Vietnalllese Invade Ca - City of Newport Beach


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Transcript of Vietnalllese Invade Ca - City of Newport Beach



Orange Coast ..

Di•e-a-Llne B~rgcdns Toda11


·1 I


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Mangers Raps Brown's 'Band-Aid' Fund By JACKIE HYMAN

Ol I._ Dally "llol $1•11

Three Orange Coast as · sem blymcn said Friday they will probably back Governor Brown's request for S27 million for the sta l e h ospital sys t em. but criti c ized his handling of the hospital cris is.

" Frankly. I deeply rc!>enl the fact that he's now mo\•ing from hospital lo hos pital applying thi:. money like Band-Aids when he

wns glveh ample warning 11ome t ime ago that we were in serious trouble at these insti~utlons ... sa id Dennis Mangers, D Huntington Beach.

" He cut budget,,s tor them then. Now that the placits ar• In abflolute crisis he's tryrng to app­ly the money that applied earlier would have prevented cuts in i.ta rr." he said.

" l don't think we have any choice but to support the addi· tional funds a t this time . ··

M ungerli addect. noting that the improvements could lead to re· certi fi cation of some of the hospitals by the federal govern m ent

Four of t hem. inc lud ing Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa . Wl're decertified last sum· m er and have been losing Sl.5 milli on in federal funds per month.

" I also fran k Iv think it 's an ex · ample of totally inept leadership of the Department of llealth."

Mangers said. " l will continue to cull on the top l\dministraUon of that department to resign and make way for better m anagers."

Assemblyman Ron Cordova, D· El Toro, said he hasn't seen the fiscal analysis and need s tudy yet and so can only com· ment generally .

" I ' m aware of the c ritical in· adequacy in many of our stale hospitals and Ir the S27 million is appropriate and suffic ient, then I

certnlnly will vole for It." he uJd.

'' Pouring in more money may be the solution or it may not be s uffici e nt, " Cordova said . " Perhaps more money is needed but administrative changes may be necessary.

" It would be fooli sh to pump more money Into a system that has proven to be inadequate. We may need a systems change as well as more money.··

Che t Wray, D·Garden Grove,

Vietnalllese Invade Ca Second Stop

Carter Heading For Iran Visit WA RSA\\'. l'olancl ( 1\ (> I

Presidl'nl Curll'r hC'ads for Iran today i.<·t·ond on h1 :-. s ix· nation foreign tour · <efl l'r cap· ping his f1r:-.t i. tall' v1..,1l tu a Com munisl c111mlr~ "1th .in <·xchan~e nf toai.ts ''1th his Pnl1i.h host~ .

C:1 rl l'r "ill be m<•t·l111g in Tehnrn with lhl' Shah of Iran .

I ll'adl•r 111 orw of lh1· \\orld ".,


largl''>I 1111 prndunn g nat111n'>. t11 <11 ... eu.;:- 1.·m·rgy problt•m., 1 ll' and lhl· sh;1h also \\ l'ft' \•\ l>t.•<·h·!I lo t;1kt• lip llll' l.tlt•St ;\l11ldl1• r:ast de 't•lopmcnt.;. hdore l'arll'r 's Nl'\\ Y l'a r ·s Day ml'eling an Tchrun "ith King I lu:-.sein of J

The president is expected to de.cidc todav whether he wall in · elude a brw·r mcctin~ with Egyp· t ia n Prl•sult•nl Anwar Sadat in his trip Carl l'!" said Friday ht• was <'<>ns1dt•ring a stopovt>r in Egypt "halt• 1•n route to ~·ranee Wedn<.•:-.tla\ ;1ftt•r <i mt•t•l1ng Y.1th Kin g Kh :;ll•rl 111 Saudi Arabia Ttfe~da~

Cartl'r . oflt•nn.i:: a l<•a"-l at a lansh st .ill' d1111wr 1-'rul:I\· night .it I lw 171 h c·l'nl 111'\ \\'ar <.,a \\ p.d:1tt'. 'aul hl' bc•la:\ t•d l'oland and lh1· So\ l<'l l ' n1011 "ould launeh a \\ar onl\ unclt•r " lh t.> most profound provotulion or m is unrlt'rs l and lll J.! · ·

As for t hl' l '111tt•d Slalt•i.. he

Suspicions Confirmed;

Firm Robbed E mployl•es of the Southwest

Savings & Loan 111 Ruena Park told police they were s uspicious of a man \\ ho came into their building at least l wice laht \\eek yet transacted no bus iness.

Their ::.uspi cions were con­firm ed Friday , The man robbed a teller of $500.

Police said the robber. dressed in a blue nylon windbrea ker. blue jeans and a while s uilor hat:­f e ig ne d h avi n g a g un and c laimed to be holding the firm 's m a na ~er h os t age o utsid l' somewhere

The manaJ(e r actually was away from the building . but in no danger, police said. The robber had apparently s tudied his com· mgs and goings .



SUN BOWL Cflannel 2. 10:30 a .m .

Stanford vs. LSU

PEACH BOWL Chennet 13, Noon

lowaSU.t&v~. N.C. State

EAST·W£ST QAMI Ch•nnel11, 1 p.m.

BLUEBONNET IOWL Ch•nnel 5• 5 p.m.

Tau A&M vs . USC

sa id . " We also want peace and woul d never s tart a war , except hy mistakr. when we didn 't un· dersta nd the motives a nd al· 11tudes and desire for peace on th<• part of our potenllal ad· 'l'rsarit•s."

To:1slinS! his host, Polish Com· mun isl Parl\ l<'adl'r Eciward (; tt•rc>k . Carll;r said his \'ls1l to \\',1r<.,aw ;1 c·11 \' rt'huilt from lhl' a:-.hl'!. of Worlci \\':1r II <·on 'llH'l.'d him Poland and lht' SO\ ll't l ' n 1011 havt' s uff t>rcd so dC'C'pl_v rrom war lhl'v Y.Otlld never star t one on their O~\ n.

" /\!though we belong to dif forc nl military a lliances, our hunf(er for peace is the same.· · Carter said.

(; it' r ck. in hi s rep ly. said Poland "spares no effort lo con· .,olidate the process of dctente and makt' it irrevers ible. for de ll'nlc 1s the only alte rnative ··

Driving to the banquet. tht• Ca rtt•r motorcade pas sed I hrou gh about 100 dissidents gat hcr<'d outside lhe palace j!al<'s on a cold and nainy night. The dl• mon:-.trators ehantcd in Pohsh " C;irtcr. Carter. save us.• us ..

In his toast, howcv<'r. Carter praised the Polish record of " a d eep commitme nt to hu man riJlhls, a belief in the value of human freedo m a nd human hf(' ...

A White I louse official said Polis h police dispersed the de· mons lrators. There were no re­ports of violence or a r rests.

The only m ajor flap in the crowded Carter schedule came T hursday ni~hl when a U.S. in· l e rp retcr provided a n erratic :ind s lightly comi c t ranslation m· to P olish of Carte r 's arri va l s tatement

The tran s l ation bro u g ht snickers from some Poles and led to the replacement of his Ameri can translator . But at the dinner, the Polish s ubs titute himselr stepped aside in the mid die of Carte r 's toast and another Polish trans lator stepped into the breach.

HBMan Hurt As Train Hits Pickup Truck

A driver wbose pickup truck c r ac ked throu gh the wooden warning gate at a Huntington Beach intersection railroad crossing watched helpless ly Fri · day from inside as a fre ight train smashed into him.

The slow·movlng train struck squarely into the driver's side of the truck where Steve Orton, 22. of 4$32 Minuet Drive, Huntington Beach, watched it come toward him.

Orton and the truck were pushed 150 feel down the tracks. near Warner Av~nue and Gothard.Street. before the train ti~h\e~ was able lo bring the freiabt to a stop.

Huntington Beach paramedics treated Orton for chest and in· tunal injuries and transported hlm to Huntington Intercom· rnunlty H<;llP.ltal, where today he wall r~~ ln •table condiUon.

Flremen 1aid Orton wu allUng s tunned but cor)tclous ln his truck Wt\tft they arrived.

The tsvck wu destroyed In the 3:'30 p'.m . accldenl. rlremen aald.


• Dlllty~ ... ,....-.

ASA SURF CONTEST WINDS UP IN HUNTINGTON DESPITE SMALL WAVES Fountain Valley Student Henry Noppenburger Takea Sixth Piece In Men's Class

Surfing Classic Ended Wast Competitors Among Top Ten in Finals

By RAY ESTRADA OllN Delly Piiot 51•11

Sea l Beach r eside nt Sue Co llins. 20. rode two-to four. foot wavl's to take lop honors in the women's compct1t1on at the three -day American Surfing As socialion. which ended Friday at the Huntin~ton Bl'ach Municipal Pier

lluntangton Beach Jligh School s tudent Vince Hoerner . 18. took fourth pl ace: Fountain Valley High School s tudent Henry Nop· penbur~er . 16. sixth and Newport Har bor llig h Schoo l st udent Dave Snyder 10th lo top Orange Coast male surfers

Other Orange Coast women who placed high inc luded Fran· cene Hill. 17, of Huntington Beac h , se cond ; S hirlen e Dia m ond . 31 . of Dana P oint . fourth ; Kathy Wilson. £ifth, and .Ju lie Johnson . eighth . both Orange Coast College coeds: and Melissa Morris. 17, of Mission Vi ejo. loth

Pmient Man Auuits Turn, Robs Clerk

A gunman who waited his turn jn the checkstand Hne Friday robbed a Placentla Bargain Basket market c lerk of $500 and eluded a countywide a lert tor his arres t .

A description of the bandit and an accomplice who drove a black and while Ply mouth Valiant getaway car was broadcast to county police: .

lr\•lne pollce patrollit\g in an unm erked car thou1bt 1hey'd 6potted the suspect car and chased il at 90 mlle' per hour a long the Sall Diego Fteew1y, stopplnii lt at M6ultoJ\ Parkway.

A quick lnsptctlon • bowed they'd captured the wron1 men, however, and the driver was cit· ed for recklel$S .drlvlna, police sald.

San Diego resid ent Bolton Colburn, 21, a University of California s tudent . took top honors in the male fina ls.

Some 106 s urfers braved s t ead y rain and ocean te rn· peratures in the low 60s during the first two days of the contest .

Competitors from the West . East and GuU coasts, southern states and Hawa ii r eacted dif. ferently to the unusual condl· lions. wruch included mediocre waves.

" The Hawaiians thought the water was cold ; the East Coast s urfers thought it was too chop· py : and the Gulf Coas t com·

petitors said these were their kJnd or waves," said Hayden Kramer, contes t publicity of· ficial.

The final heats were warmed by bright s unshine and blue skies but m arred by a s trong northerly wind.

Near the end or the women 's finals. an unannounced contes· t pnt - believed to be a seal cam e ashore near the pier.

Contest officials s aw the sea animal's presence as a good om en . The creature sniffed at the crowd or about 200 a nd joined the fe male surfers in the water a few moments after coming ashore.

Newark Hotel Fire Claims Three Lives

NEWARK, N.J . <APl - Three persons were killed Friday night when fire destroyed a hotel hous· ing about 150 people, many or them elder ly.

Fire director John Caulfield said six persons were taken to SL. James Hospital with minor in· j uries.

The blaze destroyed the 60· year·old Hotel L-.cerne on Broad Street. Newark·s main s treet.


Fire officials said most residenl!i of tbe four.story, block·long hotel were evacuated.

One of the dead persons was brought down from the second floor of the ruined building. Two others were pinned under debris on the third floor, and officials said they would wail until Satur· day morning to remove them.

The dead persons were not identified.

Caulfleld said that when he reached the site. " P eople were already out standing on the other aide of the street. There wasn't anypanlc."

Bricks fell from the building as about 50 nremen hosed down the stlll·bumlng inner s t ructure. The Ore, which was re ported at about 7 lf.m., was under control within 2~hours.

0/fk:ials said they did not know tbe causeoflbe fire.

Fire Chief Thomas Leonard saJd, "Due to the weakened con· d1Uoo ol tbe buUdlne and poor ac­ceaa, U 11 probably be dayU1ht before we c:an do a thorough ln· Vfftl1aUon.''

said he has s pent some lime at Fairvi&W observing lts pro· gram~.

" We've cot a lot of problems that need to be worked out," he s aid. ''Some of them can be worked out with money and some of them are policy decisions .

" In the Costa Mesa hospital, I think they·ve made better starts than anywhere else In the state. I ' m impressed with Frank

CSee 1'1ANGERS, Page A: l

dia Frontier Clashes Increase

DANG KOK. Thailand (AP I · Ca mbodia broke diplom ats lies today with neighboring Vietnam. accus ing its fe llow Communist gove rnm ent of m ountin g a m assive invas ion of Cambodia a nd plotting to topple the Phnom P enh i;:ovemment.

Cambodian Presirll'nl Khieu Samphan. in a 46- minutc speech carried b~· Radio Phnom Penh and monitored here. s aid Viel· nam wus trying to " to make Ca mbodia a member of the Viet · n a m ·dom an atcd Uni on of In ­dochin a."

The President said Vietnam mounted a la rge·scale invasion into Cambodia last September. inc luding severa l divi sions • backed by hundreds of t anks and aircraft. He c lai m ed the in · vaders burned villages, raped women and ca rri ed out air s trikes against civilians.

Radio Phnom Penh. the offici al voice o f Ca mbodi a. sa id diplom atic re lations would not be res tored until Vietnamese forces withdraw from Cam bodi an ter · ritory.

It said Vietnamese diplomats have been ordered lo leave Cam· bodia by J an. 7 and s aid a ir links between the two countries would be severed .

The broadcast was the first of· fi cial admission of clashes along the Vietnamese-Cambodian fron· lie r . Fighting involving heavy artille ry, aircraft and s izable troop units had been reported ea rlier in December by sources in Bangkok and Washington.

Official Vie tnamese rad io broad casts. also monitored in Bangkok, rema ined s ilent on Saturday's Cambodian move

The Cambodian broadcast in · e luded a review of the conflict b~· President Khieu Samphan and a foreign ministry 'Statement that said :

'' The gove rnm e nt of Democratic Cambodia decides to t emporarily sever diplomatic re-1 a ti o n s with the Soc i a l i s t Republic of Vietnam as or 31 December 1977 until the ag· g r essor forces of the SRV withdraw rrom the sacr ed ter · ritory of Democratic Cambodia a nd until th e friend l y at · mos phere between the countriei; is restored . ..

The broadcast la s hed out agains t what i l ca ll e d the

(Stt BATTLE, Page A2l


Weather Considerable c loudiness

throu g h Sunda y with chance of showers tonight continuing through Sun . d ay. Lows tonight 52 to 57. H ighs in mid 60s.

INSIDE TODAY You hovit heard that people

talk to planti, but dtd you know that plants talk back? For a le&IOl'l inf k)rc language. see Page AB.

•••ex C-• All ,,,..,,., .. bS,1 0-ffl.- CM4 ~ •••• C.k• At MKll c.- •• Matil•ll ,. ..... OMMnN At Tt1..,tai.. .. ........... Al ,,.... ....

~ "-t/OtNN ... Trhlll .. _... A\1 "~~ .... .., ·~ ..


llou ... e llu11ti11g ...... 1111. .1 ·' t•.1r 11ld ~11ephl'rd-l'oll1e, would like to !>tart the 11i·\\ .\t·:1r oll •>II 1111: nght paw. You c:an help him have a 11.tPP' Ill'\\ , ·va1· h.v {':tlling the llunlington Beach 1111 m:in1.· ~11e H·t'. 5:Hi-8:iHU, and adopting him. lle's h1111 1 l>n1k1 11 111\1·:-. 1\1<1 ... . ind \\ould make a good watch dni.:

OCTC to Celebrate First Anniversary

I h t' 0 r .1 11 g l' l o u n l \ 'lr:ins port.il1on Commission. tht• tl1•dgl111g ll'\ tl'\\ :.ii.:t·n(·y loc<1l of I 11· 1.ds \H'rt·n ' t s un· tlwy wantl•d or m•cd1.·t.1. m;irks its lir!>t IJ1rlh day\\ 1th the l!J7A nl'W Yl'i:ll" .

J\n<l 1l 1<; <lur mg l!fl~ lhal Com rn1ss1on Chairman ,\I llollinden believe::. tht• 1nf•1nl agency will · become thl' m.1JOr forcl· 1n I r.1n s porlat1on lur the cornrni.! .Vl'ar and for all~ t·.ir~ to toml'. ··

I lol lin<lL·n. "ho also sl' rVl'S us an Or,ingt• Count\ Transit 01., tnct d11"l·t·tur .. ncl .1 Fountain Valle~ c1ly t•flunt·llman, ucl m ilted hl' was ~l..l'fllll' al when lht' comm 1s::.wn wa:-. t·n·at 1•d by ::.Lat e lt·g1sl.1t 111n

Thal lq .:1slat111n c1 l'alrd a com m 1s.,111n for Orange. Lns Angeles . H1\'l' rl>1de <1nd San lk rnardino l·o11nL1Ni and g;n,. the com · m1 :-.s 1on., S\\l·l·p111g review .1uthorit1es O\ll'r 101.·al transit and mad bwlding- pro1t•cts.

.. I t.m a great believer in 1l now. · llollinden l'ontrnued ' I think 1t has a 11n1fy1ng capah1hty for the whole count~ ·

Commissioner Halph Clark. who serves as a coun t y s upervisor and ai. OCTD bonrd chairman. sa id that while tht> «omm1sswn d1cln t ha\e a greal cit-al uf impact during its f1r!il yea r of operation. its impal't s hould inC'rcase in 1!)78.

· · 1 think aflt•r 1t gcts in gear and gels going 11 will ha,·e a pro­f ou n cl dfccl nn thl' entire tr:.insportalmn rlnnmng pi cture for the county. ·· Cla rk said.

llolhndcn sn id that before thl' romm1ss1on · s creation . lransporlalion planning ror Ora n g<' County was " ver y fraitment<'<l ··

lie said 'arious city represen tat1ves and various legislators would present local proposals in Sacramento without the backing nf a unified Orange County voice.


DAILY PILOT Ttw>l>•~ (l'lll\I 0 .41IW' Pttol -~'"..,.ch•\COl"t"I C•ntd ' "" """'"'" p,"'. \. "tiubt ~ tw tf'Wt Or.,. Coe'' P\fbl•"'~ Cnrno•"f !.tottat•.OUIOM •• euoflt twd Mor'WJ., f tM ou')r\ ,,'dot., for Co\I•

~~ v~r1:~'!,~::~· \;.~"J;~~ ~~~:-=-l•(IUn• A"Mft Sftutft (0.4'1 A 1 tf'M1tflfltOIO~ltoa. uon 1, o\ll>'•'-"'.,d \•tVl'd••' ,p\(j 511"""'"' ''"" Oftft<'OAI t>Ubh\P11nq ol•nt I\ M •no Wt\t tit'IY ~rHt CMl• ,_ .. ,. C•Ufotflll• 'ttlt . .... ,. ......

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TMrMi• Mv,..~M M•"•O•""O IOttor

CM,.., M 1.- lllCM"' I' N•U A\\tttartt M•"tCl·"'t(OOOM.

omc .. (e\I•~• lJl)W<>lllov\l,.>t "'"""" ...... ,, .. o._,.,.,...., """11-h•c• ,,.,s...__..,.,_

\.MditWtll: V•l~w )UOt l .t 11., ,_,,.,.. •I"" O•- ,.,...,.y Telepllon• (714)M2-4Ut

C11ulfled Adnrtltlng '4Me71 ~-Veltoy-Ol!a

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~·--·~°'·-°""""~"~ 540-1220

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· ·We now speak as the coordinated voice for the coun­ty." llolli nden said.

The commission 's impact will become even g reater under new legislation governing use of state highway dollars, Hollinden said.

That legislation permits the local commissions to develop their own priorities for s ub­mission to a new Ca lifornia Transportation Comm ission.

Local projects can't be chopped from that list without a hearing. Hollinden s aid. and :o. tatc authorities can add no local projetts unless they arc s ub­mitted by commissioners.

A m11nJ,! hi Ith· priority projects on Hollinden 's IJ ,;;t arc l•xtension 11f the Corona del l\t a r Freeway. 1mprov1ng the Newport-Santa 1\na Freeway interchange, possi ­ble extens ion of the Orange Frc·eway and improving the San­ta Ana l''re<•way.

lie also called for improving freeway overpasses in many of the c1til'S, as well as s treet-level mil road crossings.

The commission's budget for 1977-78 is S871,000, about hair of which is earmarked for a coun­tyw1de transportation study ex­amining movement by road, rail and air.

Other funds will be spent for transportation planning that in most cases would have been un­dertaken by lhe five-county Southern California Association of Governments, had the new comm iss i on nol existed , Hollinden said .

Honey 'Cure' For Hanguver

TULSA, Okla. CAP> - Don't believe those s tories thal lhere is no cure for a hangover. an Arkansas man says.

The answer. says Joe Parkhill of Eureka Springs, is honey-six teaspoons every 20 minutes .

Parkhill. in Tulsa promoting his book. ''The Wonderful World of Honey,'' says other liquids won •t work. "Give a drunk coffee a nd you have a drunk full of cof­fee. But give him honey if you want to sober him."

Frottt Page Al

MANGERS. • • Crinella' s programs. " Dr. Crlnella ls the hospital's ex· ecutive director, havlDJ taken over that job last s ummer.

"One ol the problems in our area 11 that personnel are hard to keep," Wray said. He cited ap.. provingly plBM to bu\ld loW·COlt housing for hospital employees.

Fairview'• abau or the hospital ful\dl would amount to about $4 mllJJon. It would add moro than 300 employeu and provide eome salary Increases. additional \ralnlnc and up1raded· equipment.


Talla Break Ott

No End Viewed In Coal Strike WASHINGTON (AP> -

Thousands of Unit ed Mine Workers members are heading into 1978 with no end in sl~ht to their 26-day nationwide strike.

Negotiations on a new contract broke off oo Friday when coal ln· dustry operators w:ilked out or the talks and officwls said they didn' t know when the next dis­c ussions might be he ld. One source said the hdks were "in very bad shape."

ll was the third time the talks have broken orr since they began in October. Each side is blaming the olher.

ll appeared to be up to feder:il mediators to call both sides back to lhl' bargaining table. but 1l was not known when the call might go out.

Meanwhile, about 100 UMW min1.•rs picketing outside a non­union mine m•ar Norton, Va., were arrested 1-'rid;,iv, but lutcr wt•n• relc<tscd pending court ht•o.1rings.

In a separate incident, 17 miner~ were arrested less than a m tit• away after a rock was thrown through the windshield of a non -union coal truck as it p:issed in a heavily guarded con· \'O\'

The union has been trying throughout its strike to hamper t he production of non-union coal.

The UMW strike began when its old contract with th e Bituminous Coal Operators As­soc iation expired at midnight Dec. 6. It is the union's 10th strike ~ince 1937.

UMW President Arnold Miller ~aid coal operators walked out of

From Page Al

BATTLE •.. " ferocious a nd barbarous ag ­gression" against Cambodia and " the innocent Cambodian peo· pie ... It also ~poke of the " un­friendly attitude and ill-will " of the Vietnamese governmcnl which in 1977 withdrew its am­bass ador from Phnom P enh "without cause · ·

Fighting along the 750-mile border is ~licved concentrated around and inside the so-called Parrot's Beak of Cambodia. a tongue of rice-rich land that juts into Vietnam. The heart of the Parrot's Beak, scene of a con­troversial American military thrust in 1970 during the In­dochina War. is about 75 miles from the Cambodian capital and 65 mi Jes west of Saigon.

A n info r med source in B:ingkok said today it is believed Vietnamese forces m oved into the Parrot's Beak during the final days of the Indochina War <.ind remain lodged there.

The sources in Washington and Dangkok es timated that the fighting could be al the regimen ­tal level or higher. In American l<'rms, a regimcrll is about 2,000 soldit•rs. ·

Sources in Bangkok say the V1etn<1mese arc using U.S.-m adc . warplanes and other equipment captured from American-backed South Vietnamese forces when the Saigon governm e nt surren· de red.

On e of the Bangkok sources said casualties on both s ides "ap­pear to have been s ubstantial, .. and fi~hting has taken place on both s ides of the frontier.

'Lost' Viejo Skiier Returns During Hunt

SOUTllLAKETAHOE (AP) ­A large scale search for a mis­s ing skier from E l Toro was called off Friday when the youth appeared at his parents' vaca· lion cabin in a taxi.

Richard Olson, 17, was r eport­ed m isslng at noon Thursday w hen he became separated from his two brothers In the Heavenly Valley ski resort parking lot.

A SO-man posse, including men from the U.S. Forest Service, lhe Douglas Co unty, Nevada she riff 's department a nd Heavenly Valley Skl Patrol , looked for Olson.

The youth reportedly fou nd re· fuge al a hotel in Gardnerville, Nev.. after he was unable to reach his parents' cabin at south Lake Tahoe, He took a cab to the cabin Friday morning.

Headlights ,

Said Illegal WASHINGTON (AP ) - The

Transportation Department said Friday it Intends to halt the saJe In this country or lmp0rted motor vehicle headlamps which are too bright and do not have sealed beatns.

The department sat d Uiese headllahts art llle1al in the Unlt· ed States and warned it will t.e_ke legal •diCl'ft agalnat vtotatora, who cu.,. nned uP to $800.000.

the talks Friday afternoon ofter rejecting a union bargaining pro­posal without discussion.

Saying he was "saddened and discouraged" at what he called callous behavior by the Industry. he said, ''The assoclallon un· deresllmates the s trength and courage of the members . . . The operators may be able to walk out of the negotiations. But they can't walk away from their res ponsibilities to hundreds of thousands of mine workers and their families .

"It m ny be a tough New Year - but the UMWA will prevail," Miller said.

The industry, in a statement of its own, said the union had begun to back away from previous ten­tutive agreements in the talks.

"Unless the union can come to a position where it is willing to stick with the hard decisions ncccss;irv to achieve labor stability, lhcre cannot be a s uc­ces!>ful resol ution of these negotiations . The BCOA bas made such decis ions for its side and stands by them.

It was the third brc•ak-off In the talks . Thl' la:.t timc it happened . Thanksgiving week. federal m ediators took charge.

Bargainers had been near an agreement several days ago on a complex " labor stability" agree­ment designed to cut down on wildcat strikes and make deplet· ed health and pension funds more solvent.

But no agreement could be reached on a key industry pro­posa I to require tha t miners participating in wildcat strikes reimburse the benefit funds. The funds normally get money from the industry on the basis of coal mined and hours worked .

Industry sources said lhe new union proposals on Friday con­tained a formal rejection of this "pay-back" plan, and this was partially responsible for the walk -out. The union said its pro­posa ls were " lo continue health and pen11ion benefits for over 800,000 miners and dependents.··

Deputies Nab Laguna Man In Drug Bust

A 64-year -old Laguna Beach m a n was a rrested Friday by Orange County sheriff' s deputies who said they seized nearly 200 capsules of the drug Quaalude al hjs residence. 1370 Glenneyre St.

Quaalude is a trade name for the drug melhaqualonc. a white crystalline powder used as a sedative ("downer") or hyp· notic.

Charged with s ale s of dangerous drugs was Robert ''Doc" Burrows. Deputies said Burrows was arrested at h is house after und ercover in · vesligalors purchased a small quantity of the drug.

Burrows apparently was re­leased on his own recognizan fo ll owing the a rrest; Orange Cou nty jail officia ls reported having no record of hi s in­carceration.

Pair Injured hi Anaheim Station Fire

A service station owner and an Anaheim fireman were injured Friday in a fire that destroyed half the station for an estimated $25,000 loss.

Anaheim firemen said the Stand ard Chevron s lalion owner. 24-year-old Ed Monsour, had bee n working with a n attendant on a car in the service bay.

Gasoline splashed onto a drop light the men were working by ; the heal of the light ignited the gas in a flash fire . Burning gasoline spilled onto Monsour ·s legs. He suffered third degree burns. The attendant was unin­jured.

While fighting the fire which destroyed three cars a nd half the building, foreman R ay Galaz fell

. and injured a knee.

Best Wishes: That's Class

Special New Year's ereetlngs to all Or~ee Coast residents are f eaturcd In the class tried section of today's Daily Piiot.

Area real estate brokers, automollve dealers , restaurant a nd retail shop owners end many other Orange Coast firms ex· press In Individual areetlng ca rds their own s pecial ~w Year's wish.

Be s ure to look in today's clasalfled section for tbe many &peclal New Year's areeUn1s on pages Cl through CS.

........ -----------~---~ -

COSTA MESA KIDS DIG CHRISTMAS VACATION Chrissie Jones. 7, Left, Mark Mccardle, 8; Joey Napoli , 7.

Mesa Kids Proud Of Yule Project

By MICHAEL PASK EVICll OI Tiie o.11, r t ... Stall

··we have been working on a hole for 13 days,·· the letter reads.

"And we would like it if you cam e and take a look al our hole. And we would like it very much ir yo u would put us in the newspaper. LOVE, JOEY AND !\t ARK! "

Well. who could resist? J oey Napoli. 7, and 8-year-old

Mark Mccardle have been turn­ing turf in the back yard of Joey's Costa Mesa home throughout much of their Christmas vaca­tion. Mark's mom says their pro· ject is a pcrfecl example of "what to do when there's nothing to do.··

But Joey and Mark have a definite goal in mind. No. they don 'l want lo find ancient Indian artifacts or s hovel their way through a waler main.

They simply want to dig a hole deep enough lo hide Joey, who stands about 50 inches high (give

or lake a foot >. And t hl'y're get ­ting pretty close.

The recenL rain s torm has slowed progress on the hole. which is being dug near a cement wall in the Napoh's yard at 2974 Ceylon Drive.

But the r ains have been u blessing an disguise. turning lhe dirt into clay-Like mud that is easier to work with Joey and Mark have been g('tting help from their 7-year-old playmate. Chrissie Jones. who lives down the street.

The hole has become a hit in the s mall area of Mesa Verde and friends and parents like to d rop by and see how its coming

" a long. And none of the parents seem to mind the project. even t hough Joey admits " its kind of a messy hobby."

The hole should be deep e nough for Joey lo disappear by the end of the weekend . Then Joey und Mark will go back to school , doubtless hoping that som eone asks them how they s pent their vacation .

Dialysis Pioneer

Dr. Earl Newhart Dies in Newport

Dr. Earl E. Newhart, a Costa Mesa physician k'l'lown for sta rt· ing the nation 's first com munity h ospital dialysi s t r ea tment center for kidney patients. died Friday in his Newport Beach home. Hewas60.

Dr. Newhart, him self a dialysis patient, was a general practitioner in Costa Mesa for Lhe past seven years . He specialized in kidney treatm ent.

He previousl y practiced medicine in Pasadena . where he began a dial ysis treatment center at the Pasadena Com ­munity Hospital in 1968. It was the first community center of its

Judge Cancels 24-lwur-long 'Escape' Party

Orange Coast res idents plan­ning to attend a 24-hour New Year's Eve p a rty at Escape Country today and Sunday will be turned away, an Ora nge Coun­·ty Sheriff's spokesman said Fri· day .

The event was scheduled to take place at 21272 Plano Trabuco in Trabuco Canyon.

The spok~man said Superior Court Judge Frank Domenlchini Issued an injunction against tbe event because it viola ted county zoning regulations.

The Sheriff's Department and the county Environmental Managemeht Agency sought the injunction aaalnst Radng World, sponsor of the event scheduled to begin today.

" We're concerned about peo­ple driving all the way up there lor nothin1. •• the spolceaman aal<t. "The sherifr1 de partment will be up there today to e nforce the lnjuncUon."

Sherlft'a officers expect a large turnout. ciUnc advence Ucket aalee ror lh• e~ent. •.

kind in the country. (Dialys is is a mechanical elimination of im· purities from the blood during kidney fa ilure. )

Dr. Nelson ~gan the first such treatment center in the Orange County area, at the WeH Anaheim Community llospital. in 1970, when he moved from Pasadena.

He is s urvived by his wife. Ruth , and daughter. Jeanne. of Newport Beach ; two sons. David - of San Gabriel and Paul - of Sa n Clemente; parents. John and Anna Newhart - of Laguna Niguel ; a brother, Robert, of the Philippine Islands: two sisteri.. Ruther Klotzbach o f South Laguna and Ann<• Nordstrom of Laguna .~ i gue l ; and th r ee g r a nd children .

Services will he held Wednes­day al 1 p.m . Pacific View Memorial Park Mortuar v chapel. The Rev. Joe Aldrich and Col. Ridgely Ryan will officiate. Funeral arrangements by Bell Bro ~1dwny Mortuary. Costa Mesa .

Th e family rcquC'filS memorial donations to the Artificial Kidney Foundation.

Ford Recalls 46,000 Autos

WASllINGTON CAP> - Two se parate re ca ll s of Ford automobales and liAht trucks were · announced Friday by the Nat fonnl Hi~hway Traffic Safety Administration.

Involved a re approximately 40,000 l!m·model a utos and light truck s with a steering defect. and about 6,000 1978-model Ford Fiealas wllb improperly located resistor wires on the air condi­tioner.

Tho safety agency said tho steering defect is a potential pro­blem on 1977 Mav~rick, Comet. Granada and Monarch cars and

• 1977· model F-100, 150, 250 and 350 llght trucks equlpped w•th manual steering.


The Hunt is Over Border Guard Ends 27-year Career

By ANNF. COOPER OI tM D•lly ~- llatl

A lelcv1slon crew filmi ng a feature on illegal a liens recently tagged a long us two U S. Border

\ Patrol agents searched an area o f back countr y near Sa n Clemente known to be a popula r rendezvous for Mexica n nu · t ionals .

One of the patrolmen was Alex J a nlck1 , patrol agentin charge of the San Clem<'nte checkpoint

The t wo stalked the fi e lds, flus hing out droves of people When Janicki declared the hunt over, the patrolmen had to r adio for additional vehicles to carry all the "1llt•J!al!. " back to head quarters.

" Jlow Jong hm c you been doing that :'" Mr:: Janicki asked her husband when he arrived home that night. She hud seen him on the evening news .

" T"' enty-six ~cars as long as I 've worked for th<' Border Putrol." ht' re1>h C'd

" ll 's a gond thing 1 d1dn ' t know what you were doing, " she said . " I would havC' bt•en sean'<l to dt•ath "

Janicki. 5ti. will retire Sunrlay after nearly :io.} c<irs of patrolling the U .!:> . bord ers in Texas, Fl orida, New York and California

" You l'an never ll't prople M'e that you·n, ufra1d , .. he s aid . " You arc often outnumhcred and you know t he p(.•ople you ' ve t:<iu,::ht could takt• orr

" When snml' gu~ say:.. to me. ·1 l':rn't hang on lo all of them , l ... av that mav ht• truc• but !>IX of thc•m arc- i.:~ing to h;1,·c holes 1n their h1dt.·~ from mv gun , 1f they try to run ·

Desp1tc• Janil'k1 's tough talk. h<' said"<' has never u~ed his gun in 27 )'Cars \\'1th the Border

Seniors' Program Nearing

A ken agt• mothers ' crnll•r ma y st'l'nl an unlikely pla<'C to find senior t·1tm:ns gathered for legal counsehn!;! or g roup dis· cuss ions.

Bul San Juan Capistr ano's recreation d1rel'lor 1s hoping the f aci litv v.111 he t ea ming '>'1th elder!;· <'II\ n·" ulents "hen a local senior t'llllt'n program i~ born Jan !I

" Our trnnmun1t' ha'> rlosc to 25 pcrcl·nt :-c•mor c·1t1lens." Tom Ba kc•r s aul " \\·t·· , c• got lo rec·· ogn1lC' that :tJ.:l' group and s tart providing adiv1t1c·:-. for them."

Thl' program. wh1t'h will be ll)cated ~11 ;u;!171 Spring St.. wi ll fC'aturt• :itl1v1t1cs geared to sl'niors from 2 to s p.m . Monduys th rough F'ridays

"Wl''re ,::01ng lo try to dn some of th ings lhl'y \\ant to do," Oak er L'Xpla1nccl " Wc•' r e forming a sr1.ior s comm1tlce because we want In hl' ar about what kinds of programs they ~ould like as the c·cntl•rcvohcs"

J\11phcat1ons for m(•mhership on thL' <'omm1llel' are being ae· c<. ptL•d ;it clly offices. 32400 P asco Adelanto. until Jan. 10.

Tht> committee will be a n im­portant .,tcp 1n plannin,:: for the senior~· new fac1httes in the old H ot Spr1n~s Da n ce H all, sehedulc·d to open next July. he sai<l

" Thl' C'lt' has received over 580.000 in ~rants to re'\i}mp the dun<'l' hall ftlcilily for seniors' ac­l 1v1l!es ... Baker said .

/\c·t 1v1t ies that will b£• o ffered inil ia II:. .include g uest s peakers on topic s ran g ing from trunsportation to San Juan's h is· t or:.·, blood pressure testing, ex· ert·i se classes a nd g roup dis· c uss ions

Baker said l ht• ne(•d for senior c itizen reC'rcation activities and socia l SPn ice proi:tram!i was em· ph asized h:.· a committee. which initially mapped the future of San Juan's recreat ion progra m m ore than two y<•ars a~o .


Earlier thl.!f month the FBI re­leased more tha7' f0.000 pages of in· /orma11on about tht oa· · aauintlhon o/ thu American pre11dcnc. Can 11ou name him' Do you know tehich U.S. pre· .sident •tarted th e Social Stcurit11 pro· gram? Which


l'utrol and on ly three limes has he struck anybody

" And one of those was a U.S. e1tizcn, ·· he said.

.Janicki 's putrol career was launched in a tiny Texus town on the Rio Grande, \\here a "big catch " amounted to rounding up two or three Mexicans a week. after thC'y had crossed the border without bolherini:: with formalities

From Texas ht· \\C•nt to Miami. Fla .. in tht• early 1960s Three 11mes President Kenn ed ,· de putized border patrolmen 'to be U.S. marshals, J amcki amoni:: them .

" I was there when the flr~t black man e ntered the Univers1

t y or Mississippi and when blacks boycotted buses in l\lontgomery, Ala . " he 1>ald.

" Wh e n a tlighjacker s hang ha ied an American plane In 1962. I became the second U.S. s ky mars hal.·· said J a nicki.

llis biggest frustration in run · ning the San Cle m ente patrol sta­t ion has .been operating the checkpoint on the San Diego Freeway, j ust south or the city .

The cheekpoint ties up a t least :-ix agents. he said . The job of tracking down smuggling opera­tions a nd e mployers who ma ke them prontuble doesn 't gel the manpower it deserves when the checkpoint 1s in operation , said Janic ki.

This may change in the near future , as Congress has approved a s ig nfi cant increase in the number of agenlb.

"Now that I' m retiring, they approv(' the additional men I needed," he said ruc•fully. Sm ugglin~ of illegal al iens is a

much more 1>ophisticated busi· ness than it was 27 yt'ars ago, Janicki said .

Legis lation proposed by Presi ­dent Carter. which would grant u mnesty to some who ha ve en t crcd the country illegally. has had a n impact on the people ap­pre hended by the Border Patrol.

"Now the first thing they tell us 1~ that they have been in the country five years," he said .

With the mounting concern among American citizens that peopl<' who have e ntered the l'OUntry illegally are t aking away Jobs and drawi n g Oil tax ­~u pportcd benefi ts. J a~k i said he 1s g lad to hang up his badge .

" We've been a tight group. and l ' ll m iss the people." he said. " But I'm looking torward lo do­ing some:: fishing ··

Revised Proposal

Lockheed Strikers To Take New Vote

LOS ANGELES (A P 1 Only two da \ s after Lockheed ·s last of fer WUS \'Olt.'<i down, negolialQrS tor 9.000 striking machinists in Souther n Califor nia a~reed late Friday to s ubmit a rt•\'1sed pro· 110:-. ~11 to a new \ 'Oll'

l' al Ziska . chief s pokes man for the union, s aid th<' nc.'W prnposal "contains slight mod1fil'at1ons. and we think il "s \\Orth culling a not her \'otc · ·

The rntc will he held Tucsdav at IA:\1 halls in Burb<ink and Palmdale. where the Lock heed facilities arc locatt•d . The union h;is been on s~nke since Oct 10.

" This time there will bl' no speeches and no rhetoric ... said Ziska, who s pent 85 minutes hefore \\'edncsday's vote oullin · ing th(' offer a nd urging that it he rejected.

Howc,·t'1-, Ziska would not say whet her the union 's nc~otialors would recommend acceptance or r ej ection of the new packa~e.

The decision to submit the new proposal to a vote came only one dav after 5.000 Lockheed workers in ·Georgia, South Carolina. Mis· sissippi and Wes t Virgini a voted. lo accept a si milar paet. Last mont h, some 5.000 strikers al Lockheed 's Missi ll's and Space. Di-.·lsion in Sunnyvale, near San Franc isco. l'C'turned to work despite objections by the union's international headquarters.

Onl y t he 9,000 m achinists in Southern California remain on s trike against t he aerospace comp any, which produces the

Jan. 3 Set

For Hearing

In HB Slaying Christopher J oseph Kops, 24, of

Par a mount will appear at a Jan. 13 West Orange County Court hearing tb determine if he will "I a nd trial on murde r charges stemming from the Dec. 11 drug· related s laying of a Jluntlngton Beach man.

Huntington Beach police ar· r ested Kops Dec. 16 and charged h im with the s hoot.Ing death or Gt'rald Be rnan1 Dietz, 32. or 16881 N~wland St.

Dietz d ied while clutching a bag of cocaine , a ccording to police Sgt. Luis Ochoa.

The dying man was flrst found by a six-year -old neighbor boy who was io a nother room In Dleti' a partment when an ar1u. menl began and severa l shots were flttd, police said.

LlOl 1 commercial jetliner and antisubmarine planes for the Navy .

Both side5 were reported near agrt'emt>nt on a 13 percent pay pach1~e. but were at odds over a ('Ompany proposal to <'hange job :-t•niority <1nd t ransfer pronsion~ or the pre\ IOUS contract. The pre· ~t·nt a\'erage wage for lA~I mt·mbcrs hc•re is 'S7 32 an hour

Molly Dies Despite Vse Of Pacemaker

ANCHORAGE. Alaska <AP) Four-year-old Molly was flown

t ,000 m iles from he r hom e al a remote village on the Bering Sea for the delicate operation to in· sta ll n heart pacemaker in her chest.

But just five hours a fter the surgery. the Siberian husky sled dog w<'nl into cardi ac arrest and died Friday.

Molly was "a sweet dog . a n excellent s led dog, " said Dr John Thomas. the veterinarian who headed the three-surgeon team that perforl'\'led the opera· ti on

Molly belonged to J o hn Dclodcr, a Bureau of Indian Af­fairs teacher at the v illage of T ununak nea r Tetolin Str ait on the Bering Sea. He took her to a veterinarian when he noticed s he had s lowed down, s us pecting a simple case of worms.

Dul the examination s howed th a t a heart block had slowed her heartbeat to ha tr its normal pace.

She was flown to Anchorage for insta ll atio n of the $1.700 pacemaker. donated by a med ical supply house. which would h ave in creased h e r heartbeat from 40 beats a m inute t o its normal 80 beats a minute. But, Thom as said, her heart ap­p a re ntly was not strong e nough to take the tiny packet a nd atten· d a n t wires.

Molly went Into cardiac arrest just be fore the operation began. As one doctor massaged the hu s ky 's h ea rt . a n other scrambled through rus h ·h our traffic to pick up a defibrllla tor. a dC!vice that uses elecldj: shocks lo iCl a palient's heart beating again.

•'They don't know it's for a dog, .. he aaid as he rus hed back t o the ofllcc from M nearby hospital. ''I Juat grabbed it and told them I had a patient ln ar· rtst,"

NF'L team Ht o new r rd for ocitro.U d#fmue thi. 11«0r" Th t '• 01' n Jo11oblt wv to tt# uour kltl:lr\llf4d0f oboclt tlwtf and Oflwr Ctmtftt • · •

Ocho1 said the slaylnii 1ppears to b drug. related because ~tveral ouncei:; ol cocaine and weighing scales wore found in the dead man's apartment.

Af\er stveraJ shocks from the deflbrUlotor, Molly's heart re· 1umed beating and the doctors ' work bfgen In cam st . But about nve hourK later, Molly's h"eart ex· perlC!nctd rapld . 1rresular gpn1m s of lh heart mu c1cs and lllhtdled

11'1 coJlcd theQUIZ,ond if oppmrtGft Jl'G{lt A 1 o/ t°*W'f Dau., PUot . KOP,S remains ln· Or&u1~ Coun·

ly Ja1l ln lieu or $2!0,000 ball.

.. . '\ ..... ... _ -

Saturday. December JI 1977 DAii. y PILOT A3


Hydrologlc Technician Jack J anssen of U.S. Geologlcal Survey Team

Rain 'Surveyors' BUsy Technicians Measure Southland Storm Results

By JERRY CLAUSEN Ol 1..,. 0.lly Pilot Sl•ll

Wet. muddy technician!> , burde ned by heavy equipment. arc slipping along rock trails and dangling from cables over rain· swollen streams in an all-out cf fort lo m easure the results of this week 's,c;torm!> The~°"e memhers of a Laguna

N1guel -ba~t·d l ' S Geological Survey ~ubd1stnct charged "'Ith gathering !>ln•am depth and water vc•lo<'itv ~I at1sttes in

Sout hern Caltforn1a. Excitement gcneral(·d by the

ambitious task per meates the grou p's headquarters on the fifth floor of the mostly vacant Zig­gu rat which houses fC'der;.il agcn l'ies in lhe south county .

M o n d a y . l h e d a y a r t t• r Chr is tmas, wa:-. u govt•rnment holiday, says Darwin Knochen mus. subdis trict ('h1(•f. Without being l'alle<l to work . five t l'chni ci ans raced into the field to begin measuring water in the strea ms

Tht'y wen• followed into the mountains and valleys on TUl's day by 11 other tt'chnicians

"The place looks em ply now." says Knochenmus . wavi ng a hand around the office complex t hat contains the largest federal oqrnnizallon housed in the c·on tro\'('rsial Ziggurat

A year ago, Knoehrnmu~ wus doing similar "'ork in Ohio. A slower pace followc•d prec1p1ta­t io n t hCl'l'. he sa)'S

"Out hc•re hN:au~c· wt•'r<' working in u !'>Cmtand r t>g1on runoff happt-ns too ra1mlly You don ' t have t ime to gel out there and make meusuf'ements," he says

" Baek then· . the.· h1gh· water condition wi ll la1ol over two or three days. In Ca lifornia, the r unoff may he over in a few hou rs . Timing is critical out here ."

So. while 1l rains. the water re· sources division people of the Geological Survey make hay or at least measurements.

Basically, says Knochenmus.

Visitation Set

On 2 Days for Percy Pellett

Visitation has been set for Sun· day evening and Monda y for fri ends wishing- to pay tht•ir las t r espects to Newport Reac h 's re· tired ussjstant fire chief. Percy Pe llett.

He died Thurs day at the age of 80.

Officials at the Smith Tuthill Lam b Westcliff Chupcl , 427 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. said hours for visitation will be from S to 9 p. m . Sunday a nd from 9 a .m . to 5 p.m . on Monday

Funeral services will be con­ducted Tuesday at 10 a. m . at the m ortuary and at l p .m . at Chnst Churc h by the Sea. 1400 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa.

Mr . P e llett h ad lived in Newport Beach since 1929. He originally joined the fire depart­m e nt as a volu ntee r , l a t e r becoming a reguJar fire man. In 1942, he was n._med assistant chief, a PoSt h<' occupied until his retirement in 1961

Irvine Engineer

Named to Panel David Hansbrough , a n Irvine

enalneer. has been appointed a membe r of t h at ci t y'• trontpotUUon commission.

Hansbroueh succeeds Pat Boo~ ner. who reslgned "tho com· miulon.

Hansbroul(h was a candidate In­the rectnt lrv1t1e Ranch Water Dlatrtct board ot dlrector1 let· lion, though he did not win.

the 66·person team 's daily mis· s ion is twofold : gathering data on s urface and ground water and making hydrologic inves tiga­tions of water problems south or Santa Barbara.

The effort is co n sidered "cooperative" in t he gathering :.ind dissemination of statistics Half the organization 's budget 1s lederally funded . The other half comes from user agencies within the state. he says.

Information is gathered al 215 continuously ope rated stations w.hich record strea m flows.

'Som e of the stations located in Orange Counly are at San Juan Capistrano on the San Juan Creek , at Crown Valley Pa rkway on Oso Creek. on San Diego Creek near Ir vi ne and at 30 points a long t he Sa nta An a River .

But. Knochenmus says, the group al so measures sediment al 26 permanent s tations throughout Southern California and water quality at 16 others. In addition, technicians periodical· ly measure the ground walt:r level at 1.100 wells .

Data gathered is available to the public. But spect:Jl data arc i::athered for agencies contract ing for specific information. Only Orange County Water Dislnrt ha s such a contract in th.., cou nt y

Sets Disappear

During storms, s uch as those d re nc hing the county and sur· roundln~ a r eas this ho l id ay week , the s ubdistrict people drive mud-spattered trucks into the mountains and hurry along s treams clear to the coast lo as· :.ur c measuring devices are r e· cording properly a nd to secure on ·the-spol data, Knochenmus :.avs.

In m<.•usunng ftow velocity and ma k 1 ng su re permanently mountt.>d measuring equipme nt 1s operating correcUy, the rain­soa k cd lt'chnie1ans drop 100· pound fish·shaped weights into streams and monitor a ttached gauges whi l e h a n gi n g onto bridges or riding baskets 1;us. pended from sing le cables.

But the drenching and dirty fi e ld work is only the beginning . ln weeks lo come. the techni· clans and clerks a r e scheduled to record their information for com· putcr cons umption, repair equip­ment discovered lo be faulty at the measurmg sites and myriad other detalls. Knochenmus says.

Then, they hope for drought· s tricken Southern California. it -will rain ag:iin, disrupting the s lower - paced r egula rl y scheduled week ly m o nitol'ing tas ks and thrusting the Laguna N1,::uel organizatwn into near frcn1.y

CB Radio Giveaway Fails to Develop

WASHINGTON !API Tht• ~rea l CB radio g iveaway thal many expected by year's end has not developed.

Some industry representatives :rnd government officials pre· dieted that 23-channel citizens band unjL'> would be selling at Christmas time for Jess than 10 percent of their original selhni:: price - under $10 in i>ome tn· sta nces.

THEY SAID THE hoilday season would be retailers· la1>l minute attempt to get 23-channt>l r adios off their s helves by today. the Federal Communication~ Commission de <1dhne for selltn.Q t hose models .

This p<1st fall , it was believed that thousands - some said millions - of s uc h radios were in the marketing pipeline. If not sold by year's end, dealC'rs would be stuck with them .

But, according to reports from around the country , 23-channel m ode ls virtually disappeared from store s helves by Christmas.

What happened?

.. THERE APPARENTLY were 11ot as many 2~·ch annel sets at the retail level as we originally thought there were," expl ained M ark V. Ro.5enker of the Elec tronic Industries Associatio n he r (l,

Art GuJler of St. Louis, pres i· dent of the Co mmunications Equipment Dealers Association , which represents many CB de· . a lers. said he too has not seen any large quantities o f 23· c hannel sets left any.where.

Rosenker, whose association r epresents most CB m aoufac· turers, a nd Culler said unsold 23-channel mode ls p robably are being he ld by dealers for s pare parts.

WHILE IT WILL be illegal to sell those radios aflcr midnight tonight. they con remain In ll!e and their parts wiU be needed for repairs.

Jn Jut.Y 1916. in on Attempt to lt>11e n lnterferenc w ith television and other home elec·

I ronie entertainment equipment. the FCC set t he dcudline on sales of 2:!-channe l radios.

The new 40-channe l sets, which wc•nt on -.ales I ast Jan . 1, were re­q u 1 red to have tighter technical s pec1rieallons designed to prc· vent intC'rrer<'nc<'.

S I N('E TllF. 1-'CC' deadline was announced, 23-channel pnee:-. drop1>ed ~tC'adily as dealers at ­ll'm pt<'d to clear their shelvt's . And , us t he deadline' neared, Hosenker predicted : " All in all. the next few Wl'eks arc going to ~ce some incrc-d1ble sales ..

One industry source , who decl1ned to be idenliri<'d, predict­t•d ea rlier this month that radios that ont•e sold for more than $100 would he markrd down to as litllt! as S9.9S.

But a repor1er who ~pent tw1) hours telephoning r11dio dealer:-111 th<' Wash ington area on Christmas Eve was unable to find m ore than a handful of 23· channel mod<'ls. And, th ey were selhng for about S30

S IMILAR R E PORTS ca m e from Ma r yland. Ohio. New York and Texas.

As Roscnker said : " If anv stores still have a ny 23-ehannel models. th ey' re holding onto them for parts "

Irvine Schedoles

Crafts Workshops Specia l wor k!ihops on crafts

s kills will be held the second Saturday or e ach month for c hildren, through the Irvine com· munlty services department, at Adventure Playground in University Park , l Beech Tree­Lane.

The first workshop, on wood­c or v Ing a nd pri nlln a. is scheduled for Jon. J4 from 10 a .m . lo4p.m .

Admtu ioo ls 54) cent.a : thildren. should bring a sack lunch, or· l(anlzen said.

S T • T " • 1 & • :a 4 ...... - - ---------

\ 'I DAILY PILOT Saturday, December 31 , 1917 LOCAL I WEA THEA

Punk ··'Pistols' Permitted fJ.S. Visas 1

ca ll e d " th e world ' s mos t l notorious punk roek band·· by Rolling Stone Magazine , wut be able lo carry out a 10.elty ce>ncert tour next month. The visas cover

WASIDNGTON CAP ) ~ The State Department reve"'ed itself FTlday and decided lo allow the Sex Pistols, a controv ersial British roek group, lo make a two-week visit to the United States.

On Thursday, the U.S. em-

bassy In London turned down a visa request becauae two of the four members of the croup had committed criminal offenses which precluded their entry Into this country under U.S. lmmtara· lion law, according to officials.

IN ANNOUNCING a reversal

STUNT PILOT ADVISER TO AMU SEMENT PARK Ne wport Beach Aviator Frank Tallman

of tha t decision. the State Depart · ment said it obtained waivers Crom the Immi gration and Naturalization Service for the two members of the group who were ineligible for visas. It did not identify the two.

The department said that the

Planes, Not Compa1iy, Will Move

By JACKIE HYMAN Of the Oally ~191 Steff

Newport Beach aviator Frank Tallman says that although he plans to mov e hi s aviulion museum to Sun Diego, his avia· tion company will remain at Orange County

T allman. \\ho has tlnwn stunts for such mo\ 1es a'i " 'l'h<' G n' al Waldo Peppt'r, " 1s ::.erving as techn1 C'al adviser for a proposl'd S55 m ti hon Aero World amuse ml'nt park north'' l'Sl of San D1e~o near Miramar Naval J\1r Station

WH EN Tll E PARK is complet c•d in two to four years. Tallman said, his historic plane collectaon will bl· moved there from Orange Count~

The lrnild1ng cu rr entl > oc­cupied by the e1ir m useum wi ll provide expans ion space for Tall m antl J\ v1al1 o n . w hi c h T allman said may be the oldest a\'iation comp:my al the Orange County Airport

THE FIRM deals in ~eneral a\'iation , sells fuel , maintains police he licopters, and provides movie companies with tec hnical advice. historic a1rcrafl , aerial ca m e r a pl atforms and s tunt fliers .

Tallman said he and his wife wa ll con tinu e lo live at th e Balboa Bay C:lub

As for AC'ro World , T a llman said . " I feel that when this docs ultinwtl'ly come to pass. 1t wall be All C"\lremcly good W~I~ or dts · playin~ historical aircraft

" EVERY SINGLE ride. every s ingle attraction 1s involved in som e wav with av1alaon from balloons Lo moon landings ·

The At•ro World pl ;.ms call for an a1rl1cld to ht> used tor tll'm· onslrat10n fligh t s of has torit a1rplant•s. a' talion el\h1b1ts. 28 r1tlc)>, a 3.~,t)O · scat grnncbtand se\'eral thl·all'I s

Las Vegas to Sparkle Fireworks, Stars Due Out for Record Crowd L AS \ 'EGAS. Nev IAP 1

New Year 's Eve will be a cork · popping night he re, complete \\1th a gi~anlic ft reworks display ;111d a gallery or such s tars as Redd Foxx. J erry Lewis, Wayne Newton, Liberace, Lorelt.a Lynn and Roy Clark.

Tourism and hotel ofncials arc predicting a record c rowd to ~et 1978 off on the right Coot, follow· ing a record convention year in 1977 . From 73,000 to 75,000 persons are expected to pcur Into tow n , man y of th e m Crom Southern California. HQtel oc­eupancy rates are expected to ex­ceed 98 percent.

ALL THE BIG name hotels are booked to the rafter s, so If you

don 't already h:l\'e a reservation. chances are. it will be difficult lo find lodging.

The fireworks displa y wall hci::rn Jl R Lon1~ht at the Union Pla za llotel downtown.

The entertainment ranges from an award -winning female impersonator s how, co mple te walh a production number featur­ing lavish gowns and s pangles to the wit. of comedians Alan King and D ~ivid Bre nner a nd the ofCheat " Chl•ech and Chon~ "

THE SllOW PRICES, which in· e lude party favors and cham· pagne in many cases, vary as much as Lhe entertainment itself.

You can dine al a downtown casino for SI 50, including com·

plimentary champagne. or you can plunk down S50 per pe rson for a rare dinner s how in the Circus Maximus showroom at Caesars Palace . The tab will get you dinner. Alan King with the Manhattan Tran!>fer . party favo rs and the like.

The production shows s uch as ll a ll e lu jah llo llywood al the MGM Grand, the Fohes Ber~ere a t the Tropicana, Lido de Par is at the Stardust and Casino de Paras at the Dunes are always favorites .

AT T llE LIDO. you can ring in the New Year with a dinner s how plus four cocktails. The late s how is a champagne brunch .

Blizzard Threatening Artie Air, N8w Snow May Ruin West's Parties

11.s. s .... '"" TM POt..,.lal fol' e New YHt 'I •

blllUNI wat cMWI0011>9 In tlM WHI on '''Cl•'f H • tow prenure svllern move• 1astware1 acron soutlMrn ldaNI aftd northem ~1119-

Forecesten wernect tll•t •lrong w-11\ds mlQllC llSMr In erctlc elr end ........ ...-... --.

''"'" • lo tJ lnclM• of ,,_ WIS al,.ady on IM 9round In Mont- ond ldal\O, and w\Otl'f t<alltrlCI slloMrt of rein end tnOW -• re-tt41 from tllt fllo<ll lftat'9Mtlle0reat 8.stn.

HHwy - - nl"9S _.. PDl lld tor tOC11y .,. ...,..., nlgflt In Ille wHtern aNI nor1htrn mountatns of WyOlftlng, Mid 111 tlll ColOf'.00 moun. ,.,,., .

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FIP1tlllOll F lnllow secon• hlQll SKondlOW

"""'''" Flrtl lOW SetOfld hlQlll

TOOAY I 10 rn •:>I a ,m.

n •02p.m . • :S7P m

SUNOAY 2: U a m. 1 · 11 a .m . ' t1p.m.

Suri Report

. ' u 4,0 01

H11nllnoton 8ea<!I Wr1tt - 10 two l•t Will\ aoul-1 Condi 11cw11 ,.... Neo#IMt1 8ffm' w.11 .. ,.ro to - fool with M il fwtll Con OlllOlls ~try poOr,

Dtlfy , ... N""f .......... fl!

Mo<ltl..,_f roelay II YW 111> ""' 1\1 .. )'OoJ< .,_, 11y 6 111 t "' C.- two'••• I '"'--'-'" t•09'·-""' ~v•lfav IM ••~O•'f II YI"' "" "'°' ,_,.. "°"' C\ D1' O'r I a m ull '-"'' 1001¥1. M>O .. ,_.,lllbt . ... ..,

waivers were obtained " because 1t was determined that the group sought entry Into the United States for lcf(1llmate purposes."

migration and Natura llzation Service that a waiver allowing the group to visit the United Slates be granted. He did not elaborate. -One source said that the Stal~

Oepartment, on the basis of ··more complete tnformallon. " decided to recommend to the Im·

THE RE VE RSAL OF the de· the period ot Jan. 4·l8. clsio.n means that the Sex Pistols, Earlier, the manager or the

100-f oot Telegram I

Clergymen Pro~est NBC Ban on Anita

NEW YORK <AP I - Two clergymen from Oklahoma dellvered a lOO·foot-long telegram to NBC Friday, listing 5,500 names protesting the network's decision not to use Anita Bryant on its broadcast of the Orange Bowl parade.

Ev a nge lis ts Larry Jones and Robert Wise sa id the petition represented a response to efforts by homosexual organizations to "Tile Ritz." set In a bath house ha ve Miss Bryant dropped from cate rlngto homosexuals. the Orange Bowl program today. Hoover said Ms. Moreno was She has often been a commen- chosen "because s he is a very tator on the parade for th e talented lady, and her role in network. 'Th e Ritz' w as pure coin

c idence." MISS BRYANT, AN e nter­

tainer and star of commercia ls in behalf of Florida orange juice producers, led a campaign that defeated a Dade County, Fla., or· di nance on c iv i l right s fo r homosexuals .

George Hoover, a s pokesman for NBC. said the network 's de· c ision not to hire Miss Bryant was ·• .. . strictly a program· ming decision and has nothing to do with the controversy ."

NBC IDRED RITA Moreno, who is starring in a current film,

Kuwait Emir

Dead at 65 K UWAIT <AP i The emir or

the oil-rich s heikdom of Kuwait. Sheikh Sabah Salem a l·Sabah, died early today at the age or 65. a n official announce ment re · por ted.

Jt said Crown Prince Sheikh Jaber Ahmad a l·Sabah was pro­claimed the new emir .

Classie Eleg~ce.Portroyed

controversl,U group had said In London that the band, whose spit­ting , swearing and violent ways have made headlines In Europe, might try lo enter the United States illegally if more conven­tional ways are blocked.

0 roup manage r Malcolm McLaren said, •·We s hall get into the States through Canada with lhe g roup hidden in the back of an · 1 estate wagon Cslation wa1on ). "

THE· GROUP, WHOSE best­selling album is banned by most Briti s h radio s tations , had planned a 19-day American tour.

''The group are very, very an­gry because this is the !U\h time we have t r ied to get a tour together here or in the U.S., .. McLaren said.

All members of the Sex Pistols · hav~ reportedly been In trouble S with the police. Lead singer ' Johnny Rotten was fined $85 last l March when he was convicted or possessing amphetamines. {

AS FOR THE others, McLaren explained: "Steve Jones was a pretty s lick burgla r before join- I ing the Pistols a nd Paul Cook did a few harmless things like rip­ping up London bus seals. Sid Vicious has a few assaults on his record. l i k e k n ocking a f policeman's teeth out. ;

" It was a ll petty stuff r eally. ~ But 1t seems to have made the I Am ericans very nervous."

Th(• 1978 Clcnct touring roudster contains all the lu xu r ious ~adgcts that m od e rn man has clcv1 scd. It will he shown for the fir s t time as a full -fled ged produc tion car al t he 11th Annual Orange County Intcrna

l ion;tl Auto Show. F eb . li ·20 al the Anaht'im Con\'cntion Center Only 250 of t hese classic· cars will ever be built , <.1ccording lo Alan Clenet. designer- ~ manuf acturC'r or Goll•ta .

Sometimes you want to leave the cares of the world behind and just sit back and enjoy the things life has to offer. The Daily Pilot brings you the information you need to find entertainment - all along the Orange Coast. Movie and theater ads and reviews, efltertainment and restaurant features and our new complete TV I istings keep ·you up to date . Enter~ainment,

however, is only part of our story. Every day the pages of the Daily Pilot offer you much more: news of your community and world views, money saving advertising and coupons, action sports and a variety of exclusive features.

DAILY PILOT . 642-4321

• ,


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AP WlrtpMlo

TOMMY WOFFORD BOARDS HIS NAVY TORPEDO PLANE With Friends' Help, He Restored Skeletal Craft

War Relic Flies High Pilot, Friends Rebuild Torpedo Bomber WEINER, Ark . fAP)

Tomm y Wofford was too young to be a Navy pilot dur­ing World War 11 - he had lo take a back seat to a ll the ac · lion .

"They weren 't putting 17-year -olds up front them," says Wofford.

Today, Wofford is making up for lost time. lie has his

· own pud~y hlue Nnvy torpedo bomber, and no admiral telb him when or where to fly il

WO•' FORD WORKS ON has plane in ~· s hop bl'hind ha:. house and \\hen hl' wants to fl y. h e taxi s down the hi ~ hway to :m airstrip hewn from :a soybean fie ld and lakes off.

In 1974. Wofford found a surplus Navy pl ane that had been usC'd after the war to fa i;ht forest fires in Missouri and Wyoming. The plane was on ly a skeletal war relic when ht• bought it.

IT TOOK WOFFORD'S d1eckbook and hel p from more thim 20 fe llow members of the local Ex"Perimental Airnafl Association to re· build it scrounging parts

Irvine Sets Auditions for

Talent Slwiv I rvine e l e m entary-age

children who can sing or dance. play a kazoo or jusrnle. or have lal£'nt in any area, are being sought for a citywide talent show.

Three days of auditions C1re scheduled:

- Jan. 18 at University Park . - Jan. 19 at Rancho San Joa-

quin School. - Jan. 20 at Harvar~ Com·

munity Athletic Park.

ALL AUDITIONS ARE 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Children must bring their ins truments or accompani· m ent, if any.

Participants in g roup acts must be of the sam e age ca t egory . There a re t wo categories or competition: 8 and under , and 9 and over .

Applications, which may be picked up al school or at city hall, must be returned by Jan.10.

THERE WILL BE a dress re­h earsal Jan. 26 at Rancho San Joaquin School, Crom 3:a«l p .m. to 6p.m.

The talent show is scheduled for J an. 28, from 1 p.m. lO.C p.m .• at the same place.


(AP> -The state P ublic Utilities Commla1ioo has given G"'ybound IJnes Inc. permjuion to· continue weekday com· mute bu t service between San Francisco ,and Contra Colt.a County June 30 11 a local trenaJt ay1tem provides ade· quate substJtute service.

from around the country . " l estimate I ' ve s p ent

S:J0,000, not counting labor." said Wofford. a 51 -year -old farm implement dealer in this northea:.t Arkansas com­munity of 700.

Wofford trained as a rear seal gunner on the same type a ircraft , but that's not the r€'a son he picked the TBM torpedo bomber.

" It was economics more than anything else." he said " My firs t c hoice was the Doui;:las <l1 Vt• bomber , the l>aunllcss. Theres only one of those fl ying now, and they built nearly 6.000 or them . I wanted it worst of all, but I couldn l afford il.

"SO I SETTLED on 11 TBM. and now I m kind or glad . Because out of 9,836, there s only six flying in the onginal militaryconfi~uration."

llis plane fought the Pacific war from the decks or the a ircraft carrier USS York town. The p lane now gleams in a new blue paint job, Navy insignia . rebuilt bomb bay doors, gun turrets. bomb racks. rocket rails, a gunsight and tail hook for car·

ricr landings . The plane has been used in two movies since Wofford <'Ompleted its restoration this year

Wofford located su rplus parts f rom aircraft en­thusiasts around the country.

"SOME AIRPLANE people never throw anything away," he said ... And. you meet a lot of interesti ng people thi s way ."

The Navy at Memphis also donated the remains or a plane

Wofford s plum~ is an uttcn· lion grubber as 1t ~•ts alone al t he edge of tht! grass airstrip beside Arkansas I lighway 39.

''Lots of people will ~top to find out who the pl anc belongs to," he said. "The plane as a good way to get acquainted."

IT TAKES THE coopera­tion of loca l authorities when Wofford wants to move the plane from the airs trip to his home repair facilities .

" I t ry to arrange it for a time when there s not much t raffic." he said . " Most peo· pie don t complain. Two or three have growled a little. but nolbad."

Thoroughbred Races

$250,000 Cleared At OC Fall Fair

The OranJte County Fair made nearly $250,000 from its Fall Fair thoroughbred horse races at Los Alamitos Race Course, according lo Ken Fulk, manager of the Costa Mesa fairgrounds .

The money will be used to obtain and pay Interest on loans lo finance the fair's S16.7 million expansion plan for the 16-acre grounds, said Fulk.

••J CAN'T HELP but think that the $250,000 profit is quite a relief from the dark days of early Nov­ember when , if the court injunc­tion <sought by major race tracks> had been sustained, the fair was scheduled to lose at least $114,000, .. said Fulk.

A last-second reprieve allowed the fair to stage the first thoroughbred races in Orange County. The fair board had only hoped for a $217,000 profjl.

"<The board) is now in a much better position lo continue its plans to clean up, to improve the parking, the tramc and the ap­pearance·. or the fairgrounds. Fulk said.

THE FIRST PHASE of the ex­panaion plan calls for construe· lion of an equestrian center and a n outdoor a mphitheater, pat· terned after the Greek Theater in


Ov•r IO Select'°"' • . FIN~HAND·


Griffith Park. Fair oCCicials arc optimistic that the projects could be well under way, if not com­pleted, by the start of next year's fair.

The Orange County Fair ten­tatively has been granted racing dates for next November, but hearings will be held by the State Horse Racing Board . Opposition is agai n expected from Hollywood Park and Santa Anita raceways.

IC the races become an annual event, Fulk said the fairgrounds would be able to obtain loans 10 times greater than profits re­ceived from the r aces.

• FINE LEATHER BATit< Purses end •"•ts

• GIFTS , MI0$4llO

an~ique .gullli: pla•a:


••• ..... . .

Saturday. December 31 , 19n DAIL v PILOT A&i

Music Set Free Jazzman Rnnks With the Greats Hy ANGELA NOE i.

SAN f"fiANCISCO CAP > His presenc<' looms large al the keyboard - a gentle giant whose largl'. s trong hands dwarf the ivories as he strokes out music al an easy but incredible pnce

Hi s arpeggios. h oned by perfect rh yth m , form soph isllcated runs across the keys. but manage to sound down­hom c al the same time. It is music set free by disciplined technique

OSCAR PETERSON AT 52 has improved with age and conlmues to rank with the greats or jazi piano. His feeling for has anslru· ment approache:. love

.. Every lime you walk up to tht: instrument. its a new affair. Peterson said in an intervi ew at a performance here

Il e recalled his early days when as a younft man from Mon· treal he first pulled up the piano stool as a professional.

" WHEN I SAT down then, J sat down with an unknowing ego.

" The major difference now is that I sit down with a certain knowledgeable con fidence, built on c r ed ibilit y bu t with no guarantee that it has to continue What supplanlo; the ego is adult apprehension." he said .

Peterson seemed anything but :a pprehensive as he deftly worked out in the San Francisco nightclub. It was familiar music. especially for the older fans. but Peterson gave the stand ards something new

II F. OPENED WITH a fast and furious rendition of " Sweet Georgia Brown. and somehow wasn t trite. Then it was on to the likes of "Caravan . .. " Autumn

Will Protein

Diets Post Warnings?

WASHINGTON <AP > Those low-calorie liquid protean diets may be hazardous, and the gov· c rnment is planning lo require them lo carry warning labels.

In addition. the Food and Drug Administration is considering whether to prohibit the products altogether, and wants to hear from the public.

THE PROTEIN supplements are used in weight reduction and maintenance programs, but FDA says low-calorie diets consisting mainly of protein can lead to health problems and even death in some cases.

The products are manufac­tured primarily from ani mal hides. cartilage and tendons and a re flavored .

The FDA wants the products to <'arry a label stating: "Warning

Very low calorie protein diets ma y cause serious · illness or death. Do not use for weight re · duction or maintenance without medical s upervision. Do not usc for any purpose without meidcal ad vice if you arc taking meidca· lion. Nol for usc by infants. children or pregnant or nursing women."

THE FDA WANTS any reports of illness or death associated with the products, and these s hould be sent to Richard Swanson . Food and Drug Ad­ministration. 5600 Fishers Lane. Rockville. Md ., 20857.

Comments on whether the pro· ducts should be banned or should have to carry warnings should be sent. by Jan. 3, to the Hearing Clerk JIFC-20 at the same ad­dress .

Al"Wlr ......

JAZZ. PIANIST Oscar Peterson

Leaves and Duke Ellington s theme "Take the· A Train.

lf there is cr itici s m o f Peterson, it is that he has chosen to innovate along a m uch-worn track . But the marvel is in the ~eemingly infinite variety he hears in the music he helped rn akc part of the jazz tradition.

P eterson isn t defensive about his refusal to go along with the new tide of musicians which has s wept juzz into the main:.tream with " fusion " music - iazz spiced heavily with rock.

••f ' ft1 VERY PROUD of what jazz stands for ." he sai~ . " t think they re going to have to drop the excuse of having to mix jazz with rock . Jazz doesn t need rock to be palatable."

Peterson did ~ave young must· cians their due io sparking what he called a " resurgence ot In· teresl in jazz. But he expressed o ther concerns about their mus ic

" We re not generating the players we should be," he said. .. Partially it s b ecause there •sn't that same kind o f camaraderie and love Its anolher era

4 " T ll EV DON'T GET together

and play together the way we used to. We used to play at the drop or a hut. ..

The folks Pete rson was talkmg about ar<' the likes of juzz greats Ella F1tz~crald and Count he ca lls him "Bill" Basi<'.

Peterson s music seems to an dacatc a Southern background amazin$! an light of the fact that he was born in Canada .

Rut much of Peterson ~ ex · perience <lcross the border mir­rored that of blucks here. And " being born next door to the . black ('hurch." he s aid, "didn 't· hurl

PF.TERSON'S GEN IUS was ·officrnlly" discovered :it the .

rape agl· or 14. when he won a loca l Montreal talent contest. Thal led lo a series of 15-minulc s pots for local radio stations.

After turning down several of· fers "lo go South." he was finally introduced to America n au ­diences an 1949 a l a New York concert.

Peterson now limits tours to six to €'ight months of the year When not touring, Peterson said he spends much or his t ime in semi -seclusion at a family cot · I age in northern Ontario.

Coastal C0111mission

Plant Restriction Hearings Scheduled

The staff of the s late Coastal Commission has set February as the month the regional commissions will conduct hearings to designate oceanfron.t areas where power plant construction will be prohibited.

In a pohcy proposed by the.commission staff, certain scenic areas. s uch as Big Sur and the Mendocino-Humboldt coast. will be protected

Dividend Up

For Veterans WASHINGTON <AP> -

The 3.4 million vete rans holding active World War JI G I insurance will r e­ceive an average dividend of $117 each next year, compared with $104 this year. the Veterans Ad ­ministration says.

VA Administrator Max Cleland said the 106.900 World War I policyholders will receive an average dividend of $224, compared to $202 for 1977.

Korean veterans will re­ceive an average $29 com­pared toS22in1977.

from power plant construction . The policy a lso calls for pro·

hibition or power plant construe · lion in state parks and beaches. but would allow construction or underground ocean water con­duits across state property.

The proposed policy would also prohibit construction of power plants between scenic portions of s late Highway 1 and the ocean .

The hearings. which will be ~€'hedulcd by each individual re gional commission, are ai med at getting public reaction to the pro· posa ls as well as suggestions for a reas to be prole<'ted from power plants and areas where power plants would have a minimal im­pact.

Call 642- 5678. Put a few words to work for ou .


Thenffd-1977-78 Youth wort& $55,000 SwteM•ag pool wfosur. $2 I ,000 w_...·. FffMss Cettter $5,000 it-..nNps $5,000

CASH - REAL EST ATE - SECURITIES YIMI c• IMle the difNAwc•! S..,.. yow c..-lty YMCA

ORANGE COAST YMCA 2100 U11l•enlty Dri••

Newport leech, Ce '2660 · "'-• 642-9tt0 . -'Y•-of-.YMC41 ,

ng Locally.





Tight .-Rules·

Gas /

II n r 1 •'I/ A /' r n t I o r 1 ~ d1n 1TT11 11 11 o j till' llnur d ul S11uth1•rn Cahfnn 11a Ga~ Cn and ,. recut we t'ICt' prl'Stdcnl . Pac1f1r /,1ght1119 Corp. /f1s r £' marks an• ., rcer pled /rom a .~peech repmi t "rl m rhe Town I/nil Journal

We Jre bombarded alrnosl 1ht1 ly w11h prescri ptions for curing or a llL•v1at1ng our energy defi · <'1enc1<'s F rom the Pres ident of the United Stal~ on down, we find experts and nonexper ts of· fering us plans with which lo fore our energy future. I find som e of these plans mostly wood. most of them part ly good. but none of them wholly vr,ud

The disturbin o, pattern tha t many c~ ti1can contain is un em 1>has1s on lhc concept of me1nag. 1ng shortages rathe r than pre · venting those :;hor t ages

SINCE THE 1973 74 oil cm­b a r g o, e n e r gy iss ues h ave becom e increas ingl y politica l Poht1cians have u ves ted in teres t in managin~ shortages Sys tems of a llocat1on. pri ce con · t r o l , e1nd rat i o nin g add t•norm ous ly lo th e power of burea ucrats and politicians. at the expense of a ll the rest of u:;. Hut l s ubm i t to yo u that s ta t e s me n , those po l ll 1cal figures \\ 1th grea ter vis ion and cl eep(·r knowledge, m us t look be yond tht• te m ptatio n s o f managed shortagt•:>. They must 1 hink about efficien tly utihzmg all the energy resources uva1la hie to us

One of the anom <r hes of thP Pres ident's t' ne rgy prog ram 1s t hat the Adminis t ra tion wants t his nat ion to ust• more co<sl Y et our a ir pollutwn l'Ontrol laws probabl y wou ltl pr e ven t t he direct burnmg of rnal in this ;1rea . The Adminis t rat ion so Car has set•med n .•luctant to take the ... teps tha t would hC' lp Southern Ca lifornia to " use" l'oa l an the onlv wa v that m akl•s economic: and <'nvlronmcntal s t•nse to us. that IS, 1mportNI in d gaSt'OUS form

Ol'R ('0~1PAN\' h a-. heen '>U p p l) IO~ gas t·nNgy for I JO years, 1•vt•r s1nl'e a prcclec·cssor l'ompany. the Los Angeles Gas C o m pan y, hc g an se l l in g man ufactured gas for s treet lii.: hting from .t pl<.int down near the Old Pl <11a an 18fi7. Al tha t

penod . gms was produced by a prOl'l•ss t hat used coal as its feed:.lock; but . since li ttle or no l'oal was ava ilable this fa r west. 1t h ad to hf' imported from Australia

Th<.' patte rn set then, of depen· dence on imi><>r tation of energy sources or suppli es . has run through the his tory of Soulhern Califo rnia 's development like a strong thread.

T he amount or gas im ported grew us California 's production dropped. until it reached the present s ituation 10 which we im port roughly 95''t ot S outhern California•s gas needs .

We recognize today's greatly &ncreased public concern for the environment and for safely. We hci ve fac tor ed e n viron m enta l and sa fety concerns into every bit or pl anning we ha ve un· dertaken in the course of our world" ide search for new gas s uppli es .

ARE OUR gove rnm e nt a l leaders really lis tening to the maJon ly of the community, or are they lis tening only to the vocal fragments of that com­munity, skilled at grabbing the s potlit::hl, the microphone , or the <'ye of the camera ?

T he energy problem in this count ry is not the Jac k of availa­bl e s ources but th e lack of res pons ive politi cal a ction to secure those sources for the ma rketplace

Southern CaJiforn1a 1s unique· ly dependent on na tural gas ; few areas of this nation s hare our degree of dependency . Gas pro· \'Ides nearly half of this region's s t a tionary energy needs. com­pa red to 37'~ for the gas in· dustry natjonally.

How have we · s upplied this m a rke t ? So m e 95 '~ o f our prima ry s upplies come from the mid-eontinent area of the United Sta tes <Texas . Oklahoma , and "\J e y. Me x1co 1. W e h ave . howe ver. exper ienced declines an thl' s upply of gas from out of state There is not likely to be a s 1gnaf1cant reversa l of this long­te rm trend un ti l ne w s upply .. ourccs have been secured and

Regionalism: Out Again 8 ) THOMAS D. ELIAS

A new call for regional !!""' e rn mcnt in the San Franc1sto Da y Arca rel' alls the :;.1milar ea rl y -1970s push for regional govern ment 1n S outh e r n Ca lifornia

Voluntary m (•mbcrs h1p an the Southern Californi a Asso{·1a l1on or Governmenti:. was to end, wll h m ,1ndato1 y J S~{·ss mcnts re qu ired frnm all citi es and coun ties in a s ix- county region. Plan n1n g \\ a-; to bl' un1f1 cd and monc~ ~ a v l'cl '1 a t omh1 nt' d ..,(•rviccs

Tll E IDEA ne, c r ~ol th rou~h 1•\' L' n one housl' of the slate Le gislature · and pros pects see m no better for the n ay Area proposal.

The group pushinA tbe new plan s hares manv of t he a i ms of

• those who sought regional gov· : l· rnm ent 10 the Southland . That ; group is •1 com m ittee of the .;_pres (i1:ious Com monwealth Club, c helle r known for its luncl}eon

-.pccch programs than f()r s tands on m ajor issues

The club li s t s 26 a perfor minj! regional fullpions' in 1 he Bay Arca and sugge_f;lS tl\e~ cou ld do their jobs be~ff'r~1f at leas t some were unified . 'Fu'nc·

' 11ons like s mog control,1. ai rport and pa rk operations. aJ.tng, wjth ge n e r a l planning could b e handled more efficiently by 'One

• umbrella orga nization , the c lub . s uggesL5.

BUT HOW likely as a ny ~uch pl an to ~et the political backing needed for passage and how well would it work even if it passed?

The history of regional gov· c rnment proposals for Southern California s ugges ts s uch a plan can never come cl06e to getting off the ground .

In 1972 and 1973, the powerful , lobby ing of c ity counc ils and , c ounty boards es p ec iall y • those of the la rgest c ities and

counties - complete ly s tymied the SCAG plan, despite s trong s upport. from the prestigious California Tomorrow erganiia· lion.

Northern C alifornia legislators worked with their southern colleagues to defea t lhe plan for fear thal i/ it worked in

" Southern California. a s imilar z regional structure would Shortly ' be imposed in the north. The

s ame motivation would likely move Southe rn California

, legislators to vote .against any , major regional plan ror the

north today.

; T H E A RGUMENT ~o : s imilar In 1974 and 1975, when, ~ the Lelbl•ture considered com­' blnlng all the local air paltutJon • . c ontrol dlsLrlcta or lhe

Southland. That mo ve wu ,1 vetoed by ex-Gov. ltonald ln 1974 and v~ted doW'll narro'Wly in 19'7$, despite tf\e of>:

• vlous ""'81onal nature or alr " P<)llVUOQ patterns. ' 1 •' A combined amoc control

; . a a ency wu llDall.J ob1ed ill 10'7G, wltb stron1 backin& from Got/ . Brown and bl• Air


FOCUS Hcsou r ces Hoard l' hasrman , Tom Qumn. But m any Northern Ca lifornia legis lators neve rthe· li.>ss t•ontinued to \'Ole a):{a ins t the id ('a right to the ('nd . fcanng that s imilar agencies wou ld be' thrus t on tht•1r cons tituents by !>outh<' rn leg1,.lators

In operation for less t han a ,. e a r . t h e n e w S o u t h e r n C'a liforn1a Air Qualit y Manage. ment D1stn <.• t has alread y run ufoul of the ARB severa l times for allegedl y too la x enforce · ment

IT llAS ALSO set up a con· trovers1:il new smo~ forecasting

..,~s t e m . bra ndi ng the ai r in

.,o mc ve ry large areas " un· h e alt h y." Thi s :; ys t e m ha s dra wn accusations that because 1t as regional, the new agency ·s forecasts make too few d1stinc· tions a monJ.{ local cond itions . painti ng wit h br oad s trokeS' when na r rower ones are called for

All this history makes it clear that any regional government p r o p o s a l s i n a n y part o f California face a lmost impossi · ble hu rdles

When solving even ll\e most obvio us ly region a l pro blems th r ou gh region a l a pproaches meets mass ive res ista nce, the like lihood of approv,al for a multi -purpose umbrella govern· ment is almost nil. no matter h o w pr e s tigi o u s it s non · gove rnmental support.

A Princely Fell ow, But Lean of Laugh

By HERBCAEN SAN FRANCISCO I hate to ruin Gov. Jer ry Brown's day so

early 10 the mom&nJ!. but my opera tives in London are swamping m e with copies of Lady Olga Maitland 's column in the London Sun­d ay E xpress

Writes Lady Olga " Prince Charles' friendship with the eccen ­tri c Governor Gerry Brown of Callfornia . whom he first met as a

gues t over a s imple cold lunch in October , is ~rowing apace.

Las t week, before he invited the Governor to a s m all dinner party at Buckingha m Palace. be con fided to a friend : ' While the Governor was the most intruguing personality I met while In the

niled States , he has one real drawback - he has absolutely n0sense of umoar.'"

. . FOOTNOTE FROM left fi e ld : Mrs. Josep~

Becerra. who teaches English to recently­arriv.ed for.eign adults at the Adult Day School ln

San Mateo. asked her class'the other day : " Who Is Jerry Brown?·· There was s ilence from everyone until one person ventured : " Charlie Brown's brother?" Adds' Mrs. Becerra merrily : "I didn't s top laughing till I realized he might be right."

WRONG ADDRESS; Edgar Sutro of Hillsborough rec'd a com­puterized lette r from the Salvatjon Army. with a photo or a sad· eyed child and a plea for funds that concluded, " Your gift of C!s or $50 can help provide food , clothing, a Christmas dinner or other necessities for a deserving famtly In HHlsboroullb·"

I aay send the money dfrect to the Burllngame Country Club, where it will get to the r ight parties.

MAN AND BOY, it's been nigh onto 40 years s ince I 've heard of a tunny caper being pulled off by a fraternity, wherefore t rh1e to salute the Alpha Eps ilon Chapter of Theta Chi at Stanford.

Actually, the Thetes these days are more of a f,_sority or sorterniW. being composed ot 20 brothers anct 18 sisters.

The caper besan when Brother David Vosa and Sister Claire Coleman, posing as newlyweds, checked Into the Regal Suite or U>e Mark Hoplclna as ' 'Mr. arid Mn. A. E . Thetacbr· <aeddit? >. ll\to their ''honeymoon" Juggagd'lboy had atutfed ~ lleep{Df b•1s •

Shortly thereafter. the other Thetes becan arrlvlnl In twos and three~. bearing " wedding gifU•• that actually contained ilothlll• but Junk foOd and ocoie. From \hen on, it was peny·O•rtY·party, plus a trip to the Top o' the Marie wheN th•Y made Ute reatOifably miser nble for Actor Peter Falk, actually honeymooning, and Tony Uennett. still searchint for his ticker.

Tht 35 or~ Thetes checked out next-· bapplly buq over1 au chlppln~ ln to pay "'. $(80 tab for the •u!te (' 'Divided up,. «rin• Brother Harry Glicken, " we couldn't have done H well at the

· SalvaUon Army" J.

~ . •

gas from them begjns arrtving in our system.

Th e c riti ca l p e ri o d for Southern Cahfornia 's gas s upply 1s the first half ot the 1980's, when our present supplies , un-1 es s r e pl e nis he d from new sources, will no longer be sum. cient to serve any but our high· prior ity cuslomer group.

But the situation we would race in the 1980's without new gas s upplies would present us with more than a queslioo ot not c reating new jobs; we would face the prospect of losing as m any as 700,000 exis ting Jqbs.

WE HAVE PLANNED and worked for nearly a decade to obtain new sources of gas. Firs t, there are our projects to import liquefied natural gas <LNG > by s hip to Southern California. We have an agree­ment with the Indones ian gov­ernment's oiJ 4Uld illS C()mpany to import ~ million cubic feel df gas per day, 'Which would be sha red equally with Pacific Oas and Eleclric Company. our partner ln the project. The In· dones ian gas will be received at an .LNG terminal at Point Con­ception by the spring of 1982, If all necessary remaining ap­provals are obtained with rea­sonablespeed.

In south Alas ka, again in partnership with Pacific Gas and Electric Company. we plan a gas liquefaction plant near An chorage to liquefy gas from the Cook Inlet area and perhaps eventually Crom the GulC of Alaska. The LNG from this plant would also be shipped to the Point Conception terminal for

s torage lllld regasiflcatlon. Farther north, in the North

Slope, or Pnadhoe Bay, region of Alaska, lie not only prodigious oll fields but also sotne of the largest domesUc natural gas re­serves. as yet untapped. availa· ble to the United States.

PRESIDENT CA&TBll hu announced bis choice of the Ale an system to tran1port North Slope gas to markets ln the lower 48 states. Tbls systeJn cn· ta lls a pipeline tbrouch the Yukon Territory, lncludlng branches for delivery both to eastern and western U .S . markets. This system has the additional virtue of giving the Canadians the option of later ad· ding a supplemental line con· necting to the main Akan line. which would enable them to br~g gas from the .Mackenzie River Delta fields .

In northwest New Mexico. our coal gasification joint venture with Texas Easte rn Corporation calls for a high-Btu commercial· 1cale plant to be located on Navajo lands. This plant would produce 250 million cubic feet of gas per day to begin with, the greater part or which would go into our Pacific Lighting sys tem.

Early last month Pemex, the oil and gas agency or the Mex· lean Government, announced plans lo sell gas to a group of 6 U.S. pipeline companies, includ­ing our 2 major out-of-state sup­pliers , El Pas o and Texas Eastern, with the specification that some of this gas must go to California.

Present indications . are that

we could receive about 130 mllJloo cubic feet of cas per day on completioo in 1980 or a 7'6-mile pipeline from the Tabasco-

. Chiapu recioo ln Mexh».to the, Texas border. ·

The Mttican suppUes will ter· tainly be welcome, but In no way wm they preclude tti. netej for prompUy carryln& to completion OU1' LNG projects from aouUI AlAlaka and lndonesla.

CONSE&VAnON IS AN Im portan~ part or our futat~ plan· oing. Conservation of all forms or energy be a permanehl part of this country's thinking, planning, and doing from now on. But to rely oo conservation, as many self-appointed eoer&Y experts have insisted on doing. would be a serious error.

Whal we in the energy busl· ness rind most lacking in the energy equation today is a re­cognition by government that a crisis exists and that authority to proceed in solving that cris1s ahould be lbe top priority of public policy.

There have been some recenl signs of improvement on various levels of government. Governor Brown has shown an increasing awareness of the need for new energy sources, and he and his state administration are moving from rhetoric lo action . Our challenge is to keep open lines of communication, to deal fairly and openly with the public and with its elected leaders. and to see that their decisions are based on all the fact.a from all segments of the community. not 'just with the uninformed opin· ions of special-Interest groups.

Messages Got Through Bu~iness' Bite Could Help Government By GENE BEAUDET

I think it is jus t gre at thal Labor Secretary Ray M.acshall has come out and said the reg­u lalions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administra · t ion are j us t too many. too picayune, and not really effec­tive in safeguarding the health and safely of American workers .

It 's even more encouraging lo hear Mr. Marshall s ay after Cive years of OSHA OReration and equally long criticisms by bus l-

· ness and labor that he has come to the " sad conclus ion that both business and labor were right. " And to that he adds . " OSHA did have loo many petty regulations . · · To correc:t the s ituation. Mr. Marshall directed lhe agency to stop all the nit· picking and slart up an educa­tional program designed to help indu s try improve s afety r e cords . Bully for him and good for us.

Now, If this thinking <and hopefully action) · can be ex­tended lo other government agencies, then maybe we can get somewhere in fulCilllng the pleas or our last two presidents to lighten the swrocating burden or 1ovem111ent ,rules, ruula­tions, and just plain red tape now bome ~Y business alld the rest of the P'-bljc. For the pres­ent , two ~)ccell~nt places to s tart would be tn the Environ­mental P,roteetlon Afency and the Depar tment o Heal th . Education and Welfare.

Maybe It would be a good idea for the hea• ot both agencies to have lunch <at their own ex­pense ) with Mr. Marshall and

, listen to his ldl!as. Also, to round out a tabl• for tour. James Sehlealnger. President Carter's entt:IY cht41f, ahould be Invited to qom~ al()IJg. ~ince Mr. $chJes-1nier'1 ~1 lt slitun1 out wltb a 1tan "1 20.~ people. rl1ht awl,)' JQU lqiow tha\ ouUlt needa help. •

l don't inow how Mr . Maraball's 14e~ nilght JO over with emPi01.eet in OSHA ~nd the rest or bb clepm1ment.. After all. cutt1n1. dowo on superfluou1 re1alatJopa Jmplles cutuoa down oa U.. munber 9' JMlOple needed to aclralnllter tlMm. ,

SUU, don't count on lhia. Given

the ways or Washington, maybe more people than ever will be needed to s tudy and s trearrlline the OSHA regulations .

We don 'l doubt Mr. Marshall 's s ince rity, but he sure is wres­tling an octopus. So for him and· others s erious about cutting down government red tape, l humbly offer these s uggestions : Hire fewer but more expe rt p eople in the areas in which agen c ies are s uppos ed to operate. I'm willing to be t lawyers outnumber environmen­tal experts in the EPA by at leas t five to one.

Stop generating massive re·

ports. which no one reads anyway. including the people in th e departments that write them .

Once a law is passed by Congress, have those writing the regulations stick to the intent of the law and not add to IL just to make their jobs bigger and their reports more impressive.

Pa y thooe who operate with s maller stairs more than those who operate with big starts and see what happens .

Gene Beaudet ii Editor in C~J of " I ron Age,' ' an induatriat mogoziM. Thu editorial recently appeared fn lhot pubUcahon.

Crime May Steal Reform Bandwagon



SACRAMENTO - All those state politicians leaping on the get-tough-on-crlme bandwagon this election year are threaten· in« vlle things to ne'er-do-wells who threaten the safety, peace or mind, and possible re-e lect.ion votes of lbeit coosUtueocles.

These same politicians have voted in a new law which effec­tively blocks crime-fighting er­forlS costly white collar crime.

C ALLED THE " Cali/ornla Rllbt io Financl•l PrlvaC) Act." and authored by Senator Alla Sleroty. D·Beverly Hilla, thlt law prohibits law enforc t lbetlt otflclala from lnve1t.i1aUn1 the financial record• ot 8ff'f napeet In a civU or criminal case without a search warf9nl. a l \abpoena ducea tecum, oc: formal, written conaellt rrom tbe penon beln1 ln vestlgated.

Orga.olzed crtme makea lts llv· in1 b)' launderinf money pro­duced by IUetal ecllvlUea. pan. tns It ~ a number of bank aicc«>unll unW ti»• source ii ob· scured. and then lnvutlnJ lt

back into mob·-controlled '.egiti mate businesses.

BANK RECORDS are also the very stuff of which fraud and embezzlement cases are made,. cases responsible for more than two out or three dollars lost to crhne.

The price-.tag for crtme in 19'78 waa cfose to $125 bHlion dollars.

So ll lhe legialalure really wants to get serious about aav­ing ta~ayers' money and effec­tively fighting crime, It can find a way for law enforcement acen· cies Lo 1aln acceas to tho fin&n· cial records needed to curb "paper crime."


The comment po1e or the Dal· ly Pli.t seeks to inf9"ft aad 1llmulate re1ders by ~l· tn1 J vuicly or com~ on to}>lcs of lntereat and 1l1n11lcance Crom tnfotm~ obsetvera and 1pokt1mtn.








Hi boys and gi rls. The new year is j u!.l around the corner, and Uncle

Len bets most of you ha\'c some real good rcsol ut ions.

Uncle Len is a litt le disappointed, though . because h is mail was \'cr y light this week . lie hopes 1t ·s because all of you arc ha,·ing so much fun over Chrbtmas vac<.1 t ion that \ 'OU didn ' t huve time to draw resolutions ·

WELL, ALL OF \ ' OU IL\ VE A chance at winning tht• S5 fir~t prize or tht• S2 second prize next week by <lrnwing the most fun th ing you dtd, r eceived or that happened to you clurmg the vacation.

\\' inning $.5 nnd first place honors this week is ,\m y Grahum. 10, of llunlington Beach who pl:rns to practice piano mort•

Bill McGinley, 10. ol Huntington Beach wins S2 and runner-up honor~ for his resolution lo be kind to a ll li\'lng things .

Both are commendable goa ls .

DRAWl !'i'GS SllOl 'LD BE ~ent lo Uncle Le n, P .O. Box 1560, Cost a Mesa 92626. Be s ure to include ) our name, age, address a nd telephone numbe r .

Drawings arc to he on fou r by four inch paper, tlont' in black ink or pen. Do not use crayons or col­ored ink <.1s thl'y do not reproduce .

l ' nelc Lt'n wishc>s ~· ou u happy :'\:c>w Year .

'• .

Pr<Jcfice P1·ono

rr===~~::====fill~ m

El Winner Amy Graham, 10, 1106 Redding Ave., CM

To Be 'th


1 n~;.5.

1- o at I

Saturddy. December 31 . 1977 CAIL v PILOT A r

Brain La«!ks Blood -.. 3 Major Causes

Cited for Strokes Andy enda a World Book Year

Book td .Pa tti OlcaAleh, 1%, ol Hibbing, Minn., for her question:

WHAT CAUSES A STROK E! When a person suffers a stroke.

he may experience paralysis or weakness on one side of his body. fi e also may find it difficult to

Mipeak or understand language. a~~ discover blind s pots in hiS VIStOn

T he symptoms may worsen progressively duri ng several hours or days : or the changes may occur very rapidly, depend­ing on the type of stroke.

A s troke ii. a serious medical <'ondilton that happens if the brain does not receive a n ade­qua te supply of blood. A regular s uppl y of oxygen and nutrients is needed by the brain , and when the flow is interrupted for as s hort a period as three to 10 minutes, permanent damage can result.

DOCTORS SAY T HAT most strokes are caused by either a cerebral throm bosis, a cerebral hemorrhage or a cerebra l em· bolis m.

In cerebral throm bosis. a blood clot forms in one of the major arteries that carries blood to the brain . This type of problem often builds up slowly as a person 's ar t e ri es n arr ow b y a rte r ioscle rosis, or ha rdening or

Careful Play

Emphmized in Coloring Book

PUEBLO , Co lo . IAP l Children love to play, but unlesi. they exercise some caution play can a lso lead to injuries.

the arteries. Many who develop arteriosclerosis a re those who have high blood pressure.

Often people who suffer ce•ebra l thrombosis are t hose who have had previous inciplenl strokes . These a re attacks that res ult in the momenta ry reduc· l ion or blood flowing through nar­row arteries. A person may feel d izzi ness. tingling, weakness, s lurre_d speech and visual pro~ lems 1.n one eye. The symptom$ som eti mes last only 30 minuteso.r so and then disappear .

CER EBRAL hemorrh ages °"' cur when arteries in the brain r l.\P­ture. Blood pressure tha t is ~ high is often the cause. or it can be the result of an artery's wall hav. ing an aneurysm - a weak spot that can s well like a bubble unlil it bursts.

A cerebral embolis m is like a cerebral thrombos is in that it ln· rnlves a clot that blocks a major artery of t he brain. The c loi.­however, forms in another pafl of the body and travels throug­thc bloodstream until it c logs O!"t of the arteries that s upplies tll~ brain :

E\'Cry year more than half a millton Americans s uffer from ~trokes . More than 200,000 of the a ttacks prove to be fata l, but 60 pe rcent of the vict ims recover with medical care.

Whirligigs a Common Species The Consumer Product Safety

Commission has prepared a col· oring book to help get the "play carefully" message ac ross to the 3- to 7 -year-old set.

RECOVER'\' FROM a stroke depends on how much or the b rain r eceived perma n ent damage when the blood was cut off. Rehabilitation by medical people should begin as soon as possi ble .

Hig h blood pressure. called hypertens ion. is probabl y the basic cause of most i.trokcs. Con· trolling this condit ion can be an e ffective way of preventing s t rokes . Doctors recommend va r ious medicines and d iets.

DEA R ELLI E : I used to live • in an a rea where t here were

numerous rivers and streams. Jn the summer we used to see some kind or beetles spinning around on the surfA~ of the water. Do yoa kno..,-wh a t ·they

1 were? r

.£.! ·~~.L..J. DEAR C. L. 'iJ.: 'l'Jle. ~J'l)TI1on

name for lhelS, iqseds is whirli gig beetles . T~ey a r e s ma ll , under a half in t'h In size. oval. and s hiny blat'k . These creatures seem to spend most of thei r time s pinning rapidly on the s urface of quiet pools. Ir danger threatens, t hey a re able to d ive under the wate r

An interesting adaptat ion 1s found in theiT spee1alized eyes which are di vided into upper and lower halves so tha t the insects

ca n look both up into the aiT and down into the water while they a r e whirling on the s urface . Th ey are quite co mmon throughout the world, and there a re more tha n 400 different s pec ies.

Us u ally a larte numbe r of the~e little .beeUes is row_ together, and altttouell. t be_y.Jjaj"" alt be s pinning at t he s ame time, they never collide. This feat Is ac hieved through the use or their antennae which are so positi oned that they ree l the vibrations of an approaching beetle and move lo avoid hilling 1t. These same a ntennae also de­tect insects that fall into the water, for these are what the whir ligigs eat.

The females attach thei r eggs to the stems of s ubmerged water

plants. and the larvae spend some time on the botto m before they change into adult beetles and move lo the s urface.


• DE AR ELLIE: Which of the species Of wild cats do you s up­pose ts the ~losest rdaJed to our domestic cata?

LILA G. DEAR LILA : There are 35

spec ies or cats li ving in the wilds. Nine make up the large types s uch as lions. tige rs. leopards and jaugars; a nd 26 a re quite similar in s ize to the domestic variety. or a ll these, t he African bus h cat - also

· called the Kafk cat - is pro­bably the nearest ances tor of our-domestic cats.

The African bus h cat looks •ery much ~itc~ , a . large, heavy tabby. As long ag<S as 2,000 B.C. the African Bus h cat was tamed, and a l ong with the l ater domestic type came to be con­s idered sacred by the ancient Egyptians.

Since this wild cat wi U readily breed with domestic cats. its ·si milarity to t h e m is dem ­onstrated.


DEAR ELLI E : Can you tell me about those fish that are said to catch insects in the a ir? How can they do this?


archer fi sh from the freshwater regions of Southeas t Asia. They actually s hoot down insects with drops of waler. Archer fis h are fairly s mall with deep s haped bodies. They are s ilvery in color wllh 3 or 4 dark vertical stripes on each side.

These fi sh have adapted to s pendlhg their lives j ust below the s urface of the water, looking for insects Jbat are res ting on overhead branches. When an in­.sect is located, the fis h puts its head partly 014t or the water and squirts'drops of water a t the prey until ,Jt falls onto the surface. Then it is eaten at once.

An adult fish can shoot the wate r as far as three reet. and the aim ls remarkably accurate. The moulh of the a rcher fish is

.; Uned with special grooves that help eJecl Uie water with some force. .. SqmeUmes these fish are kept 1n aquartums, and they retain their instinct lo "sboot" for their food and can actually be t rained to (IQ thls, even if the prey ia comm e r cial fish food . T h is peculiar action is performed, however, only if the fish is bl.lll· gry.


CJlimp 'Retired' CA;f! TOWN, South Africa

(AP) - Quarrel• b H come a ton1 way from the laboratory wb~l'e ho was raised a& a poten· . ,u,1 hea):t donor for Dr . Chl•Uaan B&m,1rd'1 pioneerlnt 1>l1CY·baek tra.n1plant l\lrlery. He w11 aeat lo a South African animal farm a fter Bam'ard announced be would no Jqer UM chimp bt.U for 1urprr. .

In the booklet, Leon the Lizard has a series or accidents because of his poor play habits, and then Leon 's fri ends get together to s how him how lo play more safe. ly. Exam ples ore warnings not to ruh while carrying toys and not playing with broken toys, s uch as arrows with the rubber tips off.

Send your ques tion on a post card lo ASK ANDY in care of the Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costq • Mesa 92626, making s ure to in· e lude your name, age and ad­dress . Entries are open to boys a nd gi r ls7 to17

Copies or " Little Leon the Lizard" are available for 60 cents each from the Consumer Information Center. Dept. 103F . Pueblo. Colo .. 81009

world scope (10 point• for Hell qu.atlon an.-.d correctt,)

1 Under the new Social Security bill pmed by Congreu, an average worker who retires at age 65 can expect a Social Security pens10n equal to . . l . . percent of his earnings.

a·JO b-41 c-65 2 President (CHOOSE ONE : Harry S. Truman,

Fr~nklin D. Roosevelt) started the Social Secu11ty program 10 provide insurance for ,., : .. _ ... ,_..,, - ~ ·-•: .. ~ ..... ,,.,,.l,,or~

J When Congress reconvene4• J;i1nuary 19, 1he Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings are scheduled to begin on the f inal phase o f (CHOOSE ONE: the Panama Canal treaties, trade aRreernents wi th Jainn).

4 On Thursday President Caner begins an 111,000 mile journey to six countries in nine days. In (CHOOSE ONE: Poland, Yugoslavia) he is scheduled to become the first Ame11can president to hold a news conference in .i

communist country. S Ferdinand Marcos. who declared mar11al law

in his country In 1972, was re-elected Pr~1-dent of .. l .. , d country which receives considerable U.S. aid.

a-Portugal c-the Philippines b-South Korea

newsname (10 ~ fof !tie comet ldenttflcMion)

I succeeded Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States In 1961. Documents recent· ly released by the FBI show that Lee Harvey Osw;ild, act ing alone, .s11sslnated me in Dallas in 1963. What Is my ri1me?

match Words (4,..,,.. "' .... WNOt lftltOf\)

c-model, ideal

• · paramount


In addition to being a family fun feature, THE QUIZ Is an integr a l part of the news program presented in Orange Coast area schools as a public service by the Daily Pilot.

AIU••'' •PP*•' t""'Hdownl bel•wqutt

• news picture (10 polntt H JOU •n ... r lhl• quMtlon correctly) Before his scheduled Chmtm;is d.iy meeting wrrh Pres1denr Sadar. Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin met in w.nhing1on with President Caner 10 outline his latl'sl proposal for a Middle Easl peace. Begin\ plan (CHOOSE ONE · ~upports, rc•1ccts) thf> idea o f home rule for Palest1n1an\ living on the Wc\I BJnk of the Jordan River.

sportlight (2 points for each quutlon • nawered correclly)

1 The defensive unn of the (CHOOSE ONL ,.,tlan1a I alcons, Washington Redskins) set a new auonal fool ball League record in 19n. holding rhe team's opponen•s 10 129 points in 14 regular season Rame\ .

2 True or F.-. lse: The Miami Dolphins won a wild c.ird spot'" this ye;ir 's NFL playoffs

l Tom Bladon of 1he (CHOOSE ONE Philadelphia Flyers, Pituburgh Penguins) set a new National Hockey League record fo r points s<.ored by a defenseman in a single game .

4 Comn'\issioner Lawrence O 'Brten leveled a 60 day suspension and a Sl0,000 fine against Kermit Wuhin9ton of 1he Los Angeles Lakers, bec11use of Washington 's violent actions during a recent (CHOOSE ONE: National Hockey Leigue, National Basketball Anoci.ltion) gaml'.

S Controvers1<1I baseball owner Charles 0 . f 1nley sold 1he Amerian league's Oakland A 's. The team wrll move 10 . l . nut year.

a-Buffalo b·SI. lours c-Denvt'r

roundtable , ..,.,., MuHh ft (M ~)

Which world event would you select as the most hisroncally significant news "ory of 19nl .

YOUR~ ti .. 100 ,..__TI» ICOmlll lpll,.... _ ~ 71 to IO palnt1 .... ~ood. f l to 701*1* - '*· 1226-n •e;-..........., ..._ ..

3-$ ! UOJ18!30SS'V l(IQl4l>fH8 tBUOll8N·• !SJ3.<1J VfQdl~P'ltlllfcJ•C :~st1'A·z' ~ GUO:>Tlrd 1lU1?JlV•l :J.119fU80dS

µoddns : 3H~ldSM3N

., q·g !.a·t:~·t : a-z :p·1 :soHOM.UaJ,VMii .~pauu<>}I ...... ul{or :awVNSM:tN.

~ !pua100 ; ·t : S3HRaJl J8U8J llW8UCd ~l{l·& ! lf'>Aasoo • o un"uaJA·i : q ~ 1 : a dO:')SO~•o


•. 0At~ Y PILOT

Group Gardens


The conct'Pl o l t•o rnmunily gmdcnin~ caµlurl'd the im­.i.:inut1on ;_and energies of the A ml' ric:in gardl•11 1n g public . ~t on: than :1 m 111 wn people in this c·oun try gn•w u\'N S2 billion worth of H 'gl•lai)ks th1i, year on I.incl tlwy d1ctn 't e,·cn own.

llcrc in California, a hill wa~ 1ntroflul' ed t hul qu::ilifies com· rnun1ly gankns a s bonafidt· 1 c1·rC>;1tion;_1I areas where l;ind 11<'' t•loper" al't' rcciutrl'd to pro ' ul e surh art' as

COMMUNITY ga rclerung h:ts 1l11nC' m on· th:m p rU\ Hie food .md flowl'rs. P l·rsonal sut b faelinn . h l'<Jlth un<I happiness an• u part o f g;ird<'ning as wc•ll a:- its s mall h11~ po:-.ilin· contributions LO\\ ard ri·'lo h 1ng s11e h problems as lll'Uan blight , jll'O\'lding iJC ·

t1vll1t•s for thl' <'l<lt•rly, und thl· \\ l~uk arl':I of J>O\'l•rt \ . wclf:Jrc .inti n•lld

(~ roup garc lt•ns arc• mus hroom 111~ 111 hu1uln•cls of major c·or pot .1l1ons l1K1, :md in ~choo ls. on , h(lreh owtw<l lanfl . on municipal JI.i rk :111cl n 't'l'l' 1on properly anrl 011 pri vall' farm bnd s ... a ltogt'thcr. lo the tun<.' of ohoul30.l!OOi,itcs n :.itionwidc.

TllE POTE!'ITIAL for in · t·n•asc·d ac· t ivity is s taggering . Thl' most n•t'l'nt Gallup Poll on J.! .1 nh• n in g, Io r l' x a mp le . n· '1'.il1·tl that ,1h1111l :m rnlll111n mon· p1·opl1• would lw inlt•n·stC'd In h.I\ 1n.L! :i gardl'n " 1f onl y th<'' h.1<1 1 lw land

11 1·omn111111t) gartlL·111 ng could ltl · int rod11n·d to lht·1ol' people. 1l'!. 11111<·1·1\·a lJl<· th ;1l lhl• c: ur n·nt 1111mht•1· of pa rt tc· 1pants <.'Oul<I douhlc or triple in Jus t a few \'l'<l l' S .

· A r ecent " Gardens for All" ma ll s un·cy of urba n planners rl'\'t.' aled lhal ther e· an• hlcrnllv m illions of m•n ·s of la nd in and .•round our l'llll'S and towns not h1·1ng usl•!I It s 11µ to th <.' 111

di\ 11l11als in l'at·h t•nn11nu111t v tn -.1.11tplanrung1u1" for this spi·ing .1 11d s 11mrn1·r·., rommun11,· ;: .1 nl1•n pro1t•1·t

. Fuchsia Club

Meeti11g Set <:ard<.'n <: rove nranc h of the

'llatwnal Fut hsi a Soc·1ety wtll 1n1·l'l Tut•Mla y al Loy al Harker F: I t • rn c n la r v Sc h o o I . I 2 5 6 5 Spnn,L!dalt· ,\' <' . <: ardc•n Grove

Ila~ mond ~turns " Ill prcs1dr <i1a·s l spenkt.'r will he .Mrs B•irl>ara SC'hnl'idcr of the Vl•n 111 ra nranch who will speak on · Bons ai T r aining of Jo'uchsias."

l'a s t Preslflcnt Orvie Hicks "ill discuss fuc hsia culture and \\ 111 endea\'or to solve all grow 111g problems tha t arc presented

... ............ ................... ... ~ ........ ... -....... .... ... -- · - ··· ---··· · -


Saturday December 31 , 1977 Gardening ________________ __

IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN Csher in the New Yt.•:ir by planting your fuvor ilc rose varil'li l·:-; . Nurseries an· no" !-. tocking the largest !>election of bush. climbing. t rce und mmiaturc types. :'l:ow is Clbo the time lo t ake adv:.intagt• of hare root price~.

Annual Rose Hills Pageant Announced

Secrets of s uccessful rose growing in Southern California'' Ill again be revealed when the annual rost> care demon:,,trat1ons arc.· hl•ld at Rose Hills Memorial Park in Whittier during the firs l two weekends of Januarv.

I lcid in the Pageant of Roses Garden the demonstrations this year will he conducted on Jan . 7 and 8 :.ind the following weekend J an . 14 and 15. Th<· rt> will be one session l'<t<'h day bcginnmg al 1.30 p.m . ;111cl lht•r<.' 1s no mlm1ss1on ehargt•

R. I.. MCN ITT, JR .• prcsiclenl of Huse Hills. has issued :min vita t 111n to all home gardeners lo al tend the sessions

T he demonstrations will be con duct ed by J ames Kirk . rosar ian of Ros e llills. who will discuss the best m ethod of pruning roses lo ge t maximum bloom throughout the yt.'ar; what sprays s hou ld be us<.'d to kee p roses healthy and productive, and the proper waler · ing and feeding of plants.

ASSISTING WITH lhe p r ogram will be Mary Arms trong, pruning s pl'c ialisl. who will demonstrate proper use of t.'quipmcnt in prun· in~ bushes. Miniature r ose· s p('ci alisl Don I lcrzog will answer any questions home ga rdeners m ight have about miniaturt> roses

i\t the conc lus io n of each sess ion, drawings will be held for

frN' rose bus hes, gi ft tcrt1ficates and t·atalogs, s pray material s and prunmg c·qu1pmt•nt

Some Fungi

'Harmless ' To Plwits

There's no need to have u patholog ical frur of any thing termed ''fungus". Som e fungi a r e harmless to plants and others a r C' actually beneficia l.

M ycorrhizal fungi Ii ve sym­biotic ally on roots a nd send out an extensive network of hyphal s trands into lhe soil. These s trands function as an extended root system. greatly inc reasi ng lh<' plant's upt<ikc of water and nutrients .

Som e m ycorrhizae ali;o inhibi t root pathogens and aid lhe plant m storing nutrient<>.

Plants Talk Back Body La1iguage Tells Likes, Dislikes Plants undoubtedly have a

sys tem o f communication fa kind of body la nguage ) within lh<.'m selves. T hey res pond to cer­tain s timuli in certain ways. Con rl1tioned refl<'X<.'S or whatever you want to call it. But thl'sc s i~nuls or these triggl' r s ulways occurred outdoors . . before . we brought tht•m indoors. You see. we created lhc pr oblem.

Plants arc natura l outdoor:. " floru ." This means cert ain con s ideralions ~ind adjustm ents 111

you r thinking for indoor s ucce:,,s with growing things attuned for millions or yenrs to the frec­flowinJ: ''naturalness" of the out­doors For instance .

THE\' ARE USED to rain water. The head of the un iverst> ncvt•r mentioned pulling chlorine 111 ruin wal<'r So you 'd expect this lo take ::.Om l' getting u:,,ed to. wouldn't you ? Or, even bctt<.'I' , \\ hy not rclil've your house plants of thi s chore·" It ':-. so casv When ~ ou pn•pa1 c to \\ akr you'r indoor plant:- for l\\O sound 1·casons. let \\at er you'll llSl' :-.1l on•rn1ghl in s onH• kind of container. a water ing can or what -not. En•n stir a hit as you set the watery load down . This s tarts an aeration process to rid it of the chlorine by the time you get around to us ing It.

And. loo, there 's still a nother important rcuson . perhaps more important. Pl a nt s <not jus t some I don't llkl' cold tap \\at er llnc-idt•ntally. cold \\ at<.'r C\'<'n CU U S l' S s pottin g; 1l ':-. that t raum alil' . I Standin.l! . it reat:hcs roo m temperature by the timt· \OU U!>t.? IL Should ) OU ha ve an l'nH•r gt•m·y nt•(•d for w:itc: ring . add ;.1 h tlle warm water until ii reels lt>pid to your fi nger

l"O\V, AS \VE \ '1sit the various treatment rooms of this hos pital . here's a way of looking al plants that at first may seem odd to you. But it shouldn't. You've heard of pla(·ing a pat1<.'nl in isolation . That 's lo prcVl•nt him from in · I eel ing others. The s ame ~oes for


Set Jan. 9th Costa Mesa-Buy Cities Br anch

of th e National Jo"uchsia Sociely insta ll ation of officers will be held at Veteran 's Memorial Hall, 565 W. 18th St. . Cost a Mesa a l 7 : 30 p m . on January 9.

Elected were Chuck Lauden· berger. pres ident : Ms. Donna Os lerhues, vice presiden t ; Ms. C;.i rol Dague, re co rd ing rclary; Mrs. Carl <Carol ) Halba c h, corresponding SN' rclury ; M ri.. Chet ( llelen 1 Wilk , lrc.usurc r : Donald Waters. members hip , William Rhoton. national reprt>senlalive ; ;.ind Ms . Mary Warwick. alternate representative.

Visitors always welcomed. For information call !>48-8207.

plants. Suy one ot yours m Its place among the olhers comes down with a fungus disease or pest prohlem . Perhaps you don't know exactly what yet. All you know is somt•thing's odd . You're going to find out but m e antime you lake the 1>lant away from the others, into a bedroom near a window or. weather pe rmitting, out on the s haded porch.

YOU 'VE Hf~ARD about talk mg to plants. Perhaps too mu<'b . We hope you know by now all evidence points to its being a lot of nonsense from the em otional standpoint on wh ich the idea once won so many brownie points.

Wh at is known Is that when you talk to your plant yo11 breathe all over it. That means you a re feed· ing it Its favorite nutrient tn extra large doses. carbon dioxide.

LasUy. we'd like lo s uggest plant rotation . Plants can use s om e or those goodies they get outdoor-i. as a bonus by moving so many at u limo out to the porch when weather permits. Or under a tree . But keep in shade. And whe n the plant's housebound in cooler W<"alh<'r rotate in position, :.o all sid~ get equal doses of the li ght. Ha lf a turn twice a week or a quarter of a turn ever y bccond day. anyway you want. It 'i. ull up lo you.

Houseplant Failure

lloot Rot Caused By Overwatering

Ovcrwatering 1s the major cause or houseplant failures reports the California Association of Nurserymen. Horticultur a l experts agree that too m uch water results in r oot r ot problems because of inade­quate ai r supply In the soil. The balance or air and available moistur e to the plant are critical to healthy root growth.

The nurserymen's associa· tion a lso reports th a t Indoor ga rdeners often fertilize their O\'erwatcrcd pla nts in hopes of rcv1vini: them. They r~ommend this prnctice be avoided becaUSl' root systems dumnged by rots do not ahsorb or n•spond well to


Gardening Checklist

• Roses, flowering tree!) a nd s hrubs. shade lrl.'es. be rry vines, grape vines. a nd strawberries can all be planted now. Major landscape improvements <'an ~ mad<.' easily at this ti m t•

• Start m alting plans for your cool season vegetable garden now. Begin amending the soil with com p ost and o r ganic fertiUzers.

• Time to prune fruit t rees. Remove diseased, dead and cross-over branches. Prune to maximize light penetration an~ build a strong branching s truc· tu re or scaffold

• When pruning Roses, don't leave any of the o ld foliage on thc plant

• Lilies may be planted now. Be s ure the drainage is good. They do not do weU in standing water .

fertilizers anct can be further damaged by the build up o( fe rlili.ter s alts in the soil.

t\1' OVERWAT E R E D houseplant can bc diagnObl.'d a~ the one that appears limp or will · cd <.'Ven though the soil is mois t lo the touch and puts out little or no growth . If lhe s tem or trunk of the plant reels loose in the s oil, the r oots arc not properl y a nchorin g th e pl a nt and is another indicator or over water­lng .

The best cure, or course, ls pre­vef\tion . There are moi s ture meters and a number of moisture indicators on the m arket to help you waler only when the soil is read y for m or e water. Many or these aids work quite well , but one of the haqdiesl is at the tip of ~·our fingers, or rather. is the ti ll of your finJ?cr.

Wicked.War Waged . On Wanton Weeds

.. A wicked war on wanton weeds has been declared by the stale Depa rtment of Trans portation.

Th e d e partment. h as an ­nounced il will wage war on tum blewceds a nd effect efforts lo e r adicate e ncroac hing s n ails . And lher e will oo an a ll-out at ­tack against aphids. t oo.

The department said its efforti; to cont.rol lhe pests are saving lhe s t ate m ore tha n a million dollars a nnually.

Death Not. ices Death Notice• PUBLIC NOTICE


427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa • 646-4888

Santa Ana Chape l 518 N Broadway

Santa Ana • 547-4131


627 Main SI Huntington Beach



HOMl 7801 Botsa Ave.

Westminster 893-3525

rJ.CflllC VllW MIMOIJAL rAlll

CemetefY MortuatY Chapel

3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Cahforn1a 644-2700

McCOIMICll • MOal'UAllfS Laguna Beach

494-9415 Laguna Hills

768-0933 • San Juan Capistrano


STARTS December 26,


ENDS January8,


••• on the Gifts that were forgotten

40% off ... Decorations and Ornaments 40% Off ••• Indoor Rowering Plants 50 % off ... Selected Patio Furniture 30% Off. ~ . camellias and Azaleas (5 gal.) 50 % Off ••• Selected Gift Items

We will be dosed January 1st and 2nd, 1978 '

All $&lei lteme limited to ttodc on hand. Open Dally 9 am-6 pm San Joaqwn Hilla Road at MacArthur BMI., Newport Beach, (714) 640-5800

~ .


COMICS I CROSSWORD by Brad Ancferson

" I don't understand it. Why weren't we invited?"


. . . -. .... -. .... "' ........ ~ .... ......... · ·-



1.A?i NluHi 1 ~fAM!C' ) l W/6 1~0WN INTO

A JAIL CISLL fVL!.. OF SiAu1'1FUL Gl~t.S !




~c. 31 , 8 :Ph\

by Tom Batiuk

( S16H) ! HERE I AM ALL p).; M'J5ELF ~ NECJ.l QEAR~




PEOPLE TO 1J.l15 PART<t> !






1.J. -J I "

by Charles Rodrigues

by Ferd and Tom Johnson




we CAN'1' CL.OSf nus SEMINAR WrrHOu1PAVING~llftm:1'01HI OHC( ftJOHAWI( Mft10,. s



.· by Wm. F. Brown and Mel Casson ·

1li'f>- Sffol¥' t FOLJNC' 001 t W£N1 OUi AND t \'tOKf: LJP ! ! GOT AIZIZ~SieD

"' WMAi DIP v'OLJ ~ ' I 00 ~N? i

f j

e=;:~ ~

tl: 31

Ql1 . , -: . ' •'





0 •

by Mell

NO, NO, If; DD Y .1


AGAIN SI A e-A-R·e , eARe: eeACH .'



DOWN itlt: FRE~WA'I !

by Gus Arriola

by Harold Le Doux




by Chara.s M. Schuti '11

'• . .. t •• • . '•

'• '• " .. ..

,f ••

AND M< fArn' SMILE! ,

by Roger Bradfield ·

by George Lemont

by Templeton and Forman


1 FoNlllOI I 6 R1n 1w1y


52 Klndof berometer

54 Conllnued tlOty

58Eng • 11 o-r*'f lolJndlf

59 -·· Smith

UNITED Feature Svndleate

eorn 14 Oleincll llOd 15 Mt. Turnet 1e Blfdeound IT AIN>nQ.

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I ' l ,. , ' 1 1 ll

32 Goll club* :? N V Sti tt 33 Moving 3 :=a 25 Revell 2

l loWly

IT--35 Wrongly : 4 Hall word•

Prelui 5 Menacn ~7 A11er11t "" 38 Und9rgoet e Ste te Abbr 1

0lmll decom1J09rtion 7 Anlf'llel'S ~8 In • aenea

39 Shift• owemno 29 Ge to ,,., • O Sooav aree I! Conctuded pollt 41 Btlndebted 11 Snealllng 30 Accumule ted • 2 E•tr• cta coward• good•

orea IC Long ate~ 3• Plant 8nt• 43 Speeletaed 11 .. Wlllft .

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drinker· 23 Far a •O p .9Mt1· S11ng pertnor ' "' . ?

' D

.. •

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\ I :l DA l , rtL. - t ,71

ehool oon ellng Countrv .,

Business Can Assist Rwmer 8) JO\'('E L. KENN D

f>c•ar J oyn• A1> u l>usmt>:, . h P r e arc thuu~h L h yo c h ool l'ounselon, their bt~ •csl µrdbltom th lh<il tht•.v lt!am hoy. to rounM·I .11

"l'hool. Tht: only plun· to know whut t!-. .:omg on m the reJI world i:i bv actua l

• IY work1n~ in JulJ:-. 1n the bus1nl·ss Mn· tor . No t•oun1>dini: sc hool c·an lt>a<'h

. this. , Sc hool gu1dam·e coun:,clors s hould be made up of n •t1red bus inesspeople, who would pro ha bly be will1n~ to serve for a nomin al fee./\ clerk m tht' school. rathC'r than a highly pa id

'. counselor, could for ;appoint · mcnts so that student11 intert:sled in ,·arious fields rould m eet "ilh peoplt·

• who have workl•d in the m and fh~cuss job opportunitil•s there. J 'd appn:t'iall' your comments

- William K Youn~. Neptune\ N.J .

· Your ;dca of 1m o1 vins.: busincssr>eo pie in the <':.treer s.:u1danC"t.' and counseling fund1on is great ' Its 1m pl e mentalion is a nother matter Busi ncsspeople, both <1ctive and retired . s hould hc lµ not rcplacC' ~chool counselors

If you agree· that a coum.clor" .. basic JOb is assisting s tudents with i m proved dcciston making , long-rangl' p la nning, and n·alistie t arccr ~o<tls you'll see the problem 1s two·sHkcl.


[ ___ CARE __ E_.RS ___ J ~~~~~~., 1oh .ilom· ll 's too big. Contact:, Y. tlh -.tut.l1•nb arc too brief and mfn .. 'fluent Coopt•raL1011 within the entire school is n t.•t.•11 e d . from n d min 1 :,trulor lo dass room teacher . A counselor who does not undNstand c duc<tt ion 's poltt1t·s and dyn<.1m1cs would get sl1•amrollerod.

Thrce·fourths of the st<1tes s till re 11u1n· a tcuclung buckground before 1•m11loymcnl as u school counst.>lor . W hatC'Vt'r t•lse can be said about this lffl'rt•qu1sttl'. 11 docs help u counselor function 1n the e ilu ca t1 o n al hurl'aucracy because the counsdor has first hand knowledge of what other (•dut.·ators are up agumst m lry ini.: to do thf•trjOIJS .

Pity lhl' counsl'lor who isn 't fluent in "cducal1onesc ..

C:O BUT LEARNING TO wheedle eoop<.•rat1on from olh<' r educators ctot•sn •t mean the counselor 1s ade· quately tnfornw tl ahout work and <·u n·c.• r s and the 1>ulhways into them.

Yt·ars a).!o most s tates required about two yl'ars' work ex perience out· sidt.· edut•al ion prior to e mployment as a srhool coun:,clor. That require· m l·nt. now genernlly a bsent . should be l'l'IOSlatt'<.I

l ' nifn·d School U1stricl's rec r<•at1on clt>µai·tm<'nt has schudult'd its a nnual c ross counlry m eet fur ) ouths M ) C<tr b old w younge r Jun 7

t\ d1str1ct bpokcs m s<it d th(• ev4!nt. s lated for J\11ssion Vi ejo H i g h Schou!. will be run in various age ~roups over d1 st u11t.•t.•s UJ> lo two miles for olcl1' r children .

Tht• to1J fi vl' fini shers in ead1 event urc to tom Pl'tc at UC' Irvine on J un 1-1 fo r the Orani:ic County 1\1 unic1pal Athletic A~ s oc1ation c h am pwnshil)l-.

Children participating must wcur shoes without t.•lcats und sutimit s igned pe rm 1ssion sli1>s prior to l'nt c r ini:. the i.pokesm::m said . Blank pcrm1ss1on fo rm s <1rc to be a v1:1i loblc at lht· district r ecreation office . 251;:11 Di sc n u Urive, Mission Viejo, thl' s pokes man <1nnounccd.

()v•·r Tiu· Counl••r HJ.SD listirKJt

A ~ P•b.t6 4 °" \ ., PacGdA

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11 .. ll"• ~ 1: ,,: '~ .\ , \SD1\q Summary :1

U ' • U ' 1 N E W VOAt< (AP) Mo\t tl<t•v~ OVf't· ; 1 ~· 1~,~ ltl• -countflllr \lO< ~ t. ~upol1C"d b V NASO. b 16 II N~m.. Vol........ 8 10 A•k•'<I ChQ I

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IJps and Downs

Name Kt1tn(K F'tArl1'\t ASq CD lnlrcOyn Sw •nlO" Med Devi l'corlnl lnll.ltH FarmF<I RAIRf"

~ca,.1F:~ Con<»(O HMO Int R•o11nP,. V•nOykll Buc kbee Ma one• AtpuCm Apj)lbm El~Prot EmpCnm GAlwvSc>t H V<lrO()p A~IKlO


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Co111puter Crentur~

. . -. . , . . .


OCC Class Explores Researcl1

Topi<'' ' " b lologiC'ul and n1l!d1c:il rese.irch will he 1•xumint•d 111 a lhn•t• unit Oran~C' fo;i s l C'ollt·~e dU!!b thl!> spring llt lt.>d. '(.'urrl\nl rrcin tiers m Biology ·

Thi• cln1>~ will m tt.·t M<11Hl ay!>. Wednc:,d a) s :ind Fndayi. al 2 p .rn Topt(s to be covered in dude \\hulc conserv u t io n . l h l• ae ro so l s p r u y o t 1> n e s c u r l'

D••ll• 1111.i P~o •• P•trlc~ 010-11 biolt•edbut.•k. ag1ni:: and marij uana research

.\ l wo· llll'h m M·c· t Cltst'li\ t•n·d 111 ll1 t.· l >:Jtl~ l1 tl11t c·ompukr room t'I\ 1oyc·d a hnt•f IJ<.'l'IOd o f rJ \ 01' \\\·d1w~d a~ II \\;JS ;,1 cloplc:cl a~ a ma~tol and 11aml'tl .Jo,111. although \\Ol'kt.·1 ~ ~<.llll Lhc,"re not sun· whul kind of hug 1l b The inset•\ . \I hith popular 011111ion he ld to be a polaln 1111,:; or a . J<.·ru~•tll·m end;el. later dil•d ol my~lc•riou~ C'UllSc~ .

Spri ng l'lusses beJ!111 Feb . 6. Hegislrat1on will run Jan. 12 th roui:h Ft'h 18 m thl' CX:C Adm1ss1on:. Ofr1cc in Costa Mesa F or i nfu r mu t ion l ' ;al I 550.5735

Gemini: Fun and Gallles Abound SUN DA\' , JAN. I


ARIES <M arch 21·/\pnl 19i · Urc11k bonds, 1m a g inary or r e al. M ukl• genuine effort to assert you rself. Being ulone 1s nol the s ame <ts being lone ly. You do need some tim e to yourself.

TAURUS (April 2U· May 20 J: Pace s lows. welcome chance to improve servi('es. correct safe. ty tr aps. c lean ureas pre\•iously neglected . Basic 1s s ues need a tten tion. l\Quarian is much in pictun•

Gt.:MINI <May 21·June 20) : Good lunar a spect coincides now with creativity. renew of pleasure. r enewal of interest in loved ones. Fun a nd gam es l·a n be had tensions vanish . pressures arc re· licvcd

C ANCER <J un e 21-July 22 1. Restnclions. a ltl1(.rngh lcmponarily dt'pres1>ing, can rebound m ~·our fovor . Work with material a t hand.. Aquarius. Leo, T aurus persons figure in scenario. T he number 4 plays significant role .

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 >: Spotlig ht on m ovement. trips, relativci;, written suggestions, reports. Key 1s lo be selective; ideas abound and i.o do " notions" put for th by r estless people .

VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22) : Accent on collec­llon, payment, what was los t. r ecovered , expended, s a lvaged. Taun1i;, Libra pe rsons fig ure prominent· ly . Budget, family, resolution are triple-play con· t.·crns.

LIBRA <Sept. 2:1.0ct. 22 >. Define term s. be s ure 'our motives. conditions an• crystal-clear. Pisces. Vir go fig ure prominently so docs number 7. Cy c le is s uch that you are revitalized . o pt1mistk

SCORPIO \Oct. 2:1-Nov . 21 >: You find what you i.eek when you look behind the scenes. The facade falls away - dig deep, decid e now you .want truth , not an imitation or a robol Get rid of los ing s ituu· lion .

SAGITTJ\Rll.1S <Nov. 22-Dec. 211 : Emphas is on desir e. friends who " hang on." your ability to know when enough 1s enoug h. Anes. Libra f1~ure pro m in e ntl y._ You reach d ecisions. concl usio ns

C••tl• or condominium, find your dream hom•

Sun~:~:. •1 •• t"J"llllli•1-~"j•( i")llllli

l ' nusual s1tua ti cm should not cuusc panic CAPRICOR~ tO<.•c 22-J :m . 191 You've been

w1i.han~ for nc\\ d c<t l. opportunil\· now \ 'OU J.!ct 1t Lt•o 1s involved . Str ess (·rcativ1ly, confidence, in ~ dependence, weit'om e challen~e of pioneering en · deavor.

AQUARlt.:S <Jan 20-Feb. 181' Philosophical c·ofl cepts com e mto focus - you sense where you arc going, how lo get tht• r e and why t hisspcciric goa l is for you. Anothe r Aquarian is in picture

PISCES <Feb. 19- M a rch 20 1: Be flexible where budget . travel cnll'r picture. Conditions around you ~re changiniz. Move with tide. Pe rsonal popularity inc r eases. you receive more social invitations than in rtcent past.

U .Jan . 1 is your birthday you arc resilient, capable of ba tlhng for your riizhts. independent . t c mpcrumc•11tal, cr l'ative, s tubl>11rn. You arc altrac ti vc lo oµposi t t• s<.•ic you exude· an air or mystery. g lamour. challe nge. August could be your m ost m e morable month of 1978.



One Morning Worship Service only, at 10:00a.m.

Or. George Wood, PreochinJ

Evening W onhip with C.ommunlon at 6:00 p.m.

Rev. Wayne Tesch, Preaching


148 Ea1t 22nd Street Costa Mesa (645-6620)

. -


'Phpnou11i C on9rr9ntio11nl Clutrch NEWPORT HARBOR A CordialWekoNfrom lJ. fl TEMPLE BATY AHM


7fl Dover Of'. Hewpof't IHctt "Ti _ lkelorml l \.. \.. Costa M esa ~ ~ ltllbM MAltK S. MlllR

3262 llOAD ST .. HEWPOltT IEACH 642·2740 541·JUI '

•99"' J . e.rg. ,...,. FIRST UNITED Hun1tngt on Beach ldilcet°"""""""44 .... y

SUNDAY SHYIClS- t:OO & I O:JO A.M .• G""9fA...._., ,__ METHODIST CHURCH FIRS~UHITEO -- f"retidtwt J..t ~·wfti

~ s.w..ftl SerYlcH frWlly, 1:00 r .M. "PEOPLE OF THE FUTURE .. EARLY WORSHIP .. . . . • 8:00 AM 19th St. & Harbor Bll1d. METHODIST CHURCH l.ticJI- Scltool-~, t:JO •-to 12

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9 :15 A.M. Cllwcll SclliMI fOf' 2721 171h St. 536-3537 ~ Scltool-~. 4:1s . 6:1 s , ,,.. OR. JOHN LINDVALL. PASTOR FESTIVEWORSHIP .... 10·30 AM AIA9ff- 9:JO WortMp Senkr. I 0: Is L ... 1011 C~k. H•.,.,. le«lt !Off J.._.I

-IP'fCAUAYAllAtl.t WONM~ - 11 :00 A.M. NUfHf'V Cate A UM,,.,ntr.q Jr. & Sr. H14Jft G""'l"-AcMI ._.._ WELCOME Charles . Clark. M in1stl'r Cllirdi Sch .. t:OO ..,._

I ST. JOHN THE DIVINE Hew MetlllNn Wtk--'4 .. lttt M.-.,.ofUAHC Costa Mesa North


. M issoun Synod

THI QV. COt4ttAO A. HOll~ST. VICAl 7 60 Vlcterie St~ C.ste M.H ~-Ve•<M•O.k"1SI METHODIST CHURCH .. _ Y••'• lY• v.'"" + ~!twist 9~13•

10 AM -HO!. v EUCHARIST Hf SD A Y: 9 A.M. LotltOI" V. r-. Ptntor-Ul-161 t Wonlllp&Cllwc•SclliMI 6662 Heil Ave. 842·4461


~ SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT S._., sdeot & li.llttlf


llMe a.s.-t:JO A..M. I

- Chlrch Sci.ool

. -....· ST. JAMESEPISCOPAlCHURCH Cllri1ff;-e.t....., Sclloel-541-61'6. CHRIST CHURCH t & I O:JO A.M. HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE

IYTHESEA ..._ _:·~~ . ~SYOU Newpart Beech NEWt'ORT CENTER

, :- - · ',; _ .,. 3209 Vio . , .wport Beach PRINCE OF PUCE LUTHStAK CHUI CH 1400 W. Balboa B lvd UMITED METHODIST ff-ldeye• ... l :ISP.M.

''suHDAY 1:00 A.M. Holv bcherht 2911 M.MV.,.-.Dt-~ Cot .. Mne 673-3805 1601 MarguerateAvA f-"YSerYic• 1'.11.1 ... Y M""'1IM. PASTO« ~ _.,.._.,,,., . .,, Rev. Robert Shepard Jr Corona det Mar Flntf.nct.,ef"--"" . 7:l0,.M.

9:00 A.N. ~ Scllool .... ' s.....,,..... _ 9:40 A.N. Wonlllp&CllwcllSchool Rabbi· Bernard P. K1nq 1400W. Balboa Blvd. ........... M-i..t w...., I & 11:00 A.M. . t:JOA.M. W ....... - IO:JO A.M . I 0:00 A.N. Holy E.c:Mri1f, f'riftH of'-• LmfW• SchooA Wlicky rr•School/ D.., ~ Music: My1a Lichtman Newpart Beach. C8ht ......... ......,.... Mrs Join lliwrecloul)PI. .... 1:45 &a to 5:00 p.111. ltev. Jollft It. IC11ox 644-0745 Educator Doris Michael ,_ ......_ ...... c411116 7S. 7230

llilrds-Ny Olltoe """'-5'1~1>2 ' Sc1'ool-~ FOUN'r AIM V AU.EY

9:00 & 10:00 J.M....,....., c- FIRST UNITED MEnfOOIST CHURCH TUISDAY t 0 A.M. tWy &cherkt, H"""4) LUTHEU .. CHURCH OF THI MASTER, LCA 112%5 ...,_wd St. t'2·25tl

Serflce wlfll LA YIHG Ot4 Of HANDS 2toOPedficY._Dt-~C-.. Mer 7H· IOJI Worsh ip & Church School 9 30 A .M. -

AHOAY 7:10 r.M.......,.... ...i'"'" TilebY.Joltll P. AIMyll. a.ct•- ,._ 675-02 t O SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL-9:15 AM

not thyself UTUIGtCAL WORSHIP - I 0:30 AM Saint Mkhael And All~s Episcopal Church le•. n.o..s J. Ric ........ Pastor 5ep8rate ~tion

323l Padflc Vt.- v,, CoroM del M• I HARIOR FELLOWSHIP f rotn the c -H1u.£L MUISBY CHK.D CAii & CMUllCH SCHOOi. 9:JO A.M. lllLE CHURCH

SUteAY HOc.T COMMUMIOM$-l:OO l '1JO A.M. WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN OtURCH Ito 2W St .. c .. t• MeM. 64S.SOSO HetyC1 li•T.-,1..-.-we-.9"y19:JOe.a.

tJl41 M..._A.._ Dr. F. K. Beshore. Sr .. DO. LIT.O, PH 0 Rabbi A . YI SROEL KLEIN ............. e>.. .... .Ct... ......'4WUJ

.............. _.,. ,.........""' Rev .. Don Staples, Steve Garner Cantor MEYER LISS I

- l :lt• l .. .JIAM-W_....,Senicft t :l 1 .A.M.- S&MA Y SCHOOL

SH--t:JO AM - S.-, ScliMI ...i A""1t .... 10:00 A.M.- "•llA T ~T TLtPLE All SAINTS ANGUCAN EPISCOPAL CHUROt .01 THI .. W n..a~

'ASTOtl JOB. A. Swt..UM rHOMI IH-1219 8 "1'7 WEST HAMILTON, COSTA Ma.A ACC ...... ""' 1'21 ..... c.-.. "4tytf' - SllMOMIY . 102~=.:.~~=~l . OL ' · I. llSHOlll

e4e-essa - ~ -

Wa•••-7:00P.M.. =~='°" .......... • ................ 1:00 A.M. HAllOl ASSEMIL Y OF GOO Adult B ibi• Stucty-New Ufe-)'outh

140 W. WHaon. Coste MHe 541-4704 CHllST CIMTBtlD lllU TEACHIH._ a a.c:M tCHOOL ...................... t:to A.M. DOMALDL .. B JACK LIWIS

........ NA TR . ....... o .... • • • •• .... ·•.I .. .JO A.M. ,..... SUMDAnavteU MWdwefMiltk _g_ _..,, J• MUllaY ~AYA&AAI 9:41 A:M.-IUMDAY SCHOOL

. (Holy Cornmurilon Flrst&nday) 10:30A.M. l'i '~~ ~~ --~ ' I O:JO A.M..-'"MOW TO '"'"°' ATTEND THE CHURCH ,.

· ~%§.J.'I ST. MAar.1 ~ i . . NM-;w::: .. "I COACH~

"'ICOPAL CUCH • ilfll'" ... - . 6:00 P.~PAlfOI ........ . .......... -=. .... ATIOTH-YICll OF YOUR CHOICE ~ ~ ~,, ~ 1• ~y • .,

1, .

lttO AM-NOl.T IUCMAWST \J '......o- j) tt(I AM-"°'-HUC",AIJIT

:~ COSTA MISA CHllSTIAM SCHOOL . THIS WEE~END • ~.,....c:11111c..•-

~'"' .................... .... ,_-~~ .... ~<In . ~

4t4-Jl4t·,f4!4" """"'"'NG~ . - -··. ~·· I ... <!" -..

~ :i [I O • ' I .. - - . ....... -

" ... ... . ... ""' .

............................................................ ~ .... ~ .... ~ ... ~ ...... ~ .. " ..................... Sa.t.~.d.~.· .Dece .. m• be .. r.31 ••• 19·7·7 ........... DA· l·LY· P· l·LO•T .. A•J .. 3

A ttu·ee-da' retr,•1l "111 takt• place Sunda~ Tut·-.da' ut th~ Orangf' <:ampu-. of Loyola M ar) mount l mvers1t' Spcukm~ on " Tht• Thcolo~y of

Pra} er" "111 be tht• Re\' J ohn Wri ght, who also will he the retreat leader. 1-'urther 1nformu­t ion 1s available by calling 633 8495, ext. 7763.

* Communion service will be

7 : 30 tonight at the Abiding Savior Lutheru Church, 23262 El Toro Roa d , in celebration of New Year 's Eve.

The l.adit•s Guild will meet at l p .m . Wt'dne~day 1n the f'1res1de Room of the c hurch Officers to be 1n~tallt.'d int'lude Huth S <' hramm , prt•s 1dent : Judy !11«~ randcourt . sc<'retary. and Huth BIJM', tn«•'>un·r.

* An ;di-night cnnt for ttigh

s{'hoo l age youn gs ters will hcg1n • it H tonight ul J, ake Hills C:om­m unity Church. The event will t·onclude at 8 :45 a .m. Sunday al the drive-in ·worship at 2333l Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills .

• Faith Lutheran Church, 8200

Eilts Ave., Huntington Beach,

will have New Y~ar 's Ev e <;t.•rv1ct.·s al 7 30 ton1ghl artd New Year's Day ~erv1cc al 10 a .m . Sunday.

* Members and fri e nds of

Caplslrano Valley Baptist Church, 32032 Del Obis po Road. Sa n Juan Capistrano , will celebrate New Year 's Eve with games. rood and fellowship, beginning at 7 tonight.

A basic Bible doctrine seminar will begin al 5 . 30 p.m . Sunday 1n the social hall.

• Ilishop William Johnson of thl'

Catholic U1ocese of Orange will he th e f(•alu r ed gues l on "C::itholtc Dimensions." lhl' diocesan radio program, on New Year 's morning.

• The Hcv. Jill Gerhard. as!'>1s·

tanl minister, will preuch at 10 a .m . Swtday ut the Church of R eli gious Science of Laguna Beach, 20062 Lag una Canyon Hoad .

Classes in ll a!-> ic Laws of LI\'

lng a nd Science of Being and Becoming will start at 10 a .m . and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wed­nesday. They will continue for the next fi,•e weeks. Further in· formation 1s available by calling 494·0490.

• The start or the new year wlll

be observed at the Neighborhood Con~re1atlon al C hurch. SL Ann s and Glenncyre, Laguna Beach at worship service at 10 a .m . Sunday.

A new program , " Biofeedback Training," will be introduced Thursday at 7:30 p.m . in Bridge Hall.

* A New Yea r 's communion

celebration will be held at 9:30 and 11 : 15 a .m. Sunday at the Garden Grove Com­munity Churc h .

Los Ang<'les Polkc Chief Ed Davis will IJe the luncheon key noter for o•v•~ the Possibi lity Thanker~ at noon Jan . 11 al the c hurch. Reserv:.i­tihn~ can be made by calling lhe t hurch at 750-7000.

• Mrs . Marion Evans, president

or Los Ranchos Presby ter ial, wlll b e l h e s peaker at the luncheon meeting uf Uni led Prt•sbyterlan Women's Fellowship or St. Andrew's.

The m eet· ing will be al 1 1 : 3 0 a • m . M•l. •VAfllS Wednesday at the • church . 600 S t. Andrews Road, Newport Beach .

Mr s. Evan s will give a pe rsonal account of her trip to Korea with 60 U nited Presbyterian women.

Leonard Shane, chairm::in of the board and managing officer of Mercury Savings and Loan As­soc iation , w ill di scus!'> "An American J ew Looks al Both of His Home Lands."

Shane wall be the s peaker al the b r unch meeti n g of the Brotherhood of Temple Beth David or Orange County. The group will meet at 10 a .m . Jan. 8 al the temple sanctuary, 6100 Hefley St .. Westmins ter.

• Anaheim Me morial Hospital

will initiate religious services for ~atients and employees Sunday.

Al JO a.m. there will be a Calhohc Mau, and at 11 a .m . Protes tant aervlce will be given. Dales ror Jewis h and Eastern Orthodox services will be announced later .

* The Rev. Lawrence J . Baird

will speak al 7:30 p. m . Jan . 8 at a retreat for married and engaged couples. The session will be held al the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Orange.

* A New Year's Eve potluck din· ner will be held at 6 :30 tonight at the Huntington B e a c h Ev::ingelical Free Church, 1912 Florida St.


Lectures ~

Offered In laguna ·

A 11erlc::. or lectures by pN> ressionals and experts will ht> presented by the Am e ricpn Catholic Church.

The series will begin Fnday' al 7:30 p.m. at the Chapel or St Frahcls by-the·Sea, 430 Park Ave .• Laguna Beach.

T he first lecture by Wendy Gayron, M .S .. will d eal \\ith Step-parenting - Whal It Is and What It Is Not

A wine and cheese tasting par-ty is planned by I.he Couples Club J !\ CKQl1ELINE CllAPMA~ • of T e mpl e Beth Da vld, 6100 •Jn m structor and a'ilrolog(' r '<ill Hefley St., Westmins ter. The d1sC'us::. Love and the l\lys tu.·s on party will be at 8 p.m . Jan. u . · ~ a n . I :J ; A n n ll o g a n Further information is available Sh_cres~evi.~y <the ro:m.c:r Sa~h.>r by calling Doreen and Norman l\11chael) ~v1_1l offt>r insight into Kings ton at 963-1977. th e de c 1s1 on · m a k 1 n g uh d

* m onument al move from one wa~ As l::in will be presented in a of life to a com1>lete ly new one.

free concert by Calvary Chapel On Jan. 27, Gary Travis, Who or Dana Point, 33732 Big Sur. The has tested and t rained psych1cs program will begin a t 7 :30 p.m. for four years, will talk about Friday. The Psychic Realm - What's in

• It for You. · S undown services wilt r esume r~urthcr information 1s U\'atla-

at 6 p. m. Jan . 8 at Lake IUlls ble by calling Archbishop Si m'on Co m munlt y C hurch, Laguna Talarczyk at 968-8791 or the Rt . ll llls. Chris tian education pro- Rev . Franc i s Shull , 12 13 1 gra m s also will res ume on Jan. 8 429-3612. at the 9 :30 and 11 a.m. service~.

Religious Story Tops HB Christian: . Church Adds .

Impact of Midea,st Meeting Felt Worldwide Dr. Gordon

Dr. Cl. B. Gordon, formt•r vice pres ident of Midwt•st Christian Co ll ege, Oklahoma City, has been udded lo the staff al thl' Firs t Christian Church, 1207 Main SL.. llunhngton Ueach.

Wi11ter Tenn I ns lructor June Cheney works with a young pianist in one of the many c lasses in the arts which are offered by the Performing Arts Center on the campus or the C arden Grove Community Chun:h. Winter term begins . Jan . !l. Furth<'r inform::1tion is <.xai lablc hy calling the 1: cntcr :1t 7.)0-7000 or 750-8()87.

r-. EW YOHK <AP ) - When J C\\ 1sh a nd !\l o!>lc m leaders em­hr;.ited in the l\liddle East in the waning days of 1977, rais ing a glim mer of hopl• thal the region's fratril'1d al conflict might be re· sol \'Cd . it w;.is a lop religious en•nt of the year.

The i mpacl of it also was felt by Christians. as well as others.

Citing it as the year 's No 1 re­li gious story . tht' el' umenical \\'('(•k l \' , Chrb lian Century, said thut clt•spitc polltic·al, c ultural anr1 t.'C'<mom1c· r a m1f1cut1ons of Israeli Arab rl'la t1o ns, religion \\as the underlying foe tor in the pc•aceful confrontation of Egyp­tian and bral'11 lcadcrs .

" CH RISTIAN Al'OD l't OSLEM and J ew will for a long time to c·ome recall the evocation of t ranccndem·e by President Sadat :ind Prime Minister Begin," the wcekl~ obser ved , noting their mutual appeals for God 's help an d re[ercnces to common Biblical roots.

As various organs assessed the main religious events or the year . the following got principal atten­tion :

- The onset or s chism 1n the Episcopal Churth, triggered by dissidents objecting to ordination of women, revis ions in the Book of Common Prayer and asserted secula rizing t endencies in I.he church.

- THE DRIVE BY homosex· uals for acceptance in the churches, c louded by Anita Bryant's successful Bible­quoting campaign in Dade Coun­ty, Fla ., to repeal an ordinance assuring them of rights in jobs and other s pheres .

- - Troubles for churches in Africa, with a key Christian broadcasting center seized by the govern m en t in Ethiopia , a Roman Catholic bi shop murdered in the Con go, an Anglican bishop killed in Uganda where most Protestant g roups were banned.

- The boom of the "born again" movement, given im­pelus by President Carter and conversion of var ious notables, an approach spilling over from conservative P rotestantis m into other circles, Including Roman

Catholic attention lo personal evangelis m .

- •"URTHE R SPREAD of the charis mallc move ment, includ· ing a gathering or 45,000 arm· lifting . " tongues" -singin g Roman Catholic and Protestant participants in Kansas City. But controversy s immered over "shepherding" authority 1n some charismatic groups .

- Demands arose for full financial disclosure and audits of monies raised by var ious re­ligious groups . including big· name cvan~elisls. Homan Catholic bis hops set stricl, new s tandards for s uc h financial ac­counting.

- Trancendental Meditation lost government funding fo r teaching that technique in public s chools after a court found re· ligious e lements in it.

- NOBEL P EACE prizes were awarded to two women in Northern Ireland . They had or­ganized the Peace Peoples Movement in lhat area prolonged of soeio-r~li.l?ious s trife.

Gordon will serve in a newl)· created position as minister of stewardship and developmllnt with responsibilities inc luding church and famil y fin ancial planning. t·hurch budget con­sultation and counseling _

Gordon is a ~raduatc of Pacific Christian College of Fullerton. with an M . A. degn.'c in speech and radio from ~ort hwestern

niversity and a master uf divinity degree from Christian Theological Seminary, In · d ia napolis. He also holds a doc­toral degree from the Los Angeles College of Law.

Control ltetained CLI FTON FORGE, Va . <AP >

- - A circuit court judge has ruled th a t the Episcopa l diocese of southwestern Virginia retain~ control of all property of St. An · drew's pa ris h. although the ma­jority of its mc.>mbcrs had voted to quit the national church .


Rt•. HiltO.. J«•h. Po1lor Pliant 171 41 556-7781




CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. Wtts-, C"to MHo 645-3 It I

We re A Goinq Glowing Growtr1g Church SUMOAY SHYICIS

0 18 Ll ~IUOY 9 .. M WOR~MtP 10 .. M&tl'M


TlMf.e Is• woy to llH MW9 COHSCtOIJSL Y __ .. .... CHURCH-of R!LIGIOUS SCIEHCE

Ot' LA-A IUCM t6o11 UOUNA CAl'NON 110 -AT U lOllO 110,

HIHlY CHlHAID, Mli!lster -....., S-.IC" - 10:00 AM

............... Jr. Chllrdl • Y..tll Gr.. I 0 AM Oftlv CMUl!Clf OMCI •t-H Ol.tJ.4_&-fH -ti• .. ll OMt U




.. ,.. ............... . Uiijty,,.. .. .., .. ow....,..,..._,oA.M.

.,...Al.HG POI •IOWJW'

.... ...., ..... 1, ••• ,,,.... CHllSf UM&fY CHUICH

C» .. WPOIJ llACH z-tea.-119' ..... ......,. ....


1. Freedom of Worship n Ame riaan Crn0ie




0# c-n.• '" '°"°" ~n .. cH11w1n 11GOD11


C~ta MHa-Fint Clwrch of Christ, Sclntfat 2110 MeMI Verde Dr~ Cetta M ... S..ndoy Sdiool - I 0 A.M.. Chwch Ser•lce - I 0 A.M. Rt'Cldiltg lloom, 2180 Mrso V«-dr Or. t A.M.·4:30 P'.M. MOii. thrv Sot. Wtd.. 7·7:50 P'.M.-9-9:30 , ,M.

Hwntinqto" leach - Fint Clwrch of Christ, Scletttist 81ti 1 ONH, Hlil1ttMc)tOfl a.ech Clllrch & SM1tdoy School - t:lO Ii I I A.M. l ...... 11--2ll.,.. St.

CHll.9 CAlllNO,_ NlieAfS t:,._11.JI AM. fOI STUlllY ~

ll'"'flne-ChristiM Sclfltce Socldy of ll'"'flae" .. St. M9ttllew ......._ Clilrch C11hrr1rtw•S•A it w..,, eni... s.dcry s..k• -4...., Sc~-00 , ...... C .. lld c-P'n•i.d We4. P'.M •

LOIJllM leoch-Ff"t Clwch of Christ, Sci...ti.t US H19' Df-4•• .. A s...dey School- I 0 A.M. ....... •--2•4~•···

L..- tl,_I first Ci.chef artti, Sci.t41t 2'otl...., Dr .. a..,.. ....... Clwdl AS-., Sc-.e-10 A.M.. l .... 1~6091 ~DP. ~W.-1 I A.M.-l P.M.

MltMotl Vi.fa - Ffnt Clawclt of Cltritt, Sc ...... t ~..._....,1c-.a,21n2c....,..,.._

a.cit & s-it.r s.-..- I I A.M. ..... ..__..._..,c..._., .... ,... .. "-'• Newport leech-lllnt C....-Cll.t Cltriat. Sclewtkt

nn vi. u.. .._,.,. .._, ca.a A S.W., kllell tt:lt~ I OIJt'A.M. .......... '1fl5 Ylet.Ne ........ ...._flt'!. - 9 A.M.·5 P.M.

OwdC:...~T~tJC)-11.lOAM lot ... llfVl•""

Htw,.,t leech-SKHdClawc•.tCllriat, Sca...tlat JI HP•Hk VJ.wDf' .. C:.-.'91titar C:-.11 • ...., s.-..-10 ....... ..... • .__HOO"l'"LC.-MWy., C...


All are cordii.lly Invited to attend the chun:h serv1cell and enjoy th privlleaes or the

Read1na Room• ClllW C_ ,,..WMAT AU. IMYICIS

TM ...... ty ................ NW ......... .

Mld"f .... H.. ,,..,. '=41-7tl 5 P.M. • St.ti• XIMO AM DI .. HO.

.... o • •• ''• 1 ST OtURCH Of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE /~.\ Of NEWPORT BEAQt '.'. a T .. :\ tM~ml>efChUtell. Un•tooC1>un:~olReh910<1&Sc•nc•. L A I

\{-,.,~ /j ltlY. ALllllT IUla(I, ltScF, MIMl5Tfll

· ... : ... / $ WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:30 A.M.

~ .... -~ ........... W.W.., URIAHUS 5qUARE

MacA, Ford Rood-H..-port Beach FOR AN tMSPIRA TIONAl. MESSAGE D•Al llJ6.S9l 1

ll'-'912 ...._. .. .... 640.5731

Something wonderful wlll happen to you al the

llWPORT HAllOR CMUICM Of HllGtOUS SCIENCE S.1 Center St . Costa Mesa

646-1032 Dlal·A·Prayer -646-6464

--U•-IT•TIOM Ser¥1ces Ii S-doy School -

10:30 A.M. 01. ..._.._ c. JACll­

-~ ......... Mlnlftw· T.-e. • PnOrt-· T_. A..,._

A C.r«al W*- tre• till UllTEJ CIUICI OF ClllST


61 t thlet:.,.A .... CoroM4e1Mw 644·7400

D...wW ...... MWthr IOA.M-S-..Ww:_tMp O¥c11 Sctlcioi· ..... 11urwr e. ..

SllPIOl If T1£ alS ) 0111 ..........


HARBOR OltlSTlAH CHURCH of._..,.... ..... IDhc ..... I

6-4S·5781 2401 er.Me•s-talMINI


.,.....w~ 10:45


Rev. Gene R. Swanson Past Of

NurMfY & Child C11re


Main & Adams Streets Hunhngton Beach ~WartMp ..... ~

l!lo.t:4I-11 ;00 A.M. M)l.DIM ttOUll


....,..,.,~~-.. ·-Offic. &36-2589

Dial Devotion 538-9580


CHUltCH OJ tHI COVEf'iAHT 2110 ,.....,..._ II&, Casto Mna

INc• A. IC11rrt.. Pastor S•ct.J Worshl, • Clwch Schoof

1 :30 I 10:00 A.M. PIMM: 557· 3340

Co.......tty Prelbyt..-i011 Church 415,..,..... An .. L.,_, •ectt

llr•. A....,. J. T .... tnlty llu. lidon H. Thir& f · I OA.M. -CllM1ff• ld.c0Hott .._

10:15 A.M. - W9" ... I I : 15 A.M. - F.Mowshlp HOlll"

PtiooM: 497. 7555

This Sunday Wors hip in


6(VI 4't Annrews Road • Newoort Beach • 631-2880 Hew Jeer's D"'f S-'ce - 11 :00


Dr. Cary N. Weisiger Ill, Preaching

~N.D CAH OMl Y AIC .. LPUHI - 64'-2222

ST. MARK PRESBmRIAN CHURCH 1100 Mtr Vl.t• Dr~ "'9_,.t a.och

R••· Wl9• Mc~ P't11lor Lfth hl11utw. ~ Director


"'-e: 644-1>41

COMMUNtTY P'USIYTlll.IAM CHUltCH of S... JUen C-si,..,.,

um oei Ot><too s..."""" eoo1ur-CllAT1VI WOISHlf' ................ . ..... .. 9:00 AM C-AT10M SHYICI ....... .. ... .......... I O:JO AM CHUltCH IC HOOL & AOUL T ITUOtlS •••• . .•• t 0:30 AJot

R .. 11- l 'I- co.,,,,, G..,.le.,, ~"' Cl>-~ E•~


20112 ......... H.B.•-• PhoM"'""940 ........... L......_, ....

•VM:ISt la41 a IO A.Mo SUNDAY SCHOOL to A.M.








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S&Mday. Oec:.mber 31, 1977 DAILY PILOT

. Trojans Take ~ · Shot at Texas Agg_ie HOUSTON <AP > Seventh ·

rank~d Texas A&M und 20th· ' ranked Southern Col , two college

football teams that would prefer to be elsewhere this bowl season. try to make up for lost op­portunities tonight io the 19th Bluebonnet Bowl. ·

Southent Cal~pen~ lh~ U177 \ season as one ot\he lop teams in l the nation and with a ~II head of

t s team afl(•r upst•lting 'Michigan in the Rose Bo"'I

t•ons1stency and finished the reg­ular season7-4.

The Aggies suCTered a s imilar pligh t ,, fini shing the r eg ul ar season third in the Southwest Conference with an 8-3 record and losing t.ticir three biggest <·hallenges against Michigan, Arkansas and top-ranked Texas.

11 few learns that are s till prac­ticing."

The Aggies will go into the game with freshman quarte rback Mike Mosley, who has s tarted just one college

0. TV Tnl .. t

Cftellel 5 •t 5

nation in total offense, but in· cons istency a nd · untimely turnovers have been the Trojans' downfall this season. · " We never worried about turn­ing the ball over at midfield this season," Southern Cal coach John Robinson said. "We liked lo get it right down in there and do it."

earned him the starting role against the Trojans.

"I feel I have somethin~ to prove against USC, ' · Mos ley said. " I kind of caught Houston by surprise. Now J want to prove I can play against a team like . use: ·

The Aggies have been vulnera­·ble lo the long pass all season bat safety Carl Grulich figure those problems are solved .

"We've dropped our defensive backs a couple more yards back

are solved." Tho Agtelcs ' ground-orien~

wishbone ortense has boen fueled thls season by Woodard. down to 263 pounds. and Dickey. uQOthfr 9.4 sprinter.

Woodard, who weighed .._, m~h. at 275 during the season', rusbM- 1:101 yards dutln, the regulal season and Dickey gained 978yards.

t The Trojans cxpc<='ed to rt• ·

turn 10 the Rose Rov. I again but in s te ad \\!'re· s m1lt(·n bv in

" l! you are a competitor and like lo compete it 's easy to get ready for this gam<', " said Den­nis Thurman. Southern Cal's All­i\m c.rican safety. " 0( course, we' re disappointed al not return· 1ng to the Rose Bowl, but we 're happy to re here There are only

game, and a defen~lve secon­dary that has proven porous on I on~ , passes . They rely on fullback George Wooda rd and Curtis Dtckey to move the ball.

Southern Cal has a n explosiv~ offense that canks, fourth in the

Mosley, a state hurdles cham­pion and 9.4 sprinter last season at Humble High Sc h ool , replaced' injured senior David Walker in A&M 's final regular season game against Houston. His performance in that game

· and we've had a full season to .work together ," GruJich said. " I ' lhink out pass defense problems

So u thern Ca l relies on 1

quarterback by Rob Herte l. Tbe. l Trojans· running game is tuelta I by Charles White, who gain~ 1 1,291 yard,s this season, anll fu llback l\tosi Tatupu.

'Stanford, LSU Clash In Sun Bowl

EL PASO, Texas (A P l For the fan who loves his foollrnll on

· the wild s idt•. the annual Sun Bowl game lod;ty bctwe11n pass crazy Stanford and g r ound

l gobbling Louis iana Slat (· could be one of the IJl's t offcmm' l' bat· t lcs of the pos t season holiday <:lass ies.

Consider . Stanford ha s th e :\ o. l

passe r in the count r~· in Guy Benjamin. \.\ho compkted 208 of 330 p:issC'> for 2.521 yards

Benj amin compll-tccl G:I ~r· cent or Ins passes and ha lO>ack

arrin Ne lson c aught 50 or

Ott TV T oda!I

Channe l 2~ I 0 :30 a.-. them . Nebon abo ru ::.hed for

·i- 1.123 yards \\h en he wa sn ' t 1 catchin~ passt•s.

- LSU nwns the No. 2 rusher ' in the countr y. in halfback

Charles Alcxilndcr. who ~aincd 1,686 yards to fini sh a runnerup to li e ism an Trophy "innl·r Earl

'1 Camphl'll nf Tl•xas. - LSl ' qu a rl t• rba c k S l e vt•

~ 1':ns m1ng<.:r also <'an throw when till' oppos i11on k c·y'i on Alcx ­anclt>r , and he ga tnl·tl !152 yards ov<.'rland

1 Both teams rm1shl·d th t• reg. ular !>eascm 8-3 and were run­

~ ners.up 1n th<.'1r n •'lpcc t1vt' con­rc renccs. u;u in the Southeast and Stanford 10 the l'ac·8

Some 30,000 Cum, were ex ­pected.

" It 's ha rd to say v.ho would be the fovonl<.' in lhis, ·· s:.ud Tigers coa c h Ch a rl es McC le ndon , whose U~U cluh ra ted a threc­poinl f;.l\Ontc. " I thank mos t people arc C'XllC(' t1n g a h1 gh­s coring arra1r . Jn thi s d ay . t<.'ums arc so N1ual it real!~ is almos t always close .. Cardinal~ t•oach Uill Walsh,

form<.' r assis lunt for the Cincin· 'nali Beniu1ls of the National footbull Lc:1g1w. uses u varie'1)1 of sets to try lo confuse the de­f t.'nsc , " Stanford 1s a \'e ry complicat· cd team and v. c 've got to do

•som t• thlnRS to offset that," said M c C lendon. who clos ed hi s workouts lo the public after LSU

' a rn vC'd Wednesday .

Huskies' TailbaCk Steele

Rated Amo~g. the Best By DAVE CUNN INGHAM

Ol Ille O•lly Pilot Stall

When coach Don James was r ecruiting prep All -American Joe Steele for the University f?f Wa shington, he promised . the tailback the Huskies would play in at least two bowl games if he came there.

" He told me that in the sum­mer before my senior year ln high school. " Steele says . .. He didn 't say which bowl games nnd I don 't think he really meant the Rose Bowl , bul here we are."

James needs only to produce one more bowl team In the next two seasons to fulfilJ his pro­mise because Steele is just a sophomore.

Nothing about Steele. however, will lip off his tender years. He 's 6-4, 205 1t0unds and considered a m ong the best tailback pro·~ spects in the nation.

Steele reflected on the Huskies' season prior to a workout at Orange Coast College in Costa M e6Jl" wbere-th& team. h.u.sel·~ camp rn prepa ration for:- its showdown with the Uni vers.ity or Michigan Monday

" When we were kids .we all watched the games on rv and




_ when we round out.we were going to the Ros·e Bowl. well, I was never happier." Steele s ays. " ll was an unbelievable feeling because. in a ll honesty , we never thought we would be going."

Newpq'i-t's Hedrick. :· ' ,,

In EaSt-West Tiff ·. ·:

STANFORD (A"l> l - The 53rd Shrine East-Wes,l game today is ex peeled todra~ more than 60,000 footb a ll fans .. 1 most of whom should know a -good quarterback when theysee,-One.

The area 1tas produced many great quarJerbacks, including Dan Paslot,4ni from nearby Santa Clara who.~as an East-West star a few ago, and a long line of Stanforct: passers including cur­rent stafGuy Benjamin. who w\11 be off "1th his team at the S"ISn aowll~ay. :·

One."of today's headline rs.for th e :1.Vest is punter G a'vi n


Hedrick. A product of Newport Harbor Hi gh , H.e drick was ranked fourth among the NCAA kickers this season, averaging 44 .7 yards per kick.

A four-year varsity kicker at WSU, he had a career average of 43.4 yards a punt.

Tho featured passer: in t his year's East -W~stcasl al Stanford

Ott Tl'.Tod•W 'l

CJaa1111•l.IJ at J

Washington's good but unspec-- tacular 7-4 record and the overall

talent or Its opponent has caused oddsmakers to install Michjgan as a 13-point favorilt'. but Steele is undeterred.

" If we eliminate our mistakes like we did in our last few games, they .won 'l beat us by 13. I won't even say they' ll beat us at all ," Steele comments.

U Washington could pull such a major upset, Steele would pro­bably figure very heavily in it. He 's already being called by coaches " the greatest running back at Wnshlngton s ince the Hu gh McElhenny days of the late 40 's a nd early SO's "

Stee!e averaged 5.5 yards per carry as a freshman and 4.4 this season. accumulating 1,286 yards to rank fifth on Washington 's all­time career rushing list.

li e appears to have a good shot at breaking McElhenny·s career record of 2A99 yards before he graduates in 1980.

Il e has also. in jus t two . seasons , moved into s eventh place in his school's career scor ­ing list (120 points l and lOlh place ih career all·purpose run­ning (1 ,843yards l.

Steele has managed to do all Ulis despite being hampe~ by a string or injurles. including pro­blems With his Achilles tendon. knee, thigh and hip.

Some of his more fl ashy in­dividual performances include an 89-yard kickoff return as a freshman . an 83-yard touchdown . run agains t Stanford, and a three-touchdown performance in the first half of the 35·15 victory over Washington Slate.

"People talk about my r unning <he clocks 4 .S in the 40 l , but I like lo catch passes . run back kicks and .be an all-round t ype," . Steele says .

He figures Washington can beat Michigan by establishing a balanced attack and taking the initiative early.

;\'Volfpa~k Tackles

Stadium wm·J be All-American Doug Williams of Gramlding. the sforting quarterback on the West squad whlch also inc ludes one of hi s ravorit~ receivers, Carles Pennywell. The other W~t quarterback is one of the coOn· try's.· best·small t<>llege, pass~s. J eff.~isdel or N'evada- Reno. ;·

" We're gonna have to get the yards on first and second down and not work out of a hole." the curly ·haired tailback says. " lt 's up to us. We can cont rol our own destiny."

GOWEN BEARS Iowa Stat~ Today \ ATLANTA CAP ) Ted Rrown . ::ind Dexter Green . a pair of e~ ­plosivc backs who square .off lagainst each nlhl'r in the l.Oth ,annual Peach Bowl today, have pne thing in common - <;(>ach (Bo Rein of North Carolina Stale !Jell neither would make il as a {running baO'k in college. I "That shows you how s mart I ia m . ' ' s a f1d R e i n . w h o s e Wolfpack, wilh Brown in the

l Ott rt: Tfd•fl . a. .... e113, N0ott

~"backfield , hleeL') lowa Siate to· day. A cro"'d of 50.000 is e*cl·

1 d al All a nta· Fullon '"County CStadium with the Cyclones. 8-3. ~ sl\ght favorite over North '\,;8fOlina 5'8~ 7-4. 1 ,, •

- 1 saw Ted play wh~n-. he was

~ junior in hiRh );Cbool at IUgb

oint, '' said Rein. "{ told the t cr.lc1\ ~1 was ·with thllt Brown

~ ould make a fine defensive ack.

, " I also saw Dexter Gre and '~o.ughl he was loo s mall, • said y<e•n. L

Green, desplle his 5-{oot:i, as -pound frame , has p\Jt

.ttogether back-to·back 1,000-yard uahing season,. galni!'& l .UO ard3 thls' year: 8'"°'41\, a ~

oot-10, 188-pouocter, Ml rolJed p schQOl recordt for 11\0f l )ltf'ds ushlng lo a season with -~l

and mott yarct. ruahinf, , 8,2S2. BotharfJunion.'

Brown also set 8Chool reeortt.. or in a am,1e aa~ir Arda •«ainlt Pcm- !fttte~i=-~

ton_ge1l ron from 1crl•m• • • '5-YtrQ burst for a touch

•1•hist SyYt~uee. I n a•<tatft'tl, h teadt th

Wol(c>adl lD ~ rerii¥inf ... 1cortn1. ulcblnf 24 pass tor

164 yards and a TD and scoring M limes on the ground for a career total of 40, six short of the Atlantic Coasl Conference rec­ord .

For Rein. in .his second seoson at State. it is a turnaround 'from· his 3-7-1 record of a year ago.

''Wh at happened last year , helped us," saJd Rein. " You've got to be .able lo forget a losing season , but not until you've learned everything you can from. il."

ll will be the Wolf pack's third appearance in the P~ach Bowl. State split a pair of decisions with West Virginia, winning 49·13 in 1972 and losing 13-10 in 197S.

For coach Earle Bruce, in filth ·fi· a80l1' at Iowa Slate. ll ·m_.v!s ~~Jirsl bowl \P~.,a~ ..

~ -n:J ·fn! · Cidicli. · ~

Grambling, the predominantly black scnoot in Louisiana. has just recen~ly bten designated a major coll ege football team by the NC1!A· Wtlli~s threw 38 touchdown

passes this season. one short of an NCAA record, and totaled 93 in his va rsity career.

" l like•to go to•practice just to wa~ch. 'him t}\row the football," s a 'y:t ~ra 'mbling 's Eddie Robir\spn. the Grambling coach who iS' serving as hea~ coach or u1' westtetPl· ~

"Navy coach George Welsh has Kentucky 'I Derrick Ramsey, considered the best runner among the quarterbacks in this yeJU"'s all-star contest, and Army pass­ing star Leamon Hall. · . •

The East.West. rosters tradf· llonallv ioclude the best crop of -lvaila1>l' pJayers - those not on teams ln cOnlllcting bowl games ..... Jnd lul year's participants in· cl.u~d niJte wh6·were chosen on •* fffSl ~.~e NaUoital ;tr.iDtlllfl~aeuedrllft. ·

M4Nll4NDLE. VCI BERKELEY-University o f

California's Golden Bears· br eezed lo a n 83! SO n on ­confe rence basketball victory over visiting UC Irvine here Fri­day night.

Th.e Bears wcr.e p aced by junloc guard Gene Ransom who hft 23 ~nts. · ·The ga lJle close for the It t 1D 'nutes with UCI in front .

: M<ever , a six-point spree " Iden Bears In front and they nev~r looked back,: leading by 17 at halftime.

Wayne Smllh .. UCI's lel&ding scorer with a 17.6 average. didn't m ake the trip to Berkeley for dis· ciplinary reasons . · ·

IJC IPYIM CJtl It ft ,. • Qwh l J 0 l •

Stt1PM11t S.PCI OoflHles ··-" Nel~ •Tot41•

ft fl ,. • M<G11I,.. ' J I I 7 1 ) 1 , 9'0119ers I 0 J 1 J O 2 • C.rson J 0 3 • 5 o J 10 Ju•~ o 1 2 2 I 0 0 2 Bolden t 0 I • 0 0 I 0

l2 • It 50 Mallllme· C...a.21.


34-3 Blitzkrieg

Panthers Smash Gator Bowl Foe

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (A P ) -Sharp-shooting Matt Cavanaugh teamed with Elliott .Walker for touchdown strikes of 39, 11 and 2S y ards. ending his career with school and Gator Bowl passing res:ords and leading 10th-ranked Pi~t to a 34·3 rout or Clemson Fri· d~y night.

Cavanaugh , who missed a lmos t four full games with a broken wrist early in the season, tiddled 11th-ranked Clemson for 211 yards in the first h a lf and fini shed with 23.completions in 36 attempts for 387 yards. Ile also tossed a 10-yard scoring pass to Gordon Jones.

T h e aeria l bombardment erased lbe•Galor Bowl record of

,362 yards set by Florida State 's "Kim Ha'mmond against Penn State in 1967. Hammond needed 37 completlons to accumulate his yardage.

While Cavanaugh was picking

- J ..


' I




Area Fives Sports in Brief

. Win, Lose

. . .


0tlMO.ll• f'l .. $lMI

Rand y Heidenrei ch, David Tiezzi and Leland Bruce led the Marina ( ll untington Beach > llif:h Vikings to the championship or the 13th annual Orange Inv ita­tional basketball tourna­m t' n l Friday night b e f o r e a packed house ... but in the end it was Truitt Halton who scaled the victory.

Hatton was perfect at the frt'e throw line when all was on the line as El Modena (Orange > High"s

MVWins; El Toro Clubbed By HOWARD L . HANDY

01 llM D•lly Pllel Sl•fl

Mike Boster played one of his better gam es and Mike Roberts scored 21 points to lead the Mis­s11rn Viejo IJigh School 01ablos basketball tea m to third place in the Bre a tournament Frida y night.

The Oiablos defeated I. a Habra High , 71 -56, with a m et h od i ca l performance that saw them go in front at the ou tst't and never look back , a lth oug h the ll 1ghlunders had o ne brid fling in front at 23 22 in t h e second quarter

In u baule for seventh pl :u·e. El To r o's Chargers lost to Troy l I 1gh (Fullerton J, 85-67.

M 1s!-.1on V1~10 played "1thout the services of two potential s tarters , both out with ankle in · Juries. Pelc Decasas in · j urcd his in a game Thursclay night and Mik e Braw ley has been out for I wo weeks. Both could be ha<'k for the next league g:1mc Tuesday .

In Friday ·s battle for 1 hird place, Boster was tn command · on both boards and had 15 points.

... • • I t • • • • t 4


71-65 . . Title, Vanguards, led by 6-8 Steve Trumbo 's 37 point.a, fell to the Vikes, Jl-85.

In a game where the score wa~ lied or thl' lead changed hands 19 lJmes , 1t was Halton who Wl'nt to the gratis stripe w1lh 36 seconds to go and the Yikes nursing ;, 65 ·63 lead.

Twice he hil, but El Modena llruck back with a fi eld goal to cut it to 67 ·65 with 24 seconds to go, then Hatton went to the free throw line again with 13 ticks left.

His shots were true again, nezz.1 intercepted u desperation pass and the Vlkes tacked on two more points a t the end to clinch their third Orange tourney crown in fi ve years.

Trumbo was ne arly uns toppable during the ti((, and although he scor ed 37, Heidenreich did a commendable job on defense, as did Tiezzi.

John Bohm came off the bench to score 16 for Marina coach Steve Popovich's outfit and Bruce canned 12 points.

The Vikes hit 50 per­cent or their S4 shots from the field agaln:.t El Modena's zone, while El Modena made 29 of 66 from the field m a well· played contest.

Trumbo was chosen mos t valuabl e player with his unstoppable an­tics, \¥helher h<> went outside, lnside, to the key or dunked a lob pass.

But it was M'arina 's team effort-with Kevin Olsen, Mik e Spivey, Bohm and Hatton lend · ing their han d with Heidenreich, Tiezzi and

Bruce that turned the Ude.

Heid enreich was in early foul trouble, but wu there at the end and Drucc and Bohm canned one clutch shot from the outside after the other .

* * * MM .... 1111 ,, fl •• .. ·~,., • • ,

" 8r..ct 4 4 1 11 Hellon l ~ 4 II Htlclenr•l<ll • I • 17 oi .. n ~ 0 J ' S.lvey l 0 0 • TftUI 1 ' 4 s

Tot•ls n 17 II )I S< .... ,.,o.~"

a1 MHena 20 17 11 1'--ts Marlfta 1• II u 20-11


In 58-44

By a Dally Pilot Writer Fountain Valley

lligh 's Barons tuned up for their non·league duel with undefeated Verbum Del (Los Angeles) Tues· day night with a 58·44 victory over El Dorado ( Placentia> Hlgh's Golden Hawks Friday night , but it wasn't one of

' the Barons' better • performances .

Pilled a~ain s t th e school whi ch s hocked Fountain Valley tw o years aRo in the same basketball tourna ment­th e Santi ago <Garde n Grove> Jligh lnvita ­tlon a l - coac h Dave Brown 's Barons hardly appeared like the team whi ch shelled Compton in earlier exploits.

But the Barons were good enough. with Roger Holm es scoring at will again. lo put the Hawks to rest. Holmes scored 25 points, Fountain Valley never trailed , led 22·1 with 2:43 left in the half and had a 20-point lead ear l y in the third quart(' r .

·~AS VEGAS Mater Dei (Santa Ana I ll 1~h dC'· fealed Las Ve~as V<Jllc.r. 66-58, for fifth plttcc fo'hil e Es tancia ICo~ta N esa > High lost to lo the

'host team, 95·66, in the third place game F.n · da y ni ght at the La~ Vegas Rancho ba!>kct ba ll tournament

Lakers Roll; USC Dumped li e also played the last ~~,11,.-..,,. four minutes with four

Thc Rnro n s we re without 6·4 Chris Mack . who ls sidelined with a pulled groin muscle and may be out of th e Verbum Dei clash. too.

Holm es' 25 points ke e ps him at a 25 .5 • a verage and the d e­fen s iv e play of Mik e Heide in the first period may have been a big fac ­tor in El Dorado's poor play.

}>at Stc<:>le scored 2·1 eo in t s as Mat er Dci nptched ill> ninth victory fta 12 outings . All three losses have coml' an LOurnament competition .

Estancia got ripped for u~e $econd night In a row When the Eagles were Ollt5cored 25·11 In the second period and never r etovcrcd . Bob Brauns dorf a nd Jim Price had 13 points each for Estnnciu .

I NGLEWOOD Adrian Danllcy scored 36 poinb Friday night lo lc;1d th <.• Los Angeles Laker~ to their third straig ht National Basketball Association ,. i c- t o r .\' . a 1 I 9 · 1 0 9 triumph O\'t•r the Kuni-as City Kin~s

The score was lied al 95 with six min'ltcs left to play when t hf Lakcrs run orr eight slra ight points to lake an advan­tage they held the rest of the way.

l(ANSASCITV 111)'1) - Wd•ll111c;itori ,. Woom..,, 18, LltC•Y 1. All•ri ~ Oirchono tcf. 8oof"W"' l .t, Rnb1nunr .a. Aurh•\On U, Kue\h_,,. 4 Rto-.l""' 1

E'U.11<la 1 .. 1 Toi&!\ 02311 !O'I t• 11 pl IP LOS ANGELES ll!q) - D·l"ll•v JS.

Tym1n\ I 0 I 1 W1IV• U, Abdul·Jat>b.v 1~ Hu<2'on C•rt1do I J o I II. N"one s.;01111 Ford? Robl\C h8 Coo~r 1 l \ ,, Aberneth y 3. Oa~•\ 1 Jolr\I\ u JI t S KPUI> 0 ) U J I '' ~ddO< ~ 1 ) 1 \ Foul•d oul 8-wo, 8urlfscn T oMI Camp I 0 1 1 toull- K•miH CllyJ•. Lo• A~l~S 18 10011n••1c1t 1 ' 1 & Te<MIOI\ At>Out·Jal>llar '-at"V l, \..4r1m~r O 'I I 1 LO\ Aru.atol~\. .H.\1\ IAnt ( h Al bf'r • &r .. uMclorl • S IJ A II 5.oS

~~~~II. . ~ ~ '!•m•no\ 0 t • SC E'alb

Taut\ 1• 14 11 ,,. NEW ORLEANS

1-'rcshman forward Mike Owens poured in 10

'• points in the last five 10 mi nutes to give lfilh· ~ ranked Virginia an 85·82

74 vldorv over ~outhern 1 ~ Ca liforni a rn the cham· ' pionship f(ame of the

• • S<on1110U•r1•" a,it&ncla II u I• 1q i.. 4.11 V•en Renc:llO 10 H 20 JO qs

MaterO.l IUI i, "u ,. C0ol< l I S<nullr o o 7 Corel• 3 7 1 SIMlt 11 1 1 M•a<ll•m • 3 S Mc Cr'U 4 0 I S.unders O 1

Total• · 1S 1S n •~ Sugar Bowl basketball .,. t o urn amen t Frida y 6S nig~t.

, k.,. •v Ouerten


lH Vegas Va lley 11 q 16 n Maltr Del IA I? 16 ?3

'1~ North Nips South MONTGOMERY, Ala.

'(.AP > - Mi ssou ri quart e rb ack Pete Woods, who played only Uiree full games in the 1977 regu lar season because of Injuries and

• atill paased for 785 yards • fed lhe North to a 20· If •• itory over the Soutb · • day in the Blue-Gray .. tball game played in

.:rain and fog. • • A Yankees rumble re·

eovered by the Rebels on\ t~e Blue 6·yard llno .-lmost turned the game •around in the final two 'minutes. But the 'Southerners couJdn ' t )~ore.

·The Blues were lead­,. ~a by lllx points at that ~tsm, and a touchdown "1d • conversion would

~i.ave put the Gray in :t~at. ·~ . Tbe Rebels did get two

. polDU )aler on a aarety .. when punter Mike ..,. WOCMll, atao of Mltsourl, "'~peel 09t ot the end _... but they weren' t. ~b. ~ crftd ol 5,000, one ol


the small est in the 40-y ea r history of the series. saw Woods pierce lhe South's defense with long passes.

One North receiver . 'Todd Christenson of Brjgham Young, caught 10 •passes from Woods and the other Blue quarterback, Ken Smith o( Boston College, and set a record for most re­ceptions in a Blue-Gray game.

Chris tenson, who won the most valuable player award, picked up 145 yards on the r eceptions even though he went into tl'le game as a run back.

Owens· heroi c-' ram<· after Southern California had taken a 74-711 lc•a1l

11 t? dul'l<·tl Soulh<·rn C a 1 g u :i r d C; l' o r ~ l' Hatke" 1ch through lht· doi-.1ng m1nul<'" ol thl' game ()l.~ens put hi s ll'am ahcild to i-. l,1v 79-71:1 \Ii th Just unclt·;· l 1H1

minutes ldt in thl' g~1mt•. tht•n s ank a Jlrt'!>!>Urt' pucked pair of f ree throws and a la~ up al the buzzer .

lllRGINIAU la•a•r>nl 1?.0wrM 7S C.t•l~il•n 10. l•mP 18. Hilk\ 6. Rak•r 10, J,.ffN \On 7. 9'. ~11h'r\ 1 To!al\ )I 13 lO&~ SOUT~ERN C.AL 11 Htnder"'°"

u . M 111N· 10. Rob•nV'l"I tJ, C•rf1no 10. Bnoh,. m 1. W 1dllp1at ? Grt,.,. '1 Ra••o••Ch 16 Smith. Tot~h )4 10 II 81

E'tUlflf-fh tUtas MONTER EY C.tl11 Top

"""n•r\ Frlddv 111 ""' ~~ ooo Spaid fnQ lnvt t•f lOftt'll qqtf t n.Jrn.unt l'\I (WI

lhr.-. M onh•rey art.._. cour\of\ l>od Fun\• Ill ""6/ II 67 771 C,..orqf! Cad Ir ~· 1>11 I} .it ) 16 M•kt lhoor /1 n" Ml 111 Al•ll T •P•~ 10 Ml~/ 11 11' Mark l r~ H &• II.. 771 Bob ZencMr 11 10 M 11 '18 Bob Rhen 6l M ~q 7l uq Jolln Buu"< 11 •q IJ 67 711 Lon Hink I• &• 13 •• 7()-111 Pelt Brow" II ., II 11 '81 Georot Arc~ 11 10 1'1· 71 '81 Mlkt Morlty II 60 II IJ- 181

Gauchos Run Wild

PALM DESERT -Crai g Stahl and Ti m Sh a w keyed a second hal f ·

personal fouls . E l Toro pla>'ed with lit.­

li e aggressiveness and had numerous turnovers 1n i ts loss lo T r oy. Despite this fact, the Chargers battled back from a 15-point deficit \\ 1th 2·41 to play in the first quarter.

Jus t prior to halfti me, the Chargers had closed the gap to 36-35. That was as close as they could come however.

E l Toro had on ly six s hots from the Cloor in the third stanza while the Warriors hit on l J-of-24 to c linch the decision .

In the tournament cha mpi onship game. A is h o p Montgo m e r y lTorram·e) lligh defeat ­ed Orea, 52·51.

El Toro 1'7 1 ,, II ,. IP R Holme• 1 • 1 II S1mpwn 0 I I I C•rloncMr 6 I 0 1J RHO • 3 1 IS M Holme• ~ 4 I u Wolk@r I 1 0 • Wll '°n 0 ' 0 1

Total• 7S 11 6 61 k.nllyQuar\en

Tro' ,, ,. 26 n-u E!Toro 17 10 11 19 ... 1

Mftilool Viejo 1711

'•"flftp At .. andtr • 2 t 10 llosrer I 1 4 u Kreuier 1 • • RoDtrlS 1 2 II Cumming 4 o o I

"'''"' 1 0 1 , Katz 1 0 0 • Flynn 0 2 1 2

Totals 1' 11 13 11 Scortb10ull1ffl

MIUlon Vlt)o II 17 17 19- 71 La Habr• 13 11 17 8-56

com eback that saw Sad· SoCal Bows dleback Colle~c over-com e a 51-41 deficit to de· CEDAR CITY, Utah ­feal West Coast Marines. David Barron scored 33 104 -8 8, in the cha m - points and was selected pions hip ga m e of the most valuable player or Coll ege of lhe Desert th e tournament but it basketball tourna m ent wasn 't enough for coach Friday night. Pau l Peak 's SoCal

Shaw had 16 of his 26 Colleae <Cost a Mesa> potnts inthe secondhalC Va nguard s as host while Stahl had 15 or his Southern Utah captured 23 points during th e a 93-79 decision in the ti-sam e span. lie game Friday night.

Coac h Bill Mull igan s.c..1~0•1 switched from a m an-to· aarron • :: •: ': : man press to a zone . A,..,.,... s 1 ~ 11 press after Intermission !r,..':~1 ; ~ : ~ and it helped the Gauchos warner 1 o t 2

win their eighth game in a ~:,~~~"!., ; : , : row and 14th in 15 season OOOdv 1 o o t

outings. _ ~:.~~~"' ~ : : ~ Stahl and teammate rot••• ao 1• n 1t ·

Artie Green were oil· H•llt1mt:s..u1.1111,sz.-, tournament selections.

SKI ASPEN He• St•t.:t~erl•r .... 0...,. ..,,.,. .. _..,_. J-. 2 I tin J-. H .

1 155

The Barons were guil ­ty of 14 second 1>eriod turn overs a n d co m ­Oell• ·~•-•'oar, A,.,.... m itted 31 in all. But

DAVID TIEZZI (S4) BURSTS THROUGH TO GAIN CONTROL. whil e Fountain Valley was stumblin g a bit al(alnst the El Dorado pr ess with some less th an nifty pass ing. El Do rad o was totally frustrated.

College Basketball Syra<u•P,., N@w Me11<o'I San1a Clara IOS. $.tn ~e Slelt 11 5 1111110154S, New OrlelWI• M, JOT 1aano co11•. e Ort90<I 1' AIUMl·Pa<ltlc 116, UC Rlver\lde6' Norlh-\1 Na••7. Wllllm•'ll1 Cal·Oavl• 71. CNmlnaoo 13 E Monl•M U, N Uro-C"4rlollt6S WaVlln<;1tOflll, llllnol .. ll Brigham VoungM, HawA l1 /I Cltm•on 100. Bo\lon u U Oreoon IT. Rlct I • Coloraoos .. • or._s1u Vir9in1a lPCll " · GeoW••N"!llOfl" Oel•O•l ... Ma~ll' WOllt St s•. Hlr•m 1' Old Oomlnlon " · SMU 78 FlorklaSl71. Tul-S. Templt 7._ Auburn 71 Bo•tonColll . Ml arnl. ~7• S•n01.c;ioSl•tet1 . ....-.. WVlr91111• 7• Cte .. lanf516' Nav~&7. Bul~rU St t.oui. I•, Mo St Louli H Lamar 11. Cent~ry 62 5 Florldae.t, Aober1Morrol7' Rhoe!• ISlend~. t..ala~lt .0 Morohud SI IO. Oen.,_r 7J Ml•sl\\111111 St 7', 'lltrmonr so Virgin•• IS. Sout,,.rn Cal II SI. Mart11t•1 61. Br llllh Columll1a 41 Wa\lllnglon St U. Vllll..OY• S. Pill,bur;h IO, Fon:tMm ~ USF t01,ArlrcnaSI'° K•ll\•07, Kani.s SU1

'Iltle to Edison; Oilers Place 3rd

Edison <Huntington much playing time for Beach l lligh 's Chargers Huntington Beach bul he rocked host St. Francis m ade the most of rt , scor· lli~h of Mountain View. ing a lay-up with five 48-45 , Friday night lo seconds left in reJ.: ula­rnpture thl· St. Fran(' ts lion . a 10-foolcr with six In vitational basketball seconds left in the first tournament overtime and adding a

In tournam1·nt action free throw that iced i n S a n D i l' ~ o . things in the second ex· meanwhile. Hunlington lra frame.

""'""•'" V•ll•' I Slll

E1plnot' h•Hl\hy Wetlluon Rell I EP!Mlhelmfr McCarthy Hotm<ts Held~

It It pl Ip l I 1 I

0 0 ' 0 0 0 I 0 l I 3 1 & I 0 13 0 0 1 0

U I I 1S ) 0 1 • 0 0 I 0 ti •11S3

su .. ..., Ooo•r1•'l Et Oorndo • s fl 1'-44 l'oun1el1t van~v 10 n 10 .. -se

Wrestling Beach fli~h took a 7i-76 Edlwa ~:' 11 111 ~ double overllme \ All"' 1 o • 1 •• ., from Kearney for third 0

80"wv',',, • 11 ~ 1 ~ C•p,.tr•no V•ll~v P'•<H "' -• Tony Hut. e1Qlltll Pl•<•. 134 -Jerry

place. G•n•I• ' • l • Bur"'· e11111t11 olac:e: 19•- 0•,.nv Mik e McCourt was MtCour1 \ ' 1 11 011n\mort ... .,,.n111p1ac:•.

T1111on l 0 1 • LA Valle' T-"""' chosen most valuable Kt11tmar1o1 o o ' cap1,1r-va11ev plac:.s: u-au1 player in the St. Francis Total. '' 10 1• 4t Or111. 1our111 p1au ; 111- Loul• tourney and his Edison "u"''"'™'9.:a01,:111

111 111 Ju.,u:i:~i!~~.w ... ,,_. teammate, Steve Davis, ca~ 1 1 1 ) 1um Ko<lne- 1. c.,.,_, 111an0' was also all-tournament. ~:::::'ta:' ~ ~ ~ i~ ~i 1~1~~~·,~: 1~,.!!~i1~:'t'~

Four c lut c h fr ee PH!oltsl 8 s s 11 Peubl05 1~; • . Mira Coll• •• ; 1.

h b GI G i We>oten l o ' 6 Pow•Y "' ). I Redondo JI ; ' · t rOWS Y enn arr ly, Ml)Orhouw o S 1 Br•wley Sil. 10 E. Bntnlltla S7' '1. two more by juni or P•11n•n.111 • 1 1 ' 11. Newoor1H•rboro Darin Bowen with one "~·~:.,, 3~ 1~ 2~ ,~ 138 • ~~=~·t;:r~C:1': 111n.

Orange County ~econd lc~t. ~ar\work Hunt1ngt~::::~;'~~10 0 - 11 ~s;;..~/r~t '~!~ ":.":''o~t ::ri:l: rom Davis an J o n Al - l<tarnty 17 1S 10 26 • • 16 Mus~r (N),10\lbyde<l•lon.

B C len and outstanding de· --------------------ags rOWD fense by J eff Tutton did

Led by Alt-American se l ectio n s C heryl

it for the Chargers. David Case didn 't get

J ohnston. Dale Keough. ·----------. Aileen Semonsen aud m ost valuabl e player Marie Lundi e, \be 0 r a n g e C o u n t y (11Tll'fm.~

Volley ball Cl ub girts ht!!~~ senior team captured Ute Am e rican-N atlona l championship Friday night.

O CV BC dd9.tcd Hobie Sport.a ot Coron.a del Mar in the best of fl ve finals, 15-12, 15-61 15·13 lt HunUogton Beach Jllgh.



~ -~ l • . - - • • .. -.


IUIMA' 'All s22.21e1

&TOIO 761-0193

' ~··








S.turday. December 31 , 1977 DAILY PILOT 83

Burns Flaunts 'Youth' George, 8 1, Delights in Telling His Age By HY GARDNER

Q: Wiii you ask George Bums how be slays so young? - Mr. and Mn. J . D., Miiwaukee.

A : By talking about how old he is! During re hearsa l of his de · liclous TV special , 81-year -old George asked one of his stars, Bob II ope, how old he was. Bob fidget­ed a round furtive I y th e n whis pered, " I m 74 .

"Seventy-four! Burns ex -claimed, then added. " Boy, run out and get me a g lass of water .

MERV GR I FFI N ASKED George· " Do you s till go out with g1 rls? " Certainl y. George replied. " Right now I m dating a heautifut girl. But I don t think it II las t. She warned me that we II have to break up ai. soon as s he m eets an older man.

When asked how he f eels play. in~ God m a movie. the super · hum:in said : ··After all. one of these days I II meet him up there With so many other people I love. Hcnny. Grourho, Cantor, Jolie and Crosby, we II all be up there fighting to get on !

0 : What was the fiiis t big hit .Johnny Mathis r ecorded for a major la be l ? - V. Rlsche r , Uc ave r Oam. Wisc .

A · Johnny was di !>covered wht·n he was on ly 19 by a Colum­bia Hl'cord exec uti ve who !>igned lht• unknown lo a con I ract. ll1s fir:-.t record. " Wonde rful . Won <lcrful. was a g reat s uccess m the 1950s and he followed 1t with two more million-sellers, " It s Nol i-·or M c T o Say a nd

Chanrl's Are. '.\I alh1s is the onl ) s inger lo

h a\e h;,id four album s :-.1mul t a neouslv listl'd as hesl· st•llt•rs on the national music c-ha1 ts llis album ·J ohnny s C r<>a lc:-.l ll iL'i rema ined in the · Top 100 for over 400 con SN' Ul1ve weeks.

Cl : Is veteran m ovie star William llolden married again? - Candice Miile r, Buffa lo .

A . Not al this writing. Glenn Ford . nnre wed to lhe dancer El('anor Powell , had llolden act

'Glad You Asked That' by Marilyn and Hy Gardner

as best man when he recently married Cynthia Ha yward in Hollywood. The compli ment may be returned when I fold.en and his s t ead y, Stepha nie Powers. re· turn from a sojourn in Russia .

<It s jus t a coinc idence that the age difference between both couples is the same 33 years in the brides favor if you want to put it that way.>

Q : Michael Parks had a great TV series going - on a motorcy­c le. Does he plan to get back In lhe saddle again? - Terri D., Memphis, Tenn.

A · No. The actor was no a ngel workin g o n " Then Ca me Uronson. :.o he wus unseated. Recently he played the role of Robby K(•nncdy in " The Serret Files of J . Edgur Hoover .

Says he hopes someday to do a biografilm on Jack ("Call of the Wild >London.

Q : I sec when• Tony Orlando, who was c rushed by the death of his c lose fr iend Freddie Prlnze, h a s r ecovc rt•d from hi s de pr<>ssion and will r esume his career soon. Whal does he have lo s ay about thi s a wrul ex · perience'! And who does he say turned It around for him?" - The Dutton Family lloyal Orlando rans ). Pitts burgh.

A ·· My fath{'r and this lady. m) w1fr. Tony said , wrapping hi s arms around both .

M 1kc Douga ls, a close fri e nd of Orlando s from the !>tart of his caret•r. "as one of th{' earliest to not1u• the t·hangc that had come over Tony Al one point a fter see· ing o ne of his more r ecent s hows. Mik e told him face t o face : ·Tony, you come on a ng ry you

look a ngry. Why·~ Tony played back the l <ipes and agreed with Mike .

" NOBOD\' EVER TOLD me that befon'. he sa id . " but you

are right ! A s many had s urmised , he had

had to go on uppers or cocaine before every program lo give it ·· ever ything I had.

" Now, he s miled, " I am com­pletely well and able a nd anxious to go on with the s how I tried psychiatric care for some time and they took me a ll the way back to when I was a k id . But 1 would have lo say how lucky I am a ble lo beat this. Above all, I have a family. And m y wife is the strength or my life

Send you r que3t1ons t o lly Gardner. ·Clad You Asked That " care of this newspaper, P () U~r 11 748. Chicago. II/ 60611

'Boardwalk' Still Symbol

ATLANTIC CITY. N.J (API -A f ter 40 ye ar s " On th e Boardwalk a l Atlantic City" is still the mus ica l symbol of this resort city, but it ·s not for a lack of trying by hopeful songwr iters .

Offers about one a week -roll in from com posers across the nation , and go lo Sidney Ascher . public r elations director for the resort city.

" Wh a t 'Ca lifornia . lle re l Come' did for Cah forn1u. 'Allan· tic City Bound' · can do for you.·· reads one letter from a composer in Palm Springs

Jn Aschcrs art• songs with titles like " Skate With Me Kate al the Million Dollar Pier, .. " Rolling Down the Boardwal~ in a Rolling Chair," and even " the Atlantic City Rhumba ."

The songwriter s a re following a tradition that began in 1896 when Karl Reuben wrote ·'Dear R emembrances of Atl a ntic Cit y. "

ally al 12:00. 2 ·30. S:OO. 7:30. t :4S Dally at 2 00.

4 30, 7 00. II 30

PETE'S THE ORA&DI «a_,> O=iiim;m;#.~C;;;;HO~IRFl'AIBOYS



Dally 1 :45, 4 :00 11: 15. • :30. 10.30


Woody Allen Olene Kea1on

in " Annie Hall "

. ' -


OSTA MESA 646-502 - ------- -

MAllLOT-.U llt ''THllVlt ~UI ll'OI

•ll 'ln'


AEW t 111.i11~ tl1t r•ttf •~•11 £,.,.

",;"""~ 14'"''' .. ,


PEIE'I -·QRA&DI Mll.c.~~

"'~· Dally •I 11 :00 1:30, 4:00 lgj 1:30, t :OO

. .. . I



'Four Feathers' TV Tickler By JERRY B VCIC

LOS ANGELES IA P> It's only once in a blue moon that you see a d ashing romanltt' udventur~ on telev1s1on, the lond to remind you of Errol Flynn and Douglas Fairbanks.

Norman Rosemont 's remalce of "The Four Feathers '' is ~>ne of those, a nd it s a rou sin~ ta l e of love, heartbreak and swushbuckhng. Heau Bridges, Robert Powell. Simon Ward , J ane Seymour uncl ll a rry Andrews star in the two-hour movw to be aired at9 p.m . Sunday on Channel 4.

" IT 'S ABOUT T HE power of love," said Bridges, who s tars as a British lieutenant accused of cowardice when he resigns his commission on the eve of h is regiments departure for war in the Sudan.

Thrct• follow officers send him while chicken feathers. accusing him of cowardice, and has f1ance adds the fourth feather . Aflcr has martinet father tosses him out . Bridges J:O<'s undcrjlround in the Sudan Lo save his accusers and redeem his honor.

It 1s a good story well told and beautifully photographed in England and Spurn, whith s t unds in for the Sudanese desert in the late 19th cen­tury. Bridges is particularly effective as lhe young man lorn between duty and love.

HARRY ANDRI::WS IS outstanding as the old school general who raised his son to believe the only "decent t h ing" for a coward l o do is kill him self.

Before leuving for Eng land. Bridl{cs worked with dwlect coach

( · WREWEW J Robert Easton lo perreet a Brillsh ac-cent. ,

" I knew I had lD blend my accent totally with that or the others, who are a ll English. But I got immediate s upport from everyone. Even the sound man would correct me.

" I HAD TO LEARN the proper al· titude, too. Too many American ac· tors tend lo play an Englishman as pompous, and they resent that. Once I got there the important thing was to have confidence and believe in your head it can't be wrong."

The film was adapted from the nov· el by A.E.W. ~lason and was pre­\'IOUsly made as a movie an 1939.

"I loved the ~ tory when I read il." sa id Bridge~. ·· u had ~o many levels. It 's a period of history lhal repeats itself over and over again . Like now, when there's no war. The young peo­ple become restless and ) eurn for ac· lion ."

ONE PROBLEM THAT confronted Rosemont was the battle and fight scenes. In one, an entire British con­tigent - save one officer rescued by Orid~es is wiped out by the desert tribes .



"'The Goodbye Girl' _ is a joyous comedy-;: just what the doctor ordered. ~~ Neil Simon makes ~

~ feeling good legal ... ~ - GF fV[ SHALi T, NBC TV


(PG) •

6 A f<AY 'iTARK l'ROIXX1 ION OI- A HFJlfll RI RO'>.., /-ILM I NI II '>IMON'~


onJ 11\11ucltk II•! QUINN CUMMINGS .I'. !Jo v ~it1<i1 by NL II .,IMON • hodur1'11 hv f<AY '>1Al<K

!<'fl 1!<1 I fl HHI I< I I<(,..,.,. MlNC. 'x1 A'll .md 1\d1r~l-d h; ['AV[ GRUS/ , ::,.'19"Ciooch.>.'.•Gvt" Wr1111'f1.wl 1\-rltfflled by[\t\VIDCATES

,, AA'>IAH h·.11u11• • l'nibliyMGM Lil~ Schedule Dai ly at Edwards Cinema

2:00, 4 :00, 6 :00, 8 :00, 10 :15

" It 's dl((tcult to tackle violence head on in a film because of the restrictions." said Bridges. " H you miss. 1t can be destructive. But il"s hard to ignorl' because it 's part of re­ality."

The film does handle the violence t' CCeclivcly. The battle scenes arc spirited and tumultuous, yet not of. fen11ive. In u cafe scene. where Rridges saves another officer from ambush. we see him plunge a knife in­to the cloak of an Arab. At deadline, the network was still debating whether lo retain that.

" THE FOUR FEATHE RS" was the firs t fo reign cos tum e drama for Bridges, who has been seen In such films as "The Incident ," " The Landlord ," " Gaily, Gaily," "Lovin' Molly ," "The Other Side of the Moun· ta1n ·· and " Greased Lightning."

lie was in costume as young Ben Franklin in a CBS special in which his fath er. Lloyd Bridges, played Franklin as an older man.

Ile wall be :.ecn in another upcoming television movie, "The President's M 1stress," in which he plays an in lt•lligence agent whose s ister has a Ion· affair with the pres ident.

BRIDGES, 35, WAS introduced lo :l('ting early by his father and by the time he was siK hud had s mall roles in three mo\'ics, including "The Red

• Pony" and "Zamba" - a jungle film that he says turns up regularly on television " lo haunt me."

He then took lime out to grow up and didn't rc:turn to acting until he joined his brother Jeff and the rest of the family 1n his father's TV series, "Sea llunt."

"Thal helped ml'," he said. " It gave me some fil m to show to get other roles. This was one case where being the son of a star he lped. My father gave me a lot of love. He was my teacher. Ile gave me my first job."

JIE RECENTLY C0~1PLETED a movie in Australia with his father, t entatively called "The Surf." He said he hoped that some day a ll the acting Bridges his father, his brother Jef( and h!s s ister Cindy could makf a movie together. lie said he has no im­m ediate plans for introducing his two children to actin~ .

Bridges said for the firs t time in years he has no movie projects in the works. ..............

··I have som e money saved :ind 1 ·u look for the best projects, ·· he said .


Whrn In Southem Calllomla ~1"11 • .... NIVaAtlA1. aTUDtDa TOUR .......... ~~ .......

From the outrageous No.1 Best-Seller



J ~ ~ ~-Mllifi11&1'.ilJJelU¢L:1jle1fltl llWUI FtmX:IOl.5 Pll&NlS "Tl( DOROOYS. I -11111 w: ..

iv~~ OlARl.Es lmlfi L~ 005SETT .E ffilRY KNi a.v11 Ki&rru. STEMN MADll TIM ltMTflf. R.OOY WAil atJ)( SACQ ~ SOOD .wlS ~ IUU YO.Hi

f.o stairo WT Wm1R BARBARA R!()A{lS vt TAYBICK 11mJ u,i min ALOO ~ ~ ()ft)TfflfR Km Basa:! oo rfl! r00 by mm \WIWlli PtTXtt8l by~ Alllm4a-1UE ROI Eurul~ PnW:es ftl~lk!MA/00 BREGM am MARK DA~

k FJWl((l \U AllMJ~IH'.Uf~ ":llOGIJI• t~~~.!._~1!~]



COSTA MESA 646·0573

c .... --- .. ....__

Dally Schedule

2:00, 4:30 7:00, 9:30

" Jane Fonda and VaneHe Redgrave are cloH to perfection. 'Julia ' Is moving In It• glowlng commitment to the power of friendship." - Newsweek Magazine ...

,. ,,.


' .. ... • ;,

What happens when the Almighty makes

you an otter you can't refuse!?!

- !l.rll'HOl P..s A RICHARD ROTH Presenlalkln ~A FRED ZJNNEMANN Alm



.. , ..... ,, .......



On thl· la~ I tla )' of thl' )'ear Mnd the contest Ed Schmerlt-r and Ren llunler a miniscule half Pwnt apart tn lht·ir :.truggle for the top of th <' ln\'lal hl•ap Each rcc1:.le,~d a perfect :.core on the Chris t mus ~ul·slwns lo j)lh'c the week 's fi e ld

lh·adlol'kl'd for runn er · up honor s with scor es of 10 point s a plt' l't.' we n · M ax Fraley, Obi Wan

Ed S<,,,,,.,,., fl 1 I U/ ,. • Hotu Tohy II> ,,, J

lh·n Hu1tter OU '1•' J u ' Cllrlt Trtl• ff'> I ~'· C. OOd 8"4 & UQly 1101 1u1 , .. 'J . •nd J O Ill SI

• M•• Fr•l wt UO• lQ/ I I 1/ •Jolt St1Wm Ill n ~ Obt W•" Kono"" 1101 .,. J 11 ' J-11 ..... 11 U 'Jl ~

• B•rtwr• O.l•<1d0 Il l tS'" " Ari• Oetoo CU 0 1 I So" P ot...-11,.. 1101 " JO , ... ,., ...... ,41 JJ • • N• "< Y Prtor Ill n ll Wolltr Wllloy UI u ' ' ....... .., a omo.n "' .... u 'Perry -1\ Cl) I

10 Tom Folr<-"d Ill ,, ll · 11rrv Ovtwt•t Frattwh U) • 11 OICH Tynw CMI 1101 1) u Prt11cou LAio 141 s M 1IO M l"6t'f,tft0er 141 II u •• .. oe1 111 •

11 Mor1un1tt t•• , » ,,., f'O '"''l' rec• •vMI ; Nit ot 1•1•

IJ D •ve .. nf'lltr OJ .,., u., •••• ,....

K1· nubc, ~·nator 1•a 111atint'. the Olde Ty m e ~O\ ie Cluh and thl· Good , thl' Bad and the l 'g l) . Artoo Ut•too ,111d tht• Rayvit''' Hom~rs had nine ri g ht. "hil 1· :'\ant· \ l'rlor u111I Harba r a De lgado !>cored l' I g ht

Tlw lm·,1t11111 of nl'Xl Saturrlav·s month!\· meet 1ng 111 t ht• I\ la at 11 Ba r:rd .c ~ 1kto. Soc· wt v ha!> been l'hangl·d Traty (;udfrt•) "11! he hosting it at 12021 Loeh ll'a, B 111 Fountain \ ' al11.•\' , and all K luatus ''di l>1· 1 n forn11•d ·

And rum . the final c·p1 ..,1.><.lc in Trivia Bowl VII I. Will Ee\ hang 011 fo r hi:. fcr~t solo c humpionsh ip '' Or will Bt.•11 put oP :i Ja ... t niinule spurt to make it fi\'l' 1.·on st·l·utl\'t• trips to tht· wi nner's circle'? T une 111

Determined Opera Stardom Eyed

(' f '\(' l '\~,\TI f/\P :'\un·c· Bo}d ·Crickmt>r hopl'~ to -.unTt·d ,1., <111 opl•ra i. tnger not 1n thl' L' n1tt•ll St Jtl'"· hul rn Jo:u1 ope•. wher e s he behe\•es op portun1tlt'-. :11·1· lll'ttl'r

,\ natr\l' of lh.•t· kll''. V. \ 'a . and a s tudent Jl the Collt•gt.• <.:1111.,t•n .1t11n 11f Music here. the 2fi·


~ c•ar old s inJ,:!cr sard the Nt·" York ~tagc appeared " fairly un rca t·habk "

" The American opera com ­pan1C's are closed unless }ou·H· a fantastic voice a nd are heard by people." s he s aid . " A lot of luck 1s involved "

t\ rt.•cita l and oth e r fll' l'formam·t·s in he r h om e town ht>lpcd r aise enough money for a n aud ition l rrp to Europe from Oct 21 ln Dec. 2.

next Sulurdu~ 1.1nd ~"" 1• \ourself an extra point if ~ ou can answt•r lul'k) nu rnbt: r seven Happy new :- l' ;ir

I. IN " T iii·: Wl l.I> One, ' wltat was Marlon Hranrlo's parting gift to ~1 ary Murphy "

:! l'ltnt East \\Ood h unl t·ll clown a band of how nlJn~ ml·111n lht• mO\ ll' ·· 11 ang ·cm High?"

:J. In l';1t 1111 a llot Tin Hoof." Elr zubeth Taylor harl :.i not"" l'nd1·an11g [(•r m fur .Ja ek Carson 's pro· gen) \\'hal 11. "' 11 '

1 ·c;o ma11 i.:11. hut not hht• J) o yo schoolboy" ,., a mus 1t·al admo111l111n from what Broadwav Shll\\ ., •

5. \\llAT 1>10 JO"' \ '01ght do for a la ving before he bC'camc J •· ~11dn1~h 1 < 'o\\ hoy" ..

Ii In tht· mO\ 11• ..,J nds of 1 .... 0 J1ma" John \\' a) m· taught orw of hr'> m a rines to handle a IJ.1) on ct tu the turll' ur '' music?

7. For thost• of ) uu 11. ho kne11. number seven two \\ l't'b ago, 11. h;il v. a~ l>oolt:) Wi lson playing on the pia no" hen Bog.irt h1cl tht· lt.•lters of transit therein '!

8 ldent1fv ~pt.•n<·t·1 'I r a<'y 's home s t a le tn ·Judgmt·111 al "\ urcmlJl·1 g ·

9. \\'110 NAR tt/\Tt:U T UE T\' !>erres " The Fug1 t1\ 1· , ..

JO Jad. didn ' t h;" 1· 111u1·h of a g reen thumb. but ht• l(U\'t· 111-. l>o~s pll'nl) uf \Hiler in what ITIO\ ll"'

La st W1•t•k ·, An..,"c' r '> I " If It ll11l', l1 °I Silo\\ on l'hns tmas " ( Rudolph

l lt p ... idl' I

:! Mel 'l'orriH• ("('hr1 'ilm as Song " 1

3 A hou:.1• !Nalaltt"" request 1 ·I :\1a.,~ ali s. Oh111 1 \\' h1tt·~1de town 1 ~, '"l'hl• St1ng1l·"1 '1an in Town " !Rathbone

mus1t·al 6 Food rnlumnrst 1Stan\\)c-k 's job 1 i 'Tht• Lt•m 1111 Drop K id " t"S1lver Bells" 1 8 A train sl'l < :\l 1td111m present • !) · Tht· H1~hop .., \\ 1ft· · c (iranl as a ngel 1

IO "Wh1tt•<'hn'>tmc1~ · <frt·tklc face Havn es 1 .'w11d l/lllff 1111.\ll"l'TS ,,, Tl<H IA c 0 the Dait11 Pilot .

Hur l.1lill. ('u.,lo .\ln11 1121,2r. \11 l'n tnes must be received 1111 I~ l'dn1•\rlm1. 111/wru 1\1' Ila// /hi' player's last score will lw r111 11 rd1 ti

r TH£

-111~~:s H[AliNC. Alll COHO ~t I u JlltJll

• '"'''• IH•tt· '1t1t1h.t1 Yuvr c "'" ' .... ~l(;t•• Nt 1tt1•\ t 'UUt At•,,,

(0~TA Ml\A64 2 · 175J IU• N t wPorl 81¥d

MI SS ION Vl!,J0495·0401 11m C..mi"° C•Pl\h •"o

l \>• n Oteqo F ,....,y At Awttry Pll •Y J




MWO Cl.All.1S~-no1W 'IODOI ••

"Tllty ts' • ,.. 't .

... ,.,.. WI NKI [R

I llll> ' t't :






Saturday. Oec:ember 31 1977 DAIL V PILOT fl:S~

In a world gone mad . .. who needs a fun ny, fabu lous low story? YOU DOI



'Fi11dit1g the one you love. is fi11di11~ yo11rsdt:

1-11:1~cM:s (PG) A I l R \1 \ N I ()t, fl R l l l\ 11' \ l\:Y f'IH)DL'CTIOI\

lllRtlh Cu-.1.ir1111~ JI \l{l<l..,Ut\: 1-0KD

EAftH&ill I,,. • • 1on.-.wnv l."ro"" I




A moving story. A romantic story A story c4. e~ hatred. friendship. triumph, and Jove.




1lE Tlll11111g ~tnf rNENllETHCtNIUf!YFQX , AHE~T R05S~LM






.. ,. ..... , ........... liil ...


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·- IATUllOAY M9HT fl'Vll ftl ·~ - ... , u .... i.,...,,..._.

11)/5)1 9»0

'-'C#'1C YMUmll DNW·• IU"I" .. ., •ns HAMCMI •W. DIM-II\ ................ _._.,.,... ~~112 ... ...... - ....... "" ...,_ ,,. ........,. . ._ .......

~ '""' '"""91 ......... Olloo91

a Mlllf ""' 1. l'UYMATD 1111 2. MMD CA..,. Ill J . wtl.OCAJ WOMIN 111

cm• .~?.Jo rm~:!..~




~··-~ THI CMOllllOY14"

"""' THI CAICNI ......... 1 • .-0 .... 1 ,,, .. ........ l.IW~INI


88 OAJL Y PtLO r SatutOly 09C4lmber 31 , 1977 Tele1'ision TODAY'S LATEST LISTINGS


MOW • • ·Orrve A CtOOl..0 Road " ( 115•) Mock•y ~. OI- Foster A young aulo ,,,.c111111G. whOH ambition le 10 a,. •• on 11 world lemou• au to r-. IS UM<! by a geng OI CIOOU 10 build 1"*'1 8 ~I· away car (2 hrs I G) MUHOOAEAL (I) BUOS BUHHY I AOAO R"NNER

11;30 8 BATMAN /TARZAN 0 I AM THE GREATEST 0 MOVIE •• ' I " O s s . t 1946) Al•n L add Geraldine flUQefald Two men and R

woman parachute l:Mlh•nd enemy tines In France 1u11 proor 10 0 -0ay (2 hrs ) I!) WOMAN: REAL TO REEL fD ZOOM


.Jo:rnnl' \\'01.>d'' <.1rd <.1 nd LCJurcnn· 011,·1er pnrtr ya Lola ;.incl Oot Delanc~ in "Coml' Bal'k. l.1ltlt• Shrba ' fJ o 'C'lor k tonight on C'hannl'I I

* * '• · Ludy In A Jam 119421 Irene Dunne FlaJpn Bellamy A psyc111atrost fond• the only way to cur• hos patient 1s 10 marry her (I hr 30 mm l EID VISION ON

10:30 f) (I) SUN BOWL Lou1soan11 Stole Un1ve1s11y tackles Stanlord Unovers1ly at El P~so. Tex as 0 SEARCH ANO RESCUE fJ MOVIE • ' , H1deou~ S un Demon ( 1959) Aooen Clarke Pa1roc1a Manning When a pllySICISI. who is sutlerong lrom rad1a11on. is e•posed 10 .sunhghl hi! turns 1n10 a !Izard f 1 hr 30mln) EID ONCEUPONA CLASSIC

Robin Hoo<I Jr . A CllSI

compoaf!d solely o r Ch•I· d•en p1e•flnts a one·nour version OI Ille C18$SIC

I I 00 CJ BAGGY PANTS I NITWITS 0 06) WEEKEND SPECIALS ' The Secret l •le 01 r K

Dearing " A girt (JOdoe Fo1111rl learn1 her grandla· Iller lEdua•d Ftal\Z) hU Ille same yMrnlng l o be lree aa she dofls (A) 0) LA. PATTERNS

t 1:30 0 THE RED HAND GANO 0 BIO BLUE MARBLE 0) WORLOOF SURVIVAL ·undt1rground Soldiers

Cl) GET SMART SmAr t and Agent 99 must locate a secret labOratorv ma1nta1ned by a crrm1na1 mutoonlnd EID TO BE ANNOUNCED


0 SWISS FAMILY ROetNSON 0 (!8} AM~AN 8ANOSTANc; The Ohio Players ~roo•m Mr Mean

fJ MOVIE • '> " Neath Brooklyn

B"dg• I 19421 Leo Gorcey BObby Jordan The EH1 Side Kids gel in

trouble again (1 hr • 30 min) 0) SOUL TRA.IN II) PEACH BOWL Iowa State vs North Caro­lina Stale ff) F'RENCH CHEF HB Eggs ' IA1

12:30 0 SHARI SHOW 0 MOVIE • * • ' The were .... 011 OI London' f 1935) Henry Hull Wiiner Oland. !/' dOCIOf dlSCOVe<I, 111111 h 1ng btl· ten by a wolf. lhat he becom111 a werewolf dur· ong a lull moon ( I hr JO min) 0 MOVIE • • * Corne Blow Horn ( 1963) Fr ant. Sina· t•a . Tony Boll A reforme<I playboy finds nos younger broth•• fotlowrng on hos IOOISl ftPI f2 hrs l EID PAINT WITH NANCY llO MOVIE • • • , Gilda ( 1946) A ita Haywor111 Glenn Ford The wife or a So.ith American casino owner lall1 In love with her 11u1band 's rlghl-hand­man (2 hrs)

1:00 0 COUEGE BASKET8ALL The r191111ng lrosn ol Notre Dame take on the Wiidcats or 11111 Unlversl1y ol Ken· lucky at Loulsville 0) SHRINE BOWL Eastern All·Slars vs Wesl · ern All-SIMI ff) OR. WHO

Terr cw 01 the Aulon•

130 8 SPORTS SPECTACULAR ·r11e Beat 01 Soorta Spec· taculat ' 77" H19hl/c;ihl1 of th• yea•' • top events fJ MOVIE • • • , " LOii In Alaska" 11952) Bud AbbOll Lou CostellO A pair ol firemen vos.t -',/aaka 10 straighten ou1 a dance hall girl (I hr • 30m1n I

Cltann~I Lbt ing• 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles D KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles II KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles CJ) KFM'B (CBS) San Diego D KHJ-TV !Ind.I Los Angeles 9 KCST (A8C>San01eg'l 0) KTTV (Ind) Los Anqeles Cl> KCOP·TV (Ind.) Los Angeles fl!) KCET·TV (PBS) Los Angeles ~ KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach


2:00 0 BIO VALLEY " Other Face Ju1hce" ~ FOODS FOR THE MOOERN FAMILY " Turkay" Cl) MOVIE * * 'A " Thief' ( 197 I) RICll· ard Cteol\a, Angoa Olcl<1n son A rel ormed cr1m1na1 11 fMc.d Wilh a a!lcky aitua· 11on when lie noeda qu1c~ money ( I hr , 30 min I

2:30 fJ STARTIME 'A Wind Of Hurricane

Force' Dena Andr-• Mero .. Pavan Arr111ed In Cuban wa1er1 .. • aet>o­leur. an American apons· man is ana1c11ed rrom a fir­ing tquad only to be confronted by the hostile widow of Ille guerlle lead· et k illed 1n the rescue ac:11on Et) EHVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION A look at various nation. wide environmental flduca-11on proiec11 now on prog. ress ~ FOODS FOR THE MODERN FAMILY "Holiday Turkey"

@) MOVIE *** '" "Cemelol" (t96T) Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgra•e King Arthur bet· lies Sor lane.lot for the love ol 0- Guinevere ceu11ng 1110 decay or Camelot (2 hrs I

3:00 IJ VOUTl1 INVfTATIONAl " Skateboarding· Sox ol the countty'a top 111a1 .. boerder1 compete In three sP011ong ....,,la emphaall· •no llln. aelety and sports. man1h1p (R) 0 BONANZA A wom111 l1 rejecled by her husband end lhe clllzens of Virginie City when 1119 returna wtlh a hatt·breed baby fJ MOVIE i. • • " My Darling Clementine" (11146) Hanry Fonda. Linda Darnell A aonger fall• ln loYe wl1h the •nlamoot Doc 11o1Hdmy, w hoae b l11arne11 and alcohOliam - to ...,,_ ate her. (2 hra.) ti) TAAZAN A mftgulded netlve zealot permit.I hlmlelt end Ille trl t>ea to be exptolted by • MNMI rr.IOlu!lonlly 9 IMAGES Of AGING ''The lone Of Silence" The gape th1t o lat betWNn dillerent age groups •• young 111<1 old, parent and Child - are explored. '1i) F0008 FOR THE M00£RH FAMILY

"Flth Mn et ' 3:30 I SPA.Ce ACAoeMV

SATURDAY Hool.It: N4cote Pl8fce. Cal 8unon and Frank Kwan I!) YOGA WITH MADELINE CJ) SPORTS IPECTACt.llAR "The Beat 0 1 Spont SPllC· lacuter ' 77" Hlghllght• ol IN )'Hr'• top evenlf

4:00 8 UCllETS Of ISIS 8 VOYAOETOTHE eonou Of THE SfA In en ellempt 10 Nlvage Information 1bou1 Ille remain• ol ell unct-ater tabOratory. Admiral Netaon and • RuMlan sclerlllsl are swallOwtd by a whale fJ THE WINNERS " Teti F- In The Air" CD MISSION; IMPOSS18L.E " The Brothel'•" cm MOVIE ••• • "Gfgot" (19621 Jackie Gleason, Katherine Kati\ The poor, mute Jani· tor or 1 run-oown Parll rooming hOUM Olfers to shelter a woman and her daughter 12 hrs ) f1!) WOMANTIME AND co. 'The Work Ethic Can We


4:30 IJ FAT ALBERT fJ THIS 18 THE NFl fl!) SPECIAL " The Tr-rea 01 Tutan­khemun" Musk:. lllllf81ure. lec:flnology 8nd pejnlinQS ofanoien1Egyp1accompa­ny hlgllllghll or object s tound In 1118 tomb ot Tu1ankhamun ~ AS MAN BEHAVES "Group Therapy" ~ PERSPECTIVE

5.00 f) MEOIX " M.S. •• The M ystll{IOuS C<ippter" Cause, unknown: course. unpredictable; durauon, uncertain; cure. none. 0 BLUE BONNET BOWL Texas A And M vs USC fJ @) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS ln1ernallona1 lnvltallonal Sidecar Motorcycle Aoce. Laguna Seca. Calll ornoa, World F igure Skating Champions In lreestyte perlormancH, Tokyo, Japan, W0tld Trophy Free­st)'le Skdng Cllamplon­t hops, Heavenly VeUey, Calllorn•a (iJ MOVIE " Hercutea Unchained" l 19601 S teve Reeves, Syf· via Kotc:lna Hercules bat· lies an 8Yll ~ who first loves llandaome watrlO<a then klll1 and embalms mem. (2 hra.) 0) MOVIE • • • 'h " Edward. M y Son·· (1949) Spe11cer Tracy, o.t>oratl Kerr A young men commit• aui­Clde ae e r.utt ol hl1 parent1 ' l1l ter lng marriage. (2 hrt.) &!) SOCCl!.R MADE IN GERMANY '1!) AS MAN BEHAVU " lnterpwaonal Comtnuno­catlona" Cl) STAR TREK " Naked Tlme"

'=3080 NEWS ~ 8lXUVE81 Hlghllght• lrom I lle BUI Beiderbecke Memori al JIU Featlval are ~l­



II NBCNEWS II) MOVIE * * * " The Bachelor Pa-ty" (1957) Don Murray, E .G . M1r111111 . Four ICCOUllU!nta 1h4'0'# I bacn­elor perty for their friend. (2 hB.) f1ll 8TAA 80CCEA ~SPECIAL "Cinderelll" The Columbia

TUBE TOPPERS C BS EJ :1 ·00 Sixof thetount1·, ~top

skall'110.trdt'1·s <:C1 111 pl'lt· 111 thn·t· -.port m g l ' \ ' l' llb 011 Youth l11L1.111,1L1onal.

KC ET 28 I :30 " l'ht' Tn.•u:-.LI l'l's or T11tankh amun ·· f1.·atures music. l1ll'rutul'l'. lt' l'lrnol og\' L1nd paintings of :.indent Eg~ pt

KOC E so Ii 011 'l'h1.• Columbia 1!-, l' 1

Ballet . a('tompaniecl by the :\lol><.'m\ S~ m ­phuny, pa•scnts " Cin d <.·rclla ..

K NilC 19 8 :00 H1ta !\lnn .. •no a nd .Joe G<tragiola host llw l'mg Orange pa1·aclt• from Miami

KTT\' m X · OU ' D1t• Fled1.•rm.1 us Zubin l\khtu tonducts .J olw nn Strauss opc.•ra <1l th t• floyn l Opt•ra I louM· in Lon­don 's C1n·1.•nl Garden Tnn~· Handal I is host. 13 hou1·s

IS C) Ballet . ecc:ompan1e<1 by the Moscow Symphony (recorded) performs PrOkoliev'• " Cinderella "

8:30 IJ HERE AND NOW 0 MARY TYLER MOORE Mary 9()41ndl every night ror a weell al a •lngle6 bar rese1rcn1ng materoal tor a speclal newt snow 0 A&CNEWS (I)®) NEWS

1:00 IJ TATTLETALES CJ WILD KINGDOM " POiar Bears 0 1 Churchlll fJ EYEWITNESS LOS ANGELES fJ SECOND CITY TV 0) LAWRENCE WELK "N- Year ·s Eve Party The New Year Is ushered 10 wtlh !)atty hats. a grandfa­ther ctoci. Rolna and Guy Hovis' N- Yeot Daby and the T ournameot ot Roses Ou_, end her Princesses fl!) BLACK PERSPECTIVE ON THE NEWS ~ AUSTIN CITY LIMITS " Jimmy Bulle1 ·· ()) CONT ACT 8 @) WOLFMAN JACK

7:30 f) $25,000 PYAAMIO CJ IN SEARCH OF ... " The Man Who Would Not Ole .. fl THAT'S HOLLYWOOD 'The Cla111<:1 Go Holly­

wood'' fJ THFllLLSEEKERS S) SPECIAL " A Portrait 01 J1m1a ' An Interview with American artlll Jamie Wyeth, includ­ing a look et some ot his plln11ngs ()) SAN DIEGO @I THAT'S HOLL YWOOO

8:00 f) (J) BOB NEWHART Or Harlley·a anempll at providing p1ycnotoglc11 aid to men about to leave prison prove lruJlleSs until a trlendly 1llck·UP gets thongs going (Al 0 KING ORANGE PARADE Aila Moreno and Joe Gar­aglola hott this event lrom Mlan\i, whlcll Includes S 1 o l A merlca ' a college

hOmecomlng ~·· 23 lloats, 16 marehlng band• and live 1peclalty groups I) MOVIE

*** " Farewell To Manzanar" ( 1976) Fraruc Abe, Pat Morita Tiie expe­rlene:N ol a lamlly ol Japa­nese-Am«ocana. Interned during World war 11. ere recalled through 1 lefle• ol f!Nhbad!a. (2 '1B I 8 [I TABITHA " That N- Bleck Meglc" Tabitha amployl desper­

ate "'89'° "*""• to h'ee Mlf'tlln from I wlleh'a apell anc'J-1111~.

0 MOvte **'h "The Pride And The Panron" (1957) F'rank Sinatra. Caty Grant. A bend ol guerlllaa ba111e French troops lot • Un·

no,, tn 19th century Spain (3 hrs) 0) DIE FLEOEAMOUS Hos1 Tony Randall da&crlbes eacll act ol Johann Strauu· clasSlc ooera. per10tmo<1 at 111e Royal Opera House m London's Covent Gardeo. and conduc:ta interviews with guest 11111. I!) VICTORY AT SEA Actual close-ups ot British commando raids on Ger· man lnstallallons In Nor­way during World War II are pr8'J8'1tod EID PICCAOtlL Y CIRCUS

B"llel SllOes" jPart 11 Noel Streallleld'e ch1u1c story about three orphan girls living In genteel pov. er1y on a bOardlng house and dreaming ol lame and IOrtune ~SPECIAL ·An Evening 0 1 Cham·

p1onshlp Skating, 1976" Feoturlng Olympic skat ing s111rs lrom Watson's Flink 81 Harvard

9·30 f) (I) WE'VE GOT EACH OTHEA Sluan al'ld Judy are abOUt 10 embark on a tong-awaJI· ad Hawouan vecallon but Mr Gu t man (David Opa10Shul prese1111 Stuart with an enormous wOtk load that has 10 be com· ple1ed belOfe they can 111ave 0 ®J TABITHA · -wria t's Wrong With Mr. Floghl?" Two young. good looking merl - one a mere mo11at and the ocher a warlock ·- l ry to steal Tabitha s heart II) COLI.AGE Or Charles Taylor, Prasl· dent of Wllberlorce Uni· versify and Jerry Elliot. represenllng the Osage Indian tribe dlscuu prob­lems currently 1llectlng the American lndl•n

9:00 I) CJ) THE JEffERsoNs " Once A Friend" LOUIN I• s11splcloua when Geotge starl~ -Ing an old navy DU<tOy - la It 1 man °' a woman? IR) Q H8CMOVIE

Come Baell , L1111e Sheba" (Premler'e1 Lau­rence Ollv11r. Joanne Woodward, C1me Fisher. Doc end LOia Delaney, a m1ddle-eged couple. feet 1repped by their marriage 1nd yearn l or bellar ~onedaya. U ®) STARSKY & 11VTC>f "Slarlky'a lady" A flood· lum hold• Slaraky end Huteh reeponalble for hit 'IOn's deeth, and In re1aha­t10n, lie crlllealty wounds Starsky'a glrllrlend fR) ~ MASTERPIECE THEATRE " I, Cl11udlu1: Reign 01 T 8fror" Se)1nu1 orders thal Tiberius be cut off

from tl\41 outtlde world , i.evl11g A!'ltonla with oo way of warnll\Q 111m ol hi• el'ldanQefed empire

UO U (J) TONY RANDALL The one. conflclenl Jud9e F'ral'lklln bemoans 1111 wrong ludgemertl In a r0b­b9ry CAM arid II now 1lrald to make *'Y deel· aiona II•" (RI Cl) MOVIE * ·~ " WM<I, Wiid ~" (tN7) Tony RusMI, Liu Gutonl. A brllll8nt but cMt91\ged lc:lentlll. ~ .. IZlng In the mlnlatUtlJa,. lion of human belnga. begln1 11 -'" of blHfle experlm41nts (t 111 • 30 ml11) f!) PICCAD!ll Y CIRCUS "Ballet SllOM" f Pa11 2) Noel Streatfleld'1 clanlc llOfY about thrM orphan girls living 111 glll'llMI pov. erty 11'1 a boeldlng houM end dreaming of lame llld tortune

10:00 8 Cl) KOJAK Al'I eyew11,_. to a"°" k1fl.. 11\Q knows 11 she coo­perate. w1111 Ko/ak II« me 11 w0rt111eta a1 '* mo1>­S1er boyfriend (Charles Ciolli) harbor& 1 deec>· ... ,lld hatred lor the man wtio sent him to prison twice (R) 0 TOTHEWILD COUNTRY " The Wild Pacific Shore" fJ ®) LOVE BOAT An Injured tll'll'lll llar (Brenda 8enel) la/la IO< n 1oug11 sportswriter (B•ll Bixby) Who wea once Iler -est critic; A lllges· truck ~xlcen 11ow1way (Charol creates havoc: A prectlcal joker (Miiton a.ri.1 putla one ioke too many (RJ '1!) IN CONCERT "Oella Aeete And WQO(fy Harm.Ml"

11:00 a 0 a CJ) ®' NEWS U LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE " Low And The Gelsna" 0 MOVIE * * " Olac;lj)le Of Oeatll ' ( 19,.2) Mike RaYen, Mar­gurite Hardiman. DrllC\.lfa 11aun11 the Engtt1h coun-1rylide. (2 hr.I 0) HE!HAW Gue1t1· Sonny James. N arvet Felll I!) MOVIE • * " Tiie Witch ( 19119) Roaanna Schlelhno, Rich­ard JohnllOll. A man, hired 10 cetalog a llbrlll')I tor a wealthy woman and her mother. encoun1er1 black magic and IO<QerY I 1 II< •• 30mln) '1!) NANCY WILSON SPECIAL

11: 15 0 ABC NEWS

11:30 8 NEW YEAR'S EVE Guy Lombardo'• Royal c lf*lians celebf a,. lhett • lllh conHCullve New YNl'I Ew btoedcett With Victor Lom¥rdo now conducting, llve from Ille Waldorl·AatC>fla In New YOik wlllt L8141e Uggame and PIUI WINlems. G SATVADAY NIGHT ~ Ho11: Ranoy N-m•n. Guee11: Hecwy Winkler, Penny Marallall, Cindy Wiiiiama. Bue« Hel'lry, Eric tdle et the N.w Ofllans Mardi Gras. (R) fJ a:IJ HEW YEAR'S ROCKIN'EVE Hoate DiCll ciw.. Suunne Somera and Robert ~.,.joined by c,y.... tal Geyte, l<C end Ille Sunthlne Bend. JohMy Rivers, Andy Gibb and Ille Ofllo Player9 .. they weJ.. -lntheNewY-. CJ) C8S MOVIE ··Terentulu: The Oeeoty Cargo" (Premiere) Claude Aklna, Cllarte. Frank. A hOrde of deadly tarentutas, unleaalled In the cruh of • cargo ix-. tprMd terr°'

•nd ~Ill 11'1 lhelf weka aa they move unchec•ed througn a South-tam lpWn MOANING

12:00 g MOVIE *ft '\ " The Old FasNoneO Wiry" ( 1934) W .C foelds. Ju<lllh Allen A lroupe ol ec1ora bec:omee akllted 11 eiuoino the raw In eKll town tn wlll c h t hey perform 11 hr • :JO min )

1~· MOVIE • * " BlooOy Vampire'' ( 1H5) Ado" Roel, Jllms F.,nadez. The daught8<' of 11 count. wlloM tamlly ts dtldlclled l o tllmlnellng on. pwllculat vampire, lol'8 under hll 'f)ell ( I hr , 30m1n)

1:00 IJ MOVIE • • • v, " C aptall'I N-m•n.

1M.0 " ( 1963)

Gregory Paclr., Tony Cur11a. The need ol the l'lellro-pay· ct>latry department at 1n Army bH• recleves a young ordeffy untrained In medical a.rt• bUt lnveluoble on ut111ing with plychie· Irle therapy (2 hrs • 30 min.) G l'IOCI< CONCERT GU.II: Andr- Gold The FfOllet$, Ed 81Ue$104'8

0 THRILLER " God Grant Tllat Siie I.le Still" 0) MOVIE *** '"' " All About Eve" ( 1950) Bette 0111111 . Anne Bbter A gtamour-1trud< girt manlpulatH and c;on­nl- her way to 11ardom 13 hrt) ®J MOVIE • • • " You Were Never Lovellar" f 1942) Fred Astaire, Rite Hayworth A. man tries to cheer up hll da.ughler by sendll\Q anon· ymoua presents. (2 Illa >

1:30 0 MOVIE * * • "Go WHI, 'l'oung Man·· ( 1936) Mae West , Ra11dolph Scott The adventures or a movie 1tar on e personal appe81al\Ce tour ere rec:oul'lled 11 hr 25mln)

2:00 0 MOvte.s • • " The C•rpet 01 Horror" ( 1962) Joachim Fuch1berger . Eleanor Ro11I A dead apec1a1 AQenl IS the only 04'8 lhal knows the NCtet of • Oledly IOdian po1son. ( 1 nr . 55 min.) I!) MOVIE * • * "The Brave One" ( 1956) Mlchoet Ray. Rodol­fo Hoy~. A young boy tra. veil 10 Mexico 10 lll'ld hit Pe1 bull 1/\111 had bMtl told acc:odentally. f I '" , 30 m in.)

2:30 0 NEWS 2:65 8 NeWS 3:00 8 MOVIES

• • • "The Big Broadcast Of 1933"(193!)9obHope, w C F'lelda. nw.. of hta 8l!•wtve9 cheM e man

ICl'ON IN -· 11'1 - Ch ol l>eclc 1limony peynoien ts. 12hra.) • * " l<lo11dlk• Annie" ( 193e) Mae WMt, \4Ctor Mcl.Alglen. A saloon ~ 11kft I deed mlaslonary' a identity and run. off wtth e - c:ap1a111. with the police hor on lier tre~ (I hr , 30 min.) Q) MOVIE • • .,., " The Saxon Charm" ( 1948) Aober1 Montgom­e<y, Susan Hayward A Broadway producer nearly IUQC9ed1 in breaking up a happy marriage. (2 hrs., 15 min.) @I MCNEWS

3:30 8 NEWSROOM 41) NEWS

4:000 MOVIE • • "The Secret 0 1 Ille ChlneH C1ma1oon" f 1965) &ad Harris. Hort! rrank The lnlern1111onal undllfWorld os alter a prolea1or '1 l'lew fuel lcwmuta. ( 1 hr • 55 min I

NBC to Devote Evening to Health

Jo~ie Foster :stars us a girl who learnr that her grandfather. played by Eduard Franz, is as young inside as she Is

·and sharts her yearning to be free. ' 'The. Secret Life of T.K . Dearing .. airs at U.

..4 a .m. today on Channel 7.

' ... _

NEW YORK. <AP ) " Health care available in this country is the best in the world, " says Dan O'Connor, an NBC News executive who spent a year studying the subject .. But there are problems with the system. and a big one is that it's costing too much ."

NBC devotes three hours to '·'Medicine in America : Life, Death and Dollars '' Tuesday night. It's the eighth time in 15 years the network has cleared a full for in-depth reporting on a specific subject. (Channel 4, 8 p.m.)

"WHEN WE TRIED THIS kind or thing for the fil'st time several years ago," said O'Connor . the ne\work 's director for special news programs and executive producer or " Medicine in America." "we found a surprising amount of Interest.

··1 don't mean the audiences were always huge," he said, '' but it proved a viable way or im­parting a hell of a lot or information ln a relat.ively short period or time.'' .

Last year's report, on violence ln Amert ca, was the most successful in aUractlng viewers of any in the series.

·•'MEDICINE lN AMERICA• WILL 1et a big audience, too," O'Connor said~ "because it deals with subjects people are interested in: health, life and death, hospitals, physical pain .•.•

" We chose the subject because people are beginning to realize now that health care is costing loo much money."

The evening-long special, with Tom Snyder, host of NBC's "Tomorrow" program. as anchorman, examines a series of health -related subjects - the doctor, unnecessary surgery, medically Induced disease, tbehistory of medicine. the hospital. disease prevention and the future .

EACH StGMENT IS SELF·contalned, so viewers can "watch a secUon, tune out and then come back on and stlll learn 1 lot aboul the suJ>. ject," the executive producer sald . .. Of Fourse, wo hope eveeyone will stay with \t the tnU~ ennlng."

The apeclel Includes reports from aeveraJ cltiea• lnclucq,.e Loe AnllleiJ, SeaWe, Denver,

Houston. Washington and Boston, and is personal in the sense that an actual person with a health pro­blem often is the common thread running through a segment.

IN THE HOSPITAL SECTION, for example. a . Colorado woman is followed through gall bladder surgery and recovery. Denver's hospitals provide the focus for the report. which considers subjects like duplication of services. competition between hospitals and the doctor's role in running hospitals.

Cost is the theme throughout. O'Connor acknowledged the subject is a con­

troversial one. ' 'We've probably received more spec ial interest-type calls and letters on this pro­gram than ror anything we've ever done .

"The medical profession is made up of a lot of intelligent, affluent men and women who are deeply interested in what we've done, ·• he said. " Like con­gressmen, we've been lobbied, but I 've got no com­plaint.~. I think that's good, that we know whal they 're thinking about the subject.··

Arizona City Stars

In Films PHOENI X <AP> - ­

Two motion pictures will be filmed here next month , city official s said. The filming was ar · ranged through clforts of the city's motion picture coordinating oUlce, which is trying to in· terest film makers in the area's charms.

Capricorn ~Ill begin filmihi "Love and Bulle~, CharJle" here after uuUal ac nes are comp l e t ed tn Swlt1erland, officials t.aJd. It ls to star Charles Bronson. Rod Stelter and JUJ 11eJand. •

Tfie late Guy I.ombardo's traditional New Year's Eve t e.tecasl wlll be continued this yenr os concert master Lebert Lombardo. left conductor Victor Lombardo und lead vocalist Kenny Gardner accompany lhe Royal Can~dians ln a Live broadcast from New York's Waldorf Astoria ft airs al 11 :30 tonight on Channel 2.

Columbia Plclures also plans a movt• for lelevl1lon. Enlilled ·'A Fire {n the Sky." ll w'11 star Richard Cl'eflna and Elizabeth Ashley .

/ .... • - - .. - • - ... ~ p .. ... , • • • • - - i-- - .,. • • • !9 •• - - .... --.

' .


Imagination Rates High LOS A~G l::Lt::S (/\J' I Thl· 1977 lllU\1 1· M.'UhOll

•~ gnndmg to an c·nd amid ..i fl urr} o r O:.c•ir hopdub. man} of thl·m s pum'u" Time to td lo.l· s tock .

Jn a hfl'lmll' of wateh1nJ( mo\ 1es. this hu11 bee n my bui.iest \ Car, the r 1 r s t o r r 1• v 1 c w 1 n ~ 'irtuall\' th•• cnltrc Hollywood product Nol quite all , sin<·c I missed the return of " The Tex· as C ha1n s a'.' Massacre "

SO "11r\T KJND Of' , a > ... ar has 11 ht•l'n? Not ., bud, not bad al all. ln fact. the entertainment quotil'nl has been more varied und venturesome thuninscveral sens ons

film makt•rs have taken chances. cvl'n on __ _... comedy, which has been ALLEN in sho rt suppl) C<imccl1cs Lhal don t qui Le \\> Ork l1 kl· " The Last Ht•mah.t· of GeMe." " Wh1<·h \\ a\ Is llp'"' :md "The \\11rld 's Greates t Love r " J rt ' 1'1 1111 wl'lcome.

llEflF. IS i\ llJ (; llJ. \ ' IH' Ji .,1 of tht· \ t·a r s best American film -. . no t 1wn·ss unh un ,,·,.w.11 e ml·rit . but s heer t·n 10' .1h1hl\ ·

l. " Star Waro., ,\ r l'mjrkabl ~ 1mag 1n .il1\l' uM~ of the film medium for s heer entertainment

2 ··c tol!e Em·ountcrs of the· Third !-\i nd A not her superb flight of the 1 maJ! inat1nn

3. ·Annie Hall. Woody 1\llcn ut h1 0., funn' · :-. ad bc•!>t ·

.i . · Tht' Turning f'o1n t H<ir(' tn '-1ghl into the

looelle ~\:K1 fl· Mlr~rel Averv A ~.\! K:1lllz ~ni11im &IITT'()l.l'I hv w1l lit~l~1 b 100 ltfll ~own MU"lc si:o1e Pail Hisc1 and MJ1k U.iv1s ~IU.rl '~ IJ, ~ ~ :Jlz PtOOLed by Sle.€ ivar.1

MJol'd '-•'I"• t 1.:1, ••~l~ I I I~ lJ • 1~ r1• r,,1i•m j lbl1i b!lrel'ft!lld 'S. i ... ~ i .'1 •1 I ~f\t~ ~·1 > .'l ! ..,., .... ~ ~bl J,J:)ijl(

_!_!!:..,..-.. ".,. R1RlSTlltfu : c I <o(l.\l"t)' 0t1 11(1M~ }._ - _ ;.., ., j

Dally at Bristol · • • · O~lly at Plitt 1:30, 3:20, 5:10, ,LllT 1:00, 2:45. 4:30, 7:00, 8:50, 10:45 8:20, 8:15, 10:05

"'orld of dunt:e and womt.•n 5 ·The Latt· Show The geriatric pr1v<1lc eye

as ht-ro. 6 ' Julia A fine , melancholy Vl('W or feminine

friends hip. 7. " Oh, God ' " The deity as a Jew1shcornic . II "Saturday Night Fever. " Rock\ as a

1 uunc hy disco dunccr. · 9. "The Dt•t.•p. Aqual1<· cscupis m 10. " The Goodbye Girl. A welcome return to

rum antic comedy. The year brought other pleasures.

"SLAP S llOT,'' FOR ALL ats naughty langua~c. had a ni('e, primitive ~tyle . " Tht' Rescuers was the best Disney cartoon in year~ ·Mohammed. Messenger or God, which attracted

a lot of unwanted publicity, possessed a fine epic quality.

Ernest He mingway was well e\'okcd in ·is lands in the Stream. · Despite critics com­plain~s of " Love Story on wheels , " Bobby Deerfield was a handsome film . .. Sorcerer was unJus~ifiably ignored by the public ; it had exciting qual1t1es .

. ·'Smoky and the Bandit · was a pleasant s ur· Prtl> l'. especially to Universal, which d1dn t 1•xpect it to make so much money. Among the smaller film s, this reviewer found things to like in " One on Orw. " You Light Up My Life, · Between the Lrrws . .. "Fraternity Row · a nd "Outlaw Blues. ·Tiil' Littlest Hor:-.c Thit'vcs was dandy Dis ney .

DET E RMI NED LY OFFBEAT AND '.'orthwhile: "Pumping Iron <ind " Kl•ntuckv Fried Movie . · · ·The Spy Who Loved Me was lhc hest Uond in years.

There were da~appointments in 1977, films that d1dn t achieve their potential.

· · Nt•w York, New York failed for lack of focus· it "'as neither a nostal~ic musical, nor a s how bii expose.

·· A Bridge Too Fur failed to make u:.e of 1Ls ex . pens ive talent.

NOW FOR THE REALLY BAI> new~ The n·ll<ir rn or the year were chosen not just from bad l1llll· films like "The Town Thal Dreaded Sun· down.


Thcst• a re the bad big films of 1977. I " 'l'he Heretic 2 ··\'alentino 3 " Orea I TheCar ;, .. March or Die ti " Fellini ·s Casanova" 7 " Nast y Habits 8 ·The Eagle llas Landed 9 ·Airport 1977 to ·The Seotinel

.....-.. ... ~~ AU C ... MU· aAllOAINMAB. l"'llT DA• 'Tll 2.-P.M.·il.U


I U ·l •>O. .. O

"4UDHY ROSI" ))0.f:O

"I Wl¥1« ,.OMISIO YCW A. IOH •AUIM" 111

1:0 -5:40.t:JI "'YA.UM~

l :21-7:l0

"HEROES" c~•• I :JO.l:l O

S:J0 .. 7rJO.t:JO

Pot'!'-'!~~ 'f~~ LaV - .. ... , ..... _ _,, ............ I• ' '


"PETE'S ' • DRAGON" ...... ,., ... ,.. ,, .. ,_


"'UfUH WotU.D,. J:40.7lff



' t


................. .. --·~

••• •uPU.u .... ........ ..• l'(Hjfff ..... •"""1' C-A ...... . . . ........ t>t-!Mt ·--CIMtUIY JI . ......... ... 171..tftl ou ... . OIA ... t .... U. ........ U7 .. >fl WlllOfl ""° c-. ................... ,..., ..

Saturday December 31 19 77 O.\IL't' PILOT 87 . ..

Death Marks Yea1-' ·:~;l

J Crosby's Demise Ranks at Top

Al' Wl,..,...tot

TOP STORY Bing Crosby

Uy BOB THOMAS l h an a s ingl•r of unpar1& lleled 1101.LYWOOD tAP I The year popularit\ , ht! was symbol of his

1977 \\a' marked by innovation and gcneratmn rcnc\\ ed excitement in the entertain· 5. Grout· ho 1\1 urx dies . The passing ment '.'orld, also by s adness in the of the comedy genius was made more pas!>Jnl! uf long lime g iants . melancholy by the bitter court battle

Nol 1n many years has the enter· over his ~uardianship . tainment scene so engaged the public 6. " ROCKY " NAM E D Oscar fanc y, or so 1t appears to this ob· champ. One or the most popular server. New stars and new forms of Academy Awards in rec~nt times expression have emerged 1n every went to the unpretentious fight picture field , from rock to film . Even the " '.hlch Sylvester Stallone wrote for monolithic television industry has h1mselrto slar in. been s haken Up. 7. The death o r Joan Crawford.

THE TOP ENTERTAINMENT ~fter 50 years In .the public eye, the storie~ of the year, as seen by this re-• i;}a morous star withdrew to her New porter : \ork apartment and died after two

1. The death of Bing Cros by. He had years as a recluse. been as much a part of the American 8. A BC commands the ratings. Long scene as the Fourth or July, and his ·the No. 3 network, ARC surged to the s udden departur e was an ex - top on the s trength of youlh-apptal traordinary shock to his countrymen . st•ries. leaving CBS and NBC in disar·

2. The "Star Wars fever. The !>Oar- ray. ing achievement by George Lucas 9. PETE R FINCH DIS:S, wins and his band of ma~ic makers quickly Oscar posthumously Three months became the mos t s uccess ful movie in after the British actors s udden death. histor y . his widow accepted his award as best ·

3. " ROOTS." ALE X Haley s sai,ta of actor of 1976 for " Network . · his slave forebears made television lO. The death of Charlie Chaplin. his tory with the highest ratings and The Christmas passing of the screen s

I : ' ~ r

the ~realest impact on the nations ~realc!> t rnmedian brought th e cons clousnes:.. Hollywood m·ws year to a somber •

4. The death of Elvis Presley. More tlo!>l' 1

' Cassidy r. Hit Tops j LOS ANGELES <A P >

COMEDY GENIUS · /\Cassidy rides again. Groucho Marx Shaun Cassidy, half .

---------- brother to former teeny­h o pp er king D:.ivid

Fiihn Fm• 1•8hed Ca::;s1dy, and s on or

Shirley Jones and the late Jack Cassidy, is car­rying the family name to the top of lhe pop char ts.

LOS ANGELES <AP ) - Scott Jacoby has com· pleted his star ring role in ··our Winning Season," filmed in Newnan, Ga.

Cassidy, the sta r of te levision's "The Hardy Boys,·· had a hit !>inglc

---------- ··oa Do Ron Ron."

Have something you want to sell:' Classified ads do ll well Call NOW, 6'2·5678.

WtlfMIMSTa c-• Wllf' ..•. . .. ..... en ..... 1 C:OUAWl'A HAllC)e 4....nJ u-••• Htfl-* ·· · .. ··•·"· · ·· · · ··"'"" .. ....... -""' .... •.1.. •. . . .. ... ··'"·" .. UALllACM IOUMOll ... . . . . ! llJI 01-MI•

.la. rJECl Of THE ACflOH' "'Y la.HNI HALL



::"l!lf!i~f!!ijlfji'1Cll11tm1ft A•• • Santa An• f'tftway


OF THE THIRD KIND" (PG) '1 ·~'30-5 lWOS-!0 45



" 1900" (R)



Kat.ti• ..... Steelt11m









ALL ORIVC· INS OPEN 6:30 .. ."4. HfGHT\.Y Clllld Under t2 ,., .. Unleu * Ktdd<lt Pl1yground

From the outrageous No.1 Best-seller





A moving story. A romantic story.



MIUlrl!tl St S4H111 lllHIU .. C


DAILY l.JWwl I J .. J-1 .. S:l .. J , .... .)1

l.AftSHQWHll,lAf, MM.

SD. CDAS1 PLAZA 3AID lf"lllSI S-1'11111tu ru1111'



• I

A story of envy, hatred, friendship, triumph, and love.

. SIIlRLEY .. ·'al-. -.T A 1"1'..~ .. J.f~,~

· I


I '


New Fed Chkf Takes $324,500 Pay Cut 4


PROVIDENCE, R.l. <AP) -G. William Mille r, chosen by President Carter to replace Arthur Burns as head of the Fede ral Reserve Board , rose from an attorney with a New York luw firm to president of the b1llion-dollar conglomerate Tex· tron Inc. in four years.

Miller, chairman and chief ex­ecutive officer or Textron, was ·associated with the Cravath, Swaipe & Moore law firm In 1956 when Royal Little, architect of Textron and now retired, hired


him as an assistant secretllry. -"llE WAS 29 YEARS old and .. . I realized t had found one of the most brilliant young men I'd ever known. That 's when I of­fered him an opportunity with Textron," said Little.

In 1960, Miller was named president of Textron, and by 1968 he had made his way to chairman and chief execuli ve offi cer .

Last year, Textron's revenues totaled about $2.76 billion. The firm has about 68,000 employees


- !? :..._,...,,.;..•"- .,, 1,.1uss Assorted Colors

••om~ t • •:,'1,.ss

' t ~ '

' -~·~ ,_.. -_J I:~

4ROLL73c lff ,, ~ran NiCBO PACK


All Temperature Effective!



Smudge-resistant. Lengthens & thickens.


NAIL SLICKS Conditioning Hail Color that looks wet even when it's dry!


HARD AS NAILS wi th NYLON Helps prevent chipping, sptitling, cracking & peeling.



COSMETIC MIRROR Regular and triple strength magnification.


pH Balanced with luscious lather.

16 •• .1. 79 COLGATE

INSTANT SHAVE In refreshing assorted scents.

11 oz. 59c


Vitamin E 100 CAPSULES

400 1.U. 3 .19 Vitamin C 100 TABLETS

500mg. 1.69 BAYER






who handle products ranging from chain saws and zippers in the consumer division to rocket l'ngines and eleclro·magnelic de· fense systems in the aerospace division.

LAST VEAR, MILLER was paid $382,000 by Textron in base pay and other compensation. As head of the Federal Reserve Board , Miller would receive $57,500.

invest In the then -financially troubled Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Textron and Lockheed had been working on an agreement that would have terminated the federal government 'a con ­troversial loan guarantee to Lockheed.

Boston, described Miller as "sott ofa Renaissance man."

Ile said Miller " has a areal lo­terest in a variety of things much broader than the average businessman you run into.'·

Miller, born in Sapulpa, Okla., was arnduated in 1945 from the Coast Guard Academy and served with lhe Coast Guard un­lil 1949. During World War II, he ­was stationed in Okinawa as part or the force preparing for the in­v asio_r or Japan.

The deadline for the agree­ment passed before the com­panies could reach an agree­ment, Miller said.

In February 1975, Miller an­nounced that Textron would not

FRANK MORR.IS, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of


Contains No Fluorocarbons

uoz. &Be


~ ·~ . ,


For reliel of heartburn and ind1geslion.

·~ 139 12 oz. •


High Potency Stress Formula Vitamins.




AUTOMATIC BOWL CLEANER Deodorizes for a clean blue water tank.

2 il.00 .... SUPER SPONGE

Perfect f01 walls, floors, windows, kitchen & bath.


WHITE RAIN HAIR SPRAY New enviromental lormula.

1.s... 79c


soz. ] 7c TUBE I



32 oz. I I C Bonus Bottle


Cleans & Deodorizes.

r .. m. COFFEE

FILTERS For Mr. Coffee and • . other basket-type coffee-makers. . •


FLASHLIGHT In red color. Batteries not included.

Limb 'n Tiim 8 ~ ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW ~

DYMO Home Label Maker ~eift!~~·~·~ .. BATTERIES -.i GOOD FOR TOYS, RADIOS, ETC.~


1~ H.P. Double Insulated chain saw. Cuts trees up to 16" thick.

.,:::clly 24:95'~

The homemakers hel~ for complete household or1anlzat1on. Everything is included - script wheel, iron-on cloth rnarkln& tape and vinyl t~pe.

' N1760·14BP 2.88 "C" or "0" Cell 2 PAK

•1AA" Cell







T "' lollowu>o lk!nons art 001no bU\1 ,,.,\ ., W EST BAU M EDICAL GROUP,

lH6 w .-t Uatl Roaa, Su ll• 10s. A"dtle•m, CohtornJa •~

Stdnf'I'; Ou8rtn, M 0, 14'0 t 811m 1n9h•M Oow. We\1mln)ltr, C.tlltorn1a ;U))

J.t< k l 111tn M O , 10'/00 M•onoll• •~ enu•. si.....,ton. (•l1lorn1j '1280.e

8•k llwn ~v•rtr•yMt, M 0 ., 4l9' 1rof\wood A1tt nue. S t•t 8¥• < h , ...,,,.,,n1•90lol0 L!n •\ bu'Jlnit'\\ Is cOtlduc. ttd by illn un lf'CMPG<•led ~10<••tk>tt om.,, lll<tll • .. tt Mr,.,.lp

SYnl•~ 0u8'1n. M D Tii t~ •1•1..-nt w n Ille<! w1tl'I t~

Cou~t• c• .. k ol °'""~ counly on P enmber l'I. 1917 ,,., .. ,

P Bl.JC O'l'ICE p u NOTICE ~-'UB~u_c_N_OT_•_c_E_· ~lJniverse


l'I CTITIOU5 a USIN ESS HAMISTATEMl!NT T"" IOllOWlnQ l)ef''l<>n I~ dOln9 bu\•

ntU•• JOHNSON '$ CAR BEAU TY , "'"°

H•rbor Blvd., Satlt•A,,.., CA V'l/1>4 Donald kaftt Jolln\On, t'-3)1) H•t t>or

Blvd . S•nt.aAM,CA 91104 Tl'l1\ b1n1nou h ton<IUC\e<I b• on 1n

<llvodutl Don K. "'-1Son


"'• fello• l"t .. ,._, . ..... llt .., ... ,...., ... A OK HRVICI CIHlt.te , 11.lS

W9'I MK.,_, "°' .. ,,, Cttta M<IN , C.l ilenl 1• ...

._,...,. IE Keu. ...0 ltrn• L ltt<ll, llM MlftO'<• Orlvo, c;ool t MllV. C.t...,_ ....

ft>la l>lnlnft• ll <_I .. by .,. In· tivi..1.

..._. £ ltt<h Tt\11 .iM.,.wnt w• flteo w ill\ 11141

C.o..nty Cl•r- of 0.•"99 toun1v on Dt<tml>ef )I, 1911



AM !Mijltllll• J'•mllyt Dl•lr k t lnlo J toh Subject -ce• 1, 10<4\.0 on tne ••\I "" ol Alle>tt Slrfft, nort~ of lll• ntho Allpar MQbll• Hom• Park IM· ~uor'•P•r<lll N0 . ...... 1-2. • .SI.

1'17llf P..Ollsll4t0 Or- Co..e Oalty P iiot,

O..c u . )t. 1911 enG JIM\, '· I•,"'' S:iot-11

Tl'lls P•Oletl ha• Deefl •••l-•d end protoU•O In •ttordanet w ith tll• Ca lllornla Env1ron,,,.,t•I OutlltY Ac l

·------------· Tne Clly ' l Erwlronmtnt•l Revie w PUBLIC NOTICE Bot•d hA• dettrmlMCI that t"9 prOIKI

---·----------- woula not l\Ove • >llllllll<tnl lm,p.ttt on


• th• envirOIV'nant Md lits grantt<I u

T .... lollOwlng l>U•loOfl I\ llolno bU• I· n•u ••

W. C. PRECISION SC REENING, 1''81 S•OOltbd<- . Ml \\>Ofl Viejo, CA 9Z.1S

W IL LIAM PAU L 81SCHOl'F ?6111 S•, Mlu lon v ie/o ci.

11to•1t vt de<l•r •lion. Not ice Is lurtl>er g iven tlWI •t Hid

tlmt' •no pl&ce. •nhtr•sttG per.ons ctr~ to •U,.no \ctlOPVbl lc ~arlriQono be h••rd 1n t•vor 01, or '" oppo~1hon to \ • IO d1V1\10" o• i.nd fli t'-' o r•llt' or ov 'Wtttt en comt"rHJmc•llon to thf CUy PJan ninO Comm~\\ IOI\

'or furO,,.r QiMt.cul•rs ••' !nterestfld

Explored A IO~·Pllrt astronomy

lecture ser ies entitled " Man and His Universe" will be presented on four s uccessive Friday nights b eginn in g J an . 6 at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa.

The free lectures wlll be given from 6:30to8:30 p,m . in Science Lecture ll a ll 1.

Topics will inc lu de ph e n omen a s uch us black holes, and life and death cycle or stars, mun in s p ace and the chanc· ing sola r system

Tllll ll•t-1 W•\ 111 1'<1 with I~ Countv Ctt<~ ol Or-County on o .. 97'1S '

T llh bVS.,,..I ll CondUCl-.1 by •n I~ "''°n' Aft 1nv1~ to c<1t1 lttt ollke o l 0-------------­

I), 1•11 F dlYIOu•I P"Dllll\ed Qr- (b.l\t Daily ~ti• WILLIAM PAUL BISCHOFF

0.< II l • 31 "TltnaJ.M I 1~18 'Thi$ •latomenl WH llltd wllll Int ' · >JO> 11 ~~~~~ C1

• " al Or- C°""'Y on Dec

P UBLIC NOTICE l' ... 11

Publl•llt<I Or- to.ii {\~•Ir Pt101 ~ ti l•.>t l~/l.Jllfl 1 .,,.

' "" S.<rtluy al tne Pl•nn1ng Cot9· ml\\1on .,.,.. lnfOf"M•hon r~rdinct this m•lttrl•onltlt, -•u••ll.ollle tor P\'b tlc lns-llon

DAT EOOtcemcer?~ •• .,, Tnom.,c; Merreli SeicrehVY


NOTI C!l 0 1' ~U.LIC H I AlllNG

.saturday. Oeoomber3t, 19TT .QI.IL Y PILOT Cl

Paym.ent Of·Taxes Detailed

l r o year-end s tate· m ent, s tate Controller Ken Cory imnounced the dll'trlbution to counties and cities of a tot a l of $92,392,142 worth of taxes and fees collected on cigarettes. gas and new vehicles.

All the taxes are kept lD rundi; maintained by Cory 's office and re· d ist ributed to local gov· ernmenls at the end of the year .

Here's the breakdown fort he Orange Coast :

PUO'l~htQ Or- CO.\I 0Atlv f'tlol 1------------­ su> 11

Plt.tnn11'Q Comm~·uon P1>1>1t.r>ed OrM'f911 Co.ot 0•11• P1101

Oectmwr ll. 1'11 so1. 11


or ...... C-lr : "n m1111on fro m h lgtlw•y -"'I••. Ul,IOO lrom flQfrtlle t••. -StO,OOOfrommolOI ~hl<te llcenw ••es.

Cesta -...e: UO • .tOO. n!Qltw•v u ... r ·• .... \ 11, !00, c1 .... 11 .... •net U~ 100, motOtvff'tUlt'le.

Dec JI ""· ;.,. I " 71. i.1s ~·JO II



--~=:J~OWlt'Q ~tot'\)., ,. cto•no t>u\t


"'•""°' t 8•.Kll, C.A 926'0 Donald M. Koll, '°" V•• LICIO Souo,

N•.,POrt Bt1d1, C.A 91..0 O .P . Mtdotem.a~. 11 H•ll Muon U•y

Dr I••· Corona del 'Mr. CA •2u~ Everett Davi,, Ill , 2 U8 MH•

Orlvt, Ntwpotl 8 .. th, CAt2M>O llmOlhY L Str.•d•r. 1'30 Port

Al!Mns, Ntwporl Beat h, CA '7660 Stanley F Brockholl, s Polnl Sur

Drive, N•w-1 0Hch, CA •2M>O D. E . Fl1>1>, 1728 H t<ld•n Vdlloy

Courl, Lt Joli•, CA '7031 Orrin W Mlll .. r, l:IU F11111 !>lrr• I

D1t ve"11"1n, CA 91014 A E Pro-ltl'\, In< . tAI AtlM lllt

ln1ur•nct> COmpant1, Rl'.-1 Eu1tt,. In ,,;e\.tment Dep•rlmf'nt. Ont C.•v•< c.ncer Plat .. HMllO<d, CT 0410

Thi\ bv\1""°~" conouctecs oy a t1m1t "'.,.,,Of,\.1\10

T omoll'ty L. Str.tdlr Th" \f4t~nt ¥11'9 \ htf"d Wtlh tt\t"

C0<intv Ctor k ol Oran~ tovn1; on o~c 1, N/1

FOMJ Publt\hfoc:I OrM'Qlt' Co•'• O••l y P1tot

Doc 10, 11 24, 31. i.11

.- -·~~~~~~~~--...:s.'~':> . .:..I' PUBLIC NOTICE


DECLARATION T l"lfl (O\tA Ml!\a OiftnntnCI O~Pf\rt

f'f°'flo nt hit\ •HOPO\eO lo l\\Ut (A) N'V"'''"'" Oi•<t•raUOl'1 f''O.tr0 1ruo1 th~ En<11ronmei'\tc1t lrno<KI o l '"'~ 10110• 100 &rnW>,,.t

1 o,.,,,.,ot')'n .. nl Rf'Ylf'W DR 18 o• fOr J Ohf'I PAul Herft( 't. 108 MAt ('Jv• ,.,,. Coron• d~I M M, C•llfnrn1t:t, for rnn \ tru1 1trin of , ,,,,. OJ 7 t>' uroom unit\ In< ,ltp() 4\t 140 AVbC/\do St,. ... , •O 4\n "'l C.P ion• (nv1ronmt'nl,1I O•'h•rm1n.1 lion ft E: OA 1 N';iJ••" "'~ Dtic '"'-'"°"'

1 D•-.locimt nt U•v••w DR 18 01 tor IMO Dn•lOpmrnt Co, 'JOMcCor mlc li Suitt" 113, Cb\t~ Mf,'"· ("hfornM to tOtt\lruc t f_m 1ndU\t1111I con11;h ' · IO<·H •• • , 1100 A lf'Wt1Y """" '"tin M P ion,, l ny1ronm1•rH<tl 61." t ttrm1n.tf1an ICEOA I N"9<Jl •v• ~1ora11on

l Ot•tl()jJfTlt'nl R .. ,.,. DR II OJ lnr '4>r tn Sundt>('rq 69? W !/In St , Co\ld ,_.~,a. C• f1forn1.1 10 con-..tru< t \•It f&I )..bPOroom 4o.1rtmt'F'h, lo<elttd •I bOO W M•m1Uon St fffl 1n -tn Al to~ r n YlfOnM•ntat Dfh"rrn1nat1on tCEOA J ,.,•"'• Ot<larotion

Tti• NN)<~llW 0r<lbr6\IM\ • tll l)ll>

<.l'>n\1df-r•O fO' .ooot1on on or """r MnuAr't' IJ l~7~ ~o,. furl,_.r 1n fo•m"

h11tn plf'-t~ (-tit t ht P•Anthl'KJ ()\~Ml

""n' ... 01'1 \~)I•\ PMOh\~ ()t.W\otlf t OJll"I 0••1-t Pilot

Ot>< lt 191'



The foUO'#i nQI 1Jit:f50n\ °''" do1nq t>u~• n••\\ •\

l ANC:ER ElECTRtC, IJ/41 M tt•t St . Wnt mUl\IPr CA 926'1l

ROftAld R Py\Nlr 201 totll SI 11untonoton 0.K ll, C:A 92•"8

L.turt~n A 8t-r9f!:ron Jr HJ U t AU\\,.li ""'" ,G• r<Mt\Crovf" CA~l&..U

Ralph c. fpathl!I. 13141 M H'1ft We\lmln\l•r, CA '11>&J

Tht\ bU\lneu •> t:onou<tttO ov ... c;,ener 41 pa r tnrr ... n1p

Rona10 r( P 't\rwr 1'hls s,ta1ement was filed w 11f'I tnit

County Ct•" OI Dr•noe County on Ot< 13, ,.,,



'nr I OUOlllffOQ petW)n\ .,. dO•nQ Ou\I 'W\S .,

O RA NGE COU NTY CI NEMA CD OP J~S.lverlNI, Ortng., CA •11>19

N l(l'IOI~ 1(111ro.. IU41 E Mc~aa den a ol, luslln, CA t7MO

P•vl G ca ....... 11' S,,Mpt.,., A•• , !>•n Cl•-nle, C:A '1•11

l tH\ bu-.1fM11\\ 1, tonoucted by • pe,,.,,., 1>«tner!o/11p N1<1>olM l(ypros

Thi\ Ual@mt'nl Wd \ llled >Mlh IM Coun ty Cl••• ot Or•noe County on Dtc '· ,,,, Fl .. 13

Pul>h\ llP<I OriHtQ(' Ce>~<I Odtly Piiot Dec l/ l • . JI t~/I J~n / 1918 ,, .. ,.,

Publl\hed Or•n~ Cc>ot O•lly 1'1101. ----------·--- Dec 10, 11, 24,lt 1911

S1'9 l1



"CTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME T ~ f0Uow1oq s>f"' ,..,,," hdve ao•n

OOnec:I •n~ U\I of tne l•C IU10U\ OU\1(\1•\ ..

"•rn• PARK W[ ~T PROPE RTt( ~

l1H2 McFaqa~n ;: 4 TU\11" C• lf lorn1• 'llt>IC)

The f1cht1ou\ 8 t.t \olnl''i.\. N•me ,,_ lrrred 10 •t>o-H w•s lllC-'(t 1n Or«1no. county on OttOOoe• J. 1911

How•rd 8 HOl!Wn. 1014 w E •m '>t , Sant• Ana, C.l1torn••




t nf' t OllOWlnQ Pf'r \)tl~ .,. dOlnQ tN\I 04•\\ .,

CUS TO M Pl\t N TI N G ltlJO l(e\ • •< k. , Hvnttn.o1on O..c: " ·(A

Tom H ill 1911-1 tCw\...,i< '- Hunt 1.nqton 8~•<". (..A

M1•~ 0.,lu-.q. 19'9,. Ktt\•1Clll. , Hunt 1nqtOI' Bt~lCn. CA

T "•\ t>u\1nt\'\ 1\. <onoucttel by • C)t-l'l("tdl Ooaftl'"t"h1p

M 1tnaitl O•rllnq

- ·----------·---ICITV COUNCIL CHAMB ER\, >2400



NOTICE IS Ht;Rl:BY GIVEN THAT Reque • t lor Ii U\e ~rmtl A PUKLtC HEARING WILL BE HELD to •\ltl>ll\na \Kon<! h.,.<I >tor• 11'4! In OY 1 HE PLANNING C0M"41'>SION Sy< Amore Plaz• , CM 1Comm•rt1dl OF T HE CI T Y OF SA N JU AN M•nuttctur1nq1 l OM Tl>~ pr-rtv l\ CAPISTRANO ON THE 10TH DAV OF located on P•"'° Adet•nto ....... to tile JAN UAR ... 1918, AT I OOP M . IN THE PQ~I olllce Mor~ \Pt'Cllt<•ll r . (~ pro Cl Ty COUNCll CHAM BE RS. l 240CI perly "loe<>Ul•ed •• A>~hor's Pare~• PAS fO AOtLA NT O, S AN JUAN No .... onl•n<U C APISTRANO. RELATIVE TO THE Tl'll> pro1Kt Ila\ l>etn re v10wed •nd FOLlOWING P•O<OHd In •ttora•n<• • 1111 ,,,.

LHlllts Pt.clMf'lan C•llfornla Envlronmant•t Qutl lty Ac t Revltw •na re<ommtnatho n on It•• Tiit Ci t ~'' Env1ronmentll Rtvltw

•CIOpllon ol tho! Lo• Rio\ P•tc•H Pl•n Soard llu det•rmlM<l tllal tlle ptojKt wrucn h•\ been Pfepared under the pr o- would not t\att • i1Qn1fl<•nt ~vlt"on v1,1on\OIArtldt 80 tllll' C<llllorn1aGOv· mental e ll•<I •n<I hU Ol•nted • rrnrnrnt CC)de Thf' 'iObj..C 1 pl•n w~tl neo•ltve ~t,ualiOf\ tt\t6blt\h \Pfl<ttl<- tar\d u~ Ar\CI c1r cul.i· Notice i\ lurlhtr Qi vtn o t \Ald t1on pltM tor thtd••d inc 1u<11n11 •pPl•t•· l ime and place, lntere.te<I """et" •• • blP devtl~nt ~t.tndArd\ and re'tlltw 1n'tlited to altlf\d Y id ()Ubl•C n~ttt 1no proceo~rt\ T.,~ an."tl atlf< lt>d by ttw1• and ~ twaro In f•vor o f, or In oppo\I orop0\.,d or .. <-l'>e pt.N\ I'\ commonly,., hon to ' • 'd COt'ICllHon•I u\f! ~rm11 ,,,.rrd 10 •~ ttie LO\ R•o' L 1t 11,_, tUh•r o,.•UY0t b)I wrl U1ncommun1c• HollywiOOd ar.-a tt '" rnor-,. • l)P<lt•C•lly ''°" 10 th~C1tv PIMn•"9 Comm•nlon •drnu1,.~o •\ d,,. .. noun0t-d on '"""' For further cwrll<Uf4tt. •" 1ttl t'r .. tf ""'""'by Tr.c>u<o Cr rot"' b y IM Sdnl..t Ft- .cl S)e:t'SOft\ ''" 1nv1 t~ to Cdll trw- Ofh(fl R111 1rn.Jo r1otu ol • •v orr tne rd\I. Dttl or ow Stcrct•,.., ot trw PIM1~•no Com Obt\0'> StrHI on the- !tC>Ut h . .tnCS 1 r.ct m1n1on whirr• '""orm•t1on r~rtt1nio 1'96on tnenortl't lh11 m•tttr f\ on lit•. •ftd h ""'''"°""

Th•~ pro1Kt rut'~ r .. v •t-wf'O •nd for e>ubhc l~Uon I oroc"" .. -,""a 1n arcord•nC• w lU\ tn~ O•ltd Ot<ttmOer 21. t•11 C•tolorno• Env,.onm..-t•I 0...ttty it.c t THOMAS G M ERRELL f Pu (1ly"'\ EnvttonmrnlAI Rt"Y1f ......- S.<re-t•ry • 81J•UJ hd\ C)f"t .. rm11\4"d t""11t Uw PfOJMt P l.,v unq(.omml\"tfon movn•wf"•4.tQn1hc•n11mp...ct<M'H"*Pn Put>lt\tw«J Oronge (o.A\t O•i:IY P1tot Ylft)f1f'T1tn• •nd Pw\ <•uv-d ctn t-nvuon December )t. ''" Uo'I II

Ar Wlret'M4•

SIGN CAPTURES SPlRIT OF BROTHERS Marilyn Constable Runs Town's Restaurant

Not Lonely Tomi's Independent llfWTllERS, Ore . <AP > • Lpokmg for a plac·c

to '1s 1t out:.1dt! the plmilic world of franch1~ccl motels. restaurants and l.'a mpgrounds ·•

Well here it is - Brothers, Ore .. an outpost on the hiJ(h, bleak desert between Bend and Burns on Lr s 20

l'•w•l•I• V AlltY ' )0 .000, n141nwey uwr's t•_. .,.,600. < 1<MteU• ••••no '36.600. motor vtl>t<•e le.

Hunll,..l•tt 1uc11 : 1111,eoo. n•Qnwlf 11\ef'S tu u1,100. c!Q.rell• •• • •nd 1 101,JOO. mocor •tl>it ,. IH

••v i,..: uo,10 , 111onwav u..,,., tA< , U .IOO, c'9tr•H• IH, •nd U•.SOO. tno1or v•hltte ••

l•.,... h;Kll ; \13,400, lllQllwh u•er'• 1 ... U .IOO. cl'"rette t•• •ncs ' 11 .•oo. mOlot vehl< 1e 1 ...

Nt"'"" a..cll: Sf0,100, lllQl\WIY uur' • tu , \ 11,IOO, clo.,•119 tax, •"4 \.tUOO motor Yefllcte fft .

S.n Cl-a: \11,800, h lgllway u\~r '\ 1 .. ; "1,400. cl11<1r•lle l•x •114 l 16, uo. motor vt!>lcl• '""

$f" J..-i>•lrotno ; Sll.000, f'!QhWl'f U\iff'\ ta1 ; \2,100, CtQ,a rltt• '""· t nd \I 1.000, mo1orvet\lc le t~.

htl 9"<11! \71 ,lll , lllgl\We'!' u-..r'\ th; 1J,OOO.cl11<1,.tte ta•. •na \ l t ,IOO, motor vehicle I ..

Baja Tour

Scheduled Orville E-r\On 1HJt BMN I\

S I . L •Qun..t Hll1'\. Ca1110,n1 .. ,.16) J Du•M A tCrdll. '11' M 1tchrll ~ 4

TU\lln C...Jl•torn1d•1f..b0

f P\1-. \\itltf'l"lf'nl Yll«I\ f llf"d 'W ith lht (.Quntw- Cltr 11i. ot O'an~ Count y on 0t"lC'tfifki' 1 Ull

m rnt&I IMPd(:t tf"C)Ort t ObePH1p.ifed

Not1Ct" h h.irtrw-r qtvf'rti that at s..1a ''""" •no Ola<t~, 1ntt'rf"\t~ Pf"rW>ns dre '""''"'° toeUlf'f'\d~1dt>UbhC tw•rtnq and bt ht MO In t.tvor o l or tn oOtM>\1l10tt to \4UJ lo\ ~tO\ Prftc1w Pt an ~•thft'r orattv "' b'I wri11.-.ncommyn1tdt1on1ottwC1ty Ptann1no Commt\\1on

P U&LIC NOTICE OT THAT BROTH E RS. f.LEVATION 4,653. - -------- ---- populallon not many, i:.n ·t a full -fledged town . It 1s.

By College Orange CoaslCollcge ·s

biology department will offor an opportunity to c..•xplore the Sea of Cortez in Baja California from Jan 28through Feb. 4.

fhtilm• Lff WMI ''" M itc,, .. u : 11. 1 u\ttn (dhtc>rnhl Q2t>8()

'n1~ bU~11')f"U W cU COtlQU<.ff'(j bv ..

0"""f'r.\t """""' r\111p Oua,,,. 41 >(ralt

Thi\ \tll~t WA\ l !lf'O Wl~h tn,. (Oun ' .. (J~rk 01 Or1ln0i" Count y 011

CHc.m1>er 11 1'11 FeJOl!

Publl~noa O<M~ (Ol>\I Daily Ptlot , Ot< 14, l t. 1911 dnd Jdn I , 14, 1118

n .. 111






( 41 THI/ ARlHfN and DOES I tnrou9" 10. in<tu\I .,.

F .. MJ Puhll\t...O °'""'1" Coa\I Ddtly PolOI

Or< IU II 14 JI U/1 )114 II



1 ht- 'oflow ing per'°" 1\ doing b u\1 Mltl\ a~

COLLI N S & A S~OCIATfS REA L TORS, tllO~ M~onolo• ~I ~uuo ''"" V•llt'y, Cal lforn1" '11108

Lr<' E Collin•. AIOI ~ran<t\<an CH Huntlnoton 81"4)(h, C1 l1torm.-H&•o

for further e>orllcul•r \, •II tntf'rf\IM'.i JHHM>n\ _.,.~ 1n'l1lea to t<"ll IM' ott1<r o f IP\f Wcrrtary ot l"-P Plann1n9 Com m1\\tOI\ w.tnPrt'" lnformat1ort ft'9a,.dlnQ ,,, ,, math.•r hon tile;'. 11nd l\av,111l4l')lt tor r>ubll( ln\-llOM

OAT [ D Oe<tmtl(lr l~. 1011

rnom"' G M• rrt!H, !tecret .. r v Pf1111r,;no COt"'m1-..\1on

Pubt lVotO OronQe C:o.ut D•lly PllOI , D~<Pmb<'rlt, 1911 Siil /1




A rf'QU&\l to pt1tr mo hOMt-\ on lot' 1

S•. 114, •l'tll ttS o l Trac"llJ to rncroa< h 10 IHI into tr.e :JO.foot minimum lront y•rd srlbat k r "Qulred IOr rt\ldtnrts I" tllr E'> !Small E\IAl•I D1\lflc t , lo iwrm11., Jrfl'IU\Of d P'M>rnt-on lot 47 t o•n

t ro•<h b • • t• I '"'o '"' 10 ion ' rr11\ bu\1ntt\\ 1~ tOnthi(. ttd bv "" 1n

dlVlduet L'""'COl•1f'\ - ·---------·--- m1nJmum fl'Ont r•rd \.tfbMk rf'"QufrW1

Thi\ \t • l"l'ttlflf ¥flJ\ ht,.O w 10'1 tfVI'

Coun tv C••rk ol Or • no" County on Oetember 11, 1911

~.,," Puot•shfd Oranot COO\I O• •'• Pilot

D~< 2• JI 19/1 M!O J en 1, 14 1918 USO /1



l h~ totlow•nQ pt'f'\Of\ I\ OOtnQ b1J\I ft~\\ ct\

AM El>KAN PACIFIC CONTRAC TOR 5, I I)) N''l<l<O•••• St Untt C. (O\ll M•\~ (alttornM•lf'lll

14 P (O(trr...ct n. t('< • C•l•forn1if rorpt>rdt1on. 111) MOnro\111 St Unit J'.. Cosca M'"'' C:•hlorn1a '1611

fhl\, DY\•ntt\ I\ tOf\duCft'O b'f .. tOt'


APContrarton •• '"< Ju<IV JO.,.pt\loOn, s ..

Tiits \131,.,,,.,nt """ Ille<! w 1t11 lht ~ountv Cltr• o l Or•n~ County on O•<~mber 11, 191/ ltl/114


rh• ro11ow1no pe,.\Oft\ •r&do1nq bus• · ~u .. ~

G REENPROPERTIES.l'O A• ht on Q(•vt, l•~ ~~h.CAffforn1•4'l6SI

Dl•n• Joftn....,., J20 A\M.,., Drive, L~una BHCll, C• hlorn1a'26j t

Jun~ P"Ma1.'"<I •szs s wa1~. E" G•O••, C•llforn1aqs.1c

Suz•~G GlldrKI, ::1s LaS.nOa Souih L~urw . C•lltor,,la91'11

Joftn 8 G<ft<\, ltlOIMt\Slr ... t Apt N >01, N~"'IJ0<1 &-'"<" C•htornla92tlOJ

M•rv Annf'> Gr~..,, 11 H•rbor hi Ind, Nf'WOQl't O,,.ac:n (Alllornt.a91&4)

Th i'\ Du'"''"'' 1 condu< t"'O bV a o•nf'ralpa,-tnt'r'>hi()

01~Jot\n\On Gt-,....,, P11rt¥r f .,,\ \ lat...,.,.nt wa\ f1tf<o0 w1lh tne

Count v Cler" ot Or d'IQif' Count 1 on Ott 30. 1q11 Fll~t

Publl\l'lf'd 0<""9& Coa\I Od1lv Pilot , O-. )I 1911«><1J• n 6, IJ,10, 1918


P UBLIC NOTICE Publlsllt<I Or- (O<l\I Dell y Pilot, ·----------·---­

Ore . 1• , J1 , 1q11M>C1J.,, 1, u , 1'18 SJ0e·11


Tiit 1011°"'1"9 persons •re dOl"fl bu•I· f"Mf\\ A \ PUBLIC NOTICE BE A CH ENGINEERING, 14 /

------------- 1 Coa\t Vlttw Drl•e, Loquna Buell, CA 97.SI

Dtnll lfll'l'•n , 510 Crtn SI • L*9Unt BrfC'll, CA 9145'

Mar tin Gr•oory, SH ThrOuQll, Lf 9UN B .. cn, CA 9265 I

Tllh business Is condutlrd by ~ 11«nor•I p.,.lnortl\lp,

°"''' Tlll"*1 This 11•1-I "-" llled with ll>e County Cltrl< ol Or.,.ge C:O..n1v on a.< ' · lt/1

<or rn•dtlnt•• 1n tl'lt RS 1s1no1• F •m1 1r 1 0111r1c1. to - mu Ii t"'"" o t ,, r>Om• on IOI .S 10.,nuoacll 2 lftl Into 1"-' 10 toor mtn1mum sidf v1trd w ccwc• r~ qu1rti d torr~~•~ In ttw RS. Ol\lt1( t 10 C>4'rm•IA "°"'«on lot ttllo •n<r.,.tn 4 t~f:l into t~ lS.-toot minimum "f'•r Y••d r•qulred for • •eS><k'nt• 1n tl\f' RS O•\trl< t . ~ IOptrtnU ~ •rttut~tvr•I dtlall of • •II\ on lot\ I . 10, ll, 21. •~. S7 • od '' to ••rf!led C>V 1 toot. 4 1nttw\ ttw ~ toot m1•hnum N 1Qht per m1ttrd tor #11)11\ '" thp r~u·rt<S \'<lit ,.,o ot .,,,, rt1\1den<• ~tf'C.t e><OPtirtv 1' toe" '"'° on lhf' \OU'tn \Kte of S.n J""•" ''""' RoMS one mOt' .,.,,, '>' ,._,. I S f '"'"'••• A\~'\or \ P•rt.t No ... '411 01 I ltu .. prot«t N\ a.f'n tt'Vtf'WPd •ncJ

proC,\\t·d in A4.t:Ordtnc .. ""' '' " ,,,., C.alltorn1a Cnvlronrr'lf'f\t•t 0...41il 'I A< I 1 fl,. C• ty·s Env;ronm~nl•l Rr""''W 80d•d ... ~ Otl•rmlnt<l IMI tilt' O• Ot••(I ''- c at~or;cauv _..._~mpt tM\l"d on tn,.. t1~1n9 that U fnvotYt!'\ mtnof Ch•~\ rn laNI UwP llmlf<1tkltU

Nolt<• 1$ h•rtt>er Qlven Intl ~t '411d time- lfnd P'«•. tnlpre-1'1~ Ot'ft.(wn •rr lnvltt!d to allMd \aid i>Ubll< ntMlnQ 1tnd be t>eerd In l•vor ol , or In OQPO\I lion to seld 1one variance e1t1>., or Ally o r l>V w ritten communication 10 ti>• Cl ty Pl•Mlng Commlulon.

For furl llt'r partlcul• H , ell lnltr••I ea ~r,on\ "''Invited lo toll I"" o tr1ce o f IM Stcrtl•ry ol th• Planning Com minion '"""" lntormtllQ(\ •tlla•d•no ""' metier ''on tilt, ~ I• •v•ll•ble 101 publK lns;>ec.llon .

D•ltd Ootc~mt>er 11, 1911 TH()MASG MERllELL S.trl't.,y Plj>Mlng Commt\~lon

PUllll'""° Orango C:O.\t D•lly Pilot Oe<•mber )I, 1911 ~410 11


comp let e with post office , airport. s tore . res taurant, gas station , highway ~arage und won derful , bright-red one-room school house.

And. oh yes. a telephone. It's the hand cranked kind and the only one for 20 miles or so in any dirt:'l' lion

Marilyn nnd Lou Cons table, who like their town JUSl fi ne, arc keepers of the town telephone land tht• pos t o(fice·gas stution·store·res taurant 1

Wt.1nl lo make a phone call''

JllST UFT TH E RF.C EIV F.R . \\ h1rl th~ c1 unk and tell the operator the number you want That, .. 1( the fine to !lend. 43 mile~ to the west. hap1>ens lo be· working.

" They can talk to the moon , but \H' can t a lwuys talk to Bend ... s ays M rs. Constable. " Some o( the ranchers come rrom 20 miles awa y to use the telephone We have CO radios. but now, with all the interference, they're just about useless," she says

Lonely out here? Don 't ask. " No, I do not get lonesome out here'" ad ·

mon1she11 a wooden s ign hung over lh1· lum·h counter by Constable's mother

COSSTABLE'.S PAR ENTS RAN the Broth<!r'­s tore for 17 years until the ),on and his .... ire took 0\ i:r .i couple or >ears ago Mrs Ccmstablc s parenti. ranch nearby.

Constable taught fl ying in Bend and Medford for a time, but gets close to airplanes now only when friends land on the emergency air strip behind the s tore .

" We ·d like lo have a plane, though," says Mrs Cons table as she pours s teaming black coffee lo travelers taking res pite from a dri ving Oregon snow s torm .

THERE'S A SISTERS, ORE., off to the we~t . nea r the Three Siste rs Mountains. but Sisters and Brothers aren't related , s ays Constable .

" The story around here is that durinj( homesteading days. different family members all signed up for adjoining 160-acre parcels. So when ii c;1 m e lime to name the Lown. a ll they could find were brothers . so that ·s what they named il. ··

Across the road . a sign with " BROTHERS SC HOOL" in b1~ letters identifies the fres hly paint­ed red buildm~ that serves the children of the area

all s ix of them. The school is independent. too - like the peo·

pie. Just to make sure educators in Bend don't de· cide buses a re better than school houses, folks in Brothers maintain a separate school dis­trict.

Sheds Low Profile

The tour is by <'hartercd boat . and s lu· <ll'nl s will ex plor e re mote islands and learn about the natura l history of thc area.

The class l.'<1rr1es two units of college credit.

A meeting for those in · terested in the course is set Jan. 3 al 4 p .m . in room 14 of OCC's Science Building. For informa· tcon about the course. phone instructor Gary Jam c·s at 556-~1G

Lectures Scheduled On Sport

O r ientee ring, whi ch combines aspects of run ­ning , land n av igatio n and topographical map and compass reading ,' will be the s ubject or a lecture series a t Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa.

The series will meet on five Satu1'days beginning Jan . 7 from 10 a. m . to noon in room 101 or the h and ball building Ad ­m ission is free.

In s tructor is Lynn Slo r s tad , a physical education instructor at. OCC AND Long Beach Cily College.

Brothel Owner Back RENO. Neva. <A P l - l''lamb()yant

Nevada brothe l owner Joe Conforte is i nching hi s way back into the limelight.

F or the last year Conforte has been given the cold s houlder by the public, and he has been keeping a Jow profile.


T his year. Confortc and his wife. Sally. were convicted of federa l in ­come lax evas ion. They arc free on $40,000 bail.

APPARENTLY THE diminutive brothel baron believes enough time had pass.eel lo come back into public eye.

ln an interview at a local steak house, one of b is prostitutes who called hersetr "Pepper" said Conforte had s tayed away from the r estaurant eve n though it was on e of hi s favorites.

Wherever M goes, People stare. Maybe it's because they aren 't used

to seeing a s hort, 52-year -old man with a tall, young beautiful girl. But more likely, they s t a re because Con· rortc•s is 0 we ll·known face.

CONFORTf;•s BROTNBL ls locat· ed near the 'l'ruckee River, eJght. m.lles east ol Reno. Stor ey County ls one of four Nevada counties where ·Prostitution }s legal.

Ttie. brothe ls house betwttn 30 and 4b girl , depending on the season.

He said he Jcta h.I• wife run tho day­to-day opeTBUon at Mustang Ranch becau c ••a brothel needs a woman'i. touch - I om juat an overseer."


.. •

. , . . • \

• l •

l l.

('2 0.\IL \ PllOJ




15053 G~denwest St. IJunt111J,'lon lkJeh

1714) 898-961 I

Salurd•r 0 c;em~r 31 tt17



102 !:.:. Uilh St Co~la Ml·~a 646-3141




Re~ Estate byMcVay On leach

17301 Beach Bl. St~ 13 H.B. 842-9371


MITLA MEXICAN RESTAURANT 547 w. 19th st., Coda Mesa

642-9764 1750 w. l-- ...... "'








~ :!I \ulo Center Dri \\

fRVl lH :


From An Of Us To Al Of You

WishincJ you .... t>.st HOLIDAY SEASON

EVERS & ASSOC 21 0 l'rotmfttory Dr E.

N•wport leach UJ.0200

. ~ . .. · t · . • . •• . 4 , ., t • .. ' • , • T .. • If" II f 'I t I • I f t t • •

. .. • , '., • ... ·· .. . ~ .. .. • f ., " 4 • .. f


SERVICE :..'08:! M 11:h1.+ .. on r>1

I n 111t·

833-2700 1111~ lk-adl 1111 d I l1111t1nl{t11n Ht•.I\ h


llAl'l'Y 1101.IL> i\Y~ I o .\II Of Y uu

\1111 .\ \\~ry ll appy Nl'W Y1•ar

-- --4 ? I I I ))~)11 Y. f'~~Xr<LIX

I >H:.n ll''\lt ' »SO f C-1 ;fwy

ea.-"'"' °'" ,..., 640·7000


222Vidoria Costa Mesa 646-3737 <Across from

Greenha ven Nursery )






WP. Wiii alwdys re rnf' m be r you H.JVl' cl Happy New Year!

FARGO Ranch Land & Cattfe R.E.

P.O. I x 475. Trmrculo 24750 Washinqton St

Mu meta !iii !lt ~I\ titli ~.717 ;122 • ~'>:10 ~:!:! :!11>111

Sep son's Greetings

\-VJ.,hing you rh1• ht>,1

N!!\V Yl' l.'Vl'I


.flu .~ l.>ln'6 ~u

Valley Realty 1470 Jamboree Rd.

Newport ~ach


"~'w : ·. ~ >oW~1~~9:·

We Wish You ,\ I lohday S<'ason Filled W1lh J or &

A Happy New Year

liiU.~ * 675-5930. .


11140 ·orMic Ave.. . Cosla Mesa 54 .. 1161





REALTORS N<-wPod Of,H I> ..0 44>1• 881 Dover Or. H.B.

ClOSIO \UNOAH 631-1800

A Joyous New Year l o

you and all vou hold dear.

ART'S LANDING 503 E. E•water

BALBOA 675-0550

All or w. a l Lido Realty ex· tend our warmest w1she::. for a joyflllcd ho liday :.<~ason &. a n l'w ycLlr fill ed with h <1pp1ncss, good health & prosperity

LIDO REALTY :u;; \i11 I iclca. '\ .II . *673-7300 *

' . ( .

Best Wishes For i\ Very Jl appy I lohd a.> Sca:.nn 1\nd New Vea1

To You All

red hill~:.: . 552·7500

W1:0..hins All The Dest To All Of You From


2123 Newport 81 Costa Mesa, 646-1925

\\'1• would hkc to thank )1JU for .)'Our l>atronai.:e & look forward to serving you 1n th<' Sorinc

Acro:.i. lrom Allied E lcct nc > 0

'1 \ .; : •• t · . ,.· • .. : • •• ' •.• . • • t •• .,. • " .. " • • • .. J • •

. ) : + t. . • .. .. • ,. • t .. • • .... ... ,.. ... . .. . . . ·, . . ..

\\APP}' \I '\978


Fill Up For The Holidays

Floyd Smith & Son


!!JOO N(•wport Blvd Cost a '1t•s<1 6-16 3111

Warmest wishes from all of ti.'> to all of you from


Bocrd of Reaffors 40 I Newport ltvd

Newport leach 646-1671

CITY AUTO PARTS 1066 Ptocrlttfo Ave

Costa Mesa 642·81l1

We wish happiness. good health & peace thruout all the villages in the world this holiday season & lhe new year

552·70~0 THE ·· · ::. · -VILLAGE. · ·.· REALTORS

ARROWHEAD Unen Service Inc .

& Dust Control Div I 0 I 5 E. OroftcJethorJM Anaheim 879-8502 Growing With The Arca


We wis h you the joy & happiness of lhe llohday Season

We're ringing In luck, peace, love and h•ppl· nets for you In

Nabers Cadillac

lnl 10 I I 11 hor Blvu (11s1.1 M~~.1 S ti).!) I 00 ...... ' . '·• . . . . ........ .l ··. ·• . . .. . . . . . . .. ·.··l . . •.,•, ,• • .. " ..... ... · ·.·

A Jovous New Year to all


2215 Harbor Bl vd .. Coslu Mesa 646 0275



· 2083 Newport II Yd

Costa Mesa 646-7441


RE.AL TORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy.

Corot1a •I Mar 675-5511

We thank all o ur c us tomers fo r th e1 r patronage & w1!.h all a very H appy & Prosperous New Year from :

THE QUIET WOMAN 3224 1-Alsl Coast JI \.\\'

Corona del Mor · 640-7440


CUSTOMERS f'rom all of us al

All the Stoff a t


2831 E. Coast Hwy CdM 675-9700

14439 Culver Irvine 552·5252

) . ... . ... ,, • t. .. .... , ....... . . • '·. "•• . ~ : • . • . • .. • • . t •

I' • • t • • • • • • t " I f f 1

• •

We celebrate the New Year and our good for· tune in serving you .


HU11ll11ston e.arh t62-7'9 I '


New Year's - a time to reflect on the past and look to the future. Have a goOd year.

Wlshl,.Vou the H•'-Pltst ,.. .•. ,,


t 10 • uihNy c_,,.~





C7t4t 496-771 I • :w194 Coast Hwy

Dana Point.

Our prayers ;om yours for Peace in the New Year.

.$iMpl.yus J4 I 6 Via <>;ort. ............


· From the Office & Starr or

Herbert Hawkins Realtors

11055 M~oM• ~·y

96' .. 31 I


... .

Our best wishes for the very happiest of Holiday Seasons 1


961W. 17th St .. Costa Mua 646-0622


to o~r many customersl

PROMPT CLEANERS 4 3 4 East I 7th Str~~t .

Costa Mesa 646-6883



Stewart Roth Antiques

7 50 ~ Dytr Road Santa Ana

1 \t flw :-.lc11 prn I 1-"111 ' 751-8'22



Dennis Rickell.4' nltr 109 Dove St, Ste 130

Newport Beuch .955-0497 642·3263



Fll9tDS ROMOUl ..., .. STAJlll~T 540-MU ltWlll

Whelan ~I \ 'It



~ . Best Wishes

.1 ~ to All I

Hi e·'>::. \ Olli" hunH• with rwod hculth & h;i µpine'~ thru11ut tlH· h11!1da y M',1::.un & tlw m·w }l'a r

Orange Coast Real Estate

:!t~IO !-:. (,'-;t I I" y, Cd :'II 644-4848

"' '" • ft# '' '•"""'1 .,., '' ·~ n~1 .-r.oil .. ,., w 1M y°""' w~ rr- o.. ••·• "It·~,,,,,,, fut•t•,..,.,. 'rw ,, .. , .. no vow 1

' " f .. nit ''"'Y lhtt N1"" "f~ . ., lHmQ t,, f1!l'f'•l"l l ,,, IUI \11.UI q, .......

REAL TY INC . 714/ 846- 1371

Tnbm Profc11s1on11l Bid~ . 5142 Wurnt'r A venue



RESTAURANT ai07 W. Coast Hwy

Newport Beach 646-0201

Our 1lJlctre1t wlsb for 1 year of 1ooc1 elletr for otr 'ood frfeHI .



LAUNDRY I 077 W. Bak~r.

Costa Mesa 546-7680

NEW YEAR !'> " 11q~in' nut \\llh

wuul wi.h ... for our f rw111I. Hild ru , 111111·

c·r,. •

Balboa Pavilion 400 Main St. 8.tboa, Ca. 673-4633

patrons from the staff of

Stuff Noodle Italian

Restaurant 217Rinnict.

Newport hoch 548-7418




&NEWYEAR "' ...... S.itt 41 s

C.M. 5SG-617l


woalo PEACE

Saturday Oecem~r 31 1977 DAIL V PILOT (3


1640 Ado.tu, C.M. 979-3910

Remember us for your needs in 1978. Our entire staff is here to serve you & yours. We offer loans for mobile homes. equity & home improvements. Al so a complete Sale Escrow Service.


I I .\fa1· Your llOml· Ue

F;llcd With Love, Good Ilea Ith And

Happinc:.:. Thruout The llohdJ \' Scu::.on And The !'<cw Year

associated BA OKE AS--AE A L TO AS l OH W Bolboo 6'1·1661

Pierce Brothers Smiths'

Mortuary 427 E. 17th ~ •.

C.M. 646°4888 S.A. 547-4131

A PARTING NOTE: May all your joys be multiplied many times over in the New Year!

WOODY'S WHARF 2318 Newport Blvf'I

Newport Beach 675-0474

A Joyous & Prosperous New Year

From the staff at


1865 Hari>or- ll CM 645-6151

lef happiness and lcindness be yout guide.

Bolboa loy Prop. Reattors 675·7060

4509 W. Cousl llwy . Newport Bcuch

~!1111 ..





751-3191 CostoMesa 556-2660

Hewportlch ,,, __ _

< ,p>""

This special time .of year, we arc sending our warmest wishes your way. May the season find you merry & the fulfill · ment ot the New Year a mostjlous time. TO LLOFYOU




For the HoUdaye, a Cheery OreetJng from

the crew of


1896 Harbor Blvd. CosfoM•so 642-7576

May the New Year be your most Festive


3 333 lristof Cotto Mesa 540.5771


For The New Year


COMMERCE 583 W. I 9tft St .• Costa~ 979-0536


Moy II better Itself

with •"•"Y poulng c&oy t

WAL T'S WHARF 201 Main St.

Seal IHch, Ca. 1213) 598-4433

Gavle Bower, Delira 1>111 1n.gham. M isrk Gum bmcr. Joan KtnR. Terry Rensen, Alan Robertson, I>ianc Rob~on . Elke Standish . Brian Stleler & Phyllis Sweeney of :



,, ... , ,, / . ~ ~ .. , ~

\\' i.: WISll YOI J Iii\ PP\" 1101.l lJA \ 'S

And a new > t'ar fllll'<l \\ 11 h ~11od hc••llh, happllll''" unll i.:•1od h1rtww

Ji!J.!~·· I I OS " · C_. Hwy., lOC)llll•

494-1177 l 160 I CMSt Hwy .• S. l119M9




Jack Fick &A::.. ... ol· 10021 !:ilater Ave .. Stl'.' 107

Fount<Jin Vidk~ 963-0926

We wish you a year ot good times. good friends and much success in goats.



~le•d• .... ,.,, ~r=-. ..... •

We all extend our verv best wishes for a New

Year frlled wrth pc<ice, t" joy & good health


1213 N. Cst. Laguna 497·3388

3601 E. Cst. CdM 673-5354

One new year. wishes. Success and happrness in '78.


760 w . ..... St Cosf.MetG 5 .... 9662

• •

\\~'". . ~ ~~1~~~

f<'rom Th<' Fountain Vallt1y FIREFIGHTERS


Her•'• a little candle of hope to ahtd some

• Ulht on our whhn for JOUfMWY .. r.

HOWARD Cllenwlet

. Dove"QuallSl!I. NEWPORT BEACfl

1iM1H IJl-0116



• • S.hHday. O.cembW 3', 1977

to thos••• have served

i" th• post


4 l 41 Birch 5t~et Suite I 00, H.I . 92660


·~~V~ Nf W YfA/I e :· ·. o

Wt1rmcsl Wl1'hl•S ror ;i holiday season I 1llecl \\1th l{ooO health :met happiness and your l>c~ l New year ever '!



From The F...tain Volley

Chamber of C QCJ'lrMrce


Mey II INner Itself

with •••ry poul"ll d o y t


Bay & Beach Realty

15(1 !'\ewport Cl'ntC'r Or Nt•wpo rl Bt•al·h

20592 LC9'fto COllyon Rd

D1flerent he,irts, d1tl" r ent minds. c!Jferent faiths Oni> prayer: Peace for

.111 In 1978.

Roy McCardie .. eoltor I 110 Newport Costa Mesa 541°7729


1 1525 Mesa Verde Dr. East So1te 114-, C.M. 92626

9&7-8130 957-31 l

* ....


l«9'1'0 ~och, Co. 494-014~

;. * 1._\.... ,\\ If"-'()' :\ • A'l'C '(' t. ~~~· ~-~OF . ~

---APR;'· ~--~ in~~,



- BOSTON WHALER 2900 La Fayette

H.1. 673-2050

to our many

friends ond

polrons from

the staff of


HAPPY HANDS 18941/J H..t.or II

Costa Mn. UZ.624 5

. j UMRI~ ' ~II


llf E 1 Old yur ... old IOf9.M timelea with - ~.

I N~~H ZM IMPOITS 1 ......... .

·~ .... I l



From: John, Dick, Ninfa.

Geor9e, Paul, Stan, Tom ondRett•

PROPERTY HOUSE 6308 W. Coast Hwy

Newpo r t l•ach 642-3850


May your holidays be iollyf



Ringing Out with Our Wishes for

a Joyous N~w Year •• Southem Callfontia

Rfffty Cotta Mfta 546°5605



Zl21Me~ll•d. N.L C71 J 67MOIO

Join us at o ·Garo New Yea's Eve Porty with a new bond starring Lorry Boles at the exciting new


l 7208 Pocilir (00~1 Hwy Huntinqron 8eocr•



. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .


· ringing out . good wishes

to our many friends!

Ou~!RH .hrir~"'

1125 Newport.ll•d . Costa Mesa


• "''"fie• Year M1ythen1w

year be your most f11dve.


262'H.rborll•d. Cotte Meta. 546-1640



tlWPllT JUNES 1111 .... .., ... . "'= ... .. • 10

Our New Year'~ toast: "Health and Happ\ness to You".

Huntington Beach Firemen's ,\ ssociation

A Toast for a very Good Year to our Friends


WaNI f1ont Hws Coast Hw1, HI

Salisbury Rfffty .... 1119"CI

The happiest or holidays lo you all & ~r best wishes for a vef)' fine NewYear ,

MACNAB-IRVINE . . Jie:'JZ.£~~!ttls

1644San Miguel Dr. Newpo.rt Beach 644.62()0

4545Campus Dr. Irvine 762-1414

May the New Year be your most Festive.

Tillll BniltlSS .. Sales

m Paular1no Ave, Suite 5 Nffrpoct Beach '75H400

Minney's Ship

Chandlery N.ticalGHts

2517 W. Coaaf Hwy, ..... 54e-4192

A t lmtl111 wish for a

ftatlve and hippy new 1111 • ••






P.O. IOX 16337 lniM 644-0687

We thank you for your loyal patronage

and sincerely hope that we may serve

you In the coming year.

GIMOMES DRESS SHOP 341 S Vlo O'Porto Me'1rleoch

' l-7610




VIP Propert&,s R.E. Network


1 o all we hove · served itt tM post.


600 Newport Ctftht' Dr Suite I, Newport lch

I 644-1412 .

Sates-Service· Leasing RoyC.-ver,lftc.

1540Jamboree Newport Beach ~

~~\\\1 I /1/,IJ~ ~ 't ' .... -

Prosperity in the New Year.


2732 I. Coeet Hwy. COf'OIMl .. M•

644-7211 .*


A ro,-sr FOi A GOOD



23700 Club HouH Dr. LCKJll"a Niguel


303 Main St. Batboo, Co. 673-5650


\ 11111 ~1 l1111 ll 11f 1111r -.11111l1·rf11I p11tn111•:


With BC'Sl WishC'S For ThC' New Yt•ar

Wishing You the Ha'-piest

New Year! Reqency Motor Home Rentals

925 N. Harbor Blvd. Santo .Ana, 531-2503


634 W . Bak~r .

Costa MHo 546-0669

May th• New Y•ar b• fun and f•tlve.


112r.111 .. ~.

s• '°'·'•* UJ...4134


160 .._.port c.,.t.,. Dr , Sllit• 125

H.wport leoch. 759·1'3 1

H A PPY NEW YEAR From ,\II 01 Us /\t


. ·•' ... ' M • "ti A ~ I ,,..4

,, '


. .

/ ~/

r ~~.~~~'~' ~~~~Av~~~~-~

• For The Holiday Season Thank You For Your l'atron ni:e

To All Our CUl>lOml'rS

• • • ta Jll, llr Ctltlll«&. Here Is wishing YOU a11 a fire tale and proeperous Nw Ye~ from all the Flrefil!ll«l •t the:

Toast in the New Year!

Saturday, Deeem~r 31, 1977

'Mele ~lrkih'\ahi' And A

HauoU Makahik1 Hou

Corona deJ Mar . Pr~J.5 E. co~!~~~94

Corona del Mar




494-11 l 1 546-9'67

Holiday Oreelinrs

To our many fJiet?dl ft customers

W9*yM.T-rtor Co. 2111 SP Joaquin HUit Rd

New~rtB .. ch

rEf!'411 .•

IN THE NEW YEAR Mesa Verde Pharmacy

2971 Harbor llvd. Costa Mesa

Our wish for 78: That we may continue to serve you well


1555 Newport Blvd. Costa Mna 645-60 I 5


If t• r l'lir>lr-r 111 rl11

1111r lie.•t ''' hrfp all of 1111r Ji n1• <'II• I"'" t • r~.

Oor 1hlcerest wlJb · for• year of tood cflter for ou.r good frielld1 .

AT EASE 44 ,..,u 111-.d .... .......... ~5070 .


178~ Nt>wport Blvd. Co~to Meso. Co. q2627

(714) 548-1400 ..

A Toast for a very Good Year to our Friends

~ I l \ i.. tj HI \ l I'

I '• '

?~I~ I Cml H• 1 C1•on1Ot ' 11;1



JacqYi•'s Jr. Clothn 3641 E. Coast Hwy.

CdM I :1r1t West of Poinsettia>

••••••••• allT WllHll


f EllY 410So. Ba1'1l'oftt Balboalalrid '7J.IOH


O~tl' PH Cl l .............................................. ,...--------------------~--~~~--~----------~\IG•~•·•~lr,...el 1002 ~ 1002

"" ..... t ~ • u. or-. Collf" • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • •• • • • •••••••••••• - •••••••••

DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can ~I It . Ftnd tt . ( 642•...-.a I One Call Sef'vice Tredo It With a want. /lid . .,,... 'u . Arlt Ct*9lt ~

•..i htol• 1000."" ~& ,=.~ .. ·. 5m0-Wtt ... , & ,_.. ..... IOOC)..IOtt l ff'Clal, ~..,, \«wl(H a .......... ,~ ~ · • 9000-'°'9

=~ lnmlwif ~ ~ ,_.,= ~ .... 7001).71" ~I IU~ eltlef tlOO""


------•le;~ 1002 c;......- IOOJ ······················· l·•••••t••··············

aRORS: AdYertlter lllould ch.cir Ht•lr od cWly and re-port "" ron lrnmediotety. The DAILY PILOT cmaune• Uability for the first In cornet ilUlf'tiOft onty.

'11w; n<' W'pa11t•r Y.111 not kn11w1n.:ly .1l'l' l'l't .111\ ;u.h t.'rt1 i. 1n.: lor 1 t.'JI . .... wh1t•h i~ Ill VIOIJ t 11111 or the law

Hou$H for Sal• •......•....... ...•...• 100 2


l\l 1hlll l H 11 nl .,. hilt'\\ ,11<·1 \ 11·w .1t l.1ttJ1• t 'orona 111 lllcJ <.:1111111.i •I• I :\1 ar · So 111 11 .... ' ' I h h .1rl h l ll'

~· 111 h .1tu1 ,., t l1clr Ill ' cll·n & 1 ol y I 1r1·pl au• (.0, 111' o r l h ,11 Ill I c• .1ft, l1\,1f1 \' !Irle l' cl ' C'.Jll now tii:l &'i50 tu s1·1· 1'

ft, ')• .. ,.

$58,900 l.r 11uncl 11•\l'I I flrncc t 1111 nh1111l1 ', luc .11c ·d \\.ell. 111 i: 111 , t.111 1·1· Ir " '" •hop Jllll l! "" 1ic· 11• 1lli111 , .11 111\ •'. 11111\ t \ 1· . ir' olct I' 11 11 I , I ol c II I I I .~ c l11tihuu., 1· l'I\ ,. 111111

llomS Coast Plata 754·7800


A prime opportunit y with an outstand· 1ng real est'!le oqtanizat_ion + hig-h l'arnings ! Experience 1s a mus t. l'res tigious location . All applications he ld in s trictest confidence. P lease rt!ply to Ad #68, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

~ ONE YEAR HEW 1rnmuculate s&s 11uaht~"

TRI-LEVEL I hdrm. drn. '"'°I S~IG. 500


I flR . :! llA. h1.:hl~ 11p 1l11nn;1 ~ i 'Ht:I \ s.:t. 1 r.1111-rl . with 'lc p lloY. n !'idl llmllh 1."1 with 1i-.u1_v Ii\ ins.: m um r ,11 , <'fl ol111 l'ilul Ads 1110,: room ' l!·p cln 111;1'h·1 Bii l.11x11n 11111' 111 f1•11•d ••I :-f;H '11111


'6<;~1u EAST BLUFF

Y Plan rondo: :i hclrm!I . 1lrn rm . f;11n 1 m 1111 1·oontry k1td1 \ 11 ·w nt llt t'l'lllll'lt ~ I :1;,,000 \\ luncl' C.F. COLES WORTHY REALTORS 640-0020

$1.62 per DAY Thu t' s J\ LL you pay

lor a :JOduy ad

In lht'


DIRECTORY on Ir ' ow•

642· 5678

OPrORTUNITT knocks often when you use resull·gettmg Daily Pilot Classified Ad,, lO reach the Oran &e Coast market.

Phone 642-5678

•TWO HOMES • l.1H • 1n lllll' . rc ·nl llw ttlhl·r ' 'l;1·w :J hdrm' 2' h .1 rrµlc PLC" 1 h a1 en 1111:. upl(rruh:u i. lull m home Clo!lt' t11 lw.1d1 :-.h11ppin11 & !Ju~ ~24!0.llOV s~~JUlA-~£trs·

CA l. l. 0 U~ · HI-'

~-Thof Intriguing Word G ome wi11t a Chuclle ----- f~ ~ CU.~ I rOUAN

... ,. r N1•11er1 t'o" 0 rrtrc 0 t"°'rong. t.tte<t ol ....

t (>Jt K tOl'ftbl.d ...otdl be-­low •o loon 1.,.,, """'le -ch.

FALLBROOK'S I 1 1? i M ( I HI' l __.-.~,_

FIHEST on 1+ Acre Prim<' Mtwro l__._0__.U_F~A_...R_,I i' ----~~-~ lll ll 11 Acre. 3 Hr. 1<1p J' I' J I :.-r1u11lity cons lr11d111n _ _ _ _ thru-oul. Nl.'nrly new . m&ny custom feuturt''> l S U G I E I ! Ad In ferm megazlne: Sls.'1,000. ' I J J J' "Wanted, deify tmPloYM of

WAYMAN . . _ _ _ _ ~good charec1tf'. P«ion• who -::i drink, •~k• Of Ml -COM' ANY , .... -N_l _S_S_l_T _ _,, need not 1ppty. ••

Jlealtorsslnccl!Jl7 . JL02So. Main St I' I I' I j8 ~!911ie~11":'.t

Fallbrook 728·1138 .._...._ ....... __..__...__...._ ... .,.,.,....., 1,_ 11e1» No. 3 i..1cw.

IHCOMEI! · Balboa Penln. Just re·

& r::~;.~fUO r I' r r I' I' I' I' r I 6~4 I I I I I I I I I

SCIAM-llTS ......... a..lfk .... 5300 GtMr• I OOZ Ga..e...e I 002

• duced! 6 Ulllta. Ovc 2 • bdtms. & one 1-l><lrm. on ' 2 l ots. Just step$ to beach . Owner rnlltivatedl 673-3663 642·2253 EVCli

associated OAOKfO",. . '11 ,.I T(\ Jl f~

• ." r r • ~I '

: A WHALE Of' A HAPPY ' NEW YEARS From tho : CREW al PAVILION ~ JU. "l'1\S ' , '


Sarr White Realtor 2901 Newuoc t Blvd.---------, NewPQrt Sr,.icl\, CA 92663

MOMENT OF DICISION Experienced s alesmen : Join an. active beach office w/moro clients than salesmen ; a broket with 30 yrs bus exp in Harbor area. Beach bUYers are affluent. sales l a rge, Jcndors indulgent. Every selling aldc plus Computer Terminal. Resolve NOW to be settled ln new money.making background when mld·J unuary rush start s. All tnqulrics confidential .

~---076-4630 ........... --

CHARMING COROMA DEL MAR 3 bedroom, 3 bath south of the highway home on one or the towns finest ~ tree ls! In like·new condition throughout with warm wood paneling, new kit chen, baths. roof, complete insul ation and charming , tasteful decor. Presented at $167,500.

U~l()UI: li()Ml:S REAL TORS': 675·6000

2443 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mer dlso m Mesa Verde. at 546 -5990

Heal f:o;talc

BEAUTIFUL 3 BR--4 IA HOME OH LIDO ISLE ... with an extra wide l ot for easy expansion. 2 Sty .. Span 1sh rt a vor w1J11e & airy feeling thru · o ut Ce nter courtyard w/ fountain. including sep . guest quarters.

$268,000 Bayside Vlnoge JACOBS REALTY

If yno are looking for a 6 7 5-66 70 ~real ,·alue in a Mach - - ------­c..'Ollagc. l>t.-e this 2 bdrm .. NEWPORT BEACH 2 b11Lh mobile home, wnlkm~ dlst•ince to the HEW CONDO buy. All hulll·ins, SAVE$4000 carport. 5'"1.500 Br and new condominium 6n.u oo . .1 r

Just V:i m1 e rom ocean. HARBOR Huge, master s uite with

warm wood cathedral eiiillng and bonus space for hideaway room with possible ocean view . $9000 moves you In.

~~~~--~~~~! Hurrv and take advan · ~- _ tage,.call 962·77118.

Call 642-5678 iQ. K€Y G- ... - r .. ----,-00- 2- ·. W 1 P.E:ALTOf\sA Want Ads

• ••••••••••••••••••••••

IEST •?OtMT'' HOME $275,000

"""tlCJloa• corMr acroH from layfr•t & 1tep1t to Oc.-. Opett Clftd httenstlng 2·•tory. 4 ~ faM. nn & deft homt. So.flM) IMide grelfthCMe,

OH IALIOA ISLAND SH8,900 •..tfful lomg two story .,.,. with .-c•-· • l b*'lll .......... &

,-0. for litdooroutdoor 1Mn9- Uve In mt cmd •foy the bentfth of Oft lKo• .. .,wty.

Watafroat ...... 2633 W. Cout Hwy.



~::.~~~ ....... ~:::.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... }~!.~~ ...... . o....... 1002 GHerol 1002 , .... ,.. 1002 o ... r.. 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

REAL EST A TE SALES Opem"!g for two licensed salesp~ople, experienced or unexperienced, but must have wilhngncss to work & s trong dcsrre lo !)llC'CC{'d. Well established ore, :.ttpt!r lot• , µrogress1ve commission. PERSONAL training. Start the New Year HIGHT. Call Larry Whites ides for more inf or.

~~! t?.ac --~+'t)lt'fW! -- Balboa Island Realty

1\ND INVESrMl:!NT ee).\\Pl\NY 673-8700

IOOlG ....... 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••






644-1766 2161 SAH JOAOUINHILU RO.


I 002 GetMrGI 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


/tom f'tt l! & Marthn Ram!lt Ma.r & llrttw A.dnan Liz ffrollt!JI Paul lfrltlu" Mike Blakt Dean B rad/ord Jim & Loll Bnd~s Rtnon Carlwnght Ed & F:lom.r Chapmon E::lt'no COUQhlm £Ileen C>tmolddie Suaan Dumom Margaret DulJey Anne Gallort Ge1TJ1Lyn11 Gorlofld Marlo CIOllmlll 8111 & lie/~ Cold Tom llollett Cm1 lltrbrn11 Ktn Knight Tnm Kt>tCl Curl Larton Pnl Le11ltr Jim Moroflialt

Ofclc Mc Dermott Cl1inno McC«td)/

Goll Mclnnhi Shlrt~y Michelmor•. Jud~ MitcheU JITT!/ 0 . 8t-'ln'I l,1nda Oeth 811t11 Poyne Ann Peters L.a "11 P / tsll• r Rick Ridford JHrt R1ttM-Krtt ROii Jeon SulfltlJ Dori• Tomin Barbaro Van Darl«nt Young

WAMT EVYYTHIMG? - View. location. 4 HR, formal dining room, fa mily room w / frplc, s hake roof, 3 HA. cul·de·sac street. over 2200 sq. ft. of sumptuous living area. Your choice of carpeting. Located in the Turtle Rock Highlands. Asking $185,000. NEWPORT DELIGHT - Located near the famous Newport Back Ila y on the Bluffs . This 4 BR. condo is a real delight. Call us for a private showing. $118.500. 2 OM I COROMA DEL MAR - Prime area. Jog to & on the beach. Live in on<' & rent the other . Units show pride of ownersh ip, completely repainted. $154,500.

640-9900 \ ·.\I J J~:,· l{l~ . .\I :r\r



FINER HOMES FROM SS0,500 TO $895,000

BIG CAHYO....._.,.EW OFFERING Extraordin;H·y ·I HR, family rm home w/ tcak floors covered w/ncw h igh l y up g rudcd carpeting . Extensive use of Bouquet Canyon Stone. Lg pool w/ scparate jacuzzi. MAGNIFICENTLY DECORATEO·­abundance of Last(•ful amenities. Lynne Valentine (>44 ·6200. ( C·21 >

RING IM THE MEW YEAR ... and enjoy the panorama· view l rom delightful 4 BR, formal d1111ng Cape Horn model w/custom drps & wallcovenngs. Sparkling cndosed pool & jacuzzi. Fountain & lovely garden patios. E\'ery am£•nily plus! S329,500 .. kn H unt 642-82.15. (C-22)

HEW CARPETING Enh ances the beauty of th is charming E/\STBLUFF. Lus k· bui It 4 BR home w/s pacious family rm & formal dinin g area. Walk to schools, shopping & tennis club. Avail. for early occupancy & priced to sell a l $154,500. Laf't"Y Dyer 642·8235. ( C·23)

VIEW IN EASTllUFF New on market! 3 Bll . family rm Lusk home on one of the most desirablt: streets w/ vicw of C'ity & night lights. Well priced at $165,000. Jeanne Barndt 644-6200. CC-24 > ·

BARGAIN IM IAYCREST Investor/ Homeowner! 4 BIG BRs + cozy family rm w/radiant. crackling fireplace. Huge. remodeled kitchen w/ ~pac iou s hrkfst area. Sep . laundry rm . Full -size 40' pool.

•Located on qUil't, curved. trce·lined :;trect & well priced at Sl00,500 fl'C. J ohn Granath 642·82.15 . <C ·25)

BAY CREST Mint condition , Ivan Wells huilt 4 BR home w/ private gates, manicu red mini .gardens, c·ozy view patios & spacious family rm w/ fireplace. Formal dining - is land kitchen -cabineted 2·car garage. A super buy at S212,000. Tom A llinson 642·8235. <C·26>

IUT IUY IN CAMEO HIGHLANDS! There's real value in thii; beautiful a BR +den home newly & tas tefully decorated w / plush carpeting & lovely wallcoverings. Hlt· tn hi ·ri cabinets In d<'n; lg. t.H w/stone fireplace. Private benchC's! $154.000. Marjorie M<thon644·6200. <C ·27)

MIMl-ISTATE_.,.EWrORT HACH Absolu te perfect ion In thi s enchanting 5 BR. + family rm home! New d eluxe kitchen & brkfst r m ; pool ; children's play house & yard; t o w ering trees & country atmosphere . Fee lan d - S185,000. Harriet Perry 642-8235. (C-28W

'42·123S "4·6200 · '°' Dover Drive t4er~ View Center

trvlrw at Camt:IU' V•ll•Y Center 752·1414

(W DAIL T Pll.0 t

I Ho.Ms Fors• ..............................................

------------------------------------..----------, .... ,.. 1002 G..,..... 1001 n.. &i&laJ;t ...,...lpilc:• on .,_ er._. eo..t • •• • •• • • • • • •• • ••• • •••• • ••• • •• • • • • • • • ••• ••••• ••

DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ~~n~~= ·=~ [842•5878] Fast~I= hlo•t 1000."" • ..-.ah ~46ft lllMlllll\ kl .. ,._.. ' ,__... sooo S0.9

• -------IGnerGI t 002 GMH'tll 1001

ERRORS: Ad ... rtisft' lhcUd check th.;,. od dally ca'Kt report er ron immediately. Th• DAILY PILOT a u ume liability for th~ f int In correct fnserliOf'I only.

~lsher's Hoti~e: All real estate advt>r lt JO t.lus nt•wspaper • ~ sub· jecl to the Federal Fuir Hou1>ini.: Ac l of 1 !168

....•....••......•.••.• .•.•... , .....•••••....•.


A prime opportunity with an outstand­in ~ real esta te orJ,!anizC:ttion + high t.•arn ings ! Experi e n ce is a must. Ptcstigious location . All applications held in strictest confidence. Please reply to Ad #68, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cost a Mesa, CA 92626

wtuch makes 1l illegal lo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ udvert1 H' " <in y pre ::

CHARMING CORONA DEL MAR 3 bed room, 3 bath south of the highway home on o ne o f the lowns finest s treets ! In Ii k e· n ew condition throughout with warm wood paneling, new kitche n, baths, roof. complete ins ul ation and c harming, t asteful decor. Presented at$167 ,500.

U~IC>UI: 11VMI:§ REAL TORS'', 675·6000

2 443 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mer ,1tso m Mesa Verde, at 546 ·5990

frrcncc . llm1l..il1on. or G ~ I 002 General I 002 I dlscnnunatton lla!.t-d on fftft"ui Ge .. ral 1002 G.......e 1002 ral·c. color, r l'l1,::1on, St'X, •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• or n.iuo nal on1:1n, or an inlf•nllon lo m.1!. 1• an\· ~Ul'h prdt'lt'IH't', 1111111,1 Uull. ordt'otrtm1n..ilturl

This nc•ws1wpt•r will n111 know111KIY .u:1:c11t .in, ad\crl1 !>1 n1t for rt.•JI t..,lal<! whtth 1:. 111 v10IJ t1on ufth c law.

Hou!fl for Sale ......... .......•... ... 1002 ...........•..•........


!ll.1.:111lt<'tl'lll 1Ah1tc· wa h-1 \WW ,11 l .1lUI' OWOllJ Ill Ohl C.:111011,11hl :\!Jr S11

"' I/IA \' Tht .. ,tr(l ,,111' !!• ·Ill 11 ·;1(1 11 ' " ·1 l11 l rm .. 1k11 & llJ/Y l11 l•plat' l' l.n:id~ of cl1.11 m 1 , .

al•~l•lallv 111111'11' ('all 1\0" b'i3 l\551) I 0 'i\'l' I I

$58,900 ( ; , 111111!1 11• 1·,. 1 I floor 1111•11h11nw. l111·ut•·d "allo. 1111.: dll>l.1111'1' I 1 "Ill '""I' flll llo! "" 111•11.!hl1111 .. • 1hov1·. onh I 1 '""' old I' o 11 I I ,1 1 ;, I I I ,\

1lul1hou1>l'. 1·111• 111111

ttomS t'oll!tl Plata 754-7800


~ ONE YEAR MEW Immaculate S&S quality.

TRl·LEYEL .I hdrm. llC'n. pool S!lli.:100.


:1 BR. :! llA. h11: hl~ 111' llonn:i ft9.I 7!111:1 .\ ~l.

1•rn1lcrl. w ith !.l~ Jl olo" 11 Sdl th1tu.!' la!.l with Ua1ly 11\ '"I! rnom. rai,.t"I 111" l'1lot W .mt A tis 1111! rlM•m . '-ll ' P 1111 1l1;e , l1•I

Hll l.ll"Cllr\ plu-. 11lf1·1 .. 1l ·•l::.t~.'J(~I


EAST BLUFF Y Plan condo . 3 b<lrmc; . chn rm . 1m 1111 l'ountn· ktt<h \ 11•w of i:reenhcl l s 1 :l:l,Ouo w lane!' C.F. COLES WORTHY REALTORS 640-0020

•TWO HOMES• I.ti t' 111 (Jiit' rl'lll llit• 111h1•r' 'fry, J hdrm. ::i 1

h.1 . lrpk l'LI "> • h.11 m rn~. upi;:rmlc'<I l hd1 m hnme. Clnst• 111 hc.11 h "hopptn~ & bu>o ~220,0011

("" 1.t. 0 11 4 11 • ! 4 I I

~ "'•• • cwpor l Poa t Ofllc c

$1.62 per DAY ·1 hut's AU. you pay

for u 30 tlay:itl

in the



OPPORTUNITY knocks often when you use r esult-gelling Dally Pilot Classified /\~ to reach the Orange Coast market.

Phone 642·5678

S©\7tJUlA-~~~s· Tl.of /nfriguing Word Gome wfflr a Cltudlf!I ----- t-.1 looy C\AT • • !'OU.AM

0 ·~t:tHO~O• .. t1er-"t of th. lo...r 1<•ombl.d - •d• t.-

low to '""" lovr """''" w<><ds.

FALLBROOK'S ,, , ~ i M( IN I' I Fl ME ST

on 1+ Acre Prtmeo Morro l--i.--JDU~F.._A__.R__.l f' --~~-~ l11lls Acr e . 3 Hr . top ,~ I' I I · •1u ali t y tons tru tlHJn .. _ . lhru out . Nearly nt'w . many custom renlun·~ I S U G I E I ! Ad In twm magutne: $155,000. • I I I I' "Want9d, deKy employw of

WAYMAN . . _ . _ ;; good challlCter. ,_eone wllo

C uy ------- '::[ .... drink , tm<.k• or .. , -OMPA" I N I S S I T I neednoteiiply.'' neultors s ince 1!117 .

l102So. MalnSl I' I j• I fO ~':;:"-"'-d\:!:9~ Fallbrook 728·1138 .,.,.. ~ ,,_ - No.:> ti.low.

IHCOMlll Balboa Pe.nin. Just re­duced! 6 Unlt.c;, five 2

• bdrms. & one l ·bdnn. on : 2 lots. Just steps t o ben c h . Owner motlvntt'dl (113-3863 642·2253 Eves

associated I\ II 0 >( f P <,. II E A I I (>II S

,\ fo, I ,_ I"" I


8 r::~fT.~O r I' I' r r I' I' I' r I ·~~4 I_ I I I I I I I I

SCMMUTSMlwen lltCtwffk.,._ HOO GHer.. I 002. Ga .. rtil I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Burr White Realtor 2901 N1tw1>ort 8 1vd. --------......... N1wPOrt B l'11Ch. CA 92663

MOMENT OF DICISION Experien ced sales m e n : Join an active beach office w/more clients lhnn salesmen ; a broker wltb 30 yrs bus exp in Harbor area. Beach buyers are afflue nt, sales large, lenders Indulgent. Every seJllng aide plus Computer Terminal. n esotvo NOW to be settled In new money-making background when mid·J anuary rush starts. AH ln~uhies confidential.

---------~76~6301--. .............. ,


Brand new condominium just ~ mile from ocean. Huge. m aster suite with warm wood cathedral celUng and bonus space for hideaway room with possible ocean view .

A 01v1s1on or $9000 moves you in. ll arhor Investment Co. Hurry and t ake advan · ---------1 tage, call 962-7788.

Call 64Z·56'18 ..Q. K€Y G--.. --,.-.. ----,-00- z . V 1 P.E:ALTOP.sN Want Ads

• ••••••••••••••••••••••

IEST "POINT .. HOME $275,000

'"5ftglon COJ'Mr CICl"OH frOtn layfroett ••• .,. to Oc.-. 0,... 09td lftttrtstwJ Z·•fory, 4 ~ fa& nn & d.n ho,.. So.-inghttlde~e.


•..t1ful lo.ftCJ two shwy dilplH with .-clan & 3 bdlw •ts. lalconlts & ,..._ for .. d.....,.ldoOr UviltcJ. Uve la _. and -foy IM benefits of • lttcoMt pr.,.ny.

Welerfroat ..... 2633W.Coost Hwy

Newport 84roch



~~!!!.~~~ ....... ~!!!.~~ .....•. ~.~.~ •.•..•. )~!~~ ..... .. G••r• 1002G....-ol 1002 '•••r.. 1001G1 .. r• IOOZ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

REAL ESTATE SALES 01~nm~ for l\ o licensed s~1le!>p~oplc, experumccd or unexperienced, but must have willingness lo work & s trong desire lo succeed. Wl'll e:,lablished ofc, :-.upcr loc, progressive commission. PEHSONAL lntining. Start the New Year HIGHT. <.:all Larry Whites ides for more in for.

1001 GeMral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••




644-1766 2161 SAN JOAOUIN HILLS RO.


G.-rol I 002 GetMr11I 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

' /~()tit

Pftc & Martha nurrrlt Mar & /frllll' Arlmm Liz l frnilc11 Paul He/ow: Mike Hlakt! Dron Brad/etrrl Jim & um Bndgt1 Renon Car1t1,nght Ed & f;tcu~ Chapman £1rna Cougldin £ 1/em DmWtddU! Swan Durliam Marfl(Jrel t>uf(ey Anne Ca11"n Cef'l'JILy111t Carland Morla Giannini

8111 8t lll!ltr1 C:old Tom llall~r C11rt Jl cr~rt• Ktn Knruhl Tom KMft Curt LorJOn Pat L•-trr Jim Mamtn~h Okie Mc Dermott Clf!nno McGeodj/

Gail Mclm11s Sh1Tlt'11 M11:helrnM'~. Jud11 Mitclu-11 Jerry o·n.:irTI Lindo Oeth BtUJI Paynr Ann Ptt~ l.A"JI PJ1~rtr Rklc R ftlctl nl J41a11 Rftttt Kl"'llROU Jran Sutley Dorla Tomin Barbaro Von Oorlcn• Young

WANT EVYYTHt..-1 - View , locaUon, 4 BR. formal dining room, family room w/ frplc, sha ke roof, 3 BA. clll ·de-sac street. over 2200 sq . ft. of s umptuous living area. Your choice of ('9rpetin g. Located in tho TurUe Rock Highlands. Asking $185,000. NEWPORT DELfGHT - Located near the fam ous Newport Dack Bay on the liluffs. This 4 HR condo is a real delight. Call us for a private s howing. Sll8,500. . 2 OH I CORONA DEL MAR - Prime area. Jog to & on the beach. Live j n one & rent the other . Units show pride of ownership, complete ly r e painted. $154.SOO.

640-9900 , . \I J J~:)· l{t~: . \I]'\ .



mecnab / Irvine realty

FINER HOMES FROM $50,500 TO $895,000


llG CAMYO.....,..EW OFffttlHG Extraordinnry 4 BR, family rm home w/ tcak floors co"·cred w/ ncw h ighly upgraded ca rp e tin g. Extensive use of Bouquet Canyon Slone. Lg pool w/scpar ate j acuzzi. MAGNiflCENTLY DECORATED­abundance of tasteful amenities . Lynne Vah:ntme 644 ·H200. (C·21)

RING IH THE HEW YEAR ..• and enjoy the panoramic \' icw from de li ghtful ·l BR, formal dming Cape Horn m odel w / c us tom drps & wallcoverings. Sparkling enclosed pool & jacuzzi. t~ountain & lovely garden pa t ios . F:very a m enity plus! $329,500 .. Jeri H unt 642-82.15. cc.22 >

HEW CARPETING Enh ances t h e bea uly o f thj s charming EASTBLUFF. Lus k·built 4 BR home w/s(1acious family rm & formal dinin g a rea. Walk to schools, shopping & tennis club. Avail. for early occupa ncy & pri ced to sell at $154,500. Larry Dyer 642·8235. CC·23)

VIEW IH EASTllUFF New on market! 3 BR. family rm Lusk home on one or the most desirable s treets w/ vicw of city & night lights. Well priced at $165,000. J eanne Barnett 644-6200. (C-24 >

IARGAIM IN IAYCREST t nvestorl llomeowner ! 4 BIG BRs + cozy family rm w/ radjant. crackling fireplace. 'Huge, remodeled kit chen w / spac iou s brkfs t area. Sep. laundry r m . f'ull ·s ize 40' pool.

•Located on quiet, cur ved, tree-lined st.reel & well priced a l $169.500 fee. John Granath 642·8235. <C -25)

BAY CREST Mint condition, lvan Wells huilt4 BR home w/ plivttle gates. manicured mini .ga rd ens, cozy view patios & s pacious fa mily rm w / fircp lace. Formal dining - island kitchen -cabineted 2-car garage. A supe r buy at $212,000. Tom Allinson 642·8235. <C-26)

IEST IUY IM CAMEO HIGHLANDS! There's real value in this beautiful 3 BR +den hom e newly & t astefully decorated w/ plus h carpe ting & lovely wallcovcrings . flll · in hi ·fi cabinets in d en : lg. LH w / s tone fireplace. Private beachco.;! S154.000. Marjorie M alum 644·6200. c C-27 >

MIHl-ISTATl-MIWPORT IEACH Abs olul e perfection in this ench anting 5 BR+ family rm home! New deluxe kitchen & brkfst rm ; pool; children's play house & yard; towe ri n g tr ees & cou ntr y atmosph~rc . Feo land - S18S,OOO. Harrie t P erry 642-8235. (C-28)

"4.2·1235 644-6200 . '°' Dover Drl11e H•rbof' Vl•w C.nter t r vl"9 at Cam_,. V•lley c.tnwr



HovteaforS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

5aturday, Oecembur ~. 1977 DAILY PILOT f:7

G....-el I OOZ G ... ral I 00 Hwtff "°" s• Hou Ms For $4'e Hount For Sale HouHs For S• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

\\' I : ~ ; I.I : y '.'4

TAYLOR . CO. IU<Al.TOH S ~ 111u! l !H(i

Coronode4 Mer I 022 CostaM"o 1024

~ G._,.el I 002 c;..,.ra1 t 002 ••••• ••• •••••••• •• •• ••• •• • • • •• • • ••• ••• •••••••• •• •• • •• • •• • ••••••• • • • •• ••••• • •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• • • ~h~¥ \ t•n.h.• UulC Club

AboveChlnoCo•• ~ llr . f;.1111.u.t11• ''l'"' ·~ 2 I 4 DGNlo \ ("r\' $<1!~ Oii() Shown h>

IOMD REALTY PRESENTS Thi:. c h.,rm1ni.: :! nr .1p111 uni> li'il.I 1',111.1~ PASTORAL VIEW Monard1 Sum mil horn\:. hui. .1 mo,,t :.Pl't l'l1 II Plan H ~I Bil , 2 It\. proL ln<bcpd & t1wuf,1r \ll'"' nr """'n ,(, A1t ~OOWH

llG CANYON DEANE most popul.11' Versailles model. l'ml UJHl. Gorgeous night \"lcw with Catalina as •• honus. 1 IJghly upgnicfl--<l. l'nced to sl·ll COROHA DEL MAR DUPLIX this duplex has l>een n1mplctl'ly rcmodl'lt•<I new C'ar pets thrnout. new paint ins ide and out. New appliances. Eath lllllt ft:citurcs : 2 bt'drms. 1 bath. lllghly dc::;irablc r ental area . COSTA MESA TRIPLEX - rl<duced ! Approx 2830 sq fl . of we ll main tained living span·. I Carports. 10 yr!) oltl. localed in good n:ntal arcu . ~l'W <·;1rpct. paint & wallpaper front unit , DW & bllns. all units . Offer ed at Sl44.500. CAMEO SHORES I rnm the moml'nl vo11 l'lllcr lhr t•o urlyard gates of this Canwo Shorl'" h


l'<tlll \ 'ou an• aware of an imrna<'ulatc 4 he<lrm + pool horTH:. Total ­ly upgr udecl, MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Ofh•re<l al :'\375.000. SP\'GUSS This popular Portsmouth mo<ll•I offers J bcdrrns. 2 lwth. lmmat·ulatc c:ond1twn 3 C<Jr ~arage. Approx 2 yrs old . J\ lso offors beautiful Oet'an v1e\\ . Tinted windows. Owner will carry large 2nd trust deed. Offered ut S298,000.


LUSK 6'J REALTY 11 ./11/111 I> /. /1 .lik. & S on Co.

25 I 5 E Ci>o,f Hwy. Corona de4 Mar

?.~~!'! .......... !~.~~ ~~~~! .......... !?~~ ~~~~! .......... !?~.~ MEW LISTIMGS! CHIMA COVE

On Shell SI . Corona cfrl '.\1 a r . r\ l' "' I ) • 11 r n ll' .... '>ICUhilh dl'tlll Jt~cl, :! lxlrm ~ 1le11 ;t l>.1th., :J .,ton h1111w " 1•lt•\ .ilur ~11u111wl klll'h ,111 I c.rk 1·.tl11111•h A. lloor. "..t h.1r I rph- !'>om!! h.t v \ ll'".

111 .. • Stt•ps to bc.11 h I<. liJ\', Sl!N,StlfJ


"IMCREOllU" IRVIME TERRACE cu~tom 2 & den charmer. Sp<Jt'iou.... rnom:; full of comfortable c-onl1•11fnH·11t ... Supl' r b quality & d l'S I gn ('op pl' I' huodcd f pie. s latl' t•nt rv hall & " mo<l cs l \'icw of <'cean & Catalina S275.000 Ind l...111d 1807 TAHUMA TERR. Sot 1-5

BAUOA ISL.AND S 189,500 Best huy on lht· hlancl ! Delightfu l 3 hdrrn :1 hath honit• \\1lh inviting tornl'r I rpll' in h' mg rm Spacious " t u d ~· o I I u p q a 1 rs ms t r ::. u it c . Ch ers11ed dill 1wrugl'. sunnv south p;_illo. Walk lo lwal'h & shops ·

CAMEO HIGHLAMDS S 179,500 V1l'w of ocl'an & lulls! A delightful iJll'a quiet l1v1ng y1..•t clusl' to shopping Sn• l111s grc:at family hO!l'l(' w I hdrrns. fam rm. formal dining + hon us nn l'l'I\ :1tl' front cuu1t yd for cntcrt:rnung :1 Prl\·atc l..11.:aches

BAYFROMT APT-fOR LEA.SE c; rt-ut vk•w of the h<.Jy ! Sandy b<>;.tch' \'l'r.Y nit'l' :1 bdrm 2 bath triplc·x apartment for lease. Large rms, plush tptng. Close-in lot· S750 mo.

LEASE: MEWES T BLUFFS AREA Prime loc. on greenbelt. Charming split lcvr l. 2 bdrms & paneled den. 2 firep laces /\ir cond. $800 mo.

01 f1l'l' dosed Sun. & ~lun Open TuesdLiv

WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 21 11 San Joaquin Hills Rood

NEWPORT CENTER, N.8. 644-4910

Havt• A Unique

N~w Year!

10W:'l:ll<JlJSE.JUH.211 G _. l0021GeMf'Ot 1002

ha , ;.ill Plt•c hll · >n'I , eftet'U'I htu k frptr. up).!ri-u.le<I ••••••••••••••• • •••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••

Rf AL TORS' flH Nl('f\' fPl<iPll ,l( tt NC i llllNIAU .\ THl/Mr ~


CORONA DEL MAR, 675 6000 MESA VE ROE. 546 5900 • CALL US

I 0021 GftMral 1002 .•................•.••.....• ..•...............


STEPS TO IEACH SI 75,000 FURN See and hear the surf and bosk in the sun of ~wport leach lh•ing. Short steps across to the beach. LGrCJe 2 ldrm units with patios ond bolc:onitt off«" uc:-41ent r.ntol unih for tummer/ winter rentals.

JEWEL OM APOLEHA $275,000 Socsin9 2 Story llvir1CJ room with beams mtd warmth. Remodefed 3 bdrm, den, lcr~ dining rm. Hefp make the payments on this home by rentinCJ the c:hormin9 boche4or unit. A Terrific Value!!

SaH•b•rv Realty

315 Manne Ave. Balboa Island


1·.1rpeh, 2 lanrl ~c·;qwll p ,11 His . po o I "r 1· ,, ~!H ,!i!MI'

OCEAN VIEW! Steps to ot'l'an ; del UXl' duµlex. I & l bdrm unit -. l'.1rk :1 cars Slli!l.11011' \\ rtl lrn1k lor home lll'.ll' llll' IJ,t\

LIDOSAHDS llup, ur JlllnJI In •H' l. a 11 . I 1 k 1• 11 1· w :1 hllrm... :! hath .... 11M•d

hnc·k I rpk . Ill'"' k1kht•11 & a 11 a 1> p I 1 .1 n 1· 1· ' . i·arpl'I<;. tlr;qie-. Onh si•

CORONA DEL MAR Ocean ~tdc of h" y. th• hi.thtfully charrn111i: :..! Ill(. home + nc<1r m•w .i Bil. apt t'o1r !!ar.1).!1• Sl85.()00 '

lolboo Boy Prop. Rffltors

* 675·7060.






COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 £. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar


I 002 GeMr'ol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

BEST BUY ............... ~ 4 Bdrm home with lots of xtras. Best buy 1n lhl area. Owner says to S<'ll 1t today. Hurry! 546-2313 0Pffl flt q •It ~ ' tiN ri 11•1 f.J 11 t •

Haippy HoUdays!


'"'' Ill ft.t._9(1U~ [ ~ lfil!fl 1_·_·;-_.s_;-_3;;-_3 _

~~!'! .......... !?.~~ , ~~~!'! .......... !?.~~

macnab I trvlne realty

""' this .. mdy dlnctoty wittl ,... tllis w"41MCI H ,_ IJO ..__...t~ •• h loc.Hoii1 listed et.low - dffcriMcl ht 9f'Hftf' ... lty odvHtl*t ~wtwtt..111 todoy's DAflY rtlOT WAHT. ADS. tllowllMJ Of19t1 "-n for HM « ,_,,. -. .,.ct to list welt lflfcw-"Ofl 11'1 ftlis c:olu!M H c:h fridlry. ~ ...... , .. d Stilldoy.

Stcrt Yecr Ri9ht! Mo\ c right into ttus cute dean 3 BR, home. All fixed up for owner, but now vacant. On huge lot ' Just $70,000. in Santa J\na Heights.





cJ~cur.itcd !::1 11 !1 . .>00 OPI~;\; 0 1\lL \ ' h.1rl.1ur Jt'll> tr )OtJ hkl· l~.1rn1..'\t ctn11:.. anU(JU\'i. BIKE ~27'B !\Jariano l>r . Luguna :\1~ucl & l>Cll\'cful h\ln11• t•all to

FANTASTIC Fanulv home, ·l HH. 2 da~ Slll\l.!IOO IL\, tll•l1ght111I kitthcn \\ lit'\\> D. lllc:kethRltr appliaiw~·s. DH . 11twl~ clc<·urutcd . nc'" !l~-0-1!17 •~:: J:!t.J TO BEACH plu~h t·arpl'li11!! thru out . l'rul'. WANT to buy Jos m11u· $Sl 500 lndscpd Hoorn fol' pool. Sl 17 .:wo. <..h'\!k ;~ Wu\ccrc~t ou , OPEN EVEHY S.\T 1 :3o .i · :lO. :10o:J2 <.:dM, 2J•JO MJ 11 :.s uH

h 0 I Prl'' Utt• l'ncl<>~ed fronl 13cllo Pl;1tl'. Laguna Ni~ucl ome "'n~r s on Y Co11r1nm1 enhances rutl' DAHAPOIHT Duplex. Lrg . 1 Yr. n<'\\ , 7~' 11111 - 3 lklr'111 & 1.im1ly room UPPER , ;3 BH , 2 B.\ . W / Otcan \'ICW for 'Mr 1.1ccc1>" Unusuul low I 5450 t () W F H 2 BH 2 13 \ k · House + !'lt'IJUrull• uµt pnt•c· fur urt•a. Vutl•fMi. ~e. · • • ' / ·par ' m~ Corner l' a loh. i Obi ont•rs cnc1\urag1.'<l T;,kc

for 4 nu's. Pri<:cd l'i ght al SWS,000. gar:i.ies. /\pl to" w u11\ untuiw LAGUNA MIGU!L I Bfl . 2 BA. best bach unit $16!>.SOO J.C.Ncnh Realtors liuy in an-:1. Pt·rfett for I aintly . :\1 aslt'I' Ownt!r. t>W-75llll 540-51 o I BH scp I rom oUwt· Bit ·s . $12\,!XJO. ---WESTMIMSTER Ol 1EN EVl!:H\' SUI'\ 1 :.10 l.31Jatl.1~!12CoronNAn" H<'aut. ta111il~· homl' . :3200 sq . ft . 3 H ug<' BH. :J lull B,\ l'rol. lndsl'pd & tlt•coralcu . i\l .my arnl·n1lics :\lo-.t ht•,1ut honw 1n arc:.i. SI 1!1,.Wll

RENTALS FORMER MODEL home.· 3 BH. d1.·11. :! B.-\. lrg. 'anl Dana J>ornL Hcnt or 1st· option S 11;0 in"

PLUSH BLUE LAGOON lse. Ot•f.'an \'IC\\, 3 ilH. 3 ij,\, p\l , lk•:1d1. 2 pools . l t•11111s rrts , 'ollt•\ hall . g;,ilc guard . Hl'l' . room. lnt'lds "as lWt'. dr~·er in l .iu11dr~ t ootn :Sfi.·10 mo.

REMT OR LEASE option. :i HH. l Bi\, pool n.•n·11ll .v rc·dl·c·oruled & lndst'pcl. Low.,nuint. S-1751 mo. Dana Point. 831-9411 494-8015

l:IIJ~l•l:jijli1 ~~:'! .......... !~~~!~~:'! .......... !~.~~

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Thruoul our 28 Yl'i.11'~ of l'Onlinuous rl·al t•statc s<.·n·kc m the HARBOR A IU:A. we have rct·ognizcd that there is ~omcthin J! spec ial about our ' t·om mun it'" Even lhc breezes of Balboa Ba v & tht• blue POJcific speak a l:rnguage 'th<1l :-.! rangers would not u n d l' r s t a n d ~ o l m a n ~·

ll AHUO HlTES" ll·<ivt• this <irt•a by d1ull'l' . hut 11 ~·ou must ~o. at k·ast l'n.ioy the sale uf your home h.\' C'nl1 s t1ng lhl' St'f\' i<'CS or B:1y & Ht•al'h 11 l'tl ll~·


450 NrWl'(lfH CENTER Ill IVI

1002 GeMral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



Sll,450DOWM COROMA DEL MAR 2 BR. l BA home on R-2 lot. Live in front unit while bwlding 2nd unit on rear of lot. Outstand· ing invcstmenl. Only $134,500

CALL 955-0350


OPEHHOUU Sat/ Suft/ MOft I 0-4

204 W akt Forest Rd Luwh 3 b\:drrn horn~ $711.:iOO

Roy Mc:Ccrdle 1810 Newport llvd.

Costa Mesa &i18-7729

3 Bdrm. 2 1 , Ua . rront homl!. 21 · It\ 1ni: rm floor to ce1hni: ~·n·m·h doors & fµli' l 11110"1 prt\' :l<'Y Lt:c outdoor patio. Beautiful n•il Property 6 yrs old 1--~~~~~-· $230.000. Call for .iµpl



~ki.a dl'I Mar 4 br. 2 bu. Near l>hOI>~. 'chool~. ten nti. , SllU ,SUO Ullo ncr :i,)7 .$()1jj;

WALK TO lilll.1" TE'.1::--;I~


S130 000 I UH :1 B.\. hidden 2 i-1~ 'J l ST t t m o o r ft• r I! cl •

t;rcal S. ol Hwy lol'Ul11)1). St25,000. µcrfcl'l for 1nvc~l0rs HAL PIMCHI .. Agent. 559·1828 llEALTOlt

HCll"bor View Knolls __ 6_7_5-4392 __ Outstandin!( :.s Hr, split IC'VC'I condo 111 be:.t t•nd location. View of hill., & city lighl!'I. Call for JPl'l i\genl. 5.'>!J I 828

Cotto Mesa 1024 •••••••••••••••••••••••


$74.500 Fast1d1ou:.I) & completely redN'llr .1tl'<I. Fcatunng new cpts. r.Jrp:. & appl. Spacious l>drm!t

Eoshlde TriplH One year youni:. Lll'C i11 1•1wo( 1hc•:.(' tllx 2 Ur un11i. & rent th!! other l wo. llcl lcr than munl•v 10 the hank' s111s .u1i1>. A.:l. 5.~ 1>13.t or 55<!-fl5u7 C\' 11 •

All TERMS.VA/ FHA !'.harp :l nr. new roof tn .... h 1>.imt 111 & out. Ju:-l h C' ram t· .1 \' a 1lahI1• ~.lXIO

& formu l d1ninl{ t-:x 11~:~uk1tuLY~ pun...,1vc lu~h J!round 11wl ~ 0 fam1lv ort·h :rrcl & l:illln• 11u0< .. •9• ,Coa1a M-

grecrlhouse. All th1,.. + 645-9161 \ ' /\ term:s. Ca II tod a~ 646· m 1 Has 2

I> lo J • ft I •,.• '''• II

Fireploces One tn the h\'ln,I( room & Olll' 111 lhl' 1l1111ng room lncluuc:. J 1.JcJroom1>. farruly room. plenty ot

F• & S $$$ l'upbourd & s tora i:l· IX ave spaCl' <ias IHI(~ .~ (1n•

Use your 1matlinullon 1 nnit nut bt1<'k. $H!'l ,!l:;t1, With p~unt. carpet and UK It, call 540 1720 some f1>.1n ' you tan turn this lar,i:c" bl·<lrm. ,.,m. TARDEU. Iv home 111to a :-.bowplat·l' 111.: fom1I~ room, pool :.tLC IHil' k "# I lrt ColifON1lo" yard. 3 car .:ara,l(l'. & much more'! This \\on 't l~t ' Call now ~IS 0303.

ann liiiiill EMJOYTHE


Au.a,.. 4.S LOCM Alt met I\ l' :lflr+<ll'n ~II tu bt·h. New l.indscapini; . c·pt /rlrps ~r. 557-2005 ;_

Great Fomify Home licJutJful 4 bedroom with fam1h r oom, clo~e tu 'IChools & shopping. New Congoleum no wax Ooor.; in kitchen and hath" L.arnc fcnc:cd yard with

in this 4 nn home. possible nv acces~. Professionally decorated Ideal for younit fam ily. & beaut. park·hkc yard S7K,OOO. V /\ fin ancrn~ Vacant & ready for you ' !)0!>.~1blc.

540-3666 645·3-47~4--

ll&ltS_@L BIJ New Condos, 2 fir. 2~11 Ba , 2 frplc 's. ceramic tilt' ________ ., kilchem; & bath. Pool & ~pa 675·4~2 Brr>~-

PRICE IS RIGHT Pvt party, must i.cll ont• of hlU propcrt1l·~ on Mower St 111 East<.: M 1 duplex or I l11t w /'t hous~. fji:111372 ---HANDYMAN'S DREAM HOME Funt a~t1c opportuni ty


$72,000 :1 Urdrm. huge lot Complete with hardwoorl noor. dbl i:ur . cover c .. 1 pallo &. quiet :.lrcct 0111 or l'll!tll' own<'r nf!l'<lli 1m rned1utt• sale. Super bu~ -hurry' Call 516·5HSO

~HERITAGE for thc hand,vman seek· loiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiittiriiimllt __ _ 1n~ .i larl:l' work .. hop al


home . H11: i.cµ :1 ratti--------­

& enjoy you r investm ent m this rare charmer w / 3 BHs & family rm on quiet r u l-dc-sac. Shines inside & out ! Lg. side-yurd w ; roo m for µool. Great loc<.1tion . $117.000 . • Jeri llu11L 642·8235. ( (.' -38)

718 Malabar. Irv. TL•rr , <..:dM 673-8550 S140.000 Sut 1Sun 1·5

If I tl\V I l JU I (lf 'lt•/~ .. I •

r~• "' 'CJlt'' r1 1 v r' r1µf n•.

3 Bdrm., l ba .. kitchen. ~ dinette collage on level

lot. just 4 blki.. from ------

bwh.hnJ1 in back su1tablt! for mcl· h1.1111c. wood worker. clcl'trit·ia11, or ?~? .Retter hurry! Cull 645·0303.

8"11ders/ lnvttfors F.asL~rde Co11ta Mess. 3·2 hcdrm homes & room for more units. :ioo· deep lot llurry lvts or potential ht'rc ! Call :>46·58!IO


EASTSIDE "CUTIE-PIE" But lg. e nough for llie cnlirn family . 3 BRs of wall paper. mirrors. woo<f& m any f ea tu res to delight the most discri minating huyer. Jacuzzi off maste r BR + mother -in -l aw quarters in r etLr make this home " one-of -a-kind "! Sll-0.000. A my Brown 7?2-1414. (C·39)

ST AIT THE MEW YEAR RIGHT! ' Coiy Gre e n brook Special! Comple t e l y redecorated 3 BR w/ lha t O ld · Fash ion e d country kitchen -so h ard-to-find! Oversizctl cul -d e -sac l ot. Pricl'd right at $95,000. Drive by 3382 M~rigold Cir. Kaye Evans 642·82SS. (C-40)

WOOOSTR!AM Oe,uxe u pgraded 3 BR condo w/dinlng rm. den/ study. F.nd unit in prime Easlslde location . Fas t t!Scrow ! Vee Stin!ton 642·8235. (C-4U

'42-ttSS ..W-6200 tOt 0.-.r Orlw H•rbor Vl.w Ctntef

lrvm. •• C.m_pus Vilt.., Center 111-1414

2 BR & FAM RM or DEM 1807 Tahun a T e rr (Irvine Terr.) CdM

644-4910 $275,()()()

3 BR & FAM RM or DEM 725 Bolsana. Laguna lleach

499-4551 $279,000 Sal 12-4 4633 Perham Dr. CCamcoShrs) CdM

&t5·2848/ 646-7414 Daily 1·4

4 IEDROOM 2212 Margaret, Newport Beach

548-1000/646-7414 Sat/Sun 11:30-5 5881 San Souci, Huntington Beach

898·7855 $76,500 Sat 1·5

4 llt & FAM RM or DE~ 1731 Pt. H e mley <HV Homes) N.a .

642-4623 $175,800 Sat 1·5 17 Foxhill <Deerfie ld ) Irvine

752-1414 $141.950 Sat. 12·6 • 2242 HeatherLn., Newport Sch.

642·8235 $174.950 Sat. 1·5 280akdale. Woodbridge. Irvine

613-8550 $124,000 Sun 12·4

Abundant Hew Yecr downtown Avalon. Vaca· Spectacular oceanfront tlonrunspot l $75.000 WANTED homclnCoronadelMar, llLLGRUNDY Home in Spyg l ass. 4 BR family oo din So 11th port M o d e I

• r m . • REALTOR 675-6161 w / Cutalina view. Will 1ng room -custom de· __ ---- __ _ signed to take advantage , pay top dollar. Call Nick


• .._ .... , , t 1•P1• ~HERITAGE


1022 I 022 Corona del Mar

or fabulous location and Sell idle Items &12 5678 Vracin. Agt 752_·6_52_1 __

view. Large protcrled C«ofta det Mer I 022 Ccr0tta d.f MGr I 022 Coron---a-del Mor patjio an1~ (>OOI. saunha. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •·····•••••••••••••••••• En oy 1 v1 nJ! to \ e '••••••••••••••••­Cullcst. $785,000. By Ap· poinlment



Ht11PYM.wY..,! Right here In prime toca· lion in Dovet' Shores. Spacious 5 RR. 4'~ Ba hom e - Beautiful view from :ilmowt overy room Quality COM ltUCtt!d, plunnt.-d to give t romcn· deus Ii ving potent! Ill. yet perfect priva~y. $360,000.





ca.dlllJCS lo Go-Ctrt.' WhatMY• tbt hid

Roll 'trnolfthtmld'ht Wil.b a aual.Cltd Acl Call NowJ 6'2·$8711

CE 110111 BLllRS ca.



CharminJ: Home On Old Corona De l Mar Ouplcx Lot With RC'nta l Unit In Roar. Hard ·ro Find .1 Bedroom, 2 Bath Own(' rs' Unit W i Fireplace And l4a rge Kit c h e n . W e ll Decorated. Nicely Landscaped With 2 Sunny PaUos. Convenient To T ennis Courts And Shoppin g. Priced At S154,000.




CE 810111 ILllNS ca.



Locall•d 11\ Th~ Popular Newer Canyo11 CrC'st Estu tcs Arca J ust Minutes From Ji'u::;hion Is land & Your Favorite Shops! 2 Lovely

· Bedrooms, 2'h Jlaths, 2 Fireplaces. · 3 PntioR. Ruilt In All-Electric Kitchen. Dcaulifully Carpeted &· Draped. Enjoy The Pool, Jacuzzi&. Tennis Courts. $125.000 Shown By. Appointment .


" .. .

.. w •• - •• . ..

~J ('8 OAll ~ PlLU I S.1uroa'(. 0.C.motf 31 1977 ~.~.~ •••.... 1 ~~!!! -~~ .~'!:. ...... .

H, •

~~!.~~ ........ ,~~!.~.~ ........ ~:.~.~ ....... ~.~~ ..... !?.~~ ~.~~~ ..... !~~~ O-.roW 102' D411M1Polftt 1026........ 1044


••••••••..•.•.........................•••••••. ..••................•.. ----------11.,e 2bt bo1nr H•11ut NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS? 1 .. ndi.c·11p1n" He11dy to G~l sturted now with this 2 Br 212 Bu mo\t! 1n SllO.OOO S5U ~12 • open view home. Plenty or seclusion &

pnvucy for your enjoyment. Sl49.SOO 2 Jlr homl' Beaut l11ndst·aping & patio Im· m.Ac. $80,000 Ph 559·~12

CHAMPAGNE & SPLASH Enterlamment spucc galort> on lite patio by the large heated :,wlmm111g pool or in the ranch slvlc 4 Hr :1 U<1 spread. Two car garage. and a Pac1f1l' ocean view. $175,000.


TURTI.EltOCK Pnme loc. 3 BR. 2 Ba . (um.rm, rormul din-rm. utnum. pall<>:; & more. Sl~.500. IW 1193

- stained 9lau windows, n•w paint, carpets. hl$h lond1copift9, two bedrooms, I 114 baths ... $87,500.


Costo M'so I 024 Hwmn4Ji0ft leach I 040 .•••................... ·············••·•·•··· ·

Mothw·ln-Law Qrtrs Ul· aull I u I I• ll' l' 11 hrouk llrt t;hlPll \lotf.ol '1 ht rm l11rm 11111 rm Ir>; honu., rm 1.11 11111 • 111 •1 r l r' I 111 ' \I .1 n ' aml·rutrc·., \lo' 1• 111 n111•I \ }!t .>tto :!.II I

UHDER $60,000

One of A Kind -, & S Q u a I t t y l.1 I h & pl,1,,tcr I Br :!'~ UJ trt· It•\ el A true <lcc·orator:. dd1i.:h1 :\lu"l !>cc to en JO\ all the umcn1t1e'>. Won l la::.l at SI 18,WO C.111 tod.iy . %8"16412

I 'l'llnini:ton Prop1•rllc'

!'>.·\er.ti h1111w' lo 1 huo.,t• Hunti-lriim .ill lrn I,'<. I llH '"!ron RAHCH REALTY 11 1111 tin 111 ·" 11111 ·" Hart:IOur I 042 s:!51-> dn llun, '"' i,, • ., , •••• ••••••••••••••••••• ___ 5_51-2000 "'ll•1·t1t111 I .tll 1111\\ ,11-(I .. 1!lli(ll1:! SEA GA TE BETIER

DF:1':PWATER TNllSI-: LmH•!>I pme waterfront THAN NEW .11 crn ly $1!19,500. Call lo· ,I Btlrm .. 2' 2 bu home in Dana Point 1026 .•..••............•.•.. d.n TUHTLEROCK. with

---------1 PUHCl':LI. REALTY ,::orgcou s wallpaper:.. WHITEWATER VU ~lti28-l8 l'arpets. rlra1ic1. and

t·:xl'<' T11wnh••ml· 11\l·r 1---------•I LUS ll landHap1ng looktnJ.! harhrn & 'uulh $139,000 1'CIJ!.tl111" \.\1th lllj.;h( hJ.!hb :1 l!t•drm' 2', ha , Irvine I 044 tJm 1 rn. lph· l Stor~ l· tul ••••••••••• •••••••••••• 11111l prol l.1111l"-.1p,•ll & W000131l fDG £ !ll·l·11r aktl I:·" JUI<) 011 I 'HOSS! :-JG ' u111lnJ.. , 11t'I lt.11 '• nu Thi• \ ' tlla.:e of \\'ooll lwh llllll 111 1111111 1.11· hndi.:1· The hl·'t of both ':' u n J . 1 I uh h 1111' 1· \w1 lth 1\rrh11ecturally 0'.1~·8600 I r ,J II " I •. I lj II I ' " 11111<1111: ~&3 hdrm Ill w po.,.,.:.,, 11111 ll11n1·1 t.11·h1.·d &. '1ctached re · l!IJ HI 17 011111 d .11h :J • ,11h·m·1•' from Sllti.~>90 11573 C•M"''., "-·l'"'l ... E \1.'t \\l'11·11m1.· ,~, '.!I HI ~>.".'.I 111,1 'T " n•~Jlll '"' "

WOODBRIDGE Fountain V ~ley I 0 34 I' II !•:SCOTT ..•..•.•.••....•..•••.. IDEAL

.. for bachelor. Large de­luxe mast. bdrm .. :.ccond bdr m. perfect for guest rm or den llomc lot·at · ed m such a way to offer maximum pnvacy plui. n11111mum of l·arc.

_________ 1

l.J!'t Woodhndge'homc. ~ lklrm or .i Bdrm +den Ov1•rs1tcd lol, fully lndi.q>d Ideal for pool. All upgrdedn :'llcx1can p.iH·r' llll• A C. Liv. dtn rm~ :J halh. 3 Car i.:ar :>.r park Wulk to l<1k<' Slllli ,000 . Hrkr / Ownr :;si 1121or835·3535

Live In Luxury I Bil 21 ~ hJ. hUJ.:l' fum rm, H\' ,1l'I'<'"· 1·1·1-.1m11· Uk l'lll I\ l'fu ,,h l'fPtl:. hrr1·k ltth . ' i>l'lllkkr~ lront .111d l'l'.1r 1-·r111t tn•t'' .iml m11d1 mun• Trul' ~II l';tl1I II\ 111i: 111 l'Ul'th lttlll' dt•l'UI

l' . 962·4471 (:':!: 546·8103


111).! , i.:uri:t·ou:. improve ­ments. m11d<'I home

-EX•E•C-T•O•W•H-H•O•M•E-1 1·on1l l\1ovt· 111 rl.'a<ly. IJ523 CAMPU5Da·JRV1'4E 1\1-;l.'nl 1;..10.5560 -----

Upgrurlcd. 1!1eally lt1l'<Jt \od. 3 hr. 2' 2 ha 111 l"oun lnitte I 044 lrvilM I 044 twn \ ',1llt1 \ t ·t)O\ 4.''flh,~ nt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• lo ~hoppmlo( & '<hoots t ·on\. 1"11 \ or \ \ tt·rm-. \ IJJrga111' t' .ill lor Ill.' · IJ1b

531 51:K>O. l'H'' %3 03'11 lnt1 RE Network

:J Brt 2 Ha homr. lo(ll{l(I .1n•a i\!:t'rll

5.'m 01~1

Huntinqton 8eoch I 040 .............. ......... -I BH. frpk , Hry 1'11•an Sil.7!15 ,\pprox 1 ~>50 ~'I 1t Own1•r out n( "lal<• !~ 1111

Needs T.LCore 3 Hdrm. 2 Ba- S65,00<I Close lo Gold<'n Wt:l> t College & ~hoppini: ''en ters.

So California RJty S..16 !l4i05

nv ow11n:n. 4 Hr 2 Ila . 1·0' 'd p.itto, Ill' \\ Ir Ul'

1·or'd. in mn• S E 't•t' 11on S7!1, 9011 \N;H ~1•1:1-.

H.B. DREAM Uon' t p1m·h your.,elf, tht'I I!. for real. .i Bit. 2 UA. 2000S'1 ft. atnum model home. \II for only S76.500 tr }OU tan find a helter deal. buy 1t '


il&;a; S&S Hc11all' Spt•Ct:Jlt~IS.

:1,<1 or 5 b1lrm modcli; uvall. i.oml• w / pool~ . 008-4602

PcMington Properties

SALE IY OWNER 3 Sr, l"'-a ha Condo. Liv rm. din rm & In side

• laund rm . P vt. patio. pool & g:ir Up11rut1cd. No comm C1n w oll. 211tor y SSS.450 Ph 962·3527 NO AGTS.

macnab I Irvine realty

DEERFIELD DREAM HOME Beauttful Pl an .5 w / every th in g! H uge master suite w / vicw of muuntam:-;; greenbelt location ; fully upgraded +custom fea tures -lundscapecl w i waterfall. ponds. lountaan . s pecimen trees & redwood clel'k. Luxury living at its finest~ SH 1.950. OPEN SAT 12·6 P.M. ~ 17 FOXHILL. (C-29 l

GROWIHG PAINS? Thl:'n you must see this 4 BR. family rm. formal dining rm home in I rvine' s Hacquet C lub. Indoor jacuzzi R. V. access ten nis courls no assol'. dues! I\ nice family homr in family area. Sll!l.500 \larion Frit.Zell 752·1414. LC 30 1

UNIELIEV AILE! 3 BRs. fami ly rm, formal dining & POOL! Approx. 2000 s q . ft. of executive li\'ing for only S89,900. New on market so hurry! Natalie Oenjamin 752·1414. <C·31)

OME OF THE IEST! Highly upgr aded 3 BR Stanford model townhome in Univ. Park - a charm to see - you 'll love it! Warm, open li ving rm looking to c us tom lands.caped patio. Paneled family rm - remodeled & upgraded kitchen w/fireplace - lg. rear patio. •Jf you want the bes t, t his is it! SlJS.000. Gil lde 752-1414. <C·32)

HOME WITH A WARM HEART Enjoy the charm of shuttE;rS, oak .floors & crackling fire in this 2 BR, 2 b ath Woodbridge townhouse. $85.900. Madeline Cross 752·1414. CC-33)

FUN & SPACIOUS 2,600 Sq . Ft. wrapped around lht.• inLerior ulrium add to your pleasure. 4 Br 3 Ba with a pa noramic sunset vil·w of the ocean from Palos \'erdcs to Catalina. $210,000.

BUILDABLE LOT Wh ile water ocean \'il'w lrom this large building site. Buildmg (.llans arc in for approvul. $99,500.



(714) 494·2146

LC91Ra hoch I 041 ~ leoch I 048 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Three Arch Bav Pvt Beach-Tennis-Guarded Community

4 ldrm., 2 bath, family room. 2 Frpk~ 2500 sq. tt. New Cph. Redwood ederior w / newly painted trim

OcHrt View - Etc. - Etc.

S219,950 P•t pty.

Ph; 499·1914 UH 834·3941 wkdays

Irvine 1044 ~Beoch 1048 ..••.•...••............ UNIVERS ITY PAHK Ox ford 3 Br, 2 12 Ba. bonus rm. 2200 ~qft. New c·pl<;, dill$. s teps from maJ. greenbelt & pool. Owner. i\,·a1I 1mmc<l. $112,000. 552-8587. -------

TURTURO CK Rroadmoor Plan I New thruout. Fast occupant·y


......•............•... PANORAMIC wh1lt water 'u~w!.. Spac1ou:. new home 111 l'ortafma l..aRuna. 3 BR. 3 BA. den $Z79.000.

Open Sat 12·4 725 Bolsana




Unfinished Business 1---------...i Thut 's the thC'mc un this


red hill~ .. .' 552-7500

older custom home Bl LT ON 2 LOTS IN Tilt-: VILLAGE OF LAGUNA . It has been rentl'll & " NOW VACANT & IS BEING t::XTE~SIVELY RENOVATED & Rl-.::'ltOOELF:D. Sprawl ­ing 3 BDRM . ~·Loon PLA~. dining arl'a. bill· 1n k1l chcn & 3 CA il GARAGE. SpaC'IOUS hv. rm ha-; M ASONRY , ________ _,, F'IRJ:;PLACE . NEW

1---------.,1 W W C A R P E T S Tl I R\JOUT Extcns1 \ 'e



use of GLASS WA Ll..S T Ii A T A ~· F 0 R I.> /\ SCE~IC OCEAN VI E W. Contr actor & workmen arc s warming around lhC' pla<'e. Concrete i:. being "CONCRETl':D". etc .

red hill~ .... 55 2-7500

•-.--------.. 1 etc. When all of this •• ' · B U S I N E S S l S


... love enlerlaining In lh1s lovely 4 bdrm .. fam. rm .. 21~ ba. home, Has just been rotally UP · ~ radcd throughout GOOD LOCAT I ON . Pnced to sell at$135.500

.. S23 CAMPUSl>a~IRVlffE

Univ. Park Dean Home, highly UP· graded Wiiiow Wood Mdl. Near pnrk & pool. 3 BR . 2v.i Ba . pror . landscaped w/usc<l brick patio & planters, gar, door opener, ceramic tile . Exquisite home . $142.000. 673·843'7

Unlv..-sity Pork Village III. 1 Story. 3 OOdrm, 2 ba townhome. Sunken liv rm. cathedral celUng, din rm. eat -in kit, central air. Very EZ malnt. Walk to pools & tennis crt.s. Fee $106,500. m-n83.

FINtSllED" you can move right in for only

S 127,500 F\111 Price MISSIOM REALTY

9855. Cst Hwy, Lagun a Phone 494-0731

MORTHEHD Immaculate h ome. ocean side; short wulk lo Crescent Bay & Shaws Cove bea<'.' h es! Redecorated thruout. with 3extra large bdrm~. & 3 baths. Great family home! S199.500

COMDO See rorcver white water view! This 3 bdrm. unit has been highly up· graded. with 21 !2 tiled baths. microw ave. trai.h compactor ; sec this popular model. Sl00.500

VICTORIA ICH. Ocean view; this one hos it all! Charm. view, spaciousness & c lean! Partially remodeled, completely charm ing: room for expansion. 2 Bdrms .. P• baths . $157.500

~~ 1105 N. Coosr Hwy., Letuno

494-1'77 31601 Coost Hwy.,S.~una


HCMIHI for S• Ho..tet For S. Hotufl for S. HOUSH For S. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l..alJMa Miguel I 052 L..,..a Hi~el I 052 ..._wport 8coch I 069 Newport '4toch I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

HORTHVIEW HOME - floor plan shows like a model. Upcyod9d CCIFlMh, and floor co•tt'fn91. Ontt yeor 4fl1 erlc an Shield Protec ti on Plan ... S 125,250.


Charmm1e 4 BR home w/tspuc master BR. hving room & k1tchf!n looking <'Ul onto attractively landsca~ privat<: yar<t w/magniric~nl pool &jacuzii. Cath<.-dr al ct:ilings in livlng room. den & formal d in ing room. 2 lrg floor to ceiling firt!ph1c<:s .

Ry appointment only 64b 5971 IY OWNH - $)05,000

Ui\N,\ POINT ·llJll 81W~

495-1720 SOLITll

l.i\l;UN1\ IW·4551

LMiUNA ~Mi~ef 1052 Ntwporlhoch 1069 Bt:ACll ••• • •••••••••••• • •• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~!17·:lJJ I

I ~aNigMef 1052 LoipaHl9fel 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

NEW CUSTOM LIVING Large rooms. plenty of bltns. the bc:-.t of everything to ~tart the new year nght. lligh beam ce1lgs. 4 br & 3 l'ar garage are ju~l a I cw of the benefits Brand new & fully landscaped $13!.1,500







PRESTIGE 1978 ~t· lol, 3 bdrm, doi.t: tu IJCa<'hl,., & lrwy., l'nn•d to l>l'll I l>on I mtl>l> th1' ,. all now. $Hi 01122


Ftcduct'<i for 11 t ast s.111• Vut·unt & 'll'lll'r 1., an\ 1ou:. Bc.•uuuful 2 br d'llll umt \\ I pll· C:omGlumt' pc)l)I. !'><IUIH.I & JJ('UUI. ,\l th1,, pnc·c 1t won' t I J'L' I lu1 ry ' Call &15 0303

--­liiiiY CAMEO SHORES One of lhc mn!.I 1·harm mg homes " 1th IJrgc '" ing ~m. d1ntn l!

MiHIOft Vieio I 06 7 rm, library . f ,.11n rm :1 •••••••'•••••••••••••••• ,Br . 4\JOO "' It 11.1 ::. 3 11drm. 2 h tt, rl!rptH. ltOrJitC!OU!. Ol'('~lll Vl\'W

diµ., p;itm, li4r1<l l>i::.i iwd, Pool & jut Shown dull~ flll·d. l>t>uutHul \ ' IC\\ 1·4 PM . ~633 Pcrhum Or 547 -~SC>orx:io :n'.!~ lHI> Hl-l Bkr. or tl45·21Wi

a.~k far Low:.c Baker.

~~.~~~ ..... !~.~~ ~.~~~ ..... !~~~ .W:,portleach 1069 Nc~wnh:s~- 3 Br 2~~ ba . ••••••-••••••••••••••• Choa::.c ec;l11rs.' Park ,

Brand new 3 bedrm home w / specl acular ocean View in prime N Laguna Joe Plus additional house lo help "' pymnls Owner motivated. Sub mil all orrers. World Wide Brokers. 673·4!'>45

•HARIOR VIEW pool. iaru.1.1.1. Below mkl 3 Br t:AllM~:L. Owner $81.!.IOO. 557· 10'16 or 5136.500 1\ppl 644 7730 675·0745



UNIQUE Multi-level Bluebird Cyn home With hdwd. nrs, beams, sky l1tc 1n kitchen. bnck ft>lc . & ideal nr. plan. 3 I.He $147,500 (514 1

LOWEST 'PRICED IN ;-.:~WPORT :! liR. 2 BA. dbl wide t•or lll'r lot. Jdult park S26.500

HALPINCHIN lll-:ALTOR 675-4392



•Harbor View Horne 2 Bdrm & dl•n tor .I lJdrm > .md 2 bath homl· ltahan 111 .. Ill cntr} ~•n SI 36.500 B' owner Pnnr1ph·~ vnl> Call~O M\O

NEWPORT HEIGHTS Charming :Jhr, 2ha home 1n C'hOIC't' loc·atrnn. 111 tract1vt• t·ul · dc sac i.lrcet SI 35.000.

OPt'nSundav. l:!-1 601 Aldean.15th & Ir'

Joan Uv .. y, Rltr 1)42·-1799

1n th1 :. eaRy·care 2 Bdrm . :! bath 0 Y () ;an t'<ii>> walk to Main llt'a l·h. t::a11y terms with prt vul<' r1nnnc1111c tl 't; l'IL'Y to see this v:ic·an l properly Only Sll5.5QO.

f?r' ff l '•' 1 I It 11

•llJU ( ; ,,.,,,,,. V"' Sl•••t•I

4 q4 9473 ')49 0316

A Rrnceful. archl'<i t•nt r~ 1ntrodUl'C!. this IO\'(•I\ hnm1' handsom<•ly rl: modeloo with imprcss1vel ________ _

lava rtwk f1n•11la<' l' & LCMJUftaHills 1050 lwamcd tcil1ni.:s 111

HOUSE ALONE ;::;~~~;;·; ·~;.·;1:,: ·r·~: N"i1t1<tn~· J 11~ 1<\11/,>f, 1~ worth this pncc But l1v. rm. 2ba . 1600 i.q IL Dl~'Tn l <...vr. th1., rn1.y 1h.' )OU tun ltvc near lhc S75.000. 551-1234 huht 1s on hu111· c·orner li>t beach'" Corona dcl Mar · "' " and have tenants lmmed tran:.fer forcC's with alley acct>ss & room help pay. $175,000 seller t o reduce lh1s for your bo:it' SIOS.000

sharp A/ C. 3Br. 2ba to I "'1uail ~ COMPLmL y ~·~· 21

2 pts for FHA ':. IPlac• . RESTORED rman g. Agt 768·5008__ Prap...ti•a

Old Spanis h mansion Loipa HlgMei I 052 751-1920 Wllb an ocean VICW. 3 Un· ••••••••••••••••••••••• '400 OUAIUT !OWPOllT IU•CH

OPEH HOUSE SUM 171tt l'ort Wcs thournt•

l PM t1ll l>us k llAl<BOR VIEW llOM 1-;

3Hr. 2R u with mnny appl~. Plan:. lo udd 2 more bdrm,. Mo.,t <11· !> trahl l' <irea. Only Sl39.500

~ Its one mile lo Dana P01nl MiiJina . $215.000 RING IM 1978 Ol·eanfront hou~c " R•~ltors, Est. 1901

' ., {714)67~

* 494-8057 * with this new home. 2 BR + den. formal dining room. vaulted ceilings,

SPANISH STYLE oak cabinets. ceramic

R d t I ( h d Lile counter tops. Homan

C . I C t OO , arc C tub. $!1.t.500 portico entry, 2 BR .. In• l4_; rm . w/ buy window & ~ AHCHOl.AGE frpl. Dming rm. Spaciou:. IHVESTMEMTS rear grounds. See today at $108,000. Hurry! 17141 49'-7711 Mission Real t y 494·0731 ~===========~I


lllGll IN THE S KY, 3 bdrms. & d en. fantastic ocean & city views! Xlnt neighborhood , close to schools . See today at $100.500

OCEAN VIEW 2 BR & den townhomc in guard gate community with recreation center. swimming pool & private parking for while sand beat•h. Jusl reduced to $114,!M>O.

LOCJlllNI Hi~ lleellty .. ,. .. 24-ll 49 3.9494 495-5220 130-5050

HOl\ti-; & INCOME . 6 Units. downtown Laguna Beach. 3 Commercial. 31~~~~~~~~~1 residential. J."11nta~l1c ocean '1ewi. $595.000

OPPORTUNITY O F A UFETIME ! Oceanfront restaurant. heart of Laguna Beach. All new cqwpmcnl. s~.000

MYSTIC 1111.L S. Overlooking Laguna . J .000 sq. ft. Chris Abel dl>stgned 5 bdrm . home. A rar(' opportu nity at $375.000

MAGNfflCENT 3200 sq fl .. <I h<trm. , 4 ''a bath home. Finest oceanfront community. Loads or ex· tr as. $350.000

BUlLDEn·s attention ; two R·2 lots, heurt of Oanu Polnl. Both for $85,000

Serenity Wander m the gardens or entertam on the covered patio of this elegant 3 BR. home. Feel the ex­hilaration or lhe interior. OnlyS95.650 (421

:Ko/an H,, f .'.1'• /11

I I\. 1 1 II r I I I f J t ), IV ,,, I• I

fJ\)1 1 'bl 1131 3~Wd

Superb Buy 'Laguna Bea c h 2 bedroom with outi>tand · ing view of ocean & city lights. Totally r e· furbished & immaculate lll every detail. Only $164.500 (43)

, ~· • f ' r 1

·, • • r f ~ , , ~ I 1 • I

'"' , ,,,, rl 11 y,.,,.,

Bdrm $335,000 l nqutn<'~ __ to · I'? Box 1025.0p<•n h'l' Lo"clr hm Temecul:.i pn<'.'ed n.:ht . ex<'Cpl'I 1n

llV11MO!ll'Tl':G04hr.2ha. 'ci.t. 2212 :\t argarel Or fam rm. Ownr 2015 Port A~ 548· lOOO or 6-16· 7114 Chebea. 640·1981

MEWPORTHTS Three Bdrm. 2 ba home on tropically plant1.'<i lot One of a kind. Wa1tini: for u s peC'1al person. Designed for run living &15-4961. THE CALLISON CO. 2819Ncwporl Olvd, N .B. --- -QUALITY DUPLEXES 2 Nl'w duplexes from Sl79.000 Prime Nwpt ll gts locat ion. Al l 3 bdrm. 2tr, bath u111t~ F'lrst user d<"prec1atmn Top quality construe lion Lot.c; or extra~ Jo~ to th(' wal<'r . Hc ., t hu\ 111 Newport Beach Call lo day ror appl f>.lfl·717l n.t'" r I J • f t 'I f 1 I•

60 Fl. bayfront . 4 BR, dell . pier. on Penm~ulu Marshall Hllr 675·4600

4· f>lex.100ft. from ocean . S2"8.000 \\' I land! ~lan;hall Rlty G75 4600

Newport Condo

$79,500. 12 Olock to Wcf\t('llrf Plaza . Cozy 2 Bcd rm home with p ool Xlnl buy. Call now ~5·722 1

OPEN TODAY 1-5 1731 Pt. Hemley

Palermo, priced to sdl' .J Bdrm:. , fam. rm , mamt·u n-d corn<•r hom1• Sli5,!j()()

-GEM· 120·1'' Tustin Ave .. :" . 8 .

REALTORS 642-4623


,\ charming 3 Hll. 2 BA. Wtlh 2 CUlY ftrcplat('S on qw<'l cul dC' s ar. l•watrotl 1n prc..,t1~11ll.1' . l'Wport You II JU!>l IO\C 11 r•t.•asc• rail


San Cltmentt l076 •••••••••••••••••••••••

EXECUTIVE HOME Only once in awhile dr> you find a quality home come on lhe markl'l that I:. PRICt-:D 111c;1JT. al ~154,500 You will fi nd a lar.i:c. 4 BR. FAMILY home. loaded with 1•x­tras. lluAe yard. p'1t111. flreplu<'e . fruit tree;.. OCEAN VI EW. Enjo~ cooking lhosc steaks or\ the patio ga.~ BBQ. wh1l•• the kids pl ay haskclball o r vollcyhall crn t h•• paved courts. TRULY \ FAMILY llOMF:


2l5 Del Mar lfl2 41 21


JNVESTMENT OP · porlun1ty: a beautiful motel. heart of Laguna Beach. Close to beaches & parks. Xlnt. cond. $750,000 i.a,.-...... '052 LclpM Mi91f91 1052

WOODSY2STY Rustic arch1lmurc wl~f\ ubundant glass. Heavf. shake roof, vaulted c:cl • angs, s weeping muter end c:hildren'a wlnf. Open hearth fireplace . Ma11azine perreh k1lchen. Multi-purpose area. In the S70'11. One of Ollr newer homes Bkr 536-9311

... B.IGAMCE WlTH ) GOLF COUllSE VllWI! Beautiful "San Joaquin " p la n overlooking golf course to fabulous R anc ho San Joaquin! Only $116.000.

.Laszlo Sharkany 752-1414. <C-34 >

L...-IHdl 104* ...,........ 1041

···-=~~·;::.:;·· m~; ""II QfSlDEMIAl eROK~ CCMPIW'f Great View!

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• San Clemente prof bldg. office suites avail. H\ Rooms. Large parkinR area. Renl al 55< per sq. Ct. Consider trades &. term!>. S252.~ 493.0233,

~ $54,000 Fantastic opp to own Ill ~ Br condo w/central •ir1 bltn •PPlJanccs, tnchtd· Ing dsnwshr •. Chlldrea welcome. Shor\ walk '° c lubhouae.:. .pool . and lhopplfta. Miler to P•Y for l yr home w,rran\)'

• -+•t.000 cpl • drp •I· lowance.



TO IE SOLD TODAY ·Rancho Sao Joaquln 2 BR + den townhome w/ bcautiful view &

,windows everywhere! Owoer 1traos£erred ! P,rice includes tennis 'Club membership. On tho golf course! Hurry! ! Lila Harper 7~·1414. (C·3S) totally refurbis hed

..JI. n U Spanis h c harrn home annu ~w AQI' aWaJl& your ()CQUp&ncy, -Tr if ,.. ,.. EnJoycataUnuunsets&

dt1 llabu by night. Now Ol\Iv SlfUOO (515 l • From the Shrff .t

CoWw.U .....

• couwa.a. ...... co. 496-7222 831-0836 ,,.,... ...... .., .... ~~

I .., .

IN THE SHORES-TOWNHOUSE 2 Bedrqoms, 1 1 2 Bath s. Very private, and sunny patios with wood decking. Move-ih condition in a gate guarded community. Only $94,450.


496-7222 831-0836 ,,... ...... .., .... ~-....

~g-·1-..--; -


Corner condo unit with ocean view from p a tio. 2 BR. 2 Ba with cathedrol ceilings. Clo!le lo golf course & community pool. S74,SIOO • ....... HICJ"I rt..tty

49"'241 l 493.9494 495-5220 1304 5050

1 ,, . . . '


S.1urd1y. Oeeemt>er 31 . 1977 DAILY PILOf •••••••••••••••••••••••

~!.~.~ ....... ~~~.!=:!~~••• ••• ~~~.~~•••••• &Agi.eM6tMf JIU ....•.......... , ...... . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C.t•Mn• JJZ4 Ms•W• A,al••,.,...aie•t ..,.,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... •• , 3242 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••

S• .._ ........ .._. ~ Prip1,.,f JOOO Nhl 3br, dej\, 3ba, short Cml~ I 071 For S• 1100 ••••• • ••••••••• • •••••• drhe Sea. fwy. Nr lo~.

....................... Mlw,.,-i .. ecll 3269 lcAool.a.d 1706 dllMmr 3122 MESA WOODS Bachelor Oceon v1 w. ••••• •••••••••-•••••• • • •••••••••• •••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

•••• ;.-;-•••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• • • • ••••••••• • ~Imo 831·3121 ·rr1.1lll'r '!>' t. lb•Jto ell.lull HOM! & IHCOMI ---1

S BR, 2 8A, bi& f nrcd P•tto, lrplc . condo . 4 br. 3 ba . fam r m , 3200 Nk~ llt,e, chttry 2br. :iun Br lBr apt lur bu OfHtll )'ard . ~ yrs ,ol d . S2'/S/ roo C11ll l213> sq.ll.l444Sllnti11ao. N .8 d tk, ~uiet adulls, n o lloUse SatStrn 104. l!"4 ~ii~i.~~ontb . CALL 249 . 2,1 0~ : or ('/I J I Sl~mo. Agenl,$41 ·5032 pel.l. $3'76873...t.»I Lark!.pur. CdM • STARTTHl


VJrk, 1.ur1e i bc'drm dupl \'X .... ,_. a.och l l 6' 'r"4 111 ':'.1 '>'Ith 11\en1ied garj•e. •••••••••••••••••••••• •

(lu1•t " pn v•te. near 8eautltuJ We:.t Newport I 0 • 40' re-defed , m.t)ur i.hopp1nl( P~rfrct be~chJronl hnmc S G Br,

lnH•'t l JO lh l\ I o wt•\I xt ro ' ~ 7100 i.tartcr or rt>llrcnt~nl 2 bia. 5 .... ,.1.11ow rlltf! ror

MESA VERDE 900 1830 NO FEE! Housei1. t·ondm, SWdto Apl. ncor btuch l~ Co~y lbr. (1 pl. 1>ool l

4BR,2 _BA,Ccncedyanl , ._.__ 32

.... duplexe s Mental CallbetweenllOfM Pt!rbon onl~ '\o •- """'"• """" Pavlhon.1175 4912 Bkr 875-8141 , pets r h1ld $3.W. 640 7000

Pnr ,,.,., •11l"I·· I"\'") .I U(' c • an. • • ,_., '" ~ " • • • • .. _ .. fr K home Cilll 540 11$1 8 mo. lse. Muy ron:.1der \ '1ll11il· ~ .. n oindo nsTI. - c:rou o m •

new • cu.rpct1na. •••••••• ••••• •• • •• • ••• • ----$525 1 mun th CAL I. U l'k Ill 3 n • B LwcuryCondo.3bcdrm, Dix 2 Br. gal°j ~Jy s.i50 LI~ lbr. beamed l' e1hn.: ,

St<. hxlt'tl lo<·ataon -.hurt Mart •hop' CJ c e n ter. yrly <714 l956·S87l 566-2660 N\b . r 02''r ~ · lJ11th.den.w1dktobt:ach Avail 11 16 Phont: · tlr-p..1>t0\le&1or . For l

. S E LECT + o nu:. rm . x Olu , 1, 1 """'"""" k ·' walkluljkc Stl.500' 6 4 6- 691 1 o w n er. Nl:;AR8EA<.:H 2br. 2ba, SQS ~7.71»4 ; tSp 3215 oo,. tenrus S6SO/ mo ., ..... ...-.evu w nu:. cmplny.,ct JJcri;on. no PROPERTIES - REuT"'LS - Ava1l l8 fit)!; lca11e. Ai.k lci6ooPeniftM11a 3707 IJ(•l.-. $310 m o u.&4>-7577 "'HCHOlt .. Al 2 191 Harbor, Sp 34. itarage & yrd . $650 per

"' "'• CM .. ~ _....J 1---------·1 mo a.ts 8914 IHYISTMINTS ' • w h 1119'Wy - --" "' CorJay, Agent, 84H270 - -

-~-......- ••••••••• • •••••••••• • •• 2 BR Apt, PllllO. got'. . . . . Deluxe -I plcx m Orange, BLUF1'' S CON DO, 48r,

C714t4t6-7711 SJl<(OJturt• 73. <!-1.'<liO pluir; 2 · 3 Bil 2 Rr 1 Ur 2b1 .. Z" Pliao . Nr SftECIAL 2BR.l Ua .... .$345 Lie 4 br upPff, -11 oppl. odult ... no pet~. Al(c•nt

5 Br 3 Bu home on golf 2 BR, 2 bu.· · · 1525 WALK TO BEACH, pool AcrOtl!I Crom !xh. Wblter No foe $375. 673·2.SHO nr ---------""•

1'!" 1•~·,,.~ 1><irl'h s:i1.~l0' or. 542. 1940 ' 111·hoo1s. shops & boy 's ---------•! i'.i.laleSal(• Altt ti-Ill •!o club. Avai l Feb ·St•pt. <.'ourse. Opt avail. now 3 BR, 2 Ba · · S475 535 & t e nnis . Exciting 2 onl)'. $52.S/ mo. 962·190i 836·3447 $895 mo. 640-2981 ~ :~· ~~ ~~ .,~~~~ Story. 4 bdr_ms. 3 btt, sun · BEACH View u inr 2 8 CA." AIHS HILL ss:iot mo 644-1755 --- f"• "i' '· """'IV ~ deck & atn um $623/ mo · • ,- ~ ' r .

Jbrcottage,pool.jaeuui, 4 DR,3 Ba .... $600/ 7:1(} lile · $450. l Br $32$, Adults, CostaMna 1824 ldcul curn~r lut' Jlau11 Acre age few Sale 1200 n '-' J. r D u u u '\t J r ' u u • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • llrJrld m·w :J HI!. 2 Iii\ FIVE ACRES '4 llh UIJ!ll'<lllcll l'al l)l!b \ jJlc) moun tain & ot·c,10 'II!"~ Ownl·r JO>. 1ous ~1 akc offer. S!J7,SOO

LOCJIM"a MICJU.C Realty 496·24 I 3 493-9494 495-5220 830-5050

llard lo find h1>r"e prol pcrty Branll new ;1 llH. :.! UA ho111c llu~t.' IJnlll ~ room. "l'I lmr, Ir pl1 :1 <·ar g;irage Won t lta ~t' mm

11 111611 ,. o H ;,'.!:! 0:;:111

$2000 DOWN Ap_artmrnh ~cw ;.'850 .,q fl l·ounln fOf' Sale 1300 hm. 4 Hr + cl t·n t-Ur \ t•d •• •• ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' Lur<·a..,t'. till' cnln . :! ' / Mud tu .qH Hu:.-. moor hil, frml nan. wet tmr iv TOl'l'rl>, l.l·l~Urt• World

2 Br. pal.lo. S325 per mo

For R...t or lease J BR. $575 m n

SS Acat·1 a Tree La 2 Bil. view, $525 mo

4291, Begonia

dishwasher , adultsonly. 5BR,3 Ba ........ S875 1 A R GE h . utll . pd 303 !:: . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645·2498 3 BR 2h ba HVl l m s S650 WATER with bo~t ed;k~ Edgewuter. (1)11'11 281lii 2 Br 2 Ba + loft & pnllo.

3 BR. 2 Ba. frp lc, bltns, 2 Story w/4 bdrm s. ram Coro...ldef Mw 1722 slvi rt>fna. gur. pool. no 885 Senate St. $425 mo rm, din rm & pnvary ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ts ~. 046·~1 lst & last + ser:_833·9J:05 $1200/ mo lse. 19r Studio furn, ~ hlocklt $225. Ljle a\lra<'t 1 llr.

lBr. gas & water pd. S240 l.100 NORD best loca· from bearh, S275. ruo pool. lndry, or s hof)l> 1 Adults, no pets. 548-4135 Uoo. Exec. 2 Bdrm. den. 67~'9417 1\dlt. no pelS. 325 J . 17th Eves642-0835.IH6-6423 dmmg rm New to & out CottaMna 3724 l'lut•e AftllAM .

NEW 3 br, 2 ba, Cam rm '2 s t y . quiet. nr. !>Chis. m1r r owave, days ~3437, l'\'eS 673·8484

$700 mo. ON LI DO . Special 2 bdrm++ . Glamorou~

1+523 CAMPt15 Da· IR\llNE ~~e~~:?~ ;aobuloui.

••••••••• ••••••••••••• • l BR duplex Easl s1rlt' $50 WEEK & Ur :imull but ru t c ini.1d<' Studlo.1 bedroom Adult!. only, i-.t& la"I mu Ill aid serv1('e, PoOI + $50 dt>p, S210 mo ,\\I

2376 :-.:ewporl Bl. C M Jun l. Dn\·e b)" first thl'll 548·97SS or IH5 3'.it;7 tall l2S B. <!bl St. ,\Ill 2

VlEW 2 Br w beuut de­t'Or $650 mo lsc

2 BR. den, Sii25 mn fo:xer Home nr So. Coast Turtlerock 4 hr. fdm rm. 1947 Port Cardiff l'la~a . Lite 3 Br. 2 ba. din rrn. 2 hu, \'1cw ol UC I ~\ti~

~BR. den. view. S!l75 Garden k it ehen fam rm 1\\·:111 . Jan . 3rd Lse 212.SYal'hl Radiant C:µI~ drps, laund rm. gur Grdnr. water . J:.,on

2 Bit. dt·n. '1c~ . SliOO d r 0 p n r B c 0 u l dues pd by owner $575 mu c h • mu l h 11111r1• f u r ~ a I c E " I ·' I ,. :==~:!!::!:::~I llurn "flll t l.1 .. l l)(J:-i \ j tr1f1tt• l!U .11117 • Waterfront Homes

Cdl 6 3 1·1400

STUDIO wutCLYRATlS F\111 Kitchen & TV Linens & Uliht1es

E !>Ide. nr bck h,1\' 21J1 Iba, $300 mo Adib. 11 0 UOJ!S. $48-7933 l > I r-: C; () ll 1-: \ I. T V . C . al

l!JH 5/14 il ~~ 1600 S Cl'!to Ana I 080 ••• • •• • • • •• •• • • • • • • • •• • ••••• • ••• • ••• •• • •• • ••• • Nl•:\VP<)H'f t!rl•:&l locCJ · ONE YEAR HEW lion for l>mall hui.1nc•i.1>

TRI.LEVEL " i:o , , .., alJ1l1t y ,\ gt

I BH, 2 Bi\ highly u1> ~r:idcd . with l>ll'P down h\'lng r1111m, rat~l·d «1111 an~ room, ' 'l'll dn m,1., tor llJI J.11\ lH'~ plu-. 111 ftor1·d .tl $fig, !KIO


FIXER- VA \ odo"n. low l"l""" i:' "' h, "PJ l"IUlh I llr '4 .111 \ C '>I I' I J I .1 .i I ' " ' S~J ~1~>41 I hn n 6. t .II I ' Agent .>.au lt.-lb


1;11i 4JK(l

NEWPORT BL VO. 3 Comm Ul'llt l.nuldan g:. un pnmc lm·a111m. :moo ''1 fl tut:il ('11ncrct1· lilnl· k l'11 n , lru1· t1on SI :!5, IJOIJ 111 ll GI' urll1) . Hl'allor H75 1;11; 1

lncomr Prop~ 2000 ...•....••••.••.••..... NEWPORT HEIGHTS

DUPLEX 1-.,tr.1 .. harl' 2 UH unah I liolh I' pra \ dll! µJlw:. ()\\Ol' r \~Ill hl'fpfln<tll l'C

Call 9S5-0350

nc TA.,L.OA C•~"-"PAN 'Y

R .. AL.TORS O t \/f L OPLR!::.


T110 2 hcdr•wm , :111111· 111.'<lroum 111111 ' an 1:uod n·11l.1I .ttl'J Sclll'r mull\ .1le~I

•400. QllAll sr NIWl'OllT HACH


I 086 Lake " doll hou~t· . 2 •• • •• • ••••• ••• •• • • • • • • • btodroom l·ompll'tl•I) rc-4

OCF:,\:"I '11•w apl 11 110111 tlonc Pl.US -.parkltnlo! ~ Br Si'•.lllJO l. \C,l '\i \ new J b1otlroom .. 1ucl10 RE1\l.l'\' l!JI 111177 Two IJjlh:. CJ!.'.h t·n1.}

WHtminsttt 1098 f1rcplatc and drl'Jm •••••••• ••••• • ••• •••••. kitchen:.• SIH5.000

m;1n: ~ YOtm 0 1.,:-.;n: IP.I jQuail l f.leilut 3 n R homl•. S2.5011 ~ Place dn <:all no" . 21 hr Pr · ... r rnc1• ~(; f;/!i'J .1i;l apert••• "'

7Sl·19 l 0 '"' fi,tobfle Ho~s i.oo a11A•l s1 N1Wl'01tr 11 ""

For Sale 1100 •...•....••..•..••.. ... Costa Bch

llOl' lll.E WI tH: LUXlll<Y llOM E

Lcwcly 2 Br & h.ith in ;;irlull pt•t p.irk. c;or~t·nus <orner lot w1bc.11111ful lnrl., c• p 'i: Vl'ry 1m v;ill' porch & p<1l1u w plenly of


Sol)t'r prule of owner~h1p unit~ with fireplact- s, cnl'lrn.t'<I garagt•s. :<hake roofs l'O mplet('l y rP furh1 sht-d

tlow1•rs. ro~ l'~ . l'h mhl·rs. ,£ .Quail ~ h11mm1ngh111l fn·dcr:-.. • Plac• l'I <• 1•1.t·s .,w1mm1ni;: • ' pool. J•H·u1.11. , 1iu1 fl•·hnl. Properties -.rw1al at'll\'111\'' g alorl·' 7Sl-19 l0 ~ ti I\ I\ i. :.! I !11111 LI(' ••OO OU•lll St NIW1'01T llACM

II I)! 1:1214-:!'I t' \I.I FOl!.'111 \ I' \{ ' I FIC

'.\lohalt• I lonlt• ltl•Jll \ :!706 H 11 r hnr .Su 1 It• 20ll

C,\l.L~11 5!137

SI 00/ Mo. Rental COSTA MESA

1978 ~kyhnl' 2111 . 2 b~1 . plu.i;h pulJI) pnrd1 ror that spcc111l couple c•r pt'r-.on whn enjoyi; lu~ur\' l.o\'e ly loc jlJOn. " " 1 mmlni: pool. elt". (SOl\IJ I S:fl.!lll(l C1\LI FOfl:"ll.\ I ',\Cl !-' JC

TRIPLEX, C .M. GrC':1 1 Ea :. b1dt• 101·. Ol'Wl'r 3br. 2bu frpl<' . ~d 121 2br 1 ha, patio" enrl 1o1ar SJ6S.UOO Tom Lee. Rltr, 642-1603

EASTSIDE/ CM Redul'cd Sl0.000 ~ 3 on 1 lot mcl pool + rm lo build ·I morl!. Plans in · ducfc-rl For deta1ll!d info Cilll

Kattiy Tracy Rltr. 548-1927 752·2887

27 Montanai.&, tc landsl'ajJed walled i\1,'\ ~1 ·5032 5 BR. S7!f0 mo bkvrd. 2 patJOs Bul>ei. lo "-- , •

2(~2 Port Wcybndgl' .\ 11 Ne w p 0 r 1 M es u ,.,, uni;ewtr~t· Condo. new I 4 RR. fam rm. dm rm ~chools. incl gdnr Avail bdrm loft Grnwn t·µt .

V1ew,S9751mo. Jan bl. 56.>0 ' mo lsc l>elr l' oven ii I \I I 1

I 4. d I \·.I

New Seav1ew. 3 Br, 2 ba Pool, tennis. jar SR7SI mo. yrly 67.5-0562

CLOSE TO OCEAN Royal S.lhs Motel

2Q80 Newport Blvd, CM 642-261 1 201!1 Yacht Resolute 531 7344 ·\\' <111. nuw S.12.S mo

EXCHANGE Ur 6 5 3411 5527552 Shurp H arbor Vie w SUSCASITAS . into s units in Costa 3 Br 2 Ba. dbl gar. encl On the Luke Woodbrid i;e Monaco 3 Br. nr _POOi, 10· Nlrely furn . large &


:\, I ".~·· :1 ''·2·1·1 IJP '~. w .' patio, r pts. llrp:., bltns <: n · . 2 B N d grd nr. Avatl now . s mall l br. Adults. only, ~ u "' L' p ool. kid!> ~k No u~ . ~hl> lllC~I · '· $GrOO/ r . 644·47211

lBr, pvt pnllo, qwl'l ddt·r ly adlt . XJnt E sidt• Im· 67~3335

One Studio Apl SltiS. l ~ l & & One 21Jr ,\pt $:!:iO. 1111 & la~t. Peli. & ktcl~ OK. Loe : Del Mar/ Nw1Jt >l2·1HI em·lo!'cd garoges Ex peL~ .SJ6.'> mo. t>-1.t l ll!tl ~ uc .. uu. mo . - ---------1 no pell- 2110 Newport

r clll·nt ('oodituin · nn1---------• - - - --- c.i11 SSl 1234 Sub-lease, no depo:.1t re· Blvd. _ Lur"e 3 BR. 3 Ba. <·lost• lu 'ae;rncici,! S20o.OOO. Vu· --- quired . av:ill. 1mmed. ,.. __ .. _1_t 372L " .l.i~hm~k• 6-ti!-~5 IC 36 ) llOM Et' INDERS 8 Toro 3232 L'nwers1ty Park Terrare 675-1912 Bkr. - rU'lll'I v s hopping. 'ay <' leun.

PENINSULA Thousands of Hentals ••••••••••••••••• • • • •• • lwnhme, 3Br, 2ha, frplc, --- ______ ,••••••••••••••••••••••• SJOO. mo 552.71155 All II llbl ~Jr . S47S / mo wir.STCLIFF $300 2 Dr , oc n vie w . -

TRIPLEX ars~uamlo apl"pm:c!<- Twnhsc custom 2Br. 2Ha . ~-7HOO s; A·2SOOl La Cresta, owller lBr :ipt. lge llv rm. & t..11 ( ' tl h 4 BR. 2 BA, fplc, fenced &din urea Pool l'nml' IOl'altOn Or !>Um · snc l nr, furn. ultl pd air. a ar gar, ~panou:. , d ( 494.fi848 · ·

ml'r "1111errl'nt.1l ' l .i! & ""'n SJ.Wmo 544-10.11 HeotorlA!ui.c Ncw2Br yar · rwt trees. 2 car · - - - S2'.IS1mo 5.t87'f.:?I ;1 HI< un1h . 1Jart1 .illy ~~~ 23UBdr. frcckutdrl & 21 2 ba. llcntagc Prk, ofl gar .• ~pacious . $600/ mo. LOCJll'HI leoch 3748 . - -. I u r '" " " t•i l SI !l!l ,.'>00 Ot rm. ' :. IJC\l> W a In u l UP grade:. , ~t &_ l_asl._!73-4_5-_1_5. -- ••••••••••••••••••••••• .:? & 3 Bdrm apl:.. r lOM' to l. \11nl· \.'al l'nl lnl'l;.1.1 H2UO Lfff:Tl:\. IL' SEH\' llE FountainVdley 3234 popular earlhlone)> s-Cl .. l L:AGUNA BEACH MTR. i. h oplJl~g . pool I\< i t':r. 1 557"'.0122 •••••••••••••••• ••••• •• $395 mo 752 6G8ll ..-s; "' JNN. $65/ wk S2~1mo ~h1ld~eo !<-.. Pljv an'J

.i !'I.EX i-:s ll unt ll r h . (.'m mgtnns. pnme lor lmmJc llqih ln l' l'I' i\gl $115.000 l'il 540-4464 - --

Lots fOf' Sale 2200 .......•..••........... HAWAII


We have homes m Her)' o r e a \ 'ti I j .i: c n ca f t :.Slull', 10082 G arf1 eld i\\e, 11.B 963·4567. No

Choice a<·rcagc m crlook Fee

mi:: the Pacifi c Sl\:io<l per ---------· a<- re One & lhn·" .1rn· parcels avaalahle l1 111T> Balboa laland 3206 for best select ion • • • •• •• • •• • • • •• • • • • • •• •

898-7855 With option to buy. 2 st y. 2 Bl'. 2 Bu . Little Is land l",111 Uill. ti75·31i5!J or f)I~ 11847 al(t .

Balboa Penlnwla 3207 Heady lo b111 Id 1111 lilt . I .ID • • • • • •• •• •• • ••••• •• • • •• t ... ~11c oecan vtl'W & walk 3 Dr. 2 Ba. dbl gar. over tohcach . La~una !i1tcd lot Im mac no

Owner aj!ent m :1 7~16 pell> Lca!.e S525 mo. t2 l3>447 41410

Mountain, Oe set"t,

Li: c 3 b r. \Ve:. t mo n l 0'>' o i\l!l 3 Br 2• 1 Ba rondo. newly M ,1id serv color T\.' . t>l2·97fi0 vr t;.i2·31l:IO -Beaut vrd . r efri•• . decor 'dOptavail , Janl. h t d I '71 ' 1

" $525 &I0298 ea e poo • .. Col)• bach.qwt'l. noµd -.. \lol>hr dr)r ancl'd. ,\\' uil W(){)(llmdi:c Crl'ck,il.le '1 _ mo · 1 4&4 -529.1, 985 N Coast adlt:.. uuh incl , s1 :1.1 J I 711 S450 mo 538-382-1. Br 3 Ra dining rm. fam Sha p lb 2b r I _lf~'Y "'"·9·u 9 uft'•r 6P:\l W7-7689 rm. atnum. rpl~. drp:. , r · r . a. orma '"" "' v " •

--.------ patio. Jndsopd , nrb} dtn. rm . ru mpus rm .• Sl85C II b h

~_.°" .. ach l 24 O park, lake • · pool ~ •95 2700sq.fl . .. back bay_ area. urn sma cozy •c 2 Br. 1 Ba . l story. ~hai:. • ..,. °' .., A I d $650 Nr bch . ulll pd Resp drapcs, pauo . frpil'. •••• •••,•••••••••••••• mo. llJl-3463 ~-;~amme · · empldadlt. 49-14200 beam c ell. gurag t',

l'OOL HOM 8 • -------1 Adults $27~. 2$4 l t~ldt>n .1 lied room . 1.,, hath . Um\'. Park area. Conve 5 Br. sparious. w/ pool. lo Oceanfront s tudio. qwet <I ,538_8406 sha r p --v a ca 11 l. o 0 ly OJl•nlly l~_atc>d nr Ir\' I ~ · mamt rnrd. Will rent to single . $260 y rly intludes $450 'month Call Mack duslnal I ark. 3 Hr. 2 b .1, f I • • •I l uUI 497.1303, t'Ol.JR Sfo:ASONS ,\}"fS

~pae1ous 2 IJr I wnh:o l' l '~ ba, pnul. pvt patio. ' Ill

. r r p I c r n l' d Pa 11 0 am1 y or sni; ma ure ul 962· 7788. $500 m~ 552 9G7:1 · adlb . $900 mo. 556-0975

3br. 2ba. Prl'1ddl'nl llonll' M~port ShorH HAPPY 1n Turtle Ho<'k llt lh . 310 Prospcrt. 3·4 Hr . 2 11i..1EW YEAR si;oo ~s-20118 11a. nr crubhouse. pools. " O<'can & tennis . No pets .

Spend 1978 in u brund Woodbnclg(' New 3Hr. d111 ldcal for family. S510 mo. new b ca ch ho m c . rm. C:lm rm , ~1tnum lease. :J\'l l / 3. Schworer. Spacious. up!!raded thru· S500 Ph 111.a 1 4!14 · 24~ 714-673-265-l

out. frplr . . d~I. l!arag<'. Nr- new Woodbra<li:l' w~trllff J Bdrm 2 ba pvt. ·vard . Children & • : • ~" • pets · welro m e . Only f\lo~hm J Rr 2':t Aa. rcr w1pool. patio, \loaler $525/ mo. See daily 1·5 p~ pd SS2Smo 833-2265 ~ald . S6S01 mo. S48.m95_ 513 17th St. Agt. 960·6161 New l BR condo. air conrl Channel front 2 slry. 3 + or846-1Jll. pool , JjC, ~auna . tennis, study, Crplc, huge pallo

clbhsc $2'J5 mo Ownl'r ti I pd . 6 7 3 5 187,

~port .. ac:h 37 69 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------c d)llc.l 0 .K . No Pl.'~. ~i~ 735 Jounn G4t>-H83

BACHELOR APT. Cll!an 2 Br Townhs{' 1 1 ~ ALL UTILS PD ' ba. :idlL,,, no pets. 1114:1-11,

100· from lh1• orean . Pomona. S275. S<Ul·ti.3!'17 Sem1 -furnil1hcri . A\'atl - -now! 201 E. Halboa Ulvd Easlside nC ~ewport Yrly. S225 per mo NO Townhou!>e 2 br, 112 1111. FEI-: . Ca ll : Sue at F1\. j!ar. lpll.' . \' 1 1 ~a111. SS&-7707 anytime ~gcnl 5'1li-llljlj.

---------1Severul 2 br. 1 ba. Vaean1 • 1 child OK. bltn R Cl S2.'iO mo Agt 548-.!_l68

agent ~6 07115 213-789-8768 -------RHOri 24 O Corona dt4 Mar 3222

• •••••••••• ••• • • • • • • • • ••••• •••• ••• •••••••• ••• J BR. 2 BA. pool. fenced ~autiful View This is :i ('harm er! )ard, 2 car gar .. dose lo Deerfield Townhme. 2 Rr,

OCEAMROMT 3 BR, 2 ba. yrly. S595 STEPS TO lliCH

Qwcl 2br hsc in tn plr' Re::.pon. udlli., no pct:.. non :.mkr S250 &l6 2.12:1

3 Bl> 2 b dA .. Crplc :.chb & l> hps. $395/ m o. 2• 2 ba. l'ullo. frpl c. n;,ir Furn redwood n 1b1n on '· a • .on, " 5 ., a c rci. , .. rankhn !<- ltl\ ' Patio SS2.5Mo.yearly. ~s~&:_l~t.673·-t~S dr opnr . upgr11t•d !>laanl l·!>' '>ll•i•I " Paul Marlm Rllr 2 br w gar . S2SO. Cpls !)400 mo ov1t1il nuw

LEASE 2 Br. 2 ba Condo nr ll oaj.! H os p . FP . , encl 2 cor gar 1 elee I. $3'.)5. 645-8294 C\'CS

<'Jrpcl~ . 111..,uluttun &147383 675·5621 Water pd 2710 '" ,\ '' !'>Sl0016or 5521HX6 I S• · · • 11 D I ., 36 4120 Bluffi. 3 RR . 2 Ba Condo,

2 Dr, houl'ie unf. SJ7S 3 BR. 2 b a . unf. S12.S

associated :l Br unfurn. adult,,, nr ll arbor W11:-on . ,\\ .ttl I 7 i8 ~.i mo. 631 :r.;;1 ufttipm P.ane tn l! ~1..i .10 Ca :)pa l' 3br.2ba Cutht-dral (: aware '' eomplell'ly rederorau-d .

Georg~ 1-'rr, . ~k·n}ltnklc beamed c(:1hnj!s. fpl c. 1 Spm. u.c,.naleac h 3248 Pool. park-ht..c !>Cllmg, J,g. 1Br. i:J.I D Shahma1 Real ~.,latc!'>I~ 3154.• t!l>I .:ar . ~_ard . S525 2br, 1, 2 ba. f'r1J lr. fnC' 'd ••••••••• : ••••••••••••• SSO!S yeilrly 644·1667 New patnl. s;n;; mu

8R ()1<l1! <, llElltTORS J VJ • /tf l..J•b •, Q • 'I ! t;i/,

Ranches, Fcrms, hi3-8'700 710Golde nrod yrd $365 mo. !!62-778'7 ask 3 B<.lrm. 2 h:a , .11num, \vATERFRONT HOME ---------~ &l2·3288. ~J.1616 G 2700 - fo M· . 5'16 8609 f rp I c, co mp I c:· t e I)' Sub I B ii N

ro• e s Spyglas!i l h ll View JBr . _.':;_~ _ . remdld Walk to beach & 2 Br , e n cl gur .. bnat ·el l rapt unl ov. Reder. 2 Br 1• 2 Ba . ~ar . ••••••••••••••••••••••• fam rm. $1000 mo rncl 'g Vacant-Jan 1-3 bedrm. 2 town . $800 / mo Ph dock . Winter rental $360. 78. Park Newport Apb pauo. adults, no P•''"·

NEW I FREEi itarde~r 644·8184__ ba. crpL'i. drps, fenced 640-7020 673·4700 _ SJSO mo. 644·7097 1\va1I. nnw S27S 5S!J·li588 • • SPYGI ~"s 4 ya rd . $395. 963 -4567 -- - --SE VIEW B B ,,,~ ocean view. A enl no fee 2 Br1 1 ~ Ba . Cplc, view. nr A ·.3 r , 2 a, ocn ~nh F:t\STSIDE lg 2 Br 2 Jl.J .

Exriting Spnng Cntulog! Br. 3 Ba. 2 fam rms. J?OOI g • · lo bch & shol)!>. No pets. & boy v1ew, guarded Unfwnidted fplc. lndry, 5375 mo. Ai.:1. Over 5 :400 Cou.ntry table. over sized pal1os. Townhouse , 2 b r. 2 l>a, i\dults. $410mo. 4911.3223 !(ale privac.Y + _com · ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS2·<»34cvs . SS2·0507 Properties dcscrihc<I, all xtrus . $1450 mo . new end unit Adult over ----- - rnumty pool, 1acuzz1, ten· 1._, p · 1 3107 -------- · p1c-tured ! · I.and. Far mi.. Owner/ Agt 831·7006. 40 !l68·5'130o~ 002. 44~ 2 Br . d en . I' 2 hath. m!>, SOOO mo. 640·0327 a enenw a LA MANCHA -""S llomes · Waterfronl . · panoramic 0t·eun vww. -------- ·~~··••••••••••••••• ••• Lgc 2 br garden apL'i & 3 Hecreution, netarcml'nl Costa Mesa 3224 2 Br. 11 ~ ba, rpts, drps, 2 $450. 497-2370 A· fo'rame-3Br. 2b~ . . 2 rar N1re ba.r h. $190. Resp. •. h 0 h h

8 I dlt Utlpd N ,,

106 u r tw n se. s w r,

Buys ! Mailed F R fo; I-: ••••••••••••••• •••••••• car gar .. lge fnl'cd yd. gar . eam ce i ings , a · 1 • ope..., . bltns. encl. gar. gas blxt from the World 's Lari~csl 3 Br l ' 2 Ba, 1500 s q .rt.. on ru 1-d e -s ac . $350 / mo . 2 Br 2 Ba gorden:s, 2 non plush rpts. Club. tennis. E . Bay Ave, apt fl. Pool Gas pd. 771'.1 Scott Pl.

Gihraltur Yard maanl 1213 )797.3'126 smkrs, no pets . $400. Avl pools. +walk lo beach. &l2·S07:.I

STROUT REAL TY int'ld . pets. 151 .966.! - - 111s. 494-8375 ss5o yr ly 645 . 04 23. Bachelor. 1 Blk to h~arh, l<ir info Attractive. clean, 2 Br 11 2 - 3250 &iG-3666 all util. pd. Sl 85 mo. Lge 2 br. 2 ha stutl 111

~9 So h t i\\ c - - b a condo $295 Pooli. Hiia 675·1058 ' Cost M S29S Dept 8300. :1 Br. 2 lJa. Cam rm. pool play areas'. 673:lM68 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hgts area 2 Br + d bl gar. Corofta det Mar 3122 Ava1f Ja~:.;~d 9911:0!~;'

Arc adaa.Ci\91006 table, dbl gar. beaut Atlractive3BR.2 BApool grdnr.$4SO mo. Avl11 16. • • ••••••••••••••,.•••••• · - · - · 1213HIS·7750 \ard $425. 642-5466 or 2 Br. 11 2 ba Condo. 2 y r s hm. w/ frpl & AIC. Nr 675·306.'leves/ wknds ~1odern Duplex For Estate 645-4483 nld. Pool, laundry. gar new. Call 494-8611 JnfOl'mauon Call - S360 mo96J·Sl!56 - BLUFFS Bayfront Beau- ~- 645 5855

Wanted 2900 31Jr. 1 ba New rpts/drps &..,..a Higuet 3252 ty. bwlders prof decor 'd. n;B v ••••••••••••••• • • • ••••• f"rplc . 458 Broadway. Spac Brookview Condo, •••••••••• ••••••••••••• 3 Br 2 Ba sngl level avail '[l,, 'l~-:_:_ Sp;ic 2br, encl'd pJt10. OWN Prop erly 1 n S400. Ph 645·4461 end unit. 3Br. 2''.I ba, Lovely 3Br. 2ba. Cord yd. now. S675 lse. 955-2297 or __ o.;• ~=- dshwr, rarport , adlt s. no Inglewood. ll awlhornc frplc , 2 patios . Nr sprinklers gar opener 540-5505 pets . S250 . 975-423~. or So. Bay are:i "' EXEC\.ITIVE pool / tenni s . $495 nodogsS4~/mo. 497 3J.16 EXEC WA NTS HOME. GARDEN AP'fS 7Sl·0872

WILL PA.Y CASH!! POOL HOMF. - North ~9403 ------ CORONA OEL·}.L\H -----Ph T D'Alle ;i d C~la Mes a . 2 Sly, 2600 Bc:iutlful Sea Terrace 4Br. or 3+~en. close lo

2 0 T h r 1

New 2 Br 2 Ba Jnd 1 llr · om ss n rn i.q ft .. 4 BR. 3 ba. rorm Nice 2 Br Condo. 112 home. 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. ram. wtr. Potential 3 yr lse By r own ou~. qi"· tpt.s. dl"J)ll . hltns. xlnt Im·

T.D. PROPERTIES dm .. pool sen •. jncl. S650 baths. frplc . WI D, p atio. rm., frml d ining & Ii ving. 21 I. 495-17071642-0212 Pool, tennis . So11¥c OCl'an 17(>7 Oranjle. &IG 7'J'JJ or (2 13 l674-6!-.l07 or t7M I Mo. ~5.7505 Dave carport. Cpts / d rps . Pvt communily w / pool. Sea Jue & Cutalin a vlt-\¥8. CI08e 6~2 1155 546-6201 ttny11m,. or $365/ mo. Ph 963·2827. jacu7.d, tennis & beach C--'slrano 3278 to F:ishion ISiand & fine

;\101)1\,· llome Ht•iJll\' 27()1; l h1rl>or. Swtc 208

CALL 5-.10 !'>H:n (_714 _l846·522lnfl fipm Easts1de 3br . 2ba condo . 642-6006 S72.S p I I t ..,... beach. AlsolBr. 644·2611 L.ge2 Br, 1'~ Ha, I yl'nr - F"" I dbl •A()O Imo. 0.'iS. SC op . •••••••••• ••••••• •••••• n nw. i\dult'I onh'. no

Balbon. 7 Units. Steps t o ., Pr. gar . .., mo. ( . 752.9223 or 49'H61 l . "' • ---------1 bch. lti) 2 heds. 1 bach . Haus" Funriahect 646-4380 Spacious 4 bdrm, am1ly ---- 3 Br , 2 ba condo. Vill age pela:_!.:.~·Z.·n9

Buy~Rs MARKET Pool.SitSO.OOO. ByOwner , ••••••• • ••••••••••••••• ho me w / pool. Lscor m o Monarc h Su mmil · 2Br . SanJuan. nrlake.pool.2 Sp0tJess. Welk\Obch.

20, ; l>own. ,..

5 .• ~;_c 1 . BcActa Island 3106

3 IR •

2 1.. lo mo. $475. Rita Myers den, 2Ba , ocn view. ndlt c ar ga r . S 3 8 5 / m o. 4Br 3Ba F m r m 2100!!qfl

"'' ,.,.,., __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • "' Agt . S39-0550or~·5't20 community, rlbhse, pool . 495-5760 Yrly,509Arncia,84S·7048

SPECIALS '" 1 U · s house. large yard. Avail. - $460mo 497 42°0 -- --

,,.., hoo 7 Oil!\, leps to LUXURIOUS 3 BR. 4 BA now. S350 per mo. West 1 Bedroom tondo. pool. · · 00 2br. 2ba duplex. Crpts. 2 Br 2 Ba. like new , 2 car ESTATE SALE hrh. (Ill 2 hcds, 1 bach. Nor th Bayfronl home. Side C . M . Cal 1 S u e : te nnis, super loc ation, ON THE GOLi-' COURS I·:. drps. r a n ge, d shws hr, gar. was he r /dryr. $445

1973 Skylin e 20x44 . 20r. Pool By Owner. Yrly or short term . Avail 556.7707 $250. 962·7188. delightful 2 Ur 2 na con- dbl gar, S325 mo. 493-4268 mo. 759·1131 : 4.94·2!Hl6 IS1163U X> Adult µark . 20',0own. S45-305l . __ J:in 1. LORA VANCE do W/D refngintl l'otr -~--------Or anJ?e. rent S!l5. Im 1---------·1 REALTOR,673-4002. &!per 3Br. l~ba, frpl c. & 'teM1s. Bearh o~I~ . ScMtaAna 3280 1&~ury J ~r w/m~ ocean maculule, atlrar\lve an 2 Houses-I Lot-CM .---.a •--1--. .aa 3107 Large 2 Br l Ba pets or blt.ns, patio, nr schools. mi Lse s-t50 496 4440 o •••••••• •••••••••••• ••• Jelly " ews, on Y st eps

Sc od 523 91 $ - ,.-.......,._ children OK. $300 +dep. 15532 P elican $425/ mo. 493-6033· · &!per value. 3 br, 2 ba, to Ouna Cove . f4SO/ mo. area. •e l ay. ,. I . R.-ecl SI 0,000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avan now Small yard & < 7 14 > S 3 6. 8 7 5 4 o r fplc OW carpet.s. Kids & 675-2535 - ---------.

HIELr! Owner must 1ell 1mmcd, has moved to new home. Best price. 3Br. 2Ra In 5• family pel park, E l Toro. 24xS2. SUnnybrook, 19'/2 0791X·Ul


Owner said "SELL Jt ... OCEANFRONT 4 br , 2 bu ear. 963·700o (213)438-2018 Masion VI-Jo )26 7 pet' OK.' S395. 963·456'1 L 2B 18 t hi 1WO ofOronge Coont(s 2 spacious 3 Bdrm homeavall. Feb . lhruJu· •••••••••••••••••••• ••• A1ent l)O (ee g _ r , 4 • r es Y mostbeou111uloportment houses. Frplcs. be1med ly . Frpk, was h / dry . llardwood F1oors, fplc . 3 8Ronelevelcondo. Kids 3 Br2 Ba. n ew home, fon · ' . paJnted, swve & refrlg .. cel l 'l(s & MORE ! dshwhr, 2 car gar . No hugemstrbcdroom, 3Br OK.FVseb~.Nodoas. tastlc view mlrr ored Wnl......,_ 3291 soot.hofhwy, oommunlles.Aretomg S99,500-Submit offer. pct5. S7SO/ mo. 644·9S82 2 Ba, fncd yard. $450 mo. :•~h~dJ>' ~ 1~425' dooni, fplc. bitnJI, avl 1 m · •••••••••••••••••• ••••• pets. $32.5 mo. 67J.S&}S 98ftlng wlh sireoms. •

Costo MeM 3 124

673-6336: SS-0282 v an. • med. $485 mo. 1st & last. Real nlce, 3 br, 2 ba, fplc . .-....~......_, woterfoRs. ond moieS11c *""" leal litate br b 1 i.. k d Executive home neat' $200 sec Nancy 5't6.Mt tf'Pla. kid.V pel OK. ms. PRIME LOCATION raes. featumg poolS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 · l 'h •· ge vac Y • . 8 .. 8 r 475.1853 ' 96.'MS67. Agent. no fee. . Jocuul, sauna. billioros. w.datts Lge Bach uml 1220 Pvt fruit trees. $43S/ mo. ocean . 4 r , ~ •· am _or ______ ·-------"'------ •

014) ~ bltns. ~o chlidren Gardener & w11ter Intl. r mc. din r m . wet bar, Lg nu 4 or Jbr . 3ba + c:c..don•liulftS l , 2 & 3 bdrms. $295. 10 ond excillng clubhouse SLASHll>TO $9,750. i--------·1 or pets. 1110 Vittoria. l a t & last Rerrl1 & tirerina. outdoor BBQ & bon11.1 rm. 100011q fl. UP· u.fwlllAMd 1421 $495. pe r mo. fl!S ·23ll v.ttlsocloJevenlS. Tennis Was 1u k1n11 $13.SOO . 648-3197 wahr ' dryer. 642·1516 ~· $'liq mo. Consider g rader thruout 1420 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AGT. D11.y11 . NO t>.EE. gym, Ond voleyboD or Slmtlar ho tncs prlctd Del.M••2..,.Ho1M r-- e/ opt. &48.q;O'I - _. 581 -~93 L.ANDMARK. MagnoUa-~~~~~~~~- Tl'\IVllloge.More ol mucl'I & more Oen· with two 18r unlts . HwlW°" . New 3 Sr 2 81• dbl ear REALLY NEAT 4 BR. 2 -- - AUa.nt1. HB. Adults qn!y, evetylhln • fOOlt tral Oran11e County loca · Charm.Ina Tn•plcx, ra.r.- H.-.. 3 I 42 1a~. canyon & p111:tlal Ba OW etpt.a, con ve· 3 BR, 2 Ba, corner lot. over 40. Million $ rec 2 BR. 2'-l bo .. w· ear gy~re ing tlon. GoOd cond . x lnl lyon lh~marl(ct. NrO.C. •••• .. •••••••••••••••••• octanvlow. Nt'wMarln a nle n t , 'a r ea. $405 . near Lake. ws. Brand facil.Secu rity, allappUc. Viewofcx:ean.S . f()(. FumlMe CJWJloble. park. On!)> SlOUO 're.nt t"a!rgrounds & City Hall . w JAvlshly f\lrn ishect & ~~uu:1s :::;JJOO m o. 96M567, AJent. No fee. new. 496-7364 or 516-8723 960-1368 evtt. ~111 am Wlj~~.8331 One ond l.vo Bedroom Let us &how you today, 131 Clearbr ook La ne. decorated 2 Br. den /of. " °' Real ta~ * • AdUtlM\g. wlllae!Haat. lOlCMGreat CM. s12s, ooo. Aa nt. flce, 2"'b•townbouaeon NWP'fHll6ffTS 2 Br condo. new cpts, MlwpOl"l .. •h 12't ToMlllDitM a

1' Attractive, cleaa, C'Onve- omcesopen 9:00106:00.

L a ke 1961.:,, (J)N4tlS8) (TI4)523-8850 water w/ boal 11Jp, ton · drp a, r efr i1 , frplc, ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• .......,....... 3"2 nient 2br . P~, Jndry . PA Cl.F l \; CO A ST ola. pool , h c uut . 3.Bdnn,. 2 baUl. la&e fa m . carport. n o peu. 12~ ,,... HOMI •••••••••••••••••••,••• 752·5065, 646-3171 ,,_N_f1N __ ren11n __ o_. ___ _. R~ALe5, rNC. 991"'660 llllWtrdoM-out Com p l e t e & m odel n?si.:°'~:/ :irtr••· '19·798&. BIGCANYON Abaolute· Rent or luac o p{lon.

The only -' left . Duplex.ea perfect f900 Pt.I' rod. Al · 1 WW• l)' a rnaah h 'l (C. Augusta Brand new townhome . 1 2 Br. bltns. patlo, 1rpc>rt, ._lii...,..STlllT nr S .C. Plan Bk r Johnaon. 840-4~ Be.~ J)OOI homt , 3 BR H.tur JZ42 Man. A muterpl~e of bdrm, 3ba,rrplt,AIC. 2 pool, nr b.aoh, <'l ltli, no _.. - $57·9710 1 _ .... _..: Jl .. I +ltitcflen bllnll ram lly clt•-A•'• d•l•~wl'h u·n · recr eatlooal ~enlera pcts.~. M0-0819

3 8tautilul Moblle hom 1 ~- "" ' •••••••••••••• .. •••••••• .... " .. " • w/...,._ le tenq\1 Xlnl ll&ted tn Ulla s. f•m ll)' Colta M~a 4 Pleic Ain1lo ••••••••••'••• .. ••••••• room. 2 ~l b=- f15 H U N T I N 0 T 0 rl ... ..,.,.,., &QI courae IOCA! Uon ntttr So.· Coaat pet par1t in El Toro. See lt\ltl.. ..U a Br l Ba. In· Qli\J\M ER, l tlt" w/ f\ltll Plettt.C.1'$2- ' fl · RARBOUR Sea Gile C1ld vh w! I aR. k d en. Ptua. l\eot 14'/$/ mo °' u 1 before )'Ou \HI)' . tome Sl200 mooU\IY hse. USO firlt fr l11t ltla l•ta• I tlr, dcoJ fam \ulit twnhH. 4 Br «>• ~]!ontht•""•I a CO '500 w/ rclri1, waaher II PAC l ~ IC CO A ST S115.<>00. 0'63 7600 or dep . l\V•H 1115 /~ rm. toy t'm S4111. Pb tqoon,•' •1IP. l1"1"1 .. ~,=s ,:,. .•• ·,a ~r. M&-77UWalker • ltl:SA.LD;~. 1-lllO s.»4TM ~l 515-111\ eo,.a.MO-&OG ....-- - _. LM RHI\c --------•

t I

.... ..

' . -· ........ _ •• ~ I Office...... 4400 OHlu ...... 4400 ·'····················· .•........ , ...............•..•................

.,........h U1i1wa, ........ h u.fwli.. MU la1Sd1 ..,..._ ......,.,. ._.. Jiff , • ~ .• .......... ············· ······················· ·*'········••4'.4••······· .....•...•...•..••••••. EXECUTIVE ROW, Inc.

C)• OAtl Y Pl\.Ot

A.wt.flllltrts 5100,Annur ,._.ts $100 ~ W•tM 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• c.... ...... ll24 c..e....... Jll( Hacr.e ....... h 3140 , ________ ,

~ •••••• • •••••••••••••••• ............... • ••••• •••• &"c·h~~~·;;:,~~~~·;;j~·~ BACHELOR APT Pre1tlglbua office apace In Newport * CRUISE BALBOA BAY * AM1'Mrou:~kpnii , ..........__ no pelH St:J). ALL VTll..S PD! • Sch/Airport area. THteful reception lob- n~gbwr Tod•.Y tQ \I.Ork

SMftrttlM(j/ -- -~' 100' Crom the o<·eun by, telephone me1aage Hrvlc• , con· On Hew Years Eve Oltvariousaa~nlina&. J 3 BR. 3 b.i <!story. (f'lll. Semi furni~hccJ. Avull ference room1, kitchen , beverage, In · Party Boat! bookke'Wlng u1;:11i;n

A .... nnlng comblnollon • q>t.s, drp.. Nr. 11uir rn.e. now~ ;io1 £. UJlboa Ul\•d outgoing mall s ervice, d ictating & copy rnonta. ork clo~e to " ' $395. per mo. l'\o pc:t11 Yrl)'. S'l2S per mu. NO )'Our home . f'lgur c

otodulloportmenlhomes IMS-1190,5364668 FEE . Call : Sue ul mach ine•, travel C01l s ulta n t1, com- A Form .. •so •s Diaco Clerks to Sr . Accoun w1thlUW1YQPpolnlmen1sond ----- --- SMT107anyllmc puterlzed ' t ypeaett l ng . Com p le te tunts needed thruout

superb recreollon 01 0 premium 2 Unib. t!ach 2 air ,:.! Ba. 1 a ecretarl al ser'llcea ava llable a1 Frn Chotnpacr• -Hors d 'o1t1vre1 Orange Co. near beach, 1 nr Jn- d d F ..,,90 • RobcrtHalC':i

locollon. Tennis • gym • therapy t e rco mm u n It y 11 os p '. New & lovely duplex. :J nee • • rom <H; per mo. AccountcmPIJ spa • swimming • billiards. f'plc & i:ar lnetd. 847-3241 bdrm. 2 bu Npl ll"b C .. 17141 752· 7 I 7Q For Retffvatlons soos. Main. Ste so1

One & Two Bedrooms. One Bolh ,,- SHOI mo. 643 -2111 or Call 6 73·4060 aft 7f'M No. 1'ow<>r. Union Bank P;u.&tMe V. NICENEW 28r,2Ba,gui. 646·0303 lnTheettyofOrani:u

.....,..._.. J - .• ~ • .,.s .. frplc. enc l gur, dis · --------- ROCMM 4000 Offlc•lt...tti 4400 114183$-4103 (!} °""""'•'" hwa11her, 2 l.Jlks tu beach. XTitA L.ARGI Bit u-_. ·----.... ----550 Poula1lno Ave .• Colla M110 751·8HIS S325. Cull 900·5260 .... _.••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• • ••• rovw .. , to Loan 5025 Lost & Found 5300 r-

, ........ ....... ,~ .... , Steps t o bench, up · .ltoomw/kitchcnelte Best downtown l.a,Runu n••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

CottaM•aa 1124 ......•..•.•...•..•..•. ·•······•···•·•••····•· ,\dult 2 Bedroom, i.uper t.rg 2 hr. 11 J IJJ , furn rm , l oc·a t1011 . no Pl'I!> . rrplc. patm {Ju11!l adl t~ $2 50 munlh 5tlS W Nr :\tk t ~a:is tH2·7SOl!or Wtl!>.nn. rnc1 .ipt t: 1;12 1<m; ------

BF:AUTffUL BRAND graded, bllns. 6.1 t ·Ol67 $50week & up . location. SL.uxurlou11 t;xd l'"t, "'-~ & 3rd T.D.' .. • - • 1-·ouND: Sni . flhu·k dog. N~W FOUR Pl.EX DUPLEX 2 br t- den. l 5'8·9155 ecutivc · uit e!j, woo WANSAVAll.AnLB Cem. Vic. Mugnolln & In·

3Br, 21-:iba. frpl c S42S Blk to bcuch Yearly puneled & plui,h crpb. Crcdit ' not lmportanl. dlanapolls, ll .B. 962-2218 wr. 1 •~ bu S3SO lease. $495/ mo. 631.1032 Ambassador lnn in Costa $350. mo. Parkins. rel'efl · ~ 49 ~Or , lha$325 - -- Mesa.2Z77Harbor.Ccn· l1onisl. scc rcl ar1c:1, w , l · ll02 1''ound: P ulcOrangeLong

lllr,lbaS275 W. Nwpt B<.·h·3Br. 2Ba. lrallylocaled,235 rooms. aruwenn~ .11crv1cc, Mone)' Av1.1iluble, many llairl'd Cut. CostuMellU. All Encl garages partl y furn . hltns, MANY with k itchen . Xerox 3100 LDC, con sources. all projects . Cul_IS-l_ S._7308. ___ _

CALL960·52ti0, 1600 sq rt , cpls, phone & TV. Swimming rercnce room. <ih.o avuil frplc, yrly 5550 mo . pool, jacuui, and rec. 497-1795 $50t\ min. 752 6052 ___ LOST: Fem. Old Enghsh

2 Ull . I tl.1 dupk~. Cpli. , SpJ I! ncv.I} pnt d 2 Ur. I 2 Br apt, in 4 plcx, I Ba, ti42 256SaflSPM room. Daily & ,,eekly - Mort T t Sheep dog . "Sha.:i.", <lrp!-o, rdn~. St\· t·nd hJ, J>:tllo. d!>hv.,hr. yard, gar, S.260 per mo rates startuig from S.&8 a t:i.e~ullvl' :-. u1tci. You ~S. rus :\h:-.:i.1un V. Gulf Couri.e. i::ir :\o Jll'b ~70 mo 110 l hi rn 11r JH•t:.. Goodloe 673·2252 ,.,.wpl Ugt11, lovely 2 Ur, week. nec<l an oHlc:e? We need Deeds 5o35 HcwJrd . 831 ·2785; 1r1u-121i; t..ili 5251 -------- new cpts. no pets. $295 M5-48.10 a tenant. Your orrcr to •••••••••••••••••••••• • 110.0211 a:i.k for Joan.

2 Br. 2 ba, compl. reclcc. mo. 49-&-3Z?3or~l8 - 5804 u~ : rrom$225permo. \Ve LOWEST ---Foxhollow Vi1109e :!Or. v.ell ma1nta1n1-d, no i.m. garden apt. $21»/ mo. -- Seeping r ms $75·$105 mo offer to )Ou; Juxuuou:. LOST: Male Cairl\ Ter·

tllt W. W1l'1on 64•• WIU JJCL' $250. 830 Center Sl i!>l-0080 or &a5-0141 Nr lloag, lxy 3 br. beams. All $50. wk. Share kit I· omce cxecull,·c :.l'l"V lnter .. t Rates rler · black & lan, cull fl' HNOHVNl-.IJllN hi!ili125 2 ha. fam rm. frplc, nu bath. Shown Mon · per~~nal phone cov' I tTD' al anytime. i68·3972 ·~hr wwn homl' w/ lrpl --- --- BEACHWOOD pnl, cpl, 11uiel adlts, no Refs req 'd. 556~ or crage, recepllomM, con· ~ T ' '· '0

Lost: Terrier- male. tan. ·L.,cpallo&cm· "arJ•'e S.JOO 1 Ur. l ba. loft ~ l\'ll· 2 IR 2 •- $275 pets " '00 5-18 2005 548·5954 furen •e room xcrov 2 .D. Lffnt.

" " " • - · • "' · ~ c · .,, Fa1r~ctTermsslncel'"" .. Snoop•·" (Glc ndor:i • \tlulL' onlv trpk, xlnt lor. nr all TS!. I IR I •- sz•s otar N • So ,.., a•t ""' ""'" " • -· "' · Bcautirul l BR, Ualboa f\irnished.NrU.C.l.Fl'm n · y. car · "•''" Sattt MtC).C la~I 12 · 28. Heward .

ADVllT1SIHG Account ~ltecutlve Copywrltur. ~xclusn·c Orunge Co. Altcncy look· ing (o r dynaml~. energe t ic. " make·1t happen" person who en­joys the init iative & multi functions of a amull agency. Must be a top 1ule11man. 1:oncep­tuall)' creutlve. with J manaaement back ­ground. Tremendou s flnanclaJ potential & the opportunity Lo work ln a carefully plann1.'d, well managed atmosphere. Top appearance & pe r!ionolily neces~ary. 71~ ·s.19-40fj() Pool & JUt un1 amt I - :.ti:mt 1;.~2 1G03__ Ac*aih. 962-1800 Bay Club. \'1ew, sub. lo share w/ young career l'liw.1;felalsy freew:iy ~~ · 64"' 211-r 545 :,· 11 1:1-17 52311

Woodland Vl'llage 1.111• :.!Ur. :-hJ):. nr i.hup i.e. ---.. --h ll·a.~e. SOOOmo. ~6·5985 woman. Rent reduc t in cess. e us your necc s.

40 • ------ AMIMAL HOSP.

ljUl l'\ .idlts, 110 pl'I :.. :>:!:Ii> lagiana oc 3841 exchange for household we will i.upply 11. Cull R cd h Lost : llish Setter female !U5 Paular11111 :,11Htitllorh421:!71i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ncwport llgts2flrl Ba, duties . 552-1548 or !li9·2161 eur couple.asmone,.>' Approx I yr. \'i c Auist.· lrvlft.

r I d II Luxury pcnlhou~e. 2 br. 2 patio, Jjllr, nrw cpls. 752·2975Barbara. - - - - - - ~ le~diJ;'l~«:.!nd TD.::, Bus hard/ t;arr1eld. n11 Cleun, batho & aS!>lst lk;.uti u · nl'W. a u. :! !Ir. Ju!>l red ~l'. P vt ba, din r m. frplt', hi~ JriJ6. mature al.Ills. ~95 ~ gen· · Vly .~·51!17 t:..l~ · s.lGO dlly.s, ti73 ·271~ '111L~ .• r.rcat lneatiun . 2 ~ar put10. Adlts, no pets. v 1 e w. B I o c k I o yrly. M8·53<)(i Laguna Niguel $150, fem SAH CLEMENTE Sold h · r 1:\'es. pools, 2·uuis S'>OO: mo GH 1517 downtown . S47 5 mo . - Pool, view. Call before Ocean view of cs 2 mu in • u m~ Wif1 m j~gun~ Pleic;e hi!!µ. lol!l £\-male ---------

Move '111mm<.>cl1ately • ~ - --- 49'1·2.179 cvt:'s : 957.0282 2 nr. Park Ncwp~rt . 1-·urn Spm, 831.1839. st. exposures. park'g ., .eac · se m ). dark fawn, white d1csl Apt Manager. cpl nee<kd

HtH"hclorS225 · 215 I Bdrm$2ti5 S27S 2 lid rm S:.!!15 $:Si.!5

uva11. Al i.o .seeking M / F 600 sq.fl. $275. S1mllur 2 s29 .55o ~nd T . D. foi Pit Dull . 17th/ Walnut. w/ maint cnance back· KIOSOK Super I br, lrg. unique rm male (house) l\latureadlt,furnBR,pvt . above + 2500 sq.Ct . t! cash. Call Ken, HB. 12/29 (Crisi.y) If s;round for 55 unit com·

:!lirlBa,availnow.$265 reatures,oceanv1ew,blk 640·'12.32,581 ·9507 Ba, kil privilges, utll i- t orage. $400. Agt. G73 --t545 seenpleusecall.54ts· ll60. plex In C.1\1, (213) ~r mo. No pets. 2H#i to bch. Adlts. No pet!i. y r furn. 5135/ mo. 979·8m9. 492·2100 •en-ali 5,.50 865-3851

fi1:ntal Of'f1l'c Oix·n Daily 9 11

TSL :\1 ,1n~• l-:l·m~11t 7S.1 Wiil or ti 12 llt4•:S

Pl · c II S S350 494 3280499 3900 early: 2 BR, rplc .. close ---- - - ~ AnnouncetMnh/ .- ... , ~ 55A;"{7~~tta . a uc : · --· -~ · - to twach. No pets. 5350 Vocation Retttal1 4250 ---..-- - P~al1/ •••••••••••••••••••••••1•---------

, _________ _.11 Bdrm Apt. Patio. Qw rt ~to 1·213 :·1-17 HJ~I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost & Found Dnnklng problem? ASSIMILllS - -- - S300 / mn 7H'1 8!H3. E bl f( ?lJR- . n I Cabln.BigBear,slps4-18. lurJneHRental 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cal lAlcoholllelphne fo'or precision electro-

i!l3·31+.I. 71111 ~ti "'t u - · 2 , ~ • poo • S3S up. Pool tbl, cir l v. ••••• ••••••••• •• • ·~·· •• A.nnounce,,.nts 51 00 :.i.I hr~ a dJy IS35·31134._I _ mechanical auembly or D-a Po1"nt l82L - --- iidult~. no pcli., sa. 5. mo. dbl frpl 494 ·8lill. 4 DELUXE OFC S • ••••••••••••••••• ••••• small components. J::x-

... 0 '" orlh d U · • 1 '1cw 1' " · '7"7 ' PREGS \:-\T"'

••••••••••••••••••••••• .. , en t l .11 ......... u ---------- Co r r SC l 25 II II . h I • . . . µer. prd'd, Will tra111 WESTIAY TRIPLEXES


tnplcx. Walk to RetttalstoShcre 4300 n · m · J • u OU!lesitlmg w i c your Cari n i? co nf1dcnl1al 1 llecJroom apt.1-:aragl'. Cove. 2 air 1 BJ , 1-· .\, 1 BcJrm apt, t ba. k1tchl'n ••••••••••••••••••••••• paneled. sm wh~e in re :iwa) . No Chg. elderly ci>unschng & r e ~r~c~SWfTCH IHC I n11le to hc.wh At !Jana ne w drµ~ . cpl~ & ap & ,., Inf? ne\\ cpl. Mal 26 1 k r 1 ar I or 2 yr. lease. I.a kc t pl c . Ht:fs li42 · 15113, Abortion. adoption 6:

J fir From SZKll 1'111111 1o:io111:i $;iot11 me; 673·65?2 e. 00 '"" or ma e F or cs l arc a Kc n t 548·3289 1139 Baker Costa Me~a _ phc's. S395. util pd. Ii i O · · - roommatc(s) to find & llarkim... . ____ ,______ l\\.>eptng. S4f

3041 :! Unluplcx " ' ' lcl\'. Nt.>\I. . 4~7-1\17 o~(~~3 ~91·2 llOS llHi CJ\:l•IYO:'\ EAST share apt in bch area. 714·581·93!13 Lost Ir Found 5300 _A_P_C_AR __ E ___ s.i_i _·2_563_ fA:\ual Op~r Employer

I ~ redl•t-.., erpts ,11,, d.rps . 2Br. spac1oub, orea n Lo\'Cly 3 Br on golf 673·4437,498-08SL - ---- ••••••••••••••••••••••• UNOA&VICICf 2 Br f"rrim S:.105

J Ur, 2 Ua Jo'rom SJ95. SJOO mo. fl..15·0110 cJa> s or vieii. 2G07 Solano Way, co u r ~ e . $ 7 5 0 I mo . - 0 Approx. 400 sq. h . t.: 2, ,..,., ....

He au11ru1 ~(·w 3 unit t!l!l-4:.!l5 e,ei. call 497_~95 &l.4 ·~!1.641~ BACK BAY T WN · A1C. :.rl t30 J::. 17th St. SCRAM-LETS _..clllMes1o,e bulld1n1it:. Xlnt lo"al1on ----- -- HOUSE. Nonsmoker. Br $150/mo. DoyleS48-11Gll FortfteFuftoflt! near So. L'oa~t Plarn SPARKLING 2 br. den. 2 LOCJll"oHiC)Uef 3152 oci::~ 1-·noNTupperun· ~~.u~~7~IV. ba. SISO $280 hie. Store -Orne; ANSWERS Scrving ell OrangeCo. ('hlldren wel~oml' No ba Lwnhl>l', ocoan vu, dbl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1t. lgc 2 Br. fplc, gar, real 83S-7313 Pt-'ls R~ntal n rri .: ... open ~.1r S:n5. Chen ti6 l · l811 . :-..-il·e 1 & 2"lir 8265 & up r~ce. $700 m o. util .inc Id Jlt.'hable J\J / F tosbare btfl ~~/~1~r1d~.r 843ii.~~171! Random - Fraud -

• MICHELLE'S• da1I~ 10·5 1140 Bakl•r St, I l!l:J 1;.r,7;, _____ · pool & rec ; 0001, qulei 'rly krrns. 675·190li Nwpl Bch apl $191 mo _ _ _ Guise- lnsisl -Ilk \y f 9 I I J\11\RGARINE 1 • 0 n!. ' 1 area 831 77titi 2 fl ., n S"PER lsl / lst. s hare util, yr ly. Store, :J(~l\l 1': <.;oust llw.v. Outcalt ~la:1~agc

557 ;,;! 15 OtC'Jll \'ICw dclu X<' · r . - u a, patio.·...: /\cl In farm magazine: - -- - duplex 2 Hr. i! ha . utd Jiii. .._._ -port le h-

3869 CX~ \U:W. l'romontory IJ73·6727 l'orono dl•I l'lfor: $350 per .. W a 11 t e cJ d a 1 r \' IOA)J .2,\:\1 __ ~31 4~2 ---------•I S•IOOt mo. 5 11 · !!21~ 1)1 ""'w ac l't. 1\bo w )l'll all £urn. H~ 11 t , mo l'aul:\tarlin, ltllr. cm11lo•· cl• 'or "o11it

'""' 1•.11•.1 ••••••••••••••••• •••••• t•m11ll. Cull H7J.7079. _...a ,.ooMmQ e . tH4·7J8:J li75 SH21 ,.. J a Spiritual Reodt'f' LA CASA. ILAMCA "'"' - ----- -- To Profc11sionull.~ F11ul - --- l'hural'lc1·. P~rsons who 1815So. El Camino Heal loch II .o.vl .._. NOW drink , smoke or cat S Cl ~ . 11 1 • r·"• now !.nro•c l lilt , Ot'l'lln \'ll'Ws . SPA.MKIH' HEW Tll/\T RJGHT P ERSO:'ll an ~rnente. l'u Y l l'. I I I " THE SHIPY .. RD MAHl;AlllNE ricl•tl not L ' /\I ut1 ~ flc . t1>ti., 1fq1s, hllns , itar. S21itl () H 3 llll, Z'\l Ila , Npl li ts h .u.r Cl1 UNLIMI ""' --~Pill. 49:.!·7:!%_

pool. lmlry . tac"s /\dull!> 1Jirl'l1. Apt $175 titil 1335 twnhm, 2 t•ur gar, e nc• '<-"""E · 'ATU TW :"l:ewly refurhbht•d L1el11 apply." __ _ o\ c•r ;i:;, "" Pl'l s or - YOU CAN AFFORD patio. frpl c, mussive ~ -<K~~ WGKI,..~ Slupy.arcl url•a . l 'niqul' Lost: Fem. Pitball 11111: , l' hild n•n . Call Sue Huntinqtonleach 3840 NEWPORT BEACH mslr . SSSO l mo . c,• :Jl~ll>.n.;01,..q location with m11r111l' lite br\\n hair. \'ic :i5 ti · 7707 or lt cnry: ••••••••••••••••••••••• f~u; 7175orlH.r, .3009 1\ gt 832·4134Sinrcl971_ oriented bu.'iincsscs. Of· Trubuco & l~o~ ,\li:,o:, 642·9137 SllARP 3 llr deluxe brach - -- flt·c & hu!>1nc:.!'. spuce 1\1 v . HE w AH D S7 s

2 Br. 2 ba, all hllns, frpl c , f'ncl ~.J r • h alrony Laundry rm S325 TSL ~IJ.:mt t~t:! wo:1

.! Rr, I ' i ha t11wnh11u~l' w patw. (;JO Joann St ~m.tll Pl'h. 5-U\·76:~

2 br to~ nh~c :.! hr llpl w paol &J.Cl'lllll

&IS ~l!JH

unit t> w. frpll' , patio. Park Newport Tvtffft 3190 ttSmh mat~ n8deede<l2. ~~mal e availulile 1\mple park· ?ti8 'SR94

.:ur J\\·:r il !)6()·2.358 ••••• • ••• •••••••••• •••• are - rm oa apl, in~ -------- L.t:Xt:fiY APT 1.1\'l~G $240. UTIL IMCLD 0 1. Must be neat. Rclia· REW ARDll •

IRA.HO HEW 0 " \' ' t I l t LI. le. 556·2940 bcf HAM. & .HJ..4400 ln t1l or return .o. r loon vtrlookmgThc\•Jlc:r •U er. gas. e cc nc1 y r p 1 G liil .., :J Rr apt l rondos. c·onvr l'n1que J & 2 fir •1l 6 :'t · •!!flt' ---- haired v.h1le male t•at ruenthll:,5 umls :l\l.~-IOO knJllY SiS0.000 !;pee Complete n•creal1ona l Quiet roommate wanted Lot.t1215 ~6·.5908. up 96H50i.tHO·liSI l r It ' d I I - - - -_ __ t.1cu ar spa. i :.w1mmmg Jr1 I 1cs . " u ls un Y to share beaulifully furn FOUND Puppv. l .ilh &

:"l:ew rll'luxe twnhs apl ' II! pools, 8 lij!htcd wurti.. Sorry. no pet.i, 3. BR. 2 ba N. B. condo Y PlucentiJ, c~i Cullar. :lhr 211, 1 ftlk hltn' \\' l> m1lrs of btke trail!>, pul Californian Apts Ui.c of garage & launcJQ t\ Ol\'i~mn of Oc:ai:le tvp1,> S.l8·lOtS d\s hkup p.illo dbl attach i, ttng, !'>huCncboards 11932 ~ewport "' e rm. No pets. $200 mo h.t ll JrhrJC l rh '"•lmt•lll Co · · • · UIS 54S·J60.1.963121t! Tu!lttn Call tot.lay : & last + util1t1cs . Found cute hlk 11upplc

&ch~fromS'.?i" 50 mo. 832til22 6.11·3332 -- w collar .. \tlunta &

DA!'ICEOl-" Fl' :'\ Din nude J,tlrl~ dalll'e & rap ::.ess1on. lU,\ :\I to 2\ :\1 Mou Sal 1. :,!::. :--1 . Euclid .\nuh 5.'.i9·613cl FREl::Sl::SSION W 1\1>

RF.L,\Xl:"Ci \IASSAG!o; Bob J Uml.'!>·LIC :\I :1~1'l'Ur

Outl·all 9·9. 4!> I ·51 l l



631-3811 - I BR. pct OK. S220 mo. 326

13th St. Call all 5:30 • US \I ES,\ l>R • l.i\ rlv & new 2 Jlr 2 Ba uµix•r O' look .... SA Coun· t n Club. IJ:JI ll!lli


Abol&2hdrmpluns W,...."--.ln1t- lift .,. , wanted lo s h.arc 500orl00Sq fl of Prime Ma,l!noha. Il li 962·22111 2:.tory townhou&e~ ......... ... ,. b Nt!wporl ret:11I 'l l On· • - - -- ESCOrtTSEH\' ICI·:

••••••••••••• • ••••••••• w /same rand new 2Br location. l mmedi:ilely 1-ound f('m brw~ 1 wh1le MODf::LING OUTC.\l.L Elec. k1tch. pnv, patios LGE t\tlr~H'l1ve 2B r. condo. Laguna Bills ... , ~,l·•blc . Will r~ puppy bt:tw<:_en Gotharci .,.1110ur~ 1.1\' f.; f\icarTlwBcaC'h! & h I · I r · bl ~"oomo7702392 ~•u u ' - - ~ · a co nics. crp t s. w re rig, tn ~. "" · decorate lo l>Ult. :J020~ lkh11-17 - 2711 - ---

s 1; r;:;w -----Caso d~ Sol draperies. p<1rk1n g. rpts ldrps, In quiet acllt GcraqH Ne_wpo_ rl Blvd_675 3551 _ fo'OL'ND: B<!l"e & whllr •SANDY'S*

Villa Vi sta Apts R<>aullful J\dult Apls clc•\':itors. l>lcl,::, no pets. $230 mo. for llent 4350 1

-...t. • ....,al R tal ,.500

male doa. N; Geronimo OIJ'J\:,\LL ;\IASS,\Cj 1-; io7KThurin 1.:a~&WatcrPa1d . utilincl'd897· 1705 ••••••• ••••••• • •••••••• ._1m tft "' & M tl"ltl , 11 .1 "I _ !17J0:'12!1

' llrand nt•w. lur1-:e 2 hr :!llAil BrooJchurl>I , Jin Optional ll'Ulid service -- - ••••••••••••••••••••••• on . " :i.s on • c t•.: ha townhou:.-c w i ram 962· 6653 "'.._._fthFurmshed SINGLEOARAGE 6400Sqflof 'nd ' trial p 0 . jo 586 l3W Attractive Chri~li:in ~n l .....-Un !!"'.a.'!_,_.__~ 3900 Car or storage. 1 ~ r -- -room. Xlnlarcu.S3:'l0. Al Fa.shion hl:ind, Jam · or TWnttMI- $35/ mo 962.3533 perty w/ 1800 sq rt of air 1-' ound : DOG . Mixed i l.5'5' '. 12Slbs. Mcl't r.ln · TSL Mi:: mt ti 12· 160:1 2 Bil.:? ba. frpl. D/ W, g:ir. boree & S:.r n Joaqu1 n ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond ores. 546·165:1. 2<J5G Germ. Sheiiherd type. l·ere i:uy 11) 3 1. l' .O. Box

NEW 2 BEDflOO:'>T ~l;~kShu~t .os.,?}';i!l G 1 2 Hills fid . 13742 Newland Street 3 Car garage ror renl. Randolph J\vc. Ci\! Blk & brown. Approx 6 1_::tL_G.G !12t;.1z __ _ .. fir. '"' t''"C!, ,, , ,., 531 ,., ---- {Ga rden Gr o v c >. 560/ mo. Costa Mesa. 3 2 0 0 sq 1 1 .-I n . yrs. Hunt Bl'h Inn. Coa:o;t ' ,.u w,., .., ~ For leasmg information . Be t ' f 12 bed 00 apls ••79 8 5 • I Ch mn &ts.4fiS& New dlx 4Ple x. 3R r . :iu 1 u r m ., ·124 64 -6414 dui.t/Comm'I. 2952 Ran- ~ wy . Contucl r1s __ f'rplc, bltns. w ' d hkp. 1 n c x c e I I c n t C 1 S.16 1121

l 714/644-1~0 neighborhood. Private :-Oew Garuges. endoscd. dolph l\\' e, C M al · ·_ ·------l.arge 3 Br Townhou ... c ;~~\2• 1~"r $3!JS S-15·3rot. ----------1 patio view rrom :o\•el•· $35 mo. For s tora 0 e onl•·. _~6· 16S3 Found Ladi~s watch. vie v.1th patio, l(ar agc + •"" .. Q J " •

PARKHEWPORT kit c h e n s; enclosed Call6464382. tJOOSq.rt . unit Balboa Peno. on 121~i . pool Quiet l'umplt''( Ca I Adults, no pct:. $350 IRAt-40 NEW Ba c· he Io r !'.. 1 o r 2 G a r 11 ~ c 8 • P 0 0 I : Offfc~ Rental 4400 Spnnklerl'd. £ ·2 fire rut 1 540-529_s ___ _ t.!S 3381or675 ~11•1 I. 2. 3 br umlll. 1" 1 P, bll· Bedrooms & Tov. nhou~cs clubhou~c . $315/ m o. Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• init. Approvl.-d fl berg I us:. FOt;:--10: lge rurrv male

- - - h1.g .. 1r. l-'rom S270. 1-TomS274SO Carmcn () , gr. Apt. 4>at booth. S-155/ mo Aro'~ cloJt,Ary/whL\ic: 11eal& l':\STSIDI-: sunn\ ~ hr. 91i2-77R7 Spectacular :.p a, tolal 894 ·04115 or Wando at 52< C.M. Owner640·1360 Newland.11.B


OutraJ,teous. uulonomous female 48, 5'10", lS<HI want:. n1le O\I. I cou n · lerport. P .O. Do"< 276. C:\t 92ti27

• Sllt:lll LEE• Ccrt1f1e<l ~1 a'iSl'UM'

llouse Calls By 1\ppl. K:l>l-611.18

patio. i:arnAe: hl11111 recreation proi:ram. i52·1920or5-18·8553. Qua 1l EXECtrrlVESUITF. -- -~:!i5 !G021st St r,..IJl :!1:!7 Adult·Qui~t-Cleon social progrum. i pools. 8 Plucc Prop, Inc. Near 0 r ange Co . Refttals W.t.ct 460(l LOST :\1Jle Mghun. \' IC PenOftol Ser•ices 5360

--- - 2 Br 2 Ba, new cpbtdrps, tennis courts. Al fo'ash.ion TIIE EXClTING Airport. Newport ad - ••••••••••••••••••••••• We!> I r l1 l (, nr Dovt•r. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA PIMES, patio, nr bt>ach & Island. Jamboree & Sun dress, prime spucc In· Mature cpl would hke tc Plea:.c call 631·0384 Guys ' llairculs. hl!.inl

'\ t>w studio aptS230. J Br ~ hoppin g, S3JO mo . Joaquin Hills Road. ft.ALM MESA .AP'TS. clds : 2 sep. ofc's. 670 sq. h<>u&e sit ror m onths ol - -- trims or moust:ichc $285. Avail. Jan l!\l 'lm· l27Q 1714) 644·1900 MINUTESTONPT ft. $360. Takeo\'Crleasc. 1,.eb & Mar. Local r er·s l.o~l mall' Chihuahua. ~hared? Call 631 ·9ii l. Pool. Jnruz11 & laundry - BCH. Call 957-8-100 Non·smoklng. No pel11 or long ha1rcd, wht w / ilrn Ask for :\T:irol\ n. rm. Adult.~. nopcL<; Open I Br, bltns. gar . nr PARKHEWPORT Bach.1&2DR. ctuldren. 646·2607 markings. :\I on. e\'c, ----1la1ly. :.!650 Ilaria Ave. Bco ch/Gn rfield . $265 Ba c helors. 1 o r 2 from$220. &up. 65• PER5qFT -- 1227,approx. 6P:\ldur· &ipoyment& C 1\1. l:\1<>sn Vcnk Ori\'<' mo_~_1._12_1_0 _____ 1 Bedrooms &Townhouses Adults , No Pl't.s 1617WESTCLfff'.NB lutlnffi/ lnvest/ ing.acculcni on Preeway Preparation Ea~t off JI arbor fJlvd ). 219 Adams. 2 Br 1, :t Ba i''rom $27<1.SO 1~1 Mesa Dr. AGT. S41 ·5032 An.ce S 7 South. 6 34 · 5316 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M9·2'117 di D/ W Spe~t ·•culur ~pa, tot.~ I CSBlksEaslofNcwport Rewar1l JobsWanted, 7015

s tu o, gar, • pvt • u " " Bl d ) 150 I W•stcliff Dr ••••••••••••••••••••••• - - ••••••••••••••••••••••• f ts 8331693 recreation program , " · • • ... _, __ , Wcsl Side · lBr, bllns . drps. $225 m o. avuil 1 I ·78 599 Hamilto n . 548·7313

pa 10· nope . · I 546 9860 Newport F1·nanc1'a1Clr --.... LOST : :\iule 7 mo. Boxer, Pr~ct1'ca l rem nurce & lt' tn socia program. 7 pools, 8 · Opportumty SOOS Reward'. ~ed1um brown u ~ '

RI.ADY HOWi tennis courts. At Fus hion 12621 Fl owcr Street L~ Office Spact ••••••••••••••••••••••• color. 551.0088 hskpng work, days, Mon 2Br. pnled, cpls. drps, Island, J a.mboree & Sun (Garden Grove) . Large 1 Call on Sile Manager DISTRIBUTORSlfl p Fri, 8 hrs, al SS.00 Xlnt

ASSIMIL Y LE.AD Assembly or s mall elec· tro.mechumcal devices Req's e'(per. in dirccttn~ work or up lo 10 ;i::.· semhlerl!. STACOSWtTCH INC 1139 Duker Cosl11 M~a

549-1041 J-:qual Oppor Employer


.:'\l•<'tlcd Immediately lA>n~ & :-.horl term ni. !>11lnm1:nl:1. llollday & \' Ul'Utton P:\ Y Jl1111pirnlizn tion plan available. Start today !

~c:~ 546-474'

IAcroi.s f)'om Orange Co. Airport)

1.-:qual Oppor Employer

------~---\SSE:\l lJLY & DR ILi. l'llfo.:ss WORKERS. ap11 ly in person 18170 £ucl11I St. Fount:ii!:!_ Vu,!.1cy_. _

ASSEMILER Sm firm in Orange Co ,\Jrport ar1:a nds e lect ro mcchn1cal & mech a .., semhler ror prec 1n strumenLUl1on. Ex1l re q 'd, top pay for n1?hl 1->er.,on. frtnl(C' ticneftt,, ph Hon ,\dams for appt 557~51 t: .O.E - ---

ASHMILERS Xlnl bcnl'l1b. SmJll :\tr~ l'O . Small c·om1>0nenh Good m.rnu3l dexterity~ l'}'CS1j.thl. I Yr. min cx per. (;all Lillian 581·~. M.V. area . -----

ASSEMBLERS 1-:xpcr. soldcnng & PCB.

IOMDERS J\1ust h:we e'(p. w I ~cori<' . Spor t s Timing & T t>chnoloi:y, 3621 W. Muc,\rthur, Suite 11\1 Sunla Amt.

!i:i7·59% ----lba. Gas stv. Adlts. no JoaquinlhllsRoad. bedroom apt.s ., close to (714 )642-3Ulexl246 SOFTDRINKS Found: Small Black Doi( refs & res ume uvl. New 2 br. ct~rd"n p nUo, ts .,.....,.., 425 " A" 1714J 6•4 1900 ht T lberl & Ell's in fas/ Wknds. 645-8472 ASS I ST/\ NT COO I\ · ., ... " .. pc . _.,.,mo. "' • shopp ing. Will lake lx-·.....iveRow In- ALLTOI' wn a 1 · -D/ W, pool,adul ts. 12t.h St. child r en: laundry -"" .. NAMEBRAN~ Fountain Volley . HetpWMttd 7100 l·:x pcr not. neress:iry.

329 Avocado. 548-8994 $430. 3 Br. 2 ba. encl. gar. facllllles. $l9S·~05/ mo. Ofc space in Newport· 1 n v es l men t ran .IJ E 962 2312. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rwat appearance. soml· . 2Brunfum apts.Starting Blktobeach. Oulcony,no Ull ll lies paid . Call AirportAtea.Reception, SJO 000 1-· hockground. sa lar~

Sl7!).2Br,pvlpai10,cpt:o1 , at $245. Ch ildren pets 836.7343. Quall Place phone ser v .. conference 55 . 000 : · · . · or LOST : nurf y Silver oix·n. The 1-·1sh Uuckl'I d.rps. ref rill. s t v, 7il B Wt' I com c, no pe l s. TSL.Mgmt 64,,. 1603 Pr 1 rm, kitch, secy serv, die· further information. call while Persian cal, male. Accounting ltc~lauranl Call Stoll James St. 673-n87 IM6·0007&636·0891 --- t. op, nc. t atlng & copy machine. orwritl' 12123. D<>erfield. Irv If Yow W.t Gi:l 7-120btwn2& ·1PM

- Costa MHa 3124 C9'ta Mesa 3124 1'•romS290. (710752-1170. Reward. Call Cathy at To Wort& :osfaMt1a 3824Costa~a ltZ.( •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GOLDENBF.AR ~-543lor962-7464 •••••••••••••••••• •••• • •••••••••••••••• ••••••• Koll-Irvine Center DISTRIBUTING ----------- NOW!!!!

/\SSIST/\!'IT MANAGI::R rart-tcmc. 2 days/wk. al allr:icttvc apt propertv. Ofhce & rmnor m ain tenance. An.ell Mgmt 752·1583 . Mediterranean Village

' • . . .

' .

•Beamed ceilings, wood paneling •Grasscloth wallcovering •FireRlaces, wet bars •Dishwashers, walk-in closets •Balconles patios •Park·like iandscaplng •Swimming pools, l!CUai •tJghted tennis caw14 •Minutes to freeways & beaches •Security systems assure privacy

• .... odM

•-oowa .. I •-z • TOWtllOUll


1 BEDROOM + DEN APTS . • 1 Bedroom, 2 ba th

• Over 1000 sq. ft .

• Large balconles

• Walk-in closets.

• Paneling & fireplaces

•And much much rnore!

557-1820 Gl

9AM·5:30 PM every day , • ....,.. _,........



[email protected] Village 2400 HarbOi Btva., Cclta ~~·· Caut.


Executive &lites SYSTEMS. Inc REWARD - LOST : Male All size sui tes now avail. 8383 Wilshire Olvcf, Suite black Lab, \' iC Bayside (182-400 sq. ft .) Rent In · 644. Beverly H il ls, (;1\ Dr & Carnation. Cd.M. cl : Recept., phon& ans.. 002ll Am : to "Jumpcr ".12129 uut .• janitorial. man & (213)6S5-8m3 Wearing red scarr & collee serv .• conl. rm. sliver choke c ha in .


ROlllltlTNR ... 'a

a~unlen1)S Automotive lounge, ldtch privgs & For Sale Pociflc Ht'atina 675-4044 ror Bob prof. secretarial aerv. on Sheet Metal bus incas. premltes. (714)540·0515 494·974Sor63'1·2000. LosL arey Cat, female .

New Detail Shop Meds T~Mf'ORARY help. ASSIGNMENTS Top wages paid. En~ine

- shorthalr. Vic. San Joo THI .,.CflHT Lady or ladles t.o operate quin Ilills & San Miguel

LONG OR SHOH1" Steamers. eng pa inters. TERM buffers & polishers. up·

""L.._. ........ TIYE lunch counter in o very Dr CdM 640..aoos "" t ~ nice beollh food 11lore In ' --· -----·

WE NEED hols lcry shampooers. ACCOUHT AHTS check out. pick up & de·

Mo. to mo. ren t Incl : Costa Mesa as o con- Lost Dec 28. 7 mo Fem R ec c pt . a c r v . , ccMion. Cood opply to . Shepherd. blond clr , hlk penonaliwct phono cOV• have your own bualno111. nose. Call 545-0150.

IOOtCKllPIAS Uvery. 1\pply at ACCOUNTING CUCS 2000 JJ11r1>or Ill . Cl'll

craee. cont. rm, mall 7~1-7662 · Found : Male Gray & aerv •• underground prkg --•va •""'•ucy White O(J". &!O'erstrom. ac more ln Newport. I - "'W9" .. .. Alllt For:

THE EXECUTIVE I.fl us show you how to nr Jo'atrvlcw & Bristol , ..... ,,.edtriclt SUITE, 840..Sf?O atl.Ut an lgenc)'. Travel _s_A...,963_·3171G ______ 1 Or Doris w...,.,.

fJJ~GLE to s room awta eicp. not ncce11ary. Total Found Mole Afghan. nr. Or JnsM TalwD ov~ll . ... r OC Alrr.ort. •lArtup. It opentlng Goldenweal fJ Deep

6~ capital ~ulred $30,000, tt.,,.-.. Uft <U2 ....... 547 7375 f\a tervic• avaJ . In· t7H>&t8•n4l n .. ...,. n.o. '"' .._. • dlad rttt'ept. lo artawtr f"ound : Lo n a Haired S40GoldenClrclc plloncl . Conference r.Jt1e... Irey/ whit e male cat. Stc212 Santa Ana ='~::1:."p.~~ 0,pll......, &0•1 rookhursl/ All•nla,HB <OCHthSt. between c.U 7l4lus.a84f. ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• _DG-0 __ 14_2______ New~•SA f'tW)I)

CLHk TY,.sn ., ___ e.i_ S·_l030 _ _ _


•-------.-". - I( you•,.. not IMtlnt t3.9'i:. lbve aomethlng you Waftl ...,.~ Parkbla n-• jOS tld Muir for rduro oo your lnvut to aell? C1atSlfled ads do I 000/o "" --------- c,• ••• 1oocUu will\ a menl. call sandy llc:u. It well - Call NOW, Te ~c..t Hav• 10mtthlng to .. ut Q..iftedad.;IGNTI ~ AJuCo. 137-374'4 142-5171. 1--------1 Claqlflcd•dsdolt weJI. •

Saturday. ~mber 31, 1977 OAfL '( PILOT CJ I

( Add 1t. .. 8u1ld it. .Diaper 1t...Hammor rt •.• Carpet SERVICE DIREC ... ORY Plumb i t ... Patch 1t ... Plpe ll. .. Remocie t it ..• ~t I 1t •. Cement 1t •• Wire it ... Hoe it. .. Clean 1t ... M ove 1 . 1 Root lt...Landscape lt.. .T ile it . .. Tr im it.. .Sewit. .. ~i~t.• .. ~P~r~e~S\~it;.....P;..:;a~1n~t~•~t.~ .. ~N~a~1~1 ~l t~ .. ~. P;..;,;ta~s~te~r;..;.;:l t~ .. ~.F~1~x~i~t~ .. :.....-------------------------------------------...;..------;...--------~H~a~u~l ..;.;lt~ .. ~· ~A•d•do..;,,;it• .. •. -P.1 a~n~t-.-it~ •• ··•A•l~te.r __ l~t .•..• L.o•a•r•n_i.t.~·,.:

.,.. __ , • .,...,. c:.,.t Senlce Col*octor Gc:rdenlltg Hou1edNnlnq Mcaonry ,......,, ...... CJ P~Paptrinca Rooflnc) ·······•··············· ..........................•..•..••••....................•........•... ....................... ...............•.•....•...........•....... , ..........•.......••. ,.,.. .................•..••• ~

JUrJ Applt•MtSC'rv C...rpel M.ul WllJ lay ' 'our11 R J .Huffman & Son. Ccn Wi':l!:UING Cl.t:/\~Ul'S Want u RF.i\l.l.Y Cl.F.AN Ur1ckwo1 k. Sm111l Jdbs. YOUNG ~11\N. !i yrs cl!cpr tVSTOM PAINTING. R001"S FOR t,F.S,q •• ' . ·rrur ClfAl«a: ~'° nr min« n"'pi11 r11 & Contr Cwswm Alt & Adel, W~kly Mrunll!nancc llUVSE" Call Gingham 1'i<'WJlOrt. C<>11to Mesa 41 In wall tc>vcrlng . 1'' r ce Exterior Speelallsl. 15 All t } r>t'fl. tlnun u' ail.

202.\S MJua. s \ clcl&nlltg loot worlil pat• 011 , c 1i l>I n 1.1 t 11 , 1'hl(• ~t s-12 9007 t:irl Pre.- est~~ $123_ Irvine . ti75 3175eves. es\.s. 6458576Andy . yrs local refs. tliE~l\· t'ree e:.l , IH·/bomJ'd, in 549 l&22 'IS'i Oil~ <it l111u1rr • .1vin1it:;. 1-'n•c formira. Nt!w t·orllll . ltc:~ Mo l llouae Pw Li & 10 dcd/in3rd, siuol' urk-1 sr. Senlor ctlltMs lllscnt

- - est.*"S3&16 & l'OUlm 'I 645-4611 ur Gefteral Services 1\hl't'' ll ou~cl'le.in1n1t • tKJ NB cn~An . yrs,~~1 Free eats. Won'l un• MM-Ot21 lln)llm~ eai,..,t.,. --- - - -- ~ Li & bo 1 t ••• •• • ••••••••••••••••• lleai.. tt'huulc. rt'l 11 Own •••••••••••• • •••••••••• ~r • m areas. • dcrl11d 1138·1081 ----••••••••••••••••••••••• C-..t/ COftc:l'et• l . c ~ ll.A.."DYMAl'I t:nrpt>nlr~ . l1Jm i.l2 7207or&tG '871 T<Ao ~lt· 11 Wiil !\love · MALL - MY PRICES - j --'• llOOl-"S 111.'Slalled factory DOORS , w1ndow:c ••••••••••••••••• •••••• B.c:trical t•l«ctn<'JI, plumb1n" & Yo11 " W~ h,rndlc big AH~ S~IALL. Ron ,._... R..,.- dircct . es1.nb~yr11 C,il

L • ,. SU ... SHINE GIRLS · r · & &&2 67'J'J •••••••• •••••• ••••••••• 11 .. -·ld GuM '"'" ""'' l • cabinets,i.helve:. AL Co11crett!work . •••••••••••••••• •••••• rtoorsSt7 · 27117.5:-.7 1~1 .... move:. nt ice '" " '""..,., Rough/ finish. Pickup Block, brick, s lump & ELEC'TRlCAL SF.ll VICf.: -- - llousedeanini.: & off ace hou~<'hold . D1i.l:trico & Prof paint '& & paperhang· VERY NEAT PATCH - ' • -work. &&2·6783 ooncrcle walls. Security CALL..<i$15 hr, & SMALL GrodiftCJ 1>JX•r1alist:.. \\c wcko111e loca l, al so packina In•. Clean, work guar. JOBS"TEXTURE Leak Ktpoir :Special~

0·~1ders. 0',.911" JOBS""""...,., • •••••••••••••••••••••• ll 1-~. ac<.'ounLs S~·c1,1l ~ Luwt's l lt• .. al r1tle p" f'reeest. ~·1439 i\11 roots, free e::t. C-'S I ..,... - °'" 0

'""........., A t & C d " " rec est 957 · 09~1. -- -- -- Wood ward Roofanc _,..., .,-,, ce ' --- -- Sk1pload~. Dum(l lr1Kk V ~ 1111 os . u.1y , IJl' 111 ~rd Cal 'f llU,.l.a. 536-4.'l83 PATCH PLASTERING Mwnlcn11nce &U·\403 2~ · : •••••••• ••••••••••••• CllildCcre Hllbban:ISectric JJ:iuling, tree work . week or month. Bomlrd, Ph~l7727ll :-;humpoo&steamclcan ••••••••••••••••••••••• l..ic327136 645·007'1 "rad111", de1no ttl· ll c'd, ln i.ret. Hers. - - ----.- PalntYourC H A ll t ypes, Fr ee hn..

.. .. :>JV !.152.'> as e et1tl11'\8UIS. Ca_!l 540-6825 T--- r-k• Color b~llhteners:. wht New Year's Eve. Jo' amll)' £LECTH ICl /\N·Prir;;d- 831-1257 - - - - Paintlnq/P ..... ng Averaf(eExlr1Slry $3!15 ,..,.,.._.. .. "Pl~ IO mm bleach. Clcun w/watch your children nghl·free e:,llmate 011 Haullnft llOUSEC:Li':A '\/ING is our • •• •••••••••••• •••••••• 2Story $S45, lntr S45rm PATCH PLASTERING •••••••••••••••••••••• • hv,dtnrm, hal1Sl5.Avg neKtdaypkupOK. S.Cst I 1• · b ., bu,1ness . Hcltoblc PE1'10:ltSPAINTING l'rlceginclmatrlt lab<>r A ll t ypes. l"Y ee Removals. trlm m\r11f. rm ~7 .50, c:ouc:h $10, chr Pl .. •a .. rca c lG·"'·co argeor sma •JO :;, • • ••• • ••••••••••••••• • • t t CaJl <Ao.:v')• . L'- I I ' I S5. Guar ehm ""l odor. .... ... . ~ ......... Liccru.ed 673035!1 oc:c STUD.ENT. lil'' ~ . M'lllCC . Janirr·~ Hag .. ; ,1>r 'd Reas Rates. Guar/ lnsr·F'reeest. cs1maes. .r< .,....., pruning rn>ee ... IC'(,

"" --- - "' ''l'tly Ann's :1t tl4a· l800 1-' rc:e 1•;1t t. Call Gene _ l.1<'320881. Ted 636·7085 ""t.,:AJ__ ~ l~1Sr_d. 968-_ 9295, tit2 ~2.1 ('flt rl.'pair. JS yrs expr ,.~ SPECIAL OFFER ton truclc Tra'> h, tnm. .. _ ~ ~\5S ~ -Uo work myself. Refs ~or etc. Randy&!.:! 5703 HOUSECLUNIHG )UCllAEl-5 PAINTING : ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wateri>ed1 5.11--0101. •••••• •


0••M••••••••• ;:lo~l~~ ~~;t~l~-l _ Hone C~ Servic~ Call f..&S-74J.t __ 1'

1nn.?, F

1ESSnt .. •rl/OENx..\tnLr. ~!,.,i~~-. ext. houses &t comm. llOMESAVeRS. Plual'lb· •••••••••••••••••••••••

,.. ~ • '" UJ bldg's. 675·514 I aft. 5pm mg & Heatina. Free est. Pine & So 11 d 0 .i k Clea n Hola' day ••• ••••• •••••••••••••• • "special. Cpl & Upbol Gardefti,,_ San"le re~por'"alill' .·i ·'ull SUMSHIHE GIRLS " \\OI k jluar t;.t2-038o__ --. - SlO hr. Honest & reliable waterbeds Complete lll\M

ADDITIO~S .. ., .. J .., u c.. c t'lne paantrng a t slay busy l'er\'ace. BofA, MIC OK. & acc. nensonablt• . l..ic/11\brd/ituar.J r m,no " ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loc: al refs. llornh•I al r\Jlt) IX"" ,.om<'ando P.llnlH\A. Extr / lntr EX· pnc<.'s. Tryme.frc!>l, Sl 7513150orij47-0383 Terry's Nwpl · lla) M hm1t SlS 9S, halls & Apartments & Hoostis Di~ It J...and., i·ape M uin· Ill'~". l'rt'f coa:.tJl ttrl'J 1!l'C cle:uun,.: puck a~~· 11rd. hon~1 . neat, 're as. lic/ ansrd. 836·5555 00.0161 l1alhrm fre<' . L· l ·1''· E Kitchen Remodl!hng t,..11.,111 •. e .· ,:-.1.,w & .... (' " e ~!Ii •. !:?Ht. Spi•c· ial Apt~ & It. • t..a" tl 96H045Da\'e Any plumblnR. water -----------Sy i; t pmc; 63 1 ·5350, Plans&Pinanl'lnf:Avui l. ' ~ ' " '"" -- work . Bondl'tl ansun·d f ndepen d ent Paper serv. leaks. bathroom P in e & So l ad Oa k t.15·:J939uftG. Forfreecstcull6Jl ·J(lfi5 Full miunl . haultn.:. Uon't l!H'c up lhi: :.lup ' 1-'rl~·est.s&:!lthrsentl'C. Interior.. exterior paint· ll a ni:er . The fine st encl, cerarruc tJlc. Reas. walerbt:dsO>mplPte lme

- KenAhrenbcrg&Rill clean·ups, r ototilhng , " List" it in da:.salu:ll . !>10!1~-- ___ in i;. Sup r c m c c rartsmans hip avai l. 832·241i8 & ac c. Reasonab le'. Find what you want in Shcrbacorr IXOY E F'ree l'"~mato 675 55l6 Ship lo shvru r esults ' workmanship. Dill Jack Lac11nsrd. Refs & free est Terry• s N w pt . u a y Uatlv l'1lot Classifieds. Licensed & B<1ndcd ,~ant J\d Help" 642 5678 &12·5678. Want All Hesult.s 642·567ti ~7894 -\.--- 673 3658 Want Ad IJelµ? 6.12·5678 &t2·0161


.... W•t.d 710C HelpWoRt•d 7100 ~Ip Wonte d 7100 He4pWc..ted 7100 ~pWanted 7100 Help Wonted 7100 HelpWonted 7100 HetpWcmted 7100 tWpWonted 7100

························~· ··· ·· ··· ···· ········ ·······•··············· ······················· ······················· ······················· ····'Si 1v·········· ······•··••••••••••·••· ••••••••••••••••••••••• l lribyi.itter for 17 mo. old float carpenter, c,ipablc Cashier P /T. Thur'! Sun. t:ompanian nel'lil'<I. r e OENT,\r, ASSIST.\ NT Gardener needed ror apt Housekeeper. live in/ oot. Maintenance Man. SouUt i:arl. My home or youf1; of detail work on cus tom Call Uarhara for appt, ta red fem ov<.'r tiO w «.1r Part timl'. .1pprox ~5 hrl> complex in Costa Mesa. Laguna Beach. Mon-1''ri, O. c. area, plumbing ltt'c t.lulure with rcforences. ,•achls. Cood benefits. 5 10 J2Mtl Must hkc tu :-hop & ~at µ ~i. Mu~l lie 1·xp<'r. in 121Jl86S·3851 7am·lpm. 49"t· l328 LAI TECH carpentry. Own loots &

· out. Huom & hoard 111d ·di 1ih· :.~ uf de H try - - - - - - -lrvanc or Cosld Mesa The Willard CA>. E •. cu: C .... a .. 'fL·urs l '/ tunc, male ~ I •1. 6~ · ':. · HOUS l:':KE EPER. very BIO.MEDICAL tran s p. Full l ime .

nJ " II "" 5387 1300 L "'' ,. M '" "' Sm. salary lo right lady ., 5 ~ - light work in exchanc1e "'•• ·""33 ureu . o y . ".:i 5f1- . ' ''.I~ an• "'. . or fl'm. Exp<'I'. not nee 540 IX1.J4 ... ENGINEERING -"'"--""- ------.-cvenmgs or 675·3736 and 714 .5-U~R2Z . for llmoui. 111e sc•rvu·e. · JJc:.k clerk, week end GENERAL for rent & ulil. 8 Hrs MANAGEMENT. ~mess age. M cchan 1 c a I c x per . COOKS 1layl>. Ambassador Inn, p/wk. 49.1·8131 Salnry : $l066per month PEOPLE P ERSON Babysitter, Fri & Sat . Bookkeep ing muchine helpful. c:ill Tuc!>duy Breakfas t , Lunch, d in- l!Ml!ISo.Bristol,SA LABORERS Houseme n & maid s Exec. ne<!ds pl time as· night s Some week operator for auto de- b<'lwn IO · :l for uppt. ner. Exper\I. Apply in Dietary asi.istants. i''ull Needed Immediately needed . Apply Be n Immediate openmg for l'~K'· in wholesale supply. rughts. 75< p/ hr, Sl. aft . ale1"sh1p. Xlnt Crin ge 7i.it770·26ll'J person . Ma Barker 's lime. lmmed. openings & short term as· Brown's Motel, 31106 Qualified Individual able "ull y capi lall ze<l . madnl~hl" ~osla ~1esa bencfil'i & working con CIVIL HestL1uranl, 2l2 i-; . l7th 1.ido Con valescent Mgnments. Holiday & Co ast Hw y , South lo perform various pro- _642_?._1634 _ _ . _____ _ nr~~ · ~~-4360ext. 32Sor d1l1ons. Call Gordon EHGIHEERIHG St.C.M. Cenl<'r ,641i·77&i v a cal ion p ay. _L_a...;f(\l_n_a_. ______ , ~uraJ assignments in MECHANIC 55t.-3799aft.6 Tavlor ror appt Hospitalization plan supparl ofprototype de·

- - 71-1 ~Ii 7070 DESIGNER DONUT SI IOP l R VINE. available. Start Toda ! H 0 U S E W l V E S & velopment oC medical de· SR. MECH AH IC Dahp;allcr <or 16 month Expcr'd in :;ub di\i,ion • COOK exper'd counter help , I S T U D E N T S ! vices. I.e .. artificial Responsible for servir<' ol<l boy. P /t1me Mon· -- - __ work. 1\ ppl\• 111 p~r:.11 11 , tu Days Only part·Ume. early morn1n1i 'Y' ~ .1 .. Housecleaners needed, heart valves, embolec· & main t e nance f or Wl:<l & Thur:.. Noon lo Bookkel' JH•r / Ti·pht '\tr. Fuentes, Hobl•rt ApplylnPt·rson hrs 552·1441. ~ JI... <':µ' req. Up lo $100/ wk. t o my c alhe tera and marine labs at Coron.1 10 :lOPM: M y h?mc or p lime or Pi tame Anlng Ilt'in. Wilham Fru~l .\ After 3 P~1 ----- - ' - ~ · 646-1006, 673·8158 membrane oxygenators . dcl Mar. Min 3 yrs cxp'1n ·'·ouf'. 1'1d~ 0 K . Refs ofl 1t·e Li •alho~1 hi.ind . Assu1·. MO! Quail M, SU Tlte .Anclettt McrinH' DRIVERS 3848 Campus Drive Will <lo procedural t est manno teclmology, 111 · t.11 ·~7 or ~18 1314 G73·38Hol 2G07 W Coasl Hwy, NH l•:ar ly AM, 3·6 d t•h vl•ry 546-4741 Immediate openin~s full cakulaUons and analysili dud sea wnt:er system,,,

--- -- --- - I \ Times C M & "o or p/ time. No exper . nee. of results, ma1'nta1·n 1'n· plumbin" & "en'l shou TIABYSJ'J'Tl·:ll for School BOOKKEEPER ClEAuluG l"'DY " ' . . ·~ . (Across From A"es 17 thru 28. 5404448. " ., "

"'" A ~ J\ S"SO mo ''a l l ... s trument.s arid prepare s kills. Refri"eration uget·hildrcn.1 ·45 lo.\ :30 COOK · · · " · " OrangcCo. Airport) MarineCorp. " P M. Mun thru t ' ri . COMMISSIONS nL"<-'Cled to rll•Jn ot(i<'cs ~5-0770Uoh . EqunJOpporEmployer reports. maintenance & repair Irvine K33· lllitS Npl llch lnvc~l 1'' irm . l'vcmn~s Mon lhru 1''rt· Expcr'd only. All shifts. capabi lity desirable .

_ F charge commsn's bk· llJY l\lus l he hard work Good pay & bencftl.,. All DRIVERS/ P·Time Inspection • APPLY Send resume indud. sa.I lJADYSI TTER Needed. kp'r. Rcq "XP in ~·g brd mg and trustworthy. t:all ply, Jolly Roger, 400 S to <leliver L.A Tames. GENERAL MANAGER RECEIVING EMP'LOYMBIT info to employ meol T'l"cf my ho me. San S}S. knowledAe an r ead· SXl-5988 Coast llw y. La~unu Ston·s & street racks wanted f 0 r new DEVELOPM!MT supervisor: Cl I 5 d 7 30 l &>ach Mw.t be O\'er 18, hJ\•e rc-.taurant chain central IHSPECTOR C/\L TECH t>mcne · ys, : 0 ang computer reports . - van or pi c kup. al~o S mall prec1siofl DErA.RTMEHT Pasadena, Ca9112S 5P\l 493·2ss7 Bobhie &l().()IZJ. c• 1: .......... G I "'DY ltab1hl\. IOSurancr oc: Mus t be very capa· machined & molded 5584544 Equal Opp Emplyr - -- ~" " ~ COOK J ble of all start up rune·

11 ·\R'tSITTl-: R needed . BOOkKEEPERF/ C needed to dtan offi<•c 5-1 11!15.1.\j. F: () E. \pply lion s _ design, s at e pa r ts fo r electro- AdI'a1dForbyemployer m/ f/ h l'i limi'. my home. Mon 2 Day~ per wk, perm. 1 blrlg. in :-O:wpt Orh area . :i No Ex per. Necc:.sary hcl\\cen II JO & 5 f'~I. ~election, openjng, lr atn me ch an1cal d ev 1ces

1 M E 01 CAL REC p


thru ~'r1 . 1 :iotns · 30 . ~ . F: 1 '1rl ofc. 1" 17 Wcs. tcliff eves a ~l·ek Tolul HI Apply an person ----- --- t " "t1 • With u r" l Working knowledge 0 SHILEY' "'IS,l .... C. ' · " " AflerJP M F:lcctronic a ssemblers n,.. " '" c r " 1 Yl4 .5 true positioning """' "' Salary ope n, frl ft~

llunt lkh. 2 d11fclrcn J>r. 110. 21 1, N.U. l'honc hr ' wk. t;ood pay. Call The~ient Mariner Exp'dor lramt'es. Appl" munaitemcnt ex p cr . pref'd, proficient use or EqualOpJ>Ortunity benef its,Spaoishh<'IJl.fol .5::nllart fi,!H;H7llil ___ for;eppt.1;.151373 58J .~)ll8 111 pe rson !1· 11, 5812 111,:lh w come potent ial measunng instrument.s ___ 1-:_m_p_loyerM/ F Bri s tol Park Med

' 2ti07 WCoa~t llwy,l'IB Call494·SIOH G Bk C 1 Dubys it11•r 1'111·, ,\ Frr ll Hoo K Ki-; i-; I' r: It f 0 r - Ill-Scarth Dr . JI B rcq'd LEAD PERSON roup 722 a er ·!'I 10 s 1 \' 1111 ""'' I\ 1 ·--------- - - n · ST ·c· osw1TCH 1 ... c ---· - - _:_ -=--. · · ' · 'UIJhl· ,\ n·t)!. oil'. 2 or 3 •- EI. 1-; c TH o N I(' AS <i 1-.NI-: ,\L <>FC llK r:-.ic; "' " 2nd shift. Med1cul Assistant, ex-p'd h 11 ml'. 11 w n tr •1 n " · ll1t)S :1 "'k 1·a11 : !It;() 2-136 Clencal COOK l'XJ>C. r rcq II 10 key all el J J.39 Baker Costa Mesa S4ti·k~I -- _ _ _ Port timt• Som<' t''(!lf'r st-: MBL\' & WIH IN(i , · · 50 · d

549 3041 For CiberglllSS & resin pref .. back&fronl offict'

- - BOOKSTORE CLERK JR. CLERK "'111 fnl·ndly comp,1ny typin~ wpm. goo • co mpression molding. 1'1exible hours. Also Pall Tuih)'1Llcr my N.H. home "-,'xperiencc nC"eS"ar" nN· t\ppl) in 1i..·rlooll. Thi' 111•"' 1 Jc· J11 tic:- . i;uull compJny benefit--. ref's EQuaJ Oppor Employer Exper. rt.oq. Other posi· lime X·ray technician lo ·• Ah Id 1 " .. ' ~ J SR CLERK l>crhy, 1262 S. E. Bn ~lol. l11•ncf1• 0 '--ate··' in' ' '. I rl'Q'd. Newport Beaeh. ll s a ' I J t & 2 d Newport Beach ar•u r " ' 1 ren, uay a Write P 0 Box •14111. • S \ '"'"' .....,.._- "' '- ·• F time & P/ t1me. K. _________ __, oru · vai · on ~ 11 ~ •

• ~t>ls 640-4~5_. __ lrvtnc. CJ\. 92716. lllalln" • · <:.ell Chuc·k fctr ap11l .11 ----------t shilts. Apply in person. 714 :646-519-l • ,. & CLERICAL ~ST COOK ~c:wporl :'llanne Enf:m ll~dcr.IH2·2211 CAMBRO MFG Babysitter ft tame 3-4 da)s cxpenencc• and wa~e re· IHJERMEDIAJE MED TRANSCRIB ER :l "k for 2 i.m children. qwremenl~. Raleigh Jhll<.tto,p necnng645·3632 GEHERAL OFftCE '7601 C1ay A\•e. H.B. <W of for . Pro (e s s i o n a I Soml.' o n •It G ><>d -- ------- • Vuraed JOIJH with & l50lr~.· ·111~~h5.:'is'!,o· N7 U. ELECTRICl"'H J . Herbert Bench, So.EoOrGEarfield) secretaria l scrv1'ce in • · ~er 'J!

1 •

1 BOYS · GIRLS without expcr. 11' good .._ .,.. A CLERK TYPIST pnv . Nowknd~. 586-3956. f d " ( ' II -- ."mli·o n4--'s· Syr"vrir'•I llaJIJeweller'I Newport Dcach, rrr. - . --- 12·!1; years or a"e. Even- o c :.urroun in,,s . '1 ' ' "'""' ~' ' I So C l Pl " Ti 1 l'OOK. Lunch W:iitrcs~ . l'lee'lr1c1 an. Top y,11._:1·~ n . · oas aza S7J9PerMonth LecialSK'y F /T, da ys. Mu st be

llABYS I TT IN G f or ing work . Obtain new ocuy . ... OFEES Bartender , all p/ t1mt'. Wcwdcoss Ele C' tre1 n<'ed~ u resp. person l.o Coursesorexpeneneeln For busy H. B. office. knowledgeable in a ll Tcal'lu.: r in own home. suhM·111>lions ror thc Dai · "' ..... . -,.1.l87 work in thu ofc. Vara· el'. d . I I It '

( Apply, Snn franrl~l'un •. ~• , ~ ·' typing or office practice must have minimum 6 me 1ca s pec a IC!L

Nil. 7::KI AM lo ·• PM. lite l.v l'ilol working with an €Q~ o f ice • llil7Westcliff Or. NH - - ------ ot duties. Exper . helprul. is desired. Must be r csl· mo. CUlif. expcr. 847-6041 Rapid typing & accural~ housekeep'.: . May blin,i: atlull i.upc·rv1sor. Eurn - - hul w11l ln11n. Call Dcts.v, dent of Costa Mesa, un· spelling mandator.'. own ' ml child . Providr S20 to $.10 per w<'<'k or Q overload l'os metic Salr<;, expl'r ENGINEERING ~1!11379. employed 15 of last 20Legal Secretary, Salary commem1u ratt• ""n 1r.1n,, ref:;. Call more. C.111 C2l3) S!l#·O~JH I' time permanrut pus AIDEll - - weeks & m eel income CrimanaJ & civil liliga- with ahllltlcs. e~ lli3·!1:.:t!I no()n to 5pm (213 ) 557.0061 }>resugeDrugS1me.hch . fN n h GEHERALOFFICE Je,·els as verified b• tJon.Charmingo(fJrein perlt'nccdonlynecdapp

·-H\-Kl-' ltE 'd 498·2473. 5pm .9pm. Call 3723°1rchSl .. ~fl a r"a . .. tr. L: 1wo111l l ll YO ewport l':ll' Lite t .\Jl lOIJ & bkkp'o. ~ I Call Cll.· k r 0 ~ .. r_ s JG s 38J p '1 <> " EDD. Open unti l filled J.anuna Beach. Must y. &w--0...,..1, as· or ' • xp or appren- Collect ·---------•( '75-0150 11 · I c:r" 11 tall ti7 .'.i· 1636 for Ill · " nd

llC'<: (;jll hlwn. lJ,\.\I & -------•·----- h Filing deadline l :i i ll . tervaew. Newport t-ioor Contact Personnel Dept .. have xJnt sec'y ~kills & Jill Ht erson 496 UIO ~--------- U.ElllCAL t-' f ~ C1ly llall. a b I e l o ass u m e _noo_ n. . IUILDl ... G C R ED I T U N I 0 N or an ormalaon < ap Covcnng responaiblhty. Pleasing Models. (2) needed for - ----• "' DEPUTY Cashier- Clerk. Orange rlccat1011s cont~ t l - pe rsonality a mu s t . color brochure. $100/per

l ... SP'ECTOR 1 Co. Credit Union. Los Personnel ore . • 33011 GlRL FRIDAY .. J w 1 L d "' Salary open. 497-1729 ~ ·r. . . .au an ilicap-Ranking TELLER

For our C~ta Mesa or. f ice. 1-:xp!'r preferred. Call Mr. Donnelly ut 5-lo ZlOO

CahCornia Federal Srcvrnl(s & Loan

2700 Harbor Blvd. CM &tual Opporl ~mployer

CiCy of Newport Beach CLERK I Alamitos area . Needs Newport Blvd , N. B Oncgirlorrice, liteboo\c. tng675-8459arter5PM Sal $1253 to$1522 mo S600·S86.'i PC'rMonth staffmemhC'r.35 hrs per t>W·210t. keeping, 10 key, type. LEG.ALSE~:r • MOTHER'S HELPER

Req's 2 yrs journeyma n Or$3.86Pc:rHour ~eek . Tue lbhfu Sa\Ac· ---liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-• phone p e r sonalit y ~m. ~us1ness l1t1gation Live in. Newborn & Syr level exper. in electncal curacy & a 1 aty to 1tn· ENGINEERING 962·5S9l fi rm m Npl Cnlr seeks old. Own room & saJarv. construc tion. FilinK de · Th · · h die money mosl lmr>Or· x I aJ M l ~., adline Jan 9th 1978. For there

0arc opcntnJ~S wit tanl. Full employee GIRL FRIDAY, for CPA ~ ~r. e per. e1 secy. us Engl.spk'g,557.9797

e range County benefits. Wrtt<.' : t: . J DESIGN AIDE oCc Ill CdM. Recent exp. ~f:Jffi· ··,t (ij'l • ..:.;·a JjUjlOJ@~~~. m~i h 8 ve x In l s kl lls . 1-...;;..__~~----in!o & applkallon. con· Muni cipa l Cour t a 1> G illl ..!I ..,,1~; Shorthand r eq. Submit MOTOR ROUTE t act Personnel Dept 3300 d rt ., M et s <' h • e n c r a I cm .. Per Month n o l n e c. B k Jc P ll I n1·d <' t • permane~t an pa t me Manager B<H 2246 ScaJ .,,,.... . knowledge helpful, flexi resume n co • en e o Daily Pilot route in Newport Blvd, N .B . Deputy Clerk I; localed Beath c.i 907'10 • Ass ist i n draft inf? hle hours.675·2070 . 77FalrDriY• Ad J987. Daily Pilot, Newport Beach. After· &W·2101. 301 43 Cr own Valley _ !___. ____ Courses in drart1 n )! . 1714) 556-5350 P .O. Box 1560, Costa noons Monday through

=--=-----i----------1 Parkway: Laguna UELIVERY PEH~ON. a~gehra. geom el~>. Glrl Friday, lit.e bkkpg, EqualOpporEaiployer 1_M_e!!_ a_. C_A_ . 9_2626 _ ____ Friday plus Saturday &

0 Niguel, C:ullf. Appbca ror CM area, mui.t use tngonometry & draf'tang typing & orde r desk . &nlday mornings. Gr~ BankmgS&L IUSI y lions can be picked up al own car, xlnt hou r~. C'(per .. desirable. Mus t Phon e personali t y a LEGAL SECRETARY $400 per month. $50 ca~h LOAN PROCESSIHG must be l8. Apply Tues & t h e a bo v c add r es 1> 642·0106 be r esident of Costn must Coast Distributors Janitor, full time. Tuto swLi'orn.kGdin

1<tywp,cnlg 05~~. 1i5n• deposit required. Good

CLERK Thurs. 3-4PM, Charley between the hours ol -- - ------ Mesa & unemployed u t 5i0-7063C.M. La,,una BeachLum"-r '"' forcollegestudenl or2nd Brown's, 16160 Beach le"• t 30 days or under ----------1 4n . _:~..., cc•o~~7 receplexp. & hte l)kkp'g, B I t N B f 8am-4pm. Delivery Driver l'/ timc, ..., ...,_......., .,., -lUD income. Call 642·4321.

usy, p easan .. o c. Blvd 11 B COUNTY OF approx 12 hrs per wk e mployed. Open until - - - - - --------- •Legal secretary exp pre· AekforC•-ulalion. advanl·cmc nl avail. CANVASSERS $3.l7 per r . '< c vmi.t "" '' 'I 0 E 832 73ll ·-Xlnl sul & bt>ncfits. Real .. · -·----- h Gt tri fill~". Contact Pera,onncl " JANITORIAL, rcsid. & f ' d . Ca ll for •Pl>l.·~""'---"-" -----"-·t l l 50 ORA~GE record & license r eq. Dept.. City Hall. . comm . ay or nltc. X· • • MOTOR ROUTE •• llS YP'' wpm . • STU DENTS • " Library Ca ll J u n e - per. pref. Nd potenlla l1-----------Tclcphone & customer we Want You! An Affirmative sio.2141 • ,,... suprvs r. Western Coun· LIQUOR CLERK, Tue. DWVERY

' t·ontact. See Madeline ToMake$Canvasslng. Action Employer ----------1 , l lies !\hint. Bef noon Thurs. i''r1 night.s, $2.65 To deliver large motor Dawson, ~7J-31JO, Im · Salary + lonusH --- Deti•«y/ N•wspoper ':.. 6310723 or 6734356 hr. CdM. 673·7530 route In S. La1una and penal Saytngs & Loan, We Will Train. 751·5411 ---------•( Permanent part·limc job • !! LOT ATTENDANT Laguna Niguel. Must 3366 Via Lado, N.B. - --------- Oerical delivering early mornin1: _ .-.t"'; 1 KEHHEl. HELP Part & full lime have good dnvanl( record

Bartenders & cooks for Shakey 's Plua. C. M. 2214 Newport Blvd, CM. 646-0209 afl 2:30 PM

CAREER Happy I.A Times to homes an ~ • Wknd live-in. Some wkdy and dependable auto. $50 557-0520 cash deposal required. SAWMEM HHDED Irvine/ NB areas. Must f'ji HAPPYHOUDAYS work.540-4234 •---------Jan I. Three Yr Training New Year bercliable&ha'l>'edepen· IBiffi ~IDJrnr~u~- lrvancPersonnelAgency ·-------- WMIERSALESMAH For information call Prog r am. Sa lary + ToAllOfYouFrom dable transportation . lfil)j ~!~~ 1 ~ 0 488E 17lh Costa Mesa Expr 'd Cor retalllumber . 6424321 • ask for Harry com m . Star t up l o Rita, Chris, Michel le, Salary$JOO mo. S46·0235. ~ ~l!J...:J - Su1te224 642-1470 KEY·OISC Laguna Bch Lumber Co. SeeJeyor Don W~~

- -------• $3000/mo. Contact Mr. Connie,Sally &Carryof lA>liverymanLATamesin 7 7FoirDriY• ~ 494-6538or540-3287 ....,_,spaiperO.UY«y ~~~~Yknso~1~!ww~~~~~: !!,"1a~~ ~·d8S50/ wkMd/yFs, CoostalPersonnel Newport Beach, 3 days 17141556-5350 OPERATOR LVN. 7.3, 3 .11 s hifts . Mature r esp. aduJt for Also bclluty assistant & a '"' "'~ w11.n eves • Agency 540· 6055 per week . 646· 1'113 or Equal Oppor Employer HOSTESS & Im med. openings. Lido early AM deliv · Mu~l Julll ete manicu ri st. 1-E_.o_.E_ •. _ ___ __ 2790llatbor,CM _6_7_J._25_1_5. ______ ,__________ DISHWASHER. · 2 Positions Convalesccnt. 646·77~ h:ive trans. &1_0-_2756_. __

~_:8i798.11""2SO ---- ----- OELlVERYMANCorear· EXEC SECY A(lplylnPersun Occlde nt al · Researeh LVM't7•l NIGHT AUDI-rOR llEAUTY ASSIST. Oerical. l girl ofc. Needs ly AM Times Rte. No. Not ion al Educational ArterJPM Corporation localed in P/time. Medications. Exper'd. part-time. App-

F'1llorp/ tw/future. Tol> apersontodolltctyping, C.M./H .B. area. Cnll firm LS looking for lOP· TiwArfc:J .... Mcsiller the Irvine Industrial ll-7 F/ tuoeChargeduty. ~l:ncoR:s~w~·!v~l ~~I Wages. 837 · 4250 or Classified A/P, A I R & handl e _S4&-448 _ __ L ______ , notch exper '<t secy to 2607 W. CoastHwr..N B Complex bas need for Good sat & fringe bens. 837.a779. phones. Call Cor appt. work for the Pres. & Sr. two key-to-Oise operators Mesa Verde Conv. Hosp, Laguna.

Counter 540-1714. E .O.E. DEUVERY v· p r y · d to s ·on nd 661 Cen t er St CM N 'd I edi t IKICPR/ Asslstcmt

P /Time. Machine ac· counUn1 system. 10 key adder & typinf. Expr pref. Will train. &el.912 10amto2pm.

&al Manlifad.urtr

Messe9ger /Couner ice· · res. o 11\ance. HOl!less, 7:30 to 2. Mon· ue expan 1 a , urses al t.''\. mm a 1• Q.HKTY'1ST 5 day wk. P / t.ime am or Applicant must be an at· Frt. Wage open. Apply promotlons. U you have 548·S58S operungs all 11h1fts. U dll Sales & MJnlyrofcexper. &typ. pm . Know Org co . tractive, well groomed betwn3&S. JollyR01er, oneyearpluaexperience•----------1 Con valescent Cente t,

in1 (SOwpm ). Assis t 835-3149 btwn 8 & lOAM profess ional ind.ivldual . · 1727 E. Dyer Rd., Irvine. worklnl on Machinist 646·7764

Reception I t ll Slc:Uls oftyplng 70+wpm, maohJnes, you will enjo,y 1----- ----w repor prep, pe Y Dental assist ant SH 8()+wpm & some ac· Housecleaners Needed. the promotional OP· MOLD MA.K!R HURSES AIDES • :!:t ~~~~~b~~dl~: Huntington Beach counting exper r eq 'd . Mature·Top $·car nee. portuniUesalOXY DesiCnlebul ld smaUpre- F/Ume, all shift~. P~

TIM Dally Pilot has an OJ)enlnJ at. lbe malft oC· n ce f rmtcounter. Dulles consi.t or clualf\od od aalcs, reception for the company fl genoral clerical wen. Must t,ype .S wpm on dectric: and be cepabl• qt dtalin• with tho J"bllc. Op· J)CWWnll)' for advance• DM!Dt. ElcelltJ>\ COID• .,...,~ta. Far~ ...... c.11

PtnaM.& Office toall,ex\171


lnge.xphelpru\. 841·5413 Good starting sal, xJnt. &&Z-1403, 645-3439 cls lon single & multi Lido Conv. Hosp . 4~ CallAnnLong ---------• working cond . & co. H

1 J

1 For conCldential con· cavltymoldsfort.ransfer Flagship Rd, N.JJ.

Kerek.bolfMarine Lab DENTAL SECRETARY benefits.Apply In person ousec ean ng serv ce slderallon sendare:sume & injection m o ld 642~. • CdM ('71•> 673•9894 RECE PTIONJST for 9-12; 1-3:30; or mail r e- needs Eng spkng galtull, to: machines. Small shop.

A FactUtyot Newport Bch orthodoo· sume to: p / l Car nee. Top S. Good working conds . NURSES CALTECH Ust. salary open. Write HaMOMISphMs _557_ --0609_. _____ , OCCIDE...,...._L Dnysonly. LV.H.

u por. rnp oyer Pilot., PO Boie 1560, Costa Of1MH uwtOtl eeper, pe:rm. once RESEARCH 1139 &-kerCosl• Maa FUU & Part Tam•· Eq al Op E I aassified Ad#103. Dnlly e .....0 I~ " I " ST ACOSWrfCH IHC

Cl.lalC/TYPIST Mesa.Ca.92626 061 lircltSt,Hpflclt k. Need splcnspaa 549·3041 Responslblo & dynamw 5540 wpm. aceUN1te typ- DENTAIJORTHO recep- <Nr. OECO. AElrport) ~!.ee&u':I~. hE:~ CORPORA JI ON Equftl Oppor Employer . Individual need et! to t:ike inc. Duties to Include tioolst. Nwpt. Benefits, · • • c.M. ~or6C6-5138. Jbx3io • .Dept.Z.Z charge in small. modtro, an1werlnf phones, dental expr req: Ortbol•--------·l·..;...::::!.:====:-- 1 La V CA SO • conv1&lescenl fac1ll tJ • .cm.n. • rnl•c ornce uprpret. &&2-262G :: ____ as . m>e. .on MACHINIST .PM'a&nlghts.Apply • duties. Jl'/ tlme. 8:30 to s f actnn Workers No ex er. nee. Xlnt Garfield Convatescen\. Pll. SJ.50 llr. Vltlaae DENTALASSJST. Exper. _, beoefiti lnclud. sickl>•Y· A.nF.qual pl 4Day/40HourW~ Hosp : W•1 •••u1•ment.. nee. F / tlmo. x ,ray cert. 4 n~ Wwk Wk Bayvh w Conv. 205f ~ty~m oyer General maehlQ• "''*' '7'181 Gart'leld Ave. HO: •1171 1 Call AS-0453. llflJ Tburtn, t:M 6C.2·S505. M/ P' on qu.llt)' aeioQ>•t:e ' (714)1'47·9671 •

40 ./. --------• compo nent.a ft •• · SEJ..l. ldlr item~ wlth,J. ca.mutTYPIST °"""._.._. WantJ(da CaUfC2·5'TI! •••~•TORY ~mbllcs. Mustbeableto Dall.,PUotCIM'ltfied • ~ potlUon for Biil- EltPC1' endodonUc chair APPlr In Person awu.VfUll' work from detailed pl4Jl· 1

1"' Qd' In IMW'Pce •kte asst needtd f1/ T for .._....._.,." OAAAOE SALE ads In CWcal n1n1t aheet.a&blucprlnu. You don't nttd a gun f> Oo. la ~JklL Good verybuayNptBcbprar. 2101Dov.St.rffL INOall)'PUotbrln1h•P· L.V.N.•lt.N.or'l'ECJJ ~plylnPonon "draw f a<1l " when= \.Y1IMI altlO.. SalatJ to tJc.. XlD\ opp()l't for rl1thl Newport Beech py NIUJta. To pl are 1our wPled flail or p/ tlme. Moncta1- T2ntr.dQ' ril~ an ad fn the Dal t30I • 1ooQ to0mpen) ~~•mob.r.C.ll Acr0issrromOCAJtporl Orewlof car~, pbone VelllpwK\Mre e.Q)t. ........ trt .. ~ PU«W1ntAdslCaU n ~aMOO _6M4185. 142.s871t.odlJ'. tir-aptM..-.0140 , .. 2101DtMSt.NB -&ta>S78. • _

' ' ....

• r

. €.J2 ONLY PilOT HelpW..ted 7100 HtlpWanhd 7'00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

Balurday DKtll'\ber '' · 1tn

.-..w..tM 71 00 ....,WCllhd 7100 Hlllt W..eff 7100 ....,w...... 7100 . . Lt n "'"to You 1045•• toss Mite••·- 1010 ••••••••••• ••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Scrvtcu Stat1un A u &, \Vtld~rs ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• •••••, •••••••••••••••••

..,.sp A.IOU ttut'<1ud &u 1tt-t·e11t 11ra. ~~:: ~f&~·u,~:.YAP · Ericson Yachts r.uxed aoxer 1>t.1P1>Y . SA1·1soN 1>-5. :ioo Kulits PUILIC AUCTION ltoaDaUI S llAM :ll'M. lli.cquetf1.1n ply, Shell Stution, 17th & llit.<1 !'' / time OP')nlngs lor mlllc. w/dog hse. Good Place. NB. Wuhe r .

Xlnt b., .. efit· •11 .. \ ... ·• 9872 Uamllton , JIB PRODUCTION lrvhw.NB. """"f'd llealth.ull&holll. 63H!3_39_ waterbcd . H.d,rm sel. MANYITEMSOl'' PINP. " ~ ' • -u u..- ' th MORE ESTATE H : W E Ll\Y .

111ck l>lt.Y. &~""'"'. Cor\\ 1163-0tiG<t S.•rvlcc Stu. Nil!hl Attend Htficrc W.tders !"rec a.o 11ood honu.) ·.-~hu t~ t.'.!· . AR'f OBJECTS. AN ~Thunn, t;M~~~ l lALESTATl TYPIST 20r5nilc>suwk Apply, l•'ull bt.'nefll s : M1•tlical. 2 YT hid spuyt.'Ci female MANY' "'urmturc lten\Ji 11QUF .. '), FINF. l''U HN ,

Nursing a1dl' & 'oroc P rotti>!llonal. llc1•nwcd Shell J7th& l r\'i1tr Nil. dcrll11l. opllcal. l'h•ullc mt'd. •6ct brkn~G~~s.!_ in«l'g Haby Grnncl 1-..~rc; r HON&:; t'Olt IN· hsckp' i:ford1l>.1blcd f1•m aale11pooplc wun.ted. IBM SELECTRIC II . ' tipply at Security Ole .. (.',\'l' Wh \.' m;ilc. part Plano <.:hNry Ui&U~.i 1-' 0 & BROCJl URF. . Exp pref'd but nol re Sl•r\'ice Station ,\tlt11 19.'H Ovcre,Avu, SA S 1 b ttm. Pini: pnn~ thl, put10 tlit.5·2200 "'"r'·• U""' 111 ... r l;t!ni:rnui1 c.:ommis~mn:. . EX'"'rtenced urc:u1·ute TY1>ist needed dant. apply at 15!12:.! - iameise usl' rokeo, !I st•t. Other ltemll lnduclc ------ ------ u , " v out. 1\dvaJlt'(• truh11ui1 ""'" mOti fJilil 870 PJT. 8ml zm 642•5062 immediately. 70 wr>m (must) Pat·1fic Coast llwy. !Inti: · · • toys. b k8 , tool3, UP· PUILIC AUCTIOM

- -- Bch. 2t..'l ·~2·157\ YACHT SALES GREA'r DANE "AWN . ,1 pliancti. t'r11 ocl~c11n MANY JTF.MS OF FlNF.

OFFICE C~I Crocker Experienced ya1:ht sales Yrs. n c .. lsterc.'<I, lly~d, \\ltfe & 1 UCli MOft£. £STAT!:: Jl::W£LRY 621 19.._ CM p t T ' Sbrvil'e Station Attend . t ... b d .. o·><> "'""l · • ""• ar 1me " IX!I S011 wan l'u Y rup1 loveschaldrc-n833· l ,,...., . ..,.,., AHT OlUF;CTS, AN·

-- - -- Thursday & Fridt1y Day Shifl Full & PIT, exp & ovr 2L .: r 11 w l n It 1" U .J I I ·- - - TlQUES. t'lNE FURN ..

CLERKS Real &;tall' Salcs P"'opl!.' SaturdayNightShift Sal open & uniform Yi\MAHAD!!ult.'r Cull GREAT DANE. Faw 4 High l'hestS65. Blaek f..i'C. PHON£ FOlt JN· woanted. lip to 00110•. ~1~n!~h.fd. P \~Ptly<' al>~ SOUTHWESTERN yrs, n eg, spayed. Lov & w it 1• T V S ll ~ , 1"0. & BROCHURE . ~~~~> :.11111 Nwrt lkh CHEVRON. 2.5172 Cobol y •CHT SALES dtildr~ 8J3..()J.5~ Refn~~tor S35. 973.01~s lri.S·.22()(1 IMME£lJATF.


Champagne Temporary


TYPESETTER Rd 11t Lu Puz. L;ig ltill1> . 114 673·!12ll C1\'J' Whit(' male. part 8060 Siaml>se. llou:.ebroken, 9 SCRAM-LETS Experienced. Day s hift position YARD MAM mos. 646·8705 RECEIVING 'CLERKS

Excellent Working Conc.lilaons Apply in Person

Service Sti1t1on ullrn dant:. F IT & P T llr ll ·H2 : 3·10 Apply 2lti0 Harbor, C.l\1

Hcnt.11 <:cnh.1r has open· ings f11r 2 men . Mc1:hanH·al knuwlcdi.:c helpful. neat h1111dwril · 1ng nee- Wl•ekday off. Will trufo. I!J:JO Newµort Bl, (..':\1

t\ paloosa Horse, 3 i,., yrs. ANSWERS Free to good home st sell SJ~. 75Z·50ll'J, Englii;h Dull Dog. 11.'H 345 Cockle Cavity -·

3849 Birch St. Newport luch


W1• 1wcd pcoplt• to rN'('l\'l'. murk &

111:.pcl·t 1ncommi: mcrch;ind1se Ill our

rece1vin1: department

Serv. Sta Hclp oced1-il 1m. med. f'u II or p/ t. ApµI). ~xi E. Cst llwy. Nwpt Bch.

'? u,. eh rt• tl. r 1· ma 1 e H~ ehold Goods 8065 &aperb - Embark - -~~3138 _ ••••• •••• • •• ••••• •••••• Slouch - ltegime -

OphthaJmolug1:-l M:l·ks C\

JH;•r'd front oft• r~n·1H 41u~t kamw l11llini.: & hk kpn.:. &111ll! lYPlll~ !'all


~11 -tnnc poi.1t1on:.

Oran9e Coast Daily Pilot

330 West lay St .. Costa Mesa r\~k for Paul Ward

S11tcr / Companlo~ with Y~iunJ.! rnan ~ l!r~,\~m'k ea elderly gentleman." hrs Su111./ay 1110111111)( - ,:ioa~ daily, H.B. area . ltefs. to 5; 30 am. ub.out. l:l:i per

<:O~tMERCIALS Snoopy T ypt' . it mo. New beige drape !) llowtowatchWesterni; female. good w/ k1d11. to w hardware. •l Bluffs U on TV. especially when gd homl! w / yd only mode l -2 pr window the hero h1ti-hes up h is 751·85.>I length. 3 pr floor, $100. gunbelt and say~. " Black ---- C 11 I I 9 AM· no o Bart. l'm giving you fivl~ C.\Jtc 6 mo. old orup~e cat, 714-&I0·5467 COMMlo:RCIALS to get.

55!) .. 155:1 & lull 1·0 hcncf1b l'le;i:.e apply in 111·r1>1m

\n Equul Opportun ity I::mployer 9tl2· 1832 or ~5·2069 hr &-16· l-113 or 673 251.5. has l>hots. 673·1!402 or ------tf13·~---- __ Jewelry 8070 _ouloflown:"

PBX 01wrat11r tor tt'I(• ans 'g ~en· \ ';med :.t11rt:-. open. full & p t. \\'111 N , M train right PL'r .. rm Call M \WW- a~MI ~ 541 .3395 1.( M~"' ll(, RESTAURANT

"'· Phone Schedulers ,, 1,1,.,,1 :\lature Person for t.un('h , ,,,, .. ,,, .. ,, 1,,.,,1,., Buffet service Ill dinmit

2 · opcn1ngs Uni11u1• ,,,.., . ...... ''""""'"""' room Approx3·4hrspcr Healtll Program. l'urt. 1 "'' 1, .. . .. clay. Apply to Food Mi:r. ume. D,1y Ill' 1-:\•<!n11u:s ..... "" Hotel l.a ~Ulla , 425 s. iva mctil'ulous motivated ('11 ,1st 11,,·y . 1. ···•u1\·• ~· ..... ~ prn1 U• tj It t \ 1 1:1 ~ 1 ,._ - "~ u

lil?tividuals (;11 h•'ll('f1ts. 1•i..,, .•. ·11, -. , 1 .. . , lkaC'h ·l!Jl ·1151 ;rJealth Exam1n1l1l's, Nil ---------•rl\4 J !>i0·7·1·1~ Restaurant help tor J<il'k·

HECEPT·WF.EKENO ln·The-Box, 1mmc<l1ate

Hetp Wanted 7 100 •••••••••••••••••••••••

Henlal ntf11·c. I 1 l' l'n:. openrngs on all s hill s al 3 'PlasllC' lnjel'tlOn helplul. ,fu<ly 01' '.\largiL• Co.,,ta ~CSa :;lures 1'leas1• Mold mg ·lfl4 !142'1 apply Ill person ·

SET-UP MAH :igs E . 17th St.

7 l ;--STORE. 1-'ull ur Part Merchondls~ Tim<' Cll<rk . Appl v 1rt ••••:••• •••• • • • • •• • •• ••

person . 2R:1;1:l Cr.own ..m.-es 8005 Hetr,Wanted 7 100 Vallt:Y l 'rkwy , Lai;{ . ••••••••••• • ••• •••••• • •

Cute Dot:s : :\top & l'ookw. ::! Mall' k1ttC!11s. Ureal \l'ltll kid.,, 008·3!l211.

• •• • •••••• ••• • ••• •• • •• NiguC'l. PUBLIC AUCTION Senetary - Purchasini.: MANY ITEMS OF FIN E Furniture 8050 ror prominent Orange STUDENT ESTATE JEWELHY. • ••••• • •••• • ••••• •••••• Coas t B111ld1ng firm Plt ime young men 18 ART OHJECTS. AN· STOREWIOESALE localed in Tu stin v rs+ for ueli\'tmcs & TIQUES. 1"1N1<; FURN .. Ncw&USl'<I furn. appl's. Prt:1iious l'onstrut'tion \varehou~c. Apply. Party ETC. PHONf; FOR IN· m1.~c. Wil:.on 's exper required . Ty1>e Worlt.I, 2025 Newport HI, FO . & BROC H URE . Nook !>-15 & Kl~ W. 19th, 60wpm no shorthand. Costa Mesa. 645.2200 (',\!. ti42·7!130&548·32fl2 l'onla1:t Peggy 835·3001 ------ - ----- - _ - - - - - -- -- Switchboard Opnutors PUBLIC AUCTION

full & p/ t1me. Will train . MANY ITEMS OF FI NI': 6-t5·8772. .ESTATE JEWELRY.




W a n l e d I m FO . & BROCHURE .

51 ll It lrmg cu:o.lom padded po r t ab I l' b a r w i l h multrplrx tunt'r, R track & turntable ·ull are built· ins .plus lwo c us tom wrou!lht iron bar s tools. Sharp~ 581·7446. --------Exper'd, 2nd Siu ft Hen.'Pl1onisl/Order D1•!>k . 1205 Bahr .St

FOREMAN <ioocl w 1 numlwrs. l>l'O· 2235 llarhor Bl\'d. Research and Develop. pl(·. ph"Onc l'nnt urt. lYP· ---- - ment organization locat,

m u n o 1 o g y I Se r o I o i: Y 645·2200 technician for youni:: Bio· --------­medical corp. Duties willt•---------1

* *I BUY* * l·;-cper'd . :lr<1Shift ini.: . Needs to ht• m•al &i---------1911 ed in the Ir vin e Jn · MAIHT. HELPER pll'<•s:int [>IO l l 11 RETAIL dustrial Complex has an

1st Shift · r s· · OPERATORS llN·1·p111m1,.1 W1· 11et•d girl opening or a en1or

l·'rnh1'' "ho likes pe111>ll· CLERKS Se<:retur)· All Shilli, , Apply & w;111ts to work 111

Orange Coast l'la~lH'~ 11ll'a~ant surro11111l111 g , urnw 8UiS · \ lor busy. al'll\ 1· l'I'.

__ ...,., __ . 1 __ • t • .• c •.• · '··-1

l'tuth•l':- Call ~1i!l-2Hil

14rACT JCAL NUHSE tl~LPl!:R wanted for ln1nll woman & 111 hu!>baod, 6 or ll hrs rlaily'. 645-9573 CM.

ll etept1on1sl T y p1~l . lll'l'lkd tull t1m1· lur N I' w p 0 I' l H l' •• I ' h µuhll:.lung firm . 1; ... 111 knowledge of grammar •·ssenlial. 615·6730

~e-School Tead1cr, 3 ,\T1 _________ _

: old cla:.s. F / time. 1m· lnl'd. employmt'nl. For 1nl'o i-all 5-HH!Jl!J

l'nntm)( l\1llal<'r. p t1m1· Now ar('L'Jll1nf.! applirn pons lor :\Jun & 'l'lll'S 111ght ~h1fls ,\ppl ,\' !Jam lpm. l'cnn \'sa\'l•r . ltlliO l'la1'<'nlla Costa ~flosa .

PRIMTSHOP Offset or XcrographH·



for !ht• onlv Nal ' I \!I \ J.!<'lll'Y in l)rang1• Co ~t1mulut111 1! 1•n,·1r1rn ment . gr<'at henl'f1l s , xlnt growth potential for someone i11tcn·~tl'd 111 all advt•rlis rng. The· girl )'(JU

UTOTEM Convenience Mcrkets

HclpWanted lst. ~ncl & :1rd Shifts

Noex1x:r.rc1j'd. Welrarn tho:.e hired . Appht·anU. .q>ply at Li tolem Stores lo1:ated 111:

111 Del Mar l\\•r , (' :\1. 1390 N. Paci fir Cii t llwy

Lal!una Beat•h We arr ;an equal

opportun1\~' l.'mploycr

Retail G ift Gallery nds p lime atlradl\'C. pe•rsonabl(' fl·malc Wknd:; mr•I Respons1bll• for all I acets of store hus111c~s . Ca ll Wcd 4

·niurs ;.ift IOA:\1. 675·3080

SuC"rcssful ca od1dates will have engineering knowlei;:dge. shorthand :.J)<'<.-d of HW) wpm, and typing speed off,() wpm . Qualifred 11pplicants ~hould send a resume 111· duding sa lary history and r equirements to

~t.{)~'1~7~~ri s or .tall


<!100 S. f:. :Wain Street l1· v111e. CA. !J27J.l

An Equal Opportunity f;mploycr

Mi l-' k l' y o p e r a t o r t-: x penentc m•t·essar~ . N1•w s hop uhli llng xo·rnx !1100 machine. Wnll' P .O llox 4-181. Irvine. C,\ , !J:!illi. .statmi:: c.\'pcnenre :.ind wage requir<'m<'nt.

would repluN• has betnl __________ ---- --

- - -

rromote<lloTra(fic :\!gr .--- - -- --She w a~ fl rst h i rt'O :) S;ulmaking. xlnt op port. mn's ai.:o. 1\:ik for Lil for s ailmak1ng earcer Willi ams . Bol.1'11 & w1old e,tabhshed rirm. Jacobs 8.'l:l·0881!. ~_}_:!JR ___ _

SECRETARY For Conslr uctwn Co. Near Brookhurst & i\dams. ll.B. Call btwn !J AM & 5 P:\t. !Jfi2·6G8.1

Saks :\ad Hourly Pay & - -- --RECEPTIONIST

Sm;.11l Mis:.ion Viejo Mfg bonuses Nt•wport Poob Secretary for H.E. l\lgr. Oran~e Cnuntr &M lil!ll :\lust ha,·c gd shthnd &

typing. Moving to new

include assistin~ rn pro· duction, processing, & characleri?.ing antisera to drugs & hiologkal materials. BS in Life Sl'ient'l'S & exp . 111 Serology nc1·

W a n t c d H c s e a r l' h Technician for young B ao · mcdica l tor p .


Slot Machines. Nickclo dcoq:. , phono~raph' . World 's I ar~cst scle1• tion . Also glf t 1o , furniture. 11ntiqucs . Amencan International ; 1802 Ketterin l{ ; Irv me. 154·1771. Open Wcd.·Sal.

Knowledge of l sot.1pe ---'"--------1 abelln g. Elec ·r·---------1

Good used Furniture & Appliances - OR I will :.t!ll or SF.LL for You . MASTERS AUCTION 646-8686 & 833·9625

CAS H PAID !-'or gel u~ed furn . <1nl1 · quts & cir TV's, !157 ·!113:1

Blond din'g rm set , l.(l" nuine wood . l ncludei; huffct. table & 6 chairs . 847·46(j(i

trophorcsis, Spec · WHOLESALE --- - ----trophotomctr y. & TOTHETRADE MISC. F'UHNITURE Chromatography dcsira· lncld'g Dining Rm hie. MS or OS w/2 vrs Sundown Antiqu~s Lt4. & Bedroom exp. pref'd. - I 5192 lolsa Chica Sets. 993-0570

H.B. ~7 1 4 t893-7509 j1x61 "IUl>S tOfJ wrouoht P IT T echnH·1an for " " young llio·medil'al l'Ol'p . __ ------ tron & tube s teel thl, ~ Duties include preparing STEWART ROTH chrs. C'irn• 1930. S35U. Reagents & m11terial~ 111 ANTIQUES Ci11l tii:J.fi5JI n>search lab. lfas1t :-.kill,; ,\ shipment of Amenl'an C1>ff11\• till. ~ 'I· pel':1n , sso 1 n Gr u v 1m<'tr 1 <' & Oak antiques has JU~l ar· :! end l'hcsts, ~3;> ea . Volumctnr methods :irl' rived from the Eai-l !!6.1·'111.Jl) n e c t y r 1· o I I e i.: e c 0 as l . ope n llHi p M chemistry 11el' da1I~

Excellent Bcnef1b N.B. b'JH881

TELEPHONE SALES Tired of the routine·• This job is for ynu '

Call Us Now Al 833-8095


Equal Opp Emplyr m 1r


r11t the Newport Fw} > 751 -8922



Bdrm set. Ucd . dr l'sser. two ni~htstand:. S75 . K1tchenelle SS. 548-3964

K' sof<'1\ . lnos<' p11low buck. goldish color , Slll!I !162·291 I .

f'U LL CO,\ ( pu;n: :\lAPl.E TWIN St-:T



City of Newport Beach fac. 111 lr \'ine. Gd. salan· & hene f1ts . Apply to ---------·1 0 Pt:N7DAYS

B r j ,. k & w h 1 t c lloundstoolh corner unit. good rond . SlOO. 83!1·53114

• •••••• • •••••••••••••• • Su 1wr Bowl T ickets

WANTED 2 1\l'kets, plane fan• :t rl11v hote l & meal!! .

TOP CJ\Sll DOI.I.AR S1oi1U1oroffcr. &l$-ll26 PAID FOR YOUH · - -- -.rF::WELR\. WATCHF::S. Original cartion ropy ot AllT OB.JECTS. GOLD. lhe book "HATTI.I~ Sl LVt::R SEll.V l t:E. CRY" by Leon M. Uru,. 1-' I NE l''URN & AN· Nikrnl% $700. Call lo:nk. TIQU F:S. 1>-15·2200 - 759-lOllO. 615-89-111

'l!i(,'T DlAMOND S2%. Hanel carv&I miry (0 hcss !>4 ct.looscdia. $4i5. set from l11di ;1. Vl: ry

Also mist' stones & JWry Ornate, $8ti5. 21:1 ;.13~.225;, 2 Emeralds 2134:IB·0972 - - -- -- --

Boy·s 5 spd. S1•hwinn. Uvestock 8075 .Rood shape. SOO; bass rid-•••••••••••••••••••••• die. German made, case Reg. Morgan man'. broke inC'I. S27S. firm. 676·11581 to rid e & driVt', I.ilk •. parade Morgan gelding, SO . Cusl r~mote control En it, Wes tern (714) sail hoat. melds 5 chan. 33H·l0ll nel tr aft t rans miller.

Sl!85. 213 :435·2255

200 YDS or used sha.: Miscettanf'CIUs 8080 cptg .. liO yds Gr~n. :w ••••••• • ••••. • ••••••• •• yds. blue. SI yd. 60' of a·

WANTED ~1~~~~1 link fence Silo.

TOP C1\S H DOLLAR -•. -r ,\ J D F () H y 0 u n Kirby VIH'UU!Tli- . New fal't. Jr:WELRY. WATCH!-;s. repacks. fully 1:a~rnn · ART OBJECTS GOLD teed . 7 shag adJU St · SI LVER SE~RV J CI~: m;nts . $100 e~. Call FINE FURN . & AN· Warehouse. J-832·2101 T IQUES. 645-2200 MiKtllaneous

;-Jct pwr'd surr b rds . Wmtted 8081 Great shall o w water ••••• •••• ••••••••••••• • Vessel.SCUBA &W.ANTED : ~se~ sta· snor kelin g. Si50 ea. t1onary exerctse h1cyclc, 213 :435-2255 ~n Rd <:_o~d. 751_-m_ ss __ _

LUGG "'GET "'GS \\';mled : Old wooden shaft "" . "" golr dubs and steel ~haft

f~omyourbus111esscard . ~la c Gregor <' l ubs send onl: card for eal·h H.'ll ·l<Xl7 lag plus one span'. We rrtu ro pcrmaaenll y Pets 8087 scule<J attractive la~ & • • • ••••••••• • • •••••••• • strap, meetin~ airline Rahhil hutch. l~c. 11ulo I .D. rl'QW reml'nts. Prt!- wate r s\'s :sis. S:JS-4142 vent Joss & theft ! For a nai,b1ts. Cheap! personalized lag enclose ~ - - ---­w a 11 pa per. fabric or Pianos & Organs 8090 ··uay Glo" paper & w<' ••••• •••••••••••• • ••••• will back & trim your New Brand Name Pianos lags. Or try two cards 10'" over cosl . hack to bat•k . licuch Mus ic· Center

PRICE~ 174().I Bench Bl\'d , Jl .H. S2 ca or 3/S5 847 ·853S •115 tagsSl.GOca. - ---i;:9 lags $1.50 ea. Ba Id win Com pal' t lOor moreS1.40et1. Theater Ori:an. Mod. CT

Sales Tax Included 2R. U!:;he s pkN;, antique Sl.284·Sl560 Per Mo

F1hng dead I ml' 1, 9/i ll . Hl·q · ~ 4 yrs cx11l'r . in

µublll' works constrlll" lion or inspt'l'lion. For in· form;ition & ;ipphcations

Coneedsncatappe1mni:. Sail' s, Finr C}ual11 ~· court~OU!o. e,'( pcr pcr!>on. Retailinr:: l'irm . n1•c(J.. Hkkp g l'XP h<'lpf~l hut woman w uood last<>. not ncl' : lyp111g req d 1_nin fushion & pcoplt orii.>nl ed 50 wpm . Call L11l1an tn sell. p titnl' . Ca ll

Temp. office : The Singer Telephone Sales A WEEK9·6 Sundown AntiquH Ltd

I 5292 lolsa Chica H.I. C7 14J 893-7509

NO Cl\HD'! white. gold trim, Sl200. L:pholslcred Oak sofa & f.42 573.1 l'hair. good tond Draw your own or send _ .:,·_

545.7145 na'!'e· addres.:.. phone & Sewinq Machines 8093 we II make one card per • •••• • •••• • •••. •• •• •• ••

l\NTIQUE golden oak buf· t:ig. Add 2.'i'' Ntch. . Stn,:?er deluxe ( Dial .a .

Co .• 2082 Michelson 1'212, trvrnc. 7S2·0234

581-3830__ _ _ Becky. 84fH666

R. E.Sales SALES - J r . Wom en ' s . , contact Pcrsonn<'I Otc.

l30<I Newport lll\'tl, N.B. 1->to.2101.

~en1ury 21 Adame is now fashions. Exper . pref'd . 1nterv1ewrng. for sal<:s Advancement possible . people for their 2nd offre<: Apply in person The 1n l\hcia Town Ccntc·r. Second Glance. 2i22 W.

SECRET ARY/ Legal 2 SecrclariE!'S fo r :\tewport Center Law Of· fire. Typing 60 wpm. legal cxpr not ne e . Salar v com mensurate W/ abU1ty. Call 644·7600

10-4 ON THAT



1---------- £et. Oriental toak ehest. Send check o r money 01 • Stitc h ). Buttonhol e~ . 64-H 651. 832·6343 derto: blind hems, over.casts.

1890's solid brass dbl bed PILOT PRINTING sews s trelch. many fan -frame. New firm matt. & ll' wllll umt. w /dcsk & ca b. P.O. Box 1560 ry patterns. Gauranteed. boxspring s. S575 / ofr . F'lrtoceiling. FromS170. C~taMesu.Ca.92626 WaJ. tblincludcd.BalS.i7 642·0444 Custom W a 11 Un its . -

492-lili82 I BM Sc I e ct r i c I I or SlO mo. No tredit re· Quality Aswrance across th~ street from Oceanfront. N.B.

TECHNICIAN Gemi-o. for a ppt. call ---------Elertronii- background '.\lanucl Ad;imc, Brkr. or rer(d . No degree nee . Louise •Jut cau. Mgr.

1 _________ _

~ances 80 10 ------1 Typewnter. $G50. Orricc quired. Call Warehouse. •••••••••••••• ••••••••• Brwn pattern sect coui-b, Des k J4' 'xGO" SJ5. Ofc _1_·832_ ' ·_2_10_1 ____ _ _

'\ l d 831·2WO - ---------· ~• RC open. m me - ----- --1 SALES Secretarial/offke clerk 4 This is the most in· FR G HT DAM AGED (; 0 Id r I! fr i i.r. SIS· Chair, S25 :- Dresser 4 Sportinq Goods 8094

terntfnq & fun sales HCYl'POINT SALE. 3308 Was her/ Dryer, rnd din dwr. 825 . Sidebo;ird •••••••••••• •••• ••••••• :...a.. 1 0 C W W. Warne r nr Harbor, rm set. Hollywood b<:d. CHepplewh1tl' ) $200. Sm Fi sc her Super" l ass

.ivai lability , good R EST AU RANT lm . hrs per day, afternoons, benefits. Misi;ion Viejo mcd1ale openinj.!s for MONEY typing requi red. $3.25 hr. · .- " rang. o. e Santa Ana. 979-2921 PP 91J3-J4!l2 ,,

offer a base pay. a ----- ------• CoffeeTblS25. 556·052.'i snowskis, 195 cm w /o



t CASH PAID Geroge Sale 8055 :\1ink Ja~;;;_t-. n~ cond. bdngs.·$15. MK·SOO Wood i\lfg. Co. Call Lillian. restaurant personn el. Call Judy833·8680 ~5_81_·383<1 __ . _____ , vi(' t 0 r i a s l a t i 0 n (l PRIDE) _________ .. , Re!ltaurant. (formerly

Bell & Cr own > Ti m•·Life LlbrariH, SECRETARY CJOO comm., x n • For Wshr/ Dryrs / Refrig •••• ••••••• ••••• ••••••• Asking$300. "' 170cm w/Eckel bind -bonus & c:osuol at· working or not 957-8133 PUBLIC AUCTION 551.2rss mi:s-S45. Ski bools·siie.;

~ality Control ~

~: Manager ~pace prooucts ro. ~s exper'd person for ~·destructive testing. 1J1menslonal Inspection & ~~rking to l\l I L·Q 9858A procedures. Send re · l\lme to PO Box R . ~.port Beach, Ca

8 e a c h B I v d . , Inc. hen both full & Order Coordinator _W_es_tml_ n_s_te_r _ _ ___ , ~-

0..._,_, f- Regional sales ore for

..- .-....... ,......" .. '7 _,, this world wide ma our. Restaurant- Cooks. de· artlculot•, fun lovln9 has an opening for a livery drivers . P /timc individuals who wont sales secy/coordinator. openin~s for women & _ ..... 1 II i Pos. req's accurate typ. men with out go in g tow-. ora Y ng. ing & good telephone

personalities & who take WE OFFER•. communication skills . pride in their work . Over Expcr . pref'd, but we 21 & able to work eves. will train the right S2.70-S3 to slart. Apply • Gucr. Hriy Salary person. Good s a l & aft Spm dai ly, Mc N Eds • Comm. Paid Wffkly benefits. For appt. call Family P izza Parlor, 410 • 6"ot Bonus Plan 49J.45039am·5pm

mosphtre to CJO alon9 MANY FINE ITEMS OF 6•, ~. 1. 8h, 10; $7.50, s2ri. w/ ow stcrff bu.tits. ESTATE JEWE L RY, Babyline Dresser & S35 & S45. Girl's ie1·

Re conditio ned ART OB JE CTS. AN· huteh, 2oaktbls, k1tch !ikates·Si:ieSN.skatcbal{ Mo door to door. Our Refrl geraters. washers TlQUES, F INE FURN.. thlef2 Qn Sofa bt-d, & skate dress ·s ize 1t1 ofc. spoct is beautiful & dryers. Freight ETC. PHONE FOR IN· 16" Schwinn boy's hike. 1child)·all tor $50. Cull • &noexper. WetrClin. damaged & Model Home FO. & BROCH UHE. Tools. Toy box, MUCH 642-0138.

SOUND GOOD? returns. Guar/ del. Also 645·2200 MORE. 963·5891 --------------- -- -------- -- Trallmaster 200's with Theft Cdt new appliances at i-ost + PUBLIC "UCTIO.... S I bl di & 10%. DUNLAP'S 10960 ~ n Investors hand signed a amon n n gs

RUBIER DUCK Talbert <at Euclid) FV. MANY FINE ITEMS OF lllhographs : C hagall, poles.$75. Call 581·7446. AT 963-IY72l()pn 7days ESTATE JEWELRY, Miro. Dali, Calder & Stor•, R~staurant,

83)-8095 . . ART OBJECTS. AN· oth ers. Low prices lar 8095 TIME.-1.IFE TlQUES. F INE FURN., _1_52_._500'J _ ______ _ 1 •••••• •••••••••••••••••

LllRARIES Whir l pool Washer & ~TCO. &PHBORNEO~CFHOURRIEN· Golf Clubs, Northwestern! _______ _ Dryer. 1 yr old. Xlnt ,. · J. X·stiCf, X·loog, 2·9, PW, CLEJ\RANCESALE

Equal Opp Emplyr m /f cond. S300/ both .' 993·0570 &15·2200 ------- 0 ·2·3·4 woods. $100. 1 DAY ONLY : All fix·

E . 17lhSt. C.M. • PdTr olnl1t9Plan AMF, INC. llilft Potter & Brumfield Div

~--~~ ..... !!~~ ~.~~~ ..... ~!~~ CALL TODAY 2~::0~~,!~~~a • START TOMORROW SanJuaoCapisttano ----- --..•washer . d r yer, di s · ~ ...... EquaJ Oppor Employer Teleohone Sales ~~~;sJas range. $75

714-833 8095 We wfll train. Earn • SECYfB~KP'R, exp thru Chr i s tma s mone y. Litton elec . range. TIME·LlfE trial bal. Client eontnct, Salary and commission. smoothl<?P· Self clean

assume rcspon to meet Call: oven, microwave, new

LIBRARIES INC d eadlines, sa l open . 631-0337, ask for Don Crom game show. $750.

MOVING SALE! Mus t sell everyth in g. Wrought iron glass thl $75. Furn . linen, dis · hware, a ppl. , etc. All in good cond . Saturday, 25301 Tuna Dana Pl. 496·4193

54!>-1047 lures, trade & light, to be - - -------- i snld us is. Best offer

25" Color TV Coni;olc, IOAM to 2PM 1'uesrtay P lays good $US. B/W Jattuary 3rd . Port TV. S32· 646'1525 ntETOP DRAW EH.

Norwegian while fox, S50. 221 Marine A Ve. Cahill wedding gown, Ba lboa Jsland sh:~$ sso. 644-6211.

·opening marck 6t~

-9n 5a6~ion !)6/anJ 759·1721 d ys, 64l>·l683 evs. . Tues. 644·5450 E 0 E ""Ill '" ___ _.;, ______ Tow Truck Drivers ex· 1.-::::~::=:::::::=::~::=:::::=::=;:~=~:::::=:::=~=:::=::"',.-' 1---·· · ·- · "- r--•1Security0Cficer per'd. Top pay. Apply, lic:ydts 80201

W• en now tnttn1ewlng for the following position1:




IGfT WRAPPING • •• STOCK ROOM . ................... -c.--~ .......

1------------1 Applications being taken G&WTowing, 1000 Irvine ••••••••••• •••• ••• ••••• for mature security of· Ave, NB64H252 USED BlKES SALES

2 mature and responsible Individual& needed for retail candy sales. Full & part·time. Managem ent position open. AJ>ply:


Laguna Hills Mall Wed, Jan 4, 10AM·SPM

ficersSo. Coa~t'Plaz~. 40 TOW TRUCK DRIVER Recond. Buy. sell, trade. Hr; week Vanous shifts. . Cycle & Co. 2488 Newport Exper. pret. F\111 com· Needed, exp only. Mus t Blvd. C.M. 642·7910 pany benefits . Call live in Co8ta Mesa. S.S, C:.. & 5'6-6682 Mon-Frl 646·9638. ..r::.... IOl O •SECURITY OFCRS• Typist·Re~eptionlst, NB ••••••••••••••••••u••• Estab ' l security firm harea. P/lcU~4ii~:rox 30 Pentax Spotmatk 55mm, neods reliable me l\ & rperw · • • Fl.8 $150. 200mm F4.5 women for uniformed Typi8t. expet'd x.erox 800 1_~_._5.$6_-8558 ______ _

1 security pos\llons in dual tape system. Must Cah 1036

$ALESP8SOM/ blwd Cost& Mesa. f\JU or Pi t be fast 4' accurate&: like •••••••••••••o••u•••• f!lep" Woine.n•s Fashion &chedules avail. ReUree vat1~ty. Heavy aien'l or Se P •' St So Co t Pl welcome. Phone collect, specialized' ofc back· lO .wks al "'"l Male O::· ~fl.!29 u aza. main otc. for appt, <213) grouqd. ~l~ort area. ~:i~l tJ'!d lin~ \i:,:

Seamstress needed for 23&.0~ TheOfrt~, 7 -0893· •hOW quality. 830-si!u or sall making and canvas Sec'yt1en ofe. XU. the W41TlUSIS _837_·1_4_7s ______ 1 products. 642·'11.38 . IJ'Vlne Corp. work! 1ood· MatUN persons, •dult DoC)I 1040

•---------. byo lot qtilet CdM loca. retlden\ care ctr. Gd. ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• Of Mfcr rep. nee&t ple ... nt bchefitf, &11·8.m POG TRAINlNG S..ctwlfl/•· c Lele:pboftepenonalltytor WAITIUS YourPlaceorlllne

w~~1f=D~Y~e t:1:'fJ::.\Yt"'.;~~ PartU~t.over 21 . JohnMart1a 549.oGSe 3rd to •tart )'OU in t">ut tecbnOIOI)' p roduc t s. CottaMesa. Ma·ll764 PUPPIES. AullnUan Ne'lrYe•r ' 6'f$.S090 CatUc Dogs. G Wlc4 old • .£ntpl(wen P ay All Fee.a WAREHOOS£¥AN for C&ll 55H2.55 •

Ua 1\endtn Al~Y Stl"vt&!e st._ i\tteodant, ct r a p • r y1 (a )> r l r • ~ Bhtb. Ste l lM • elq)er'd. Full er pJtlme. wholesaler, expt1r in UKC ~lbUll ~ps

Newpart 8each m.llllO AlllAY Arco Sl1!Uon. l1Ua ahtpplnl It tecelvln,g. Brindl Gc>&or Al rvlnt. C.M. 96H.S ~or897-648)

--- ·· "" ·" ... 1.\ -·4.J ~ CJ.I EWl., PILOT .W,WcWecl 7100 H4pW.t.d 7100

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Saturday 0.Umbf!r 31 1977

·~w..._. 1100 HllpW..ted 1100 eiw,w..t.4 noo HelttW..-.4 7too . A •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••, ••••••••••••••••• Ser vicu Stutlon Ucn• Welders

1041 G_.. sa1. eoss M11e•...-. 1010 •••••••••••••••••• 4 ......... ............ ... , •••••••••••••••• • ••••••

• LJ- dsrnt, exper'd . Vay & Erl y h ~ AJDl:cS Rat."<turl Ball tt~nipt . Hrs. .:vet. ~ll & p/ilmc. AP· C$0Q 3C tS Mlxed lioxer puppy. SAl'ISUN 1H1. 300 Kin~!! _.1ILIC "UCTIO ...

& om>aulS MM JPM. lt11c<1ucMun ply. Shell Station. 17th & 11 Fl t I ( nua_le . w/dog ltse. Good Plu<'•' . NB Wushc•r, ru .. "

PRODUCTION ias imu opc;n n"" or health, all-'""ll- . 63' . ..,..,, wat"rb"'" . .. dr1n !l"\. u"' "'V ITL~"'tS 0 '" FlNF. X.lnt b•nef1h .. lndud llllll! llam1lto11 110 Lrvlne,NU. cxper'd .. "'"'" ......... "' ,u " "' ·~.nJT, "'~' " r skk p.ay O..yvlt>14 Con\• 003>U864 - Htll.-c W .. der1 Fr<!e to good bolt\C Tatohtt i1ath,-.. MORt-:! .':°Sl'lj\ T<)F.8,J{'rC:'W1'S~:.LARYN , 2tJ5S ThW'lt1, CM 114<! :~ Servk<' Stu. Night Altend " , .,.

IEAL ESTATE TYPIST 2 Ors niltis a wk. Avpl.,v, FUii t1t1nefll:J: Mtj(lkul. 2 yr old spayed female MANY l·'urmturt.> Item& 1'lQUE:i., F'll'(E F'UHN. Nu rs 1na aide & 1't11n11 hat'k.p 's f()f' d1:0.iihl~d fem Exp Pl'tfd but not r~ 14&11r 'd . Live in or out. PJT 1198·m3


Champagne Temporary

Help 3849 lin:h St. Mewport leach


()phthalmolog1st ~e1•ks t•'( pc:r'd front ol t· t l 'ce1>t ~Just know t.1lling & bk

.kpng. Soml! t yping Cull 5.59'45.">3

P BX op1•rutnr tor f de ons 'g s t-r\' \'arh·d :.hifh open, lull 6-· p l Will tram r1).(ht 1wrs1111. Cull 54 1 -J.19~

Profh5ionial . lin:nHll Shell.t7lh& l rvi1w , NU duntul, Opllcal. Plei,uw moo_hse brkn646_:S956 inc l 'g ~lain Grund 1-:rc. PllONJ:; 1-'0lt IN 11ale11peo1>le wanted . IBM SELECTRIC II -- - - UIJPIY at Security O(e .. CAT. White male. p11rt ~·urno . <.:b11rr~ Ou~.rn" 1-' 0 & Bk OC HUR .t:; .

Service Station 1\ \t('ll · 1!131 lx•ert\Ave, S .A S 1 1tm. Pint: pon~ thl, fl·llln l'A~> 2alll lll'n.-r oull eornmii.:-.ioni, (';xperlen(•e<.J U<'<.'Ul'<Jlc: Typi!)l lll'<'ded d11 nt. upply at 15!122 • iame:;e. loust•broktill, :.! i;l!l. Ollwr lhml~ lndudc -Advunl'C lraltlllll( ----- mOtl G4G 8705

642•5062 immediately . 70 wpm (musll Pat'1f1c Coast llwy , Hntg · · _ __ toyi.. hooks, t ools. up PUILIC AUCTION

C_.._... ZI Croc._- Bch. 213-592·1571 YACHT SALES GREAT DANI::/ FAWN. 4 pli.1n<'c:(, 1-·~un<'ltc1an MANY lTEMS OF FLNF. •• .,_ r . ... Expenenced y1u·h~ s ales Yrs . Regii;ten'Cl. l\puy~, wate & MU<.;ll Mont. ~S'l'ATE JEW f;L n y, 621W. 19th., CM Part Time Sc·rvice Station Attend pcrson wunll'<I by rup11.1 loveschildrt>n833-0351 833·0.'\Sl 1\ H'l' OBJ !!;CTS. AN·

Hew l:b l 11tl• Salt·b 1'l'l111ll­wiinh .-d. Up to 001 HI' . <:omm. sphl Nwpl lkh li:ll ·0000


We nc~ Jn!Ollll• to rcce1\'t'. mark & 1nspcl'l inl'omrn!!

merchandise in 11u1 rc·cen·ing depart mcnt


l-\itl -11mc poMltons & rull l·o . h<'nd1t"

l'lt•a,.,c i•Jl lllv 111 pl'rson

Thursday & l'' rida.Y Day Sh ift l'\111 & P/T, exp & ovr 21. JI row i n It F LI l I I 'J'IQU .. 'S NE UR Sal open & u n iform ' G- REA'r DANL,' "'nw-n . • Hlghboy. l·hest"65. Bla.ek ... . F' l , "1'' N .. Saturday Night Shift YAMAHA De11\cr. Call " r r " h "'v 1:;1x;. PllONE FOi\ IN

TYPESETTER ~x1>erienccd . Day s hift position

Excellent Working Con<.litwns Apply in P<.•rson

Orange Coast Daily Pilot

330 WH t lay St .. Co,ta Mesa i\ ~k for P aul Ward

\n Equ~1l Opportunity J-; mployer

fC>u r1n!~ hKed.PARPP11 Yc u1,1•• SOUTHWISTERM yr;, , Hw:, s payed. Loves & w 1 t"' ~ ~ 6 S · FO & BROC H U RE "' y "CHT S "'LES duldren. S:l3-035l HefnAerator S3S. 97.1·07!!~ .,.5.:,.,.v. •

<;HF.VHON. 25172 Cabot .. .. ---- "' ~ Rd ut La P uz. Lag Hills. 7141673 921 1 (;!'-1' White male, l)lll'l HONes 8060

S111mese llou~dlrokcn , !! ••• ••• •••• •• ••• •••••••• Service S t ation Olt('ll · danls F IT ~ P IT llri1 '1·12; 3·10. Apply 21GO llarl>or, C. l\1 .

Scrv. St;1 Ht!lp necd<.><l 1m· med F\i II or fl / t . I\ ppl~. 900 E. Cst llwy. Nwpt fkh.

YARDMAN lltinlal C4!nler half open · in~~ for ~ mc11 Mcdi<111l cal knowled.i.:• helpful . neat hundwrit mg nee.. Weekduy off. Will truin. 1930 Newport 81, CM

S1tter / Compan~o~ with Y?tJn~ man 3 ~1·s ";ork ea elderly gentleman, 4 hrs Sun~lay mor~11ng ~.,3oorn dajly. 11.8 . area. n.ers. to S 30 am, a~o~t. S5 per 962-1832 or 545·2000 _hr 64~1'113 or ti73·2515

7- llSTORE. 1'\Jll m· P art ~hmtdlst Time Clerk. i\pply 1n •••:••••••••••••••••••• person . 28!133 C r own Antiques 8005 Val ley Prk wy, Lag . •••••••••••••••• •••••• •

mos. 641Hno5 i\ppaloosa llor:se, 31'!1 yrs.

Free to go,od homt• must scll $325. 752-S{IQCJ. Engli ~ h Bull l>ug . ll1t -l:W5 Purebr ed ' r l' male Houtet!old Goods 8065 f>l5·3138

Snoopy TyJh'. 4 mo , female. gocx1 w / kids. to gd home w / yd only 751 ·855-1

• •••••••••••••••••••••• New beige drape s w hardw11re. 4 Bluffs t.: moJc l - 2 pr wrnd ow lc:ngth, 3 pr noor, Sloo.

---------·· C a I 1 9 ,\ l\1 · n o o n L'ute 6 mo . old orangl' cat, 714-&IU·S.167 has shots. tl73·1J402 or - ---on.0485 Jewelry 8070 -- - --· -- - - -

Cute Dogs: '.\lop & Cook11•. 2 Mak k1ltl•Jls. Ot·c:it Wllh kid' . (J68·:1ll20.

.............•......... WANTED


Cockle - Cavity -So1"1erb Embark· • Sloul·h - Heg1me -

COM ME RCIALS I love to watch Westerns on TV, especially when lhe hero hll<·hes up his gunbelt and says , " Black Ilart. I 'm giving you five (.'OMMERCIALS lo gel out uf lown!"

Supt•r Bowl Tickets

.r,tM~Uf IJLWJ, RESTAURANT SN·retarv -Purl'ha~i ng :-;1i.;uc•I. PUBLIC AUCTIOM --- --.- MANY ITEMS OF FINI-~ Fumitwe 8050

TOP CAS H DOLLl\ll p M fJ r 'O n y 0 u H

2 'l'i«kNs. plane farl' :1 IJ:iy ho tt'I & mt'ali; . S llMKJ!or offer. &15· 1126 Npij,jMuMa~llll \ ~~r.~~~ ..... ~~~~ ~,.~~~ ..... ~~~~

tor prominent Orang1• Phone Schedulers \• ''''"' .\l aturt• Pt•l'son for Luneh Co;ist Hui Id ing f 1 rm

,,,., •. '"" ,, , ... ,,~.. lhtflet service 111 d1111ng 10 c a l cd 1 n Tu stin. STUDENT EST AT I':: J EWELHY . •••••••••••••••••••••••

P l time young men l8 ART OBJl-XTS. AN · STOR l-:WID ESAL E

J F.WELR'1. WATCll ES, Oli;:inal carhon ropy of' .'\HT OBJECTS. GOLD, tlw hook " BATTLE SILVER SF. R V l <:E, C.:ltV" by Leon l\I. Uns. FI NI·: FU l{N &. AN· At.k111g $700. C.1ll Enk. 2 · opcn1ngs Unic1ue 1oom AP1>rox :l ·I hrs 1wr

l l '''"'' ""· • 1·1 •"• '''" • l'n•vlous eonstru t•tion vrs+ to r dch\'erfos & TIQUES. FI NE F Ull N., New ~ used furn . ap pl's, " ·arehouse. Apply. P arty ETC. PHONE F Oil IN- m1sl'. Wilson's Ba r gain World, 2025 New(>-Ort 81. FO. & BROCHURE . Nook . f>.15 & Hl-l W. 19th,

I" eallh Progrum. 'art. · cla'.' 1\()pl)' t() Food M .. r. D F · , ,,,,,,, "" ' ,.. expi>1' requin•d. Type Tl(tU E. .. "i. t>-15·2200 759-lOllO. li7rl·l!S.hl

Ume. ;iy or •:vtntngs. "" 11 1 , Holl'! La J.(una . ·I ~~ S . i:nwi>m no shorthand.

~meticulous mollval"d t " •,·1.· t II ,,. ,., l · ''" "11 a "' • ... , ~ .. , .. ,,ti, .•• 1, 4 .,.,.,,j... v ,., .'""' '"'"' c nt ~t Peggyh3~300l Coi;la l\lesa. 645.22oo C'.\1. 1;.12.w:io & ~18 ·32'i2 '.;H ,"I' Dl 1\ MO'.'IOS2\l~ .

.!14 cl loose th;,a . S-175. Hand carved l\'ory l'hC:is :ml f rom lndi;1. Ven• Ornate, S865. 213 :-t35··225:'i

iv1duab l:d ht•nl'f1ls .. , . .,,.,. · 11 , , ,.,,., B<'arh ·l!J I 11:,1 ° a ' - - - ' · - -ilttalth Exam111it1t's , , B --------- 1----------1 Switchboard Oper;itors PUBLIC AUCTION

51 2 fl long custom padded port<Jbll' bar with multiplex tuner. fl truck & lUrnLablc-all are built· lns· plu s t wo custom wroui:ht iron bar stools. Sharp.:_ 581_::7446. __

•rrlt l540-74•12 llest:.iur>inl l11·lp tor Jac·k full & p/ t1me. Will l rain . MANY ITEMS OF FINE ln-Th<'· H<1ic 11urn1·d1atc Sct'relary IH5-8772. .ESTATE JEW ELRY.

Also misc stones &Jwry Z Emt•rulds 21:.14:.16·0072

Boy 's 5 spd . SchwmJ\, Uvestock 8075 good sh ape, S60; buss fid ·

1u:c1-: M'-WF.EKE:'li [) Hcntal off tee. IH' l'ns .

'Plastic l njet'lion helpful. .Jucly ni4:\1 arg 1l' Molding l!l4 ·!l4tl4

SET-UP MAN Exper 'd. 2nd Shi fl Ht•l'cpt1oni~t1 0nfrr Ot·sk

OIJ<'nlll~'-unall ~h11lsat:I i\RT OBJl'~ CTS . AN · Cc~~la :'llt'sa stores l'll'aM· SENIOR TECHNICIA.t4S TIQUES, FINE F'URN .. upply in person \ ETC. PHONE FOR IN·

3H5E.17thSt. SECRETARY \Vant e d 1. m FO. & UROCHUHE . 1205 Baker St mun o I o g y J ~er o l o g Y 645.2200

2235 llarhur Bh d Rl'.SC'arch and Develop· technician for young Bio· --------­ **I BUY**

••••••••••••••••••••••• cllc, Ger man made. case tleir. Morgan murt>, brokl' incl. S275, firm . 675·858l lo l'ide & drive. blk --::-- - -

FOREMAN (iood w 1numhPrs, pC'I,. pll'. ph'Onc t'onlac·I. t Yll ·

F:xpcr 'cl . 3rd Shift ini: . NeC'd.~ ti• ''" rll'<• I &i----------MAIHT. HELPER pli•as<rnt. 5<IO 11 11

mcnt organization locat· medical corp. Duties willl•--------•I cd in the Irvine In · include assisting in pro· MUSIC BOXES

(:oocl used It'll rnilutc & Appliances - Oil I will ?>ell or S ELL for You . MASTERS AUCTION 646-8686 & 833·9625

parade Mor~;in i;cld ing. 50 . Cus t r~mote control 1-:n1:. Western ( 7 1-1 l sail boat , tnclds 5 chan-3:-!!1·1011 nel t·raft transmit ter.

. - - --·--- Sl!85. 213 :435-2255

M Shift dustriaJ Complex has un duc t ion . processin~. & CLOCKS

OPERATORS lk1·1·pt1un1, L w,. 1tl·ed i:1rl r\11 Shifts l·'rulay 11 hu J 1 kes peoplt·


opening for a Senior charactcriJ:ing antisera Slot Machines, Nickelo Secretary to drugs & biological deOl)S. phonograph~ .

200 YDS or US{'(1 shag Misc:eHaneou1 8080 cpti: .. 170 yds Green. 30 •••••••••••••••. ••••••• yds. hluc. SL yd. 60' of t '

Apply & wants to work in

Orani:e Coast Plastic~ pit-as ant surrountlrnl!'

m ateri als. BS in Life World ' s largest sclC<'· :;ut·c·C'ssful candidates Scienct•s & exp in lion . Also gifts , CASH PAID WANTED

tu t'hain link £cocc Sli4>. 831-12.57

w lor llusy . a c t I\ c e x __ 850 __ . 1.R.lh_ s .i .• c.".~1.·_, l'l'UllVl'S (.';.i ll !J7!1 :.!11,1

UTOTEM Conve-nienc~ Markets

llclp Wanted

l.\'111 huvl' engineering &.-rology nee· furniture . antiques . k1rnwle~d~e . -;hortha nci Amencan International ;

For gd us ed furn. anti <rues & dr TV's, i1;,7 x1:1:1

TOl' C.\S ll DOLLAR -.. - ·- , p Ar D !" o R you H K1rhy vacuums . New faet .

J·~ACTlCAL NUHSE ~LP ER wanted for

nd wom:in & 111, t> or 8 hrs daily. li<U-!1573 CM.

Hen•p110111 s t T1 Jll ' t m •<•dl·tl lull t1m1· '"" ;\; t' w JI o r I B P :1 " h pubhsh111g lirm . 1;11ud knowkdgc of l!l'ammar l'Ssential. f.75 ·6730

1st. :!ml & :srcl Shifts :'\ocx1x·r. n·tf<I . We tram tho:-1.• hired. ,\1Jphninb apply ;.it vlol~III Stol'rs lo<.'ale<I Ht : r ·

:.P.,•l'<i of 100 wpm, and W anted H cs car c h l80'l Ketterin~. ln•inc. typm~ speed of 60 wpm . Tec-hn1 cian for young 754.1711. Open Wed .-Sal. Qualified ~1ppli c ants Bio · ml'd i cu l t'Ol'p . should sl'nd ;i resum e rn · l\nowlcdgc of l s otupe

Blond din 'J: rm st•t, J;! I" llUIO(' WO•ld l nl'll.Hl(•s buffet, 1<11Jle & 1; t>hairs. 847-466/i eluding salory history l a h c I i n g . 1-: 1 e l' ·l•--------•I

and requ i reme nt s t o trophoresis, Spec · WHOLESALE - --- - ---Waynl' Harris or l'all lrophotometry, TOTHETRADE MISC . FURNITUR ~;

JF:WELRY. W AT<.;H l'; S, repa<'ks, fully l!a~ran · l\HT OBJECTS GOI U teed 7 :;h 1:1g adJ USI · S ILVER SERV1c'1·: : m ; nts . $100 .~a . Call FINE FUHN . & J\'.'i· W~ehouse. 1·832-2101 'l'I<1UI::S. 645·2200 MisceHaneous 2Je~wr'd su rf brds . Wanted 8081

~e-School Teacher. 3 yr j~;;;;~~~;..;;;;;;;;...1 ~old class. F/ t1me. 1m· ln/ld. employmt>nt. For

111 Del l\h1r 1\vr. C ~I. 13!Kl N . P ac-1fw Cst llwy

Laguna fka1·h

( 957·7000. Chromatography desira· lncld'g Dinin~ Rm hie. MS or BS w/ 2 yrs Suttdown ~t'I Ltd. & Bedr oom ci1p. pref'tl . 15Z92 lolia Chica Sets. 993·0570 ,

Great sha ll ow water ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vl'ssel·SCUBA &WANT ED : Used sla· snorkelin g. S750 ea. tionary t'xercisc bicycle.

info rall 540·191!1

l 'nnlln,1.! l"ollalC'r, JI t1ml' r-;ow anepl1ni.: ap1>lu·a u ons for !\ton k Turs 1111'.lht :-.h1fh ,\pply !!11m lpm. f'e11n.vsan·1'. Hili() l'lar<'nlia Costa l\t1•sa

PRIMTSHOP Offse t or Xcrographll' k ,. y op c rat or Ex pcnl'ncc n('t'<'ssary Nc·w shop t.: xt•rux !1·1110 machine. Wnk P.O. Box 4481. Jrvme. C..\. \1<!7lti. Slatin~ expenenct• and wuge requirement


City of Newport Reurh SI ,28'1-Sl 5fl0 P er Mo

F1hni.: deacll111l' 1/ 9t ill lh·q ·~ I yr:> C'Xpcr. 1n µublk works con!.lrul' · lJon ur inspection . .For 1n· formation & appl1c ut1ons

, l·ontuct Pcrsonnl•I Ore. ~ Newr>0rl Hlvcl , :'\. B. 1;.io.2101.

Quality Assurance TECHMICIAM

Electronic background rcr(d . No degrt-c nee.

· ~\ge ope n . l mm c d uvoila bili ty, goo d benefits. Mission Viejo l\lfg. Co. Call Lillian, 5111 ·3830.



SECRETARY for lht• onlv :'lial ' I \d \ l!cn<·y I ll lln1n,l.!l' ("

Sl1mulal11H! t ' ll' 111111 mcnt . ,1.!rf'Ut IH'IH'llt ,,, xlnl growth pOlC'nlial lrn someone ml<'rc~ted 1n IJd ~1dvcrt1s1ni:: . Thl' girl ~·011 woul<I n·11lan· has hl·c·n

Wl' art• :in i>qual opportunit.v cmployl'r

R.tail Giff Gallery ncls p 11ml' allracl1ve . p P r s 1111 a h I t• r l ' m a I e Wkntls uwl llespons1blt· lor all t al'cts of i. torl' 1Jus1nc:.s. Ca l I Well · Thurs aft 10,\~ . 1;75·:I080

promott-<l lo Traffit· :'II :- -Sht• was firs t hired ;-, Sa1lmakmg. xlnt oppor t m11':, ai:o. ,\:;k for Liz for sa1l m<1k1ng c·an•<'r Williams. Boz el l & w1old esliJbltsh,•d firm . J <t<'Obs 83:H>8811. 1>12· 7~

Saks \1d Hourly P:iy &


W M) S. E. :'It ain Street Irvin!.'. CA. !.127 1-1

An Equal Opportunit~ Employer

1\1 1 f

SECRETARY For Cons t ru<-tion Co. ~~ar Drookhurst & Ad<1ms. 11. ll . Call btwn !I .\:'It & 51'~1 . fJ62 ·1l6&1

RECEPTIONIST honus es N<'wporl Jloob SecrNary for ll . 1-: . :'111-:r . Small Mission Viejo Mfg Urani::c Co1111l\ f3.M Hl:M :\lust havt' l(.d ~hthnd & Cl ced c· t ·i , , , , . typrni::. Movm~ to new

c n !!n•a .ppearu~ . Sall':. . fine Q11.1l1t y fol· in Irvine Gd s ulary rourlt'ou~. esper pC'r:.on . llct.i1hng 11rm. n1·t'<l .., & b f'l . · A ··I t Bkkp'g l'XP lwlpful hut woman w good l a~lt· . T enerr1· s ·. Thll•PS Y o uot net' : typin.J; req 'tl m111 fashion & pcopll! Onl·nted ' .cm2p082. o ,1.c_e:h 1 ·c l,?.2glc2r 5'! wpm c· ll 1 ll . -..o.. • .. 1c e son ~ ,

' . a •1 lo Sl'll . P l1m1· Call ln·inl'. 752·0234 .""81 ·~I Becky. twti-l666 ____ ---------

RE. Sulrs $ 1\LES- Jr. Women 's Century :n Adame· tit now 1-'ashwns. Exper . pref'd . 1111crv1ew111~. for sales Advance ment possible. people for lhl'll' 2nd offiC'l' App ly i n per son. The 111 Alicia Town <:enter, Second GI ance. 2122 W . a.cross the street from Oceanfront. N.B. (,emco. For a11pt. rail ---- - --Manuel Ada m e, Brkr. or

SECRET ARY / Le<Jal ~ Serre tar l n f or Newport Center L aw Of· f1ce . Typing 60 wpm , legal expr n o l n ee . Sa lary comm ensura t e w/ al)lht y. Call 644·7600

Louise Jutcau . Mgr .1 _________ _

831·2&1_0 _______ , Si\LES ----------Secr etari al/ office clerk 4 hrs per day. a fternoons, typing requir('(f. S3.25 hr. Call Judy 833·8680

R ESTAUHANT Im ~ mediate opcnmgs for r e staurant personnel. \ ' 1 c lo r i u S t a t i o n

H.B. J714t893·7509 jlx6~ •'lass top 1q·ou11 ht P 11· Te c h n i ti a n for " "

213 :435·2255 in gd cond, 751~_55 __ _

young Bio-mcdil'al corp . iron & tuhe s lt•cl tbl. 4 Dulie.'I include preparing STEWART ROTH dirs. l'irrn 1!130 S350.

LUGGAGE TAGS wanted: Old wooden s haft J,lolf clubs ;md s teel shaft

fromyourbusmcsscard. :'\la c Gres:ur l')ubs . Send one card for ea<'h 831 llX17

Hcai:ents & materials in ANTIQUES Call fii:J.(i.'131 n•scatch lah. Basic skills "shipment of Am'eri can Coff<'I.! tht. "'I· pernn. S50. 1 n Gr"\' 1 m c t r 1 e & Oak antiques has just ar· 2 encl C'lll'St s , :.;as ca . Volumetric methods are rived f r o m the Ea:-it OO:l·4t~JO nee . l yr co ll c~c Coast. Open LO tiPM chemistry nee. daily

750 E. DYEH HD. Excellent Bener1ts SANTA ANA

N.B.631·1881 (at the Newport Fwy)

TELEPHONE SALES 751-8922 Tired of the r outine'! This job is for you•

Call Us Now Al 833-8095


Equal Opp Emplyr m t f

Telephone Sa.les



A WE EK 9·6 Suttdown Antiqu.s Ltd

15292 lolsa Chica H.l . 17l4J 893-7509

Bdrm set , Oed . i.l rcsscr. two 111~htstand :, ~7S . K1tchcne1te S5. ~-:m&l

lag plus Olll' spurt'. We return pcrmanenll~· Pets 8087 l>calC<I attractive tag & ••••••••••••• • ••••••••• ~trap, mectm i;: airline nahhil hutch, li::c. auto l.D. r~wremmts. Pre· water s ,·s S25. 5.1.'i·4142 \'ent loss & thdt! For a Hahbi ts, Cheap! . )JCrsonahzctl tag l' ll<'los c • - ----

8. SOF'/\. loosC' pillow wallpaper. fahr1 t or P1ancn&Or«JClftl 8090 back. goldi~h color. SlU!f '· J)ay GJo· · pnpcr & WP •••••••••••••:•• ••••••• ooz.2911 will back & trim ~·oul' New Brand Nome Pianos - - - ~ - -- - - - tags. Or try t WO card:, IO' ~ liver CO!.l.



n I a c· k & w h I t l'

lloundswoth cornrr unit, i:ood conct. SlOO 8311·5394

back to back. 1k 11t·h 1\1 usk Omter P RIC:F.S 174().1 Beach Bh·d. H.B

S2 l'U or 3/S5 847-8:>36 415 lags Sl.tlO <'ii . 619tags$l.50t•a. B ald win Co mpa t'l tOor more SI .40 ca. Theater Or~un. l\fod . C l'

Sales Tax lncludNI 2R, l..t-slie spkrs. a ntique NOC/\HD'! white. gold trim, Sl 20\1

l ' pholstcred Ouk sofa & fl2 573.1 l hair, gocx1 cnncl Draw your own nr semi .,. ·· _. ____ _

S.UViM5 name, adtl re:.s , phone & SewincJ Machines 8093 - ------- we' ll make one curd per •••••••••••••••••••••• • 10-4



ANTIQUEgoldenoakhuf·,\dd25'e;wh. S111gcr deluxe <Dial-a· 1---------• fet. Oriental took chesl. Send c heck or m oney or· Stitch). Buttonholes. 64-l ·l65l. 832·fl343 der to·

ISOO's solid brass dbl bet! fra me. New rirm malt. & hoxsprings . $575/ ofr . 642-0444

Appliances 80 I 0

PIL.OT PRl...,Tl...,G blind hems. over-casts. d " " "cws s tretch. many fan-

R' wall uml. w/ esk & t•ah. P.O. Box 15ti41 cy patterns. Gaurantced . Fir to ceili ng . .f"rom St70. Costa Mes a , Ca. 92(i2fl Wal. tbl included . Ba l s.17 Custo m W al l Unit.~ . 492-1'.1)112 I n :\l S l t · I I or SIO m o. No cr('(fit T('·

u • · e e e r 1 c . quired. Call Warehouse. Brwn pattem sect courh, Typewnter, SG50. Office l.s32·210l

J>es k 34"x60" S35. Ofc --------­This is the mo1t in· FR G HT DAMA GED Goltl r cfrit:, S/S, Chair , S25:- Dre.sser 4 SporlirMJGoods 8094 teresff- & fun sales HCYI'POINT SALE. 33011 Washer/ Dryer. rnd dtn dwr, 525 . Sideboard •••••••••••••••••••••••


·--:i W. Warner nr Harbor, 1·m set. Hollywood bed. h ' s ::: ~r:;. ~':.y;': _sa_n_ta_A_ n a_._9_7_9·_29_2_1 __ -1 PPOOJ-1492 &:rfc~1~~~1 $1~~ 5~'.~525 m I·~~50~~~[..,_ 51~~ecr~ 1 !i~ _________ .,, Restaunnt, (formerly


Tlm•·Llfe Libraries, Inc. has both full & pcrt•tlmt opettings f Of

artlcutate-. fun lovlnq lndMdilClla who want to work for a living.

d I t CASH PAID Gcraqe Sale 8055 - nk- J - ood I hdngs.-S75. MK·SOO Wood CJOO colftm., x " • For Wshr/ Dryrs / Re f rig • • ••••••••••••••••••••• Mi acket , I? cunt · l 70c m w I Eckel bind -bonu1 & casual at· working or not 957-8133 PUBLIC AUCTION ,\.~king s::i:2188 ings-$45. Ski boots·sizes SECRETARY

~ality Control II\;;

Uell & Crown) l \ Ull Bt'ach IJlvd . . Westminster

~: Manager ~oopace prooucts co. ~s exper'd person for ~-destructive tes ting, 01menslonal ins pection & ~rking to MI L-Q 9858A procedures . Send re· l u'me to P O Box R, ~.port Bt•ac h . Ca

Restaurant- Cooks. de­liver y drivl'rs. P / lime openjngs for women & m en wi th ou t going person alities & who take pride in their work. Over 21 & able to work eves. $2.70·$3 to s tar t . Apply aft 5pm daily, Mc N Eds Family Pizza Parlor, 410 E . 17th St. C.M.

t@pWCMted 7100 HtlpWonted ~····•••••••••••••••• ••r••••••••••••••••••••

7 100

...... ·opening. m<U'ck 6lk .Jn :J.aJkwn.J6fanJ

We are now W.flMlng for the foHowfng poslttons:




tcifJ WRAPPtNG ••• STOCX ROOM' .......... .....-.

Order Coordinator Regional sales o fc for this world wide manuf. has un opening for a sales secy/coord inator. Pos. req's accurate l YP· mg & good t e lephone

mosphere to go along MANY F l NE ITEMS OF 61 2, 7, 81 i, 10; S7.50, $25. w/ our staff .,_l'ffh ESTATE JEWELRY, Babyline Dresse r & S35 & S45. Girl's i rt• Ho door to door. 0 .,;. Re c o n di ti one d ART OB.JECTS . • l\ N · hutch, 2 oak tb1s. k itch skate.<1-SizeSN, skatebai:

Refri iteraters, washer s T IQUES. F INE F URN .. thle/ :! chrs. Qn Sofa bed. & skat e dress.size 10 ofc. spac• ii b•autifut & dryers. Freight ETC. PHONE FOR IN- 16" Schwinn lmy's hike. <child>-all for $50. Coll &no•tptr. W•traift. damaged & Model Home FO . & BROCHUH E . Tools. Toy box, MUCH 642-0138.

SOUHDGOOD7 returns. Gu ar /del. Also 645-2200 MORE. 963·5891 ---------

WE OFFER•. communication s kills . ------- ----------1Trailmaster 200's wilh 1lMft c• new appliances at cost + - PU-ILIC "UCTIO'"' s 1 b I d 1 ~-Exper. pref 'd , but we IO%. DUNLAP'S 10960 ~ " Inves tors h a nd signed a amon n n gs ~

RUllER DUCK Talbert <at Euclid ) FV. MANY 1-~INE ITEMS OF lithographs . Chaga ll , poles. $75. Call 581·7446. •Gcicr.HrfySalnrv will tra i n t he r ig ht -1 person. Good sa l &

•Comm. Paid Wuldy benefits. For appt. cnll A.'T 963-0721 0pn 7 d ays ESTATE .JEWELRY, Miro. Dali, Caldor & Store Restauraltt

833 .. 095 i------··-- A RT OBJECT S, AN· ot h ers. L ow prices ~ • 8095 TIMUIFE TIQUES, F L"I E FURN.. _7_52_·_500!_ 9 _______ , •••••••••••••••••••••••

L •• a"RIES Whirlpool W as h er & ETC. PHONE FOR IN·

•Great lonus Plan 493-45039am ·5pm

• Pd TrainirtCJ Plan Potte/t'rr~1!'~~ld Div

CALL TODAY 26181 Avenida - Drye r . 1 y r old . Xlnt FO. & BROC H URE.

Equal Opp Emplyr mf ( cond. $300/ both.' 993-0570 645'2200 Aeropuerto

START TOMORROW SanJuanCapistrano ------_._•Was h er, drye r , d is ·

. Equa lOpporEmployer Telephone Sales ::.~~~as range, $75

714-833-8095 We wtll train . Earn , · SECY/ BKKP'R, exp thru C hr ist m as money . Litton e l ec . r<1oge, TIME·Llf[ LriaJ bat. Client contact , Salary and commission. smoothl?P· Self c lean

assume respon to m eet Call : oven. microwave, n ew

-------· MOVING SALE!

Must sell everythin g . Wrought iron glass tbl S75. Furn. ll~n. dis· hware, appl. , et c. All m good cond . Saturday, 25:101 Tuna D ana Pt. 4964 193

Golf Clubs, Northwesternl•-------­X·st1ff, X·long, 2·9, PW. D·2· 3 ·4 woods, $100 . r,i9-1G.17

2.5" Color TV Console, Plays good $145. D/ W

'Port TV . S32. 646-1525

Norwe~ian whit e fox. SSO. Cahill wedding gown . siie. $ $50. 644-6211.

CLEARANCE SALE 1 DAY ONLY : All Cix­turc.o;, trade & light, t o be sold as is. Bes t offer lOAM lo 2P~f Tuesd::ir .January 3rd.

TIU•; TOP DRAWER 221Marin eAVe.

Balboa Island

LIBRARIES INC d eadlin es, s al open. 631-0337,askforDon from game s how. $750. 759-1721 dys 641>-1683 evs. . · Tues. 644·M50 E 0 I!' .. , , .,. ' Tow Truck Drivers ex· 1--::::::::::::::::::::=:;~::=:::::::==:::=~~:::::=:;~:=~=~"' .. 1---·· • ·•


•• .. ___ .,,Security Officer per'd . Top pay. Apply, licydes 80201 --- -------• Applications ht!ing t aken G&.W Towing, 1000 Irvine •••••••••••••••••••••••

SALES fat' malure security of· Ave,NB642-1252 USEDBIKES fleer& So.'Plaza. 40 Rccond. Buy, sell, trade.

2 mature and re.c;ponsible Hr; week Various sh if\s. TOW TRUCK DRIVER Cy~le & Co. 2488 Newport Individuals need ed for Exper. prer. Full com. Ne«led, exp only. Must Blvd. C.M. 642-7910 retail candy sales. Full & pan y benefits. Call Uve in .CoSta Mesa. 8·5, C..ras & part·tlme. J\tanaJement 5'6-6682 Mon·Fr1646-9638. ,._.. _ _.

1. 0

.. 0.

position open. Apply: .......... -'"' ., HELIN GRACE •SECURITY OFCRS•' Typist·Receptionlst , NB •• .. ••••••••••••••••••,

CAMDIH &tab' l securlt.y firm ~ea. P/U~i· Afrox 30 Pentu Spotmatlc 5Smm. Laguna fllll!I Mall needs r eUable m e n & r perw • · F'J .8 $JGO. 200mm F4.G

Wed.Jan4, 10/\M·5PM women for uniformed Typist, ell r'd xerox 800 _ioo_._SM_ -8558 ______ , ---------1 security positions Jn dual tape system. Must Cab 1035 SAUSPRSOM/ EXDl"CI Costa Mesa. Full or p / t be fast Ir accurate Ir lik4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Men" Women's Fasl>ion schedules nvall . ReUrw vol'\~. Heavy een'l or ks Seal p i M l S•-c. " "'. Co .. ~t Pl 0 •a. welcome. Phono collect &"'eclallsed· ofc back• lO w 0 nl •CJ ""' .,., .... .... al t t t (" '~)· "' d 1 lUm a layan-Gr~nd I>ana5'0-61.29 m n o c. or app • - a r ouA • A rt>Ott area. a.amp. blood lines. Top

Seamstress needed for 2.M-Ol5&. 1be0ffiet1, 752•0803• show quality. 830-9891 or tall making and canvas Sec'7/1en ofc. Xiu the WAJTllSSIS ,_837_·14_7_5 _ _____ , product.4. 642-'7238 lrvtne Corp. ~Jd good· Mature ~raOM, adult DoC)I 8040

.,. _________ , bye toc- qliiet Cdat Iota. 1'tlldant caN dr. Od. •••••••••-•••••••••••• 1 1 Of )if•• t .... ""48 ple&Mnl benefit. 8'1~ OOGTRA'"""""' ... Ctl ...... ~····· SID•'•'"'·· c tef~"'*°"aiit)'for- • J,A~l"V

llAPPYHOi.JDAYS ll'ittofc. Utetypln1. lil· ft WUAITUSI .,1

J~'fl~-:·•~--We wlU reopen on J•n lnr ck laterett ln bt•b rart cne,ovtr .... 3rd to auart you in >'OUt t~bnolol)' produc-ts. eo.taJilela.842·976' PUPPIES. Auttrallan New Year'• car..... 6'15-5080 Cattle Dotta. $ Wu okl. !!:mP1oYen Pay AU Feo. WAJ\EHOOSENAN for CallSSMW. •

µ1 Rttn4et• AR~ncy SttvJce Sta. Atteedlnt, d r 1 po r' '1 ( • \) r I r 1 ...;..;..._.;..._~------r 4020 Birch, Ste J04 · expe-r'd. ~n or p/tinu•. wholtu.ler, upcr ln UKC PitbuUPups

NftpcriBHch &.1MUIO A&IPlY ~o SteU.. 17th 1ht.,plna • recelvlna. Brl.ndleColor arlrvine, c.M. 8'1·1.M 882'4802cr.-r-649

I TV • ....._ / INh. Sllpf/ Saturday. December 31 1977 DAILY PILOT Cf 3

our famous DIME -A- LINES

... ...... totl .,... 9070 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mwit wl tMtforc Ute ut. 2$' Slip Newport Beach

v- 9570 VC1111 9570 Autoa "If ant~ 95t0 A.utos, 1.;.potted ··•••············•··••· ......................• ················-······ ···················~·

R A lC Hl. F. siJ:f• 16 s k i O tl A !': C E h id e a - be d boots . S25 l'..!5: 0 1vers couc h $!.5. 673· 1875 wet l>Utt ~12. Dining room ---- --­c·ha ndt!llcr SS. M~ium OLD rashreglster s:?J. tw i. ite ~nn l).1i; ('b111r l!tl. breezeway walls 12· \\ldl· Sunbeam <' lcct tic i;haver with jealousic w ind o \\ S s.t . 640 1Htl7 a nd root. you lakt> J own

~o. 96J.JO!Jti l ~SULl\TION 2 rollls St. ---------1

C oba in. for l ; I.lac k 3 NEW Craig •f ' car door • ~"xl 5"x56' SlO ea ch . 2 s p ea k e r s S I O pair l> Ol id (l \\ood interio r _%0 __ · 1_9_3_1 ______



• doors :JO 'x79 Iii" louvre NE\V 40 1 it. .. d 'l .. patte rn, excellent rondi· . P eee ~ an ~ 4~ rll I I ti t io n s2s each ; C OM , dnve.combmalton metn c ••• .,,. • o • 119 i;iu 13; 7 and inch ra tchet socket th.M r ...... 6"t May ---------• set , unus ed sa cri fice S20. be 1R •w.tlM et Stet•

:\OH l'J'AKE china . pl at.1_96_'0_·_411_3_1 _____ __

1 Fra11cltlH l•erd &

ll'i' i. , plale i.. c u ps , T RAN S I S TORI Z ED local btt.&Mu Un11H lt :1uc c·r i. , lt uup 1111d • ~IL n •i.: l'talilc ho\\ b , S2S a ll w a l!' .ut w all c loc k . 1;;; oG23 s:icnfice ~O. 960· 1931

Hll<Dt·,igt·S8 5~5.i;57 1 S P ANISH s t yl~ hangin i; 131-:0S withmattr~s~esSIS -- l u m p , s acrifice S l 5 .. and S25 each . D1mng l a ·

l ' l'll OLSTJ-: rn : u corner 9\ilJ · 1931 blc :$15. Child 's car seats linu tll :;20. L rn n mowt·i :S.1 ond ~. Ba by s wing 8.5.

beaut. 10Ud 1nabo1 IJ' Poweronly Mt<tit cablntit . Curved . QIU 6'15..(921 lihclve., can be uaed for to.ts. Speed & at..-.o co mp0n"-ntl , re ' Sid 9080 l'Ord.8 , 11m . TV 4' h11r . Sucriflee $135 . Cull ••••••••••••••••••••••• &tfi.'1857 aft spm Johnson Seu Scout Tri

Hull, new e ng, OD. etc. dbl bait tanks . 1601lP. W/ trlr. $249S. 754-6440

23" G.t: . color TV, l yr . old picture lube . Tunl'r Ol'l• d s work . s10 0 . 962·~

TranaportatiOft •••••••••••••••••••••••

Several beaut. color 'l'V 'i. c~. Sf/Ae/ $99/up. S&S TV. 642- ~340 R...t 9 120 _~Newport Blvd . C::~t_ •••••••••••••••••••••••

6' llulf Cab over ca mper, NIKKO 5C>1S. all Wa lnut S200 or best offer . See al : 1549 Placent ia, Apt 22tiA. Cl\1.

beaut. cus t. inter . $550. Aft. 6 PM 979·2133

Motorlted libs 9140 •••••••••••••••••••••••

Oiled walnut 3 pc s tereo '76 Puch Moped, xlnt con­grouping w/spkrs & Sony dition. $340 or bi;t ofr s tere o r eceive r . Xlnl takes. 837-S570. cond. $.2~. 546-4096

loots & Marine Ecppmtnt

••••••••••••••• •••••••• loats.Mcwin•

i.,,...nt 90)0 .....•..••.•..•......•. <fRA Y MARINE

9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HIH 2SO Y a maha MX­Terry kit front fork . Bog ~hocks. etc . $500. Call 162·9898 after 7 p. m .

'4 YAMAH A RDJSOB. ;how rm cond. 1600 m i. Mu s t see t o apprec . S750/ ofr . Dan 642·8500

1973 Kawasaki 75ec Mini ­




UNBELIEVABLE, ONCE IN A LIFETIME SAVINGS! 11·it h <':itt·ht' I' SJ Cryltt tt l ON E w~rk bench !J' long 2' Hocking chair S15. Baby

i·hancl<'h e r :>20. Good wide, 6 drawe rs S20. two cJotlfe rs 10 -Sl. Ba by ""' t :1l1lc tn•t'l1Hi te1· ~O. tires fo r s m a ll truc k with r r ib top S25. rn;2 11:113 14x700, m a ny miles left Dishes. bowls, pol!S a nd

The traditional hea,·y du ­ty, light w e ight marine engine. To 350 HP. Ge· nuin e n e w pa rt s . Authori zed Distr; Bri ll tol Services. Co~ta Mes a . (714 )892·8541

Trail. Like new $225 . HERE'S AN EXAMPLE S20. 531·39'.!6 p uns.5 -7S . Self clean.

T\\'O wicker. s wivel bar "" . ing broiler ovc:n :SS. Bike •ZODIAC J. t1111ls . vrr•v nice S.'i each. "lJLL s.ize brass bed ~~; S25. Children 's desk $7

II B 8 16 o:il~I twin s iz~ mattress Sl;i : Wooden playhouse StO t wo twin ,be dspread~. Dn s s t! r 520 . 2 (105 2 Port -A - ~tarine

1: () () I) IJ o d g e Da r 1 g re e n and gold c hecked 1 JIB 968 392 Inflatable Boats \ '.d 1.1nt .~ ti parts, ::.ll for both.840-1016 :'> ayport, · · - 0 2925CollC'gc. l'.l\I 1 lu1<·h pn·,!>urc pl:ilc. TWO ·h . f d . . , C'UHTIS Mathe:> 2 1" color ___ <7_u_>s.io_ :.._!070 <ll't' and ht•a ring S!2. 1 e.sto ruii ~rs . <>,~~ TV In waln ut cabinct Ul'llhou,.. •n!! ~ F ly\\ hcl·I y~ ll o.w •. one wh!•e. ~- .> works ~5 . 515 5608 ' SIO. Complete hl'atcr a s· eac h . .snow c h::ims tor I ::. t•mhl \' :S l :i. 1a"- rims truck t ires 12xt6.5. S2~: TlREStwoG70-15 radi als. with t i.i (J , pare tin':. :ss o~ e .Ye llo w d e"k Sb good condition SlO each .I t• :1d1. \\"ipt·r motor SS. 963· ln&l 5~8-5012 ,

:i i~ 3tt71! 20" .BOYS 2 sp_ee d ·r 1R E chatns·uscd once, 'f',\ f\ t.~: lt'af . ftJur chuirs Schwinn ~O: 26" ladies fi ts J ·K o r L70· 15 or

":!5. t i l 5 -!l5:J5. fi.l:!· ·Hll i~ Sr hwinn SIO: doghoust! L 78 -15 Sl7 . Al s o ne w :>Is : r a dio-p ho no-s treo chains fits 670·a nd 725·13 !.' 10 ; mob il e c am pe r ord78· i4 St2. 646·3880

·1 p1t'l''' ~cd iona l ~:;. Twn rC'frii::era tor SS. needs ---------nit1· ~ln1HI-.. SIU 'f'o;i :- tt•r work . ~1:!· 1 738 .2'l' 'RCA B&W TV, works ;>\.! ll ah~· 11 \• tn s f'.4) to -- 14ood 525. S<>rreta ry chair :-. \ .; '.!ll1i() C'1111t11wnt <i l ~I E;\; ':, ~ki boots . s ize 8, S2S. Art ificial Orient ul 1\ \'1' < · \1. 1; 1:, 11\Jll :.10. \\'t)mc n::. ::, Id bootlt . m in i,: t ree. cus tom m ade,

I'\ \ ' \I fl)'S I:~ lt lZC 7. :,,1.1. Ant ique ~ak 5'.S25. 641-16Sl. 832·63 13 · · 1 < !> ~ !>Wl\'r l ch:urs. lwo pmk

p ;1 rl.1hil· t111ll't . !>t.1in lei-_s lami>s ~each . 5.10.4788 LARG E table lamp ~5. ~ 11•1· 1 111h111 i.: fram e Slh. - Large m acrame hangmg Hollaway ~)('<I :m .. s tc•cl 8 'S A BOT S25. Assorted 520. Skateboards <ne w · fr a m e . ncwl~· painted. ha nd tools lll ·S2S. ~ . .. S20·S25. Lamp S2. Infant UC\\ cover on 2" alt· foa m ply wol>d SS pe r s heet. ca rrier $4. Infant s wing maltn·s!> Sl2. 968·Sli58 759·153-1 SB. Women's c lothes. s ize

GRAY MARINE Th e tra di ­t ional ' he a vy'duty. light weight marine engine To 350 H P . Genuine ne w parts . Authorized 01s ­tr : ' Bris tol Se r v i ce s , C o s ta M es a . (714 )892·8541

Coronado 28 c us h ions. complete set · n ever used, red -wht-blu -plaid, Sl 25. 546-0023 afte r 2pm . ---------

Sacrifice- 1 Gray Marine Eng VS, comp w/ Bori; Warner velve t dr\ve & barr conv, S400. Clean 25 hr since OH. 1 Chrysler Crown, co mp w/ lrans. &a2·9'l24

Boats. Power 9040 7. 50 ·S'25. Bikes S25. TV ••••••••••••••••••••• • •

Lr\ :'>! I'S ~'> T;ihlr s 5'5. ~i~- DO Y 'S l\lotox s ting ra y s tand SlO. Beds pread 1 ~8 lahlc with leaf ;)!:>. bike 525. 175-70 HR 13 C henille SS. Pict u r es 11\~ · arly 11e w twin beds r:id ia l tire 56. Radiant SJ.SO. 20621 Sandpipe r \•1th hi ·:ulho:i rd ~O f'<irh m ovie ltcreen. like new Ln .. HB. 5J6.. 1888 Ll•iulill' bl·tl Sl5. lkal 31;"x31>" SIO. l\letro 200 "1 c kt·r h u m pH S I O skns with bindings ss SNOW ('hains . new. call \\ 1 •d i;l·111~1< I ~lm l' s t 381 T a p l' rec 0 r u c r . for ltl7.e Sl5. Ire cream <'o:-. t n ;\h'~a. Iii I SJ tur· P a na:.unic .520. Gcrm;111 mak e r SJ. Vnn seat s , d;i~ 11 11ly c o i n s w \ lh s w a s ti ka 1-'ord i;9.7,1, front whitl'.

75 -SL S.ltl·3680 excellent S20. V:in mi r· DI VE ,::ear lrir "ale S:l. --------- ro r s. lik e n e w Sii)

SEA RAY'S Aft 1978M~s


SU RAY 2327 So. Main, S.A.

540-6555 3101 Coas t' Hwy, N.B.


f\ nife :-.7 . \\'hil l.' Stag TWO s now ti res A78- 13 Garage door o pe ne r . i;lon~s 'irl. Ask for Bill m ounted for Che\'y Vega complete 525. Gara ge afl<'r <1:30pm 6'15·111114 or Manza S2S. One tire door hinges with s prings

l.HKF.-men's2?'lOspeed, new retread A78·13 a.nd S15. AlldayS11nda y,All 126 f t. Thund e rbird i.;oo d con di tion 525 . Ope t wheel SlO. 9nc ~re day Monday. Cash only. Formula (offshore). 351

• s.16.0023 1178· 1. One set Panto tire 557-4480 vs·s, all navigational ---- --- ---i cha ins <used once ' SB. Al/TO WA~I ER S25 . Swivel office chair $25. PINTO rarbuerator ilO. gear & ground tackle .

l>rycr s:!!'i. Dishwas he r Plumbers pipe vise a nd Child's b ike SB. Carrom Slee ps four . Unde r 50 R · d h d board stand S2. 673-2912 hoors us ed sinee new. 6

:-.2.> . o1.1ry 11101\ er S2S. lrtpo e a vy uty 525. wbeel tra iler inclurlcrl · l'u :- h m o w<:r SS . ' 2 Da n ish ch~l r SS. ~wo lll GH 1·olume Chevy <nl als o fu ll canvas . C<i ll 111 "" e r ~::i. E .ll'l'I r ! c Da~stro!' ki tchen swivel p u m p s s . H i g ,, John Felter at 642.0010 or 111111v rr $\~ O . !-, l l' l' l r& c ch:i1rs $.)each. 556·0525 performance Chevy c;1m 540-8Zll. h 1·a t e r S.>. ll a stJ lin e . . ,, · . sha ft ~5. Ai r cleane rs ----"----<:ng 1ne ~O. ( ;uitar ~HI. :!to ll !' Y_ W en.,m e pa:ts S.'i ·SS. 839·3050 28 ft. Unifiitc Sporllishe r . Stereo -~:.. Dn·s;.~·r ~l!'> . !>l ;~ I O . 2·4 hi i,: mags with L owner, in mint condi · fia s hc ;i t l"r SS. T i r e s H s now ti res S20. One O~E China m ink s tole tion&loaded ! Cus tom in· 1no 15 Ii ply ~10 each . cx~ra larce bird ra~e SlO. $25. One sable skins mink t · 11 t A o L '

GE gas drver S20 '' enith . ert or . p o . . . ,. • Vre!.~C' r <l<>.~k comhina - · · · ' ' . scarf S25. Gas log S15. GE v H F J t · I ion S2U. 769 '·2 W. 20th St . co lor TV SS. Four P!nto s team iron S3. 833-2816 g~~. ,\(;15~~ ~~tu~~! ~;~ C. :\L off Pluccnt ia A vc wheels SS. ea ch. '- •haust re fri geration &: cooking , - manifold for '7S ' 1nto LANGE s ki boots size 9 COLF' bag and fo ldmg S.'i.751-2509 • S25. Royce Unio n IO bimini top w/ enclosure, alumi n um c:irt , good - s peed S25. Laav l:imp new Chrys ler ma nifolds. rondilion }IO. 642.03"12 II 0 0 V ER up r i S6.S.fG·S69l ris ers & elbows plus ex-

GAS dryer ~.>. Wroui:ht vacu u m plus alt th . •. tra fue l. Call Dale a t iron patio table S:!ll . m<'nls S25. Maple table STAINLESS stee l s in k _4_98_·27_ 09_. _ ____ _ Porcelain laundry s ink 525. Four maple chairs double 525. Single 520. "The Thoroughbred of s t ;; . La ni::e s ki boots S25~ Pertersonhigh chair withfaucets. Goodquali- Boats " . 19. Century <men · ~ !>1te ll ' S2S. 70 SS. 5-16-1400 t y s hort shag rug. blue S2 Run a bout . r om pl . yarrls used <' a rpet P:IP· TABLE and two chairs yard. 542·Sl7l. re s tor e d . l''o rmerl y

. • ' ?5 • I • - · Id d ' pmi; ~ .... ~ '" •. go. an Sto. Queen size mattress GOODY bags Sl to ss. owned by fa m ous pilot. b rown rug SlO. a x7 c~rn · :ind s prings S2S. Baby Ne w US Divers BC II 525. Perfect for bay or island


'75 Sozuki 125 RM , xtr lll> for r ac in g . Gd cond . $400. bs t ofr . 323 1 :t Crest. .\ \'l' llH

'GS IU>. Shovel Head. ful ­ly custom.

~6-6385 ----'73 llon<la 350 with he lmet. Good cond.

ssoo. 768·0093

1976 RD400 Ya maha . fully dressed. AM -FM radio, including ext ra parts. Only 3SOO miles. $2500 or bes t oHe r . Als o 1970 Suzuki 50cc o nly 250 miles in new tondition $250. 631 -3474

·73 YAMAHA 125 MX f: x. eel. cond. $3'7S/ bst offe r . :»8·07!16 - - ---

'751'riumph 650, good COO · dition $500/ bs t ofr.


72 Yamaha 17S, Enduro, dirt bike, xlnl cond. runs gre at, many xtras. $325. ALSO. Sofa, 642·2008


Co mplete with 460 VS. a utoma tic trans air cond power steering . s peed cont ro l. dual tan\\s. sink sto ve. icebox. potly, dine tte area & steeps 6 Low mileitge rental . (068SXA)

LIST PRICE - $12,377 g~~SEOUT s9277 PRICE IS

PLUS l u , & 1.ICENSE

$500 CA!.~1,e!eTw~t~DE your good credll

C losed Sunda~. Jan. I -Open Monday. J an 2 Oller e nds 48 hours alter publ1cat1on

~71 Suzuki TC ~2S, .xlnt RKr'fftiV.J...J-•~flA rood . 25 00m 1 . S.J7 S. .....,.'5. 9530 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 586·2917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 Dodg<> Buublc T op

Van . full y co nverted . man y xtra~. mus t s t'l' 59,815. 552·584!1

- --- OUNEBUGGIE ' 14 llonda F.lsinore I Z:i. Fiberblass s tree t legal 32mm Mikuni carh $550. Clean . 754-8165 wkdys . 549-s759 -

..... ~ H 5:. ~ - 4 Wheel Drhes 9550 Autos Wanted -R-.../S~.!,. 111~ 160 •••• • •••• •• •• ••• • •• •• • • ...,., ~~- •.•.••....••..•..•...•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• JEEPS "77"


Rent. a 1977 Ex c ullv e Mot orho me or Mini · motorhome from He rb 1:-'ricdlander. Call any of these numbers

8984777 537.7777 828.tlll


Prom $100. wk. 770-0644

RENT F ireball 23' Sel( cont. Auto/ a ir . CC, ' CB. stereo. s ips 6 645·2283

29 ft. Apollo motorhom e. Must s ee to ;.tpprecia le ! Call J o hn F e ller at 642-0010 or 510-8211 .

Motor HOfM RMtflA 181/ J to 32'

Fully self conta ined · Reserve now for


925 N. Harbor Blvd , S.A. ••531-2503••

C J s's, C J · 7 · s . Cherokees. Wagonecrs , Pick·ups . up to $1.200 rlis · counts. 5 yr 5-0.000 mile warrantys available.

Copeland Mtn Inc 2001 E t st . SA 558-8000




JANUAHY 31st Please Call

549-8023 2524 HARBOR BLV D.

Costa Mesa

'72 BLAZER , AM/ FM , A/C, new ti res . $3500. or trade. 548-1725. ----

Truck.s 9560 •••••••••••••••••••••••




2828 fl arbor Bh d COST A M ES\

546· 1200



~ 188.1~ 8f ACH Bl VO

HU N ll NGTO N BE AC H 84 .l 118 1 ~ .$ Q.Q441


WE men ·w l rfo0r mat :>10. c r ib and mattress SIS. • II d run. $5500. 642-9224 Po le ~amp SS. R.ecord Cha nging table StO. Car ~=h~ B~~· Cse"ol~.!~~ '72 23' Mini-Motor Home. •72 Courier w/cmpr shell. rack S.5. ,Lari?; picture seat $8. Foot locker S7. llpea r g un 525_ ll und 1911-17' ClllHS Spdboat, 1 T Chevy Chassis mount gd mtr & trans, 57.000 fr ame ~7 .. iO T \ stand S5. D ining table S25. Lamps spears SS and SJS. Diving new uphol, new tank & w/clean cpl'd Open Road mi, SHOO. 646.0007

'64 Internat ional P .U .. 4 spd, nu wide lires on re. ar. $550/offer. 495-4298 NEED



Ra ck pack SHl. 559·5050 S5 to 512. Gas stove $lO. gloves Sl a pai·r . ab iron lrlr. si c lnt r . 49 ,000 ml, ---------- • 1949 CENTURY "Sea $6500/bst. Call494 ·7039 '64 Ch PU 3t. to bit

Trea s ure trunk S20 . and hamme r Sl each . Mate" Spdboat. 160 hp, --------- evy . • n. r WHITE l\rng wall oven . g a:-; . <.' lrc t ri c S20. Call 6'12-5:l lS

R efri gerator, Norge, a s Scuba diving in s tru - new trlr . Both Minl! Trailers. Utility 9l80 eng. & trans miss ion. Gd is SS. P icnic table set 525. men t s . Fairllon d igital $5500 ea. (213 ) 592.3189 •••••••••••••••••••••• • tire s - S 1 2 0 0 . e v c s

540 - 5630

SNOW ch:ims, fi ts i 00·13 o r 735· 14 s izes. Sl 2 . 6·16 .. 126i 0 1' 6-16·0551

Desk wood, as is . and temperature guagc S.'i . All steel trailer , 40 cu.ft. 551-4289, dys 631 .2_20_;-_, _ _. chair SIS. Table S7. Dook US Divers sen view 520. '330we ns. built 1947, good protected cargo s pace . '75 Ford Courie r, 27.000 IOllXSOX & SOX s he lf Sl O. Cou c h Sl O. Oilfilled pro deplhguage live-aboard. $6000. best 1200 Lb. gross we ight miles, FM/ tape deck. 2626HARBOR8lVD. Chai r 55. Recliner chai r S20. Depth guage com - offer. 545-4729 aft. 5 capacity. Lock ing a ll Xlnt cond . 556·097S or


$5. 973.0795 pass conmblna tlon SS. s teel weather tight top. 67c 7828 COSTA MESA SNOW chains · f11s 16·6.SO. loafs. Sail 9060 --""- --- - - - -1 ----- - -17·600, 16·625, 15-6.'iO, StO. TV color Packard Bell. DGi vingbreg55uJa~,,bagl 55k· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Many other ext ras. Only WE BUY 6-16 ·05~ 1 or &16·4267 546·1263 ear ag · ' win an $485. Call 2l3: 435•2255. v- USED CARS! ------- - ------- - - 1 pa c k and band s s 10 WAHTltESULTS? -·· 9570 SHOTGUN s hell hulls 12, l"M . TV S25. Coin ope_rated sing le SS. Water s ki bell Sell your boat thru Auto Ser.le•. Perts ••••••••••••••••••••••• We' re the new Chevrolcl

IR. 20 g au1-w St.SO per l UO. r a Sl~. !\lum1num S5. Saturday and Sunday SOUTl4WESTIRM & Accnsoriff 9400 '73 Dod g e Van 6 cyl , dealership in the ln•inc Wards record t urntable fold ing easels s.J. Norelco 9;00 to 6:00. 2209 Miner . Y~SALES ••••••••••••••••••••••• cus tom. Auto Center. We nel'fl wi th am p S IS. Ne w C o ntine nt a l t a pe r e- CM , 545-~ FU MEWftORT '64· ' 77 Used Mu stang 846·6385 your used car ! Dunlop 12 pound bowling c 0 r d e r S l 7 · 5 o · SET f l h 300 Parts. 990 No. Parker, , G C V JOE b a l l. und r ille d 812 . L l n guaphone Itall'an o weg ts over DIALHS Orange. Call S97·2000 76 MC us tom an . u&CPHERS Wa rds Auitar , 8 m onths co.u~·se S25. Two sub- lbs plus four bars and (714) 813.9211 Ve ry cle an . $200-0/ dn . l9IA OH old S5. ~IO- l68J mintature cameras SlS collars S2S. Beginner set 4USAMagWheels14"x7" T .0 .P . 546-6368 CHEVROLET

eac h. Toastmaster fan d( golf clubs and bag $15. Must Sell 23' s loop w/slip. hole pattern 54'4 " . Lug 20" SIO. Colored en- Rustic wooden crates .Moving to Denver. Ask nutsincl.645-9336 ve lopes. 25 for Sl, 100 for from England SS each. for Bill 64.5·7081 .._ ........... _for 5_._ 83. 50 . Biofeedback New GE knife sharpener - ..,..

STOR AGE cabinet $3. '73 CHEVY A/T , curtains. cp ts. pane l 'g., stereo. $2800. 646-0052

21 Auto Center Ori ve IRVJNE

768-7222 Large d ressers $19 each. Two end tables S4 e a ch. T wo large wooden file ca bin e ts with three draw e r s S25 eac h . Golden s hag carpet. u sed, a pprox imatel y 12xt3 ' Sl6Approximntely J 'x 20' $9. Storage t ank used for water softener m acbin e Sl4. Four 4 'x8 'x "7" plywood $17. S atu r day 9·2pm. 2037 CaJverL Str eet , Cos ta Mesa

machine S2S. Sunbeam can opener SS. New bicy- '77 30' Clipper Marine . ••••••••••••••••••••••• razor Sl2. Rolls razor S3. cle light and generator FUil head room. Loaded .• G.lral 9510 V..s 95 70 Ve1111 S i x hand ca rv ed SS. Four large 3·speaker 837·2644 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• s andwic h tray s S3. combination in walnut Hobie 16, new jib, r ace ---------·• Carvin9 knife S5. Spence r c~binets S25 ~ach . Ne w rigged trlr & harnesses Private Auto Sf/Ae Buffalo projector S3. fire extinguisher and • Id • Bob 300 SL MBZ. Yellow Neat P48W turntable S4. mount for car, boar or ? me · $l650. • 955·1097 roadster. $29t000. Ne w fish tank pump SJ. SS. Two B·track ca r 2.4' Islander Bahama , 300 SL Blae« Roadster, New barbecue motor $3. stereos SlO a nd S20. 1970,6HPEvinrude, $25,000 West Bentd coffeemaker Water Pi c s h owe r (714 )646· 7055 300 SEL 6.3 MBZ $8500 $3.SO. LSunbeam 30 c up massage almost new SlS, '67 Corvette Fastback -0ofreernaker S3. '46-9276 12" square d4fcoratlve catalina 22: ftxed keel. MlOO

m irror tile news sllll In full y equtpped, aH P '61 Corvette $8500 CALL 226CONT I NENTAL box S7 per box . New avail.Bestolfer. 493-1454 640-0019eves. or64CH8SO

AQUARIUM and stand. J eep engine 125. Chevy 8 t11ckometer for 4, 6 or 8 25• Coronado u Boat days. Scott s eventeeu gallon S2S. h ole ~ ton pl ck up cyl c ar or boat Sl5. ts' P~ces iubject to change Colored gravel, bulk ss. wbeels and 17.S tlreti SlO Chevy radloqnd speaker owntrs. Wan Jmmed. wtthoutnotlce . Red plush swivc' ch•lr. c~. 42 Chovy ptck up $10. Two C02 pistols SlO a ale • Trans Pa cl~~~~~~~~~ planter• SS-$15. Black rm· brand new Sl5. 390 ecch, Wrist rocket 1ling1_71_4_-&t_S-0222 _______ 1 ·

;!~$10~'$:~~- ClotMnc e'•0/b~e~A~o8/ !:J f!~~ ~.NW~t::ts~ ~,~ •::,:a,.; 9070 Allll~"'a":••n~, S FO Manifold rz.s. S 1allon $5. Two dceo fry oau s ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• •,e•••••••H••••••••••••

EM J. RMAL dre11, 1t.1Jnlea steel W•tor con· Heb. Sa.t & Sun. 9-6. • - CHRYSLER. n evel' wom. lace top, talnert (01' campln1 110 ?titnerSt.CM $4$<08&0 Private Dock available, Nck oonq>t retloralfon.

· tiered chllton skirt, U1ht eacb. $ gaUooa or 1pu · north/eut pofot of !:n&lneuuns.492-2588 blue, •lr.e 12, ~. ~ varnish $10 pet5 gollons. Newport Island. 8'15-1906

DISHWAS!UlR, Ma~. Larae eithaust !an win· Wanted Sallbut berth '6' Sunbeam Alpine l dow mount 110. Heevy ~--'tlftd · •/Buick V-1 el'lf, StsO

lood for parts a I wor • duty tiberatan s hOwer ••• ,.,,._.[4;:....-. · c•ah. O'f ·19'72 art ina ucepl motor $20. tt•Jl \>ot~orn tts. Peep ...... 'JPMl•laad.I Porteble typewriter with I k r .-:. h 1 d - -------<, recently c:ltaned • n . or was or aun ry Wanted . Moorloi Ill ha ...... Sl2. ~tlOJ u rpettna. room II!. "be~)aN out Balboa Bay, tor fO ft + ,......._ 9110


ellow. ""ftroxlauL'·l~ door paHt ben(l\tl *15• boet.,t1$.8030 ...... _.•••••••••••••• r ... ' aena11rt DolpbfJM car tor xi! .1S. GU t.11'. cood I paru '6·d$. AaUque O...Ultd Adi Mii b1C 4 Mat ttr~t lepl .,.,.._..with cu~c- *'° se•l•I m•chtne $». at.~ •••II it.m• or duDe •P· '800. Call .... V.._$t0-J721 _ lt~·l&U _,IM.n. _..,., .....





DODGE..a200 s7409 Blue. eunrl'8 lf)8Cial. 98076

DODGE-8200 . $84'19 Red. AllQV*, Custom Paint. 43465

DODGE~ '6999 Whi te, Wheels. design ltr 2169G

TOYOTA CAI. CAMPER · s35on Hom• on wtleela, lotldtdl 96T1'8 77

HOUSE of IMPORTS 714/121-7250

"62 MAMCHISTmt IL VO. .... PAD


we WIU IUY IMW 91~~ YOUR DA TSUH ••••• •• •• •• •• • •• ••• • •••



...., 1 11 I I.Ill I ljll 1 • ,,

ORAHGI c.ou~·s

& ,;I'

S l l - 1 37S4~3-JJ7S .,_ . ' ..._,.. .Sitll')~-rv1cc 1.,·u.s1J'f: WE PAY TOP 001.L/\H Roy C:cr•er,ln~ FOR TOPUSb'O <.:/\HS Rolls ftoyce R'1W FOREIUN. DOMfS1h' t~10Jumlx)rcr

ol' CLASS(C~ > :'<lcwport Scud\ 640•tHH It ~·our b eMru rlc.u1 .

77 :-1t:e us ri rst 3201, AM / 1-' M , cu:.!\. IAUER IUICJC <irk xrn w ' beigo int u,,L ~lS Harbor ijlvd - ofr ~92-1422

C~t~\fesa !fffl <!S(JO 1975 IMW 5301

Autos. Imported ·············· ~····· · ·· Genet-Gii 970' •••••••••••••••••••••••

\rc•u r blue with bro\\ 11 leather interior Sunrnol . m~tomulic & iu t•x1•\'l lcnt l'OOOtt.fon. (~l<J7119 )

OHLY$9895 ·74 4 door . 10 01.S. •11 r ROY CARVER IMW <'(>ml.. sunroof. .\M FM. 1<AnJ .._ "' R > t lilPE' ,lcl·k . xi nt cond. .,..,, a m uvrc.... 1

lll S3000. 4\l.i _7262 ; Ml \6$.l NEWPOR1' Ul:!:A l'l l

640·6444 Alfo Romto 4)-7.C 5 . ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ·;.i BM\V' 20 02 . }{ '{•If ,

\lfo ltoml'O ' 7ti G r perfc rl lka:-.orw hle


.\ M FM s t {' r l'o, ulr special mags. Xtra d 11 Bst ofr Must sci I. 640·0!)4 I betwee n 9-5.

Audi 9707 --- -......••........•••.... 1973 AUDI

IOOLS 4DOOR 'l:t·w t•nginc. a11 tomut11• I r a n :.. a 1 r l ' •> n d . . 1UI F~I :> t en ·" & !>Ull i•uof. t'rt Ill~ SJ.Joo, Cli 11 ,ft~l ·00 Ht e \•1 ·11 111gs

'13 AUDI I OOLS 1\ utorru1 li t· t rans. ,'It onl) H .000 o ri g in al mtl l!s. 16\oGWX I Selim~ a t low

Dahun 9720 ...... ........•..••••.. *DRIVE A*


hlut>IX>ok at Call OHLY $2150 HEWPORTDATSU~i'

Newport«" 11 Mtrs for the bes t buy in a Ill'" l !/W Horhor . Custa t.frsa or us ed Datsun !


i :! \l ' DI IUOLS. \Ulo. \ ( ' .,1111rl St tt!l5 1n,1k l' ufr IW i 1:.x

BMW 9712 ..•......•........ ..•..

1978 BMW's HERE NOW!



Wl• ITlllY have your next

833-1300 ~ ' 78s Are Here \JI models & c·olors.

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833-1300 t·ar in our inventory . Call

7- 7-

0. t

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ui-. today! a s un_ , .+i . 831 ·2040 495.4949 loaded. mint •. 9200 rn1.

__ auto, fact air. mags.' WANTED TO BUY Quality us ed BMWs.





835·3171 r~ ~T ,.. re DRIVING MACHINE

•USED BMW's* '742002A 710UBC ' 75 2002A Ser. 2236

'i6 20024s pd SI R 401P DP '76530iA S I R 712PQM ·77 320iA Sr R 177 RS K Closed On Sundays

AM / FM s tereo c41 \.-<s , Mich tires, etc. TJro"'" w/ brwn int. 640·004l

'74 260Z ·DATSUN LOADED :-;4aoo ~-5345 ask for Fn·~ ...

'74 260Z 2+2. Auto, air, Atff.FM c a ss, m agi. . Bronz<.' fSaddlc int. $4100. D ys 4!14-714 7 , a f t 1• b73-2625 ---- --

'76 8210. IIatcbbadr, ;ilt ; 1 s pd. lo mi . Xlnt conu. $3200/ofr. CallSSl -52611: •

Datsun Z s ki rack & tow hitch. m ake offl'r, C:tll 774-ffJOO.

·74 260 Z, <i it•, AM /1-';\l tape, m ugs. $4500 Ca ll !>16-7463

Aldot,Mew 9800Atdos, New 9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


.,. I J'. J

• ;Al"t

~-f_f __ o_A_1_L_Y_P_1L_o_· ____________ _..s_a_1u_,o_~~t--D ..... •cember31 t97l

Rat 9725 ...................•... • .. .. • • • • • • • • • .., • • • •

• • •

~(·; ~iooo llt•hal l' On \II

rnl ti l . .11111."

it M~~IMlfi • • • • • • * ..iiJW~a6M414ii

• • Mmdo

j1, \lc·1ctd• ·' 1111~1. (


111111 .1d11 tlt·l~l' Ila Ill

I••> hot h t11p-, ,) ».IHMI

it •·l'i 111·~· •

Por:.l·ht• i I !II I ·1-IK rn1 . l nclia In m ll•.tllwr l}~I ljlO

TarJ,ta red , hlk ImmJ l'

197711191 IS l "n•kr :l <11111 m1 Il a:-. l"\ l'Q lhll\J.:, " r "' "rn I) \lu'l ~di 1;:ll J:Ufl

1974 Porsche 914

i!O ! II :.!~: Lnadt'CI' ')I:.! ifl(J utr orY.kmb

Xlnl .. 0111!

\I u " I ' c• 11 1!11 j1;7;, .111 1:

ii !ti IT .. -, 'l''I T.1r i.: .i \I lo)'· 111·\\ 1'1n•t11 .... \ ( ', 1mma1· ~J0.~>41!1. tii:1 C1i1 :1

~'65 PORSCHE C . it MG Jt ••••••••• • ••••••• • •••• • Hthlt c..·ni: . "'-'" 101. 1. ,.,h it 1. + + + + • + * + * * µ.11nt S m.ii.:· .. ~:,~JIJO otr it + + :).'>!M~21 l'\ cs


it • • l'or:-.chc !Ill ,\'II:! 1>•1rh JI it• • rl1..,1·ou n1 !I ll~ m;1i.:' it • • Hollt'rt· ' l '.J rn•r;i it • • :Jll 5th St. II II • • .. ~lti-::!3tl3 tilO OliiCi * Honda 9727 • • ,. LE.-\SE Your l'nr, .. h1•

lrom 'tho· 1·Xl411• rH .11 11 u r 1 / o n I. ,} .1 .., 1 n i.: . i.i!I 1:!:;;!

••••.•..•.....•..•..••. *** ** ******. .. - ~

• • • it; l'•lr'l'lll' :111 hll.. hll.. lo

nu . all1•\ !-> . ~tcn•11. lll•lf"l' • llE RH ... SIU.II.II) 1.:11 >ll!l!I

• •

• • FRIEOl.A~OEH • I ~ Rolls Roye~ 9756

• ,. ;•I P(>RTS " ••••••••••••••••• •••••• it • I ' ' 1 \Kl '\C , •

>t I.Ill \I' Ill \I ' it

: FREE : • 1111. ( ' ll\ '\(;I. ...

\., t+tunuo•n•t• d h· th• • ...._ f t• I •!I ' loll ~ .. t•tit .... ~ IMJ 11\4 tt

.,.. ..... ·.. on it

# }DEALER IN U.S. A ROY CARVER RO LLS ·ROYCl 1\.40 J~mborrt ... .,PC>rt B••<h ' _ .....



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m1 :-.Int t'n11d. $411011 H.-. t lfl8·7:!l5

1>-12 711~

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"Iii) R fl. Silver Sh<Adow. •••• ••••••••••••••••••• F're~h llcmi cni.: . StiOO • • •

If ,. .~1.11 " 1 .r r>1, 1 •

'I n l con d \\' h t 1975 Triumph Sp1tf1re <RCS40'J) /\gt &12 i9iK SIR.oru b<.·sl olr t,JJ 05 15 :\1el·hamt•ally eHellcnl. AMC 9905 Jloban stt•rl•n tape & ~UIJl" r ••••••• ••••••••••••••• •

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'har1> interior & t•x!t·nor l'n pt1 S3.-195 Call Don '.\1 ~· al 1).1(1 2500. l'\ •·n 111..:s alt1.-r Ii pm < .111 ~18·511'3

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14hile on white, immac Olds 70 Cutlass. 2 dr, auto , Ci)lld . $4~. 552.728/i _ air. radio, PS. PB. Vtl .

'i6 LINCOLN Town Cpc good cond $1100 P I P Rare Bcuuty. Beauti rui l>W-1 m4 -----­cream w_lconch root, 20 '73 QJUass 4-12, 350 eng. upllonal ite mi.. 1 Ow~er. well equipped. x lnl cond, Bought new May 76. 54.000 mi, S2000. 64.2-4928 co mpare anywhere . ----S7600. 549-2667 or 846·5107 PWo 9957

Corvette 9932 •••••••••.•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Pinto Sqwre wagon -

Luggage rack . ma ~ 77Corvett.T-Top wheel:. (wide>. tape

Only 6000 miles & with deck trudto. aut o. low factory warranty to July mlll'S. 51995 or offer . Cun ' i8 . Burgundy, f ull oo s~n Ill Costa Mesn powe r . s p eed contro l . Cull tl'i0--4564 Cor 111fo . tape & all factory equip· ·- -mcnt inc. factory mug 'iJ Pinto llunubout. 2000 wheels. (17b'TCP '·• .cc. disc. 4 spd, new tire:.

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'75 Cor vette. s il ver / r ed, ofr. 546·2963 T-top. 41.000 mi. loaded. - ----"--

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"i59· 166i ail 6pm track. $1650. 540·6899

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t lla!291!7) .

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'75 SpfHir~ $3100 !179·5345 a!'lk for F rc•d

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7:l Eslalc Sla WRn. stereo/ tape. all pwr eqpt, SHIOO. 645·~

VolksWGC)ftt 9770 Cl<1ss1c Riviera, '64. Xlnt •• ••• •••••••• •••• • • • •• • me<:h t·ond manv nl"'W

parts. new iires. l~cyond depreciation. Bs t over $1500. 642·9224


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