwMkold^^•n r r Ml of i •w., *111 b* (I Mdbin *111 I ■MOM*, will h * . Not rau< WKJ.L TAJCl

n * IbUDd

TOUNO min 111) wlih*. work of *ny kind- J. WOEHB, II D iliv ln ^ vr.. r'l>.

YOL'NO MAN wlahea p<wlilon aa ee< )iui tUuk at , cHj —


Da j«u took

gaiM] Uuadc i« axm vij

nOOK-KEEPER-Wl'Ie-a.wake. five perlenca. good Ihnrough. tnrniietpnl

mud.rnt. Mlliy. Addtn. D.ji TO. Newa officeCOOKS, houaeworkera, wiiireaera, nuf»ea, lau«

dreaa. help every capacity, cliy nr ci'un OUTTRUP'H. Ufgaat and beat agenn •

COOK-A'ompa^ant German cook wania pjil tlun at geneial houaework: no waahlng: gOA-i

reforenrei, 4 Elmwood ave , Montclair. N •'COOK-Flrat-elaaa German cook wlahea I'oal

tlflo: no waihlng; cUv or oui-of-lown. HA m . JACjjRS. 1342 Oheatnut^L. Hoaelle.CtK)KlNG and laundry, or general houee«nrk.

prlvat# family: prefaf Montclair, 121 ReryM at . Harrieon. care MtlS. GRANT.COOK Wouian wanta poaltlun ea cook an i

houn'work In amall family; no wai'iiug. ’’ OUPIN. 17 HUlalrte pi.. Newark.COOK uml rhamberniaiti-ft aitiees -,1

aervlre together, no waaliing or Ironlnii 213 .leffersiotl el.. Newark.COOK—A flrat-claM cook wnjUJ lik* a

linn, peraonal referenc*: write or call flrat floor. Becoiul at.

WABHIKO^ by th* dai

m )!a f t , fir

(HRL Winitd. IS y.ira of *(*. '".*(15'“’ '- ’C Addroaa K., UOi 84. New* of-plion* calla. flee.

YOl’NU GIRT, with knowledg* of aianog- raphy; Chriatlan; "alary |a to atari, Hoorn


COOK —Flmt-clttaa oOok pie. MADA GRAY'S,

flret-cla"'* referaiu'C.

clth v.eaUhy p*o Arlington rt

12, !•« Market at. COOK—Elderlj* woman wiehe" poeltloh a« rook. aaving: an early riser, pu caidt. T2 Uet7 *u


sa l e sm a n i-'uU 'TliEJR UNEN DEp a r t m e n t a p p l to sl p k r t n -TENEMENT REFtiRF 10 A. M

^ ’b^n^w urT * V X : i i t V c Z i'fsbIoT bb , u ,Dencn n . a | ----- COOK-Young woman wlahe a place asAMATEt'RB for Wedneadny night. Apply to ' ........... '• -----

matiagar playhoua*. • Valley road, wast Orange; guarantee; "WeBl Orange care pasa theatre.

(GHL Neat young girl wanted In bakery and ronferilYin^ry itore: rtfarencei 114 CUnlon


"city f'l i-nymry. <’h11 1<''4 Hulbai ry_al.COOK, while woman, with rrfei-eru-a. Add'i

Cook, Box in''. News offl'.e. ___

PAIjtsMAN W.lNTBD-E.iablLlh.d rau** f|^ ■ n n |).tl.m «il .rai-kir . . l . im i i i , niu.1 ^

il.l. uiul vrllllno to »lv. bond, ''f''*' full d .ta ll. of ibllitv. p i.t .r .n c . .to-. In flrat 1. t.r, Addr..., Boi Ml. N»w. o H I o e , ______ ,

kH Wallace el.RAutiER laLeimaTi Wtntad t” Ascekrln*® *"ira« for mnkln* foim h,, tn„jr; ibit liTlni for biriifr.: 30 <*■)'• moul'lhalf-gailuh; mailed at rer*1pj; f'f

‘ wrlta. PETER CINFIa#h, t.'nll

fhIr 1 wentli av -

muit ba good ahavaf- l lUdgm — -S aIThER—Steady barber wanted.


73 Eleventhcity.

BURSmtlER—VOBnt lU.ll "R* ‘",Ti*„**’ 7[NTL 00 l,.nd bnrol.hln.

SAY fdilil Nov.ltJ Horln. In ISoiden Pl . n itHl»h »nd l)nu^| ksMITH WANTED-Horanhoir (Uld

T A -M i--rsoi?^T . T raV S‘vlllf. N. J. ____ __________ __________ _


p;i.jc:^ p “.n;:s".Y S;£'■ sfiT i ^

'B K e O L C n O N S EN G H O SSED

^''^TEUlBniorTl* Summit *B. B,; Bib i f jilt, lUumlnitUf, iiamlDM ofB. B.; Ban aruiL mun


. wlU ta ll bU « from tJw ponoti' lid IS P il* SttMt, os WidBMdii, Norambir

M M M t 1* tko OosotiiT of tk.

■Qm KoTombw IL ISU, M sir Hilltr rt, widow of Atrlek RotUr. B ili-

, m tndi An klndli InYUrt to tOMial from t o lU i rjtld isoj. Mo.

ftraot, « ■ftondAi, Novombw IJ. M.. W tt, AstontnoP. Choieh,

Mlsb HAM of Riqulim will b. —• npoM of h*r lool. Inttmi.nt

CAmttOiT of tX* Bolp SApuIobn.Nowiob« 11. ISIS. At Xli, lo**

. „ Bom b mriit, EdwArd, b.loridAf jlnnlo * « x Ttaci). Notict



..n il ' oAit-oll Olothlni, '55,jJh ikHflam said for men* aulta and ladii*

It , Harrieoni

gon blacksmith at K’w Hamilton

b o o k - k e e p i n g tAufhl i;f,rttIon’lie Aeco)intAnt; 116:

call avanlnga. M ange ave.

SALEBMRN -Kteeptlonal attractH'« hroPJ**, tlon for a-tive reliable InielKfetit young

tn.n, cApAbli "( Appr-«rhln» '’o'Jnf'* llberil PAY «nd permljlinl "''“lUonP K COLLIER * SO.N, S07 Mnrkil ll . bi-tori > A. M^Altfr 4 P. M .______________aAt,F.9MEN WANTTID PYHi OUR SA'-'jf

DEPARTMENT; MUST B.F A n.-p e .y ranc e , good t a l k e r s a m i h a v e EIIIST-CLASS R F .I^ R N i,E8.ROOM !10, PUBLIC SBlBllfTt, G*S AT10 A. M. _________________BALESMAN-Marrlid mnn Xitwilb twintr

tliw ind Iblrtf-tivi. to liAxn life X'*“ranrahiliinrii on AUAralUMd lAlnry •J'' 1"°' full commliiTon; lira mnn wnntrd. Addratl I-WAdln* Compnnf. Boi 60. Niwi °rPra.SALESMEN WAniid; npirfinrad ranvAwrt

mnki hi A monjy Ml»nr h™**Xdi'’•teady petition to right partiea C F. au a m s CO.. » Martel l e s m e n wnntid hj • .r'X-KMwn PtaBO

manufacturer; muit he able to cloaa own ^deal*. Apply WESER imOd-, 5M Brondaireat.fU tnVEBSMITH-Flrat-ola •liver.

TEPPBR. 466 Sobix Mnrkct It.m

BUSHKLMAS-Stindy lUillllon ‘® ftAht P. J. BEtRNB. 1*1 Eniel nvt., Ornnsr. nonl

Mnin It.

UOOK-KEBPBR wnntid who rnn do doubli entry and trial balanca monthly in ainaU

_______ _ - = ----------------- I manufacturing bualneaa, AdJreaa A fr B.,BKLP-remala applicant* of the Duf^u or New* offica.

Employment of Iho city of Newark, who *ra

ilRlnfl wnniefl, aolderera on fine elerllng ellvii* | meah. Royal Kllv«r Mfg. Co„ 73 NIchola at

COOK and liundree*: clly or country; lef erenco. 210 Warren at ______________ _

u m k r i u / u f i «i*~ ' “ f ..... i_ «._■daalroua of apeeflily aecurlni place* m fW - clnu Inmlllii ni houiikrabrrt. rooki, chnmb*r- mildi. nuriM oir.. will plraio oill nt (bo burHU'A Indlol' rwipflon-room, In tho olty

book-k e e p e r wintid In imnJl ofdci. In- qulra lb ilora KOEI-LHOFEB BROS . )04

Mnrkot M.

COOK-FIril-olnij rooU t'omi. lie El*htb nra.

COOKING—Pflvnlo boirdlni or olUifwOi city, l i t Now It, ______

nftiriibon (Moiptlnf SiturdAri, Sub* bolldAyl), bllwion Ihi hour, of 1 nnd 4. wn«n tbiy will (niil IndlM noodinp tbilr larvlciA.No chArgn for procuring imployniint,_______ ^


HOUSEWORK—Coupli, white, to do houii- work and cooking; refaranca* required:

good home; no waahlng. 184 Broad at . OloomfJaldi N. J. Telephone 2410. __ _

I (’OMrANlON-MlddV-Bgad wnman wtene» i:'-' *111011 ai companion or imuhrf* hHp - reft-rencea exchanged. Addreia H ROit N>we office ____

HOrSBWORK-aUMMlT;PlANO-rLATER-Comhlnation piano-p1a/ap

and linger wanted at onco. Apply NewarkGIRL; GtK>ti PLAIN L'OoK. NO Film Hnihange. Ikfi Market il.. city' - - * ——— •- .ra.AW wOTI-iiTTP At^lllNO. \

mo’fIN ^ 8 E N T “ ^ “ on'E ^ licraR ^ ^AQ -TIM E-piA ti^^ivlTF^W AGES ADDRESS I ' 0 BOX UJ. i » b w ";.!. - a t efH MMlT. N. J.

tng guaranteed. 10 to mailed free, CLARK'S

Studio", t7 Mxiaay el., and 483 Walnut at.

DRESHMAKER—Fifteen yeara' experlen* p fit gunraniead, dealgnflr of emart. effe-

tlvo Parlatan evening, eiraei gowne, cloak:*, suite, draejie". 13 up: rs-modelinjr.

I hla et.. near DroatT Market: wlPW Market

W AilHtNa- inf. Inqt

WAgHINCf— lug. HI F

W AlKIWa- henka. 428


WOMA34-AI aato worn*

aagoma cb* gutia*; no ti f « f loqth NWOMAN


UOU8ETWOKK—Clean expericnoad Southern uolored girl or woman for gvneral hou*aworH:

inuat ba good plain cook; aloep «family i good home and wage* to right pvraon, call at once. 384 laifayelia at-. .refferaon, ] i-ar far* paid.

I TOLNO WOMAN wanted for houaawork; alao boy wajited In bakery, 153 Chaaitiul *1., Nut-

I ___________ — on S. ■

DRESS MAKER, by day It gownr: tallc


novelty wajela: evenlodft*'gownr: laliortng. remgdMlng; Frem h

Telephone Orange 4k38J ■______

e m p l o y m e n t w . \n t e d — m e n

DRE^*™a KER. 12.2 1 per day: beautiful fjt elegant cut. Aildrrt* Itnmedlgti, Box m>

Nerve office b

WOMAN w( Suaaax are..WAJTREB8-

wmltraaa a beat rafarm thlrt floor.WAITBBSB-

wUh priva pfifarrM. ^

HOII8EWORK—Woman for general house work; ona who can do good plain

fpfrsirt”'* e"ood wagea** good* home ^ ?are | corporairon and'ean furuieh axcallont IVid v .k i B ir.r.l'b Vvw ? r 7T Cuit.r .0 ,5 ,; « l .r y m oderiti AtWrra. Book-

BOOK-KEEPER—ConaclentlouB and rellabl*young man, ag* 31. wtahes position with I Tenth at

manufacluring concern; haa had four yakra

DRKiSSMAKiNU of *11 kind*; remodaGng. parfacl fit, MR8. ALLBN\ B44 South


d r e ssm a k e r wiaht* a few mote coatomara. ovil by the day. or work hoine. 78 Somaraat *i.

keaper. Box 18. Nawa nfflee.HGUiBWORK—Wajited. ganfral servant_In

amall family ulia who will appreciate a good hema; amail Siouxs: noencea- Apply tomorrow. 248 ETlmWood av*. Eaat Orange. N. J.

BOOK-KBEI'KR. 10 year*' exparlenca, reliable and IruetvTorlhy: tingle and double an^"-

modartte aalary. Addroaa “Truatwarthy/ Box 12, Nawa oflicB. ______

DAY'S WORK—German woman wlahe' dava work waahlng and Ironing; flral claav-

xundraaa. HRS. WORTH. 44 Liberty at.

BAKER—Young man, shortly landed; expar- | Bloomfield av*

DAY'S W'OBk—Woman wlihea day'* work laundry work to bring home. IID

HOUSKWORK—Middle-aged wojnun. Get- j lanced on all around baking: can work onriVM arj TY Vi>» __ hnilA*- I ___ . .1 _• 1 - J 1- 1 - ...Ir i w. m alAAriuman prefarrad. wanted for general houae- kind of bread, la looking for aiaadyork- nlalri family. In oountry. all convani- pi^^e. Care of BERG, 100 Kearny av*.,

Address Country. Box I jJorth Arlington.

BITTCHBR-Wonrae.rain prafiiTid.

B illiv llli iv i.BI'TUHBH, iiPirlHli-id, wibUfl.

•lira. T. ORIMM * CO., m SprlbSfliia gve.b u t c h e r , eatrerlencad. wanted.

Market. 5T8 Orange at.. Newark-ROLL'S

? ? ? V u th * 'Q f« iy aYa.. near Norfolk ati

_^SR‘<‘Dlad Buddaaly m Navamb^ B, k M a& Thiaraaaa, batorad wife of Wlll- liMAgar <naa Tully). lUlallvaa and frlanda

• MMOttully taviud to attand tha funaral i iCiKabar 12, at 7 A* M., from tha raiL itoa. Mo ipringfleid to Bt. Joaeph'a

fcb Whara a Maw will ba oald for tha I af her 80u1. Intannaat la tha Cametary

'iBg B o^ t^ttlchra.ON-On Novambar l l , 181S, Patrick,of the lata Margaret RoanlotL at th* of bit ton, Patrick J. Boanlon, No-

h avanua Notice of fiuterai hara-

MlirBR---Buddaclr. on Novambar 8.J^draw doaaplv balovad eon of Har< yi*A Barbara Bohrelner (nea Lahr).

raa and frienda ara kindly Invited to tba funaral from bin late resldenca. do avanua, on Wednesday, Novern-

11, l^ lt. at l i l t A. M.i,thanca tn ^ t,

CHEF 111 a weak; middla-agad man who ' ' c in do Will piperlns »n4 bAMD«r In wall papaf factory H* weeit, ate^ y fwaltlon; atableroan U2 've*k and room: aaladman. order oook. oyater man, (irm bindi. miUl '([Innj™- pilnliT for f«tory. OKHMAN-AMERICAN AGENCY, ihtlra aacond floor. i» Cedar at.

o io ^ b T .^ ^ r . A T i: !riM pild tor m W i ovorcomi, ,"KI4 “ <1 !*

promptly, are.

c h a u f f e u r —Wanted, electric truck drlvor. Obi Oipiblr "f ' “'‘'" A d'T .iS i* trupk- atata age, expet-lenca and w****

anted. Addrea* ElaiTrk. Box 11. New*offloe.


pr1o» ■*« ' r N X ' ' ‘« « id .h .%

name of prevlou* em^oyep. Addreas thaur faiir, Box M, New* oirlc e . ______ _______

luttisor priuv*hat* and ahoe*. M MANflON, elothea tor l^ ltoPhone 4n4W Market; aend pcaJ jTRAfilNG STAMP book* bought; blgheit price*

p*n etc. Naw Jaraag Coupon COi. 880 Pliaa it-. »ar Market.

rTHpENTERS—SiTifil Stit-cliil firp intmwaou-Vi It one.; i l « two mlH f'4»di .rcu i

min oard iPplJ- Niwirb CorolM to" SljlUni Work!. 9-JS fleti)imnith ir .. . Niwirt, N. J.


a Cbureh, whara a High Mae* of Ra- wlll ba offered for the ranoaa of hli

Znitrmant Camatary of Holy SeptiL

•CZilBRHOTAS^At Ortng*, N. J , on Novem-I w i T --------- --------------- --1818, Emma Behlrrholx. after a iuddeti,

lllnaM. Natloa of fureral heraafier.• SMITH—On Sunday, November 0, 1818, peter

balovad huaband of Tberaaa Bmlth tnee__Ma). Ralativaa and ftianda are kindly In-fltod to attand th* funaral, on W'edncaday, No (gnbar S3, at 8:10 A. M.. from hi* late ret Imca, M Jonaa atreat. to AL Pnler'* Church,

at 10 o’clock, a Solemn High Ma"h of aulM wtll ba oftored for tha repoan of hia

InUrment In th* Oemetapy of the Holy ulohra

TRADING STAMPS boilFht; hl«hwt Prtcei Dild tor booki Slid looii oouponi. milk libili,

moVrappira. 11)3 Mirkrt it., room 21.HIOHEBT prtfM rjld « HrdclDtUl)ii; drop poitil. KIMMEHMAN. m nra dtb Fl.. Kilt Orm ti. or pb“° i o 'w NOLD GOLD.

moBdi indovir Petty a B. H. BALBVRE.

___ dla-Broad It,,

h ig h e st price* paid for Ini iDd bid fiSlhira, send poiUl w ■>

DECKER, 66 MoiUIOmery iL

trOVSHCBN—At loroni Flrmi. N. J No M bir T, 1613, Girtnidi, tbi Iwlovid u d only

'ittr o( wrni.m ind Miry ainvtkin, »«rd•MMwru * j w « - F u n i r i l ilrloHy prtviti,

TRBJtBUnr—Rltwid loto riot on Sunday »o»*mbir 6, m t Binjii^B. lit hli ilihtj-Sflh yiir. htlovid hatbiiid o( tb i I m Mar

H ou selio ld r .o o d s W sntertrmy it. Wb*t hL . Wi buy .oytblni inn

,ud 1............. ■(ot to 1*11 for ciibtiirrytbtbS tor tub; iioond-hirKl f'trnltnri. old .^I,.ir., pm r*. 6 0 1 ^ 6

.tofr, dri.Mt., with or wlthoot mirror. «o- tlou, ind iiythlnf yo« wtnt to .ill tor f..b,_ 1^ .1__ <iw annt nnnij moro tbiu snj ilp.let or tortion Imjum to tbi cltr 1 b in no t f io l i to PiJ cominlillon. 1 o.lViny«l( (tTrionilly; t h , ' . *b, I « “ P»J

llfth Viir. hilovid hatbiJid ot tb i i m Mary k v T E. (n ii Billdiraoil)- Rolntlvii and l ^ d i . i1 » tbi Civil Wnr vit,ran , ot Com- Mny I. Tmnty-ilith Bijrlmint, N»w .Jpraoy VolnnUiri, nra Invltid to .Hind ibo funiral

fcrvlc•• it tbi rMldmoi of hi. aon-lo-liw,mli Goonolir, IT4 South FAihth .Irort. Tura-

.veninr, NOV.roh.r H. al i o clock. In-tifmont ll. FranKlIn Mithodlrt EpIicoisal C*,„-

ft ary Nuiley. N. J , on Wedneaday, Nov»mber 2, al tha convenletice cf the family.VAN GTEZEN—Eniered Inin rcit, on Monday, itrreinbrr id, IttlS. Henry Van Gleien, hah-ved ether of Valentine and Andrew Van Glezen. ad huahand of the late Dorothea Van Gu'cen aaa Bchrandl). aged T2 year* ll, month* l.Y

«ore fbeu other*; get my price* Mudpofttal I will call at ohoa; builneea alrictly con- nienllal. Tel. fl5r>dW Market.alw ays the hlgheat prlc"* paid tor furnlturi

„f every description; we buy °{atori* an<f nn*n:liajidl*e: we wlU "end our aartl "p call peraonally. and we will c*y than any other h'»u*e In th* city;SIMON., th. .nan rS^MON,”'?!fair and sfiuarc-; pohUXcedemy *t.. 'phone W4M Market. i i r T u N o a lD FiuD ;sEH m

STONBBETTBB—ToUbf ra.n .ipirlincrd on hilt purl, bnl work cramp wtllni; rofcrcnc. tt-

ijolrcS. AddtcM Htonc, Bo. 61, NiW» olSci,SOLICITORS on h1ih-«ridi hutlerlBfc on

commliilon; hotiio to hou.i. Apply 6IT Bloornftild ave., Bloomfield, N J.SLATE ROOFERS wanted. Apply S- 3

BLAIR. 470 Main it.. Bail Orgnp._______t a il o r . mroorHiKid <« '•'Kit"'*.!*

•uli.; o tid y woi*; ‘Fourth e*v* cor. Bloomfield * v ^'fAlLORB—Wantad. two flral*flla*a c^tmakar#

and buehalman- BOBNlSCH. 245 Ferry at.

work: plal ance*; Cedar Grov*, 15. New* otflea.

DAY'S WORK—Woman Wa«ti day'* a-ar ;cleaning or waahlng. AddreM MRS- D-.

Vauxhall. W. J> ________________ ^.

HOUSEWORK—Wantad. neal. reflnid whiti »lrl for Foneral hou.iwork; no

coolitni; small family. >"6ulri (or MRS. M. L A.. Hotal Alvord. II South Clinton at.. Bast Orang*.

BUTLBR-i'olored man (IP) wliha* poaltlen. | butler or houww’ork. JONES. 210 Bloom*

flrld av*.. city.

PAV'3 WORK wanted; vary ^o^^Iaundr*""Monday and Tueaday,

SCOTT,2 f Arlington "i

W A im n estrano*. i


TOUNO W klod: alee


CHAUFFEUR—Single man. 21. Oarman, would appreciate ataady poaltlor: prtvala j

DAY'S WORK, waahlng, ItoutM or ganara.MRS. SWANN. 8T Liberty at.,

— --------------- ----- - I family; Dv* year*’ ahop axpartenca In ovar-tfOUSEWORK—Wanted. | hauling, driving; capabia dolng own rapalra


aVJ V. Dil. IT 4..'AX I\— , , 1 J, I n ULauM, lAiivioas, -wra*.—o,.« o m ' .i_ I L/A I D 1•need girl for general hou**work, Including furnl.-sli heal peraonat reference from the ironing,. . ■_ . ___11.. j a 4 1,1 k-.t r*wMnD#A TA« L _ __ j _ i_.. _ aa «. ■oals.AP rv n _ 1 "Within*, for family of two; rtlfrence. ri- ,mp|„y,r; drive any *aa car; wt»r. obqulrtd. • Phono Monlrlalr 3766J ' ............................... .............. *•

DAY'S WORK—Colored womao; wl Ironln*. I l l Conu-ol ave.. SALTER

waablDg 0

B M P L O l

TAILOR—Fine cuatom tailor wanted at once J. SURDI. |4T Flftaanth av*.

•"atLOR—F'lrat-cl*** ouitom tailor wanted atonca J SURJ>1. M7 Fifteenth ave.______

849TAILOR wantad on ouatam eoala (InaMe). Broad at., aecond floor._______ _______

rPHOLSTRBfiR wanted, all tr<mml roan H gfJJ- Kibi«: Qarroan prefam^d; ateaay wwx. nan-

MAN FLRUGKL, 44 Wathlngton *t., Morriatown.

HUU9EWORK—Competent girl tor general houaawork. with raferanoa; hf* waahlng or

oulalde work; good wage*. Call 68D Mt Proapect ava., car fare paid^

llalnc WM HERZOG. *1 South Oratl*i DAT'S WORK-Wornin w tih ii d iy 'l work i" t . Niwarli. N- J ___________________ ___ | U7 Now It.. IrHinlw 1H boiim int.c-HAUFFEUR mechanic, want, ittady poi6- DAY'S WOBK-Waabln*.Jrenlns or clawnin*

tlon; ilk yeara laat placa; It eopiritneed RISON, BOO North Blith it.___ ____________________________ , ntotor' truckman ind OIRL-Ttmbf «irl w inli poiltlon cham^i

•Ida eectlon'preferred. <j*U ivenlnga, SIMB- j Addrew BoxGEEN, 406 Sumroat are.____________ ______ [ CHAUFFEUR—Young

Baat Orsfiga.

M. J.

c a b in e t -m a k e r s and poliahera;men who thoroughly CO'Apply Tueaday afternoon. BDWARDa cu.,

800 Mulberry atCUPOLA MAN, mutt underatand running «

furnaoi end furnHh ." “SS?;™'Addrtii P. Bott 61, NiOi offlee.___tlont.DOOK—Wintid, ririt-cloii cook, with «p«rl ‘^ c , L lnUd). Apply 72 North Arlln*tonavi.. nail Oran*t.COOK-Flrat-Cliii try cMk Apply it onco,

SHEFFIELD Lunch, 472 Brood «td r o p f o r g e r wintid; rail only on imall. iccurali work; 8(» and 1,«KI Ibi hiinmcr; no drinkln* min n»id »l>p!Y, rora,IK--. hour; r«dy_wock,^.t-ro a^ .r . .m

....................... ............. * ***''ticnth gyi., Nffwirk. N- J

u p h o l s t e r e r aanlid,.16 Wiihlnatnn it.

E. B. m e t e r .

w atc hm an: cxpirlM CidW ^criC-iiTaEOHaE STENGEL, INC., Wilton

WRlTERS-IntilllDnl; iiuai ipondln* tor niwipapwi; t

pgrtlculira Preii Syudlcati.TIO LoeVnort, N. T.WOODWORKER w intid on w lfon bodiii.

J. STURN * SON. 461 Mirk it it .________vm'NO MEN-Two Wiil-dreiiid youn* mm

to travel with maniior; lettlemtnt nroDOilllon piyi B6 01' bittw '""hly,'®uuallfytn*. Full room 3. Ward bulldln*. bi* twicn 7-6 P. M-; Oran*i and North Bevtnth it*.young M EN-Uii your ipora tlmi t® 'up * mall -jratr bUilniW of S'™r

tlH Bichapiri. BuDglo. N.■roUNG Ma n , iotni iip fru n o i in tbi

K.i.cSir builncM; muit undiritind Ciri ofor bulchir builneii; mutt hni horaei; fifironci riqulrod. Addceii Gractr, Bo* 84, NiWl o inci

“ IfiMn* hot,Bi.®«piTlmra^^

*(., Newark.

VOTING MAN. with »*«6«DDirapher and mrcMpondi^ M l or write.

MOUBBJWORJt- 'WhUe girl for general hou^- work; good, plain cook: no laundry work:

family three adulti; raference required. 17B North Seventh at. _______

altian to private ---------I ane* in running ami repairing car*. F. BROWN. 178 Brunswick at., city.

ng married man wlahaa KOU8EKESFSR--Ml«d]a*afad, dapAbla. v* family: four year*' anf^* I fined weman daaira* :^irl(lfln aa manag- Hi repairing care. Addreaa | houaakaaper; good naadlawoman ano

-- -hlldi________ _ Wi naadlawoman eno

cook: car* for children during temporary abeance of mother; or young wldowar d4-

BOU9KWORKER wanted; white girl, Engllfth epeaking; country hom*:_iwo aduj t*j

CHAU FFEUR, colored, w anta poBlUon: good of kaaping hla horn* In ta c t; m olharlyreference; und*ratand ca re of hor**a; will- hia ch ild ren : referencaa axC h|W *d.

ring; ------- , ........... _:ood wagea; Mudleon. Addreea Counlry, Box

Newa office.,WOHA-|UiP".->ilirau "u'.i ' - -JT. 1 llOJIA"'*’

iral houiiwork; family 1 'IIOUSKWORK-Eipiciincid whiti *1M toj; Sab;

era! houaework: family Pf two. Call ifWi Grafton ave., monilng or evening: Mt. Proa- 10 Oriental eL

I n g 'a n d ’obllglng. Addreea J. T. A., 366 Montgomary at.» BloomflelJi N. J.CHAUFFEt^B. flrat*cla*a. colored, wafita poM-

good raoommondallona; CM b* r a c » by preeant amployaf. JERBT luajHi.

A«ldra*e Truatworlhy, Box 6, New* officaMOUBEM'OHK—Mlddla-aged woman daelM"

position a I houaework In a Protaatant faniTlv ! who go South for the winter month*; froef«m I all ancutfibrancaa. MRS. MA'Y LAMBBRTON. I tiover, N. J. __________

pact car.

ba good oook. Apply T6t DeGraw ava,

fHAT'FFEUR (white) wlehe* poritlon; prlvata* I h o u BEJwoRK—Experienced _ ^ r m ^ girl — • good mechanic; expari^iaai I wlahea housework, email family adu llaiivi


BOUSBWORK-Stron* y.Wns. FlU w*"'*'! 'SS s'™*general houaework; referencea roqulrcd

North Seventh *t. i *«cond apartment.

rw rt,1. K., IW Hep-lay pl.c Ellaabath.

MOUBEWORK-Neat, competent girl for gen­eral housework: three grown people. ITS

Montclair ave.. Montclair. N. J.BOL'SEWnBK'-''Vhlt* girl for general bOh**- .

work week; family three adults. So {Sterling at-, Kasi Qrangf. •

CUTTER—Coraeta: young man raqt»y»il araj ptoymetit a* cutter or praae^; \i.Y ***f

experlanoe. — *Newa OftloCi

IIS uuutwii va #•. '•" ■ ■ J “T • —J rAddrea* AmbUIoUA So* 8I»

c a r p e n t e r Jobbing hy day or oaniraet wantedi THOMAB THOMPSON, 9U BoUth

Orange ava. 717I.I Market.aoUSEWORK-Gin wanted to aealBt houa^ rOMPOsirOR—Bxp*ri'* .lob rompoMtor;

work, goofl homo. .S Columbia at,. I ^ steady only Addroas, good Lafayetl* aClOUBBWOBK—Gprrata gltl for houaework; ao

laundry; aleep bomi if preferred. 1Q2 Hurntnar

Box 63, Kewi office.

iTiiernailoBBl Oxygen Co., ave.

7M Frellnghuyaen

YOUNG man. abbot i*,_

d r i v e r wanted for ilngle wagon; muat ba "obar, ataady and know how to taka good HlSlWi, __A ____ n*nd flnnlv. Ifl-e r a ol! hor«; son . othir nj.d apply. In-

Qulra 48 Dawaon at., after 4.18 F. M.DKIVER for baef trirt, ^ p ly . with refer­

ence*, eiacollve ofDce ROTH A 00.4 Inc.,MetropolLtiO bnlldipg. Orapg*.DRlVERm-Compatent man to drive wa^n; mu^

underatard Oarman; married prwrrad. 8Charlton at.npr ivFRT MAN for attabllahed route: tolajrr

cSimlaionrg^^oa. opportunity; 0a.f1

In gfooery buelnei*: raiiat be honaat. ambitlou* *od ftirniftli r*f«r*nee. Raromat tv*.. dtJ-

HOUSEI^V'ORK—GirJ for gtnertil hotiiewark; carfare paid. 137 Heller parkway.

LINKERS for "oldered meah wanted, ERNST GIDEON BEK MPQi CO.. S Oliver


young MB>t wanted, SI ta 25 year* <J* with rafftrencea, m leani a buito***. Midland

Trading Co.. ttW bmidlypv o i’NQ MAN wanted In butcher builneaa.

lake care of Hone and route. Inquire 161 Clinton pi.YOUTNO MAN wanted, capable of m a ^ g Jew­

elry culler*. 2M idarkei it., third floor* rearTOUNG man In meat market, with aoma '

^rlance. Apply P04 HJintordaE.^

aao^rity'iiiYtivily 'ra«ii;|T4 -,Co,. M North Nineteenth at*. Eaat oranga.___DIBMAKBR8_-Fm.Uul*t*^ axPbrtinra

u S r r AppV SLOAN * CHACB Mt, Oc. Blxlh av*. and Thirteenth at., Newark. N. J.


LoAUNDRY—Hoatwn pr*ae operAlor. expert only: also glrii of experience on other ahlri

machlnee; belt wages and houia: aiate ax- perfance. Addrea* Operaior, Dox i. Nawa of- flpa, Orange- ______________________________

CHEIF—All-around chef or cook wl"b«i po*l- tion In reetaurant or hotel. Call ."•r writ*

178 Academy at. _____ ________________

laimdr>-; Glen Rtdga or Montclair preferred. Addrea* Willing. Box 38, Newi efnetiHOUSBWORitKRfl. cooka, cham^rmalda

aud waliraatea «l*h poaUlova. MRS.PEL'S Employment Agencyj Tel. >6 Market.

KOP 68 Jonea at

HOU8STWORK—Exparleucad wcnnaii want* cm ployment at general ivork; no waatilng; i\

ihorl dlitanee Jn country; refareliea< M Nev. at.HOUSBKEEPFR—Colcrad woman wlahaa po^

tlon 1 * houaekeeper: old eook. Call Prlneaton M*. of 'phone 3DC7J. Eaat Orange.

CCnt*LB, butiart 11

aaaA Add001At

H7FLS-)• I 1

Addf*** K< llA if and



plaaae raiKawark, NCtmTAlN

TewAO, . • to m oiiri QOULD. tS m P Z mu

Bing; fro M BloottfM BTootnf •nth 1'I abawl ■anbllai a;m ta . FIB •lair pollo<DOO-lMt

wltb whi bow doak |I6 rawairaauUJngMOND, J<

CHEF and aecond cook wlehe* for private or boardlng-houa*. UARSHAiiL,

168 Balmont ave-, city.CH53F—CUy or country. Fifteenth av*.


CHEF, axperlancad; haneat and acononnloal. 50 Niagara at.

l a u n d r y —Kxperienoad operator on ahlrt- body Ironing machine. Union Steam lAun-

dry. ^ Broad al. _______ _______LAUNDRE8B—Flrat*claaa. white;

and Tueaday. I l l Summer av*.Monday

^___________ food afpef"lunlty to laarn draaamaklng. KAHNr 17APP RBNTICE^

Fulton at.

TMSIlWASHKH and experienced order conk.r-v t irirt YYTlP a y Cl>ne **.

gchlsiiuai, ii.« v-io A — — —I ■Halatlve* and frlanda, ala<y membere of ’plufc’a W eln of St- Map-'a Ch roh^^aJ'*

tliro*. hiHiae* end flaia or enjrthiiia : 0 Bcll, bought for ra«h: ciuieult u* be

you hareto Bcll, bought for vaftn: cimeuii m» ««to* ■|*U; Ing; eBtlmalre cheerfully given; eend noalaJ or uhone ^ 8 Market.

REID'S AUCTION ROOM.18 Arlington at,, near Markat.

w^tfuUy invSled to attend tha funeral on S ^ a y , November 18. at 8:80 A. M.. from - Ute realdancr. 815 South Orange avMue.

Bl. Paler'a Charch. where at 8 A M a JtkM Pf R^nletn “a’lfl ba oelebraied for the fgppaa of hia aonl- iTilennant in tha Caraatary • f the Holy Sapulehr#.

WILtsAN—Jaaaph B., at the Eeaax Coppay Boanltal. Oadar Grove. N. J., on November 10. uQT aged 87 yaam, adntlttad to hoapltal from She ‘New Jereey Bute Hoapitel on July 22. B ap Natlvltv. United t=laive: ooGupAtlon,B^hlalat; civil condition, alngla.

■WILDBRSPIN—At Irvington. N. J,. No- ^embar l l . lOlS. WlVnam H. WlldsTepln. 'Baabatid of Neill* Baletone, In hla BSth —— Relative* and frienda, alao membera S tS b a lR a ld Lodge No. 148. Son* of si.

Are Invited to attend tha funeral K ^ e a i at hlu late reaidenoo. 1* RoaBhlU

ea Friday. Novambar 14, at J.8(l P.

W'H BUT aecond-hajtd fumllura In large ^ ■ moll loti, or anyttiln* you

oMl., w. M, per rant._

Tiitarmeni In Clinton Cemetery^LA—Mathilda (naa Guromarman), died No- i S l l IDlSr at home. 4S

70 yatra. NoUoa of tanwal her*'

or any auction houge* need them tOT room- Ihafi wliy I pay th i i»“*ti ■'"'I

loiu.1. will Mil at onct; bullniM oonfldin- lll. MR. PBBRT, 311 Waiinngiuii i t


- V6r —o t h e b ? V r it k * « ^ ciJ t h o r a nS b a v b ..OR "PHONE 20TI MAH^DON'T till your lood i bi*W*

wi'fl Voiltlvoly i i v i you immiy; nothin* too liT*i tor o" tt> hinfllo. Modorn Aootioo

ALL KINDS of hotliehoM (OOdl. ejtira. . —.riM Of aortbloi JOh ttivi to otll.*0? fTMiriti or injtblld fou tlivi „ .

hirhi.t nriot Pild ciih. Bind poiUt or pmioiliSSw a r .k .l B- OKOSS. 4™ “ ‘ 'Itit IL

Apply DAVia BROS.,

foo tm an ttANTCD BY I- 8 PLAIT * CO. M U S '^ ^ T A y-

a n d EXpfliiBNCED PREraBIffiip. a p p l y b e t w e e n 9 AND 10 A, M. AT 190 IIAL^BY SIT. »

nRKMEN-BRAKHMBN for all 'N i,vark vicinlly; .rallrar*,..:!:orS.'lmV hiAdoM^r." ’p o iim -

Aaaoclailon, D*pt. 883. Brooklya, S. i-

Bummll at

b o o k - k e e p e r - W intid, 'Vioepir and otenoftipher In

Bloomflild; aniner In o''" r e A*'i t i t i iilory ixpertetl. Ad)ltBii K. A- RLAO. 413 North tlrovr et . K iit Oran*r,b o o k -k e e p e r >n'I M ihlir; yoon* lidy.

molt be neat and eccurate; raferen^oia re- Quliad 9 L. DOWD. Botchara and GrMera corner Alden ei, ind Watchuo* ava., W ilt Orange

MESH MAKERS-Gtrlo to work on rlo* meih, open and aniderad; ataady for eaparlenciad

hand*, and gnod nay; boure 8 :» to 6:W>. THOMAS A. *WElSa, 47-4g Malden tone. New T o r l i i ________________NURSB g ir l —Wanted, young nuraa girl.

OR. FH1CB. M Beaton eL_______________PAPSR BOXUS—StHpparti turners !a and

table hands, ateady all year work; muatba flrat-claea; itate experience and wag«ft.

" ‘ 'll, '* ^Addreee Papar, Box 101, N**[* officePAFBit BOXW^Experletioad girla wanted On

a«ttini-up machlnea; alao a few atnppere wanted, w . B. Paper Bax Co.. IM Summit

^OOK—Flrat-claaa cook wlaliea a placa; pri­vate or public. 186 Bloomfield av*. ____

COOK—All-around man want* poaltlon. Ad- dreaa Cook. Box 87, Newa office, _______

DRUG CLERK-ChrIaLlaa. 2S year* old* 8 yeara' experience; beat of reference* w to

ability and character. Addraaa Drug* Ba* 7d. N>wa offica, .........................................

HOUaE'WORK—Woman wanta houaawoj-k in email family, or would cook in reatauras,

Addrasa Cook, Box 154. Newa office._____ ‘ K

DOG—to i and bla

th* nama In tha ai PECXBAi

IIOUSBTA'ORK-Slavla girl, tao year* in Ihi- country* w.lel>ea injaltTon. 212 south Oansccountry* ------- . -

ava.. Hr*!, floor; call evening*.HOUflKWORK—Kxperlancad girl

siaee al houaawork: city: raferenc*. dreea B., Bo* l«, Nawa office^_____ -


HOUlIRWORK-Touni German girl P|;•Itlon al general houaawMi'k. o2i South six

laenih at., aaeond floor* left. __________HOUSWKERPBR In working man'* famll> i*

no ouieciion lo children; call evenings. 3i Wnahlrtgiori ave., Irvington.H or5K\V0IiK“ RtoP*Ctoble woman ^ ♦i'hej

houftework by the day. Call ar write. JSl Lafayette eeeond floor ._______________

DiSlfWASKER 'NIchola at.

In reitaiirant;

ROUaEWORK-Hungarlan wvman wanto gen eral houaawork by day. MRS. ANNIK

GALAR. t t Wall at., olty.

FLORIST and gardener; good a ll-w n d ffrnweri private end commercial • * ^ * * '^ '

good reference*. Aildiesa Grower, Box 53. New* oftica.

BOCflirrOBk—Any Mud of houaework wanted.nrivati ot reatiiifxnt; tlarie girl. JOSBPaiN.4

DOBMAKa » Avanua L.

X>CKWtoF from tt


TiUa aa< IJpodln av laJVt dlan mood*: «w turn to 83HAND I

money from Irvl ward. BK»T8—L


HOUBBTYORlC—Young colored place for general nouMwork.

Fir e m a n , a«rman. iptoli* *r*tlih. aonW work al once; flrat-claaa raferaqre. Adureii

Flremah. 49 Jonea at., city.

warren ft., rear.

woman warn* Call at 70

HONBT- Fh^ar I

'!\RDEJNISR. Irt •oil outdoor: aingla; Mperi- iiiued' undapatond* atock. poultry ancl aulo-

tnobli*' at preiant employed; opati Novam^r M o S im l«r 13; Em « toujiWJiteftrrad,

Addraaa Gardener, Bo* C. Nawa efitcw.

HOUSEWORK—Girl daslrea poalUoa, cliv, country; cook, wtah and iron. Call JS'I

SpriJtgfleld ave.HOUSBWORJt-Hv^^^rlan woman waul* gar.-

eral houaawork oy Jay. PI8TA NAGT. ov Henaler et., ertty. __ ___________

COOKS, hottiaworkera obamb*rmald, w*IJ- roaa nuraa girla; work of any hind to ba

had at Tha Grove Kmploymant Agaftcy ATsrv day iB the week; oall. and we will

“ ll at CMC*. 143 Ma|» -'a Orovt It., goat Oranta; °P*» t‘l' * **'

PAPHR BOXEB-Expirlancid p a w b n cirl* wontad; iltia ao6 poota tvoric, IVlLLtAH

a A U ^ * BON, 61 N#w Jaraar Railroad avi.ROPa CHAIN ehoriara. «ip*rltBo#4. woiUtd.

ta i Waiblnsum at

GATB-KKBPER-W*i)t<!a, IWSfi!®".w aoir timi-H**por or watohlttan, boot raF

bObTlf rSqolraa, AAlra- E. P.. SM Clinton ave,* Newark.

h o u b b w o r khouaeivark.

polean at.

-German girl want* ganar*. Inquire flrat floor, M N«-

HOUB8'N<^K-Mld61«-*|aa woman “rork: (ooo n

Ja n it o r or night watchman, middla-aged* want* poaltlou; rafataw* ^

liable. Addraaa Janitor. Box !t , Nawa of-

ganeral hoQa^ro •Id* at.

.... ______ wlahaarefaranca. t t Uaga-

irvoom sw j y p v

HOUBlBWOlUC-nBOlah ftrl wlahaa h g l ^ o ^ : imaU fhmUyj ngat OHHartne. TSS »on*a

HAND SCBIIW MAOmWllS, b«eb k » d l » «macblnl.t, waalwl ' «

w on tad tiwoibllasi itooilir Job ^ hut oQl? flret-eliMi man •*'* muawar. Addraaa Hand. 6oi Td. Nawa oflica.

AT SMITH'S. 53 Boulb fi«oad-haa« fbfpltbra.!

th W ‘m want to aell: I l*y ^daaiBr; get my prloea Aratl a*nd poatatget

•THK-Eotond Into rail on Buinlar, Nov.m- .— Q ran ittar a linferinit lllnsm, SToOftTlcV*

'*M bran, widow of tbi lit* Jt^n Sink IL ri S6 Tion I month 23 d iyi. B ilatlvii and S S a i ^ klndlr invU*d to iU*nd thi lunerat S i S ini. at hi* ditiahter • rraidioee Mra, S S ra T Araold. Ml Eouth T«nth itr w . on 'CoetoiidiT, Novembtr 12. at 3:30 P. M. In- Unaort to woodland Cim*t«rr.

HOUSEHOLD goodi and fnrnlturi. all B l^^ to fu^ah IW-rnom hotal; will pay row Mjoa

If r r a a S la ! LEARMAN, IMt fiiratford piFURNITI'BB wantad In

mill pay food prloaiiiind ^ a l - T> bi wirk r i 4 T M _Mlj!ka


llA N P BKAVEftS wantad on paokatbook, •oat* and calvaa; muat have exparlanca*

HESS A Ha BRI:u OER. «* Amaterdam ft,.city. ______________KELPEH-Experiaecad h«lp«f ^

pay. ateady work. 410 Central Orang*'


i, goad

T AWTmriR—Raliabla i*ouiig mail, handy with SSVtofandlng etXra w d hM

bearing n* Janitor for Catholic ehureh OM "ohool* WrIW. atatl^^rataranoao. lo TUhtr

COOK (oolorad). privalt fomllr, 13*; bbaro- birmild, M ti w.UraioaA III; * « •• 16; fotitral houaimortwi*; two cooka for In-

■tituuon; *lio waltriM -^ambifmaid and ...A attatldanta, GBIIM AN-aHKBIUANtwo attatldanta. G B I I M A N ' - AGHNCT; antira aacond floor 16 Cioar it-





mCK'-*To oook ahort dlnnara for aaloon;Ptaady woman, good w a g ^

ataao In; do not hava to go In aaloon. Ad- drOM Cook, Box Nawa office.


LINOTYPE maohinletriwaralor; poffitlon wantad out «_ town.

OQOK-LAU?t»^EBfl. sum m it. • • J :'^houaew orliera, colored, white* •?5. Ml* h*

In te rn a tio n a l B ureau , 111 Pennayl" •ahta are.rY)OK—Good gook wanted: plain ooohingi ijjo

coloraddf Iriih; Qaman preferred. WO* at.

W i

aohooi. wru*. ■X.. Box N*wa office.LTNEMElN-FIva «xperi*i»|M Hnarya

fti onew Apr>ly j*toma«*t

fSOOK—A Wtold in rarally of thra<r |p t t pW* oook; fe*^ wag**, box 1S2. Short HUlA w-L

no^-^4>aod neat corepetent ew«k; go bitoia nli^toa rafareeioaa l i3fl Brood at, _


BSleclrlo Company. Morriatown,MOTOnCTfCfLES ATfD BICYCLES

1 5 M EM OR1AMIB loving matnory of roy d«ar h u rta n d . itSlom Otitekitoat. who d e p a ria d th ia life

Kairamber IV WIO.“ iaft ma here to weep alone._-*M all 1 bad on e a rth ia gone, l o ••■werlfig ton*, no gen tle •mil*.*Jfa’i Joya to ahara or grlefa beguU a 'bell' "unahlne o 'er He ahedow a fling, boa* bonra have fled w ltb life'* glad

h e a rt a aaaahaU a moan, •S aD aating aver; All tiloua!” ' O w a a ry haarta O tired righ,

A leaa to llval alon* to d ia lCalled hom e from p a tie n t Buffering to a


BARGAINSl BARGAINS!All "IBIS Bwoilllor Auto CyclM.

Muit iill out at oneat K- P - bill or chain..............7 H. P.. b ill Of eholn.............UOI)

Bold for caah Of Inatalinent; a few aaoend- hand raotoroyclea, Al condition, 130 upi blcr- d « from (16 up. Sic bloyclo*. » down. M per »«)(. IIAVrarOHD CYCLB 00;,


l.ABORERS—Two taborar* for »*—« work. Apply at Job, 131 Brook^la a»a-

-.eTaBtod, a womtn a* cook u d kltckitB O l H ist it- __________________

trorgh, tomorrow. a t 7 A. M.LEATHER patchir, ojperlancod.

STENGEL, Inc., Walton avi.OBOROSI

CARBTAKBR—Boyi' u r a lilu r In tlM alMtt Orpban Aaylnm; moat tava

•BOO Id thIa kind of work, AWly to ^ R S . c 8. HARRIS. 661 Cherry at., Wiqatoth.

m e n -W anted, for tlOltfd SUM^AMniRVAID-LAUN DRBSSBI. liwi6»*g * J

« S £ l a«lat laundry, IM. OCTTRUrS"hodted: "onnurrl^ m«% J*?*;**, iirf S8. omitn* of United SloMJ^M (Blfd 36. Q!U»n«- , ~ — ---n u l l

Jo«ni5lo^appg^M^i»yi^ m S ^ . t t f Mar'

art.AgmiWi i Cafttre at., Orange: ttfda doflr-

THE lUli TwO'Spaad Yale baa arrivad: aM alngla damoostrarioa will conriaea yoa of

the almpllclty and practicability ol to* naw Two-&p^ Yale; oome and exanilne It at Itaia ■tore and get your order In Quick. *o that y « will not mla* th* month* of flna autumn lio- ine weather; motoraycla lliaa at tergam price*. CORNISH. 21Q Gllaton av*.. N*wark.

Xb and but loving ramatobranea ot our dear ikhter and alater* Mamie Reuach <na# •th), wtio departed from ua oo Novam-

A*oOi i id year ago today. . w deaa Maml# paiaad away* w

oBg daya and iSghta tha ^ ra hw palo, aha wStod tar m ag but all In <fli! God aJon* knew what waa bagt,l ie ttNdt bar boma and gave har __^a . M ndra mi Had, Sut fondly r.atiBbwrad, S o * J S 2 k « moS who lovod her bMl.Baraavad Motbati MRS. KAtixbRINb * ^ S rTH, ttirtara and Brother*,


Watch thl« ■tt'-a tor while Mlllng maohlnaa In aUck 90 a a ^ 5 f BUBHd MAO DOUQALL. l\2 Hal*«


it; maan«

m e n —Any coinpetaai petooa daatrlng to ^ t w theif preaent poaiUon caa laara aomatblng of

.b o )^ d iH ..» t « y t■ttlona by aandlng big ad d r^ to SmEDLRT * CLARK® BpaclkUy Co., « Hayag at.d Newark. N. X

Im lovina ntamory of my fJSgr' Tlwntok l>rww» Rbo di*d Novamb#rU, u b na If wa mtio him,

onr V™".^ 'o w a wa howad n a n dearly' ,S S S avS ? ^ i« W w m

WE BULL have a few 11*000 worth of bi- cvelee and euppiiaa wbleb «a ara •aenflotoff

It IMI tk u » « ; lW*»D*lf TWr 6h»D»(or thia WMk only. SCHULT* Cyola Obw pany, 47 South Oranga ava.BARGAIN'

order; will•Indian motorcyola 1b runidM I axahanga for good bleyela w Itt

o o u ta r 'ln k a , ) » , or atHomatto rawlrari OEll after 7 P. M. IH Twaaty-thlrd it., IrT'

rlfth !>•. (» • « Forty-**” "* *<•>■

r'AMVASSHRS—ffemen oanvaaaoto a walHitodwii piano maouCaaturtri

WESBll IHjtOdi, Broad at.CHAMBBB»tAI» 'oolorad or Irlah; Gemao prafanwa.Cllntotf h»A______________________--DISTRIBWYOBB—t*.to per day p^d aM

lady to each town to dlatrlbuta ftag^clf-eulara lor ooaoantrated flavoring in SarTnangat poritlon. P. E. Ba RR CO., Chi­cago.

VMlva-eantu n N —'Llberal ootnmlariwi

SH t lot Prapo*'*!™, T 2™ ?

a t ' s s s s j f - 'C, A.. lOT ]

tngtoo.ffltCTBLfltOR autooyola, W2, 4 H R> glngloi *{t^ ^ «rh au led : new tiraa. bait aiiid l* f-luiT o v '^ ’auled; 'naw tiraa. bait gad Iws-

100 Olanwood ava.* M Srwagoi tal. MttW Oraaga. ______________S S W O B D .""torayau ^ 6*1*

witk ou4m> lamp, dbeipi coll ivinm ii. IISNortk CllBlOB « ., Bom Otom*.___________ _t a LB BOtorcynW for oolii tPod oondtlM.

CUl N S M O irt (M n*s MatMwood, N. I,

n u n —Bi » ditiotlTii tatwMtht tnval over arorid. wHia wupu aouj bldf.. KiOH. q ty , Mo.

,_IIS to 6800 pit Writ* Ropt. LUD-

DRBSSMABER. ‘ pprantlca ilio lioromwanted on floe gowna, MRS. BLUM. «

Bprlngfm d ava, oppoaita aonrthaug*.nwwfifttgRjii^W aiat and aklrt baagg WMtod

atSwsa. l l « Broad at .





Re'irahl.? B^g 6LNIW4I ofHoo.

•tiid yAddrtH

m il l w r ig h t —Pioe lloat, all-around rnm- wrltht with wlda aiporlotioa; ear nandl*

anything tn'TonotriioHon and f^ o t y jqnlji.- mint; boot of rafiiwilhaa. Addraa* Steady,Box 111, Niwa officeMBCHANifti Ham poiltlon In gara tii two

MPOr»»"« AddrHi MiCbaDlo. Bo* 101. Now* otlloi._________________ __M AN--A_.r!(lncd^_b^n«

time, wlrtfa amploMnent, '

BualuetiiMAN—Garman-Araarioiin w

poellloni wiillM Si^ ostt of anything. UNDBL*T. Eld like outdoor

I of inklag hold I Runyon at.

MAN OS) wl»h«* W O I* .^ ^ waabing automaWIgit Addraw

Newa oillca. _________

g a r iR traaa AUto,

poliahin- - - Jm . Box tt.

HOUSEWORK—Oirt wlahaa poalilon; houae- w«rk. 10« Ballavlllo ava,. aaeged floor.

HOUSSWOBK-Oaterad woman would like gen­eral bougawort. W OMvar at.__ ____

tuoKJrfO—WoinnD wanta Ironing; waghing or hoiagawort. IttH Van Boron iL___________

LAUNPHUS* ftrtt elaaa, wlahaa poattton two or tkeoe diyi a week: good gatorenee^ Aa-

iTO w ein « i tkfiyatta i t . dty. t o p W .LAUNDRElW-WMhH la o ^ ry work

homi; •phoBo I646W WAyarly, MARY ■w a r d e n . ______________ .

ffawgili at, topfloor l4^l a u n d r e s s ,boma of out Addraaa 7 Maria plac*.LAUNDRY work WMi^r home ^ oat. Ad-

diwH Laundrwa l<>» \ au«biU» N- J-

■iN p,fONO—1


W o t* - ;I* t<



[S^M U SyN U NDER I ^ R . .

lUIRB THE 8EB-'■ --------IWOMEN

'8, COR


SALES AQSINT-Lady h Ih agent- vranud; ihrai cohObli of i«ur1ng or<)*« In crftlce.,

dS “ « . hom*. d t l an Market .1., room IQM.

MAN-Hindy man with M'wanta hoM work. Addrin Handy, Box

Now* oMoi.PHOTOORAPMBR wUhH poolUon. con

mount, print and do all kind* *f p|.d*v*i»- Ing, 74 Lang at. _______________PLI g ood tbounflttir wlgboi potlllOB.

TaBL. 4t South OwtSB* ava.glHPPINO CLERK: Ihoroukkly «»paHjpoaS In

any lina; good mortiwMouuing: (>«rrm- Artiir)' morrlad; heat nfaranooa FRED-

Runyon at.AmartcaiERICK,STHNOGRARHER—Ouvkr opwatOTi two

veara* axpariaboa; can furniab owb ma*ctJ " . aS ™ H - Boi »», Now* °?PP*-

■TENOaRAPHER wootodi inuii hi tcoUr«i;^ piBBiaaihip r a n ^ : « P «r'« '» fS*

oJSSiaiTi ilAli a n . l o ^ omd rtlltlon. Ad- dm** Stono, Box IS. Nawa offioe. ___

^ p g ' 5 £ f x ' ' c : g


UAH—KnrgiUa Amerloaii, not undir SC, for In L y lM rS )»ork of *P«l*l n a tw i miBt

fnmloh Al rifitinoea end ho OHt In appear* ^M * ISO POT wiok u Mart and iioillent op-anoi, IM _)W' . tTT,_ -1 noHtUni Ifpoptimlty tSadvaaca *p JJ

i *a! ' ^ . 'iS f '»ww bilifi»S< • ! Oliston M.MB, OLASS. . -.-o


?* " I l

mClnid fmlddli-ngid prnfirnd) to work in S iw ert t r ^ u r M a towni; * g ^ wportiinUy

ETENOaRAPMER ” 3 5 2 "work ivMilnji *

drH* Stem), » n Bl, Niwa offlc*.


Bellgbi*. B o s ---------- - — -Hiw* ntHoi.

l a u n d r y work wantad At ho»«; 7M. a 1 day. FOSTER, S6 Sonerlat at. I

WATOB watob

South 3 ave, ear

1 §^T> to 1 laforma VgiYgbur

l a u n d r e s s - 1 irlihH day'g wortt, 1 » How it. _ 9

LAUNDREBS wlahaa work, homo or out. !l ■ Did at, n r« floor. 1

^ 1P A ] ®

of an ■•How u patent u

1 Dearbw FRASI>r

> folloto ]r nwkg.I TniA b

Of itMMlImlPU with* eldorty *’ '!!'*•; 1 Mfevtad. Xddragg Ggnuam Bax 71, waui ■ ncttoa* . . . 1 lLklX>**ba4r*a maid t» d e b ^ H r maid fl

wUka# BatdtJoTip a'ttb twn yakrif r***T??il**' w c j l f f i s . NlKLaBN. 116 Sim it-d Arilhg* 1toiti RUSSBt

1 mattof 1 and OOF 1 TOwnet1 n ih lH


moat* SnSCn!

llih. wnnto nny kind of T n n . onn won* In lartcjy nr 3rlva, n llo ja in tliw god tm;1)1 itciory jw------ -- j j j ofHUaM »fc, o— t i

lor u amWtloua woonon; oaiirtincj u n n « « . Mrr oo will hi tralnid In di^en; I lf weeklya w S i l S BAHRie k ■ONSi 2 W M ftorty' aamatb gtp New Tarte _____________ _gPOlUJf wgntod; raapenUbl* coiorao

wnman tw eT E ix a wwfk ^^**5!2*log wort.. Coll

factory Of Althihg; tvfgf floor.YOUNfl marrWd man

drivWi ittndy and from loot tmPtoYW' I*I f f gpTingDMd araaii Niwork. H. J .____ _____

m m SE —Practical ^m in lir or «h«r o j S K ^ t k * « w j a

mtiMMoni » i i Mf adn sr »*■■■ w a l s h m Flan* M,MxnuaC - I i ' tI, wiwg otTOO.HVRSE-Pnratlasl

gigli' ogporiMW*.

WlUl I






cniiM r*n tj.

p >•>; gO* !N .1L<0»I

I. m

nrk, rteifitit

I P<1 ‘ ‘ • t-all

y-n I't

K rook. IVAtT-tii

#rl#n' p(lotk:»,

('rtiur.i M arkfti; 4v«Ti FrfTV h

ilful fit, Box T.*i.

od«lfn|.I South

jitomoT*- netiK It.

■wlithf* r»t claMty it.r'u work\e. liO

’I ik- rV:;M . It,.


rUhPV . 1»1


f'a wark


ebambai- BO, VBA

kp»bU. r* ft mi.naj[- m»n «no omporary lowar mothariy

xcbAnftd.I offtci,n dMircR ant famflv fraa frftm


n«n fflrt ■dultai no prefarred.

____nbarmalda IBS. KOP Jonaa ■;

wants eni ivMhtnf: itft. OA Nev.

vlahai poll Cali £v'-

Oranga.jaaworl: in leatauran^


mll> tft. 31


aam«it 7i'

i i

clly, 1 no

lar.-r. 3»'




I for tA tif


I fen-



E iO P iio n a D n r w a m t e d » - w o m b m i , rO R 8A1.B rO B SAUB B um fiO B a o p k : {Tu i o t i b *

#»w i»a—ri*iBi»y« AMfsai N**V

MwibiVar mmos n .

BflbB bf tb» Nowa utftoo.



A, C OBTOHili* 4 00.<IN Mwlftoc at. Namfe. N. i.

HAVB YOU BVER URN KANirLATlA volvaty, aon flnitis f*f waUt a ^ totopior

nark, a waabaula uul parnaspant flat paJM: U« rofiilar prk* for ciila cMiaa o< f*

HtHuoiiold Uoodi MMl r o n i lM r * « i«w , Ml WtiMltr • U j BwkM. npMr.4II n k M I

I ava. ‘Pbona fftBJ

I A r m athw bualBOM brvkara j aaU rottf BMOa of bualMM, oa.. ... .

4 NiARTOK. Nawa*e LMdtnt RualoaaaMil

n v i RIAaORI Wby tbo MUAJJ}R ROUail DBl URViCK la tb i wort - • — —__ mtlaflarterr,

teiad ayatan ilfM you bsob *U tba o li. •M4 -dallvar7 U nwda whw you aitpart


' but wa on aailmf II *( |1.TB par frtto&,r u op lonr b » tv sod i------- "

■namal la ucaoiiami la^,A fwvaa; our nova pipa

Tha. pat ooii.

flttWlNa maohtaaa,Wllaon, N; WbltA right in your ■nitrtaatith ________________________W W lNo' miwhlha. N.TB; Infmla j j l

buraau |rt.7B, L««rJor tata and obair, f l. r i; i vmuliu gi«T. wm*» i7vuh in . m.ihlM, M W. c« l l i W. » IrW i. |iw iil.. nour iJroad. » * -- “

n?«SSi?foS. _______ _____lin t BuMbwm

M nlun, Koobw . 1. >M .1 . Union halldlnf. U CllM«i ft. It rvn ft* UBftilt M ofll on tu

I 'tdMW* IH f M uk,t ood our ro n w iit.lH o will onli on rfti.


Addraaa Saloon. Uoiaf., for aaJa obaap. Neva otnca.


0 to IS A U.. IM Marhat at., room Sit,

tJiTJiiSfl" a ir barttpjT fuinAota, Wpai »»• lira bollara, »<■ vii>aa o4d fiNmaiAiT. ” T?iwtiV f tS V wjiSffl??fi ramrnt janrlona* Hpa oojarlbf. ao-U te 5 2 P 9 ? bathtub* \avaronas high and tow pju-u « hsva laanMd bow to plasaa ovar S.OdU obanta Ajilmci alska and Rye dtf*

bauaabolda, l lerafit patlarBi J? waab 'itfa , rapwra for allAT f CEHTR A ROUND, kinJi of piiicniiiug ftauiraa aSiwataa rtvan oo

Ww^a. niatfirial lor cotistruotlon MtMinff and « pair I othar work, all aooda ara aaw hlaba#* irada abd

WHiTW li ,'Ci bo-l with aprlUf, prMtloally haw.aoii parlyr ridv* haatar- ^all TP ftoulb

leaiilk fti.. blue; Oraugn. pavond floor_____

law SUVB food oonrMttenary. fttaUooary and olgv atorwi oahtro of aity; waakiy raoiipta LW; ram tlA with thraa roowa. grand oppor­

tunity. NORTUN A NOHTtm. Room alb, I'alon Unllding, P Clinton i tWOO BUTS good-^ylnf groMry and

DKUCATFdSHKN and crocary atora for aala;baat oppiiriuni!y offer. AddrAM Uiroaar,

Boa 21, Nftwi offio*. _________

aaa atora;' waakly ittualpta Dul>; rent N<t Kith ihrwa rooma NOHTON A NOitTON. HoODi 4IB, Union bulldinf, P Clinton at.

..M ---------- ------ - .vr uaa. All uia oth« g|i g^oda ara »aw blgba#* i f w and ,alotka* w l| !?• dflad—maJiy at Ihani, by our t«arant*»a at l>>raat jfdaa f* I#|W py^ at.. , I'anitB

will U uulto m for IwmadlaU waar- , up^oalie {Vaahlngroo ftra WH Mafkrt, 1 "-J?"” *

WAHHIfO MACHINE. litM t ilyla. ooil ItB. 1 ft«n for I2.n0: piano $t0, oo*t fSW. marble top ■

table. | l 04 AcftiUttiy at. ' lS7b BUTS '^oomer runftotlotiery, atallontr)'.. ■„ I I and cifnr aiora; wpd>kiy rf^etpia N6, rant UH.

I " lib foUl living ruuni*. all improvarnaiHa. L^UlCmenn , grutd oppoiiunlty. NukTON A NORTON.ItOv’KH, ringletft, lhr-«* axtrt fine Koom 4JB, Union bulMltig, p OHntoti at-

Imrele fvr ftale. 1(1 aa'h 01 TTRl'P. TS

Not much ironitif laft Cor youv ^AKB as UTTidl kuadry wii

1UJ4R ROU 111 Uarkei ai.

ULL. TAJCB AS UTTldl A I WORia n a lAuadry wiib tba '*Blua WagoM.

AR ROUDK OAT LAUNDRY 00., 'PUon* flarhet

WABRINQ.Da yau look upon thle rough drr laundry ear-

flea ba an aapanitva undartakhif T Many think fkmt lised rr aarvloe la a losury. an extravS' MMaTUuAdry tervHia la luaury. WOTKb agBwvafaooa, It la a wondarnil oonveaivnoa l5 « naaaaSty, t a b famll^a wMlung ii kept E g MPArkta oompartDienbi_ r T . . . ---- ^ -------------- fwoda with tnfe.

fa# largeet andpart of the Irontfif.

«_16 pound! for To oapka.I t pounda 4 eaata

DfldL ffeaata per pou Xaundry, |U-

Nawarli.pound axtrev.‘ ■•as Cnma

WAfHIXO-ROUOH DRT Wa aoUftct your laundry work, waah u, iron

all ^ la , ^ H>ton and other flat pieoea, rough iiY tka family elothaa, aocki. etc.: ■irletly aasRary. your work being dune by ttaelf in aaparate oompaHnient tube; nu merk* oi tiR* naad; we uee good aoap. elec^trirally chajge>l watari give ua a tfial and be convinced of ourr ,|ly wwki prompt dellverlee; Be. per pound:

par pound over IB pound*. Blectrlo Laun­dry, Roma Sarvlee Co., 180 South at,, olty.

•p h o n e '‘m KT. 24.”

. A


M lnf ». tap


h T a


It. Ti~}S^

beet hatper an gift Ntwa



Qtar 'i


lat 19i; aal)

nna- is II.

Umnge. lei 2 2 aALdS-Buff orpluntun*. eocke, ouckereli

llT t BUYS conrerUuRi>rv, etatlonery and Qigar atore: wenkly rvrelplA |4 i: ram.

*30, with four ruonii. NORTON A NOii-ALWATS 014 UARU.

and L'Ullcta from cxVttleDi laying iti,K:k. i TON, room 4tb, I'nlon building, S Clinton el 1'AHR S Blue KlbbOtt Foudiy J arn.'i. South

large quanttttea ud i terlsL Boarda, foittiL

awxad'baBd bufliUbf oaa tiiBher. aeah and •lwu«

Van KEUfllCW « Sf'N. ^Wl PA8S4IC AVJ5.. hast NKWARt TRL&PdONB 33 0 UAItmi-'^N.

WASHTNO-^ltop ffwaaUng over the weehtub;lat tn* unksda w e t w aah i-a u n d f y .

0 1 High f t . do your entire family waih for 0 cenTa; rrtumed within SN houre. ready for the Liae; flea ua a irtal, Tal. 2001 S- B.WASHIKO^Oennan woman wbehee to go out

br the day waablng and ironing. Ik Mag ■alia at, firac floor._____________ _________WAS&IWd—Woman wtibee waehlpg at

Rama or out. DA%'TDSON, 1Z Boiton at.,r t t y . _______________________ _#A8RINd home; ladlee' and gente' or family

wagktng. aUTHHia, 900 ttonh Sixth et.WAfHtNO^Woman deatree to take In wxeb'

Ing. Inquire top floor. 946 Plane at.WAfHEKG—Woman wtehae washing and Iron-

ing, HI Parifla at. BCHAPFTCR-________WAlKIWa—OotTnan woman want* waxhtcii at

henka 428 8oulh Seventh at.BHINO, Ironing, cleaning; Oerinan woman. ' Dotlhart «1.

ARR you lookiPi lor fixturaa aoob aa ooun- igrA acalea abowcaeaa, ihtlvlng groeera toa- boxea; elat fat tj*4»o;i<oa. oyater Mr. hali*itarid*.

taaUurant fixturaa* HuUahle tarma extaddad to all; wive uor-halc by buying from fba Faw- ark PurvbaaiB# r'omieuiy. Tl Xoadamy at.. taL 6MM UarMt. vriituree alau mada to oMer. we buy averjrifiiitg that yoo don’t neaAASPHALT fiTat roufU-g felt. I1.5U per roll. 10ft

■uuare feet, mai kel price 13, itantUrd gooua. remnaiiu 11 roll; Mwellent. over rhlnglM or tin roof*: a*;dmU metxillo lAlQle, black BOc.; red The. gallun; largeet dealer ID New Jereoy, Oily fleUverlre frt-e. eaLablleheO IbVl. Vactyiy. IH4 N. J. R. n. ave.; te!. flbST MarkeLAT 4 4 MAKKk't RT.—Big rummage eale; large quanUty of ladlee' and genii' cloth­ing, to be add at eacrlfloe prioee; etofe open today. 2 10 8. dally 2 lo I P, M.: don't m liithle a a le , ______ ____ _ iALWAYS gnod value when you huy aamplee;

we offer br»ft*, men'i and ladlee' glovee, coreeta, pocket knlvaa and fura; vary low prlcea. dam pie atore, 3T South Orange ava.BTjfKLNRLlERFUR typewriter No. T, 14

Imh rarrlage, gorid condition, I I ; Buckeye uutdour, 60 chick bruoder. uied once. Iti, call- - ' - ' Oitt

Orange ave , wait, doutb Orange. 'Phone gfUI f if t y While L.eghorn uhlckeltJ, good lay-

era and fine eluck. fur aale chalp 14I Hunterdon ui _________________L POR'TABLh pL>uhr>-houM, muat.

aidlilon and nearly new.I plate, 4ft Waiieniaii ave . city _________

R^ONU ^N N l'A l. Eaaex CountyPoultry Aaeoi'lutlnr., Caldwalt, N. J-, De*

e<mo»-r' 4-*, enlrlee cloee November I*. For prendn.-n Hat aitd entry blanka addrefta M, 8PEIDEN. Caldwell. N J. ____

at be In perfectQOtiJiilon and nearly new. alic. 8xa feat: oom-

ttlleta. SDo. up; hena, r^dy to lay. 8Bo. up; bToadlngPuuMry Parma Co, Inc,,


C'>i;kerf.ft. Abw'u ( hatbetii, N. !GBVEltAL ’1^'hiio Wvandoite oockartla for

aai»>: Owen flralii Addreaa P 0. Box 143. Rprlngn -ld, N'. J

ANt'ON.4 yeurllngB, Rhapafd airalu, fine [ at laying condition, S3 eadi, aevan Ancona cOok

blrd’e. sa each 4m C. Leghorn Young atraln keep «A*er for hatching, II.M nach; four LegU' m cock hlrrta, lb aach; M S C Leglioni pulletft. Young awaln. ready to lay 1130 eech, 23 Ancona pulleta. 1180 warb 2V Nfnh Park at . Eaat Oranga.

91,404 BUYS ronfautlonery, atatlonerj and olger atore; nrxi to moving picture Ihea-

ire; weekly niccipti. *12£; rent. 924; elegani marble counter fountain, NORTON 4 NOR­TON, room 418, t nlon building, k Clinton BVTR good'paylng corner confection­

ery. eteilutiMry end cigar atore: weekly re- celpta Il8d, r«nr, 91*. with four roomn; all Improvemeiiti .VuH't'DN A NORTON, room 418, Union building, g ClliiiOb at.

i *8,0(A> BUVa one of the bo*t-|iaolng cornar j^ro I eery atorea in the L it]. weekly receipt! pw'U < rent tiO. aelect location all < a«K troda. NOR TON 4 NORTON, room 418. Colon building.

I Clinton at.tS.OOO llCTd i>ns of the beat na)liig geruKe*

in Eleftt uraiige. 28 cure In eiorage. ■k--,.* 12.&UU gellona of gaeollnp monihiy. one liarteh I tif oil weekly, fully eqLlpi>ed NORTl^N A NOR’l'OxN, ro,)m 413, I'nlou buHdltig. k Chmou

DEUCATRSWKN eiore for ee li: no raaaon- abta offer refuiieil. Addraaa Gaab, Doi M.

Sawa office*. ___ _FOURTr.KNTlf Ward RutUllng l-o*n atock,

few ahin^ lunnlfig five end half yeerg. fully iigid up fOi' mx ^vgie ertUAl b<Kik value, 978.13 l•eT ihurt*. whUdmwet value. *7207; will aell ft r liU pi-r ftl.ere, ellhar Fva ur ten aharea A.ldrepe HVan-e. liox 0 . Newu office._____ _KIRST-CLAFS ’mloon for"eale, nil ,UprU»gfleld

live,, in g«i..d location, doing good buelneae.I'Mier going Into other buelneee; bargain

fi.r ftome «tne. price liOO, no agents. Ad- dreee Saloon, R(Vg 14, Newe offtre.Kid: S.J.I/K. MU elegant fumlehed-room houee:

ii-Hi*,:ial>lf If aoLI thli week, alchneee cauae ■ r eviling. Aildreaajt. lbia M, Newe office.cJiion opportunity for man with 9J60 aa

pariiifr girl ehow; fl6 weekly end ai ui'D pH, nhero profile, muet travel Ad-tlriumHIXUl


Weet Thirty-

URKaT iRoriflce. furnlahed l l room home, all linpr^HTinrnte l3 boartler*. ieavtng oily

(piick buv.:. |r>.BO Addrvee Itargam. box U2, .vewa (ifhoo ______ ___MCHlMU'i'M puHlVitor,

fri'in p jii'i wiJUng t«» Inveet, will accej nng)Hi«ii nr grnw oU iharee Addr^e*Uox 6S. S«>\ ■ office

would like to hear1X.‘

Tiibie for aele. oomblnetlou. u1 i 'baoco: chenp AI-UANO,

frith2«'i^NK pocb

■xndy rtAiltiTrift pi __________MlJ) piii.ii'ii'bcd barber ahnp fur lele: r*a-

1>!0>- Inquire 341 Ferry at,_____


l(w» ^A'HTTE Leghnrnf. t\?rnell atraln; alx Tnu- louee geeae, iintat go: your offer (ak»» the

lot, iHANFTKLlJ, Medlftoh. N J


M frAVHlFO wan lad.

W nge ft.MRS. KNKEn. 232

WOMAN—AitentloBl Do you need a live hual- nmm womia. office; thoroughly rwanonalble,

aagofne charge: control aocounte, finasclal trJfler; axoepllonal credentlala, ............ Ni

U>dn«pday. Il4 Oakwood Central, flret flat.

BARGAlNR In allghily worn ovarooata and eultii Ladlofl' long coata. fancy dreiPM* end

sulti; up to date, all at aacrtfloe pricea. Call at CAHN'S clothing atore. 117 South Orange ave., oppoalle Beacon at._________________Ba r be r chair, good condition; hot water

urn. large mirror; large wine preae and mill complete. 815 Second *t.. BJliaboth, N. ,r . tel. 494.____________ _ ________BILLIARD and (wol lah'-ea; bought, eold,

rented, rapalred; auppltra; rerulng tS up; covering 9k up, A. CanTTRLD. IHO Market eLBILLIARD. |4Jol table ajj Njea: tabiea bought.

Bold; repairing a a*>eda)ty. LITDLOW, 88 Market et,, cor. \ 'a■hinfton; leL 2484 Mkt.BRABSER'S flue uJd port and aherry winea per gallon Uiv 'Pboae 7T8 .Waearly. OHN a llRA.snER. Newark. N. J.



HOSPITAL FOR DOCiB ANDCATB 1% H OrchAi IL____ Phon, 80*0 >lsrlt,t.

»3,l)00 BUIH on* the b»«.-|>»yli.f machine ahope In the cHy. nmi^^ya h ii.r

chanlira and t helpera; ai y Inveeilgatlon aii towed. NORTON A NORTON, room 4lS, rnloii building, H ('hruon et.



po trifler;outh Ninth at.*



Vewerk, N. J.Thursda.v

H .

want* work for Thursda.v and MRS. BRADY, 4 4 North Fourth

WOMAN weata day'a work of any kind. Suaaex ava. Bait Orange; first Hoor.


WiUTRESS—Qlrl, 20, white, wlahea poaltlan a* widtreae and chaml^rmaJd In private family;

bast raferenoe*. 118 Dlckeraon it., Roaevlila thlid f loor.WAITBB*8—B«nmS a«rmtn ^ r l trith tl [mritlna

With trtvate family; good borne to high wages prafamd. Addreea Home Bos 188, Newa oDce.

BARREH.S—Be quick, three chain, nature* for sale cheap for caih. or on terma. Apply

PETER CL'IKl, AT Thlrtt^nih ave.CASH reglatiti, Nutlonxie. houghl, aold and

exchanged: all htyles. alecirlc or hand: eulteblc for Shy bui lnt sa: like new', at half orlgiDal coel; aK maciilnen gaurtuntead, caen or TiiftlaUnep’.a. Etwex L"un oflico, 28* Mar< ket at. Tbone Ivdlit Market.

WAJTR116S, competent, wante place;trenoe. Addreaa Waltreas, Box I

eftlee.Sood ref-

, Newa

TOUNO WOMAN deMrea offloa wprtt, few hours dally; quick at figures and knowl­

edge of typewriter. Address Quick, Box 146. Nikri office. _TOUNO Oenufth woman, go out by day for

oleAnirif; wllllug lb do plain eewtog or mend- thg. id U . TUAMM, llO Fergusod Kerry i t

Ferguson i t , near

TOUNO WOMAN desireo dare work eny kind; sleep home, lid Sherman OTe., eeoond

fto*r.TOUNH Onu* withes position et opaUIrs work

BM PLO Y M EO T W A N T E D — H K S ____________ A N D W p M gW _OOOS'BUTLSR—Colored eouple deelre poil-

tiofU, cook and butleri beet reference. Ad- drees TURNER. 10* Pajrow st.. Ontoge. R J.O0UPI4 while, wlah poettjena, oompeteut

bailert useful bousema^ wife, eoc4, refer* ease, Addreee Rellabts, BO, Newe offloa

CARLS 4nd pnnting prices; nurd*. 7fio. up; cuts, dcalgiui, libels. ROSS and Market, -’ver thpslr*.

the fuuip;" tow>j1i

tep desk, 95.80; 5u, p»l ilrne, gll.

COrvrnRS *2.75; oek flat sholvlDg, like hl'W, IcelKu, 9

2ft Itridge It , Dear Brosd.DESKS—Roll top. fist and boiik-kecpera’

desk, cabinets, offtre tah]H.«, phDlr/<, rugs; other office furniture, cheap ISa HnlROy «t., near Academy.

for 9W. mlnuie

uakcr attached; also nickie-nlatad window res *2, cost 92u. MR. t'AKH, B4 Acad

< iny St._________ __________________ ________FOR BALE^Tuvlncible electric vacuum clean­

er; very Uttle used; cost *IA3, sell for piij. t'HARLFS R. JOHNS. 530 South Urove st .Irvington,

KUH SALEWA pair of nlBe-tnoBth-old toy ftllk poodles inot relalsd), 118 each: also

younger stoA , st 910 eaoh a D a MB, Hawthorne eve.; 'phone.FOR ------ .

hrlndle end white markloge.TOY sJlk poodles for sale, t'^ll

lejTl 90 Climon si

5fl W.ivsrly

Fur*FURS rsiuodtled repaired, relltit-d, best work

low-at prices, iperlaUy garmenii 10 rr.enis guaranieslni perfect fit Try Uis IJUJe Kur Bhop. 818 llftlssy. corner Q>mT at.KURA remodeled and repaired a ei^lalcy.

Mita. U. WINTERS, 8 E *m r» I t. 'IW, »«' m,rly witb i i f i E. J. l'»-Uer, ot N. T. City.■Phant Mtw M » r> « ___ ______________1T>R BALffi—At 18* lJUl* Fur Shop. Sl« H»t-

wy. comer Court •t.-Fa(hlon»bl, »ttr»otlv, fur sets, very reaiotiabto during this _

AddressFOR SALE—Bel uf lulnk E., Box 99. Newfl office.


EDISON phoDogriph. eoft *50. lell fc with doien recordi, has four arid ta'o-i

ipeakf flxlun

FOB BALE—25.D0U Prizets, 3* 4 and 6 Teirs itlU sell chHxp. J. K. MenuNOLGU,

proftpset ftt., Sdutb Orange.FINE oil painting, 3 ft. x 5 fi.. Biblical sub­

ject., hsAvy gold frame; auhahle for large room or hall; pries 915. 45 Buuth at.

_________ Qerraan* w«it po*l-uonei men as flrst- olass butler; wife as cook,

Addreee Kikt, Box 88 News office,________MAK and wife wllh a eUuaUon together or

OLIVE OIL—If you want to grow fat and roey use Lily Brand, absolutely purs olive oil. of

Nloa Francs, a positive fleab and biood-bulld- er. tko rheumatUii], kidney, liver or stomach iroublei can exist where this oil Is ussd, It insursa perfect healtb. Bold only at Oitve Prsneb, llO Newark Arcade, 64fl Broad st., oppoalte Arcade Theatre. W. B. TURNER^


r a d ia t o r s .WALflH 8ON0 4 CO..CLAT AND 0(3DEN STfl

lX )flT. jK—Loet. No. TS14. Axneiioaa Na- Back. Kindly return to FLORA BIL- .N, 54 Jonti at

BANKBOOK—Lost. No. S474S. Finder will pleaa« return to the German Savings Bank of

Newark, N, J. ____________CUItTAINfl—Lost, Saturday on way from

Tovao, Boonton, Morris Plains, or Grange, rtonn ourtaina for automobile; reward. B. L. QOUIiD, palmer House, Bast Orange,fipfll f.4wT. Tnmnil dng; ■nwTTSin fn thi name of

Blngi from Pullerlon ave. and polios etatlob eeB Ioom ^Id ave., in Momolair; had collar witb shawl strap; last seen Jumping from auto- ■awbllei Batted black, whit* and tan, large tpote, Finder kindly conunuDloate with Mont- •Irtr pollss; reward.DOO-Lort, on October 80. long sabi* ooUla

with wblt* chest and collar; when loA had bow sloak collar, with Bast Orange license; |I6 reward It returned or for Information reauUlBg In return of same. C. W. DRUM­MOND, Jl Wlloox pl„ East Orange.DOO—Lort. fox terrier, fem^e, oh* while

and blaok ear and one black: answers to tbs Kuune of Baby; widow's compaafon. Call In the erenlng, 84 Bloomfield avo, MRU* PEOKHAJd,DOO—dAMt, Airedale pup Saturday afceniooTi,

from 48 jngbland avs., Oracift; suitable r«- watd.PlAJfiOIfD TTN-^Lort, Soiutay night, on Belle-

tHUi wna, between Ceotenary Cnuroh and tibodln ava, diamond pin, filigree gold eetilnir; LTg» diamond in oentro and four smaller dla-

moMi; 01 shape; liberal reward offered. Re- i urn to 83 Unooln ava___________________HAND BAO—Loet, hand bag, containing

mosey and railroad ticket, on Broad car, from Irvington to Broad and Market; re­ward. B. C. KING, 47 Park pl*. Irvington.

POOL and billiard ubtos new end second­hand: easy terms; repelrlfig don*. F-

TJRUNNER A HONH, mfrs.. W-78ft Com- mUhlpaw av*.. Jerse* city.’ARAGON cylinder washing machine and laundry stove, cheap. 2tW4j Gillette li i ._____

ORttBNLA.N'D rnR OOMPANT.866 riFTU AVL,. COflNHR 85th.

RT'ITB 808.r.idles, w« will remodel yoqr far costs In sny

of the oew lftl4 atylee for *20.Fm HETB KEMODKI^EI). *10.


PRICES.I am not a fur dealer, but have saveral sets

Of furs that are a wonderful bargeio. 5Ti> Thlrtvoitth avi.. Twentieth and Grove ats,. first floor._____________ _______________LADY sacrlflcpi hlack set Imported furs.

cost l«6, never n-orn, |1S, big bargain. .AdlrffS MRS. WAl.LACfc, Box 7ft, News of-

I.ONG black pony skin coat; else *8; bar- gMln; 113. coat |45. 9!l Orchard si., aee-

oml bell. ______________ _UUFF8 sad collare made out of old ityJs

(ufi; coaii repaired and relined. 68-54 Chee- ter avs,; 'phone Branch Brook 4081R _______ONE pony skin fur cost; one caracul coat;

one Ml. of mink furs, one overcoat; yil" Is cheap to quick buyer, Call MRS. WAL9H, 310 Flane it. ________TWO new lynx seta heeds and tell*;

110 to 912.•nap ei»ti imta, large

Ttuiffa lift to 912. MRS. MORTON. II * Sherman eve., second flour.

T jpew rIW rt an d S u p p lies All Mskee Typewriters,

Rented. 92-00 up. Bold 16.00 up. NEWARK TYrEWRlTER EXCHa NO^

ft Beaver it. 'Phone Market 4480.One block esat of Broad at*Three door* from Market a t.______

ROLL TOP desk 912. cost *30, revolving office chair 93, coit SO; cash register 9^. oovt 960;

almost new. MH. CARH. o4 Academy st.RANGE, No. T.

will Bell for 90.In good condition; oust *20; J. C. BARCLAY, 946 Bergen

BBOOND-HAND building material: buildings IxMight and removed. A. P. HAMBLEN, 110

Mam st.. East Orange; 3256J Orange.

ALL makes, 910 up; largeil rtock in N. J*;lupplis* for all inachlnssj repairs guaran­

teed; reniali, *3 and *S; eold on Wfy plan; save to 7fl per c « t . GEO. M- J J P P i n Academy sL, Newark, N. J*; tel. 7MT Mkt.FOR the want of use I will rent my niw

Underwood typewriter to a careful perww; JS per month. Address Msf’hloa, Box 48, News ofCice. _______MULTlGRAPn


. In exeelleot condition; eomplete Addrcii Miiltlgrsph, Boi 97, NtNew*

BIX new pool tables for sale cheep, dross Pool. Box 88, News office.




to MUSIC rolls (IB note) *1; go-cart (stSi- tlonaryt 92; collapelbla sulky 93. 2*

Meeker at.. West Orange; call evenings.

KBT6->Loit. iM t wee found, report to l i t

t, kept on Elm et. If Qlm sl; and oblige.

llOKBT-4to*t the eai woman; *4So: either

the eayinge of g hard woHclng either on a Broad st. or Mt.

Frospeot ave. oar, Saturday momlM or Mon­days ntoramg, or In the BeUerae Theatre on Bellevtlie gve., «• Saturday. It Is to be hoped that the finder 1« an houeit pereon and win return the MUn* ead earn the thanka of a dli- trteted woman. A4draee Dlstraoted, Box 66, Newe eCUoe.MONJlT-^^ly ei»_of mon^ Jp bDI folder.rewertL

' return earns to 4* Orchard at.;

ICASOmO CRAHM'-Loet. InlHale H. R. an the faoei prsssDtatton Ineoriptlon on the

beck; owner will deecrlbe and offer tulteble fwwnra for Its return. Addreee 116 Boutb ■leveoth et.. city; telephone aTSftJ, B. B.MBDAlf—Loet. graduation medal of SL John’s

floheol. In Ht. ProepecL Weahington or V rega aye.j reward. Mturw to MONA S# Ml FToi^i ava


Oh Friday, Merebbar T. a nld Bsnlay

are.! Oraafi__ ber ptia *1 dlamoada

eeenlBff, batwean I* Berkeley aaie, Inring av«, and Beottand road,

M m ^uraage, or tn ^ aH ton are. FIbder yrlTrpteaae return to 10 Berkeley are., Or- anyo» u d retelr* reward.

H ou seh o ld G ood ! and F u rn ltn roat MR, CASH'S, «4 Academy at., the great­

est bargain house In the oily tor second­hand furniture, slightly used, for lees than half price.MT special for this month; w* have to make

room for more goods rrom etorage. MR. CASH, 64 Academy st.; open evenings.e n a m e l e d beds, trimmed with brass. tBo,;

mattrssHfis, | l* waahstands, 60o. and up: gas healers, |1. MR. CASH, 64 Academy st.WARDROBE, 94,86. cost |I4! kitchen cab­

inet, 92,56. cost *16; sewing raaohln*. 93.80; Morris chair, 91.80. float IJO; parlor table, 76c , cost 98.60. 84 Academy st.DRESSER with large mirror, 99.80, cost | t* i

chlffonlor. *4. cost 9l«- leather seat chairs. 11,28, eaoh cost 94; rookere, BOc. and up. 44 Academy st.SIDEBOARDS. 9«.B0i *11; parlor • to w

99.60. cost 98; bulfet. *T.(to, oost 9181 Kitchen chairs, ISo, " • — " -» ■ evenings tmUl 8 F AMOLUT^Y Ilka newt prirats family nnmt

sacrllloe ihalr almost ueW home of high graae end costly furniture Tegsraieas of cost, a^a- rately or together: elegant parlor, bedroom ana dlnlnB-room furniture; rugs, music paimingi, lace curtains, portleroft, good chance for couple itsrilng housekeeping, can be aeon today and tomorrow; no deators.8fl Bouth T^itrteenth st._____ .a n y t h in g you want In furniture or house-

hold rood,, oarpoU, rur«, tMidor ■toVM, »11 kind, ->Il , t >» Hoiwr ■*-. rood, w ld roMcali',- _______BUrFBT, o-It. (1*1 «»* l**i

UWe, I*. OMt n * l 1 « lW eh-lf*. o U r ti,b o « d , no. «Ml ItO; morn. oh»!r, m Halwy I t . ________________

at., near Brogd,

44 Academy it.;M.


NEW WOO Victor visible lypewrltera with standard keyboard for rent at *9 per month;

why more for an old. Inferior macfalnef Victor ’lypewriter Co.. T7* Broad rt.OLIVER typewriter, almost new, for sals;

no further use for same; will saorlflce for *10 cafth. U7 Bellevllls ave.

p,600 BrVH modern and up-lo-daie movtug picture thaair*. 300 aAaie. finest lot-sUon In

Ihe i-U) . i-eni *100 montUly, weekly oImih i-rofli o%er all ex;. aiiae, |7B. NORTON A NOlfluN. tocin 416. I'lilon building, ft runton et*3,(Khi PIY.^ ronfroiionery. ■latlonery hnd

cigar ■t'M'e, with branch bakery ami l t> c-reaiii puj'lnr wHt*kly rci'*slnti l.l*#", * •“establlihed five years; all neceaeary utachiuBi*In make Irn creatn, elegant mat hie courili-r eoda fountain NOItTiiN A N')l;iON, luom 418. 1 rii. ti bldg , U I Union ei.9600 ui YR cnnfecilonery. cigar atid srocery

einrrt, bpp-'SHe iwu moving plctuin iht'nir’ta, »%t!ekly rto'i'H'ta *liai; rent 92 with ium*h li\lug-rijonie \OKTi>N &- NOil'DiN. ...... 410.I'lilon bldg . ft t'linton ei91 600 BUYH the finest ronfSCtlonery in d If*

cream buslJiess, al#'» a t-rimh of IV i - bsk- •ry In the I'Uy. weuklj rscelpli 92'‘0. iJ'iArah teed, rent 926. Includhy; four n -ms. lU ini- pTovementi, motlern and nviurrs.elegant soda founinlu. this alori' le poFiii\eJy worth I2.W0 NORTON t NORTON, ruiOin 418. Uuton bldg, b r|ntou «t|fB(> BITR coBfe»: t1aii ry. stnOomur hm1 vlgar

store, iiewgpapere and luagHiines on i>nlraJ ave^ weekly racsipte 1100; rent )1S fully etiwked. eslect location. NORTON \ NVRt- TON, Room 415. i:nton building, ft (liatou et.F.XmFTlON.AL opportunity. |2.ftOO bure one Of

the beet paying corner confecilon^r' eiarinti- erv end « Igar roree. also newspur' re «riii magaalnos in Esil Orange; weekly rerelp!/ average *2oi», rent *40, elegant inarM* counter soda f.iumaln. high claas fijitupea, thlf store Is ;Kie1tl'‘ely wnrth *4,00fi. Ni>K1T*N A NOR­TON. Ro-»m 41.1, l^tilon building. 0 illnton sttftOO PUTB furnlshsd-rrom hpuee, cm High fi .

rrn roome Hnd bath: elegantly furnished, rent *28, exoepUonai opportunity. NT)!Vn:)N 4c NORTON, ruom 4lS Union bulMIng, 11 Clin- loti au93,000 BUYS fleaotlle fkmr covering bualnw.also patent atucco uwl for rhurrhna, hciusea and other buJldlng*, duing an rxr-ellent bual ness; muat be sola on ai.’«ouni of lliitssa of ime of tha periners. NORTON * NmtTDN. room 413 Itnlon building, ft Ulluton siEXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY- *4,IKM1 buys

high-class confecitonery, siallontry and cigar store, with lo* cream parlor, in Jersey City, elegant marbV ends fountain: beauuful fix­tures; weekly receipts average *S<k), equipped wllh ail nece**ary machinery to make Ice cream: eelsbliihed fl years, rent iSfi with two pooina. NORl'O.V & NOKTnN. rooni 41... Union building, ft Clinton at.1300 BL'Tg g(rf d paying furntsbed-rnoni end

boardlfig-houne. on Oreiig'' si.; rent S2e. o roouts; weekly receipts 9,'l2. grand opportunity. NORTON ^ NmRTON, room 416 Union build­ing, ft Clinton St.KXCKTPTTONAL opportunliy-lT.Ono boys old

eatabllShed end well paying plumbing and hating buslneaa wllh corner property, email town near Newark; last year’s receipt* were 96,000; egtablJahed ft year*, fully •qulpped with an tools necessary to conduct the bual- nesa, also large auto truck. The propsrty bai alx rooma and bath, wllh oil Impnivemenis; lot 60 by 17H. cash requireil. 95.<hK>, NOHTt.iN 4k NGKTOK, business brokers. Rjoiu 415. Union building, ft Clinton st.EXCBPrrONAT, oppoptuAliy *1.WK> h\iys dry

and fancy goods store. Jerftf y Uliy. doluy excellent bualnsas: establlahBCl over a y^oi , rent only 920: fully stockad. norton &. NORTON, Roam *16, Union, building, ft Clin­ton st.OPPOHTUNn’T HELDOM OPFERED-Wm

•«M at inventory, on aoouuni. i>f deaTli nf unr< of the tjxvneri, or-j of the mosi muderii ant iip-to-dat* department stores In a dty of 100,tkx* population, near Nea'ork; amount of atoidt uti hand about *20,0(Xi. rent 14.000 yearly, which includes steam beat; the Blore Is 40x100 faei. doing an sxcsllent huilncsa; any InvesUgation allovi'ed. Pop further pariloulars aoe NilftTON A NORTON, liuelnesN Brokers, Room 415, Unlop building, 0 Cllniun at., Newark, N. J.

hnal-monthly rcoelpta *614];

I'RI.VTINO AND MULTICRAPHING.A |i nsr' i-• Is complete; «• »r|ie sirong.

ii.n\lni'ln| »up '-.r MioKlei. funlers. etc., ar­range design eti I pnnt them ueil. multlgrsiib li'itHis I'omplls tnalllng Usia. nddreia enval- oi,e*. erappsra. et- . let OUT isi-rt^scutallv* call mill evnisin our irrvlc# In rt^iell.

■niE IMIIUK A l.F.ft^X).. Ml’h riROADJlT.^I'lU'MlUlN'i nil Dhows and Hire* UuUeel

pay go# flsldi slisady pri.vMi in Alabatius, a.ljiiconl lo our 70.660 acres of leuas. to push developnii»n! we offer a limited amount i'1 Dtmk ul I" p«r cent- i»f per value. In- fi.t msilrni and rf-ffrencea turnUliad fl A. il' IiyuN I'M, '1ft" A Ripe Line i'.' Blrmlng- iiH lu, Ala.I'llINTlNfl-Uenla. 40e.: letiorheada WllbeadA

ejiveioiiea. *1 up, faa-almlle tjtwwiltten let'• TS. good work; (juiok eervlo*.2-t Market *t . over t'ourver'a._iel _ |_____|-\IMN1-3K to lake half IntetMl lb

><i‘-nrn }'i>|n.'"Tri t«*utiut amt lunrii wagtm: now Ii'iiktug u K”"’! living for two. Aidrese E. H .Ik.x :i* News office _ _ ____i'.WMNI'R woiiicd with *4fkl to *.'i<Kl. In tike

half lntcrv»et In eetahllDlied hualiieas I riphii-al |.roA]'C'ta. Tl1t)|<N &Uliuinni'B Lul.dlng.

HOBSICS, C .\R H lA (il‘>l, ETC.

Bin.L'ff HICAU COMMIUPTON aTABLB.The OrMlest Horae Rtehlea In New Jertoy.

4W-4ftT irnOAl) BT., NAWaRK. N. J.This la the M.fa«t and bast place In the Bafet

1Q buy or aell horaaa Private ealea ai oil times. Regular auctiou Miss every TUK8DAT AND FRIDAY,

oetniaeBctQf at lo.M) a. U., rala «r ihlnA at which time we offer overaOO-HKAD OF HORBKft-MM>

of ell desnipitona,Fnr sorb eel* we receive conslgnmente of hureea from the fonna of PennsyivanU, Ohio. Indiana. Virginia arto New Jersey, eelected by expert horee Judgaa, and are inatructad by our •hlupera te positively sell thee* horaee to the hlgneet htddera.

tnO-BRlXlND-HANn IIORBSB-IOU generelly put up at auction ai ihaae aalaa.


Horae*, Mules. Wsgune and HarnMa received from Any one to Iw sold on voinmlselun. either at aucUoa or private arts Horsea lor sale or exchange ai eU ilmeo-

Firiy oeta of New lUrnsas for aele eh4 THOB. H HOY. PROP.

Wtlliani A. Farkhurai. U’lNlem A. Fatleraon. flalremon.

J. H. WlLLiAUft. Auettoneer.



Alwraya on hand m saleci from, weighing I iHJft to l.kixl Ihs. Many mated palia. .All S' clliMalcdWa [V'slve weekly alilpmenis of Fenneyl vsriJa horse*. cohaliUnf: of ihe i«eat heavy draft, good farm vhuuiis and many hamL hustneat horse*. We can show the baat verlely nt poi'uUr pricesLaj\ -if ae-onil-hHnd Imrae* always on hand.

MU LlitiOf which we carr) a large varlsiv Tonpg

and doeely maiwl leain*.F“ R lIlRib "8


AT FRANK IBF.RT IlHKWERY KI'AIILKB.Malr. Office Tetophnuc 2.M7 Ituahwlch.4Kl KvHigrcan a ir . Ri-ooklvn. N V .

Itclwteii Linden and ijrovs sis F'lrrr voun* work horoes ami marcs, were

bougui' grecji wRbln the la"1 iw*’ jrara. sU In flj-ai.ui** condition, aniong them 1" fine niii< lif.l i alrs. ranging in neight 2,30(» i > lha vrlrci, liOki to 94N' l*»'f horsea.til"-’ '■ *1H8, three mares with f^nl. **vf>rAl l‘as''iu*>m Bcre. suHabJe for fmin work, sliiic]*' ■ ■r d'\iM^ harnees; ivi reaaurMilito offer rtfin’c l, flu irial elluwvd. aaiisfaciory guarantee-ihl|> tVfc Ilf ctarge. wltb blsuk»'4 Bet* stip rln Kn.tom l-Hke Galea av* u> Uvrrgreeri

A inrO M O U lL K S-Fords, M*X'


HAUU .*i(kL Tliff


aiFFORD AUTO EXCHANGE- . .wells. Hens, Uhls, OodlllacA Hupmsb

Franklin, reupc. Oaklanil pony innnA Hlii^tox ssien iM^svnger, {.okomiMle, Ovrr< land. Uarlnn cISMy roadster. Valie, BerfdolL UutA Jackson. Wlnton, Chalmers. Autaaor, Hloddard-Dayton, runabnutA reAuatera, five and sevaD-passrhiar touring vars;,fJnH panel body, with KImplex or dackena choaotvi other panel, business and lour mg irnatar tope, snlehli. cniis. lamps, oholns; eel ds« mouniable rimA *4x4: everything for the auto: cars mu^hl. sold and exchanged; automobUea iHK>*n on consignment; free Storage, largi'st esrhange In Btaie. big boi^ gains offereil all week. UtFFuKU QARAOX 7*0, 97*-|*| Halsey *( ^AUTOMOBILW HAHUAlNR- lft ll. 1911, 1*1*

and ID 10 Fords, m l Oakland touring, *!(US, l»U (Ltdlllac (iiuring; 1*10 Chalmkra touring ami toy tonneau: E. M. F„ 111*, *275. Ihipmnihlle runANmt, 9-*i*l Oakland luadMisr. Uuu: Dulck llinoualne and touring hudl»H, *300; Maxwell A runabout, very good, Fninklln ’'Cl," 1*09; Puckardi.I*4H and 1204 rnudels. with liiueuslne end tourlni hAiies; Maxwell, aurrey type, very good. lUO. hmtlen. topM, tire*, tubcs; preSIO'- iies utid udds urul antU of every des*’Tlp»

tWoi. Nevfr nUhd what you want or hnur mu(li ymi i-iiH i>Hv. you are noi through till you have ciille«l at TOWNHEND S Auto Ex- liiinge Jrt’i {lHlsi*y ; eat. ISflS.

lif il#«ftih will oacrlflcn I’halrnert ■ el" fi paMf-ngiT I nuring lar. f<ir«dnor type.

If If R(art>'r insi U ishi uswl only six montua; lAs >li‘iTKtim(aMM rhsis, extra demountable rdiini spri . rl^drlc horn. time CkfCit,t-u>. «miUlu, 1, t<sua, extrw hiatid nrwtoner lulo-M. kli of ti ils. rt<- . giiaranlskd end d*‘iTii.rnitatod anywhere, [irlce 1728: can be •■il sh'i itij,tn-.'i.-,l m iianer'i private torogg

rcBl't'-Ti'-e, l.'.n s.'iifli Hih si., two lilocai from Wiillni iBl-LirK Uiiilgi' plaxa. Hrt>oklyn..NH.HtIvL A. 1DI0,\*ll nniehoul. good

Hies. luHi a» fciiiii.s.-d hur Tioi <|ul(e com- plsti'd, *h(! :'l-i iMniiiii(fh iTjS.I. Orange;also have f^ui -1 s liiul.<, flve-paHHengsr,narne conilltlnn. |i;n Ijuvh fnr speuuls-lion MikIcI I. n<M,-i larbureisr. f* ; I’adlllac rncMof, i-.mpl.'t.v ||n mwiion's Inol box, |o. iw> *4 w I no», *3 each;l«D ft fort.'hig }) Ht.. |£aalOrange Tel *7r»3.i r^.-ningii


OUEAT SA'TUFH K imirlng car f.-it^h..

naeij iiIji,* iMuulhr.. •wIn-UhIrM. I'lei’lTl. hru., nrecbdlte miik fknl amt lirnn'1 n.'W rviTH Irim-r etc.. suarun'i'>'i1 ni b< rf (trmuniliated

•',<n i hUi - m i:.'«| l:r<ai' WIlHiiiiinl .Its

five pasecnger • st unly

..... will, lop,pi .r.r.donifier time Oi.ijiis. eiira tlrs \hIvi- kli of tooii.

■ I ottidillon and i•nlil•ract1i u. price

R i.ii’Y. un Clypier I'lcto- Hn--klyn.

tjr>||ev ir Umadway car or loiilnaton ave lo likifs are and Rroadwar ' L tiettoii iiiiuiiieft' Thif Any on* will direct ygu.

U r:HTAUfl A-NT for Bale. eflUliif on account of (#tJier buFlnaaB Addfess Khstauvant

Lox 40. News y f f lo * . __________________tJf'CCKBSFUL srtea iimnnger. wishing to Si-

luldlah a permanent sales ngeucy for merl- turlmis ipecliUttoi, wants an iriit-llifsnt young man ae poriiier for home end *Aft0 required, handle uwn money; *1N> monlhly lo a maji with bralna; no faksra. Addreis Hales. Bog *4. Nows iifriye ____ ______ , ____________HTORE and fixtures for sale; reoeonabl*

price; quick buyer as owner Is leaving town. 4*C Hovith Ninth si. ___

WL HAVE clients with rspital up to seversl (houeand dollars to Ihvept with ssr\hr'i In *iiahll,«hed business and manufscturlng «nl**rprlats. if you need B pannar with caplial, or ^ ant to sell your store Or manufacturing bustnesi. cunsiiU u«. 'ivirjilutoe market


REMINGTON, No. 9 model; also Under­wood; perfect visible: 11* and *2S; will

deliver tor Inspeetlon. Addreee Lawyer. Box $0, New* o f f i o e . _________WILL rent or sell typewriter; easy terma>

Inquire 11 Court at. city, any evening.

Wateheg and JewelryDlAilONDR. old gold and silver purchased:

also waf hes anil jewelry repairing colled for p. B. LEVY, d ll Broad sL Bet. 1880.

QENiriNtt DIAMONDS.Wear them while yon are paying by oor eon-

fldeotlal credit tyrtem, fully explained tn our booklet; call or write tor one.

OEM JBWSLRT Ca*118 Market it.

Third floor. 0pp. Bambergera

WANTED—A man with a capital of960 to 176 weekly gUttrann*oa. Tall from

» to 11 A M.. 3 lo 4 P. M. DR. KN“ B. Aberdeen lintel, lU tVnshlnsion pU. corner Hrned.

h arry f . hateu .1. D. 'Fbons 44t» Market .VKWARK HGRBK d>..

2b hkidgk ht.Xi^eys on hLnd from Uki to 18d Lead of

ac^uanaieil PnnnayUanla horses to eete-1 from. «'• will receive ttoinber 28 one fresh load of flr*i riami draft hortua. weighing froiii I.*** lo

eoiris nice drlvera and sume fins jmilss, alau lerljod of ch^apur horaca

I u n J)AV.-i- TRIAL iilVEN.All hoPK's iiiiisl be hs represented or r\oney

refiiiuled. t.. K. TU:DD Haiesman.oN eoi’uuni uf (li‘prrsei“ ii In busmens we are

disposing of out KurpiuH aii>ck of horees. wagona and hsmsse, ha\« about iwslve bead of linrsfti that pnsiUvely must be dlsiKised of fur Ihe high dollar, yu i pri*e will be uuts. these horses arc all out uf work and are suU- ahle fur nvust any purj'ftst'. there are aUmt flf- ifi-a wagi>n» and nerness also lo be dlatKised o4 call and lie eonvUu'vd, theoe goods can bv ie«n all week Siftiulr- of stableman suHEUER'H siable. Plane ai . near Markel. _______

WHAT ARK you irylng to market' Can 1 help you'’ V.‘lll consider pelen!*, sales

rights morchsndlse. etc Parllculara. addrSM Raisa'Manager, Hux 111. News office,______V.’ ILL aell fine oorner grncary In best

nalghi)orli(M»d: cheap; guai nntee 9480 to I'no weekly business. h*\‘« different buel- iinsn on linnd Inuulro ID Cf'mmerc* si.Y'd'NiJ M.VN with several hundred dollara de

s rea to I'lvent aame wllh afr^’lces In an 1 riiesL hualii'SB. Address IK^Zi.tTUNE. Boi Udl. Nans - ffice.____________________ _YOUNG ilAN with some cwplial wlshef to

get In garage sa partner. Address Fan­ner, Box 181, News office.*1,600 HUTS thoroughly eauMIshed mert>an-

tlle rcpcrllng ami cnllecMon iigency; clear of llRhlllilM and with several tlu UMnd dollars' huslnraa on hand. THORN A HKEVE, TOd

uN aoenunt of depresston In builnees we are dlipu ln i i,( tiur iurplui plork o( (lorwi.

wagona and harnoss; we have about iwol'v head ai horseB that poaltlvely must be dlsposM (if for the high (toiler: your pnoa 'vlll bo oura. Ihes* hor«et art ell out of work and are suli- ahla for nmat any purpoee; there are atoui f if ­teen wag'tos end narhex* also to be disposed of oall and be ctuivlnced; thoaa gopda .lan b-i seen bM waok. .inquire of alablemaii, sr:HEUEH'i» atsbJa, 8*6>4 Plane il.. near Mar­ket. __ ____ ____ -

A LAl'L ii'Kid’-l Fulmon r"r*>d(Hir, fixe poe- Beiigtr 1 lurlcia <bi. i «( FJ.ifMt us*d leaa thaa one 3i.iit. hii'- all fqtkl.i'iouu^. im'ludlng quick

■IrUK-l tibk. ,|■•Ul<■J|JtttJ,l,> riiu*'. p*tr« ikntount- able rhit«, ok,irl, h-uii. Umo ■1u•| . aiieed- Ktiielur, rnin vImih vvlrutoluolil. totK extra (lr<-B iind liruiiil nrw oxtm Initcr tubes, kit of ifHils Pl.- guaranipfd and demf'nslrajlad; nnre 1828 I'nli iti owner's private garnfa. ftOl I'rlgga B>a, ncur Itmadwn.v.


Onr nf the cloanost. lightest garagas la the rti>. personal aMnnlton to each owner: Str* vice guarantfod

HI-.StUUR AVI'NUK GARAnE,«Sd RUMMER AVE -I'HO.S'E 811 B. B.UHKn UARH, llupna, Forda. Cadlllaca Chal-

ntoti. Fackarde, Pnpra, H»Hcki, B. M. Pi.. Olda: In fact nu>ai any car you may want at tha right prlcv and conditloti. wa Invite your nlnoesi Inspoctlon H U. HALL Aulo Ki * change, 2*8 HO Hulssv at . phone dftfth Mkt. EXPERT llE l’AimNU. aTORAaM, RBNTINGFOR HAI-K, sevv-ii peBBonger Abbntt-DatroU;N* hniHi'iH Wt-i MMJ model, elurtrlo light* IhroUKlp.uL eli'i-Trli- K'-nviiitor; new slorua tiAtleiy, new vvUliig. iwn eitju quick rlstaOn- abla riitui. oijulppeil wlih liras unu lubei; h«w

aUii, luiigHm for <-ss|i. as j need muriey vtfy e - Ylofbadly.

]*JANOt» A N D O IU sA N S


Including Bench and Twelve Rolls Mtl end free eiciiange of muolo- All plavers sre 6R note and cao bs had

wllh meial tubing orlUO.

rubber tubing. |40() and lAffti P],1176.

A NOS AT S2tHi a n d 9226.

*7,600 BUTS property ami horsesboelhg neta; good locattoTi: moDthh

lot 26xlM: six rooms and batiY rcoetots *6t4); ;h. NORTON A

NORTON, Room 416, Union building, ft Clinton at,M76 BlTTS good paying furnished-room house;

monthly roceluta 9114; rent 9^: rtl Impruva- nenta. NORTON k NORTON, Room 415. Union building, ft Clinton *1.GOOD paying stores for sale In Jersey city.

Hoboken. Bayonne and Outtenberg by NOR­TON & NORTON. Rootni 414 and 415. 1 nion bulldlDg. 9 Cllctot) st.*d(Kl BUYS confectionery, stationary and cigar

atore. Hoboken: weekly pecelpta IlftO; rent 120 w th three rooma. NORTON A NORTON, Room 416, llQton bunding.970n BUT8 good paying oonfeettonary. station­

ery and cigar siore, Bayonne; w-'ekly celpta *T6: rent |28, ttwee rooms; near echonl. NORTON k NORTON, Room 416, Union build­ing.

Cow®COW3! cows: COWS!—Will receive Weflnas-

dxy. November 12, two carloads of extra choice fresh cows and close apringerai come and look us over and honvinee yourself that we handle the best type of big milking dairy cows that are shipped inlo the State of Jereey. You con send a child to buy a cow from ux, for If ytrtJ don’t like her better than your money we will reftind you your money. MO®* RUB k kAPNAKL, 3 snd 0 Mill road. Irv'- lngton« u. D. 'phoDS Wav4rty 10*._____ _COW8, COWB, COWI^-“ Win reoaive Thurs­

day, November IB, two car loads of ohotos fresh cows and sprlngersi for sale or ex­change. MAX MFJIKR. ^4ft South Bigh- tsenth st.. near Springfield ave. Tel, 4114 Waverly. ' ____

gold bar ptn, three eappt Thrt Irte teturday In l i t t l e Bungary

tobroDt, or on Market, betwoen Moiief MMOdi or B r ' ■O, X., 11


road, between Market and lurt a t ] reward.


rm-^Uirt, on Saturday, .ereeeeftt pint reward.

H» xfowi offioe, Otange.NotMiber t, Oman

Addreai Pin.

OK-^A moti'o pocket) and nmtotti-


COOKING stove, **.Wl large range, M-Wi gas range, *4.M: parlor stoTsa. 93 hft upi w d

«ll ksaterei r^eonable. iSC HaUey s twill sooiiflcs a *0-

eheir. 8. X., 11COCPLe, leaving town, l»oh rolLtop desk and

lUdgswood gv*., o lty .________ __________DRBBSBBS, 14.60; lirga o«k dresser. *6.60i

ahltontera, tl.SO: enameled bsdA All elteA *1.96: waahrtattdi, chairs, rookeTAstanda, coueheA cheap. HE Halsey rt.

IUNQ-*Loit, Novainbtr *, on P. K. I t train, M fler Mr BHiabetlL orrlvl&ff Mew York

I r« M., diamond rtnffi two rtonao» weighlag five eorata Reward If returned to J.

^j^ W SL L a CO., ft*3 Chestnut tL,

WATOB iMti lody*e gold huntint w itely attoAliad to rtn; rolng from ft

Boatk parkway, ffoit OraagSk to Ceftteol »ve, SOT, to Bergog e t oar, to Soutk Orange #4r. to VoUtburgs reward If retomed or tor tofonnatlan to Mr, P. N. C R A ra. I Cliff at,. ^ollshurgh aeotioni *nheaa 14»T Market

PATENTS oai^ A T fiO fT a

_______ uid irmdnnrka Hflnnd or ntim,ot on loM luiiMd: n od lOr mr trn txnk.

"How u> o n TSwro," jo a a u A a . h . potts, M t« t Uwyw. m b a It. WoohlDctoa; B Bootii Pnrborti ot., CMnto; WB Chootnut o t , FUla.FBABNTZK. * BiCaiOHI)*, Potmt Low

golloltora ot U. B. oxLi) torolcn Dotnoi, trodo- nwrto copTrtfhtt. tOB-7 Brood i t , rtdonl Tnut bld(.; n toU K M IBSd. ToL ItOl UktRUSBBLdi H. WHIIBTT. p o tn t lowrv; oil

notton rolBilBt to Invntlano tiMoaork* ^ oorrrlilito. In oMto^M noiu.pbnnoQ'o DolldliiBi lol* lOBO Mkifeot

o i B a M u K n r o A i m u u i D n R x

i S S T S i f t i

riNJS&T and lo i^ st aasortineat hand tumiture fn _t^

of seoottd*_ _ _ alt’

MB; ^ l o r Soltn, |U ost — ■ ..I lldoboordo, M m»; BetooHMjhiloo^ Mi vnJffonton, Dm oon. Bodo ftwtofo, tn nas. Bowln, MaoiilnM. Worfrojoi. l « f * ood Binoll Mirror*. Oontlmniui'* OonWMHoB ewftontor ood Wordrob*. ^ ( o , ood imoU Cook oad Porter Btors*. BuHrto, l*rfO Book-

Diik, not-to® IHrifc kBIoo* ond Tlohoooay, Morrloooe.__ , aoii-too pot-to®

DmIu In C « ond Mohoooay, ^Rockoro, Ptetom , CorpeU ond Bofoi W»

onrO..I poddi__«£«; K. J.L. ond W. BtoUoB.

rOH SAIOB—Bmoll round porter *tn». iouth n TbU, ot. firot floor. ________


H 1 K D B O M ..W W Ijg.AJ ABBMSiW AUUUU VW vav, *««• T»wStand *d.60; Slnfvr dfopbeod tnosl

latlQua M e IK ^ B rid ge et*. MgiBfud. ___ ______ ■

ETKE Jersey cow, grand milker, at y n r «wa prioe. CRANFtSLD, Madison, N. J.

Umfarfiila#, Tninkg, Leather Goods UMBRELLAS RECOVERED, REPAIRED. Beet material; ellk and itnen ootmv; wear

indeflnltoiy: “ triple-joint' ribs,’ extra stmg;oJl brosa wiring, w i l l ......................... • -Imported w guaranteed.

will not ruat: Ayllxli bailee.

paying oonferrionery. sts- ■porting gouda itorv, Gut-

weekly recaluts *IW0: p»?nt * 0. eleven ...... - — - — V, YlOQiti 415,

Pnalilvely high grade Inairumtnts and guar- OiHved for ten years. .

All pianos and plsvers are double venesrsd httvo ivory ktys, uuppor base and German felt hamutofs, .

I want you to visit my show rooms and lutpeot thcHfl Instrumenls very oarefullyw, bring ah expert with you. After examining, go to any slor- In New Jersey and wmpef* urlesJ*. The reason I can sell so ebeap Is hecauaa 1 sell only for CASH, and do not have sxoesBlve store rant, etc., still I am tocaltd ir ih« iieart of the ahotmlng district

A. M. DAIBOOH 6th Finer MecrtinolUft/i RulKltTig

Cor, WasMr,ginu and Market Bis.. Newark V Nri' to 1* Osmberger * Oi.

Open RvnTnngs Until 0 O’olock _____110.00 BUYS a square* piano or organ, de-

dollvsred free to your home.9B6 00 buys a need upright piano, gusran-

teoil for 10 years, wllh eiooL cover HMil delivery free.buys a used Player Plano, guaren-teei] for 10 years, with 1* rolls of muetc, stool, oover and delivery free, ljuya an Eleotrova i ffileolric Plano), for cafe, restaurant, oonfectlonery

aschbnbach .t i l PLANE fiT.

HICABQL'ARTERB for b l a n k e t s STORM COVERS.


ND EXCHANGE STABLE.l«-ao brldxa it. Tel. IftBft Market

Have Just received a_ oarload ot PenneyLatilshoroeo. wVlghlQg from 1.300 to 1 .^ : ihtse horses are good, broke and aocIlTuatoa; we have else *0 bead of Ohio and general hTwIness and puypos# burses; we guarantee every huroe.



ode; gold oAd al^var tilitii work GRkSN, T40 Brood f t , opp. P. 0,

Xrtdden, D enioks RAd Flafpoleg PULLET UNE FOLHS SET. U AND UP.


*ft,a00 BUTS good . _ tlonery. cigar and sport

lenberg: weekly receipt I. rooms. NORTON & NORTON Union building.14.000 BUY'S ron^ectlonsry snfl Ire cream par­

lor, Newark ave.. Jersey Clly; weekly re- celms *400; rent 9160, five ronnie; Dutch fix ­tures. NORTON & NORTON, Room 41S. Union iuliaing-___________________________________A'rrKNTlON“ *An kinds of baslnese pieces

bought and sold; buyers always on hand. F< r quick roeulta eae MircHELL'S e xc h a n g e , 36 Smith Onmga ave. Tel. STSftJ Market. Opeb evenings.BALOON cornor, central l^ r io n . rent *4fl:

ttz living roomOi receipts *176 weekly, good ■whisky iradA prtec * ^ . MITCHELL'S. 26 •outh Orange avo.m o v in g picture theaire, main section. r«U

*60; three years’ Itase, rMsIpbi 9160 weekly: price $700. bsTTklfl. MITCHELL'S, 26 South Orange eve.*180 BUY6 eonftcrionery, staMonetr. cigars.

bill, rent IIS', three ronm*: reoelpie tSftweekly: old eg*- MITOHETjL'8, £6 Botuh Orange ave.

shop or moMon picture house Terms to suit your oonvenlenoeJacob d o l l k sons, in o ,

€67 Broad st. Next door to Hahne'sP. CONNOR, noted for its deep, rich tone and E

wearing qualities; the celebrated Batley, | *200. sold everywh«pe *360; elegant new up- i right, 7U real mahogany. Istory key*. , 1176, 98 monthly; all planoa warranted for ten i yeRrs; stool, scarf or cover, one year ■ tuning j *ree; aliglMlj used uprights on hand; open I •voulngs. HENRY HuRN'P Eetala. 51 Ructh Orange ave., corner Moward et.; com* and hear Milton Inviiihls Player.____________ __PRIVATE family must s*H *606 mahogany

upright piano, |i2o; good as new. 7 1% oc­tal*. massive chsp. brojia mounted, brlillsrif ami poM'vrfnl tone; awlnglng music desk; manufaflturer's guaranty. Residence, Cl Hryant xi.. nsar Heller psrkwsy and Gum- n"ier ave. ____________

R1:BBKR TIREB.We put on and repair solid and eusmon

vehlola tires; ws use Hertford rubber only; they ore ths best; ptlct* low; work dons wbhs

^“^JOHN O. MERKEL CO.. 3S _9'J5 TAKEi all, good. STnell. gentle Uorte, with

buggy and htroeai: sIbo sure good work horn, price |2ti; peddler's wigoa to |Ood ordvr, *20 JOHN RUI.LAII. Mlllburn St*., end of Hprlag- 6sld cir luarked Mspleweud, formerly AmericanHirtidC,HORBEh! h o r s e s . I10BSB«-"Juai reoelvsd

a carload of draft and gsrjeral purpose horses; fur sals or exchange at the loaesi market prices *t UUk LEWIB'6 gtable, 415 Eightwinth ave.. Newark, tel, 2H04 Wsverl3^LIGHT coups "SrriagB. been overhauled and

painted: now rubber tire; new sM of lamps; for sale or sxohauge, single coal wagoh. hand- mode- will he raiiited to suit the buyer, 366 Goulh Orange sv'e., near Rtoventh st. ____GOOD BIZR sorrel horst, eultable buslnsoi or

farmer: also liarnese and ftrst-clsas har\d made lop wagon, Ilka now. tall separate. I-. PLATZ. 41fl Rloomdeto tvs., BluomfiaM. NJ.; phone 2709^___ _______________________^ N E hand'mad* to order top huslneoa wagon.

nearly new; also two good horsew, sultabiK for any hualnese. have bfcn iisvl tiaily on our wagons. .lufIS’S(>N'S Mntk»-i, TifHt Main s< .East Grange. ___BKAUTIFUL hny mare. Imigtoll. mane; 4

yean old, fine driver; afiald nothing, guar­anteed. new harnest, blanket, lobe. no offer lofiieed. I'RANFlKl^n. Madlaon. N. J_____Hi'iHitl-' I-iiiH Inrge. young, bey liO!-!«e; souiiil;

weighs reason for selling. geiUtig autoOLIVKH'H Pepper Halad Works, to f'lttiilon SI. Tel mWM 'Wavsriy. ___BLANKETS DlREf!T FROM THE MILLS,

t'heapest hoU»p In Htiite; iwca Jobber* stj'Irnlildlemeii'a profit. filMPflON'S, L'Hl Uratige m. _ ______HAY horse nnd newly pulniad lop wagon for

unto cheap, gful for any hueln*ss, alngle • tr i.tgether. IIOHHAUK, iOZ ilulberry hi.\S'«ltK lUiRSKH and burincH* wagfina to hire;

oIho fiirnllura aii<i tmivlng storage. r'LAY- t i \ A IKJFP I'O,, 221 Halwv si . Nem-arlt__

coDw'tor’a year ago,

lilrras Auto, ilux 3k. New* oftlot. _I’KKIll-KHS llmutibins. perfnet ronditloni

tlrr-n iu.'W, thrive now shoos, four tuhsa, rliutiin, viltb fuU equipment, at abeolftts bargain, hLo iul2 UhaltnvrH, Juat cver- hRulod. Mill cuiiHider nffrr Inquire Da* parimeni Moinr Vehicles, 21 Hnlsey at., city.” D. niUDKNAUKU WKt.DlNG CO„

1*8 llAl^KV HT.Weld all metal parts of automobiles and

machinery: aluminum work a .specialty; we acluslty fuse the parte together; all werlT ' guarnnlea^. 'Phone T48j Uiirket,MAUNETOfl. all l>’l>«a and make; bought, sold,

rspulrwl and exchangwl; all rrnalrs done lit fPU) hour* ami strk-Uy guarnmeed. at the low* Aft prices; dletrJbutors snd asrvko station of Slmma end Michigan magnetos. HECHT. 230 tVesl Forty-ninth at.. New YorlL_______Fi»HH rnr. immetHate dellverlea; touring car.

I8.VI runatrnut. |60i>: town rare. 978U; prices f. 11. li. Detroit; large stork of pnriN and oer* vice fur uwners; bargains in ua* esra. MnlOr 6ales Agaucy of ib« Oranges. 49ft Main *!•> ISfisi Orange. Tel. i:wft Orange.TOT'RING CAKH--lbi;i Jbiick. Ift12 Uon. 014s

Auiutrop, Oakland, Uadlllac. Everett, Iftll r'ailiUAc, Iftll t’halittors :«), iftio Locomobllsi fell! (he above wltli fore doors; some gOU van ii()i tell frtut) new. Intersatlng prices. OUMHINM. 3U0 BvllevUle eve. _________GOOD Cheap Cars.

Hartford!, CailLllar.Nsiluiial, Overland, Koo. Stoddard, Auto­car, Alias; no real offers refused; buy bow leas than in spring. DODUINB, tN Bullevllle uve.DOBHTNSI arils iwra on cnmnilsslun, no itofage

uhorge. and s,leo buys fur rash: cars traded; visit uur up-to-date showrotims and be COH' vinoed that we liave bast ussd car M- tabllshmiiul In Htota. l>»JliPlNf!. 3ft0 BsUo-vllle ava.

IIOQ and ITp—Pope- r. E-F-M. Columbia,

BIG hsrgaliL. Bsfl Domingo mibonny eighty- eight-note phtyer piano, bench and muilc rolls;

paid $760 eight finontJis ego; aerount of tonvlng city will iicrlflce for *290. J. C. MTILLEII, 40 SotJth Orsnge evs.______________

gAUHlFirF, must itU, I2fki buyi horsrt and narrlege; cost IWiO a

SMITH H slahle, 61 .Vademjy^Bl._________ _96Q nt Vf4 larg* wind anil work horse: IftO buys

Bmall sorrel raare, gnarftiiteed wind sod work. 367 Pri>spect Bl.. Seat Orange_______________

OADILLAC Iftlft Limousine Itody, to perfect coB- y tenmatod and painted In off Fi niorc ihau thr UHiial sri ind*

pi NUAM A- Sun , 44U Ltro-dltloii. Ihoroughl,

II wn fsvlory; w<»ri lianil I>uUt. D- h Iral eve.DETRfllT elertrlo luoughani, new paint;

new batteries; fins ooiiiJltton; iLQOft, orig­inal cost 93,soft. Another at 9J.40U and one Bt |1,*00. ANULltSON Kleclrlo Car Co„ Broadway nt Klghllftli nt., New York Cl!g.UUIOK five-i aassnger. iwo-cylfnder; tlrse

flrst-clses ahapf. iv>o brand new; extra aho* and lube; nHw radiator; atnall huatness body Included: tup. touia, eto. will climb any bill. ,i4ake offor lu X.. Hux I2ft, Newa offka.

H' HEULBK CAlUiUKETERS.Service Sikiion; etoc k uf miHlsIa and rarts Eiiuro pou«r. leas runaumptlu]) with a Gcheolsr; rkperl Im aUiig uf uarhurelor and ignition trou- hlfes. \\ ILJ*H Uurage, Oft HellL-vUle ave _____Cl^T'<ll[iANt) roM(lHi«r for aeJc cheap; also

Hirumliurg riir1)urei«*r. J.', and Rsjncy ir.og- nei'. Ill); riim[<h-(e with new ColJ; coll any nveninv ufttr 7 n'cliicK, 1ft Maple ave, near BprlJigfleld Irvington, N. J.FrillD melil cn/nmsri'liil hodles. doors on rearj

ready tn mount on chnasla, eaoh; lint* uuaiue bodtoft, lUuinlnuin, vi>ry light; raidy to fit to chnsjfL end trim and palm. J, COLTER m UO., NXi < -niral ave.APPEHriuN rivK-pBssenger touring car; pewl/

liSlntuil, ri’iKi'krtod and IhornUghly over­hauled; con JIipTi gueraincf-it. will demonstrate. ,T. M. gl'INMY k CO., 21-Jtt Divlalon *L» Newark, N J.BUK'K ruriati'iUt. fpur-ryllndi«r Ramhler, lftl6;

electric llKlits ftn-l two bodies, outfivs-pa.n<.!;igiT, one ri>up«.-, ran bo aeeri All day Uedneiday A. UH;1I i. 176 Main at. ’Ph0h« :24h3 Heiievllle.FtUNAHuUTK—I'd? Meti, 1911 twO’ Cylin*

(1*r MaxMnL. /''ranklin. exiru tine; 1111 FUndrre, (Jverlnnil nnd E M-F, Uko new oars, fnr a little monny. UOBQTNH, 3ft6 Uellevllie ave

riVB-YEAF-OLD mare: abaoluiely sound and gantle: good for hutnhar or baker. C'ail at

H. HuRNR IBft _ lmont_ai^*._____________PGNT harness and cart, for aale or ex­

change for medium al«e hora*. Address Pony, Box 12ft. Nswa office._________

BEAUTIFUL maiiogany upright piano; rich lone, used eight month*; cheAp for raeli;

rail afternoon or evening. 19 Howard at., block weat of courthouf©, near Bank ei.

FOR 8ALBH OaU gftof i

gtoos *TO.. Vrtl

lUrto soaflo]* and broshsa ^ HOQDd Root, 10 Glad*






ISTfi BUTS sc^fartlonarr. «tatlo4ierr. news- po*>ers, beautiful location, ehoap rent, three

voomA hath, rscolpt* 9T6 weekly| bargain. MrrcMBLL's. 26 Booth Orange ava.

RBAUTIFUL mahogany player piano, S8-not«s ilka new only uaad eight montha. 1270; dost,

when new, IIVV); Interested party please *4* flroSB Player, Box 9T. News offtog.__________FLATBR-PIANO—Eigblv-elghtotjot* mahogany

ptoyff'piano; paid fTW year ogo; will sacri­fice for ISM, Including bench and mualo roll*, 71 Boulh st. __________________

TECTIONBRT. statiffiarr. dry goodk rent “ T) weekly; prloe

LL'S. 26 ^ t hfa5; four rooms I4f0; loavlag town. Orange ave.d r u c a t b b b e n

sear Newark;__ ____ In euburtjtktoe roomi: reoelpte i| fiolmces. urrcH -

BAFB, one now, 1600: will eeU

Box 83, Newt olknuart safe lor ml^i eoit

oMh. Addrooi ft. O.,lOA

ARTIBTIC BIGKK tbow «orda and letls BT-JAB-VB srONB. M6. 96 &ae*a-Tar.

Broad, near Meriist: ^phoita 0OCIB Maikei.

Old Coin® and Stamp* ■TAKPS-COINB-Bur » 4 iM MslHtii. ilbum.

lOT o r *«— hiiM loodt W «* n U ifliMp, htltoao, OlDlBC-roora utd pwlor Oimtun,

l» bM. Btrtof moTit oooli Iter** l u r u M ! n iu tor nov iu uA iMlnd rt« n t* rsmBi. W»rtEm«, Tl N u tt Ttat-tm th ft.. H u t OntB*« ‘rtm u MTS B. B.LIBRAKT Ubii.

auno. SotoHt, nut, t l. rtfutar IiH H*iMr It.NDW (o llln * -S'

ehlltoBlif. Oklf *t i l BKlilh lfk lf I IbU » • ,


°^SmVSS: 'FL*5act J g S w i M a J u S ir d rW a w M M .

tlA O H IN S R X FO R BAUEim Tv^ BslLrS iiBcuiw .,

i r I i

^ - lortM -« !* w toal« mOwr 1 R i l l in i t cfSn l u i


*176 weekiyi prioe . .F IX ’B, 26 M th Ortiifa Ave,DBLICAUBBCKN odd fftIMF grooerp, rlnaat

avontM. dfaeap iPBti tkroa Uvl&g roome; re- rsipts t»0 woeitjyi prioe |LB06: good oppor­tunity. KITCRELIs'B. B6 BoutU Grange ava.kAKBRT. Bast Ovaag*. ebaefi rent; reoelpta 1|22& wseldyi own evoii. easn register, eto.; iPTloe tSOft; elcimses. MITDHIULT.'S. 26 South Q range are.FURNUHSD-ROOM henso, leas mnkvrn tubes.

rent WO; 16 rooma; receipts *600 oioatblyi price 9T00; snap. MITVKELL'B. 26 South o n a f* are. ____

GABLlEn upiigTri piano; full else; fine tune;llftft. no lass; owner moving Novomber 13.

Th<js# Interest^ call et ftft Sllxobalh eve., third floor. ___________BLEriANT S8-not4 upright plaa*: owner left

same at my pJeoa and U muet be eold; worthgioO; Bocrlfloe for *130. D. O. RURT. sM

tnlic It.FINE player piano.jlayi.. ,

musicpart cosh, “Rlx'.h 1.

mehogany, 81 rolls ood eondttlnn;1 lo to o .

T.’ M. GRIFFITH. 194 North

H iDDFllltlimCBD moll order maft wltb capital and ability, hoe a go^ proposition to lorhet, but owing to oChor buslnees, wajtts

old fvemtiar*

AMmarUet, . . _partngr to xsclat obd svecttially manage earns; aaiperleBea unMMsary; itoo required: handle own money; 960 wesgiy laiary; don't answer unleoi yon ore intelltgant enough to invaatl- rota an4 good thine. AddraaeMall, Box BO. Nssrw office.aTTRACTMVB ootmtry hetet,

buslneaa; ffonUAi Mtomobna boutovondotng ■Plondid■rww--- — r ---- -"■■■■■■ ....... w.««.vr'»rd; SftO*

klfloe oocowit other bnoliiast: property Indud* ad; term# arraniaa. LOUTS mcSTOLBON, Lyndhurst, N. J.

HOriHE, wagon;

PHREY,harness end platform Hiring no use for same, tiO. T I!U.\l 11! Hamburg pl. _______

HORSE, wind end work; wagon end hflrn*‘Si for sals, *&0. In<4ulre JjOUlH ZU’ l*. Hi

Grove terrace. Irvington-FOR SALK—Horae, buggy and harneaH

gnln, Cell J. SPA'*N tof , Irvington.



CEt^n^IAN pianola, plays *B or I* note music; B* music rclls: prioe 946. 34&

Walnut aU saoond floor. 'Phone lOOtJ Markil. ________________ 5____________HAND80UB Wieener player.

In fine oondltfan; a bargainrolls, must sell office.

Addreee Plabo.with 94 mualo

»arty Box It, Saws

HALXJCT k DATTB iB-oot* ployar-pIanQ: like new] Qoet 9760 ooeh; wUl sacrifice for 9A6ft

with mualo and beneb. 44 Breintnoli pl., flrMt floor.PIANO TUNER—Prsetleal piano maker; re;

pairing, all branchea; new atrlngs, fellC eto. F.W.CANN. m Brunswick at.; 877 Wgv.




IT 66-not« pUyer-ptOBC. beorh sod 30 music rolls, used cue year, for

WILL ««U *600 mah<«sn: beorh sod 30 music ro1 .

9376. MRS. ItEOWN, 864 Boutb Bevrotb atFOR SAIjK—Large Btelnway

allghtly used and in excellent . ...Pimo. Box Ig Newark Newa, Montclair.

gr^nd pM&e;excellent condition; 9600.

ilN B |BOPBQyiy»l»MT ODOBf AND « O l^Jt; w .ll u « r t* d | rtih t.

141 Mkl-k.! Kt, OTO. P *-" ' H. >.

___ ln«k *a3WMlt«(«MiT rta.

AUTO trucking bM»aM im« tkree*tch maeblMiy tiOn: work fworgiueedj ~ Madison ava., Blloabitb.

for h Ja Include... tfobk. In good oom

PNoO^BW. “ ■■ 'Cull 12«

AM WILtlNO or lAim PM .

FLAM, 10# wettbup w*rtl pAjlng rartAuTcntl-h a w In Nvnrk. UA vw HT-Mood# rt.. N nr York.

ATTllNTIOJ^I ta r oOntMits of otersa ,1 prioee. J, MBH* pbdna 61t> WaveHy.

BAK9BT tP v m ti Ofm^lffa gg* «£ •111; Ur»* iHloi a m [ l n M iiw

tiakiDf Btrti' [W worth lOU par month,

irth • n u #

BUTOEBIl iAod far aala, nad, i tlahid «haaaa fS rm i

raawm, partaafaUB, AUraaa ButIT, Nawa OHlOa,OAFITAL ar««i

maohlBt la ~ ara# bp Mtai ro» wopia r ^ w a *1

ol# aatab- d butehar;

utohar. Box

PIANO TUNING, repairing, varnishing; ovdM promptly attended. A. H. RICHEKAN, *0

Montgomery sL; 'phone SSMW Mafkeia____UPRIGHT PIANO, mahogany, in fine oondl- --------- tar borgalfl.tlou, will sell at once Address Plano. Bex nO, News bfflcAWTSSNER upright piano; brtuilful mahog­

any; good OS new: 914B takes It. Call 4 BsItovlUs ftve,, near Broad si,_____________ _BBAUTlFt'L hlgh-grede, tolsst Iwprov^

note player piano, to be sold at A sserli ITT UnoolD avt„ Orange._________


ADVttBTTflTNri wegim to hire for ih#>tttre and moving plcuir*. CLIFTON Htehlra. 161

Ridge et. _________ „FOR BALE—Horse, harness and wai

luauLv B. IBENBURQ, 7l2 B 'Ulbtsenth e t . ___________ __________*36 BUTi tiorse worth 176: has bn n working

bard all summer- Call at 164 First st., l,aJ-d«T Cb.______ ________ ____ _______ONE hwse and heavy top wOg«n for wfa In­

quire WILLIAM ORAULICH. 12 Elm si ,Orange._____________ ___SOUND horse for tale cheap; price 114- Cnn-

■umera' lee Co., 167 Oskwrwnl ave.. Ompg _riNie worit bona, .ultaM. tor farm. JAMES WBATrUTORD. Parlay ...ala^ MlMhuni_ ^


Ku aDSt e k . 19H iton. two-pasHengsr, euulpprtl irlHi inp. Hrir lri. Hpeedomotef,

deniountebto rims. Stot lircn, Prostcllta tank, cverythlni: like new, Rso Co., 279 Halsey at. ^*126 WILL take Maxwell runahniit, lu perffct

cnhdlrt'in; Just overhaiilvil ami roiialtitedi this Is Just the car f r a dnetnr or collector, 11. WKllTJ-IK.lMl':u, ii*4 rirari a»r . Bast New­arkWE stve you money In new ntid leoond-hand

liras' wo jiav 0 ^ . ft pnumi for old tlrea;LAiuiissT kx:«*hangu in th e state .Auto Tito I ' l , 226 llJilney wt.; 8876 Mkl.ANLTlIKfl triM'k ImrKiitn: JackHOU four

uyUndtT 'Vlivf-ry ^ nr. newly painted; as it ruir0<«!‘ ll•‘t Riitiirilav J260, In he re- il'icp-l *'. l;.iUv 'mill ftnbl. 180 Halsey el,FORH to'iririK. mo-lH 1«12. Auio car, tourlug.

rao'lnl ml", Thomas touring, model IftlO; nsmbbr toiirlTig, n-u'iel Iftl2, Chalmers toarlng, model mi2. M-'HOSOUGH. 2H4 Halsey atLIMCMINK fth'! landaulcl bodlaa 176 snd up. iwn sntall cloicd dollvarv SjhIIos, fit any BtoBl] (*}iaH«ls. roiialntod. like new; bOr- SfllM. DOHHINfJ. 8iej HwItovlHq svb,VEIaIB flvt -passenger. *478; OaklamJ p->ny ton­

neau. *4<>n, Uf<> flve-pa»senx#r. 9HT5; fitod- .inni-Dsvt»rt, -'■.r. H P , 9:«60; Mfte rcadebout, r-Tfl flIE'’l'*OUD. 2-Sl Halsey st.1261 WILL HUY E-M-F HHn touring: juat

overhauled amt reiialnteU; thle is the grcMest bargain ever offered H- WERTHEIMFR, 304 Grant eve., Eaai Newark

BuliHhlo forRfiuil loodi-

II 219 MsdiTWO bualneae horee" for aalp cheap-

field Livery Stable, Bloomfield. N .1MOHSES for

CREAM CO.Ml*. NKW JERHBV 114 Ml. Prospect ave.


WSDt4»dHoraei, C irrUge** Eto.CHOWiV POINT Stock Farm, continuation nf

Olopmfleld ave,. Trw Hillo. boarded; box atalla; paddocks. J. CQNDIT. Tel.HORSE wanted for hi" keep for light de­

livery Olympic Fob Hath St.,

OlympicIrvington. Tel. 1249 Waverly.

AUTOM OBlLEfi1140 BUTS four’oyltodsr truck, open body.

repalntsd; several ohoosla sultoAle for light trucks DOBBTN8. 9*0 BeUeville ave.I»12 FORD tourirtf eer, 9336; 1911 BergdoU.

flve-peesengsr. *M». MALBTEAp Garage. Maple it.. Arflogton; ‘phons 401J Afl.

auto TOPA ere inada by F, MATT A OO, i reo- seneble and latleleetory; poatUvely iu«ra» ltd. 4ftl Wsiblo^oa Rt.! t*L TITS kiorket.teed.__________ ____________

FOR BALB~lftI3 CodUlOQ touring overhauled and repainted; In

dltlon.^ r; Just

(ret-claae con-Addreos Car, Bog rt. News omos.

o a r a g e te let! brick: well lighted; cemeat floor; goe tank; aooommodate 13 cars. Ad­

dress Very Centyil. Box 43. News offico,CADILLAC, oewly pafoted, perfect ninntog or-

den tpuat be sold at o&ce «t greet sacrldce. loqulre 4W Sottmer ate., Newark, M. i .

Blab(h ava.________ r g R B S o L o o y ___________COMStJLT Maiia. I* Rtf , panobbanUr loeatad

Mt Broad a t. oar. Oruua a t; moat convaiU- •a, Mrtroiwa as Oraaiia at.. a*at loBoa Lawb.«M»8tnyr m a d a m * b . D A BU N a. now

BOftnaaatitIr loootad at • ! Now at.; bova 10 to t: ladlaa and BOBtlamoa.u tiw itrLpaM ) baa roaona# haaliiaaa l a i n

w T wilt ba Blaaaed to •■•at bar sMtoU. 1*1 ~ a t, at Wtw.

CADILLAC touring, 976; Wlnton tourtog, |«v.Maxwell ninabort, |100; three epeclals for

thia weak. aiFBO^D. » t Ralaay rt.AVTO etORAOB, BUPPUira * REPAIBINO.

CrUntan claonad bjr oiqr»n rrooaaa; Hloba- 0 turn a n B l A t«« Balaar a t

RKO tba n fU t totirlDd car, aoolppod and

Haloey rt.lata I r t t , lally

nag* over. Reo Co., ITS

OUtA-Oa to lot at ) B ait WnnaT p t ; rtot 111. laqulra MM. OBBTHICH. I t Baat

K lu o r at,nva-PAw aN asB inn#, T-paaavi— ^

l« g ^ running order; giaka on oner. Rsoffr 9*. _ _ _ _ _MERC four tTnrta

hlffh rail; minhlng . gh'*n. Cw

3-TON Mat’k truck: moving nr gijiiHial

tlon; demiinMi r,'); Ion son ave., EllXabei)).ROADflTERH— N’aitonal tots of speed eind

oloes; CrsJff racer fine 0Qu;pm*<nt; Ricketts rareabout. line romlUlon l'i.HlHlN'5. Bft i Bellftvilte avs.CADILLAC, t& H. P , fully equipped: rtem-

onitratlon given; bargain t<i (|uick huyer: price 9SSQ. O’NErMVB naraRs. Halsey and William sts. _____________PISRCE-ARROW T-passeiiRer touring car; ex­

ceptional value, complete every ^etsll; eJtcel- lent oomlltlon. a ddrees Auto. Box 7. News office. _____ _MARION clawy roaJMer, Himplei. ^ t h

choice of iHislnesB. peoel uf Olds flve-pasr-enxvr, 9R5ft, OlFFUUD, Hal* ■ey "I. __________________ .POBD IBIS. gutTanteed In fffl^.i '>D4lttort new

red tiff's^ prlt'e *1tXl- I>A 1?. S-’l CllTloP

USED oare for sale: Ford end R<«>; ^dead storage for automobiles. 2BT ttaisey

it. ____________ ___ _GARARW to lei; rent retsontble for winter.

310 Summer eve.

A utnm obllefl for H irePEFBLBSS CARS. IJMODStNK HOUR, DAT MONTH. «0 CKNIBAD AVE., EAST ORANGE. TEL I8ftl ORANQE.TBUCk Tng dofio wlE^ tm-o ton flv i toe

truck*; In or nUt of city, F- HORNa. il4 Mulberry st.; tol. 348* KkL p # r>v A Riis—Best and cleanest sfirvloe; boor,

w»k “ rd RtoilM Co-. 11 Vu<«*il.;~phons T*» Market.

A atom oM leii WRntod I ‘M TOE GUT who le looking to buy old car*

or burned oar* for JWk to* J26 up tp P^rtaif or phons M iim . ft B t f at., MamcMOr._____________ _l i oo# GOOD BQUITT 1» iMwnt ®ra®artr, *i

trOO aaflond nigrtaw: tourlna ttr, lata model. KITTt^fllU# Ml Brad. _______„WILL erthang* flw t mortgaM

•ig par oenta for UgM tapruii droea Exohaogai Broafl st..

t « l l f l . at I car, Ad- Nawark.'

', i ' '1

N E W A B K e v e n i n g n e w s . T U E S D A T . N O V E M B E R I t 1 9 1 3 .



fiupii,S i } - WILL KBLU WBnNB8D*T. NpVKMUBl. » .

DOOR.Uofftitt. CARI| > a m thk

lAftdlM' «&4oofiilsUoc of MO ^o*«' ‘mbUd u»d»:TUI4r»n't n«*c*d '?***: u p wiVnAiAH trnd«rw«Ar: about iOp_

%f i


CniriHi BaoK.

WoolAO imd»rw«r! lOom

UROBN KOVm/nf CO,. #1 vtrfinlA «»a . J tm r ®*»I I T J .—OABtrtl iDiuliln* » o «

a w A T . K gTATB F t )B B A liE -O O T m O r i S H B D H O U 8 E S TO I K T —O F TO W N o i r r o p t o w n

Ao4 u p w ^ *X V ’ c W S I

•npW ia.

•10 M.AJII •IRMsim« for ooMoO

.oltiuo adO oUun,* % w RATVI.

niM^n. far ih i*7 um M ^ !c auUlbf thaoi Ilk* turn: anyUilup inJ f * Una «»d rm lr * ^ a iuperior ■]lvw^ i b alwajri on baa^ Writ* or pf>2fiL*

lUBT ORANG&-WII1 rant i»r complatir •(- (ractlvdy furrlibad houa«, MtMt location.

tnS* ^tion^^A klaf, *!ipiSi«roUi**worti"rttO pxVB v .iy drttrrlilA bulIdiBf toto, ItwolrO In ton rolnuto* to D., t l oid W. Sutlm , A"' Johbfni; totUBAtot oiiAOifolly tWOBj hlft-olooo o , , rtol^ontltl ir.ilon of MtM lnfiUlo. t»ck lonot’" ^•otk (UorAnloot CaU or wrllAi 'phono cou- ,^50, t |„ niiln rood, owoy from iho »nd ^IraW o fAmlly. for ola tnantho or Issfor, »

dirt: food roll, oulot mrroundlAfi: *“ h lot WArrtiioioo »1. ------- ------------------ ----- — Jlie aJilS* fwt: Wiu bo oold w r m li ly ----------------- -------------------------- --------------------

ABA Dice*. For otrlloular* ad<lr«a|i FRANKAaVE thoMP br bailBc «a rafiaiah jroar Torwara. cbaad«l1*r« an4 braaa ~

oraafitud hr oltlMna far lb* »urp loa^ai moD«r at raaanriabla ratM ta m woman whom baalia aopygiaodata.

If you hava a Soaa •liiwbara, bnn* U» yaw recalota titd «'• ■how you how nuch you

liD your tu OBO plwa. For ptrlloulara aooriM______ _________ ___ , .. li badataiwUi ffn^KlNO. BI'>omliiido1«. N. J.

maklBi tham Ilka now; anythluf In tb* m«ta!' \ -------- ------ -lint rtflnltliaf . _poUih alwayi

H O C §E 8 TO LBrr

can lava by borrowing fram ua __^Ha*BS loani «l«irhpra doaa not pravoBl you,t1nj|Taa"a

cS h wSdii*.. p«ni*J.*!i>t';_?„*T‘ S; u “ibpSt i » 4 < «Cm or ’

TO dtioon ldonl_And '‘2 'V ..V rri

S d w iT«r. ww:^«d"rri.WTitO fe -o r r o jiio W iv y c ^ fo r u b i*


nW A H K ACADBMTr<rouadod l? ll. ,

FARKANP. H®AD MABTBR. propnrotnm tor Any i«n.i OP for builnaM Ufa. Cata-eeiegtiflp Hhoal, or . for builn

iofiiaTogiia oa ^ ^y .- JSiwARK^Sualriaea CoJIfga. KW

heoh-lteapliig. thofthaedrhaokAtraaplng. thofthaedr atartotypy. aacr"i» rlgl* day and avanlng; apaelal #p*«t cjaaaw avMtfBgs for amployad aianoarapherr I. J* CALVIFT, Praa.; MTRA L. WINNER. VTBB Royal Sohdol of Draaamaklng-lnatnjo-

• tloM Jn draaamilking for tualnaaa ua* Md homo WM*, by bait of mathoda; avanlnf ^*"*^*\

’ far partloiilan appjy to Tha RnytJ Mhool of D U i^ l i l i i f 22U riairmount ava.

iOO Cotoou, 5";‘‘” i3rwflrhi''r«W U>



ORANQD AVB.. AT II A. M-PlAiio. Brnn Bfdt,

oaoi MtAbllthrd wlUi lu U aa | w 4 aa „ nli AOceuBt In llmr of nA«<, .

Our » ! ■ And nlAiu htTo p m ^ p«lt bATAUM out CUIItunAtA AfA |1Ad lA 00010 A«All OALI* WKITB OR TFUW BO int

QUARANTBE CRKDIT CO-,Roots l i t »»hA«_b^l«M 'jj*5P?!5P FlOO*.

„ _ „ „__ priiNCWARK NICK*!. PUATINO CO-

Roor M And M WaIbuI At.

'■ TELFORD BT„ * rooiBA, AAA, olKtrto. onlF E s it O r » n f* ‘ Eaai OianiA « roomo host M ly . . . . . .^ . IwJSaUF); with • 'J -t'™ '" “" i V * ORBKN, WwTrironir ^^^

caiKNETA rtbuIlL ropAlnd, oltAiirf from top to boilom; B por tluA. plutorlB*. All KINS. 8Jt Br,».l »t

klDdi of jabblni promptly Atundrd to. Al.- FRED HARItli, *14 iouth OtAtifA AVA.

a5 ^ aiuaPi liouAo: ,:ouId for .Noton,OURNOT * HAW.

'phODt 1*11) MArl

'‘lu S « h ^ -M C 0 N D rLW R. ~ ad at,, appodta poatoffloa.Broad -A-jr;------

Kqui«. t to ai Baturdaya, ft t« a

|>ftarat»rakenCWS FBIt CBNT, .ONfi FRR CUTT.

ritANSti Daooratinf Oa. IIT Jalllft ava..ooT. Clinton—Panara-haniini or painting

Aopa raaa^abla; nrat-olaat; aand for your old'tlma papar-hangar. WILLIAM F. Fr a n k s , managar.aWNlNOfl. WINDOW 8HADES for 8T0R1D8.


NEW two-family houa«. with «lda lot; vary convaBlani to trolley and atailon; going away

and ne*l tha monay. Addraa* Cheap. Box B. N^wa oWc»- _________ _

VBRONA AVB.. l i t —Daalrabla aavan r^ m house; Hire yard for ahlcksnej convaiilenl

In trolley and North Newark Station; with imiwovementB: rent 111. Ind^^ra

KANT ORANOB, Brick Church StAllon— KIrht roorn., every improvemont; prico

n.OOO. KERNa to WaII « .. New York.

POINIEK HT., nAAr EIHAhoth AVA.-FlnA locA- llon; ten room houoA: pATts-t order; will rent

lo reepeclAblo fAmlly: moderete rent- d*RirHEMOND, ST* BroAd. ______


BAST ORANOr, Burnell At., *»-r'ottoA^B houAA; elFht roome end hitn; Aertie, lot


tlOUVERNEVB ST., 9. tteAT CAr IlnoA-NtwIy deciirmted; eleven roomi; elesin heAt: All un-

|,roveiiiAri»; poAeoHlon At on»; OLISitKA PLUM M6 BroAd At______________ ■

APA R TK EIN TS, b o o m s A J r» F L A T S TO L I T

BROAD 8T., W-Hewly flnlihod fl^o-h^^flAt; All IraproYomenUt; . brent reaaonabla; la<iUlrB ontor aafvka;

premiaBROAD ST.. «» . .a?;;^.^lrd'"no«' four rootni and bath! tmrd floor, »«• »"n5™ PETIT Realty On TK Bmaa huHdlBv _KRGAD ST. iflO—Saccind floor; five or **etmny roome and batli: Portoft con.m nn s hAndwJinc hall furnlihlnA*; to refined pcJple-_

On tuaiA of 190 and oyer. Two par oaote un sum tNdP*iTWO par oaat. n«ww.

, i S ^ a t ! •Naar Broad i t . 6pp. W. V.

Office honaJLAfakf ***


WHT not have a Manleaa floor in your storebathroom. kltoheiL ate. T Band for sampla

Newark CompoelUoa Flooring Co., IDft New York ava. Tel. SAP Market.________________a d d r e s s in g oarda anvalopea eia-. piala

and Tisnoy. by hand; prompt and afflolfnt •orvloS' Aodreea Bervloa Box 113. Newg offlea ___

LOAN WANTBD-Manufaetttrar. good builnaes. wlabea to loan on good saourity and

very high interest, fl.OOO or |l.aW ; party prafarrad. Adflresa g,. Bo* tA News offlca. ________________

MASON WORKv-Chlmniy rebuilt, repaired dsiterlsi. alterations and Jobbing a spaolalty . . . -------- ‘ -viJMUM. Maiitatplaeterlsg.

MBMODY Ifll Heliey e t .: Ul.

____ HAR^nV'?otlon Ii&ttiv;™ UAple.BOSTON Technical School of Newark, i r /r t i- i- ,- circeifian, svamui fenta Ikw. modltjal, anBinearliig ■ Jtl^2fJ%iffonle%; Per'or and UbranhtM«A APd AtruniurAl ieelfii f" ,. io,S» TArdi ofllsh Qouraa; day and •v«ning aeeslon. koe yil*’WtelTl- ATininttar and Drusaa^ *V}?T' BellaTllla at t.



d r a k e o olleor

lOL FOR aiR M .

It. Ahd CADtrAl Ave,, EAil OrAJifAiSSDkMptnj [, "jrtmrThVndT lypa^Tlt^*- aaoreta- rial httd pampanship ccunai: paaiucna^

: ROWDIN PrtvAM BuilneeA CoIUfa^ wV hAnd, typAtrrltl#*, bpok-keeptn,. BniUeh,

*Ay AAAAHm. • : wteklri eyen'»«, 11. s n Kl»ii

t MiurffiIPJICJAL TRAINING tar chair tintArk; ntiA

mpcrtunlty for yoony choir iln»erA Alto, gpBor and baaa» poaacialng neuesaary du^ifi*


_ _ but iaokfng tralnrng. Apply at Flrai iagt»gaUonal Jube Memorial Cnurc^ o_or

__ Wright au and Clinton av^.aaettlfti. November U. at 7:4i. tu LEON'* ABD B. AUTT. choirmaster.

olaa tnatrocted by Damroaoh Mu* Institute graduate; fcrmlng or

f her- ado.aftarnoons; i nour « i » ‘■■■j > ^ IB S BENNETT, studio 9 Lautar build

•SJ at.. Monday of T^rjjMr a^egv__«, or address efts Central Fkrk Wsat, New

f« Y <StT.

lac. OurtAluA.PIIIowA BOeete, iv ,.,,--.-' — too, Tolletwi^e And oth r mercue IC tneullon, r.AlmoneycheAS.

r«urSS“ irnot -tletled -» h F»W I™-

v a n POZ.NAK. AUCTIGNB*!*' ■Phone 9071 Uerltet.


AT AUCTIONm.mcnde. Jewelry iod W.taei,_ far peanut

SlU lJL"wM l^'ffiw:"u^bli'rBriachit., Lay

CtAiMT'Bli/. W tta Lackete. EATTlt, Ate.m r i ' . i5 mwer Naveuiae, T.W. Were, docke.rillad indeta.

WANTED, loAB Of tloo (or thro* mmiha; win five tSa tor aw o( eAme; will »1va not.,five0 property And hAve ,ood position. Addroes

L«.n. Bon P4, N.W1 offlo^_______ ____WANT to borrow IIOO At onoAi wUl p w •

-----^tty. Addreseper cent Ahd »lue lood lAOurlty,KonMlj_Bo*_JI|_Newe__oW

f e u s o n a l

HOME* rOR INFANTS AND OHII^BBN'o .n .h,:o_btAln.d_rrom tb.^DBPARI^MBNT

m etal CBlUNOa AND WALL& Cfitinis U up. FRED BOCK. iT'lft BlUp

Clinton av*. 'Phone BlOft Wavarlyava, nearMERRITT METAL CEIUNQ Oa

CaiUngi and walla. W-ftl Ac'ademy n tat. » ; ....................


Eel. » yaara Tel. 40W Mkt, pentor,

iij: 1Workihop. Bisax at.

JOHN BHOWNBJ, carpenter, 91 Bieecker et . ibone Msrket 4959J., jobblnj neatly done:

IRVINCFTON, N J . Stuyvesant ava.-P l^ dl feet front % 190 feat deep.

nftCHARD BT.-Coiy sevati-room house, nsar Walnut; Imi'tovemeBts; good condition; mod­

erate rent, da RlCHEMONp. H79 Broad.BRLIaE\MLLK a v e .. 1« —Eleven Tooroa bath

irei. ii^ui * ^ 1 and laimdry. all Improvamanu; iteam heal.r ,; .r* 'w l T oV .M «"»um e;’'o« l.r*°;ritfec , G E o W l ^ E N K I ^ l ^ J l ^ k ^ovinar will conldar oounter Immsdlaia lalt. Efcsy terms, fil9 Union building.

Apply a once.

SEVERAL building lou in lood location;

MIOH KT., W4. corner BaJdwln--8avei» and bAih. steam heated; poifSMlon November

I. FRANK PlLKlNOTON, 91 kOUTt tt.26x134; price from |37t lo % m \ can ar- e l l iOTT ST.. 27-81* 'FA' I[??ZSf.:J"orsnga terms lo suit purchaser; If you are provementa; 120. MATS yrniofi bullfling* «•

looking for a cheap lot to build a home, call riinion it. Tel. 24DdM M«*kat.A. J. STATES I'D., 11164 Clinton ava., Irv­ington Cenlre, ________________ _ ULINTON AVE.. 79—14________________ _ rooma Inquire BTOtJTENBUROH AIRVINGTON—Loti, plate; elegantly appointed (jo., 79T-S0j Broad i t _______(Ar„..**:ii“ . T . T a V . i r r j ' i . ' S f V i v s H ^ sE ^ r c T ^ o r c .,;“ ■FfsBR RMliy Co. ftu y v .c c t end Spriug- ' '

BROAD 8T., 150. Hh.lbourn.-ToppoAit* new normAl Achofll. ■bU'b'rn

jiin sg R *BaAUTII'UL flAlA, 3-(«mlly. *■ * ‘“ lili

rent III, 118. <«*South Slyte.olh At., ^icnr South OrAUFA “VO' ourtho\Jio-*FJaiBANK BT-. 229. near . a-----------

Tcorne. bath, ftltt; all ^■ervtce. Inquire BIJWISB, first floor.______ _

Madlaofl av«.—Thre^-familvBERGEN BT., uji *AAn,... M ...... _ enshouse; four large. light rooms, water, g and toilet; Beparata; __CORNER flAl; MCond f l « r ; aIa fine Hkhl-rni’l&fV BOr.Oliv. A.*'— , - - - BlAJ.,T<Kim*: all Improvemenia Including eiec* trln lights: one block South Orange ave,, rent reasonable. SC Stuyveeant ave. __CORNER—»87 P «h lnt Avc., J U »»* J '!'

All ImprovemcntA, haw hulldln,. o( JOHN J- QUINN, t n PMhln* ava., AFAnt.(JORNBR-PIve room«; All llkht;menu, rent (12. Inuulro 724 South Four- tFonth it. -CLIVTON AVB., S31-ThrM roomij »11 Im-

privcnientA; itMinntihcl; new biilldin*. DAVIS, B91 Clifton AVA.

iiiAte, given.MABO.NRT. holler, heke oven rep^r And

temtlon work reneODAhle. M. OILLEN, 890 Runyon et ; ‘phone 30ndW Weverly.MASON wetf, ohimneye rebuilt, cleAned, IW-

DAlrAd; plaelertng; jobbing. Tel. atiS* B. B. M South Tenth et,. JOS

hbtng. Tel.JOSi A. REILLT.

o r CHILD HYdiENB, - ‘-r107 MARKET BT.; we (nveetlgAte All homeo And givA medlcAl And ntireeA' CAiw to All In- fa ate placed out.I HAVE told my CAndy And •lAllonAry ktorA

No, 101 Ftiry etreei. » Oottr Slefn. All hlllc lo ho oent to Juetloe Slinoii e o ® » 317Court itrtet. wllhlh live dtye (rom^dAb^^

WANTED, 5.000 people to Allen* the mon- ■ter prlae masquerade at tha palace Ban

Rooin, Washington anti Bleecker Bts., Thurs­day nlghi, Nov. l*th. 44 priiee valutd at 4206 win ha awardedNOTICE to Amarlcan Lemon Juice Produets

Co., fil Ward Bt.: If they dp n<>l oall forihelr wagon within three ‘3W (or repairs. ESSEX TlAGON WORKS, IS Lewie ItWIDOWED mothsr wants home tw her flva-

year-old boy. with aome nloa f^ nUy ttot would bring him up M their own. Addraes Mother, BO* 9, News office. ___

C» ABTlJrR iw b a r far t t r ^ m r » pram niory

r » i-.«hod)._ V01«:.P^M*IOJ^eptiAt plABO tad wlolta 1

$t.t CM WgM Market.IM

pQRA M. BROWN, plaaa lajrtro- t BMthod. “TOUCB AND TBCH-

ilet aad Mbatltute er>ookoertk, AooODiileompMlst ™ ___DottAge AL. Vnth Onagwi ted. SI8J.

-TIOUK tad pUBO leeeeag, thorough ;■ ««>gMk4 teaober. At itudlO «) HaKAAdirAgA OabUaidaii, Boa le tt gStaa. • _____________

AUCTION SALE •10.0(» worth o( Bfw (unilture, e ^ U tad

rukl will be etild At 970 Springfield ava, oppifltA Boyd At., oommenclng ^ e d M i^ J . ffovAmber l4. At 10'.30Unut dAlly until evemhlng le Mid. Don t mliA thiA ItTge etle. Chtncee for huying new -node At Beoond-hand ^oee.•old oa AOCOuat of el,wing of elore. VAN ROBNAK. Auctioneer.




NOTICE to Creditors—D. Lalstetk has sold hla plica at 66 Nlnataanth Mr*.

Sarah Shapiro. Cradltora apply wilMti three deyn. _____ ______________ ______ _IT Mrs. H- Frsna does not for her 9r«MM

within three days they will be iold. MR3- J. c a r p e n t e r . 119 Hudson iL____________

METAL CE1UNG9 AND W A ^ erected in til kinds of bulldingi. JAMES J. MAGUIRE, aw Hftleey et., Newark._________CONTRACTOR will build houses cheap;

eatimatai cheerfully given. Addreia Con- tractar, Dos News office. ___

NEW two-famJly house; 19 roome; two baths;at bargain; |500 caih; lot 9T\4xl40; all Im- I

provemenii: near c-ari. For particulars write owner. 43* Stuyvesant ava.e Lyndhurit, N. J.


BT-IIvDER needs money, new two-family; all Impts : FleclTlc light; finest pari of Irvini

ton; bargain lAdOO, Addreta Money. Bor Newe nfflcS.


W A IX P A P E R — P A P E R -H A N G IN G

K cansbaycWE HAVE e wooded corner plot In beauti­

ful Granville Park, with Us private beach and Pier i!ze 60x100; price $1,150. on easy ?ems. or Jl.035 cash. BROWN A KLN'^=- LAND. Ffremen'i buUdlng.___________ ^

w a n t e d , email houee: four or five resma;adulte: about HI per month; in fHy or

near suburb, must bo near trolley. Address House, Box 60, News offlc^RMATvL HOL’FE at flet, with ^rn, wanted at

once; centrally located. 141 Bank j t . ---- ^


CHADWICK AVE,. 297, .B«md light rooms, newly decorated:

largo i>antry; rent IIT. Inquire MR6. ROBKE.CHADWICK AVa.steam heat; gae. eirctrlo light, tiled bath and all Improvements. _________ ._ _CAMT^EN ST., IP-Tliree llghl rooms for two

potM’le; rent $0. Inquire 2o Bergen i l - thirdpeorfloor.d e s ir a b l e upper pan house. .HH JDnltm f t ;

d rooms and bath; halls prQvements except beat. CLARK. 999 Broad st.

EAST uRANGE-Two beautiful new iiy houses located, on the bigbe«

re“n r . ? ^ t x ,---- KEANSBURO- Meple Beech lole J1W‘. e»ey " Mj'"^r'mmth.'''pHIL[P J. BOWERSV’G 1.™ ,; mai,i. _ MOnEHOUSE i jq R D .,™ m , Market el, _ _ _ _ _

WHT NOT have ynur paper-hanging and paint­ing done now, before wa gel very buayr We

carr'y the newest wallpanera of tha finest d sign: will fuaTHtit'e to do your paper-hangl^and painting. flrst claM In every reipect at the lowest prices; eBiiniata* furnlihod. Call

a. COHEN,361 MARKUt ST, Tel. 6ftW1 Market.



tw i't wait for the rush If yuu are ready to have your house decorated or painted; get as to five you an estlrnata and wo U prove to you a saving; our wailpaperi are the latest designs ■nd workmanship guaranteed. __________ _

I WILL give soma poor.home for oompaiky. *

office, Summit.

needy woman Ad, dress lome, News

r gopalar, oIm M : Ui* BoUe* L o ».J B ihnaUDi* all muklo; iw eaeatt^mil HOHKX J. POLLEB. ITW.Rarfc.


AUEXANDn BERN& M n u tton . « FT. f u * e t i )1 Mat. Op. S«ni»

Varti at,! S o R y J ? * - bldg., H. T., rrldaya

k ACMOB DDNrBT,.^li*<7auM sanaoti uonaldWed. Btudl^ 71 teiieagla y l ^ r f a T o t a a g * . ‘Nwa* 4186? Oraag*.k E u 5 3 a ■ ^

LOANS ON RSAL HBTATB KORTOAOBS. Private or building and l » k

■and noktal, rMreeentatlv* will o-R.JJ P ROCHst 774 Broad I t«L •701 Mkt.

MONET to loin on flr« ana eiOTa nongigj, •nau ki •ull, at reajonable tem a a.

■CHECl&I*, foorth floor, room M*. union building, ‘phone 378 Market

InatruHnta hiDgton et.

r m m B. B.I old vtotlaa tat •

^ I 4SH(», KANDOUM. ba n jo .

V IW nrtt oraan .t -k iC WALLACa eAWON. term gpaaMIIMl

' aUMtog (tndtog. Lanrer Oo,: IM OUtMa avn,i B, B, Voloe trial graUa________

r. bttARLM V, BCUUORN, U niinnaa^ toltruotor aj. piano, ortaa. karmoay.


•. OrAPfO XTS.; Ir.stnmtnti for ssMeT u b a , c e l w r u a.» yqtce irlj

t*- ¥

DSRaoif*-The m . eft'gtiBsnt. neil*asy

D a n d o f

« s n 7r WWIQB nwil4 wru#f mam*.7 oltvi «Btnuic* 4M Broad IL: prlr , eiaai teagona ovarr aranlag ana avau

ROM; R^ta, tTo-ataP, Bbelan. Tango,

J A ) I » * . nUNCIBCO, aalj^ -------amr, Omton KnlL oomar Broad end Brldga------ . . . - — , — , nod

eve IT aftar- *aBgO| h*It*»

tio'n 'tMigo; ’Parlataana taaio, aoa-atafc oaatlo • watt, BaaltaUott wtlta. f l « »alk and vaHar n-ttolw. Call, ‘pbona or irrlta for rataa or ap-

B N xM B ^ ai'p b ^ 44H U a iM ; Fraaolaao dia ' gtam a in m vuad aaolualralr; failure impoael

hla; M * fonpaaa atape and mualo; laai otnai

, dapoga.

MAVB (9,too to lo p on tlrrt ™el^ prq^rty to iO per cent.

rR rW DUBINT. Amerles» Bank building, Belmnnl and Springfield e v e s . _______■swt nfn TO LOAH on bemd end murtgagea in

MM l i m i t at 6 p ^ without benna iBw a R?> a feLA(7K?^anealQr. 89Q ProdaotlaL

■LOW TO loan oa a good property In Newark, 8 per oant-i aleo 14.600, two-femlly or tbr«-

tu ilty . A^raaa Money, Bn* 149, Newi office.MONET to loan on bond and mo^aga, *1*® ?•

and L. mon»i aM amomt icUonPTEOUD * OBI8T. 819 Knai bonding.

Bttgtiiega Peraofutla19.80 IN GOODS FRKBl

la what you get for filled books of 6URETT COUPONS at the itorea of UAR6UALL k BALL and RAHHE * CO. Bring or mail ydur aoap wrappera labala and United Cigar Btors Certificates to the office of the Surety Coupon Co., room *09, Eases building. Clinton st.. cor- ner of Beaver, Newark. N. Jea khd SURETT COUPONS will be given In exchange ue fol-KUkman'a Soap.................. I for 3 Trada M ^ eKirknun's Powder.............I for 9 Trad* Marks

BIG WALLPAPER BALE.Blenka S^o-: flRi. 6o.; smbnsied, THa:

twO'tOM art velours for 10c,; varnish tiles for tS'iic-, papering rooms for Ifl; painting at low artcei, M. BOTHOUSE, B South Orange ave.; sll work guaranteed- ’Phone 7329J Market.

2S'i7 Wcolwrrih building. 7294 Barrley

New Totk: 'phone

MONMOUTH COUNTV farms, and seashore □rrperty for sale, at Keaneburg. N, J.

Atidr.BB nUED. Box 161, Koansburg, N. J.

IRVINGTON— llouee. elx room! •O'’floam heat, open attli-. large lot. ju*f *®*

Bluco for rhkkeiia, near caiiire of town. reol 6:S. JOHN WASSMEB, 93 W « t Clli,- ion, ave.. Irvington. ._

L jn m Farm gHOLLYWOOD SECTION, on Main Lina tool

ley roetrlotad 4U ft. lota, halt price; aetate j lolltng out. cemoiii walk.; aleo 4 elegant new i - houBts. J3.m to W.50O; open ‘trio lights, sleeping porches. GEORGE COMP­TON, U41 North Broad at,, Lyons FarmA

M aplew oodMAPLEWOOD, N't J-—For sale or t» rent,

modern house; bsst location; 16 rooms, reception hall; i ha^hs. hardwood floors; hoi sir heat; fs s sncl elseirlo ilgnt; lot Pbx 140- fine thrubberj’: sell *500 down, balance easy paymr-iiis: rent *60; might exchange for good iwn-f'imlly, East Orengs. Ad­dress \V , Roi W. News offlca. Orenge.

EAST OHANGE. Shepard ave„ 40—Desir­able flat; sevn room*, bath; combihsyon

lighting; steam heat. MARTIN •15 Mt. Proepecl nve., Newark. ________

IRVINGTON—Several neat, new houws. with improsomenti. with two or more lols: rent

reasonable. WERER Realty Ca, fipTlngfleld and Stuyvesant avas. ____________

ELEGANT tiva and ll* room provements; low rent. Inquire M-

FER. 406 South Fourteenth at., oomar riT- teenlh ave.ELEGANT three-rooru apartments: gaa and

water; rents moderate. Janitor service, in­quire |76a Parker s>-EXCELLENT opporiunlly to secure apartment.

ail Impli. except heat. *15. hlca locailom near trolleya; couple or small family. 62 Madleoa av.f iv e ’ nice large and light room* with bath

on second floor Conor building: rent *.fl per month. Inquire KOTKIN. grocery, cor. Parhhurst and Brunswick ale. __ _ .FJVL nice rooms, first floot ; all 'mprovainem#

heat rent $16; two minutes walk frora two car’ I™ . «1 Hlllxldo Pi,; -dull..Gentiles.

HOUSE, eight rooms, to let. all Improve- mentA uear troUsy and station; can rent

hy December 1. Can be seen at 87 Arnold ter.. Bhulh Orange.ORANGE, 1T4 Wllllsm if.—Nine room house.

all Icnproveraents: two mlnntes from trwley; fl\e minutes from train; 980. Apply 363 Main et., Orange. ______________ _


t vsry reasonable prices.will PAper rooma tram *2.S0 up; paJniIng and kalsomtolng done at vary reason-*'’- — Send poatAl or call m 2T1 Rank s ta, ROBINSON, 2hl .Mulberry at.—I do painting,

esDlng and lidewALls. *2 up; paoerlng, celling and sidewalls. *9.50 up. all work guaranteed; eatimaiee given. Tel. 7291J Marked__________MANHATTAN Decorating Co.; tel, T6l 6 Bftkt.;

papering rooms, 92.50 up; painting. *1.76; out­side work. J. LEVEN. 13,5 South Oranga avAp a p e r -h a n g in g , *2.50 up; painting. |t.7D;

Inside and outside: work guaranteed. Sendpostal. ra

17 Charlton s t

Babbitt's Soap....................... 1 fo'' 3 Trade MarksBabbltfa (177B) Powd»t......1 for 8 Trada ^ r l«Ootaion soap........................ > <®r | fj"]**Gold Soap.. I for3 Trada MarkaDarlln* Condaoaad HUk....l for 8 ^balaStar Omdantad Milk...........1 tor ! Laba iBKaat Clover Cood. U llk ...l for 4 I*ba iLion CondaniwI Milk...........Itor 3 ^ b a •Uotban' OaU (*ra«,)........... ' *®''' 5 * ^ !Mothara' Otia (jalloo).........'Haokarta Tlaiua................... I tor 4 Tr^a MarkaK'd baaat or H. a Cart...... I for ?Nona Such Mlnoa Maat........I (or 1 Olrl a HaadUnitad Cliar canlfloalaa..9 for 1 96c. valutand many otbara. , . , , . .Ton will (111 your booki UuloWy by t^ ln * wUh marohanta who flva SURETY COUPONS.


w S i » intay al., Ntwark.

LO A N S W ANTEI>— H EA L E ST A TEWILL PAT $6,000 for loan *49.000; first raort-

g u e leourity on city inoeme; apprnliw a-t aS i s Ldab. Box 92, News office.

WAKT»t>y *«»690i out-of-town, * per cent- Addrew fir s t liorlgMrSa Bo* Nswa of-



D0N*T b o t h e r rRlEND*

iMft Saropesa ttspa sna mtisie: range I STsrf Tuskat n l^ ; Orutoa fisR to rent, m. 9«» laoludln* wsrdroke uttepdApu

l., Ifiis JOa JHWB ja»CBUBUi I KUivi a, w v w«waaaa' itr p s u Day La and W.; beglimere' sUiiS Mon. ' dftF STSOlagy 8:4ft; tdvipcs eUas. Frldtr erenlngy <i i w t lAtsst dtnoes uught la p r m u sM.• oikas lesibos; private leewna day or svaalng by e SlMatmsDt; valtSi two-atap. Boatog, Boaton ?:£w «b iirg . Boston dmp. Argaatlno-UntOa — atiP, tha Oateada. hMlutlan wMlU,

a a ^ lU X tX B : tel. 918* Brtneb Brooka

TBtB DAF18 ftCBOOL OF DANOIN^.Ha Hal -* “* . -~k .ilw HacBngb. principtL 406 Bread

I walk

' LBARN to dancei teaeena momiagy afurnoeuy •: _ aVMdiyr. K T t. WCSARDi, ^ -2 6 6 Wash'

ifal' all Ikteit bAlltoom dAftoaa; tango, h i ..................... .haaltotlon wulti and othera; tango

tonnlng; tel. 1190 Market; ealeot recep- ‘ kturdays.

whas la aaad at a Ultla ayallabla oaab; It’a dollan to canta It wtU and uoaatlifaoiory. U not uDplaaaant, to both. Mayba you alraady t a U iS w tS io tbli at*tam«it la to ua; *oTI 7™ Em


p a in t in g , papar-hanyltia: loweat prlcaa;work (lUiajiteadjklva mo a trial, 6JAX

WEISS. 379 South Orniige ave.; tel 1217W Mkt.RELIABL0 DECORATINQ CO.

will paper rooms. uy; palnUrigy *3 up.I«1 Lincoln av*.. Orenge. tsl. 4004.________

ftouetle P v kSOME choice lots; near train and tPoMey; 25i

lOu. to $800 each; cash or InstalmentsOwnir, Box 85. Bloomfield, N J.

W ojt O n itic eCALIFORNIA houses (newl at West Orange,

adjoining Llewelhn Park._ North Park drive, nsej KagTe Rock ‘trolley: six rooms all Improvements; steam heat: no aseese*mente; plot 40xlw: price reaaonable; terms ea*y. Apply on premises, or Hlllcfest Co.,

HOUBE—Six Toms and bath; large.lot; Just the place for chickens; near acbooU

.TOHN WA6BMKR. 9* Weil Clinton ave., house, water and gas: large yard.- rent *15; five mlnuierf walk from trolley,

station and aohool. Inquire 68 Meiroee at.. East Nutley. ________ .o r a n g e - S even-room house: g u dome and

all Improvemenu but heat; convenient rind desirable; rent |22. 148 Alden st.ange. _______ _____ _


FIVK ntc« rooTM; I®®d location; nrar UDllavi;pan Improvements; brick house. sU l

flat. $13. small family, w^alnut st., cor. Lang.FIVE BOOMS; bath; new

EdrnqndL . mentfl axorpt heat. Owner,FIVE imd six room aparlTuentN; Kteain h«nt

and JiinUor Neivlte. rants uiul *-■• Iti- quire Janitor, 38 Wrst Kinney et._________FIVE nice rooms and boih:

ricjiithweat corner South Mneieenlh st. andSeventeenth sve.FI^'E rooms; pantry and bath; first floor:

rent ir .. Inquire LITTAUEB, t.7 Nelson Pl. ______________________FLA T at 1)1 Irving at., n ea r Summer ave.,

five roomi*. all Im provements ; jus t n ivIshed: price |16-#IS. one ta ken from the Ulh . Inquire .1. M LCHAMb. 94 Slagnolla et ,; 'phone

FO R S-^LE O R E X C H *\N G E

WEST ORANGE, William et., 2ft-Eleg*nt one- family house; 10 rooms and bath; steam heat;

rent reasonable to desirable family.

9. FISHER CO.-We do banging at reaaonable prices. Inquire loa

Bigelow at.: 'phone 479-f Waverly. _______riNH Interior work end outaWeMjrUln* of enj,

kind and of any place. GOT7RP- QBNTZ.kind and of any . - -18 Qould nvi.. cor- Elevenib at.







ONK'FAMILY house: good location; Hunter­don St.; stable and gaioge; will trade tor

farm near Newark. Address Farm, Bog 77. News office.

BELLEVILLE—*18 per month: *U room*; Im- provementf: near trolley, train and tchool.

Inquire 134 Linden av*.. Belleville.

FLAT Six rooni*. Imprt^vemenls: store and three roonis; stable can be btillt Jn

three and sJ>i rooms, ivllh ■water. Inquire .'ll goulh Thirteenth st.. RoievUI*-_____________FLATS nit'ved In padded vin*. *4

pericDCfd help; pianos moved for M-O■CO . 0El. i#W SprlngtleJtl ave. 18®>W \BTeTl7.


1 HA'V’'E an elegant apartment-house wUh equity of JSfi.OflO, -wherein you can save

fully *3.600 a year above all eiponees; wantsome cash and other properly; what's of­fered Address Exchange. Boa 76. News office.IF YC't' want to better your position, let me

try to exchange your property: •ome ex- r>hanzp!i nr* better than cash sales; no charga unless I am succssiful. J. ISAACS. 810 Broad.

81X-RGOM house and bath; rent cheap: fine location. 897 Tremont ave- East Orange^


UMALL ilouM wanted; yard for poultry;aiata full particular, to rauelve atteiitlon.

Addraaa Houw, Boa 49. Naw, ofllce._______

STO K E& O F F IC E S , ETC.. TO. L E T . DROAD ST.. Plum baltdInt-7-A .!•*

WILL «charKte my aqvlly of MO.OOD In clly

610 and up; all Iniprovnnouti; Janitor. bjH. light, elevator aerV'ice; IoimsI krt, 945 Bro*4 at. OEI8ER * PLUM.BaVNK ST-, 219—Stores with and without


vately at a minimum ooat, wlU m Ue ywindi^^a^sot of all .frlenda buiinesa !■axoluitvaly to aasiit people keeplrkg hou*a.

Now, len'l thle fair? f w have^e J*both yc«r furniture and the mobw at oteely toa eame tlma We lewfroni *10 to *100, from one month to tS l IfrotOed bafore time eg re^ f-a dlecwant lor each month that the money 1*

“**’■ TOD ONLY TATtat tlia actual tlma you kaap tha momy- IJat la tba atandard prlMlpla of our iuo»aa, fair and HUara traaUneot to avary ona. No tawi- lUmi rtiowh. You won't ba afraid to tru,t m with your buslnua becauaa It la

e n t ir e l y w it h o u t FU BLIC m .

8URBRELUOU8 HAIR.' Plmplea and black-hand, iMiva leari; Hava them tnk,n away. ^

For ikln dUoam, of all klnda, n » ona botUa of IL V. 8. 8t0(>, Itchini with ona appllcatloii If tha ikln li not ImproTad, your mon,y will ba refunded.

HAIRDon't waah tha b,lr too oftan. Caraa In and

hava tha cffk irenim,nt onca a waak.DR MART BTICKLE. 79 Halley at.



19 MECHANIC ST. Tal. 404 Market.






Rial Eatata. ine., Ixiaii, and Appralanli.^

WILL exchanse two-family houaa for iota. Ad- Ar«M HA7.]> Box 128. New, Office.


REfilDKNCEB lor two tamllito and lota; alaa two-family for ona-tamily: bualnaM prOMrty;

tarmo and Inti for other property; 1,1 ua know what you want, when you want It; w , « n match It. BLAUVHLT, Brick Church Station. FfU« Orange ------- -----

f a r m s f o r S A liE





DR. MANDEVnJJS. ipaclalin. i t ,Nawark. N. J., opp. Shubart’l »

Sears' experience e* e specialist Is all ctaTonto leeasee of men and women; catarrh, nervous rtiseaae*. dUraBea Of heart, kldnaye, stomw^

liver or bladder, rheumatism. «rlna^ w *JJ............ hours. 2 to 4 P. ll. andTuesdav ojid Friday moni'lung disease*. ^ i c » hours. 2 toj

« to 9 P. M.; also Tuesday and F Ing. 9 to il. Office closed Sunday*.

We ekteod you the courtesy of cur ptirate cffloe* for an interview. Informaticn <wlet ua send cur lepresentailve to ycur Doma

B jgtCTaA R P T ft_jL ^ *«y fer Danelag, STfloppoilt* William; open every evening,

r B^vale; wbote term or half term;------------ - -- ------ --- -4iqi»er]enc*d pextoen for begtn-

. TANOO XKD LATBVr D ^C B B .| t|U« or elMs lsltoa*a 10 A M. to ll^P._Ma

_ olgia Tuesday evening, BERKT I School. 898 Broad it, Teh 8131W Wav.

g Kjjgl^LL'S^ School of Dancing.

riiwn: private leosone a ^ ed a lty. l^ eather nwr al’ 'ha"ql bTrnis""wlth_ _____ 169 Springfield av*,; all latast dances,_rtigjgiti Moau, Wed. and

Sat, afE^iWed. and Frl. sva; chUdrrn'i


Itooot 901. Third Floor. 149 Mark** •*, pbene 4759 Market.

DO YOU NEED MONETtBomatlmei the needs of a man and his tM -

Uy are for a time mere than hli salary or m- cotne will permit, arid he wonders how he is to get the needed sum to tide him over.

WE LL ADVANCE THE CASHto meet these n*esssarv demands. Th* e^>

1 jid^ftNAftED'S Children's Class; beet, select:aU •oejety, etaks dances taught: very mod-

MeAs every Saturday afternoongrkts teftrea. Me^ kt BURKHARDTS. IT9 BroadB B y a m 'dan'dpg leaeons a special tr at your

egavenlenee. T'Belmont ave.: n e ^ Spring-^4MA ave. PACT. L. BRILL, Inet.; call even's.


^ F. Cambrsleng, Prop.190 WILLIAM 8T„ OflANOH.

thought of the neoewltlea which are sura to arise at the chauge of The eeeeon. sticd as coal, clothes or una hundred other things wnlcn require The cash to fill.

WE LOAN FROM *10 TO *100 to owtisrs of F\irnlture. Plenoi, eto* QUwkU end with absolute privacy, and w* guaranwa a SQUARE d e a l to every one.

QUICK LOANS.We can arrange the deal tor you to •

hour*' notice, and the paymants can b* a^ rangad to suit your convsnlenoe, althar weekly or monthly.

IF TOU CANNOT CALL ^drop ue a line by mall, or 'phone market 48M) end see how quickly we'll respond.

r u p b b f l u o u s h a ir . ^WhriA. Moles and Birthmarks removed tor*

^'ErTlS5 v ¥ £ * T ? " *219 Washington st.


That U what every lady says when A e has ber hat reblocked or made over at the



We make over your hair or feather matt rets and renovate feathera by special steaming prooees: cushions of any kind our specialty; *ee our sanitary, reversible feather mattress.

NYB T B A ^ lota, 80x100, bs low as W60, on term* to suit; Hawthorne ave. trolley line,

now being construoted, will ^ve a dlrsM trol­ley from this tract to Newark'*c'* centre; Broad.Clinton atid Bummer car line* run within two block* of the Nye tract; take either car lo Osborne Ter,, walk iouth to Hawihorne av^ Agents on property; *«nd tor msp. FRANK. L. RHIELD3, 4*2 Union bldg._______________ _WEEQUAHIC lot bargsln—I hive four plot*,

ftOxlTO each, street paved, close to car line and railroad station; i am authorised to _e«n

A REAL bargain to close up a tract of ten acres of farm land In South

station *300; five acres 1100; will be sold to the first caller: nothing down. *6 per month; no interest of taxes, free and clear; deed poBsesfllcn at emoe: no letter* an­swered. Call OUTTRUP. 71 Contra st a n g o . _________________________

DESIRABLE ofDcea to let In the Exobofige bldg., 49 CHutoo It.; elevator, elertrlc Ugbt, iteam

heat, janitor terrlce; rept raetonable________f u r n is h e d o f f ic e to let In Ordway

buUdlng. 807 Market at.. Including desk. - • - *----- lightthree'^chatrsV rug. heat, electrlo Uglit and

janitor' service. Address Heoaonable. Box18 , New* office.HALSEY BT.. B7—Rents *10 to *90 monthh ;

gtorea ihowrooTOA studios, offices; all im- provettients; electric; ■team; f**- . power; cheapest rent in Newark. Inquire of owner. A O. PETIT, 722 E*ae* buUdlng.____________

t'LATS moved in uadded vaae, 2"•ervlce: don’t be mlslM- HOBfSQN 9S3 Bprlngflfl-l avb . lel. 20qftJ W*v.. or 8767J ^av.f l a t s , 2«»7 Seymour ave.; five end sl x larg .

llglii rrKuns: sill Improvenienu; good tifigi,. borhood; nnsr trolley; rents. sli andiVVFLATS—Four nice rooma and bath; Janitor

eervlce; rent *13.30. 4*3 South Thir­teenth el., corner Fifteenth eve.FLAT—Six rooms, *t*am heat, electric llgbi.

all Improvements; rent *31, 207 Runyonst., one block from Clinton ave. _______FLATS—198 Thirteenth ave.; four roornB;

nantry. toilet, wash trays, etc.; rent fl-. Inquire KIRCHNER. top floor. _______FLATS—Four and five rooms, all Improve­

ment*; rent *14 and * 16. 410 Badgerave,, near Wateon. ,FL.AT of three pleaeant rooms, very central, !ti

quiet house: rent * 1.1. adult*. 82 Green st , near Columbia stf l a t to let; 386 Washington *t.: seven rooms

and balli: all Improvements except neat.

HIGHLAND AVE., 131-fitore end three room*.been a grocery store for twenty years; a gijoo

stand for a live man; rent t ib .___ _________OKIN balldlng. corner Binit and WtihlnglM it*.

-Single or tn enlte. sll (Dodeih eonveolen^s,. * >_._J . I.-I.a an.1 ■*-


FLORIDA farm.: no o*«h until drop* pky;to .ores, 1660. p .ynbl. 10

f a r m e r , room 46t, Ffttb Av.BU. bulwlnf, cor. TwentY-thlra, N .w York.


tor flrn c h oUer. or will mako lniluc«nn<nt« to b u lld w well worth investigation. JOHN F. O'BRIEN. Ordway building.



ll-room r..t4*nc.; FotMl Hill ooctlon; all moft.rn tmprov.ment.; plot 60x186; frontage on two streets; grounds beauti­fully laid out with lawns, shrubbery, grape

f P*g1ftrerB' clues* nerw being formed 1ri nf#«ich , Greek. German, Bpanlsh, lUllan « d pk o plK’6 LOAN AND BROKERAGE CO.. . laUn; private or c bu ItMon. given at Kp®®' ,gs m ark e t ST., or rofldence; school open* from 8 A. U. to 8 L P. M.; ealA^fue on application.


’ I Protpeet pL, oor. Mala at.. East Orange. « OloMM In rranob, Oorman, Spanltb, Itol- a, IM twle* dally. Prlvait leoeen* at school - «r raddsBoa from * A. H. lo * P- M.\ Catalogue oa request.' langiiagei oommeroiai point of vtewi

Inipoptaiit; are yon ..........................* b v tta t If s^ address BBO Main stl, East Orangs.

„ io Mexico Of.OF. DK VARONA>

D ranutlc and E loctttlo ii•BO. 0 . 6 lMIT&AP, Profeeslonol Coach, Eloon-

ttrau atoge triialng, amateur theatricals and B' HkfteTllIe aete Reached. Special itteDilon elocu-

tiok etudeats. Btodlo, 36 New it.; boars, 1-0.

B M ljceltaneoni)

Room 401. Fou^h Floor

188 MARKET ST.Office Hour*!

9 A. U. to 6 P. M. B^urdiyo. » P. M.


COflGROVK d e t e c t iv e ., 92 Park Place, AGENCY. NEWARK. N. J.

This agency has the advantage of more than 10 years' expsrlenoe In olvll and orira- Inal matters. Expert dloUgraph service.

p r iv a t e NTJMING. oonfitieBien*caies-M Ri, MART HARMON, ptivate h ^ a


406 West Twenty-third *t., near Ninth ave,, take Lackawanna, Central or Erie Rallros^ iTwer.ty-thlrd street) ferry to New York; easily found. Hours 9 lo ft; ftonday, 1 to 9. ___MATTRESSES renovated at customers r^>

(twice by lb* Improved method: a fuU else maUress, 12.26: we handle a full line of bed*

................ -- KO:ding and n il retail at wholesale price*.:iAN A PABHKOW, 21 Market st,. N. J.:7phone W9l Market.

Ns’to rr-ivraiVa

QRADCATE MIDWIFE; MRS. DMJWBB, 198 Mulberry *L, oomer Market; ^ o r e on

Springfield av*.; lodlco' private nurclbg; oon

arbors, variety of fruit and ahade tree#; an Ideal horns; a splendid investment; land eione worth the money.

Make appointment hy malU or phone or call for key. But


Essex building. Newark, N, J.'Phone Market 4447.

b e a u t if u l farm, 7D acres, S8-rooin house, completely furnished: Pine Bush, Ulster

County, S. Y- equity over small mortgage *18.000; want income property subject to oiJo mortgage; give particulars In first let­ter or no attention. J. ISAACSi 810 Broad ■t

'K-ACRB farm, in Monticello, Sullivan County, N. Y.i beautiful 12-room house:

elevator, gas^ electric heat and servlc*:rent reaeonable. Boots Ip a r t of swre for rent, near Four Corners;

good location for electrical business: rent rea­sonable. Address Blor*. Box 90, New* office.STORE. Verona »ve„ near Bummer ave,--A

good buslneo* location: splendid opportunity for any bualneee. Inquire on premlee* or J.m e c h a n ic , 84 Magnolia st Waverly.

'phone 1903W

STORE at busy lunotton of Central ave. and Warren st,; large dlsfiley 'vlndow*: rant

reasonable to qp-to-dato Union building, 9 Clinton at.; tel, S496M Mkt.

f if t e e n t h a v e .. 6t8—Five large, light rooms; third floor; oppoelte school: all

ImpTovetnonts; rent *13.50 per month. Ring w flSfi'fl bell. _________________FIFTEENTH AVE.. &35—Four nice Urgi

fairy rom*: tubs, lollet. gas; rent HI; hell:» furnished. Inquire within, HIGGINS, ond fleor.


FOUR roms, all Improvements, except bath, three-family house; rent *11. Inquire

MRS. BESSLAND. 68 Brenner st„ near Roas st. ____________FOUR and ftv« rooma; all latest Improvp-

metitSi beam .celling, paniry, from and Barit porches; new'iiouse; * f l ; 116. 34fl Sixteenth ave. _______________FOUR large light rooms and bath; fino

condition: near three iroUeys; 217 Sher­man ave,; rent *13.50. Inquire premises.

FOUR roonis. new brick house; gas, *l*ctrlc, range, bath; rent *16: marbl* stair*, SB

Bruen *t., near Lafayette st. __________

STORE and three roOTn* to fet: suitable for any busine*#. 62 Abbottafofd %y».

etORE, 342 Proad WMv J. ETTINaJ St,; shop tn rear. Inquire

L 34T Broad st____sewer and water In street: centrally located: | b p r im o f ie LD AVE., 7S*: at Twenty-first

. . . _ ------------------------------ .en .n r „ t 616 each; jood bua1na«»----------- - • 'phone

subl^ct to a small mortgage; equity *B,060. Mchange for equity in pioie or Income p erty onfl cash. J- ISAACS. 810 Bro^ sLw a v e free and clear farm to exchange tor ^ t y proTsr^. Address DOBSON. Box 128. News office. —— — |—


CLINTON HILL *nap—To settle an eetate, must sell dandy new ooe-famlly hou*e. seven

room* and bath, steam heat; decorated; near Bawthosme Ave. Bchool: worth *4.000; pnoe 98,900: terms. *250 cash; balance Instalment mortgage; also good one-family, Miller sL; 1 rooms and hath, oil impts.; price *3.600; terms $400 cosh, balancs straight mortgagee «e o good two-famiiiy. Clinton Hill; price |8,500i temte 9400 cash; balance li.etalment mortgage, 4, LEWIS FIACRE, 926 Essex bldg.__________

BO ACRES of cultivated farm land (no hoiije) to let' locallob, Northfleld av*., Ttest Or­

ange; JW a year. Apply to A. CUTTTRUP, 78 rgntre st.. Orangey ----

F A R M S W A N T E DSMALL farm wanted: give full particulars

and lowest price for ce&h. Addres* Farm. Box 60. News ------------ -


aoctlon, En*rav*r, IW Bprlniflald ava. 8(196 Market.WAI-NUT BT-, 107-106, Comer New Jersey

Railroad ave.—large comer store, rent lift; ■mall store, rent >12- Key on premtses.


FOUR light roome, ail improvements: rent 119.50. Inquire at «5l South Eighteenth

st.POUR large, light rooms, with bath, range

and air ImprovementB. EMckerspn at.ferry 9T.. 183, corner Van Bucea—Four

large light rooma: all Improvements;everything new; rent *12,60. Inquire SCHLESINGER'S Shoe Store, 174 Ferry st.FIR&T ST., 242—Four and five rooms; rent gui

per month; Iminediata poeseaslon. C. J. KiBBAN, 32 Clinton st-_________ ________GILLETTE PL-. ®t4^Four nice light ro^ s:

part Improvements; newly decorated; rent *15. Key. GBOSSMAN-ILLMAN CO-, 5l2 Ee- sex building. ___________________

AT MENDKAM, N. j .—Large Otora. elx rooms: rent *36; has been occupied oe

dry goods and notion store for 17 years;good chance for sraull deparinient store.

LO D G EBO O M S a n d h a l l s t o LEI'



the AMERICAN a aurpnslQgiy dlfforent instl- tuUon from tbs ordinary low hear or read about. Courteous smployea. bright, cheerful offlc**. considerate treatmwi.raiee you <^n afford to pay, makee u* dlf'--- ----

leesoDS given Itt hairdrefalng.

ferent If you have never arrowed, or If your expertenoe with other companle# hsa not bean eTUIrely saUefoetery. w* y<>u to ^ 1 andsee ua Let us explain the AMERICAN sys-

ftoemenii: h!fb-ol**i axpoi^ ce tor r f* « i |oma tTWimaot 11 daatrad. 'Phew »a8*W VMt~



'Pbona *0«4 Markat MBWAlIK. W J.IDL'.TANA piBk ooaak tint for t lo t lm r tw to

4 (I'M: alnotutalr Iwnolaaa Asd wlU iu4 oft; ^ rtMO A . iMt

'.waik. V. 1any dsportmeot store O'r at ERVflLT. 218 Washington st„MASBAOE and remedial mqvemonU glTon tar

the troatmenta general ^debility, muMulorj

,ng. fee* mosiage, »hajTi]>oolng ani i«m. It will plsase you.treatmeni: New York mrthrKls taught .

lA B. HII-TS. 87 Sautli Orange ave.; ------ Market. '

'lady, osperlscced In a llege pre- ~‘ ^torr work; Laila. Engli^. mathematics;

. asilsted eleoienctry eubfects; refer- Addseu M.. Box 29. Nows office.

... In English, history, _ _ elgebra; refrranca given.X. X-. gsneral deliver)-. Elisabeth.wont* puplli orithmeuc, e

la o tn ic llo n W an tednSVA TB UtMtniotlonB In English lanauate

fa ' doMrad br a young man. .t ZTMBERa. Ii7 Ayqo av*. ,


Call, Writ* or 'Rwaa Inforniatloo Froa AMERICAN LOAN CO..

78T BROA0 ftT,

rbeuinatlo and nervous affection*; hour*. 10 A. M.. ft P. M., Mon.. Wed., and Bat 5fl89 PRAr^CES RUSBELL, 26 Burnet i tLAI>rB8. a t t e n t io n —Wby pay l*«. and

KOo. for poi^ 7 I maka the earn* thing tor 19c.; twitohoi, transformation* mode from oombtngs: ^1 .^&rk guaranteed-WOLF, It* Ninth i t

S ! 3 & » a i A l, waaklopen svening*: infoTmatien worn while t# stout women. CUl this week. 4 FroiMet M..

Phone 8*29 MorheLOpen Monday and Boturday INsnlBfa




60(1 Banltaiy Locked Rooms,st.fiO snd up.

•VANS----- -- -------fl FOR MOVING.'tenced and careful Mssl

LOW RATES.Its Token Up, Cleaned and Belaid. 'latTHWATT & VAN HORN CO..


ymUfTTURB and ptonos moved In padded vtas; gtored in separate room*; help fur-

OMhod’-lhe beat- 9peoloi rotes for winter soo- Ntflonal Rtoroge Co., 9S4-990 Plane st.

..GTON BTORAGB CO.. 274-ITft Wash-__ i flL, qojTiMr, light, well ventilated stor-

^ J Q taonihi moving rates raasopqhla

of a square deoJ. eourteeoa tssatmenv, evwiT eonslderatloa and a reosonsbl* charge, tt

ed o f awe hsndi* your business, when lu nse<

QUICK CA8BaoooamodailosL There will be IStUe or no delay In bending you the money, OS we ore tn a position to supply any oas that eoA re> turn same In weekly or monthly luatalmenta Quickly, Privately and ^ thout Red Tape, Annoyance or ineonvenienoe.




3 A ITK H rPTCY S A liETEUBTBE b a l e ef Unoolleoted Book Ae-

ite—The undorelgned* iruetee lo bonk- of Charles B. Cooantt trading os B.

it Ron. ^ It eell o t ^ ^ f o ano*•A jeo t to Moflrmatlon oT the oonrt 'ed^eaday.. November ^ L ® '•*

In the forenoon, at room ! F*re-I jga^lnff, Newar^ V. 3.j ^e^

•eootthu o f ateve-Romed henk-

Bntranee next to cblld'e LunehroesL Open Monday and Saturday Brenltift.

East Orange.ffrBGLABflBR eosh or eri

-odlnf stotnpa acre ,t o tll or wtUe. I id eyesight speeioll

________ • credit} emtpens andV rS ij.r iA '" G < 8 3 S !men’- — --

tered eyesight Newark.

le t *1 Warren pi.

SACRIFICE SALE. Orchard it., good elovwi- rom houee, bath, steam heat; fine opportun­

ity for boarding or furnished-room house; also eould oonvert Into & two-family; out-of-town owner must rale* cosh; price |6,000j offer wonted. J. LEWIS FUCRB, 029 Eaeex bldg.

FACTORY building, 75 ft. square; block from trolley and railroad station. GAR­

RETT HBNNES8BY. 76 Ocean ava.. Long Branch, N. J- __


BRAND-NEW atto-dat* one-faJnU/ dwoUlng: aCR) feet from sUtabeth ave, and trolley; T

rooms and bath; ol! improvwnenta; aMtlngtftrdod: oasy termai offar considered to eKect imiBedial* sola Apply at onoe, 91ft Uhlorboildlni^MODERN tadtona Umsttoae tw o-fom ^ bowe;

every appettoPoe of a prtnte dwellnigj oor- •r Aron s ^ ’ eacy ares.; three mlnotes mm two Kies of trolieyai lot 4T *lir”fest

JONAHAN BTONB CO.. Plum Point Use. Newsyk. __________________ _______________fSOft GABH-^wntT bis new on*-f*ml

all ImpTOwementi; larae lot; five n___ station, Lackawanna ^Itrou;^ wlU Mil tor

I 000 BQ. 7T.. north light, drop most, freight elevator, steam heat, stsotrlo power.On* loft. 4.000 tq. ft-, light all orounda One loft, ft.ftBO tq. th, lAwrwace f t ; very

low rent: steam hsat and electric power.Motors Inslalled fret oi charge and kept M

ordtf.Will build tMtOTles on Meehaalo et, to suit UDonhJAMBB M SEYMOUR JB., OWNER,

^ ANT BROKiDt_ --------ftl-ftS LAWRENCE

PIRIIPROOP _ lO F T B -W M S ^ SL, m block from Pennsylvania Railroad; OfM left, ,000; also one 2,000 sq>. ftL; plenty of U g^

niOQUOia HALL, to lat )»«*•, dAUcaa. whtaU. bftDquata. ate.; aHOTOOM « •raalnia: raMOoabla; oaotral. F.BACH. 2 0 waaiilnirmn at., tto^naia oM«.___e

s t a b l e s , e t c ., t o l e t

BRICK Wabla tor all horaaa; p l » ^ Y»J‘* Bearing st.; ----YORKand shed room; located on Bearinj

rent reasonable. Inquire NEW GRO. CO., 83 Boston sL______ ___

A P A R iT M E N T S, b o o m s a n d f l a t s TO LET

APAOTM16T8—Te !at •* CliaHwiIiaiii Hatch B u t, South BalinoaC at'Clmtan ava^ alx

and bath aputmaota; Ralalih, Hunt-___ — apartnae_ _ _ _ia lllt and Tha llaadoA St- Proapaai and

■ ----- -1HI WOBaaond avu ., «aoi w d ate roatn apart D ,st.; Natan asd WalUuftoR, Bntb Twaatlaih tt. at Cantial ava,. four and flva r » m a 616 tnd 6601 tha aSava apartmantt

Feat;' eie^rlc elevator; with or without pinNTi J. BTTOM A BONB. io l ". Market s tBUILDING, 18,060 square feet; strest

cemsut iSri^ ' ‘

f ln t parmtot ef 1800 down, bslanoe c« mert- f S i ^ M r e M ALLWOOD, Box 124. New*efflee.__________ _____________________ MWBBQUAHIO PARK—*9,000. two-family hmM

for *ft|800; 19 rooms, llrst apartnsnt bed-

squoro feet; second , 9,000 square tsst;' _to__*ll rallreadA_ to*

roomi aod bstb on seeoDd floor; all modern Id - BtevemeBtij plet 88x100; strMt paved* a rare e^ p ^ n lty . JOHN F. O'BRIBN, Ordwty fauQd- iBg. _______________________BIGSTH ATEv, near Broad st-^Ono-tantily

m.aouss; stabl* and wagon shed rear; let 26s ISO; at A bargain; 91,0oo sash: sevon room* and boAht oU Improvemanisi hot water heat* good oshdftlaBv Address persona], 847 Brood st.CXilHTON BILL—One-tamlly, 8 reoBtol eH. ------------- _l^a tffa.ImprevMBenu but electricity l plot ftftk 109; elese to Clinton eve; on flno suwet; twe-eor garage; price r .SOO. JOHN 7.

MRS. GRUICH. German graduate nddwlfo, with Tong y w * ‘ experience; ladles’ prleoto

nursing; oonflneroeaU, trsatments _at_hwito 66 Seuln Orange ave.: phone 9159W. Morttet.

LABItA, EARN 989 TO. Ito.WBBKLy.Leora TOsnlourlng:, facial

ment, shampoolhg. eto.; dt] ble Nsiw Jersey aebocl. ftiT

diploma*“ms&.Wojhtngtea s t

MATTRB99M, guilts evf^ o a s t o ^ i“la tssu i

prion.Halduea, Il'.lKr'Bp; b u t n r t fiu n taad i

mattiaataa, _ b.aLONDA’S, SM gprlnifUia ava, I 'phaaa

jotr^oa^wamUt.', 233 and 265 Hllh at. Wlf,HULUN.

bOFTS WITH POWERa k d btbam h e a t .





TOR RENT—Splendid factory spoo^ Ja- qulre Rootlua LsboraterlM. Now Stouten-

b ^ g building, eor. Plane and Aoidemy sto,, Newark. ______

two-oor garage OBRIEN, Ordway building,


urgjj* Htl new JwO'fomll;IsUrrevements, for *900 cosh;

_ sat; must n il quick. Add Box lftl» News office.

,90d s tm t,paved sDoloiteo rsOS BTiARK*

11.199 BUYS oosy home, only Uttto «MR needed; 14,900 b^-i two<£amUyi v a n y

ether bwgafna ORBtGN. iio ftroraews bldg.

OABP^TTIIB sod eeMnet-maksr, of every descrlptloa dene

■webl«> 297 South Bereath fiqQtb Orange Sf* ________

eoe Meek ftiuD




m . tto, Hda IBO. fftO. STD. MOft. Cnesm t and best pioos to


FAYHfarm.IF YOU WORK___ __

OpB m mOAN YOU MojnrrB iN T lA liT , .. A. 61. to « F. M.

CHIBOPODIBT-HTBB 6L OOBDOH, all Mat allmanta tn»iad; **aial_ m a a w : tatttnr-

Im tea nalla mira*. » Halwy V.MBS. KICBHOBN, darmaa traBiata arid-

wita, Ufeaa eonflnamant eaaaai pHaata

BC81NE6IS N O T H IB 8M W JSM KT faaoHiiBj^ OutmlariaB Ca.-

Wa WUI 6o all^tba warb M.tap af.ywirat tba lavaataaitbait fllat laeOai ] S e * a v ^ : avT rnfa

tan r ^ l m . fuanaCaad taa raan;ear* wlU brlaa our j w

DWSLUNO bb4 lan ce , oloaa ta atBtoa ava.i lat ™1W; _ w Im flf a » If IstaraataB •••Kn MHfaWj RAivai «o._w. U 60WIW

ALT. 606 ntam W . balWIa


■t'aetb at„ iiro-tasiUY M W Iflaa Tuma; lot 6txl60j wall m ta d i

oonTanlant to RohvIII, atatloa aad oan .

l o f t . a e » aj, a i u n t aU alBaai V S ’* ' T « a i powar alrntor: baatijnoB m tmlialini oanttal. a B. TOWNLKT. Bhlpman « .

rooma 6.6 aao . .a .ara naw and tiava all modarn oonraiilaneaa; all eotalda rooma; Immadlaja poaawlon;

! 8§ ! i ' S , W n >ina-, tal. *660 MarWat-


AFa H TM NT houaa W». 1 « Bmawiak ii.,n S r Wrlabt; raady for oeoupanor-rtva llfht

1. ba&; daooratad; taa. aiaotrlcltii prl- Imll iombwaltar, ball luU or aaiYlca: lock all tn llay.: walblnf dlManaa llarkat

room..6na'blocW '.ulrbii^7w »® n* SS lajoa'il^ lioi and Broad: rofannoaa roqulrad^ For iMp.o-

AFARTUSNT6I—Bavan lar(a rooma atoam baat. alaotrla llth ta vacuum oloanar.

modom dacorattona; ona bleak naw normal ■eboat. tan mlnutaa L aokaw um ainnt t i f -

166. M North Broad at, or FDWARD W.IARTIN. 16 Batbaata pi. 'Tal. 168 Branot


HILL »ei!ilon. 6 rooma. both,, onl y. . . . . .616 Woodslda section, 6 rootris, Impts., only, IIS

HlJl section, 6 room*, bath. aU Impts. ..*14 Many others. QRBEN. RIO Firemen's bldg.HIGHLAND AVli].. UJ3—Five large, light

roomi, *10; Highland uve.. 131. tour largf. Itghl rooms. *0 and t U . water, gas. paper sml paint to suit._________ ____________________ _h ig h l a n d AVB.. 16, near Park ave. and

high school—Four or five rooms, aU Im* provemenia inquire Hfl rsrker st._______HUNTERDON BT.. 748—Five roorns: all

Improvements; newly decorated; 113 and *14. J. NEVILLE, second floor_________

front flat; lightIMPHOVED Becond-floor rooipBi two blocks from trolleys at vvaHhlng-

ton ave, and Irving flt. Inquire premises, ftl Wlnthrop p t . _______________________

MADISON AVSr. ftSBr oorner South Blgh- toflttlh at.““71ve and &g-

provementa; *19 and |17. MBS. DRESS- LBR, third floor. __________ ____________ _

APARTMENT. Tb# Walton. M igvtbUi. aw*.. otRotevtlle Ay» Statlon-^Ftoest leoatloo In

the city; sUom heatod apartaaent Mx rooms ofid bath; parquet floors; J e t e r ’s ssrrlea; r u ts *85 up. 'Phone ftifti W aw ly.r u ts *85 up.

lofts: steam h*atod; for UgM maau- ^ihfrpfcy and labor; tft Nikola *L

BRIOL-w .................. ... -footunDg: exoelleat tor

pow*r Ifdsalreili *10 up.LOITS, with power and steam heat; ^ 1 2 ^ Tight on tw r sides- WILLIAM R O nO R CO., MB Broome st.XibH to ftaftOD feetp' with powor, Hem

January on; LOOO feat, with powsr. Apply 4T» WoAlhlagtoB ft.

m t WaT.________________ ___________ __TOP fleor to lat, with ipwar. Inbulra B. ^B■YBB,_7^6_So^rt!^JFw»^•nthJL^2^^


R E A L M T A T E F O B S A L E —O U T O F T O W

B loopi fie ldBfaVSK-IIOOlf houaa; tultabla far t« « tarn- “ llaai t ■ --------- - ----------lot 66x161: ona mlnuta fmm trollar;flva to atatlaai larpa aniokan rmi, (vaM arbor and fruit traoa. 44 arodkalda pi., BlooraflalA ,u > m ft.. M ta n n i tamid. n o

d m ni,W d BM sfti^iib, drv and in W iM V tnUari mia ■uarantaad. wk. fa btoLAlN.4T Waal Ibtrti^ourtb at, Naw Tailt CItr.

O teo B ld f*

WANT to buj one-lamllT houaa, walblnf dla- Usoa at Mirbat and Eboad ita.. (waat)| m o

APASTMBNT. farafjll . a » t t ^ and ptano^Oantrallr lucAWd: madam

Caim I alo-

vator apaitmantai fwir to n it i rooms; oom- Plata l^rovainama: rants fST.DO to F7B. PltlST A FEIBT. 758 Broad.APAfaTMFNT. « Broad W.—Fjm: hmdaonw

rooma. tuad bath, taara, alaatrisllr, daemnt- ed. new bi^dtovi ta»*4Uto possession. In-

goB. water, toilet; oonvenleDt tubes and Hahne's; »U; adulto- H Park st.

HUNTERDON ST.. eflS-Corn«r three-fainUy house, flat, five roome; all impl* ; reasonable

renl. .HIGH ST.. 484, near Bloomfield av®.—Beauti­

ful flats; rive rooms, ull Inipls, except heat; light: fllry; rent *15. * 1 H _____________

JAMES ST., 148—Four roome, first floor; rent *10. Inquire eeoond floor.

MER8FBLDBR Conatructlon Cov offers Grat floor apartment new two-famlw otuooo

houM, toft ^ t h Seventeenth at.; six rocotob bath; pwqu*l floors; hardwood trim: baaiuad aa!lln«a; handaomaly d eco ra ^ ; slactrlo licbt. Offlca, 16»1 Flremtn'a build- lux; talapbena I6T1 Market._______________

MAGNOLIA 8T.. 84, OOT- Barken—Four rooma to lot on flrat floor; ^ a , water, tuba and

porch: rent 618.60 ____________________ _MERCHANT 0T„ 41. aaoond floor—Four

large, light rooma; water and gaa.NOBTH SECONiy ST.. « 8- B a ^ flati lU

flna raomi; decorated; ttla batt; pantry: all Improvamtata; oeparato atearm baatara; modar- ala rant. __________NBW 8T.—Third floor; five

NEW ST., 1416-Flat, a « m roOIM, bath: all llaht and airy: from Novambsr 16; rent |24.

HI GOBBKE, Matffpolltan bnlldlng.NEW IT., »l~Thra roonii md l»Uj. for light

hbnwkawlDg. Apply 601B. HlLIa In fur atora _________ ______________ _NBWTON s t .. 4h-Fl»a light rooma and bath;

all Improvaaauta axeapt heat; adulta only.OBANOB ST., 4g»-Four rooou; all traprova-

Mnte. eieapt beat; two blocks from etatlon: l(L GBOKQ® B. v i s DYNE. 4M Orange at-

quire Hultot®a p a r t m e n t Jaanetta. 466 C«jron jstw ,

near Bergstti JaiiitBr esrrieei hut wotor:

Seam hekt: na* loeatloa for doetor. 41ft1 - —Itlnton ava.

APARTMBNT^lftft B tm siu it buiifh: tlys roams and Mlh; tti

kTOa. Votlf-VUiKsaa Asaw — — - - i t S k O l hSS*,.,

OwnCT, ftftft Scratk Tklrieeutb s t , near 0 ^ g - fleld ay#a ___________APARTMUMT Aiise«la»

Four ^hd £ provemi Janitor.

r E [ve room* a n d _ b ^ j oI\ Jto';rovements; noor * “ -Sviitb St. BtaHona Apply

tonot of Market ana sraao era. ww j t . ■ •>•>» w __—down. AddrwMi House, Box 8». News ofboe. \ APARTMSNTp Market ri.,

- ■ ......... - ' j Ugbt rooms. taTprorsinekm nekr dope*-, jp -FiminonirD nnirncn ri,nv

t l M C T O F T O W NO BTO RUNT—Fumlahed or onfantahad, ar for j ^

aala In Baat Oranga, boma,- U» fast back t m tba atraMj Itrga. wau Uiadad gronnda and larga, pndnatlTa gay. d u i firo mlnutaa’ waUr from ataUan. Addraaa Vallani. gaW Qraagal*. O , ^ BOlW lff*-,.

aa aacoapttanaily Ineatad a p a r t m e n t , ■ ^manta: ataapi Baa*:

Innufra lit WalMiia « t . Jraltw.M trUt! 116.

F V R in S H E D H 06JB E 8 TO. ItSTC

A P A B T I^ itf *manta but baat. Intniro sMro. n * Mut* batrr at. ■« __________ ■ "AFTOH n . . M - t ; *

UP-TO-DATE alfhi.reom ataam haalad Im aa:' '■fProramnnrotlM*! rod

A s s j f - s s . ' s S d S f i r s n ^ a ^

i - '

PLANE ftTee TO^ kies bright room*; water, hiMd* tS r a to ^ ts * ; rent only f ik to-

Iff? J S S g CT J. C. MOCThfer, W graad atgalPLANE 8T,. 66—Four larg# ro^ma m 4 Ulad

l*th ; oantrally looatad. Inuulro VICTOR kCOBY, Hotel Lanox, 86 Central ava.

PIERCB BT., 67. near Bprlniflald ava,—Five roome, alf Improvamenta. 614. Inqulro

647 Bprtngfleld ave.RUNYON BT., 26U, near Oaborrn twraoe-

Saoond floor; B-famUy brlok houee; 6 ro^ e , Mtb u d pantry; 117; all improvomenti. Pram- ItWh or f TshER'S bakery. Rose and Llv- luaten eta ___________ __________

BOOTH Tl roome; el

nve.; rente

flUUTH 7 s

74 \Vl1ltn4ryI k ' tnurTT’iT


iftr-G-famlhjithB(mT h Th


p>»( flnJaenil $19.;K[

' k


ROBB BT., IMi-80; m « Bomereat at.—^ u r roontt. Ihree-famlly h o w ; all « « » -

laacai,.nine location: rent J1*.„W4', on pratnlaaB or J. QKlN, 868 Washington eLr o s e ST.. 81—Four romk » f ‘h manta: rant 6lf-_iSS?*'* on promMaa «r i i atratioro pL. b r o p t .RENT l » t until D acam ^ It from

Norwood o tl fonraente at roosotoahl* rats*- Inqulr* i n . t S «S »e ' __________________flUMMBR AV®„ 4»S-*eoOBd flror,

"®™-. ro « i. !!4!SLhiTwBW hSit; Sw rom i; frm for Smmbef. Me S. ¥ dJOT1KB> Smmpn

5 ^ ;

rii. lar«6•Dill rpRftnr

r''iii l.lll ■FJTn K Vfri;,

AiiuS holsi I ID 11. .':ri7hi I I Fl M \N

J hiili llO Itl'JLil1 II I K1 I

I m;>i <‘i Dill*ir'i. GEP fa tV:il..i|l Hf fltiiT, file' 1dfi'oralfd, I'l).. •SKI nTf I I KT

I n-ilD.-. h 1.V4 ThLnl

T'- LKT.

7 1 M'Rl

rfp|*-i f'llM h' J MILT'.‘ ' 1 1 AM

■ '-Ji:1 ,\l ;i 1

1 i !HKK !fi •

I I'l'K,': yr'Hi'iip . / I

; ■ fV.\f| '■L«T 1

iin liw

V a i i^ htiarni 111

china ■\ ' .1.:

n-I »

tr;: li^Mt iT u v ' t



fcparAfft- 'lgl;l ar.d for i-ni*year?. r«r 4? Inirrah

EAST o:fafnlly I

ttc. naai WnjfatsAir lO'tVf-r

EAST 'JI ments;

h Ton mu, tor eervlc

K \h T <: room t

on# hloc Stetino.EA8T Ol

flva 11' E H.VMI




Et , UufrlFOT'Ft a

in fine Plank ro

r n

f l b :

* l'<" Kl ^ KSOA



e - f o n q i r e O Q

S. In*H i l n r

o r l U BiUtlnw;

; t a l l i ;- m

I, b k k t h : i .I B V « .I t . I « > u r

> t | l t o r

• - f i m ' l v c r , E H «

, 9 l l f f T i K e l e c ' 9 a v 9 , ;

idIftQUlre, fcgent.niprt)V9' t i F o u r ’

b 11 * m - t h t f u r - i o n * v e .>'|V9 fin* d b & t b ; ftOBKE.t room*;led

for two»l., third

nlOB f t ; « . l l I m -

3 r o * d f t .*11 I T U '

flCHAT■ n * r F i f -

* n d v i c e . I n -

l a r t m e n t ; I a n . n e a r d l e o n * v .i r h b a t h r e n t «:0 e r f i c o r .

ov*tnBTit*es‘ wi,h(; a d u l t e .

• t r o i l « y e ; $ 1 3 ' a l M o r . l A n g .n l l y ; 20Improve- r e a t i t .i i a T T i h * f t t i $ 2 T . I n -

hulldinE. : h p i . a n f l

r s t f l o o r :b7 Nelson

i n e r * v e . , j u s t I l i i -

I f r e e I f:CHANrc.v e r l y .■ t o r e a n d r e a r ; l w < *

T t i f i u l r e f » 7

l o a d ; t%’ 1 2 . 6 0 . M . V W a T C T l y .111. reUabl'* ON'S &S3 t767J War,: a l xo o d n e i g h - 1. h ; J a n i t o ruib Thli-

c t r l c l i g h t ) T R u o y o i i

ur rooRiBi ; r e n t f l 2.

I l r o | » r o v e - 1 0 B a d g e r

■ c e n t r a l , i n S U r e e n i t ,

lei'en toomi ) t h e a t .a r g e . l i g h t s c h o o l : d l l o n t b . R i n g

n i c e U r g i t S 1 1 ; l i a l l » G I N S , K e o -

x c B p t b a t h ; 1. Inquire

S t . , n e a r

a t I m p r o v e - n t a n d b a r k I d S i x t e e n t h

b a t h ; f i n e ; 2 ! 7 S h e r - i r e m l e e s .; a s , e l e c t r i c ,

italrt. 86

m e n u : r a n i E i g h t e e n t h

b a t h , r a n g e I c k e r a o n s t .

B u c e n — F o i i r p r o v e m e n t s ; 0 . I n q u i r e M F e r r y a t ,i m a : r e n t g i o l i o n . C . J .

l i g h t r o p t n a ; o r a t e d ; Y e n t C O . s M 2 E b -

nly..........118;a.. only^tlS m p t s . . . .$10 omen's bldg,

l a r g e , l i g h t , f o u r l a r g r , IS, i^per and

irk ava. and Dina, all tm- r at.________

roorna; all : e d ; 1 1 3 a n d i r .

thre«’famllys ; reaaonable

a v e . — B e a u l l - , e x c e p t h e a t ;

I flat; light I at Washing-

premleea, 61

*at floor; rent

9. ottara flrat amlfy atuooo I.; mx ToooA Iwood trtoa: t deporatadi amtik'ii butld”

South sigh -aa: lateat fm-[R8. DRESS*

n—Four rooma iter, tuba and

I floor—Four nd gaj,_____oond flat! iJx h; pantry; all Mktera; m< «r*

light rooma: Dt tub«a and Park ft.

oma, bath: all r lo: rest Idlng,bath, for light B tL t, ta lur

Mmf and bath;a d u l t * o n l y *

i: all troprov*' I f r o m f t a l l o n ; 4M Qranga bln>om*; watar.

MHiB and tiled quire VICTOR tral ava,_____laid ava—Five |14, Inquire

oom* terrace— louao: 6 rcMonf. vemenu. Pr*ni-' OM and I4v-

eroei *t.-^Four ; all oonoMi*

114. Xiuluir*WaihingtOB f twUh Improv*-iD p m n liit or

4; note U t . lH

ra-room apart* la q o tn ll>»

ir floor, foran It priTate hall; d; fria nair for

J76 Bnaupar

I—Socoad SZT: Bad; w olaaB* grata rotrat f c ',


TO LO T80DTH TENTH ST., « |g-~riv« and fix

rooma; all Improvement^ n«ar Springfield avQ.; rente l ie and tU . Corner Sklnkle at,S0UTO ErOHTBENTH ST.. 434. ii*ar South

i . i r a n g * a v e — F i v e l a r g f . t i g h t r o o m * e n d b a t h ; n i c e l y d e c o r a t e d , i n q u i r e p r e m l * * « -SOUTH EIGHTEENTH BT„ m —five

lonnrc; pert Improveniente; ref&t |18> in­quire lae South Eighteenth el,f t t i U T H T W K I . F T H S T . , 4 7 S - F o u r r o o m a .

bath, ell light; «me|] family; st.60; the kay la ihflff Inquir* Bowery at.S O T T H I r W F . L i - ' T H , U C . n e a r C e n t r e ! a v e . -

F B ' e - r c K ’ j u f l a i ; a i l t r o i ' r o v e m e m a e i c r p i h e a l , f i r i l f l o o t . r e n t t l 4 .S ^ J I ’ T H N I N K T R E N T H H T . , H * — T h r e e

l o n s n * a i J i l l » e i h . I A p p l y H . W . F A U L . 74 \ V l i l t D 4 - j r elf'l'T H ciflAMlPl AVR , >*0>_FlTat floor in

two-famliy houee, rent |1S; ils rontoa eiul h a t hB t t l ' T H I ' k A . V B K A V E - . 1 8 8 — F o u r n i t - e r e o m a

a i i j t M i h t . a t . d K H i . I n q u i r e I H t S e c i n d f l n r . rFl'JUNGF'lt;i.Ii SVE. H2rt-fl2v-S!* room flu:*.

J i i e l f l n J a h e d : h\\ 1 m | > r e . e x c e p t h e a t , r e n t | I 7 enil $18- A & 8. I.a NG 27‘J Flfleenth av*.bl'Kl.NCFlKUl AVK., near High at Flat.

Th I- larg«-. rooma. all i n i | > i 'vementa.r tii rpaannahir- iv.o irlmiiea fronj <-'.iirthou*e.,8l|M|iT dlp.taiM*» fr<'rti Rroiid and Mark"!

- t - F U •• l . ^ r g e T - i o n i s ; t w n . f a m i l y h o u a e ; r < » i i i l l f i F l K l ' l . K H I ‘ o r p o r a l l o n , r i r e m e n ' e l " i i - l n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _KTf’IK SI monthly, moving, $4 a load; pi-

ftiioi holiie-l. $3 euch. Newark htorage Ware- liio.ia, nfiT Wftshliigton at.: 'phone 47i)8 Mkl,

W K N U H E D R<|6 m b t o U TSow, tori*- f r « ‘

room, auifahle for on# or two geatleitiin, fiehte heal, baifa. _

83—Two front connecting room* id floor; tiBpro<>e-BUBNET ST. .

f o r l i g h t h o o a e k e a p l D f ; a e c o n d t a e n i a .

F L K M ISR E D ROOM S W ANTK D B O A K D IN O —O t ' l O F lt)W M

rURNIBHED room wanted* with prtvete fam­ily. by yoim* man. in vicinity of Bread and

Uarketi ataie Uime, ounvenlencea. ate- Afl- dreaa A. I,. Bo* 116, NeWa offlca. _____

'llIH BUCKINUHAU, M Heietead ct.. BeatOrang^New management, niom* alhgle or

en euite: large, new dining-room, table gueata; 'pbDu* 1316 Orange. _____ _

BLEEt'KHR ST„ 77—Firtt floor. fr«it rbom.furnlihed complete for houiekecplng; gai. i

bath, g i i range; term# Toeeonable. com* atwv| ae*. J

HCFINED yount man a ,dr*t furnl.h.d ^llE \V ILJjm n-K ir.i ■ Hn bu*r<I; Br!,*u room, iteam heal, Improvemenli. etrictiy bathar I'unniiii water every r*>oin. 16 Lincoln

private, fto children or roomara, nsuat etate _ Brick Church; half block William tnd ralea. Addreaa permanent. Box *J. Nowa iroejw l ela.

HLEECKER ST.. The Bearhman ■ eteam heated *'vom t7 weekly; aleo 12.80 for two

peraoni, gas, hot w-ei«r, tiailu eto--Furnlehed room to let for |

a r e * l i g h t n > o m e n - i r a i l r o a d , r e t i i

bHI FIMW AVI' 21M* T'lv* fi'ij tiili nrAi*’ luoriited.

$l<> Iriuiiir-* nil pienife-al i t JF:I' I*r*t fliMii. (|\H large riomw and liRth, i

mipioiPiiirnfa -II S<"itL Orange air ; rent Il i t ! , o n e f a i i i l l j t r ; . k I m i i s e . i i l c e n y > u i B , S n R K

nt . m u u r . , B u n k h i . N o 2* H . I h i r > l fkiiT. Hi,' j-Oiini. diiil IirUj. lmpri>ri<iii.*i,T< newly d e i M r a l e d , n m $ 1 7 S K r i Z I T K I K R U l i e a l l y I ' l j . , 110 B r i > a < l .<(

I K T S - r c n i ! f lti’iin.-. ur'l liii' h,

T S i l r d B v e- n f . : s H o w l a n d a t . f i v e

$ t f . M V U O N S t i . H 5 S E .

T ' ■ L K l ' , T w n r i - “ ^ m e : g e a n n i w a t e r , i r r m l h l y . 'l. ’ M i \ \ f t v r r h a \ f l .

7 W « t M ' F s-r r . T i i ^ - M i i * f r i n t r o o m * 2 7 N - w K i e u i r x l i e f o r a n v i t e l i t b i i i l r i e i * . V i e a b e e t i

r ^ p i * . i f i i - 1 . . . i n *, s . f f i i * f o r l e n > e « r e A p p l y M h ' 3 H I M i r f u r a i n r e

T ' ‘ ' I I A M i n t l i ' i i i n e , f U e r o o m * n n f l h a t h 4 0 u • ifli T»« Hlfi p el

I ' l I j i : ri 11 . . . . . . . . . 1- I n n i l n i H M t o H 7 ' H '1. 1 - 1 , \ | ; i i k i - I F r n i L i i l r i u n ; r e n i

I ' * . M i . I I . 1 I . I ' l M f i F i A ' - . ' K i i ,

1 ; [HKK iniKfi| ;i' i' l.iP . I I

•• • l l f : T K i ; N . I I \' r ,I' I Ml- /H r-l i I r • I

Tfxiiiir./' 10 aiinr 1 - ^awi:v . \ f l > i < T H i M l .

1|H «« l lv ' l l , . |-

I'kI’I ii’Onie.mjui u\e-

T !;>6 B e r g e n e t . I n

] ; J 1 4 r . . I I t r u r e n f F i v e rt impri>. ' ' i i i ' ' rTfy. ir't.i j n• ' l l a ’ #•.1 I' JBe, 4 -7 I t l y h hi , five• e;:trh]: rent j l i foiiulreMl) 4-P I M s h *t.

H<.i k Ktl:e ai .o , |fll ' f - 'oorr . me h . 1 .-iahri f oij,‘h .

r ! ,1 • , j t i , . , I ' I I I - M M l l - ' l l o i S t - 3 .V A ! I jI-i H I ' R ' i I f , Ftroiik‘1.1 !« H \ e , 101 -F i v e

a r c i lik-'lii. If..II icu'- .k ; eu ' l oe r 'H purcl tca; r t n n a Ii ' - ' I b ,' i-; l u H a . t r U e t , $1,:.

\ M l . r l I r t iM l N i ' i ' i h -. tr.Hr A M n ^ ?e r piF l r l , ri '.# r i“ rn\ b |I tn i ; , | i,\<-:n e n f s . Bt+xm

I ■ » »'i • $ | i I- I 1 \ I' lr'K-T I'l

I t M i ; h i !“T F ' > " ti T - i 'n i * . j ' ^ ’n in hea t. .. $22 I e' I'l -lO,; 1 ;.nrt ] m pfo r enn^ntf, $l'l.

i- R ! ' K K A f ' i M ' . h7H B r - a d .

R R U E N S T . 1 6 4 - gentleman.

i I j I N T O N H 1 ! X . n e a r . a r a . r e a j w i i a b l e o y o p l e r » r i w f t g e n t l e m e n w h u a p p r e c l a i * b e i n g t h e

o n l y n i o m e r a . e x c e p t , > n e i ' l e a a e c a l l , p r l v u i e K i u e e . U r g e f m n t n > ' i n . w e l l f u r n l a h e d , n e a r h a t h ; ' i l w . i j i # h o t w n | n r , h U i i e t i f o r h o u a e k e a p * I n g I f w a r n e d , r e n t P w 2 1 " ' P e a h l n e e v e« ' C M ; k T R T . r P - ’ J u ' l o p o p * . . ! , n e a r < l i y h a l l .

e l e g a n t U r K e f r ' o t a l i - ' v e » u d o » h a r l a t g e f r o m c o n n e r t H i g r ' ' n M < . f i i r n l a b e d c o m j i l e r a f n r h o ' i h e k v e p l n g , t e l i - p n o n e , n i l i m p r n v e m e n t a $ . T i p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t ' F H I R T S T . H o u a e k e e p m * . t w o c o n ­

n e c t i n g f i o n i f o o d # n l c e l s f u r n U n e i l . t i a f h g a » , f l n o r i e l B h h ' T h o m l , f v u r n l n n t p a w p k 1 4 r o a * l a n 1 M a r k e ' _ _O H ' R T % r . 8 1 ‘■’ n e r r x j n s , a n l t e h l e f o r o n e o r

t w o p e r a o n x ■ m i n i h e a t , a i f o o n e e i n g l e r o « » m p r i ' . H t " f a r - u h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t V i T T A i l F S T i n I I . 12 t J k f K O f r i n T

h i ’ i i ' - * ' \ e * . n i n K . . . . . . . . w i t h r o n n i c i i r » t l c 1i ' h * - n .■ f ^ a i n ' i - a i e . 1 , a l l i m p n i v e m e n t e ; ^^J T1T ^ l n g w a i » ' r111 I* I ' H a n . A i i \ # i i - H n r e a p - ' P e l ’ U _ _ _ _ _' M F F T N t ' T R T . ;■'! n e a r B r o a d - S i r e r o m -

f . , r i o H l e p e r i n d f l o o r f u r i i U h e d r r M i i c i , i ” o r ' l . i n e i . . H t e a m . r u n n i n g '• a t e r . I > « ' h . c o u p l e . . r H H i > i l t * m a n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i M l i S T N T f F I ' 2^ P U a a a n T f r o n i r o o m f o r

. . r u ' o r I w n I i f t \ w t n ' H ' W - , e t e a m h e a t ; < ' > a n F i i i l ' j u l * l p T i i a m f a m i l y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I ' l . I N T ' i N ' A ^ ' F . . 1 1 H 7 — l i B r g e f r , m l

a * i . , n I f l o o r u p o o f h a t h a t i r t I n i i n d n ; l i g h t h r m p e k e e p J n g I f d e s H e d , l e i . ' ■ 7 i A \ W - r l y _ _ _- I ,N i l j i - 1 2 U i g l i i a c r o a a f n u i i t u h e a , a

l . i i w i - f m w i r o ' i n s . . ' . . h i e f i f t w o > o u n k c m ' n M l m i J i a i t . l v^Wv. ! l j ( l ; i a n d n i c e l y ( u r n l e h e - l> ' H A f . . A t ’ F . ' T 1 N h e i y f n r n i R l i e i l r o o m a ;

■ ■ i i M i i i u " I . . . . . . . . . . . r . . n \ e n i e i i t t n i w o . a r l i n e s ,i - . K , . i m h r t c e h i t i H i h i i p r i v n u e n t f l . ^ _ _ _ _ _

r r , . \ V T n N ' S T . . 7 - F u r n i a h e d f r o n t f o o m j s i l . 4t r a ( c c n i r a p r e , B u H a h l e f o r gentloTnan._ _

l A r ; i ' K I n ’n W S T . s u n n v f r o mI M i n f o r l i g h t h o u f e k e e p l n g . r e n t r a l l y n -

i - r t i r r i , p r h a i e f a m i l j S i h e r i ' M t v r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l - ; A r i l R A R K P T . . 2 1 - M e a l r a h l e a t e a m h e a t » ' t

f r o n t r o o m , a e c o n i j f o o r , a u l t e b l e o n e n' t w o f p i u T i n e u o r m a r r l u i c o u p l e p n i R T M ” a V E . S I r e l v f u m U h e t f r o m

H u l l . * r o o m a n -1 M ' l - h a i i a ' n ; H l M e l U j ih o u x - k ' H - p i n K h m h . p i i ' S ' c h o , j a * . i , o ' 1.1 >H • n , ot l i e i r C H j IT. J _I ] i ; i ' h V S T M T h r e e m l n u i e s P a r k ] > l

I , . " A I v r m n i e h e d , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e l r . f l . -i i g h i H i - i u n h e a l . f . - T ' . e r y l u h 'l i i u ' e k e f ' p l i i f !l - ' F t K 1.1 S ' J H I Y S ] : n a V i : R T I j i r a e f i ' n t

r . ' i i l » i r i i i n U h C ' L w e l l h e j ' e i t , e l e - T l * ' g i i H U g h ' , l . n e » ' " O a i u i i e f i - o r , p ? ’ > i i i ef h i n i t . iF R V N K f . t N S T ; i " w l l h m f i v e n , ' n u t e p f ' - M a d

a n d M i i i k e t v.x f i n e l a - g r i - m t i PI’ i O H l . h : .“' i r 2 7 i J i r u - f ! ' h i r o . , n ^n r u h f u r n l B b e d , f e w n i i n v i t > p w a i n f r - i i n f k - u t l . i ' l S ' A t l m i

nfflue. _______________Ho. M wanted iR.tfe* neighborhood of 9tfkl-

r I pi ifid I'llnion av*. Addr*** dA MH- iu' a.e, i'"HHODtL. ___________V t G h y a i n t a * m e n w e u t a r o o m . a t r t c K y

n t s f a m i l y , w l d o w ' a h o m e p r e f e r r e d . r * r - •i. Ad'lreoa B-ii 137. N*wa or-

THE niH’KlNGHAM. Pr>*p*r( el.. IT. hteel t>ranga—Naw munxgemen, front room, tetea

dltslBg-riHMTi tabu gueau. 'Phene 240traw diblBg-riHMTi t Tanga.

tabu gueata. 'Phene

THF HALBTED Brick • luirrh fltatloei. .18 HKitted at.- upened by MRS srOTT; fur-

nlihed rooma wlin t<aih. pittgi* roonia; txcellanlla hi*.______ • ' _______

F t n M S H K It BO O M S lO I.ET— t)L T O F TO W N B K * I , F * T \ T F T H t N U F I l H * .

p j i S T I ' J i A N ' t J i , N e w * l . 4 ^ a i e a i r i - b e * t e . | .r i i r n U h e l r o - m , ' H i t e - n e U h h n r h c a « i . - m i l l .

| r l C K T « r . U T i l i y , e i i e l i e u i t a b l e b u x r O l i r a : ! ’ ) fl'1 iiniiti* lo two'Oi« and it"nlle\

j : , x 8-'- " R A N G E . B i i r n e t i N i , 2 ^ 4 I ' e a i r a h U f i i i n l * h e . | p o e m f - . r " e a r i r o l l e F

a n H r n k s ' h u r - ' h S U ' i o i . p i l " r r a a o n H h l e ,. : i ' ' n i p r o * e m e i i i a _ _ _

4 T w o T O i|- Vf-T '*H \N«4K IV-Bitei- f u - n l u h e - l , I x t g n a n d w

■Men’ , !•-' Ml* rees -Ti »l >• . - i i i p l M

4?rv |mpri-- a' i X ' m . n r r i e i l

East o r .x n i.t:, Maple T-'mi.-a. 2^ In e m-w h o u a e ^ w i . v e r y j s i t r * - t i s - e w e ! ' r " r n i * h ' - n

f o o m a . F l T i g l i , - r e n M i ' t t - , n e m G i n v e S ! f i ' , : i hiqM nr r i l N H J I R ^ ' r

of hmli. w ir f . ' r r f ' t l a P i l r » a * H‘-% 'J-l NN ne ' fflHABRfS-'N

n i I n I r , 1 « ram:h \d h . 58

UJy b I r . I ' n a '

i n v i \ G T ' > N , F o r i n ' a h r r t f r o n t n . n

m e n o r t w o U i l k i iS"|-TH "R SN M'

v a i a f i i i r l ' i e ” H i S'ftnua wiati-ii in.I > i x g e a tS ' l ’ T H m R . W ' M I \

1 O' im . US'- it '•■I’la n i a l l f a m i r • f . H . iT W O F o n n e i ' m , f . ,

f l n l r x n r e r n u T i l . i K d r e e i H o i > M ,< i r n i i g c

F l I l M S H I h RI)4)M S W A N TK D —OI T Ml TOWN

i ; r N r i . E M A \ w i B h e * f i i r n b l i e d m - ' ' r n l u p r l M l - ' t e n r l v n e a r a n d V e n t i a ! a c t i i . .

r.i ' ' T.tPtfe AildreSs ■ I> IPlenun. Bo* 8.N - . - s t f f | p « [ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

i c f R l n g n i f l f l l d O o i y. . . . . . . . . . r i r t f \ ' i H h I m p i a . r e n t $ 1 8 . I n -

- I ’ ". t A ' b ' t e r S t f l r i l f I X ' T .’ ' l ‘ ~ l l ’ K A \ F , 2 7 7 — F i v e r o o m a a n d

M i H I i i j n e m * ' i i t d . a l e a i n h e a t , e l e c -! ' l i ^ M . r e n t $ ' - ' 3 ,

7 V , \ I N I T S Ta -id I'xl!’ . >1

S3--Flrat floor, five roome. _ i r n p i I ' V P i r i o r t F _

AF'ARTMKNTN. r o o m s A M ) FLATSTO U 'l— OI i Or TOWN

’ 1 l ' l . l . i A V E . H i l l M e a d - ! r i " i i a a n d h u m . e l e L ' i - l c

' '1 -USLU -i HIN-IfV fnrrH' p - '■1 •.

H M T T S T . 4 3 « S i i i g l i ' a n d c o n n e i - t i n B r . j f i r M g l u I p . m ^ k e M p i u p - r u n " . R w w i e r .

e^e. - i f o u r n h e . - ' , n i : i n ' p r n v - T T v » r f - . a ' ^ or i l e e p i n j c ll'■•n _____H I G H S T . i > 2 1 - h e a J e 1 f u m l a h e d

r o o m . a v i l l E b l e f ' r r o n o r - v o h u a l n c s Bt d ' U e * . a l l i . I n i i i r u ' n l a ' . i o n a p p v a t e f r i m t l vh i g h S T . « 4- - I , * r g a o r i f n a M b r i g h t t u n n y

B l e e p i n g o r h o u s e k ' ^ e p t n g m e 9 m h o a t e t > i l b a i i B m e n t . h g h i . c l e a n a n d a ' l I t T i p r o v g r n e n i aH I G H S T . 2 « t ' - F r o n t a l c o s * r o o m , w a l l h e a t -

e i i , A l l i i T i ] ! i ( i . e u H a h l * f i ' - ' T m a n a n d w i f e o r i w > R e n t U f p t ' n , l a V d e b o a r d i i e a r b y . _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 1 A : i ' - V S T W I 2— H o u s e k e e p i n g r n o r n ' i . | 2 T a i

u p . ^ H B h i n B t ' ' n S t . . H ^ > . I h t ? * * l * i i e m e r Ur o o m i . $3 N ' p f e t r l n g r o o m ? | | S t ' , f l l ' I m p i s

T h n following' tlf-e<ln wifre filed In lb* r o i i n l y r c K l e t ’ ^ r a - f f ' * - y ^ t v i e r d a y

S \ \\ AHKK t n r e i t M H r r i . ' i t . • (. « , 1 l o V V i l l i a m

n a k t ’ r , w a M i m n u T u \ 7 r , f t n t r l l e H ' c r v a r k w a y , 4 2 x 1 2 1

G e o r g e K S i n i i - i r t ♦ • t u x W l l U a r n G r u l m . l o t i i i J i i - F o r k , |1

i M J i g l S i g T P ’ n n i i ; x t " n e n e v i e v e e ^ c K - V H r n B . c n r n c t . J > ' i a m J r t a i n ; a l a , 6 8 x t i 4 . i l

l*eh9^lo^p S'a-»rivji to l.uiiitl Hlgtiorim Hi lix. BHitn an«l uili«*r irac't. f l

Itviiry \\ iiiil' isH i- I'hriiliHri i i fc4. ' ' Ml iT'i.S'Ci a«i Newark, land'CV I f ■ . 1 . ) % 2il'p, 4 l

•Mh'.' Murx I" JnAr'iiH MrUgttr «t Hx. * a S i ' i r i S k > , t l i M h [ I a w I I d l x l e e n i l i

- - 1 ‘ 11' " , f 1i l . i i i i i i i ' . i i L ^ 1 ^ 2 7 ' t i e i i i . s . p j i r a r n * H m i x l " . A n t o n H n r i r i n -f:i. . i > , h . H l ^ g a a . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , A r j k u r - - l I I L ' . - . o f l t \ ( r A r H m a - ' i i

• d a t . 1 8 - N i ' e l y f ' J r - « ' J ir . . r o n " ■ i « < ' i g e n i ' e . \ l a i > T . U « * H ‘ n h e i l h ' l H n d I s ' i a l u r . S '

I ' l l ' t h r M i n t ? : , w . s . S u u l b ' V u t l l l H a t 2 2 - T l- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — T I I i i . A ^ " i i 4 1 . , J a . x l t J h , | l .• ^-.rn’ir i'nvVi:i- <" m a ' nn! pri . \(.^vark l i i i m e t.'ompany tu

Isniiii I' .MiIIit , e h .South Sl.xtefnlh alf l u f l H i t t e c n t h a \ . I ' S x l o l , H I

, I i > K i - | » } ) l l i i p v . r i e t r l u x t u A t i t o n H ' ' T " r - f t l l l " , « H \ u r i h S j x l h a l 1 9 3 fl B f i ' A l i h k - j i " i > a ^ . 3 L ' x h i i > . } 1

Jl. SrlmoiUer H* Hello llosonhaiirn. a a ' M m a d f t l " p i . H i 7 f l e f i a n u n g i p . 3 1 \ 10« i . I H i i i l " t h o f t r n n t f l , I I .

I l e i i r > 1* . S a i ' k a e l u x l o ^ \ ' l l l l e ^ l k o t - a o ' S h ) . e a P o u l h E l K h U e n t i i » l 1 6 7 f t n 6 f r N i i i t ' t e e n l h a v , 2& x l d 0, |1

. f o h n M i H i n n & r f o n a U* J o h n K o h - r l c l u \ v a N o r t h T w e l f t h e t l O ' . ' f l a r - ' o u r l h a v . 2 r i x l ( i 3 , | 1 . , , ,

H u l ' p j t F . 1 U n c o c k < * t n x t o u e o r g e H a l - b a c h , .1 N a i * > l « u i i a t 4 i j u f l f r t l a m -h u r s I ' i . u t i . x S j , 4 1

M o d o i ' i i H o m e s C o n a t r u n t i o n t - o m p a n y lo A n H f u W M i - ' a b h , n a K n c r i i \ f l f r l . h z t t h e t i t H

U ' l i i a I > < « b l i n « k \ c i n x t o J r a l l a K h n n r j a K e e r a aHPlli Av F.0XHH1, 11

M m n l o t T a w f ' . r d d a l ^I ’ r n w f n r d a a O r R T i i i P " i t ^ ' r I h i. U . j i i e a . 24x153. ami "Uicr tra. t :

' A l i c e A P o i n d e x t e r t o , U m < ’ H l H l g ’ H ' l,Jr. P t u x . n B [ . a k « f - l 2 4 7 f t 4 f i ' i r a f l ' n' A V S I

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' j n h n c ’ n n t f t e l a l t o ( ; n . . r g ' ‘ H M i l l - ’ rm i O A H R T 1 1 6 y L a r g * l i g h t , f r o n t B U u v e ' „ ^ U I n n m I l e l d 2 1 1 3 f t n f r V . » i l ' " i l 3 r t

r o < m t o r I b o 3 i n l n u i ^ 8 j ‘j H i 8 1 . S i e M o i i , l ^ . . H : i x ! i 2 , | 1I ' h n n " b o e r . i o p ' i o t i B ' I ‘ u l ' T P I l ' K f ' F . V l ’. t V ' . A R K

T I t U . G u a r a n d T r . ' ' i A s n e a M I ' r a r h e r . ^ • e r o ^ a . e s M - i o n i w m r d U k f t K f r I ' h e B l m i t r d . ? '

^ r , ' 1 ^ o p p ' i B l t o I ' l t y h a l J , r o o m i ' , f , M i e r n H i j i M l r i E ' t ' T f m a a I

LUMBERYellow Pine

I North Carolina Pine White Pine I Spruce, Cypreee

Hardwoods, Factory Lumber a Specialty

P r o m p t D t l i b e r y

A .B .A Y E R S


Freeholders Inaugurate Method of Red and Black Plans Early Start iiKeeping Watch on Expenditures

at Overhrook AsylurPreparation for Busy Canpaiga


S a w a n d P l a n i n g M il l

358 Ogden St., near ClayTel. 2 7 9 7 B r a n c h B ro o k

Hy niceiiii i>f a H>Alim lnH1|^urHl^<l liy aiitlfirlty "I th" Fh-«fd ..f ITet'lu'hUr*. tho cuunli I'l'urtl kh'I it.' cimmitttp'i • llATK 'l III IIInllH l»uiir-t|l I ' l t l i x ^uxility liuai’ilal hI lUcrhrtA'k Ims. »hir- lixn the ppriuil uf fivek m«>ntlm r'ekinfiin*

.AnpiraiKB fur place* on the Newark AtAdcniy gyin team will begin pTACUre Muitilay afternoon Tliefe |e a W6alth'i7t iu4it%TlHl available and proepecU for h Bur-i'i>aarii1 eenenn se^ni fairly

Captain Ihinie Ggldberg le expected! toMay 1 !h«t oomlsn t+'tl iho H.iion nt dn apiendld uurk on the aide hnrae, wb!dh

m IMPENDABitm u m m m i sS7I,BROAD ST.,.

I . ' 7 5 ' F i i r r l s h d* ' i r ; i , U " < 1 l T i g * . V, n ' ' i

1 'laa'- 1 - •'h 'I r < I T f . " - > i n n , p r i v a t e .• rti »‘r f T t *1 Ad-1 A l Aganry, EhoI ,

HUNTING AND HSHINGm nii s w T E n roMnaiMW.

.AMb'fjjid) Hook. Rlmepeheed Hrv r i TiS ' i . . l h A i i i l o s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R 1 9i ' i t ' ^ v a T e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 3 8I v U x a h b t h p ' r t W r r n k L e a d R r<0N r w a r k H n y 1 i g h t . . . 7I'frilrt’ fitrf' t, Vr-xvark 7 39l U m n i e l H ' ‘ n t : a r < i 1 e .............. ' " h RH h l h i I , i r ' t ' H ' ’ I ' r e e h . . i : 3 1


b u a h h i n g

4 T F V : - K E : H ? T 4 T . i n j i r H U i l a o n t e r m i n a l f . i i i k * M u l B R i a l i r < > n m s . n t c e i > f u r m i U l ' B l

l i i r H i ' h - a ' , a l l i n - ' i i m i ' r u v . m l i t * , l a ' d aI I F ' 1 , | 4 ^ _

I l k : n n . , U r K f . W l l h - a n ' i l .t i i n i l * . h ' ' . l f r i - H T f w . n , s U n a m a l l T ' - f m ,

r < ' Q *‘ \ ' * ' l U r i i f f i h U l > o a r d . i r U -

H M u l l B ' ^ n o f I h a Irurnlphp't* « i:h ,

l i . i r i f h u r y 2u'i rt sv fr LllA-

. \ l i i i n : e A I I n

piiBltQ L'ity hul- - - - - - - - - - - - _ I . p l ^ M . . u i i ( n i i a \ 1

' T''?, •'«»"' I ,5 ,. f, \..,n vi«.-k si. fir\is7, nI I * f i n * ' ' * ! I n a i l o r j , i n . . i o I ’ . U f T M a | m i i m a d H n d M a s - ,' . . . . . . . . . 11k ' . i I ' n - J T ! " ; ; I 4l 4S W a s e r l y ,

. i j S T ' i N . \ \ K . I M T h e A u d r ' ^ ' y , f I r a i - C ' j a i s I i - i M i ' l i n k ’ h n o F f . r • i n o n « w ! > ’ f y n i l i h e « l . r u n ­

n i n g ’A . j . t T ' r , h ' ’ a i t '1 i . ' o t d . a l * i : i l a l ' l * I n - a r l ■ I ' t u m - i W a v ^ r l y 1 1 1 2 J .\ ' ] l N T r i N . \ \ F , l O f l — P l e a e a r t r r i n m a a n d

l> " a r d a l l i T i ' ^ f l e r r i i m p t a , h a s t r a t l d a n l U l■ i M i f f U b c i r b o o f lr H E S T M T P T . 1 2 T * o 8 o o r B B r o a i t *'

r i ' - a r c U y h n i * a i i i i " y r t n i i b l * - f r n n t r o o m B B v u r L i i f l o o r - ' f M b p M ' f d A I h o a n j .

l i b h : n I I m i 'U j i ^ r r . i . f ’ e . I t

T f u l U l K * I H e a d -

H A 1> K V 8T . . M m ' x r \ i - « I . H r t t f , t I p o i i h * - 6t " d r u o c o s . a l l l i n p r f o t n i r n i " , m - T v l y f u r

uIfLitiI, h ^ ' L ' i f HabUf a ^[ T l T T T A ' I T n N A V E . 1 3 2 w r u a n w . u l d

' i k ^ 1'4 r ^ r n t s u n i e n f h * r '-'■■o t t i p , r f t n t r e . i - K . A ? 5 T i i f l A N G t . l . j i i H ' i 8t . H i — P ' l r a i f l o o r . I n g , i n a b J o a t e f i r n h f a i ; a h 1m ; . r 0' e m e n t oi t t o - f . t E i v I y l . - . s R r , p i x r u o m s , t U a d h a t h . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'f t p a r a t ^ e n r r a i . f c - ; . n : -I l o - a l e r a ; c ' e r y r c - K n T i i A X ' F . . f u r n l s b ^ d r o ' . m ;r . . • , K . - . r . * K i o v a r . . i r a ’ f t i g o k U n ' h e i l a n i l h e d n j o m . f u m l B h e a <t \ j t i -

f i i r n l s b e d _ _ _ _ _ _

- X l c e l ’ f a m i s h e d a n d i , KuiTublft for on« nr

'Iglil and Btinny, win nri <. l portable garage, for '.no autouioMia ar-l givft Uat« for two ] yjAfS, rent J2S ii r luu.r.h, i.HRlSTlAS SlSN. I 4S Ingr&hani p i , Xfwp.rk j

ELAST ORANGE-Aitrerth-B apartment two ;f a m i l y h o u s e . o n t i a n c a a . v a r a n d e a . j

tic. neflilv deof,:B'"d. h8ii'l\ lO l>ck£i.vatiiia. XVaiaeiuitog a'atltin and iinllev, imi ll'' l o w e r $ 2H u p p r - r R f I X N I ' I T - V . 2 5 4 N o r t h Iwantltfth SI. East '.'rangp. or agetua

EAST OP-ANi;B— B^HULlfuI rt«Ti>rated eparl- mentu; only appreciated when eeen : 4 and

h ruuniB, bath; i25-$27; Lost; bm waiap; Jani­tor eervloe. M Maia «t..block deoot See janitorE A S T O H a N i » E , I V D U a m a t . . 4 7 9 — F i v e -

r o o m f l a i . ] s r - t A n d I ' o i d w a t e r a n d l - a C h , o n e b l o c k f r « - > m t r o l i e j a r j i - l B r k k t ’ h u r r h f i t e i i o p , r e n t $ 1 7 , a . l i s l t a o n l y .B A 8T o T t A N T J E , 4 8 F r a n k l i n a l — F i r s t f l a t .

f i v e r " t * m s . h a t h , l i r g a l o t . r e n t $ 1E 1V .E H . \ . M P 8 < . 1 N , « C l i n t ' n a t , N e w a r kH A S T O R A N G E , C a m b r i d g e a t . , 3 6 — U n a

M m , f K e r o o m s . f i t ' I m p r o v e m e n t s ; a e p a r a i e e n t r a n . - e . i c i i t 1 2 3 .E L L l r . ; . X N T a p j . r t m e n i i , » l . x a n i l s e v e n

r o o m * a ; i ' ] L i t h . a l l I m p r o v e m a n t a ; r e n t i J o a n d 1 3 ' , I ' u r n e r i l a p l e a v p , a n d M e i n S t , . C u & t . i j r a i i g e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _F O V f t a n . ) f l > e r c c m i s , a o m e I m p t * . ; t o l l a l ;

i n a n d $ 1 2 . U > G r o v e t e r . . I r k l n g t o n , n e a r P u n k r o a d c a r a n d e c b o o l . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _F I V E r o o R i s ; $ 1 * a r a o n l h ; f i n e n e i g h b o r ­

h o o d . I s t i S o u t h V a l l e y r o a d . W e s t O r a n g e .F I V E - R O O M f l a t w i t h O n e a b o v e , w i t h I m -

p r o v e m e n t s - 1 2 M a p l e a t , T X ’ e a i O r a n g e .H A R R I S O N A V E . , o e m e r T h i r d i t . - - F n a t f ;

f i v e ] - o o m a , b a t h ; e l l I m p r o v e m e n t i : j a n l i o i ' a e r \ ' l c s ; w i l l ' d e c o r a t e t o a u l t t e n a n t : r m t | 1B . 1 1 6 . H 7 . t m ^ ' i l r e J a n i t o r , o r o w n e r . 1 4 6 S p r l o g - f U I J a v e . N e w a r k , c l l e l o i b a t o r e ; t e l W f l M k tI H V T N O T C ' . V . N e e b l t t e r r a c e , l l U —8 r o o m a

a n d l i a l h , a l l l a t e s t I m p r o v e m e n t a . T n q i i l r e r r ' - m l a e s , o r o w n e r . 5 1 7 F r e l l n g b i i y e e n a v e . , N e i v a r k . ' P b e m e X ^ ’ a v e r l y .I R \ ) N G T n \ S i x l a r g e l i g h t r v o m i , a l l H n -

p r o \ e i i i P T i t ? i n * a r G r o v e S t . S c T i o o l . r e n t r e a - x - ' " H b U I ' l r i g h t p a r t y . 3 4 T l c h e i i o r t a r .IRVINGTON, Nineteenth ave., ISJ—Four light

r n o m a ; a l l I m p r o v e m e n t a ; r e n t t l S i a e c o n d f l O T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M O N T f l L A T R T e r r a c o t t a t i l e h o u " * ; f i r e

r o o m s . I ' u i h n i l I m p r o v e n i e n t s ; M i l l e r a t . , L J , .1 i i i ' U i i l i - f . L . \ R S ! ' * N . 3 6 S p r i n g a t

M l ’ I j f l E R R T 8 T . *>0 f u r n l u h " ' ! r o c mf ' - ' f Ugh* h o i i s e k f - e p l n g L ' o p p o a l t - I ' a n T i ^

n-»Br ni' I I ib^" ^H-'' toTram. ____ _ML’LPBIP.TIY ST 33i- Ttv-- nice eimnecllog

frci'i rooms; also two Hi rear; f'jr light h o u s e k e e p i n g : w l i h rangcp a n d gj«. bath. _mT l BERRY' ft 198 Largo front room foi

llglu houarkr -plng with rmnlrig water nc- objection t o fhllil. Blee|»ing room. Si _MT. PLEASANT AV'n.. 173-Desirable fur­

nished rooms, houeekeeplng ; Urge rlo.iei*, running water near Normal School and riepuia, quiet, refined.______ _ __________ _kTT. F’L B A ^ N T AVE., SS2—Two nicely fur­

nished rooms; eight mlnuTee from Erie and Lackawanna SiaHone, 'phiMie J3;4tV P B. _____ ____________MT. PLEASANT AVE.. inO Light pleae-mt

room: a t e a m heat; private lanuly of tbres. tv'tv minutes Erie StatLh and trolley; i'i per week*. N O R T H E I G H T H s f . . & 8 1 — N i c e l y f u r n i s h e d

r n o m . c u i t a b l e o n e o r t w o g e n t I c t n e n ; a t e a m h e a t e n d e l a i i r i c l i g h t ; s m a l l p r l s a l a f a m i l y ; n e a r f l l n o m f l e l d a v e .N E W L Y d e c o r a t e d f u r n i s h e d r o o m s , n i l I n i -

p m \ e r t i e n l f t , b a t h , h e a t a n d l i g h t , b o m * r o i i t f o r i B ; f w o g o n t l a m e n o r m a n a n d w i f e . A d d r o e s P r i v a t e . B o x 4 4 . N b -w b o f f l f ' * *

l ; . i l T l I’.■>1! hexteti

lT\c l i - i a r r l opTic-iiai _ _ _ _ _ _11'f.SKY 8T ‘«1 Tlie ralttfr House'

Jiituble and alne:'? roomn, good board, heat all Improve n'-nta, \\Hhln fise inlnules Ilf lermlnS I.MU’iH ST 062—Ivftrge frunl moms a u l t a b l e

( -r two men -or mjn %nd wife, pr1%at« fam- I > all Impts , siRHOi heat, shower bath. al»o tabic board _ ____ _

8 r . 53' -tt lH Hixomtnodale gartvl - m e n i n r e f i n e d h o ' u e . w h e r e t h f r e s t s

o n l y t h r e e o t h e r a r l ' j l i - , *11 i i n p r n v - m « i i t ■=Hl'i'l !^T. .774 Twr' inrge < omocMng rt>om*,

M’ f!' fiirntahe*! atesni h e a t siiHahle f<yr two . . ' ymmg men, fine table 'miT,HIT>F AVE. 77 LnfHT*.! on- Mo'-k

<•! 'in new R''iulli Sld- FHkIi F-hool. d» sir.Ml'' rooms with

r'lH I L L H T - . ! 1

ar.f1 .iervl'i'*B, hIIr e i i > , " n x b l n , t > = ' l e p h " T i

n i i i i i i i i g u B ' - r . i B b l e | I k . a

R o o m a w i * b f i r s t r l a s s b n a ' d ,

I Hanio I'l Thomsp lllf'K,'=. '■♦■i ’Hft I i ii' \xild\su<.>d ter and \Vi "hL uiu1 e*"I 43-L ?1' J ' h n E i l l e y A t i x t o ' ' ' H U y I ' m k1 I " r n i n l o s i c n , N u i l b j U n « ' l a n d f u e l p a r t y I a n d A . G f T e l l e r T u O f t w f r i ‘ a e n a l c

I nn rjimeneloneh $ I; rUibert W llaripenro true I" John' iJeyer. lr\inKloji, e a ila p la B' i*' ft b I fr «'nltuge at. IH'x'.'o. |3 , ^I . A r t h u r M i i ‘' l i l | f l d « r c •. t ) i " f i e Gi HiKgma. IrvjTimiin. s > av '

l.'i" ft w fr A \o ii a \ . 5LIX1III , s i,Knee I* HiBKiisw^" 1 ■ h MuPhL,

' ff^Mer.lrt ^ngl-’Fi. sai»- j>r'' ; - r i ' , II. I'T'i'ideril I’Hfllu'aii'l •' trui'iinn

I t i l I ' J d A N a n l h L l r T ! * t > r i . I h . - ' ' m r i R f . , h s Springdale a> 23u fl vt ft N Walnut at.

nM2n. Jl! Ivd'vsard Lierifiri et 'i.v t * Ni.rth .let-

«!.*y Realty ' ■•'mphn. . ' > r H i i i ; e . Hamo ,prcperti, V

I'rovld^Tit KcHitv and ' net < o to sani'-'. Final nraiie'e, n Lotledaft nv

, «inl WaiTihT Ml, 1'uixlN <1f J e o r g f t B ' U H H ' I v m . i l t o . I ' . h n L . i

r T e . \ ' , East o r a n f i n , ■• t< W ' S t st T V T f t a , f r R h " d 6 f s l a m i h \ . j i I

H e r b e r t J f ‘ h p ? v I ' i ' l ' n " ' t u x t o l ^ m m a M S l i t h e r . ' H e n l I M f f ' ' ^ . * M l d ! n n <1 n '•I i>" f l a fr Linden n' . 13xlk2, JI

Llefth^r " Xhlla et al t" WflUor \ Wtha,1 Tr' 'ngi Ml I or Snare Tt 'bprta IkikI, S i h e

X 4 <'h& Sh Ika. Hiid fthnr (rant, IL

' j i . r . n o r s y s l i - ' r e t t i r n e d l a s t t i l f j b t f r ^ m i l l i e l r n t h b i i I I n t i n n t r h ' . s r ^ p o r l t h n ' ■ • ' i t i i i i l . t l l s r l n n i l f i i t t l e i i f c p W i l e u ' n n m l l ' u \ n H u h i - r w o r n u p ' H L u - v l n l n l l y u f l h " W i i 5 . T i i u i i t l r e r n x ' o n ' l L a k e a n d t '1 fl i| 'Znn ral'bitfl and two part r i ' t i i i ' I b r i r y I l f H d h r r a n d E r n n k| { e l k i I ^ v c i p c i i i t u e n r ^ l l l p h a h r o ^ ' . n n t i T l I M k ' y d f u i i r t P P i j r a h h i t s T h e i r v i i r M ' l i n , ! n s i i H ' i * ' l l i . i t T h c . ^ w o l f i i i i a b l e t n g e f a f l h ' i l n t i d h e r n w h o r n m e

n n U f r o m s a r l c n i s p a r l R > » f t h e S l a t p , a l s o r e p o r t p l e n t y o f t h i s k l i i ' i o f j j a i r i R . M i i n . s o f l l i p K u n i i ' T S h a l e a r f a n g p - l f ' » r t n j ' S " f f " m " r n f l a y n u p e k n l - I h i ' i f l h t h e r n n n " n I h I h p i n o i n r i n rm " t ' T . - \ i d P s s h ' ' ' H i i g p l " I l I I I ' g r - u i i r l ? u ' l h k i y a r i ' l s e i h " " i i e l l v p - > H t n e n i p h :i s ! [ i i H H k P f l p s n r n l n i i P ' d f l s i r 1 ] ' . s b e f " i ii l u ' w ' h . H o n e t u l . H n i » x t r r i ' - n i l i I ' n r i l . p m a n w h ' ' ' h f l . s f n p n u p ' u I i , i h " ! d i n g h i s g s T i i r t u n t i l h o r p t u r n f l . I f l e s s p | ! I n m m e m l ' T T h a t t h « l a w d l B l n v l t y s a \ s i l i u t 1 * I f l l l l e p a i t " h a v e I n p n p a e B . i i . i ' i o n i.j]\ " f i ' i d f t , i i v - r e t h a n t e n r a h h l l i i T h t p m e a n s t h n l t h e p x p r e s n C ' l i n p a n l * * * I ^ n o t l n a i r i ' p h r d f i n d

a uuel ePpt'"\liiiaU‘i\ J14 " " Icbb thnii w a a i * i M ] u i r » * d r o r t U « .‘’ k i n i p F i u n l m i ' . H 2 .\n linpi'Tl N nt fa il m i"Tin»'U"H with ihia la Ihiit the ii imhur "f piitlPhlfl last year «»'tii>ii*d I :i7 ’. w liih- II,' iivtirakf niijjil ■ 1 : -r thf' i*rru-l i-i

\ vs Ua Lb'' ■\u t only hAfl the e\p4-nw of inn'l i l-

> m»; Ih»" inatHutl<'n t'onii rv<i>i''« i| i nc fur- J (her sasiiip !•* prt'dii t'-iJ liy ihnbo sxbo I b p n n p n r i d t h e n e w . H S f l l ' t n , v s l u n t h e i - n i - I p h ' I i e f l : h a | l h l i S P I ' l m n i T H M i e h ' U i h e I a n Ijf r"-ol'<‘rHtl"fi ;ifi 1 t ' iewlti (•■ lloMit iio'Mit> jiruperly w ill llift aaine ler*- as

1 ! | p | r ' i v i 11 l i e l n n p H i K Ml o r a V ' K i d m a i l ) y e a i B M i h r e « , " r i . i s

" f 111' - I n a i i l H t l M n s s r - r e k e p t i n a i w r e - h ' e B m n n t n ' r M e i i i n r u n d n r e p u r ' l l n p t h e p s i i ' M i t e , j < ! v 1 i i g t i l l - n . i n l n ' r i n t h e H i - e l I ' . l " n " b H n ' o r t i i i i i d . i y , l l m a r " l i i m e ar i l \ s I I " T i i i d r * ' f H r n e ' | f r " i i \ p a s s . v \ ' ‘ I ' m f i i i u i i i l H - d t ' J t l i r H ' j p ' T i i i t e i u l e n l n t i i h u ' i n i i . ' . , f e j i v t * | t i | i . • H ' l d i ' H u n S ' T H pp B p e r .

I'Ui inolhiMl s« at?." f'lhissed wllh f 40 ' i i ' i - ’ . i i i l I " i h ' - * s d o t l i H i K H - M i i ' d t " p r i v a t e fi;4fi I iifi I I'hv luitlentM. but appnrpniJy no *'■-7 04 I I "'ini uft.H nuilrilatiH-J nf the arllelpfl Ifl-i I • ' e - l t " i n d l t i r i d p " 1 " f t i n * d l ? s p n e t t l n ! i

! ' f ^ 1 " . . . . . . . . J B i i i ' i ' l l o ^ h i u j s i i n g a n d u t l n r7 ' 2 4 , ^ i > t ' h h u s e d 111 p i r i P T H l b y t h s H i a L l i - 0 I

I vhiU' llicae iiieinorandH svern tsiippt'HPd ,1 ' ' Unimrrllx'd itib> t)ip hi" ha cf tl e

'ii-riti!l'i.||. thia fi'TltiHllly lAH.-* I'flen nser- i ' ' d V .1 A rpjsnlt 11 .hitt' urate

i | ' I I " ! S i i j k t h e v l u a r ' i f H i # l u v e i i l i g h l l i i n"t lliP li'i.S|'it4lf TlieiUlK'-lllPIll J-uine VPIlfH

, » i p ' , w h e n t h e a n d n n ' M i a t ( J o -I ' O r t i m - n l # - u f I b i ' I h a t U o l l ' n ss"t'- s e p a r -

. M ' - ' J . M U ' f f n r i \ s u 6 m a i J p t > a r r a n g p t h e I M ' 1 i i L M t l . s I n a m i ’ r e j i e r m a n e n l i n a n n " r j ' ■ i i H b S i r s h l e i n i l ’ r n s f « n i i * t i l w a s m i o l e , t n i t

t i l * M ' l t h c r l t l f f l f l t i l l f r i i m l i h o n i H e l i e a 1 ' i m M i - t u d e t e n i i i J i P f r n i n t h e n - ' o r d o f

' t ; p n i ' i n t h \shal w a . s t u b e r e , j i | | r i ‘ ! f o r I I I ' - T h e r ' K i e n i l l i c i i I n u i i e d i dri"l i"'rmH rrijufiHne..jj

I n ' h ' i l l i o m M f l \ H T c m i i s s n s n l i i U ' B l i n v -l u d n t p n u i u ' H i P H m o i m t u f s u p

M u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H t t i l ' b i . H p ' t H l I I I h p i u t ii o r ! i " l t s ' r v " n h r i i * ' l f r o m t h eh f u r i - h ' i i f l ' ’ - h > 111- i - | ; i t T g ‘ ' l i i i r ® ' * i d e f l ' l i ssartl or i hr li»-ft'l "f h dppn rl ni«*nl. TbialillB fill l■«''|l i hMllpP'1. U Si-pjlTilt" '.did t>’' -' T ' i t i P i i i g m a i t i U i i n p i l f ' r I ' k ' l i d i H a r t i m n l a n d f i a L c r i t i i n l h ' ' S ' - n r i - f n l e i u d t h e

' I .

I t s s t m l I n t e r s a l as« 111 d o a n i f - h i n p b u p l r i f l f i s a s t h n p i m - | I ' h r e r n . t . ' r ' i f . n r * u b P ' I h .-h h « i M ' i k w . l n r l i i f T f l a r p i f l l i n ' U * r > p r i i i i n t o l " i x i i i i p h ' h | p i , i \ i . | * - n 4, p . - i u i u n o n l i n ' - ' - n t u r s a n d m I P 'lay s cflt-h nii'l j'tiiji it (■v friends

iL 'sedi I j ' . ' l i f p a n d s s i - a r i u g ' l U a l H l P f l

s ! o : i ‘ i ] i ] . i \ p i l l i i i S ’ t- i l lA l o n g t l i p I " H a t f ^ ' i i O P " f t h e b n a i A a t

S t a n - I I s s f - r o f i l l e d w U l ; w a t e r , n r l i l u s s h a > h " J ' a n d ; i t t h a H l P h l n n ' I s . e p v e i a l " f t h ' H i i n d n f i i l . i r l U K t h e\ s n i - f l t p i n t o f t i l l l i h i s s U p h i s A l ] a t i ^ ^ W H S o H P t , r t l m I n l b i i r I p t s s v h o w e n t o u t f r o m W r p ' . . L e n d , i i i : > l t v n a l d y e a - m r d a y t h H i t h « s t o r m p d a n n m l - e r o f ] b o a t s i n J a n m l ' H . t i f c i v p i n i s -P i ' i R , s s l i l L f l p s p r a l r u t i . i . ' . - v p f b u r n e dI n t h e h ' K f l f ' - n t ' a n n i * i e \ \ l i s t h o s t a s \ e r n o ' l i x i i ' l n m n H S : ^ d i v . i a i l v r t h e s t o r m . l u c h i , t i p I p ' H •. . f h n g . a n dM l r t f - . . . . . . . . . . . . . I f ' P h s s p i " ' ' ‘ ' C h l

te hiB speciality Ouldberg will probablF H\i-itd hiB Work to the peratiel hgri Ibis Hpnsoii lASt veer he capturwd &. plmce Hi rsi'Tv meet tn which he wM e n le ^ l . rnir. liiese wlm a!so showed up WMU ■ 'll tin' side hiirae Ja«t year, will b# UQ- flh|> to perform this gfAeon, g i h% U fllill faeling the effects of a brtifceri Ktm. Ktinfinll Aihe m counted on a4 A sr-i|ei In luiuWIng and on ibe p g f t lH barn (|e haa a)iown PoniWirghlw ahlhti ax H Bide horie and high har x\ork(r Hkecher le a b o r lso n ^ bar perfoiiner. anil much la expected of Dah- ney ami Hea< h on lUe u m « apparp^tJlk

S Hi'hwahaoJier will do the club 4i\Mnglru4. and Murko O'BiiiR will reprOr went ilm Bed an-i Black on the rlnM and the parallel harn. U la douhlful whether Ji'hp Jvrei^PT will 4o any flyni work thi* M**rtj4un. kA he expeyds lo i’i* kept buiy wlilppliig the irai'k team Into ihaiw. JiTimip U’ltifl, who In now starring oft th# t'Tlii 'Plon freahaiaii gym. will he eol<U' mlt-Hfl'I. hul the work <d I'aiitatn Oold- luTK end Ixtin Atha le expected to off­set this loan.

M la a matter of (lucellon whether a ■iJirec high ' will he formed. Riidolldi luherntadt. ihe 1913 bottom mart, a h l Hinli XA laa. the middle man. are now at ITinretoii and'U will be a 'llffW'UU m ailer (!i find men la fill Ihelr plficei. If • IM" lA de\el-iped "Lillie" Artowgltlllh will again fill the top mun poeltlon.

t.Kfll year IhA team had u aptepdld ■•oijiiiH werr I ji, sicMd moeta and exhlhttlohe.

The Red and Black won every meet Hnd left e high KtniidHril of perforingni’e fuf Ihlw y'-Hr'H team lo live U|i lo. MWih- g'*r Lohrke I us heg'in arranging a full ailiednlo Ih" S'jiiftd

Last 4lr*tiae-Harrln(ieT Prieea Rallted*M \ f*itr-rit'i"'a i"onfepencB of the *r-

rangPHieni i 'injnittee for the E ast Of.- ange-narrHig^T f'4'dball game. Thank*- ghinK iMv. se'~h"n.fl of the stand wfrTW rtsaisufld I" <’a<li ai’hool An«J lha prlv«*Ilf jwnl.' .“' I

fiefiii>n> N". ! ""U.* N", - . the c*ntr« "f t1n‘ KrHHi'siun 1 rt’*e r-'^arsud fpf th* Rwn'Tal p'Jbli-. Hiid lli\ prl' P per *<* 1 h't Jl 1 hi.' IH Mil advance uf iw enty-nvo ■ ■•'Tiix '»\' r IrtHt >*?ht h l'*»p prU'c All otheT «n«ifi will be flevenly flve ceaia each, and trcnrrsl Hdml#*'«.n will be fifty uanl*- P" It ,n't 'L -L 4. V 0 and hall of Section11 w-r-ro reA *p\ tor Barringer supl»Yt- ers. wlille 1.7 , S. M and the other halt itj SFiiioii 11 will le rciMipl®'! hy E a ifI jrnngp I'nulf rs

. A u t o purking epaun [ua> he had 'ol* *L i h-rHH McMb-nn 'Mil hf r e s e rv e until12 l"-!l"•K. flii'T which tim t Ihe autoJstinmal twlu' wluiL Ih^v Anloe will b#Hinirmi-rl Ihre*' 'Jenp aiv'Hid live niu'ih a n d A'niih e n d a of Lhe field.

U-termiri*- I i.f th f ...... II H L ' - r s ' ‘ f f ' J i i I S b i M t i K M M i d f ^ t i y t h e j i ' i -I Ihurili"' ' t'- p r c ' f i i l |oh1-;h and Lu ex1 i J r t ' H H t i n l u H U v i f H t i i ' p l i " ? ' l u n g e r ' K i iI g i H ' d . - I ' " I d r r r d f r u t i * l l H ^ t n h " " 4 U !

l i H p i i H Z i ' r l M t ' f u r " n i i \ r * i i i i . - . l t b i i i I r t u |p rc\'d b' ll;i.' riiriji'-al MipcrtuiendiMU and i harire nituSfkCoB, Lone K n traa i

• t h e w i i i d + ' n 111' a i j c o m i l i f i I h - p a l l e n t ' O i i ■• . «( h • A p t A r i d ' * r a n n . t h e L a n t r u JU'C- ij. Hired Hupphes | ^..poul. I afl decided I" send Chgrle#

-iH'b. S I h e N a l l

h H•bl

I m p r o v n n i e r i p i r r i i i s M O R l ' G A O r t S .T h e f n n . c p . i n g i i V ' r L s s H g e s w e r e f i l e d I n'Wing iiV'T

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! t h n c o i i n t ; r r e g f e i c - r s o f f i c e y e p t e r ' l H ^J a M K R r t , 1 2 2 T w n r e s p a r t f l b ! ^ m a n r a n h e : N K W A R K

accommcHlatc'J with good board and mnm- i . -i .i- jI \ \ t n P r l g n a n o c l i i x t o T e n t h V l a r dB u i l d i n g A n d l ^ a n A p a ' - ' c i n t b - n . a a N e wK E a R N T S T . , 2 f t ^ l . a r f e a l c o v e , a l i o a l n g l a

r o o m ; h a l f - b l o c k f r o m N n r m n l S c h o o l . t O m l n i i t e a t r a l n a . h o m e c o m f o r l a , f ! r * l c l e e a t a b l e .

N E W S T . . 1 8 J — I L i a r g B . a l n g l e o r c o n n e c t i n g h o u a e k e e p l h g ; a l l I m p r o v e m e n t s : l a u n d r y a n a

l a r g e y a r J ; a l i o s l e e p i n g m p m i ; r e a s o n a b l e , s t e a m h e a t . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N E W S T . 4 6 — K u r t v l B h e d r o o m a ; a l l I m -

p r o v a m e n t e ; I n p r i v a t e f R i n l l y , t h r e e m i n - u t c B f r o m H u d s o n t u b e ; r e f e r e n c e .

N O R T H n i - ' T E K N T H ! ^ T , I f i f i — R a a i U l f n l l y■ i p c u r a l r i I r i , k ( i r i i r t m p m B f l ' e l n r g e > a l t

l i g h t r o ' j T i i s h a ' h , a l l l i n i e i i i e r t s S I H ; n e a r A m p e i T f M a ' " - i b e . ■ i t a i t o i i a .i j f i A N H H , ! ^ i i T f a ' , . : 2 I S t e a m h n n t e d n p a r t -

i i ' r n i , f i r s ' f l ' M i r , - l x r o o m a a n d l ■ ■ a t k ; r e n t B I T . 5" , l i i n u j r e j a i P t u r . _ _ _ _ _

l ' ] N c l c K H t i i r o o m a H i e d b a t h , e v e r y I m p t . . p n t r a n o e a . b ' ^ n i n r e P i n g a . f t n * d e o -

' i r n t r e e i r U n i J t i e i g h b o r h r i o a . t w o c a rH r i « s 21 H f i r r t s o n p i . I r \ i n g l o n ; r e j u r e a s o n -

s i X l i g h t l a r g e r o o m a a n ( i t i a i l i ; s W a r n h e a t : n e n t ‘ \ n . f a m i l y h o u s e . 3 2 H i U a i d e a v e .

A p p ' y f i r ^ t f l o o r , L y o n a J - ’ a n r i H . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

NEW ST.. fiP and IW t^rge. fiorii sleeping or housekeeping rooms, ^ultahie fi-r i ne cr two

J1.M> and I2fin. rtnnal ___________ _NORE'.HiK RT.. 239. near Rank- 1-arge

rooms, housekeeping, $I Sn up. rnnoectlng rooms. t3 . hal! room*. $l up . ImprcvempmsN O R F O L K 9 T , B S T —Furnlahed r o o n k _ ^ f o r

l i g h t h o u s e k e e p i n g I n i u l r e M R S B E N ­S O N : c a l l e v e n i n g s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ORLEANS 8T-. e2-Two conuccUng rocmi,

newly furnished for light liouaekeeping. In BteAm-heated apanmonl; hsMirnoin adjoining; also fileeplng rooms '‘IgM nilnutes to Br-ial and Market. Ring Km-l'Urhfn'a b' ll' R r T l A R D S T . B A i ■ h e e t m H - F i n e , l i g h t

f r o n t r r i o m : ■ w o H - b e s t - d . i i l l i m p r n v e m c n i B : k H ’ i ' h e r i ' - ’ t ' e a l f , ' I f d r a i n e d ; T * * r r r i B r e a s o n a b l e , n r l v a i e h o u s e .

M f L B E R R V S T , l i t — F i r s t - r l 8a s b o a r d a i . d r o o m s f o r m e n , a l s o a l i g h t h ' - u i i e k e e p l n g

rcom u r i ' l e r r > f " c v m a n a g e m e n t . ^ _ !N E I . S O N I ’ L . 4 8 . n e W P C o u r t h o u s e — L , a r f * ■

front 111 a m - h e a t e d r o o m . U i r g e c l o s e t s ; e l s e a m a l l r o o m ; g o o d t a b l e ; h o m o c o o k i n g ; , prlvat- f a m i l y , f i v e m l n u i e n F o u r C o r n e r sa n d t u b e s . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N E L S O X F l Y i ! n « a r c o u r t h o u M . ( 1 v » m i n -

u t f B B r o a d a n d M a r k a l — M I o a l y f u r n t a t u d , f r o n t a n d h a c k c o n n e c t i n g r o o m a ; m e a m h e a t ; s h o w e r b a t h ; e x c e l l e n t t a b l s , p f i v a t e . ^

S T . . 9 5 — L a r g o e t e a m . h e a l e d f r o m a l c o v e r o o m , b o m * c o m f o r t a . |

c o n g e n i a l f a m i l y , tew d o o r s f r o m l r n l 1 e > . P X c e H a n r t a b l e b o a r d . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P F r N ^ H T L V . A N r A l v E . l O O — T w e c a n n ^ U n g '

f r o n t , a l s o s i n g l e r o o m a . w i t h o r h a r d ; f b - ' m i n u t e s m S o u t h S t r e e . a l l I m p r - i v e m e n t e ,


B A R K H I . ' R S T S T . . " ' 1 N t - f T v f u r n i s h e d c o m ­f o r t a b l e r o o m f o r k c i t l e i n ' " ! i n p r t x a f e r u m -

l b . a l l u ' l n v e n i e n - e e , . ^ ' U t ! ' R i r e e l S t a t i o n .J ' L . \ N E S T . , 1 4 4 F r o n t r " u m H , s l e e p i n g o r

h o u a e k e e p i n g . I 2. 6b ; I f l u n d r y : n o c i b j e u t l o n t o • h H d m i . a l s o s l e e p i n g r r ! ' ^ i T i $ 1 . 5 t i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _FL.-tNE RT , 14.2- BrlghT. r'eanabt front room,

(•leaping or boviRekepping, gas; l'*vh. ni;aj-

7 t v o - F A M l I . Y h o u s e , f i r s t f l i x - r . S T o o m a ; a l l J ! i i i [ ' t “ x ' f p t h c f t i ; . t I S . I n q u i r e 1 * 1 L l n r o l t i

P ' r - | i ' ' t ' U v h f r o n t L y o n s a v e M R F F M R R T .w F^r

nigh'' ■ H . i N M F M a p l e s t . . 2S - F m i r n l - ’ * .

T n p i i n l h n r h : a l l i f J i r * ' ' ’ ' ^ T n e n t s . i L h u i J » r P i U S L 5 .

a n d i ' ( H I I J l ' 'I >tqiifre.

. - T n l e t . K.-tNE, H

4 r o O T T ! * , i n . f t ' e(.'heainui ct„ Weat


r n r n oi five rooms, yard for poultry; give full portlcularp. tdtJre.' e Irvington, Box

S6 New R office.

r r i t M S H K I ) F L A T S F O R SALT:W E S T ( v l N N E Y P T . , 8- J — N b e l f f u r n t s h e d f l * t ,

A ( i r o o m s W i l l b a t h , a f e a u i h e a t e d . I d u p t o - d a t e a p a T t m e n t h o u s e . H I T I I D .

F U R N IS H E D F L A T S TO LETa p a r t m e n t on aecond floor, three rooms

a n d p r M : H e b a t h : a t e a m h e a t , l a u n d r y : a l s n < u h p r . i p e r t m e n i a a n d f u r n l R h o d r o o m * . I n q u i r e t i J T h l r i l a v e .Fi.iRNlrHLI.h f')ur r o t u T t # and bathroom, nsar

L a c k a w a n n a j * n d W o a l l n g h o u e e ; f i v e m l b - Ules 10 ILj'Jb T ubes; rent IflA. Inquire VIC­TOR JAroET^,’ 25 Central ave.

( ■ ■ ' U i i - a J o v p . < n rP L U M S T . . 2 1 > - - I ^ r i e f r a n t r o o m , n i c e l y f a r -

n l e h e d a n d w e l l h e a t e d , a l l I m p r o v e m o n t a ; v a r y , c e n t r a l .R i ) S L V ! L L F S e ' c n l h a n . , 3 9 3 a t R o s e v i l l e

a v e - D ^ ' N i r n b l e m a y f u r n L l i e ' 1 r o o m s , e i l n - g l e . * ’ n f l u H e , p ^ n t I c i i i c i i , c o u p l ^ H a n d h o u e e - k e e p l n g . b a f l i { U e a m h e a t , J 2 f f i t o | 1 0 .

i:Li:Ai=ON'R ' 1LLK. Fifth eL. -Thr-c sflftw-

li^atcd rontoR. fiii-nlRhed for hoii: ekeeping; l i r l v a i o h a t h , a l l I n i p r o v e m e n ' . j . f e w m l o - i i f c H from RnflevUle Alutlon.

A n t o n i ofor I Berhlold. w

^ c r k a \ 2 4 n f l f t o f r J e f f e r n - ’ C h i . 1 1 ' . . mB a r k w a y B ^ a U v « J o m | i a n y t ' > p u b l i c

R i i l i i t r i B a n d T . o t t n n aV e r o n n a \ S b f t w f r ; - l 5 3 , ' ' ' J O .

' ’ o r d ' i l f l I ^ i k a m p a n d h L i s l u t n ' ' t o . I ' l i i i i J a i a a K o s s u t h s t - 1 8 I t e f i l l a r n l j u r pn *200

C h r l d l t a n M ^ p f e r i n H e n r . v T W i r n b i i n h o a M l P r o f l f i e ' t a v n w c o r ^ e s l « I r t m l , $L»on.

M - K C o n s l n i c t i o n C o m p a n . ' t ' i W a r - r a r t y B u i l d i n g a n d T ^ a n A s R o c i M l i r - n , w h r o l ' i m b i a a v 7 5 f l b f r P l y i n o u t l i s i , 1 6 , 0 0 0 .

H f t r m a n F V e l t l m a n e t u x t o K a p l a n R r n t l i c r a . w a P a c i f i c s t 7 S f t « f r G a r d e n B L # 1 . ‘ ( 0 0 .

J o e e p h E M e t i g e r c t u x t o W e n t N V i s - a r k B i j j J i i h i K ' a n d L " f l n A a ? i o ' ; i H l i - ' n . c s 3 f l t h f t 1 6 0 0 f l - w f l M i l l ! A V , f . i . r I I I

S a m e t ' « U n i t p d S t a l e s B r e w i n g ; t ' - m - p a n y . s a m e p r n p e r t y . K . S h f i

T f j r s l c l l u f t u x t o H < * n r H ‘ t ' A N 6 t h B t I D S f t 8 w f t

R.'i nfi'l 'Mnriln Ainberg. nf I i i r l i c r . ' * . M f l " I I S u n i J ; i V f o r

w t i c r o t h e s w i l l h p e n d t h o w c i - K b u n t i i i ^ r f l b h i t f t .

'i"i TKC t[cri4ijH. l-’rHiiii M. Kc•'> cr and Ht'b Hradipv cAnm uji }?undav night f r i ' i i . a w e e k f l t u - T j H n k a t E l a r i i - r g H l . I t l K c k i d u ' ' k . l i r n A d i ' M I - B . v n o t . H h e l M r a U f t . r^-dheada «n>l whlntlcra wciw incltuJfld In t h e h a « . M ' K f c v c p a l s o ^ m l a f l i x t e e n - p o u n f l g n o f l C , w h i c h w a . s o f t h e f e w l h a l h n ^ ^ ‘ b e e n i H k c n I h c r o t h i s f l e a s o n .

M M H r t l n a n d O n v i f l P l U r y c r , u f L a s t o r a n g e , a r e n n a h i i n t - l u K t r i p I n P n n n a ) . M a n i a T h e y w i l l makp Ibc'T lirridq'Uirtfr'^ at the Blnnrnin- t O ' V . H u i H i i K n i . i J 1 ‘ i s h l n g i l i i b w r i d h i i u o t u ' f r f h « . - i u b s p r e s e r v e .

rihU I l l U ' U t f l

' f l t . - n i

n r i ' i F - V l L l . E N o r t h F l f l ' e n i h i d l O i - l A i g R e t e a m t i L J i i e d a r c o n d f l o o r f m o T t m u n , - n

P f K i r w i t h l i a f h ; B u J t s b > f o r c r t i v oy p e r t a H e y o u n g m e n : w i t h ' A h l n g l o n a v , . J S . H f np r i v . a t e h o u s e ; t h r f e ' ! U o m l n l r k S c h l » v o i i r e ii1.>n elftiH minvuea to Rogeville Rtatlon ■SOUTH t w e l f t h ST., i l —Beautiful large

f r o n t r o o m , o e c i ^ n d f l o o r , a t « * m h e a t .■ n o d b o a r d , c o n v e n i e n t t o I r o f l e y R . L a c k a ­w a n n a a i a f l n n ; a t l I m p r o T e m e n i s ; , g e n - t l * n s n .

M r o i c c H f t b p i l o . F r e d ' T i ' k S l o n e f i f i ' i | W n l l . r I d B . “ T - l ' . .)( til'" ' i l v . F ' l i l l ' p M . T i o r . . . f ( r u n K i ' . n , k f l t h i s n i u r n l i i * f . M H i i n l e r f ! o n w i i r r f t I h p y w i l lSj,«n.! pc\oral finys t i u n l l n * ^ ( l ^ h l t s a n d I l i i a l ) T h e t r i p I B l i e l n g m a d o I n r t t . j n e ' Bttijb.ini'ibile

L K t h F T O I R N A . M E M,, j„ |,r ' .Mr-% Aileyn '

, .|U « ^ ^ IMH TI ■ ; . .r,i»1

>»'< A Spe,ii\, , . .

1H - Sunb 1(1•j . • a * ; ,1 S p r n r \

l n l r - n ' l « < l h i - H m i c d m k I I f U i f s h n w n l h « t . ' i t i i l l i i r i i r t i i l ' . ' i w e n t o M a m e d w i t h i n H ■ t.unperati V''ly n'ctiil i>iHi"d or tho ainoiHil iH'rr'ns(‘<l, hii vx |’lhnnll'un la 'b-- n i a n J f d

As an cTian'i-li" "1 li"‘V Mt fl>*Hcm works, tlic H lit il «r'l " I'* Ti"W rihU lii i U H ' ' n m b c " \ H > I l t i l '

T i d " f h n | i r " V l s i " U c i r > r n - .1 " ■pcpio.l In iliH I ...... .. ti II 111'

I I s e g u e H I t h e 1 ( I ' l i ' . l N t » i ! c f l a r m s H u i i i H \ > . where ratiiinn hi** "H * Pto-r w i a I ' f l f l i a . w i i f l r u p i c d l i I i m .s b i r t nf p M i n f l f h a l f t ] i p r " \ t n i H t c I > 1 ! u i , “ > ' 0 i w i l i d s ■ i f m P H t f l o f v a r i ' H i f l K i n i l a a r c p e e d f l i j 111 l o u r n i i i n l h r T l u , ^ i i 1 1 " w h " U L h p i i t l e n t l l T i f t l U H i c c w " I i i P ' f l t p r f v l r t v

Srrk Murr Kennofnj.Morn ei.iirmniv ab-ng thla line la emjght

While the ir'-;ch.iM*!rfl wra delcnnlned Ihnl th« l••.•.ulvty ft ( barges ehall bo well fed and bavii a vurlcti of lood, it le hoped lo rnducf thin ]-cr lap lla porlUin t.s a amind haflla 1" ll'^ ^nil that ft ntlnl- nvim J"Sfj will PMull It \3 rlicJarfld t lu t a rsHim ti'Jii "J‘ 'cHuc: In (he 'Jally por- thin of each iiRlieiit will hniig uboiH ft .teasing of J.'.Ofib Iji oho jear

V\ hen the n*vw ftifllf^m wftfl decided upon a complete iri'eniory of ihfl g<"»dB at the hoepltul waft iiuide Thle fihowe«lt h e a m o u n t n ! i t l t h e i r c b a r a c t e r I n t h es l o r e h o H a a a n d I n e a c h w a r d A f t l m i l a r c h e c k w a s m a d e o f ( h e p a t i e n t * , a n d w h e t h e r d a f t B c d u s a n I n d i g e n t o r p a y r i a t i e r i i .

W i t h t h e e e l u v e n l o r l e a a s & b a e l a t n e r e ^wBfl then r<“']Ulrod a iii 'nihly InvenPiTv | .................. ............. ___f r n m i.a.jh wnrd " n , l dBiiarimPtit, '" is j in this cUif tn- inoriQW -Lftcrnooti. tn t>ppt>*e tb*.vrl^'

. . . .iifhton ( o M o r n f l l l I n l v e r i l t y ’ e flr*t fcn* n i j H l p c h u l a f t t L - « - r " i a - c o u r i t r y r o e * l Iibft'fi Srtturdav iloiighU'n's victory w t]" l■^^^lTa!-^a^flnKo^ dual meet la*t

"verMiK the three and three-quatj icr.s Full'* c.Htrfli'. Hi Ihe excellent tim* ’of J " inmute.s '17 eerandi alnowa that h* I*1 i i r m l n g m I ' ' ! ' f o r m . D i c k J o n ^ * < w h o vsflfl to hftvo been Houghtn 1 a '’’OmMHlon Hi iho ('"rnell l■lln. wlM tmi be aW* to I oecaupe nf a bad A(ik]c‘? BoWfL*t"ii Hi being srecifliiy gMoiftfci for thl» tmi*' fir? will leave for Ithaca Thur*d*y mcln and will be taken care of by,"Id Inani mate. Frank Burke, who la BOW allendlny ("orneJl.

The .'Aher membera of the Central U aai will iini compete until ThenkeglVlna Day wh(vn they partlclpale In Ih* Am«rl(^a champlonehlpB e l Phllattrjlohi*. A* pia w iener riintiefB are the favurltea for thla big race. < \-ach Andoreon t* not Btiy . hBncBB of overworkiiw hl» boH fcl>4 Bn ihBA' win nut In ColunUllnru h rrsK i ,B run nn SnUirday, In whljh iliey fliilfheil a .c in d fh SclienfictBiiJ Hi*li Hrh'i'il Irtsi year.

H'or »<■( ring the moat pulnla In th e Cen­tral High rt<’lri' field meet laet .Octobor. lliB vlitirlouB 3A clM* yM tdrfeypreseiitfd wllh n <llv«r Invini cup.

'I hf. fonthsll sam e. »che1'Jl»d fo'r.ywpr- 'lav afteriinon at lh» city field, between the aennnd i-aniB of Central end B er flr - gBT High nrhcpnla. wae poBtponed,

« e « ln H icli P lay* H ere Tom errow .RetMn Hisli School, of EllzetMth, will

ux Aetna

S'iT'TH st 360—Few rafineil boarder* Inc l p r i n a n / a o n l l y . p r l v a t f t h n u - i P , c e n t r a l ,— F l n g l e a n d d n u b l t r n n i n R .

f i i r n l s l i e d , b " f l r d <■ p i l o n a l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T H o M A f ' 2 2 F i n ' " l a r a r f r o n t H n d a ^ ' n -

gU^r-wm. a l l n v ^ d e r n I m p r o v e m e n t s , a - o i l t r i h M bi'tiril. t H r n i * reeannalilP ____________ _


F I V E n e w l y f u r n l f t h e d r o o m s a n d k l t c b e o i p a r q u e t f i n o r . a l e a m h O A t , e l e c t r i c l i g h t a n d

b « . t u t l f u l h a t h ; J a n J l » ^ r l e r v l o e ' A d f l r e * i C b o l e * l^atton Box A-* News

f i ;b x i s h i : u f i a t b t o l e i — o u t O P TO W N

F I . A . T . n . i > i i f u m l i h e d . » U I m p t i . e j i M p t ( t * t a h e e l . f i v e s u n n y r o o m a . t w o m l n i u e a f r o m

I r n l l f t y ; f o r l i g h t h o o w k e e p l n f f . 1 6 F l i t k d r l T * , W e a t _ p r a n g < . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F I H M S H F D B4H>MS TO LOTA T T H A C T J \ E I w ' O f r o n t r o o m a ; b a t h ; l o -

getlter or rpparately; private; cantfal; h i g h c l a s s : n e w T y d e c i o T a W d i n e w l y f u r - p U h e d A d d r e i ' S P r l v a l e . B o x 6 1 , N e w e nfflue. . . . . . .

A l l s ! ] b T . 2 0 - S e c o n d . f l o o r : I h r e a n e a t l yl u r u i & h f d I O T i n e c i I n g r o p m s . s u l t a W e f o r c o l -

k i l ' - l i i u d u n l H ; e t e e m n o n i . g a a n n d b a t h .^ I ' * ' • I’ l Kao A

ROSKVILTjR. ?»uaflex ave. g4(b-. near Sixth at.-Light ple->}Mnl rooma hwied. g'xid

netghborhooO. Tipar trolleys Bod lACkaw«Tin* Station, lady ________ ___________ROSEVILLE AVE.. 1—flecond floor rook­

ing and lauudfy prlvneges, near three trolleyfl and station; ijrango « ar pflPfles door.R06E.VILLE. South Twelfth at . 39- Pleaeafil

fumlahed front room. IS. or iwo gentlemen, 12.7)0: near tri.'Il«y AJid atalln.y: nice locationROSEVILLE, North Eleventh at.. BO. two min­

ute* etatloa and car—Fvrnlahed. light, airy, heated rooms; hot water etwaye: price* rlghLROBEViLLB AVE , 41—Large room with two

bed*, four w i n d o w s ; large cloaeta; auttahJe for two men; fl.BO each.B l D N E T P L . , 6 - ^ F r o n i m o m . w i t h c o n o e u t -

I n g h a l l r o o m ; o t h e r r o n m a ; a l l I m p r o v e - t n e m a ; h o t w a t e r h e a t ; n e a r c o u r l h o u a a ; r e a a o n a b i e .SIDNEY PL., l^>Larr«, front room, eulia-

Hie for two; alio email one; private houae; near eourthotiae; h*tween Nelson and Rank.

HAftnT - t o U d i n g a n d L o a n A f l i t o c l a t l o n f l b S I H h I T r u ' “ X S I 6 0 f l 9 fr S p n n g f l r l t i a v , $ 2 , 0 i ) 0 j K u " i r

B e l l a R r i s ^ t i l i a u m a n d h u s t o I k 3 < ' h T i e l - d f l f . w a S I f l i h B t 2 1 7 f t n f r U i h? 8 0 0 ,

Gflorg'i Halbarh ux to Ri^hcrl F | l l a n o n . - k «■( u x . f l « N f l p o l f l O L f= l 4 6 ' ^ f l w i f r i l a m h v i T g i i l . S 7 0 f ^ ^ i j

ThoiTius Notkin ft ux lo Mesflr M y-|m a n , s v s ' a n i d o n s t 212 f i u i r I ' u u r i >-1. v . i . -53i'0.

Marihi Lcrnn ft ux i" A.iu.' M s s Ferr^' *-1 126 ft fr '■| ri‘'i < si, ^1,?""

Karl ppmr f'f ux 1-’ Mnllum. h___ _____ ____________ P ror |oi ; ' 1"' fi'i f r P < fr I'l ungl*'. iM'fi,

ViJL'Nfi VvM'iw .voman, wl!h lw.i nther rmn. I Matllile I'. Trulln ;ic.l liiiB lo er. ivl.h.-- B;.nTli»man ic i.oflr.1; . onif..rlBl>iB fnm pbpll. c a N &lh 31 21" It u i- fi 3'1

iiom;, pl-BBUllt r^mi. Aidr--B <>in<-nnl, B'.I ; av. Jl.OlK'. ,, ^Nrwfi offlra ____ — I tteoi'g'e W oitow €1 UX to .'lax Mfoopfl-

*■ ' ' - I n(yr. W est Grange, e b iJetiu ml juu fi bfr V a l l e y 91. |l,o00 .

Francefl \ M cCarthy ihkI hufiliftno Iriv. and T i . <’0 <if Lnfli

or ITospeut„l and Siierm an pi. LLOflh

A n t o n i o [ > e S t e f a n o e t i l X I n Irhants' and Mechiinl«-s' Hiill'IinK k"'1 'Loan Aaaoclrttlon. \>rr>nn. a .s Llonm- field nv n c cor W", 'Wu-donmaj ■ r Ul,54.UOA.

N pw .Jersey Realty <“o i" l'>5v^.ii'l > Pierson, E ast Orange, ft R Spr.i'Kd'ilf’ av 2Stn fl w fr N WalmM Rt. 5L'''"' 1

Sam e to Oroenvillfl H anking and Tr Co., E ast Orange, n e cor Rutlflilgp. av [

L E S T I F' l U ! l l

L ( f c I i i i — J r . . \ T T T I . - O l l f l * 'j :|1 DTitilTiK

r^lal ; KNb

m l ( i r d - f .17 - \ r y ,1 ■;'t j'ur'-flil1 ' . Sllil H rtll

. A ( h A « . \ ' N \ I . E . M . l r .’uruniH I

B 0 .4 K D W A N TE DR f i A R D l v i l c l a c B d e i l r m b y t w o B t n « l « f f n - i t o S a v i n g

t l . i n . n f 1 r B ! - " U B B t a b l e : n t r e r r f u m l a h e d . O r a n g e , S o u t h O r a n e e , wB P l l b e a i e d ' B e p a r a l * r o o r n a : p r i v a t e r ^ r o l e a t a i l t ■ -f a m i l y : h l s b " l a B e r ' f e r e n r e a _ _ r u r r l a h e d ^ m B T i a n r t i I h c s NmH offTfl

1 , | J . W K L L V N .I I I . M I T S 1 3 ' 1 7 1

M 11. 1I , v n . 11.

. H I R . N h : U 9 1 1 J

M h H ’ , 1 5 ^ l l r K L R P . . 1 N T \1 ( ( i 1 i l l h , 1 3 1 1 ? ; •

‘ 1 T ' i n l . 1 7 1l r : 3 i - . i r r i p l . f l U , J 4 0 1 7 C1 d f l ^ >> .1 11 K I M 1 A H 1* 1

( I ' M i i i f l . 1 1 * 1 1 ' ' 1 H u f f i r . t i 1 6 4 1 1 .S

' I ' t J t . i l ! ! . 7 9 8 1 6 ' . . T f t r l l - 9 7 6 * x 4 9

Addreas WSIjI IAM.p e r -

R n i 8 4 ,

T W O H s I p a l R i l l f l s w t r u l d I l k a r o o m a n i l | „ - , i i r d n d l h p i l v a t e f a m i l y : t e r i n a m o d e r -

. . B t u r a l l y l o c a l e d . C . H , . B n v 3 7 , . M e w■ i f f i r - * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I t h : ; m a 1l .p a r r n a f i f l J l t h e m a w i t h s m a l l . ' s r H l y . o c c u p y i n g a n t l r a h o u o f l , r o u * tW 11 >1

h7";!:;;vem7m ■|-.'■;nM .v:■"C1lP.nn Hill or Snulh rnanpe vr. frrred, wlllln* tn pay for a,.parlor artnnimrHliillora- AddreaB TVacher, Bm T<,NfliflS offir*, ________ . .._YOUN'I'I MAN w liha* * jfurn|*hed room with

wiiliout hnHrd. wlih a Rebraw l o r f t i l ' N T i . A d i l r f l P a R R . » c i I f l L N e w s o f - flcH

B O A R D IN O — O UT O F TOW NB R I C K C H U n C B . W l l U t m I t . , ‘ ' i S j

a n d o n e d o u b l e r o o m , n i c e l y a r a t - r l a a i t a b l e b o a r d 1 d l n n e r i m d t a b l e b o a r d a . p e H l I t y . ' P b o n e H O T S O r t n r ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _BiiMARDBVlLLK, D., h. »bd W.: Phoae

163J—Dealrable rooma, good table, aitKieeI? up, doublfl. IH up. P. Q. Boa *6Y. ____ _ |

two I

1 \ • M i l ' I l i l ' N r i IM A D I S O N , M ' ’ R R I . - I T D W S ,

r f l u - r ' 1 i n 1 M I - M " - - ' - 1 1lr.1 1 1 M" n i:iT t.41 :Hi4

1 .I'i ' IS i I. \ W r|K hi I !)|ih i l l . 1 I ' l I " f s . n w t u ' , I i s u iy,;* 1,,11'Sjn H A right 171 v;<i M'i

, U m a l l g 7 1 1. 1 t S 1 . flI ' l ' l . i 1.^ T 4 1 ; " 7 3 3

T- iHlH 7iiJ SDi

»‘-'iixh t>a r r i ' l l

KffMifyi l u W f . .

T o t a l *

fi-nd W alnut sL 14.000,!dft V Higgins to Flrtrllty TniM < o., 1

B ellev ille , n s W ilson pi 216 ft w fr Q uarry at. $2,fi0u.

H arry P. Hheik et ux to Prudential ,!na. Co.. South Orange, n w a Bowdoin ■t-BBO ft w fr H arvard av, ?4.Sbu j

Joaeph Blum et al to H am burg ; B u ild in g and Loan AssocIaUoh. Trv- ' Inglona e 9 SlAt at 1J6 ft n fr 19th av, I Jfi.OOO. HdIiic*

W illiam R Johnson e i n x to rioftileh , ''^ui Och*. Ltvlngatiui. uen N orih fic id •'»v 270 f t n e fr Rooaevelt av. Si.4u(i.

f ieo rg e F Thom pson e i ux to \M13- lorn H. T aylor. Went Orang*-, e r Cherry at 2B5 ft n w fr Oxford pi. | 3,hrjo.

1 A lP I M M 1 T

M r > r : M t o n n 'W A V E R l . V .

Ifiii Ml 14* Drakfl1 74 2ri2 BftkflrIJa ITfJ T4fadfly1 7 0 1 5 7 l 6 T W h i t e .IBS 1 SB 16M Hrennlck . — . — . — I K e a t i n g . .

S O S S I S 7 7 9 'T ' ' > l a l i .

1 S 9 1 7 S M X I B S n i M i l\sn . -1 3 1 1 3 « 1 3 6 H3 ISO 2>iQ

. 1 8 0 1 6 1834 764 167

( A t E r t * t O r a n g e . )E N T E R P R I S E . ■ i R A N d E V A L L . E V . 1

1 6 6 1 4 9 2 ( 1 3 S j f r l r g f l l d ' D O 1 7 5 I S l 9 a I 3 4 1 2 f i M C n r i T i k 1 7 9 M 3 1 3 :

■ 1 & 5 I 3 i j 1 1 6 I

r f l H ' ' > r l P f r n m t l i ' * n' h t ' I h , w h i c h a t t e s t e d b y H j p ' l i a r g i n u r K « . s h o t s t n i t n l i f l T " f I ' f t l l e n L - i n n d f u n p i n y e f t n n i I i a f i r s t n f r t n v n i n i i i h l l i ' f i n i ' i u t i t n f g ) " d f l n n h a n d a n d I l n u r . ■ I f l A K l f i . ' a t l o n , w h a t w a s r f l c e L c f j d u n r i K t h e s B m e p e r i o d , t h e R i n o u n t l ’ ■ ^ n d r m n c r t a n d t h e h a l a n c a o u h a j i d o n t h e i I h I i ' n f t h e i n v f * n t o r y .

A g a t n a l I h e . s f l a * * * ’ ' ^ l e i k e d ( h e r e c o r d s o f t h e f t t o r e h o u a e l o r r u v f m l e r r o r s , n n d ll gay alflo u*fl<l oA ft '•’oniparAtls rtrr''orii flJiowmg the \aliift of the artlclea " I ' l a i n r t d f l u r l i i p t h ^ i n n j i f h a n d r e r i n K - t i n g (he esny a U a i n m e n l of the per «’h p-

1 H h w a r d I o . a i ' T H’ l n t h i n e a n d s u p p l i f l i i " i h ' * p I h f l n f ' ' l l' T h e .‘ ‘ H i i t f l n l f t b o r i i . a f n l h i s s f l d i n n r d p l '\ )i;K P.ipi'hcs f"i' ih^ m-HitiiLon. lliia i u"rk .lc .. | \r s opnn th** HteWHid. \s'hn 'lelflrrnlnt'fl the guanlily ni^eded from a I . I mi'Utali'in of whfll v, rh U«fld Hj b.

f l i m i l o r p r e s i n u f l p e r n " ! , L I ' p n o p i e f l o f • l h < ™ T f l q i i l s l l l o n a r c m a d f l . I ' v o w h i c h

n r » * r e t a i n e d a l l l w h o R p I t w ! . o h * b * l n g f d ^ d i n t h e n f f h f l a o d t h e o t h f l r g o i n g t u i h f l s l o r c T i o u f l e ,

1 p-'ii Oifl rcrripi of Ilia goiid.'s or- i dflr* !. ar ‘rntry is mad* In fhfl etorfl-' I r - " ; . | - T f l r r . ’ o r d R , h i k I I h f t c o p y " f H ” '[ r*- pj !R rriMrri*ii t" the riff "'-: n;i flcmuni u" kepi[ i i . i . k i T M i n ( b i s a l l I i H I h a m r h c . k u i i t o 5 I T " . - I ■ i r ' ^ ' H n e f l s I n t t n l » c ' p a l i " 7 7 " f d ' f l ' j |i |r . H I of flll voU'-hcr.s seiil to ilm I f r i ’ c h o h l c r s f r » r p a y r m n l i s a l f l o r e l a i n c 1

0 1 I I I * ' i r i s i 1 1 i i t J o n .' hen gO'Hifl ar« rcpiirc^i In Iho kilchop.^I i h f l N f l n H - m c l h o d m n a t ( i * . f n l l o w e * ! h h h i 1 \ s f l T . H I n I h M v t i y t h e d a i l y p e r I ■ ' ' a p T i . f t r a t i o n a l l n w a n i ' ' i * s h o w n , f r o m I s s h i c h t h e a i . i t h o r l t i r s w r e f l n a h 1 * ! d I " d p »I urm lne the arnuunl pcHulred f o r month- ! ly i>erlodflI T h e s y . ^ t f l m n l s o m n t e l n f l a n a c c o u m o f 1 t h e a r t i v i t l f l s " H t h e f u n n a n d i n t h e d a i r y a n d R h i ^ ' X H w h a t t h e a e p r o d u i ’ e a n d

f l t w h a t I ' O s d \ V h t l r » n o t e n l i r e l y r o m - p l e t e , I h ' ’ n f l u m a n n ' T o f a c c o u n f m gI Ihuuipflon lf)21441»6 i.'M'vIftra

! o p i 7 # ‘ i . . 1 2 1 1 2 3 m i f t i n g e r . . 1 2 8 U : m j „ . u | w h e n v s - i r k i n g s m o o t h l y , s h o w K i f tl . n i - ' ’ ; . . . i r . A 3 0 i 176- w i i i i t e . . 1 R 9 M O 1 4 2 r i m d M - . t l n K e a r ’ b d e p a r t m e n t

8 t l 121 8 0 4 I ' f l l i ^ h r ' S l - H H l , b o t h f o r l a b o r a n d s ' i | - I pi lea.

Hrfsiieran ...........160Ti'iHls 694 T44 393.


SUMMER AVE., 310—Front xoonir neatly furnlahed; ligiit houeekeeplng' privilege;

private family; ateam heal; convenient to care.SOUTH ST.. 86— Two fine connecting roonte,

with all conveplancefl; newly furnished; aultable for physician or dentist.BDL'TFrTWELB'TH ST.. 4'20t-Furntshed rwin:

bath; pflva:' family: reaeonablo; first floor.WEST KINNEY ST-, 34—For comfort end

burncllke hurroundltig*; newly furnlehed rooma; all Improvemflute; nhower bath, pri­vate; rates reasonable, you should eee. T. T.THROaajiLL.WEST PARK ST.. 4—Private family would

'rent large front room, nicety furnished; third floor; gentleman or man and wife.

pi ST- 315—Large rooma alngle or rcnnocHng- light houaekfleplng; al»o

i-fiiTAs genilcmen. aO improvement*:Icirma ^P__tJROAD ST.. 066—Large front room; auU-

a'ula tior one or two. a ll Improvemenle; Rleimj her.t; select; 'phone 6S10R Marlret, UL.\Rw-ERO-AD 6T . 040—l^rge front morn, also iln-

gle F'Vira. till Improvamentf. convrrlletice*. (iMdr.i iKQt. priveto family; refn''.'ncei; genii#- r,i#n._______ . . .bro ad s t .. l id f^ D i eiQgl* andJl eoueetlog

front room: *H Ithpt*.; ^ v a t* bdoM; • » - axate #mranc»: ’phone. eleetrtcUyi regafpaaMe.BROAD BT.. 26;. Broad at.. IIJS; Falrmonbt

ave.. 109—Two or three rooma; (rmtaKeep- Ing; hot water dally? Janitor; reaeenapw. .BROAD ST.. llOI-^Three m inute to (tenth

St. Button; newly. furnl*hed» .A ttnetir* Toqme; iteani heat; telephone.. _________.BANK ST.. front parlDr rtom, *utt-

able for eleepliiS apartment* or ttualnatf: eentnlly located^ near Brood ond Uvkali an imprevenant*.

WjWHINQTON st ,'. 872—Nicely fbrnJahedconnecting front roems with bath, running

water, gai end etovea, all completed for l l^ t houaekeeping; from I2.6(> up, alao single room#. fLWASHINUTPin st”! 3*8—Nicely fumlahed

rooms for light houeokeeping; single or coRnec'iijng: 18.60. 14; all Improvement!, boll roome AloOr 1L60-

E U S T c h a n g e . S o u U l - , T n . „ „m i n u t e * f r o m C e n i r a l t r o l l e j o , i f lp T O B d a t . - S e c o n d - s t o r y c o n k i n g ; r e f i n e d s u r r o u n d l n g i a•ph.'tie 114J1J Orange. ______ .M A S T O R A N O E — N i c e l y f u m l a h e d r o o m I f i_ _ _ _ # a w t O T A a j k n r i A r n j i n

CONTRACT3-Bimon Galer, owner, J94 Belmant svc..

TOodaiate; J *’'th Fishm an & Steinberg:, for rarpetiler

lU■ 8 . bome-made

and plumbing work. |525. Michael ft. Rilbepatein, architect,

George W. “W ledemnayer Inc., own^r

SRIVARK ('in RY'H I.EAtil R(On Eurflkfl

K A I R M O l i N T i F L a n E N f K A \ E .

HI ftRgfogat'oM of SI. Benedidt^f JPrep S'-lmol. Hi Athleiii' Lark, un South Or- angft B'flnufl. Thn Hnttln boys bAVf Riet w i t h little jbuoreaa Lbia inaaon. Out o f rive gainofl played, the KIlEgbeth Uam Inst lo Riilherford. Rahwgy god D lck- Inaon High srhool* by the aame 9^61%, 2 i ) l o h ; i \ c - 1 l l i e W e a t f l f l l d H l g h # S c h o o L7 (0 7, and defeated Koel Side H lsb.14 to 3.

R nakflbnll ft* Kaat 4 |rag |ie .'1111- first hflftkflthHll gamcfl o f the ««*•

aon fli East Urangf* High School were Ijlnyfil sf'r'tri’ilHy afl'*rnuon. The fTOih- luan fTvft (He Junior • team. 28i., in Mii'J t i l l ; s o p h u r u u r e a met defeat a t tho hamla of ihi-j senior#. 24 lo SU. ‘lb *frf’flhnien-iuril'jr gH.infl tvas alQW, but th* *f)ph' fUHrfl'flCm'T I'tiiititst wan filled ,w4tb nvdii'jncnt hoggoit and . r iU gim nioiii, <jf dv' ftHt>l.oTunrfla. and Farrar and JoQj^ uf (lie eeiilore. t'layeij .•laaay baoketball. Tniiny ihfl rrijfihiuflri pUy the aophoirtoreg nn-l ihrt JuniiiTo mc .1 (h© aetilot*.; _ ^

hf-boot \i»4rn from Hnre egd Tfecr*k■ I ' L f ; v « n « * i , r i s i l i t h a l r l i a i ' k . a n d R e g R k l n ,

I r f i i * r i d . a r - ' ' r > i T - i r i f d l o h a v e q u i t t h e Siniih Nrd'* Higli ^ • • h " o l l o o t h a l l squad. . T U ' l I h ' " ' v | p \ ' i i 1 m i - ' i o r f r h a p ' t f o r I t a ganm nvxi T1jl'^(la.\ with l•iafringer^

H a r o l d L n R c t h f l r g i ' r f r a l u t e d t h * p r a C * l i o n y r . ^ i f l n i R i " n i h f l v i i ' - f i e l d b e t w e e n ihft « c n l r a l r f l g ' i l a r . s a n d s c r u b * . He* r t r r l « d t h f l i a n d # f o r J a r K O g a i n * w h e n ­e v e r c a l l H u p o n t o t a k e t h e b a i l a r o u n d thfl ftorub oulpuftla

NLinli'lsir Af'sdemy’ft huBketball ached- u l f l , a n n ' j i u v " f l d t o d a y I s a * f o M o w s : J * T i - nofv 0. Baltin . 17. Pordentown- 30. p r - n n g f ' I M g h ; 2 4 . M l F - ^ l c a i a n t , 2 S , R u t g e r * iTpr. Fflhruary fl. Jersey (Jity H igh; 18, l.flftlfl Srhooi; Ifl. Randolph Mill; 27. KmKfll'’i . March 8, MontdaJr H ighF i . h O n l


nrivatp family; euliable for iwo gervtletnea . .nr^coaoie' near trolley and tralna; board M arket at., with Artnetrong Cork Com-cpttoniil. ' Addreae Conwenlenoe, Box J8. ----- * —NSTva officeEAST ORANOE—Comfortably furnlabed.

stflani hfiftted room, alngle or dMble, flvt mlnulfa D„ I„ and TV. faat or I.oard optional; homo l a b i a . 66William -at. ' ________ _________EAaT .iRA.Nr.E, Sonth Mapla ava., 6—Tw”

t.onn.;ctln« front rooma, on# largo rMtn. tabir: all ImprovamanU;

ova 8t. SUtlon: 'phono 21S7J^xrflllenl m l n u i o s U i ( j * ' O r a n g c -

BUIW rr IT.. 2B-U»!it foom: Ittam Ji4«| p e r p e t u a l h e t w a t e r : v r l v a u f i n i i l y ; a i u l | i i

s A r U c k x w a t u s a o i i l t a t e * i m a M W i .IM dteUr

WASHINGTON ST., 146—Two block* from . postofflce- large front room, ready for hounrkerplng. with gas. |8 ; bath aame floor;

. F i i e o o t h f l r rooma.W A S H I N G T O N 8 T . . H O — " i S y d a t a r g * ;

sunny, front room; ateam. electrio and bath; suitable for two gentlemen; reoeon- ahle, Unlac bell.W*ABH3NGT0N BT., IBO^Lort* front and rear

room*, imtabie for oti* or two: aiaeptng or houiakaapmg; tt.B0. B.W and t»:t!o.________WASHINGTON ST., tS<—Two nioely (ur-

platigd oopneettag raom* fair Ugbt honaa- 'katping; water, goa, lauadry.Wa SHT.VOTON B T r , J08—Coitomeroloi Hotei;

fumlflhad reome to lat. r&tea reaaqpabl*; all tmproyqtoenM; iPen bnly. _______Wa 3H)NGTOR BTi, 16^-<-NlQetr farnlaliad

Itopt reofn and .Idtoltcfi; (or light hoo**- kaeplng.

EAST ORANGE. N< r1b Arlington *▼«.. 5 0 - ^ Few eeloited furnUbed room*. wHb flr^-

.1 . , , Wbla, ra.«5n«bla.hflaiiMfully Incaied.__SPAN8BURT.___________i i s T " O B A N o i t ^ T w a M o n a c U a i ,

a t t r a r t l v e r t e a m h a a t a d r o a m . , a i l I m p r a r r r o r o t a a a d r n n T e n l a a c a . ; e i w l l a a t l a b i a ,

p h a a e J W W J Q r a n g a

t l . 6 8 0 . 6 9 .pany. (or cork Inaulgti'in,Hooper fr Co., grchltocti.

Nutley Raalty Companyt riwner, Htli' side gve.. Nutley, with Van tyeeuwon fr K o c ^ n d y k , fop c a rp e n te r wrirk. r j , 82.l>. WiiUam A. Lam bert, architect

H a r ' . . l i H 1 3 7 ] - ‘> 3 M I I s m . . E. Huel'T 1J l 1 3 3 H''*, Pearct . ... H i n l i h - - 1 3 1 n y 1 7 2 ' r . P ' t t f l f ' RSmrvrk, . . p r o [ j k e t

1 1 4 I 3 i i 1 3 3 1 4 f i 1 4 1; 1 3 3

W i 1 4 1 1 3 3 144 1 4 I3K fs m \iV


T o l a l e , . 4 7 9 0 9 1 7 3 8 F E W S M I T H t i .

! 4 c h u l t z e . 21'’ 1 * ^ 1 ^ 8, , 1 . T o d d . . 1 3 1 1 5 7. 1 . M ' w e l l . U S 3 ( » 3H e r m a n . 1 7 0 U n i 7 kB . T o d d . . 1 1 4 U 9 1 7 V

T o U l f t , . R f i a " 9 0 J O l

J . P t l s T J ' Ti 1 1 4 1 1 0 I I B G r e l l i c k 189 1 4 2 l 8 1

T o l a ' s . . 4 2 7 4 1 9F I R S T l i F R M A N .

<‘iaw«ckfl.. 17;. U9 £93 H o u c k . . . . I f i a 1 4 9 l * n R f l i n . . U K ( 6 9 1 7 1 K o h l e r . . . U 4 U 3 1 4 4 S c h m i d t . . i i : . 1 3 M 6 0

Total*.. 763 SS4

JERSEY CITY. Nov. 11 —The foll'^w- Ing deeds and mortgog©g affecting prop­erty In Weat Hudson wore rftc<jr*h?d yea- lerday:

KEARNY CONVEYANCE?Margaret McCue to Jam** I.^lrd H ux.

w a Brighton gv 192 h n fr Bergen av. 30x99, $1.

Emllle K- and Albert W. Smith to WlUlain F. Monlros*, w a Morgan pi 324

EAST ORANOE. South Bumelt at.. M— Large, cheerful roorp. on aecond f l^r: jj":

pi^i-rnentB; moderate lerma: prtveie family.lei. 36 ^ R Ctrangp. ___________________ _ ...—BAST ORAN(JB, South Clinton

Two blocks from South Orange niflhfld room end breakfast, all Improve ments. ___________________ ____

•— I ft a fr Bel lev i lle ey . fiOxlPO, and o e Mor-

23&. i tl^ n pi 301 f t i fr itutli*rff>rd (il, 17ox

rR l DRSTlAL TGI RNAMENTH J n v V f l l n g a r l h - W h a t l o n A l l e y p . i


BaV VlflW Wh«**lmen bowlere got a fle\’er« blow la**! nlghl when they loat tw o out of three gamftH In a Suburban Igflttgue match to the Newark Elkb on the la tter ’B alleyfl Yho Northern R e- puhl±t’t»Ti Club bowlerfl. w ho drew a by* for Die flTMt week, nre due tom orrow night oji ihi! CcHuioM wHeys-

Sfeiid log of the Tram*.W. L H.s.l W. L. H.s.

Kr'jflger 3 c 924lESks , , £ 4 841HHIevillfl R n 841 CelluliT'Irt. U S 731B r t j V i e w , t S 9 3 4 Nwrth«rn.. - .NAilonaJ, . 1 - 992|

.Fosftph Concannrtn defeated Ch*ri«* Hetman in the first game of u serlea b( three at pocket bllll&rdfl last iiiglvt. at Feder's Klyalum. by the acore of 16u to 123. The high run of the match w ai 23, made by Concanno. The aecond gam* )b to be played tonight end th© final to* morrow night.

MTTI.BTON TOITBN-^MBNT.< O n 01d - r a * h l o n e d A M f y s . »

THAT'S ALL. 'Wllooti . . IH8 133 1S5) Mann .. 17^164 144 Neuman.. 194 IRI ITO Kimball. . 194 ISb 12*

T e ta li ., 332 284 32fi T I N-

C r u m - . . . 1 5 * 1 3 6 3 0 6 V . V l k b g I T O 1 9 0 1 6 9

F I L EF i i f r f l U . 1 7 7 1 B 8U f l i b r j u r n f l 1 6 9 1 9 0 l 7 i

. . I 4 i ! I » 0 1 6 0 U i i n d ' c f t p 2 . 6 S 5 26

T'ltelft, . 027 562 604 Tntels.. tpl 6R3 IT4 U r \ T S r O N L . 1 ■ D I V I S I O N J .

M f C l ' k e y . M T 1 6 * J f i l ; C e n n i n g . I 7 l I T * 1 4 3M f l i s n a r . . 1 * 8 I T S J 0 3 , f ' o r e y . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 H 7 J S 6« ' , } l i ! i r n . . U 3 I T I 3 + 4 i K u j e l m a n . U S 1 6 4 J 8 J

S U F E R V l a O R B , N e a l f l . . . . 1 6 9 U 4 1 4 4 C r l n s t A e d . 3 0 ] I R D 3 0 5a h l t f l . . . U i t B 6 2 0 3 Hcreich.........................

H s u f l i c a p I f i 1 5 J O

b a s t o r a n g e . North Arlington ave., 12—BMirder. |'on'«; 13■ullc. (uml.htd. b«4; convenient to elgtlon ana

irollfly ______ _______ _

E A S T O K A N O E , W e b . t o r p i . , r o o m ; a e c o n d f l o o r ; n e a r b a t h .

t a b l e ; f o u r m i n u t e * D i i c k C h u r c h g t a t l o n -BABT o r a n g e . The Llnwood, M Halated sL

-Large from room, eouthern expoeure; *«■« ■mailer; board q 1op*I- flflfOR Orange- ^BAST OHAHOIl. South B U r n a l t at..

tomwotln* rooma, food tabl.; phone -M7J Orange. /_______

-yv '-Sc-...V '. ’ O'fM--

WAUNUT ST., n-StBIta tfl4 aoBsaatlM

O lE N BIDOB. S h a r m A h « a „ l a r g e f u r n l e h e d r o o m * a n d g o o d b o a r d ,

p r i v a t e f a m i l y .E T a i c T i - T p r t v T i t a i M B i i r . » t « h l . " * 5 L ! l 2 1 i

u t houia In O r u n . «iHiM “ ka ctmtasW cMtpla to iMud fnr *talar »l v w r*Si: lUani hast; ootivaalant tn ,g«m 'fMlUir. * M n m U , B u 11. Bawa aMoA

HARRISON CONVEYANCE.Joser'i P. Cum m in, e t u* to lolin ,1 i Tni«i... 62* 6»t «0)

Crinrnh, w , F ifth et 60 f l n fr Central i n ivisiO Si K*v, J5.X100, t i ■ TflJin'*)’ . . . 144 J 2*i 1 82

KEARNT MORTOAOK. i .la.inliu*. . ItaW HUJatno* IValtwork e t un to Jennie tian-

fielO. w B Kearny av 25 f t e fr Johnaton 26x100. 12.100.

HARRISON MORTOAGES.Jamea F. Cqdy et Ux to People', Build-

In , and lA »n Aeeoolatton, e « Grant av 76 ft fr land* o f I. M. H am ilton, 2o*I00.J1.600,

W ladyalaw Snexeaoy to Margaret E.Huggina. e • John et ITS f t b fr William at. 25x97.9.


KEARNT B U IL D IN e CpNTKACTS.Jeremiah f l, O'Coimor with Smack A

Mclvera. atl elK trlcal work for a private raaldenda to he erected oh the eoutheaet com er of Chefftnut et and Oarflald av, ItOO; Franks A. Bebroth, oeTpenter and rooflM . F m alt A . Batiiei-, paint-

Hanks . 166 168 168H a n d i c a p . 3 ' ^ 3 0 ^

T o l a l J . 8 4 3 4 2 ^ 4 9 3

K i i n d l c e p . 4 " 4 0 4 0TrtralK.. 646 630 44*

D I V I S I O N B . Counter. , - Ifi* 1*1 I6SWlfldmatl. 1*3 1*6 144Grarf....... 1*3 171160UrtTiflU'ap. 10 JO 10

Totals.. 563 S6T 473

( A t E l k f t . )P A T M E W .

NflUfll 13BUT146 H i i l ! ! b a u f l r 1 6 9 1 2 6 1 4 7 T n v l t i r . 1 7 8 M 4 1 4 5 C o r ( 7 3 5 1 3 8 1 3 7C r l l c h f l t t . M 4 1 4 7 1 1 4

T o t a l s . 3 7 4 2 8 9 3 6 7 8. O- S.

M u f l l e r . . . 1 1 2 H I 1 2 7 K n u t ^ n i a u 1 7 6 1 4 3 J 4 T

ELKS.C le rk ........ 160 1*1177L«bfl 167 180 146Bflvflntee. 167 179 170 D aw flo ti,.. 143 ITS 171 K eup te f.. 103 IM 195

T o l a l B . . , : S 3 : 6 3 T ' T n t B l . . . 3 » l 2 9 4 ; f * E I . I T E . I m e t r o p o l i t a n .

B g.r...- Id' t.B IBP; Friertman. '93 119 t|3. . . . . , > . . 1 - v » i _ j . . i . i79^iv 181

3tT349 3T»S c h n i ' i i " , l » j I S l u s ! J . U l r i c h

T n i a l j , . 3 ' 9 3 8 7 3 ' s I T o I b I .

Trriaifl. S S t * 0 ! T 3 » ' T o t a l B . . . T 1 S 9 « 1 8 4 3


o f Yeeterday*« Csumei!’Induatria!. 4; S iiaaex, 0.

Franklin. 1. North tieveuLh. 1.Ablngton. 1: Central, 0.

^ t a a d i & i r e f t k e T e a m o *

M 4 > N T f | . A l K B . \ N R ( L E R K S * L B A C H i K »( O n M f l l r o p o l l l t t f i A h f l y h . M o n t c l a l r . V

M D N T C L P T R . C O . ; B K . ( 3 FI f l h b l n f l . 1 6 6 i : 9 l ? r B i i M s v J n - . I S i l j J J J JW h e e l e r . U . f t ! f l l 1 6 1 1 S o v e r e l . . .r h t f l i i « e h . 1 3 1 l l M 2 6 | D u 0 u l f t " o n I T * 1 5 7 - MH a n d i c a p . 4 0 S O 8 0 [ H a n d i c a p . • - M W

T n i a l a . 6 3 : 4 * 7 4 7 8 1 T u l e l e . ■ 6 6 9 6 S l A M

M A H O N I f I . E A G C E . l A l A l p h a A l l r y m O r a r g e . »HOPS. o v e r l o o k .

Whltmatl. 1S8 314 !94 Bnllard... ' l l >4> >*Uradl___ U8 1 9 U )«F Pna'BlI- } ! ' ? ! 1 ! ! !Alian 208131 ISS] Ualmo", • • la i H* IJ*ahrpara ISO 176 19S Leach. 211130 194B a k e r ; 1 1 1 7 { * ' S K 2 ' V n o U . 1 2 6 1 ( 0 J d l

T o t a l . . . S 3 1 3 « 4 S * >■ b l o o m f u ii,p ,„ .Llv'gaUUi. 914 189 162 HarrlB... ' ‘ I ' ? ’ .'i‘H o u a a r . . . t V , n * , . . . Conlan...

149 290 172 US UO t77 190 191 30(

TntalB.. 620 947 963 MONTCI.A1 R.

Stxlar....... 141 103 201SlmlBtar,. 211 UT 179 ■Thomaon.. 199 196 163 Bayder.... 111103 179 Smith....... 179 161 1*2

Totala.. 999 9*1 *19 Toiala.. 197 912949

W. L. T. PU.Induatrlal ............... ___ 4 (I 0 8Franklin • ............... . . . . V*? 0 1 7North B*jvcrxlh . . . f» 1 1 &Ahinfton ................ I 2 2 4Suaai^A ................................... _____ 1 3 1 3O n tra l ........... . ..v ___ 1 4 fl 3Seventh .................... . . n U 1 1

LO.M9iJ5BCIAI, LKACDK.l O n W a l n a a r t h - W h a t l o n A i t a ^ A

BA.MUERIJBR. ........ 'Jeiiea J l a l n n c y . L l n d u u l n t C r a l i n — R a i n . . . . . . . . . . .

110 210 132 113 146 191 36 126 294

166 1(7 199 149 191 1*4

Tstala.. 693 994 97*

W O R T H U 4 0 T G W . . Frltehin,n 174 t i f j j l L e v i n a . . . . - 1 * 4 I J J l t l N I c k o l a a n . 1 * 1 1 1 9 1 9 1C a n a l o s v . . . I M l l i Wagnar...‘ 194 194ti99

Telatai.. (99 999 944

N O R T H E R N J t M O K L H A G liE .R eeult nl v9i«ivrtlar*a Game.

-4.'nntral. J: .tU.ngton, u. B taadlne of th e Tcanw,

EI.KS' LEAfILE. (At K iheay.i

•f. ■.eI

Central ..........F r a n k l in ........Elliot r . i . . / , AhiDgton . . . . . BiUfaa ......... ..

W. Lv T.3 0 12 II 13 1 09 2 10 1 1


P A T B H S O N . . Sruaik .... 15* l i t 111 'O'Oerman. 1*9 14* ! Ram ery,.. I t f I?

I m.w c f th .. .M ; . iUU! 4Tetala. Itritvm t- TeUl*'..‘ 792 t*f Ml

‘ (iV.'- ’.vcV 'N .'


Tu b Expected to Stay at Atlantic G tj Until Today, but Returns

by Coaches’ Order.


» E A IS O irr OF GAME FOR SEASON9p«ciai .VMT’iF!,

PRINX'KTON, Xov. 1 1 —T}i# co»ch««0f Pl’lnt’eton's footYiftU slfven wer* «o AUXloui to fo l ihn t^Hin from At-U o (k CUy. uhore ll hafl l■r <'n rocuper- ftdBC two ilayi after itj© IFarvard ■»1M . that the at*y. whtrli wa» ex- p«ot«d to la«t uMll thla mnrntriK, waa cut •hort. when the roarhea tot-l 'I raloftr FlUpAtrlek ypatenlav to hurry hottifl with the *TURd, )ii order tiia l th' fitml WMk of prmtn« for the Yale Bamy hlflB wUhoiil ■ii’lay.

Ooborn Ktnid war In such a mUaraY le Itato Sundoy evenlnn that there waa thooght to be little hoj-e of I'Pintt oMo to get to work until today voidWll2 Wowing all day yeatarda.v, Tjow- •VBT. took away moet of ih" mniAture aOd toade It pcwible for the men to out oh th e grasfl plota around the ed^e for oa hour of algnal drill. Kvptv rjpo CBiM bock from the ahore in ifond ahap<'

Tb* program for the week ronfllata aaaifljy of working ttie varalty nieainet a •erub eleven, the latter uamg YhIp playa M tU ely, in order to eccuatom t>,p firni e lere s to Yale'k alyle of aUa iK An a K B itef the roai’hea, yoaierOav aftf'r- tU)ofi« rounded up a new xrrut>, miiJe up OC ftorB of the freiihmaii team, which finished It* •t'aaon Haiurdav; the oM •cruh. and of tJie former (m m 'if iM llglblea. The cumhinaii''n v aa eet in work learning the Yale fnrmutinnH. arid th is hfternoon the roarheH plarmeJ to dreM them up In Yalo h!un jerx^'ya and U se them up agalnet the varsity f 'r a long, itlCf fcHnmiAKo.

N o changefl in (he line-up aro plennwl for the Tlgera, except In the raue of ffhet. a t rtgiH end, who ta out the gam e with a broken ankle, eunialned in th e Harvard game. While HTiea will t>e greatly mleeed from the l^'am. the vACBncT will he on« of tlie tofin* becauee of the rroeenoo iif 1..anit'er- to& and ’'Blew’' Hakrr, !>oth of whom have been running Sbcu « closo m ro for th e place. "Slew" Hwk'-f aeema to he th e first selertlon. hut la aomewhat short OB eatperlence. Iiamherton, on Ibe other hand, has only two weeks’ advantage In egperlonce over Baker Brown It en- othar man likely to get a chance at the podtton.

To wold the team mtjre rlosoly to­gether and give It a scoring punch w hich will ohvlatn the necessity of de­pending upon Captain Baker to kick fur th e scores, la one of t)m problems left for th is final week of priming. A good day and a dry field at New H aven will give the Tigers the chance to show some fea t open football— s<lmf^lhlng which they have been unatile tn do so fnr on ac­count of the slippery fields In the big gaxDsa,

Captain Baker demonstrated yestecd/ty Bfternoon that ho still has u drop-kirk- lny pow er In him. even though It failed to produce a score In the Harvard game. He tried six tim es for goal and put th e ball over three nines. On a dry field and with a natural ball, not w eighted down with water. B a k ers toe 1i oartsjB to be more of a factor than It w a s against Harvard

Ells’T a le iQUsd lu tioiMl bbape.

m e w HAVEN, Nov- l i . —The vmrsltr squad reported al Yale Meld yes* terd ar after a rest in Moriden. nver Wun- dar> The men had a long signal drill w ith Cornell In plnce o( ■*'"■*7“ ’,,,^^® U ttar w * i the only man hurt In antur dmy^m n m a , which cornea pretty n e a r oe- lB> h jw w record at Yale, Hie cu t 1« •HU pninful, but ha will turely etart In th e «»m a a«elnat Princeton.

Tha work of the week will be largely e le iw llnea of building up a <l»|onae to tiMt rrinoeton offenaa. Moat of. the Yale oakdiaa aaw the H arvard-Prlnceton game

:,'^ «* tord ay end diegnoaed the pley.

B a rreed Hard a t W ork t s a la - OAMBRirKlin, Nov. 11. — llorvard

t ^ a y bcKao to prepare the t rtm- ■oa aouid for the Yale Rame. lee" then tw o .waeka away. Kiimc attanti™ waa " e d < to perfecting a defense agalnat the 0M B atylo of play Drown la erp ectii p .UOa tn Baiarday'a game.w iw 'tb a only varalty man to workM ilo rd sy . T^s coaches decided h« needrdw ofk to gat Into ahape after hla week a la y o ff In the Inflritiary. Captain Stnrepa work a t and agalnat Princeton w as gooil anotigh to con'dnee that ha ought to be kOPt In that poaltlon agalnet both Urown a M t a la . '

No gcrlinmaKe for Penn. raiL A D B lt.P H lA , Nov. 1 1 .— Pennayl-

BaOmaU began preparatlona yesterday for tha ta m e with Michigan a l Ami ArlKir, flBttUday. tv ith the eicepH on "f MimU, who' waa aomewhat need up In the Doytmouth game Baturday, all the pliiy- i

‘W S T S i n g o o d c o n d l l i n n

w m is Rltohls. Ih t llghtw slghl fliw ii- plon. !• ssM to boru undsr slucky "tar- His uub k sccssilon lo tbs lUls LTown. w htn boxing s llltls Ism than a year. Is given ns an Instancs of this, i.ijl bis lucky star, or \^lial*vsr Influssos which. It tfl clalmpd. ban been working In ids favor, wan absent from Ihs rlngslds

Mndlstjn Hfiuart) Harden. N^w Vork, last iilKht, when hs fought Ijssi-h CroM. Hllfhla whlpiMJd t ’m si nnd irounoad him BounUly. ‘diasMsod him, tM-rhaps, b#ttsr than N#w York fight fans svar had s*sn Cross ilftfsatvd bufors, but with u ssusa,'* llonal virtory w ithin his grasp through tbs medium of a hnuckoul In lb s third round, yihti'h wv'erjU'jdy ihou sh t was coming, tlis Callfurninn bscam s a trlfls oirer anx­ious and falb'tl lu put on the finishing lourhoa ttficr Un bnd fNi<.tri*'1 Truss twice with fttrulgtit lig h t punches to the Jaw.’Hie StHgfl entlirig was thua ah ready frif Ihe climax whuti didn't arrive. There u a f ' i.e I'f the Inrgi-Ht fight efow di ' B'hli'h «>v»!r ftSHfiubU^d In ,Npw York, ex­citement was iriierirtf, n ' haniplon was 1.10 \iftw. and !**• v,c!il<i[ig aftef the riisn- ner of a tltlel.ulder, hut Hie one punch, which WDuld have bruught iilfn fame and no dmiM m any more tt**' -rtandu of dol­lars, hn failed lo pff^ducc It wea the crlticBl liLStaiU of the Mglit. which was filled with big mointntn but llUcbls fall- rd, Mhfn 11 was th' ught fliftt lie would .ti'ore the crowning irliimph.

— 4. -There H no doul»t that U ltcble Is n

chRmpInri. a lih ou gh there wore som e th inge Bboijt bln perform ance w hich H ero dlRarpolntitig. Fie ilrml under the milllnK Hnd w earied conslileriibly from hlH own exertion s. Many who w atched him care fu lly w ore of tlm riplnlon that hla long s ie g e o f (rjilnliiR. noceBsmy bot.auao of the posipoiieu ieiu of th e figh t from th e urig iiisl date, had rubbed him o f luiich of Ms alamiiui, K itchle Is said to bnve worked very hard for the figh t, and perhaps did too much. He dldri’t adm it this h im self, declaring h is ItiablUty to put Cross out was because th e latter waa a very tough fe llow . H Itchls said th is w hile leaning over the ropes after the end of the bout, end he w as so winded that he could hardly breathe out th e an- nounceinent H« a lso said that Cross gave him a hard figh t, yet to those at the r ingside there did not appear to be Huythlng to rroae's sloi'k In trade aside | from bis endurance. He w as strotig and took a lian i lacing, yet he nlood up undi-r It bravoly He didn’t figh t much, Ultchle doing Ihe most of this, and his blow a w ere Juflt sw in gs. >le oovered w hen In d iffloulty . and th is to an ex ten t p u ssied (he cham pion. Cross, though, w a s oool and took ad van tage of ev ery th in g he could, w hich w as w'hat kept him In tlm bout to the finish

-4 * ■The third round, whkh brought about

itie two knockdowns, was, of cou^sa the big round of the fight, and was ipectao- ular In the extrem e. The spectators didn't have any Idea th&t happenings of such mom ent were to close when the round opened. The fight had been full of activity from llie very start. Ritchie iab- blng his left into Cross's face and tbe la t­ter rushing and trying to land his power­ful right. The round, though, had not hBfn more than a few seconds under way bofore Illtchle. flashing hla riglit for the first time, drove it straight for Crobs's chin. It landed ofi the spot and t ’n>ss staggered and partially T)«ui over. Tlie I blow didn't put him down, but ll started him on his way, and Ftltchle was on him ’ In an Instant- The champion’s right shot out again. It landed on the Jaw once more, and this tim e Leach went to the floor. Tbe HUddennesa of the whole tiling brought the spectators to their ft-ei wliii n. ahnut, Cross tc»ok the count, tnil when he arose he waa groggy Itltchlc want tifler him pell-mell. m'-ncMnrhod. Ritchie threw Cross off. am! with another right sent the New Vorker reeling across the ring, ITila llnio It nii- peared oa If Cross took the count, as he

The eioven ; atjuok tha ropes and dropped to tila knee.

Inclination on Ihe perl of R ivers 10 quit under ibs merdlvas rain o f Istls whh h the champion showered upon him, beating him down slowly, than to a single declsH *blow.

— + —

ntich le's boxing was a deligh t to ttie ' eye, and he used gooil ring generalship.Ilia ch ief punch wsa a left Jab or Fiook I

team and pinning the w rlUr’s faith on Ferchlcot and Breton, the Frenchrasn:

and ha need thla almost Incesaantly In the very first round he took C hise vUmu- off hla feat with a left hook Just hef(..»ra the bell sounded. i'r'>is had started tlie session by rushing, bpi hnri taken aevaral Jsbs In tha foos. The left hook made him U k e noUcs, It whs tiie only solhl punch of this round, and 11 gave llltrhte a laud right from the eiart. From thdi tune on lu the flnlnh e ary round was Rltc'lile’s, with l)iH fX npuoh 'M 1M* eighth . In which Cross nliowad to Hd\an tage, and Ilia fifth, which w as evntit H llchle WHS C'M)I under fire, and > !h In avoiding UangeroiiA situations lli* did not escape punUbru'-nt, though, as(.’r<»e« got borne some swings Lu his bead | ------ ■" “ 'I lls left swing he was able lo land to I |{ijti th bn\c iip«»n r L'iitnpstHur,the side of Hltohle's right eye. and this | 1;,' nu-nmK that Victor BrO'erwas puffed up some a t the > luse. [ f rcitiii r**i'rRflenlRl!v«, wfiuldIlltchla's nova was also hleedlng from jahs. Cross’s powerfiil right, upon ^^hl''h Fie depended an irnuJi. whs Fdorked re­peatedly by the rlis rri|>iun. whoflo fH-‘Tde tactic was tn put his loft ' j> toFils Fiead and take the punch >ui tiie glove


T o f A # t j p o r l i N ( T £ d < l o r 0/ l A s H EW S :a iis^ n u n 't you think a "dark horse’'

team in the six-day race would make It raure tnlerestirig? Well, take for Inslancu, Ferchlcot and Breton I sju sure you saw Ferchlcot ride In the world's cham- plonahiiiH last year. He came next lu Kramer, ami Kramer only beat him by Inches Breton, from what I ‘’-an hear, can Fmid hla own with (he heat of them In a long race, I'erchlcoi will be with us next year to show hie mettle Ho here's giving three ch^-ers tu the "dark horse team In the h'skcst rac« <if the season.


flog from degrading and deeccratlng uses and to secure a general observance of June U as "I'lag Day,' becauae on th at day in 1777 Congress adopted the United Htatei fl'tg. Colonel Ralph G. Prime, Yon­kers, is president, and Theodore Pitch,

North Hrnadway* Yonkers, New York. Is seiTi'fary.

- 4 -Y Z.

J wrote a pholu-plny whirh 1 wish tu have oupyrigbied. Would this f'Opyrlghl pruUi-t me in uny Htate other than New Jersey? If s<>. wFtat States? I wuuld hke to sell ih*' play to some New Yi>fk com ­pany. U hal will ll cost rne to have the piece copyrighted In the Kiate of New York and the State of New Jersey?

N. J. M.

\ \ \ I , r K i t l i t I r .

u n d i i i i b f ' t J I * h H e ' u l ' l e d H u l l ' s i M u d l U o n I f l l r i ‘ - i t o i m p r o v e .

I'ioNt hidi'

+ -\ t T P i i l i D o f i

Cross was a sight from lha puru-hlng rtcelved, and he F'Sed constantly from

llie firat round. H1t<'hle’a left

1 I'l.Hi nil* KhhI Si'le High fei':hool elfs-eii i hiea ji' t Int'-nd t i mMmvv IIih challenge o f j hc-ikviil.i H u h Sriioid to .itinolu-crt cm

»ilui\sri b> 11" f from > I t

F>r<h1coi Htid Bceton will be one of Ihe Ktrongeet lasnia In Ihe race end no doubt W i l l hf-ad the list of foreign delegations, should Walter Ftuu s Injury prove serious end th e German he unable in rom- pete In lh« grind Htrvhl«nt Is one of Ihe Fieel Mprlhter^ In Knrt^pe, and in the 8«ti8i n Just rinsed l i e waa second to R un In the rntliiK He hsH Fiad esporlom-n in the six-day nume und la thoroughly fa ­m iliar with raring In Amrrka Breton has been known hh one of tlie oust plug- grra that Europe has produced, but he lias been shaken off In sprints when the ■’Jams" liRve beta hard if he can hold hie own liurlng Home of the hard sprints and Ihe teem is tied with the leaders at the finish. thr*r»' im no tilling but iTial F’errhtrot may carry off ihe chief hnn- ora.

bend two copies of play lo the Copyright Office. I.lbreritVashihCt'Ui. D. <'

of t.'ongTess, with an applieaiion

f< r a regjetratfon and a money (irder pay able to Ihe Hegieter uf (.'upyrlghu for tbs


inin{|loD Miikileweigbt Undile to Display fo m Became of Oiarley

Victor’s Defensive Tactics.BABE ANGER! HAS U R G E EVENING

li'Vklng l■tl*-■r rRrHved these In authority at

s t f l t u t u r y r e g i x t r R l l o n f e e o f | 1 . T h t : c o p y ­r i g h t I s g o o d t h r c u i g i i o u t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d I h e u r l g i n a l t e r m o f c o p y r i g h t I r g i H i d f v r i w i n t y - e i g h L y e a r s .

_ + -V y.

H i h ' v d ' l I h e n a v i e s o f t b e w o r l d r a n k ?A . R . B .

• I ' h e n a v i e s o f t h e ^ w o r l d r a n k a x f o l ­l o w s H r e a i B r l l u l n , G e r m a n y , i m l t e d h t a t e i ' . F r a n c e , J a i x i n . I l u s s l a . I t a l y , A u s - t r t a - H u h c i a r y , B r a z i l , A r g e n t i n a , S w e d e n . N e t h e r l a m l f l , N o r w a y , C h l i e , D e n r n a r K , S p a i n , F ' l i r t u g a l , G r e e c e , T u r k e y , G h l n n . M e x i c o a m i S l a m .

- + -V 7...

I s t h e b a l l l e x h i p N o r t h D a k o t a b H I I H t h n B r o o k l y n N a w Y a n l . . f h o h o w l o n g w i l l I t r e m a i n t l i e r e " I n a s e I t h a a l e f t w h e r e d i f l i t g o a n d w h - . * n < l 1 d I t l e a s e t h e N a v y Y a r d " ' R .

T h e S h i p I s e x p e c t e d t o r e m a i n a t t h e L l r o o k l y n . N a v y y a r d u n t i l J a n u a r y I ,

h o o k t o I t t m l i ' i a l ?,■ 1 ( h o j a w I n t b e o p e n i n g a e s a l o n b r o u g h l •


a t r i c k l e t o C r v a s ’ M l l p a . a n d b e f o r e i F i e f l K l i t w a a h a l f w a y f l l i l a h e d b o t h o f C r o R a ' s a y e s w e r e p u f f e d u i i . F i l « n < s o ' w a n x k l n n e i l , a n < J h l a M r > s W ' - n ' s j d i t . 1

H . t i ’ h l a d l a p l a y e d a h t i l e p n nt h e r l g F i t a y e a n d a H S M d J u n 1 l i pH l a n o s a b l e d c o n s i d c r a t ) T > . a n d l i l d f l c u F t r e d d i p a d u n d e r t h e u i l l l l n K s s h l c i im a d e l i l m a p p e a r w o r s e t h a n h e s \ . a a , a n d w i t h t h e b l o o d o n C r o s H , g a s a t h e b a t t l e a g o r y a s j i e c t . F J e l . w e * ; r i r a r i s r o u n d C r o s s r e q u i r e d t h e a t t e n t i a n o f h i s j M c o r d a t o a l a r g e e x t e n t , w h i l e a l i t t l e s p o n g i n g s u f f i c e d f o r R i t c h i e

[li rA'* i^puvtuiij K iitor Iff ihf' \ Z :. . i r - I I ' . a r i l . 1 " I n y o u r i m i ' f r " t i n t r n n ! d o t o p r e v o n l o i l i i n l n t

, , . , f r o m n m n t n t ; o n » a t m ? K . i j .m . i l l i i S ' t i u i l K i r t o l i H o . ' i H l m ' ' ! ! n ' l l - - . , . . k ,^ n * I * ' f l o u c e z e t h e p a i n t m i t o f f l i e t u b et . r y o i e r H l “ . 1 w i s h i < n t H t o t s \ l | ^ p l e r r ' o f M o E t l n g [ s a p o r , a n d a f i p rV h « \ H I ] . I l a i n i i ' d h M H W O j f h i t t l i u f j a h a i M ’ t c d <>f i h e O i l t n l x

the paint with a llMk gaHuline Thena jinu’lh e giirne ' nio paint with a l i n k gnHuline. , * I (aka ihe hrIIu rpiI m b block magne.Hiang R l it too fjsr by

I ink uii-U‘Tiib I .[ ll i > 11 t h i n k F . l U v I i i - I H x - i n g x u n i o n u . . - y p r e s p . n llamumf ihi*i 1ia-f ihe Belleville^i' | nil in the paml fr-on spreading

fii'M.- doivri "11 l'■.■u^l u ilctory . None ! Artl/l." (Irflnro^ wntor rnlor "' ' ''njil uf Uiu JicUi-sklt i lJiytra Ijds aeen H on

P*or tt mlddlcweiihl who Is listed bs a purveyor »»f a clansy puglUsllcwares, Kr«-ddy Kibler last tUght dlsa,. • pointed some of his rustorners by tlie brand of goods distributed shout the per­son of I harles Vlrtor, of Jereey City, m the pialii foiir-P)imd hoot of G u s^ lroa ' Ut ’s weekly be King slmw at the Central Institute K iblers ring work railed to Imptxas thf audience lu any g r i^ l ex ieiil, and although he won from Victor, the manner m which the decision w as obtain­ed w as nothing lu get worked lip over.

'I'liL Mhape-up of (F>e mill wa. not en ­tirely Klbltr’s fault, cither. fc>r Vh lor ils- eiint-fl to assume suy aggrpasivc part m tha pfoi-iei'dlnss, He v, rp ri^iUf'ul to keep wall under <;u\cr for three rounds, hut when F>e came «nit tjf hla sFiell In the fiHjrtl'. It WRP nut with any grest show of vlgiirous atlsidt

llatw Af'gerl w«ui fi'tjiii Billy 1eles\i'. who kno4’ked him o>ii In r pre\‘U»u* mill H waa Augeri'a night nnd h«- led In n mill that providcid plenty of action. Young |!aum had the edge on Jim m y l..ewis in f'U;r rounds, and .Sharkey Willlsin.”' knocked out Yming Garfield In three. Young Hickman ]iut on speed al the f in ­ish of his bout with Kid Henry and won It on poinlH ,\tike Kane led n\'or BsUlii.rf

I I’cjnieJl, who put up a great mill and did conaiderabie daniage to Kane's nos4‘. Kid KurU'y was unable to flntsK ])sn Mitrray but he gave him r deckled licking. Kill Jackson won fruni Mickey Lordl In the oponing.

V Z.In reply tn s. question m the News the

other night would state that the Anchor Social Club has Us headquarters at Sprmgfleld avenue, J H, Fh

■IliauK vou.4-



Eddie Mu

An Incident of the second rHiurci wuh the lomernavill of FFIlchle over ''r‘--«Hs back from tho Impnlus of a missed whlcji Cross ducked aw'sy from. The rhaniplon went over ihu New Ytirker ;ind fell with a resonniilug whack flat no ii!s back. After the e\'enlfiil third. In which Cross uame very close to Ftis Wuicrlno, tb e boys went through on easy f c rlh The fifth saw Cross take advantaiie of Ritchie’s apparent fatigue and with sw ings to the head and smasFies the body got an even break of iFie fiepsinn Tn fact, thla was the round In which Cross drew the first blood from IllUhie'a nose. Tbe sixth and seventh w>*ri? all nilchle'fi, on Jabs, hut he mlaacd several apparently good chanesa to got os*‘r h;n right, when be had Cross wabbling. In the seventh round Cross didtk'l get home a single solid punch. The eighth saw the New Yorker the aggressor and he put lefts and rights to liead and body, taking the round. Ritchie appeared very weary In this session, and failed to use his right at ah. although he had plenty nf oppor­tunity. The ninth was FlHchle'e fairly well and !n the ti’ iKh he Fiad Crose hIkk- gerlng Kroimd the rinR. FFeift agnm Fie tired from his own exerllons an 1 misse<l two efforts to gel hla right over.

uur rc 'u r J ll. h h* a.-i'n.Rhd tlutrefore w hat 1

right lis\*;i they i-i n . and liRie printed | M.i-ll iih uM'ile nH rl.e> Uul? Ibey d e fy , im Olid wish [hi I'lfiv HU'tlicr gam e lu j nh'»w 11H U ;C Uicv nrir !■ .1 fl'ipoTlnra. 'iFieir F>olief .i, I hupikiss, H a t w e will «Ie<'Unrt i)i«lr ofTf r Hut. we will a r range fi game wi th iFiom n thn n+-iir ful ire It 1h wHl un{'cr*’i"-l thru w ' nre deeply uun<lh npv>ed h> H o jihscnfo "f n i l ’ s ta r qiiarttrrhii, k and 'f ''rifitiiln riir;j"‘r FFut

s3to thorn tl 'M wf a re fr-im Newarkand n it from r<pllc\ill-. ,vu w ll play them nn ri da te m Filch w ill I h dei'lded shnrllv bi-lween tlu*ir n'lnnagcr and ours.


u.^ed In place cf oil and silk in place of a u t l n

on?i ^>dneBdfly

I The murFi d 1sc-i.e*;i'd pra-'tlrnD will' rroljfihly bring aFvn.jt a conFast whicFi . will lept Ihe r r l a t h e m' 'r! t of the two

ICHtnq, flr>me[hlhff which the prai' ll 'e cnn- ' ["Mt ft .l imt rio, hararee 11 whh not iTilii^cd ‘n a trict M' 'iiTihin'fi uitti the j rul''S of « Tff<iilai' >' ti!us( The claim ! of a ’v l r to r )" Irj tiu* Kflme for l-R.‘st Side

came about lli rough h published report of (1 8 game as sucFi, but SoutFi Side never claimed It a s a s'ictory, and Bella- vllle corrected (he Impression glvon early tFiat tlie contest waa r reguiarl )-p layed game There Is noth ing wJilch either school has done th a t Rhould incur iii^ crlllclHfu of the other, and when they meet they wull probaVi|.\ jjhuke handn and Fie good friends.

Y. 7.tV'ho lu'hl." IliH Htrlke-out reiMird fur a

season in the big leagues. W al te r J>»hTi- io n or Rube Wnddell ' tjKNATOFl.

Wnddell 'H rei-ord. made in 19'G. holds good In modem FiuHeball Waddell fanned

men tha t \<’ ar. while Johneun whiffed i lC b a n era In IlMo

+ -y. 7 .:

Wlicn '.viil Ihe Ailflntlc naval fleet m»k a lni> around [lie wiuld; alKJ, will ihu; new liarilHshlp -New York be In the fMel on iis ’ [U lr ' JIM.

Tlie .Srianlic Heel Is not exi^euted 1 m ake a trip around the world, this y a r , , ^a t least. Al [he present t im e the Tied ' la In the Medllferriiiican Bea, off the coaal I of Daiy The Nv^s York Is not yet com­pleted. and when finished It la expected tu

Who pays for the weight of the liUle vooden boxes in iFie gri>cer> stores whan (fuying a pound of b u t te r ’’ A K H

Somrlirnes you dn. aometlmeR the HtorckeetieT

^ 4.- -Y Z.

W h e r e r a n I o b t a i n s o m e k i n d o f h o m u w o r k t o d o . s u c h a s m a k i n g p i l l o w c a e c a e h e c H t s n r p l a i n H e w i i i R ? S .

f 'onsult th e sdvertiainK columns of tne New's

4 .V z,

W hat day did l-’e 'i ruarv 1

Johnny ' Kllhane, (iT r i e v c la n d . show'sd hia cla.aa as featherwelghl champion, by knocking out Kddle n ' K e e f e ^ t Ph i lade l­phia. iRHt night, m the flrnt ^ l ^ d , before the iHympla A. (J.

d o l i n g L e o n a r d o f W i l h e a - H a r r e . w r u a l i s t l c i - i * f i g h t f r o m l - ’ r e d d i e J l i c k s , o f U e l r u i l . l a . H L n i g h t a t ^ I ' l l k c s - H a r r e .

I J e f f B i n i l h . o f F J a y o n n e . h a s b e e n I m a t c h e d l o m e e t B e r n a r d , t h a F r e n c h ­

m a n . i N u v e n i b e r 1 & , a l P a r l e , I n a l w e m > - r o u n d c o n t c s i

isr.4, fallE O

IV 7.

a th e re airy school ■nil le a rn to he j

o j n - r a I c i r ?No. To F»ecome an opersitor f i r s t s#

cure a po s i t io n rs lieiper in a m o v in g 1

n Ncwarl*. w h e re moving p ic tu re

W, H H

Paddy (.'allaliar: \vi>n a fast tm-roun-I Fjout from Young Driscoll at tlm Mllltar. A. r ,, Brooklyn. IbbI night. He scored two knockdowns.

K i d ' A ' i l l l a m i , o f F i a l l i m o r r , h a . s h e a r , m a t c h e d t o b o x E d d i e C a m p l . o f S a i i ^ • ■ r a n c l s c o . t w e n t y n j u n d a , D a c e i n b e r ! ' • . a l L o e A n g e l e s .

W a n t c M l . A h a r k H o t x '

In nilchie'fl doffnae after tlip fight H

W il put thwmgh a long and Fiard seoret ^videmly Intending tci take a little rest preettce on Fratiklln Flold, went after him, the referee beingM icrlinmaging. The team will leave k o n ‘Wednesday noon for Detroit, where sWff V U l be the guests of th e DetroitT._ * .u ... V./I n tf ni

■'.ri Ih f t r own. ' iiB\o the pubho R.q-I aiirHru'P thnl we will pee a l onte-H (l(Mi1eil

,,n ita manta. i *'-imiitjnicatlon.i from liie siirporter.i of vari'iiia fav<iirUi'a h im ' hei ti reoflvwl Hi lha News Office, aii'l here ."riH-H "lie looking for a ' ' lark horBe"

CoTOtry Club until Baturday morning.

Iho ' k

Dctcnalw* Drll! for D ar,m outh .HANOVER, Nov. n . — PvnrtU'o

ta id av for Dartmouth conslRted of ho IndM dual and coUecUvo dPinonBlrail'in Ot Saturday's arror., ea i'f lally of

, aadondary defenno on ■ten on'i 'p la y s . It w'SO aUemjn'J'l 1" '■rr"l.-ai“

thU by long dsfonslvo drill aKriln,''L Hi" Moond tsam , otmiloi-liii nil Its l■" "■n"l.v o f tricks. Slgnnl prarlluo follc'Wfl. a foyf daps ot tho (rack to init an . on tha men. Four unlntemU'tcd week.,* of travel are hogtnnlne to toll on the taam , but foTtunatsly. all the mon ar". In vood eondltlon.

•a a w K eeps M lehlgau Iiidoora

ooinpollod to bold him back until Loach gained his feet, hat he couldn't finish tho Job, Cross covered up and Bhifled hla body BO that he imUecual his Jaw from any more of Rltchle'a rlglu.'. Thus f'T- ilflod Ida reoupernlSve rnni-rs were so j gooil that ho wan flglUlug iinrk at Old | '-Immirlon before ih" rm ini wns over, nnd lie Imd Ills udht'in-nn HhoufSog v.ilh Joy m cr hlH reenvery, ,

Ih I 4 - I

*' Wlih Ci'onH'a rccuvery, HUchle appeared I', loan ills Bir'-ngth. even In the third I round iMirt at various limes Ihrnughout (he fight 11 londillon appeared. [ Time and again nitchlo would send Crona '

A lW ARBOR. Nov. 11.— I'rep en.uv , ,iaggertiig wUh U-ft .labs or Iffl hooks, drifts on Ferry Field preven lcj ..'u.|o..r , app,.Rr iinal'l'' m put over the

th e'li Vest 1 right wlil. h. ll was mu'I .iH.'d, curried thepractlca yeste rday by

Mlchlcab fuotFiall tcuingavq his mmi a i 'Ik /iruJlined Bome of iFic plays F\n ^to use for thJ» first tIrnB fivit-nst r •ylYanla ucm pRCirrlM'

i M H h U i g p u n F i I n I ' . i I , t j u i f i U c ' third r"Liiiil, H!ti !ilc i[;i| rc'i gcl nfUfi- ^r'uui rlL'hi-hrt' i I'unch. lie

if the e i i 11 -f I ICfl

It s c \ ' ' r . i l l . iu c s hiil f'li'uq almONt 1r -v a r i i i r ly , m u i I ImKc w!\h'b w rrc ti IspHirt w .rp t'xi f;ir '"•■‘■r (.'rOH 'ri hCc«d TFi^u [Iicip. w e r e ll n i rs when I ' rosn w o u ld

w hich la liPld r-nch full a t | t l o w up a n d tIia HuuniU-m would. (00. find w ould s im p ly ha rk-klTu: a t th * N pw Yorker, Btabhing Mm with Iffta In the

OarFlalr rraHU'c < uf ">Finrt.C A R L I S L E . N o v n t i l ' l l ^ f l o l l y p i a f -

t i c * f o f t h e I ' l i r l l r U j i q u o d T t / i s ; n r » ’ r [ ' n r o - l W l t b y e a i e r d a y b y I h o a n n u a l c t o p m - couutjry run,tha l o h o o l . r o a c h ^ \ ' f i r i i P r i - o u l d U l a f ­f o r d t o a p a r e t h e t f l o j u f r o m p r a c t i c e , h u t d i r o c t s d t h e . v a r s i t y m m l o g o t h r o u g h , f u n d a m e n l a l H u n < h . | r u m h F i e n d l n e ' s o r - | n o ' ® , m o u t h a n d e y e s . R l l o h l o h a s n e v e r

It t a p o t e x p e c t e d P r a i l w i l l b e a b l e | y a t k n o o k e i l o u t a l o p - n o i c h m a n w U h a t o p l a y r s K ! i [ - n l a g a l n . i t D a r t m o u t h a t I p u n c h , a n d h l a v i c t o r y o v e r J o eNow ' Y o r k H a i u r d u y , h u t e a c h d a y h a a ! . . . ^ « tr f\I h p w n w o n d e r f u l d e v e i o p m e n t I n W a l l e t t e R I ' ’ * ' ' * - " " " ^f o r I b i s p o e U l o n 1 v e r d i c t , w a s a a l d ( n h a d u e m o r e t o a n

I'Vr.m Khf ninomil nf lntcr#‘i«i dmi'luycd, A c n i u l i i g H i x - d i i y j a < . e i n M a d l s u n

w a s s a i d h y h l a f r i e n d a ( h a t b e w a s f i g h t - i S q u a r e l / a r d e n . * N e w Y o r k , w i l l a n i - p H s a I n g a e n r e f u F f i g h t , a n d w a s o b l i g e d a t | a l l p r e v l o u a e v e r i l H A p p r e c i a t i o n ot I F ^ o a l l t i i i i c H l o k e e p a c a r u f u j w a t c h o n ] f a c t I h s t w e w i l l g e t a ' a t r a l g F i l r a c ^ , C r n s s ' s r i g h t . I t w a a s a i d t h a t h a d t h e , I s w ' y t h r o u g h t h e c o n t a n t l o n a o f P . T , h u n t g o n e a f e w m o r e r o u n d a , H l t c h i e | P o w e r s t h a t h e w i l l n o t t o l e r a t e c . , i m h l - w o u l d t . a v e w o n b y w e a r i n g C r . j s H . l o w i i . j n n t l o n a , a n d t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t s n f s e v - T i i l s m i g h t b e t h e e a s e , y e l I t a p p e a r e . l 1 e r a l o f t h a r i d e r s t h s t t h e y w i l l c o m p e t e f m m I h e H i l r d r o u n d o n t h a t R I t c h I a w h .’ g o i n g l o w i n I n a b o u t e v e r y r o u n d . F > i i t F » e d i d n ' t u n c i h e t i r e d l i i m . ' i e l f a s ( h e h o u l p r o g r e s s e d . M a y F j o t h e r l i n i a l e i i f - f f t c t e d F l I F c h l e B o j t i e w h a t , h u t h l f l f a i l u r e t u f i n i s h C r o B s u n d e r t h e m a n y o p p o r t u n l - t i e s h e h a d w a a d i a a p p o m t i n g . R i t c h i e < f o u g h t c l e a n l y a n d d i d n ’ t u e e a n y r o u g h t a r t i c n . w ^ h l c h w ^ a a p a r t o f r r o s s ’ s a t n e k . h t i ( e v e r y t h i n g t h a t L e a c h d i d w a s p e r -

: m l s B l h l a a n d t h e r e w a s n o t i m e w h e n h e ' c o u l d h e r r l l l e i x s d .

-V V h a t H I t r h M w o u l d d o w i t h P a c k e y

M c F n r l f i i i i l , s’ h n u l d t h e l a t t e r g e t d o w n t o 1 3 6 p o u n d . 4 r l n g P l d o , I s a p r o M e t n , h u t J u d g i n g F i y i F i o s h o w i n g o f t h e t w o m e n t n t h e i r N e w Y o r k b o u t s , t h e m e t r o p o l i t a n f n n a w o u l d p u t t h e i r m o n e y o n M c K a r - l a n d . T h e t a t t e r h a s a s t y l e m u c h d i f ­f e r e n t t h a n R I t o h l e ' f l . R e s w i n g s m o s t l y a n d c u f f s w 1 t F : h l B l e f t , w h i l e R i t c h i e ' s p u n c h e s a r e a t r a l g l i t f r o m t h e s h o u l d e r a n d l n i * i r i a Y e t w h y d i f l e u a a R F t c h l a a n d a M c F a r l a n d ? T h e . ^ v e l g h t i w i l l p r o b a F > l y k e e p t h e m a p a r t , A a a n n o u n c e d l a i [ t n i g h t . R M i ' h l e l i p p e d t h e s c a l e f l a t i a M - 4 P ' l u n d s M r l p i > c i l n t f l o ’ c l o c k , n n i i 1 D 7 [ r i i u n d . ' i w i t h f l g h t m g t o g a o n e t I h e r l n g - H i d o t . ’ i u i t s w H l g h e d I n a t 1 3 - 4 1 , * [ l o u n d s a t 9 o ' c i o c i ' . a n d I 3 d « ) 4 w i t h h t « t n g R a t t h e rl/igrilde

T h e r e w e r e m a n y N e w a r k e r s I n t h e b i g c r o w d , e i t l m a t e d i n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d o f S . i M J O . T h e r e c e i p t s w e r e p l a c e d I n t h e n e l g h b o r h o d o f t S O . O D D , o f w h i o h t h e f i g h t e r s r e c e i v e d f i f t y p e r c e n t ,

- 4 "C l a r k ' s J u d g m e n t K e o n

l>e assigned lu the Atlantic fleet + —

V 7,Y^'hRt Will he the capacity of Mie four

high s.'hOf-ilH in tills <uty when all a re romplated? PM t|ie Pentr»F Hifili School accnmmndiite l.f'url pupils last te rm on only throe of Us four fl 'jnrs" Also, can 111*® gouth Side High School ho enlarRed?

N. K. 1 ,The i’apaclly <./ tlir four high schools

Is' t^arrlnger, I.IOC: I'-last Side, khd: C’en- tral, 1,100. South Side, l.OOO; total. LIOO. Thu Ctintral never had 1.500 pupils. The Sou th ^ d e Sqhool con be enlarged

.-Ifter you becom e □ I (he offli'o of P.

iJasHer, auper in tender j l of t h en r

t h e a t r e .I»rofH-lent a p p e a r .HVlberf . .M u r e s I i . f ‘ ■ ■ f i m b u a t l b l e p a n d H r e R i s k s

Y Z :H as Hank Etamsev been selected to

Uianage the Tru>', N. Y , S la te League te a m again next season?

PATER30N 1ANRarnsev's contract as m an ag er of the

T i t 'j a i is Fias expired, but It la bellevod i lm t he will F)e reia lnrd on th e Job.

c i t y h a l l , a n d t a k e t h e e x a m i n a t i o n , T f \ i ' i p a s a , a l i c e n s e w i l l b e i s s u e d l o y o u w h i c h w i l l b e g o o d f o r o n e y e a r . T h e l l c e n a e w i l l c o s t y o u t 1

4Y Z

T s a f i s h e r m a n p e r r n l t t e d I n f ^ a h f r o m t h e b a n k o f r f r e s h w a t e r p o n d , c a n a i , b r o o k o r l a k e w i t h I w o r o d s o r m o r e , o r I r o n D " o n e r o d p e r m i t t e d 1 w a f t I n ­f o r m e d t h a t t w o r o d s w e r e p e r m i t t e d w h i l e f i s h i n g f r o m a b o a t , b u t o n l y o n e w h i l e f i a h l n g f r o m s h o r e I n a n y b o d y o f f r e s h v . a t e r " A . P .

h a n r i ) M o r g a n l i a s \ n l u t i i e e r e d t l i - ' s e r v u p f l o f J a c k M r i t t u n . F ^ a t l l i n g l a e \ i n - » k ) ’ , J i m m y < ' ' o f f e y , K . O E ^ r o w u a n d Y o u n g i J r a d w e l l t o I m i x a l t h o b e n e f i t t l i e ' w ' l f o a m i f a m i l y o f t h o l a t e J < ? e C a m a t i F i e I r v i n g A i ' . . H r - m k l y n . t o n l g h iC a i n , i n h l s y o u t h , w a s u n e o f t h e b e s i l i g h t w e i g h t i K i x e r e o f N e w Y o r k . r > u r i n g r e c e n t y e a r s h e n o t e d a s a r e f e r e e o f boxing b<!uts

A lV.<‘nly-nuuul bout betw een Tiesi.n ft)r 'I'hankrigHIng I fay. a t I xjs Angele». J I , r \y . Kicf-rs s manager , closed h con­tra* f fiir the httUb vxith P ro m o te r Tom Cress, the New Vork l ightw eight, and Mexi«an Joe Rivera has Fieen arranged Mc''ure>. a t New Orleans, Isat nlgtil.

No r e s t r i c t i o n !a placed on the n u m ­ber of ro d s o r llnea t h n t m ay be usedw ith th e ex cep t io n of the Delaw^are ] y.

ch ines Isnce TIics*- f lR ure s dninclude paasenger.s and m e c h an ic s nor BUcJi accidents as :lo- iJOv w hich h a p ­pened to the Zeppelin ‘‘u 2.'' in which lw c n t ) -e igh t pcopb- w ore kil led.

- + -

R iver , w h e r e th e Umll Ib tw o rode o r llnea. w h ic h m u s t be u n d e r the Im m e ­dia te Bupprvislon of th e angler. Pet lines

' r>r rods left w ithou t Immediate supervision are pr-ihihited.

V ZA HTid fMare partners In a RHme of 1 a

flvi-* hundred A niRkea It Hi.< na trump. ] t W'hen H iilsy* he leada Joker and calls fo r n suit Cun tho game F>e played this way? H. 1».

Wlicn til© holder of the Joker loads U Fie has the right to call for any suit w an t­ed. regard less of any prevloua play. In a no t rum p hand. There fore B ia perfectly rigFit In calling fi>r ans’ sui t desired wFien he leadfl the joker

Y ZTell luo fimncllihig alnjul the American

F lag .'.sam latlnn'.'’ ROLI' lER.‘ I ’ h e A n i e r i v n n F’ ' I h k . V R a i K ’ l a l l o n w a a o r ­

g a n i z e d F f t l r u n r y 1 7 . i t s m o t t ob e i n g " I ' l n a F ' l u g , O n e C o u n t r y , G o d O v e r

T. Z.-!^( me km’ w the nam'-s of g ra m m a r

scF\OOlB, p ub l ic nnd private , in N e w a rk nd v ic in i ty . That have b a s k e tb a l l eamf, I 'omposed of p layers a v e r a g i n g

n in e ty - f iv e (o IdO p o u n d s ' J. Hr ra c lic a lly a ll the grammar sch ools

ill New^ark are represented hy Junior haskethttll team s, and if you address a lett«r to the ph ysica l Instructor at any of the BchoolB, you may be a b l e to book aoiTift gam es.

- + ■Y. Z :

ETow' c an 1 f*M»ln a p aU n t and liow much will ll c o s t? H ew m any a v i a to r s | have been k i l led a ll over (he w or ld?

11. T,. S.W rite to lliH D a ien l o f f ice «t W ash

ing ton fo r a book of in a truc i iona Aw n ear as c an be f ig u red out from reem iIh

Wilt the Zoological (Jardens ft' Bronx T''urk Fie open to the public T liankngiving Has? W ill there he an adm ission charge. ' M A S.

.\dmitiHlon fee of t « e n t y - f h e cents is chavKe<i on M ondays And T h u r s d a y a Fiut when ft Fiollday fa l l s on e i t h e r of t h e se dsse , no htlmlRilorp ' s I 'harged.

i Tlie Zoo will he open from in A M to 16 1'. M 1i Y y.

Ilnw can I hccrnie h m em ber of the I A m cnran UH r r u s s Assoi la iion? i an*I a icpisier^’d [ ihanntc is i and have always I lakeu an imercft in tlm flral n1d to the In- j .lured wr i k and would like to Join the as-

so'dallon? B. H.\t ' rlt( [■'I Iht sccr*'Tary. Charles f.

Mager, tuitionfll he;o1qo«r(rr5, Room 341. W ar Depiir tmmi bjlMiTig. Washington, b. (

b\ Z

Wiial lb ilo' naLl’UiHilty F. I'lrMvr'.’

All." 1(8 uUt^ct iH to Kec'iire national an«1 f availab le. 3i5 avIalorH have been k illed | F*' ivrniiTi an ISlat© tegifilation for the protection of Uie I as ^ resu lt o f accidents to their m a- ] J e r s o ''1t\.

I Go\eri' .o. J A. W.

born Inw a


BInca Jaokle Clark h ss been m anaging hla own affalra he has show n superior Judgment dally. H is successfu l racing during the aumniBr season recently closed

Demand Protection!

T h e s e i U n t t r a t i o n e s h m o t h e m e c h a n i s m o f t h e N ( m - R e f t l l a b l e

B o t t l e w h i c h p r o t e c t s b o t h D e a l e r a n d C o n s a m e r



CLEVER dressers are all "wearing the smartest collar style of the

season-* SHADOW '- th e LION col­lar with all the LION comfort features.

w as t>ne liluetrutlon of Fila ability •when left to hla own rpaoiirces and not ham­pered by tlte »ifl\ioe of Home one else. His deolslon l.evp out of tho R*>atcn Bii-day race Ih aiirUher evidence of his keen judgmetu and r<mseQU«ntly he le now able to eriiwr the N ew York grind free from a handicap of lojurlss, Tha large number of spills, and th e UDUsual amount of (bjurles to the riders a t Bos­ton, due largely, it Is olaJmed, to ihe fact that the track on whJoh the men rode waa built loo narrow for "Jama,"., Clark, no douhl, would have been mixed up In some of tbd spllla, and he might have bean one of tlujae put down In lha ihm1 rur li Baturday night. Jaokle la on a bunting trip now up In German Valley end he eayu that he would be more willing in lalce a chance lu the imderbruah with hunters galore than In the Beaton grind, with the riders flying a t each ether's threat as it is reported they ware, Olark la reported te ha a eraok shot and acme of hla friends may b« eating rabbit within a few daya,

— I—

This is the simplest—the most marvelous— invention of the age—the Non-Refillable Botda

Insist upon it and you’ll get the only whiskey that is {dways the same—Wilson—Real Wilson.

Official Ba Edn'ard


E «iR Y SW

| * r u \ 1 d > ^ S>vi

Torval sfr. ^ ilm cc

fclrujnws, iloct EiLcteil. Pro f e ^ D c a s a l , R o bliriu Uaaots i D o n s A t b ' , N e « O r h l i o a H u X S k OilQQojey. Hoc pMiunLlu Mcmt: I v n u - i i t a , N e w j kamkiU Rod: llMte. Poftilo L e s n e x . M o o u

N e w a r wdy, Bufta,

aruv$d$->. Bd J r r a e

i c D o n a » t t . P l i e l t i j

P r T f W c i i . Joai J e n c ‘,

ProTld'. LilijixD. Tor

T c n x i t o h l u j r r a r . B w t f .Y'hiiiau toitK

i>4Ur^ Xewm: » T c y . T o r a o t c l^fltta. Pro’/fi il^Taysar. U Y s a g b n . J e r w l > ^ e « ) c b e r , J e r Kcrtlrta, Tote B a m a , U o r t m B - i a u x i n s , k r 3 . Tdirtk!, pT

E L o U t e n o Cv»i,,er. Ballb; Jxvkittscii, T t r : Ikctli, S a l l i i a o OtLxeb. Hoeuixnio rruj. P['0

N>?r>] B - L ‘ n d > e y , J i xla "J7W.Hellv. JvTvey

HUmcoeriVK Roebe

Rochest ^ > « r r k : a . B a l l

6 MoBtrt r e ^ P r r 1 U<B BuffsJ

s e l , B a

g [, Jerse]! . Provid

B a l t i n

l e y . E i a l 1. Buffs n d 1 « y .

Q e t z , N e w a r f eC o n r o y . R c c l w k s n t , T e r o n t f p o t U i n . J e r e e j F- Smith. ROC ^ d d e o k . R o r Ikiiight. JemO'Harm, Tom AlmeldQ, Uoi B. Onslow, r Jurdac. Toror Elgglna Nav FachMi. Jeme W Zlmmarm Jackson. But ^Intnpar, B; Fabrlquo. Pft Capjxin, Balt Iraisnd, Real ^uea, Buffalc TwofTbloy. B preen, Jersey GalhouD, jAn McOabe. Jen

Totoi Wells, Jersey Corcorsn. Kovher. Prov G. Ualsel. B Crisp, Jersey Mulfhi, Mem Gerrals, Bui Curtis, Newi McConxieh. 1 T eager, Mon Fitzpatrick. 1 La Lange, (E Downer. Bsl Barry. Jerse Reisigl. Pm Williams. Rc T'joiay. Newi l>anjcls. Bsl Caw, Tercuil R«vk. Buffn.1 Undden. Uc rsmonrt. Mm ftchlafly, Jer Fmlth. Newi J a m i e s o n . E O'Mara. Pr< Coles. Raltli Hoff. R e c k * gaymour. Bi r». Brown. ’ McTIgue. Be emlth. 'Mont Jnhttfon. Ba Hel^. Toro C Brown ' Oagnler. Ne J Onilpw CuFnn. Reel Pile. Montr< t>iaw. .Tefso MapEvell T*- MJ :*r Mont M ^Afaian.I* n8. ProvU tvoe, Ne»a I>erd. Bait! Goulah. tc Partell. M Cottrell. B Howiey. M EUephetts,McBale. J T lftir. Rool ciraham. 1 f41elchmas. Noehler. J Meyer. To Kerhart, To Payoe, Bal lihjln. Jersey f<lJne, Prov Bergen. Ba Pevlln, Bw HugFiee. R< WUllojus. J O’HoiJTke, n Bradley Batten, 11c Marpleatte, Isaacs. Tot ■Wilhelm, F (^mnlnghiin Attchlron, I FrUJ. Boffi BnznianT] Holmee. Riuaell. B l)aT|j, Jen Brandt, To Mason. Uo r>snforth. Burke. Moi Bell. Nawi Sheer, Pro*' Trout. Tori Keafe, Rm Mmttem. M Ihilenwlder Moran, Pr» Behacht. v ItsTtln, Ro Brondom, . triteatler. Carlo, Mot Bstley, Tn ftOAme, Tc Mattcacm. ! Cooney. Je Murphy, id Thompson. Kamloch. l Cidore. Bt Verbodt. J VIebahQ. J Morfe. Bu T‘iopo» J«g tohwab. T Saafeetl, R

Fartleli KVpfer, 8i IfeCJeuT. gerald, Ta

That’s AD! *urV*^er Newark . . Baltimore pTOTldenoe Montr^ Bu/fnio .. Torem.0 . . Jetssy Clt

B e liev e W nllea R u tt I j i ip r e v ln fL o o k f o r i t i n y o u r d e a l e r ’s w i n d o w — t h e s t y l e w i t h “ P U a b le - P o in tB .” 6 f o r 7 5 c ~ o r a s u s u a l 2 f o r 2 5 c .

7 0 /? loi/arsOldest tn Am arJea

t W I T B O S H I R T V C O L L A R C O . , M aker* . T R O Y , N . Y .

J f . .

Tha atiBrnc© of cablegram s from Paris lalllng of the condillori of '^’allar Rutt. lha Gorman cyvllat and world's ebam' phm, who was injured Sunday In an acci­dent « i the 'VfliotiTome d'H lver. ta taken

I an Indication that his conditfoo le not a s sertoue as w as first raportsd. P, T> Powers, tnanagar of tha forihcota- Ing six-day race In New York, In wtilek

Free Club RecipesFree booklet of famous club recipes for mixed drinks. Address Wilson, 301 Fifth Ave.. N; Y. T hat’s AIL

m ■u w r


^ING1 HI ft{lUsttc d lw . * y llifl ft rar­ity, tn Tro»-

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r.ibt«!n-^cr.01 en- lor lift- lai't m ti k««p I, but In th f ;

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L ■'IAnffeles I a <.on :er Tom hi. and :rranged ght.

I (In Tl'd lies nor ih hap- 1 which

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It. H.arlei t- oom 341. shlnjfton.

Cio\. erno.' A. IV born In



Official Batting Averagei of Orgraization, Made Public by President Etl^'ard G. Barrow, Show George Simmons, of Rochester Hustlers,

to Be Leading Sticker During the Past Season.




G e o r g e Slm m onp. o f t h e Rocheatpr Hu '^ t len , Ib b a t t in g k in g In t h e Tnter- L e s g n e . a c c o r d in g to tbo '•'C;! a! 'kveraRfs Just m a d e p u b l ic b y P r e s i ­d en t E d w a r d (?. B a rr o w . Tho flRure.-, w h u h w e r e co m p iled by Mr. B a r r o w a s e c r e t a r y . WllMam J. M e nley . g iv e l ‘ii' I I - c h o s t e r f l lug g er a m ark o f 3SP for

g a o e * . T h ir t y b a t t e r s h i t 3r0 bi Lie." in i h e l e a g u e la s t l e a s o i i , but o n ly t h ir te en p la y ed !n 100 ga m rn nr nn'-rc Lew McCarty, w hn w a « ta k en oreA* to B ro o k ly n In A ug u st , a tu ng ihr baM fr r a m a r k of 359 for f o r t y gamen ,

Hftrry S w a c l n s e n d Jack Tialt^n w ere t h e o t h e r ImtiatiB (n gpE in t o Ihc c h a r m e d c irc le . Bwacinu, hit a t a i l l p w h i l e f^alton'a m ark 1b 31».

F r ! U Alalaul. o f Ibo naLIrrm-r* .• rle'». w h o w a s Buld to the V a n k e e * . led Ibft leag i io In a c o r lu g runa, altlH'ur.h Iv' war. not w ' t h th e Blrdn d u r in g t h e m o n t h o f the [s la y in g se a s o n . J..£.’. .n or s lined out t h e moBt hlls . 1*5. w h i l e U e d U n l t t o f ilontroL-iJ. w ’.lh tln-l. c:!. lea ds \n thin respect . J im m y Murray . o l Buftft lo . w a s f i r s : In , ■- in r o e -b a p g e r n , wiyc Ifi to hid c r ed it , w h i leiJeJ Faddoc.k. w i t h R h o m e n- t-, k-drl n c i rcu i t c l ru lr . Kddle G a g n le r . o f th e Hodaklno, w a s I ir s c la th e m a ‘. rr of s i c r l f ‘'O h k n w .fn s to ta l of 58, w h i l e HI U yortk a l s o o f t h e Hra^es. w a s sfcrmi: w:ll i 13. F r l U Maluel led in a tu len b a se s w lU i « t o h l3 c r e d i t . Trueadalc . o f L i. i fuu '. w e s th e bcRl w a l l e r and s u e f s o d e d in d r a w i n s 113 baseys od b a l ls dur lnn th« i^eusoti. I’iaU*. o f P r o v id e n c e , w a s



faAbed th e m ost tlmoa. beingfollow :

(J. .UI.|*ruNtO>3ii:e ......... lA "»p. Sewax^ .. . . . . . . . -SO jIS

lieiilnar^ ............. -it l&rToroato................. 1 H

^ J*!iOUl hactiestc;- .........

lIlLCt! . Providonco .......... li'~nDcaiJd, Roebeotdr ........ IT Ai>. jrk. UtMiTrtm ................. 15

tVuLselb'. 9Oo^Uaa Hoftkio .................................. . 5 (>OUoooiiry. Moalront ......... .117 -UH

B U yiceatTiioJ........... ... 1A A b16■, Newirk........ ........ Ml iSi)

,1, ........... 111IPafCiIo .................. :: 1 .Vt

r. UoaumJ ............... izu tio. \'ftwaric ................. IJA Ut

®<.wdr, 15«/£a-.i .................. IW -'>)grat,ida->. Boffi! • ........... ''A 'puci.:ej, Jerae - Clfv ........ 21 ?AprDcroMi. PiaiT-ieoca... '/* M

talnmcro ........... -;tiFTTsWwsre ..............

OouztMy. Jersey City . . . . . . 20 k:Joree',* Clry . .M l .MAt

Pirn;. Prwl4> . Mlcsl.IiJixd. Ter^t i .rfiPick. Tcrwilo . 20Murray. Bwtfiio ...............t I'J cfi^hulix. TnioDfa ................ L'l 451Cotilna, XewmrS ................. VJ :-tBlKrcy. lortiDto ..... ............... L.: ITTl ^ t t a PtO’/Mcoce ........... 4T litilcOreyaor, Ifoatretl ___ 4,>Vtughii. Jenry Cl'y-Haff MT f»T2 lA^recber. J*r»y City. .. So nkenb-n, Twocto-Newnrk.. 121 - JOBonie, HonTTeal ................. 05 2£5&iaa;4nn, tTO\'t-ldcc Tf*J. kjLTilfi, R’rh estor ......... t-Tl <a‘t

niJdEBOlu ................. T1 T45Cv»(,«er. Ballh-ore ...............IM Jf55Ir: Mttsrb, Rociieater ........ H4 lrt2ttetb. Ballii/ioi'e .................... 44 90Orlt£B. KomnaJ ................ 40 M4

X otArruj, Pr'jvHJcDce .......... 15 41M\-«ra. Xewirit ..................137 +4fl

H. UradFey, Jersey ty-Tor.. IIW 27fiBe*r;gr. Jfewarit............ . . 37 ir T

EellT. Jemey Lit? .............. <S'. 157IQniiiMrfna . Newark.. l-IO 40R

L Rochester ........... il'8 515Rochester ............ ... 110 40fl

}>«fTk;k. Biltlmore ............. SO ?7tl

6 MOEiUreB] ..................127 4Q1pe. ProvWeooe . . . . . 151 54f

1 M<ntreal-Buftalo. 12H 404BufttJo-Jereey City 9S

iSl. Baltlroore............. lU 421. Jersey City ...... ... . 21 M

g f, Jersey City ....... .. 11 SS. Protidwice........... 133 4W

BalUmore .............. 188 4SflToTcnto ...................... 4rfi lOl

lay. Baltimore............ 37 Tt1, Buffalo . ,r ............ 15(V HOCradley. Toronto ........ 1S5 SOI

Oeta. Newark ...................... 1ST 40iCoeiroy. Rochester............... IL3 861Kent, Toronto . ■ 10 22jSrmUn Jersey City ............. 88F. Smith. Rochester ......... .117 4B(Fftddook. Rochester ............. SC 482Fnight, Jersey City .......... TT 3W

Ewell, rrpvldence ........... 124 481rent. Baltinioro .............. 70 38(hr, Thiffalo ...................... ftH 23i

O'Hars, Toronto ................... 148 5.71AlnieldQ, UoDtreal . . . . . . . . 52 18<K. Om Iow, Providence . . .I h l 391 Jfirdac. Toronto-Buffalo . . . 102 7-Mlllgglna Newark .............. 94 2fMffechwi. Jet ifty City ........... 321

ZlmmermaD, Newark.. 167 PTl Jacl&sau. Buffalo ,. ... ... llO 4?i pelnlnfnr, Buff.-ifooireal. 127 44*nbriqua Providence ........ 35 iSlCapron, ftaltlmore ............. 48 181Ireland, Roohester ........ . . 22 8iBuea, T^affalo-Jersey City . 140 *ftTworrbloy. Baltimore .......... 118 B9IPreen. Jersey Oly-Booh .. 87 IhCalhoun. Jereey City ........ 107 36McGabe. Jersey City ........ lOfl 79kefms. Toronto ................... 80 20Wells, Jersey City ............. 07 27CortjQfsn. Baltimore........... 114 43ktk-’her, Prorideno* ............. 91 3ftG Ualsel. Baltimors .......... 88 ftClisp, Jersey City .............. 1ft 8Mulfto, Montreal .............. 12 1Ceryals, B uf^ o ................. 5rurtla Newyk .................. 8 1McCoriiwll. Toronto ........ 127 i2Teager, Montreal 188 97Fltapfttrlck. Toronto........... 75 2PLa LrOOgs, ^Buffalo ........... ftfl 17Downey. Baltimore . . . . . . . . 47 UBarry, Jersey City . . . . . . . . 48 14Beislgl. Provldonce ........... 40 f)Williams. Rochester .......... 73 24T'KiJay. Newark .................. 59 17r>anjclji. Baltimore ........... 41 14Gaw, ToroiiLn .................... 31 PRm-k. Buffalo ............... . , 93 83Madden. Mobfraa.1 ........... 84 23remond. Montreal ................ 1*6 44Pchlafly. Jersey City 4fl 1gmith, New.'U'k . 89 (Jamieson, Buffalo 81 11Cl'Mara. Providence ........ 8T 1?Coles, Baltimore ................ 19 IHoff. Rochester ...... .......... 28 -gaymmir. Buffalo ............... |3 ^D. Brown. Toronto ........... 2S 1McTIgue. Baltimors .......... 18 Ifmith. Montreal ......... ....... 63 11Johneon. Baltimore ........... 8Hol^. Toronto ..................134 4r. Brown, Toronto ........... 38 iGagnler. Newark ................ 138 8J Onslow Provldencs • •• 68 2iGuinn. Rochester ...... . . . . 44 1Utle. Montreal .............. 38piiaw. Jereoy City ...... ..112 4iMapivell. Toronto .............. 2ftjfi >r Mrrntroal ............. 49 VX ''Jgjllaa. Roi’hsstst . . . . W SI 84. Providence ............. 134 4Ijce. Newark . ................ 39liord. Baltimore ............. PCloulan. Toronto ............. 16Purtell. Montreal ......... 120 fl‘Cottrell. Baltimore ........ 32Howley. Montreal .......... ftPtephsni, Buffalo ......... 34McBale. Jersey C ity .... 91 Flair. Rooh.-.lereey City. 100 8flraham. Toronto ........... ftfl 8ibelchmaa. Baltimors 81Norhlcr. Jersey C ity ...- 3ft 1Msyer. Toronto ............. 21Kerhert, Toronto ............... 8Payne, Baltimors ............. 43 1

Jersey City-Bnffalo.. 81fiUne. Provldencs ............. 18Bergen. Baltimore ........... 38risvUn. Rcohester ............. 23Hughes. Rochester ........... 32Wtlllams. Buffalo ............. 9O’RouTke, Buffalo 19IT Bradley. Jersey City,. IdBatten. Montreal ............. 9Morrlsette, Baltimore . . . . 16letaca, Toronto ................. ftWilhelm, Roohester ......... 46 1(hinnlnghani. Montreal . . . . 84 iAllchUroii, Newark............. 39Frill. Bnffalo ..................... 89Enzmann. Newark ........... 20Holmse. Buffalo-Newarfe.. 3TKujsell. Baltimore ......... 11Davis. Jersey City-------- - 32Brandt, Tori^nto ............... 16Maion, Montreal ............. 81rmnforth, Baltimore 06Burke, KonUsal ............... ftBell. Newark ..................... 81Bhssr, Provldenoe ............. 6Trout. Toronto ........... . 18Ks^s. Rocheftsr ........... * 85Mattsrn. Montreal........... .. 98nisnwldsr. Buffalo ....... 8TMoran, Provldenos ............ 1$Behaoht Newark ............. wMartin, Rochsstsr ............ 2ftBrandom, Jersey C1ty,..*< 84 ‘B^Mtley. iTovldsfios . . . . ITCarlo. MontrMl ................. 11Ballsy, ProTidsiice ............ 49Rsame, Toronto................. 34Mattcaon. Buffalo ............. 19CooDsy. Jersey City........... 19Murphy. Montrsal . . . . . . . . 5Thompeon. Jersey C ity.. . . 84^amloch, Provldenos ....... 11Ctdors. Buffalo ................. ftVsrboat. Jersey City.......... ftVlsbatm. Jersey City....... .. TMorse, Buffalo ................. 6T’lsrs Jersey City. Btehwab, Toronto ............... 6OaSlBin, Newark ............... 5

viniirn by thn a l r lh r - o i i l i>n 77 nccrtBions.

El 2FJ. 3B HHlU 1 3 ft

1 1 0Cfi 3 4 1u 0 U 0vt 1 2 ft

If,:* 78 12 66 . 0 0 0

3 4 01 (1 ft

J (1 ft 00 1 0

ISft 13 3 0174 ‘.1> 5 41*2 1*1 T 1161 i:ii H 0

n :i 0 ft141 27 u f)

11 4 1■e, 4 s

K.ii u< •t 111 fi 0 ft

"■■9 r, 4 1)no 2 It1 > l‘J 13 11.' 4 IH \> :iIJfl H R ItIk 1 1

151 31 16 fi.I3r, 2:i 4ou M'( 17 0w K i n

3 2 12 1 ft

21 H 2LM 0 n (1

127 I'l 7 7hi n 6 0fi',' p* 1 1 2

146 17 “ 172 4 « n

1 4 h 2 ftfi6 IT 4 220 4 2 0i2 7 4 07 n 1 ft

12(1 m 7 110ft n 231 4 1 0

T 4 2117 ITi 10 6UH 11 4 i117 m R 1fto H 6 3

132 12 11 ftIM 1.3 16 1E32 22 7 fl66 If* 7 4

iia Ifi 2 4n 2 0 ft11 0 0 ft

130 16 11 4120 m 7 480' 3 1 1£0 6 1 ft

164 22 > r s 213fl 4 4136 Y: 4 1Bft 21 4 20 1 0 fl

37 2 c \i2i 16 2 1132 IT 13 Sfil ft 6 1

125 1ft 14 2T2 T 2 ftflO 6 4 3

142 20 4 4a 2 1

104 m 6 0fi2 16 3 178 T 5 0ft4 10 6 4

Hft 16 13 1no 16 T 3116 20 ft 836 6 0 040 4 1 fl17 2 0 1

128 21 10 1f>4 14 fl 8Jt 1 2 0Q8 8 fl 3

mi U 8 I61 2 670 2 T 1

no 18 8 174 4 18 123 8 0 fl16 1 1 14 0 0 02 0 0 08 0 ft 0

me n 3 303 15 2 171 14 4 i42 A 1 043 IS 4 036 4 8 fl22 1 4 flAS R 2 143 6 0 flRfi 8 4 114 2 1 fl77 12 6 363 7 ft 0





u:( i V

y.H 24 >sf.UVi I 1 7 v**;<7 '< I

2n.*i |H 1 " J1IHH 1:1 .'■(2 *9|

I’M It 14■Jl!2 ir" Ik 22

n '.'J 24 ■J*'i12ft IT L'M J*'iori 12 3; 2116 ?{ 1 8:ift 2 2 Ifl

212 2.1 3;i 8421 2 0 K

Iflfi n IH fliLiiO 12 H 2713:. fl fl mi:n 22 20ftft 3 17 26

iifl 16 ft 'JflHfl 6 fl MS7 6 2 667 1 5 7V ft ft 1

103 3U 2 I'l144 12 1.77 4 2 JTH :h 11 l'(

IhT 'j; 3ft IP1H7 2 30 r,:(161 ft ID STmo ft 16 •JRiflii 7 IS 67

Ifl 13 flfliSfl u IP1.17 3 fl 4M161 fl 44 5fl13 0 0 111 1 2 3

iHft Ifl 21 5»mu 14 1 IP

2 0 7'JT 0 1 3

202 2ft 24 rt2ih;iu n 2916.1 ' IT 56 flm 21 11 64

T 0 0 262 6 ft 6

144 18 4 20Ipft 10 12 47106 8 Ifl 10IflO 21 23 4RS3 R 16 :\r,M 3 4 12

m2 13 Ifl 7flflt 4 18 3fl

12fi la Ift 2fl116 ft ft 7386 A V) 2P

nfl 6 12 321D4 n «4 66146 ft 30 4016ft 14 m 3fl42 6 fl 44fl fl 16 T22 3 1 ifl

172 12 U 44127 Ifl 2fl 4P32 0 2 6

no 14 15 S7124 12 12 IPflfl 2 1 4

fl 1 87147 13 IT 2t»115 4 l!i Ifi2fl 1 fl 421 1 2 24 0 0 22 1 0 ft8 0 0 ft '

182 n Ift S2U6 14 10 T95 fl 21 24W 4 5 IP«4 8 Ifl 2246 a 4 9SI 1 1 S70 l l 1 u48 14 8 IT4ft T 18 2418 8 0 2

lOfl m 8 1400 4 1 17

136 IT T 5P28 8 fl 2T26 n 1 583 4 1 182 ft 8 7Ifl 4 1 113 1 1 ft12 8 0 flIS fl f) flfl 0 ft ft

44 4 ft fl4 2 0 ft

117 22 2ft 2P25 6 ft 8

I3f) 68 14 2788 rt T flflR6 2 8 1232 4 ft 3

171 4 Ift 471 2ft 0 ft 2

45 i 1 9' 52 fl f! 79' Iflft 31 12 281 26 3 0 mfl 1 ft s1 4 ft ft 0' a: 12 0 Sfl1 16 2 ft 81 6 3 0 2


Newark Executive Starts Bowliof Competition by Rolling First Ball


i'rsiiliat(i«' tallloa w>*ro m aie by how lsn ih thp f|i*‘nin,? itiHiohee in th» Municipal n<»'''i(hg I yeeionlhy afternoon, opilir iiiittfri^il Kriisgi-r .Aftaonlatlon nlub hiMiae Th#' T sx Asse^isors' A team,leal >vttra rhainplons, annexed two yaines. hile Engineering A team, third la-'it M'rti hp'ke even. The Itoard of (5c’ !.■ Hi ..1' h io hint i>nth encountera.

Mai> IlHLiHiihrtg rolled the first ball. .'AoiH‘mit«rnl«'iit nf Huiltllng WlUlam P.U Jho.rke, i■fonmlfislnners WllUawA Weiiei and .Malthlae Rlratton, as wall as 'dher i-ii> iiifn'iala, were on hand. Ba- f<-re I he n[« rung inaleh lietween the eliRinpirms and the Hoard of Education team. <i bnll wsa haiuJnd to the Mayor, After (’urefol nim he dallvered U. It went sl«'W|, iImwu Ih«' aUeya, and Just befura ri'urhIiiM lliH )u‘imJ |iln It awerved a LittlS til the right and u >t th e flna. 'ITie Mayor Mhiit he luuhj ii<- h ’iier than that, and moving o\ er io Xu j sl'ey he clearad Ihe Miripe of Ml hui ihr*-n pina After tha' the Msj'or I'etir jd And thv howling was ftniialiv starUvl

Dan X'owelirr. the former fii^puhLlcan Indian Huinirhaii Leaguer, etaried for the ehamplon^ anil got Aexen i>n hin first at* tempt, while Spits got elglit. The honor of gi'ttlng tin* flr»(t strike went to Herr­mann, i»f lh« Vldiivfttion loam. The match WttH vloee rtll the wn.' ’I'li** «'hamp1ona made a strung finish, l>unnel,l.v filling In, MlUi thre*' ptrlhea m the Inst three

' frames,The rliQmtuor.a liml latl^rr r siy picking

in ths gann- against <h<i Knglheerlng A , j'umhlnatiuij. The lultcr had s lev in I iniss('*i. ishil^ tlx rhHinpionfl had two

mlsAsa Thi- .v.-ismaora tnade a slrottg flh.fc.i i*nd Willlnm Mau;?. individual aveps ng*? winner le^t helped his tearp

^\Uh a flf’ore of ?iVi' 'Hip Ift t kaine nf llu afternoon was the , l^esi MUd v'UA won I'V a margin of five ' puts hy the KtiKlm‘«’rK A s lnke by Greg­

ory, aiu'hiu' uf iliM 1 In^liu crs. m the tenth Won the gamo for Ida t''uiii 'l‘hs scores: 1 .\SSKS.S‘ III-" V l-ltJl'' atujN,\ i.rtfilvr I . - .‘'iill."'....................... |5*

I i i l ' n i l p M v ' I . - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V » 9Mhiih Sip|ihiih» . . . Sfte


I£ft’J ----------------292

| h| I Snpreme Baseball Body Decides that 2 , Scranton Club Does Not Have

to Pay for Donnelly.js i i - --------



I Spedui firmer of the .VJTTTfi,RED BANK. Nov 11,— Neail.' every

boat In the local Iceboat fleet Is being I overhauled and a few' now yaolue w ill

m ake th eir In itia l app earante th is w in ­ter Frederick J Bmock Is luivlng a rhlrJ-Vlaai racing craft bull: whose lines a^d meaBurem ente w ill be*.slmt!ar to fhosb of the Drub and Imii (.'ap-

■ tain Ja^CB B W eaver wil* inm pulgti i Ihe Scud and KHtle.

f'aptaln Daniel A say is having new j sa ils made for h is yach t Gull. The • .N'orth Shrew sbury R iver Ice Yacht I Club has Improved Itfl clubhouse which 1 has been raised severa l feel nr.d par- I tia lly rebuilt


.358 J 267 .266




The Newark Indians are out Shuo be- cause of a deolBlon handed down yester­day In Cincinnati by the National Com- mlselon, In the Bnnabble between the local club and the Scranton fNev. York State I.,eaguei team, over Ihe Bale of Pitcher Ed Donnelly. As Donnellj was not r6Be:-ved by the B ru’ ca or Bcrantoi., it Is IJkftiy that ho will re declared a free , agent TJie derisioti of the National |Commisstotj \ij)held the ruling gli’en In ■the matter by the NatloTiRl .Asaoclalion . ,/ . . » ai i p*recently, when the clatro cf the H a j - ; A lte r a t io n s N ow B e in g Iflade a t F irs takins waa dlamlssed. | . . . n r li J i

Donnelly waa piircliaaed hy the Indiann 1 Hftlg (ft K0 rOl 0W6(I OVfrom the Boston Nationals last spring ^for 91,01)0. He failed to make good wUh the Braves and w’a.a sent to Scranton July 19, under an agreem ent that, if ha proved acceptable after ten days, the local club was to receive for theplayer, The Scranton team telegraphed on the ninth day that Donnelly way not ^•atlafactory, but the local team did not ' In addlMon to ihi* rhnnios now hciri..; rocelve the m essage until two da>s later 1 made at the flr.’ l hole >it the links of iFi' Donnelly was ueed by the Scranlon Baltusrnl fiolf (.'lob Re\eral other ini-

NEW YORK. Nov. 11.- An miueual m an ifestation'of confidence tn the Yale football team le being shown at the Vale C'luh In th is city, where some of the rnem- bers ha3‘e prepared a long telegram. iv|y>.h will be cent to Captain Ketiham this week The mceeage la of about lib"! wnjilfl and will be signed by several hutr dred memberi.

I'Hplaln Ketcham la Informed that the Vale men in this city have s-- mvu’Fi «'on f deuce in the Yale team that they art- certain that it will defeat iTlnceii'p on t^Urturday, and Harvard on the follas\lr;i( tstHLr.iay. The jnefsiige also exp^es^^vp regret to the Y'nle leetler over having lust many valuak i layera through Injuries



Harrison Basketball Quintet Plays dul Classy Game, Winning from '

Trinity Team, 44 to 24.

team after the ten days had exj>lrcd and V the local leajn demanded payment *;The Indians refused to lake TionnelL' biok and ha w as allowed to remain with Bcrantori all season. He took part In twenty games w ith the New York State Laagtje team. The claim of the torni club was presented to the National Aa- ioelatlon, and a decision given against the local club. The matter was then appealed to the National CommlBslon. which resulted In th e decision <jf the National A ssociation being upheld. It now appear* a* though the Redskins will be out both the player and the money.









Local Men Capture Twelve Out of Fourteen Games in Eastern


N tic;iwlf»rs, [icrformliij; oii the \\ i'l njiri t'Mi - Whfii lull ftllejB .\eslerftay nneriMiiiij itiul liml ^iKh^ annexed Iw civv out nf fourie^n pnincH In ari Lafftfiiii LriiKiu' Rpr’h'H iiifalrist tlie rep- rpHPUtfltlvfn of ICUzal'^lli 'Hie Irirals lost tli4- necorid KJrmcFv l•l‘1)l in the Iwu- man irmirh and [lie fivr-m un event The p inning of (Iia toi.ilx wan tine Liesl the.v have done Das sranoii

l ‘lie hefii work wan dour n l iilgiD. 'I'liiit the locnln wnn I lie oihl pam e is

e to Hilly W^'IngHTtli, th»' michor. lind 1m make a ntrike In the tcntfi

hl.n lenni wlndlriK up wDIi a lo ia ] of fu>o TIiliiKs Innkcd l.nd for the Nrw- nrkern in t|\e tenth of the last game,

internd a hole and th is 1tip fvdd victory The

T'l9U! .'4 ' liUhl .......... 487TAX ArtSEv- J niG- \ K.\owelUf i:*7 Ki lilt . . ........ t3SDmiiielly 1' 1- ruiikllli...............Mfiua- J'G, Grpnury................. ItT

1'otnl .'A7 I ‘I'fttiil............. ,478hi>r':,LTriiN


TntHl . ..

. KNrJlM'KmNG\\i> ....... .I »S»| FrniikUii ...........IIP, Lreg'jr)............. • •

b33' m u I m

Imt RockI tiftt hln Inc'oren


portanl alt'-rflllfjn.i oil! \)q m sde before ariMiher spring sets h) IT Is rropos-cd to efilnrgo the elghtli green by addin^c Die BvailsMo spRce further up the hilt nrid m aking ;t one of the doubl-^-dsck \arlet> | with a terrace, now the hauk, In hetw'een The contour of the hillside will be fol­lowed. and there will be undulations put tn the new section

-Although the ninth was considerahiy improved last year, the Increasing livell- j ness of toe new ball# makes it alm ost 1m

r possible to hold the green with Its present I dope. The pilch will be made less pro­

nounced and undulations will he made so ' th at If the ball ehoiilrl get a kick other

H m tj Niles Hem pstead was re-elected .lu U s would calcTi H. president of the New York OlantB yeater- f O iangea at the first day, at the annual m eeting of the club. ;The other officers named were: Vice-president. Cornelius J. Sullivan, seore- tary, John B. Foster; treasurer, N'. Ash- | ley Lloyd: board of directors, Mr. Hemp­stead. John W halen. Frank Stevens. Mr.Sullivan. Mr, Lloyd, Jonas Monhelmer and James B. Foster. Mr, Foster Is the , man who built the Brush Stadium snd ^Is an addition to the board of directora. ,The Giants enjoyed the m ost prosperouh ' i«aaon lo the history of basebaU. ac ­cording to Ihe reports submitted. .

hole sro ahniit eompletftd The three fninkers which ra i across the fairway so as to interfere wltii short drivers have been leveled and the old mad wh-ich ran across th^ I n© and over to the cottage has been m ow d about thirty yards nearer the green and now has a c\irved formation. Starting from the middle of the fairway a seriHs of new bunkers has been put In. i^ermitflng tho golfer to bite off as mu-h as ho oh*i chew, bui iltere Ifl also n serle.^ of niound. with grassy hollows on itic sliort lefthand corner cf the green to he emstdered

Jo# Pep*, an Inflelder. drafted from the man v\ho "goes for It" and pullsNew Haven club of the Eastern A ssoda- j ^ trifle. The diagonal bunkers fMibi v tloo by the Chicago W hite Sox, hat^heen modern Idea of plsci ng a iiremium

*'" *’ * un two fine shots, hut the present bivMUlalso loaves a safe way for the short driv­ers for they can go round the difficulty.

The regular course will he In use ijurlng the winter months when *he weather s dry and frosty, but under wet or snowv conditions a long nine-hole temp-'rarv cniirBe w .11 be put In commission.

nleaaed to th e MlaBoula team of the Union Association,

Uarty ffavonajrh, the Harrison youth, who w iu drafted from York by the De- trolt Tlgor*. when the Newark Indlani (ailed to buy him bark for (100, made a (reat recoiil laat aeaaon. He registered a batting average of for 111,gam es ,and stole forty-nine haaei. He fielded |,»B2 as a catcher, .991 at first base. |i«3 at second, and .907 a t third. It Is said that the Tigers will ship htm to Provb 1 dence for further seasoning. Manager j

""’ hkUt ‘h i- city and vicinity will he heldand would have liked to hat e kept him ^ ,,,on the Indians next season. The delaj ,„ „ t ln g Philip Blumenheln,

II lip> Knln? Nous loam <T Harrison ■

ri{iy«'d Che rif tho ij.inicH of Hs 'I Riecr lURl tiiglil at \\ cri llurJ ' U Aiidlln- iiuin in HarrJBMii. when It flefeatH Dm Trriiil>' f l \e of New Y'nrk \<y the eccr. vf 44 b= 21,

rtio Tnmlyp riulpleycd the r!ntr<.' Nmim ut tliR lui.sslrm game, but the first luilf ended n tic, 1 :2 tu 12 rnni'le to w irl Ihe ball unrfpr their l>n.««kf’l. the Kislr N’oua resorted to Inns shotf! and bud tic crowd nn I heir feel throughnut the pet e-I by aenwBtlonal goflla frnm nil paitp "f the court.

Lavannsh KuBsmaul and M' < IuIk:? t; led Ht Bliot’iitjp for the lOtilre N"us. wtiib" Fagah and Miller pSay^d a itPinianl Karii- Dii lumlioijt. 'i he llne-up:

Fntro Nous rnullvpMcGulsan. Illshl. ff rwsrd .iViiitKusBrnaul. Left fiiiwfli'l M iller. . < 'cutre K cc ii'’d -F n sflu .............FUglit guard . . . ShfirkwKavanugl. . Tmft giiard . . . . Zuckpi

Field goals- McDnlgati 7, Kuasmaui Kflvauagh 4. Milltr 4, FagHU, t- lifirluy . . Kpnuedj 4. Wintriri Fnisi, Zijckcr

BASKETBALL BRIEFSThe Lucerne third tefim In auiiimfi tri

play teams of Its chisiii lu N»*vuirk and Such combiuhlinna ae Dir Dnii e . Five. .Ma|.|cv..t-Hl tlm d iwim. ■

f’liat I’rcflt'ylcrian I’hurth teuiru F*'riind ITcHbylerlan Clion ti Icjim and i Diier ; fives hii\lng home ruirts. .InJin .Mise- baiicr, ‘._'k Twelfth avenue, the uinn- agcr.

A haftkethall team known aa the Ranch Five. wonIi! Like to meet flrsl- ' clflKB teams In thlri 'ic in lty The mem- , hers are Hcanlon Venter. Khtmley, N ew ­ton. Taylnr and R ilger I'harh-fl \ ceU-r, fift Avenue i ’. has i harga of liookings

Indlrhiunh> tk.. If'."h i. I'Jl L']

Twyi .MailfvIdZABKTH.

t I ’ ui 210 I; H 0 Dr: : i 6 l»ft

\ . A. ll W.' 1 ■-( n ; r h>l l r . 1«1 n o : ioM'-HK-ii'iU I7:i :i\ ' I'ik Clr( nan. 167 19J 2 1 2

.. ......... - 3'i: .7 SI 1■f'lniIff 320 IBN n :riin-e -.If tin

• i : w \ K K 1 : 1 ,. l i 'A H R T H\ 1. . T i l 1 N 1 ji'i, K H lei . . If f . u< 1 : 1Milt ' 1 • :!:m 1 :< ;4 1 'IH Uk- 1.14 u< 197W cl i ; Mi 1 7 4 I'M : l 1 H .k k i :n l« l 191

I'' inlM M 1 T >,f ji Ik iBa BftI A691 Ive- U iiii

N K W A n K 1 : 1 • i/.A h i ; t h .\ (.<1' k . . i-*'’ : . ; . : ! 7 \1 I'Oi.'' V 1 f y 344 1N4tipTinr-lp m ms r . i M..1 W »•Uf*r 161 n n 164vs i. gn^i 1 > H 'i I.Ml K*>1Her 1 .'iO 1611 JOBH j i i t Ia . ■ 1 1 : l " 1 k( i 'l.<ii-ti. ! 7E. 203 17!W'elhS’l l i , is . . ITii :(Hr IUm k . 1 'M j S.7 70ft

T i . I r Ih 'I'3 1',.’ -i+.n •I ' k ( V '1 oai ft':.

,N I I [-.icokm I ln<|i(hltiHl

n U4"KKNSt h HHlIcr-

i( p ri J'l J 1 ft 1 'lO mI'lfl 'T; r.M I: i 171

I'lso-Mfiri.1 TRG.NT' •s

1 1 li3 I i/iZf 1 :7 Un m7 JH' «'i,>iiD 1: in: 3 3(.04153 T' l.i DTI10 367 (14


!ey,flrrilth A team I# sliawiiig ih f way in the Newark Dhurch League. J. Todd iH at Die top of the column lii th* raca for li.dividiial KverKRO honor#. Following are Dm i.ffirlal averages complied by Scuvo.- tary .'•dm Fauld#

14taiid1i»B 0f fhe Teani*-W.

F’ew smith A ................ Icraifiiiouiit A .............. 12Firm Dorm an............ MI- ewbuilDi B . . . . . . . I uMcniiulal ................. IIFulrmount B .............. 7Bark M. K............... sFirst Cohgreigallonni Florence Avenue. liflt Luke's A ......... 4fit. Luke's B. , . , -I Second Hreibyterluti 1

Individ ual .\vv

J Todd. Fewanilth LT. ..Look, Falrnioiinl A . . . .L. Maxwell, Fewtunllh ADay. St. Luke's A ...........Glrtannor, First (jcrniaii La Tourette. M em orial..Jawltt. Fairm oiinl B . , . .Fauldt. Few sm llh A . . , ,Rose. Falrm ouni A .........Erb, M em orial.............. ftSparks, Bt. Luka*# B. •.B. I'odd, Fewsniitb B>.Decker, Few snilth A . . .Hufnageh Few#mlth A ..Franclaco, Fulrmount A Hranlgaii, Fewamlth A ..Hart, Falrm ount B . . . .DacliwaJd, M em orial.........Schmidt. Flrwt G erm an..11. Kuebler. Fulrmount B A Kuebler. Falrm ount A Hermann, Fewsm lth B ..Vrophety Falrmount B . . .Hevl, Florence A venue..W. Kuebler, Falrmount A MIIpb, Florence Avenue. .E. MacDonald, Plret C.Oerweeke. First German Lockhart, M em orial, . . .J. MacDonald. F i m C. ..Lucas. Ht. Luke's A . . . .Kerr, Pork ,Vf. B .............Mean, M em orial................BchnrTi. Falrmount A . . . .Houck. First G erm an..J. [., Maxwell. Fawe. B I^elgehold. Bl. I.uke'a AGahs. Park M. E .............flmock, Falrmount B . . . .Weiss. First CorfgregaT.Jacobus M em orial.............Smith, Falrm ount B -----Kohler, First G erm an..gchielch, Urtrk M- E........Clerk. Fewsmlth B .........ftrluiltae, Fewsm lth B . . .Grellch. Florence Avenue

\ l<:1nlD.('hiiroi

:'ir- Tsm • noi><i

ii-J'23 Irti l«1IfiT Ifi IBS I9u 1.'.: WB

L. Av. H.B.8117.8 330

;; 785.12 8734 835

8777 7i4.2 S3J6 7 5 362

III 70LU 78?1 t 702.11 730IJ tiilG.fl 7271 1 694IL* 666.5 34114 562.12 703

■rNKeS.Ll As*. H.KLi 170.3 108Li 16B.10 283JS l« 7 .l i 323IJ 163,1 20015 H52.7 2(M>

11 132.1 .1933 162 192

U 131 13 304l l 131.1 190

8 1S9.B 19312 U3.« 3 U9 199 200

18 168.11 18615 157.14 186Ifi 167.1 19315 153.14 19212 ISfl.B 160IB Ufl.9 18418 15fl.B 19816 156.14 ISO14 154.4 183fl 154 186IR I S l.l 196Z 153.1 130

■ 4 163.1 18iu 163.1 137

H 161.3 182IK 15116 IV6IR 151.11 100Vi 161.3 | t#12 151.1 13112 150.3 18318 143.18 18315 148.2 19818 147.1s 196T2 UT.IO 24712 147 13618 143,1 ITS9 146,7 212f 146.6 132

. IS 145.6 17112 146 1T818 144.7 20218 143.1 1T811 ltO.4 13b14 140.6 1T1

I I t lID .l 130

• S' Uhl T .l .1 .Hvr. Man

'■> Mi DU■ 1 ; : i 1 4 K f t ' h U i i t i K I , ‘iirj I ■ . •] ,,pM»i

1 ru ITII IH '.-r , I 'll 1. T S' I. II il^r :

■JV. jr»: I l.i If:in in 'if: 3 1 :3


ANGLERS TO ORGANIZETiis second meeting for the puriiope of

organizing a club of rod and reel flslier-

A a o O o a i A D a . a c i arairtlelplisd In less thus five fains*—TemptdDs. Orahan, Kirlar. Taylor. Arantt. Upham,

nrpfar. Smith. Bstti. Walker, Vloksn. Capotal. DavlSioD. JamaB. nisari. UartlB. Ooatallo, IlcCIsary, pltllngsr, Brown, Oalm, Tiagaaeor, Kalton, Papa, Krwln, Rudolph, Tutwalltr, Plti- fsraid, Tates, Creniiy, Jaassn, Orth, Sweet, Bentley, North, Duggan, Rslily. Lldgats, Britton,

OLrB B A T m tO .aubi. O AB R H 3B *B HR TB SSI IB BB eo PC

;ovV «er .......................................... IM WII4 710 IJW 19* 7S M Htre 179 Kilt WB NU ,V!tHrwsr'e .............................................. IH e(KI «1,9 IZSO IH «S 13 IMO » 1 310 JU4 4 » .373Baltimore ........................................... t « SOOT (1H» U!4fl 1 « « IS HW6 W3 » » 4ST MS ,398ProTidtnoa ........................................ 133 SMI « * 1*5* 193 112 23 I7T9 133 179 S»)Moastval ....... ................................... IH 31B9 Mg 13.M 172 J8 « 1393 173 133 ^Buffalo ................................................ 1 » 3194 B83 1399 IM TS 39 1737 — 'Tonmto ................................................ U i 3131 307 i m IM 43 » 1710Jeney Cllr ........................................ i f f SW3 482 tMO 143 M I f 1733

i n 133 BOO4Tft 694 ■“ 69ft 469

BDTABTSTOnRFOniTONKBT<lia aaeoiiA sun* of • li0iiM.ABd.lwm3

•MiM bstw A ts UATtr Hotx'f 0lpArt I lr o Asd thA nicAbAth T. H, H, A. wfll bopiATAd tm tigbt At tb s SAAtiAsr B aII court. TbA lOCAlA l4Wt to tb s r . it, H. A. tdtm lAAt wsrtt b r tlM acora o f 41 to f f , TogtiM rtAtom, d io k UatARiiAa, ttw te m u r AroBAon filArcr of thU dty, will lump AtsirA, oad IUi«3l, foniMilr of Komilt, w 0 H*r A forwArd fwtitloi), Tbd Mppon dartoro tad Ot0 AiWrtlo ?lro, of CoKtnl t a t K m ost im % t»otoA !»*r t s m


thouoAUd porsono will sso tho abhuaI foot* bolt dfino botwstB HorvArd and TaIa In ttio itAdiBBi, Ifovsfflbor >1, If pfsitnt piono of m id W, Kooro, tnduAto tf tit, ursy of HArvAfd, srt cArrtod out, AP' ntioAtieno lor ioaU Iiavo bom msdo by 27,000 MAryffd nwn And 17.000 Tflo df-AduAtoo wid itudORto, ft will bo Hit fttit tlmo tlBoo Hio ooonf bognti to ft*tH o i g fM t ordcdt « f fp M tA ton U w t *11H gM ojlttow hwrt b t « i ------------

In aendlng a chock to claim th* player coat Newark a good man.

Brooklyn dofeatod AllmemJarls by a score of 1 to 0 In Havana yesterday, Wagner did the tw irling for the Ru- j _ perbae. !

A home m n by C hief John Meyers, of the Oianta, allowed the New Yorkers to record a victory over tho White 8 o i yes­terday In Ban Diego, Cal. The score was 4 to 9, Meyers connected with one of Scott's bendera (or a jaunt around the oircult 1® tha la st h a lf of the ninth, after the White Bon had tied the score In their half of the sam * Inning. Haame did ths twirling tor the Hlants. |

George Bldward Andrews, who was a nwmbsr of th e P h illies undsr Harry i W right from 19*8 to 1*90, visited Phila- | delphia yesterday for tho purpose of try- ' Ing to g e l flnanelal backing for a scheme to lay out a big baseball training ramp at Laks Worth, Fla,

Frank J- Navtn, president of tho De- , trolt Tigers, has m ade public A letter re­ceived from Ty Cobb In which the world's greatest batter declafes th at ho Is en- ' tlrely eallsflsd w ith ccndltlons In Detroit i and is wllUng to end his playing days In tho City of Btralts. [

H ufhey Jenalngs m anager of the De- j trolt T leers. Is out w ith a statem ent to the effect th a t be le under contract with | Detroit for 1914 and th at he will lead the ; T lftrs again next season. ,

A new iBtem ktlonal league Is being ; formed to Include Ottawa, Hamilton and London, In CADada, and Niagara Falls. I N. T.; Erie, P a ., and Youngstown. 0 .

UanAger Oaorga ■tailings, of the Bdk- ton Bravis, released H ap Myers to the BoehesU r Kustfprs because the big first saaker couldn’t t i l t

Johnny BM at, o f the Ctncinnatl Reds, has refennad. B atss has been attending the m eetinfs conducted by Billy Sunday, ttia e v a w N lllt A (ortnor star ball player, and Bat33 w m Ib t h i ranks of ths savsd 9t A lB33tl»W In 8M ubsnvm3 Tsoently. Batss and J o t T inker Biay r s t along hat- ttr nsat ssason If Johnny has rsfonnsd.

At a of 21

EHla avanue. Irvlngicn. waa elected tern- rorary aacratary. and h# will supply any desired Information regarding the organ!- nation.

The St. Andrew .T nl ts and 1h«? .Mi tK" wlio were ai h‘■'d llpd tft fip[fnr

nRalriRt CR''h nthf^r TD’Xt MnridH>', vtlll rnoi-l two daya InL r

The second tesm -"f Du- Sixth FTi*jihy|K. riwn lUid Tn^KTr i n- t li indieK will jn^et oti D. hjiPk.’DrDI i.mi^ tiuiiormw night

.Manager iJiia Kkdfliil. of the Kuatler Five. fllgned Die f..llowlnff player? to perf-’nn for hie Warner, of Ihr*Mhlrlwimle. R-'DifuBK, 'i ORger. Kllon and M 's'ann.

Ilf Irilc ih' in lia? heeii coiifmJirnhle rtls-I lis.s-lHin -iiijiiiiK lii.'Wlb'fH rvKarcllng varlou.*'Milfw or Din N.iiMonal Howling Aaeocla 111.II Many flu kntghls kno\V but fen' of Die rules I'Ut If lln> ntudlr-d them it W'JLiid Srt\« I liiJiy di'giiirK-rit'' In ovderto s.ive H In' *>] ■ iinruHl'iii, 11 ttiiiilrj ha a

H bowler on cAidj learn ii rule hook, (iiid thin 'IIIh all di.‘--i'UKMu:iH that

rVTHlAN LKAOCBs(f)n WaUera' Union Alleys.)

FT ■ ilRVRlfRTOM, ' NO. I.H«l«sk , . too 1«0 IDO; Ke.l'IS, Jf 111 H I 141K r l l s s R r I 03 1 21 1<5| Oiill .r , . . . 9J 1»» J J JH flil.v. . 119 i:S 115' Kippins .. II m 122Handl rnp 90 90 9 0 'Hsnd icsp. 71 T9 7*

To.sls tl!H J 9 0 o ! Totsis.. 117 493 493 NO 99 1 VOLUNTBISB.

R Hsrsell 111 115 111 J- Schert'or 113 11T J4I r Harsell It) 147 Uf., H. Whits. 141114 110 A. IlsrHSlI UJ 1(7 151' h. Sch'rrsr l i t 194 191Handicap 70 10 70| Hsndicsp. IS 90 90

-Ir,:7 ',(9 (O' TnlalB-, 001 919 943


fhlnh' il alw ays cturui VV'iilil qilli Itiy m ig ht ni Wi

W hat Is n f"b f ’ll dl!4r‘ i ^ . ITim nrlf; lii lIi'' tlmi la t'-.iin’ fhlug If llif

I ■' le one riueHtion D ia l has I'lrifig Dip poM wfiek

,Nruf>itHl Lowlltig AfiBOcln.. .'■, .1 ud ll would he a good u h r . paslied the .-ainc In

which they ar« B"i>ffur<la to fhtir daily


. / t

Lsslls llann, entflsldsr of the Botton anew , hai bMn tlvan pamission to play

U n th t iprlBftlrtd, Haas,, T, U. iM mi bp Haiwtar ■laliinta

a n s w t I

................ 213 203 226 22!190 214 20D

................. 408 393 44ft 432................... 178 1B5 176 147

........................ 216 181 207 22S

......................393 366 883 370

uam # Warden FreA H all, o f Bloom- (lald, apprehended a (oralgM r during ths lOBimer In ths South Orange reservation. H e had seven young rabbtta th at he had Uftad out o f a n est and m a m aking away Mkea arrested. TtoS ’ erartaa took ths

rabbits home, and brought five o f them up by feeding them condtnied milk out of a bottle, as ehown In th e accom panying photograph. A fter the rabblte had got* ten big enough to take care of them- eelvee, they w ere turned over to the State authorities.' i ,

their llltl'- Imokt ' a ie f u l to k i ' i lu

ori ft:Ko j I Bhil. "A brtll shall ue considered

fouS when a i-laiei', in deilverlnB the hall, p» rrri’la p.ny part of hla fe^l while at r^*t t«i pxland oti o\er nr beyond the foul line. Lir pennlls any part of his person to com© m contact wUli any part of the allei'S be­yond Dj© foul line or th© extension there­of nt any time before the delivered ball Hhal! have reached the pins, and musi Im- nxedijiiely be declared so by the umplr©."

Ana Harris, rolling wlio Charles W ag­ner as a partner on th© \relngarth-W haf■ ton ailevR last night, aitar the Baatem Iseague fl©r>s was over, fc-ok four gatnes In a row from Henry ClausB and Justus Bock, nf EMiuhelh. Tha fc&res:HarrisWagner

! Tolals:! Clausa ; Bock

[ George DcnTiehauni, chairman of the I bowling committee at the Gottfried Krue- * ger AsaoclHtlori, uiinounced this morlTing ' that In all prohabiiiiy an endurance con- \ test would be held at his clubhouse some i time early next month

i The first lia lf of the horne-and-hom e j duckpin match betw een Jim m yI Lorenz, o f th is c ity , and B illy Beebe,

o f E lisabeth , is carded for Thursday aftern ooq on the Impertal a tle y i, E lis ­abeth. The second h a lf w ill be rolled Frid ay afternoon i on the Welngarth'^

I W hatton alleys.

I Jobnny Campbell fete P la in fie ld I E lk s are ca rd ed ^ o orLoot a g a in s t the I N ew ark t e a m / l1 ^/an E lks' L eague

m atch on the local lodge's a lle y s on T hursday nl^ht.

In a ll . probability th s endurance m asque con test w h ich is to be rolled on th s BUM' h llsy s w ill b s held Bat* urdaFr N ovem ber 11 D eta lle (or the a ffa ir are to be oem pleted a t a m eet- l n f Thupoday n l f t i t r

€#«▼•« Beadsh eaU abew

h e n


; iw » t« « (i OwW.y4A»haC»«. liMw

^ M E E T M E A T -

' H a r b u r g e r ’ sZHranford PI. to 1 4 2 ^ MsrkeDt


Restaurant and Cafe


B ig g est and B«it*Kqaloi)«d In Town. HeBSier's Popular Beer,

BUSINESS MEN’S UINCfi, 3DcA la C arte EveoUigs.

O y e te r s In E v e r y S tyle*e i T ears on H a m b err Ploee

JO S E PH BABBUBOEB Prop. E lec tio n R e ta r a s W ill Be A e-

Bonneed H ere. u

7 7 4 / DEPmBLEJjiLmmmEs971 BROAD ST.


333 Broi3 st„ .V»wsrk, N. J„ aeposltk. ghnbert Thsstn tnd MB Omtrkl 3 * ^ On Blilit op.

Twiatj 7«S«‘ »iptrlto«'4i •1st OB (ul dmjiic dlinoMs of HWl bb3 WOUgN, *

CBtsOh, Notvom Dl»«o«. •<HoAt isliiwy*. Btomnh. M m or IBMI- 3«r. BbtnoMtlsBi. Urtnrj tsd lU L»c3'"NoRcB-oaioo IIBUII. 9 to 4 y. M. so3' 3 to 3 P. U„ ilw T h m u *k3 rtfaty nsnlBg, 3:33 to U. OBn tfijH gka' • S i , 'f ftanwt ntift©. pltff aiMl neeibeD

: ' l l



Th< Thankajriving Linen SaleTTie Bamberger sale of llnent for the Thanksgiving

table should Interest all thrifty houKwivei. The linens are dependable, aiaortments are complete and prices are lov. These are certainly linen buying days. M U tK W r* H A IS M Y C m S f/O tC T W ST S-

Trained N orse in Infants* StoreWhat do you wish to know about baby's bath, outing,

nourishment or anything else pertaining to baby's weN fare? A trained nurse will be glad to answer all ques­tions relating to baby in the infants' department, 2:30 to 5id0 dally.

The Greatest W aist Event N ew ark Has K now n in M onths

Song RecitalBT

Mrs.Rorence MolfordHuntThe Celebrated Newark

C o n tn itoBamberger Auditorium

Wednesday, November 12that 2:30 o’clock

P R O Q R A MLletl Signor .................. • MeyerbeerLove Me or Not............ — SecehlMorning Hymn ............Her R o se ........................The Silver Ring............ CbiminadeThe Dame .................... • ChadwickRoilcin auf der Helden . .SchubertFruhlings Glaube ........ • SchumannA Bowl of Roses.......... ........ClarkThree Flehers ..............In the Time of Roses.. . . RelcharctThe Rosery.....................Thougbu of TOIL

Miry Helen BrownP m lnde...........................Down In the F orest.,..Summer..........................Virgin’s Lullaby .......... . Dr. ClassIrish Love Song..........P au l* ..............................

Sohmer Pltno Died


tnornisj^y umai • --------------- "■■"r; '• aIt will be the fault of poor ventilation- A prominent Pittsburgh dominie says that bad air la what causes so raucb Sunday morning dfowelnesa.

Be that as It may, one thing la certain, bad air la a menace and a terrible menace, too.

The bad air aeason It now at hand. Our

If you go to sleep In church nent Sunday ornlng, don't take the blame upon yourself.

housea are cloaed up tight and our heatert ; del 'are busily at work devouring the life-giving

Quslltlea of what little pure air there may be In the room. We sit about the fireside or the steam radiator and drowse, and the next day we blame something that we have eaten for our headaches. Our street cars are closed up tight and our offices are hot boxes. The wonder Is we don’t have more sickness. ^

Don’t sleep in an airtight room, and don t be efreid of the night air. Freeh elr never hurts any one, but foul air annually claims ihouatnds.

Why not make thle e “fresh air winter and chest the doctor?

Soiled Dolls at a Thirdto One-Half Off

Five hundred dolls that have become slightly soiled from handling, have been taken from regular stock and marked at a third to a half less regular prices, There are jointed dolls, a colony of dressed kid dolls, baby dolls, mother dolls—dolls of all kinds and sizes. Many of them are apparently as good as new; all are very exceptional values. Formerly sold at lOc. to $4.25 each; while they last ....................... 5c to 2.50

SIX TH F 1 .0 0 R , M A R K E T S T R E E T

Children’s 5.00 Gold BeadNecklaces for 3.00

Wednesday only you may choose any one of a number of $5 small gold bead necklaces for $3. This is an excep­tional opportunity for early Christmas shopping. The beads are lOkt. gold, strung on a gold-plated chain. Either Roman or polish finish. An excellent necklace for a child. Regular price $5, special for Wednesday only............3.00


A Visit to theSewingMachine

StoreShould Interest You

Machines at10.75 to 37.50

3^100 Charming Blouses at One-Third to Nearly One-Half Less Than RegularThis Is indeed an opportunity not to be missed. Three thousand one hundred new blouses, in dozens of fetching

styles, will be placed on sale W ednesday at one-third to one-half off regular prices. Practically every style brought out this season Is shown in the collection. There are blouses with high neck and long sleeves. There are low neck and short sleeve garm ents; some In the new drop shoulder effect; others have yoke front and back. The materials include lingerie, batiste, French voile and cotton crepe. The laces and embroidery are dainty and of good quality. Some of the garments are hand embroidered. *Phone or C. 0 . D . Orders Filled. N one on Approval

1.00 N ew Blouses, 65cGrouped in this collection are: Fine qual­

ity Hngeris, cotton voile and batiste blouses, also some with embroidered fronts. Style points seen i t t glance ere: Regulationand bishop sleeves, yokes of illover Itce and edged with bends of Insertion down front end back, frills, nest collsrs, some tucked, others hemstitched, long end short sleeves. $1.00 blouses ...............................................®5c

1.50 and 2.00 Blouaea, 1.05In this group you will find cotton voile

blouses and all-over blind embroidery gar­ments in the newest models. The style fea­tures are: Long drop shoulder, yokes front and back finished with narrow beading; round, square yokes and V yokes of neat laces and embroidery or set-in medallions; some have frill of net; round and square em­broidered sailor collars; $1.60 and $2.00 b louses.........................................................1.05


2.00 and 3.00 Blouses, 1.35, In this collection are blouses made of

French and cotton voile and others of fine batiste. New yoke fronts and back, with frill around neck and down front are seen in profusion. Some waists are hand-embroid­ered and have medallions of Irish and fine laces; plain net and lace yokes are also em­ployed; drop and raglan shoulders; reiula- tlon sleeves; styles are by the scores. $2.00 and $3.00 blouses......................................... 1-35

The Best 39.50 Axminster Rugs for Only 29.75

How many new rugs have you planned for the homo? Come to Bamberger’s W ednesday and purchase at least one of them. We offer the finest grade Axmin­ster rugs made at the special price of $29.75. The rugs are size 9x12 feet and always sell for $39.50. Twenty- five new designs In Oriental effects. Every rug is new and perfect, and certainly a wonderful value for the money. Special price holds good W E D N E SD A Y ONLY. Regular $39.50 Axminster rugs, special. .29.75

N o Mail, ’Phone or C. 0 . D. OrdersFOURTH riiOOR. WASHINtiTON STKHBT

Moderately Priced Oriental Rugs at Great Savings

There are hundreds of the smaller size Oriental rugs in the record-breaking sale which started on its success­ful way Monday. In fact, no matter, how little or how much you desire to pay for a glorious floor-piece from the Far East, you will save money in this event. Rugs may be had for as little as $14.65 to as much as $2,000.00, every special price representing a saviag of about 30 per cent. These items give you an idea of t|ie offerings.

100 Beloochistan PiecesActual V alues................................ 22.00 25.00 30.00Special P rices............................... 15.00 17.50 22.50

M ossouls, Kurdistans & BijarsActual V a lu e s ........... 22.00 25.00 30.00 40.00Special P r ic e s ........... 14.65 17.65 22.65 27.65

Extra F ine Kurdistan, Iran Feraghan and Kirmanshah Pieces

Value ........... 42.50 52.50 60.00 75.00 85.00 125.00Special ......... 32.50 37.50 45.00 55.00 65.00 85.00

f o u r t h flo o r , WASHINGTON STREET.

150 Dresses Added to ^9.98 and 12.98 Sale

It Would Not Be Going Too Far to Say These 12.98 to 30.00 Dresses Are the Best Values Yet Offered

Another great day ahead for women! One hundred and fifty $12.98 to $30 dresses are be­ing unpacked while this announcement is writ­ten. Every one is new and fresh, of splendid material and of a smart style. Choose any of them you like Wednesday and while they Iasi at $9.98 and $12.98. In addition to these, there a3e a hundred or more of the original collection of fourteen hundred (which started selling a week ago) yet unsold. They, too, are wonderful values. In fact, women are amazed

materials includeat the offerings. Tlje

Crepe de Chine Crepe Meteor

Charmeuse Velvet

Chiffon Messaiine Crinkle Crepe

Silk Poplin Canton Crepe

W ool Crepe Moire

Eolian Corduroy

Shadow LareDresses for every occasion are included. Smart frocks for street wear—beauti­

ful afternoon dresses and dainty creations for evening occasions. The style show features the newest draped models, tunic models, sunshine plaited dresses, fashionable peg top skirts, new drop shoulder effects, charming new vestee effects with pretty lace frills and striking plaid combinations. All have the new crush or folded girdles. The lace and chiffon evening dresses are in the daintiest colorings imaginable. Sizes from 34 to 41 bust measure.

12.98 to 20.00 Dresses at17.98 to 30.00 Dresses at



Bien Jolie Corsets Baby Carriages & Go-Carts W Off

Being Demonstrated at the Bamberger Store

An interesting and instructive demonstration of BIEN JOLIE Grccian-Treco and Custom Finish corsets is being conducted by Mrs. Jones, a well-known corsetiere, in the Bamberger corset salon. Mrs. Jones will be glad to give all women the benefit of her advjce. Instead of ■fitting the figure to the corset,” she fits the CORSET to the figure, se­lecting the proper model in the proper fabric—a corset that will not only improve the wearer's appear­ance, but conserve her health. You are cordially invited to visit this in­teresting demonstration and seek any corset advice you may desire.

Prices 3.50 to 16.008BCOND FLOOR. HALSEY ST.

To make room for toys, dolls, games and other holiday goods, baby car­riages, which now occupy considerable space on the sixth floor, will be moved to the fifth floor until after the holidays. The new quarters will not be large enough for the carriages now displays. In fact, there are exactly thirty-one baby carriages too many for the space. These were placed on sale today at one- fourth off regulai prices. Included in this special lot are carriages, roadsters and go-carts. They are all high-grade vehicles, in good styles. Finished in natural, white and gray enamel. Regular prices 7,98 up to 38.50; spec, prices 5.98 to 28.87


Boys’ Clothing SpecialsBoys’ 2.98 Suits, 1.98—Full cut Nor­

folk suits In sizes 6 to 16 years; made of nept mixtures and pencil stripe ma­terial; regular $2.98 suits, special. .1.98

Boys' 4.00 and 5.00 Suita, .3,00—Gassi- mere and cheviot suits in Norfolk style, with loose or stitched bolt* I s'*es 0 to 17 years; made to sell at $4.00 and $5.00, spec ia l..............................................3 .00


Boys’ 7.00 Extra Knicker Suita, 6.00 —Latest Norfolk models, made of strict­ly all-wool fabrics, in handsome pat­terns; sizes 6 to 18 years; $7.00 valuesat ........................................................ 5.00

Boys’ Chinchilla Overcoats, 5.00— Russian coats of all-wool chinchilla In blue, brown and light or dark gray shades; sizes ZYz to 10 years; regular $7,00, at ........................................... 5.00


Shoe Bargains for the FamilyNow, to buy ALL the shoes the family will need during the winter! It will certainly pay you

to make the purchases at Bamberger's this week. A special sale has been arranged. Men’s, women's, ___ ’ girls' boys'misses

Woihen’s 4,00 Button

and children's footwear are included. The values are the best offered this season.

Shoes for


Gun metal calf but­ton shoes with dull kid or cravenette cloth tops; made with the new shape toes and kidney heels; shoes sold regularly for $4.00, special . . . .3.15

Women’s 3.00 Button Women’s 3.50 to 5.00

Shoes for

2 .1S

These shoes are made of fine quality patent colt, stylish, new lasts; tops of dull kid or black cloth; regularly $3,00; spe­cial at ..................2.15

S unpk ShoM


Eight hundred pairs of high-grade sample shoes, together with regular stock shoes in a broken line of sizes; regular $3.50 to $5.00 grade, special a t .. 2.75

Women’s 2.50 Comfort Women’s 1.35 and 1.50

Shoes for Comfort Slippers


Button and lace comfort shoes, made of fine kid skin, with cushion innersoles and O'Sullivan r u b b e r heels; sold regularly for $2.50, special at ...........................1.85

1.00A lot of these com­

fort slippers for spe­cial selling; made of good quality vici kid, with hand-sewed turn­ed soles; were $1.35 and $1.50 per pair, sp ec ia l..................1.00

• The Bamberger slock of sewing machine* Is always complete. Every good sewing ma­chine want may be readily fllled here. Every woman should buy (he best when it comes to a sewing machine—one that will last a lifetime. The machines we sell are not only backed by factory guarantee, but by L. Bamberger & Co. Reliable guaranteed

300 Pairs of Men's 3.00 to 4.00 Shoes at 2.35Displayed on bargain table In the men't shoe leetlon are about three hundred pilra of men's shoes at $2.35 a pair. This assort-

ment embraces a lot of high grade samples, all In this season's style, together wlih our own regular stock lines of $3.50 and $4.00 shoes Lace, button and blucher styles, made of fine gun metal, Russia calf and patent colt. $3.00 to $4.00 grades, special, per pair..............2.35

We will gladly arrange convenient term* as low as SI a week. Select your new me- chine Wednesday. Don't put ft offl


75c Tango

Seta, 50c Imitation s t e e l

cut tango sets of sixteen pieces, reg- ultrly 7Sc., spociel i t ............

Children’s 75c to 1.50 Shoes fit 59c and 79cThe shoes are samples and "Roor goods” purchased from a leading manufacturer. Patent coll end black and

Ian kid leathers; plain and fancy tops; hand sewed, turned soles.Sizes I to 6 , without heels, 75c to $1 values............... .B9e


Children’s Vld Kid Shoes —With spring heels; “Foot Trainer" lu t; siiee S % to I I ; reg. $1.25; epeelet. .1.05

Hleaec’ Kid SIdn Shoee- "Foot Trslner*' button ehoest steel 1 1 J4 to 2 ; regularly $1.60, epeclal a t . . ..........i . u

Sizes 4 to 8 , with spring heels. Si to $1.50 values........7 BcBoya’ Buttoi/ Shoes—Of I Boys’ Robson Calf Shoes

gunmetil calf; “Foot Train- —“Foot Trainer" lace shoes, er" last! dull kid tops; sizes I with extension soles, sizes 1 to 6 ; regular $2.50, spe-1 0 to 13^; regular price ctsi .................................. 2.00'$1.50; special..................1.19

Arch SupportsOur regular Sl.SO

arch supports at the special price... 1.10

Our regular SI arch supports, ipe-

• ■ — ’ .75ccial for this sale7

Shave wltli an *TObeco" Safety Razor

The "Elbeco” Safety Razor is one of the greateit shav- lag devices ever Invented. Trial razor with two blades for S6c. "Elbeco” outfit with seven blades................. LOO

Regardtns Your Eyes

'■'.-r, I

U.5. in spec ted AND PA&SED

It 0.9


N l

T h is Stam p i



Flymg Tri ^que) I


“Swift’sPremium”OleomargarineM eans th a t a government in ­spector has seen all of the mate­rials made, seen them churned to­gether and knows that the finished product is

Clean,P u r e


Swllt & CompanyU. S. A.

UpftTrtT Srn' NKW Y

fftBtiinony i c f ByracURi /HBlfitant Clark n «'h«re h i refrardlntf 1 tors In mi tu I’ariouB

Through Cor McOiil prom RA gl man hy } IJeved thai completo SI know I and torney.

The full up-Stats c wh^n the •iternoon.

McGuire' “M" telegf John A. 1 his story 1e of cuilapsf abruptly «i In an exha menially

The dist munU'eited are dasiro hold upon tinancial gleaned.

V k

A numb subpoena, ttorlea wl P. Bursai th e suppo illatrict at pected to contractor

Mr. Bill edge of where he Patrick, d backing.

Friends today that hysterical former I’r McGuire's

"Mr. Me mont. sad there and olde are at Ing in the by m e,an t«> resume

■•MrGuIr absolute u thor use It not even \ he is, and aee him i which I t next day. respoDSlbll ary rellrer

No long* Itoe" Innu* MrOuire. I character, teetimuuy dfcate wha Jury.

The adr that, as I panics b< work, he of collecli wlitch It Ikasia of c


W ith


And CuUcura Ointment. Their use lends to prevent pore dog­ging, pimples, blackheads, red­ness, roughness and other un­wholesome condiUons of the skin.

The Bamberger eye specialist will tell you exactly your eye trouble and whether or not you need glasses, if you come here for consulutioii': Examination free.

Cutlftiffa Soap aad OUtaMai SDld tltroufaMit bW vorid. Ubdial wspldof ssek nutM fm , with l% % book. AiOtm '‘CaUaun." Dept. 14It, Boptoa.

i f Men wbo shove sad shaiapoo with CuHeuW feMwUliad utwnnwekth s&dMlp

Wedding RingsHand Wrought

The quality of the gold we leave to you— I4kt., 18kt. or 22kt., a* you choose.

The quality of the work­manship and finish you can safely leave to us. Hand wrought by the most skilf"' ring makers. Tack’s marK inside the ring is your guar- anteb of excellence and value.

$ 5 t o 9 2 0

JEAN R. TACK857 Broad St., Newark


971 B R O A D ST .

Tfic <liav log f iSt a for the Dt uhintr hla larly to < spread die

McGuin Hr. Whiti rranibliiig hHd threai

McGuire hiilt of

'mitted the described i man had tlon regal parent tin the hearir

When that a tj ticni'c beft gram wan The 8yra< WHS talk

Mr. Wl JlfGulrc , inemory rnesftagc. the with' namea of that it W8 the namei

hJLigen lobbyist, tliorJty fc hla occup nled that McCall c William Inspector.

Wood d had altrit arrange « Georse W




Btaff Cbrr T R E M

of the r. th e score for and e cellor-shf Show the cast on t jorlty of Only fo against t bertand, complete

Coiintl A tlanticBergenBurlingtOanidcnCapo MaCiimberliEssex ..G 1oncoatHiirlsonIlunt^irdiMercerimddlnse^^fcninuuM om aIh ta sa lc

Hontci-aefiiUHBeXDnlon • Warren

Totals Afajor: The n

as showt pUatton, Rive. -It. stokes. ItinralU:


Captain |.aU<l Fithe wero not-atta