Download - ON MESA - City of Newport Beach


p,_ tboua1lct. of enll't.t '" U. oatkmal Bl"Uld Nun• R.e­

tailef'oot. the. Tnr compd.!Uon, l*1ldJll' M retalllllJ' cat.eprlM . .U l'*ltt ~. 22M WM. S&DliOa Boul9ftrd. bu bllftl -­lllded t. ~ a Certlf\cat. fll. Ditti•'°'! tn tlle lie.~

--~ ot tbe tth An­•11&1 O..petitkm. 9p0dor.d by BnA1 M.-~tton. 1-.e.,

.... -... ..,.. . ......,.,

SET ON . '


• of .._...., )0 ""¥'"1 l lPcll-bf the ... Coot& 11- lllP School

and tt-lu u IDJOM b3wa deflrM"7, tt will continue to<kl•· ~

~,11 a ... pl .o.tliquololoi and IM ...... ~-Gr ·~o.:.: ~ I~ oi IUtfll to .....

- -- ileli,Da ol ..... ~ ... ' l&fe or not. In other wor<i. a ecbool can bin a.a architect &nd that architect can de.Igo buildinp. but the .cbool ounot build tbem unl,_ ~ ~ approvn tllo plaoo. ' '- '

)i.:L..~-.,, plll>e twN~~Jfut>or'1..,. ' ,.. ....., la "'" - an4 tlio 'NrirpOi'f 'ff · :Joo! ottldll. an UChltect lfavo

·~ lot u.. Cllpl~ &ad i{sttu of tt#)' indforid&W clU.n

1 ._ .... Ult BW Of ftlaht.. a ~ tor all tbe wottd. Jt hu ~ ,~ beau. lalirr ........ doM ba'f• \.tadlfd U With .....

"1l 11 ~ UJ. ~Uve fM.tun ot Amerle&n •overnment tbt..t It t.lmpmi m&jortty rule wti. th&t rid. m11'11.t depnve & cntnortty, Of' ••• a ,.atnirle ln-

been trylnr to pry them away ao that they could let eontracta, but no luot.

SACR.illJtNTO, - (CNS) - Bl.nfft newt at OJI· Cll'ridlW ot ai. .JifM.1 an.c1· fornla'• Capitol lut week, along with r&-conventnr of the uta. "

Tbe ~ .eema to be that the ttate ottlce 11 abort hudN bectue are not enoush men availablt at the wara the .stat. ii willing to pay. That fX*- two problem•. the moat Important meem· lac to bl that lf the It.ate miploy. awn under the that prtvatt otttc. are paying tor aimilar WOl'k,

will tt pt men capaba. of checking th~ local 1rcbttect' 1 piano!

Calllomi& teplatun, Wall a battle betweq many lefilla· • • "' I .J:::~:================--ton and the Callfonli& Teaoherr Ailociatlon. ''Wt bl.¥t 111t up for '°""'"' I" ArtburF Corey aecuUveMCretary ofthe~l,..C U. tdHJ U.t -11 tun /(;FFA' IRS QF STAT

Uon. macM a ~h U: .S..1:1'· ta.ctlc1 dutinc Uw h•rl"'' :" :;u:ercuhta ='M uatie:; ~ E mento which i.n. the lmpllca· "particular~ "*~"T•···t coetnl • lly HENRY C. llacARTBUB UOn that tM ._rtllatu.r1 wu Out o( UMI 114'4 Cl( "rtlAn '"I!* Ml a be.l&C ~ pr~ llateninl too hard to U.. dpr- politie1 bttt ' noieOl.eleu •:lploelve ntl• Uld a noble one _ bu t tt J ·---------------------------· J

l.n. a.ny --. time ii ru.a.ning out on the k>c&l lJlcb -I '-"! which oriJl!lally planned to have ~ baMI• n1cb" t« Ult tllia com.las &tptembtr. Al of ript now there are only &bout 17 months left bdore thM.'l>utkfulp muat. be "*11 (or hlrniture ud ot..llier- eq.ent &nd atlll no 1lp of & state lrtt'" JJsht •• Ille plon.o.

ette and liquor lobby la the I.ft JU own r1dlt .,._ a blll )I-rd w&11 WOii. ta atl1lelk ~ Jt wHI Mtti. ..,.1"91. n- •nd tncr"l&Md earrj 1n ~ - ......_ wiuca 'W'OWdl noc. _. 'h ..ui.iatn i t re­taa .. tor ed:UUUoo.. TM ~- hava p~ltt!d 9boottnc ot q uU. th2 dho(J"" •nd the e!· am M,.. propNM 90DM 11'0 ltdl- moumill&" dovn and pul I.he tort and UI• vt1u.a.nce ot r ver1 bon addl.Uon.11..1 t.a..ll."9. lo be w.Md btn1it on ui. .one blrd Dirt. of dUMn..

SACRAMENTO, - (CNS) - A dttennincd effo rt

to cla.ulfy station wagons al pa&eenrer vehlcle1 la und er­

way •t the present aea.lon of the Cali!ornla legialature, u the result of a long teriea of arre9U of citizen.e by the

Califoruia W,b•ay Patrol for the uae of tJie •t.atJou tw \lie aitbtlclla. &n4 pr1nwt11 ~ .,.ae& Tla9 u.em"IY tor w ...... ill t.eMt a&Je.tMa. .,_,. aad o...n. -.nittae •t "Oov91'11JMl\1, 1IM Cb.rtmn.Lty

ltaell, must mallltaln a co1:1.1tant A••• m b I Y man Oltnn I:. th~ 90rM thl'M M\l!n of coDOern tor ev r ry 1ndlV1dua l.

Cooh • • cl'l•knt.a Cru.Count7 ), lUUmotly Oil lbe maM.•r, on.n ·Tb.I• lnff.n9 not on ly the p ro· ¥."a1on &II I. " cGnllMn;:ial l'ttllcle" Uo11 ot motor •ehlclt oede demai!ded a public apolof)' conln.dlotory, brffor. .... rNllC N owheN t n t.M motor v• h.Lcle and OM ol. hUI re<:ent ~ A f.W 1-nl • 1° t. ~

t - r-- <•hl<b '° -- .._ __ ,. the ma&M1r. lo a.a lnUrim - - t..fftlon of ln<Uvtd ual r1(b la. but l lltf •ubcommlt~ d111eloHd llm.Llal" ·-· .._.~:r , .. ,...., ~ the ncoinltlon of the ~ ot t"'ode i. lhe •t•uon wt.4100. de>· wa t o UlC ttt he would

nuu ... '11l!• precludM uy aetJon ln4ivtdual c:ttl un1 • od t hr de· r~. 90 Ul~ 1.,.,, .. u.. C&lltor. IOok a t o Al)I one MOUoi. o! tbl 1t.bU9it °' Wl.loa. powc - Sf'&1't . • Our Underpaid Teachers Maintain Strong Lobby

Local •otera &re bein1 uked to approve a tax Oftnide to rahie teachen wacea. For yean t.a.xpayera bave been ahown a picture of the starvinc t.eachu wboee devotion to the profeuion of education wu lhe Oaly reuoe lbt dk1 not ro lnto the hlcher paytnc jobs In alrplan• plan u. waa a t.lme when 1uch a picture ct.tried a sr-t deU.:,ff truth. That w .. Y<"hen teacbe.n were p&id for I.lie nwnber of months they taurht a.od wer'e aprecte.d to hibernate dwin& the summer. The.~ ii no \lie roh:ic but lnto the t.mount te&.cbua were ~ tled, beca11M you would have to dlf up thti p rice or ham and 'erp and room rent to maie the compt.rUon

ofuyvaNa, But .... today, .-Ith lta hlch cooto and hJa:h

W&C'*• the.~ t.n trw profeaaion.1 when. t he work'"r hu HCW1tJ and pen1loD1 &11d at the 1&m1 time pl.I

bean tol1.bcomln1 ~. &nd &l U.. Mmt tlrat, M-Ver&I oUltr ..., Mmblynwri, tncl\.ldlq" Al.M Q. P&lte. 11\.aallnaal , bobit-4 out UI• preuuru Oii Ow MW taut ht.wa bnn prhn•rUy trotil UHi Callhlrnia. TMcherw AA..mauon lo bby, wl\l.cll. , lnclOt-ntally, W prnbably UM rnoat '°"w•rtuJ tn aaerarnan~

.>.Mthar dewt lopmenl wu a In 1'b.IC:b b\.11111-, lAllor &Ad CiV\e 1;1r...,U.tJOM jolntli to -m l.,U.latoni that NW and lncr.uad ta.Jta an WI•

-Kt)' At Wt Um•. Ttwy poltlted out l.M.t ,, th• .ct1ooi. ~ &ddlUOna1 fnOl't y, Ultra lt Ntnc.11nt 111 UM: 1an•f"l..I tund 1.nd .urplUA to Ulla t:aN ot tbo -4 lhJ.e y.r.

A U of whlcll. It mpark l"I" wtrAt pl'Ob.&llly wtll turn out lo M on. of ma)or lle\JH of. UM (Ul'­

.. n l lt11atatun . A nolh•r" pnme l11u1 . .... w ,

1ot lttUo eon .. <kr&Uoll fran. U. i.,1a11.tut'9 ti. Ir IMl ••II.. ht neverthe~u . work W&t &ceom ­pll1hNI. A !(>.la wyer committee tppoLntt d by OOV~r OooctwlA J, K nl1 hl, m.t for an anUf"t day In 1n 1.t templ to work out a

---------------------------· ' M U•Cac tory c on I t I l u t I on a I

lki~k il th rou •1 l:DW AllD f'. llVTl'ON

ammndznotnt. -.aary bd¥'f twiGa e&a IM appropriatH for Uwl r-ua.r R.Lvitr projtw:L ..... tor Richard Rlchardl ID-Loll AJ\1'1&1 1 a rnu:nbe r .t I.ha CIOPI· mitt.ft, •~nco.d U.

------------------------- ~Ual bt bcl!-u Pf"Ol"r.- ~ 8uppoee you lffA uked to debf.t.e the qu .. tion betq mad\t , bu t .anof.Mr -

••on of Ur.• commttt• I• NOP­wbether tlle,A.ctva.nee Toward the Wtlfa~ State \1 r ood or N ry 1>ero ,.. &l\7 &nn<.>WM»m.nt

bad. Would )'OU..ucipl ! WhJc b aMll 0£ Lh.ia question w ould 1 ean M mtde TIMI comrniltea i.

you prefer to t.Ule1 And woald you co up a1amat Ute de- tchedll led 10 mftl •1aJn Wltd-

u I r Ca , neld.&y. lli rch 11,

ht.tine t.e\m of the n.lven ty o mbndge, Encluid 1 CMrr e• tha t UM t9'1k"ral c ov-Cambridilt i. - !;If l ha oldrttl w u•<I w1th cW ball na t r rmwnt 1.1 a lltmpUn.f to blAC>k-

flld rnoM. f..-. .mlnrwl Un ln m.aterlal by Th• ..J'ound• Uon for JM"• u -.. •li te Into ll DWIAt &l\d UM wotW No4 .Uy brilll.l )'OWi.i Econonuc J:.duc•ll°"- l 1K . 1 non-11U-filu1c1trltd hlCb'*'7 ~tlop­-n s..t • ti. dt-U~ t-.m. p&rtl !IA.n, r- rch orr•nlaa l•on, m• nl prosram1 '"" t r• m1M by

ThlA •"""* wu nanll7 de· &t lrYl~-on·H...t.on. Nt w A"""m bLy ma n Joha L.. I:. Collier •t.ec1 II)' C&U'14s-~ a York.. 1R-Lo1 Anife l., • •, "ho decla.-.d 1-m tnlll9. tM IWit P rlAOn Good thl.Nlln1 ha• .-ont on l>t Ca llfornl• . Lo q"a h t \y for ltdrt ra l Colon)' of ' Tht hind p r1 JiOn • r• Somt o f lhe hig hwa y &Id. !1 com pelled to p.UOrwin won ! They ar.-ued tht. t wor ld '• &" t'f'll.<rtl me n h&ve wil l· build 1o&da tha l would not tht Mtn.ct: toward 0-.. t•n in pMIOn F o r ex.mpl• , J nhn oth1n 11:!M ba conaldered a t thUI WM a bad Ulltl( tor Bunya n. 'Pl l.-11m • P ro1 reu , tlm• Cullle r H id "11 1lmpiy ca.n· _,Ki)'. 8ocr•tt• " Apolof la · 81 Pa ul 11 01 Of' juatl t lltd by aound rea10n ..._,tr. men who have kDOWTI c1rt.1.ln of h i• Epl1tlr•. tor Ca l! fn rn.11. rHlwn~ tn ffnd h'Mdoln &11d h&ve lo.I. It tn ui Add G1ndtil. Thornu r 1.1ne. · ha t d -•• fllad t &x do11.& r1 to thrr IJ\1Ututlot1 whtr. lhelr wallare Si r \\' a lter fta le11b. O..nll" I De I teder• l rovll" rnm"nt a nd rrc• lve It prov1dt4 b)" IOl:lt1.y havt & r°" . 0. Hanry, Wllll a m Lloyd I in 1·e turo only • f rA<:tlon ot 4"peT undtNtandlq: of U\IJI Garn.on. ma,ny o tlwo r• I lheM t> • .a. In th• torm ot pro­•UWUOll - Whk.k OODCtrtUI \.II Some ol 111 out.&161 prt - 1ram. eo11 t.roUed !mm Wuhll'lJ ­all - thall U.. o( U1 on UH -111 .,.. p!Uorwn o( Ult ton. D.C " wt.aide. "Oroupt.11.tak. '" or ma.u mind, A re-port cht.fTlftC UM! admin · ~dmtalb', UM Jll1A- t-.m Wbich tt1t'lu thouJ!'ll . lmt.raUOfl ot 00.,.ernor knJFit

wtlh pollUcaJ f& vortUam, con ­twllcm •nd i.wmeLl'fley In baftd ­llq tM lt&tt '• \nllllftnel! &ual.­,,.., wu ti~ by UM Munn.all a.tmblr w~mtttet on ln ­tw-&nc iK.t.-nt. llllAMD,, Dirmo­cn.tJc ftool" .....,., -~ tha~ J.e t. ,,....1\1 -.d fW COfTec:Uff i.,waa.on. Ha OLI~ toir • COJB·

:~~!·~·~:~·~·!·~·1-~,~~~~~ ... ~l.,_~~"i .... i~·~-~~~:l 'ltll O.trtlaul .,, tM Mtt:'• tn-

INranot pnwl"Uft, W1*). Ule corn-....... ,Q,.~-..:-.r.nora. .. 11'.....,.-t ...... altt.M ....... bu bod l"\111 Ill tbt

a_ CPS ... ..._. ... Aot ot 11.&rdl I. 1111 PMl '7 ...., out wnmtMoru

•'St I~-....,, Wet Fllf ... ritcll,J~Dio '°~~---fl!Md AWi - 91 ...... ~U OUIUAHI *fl tM .~ ltcfillM.,....

II .. ~ ... -~ ai .._--. • Cua' SSAca. o.a.•a . ..._ ...,_. 1111 deft ot'u. wmbl1...,., wen •tt n •,..... ..... ...._.., .U\IWtt;;, .,, _, All tu .. tn~ •npe1n Mrw tM ............ 14 Ma.rtetU...,..1U..• Adla9 No. A·llld • -1• et dl9f'Pll Ad

c:t\A ...... M t. Wbo lajeclM poU· ~N ME pPh .... R ' 5 .... hllthllliMs A-~u- Ilea lll'lt. tht maltltt' .. tM ftnt •.--a...._.._. 4.-.:la1R plac:-.. A-.mblY'f"'l Plarold K

" ~ 0.-.1 Ne .. a l'!Nvl•• Uv"r\111" and f'rallk terma n,

atJmOalrnON ILATD1 lf..,...-i ....,._ N_......., ~W..atJ

19 ~ 0..-l;J . ..... ,.. ,...,.: ......... - I II.Ml iM"M -~., o..q. o...tJ ., .... ,.. ,. ....

llor1u Ultt'r> ~l!rotwla ~lt4k•n•.

retu.P<I to •Ira the rrport and Mtd tbry will IUbnUt Ol,eit t l'• "TI

r.oport lt1 .. ,,.., d& y t . M unntll l&Jd he w un t .,,r­

prla.d to .._, tn. R4publk uaa _,... 1.J..fthappy Cl'l'er wbat Uw

h#&rln,.1 ol I.ha tubtornmlltN dlac l~ Hit c•l.Md Lorl'trtna 1

on U.. -...u" fa¥ 1.h.11 ...aon. Illa HJabWa)' Pat rol Ud ui. 0.- coda In ui.e rnalll!I' of (t•lq fa vorlu.rn_ llM(&l &c~lQ. tleo P•opo-·n•• ot ••- b<U, •-·<ud· v1loprnent of Prnrt•m to mttt •--- • -<t ·-• -·~-, •<t• ·• ' ·- - ..,,. ..,.. u.oa. n~dil.' ptrtm.tllt ufMotor Vthldn, be~ -.rner·1 Uoenar1 LO you n a '""'" -· .,., . .......

tnc Cll.l!fornlt. Ga.rd.ri clubli arid r hi h _._ k pecplt o f l t ...... ,.., and com- And the Ttrt· l-i &rtlfy Aet. It • o w C' &re 1....-pt •t m a lng ~ - 11 k Uw l'ederallon qi WOIMn '• Uwll" own law•. wtth al lt&•l l he pletely ta: nure a nothl'r lle\'Uon. I• we nown. l( n."W uut of Cluff, MJd Ult hunt.en w1rt de- ..... • .. 1 ~-• 1 d '' 1 < h which n y• <<• • Y "• " h• •'• , ... 1, tuany a buft"I ot bi g- la bor 1n-~n ..,, a pen .... o unpar&Jltled &a11um1 a u 101·1 y o t lop t t ~ " ~~ p<ou .. th• number• or dov11. h h I< 1 '' ' 1 1 u~n•e• !! p-,. · <y , ,, __ ,1 .•• , 1on1. lnclu111nii:: 1trlke1 dW1n a: c rowt . t t Ln utnt"' e o r t Hglon 1111 c rom 1.a.r ry1n1 n1•l•M& 1 '" • ,,,.... •• """' 1bey Wd lb.- btrC1ll wttt natural Lll ta U h Ct ldwi tl h&t ~n bu.y (11;,n). th" wa r repe&tl'r! opprc:llalon ot w..n: -4 •\era and won ot U1rou1 11out our IOOlet y la a & • on w1 11u•• w lch .,. l'mplovri 1 tor pr &t 1 vL lAI iw.d, rrom t1111 Mitn•l! n& p.rt.ctly l' l"&I to !"&• ry in an lfll" th&l Lh• C&Utornla H 11rhw11y · iv ' or un o n Ir tat teonomle lmport.t.n~. of our M.t.ory u a Jaat lOn, re- a u tomobile. Pt troJ lnvoktJ a proKr•m or .(&In • nll e v\dof'nC'1 of J r a ft a nd

llownar, lba ipori..nwn and li( lon h•• t.&trtrd a t'n1~1ln1, Thi .,Lory coonmenr·ca OV ll" T the ~rreilln1 ~pl1 \ra\'thn& flllll'• I corruption laadownen w ri.a oppoMd <"-I '"'I lhan !>~ mile• an hour 00 1,._ _ \\l u h1nrton poUUcl.1111 "''t r •

er ,,_... ... \lllnc. on fO verrunuiL dapa.rtmenl ot mo!A:l r vehicl•1 "" I< """'•u re 1ueoasltu ll)' .id do'I'•• ..._, V." &)'• to curry t &vor for th• .. c ••pr<"l& Y lnt1"'1tad In Lile tVI·

•• 01P U 1w.-runent lmpl.nlft 1111lh.od ot Ucan11rtat a 1ta tlon "'' .. I a~ sraln a nd vqetable -w rnl~ a n hour firm , ...... ,. <<m•• MN! o u w gn.b t or pouu, aJ

upon ever-IVldt nlnJ &tta• ot our wagun. Jr 11 !• tio ~""""'' 11 a ,.... JI.loll at hu~rll)' M tht)' d i d Individual live., tha t WlurD09 c1.unm,.r1 11&I "'hlclt. a l 1. murh propo .. t. dt l JIHe lhat !&cl that powi·r b.v hovdlurtll alr-..Mly n. · w"1CI ..- n..r,.. a lao dod one or hit oftlctra , , ,. , th• • <·-

1. en ·1 a1 nc Inordinate pswtr In the

II ""' t o an \Ulprec4'dM!te-d IUf M'r rlll • l & PUMlll ll " . M lht popul&UOQ ol Oo'f'M WM I d.l'Kti'f. ve blrle, the llwner ca.n c&.rry rorrnaUon to a nUun whu pa.Id Tea m •t•r•" Union.

..-.ma1 n.tnc •I.Able. "' Uadrr -·r lonn o< i•••rn- "">'""' ht•., l.L • ftne for tr&l'll"llns- a t lllf .. me, a""\Gh blada lln.I. ..... aao C&nM1 v,. t r ........, .. _ M111Wt1y rm&nat1n1 trom u11.1 ment, we h.a'l>'t Otnion.-tr&t edthat I •ION Al"l'"IDA~,.... 1&' o a.,..,v ,,.. trtvtl•d fQ1

under d1.tnJM1011 l.J'll• wetll. . A 1

h hould •.o• )"t•n o n &am.t tnotw&y . w.l'l.lon • &ct1v11i.., found ita w.,y bill lo outlaw ..U• o r pGettttiOn w t powr r • ( D ~- But If th• W&fon L• Lict-nttd Undoubtr<lly , th l! it Mor \'•· into u...- poht1ca l tuod of UI• of t ucb.¥tl ovi r Uu M inc~ l lbt ll!y. a nd '"''\lh rHponaibi.Jlty u • p&Mftll"tr ve hicle , lt•• own- , It (' AJo'"'L-CIO poht11...a ! m a c h l n e ,

i hould 1 0 account.abUlly t.o UM er muat at1n &n a tf< .. - < tba< l'l .r tde r.ttdoi IKlmp tl'IOt"nugh In lef"ll"lll ... on t lMI 1.pprov &I o t ua.mbl)' )ud.lclu y commit· lM b\lt lal tr ... Ji bol Utd up on Ow lower boUM tloor, 1.p,..rMt­ly llln urh jlt.Joumy ot a u thor­ahlp, T)la bill which elar&l"9d )udtel.1 ry wiu pe nned b)" J olln A. O'Connell rD -8&n F rancU.CoJ •nd WO\l1d outla w 1 11 1uth knlveA. A.~ •-1r1blyman Lou!• P'rancl' tl'\-81 n M• l- J t-.1. 1 a h'u ft'Mrtc t!~ 1t1t."a1uror. A rt• r oppomlftll' 0 'Conndl'1 bill Irr aommili:. WlhllGc9a1t\l lly, rranci. •nd Gtbitr- rOtn!'.llllln IOC•

(~ 1a tioM11"' o·oo.u..u·. blt1 \l nUI ........,,.. . CO..-. ~ kl be c~at. U.....-..u-. ~ .... polltkm , ...... ..imo.t

to u.. ttat. tllt ""°It ~17 lipaa.Ut Luu.n H . ~ ' Unoota Cf\.<'11 • I • arll • t ln lhr wttk. A 1rovp of Repullll1:40 l• wm.,-trt deddrd It -.n' l r1J hl for lb.• ..-.mllly '"1th • 4.3-31 GO P .-.Jort l ,Y/ t o haVt .I ~T&~ ~dinl" tht' pov. itrtul ru.Jt1 ccunmlU..

t'IM .11, lt1it l1 U1r• th.ouch! A ll"n Miller ot Sao Fernando •hould bl! rem oYed u U11 com­mlttM hel d Tht y tltp"'&lf<i a "llllnp""•a lo J O rl(hl o n OOwn \h t tin. de~nl t~ O\ha r do•· " " Ot' • Pttaecn.U w~ bold romrn!tt" ehalmrtnthlp• ' " th t lowrr :iouse Th""Y r &ll"d upon 1\4p11bllcan 00•. Goodw in J. Knlfht !mt ht lr1lorme-d th-.m ll we1 .1. m&lte- r t o DI' t • k•" up wi t h l.Jncoln a nd nol t h• '"'" er­=•-

Th.t move -.d bf!fora It e v" r rr&C"hed tl'la nor>r or th.. 1io11"'4" 110me Obfff"Vf"r• uld 11 • 1"·

• ult of the pretrnce in 8•C"r&­mento ot Alphonao A Ball, ci't.• 1rma n o f the R1pullllr1 n Sla te ,...A"n l ral Comml llef' tn t h• r a pllol wa tl'r• l " .mOQ\ h troublM

~· rPvl tlon IO that lt tan be df tln"d wl\Jch bot. ..... d ul "lctorlH In people lt W\ll OOl be ~ for commer• rll'ally "" lo "hit rlKht l the lne Nurtl'l""t • t In likn.1<Jna l a nd

"Only ln a free .otl @ty c•n cLa.I purpuw~ ~pl' tie Pntitl<td V."ithu•JI olhl' r tontr..U rt ll(too n uurtlll. t or the 11 1 h t to Therefore, ahouli! • n LndJvidu&J •uch dc:floJUon the d.riJ er• 01 1 In fa<! tug- l•bur Unl<.on pol!­worth lp &ccordtn1 to tnd1"1dual ownlr11 a P--1\J"lt llUPDMd Fuel« control at U.e .tale"• tl~••na rl'ed!l for lh• coRtcltnca !1 ll'lt oler1bl1 ln th t -..con, • ho wantt to ~ul J'Un• .even mllllon "•hk~ Lm· I "lc~Uun ut Un.lled iltatN Uta ria n .U~. A contra•t be- t n the Junk·y1 rd, move ll<Jfl>I! of mln• nl Lor• In Ore1 on. \.111..&hlnjton. tween our lnd1•1du1I frftdom 1.nd hl • pot.M"ulon• / ron1 ona hon11e Ida ho and Mo nl&lta. t he C' ha ln t of tolalll.1. rl a n nauona to 11n,,\h•r, or f\11 th• ,,.., fond Thi! 1 111.Jenue 1ncl1•dtd lh&t o r !1 t he me&•urt of our t ucC'i'u . (Jf 111 .. v.•i:-on with dll ·t f• ·<> m hia rllt''-•ni~ a r•urUa nd a.1.1llblt-r who H id

JArd. "' tttholC'ally l• tn vlola \.4 /I rlJ,, IV the.\ lha Tca roat~rw· Union ht!lp-Uun of Uw1 J1 w . In 8 a t1 l..l!"Jl.O C"d defral • m.iyor of .Portlancl.

'" l n Ca l1 !ornl&, lo thh n&Uon, <'ounty. for in•l•nrt. ttw <""•11 · OUOTll 01~ be<;:au11t he did not. coopf t-wa h.t.Yt br<ln 1"nr>ltly ble llald Corn•• fl l r hv.·av P&trol &rt., • lly tle 111 plan. lo c.11 11and vice op-wllh oppoM Unllltl tor t"' r.t Un1 & &Tl't•lfd onr oivnt t for rarrylng tl'Ml1nn1 c:IV1 l1M llonrlcherln 1ptntu.1. l and • rllt- r t of di&\~'' '" In lhf' fflflr PRR:BIOl:N't:J, l: . WAL LA Cl'C' Th,. pltn w11 the w1tnea• m&~rla l re1tOUrN!1 lha.n the of hi• • t• t1nn wsron JsT K: ALlNO. St.a nfot"d _ \\' htl l'A.ld , tu tak .. ''"'"r Utt v.bole '"°'I" ha• ever known. Thl1 de- F <'rt una.!tl )'. J•l'1 j:t! 1 n •onlt COtJntr)' ne•G.I I.I mori Lf 11l&tt" llf Or,.&on Thr rla lm wu v• lopm t" nt 11 wholly d l pPndent p1rl .• ol lhr 11l1tr •l'P no merit "hat Ht"! bll"r t Hwvei Ull~ tile m•dl' U111t !hr hoiodlumt o,ptr&\• u'°n th• ma.lnt .. na. rna uf Qur In 1urh ru.auun1 &nil th r<>w lhf' nncommon man trw mro.n ,,, 11,1 Inc In 1od Y.llh thfo TNm1ter1' f~ .-•-• DU I ot court. accllrdlnr tll hff' nrn t" • lh" lead"r In lhOH(ht , l 'nlon helP"d l'Ll'<t the dl 1lrtC't

l n k•p1nc c rwel'TUl\lnl ..:iund rrpurt• rf'C'"l:lvfOd h,.,... &ti.1 a r.-llmplJ • hm<"n\ '' .. n .. rne; In • n1 01 1 to control t.nd l""!Npcm•lvt t.o thrt Will of th# HO.,.fVt"f If lhP 1l•l lon Wl ( ll!l B R C'ALO\\' l;Li._ !!!A\" lie<' In !ht ell}' p.-oplt , Wt ~ y '11.1r tnfluert.CP I• dl'flnffl • • I p1t•...-n£"P! ~ .. ru, Ir Hl(hway P&trol ('nmml••1nnr r lo .-,_lt • tpt rth.111. I (llm&l f! tllat In thf' mC<\Or Vf' hlrl1 n"°" thtll' D11vtr• who pokr •lllng in !hf' The rumnUUtt Ila• 1voldl'd ,,.·\II lnduc:e ~D ot M!lllt;y &nd probebly will .,. no f 1nlher n• ed ,,.·ron~ Jani' ot whn utihtp tht- &Oythln1t u•·or1n ll" a parUHn 1:ood chl.rM"l er to !Alit a.n actlvit tor th,. Ca l•forn!a H•1h .... ·•v p•~•1n.- lin" fu r dn•·ini ar• & ('· pollllc• in th• het nnr Po!ltl­pt. rl In ifOYt mmitnl a t t V• rY P a trol, v.hlch I• oind•·r th• ~''I""" r-hj•nt r- &U<O! nr f'tll•n!la!a rl 1n .. hn.,...•vr1 Wforf' Lnlereat M l1r.'tl \"lllOn of Bernard Cll<lwel l. to COMMANIJER F; fl\\' AR[) 1 In d!Klo,ur' or .• Po!\!A nd

· Ma n t~ bell•ver cannot 0p lak• \tm• nut lrom 1t1 1mpor- \\'HrT~;H l': A ll ft ntl•h .. l#• rnan ne,..·ip&Pl'r lh•t 1 l:nlled S tttt l H parmt• d trnrn m•n, th• ritl•n. lant Clut•"• ll f rullln&" dov.n tn ~ .. n t111•1to ~11·1r rrornot onoal -"•n•tor •pP•r"'ntJy • I ll'lll" re­If Chr1•!1 • n• ltl' 1ndlrter-.nt 1.., rtcltl••• dMYLn&" and M Vl na hvl' • 1 toup PO'Oplf' Ukr ~plf' quert <.or lh• T ram.1te r1" Union IO"Prnn,,.nt or JI " ~ r1o not by patt,,HlnJ lh• h111h" ay• to bet\1tr· tha n thine• or fr.ita . or m•t1'" 1 • Pf""Ch backln1 • ltc· ,11 1:e ol llero In bl' llllf"rP•tert ln ,rrM1k •1nv.n on • r11111o1n v.·ho t! ,1 ure• ll••n .. r thf' rt11lnrt • ltOf"lU'y II. - a n't be lmpa !l••nL l• leT m1~hT ""nl Ln haul 1111 RI'••• l\AHHk;N H ATllLHTUN A Proi ! ! 11 nr1 C'• (fo owner ,.Id w1t f\ oN lel i lt wf\9 t•tl t<.> lt"Ol''rn

1 ~Upp•nit• •w~v In Ill• •T11t1nn \" ~ N1t1.,11~1 !';,,.,11 !!v T•~1lun~ I);.,( " Tr,.nu\Pr·1· Unloo picket

by l"hrl•ll•n at.t. nda rrl~ \\·aa11n ~ '•mnu111nn('t. a t ( ·unimunl'.Pllth l•n" ,.,.,., .<\ down hi• b•Jtlneu The a t Ut udt i. l¥P\C.l..I both ot Club, 8 J'.-.. T'h t '64 000 queatlon w h1n be: rt fulld to acoepl pl.II-

• • th• O.p& rtm~nt of Motor v , . tor iu •• : Wha t pl•o nr P•"· h&JI m a rhlrw1 from t COftlp&ll)' "'It I~ thrlluJh IU(' h pa rtJl"'lp&· hlcJtl, Wblch Is dil""ICl.M by Pa ul p1red ne11 111111 keep ftu111 111 fo•o m lllpported by Ttam1t.t-n' otft •

lion &od throu( h c loee tott~•t Ma10n. and thol C..llto rnla R ic h· 1tartln1" • wa 1· will v.·ln !ht w 1 r '°''1 11

In e'•ry pha .. of ll"ll"ernment, wa y P&lrol. If ll 11 • l•rl.,d. and w\I! not Added mdnGo ol tbo m&a.. " •·· "'· < < b-- .. n1 r In which u rdrM 6f:ftct.alia -th1 l "' ' 1ha ll kff' P It a Uvl n1 -.I.Min ,..., .,.. own n e rpr-.ta - ,__,. our back• to carry ? "" ,

rorrr lha ol bo1'0U WM tiff'!

"The 1 ond Chrt1U.1.n ea a C<>Od ctllreo w111 bl • purred to -.rch out r.i ery •re• ot. &"Ovtrnnment I nffd• Improvement, a nd to ma 1nr 1ln !ht- prtne1p1" lhAt are the b1rt11rlrh t of .,,.,IY lnd.! vl­d111J 1 n llUr land ··

b)" tbll ~ cal+ OWMr. .. -------------------------1 Mid that eseu..-. or -a-, b"91d and olMr tooi): .,_. .,... l"trrt4d by UM WIAolL

~- .. . . Grass Roots Opinion ...


BAY CITY, tlJCH., VALLEY FARMER : "'Big Buaineu' la not the predatory monate.r lha.t the 'Hate­

Big· Buli11e91' sulot.1 would have ua bel!eve. Jr.. a of fact, the wmcht of evidence tenda to pl'O'Ye the 'Small Buoioeu' ii re&lly h'"lped by tta bi& brot.h­

tt - that both ar. e.eD.tiaJ <:011 in OW' A.mertcan production machinery."

Chalrmu MoOtU.. el \119 racket iD'tftl.ll•""S ....._ ..,.. that YldmC. """"'° ...u.­conclu.tnly t bal U.. ._ a. u .. up tiet,,_ T• dtJt" ,.e. n d alt Aod lilldon!llN a,_. In •n •tlort te; ODdnl "* .,.. tnUOnll I•~

•• WRITES • •

Ilr:e i• thlnkln' about 101nc to Tue.on bopl.Qs that dry climate. will shake bU. couch. Of coune'~..all worry • mite. over the Pree:ldrnt't health , F&ctls ia, rvf'r t ime ht <'ough11, the S toc k M.&i-k~t go. up or down a point or two. No doubt. bt. Doctor '6 pvbJg him ,-11 kinda nt oough tJYM.l p, but, By OrannJee, J bet hla Doc atn 't ever pte*Cribed Hot ToddJ Gurin yet. An ybody lh•t'1 ever took a Hot Todd.7 Oa.rsle Jmowm what it ' ll do f or eouRhll . mayba .omebody o~ltter wrilf him.

Farm tr I t. ll r1gt-t. r Merved I

McCa be

llONTICE!J.Q, FffD., TD0:8: " In Illa otate or lM •UDJcn. m ptoCuo,ll'W.PreetdentEiambower devot..i comidersble ._ to the subject ot tnfla • tlon . .. Thf' chlf't tt@ICUtlv~ n o tl"d that th~ n1tton

11Ulnd N on • peak or proaper1ty. H e then Wf'n l on fn &a }' 'Bui In an y realiatlc •ppr1.i•I . f"Vf'n the optimistic •n11.lywt will T?llliu thllt In a prOll"J'lf'TOUl!L period th~ pr1n ciral t hrt.1 t to f'"ffic i4"n t functioning of a fr tt f'T1terprilK' aywtem i• inflation . Th ia wt.I a clr11.r w•m1n g. 11u11portrd by furt h~ r N' mflr k11 abo ut

th'" reApo n11ib1lity of govf' rnmrnt. b u11ineu , htl::w-. r a nd

individual c 1t.Jzen to K"lJll. rd 1.gainat any f u r th e r undenn1 n1ng or thr dolJAr"

.... _____ .. _ feet P1t•ce, whoJ1e elad I• n.,.d °" Thitc : bee.a- ... ln• 'Phtt...--Oul•h ?l.l.)

Praee of mind and 1W1al 11 tou11h t b7 mill ion• of 111 lhf'M •n 1nou1 daya, lfl book•, 111 ta lk• w it h clerl')'Tllen . In P.J' · tho- anal 7 1 l • ' o f f ic ••· The•• m.a7 h•l p tome un h&pp7 M UI • In their ~arc h , but tha Bihl• ll> ll1 u o w het• 111r h pt&ce m a) -n tur-el.J bl rou nd..

; . - IUVl'IQI - Tblo ollde """' W It M!J!'!l. W ~·bf~ -~~~. 17, J(arpret lkKJrble, 18, ud ClilOli-· 17, ' on·l!!' : Ji141 of Cool& Mee& Park lut ,...k after nptor1D1 la U.. llllo Coot& -0.~1. - - Staff Photo , { , ) • . ' .... .


Mri 20 Daj 'ht S1ardl for Miss 1i4esa

Tlie best salesman

~l1l•T•• :tCl•111fie .. -··-a ., .•

*'-'- ........ ~ P1'UVAft OW•• r. Jtcl2 • ~ OlNMt. ltllK. one • --r ...., a...a.nt c:ond1· • U... rna7 tMi tnltpect.ed •t : Mt1 E. Cout •l't'd., Corona

M M•r. • 40C4.2

S 81>1111 ~ .... •W pl ~ ,. ......... ...,_,.au~ ~ •••• ,,. .... IMlA. 40e42

~ APT, peuty, uUI paid. ~ ... .,. .. ~ 8tYd. -· w ..... ._.Dn.

• OWIU.. pa I d . R.n.-onable. lier t.-Q6T. ~ 40t/c

.,_ ... I -·----....... . Ml ........... c •••• u ...... . ,

llTI Trt7 - t ... .-GI ...... .....

~ ,_... Judi ~ M;ay. 1);1 ptwtn1Mtll Ul-tMI ~ 40cd

·~ ·-·a.-. . :· ........ "'•"d • Lot

BY OWNER '1!IU '""' tl'ltit

weve got! -----~

3-T DeLuxe

Super-Cushions ~GOOD/iEAR


$ 95 _..,. ... ,.....,.. .._ _ _, _..,. .....

The same tread design featured on many 'S6 cars! The nclwive Tripk,.. Tempered 3-T Cord body makes this Del.Awl Super-Cushion ODO of the .......... - ..... built. Uf.,_ lime Guam.._ - .. • ati.l kl Drtw .. today!

O#ly JI .2111 w••li /or /1 p4ir , - ••II*• llH'llM ... Mal All'l 019 ...

' I

Courtney ''" tllWPOIT aw .. corr.

Lester u lollf7

Mc"-ia.,.. , .u..Uf IAJ>D

V11lOOIU. lfA YO

'Tiff llG LAND" ... . "AFFAla IN IENO"

Het1vy Daty RPM Motor 011 protect. 111:.olfnit enrb>M •1&Jnat three baaie eau.. of damap: mrbon depoa!ll., rwt, and war A detw)ent wubel awn7 de~&. - tbna from adhwln1 to .,..u.. .urfac.. Other pre¥nt ru.t lonnation. cnnktue foaminc. A tCJIDilfii ft.ha fll o0 llta)'ll • Yitai Pllrt.. ~ encbw • ._ or cold, runnln1 or id le. So for kicaac -.ine life, drain and nilJl ~with H•VJ Duty RPM Motor OU.

,. ... ,, ........... ~ .................. CLAYTON THOMPSON

OH&.Ck THESE BIG OAR EX I BA•VAW• ...... TU ....

••• VOU OET THBM ALL AT NO fjXJAA 908T I ...... T-tOO ...... • l • .IO • 14 "'- • C..- ,.._ • - ..... ,._ ........... o, ........ ,, ................. Cw ...... .

...,_ .,.._.. ... _._.. .._. .......... ,.., - ....... ... -- O'P ,, . ' . - - tt.. ......... 'Mt tOh Wf- "'9. ..... ..n-i ~ Pw ....... _... 1'fw Y1•1 • ~ -' """ .............................. .._ ..... I _ ..... G.M-...................... _....... .......... ,.Mel ~ .............................. _,,__ ..... ...... ..~ .. ,.. .. ,. ....... _ ....,., ......... ,..,_ _...., ........... ,_.ow.. ........ 1 ... ,.. .... .. .... c 4 ff (11 ......... -- ... r... .. w,., .... - .. .. ...... Wit ., .. - ..,. ..... , ..a.o.•1 ............. ftit ,._. Y•11- W .,...,. .,_ ... .... _., ....... .,....... 2 ... ,... .. o.w. ........ ~ ,..._ -- ,.. __,-'- ,.. ............ ,.... ........ a. -...... ,._.._,_...... ..... ....... ,-... T-. -

.,, .... ...,, ..................................... .... -' ........... ~ .......... .,,.., ...-.w ...... _ _







I . W. PA'IS'fCI< 11'!1.1. D _,. .. lff ant.a --.---.... -........... .,..,.... "----~

rWonien' s .Council Plans •

Lavisll:. Dinner Event • •

~1$t; Patrick's Day Fete 'to Star Emerald Green


lf&l .... ,.. ..... ---"""' _,_........, CllAPllL BT TIOl RA

-&CO.. .... 0... dll IUI'. o.m. ,...._.H~U

~ ARIUO-.... 111 J111111tatlioa

, Qt ... ~ ..... ....... It'•-..., .. " ... w ...... r.. -"' .. ""lpllls -- tor _,_ VtrltJlic tho pneopt an -~~(left) BullorVkwlOnder-

..--. ud - - W-.­lml A- al N"""°" ·lllo<I> -tary r 10 r • ..._.. at planabc tllllloa tor tom Ji• 10 .. 1 PTA-.

P~i;ent ·Guidance . . . •

=r.~.:.~ oow ...... .. ,_..,;,: ··--1na.w•

' ---.,. 11811. llUL Q, (,,..,.'I") llOWIJ:B • .. '='=i:. Series Growing

Oat Of - ril, "1"""0""'1fa-' iliat .,.Z #I> la=:;:;=======-1nformall7 Wilted llal _ .. and......,_ ID bettar '.a. Herbor Red denllaadlo& ot ,........oi""" t1nt ,_ ""c1tms........ MelllOriel ; and f!i'IC•Jm•, a Dft' Pan1t Ouldapce pnpuL Ill ~ .. n c 1 ,. .o ... Inf . .Jt .,,_,, a11 u.. - ot a -u.ums. an111111 _ .. _

bendll ~ - M't of ,.not. al· ~ tncbln1 ... tttnl .,.1!6~~;;~~~~~5~ let aaoti.r. uWbed.. kpandild thll by cooptt- ,\1-o, tacbLG&' ~ DOW bt-

aU .. ettorW ol four lor:al PrA ~ ~ CUI. ti. nlia&ecl to tM unlt IM.llrf. all --~ .,.. .......0 ~ ...... Pd opeo. to .U ,.reolll l• tM ..,. lr&UU~ from - ..._. ol and wtll 11ndoubt«tl1 be ~t.- '-nlinf to Uw swat man clftr.. W In the tutu,.. for U- who ly mined lM eurftnt •"- Tomormw'1 l*Jlilll will explain


(I ............ ~.-· ._.. ... ... llaeN .... ....._O....._.

WIU. the •dded ~ of "How PartnU. c..a Help 1bllb' I');;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:;;;;: th• MW •urrtt;u.lum dh'llC:lor of Qalldl'M Get Ready to "'64". I•

li( ra. Geor1• Grttn,.·Pll, Kl. 3-4198 In Sant• Ana.

~""'·po>rt Meach '• ltlemenl&ry p.,..1t.u lndude Mrs. etannce S<-hooL DL1lrltl, Mr11. Vern Web· W. Worth klndorrgart..en t.ea<:Mr Mr, t.nd• County &ehool or Newport Helfhtli School; Mr.. HOME;,


Paycilol~1t WLlll•m B.uU:n. C..rroll Wllll•m•. klnderpr' dorf Mr• \\"llltam McLain lt9.cber of Harbor V~; and .N ... 1>0rt H"11hlll PTA• . M.-.. Mrs. John c. Bllllnr., N...,rport J,.rk Broenn1 I tt .. rbor Vi- n....t fnde t..cber. I PTA '· Mr•. AllHn Kparllnir RtMIUF"CI peMIOrulrl will In·

Job's Daugl1ters Honor Initiates

•Corona M l Mar PTA 1 ..nd elude Ml.I• Bernice Ve.W. prta­Mr .. P~lpe Merickel \Newport clpal of N~rt ~ lkbool, fk.1rh PTA 1 hA•• c..-u-d nv1 ind M.r• i..e.ue 8 V•ucb&n. pan.,J-lt) II- rnttllnc1 Lilt• year •ptoech C'<J!WUlt.ull. u .. ·ell u 00\'trlll,( q11...Uona of sn-tut Mr. e....t.en<Sorf ,.1th Mrs. Wel>­tnte"'llt to paN-nU ot Mcinntnc ~r conUnutnc 11 coordinator ..chool ~h!ldf'l'n

rs Hats and Hair Styles Review ~ 6 CMp91&ua0

' war .. f..tm9d ¥ 1:00 p.m... F'l'May .................. tuhkifi .._.,, e4'7U..~PI

""'-pl# '&f &lpl& AlpM llalror­lt,y, """' b&tr ud bat tubkln• by Buftum'1 ~t 8toni Thi event look place at U't1 Santa An• Women"• Club. IOI North Baker 8trM:t. R&nta

On March U. , "Speech and lncrMM or •llend&IK'lf from Pbonlc.·· and how I.My nt lia&.o

\\"tnnln&' top awarrt. fu1 11.'«lnl 4~ pan11UI at UW nrn ~1rMdi"1' will be ~ AJld

fru.t cal•• NIU Wlll"9 Penny to .. •l u. MCOnd a.nd an Ill• OD April It • " F1naJ Bumm.ry" ~pelh. Charlene 1'11!.an. Toni pert.ed fu~% Inc..-... ~t lo-

1 with • 1on1r•r qU...Uon IJ.n.d

H•l •nJ l..Jnda 8tellllr. Kay Kin- morrow• mMt 0 Ule an.-..rr penod !• plan!W'd Mrle• .-.nacu STOWl"I' awa.-. -

r•.h1. Junior Prtn~. &'•"• th• ntM of the "eou,...'•" .-cope. (JROl -PING r•1"1r1 .. r the •un11hln• eommllt-. · Held &t SL AndtTWe· 1 l)\11Wrt•ll0 n• at lhe M!m\on on The 1U.,n'1•nl't doU&r "''"' W'Ofl t"'Ti•n Church. ~/I m.....UJll' al"° "1rou ping by Mni William by J& n lfnlwl lntludes epeclal altlUll tM:tl· Kiml'I. rlr"1 gr&d• l-cMr of

Vl•Hnr8 lntn)dur.-d &t th& Ill•• ern.n&l'd hy a PTA con,.

m cl •111' 1nrhi<lNl Mae P•I Doo- mlttr" 1 .. , Be1 hel 100. Cano1a Park. , O&O'f\Tff f'A'ITl:aSl4 •nrl ,\ IJ•• Jan" :-<e&Jy. S.l.hal M. I rlr.t MeeU.ns of UM .er\H l n1tlewood. covered "Gro.,,•th Pitt.em.'" for

--------1 ~. f. a.nd T yn.r-olda, particular·

Local DAR Guests p,.u._. w r 11 b. t OM.pur,

D A R.. of Lq\.in& 8-cb. wen

I hOtll- •l • e.n.nt. .o...rt. Rr1df'9 held at UM Waman'• a. Ho~ ta Laf¥n• .8Mell, Ttian­d.,~·. r11t. 11. ~ rrom tb9 c;nLnn .. 1 \vutlam C..btll CU.pter .,.,.,,. Fnnnf'r Rl'itl'nL Mr. ('_ K

ffnH<1mlU\ M.-. '""°rlfl' <'an'Oll &n<t Mrl Hkln•v Cort. Mr1 Gkd­Y• Artttm• or ~ City, Mo., •ho b v11\t1n r In ll'I• Harllor

I /y lbe t,...,..Ua.r. from k1ndarru· Le1l to •U'le f1nt irade ~un4 .,.... • n .... per1gn Pill"•! dla::u. a. arwt .-.nn1 quHllo n. on "-.n.y Group for R .. a<Hng ind Bow'' • . or u one pa_r'llcipant put tt. 0 '1M wilJ I and whtt"" of tl"1 rM.diJtl' Jtf'Ol'Tam • In Lora l

~-- ot tod.&7·1 !

K h<>OiJ 1•n1tr1 lly h&a ti..n Mn lered e round meth0<11 of l••ch· l"I' readlfll , &nd 11nr • re&dinc b UM rnOll'l bl.ale knr.w~sf'-path

to other lllnowledc•• In futurf &re& w11 al90 a r;i.•efl. •t th•• aoebooU"&' . It 11 11rwl•r•Landab!. m .... 11nir l.hll •If-rt pannla would Uk•

adftat...,. of th• opportunity to Made Reserve Capt. '-"' oact.1y wtui.t ~ OOl'W'

ill u.lJ' em&l.I clli~'e dus-


HANoCREAM I .......... _ _. .... --~ '"""·--"""'-·---~::::~: ........ ~ . ~ .... --·-·-n ..,...........,...,.

......, .... ........_ ... ... I ................... ...... .,. __ _,

Choi<• of owr -40 ... 14111;4 SJ!l:WI • .,_ ,.....,. ,,...,..,.. Supetb dtfnkl aftd rfMI

old wlnei to odd to the gailfr of .. ee' 11

a1 . . ~

SwperkJtive service MClbt ..... d .. colwNI ...,ILEY Hll a n~ ewnt.

Sit ·• · oip ..... ,...;... ....... -' ...... _ ,_ ....lodl.. ,,lo.,.J ~ °"-i;:--,........:...),,,-iL-.,s-;.;;.;;."'..;.....',..~s--, ..,.,., . .. ., ... ,,., Jt, F-• r-..-.



OPPICl'I Te ...... Y•


QUICK 2'4 HOUll smtvtCI

LOW LOW " llDUCllte"

INTH.111' UTll


FRIENDLY'.·. nMPAr...w: ana

FRll CUSTOMlll" PAI • •

ESCROW · •••' ··: awe 11D1•11Mm"•' ~ ~

LA•UNA llA~. mo..1wo. -KY ... 11n

SAN CL.IMW'frl ·. '81 N. • C..-. lM

1'-iONI HY.-.. J..11" . ., HY_.... J-1 lff

··--.... ... Local Princess Baptized • 8undl.J of Jut welJ. WU eb­'riou.llly • ••l"J pod dilly tor

~DC -~ rt"-- Frot1t :P..,.. stcrid la fb.tropoHtu ~,.,.. il1 owr ttt. ooun~ -~ u. bqt1alb. el PrtneeN ~ ... _..... old G&llfhter d Prince J\dltr al M~ atwl )U. Mehl)' poblldUd Jrt111CH1, former n1m p11.,..r Cr&ee JCelly. )l ...... it.i.o Npol'ttd that, eYa

lh1'0Ch •tl~nded by four Btlbopt a114. tltt.Hn Prtffta. royal ln·

Wa'taon Family Adda : 11:-..,, -.-..,r °"' r-­~!>o -"""'" 'of ........ """' .... -Oilrwn Jtan6J.lpla WalaOn llf :00.C. M~ ,,._ J'OU"I' ....,. )tu bon al U . &. Naval H.­)IU&L. ... ~ - Jlanh l.

FOUR R.'S - That '11 the currtcuham of the '11 annual School of Politi~ to be 1pouored by Re­pubUcan Women, Wednllday, ,..arclt 18, at Dia· neyland, accord.Jn& to Mn. Don Petty of Sat1coy (left) who became prSdent ol 8outh«n C..lifor­nia'• eight counties lut montb w?ien Mn. R. C. Kenyon of Sa.n Marino, right, wu ' elected prtti· dent ol the Ctillfornia Federation of Republican Women.

Politics School Starts Wednesday

IAVl·IAW·IA -~-~~ 1MlPb wl"'°"t.,,.,,. AIN.wpott~

clwlnt · I • ••

) A ;

Merell 11 Iii .... .... 16

· .. ~w·~ ' . .


~~: ~m;:u,r. ~~

J .~ GuNoMOTHERs·ro · ET. HOLD PLANNING SE.,$ION , --+-~-+--~

'M:-1*1 .t, Q1Jt Cln.ndmotn.r.- a. ;GI. lDMt for ·-- r u: .... . ~1. Marcil i til • Ule ":lll• Martna. ' \_ ~. ,•

Ptanl )w .... ,...,..,Uon• for -tuhion abOW

~ oud fU't7 Wl.U, lie INJa I...,... fll Ott ~ .. Tbl ............ , wtD bl bel4 .;,~~ • • ,.. ,,, , tM ~ Tft1* Palk. .• · ~~· · .., ~v

l'oa cu play the

Hammond Chord Organ .. ,._ If• I.-- - Ne PNet~

• •

FUf AOt.4E TRIAL ..,.._.ID- M144I .................. o,....

't.' \' ........ .u.., ... • ;_'!"" ......... -

ICW-ut.f"-'t 1 Co. . ....... ... ,,,. n.t".,erlll'1n.e.1 ~ --­OPl:.N F&IDA y .YIOJll'

Wh"'1iha blP." bat'P1n ~bl!Y · . ?

.... ,.l\~Tf ,_ (\UTIK Nllf&lff

""flll l•M•, •MnviorT Of dei; ­

lriCll)' ten ts you lc11 today ttui11 it did 20 )'!!In •so.• u.­pl111s A.odr Kiktwart. ya\lf

&~lriail MrY•nt. ( Biger bill? Th11'1 '-:au .. 7ou 'ni 1niq """' ... li'ri .. Mier 1lectsk1llr.) Small woit4n ltl•t electricity ii yeur biaftt b1rpin In moderll Uvlna-

L/1'1 llllfl - U1CT11Ca&.ll •

••• (II PAil

' . l !



. w6bfll eyes~- voice when JOU telephone

,; I . .' _........ ,• • . _.._.~, f 1· ' [•crf~,_makc 1 ~cilll, a_,.,os.~ Jan~n .tort~rc 11 !iJ"'"'- -~ o 1ne le.ttr t11&t

of equipment 1pttd• your voice to it• dnti!'ahon. check1 tM aindition of t1'ou...nd1 of linn 1n ~r. Hut a failure ani•wherr 1lon1t the l.i~ could in- Tt 5ho...-, l'tow Wfll )"OUftltld 11\.h .. n art work1ns­tc:rrupt -~11r tcrvlO' . :to ·~one ~Jc have" In 1dd i1ion, tc:lq>htftt. fl!l'tral olticc:1 have au~ work.ti Oiil mt.ny w&J',&o oft ~~cUrs . matic trouble" rn:ordtn that kttfl 11bt on d1.J .,.

<11 troubli. For lnuancehn tai*'bifl ... nct • - .wirchin&..,,,.jpmtel. ~'teorder1rrve1l tmu. u r "·~i..M.0.Stuftle'Ml,( · j 1nd !h.n hie before ii l1n intefrwpt 1011tin1 of your calla.

t •pJ • < . - . .. . ·. . :-=i·

PwitroOioa cr~-rountry !inn it 1notht-r w1y

-w·e kftp 1n rye on your 11c:n-Kr. Andon m Krow1\"r

radk>-rc:lily mutei and many1:tbli!Jt,built · in alarm• llOund oft 1utomati1;.ally bd im •• ~ntrol center

'mr'li,,g together to serve you better

"·hentver trouble 1hrutrn._ ln a.1..1 thae waya.UJd, · many othrn, 1rl~'-''" P"Qple uieruard your c1lli round the cloi:lt , lt 't part of the ikl'!-ndalliik ... rl<Kme wrvict you've come tocoun1 on . • • • e @ P~ciii;ieiephone!

l • 1'· •. .


" . '

r:'l.·.' • . .

.. ··- .. ., .

• "


- . '

•11111. .. . ---1111

IK 5450 1111111. . $· ltf&'Nml

' -nu I Ill

REG. 5795 111111L $ llftmUZE - r•mt ~ REG. SJ95,

.. ··-· ·••· i 'Ill .,., •

• • ••

·Natural Siipph~re:':t_ llo. 1441 $ ... II W Fer


tM~L JA~lll ~ REG. 539' MINK STOU - . ,,, ' s488 NA TUIAL U.""111 llllO.

MINK 'OCKfT STOll fllll

. .. ::"' ~~ NA TVIAL JA,,Hlll Qlll. •1816 MINK Sl'INCH JACKfT

.51sts .. NATUIAI. l.tJIPHIU uo. -_.JACOT ' f


• • :Sida "9aflr Olhpany l

' . .. .

. MJj!loo.- ••. Wll AR·MIIDJQ no: II&.

. IOMI OP OlJJl Pm..

- lrl'OOll il ()Oft A.ND an.ow ... .. u.a w - .tart ow I~

---- .... 11re17 .acp,..•efld M&ectliN ol. -lun. .. Buy Mink At Cost & Below!

1 •.

lliTURIL ' WR.I ...


REG. 5645 llATUUL SR.YER ILUE 1111 nau


REG. 5695



Homo Pastel and Eric Mink

~ 51595 •

• Kl 2-0652

.... . $'1451 5995 · .· ' . •\ . ' "" . ' '



Mehdi ..............

• . ' . . . !


~iler"'Sinu•es lrothr's In

Pirate Golfers l1at S.ta A•

0rup ODUep ••ltns --tad .... A-. Coli.Ip ...,.,. hMMY •l u.. eau .1.aa c.u.tq Club 11·1!.

Santa ....... R.a7 llcbok :, .. . mboi.a ..... lJ,lt .... UI ..... .

Oaaf~ - teh.. .

library Life to .

Gives New Borro.wers

• Calftllll"lda t6Lrvy WM1l wm .,. on .Mrt. 9'111 '9 ..,....... lit a 1111•rit•• aa .. ~ Kl• Warner 1lt1Jl Mto ~ W•ll:" 6- *"*' 11-lt. ... &, U.. ... llfian c.ip.

fUcht.nt ~ ,...Pl ~ ~ to annouacsm.111t ~ NSpaadent, hu prom~ to taik by Ute Jfffpwt B..u. LI..,, It he Ms retUl'Md from UN Ha-9oanl and Ubn.riaa Kn, Un --1iu Wand9.,. that dal.4. TIM ...,,., ._.. -.m; ... ptaetMI a t puMk le IDT'ltad to CORMI. lup lea.I ~ fO!' depotft · lClftlben ot U1e Ubrary Bo&rd lftC ~ booM ba" wbo wrtJ; M bost9 an Mrw. c . M.

..._ ~-·- a. U.. .boaM. At o.kine. 1- Wan. MN. C. H. ~ UIM no .-UON Will bit Rarr:T. and Robert Hurwtu. TtM ........_ and It la bopad that ~1 Znatp lthool llbnrlan, ioMs WUl ftGd tMl!' WV '-ck Mn. w. H. a.uc.nnan., wW .. i. 0.. uw.,,. ....... Of tow:pt. .. Ile. boe"b _., k NlurnM lto the ,hothef' rterll flt th.a WMk la tlllnJy .._ •rSq lM W'Mk wtU. u doll tollktJoa to bt • Dtial •llllc...._ oe .niwt. lo&ll .. ">' Mn. .A.mold

........ ....t ., Milt ..... N',,....U. ..,,, .. lnOfttll 0.. .. a.,,.... ta a; 11 r.,. "7 lldel' McUoa. .in h oMJipd e&dl .... _......, .,... a.u-- ... to tN doUt tnifll W'UlllW, autMt ct t-. "- • ll- ''"'7 ~ Pi tM wor14.

l1come T11 loys P1rtic1l1r; l1sitt 01 lttti•c lic•t Form

.A,lwilll. Jt.oot -·-· ., ......... c.ntomta. a eoMldu-

.... Ne ..... .,.. ... It II. a - ,....,_lo J'anl1

au pW M., 1>5r tllo ........... '11 "' - out to .,_,a •a I 41 * •r PJl P.)IC.tlr ·- 1* -'las 151. W. -it ""1- I Lea '¥ 115&1 u....,.. •• ...., .. ..,,111r., .... ......_ -, r

.,,_ Jlf~tulla fl A tis· iii" ... I "' •4illllll' 10W1 U. .MtrJ tot'•• T • fl(I ....,... •a stars ,... • U.,: .._ fll ..... 9q ... 11 ........ lH ,,· ..... _ ... ......... ___ ,, , .... -.. a • a ~ , .

- .., • a en • ...., t•tMt ...., ti._,,, ....... - ....... WMlli9d &

............ ......._ u.t .... "' ~....,. ..... fa.. ............................ ~ ~"'.,...

... - -.. _ ..... _~~ .,. ..... . I l"te, n=snbaf,

......... ..... - 1t ..... .....a,...,. ., -1174 Niiwe4. a. •= r•kn ot ~ ~ ~ WorW ..._. fll .,..._,. ..... .... Wu D W _, ... ,. ...... tut

!'tit ~ ·•nn'MCYNn .... ' • ..... ....

THINGS .LOOK UP iN COSTA MESA Ezh.lbWnJ fine form are MiM Costa Men beauty contelt&Dt.a Oi&nr:le Born, 16. Ann Ch:i9Cholm, 17, Lonna IJoyd, 18 .nd P~tti Smith. The contest MU be held at the Colt& M.a AJl Club Dtnner

March 29 at Oti.nge Cout Colleae. Tb1 event will be t'pOMOttd by Oona M.~a Chamber of Com· rnerce. - Staff Photo

eouJd not MU TV Mta uaW TM .uly -Ullist pvf'm·l---~--------------------------------------------

~B~, !'i:::: 'WINGLESS~ AIRCRAFT M·AN 'Beowulf Subject of occ l.eGture

''Beo1nllf," tM 01dffl ..... _ .. __ will M lire aubjiallt el Vie ...,. t..r wol'tw GI UWNtun lletuN lt7 HatM.- Pukar a t Oran,. Cout Col\q• Tlr.urada.y &l 7 :30 la "- It of UM U ..... ry.

,_... UIM ,_,.. ~ to

: =.:::,;;:~CONVICTED ON 9 COUNTS lftS. ~y. ~r a dTeru .. I.ft( ta COIDMOll ln flUllda.

AdvertlaUIJ lr..Uy J--- a place lA.- Uae eft&u• ot ~ l'or, ~ .... UIU Whit4 ... to out wffJUa an not bo\lirht and u-1 uaUJ t.My have bffn 1dve:~ Evin the klll ,.... ..,...... hid to be wtdotlJ' adl<1rtMld •rse It WA• eoa.sulba'd. Jndeiid, It ~·w Id IJll dlfDCWJ. lo, _...... a rna)Or lltep bl ..._.,. Pf911-

A J'tdef'l.I jury P"rlday COl'I· nrted COftlfO'f'•rwl•I H untlnJton Bach airman WU!lam E . Hor· ton of llOITt• nine count• ot. con· sp1,.ey and mall fraud.

Th• caurit , l""'Y·l)air,d d!'·

tend&nt •lll1ed •nrnly at the mall fraud count., plua 11000 )ury u tM Jury foul'ld hun l'hw tor each otfeDM. He could JUiJty In U1t court ol Judie Yen M wnt to prllOll for a maxl-HarM.o11 In the F~ral Build· nn1m o r 41\ yeara and pay f1nea lnl' at Loli An111Jea. toltlllLnr Jl3.000 aa tn. rtault

H oruin Md ~n t. cru.M'J ot ot hla convtrtlon. 1~ cuunU of u.11o1n1 tbe 11111.lltl to 1-l orton &Old 100 000 d~fraud. 11oh1l!n11 8ecurH111!~ and ahart•a uf atoek In h!JI wtfl(leaa Jl:xchangi- Cur11n1tn1un ro·l"l• · 1 1,... 1 art Urm to 91'>nw IOO .n. Uona and conapllary. ¥Htor1-n101L or wborn realdt

..l'\e&d la n. triUnt.7, -.owulf I.hat did not nqulr. ... lbc' rt,,_ laYaluable Amifbt U.. t.tuvu.p. MivertUln1. jN7dloloO of lh• fowiderl of 1-------'----­

Mesa Selects Officers for May 17 YotinCJ

!-.t:STl:N"(E DATE In 01an11e C<>tinty .

J ud ife Harrleo1111 wt "-Pr11 a H orton• controvu.ial 1 h Ip fur H' 11tenl1n1 . • .. h.an1ared at O~irt County

tha ~l!M nation. at -11 u u. ...... 'lialul aAd (hr­

--. " r.11ttr stalff. It I.I ..­a -pin-'- J'«• ot tlten­tatt, Partu!r •Y'- aod hi tltar­ary -u.- U. apc:a "" o,._ and J\onM.

AA &na:Uab ~ at Or­an,. Oout C.OU.S.. Par11i:n wu bor1l la Delnl'I', and kllT a t­tl'Nlad Ullfyer111ty of Cl.ti· fomil at Blrlffley, •"'"'- hi ttl.~ a •.A.. K.A. •If Ph.D. He taUJW. at U.. Uiatv1nity ot Calltonda U a NclUl'll!P, at Lodi Hiib lkMol aftd. at Oro.Ult HIP aci-1, a• ••11 aa two and oone-halt 7•N a t th• Unlvtralty et Callfom\a a t'enld9 be· fllft comlnc to Onulc"• Coast.

Harbor Wom11 Wi11 Dw1 C1se 11 Co1rt Here

Un th• l'lllneu atand, JiO'l"ton Air-port. for a!mo.t two yeara . eo.ta w .... Ualon lchool Dia- adn11tted ha had kept ovt1 •1et,- ll P~•nUy 1• diam&atle(I, fol·

.,_.___ ooo ~Lvird from u .. •le or 1-1n1 a traall. .lanct1n1 at Ow tr1tt Boot.rd of 'J'ruMft• ...,..,..... Lo>nr; ee-h A. lrport i..t yn.r, f&7 ...-ted 1~ and IJ\otk to l.DYt•lOr• In ~ ..,.Hor· tudS• to-r dlM.rlct precinct. •-. ton \.\'1n1leu alrtr-.fl firm. ~OT llUI PLAN& t• tru.tee •~ )Uy ll, Th4 Jury ~Ul"K to debberale Trial tMUJooay •l"CH,llht ..rt

Otrlct..!1 wtU bt It.. verdlot a t 10 .M a.m. i"nday lh• •hip ltwlf wu not = ~ lk:~ ~ Nwnbtr and r1turned wtth IUI rnu lUpk 0 '"'TM<I by Borton or U.

- · lpndnat.9 I . a. 7, :za. i. vtnlic:ll at J p .m . W Ln11tu 41.rerafl ftrm. Tbt Mra. T. Duncan lk..ut. , .. <>•y--'-), •·-··· ·· Mra. pla,.. ali.p.tly I• U..• proputy ""' ..,.,.,,._ ~-.....,..-.u Horton had be<'o lndLc:t<Mt by • - Co u ,

~ptOll ot lM eurrwnt 1hrbor •--- ., .. ,, IH w . Wl'-n 81 .• or \hoe ........... rpora °"· or ar.a anU-oll 611fhl moW'f!Wlrt, ~ ..., a r~ .. nJ Grand Jury of J:i H M. h t

LI 1-ltot : J\adf" : Mr1. RuUI count• of mall fraud , but aut whlcl\ orton work u c It Pf'O'"d twr.if a worthy lawyer • . ..... 7t:ll Whwlo Drtvi. LI t~neer . .,.....1 Iii Ju ... 0..ld Dod,. .• "' o r tht eo.unll were dropped by

1-:11441 arid Mre. Mauurwi O. Bu· the proHCuUon at the opentnr jlJOrtou rnlii.d at :i141 ALn· court WIU!ri UM aucM•tully *- totd. 1T:t~ MOIU'O'll'1.I. 8t, U I- of lht dtftndant 'i two·.,.. t'tk ltM1bur1 Ro•"1 Hunt In Ito n. f•llOtd IMntlf aplrut a cri1a- 49!3. trla!. Stach 1-.1 ""flll- tMl'l'1• Main khoa1 ~net two, Sun to bl lr1M. •• the "''"'It

Judp Dod,. r.n<W'9d th• tprtoelnett 1, 12, 1a. 1~. ii, 19, OOE8 TO 'AIL or lhe rra.nd Jury !Ddictm•nt .... nnct of not S'Ul1ty anll!r MN, and thaf portion of Grwm1U• Jud1• Harri.on Ho r · whic h br01.1gbt Horton to trta.I !!lt..,•rt Md t..Utl~ In her lytnr W'lthln th.t Cl>.ta M..,. ton ln lo <: u.tody lmmeodi•l•ly , .,.. Ant.old Hafll'On, 8anla Ana 0'4'11 behalf wtlb tl'MI •m• placid U 11 1 0 n khooL DtMrlct 1. In· H• wa• taken to Lo- Ani1~a adv111J11n1 eU'CuUvr "'ho wa1 &HUTIJl.ctl 9he •xhtbtta w hen epeetor , MrL Aane B. Parrnen• County J a il by ff'dttal nu.nhala. M't~llry of lht H o rton nrm. .,._ldfll a1a1ut oU drllllnc, i.r. II.II Park 0r1 .. 1, U &-2 1!7; Tilt lnwntor f~ up t.o f1Yll! and Thomu Hauetu of Lon1

ACCIDENT CllA&OE Jud1t1 . Mra. S.tty Jean ~h· year• Lri pnaori on r'lch of aix S..ach. another firm offl c••!. •r, 21)07 Ntwport Blvd ., Li , . «>urile and '0.000 fine on t•cft 'l'M two .,..,,, alko«lkl Lo H

Mesan Oft l'robatlaa Allee E Hamilton, ti, ot Ill

p; 19th St , Coata Mr'M. wt.I

pl1ced on lwo ,...,.. proO..Oon

after hlr con'rictla.i Oii a liot"u. check chll"lt. M r 1. HamUtoa'• CLM *·· handled Ill Muaklpa.I Court

CONCRETE Satisfaction

roua IT • THE EASY


• • •

O.n,. -- 1-eMCftl&e weri ~ a Joa4 ef JNl!tala• ...... -1 ... ~la -ovr •nlar al a •""'c·

Uberly 8-2213

BAY &&""• llllll ENO.

711 w. 17111 St.

.......... ., ..,...., r.-. ln tMll -nctall7, M•e .._ « T'Mlftll7 it> ttM bl UWl.r maU UM .....i taCOSM tu nturna nsc. illif7 b&4 wblaltt..S .ufl. .-• ...a, Mell ta t.M:1n by UM Dle­lNt I>tnct.or ct la~ J\n. .... a. 1- AAaw.. n... ba~ ..... r.tu.rna out. Oii tht .. pWklll ,._ 10l0-A.

th&a MOOG. Thia mM.M thllt If botb .,.. ampklyad and lhf:J al· 1-pt to rua '11~1• raturn.1, or lf thl"lr comt>'ned •' durlnr ltoil ••n U.000 or mor., ud they Mnl In lh1tr ret umt on P'orrn lCM~A they wUI bt Miil Lo U..rn.

TIM Rt•anu• lle"lce c:allt a tt.11Uon to th• v1ry •r1· - fa.ct th&l, It la nllt· ~ lo f'ILUJ11. autb eTT'llfl~·

17-.ubm!ttM forme to the tall· payu., they J\ava no ntum on ru... Ptl'90n.I who Mv• qd IMlr N:tum. Mnt baek to tham •hould ba vary Hrtalri they corrKt Uietr VTOr, a nd actually tu1 a pro,,.r !'9lurt1 on or b<ator. 4pr11 1$.

Hl1 ln!Aft1t lA Old and ¥Id· dla llqll&ll. .,.. .wnulau-d .,. a COUrM ~ Arthur Btodem, fT'Ml ~u .:holar at a.r­Juoley . Re tm>t1 tut dad.on.I dis­MrtaUon In U... ball.Id, •hid! took 111.m Lnto tbl n.k! ot 0.r· mardc. llc:e.ndln&riM Llld A.~ a...on l:li.,..tuno. Puk1r llu art.ltl.t• publlahed ill UW Joumal ot Ame11ea.n Folll:JoN.

8M ,. ... charred ll''llh cr1ro· 7211 and .Mn. Maill .II. l.Aftlar· o/. u.c.a QGU.Ota, Ha alao fac99 co-c.ocw.plnt.t.on wU.b HortoA In

tnal lltJl iJtAC1 in an a celdr'nt :'~ .IM6 N..,._-\ Bl'ld., U.11.,_ .. ;;,..,.;;;;;';•;;;-~'~"~~..,..~~~"'":;;;_,.;:~:p~--~------, 1 ~===.,.....=;;;;MDA;;;;;:;;~ wbich occutT'ld Jan. 14 on Thi!! _,., ...

Arc:Ma overpu.1 a.,... ~ Pndne\ Mwn~ D RAY Th• Ci ty ot Newport S.cll. '*' ._.., I~ a. fr. I , t , JAMES •

........ .,,, ~ t--1 P"O­......... lM lnteniel Jll."""" ..,_ .,...~~ .... ia. ...... l- flt b'*'-11M an4 W1-.... M,.,. a ttam,w.t te tUa •P.. ,.,.._w "tum1 u 1 l 11 s Fann l~A. .,...,.... °"' f'llj:Ul•tlona ~tMuaeot~t­primde lllal. tn a Ollllll•tudtJ ,....,...., at.ate. suc!I; u Callto,.. N.:. ..... a JNlit.nd aJWI ...,. in-e MUI eB1r*Jy.d, UM)" must Not • jc4Jl.t nitum. aA4 tlwilr e91ftV... •nllnp 1n11at M 1-

Mesa Schools Now In Miiiion Doi• ..........

..__.. eo.t.a .._ um. Be ..... Dllt.riet .. - • "'lallb­doll&r'' e,_.u.. It ha& Mcome .-...,. '°" u.. •dlnl.lllatrattve ltatt' te pur'CMM a - Otl· ftUI IJ.4t'tl Jll'l•Utt.r oalclllal«.

TM oM atcllt-dictt c:Ueuiator hU -... ~ Mc&~ It ... lac&pt.b.. ot Mnd!lr.- t-­MW dialtrlct wqet w1liclll tiu to Ille npred bl u.. lllllUoftll ..... ~ ct paltry u.ou.udl.

,... - ou..w ~ ...,,... ... ..ttaw.~ .......... ........ ~.uJtt .... .... en. &D la Ulit dll1oM ....

n ls 9'1....W., loo. Ill that It C9a ~- .WI f1c\lf'M Marly .,. -•1 .. larp -

1- ......... U .. in&cbaM -.u.-....o1~w ..... ..,., ~ ....... J1krtM oa.t,..., .~ It ,. • U. - ol two uf two. ....... ....... lha '' IM• dnne" &aid tour.

or cow•. -l'J'OM ot lht Lnl9tMe air.47 kDlw tha an--·

p,__utlon lri Uw - · con· 10, ll, I?, 11, ' t:llJ, ~ & 8 Id i.n.c»d I.hat while dr1•Lnc aouUl ...... v,. Jlol O'BNn. m 6 ... ,.1 Contr•ctor ui ., Oil N1"1'J)O'rt Bl•d., 1tw tL&d "'-'"f Ill.. U ..... ; Judi"n :

CdM Pasture Is Iii lliday Scene for RC11HJle, 2!

cf'N&td Into a ROrthbou nd ial'le Mn, Bndlaa .. Jl&n1.a. lt:i ~ .. o..t' ~

e• u.-!nt: 1 n I C:Cld•nl Ln wtuch IQ 9t., LI .. lOlt., f..a4 )(r.. l~~.,.,..,,...~~~~--~;Ol~A~a~====...,,..~~~~-~A~Uo~~·~·~*~=~ a Plt'90T'I wu Lnju rl'Cl. llCudclr'9 )(. i...u.n. 111 Ca· Mn. 8t_..rt r .. n.intd •M wu brtUO It.. u 1-tTO'T.

toreed Into Ulol norlh·IKlund lane UadMTlll Pncalet K...-.t by a nolMT e-r tumLnr vnto ,,....., (prect/'leW I. lfr. 11; •· JI. N-port from lht C-Rt Hl1b· 'U, a.yvt- OM .... t.t:io. ,...

lly 00\IO •EDDIC'K way approa,.h. llOll• ot Bayvl.,.. tin UM! Paul• Saturda.y, March 2, aLI lh• Tl'.KlU:D Tit.AP" tr11'0 OM and tw. IJN" wt0,&a

t•e Ric•1r4 leeso1 Comp11y Lalldtc"911 'lletlp - c .......... .

TM proviakm r.qulrln1 a bua­b&.nd a.nd wUe, bolh of whom a"' •mployld, to n11 a. Joint ro1turn doM not appJy If lb•Y flla Uwlr raturn on Form UMO. Howavar, Lt UMy fUe .. ,....ta r•turns u.tn1 Form 1040, ~ fa.ct lh•l Call· tornla I.I a commwi.lly pro~rty' malt• It n-ry tor lh"'1 to ~bin• tnelr IOU'n9d lnaom-. 111.d uch r.port on• !Wf ot the total . It I.I not P""­mls9ble. I.ft a -1mUllJty p~ 1rty 1ll.t1. In tM abee!:ei ot a • • lid a&"'M"'ellt to the eo11trary. fOT" a Jluaband arid wtr1 to fll• Mpt.n.t• ratura. aJld Md! ~port tilt Ill" her ~ •rn4'd lntom1 cm hi.&' or hlr Mparala return.

kid• al the Con>na Ml Mar pa8· rM Co.ta X... ~ aCliool

ture tumid out fOf Manry Gard· J\ldrl Dodi:• lhlirml/W'd lhl DUtrlctJ, Wpector ; Kn.. 1'.uMl~~-~~~~~·~·~·~ .. ~======~·~-~O~D~~-~·~·~-~~~-~~I ner'• bonf' • tt Ir th day . TM Hlrhway Comml•lnn w•• a t "- O,dilri., 2041 ~ Aft,. horw'• nall'll• 11 Ran11e and tw fault In b1dldln1 an U Miii; Judan; Kn. Kaf7 Wat born at tM pallur. t._ apprMCh from thl hllh"'' 'Y to It. Kai.pp, 141 E. Jard ..... JA 7"" ap. Newport Blvd. "'hle h ti. t.-rmtd 1-Jlfl and M,., LudDe a.

.. . lt9p." C.k• waa HrYr'd to th• "~ ..._.,, IOI l&nla 1.-N, . U pie" wbo In turn Md matt. up w,.. Gt-art •~T?d In l-T61L ('&ll:t9 or oalli . barley, t arrol•. cO\lrt w1UI Mr, but It 1 ;=;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:::;:;; •pplee mol.- whlth ~ .,.... •P1)&l"ltflt ah• Md the e._ st•eri to Ranri.t .. rttta. -u ulldlr coritrol ud ~

Sofn• rd lb9 kid& att.-ndinc no moral 1u pport .

....,... , Nancy 0.rdr'nft, Cllrls I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; N 1 a 1, .Nandy, Bonnie

~.?m:· J~:U au~ce1!t.~:! Private Police P11rvt1, Ginny Proct.or. T•rry Nl&ht wakhmen Flana1an. lally B..-n, Sharon Geyer. Loui... IU!a.nk. Ju I J 1 EMii Clubs 8U1Mr, Laury Howard. Tamla and KaU\!a. Hope. 8t.rbara Lona·

Sponsor Tea w,. 0t.,,. •nd P1nky n•htr. Lynn Hortman aii.d IC.attn Foa-

Junior and lknJOr Eblll clubli tu. ot Newport ar. apoMOT- ~ and fol\owlna U.. lac • Uttrary TM la 11o- of party kl~ partidpated In c.a&fonia Uttru'J "W•ll to M a bone &bow U'IOnC ~Iv"

-.C •'a iiff tJ &a- l:"':"'=:";_,;== .. =~)=11 .. =L==== .... lk:Mol at l :IO p .tn.. ~ ~ Mii l&cluda

&.tbu Wamer. Who .-ill 9PMll Oii Afrtea and &how Ma11y flt lbetr l'la!ldicratta. on.. tamoua -r eorl"IPplln6lllt. ftlcMrd TH· paltta. wtU a l90 ap.,..r on tlw ,,..,.,... If M .... rHurMd f n>ftl R.-ti.

Mre. Un (lty ttttnr­latl llM Mn. KatMrttw •~r­mu, H- ltlllllp lkl'lool II· brarta.n. wW "9 tO-ho.t-•.

Thi public la lm1u-d and tMra la ao fM.


Pw=-iJ ....... Plfhr

111 Bi .... ~-a... .....

u ......

• Untformed Plal• clotbu

llercbut po~

BeM proteedos. patrol BoqJar a ~oldap ..,__


Klmbe~y 2-7027

r. lAw lloe&MJ' ..... ~•..-P7w -"""" SECURITY

POLICE ......... SL e.ataA-,~.


CONCRm 111 C 1rt:W WaJ

OOllTA. HUA LI ._...

H1U1Uq1e1 AelL J& ~A R_,. . •

Le1. Miit

.. , .. ~'''-•• .,ICTalCALI. Y


Dldrirml ()() .. , ........... . no am.-.... Uloort7 ~



ZllO llOtll 8L. Nnrport -

•· N1ll1• .. to _f••,,.•n


iGET YOUR • .,.,., c.m.. o.a. ......

!'o•P°" Hert.or




~HllBOI. 1616

]'r;__.r,_ ornr. a t

22 I 1 lalboa lllYd •

l!!:~!::!;;~;;;;;--i!!t:~=~-~-·~~!~!....:...-~1~'.!;~~~~:tt. 1-----1.~;:;::_,..---==1 SlO $21•.•1

OOllPt.ETJI ~ - .... -

-- .u~ ... .... ........... -= 6~,!10.•n&llilllonloo MATTRESS ....................... ft.I

- n._ MN1C. K_,.., ._. aa tiWa ~ · A...... -- ,. ""~ -·· . • ,, .. ... ., &l•LS- BED-SPRING - - - _, W11JW H Jka,..t .............. CUI I\. • flt & w&L JA.Kri

~- 11 , C"' RP ENTER u .. ,ut. .., Ji8PllOUD .O.llllllloao!Mrb&rplnila ~ 1ut l' ..... •i• ""I k ~-- AND oppllan.,. ond - 1-.. -----..,,.,--,.-_._---"l·~,.._-~L • 'ff . R~peir Wor Pt.J:AS!i:D plota tmnlablnp u4 _ .....,.... _ "'" .., •· 1;§•IW ~· ;~· ~ .. ~~==:ss~e~-;'i::;:~ .. ;l•:;tr~..,;~•~•:..,~=·~··~":)•f!•~·~e·=-:::;1..,.._.rOIU' MIM Need~ CL&.&.lf1MO ... ....._ "' tbt w1ur. ' JVW' JM --•"'·- tor .., ... _ -wi. fr'6. M11 un.11:' 1(.u • ~ j, t n. ,...,, t t 1 will-. IM• 1flPl811 .. ._.. ._._. tlmtaat .__..,, ~!'~' .. --... ...,.. Di:p.t--. •al ••a Qll alal'J' """'--. W9 ~ llbl. pQ oely It.CD ;.r

AJi• ' #be a tt141cd1 .. tllll tmwtioa ot - r.d, ._.,.. tb1 l'llla* t9 ..,..U,. ~ U7 ud ~ ··--v - .... ,..,_,.., 0&11 Id knttre.r.mDJ' wk ........... tM rn•lll o( alladlandton~aQadllOt ......... tOftaM.-~ · .All' Wortt Tttf.a ..... . ltKl OU!' -~ aN ~t, co- liUOilN-11 rtnUf . ........... .....,.,. • . (hi/ Ba.r11or ~ o.c•a- tor~.,. .a an: ----------1---------- WOr'MN pMtant and ........ VETERANS • vt. 17tll at .. eo.t& ....

- .... ""- r.r ...... , ....... ...,_..._, 1 •·~ PAINTI"''"' • ,., D nto ... ,.,.. INDUSTRIES u ... ,.,_ .....,_ • .,.,.. ,. )a .. ,w_ .. ....._ __ , ,,._ "'"' a LAWN & vAR EN ••.. , ==='"'""'=7"'=--== '. ....,,.,.~ • .. ~ .., ,,_ ~~'!.~--e• .-. -DECORATING m•lnt•n•nce .,,..._ - "' - - '" :118 1-llot i'IUZZZ!t, """' ..,. "'"'° -

.,. .,.,.._ - ~ --naaaBllt' OIL Sand cu ....... dry Telephone Open.ton 13' W. &,n•helm ltM.-. ft. W1* pl1M-. we ....n .-.i. ... tN n.n i.--2:'"!!"~·~-~_!-~::,,!11~-~,_::":!,..!•!!•~··~· ~"'~·~·~-~--- rr---_..;:i. <leuM1J 6 •••eUa1 "1J E. •t.b. St. , tltL• Mo aaab-. ,.,.

"'~ - .., ..,.,._, ..., - GEOR&E &. HARPER - .....,, - ,... ,.. - · ~.;.ti ..... t-* ..._ cl-Ul:-..1 .... lJ 8 2 - illen'loel lftttl Ll 1..-. 1:11 to t :IO tnOl !l. Boll& BA.UGHN'I rutUf • .,....._ ·AiM Yiaol to 1arp -.u tn- .........,. m Wtll 'l'll1N Open Kon. • FrL 'tD D llO w. lTU!. •t.. a.. x-.

....,... GBl7 thrw ca.US\ fin. *""r- : =: :=- l FURNtTURE Jlp&O a.nta AM U Wt&

------ .,._.,_ PAINTING PACll'ICTELEPHONE U:AJUI .u -··. -,___ ·-- llllnlll~h.i,-.,..i nmauoa-ICm:llI01' - '" ., •" ""'1--------- DRAPERIES .,.._ a-t -- -


un.a. ..... ,., --· 11 .... ..... r I .... - ...... a « M..UUMm P.&Dn'DfQ B &: H 6ARDENERS . ..J UP COVERS HM" MIT-lil. ... 1 ~.:.. 11 ....._.. M·'trWI UCS11u:D - 119Ut1t1D .1..U Powtr ---at t WOIUN to btp .._ tor un· ana S IJ915 ... .. u.... - 11 ... a ~ c. EVERm SMITH LFJll*l _.__.. moc.n.r ot I Mlbeol Mad• to OrMI' WWI llioW" all ~ .,....._ ...._ ,,.,. -.i. .. .,.. ~°' tOI' i• r.t1r·b w. t1t1ii a.. Jlf...,..t JS.di Glenn Johnston ~-u Koada7 tllN rri· ~ - &.mplM ABC, n:DCQ. UMJD!f &ad

~UdlNl~ an ......... , ... ou U"t---........ u.IOlli.t .. x-a.. t'.'-,.U..Cllla..,.., OWDt• .... IA- L•c•I ~r,.- I .,.. rw.d aM r ...... . ..,,-· l"t ... ,.._.. ..., ... 'bmk u.a. ~ df.;y'. Hu .rtu 5 : 1~ n aa~.....o " ,....~¥·~ a e- 1• t'nl-.p• •••• llltM' llTI .,.. ..,_ _..... • .., U Nm. . Sflc4l LUCII..LE DwGl™ •orwto• . JAKrlll :U"PLl· ~ t. a 1Mnthly lT ...,,..._ ROY'8JriUJXl'ENANCB I·----------- Tau.I·----------- Harb« &tM or JlN-R A.Neu. 1u1 H.,,...., o.ota

~~ = -:;*~ .'!: ~ ~ :1: Pr°"11lon•I Offtce1 HEAT FOR SAi.E 1-----------1 WOMAN fg,r ii.ou .. work on• T.rm. u o.lnd llU'c ..-. LI l--60t4.

u.. ()rap; ea-tr llarW' Com· :: ~ ..:--::u.cU. Commerciel ~uildings WHY ntEEZE THIS y •rd Meintenence ---.!QC" ..... own ~ TIVJ>ll.INI, - wUI tak• any ........_ • •= • a w..... CXPUttLY ~ wufq. Xontl\ly Oo>nt.r&ct porta.tioa. .hrmwnt.. HertMir WATCH & CLOCK fOf' tnade·tn - -

Htkson's OC Joi Resumed

'It. ,...,_. _, "' Ob'm""4 daal.pion aot w.waa. Vtrr11 J~ wm ntum by popui.t ~ to tM ... "" ... ,..._ ..... hnlft\ lomot 10• lllsftt to tl rbNt an acCOUl\t of hi• IP.·

~ u an A.nwrtcan Stat• ~t ~nc.atJTI la SUi'Gf'•,

Jae.Mon'• ~nt lA ~­.... wu to~ UMl" ai6•e• '-' ~ bulfb&ll .ad b&lket· ...U. la atldl.Uoa to llfcturln1 ~· wnl a lto P'1e1w colOl'ed .u ... of: hllf trip. , A port.Ion of lM lalA:nleW ~Wffa­alld OU .. T • ._.., modtnCM

"' ...,.. tM ft•~ 'W'\.11 blf t""'7CrlMC tw 'bro.4ca•t over ndlo ••llMn ltWlZ a t t pm. wt tiJ.

-a.hind Ullf Kllilod llM1 .. forum la ....,. Lo U\o public and 11 llliDIMll .... Oru,rlf o.ut. COi­..... At -.tJI ~ a pot· ti.- o1 W U.... .. 'Ptnt In a """'- ot cur1'911t happentnca of cM ...... llotll at home and •w.4. '7 .,,_., Thlf forum I• .... la 'Mlallk I on U... colles• _,_ at T·IO p.lll..

$50.000 Sult Ried °" Fall

n IWp ........ WINTER? JlM. Slc4l t umitu.r•. • ., c· ~. Wln<il•• O-n•I• rF rOUR bom• t. oold or_,.. OM.a Up rep•irinn BAIJQKH"lll "11\.N. ~ ..... - -W Ra1Ai9 ~-- P'tM E•Um•ln '1111 ....,. .,c. ,. · tu.rn&ff "'~ to ogwat. EW C R llO W. lTUI tit., Ooota M-.. .... A ...... I Ph LI 332 pronar••$rf'Wlca N A GUARANTEED LI 1-31141' 11 w .. '8<11 t. a_, one 8-1 r-a:r 0,..., f:.Ml3 FREll &STIM.ATa a ru.ib.IN f•r Balo 17C.SI CALL Jt~2 SALESMAN- NEWPORT .JrfVJ:LEftS LATE ¥001:.L O.Z. e'-1.M D ·A A9~- STANLEY ACKEJlKAN I Co-l6 It... LI a....u.11 rani•. ov•r•.wd O'fen, 1ppU-aa l'lot" ~- .FLOOR HEATING We need a local ellperlenc-

1 1710 Ntwport lllvd, ""~ outl•t. Ukt n-. 'lMl or

: ::::-'c...:':.' .. TV w AXING TO ¥A.D "p&1n or to '1.rtaD Roy', Maintenance ed aggreuive Weeman in -.c. ottor. Har UN. atp41 : ~~ CM&nttar 6 Po1W11n.- a one. Com~let• Prof•11ionel on new car department. 1 VANOER.MAllT'& boy• sutu, BZAT ALL PRICEI, ahop Ont.

• -JCR- .. ,,,, .. I . Navy blue an<! my, itlatk:I • ,.,, " -- .... • ......... Y;-....d O!l k:• ,_ KcMIMla -- • • OUllC ••ni"J Our• ls a limited aale• AtTfTW •hlrt. mlac. SIM 14 . Al- U'I! • your ,...ou -· .. ,a._,. .._. l!l&Mo Ha.rt>Or •l:S. HARBOR 1U7 - II.If.. W will bsal &Q' priu ......_ n.- .- ew.. -•O 18 y.n La JUrtior ...,._ Floor w&Ens and b fine force with ~ the benefit.a mo.t n'!w b\lt outffOWn lJ!o lo. c..w . !! ~·tc. lltf• Wtndow Cleantnl IUCb .. poop lnaurance, HA 411:1-J .Up40 BAUGHN"I FUTlN'. ~ u ~ NEW LAWNS Upbo~ o..mnc demonstrator plan etc, and MO w. 11

U!. It., Cost& M--. ,, ....... t. ._, p . t" & Pa""" Color __ .... 10-rr. DEl.:UXE GE. refrtg u l-3111. u ._ • H f Rnt nmo\aliq, rot.ouJUnc, 1prlnk etn 1n9 uum ...,. _ _. will atford the enthu1uu- with ,,.... .. 1 yr• old ltlO.

pte. • ~ or l•ra. flnCM, e1tm1t11t work 6 • ··'""-··- n-·•to ..,.. ....... IN' a.t Decor•tinq ~uvu.m .-\U tic •lnmaa a real future . Two •u:r wool rua• with ... - .. ..... psUOL _... f)lf d• . S:l.:'I ... cm. lfood ...... n ...C ~ ,_ &ml rRE8 UT'fMAtt! P r ompt ~ ~ie. REASQNAll'LE If you qualify auu. S-re In - mowf'r f8 Oladiron IMX'lft" • .._ ,_ ._, JO l-6n7 U--.t C~tt.ew In top earnings , si; Ml Her f. J t lJ 37u t BEOftOOM •lll'T'I lrluad.Ndll et •A a.. a- UC4~ c an Lr. B McKlfl\&lo lbr 03~ Phonf Liberty 8- 1332 pMoH to dooM rr-. \IBM ..._.a- &t4 ....,.. o r Har a.tJ b tr. utlm1l• contact Frank Lewi., be· _,_ML•>.-·• 0, ,., _,1 V."HY r'!' n l a DESERT AIR r•• - .,._. ...,

:.r:~ =:. Cement BUDGET SEAMSTRESS lwtu ~ &Dd 11

Lm, :!:i!''"'!11 L :.~:~, b\l?nu!~~ ..:~·.:s ~~. wat"Shou.e M ~ mtDIM.AXIMO aad STANSBURY BUICK 1 0 1d tram .. , nx4~ . $~. 403 MO W . 11th BL, COIU w-.. :: ==l~'-: Llld JJ,.TER..4T10NI QI E . 17tl'I &t , <:».ta M- I n a Coron• ~I V.r S1e3t U I-Ila

l'T..., 111'.atM Concrete Builder, Inc. 7Hciun • a.m. ~-P-~ __________ ,_ ... _ '.i s1ov1: TO ; 0 ~ 0 . Tbo~4a n! MOVED-bav• too rnuch t'llmt·

M a.a ~ ......... Con•truclJOO l Mi ~ ._... .,.~ -p~ relr'J ff# Ci~ tun. aprlq 6 mattrMs, m&• • r·;::'"7!::t' Rekeira LIMrtJ .....,. ICXPttlUENCED wa1treaa. oaya ,.... bMr t.balta. .... A ..._kW g.,.,1mm1ni pooLa, Tennla CQVIU. U' DONS OOFFEE SHOP u.onc undala ~-~ f!X" tlo. pla • ta • 11 ._. &.tMo ltadltac"e 8tu1m• board .. ouru. pauo. emodelin9 hl.ndmadlf rnoeculml P.IO 'lor 1a.f1\lllf •lf' . Owner - •ii M.&rl-n .... .......... ta ... n w1 Lka. Units tot Mcr&dden Plat e . Newport $ 1.ltl. ,m.. •ktrU. b&cNW&. JGkl, J"MJ'. C!>JI. Jlfl'OI!.

----- .,.,' ANTEO psrl lhn• 1eneral 8-ch. J7clt itwpMtr'll .. • •U. lfs.nd~ m&· OJNINO ROOM 8rrl 'J pc, e

No JOB Too S"All Home1 11tr1c1 •otk. •11.e.llent typl•L hopay .ci-r f.T~1

8poml N- ----Newport Harbor

B. P. 0. E. 1787

W..Llf •"•'7 T'bur1G11 I 1> m. Vla Oporto - ...C-tn.1 Av ..

N-i>0rt Bo&dl

JVl PBX 6 nc: .. Ui011lat U 14272 EXPERlt:NCEO WaJ\.r- tor 111.16. M..n '1 cktuae Im· ptee.lf. We J\&Yt hundl"t!d. ol. ••- o pMntti i. cboMI trmm. W... OU! Now For F~ Jk 40 H•r 2871 '""'' porte41 Ensltall ....,_ and O..y11 GMe

""" ~~'-""" ------------ 1 ch\lllila booU 2'7.&0 1,. l4.1Ci. prlcf'I IU."4 ca.ah or ~ -.IJ .c..ui..uo.- · 12.00 per ., ... 1c •

l.OC'At.. INSURANCE OFJ'ICJ; J!:n•lllh lo&t•n 1&.115' fot" e."6. BAlJOllN"9 PUJU(, wa~ W 8-776Q Ewa. LI 8-7682 GARDENING d••lrelf younr wom•n with In- Pwn poanla, htmn.c~ '!(lo, MO w. lllh Bt.. ea.ta X-.

t•Uc &nd a.zA>I UP JoM auranc• bookk..:plnl" lfllpitr l· lmport&n Outkt "'° b.IJF.. 8o. U 1-SlM 'A' ..t.irn':EO <!nc• S•l• r y opsn. V.' r lt • q ua · ot ~ S-.:b CUy HAIL -----·-------

L.Ibv1J' Ml3t ti llflcauon1 •it n!leNln t "a lo Opua LD publ!G Mon. ~b ANTtQUlt mUor ma.rbla "°1) ~ Boa J -&7 W1 pape.r . 31l tc Su. 1 to 0 p.m. table plt:r mlITOT" mar11111

----------- rtandard . cofftt 1.abM, bi..clll·


"FIX.IT" ,A. .. 1".000 por90aal ll!Jury <t&m -

.. oompi.11.111 -• Dill ru. In au· _11-_M_o_v_ln~&:,.,!!!e_n_b ___ _ pw1oOtr eo..rt ~J ov• r • fal l on ..... •hopp\11& C•nte.r p"'mlte• ls8( Ocl .to

Meehll.NeaJ &ad Dlfctcle&l ................... STl:NO.. 8CCRCl'.A.RY It BOOKKX£PltK S, t..:!:NJ:RAL orna a.nd ottia.r ,,...iuon.. ALIC> JOBS FOR MEN . N•• }ob • dlf. lty. J I.JN!!: io' AR RA R E mply Ac'C)" . 4.02 ' 1 llnd St., Npt. Beach 1c roaa trom O. ly Ha ll

Pror,erty Owners Attn. L9 Ol1R: w A TE.rt KEA TEft

out of II.If l'\lll.t"lllM Plfrlod t Lt lh•r• uiy d~r or It tlood ·

lnl your hom• !

f'd mahO( bt<lrm .... . • x J J Or'lflltal rue • drwpe• ; ~ ltOI W, Oe-.nt ~ H..,. 1t07 ·W 19ptl

Warpry Ca"'° wu .1114 pl • 1n· Utt I.II dos ..eOon. 81M ll•t<J 1ne ~Uc.Uo Corp .. uta l• ot V."LI· liaaa T . J1tff...,n d.,eealfed and Tbtltt1 DrlJol" S\On Inc. M do- ­

I-'"-' ,,, plalntlff ...m thlf d .. ~nll ns1L11enU1 psnnltt~ ........,,. dlvldlf.n to 1t1rk \IP ......... ,.....s walklDf .,...., She,

v 1 ·•-. ........... i. ••••1• and hill over on• ot lM dlvidlfna. tM ,...wJtt ~

MOVING? 51125 hr. Tlln• ala ~La al your door. Within SO mlla. w • ..i.o de.l.Lvu 1000 lbol up LD 60 mll•• t o r t.111• min. 1'9t•. Stall • na U011w1dlf moYin& 6 1lorq• ot lha LO'lll'..C. rat-. AM tor trM e~. No extra cbc tor Bat. M-

Concrete Work

Complet • S.rv1c:1t

RILL EPW ARO& Ubl-rty &-2079

tM-4 Mlr•mar Dr1"• Har 21"8· R -----------


ALL WOR.K GU.t.AA..NTJ:EO H&rbor .:'IM.4 or .IJ.~R .,u,

COLLEGE GIRL wtU ba by all In "~rh• n &'• tor roorn • bolf rd A • m •ll aa.J& ry. Wr1ll Box Kii car• Qf fl!-• Pr-. J !Jp

CARPENTER - Expen•nced In cabinlt•. doon. w1ndow• . ,... modt'Llnf, f lc. Rt'uot1a::.W. U-1-&00l . np4 I

\\'ORflfEO A80l.1' TOlf'R•

IT'ii ~ TO CA.LL

An lfll'pt"rl about ltl• condition o.t your ••t •r n ... ter.

CAU.. your a \I U.0!1.Mld DAT 6 NIGHT Jf"l( lU• \\'attt Heater 0-.Ju,

Joe Beebtold-Ha.r. ~ '" A~T a n..., Lil clothu o r

llOUH ~ecor•led' ?ul your --~·~·~·~-.:.:_:_:"'"cc:,P"<.:_:c"~~=--­wor-ry a.nd wanL Um• to eam· Inc Um• wtth


6 bklll Lo blf W...ckotd .

J<JlEE ESTI MATES KJ :l-,'»397

UVl.N(; RM SJtTS , aota 't;,J d.ltr&na. mtU:ill.. ch&1n -hundrf'dlf 9' ~ .. LD cbolOes troiro \\'half pr10lfl ...... cua o r ~y only l l ;, prr w"k.

BA.UGKN"tl TtJRN. -l"aboUM MO \Y 17th I'll , Co.t.a ~

'\.J. 1-llM

~ ROOMS rlJJl.NTrUR.11 t.o cruapJf'to bodnn IT'OUP' T pe dlnln,: nn. JO pc llvtnc qn. brand Dlf'W WM1-ooc1 CP ra111e. Jtof Qenel'9J &i.c\r\11 10 C1l ft ,...lr1J WhM prle• tor whoW lot No cull


Painting. Decoretin9 Paper Ha.ngtnr

EX!"l:RUl:NCJ:D WDmUI p,._. ... '-l'ani.. work 'ThurMlly• • l"rld• y• 709 BalUmon Sl .. H \lnluicton Beach. ~x t--4463

SUPPt.r.XENTINO your lncon1• with l:mmon• L• run. E•pt"rl •nes not nfll'.-r')'. No col ­lectlo ,... no de!lv1ry, tlealbl• ~r1tln1 t\(l'llr1 Tnn.portaUon _UaJ_

l<Jcfo ~ (ln, posy only p ,(M. pn wk.

u< TD IUl'DJOll OOl .. T

1963 HaJ11or Blvd., C.0.1.a MMI C..U collect. D1y LI 8-227~

nit.II LI ""'430 and CLEAN UPS Liberty~


JI TRT .,. r.turnt'd from buy1nS BAUOl:Df'• rt/1UI . ............. l-O•d• ol anuq~• <1ld 9IO \\' . lTth at., Colt.a W-.. u ,_,_

fl' Ta& ft.ATS OY 1------------­~ IN ..._"D roa 1~8_.__ Oalde

tuc LJMrty l-H211 %9--Hrlp Wuted rh1n. . colort'd 11&• pie-ct'•, ol,1 ln \l&lca l box.a • lnatni- --- --- ----­

CALL J.Cf•r- 1 ·lil0 for l11l1tr-vMw a ppolnlmanl. :l7cJIH

TtU OOmnT OF 08ANOE ~ ot Ow EatalA

_f/11' VELMA 1. ftODEL. De-

~No. A 2114i )tone& or H&.A RTl'IO or ?&TIT)ON FOR Pft08Ai E :sir W1LL ~ " .......,, (fftn •t

fit . ~ flt Ol:WTTT E ,.. 'rt.OR tor tN PToblilA el. u... ... ""u. ..... ......... fO'r lM ._... Of ~ tlMnon




OOI C.l¥ BL, COSU. M-U ..... lt Re9. U MICM»

n ... \ Ii' WWiii S. TA.Tl.Oft t• ----------­~ ) .... & II .. ......,. ... JJ 811'· · 11 laikw - ,...., ,......_.. wl.11 ..

- ., ,.,.. ·- A.JI., ~ PAPERLI. ··GI".' G 1Cli-dl n. SllJT, at Ole court nl'U'I 1~

,_ "' -..- ~ °' "" PAINT1NG a''41*11ot dDurt flt Ulo 9\slA "" LJCl:NSl:I>, W'OJ\K QUA.RAN­

RUG& UPHbLSl ERY Eaclualvc o.n1n• _. O)'tnl' AU

n.aJI:• ol R1111. W IW c&rpsl·

tn.s - t d•y'llC.

-----~~-- 1 CU"1'01<

PAINTING bJ llct"lllf'd

SHALITA'S H:..oc=tor Kl 1-f:lll -

EXPltRICNCED La uMl"Clll\&tJwlp nffd<ld. pr•fltr woman Appl)" J09 N..,.port Blvd., N•"l'Ort Sktl

HOUllP!KEEP1rR wantl!C'\ to Uve In. rnu.t lo•e ehlldrt"n $11~

J'f'r month U l · lffl. Skt l

Beacoa Pereonnel Ascy. Top job opportwdUff a.JI f1-ldl

MEN le \VOMEN UO Tu-Un A v ... N•wpor\ Boec.11

( A c.._ trc:a. A.LL A.l:rlenc&.11 parkiq lot)

men LL Un1.11,..J okl furnJ t un.o , p1rt ur1• La.n1p11 . clock•. cur11. doll• . CUr!OOI. elf' Dlfslttlf •· •1t\­come, Chari\<!. Osvla. ISM £ •lorP No 1. 1111 AtlanUc: A• t' No. 2. LoRJ: 1¥11< h llk'• I

BF.ST ut barberinr P•nlan Rug CLnr. W0Tk1 Mdtb r;:xPl!:RIENCl:D t..a uty op..rator ::IO::::~Mloce::::::::=n=•=-=~ .. =:...---

Ll 8-7518 Har. 007g 1------------ 1 t:.lle owr Mtabllahed cnet1llfl

For the IT"S

REMODELING •ADDITION• o IUIPAlltl • 4"Ul.a 6 r<>IUOCA WOILK • o"11Q)()W ~ftOH8 • •~TINO• JlaA.90N.

.\BIA•. •TUia rt.AN D' Al:QUIR&O •

l4-Pet ..... -----· Alcohol lca ilonymowi

WrtlA r. 0. .... Ul --OUL ...... lla:rtt« t'JN I A.l(. to I P .JI.

'" rum EITl'KATU • Har 069 l.8--8-uty AW.

Good pay t"°"' .tert. Bt19y NEW & N I N llhoJI. 11:1i..w a...ut,- Bllo1t. aaT eer y ew N". N~rt 81". toppo!llte A~ _ t actoey aamp .... H 111 • 1 H_, l ~ wc:onda.. Vlllap. u 1-J.tlJ, LA l-ltlO KATEY OOANlll Cornet' 19th. Part ""· 19ef.I 2Ttt tt. Coall K1P• •1 COii\& Mea

PAJtT TIM.II waltre., food 6 CIOt"OM Ml Mar K-.r ,~: Union Shop Cload Moncky1

cor lil&U. H.l:NRY ·&, }f_,.rl I===========-1----- -------8-<h. ''"' CUSHMAN EAGLE

ONE POK.SR TABl.£. nf'w SM f.ATE ~ t motor lfCOOtt'r Low




~ .. ud tor th• _TO> ~ Ora"P· 6..- ~ U c. Oon- lltllftOITlfphn wbo ..... ntl to . ---• .. Jiil Jack W'llQWH!r U l.o511 •-·•- B I 1.t Int• bull\,... foor h•r.., lf.

2 eoeki.11 tabl•• -... • .. price l'h.r 2161. 3tc41

lMVAl.JD .,.!kn. 1ood C"Ondl tlOll . "6. eo.t. MON- thlln doub•. Har 111 fo. J11r4 1

mltu1:1!1 .xre!I. ur• • tondl · lfon l :l:J.'} lly•tt • -~t:l-618

V!rjllnle Pa.rk Dr IA.rill&.. · -i:. a. wA.u.>.cs JTclt ------·--------1 eauty Sa on For DoQs Ple••l'lt, f\n·n otao. La """_.. ~ (;lirrlr. UNI Clutl DI - ---------- ~ ;yr•. l;uropean l:ap Poodlft. J><lrl. 8-e;h ""'1. hoM. N •., u. 9up1wtor ec-t. ., ow General Contrector CEMENT A BUll..DING An e,_,._ 8atht111. cupp1n1. tys--rtler , S\opp11ea. tei.ptoo.,.. .... "' Call ... In 'ltd UCl:HS&D AU Kiada Groomlnr. • -•II • .....,. Ill mum ro.- l.AMllfUtTTA ..-ool .. r a mnn\hR 50-R--Applla.nor9 tw tM CaulllJ flf CJnnsa. New Wort - Remodellnc a n .... '"'IC IA..,_... t to ~ nld , 1tloct. .iart•r Ct..i s llO

ti .. m c:KENZIE FREE ESTIMATES Holland House Mon thl'\1 f'T1 Write Box Ltl M"ll tor '300 l i O mu .. ~ I"''" E.LEc-rROLli X rf'frlllerato1 •nrl Now.-,.,... J ,11. I, 11. U.1~. 11. ; J. MILTON If l&l'T ,..111 A•• Co.ta M- t"• re of Nt'w•- f>AM 11 v1na 1&11on. Kt J-0900 •Iler !'l p m •psrtm'!nl ~1 .w al l!" '- Bolh to. lJO'f Harbor 63918-W Mlle L.lberty M109 LI 1-t7to 10 1 -f.ttJ •1"• t•p!'f1e11H rte 40ttf' ~'t41 , ..,, ltn c;,. 11 H.u 1004 J7c111 ~::...--------------------,.,-----.:.. ___________ _;, __ .... ___ .:_ ________ _:_ ___ _

, ... ,


Old pl9CH reflnlatMd to maletl moMrn onM

8alem maple Pum< onn.._, Tdk

AJIUctUO 6 d~t..s J'R.Elt U"nlUTa

A ubNy ~ IOl:l P~ti&. OD.ta M.a

u .. mt · a... HOUUPtrL • "(.a,aiR. ., ,, u

11.vUts ,... dlalnc " ....,. IT"'._.... ...... ..... priee HM.•1. e&n • ,., only U .29 ptt ""91.

BAUGKl'f"8 nnuf, .............. .. w. 1 TI.111 ... co.ta II--. f.l t-a1M.

WVll'40 RM 8rT9, ... bod dlvana, Jl\Aldalas cbatn -blit>dl'ldt ot .,._ to daMM from. WM. pnc. Pt.M eut1 , ... p..y only fL7fo psr .....

BA UOHN'8 9"UR..~ . w ............. 64Kl w 17th St.. eo.t.a JC .... LI ~·:JIM

l!L.!!'!!ti!!!'•I.- -. a• ••• ..._ -·~--..-. ·1 · ,., ...... , ... u ~

....;;...;;..;;.;.;;...._...;;......,._..;..1 -- - ""° ~ .... 1----7' . ........... --,:-1 111!' ... ll! ...... 1 81WW.A.'I' Clitlllwt .... _.

.-.s. t1• . ~ Chord ~ ~ d1•·~ .. . · ~-........... ' ~ ........ ,,..,...,. --AUL _,, .,.. ,5 ft.a_.. ~ • ...._ ·.

,..._ ~-- A ...... • .. $ y !nyel ia.ctroaie Orpza. Q'p.11 Mcft. ftlt. • I&* . ....... Ill .......... ·~-U ......_ I Bula.AM ""' ..... .,,., .,.., .... ' -· .

• ........ .,., r 1 oalJ - S-m•all'1 tJPmt I:*:- . ; .,.,........ ~· ...... , • tr....aJe Orp1U1. ftow ..._.,,.. TV PllILOO 1:1.'" ~ modll.

This offer applies to any Used Car on Our lot. _ • W. :t'JUt a_ _.. ..._ t.on. -.t.Ul tuD "t\IAIM*' .... W1- ,.._ '1&11· _. or u- ··~ ---........ '' LC Hdt p $'2195 ~ lUUCJllN'1 """'· .- 55 Buie. entury p. ow. ----

UliiikCl ~ Dt1 T pc, I ... \a. -- OOJr04' .Al'Olft llO W. 1fUl et.. CON Mw. bl ' 495


l Bm>RM Jri1 -- (utw11). l'(loa LIClp kit ~Uolt. Qi.ditL' a I I J U X U f )' COllYllDiUce .. A.cnm tr.. ~ WallrJai ... .,. te .... WA..uba Bar dlT. . Mlle

· ,..._, .-. .~ ••p·np o« ORGAN. TBll ~ wa u NJA 51 Nuh Ram er ----·-·-----=~,:.,~1:'; ~,=.NU~•1"d&l TV BRAND nw AI>KDU.L 53 Forcl 'CountryS.dan _,____ 1195

1 ::X ... ~.~,'~l

GO R=• llMoellanflOUI 1'0ll ~ IB&D.

N..-.,ort cau u ~nu ..... a,!~~~....,.....~ .w41o •P"Pt P'W :;;..~ 1;:!~1.~.;:: 55 Ford Thunderbird ...... ----------·-·· 2695 eon.u •

1 Mar. 11&1' ":•1

• · w. 1+.i ~ eoi-ta xa.. Mth NU • It~ T--. BA""-00!:'!.8'"'!.~. '!::,.~ 52 Chrysler Windsor -4 Door --··----·-·- 595 LA.ROS 1 ~ J'\im. Ape. $S-8torM a OfftcM u w1a ' 560·00 d09'll. itt.GO pv aMlllth. Z1'., • u ..... , -.. ...._ ut..Wu. JiU4. Teut

7 1115. n1


,.. w. m• •t.. Caota II-- 56 Ford t-Ton Pickup -· ········-·--·-·--·--····- 1395 5500 Sq. Ft. ~ • • ' u-s wwllu.r e p6&niO. u a-ua , , • a B&lbolt. ••d.. ltptl OoMl llJP•a.J 1'uU4lnc· •'Pl

•.u. - - - w11• ""'• - -. 53 Pontiac 4 Door --· ...... ·-·-·····-·---··-·-·····-- 695 ..... - , ... ~. ·~·--. ...,. Olt .. ~ ....... &Iii..... . l'fWW' ...... 1 Bft. unfUnt. •pt. - --_, ... wi. w. wot._._ &DJ' Jldct i.o.t111 "'111talow, ~ plUti, Knowt•..... E*tronica 56 Ford 2 Ooot -·---··-·-··· ···-········-----··· 1595 -. i.- QJ,a. eo. .. C&I' ..-. ~- noo 1110

• '--.., QlltL , lrl ftDll ('Mdido11; Jl4,f0 OOW1I -.. Vi pon. w ~ P!aoe. ._._ B. J\UQ rotW. a..rt,w. U

•A~......,.: - ... llUO ... m...... TV ANTENNAS 56 Ford. octorie .......... ···········--··-·-·······--··- 2 195 ..... ..... """'1 - ... ~·-•c ______ -_, • W. 11u. M. l\emo6a-.ouprilllt~lAM... ,-----m~-·-> 54 Ford Country Squir• ···········--------·- 15951---------- • Lawyen U ail1a bof, BklQdia, ad Wap&e. u kJw ~ - ~ ~ 8nte'9 Gii • Accoanta.alll

liiiiiiiiOii .... - ., ,. uo. ........ 110. .,. ,,,,,1,.. -·,.,,..,Mt 51 Food t·Ton Pickup -····--·---·--·-· _ 595 sen- - 6 Udo lllo ·...- ,. - """' w... _,., HI ae 56 Morcury Monlcl•ire, Hdtp., Pow. - ······ 2595 _. • - w - • ._ •. ~Broten pr;tioip ~ eaa11 • ..,,. oal)' s.v.r&1 tm. ""11 ln .upuy u.d ,.-,. 7;;J .,. • ... _. .ru:~ ..

..... .... """" ... - ..... - ~ LI .,. ... __ .... , THEODORE ROBINS ro· RD • -- .... ..._.... '"""" - .,_"""' " ..,. ".._020 .... VOGEL CO. . • 0o you_, -.. " · 1na. It.. c.. i.-. doWD aa.a ...... pw ""°" s!'llfET PMU,o -.d. tD l'OOd .n.#1- s--? LJ~-- COnd.IUOll, ..,..t \,OD4I, IQ*:lal 1111 ...... A-., ...... lil1Ud V~Ulillll .--

-"-:!"""' ~ta pt.Ao ot tMt,nd ~t Al JHI; Othft Won4arf'UJ bu)'ll 0 36th f ' • th• .._. ~ "6 - &uilW 101' WIJ ba•• It. ~ f'N'ldaa. UA.T' AU. - _, nnt. " low ,. 06. "' mon.._ wit> "' .,,,.,, ,..,..,_, ... ...._ Ur year 0 serYICe tn 11 o- .... -.a ._ ..... ,._. ..... - ·

OR. .a ,.... .,._. ucf cos- rental to apply on tutura Pll"' -. .A.c:ra.on1c. n.chs, all Wu ity -.. -. w..,. .... , Ml)' ..-a ca.... _ .am• rmta..1 ratw!'Lt, I commun • HAR.BO?\ INVE8'l'JO,!NT oo. ..... c.tll. Ubal"&Jt.r&6M·Oonffniantternia tr&d•lna. a t- wtU! CUI 3100 W. Coast Highway LI 8-l471 COil.ONA DEL M.A.R., BRANO Rv1lclr


aADOlllf'I PUIUC'. waNbouM• CO'• Orya.11 B.aciquarler• tJtcbUy damacad ln ahlpp!Jlf , Nl:W untunL , bdrm •pt.. RE.ASONABU:: omcm RENT

• W. itu. et... o.ta w-. nne Piano. bit MY1fll' due to lllaUrance CLOSED SUNDAYS nrwi:i'"' P'A beat. paUo, Larp rear roorn In n- of· Ll M1A claim Mtu.rn.n.L. Salr m M•pla, flaM -Udlns doon. cllepoal, net on East C<latll. HWJ, Odil.

JqW IBXPllDT 1'Ult un-i ~ • .-..rtDL cut. ii-t· tera, A ~ 1a.. Frfllcil.. Oltlll&al. VWoriu .. -.rly ~ IWmblN • art ob­.t-ctL DNMl9 we.toome. ltll .t.t.l&ntJlll .. .... Loai


K\112' ISLL WILL IACIUl'ICS 17 a. IUdrriardma c::n.i..-. twtn .,_, ~ ...,..., a-n. 11ar m11 •o a.a- on-.

\ -M rr BK.&. VT OVT1' apor<. ~. Olrya1ilr CfUW1I c-. wallr eDOled - ,aot. - b tbi> metw - -*trio~ a- ICael t&akll 1,000 m I ' e ~ Pr'ool ..... JriOcht C'OQ·

.W tndit 1'MI ..tat.. 8-r.

...,. .. - Har. .... lk".tO

BRAJ'ER'l J'OR MVllC OMart'J', mood. J'TtGCll ProYln· ...... doon an.O o ab lDate . 8utt.abW, tor bulkier, IU'Chlt.ect lllne. llOTJ clal. c0ma a.Dd ... ti.- Mau· S y I Ch' h A.duha. Tr. .,... '1J6. AUK> or concern ~ ~

Ul..tD N. Sycamore utW .pnata w1Ul - OU&ran- ee OU n urC ,.,... a pt. 2 blodrm.I 11100. •P~· Ampw, parklll&. Hu Santa Au IO 2-0t72 lH. Bclunldt-Phlllipa. 620 N Brokeni cooptratt, ~r Ll Wtl. Or Harbor ~16. ~l

M·' •·-ta • FREE 100 G I Ga . FREE ,_.,,. « Hu lTU ·R. ,.,.,, Irr ot GRrTCH c....e.. ...n. ..... a. s 2.ATTRACTIVE quiet pr1v•le .Uclu. mallet.a. bl"l&t.i'l<t• In· ottlceo J.36 per mont.11

eluded. P~Ucally -· «M. Bun9alow Piano UDO ISLE UUI. turn. 132 w. 17UI IL, Har. eot. 18P'1 Beauutu1 piano. M1 kt)'tloard, WATER FRONT AP'l'S. ea.ta. Me.a. U ~ !tc• t

HOME MODftl., Hammond OrPll u.- • bPut!Jul trutrumenl •t a nry .low price, Schmidt· Pbilllpm Hammond or«•fW, Vine P1.anoa, fi20 N. Waln, Santa .uL ________ I

RADIO Any tal:lla modal npalred


11-MI. ""' d.U•~· JU) down. ,'° __ -_11_ .... __ F_•_• _!lo.le ____ 41--Aato 8ervb ON"ll bdrm. tum. apt. 1

IS pe.r mouth. ill~ J"ORD. I ownie'I', l'ood eon· AlJTHOR'.lZl:D PAftTI • SERV· b4rtn tum a pt. Wlnt.r <It

ESTERN dHlOll 1 1~0. U 8·l30Cl. !C l: !or both HUDSON • yarly, Kar ~T6. lOUc

ISA4 E.. hcltlo Oout lfwy a.mloek .. 1'67

Opan rv- U! 9 8u!l. 12..0 :.SO

31k41 NASH - auto radio tep&lt ----------- Let u h•lp yw wttll your noew 1111111 VOLKSWAUEN f l311.-, Uld uaoad ~r prollklna.

Pf!rfec:l ccmdiUon. ttrht tlhw, RIOH HAHN'S Na"9r • ..t•ty Mlle. Har

'"rw. '°'" GARAGE .. ., 00 A WEJ:K will ranl • 2 m •n· 1------------ual H1.mond Spinet Oqan with ~ CA.Dl.LL.AC 12. t dt, power 409 r; nu It.

ftei. l1tUOn9, all tann rtnl •I- equtpm.nL Show n,iom n•"'' lirwM! on !NJ. Bcluntdt· FbUUpe 9.000 mil.... Mwl .ell Har 42.-Trallen

Luxuriom B•y View l, 1 &Ad I &llDROOll tut11.1a!wd A~t.e and room&. Wlnter rdltal&. lluR be llM!l to °' appr.dat.4. Bal' 1440 3Ut

&ocludM putJi &nd labor PLanr • Orpn It.or•, In Or· 6011.1 38p40 NEWPORT HTB. UntunL 2 bad·

rm apt. rtnrplaoa. 0..r&&a. Uk• n- "'6. Har 0.506 or U k1S1- 29Uc

,. 7"'" bper\enca IUIJ• Co •l 8th • Waln.

ACME TV • RADIO 1---"-'_•~------~ • &llit. 8L Har. M04 M--Dop. (&ta, Peta ai.o::n\ON'IC ORGAN. Lar1• 2 --



1 VJLL4.LJDO Pantho\IM on No.

I Bay. I bedrma, 1a,. llrl.tha. ls• 11 · " '1d• A 10' Wl!le ' uppeT ternca. pa.noramic vl-

~2'- J.11 ' l!Mal I BR c uatom 1 •laT&tor. - ca.rpi.t.e. dr•P.,

PRlVATE urr1cxa wiu. pbon• answertnf Hf"Tlca.')' It notary a....U.Dla. Orowld tJoot, N- Tr\dent Bldi-. noo N-· port BtYCl.., N.-port s.eb.. I to BoufJI eo..i Co. I orncu &DJ ... rm-prtv•te dM.k 1pe .... Ru ... .

11 ........... --..


8puilllll dMa - J .... with i..-. ,... .• """"" -ea.eb with .. Ooau ""'*' ..... oeUeal .... ti.... .,~~


14,000 ... ft. 81da;. bl Mat\ ot tow.. Good lllooma wt\b .._.. halal• DO oare. Will \r'adrl fW lnoom• propart,y t.a aan..t ...... BR00KlNG8, OIU!:G<JN 3l UIUt Mot.I, 1Ma thaa I ,_ ... W\U trMa fCM' --... l...eom. ''° Ul 8outhen Oaman1a


RUTH JA.TJ\.SD, Rea.It.Dr KlldrM lUcP and 8,.nta.

~l•t• IOI E. BllJboa ami, Ba.Ibo&.

H.arW 1tGI or ttOO

Fallbrook .... ocado &CtHoPo. ~ .... ms a-. 1o....i1 • -.... horn•. O a r • c ., -rklbop: ·~ maldll ~ WUI U'ada for 1 w,.. <"-- dll Mar hem• . can Bud ~ with ·: ;


1a• 1Wtua ....... . 1aa.ta ._ Pb. KJ 7.MTt-m... u •·nM ..... o~ will tra6I -.uttJ ta

new a bdrm bomf:. l>la,TrOOm. 2 b&.tha. 1500 ~ It. 1.a w--. mlzlAl:t. Bullt • 111 kl~ 1.-d • tand9eapecl. Poi' l:tM equity Ui 2 or I bdrm ,_.. ~ bom&. Ltb1(!1 ~.




.. ••• .. .

&A.IL - N.-pon Bay b:1 •

mazw&l wlUI, tOlle O&bUMll, Ma11utul C&M gnly 1786. oU..r Ol'fAl'lll llltla ... IN. 8dunldt.Ph.Wlp1 BJ1 Or· p · • Ptano 8tor. el.Ao. 11114. IUl i.-., Sant.a Ana.

DACHSHUND. :) monllu mal• rrs1atend. tiOUM brok•11.. nu had ahota. 219 TlMtUn AY• .. NPWpOrt Helcht., u S.:Mtl.

40-A-"'- &""""


Pa11en9er r&llC' ref'rlf . A19o I bedrm apt partly fUmlllled .....,.,. tllds .. yrly .......

lNDUllTRLU.. b14i:a. r111' ...._

Ttlt-up. 10.000 ~- tt. Raad)' now. 10,000 1q. tL Feb. 115tll AA.A·l r•cttlUM, park:las r :.r 700 ca.ra. South .tde Raker 8l-. 1200' EA• L i"AlrYl""" Co9U

"M•H ownera. Ub 1-1829 - I Ub S..2t8&. lttc rine VI- ut&l• - on W--14 ~. Sandpiper

e&a. ltJJbMt. 1646 lnctud. ~ ....U. IANl)PJPl:R a• P ,an A. Tl. UI • llM tR­N.wport B&rboc' '271.

'"'' 1• rr. WlMnt, 10 hp J~.

u..t 11 bauw. ~ ooatro1:, ~ .. llXtn. .qulJSIMnl 1UO. U 1-&US or Ha.r. lUl W _,,

I IT UL80A DINGHY, Just ra­ruuatwd, .-!. -1la, Bu.Ill by ~ llkaon 1 17&. ~ JAata. Bar IUlll J8ctl

'if: i-r .. . ,._,... Chrta Craft ~ 121 bp. I 4iWn draft ~ tar •kl •o .... .,_.wt. P,TIO or 'll'1D ~ • ~ eo..t. lt or llhllfllir. Kr. BaU7. Li .. 1111 . ....,,

WOOIUKO ror _.. .a LMlt, IM., f'ew,ort ll:Utllm'. 9utl&Me up to .tO ft. Mat. •AlLIK>ATB Olll;y. R. 0. ,.,....... 1030 Yildllt H&l1Klt Dt'~ Su ~

.. -· -.rr. OOlllQRC1AL ftlbtns Niil. ~ en-. eotor. a"'• pta.L 6-tGa ..... rlpnUOll. T 1111 r w la.- lrill -.onno... LI ._... allw 15. li(r_ W . - """' llllf ~T Maril 66 out­bove -tU. ooatn&& Uad IO lln. 900 OMll ud UM (W9r

,..,.....,. ID s.-. an.r a - -· !! r-1 ~~'I· AUTO a HOME

RADIOS REPAIRED r.a..,..._........._.._ i .. wana a.u>io .-v. l(S. J9t !"t l9' C••l• Ml9L u ..OU. • lfdlli


• - · ... - t:M. tmtn.. _.,

orpa ~ wttb.ut • ...... $ctuld41-rtlllllP1 BIJ <JrlU 6 Plano ln:on. IUI A MU., Sula. Aaa.

PlANOtl WANTED al one lr•d" 7au. or1•n or piano on • new • p\nel or Gl'alld P1all0 or a wondntul new H•m mond gr l(&Z'I 8dunldl,Phtlllpt; ll U! •


M&lJ\. aanu. AnL I PAID roR OR NOT

' - --- MtC&rthJ P•J<W Mon aooo PRAC11C1t r1an"' S87 1420 8 M..aJn Kl 2· 3607

190. Sl36. Lil ln good condlllon. you can ... p gn brll•r ptAn.ti

•t f\111 purrhaae pMCOt ,,. wUl rwll S4 00 ~r mnnth. Schmidt· Phllllp. 8Lf f'Lano • Urp.n Store. 510 No Ma in_ l'IAllta A n•

CASH f'OR Cl.£AN A L -ros

LIBERTY MOTORS I~ Nrwport 81\'d. LI 8- 1381

TIRES a.Hou•

Recap pin9 Service Complete

Brake Service AND

Front End Alignment ROAD 8ERVlCE

,.,,_ton. Budf1!7:'1 T ouni for u,, c


801 . 809 W. l.t SL Kl l · AM!

•t-A.uto Sen'k"'fl

HAMMOND 8plnel Orfan 11-1, !rtlrry tor Ult. on .. . l'lrhmldt. r lpoi BllJ Hammond Orr:ll.ll 8to,,._ All Model•. 11th It M.Lln. ----· ---- -- ----1 ------------

.. nta An•

SPINET PIANO Lovely plAtlO. .-im• b• e

pa7menta. '14.8' per m<•nlh

ESTERN 3~44 R: PwiclJk' Cnut H11.7

Hemlock 4-74!17 0.,.a £.ea. lll t SUR. 12--11 !O

lilAPLI: &PINrr type, ~r tact UIK>. ~rm• 1111;1 r•nt 8ehmtdl·Phll1Jpa 100 pl&nCMI lll ... Mlct from . 80. • Mair

Sant• Ana


..I.CKE T.V. U1 llat It.

"" .... PLAYER PIANO ~ f6 rolJe. Q16. Payment>

of JIO.IO ptt month.

ESTERN 3344 g, Pllcltlc Cout u....,..

Hamlocll t -1' 46 7 ()pm ~ ti.I t Bun. lJ...11 :SO

BABT OR.AMO. 9J'ld&I n- fin· lllh only PIO e...,- l«m•. olh "r. '47 ~. SMO. .tr Bchmldt f"llllUpa 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 100 PtallOI ai .. ·•y•.

65 THUNDERBIRD llrall(tll rtlck, O 'd.rt''· lour m1i.1•. elf'an. 12996 - 118 coruria. Balboa laland HA 11674.

""'° 19{>1 CHRY8l.ZR 4 door Wlnd·

.or, <It' luxe 1I 1 1utomaUc lrll-n•ml~lllt>n . lh" bl& nrioJl f • &: i-ter. elec wtpe;r1. b&ck· upa. 1...:.d Urea. 111otor am.' t...,._. N-.:11 1 f•nd<!.r. 1hav1 localed •12 &O~ 19~7 llcw\llll •1119 cuh rull price. 124• Balb<.19 Blvd , A 1.t i'I . lfc

· gri.r, 1-~RO . club wQ•n. rordi>­math~. pow•r pac J U ST LlKI: NEW $ISM Har 0079.I 311)40

-19:'.4 PONTIAC, 4-dr . Blar!'hlef

l.'.&lallna. Privat.! party. Lady dH,,en. EVPry fJllr• Lnr1 4· w•y -la. 1-Uwr upnot &100 llC· lual mllff.. Same u new. CO(l UUfl - aaertnc• • t J2694. Harbor J47W 31ik:4J

II CHRYSLER Wlnd9or c ci n . ftf'Uble. '61 i--dr. Mercury. BoUi In load condltion 6 ra· 10nable. 2115 VI• Or\1eto. Har. 17\8. lkto l

l'l:i.:J BUICK SUPER IUVIICRA CPE.. n, · AAH., c:u.tom Interior, S..ultt\IJ red W/blk top. V.ry ah&Fp. Only 11<*1 M.ny otlwr u-i cani to c~ t~ .

TERRY'S BUICK J-·hiriUnrton Be.f".h

~th A W•lnut Lll: ~Ml Open 8unlkJ 10 A.m . ....f, pm

Motor Overhaul B Cyla. (most.I __ ... 88 Eight. ftnoirt I ,_. ___ M .88

NO MONEY DOWN Up to 1:'.I Month• lo Pay

lNt1.UDA lluth l.atlor • Pa.rt.a. N•• rtnp. wrlat ptna. va.I•• IT1nd. lltU..f• of m&IJI and rod ~ ~ mot01" twta-11p. \ or 4000 mll• cuar M~


BUlLT Oil our OWll t•ctul')' ti]' akllle() m~W•t.e. Dorl ' ! oon­\end .tUi th• mldd.l• man. Buy direct..

&HURT , BLOCK FORD 11~) - 1 9460 CHllVROLET 1 IV.61 BU.ICX J IJl.ot PA~ 11 eyl . ) ---'126.00 P\ful.. Dodi"• a Ford I --1100.00 CBRt'9 A O& llOTO _ , uo.oo 8'1'VL>CB•ICICI\ -----IUO.OI at.De. 6 PONTlAC t -'U0.00 ~ ...... ILU8llR. J1 ID,Of H\JU80N C8J Ill Ma.Ina) ..11'6.00

Bk>cll mWll maM our .u.ndartk Ph .. ua-. ,_ir.u ._.., oil

PUJI lPf8TA1LATION Op.. D&llJ I to I lilclnclll,y 'UI 7 p. a

.. _,.~ 12 tft 1


310 I;. 3rd St.. Kl I 1284 LOAN ': ARB - ~"REI: TO\\' lNC

8'T ATll BONDltD

04 VT 14!1 Vi.A LUXURY MOTEL BAY TRAILER SALES Oporto. Har ~I. 311Uc

21112 N• wpert Bl•d_, c-ta Mna I 22 t.'nl ta.•n qu& rrorm•rly Port OtanJ• ornce. P'uml•M>d lncllld.lnt;

Tra.i!er S•!e. 1 Balboa Bay Front T.,.. ·1 • Moortn&" fOT 1a bO&t._ .Sk4l F'um •pt., bacMlor J40 per mo, flwlmrninf pool Room t or ad ·

----- ---- I bdnrl SM i bdrm• Jtlll lO dJUona.l un.11.a. IOH.liy mlLUat·

lJ .. ,JOO

tot PA.." AWERlCAJC 1 T • t I . .Ju- 10th. COUrtl!Q' to broke~• "'1 a l Ne""J!'Ort Harbor Showli hou... trall•r Good condlUon. Ku JJOe, 37cll<l tKr~l~nt n-turn. 1.-,00. 72QI CO&at H11;·y, N •'"' · port Betr.cll. &tp~l I BRA.ND NEW, 4 a pt• , Two 2 Call Uberty 8rM64 or l!'l'nl>IC"I

Bdt. • Two 1 Bd:r. Apt1., OnP I Liberty 1· 70M..

•"'• " -~ ,_, ..... "" E I W St•nley .i1-\\uted to &eat ~ prt•· Ala 1rw:11Vld1.11.1 ar · u •

Rtnlola Wented paUOll , prare.. t ornod air REAL TOR he&t Prif"•• t rom Si<l \g 1 12.~ l~th 1 n<J ltvltl" Ne.,.·p.irt &'•ch

Or. Quality bomH and .U,... rot11M1111,p for parUciW&r ""°' pl•. Pril.'I.'• .tart at 132.000.

Th- U'IP "'u:lumlv1 w1UI B 8, And •• wUI ~ &117

"""' Boy & Bo•ch Riiy., Inc.

REALTORS l8Vll N.wport Bt.d., eo.ta. )Cima

Day or n1c11t phone Ll 1 · 11111 Opof'n Dally unUI 'f pm ....

BAYSHORES I We 11..i apu. &ftG -- ui all

MCUoU for llooU:I .in~ and y ... r'a ~ "'"- or imn­

u you ..... .. YM;&aCJ' ............. untumlabed - 1 ROfUL. I l!l&UI., UerplDc

Tho Voqel Co. 320l w cat. HWJ,. N-port kb

PbutM L.lben.y 8-Ull 10I M&rtna. Bal"'- LlllUO

Pbon• B.anK:w W4 "'87 IL C.t.. HJ~ 0- ,,_,Mar

PllOO& l:iartJor llt,1 Lido Ort~ Mlf Vla Udo ...,_...,,

1700 f'f.wport llJ-.d., Colt.a w-Wberty 9-6&111 tt

FREE!! ( for L!I)' •.canq Lft ~· 00. 1 QUICKLY A.ND EAHLLY

lilMPLt' CA.IL allLD... "I' RLT1

Kl 7-3506 VRLY 2 bdrm turnl•tt.d or un­

rumuhfod. Ore"pl-. &apo..l • p"fe. ~ble. By bvKlnffll woman wtU! I old da.11.f"lller . Call Rar tTt8 '""- Sfttc


your um. and u. ~ o'! • •tamp If you bonemt!J do not have a ,....., ' l"'OW'ld ~l hom• tor A eioupM that wtll .... ,, rood tanant.. 1 Bft or 2 BR In • .pol that rau. too, would INI proud to U•• lnl An lnt&twted T T!ian ..1'1t. Jlica ()..t-t c;o u ii ~r. UUc

L·mo1·ru•."18ft!:D 3 tldrm d\lplex :.. 'w po r 1 H•lr:hte Topaa. 9·.MI~ alll:r t LI 1-1 642. !ftttl

RAT RE.ALTY C'O ~!llfJOty to Loaa porcn. r .A. be&1. f--=I Jard. ------------- 118.400. '6000 dow1I to -

,,,,., Ii: CCMUt Hwy, Corona d• I O EY? I U..bll parlJ. ~lilt Qowst,..... Mar. Harbor 2288. JActO N EEO M N Or. U...a..6721. lat•

] ROOM • bath furn. prlvat,. I W• buy •nd -u ,.Ir« And Sfl:Ond Tru.i. Deed-.

entn.ne4:. llf1'1t hO\IM 11.,.,p!n JI;'. CONSTRUCTION LOAlfS CURT DOSH, Rltr. SultUI• for 1 or l people S..'>:.o Call Mr. Ad&n'la. MORTGAOC mo. utU pd. u WIM. aap~O L..OA.N Dl:PT.

BETWEEN BAY It OCEAN The vocei Co, s201 w. cooun lllr:hw•y. N .11

O.luu t11n •Pl - ulll incl. 1Uto.. ~ - Unerut 1v..U.

$35 MO & UP, SGL LI B-2485

$50 MO & UP, I BDRM LOANS tor Home' DAILY 6 WEEKLY RATES Low ln 20 !'ear t.oan. IGt E. Bay. BallK!e.

H .. "~! Construction Loans BAJ~BOA. tuna. 1...,. I tledrm

apL IJtllltkll paid. C loae to 1hopplns dl.trlcL ba)' 4 pltr. 170 mo.. HAr ll211J. Sic41

CORON A Dl:L WAR Nit~' 2 bdrm. unlurn. laundry . r:•r · .. ,.. 1i,., blk to l>••th • 1lorM. S96 ma. Adulta - N o Jl9l&- lll LarUpur. H•r ~37J


IVA.T"mR rRONT ~UJ tor que.llftad eoupla. Th» la. our ..,...u.1--.t ..... t.o • lt&lft. W• wall: lt '1 ~ UClll&l. 2 bldaoum, tura., per • 00.l. "-hb dlctat• dl'J ell.mate tor own1T. llhown by appoblllnll'll onl7. Hu- ! 421

"''" CORONA DEL M.4.R 2 BR un­

tura ...,.... apL w/~ . l'f-ly decorat.d. Adult.. No p.ta. $8~ ino. owner pay• ru and ., .. l.f'r Har aM3 ~tor ' J

----------n'RN R!udlo 1pt . Oru.n "1""" N.....-port Hir.;lcht.t l .).i mo 1 ·111 pd LI l+lS27 391'41


Corona ca.. Mar l:4artMlt llU RA!p. POlRlER WORTOAO& UJ . M"tro We ln• Vundll KI 7 ·4403


L 1t •P"' 2nd Truat Deed.

WILL MAKE 1:0Ualtrtll loan• lo butld1r1

Pbon• L.l 1-9783 ' ..... l.UAN• 1'0 auu.D. 0&.nW\I&.

BVY, MUD_...., oa ur!H~C.

w. au,, o..da NEWPORT BALBOA llA VO'fOll

a WAN AaHu<..'lA non QM Via Udo Pb. Eilar UDO

"' I ot & 2nd T. D. lo•n•

hrnna &11 ()raQa:• 0>unt1 I'rust Oieedli Bourbt 6 Soh1

Royol Mortgogo Co. Harbor o12l

21W2 Net.-pon Hl l'd Sprt lff-t1

315 Merine Avo. Belboe ltland

Harbo• 1560

amT11lk<l'OA.UT .... """

I BdJ1Qll &ad f&mLtJ' ,,_, t tuD balba. s anpi..o. w /W car­P'Lllll· 112 K1Bp n.o.. u ....... -


4.lo Ptrat. Road. a bdl'lll ~ Pullm..,, Mth, Qnpl-. lty. tnr room ov ... loou t.aut:Ul&I feced yard. ~- 0...­L.l ~ llell

VJJ:W LOT cm -.,- .._ 1111. CoroM Bl....... JU. ... Call OW1llll' Har - · ,..ia

D•n• Point OCttA K VIEW LOT M by 100,

Ll S·S7... a.IAt:

HARBOR BLVD. -C-2 100 JI a7t--C-2 ~ Oil

2 .tzaeU. 0- IA Coal& M-. c. Cd .IQlltM. 1\.lU. u 1-UOl l';V• u 8"1141 ~.40 - - ~

1Jlt0~ A HIGHLA:"08 v L"' ... -lro! R \ m•·n'"f I ~ Ji . 11.. .. 0!i


$1500 DOWN Cl&J.N, WELL KEPT II-bedroom, Hl·both .,.,. .., V1otorla Juot off Harbor Blvd. 4 ~ ~ OI lou tranarenable to quallUed buyer. Month­tr paymen.UI ot $92 include tue9 and tnaurance. 1'lilr flloo .iay $U.IJOO. A MU11T TO SEE!

$1550 DOWN

Irvine T errac,e lo'.' • /

Price Reduc:edl

"Our Repul•lion, Our Succe11"

Ua•..-f !Jllltl.1 for t41f.+y end ... ...,. . . 9 WW. Perlw•'fl • e ~ r,.., e Dtcor.+lv• St~Mt lighting

r • \. • e located lit Collfornlo '• flutt NC~tioMI •rte

e Prlc:ed from .$7000

• .. ;r 1

(All oa- wldcb .,. - spin be ~uJll-catH> • · ':


On lrvlne Avt1 between 20th & 2 Id Sts.


J'\IACUon&I A. ~bta' l MOl'J' I BR batll trl. ~ "'l'ilW tr­•"91'1 w6'4P'f• ~J' an out· •t.amdlAa "°"'' • "'l'alut .

CUSTOM BUILT BMuttnan,- f\lm l .t:Ol'}' born• • ~ •,t(-panot¥llc harbor vleo#. You'll ao.. ltl Priced rlpL liaOWll 11i7 .. L ..





· · · Ul!l'SlDJ!l 'dOSTA MESA. Three-bedroom, l'h llat.h. I.up dotble prap. New ltrMt. curbl,

: :- · ptten and fll'ftfS. Cloee to Catholic School. "C" THOMAS

IJO a 1,U. 8L' --·­Ul-UJt


~ th• ND Yll't"J~ tol u.. 0\.bw- ,.,....., )'°'1 \Ml ...,a haY• a pod C0'1Wt' tot iflrltb lot• of t"OOm tor tM 1Ck1t.. A 4 aR 1 kUt tlapn' Mm• for , U,T:Kl. o .. 7 tllOO dn. IAll ui.n t100

• -· !Ml ~ Qall Lo -ou.r ~ C.M. ••clulft.

B•y & Beech Rlty., Inc. QAL'l'O ...

THE LOCATION ON ORANGE A VENUll:, be· tween 20th &nd 21At Street i:i. Co.ta Mes&, jQlt oU Newport Boulev&Td a.Pd nev all ooavto.iaDce9 lncludinr .choola, churchWi" parochial acboola, ahopptnc. tranaportatJon and, ot eoune, only a )fly ... 1¥ !roll t.b4,beadl-.

UNDEkPB!CED AT $10,950. Ca.11 ua a.nd we . w111 abow-""1- DIXEDIATE POSS~ION. . .

W. A. TOBIAS, Rltr. ~ .i.l!80ClA TES ._'II Uh our friendly .. rv1ee"

Llborty ll-U3t m E. 17th St., Coeta M,..


n• w. 0out ihrJ. u Mm' K-,ort ..... .-


Attn;, Investor$

·--2 Baths DouW. ouac• BwlmnllnrPool

The Mo.t Exquisite Vle'I!' Ln the Harbor Area. cu.tom built. cupeta Ir dnperte. tnchlded.


Corol\a del Mu Otncl IMO & . Ca&at Hwy. Ra a6dl

• • • • 1.·1irn wW tak• moC &a)' dtt.I· '** oonu-..ot • opOon - or

1ma.ll down, INwld new 2 bl!dnn-d4n. madam• fftlp . lmmt'di.t.LI PONMliOIL

s ' ' '

And you .... - tht flnlabecl procloc\ DOW bol•1 abown at Sber"ood ltaocho H~ No. 1, wb\ch la located 011. the north lide ot Brot.d111'ay between Brookburst &nd Euclid AvenQe:I In Anahetm.

. , (- fl-. Thrit\y Dru1 Store) .. .' svDnNOS CALL f,.Iberty S-e975 - HA 5179

R-.1. ntc. llOtP• •dJac.c1t to Tbrltty and Alpb. S.t... Ownu l&YI Mll Al.o hu IWJA tor ad(!"I lncom1 ufilt.. BEE ua

DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marina Ava., Balboa l1land Ha.r 20 or 64

Tu1tln AYt, View Lot - In If you ct.n equal Ull• bar(•ln tor ll&OO cut!. It, blll(;ll .1.1

complt'le shopp!n&

To tee thae models, drive to Wrt&ht Avenue to BrookhUI"lt &nd north to Broadway, rlgbt on Broadway to modela, or take Harbor '°ule­vud to Santa Ana Freeway', tum toward Loa Anplel - t"'1l ltlt on Jtucl1d Avenue and IO\ltb % mile. to Broadw&y, then to modell. WHY WORRY?

SEE YOUR REALTOR 1. Mort than uJuat a Broter'', he la pledged to

&D establlabed code or et.h.lct. . : 2. More than "Jumt a Broker'', he 11 prepand . .. ·

by .t.uC(y and tn.ini111 to give you pro!H1.1onaJ , -~ ~vice.

. . 3. More th&n "Just a Broker", be 11 l)'lllemati-cally advieed on &ll curTent market conditions.

today on OU. o• buy --------------------­,11760. T1rrna.

$7850 Full prlDe lOI' N-port Ht.a col­~L H~ .. - .t I.ho. rue opportunlU... V1ry attracUv• l bedrm oot ia,.., - carpet.

- 1a1. d.J.poMI ud .t.ctric l"Ul.C•· lrnm.ol&t.41 p1111Moo..

Frank ' JerMs; · Rltr. 2"11 &. lTLla IL, M ...

u •-:n~ (Jwit Eaat of Thrifty Dru11J

C&l1 :E~ Hu N«t


Corona del Mar Extro • Extra · Extra

rrrurr tl1'1'11 on rt1arll1t ' bednn MUM Bo. ol Hwy, 2 block• trom n ... 1 beach on C-.L htra abowt'r and ~ rm In Ill¥.... 1 ~UOI. liall1 ll yow- bom• tor U'.&00-

Be1t Buy 1n Town J BEDR..M hou.e cl-OM to •hope

and achoolll on wlda 11.rffl., only 111.~.

What You Want --We HAVE

NEWPORT: W•t Bay Ave, S BR • ""11, l 'Ii Lovely enck>led paUo plt11 olll!ul...:1 double 11•r•&•· Milllonnalr@'• locaUan. Sun deck too. 127.~ J'P Tffm•. Wt" ht.Vt' !tie I •y.

$ $ $ $ Two h111:hway t ronl.a(••. ~ned

tl>I' manuf1cturU1J, purcilued at ulllnc prtot ol H&OO J>f"r • crt mllc• a profltabM 1n­v••tmenl pouib!e of thi.11 i ) ac1~1. tt'rma.

$ ' $ ' Build e WllU on ll:ua cloM lo tn.uporta.Uon .aci •Mpplnf; , 6a :i • UO tor 1'600 ea.ah or .......

' ' . ' GI reMle 4 ~;. lnt.re1t. S bedrm•.

See Ed Merritt, repreael'ltatJve of Walker &nd Ltt aa.lea agent.a. at model.I, Ol' Call htm at Sl:Y· 1tone 3-1002 in Anll.beim-

Anoth1r Georra D. Bw::oola Development 340-l \ 1ia Lido, Suit.ea B Ir. C, l"\ewwrt Beach

Barbor T171 •

1500 Sq. i:t. $1'7:50 - uP


· t~.ewport Harbor Board of Realtors .sount or woHWAT Arti•t'1 Cottege DeU,hU11I 2 bedroom hOm• TINT • CUTe t Bit cosy Uv· plus Ptall 1ncom1. l.&ry• comb. lnr area ..iua /le&rth n: • llvtn1 rm . ... ,. .. Hdw, JN.II- NIW Ulc kn O&rdien hobby

NEWPORT K£10HTS . A two­bedrm chl.rsn1r - •xtra lar11• I 1 v 1 n I room ""Ith fireplace. Ht.rdwood tloora. Iara• double ........ _ Vl'T)' food lot. W'Llh frull 1.-... t.nd flovi·era. ll6-00 down Will bu)' IL hot 1.19 nuw·. Sl ll.~ f"P.

hwd Uoor1. bfft tamll,)' l'Mt(b· borbood. tefteed rear 7ard. _ aewer11 In ari4 palO-


VOGEL VAWES CORONA DEL MAR 1-me - Very llloe 3 bed· rooi:q home and 2 bedroom rar•c• apt. AU aaw la'ndtic&ping and completely painted. Jenellent location. $23.~ .


Multiple Llating Service 401 N. Newp<>rt Blvd., Newport Beach



CX>RONA DEL MAR, So. of Highway , 5 beauti­ful apt.a. Gara1ea. PatJo. Pride ot ownt'rahlp & they wiU pay lbeir own way. Price $67.~ Shown by appt only -


BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor 2M2 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har 4453. or 1862


OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE Dtlue 7 unit.. Scbeduleo. rro• SMOu. ~r yr

- - Out at t~ owner will t&ke 1mall beach cottage · - for equJty. Property In top condition. Full price


::-:: Owner of Bayfront home and deluxe apartment want. 1m1.ller bome in exchange up to $75,000.

. Excellent finaocin1 available. SEE MY AGENT,

The Vogel Co. - Lido Offic:e Ml.I Via Lido, Newport Beach Har f.5>71

DISCRIMINATING BUYER: SEE THIS - Channtnr modern ez.pandable, 2 bedrm and den

b.ome, 21,J: tiled batht, clever kitchen with break-• . - fut area and 11&.u w&ll to ~luded patio.


Room for pool, top Joc.tJon. Beautiful carpet.. and dnpttiea lncluded ln down to earth prke ol $36, 7llO.

EARL W. STANLEY, Rteltor ath u4 Irrine, Newport Beach. Calif.

.. u -- liar 1776

... LIDO

man ran. di.p. kJw tu•. •hop. st r" • 1 e d ,..,., R-2 na11ton1 pa.Lio, priced rilht SIS fM:lO - UOOO ~ah...

16" Nll'...,,ort Hlvd, c.t.. MC'M ll::ii N•w-port Bl"1., CO#ta ....... LI 1·37t:l U 8-6616 U l·lW E'tft. Ll 1-1'00


Ctlolc1 homM, li,orec:ll!Ca. Cor· ona H\fllla.ndt. lrYtoe T1rrac•. Prl« ~uced, aw"Plnl vl­fD.600

AL KURTH. liA.R. 14.JOJ U W Jtlt rltl• ftltr, r..t 1931 271:, E . C:O..t H.11hway H1 U


V•ry cloee to bt'1t be.thin, bearh in lh• are•. J BR honM". full duun& room, hardwood noor•. Ba•l ~•l!y 1 1ood hou.e, but Lt doe• lllld I ft.Cl •ll.tllnf. m:.1t• trn OV.'Urr v~ry .na.iova to ,.u •nd will l•k• • Low down pay· mtllL AUlir.1 ptiC. IJ7,500 -but (IWIW,r Ny• 1ubmLt • IJ Of · r,r•

Boy & Beoch Riiy., Inc. f\EALTOR8

20r.I W. Balbo. Blvd. NpL Sch. Harbor 126' :Ev1•. Ha1·'oor 18.M


I L.UlGlll bdrm. 11.11d thft. C>Ny I )'"r• old oa 7! font IOl with •II impnwern..nt. ln a.nCI p.hl R••r yard feooed. c.. rn r ~Uo CloM W 1boppln.(. vuu price 110,l:MI wtth pymu of only MO per mot1UI J:-J. CLUDlNU TAXES A.ND lN· BUl:.ANCE llnd lntAtt.t of 4 t•~•· &JlcJuav1 wtl.b.,

''C'' ED JONES, Rltr.

liwt Karbw llhlllL Ll l ·NOl JM. LI ......

Beacon Bay JUST LISTIED. 1 BR. 11., ballla.

LJ• t'AOI pt.LIO. N....- ""t.l9r • f'"<C'll. nrlmmtnr Dee.~h. Only 12!i.OOO t•rm•

Lido Isle &.RA.ND NK:W S llR. 3 bi.Ut.&.

Nat. 1'·ood kit Bullt -! n ranl"• • ~•n.. It to '1 loL tM.600 ,._

g h Lathrop :>4!.l.> r. Cout Hwy, Ha.r !i,42


llflc,1 ----------

-Y-ES-- Prescription: ll• TRl'E ~'! You ~•n buy a S or t Bil borne 111 only $~ to 1~11 TOTAL down pay· menl. Incl 1m1»un<11. NO L,llMP PAYMl:NT!I ''' MCI PmU from 13d !iO l<> $9 I 00 incl \.U. • H\L Hu P•''e<.l •t.. publlc ae"·ar1, 2 l"•r J•r•&'"· etc. Kl 6·2060 to• 1nfu1mauon.. l..ol"1lf'd on BABB 1t, at BA· KEH '1, Colla w ....

W. P. CANTRELL, Broker I •Ck"•2



PAINT To tren1ro1 in thll tom tortenle 1 badnn 8.AL.BOA lSLAN' l.I home lnlo "mar••ln• Ct:1Y1r m ele n 1!

['aUJt Ll I f'¥ WIUI p&!1 J)lrUI tl'lm. rlanl the w1n<klw 00• "'llh 1era.ruum• t.n•I ret out y"ur c.olor cun1r1

The ln11d• a a lr•• ·1Y 1ttr1r1lve

------1 e BAY FRONT e l1 r11 livtni" room With bt'a.n1

''I c11t1n11. f l~p!ac-• "'par•l• dLntnl" room .. ..ith P"rt!YlnrlAJ paper a-1nerou• bedrm• • nd 1 delirlltful pal\<:1 wlth bl'lc lt Bf'IQ tor 1ummer l'un Cmn· pl•l•ly rurnlalla<l . .1!4 ,11&0

W. Newport Ocean Front

3 b r, 11 bath. a ttr. turn .. room tor "pa.nm°" - eon"'I', lo wp. 1tud!o apL db 1•r A•klnl' .,.,,..

1 b r'" tum., l\IW appltt.nol•. plulA'r Int.. 10 yr11 old Trrm•


• C 0 R 0 N A. J{lGKLAN'DB

Truly liYMbk 2 81\, :l N ., f'fOOI, tam. rm.. CUI ttnlah !11r rnom t\owNl&ira. hnn. -pln1 view, nn for lr1. pool. OPEN HOU&ll: Wltll:K · ENDS, 424 C.b11llo.

BA 'i&HORU I b r ., 2 be.I.ha, pJ1U"'l'tnclal, W / W carpel. paUo. . Claire Van Horn

UAL TOR 2731 W . Coa.t Hwy. W Mt71 Ca.U ""' U 1-&461 KA Uu..r


' 4 i-Jrm• + dmi + 1 Vl•w Jlv!nr

~m• - ., - ' ... rm. 2 RUTH PARDOLL, Rltr. ball\ Bay Front home • l ASSOClA TES · b«l.rm, l bath Bay view apart· m1nt. _ r t.t]>flU &lid drape. Dorothy Fleoar Luelle Moor• inclu~ _ pr1,,.1• beach _ 603 re1k Ave li!!.lbl>a l •l•n•I pl1r and t11p pr1vUel'la. Thi. (0n1 block Crom t b1 r1rry1 lnu:naeulolte )"Ot.r round home JlarbQr 316T Evh U 8-•411 i. In a.r.oMUent loct.llon In vi:· ----------

clual-v1 e.acon Bay. Hu Cini)' COMFORT & CHARM bl9" by owner•. V.'•ll built horn• Ln lh• E•r· la.GOO term•. ly Coloaial rn•n·

HARBOR INVESTMENT CO HubOr 1800 tvu. Har 2114-J

See This Today FOf' S.W by owner - N1w

China eo.. .WW horn1 • SXQtTiltTE unot.truct.d b • y .ww ~. Locat.ed OA ke)' .t.on1"1 t hrow frorn. U.. IJIOl of upper b&J ar.&. lpa· J bf<droome l '- bat.ha. 13,,MlO doU8 a Jr '*I!t 9'.JM To -.. ~ H.anot 1100

I ltdrsa. I 1-uta, llVft ll't. l--,""'-"="-,.-,,.--,""°,..,.-­SptcUletor'1 Dreams ~. ""· ""-· ....,_ "'" "DON'T "'IVE "P"

N•t 2 lldm • au. oo a w/MJ' ... 1111 m Cllda.r ck!Wta, v "f

- • Vtn eha.rming 1 atory 3 bedrm and den, .1% =:-•ft~ C::O,r:'t~ •,:=;; ~uu:i ,.::or":;"~."::.,: bath bomt. Onl7 l yr old oa atreet to 1treet loL Down! country •n

unw JOU'" tried

Liberty 8-llt2

ner, eJO:pertly planned tor • famJl7 •Ith chlldren. A II th• r-.1ur11 moel •ant«! are walllrlf you Separa!A dUll.A( rm. laundry, farnUy room. bllllt..U. kllchan all dUICn«i for lrusoor-aut· door U-v1ns p.lua 1 ,,..,nn cozy ca rpeted J1-vln1 rm . 3 t.dequ•LI bldrm1, I bath­roorna. • f'H.lly 4MPL& CLOflZT I.PACE. Land· IM:aped '1 ~. o>v.qiald t car 1ara1• l'"CN wW bl proud to 9'lrll W. wel.I loo ~ .... o.17 117,000 wlUI •lflUdns U.t mlrht"IM )'0¥. EXCUllJVS AGENT J'ord V1nin<klr Har-.Or t"3 llc40

~: Bullt-ln,..,... A oven an<1 notun! kltcben cabin- $I O,OOO • '""' ......_. ...... • CORONA · · eta. -ut bar plua dlnin1 room. Partially ,,.... R""" otlond "" •"' MAX W. POPE, Rltr.

NEWPORT HEIGHl'S Special - 3 bedroom, . : 1:1., bathi;, R&nt1I St)'1'- 1 YMr old. Owner built. Heavy 1hake roof. Complelely fenced. Huge rock fireplace. ror* air hl'a.ti. ~ floor.. Natural wood e&blDtta & .,..utsf.0-... Carb. dll­po&al. d111hmuter. Large kitchen with aerv1c& porch. A real buy at $22.:iOO. Tenn•.

G. I. Loan - l year old Modem 3 bedroom, 1 % batha, hardwood floor•. Larae kILcben 6 terv1ce porch Owner will accept ~- down pi.)'IDent. Full price $22.900. 4. 1 :: "C G. I. Loan.

THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E C11t Hv.·y, CQrona de! Mar HA : 174.l HA : 07~7


v v Best Buy Corona deJ Mar JIJST WllTED

\rERY ATTRACTIVE 2 bedrm. home plus large den. picture w\l'l.dows and ~ vttw. built on 40' lot. Carpettd floon, fireplace , 2 nice paved p&lUlfl, dbl. garage. FuJI price $21,500. Only s:;oQ()

dnwn. Owner wUI carry balance. Immediate poe­-ion. Exclusive with ut. Shown by appt.


3«7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona det lta.r Har 47 orrice located next door to Ne-wport Harbor Bank, Cdld..

RIGHT LOCATION - RIGHT PRICE You will be proud of the add~ on Orchid Ave, So of the Hwy. You'll like the a.rrangeneut ol the houa, wtth 2 nlOI btdnM,. ~rm. and 2, • tarp kitchen with lnMfUt a.ook ad • MT"Yiea poreb. The larp livina na with ftnfl A JI. din. ....,., wUl add I<> 10\ll' P*- 9'- • 46 It lot, clooe"to evcrytblnc. Wo hlvi tM II.,-. $26.500. good ........

R. L STRICKLER, Realtor. 3622 E. Gout H"l', Corona dol Mu, Hu :rl7'

conNd mouth patio; ~· double prace st~ I V•c&nt '° 11 lOO duplex Iota ==· }~aotowt~ ~~ ''°'Harbor eo.tA !'~-u~ HIGHLANDS plua a Ool\N"e r«!oUn( Jc>r '4$ _, " CANTON QUAl'lTduil' ~ I bed- ~WPORT HCIGJ.n'll

• • fM.IZDd Moey. Aaking Ml-*- $10,000 wUl ,.,mv. 1 p.e.. IMl1----------- room•. 1'( 1>attli1. r11msit11 &I! TIJBTIN. 3 bl-droom., 1\t. FOR IAU: Oil 11µ.DE.

~:~:· budlt.. mil )'01Jr down. a BDl\N, -~ 6 I• .....,,., 11 BALBOA ISLAND room and bar, 2000 IC! ft on balfu, wall-to-'lll"•ll drJl't'ttl'I(, monlhl wet. .i ..... t.llra. _....., BT OWNER. tum houee • 2 kv•i. for f.ltmMl prt11aty dr9pn. t'lll,.. laJ·p paUO,

llvDJLE DA VY, Realtor & Associates Petitte & A11ociete1 • cwtt• 11'1. 110.160 - SlW rum , ...... ,.•Pl. OPl:N HuuM' 8e1t'TI• Yifow or hills 1nd l'Omp.IWll) f~netd ....... tr.'

Im V1a Oporto H&rbor 54-ie Evea U ~297 Opp. 11.&.hr"'• Mrll;L U I-Mil w- LI a-Tl32. 17~1 call U t-71M 39«1 0wn .. r sstfc etc Ubf"rty 11 -Ttllll tOtrr

1 'aedtnt<C»o "*" ta Whit. tltr, r \11 l y earptUd and ds:aptd.. Le• NmJIU' rm. a t:a r (&rap. llO • 1~ I\ lot With p&nm·amlr v14w 0 K r 0 R D 411 .94 ~Tr42

,,,,, 1 "- 2llt Harbor Bh•d .• t..l 1-0DU dn. - SM It-. t..-, c-ta 8-t • 8un 217 Apol•n• or J ~n f'lt,."l-00. Call Har 100t ••ay 1 .. rm1 10 t111"hl p1t1.y,



• bhl ... ' 1810' " ~r)rNIC1 'lll'!.'\!!!' j;·~· -... ~ ""-. tfli!llllg·'f.ll'nil-IMI ~- ... -ON UDO tSLE JAY FRONT • ••ot: a · \ o~ '"*"' - ript oe 1111 qui.. 11o,. ..... - -mr-. -Uq. l'llb­lal. - """ .. the elU pmtlopL l'la, ,... """ - ha ,,... tile loddlor .. 1'P lo s-t ~ ud pudpL Wt 1ia .. the koey. l'ull l'licl -OOQ - )armO. ,.

GRACIOUS UDO HOME : :·. ' 0. olmoit , lotll, - ' !up ......... -!up It.lo(-. 2 ... -. ~· ----~::..: • bath. '3.llOO IDdadlar _,..... .... ,,, ~::: Vuy attncttve term&. ' " • ·~:


v' . ....

··:. . . .

.Seven lslan~s Realty .I lnYestmeht Co. LIDO NORTH BA YFRONT A tniJy 1orseouo. new home, - 4 -.... • : • batluo pl .. powder ........ 2 _,_, ""'II· range, 2....., dlohwuber, ..._a.II- ffbliw· ·

DACH .... OliA ... ,....., . WI' .... w . ......, ot ~--......... Ii t111 •4ip1.-·• 2 .. N- __ a' M II • Oddltll ta. la -- • ,M,U;J II 8ocw9 • Wood ddlDs _. - • t,000 .. ft, lolJ • Roel' . - . .,.. ... _·~I 1 ,

.t.l'fl)'1'Blli 9- V. JlllNBAm. .U.SX Bl'lil'T


• ~P.UPJ,l:X. -..ii. .,.., OCJt., loc., J - u4 )' .... la..:... -"it. Ni0el110n>.. - pa11o,.--. ..... 2 ..,. ...... . - --at•eoo.-

' PDllNllVU 2 BDIUf 6 de bom• on Bel ... -ft.Mat, 1'4 l>otbo. ~ .. patio.

°""'1·~ - at us.eoo,-. PD11N8UL4 I BDlllf -· !lnplue 6 patio . .• - - urupl - · Ollo of 't11• bolt .am.~• ".PoPoot" at Slt,l!OO. '6000 down.


No. 1 - I 81\ )Mae wttll 1 BR apt .. over 2 car ,.,...._ Good miter at Slll.000. &d tenu.

No. I L<a I&~ pluo 1lochWr apt.. Scar 1u­{p. lWtWoek•to ll01 beocli ne.llOO. wma. No. I - 1 UMlft OD :maa B&y Ave., turn., btst Nnt.t ..... U.. ID.-. ret> the other two. Priced

.... 11,000 --. ... -

BALBOA REALTY CO. (Oppoo!M "*" of America )

TOO S. 1llJbo&-. - Bar S271 .._ G....,. J_,i,Jne Webb F.d Lee

NOT $15,000!

NOT $12,0001

ONLY SlOSJ)! LoYely a.bedroom Home in WNt~ Cot:ta ...._ Redecorated aU pink &r.a wh.itt, and f~h u .tick e&Ddy. 3 y.ra The lot Ls 70' x

. 110', wttll l*JI; dader4»ock wall. You'U Like the · D91shbon ; and tt'• near the complete Vista

&bopplna, too. Drive by 2120 CONTINEN­TAL. We U n the key.

ONLY Sl0,!500, with f',,~ Loan and Excellt:nt -FISHER & COMPANY

B/-8 tJOQ

OPEN HOUSE iAT • IUlf i .. ... _

• OOW'l.ft ....... ~ l"'lll. ;uef'O' .. U. llup MauW\!JIJ p&uted , ao l.n Uepil'l( • kb u.. cbanft 0(

W. compqt I Mdr. I M. Bec:'-4 ~ Drpa. 8 1·11 ' Jt-.1 plQw . ... kit. ~ -BA.LBQA. JNOOKa rtlRK. l ·l lldrma. .. 1 JN;rm. Tep "-""" tal ......._ D L ~ t..o:r, Jtm.. CW Par'8. H_,. a.,,. A Ocean Pt,000.

- "°"" COST.A M&8A. IPllC1A.L a Bdrma. f'pl Hdw. rlGon. l.,,p. LIYIJ!c Ra. Qtt&. h&ced, 12' J"TOll.lqe. &x1nlAs t '1' 1tt TD, Arraqe 2114.

COM Pi.rn: Jll:NTA..l. 8ERVJCE

Bey & Btech Rlty., Inc. I I

. 1460 w..i 8&lbM B!Td. Ru MU Ku. IPtJ &.•

BALBOA PICNlNSIJLA ~ _ _, Al\-2 BaUI ..-. • RiMm-n,.... plae6-w;. ~ - _,. l!IUUt-IA f • tm. wttll "411'7· UW1.1 tw pod HVln&'. Oolce loc&Uon saa..eoo. Tenna.

2-Bll FunL1lbed. b. o m • - F'l1'1-~ rfllctd pallo.

Onl)' J ll.e.GO Ellmllmt T9rma

CORONA DEL llAJ\ Oat.a 1-BR... boa.. - NorUa ol fDr"tniraf a- tor addtl:Sooal unil In front.


VACANT LAND 51.000 to J l,000,000

LoU :-RM1denual - ml.l!Uple eommercie.I - 1ubdJvi.&on

l.Adu.tr1a.J - 1'ann.t Ranct>e9 8H WI for ll\tonnallon I


Rt'TH JA T"RltD Rt'•ltor \(lldf'Pod R l (lfll It l!l\"11'1• Thomp..on

Auoctate• :\0 1 F: Biibo• Blvd BA.lbns

H•r 2&.-.8 or •"IO!l


)IOI Newport. Bh'd .. Npt. BMcb Har «29 !Day or N1tt)

Jo'odern l ~rm. 2 be.lla mammoth llv1n1 ruon1. \Oo'lth

uled bnck rtrepl. 1' A healln• Llutrh kllch"'n •••1lh bullt-lruo I •n•('k 0..r and dLt1.,ll• Lee dble f•r&«" and .. rv1.,. rooum I l:v~ d•t enjoym•nl In Ull1 lh••ble r•mlly borne on th" w• tertront . Only 534.l'JOO owner wlll eon1lder tnideii


RuUc Balboa Potat Home with chamin1 living room, ...U lo wall corpetJnc and upanolvo med trick ftrepl&ce llL&b9' home a pleuure. Tbe UUle: lad.:1 wm love tta ftl'Y attn.con and lfftdent kJtcbm wtth the' alee built-in featurH. TIM encloeect paUo • ao: e111ble to the llving room IUld ....,.. --.... bJ 1arp olldmc clw doon Thil top quality bome bu atrt.ed double (l.r·

... ucl ...,...i. -- yud. ¥ab th.lo • ..,.

.. IM:8eo • ..... lee" marhled &t lm.750. - ,., oalT $0.000 _.._ saown ,alcht or day.

P~~~ JONES Reeltv al W, -. a., DU or .)Jar M20

pyPle~ ...!... Coron.a .del -Mer · PRJDI: or ow:tb:R.smP

2 ~ oo a """ 6 ~. all mCJdelon con"ftllienCfle. 2--.-.-1a·-·-· - polio, - °"1 ll1.....U.

EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J.6tli ...,. J..-, 1'8wport -u- Rarl>or 1776


1~ W S..lbo& Blvd~ Har .5118

Sacrifice Sale IM"PftOVrD BU81NE.88

PROPERTY i..o<'• tlld °"

Placentia at 19th St. 1 Block from New City Hall

and Civic Center in COST A. MESA

Price Dnulka.Jly r«tuclld to

$20,500 IP' SQt..D THl8 WEEK'

tff Octalla, 1:911 CKAllLIB B. RJ!T)(lEJl Qwn41r

~: 11.A.ftxw 111• ~p: t.Jl:le.rt)' 8-117M

IRVINE TERRACE C 0 L 0 R r U L OOnVm porary

2 bdrm.I. 22' convertible o1.en . I MU., titoM n~ •lidlrlJ: llul cloon i...d to attr-.cttv• ,.u.. Butlt~n kllchen. J90 dtMI............ WW Carpo'UTl,I ,., dra,__ Ul .:.00 rall Mr nr .,.,..._ MrKH1a.. Herbo'.tl' O~ er H erbrir ,5.441 &fk-40

425 Tustin - NewPf>rl Heights OPEN MOST AFTE~ONS

Dllflhllul 2 bed.,_ .. bot.II , ..... -ltii "'~ '"'°"'and batll orlltudlo over tile bil 2 car garage. - tk>orw, beautiful - rib • ~­fut area - Dtntna: area - comer tlreplace, and a. woa.derfUI .W. ot the ocean from the rrtudio. A value at $1~.960. \


218 Via Udo Noni Tb.ta bOUle bu ner,tti.iD.s rlq\llred bl a. water­fr<Hrt bome ; a-., apudablo lo 5, ample batlle &11 over the place, S car IU'C• - room under 1»-tio - OH! eo many storage ·~ Big 80 foot lot and priced a t $130,000 with tertn1.

HARBOR HIGHLANDS We have 2 very tine value. In 3 bedroom 1 ~" bath homee. The.e are very de.1irahle and should be lt't'n to appreciate.


1930 Vivian Lane; a blc 4 bedroom 2 1h hol!MI wilh diabwuher. rarpeta, ~d drape# @ $24,500 l".H.A. terma.

COSTA MESA · 369 - 20th St.; a real comfy 2 bedroom cottage pric~ right O $9,500.


2191 Run.I Lant , 3 bedroom in new home con­dition. Sll,2:5() - .. ume $8.000 G.I.

While cruising around. dr1vt by 401 Kinp Pl.ace lnQ.if! Haven - Real comly 3 bedroom 1 .1,



703 St. Jame. Place . another cha.mtine: 3 bed­room, Price' Call lUI, and be pleaaantly aurpri.aed.

DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "At the Bridg-e to l~ido !ale··

l..afayf'tlP At 32nci ~t HA 4718

NEAR BEACH :-;"e11r new fum111.hf'd hr•u~ 2 bloc ka from beach nn R·2 lot with room to build unit for good rf'nlal Attn.ct1vf' httle kitchen 11.·1th bre&kraat area S9950 Ft:LL PRICE

LOVELY TO LOOK AT 6 new 2 bedroom unit.I!. Modi>rn kitchen with Aerv1ce bar. D1n1n1it a~a. lar~e living room 6 garag1•s. l..e.nrl11c11.f*1I F:xccllrnt f1n&nr1ng All rentf'd with $.5.".i20 11.nnual 1nrome. $46.000 F'U1..L PRICE.

Out.atanding Bac k Day V1f'w lot - 75 X 125 -u.50() Full Price.

THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd., CMIR Mesa I~ T 8-5596

Evf'l'I. Har 34~. Har ~714

BALBOA ISLAND WHAT COULD YOU OFFER YOUR FAMJI~Y lhat wou ld ~jve them moN' happ1nE'M than 11

home on Ba.Jboa Ialanri ' Thia chann. 4·bdrm horn,. 1a romplt'tt in f'v<'ry detail Lota of clOM'l8, large patio, dbl. garllfll(t. 2 bath11. be11.ut. fumtflhe<l, x.ln't location. LRt 1u1 11how 1t lo you today $34.!IOO.

NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A •t., Balboa lal&nd Ha.rbor 50:l

BALBOA ISLAND . Stop looking for & rental ! Ideal vacation aet-up. Keep one unit and eecond for income. 2 bed· room• t!&eh . Euy to buy al $26.~.

EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor 225 Mar1nt' Av~ .. &lboa 111land, Har J77~


- lllJUIOR 11eo

BALBOA INCOME I rl.IMdatlad UnJt&. N-1,y d«.or­

at.d. Qaoke ttntal •""'- 1 9i1L to lleachft. 8 '-• "tlolqer thUI 11 <r. net aJlowlnf for )(sr. A aJI operaUnc ~· Look thla over now tor 'Nne­ftt Ill Sutllmer ~ OWller trqd to a.r. x u.t . u. W1 11 take Jlalb. Vaeut. 11·1 or C o Jn m.. ln tn.Ge. AaktailC Pf.600. Sublntt On. Paym.

HARBOR BLVD. C-2 MX:..SO. J'rontl.&• on 2 81"91-.

Good I Bdr. Hou. on Blvd , can be oonverte4 to otncn. ~ lnffltm. Owner mo.tAc t.o I",._ .uk1n1 lt0,000. Submit


......., family ............ - 10. 30 ........ and lddo' ....... Ca,,,.ted and ...... ocaped. Built by~ D. ~ (eo 10".Pc!w the ey .... ppeal and quallt1). ec,.ap._n at "7,DOO.

p.' a, palmer incofporated ole henson conu>11•Y management

3377 via lido harbor 1500

PRELUDE TO SPRING SwimmlnJ Pool - Troplul Yud

s.e tblo outot1mla1 I beolnn 2 both .- rucb R-4 BLG. ~ors with w uutu1 ..... uv1ng l'OOID .... -. pot1o

W , Stet. eomer, 80xl3t. J3t60 and pool WW earpeta A. dnpee incl. in tbla low 11110\ $3000 .Pn. low price - only $MOO down.

E . Side - t6x173 for '3900

~ !::,:'°, ~'· '""••• """ WILL EXCHANGE FOR INCOME PRqPERTY wtth 51300 Dn.. Pier l.Dd Slip Prtvilep

I HOME WITH POOL Ell<:tl. E . IOc. 3 B<tr .. 2

BaUu, Baaut. ~- A truly btlaut. born.. l 2"7 .600. 8ub.ml1 ln. &hown by appt.


4 A880CtA TE8 Mii Cenl'r 8t., COii• Meea

O.y1 LI 8-4911 EvH. HA r>m-w

LOTS OF LOTS O+:-.n l"ront oear N-port P11r, R-4 11Gn41. 11 •. 600 HUR­RY.

V11w, '\ 1cni Bay Bay JIO.~

tll '• ill 100 Balboa Blvd., R -3 koom t or I unlta J Z:.,000. 11nr Hay.Beach.

72" BIC'k S.y corn-er. ltl900

2 edj<llnln1 loU, Balboa Blv<I fl..J Both f<Jf 117 .600

R ' lnt eppn:ni: 10 x 400, Sant11 Ana Ave. Co+1ta ~(tu. ft~~


l~ \\. Relboe. Blvrl Her :.11111

NEAR BAY & OCEAN 1 h<lrm •l11cro. f1rt'plac• h,1 .. ,1

:i • ..-. •• "''II' ( lo~d pill" ' c•r •II:" It fh.klr ll'nl pl•\r<lOrt• On RJ JOI C'lll bulld 2 "'()~ unlt• Only 1 17 :IOI) volth 1.5.000 down

2 t>olrm It l hdrrn rluplo•ll ,.. ... Lu'lo •h"pp1nr c~nly 11 .'I 7~

I HOM~~ •• ~.\;f AFER 106 Mi F'eddf'n J>la•"'

1•t r- .. -..,porl P1er1 Har 110 enytlmt


Nrwport. :l INKlrm boe•ch rot· TllR"ll' 18001'1

I•11plex 2 • l betlrrn 116.7:!>0 N'wl"'' I Illa 3 bednn 2 b11.lh11

11:..1100 H11rbor lf1i;hl•nd1 3 b«lnn

J '• helha. hwrt fir• 111.11:-.0 fl.a• k 8'.y 8-uty 12tl,:.OO (.'()ela Me,.. :l b«lrrn. ~ 11: llKI

Int 1112!'.IO

N.B.C. REALTY ~2nd It N-f><'l•I Alv'1 I

..,~port e.. .. rh It.or 110~.

~Ytl LI "·0112


POSSESSION 3 or • BR bcim"' p••td lln"l!tl . pub.lie ..,....t'ni, auto­wutwr <'1)Tl~tione. :a car 1• · n.111' ONL V I Z.'\O dmo""ll pml. Incl lmpounde. N o t!Otl!TlJ' coat.a. JM.60 to 191 00 Mo pmte. Incl lax ind h1• LClcet.-d on BA~ 8T al B•k · <"r 81 C1>11t 1 M<"M Kl O,.:l(lf-0

for 1n rnrm•llon

W. P. CANTREl~T •. Rroker

Lovely 3 bedrm 2 bath hotnf', atn lee Uvinc rm with mammoth f irepl, built-in oven. and nup. Only $3<,!IOO.

BUSINESS PROPERTY PLUS DUPLEX COAST IIlGHW A Y LOCATION IN NEWPORT BEACH. Lot me 85 x !06, dLady d"!>le& 6 ..... bldg, uktng $3.'i,000 with Sl.;5.000 down. Submit all often.


C·2 ':: acre on Nt'Wport Blvd., with good bome. A aleeper.-a.t only Slt.500 te:rma.

-A.UIO-C-2 corner property with houe Oil COUC. Hicla­way, I block lo beoclt. AUiftc P.i,IOO - mob offer.

JACK BRENNAN, REAL TPR Newport Office . . . . "At TBZ All.Cll!Z 3320 Hi- way LI 8-7773 Coeta. Meaa Office - bl-tween Tustin and Irvine 432 E. J7tb St. ...... U 8-7783

CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 bedrm11, 11 ., baths on la.l"&"e lot. unot.t.ruct.ed oc.·ean Vl('\~I H. .... ·d fln. FA. fully rurnJ&bed, ... ::.. •. rarJ)f'ling and drapea incl. 520 0. Anza. Corm.a :; Jllghla.nd11 - ·•

PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW ·=: 42'4 De Sola A F1.1her built home. 3 bedrma, • plua d1n1ng room a.nd dert. 2 fireplacee, built.-tn . 7 atovt' and d1ah.,.,·a.aher, hwd !Ira, FA., WW ca..rpet- ·; 1ng a.nd drapes. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUN·. IJA Y

BACK BAY SPECIAL F'~ht'r built borne with vlrw a! Back Bly. 3 l.iedMIUI, ll~ bath•, hwd tlra, J'A... PLUS a Play llou.e.' OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. m~ Tuetin

W. E. FISHER & Associates GORDON W Al.KER. MG!l ...

302-4 Coast Hwy., Coron.a del Harbor aoJi . E\•eii. Hubor 24.20-W


Four l bedrm &pt.A, and one :l bedrm apt. Com­pletely furnJahed. Good !S':\ f in1ncdn1. Owner wtD coftaider trade Orange Cou.Dt1 for part pQ1!Mllt. Full price $75.000.

Office Space Availa ble Lido Shopping ~­l!lultahle for profeuion.a.I type otnce or ma.a.utae­larera rep~ntatives. el.c.


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