Coast Woman Awarded $10,000 - City of Newport Beach


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·Five Marines Charged In Hand Grenade Sa.le


• • • • Coast Woman Awarded $10,000 Zaire AfJd1retion

Kidnaped Trio

'Alive and Well~ NAIROBI, Ken ya (AP > - An

American university profess or said today that two Ame rican s tudents and a Dutch s tudent kid· naped by Marxist gues:rillas and taken to the Zaire jungle more than three weeks ugo are ali ve and believed well.

.. I cannot say more than that without possibly jeopardizing ef­forts to obtain the release of the students . They are alive and believed well, ' ' said Peter Steiner of Ann Arbor. Mi ch .• visiting economics professor at the Univers ity of Nairobi who volunteered to act a s u m t'Cliator

Five Marines Held in Sale Of Grenades Federal authorities were pre­

paring formal charges today against five Marine Corps enlist­ed men charged with trying to sell 300 live hand g re nades for $2<1,000.

Inves tigators claim they met with an unde rcover agent in an Oceanside apartment to negotiate for the explosives pilfered from Camp Pendleton and were take n into cus tody there Monday night.

The sus pects include Sgt . Phil B. Shaw. 22. and PFC. John E . Snow. 19, who were booked into San Diego County Jail pending is· suance of complaints on the felon y federal charges.

A trio of Marines also allegedly connected to the explosives thert today were being held at the Camp Pendleton brig. Authorities declined to release their iden· ti ties .

The arrests were set up follow­ing extended surveillance by the

, FBI. the Alcohol , Tobacco a nd Firearms Bureau or the .U.S. Treasury Department and the Naval Investigali ve Service.

Authorities stressed today the arrest of the Camp Pendleton quintet is not related to ap­prehension of a Marine Corps warrant officer and hjs girlfriend on charges ol stealing supplies destined for Vietnamese refugees jnterned at the base .

Authorities did not s ay if any motive other than monetary gain has been uncovered in the s tolen hand grenade case.

Authorities all 1e some or the suspects were seen by 8 sur­veillance t am as they obtained a load of grenades from an am­muhilion dump in the Las Pulgas areaofCnmp Pendl ton

They were ussertedly tracked to the Oceanside apartment where the ATF undercovC?r agent. made contoct , after lnvestigators ~GRENADE , PageA2)

t~o weeks ago. He said •'things are at a de­

licate s tage '' and that the n ext " four or five days" could be crucial.

Diplomatic sources s aid com­munications conta ining informa· tion about the hostages were r e­ceived recently from Popular Revolutionary party members holding Carrie Jane Hunter , 21, or Atherton, Calif., K e nneth Stephen Smith , 22, of Garden Grove, both Stanford University students. and Emilie Bergm ann. 25, of Holland.

It was the first confirmed con · tact with the guerrillas s ince a third American who was abduct· ed. Barbara Smuts, 24. of Ann Arbor, Mich ., was freed more than two weeks ago to carry a de­mand on the Tanzanian govern­ment for $500 ,000. large amounts of arms 2nd ammunition and the release of guerrilla leaders de· tained in Tanzania . · The kidnapers said then they

would kill their three prisoners if their demands were not met by mid-July. The Tanzanian govern­ment rejected the demands.

The captives were taken in a raid on a n animal research sta · lion on a Tanzanian gam e re­serve.

Diplomats in Dar es Salaam. the Tanzanian capital, reported today that Zaire had given the United States an unpublicized go­ahead to seek unofficial contact:; with the guerrillas .

The sources sa id they felt Zaire's action represented pro­gress in efCorts to free the three, seized May 19 on the Tanzanian side of Lake Tanganyika . The guerrillas took their captives across the lake to hideouts in eastern Zaire .

President Mobutu Sese Seko is reluctant to admit the existence of the Marxist rebels, who are said to control much of eastern Zaire, the former Belgian Congo.

Solon Tel'LS CIA 'Plots'

WASHINGTON (U PI) -Rep. James Stanton <D· Ohio>. said today he has knowledge of successful assassination plots involv­ing the Central In · telligence Agency.

Stanton, who heads a New House subcommittee on the CIA, conlirmed he had talked lo a reporter of the Cleveland Plain Dealer on assassination plots.

" The question was 'Do y ou know ol any successful assusan a tton plots ·?" Stanton !laid. " I responded 'Yes.· ··

Enjo~g the Flood

. , U Pi T~lej>llOIO

Bobby Linscomb (left) and Cruse Wim­berly s how that the flood in Sour Lake, Tex., wasn't a ll bad. Pulled by a pickup truck , they are skiing in a highway ditch

filled when 17.5 inches of rain doused the area. But for others who had wutcr in their homes. the flood was not fup .

5 County Assessor Aides Plead Guilty

By TOM BARLEY Of Ill• 0• llY Pilot SUff

Five of six men indicted by the Grand Jury on charges related to congressman Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 election campaign pleaded guilty to reduced charges late Wednesday.

Their decision ended a day­long dialogue between their lawyers and Orange County Superior Court Judge Walte r Smith and led the jurist to cancel the trial previous ly scheduled for his courtroom.

The sixth m a n . Jam es Bertolino, sa. of 24116 Via Madrugada . Mission Viejo, will go on trial Tuesday in Judge Smith's courtroom.

Bertolino faces charges con ­tained in the original indictment : grand theft , conspiracy and sub­mission of false claims.

The five employes of the Coun­ty Assessor 's office face s tate prison terms of on e' to five years and/or fines ranging up tl' $10,000 lor their pleas on an amended charge or conspiracy with intent to submit fals~ claims.

All ft ve ad milled tn the courtroom thal they had bdled the county for time actually spent working on Hinshaw's con­gressional campaign in 1972 when Hinsh aw was still Orange County Assessor

One defendant, who asked not to be identified , made it clear after conviction that he and his companions were assured before they pleaded that probation terms and a possible fine will be the maximum punishment they will receive at the hands or Judge Smith.

Hinshaw and c urrent county Assessor Jack Vallerga , face two trials for multiple criminal of· le nses charged in two Grand Jury indictments.

Vallerga goes on trial alone Ju­ly 7. Hins haw 's first trial is scheduled for Aug . 18.

Both men will go to the courtroom together Sept. 29 on the charges initially returned by the Grand Jury against nine as · sessor 's e mployes .

Deputy District Atto rney William Evans was ask-ed after the pleas were fil ed Wednesday if his office would be prepared to accommodate Hins haw and Vallerga if lawyers for the two men tried to work out a deal on the Imes of th et concluded for the five assessor 's em ployes.

''No way," Evans emphatical ­ly replied . " They wouldn' t get <inyth\ng like this. We're pre­pared to talk cop out. of course, but I don 't think they'd go for anything like what we have in

(St>eGUILTV. Pagei\2 )

Valley Man Suing Over Mace Attack

A Fountain Valley man sued the stale for $3 million in damages Wed nesday with the al­legation that l\e "'as severely burned about the face and permanently dis figured when two Califor n ia Hi g hwa y Patrolmen sprayed him with Mace las t Feb. 15.

Lee Pennington, 16127 Mt. Kenya Court. Fountain Va lley, claims in his Orange County Superior Court lawsuit that of· ficers A.J . Agrams and Oliver J. Solinsky sprayed him with the deterrent chemical while he was handcufCed -in the rear seat or their patrol car.

Pennington lis ts Orange Coun­ty and Sherm Brad Gates as co­defendants with the further al ­legation that it was 24 hours before county jail officers al­lowed him to be treated for his burns.

Pennil'lgton w as arrested on the Newport Freeway near Jam­boree Road for an undisclosed of­fense .

Jury Selected NORWALK (AP> - Jury

selection was slated today In the trial of Deborah Joy Kantaen(l, 19. charged with murdeting the man she sav~ r~""~ i.. .. p

·Privacy Invasion Charged

8y GARV G RA~IU.E OftMDaily Pilot~ff

/\ Sun ·C le m ente woman who was charged with t·onspi racy to commit murder two yt•a rs ago ha s been awarded Sl0,000 beC'ause an eavesdropping <l t'vi<·c wus il­lega lly planted in her trail er homt' by Orange Cllunt y D1s tril't Attorney invt>stigators.

Awarded th e out of court settle · m ent of a federal court lawsuit that alleged her privacy and con­s titutional rights '''t>n· viol a ted was Mrs. Rett , . LO\'C' J<1atkv. 48. of 1880 N. El ca·m ino Rt·al. -

Named defl•nd anls 111 the !>Uit \\ e re Di s tril't r\ttornc\· Cecil Hicks and i1wcstigators \ \'illiam T)11es, Ja mes Oougticrty. Joel Hayes. James Sarros C:1 nd Frank Oxundaboun>.

Also named <.1s a defendant was Ph1hp Henrich Smith. a former Long Bt'.'ach polin•man who was the alleged hit m:.i11 in the purport· ed murde r l' onspir<.1t·~.

Along'' ith Carl L. Oso\\ski, 52 . of Anaheim . l\trs . i'lalley was charged March 30. 1973. with con­s piring to kill George Minkian. Osowsk i 's then bus iness partner.

The cuse agains t both deft!n­dants was dis missed in mid-trial s ix months l:.itt!r without defense attorneys having to present lht!ir case.

But the dis missa l did not come before Mrs . Flatlev had bet•n forced to s pe nd eight days in j:11I , pay costly defense fel'S and made to "suffer extreme humil iation, s hame and e m barrassmcnt. ··

In a pre-trial conference order <See INVASION, Page A2)

Or~ Cea•&

- -~~· Weatlter

Considerable low cloudi­ness through Friday with some hazy afternoon sun­shine . A l ittle cooler Fri­da y with hi ghs in the m id-60s at the beaches to low 70s inland.

I NSIDE TODAY Was Congressman Aridrew

Hanshaw snubbed at Costa Mesa's Fish Fry? City of­f idols thtnk something was fi.shy . But a fry organizer says at W0$ Hanshaw who turned up his no.,t. O. C . Hustings tells the tale. Page AIO.

Index u c••

c1• A4

A1e CM (11

01-J ,, .. ,, a C•• A4 ...




~~ )1 :l DAILY PILOT s

Mexican Police Nab Pot

SAN LUIS, Mexico (AP > Mexican federal police have seized 869 pounds « marijuana after a two-hour air and ground chase involving Mexican officers and agents of the U.S. Drug En· !orcement Administration.

The incident began Wednesday morning wht.10 the pilot of a DEA spy plane .spotted two cars and a t'amper parked at the end of a clandestine air strip 35 miles east ot Mexicali .

Tv.•o hours later, the DEA pilot ~ported a Mexican aircraft had .. own in from the south and ~nded . The DEA pilot said ~rsons from the cars and the camper were unloading the plane and another man had climbed up a ladder to refuel it.

Officials· said tbe DEA pilot then landed on the strip, but the other aircraft took off so hastily the man refueling it was left behind with a hose in his hand still pumping gasoline.

"The pilot of the smuggling aircraft must have been the most surprised man in Mexico," the DEA pilot said later .

Meanwhile. the camper and the two cars sped off in different directions and tht' DEA pilot called for help from both s ides of the border.

Agents said a second DEA aircra ft took up the chase and .Mexican officers raced to the scene in cars.

While the l\\ o DEA planes followed the camper and one of the cars. the s muggler's plane and the other car managed lo get uway.

Occupants o f the purs ued vehicles a lso managed to flee after aba ndoning their vehicles.

Mexican offic ials sa id they found 869 pounds or marijuana in the camper and a gun and empty sacks with marijuana traces in them in the other car.

Cyclist Flies

Through Air

Mte r Crash A 20-year -old Westminster man

flew 54 feet through the air Wed· n esdoy evening when hi s motorcyc le collided with a car.

Terry Alan Ga llagher of 8400 Wells Road , Westminster , was r e­ported in s atis factory condition today at Orange County Medical Center, where he is being treated for abrasions and internal in­juries.

Huntingt on Beach police said the crosh occurred at6:30 p.m . at Newland Street and Brush Drive. Gallagher a llegedly struck the re· ar of a car driven by Steven An­thony Buxton, 17. of 8352 Arnett Drive, Huntington Beach. Burton had stopped to make a left turn .

Police said Gall agher flew over the top of his motorcycle and Bux­ton 's car , landing 54 feet away in the road.

Navy Pilo t Ej ects

As Pla ne Crashes SAN DIEGO <AP ) - A Navy

pilot has been rescued unharmed off San Clemen le Island after his F8J Crusader jct lost control and crashed into th e sea, the Navy said.

Lt. James Wagoner was picked up Wcdncsduy night by a boat from the island after helicopters from the aircraft carri er Ranger spotted him on a life raft, u Navy spokes man sa id .


DAILY PILOT TPt,.. 0'""9" ('t 0.\ 1., P l tot wtlhw.Wt9' 1• <om· t.-,.....d ow N t "'1 , ,,.,. \ • pybt1 ..,._.0 b't' '""" Or• noe CO.\t PuOhVlln~ (Om{ •"Y ~ .. .,.,.. , •• CM •<>nt .,. pu"' I ... ., MorwJ•~ U\f l 'I,, J'.°"fl0.y f ()r (n ... 1.• • P'li r • CJ()rl 0_..Kh Hvntt""'Jfut• fV>~·" f. ti'! t ,.,.. v .. 11~ y ''v·n~. ~nOOl•r.M• • v •• ,,~. •''" t " 1vr.v ~11< " c;,o\#tl\ Co•'' A 1rn)h '"O••H· ii •IJ hon•· PYll'• ,,.d ~•tvrct•v • • ""' ~".in1.J.•n Tr• 1•••nt•P+fl pu0f1~lt\Q ola"t n '' .J<AJ w.~1 u ... ,. .. htt l . C.O-S•• Mit~•. C•ltf otni • •">•>&.

Robert N . WPed Ptt' \•de:nt and Pve>t1~r

Jack R. Curley Viet Pr•''°""' • no <A,..,., Mt,.,gtr

Thomas Keevil Edl lor

Thomas A. Murl)hine _ ,,,.,, ,,., lo•tor

Ctiarl es H Loos Richard P. N<11ll .A \ \ •H•"' Mf " •Q1no E0tt0t•

Offices (ftO• A/tft • )lo() W• \' f' l t \tt•rt

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Thured1y,June12. 1975

Da ily Pilot St•ff PMIO

Kaz oo for You Mrs. Beulah Kanawyer and 15 other members of Hunt· ington Beach ·s 'Kitclwn Band · will present their first pe1iormance Friday at Community Bible Church. See additional pictures and story Page DS today.

Fro m Page A I

GUILTY ..• mind."

Judge Smith, obviously dis­turbed by Hinshaw's ,failure to respond to a subpoc•na t h at directed the congrcs!>m<.1n to ap­pear Monday in Superior Court, issued a bench warrant for the Newport Beach Republican 's :Jr· res t.

He stayed execution of the war­rant pro\'ided tlwl IUns haw ap­pear in hi s courtroom June 26 to explain h1S..,fflrlicr un:.iuthonzcd absence. .r "l

Judge Smith set three dates on which he will s entence the fl\'c defendants "ho pleaded gw lty Wednesday.

The dates and the defendants are :

- July 10, John Montani , 48, of Garden Grove and Reginald Dunlap, 64, of Placentia.

- July 16, Chris Boukidis, 61, of Anaheim and Fred Forbcck, 43, of Orange.

- July 24, George Gplon, 54, of Santa Ana.

.Sentencing of the five men wi ll leave four a ssessor 's cmployes facing trial on the original charges with Bertolino's trial scheduled to open Tuesday.

The remaining three defen­dants and their trial dates arc :

- Robert Plumlee, 47, and Kirk Armistead, 61, both of Santa Ana and both on Aug. 18; and Garland Redding, 55, of Santa Ana, Sept. 29.

A convicted defendant who asked not to be identified re­\'ealed late Wednesday that he has been asked to appear as a prosecution witness al the trials of Hinshaw a nd Vallerga.

"That's fine by me," he said.

E' r o m Page A J

INVASION. • • s i g ned s hortly before the woman 's suit against the Distri ct Attorney 's in\'Cs ti gators came lo trial in Los Angeles , it w<.1s stated ''the following facts arc admitted and require no proof;"

- ··on March 27 , 1973. said cl cc· tronic listening device was placed in the residence of plamllff Betty Love Fl alley.

- " At the time said electronic lis tening device .... as placed in plaintiff's home, no setirch­rant had been issued authorizing such placeme nt. "

- "The sole purpose or placing said e lectronic hs tening device in plaintiff's home was to record the conversations of plaintiff ..

- "The conversations of plain ­tiff were. in fact, received and tape recorded.''

According to depositions sup­porting Mrs. Fl alley's complaint, the listening device was a socket plug placed in the trailer by Smith.

The depos itions indicate the eavesdropping device was bor· rowed from the Newport Beach Police Department and that Smith had difficulty in retrievln~ the plug from Mrs. Flatlcy 's trailer.

Court documents indicate that Tynes sat outside the trailer in a car listenin~ to and recording con­versations bel\.1. cen Mrs. Fi alley and Smith.

Her suit charged the ln­vcstilrntors with invading her privacy and v1ol<1ting provl~ions of the Fourth , Fifth and f"our · teenth Amendments as well as Ti tle42ofthcCi vll rt ls:hts Act .

The $10,000 a"W ard to M1·~ f1atley was p<11<l l.>y Mission Insurance Company, a county in-. surer.

Ford, Rabin

Winding Up Mide ast Talk

WASHINGTON <UPI) -·President Ford today began a final rou nd of talks with Israeli Prime J\1inis ler Yitzhak Rabin on <.1 new initiative for pe~ce in the J\licldle E:.i st.

During a µi<.:lure -taking session in the oval office, Ford a~kcd how lhl· talks, which be!!an Wednesda~· . were going. I le looked up with a smile and S:Jld, '' Nice day, i::.n't it? " But if he h<Jd looked ou ts ide his own wmdow he would ha\·e observed gloomy skies and a downpour.

Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger scheduled a news con­ference later today after con· clusion of the Ford-Rabin t alks.

Rabin also was planning to meet "'ith Defense Secretary James Schlesi nger on Is r ael's military ~ hopping list. F\Jrther arms aid to Is r ael has been held up pending Ford's reassessment of U.S. Middle East policy.

The President will formally present his peace package for the Middle F.ast late this month or e1.1rly in J uly . .

li e conferred with Egypt's Pre s ident Anwar Sadat in Salzburg two weeks ago to ae· quaint himself with the positions of both the E gy ptians and Is raelis and what concessions are possible for a resumption of negoti a lions.

Court Halts


In Clemente An appellate court has ruled

for the Ca lifornia Coastal Zone Conservation Com mission and against an Orange County Superior Court judge in a de· c1s ion that <igain halts construc­twn of <J 64-unit apartment house in San Cll'mente.

With Jus tice Robert Gardner tht• lone dissenter, the Fourth 1>1strid Court of Appeal struck 1hm n deci s ions by Judge J . E . T. .. NC'd .. Ruller that would have al­lo\\ cd con st ruction by the Aries Dcv('lopml'nt Corp . of its planned Esp:.ina dcl ;\I ar ocean view pro­perly.

Justice Gardner points out in his objection to the majority rul· mg lhal lh(' decision represents a loss of nearly SS00.000 for the Aries a company .

The firm 's plans were first i-idelined when the coastal com· m1s~1on found that the project was in violation of the Coastal 1\ ct.

Aries lawyers successfully argued before Judge Rutter that l'Onstruction on the 1.26-acre parcel commenced well before enactment or t h e coasta l measure and was approved by the city of San Clemente .

IL was argued against the com· pany that at one point they de· ddctl to build condominiums rathf>r than apartments and did not have a permit from the coastol commission for the pro­JeCt in lts rlnal form .

.. Ar1t.'s · entire conduct bears the indelible stamp of unseemly hm;tc and luck o( good faith ," the writers of the majority opinion commentl!d.

" Al ics may be a land de­\ eloper sind o tiou ll~s corpora­tion but its stockholders ha ve lost a lot of money .. in a goo<J I aith H(ort to d<'velop this land with Ll'lc full upµroval of the city of San Clement('," Justice Gardner respQndcd.

Car Rent Monopoly Charged

WASIUNGTON (UPI) - The Federal Trade Commission to­day accused the country's three biggest ear renters - Hertz, Avis and National - of monopolizing the airport car rental business, causing consumers to pay sub· stantially higher prices as a re­sult.

An antitrust complaint issued by the agency said the three firms had fixed prices, entered into a conspiracy to keep poten­tial competitors out of airports, harassed smaller competitors and m ade deals with the Big Three auto companies for ad· vertis ing payoffs which helped shore up their monopolies.

The three companies had com· bined operating revenues of $1 .16 billion during 1973, the FTC said. During that same year they con· trolled 96 percent or the nation's at-the-airport rent-a -car busi­ness.

Hertz is owned by RCA Corp., and is the nation 's largest car renter. The second largest in the field is Avis , which until recently was owned by International Telephone and Telegraph Co-­National is a wholly owned sub­sidiary of Household Finance "'orp.

" We are shocked at the broad charges," s aid National Car Ren­tal President J .W. James in r ep­ly to the FTC complaint. He de­nied any wrongdoing and said Nationa l will •·vigorously op­pose" the charges.

Spokesmen for Hertz and Avis s aid they had nol yet fully analyzed the complaint. Hertz said its management · had no knowledge of violations and "if they exist, they arc completely contrar)' to Hertz policy and un­authorized."

Since at least 1968, the com· plaint said, the companies have 1igged a noncompetitive market structure "by employing na­tiona l coordinated programs."

They cons pired with eacy other to s ubmit the same types of bids to airports seeking car rental fran­c1ses. it sa id . By so doing, the complaint further alleged, they. set the standards for contracts which prevented other firms from getting into the business.

They were also accused of "conspi rin g, combining and agreeing amongst themselves and with and through their franchisees to fix and stabilize prices for automobile rentals at rental service locations."

Tailgate )flap Driver Punches Mesa Man

Fountain Valley police are se~king an _angry rreeway dliver, who allegedly got sick and ~ired of bemg followed too closely.

"I DIDN'T THINK I was that c;_lose," the 51-year-old Costa Mesa man reportedly told ofrtcers. They are seekin1 his alleged assailant on assault aod battery charges.

Police said the incident oocurred at 7 : 15 a.m. Tuesday on the San Diego Freeway on·ramp at Brookh~rst Street.

The man told police his long·haired assailant su~enly slammed on his brakes, bringing traffic lo a halt, then walked to the man's c3r and "punched him three times in the race." .

"I THOUGHT IT was a female until he punched me.' ' / the man reportedly told officers. He suffereJ minor bruises and bent glasses, police said.

Then, the man alleged, his assailant w~ked back to his car ... He looked like a banty rooster, struttmg away after a major accomplishment," he reportedly said.

$2 JtfiUion

County's Teachers Seeking Benefits

Hundreds of Orange County teachers have phoned unemploy­ment offices for information on a new federal law which could give the county's 26,500 teachers more than $2 million a week in un­employment benefits this sum­mer.

But the flood or calls and a pamphlet explainin~ the situa­tion that has been prepared by the s tate unemployment office may be for nothing.

From Page A l

,GRENADES conducted a s takeout at a spot where the grenades were hidden.

A civilian car r e portedly pulled up as federal agents watched and its occupants picked up the ex­µlosives and delivered them to Oceans ide.

Spokesmen for the F'Dl said l./l· day the probe has moved back lo Camp Pendleton in an effort to de­termine if additional Marines may be connected to the alleged theft ring.

Membe rship Asked BRUSSELS <UPI> - Greece

today asked the nine -nation European Common Market to admit it as full-fledged member "to consolidate democracy in Greece."

A special appropriations b~ll which includes a clause r epeat­ing the provision for teacher s ummer unemployment com­pensation has been passed by the Congress and Senate and is awaiting President Gerald Ford's signature. · The California Teachers As­sociation is referring teachers to their local unemployment offices for information on the matter . And teachers have been calling.

Charles Frazier, manager of the Employment Development Department office in Orange, was quoted in a California Teachers Association bulletin story on the topic .

This week, he said, he has re· ceived more than 200 calls irom t eac hers wanting to know whether they are eligible for un­employment compensation.

"Our other offices have been having a simi lar number of calls . Some letters too, but mostly calls," he said.

If the reµ ea l measure is not signed, he said, teachers who arc not teaching during the summer could fil e for unemployment benefits of up to S90 a week.

To qualify. he sa id, ' 'they must be able and available for work and activel y seeking employ­ment during the summer."

As the law stands now, he said, the teachers would be able to col­lect un e mployment compensa­tion. However, he said, "this may be terminated at any time with a change in the law.•'



Pendleton link Stitch Button Front C8rolgen 50/50

Wool / Alpaca. •2500

HOURS· 9•3010600


Leasure Suits By Tobias and Munsingwear •4200 to •esoo





1816 Newport Blvd. Intersection of Harbor & Newport Blvd

. ~

~~W LIF~. . Vietnamese. refugees Tran Ngoc Iloan (far nght> , his \~tfe. Dang Th1 T hao and their daughter Tra n Phuong Mai . eight months old, are s tarting their life in Amer~ca with the ir Mission Viejo hosts , Iris Bjorklund

Viets in l'iejo

0.11, Pilot PMIO Dy RtCllud ICoellltr

<lef~>. her husband Don (missing) and theil' duughtcr Chn sty, 13 . Also sho\\-n is Rev. David Sandberg ''ho at" ranged the sponsorship.

Thur5day. Juno 12, 1975 DAILY PJL.OT 11 ;J

llp $31 Million

COunty T~ckles Budget Boos~ · By WILLIAM SCHRE IB ER

01 Ille DAllV PllolSt•ff

Orange Cou nty supervisors began grapplin~ today with a pr_o~ose~ cou nt y budget $31 m1lhon higher Lh <1 n 1t was last

County Admin1str:.it1Vt.' Offiter Robert Thomas Wcdnesd<1y H'· l~ased figures s howing his pre­hmmary budget estimate of S4l3 m1lho~ had jumped by more than S31 m1lhon s mce suµerv1~0rl> ac­cepted it.

A S444 million budget would be $62 million higher than the cur­rent yea r ·s spendiHg plan and l'ould mean ._. tax rate innl.'usl' of as much as 35 cents per $100 · sessed va luation.

And that does n 't <:ount cXJ>t.'tl · ed raises for the county 's 1 l ,50iJ cmplO.\'CS. &1S W@e!n [?

®@l?WO©@ The column appears

dally except S aturda ys a nd Mondays.

Family Remaking Lives Today supe r visors <.·0111.Juth:d

the i 11·st of si.x scht•dulcd budgc•t heat 111gs dur111g w h1eh they "ill attempt to trim the l'ight budget pr?gr 4.1ms bt.'f'ore tht•m.

FACES DEATH TRIAL Suspect Gregory Coates

Hearing Set

For Youth in

Coast Slaying

Got a pru/1/1•111·• 'I lw11 u rite />(I/ Du1111. /'al u. 11/ <'U/ r1 •cl t111x•. !Jl'I /lit•

011:.1n·r11 and ac / /UI/ 1/1111 711•1•(/ /II

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y11r ... r11111t•111 and h1111111c.\:; Mall 1111ur q11e.~twm. to I' u I l) u 11 II r\ I )' 1111 r .'it• r c11' ('.

() r u 111/ t' (' u U 11 I Dut/11 l'i/111 . I' 0 /111r /:i till , lllii(U

M C1>(1. rJ !1:! 11:.!li. /11dudc your telc:pl1U111' 11111111.wr.

Eatit1g Cautoms DEAR PAT : As pnrl of a re·

search p aper I ' m doing on the in· c re a s i n g s h o r t a ~ c o f fo o~d throughout the world. I'd like to find out how lon g the practice of eating three m<.•als a day has been in existenct.' and \\hethcr the whole world embraces this <:ustom . ( haven ' t been able Lo locale informa~1on on this sub· jccl, and hope you ' II help m l' out.

\\' . P .. D4.lna Point The World Book EncycloJltdia

!lay!; that mos t p eople eat three meals a day except in England and s ome • :uropcan countri es " ·he re lour meals a day are con· sumed , the last late in the even· ing. The Britis h a lso e at a light m eal at tea in the late afternoon, bringing their daily total to ri ve. .\dditional information is availa · ble in "Cons umption P a tte rns" under th e gc n c ral category " Food" in the Enc yclopedia oflhc Social Scien ces. No soecm c in · formation could be found as to the orgin or th(• thrce-tneal custom, although the pros pe rity of a culture a nd the amount or food availa ble to each pe rson has always been a m ajor de te rmining factor in m ca I pa tte rna.

f'ree Resit t bag DEAR P AT : While living in

Alabama, my hus band and ( res ponded to an ad vert1scment bv Prestige Photography. We h<1il our pictures t<1ken together as i.l

Christmas gift for our children. Since there were two of us , the ad· 'ertised offer of 99 cents was not \'a lid. We paid $2 .75. A m onth later I orde r ed $14.95 worth of photographs . The proofs were s lides and difficu lt to select. I w<1s di sappointe d in the fini s hed photos <ind w r ote to Prestige Photography's headquarters in Mobile, Ala ., requesting a rt.'fund. Re prints were offered . but l would lik e a refund instead .

R . l l .. San Clemente Pres tige Photog raphy refused

to grant you a r e fund l>E<cause the fini s hed photos look like the pro· ofs, as guarantecd . You ~dmitted you were not familiar with view· ing s lides and fa iled to consider shadows and li ghting. A free r esit· ting and set or photos is being a r · ranged for you.

Ti•e Lindt DEAR PAT : Is there a law re·

garding the ll'ngth of time an in · s uran cc com pan y can take before issuing a check to lhe in· s ured or to th e repairman a uthorized to fi x up a ca r damaged in an accident "! My c· has been repaired for a weE:>k now, but my insur ance < seem s to be d c l<iy ing payment for no apparent r eason . The re· pairman is beginn ing to gel un­t?asy, and so am J.

R.R .. Costa Mesa Section 560 of the Insurance

Codt', provldt's, in part, that the insurance co m1>1t nY shall make payment by ch e ck or draft within 10 d1ys of the d a te U receive· an ltemlae d ln volct> covering re· pain authorized by the com · pany. The ch eck m ay M m ade out to the rt-pc.Ir company or jointly to tht Insured nnd lhe r e· palrma!tU an Invoke has ~en iwubmltt and payment I~ de· fayed yond the a llowed time, <.-Ontac:t the Ca ltrornla Insurance Department b y phoning (2 ll> 620·27'7, or by w rltlni lO 600 S. C"ommonw<"•llh , Los t\ngPlf's , CA 90005.


By J AN WORTH Ofthe O.il1 Pilot St.ti I

The 28 days that Tran Ngoc Hoa n and his wi fe and baby d aug hter s pent in the Camp Pendleton r e fugee camp were very long - perh aps the longest days oflheir li ves.

" We ate. and we s lept, and then there was nothing. T he old people sat still and missed Viel · nam. H was a very dark time," Hoan said.

Ho<in and his family have left the camp now. however. ".rnd moved in w ith the Dona ld Bjorklunds of Mission Viejo.

Though Hoa n views the future with trepidation , th ings are bet · ter since h e left Pendleton . The greatest joy h e h as had s ince ar· living in the states came when he lea rn ed h e and his wife h ad sponsor s, he said .

" We decid ed lo leave Vit•tnam because we like freedom. " lloan. 29. e xplained. "We know the American countries <1re the coun­tries of freedom . Here we have so many, many opportunities to make our life better than under c·ommunism . We know we did the 1ight thing."

.. But a t first. we\\ ere very s and unh<ippy."

The reason perhaps was that Tran Ngoc Hoan and Dang Thi Thao, his wife, left some of lht:"ir family behind , includ ing !loan' s mother and both of Thao 's parents.

" Th ao's mother wanted to come. but her fathe1· didn ' t, " Hoan sa id . "T hao 's mother cou ldn ' t leave her husb<1nd."

Hoan left because he workt.'<I for t he former South Vietnamcst• gove rnment as a hig h school teacher. He taught philosophy, ethics, psychology, logic a nd comparative religion lo seniors preparing to ente r the university.

T hao, 27, h as a degree in bio· c hemis try and worked as u pharmacist in Saigon.

But Hoan figures it will l ake at least a year of h a rd work learn­ing better English and working a t whatever job he can find before h e ca n compete for a job

.to which he is s uited. Though Thao will s home

with their infant d uughtcr for at least a while, she realizes she would h ave to r e-qualify under American rules before returnin~ to pharmacy.

Hoan kn ew h e would have been in danger h ad he stayed. because of his link w ith th e old go, ·e rn­ment. ''T hey would have ca lled me._. eapita list ." he said.

As it was. the Trans lost all their materia l possessions - <.1 house. e\'e r ythin g in it and lloan 's motorcyde.

When the .\ 111erican evacua· tion began. the Trans were given on ly a hal f hour's notice when it came their lime to lea\'C.

"Thal W4.I S typical ." lloan re· <::.illed. " It seemed the Amen cans did not have any planning for the refugees.··

Reflectin g on the future of tlw Vietnamese refugees, lloan ~:.11 <1 he hopes somehow thev can 11,·c together in a community -perhaps like the Cuban rl'fugt·es did in the 1960s.

" We need the sentimental and s piritua l h e lp of our fo ll ow natives." h e s uid . ·· w e have to keep forever our traditional customs and cultures. Life 111 <.·ommunilies is better than life individu4.11l y - especially now.

·· It's very hard , because every­body is l s pread out. but the Cubans did it, and thev have of· fen~d lo help us." -

The most difficult barrier fac · ing the new r efugees is language,

State's Geologists Fiddle With Fault

WA S HI NGTON <U PI ) Geologists wa nt to drill holes in California 's notori ous San An · dreas fault in hopes they later can drain off its earthquake pro· ducing ener gy.

T his would be the firs t major project in a 10-year , $ 100 million­plus federall y financed program to d r ill d eep into the North American continent. It was pro· posed Wednesday by a group or leading geologists.

They also want to penetrate de· ep into geothermul energy beds, drill into chambers of molten rock and s ink record 32,000 fool holes into the continent's "base· m ent" rock s.

The anticipated payoffs would come in energy, mineral and basic research as well us poss1· ble earthquake control.

The San Andreas fault prohini? eould begi n within a year or the program's s tart. Scientists would

Supervisors q

At Quintet Orange County

supervisor s were m fine voice Wednesda y.

Du ring a lull between agenda item s at their meeting, they were told by Chairm an Ralph Diedrich : " This looks lik e a good time to do our littl e thing."

With broad grin s and a couple of cracked notes. lhe board issued a basso rendition of " Happy Birth · day" to Clerk or the Roard June Alexan der .

Mrs . Ale xa ndl\r hlu.-.hcd and exercised he r kmalc prerogative by dccllnin~ lo di vulge hcl' uge.

d1i ll lhrough th e fault at varying depths dow n to 29,000 feel in C'a lifornia 's Bear Valley to learn more about the conditions whieh µroduce t remors along the great fracture zone in the earth 's c rust.

If those processes arc un ­derstood , the next step would be lo t ry lo control quakes.

This would be done by injecting water into dri ll holes in an at· tempt to lubricate locked por· lions of fractured rock to induce slippage that would release built up ener gy 10 a series of s mall. harmless tremors rather than by a major quake.

" One h as the hope then. if the fau lt is well understood. to ac· tually control earthquakes along the San Andreas," said Dr . Eugene Shoemake r . " If we don't do somethin g about the earth · quake hazard in California, we are headed toward a major dis· 4.ISter .''

Shoe make r . with the California Ins titute of Te'chnology and the U .S. G!!ologica l Survey, directed t he group of 31 scientists who pre· pared the proposal. Their work was r eleased by the Carnegie Institution of Was hington .

The prog r a m would be a land based counterpart to a hi~hly successful deep sea drilling pro· ject financed by the govern · menl's National Science Founda­tion . Scienti sts h ave learned more about the globe's sea noors than they know about many aspect of the continental crust.

Another aim of the earthquake research uspel·t or thc drilling program woulc1 be to perfect tremor pred1ct1on tN·hniques. Shocmakl'r snict this might be dorw hy c1nlling on thf' San Jacin · to Fault 11N1r Anza. Culif . . which bl'll'll tis t s hl'lit•\'t' Is on<' of the most hkcl\ sites for tho 11<.'Xl rnoder~1te ·s ized qu:.1kc in the st alt' .

' . I

lloan s aicl. I lcanngs resumt• ~•t ~J.~10 am Friday and arl' set for the s<inw

·· 1 am so sorn· I <·annol talk time Jun e 18. J!l, 20 and 1 p.m. on more," lloan said. " There is :.11 Junt' 21. u Salurda). much to s a.\ ...

The $3 1 m1lhon added to th<.• The Bjork lunds an~ prov1d111g a tl'ntatn·c bud gel by Thomas· of.

home for the Trans <1s part of fin· inel udcs about S8 m1 lhon m sponsorship of Shepherd of the " Ill'\\' money.·' The rema1ndE:>r 1s Hills l ' nitcd C'hurch of C'hnst 111 antl<: lp 4.1Le d <'U IT)ove r fund s Gregory Glen C'oatt•s has been Lal!una Niguel. from the current yctu"s budgl'l ordered to fol·e prl'lim111arv

heanng July 1U in Sant;.i Ana Together l ht• t·ongrc.,alion is Tl eou 11 · I d bo t ... 1e"" m1 ion int· u cs a u mu n1 c1µal court 011 rnurdL•r

l>rovid111 1• food 4.111CI tran:-.pcll't:1 · ., . ., m 11 t I .,. "" 1 io n in n1p1 a expl'n l'lwrges filcdafll'rlhl·lxx.l,· ofhis t1on for the ,·uun•• famtl .\ i.lnd is It •· t --=1 m II · .J ., " < 1 urcs. auou .,. 1 1011 111 in strangled stcpmutht•r "as found helpin•• tr.\· lo locate \\ ork f1Jr t t t I t d " en•s on'' arr an s an< no cs an 111 the burmng bt.•droom of her llu.m. S750.000 more 1n l\kd1 -Ca l ('011 · San J uun C:.iµis t r;rno hornt•.

R<'V. Da\'ld Sandhc rg, pa:-.tor tnbutions . Co4.ltes. 18. of Hin!r:-.1dc. 1~ of the church, said ht' has bcl!n I n a l'O\"t.'r letter 0 11 his budget a<:rused of the s la yrng last Muy .i try in g des pt.•ra lely to find a Iota I renswll patkage, sa id of Betty Lorraint.· Go:.itt•s , ·18. of sµon::.or fur Thao':, s ister and lwr hc is assuming the t·ount y 's total :J3911 Via de Agua , S<.t n Ju:rn . trc hu sh and and th l' i r two ussessl•d \'aluation will inen·usc is he ld in t.·ounly j:.111 with bail de· duughlNs. \\ho are still in1-ht• n· 10 pt•rcent ll l'Xt yt•ar. thus n·quir- lllt'd . fugce camp al Pcndktun. mg a tax ratt• of SI Uli per SlOO to It is alleged thut Cuatt·:-. suf .

\\. •· I 111l'l't thl• , . .,,·rsc•tl l>tld " C'l. l'h.. foc:att•d hi::. s l cµmottll'r ''1th ;.i ·· e want lo tr~· to r\eep t 1e:,t• '° "' '" I f I

t'UtTent rall' 1s Sl.111 towe \\ hilc his father . :\lt·arl l\H> ami ll:'S togl'lhl'r b~ hook 01' Go4.ltcs . -1:! , \\as ab~cnt from th<' l>vnook ," he said . l ' 11t1l the latl':-.t t·hangl's 111 the homt> .

budg~·t. li.IXJ>U)l'l's \\t.•rc fal'ing a She1·11·1 ... s off1·<.· .. 1· ...... 1.·111n lll"I ll" I loan ha s n·lut1\ es 111 Au~11n , l f b · ... ·• ... .. '-i·a e llll'l't'lJSl' O a OUt 22 <:<.'Ills, lh"n S"l f1' 1·" to tile b"'11't'"nl Ill .1ll T<.·x. 111l'111<l111g 01w \\ho 1s 4.lll ._...., t t 1 '- '" '- .cu ,..,

~ 1~tant profc~sor at tht.• t ·nl\ers1 1f10 <:,·oun 1111~ "1 wte\l'r addtlimwl atlt>mpt tu conct>ul thl' n·ul t·uu..,t• ums wou u >t.' nccdt•d Lo mt·t.•t of~Irs . Coates ' death .

t~ ofTt.•xa~ . t•mplo;.t•\\agt•hikt.•s. \\' hal"\"' I" th l'· 1>tltl·uml' 11f ' I le \\ ;111Lt•tl mt• tu come out Th o · '" '"

h .. 11 I f c 1.·;,ingt.• l ount) F:mplo.\ l'!'t <>1·a11••t· ('ount;.· ··ct11 111 .. ,. .. 11l .... l

l t.'l'l'. oan< ... Hut l l'l'I \ h .. u .. ,..u ., • S!:>Ol't alwn as 4.ISkt•d fur lli per· C'o·•t"s·. hn 1· .. ,.,..., ,.1.,1 .... ""UllOll 111 that I nct.•d lll l'~t:.1bhsh myself on t.'E:>nt t •· I "' ... '° ....... ., ., '·"-'-Ill\' °'' n . "4.1gc lh\Cs on t le average. R1\' t.•rs 1de County for his 4.lllt·gl·<I

:. l l>el1c•\' l' 111 m\"sl•lf. I ;im .\majorityofsupcn1sol'sha\C slaying of a :\lira <1 . :,411d the y \\On ' l autho r1 1t• hot1'-."'''f" ' ' h11. : 1uth<.1 1·1t1".~ .~' ''· young. Thao and I h<.tn· t11l1L' to h ., ... '" • ~ ., "· anyt m g mort• ltwn about six was 1'4.IJ>NI bt.-fort• sh•· \\ ·.1s. ~. ltt.>l

n•makt• our Ii\ t.·s " pcrl'ent. ... ·' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~l_,_,· _ic_e_i_n_t_h_e_l_1l_'<_1C_I~~~~~~-

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wUh Tom ~hine


Holi<fay Hokum 1 ltOUDAY DAZE : We all have three special days coming up on the shag end o r this " 'eek and as a pUblic service, this corner will now straighte n ollt all the con· fusion which is certain to occur.

Some Wrong Thinkers, for ex · ample , might be calculating that if you have special days coming, that means that the government has already m eddled with them so ~·ou ' ll get o ne ofthosethree·day weekends.

.This is to inform you that the ~overnment has let you do't''n . i'.hey have lost t'heir calendars . &mebody mus t have ripped dut tAe month of June in al l the high cUices.

• NOW YOU KNOW what they 've been doing with i:Jll the oth e r h o lid ays. Forget when C~rge Was hington was born. We celebrate his birthday on a J\.londay so everybody c<in get three days off. Ditto for old Abe Lincoln. Same thing for

.A'lemorial Day, Ground Hog Day or " 'hatever else: Y.'e move it to l\1onday so " 'e can elude " ·ork for another eight hours .

So what happens'! Businesses close . Banks arc shut do"'" · Newspapers s ta gger along on half-staff and production lines across the nation grind to a halt. After the big three·day weekend, '"'e have a riv e ·day hangover, '"'herein all of US have to " 'Ork four times as hard and th ree times as long to get l'aught up to \\.'here we 'd be if we 'd just left the e alendaralonc. .

Well , the government really blc\lo' a c ha nce t o g ive us alt that kind of happiness this weekend.

It wouldn't have been just an ordinary three·d<1 y holiday. Jl w ou l d have been <1n CX· t rav<1ganza or non ·Yiork .

FIRST, WE COULD ha\·e started tomorrow. This is not just an ord inary end or the week. It is 1-Tiday the 13th , known down through lhe ages as Black Friday or Bad Luck Friday.

Now nobody in their right mind " ·ants to " 'Ork on Friday the 13th. You m ight drop something. Or something might drop on you . Better to make it a holiday and t ake your chances careening down some hig hway.

So the gove rnment should have declared Friday the 13th a holi · d ay .

NEXT WE COME to Saturd ay. And a c hec k of the old June calendar inform s you that Satur. d ay is Flag Day . \\' hy, you can 't celebr ate Flag Da y on a Satu r · day . Where is yo ur patrioti sm'..' Celebrate Flag Da y on t.1onda y. The government s hould declare Monday as Flag Day. No..,,. you ha\•e a four -day weekend.

But \l.' ait ! It 's not over yet. Another study or the calendar shows that Sunday. June 15 is no ordinary Sunday . lt "s Father 's Day. No dad s hould have to " 'ork on Father 's Day . But you can 't give him :1 ho liday if he's a lread y orr. Better have the government s hift r~ather 's Da y to Tuesday. then dec lare it ;1 holiday and give the da v off. You ·11 ha ve to tel u!J the ferTial es off too or you ' ll be ac · <·used of di s<· ri m ination .

llUZZAH ! NO\\' you have put together Fr iday . Saturd<1y, Sun· day. Monday and Tuesday as a giant five -da y weekend . A (ull work ... •eek 's " 'or th or days blO\\'n ri ght do"'" the tube .

I can 't unders tand how t.he gov· ernment poss ibl y missed an op · portunity J1kcth1~.


lhuraday. June 12. 197&

Kiiier ... , moy reoch U.S. In 7 to


INSECT ADVANCE - Millions of African killer bees with nasty tempers are steadily advancing northward across the South American continent.

Deadly Swarm Killer Bees Nearing V.S.

RIO DE JANEIRO (UPI) - Millions or African killer bees "'-ilh nast y tempers are steadily advanci ng north't'•ard across the South American continent and threaten to invade North Americ<t in the near future .

They already have killed about 200 hum a n beings and · thousands of animals.

SOME INSECTICIDES can kill them , but the Arrican bees are immune to any kind of ~cof!raph ical or weather barrier and are capable of nesting almost anywhere. They have s pread throughout Brazil , Argentina , Bolivi<1 , and as far north as French Guiana .

And they are headed relentlessly to"·ard the United States. " They should r each Mexico and the southern United jtates within the next seven or 10 years ," an official of the Brazilian Agriculture Ministry sa id .

According to the official, the first human death attributed to the African bees " 'as reported in 1965, n ine yea rs after they rere rirst imported to Brazil.

The o(fieia l said that "s ince 1965, about 200 persons have died as a result a ttacks from ,\frican bees and we still continue lo re· ceive reports of more victims, especially in the north and northeastern parts of the coun try. ''

H E S r\ID THOUSANDS of unimals including cattle also have . been kill ed by bees.

It started in 1956 when genetics professor \\1 a r\~:ick - Estevao Kerr of the School of ~1edicinc of l~ibeirao P reto, Sao Paulo, " ·enl toArrica to select the best specimens of bees.

The aggress ive African bees a rc harder " 'orkers and produce 25 to 100 percent more honey lh<in the domestic s trains originally imported from Europe.

Kerr 's idea was to produce a hybrid which " 'ould be as gentl e as the domestic variety but produce a s much honey as the African specimens.

In 1957, someone accidentally removed the screening around lhe experimental colony and aJ lo't''ed 26 African queen-bees to escape. They interbred .... ·ith other s pecime ns and produced a technically hybrid bee - but one j ust as fierce as the African strain.

TllE NE \\I STRAIN, kno\l.'n a s lhe "Brazilian bee" but still · rercrrcd to as the African bee, rapid ly multiplied throughout the

country. According to Ke rr, what makes the bees so dangerous is not

their ve nom - no more potent th an other spec ime ns - but the fact they are among the rnost irritable bees known to_ man and lhEy attack in hu ge numbers.

A stud y, prepared by the ,\ gricu lture Ministry, shows tha\, once provoked , an Arrican bee " 'iii stin g a person or animal an average of 60 times per minute in a nonstop attack that can last up to two hours. Several thousa nd Afric<.1n bees will pursue a vie· Li m for at least 350 feet from their nest.

Three hundred stings from <in African bee are sufricient lo kill a human being.

TllE STUDY SAYS Tiii-~ bees go for the victim 's neck a nd face. killing him e ither by suffocation or ..,,,ith large amounts of venom .

They are easil y aroused by noi se or any other kind of vibra· tion , the smell of alcohol " 'hich they can eas ily detect on a person, a nd by anything colored bl<i ek. - WWW

Army Plane Seeks Missing Aircraft

.. LONG~fONT, Colo. (UPI ) -

An Army reconn<iissance pl<inc is taking infrared pictures in the Colorado Rockies in a searl'h for <1 li ght plane miss ing " 'ith three Southern Cali fornia residents aboard .

tinental Divide in northwest Colo rado Wednesday night to locate the airplane piloted b)' Morris Batey.

The airp l a n e from Ft . Huachuca, Ariz . , began fl y in g patterns on each side of the Con·

The plane v a nis hed June 4 following an unscheduled stop at Gra nby, Colo. The Civil Air Patrol said Batey 's plane disap. peared from radar s'creens s hort. Jy after takeoff.

Southern Florida Soaked , Carolina States Measure Heaviest Rainfall

Teampera••re• Hl9ll ·- ....

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A W. w"9(t l .. lil ... t~I- 1111 .......,.. """""'- ..._,..,.. ""v' rlllt1

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c!MJ•NI, • •hit• ~oo•e• "'•" ~ ne1o<1.-v · 1111g11 of , • • '--• 1 .... 19N wilt DI I" IN _, SO. •nd lli1Jlll Fr;o., Mii DI 1., U.. io-r 10s.

Tl'llrl ••1 Ilg/II 1""'11 I" llM lnl­Y.tll•Y• Mid Vlllbilily WIOS <educed 11 I•-• !Cl"''" lo lour miles In •II .t•eott Ofl .. b-91!" .

Cootet ,,.,..,,.,.,,., •lwi eccom. p1n!Q tlwl lo• CIOUdl 1ton11 U'le DlecM1. to11ry "'"ltilne , .,,,... tllrougJI '" ,,.. .tl11rnoo., but t•mJ>erl11irll Sl.11'9<1 • Ulll<I tOOl1r . l.-1 t.,..lgM wjU DI 5' t>fld •1 llegrtt1 w11h1 lllOl'll Ftl&ly w i ll tie'" 111• 1c!i.


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Judge Convicts

ln_dia's ~andhi

Crack, Up . LONDON CUP!) - Capt,

Mark Phillips , Queen Eliiabeth ' a aon · ln ·law, narrowly escaped death 11 dB>'•Aii..when ~u:_. he was drivin1 1pun out ol control at "1.00-mHea-.n­hour, "tl\e Daily Expreu new1paper aaid today. NEW DELHI (U~) - Prime

Mini1ter Indira Garidhl was con­victed today of violating India's election laws - a &urprise ruling that could cost her the leadership of her 60I million countrymen.

The Allahabad high court found the $8.year-old ' prime minister guilty of two election violations during the 1971 cam· paign in her home state - Uttar Pradesh.

JUSTICE J .J.I. Sinha ruled that Mrs. Gandhi illegaJly used her personal secretary to cam­paign ror her and government of­ficials to arrange election meet­ings .

But the judge cleared her or ·charges she bribed voters with gifts, provided free transport&· tion to polling s tations and spent more than the legal $5,000 in campaign expenditures.

Mrs. Gandhi's lawyers pro­mptly asked ror a slay or the or· der pending an appeal to the ln · dian Supreme Court in New Delhi. T he judge granted a 20· day stay, letting her r emain in power.

TllE CO~VICTION, if upheld , \l.'ould automatically strip Mrs.

Parlel Urges Aerosol Ban In 3 Years

WASHINGTON <UPI> - A government panel said today there is ' ' legitimate cause for serious conce rn '' that gases from aerosol sprays are eating away al the earth's protective ozone layer, crea ting a possi ble cancer hazard .

Unless the release of the gases is stopped, it said, there would be thousands o r additional cases of skin cancer around the world each year.

It recommended a ban on the use or fluorocarbon gases in aerosol spray products within three year s - even ir that means some aerosol products will disap· pear from the market.

The report is the " 'ork of 14 go,•ernment agenci es organized into a task fol'i:~ last year after sc ientists fir s t raised th e possibility that depletion of the ozone layer could be harmful.

Pandhl of her seat ln Parliament and bar her from holding public office tor the ne"t 1lx yean1.

The atunntnc decl.!Jion in Al-1 a b ab ad, Mrs. Gandhi's birthplace 400 miles southeast o( New Delhi, climaxed the first trial ot a prime minister in In· dia's 21 years of independence.

· Mrs. Gandhi, daughter ot the late Prime Minis ter Jawabarlal Nehru , appeared in per~on before the court last March 1n a dramatic attempt to save her political life .

The incident took pl•ce . at Sllverstone race coune near London where the 26-year·old PhllUpe and h1' wife Princess Anne, were on a private vi1lt with former World drlvinc champion Jackie Stewart.

Tbe Expres1 said Phillips borrowed a modified stock car rrom a . race driver and took it onto the track. He spun out al a particularly difficult cor· ner while going 100 mph.

But F~ Bill OK

House Vote Kills Energy Alternat~ From Wire Services

WASHJN GTON - A gasoline tax whic h Democrats had pro· posed ror months as an alternative to President Ford 's energy program is dead in the House - but its chief author thinks other provisions in the pending energy bill might s till constitute ·· a viable program.' '

The tax " 'as defeated in th House Wednesday night. It had ' been. considered by Democrats a key part of the pending energy bill. .

REP. AL ULLMAN, (D. ·Ore .), chief author o r the legislation, sa id Wednesday night other pro· visions in the meas ure sti ll could comprise· ' the centerpiece for a n energy concept .''

The Hou se d ecid e d on a 209-lo·l87 vote to erase the tax from the energy bill, ignoring pleas from it s leadership ror the measure and listening instead to a (our -term member from Arkans as who sa id people just aren ' t ready for a hi g her gasoline tax.

Rep. Bill Alexander, (D·Ark . ), made the motion to delete. I-le said " I cannot vote ror a proposal that takes the money our of the hides of th e rura l people or this country .''

He said they have no mass transit to fa ll back on when driv­ing a car gets too expensive.

Jn other action: -Overdue education benefits

for a half a million veterans and $50 checks for 33 million Social Security recipients will go into the mail as soon as · President Ford signs a $15 million money bill.

THE BIG Supplemental Ap­propriations Measure finally cleared the Senate by voice vote Wednesday after being held up si nce May 22 in a dispute with the ·House over money for railroads.

The bill also contains a pro­vision, opposed by teacher or­ganizations, that bars teachers from receiving unemployment compensation during the sum ­mer months i£ they h~e a con­tract to keep teachfng when classes resume in the fall.

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At Graduation

Police Find Time OOinb

SAN, JOS~ <AP> - A lime bomb bidden in an athlet1c stadium where 4,000 persoru; were watching a high_ scb~l graduation was diamanUed by police only five manutea before It was set to explode of· ficers said. •

'.'flie s mall pipe bomb, equipped with a clock and ~ir~s, had been t_aped underneath stands wbere 500 seniors. were. wa1ttng to receive their diplom as at ~e Le1g~ High School football field Wednesday rught, oCCicers said.

-(,,..-------- The bomb was detected Sta te ) by students when it ap.

FBI Hunts Girl, 16,

.Missing Tot LOS ANGELES <UP() - FBI

agents in San Francisco are look­ing for a 16.yea.r-old girl with a r ecord of mental instability who disa.m>e~e~. a .lYfe.k a,a.o with an 18-month-old child from Redondo Be"i'ch, the-'1t1 here said Wednes da~:_:::;r --

,-~~~-~~~~-~--- -th~u~r~lld~•~r~. J~u~n~o~12~·~t~97~5:.._ __ ~~--=o~~=L~Y~P~IL~O~~;...._~A.-.-.f

Dip Nalibed 62ndTime

SAN FRANClSCO CAP> - A Chicago man has landed in jail for the 62nd time on a pick-pocketing. charge .

Inspector Mike Truman said Wednesday he arrest­ed James Damas, 50, of Chicago, on a downtown street for trying to steal from the pUTse l>la woman passerby.

Dentist Miut Repay 'Raise' .) LOS ANGEi.ES <UPI> Joe ~ . ·Medina. sti-l

- An Inglewood _denhs t, began working at Sy · who was oYerp<;ttd more Brand, the county jail (i ~an $30.~ while wor~- women , on a part ti mg par~ _tame at Syb1l bam m..£W.U•lrY~

1Jrand Jail for women , at a s alary of $690 was placed on probation month.

..._ __________ __.1 Wednc s da~· ·fo r five A salary rate increaM years 0 1· until ht! rl'J'CI YS was granlt.-d to a ll county the b a 1 a n cl' of the cmployes on July 1, 197l t money . but a clerical error

. .._ _______ _, gpraoruenndtlPy Uf e 11 to the ' . o ce reservist

. . Dennis Smith W{IS called .. UP1Te1....,.i. by a school admimstrator and carried the ticking FBI JOINS SEARCH .

. The child , Robert Michael Bolt­mger , was being cared for by Jeanette Willis while the boy 's mother, Karen Bolhnger, was at work . Police said Mrs. Willis asked her daughter" Elizabeth Ann, to go on an errand to a grocery s tore. The girl took the chHd with her. ·

Poll Reveals ·Ford Ahead

At Present

Depul) Cou nt y Counsel Grct.!ory James said 01·. Larry Struwn, 37. has alrc;.ady n .•paid $22.110 and now O\o\es $8,687 . Su pel"ior Court Judge Glenn M. Pl· au, as a condition of the proba· lion . a lso ordered Strawn to pa y 7 percent interest on the total amount.

doubled the amount or Strawn·s raise, putting his sala r y at $2,027 a month.

A new payroll c lerk discovered the error in FebruC1ry , 1974, Medina. said. and computed the ovt>rpayment at $30,798, County orricials attempt­ed lo negotiate a plan for Strawn to repay t he

bomb lo the goal posts where officers from the Robert Mlch•el Bollinger bomb s9uad_ dis mantled it only five minutes before ------------­detonation time.

Neae BUI tor Drunk Dri.,er• SACRAM~NTO CA~> - California judges could

order motor1sts convicted of drunken drivin~ to participat_e i':J an alcohol abuse program rather than· , suspend his h cense under a bill now on the Assembly floor.

Budget Ready By July 1?

Authorities said the two were last seen at a drugstore in Lawndale, where Miss Willis purchased some baby items. A cl.erk at tbe store told police the girl seemed d isoriented a nd asked for directions to the bus station.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP > President Ford would defeat each of the four l e ading Democratic presidential can­didates an California if the 1976 election were held now , the California Poll reported today.

According to d1stril"l money, but he refuse<L atlornev 's an vcs li J.!a tor Strawn quit Aug . 23, 1974.

Pollster Mervi n Field said THE REDONDO BEAC H F 0 rd w o u Id defeat r-----------------------

The legislation would enable the courts to attack the dri.nking ~roblem directly, said Sen. Arlen ~regon~>, who 1s carrying the bill. " Existing law is meffect1ve tn keeping drunk drivers off the roads "

Police Departme nt said in a Oyer M assac hu setls Sen. Edward • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • •

he said. '

SACRAM EMTO (AP> - The that the girl had a record of men· Kennedy. Maine Sen. Edmund California Leg islature won ' t tal disorders and had run away Muskie. Washington Sen. Henry meet Sunday 's constitutional de- fromhomeseverallimes. Jackson a nd Alabama Gov. adline for passage of the 1975-76 The boy's father sajd Friday George Wallace . sta te budget , Assembly Speaker the two families were long-time T he poll said the candida tes

Wolftan Olllce r Dl .. lssed Leo McCarthy predicts. friends. garnered these percentages : · But th e San Francisco Michael weighs 25 pounds, ha~ Ford 49, Kennedy 43 ; Ford 52. A~~E~ES CAP) - A woman police officer Democrat also told reporters he auburn hair, blue eyes and a Muskie 36; Ford 54, Jackson 28; as een 1s missed for allegedly m aking sexual ad- thought the proposed $11.6 billion faint birthmark on his forehead Ford 59, Wallace 29.

vances to a woman s he h ad arrested and 'spending document would reach between hi s eyes. When last Former California Gov. Ronald


a'ld loan assoc1a11on * ..

handcuffed, authorit ies report. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s desk , see.n, he was wearing an orange, Reagan would not do as well as 'l_'he dismissal order was signed Wednesday by well before July 1, when the new wbi\e and blue striped shirt, light Ford aga in st each of th e *

Chid Edward M . Davis upon the r ecommendation fiscal year starts. bl'Ue coveralls and red and white Democrats, the poll said. of a police trial board that heard the case against .--------------..::le::.:n:.:.n:.:;is~shoes . ..;.. _ ____________________ --1..._* _*_*_*_*_· _•_•_•_•_•_*_'*_*_*_*_*_*_'*_*_•_•_·~ Colleen Clenny, 23 .

Kille r Manson Tran• ferred SAN QUENTIN CAP> - Convicted kille r Charles

M~nson has been quietly transferred from Folsom pnson to San Quentm for his own protection officials said. . '

The tra ns fer took place Friday but was not dis­closed until this week. Manson, who had been at the Folsom facility near Sacramento for 2'h years, was assaulted by two inmates in the prison yard May 3.

Olli~er• Fired in Has• le _BAKERSFI~LD CA P > - After hearin~ 9~

m!nu_tes. or tesllmony, the Bakersfield Poli ce Com­m1ss10n~as r ecommended two officers be fired for an altercation with two black youths.

!he attorney for Tim Bjornsen and John McGuff)"' ' said Wednesday he will a ppeal to the courts the commission findings that the pair s hould be "permanently discharged.' '

Malpractice Bill Action Stepped Up

SACRAMENTO <AP> - Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy says he ex~cts the Assembly to approve a major over­h au I or the sta t e's malpractice system by next week.

The San Francisco Democrat m ade the pre· di ction Wed nesday as the leg is la ture stepped up action on a long list of malpractice proposals.

Three legislati ve com· mittees heard m alprac· tice testimony and more hearings were scheduled today and Friday.

McCA R T H Y SA I D through a s pokesman th a t h e expects a malpractice measure by Assem bl yma n Barry Keene to c lear th e lower house by next week and reach the governor's desk by early July .

" The speaker thinks the K ee n e bill and perhaps one o r two

others can be out of our house by next week," sai d J ac k Johnson , McCarthy's press aide.

.. Tha t leaves 10 d ays in June for the Senate to act on it."

Gov . Edmund Brown Jr . ca lled a specie! legislative sess ion las t month a fter doctors claimed that skryrocket· ing m alpractice rates would drive th em out 'of business .

LEG I SLAT I ON in­troduced since then al· tacks the malpractice problem in several ways, including placing limits on the size of malprac­tice judgments.

Only one m alpractice proposal , a stopgap bill by Assemblyman Ken Maddy, R-Fresno, came up for a vote Wednesday. It was approved by the Assembly Finance , In surance and Com­merce Committee on an 8-1 tally .

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Dt\ ll~Y PILOT EDITORl .~L 1•1\G E

M~rgue Debate Ends· Orange County s upervisors have finaUy deeidcd

lo e11d years or debate over the need ror a centra l county m org ue a nd coroner 's raci lity .

The board voted this week in favor or a central morgue and ordered County Administrative Of(icer Robert Thomas to draft deta iled funding infor mation.

The action by supervisors amounts to a con­cession that the county can no longer get by us ing the horse and buggy style of coroner 's services utili zed since the county was founded .

'J'he effici ency ot contract pathology and loaned mortuary space .for autopsies is highly questionable in a county this size. Thul fact, among others, \vas pointed o ut in a lengthy report de livered to :,upervisors by a special citizens study team .

If existing building s pace is used , the cost of a l't•ntra l nlorgue will be minimal and the savings over the long haul will be considerable.

Supervisors would do \!.'e ll to find the money in next year 's budgel to gel this too·oftea sidetracked project back on the rail toward completion .

Back to Basics For years "~onvenience" has been the byword in

lhe J-\me ricJn kitchen. Along with every imaginable gadget fur improving kitchen efficiency came the endless barrage of "convenience" ioods - canned, prC'·mixed, dehydrated, frozen .

'I'here secm e<t to be no end to the house\vi fe's ap· petit1..• for food s that had only to be qui ck-mixed , !hawed out or l1ea ted uµ .

So. with the food industry real ly geared up to su tisfy that a11pelite, what happened?

The Ame rican housc\vife changed her mind and decided s he'd rather do it herself.

its usual businesslike manner. , Sales or canned, frozen and ready-mix foods are

down. The makings or do-IL·yourself Items - Oour, yeast, s hortening, sugar and home-canning supplies - arc up.

In one survey, 69 percent of the respondents said ~hey were baking lhetr own bread , 28 percent on a regular basis .

Doubtless rising food Prices have a lot to do with the trend, combined, perhaps with scary reports about prest!rv a t ives in commercially prepared loods. · h

Whatever it is, cooking " from scratch" 1s t e new vogue, and the experts believe American eatinf habits are undergoing what may be a permanent change.

The Science of Eating On the subject of eating habits , lhe science of

behavioral therapy is being brought to bear on the proble m of what makes dieters gain back the weight they go to s uch pains to lose.

It 's not so much what you eat, the scientists con· elude, but when , where and why . Like the TV s nack habit, thal becomes so firmly ingrained m erely turn­ing on t he television set sparks the appetite .

The answer, they say, is to separate the act of cut· ing from all accompanying activities-no te levision, no books or magazines, nothing but the allotted ta · lion, consumed at a properly set dining table, rather than snatched off a tray or the kitchen counter.

Short-term diets, the therapists explain, can 't change patterns of eating (and over-eating ) that have been years in the making. The pa t tern just keeps coming back .


At leust that seems to be the gist of the latest n1 arke t tre nds, \ ' ic\ved b:y the Wall Street Journal in

Bet Pav lov never dreamed his famous dog \vould someday, if indirect ly, be coming to the rescue of overweight Americans. •' WELL, BA<K TO THE OLD MAGNIFYING GLAS5E5."

Backstage at the White ffou..'>e Capitalism Needs Some



Gus The Downgrading of Kissinger

I n1provi1ig


:-;upJ><l.!> l' I tuld y 11u :1hout :1 Il l' \\'

'polt.• l't y ~ tud ,1·'' t·or1d11t·tt•t! hy !lit' t ' nn1n111ni ., t J' ;1rt .1· (If th(• l '. ~ .\ ., :Jllll l' t.' IJOJ"t(•d ~Pi ll~· 1Jf l! S ~J /h 'Jl l JJ()lll l!,.

-- '/' lh t• b :1:;, it C' <ill.S(' of (JO\" ·

t ·r1 .1 llt'l'L' is !hl' pu11·l·rless 11ess of VL'U1)lt• O\'C I. lh t'IJ" IXJIJllC:J f und l'(·unn n1 ll' 1n:, t11 u \t ons.

/')1;1t ITIO!, l ,\Jlll'l'lt'~ ll S lud ~1 V no Jonl:(er afford average htl llll'

- 'fh :1t th e r icht.•!> t 10 per· <"t·nt vf u u r 1M.Jpula11un l'C · l' l' l\' l' S th e :-:Jtnc totul 1n ­t·u n1t· a s th e !Jot\<>111 50 pe r · l't'lll .

'fh;.11 the to p one µer·ccnt of our µop uh.1t10 11 l'l't'Ctvt•s 1nore in · <.'• •rn t· th.:in thl' bottom 20 pcrtt'n l.

-'l'll ,\ 'f Jlt O R E th<.tn half uf all ..-\n1l'rLC!l ll S LIJ"C (•SsenU <i.l ly de · Jlt.' nli t." lll upon soc1:.i l LllSt itut ions jJ\'l' r \1 hi ch they h :.i ve no control.

- '!'hut infl;it1o n. joblessness :Jnd p1·o<luct s horta ge r esu lt from l hl' high toncl'ntr a t 1•)n (1f pri1'alc l'•1n11·uJ of curpu r~1tl' J !>Sl'l.'; , s ;i les :.ind p1·o<luc111in .

- ·rhi.ll littl e n1u1'C' th :•n 1 12

pcrC't·nl u f o ur l'O untry 's C'orµur :•· 11ons tont1·0J 7:> pt• r tt' nt of all Jll :JnUf:Jl'tUl' Ln J,! :J SSl'lS.

-- 'fh .:it lh t• l tJj) l\1·u jJC l' l'Cllt or ,,n1 c1·1can fu1nll1cs hold 33 t11n cs mo1·l' lll\'l'StlTit'll l ~ISS~ IS than the bot tu rn lii! pL' r t·enl .

·· UC"d prup;.1µ;1ncla, " you \\'Oulll 11rob;1Lil y :, nt·t·r . <l 1s mi s.s ing these "f;.icts " out o f h;.int.I as tlJ !,lu1·11ons und .:1 Spt.'rs Lo ns up(.1 11 the s t ate o f tile n:.iuon .

Jsut \1· if thi s s:.imc " po\'e rl y

T he m a lpracti ce insurance problem might be resol\Ped 1f you r d oc tor cou ld sue you for fail in g to respond tutl'eatment .

D.J .C. GIOO"'• Gu• (omm •"" ••• ' "-ll•d by •••d•n • "" ~ "" "., ..... ,1, •cUKI '"" ••tw• OI •h• "'"' ' P•I"• !.•"" '""' .,..1 P"••• •o Gloom• c,.,, , D••I' P•tot .

Jo, (U(J y . " II Jl/) lil t• S:.l llll' ~ o.tlil'lll p1,1 11 1ts . h:Jd bet•11 nialll' b\· ;111 ;,;~l'lll'Y uf the l ' .S . l";.11ho1tc C"hurell , l'l'l 'l:Jlllly 110 fl'lt' lld tn c:ummun i s m. s ut'i•1li s 111, p111koi s n1 , or g odle :.s n1ate1·iali:.m ·.•

1\ S l !'oo' OF:EO it \1·a s, la s t n1011 lh. by lhc Roman C<i tholi l' Camp;,iign for Human Develop· ml'n l . \11hi c h \\' ith ch urch ·rel atl'd s upport ha s a lr ead y s pent Sl'\'l'ral million d ollars fund ini:: se lf·hel p projet•l s initialed by lhc poor.

The majori ty o f Americans. the l'CPQl'l s adl y conc luded. have only the ir labor a s the ir p1·imary l'C' Source. The main benefils from our society 's v.•eahh arc not til'd to \1·ork. but to o\\'nership of proc.luctive l'l'SOurccs.

It seems to me that these fa cts can provoke onl y t\\'O reactions: e ither the a bo liti on of capitalis m. o r th e i 1n p r ovcme nt o f l'apita lis m ; e ithe r turning us into a n:J l LOll o f co1n m unists , or ;i na · (IOU or C'api l<tlis t s.

I F \\ F. OPT fur thC' \alter, then ou r ta :.k 1:, to Sl' l' 1f t•apit:.ilis m l'a n be 1n:.idc to \\"Or k fur the J!l'l'J ll'r be nefit of 1norc JX'oµlt·. ·ro pl'odut·c n1ore C'ilp1t ;ilis ts . 'r o p1vt' l'\'L' l'Y cit ize n \1·1lling lo \\'Ork a Sl :J ke in hi s job, e1 piece of the <.1l'.l 1on, a part of the prodoi:ti\·e U\1 ne rs h1p . thr o u g h p r o f it · sh<tr1ng, stock. o r some other de · \' ll't' . If not , I convinced, \\'C f:1te l' lther th e 111·111 bl ce1k pro· ~ Pl'Cl s of con1n10111s m or f;i sc1.s1n in the yea r s to come.

\\' ,.\SH f :\"G TO!\'. - O nl y m:1r g111ally .sh rouded b~· Prt>si­<l L·tH f u1·d 's l:O ll SjllCUOLIS public !> Ut'('l'!>S on hi s 1--: uruµea11 trip Lil ;JS Sl.'1·t111µ l11s O\l'll dun11tl;J ll Cl' o\'t.·1· l ·. s 1'01'l•1;..:n 1>ul1C',\', thl' biJL'li Sl :J tl' n1:tll l'U\'t'l'Ll11'! tu I'('•

tluvl' SL·t' !'t.'"\' uf St:.tll' llL'llJ '\' f..:1 ss J ll ~ L'l' ·.s Sll .. iliJJ" roll' LS t\O\\' l'~ · <•l'll 111 ).: ;J l'l'L'St'l' lld O Of llS U\1'11.

/! Jo.. llll p:J t t tJJl f.i.i SSlll/.!l' I' j i1 m ~ t.·l f IS bL',\'Olld tlis putt•. \\'ht'll lit· firs t rl'<tll i!Jl i!Ut!HH'll!t · 11\L' tJ iS l) •lll'IJ 1 1) lhl' .'\L•\\ '

Yurk '/'1nl l' S un ~1 ~1 y :'I'!, ;"' j ~ ::_ 1 11 ).: l' I' ,

:1bout to s t:Jl'l ;i tr.L'L'tlll~ I ll P1.1r1 ::: of tht• Orµ an i z a t 1 on fu r F.t·unomi t' Coopl'rat1un and Developmen t iOF.CO ), \\' ;t S \\' hi t t.• -knut'klL'<I \l'itll i.lllJ.'t'I". 1' h;it dLs p:.tlC'h fron1 \\';i shi n j! loll Sti.ltt><l lha t till' Prc:,1-Ut•nt \\';J S " re<lut'in ~'' his 1·eii<.1 nce on f\1 ss1 nµL·r <.111d Uial Kissin).!l'I' \\'aS Jos in,L' 1·,1s n t•<t r ·total "grip" on lhl' 11 at io 11 's f orei l,! n policy.

S t lBS F.QtJF.1'T s tories du ring ;\11' • .,~0 1·d ' s Europt>on journt'y l'mbroide1·ed t hl' theme. Hii,!h · ll'Vl' I odminis trotion off1C'ials , both ins idl' <ind beyoii.d the \\'hile lluusl', o.;r l' con vi nced that the sou rcl' of much o f th is backstage , high ly <tu t hor ita lL ve leaki ng \1·:.i .s Donald Ru m s feld 'l:?·Vt'JJt'·o ld L'illt•foftht• \"' h1tl' lli~us l.' St aff.

It \1·oul U not bt• t ht• fir s t t1 ml' thal H.un1 s fl' ld, \\'ho r etu1·nL•d llt' l ' l.' e ig ht n1onths ago from his l11JSt :.i s C .S . an1bass ;_idor to the :\'01·th ,\ti ant ic Tre<i ty 01·p<i niza · t1on {l'\ATOi to organize ~Ir . F"urU 's \\'hill' House s taff, has de· n1ons tralt'd a t<1 s t e for backstage PO \\' el' · bl"Okl'l'ln ,F,!. f\'o r ;J l'l' Rumsft•ld trit1t·s (·t'r l aLn th at his n1ol L vt•s a l'l' :J II tb<.it sus pt.•Ct .

" Rummy pl ays hard bfll ,"

Reform at the Local Level P l•rh<ips, now that the issue of

11ropur condu c t in publi C' ofrice flas rccei vl' tl th e full s potlight a l. the nati onal a nd st;itc le vels, it wou ld be appropria te tu turn at· tent1o n to loci.II government .

·rhe \\'<.itt.•r g a te di sclosures a nd the campaig n ( 0 1· th{" pol1I.· Jca l reform m('asurc . known on I <i s t )'car 's b:.ill o t v s Prop. 9, dt• a lt mos t ly "1th :1 bu ses J0 l'S lll l1n g fro ni un co n · 11·o ltt'd cam -



paign cont r1hutions . Prop. 9 also ''':is ai mcll at lob byist acti vities in connel•t1on with c lectiveo!ficia ls .

It \l.'o uld St"cm that if mo re ;,1l · tentlon h :1d been given in the firs t 11lace to IOC'.a l i;overnmcnt opcr1:1 · t1 ons there might never have been u Wal(·rgttte a nd ther e pro· b<!bly wouhtn ' t ha ve bttn un y persuasion or the need for " loh· byis l " reform al the s l ~ te level.

FOR MOST o f tho5c in hig hl' r offiet! s tarted 1n politics at the JO(aJ le vels . 1\ ncl th at i5 " 'hl'rl' the people have the bl'St ch :tncc of ubst"rv1n g fir s t hand I hose " ·ho have bet'n enl ru s tcd ""'il h publu:: office.

Yet, by some str<1n~t· quirk the


e ffort has bee n to e nfor ce " model conduct " upon those in sta te gov· t•rnment whi le ig no ri ng th e m inor officials neare r home. l\fa ny of th l' st ri ct. la..,,•s \lo•h1ch now govern those at the s t a te level Uo not app ly to office holders loca ll y.

l\tos t of t he recent la"·s are concerned with the manner in which s tate o((icials are elected and laws are passed . Legislators and local go vern ing boards have been the butt o f confli ct of in · terest a nd full dis closure la .... 's.

But when on e stops to think of th e millions expended by loca l gover nm e nt fo r cons.truc tion , equipment a nd s upplies, the re e m e r ges a wide · area of op· portunity for · ' h a nky.panky" un· der existing l11ws .

T R UE th e s tate has e na cted t ight bidding la\.l.·s covering both State and loca l governments so it 1s more in !he fi eld of supplies ;.ind equipment where loose prae· t1 ces can occu r .

This was the situation in s ta te governm ent a fe w years back un ­til lhe Se nal (I a wakened to the need for a s tate purchasi ng act . It lhen enacted a luw requJMng

bidding on all purchases and set for th the m a nn e r· in which s pecifications \\'Ould be d ra fted and bids \\'Olild be handleU . 1'he law " "as a great improvement in an area whith had been un con­trolled but there ore s till some holes to be plugged.

Unlik e its actions " 'ith res peC't t o c o n s tru ct ion contracts, ho w e ve r , loca l gove rnment s were not includ ed etnd were left free to wheel a nd deal.

1\ T T ll AT TIM E th e Leg islature di d e nact ·a law which requires a ll local govern· ments to " adopt policies and pro· c~ures" governing purcha15es including " bidd ing regulations ".

And While Prop 9, for example, makes it ne ar impossi ble for a legi s lator tu accept any gift, in · eluding a d r ink o r a meal from a lobbyist . vendors may cater to the i r h e e1rts delight to those churaed with proc urement respon si bilities, especially at the local leve l ~ .

For t he fyct is th at , other than the bribery laws , there are no Ja:iws banning the acceptance o( gifts by such o(ficials.

And th e Ca l l£ornia law on bribery, unlike lhe federal law, does not muke the mere accep­tanct of a gift co'nstllute briber)' . Jt must be proved that it was t.1ken lo Infl uence the official 's de~i•lon .



s :J id olll' s ut· ll c riliC'. " But ht' 's got tht• f'rt•s idl•nt 's bt.•st interests ul hea t'l - - <.1 s 11·t.· I I :JS lus 0\1·11 ."

'f ll F. J\IOST cons pi cuous \\.hil t' ll o use · enµi n L't'l'l'll p rt'SS lll'L' :J J.! Jins t a top e:ibint•t mt>mbt'r prior t o the c- u rren t m oves ;_iga in s t K1 ss i1J J,' l'I' C'ame lu s t \\'lllll'r a~.iins t Sl'Cl'l'la1·y of thl' Treas ur\· \\'ill1an1 $unon. Lt•aks fro rn \\' ~• ll - pl<.1 C' l'll \\'hill' Jlous t• sources g l' l'i:I Sl•ll the resii:? n:.ilion s kids fur Simon .i t a timl' \l'hl'n Simon 1\' :JS the must loq ua(•iuus :Jlld t•ons t•i· ive holdout <t~ai nst till' allmi 11 1strat 1o n 's <tllli· J'l't' t·ss1011 bud l}e l defi cits.

,\t t ill' tin1e, Treasury Deparl­ment upe rut1ves \\'t' l'e ('onv1 nct•d lh :i t thl' So Ul'('e of lhe anti -Simon b;i rr;q,' l' \\'a s Roy Ash , the n hl'ad of the Offic..._. of l\lanagement :.ind Rud ge t iO ~f B J. 1"heSL' s amt' operatives . ho\\·ever, are tJU\.\'

convinced thul it ""-"s Du n Rum s fc lU, uot As h , \\'ho " ·a s

hurling lh l' ;i 11li ·Sin1u n thun ­t.l t.•rbolts.

Tll E 11 ,\ R llf:ST · f 'Ot.'G ll T Run1sfc ld l' :Jllll)Jtgn, ho\1't' \'l'r

i cum(' not aµ:.i1n s t a11 y t\'.LXOll · holdo1·L•r tulJ111l·t n1l'n1Ut·r !Jut a ga111 s t \ 'i t·l' J>rt'SHlenl t\'.l· lso11 fl ockl•fl·lll'I', ''l'hl' i s~ Ul' 1\;1 s \\'ll t•ll u.·1· ti ll' Jlr L"si dL"n l shuu ld pt•rn11t flot·ki:·fL"l lt•r tu 1i.1 n1L• lus 0\\ '11 s t :Jffl'L's tu l'un t he Do11<l'Sl lL' Coun cil .

Run1 s fl•ld fougllt ;_. h ;.11·d but losin g b:Jttlt• 11 11 that one, und his rea sons \\'e1·l' butll souncl and l'<t l'l' full y l'Ot)Sld l0 l"l'll : If l ht• \ 'il'l' l'rl'SJdl'llt ;JS t• haLl'lll:Jll of lhL· Doml'Sl lC' Cuu11 l·i l t:oul d t·untrol it s toµ s l<tff , ht• 1\·o uld tomm;uul its o per:.i t1 011s. an<J :,uch l'Olll·

ma nd miJ:.'hl L'Ulll"l' LVabl y l>L.'COlllt• a heavy pulitL(':JI JJ;ib11L ty fur the Pl'('!i lt.lcnt . ~ 1 r. fo' t11·d. ho\1 l'\'l'l '. 5il.1t•t! '''1th ltot'kl' fl·ill'I'

The l!O\\'ll )! l't1d111 ;.r of Ki ssi ni.:l' r, hO\\'eVL'l". ITIO \'L'S ltun1sft.• ld into far morl' d a 1q . .t crous \\·<ltl' l' S. K1 ss in µl'I' is o.i 111·ovt·n 1naslt·r ut t ilt• <1 l'l o f hu 1·t·au c r:1t ic i n · figh tin g.

S0!\1 1-: R t : !\l S F J·: J.D l'l"Llil'S t i.I ke lhc C'on s p1r<.1tor1al \'ll'\\' of ·

lhl'SL' torpedo <1 ttacks by th (' Prt·~1 t.l t•nt 's yo uthfu l and am . hL t1uus \\' bite J.luuse s taff chief. fturr, :; ft•ld , t ll t•y s;i y, yt•a rns to lx!­Sl't:l'l' t a r y o f the T rt.•us u1·y, S<.•L' l'L'l i.ll'Y o f Defl'llS(', chit'fof t he ,\'at 1on:JI St•l·u r itr Cou nc il 01· l'\'l'll St't:l'l' tui-y of State. Thesl' L'l'l t 1e s point t o the g audy pt·1·sun :_1 l publieit y that h<1s bL·(•n l'0 111Lll)..' ill11l1 Sft'lt.J 's \\':J)'; lhl' '.\ l l'l'\' G r1ffi n s ilo\\'. :J ll ABC' tl' ll'1·11>1on ~ho \\· on the ·' Prt•si· llL•n1 's 1·1p ht · hand man '' ; a \\ 'a:;h 1nµto1\.o- P oi; t Sl'r ies on l hl' '':: L't'Olld ll lOS t PU\\'L' l'ful " n1<.1n i ll \\'a~ h1ng 1 v 11 : till' eo\'L•r of las t ~unJa \''::i f-' :Jrade n1aj!azi nl', to llaLnl' ~ft•\\',

Hut l1 lht· 1·:, ::>l't' a lo ft ier flu111::. iL·l<l t :_1 rgl't: to n1<ikc Gl·1·;_ild F'orU t'o ml.' ;.ili\'l' as t'om ­)) ll'tt· n1us lt•1· o f his O\\'ll ull· 11; 1111 s11·,111on -· in ~ hurt , as Pl'L'SI· llt·nt 111 foit' l us 1\·t•ll a!:i n:1n1e. :

\\' IJ:1l l'Vl•l" tht• 1·;.1tionall' . flu1r,~ ft•ltl l!:i 110\\' t:Jk inµ high r1s k'!:i 11 i!h hi s to r pe<l0t·s aitnl•d al KLss 1uµl· 1·. Firi n v turpt.' llot.•s 1s 11ot l'l 'L• ::i 1<ll·n t fo'or<l's s tvlt• a fact ll l:Jt l\ 1 !;~ 111 µ t•1· hnn st.·Jr· ,,.(11 soon 111u t t' fuH li s t· of.

Military Mail Capers \VASH INGTON - In outri ght

violation o f the la"" military counlc l' in t l'lligence te ams for yt•ars ope ne d and read lhe mail of sus pects . ·

Ttus '' flap an ll seal '' opera lion. as it \\'as l'OJ ll t·ll, rare ly turned up an y s pies or cr1 1n in a ls. It wa s u sed l a r g l'l y t o s n oo p on s er·vi(· emcn " 'ho had COITI · pl~.nnl'd about the Vil'tn<1m war.

F.v i d e n rl' that tht· Pt:n · ta gon tampt'l 'c ll \\'ilh the mails has been offered to the select Senate committee which is in­vestigating the excesses of the CIA, FBI and other government gum -shoes.

T H t: ·'(la p <.i nd seal " ter m goes ba t'k to carlie 1· day when mail \\' a s s urreptiti o usly s te a m ed OJM! ll and s ealed aguin . But the Pentagon s noops pried into

milita r y mail by a more intticale technique ca lled "rolfing." Two pron gs resembling knitting needles were us ed to s lip letters


.. '4~ tl

'The lt1•1r you could do, i$ offer to carry tit• board I·


fl'om ('n ve lopes \\' ithout breaking thl' flap sea ls.

Our SO Ul'C'('S told us, pa ren· theti ca ll y, th at the m ore r e · so urceful Centl'al Inte lli gence ,\ ge ncy ha s de ve loped a inete hinc th;i t can r t·ad n1ai l ri ght through the t"llVL' lopes . Electri c v.•aves penetr <i t c th e p <1p('r, scu nn ing t•ach l<i yer anll p icking out the ink m ;i rk s. 1'hcn the le tter is reussc n1 blell elt'l' l ronicall y.

The t•ounte 1·int e lli gencc lC'ams. operating in st r iet sec r ecy, openell 1n ilitary mall both \\'ithin th e United Stall's and at ove rseas bases. Thl' pr;icti C' (' was n1ore blatant, however, outs ide lht' country ,

" AS SOON <i s an 1\mC'riC'u n leaves the Un ite d Stutes, th e in ­telligence a uth o rities think he lo s es alt hi s co ns titu t io nal ri ghts," s aid o ne source .

Th e s n oopi n g became so \lo'idespread, m ilitary sources told us. that le tters slatked up fas ter than they could be re1.1d . Ta pes of bu~ged convcrsutions ulso uccum ul <1tcd .

In most cases. the just ifi cation for the spoop in g wa s minima l, OU I' SOUl'l' t:'S s ay , Some people h;.;d th e ir mu i l r ead s in1p ly bt•taUSl' th ey had sensit ive as ­s ignments .

Out· sources l'el'all the case, for example, of an Am ericu n ugcnt (or th e supcrseC' ret Army Securl · t y Agen cy. Its qpe1·ation11 were being s pied upon by un eve n more secre t 1\rmy l"ounter ln · telli gence m .

Tll E SECU RITY mnn, bore-ct with his work on the West G erma n si de o f the Czechslova ki a n border , sneaked acros!I for ;;a ho liday In PreJ(ue. He playe d ca t -and -mouse Y+'ilh the Czech a uth orl tl c11 gnd had ti brief , volcani c urfai r with a Czech bcuut y . Then he s lipped back into W!;'s t Germ any.

But unkno .... •n to him, the coun -


• t(•t·intt•lli ge nce sleuths " ·ere re· adLn g his mail. They found oot ubout his 1·oma ntic interlud e \\'hen he received a letter from hi s Czech girl friend asking when he pla nn ed to return to Prague.

1'he gove rnmen t 's habit of pry· in g into peop le ' s mail, in dis · reg et rd of the law, is one of the abuses the Senate committee is supposed to investi gate. But our sources s ay the leads often are n 't followed up £or Jack of con1petent investi ga tors .

JN OTll E R cases, lawyers who C'ame to t he committee from feUcr<) I <ige n cies s imply c a ll the ir contacts in the inte ll igence se rvi c- e s , obtain a denial o f \\'rongdoing and call this <1n "in­vestigation . "

F o otnote : A committee spokesman gave us this s tate· ment : '; We are looking into mail openi ng, whet her it involves the De£ense Department, CIA, IRS or a nybody else in government. We a lso rega r d the opening o( U.S. m:.iil overseas as a domestic m atter ." The Defense Oepurt. ment had no comment.

1, \. '


DAILY PILOT Robf'rl N. Werd, P'ublUMr

Thomas Ke-euil , f:djtor Ba,bora Krribich,

£ditor1al Page Edilar

The editorial page of the Daily Pilot see ks t o inrorm and

11timul111te readers by presenUnc on lhis. page diverse t ommentpry on topics of interest by S)Tldi~•t· ed tolun111is ls and tartoonl&lti, by providing a Corum for rc.clers' \'icv.•s and by presentint: lhla newspa~r 's opinion• 1nd kle11 oo turrent topic1. The edltari1I opinions ot lhe 011ly Pilot •PPNt only in lhe editorial column at the top of the P•ae. Opinklnl a · pressed by the tolumnhi:l.I and t•rtoonist1 and Jetter writers in-. thilr own and no endorwmm ol their views by th~ Dally Pilot should be Inf err~.

Thursday, J une 12, 1975





' I G~ So• th• Sc ~ ''t l ten live cr1

' •



i ' ' ' i ' I ' I • • • • • •

Has South Chivalry Gone With the Wind?

wrestlers and topless roller derby conte nders.

Thursday. June 1? 1_97_5 ___ ____ -=D;.:...A:.:..:ll:...:V....:.P...:;ll::.;O=..T;.._~A~l

Pearl BUek Will Voided ~

MONTPELIER , Vt. (APJ - The Vermont Supre me Court has upheld a tower court decision to invaUdate Nobel Pnze wtnning author Pearl S Buck 's last will. The decision means h~r estate will go to her seven children

The court un animously agreed to let s tand a Rutland County S uperior Court ruling tf1at said Miss Buck 's last will and testament was invalid

ll O\.\ ev1.•r . the dom t-sltc roya lties were transferred to Creallvit} 1111.· to pay off a $110,000 banklo<in

ATLA NTA (U PI ) -Gentleme n or the ~P South, s tung by cha rges they've traded in their Scarlett O'Haras for ' ' t rashy women," con­tend that c hivalry still lives despite the c urrent crop of l ady arm -

F1orence King , author of "Southerh Ladies llnd Gentlemen," fanned the heated diseu81tion- in 1ln article appearing in the current iss ue of Viva Magazine .

She rated Southern men as still " the best kissers in the business," but said they no longer place their women 0 .1 pedestab, in the Scarlett O'Hara tradition.

· Miss Buck died in Danby, Vt. , on .l'v,tarch 6, 1973, at ~~;~:x;:;~:..;.::;:~..;• the age or 80, leaving most of h~metit-to-her busi ·

1\11 :,~ Hud, :, son, Edi.:cir S Walsh a New York City stockbroker , rnnt1.·~ted the will'. Walsh con· tended thut l larns us1.'<J undue 1ntluence with Miss Huck \\hen thl' \.\Ill \.\as drafted , playing on 'Miss Buck 's romanttt· lt•nd1.•nc1es to get the property trwisferrl'd lo bun


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INSTEAD , SH E s aid, they h ave become mashers who ''trail you down hallways .•. (and) even show up a t your door with a bottle in a brown bag. "

Mi ss Kin g sa id

UPt Tei..-.


S outher n ge ntl emen ---------­were " haunted by the perfect lady im age in w hich they long ago clothed the Southern white woman. When they s imply cannot t ake it anymore, they go out looking .. . most often on


Charges one of those hot. s ticky Proposed nights now associated with Rod St eiger mov· ies ." Students who want to

In r ebutta l , Rep . John know wha t Saddleback La fitte o f Col umbia, College has to offer soon S.C. ' huffe d that the may have lo pay for 'the

. privilege. South has its g<?od ~nd J ack Swartzbaugh, the bad elements. hke any dean of instruction on the other par t of the country Mission Viejo campus a~d that ''.appare ntly has recommended that this ladr d.esires to s~nd that they be charged for th.e ma1ority of her time catalogues . w1th the bad element;s - The charge is to be $1 and apl?arentl )'. ~nJoys for catalogues picked up every mmute of il. at the college and $1.2!> if

they are mailed . R E P · N I C K Swartzbaugh told col·

T.heodore o.f G ree.n, - lege trus tees Monday v1.Ue., S .C., call~~ Miss night that other com· King s, ch~rges a totally munity colleges charge false Jnd1ctment of th,~ from 40 cents to $1 for South_er~. gen tl.eman. picked up catalogues and He said the ch1v~lry ?f $1 to $1.25 for mailed the Sout~ern ~ale is stlll catalogues. ver~. evide nt and that Board m e mbers look h~ holds women on a no action on the dean 's ~gher pla ne than males recomme ndation. Action m othc~, p a rts o f the is expected a t the June 23 country· board meeting.

Allen Morgan , J r .. prc-s id en t o f M orga n ­Keegan, Inc ., a m e m ber of the New York Stock Ph • • Exchange, s hot back YSJCJall tha t Miss Ki ng " pro· bably hasn ' t had that A di d (gentlem a nl y) treat - ccre te ment, so it 's difficult for her towriteaboutit. " Dr. Lynn :\I. St anton.

A psyc ho lo,g is t , Dr. l't•w po rt Beach. h;.1 :> Alfred A . M esscr of completed continuin g Atlanta, said that "scien· educa t10n r equirements tific a lly, there is no to reta in acll\'C m cm­basis" for grouping all bers h1p m the American Southern men. " As far Academy o f Famil y as m en are concerned." Phvsic1a n~. he said. " They range a ll i ·he requ1rcments c:all the way from Robin fur mcmber:> to complete Hoods to the cha racters a mm1mum of 150 hours s he d escribes. To at · of accredited continuing tempt a ny ge neraliza· m e d 1c ;:i I s tudy every lion, as s he does, is seek- three yea r s. Members ing out headlines and become eligible for re· making s tat e me n t s elect 10n at the end of the which have no scientific ll11rd fo!Jowmg thl'11' merit. '' t•lt•ttion to mcm be r s hip.

FINAL DAYS A9 Thi 5 Loca•lon : 16131 Harbor Blvd., Foun•aln Vall•y-554-5550

SALE PRICES GOOD AT.ALI, THREE LOCATIONS we have marked everything down for this Sale, Prices have never

been lower. our loss is your gain. Hurry in for Best Selection

FULL SIZE SOFA BEDS • ir..1f>'lng

Mottren $148


Orange CC>Ulty's largest Simmons Mattress Display. All f irmnesses -All Sizes -

foctofy Authorized Service


E•tr• F lrrn PluahlV Quitted While TMV L.atl QUEf!N SIZE llCM FULL SIZE E a. Pc c.J. TWIN SIZE e a. Pc J).

5144 At No btro Ct-ge








4 S..- Yw11 a. ,...,.., To 0-.. sa 2 s.-. (......,._. ,.,. 700 00 a.,-· wt.a. They lo•• • , ••• Ml


~~!!?ARDS $149 Wtth 2 Pluehly cauu.- s 177 ..,.oN1 MATTUllll. .... T*9 lft ~ .. C-•feort· ......

N LIY 2S6 ... hcH4 16U1 ~ ...... ' """ ..... .. l ....... ) (N .._ - ....,,.., 11 ............ .. 0...--1

....... 991-4040 ........ 554-$550 ,..._ 639·2633 CAIN & cun O.llvery Avell•bl•

). • I


=.-:G9 5133 Not ,.,. i,......,,..... chipboard. but beoutiful finitt.d wood IJrGin that lo1h and lash - OIOicle ol 8 finitt- - Avoiloble en bunlu. Also dH k' • c:Mst grouplnot


DAILY 10 A.M. · • , ...

SATURDAY 10 a.M. . ...... SUNDAY

11 A.M •• 6 . .. M.

ness manager, Theodore Harris . In her will, Mi~s Buck's foreign royalties and

prope rty 'Yere deeded to Creativity Inc., directed by Harris. The P earl S. Buck 1971 Foundation, a trust fund set up for her children, was the recipient of her domesti c r oyalties under the provisions of the will.

T he JUsl1t·1.·s d id 11ot addn•ss lhc va lidity of the will directl y in lh1.·11· two page opirnon.

They d 1:-. m 1si;ctl an ilppeul of the lower court de­cision by Will iam and Ud~y Drake, the executorli of the a uthor 'l) 1.•stutc, on the ~round they did not have any claims un th1.• a~st•ls of lht· est ate.

Se~m'sV.0. Sale$ ~~~h


. 2, .. ~ .. ],; l; t ,.v J.:

• • fJ f ! ~

\ ... t , ..

. .. ... ' . ~, I I



JUME 11·15

\ ....



I rl ' t

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i 0

UPIT•I~• ' IT'S NONSENSE' Jackie Onassis

J acque line


Film Role ATHENS, Greece

fAP) - Greek film pro· ducer Nikos Mastorakis says he ha s offered Jaic-. queline Kenned y Onassis St mil lion lo portray he rse lf in ~1 film he pluns to make about he r late hu sban d Ari s tot l e Onassis.

!\.1astorakis said th e film o ffer v.•as made through Clem Wood , one of tv.·o v.•riters v.·ork ing on the film s cript on the later years of the life of th e Greek s hipping magnate . Onass is died in Pari s las t !\.l <1rch at age 69.

ln New \ ' o rk . a lavoyer for Mrs. Onass is denied reports in the London Daily !\.1<.1il that she was cons iderin g taking the role ... You can c h arac­teri ze it as nonsense," the spok.esman said.

!\.lastorakis s aid : · ·1 have p ropOSl'd to l\1rs. Onass is th a t she pJ;!y he rse lf in n1y film , not onl y for th e comml' rCi;!! value but ;_il so beca use as an inte lli gent a n d beautiful lad y s he could 1nake a ve ry good :J C·

t ress and contribute both to the e s theti c L111<.I

arti s tic value or the filn1 . •· ( Lll SO o[fered h('r ;:1

fet• of SI million , not to te mpt her , but because I belie\·e it is a fair s hare or " ·hat her contribution might l>rin g lo th e box of­fi ce ." '

.. -- . - -r

. . Thurlday. June 12. 1·975

•R ef«dj u s t111e 11t'

OPEC Decides To Up Prices

LIBREVILLE, Gabon nations will U Se irlstead <U PI ) --T he wor ld oil the more stable special

. cartel has Voted to raise dr a wing r i ghts, an its prices again next fall. average of 16 major cur­

The increase, to be an- rencies, incl uding the nounced la t e r , could re- dollar . ported ly be as great as JO - ··oeal with the de· percent and cost the rest termina tion o f natural of ·the world up to $30 gas prices in line with billion . the prices of petroleum, "

The 13 nations of the according to Ira nian Na­Oil Producing and Ex- tiona l Bank chai rman portin g Countries, end- Mohamm e d Yeganeh. ing a meeting in this Many OPEC n ations are African capital , also de- also rich in natural gas. cided to tie the price or Some nations, citing natural gas to the price an erosion or their new of oil. oil " 'ea Ith throu gh infla­

DELEGATES SAID the OPEC ministers de· cided to :

- ''Readj u s t ' ' oi l prices on Oct. 1 in the li ght of in flation .

- S top q\J ot in g oil prices in U .S. dollars because revenues have slumped a s th e dollar h as fall e n on world money markets, OPEC

* * *

tion o r 30 perce nt o r more, have suggested a 30 percent oil price in­crease . Others like Saudi Arabia , arc expected to hold out for a s m a ller in­crease o r 10 or 15 per­cent .

Tll E SIZE OF the in­crease will not be de­cided until th e n ex t 10PEC m eeting in Vienna ,Sept. 24 . -

* * * Import Quota On Oil Voted

\.VASJ-ll NGTON (,\P J - The !louse has voted to set oil irT!port quotas at 6 milli on barrels a day in 1979 and to increase them to 6.5 million barrels a day startin g in 1980. •

The 21 1 to 200 vrite scuttled a Ways and Means Committee recommendation to drop the imports to 5.5 millio11 barre ls a day s tarting in 1979. Currently , the United States i1nports JJbout 6 million barrels a day .

TllE COMM ITTF:f-: llAD recommended setting the q uotas al that rate th is year a nd next , the n boosti ng th e fi g ure to 6.5 million ba rre ls in 1977 before dropping bac k to6 mi llion in 1978.

Rep . Joe D . \\'aggonner, CD-La .) , w hos e amendm ent the !·louse adopted, said th e comm it­tee's recommendation \\"ould have '" put the coun try into a s trait jacket by fixing figures which arc tot a l­ly unrealis tic . .tot<illy counter to " 'hat the needs arc going to be ...

The committe e recommendation , Wa ggon ne r s aid . " ·ould for ce the government " lo ::illocate shortages. "

llowever, Rep . Al Ullman , CD·Ore.), commit · tee chairman . dec lared :


AMERICA? ••• YOU BET!! Permiss ive ness hos pushed a side principles. '" f un and games" ha ve reploced hard work . "Open campuses" ha\/e supe rs eded s tru cture. Edu cat ion hos jeopardized America 's lulu re . St. Jo hn 's pr0'1ides o s trong . challenging , compeliti"e disciplined progra m a s on o lternoli"e to l_ibero l, unstruc tu{ed education.

For more info rmation on enrollment in grades 6-12. write to Mr. John Richardson. St . John "s Military Academy, Dela fi eld , Wisconsin 530 18 . There is to be a represen­tative in the area within the month.

j;t.1Jolpt's ft{ilitatt? ,Acahttnl! Delafield, Wisconsin 53018





TENNIS SHORTS REG. s 1 o " s1 z. NOW s5•11 & '69•



' ' i

. .,

. -

' . .

No.Job Has Hi10 Nailed .£!~,~~. WEST ALLIS, Wis . (AP) - ':For sale. golni on llE COLLECTED $198 a week unemployment . '"111 · 't~f';.,,,; ·o' · we ll a re," reads the plywood sign on Donald until Apri l, wheri he worked forlhrtt days !or a con-

'.;:~; · · .ts.~::.~:;::.:~:: :·::] Kin~h8e~:r.;~:r~~l~u~~~:!-~·who has worked on- ~:ec~;i~:~1!~~ ~hhee~t~ i~gP~~~i:~~~fea:~:e'ddu~~ ·,:-,(t:i;ihf·~f.\{:( .. : Jy lhree days in the pas~ 10 monlhs. says 8 lack of a he.aring tod.ay .to determine whether his un · . , , :. _.~ · ~: . . ~· .... -:·: construction jobs and the loss of his unemploy ment emplo_yment benefits should be.~e~umed. . . · .. ~~·o·~itTft·: benefitsprompled thesign. K1n ghamm er, who spec1.11 hzed in ~u1ld1ng .•·:s:>•V ... J;:~~ houses when he was working, has extenstvely r e -~~l!~::;t:·:·.: ::~'.:: .::_. ... ,~--Tllrlf"A"ND-LE 11 EREDsigffWenruv-s<rtur--1nodeled-the...hous.e_durine l!Je i~JeJ1ours since his ··:·~:·~.::·-~·,::·;·~;: ·_" . .-;·:·: · day on the fro nt wall or Kinghammer 's small , one· layorr last Septe mber. fle _ha~ lo _s top ~ecently when (f:··.~~'-:.o:r.J:' .. :: ~ : s tory ho me in . West .Allis , an older, s~mi · industrial . he ra r~.out o( money for bwld1ng supplies .. . _ ::;:::; ~~~~~.:· suburb bordering Milwaukee's west s ide . . no un ~mploym~ot ~hec~s comn~g in , his ~.:.:.}ii:fo'·.'.LAi.l:l ·:.,i· It had brought severn l ofre•·s by midweek, but w•f• s income r1 omdeamng Jobs al a nurso~g home .::::·; .~:,'.· .. . :: ... . Q ·:.i: .: •:: none for th e $20,000 Kingham mer said he wants for has not been s uff1 c1enl to support them, Kingham. ...:. · ·:. ;.~·;.;·;"'_, .,t: ·:·.: .. •_·- ·. the house. mer soud . \." . ·. ··· · · · . .:,, " I need a ll th e money l can gt?t out or it," he ex -

plained. Kingham mer " 'as laid off last Septe mber from

his job with Urba n Ame1ica, Inc. - the first time in 15years he had been without " 'Ork ~s a carpenter .

"I T l lINK IT 'S GOING to gel worse," he added . There is l itt le demand for carpenters, he said , and the jobs that are available often go to younger men .

Sales & buys for your #1 Dad.

Men~s LE.D. watch

99~77 Light emitting dial gives d1gilal readout of date. hour. minute. seconds. G'oldtqne or silvertone case and ba"nd.

SALE Men's Seacron digital watch

47.82 Reg. 59.88. Btu/green digital shows hours. minut6s and seconds. Silver· tone case and bracelet.

SALE Men's Seacron calender watch

39.82 ·. Reg. 49.l i. Attr~t ive maroon dial with calender. Silvertone case and integrated bracelet.

SALE Men's Seacron diver's watch

23.82 Reg. 29.11. Easy-to·change calender. rotat ing 60 minute timing bezel. Black di,I. Silvertone case and black strap:

Men's Belle-Swiss pocket watch

29.77 Handsome pocke\ watch sports dog and duck scene embossed o n gold­tone antique look case.

lllustraUons enlarged to Shew delall. °*'OI it or use our Just-For.Jewelry LI)' Awr/ Plan. 5*' pricet effective ttvu Sunday, Jun 15, 1_975.

...,... rAll: Blach 11 ()-angethorpe •Open weekd1ys 9:30 10 9:30. Sund1vt 1010 fl . OU1t1• City Dr. 11 Gtro:en GrO'l9 .Blvd. • Open weekd1ys 10 10 9. Sund1ys 10)0....6. 14MTA ANA: 3~ So. Bristol-NO of So. Coast Plata • ()ptn DaUy 9:30 to 9. Sunda)"I 10 to 8 .

\ • \



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Best Seller? ·

Mesa Writer \ ..

'One to W atCh' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL

Of ... Pell'I' f'li.t S..H

Her road ...,f life led from o miserable Minnesot a farm where sheep died on their feet from (hirst in the Great Depression,· and on across America to Calitomia, where thousands or disillusioned people flocked for that hoped-for pol or gold at the end of their own personal , private rainbows.

Once here, in 1945, it led her on in skepticism and the wild company of an adventurous adolescent girlfriend .

" We s tarted out from Santa Monica for Mexico City," says Jean Femling Riss. " But we settled for San Juan Capistrano - and we only got as far as Long Beach. We stayed at the Y a few nights and then I called my mother. She was horrified."

THE 15-YEAR-OLD runaway, now 45, has come a long way in those intervening years since she washed dishes to pay for her YWCA bed and board.

She has raised three children within two mar­riages, served as a community volunteer worker, embarked on a career as a free-lance writer, taught. school and - as of today - given birth to her fourth novel.

Her t hird, t itled " Backyard," is a suspense story that wi ll go on sale wilhjn four to six weeks .

· "Technically, it's publis hed ," says the .author. who is also currently employed full -time in the publications office of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

SHE P UBLISHES UNDE R a dual by-line system, using her maiden name, Jean Femling, for fictional work and her mbrried name, Jean Riss, on the many nonfiction magazine articles.

Her t ypewrite r - the clunky old st andard manual style so many professional writers pref er -can be heard rattling away in the Riss household at 2384 Cornell Drive, Costa Mesa , late into the night.

" I started writing when I was 11, but that wasn't serious ly. Around 1954 I started writing short stories, " s he recalls, estimating about 20 such pieces were completed.

WHAT IS HER WRITING regimen, especially with a family and a full -time job?

"The last novel ("Backyard" ) was easier, because I was Cree-lancing then and m y time was my own," says Mrs. Fe mling/Riss. "Now I'm working."

Her free-lancing efforts sold articles on Orange County school segregation, personality pieces on a woman who caught a world's record thres her shark ; one on Dr. Barbara Brown founder of the bio­feedback theory ; an article about Juan Torres, the only man eve r lynched in Orange County, and she also new down to cover the end of the 1970 Baja 1000 offroad auto race down in La Paz.

. ALL THIS TRAVEL, research and interview­ing of those who do what run-of-the-mill humans on­ly dream of doing might seem terribly adven­turesome to many.

' ' I 'm rather a 'square' person," contradicts Mrs. Femling / Riss.

She has her roots in the old farm in Ottertail County , Minn ., which her father ran in addition to wor&(ing as a bake r , trying to make ends meet dur ing the Great Depression and its years of drought.

She recalls s heep which died of thirst littering the fields and how water had to be hauled to the farm for those bare necessities such as cooking and bathing.

SHORT STORIES and the four novels Mrs Femling / Riss has authored follow different themes and subjects, whi le she claims as a novelist ~o have no all-pervasive direction of thought or literary philosophy.

"Sooner or later, I'm a lways interested in some aspect of self-discovery," she quickly ad_ds. pomt· ing out however . that her novels are not antrospec· tive in that regard .

"Backyard,". which was written in a year and ·purchased by Harper & Row ~ublis~ers l~c., New York , is a s uspense novel dealing with a n innocent housewife's nightmarish mistake n arrest and con­viction in a savage murder case .

The centra l character's car is borrowed one Jlight- actua lly stolen-i.lsed in a gruesome kill ­ing a nd then r eturned to her home before s he ever misses it. Clues and witnesses connect the car to the killing and she winds up behind bars.

A VIRTUA LLY IDENTICAL case occurred in Huntington Beach a few years ago. a lthough the in­nocent parties whose car was borrowed for a murder and then returned were cleared before they could be tried .

"Backyard," says Mrs. Femling~Riss, was an original plot she conceived not kno~mg about the Huntihgton Beach case. ·

Publishe r's Week ly, the most prestigious · joumal of reviews about who is who a nd who bas done what in the industry never gets wildly ef­fusive , but gave her a healthy compliment.

'1J ean Femling is a writer to watch, '' it said.

NEW YORK- Long term dty and stal.e board prices llJde down $6.25 for every tl,OOOOf bom1' due in 20 years, u lhown in a move to 6.83% Ja,tt week apimt t .M the ~week per tM Dow Joaet Munlclpal Board Index.

il word lo Iha wise. Th• word 11 coutlon. Bonda. e•peclolly municipal

bonch UHd to be cQnsidered a wr•thlng.

Tb• only •ure thlng w e know about ta a h lgh·lnterest 11GYiD09 a«0unt. Insured to M0.000 and feel regularly.

An AVCO Savlngw CouDMllot can belp you plan your smartest way to ICIV•·

And gl•• you the Utt ot tree AVCO •nlc•• that help you ~•••nmol'e.

~fAVCD ._ ~~ !!"~m!5'~ -~

Thursday, June 12 1975 OAILYPILOT

1'1ari11er's Police Chase Kills 2 [. Traffic Pia~ Eyed FRESNO (U Pl > - A

Sanger potlce officer and another man were killed Wednesday "hen the of fiet•r 's P<>h t·l' pat rol car colhdi.•d with a no lht:r \'Chide "h1lc the offkcr was drnsing a speeder.

his lights and siren 'When he ent.tted the intersec· ll°'1 chasing the s peeder und hit the ~wcond car broadside.


CM Novelist Femllng

Newport Beach Plan­ning Commi ssioners have agreed t o study several parking and tral­Clc improvements ~ug­gnt~d "by- prop er t y owners along Mariner 's Mile.

After hearing the sug­gestions at last week's study session , com. missioners a s ked staff planners to calculate cost s of the improve. menls and to develop a funding proposal.

Planners and property owners have been meet­ing to di scuss how to

-*'40,000 MIU WARRANTY M ichelin" Werrenty hr ··x·· • •4ial Nlthwey l'euen9er Tir e •h•wn ellen •••ers Ire•" life, 11••m•I •••" heaer4• I• ul114lnt , .,eiraltle , .. nc· ,.,, .. , ........ tech In • • • a. ... enthl, .,. .. "'eterl•ft fer A0 ,000 ... 11 .. , when lite I• u .. 11 .,, ,.ue"ttr •ehlclu In ... , .... , .... 1c. '" ........ e .. 1e 1 u1111 ... Sl•lu, ••cel'I Ale•k•. Cre41t er re :~ f.,,.,. (•f Michelin '• .,11 ... 1 h •~11 al t• current e clu•I 1ellint price ..,.,,,;. I'll•" lty l' •rc e11te9e el w arranted ... 11e99• ... , rllft ... ,,,.

. COSTA MESA 3005 HARIOR ILVD. lc_.._ ..... ..,..,...._t

1714) 557-8000


formulate u "spefafi c turning it into a public a rea plan '', for t ho sec- parkm~ lot. l i!>n br West Cpast Extending Avon Highw ay. that W<J S Stree t easter l y from d.estroyed m the ~~n. 6 Tustin Ave nue to connect fire . 1 t.o the proposed parking

The officer, Perfecto Medrano, 32, was using

The driver o r the second car, whose 1denti· ty was withheld pending notification of relativ~. was killed instantly.

Improvements r 'com- lot on the Cal-Tr ans pro-me nded by the pq>perty ""rtY ,-----------.-


_ ........ _____ _ _ _

owners include : ,..~ · \""> THE - Wid e nin g I< vo n Commi ssionei- s of. 'frlJf. .. 'lA~' ~t 1


~~~~~ rr~1::a R1;~~8~~~~~ !~-=~~~~~~ec~~npsrt~,~~~ ,,·.\'. ~--~·~l ·' ~~::".: '·~~'~ Avo n St r cc t run s meots. The initial cost ~th§ ~~' Ser•ic• Time par a 11 e I lo Co as l estimate has bee n placed •\~.·. ~. [•: ;1. , .. • 'r 0 • i. j •• ~!:'!~oor Highw uy b ehi nd the at about $1.1 million, but burned-out block. staff planne rs will r eport ~•w t9lhSTREET cosTA ME.SA I 495-0401)

A c Q u i r i n g th c back with m ore detailed 10 OOOASSORTCD PLANn J ~ DO ~J~~!itl# mobile home park now cost studies at a future PUBLIC INVITEO JUNE 12- 1~ h111-t 11m 28922 ca,,.ino Cop1str.-o owned by Cal -Trans and study session . ·

FRJ8/14 (ER78/14) HR78/14


5.20/13 (135/13)

6 .00/ 13 "6 .45/14 S.60/ IS

175/13 165/14 155/15 165/15



New WhMl Cyl U ts Ea 6 Prem linln9 S4 t5 p., Wt.eel w i th S.ak• Job

.. ll llUITOL IT .. COITA MUA.. ~4o.1HI . tDWAllD MAUS. MOR. , ... _ ...

, ' I




- ---...---. - - --- - - - -

A f Q DAILY PILOT Thurtday, June 12, HJ75

Fisla l •'ry l111brogllo·

Wfts Hinshaw Snubbed? 8 y O.C. HUSTINGS

Of-a.I~,. ....... Was Con1res1m•n Andrew Hinshaw <R­

Newport Beach > s nubbed by organizers ot tbe Cos ta Mesa Flab Fr>' Pande?

City olficaals wbo took part in tbe parade think so and contacted the congressman's office after the .Fish Fry weekend to apologise for what they re­garded as a n affront tot.he U.S. representative.

They s ay that the C<llllJ'eSSman was invited to ride in the parade as n dignitary and sit in the re~ viewing s t a nd . but when he arrived there was no car and no printed na me plate for him.

CLIFF WESOORF, organizer of the parade for the Cost a Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club, de nied this versio n. He sa id there was a car available for Hinsha w. " He w as not snubbed," Wesdorf added.

For whatever reason all parties agreed that

For the Record ....

DbSflf tdiOHN

Of .ff ff r rioge FIN AL DECREES

En leteCI M<ly 2' Smith. An11 Uutl1n91on dnd Loran Ro~rl SPt"n<r• , Ro~rl E Clnd Ooru tht>" G War rrn , l ~· yl L~• c1no Jo>r-11h Fount All~n. Wendell hdn~lon Jnd Mdry Luu L ulv . Lv~••t M ilto" Jr. anu Mary 'vonn~ I-torn , Janel M .ind "' a 11 er l . Strock• >. Mo r1t vn .. nd Rt ( l\drd R•y mond Pll•ll•P>. Re>t...>fl Fro"(" ond Oetior•h Friln(t''), Sar Vll, Ph•llo M Jr und Rov F, Wt 1qht N . I h A.A.. und U•ll v L Vc.1nn , ,..,...,1 tyn dOd Jon n C ler tone.a " nud\on 1<.11111.,en a no Dougt<l'> Wtonrf.>\ l:.llt n1 ., l Yt>l1n1 Annd vno Gclry f Rodqt f '!J LOu1)t: M . ond Barne1 b.illono Jr Sr .. 11 .. y ltn D.Jlt dnd (drOI Ann P~ t~r c.on. [ ••l• llt-t•t L'-"rtorc ttnd 8ruc~W1th•m Ru>W"ll Od"'" l .,no C\0.,91.)S T. M•r d~n. M•r g1e M . •nd 0.Jle f-r•n .., 11n Rot>, D.u :>nnf' 1. •nd (ri>o rgf' All"" PUno. JUO•th 1.vnn d"d -:.oms.u< Boyd, Cla ud•• • nd M 1chat'I L. M< Crtl!ry, OeDO••h A and RoDert L. Arredondo, J•n •• 8. il nd David N•Y•rto C.•t't-n. Jeane tte and Gay Ion Wesl~v O..vey, Jan•tt• w. Jr. ono Corinne M4ry R<!td, Ro w Gd v le <l"c:l Henry ledlh. EIPl!y Ann dll<I Oc1n Thom.JS Cook, DonJld Rayn ono Jr. ""d °°""" Auorcy Hood, B•ll•c H~ •"• an •Jnd Rose Lynn C..lerdtnt', Lyndon l c1nd Lhtab<'lh M. E:•\tey, Kenn .. 111 o,,.,d and Ad11"'1nc Le Slit' McMahon. Wo lMil L. ano Ovron c J r . Ft..-dtf~. Joyce Ann Clnd George El­ltoll C.u .. way Vltllt ull •M u"ClH oll y ( , M • .. nlt. Jo.:>n llo1ne •'•"1 M•c h~lt' 0 1\.Qn, Wttnd1 Lt t t.1fld l.1c>n1, I Jo y "''f«4n. Hob'°'' {n., I~~ on<J C...ryl Ann .A~rwn1 JuJf'1 l a ~~ tind ._,ennt fn ~II ~9•' Shawn .JM! Jonn T. JdCk\.On. Dor •\. IC uno Ort n E. t-41 11. L1njo t:. e1nd GJrr V L "">uni C 1nc1 M ono 0111.t • MJ c hf ~onn1f' dnd C,tur.• W••tOt> J L dl\O Hon (..on'tllitut ~u,.,nA Jfhl N1 Ch~tJ. ,,,.,.,., Alot\.t t ltd .nu Pt I tor F ranc. 1s !>coll.,,,..,, yl f( .. no, "0"··~ a .,. no.:o. ~ox l<JoM . •nO H1r h4rdl.. N.v~. Sl'• nnun C. " nd N .11 tC..

Enlered June? Soe9o. Cd•l Anf\ and R•ymOf\d Fra<1<1!> WrtQhl , Chr1\ltt E •nd L•tne E. ~••It . Row M . •Ml G.irv K. H1c km.,., Gre90ry Wrt91\1 Clnd Su.l.M Lt>.i R•nto, Or.o A . .and Viol • M . W"'4CI>•'. J udtl II F .ind J • < quu P. Urtl'r, Ann B Cll\d R1 <h .. rd S . S<hreven, Noel •Ml Su\an O•wn .. h.,..n. Po lri<••Annand 1<1ch<ird t oa; M4tr1or1t J dnd M~Jv1n ""°hr , Sylv1d R and 8111 • •Ison . Ol'bO•dl'I M•ri• and Sl•nl~ y S..nlo. Henry V•ltnltnu dnd Cl\t'ryl Ltt T • v•or. Rot>< rt I . •no Donna Jun o,, . C.r•gory Eu9<Jnt dno Shalon.Ann C••••th, S ru<e Edw iiro and B•rbo>r• Lou1~ Corme111. C•roly11 Lee .ano ~epl\ W tlh•m

Death Notices G •OODY

FREDE RICI( E GROODY. Ddlt of dtath June II , 191S 1n N•w POrt Beacn.

:a Harlman, Gary Wayne Clnd Sti.aron i.u MdUJC , Ct•ud•• and Fran It L•l•. Consl•nce and Robert Rtnsh•w, O•••d Pe1u1 and Sharon 01-S."ll· P •mela K. •nd Wlttie1m C . Gunn, Oorotr1y Ann and Harold EdgM Tweadell, Foline and Jamu L. Golom•n. Arll'lur and Marv••tt Mill s, Jo Annand Gregory Bruce Music, Roberi B. and M auoe R. Rt6Clm•n. Cnri stlnna L. ana Ttmolhy P , R1ckabr. P.ilrlcl a Ann and J•""'~ Leroy ~oliy, Oebonh O. ano Af\lhOny ltt Morrison, Charhts T . cJMI Pe99y AM F •rrell. Palsy L. and Oon•ld F . Oc:r.o., Teodoro and Carm.n Or iti Temc>le. Kenneth S . Jr. •no 0.-nv\e Lynn MoUoclt. Ltn<la T a11d TeddyW. Loc knt'Y. M a rt 11'l John Jr . ana Ka01ryn LOU•~


Von 8'1roer . Regina •nd George M. Poootsk 1. Net he A . a"CI John C..rc1a. R1c11are1 A. and G• yle M. Slrt<kl~. Christa Lynn and OO<wld ' Sltnet . l.•ura H. and Howaro W Elli.r, R1.1lh M . Mid Her~rl Fred Tur....,,. Barbara Ann an<1 Billy Ma1' CMrer•. 5"aron E . .,.Cl John Mo~I L..Unphe••. O•v1a E . and ~rgert'l J Ellell . Diane M arte and Jotdn Tl\t'Odore Maritn. Shi r ley 0 . and C.,t Rt<ha•d Fut..,,.. Ov Wayne Lu and Pa111,1a Louise Mitdden. Vora A. af\d Robert S . Monday, Arlhur A. and Alice M. Slemonsm•. S..ndra J . and J•mes E. Cnl9, V1ck1e L . end Golry N . UVerlu, Mar lene F . &nd V1n<en1 A. Burril, Alva G . ano Floy J . Lc>n!I, There..., M . and Wooorow W, CorOtro, Fehpe G . and Felesllds

Birt It~


MA Y 26, 1t1S Mr allO Mrs . Piul Tllompson, Ldguna N19~1, girl .

MAY l0, lt1S Mr . • na Mrs . Frank HOf\!1, U!jun.t O.ach. g.rt .

MAY l1 . 1'7S Mr •no M rs. Eullt'nla Corral, Laguna Bea<ll, !l••I. Mr. a nd Mrs. Sleven Cav•nau9h. Ne"'1)0rl Beach, girl.

JUHE 1, 1'15 Mr. ano M rs. John Moore, U9UIWI St-.o<:h, gtrl.


Mr. and M rs. Robert T at9l'•. San C~111e, b0y

J IMe S, 1t7S Mr. •na Mrs. Lilrry Kau!>th, Oan. Point, g irl.

J ...... 1915 Mr. ana Mrs . Oavlo Scll-il!Sbl'rg, S.,,J.,.n Capbl ra no. 9irl .


~y ?I, 197S N .r and Mrs. James l1i1nS0<1, S..n '"-•me n tl!, bOy.

~yH, 1975 Mr. and Mrs . Gar v O~nlet, Su" c.1cm.,nk. gtrl.

~y Jt,1't7S

Mr . and Mo. Jou E sc ut •a. ScJn, bOy .

Jut1e t . 1975 Mr . and Mrs Ga ry Ba•ktt, ~ J1.1an Caplstr.tne>, 9.r1. Mr . ana Mrs. Terry Vau9han, San (.._,.,., nit', OOy.


Nr . a nd Mrs. Don•lcl G•edl, 6~3? 8r1oq~a••r .. Hunl1n9ton B~ac,., q1rl. Ml and Mrs Ja<ll Pemper , ~71 Oun· our r<le, HunhnglOf\ Be.ich. 9.r1.

"-, Hinshaw did s how up, but did not ride in the pa rude .

After the w eekend, Costa Mesa Councilman Robert Wilson wrote the eongressman saying that ••it was not until the parade was under way that I discovered you were not in the parade. I later four\d out tha t no car was available nor was a name plate prepared."

The councilman explained that the City or Costa Mesa does not eoordinate flans for the Fis h Fry, and said tha t members o the city council were " terribly emt?arrassed'' by the incident.

WESDOR F SAID THAT he contacted the con­gressm an's office three times to invite Hinshaw to ride in the parade, but was given no commitment.

Wesdorf agreed that the congressman arrived s hortly before the parade, but no sign bad been m ade for him. " It had to be made on the spot ," Wesdorf said. "One was made but l ' m told that when he looked al the sign and the ear he walked away."

Chip Cleary. Hinshaw's executive assistant, re­called that Wesdorf called May 15 to invite Hinshaw and CIPary said he told Wesdorf that the con­gressman would be there.

CLEARY SAID THAT he as ked for the in\'Jta­tion to be in writing, but Wesdorf said he was not sending out letters.

Cleary accused Wesdorf of being a supporter of for mer eong ressman John Schmitz, ousted by Hins haw in the 1972 cfection, and of ''playing the game of trying to e mbarrass and help destroy ' Hins haw."

..He's a dam n liar if he says no commitment was given on llinshaw 's attendance," Cleary added.

JN RESPONSE, WESOOR F maintained that he was a supporte r of both Hinsf\aw and Schmitz and had contributed financially to both of them. " I s up. port the congressman who is in office," he added.

Told of C' t<.•ary's eon\'ietion th at a eommitment was given, Wcsdorf said that he could not r ecall it.

High Utility Bills Affecting County

SANTA ANA - Orange County government is still caught in the trap of reducing ener gy consump­tion but having lo pay ever -increasing utility bills.

T he County Board of Super visors was told Tues­duy the eounty s las hed its electricity usage 14.5 per ­cent a nd n a tu1·al gas consumption by 24 .5 percent this winter compared to the same period last yea r.

Des pite the significant cuts, the county has had to pay 75 percent more for elect ricity and 30 percent more for gas than it did during the winter of 1972-73 b<.'fore the so-ea li ed "energy crisis" began.

Jo~t')Jh J . Smisek. county building ser vices director, said the une>.pccted increases will put c·ounty govern ment nearly $289,000 over budget for utilities this yea r .

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l,.>I\, '"'' cmd body nr '.}tl'Jt.f1t:dumMnce.

A7H· 1.1 S27.95 C71!· 14 S28. 95 I 78· 14 SJ0.95 F7R.M s:n95 G78· 14 534.95 H78- t.i s:n.% uw.1s s:11 .% 171!· 15 S34.% G7K-15 S35.\15 1178-15 $38.95 J7H-15 $39.95

Size A 7~ 13 tulwlt>'s bl,1ck14,11l L78- 15 $41.95 plu~ Sl.771 l·dt-ral Lxci>eTa)..

Sl.77 S2. IO S2.32 S2.47 S2 62 S2.84 52.41 S2.55 S2.6CJ S2.92 S3.09 S3.21

Whitl'u.all<. SJ 10 SS more per tire.

1 In""" NEW hoovy duly 11nino Qt\ ,u • .. ,..,,, 2 l'!tbuild tn• cyhnoors Cl" 1M -·' l 8•eod braloes-.n•tall hlt "l' <My brtl<• llUtd 4 lneoett btllll ,,turn &Of'' " O' S T utn aNS ftue alt • t>t11ie ., °'"'"'

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6.50·13 7.00-13 C78· 14 L711-14

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'" >h9tl'y h '{jl\ef \Vhiwwalls S2 lo S4 more per lire. \ '



I SIZE I BR 78xl 3 s3900 I SIZE I

BR 70xl3 $41

00 CR 78xl 4 DR 78x 14 FR78xl4

~ R~MOtM~HuMm~Of\~k~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !)u1v1ved b y his w ile Oorolhy of the ~ s4500

GR 70xl S " ome , ~ on , Hu9h c;roody o l We~lrnif\\ter. Ca . tour o••ncJt hlloren. ~rv1<eS w ill be held Frid•Y. June 13, 11 09 AM, B~ll BrOCld w •y Ch•pel. Pr1v•lt f;om11y 1nlt'rmenl, Hu~ Resl Me mo.-1•1 P•rt w ith Or. Ellrt w l ~llo!ll oll•<••nl . B•ll Broedw•y MOrlu••Y cltrKtors.

G1aaONS MA T THEW J GIBBONS. re!>ldent ol

t-!Uf\h119lon &e<tch, C• Oale ol OHth J- 11, 191S el Hunl1n9ton VAllty Con­fela<...C Ho~ll•I . Born See>lffnt...r 11 , "n in New York . Surv1veo by hh wtlit M 11 e1r.a ; three oauohltr>, CM'Ol CH>· bcln' of Hu ,,l 1ngtM1 Beath, B•rbarfl Goodwin of Founl••n Vall;oy ana Lorie Glt>C>ons ol Huf\1in9lon 8e•ch; lhreit bro4,.,.,.s, •usli11 Gibbon• 01 Boston, M.tu ., J&mi!s •na Stepi,.n Glbboni;, l>Ol h 01 Brook lyn, New York ; two vr•ndt h1IC1r1t n . M r. Gi bbons was a Navy Veter •n of W orld W• r II . Gr•veslde ~rwlcts wlll be held Friday, Juru; 1], W1n t m1nsl•r M•mOf'lal P• rk k\ West m lnSI••. C• SmllM • MOf't ... r y di rectors.


Corona del Mar 673-9450

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642-~ 1 50


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Ebsen Heads Boat Parade

The 15th annual Character Boat Parade in Newport Harbor. ~ill be held July 12 and Buddy Ebsen , the t elev1s1on actor and catamaran sailing champion , will be g rand marshal.

The parade is being held earlier in the summer than usual to c limax Bicentennial Week in Newport Beach. This year 's theme will be " Life Liberty and Purs uit of Happiness." '

CLARE J . CONNELL, chairman of this year 's parade, s aid 13 permanent trophies will be given to winners in the following categories : character divis ion , commercial division , non-commercial division , best theme overall , best animation , best costume and best sound.

In the chara cter division, c lasses will include Monterey, bay launch, steam boat, work boat, classic boat, schooner and "one of a kind."

According to Connell , last year's parade drew 60 entries and he expects even more to enter this year .

THE PARADE IS s ponsored by the Com ­modore 's Club, a division of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce.

Planning the parade with Connell is the ex­ecutive committee, including Pete Ba rrett, Bill Coulte r , Gary Craigmile, Wally Cruttenden, Tom Evans, Jim Felton, Don Flamm, Glenn Frazier , Tom Gillen, J ohn Kelley, Doris Lindsey, Norm Loats , Dick Miller, Larry Miller , Don Pennington, Dan Rogers and Bob Searles.

Mtrle Speftl.:ers?

Distaff Meet Has Problem

WASHINGTON fAP ) keynote address and - Some women 's groups Parker wi ll be co · are infuriated tha t a man chairperson of the de­was selected to be the legation. keynote speaker for the " I 've he ard nothing U.S. delegation to the In- but cr itici s m ," of the t e rn a tional Wo m en 's ori gina l a nnouncement Year conference in Mex- said J ewel S. Lafontant, ico City . deputy solicitor general

After protest s were for the Jus tice Oepart­raised, government of- ment and one of four ficials said th a t Daniel chief U.S. delegates to Parker, head of the Ad- th e U . N . -sp on sor e d ministration of Intema- meeting. .tional Development , will only s hare leaders hip of " I WAS a bsolutely thedelegates . shocke d ," s aid R ep .

Parker was announced Marga re t Heckl er (R­two weeks ago as the top Mass .>, one of four con­member of the delega- g r ess ion a I ob servers lion. It was understood named to the d $?legation. he would be in charge " I can ' t under stand a when th e confe r ence m an heading t he U.S. de­opened, would give the legation al a time like keynote address · for this this ." country and then go onto Karen pecrow, hea~ of anothe r inte rnationa l the Nationa l Orgaruza­meeting in Geneva . lion of Women, sent a

t e legram to President T H E U • S • Ford saying many active

delegation then would be f e~~nists ~rom both led it was understood political parties would be by' Patricia Hutar, th~ better equipped to be the U.S . representative on keynote spe~ker .. the Status of Women . A wom en s action or­Commission at the Unit- : ganization of the Slate ed Nations. 1 0 e p a r l m e n t s e n t

B ut a s pok es man Secre~ar_y of St ate Henry within the International A. K1ssmger a protest Women's Year s taff said message that it was " ex-t he r e had b ee n a tre mely distr~ssed" at "erievous error" in the Parker's selection . a nnounc e ment of the r.ii~;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiP.~~l ranking and that it was a;i,m@@@:'!;rma inten d ed that Parker ,..~--ill~-~ would be co-bead with

Wh. ~,, A nre' at Mrs . Hutar . A 1te • House orricial s aid Mrs. place for kids.

' Hutar will now make the

9th ANNUAL SOUTHERN CALIF. OWN Y~ OWN BUSINESS SHOW For only $2.00 admi11ion. Talk to key man•atmtnt from many different Jobbers, Distributor, It F'ran• chis. Co.'1. lnvestla•tt their pro1ram1. Ste what 11 n.w In the small Buslneu field.

SHERATON·ANAHEIM MOTOR HOTEL Ball RoMf Exit Harbor Btvd. Exit (Sant• Ana Fwy. So.) (Santa Ana FWy. No.)

June 13·15 1·9 PM Dally 1-6 PM Sunday

FREE PARKING lA4lft with esciort $UIO after 1 P.M .. frl. & Sat. Mitt

Thursday. June 12, 1975 DAILY PILOT J I

Huntington Offers Gardens An acre of park hmd

bas been set aside in Huntington Beach for the st art of a com m unity garden.

The fi rs t acre in Hunt- system will work have ington Beach is located not }'et been esta blished. next to Irby par k in the The city may charge a central part of the city. Jt yearly lease fee from Sl is within a resld ent11tl to $10. quarter sectJon bounded

ble tollela. Worthy said Jocked gates m ay a lso be put in, but t ha t h~n't been decided .

" Right now we want a sampling or the com ­mu nit y ante re s t ,'' he said. ·

Counci lwo man Har-

riett Wieder s uagested city sponsorship of coca· munity gardens, and the idea has been s tudied by the environmental coun· cal , the planning com· mission , and the parks a nd r ec re a ti on co m· mission .

b y H e il a nd Warner THE CITY will r~nce uvenues, and Golden the garden, put in water Wes t and Edw ard s lines, and inst a ll porta-streets . r------__;_---------------------

" We would like t o establish three or tour Chroug bout tlle city, " Parks and Rec r eation Director Norm Worthy

....---... ................. .Said loda)l~ ' '...Bu.Lwe..will just start with an acre or two to see bow the public reacts."

Spring Fling Sate


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3 " x3" $JOO 4 FT. LONG .... .

Man)! More Sizes a nd Styles in Stock

NO. 16 BOX

NAILS ~~!~.$14so


50 Lb. 1750 Boxes

30" x 7 ' x W ' Water Stained

MAHOGANY DOOR SKINS ..... ......... .... ~.l~~- ----~---N()':GifQ"VE MAHOGANY PANELS .$.2?? I 4• x 8' Pre·Finlshed (3-colors) $


NO-GROOVE MAHOGANY PANELS ... . 3eA. I 4' x 8' Weyerhauser First Quality $ 9 5 REAL BIRCH PANELING.. .............. S EA.

4, x 8' x Yi' Wat er Stained Screened Back $200 TEMPERED HARDBOARD.................... ... EA.

4• x 4 ' x 14" All Purpose $1

SO TEMPERED P.EG BOARD .. .. .. .... ·· ··· ······· ·: EA.


MOLDINGS 8' BASE. .... ~.l 0

8' SHOE ..... 25 7' CASING ..... 65<



With purchase of Tub Encloser




4 Styles & Colors

Moulding Included



6' x 4' $27so WINDOWS


24 " & 30'' with Light and Fan

RANGE HOODS 24" Size 30"' Size

, SA~E LIM.TEO TO STOCK ON HANO ... HOURS: Mon. thru Fri, 8 ~30 lo 5:30 • SaL 8 a.m. to$ 9 .m. • Sun. 10:30 to 3 ~30



\ .. . . . , . - - . . --------- -

./I IQ DAIL V PILOT Thuradey, June 12, 1975

Fisla E'rfl IH1brogfio· •

Was Hinshaw Snubbed? 8y O.C. llUSTINGS

Ot ... o.!,., P'l ... St..r 1-linsh ::l'A' did s how up, but did not ride in the parade.

After the weekend. Cost a l\1esa Councilman Robert Wilson wrote the conGress m an s aying that



Was Con gressmen Andre w Hinshaw CR­Newport Beach ) s nubbed by...Qrunittrs_ol _the.CO$la 1'ltSTFiih- Ftj"Par8afi? -

City officials who look part in the pa r a de think so a nd contact ed the congressman's office ane r the Fish F ry weeke nd to apologize tor what they r e· garded as a n a frront to the U.S . represent a tive.

4twas not Ul'f tll rhe paraOe Was under wiYlhatI- -,~~~~~~~~~~~~El d isco\·e rcd you we re not in the parade. I later fou r'ld out that n() ca r \\-'&S available nor was a name plate prepa red . '

They say th a t the congressman was invited to ride in th e parade as a dig nitary and sit in th e r e ­' 'iewing s ta nd , but when he arrived there was no car and no p rinted na me pl ate ror him .

The cou nci lm un explained that the City or Costa Mes11 does not coordi nate pla ns for the F ish Fry, and s aid tha t mem bers of the city cou nci l were " ter ribly en1t?a r ra sscd " by the incident .

WE SDORF SAID TllAT he contacted t he co n· gres sman 's office three times to inv ite Hi ns ha w to 1;de in t he para de, but y.·as given no co m1nitm c nt. CLIFF WESDORF, o rga nize r or the parade £or

lhe Cost a J\.l esa :Ne wport Ha r bor Lions Clu b, d en ied ·this version. l ie s aid there was a car a va ilable fo r Hinsha y.·. ·· He was not snubbed, ' ' Wesdorf a dded .

Wesdorf agreed th at the congress man arrived short ly be fore t he par :.1de, but no s ign had bee n made fo r him . " It had to be m ade on th e spot ," \.\'csdorf s aid . ''One y,·as made but I' m told that y,·hen he looked a t the sign and the ca r he walk ed ay.·uy .·•

For "'' hatev er reason a ll part ies a greed that

For the Record Chip Clc <.iry , l linsha""s executive assis tant. re·

c a lled that \Ves dorf c:11led /\1ay 15 to invit e 1-l in shay,· and CIP<.i ry said he told \Vcsdorf that the con ­grcs s1na n y,·o uld be the re.

Disst•f 11f ;,,,,,,


En le r •CI M.1 J2t ~"" ' "· ,.. .. ., 6.,111nglon .,nd l. o<iill Rot>\'r t Si><'n<• • · Robc!r ! £ '"" Oo•<>lnt.,C., W <J •••A. Tt r - l Lt<• .in<I Ja>< pn I uur•t AU~n . ....., n<ltll ,. ,.,,. ~ lin """ Mo r y Coo l.<>IY , L,.,,,., M iilon J r . dll\I /llW r y 'Yvon"" 1-<orn, J •MI M , •noW•<!t• l. Str!K .. • ~. Jo.fn M.,oroly n iln<I R•<t.lrd Aaw m Qr!Q Aloll•~>. Ro t;., • ! Fr•nU > '"" Oetior.tll F fdrl<e> .,,., , .. .. 11 . Pn111n M J• dAd Ro~l F. W roqh l . r< ,u,. M """Boll• L Vd nn , M..• •I •" d n<I Jonn ( ld r~nc:t .._nud•on . "'"lhl~en .t n(I 0 <1.,<;11 .t; M:>nr1>< °""'"' [ , ,.,,n., i\ nn .. <JllO G• ry £ l'l oaqt• ~. L o~ .... M ..... d ll.tHleY 6"""..a Jr . St ... !e , . ""4 r11n 0.;I>;> •n<I C"•OI Ann Pt •t••on. [ 1.,., l)rlh Lenore .. no B•<><~ Wolh .tm

""'"'u. o . .. ~ 1 ano Do~g•a• I , M •rOrn, M"r g•t M . ;;;nd 0•1t ~'"" ~ h n Roe. Odpnn p L •"'" Gt<l • Qe i\11..., N.ln.o. Ju<lo Ill l • nn """ S<o•n, .... 6oyd , Cl '"""'"'""" M1Ch•t l L. Mc; ( r~cr y, O..l>Or •h A •nil Rot.>etl L. A•rt<1 one10. J•n •• 6. • na o .. .,.,

;;;;:~.' ~t.J"" l lt .t n<I C.~ ylan .J..e~l~v Da vey, Jin·~• W. J• . """ (.Ofonne ~ .. l'l••o. P ooe Ga , 1e an <1 D<>n Henry Lo•tn. B~ I<• An n.,,,n D~n TMCh"oil, Coo • . Don<1l<1 P;i ,n•o nd J<. iln<I Dcnrld Au .tr e y - · 8•10 oe H~ ' r>\.ln •>rl <I Ro'e Lvov. C... le• do ne. Lvn<1on T. ano Eh1atit th M C•• le • . Ke1V1~ 1n O• ••<I ;ina A<1,."'1nt' Lt"'" M<Mct """. W oon··• L . Jnd 8 yr011 E J <.

F•- ••. Jo , ce i\nn """ """'II"' El­ho rt c.,.,...,., Yl1U1,,,,, M .. na Ho1r oc. M owhlt . JO;>n l I"'"" """ M oe l>~•~ 0 1_., "'~""' L• e .. n o Oan. ~ 1 Jd y "•tm•"· ll ot>c• l (nilr lt> .. nil C•••I -A riaerwn. J u.>n•I• '> !>t iln<I .C t nnt•n

~" 6""' <1"'. s,n., .. n """ Je nn T . J..C• loO<t.00••• " ...... o .... c. 1-< oll . lon~" I:'. . • no C."•ry L. """""' ~ ltne1 M .. no011te • Md<•••. l"onno~ " " <I C.1o r "' w.,11on J L """ Jt•n ...... :,.,,., ..., /!. "'"' '"'·•<"''""' J . - "· 1' 1pn.i L 11 ........ P•IE• F•.ncis !.c 011. en .. ,. " II ... no t non·•~ 8 . .._n,.po,•O .. M .,na ll•<r1<1 ro l. NvP,SJ-.,.,,.,..,( ,ln<IN..r<t<l

Enlt•ed J 11ne 1 5e110. W•I Ann •nd P • Jmand F"~ W••Qnl . (. 1>r •• l •t E a nd L••~ E. ~t•• • . Ro,_. M . •ncl Gdt J ir; ,

t-i « ~ rnan, C.ttllO• Y W • ogh l """Sul.M , .. Ad M! • . D•vo A """ v. al • M . c..m .. , ,..., Ju<lolh F 4n <1 J • <<1l>e' P_ Ull<-• . Ann B. •ncl l'l o< h il <<I S. S<.ht• w:n . ,..oel •n<I '!.u • • n D• w n !-<"'"""· Pi tt•t•" Ann ~n<I l<•<~•d l o • , M• r 1 0•• ~ J ilr><I M elvon AA:lhr . S,1 vo<1R d n<l6•ll "' •l'>Or'. o., 1><>• ,, n Ma', ,. •no S!•nlt y S • nlo, H~n• • Va•~nt,no • n<l(h<: •y l Ltt l ,;w •(>r,llo...,r t l •n<I0<1nndJ!;dfl Or< . Gr~"'or v E.u91!nt dn<I Shdion""n C:..."• <to, l! r uc t Ed* a •d dn<I U• f t..l<il Lo"''" C.O•m•n. C.•ro1 yn L~t ;ino J.O!.eP'I Woll••m

Costa Mesa 646-24 24


1 10 Broad way, Costa Mesa

6 42-"9 150


Laguna Beech 494-9 41 5

San Juan CaJ'.1• $Trano 495- 1776

,..c,,tc v11w MIMOllAL P'.t.11(

Cemei&ry Monuarv


3500 P;iclfle Viltw Drive Newoort Be11cti,

California 8 44-2 700

,...,.,,..,&., COl.ONIAL AIMllAL .......

7801 Bolll Ao,1•. W•J1rnln11er


1-1 .. .im.,,. , G<tr f W • J ne arict 5'>ilron

'" ~lilC , Claud•• <tn<I Froln -1. •!• , Cons1•nc., .,,.., Rob.or ! Ren~•• , o • .,,., P• UI <tnd Sl"ilrori 01 .. no1 ~-II. P;i~I• K. a ndWi lli a mG. Oor o tl\y A n11 •net H•rold Ed\IM Tw•cldel! , F o tine •net J•mes L. Go ld man. Ar th1.r • net M•r11•rel Miu~. Jo 11.nn•nG G r t gor f B •u<e Mu•l<. l<oi>en B. •nd M• u c1to R . R•aam• n, Chri • l jnn• L. " " " Tl"""fh ' .. Ric -"~ ' · P.i l rocl a 11. nn anct J •n"'~ Le ro , Ml'<llt f , Oeb<>t•ll O . •net A nl l\Ony ~ MOH•!.On. Cll.l r te s T. a nd Peg~ , Arin F •• nt tl, P;i l ~ f 1. . • nd Oon• h! F. Ocr.o.. T.odoro dnd C••,,....n on., 1.,mp1e, Kenneth S. J•. •n<I °""'"' ,,_ Mil110< ~ . l•ncl• T afl <I Tt<ld' W Lo<•n~ w . M • •l on Jolln J• . ilfl<t Kdln• f fl LOU l\.e

Enl• .... J-•S

Von 8u•~r . Re gi,.. '""" Geo•~ M. -~-•. N" lieA. • ndJonri c;..;ircla, Ai<l•• rd A . .... ., G•Ylt M. Sl•><- 1- . Cht i••• .. , .... dr>O' Oondld TMm.i• so._, ...... , . H . anc1H-d r d W. E UN •, A"l ll M . andH t rbc! rt Fred T"'""""· S..rblora " "" illll<I 6 1Uy Ma• c..<re••, Sn<tron E . an d J onn Ma.....,.,1 La...,llere , D•Yi<I E . a n<I M.o r90r .. 1 J E !lell , Dian e M a r ie """ Jol•n '- · M.trl on, Snir ley 0 . an<I Ca rl Ro<h.!<d F ul le<. Ou W•Ynll 1,.ee ana P•lrod.t L .... 1.e Mil- . Vo• • " · •ncl Rot:itr ! S. Ml>nd• Y. Ar111 .. r A. """ A U ct ..... Siemon~m.4. r .. J . .. nd J d ""'~ E. Cr• I~, Voe "- oe L. '"'"' Gio • ~ P< LaVtr \". Mar lene F ... nd Vono:tnl A , Surra, A t wa G . ;;1nd F lo y J . l.Of'llJ, Tl>tr t'.t M . • nCI WOOdrow W, Cordluo. Fell~ G . •nd F t lt>lld;


CL F. ARY SAID TIL\T he ask ed for the in\'1la· lion lo be in " ' ril ing, but \\1esdo1i said he u•us not sending out le t te rs .

C l e ar~' :1cc usccl \\'csdo1i of bei ng a supporter of form er co ngressman J ohn Schmitz, ousted by H inshaw in t he 1972 election , and of '·playing th e game or t ry in g lo e mbarrass and hel p destroy · l1inshu"' ·''

'" 1-l e 's a d a n1 n li ar if he s..:iys no com m itm ent Y.' <JS givcu on l l i ns hu\v 's attenda nce," Cleary added .

IN RESPONS E, WESOOR F m a intained lhat he \\'as a supporte r o r both llinsha\v and Sc hmitz <1nd had con tributed financi<1 lly to both of them . " I sup· port the cong r ess m an y.•ho is in office,'' he added .

'f old of Clea ry 's convi ction that a co mmitment u·as give n , \\' csdor f s aid th at he could not r eca ll it .

High Utility Bills Affecting County

If you arc nol presentl y co,·crcc.I by a pcn!.lon or rcliremenl fu nd \\'here you \\'Ork , you r:;1n 110 \V !'i;t\'l: up to 1 5 ~0 of your annual ean1ed

income (or S 1.500. \\'hichc\·er is less ) in a f\l~lual Savi11gs lndi\'idual Retiremen t Acr::ounl (IHA).frcc of Fcdcr;il,inr:omc tnx unlil you

rel ire.lntcresl c:i med on your n!lircrncn l plan is also tax·dcfcrrctJ.

This plan is ea:-.y to undcn:!and.dous no! rnquire a lul of n1oney, jq fully lnsu red.nnd c;in 111~ adj u .... ! t~d to 1nt~c1 individual needs.

) 'ou will save more mon1!y ... n.1r11 more iulernst. .. lake no ri~k ... pay le!>s tax \\•l!li ft ~vlulu ; 1! Suvings JH1\ account.

lr you are sclf-emplo)'t1d,you 1-1re c!iµiLJn for an J-IH-·10 accoun t (Kcoµh Plan).ond can sa\'c up lo l56 oi(orS7.SUO.\vhichcvcr is less) from

your nel eamings ench Y•)l:lr. free of Fi ~deral incon1c tax unlil you relire. Jn len!sl earn ed ou Ibis rclirurnunl pion is /Jlso la.x-defcrred.

Siar! your rcliremonl plan IOOiiyl For full dotllil ~.cun!acl any ~l uluul Suvinus ofrlce.

~ ~ .

'~' ii THE RIG M

MUTUAL SAVINGS .. .,.,...,.. ... ""-'-

5;,,.,oo !:S!ft!lta/4~-565 1 CoroN dlll Miii'

2861 C3s! H~/675·~10 - -· 1 TGJ2 M:qt1o11t1 Strt'fll/963·8396 .......

7111 & Nori rt M<Jlll /647-9741

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nw l.eni'rill Jurnbo / NJ. 1h"' ""1n1\.' hr"' ~ou·n ~""' 011 manv 197~ 11,>wl .its. Built "'"h tv.~ glass bl.oh~ ,ind .i l\1xJ plv flulu.',f,· r cord body lot '.Jh ·,tr p..•donna1u:e.

A7!1-l :1 S27.95 SJ .77 C71'!- l4 S2K.95 52.10 1.78· 14 SJ0.95 52.32 F78· 14 S33.95 52.47 G78- 14 S:H.95 52.62 H7M-14 537.95 S2.M 1:78- 15 S3 1.95 52.41 l-'7!1-15 S34 .'15 52.55 C7H· IS 535.'15 S2.6ll H7K-15 538.95 52.92

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l.78- 15' S379:> s:1.11 Si1e ;\ 711-1 :l Hi!wles~ bl ... d ;" ·a!I • '' " ·• il ,.. hle iu v.h i l• " "' "n~ on!~·. plu~ S l 76 1 ·,·0.• r,1 1 1 .>.n~•· Til~ . l..°""""""'"°'"'"°'"'-"'"-'-~

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$ 95



American cars

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o 1-1 !>-1"' '°'"'" oDrin;t ~ 1..,n anc11<.,.oll • ora••

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' A41u01 ~ra•H Oncl C~•C • -rt(:y-.•~ a - 1..i ....,, •u"""<>~l<I .

0'1o<S·• ~~<

Value Priced!

s159s !lo1le 6.SO. I 3 1ulwll!§~ bl.ic: lu ... .,u plu~ SI .77 federa l 1.,.,cl§e ldl~ .

6.50- 1.1 7.00· J:i C78- J4 1. 7~- 1 ·1 1·711· 1.J G7S-l -1 11 7K-14 5.60-15 f- 78- 15 c,?K- 15 1171'- 15 l 78- 15'

Th,· 1 .. 1 /\n Ill hJ~ l1'r'l!l n11k<lq" I )u1, , .l~'11 " T11!,1J kl1lt..•r rtu1al1le !uLJT [•i~'(O>lhlllllhOIL <1nJ !<111 1• •ii- l\<l!\ ill.'.11d J ,•~;q11 l,H 11,h fl\H\

SI S.'15 Sl.77 Sl k.95 52.00 Sl 'l.95 S2.0.J 52<1.95 52.27 S22 'i5 S:l .40 $23.'l;J 52.56 :!i2:;.'15 52.77 S!R.'15 5J.71J S2l .'15 52.-15 S2'.l.95 52.00 525.'JS S:l.SJ S32.'15 SJ.II

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s1o•s COM,J.CTAIT...e.t.10


Extra charge for l arge~ or air co nd itioned cars, setting torsion bars .. . ·and parts if needed.

RAI;\ Cl1ECK Shovld our SU;JP!./of some ~ires 0 1 lint"~ run ~n durtn91'11s event. -...oe -...1(1 koflOI nny c11 d..,~ plac~ now for fu1u1e d,•JJ\,'1\1 .:i11he o)(fwnised po« .

Don Swedlund Inc. 2855 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa


GENERAi. nr -. 540-57

. 6~6-IOJJ SNrTHl•NOITV.UY 821 M11n SI,

Hunllr'19IOR • ••ah 1133.-539

J:>riNtd ~t ~ht,...1'\ Ill r .. ,,. , .. 1 nri·"r ..... (11111f'"~u,. rw••. , j .1t1f'ltJ··ro1d1•1°1J, .• 1 .. " dl•nl.J\.11~, 11~ C...11' ~·j!l.

a.------iooneror later, you'll own General's ______ _.

r·. .,

nu E~


T New1 Ebse cha rr

T th an Beac Pu rs1

c perac winn1 di v is divisi costu

I I MonL class

A 00 en year .

T mode Cha n

F ecuti· Coull Evan Tom Loa~ Da n I

w, - So are i! was keyn U.S. t e r n Ye<:1I icoC

Al ra i s~ ricia! Park m ini, .lions only the d

Pa two, men; lion. he " wh e: open keyn coun a n ot m eet

1 del e1 led . by I U.S . the Com edN

B o . withi Worr th e "iri• annc rank inter woul Mrs Hou!

' Hutll

' I


. Thursday. June 12. 1975 DAIL v PILOT A l I

Huntington Offers Gardens An acre or park land

hos been set aside in Huntington Beach for the start or a community garden.

" We would like to establis h three or four throughout the city," Parks and R ecreation Director Norm Worthy said today. " But we will just st art with an acre or two to see how the public reacts."

R ESID ENTS WHO would like a 20.root by 30-foot vegetable garden plot can phone the recreation department, 536-5486, to show their in· lerest.

The first acre in Hunt· ington Beach is locatl'd next to Irby park jo the central part or the city. It is within a resldenllul quarter section boundt.>d by Heil and Warne r avenues, and Golde n West and Edward s

system will work have not ) el been es lablisbt.>d. The city may charge a Yc.'arly lease fee from $1 to $10.

TllE CITY will fence the garden , put in water lines. and install porta·

ble toilets . Worthy said locked gates may also be put in, but that hasn't been decided .

" Right now we want a 8ampling of the com· munity inte r es t ," he s aJd. ·

Councilwoman llar·

riett Wieder suggested city sponsorship or coal· munity gardens, and Ute idea has been studied by the environmental coun· c1I , the planning com· mission , a nd the parks and recreation com· mission.

s treets. r------ ----- --- ---- ----- - - ----THE CITY has de·

veloped a thre e · acre park there and still owns ano th er eight un ­developed acres. If the garden is successful, it can be expanded al that site, Worthy said .

He said it is pea~ land and was once the heart or !arming land in this com­munity . " It is good truck farming soil. You can grow ju s t about anything, " Worthy said.

Details of how the community g a rd e n

Spring Fling Sale

STREET DRESSES a... to 100.00

2 & l PC. P.AMT surrs a...totJ.00

AFTElt 5 P.AMT SUITS Rec}- to I0.00


17.99 to

70.99 18.99


62.99 26.99


BOATING PLAN-Clare J. Connell , (right) chairman of 15th An­nual Charcter Boat Parade, discusses route with actor Buddy Ebsen, grand marchal for the parade.

With the high cost 6f f ood, community gardens are catching on throughout the nation. Worthy said some other communities in Orange County have started them a nd now have wait­ing lists for people who want a plot.

Call 642- 5678 . Put a few words to work for ou.

I 5'22 SprilWJdole ot EdilMJfl'

H...m.CJI- hoch, Co. 92649

17055 Pocifk Coast Hwy. s-wt hoctl, Ca. 90707


JUNE 12th

Ebsen Heads Boat Parade

T he 15th annual Character Boat Parade in Newport Harbo~ ".'' ill be held July 12 and Buddy Ebsen, the t elev1s1on actor and catamaran sailing champion, will be grand marshal.

The parade is being held earlier in the summer than usual lo c lim ax Bicentennial Week in Newport Beach. This year's theme will be " Life, Liberty and Purswl of Happiness. "

CLARE J . CONNELL, chairman of this year's parade, said 13 permanent trophies will be given to winners in the following categories: character division, comm ercial di vision , non.commercial division, best theme oven.ill , best animation , best costume a nd best sound.

In the c haracter division, classes will include Monte r ey, bay launch, steam boat, work boat, classic boat, schooner and ' 'oneof a kind .''

According lo Connell, last year's parade drew 60 entries a nd he expects even more to enter this year.

THE PARADE IS sponsored by the Com­modore's Club, a division of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Comm ercc.

Planning the parade with Connell is the ex· ecutive committee, including Pete Barrett, Bill Coulter, Gary Craigmile, Wally Cruttenden, Tom Evans, Jim Felton, Don F1amm, Glenn Frazier, Tom Gillen, John Kelley , Doris Lindsey, Norm Loats, Dick Miller, Larry Mill er , Don Pennington , Dan Rogers and Bob Searles .

Distaff Meet Has Problem

WASHINGTO N (AP) keynote addres s and - Somewomen 'sgroups Parker w ill be co · are infu riated that a man chairper son of tha de· was selected to be the legation. keynote s peaker for the .. I 've heard nothing U.S. delegation lo the In· but c ritici s m ." of the t ernational Women 's ori ginal announcement Year conference in Mex· said Jewel S. Lafontant. ico City. deputy solicitor general

Alte r protests were for the Justice Depart­r aised , government of· menl and one of four ficials said that Daniel chief U.S. delegates lo Parker, head of the Ad· the U . N . -s pon s ored ministration of lnterna· meeting . .tional Development. will only share leaders hip of " J WAS absolutel y the delegates. s hock e d ," said Rep .

Parker was announced Margare t Heckler <R· two weeks ago a s the top Mass.!, one of four con· member o r the delega · gress ional observers lion . It was unde rstood named to the delegation. he would be in charge " [ can ' t understand a when the confe r ence man heading the U.S. de­opened, would give the legation at a time like keynote addres s for this this." country and then go onto Karen _Dec row. hea~ of a nother international the National Orgaruza­meeting in Gene va . t 10n of Women. sent a

telegram to President T ff E U . S . Ford saying many active

delegation then would be fel'!l~nist s ~rom both led, it was understood, pohllcal p~rt1es would be by Patrjcia Hutar, the better equipped to be the U.S. representative on keynote spc~ker .. t he Status of Wome n A s aclton or· Commission at the Urul· ganization of the State edNalions . 1Department sent

But . a spokesman Secre~ar.yofStateHenry . within the International A. Kissinger. a pr~~est Women's Year staff saJd message it was .. ex-t h ere had been a tremel~ d1strt;ssed at "1rievous error" in the Parkers selection. a nnouncement of th c r.ii~iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiifi~~~ ranking and that it was o .rm;§u#:t'f,11;\ intended that Parker '\'" ·"'~ii&--_.;.&~ would be co·head with b."

Mrs . Hutar . A White House official said Mrs. Hutar will now make the

, A great place for kids.

9th ANNUAL SOUTHERN CALIF. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS SHOW for only ~.00 1dmisslon. T1lk to key m1n1gement from m1ny different Jobbers, Ol1tributor, • Fran· chist Co.'s. 1nvesti1ate their pros.rams. S.. What 11 new In the small Busintu f ield.

SHERATON·ANAHEIM MOTOR HOTEL Ball Road Exit Harbor Blvd. Exit (Santa An1 Fwy. So.) (Santa Ana rwy. No.)

June 13· 15 1 ·9 PM Dally l ·6 PM Sunday

FREE PARKING lall1n wit- eSCOl1 $1.00 1ller 1 '·"' ~ Fri. & Sit. N1t1

2"X4" STUDS l "X6~'X6 FOOT 88% Inches Long S 0 CI Standard Grade or Better 7. C Notched Stud .. . . . ..... EA.1 Builders Low Price.. . .. . . Pwfl

2"X4" CEDAR l"X6" SHIPLAP . 93 Inches Long 6 S C Pine Boards Reversible 8 C ! B . d EA u1I ers Low Price . .. Builders Low Price .... . . . PwFI

2"X4"X12 FOOT$l20 2"X6"X 20' & 18' Surfaced Four Sides Surfaced Four Sides 18 C Builders Low Price.... . EA. Builder s Low Pr;ce..... . ""' r r

2"X2"X88Y2INCH c 2"X 12"X 16 FOOT 30 for PatiQ Covers S 0 White Fir Lumber C

' Builders Low Price. . . . . EA Builders Low Price.. . .. . Per F•

2"X3"X10 FOOT80 4"X10" BEAMS 70 Surfaced Four Sides C For Your Patio C Builders Low Price.. . .. EA. Builder s Low Price. . . . . ""'F'

I l "X2"X8 FOOT 3 s ( 4"X6"X8 FOOT$ 200 I Rough Sawed Douglas Fir

· · EA. . EA. Builders Low Price. . Great for Fe nce Posts. .

I l "X4"X8 FOOT' -- c l "X4" FENCING c I Rough Sawed I s Foot Cedar . . 64EA 3SEA 1 Builders Low Price.... J


HANGING l6"1llo" IWSfO $~ 50 LAMP ~~~.~!1%~f~~~L .... $ 00

FRONT DOORS .. . 30" . 1~tt m-ANISHEO H0L10W GOif $ 00 SLAB DOORS ... ... . W • t~· Nf-llNV. iO&le COit s 1300 SLAB DOORS .....

Only 75 in Stock

PANELING SPECIALS! 4 ' x 8 ' x Va" Particle Board Backed




2 " x 2 " 3 FT. LONG .. . ~. 1 50 2" x 2" 4 FT. LONG . . . ~.200 3 " x 3" 3 FT. LONG . .. ~.250

3" x 3 " 4 FT. LONG . . . ~-3 OO

Manx More Sizes and Styles in Stock

NO. 16 BOX

NAILS Boxes .

, 50 lb. $1450 GALVANIZED

1750 50 Lb. Boxes

30" x T x 'A'" Water Stained '-- $ 65 MAHOGANY DOOR SKINS ..... ..... ..... .... .1 EA. ---::;--·---.

N<rGROVE MAHOGANY PANELS. $.2~~ I 4 • x 8' Pre-Finished (3-cot ors) $

9 NO-GROOVE MAHOGANY PANELS .... 3~A. I 4 • x 8' Weyerhauser First Quality $ 9 5 REAL BIRCH PANELING .... .......... ....... . SEA.

4 • x a· x V." Water St ained Screened Back $200 TEMPERED HARDBOARD .. .. ... .... ....... ... . EA.

4 ' x 4' x V." All Purpose $ l SO TEMPERED ~EG BOARD ....... ... ........ ... .... EA .


MOLDINGS 8' BASE ..... ~.l 00

8' .SHOE .... . 25c 7' CASING ..... 65c


With purchase of Tub Encloser



4 Styles & Colors

Moulding Included


6' x 4' $27so WINDOWS


24" & 30 " with Light and Fan

RANGE HOODS 24" Size 30" Size

SAL.E LIMITl!O TO STOCt( ON HANOJ HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8 :30 to 5:30 • S•t. 8 a, m. to S p .m. •Sun. 10:30 to 3:30


. I



11 I ~ D"ll Y PILOT



Men 's Western Shirt.


9.99 Was 13.00. Po!yester /c ot!on. Machine washable. A'>SC rted solids & prints. S, M, L, XL.


--------UN Yow ,ICP-r Chorge.

E•cepr supermarket

Thursday. Junt 12, 1975

' \

\ I

SALE Men's Knit Golf Shirt

4.77 Reg. $6. Short sleeve classic 1n no-iron polyester/cotton . Assorted solid colo rs. S to XL .

SALE Men's Walk Shorts

4.77 Reg. 5.99. Polyester double­kn1t in asso rted solid colors. No-iron. Waist 30 to 42.


1'6~9°9 4~99 Brushed leather 1n chino or mocha colors. Crepe rubber sole. 6 '/:i to 11 , 120

Wide wa le cott on co rduroy. light brown in men's sizes 6 to 12 whole.


10.88 Men's vinyl ~·ons. Perfect for t he man with easy ca re and comfort in mind. Sizes 7V2·12.


14.99 Men's brushed spli t leather upper with smoot h leather trim . Molded rubber outsole. Sizes 7·12.


~A P•ai: Beach at Orangethorpe • Open weekdays 9:30 to 9:30. Sundays 10 to 6. OIAHCH: City Dr. at Garden Grove Blvd. • Open weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6.


29.99 ,' '

Reg. 34.88. Select ftom nine settings. Improved pop·UP trimmer. 110/220 voltage. On /off swi tch. Deluxe travel case:

) FOR DAD LOW PRICE Gillette Max® For Men Schick Hot Lather

17.7712.99 Men's model with 500 watts of Get lather as hot as a barber drying and styling power. PltJs shop at the touch of a buttori. attachmenrs. (HD9). {300).


Engine Analyzer 26.99 19 99 Rugged d;e cast metal case

• w/ protective nose cone. Auto· Reg. 29.97. Maxi-Tune per- maticallyadjuststo6or 12V. forl!ls 15 bas ic lu.':le up tests. battery . Posit ive or negative Solid state. No batteries needed. ground.

Prices Effective Thursday,

June :12th thru Sunday,

June 1 Sth, 1975

SAHl'A AHA: 3900 So. Brislol44o. ol So. Cots! Pl1.r:a • Open Daily 9:30 to 9. Sundays 1 O 10 6.


• '



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El vi the i: suit t ow Merr \.\'eel tooo the \\'h l'I men

Bi Cl R

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statC l'Offi l s t a Df.'m

Se• San the a ·or. J Brov

"C de pc er no her.

l-lc lv.•o th e : milt• firm olhe1 s late

Th Sten· of tr univ Chat tor • <ind Sch1 mi Iii

0 1 Dou Bro\ duri1 now to th in t Con~

"" Sen;, COU I

hus l said prc)O have kno\

L Dyn pan i <l l tt that educ he I pose on I sta t•

M firrr ho pt m<ir



•• Co 0 0 0 0 0

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. (




' ' f


l I l.

~-----.... . . .., ... ·-·

Thursday. June 12. 1975

l Nudist Ranch Owners Touchy


Elvis Presley s plit the pants of his white sui t before a home town crowd ut a Memphis concert this week. He bent once too often to kiss one of the home town g irls when his e mbarra!>s· mcnl oe<:urrcd. ·


Choice . Rapped

SACRAMENTO CAP ) - Gov. E dmund Brown Jr.'s appointm e nt of Mary Jean Pew to the

·state college trustees has come under ftre from the s t a t e Se nate 's Dcmoc rnlt c leade r .

Sen. J a mes Mills , (0. San Diego >, qu es tioned the appointment bl'caUSl' Dr. Pew is th e wife of a Brown a ide .

.. COULD YOU UE in · dependent of the gov ­ernor 's office'?" hl' asked her.

However , Mills and two other membe rs of the Senate Rules Com­mittee all voted t o <:on· firm Dr. Pew and three other Brown nominees to state jobs.

The other s were Willie Stennis , another trustee of the state coll ege <.tnd univers it y s ys t e m : E . Charles Fullerton , d irec­tor of Fish and G <.1 mc. and M aj . Gen . Frank Schober , the s t a te ' s military command ant.

Dr. Pew 's hus band , Doug l a s Faigin, wa s Brown 's press sec retary during his campaign. lie now is a special a ss istant to the gove rnor . working in the Departm e nt of Consumer Affairs .

" MEMBERS OF th t• Senate ha ve been dis· cou raged from h iring hus bands und w1 vt•s ." I said M ii Is. th e Senate ·s j preiident pro l l'm . " We hav~n 't donl' 1t as far <tS I know."

Lt . G o ,. . M l ' r ,. y n Dym a lly . ' 'ho a ccom panied thl' two t r ustees at the hearing. to ld Mills that Dr . P ew, ::is Brown 's education advise r before he took office , had op· posed the govl'rno r -cled on funds fo r promoting state eollege tcad 1t•rs.

Mills voted for con­firm a tion but st1id. ··t hope we don 't sec very many like this."

I Call 642- 5678. Put a f ew w o rds to w o rk for you .

Schiel< announces

NEW Weight

Control Center

If tht fol1owin1 sounds like you, please call the Schick Weight Control Center. 0 Lest weithl FAST on pill1

0 L011 weitht FAST on 1llou

O lHI wei1h1 f AST Oft w1111 ditl 0 lost 111titllt FAST Oft hypftoli1

0 Gei11td Mifhl •Kk lVERYTIME

FAST WEIGHT LOSS IS ALMOST AlWAYSA DISA,,OllllTIHG FAil· UAE ku1.s1 VIII ltlll lltw lht 111"4

CJll'thlt '" 1111 """ 100111!111 IM4• Vt• -It'll 1n the hm 'Itel. Sdlic• 1111 ' " ' "-' • • • • ,, .. ,.Ill

lllft •Ml•"4 out of lht 11111•

Sl,000.00I. rtl4tfdl 1h1t lt4 II tl1t

""'•"'Sellick Stt• Sruk•ftt P,..,­T1•IY i1tffftall


~558·8404 #15

Tow11 & C ovntry Oron9t

havt' a dance, we go put our clothes on rirst. "

The Simps ons are proud or their Sequ()¥ah County Camp and claim members have visited it from as far away as Hawaii. although most are from the Tulsa area .

" We ha ve lrllck. drivers. doc_. tors, mail carriers , machine operators, miners , housewives und nu rs es . " Mrs . Simpson said. " We had folks out here last Sun­day from 2 months old to 62 years old ."

The Simpsons , nudists for 25 years, have little patience with

SUPER PRICE 26" 3-Speed Bike

54.99 Ork) Features full reflector package, front and rear hand brakes. In men's or ladies· models .

SUPER PRICE 26" 10-Speed Bike

thOsc who spc1.1k out ugaiobl the practice .

" Hell . we e njoy 1l, " s aid UllJ Simpson , 53. " You would , too. ir you tried it. I can 't go around with a s crub-brus h for all lhl' people with their minds in thl' _gutter.''

" Some or these ~ople who want to join think there is nothin~ out here but a big sex party and a wife-swappin g affair, " Mrs. Simpson added. " Know what Wt• got planned next weekend ? We' ll be picking berri es . '·

Commodore Calculator

24.99 8 digit. 4 basic functions and percent key Operates on batteries of A C Great as a gi ft lor dad or grad.

59.99 Texas Instruments E l ec t r o nic S lide R u le Cal cula tor 14 c harac ter display . parent heses k~ys. rec1proeal square root keys, P1 algebraic logic and rrore Re chargeable batte11 es. AC/DC adapter /recharger. !SRl400J

0ri9- Features cahper hafld brakes. racing saddle. full reflector package; racing handle bars, dera1lleu r gearin'g. Available in boys' or girls' .

BIG VALUE 20" Hi-Rise Bike

42e99 OriC} Features bdnalld ~,,1dcl l e. h1 rise handle bars, C.OdStcr br <1ke. reflector pdtkilge. Av<11ldb le tor boys or 1•11 ls.

BIKE BUY <r _ s:sslock 4' ol heavy duty secunty chain and lock. Made to make sure

. • you ve got something to pedal home ~_.. ~ !\~ .

'1<:-x i:....-- ." ~ ~'q,,,,-~


5:9·9·· Chrome plated, lightweight Perfect for books. packages and picnic parcels . ~

....... .__

U.. YfM JC,_., Clmfl. [ • C epl $UC>t"lll'll l iltl

Bell shaped and bright A musl tor n1ght·t1rne bikers. Includes 2 ambt>r rrf lecto rs.

49:9s Performs al! l our functions Floa11ng decimal , percent kPy. 8 d191t display.


\ -~_) Sunbeam <for,,, .. nd u .• 11 .. 1:.Cc..t h ruJtlerns SALE rut !>11own) .

20-pc. Ironstone dinnerware

12.88 Reg. 15.99. Service for 4 includes 4 eac11· dinner. ctip, saucrr salad soup cereal Dishwasher sale Pick yo•rr p.rnern

8.99 Reg. 10.99. 5·pc compll•li.•r sets

16 pc. dinnerware set

10 77 Reg. 13.55. Hull brown drip

gla1ed d1shware Service for fu11r Ovr.n proof

;d4:99 7 d101ts with floating decimal Performs all basic functions AC or DC op~ration (774D)

FOR DAD 15 Drawer Cabinet

4.99 Helps organizP small par I~ f ,•,1tures Slt>CI lr,tmr see tl11uclr:twers c;wymri tiandlc


14:99 3· .• quart capacr ty fo r slow cook mg soups, stews. etc. Handy kitchen helper. (3t00)

.,... PAii: Stach at OrangethOrpe • Open weekdays 9 30 to 9 30 Sundays 10 to 6. OllMel' City Dr at Garden Grove Blvd •Open weekdays tO to 9 Su ndays t O to 6. s.AMTA AMA: 3900 So Bnstol-No of So Coast Plaza • Open Daily 9.30 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6.

. ' J

LIGHTEN UP WITH 48" Workshop Light

18.99 Ii. lutli s 1 .... 0 4U ....... tt flo1011•srf"nt l ms UL li~ttd. (6185)


7.49 19 • tool h1 ~ w1l h lil t out tr.Jy. G1~es pl£•nty ol room for tools.

10.99 20" tool ho~. sturdy metal -,\1th hi t (111 t tray.

Prices Effective Thursday,

June 12th thru Sunday,

June 1 Sth, 197 5.




lhursday, June 12. 1975 • '

Democrats Map New :M,arijuana Drive SACRAMENTO (API - ·

Liberal Democrats arc p1·eparing i.nother ca1n · paign lo trim C;.ilifornia marijuana penalties. Thi s time they ' ll \11in, they pre+ diet .

Assembly ll e publican lead e r Bob Beverl y agrees, sayinl{ : .. I think

""' lhc41 vot t!S will be lhert.' ... • ~· Le g islation dropping

penalties for poss ess ion of • JIA,/ small amounts of pol to lhe

UPI 1••...-o

. 'C'ifi.: f"11:" r\ House s ubcon11nit ­tee h<1 s rccurn rncndcd that Congress res tore citizenship to Con­f1...-1.ierate G e n . llobt•rt E . Lee and end his 110 yc(lrs in .Iin1bo of man \\·ithou.t a cou ntry.

~ -,

level Qf a traffi(' ti cket fell thrt't' votes s hort In the As· scmbly las t m o nth a s Republicans either abs ­taint.--d or voted uguinst the measure .

T H F. O UTCO!'I E s ur ­phsed many people. who Uioughl the bill " ·ould easi­ly clc<1r the Den1ocratic ­dominated lo" ·e r house.

Since t hen. bill backcrs have 'A'Orked behind t he



To Ope11

I r•:,_

~t~fk LOW PRICE · Jr. & Misses

Swimwear r\ t h rt.'t:' · '-'"CL'k s:1fcty course for n1utorc yt:le riders " 'ill s tart i\1ond:jy at EdP.;on Hi g h St·houl in l lu ntin gtoA Bc :1cb .

The l·ourse is offL·tT·d by Ca l St;.i lc Lon g Beach, and is 'A'o1·th thrl'e units o f collegt: <' rt·dit. ~loto1· er<-·lc s ;.ind neces s <.1rr equtprncnt "ill be provitlcd , a t'('ti rd ·

in g tu the tt'<1eht•r . Robert Burn s. u f the t- lunting ton Heat·h i_ "nion l·lig h St·hool Di s t rit·t.

The t·ou rsC fe t' is $8..1. but <J 50 peret•nt reL<1t t~

" ·ill bt· gi\' t•n tu th(· fir:st 18 studt~nts \\"ho s ii..: n up fo1· the <·l:1ss . ·rhere is ;.i ct1ss limit of 2.1 s tudent s.

·ro sig n up . phonl' ,\1 :111 R. P robs t . saft· I~ :111d d r i\' t•rs' :1t111n li l'­partn1t·nt . (" :11 St :1t t·. l . on g l~t· : 1 <-· h . ' :!13 J -198-.i057 . or !ht• t·on!inu ­in g cdut•:.it1011 ufftt' t· . tl!J J .i 9H ·-131 5 .

r\1Jpli cants n1u ~ t h;t\ L'

a n1 otu re ;.·t·le t•nd urSl' · n1ent on tht•ir dri\·cr ',.; lii.:e nse :.ind s houl d h:1\·e a lelt t'r of reeun11nt·nd<1·

. t iun fronl tht·1r hi g h st·hool J-H'111t·i µ ;tl l)I" t·ol · legt• l'ounselor

Clerk Job

Ope1i to

Jobless ,\ <-·lcrk s lt•n u job fur

the l'it y of llunt ingtun f3cueh is llO\\" upt•n lo ;.iny res ident of the city \\"htJ bas been unen1p loyt•d for <ll least 30 d;iv s and h.:is the nt·cess:1ry Joh skill s.

l ntere s tl'd rt· si dents ha\·e until Jun t• 20 to app ­ly. The <1p phcant must h;.i,-e a n1inimun1 ski ll in t y ping of 50 ,,·ord:-; per minute a nd in s horth:.ind, 80 \\'Ords pe r minul l' .

J·'or furth e r inforrn:l · ti on eont:lct th e Co•1 ~t Ernploymcnt Center , 17211 l~eaeh Bl,·d ,, ur phone &12· 7751 .


Teache r

A Winner Kitty lr e land , a

teacher at fr vi n c·s Greentree School, has \\' On a $2,500 U . S . Equestrian 'f e;_im schola rship lo a l'-''O· month t rainin g prog:r;.im in Dcnmnrk thi s s un1-n1er .

i\1iss Irc land "s <.ippl iea . lion f o r the tr<.iining pro­gram in d ressaJ(e \4' ;JS

one of two acc e pted thro ug hout the l Jnit cd States . Las t October ~ he \\'on fir st pl<.1 ('e in thl' ,\ l lorse Sho\~' r\ ssoc iation ·s nation ul chan1pion s h1p in dressage competition.



" •


BIG BUY Misses Sleeveless Coolers

7.99to 16.00 Pnn\s <t 'ld sol•ds .n nylon and :1c1yl1c A 1111ge selec: ­t1un ul 2 pc slyll·~ Junior ~»ll"~ :=i t) t I 1.J 1;1 "-11SStS ;,,~,.~ 10 1u 16. A lso 1 p iece

10.99ea. /..·_,, f\• · I I/ • , I~ ' I 1,.olt• I HI rr., '"', ,, ,. · ,nl•· I, •ll/l•S !1·r

L•·· l ~'i. li" !\ ''" I 1· I " "-" S•lt5 <> tu l ,.

r JC~ney _____, I ......... .. ~, I \ -··---·--~

I ' ·; . " . ,, " .

25°/o OFF Metal all-purpose frames Choo5e lrom a wide asso ri rnenl o l at1racr1~r frames su1lab!e !or 1ram1ng iust abou1 anyth•n9 Black or walnut 51.7. 7.o;9 8~10 . a ;:11 . 9,;12. 11,; 14 . 12.1 0. 16,;20

Ouant1t1es L1m1ted

Timex Watches

15.95 l),.y 11HI drlte 111 °"'II" r sil~c r torll· or goir1 tone ~.i~e

21.95 Automd!•c ~r,11 v.1nd w1111 day ,,nd dA ! ~ ' r tone C<t5e-

35.00 Electric divers watch sriowing day and date

scenes to p i l· k up t he handful of votes they net.'t.I for passage. ·

Supporters no"' say lhey hope Lo bring the Senate. passed bi ll up for another vote before the legislature takes a month ·long Ju ly re­cess.

" We feel very confidl~nt thut v.·e have 40 rock-solid votes and three or four other members who have indicated they are nexiblc

LOW PRICE General Electric 3-band radio

31.99 3-ba nd portable leal ures AMI FM as well as Public Ser~i ce . Sma rt ly sly!ed (7·2910)


2'2.39 Reg , 27.99. Soll expanded vinyl w1tl1 2 1a1ge ou tside pockets Holds one sur1 ;:ind 11101e

Great Buy For

Dad or Grad


e nQugh on the liill to SUJ>· port it, '' said Gordon Brownell , a spokesman for the Nationa l O r gap.ization for the Reform of J\tarl· juana Laws .

"SO I AM Q UITE s ui·e that there will be at least 41 votes when it comes up for reconsideration,' ' Brownell s aid Tuesday.

Sen. George Moscone '~ bill v.•ould make possession

Me n's warm-up/ le isure suit

21.99 Nylon knit convertible collar. Zipper lronl Tennis sinpe lflm_ Navy. red . while. S.M.L.Xl.


:-~ -..

18.88 Reg. 23 .99. Wei ght se t_


11 0 lb . 111 a va riety of weights. I wo I 5·· <Jun1b<J€l l bi115 .

Racquet 18 88 14. 99 Rog 23 99~1"ghl boo<h

The Eagle by Leach. Lighfwe1ghl with extra slreogth aluminum lrarre wt11ch insures maximum ball control and long lite.


9.97 3-WAY HOME GYM Set cont;11ns 3 spnng heavy chest pull. 8"6" 1ump rope. I pair heavy hand grips. Great gil t lor Dad ,

17711 SKY PA.IJ I A.ST MHTUG&H HlYlNI. CALt•. t714J Sl7· 1l74

..,... PA.II! Beactl at Orangethorpe • Open wetkdaye 9:30 to 9:30. Sundays 10 10 6. QI.A.NII: City Or. at Gwden Grove Blvd. • ()pen weekd•VS 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6 l.Uift: AMA: 3900 So 8ristOl4«>. of So. Coast P1111 •Open 01Uy 9:30 lo 9. Sund1ys 10 to 6.

... 'f

or one ounce or less or marijuana ;-1 mis demeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $100.

Under the 1neas urt! , those found with Jess one ounce would be given u citation instead of being arrested and booked.

Currently possession of <.iny ·a mou nt of pot can be trealt!d as either a mi sde­meanor or fe lony with a max im um penalty of 10

Skil' 61h" circular power saw

26.99 L1ghtwe1gh1 saw handles home pro1ect cu tting 1obs Fas! and accu rat(' 5 500 RPM cutr•ng spet'd (534 )


~ Stl~1""r11;,f)g Kit

I~ ·- --... .::::~-:

years in prison. The bi ll provides up lo

s ix months in jail and a $500 fine for possession of more than an ounce.

Californ ia' s fe lony pro­visions against the sale of n1arij uana would not be ('hanged by the bil l.

SUPPORTERS ARGUE that the Moscone propo6al v.·ould make the p unish· menl for possession fit the c1ime.

Skil · 1/4" Variable Speed Drill

21.99 Fcdtu•es "U 1usl able trigge r sµt·cd cuntr ol f orward and r evcG~ lr1e,1I io r mos t dn lli11g UI li:. te\I. (456)

SALE , Mechanics too l chest

13.44 Reg. 16.99. 2·drawer cliest has lots o1 room 10 hel p organ•le tools Loc k down top carry handle

SALE Weller S olderin g Ki l

9.99 Reg . 12.99. 8 piece kit includes soldering gun wi th p1s1ol grip handle. Tips. wrenches. nlore

SALE Drill Male

3.99 Reg. 4.99. Holds your drill and accessor ies Polystyrene cabinet has drawers, pocll e!s Carry hanclle

SALE 36 drawe r cabinet

8.77 Reg. 10.99. Helps organize smdll parts Fea1ures sleeli lrame, see-th1u drawers. Carry handle


Prices Effective Sunday,

June 8, thru Wednesday,

June 11, 1975 .


, '

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--- ...... . ..

Thursday. June 12. 1975 DAILY PILOT AJ5s

Ex-convict Desperate, Wants to Go Back HYPNOSIS

ttLAMES SOCIETY Robert Ferguaon

Soviet Mission 'Safe'

SPACE CENTER, Hou s ton CAP) -American experts say potential fire hazards and other problems have been met and, according to the three American astronauts, the planned linkup of Soviet and U.S. craft next month is as safe as any other space mission.

The astronauts said they disagreed with con­gressiooa I critics who claim the mission is en­dangered by an accident­prone Soviet record .

Apollo , with three astronauts, and Soyuz, with two cosmonauts, will link up in space and the two crews will ex­change visits for a few hours during the mission that begins July 15.

"IT 'S NO MORE dangerou s th an any other space miss ion," said Thomas P . Stafford, commander of the American crew. The astronauts s aid the Sov­iet Soyuz s pacecraft was simpler than the U.S. Apollo but safe.

U.S. space officials say the most obvious pro­blem that had to be over­come was the different atmospheres aboard the spaceships. Soyuz has a mixed oxygen and nitrogen astmosphere al 15 pounds of pressure. The Apollo operates on a pure oxygen atmosphere at5 pounds.

Thus , the U.S. crew could not transfer from the Apollo to the Soyuz as planned without ex ­periencing the "bends" - nitrogen poisoning caused by a change in pres s ure . De ep -sea divers who surface too quickly frequently get the bends.

THE PROBLEM was overcome when the Sov­iets lowered the Soyuz atmosphere to 10 pounds.

For the Soviets. the pure oxygen of the Apollo atmosphere posed a fir e hazard, as evidenced by the 1967 Apollo flash fire that killed three astronauts during a routine ground test. ·

Schiel< announces

NEW Weight

Control Center

If Ult followint seunda likt yo11, ,.._ ult th• Schidl Wti1ht Control Center. 0 ltrt Wlitllt FAST on ,ilh 0 lm wtltflt FAST en 1hoo 0 l tst llltiPt FAST 111 wet11 4itt 0 lost 1"ltllt FAST on -y,nt\k O GlillN Mifllt Mck EVERYTIME

FAST WEIGHT LOSS IS ALMOST ALWAYS A OISA,,OllllTllllG FAIL· URE tMavw yt11 1till llavt tht 11111t

Pwi11t fer tllt •111t fHft tlllt flll4t y.- ~I ill die tint .....

$dlic* htl Ill .... • • • • I '"'"" tMt ~ .. , ti die -SUOO,IM. rtWttdl tllft lt4 It die ttM4ll klllU St•• l•tkltlt Plltfta T rvly 41ttttt11tl



EAGLE GROVE Iowa (UPI> - After four mooths in the outside world , inmate 101418 has decided freedom in America isn ' t all it is cracked upt.o be.

Robert Ray Ferguson, who left Iowa Slate Penitentiary last February, is bitter. He'.s thinking of going back to prison . Armed robbery should do the tri ck h e figures. '

Ferguson was born, raised and spent all but two of his 40 years in prison. On the out­side, he has found himsetr jobless· and often lonely.

.. Society has put me down," he says, because of hi s criminal recotd - including 18 felony convi~tions in his 40 years.

" I Uke the freedom but you don ' t exist on freedom ," Ferguson ·said. "You don't get your a>ed a nd food on freedom .

" You got lo support yourself, but I can't find a JOb," he said. " It comes down to what are you going to do - it really does something to your mind. Mentally I'm still in prison."

Fetguson, who Uves with


24.88 Mature men's co-ordinates in continental styles. Available in brown, It. blue. beige & navy. Sizes S, M, L, XL.

----U. Yf/1111 Jefa llJ ~ Except aul)lfmtrk ..

Men's Sport Shirts

6.99 Long sleeve print shirt of machine wash nylon/ acetate. Assorted fancies. Long poin t col lar. Perfect for leisure wear

Men's Slip-Ons

10.88 Men's vinyl slip·ons. P.erf ect for the man with easy care and comfort in mind. Sizes 7·120.

JCPerreJ ,,3 4~6 789 0 9

.... ~--. ..... --UH Your JCP1nn1y Charge.

and does yard and cleanup work for longtime friends Emmett and Mary Lamer here, told UPI.he is becoming desperate.

" I 'm getting pretty damn serious about getting back in Cprison >. 11 he said. "I'd do it by committing armed rob­bery - that is going to get me the most years . l 'd rob a gas station and then turn myself in ."

Asked when he ' ll stage the robbery, Ferguson said he has no timetable.

" When I get really uptight, then I'll go do it."

Seek ing the security or prison walls is nothing new for Ferguson . In 1973 he asked Gov. Robert Ra y to permit him lo spend the rest of his life in th e s tate prison because he feared adjusting to the hustle-bustle of the out­side.

But after a short-lived and unsuccessful parole which put him back in prison last year, Ferguson decided he re­ally wanted to tackle the world when his 10-year prison term for robbery ended Feb. 7.

Lt>arn To Conlrol Your Habil•

Lose Weight • Stop Smoking • Relieve l11somnia • Gain Self -Confidence •. Relieve Tension • l mprovl.! your Memory i.tfld Concentration.

San C lemente Hypnosis Center

655 Camino De Los Mares, :.'I Suite 126 l \l,•tllful Pl411.a A\ ttt'• !)l f1vm~oC1,·ma.•nh.•Grnr-ral H0ioVh1l)



24.88 1

I• ~

2·piece western look leisure suits for men.

~~ ' j --~-l I ) \ ... "t[" -1: 11

1, A I [~ ~ \ ' _Ii J.,_.J ' ~ ,'\ ~

I I \)


: .


I i ~ I ~ I

I .

~ Men's 2·piece suit of 100°, brushed cotton. Western style jacket and pant. Flare leg. Contrasting stitching Embroidered pattern on 1acket.

Men's 2·piece leisure suit of 100% brushed cotton. Jean style jacket w/saddleback pants. Flare leg pant. Contrasting sti tching.

"*4.A PAll1 Beach al Orangethorpe • Open weekdays 9:30 10 ~ 30 Sundays 10 to 6. ~City Or at Garden Grove Blvd • Open wttlldays 10 10 9 Sundays 1010 6 SANTA AHA: 3900 So Bnstol-440 of So Coast Plara • Open Daily 9 30 to 9 Sundays 10 to 6


. ,.

e'tt,~ .. . ......... . . Q ....

Old Spice After Shave Lotion

4'/dl.oz. 129

Old Spice Gift Set

After Shave 29 9 and Cologne

Dutch Master Cadets

Pkg.0110 369 5 Packs

Kentucky Club Tobacco

NI. wt. 225 12 oz.


Grooming Gifts

.Brut 33 Splash-On Lotion


English Leather Gift Set

A~~~ ~t7~~e 4 5 0 Deodorant

Hai Karate After Shave Lotion


'-•ti·•• l ...... ' •

. . .

English Leather Stick Deodorant


Canoe Cologne 311/\6 IL oz. 6 5 0

Roman Brio Cologne


Smo,ker Gifts for Dad!

El Producto Blunts

Boxot 50 699

• " ... ' ...... '"

AMPHORA , ' 11.! ~ -,, .,,,J(,:,,.4<,. ._,


Amphora Tobacco


Phillies Panatellas

Pkg. ot10 369 5 Packs

Dr. Grabo Pipes

395 to 795

Special prices good 1hru Sunday. June 151h. We 1eserve the r19ht lo lim11 quan1111es.

El Producto Little Coronas

Pkg. ot 10 369 5 Packs ,,

Cricket Disposable Lighter


IUIMA PAii: Beach al Orangelhorl)e • Open weekdays 9·30 to 9.30. Sundays 10 lo 6 OUHll: City Dr. •I Gai:den Grove Blvd. • ()pen weekdays 10 to 9 Sundays 10 lo 15 SANTA AM.A: JUOO So. stol4'4o. of So. Coast Plaza• Ooen Daily 9.30 lo 9 Sund•V! 10 to 6.

r ,.,

Gillette Trac II Adjustable Razor

With4 249 Cartrid?es

Aqua Velva After Shave Lotion

BY> fl.oz. 119

·White Owl lnvincibles

Box ol 50 5 7 5 ....---' I l<.nrun :pf~

Venturi Pipe with Free Pouch

of Tobacco

,~ . '


~ 123 f~ i Ill 0 t

-·---··-... u .. Your

JC, ..,..,.,cllM ... [KCeot Supermarhel


Gift Suggestions for Dads or Grads

Thursday. June 12. 1975

Graduation and Father's Day. Two very good reasons to spend some time In the next few days seeking a " just right" gift. Dad, or the recent grad In your home, might appreciate a leisure sutt, like this one from Penney's Fashion Island. Other Gift Suggestions from merchants all along the Orange Coast.appear on following pages In this Dally Piiot special section.

Dally Pilot Photo by George Leldal


~ 1





Thursday, June,12, 1875 .. avertllllllg l'••ture

i Gifts Dads are sure to use

Stepping out or at play

At rest.

Invit ing h amm o c k and oversized p tll o w are a sure hit am ong weary dad s o r g rads . Handm a d e . w e ath e r resis tant T w in Oaks ha mm oc k s co m e in three sizes at prices lrom S39 10 54q at Pier I Imports. 2710 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa .

~aura Oler, 5, of Coeta Mesa think~ her father,

-Slit , tooks--gre•t- In- his­leisure suit by Royce, $115 complemented by a Burma shirt, $25 and bell , $10. All are from Si lverwoods , Fa.shion Island , Newport Beach.



FOR DAD OR GRAD In addition to the items pictured; we have· a long list o f unusual. fantas tic outrageous. and sometimes useful me rc hand ise fo r men (and women) to enjoy . . . come in and see for yourse lf.


... .. .

Th""' beautiful l lasks are made in England ol the linesl pewter . Just the thing'°' traveling or sports events. $18.25

Over 1200 beau t ltull y detailed aulos 1moorted lrom all over rh e wor l d - T h e la rges t

1n th e U .S. from

- . -- '

We 've seen a lot o f bad ones around town. He 'll be Ptoud lo have the se in h is home or ofl1ce. From $4 ,95

~ f'<'~' ( ' ' ' _:J ,.-


use in restau rants. The f ines! Quality.

Also available is a new opener

which utilizes two blades to bring the

cork out in1act. From $5.75


.,..chines avaUaDle. $56 75


The finest German lools all laid out in a genuine leather case. Just the thing for lhe car Of home. $98.50

EXQUISITE GERMAN STEINS Some o f porcelain. some ol stoneware. all beaulilut. The beer even lastes better from one ol these. From S5.75

c.arry one 1n the car, on camping t rips , 1n the b o a t . W e ha ve a complete assortmen t ot these Qu ali t y ver sat ile knives. The o rigina l and authentic . From $5 .00






Dour see captain execut~d in Alvastone from a Smithson ian Insti tute or ig inal is a fine-addi­tion to office or study. Statue is 17 inches tal l and is a father ·s day special at ~5 a: Brentano ' s , S o uth Coast Plaza.

While shopp ing at Bullocks, why no t re­gister dad in drawing for th is 3-speed bike eyed by Ed Miller. Bike and six pairs of Harris bike shorts go to w inners to be selected Saturday in Bullock 's men 's de­partment, South Coast Plaza.

sony has a sporting idea for Father's day

TV-11 5 Sony Black & 'White 11" screen measured diagonally

OJr lightweight. guest·sized transportable gi ves you a good size screen, and a great picture: black and white and bright; cri sp, clear and lively. Engineered with l~Osolid state circuitry, .to ensure safe, dependable, smooth operation. Come in today and pick up a winner. From Sony, maker of champions.


KV-5<XXJ Sony Trinitron 5" screen measured diagonally

The remarkable 5"Trinitron color transportable is an exclusive little number made for busy executives, people on the move, and real sports. However t iny, it offers the big advantage of housing the Trinitron Color Systen1, which produces bril liant pictures in crisp. real life detail. Tomorrow, 1nake a little room for yourself and take 5. Then, you can show it around to amaze your fr iends, or keep it under your hat.

.. ITSA~ • ~:;;NJ.-.-.----CHOOSE YOU SO


KV-1910 SonyTrinitron 19' screen measured diagonal ly I ' Take I he f ami I y Io see dazzling shows, colorful ..__:::,,':::::':::::;;;:;~~lJ movies. and a va riety of other big entertainment, HP·310/SS·31 O on us: t ~e remarkabl e farruly-s1ze Sony Tnn1tron. 1ne color. as everyone wi ll gather, is at once clea'r FM STEREO, FM/ AM RECEIVER, and brill iant. natural yet distinct . And. owing to our RECORD PLAYER advanced devt lopn"lent of a unique J 14"wide-angle Who says you have 10 go to pieces to get good sound. pid L1re fl Jbe, you get a bright sharp picture in the Wilh a Sony Compact Stereo System you can have com- ·

l imn"'le~ t cabinet around. W11y not come in today, ponent sound in a nice 11r11e package. And with 11le name nd ~ee what you've been missing. Sony you know you're not comprom ising on quality or

features. So, if you 're trying to get a sound system to-11'9$ A SON'E~ gather , gel one that's go t it toge ther ... A Sony Compact Ste reo Syslem "Tl"SASONY"

'if -.. ....... M.... ...., •.•. ,_.,.... = I 1•111t 646· I 614 •>,·>•>• - , '7ir--••·• -M'lftCI fiii.i'1...,, e.1 .. . , ~ - • • ••- .., .,.11.,1i..,


(._ _______ ... .,. ... -- · "" - - - · ... · -- ·· - .. .... .. .. ..... .... .. -

I. I

' - I. -

B:J DAILY PILOT ThurSda • June 12, 1975 Advertising t-eacure

On the courts

On the trail

Pack in Style Gym Fitzpatri ck, salesman for Pat's Ski Shop at 8909 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach, suggests a backpacking favorite -the Kelty Tioga pack, $77.50. Pars stocks complete selection of outdoor gear includ­ing rentals for dads not totally committed to roughing 1t.

Tennis Gear From socks to sweatbands dad can be out­fitted in style at the May Compan,.y, South Coast Plaza where this choice 6f shorts shirts and jackets was found. 7 '

An Orange County tradition since 1892, we at Chandler's this year have chosen

to celebrate our JUNE SALE event by giving away an exact replica

of a model 1892 BICYCLE*

UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS on Chandler's Fine Furniture

Custom Carpeting, Custom Draperies, . Bedspreads, Lamps, Recliners G Bedding.

fuv1nG Room. 01n1nG Room'.; fBeDROOm~

f occas1onat Pieces) ecaame seers~

~~\\odet~ § ' fg $

~'!-::. ""/' '/ii

··-·r, t.~ '*-Come in to Chandler's

and sign up for our FREE drawing! No purchase is necessary.

Drawing- July 31-Winner need not be present.


.,..~ you can buy special DAD or

GRAD famous brand men's-w•cr at everyday savings of

H~s of l telfts at similar IGYlllCJI


MASTEi CHARGI ••• th~ store for him UMKAMHICARD .... ---S-2_1_V_A_L_U_E ___ ,


t•OOllllVUT el •1.•H&DI

11914 IROOKHURST ST,. FOUHTAIH VALLEY lle1J• McDOl!Okfll MOfil..fll. I O:GO to 1 :00 • SAT. I 0:10 to 6:00 • SUH. 12:00 to 5:00



At play Toys for adults of alt ages are.Jhe speciattv at Bentley 's at 1660 Dove Street, Newport Beach. The new shop in MacArthur Square just south of the Sheraton Hotel offers

• these cast iron reproductions of anti­que toys. Both circus

• and fire wagons are on sale at $54.


.IUNl151 What better gift for that "special person'' than a bottle of rare, golden 1915 Boal Madeira from Portugal?

* Or any of the 5000 other items we carry in stock ... including a large selection of wine gifts and fine liquors. We feature an incom­parable selection of spirits ... including rare cognacs and liqueurs.


Orange County's Largest and Finest House of Wines


NEWPORT BEACH • Phone 642-9414

We're your local independent hardware merchant w i th na­tional chain buying power.

Black & Decker

1/ 4" DRILL Great lor so many hOmt! pro1ec1~ Double 1nsuliltell - no ground needed Recessed locking bulton reouces chance of acc1oent11 ·1ock·on · (117004)'

3/ 8" DRILL Extra toroue from double reduction gearing Double insulated - no ground needed p: 7\04)

7-1 / 4'' CIRCULAR SAW Great buy 1n a oowerl ul general·ourpose saw. s 1 7 9 5 Bevel and depth ao1ustments easily made Sawdust e1ec1s away from cumng line Cuts dressed 2 x 4 sat 4 50. (I: 73011

Added protection for power tool buyers ..•

Black & Decker· :::: 7303 7%'' SAW KIT

[ ~r l'l'rl v J0

• '1l'r•"li·r.tJ1rl'.''-' • "" 111 1 c ,,•om''"' d rt.J'l'~t c 1 ·rv111fJ cJ;P Ca ... ,• C• ''1V•'nl•'r'l•1 nnld_. I .. !· nco> ;Jf'rj <:•II;] b Jdr>t;. I"• ud•~".: ;: 7 ·OI 'lW 11 ·•1 7'' ·• r 1rib1'la'1on t,11rl•'. 7:1-SOI rip l·'r>:•' :rid t.ii,,,~ .. '"'~" 1


Black & Decker ·· One Year Consumer Satisfaction Guarantee


s999 Low·cos1 and versatile for slra1ghl curved or scroll cu1s Double insulated - no ground needed ( ll 7504)


10 000 orb11s per minute for faster and smoo1her sanding and ref1n1sn1nq Sands flush on 3 sides DoublP insulated 1=174041

s12ss WEBER 13" Smokey Joe Kettle Grill


s249s Compact Sil!' 1\ pcrf11r1

for picnics. cal]l1J1ng Col laps1blc II''}> lor t ,JSV SIOI.

age and trJnsµort. Last· 1119 porcelarn f 1nish 1ns1c1e and out SJ100


819 8-gallon drum (takes up to 6 gallons of water). Automatic shut off; exhaust blower. I ncludes 1%" hose and extensions. TI650


~r::.~§.!. ~ Gun Tacke~ 4 9 5 styltng 500 waits oowe<. HD-4 L1ghtwe1ght but tough and

powerful. Drives X" sta~les.



STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 9.9 Sat. 9-6, S.... I 0..4

DAil. Y t'll.0 r



'<. Unu~ual l11tle g1 f\~ ~ 1n prc( tUU~ 1:1old to show /1im you care. S hip'~ 1vhcel for the sail o r . busin essman 's rn,1n1n1 wllh ilqua­rnar1nc ; renni s ra cquet ; ' r.V.~'-"ii=>'I gold toothpick or '-' >;// ~ sw izze l slick for a little ~~. 'Jf/"1 .

1 fun, golf club with '7 cultured pea rl ball.

dL BankAmericard Masler Charge


di ernon·s SPOR.T SWEAR.

• )


• ,

'one-stop' shopping

at its :fin~st!



' 31

" \Vliere slioppi11g 1~ a real pleasure"

1052 Irvine • Westcliff Plaza • Newport Beach • 548-8684


' I '


I ~

~ z (") rn


Enhance Pull-on Corsette with Lace Bust Sizes 3.4-38 B & C. Color·white


• •


i I i I

A PERFECT FATHiR'S DAY GIFT A great selection of Shirls and Ties. Shirts in summer shades o l durable press dacron and cotton_ Pep stripe ties from Talbo!I are welcome gilts_




BfPCH /-!I'. T WITH COLORFUL. B'IND 18""- We,.crWf Plli-1028 Irvine, Newport Beach, CaWomi1192660, Phone 642-7061

.. .... . ___ ,...,,.._ .....

~memberPatfiers .Day! Grve him the special attention he deserves on his day, Sunday, June 15. He'll love a thoughtful card and d1shnctive wood w nt1ng instrument set from Hallmark.

Matches & Hapkint lmprinttd


PARTY TRAYS for the Dad or Grad Party

Connoisseurs choice o f an assortment · of fine foods Adds a festive note 10 any gathering.


AND A SATISFYING ;:>ELECTION OF POPULAR DOMESTIC CHEESES. Also pickles. ohves and your choice o f potato salad or cole slaw. 24 Hour Not ice!

$169 ,., ~ Call 646-1411





.. .. . . . . . " -~ ... . . . ,. . . .


SUMMER _....._"-L.l~&.J..u.J COUPON



•tcJ. .... 5 5 c w111ac.,...

s....~ ... _.w_,......_ ----·-·9-f .MU. u.it_ ,_ .--.



Un1Qut• ma~~ag1ng action deliver!> pulsatin& bursts that soothe st1mu

*"\1~, . • '· late massage you• ~~ • whole body' G~am ' chrome fin15h

(<) Unlim.ited. .,_ ~~ ... : '· Ad justs for

''' WALL MOUNT Combinations!

MODEL #SM·2 f J !!t ~




ALSO •Rewea•lftCJ •Lodle1 & Mew's Restyling • Wortuftanshlp Gu•..tetd

<W Er~talif f CJ ado't~ Wtttcliff rtna

- Newpor t le•ch 645-1072

!'I , I J

'one-stop' shopping for Father's Day



le Porffc.._. TM1 Fathw'1 Day-

1.,..Mbw Dod witti Food Gi ft P4*1 I


ffm~~(f' '~~m~~ OF OlllfJ


MN.·Frl .,. .. ' s.t. 'TV ' s-. 'Til 5

clarftell~ Dedrick's Tux Shop of Santa Ana, Inc.


TM lcrtest fasJiio1u. in ~ taste. Ow spKlally trained ~ - pnpand to show you a vast Hfectlo• af d inner suits and occHIOries.



25 FASHION SQUAAE 547·6341



Regional Repair Center for SPERRY· TOPSIDER



We repair and resole ADIDAS - TRETORMS -& all other maf or brands

-4ntlon'I ~ SHOE SERVICE

• C- dtt Mer • .......... le•ll ~1st.I •S..CMttY .... •Wtttdff,..._

• ,....... ,.._. . ,...... ...... a.te ,,..,.,


WESTCLIFF LAUNDRY w. .... c....,.


SebrilMJ GroOftlilMJ Kit trv;1uoes v~amooo tono11 rt, •""1 "'-'' COf"lltOI • 1tn brusn con-t; icltJ Sl\amooo Dru\!\

R~ SIG.SO s9so

D l1tilldlve Hair Styting

by Jim • Chariie

Marw.1 • f'tlil and infT'odycing

Al St. JoM and lriC)itte, Manicurist

Appointmrnts ~f'f"'N!d

WEST CL I FF HAIR DESIGNERS Westcliff Plaza - 646-9925

TERI CONDE' formeriy of

the Bal lslmtd Ar.a is now with our staff

Miss Charlene. Mgr Miss Joyce. Miss Jerry, Miss Judy

Mr Roy Brigitte-Manicure. Pecltcure

& Margan Technique

WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th & lrv1ne•Newport Beach•S48-0460

Open Sunday


Casually . Frank J. Sanicola, Jr. of Campus Mens Wear in lrvlne's new Campus Valley shopping center near lC Irvine, models the comfortable cool of Haggar slacks and a Puritan pullover, each $16. Store Is at 4529 Campus Drive, Irvine.

Gift Bargains Shoppers look for 30 to 60 percent savings on top brand menswear stocked by Quali ty Clothesouts, 18914 Brookhurst St. , Foun­t ain Valley . N o frills , low overhe_ad merchandising promises budget·pleas1ng

k: ,, ~ I

1~ ' ' I ,f I I ' j

I I ~ ii



Lasercraft. • Beautiful fn9ra•ed Desk AccrsMXies

I 0°/o OFF

Towels, Both Accessories and many othrt­Gifts for Father

•he house.and I ,• '-----


I IOJ Westcliff Dr. Newport leach 548-3303

People section

' • keeps of track ,

of what people ' · j are feeling, I saying, 1

~and doing. (

Ewery day. · in the •

..,,~\J1·W~li I I

r I

' ~dvertlalng Feature

fi1ther'1 Oily 11 a special oa;;nion .• . ii umc of reflection for 'l'O\I aod vou1 dild . Tell h•m you remembe-r with lood g1tl paks from H1ekory Fa1m1 o l OhK>. They come in all l •lfl and pocn . MMl'I' include BEEF STICK Sun•~ ~u~ge. chee1.e1 and other spec1i1ll't' loods. T•e your 1-elechon with you or we wdl mail.

~•-• Ood ... 1~ · GwcM. $oo\olood ' 0.d *"' "''°' "'" •'' 1»t. " <""'""' ~(lo,,_ Jo• Qlo.,. :ip<<och. ' '' 81{1 Sl oCot s.,.,...,. s.~ .. ,.. • '" 0 r .;....,_. ~ ....... • .i.. or • "'"' Mod<fr • '""""'°'"· $n\ol<r G°""". ,.,,, ,1o11y . ... • - • "•• 5,,,_., a.,.,' '""' ·'"""' s1 oc• ....i s".'.~~"~'

'"" _ ... •'' "°' ''"- • ' ..

- · M.ta ~ ... -;, .:;~ eu.-.... s11t1 ..•.

ll!lf SflCot s..- s. .... ,.. lh ll< . ...... o. ...... Snoo•• o.. ... s.r, Mold

.....,.,., ~Oft""''" '"" S•"- '' 8on "'°"' .... '' ~-:.·.;::.~

rviany more Gift Paks on Display!

ttll~k©f1 i°{flfi'ffi~ South Coast 1iaiil

COSTA MESA lowH C:O.ouwl Moll

lri•lol al Son Di"9' fr-y

0 ........... .. ... .__, .... .. . ... _, .. .. ... . 'hon•: .54()..6991


hoo1e yowr tenni1 raclcet from one of largest of tenni1 roclcet1 i " So. Calif. All of our racket1 come with a Fiii COYER.


. I ...... _ ,, .... ._..

r\ 141" 1 \, ! ' v

!I I

•&TN ,, c._.""'" '"·


4t" ·-41"

I ·-· -

18(48H% \\ I

\ •

.. ., .. ...... "' .


Siring an1 of aur TENNIS RACKETS AND $AYE.

Oil filted Nyl11 Stri•r Re1. tl.ID 511


TElllllS SHIRTS r,,,. TElllllS

( 6 99 50% P1lyester • 6 99 . ) P1lyesler CottH Blui 51% C1ttt1

. I RIG. 10.00 RIG. 10.00 llffEl COOD TKRU fiTHl'S llT ---

~ 't PENN

·' l' TENNIS BALLS °'\,·..-' 119


Check our lar1ge selection o f Shirts, Shorts,

Sweaters. Warm ·ups. All For The Tennis Players .



"' '


1213) 592·2121 1714) 953-4555


. -·

Gifr Array J, H. Hall Jewelers of South Coast Plaza of­fer this array of gift Ideas for Dad or a graduate. This samp!· ing is featured In their Jewel Court display.



CLASSIC SIZE 6 strings, 391A .. standard size.

l'el. SIZf.50

SALE s599s

COHCHT SlZE 1119'11 Blonde Finish

Dreadnaught body , 6 steel strings. 41 Yi " long with band holder.

V"'- Sitt.SO


'· .•

IU.CH sa1

COHCEIT SIZE in Rosewood finish. Oreadnaughl Body

v ... S22t.

... " s99so 6 strings, 33,,. .. long . ...... S74.5D

N•·i.: . S22 NOW Sil

• Reg. S-19 NOW S24

FREE GUITAR BAG Free with each guitar. Denim carry case with shoulder strap, hand hotd & mu sic pocket. Heavy duty double stitched for easy traveling . Reg. $15.95. Also included a 2 4 "x36 " c hord chart.


3333 SOUTH BRISTOL I Upper U..C. Mew Wiltgl

HOURS: M·F 10-9, SAT. 10-6, SUH. 12·5 PHONE: 556-7533

Heg. $59 NOW $29


K••c . !\IJ5 NOW $17

rm Heg. 589 NOW 1'44

w~·c . rteg. 555 NOW S22 NOW $27

H l't. SMV NOW S44



l(<"I!. ,75


N •· K· '!>59 NOW S29

Mon ey Clip l {l'~. $22 NOW S11

You may select one ol thos e handcrafled turquoise tie

lacks FREE with purchase of $25 or more!

Valu1.•d al I 0 .00! i~ Cutllinks ~

lleg. S<!O Chokers

H l'K· $6Y·'fM NOW $34-49 ~[[i

B•ll lutkl11 Nt·a . SI 10-Sl?O NOW S55·S110

Sol id Silve• Over la r Br1c1leb

H l'i:. svv . .,,Jun NOW 549·$150

Ml' I · )1211 NOW S60

· Wa tch Atb ch1111nts

K 1•1:. )7'* NOW SJ9

Key Chain Hcg. S22 NOW $1 1


lONO llACM, l lll A tt1~!iC .... "OPEN SUNDAY 12·5 r0tt11•NCl , U4~~ fh• lllo!M 11"1.

'NlW,OltT llACM, IHlllH h lu" SHOP FRIDAY NITES Tll 9 ¥1'MllTtlll , 119!8 'llil1dtlp1!11 St.

•IJilAM[IM, ,.,.,.,. ,lllt

"'""oo 11acw. s .. 111 '" cir . LOS •MOILI S, • rc1 P!1" "TOtflflANCl, 0.1 ~ "'° f n~•O'I S,, ,llL SAT. IO.S130 'OllAMCI , 1111: lhtl GI Ori""

• ' •


Leisure Lux·ury Brent Koshman relaxes in a polyester western style leisure suit from J. C. Penney, Fas_hion. Is land, $35, complemented by a California collar shirt at $12. Shoes, too are from Penney 's. •

Gym Fitzpatrick of Pat's Ski Shop, Hunt· ington Beach, shows how convoluted foam pad warms nights in a sleeping bag by High & Light $115.

'Auction Fare' on Irvine Cable

Comm unity Cablevision Channel 3 in Irvine and N ewport Beach offers the f irst llve easy chair auction as a way to buy gifts for Dad or a grad by telephone.

·Picture yourself in your favorite easy chair, phone in hand, b idding on a variety of items ranging from antique jewlery. porcelain . furniture, tur­quoise, Jade. paintings and all you have to do is turn on the television.

It's all part of a new merchandising concept, conceived by Cable Marketing Corporation, founded by Joel Wesley and Georgann Maltese.

Comm unity Cablevision. Channel 3 In Newpo r t Beac h and Irvine has joined with the Cable Marketing firm in producing . "Aue tion­Fare, " a one-hour live television auction show to debut on Channel 3, today from 7 to 8 p.m. The weekly series w ill al­low viewers to bid for an­tiques. by telephone.

Viewers must f irst call in for a bid number. which will Identify them to the auctioneer.

Persons who purchase the antiques w ill be able t o p ick them up the following dat at the Chan­n e I 3 s tud ios. 1061 Ca m el ba ck St. in Newport Beach.

" Auction-Fare" will be hosted by veteran televis ion game-show host, Jack Wells, formerly of KABC Radio in Los Angeles.

Channel 3 Program Manager. John Miles, in­dicated that ig response to " Auction-Fare" war­rants a live, instudio art auction w ill follow , featuring works of various artists throughout the area.

Any questions per­taining to the b idding or purchase Of items to be auctioned off on the weekly , Thursday en­counter, sho uld be directed to Miles, Com­mun i ty Cablevision, Channel 3, 644-4471 .

If you 're tired of doing al I of the l e g work , searching f or your favorite col lectlblles, Auction-Fare may be your best bid for entertain­nien t. The f i rs t live, television show of its kind in Orange County.

FROM Fash ion· Island Newport Beach

' ;

Adve91l1lng Feature

Heck's Lido Open~g •

Timely fOr Dad's Day Jult In time for Fatheir'•

Day, one. of the flneat clOthlng ator .. tor men In 8outt,ern Oallfornla ta openlno at th• entrance to Ltdo tatand.

H.ak1 Men'• Stores In the locatlon that formerly WU Bldw•ll•. Is clothing headquartera In Orange Oounty with a vaat Mlec­tlon from formal attire to lelaure aults to caaual clothing.

Manager D on McCullough says Hecks hu over 600 casual and formal suits In stock and plans to lnereaae the selection.

Lido lslahders are f ind­ing Hecks to be a conve­nient quality atore where they can ahop In comfort

McCullough suggests you come and vlait their Mii( store on Via Lido, haw a cup of coff H with him and dettrmlne yourMltwhyHecka 11 omr

of the finest men's ator• In the area.

If you haven't bffn In before, Hecks 1ay1 " Let's· get acqua1nted."

and find an ellte choice of .. tt\:.Fi+:~ men's garments.

Even a bootery with a complete line of f ine shoes Is available to you there.

McCullough believes the tailoring department to be the f inest In Orange t'

County. Hecks tailors are hand picked , ex ­perienced craftsmen who can handle any of your tailoring needs.

" After years of ex­perience In their trade they have been brought into Newport Beach to supply you w ith the pa­tience and attention to detail once found only in - -Europe," he said.

To custom.era o f Bidwells the new Hecks won't look the same . Major remodeling Is giving the store an entire new look.

But, the greatest asset of Hecks is the employes who make their slogan " service, quality. integri­ty" a way of life.

Don McCullough, manager of Heck's Men's Store, 3467 Via Lido, Newport Beach, ar­ranges gift suggestions displayed In former Bidwell'a locatlon •

J.HElllERT HAL~ewellers Fme jewellers & Silversmiths Sme e 1898

1411 gold·fillld


Now, his l t•l 11.IAI f9

has a mate.

' ''

lntro•iaclttt U.1 ~tJTi1n1 Comput~for woman, 1t lw•dll...,Y lt•11tlf11l 1s It Is incrtdlbty 1cair1t1.

So th• tM ot 1ot1 c:upt synchronized. Ter111t. ot c:CMll'M·

NOW IN SOUTH COAST PLAZA Sonia Ano Fashion Square I 547-8332 • South Coast Plozo / 5-19-'!3 79

Westminster Moll/ 897.0327 • Puente Hills Moll / 965·1557 PoSl!deno • Santo Anita Fashion Pork • Woodland Hills Promenade



lf.S. D'~d Oil ,.

' l I ./

r I I I

I •t


Fully fashioned, sport shi~s of lux'urious yet practical Qiana~

A Silverwoods exclusive Short ~lceve sport shirts of lus­trous, kni t Qiana• nylon with costly fully fashioned detail A d1stinct1ve, collar and placket slyle sport shirt any Dad would enjoy. Navy. po-.:;der. ecru, rust. BY THANE




I~ \

· 1


• ,. >.

• •

......... Gift Selection Joseph I. Hartstein of Jewels by Joseph o n the first level of South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, points

out Wide range of choices of thoughtfu l gi ft s for Dad or a graduate.

How to treat Dad like a •

He'll !eel like royally on his special day­

with a Pier 1 hammock. Neatly kno1·


Ted and braided lor sty le and

comlort. Strong rope and "stretches .. of sohd oak

insure sturdiness. 3 b19 sues. Just the gi ft !or Dads who love the great oul· doofs and

l ined bola bags . Goatskin bota bags from Spain. Lat ex-lined. Lets Dad carry wine anywhere. Get one on sale! Reg . ...... ~4'9

Now . .. ............ ..... $299

Books - especially fci1 Dad . Special interest hardback books he 'll love rece1v1ng. At unbeatable prices!

20°/o -800/o olf orig inal publi shers· price.

I ::i::;., ~34 99

I 54· • 82 ' - Reg. 545.00 Now .... 539.99 1 lio • 84" - Reg. $49 .~ Now ..... 544.99

Graphic prints. A wide variety ol l1ne·quality art pnnts . 16" x 20" matted. Great for Dad 's off ice or study. g

$699. $8 9

GiYO a Pier I lnlernaliOftal Gift Cerlifital•. R•d••mabw in H!o U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europ•.


HAllOl lLYD, 63).0HS 772-2472 1294S..e-tHw1· lj · : ' c...':';'1~- MON.THIVSAT. lf.tSUM. IM 494-9101

DPa r Gloon1y Gu!il Horsin'

Around ·"· '-"'' '""


Single Servings

Money's Worth


Advertising Fe•ture


Game on the Move Executive Backgammo" se t packaged In atteeha c&Sd for $100 Is proving to be a popular gift choice at Brentano's In the new wing of South Coast Plaza, C~taMosa.


J•w•h bf ioseph $ is 1eo1chin9 for d iomo nd1 011d. gemstones lrom private .indlvlduals 1nd estates. Careful eumlnatlon and eYaluation by our experts.' Highest prices paid. Cell 54().9066 11>-9 dally, Satur· day .t!Mi, &Jnday closed. ask lot Mr. Dennis Foltz or. Mr. Joseph.

iewels by loseph ..... ... _,... ... --... ... .--.---.........

Penney We've found Father~s Day Values to help you give~

' Dad the very best. Closeout Sale!

14.88 Orig. 27 .98.

Men's alpaca wool sweaters at tremendous savings. Classic styling . M en 's sizes.

Limited quant~tie s!

Special 4.88 Hawaiian style shi rt. Polyes ter c repe in favorite prints. Men ·s sizes.

Quantities are limited!

20°/o • savings

on men's pajamas!

Sale 4.75 Reg. 5.98. Short sleeved pajamas in no-iron cool polyester ,t:otto n . Collarless. button front style.

• •

Sale $8 Reg. $10. Long sleeve fashion print sport shirt in easy-care acetate.klylon. Dad would love one! Men's·s izes.

Sale prices effect ive through Sunday.

Leisure suit special for Dad! 24.88 He'll love thi s 2-pc. leisure su it: c asual 2-pocket sh irt jacket styl ing in polyester for wrink le-free good looks. Men's sizes. Limited quantities.


. ' (




' Ot tl\e Dally Pilot Sllltt

There ·s a two-acre pa rcel of land in Coron a del Mar which is invitingly p lanted with trees and ·n owers and dotte d with ponds, fis h, fountains and a coffee ter · rnce.

rt ·s bccom ing more inviting now that the total plan is nearing l'ompletion . l n fact , the ·s herman Foundation ha s jus t allowed the publication of the firs t major article about the garden .

But the re s t ill are many mis· ~onceptions uboul it, sajd Wade Roberts, d ir ector of the gar den .

Lunch is not served and never will be (coffl'C and pastri es are •Jffere d >. Thi! Junior League, :.\hich mmnlained a lunch tcr· :-ace there until last year . has

nothing to do with the Sherm an Foundation . and the ASsistanrP League is not involved.

The Junch myth seem s the hardest to e liminate, ~berts noted . In the article, whf'ch ap­pears in the June issue of a popular Californ ia ga rdening m agazine, the headline boldly says, " You can eat lunch there ...

Lillie publicity has been done for several reaso ns, Roberts said. Fi r s t, the block has been 10 year s in th e development, and its :small size prohibits large crowds.

" We want re a lly interes ted people to come," Roberts ex­plained . " It's a garden of dis· covery . ··

NEXT TO NURSERY • The garde n concept was added

to the original drea m of a re·

Wade Roberts, gard~n director, plays with koi (above). At right is a scene from the cactus garden. Various

plant collections are shown at the garden .

sear ch library when property was purchased next door to a nurse ry in Corona del Mar. The retention of the plants seem ed n a tural a s the block was ac· qwre d a nd the Cotal plan was de ~ , ·e loped .

Now , tt i s a miniature bota nical garden with an cm· phas is on education . There arc I three g reenhouses. a shade house and outdoor color dis plays .

Guided tou rs are availabll' , and for the firs t time. classes will be offered in plant prupo~ation . bons ai, ge ne r al photography. s ketching a nd painting, floral clc · s ign . m ac rame, n atural crafts , µI ant care and hang ing bas kets.

Classes will start al various ti m es. be!-(inning in the middle ol June. and the fees averuge ~5.

The S herman Foundation abo partic ipates in work studies pro­g r ams with Corona de l Mar ll igh Sc h oo l and sc hool di slric;t Regio nal Occupational P ro ­grams. both in Corona dcl :\1;.ir and at its g reenhouses in L>an.1 Point. I

Another new ,·cnturc is oµcn ing up the facilities for weddings So far . every weekend in June is booked and th e r e m aining tim es are going Cas t.

ONE VIS IT The beauty of the Sherman

garden , with its large bromeli ad and orchid collections. hangin g baskets and color beds, is that it can be seen easily in one vis it.

T h e Sherman fo r whom lhc ga rd e n and found atio n are named, i ronically. never knew about t he work which is being done in his name.

He was born in 1853 in Wes t Rupe rt, Vt ., studied to be a t eac her , moved west for his he alth and became involved in land d eve lopment in Arizona and the establis hment of railroads in Southe rn California.

Il e wa s nam ed M oses Hazeltine S hc rmun. but usuall v was ca lled General Sherman because of his 1883 appointm ent as Adjutan t General of Arizona Ter ritory.

Among his bus iness inrnl vc · m ents were the Arizona Canul, Valley Bank of Phoenix. the

Vulley Street Hall way Co. in Phoen ix, Phoenix Waler Co. a nd two other Phoenix banks .

Il l' and his partn<.•r', M. E . Collins . do nated the 10-acrc plot on '' h1ch the c.ip1tol building in Phoenix now s tands

All th e while he was working in Anzona. Sherman had his eve on the growi ng to" ns of Southern C.ihfornia . li e was a stockholder 1n the Nationa l Bank of Californi a. but was re.illy more mtt' rcs tcd in tr:rn sportation.

ELECTRIC U i\ ILWAY ,\ s Ol').!iln i zc r of the Los

Ange les C'onso lid a t l'd Elect ri c 11ailway Co . . h e built the city's fir st dcc t rit• st r eet railw:.1 v systl'm , thl•n link ed Los Angelc·s a nd Pasa<knu ll\ rails

Shl• rm :1 n and hlS railroad partner . F. . P. Clark, also con· !-.lruct('(I th e famous Balloon Roull' hN" ecn Los Angeles und S:rnta ~l onH: a

.\nothcr o f h1!-. ac:l·ompll:-,h ­ments \\a:- to help dc\'elop the foothill s of ll olh•\\OOd. whi('h th{•n \\a ... t·allt•d 1·101\y\\O<x.iland. The i.ign for this subdi\'ision " as placed on th e hill in la rge lcl· ll'rs. ~i nd !:> t ill n•mams with the ··1and" l'l1mi n <1tcd .

:'\eve r a ma n to s it and twiddle his thumbs. Sherman became in­\'Olved in the development of the Tejon Ranch . was a director in the Yosemite Park and Curry Co. a nd forml'd the Los Angeles Steamship Co. whi ch Ii.Iler was sold lo the Matson Lim•s .

lli s name h <.ts bee n im · mortalized b y the l0\\11 Sherman Oaks, and he hu s a Slrl'et na m ed after him , S he rman Way.

Locally. thl' dcvelopl'r left his mark by ownin g u home on Rav Is land , whe r e he

1 d i<.'<l on Sept.

9. 1932. at the agl' of7R. I le w ci:-, l'U log ized 111 the Los

,\ ngl•les Time:-, by his friend. Harry Chand ler :

K EPT PROM ISES '"The outstandin g charac·

tenstic of a JI the Gener al's '1C·

ti vi tie s throu g hou t hi s long career as u bus iness leader a nd community builder. us attested by the many who h ave been as­socia ted with him. was the fact

BEA ANDERSON, Editor TlwrMl•Y, JIHle U , lt7S

' .. ' ...... ~ ..

0 .. 11y Piiot PhOIO\ by E . lH PdYM

Driftwood birds greet visitors in center courtyard of gardens.

Annual flowers are planted in beds around the figures.

that abO\'C al l l'lSl' hl· J'l'l7.l'U hi:-, name and al ways kept his word A promise made or :m obligation undertaken\\ ere s acrl'd lhmg!'i to him.

.. His pussing turns a s1gnifi· ca nt page in the history of 1.1>.., Angeles , for he was om· of the las t of the notabl c group of pioneer s whose v is ism was main · ly r es p ons ible for the ci ty ' :-, phenomenal prog ress."

Sherman's w ork 1s being <:ar ­ried on by hi s c losl' fnt•nd und personal assist ant. Arnold n. ll as ke ll , wh o n o w resides in

f1orida . He es t:.iblis hcd the foun· dati o n in 1951 and s till pa1·1.1c1pates closely in its \\Ork .

Also donat1n _g to lhl' foundut wn h a \' c b c e n S h c rm c.111 • s t \\ o daughters. both dl'C'l'as<.•d

The gro\\ th a nd de\·clopml·nt of the l!arden is bemg directed b:­Wade Roberts. a g raduatc of Cal Poly who 1s a n a t 1 V<.' of Chino.

Roberts c r edit s the arch1tct·t. i'\ello Zava. and the huildl'r. ,\I Clemence. for much of tlw pro gr ess which has bel'n madl' in the garden und it:. buildings.

l lOl SF: PL,\~TS Thl' Siu.· r m :in i.rardl'll". \\1th

thl'1r dis pl a~ of indoor pl<1nt:-. ;.ire :1propos for thl' cu1-rt·nt tunes. \\hen l'\ l'rvonl' Sl'l'tns to be ha\ -m g a l<n l' ~; ffair with plant:-.

\\'hy 1:-, ~rccn l'r) so popul;.ir nO\\ '!

·· Pt•opl e arc bl•coming close to mother n a tun·.·· Rob<.•rts said. · ·P eo p le arc becomin g very aware of what we ha\·c. rind thcv ur t• fnghtenl'd bec:.ius t• of wh~l \\l•rc.• losing . · · ·

House pl a nts tire lx·ing used in dl•corat ing . he addt•d. bctausc .. lht•y add life to :- our hon1l' :.ind surroundings. ··

Roht'rb bclJ<.•\ es that plants and gardl'n!-. a r l' not J~t a pass· mit fad . and that more and mon., JX'<>Pll' \\ ill tu rn to places lik e the Shl'rman Found ation gardens for a moment of pc;.ic:c and tran­qu1 h t~.

Peace and tranquility . ~t.·:-. but d<11i'l plan 011 lunl'h . Remcmbl•r ?

Thl' ga r den s• loe;1ll'd al 2r .. 11 F. . Coast I llgh" :.iy. Coron a dl'I !\lar. :ind are open from 10 .30 :.1.m . to .i p.m dail) .


~ .. • 'I ,. .. . . .. . .. • . • " ..

ThurSday. June 12, 1 it•~

A Ma.n's World By JO OLSON Of ... O.lly ,.. ... St•"

Do you ever wonder wbo decides which gar. men t s will be on the rack~ of your favori te boutique or department store?

Generally speaking, it is a man, even iC you are talking about women's fashions .

Thls was one or the bits of information gleaned by Ora n ge Coast College's buying class on a recent vis it to the massive CalifQrnia Mart or\ Ninth Street in Los Angeles .

This 13-story building, which mos t of the public never enters. is where the wheeling a nd deahng of fashion tukes place. It

10 20 30

ls wh~ro tho cloUles are t>ouibt and told for bun­d reds of stores, and wb re tashJon tre nds are determined.

Each of the 13 floors is fill ed with miniature stores where wholesale buyers make their selec­tions. The floors are segregated by general kinds of merchandise, s uch as knitw ear, women 's sportswear. children 's c lothes and swimwear .

The OCC class, accom­panied by Eug e n e Overholt , the ir instruc­tor (who also is a n ad­visor t o the campus clothing store, The Wind­jammer), toured the re­giona l buying office for the J . C. ~enney . C?·

BLOUSES Choo1e fro• • bewllM Mlectloa. Al ... ,,.....colon.Mid ~IRHsytoc­fort.brict.

wht$ occupies a wbolo floor in the mart.

Ear l Meredith, opera­tion s a nd cont r ol manager, talked about the respoasibilities ot a buye r a~d gave an in· dicatiOn .or what kind ol person can be s uccessful in this rield 4

N<W"mally, t o be a buyer for his firm, a four -year college dgree is required , and the com­pany does its own train-ing. '

" We teach the techni­que of buying •' he s aid. " A buyer has to know piece goods. He should be able to te ll what a jacket is worth just by looking at it.

.. If yo u d o n ' t like m ath, don 't figure on be­ing a buyer . '' he cau­tioned the class, which was about 75 percent women.

The attrition rate is high, he said, since many leave for simila r jobs in other industries . The pay ran ges from $9,000 · SSO,OOO for his compa~. or th 25 buyers who work r his firm , only six are women .


''The trou ble with some of the women is that they let their emo­tions get in the way . They tend to buy things they like, which is the cardin a l s in for a buyer."

A buyer s hould be quick , decisive, have a logical thinking process, be un e m otio n al , ag ­gressive, motivated. dynamic a nd tactful, .Meredith said .

"' ' lar«Jr•t ••ledlo11 of

INCM1tif11I pa11h11ih 111 L.oiJ-a.

This free book makes your plants grow.

Keystone makes your

money grow.


After his talk , he look the students on a tour to see the buyers at work. They learned th at men's leisure suits a r e the " hottest" item in fashion right now. that washed denim contin ues to be a very popular look.

Though Overholt ad­mits that '· m en have dominated the f t.:1shion field fo r yea r s," his female s tudents seem determ ined to succeed in this ··m<.tn 's world .··

Julie J ardine, for ex­ample, already ha s started on her way lo a c<.1reer a s a buyer. She now works for a depart­ment stor e and is plan· ning to stud y for a col· le~c degree .

She would like to buy women 's clothes. she


' said. because she ltl-l·s buying clothes ...

Roberta 11<.tmi lton abo plans to obtain a colll'j!l' degree , then plans tu open her own clothing store "somewher e on the beach."

Keystone offers the highest interest rates. 8.06°~ net anr1ual yield on $1,000 certificate of deposit. (Federal regulations require a substantial penalty for early withdrawal.)

Keystone's free services also help your money grow. The Money Machine puts up to $100 in cash in your hands any time of the day or night. Free safety deposit boxes. Free checking accounts with one of California's leading fu lt-service banks. And Keystone's open 9-12 Saturdays.

Drop In today and pick up your free "Guide to Interior Plant Care" by the Living Plant Growers Association.

Keystone's interest compounded dally. W ith new $40,000 insurance.

Annual flatff Annu;il Yleld1 Annual flates Annual Yield1

l750Jo • 8.06% 6 Yu" · $1000 Or More

l500Jo • l790Jo 4 Y earJ · S 1000 Or More

6.750Jo • 6.980Jo 2-1n YurJ • S1000 Or More

6.50% • 6.72% 1 Year· $1000 Or More

5.750Jo • 5.ftOJo 90 Days · S1000 Or More

5.25""' • S.390Jo Regul;ir pauboolt account

paid from day-In to day-out

0 KEYSTONE SAVINGS Westminster Office, 14011 Beach Blvd

Airporl Center Office, 4301 MacArthur Blvd. Anaheim O H1ce, 555 North Euclid

Mission Vieio OH1ce, 24041 Marguerile Parkway Assets over $75 m1lhon

Ruetten 'models'

Below, students

check fall


LA MODE FABRICS 2J740 I&. TOIO IO .. JI. TOlO SADDUIAa< VAWY PLAZA ........ ., .............................. .


WINCAMA VELOUR --. .. aa.HNOW$1.91


KNITS ~ PRICE large Selection

conoM 1Llt4DS 4 5" wide

... u .ta HOW SI . If


PllKTS ... ta.ta HOW SJ.91

With purchase of fabric to go with 11. with this ad.

- . - .. STORE HOURS: Daily l 0-8 Sot. 10-6

Saddleback Valley Plaza 23740 El Toro Rd . El Toro

Next to Vtlla Sweden 581·9390

18682 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach


for Father's Day '75 ... a selection from our


llow can s he think about succl's~ in s uch a l'ompl•t1t1\'e fi e ld ? She ~ ~I I d ~ h C k n 0 \\' S t h e sel'rel. Succ<.·ss ful ~tore O\\'lll' l'S " kOO\\ what pco­plt• '' ant. They keep up," ~he t'Xplaincd .



_,. fr om the Robert Ta\boU, studios in Carmel Vs\\e.y to al-ease of Newport. Beach ... simply the world's fmest lies.

44 fashion island, newport center 644-5070


SAYE 40to75%


. ,

Rite Dates Iol_d


A spring wedding is being planned by Can· dace Joan Layport and Michael F . Timpe both of Mission Viejo. '

The daughter of the Merle E. Layports , Mis­sion Viejo, Miss Layport is a graduate of Mission Viejo High School and Saddleback College where her fiance is studying.

He is a graduate of Gladstone High School, Azusa, served in the Army and is majoring in law enforcement. He is the son of Evelyn Timpe, East Haven , Conn. and the late Mr. Donald Timpe.

'*** Finnegan-Rigdon

A garden wedding at the Costa Mesa home of the Robert Finnegans is being planned by their daughter, Sherrill Coree Finnegan and Ben­jamin E. Rigdon , Costa Mesa.

The wedding date is July 12. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Corona de!

Mar High School and her fiance is an alumnus of Rochester High School and Muskegon College, Musk'egon, Mich . His parents are the Russell Rigdons of Rochester, Mich.

.._ * •• Hoyt-Heyd on

University of Redlands seniors, Pamela Ann Hoyt and Bruce J . Heydon are planning to marry next June in the First Baptist Church , Redlands .

Miss Hoyt , daughter of the Clifford Hoyts of Westminster , graduated from Fountain Valley High School and is affiliated with Delta Kappa Psi sorority.

Her fiance, a graduate of Montgomery High School, is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Heydon of Santa Rosa.

*** Denigan-Potts

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Denigan of Newport Be ach have announced the engagement of their daughter , Catherine Denigan to Charles Douglas Potts Jr.

Miss Denniga n is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and a student at Orange Coast College. '

Her fian ce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potts Sr . of Fountain Valley , is a graduate of Fountain Valley High School and attended Golden West and Orange Coast colleges.

They plan to marry Aug. 16 in Sl. Joachim 's Catholic Church.


Thureday. June 12. 1975 DAILY PILOT C;J

Attuned to Learning Lesson There is a s pecial place in heaven for people

who own pianos or organs ... where the sun a lways shines, the instruments are always in tune, and the keys lock when some hamburger sits down to play ChQP6llcks.

Children are drawn lo an organ or a piano ..• especially the ones who are lone deaf. My mother oWtll an organ. I have. watched that poor_soulde· t e riorale from an apple-cheeked loving grandmother to a s niveling, watery-eyed troll.

Believe m e, it is not easy watching someone you love sit through 100 raggy choruses of " Long, Long Ago" (with drum attachment).

Every Sunday before going to Grandma's, 1 de· liver the same, tired sermon to the kids. " Do not - repeal - do not ask Grandma to let you play her organ. It gets on Grandma 's nerves .

" I know s he pre tends it doesn't maµer , but I watch Grandma while you are thumping on the organ and last week she grabbed a plastic banana off the coffee table and crushed it in her hand. Take something to do . . . a game, a baseball , or a sedative . .. but DO NOT PLAY



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JM SHOWS YOU THE ROPES from greece an~

steppi11g lig~tly out i1t1 califorRia su1shine:

our natml leather tho1g on rope braMI, ~·pair 20.00.

a criss·cr1ss of rope on. a wedge of brai~ ud woad,

er 111 a thick brai~ heel, each pair 23.00. (all have the

exercise wotd botto111 to tiYt playful footwork a lazy work 11t I)

these bare facts, pra1f p1sitiYe j111 shoes in

THE ORGAN!" Grandma meets them at the door with a big

hug and the first '+'onls out are, "Can we play yourorgon . Grandma?"

The repertoire is always the sa m e : "Chopsticks" (played lively): " Heart and Soul" (with another no talent playing bass>. and a pitiful nab al •'Love Story'• with one finger while the vocalist strains with "How do I begin. begin (higher ) • • . begin (lower) . . . begin (between and cracks) ... "ending up eight keys later with the right note.

" They 're not the King family , are they? " said mother the oth er Sunday, knotting h e r handkerchief and biting on it with her teeth .

" Speak up, mother," I shouted over the din. " I said they 're not the King family." "Does their playing bother you?" I asked. "No, why?" '' I s aw a commercial once about a

grandparent who was cr a bby when h e r grandchildren beat on the piano and it was because s he was irregular."


"The noise could do that?' ' she asked. " I think I have a solution, mother. Give me a

week or so.'' Last Sunday at mother's no one touched the or­

gan. They watched TV. they played ball, they played cards and they took a walk , but not once did they go near the instrument.

" What did you do?" asked mother. '·Threaten them?''

"Nope ! Gave them organ I~~ with instruc · tions to practice."




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costa mesa cause tees ta wiute with pure joy.

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l =S V~H •• 1 t"ll..U I

Horoscope: Gemini

Remember Re-solutions FRIDAY, JUNE 13


Apl'il 19): Accent now 1s on change. v ariely . love. Your ueative juices fiow. You break through tt.'<l tape. Family affair s are settlecf - this is vacation-pleas ure time and you should resolve diffe r e nces with loved ones.

'fAURUS (April 20-M~ 20> : Properly, real es~ate. s ubtl e nuances coqcerning security and co9'a a re e mphas ized . Y<>to' can afford to be selietive. Means don 't gi up something for nolliAng.

(JSMINI (May ·21-June 20): Relatives have ide•.s and some of them a r e ex pen sive. M.,,ns be r eceptive wi~ut being foolish. Do no~ rorget past resolu­twia, obligations. Love is Vt picture. and your emotions may ki ck logic outofneares t window.

C)\NCER <June 21-Ju19 22): Emphasis is on mo~ey. s pecial collec - · tiop s and per s onal po .. essions. You com­plete transaction . Take plunge into future.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22>: Lunar cyd e is al peak -you get benefit of doubts, credit where clue - and an abunda nce of affcc­tiorJ! It's worth the risk of emotional bruise!

ftRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22>:' Pace s lows. You vis­it hos pital . ins titution , sp~ia l c lub or orj:(aniza­tioo. Aura of g la mor is p i:Hent. Long arm of coincidence works its woddcrs. You ' ll be shak­intyou r head in µlc<J:sant disbeli ef!

UBRA <Sept. 23 -0ct. 221: Empha s i s 1s on friehds. hopes, wis hes. gain throu g h p r o­fessiona l endeavors. Highlight flex ibility . You do a bit of traveling, c:all ­in4 and receiv e cor­r c:tp<>ndcnce.

SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov . 21): Spotlight is on

@aRA~ RJNfl Dhtinc t i•e W o men'•

Weor BlEYlE

Leroy - Joe Fronk -SHOES -

Ho t11 r a Ii x er s -Beniardos life Stride

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TVLENO . iicetamnophen tablets

MDCATIOMS1 90 ..... 0WM ....... tOM at.CM

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~TOfll MAC:H. UMUl MliMC>fl~ .,, ......

r.~ . ,. c,.,.. "" ,,..,.,...,J, M t

what you really want and need . This ls different from fantasy, imagina­tion. desire. But now you 1 ea r tl . A n d · o n e i n authority may provide you with some facts of life.

SAGITTARI US <Nov. 22-Dec. 21) : Good Moon aspect coincides now with unders tanding of long-range implications. projects .

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Costs, time, motion , what you get for what you g ive - these areas are spotlighted . One who fl a tters has motive . ulterior or otherwise. You ' ll com­prehend !

AQUARIUS ( J a n . 20-Feb. 18) : . Spotlight on marriage, partnership, joint efforts, lega l agree­ments . Cycle is not high - take time to be sure. Means let others take in­itiative.

P I SCES ( Feb. 19-M arch 20 >: Ride with

tide. The re will be pre· ssure, but you 're capaMe of handling it. Accent is on how people serve you, basic issues, health and employment.

If today la your Mrtb­day you were on your own early ; parents may have separated. You are somewhat of a revolu· tiohary.

Weddings vg and Engagements

To avoid disappointment. prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding s tories with black and white glossy photographs to the Daily Pilot People f>eparlmenl one week before the wedding.

Pictures recei \'ed after that time will not be used.

For engagement announcements it ts imperative that the $lory. also acco~· punied by a black and white glossy pac· ture. be s ubmitted six weeks or more before the wedding dale : otherwise it will not be publis hed .

To help fill r equi rements on ~th wed­ding and e ngage ment stories, forms are available in a ll Daily Pilot offices. Fur· ther questions will be answered by People Department s taff members at 642-4321.

For your picture perfect' Pop.

Through-the-lens metering lets you keep an eye on the action. Accepts the complete Minolta lens and accessones system.

Minolta SR-T 102. With MC 50mm f/1.7 lens.

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SALE GAF movie projector

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SALE GAF Super 8 movie camera

78.88 Reg. 89.n . "Avai lable Light" model features bright viewfinder, extra fast f/ 1.1 pre· focused lens. Handles high speed film.

Charge it on your JCPtnney ch1rge C*'d.

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give yourself more leisure, comfort and savings this summer

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Save a total of 50.00 now! Save 25.00 on this dependable built-in and 25.00 on the regular 35.00 changeout-installation cost that's now only 10.00. This maytag has 4 cycles to properly clean up all food particles after any meal. The powerful 3 level wash action means no hand pre-rinsing is necessary. Bonus Rin­se Additive Dispenser helps eliminate spotting. Automatic Detergent Dispenser included. too. Saves time and energy.

reg. 359.95 general electric 11,500 BTU super economical superthrust air conditioner 299.95

,Save 60.00. This Watt-Wise/Hi-Economy moQel delivers multi-room cooling. Superthrust con jet olr deep Into a room or oafjust to gentle close-in cooling 'rhree cooling and fan-only speeds and 10 position thermostat to suit vou and the weather. Unique Dirt Alert signals when the handy <jlir filter needs cleaning. Make sure you beat the heat this summer! \ Major Appliances, 114 Telephone and moil orders Invited.



...-,fi·=' IROADWAY I ' '

D yea hus t•hiL mo• and po it

s. La11 to h thin the bee em ces! rap1

J ' s ho· Wht off i

Si the tea1 at b the cha

Thursday.June 12, 1975 OAIL Y PILOT ("5

This N~_vvs Is ReQlly Bad News ' -·

D£AR ANN LANOEl\S: I'm 33 years old, h ave a wonderful husband . three beauti(ul, healthy children. no in-la w problems, no money worries. lots ot energy and I e njoy my home. my needle­point and my gardening.

So why am I writing to Ann Landers? Because l can 't s tanci to hear a bout ull the depressing • iq the worl\i. 1 Jlever reud the ne ws in the phpcr be<'ause I become up"sc t l)y wars , un ­employment, inf lation, re­cession, s tarvation , murders a nd rape.

J turn the TV on ohlx for g:ime s hows or chi ldren's cattoons. When the news comes on , (flip il" off immediatt ly.

Since J can do nothing to make the situation better , why let it tear m e apart ? When the women at bridge club s t a rt to talk about the sad s t ale of the world . ( c hange the s ubject to tri via l




T he MARENGO Model GT838


gossip or I ' II tell a joke. I'm beginning to wonder Ir peo­

ple enjoy misery. ot do I have a problem ? If so, what is it ? Can you t e ll me in a word ? -REMOVED FROM JT ALL

DEAR R EMOVED: In a word - Immaturity.

DEAR ANN LANDERS: l 'm 23 a nd very fond of a traveling man. He is 10 years m y senior but the ~ge·difference doesn't bother us . t live a t hQllle with my parents a nd am lOOpercent respectable.

Freddie 1s the best · looking man I 've ever m et and loads of fun to be with . He talks a lot about his wi!e and three children and has shown m e their pictures. (Unfortunately they are being divorced soon .) At times I think he cons iders me a " kid sister" then, when I least expect it, he treats m e like a woman





25" Diagonal


Wh~n Freddie comes to town <every three weeks> I have din­ner with him in his hotel room because he doesn't think it would be good for m y reputation to be seen with him. He bas several ac­counts in this city and feels it might not be good for his busi­ness, e ithe r .

If you have any crazy ideas, like we are having sex, you a re wrong. I'd take an oath on my grandmother' s grave that we 've done nothing m ore than kiss a fewtimes. .

But st ill I fee l uncomforta ble a bout sneaking in and out of hotels . Freddie says peop le s hould live according to their conscience and not worry alx>ut what people think . If he honestly believes that why does he refuse to be seen with m e? What's your advice? INVISIBLE

DEAR IN : Wake up and s mell


' ·



5559 c..a. to ,._ ••- .. Low Do- _, l 6 - .. ,., 194c.l • I ,_ '"° ,_ • I , _ - S--k• • J , _ Plctwo T• W......, • _ M...., _, s.t ~ 119·~ -....... , , ~riur4/M••• C....,. • We WW W• So4I • W• I•• Ow ~ ...... -O.O•tleC_.._ __

Ee cortee. honey. Stop iotn' to red d le' hot e l room or

ometblng WI LL happen and )'OU'll be wrUlng me a different kind of letter.

Ann Landers The next tim e he come. lo town,

Evlte him to your borne to dln·

· er-4.o meet your parents. U be efuses, accpel the fad that be

l:onstders you a hotel-room date ~ndnothing m.ore.

t' DEAR ANN LANDERS: My ad is a l ways ca llin g m e

·stupid," c lumsy," "a slobby

1 100°/o NYLON


REG. ' 12.95




kid ," and other be littling names. He does this both in front of peo­ple and when no one is around. I pretend it doesn ' t bother me, but it hurls. Should 1 ttdl him to keep quiet ? <P .S . l c ry a lot. ) -MISTY

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DEAR MISTY ; Children ba"e a way of living up to tbtlr parents' image of them. l seriously doubt that your father reallies the damage he is doing. See that he readt> this. In fact, band it to him.

~~ CHOOSI fROM ' ·





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~i.u ...... 1. ... .-.. t'-'••.._, 11 -w A .. lc>tht·•h•llllAh \lt'fl "4-.all,1 ... ·Uulo ll1lu,IC' Abuo4 M• t ..ilw."' (.n ... 11t

· ·11J I jt1l!u 1 /•It 11 1111111 ,fi,,11 /,/ 11 o r/. , 1111/ n1 f , U '!t1·11

1 ,:01 111t 11/11•d 111 1!t1· 011111/ 111 ( 111111111111it y /'/in /11111 ~ 1'.

/ J,11/ 11 "' "1"'·1.'' . - Henry Fonda

Famous Men Remember:

''TheLittleThings'' About My Father's Grf!alness In a heartw.:mrnng article that conjures up

memories of " Life With Father," some famous men t<l lk about the influence their fathers had upon thei r ca reers. their dreams and their man­hood. Money may have been scarce, father·son disagreements abundant, but love and respect tr iumphed. Read how Henry Fonda reconciled his father to the idea of his becoming an actor and why Bob Hope feels tha t his success is the result of a youthful emulation of his father. You'll also · gain numerou s insights into the father·son rela· tionsh1p from the comments of Sen. Henry Jack­son. lJ.ssketball great Meadowlark Lemon and singer Glen Campbell . These nostalgic reminis· cences wtl l add a special quality to your family life this Fa ther's Day.

A Famous Exper t's Prescription :

What Parents Should Know About Sending Kids to Camp

Sendmg your child to c.Jmp 1s too often a painful expe11ence for pij rent and c.l11 IJ alike, but 1t !. houldn' t be. Wllat ts the best way to resµond to a tearful letter from your child asking to 1.ome home? When v1s1ting days occur, do you h,1ve ~ tendency to criticize rather thJn encour.,t;e your c..1mp· eoer' How c;,n J parent quell " c.I dd's fe,.rs concern1ric ti f' tnlpt.>nding sep.i rJt1on'

All Con1in~ S unday with the

1 J


Bicycle Rider c

Off to Oregon By TERRY COVILLE

ot1MO.lly ~i..St1tt •

Dynelle Morisson nd­mits she's accident pro­ne, especially on a bicy· cle. · Two d ays a fte r the 18-year-old Huntington Beach gtr l l>o u gbt a shiny new 10-speed she ran into a car door.

" I was s peedin g down Main St reet when some guy opened his door on • me," s he says . " l w as off work for t wo weeks.'' A month before tha t she was hit by a car while riding her old bicycle.

SO YOU MIGHT think she would be a little more ti m id about her latest venture - a bicy­cle tri p to Oregon.

" My cous in <R honda Costello, 18, Or ange ) has been planning t his trip for a year. I a lways thought that wou ld be neat , lo see the cow1-trys ide.

·'Two months ago she asked m e if I wa nted to· go. I said yes. My folks bo u g h t m e a cras h helmet for the trip .''

D VNELLE 'S FAT H E R , R i c h ard Morisson , admits when she fi rst suggested the idea he was bas1c:.illy aga i n s t it. " But I thought, it 's something I'd like to do, so why de­ny my daughter?"

She 's going w.ith her cous in and her cousin's boyfriend.

Dynelle. a former stu­dent at Estancia High School in Costa Mesa, qui t a j ob a s a s hoe salesman Lo prepare for the r ide .

The trio expects to spend five weeks getting lo Oregon . t hen some ti me just bik ing around.

They will travel 40 to 50 miles a day, carry aboul three pounds euch in cooking and camping gear, a nd eat mostly de­hydrated food th ey will buy a long the route .

BUT SOME SPF.C'IAL treat s have bee n planned . " We ' re go­ing to stop a t Anderson's Spli t Peu Soup for lunch. And we plan to eat steak and lobst er in San Fran­cisco."

They expect to spend about $500 to $600 each on the summer-long bicycl­ing trip.

TRAVEL AHEAD Dynelle Morlsson

Is she nervous a t a ll ? "Oh yes, I'm nervous.

I 've n ever been gone from hom e th a t long before."

Mesa Wife


Jackpot A record jac1cpot of

$2,560 has been won by legal s ecret a r y Mrs . Marcy H a nn a h a n of Costa Mesa in r ad io sta­tion KFI's " $64 Mystery Voice" contest.

For 40 d ays a brief tape of two voices was broadcast every hour by the Los Ange les radio s t a t ion and l is t eners were invited to send in postcards saying whose voices t hey were. Another $64 was added f or e v ery da y t h e mystery went unsolved.

It all came t o an end this wee k when Mrs. Hannahan 's card was re­ceived, correctly naming the voices as those of Carol Chan ni ng , the s inger, and Carol O 'Con­nor, t he actor.

" I was confident when I sent it in that l was right, " l\l rs. Il an nahan s a id today .


Summer at Mini-Skool Mother Goose is

on the loose. Our Summer Program

for children undeJ" 4. •

This summer, our younger Mlnl·Skoolers \.\All Inhabit the land of Mother Goose. Each day's

activities In this magic land have been carefully planned to provide a run measure of outdoor

and Indoor fun - games fun, splast\Jng fun, story fun, energetic fun and creallve fun.

And the old girl, herself. \.\A ll visit every skool at least once a week, bringing storytelling,

puppetry and make·beliew. Treat your child to the most delightful summer program available an~re. Aeld trips. Music.

Games and Exercises. Cooking. Drama. Gardening, All In the land o f Mother Goose.

TomSa~er,a month of mysteries and Dr. Suess. Our Smnmez Program for children 4 and up. For children 4 and up, summer at Minl·Skool \!All be unmatched In adventures and excitement. In June. Tom Sali.yer will lead the way. Tom had the wonderful gift of finding lun In eve~hing he did. Mlnl ·Skoolers will share this gift, trying all the things Tom and Huck enioyed. Hiklng. Fishing. Painting. Over·nlght camping. Woodworking. And

much, much more. i July wlll be Mysr~ry Month as M1ni·Sk rs explore our skool and community for ues to exciting fun and mystical experiences. In August, the wad<y charade rs and experiences o f Dt Suess will come 10 life for the enrichment of all.

Where wilLall the "Cats In The Hats" (our excellent sta ff) be? Supervising it all. And maklng sure your child has a summer packed IMth safe enjoyment and happy experiences. We're going all out

to make Summer at Mlni·Skoot the very best kind of summer. So make sure you register your . child for June, July and August right now. We want to accommodate as many children as possible.

For more Information, call us.

• • 1~ ·a·~~ M1N1 • ~l\OOL ·.IL .IL A CHrLD'S PlACf


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11141559.3114-P.O. ·BOX 1720-A-11141559.3114


(Pltase Print)

NAME ----;1.:--:;A:-;S;-T-------:-F:-:IR:::S::-T --- - ·--... -,0-0_1._E __ SOCIAL SE CUR ITV NO. ---------! DRIVERS LIC. NO. ----------- --- DATE OF.BIRTH

____________ _. ADDRESS------------- CITY _________ COUNTY _____ ZtP__j

OWN I I RENT ( HOWLONG -----~-----------------_JI

HOME PHONE --------- A/C ____ WORK ------------ A/C ___ --4


UNION ------- LOCAL - --- SELF EMPLOYED YES ( I NO ( KIND OF BUSINESS I ---· ADDRESS------------ - CITY : --------- COUNTY --------.;I






================-================================ : NATIONAL RELEASE . I

As a" appr oved member of Nat iona l Rei.eas~ ve offe I any j ail i n t he State of Cal ifor nia for t ha foll inr youf tfhe fastest possible release f r o• 1

~ ow g o enses:


G ""'' e"'~": ' · no <:over any felonies

: I the Undenl1ned, do declare le 1tate I wiah to appty ln your · · : for my membership card, and I understand there la' a $S 00 i:::!J"} at lhll Ume. Please find enclosed $10.00 1 active. These paymenta will provide me WW. the a191>Ve pi-otectJon orr:: :n•Jeliar to keep my membership am UT'elted. All former arrests are ctisrqarded. Y a onal Releaae ln lhe event I

Aa=u auoclale member I alao eutomat1call y becom,t entitled to au.ncs Uon ted activities without further reea or chari•1 J>etaUa wtU be na ~ .. Relea" hmlnan and all other

mem rship a ppUu tlon. •upp oeu lo me Ul>Oft approval of my

1 declare that the i n formation contained ln my appl iuUon Is true and correct.

Dot• .

IOOMER by J.. F. lrown mid Mel Ca1S011

r(x.r~e Au .. ! u. ev6g ~i.BAtl.'

l MS.i t Wf lJHPte~1'~ * .. NOT' ~USS ~()Ht ~v 96 IH FAVOfl OF rr·· A GROUP ..,, MA~RIA66,CAN Y'otJF r "Wltel I LAY/'lf,g!



• r


i ' i ..

by Tom K. Ryan

I ~l~~R t1AM~$5oR i ~~tN l)J:1"t:l: AAV5 MS I ~~'f: ifir ~Ritt ­~ ~f\S'f.



EXOJ&E mE, tt\A'M ...

ARE CDPIN& wrrn 114£ R\SIN6 C05f OF FOOD I .



00 xx x

TODAY'S CBDSSWDBD PUZZLI UNITED Feature Syndicate Wtdnuday·sPuuraSolved:

ACROSS 4 1 Wheat, fOf one

1,Geooraphy 42 Vis1t0< te~tbool( 44 Goad.

6 African Informal republic 45 Students

10 Strikebreak· homework er: 1nlormal 47 Appear to

14 SmallMI in u ist degree 48 ••••• and

15 ~.- •• insta~~ wttey 16 •••• ~ure : 4'9 Logger"s

Certainly tool 17 Elegant 50 ·· . . .. doing 18Advertising oK ··

medium 54 Act of piling 20 Part of up 1 O Hotdll'lg 35 Possessive

U S:A. 5 7 Serenity device word 2 1 Bovine 58 Bandleader 11 Venomous 37 Mr. carnegie

animal Ted Fio •••• snake 38 Can . 22 Fruit 59 Drug source 12 Actor provincial 23 Steel girder 60 Tl'treelold Watter, et al VIPs 25 Higl'test 61 Et sium 13 Tam's 40 Utter jay 27 0 1 a group 62 H:ndles relative 4 1 Command to

ol clans clumally 19 lnl ormally a horse 30 Hol water 63 51 . Prerit intimate 43 Appends: 2

source ar. 1 21 Where L.A. words J I Pian ist Earl DOWN is 44 Lately made

"Falha" 1 Alrican 24 Roulette bet 45 Panic

32 Detectable th ing.• lnlormal

33 Son Of Noah 36 " You dc>ri" t

say! · 37 Italian poet 38 Around:

PreliJC 39Name fora

stranger 40Subs1des

•• 17


grass 25 Blows a 46 Bombastic 2 Canadiens ttorn 4 7 indulges lo

or Yankees 26 Assistant excess 3 Narrow way 27 Tl'tose 49 Winter 4 Attributed people ground 5 Eyelid 28 latvian cover

inflammation capital st Rema1Q 6 Undlf legal 29 Not exacl 52 Skin problem

age 30 Blunder 53 Ct . 7 Once more 32 Openings air'.'°~1".1 8 Jurisprudence lor passage 55 T ?'"'st 5 aid 9 Tl'tose in 34 Seed 56 Highest note

power appendage 57 School org.

-.. by Dale Hale

by Ernie Bushmiller






I/ /

............. ~ ..... _.._ ...........



lo Pl.AV



MOON MULLINS e;1m._ ... ..._ ... .. --


ve, . 1 LIKc TO ""'NO



by Harold Le Doux

by Mell

rr ~e~ ,,. Fffl.. MA1'WlE

9"'/ COMF'Art~~ ....

by Chester Gould

by Gus Aniola

by Ferd Johnson ----- You DoN'T LOOK L.fKE MUCH, BUT l


1 ANTI· <i~AVITf. ..


by Rod9er Bollen


.,C .. ,, ""'w"".

....... ...

''Bernice alwuy~ Joe thi~ to mc- )lhc's c;ro,wJ out !lomc1'1in~ in her leltcr amJ I M ply c.:annol st until I find out what. ..



,. So, SENO HIM~ IF HE WNil'SA PlecE:

DAILY PILOT Thurtda . June 12, 1975

By VERNON SCOTT In thl.a country. Our family settled ln ~.~per New daua:hter. lt doesn 't involve battles and y,•ar . ~t l~ lls HOLLYWOOD (U PI J - Henry Fonda, '10 , is York Slate in 1628 aod founded the lit~ town of what happened to three people rrom the beg1nn1ng

proud or his rebellious son t1.nd daughter , and plans Fond•. of the Revolution to the end.

I TV DAI Y LOG All Three Fondas Set for Movie


Thursday Evening JUN[ 12


.... 8IIUCil~emGJ,....

D l!ll Cll U 00 ""' (t)J ..., D ill._. a -••-.rm111 .... _ fE Mn flml QI .... LMc• ..... eo.1·~ 1111111 ~ . :JOPM . O.~ltflcl .i. Mil·



le:OO 0 "TM DI!\ Altf:t!" (dr1) '3~­frtdric Marcil, Mt•le DberOlt, llU· berl MuWU. @ (C) "Tt FiM A ••inn" (dot u111en11ry) '71.

12:00 m "Stice llMI" (aim) '37-lu· c~H! Ball , kl1h1rine llepbu1n. [~t Alden, G1n1tf Rottrs,

1:00 0 "CIKl·U"" (dr1) '3 7 - Pt!tf lofrt. B"'" Doti~ .

ConfreuMH floflttl Hlrflln it· ~•Rdlt UMor kwil l(lfllOWMP •!Ml N piropows lfl• frllfl. ID MmWtiiia..

to costar with Jane and Peter in a bicentennlat year . " Jt •a at I.II there. And people na,med i;:ond~ ~On · '' Jane sold the idea to Colum bia all by herself. moVleolthe Revolutionary War. tin t [ ' • h I"-" h l e nl!Y•r VISlted ' h · be ue o 1ve 1n t e town , a u.uug v r The studio put up the money for a script wh1c 1s . · Fonda thinks of his family as enormously the I h Patriotic. He recalled the other day lhat his Pace. r ii · ing written now. The 125·page treatment wa.s is·

" Some members ol the Fonda am Y were tory , not drain a. But , of course, that will be forebears were colonial patriots and rebels wbo s• i db r d ' nd I ht · th Revolution It 's I .. a pe y n Jans a ~ 1n e · ' st.rai11htcned out ." ou1ht lbe British. all been documented, but 1 don't pay too much at-

Fonda's family tree is fascinating. tention to that .. · t 'onda said he is awed by the rebellion ~r h ~s The name" Fonda is Italian. In the 13th and 14th " Now Jane a nd Peter and I are close to making ottspring. Parental love and admiration shine 1n his

~:OOD/?, WCIJ CIS ~ Mw- century they lived in the Genoa area. They i~mi - a movie about the revolut.Jon •• Fund a said en· ·lace when he talks of Jane and Peter .. ~/.~l.:=!' : . ~'~ grated to llolland in the 15th century, doublle!I RS thusiastically . "Columbia Pi ct~res. ~ants to Pf!>· _ · . ·• Jan~ 1hi the best a~tre~s !n the world." he stat ­c1r. r1r1ty (;r11ier, Sttlltfl z1t11111. the result of some rorm ofrebelJion. duce it . The money's there and now 1t s a matter ot 00 flatly . When T s aw Klute I shook my head ~nd •l. o.~ StlH~. Gi~ llJhft. lwo " We were in the Netherlands for mure than 100 a 1·1nished sc·ript . ·asked how she did if. Her best scene was 1m-qu11:t. ·CM1·IM·lriue1 wwMrr ~iOlll· years, " Fonda said cit the end of a work day in ••Jane wanted to do a story about the revolution provisation. I can ' t improvise cit all . I[ l don't have tr5 h•~ c1iuerin1 lllt115 tor .1111 lu· un· I' " M'd " · h' h h I Ad d 1111, alld IN tilt PfO!MllJ tlllf • tversa s I way, in w IC e Pays m . which isn 't in the textbooks. Her husband , Tom wor s to work Y.•ith I can't act . 10 sttal. ~r A. Nimitz. Hayden look the idea to an historian friend who did ··1·m in awe of her not only as an actress but as 0 0 ())1)• ""'*"....,.. " We picked up a lot oC Dutch first names, and the rese~rch . a politica l activ ist . I can"t be an activi st . Both kid.s it: (C) lfiwl ..,... Y ,..,. (It) lbme oC lhesn still can be found among the Fond as '' It's the story or 8 father and his son and are extroverts. I 'm a n introvert .'' (d11J ' 1Z - C.fel BwMtt. Wll!tf ,----'---- ---- - ------ -------:..:._:_:::.::....::.::::.::.....:::__::::.::::c.:.:_ _ _ ____________________ ,_ _ _____ " M11l/lt11. 81flJ Ntl$C111, Gtfakl11111 Paet. A 1111isMl!dleill _,.. J11u1· 11u to ~·e the111111f!lftl. l!J TN u ..... ·,111n D~[i}J (>) Ill .... o S.• m, ' 'Or>t CNnce 10 l'"" <•> Do!tlldi• SICM1e l fli ketkr lry kl 11114 oul wllo ~ 1~1u !tn1n1 ~1Jt1 M11lh1 llow'rd (JoilUll l.imillt), • llo bfs been mtlll(td by 1n Y•· ""-n lflO!Ofl51 ind h•s 1l~ 11-~f'ltd lhre11t mnc plllMlt t~l1.

tI? ...nt: {Z-r) ~ lbJ­l"llM i. 8.llly NHr (JIGI) '&2-Seltt Ol•is. )Gan Cri• tord . m flit aow ~ w ftslillll 1111,..;,ori.1 tI) 11 Ptrf«wllllU 11 WtH T11, ":he Oiu1hle1 ol 1ht R, 1iment" 8evH!y Si!I$ }l1rs 1ft Oo~11ttli's

IJ& "Sn!Qf' {d11) '~l- R1fph Rich· 1rdion, iolln McC1ll11m, Co!1" Pe1 11· ~-

l :OO 0 tCI "llldi Sllidd ti F•lw!UI" {•dv) ' s-1- l llfty Cunis, iane1 Leirti, 01>id f1n1r .

(@ (Cl "Ctltu~J" {1dv) '(,'} - Er.: Br~en. AIH Rod1M. ~ @ tCI ~ i..vtn" frofl!) '!l3-l1n1 T111nt1 , Aiu1do MCM1t1l· bi n, John Lund.

l :)O (J) "Tllt ~GM...- (dr1) "M - Otbo11h ktf1, ll1M MiU1. 0 (C) -rH Dudly ._ .. (dfl ) "67-Suu ""' lti2h, Gii) Oolern1n, Cithenne f in" .

l ' I



Thrill your taste buds with everything from juicy Big Busters, our famous half-pound hamburgers. to more than generous portions of fried chicken, shrimp

BLASTS FROM THE PAST. Get your ears and eyes ready! We've got old and new records in our juke box, and a collection of some of the funkiest nostalgic col· lectables, posters and pictures anywhere!

or fish. All at prices that'll thrill your budget There's a children's menu too. With more than they can eat For less than you'd expect

POPCOM TO GO WITH THE MOVIES. All the fresh-popped

popcorn you can eat while you catch some

of the finest nicks this side of Hollywood. Chaplin. Laurel and Hardy. Abbott and Costello. The Three Stooges. Cartoons for the kids. Shown continuously, every day.



I I •



PEANUTS! All you can shell, all day long. They go ~

around washing them down with your favorite


great before, after or during a meal. Or just sitting t beverage. So if you like peanuts, then skip on over to The Ground Round.

For oil you rollectors ... Here's a Bargain Hunter's Dream. Bid by telephone for fine, Jades, Porcelains. genuine antiques, estate 1· ewelry, or1g1no art. Everything from the funky to the fabulous'



u •• D.e..t ~.J-12. 1+. 1 ,... o-·· l, CO••-•tr C nt'1riiiow

64 4-701 9


THRW.S FOR THE KIDS. Every Sunday, Bingo the Clown

takes to the floor and spellbinds the kids. He's got free gifts for them too Combine that with our kid's special

menu, and you've got a Sunday they'll never forget

LET US EftTERTAll'( YOU. And you'll have a real good

,_,_time with our nightly and

TIIE IMllJ RESTADRAftT, COSTA MESA 27'° HMbor" BW. (Neid. to P1!t 1 lrnpor1a) 549-3 777

0 weekend live entertainment No cover. No minimum Just some of the hottest musicians around. Watch

for upcoming groups ~nd dates of appearance.

RJtilA'lal 2200 P'1. Hlllbor Bhd 8 70-5310

TOllJWU 20')3' I ls•lt•nt !hod. 37o-3310


~ I I I I I •• I I

" Bring In !his coupon and get one Big Buster, our famous I half-pound hamburger, FREE (includes frendl fries and coleslaw) when you buy one ot the regular price of 1 · $225. How's that for Hot Sb.di? This offer good until

0CPf2 June 16, 1975. (eo..,.w.c•--• t•••'l'"'""""1 ~


) • '

"~ COi YAJ m~ ill ~)


• -• ·­-•

• ,

Sebastian's 'Nanette' A Dance ~an's Delight Th~f nal

Billy0 Jack The ttl'$t tbtng you notice upon seeing "No

MS PIO CHAM Ml.' No, N ~nette.' tor the first AU SIATs-tt • time u that tbere isn't Intermission

Tom Titus .:=::'S:.. ...... ~~. much to it. at'orywis.e. --===:::=.:.:::.,_J ~ second thing you T

THI suaP THU TH notice is bow bard the ...,...,o.MAcN choreographer

., ___ s_1_.__,_n_, ___ .. worked trying to tcike

l~~iiiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiim-.iyour mind of( the first AS ITS hnmediate pre· . Lheir respective spouses decessor, •'The Most and carry ·off what st.ocy Happy Fella," placed line exists wlth tongue. unusual emphasis on in-cheek aplomb.

..., .. ., , ... , ..... J =':;;i;J• CO.CHI.\ D•I. ~It



PGJ ~1US-A PaMWt Release

~ r ulOEWPORT ~

-MetSl10 -·--•&OO&JO

"''-" u JO too S4 "'°"" & loOUOoUS 11 JO 1 00 ·-1111n·--­SHAMP00 111

"-In • JACIC --­WT DITAIL 1111 6111

S hows Sla r1 •I Dusk Children 6 lhru 11 .soc Children Under 6 Free!

,, ... .,, ,, Il l-SI ~U·UH - -·--"" lllAKOUT ,.1 -· 111.Q JOTSi ::-w

_ , .. m.-~. NO•.USO

- llUIU htvm of Pink Panthw flt


thJng. " No, No , Nanette"

now enjoying wh~t should prove to be a highly successful engagement at Sebas. lian 's West Dinner Playhouse, is a museum piece, a certified antique c~lebratiog its golden an­niversary. Its successful revival on Broadway four years ago touched off a nostalgia craze that is stm in full bloom .

While not a zippy pastiche s uch as ··Dames at Sea," which preceded it into the San Clemente dinner theater last year, "Nanette" is, at times, a satire of itself and the era of musical theater in which it was born. It is on that basis that the Sebastian's musical is most enjoya­ble.



TODAY! SEE • • ••


THE TUBE" Spectec.._ OdytMyl



OoenMon rhrU F" 8 30 pm Sa11S..n1Ho1 12 30

Mon llVu F" lo 7 pm - 1 1 25




A. · '"THE P.ASSEMGElt" Ill V "FAT CITY" Ill


song, "Nanette" is a dancer's show, reveling THE T ITL E role falls in its tap and soft shoe to Lindy Nisbet, a pert production numbers. picture of Twenties in· Around these ligbtheart· nocence, ably matched ed moments, skillfully by another p layhouse staged by P atti Hubler stalwart, Joe Fletcher. and mounted by director Together they tiptoe D a n V e r r e , t h e throug}l another musical fea therweight plot is s tandard , "Tea for wedged in here and there Two." with all th e staying The comedy is handled powe r of once -used by another ve t era n Scotch tape. hoofer, Doris Smith - as

Mae Madi so n , a a wisecracking maid · onetime member of the playing it broad enough famed Busby Berkeley to be noticed from the troupe of the 1930s, ~aJces street outside - and

" HO, NO, NAN•TIE" A musical by Otto Harbach, Frank Mlndel, Vincent Youm•ns and trvlM CAesar, direc ted and dl!sll)ned oy o.n Verre, chore<>Qr•1>11v oy P•lll Hubler, musical direct« Verlon Rawls. llgt111no by Oudl•v Krwner. pnsented Tuesdays throUQh Swldays unlll Auo. 3 •t 5.ebas· tlan' s Wnl Dinner Pl•yhouse, t40 Aven lda Pico, Ctl'men te, Resent•llons 492-9950.

THE CAST SIMSmith ........ . .................... . .............. MleMldison JlmtTl'f Smltn ............. , ........... ...... ......... Michul Colllns Luc Ille Early ..... ................... .......... .. Bll1nche Mlckel1on Biiiy E•rly ... ....... ... . .. ..... ......................... John Calue Nanette . . . . . . • . . .. .. ... .... .. ..... . ... . ............. , • Lindy Nl~tlft Tom Trall'IOf" •......• . .•.•.•.•. , , .............. ... .... . Joe Fletcher P.ullne . ................... .. ................. ........ Dorl' Smith FIOt"a UIJ\a'm ...... .. .... . ............. . ....... .. ....... W•ll .. Uy 8'°'1'!' • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . . . . • • A 1 oe Nol an Winnie Wl?slow ............... .. ......... ...... Mart•nne de A•lo


the nominal sta rring role three com p 1 et el y but isn ' t given much stereotyped gold diggers more than a frenetic tap - Susan Wall, Riba dance nu~ber in which Nolan and Marianne de to displa)I her talents . Angelo - in search of a Thi s, ho..,.ever, is the sugardaddy , most im pressive scene in "No, No, Nanette" is the show a nd reprises a musical theater as it song which has endured u s e d to b c w h en since the Twenties, ··1 grandma was kicking up Wantto Be Happy." her heels, lig ht years

Blanche •Mickelson, a before such substantial regularatSebastian's,is s tuff as " West Side strong in a so-so part and Story" or " Man of La her torch song of the Mancha." On that basis. third act is another high the production at Sebas· peak. Michael Collins tian's West . ca n be and J ohn Caisse play thoroughlyenjoyed.

THE CAVE DWB.l.ERS 1Y w.- S..y• " .. conv~ys tilt •ur• ol per.on.ll sahslattoon & prlM In lhf hum~n rat~ • • .. T""' TllMI Doti~ Pol"' " Ensembl• wo r k 1s uull~nt & 1ncl1v1c1u .. 1 portr~y•ls ran~ •ery ll1Qh • •

0 ltctnPtart UoodnwJI\ . S A Rf'f)l•I .. ,

Don' t m1u' t his compelllno talr of <~nlon, lo-te & llum.onlt y by Tne Pulltztr Prlie w inn tno •utllor Of THE TIME 0 1" YOUlt LI FE.




" IETUIH OF THE Pit« P.wrHH" ,,.., "TOMMY"



"IM'801 OF ntl MOaTH'°


"'UGEMD QF ~al. HOUSa" ,,..


A superb vieal, wann hospiiality and

a classic Mr. Blaclwell tie for Dad. This Father's Day. pamper him in Velvet Turtle

elegance. And we'll present him with a complimentary tie, designed by Mr. Blackwell, intcrncltionally famous fashion designer. ·

It 's the kind or extra thoughtfulness you ex pect at The Velvet Turtle. Thoug~tf ulne:.s '.s rcflecte~ in generous drinks, and in the careful preparation and rich taste of our stcal..s. prime rib, lob$ter and m;iny olher specialties. All at very affordable prices.

So share a little l~>Ve with him at The Velvet Turtle. Father's Day won't be quite the saml', anywhere else.

BRUNCI 110 A.M.-2 P.M. DINNER FROM 3 P.M. tn Fullerton :tt 1450 N. I {arbor Blvd., 871-9340.

In Newport Beach JI 59 Fashion Island on Nl'wport Center Drive, 644-531.3.



Thurld1y. June 12. 1975 DAILY PILOT

'J1faftl R.rl•~· ~ • .,.,._,... .. w.-...

o.u,_.t • .-. Call (7JA)67J•SUS

for a. .. rwll••lt Ste.

-----F OUNTAINVAl L.E V • ....... - .. '""' .... ,.

CHARLES BRONSON.~· BREAICOur t, .... r-: I H -$ lti-t.)i .. ~~..It

•w. o_,.., • ._.o..... ' "POSSE" 1 1 ... so.1•.io

F OUNTAIN VALLE V • .... .... 4 \•.a t•..... •• • ,. ..........


-"n Bargain Ma~l. 50 Tit 2:30 Senior Citizens 1. 50 at all ti es



11FLOSSIE11 CXI Mo OM Under 11 Ad!Ntted Wfftldayi- 7 : 15 Ir 9:00

s.t;s-.-1:30-3:30· 5: I5-7:00-9:00 FREE PAA I N





-· " THE EIGER SANCTION" 8:40 • S AT./SUN. · 4:30-8:40

''LEPKE" 6:45-10:45 SAT./SUN. 2:45-6:45-10:45

Jwsttmoa S.w~

"MrWnm1'"·. 7·9: 15 Sat / S..rt-2:30.4:45-7:00.9: IS


"EMMANUELLE' CXJ 9:00 Sat / Stln 2:00.S:l ().9:00

"COHFESSIOMS OF A W1MOOW CLU.HH" 7:20· 10:30 Sat/ S.. 3:45-7:20.10:30


FT-iday, JMM 20 EdwwdleiMfno

Harbor and A.dams


"ROLLE RBALL" w~. J..!y 2. bcl1rsl'ft

Www• Hewporl ~wport Inch


w.-.tdey, J1111t 2S Htriler Twie ~.t WllsN

J"" et "WH T"' "'W.W. & 1'lt Obie o-t ..... "

W .. "cttna· · THIODI SSA .U


.. THE WIMD A.HD THE LION" w.-..,.J.M2s

CM.. CHtef" Hmri>or oi AdoM1

G.- Heck-. Cudict ltf'9'tl ..., J-• coa-,i

"Bllf THE BULLET' w.-idoy. J- 25

TM ...... c._ leeclll .. Elis



.,..I to I • t • l\ \ O•

46-CS73 646-1266



lt.tCM lif kU'\~t I 47-9608 847-601 z l'\.US C"-fft l rOllMlll THI "Dl.ATH WISW


.. ~-.illil U 60lMlOWISt •Otwt< .. "lf

" 2·4493


"9tGt.,. S..., ... , ...... a..·




'Touch of GENIE:'



He played a deadly game with all the chambers



Everyone 1hop1 Dime- A-Lin ...

Saturdaya, In the I DAILY PILOT

11FUNNY LADY" w.ct.tdoy. ,,._ 2s

H•wport CMetna H•wport a.och

GeM HocltMon i11

"FRENCH CONNECTION 11" WecMesdoy, J1111e 25

l ristol Cin._ lri1iol .. Mec.Aritltr

Jeclt Hic.llolMlll .... WGl'T'M le.tty itt "FORTUNE" w~.Jvly2 ~Twie

HarW .. A4'o•I c-ns PMIMO ... .,.~ sutCISl ...


"EARTHQUAKE" w ... • y.J.M25

c.._ w .. t WnttiiiMtw .... G oWtti Wnt


w~. J-2s c--c~

H.t»of .. AcSo.s

AUii!..\ CllRISTin "M~RDIR ON Tltl ORllNT flPRflln (~J

·MAmNl'Oll AND ~ .........



rws "POSSE" 1111--..1..a ...

\ ... ,, ~


AlSO Sit fll4S SHOW I Mftl_n_ _. ,,., .. _,,. -fVOOI CIM ... AS __ .... , .... ....

u .. •01

t ~!~~?.~~!~!,MA 'W> COA\t( ... t tt

540..7444 rhis "Mod Ad• t11twt

of RaObl Jocob"

CIMIMA C84Tll 11•-•t•t•tft "''-'-Ctllttt 979-41 41



Tl'lur$day. Juno 12 I 91 :J

Ford Closing Five Plants

' l>E.l'llOll' tU PlJ - Fiv.e..Ford....Mot.or Co. plants face one - and two-week shut.downs In August so f\Jel economy improvements on m id-sized cars can be made before the 1976-modtils begin rolling oft the assembly lines .

The No. 2 auto firm confirmed the extended model chtmgeovers in addition to a two-week vaca­tion shutdown previously planned for all of the farm 's assembly plants in rnid-JuJy Ford normally uses a .. back-to-back" changeover, retooling for new models over a weekend.

THE ONE- AND TWO-Wt:EK delays in 1976· model produc llon mean introduction of the new modt>ls . normally held in one of-the last two weeks of Septem bcr , will be pushed back into lhe firs t week or Octobe r. company sources s aid. Once pro· duction starts , however, the plants could be put on overtime to assure dealers of enough of the new models for antroduct1on d~y.

Ford already has promised its entire fleet or 1976-model cars will s how a major improvement over curr ent models, Jumping by at least 3.2 miles per gallon from the present 13.7 m .J>.g., the only firm to s how a drop from 1974.

FORD JIAD PLANNED to make •· running changes·' to 1 m prove fuel economy on the in­termcd iuk. full -sizt•d and medium-sized cars once 76 mode l produ1:t1on began.

Special I Cadillac ' Lease Rates! Nabers Cadillac

2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100


l y TORY



. Tht"'l' <la \:-. a F ,1lhl•r h as to l<1 :-t J lo ng I 1ml" Fur , th c r t• 1!> JU-. t ~o m u c h h t' h .i' t o do l-~ rr11 nJ.! ,, h' 111g. 11:.111~ thing~ around the hou:-.e and bt>rng th l•n • whe n we net.'<! hr :-. ;,id' ire ;.ind lovC'.

To insure that Dad will tx- around rur a long, long lime" c urge that he g i ve h1m:.el f ;,i s pecia l e1ft Lhis F a t h l' r ' :-. I> a ) . t\ c om p It' l , . fl h \ :-. 1 ca I chec k-up that "ti I help him to keer 1n tvp " h<•J)l'. Do rt :-<>Un l>;id you dcscrvt- II .

'\ 0 l ' 0 II \ Cl l ' H 9<>CTOH (',\ :'\ 1'11 0;\; E l S ""h (· n v11 u rh·l' d a <h •llH'f\ Wl· \\ tll cl t• ltH·r lrompll v \\rlhu u t 1·:1. l ra

<Jf t.!l' ,\ :.!rf'. ll nHlflV Ii· rl·h 11 11 u ' I o'r

rr hl'.1lth rwt·d -. \\'t• •l t·ome r<'11u c-.h l11r

l· I I\ c· r v '1 · r \I <· l' ,lfl cl chJ r J?c .JCCOUlll:-

PARK LIDO PHARMACY 351 Hospita l Road

Free Delivery Newport Beach 642·1580

Tir~d of b~in9

RIPPED OFF??? f\ " urv c v ha s s hown home uwr1ers "ho m ark their ite m s of v ~rlue "'1th a , -11.Jr :.i t or ma 1' 1-.. l'I' ,\ ml dis play a small ~ 1g n :.i i their front d oor sl11l111g IA.h a t lhev h .t \I' dont• cause :-. ll rl' 1.i u rg. l ar~ occ111-.:111ce t o drop soml.' 80' .. on these homl:!s. Su c h a marke r r an J>OS:-. tbl.v . be borrOIA. t·ll from vour loc al P o lice

Departm e nt <1 r pur c h asrd for abo u l SIS.00. The s 1;.: n ran Ix· obt a in ed from Si g m a Protection Servi c·es. l' 0 . Box 1455. C'osta Mei.a. !.126l6. A s k and Wt1' ll m :11I one to you. And if your lik e a Comphmenlary door viewer in s t.ill ed with II :,t'('Ul'lt .Y ~Ul'V t'y ol your r cs iden<:e. I f you don ' t \vant to s upport yc,ur hx ·al " Burg lar" cull SIGMA PHOTI::CTI0:\1 SEHVIC I::~ . 557-5333.


8 SUITUCT . . . T"9 t\elOAC-nff ot COtnt"'O 1i10 w 11h 1 t>tg oo wn Plt<T.,nl

0 EQUALS .. . t,.e ~-••oni wny y01J ,,ri; .• 1 0 ea \. e t he '°"' N E.LLEJl.SE •• • '

CONNEUfASE 2121 Hgrt,or ll•d.

Co~ta Meso


DESERT'S BEST BU·Y ... and view!

Indian hlll..c


Palm Desert Localf'd in a s heltered cove several hundred (eel

a bove the dbert floor ... Indian Hills offers a n incomparable panoramic vi e w where coo lin g breeie'> gentl y s weep away the car es of the world!

five custom-desi~ned swimming pools and screened tennis courts add to lhe new way of life you'll happily find a t Indian Hills-Palm Oescrl!

1973 PRICES! 2 & '3 BEDROOM


from $34,500 10% D OWN


9 o/o. A .A.

fluite a Pileup

De111~•• d 's Vp

Beef Costs Stay High AMARILLO . Tex .

(UPI ) - H you are among those w eekly shoppers tor round sle1&k at your superm arket wondering when prices for beer will come down, forget it . It won 1t be anytime soon.

So warns Charles E. Ball, executive vice pre· sident of the Amarillo­ba se d T ex as C alt le Feeders Association. He says increased bee f prices are here to s tay -at least for a while

some lime before the supply will catch up with the domund .

·'Cattle feeders have lost money for 20 con­secutive months, dating back to September or 1973 when th e govern· men\ orice freeze was liCted ,',. he says. "'l'his bas caused many feeders to go out of the business, and most othe r·s to re­duce numbe rs .

Feede rs Association fed 3.8 million bead of cattle. Average retail prices ror fed beef in Chicugo, a benchmark market, 1.s c urr e ntl y $1.52 p e r pound. Bair sa id th nt compared with $1.38 u month ago and $1.34 a year ago.

"Prices will not come down in the next few months b~eause the sup· ply of led cattle will re· main short ," he said.

The U .S. Department of Agriculture reported 8.4 million head on feed April 1. That is 31 per­cent fewer than a year ago.

Tidiness is demonstrated at Wet~lar, Germany, s teelyard where these old cars are piled in orderly fashion at this end of the road graveyard for vehicles unable to keep up with the pace of today 's life.

" THE R E I SN'T a shortage of beef," Ball told Unite d Press In­ternational. " Tt,,ere is a s hortage of choice fed beef. the kind to which consumers have become accustomed and prefer. "

Ball says it's the old story of s upply and de· mand . Al present there is a large demand for fed beef and a short s upply, and therefore the price per pound is hig h. He <1 lso predicts it will be

" While the c urren t price is good, it takes months of money ­making prices for feeders to get back into the business and have grain or corn fed beer re· ady for sla ughter." Ball said. . LAST YEAR members o f tb e Texas Catt le

Ball sa id t h e im · mediate Culure doesn't look much better for lhe beef-buying housewife.

PUC Blames PSA Woes Hughes Airwest's Perf orDUUice ' Up'

On Poor Management Losses Told

For Swedlow

Hug hes Airwest has reported systemwide on­time performance reached 92.1 percent in May an all-time m onthly high. It ~as 83.6 percent in


<AP J - The slate Public Utilities Commission has :.sssa1led what 1l called the " extraordinary im­prudent management" of Pa c ifi c Southwest A1rl 1 n e~ and its parent ('Ompany.

Th e five c om · m1 s:. 1on r r ~ sa id lhat m a n y o f. th e ailin g airlin e·~ f111 a nc ial pro­blems t·ould l.Je traced to bad manage m ent by the parent company, PSA Inc., 1n other busines::. 1:1H.k;.r vu1·s.

" Wt: CANNOT escape the conclus ion th <:1t the g re<1tcr part of the airlan t•'s immediate fina nl·t<.al problem is th<' pro<lut t of the parent':. mu11 ~1 gemt·nt. ·· s :.iid a propo~rcl Pl'C order on a PSA r:.itc hake .

PS,\ had s ought <1 16 perc~nt fure increase . but the t•om m ission pro­posed an inten m 6 1 2 per­cent hike. T he o rder im­ple mentang the incre ase "a:. d e let ye d for one Wt'ek .

.. PSA. Inc . h as in · <:urred s ub s tantia l operating losses from its hotel and broadcasting o pe rations which has c<.iused th e pa rent com­pany lo be in a very poor fina ncia l po:.1tion ," s<.iid

the order. " We question lhe

prudence of the decision to buy $8 m ill ion of treasury s toe k . We believe that s uch de­cisions are the reason that in each of the last two years PSA h as paid its parent more in dividends than it has earned. We find this to be extraordin a r y i m pru· dent management."

T HE P ROPOSED or­der hit t'Specia lly hard at th e acquisition of the new LlOlJ wide -bodied a irpla nes which have become uneconomic becaus e of declining passcn~er traffic.

Commis s ioner L~onard Ross S<.tid the PUC would h ave to change .... h<1t he called " the fairy godmother policy •· in helpin g airlines.

" To Air California we said , ·we·re going to pro­tect you from barracuda competitors.' To PSA we s a y. · You're suffering from your mistakes but wt:> ' ll bail you out ," said Ro~s.

H e said the Lo s Angeles air cor r ido r should be oµene<~ to all competitors.

PSA HAD i\S Kt:D for

Finance Seminar Slated June 21

Benchmark Securities. Wayne J. Mcclaskey. Inc. of Beverly Hills is an Orange County at­presentinJ,! a one-da y torne y. will be g uest seminar on " How to Set s peakt.>r at th e one-day Up a Li v in g Trus t ." s em in ar . M cCl a s ke y " Will s," .. Redu c in g specializes in trial prac­Inheritance Tal\.es." t1ce, family t rusts. wills, " Proba ting the E state, " probates , corporate and " The Forgotten Widow" real estate law. and " Your Financial P:.iuline F a rrell . Survival " June 21. licen s ed inv es tment

F r a n chise

Show Set

In Cou n ty

counselor a nd lecturer will discuss new 1975 law benefits Americans and financial survival.

The seminar will be held al the new Marriott Hotel. Fashion ls land. 900 New µorl Ce nter Drive, Newport Beach, 9 a .m. · 4:30 p.m .

Cost for th e full-day The 9th annual Own se minar . workshop

Your Own B ~ness materials used in the Show, opening Friday at session and luncheon, is the Sheraton Motor Inn $8.75. Checks should be an Anaheim . will feature mailed to P . Farrell over 30 different s mall - Seminar , P .O . Box bus iness prog rams for l'\o. 1086. Beverly Hills, individuals looking for a CA 90210. For further in­rull or part time business formation . call (213 ) opportunity. 659-3928.

Exhi bited will be ice cream s hop franchises with inves tments in the $40.000 range; vending machine products and electronic games calling fo r a s I itlle as $1000. Ot h er produc t s a nd services at the s how arc instant printing centers. hotel management train­

Cali foam Plant Now

In Complex in g. boukkeeping The completion or sys tem s; comm ercial Califoam 's 30,000 square mid residentia l burglar foot building for the and fire protection de· manufacture or bonded vices. dress patterns and carpet underlay was an· home cleaning products n 0 u n c e d b y J a ck and services. ffil Im eyer. g e n e r o l

Key manaf!ement will manager of Califoam, a represent each exhibit- d t vis i 0 n 0 r M 0 bay ing company and will Chemica l Corp. provide all the necessary matenals and informs- Located in the Irvine ttoo on how to e nter their Industrial complex, the lnwstment program. $1 million plant maru

The annual event is Lbe third e>Cpansion for produced by Ho p E ng.Uah Callfoam since they Produ <' lion s of Hunt · opene'CI this facUity 1n mgt..On Beach. Hours of August, 1970 brlnglng the the event are t to 9 p.m. total square rootage or Fr1day a nd Saturdayand production area to from 1to6 p .m Sunday 330,000.

$19,9 million or 16.45 per· cent in fare increases to <:ope with a decline in working cash and to pre­vent possible default on indebtedness . The PUC has proposed a $9. 7 mallion or 8.2 percent in· cre ase .

The propos ed order prep a red by Com ­mi ss io n er Ro b er t Bitnovich and ex · a miner J ohn Mallory called for a 6.5 percent or $7.7 million increase to raise the rate of return from 2.1to10. l percent.

Garden Grove-based Swedlow Inc . reported results for the fiscal year ended March 30 a nd an­nounced that the com· paoy has reached an agreement in principle for the sale or its acrylic sheet division.

For the fisca l year ended March 30 Swedlow sustained a ne t loss or $540,000 o r 28 cenW; a s h a r e on sa l e s o f $30, 731,000.

AVAJ LABLE SEAT miles logged last month advanced 1.6 percent to 230,568,000 miles from 2261936,300.

Revenue pas senger miles declined 5.1 percent to 115,223,900 from 121,449,6001 while systemwide passenger boardings dropped 6.6 percent to 295,200 from 316,000.

Density <the average number of passengers fl y . mg per mile) dipped 5.7 percent lo 43.3 from 45.9, while the average system·wide load factor (the perce nt<1ge of seats filled ), dropped to SO percent from 53.5.

THE, NUMBER of cargo ton miles flown in :\fay dropped 5.4 pt'rcent to 719,300 from 760,000, while the tons of cargo boarded declinl!d 10.8 pe r ­cent to 1,700 from 1,900.

O ver 1"he Counte r MASO Listings

Tilt >• QUOl•hons Buek"Y 7' • 1>, Far•ori El ll '•• 14•1l l(r~r 8~ • 9"' Pirktr 0 n n •. US Sugar SJ•., SS•. W.llno M I ' / t suppllta by Ille N • Burnp S I b'o H• Far m 8 r 18 18~1 Ulc le<I S t 21 ' • 29 V.. P..,1 R•v 11 IH, US Tri< L 11 ' " 11~1 Ws te>I Pl • ' • 4'. hondl llS!oOC•illion 0 1 8ulltr M 73 23 4. Farm Gr 54•, S7 '1l uncas l 1 ~1 a Pytu Os 111, 11•1. Ut11v Fos 11 17~ Ws Ky C,s 13• .., u • • Securll lt\ ~•ICr '., C.. IWt Sv 7H. 7S•· Forigrhl 2' 1 7' 1 I.Anet 22 '1• 23 P•y N Sv 21~ 77'"' VagM HO • • •• Ws tmr Cl S•' • SS art b•ds at>O ott er s C..m 1 roo Fs l 8os ln 19 19 ~. u~" Pr 23 2• ..., Pa Enirp 14•,. u Vance Sn Jl• 3•· wenr Fo u u • . quoteo by o ve r 1ne 1S1 1&2 1st Cap111 28 ' 30•11 1Aw1er C ll'llt 13h ,,..Ill Oft 9n ,,._ van Oyll 11> 11 Wllt•mt I 19• • 19h counter at• ltr s to Cam T"9 28~ 7'1 ' Isl T•Fo n 10"- 1034 UIY Boy !Oft lift Pitt H&H ti 11 -IM Van Sh<k • •,1 S W1lsn H J IHo 14' I e«h o ltwr a s ot C..l\00 Ml 1 3~ u • ! Isl Unl nc. 34 34,,_ ~t Pl 7"- J'h Pltlrotte 761/'J 18 V1c lor1 SI 1S IS"• Wirvu Sir 16~ 114. ''o~ IEas•ern C..yma11 1 11, , F1>00 Tw ~ 3 11 Lil Olmp H'. 614 Pll'krtn 3th 31 '1• Vlsu•I S< S S\• Wonl P-T 6 '•> • '" lime ) The quota CnMU~ RI • • " ·Fore st 01 U h u~ 1.Jmld Sir Piori HBa ,.,~. ,,~ Vol s- Ht 6 M..c. PU 16' . 1'\"t '"'" ' d o nor onChtd• C~ VI PS 10'9 11 ' • FrMlk El 11 ... '"' a17 ra Pi-r W 4~ SI/• War E8k 91 , 10~ NOod Llh 1''- 1''• r«>l• •I mar kup , mar .. CFS Cr>ll 17', IJ FraY Mg 8l. 91'> l ine Bast '"' 1 '4 Pitt Ncp 211, 2'Yl NG 9' 1 10 la S v b • ' • oown or comm" Q\m p Pt J• .. 3"- Frll1f\O lc 13'"' 2• Loc rlte IS''• IS~ Pree~ Mt •'• 10''• W•xmn I I'• B" INrlohl W • ' • • ' • "°" a na ao not CNnl Co a a • , Fro1 FoE a•> 9 Lone Sl•r 9 9V. PrO!lf'H 6\. 1' ~ Q\• 91 'l'el lo Fri J I ' • 37 r~i!~n• ac lu• I cne m Cp 16'/) 17'' Fuller H 13~ llh l ClnCJV Fb PSN ( • .~ INe•QI WI 6 6 .om Ulh IS IS\..

··~~J~rr~RIALS ~.~r~~ 74'"'

76 Ga:! .. ~; ! ... r/) "'12:,11. ·n.,.. ~r~~ , : 2t ' · OTC 10 M oll Aclil'e

/lHO UTILITIES 11 4111 11 1'11 Ito Cp 12 12V; MOtrm1 Jlt, a:i.. ~ 0 12 13 ' Voh•me Biel Aslled o:1'· WeilneSOay Chubt> Cp 37"' 3H o llulm 714 I I!. Mid Gas 12 '1) 1l R•lt1r Cp S S"- lldolph Ct>ors 25S,IOO 32' • 3l I •

J""e 11, t97S Ch FrCn~ 13 13\-o AuloP 7)•. ; 74 11; Maj Rily I '> 1"- ~ycm Oorchnler Gas IJt ,..00 11 17'• • '• 8•d llsk Coll So~ 6~ 6 \oo n 8jri<f 19 20 Ma lk ._I " "• 4'V. U 4 1S• "'1n EaPftSs 112,300 ·~ 0 '• '•

Acu .. l\nl Aovnce R Ad Moc ro Advllt Cp Al" • A l • Al•• 8dl Al•<O Inc /lllqn Phr At1"0 Bnc Allle<I T" I Am APF\I Am C xpr Am Fine• Am r lctn Am I urn ,,,,.,. C,r ..,, · Am i"! C,• A Mr row Am T~lev Am w .. ld Anht<uv A~•CO A PS IMP Ar011 Myl Arv 1dd

'°''"° COid All (,\ LI All Stttl Alwd Ocs Ba tto ,A lo &• 1td Wr Bolker B• Saker Fe Ba ldwn l B.M ly Mii 8 R ll 8 • rrwl Fl Ba•\ell F B•yle ss &~,,, Cp & ntly Ls &It Lab B•bO Co Bord Son• BlkH l Pw Block Oii a 1uecn s BMA. Cp Bob Evn• Boolh NP B,..nco 1 Brlnlls In 8roaav F ar-n /lr 8uc:kbt

1 ~·.·.• n, ,~ cc:',!ns uu,! ~~". 230

9., E"!~9,.Y 11>,t. ll 'la Mlrlne c 141'> u R•ymct t v. IOI'. R•n1< Org.1n 92. 700 J•, 3•· ' • • ,, • • ~ "~ .. ""' Mlrit Fr1 7 71/1 RtlM P•c I ' • 1'>11 Pltnn Offsoor• 71 ,800 9>o 9• • • . 91, 10'1• Clark Ml U 'll. 17'4 188 197 Mlr1t Tw 16" • 111/• R4tOQ EQ •h 6~1 Fof°HI 0 11 7 1, 100 14 ' • 14'111 + I 1• , 911) Cle~r. 11 12 11"> 11¥1 M4ry l(y 20v, 111/) Rev E lcc 19~ 10\.\ Combined IM 69,bOO 10•~ IO' e •.

Jb•11 31 Clev Tritt 2 .... J \"e 1H • 24 1/.o Mt. Cmck J6>,. 31" • Rtll Unov 71 > 91, Lynden Trans 61 ,600 20' > 211 1 • 'i 1'1'11 10•-. Cl- Cr p s~. t v. 18\ . l 'IY• Mt.Owl E I a•,.. ~pub T• JO\ , JI'.• At1n.user 8sc n · S9,900 37'7 38 • '• I' • /~, Cooe Lilb IS•. lb~. 7'• 8 Mt.Ovay IO'h 11\• Rex Plas 1 11/.o Burnup Si ms. S8,900 61

1 11 •

•,';1 ~.:. 111:1~. ~~rtRL~ 1


6;.,· 11

1!1h1~ e1T



1%~ '~t: =~ 1~~ 2~t'. ~J~1 &~, :r11 :~"' NllSO Volume 1ooay, s ,m ,300 ~ """'- • ~ " ' ' • l\"e Medlrn 371, 38 ROCICI E• 381/.o 39 '.. lldvarices • 12

3..,, 4 Com m C.I 11•11 18'r. Huh Ch 8>. 'I~ MerChlll 13 .... U~ Robrl 0 1\ ll 13\'o Otcllne~ ll'I 4J ' • 4l'le Cml Snr9 2S 7A'r. Hahn EW S"'> 6or. Mervyn U 'I• 361;. Aoltlns B 191,. 201/• Unc.l\a"9"<1 1138 "" 11"- Cwl NtG~ 11• •. 1a•1, Hamil ar ·~ :; 1:, •• ~J:!. Fe re\>o 19 '"' Roo~ co • •'1< Tota• 243'1

· ~; : 1~~; ~~~T~uio 2!~: 1 ~:: H!~in R • ~· '°" Miiier HS '!~: ·~;,'. =~~~rs,:~ .~~· , ;~: Gain Pr a and Loaf>rtt 14" 1•' • Cptrv l\ 6 l/.o 7'1• aw1h Fl Bh '1'1-\o MilllPOr SI S'I Scherer 12'• 13~, GAINERS ~ I '> 62>., Conll fcl 13 ll~> n<ed F 1'11• 17 NlnSdle A 4J • & S.:hOll In l A\1 IS ', 1 Mutual RE IT "' • ''lo UP I J~ 13'• Conn ~n Oh 0 11t llCel C ra:i,r. 19 '11 Mlr>n F•b 7~~ 7' w ScoU Inn p ,, 1 ~< 2 WorldSvc !Ob 6 + l' • Up 11>' / 111. Cm Papr • 7 • l lgt>e Co t• rs Moou• Cp 18"" 19,,., Scolls L c; I\. • ~- 3 ~oclt.el Rsch b~ . p , Up 1011 11 1 I c.orais Cp 4311> o • > irws EL JO 32 Morea In lS 77 Scropj» H 1/1. 19 • Allied Le isure ) '. ~ I' Up )I'. 311 Cou\lftS J~. H • vu 12 12'h l<IO«e Sa 11•1. 19•/, ~ WrlO IO'n 11 s Cry(IQ<lnlc Tec h l ' . • • Up 101 > 7 1'1> Cro.s Co 12' • 13 -· Cp 32 33 MorM Br 40,, S Sv Mt>r t n 8 1, . 9 llo • N R G 111<. 1'•+ · • Up 12 l l Curl Noll IS IS:V. unt Mlg 12 12 >.', Morro>n ,,,._ 23~ SvmHlr 7• 2H, 1 WrlhQlll BICX h 8•, • t Up t '•• t '• Oclnl Intl 73' • 74'h '(all C Ht 6 Moslk Cp 1 3 ~. 13\• Seven Up 3 p , 32' / I llSG 1'1Clu!.llllC 21, + •, Up b' 1 I>'• Dari Or9 8'• 9 \ , yster C IJ' 1 14 Mohoo In 16YJ 11• . Sl!ol'ey \ 12( • l llo. 9 Velo 8 1na Inc 7' 1• ' • Up

13.1., U ''> Data 100 12\o I Ho IMS lnlnl Ht 8~• Molor Cl 4 '1• • •• Sllorew l h •:n 10 Aavan Mry Sy S' • + •. Up ll ' / 13'• O.i vrn Ml 21 '; 24'•> lnd.J Wat 19.._ 19•-. Ms Smllh 11 •1. 12 Sillntlo 7~. 8 11 8 1uet1t1osup 1 21•. • 2'• Up 11~. 11•., OtC1\ 0 d • . .,, fl1CIS Nucl • 'Ill ·~ MS I . o.1a H o l\o Si mpson 10 11 ,, Ulll<nl Gas 0 .1 7>.. .. Up 11 111. 0011> AR o~ . o ii.. lnloru )lt • Mu1tlrrw 13 >~ U lt. Srwlp lots l 2 3) 13 IV/lC Cp IOb u • •• '" Up •''w •1•> Delhi ln ll 11

• 3' • rislr Lab 6lt 1 Vo NII Ct1vS1 SV1 s..., SoCal Wt 11' • 11-1. 14 Ca lbioche,.,.. u•, + 1•, Up S S' Ot luu C J.c 34:1.. "tel Crp 6Slf1 .. v, N41t LlbtY 31/.t 3~ So CllflGS 10' • 21 IS lnduslF""t 10• 13'• + 1 Up 3~ l•• C•\ 10 11 11 ' • Iller~ Et1 ll~ U V1 NlllAr> Sv U .... l6'h Pap 1~• . 19'-. 16 BibO Com p 9 • '• UP

, • • ' H· ~ Ha s s• I,,,,,.,.., Gs rn. 12 NI P•ltnl 9 '"' Sc>KI.. 12• .• 13 17 Midland Captl .~.. • Up t H. ll' • [)got Cmp 3' • 4 V1 t1I Ilium 7 v, a•;, NCNB Cp 11'1• 11\oo Speldel N IS\• 161/; 18 Cnllllm U I 92 u 1 Up 1• 1 ~ Clo<ulel 8' • 9 '-11 "BkW A 31. 4 '11 Nffcllln\ S S' > SlaMcly I IS 15'• 19 E""rgy Convr 5'•• t • Up I>' • . .... Ooll r Gen S' • S~ t11t!rsll 1ta 7 ' - Ntw11 Co 7 71_, Sid Re91s 11 ' 1 18 ' LOSE ltS

11>, 13' • Donalds 1~1 > 1ov. n1rs1 Cp • l. Sh NJ Nat G 17\h 1311, 51..,1 Hm 10 11• I C0<1s.ns Proo J•1 18 18>. Oorch c;, 11 11'·• a So Ulil 121• 22' ' Nicolet In 1H'. lS 'lo. Sl k N Il le 16', 16 ., 2 Tolh Alumi11m S

' • Off

8:1.. 9 ' • Oow Joo\ 7S•~ 76:1.. .,...fl!> 131, 14 Noel~n /l 19>• 20' • Slealt. N S 1'• 8 •1 l Met•l110 Ce rolm 1• , 1, S S' Ooyle OB 10 10 '•1 Jasn Em ~ ...... Nielsen B 11 ~• 21 -''. Slrwl> Clo 11 l l • Cal~ISIL I 60 11 11.,

Ot t Otf Ott Ott Otl Ott

11 17>. Oucomn 10>. 11 '11 >ohns E F 41 \. 4.J~ Nord.sir JO JOll) SulMf' El • ' • • '• S Aca a y lnsGrp p, • . 4JV, •• Ounk•n 0 S•'o SYJ mlyft M 1st'• 16 Norlh KQ 1& U>t. Syner C4> n . 91, • Utlls & lri<I n 11' 11 9 9>. E•rtn Sci S•• 61A Iser SI J1 \>o 31~ N""' NIG 1\4 1 ''11 T•lly Cr p J\o 4 1 Loom1 s Cp .OSb 4 •, •·

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II )


··- .

Travel Cats CAB Midh Charter Plan


A new era in JoW.cost vacation trave l by charter air O>i hll wlU opon latlr thls summer it lbe Civil Aeronautics 4turd meet.a iLs tnid-Jun~ Um table for substantially e11Jn1

~restrictions that hnve kept millions from ualn1 cha rters. Truvel agents could be oCfe:ring one·stop inclusive lour

charters <OTC$) by the end ot Auaust For a late s ummer vacation, you misht be able to get the benefit s or vtisUy JJbf..raUzed charter travel.

tJNbE R T H E PROPOSED chart e r flight r eaulotioos, if the CAB a grees , you wouldn ' t have to belong to an org~mzat1on, us y ou d o now . You

Money's Worth

would11 't have to make.ovcrrught stops m three pltiles if you didn't want to You probably would have to make reserva Lions m advance - 15 days for domestic rli ghls a nd 30 days before mternat1ona1 trips - but the supplemental airlines ure f1ghtlng this advance purchase J)roposal and 1t. could be eliminated If so. you coUld purchase you1 tour package right up to flight time

By no m eans , shrug off the conveniences comforts ottwr important ' plus'' features of Cam1har


scheduled ulrlinc travel' Nor underestimate the rn'her e nt d1sadvan tages of charte r fhghts (died to the hrmt , ta kmg off at odd hours. etc. But tf cost lS the overndmg factor, charter 1s the wuytogo

Q What kind of air fu re savings could you expect '> A On aver age about 50 percent as against the u:sual

scheduled airline r a te For instance, the standa rd economy fare New York to London this summer 1s $764 , while the cheapest p1 omot1onaJ fare for a 22 45 day tnp 1s $462

IN CONTRAST, A CHAR~F.R fare between these two points ts less than $300, repo11s Henry P Huff, president of Oak land l>ased Tt ans lnternat1ona l Airlines, a s ubs1d1a ry of Transamerica Co1 p and the world s largest charter a u hne Fot longer dist a nces, the savtngs are even more dramallc The s tandard economy fare from the West Coast to Hong Kong 1s more than $1 ,000 The TIA charter fare 1s $500

Q Why cite charter flights so much cheaper? • ,\ The prmc1pal reason 1s that charter fhghts alw1:1ys :u t> 90 lo 100 pe r cent full whi le scheduled t1 if.; often have a 50 perc:ent lead ' factor This means charter passengers are not paying for empty seats Charters a lso fl y a ll one class At some a irports charter flights might not leave from the mam passenger termm al areas, but from a terminal m a different part of the fi eld But charter airlines do fl y the same equipment as the s chedul ed carrie rs and gene1 a lly use the same caterers for meals

Q How do charter fares compare "'1Lh the well pubhc1zed • no frill s ' fares recently offered ?

A Charter fares <ire sti ll 15 to 20 percent lower lhan cur J cnt ' no frills" fares, says Huff. although he adds, We welcome this latest fare reduction for those who r eqwrc scheduled service ' Also, the president of T l A adds, the no fnlls fat cs a r e a va1lable only between a tiny g1 oup of c1t1es - pnnc1pa lly m<1Jor West Coasl cities a nd Florida - ar c good only Monday through ThursdCJ y und un like cha rter ser vice\\ he r e ft ee meuls are l:ic1 ved pussenger s on no fnlls .f11shts must bnng or buy meals

Q. WILL AFFINITY FLIGHTS he t.>hm mutcd under the Jules?

A No And 1f you !><!long to •m organization sponsormg a C'ha rte r trip, look rnto the tout because 1l mtiy have adv an lages ovc1 a one s top mclus1ve tour

You 11 be t r aveling with people \Ou know You 11 not be c:omm1ltcd to purchasing any lund arrungem ents, us you would under an OTC flight It mi ght be cheaper You cun re servt• and pay for the plane t1 ckcl on an affm1ly fla g ht at any lime tha t s agreeable to the 01gamzal1on And un less the propos :J I is c:•h mmated on an OTC charter, you ' ll be re­qwrcd lo pay for your ticket 15 to 30 days m advance or the flight

Q \\'ho "di be offenng the new one stop an clus1 ve lour charter flights?

A Both sched ul ed a nd s upplrmcnla l ~11rh nes Q What il bout the choice of destm at wns on c:harters?

A. THESE F LIGfIT GO utmost C\ t>i \whe t e lo the t rad1t1em al touris t spots and to m CJnY off l>t ut plaC'cS, 1nclu<l mg Gh<1na Budapest and Auck land '\L'\\ Zealand

Q I IO\\ do you gel more anfm m allon' ,\ ,\sk your loca l ti a\ cl age: Ill f01 .1 la~ l or ;J vailablc

fli ghts If you1 a~enl doc~n l huve J fli ght )OU wunt, cht:ck ~~vc1 al other agenls on wh<1l Cho.JI let s :.i re a \ <111:.iblt.:

Gnhu•r1' flltd l .. o~_.r,.. I N41w York (UPI! - The lollowlnQ llSI

snows IM s tock s t hel nave QAlne<t mosl end IOit the mosl tlue d on percenl 0 1 clWlnge on lhe New Yorlt. Stoc k Exc 11enge

d1N::.~~ ~;.~~i;,1·~. '~~jfa!.~ ·~ro:~~ pr ice and the curre nt closlg price

GA IN ERS 1 Penn Fruit 2 S1d PrSll 40 3 Apeto Corp 4 SIMul!HI I Iv S UnlTtl wls

~ ~tt, M~~

Ho+ ,_.. Up 208 9 ~>+ l h Up ,0. 3 + ~ Up 200 2~ t ~ Up 181 I'• t , Up 18 1 31. • , Up IS 4 S1 • + ~. Up 14 6 2 "" I . UP 14) l:\'tt • l• UP 12 S 1" • ' • Up 12S S•a • ' • Up 119 ~ t.. • > Up II I Ii••• ' • Up 113 2 • • Up II 1 ol•, ~. Up 10 9

\e1r \ ork I.) Ht>st 1 t•ii ,.,.

1> mo>I NW York

NC:W YORK \UPI) - 1" ll<ttve ~10,~ s traded on ttte Stoo E • change Wednc day

!:i~'oo ~:s: ";1. Searle G 0 Data Gen A~on PrOd 5ol.tlhern Co Oarnon Corp Dccdntl Pel Sterndent KrtSQl' Rntr~ 011 Am lltrltr"'s Fluor Corp Gull Otl Conti 011 xeroJt

uq 200 1a 1• . 180 400 •l' • + ~. lb7 100 12 1, 166 600 13 I IS6 100 1840 + ' • H 9 000 9~ 1 +- H-132 soo lO • 122 200 9\t 122 100 I I • 112800 :I'l l. 1 110 200 21 I • a 109 000 fl(> • '• 10/ 600 b'I • 1.

I LMY ln•estr 9 Guerd MtQe

10 UM ET Trs1 11 Mad Square 12 ICN Pharm 13 Te ll ey In 60 u Suev• !.hoe IS Royal I ISO 16 Se• IPow n 11 CNA La w tn 11 Ti~men RI 19 Venkt In 20 20 Coullns MIQ

II"" .. I It Up 10 7~---------------

1 Ktlltr In SO 2 Todd Shlpyd 3 AmCtn Mtg 4 AYCO CP wb s OlrsCrApf I • S. lanlC 24Q 7 Mor~ El Pr I S.nQOf Pn 9 Con ti Mtge

10 Oat• Oenr el 11 Clt1nSo 30b 12 EI Qln N•ll 1l WolvWI OSb 14 q~Hd9 lpl 1S qRtadQ l pt 16 NA Mtg 6Sb 17 ldHI Toy 41 11 Munford l6 19 SHlreln Lin 10 RurvOll 12

11\ + ~• Up 10 0 11 I 1 Up 10 0

S J) + II) Up 10 0 Ho._ • Up q S

LOSERS 1 - " · s - '• 2~• lo I - t,1 8 - 1 .. ... v H•- In J~ "' 1 · - ' • 28 2~ 31. ' •

1S1t'I I I ,~ ' • 1>1· '"

IS 2 " 9 13 b II I II 1 10. 10 J 9 I 'I 1 9 .. .. •1 1 3

1mf#rit•1111 10 '1o!itl Ac.·tir«•

NEW YORK IU PI I - Tht 10 acllOl!I! slocH traded on the Arn1mc an Siad( Exc.hanQe We dne\d•y

Salts Tust•r Corp 81 SOO McCull 011 68 200 John~n Prd bl 400 HOU\\on Otl 60 SOO Svn1u Corp SO 200 S.sln Petrol • S 700 OIQICOn Inc J3 300 Heln1oe inst 33 000 G<nte ANIQml 31 700 Rtst• rch Cot 31 200

CIOH Oii l'• .. { 1 Sl o t I.

10>. ~ ~.

lS> . • '• 40 • • •

7>' • ~ . ... ~ . 2 • .. , + . ..

18 I - I~ ,,. '. n. ~ s~.. '1

6 · - h l t I• 9~- >,:.

Oii Ott Oii Off Oii Off 0 11 Oii Ott Ott Off Ott Ott Ott Oii Ott Oii Ott Ott Oil

=~1-----...... ---------1 0 1Horl~t·t Trt"Hd ,. , .. 17 NYSE MA•K ET TR E ND t

Wedne•ftl y,.,~ I

i\e1e l'••rk Advences 0.(linfS Un< llonQed

61S 10371 450 312

1112 1139

• ..;nfes ""'""'t" Tolel

MARK•T TREND I APl)rO ( IOltl 1 P tOVIO<I> O• 'I' Wttl\ • OO Montn•go Yur•QO Twor••rsago Jen lodoUI 191• to clet• 1973 to d•le

8YUPI Adven<« Oe~ll niu uncholngtd

Totet (Prtllmlnary <oun1 1

Wtdn•tgY r .. '°,~l 2'I 41S m m .., .,,., 11130 000

11 tJO 000 lA ... )60 ,, 0'4,070 11 I .. ,,.!---~--~-~------~ IS 704 6,SJ ."-'flfttbnf# , 3'11 411 4'° ,.,.

1 S70,t000.S l t l S.•lt\ 1n lull 01111::;E"'"¢ Ate 1116 2M... 11nnu~I uni~\~ Olh•H•'MP fclt'n l1flod 1., 1 plus

eAlr• IOI d( ( lored or DOid so ,., th" v~•• no ••Qul•r r<1I• ·ct) p.1ym11n1 on ---------------! accumuh•teel t.11vto11nd' {di POld lf$1

+ ...... I T'" Ull (Un o•u~ ilO( I\ f)<lld •n l'I • 1\111t•r1ean ,.,.n '9# 11 u 11n P•u> \ too M•d I" 1qa 111! •t1n11111 relc p11a >IOO ifvloond !II • .. •f lllll ... PA•d 1n1s y1tar llllMI div no ~mlllf<ll

_.,.., ' ll ) ~r ~rnt In ,.O<~ POI In 1974 Ill fl#• uni 1n stock R.t•d 1n 1•1s !q I '" bolflkt 111>1< y rtte1ve,.h11> Of rtl>roa nlro.

AMEXSALWI 11on l• I '"P.'I"' dl\l rll>\ltlon 1~1 tJ ( w t) wl'lltn ·- lw I w•~

rt~I~ r•llO Tnt IH'ltc• Ill • \IOt ~ H II mu11tpl• ot pftr \h41r• • Mn•no• ~r1wcr<1 • v d•v•Olriq tht 1a1n1 12 rnonll\ um'n~ ltQur• 11110 IHI Wle IH'I<•

. -. r June 1975 N OAJLYP1LOT

Wedne day's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE

kii;W YORK 4UPI) -FOUoWln\ .,.. llf'IOe Gfl Ille r,-~ Vor Stock •iatflenoe .i ,.,.. .....

p • 1114•1 <Iott Cllg

Al>CIOI~ 1, ... 1 S7 1211>-t A C:FI l 60 I' 4J~ ~ AC~ v SO S 1 9'111+ ~ AdlYIOr 02t. t • + ~ ME..cllf' .S1t. , U •h~ \.\ .... IMMllll 2 J Addr19rP11 1t IO e Adv lnv 1611 ll 9 Att!MU I Ol 12 W 21 .. Vo MtneLt p l I S 41 \.\t 'II =,. Co I S~"'°

JOl\207 • 11·~ lncp 1 22 JV• '-'

AW l'f d :I.Oii It US II 'IQ + 'II Alrcolnc 90 s 9'I mi.• v. A J lnclwsr,• • SI• ~ "'° ~ION 1 1' •2 U - y, ~,:l:f ~ I 1 .~ ~:~ • Al•,11• lnt1t J1 64 Ullo- Vo Ali.t10C ..M I • ,~ AlbertSll 60 9 IS I • + ih Al<enAI IO • llS Zl~ Ako Std 41 s 21 114.+ "" Alcon LI> 2•,. M 21~1 • ~K•n 1.0 1 32 s.t\+ V. AlllOll Ml.Qt 11 • l~+ "" AllMCP ?Ob 10 e 10 + 14 1111ol 11<1 1 eo 1 1<1 u~ .. Al ig Lwpl 3 49 l4 - \:. Alie Pw I S2 'I 103 I•+. All9nGrp 40 9 11 71'1 AIUd C/I I 90 7 • 45 ,.lO. I 4-AlldM.n S4 8 ,. 14 - >, A11ft0.,.rod 1 S 20 ll '• + ~. AllledSI 1 SO 8 3-4 l3 .-, t- " A.114 Supmkt "1 'lt>- ~. Aiiis cna u • s2 101'1 + 1. Allr9h1,. .U 1 l'I 8 + ' •

i Pt 72 s ,. 1~ . "'

A Of I $4 9 471 4 1~ .. +.

A at~S11i I~ 2li ~~ ~ l\MAXpl SIN 'l Ill,.,• H t AmtlolC .0 6 31 4 12- Vo Aln<ord U 1 I 4._ "-rec I 20 S 4 17V.-AlnHt5 30g .. soo """ ~ I. AH» pl 3'h S9 Sll4+ ~ An\AlrFI 44 l'l SO 11-.-+ Y1t All'l Atrltrws • 1 1121 '"'• v. Am 8Ak 20 9 1~ 1io A8und 2 68 8 t~ ~ '- + Y> Am8ru1 o 9 81 24llo- .,,. Atn Bldg :II> 1 2 10 - YO A Can 2 20. • SI 31- • AC:.npt n. l 22 + •i.

~cnC:Pn 't~i 6 ~ 1~~ ~ AmCvan 1th 8 342 24 il'>- l/o AIJI OSll 12h 119 1 8-1\+ I/I "OilitTel S2 13 102 2•~ AOwt pl a4• 2 U 'llt+ l.'a A"'ElcPw 2 9 923 IW. A~m1ly 24 8 121 11 - 11>

~ G~nJ,fS Jg 2• 2! ~ ~ Ac;.nsc 1 :12 19 ts~ A Gn Ins .a • 31 12~ V. A Gn pl I 90 12 21" AmHolst 70 s 101 1414- v. Alft Hom U 2' U4 • 1 + \t• A Home pl 2 1 llS + l AmHosp lO 26 333 3'V.- V• Am lnvestm • J~ A MeOlcl 12 1 JS 6W+ Ylt A Med lcorp s II S\11 Am MolOrl 211 SY>+ .,_ AmNGs 2 S4 1 74 JS~ '11 Am 54till ln9 14 s 1 • AmSll•p8 lk 21 n 13,.._ v. Am Slnd IO 6 <48 1i'l'I AmSldpl 4:V. 6 53Vt AmSterll 28 11 1'2 11'1 Am Sir 2 40 1 14 31Vo+- V. Am Slore w l I 24~1V. An'IT&.T3 4010 61>3 48' ,,_

~r1:,1 r'.! "~ !! • : t= ArTpl8 3 14 2 4S • • ' lo AmWalr M S 13 -w.- ' • llWlr pl 1 4l HO IS•o Ameron 90 S 2 II • Amesst 10«> s • 0 11 Amete~ In I 1 .a 10 AM F In I 24 I• 19 19 > • Amtac Inc I 3 18 11 /.o+ •10 AMP Inc 37 J3 296 37\lr- 1111 Alnpco 40 4 IS 111/o + 'l'I Ampe.c Cp 6 73 6/o Amtep Corp S il 2~- 1/o Amstar 2 40 2 2S 21>' o 'I• ~:;:~:~~ :: 6 2~ t.!t~ I O

Amtel In J2 4 8 6 - ~· Ano1cnda .0 S 314 11~ ~· AncnHc 1 20 a 19 19'• An<lt!rOay I 1 IJ JI - .._ Angelle• 12 8 l 6'h Ansul Co • • S 10 19- 1 • ApacneC so I 38 121\t+ ' • Apco 0 11 • • • 12 11- ~. llpeco Corp 286 3 + v, APL Cp I 20 21 23,,._ .i. APLplC I 06 4 184. I ,

!ffl'~ I~~ 11 ~ J ltt ArcataN 341 1 U IOI• ArcnrO 2SQ 16 12 JO +-Arcllc Entp 21 2 • Aristar Inc 28 2 • Ar iz PS I 36 b S22 IS'h+ t Ark e s t 22b ~ 1> v. ArkLaG t 70 14 21 /o - Vo Arlen RllDY 12 2 '>- v. Armada Cp 7 I s , Arrnco I 60a • 82 27:V. + 'h Arm pf 1 10 1J 27"'2 + 1/t Armurpl 4:\. 1'0 481/t i Y, Arms Cit 90 2l 173 24~ Ar mc pf J>I• z40 .. l'l + • , Arm!it Rubb II 11 12.,_ + Vo AroCorptn 1 S J IW• + Vo Arvin Indus 21 69 Sh ASA Lid IO 218 41"" + 11 t Auorco 1• ' 4 I It 17"" Asl'tln01I I '11 4 16 20'.1. '-• AsOryG I 40 11 n 21\1. + ~ As Sprg 1 40 6 ll 22 1tt Alhlone 40 3 11 1 ''w Alica m I~ IS J"" :::~~,;: ~~ , 2~ m'! ''" AllRtCnt 2Vl 13 292 99 V• + ~

!~~: f~ 3: z~~ :~,,_ + I AllRCh prf 3 J 170 t 2 Atlas Corp 97 3 ATO Inc 10 S SI 8 1\t \ , AUi Dal 10b 32 45 S7'111 I ~. Automl Inds s 2J 4 ~. • l/t AYCo Corp 67 Sh • ~ Avco Cp wt s IS t '"' AvcoCorp pl t3 19'11. + Ylt AW@ryPr 30 20 S8 2' 'h Avis •ncorp 11 160 I - " A• nell nc 40 s ,.. 1 v, AvonPr 1 "8 23 ll04 O h • '"" AftecOG 20 II 112 22 - • • --- ·-S.b&Wll IO e 162 2l'lo -"' S.Che 10b II 26 S" Beker In 20 t 132 91/t Bel<erOll O 10 90 49 + "' Beldwln 48 6 14 10'1t BtllCorp 60 8 2 17 • ~, BtllGas I 9b 6 SS 20'\it i v. 9 ~'~' ~. &endag 1nc 2s 126 JS ''• - l• 6.ngor Pn S I J\'• ~. Snit NY 1 20 S 11 JO - Va a ..... Va " s 18 11 + • S...kTrusl l S 8' 3SVo- ~. S.rbOll 1 60 4'1 28 +- ' • Bard CR 20 17 112 16 \lt - '-" BeslClnc 60 J • 9>;. + • Betes Ml 10 3 li e 21 ~ BellKllL 60 U 3SI 31'• - lll• 8.Ultr L 19 37 11' •8 - l ' 't 8•ySIG I IO 1 U 17 a.er1nQs 3111 11 2• I\ .. 1. l!UI Fds 72 14 22'1 23¥. - Vo BKkmn SO IS IS la'ltt BKtonO 40 19 )66 33 - • • BeecMr 70 6 SO 12 + ''• Bek•r In 28 S 1•1 2S + "" Be•coPI 301> 3 38 201/lt Bel<Mn 1 10 s 3 IS :to 8eldQH 30Q 11 16 Ho "" lltll ~WI 84 7 76 11 I•

a.mis Co 19 • 11 14'• .. ~. 8tndl• I IO I 4S 36' > 8endh1 f.' l • SS .. I ' Ben Cp 2S s 19 1• 11 • ' • e.ncpp1 2 ., 1100 26~• 1 Bene p1 4 JO 1 s iv. , •11 8enCJ19f • l'l 11.0 49 '11 • 111 Ben Sid MtQ 1 3\• + ,, t"9f8 IOI 1 ,9 7\•

~~~a::~ 10 ~~ : . . • • tthS\Ml 2e 4 278 3'1• + l • BIQ 31nd '8 21 214 5"'\\ + 1"• Bleck&O 40l3 176 JS"°'+ "' BltirJlln 32 21 2S 4\fe - V.

::~sltL"~ ~ : ,J m~: ~ Btue8ell 90 1 S41 2S\4. ~' Boblllt Br~s 64 2 ~•+ \Jll Botl"11 ao • 1M 30 + h 8olHCts 6S 6 229 19~ Book Mo l 'h • 2 11~- \'w BorOtn I 30 I 12 2l + '' • &o<e w 1 35 8 11 11 1'1 •r. Bormon' In 6 10 31A - ' • Bost Eo J 44 e •• ,,.._ + 1. eoste.p1 •" 12so es • ~"> 8ostEDI 1 17 10l 10 Bt•nlft ISb S 11S t'h~ ~. Btloss 1 .a. u 24 4S'-l + ~ 8rls My 1 60 1' 2'4 •S ,.. "' 8rli. My DI 2 12 41"- - '• er11f'9t t •b • m 11\t - 11 l!rOwy GI I 1 JJ 17\<\ erunGs t n • n u~- IA BrOWfl Com 2 11 10~ 8r(;f11p 1 10 10 t I Sh+ "' llrn Shro 20 7 3 I v. + '-" 8r FerrlJ 10 13 103 6 '4 11' 8 rU11swk 40 • Ill 14\\ "' BruSll W 40 6 4 1411\t ', 8TMQe 30b 10S • • 1tt

S £ I 20 411 4t ih + 1 "> Co 60 10 ., I~• 1 •

lnclll 1 • + 'At I 60 S S

tlov~~ :& 1t ~ 71~ &ull!lrH I 91 14 20 II tO 49 1' ' "" i.\ DllnR pl IV) It 14 + ~ llklttlncl I 10 ll IJO Jt\.\ t,\ 8\lrt No 1 70 e 4S Jt'-

Year'• Hlsh·Low1 Appear E\'ery a lu rday

~· ... , p~ tlllh) (lOoa U1'j

g:;W'~ ~ r: 1 '~t ~~· v. I~~~~ j l! 1n m~ ! ~ 1~ !~M ~ =v.: : C.r Te e I .0 4 10 ~ \lo Ckd NC ; j 'J"'- V. ,~ ttn .. I ~ + YI g1r1trc .no ,. ~ '""'' 1 a , \It OIM p "' 1 10 v-.- .,.

~Mr(in s.3o 1 11 -. t ~ G & G 1211 '!~ + " .. ,~le, I 1 190 t~ "°"

Hele IO 11 • 20th loct Auoc 2 ~ I.' 5 ., ·- .. I ,, Hlff.1 2 21 ~ ... 114 E 0 5 UOI> 11 14 lt'h- l n nlll > 14! ~ l't

~w~ ~ .~ n :lo\+ ~ e:m.. Memo 11 l&s }v,- ~ ,!!:) ,. 10 & ~c: t: c.s11 .aoo • >7 ~ li''r. 1 N~• u ~J uv.-t~ I~ ~ 1110 n C.t•r r UO 14 di ~I~ ra r Ind 12 ~ • - " IT W fO' 1$ ll ~+- 'A C 11 S I .. ll 111 -· " Pa\( I 10 6 171 It~- \llo Imper IC ,iQ t 1'1 I~+ "" C 8 fa °'eoa.1r 1 ~ ~ ~ £11r.c» uo 1 ~~ 11o , .,... c.~so 1 11• Ji•+- \lo C C J P .... I,._ •• ,met El 15 tJ S4S J1th 14 INA tllf l ~ 16 11-. c.c;e Ci> 1 IS S 11 ISY. 11 l'l\l"fAlr .. 29 UO 'Sfto- V. tflCOITle (ap • l .,. Ylt C:.f4111tf,1 41/a S '9~ • ~ merrln 40 I f tOVO +- V. l="C •lb S i"-C:.llGO ncrp lot '"• v.. m11r 1 ao. • •t ao-.+ tio I ,O• .s 2 I 1 1~

§ni..• 12 2' ~ l~'i+ .,_ I 1.\ I'll> 12 13• 4 - V. I L I 12 9 t9 11\lt+ ~ nH\jQ I 7t 7 IJ 16~ ITIPO. 1 21 9 13 11V.- \t• lnOHetl I 20 19 • I)' '-" n lllL I .0 I " 1tllt + v. mplrlt Flr1 IS H IS"4 + ... IMICC• OIL

&~11 ~£11l!tt 9 z21f: f?"lt ~pGes ~ 4 1$ IJ - YI 1119 flCI 1 d 14 Q .W..+ v. CtnLeE 1 I 11 It.lit+ Vt E~91~~130 i '1 ::~- °" :::1',Y,1J: S 'l M~\~ CnM P• I 10 1 ! 13 + Yi Env rotoch 13 38 22'N - 'Ai 1n1d$ii 2 .O. s S6 ll!Jt- 14 Centsw 1 16 • ,,, n~ v. Eci Mrlt • s 2 I U•- v. '""'°nt 40 s 2"1 1~ ~ CtntlSoy 60 10 111 I~ E1111Ge' J 60 s s 29'4- Vo In:! c~~ 70 s S4 1~ CenlTel I IJ 9 '° 10"'+ 14 E~llf "i> 10 21 ! fttt - V. I ~_!j.~u l 'L 10 1• '"'

g~:~ncs1~ 1l ~ l~ ~ ~=~ 1 # ~ •f 2!!::; i? : ::.~'frn'! is 1J lJ,~~ ~ Ctrtn 10 '° .., lot\+ " Esi.rn" 30 • to • Vi 1111oeon 2' 1 21 •~ CtUneAlr I 6 4'I 16 + ·~ f;111y1 C 1 JO 4 U S3 - I,\ tntorco 1 ... 1 11 ~~+ 'h Cl\amplnll I 6 :i.1 It~ ElllJ IOf 1 .a 20 4''-- •A 11\torc:on Ov • ti 2~+ YI Cf\111 pt 1 20 I) llto • V. Ev - l'tOd 1Q6 Sll't 1nle fl altt 2t l 11 31 + h Cll Ill Pl ~'12 1.0 ~I I EA Call 0 I • 23 14"- \4 I BM Corm 17 • 13 11014- 1' • CllmpSP .0 '1 o6 10•. • Exel " ' ... .. II • "' lntFl a \I ,. 201 J I ~ .. ..... OltrCo 20b 4 S2 30~ + \-1 EuOfl 1V1b 1 7SI 89~ t IV. lntHerv I 1 S ISS 21 1• +- ; , Cl\er lrCo w t I I •II"• f' - lntHold S2ll • 11'19+ .,_ Cll•ttr NY 2 S 8S 20lt+ ,,. l'ollboroe 40 'I 41 6¥.t 11\t Intl MlnCll 2 4 401 31~• ~ ClluFno 60 12 I • - .,_ F•lrC:.m 8011 114 46 11- "- lnll Miiii~ 11 •• 9~+ v. 8:::t: 2eig m 3;v.! a ~:i~~~~ ~ : ,, i~~ - I/, :ntMN wk11 11 ... 6, 11s1 nr:+ v. Cne•se• •oa & 13 } - V• F• lrmt Fpf l 3 11 n- " nl c • - 26""- 1At Chemtr 1 10 s 129 32~ + ~ F•nsteel 4(1 11l a ~ :~:~~~r.,;~ ~ 3't ·~;!!" ~ ChmNY 2 88 S 12'1 lSV. - i.\ Fer Ws t Fcl 23 6 r Ches c I 80a • 1 ~· "' F°•r•h MIQ 26 6l'lo+ 'At lnl TAT1 S2 6 606 21"4• ~ CllC1$Pd 136 23 114 Ullo+°"' Fodders Cp .i S ~ I T&T ~fH 4 1 '°V. + 'I• Chess1• 2 10 1 209 3S¥o-+ ..., ~•r.a1eo 1 • 31 IS~. 14 i U/ J,~v: 2~ ~~! ~ ' "' e Ill •S s s 14V•+ ' • Ftd MoQu l I 9 .. 1• "1 - 'At I u . r pfK . IS 42~ Chi Mtl w Cp 70 ~ V• FdNllMI 90 a 302 11~ 1 TT tN 2' J 21 14 Cht MllCppl I 11 - II) FedPap l 'IJ .. 1 ,.~ • • "' 1Ta.fp10~ : S1~ ... Ch Pneum 2 • II 2~ + Ft4 SJen 30 7 ,. 10 - ~ I I 1 20 19 I ·~ O>ocllFu1 3k 12 4-111 + ~• ~OSt I 16 11 228 '4~•- .._ n rpec • 1 - "' Cllr ls Cr .. 11 Ill Su FerroCorp I 1 • 2S .. , + " Inter pee p l S S S7 'h- 14 Clln CrApt 1 1 8.,. - I F lbrebrd 60 ; 11~ + ~= :~:~r G[~ S 1~ l~! ~ Cllroma 70 } 21 11,,.- ~. FF1iddUF!f!C2•~ ~ I~ ~~- ' • 1ntstPw 1 40 ~ 24 , 4,.._ 114 Cllry•l•r C1> 34'1 10._ .. , .,.... - u • .,.,.

Cnr7s1er '#I lJ l'l'O - ~. "'•lckrM I 1 SS • II • '~ :::. Ull&.! : : ~~ 2~~ ... tit C MIQe 6'I 1 t. - lo FlllrolCp .0 S 6 ti '~ low• El I :IQ '11 37 1111\t Cl Ru lly In 1 l:V.+ Vo FlnclFed ». S 24 11~ + Vo towe llG 1 s. 1 26 1'1> +- 14 c n Bell I .a lo 20n- ~. Finl~ t 10 1 .. ,, 17 .. ~. IOWtPL I ... 1 19 19*-"' un Gu 1 .. ' 105 '"' l'tlCllert Sk • 32 IS lh IO'tHPS 1 S2 1 17 ,~. ~ u nG pl 9 JO '340 9'i + .,, Fst Ollc '° 1 82 201/a + "11 IP<O HOsptll 10 ~ SI'\ C1nG pl 9 28 121>0 '19 .+IV• l'sll8cs I 1014 SI 44 1• - v. ITE Imp 72 1 J6 11'h-1 C:.nG Pl 7 44 l:IO 81 - 1 fll Ml" l6 3 90 IS~- .v. Hell Cor prtn '6 1Nlt

g~J-e~t~14 i;~ ~ Jt ~:~N~~:.c~ : 5! m~: ~ :~ 1~nl~p8l 4 l2~ ~ ~ ~

O n Miia 1 40 1 2J 22'4 + ,._ FsPoCp 1 32 6 6S 17 o ~ 'h IU lllllpl I I 11 - Yl CIT Ftn l 20 8 131 J2/, ~, Fi.PM! I 47d l'I 3•o - V. --J J-CIT cvpt s 1 J 112 3 t, F\IUAIE "10 I n . Jamn F .. q 10 11'h Citicorp 88 I) b7S l4 • + l/o F\IV8k l4b I JS S + ~. J.nuen 10 S 10 13~ i.\ CllServ 2 40 1 I~ <IS - .,_ F\Wl\C 1 7• 74 32 19"'° + ~.. J 419"nd 73 , ,.._. i.\ g::::S! ~ !: ~i· .. ~ FIKllM I 10 10 1• 33 , _ , Jeff P ilot 12 IS " 3S + Ill O tv tnv 6' 1S 211 ..._+ ~. ~=~~ :.~ !~ :t~+ ~ JCPpllJSQ t S10106V'>+1"'2 Cll y Inv wts 60 .._ Flett Ent 24 3S 206 1SV. - V. 1 ~::::: ~ 1~":, ~YI+- It.

g~~~nE f.~ 8 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~::~~ ol: r ~~ mz= ~ Jer C PLpfl J.SO ., - ..., Cl•O Olt so '1 II~ Fllnl ~Ol 1 16 7 17 16'1'1 + .. ~=~~PcLf~~ I ~ ~'4 CLC Am 14 4 2 t S.\'.i t- , ,._ Fl• E Go•st 9 I 10 - \It J twolc.or In 192 12 314 Cl wClll 2 '°" 10 •9 89 f• + \'.! Fl • Gu 90 S 11 IJ.,_ - V. J omW•tter 1 10 377 39'1• Clev El 2 .a 1 11 11 .ft FlaPwr I 9S I 11S 24 + v. J imWpf 1 ~ 116 43*- Vt c, 11•.wv Elepr1, ~~ zs,!~ 1

7151 ,~ ~ Fl•PwL 1 41> a 111 11>1. + \to JH•nln 7•b 3S 161'-"'

...., .... • " FlaSt••I I ~> 3 lb 23 • • J Hanlv 9611 20 20 Cloro• Co St 12 2Sl 101• F luor Cp 4021 1128 391/H 1 J oMMv I 20 8 1 .. 21 + \At Clutll P 30 23 6.\41- Ill Fluor Gppf 3 35 96 + Slh JoM•J 10<t 33 25"' 9S + :W. ~~1\~J>t~ . 7 ~ 1~~ ~ ~MC cf 92 • .Sl m. - v. Jhsn e n 9013 •1 1114

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1 • G -

31 6 Kan GE I 60 I 9 111ft+ '"I

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11- l/o

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~:;d'i,~~ r, 10 I!:~ .. IJ) g:,r;.:~··~~: 1~ :~~: :- .; Kctrr McG 1 II 721 87~+1 . ComEd pr 1 1 111• GnAOll 80!i 9 10 Ja'o , .,, ~~JJ!0~ el, ~ 1!~ ~+ ~ Cw Edpt I 42 l 18 + ' • Gen AT r I.~ 1 Sf> JI - l o K ddtpl 2 20 l 4<t 2 e we pr I 90 11 ;ro.- ~. GenBncs IO s s 1o.1. + • K1moCI t 60 1 1ss 21V.; v, ComwOtl 4k 148 10 '> C.nCabl 72 b 69 II ,. KtnQSOS 40 8 30 6 '11t- V. CwO lpj I 72 4 "'"' +- ~. Gen CIM u 9 9 18 •+ • Klrscn c 90 e 11 13 - ,,.. Comm Sit I 8 119 JS~+ ~. Gn DevelOC> 4 22 41 • I(_ L M A rl 1 2l Com1><1Qrd 8 J1 72 + I Gen Oynam 9 497 S3h- \ • Kn•ahl R !>4 IS 12 30 Comp,ilr Sci 2l 12S I> Gn Elec 1 l>O IS Sii • S~. K1>11hr lng Co 6 4S 7~+ ,,. Con Agra In $0 7 • • h GnFood 1 40 13 •39 2SY>- '• Koehr p r 2:\4 2 26 + ,. CoMM I 20a S 9 21 11 GenGro S9b II 21 161 11 + lo ICOPC>Or 2 40 7 SI SS~I /• Cong lm 20b 123 8 -· ~ c;.nHosl •O I 16 1 11 Kor.corp In s 10 3t>- ' • ConnMI I oO 10 14 1H- 1. Gen Instr 2k ' 261> 17 ' Kr•ll<O I in 12 18 l8~ • • ~ Conro1c C bO 8 9 11v.-""' 9-!nn'!'.'! pt


12 211


>1,• Kresge 2• 3S 132S 30ft Con Ed • Ob • 730 13 -+ 1• ..,... -d Kroehler Ml 1 tl\olt+ v. ConsEd p t. 3 SS + 1 c;.nMlll 1 20 14 110 ... ,_ KtOC)er I l6 1 69 22~ IA ConsEd pl s 2 .... - I/I GnMot 120b 14 903 431/. • Kv~r tn •O • 1s 0 Cone pt • 6S z.O 401>- /> GnMolpl 3~ 1 •8 11 + - LL-ConsFd I lS 34 314 IS "9 g:~~~~:.J 2~ 6~~.. U CGH 1.0 1 I 181.+ ~FFdr~pl1 • 1i 1 ~ tl-14• 'I> G Put>U 11>1 II? IS • !-'!~'enrSwn 1111 21 ',! 1103~+ .. Con. N ~ 18 I SI 24 ~ ' • 0 ~·- ' 2 " " , .. GnRefr 20b l 1 9 '111 + • L.earS1ct9 28 b 141 14-CNG pl10 9• 1Cl4 t • ~Ss•"i'in'db Isl 98

18 3s1' • Le• rS pf 2v. • 2S + ~•

Consm Pw 2 11 113 11~ +- • • ...,, I~ Laasw'l M)g 10 a 74 • • 1 •

Con P pl • 1> zt40 7i + "'- G T E 1IO12 Sl4 13~ • ' " Letdl N .~ o 4' 10,..- ~-Con P pf 1 4S zllO .Z t I GTE pl ? 1 4 ll' • + 11 > I.anon• 60 4 11 12*9 114 ConP pl 7 76 z.680 6.3 • •I G Tire I 10g • 31 I' Lalll P1C 80 7 • 1111>- o ConPwr pl b 24 bl ~+I l Inc 121 SV. + 'tll Len Val Ind M 20 g , ConllAL IOk '1 o9 S Gen >lar I 10 6 2 11"- Lehm n Sib IS 11 ~.- "" CnUCan t eo 6 342 24 . - 111 Genu nP 64 2S O l'I • + ~ Lennar Cp 19 17 fl - ~ CnllC.opp 80 2 29 Bl'o Ge Pu 90!I 16 '86 43 ' 2 '• Ltno• In 72 I 1 l 19- ~ 'eo'°nt pCppllloO• 13 •300.9 !11,':- ~ GePwpl 1 80 1100 6S +I l..e¥ Fd C•P I 7'1t .. V1

IC • ,. ,. Gerber I OS 10 11 19 - ~ Lev inc l a 1> 12 - 1/o CnllCp pl? ' 3 44V.- ~- GellyOI I SO 14 169 184 +I L.Aw l Strs 48 8 48 211¥.- 1 ClllllC p 2 20 I> 28 3SI/• - At GeGFllypul•I 7


S 1! 1 6S~ Levitz Furn 89 216 4 H - 'lo

~::' 1i'1ir R~~ ~ r: Glenl,,Cm I 9 5 IHH Vo t';,EF ~~Pei ~ ~ 1:~:: Conti Ml9e 1S4 1 • - • Glbr Finl SI< I> 19 10~. LOF pt 4 :11. 1 S3~- ¥> Conllnl lOll 2 8 10'10 61>.\lt I .\', G1ddlw 20b l 4fl 1•. Llbl>y MCNI 9 195 8Vo+ llt Cont 011 pl , 3 91 t-7 . G II Hill S2 s s 1n. • LtbrtyCp 40 6 'I 11 ) Con11n1Te1 I ¥ 7.S2 13 • h G111e 11e I SO 1 t 113 JO - Yo L t>trty Lon .s J I•-• • Cont rl Oat a blb lO r- • • G nos lncor 8 oO I> h L11>trty L pt I S-lli- 11'

~~~ 2~ 6~ 2~ 1 1 g:~ri ::.,.", t2 2ll l~~: ~ l.tQO My 2th 10 10 JI"- Yo

Coop In I« 9 128 • S" ~ • Globe Un I 4 42 IS' • t:~t.~ f.'1J 21 ~~ ~ :- :;: Cooper Lab }() > • GoldWSI Fcl 8 SO 11' • +- 1 • L nc Nll I 60 II 2J 28~ 0+ 1/o Coop Tire 60 ) 1 • . Goodric I 12 s 81 l6l 1 Linc NII pl 3 J 51'1> + I CoopTpl If , 4 10 • Goodyr 1 10 8 4SI """* '• LtnNFd 1 U 6 18 Vo Copelnd O 9 • S '1 • GordonJ 32 b 14 IJ • \, 1.1onel Corp 9 l'o+ '1-CoppR9 2.Sb I 72 32 >+I Gouldln 120 6 61 2• + ~. Llltonln 2 ~>1 212 11 ltt C.opw ld I 80 J 36 2S e - • ~~~~~ \ ~

6 I~~ 19 • Lltln CV p l 2 1 IS\lo

l:~~~ 1~~28 11~ s~:Z- Grand u 8010 22 W!+. ~, t:~l.~:~slr 6 1~ 1~• .! ~~~~~s r~i 1 ·~ ~~ t Gnnvl 1 so • 22 71\'tt I LoewCp I 20 1 83 lJI/) + v. Cox Brd 40 II 30 2S · - ' gr•nb w~ s ~ I~~· • LomuFI 36 SI ,.,. C PC Intl 2 10 211 4H". • G~::, ri&P 36 101~ t:.ltJn1 ~ ; 1r: '~~~ ~ Crane 1 '°9 4 31 4)\• + ~ (,l l kOQ I 2018 2 lS\lo - ~- Lones Ind I 7 61 IS'h Crtd ll l'I 2• II I • • - 1 • GI N Ir 110d IS 14 141 • L-SG I .a 7 61 741,,_ + Vi Croc ker I 66 8 96 2S . .. • GINNek I 80 • 16 3S •• ,.., LOngllLI 11'1? 7 83 14'1&- 'At CromKnl 80 6 12 10 /o GtWsFln .. 8 381 18 - .,.., LIL pf N 13 zlSO 109 11- \lo. Crowseti 10 I 202 17 ' .. • GI W1 U 2 92ll 1 ~1 n\• : 21'11 LIL pf I 5¥. 2 6S + 2 g:~snp&~~ y 2~ ~ ~' I n ~~wGr~ : ~ 1 ; 11 • - •11 LongOrl. 80 21 40 6''h - 'II

C"roswnlp' ~ 1~ 1~ ~f ! t- ~. Gryhd 1 IM~ 11 138 I• '• -

1 • t:~nd ;>'1~ 1~ m m~: t

Culll""n •O 8 J16 1'- + , $!~'o7r""er d I~ 4~ l l o t- \a LaPO<ll( 20 9 144 14~- 'A _. ""' 2\lt LOllGel I a4 10 70 21~ + I,\

C111T1mlns la 6 } 21 - "- !?~.'!m,dan1 1~ ,i0~ ss2

1111 • ~ ~ltln 40 14 11 - v. Cumn pl7 SO tlOO ~ ..,_ "" 1 10 > LTV Corp 2 S43 13~. + \• CunnOrQ 20 IS 10 6 > t Guero Mtoe 91 ~+ _.,, LTV CpA lit 3 11 11 + h C1Krlnc S4b II 10 • I Gulf Li le .SO 218 8 • - ' • LTV C~ pf S 17 41.\1,;

~~~,1~~~ 12~ I~ 1~~ ~ ; ~::~W'i ~~ • 11~~ ,ft!~ ~ Lubrzo 'f. 1 21 l'M S3~+ '• Cyclop I 40a 2 14 IY >- I Gull RC 1Sb • 870 22"' t~~c ~I~ ~: I~~= ~ Cypru s 1 40 I> 1>4 2919 - I• GllR plA 20 14 lS LuknSll 1 .O S 9 26

- D o- ~lul1R1 :pteu t1 3102 2~ 2avu .._ LykH 'I' 7Sb 1 • o 141/J ~ '•

O.monC 20 15 1006 13 , ... SI 8 - 1~+ t. 2 O.nR111 !Oh b " ~·- Gull &W I 10 .. 143 » h . v: t:~~,,"~y ~ 7 ~ 2:~+ !"" O•neCp I lo I 2S 27 ~•+ Gull &Ws w s 160 S lo+ ' " - M -Oarl In 60<) 'I ISS 76 Gll Ws pl 31 a 6 1>3~ + 1'111 MKAnF .a 8 'l 7~- •V. O•rtlnd pl} 30 2o I> GllWs pl S\• I b6'lol Mac Don Id • 13 3.\<o Oala Genral 19 2b92 78 1 • Ciullon lnd sl 14 13 • Mtc kt 30 a 3 4-1\- \i Deycoc. • lb s , . 10 • I - H H- Mlcmlll 2S s 73 Slf1 Devtol'H 60 10 43 16~ •• HtKK w, 48 12 2 28 • • Mecv I 10 • 318 19~ + ) DevPLt 1 61> 8 28' 16 o • 111 HO ii F 8 SO IS IS llV. Mc.y pf A 4 , 1200 46V• + It. OlranWt r SO IJ •9 10.\\i • •• H111Prt IOe 7 4 1~+ • Mild Fd JOO 43 9' • • h O.ere 1 80 1 403 41 ' • H• lltbtn I 32 20 177 1"6 JJ +2 Mild ~•re 91 S'o+ "-

~:~~ ~: : 2ll ii •: ~: E:~~,:,: I~ n I;~+ ~> $:;~]: 12 ~! ,it; f: Dtllona Cp 12 6 • Hand H llOa s 18 2•14+ •• Mil loneH .... 14 , .. 24 v. Dennison I S 29 111. Han.sCp 61 29 9 - "'41 Mtnhetn In 10 si,.. + Vo Dtnn ys I 20 11 I~ lb Ho1nna I JS 13 19 •2 • • Manpwr ae • S2 11 ~- •At Dentspl y IO 17 SS 33 • • Hire r1 I 10 9 34 28 • I• Mi n Hn I 12 1 1J al • Oe~r•I 121> 19 29 IJ · - ~. HlrdffS Fd 13 24 s·~ ... YI MAPCO 10 17 72 411'\- "'· O.Sototn 40 13 • '• • Harnsl9 2 10 f> 97 491'! Mlrtthon M s 70 10\\ - Ylt OelEdls 1 • S 9 Ill 12"- ' • H•rnslgr w l 27 28h- lo Mer 0 11 1 80 I 2Qt 41 \<o- \\ OetE pl' 31 120 IJ Harrahs 22 9 t 14V. + \It Mlrcorlnc 1 e 112 2.S •1. + '" DtlE pl 1 • S llO 611 Har rtsC I 10 81 21\'?- .,_ Mlrcor pl 2 10 • 9'111+ 'Ill OelE pi 1 J6 l~ 61 \-t .- I Harsco IQ .. to IS\tt+ ..... Mertmn 40 12 111 13W t "' Ott E pf $1/J 1 S3 • 1 HertSM lC l>O 8 22 9\<t M8rMld I 90 6 1'3 17 - \lo OeXlf CJ> 31> tO 14 14~ \>t Hl rtHk lO 10 3 16 Me rlonL 41 14 446 11'1• + V, Olt mdlnll 2 7 34 30~. ' • Hattrs I 440 13 16 - 1A Muley .0 13 22 321/•-l'I• Ole Snm I 60 1 456 42 • Haw•EI I 68 8 37 23~ .. V. IMl rQll 20b 6 IS • '• - V. OleSflm r.' 2 4 481 •• I • Hoes Alb I 6 T IO'h- ... Mll rloll 21/Jk II 1061 11\'o- V• OleSllpl 10 6 t7 70\.o ,._ HU ell Int' 14 • + lo IWShM I 60 23 '12 .0' , +I Oick. ,.8 ~ 'I 10 9 • I , Ht!O Inc " 8 •2 ,. • "" ""-""F I , , 11 S6 22'11 ~ Otcl•l>M 60 8 91 8 \• • • HctClaMn 2k 19 66 21 IMa rt M I 30 S SI 1Sl't \ , OltbOld «IQ I • 9 1'~ • Htllmn 48a 10 12 13 + \ ' Ma r1nP SCIO 10 e 19h + ~ OIG1or90 Cp 20 4.\11 H•1nt H I 28 14 S07 St - 11' Ntd CllCI 5"' 6 14 131, Olg ll•l'E.Qpl 27 IOI! 99''o 2•11 Helene Curt 1 18 1 + YI Me KOCP Ji '2 fl 49~- v, OlnlnQh "II 6 3J 7" Htlltrlnl .. 12 SS »Vo+ Ito Mltonlle S4 40 lit , , ..__ \\ OllllnQn pl 2 • 21'11 • Hctlm &P JO • S1 1' - Vt Massoyf'~ 1 4 'M 1tlilt Diiion I 200 14 11 J • • Hercules IO 18 1060 JI~ - \.'t ~C.ln p • ""' • -OIWMY 12Q76 H2 4 1 • • Heo~y 8010 IS 11 1•- 14 MS 11\lw S?t> .. Ii i.+ lilt Olu1on n • 13 8 ' • • He u ton 40 S 24 2S IA- \lit M Mtl v i8b I .S 10V.- Ylt Oiwrslld In 10 41 2 '• He\tn pll .a 2• 27- l't Me HwE )lb 11 SS 11~ + '\4 OlvMI I S6G 162 "'+ • He111>1tn 1 10 IS 16 42111 + I Me y OS I 60 14 302 '2 + ~ °'0o~Pf!Mrl0~ 2

1ss ,s~ s121 ~ .. •• Hewll t P 10J3 2•4110-l"' Ma verO\ tt 1 10 20~+ Ylt

.. ~ v • .. HtQhVoll En 1S 80 1~- Vo Me 'fl,JW 2' ? U 4V• + \.\ Don I.wt J tn 16 2 '" + \.o Hlll •nbr "8 9 36 22 • /.< Mt'ffl 1 JO,, 1e Mo 27 + ~ Oonnflly S6 14 14t 21'.l.o Hiiton Htl I 12 144 24~ ~ M8 J> I 20il 10 26 9:v, _ If> CoorOv IOI) fl 1' 11 <\< '• HMW Indus 5 8 41/o ,. M C A lne I I 33 59~- ... OorseyC 10 9 24 6'1'1 I/, HOtl<lr l C IO I] 9 22 MecC.ord '6 ~ 4 11 OoorCtl 1 20 9 3 '711l HoetMr ,, 6 SS/ u McCrOty ~ ,. , ,,.._ "' Oow Ch I 40 13 10S3 a c •+I~ Holl l!lectn 1 7~ • \lo MecOrm 1 9 211 92 + v. 0 PF 11\Cp 14 }'- HOI lnM >S 9 SIJ 11-" Mc Donld 21 369 ~- " Ore vo 1 80 9 • 40!0 .. HOllVSUO )4 I • I ~· .. MCDonO • 10S 16~ + "' Df-tlffr 1 40 II 217 64 .lo + • HornU•k I 18 140 "314 Ylt MCGr EI s 14 '12 1111) + ll$ Ornpl 120 1e .S1+11 1 llQnyw ll •Oll )IA.» .. 1• MC Gr HI 101 .. 1 1~- V. OruMr pl 2 ,. St • I lioov•r I 28 1 l 11 + ~ MOMlpl I J 20 - ,-. DAxel I 44 l3 IS1"1 t •,. Horlron Cp } 44 2'\o Mclr1tv,. M U ''*' 4S\'>- 2'4 ~Y!l . . 20b

1 .,. 9IO It_) •'l~l'o Hotl>!llAI 41t 10 I• I~ M(l(H /It I• ) 11 251.. +I~

.._ ,.._ - • v • Ho,..ICp lO II 141 21'~ 'II MCLlllS I 60 • 10 1•

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=U 1,. 6 00 14 .,_ P\llmtlft 1 10 t 14 ~ l>Yl>mpl l.40 $ "!)'-\ . ~ M4 Mt 1' 2~ l'vtt•C.. .. t M tt ~y«ton Oon JQ J4 · 1 •

Ml ~ It I 4 42 U~1 V. Pvtlt•n F•ll U 3 _ ;y T -MilotU> I a I 1' 11+'1 Puroletof I 10 11 2'V. TaftlkU .Ill I M 1J~- I'<

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Mol'rtC HO 6 I 11 - •" Rern.tN 11 1S 211 411o TK11nlco11 13 1! 10'°- \lo ,. Pti5 ... 1 • tto\- .., AIHl<• I" .At11 10 • +- .,.. 1T" •• 2~11 !Os 's, n

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111 • qlile lllf 99 ?~ V,• TtHCO 1a • 1165 2S'- , ...... , ..,,. ~ , e 2.llf ,., ~ Te.C8$h 90 14 l1 :19 11\t • \• MOii .,, 1 • 19 ,...,,_ ... I .u 1 102 22\lt+"" TuETr 110 ' H S 3~". "' Mone.SI 4S l lV. - Vo ~ n l - .,. T• tnTr t .. 1 JJ l l ~ +. l't MoftyM 1Sb 10 11 Oo ~· 74• ti ll U - ~, T•~T l)f 1 .... , I l 1 + \ ._ Nt:»1 MI AO " 110 11v. - Vo Aoecl TOOl JI 41 14 - V. TeaQ<lll I 20 o 107 '1loto • \• Mor9JP I 80 14 IS. M '°"+ Vo Aat¥ti I 90 • 2 19><. Ttaasl rtO 1G fl S " 1 t,. MOtrtl<ll • 6 10 U-\dt - ~ ~1cl10ld .0 l M llh+ V. Th ln)tr I ;)O •90 103 ' / J Morw El Pr 100 •-" - Yl Re St•• 60 1 12 • "' TtAd\lnl Co fl ,.. I~ ~· Mor'51\ 15'1 6 41 SVo- V. Rel (IK 90 • 41 1•19 • 1, ~:ltp~f ~:: ,; l>t ~.~ t \ .

::ri~r Aa t .; 1J~:_ r: =:~:~ r~ 1: ~w-: v. TuUl•ll 24 10 313 22'°" - Vo Motorot • 70 n u1 49 v. + \lo RttGrp 20ll • s ' • "' h•ll nouu 8 S'I>. .. lo< Ml Fuel I 20 IS SI Jllllt - 1\ili R•IG Pl 2 20 3 12 - • Textron I 10 9 ttS 71'1>. + 111 MtSt Tti I U ' 2 11\lo + V. RalG pf l .0 10 ilo:t T .. 1rp1 2 01 1' 21~ • Mu"'ord 16 • U 114 - V> l't4!pwl>Cp wl • 11 lOV. + ,,_ Ttstrpt 1 40 s 11 V• + v. Munld pf 40 1 S + Vo !WOFinS 90 6 26 9~o 1 -" Thiokol 10 S S2 I SV. + "' Munsne I OI 50 • IS - 'I\ R•l>MGe In v B 21"'+ Vo Thm8ett n 2A 11 4S ~ -\lo MurpCO 110 • • 1414 - Ylt Reiis1r1 .Oa > 111 19~+ \t• Thomln 40Q 12 1 l t't .. Murph()I 60 • to 20 - v. ResrvOll 12 10 1222 q~ .v., TtiomJW .SO 10 1) N a • Mutty Oii I s • 1Sh - VJ Rtl•llCrdt 2 8 IJ 18 .... 1. ThrlltyO 40 10 17 s~- " Mut()m I 31 11 14'h- 'I• R•vcoOS 40 16 ~ .O .l2t>-t TICorpatn I 11 1 IJ 1411; - ~ M.,.rs L 40 IP )4 I + "' RevreC 2)b S S9 I~ Tl04!Ma r .0 I 18 37'\'• - ~

-ft H- ltevlon 1 10 20 144 76~ - 'I• luaerl ll 10b 10 4 1S 12-.- 14 Nabisco 2 JO 12 S9 U ll't- V. AtKIWlm 20 S IS J:V. Tune In< 2 10 211 4Sh • 1111 Nalco QI ton ,, ao~- .,_ Runro I 12 s S4 21 ~, Times M 50 10 4t " - 1,4 Nerco Sc 60 10 U 10\lt + v. ReXll Pl 2 311 • l21h- h Tlmkn 1 IOa 1 Sl 35~ ~ Vo •

,)l\llaC .0 7 71 11'-"- \II Ae y Ind 2 88 8 3SI Sft t + Tl\tlnwn RI , J I 11 t 1 HetAtrift 50 • S? 1H• + •;.. Rev•n Pl 2 • 40 o2 +- ~. TTOdd


2 7 1~9s

20s, .. - .,.

NalAIM .it& 44 14 '1• + ~. ReyndMel I J lll ~ +- n ~ Ee , ., Natl C..n u • ,. 10•..-- \lo RevMlpl .... s S2\ o .. ... Tonll•CP 40 IS ll ·~. "" Nt Cl\ pt l_VJ s l ll'l- II) Rl'ynS.c •o 10 t 11 /o+ v. T.ootsRI 40Q 1 6 7~'11 NOll!"lth .:nu 10 ... .,., + 1 R1Chfrd\n I 4 • 10' I TroneCo .9' 14 10 26\lo Nt O tyL 90 I 11't - Vo RtCllMer M 11 190 20 > - '4 S9 1J l:IO I"- l o

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2! 11~ •' Transco 90 12 113 I 1- V.

iF"91Gs 2 • 2 22 ~ +- • oG .,... v ~ Trnstltn • ~ s 30 6~· .. .,_

:'1F~~: • ~ I~~= ~: R10GR :t ,, .. v. -i ~~~i 20 s s 1 lltt ·~~ Net Inell.I 1S 3 76 6l\i RtlO A a lb 18 3/9 12Va + .,,. ",, ,,.. .,.. v. \Ii V• :v. 1 'I> Nat 1pl8 1V• 3 12l'o + 'I• Riv iana 90 12 28 22 /.< + v, Trnswy I 40 s S4 IS~ Vo NIMed Ca rt 1• 242 ltl/• - ~ Robsn.w 70 11 l l 17 ~•- v. Trons W Air IOI I =Vt NaPu 1 20e 6 1 3(1\•- ' • RoDrlSn I JO 6 • 8 19t>- "' Trons WA pl 11 13 \lo Ntl SitmlCOll 26 Sil li>'l , Robin\ 110 12 188 1211.- ~ TrnWFI 08b 8 7 11:\4 Nat .. rv 14 1 11 9 '"' • o RochG I 240 6 24 IS • + I• Travln I 0112 216 27'h + 'It N1 Stand 90 S I ll l1t Roen Tel 1• 10 60 12\lt + o Tra vl rs pf 2 10 3S NtSllfCll 80 17 17 4S > 1 Rockowr }l IJ IS 9¥11.. o TRE Cp SI 18S 10~ \o Nat Sii 2'11• 4 • 9 JS o+ • Rockwllln 2 I 140 2J.Vt TrlConl S4b 184 11~- ~. Ne ll Tea Co 1 6~. - ''o Rock pl 4 10 S81<. +- ~ TTrrl So1.,Mt~ l •

171 1


_t ~ N.llloms 1 20 3 3-49 JI - h Roo pt I JS I 11 Ml9 'IOd -!"CR Co 72 10 3-45 31 • • , RonmH I 21 lb / 4 18 • '- Trtn1lyln ..Ill S 11 1IVJ + ""' Neph;ne 40 8 • u \e , • Rohr Ind 40 lfl 91 • • \:I Trp1can• .N 20 es 23~ + Ila Nev Pw 1 SO 6 12 18'• Rolltnsln 30 14 ~4 191• + '°" TRW In I 10 S 417 23'1'1 - ~ Nv P pf 11 SO 1 IOSO 21 - , Ron"°" 211Q 20 1q 1~- Vo TRW pf 4 ,, 3 S71• NevPpi I 74 , 12330 11•\o- \ , RoperC 110 1S 14 o + Vo TRW P< 4 40 4 •2~ Ne vPpf 1 .0 1110 16 Ror .. r A 90 11 S7 20t>- •t. TucsonG ~ 1 93 101• NEl\9EI 1 1 7 91 11h- I. Rowro 40<I II 11S 42 '"" • v. TwCFoll 40 9 l]S I~ Vt NEG\ E 1 ll 1 " n - '• Roy11CC ... 14 1l 1s ..... 1At TvcoLb 10b 11 107 1711\ - \to

~~~.Ti ~ 11g !; m:+ :: ~~;~? 11 ~g I~ ~l :i::~ ~ Tyler Cp _.!.J U~m· i ~o Nwmrtt 1 ltO • 73 2l'• - .,,. RTE Cp ,. ,. J s11.- "' UALlnc .oa s 3SS 11 • NY~EG 2 20 • 11 2 n. • Rubbmd 36 Jl 24 2H'• uarco 1 20a 4 29 23 + 11> NY\epr 2 12 I 20\'.i. I\ Ruc ke rC 20 ' 211 21 ~ + .... UG I Cp I 32 1 7 13'"' - 1/t NleQMQ 1 II 37S 111/t + 1, RussToq lb 19 44 9~ + v, UMC lndu I • 19 10 N1•MPI S 25 120 48 V1 R'(der SySt 1o9 61'o UMET Tr$l I? 2 • +- 'I• N aMPI 7 n JlOO 7S • 1• • - s s- unerco so l 9 NIM pl 10 '° !7380 9n1 + l Sabine R $6 11 9 37 - .... Un Sncp .. fl es 8 ,

NNILeQnd~.,131 bl S 1~9 11 •, ~:, + ~. SdlQard Ind 21 14 3 + ,,,_ Un Camp 2 10 26 S'l\o - 1 _ 1 v • , ~lew{o,'p~ 1: ~ "~!- • ~~~'I~ t •i! ~~ ... t.\

~~o~~~~ t 2a l~v. :' ~~ s 1roMr12 40 1 111 S7:V.+3~ u corp 10 )6 " ' "' NorlnCp I' . J 20 1l1 o+ '• StJoeMrl w 1 J3 19 + 1~ ~'fiec 1 1t 8 111 11 ~: -Norris 1 12 6 11 IS • StJOLIP I 12 12 9 II + ' o UnEI pl2 12 12 7S NA Coel 10 13 111 • 2' o + H• StLSan F 2 1 I> 10 23 - 1 • Un Et pl 411> zl20 41

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NoSPpl 3 .0 1200 39 1 S.vEIA I l 4 • II"'> Uld Fnctl 20 6 28 In .. I•

:=~rif.!. 4 g !~ 7~ .... 1 • t~1~a ~~~ 28 U l:!:. ~ ~~1f,~uL2 ~~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ NSP pl lg,. J210 106'• SvOftOr ISO 10 i. .S.\I. v. UnlndCp 311 7 t> ll>'la .. 'to NrthQal 2St> 16 12 3~· 1 o S.•on lndu• 16 Ill 3' • + • Utd Inns 10 S • .. Norlhrpl.O S 21' 18 /o ~1 SCAS.r vtee 6 106 2 .,., UnJsy8 1 1M 8 11 l l'H ~ Nw1IAtrl 4.S 1 41S 1t .. ~ Scheeler Cp 20 S Utd MM 80 S 38 12' • - \ o NwBen I '° 10 l7 0 111 . , ..., ~~1W1 : ~~ u~ ~ .:: ~ Un Nucleer 1J.4 221 Ill/ . .. \<o ~!~Ur! ffl ~ ~ ~~~= :,; Sc111um11 .o 29 3s 2 &Mr.+, ..., 8~0R:fn~ MJ •

2; 1~~ , ;

Nws t Ind ws S IH•- 'I> >CM Cp SO 4 JO 12111- ~• USF1del 2 41 lb <48 32 I• t 1 Nwsllpl • 20 4 71 '4 - H• SCOAlnd .0 S 3 1'4 USFoS I Olll 8 16 ~ . Nwsll npiC s 16 9S'h-I ~. Scot Ud 72 .. 2' 11 1. - ~ us Gyp I f>(J 12 ,.. 16 , Nw Mii Sib 1 SO 9!\'t - 1o ScottFttir I 8 42 IS"> USGypl I 80 7 22« N•Sll 2 •Oe • 103 3' - ~. Scoll For 68 7 12 13 / >+ ' USHome Cp ICM 6 .,, Nrtn Co 170 I> 1 261/o- IA SCottP•p 68 I 1~ 16 1• - > US Ind IOI> 11S 4 ,. Vo NOr\onSI 40 10 316 11\· • I SCottys I I 11 100 a... USLeast 2• ' 1fl1 10 1. • I NrtSI pl I 60 S3 40~- \ , ScovlllMlg I 11 21 12" - .V. U S R II 94 31'o ;. NucorCp 28 4 II 16 Scovil pl 1"'1 9 ll u s St>O~a 9t 11> 11 ~ V: NV F Comp 1 100 9 - ~, ScudOerO V II S~ - '- USSteel 2 80 4 39J ~ .- 'l'I

-0 0 - Scud pt 4Sb q &loll+ It US Tob 90 11 JI 19 Oak Ind 40 • 10 8 - th SlldCLn I 40 4 II ll 1'>- 11'o Uldh<llnl 2 8 SOI S3' VJ OaklttPr a. I 22 U t1 ~aContr 20 S 11 ~+II• UldTech pl8 ll 1231/4 - ltl. Oc:c d p 7SO 4 1S67 11~\ + " suw Air .Sk 13 us S.\;, + I • Un i Tel I 08 10 377 14~ .. "• Oc:c dpt pl• 20 51 ..-2 ~olQr~m 80 14 49 31 + ~ UniTel wts • 114 1"+ v. ~~~~'~ ~ 1:~ ~Y!~';~ ~:?~~e n'; 4~ 1 ~'41 : '~ ~~~i~ ~~ 13 2~: i:v. OccPll)f 2 t& 3 29\', +I-. SearlGO S2 ll .. 10 ll'h-111• Unl¥ar Cp I 4 S Uf'o +- 14 Deed Pel wt 3l8 9\o + ~ Surs 1 ~ U 369 .. - ~ Unl•sLeal 2 1 11 l8 - "-Ogden Crp I 4 .. 18 • S.•tra1n L•n 106 l v. Un11f501f 90 • 91 ,_ + -., Qc)drl pf I ., ? 214.- • SEOCO IJ 10 ,,. 35 + ~· UpJonn 9• 18 Sil " 1111 Ohio Ed 1 b6 9 tu tS a Serv1ceC 10 6 S 6 ' • USU FE 30 7 111 u Oh E pf 3 90 r 100 38 2 Servomn oO • 2• 9 + ,_ UsltleFd 96 30 9"'9 ~ 1• OllE Of 10 16 r110 IOH • • 'I Shdl(e~p 28 9 II s>,.- .joo USMCp I 20 l ~9 18' - i. OllPw p l 14 1390 109 .,. 'h Shepell 10 1 41 10117- ~ USM pt 2 10 I 1S.\I. ()tlPwt I CM llO 69 n ShellOll 1 .0 • SI S211- 1, Ulah tnll I 20 21J 11 - ' '<

&.~~cf1 ~1~ S~ mt: ~ =:::G6~ ~ 2~ 1:r:=\, ~(t~::C,';,U: ; ~ m::• ~ Ok GE pt 80 1SO 10 + ~' Sttellrpl I 3S 14""- o UVI ndpl S > 2 S6 I OklaNG 1.0 • 29 2•~ + ""' SherWll 210 6 S4S o v. - 1 • UVln pf 1_26 v v - 1- 26'19 ~ Olin Cp I 20 1 SO 71 SltrraPc 92 7 22 9 ' • Ottnkratt 1 S 23 11""+ ~- Sl~ICo 90 7 16S 10' +- '111 Vanan 20 10 !>fl II Oar kln SO • 40 11 '111 - V> SlgnalCopll 42 1714 + 'I\ Vendo Co 108 • '> 1 !lo OneldtL 76 6 13 10 1 • V1 SlgCopf 2 20 2 401/• +I Venice In 20 28 30 Sn+ Ill n.n ..... ro 1? 10 SS 9 - I• SlenodtCP 1 12 I 38'11 Vestaur •Ab 28 12 1 • \ 'O Or RCkl I 20 10 29 11'o+- V• SlmPrcn l2 12 S• 7" \ , V•lto Ollsh IS 116 ll,,_+ 14 Otis El 2 lO 6 28 ~~ v. SlmnsC 88a 11 1 111, \o VF Corptn I 8 26 21~- V• • OutDCIM 1 20 2 1 106 l • - V. SlmpPat 40 21 1'11 16 '• '• Vla tom In t so a;n • ~ OulletCo 7S S 1 14 + At SlngerCo 40 111 IS\ . .. \o VIClorCC SO 12 S'o ' OvrShph 1S • '2 11 o SIOQerpt 3 • 14 31> • + ' • Va e 1ec 1 18 1 •2S II Wt

&::'nTC~ : 2~ ~t ~::. ~ ~~~I~ 11 ~~ ~~h-1 I ~:~:~:al ~ ~ :~ Owenlll 1 n I .S l/J'1'-""' 511.11 Corpn 101 s , 9\11 vae1 pt 7 • .S 1100 74 • Qwnll pt4~ 2 ~1 511.yltn~ 2• 6S 159 22\• + '• VVaaeerlpl.J 18 !~ ~00150 8111 1'1++ 1~ Oxford In .0 4 10 12 SmllhAO 60 0 26 9 ..- • • _ ... . ,

--r ,._ Smlthlnt 24 1J 300 29'1'o + \ , Vornado Inc 21 12• ~ t ,_. PacAln I 20 SI 1214+ Vo SmlllllU1no 2 14 139 S4 ~1 - >1 VSI C.orp .a o 7 13 >- '\ PteGU t M 7 347 10V.+ 'At SmilhS T 4S S S 10 - '• VutcnM I 80 b 2 l2 o Pac Ll9 I .. 1 S2 11 SmuOl'f' 80 • 10 ISVt - w w-PacPtlrl IOIO 21 21 1>- ~ Sol• Bas .a s 31 11 1/lt ' Wach Cp 76 9 )9 19 ' 1 + '"' PacPwr I 60 10 1SI 2~+ ~ Sone5fol Intl s l • '• Wat hOY 04b 20 4 - ,_ Pc T& T I 20 9 13 14~ SonyCp IMb JI 121 11 \li t • Wwaal19rr!.e"1 • ol 1,01 ll OS !L . ... "" PiuneW IOI> 10 67 s • SOo Line lb 1 3S 3th '"' k " - ... ,. Palm en 2S s IS A~• + v. sos ens J.4 s l.S 7~ + '• Wall Bus ss to 1 23~- ,_ PAMI OA ' "'8 s C.rEI I ... I l• I IS - 'l'o Wa llMur .a 4 9 9 - At

& 14 ? 11• ~ - Vo SC:.r E pf , ...., I 21 11 - v. Wa lMffl 12 21 12600 21 - 14 Pen Am Air 314 • '"" 5oJ Incl I S6 1 2 H V• - "" WanQ L 04b 12 S8 14 + Vo Pannandl• 2 • 12• ~+ '- Solltl'tdown 3 I I~ Ward Foods 26 b 8.\14- 'Ai PtCM!rClt 60 • 31 10"9+ ""' Sdwn Pl I IO 1 llV>- V> Wa rn.i«> IO S 9 9 Pargas 941 9 2• 14 '>+ 11• ~JI Bk 80 8 4S 12l9 + YI W•rnCm SO • 61 IS + 1-11

~:~~~P'n1 ~1, ~ I~~ :;v·_ 'I• ~f~:S. JA t u~ ,,~ ... ~ WaCrnpt 4 \ , 2 SS +IV. Puco Inc IS 111 31 + \ • SoutnCo I 40 I Im 12 - .. ::;nn;~ 'lfo 6 ~ 3

; .!-- 14 PayLess JS 8 12 1• • SolnGE 2 21 1 6 21 ... .\11 w arLam 92 19 31 t 36-'• Ptal>GI CMtl 12 Ml 18 + .._ SoNRes 1 0 t 21 SS" WarntS t 20 9 n 19-;.- "'° ,,.nn Ctnlr 91 I'- 11 SNETel 2 .. 9 11 JI + ~. W•ShGS 1 u s 13 I~ ~ v. Penney I 16 32 3SJ S7 ..,, .. I"' SOPaclf 2 24 10 1IS 26 4• • '' WaShNll 10 S 9 11 ' • PennOur 24 6 2S o 'It- Ill So R• ll 2 12 10 15a .SS~ t > WaNlPI l 'h 1 18 ,,.M Fruit SI J ... + h SoR•llPI so 1 Sh+ ~. W•i.n">ll Id l I 13"" v. f'9nnPL I 90 6 94 18- "' SoUnGs 1 '° I s 19 IN.Uh w I S2 9 20 18~+ ~ PPLpf 13 00 1160 II•'••, ,_ Soulhlnd '°I• 21 2S + to ww."t~·nJMn,91 1,91 103SI !~YI_+ ~ PPL pl 8 70 l lOO ISVt+l'h SoWS\Fr 20 S I H• " Ob ..., .,. p PL pl • '° dO 81>¥<- , ~~$otrpl 1~ 8 9~ ~ o· ,. - • Wayr>f! G •O 16 A •

~.i;.l;.e1 ::x ~:~ ~~.-I> ~r,!;1z 3 ,, 9v:+ • • :::~e~i.~ 10 1~ 1~:- ~. P PL pl 4 40 , 110 4S -I St>erryHut 1 10 10 11 w ea ther •O 6 6 6'~ ''-PPL pl 4 so t230 " , ... , , , Sp Rand 7612 822 44~-1 • WebllOel Cp 10 1 J~. Penwll I l6 1 36 2lltlo 5PraQU. El 11 36 10 - • w e11Mc 1. .a s 1l B 0 Pennwpl 21'1 4 40 SprnqMI 7S 12 2 10,,._ t 1111 Wl!lllllt Cp I 1 o Pnw l pl I .0 16 1911) 5q1o1arO I 10 12 142 17111 t ~ Wells F11 9fl 1 ~9 18 Penn101 1 20 400 22'11 Squibb 14 18 18-4 37 1 • Wells F ton 14 S~ + \ o ~~P~~ ~~ 12 t~ '; ~ ~ ~:::~J:~Ow~ 6 ~ ~: ; ; : ; WmoFn oO 8 b 11 • 1 "-OpGs l 68 • .ICM 34"-- 1. StdBrands 2 16 113 69 • •· =~:~rF'efo1 ~ 2:! J~.,:-; ~ f'top\1Co I 40 11 91 •1'11. + ~ Sld8rl)f 3 SO 1100 47 '> 1 ~t WSBa~ 1 40 & 16 13 Ptork1nEI 21 U • • 2S - \II St8Palnt 3211 30 4 11'>- V.. Wi.trnCo NA 11 17 14~ Pet Inc l ih • 11 111- "- Sid Oil C• l 1 S 609 3 1~ t '• Wst Pac Ind 6 bl 1 t \', ,,.. Inc pf I 1l 12•.- Vo Sid Oillnd 2 1 0 3 ..... .. '" Wtsl Pull 80 & J6 14 •

~:!i:c~l : 2S ~ n.: ~~~\~ti I~ ~ ~~ 0 ~ : :~~~s:: ~:~ S2 ~ ~~ >! I~-P9treSt toe 22 12' 1>1 - ~ Sid PrSll 40 4 14'10 ~ • ''" WsUnpl 4 .0 4 ~ - 1

PetrOIM so • S6 18~ 'l'I Std Prud "' • n 1 ; ~· Wotn El 97 so Sal 18 • • ~. P•trlC I 11 1> 22 20 4 + ~ Stanclex S2 4 1 8 • WslE lpt l 80 110 }(I> Pl ll tr 1'• 16 42S 31'/o- 'It SlanWU % 8 10 18 • Wslvac I 40 } .0 21~+ ~

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~~: ~l:: g~ ~ ~J'" ~::~~Y ~ 1: i;~ :; ; • :~:~kr ~ 1: 7~ ~~ t 1-Phll ~rb 1 10 11V• - 'It St•vtns 80 7 l6 IS'• Wtt kes Cp I 11 S& 12' • • 1o Plllll 90 " 4&J Sl1"> • l'I· SttwWn I 92 7 •• 13'• I w ebOldt 21 I I 2 l • • .,.. Ptull jb Ind 17 514 S~y":._t ~

3s I! 1

127 ' W oO b 41) ll.,_ - 1,

Pftll Ind pl 1 l 7' • ·-"'C'" - , Will C.o~ wl~ 2'1 46 .. ' ' P1111Pe1 f . .O 12 31l S7 • • "" Slone Wt> ltl IO 17 ss~. WinnO• 1 J2 13 19 J'll • .. \ e Pnll VH 46a 12 7-.i+ .... SIOl>&Sllop I s 2S 1S1o ..... w nrwl)e90 114 S' • P ICkwell '"' • 3l 1~ 14 Stor-T Sk ' SS 13,. ~ w :sE IP f.92 10 • I 2• 1· - "'" P ledNO 1 ti S 12 13i,.,+ '4 Sloror Brd I t 37 174a Wts<PS I Ji 8 30 14~ ~ Pieri lmprt IS 10 w ... ""' SlrkMIW 10 1 10 • ~•- t.. w nco c 1 10 • s 22•-. PlllWY 1.80 12 '1 .,, - 14 SClidllW I 311• 1S » :it.- ih Wol vWI OSb 11 S 2\4. - ~ Pl-re I 20 9 ill V - "' StuW 111 1 ~ l 2H • + v. w omtco S6 1 tt l'l,,.+ "" Pltno y 8 60 9 101 1.-.- w. SIM!w ~ • 1' ?Y> + 1, WooOsCp...._'8 1 4 1 11~+ '" Pitl'ore 800 14 31 ,.__ ~ ~ Pupn 1 1 1 11 "'+ "" '6'CIOIWll ""o 1 1S11 1s + "" Pittston tog t llS 14.,.._ v. SucrutC . 20 13 o~ "00!/' 2 10 10 11..._ -. Pita Hw1 12 44 ~. "' Sun Olm AO • S 12~ Worl Alrw • 24 4\lt + ~~ P•eo Rtsrcn 11 AOO ·~ I,\ Sun 011 - j 0 1 J4 v. WrlQIV, •Oa \j IJ 63\.< P lts$41y 47b • 2 lS if>- 14 ~n()llpl 2V. '7 JH, W1.trllier (o 2S '6 .5-1\• ~ PNBMI JOI> 11 10 JYl+ "" ~m I 11 19 llV• Wyly Coro 11 3 •• Pol•rold l2. •1 ~"' ~,~,IO I 21S N h - ~ - •Y.,._ Poncl4rose $ U 114 1CMI• Vo SW!strpt 1\h J 40 + \'J 1t;erox Cp 1 - l d"/6 .,.,...._ " !"OPJ T t0o I SO 1SVI+ - SunSlllM .J6 1• • S 141/t + "" Xtr• In( 101 S M 11) , • Porte Inc 19 • 14 It + Ill ~ Oii I 40 I~ t2 217\'I + 4i,., vt tts ,,,.,.,. 1 12 t i<'>- '-PortGI! I 11 t 4' ,._ SuoorGI\ 20 14 t9 • '!\ - Vo Y~Or .0 S t 11,,__"" PGE pf 1 I SO 11'0 IOI Yl + Ylt s...onc- J 101 1714- Vo z.i.Corp 76 1 9 I~ Pollett 1 40 1 11 41 + ,,. e!iMlw' v al .tO 9 n H~ ;&epeta 60 • u ~ . Pot E IPI ., . I IU 11 nlM.UC.20 , . . ..... ... z.y,. Corp • e ~ ·t_· P!ttllllH S 4' 13'° ~ ""' II 4' • M • IA ,?.onltnR•d 1 IOJ ,._. + .-~:,1: i"~ 1 11r, ~ ~ '""'°" M 10 m m. " z111n tlld JJ U x n ..

6,irlN p1 s~ 1 1 "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiii _____ Oilillliiiiiiimllllilll••••••••••-- -'!lll'i°l lklNIOY 7f II 1t to~- 1'*

&urtOM ~ i~""' 1'-

O\lk.o Pl t •t lJ 24~ • '' Ho•I lnfl JI • JO e - MCNt41 IO t. i ,-., CN!to pl t 7Q 1lQq II HO\Mllle IOa 4 20 • \ \• Mtad C I JO 4 U IS'<

~et£', 20 t70 U' r+ I ~ HO~h M to I J 121H Vo Mt4'0!8) 10 2 )4 l.; • V. Prtmlnd at t 211 I~ Prem pf 90 11 l• l t Pr0<l f.G1 UJ 211 ·~ Prod~u ao • • ,,. PrOIOl' I I 40 t li lf llt-1

Steel Prices Buy the Dally Piiot for Peanut•

.(and o lot of other great comics)

delivered 7 days a weete

642 • 4321 (Direct or collect)

~b~ 4 ~ 1, v. .. "' e Ind 2 ~ + t,\

WO to IJJ S n.n<. I ) Vl - "' 1.U 1 > IS • ~

Cotl• NI\ .JOI 11 4) Ill ~ • "' ~Ol\~ H ) tt;, CAml't t.. iv 110 J:t tem~S I 4 11 60 II"'° t \ti

t .... " 1•~· "' (lie\ ( , . , , , - 14 Old ~ 17 llO » t I• ,,0 Inv , ,.,._ ,. Co I 70 j J , ... .. ~ ~ °''' J llh "' 1,1. • ' 11 11~ •


80 t9CI >! - HOlltftD U I> n 141 9 ">- Vo Mel~ 4' 1J 142 IS'•• .. & eel 1 14 ~ 11'- ~ h ~OYWFll\C I 1 11b t6\M + i. MltMloCO 41 10 1' 131.,

O\Aol4111 Cp f '" ~ .. pf t~ 50 • +I h MltfC Sir IO 11 • S9'9 • Vo Ouflont t v.b 20 1'> 121 1,_ .,_ ~•Fpl 21l 1l ~· "' Merell 1 402' >JS 12-. + "' WPft OI 411) I .Oto'>+ \It HOut L P I S6 e llO fl~t Ylt Mtrldltll 10 • 16 10"' + l't DllQne'L I 12 1 S7 II~ HowNt~ 10 13 258 " " MtrrllLY 60 9 H t l)\Co + "­OllQU!t f.'' dOO u~ •• " H-ar H 12 Sl>2 11~ - MtMPlll 0$. m 1:$\4. l\ OVCl"-1 7S U JIO 21 Howtnt p I 6 16 U:it + ih MtsPpf I 60 111 21\lo + ~ OVtfle In 40 6 " ""• I\ H\lberd Ml 9 17 W'H 'It MoafH .,b 10 .. 11 --« I - Hiid A I ltOe S I ll + lio MUl•M I XI U 3 It .. I Sf14m IO 10 ll JS\'\ '"t H\IOMS T SO 11 ,., It + I _., M O M I t 1•9 M'- - \lo lat P 1 ~ • 11 U ttume1111 Inc I •1 1011o+ in Mel,.m '° 10 J' 11\4- ""' ll!Mc.oCI JO S 1 1011 ~ Ot t • 1• 16 1•\lo MGIC I" 10 1 11~ + ~ EHi~ Alf 11 llJ JI on G S2 7 I lht + Ml<~ I a 1 ) 12h ~f,'1u , ... ,~ 11 iSt,. ~,-~ !~ k.Cp 40 14 11 m...- Ml<llST I .. If ,.,-.,+ "' ooe I · • • .-... ,.. ydt9mt 2• 4 It • h • MICrodOI S '4 14 + .. E•ttK 1 "41 u 11> 101.,. + ~ - 1 1- Mierow~ $! 11 b ""'• 14 ~lnQI 1.ID S U tt'- • '16 IC Ind I JO • '2 IW>- IWCIC'.Ofl\ 164 t *S 1l

PS A lff ~~ .. Pl;$ Col I 0 1 IS + 14 PSE AG I '2 1 H I O '°" Y1t PSIGpl • to ahO 41 + 1 PS 0 1>1 I 40 1110 61\A

~18= ~ :¥ ~~ ~ ... ~~llt Psi Of 12"

1120 107 +I pus 1nc12 s. 10 u .. ,. • -PS NH• I '4 • 12 It* l"SHMx I 21 t 6a I~ • 1• PuOI k kor SI t 2' ' "' P\lllllol .. 17 ~· " P\lelSI' 1 16 • ,. ~. ~

PITTSBURGH <A P > - Steel pnc~s. consider ed a barometer of steel m du&try rortunea, ore falUng sharply

Scrap has dccllned $15 a ton over the past three weeks. and ls sellinK at its lowesl p rice 1nnce April JO. 1974 when Cederal wage and price conlrob were ll Cle d •

· Cl 2 oAll'.v PILOT Ttu.1rSday, JtJne 12. 1975

' By Bil Kenne

" You needn'l hide. It 's nobody you hove to kiss."

L. 1'1. Bo11d

Bras, Panties Lost Forever

Lot of odd churacters have reques ted in their last will.s a nd testa m ents th at they be buri ed in pecu liar positions. But none m ore µe culi<1r , I ' ll warrant, than the one s tipulated by an old boy who died in 1772 in Leith Hi ll . England . J.le v.•us interred ups ide down on horseb:..iek . 1-li s theory " 'as he'd be read y to 1;dc on Judgment Day v.•hcn, as so many peo­ple believt~d . the \\'Orld \11ould be reversed .

THE !\'1 UN ICIPA1. Los t <.ind F'ound Bureau or Ulm , \Vest Gc rmuny . reported a t

tht• end of 1974 that it h;.id fai ll'd to find the ov.·ncrs of 2~1 mispluced brass ie res a nd 113 <.1bandoned panties .

T llREE Ot:T of cvcrY four \\'Omen v.'ho v.·ork iO .te levis ion s te1tion s pound typcv.•rilcrs.

\\'1\ GES C~ ... Kind ly com parl·

the avt.• r agc governm ent v.·orkt:r "s \\·a ge no\v v.·ith the ;,iverage wage in pri va tc ind us try ."

t\ . Gove rn ment . SI 2. 984 . P rivate industry. S8,900.

(~ . " IS IT a n a uton1<.1tie felony to hit your v.·1fe?""

;\ . In Ca li fo rni a and 1'cxas. it is . But it 's not. accordin g to the lav.·s of the other states. These legal querit.•s get tricky. howeve r . f\.'o dou bt num e rous municip<Jlilies outlav.' v.'ife hitting . And hu s band hitting, too. presumably .

Q . " 110\\" l\l 1\ 1'Y KINGS c;.in you namt.· th;.it V."l•r£• reft.1rred tu either as lionhea rt ed or as li ons·.' ··

1\ . f-~ l\' t' . R1 c h<1rd I of E ng land v.·;.i :. the l .1011 f-l e <irtcd . The S<1raccn ,.\Ji 'A'as the Lion of God . Sv.·eden 's Gus ta vus Adol phus v.·as tht' Li on o f the North . And Jlenry of Ba varia <1 nd l-'r;.incc ·s Loui s VIII \\'Crc just pl<1i n Lions. Do you v.·:int to co unt Engl:.ind ·s Queen Elizabeth I ? She Y.'J S t•allt.•d I.he Lionc~s .

llOUSl1"G i\'ut all hous in g l.'Xpcrts ag ree that your

bas ic hous in g bi ll incl ud ing m ortgage, tax · t•s :.ind in s uranct· should a mount to no m ore th <1 11 20 pc r ct•nt of your mon lh ly intom c . Th e FJ-f,\ cs li mato r s s ;,iy you ought to include mainlt· na ncc cos ts, too. G :.i s, t' lcctricity and hl'a ling . ,\ nd they s ay the totul payments s hou ld an1ounl to no n1orc th;.in 35 percent ur you r monthl y ta ke ·hon1t• p:.i y.

T l-I F: 801\T E RS y,·ho zip ;!round in front uf out boa rd motors outnumbe r those y,•ho rov.· with oa rs. The rO'A'l'1·s outnum bered those v.•ho paddle canot·s. ,\nd the c:.1noc pudd lers ou t­numbered th ose y,·ho dti ft in ding hi es. Thcm ·s lht• s ta ti s ti cs .

Tii t~ Hl-~TA JI . STOHi-~ t·r£'llit ca rds out ­number lhc oil eon1pa ny ercdit l'ards by lOU 1nillion lo 90 1nillio n . ·rhc oi l cards ou tnumbe r lhc bank cards by 90 mi lli on to 50 mill io n . Th e bank eards outnumbl'r lhl' l r~1 v C' I and entt'r · \;linme nt cards by 50 1nillion to s ix million .

Add ress 111u il t11 L 1\ T Uoyd. P 0 . Uo.i: 1560, CfJstu J\/c~u 92616 .

Copy r iyht 1975 L .. \I & iyd

Panel Nixes New Hearings A devclopc1-·s t hreat of \\"ho ha\·l' b<1ttlcd the 1s­

s ui t aga in s t the t•it y sues for more than t\\o failed to s way c ity coun · yea rs opposed the 1011 cil m cninNc Y.•portBcach.d e mand s for a nev.· Monday a nd the ir de · public hear in g to ex · c is ions made r ecen tl y on amine se veral new con­d eveloprncnt o f l'A'O lots dit1ons in1posed ""'h en the in T he Bluffs remain on council app roved the de· the books . velopmen t lwo \I.' eek s

The panel hea rd the ago. threats of leg<1 I action One proposal would Monday f ro m la y,·ye rs cut the density s lightl


rep r esenting th e I Oi l and the other would a · joint ven ture w hi c h has tcr the placementofunit s '-''On app r ova ls Y.' ith on theprope rty . s tri ct cond ition s for cl£' · S pok es m e n for 11) 11 veloping two la nd sc aped argued in vai n tha t the lots in th e es t ab lis hed sudden c hanges in l'ond1 · communit y . ti o ns wa rr anted ne y,·

Do ze n s of r esid e nts hearings .

~W 1t1•STll£fT COSTAM(lA 10 •ASSOlllfD 'LAN TS


C.11642-5671 . Pul • few word• lo work for 01.1 .

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P. tho rro n i co · ~

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J)i \\•in1 trai l

" I babl had , t· rov him

H D s ~

~·I c foott

" cc a<lop the d batlf tack.

Th t ion t t ion da ys s t a n• " NA us e tcc h1 or £;; of co

Ot Phil ccuti hOV.'t not : Foot rule!

.. I abou µoss .. , roott Sl'hO univ en co biill of th tel' hi save in u' in ~! use i how

0 1 ball Be.US j utit who ' 'suf th•\ ontl

Ht hurC help buq in •<:

Thursday. June12. 1975 DAIL v PILOT DI

Bowl Restriction Out for Pac-8, Big 1·0? SAN FRANC ISCO CAP > The

Big Ten and the Paclfic-8 appear /

set lo remove the restnction that limited their football teams to on ­lY.._~ JlQSl-season.gumes in lhc.. .Rose Bowl.

Champions of the two leagues still will meet in tho traditional Tournament of Roses game at Pasadena a nnu a ll y l>ut others will be able lo accept bids to other bowls .

Neithe1· conference has accept­ed the proposal officially, but both are expected to do so.

· Acceptanc~ b y the Big Ten btlcame a virtual ccrtaJnty Tues­day when Michigan's athletic board of control voted to ueecpt the-new-pwm .. It b8Came Lh• t.ixth of the 10 'sctu>ols to vote uf­firmatively. A simple majority will be needed when the school presidents take the official ac­tion.

Wiles Hallock , executive direc­tor of the Pacific-8, said Wednes­day that both conferences have cooperated in consideration of the bowl game issue.

Currently, the champions of the Big T en and the Pac-8 ml•et in the Rose Bowl game will} no uthet· tea m s from those con­fer~nt>es pe rmlttett-tu-ptay in other bowls.

Mic tugan , with a ~-2- 1 record over the las t three years has mis­sed every nose Bowl ga me with Ohio Sate State taking part. The past two years it has been a con­fcnmce vole that. gave the nod to OSU when the con ference race resulted in a t ie for the title.

Hallock explained, " The Big

UPI Tel..,holos


Bibbs Rallies

Ra~rez Shocked In Rugged Match

PARIS CAP / Eddie Dibbs, the gritty littl e tennis player from Miami Reac h , upset Mex­ico's Raul Ramirez in a t ense five -set matc h Wednesday and reached the s emifinals of the r'n •nch Champions hi µs.

Dibbs won 4·6, 7·6 , 6-1, 5-7 , 6-4, winning the la s t s ix ga m t·s <iftcr trailing 0-4 in the fifth set.

•· It was a he ll of a mateh, µro­bably thtt toug hl•sl l ha ve cvt•r ha d ,' ' Dibbs s aid as an l'Xcited c rowd of L0.000 stood and cheered him at the cen ter tou11 of Holand

Head Blocks


Say Trainers More tha n 1.200 of the nation's

football trainers ha ve cunrludcd a conve nti on in Anaheim by adopting a resolution warning of the dangers of usin g the head as u battering ram in blocking and tackling .

The 1975 convention of the Na­tional Ath le ti c Trainers Associu· tion ended We dnt'sday after five days anCJ the mos t 1mport<.1nl s tand taken by th e trainers s aid : .. NATA i~ on r ecord opposing the use of t ac klin g a nd blockin g techniques with the helmet and ­or face mas k a s the initial point of conta ct. "

Otho Davis. h e ad lrc.tiner of the Philadelphia Eagles a nd l:.'X · ccutivl:.' director of NATA. said . however. that th e trainers would not attempt to tell the National Football Leagul' to rl:.'v1se it s rules .

·· We' r e mainly con cern e d about warning parents about the possible dangers ... he said.

''NATA urges all pa rents of footba ll player s a s wc•ll as hig h school boos ter tlubs. PTA's a nd univers ity alu mni <.1ssociations to encourage a nd s upport thei r f~t­ba ll coa(' hes in the rervuluat1on of this pr ad ice and to Leach safer techniqul:.'s. Thtb vital s tep may save a life or a lifc limc existence in a wJ>0 ·~ ch t11r " lt\lf. ~~~~u N FL pluycrs rar(•ly use the tact ic because they know how dangcrou b tl ca n be.

Davis said 10 hi li{h s<·hool fool · ball players di ed during the 1974 season from b ead and neck in j uries. He said countless boys who play football thts fa ll m ay " suffer head a nti neck injuries tha\ will have a permanent-effect on their li Vt!S . ·:

lie said the deve lopment or the hard plustic·s he lled helmet has helped protect the head better. but the helmet itself has Uct'Omc in sornc ins t Oll('C'S ••weapon .

Garros Stadium . The battle las ted 3 hours. 50

minute s. R amirez won th e lt<.1li<1n t itle last week and was j.(O· ing for t he big European <:lay courts doub le .

Dibbs was the fi rs t tnan tun·· ach the semifinals in the lourna· m ent which carries a $30,000 pri ze.

The m a t c h w<is the m ost dramati c of the tournament thus far.

Dibbs t railed 0·4 in the final bN and was 30-40 on his se rvice . Ra m irez seemed on tht' verge of victory.

· · [ t houg h t it was all over." Oibbs sa id . ··Then I hit a backhand pass down the line. It was the s hot of th e m atch for m e. And from the n on, lhmg~ started going m y way.' '

Dibbs won every game a fter that.

Andre w s' prev iou b victims were Mike E step and Rostoc Tanner .

Dibbs' oppon en t in Friday's s emifinal i s Ar ge ntina ' s Guill ermo Vila s, a 6·2, 6·2. 7-6 winner over Onny Parun of New Zea land in the second m en 's quarter-final.

Borg Injured,

Match Delayed

PARIS CAP ) - Swech~h t ennis star Bjorn Bo r g s uff<'red a twist­ed neck w hile s tepping out of a s hower in his hote l room tod ay and his quarter-fina l m atch in the Fre nch Open Tennis Cham­pion s h ips a gai n s t Harold Solomon was d elayed 1 r4 hours.

'· 1 don ' t want to scratc h bt•cause I won t his title la s t year ." said the 19-year·old Borg . " But I feel terrible." Pi en e Darmon, tourn a ment director. sa id the match was d e layed while Borg underwent massage treatments.

The young Swede also prac· ticed for about 20 minutes with his doubles partner, Guille rmo Vilas of Argentina. Afte r the workout he s aid he dld not feel Wl•ll enough to face Solomon, but after the massage treatments, he <'hanged his mind .

The Borg-Solomon match was played on the center court al Roland G arros Stadium. und a crowd of nearly S,000 wailed in hot sunshine for the players to ar· 11vc. Borg. thr top !'iced. had re­ached the qµarter final s by win ning four mat(·hes without drop­pin~ a set.

LA Can't Buy a Hit Or a Win LOS ANGELES CAP ) - With

the departure of Tug McGra\\ . <1 new hero w;;is rt•quired for tht· Net York M e t s ' bullpen. In ­trodudn g Robert J ohn Apodaca.

Actually, he m •eds no introdut· · t ion as fc:tr as the Los r\ngell·S Dodge rs arc <.·oncernt•d. In 1974, when the Dodgers won the l\u· tional League pl•nnant. Apodaca,

All9•meson KABC 090) 1 June 11 New Yor~ at Los Ange l! •

Jun" 13 Phtl.tdelphta di Los Anqe1.,, Jurw 1" Pllilddelphta "' Ln• An<.et«\

I 2SP m . I 2So m. b Hp n•

a Southern Ca lifornia res ident. allO\\Cd Los Angeles just one run in two <i pµearan ces and c:.irned one victory .

So far th is season he·s faced th e Dodgers three times und hasn 't allo\\ ed a run in fi\'C m· nin~s .

Wedm•sd ay n i!;!ht. before 40,095 fans at Dod ge r S ta dium , the li tUe right -hand er ret ired all six Dodgers he faced a nd earned hi s firs t vic tory , a 2·1 decis ion . Th<.' two perfect innings lowered his ea rned run average to 1.20 and he has seven saves .

" I always gel a littl e nervous facing the Dodger s. especially out he r e," h e sa id. •· I 've got a lot of res pect for the Dodgers dub a nd the organization." It's hard­ly noti ceable th e way he pitches a gains t them .

After tho Mets punched over the lie-break ing run in the top of th e ninth against loser Mike Marshall on a wa l .... 'i ld . p~tch a nd s in g le b y MiW Phtlhps, Apodaca fi n ished with a flouris h by fanning Steve Garvey and Willie Crawford for the final two outs . -

.. It's the s am e old problem.'' said manager Walter Alston, t ry ­ing tu find <i wa y lo shake up the club 's battin g s lump . The Dodgers were r est1icted to five hi ts by rookie Rand y Tate.

Los Angeles loaded the bases off Tate with no one out in the second inning but scored only one run .

'' I really don ' l k now what to do to sha ke up th e line-up," a dis ­m ayed Al s ton s :.iid .

../'-,, .A, ........ .,... NEWYOllK

Cllnuct M ii ner ib M lll<1t12b CJonesll Apocl• <•P Tortt' lCI w c;.rreU lO Sl•uorl K1119,,,.r1 tb !>lffFPI~ ( r.1t o AIOUPh un,,., ct

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Ten Conf or e nce iis U'I a pro<:CbS of indi vid1..11~ 1 rutif1cuhon by its members wit h reference lo play mg an other bowls.

" The acITTc-8 Council sub-st antially favors partJc ipa t1on in other bowls. " . Big T e n leaders m eet August 4 for final action . The re is no mt'l'l ing set for the presidents of the Pac-8 schools until D<:cembt•r\ but H e1 llock pornted out that rahriealion l'Ou ld comt• in one of several ways including a vote by mail or a conference tl•lephone

<'a ll inl'lud1ng all the Sl·hool ll'<.tders.

Ha lh.>ck could make no pr<.'<J ic· tion on the outcome of such a

oalIOl, bu mil say, "The way things are m ov ing now participa­t 1 on in ot h e r b owls i s tt possibility.

''Thrnughout a ll of our joinl discussions with the Big Ten and the T o urn a m e nt of Roses, whatever action we take in r e · gard lo participation Ill other games s hall n ot in a ny w<.t y detract from the s tature of the

Rose Bowl. " The alleg ianc·e betwE>en the two

{'Onft'rences bl'gan with lllt: New Ye~r·s game of 1947 when lllin~is \\'happed UCLA 45·14. Since ili(fl only teams from the two con­fere nces have m e t in the rtose Bowl battl e .

·· Peopl e from both conferences haVl' discussed the current mat · tl•r thoroughl y with Tournament of Roses foollJa ll and executive (•ommitll'l'S and they are recon­(·aled to a prob a h_lc c hange in policy." Hallock said .

Horton on a Tear; So Are Halos, 14-7 ~

DETRO IT (AP > ''This is part of baseball ," ins is tc.,'() um ­pire Ma1ty S pringstead. "They get their d a nd er up . Nobody got hurt as a result. " .

l ndt.•l'd , the Dl'lroit Tigers and Californi a Angels did get the11· dander up W edncsday 111ght. And nobody rea lly got hu11 . But the way the two benches C' leared for a fourth-innin g melcc during the opener of thetr doublche<idcr 1t seem ed certain !.omebody would gel l>OPPl'd pretty good.

T he Angels latl·1· did their hit ­ting wilh their bats and blaskd the ·Tigers 14-7 in the frecswing­ing a ffai r .

The M'l'Ond i.rarnc was sus­pended bet'aus <.• of the Aml•ncan League 's 1 a .m . cu rfew law \\Ith Detroit ll•adang 5.3 aftt.•r t•1ght tn · ningl:> . The garr.c will be fm1sht•d before l o n i g h t ' s r cg u I a r I\· sch eduled game between the teams .

The intidl'nt bl·gan w lwn musl'ular Tigt'l's ch.·s1gnatcd h it · te r Willil' ll orton l'hargecl Angels p1td1er F r ;.ink Tirn a n a <.tftl'r Tanana ha d f11·l·cl .in inside p1kh tu him lead inf,.! off the fou rth

Hl'fore thin gs ('alml•d d0\\11. Tigt•rs m:rna gl'I' ltalph I louk and u m p tr c La rr y Ba r n l'l l " <: r l' l:ihun•d lo lh l• g round . Angt'ls pitt h t•r D 1l·k l.angc got ~chltchcd. Angt•ls t••t(·hcr Ellie Hodrig uc..,z w a:-. sho\'cd arnund. a nd a bout half :1 <101.en others "l're in\ o h ·t·d 1 n Olll' '' ·1~ or Jnotht•r an thl'" aid do1111~· hrool-. .

·· \\'1lltc kl•pt saying 'I'm gonn a kill ~ou . I'm gonna kill ~ou." to am bod\' and l'\'l'l'\'bo<h" ." stud sl•t·ond ba::.l' u rnp1rt:Bartll'll .

Sprin gst t•ad , tht• plate· ump1n.•. s a id llorton pushed h irn and tatt·hl't' Hod n g ucz aside\\ hl'n lw

µ'1 i.

went aftl' r T a n a n <.1 . .. I d ecided for peat'e of the:

game it was bc:st to gave Willil' a re~t . " he s aid , adding later , .. Ca n you im agin e what would have happened if wt• kept Horton in

there and a pikh was in the general area of tht.• oth(·r ont• . You'd han~ needed the National Guard out thl•rt· . ..

Tanan<i said he wasn't throw-

AngebSlate All G•mPS on KM PC (110)

J une n Ca h to rn1a at De tro t1 J une 13 Cd f• t oro1a dt M 1lw ,1u .. ·f' June J4 Ca11rorn1d at M11wau~ • ..

4 ~\ p m.

~ 7~p m. II 7~" m

ing at llorton but he "~mtt•d lo pitch him 10 ti~rtlt. ·-ru tl'll you one thing you can 't do. The nl'Xl lime you go to tht> mound you t·an ' t pitt·h anr t.J1ffrrt:ntl) . ., Tan;rna :.aid.

Tan ana said Horton poked him :,,e\'era l timl'b \\ ith his finger ··and s<.iid soml'lh111g likl• ' You' re too young to he m essing with me .'··

" The thin g you want to tlo is get Willie Horton mad." said Tan un a. who a dmired llorton whil e growin g uµ in Detroit.

Another Horton admirt•r "as Lange . of Harbor Bt•ach , Mich. , ''ho sa id he was g r abbed a round the neck b y Houk while trying to keep Horto n a'' :.iy from Tanm1a . He said Houk fe ll and scratched hjm as A n ge ls coach Whitey Rerzog was pulling llouk away.

That was dunn g thl' initi a l bl'nch c leanng . Iloth benches and bullpens l'll·a r t:d again mo­ments later after Ho11on \\as ejected and T:.i n <1n<1 r esumed his s pot on th e m o und . During the second tan g le. Horton grabbed Lange by th e coat. Lange said.

··Willi e found me and said ,· Do


GameeoCks Win Lead College World Series

OMAHA CA P l Greg Keatley drove in three r uns a nd E~rl Bass scattered eight hits Wednesday nig ht, leading South Curoh na to ;_1 tJ 3 t riumph over Ari tona Sta te in the College World Seriei. . .Jl. .

The victor} left U1e fourth -rated G3mecocks as the only un· beaten am on~ the rour rcmaJning tea m s in the double e limination tourna ment. , •

Aru:on a Stllle. 00-12. battlcs"Qklahoma. 52·9, in a s urvlva.1 game tom l(hl. f ollowcd by o m~ttng between Texas, S4-6, and South Carolina. S0-4 .

South Carolina moved within two victories of becoming the firs t enst<'rn team In 20 yeurs to win the coll<'R<.' chompionshlp by batt hn~ ll:i<'I-. from :m l'al'ly 2 0 deficit and then holding on with thl' dutC'h µ1t r hing of Bass



you want to fool with m e'?" Lange explai ned. ·· 1 s aid . No!

· No~ . .. Horton s car ed me but. llouk st·ratC'hed m e a little bit. "

Californaia An gels manager Oit•k Williams had a tough time hl'rdin g his player s back to the clugout both times. Hie t1-ied get ­ting Tan<.1na away soonest.

.. l believe th ey thought I was the spark and 1f t hey got m e out of s ig ht thin gs would calm down. " Tan;.rna said . ·

Williams sa id the l>esl way lo get Horton ou t 1s with inside lll'eak ing pitches about belt high.

00 \ \' l' weren 't throwing at him and the ball didn 't hit hi m ," Williams sa id .

Spnngstead said he would not recom m e nd an y t ype of s us­p('nsion in his report to American League president Lee Mc Phail.

News m e n w e r e not permittoo in the Tiger s d r essing room after the firs t ga m e and there was no immediate com m e nt from Horton or Houk .

" You can ' t take t hat as a phys ic al attack on an umpire ," Springstead sa id . '·T ha t 's ju:st in the categor y of trying lo get lo anybody und everybody . . . not lake an attack o ne -on -one.··

S pringstead also said if hc h ad n 't ejec t ed Ho r ton and a nother inside pitch had been thrown , ··you 'd h ave needed the Nation a l Gu a rd out there."

There\\ en• actually two bench dear ings. The first lusted about 10 m mutt•s . Tht• second begal\ vlmost imm t·di atel\· after Tanana r e turned to Lhe mound. Houk and Horton felt Tanana s hould han· bt'en t'jectcd, too. They belic\·e d Horton had bel'n hit, but Sprin gs tead s<ii d ht! had n ' t been and . m his j udJ,!­ment. Ta n a n a ha dn 't dt'liberate­ly thrnwn at him .

··They've been throwing awful­ly close to Willi e. E verybody has,'' s aid Hou k. who wou nd up on the g round at one point after grab· bin g Ca l i fornia p it c her Dick Lani.w.

" I can ' t blame Horton," llouk t•onlin ued . · · 1 · m not say ing they threw at him . though. I \\as an­gry too. When on e guy tomes out with a bat , that ·s bull. That's what reallv set Willie off. ..

Lange s~id Houk grabbed him :.iruund th e n ec k in t he first bench-cle<irin g C'p1sode and that Horton g r abbed him by the coat dunng the sN·ond one.

It was s hortl y after Horton 's . temper t·x µl oded th<it the Angels <'Xplodcd. belting ~lickey Lo!JC"h, 1··1. for fn e rnn~ in the fifth 111-mn g. Bruce Bochte' s two-run doub le that greeted r eliever Da\'c Lcman t·zyk was a key blow.

T lw n Ca li fornia tagged Boh Hevn uld:s for six runs in the <.'ighth four on a grand -s lam home run by I .cc Stanton.


•D r h bl Remy 7b s 7 I I Al •~rH t 2 o t I M NMll • \ c l 2 I 0 0 Hirll('r on 3 1 1 I l • hoUd Clh 0 I 0 I !>t•r11on rt • l 7 S Ch4tlk lb • I t I Meoh JI> 0 0 0 0 8ochll' lb s 0 1 J El Aoor•Qu4'L c s 7 1 o e Sm••" \S • o 1 o Colltn\ II 4 1 3 I hnAn"p O O o O Sells p O O 0 O

•b ' h bl l e Flore c l 4 t O 0 Sut her ldnd 7b ? t 1 0 Mt<Mel 71> J I 1 7 Meye r If S O 1 2 HorlOn<IPI 1 0 0 0 Sl•nte v dn 3 o I t L Robt'r h rl J 0 I 0 Colllt-•I ti) • I 1 1 Vl'•V tPr , , 4 0 0 0 WoOn lu\C ' I I I A Rooro9ue z Jo • 1 2 O 1..0h<I\ p 0 0 0 0 umanczv~ p o o o O Reynold \ p O O O O

Tol a ls 38 1' t S 14 Tola I• 38 I 10 1 c a11•orn•• 000 750 001 14 OPlrot t 100 001 111 I

E Woc k~nlu••. Ml•ver. Ve r.,,.., Ml'Oh OP O..lro1t J LOB Ca h lorn .a b Oetrm t b 1 8 L. Ro°"'' '· A~mv . Harper . Bod>1e , Coll•ffl. Slanl• v. A AOOn9ue1, Et . Rodr.9uu J B - Sutherlancl, A. RO<irlQU~ / ~~R Woc k~"tu» (II , Slanlon lS l , Colbt'rl 14). S B Rt•ttr\, Harper, Slanlon. SP­A1v~rs

IP H R EA 88 50 T •nan• tw. 4 o 1 8 4 • I 8 Sell\ 1 ' 3 7 t l LollCh IL 7. 41 ,, , 8 ' s ' > lemanc 1yk 7 • • J 3 3 • R•ynold\ , J • 4 I I

WP Ll'man c1vk. T 1 .s2.


IN NET TOURNEY Pl' EBLO . Colo . - UC Irvine

won all of it s matches Wednes­day a ft t>rnoon a nd is lied for first pla('e arter the firs t two rounds of th<' NCAA Divi s ion II tenn1~ t•humpionships, hen'

In sin~lcs Dave Eastmun and Jere Willi ams each won two mat('hes and Scott Cam<ihan und Bob Wri~ht one each. In doubles . Eustmun and Willi ams won l wn ma tc h l'S and Carnah a n and Wright one . ,

Act.ton tn the quarkrfinals "ill bt• today with t hf.' fiMl i.; ::. luted Saturday.

·- 1 .-1LOl ' ·- ThUrsday. Junel2, 1825 •

Diab'los~ Schmidt I • • •

FVDuo - Late

Realizes Dream Bloomers Br DAVE ROMANQ


Pl aying profe~siona.1 baseball ha.t always been a dream for Dave Schmidt of Mission Viejo High. •

'J'hus, when the Boston Red Sox drafted the s lugging catcher in Lhe second round last week he rigured he would sie-n if the money was right.

Schmidt had also been offered a .{our -y ear sc holarship to Arizona Stale University, but in­s te ad d e eided to s ign with Bo.ston. The Red Sox , represent­ed by scou t J oe Stephenson, ('ame up '-''ith enough money to satisfy Schmidt and also " 'ill help pay for his education.

•· 1 " 'iii s till get to go to rollege and now I get an opportunity to play profess ional baseball ri ght av.:ay, "' says Schmidt . " I '-''US

very happy with what the Red Sox offered me."

S('hmidt hit .354 this past year for Miss io n Viejo '-''ilh 2.f rhi. s ix doubles, two home runs and 10 s tolen bases . fi e has the com­bination or good speed and po"·er " "hil'h pro scouts look for .

The 6-1, 198-pound star '-''as a big fa ctor in Miss ion Viejo's win · ning the South Coast League baseball crown .

Sl"hmidt will report to Elmira, New York Sunday and wi ll go through a fiv e-day workout there before being a ssigned by the Red Sox .

.. They ' re just going lo test me a little," says Schmidt. ··u nless· I am really good or really bad, I will pro bably be a siigned to \\~ inte r fl aven in the F1orida State l~eague for the rest of the season.''

Winter H aven is one of three Class A farm teams ope.rated by the Red Sox. Th(:: other two a re in Wins ton-Salem and Elmira . The Red Sox 's leading fa rm team is its AAA affiliation in J1a .... 1ucket, Rhode Is land.

Because Bos ton has an .all -star


catcher in Carl ton Fisk, who is only 27. and a fine backup re · (_•e iv e r in 23 -yea r -o ld Tim Blackwell , Sl"h mi dt had a long talk '-'' ith S t ep he nson about possibl y cha ng ing his position. ·

-- 1 know I 'm not going to go lo Boston and beat out an a ll ·star catcher, " says Schmidt . ·· Howeve r , Fisk has a history of inj uries apd one never knows about tr ades . Stephenson a nd I decided that I wi ll s tay a catcher for the time be in g. ''

Schmidt realized he had a good chance o{ playing pro bt,11 after his sophomore year at Mission Viejo.

Leaving home is goi ng fl> be toug h for Schmidt, who has a you nger brother Eri c . They played both baseball and football toget h er thi s yea r . Dav e, howe ver , figures it was inevita ­ble.

·· 1r I v.·ent. to A1izona State I v.·ould ha ve to l eav~ in August o.i ny .... ·ay-so e ither wa)' I was go· ing to have to lea ve home soon,"' says Schmidt . " I ' ll get used to it ."

By ED BURGART or tM o.u, """" aot1

Dave Brown calls them the late bloomers.

Dave Rohde, a 6-10 center, didn 't play basketball during his fresh~an and sophomore years .

And Bill Miller , a 6-2 guard, was only 5-6 as a sophomore.

But Rohde and Miller, stand· outs on the Founta in Valley Hi gh basketba ll team this past season , are a mong 12 seniors who will play ror t he South in Saturday night 's Orange County all -star basketball game at Orange Coast College .

And their coach al Fountain Valley High , Bro .... ·n , " 'ill be d irecting the South.

Brown talks highly of Rohde and Miller, both of whom helped Founta in Valley to reac h the second round of the CI F 4-A p layorfs this .vea r .

' ' Rohde haS made great s trides since the season began," says Brown. '' H e s tarted a t 235 pounds, but got down to 220. He has an accurate s hot inside and has a nice hook .'·

Because or an accurate seven­foot bank, Rohde averaged ' 13.3

..points this year. He was also a s trong rebounder and was im­pressive e n o u g h . to earn a scholarship to Loyola Universit y in Los Angele s . ·

" f-le' ll ' p lay lor Loyola, " says Brow n. " He is big , s trong .and toug h. ··

Rohde ~asn ·t ' big, s trong and tough three yt?a~ a go, though.

Two North Stars

" As a freshman, I didn 't play a t a ll ,'' says Rohd e . who wei£hed 250 pounds then . " I was over­wei ght. Duri ng my sophomore year, I came out for basketball , but Brow n told me I was not good e noug h . So, l just practiced then ."

Rohde al so gave up football ­he was a defens ive tack le- after his frosh year , and con('entra ted ··on losing all the extro.i weight. Over the last year and one half, I losl 40 pounds,·· he says. Miss Scrimmage

Miller was jus t the oppositc ­s mall and th in . I-l e didn 't start g rowing until his ju nior year, a nd didn 't pla y any va rsity ball 41.1ti l thi s pa s t seaso n , '-'' hen "'h e establis hed h im self as one of Orange County 's best guards .

By RON EVA1'S Ott'"' O• lly Pi"" ~tf

Pla yin g without CIF2-A player of the year Kevin Heenan and de ­fensive ace J e ff We ber , the North t·rui sed to an 82-65 win over (.;olde n \Vest College We<biesday afternoon in a cage scrimmage atGWC,

Preparing for Saturday night 's Ora nge County hi gh school all­sta r game at O,range Coast Col l ege, the North s qua d dominat ed the boards a nd played \lo•e ll agains t Golde n West. but t•oach Bob V,anVod'rhi s o f 1'"'ull erton 1-ligh h ad some bad ne\\'S about t'-''O of his top pl aye rs.

1-lec nan . wh~ . figured lo be one of the keys to the North auack, ha s a bad ca Se of the flu and may not be 100 pe rcent come Satur­d o.i y. Th e E l D o rad o st ar averaged 21. l points a game.

\Veber, who went to FUiierton and 1t1.•as cons ide red one of the men v.·ho had a s hot al s topPin g Bob Losner , is in '-''Orse s hape " ·ith a bad o.inkl e. fie Is eoming off knee s urgery and is a very do ubtful starter.

The North did a good job on the boards o.ind s hot well a gain st




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Golden West , but i ts ball handl · ing left a lot to be desi red . J\.fan y balls we r e thrO'-''n away and its offense didn ' t appear to be that s harp . \ ' anVoo rhi s, howe ver, was pleased .

··we: wanted to ~ork o n the boards tod ay and I thought we did a good job th ere," says Van ­voorhis , ','We also ran a lot better than in previous practices."

Forw ar d Bill John s on o f Garden Grove lligh WHS very im· , scoring 19 points and l i.>a ding the North offen se. Forward Den nis"Smith of Servile and center Barry Weston of Brea

:performed wel l o.o ~he boards . Rancho Ala.m1tos ' J o hn

Hirschi er , who will attend Colden West in the fall , also played we ll and had 10 points.

The North went with a s tarting lineup of Westo n at center, Smith and Ji m B ec k e rl e o f Lo s Alami tos at the forwards a nd Joh nson and Ke nnedy 's Ken Munger at the guard'i. If f-l eenan is hea lthy h e will proba bl y replace l\.1 unger and Webe r would s t art in place of Beckerle ifhe('anplay.

Althoug h averaging only nine points, - l\.1iller " ' a s a c lever ba ll handler and was well ­recognized by the Orange Cou nty Sports writers Association u•hi ch selected him lo the All -Su nset Leag ue and All -Orange Coa st area £irs t tea ms, in addition to t he All -Orange County third team .

Not bad for a g uard '-''ho was 5-4 his frosh year.

" He wa s reall y s mall h is fre s hm a n a nd sop hom ore ye ars .'' s ays Brown, " but he was 5·9 his junior year , although he v.·a s thin a nd l!g ht. But he ' s always played well and has had excellent ski ll s."

Unlik e Rohde , Miller likes to shoot from ou tside a nd is very ac · curate from 18 feet .

.. And he's s till growing, " says Brown . " He has good vision and gets the ba ll to the open man. And he i.s excell ent with the ball ,

·using both hands for dribbling."

Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE

East Division w L Pct . GB

.Boston 29 22 .569 New Yo rk 30 25 .545 I l\.1ilwaukec 25 28 .472 5 Detroit 23 28 .451 6 Baltimore 23 JO .434 7 Cleveland 23 31 .426 7V,

West Division Oak land 34 22 .607 Kans as City 33 25 .569 2 Angels 29 29 .500 6 Minnesota 26 26 .500 6 28 28 .500 6 Chicago 23 32 .418 10 1~

W.d ... 10•y '1Ga"'" C.l• l0tni1 l•-J , Oetroil l · S, JnCI ~.,.. i1a(lt"4fd,

l •M•ngs, c urie"' : lobe compltl.-1 1<1nl91'1t New Yo•~ S. Ml-W1' 1 K • ..,.., Cil y 1. Cle ve11nd I 0.~ l .,.d S. Mo! w•11~ee J B• lllmott t . le •f l I , 10 1Mi"9'1 8o11011 •. CftlC•!IO I, I• in n•"'ll .... ,.,c;.,,.... ,,.;nnt\011 !Goll r S•SOt Cortonl•)) •! ""°'" Yo< ~

lOobloOll~f (A lltor11la IF10 ... •o • • ·2> •t Ot!tOI! lt .. • G<OW

•·41 Cl•n••nd (Ae1c11 J ·Ol ~ • 11;,. ,,..H (1!1 !Bulby

1· ~)

0.kl"'d ! Blue ' ' • 1 "' M ilw.tukH (C• .,,o t 1 f 80\!0I' (Pole 1. 1) .t i ( !"'"11'1 !I(••' I JI B.J!t•mo•e '"• '"''' • ll •1 Te •a• lli•btl• 1 ii

Ftooil;> • ' fG•..,.. So"on •t• ~ (o !y. l 0.kl..,,<1 at Detto+I Clll, •00•1 Ne"' Yo•k C.1"0tn•• at MH"'•11 kte B•ll•mo'e al M ln~ \01• c1e ... 1• na ., Te••'


w L Pittsbur gh 29 23 New York 28 23 Chi cago 29 26 Ph il adelphi a 29 26 St. Loui s 26 26 Montreal 18 JO

West Division Ci ncinnati 35 24 Dodgers 34 26 Sa n Francisco 29 27 S.a n Diego 28 29 Atlanta 25 32 Houston 22 40 ...... Ml••'•G.a....

!.on Ft • n<ls<o I , Pl>il•<lelpllo• J Cftlc•oo•t " ll•n••. Pod. •••n Cjnc!nn• ll l , SI , lO<o•S 1 HOullon J, P llUO..n11n 1 s.n D1ev<> l , Mon1rea1 1 Nf .. Yo• k l. lOI A'1Qa le1 I , ..... , .• c;.._

Pct . GR .558 .549 ' '~ .527 ", ·, 527 11,2 .500 3 .:!75 9


.567 1112

.518 4 ,,.,

.491 6

.439 9

.JSS 14 ~., .

Mont .. •I <AoVtt l • ·• I al S.n o;..,.. (Ft,,i \le_,, l ·I J

Pl>Uadlfl!llll • (C• rlton J . J) •I Soen F1•n<i1.Co ( ... •llc t 1 l · ll

Cl'llcaoo 01e111c nt1 • ·• ~ •I ..,11...t• fMo,.,.,..,t-t' ~\ . Lou is l McG IOl"-n 6· • l • 1 Cinc:<nnal• INo•~n

6·l l P llhbu•Qll (£111 \ f ·J) •1 Hous!Oll {Aobo!th l · I> "'-"' Yor k !Ma llock l · t / •I lO\ AntJtlt• {Sutron

tO ·- l Ft1o1a , '1G• .......

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'5."r • 1<.- Pa.-t ..... BoJy 'lh l"lp f")~•~ '• t> o r • a""'"" Par I.• U,.p crf,.. nt Op"n \,,, .,, ,i., ,, If "m J p .,.

wr MA•F 0 ¥F A\fA \ OEllVf Rlf \

. -. .. , ... .l

~ . :;:;;

Sout 11 C1111st Cl111111pio11s Members of the Mission Viejo High girls softball team that won the South Coast League championship include, front row, from left : Joy Rossello, Eileen Hebets , Terri Gilreath, Vicki Gando lfo and Tapl.i Gillen . Back row: Lu Anne Woodbridge, Sue Sprou~ Suzie Davis , Therese Arbour, Kelly Serey and coach Linda Schwartz.

North Can Win: Beckerle

Jim Beckerle of Los Alamitos Hi g h thinks the North ha s an e'xcellent shot at bea tin g the South Satu rday night at 8 in the 10th a nn ual Ora n ge County hi g h s c hool all ­star basketball game at Orange Coa st Cot lege.

Becke rl e , \Vho pla ys in the Su nset l .cague. has had a l'hance to go up a ga in s t s u c h So uth pla yers as Bob Los ner of J\1arina. Li nn Wilson of \\'estminstcr and Da ve Rohde and Bill Miller of Fountain Valley .

.. I think the pla yers 1n the North camp arc just as good if not better than most of th e talent found in the Sunset League, '"

OCC Strong Again AIWther Grid Title for Bucs?

By CRAIG SHE5'F Oii~ • O• Ur ,. .. I 51•11

Like mos t football coaches, Orange Coast College 's Dii; k Tucker is an optimist .

But u•ith th.c kind of talent he has returni ng in the fa ll , there is little doubt he · has a r ight to be . Then , throw in a few tr ansfe rs and add some top fres hmen and OCC has the ing redients for another champions hip yeo.i r .

" We think \\.'e ' ll be bet ­ter than ..... e were las t y ear ," s a ys Tucker , " 'hose 1974 team " 'on Lhe South Coast Conference tit le and ga ined the fina ls of the Di vision If championship.

Topping the li s t of in -

co m in g fre s hm e n who have registered a t OCC ar~ tig ht e n.ds J im Balch ( Edison l and Ke ith Josephson (Costa MesaJ and center Brad Green <Estancia ).

Tucker beneves he has a good crop of fres hmen , but fe w will crack the starting o ffe ns ive or de­fens ive lineups.

The only big gap will be the secQndary , where three of th e s tarters were sophomores last fall.

E lsewhere , OCC ap­pears to be solid .

Leading the returnees is running bac k Tony Ac ­comand o C5·9 , 170) , a breakaway thre " 'ho gained 718 y o.ird s lo.i s l season , a sc hool r ecord .

Pete Browo (6·1,210),

a long with Accomando, will £:ive the Bucs a solid 1-2 running combination.

Al quarterback, OCC ha! Dave White, Mike Ma g ner and Mark Stewa rt returning. Magner (6-2, 190) , the starting QB two seasons ago, s at out last year \\• ith an injury . White(6- l , 190) led the Pirates through the first eight ga mes, be fore a ha nd injury s idelined him. Stewart (6·1, 155 ) took over for the final rour games.

says Beckerl e . " We have An th Lo y ~1~~.~ ~ ce ;r we co me lo 0 er ng ear

O th e r o£fensive s t arter s back include la('kle Jack Clark (6-5, 240) and guard J ef f Kravitz (5-11 , 210). The top " 'ide receivers figure to be Steve Adams (5-10, 1701, a part-time starter last yea r, and Paul Desmet (6-1, 180) . Both have excellent s peed. .

' Be c ke rle , a 6·3 a ll - F LB G "dd ? s un s e l L e a gue or rI ers. perfo rm e r. ca n pla y

Gary Jennin gs (6·4, 240), who played two seasons ago al Golden West fi g ures t o be a

e ither guard o r forward . lie averaged 14.2 poin ts a game for Los ,\ J and had a hi g h game of 28 agains t E l 'foro .

' ' Bec kerle is an all­round pla yer V.' ho is very steady and c an be used seve r al different posi­tions." s a ys North coach Bob Van Voorhi s o f Fu ll erton Hi gh ... He is very coachable and the type of player who is very valuable in an all­star game."

One o f Beckerle's favo rit e phas es o r the game is guarding bigger pla yers.

That 's one reason why he's de veloped in to a fine ma n-lo -man d e fe ns ive player . And, s inl"e the North " 'ill be us ing a man de fe nse Saturday nighl it fi g ures to be a n advantage for him .


Sign ups

s to.irter at offensive Despite one of the coach ca lls Chap man- tackle .

Sl"hool 's la r gest turnouts Frenc h 's ba ckup last De fen s ive ly, t ack les for s pring pr3Cti ce in re· season- th e best faker . Ross Malinowski (6·3, ce nt ye ar s, Laguna G umpf , the s tar~ing 225 J and Jim Gair C6·1, Beac h l lig h footba ll s ignal ca ller on a 5-4 220 J, linebacke r s Mike coach Den ni s llaryung freshman team, is big, Frost (6·0. 190) a nd Tim still sound s somewhat strong and run s t he op- Brown (6·1, 212) , along pessimist ic abo u t th e lion well , according to '-''ith deep backs Dave team 'soutlookthisfall . Hary un g. Bienek (5·7, lf.0 ) and

"' \Ve have a much bi g· A key returnee on of- John Grov.•er (6-0, 1601 ger turnout than l ast fens e is runnin g back return. fa ll ," s:Jys Haryu ng of Kevin Pike, who ga ined Pa l Millican (6·2, 240), the 60 candidates for the 338 yards o n 93 ca rries a defensive tackle from var sity, sophomore and las t year . Ne"' port Ha rbor, also freshmen teams. " But The Art ists also Pilve a "figures to play a lot for we only ho.ive four retum· ceoter - Bill Judkins the Pirates . He injured a in g lette rmen . And · a ll (5-11 , 160 ) - who started , leg in last s ummer 's our defens ive starters, two games las t season. Orange County North­except for one, h ave AndHaryungisvcry hi gh South game a nd was graduated . " on a transfe r fro m La fo rced to sit out the '74

Even '>''ith a more ex- Canada, wide r eceiver season. peri e nced g roup las t SteveBrya nt . · :Wi t h lhe fr eshmen year, Laguna Beach Rick Nuni s, a 155· " 'e're getting and the could on ly fin is h with a pound safety, is th~ only guys we have coming 2-7 record a nd was 0·5 in returnin g starter on de- back. we should be prel­Sout h Coast League fense . ty good. But the rest of play. However, the five Despite many the conference figures to losses were decided by 18 s hortcomings, fl ary ung be improved , also, " ·says points. is not taking a totally - Tucker.

1-l aryung ha s been negativ e approal"h . 1''""9CU" ''",__"c----st ressing offense in pral"- ·'T his yea r , things are 1~~~ .. '!' 111 ~k'i7s~;:11~=;: lice , hopi ng to find a more organized and the u1 .. i..r-ff 1.

re PI a Ce ment for k ,. d s kn o '-'' my CO\l•~w-1C• i 1 11 JOHt1"-«al : ..... 1'1' Hll:lo!kff Ub l; ICfll ~ e11-

quarterback Mike Ser- · terminology," says the 1011 . 11 ... 1.

k d d h f Eclhon- Jlfol B•l <l'I It• ! ; Na-r a no , al s o a ·ey e - secon ·year coac rom CN no 1r1:1l ; Jimetother11ot1. 1i... i ; fensive back last year. West Torrance. " I'm not Al 1a1. u ... 1; K••lfl l"-ord

Fr• CliMl ; SltYI Ii i .... !rib-w t); Con Spring practice e nd s 1- driving 100 mil es each SctiroNer 1011. 1;MJ. day. - 1 day, a nd the a ltitude has E\!•n<1• - 8•"' G•••n C<.,.••• >: ,,.,. ,t Aw lc1'1011•er U•, t l•I ; ~•t

Signups for the South Serrano completed 40 been good .·· 0e ...... 10ti1: At, 11 £11 1111 1- 1; 0.1

Co as l Ju n i or I\ 11 - of 109 passes for 537 yards 1911 sc.,.41111 ~..:.1:~r1~•111v -J•••~ C..-Uftd,• American football pro- fromapro-setoffense. 5'pt . 1l At we u Tonan,. iw:rtm- 0 11 1. •

...... ) H"" l lngton 8-•<l'l-Got•ld BolH gram will be he ld Friday Top candida t es to ~. 19 a1oom,no•on• UI M J. ni ght at San Juan repla('e Serra n o are 5"C11 . l6A1R1m o11,,.wor1d1 M.11111.- c ... 1, H•l'ln fObl; J im

EI S OU. J C.nron I Wt ndell Ubl ; Aon Ro's !•b l. eme ntary c h oo l Cr aig F1·ench (5·10, 140), 0c1. 10•1B•••• """"''°'' - J •mR111gav111 ; 0. ...

across th e hi ghwa y from Bill Gump! (6-0, 1701 and g:: : :~~f!~~'i1o'~!1i;11 ,ir,., · JO HU,::-.:,:::r~':'/i;. ,_11:on L•rnen ... Mi ssio n Sa n Juan Dave C hapm an (5 ·9, ou. J1E:1T1r11 : tdll l : Pote Mccowen ll b l; JO"°I

C · l Nov. 1 ..,IS.n Cl•,.,.nll l . JO ""i-Hlll;kollA•kl l<•ntlt'I . ap1s ra no . 140), ""'"· i• ,., Mhil&n v1e1o l : JO we11ll'lln•tet~P'rMt unc1ry uo1 .

The South Coast a rea Fre nch , the sturting I includes Mis sion Viejo, quarterback on las t Sa n Clemente, Sa n Juan year's sophomore team, Capistrano and Laguna is the best passer, says !'/iguel a nd the progra m Haryung. But the Artists 1s for yo un gsters 8 th rough,. K. bl p• k d A spe e r will be on en1 e IC e hand f the Friday signup tha t will be held Co rona del Ma r Hi&h f r om 7 t o 9 w Ith wrestler Spyro Ktmble youngsters advis ed to br- ha s been selected lo ing their parents . A film represent Or-.nge Coun­will also be s hown. ty on iln Ameri c an na·

Signup s heet s ur e t1o n1o1l wres tJJng te ilm avail able at schools in which will tour Japan In the above areas . The l~te August. s ignup fee of $1'8 includes Ke mble will wrestle In insura nce 11 nd a team the 185-pound d iv is ion picture. after com~ting at 178 In

For furth e r in forma- 197-4 . Ht- 's the Cullfornia Uon, call Mrs . Streicher Junio r AA U Greco · at495·4543 or Bob If art a l Ro man and 495-4996. champ ~l th ;,t wei&hl.

-fl' .. ---- • • •

1975 Monarch Ghia

~uy or Lease at

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For Orange Coast Area

Men's Golf Results Ron Winterburn of Big

Canyon Country Club hud ll during qualifying for the 27th unnuu l invitutiooal louruamont at Santa An,a Country Club.

Winterburn fired his ace on the second hole, a 145-yard layout, using a seven .iron.

The week-long event · wiJl ~ completed Satur· day with championship flight semifinalists play· ing two rounds.

Low gross in Monday's rou{ld was a 68 by Ron Lane ot San Gabriel Golf Course and Gene Ronald oC Irvine Coast CC. In lht! runnerup spot were Jim Voelkl and Bo Weaver, both of the host Santa Ana CC club.

Mesa Verde · s Jim Bryce and Clyde Sarver finished third with a 70. Voelkl and Weaver were low net scor er s with 60.

Lynn Pranz and Dick Dillon a™> finished wilh 124 in fourth place.

In low gross action, Tom Cummings and Art Dougherty were the win­ners with 137. Joe Stom· baugh and Dick Herman took second place with 139.

''"••lo• \'lejo The Mission Viejo

Country Club men 's dub will hold its annual club championship competi ­tion June 28·29.

Me•a \'erde The Southern

California PGA held a pro tournament at Mesa Verde Country Club or Costa Mesa Monday with Dave Sheff of Mile Square Goll Course in Fountain Valley firing a 70 for top honors.

The ch am p.ionship Willie Barber, a resi-flight will cons is t of the dent o~ Costa Mesa and 28 low net qualifying teaching pro a t Los t eams , the three low Coyotes CC, tied with ~ross qualifying teams Larry Centemo o( Ven· and thl! defending cham- tu.ra for second place pions . Wayne Carrico of with 72. El Niguel Country Club Jim Lee and J ack and Ed ·E lko of Santa HolUs tied for the next Ana CC. spot at 73.

There were 92 teams ln team action , Cliff on the course Monday and another 82 Tuesday

Crandall and Centemo tied with Sbert und Dick Goeckner tor Carst place at68.

&!cond plact! went to Mushio Bessho itnd guest Wike Stoyam of Imperial Valley CC at 199.

Third place on Three teams tied ut 69 matching cards went to

including Tom Allerup Duve Woodruff and and Wally B.rudJey ot El guest Dick Zumuda or Toro, Ray Sim mons and Antelope Valley CC at Ron Yarbrou~h ulong 204 with Doug Soper and with Mal Curci and Ray guest Richard Eidson or Oaks. Hacienda CC also at 204

I n a member-gues t inCourthplace. event over the pas t The final spot went to weekend at Mei;a Verde Pat Healey and guest Cou~try Club,. 92 t~ms Phil Arciero of Friendly partac1pate<l m ~he low ffills cc a t 205. gross, low net actaon .

In low gross. Ed Holmes of tbe hm1t club and guest Don Quisling of Big Canyon Country Club, fired a 221 for top honors in the Lwo-day event .

Second place at 224 went to Don Crowell and g\lest Jack Du Bois or Big Canyon CC. Alan Wells and Gary Horton of Mile Squ;tre Golf Cou r se finis hed third a t 226 with Clyde Sarver and George Hakem an of Wes tern Hills matching out for fourth al 226.

In net action. Barney Adams and Dave Hu~ bard of Huntin~ton Seacliff CC finished four strokes in front with 195.

·f...091u1a Bf.•a~h George Fowler was the

low gross winner in a low gross, low net touma· ment for the Laguna Beach men 's gol£ as· sociation held at t~ San Clemente Golf Course re· cently .

Garret Fagan cap­tured low net honors.

In A flight, Bill Mad· den. Del Canfie ld and Jack Lund were the win· ners.

Sid Newcomb, Perry Payne and George Nut· terman won in B flight. Sid Pearson, Ford Mor­row and David Buck were th e victors in C night.

making a total of 174. With a fie ld or 144 teams. N t T N 30 squads were eliminat· e ourney ears ct! in qualifying rounds.

In D flight . Waller Price, Charles Schroer and .lohn .Miles were the winners .

Th ere were also a number of winners in closest lo the pin com· petition including Can· field , Jim Yancey, Mor­row. Jerry Brown, Gil Freewald, Nutterman, C larenc e Fuch s er. Miles, Bill Pa rm alee, Red Hastings, Bob Cot· t ingham .

Competition is match play on a better ball or partners basis using full handicaps.

I rvine Coa•t Joe Ordway and DWlk

McAJpine fired a 123 to capture first place in a mcmber · mcmber tournament al Irvine Coast Country Club re­cently.

Second place went lo Marshall Bethel and Tt'<l TcJeakoH with 124 on matching cards. In third place. also with 124, were Orin Wright and Mike Callaghan .

Entry deadline for the second annual Irvine Open tennis tournament at UC Irvine and University High School is Sunday with five out­lets available to adults and juniors in singles and doubles play.

The single elimination tourney, which runs from June 21-29, features mixed, men's and women's open through D classification play, and juniors for 14-and-under. 16-and ·under and 18-and under <s ingles and doubles ). .

In addition there are

father·son and m othcr­daughter doubles in up· per and lower divisions.

Entry fee is $7 and $9 for adult singles and doubles, $4 and S6 Cor juniors si n g les and doub les. Applications are available al the main ofCice at U niv e r s ity High, John Wa yne Ten­nis Club and Newport Beach Tennis Club. "

Also Dufry's Ski and Tennis· on Cul ver in Irvine and Totem ·s on Campus in Irvine.

Additional inform ation can be obtained by call· ing 551·5121.

Also in the winner 's c ir cle were Le s ter Gibson. Bob Nieminen, Sid Newcomb, A.A. Hal· ly, Dick Minas ian , Sid Pe:.irson , George Usry, Fred Stark. Bill Lowry, Keith T h omas, Al Botelho . Clea\'e Philli ps. Louis l ' nd c rw ood and Fowl er .


.. Thur&day, June 12. f975

f!unrter Horses

•tONTM •ACI - uo yercn. 3 ""' iwi. Allowa~. l'uru '2900. ~FltetUtkhard))

u Eu«• - 1·"-t•lt Att.n & .. £d0.e(TtHIUteJ UfM111"9 .. d,Pe14'117). ll. TIW .. htt'a.Ht IP•1>tl

llme - 11.0l

11.40 S.Cl S.00 3.IO 3 . .0

• 00


Los Al

Fullerton Topples

FV Nine

SECOND ... , .. - m y•rds. J yHr Alto R•n - Go Phlol Shot , Cit< ha· Oldl Mtlfffli. Putsetl900. ' jet. AnwlttlK NIQllt, 61a"k T1'.ou9M, SECOND ltACI! - 170 yards. 3 Yff' Gl lCl&o (Ad.aid 1.20 6.10 4.IO Got.Mn's Prldt, Lovi.o OICIS • up. Cl•lml"Q, PUrM )11'00. Tiie Kl<ISlsltt IMylU) t<l.20 7.20 Ncac ratchu. Clalm1"9 price Sl.00. OwQtCallyon!Trenurel 140 ColdLIQlll CMyltll llt

TIMe - 11.40. SS CllM1a 6·111re P'"I & 1 Ed o..; GHii 6'own IP•ge) tit AlllO ran - Sur let &lobby, Roy•lty ......... JI. Ba"l•l•nk IRl<h•rdsl tit

A u ured . Eve1ytllln11 Lovely, --· LllAmlgotutClola) 1n . Gu• <o male , Erin l(elley, Bull's NINTH RACE - UO Y•rds. 3 year, ~r O~ IH•rt) tit

Mocltl, AJmosta Rock., . olcb. 0.lmlnQ . Purse \!too. TOC> e..111., IW• lkc<" ) · 1n ~ratcM<S - M iss Me Honey, Go Dusty Lint B•rs (Harl) TopS.Oe (AO. or) nt

Ml\\ Elsie, Go AlU"e Eag ... Three 7.60 S 00 3 00 Rvl•rk ' l V• n (Lipham> 11t Fountain Valley col- tiers JetO.CILRed r > 4.IO 200

Blr1NSaJl.AU CTrusure) 310 lected onJy one hit Wed- · THtttD ltACE -4.o tards. '~•r T1me - 1u3

d . h . .,,ds lup. Clelml"9, PvrwSlteo. • AIM 11.., - 0•1 0,,.1 p- TOC> n e S a Y n I g t 3 S It PHIC•rln Moon Jo, lnlo.y RHt\n, IClkmkl, Ae<;>al dropped a 5·2 decision to ID<everl u o 4.20 uo Dt1ff. V•n'sS1ar.u111eAbo•e .

Jetl&Jenc IMyltsl 14,00 6.60 , the Fullerton Angt!ls in IN :si..dy <Page l l eo u Eucia - ••owuy LuM ~ • · • Tl- - '2.40. 1..Jet.OKa lttd . .. IOIM ....

an A m e rac a n Legion A11e1 r ... - e .. u uno, R•ptdFtlgl\t. baseball game played at ~s.Lvoee. sancJyvann.ah. Amer i g e Park in No sc ratc hes. F• ' F\illerton FOun" ucE - •ooyaros. lym Ire men S

• • ot~ & up. Fl Il le s &. marH, Pursetl2QO, · The loss gives Foun- RunnlnRose

lain Valley a 1·2 record. ~~~'Sh•Oo• rnreTs~~ !:: ~'.~ The visitors went hit- 01~an1 Meri•11 <Adair 2.40

less until the ninth inning !\:'r; n20_:34

1ioc111n' L.idy, Treat""' when D av e Bienek Felr, Music Nole Mis~. F ickle N'

Brill/II. smashed a double off the

first baseman 's head. l'lnH1tACE - s1oyords . 3 vur Bienek scored in the in- olds&up. Purse"200·

P•ppa'H .oiS) (Myles)

ning on an infield out. Ov~qoGee <eanks l 16.40 ~:g: t: A L eg i 0 n c 0 n test Groovy Grumpy (Crea9cr ) 3.00

bet ween Miss ion Viejo !::' ii~~6~8Tonto Links, Mandett• and th e Fu 11 er ton Noor Moon, &•>l<k Pape's

Dodgers Was postponed C~ralched - Promises W e d n e s d a y d u e to B•Ht>e •

graduation . SIXTH itACE - •oo 'l'•r cts. J Yt• r olds l up. Cl•ss lf1ed A llowolnte.

11 IN , P\irse USOO. Fout1taln 11•11•'1' (J)

Jackson, r1 a• r

' 0 2 2

0 r 0 Ti. Good Thief (Ortyerl t O 1.60 S.60 3.40 0 B•tnek. Cf

Woo4ard# lb, p V. B1e nek. II Craft, p, tb Wi150n. ph Swenson, 2b Fo•, lb EcJw4rd~.c Sn1i lh, Ph Vtldsquez, ))

l 0 0 0 Step and Go"" (Myles> 12.IO 11.40 ' 0

3 0 I 0 A 0 3 0 t 0 I 0 ? 0

0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ml\\ Flick• Reb (Trusure) 6.00 l lmt - 20.01 Also R•n - Doe s II Easy, USS>e's

loo Man. Caoia ln Cruncll, B!g Ca· nyon, Miu Fleet Moon, Kipty, P•irol OICe.

Scr•t cheo - wand• Witch

t 2 SEVE NTH ~ - lSO Yoinh. r II II J..year olds •no up, Claimin9. Pur~

1U 2 Sc ... l>y lnnl t19•


u . .oo. . F v 000 100 001 • 2 I 2 Mtlila 's Charger Ful At\9<?1.. 200 Oto 11•- S • 0 (Hart)

2J.80 7.20 4.20

Deep Sea Fish Report N EWPORT 8EAC .. 1-'rl' l UNI·

Ing) - 6• a n9 ler. : I bon ito. 5-4 calico bd>s, 3'I bhw l><tu, t m~c kertl . 93 rock <Od. 10.avey 'S-l.o<ker l • 61 dn91er\ ' 10 bonito. 178 IMS), 410 r oc k Cod. t shetphe• O, H blut perch, 10 m;ickertl

DANA WHAlll F IOS •no•ets . 1'3 b a\\, I b•rr•cuda, 6 h•ltbut , IS sllctphe •d, t c .tbtton. IS wh ite 5edbdU.

S AH PEDRO !SPOrtlisllint ) - 3' dn<Jler \ J b.lrrdc ud .. , I white bus. 1tS tdh<o l>...,s, t bl oc !( \tabcHS. tl3 rock too. I haltbul, S She.,oht6<1, SO blue perch UJn<I St. uftd l"9) - ~ • •ngle" 1i w t>11<, 1.0 rock 11s11. 61

\hc~Pllt ;,d, 5 hailbut , 229 blue bass, 8 sand bdss, 32• calico bass, 2 bar· rac: uoa.

LOHG &EACH caetmont Pieri - SO at19lers : t salmon, 7S calico bass, JO blue llass, 01 rock cod, lt >llff~ad. (S.,.rll lsh i t1t ) - 27 anolers : 2SO <ahco 11.lss, J hal lbul.

SEAL •EACH - ., angle~: sn rock cod. 12 cow <Od, 22 c alico bass, t6 Wnd tiass. 6 wt>lte hsll . Bar11t - no •t>Oltr) : ISO bo<1110. ti hilllbut, 2 bass, 200perc11.

SAN DIEGO IM 11t11Ct,• I ~iff ) - 379 M>Qlers S... yellowtall, IJO rock flSll, lOtall<o ti.u. 6114llbut, • S blue perch .

Olympics Planned

Newport Harbor fi re department wi ll host the California s tate firemen 's Olympics June 18·21 with competition in 19 events scheduled.

John Brannon. a cap­t a in in the Newport Reach Fire Department, 1s chairman of the event t.hat will inc lude 26 softba ll teams and 22 basketball squads. . Host Newport is the de­

fendin g c hampion in basketba ll.

Other sports to be con· tested by the l , 4 00 fireman athletes include bowling, archery~ bad­minton, bicycling , eight· ball pool. golf, handball, physical fit n ess, rac ­quetball.

Al s o included are power lifting (weights), competitive s hooting, ta· hie tennis, tennis, s wim­ming, track and field, volleyball and water polo.

1\lost of the events will be staged at UC Irvine with exception of bowl ­ing, bicycling. pool and shoot mg.

TIUltD aACE - JSO 'l'.,ctl, 2 year olcU Allow•nce. Purse '2.00. Forty QuHM (Llpn•m) \llllnken Dep4t> CHarll Fan<yAlla lr IMylu) Go 4J u<e Ea111e ICterlsse I Cllllornla Suni111ne ICr eever) WltchOeO. Two IC.rOoia) Tiny Ferocious I Richards) FHl• lbert (W•rd )

119 1n ... 119

I" tit ,,, 122

FOURTH ltACE - 870yarcb: lyetr OIOS & llP. Cl• lmlng . fSurse '2ICJll. Cla iming P<•<e W:>UU. Juoy•i Man CAOa1r1 Shadow F ist (H;ir1) A Goin' Man <B•nks) Earley Clleroe IClerlsse) Promises Promises IW•rd) Bar F•mt (Rlch.,dSI


'" 119 •11? Ill 122

l'IFlH ltACE - 810 .,...rds. 3 year olds & up, Allo wance. Purse~. Susy Clech ICru11er> 111 Llllle C.O Fleet (Richa rds) 12? Ru~ 6ornbtr (Ll ph•m l 1n Ot°" Smoothie (Treas ure) t It Let' s Get Going !Ward) tit B•melol (Adair) 122

SIXTH ltACE - JSO y• rds. 3 yur olds. Allowance Pu~e Sl.SOO. ~Jestlc Copy ITr .asure l '" 117 Truly A Wh iz (Pa mo I Cob<• Oec k (R lcha rels) Terry Gi n !Walson ) Sipping Tlmt (Ward ) Govotak !Upham) Alam•tos SuHn IMyles) l<lndofcute (Hartl E•SY Jet ' s CM.JIOOnado) Al.nllo's Lamb (Adai r )

117 tit 11 7 122 111 111 117 111

H\IEHTM ltA.CE - ••O yardS. J \'ear olcu & up. Allowance. Purw ' HOO. The HunllnQlon Harbor Newcomers C.1un OevH I Ada ir ) Amerlcen Oteam (My le s) Hol sty Van6er 1w .. 01 0.ll's si..ctow IRICl\ard\l She' s Pre<lous ILlpllam) H.rerWayne (Treas ure )

lit 117 t12 1n 111

'" E1Gt4TH AA.CE - JSO yards. 3 year

olds. Cl•lmfn!I. Purse 11'100. oa1m1,. prlceMOOO. Mr. ~dCounl (H.,11 \let'qvenu (Myles> Stoney BuQ (Call) HoS.OSonQs <Richards) Abe>~ Tht Door <Garul \ll$Uilly (Banks) OunA.Lady (Ward) Pl•y House (Cr uger) l(ool H•nd IOreyer ) Big Eny CClerlsse I

llt 11• 112

'" 117 117 117 117 119 119

NINTH ltA.CE - JSO yards. 3 ye..r olds &. up. Clo1lm11>Q. Pu~ '2000. Cla im ing Pf'ICe '2000. Sir Nomild (Ad•ir) Ai>«he P•uum COreyu) Bunny ' s Gold (W•rd) Mr. Kandy Char9e (Watson ) Niie Tr•ln ICa ll l Go Note Go IR lth.,dsl Roc:••noo Oeell IL•l>h•m> 6'uc:ed•le C~rdola I Mil nO'Glow (HUii Reddy Wise (M yles )

• Black & Decker®. Our handy answer to the Pop question.

Finishing Sander

16.99 Orbital action. Double insulated. For wood, metal or plastic. Front handle for extra control . 120V 1.5 AMPS. UL listed. (7404).


U..Yow~•...,Qwwe. F •cept suoermer .. et

7~" Circular Power Saw

21.99 Great general purpose saw. Sawdust e1ection chute. Double insulated. 4900 RPM 120V. 9 AMPS. UL listed. (7301).

:Ys" Drill

12 .. 99 Dou ble insulated drill features double reduction gear system. High power. Well balanced. 120V. 2 AMPS. UL listed (7104) .

.._. PAHr Beaeh at ~thOrJ>e • Coen Wffkdays 9 30 10 9.30 Sundl)'I tO to 8 . OHMlll: City Or 11 Gwden Grove Bl'<'d, •Open we.kdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 8. SAMTA AMA: 3900 So Bnatol4'o. or So Coast PWa • ~n Dtily 8.30 10 9. SunOtys 10 tot.

Jig Saw

10.99 Double insulated jig saw makes curved, straight cuts in wood, metal or plastics. Burn.:out protected motor. I 20V. 2.1 AMPS. (7504) .



-... p .1 DAILY PILOT Thuraday. June 12. 1975


•um ~··· NOTtC•TOCltlD"OJtS ._.,, SUl'ellllO• C.OUltT OI' NI SUf'l IUOlt COUltT Of' TMI

$l'ATI 01' CA\.lflOltMIA f'IOlt lTATI 01' CALJ~IUOA f'Cll' TM I C'IOUMT Vo• Olt~U•04E TM I COUNT VO• 0 ltANOI

.. Boat Mishaps Dip .Safe ty, Programs ·p_a-ying Off ..... .,...

.... A..,... NoT1ce OP Hf.'A11tiNooF BY J ACKWOUSTON. 5,322involving6,738boatsinl973. In ~$1•1• of URA f'OSTER wov~ .. UITIOM l'Olt AUT"OIUTY T ., ..... ,., .......... M .... I addition to the fatalities, they resulted NO~~CEISHEREBY GIVENtot JOIN IM LIEASI Of' RIA .. i h m

Welcome Aboard


.... o .. •RTY, Pl boating' · emphasis on in injuries to 993 persons, w .. c c~ · o;...allo" of the •D011e n•nwcl oecedenl bt.le of WILLIAM C. MVRRAV, eaSUfe S ed th US

u..i •11 _SOii, llilwtl\(I <••1

"" ._,,.st Otc"*· sarety and promotion of educational pares with G. 738 injur e previo "Instant replay" may be greatfor th~ entertain· ~~.:.



:~ n.Nc°vT~~iv 1~A~rfl~8BvA~~v:! ,~ programs apparently is paying off. year. . ment of the television audiences in football , Ille Oltl<t OI tn• clerk

01 Ille above WI· ... ,.11upellti0tt forA11tl\Qflt11toJolnln The boating accident fatality rate last Property damage from the acCI· baseball and basketball game~._ but doubtfu! plays

tm.oco.irt, oitoprn•n1111

..... w1t11ttw 1.e- °' R .. 1 Pr~ rei.,.. • AT N~ year w:as::-the::.loweste.Yer :remtde • ~=ill~ drop -~~wn ~> are-strlhtetermtned by the umpires and referees re· ~r,;:~~rooac1Jliluow. m •ncu':i!! :::!'!:.=-.ncrpia~~~~~ 80"1 I U- according to the Coast Guard. $9.18 million from $ll .3S million m gardless of what shows up on the instant replay. s. Brookhurn s1., No . >OJ., Ana11e

1"'· ll•Mmehas11ee .. att°'J1111ett,ms, In its annual report, "Boating 1973. . Now the beg question is whether video tape or

C.•ltlornl• 92804, wn1ch '' t11e l>I•• °' •• t :oo •.m .• in tile courtroom of h Most significant was the fact that other electron1·c ev1'dence can be used to initiate or bln.IM1i\ Of the unoe"lgned In an "'8t· 0.Nrtment No . l of Hid court, et 100 Statistics,'. the Coast Guard said t e '"~ pemin•n<.i io ir.e Htat• Of seid «»- Clvk ~ttr or111• wu1, In,,.. c.1~ Of 1974 record low rate was 16.9 fatalities there were more pleasure boats settle protests. <• 0en1, w•th•n iour montl\$ ~tff ltle s.ntaAlla ca111or111.. al bo cruising the nation's waterways in The p •·oblem arose recently i·n the quar· llntpyb11<• t1onof 1n1>nolice . O•tedJ~ne2. lt1S. per 100,()()() recreation ats. 6 83 •

o.i i.aJun~~. '~ 's wtLLfAME. St.IOMN, Altogether it said, I,446 person.s lost 1974 than in the previous year, · terlinals eliminations for the Sears, Bemis and ~~~·:,~~~.o,1~w11101 JOHES;:,u;;:~•~k PUBLIC NOTICE their lives in pleasure boat accidents millioncompa.redwith6.34miUion. Verner Smythe trophies at King Harbor Ya~ht '"" •bove nuneddecedenl •Wlblllre e1ve1 •• Ne. HS FICTITIOUS IUSINl!SS ; .. 1974, a drop or 308 from. the 1, 754 CONSIDERABLE credit for the im- Club. A spectator aboard one of the boats following

RAYMONDKITZROW 5.IM•MeRIU,Clllll. tlMel& UI d . t t lo such civic d h to •1n. aroo111111n1s1 .. No. »1 UTMU1to. ouv.111t. NAM 1ESTATIMINT . fatalities recorded the previous year, prov~ pie ure mus go the races had a video tape camera an wasp o · Aft•llelm,C•lifornti1'1I04 Ill Dower Dr •• New.-rt 8HCI\. Qllf. Tiie lollowlng perl()ft 15 doing bllsl· 1 h t . th h 'story or groups as the U.S. Power Squ.a~rons, graph;ng the act1'on mostly for the entertainment of h1. m •> us-w.J ._... nesus: probab y t e wors in e 1 S C G d A

1 y ...

Ano. ... y•o. Eaec .. t m ;;;._y11er: ,..uu .... , HIGHLANDER CENTER, 3711 e. the sport in accidents. U. . oast u ar ux1 I ar ' the junior sailors after each day 's races. Publl>h~d Oran(I<! Cout Oall\I Piiot, Pul)lhlled Oranv- Cont Dally Piiot, Co.ulHwv .. coronaclell\Mr,CA. 9'2625 American Red Cross and Boy Scouts,

'un<112,1~. 10. ~n0Ju1yJ, l91s 2187· 7S Junes, 12.l91s 2011Hs Gro90r11 o.o Danon, 931w.19th wh1'ch offer free educational courses WHILE WATCWNG THE reruns of the filth St .. cosi.Mesa,cA.92627 THE COAST GUARD said 5,104 ac- h t ed t ------------ ------------i T111s business is conoucted by ;in In· ca'dents ,·nvolv1·ng 6,449 vessels were to boatmen and promote safety pro· race, two Lightning skippers saw w a appear o

PUBLIC NOTICE divi®a1. grams. be two other Lightnings colliding at the start. Yet Gr~O•llon reported last year. compared with t F1CT1T1ous aus1Hus This s tatement wn 111ec1 with tM Many state governments also cott=' 1ieither of the skippers had Ciled a pro est.


F~c;~T~~~!:~:,:::r NAME STATEMENT coun1v c1erk of orange coun111onMay tributed to the anti -accident program. But the two skippers who spotted the-supposed ,,... fallow1n9 persons ar e OOh'O busl· ne:S":~ollowln9 POrson.s are doing llus l·

23' l9JS. --. 1'4411' I . . "'T .L. • with stepped up boating education ef· infraction on the video tape immediately filed pro·

"'"" • ' J .S G ASSOCIATES, 177SS Sky Published Orenge Coul Oal l\I Piiot, rvilte .f. ac1uing forts and stricter enforcement Of tests against both t~e. other sk. ippers . ($kippers in· POl YC:.R APH AS SO Cl ATES, 1100 p C 1 CA 9•707 M~y 29, ilnd J......, $, 11, 19, 197S t9'J. 7S ed t f 1 t l ) 0

- •ir k "' e, •rvine, · ' watercraft safety laws. In Oh1'0 alone, volved 1·n fouls are oblig o 1 e pro es s . Qlu1I 5t, Sui te 201, Newport ...,;Kii, William c. Brown, 4709 Hampd~n -------------- bo · b t ' CA inl>l>O Roa<1, corona oei Mar, CA 9161s F • ~·11 M such a program brought fatalities Fortunately , a judges at was m a et er po~1 -

Ar<len H B1tr9, 1S1ll Stockport , No . I Ntb<>n 0. Jonts, 291l Lombardy PUBLIC NOTICE .. rm .. ove down from 72 1' n 1973 to only 22 last tion to observe the incicfent and the protest was dtS• 23S. laguna Hills, CA. 926S3 Road, Pasadena. CA. 91101 &r &r d · ed th t th Robo!rt lanq. 832

112 s. Philo<1e


1•. 2. oanoel w. oonanue. 16 c;rel•I year. allowed . It was etermm a e cameraman

Anaheim . cA ~1aos eou ..... FtcT1T1ous avs1HEU ·t· t 1

ord the 0..-nn" ')10l•r, 184' CordOV<J, No. . . 3. 1horn;u L. Schriber, 121 Collon, ... I I 0 ta esa ( . Th . d 'd th I rt, Newport Beac n, CA.

91""" NA""E nATEMEHT r.· C ~ · The program has continued into was not in a proper post ion o proper Y rec

P<imona. CA NewPOrt &e•<ll, CA. 92440 TM follow ing ~r'°n s c1o nv bllsl · O S 1975. Florida. for example, is spend· alleged in rachon . e JU ges sa1 ere was no co · Artnur Davi\, t8SO B.>tson Ave., ,._ C •• nessas I' · 4· .._,rry B. onrad.

1900 Port SCORPI AN ACOUST ICS, •13 1Jlh ; .. g more than $1 million this year in 1SIOn . No 192, Rowlano 11h .. CA. Rams<.i•te. Newport Beach. CA '17660 I B C 92 ' "'

Th•S bu >t n~ -- IS conducted by a s. James Alderson. 939 INe•I 11 Sl., No. C. Hunl ngton eacll, A. Ml Down East Yachts has outgrown its bringing in -school boating instructjon THAT SHOULD 1.11"'VE resolved the incident . I rtn n P Ri chard M lclliHI M•res, •tl IJlll ·an oentra D<l ""I ' Stree t, SantaAna,CA. 92102 t f ' l' t . the Irvine In t t G . h launched h d ' t ·11

ArdenH Ber9 6. James G . Oegnan. 700 Sollth SI . No . c , Hunt ington Beacll, CA. 92~ presen ac1 1 y m . . . 0 youngs e r s. eorgia as but King Harbor Yacht Club as announce .1 WI Tn" \ latemenr w,) \ l iled w ith Ille Orange9roveAve . • Pasadena . CA 91t 0S Tnl\ business Is (Oftducted by an In- dustrial Complex and Will be movmg an outdoor safety education program, fil e an appeal to the hypothetical protest with the

County ciet ~ 01

Orange county on June 91 ios oivi®alRicl\ard M . Mares to a new plant in August , according to including boating skills, in its schools. U.S. Yacht Ract'ng Uru'on to get a ruling on whethe. r 9, 191S. Tnis busi ness is conduc le d by a F«S91 general partnersllip. Thi s s lalemenl was t iled with the Bob Poole, presideQt. THE 1974 accident figures also have such electronic surveillance will be allowed m

Publ••lled Ordn9e Coa sl Daill' Piiot, WH ll;imC. Brown CounlyClerl\of OrangeCountyonJune The new facility will be 43,000 added we1'ght to the arguments of future races . 0 Jun~ 12, 19. 16. and Jul f 3. 197S 21• 1·1S Partnu l. 197S. S This stateme nt was filed Wilh I~ F44->n square feet located at 345 Clinton t., many groups opposed to the licensing Incidentally, the first and second place skip· . Published Oran9e Coast Daily Piiot, M

-------------1;;~~~~.cierk 010r•nge County on May Junes. 12, 19,26, ms 2084-JS Costa esa. of pleasure boat operators. They con· pers in each of the three junior elimin at~ons will

Pl' BLIC 1';0TICE F•o11 " We simply need larger production tend a voluntary education program, move on to the semi-finals to be sailed at Richmond Published orange co.n1 D~y P1101. p U BLIC NOTICE facilities.'• said Poole, pointing out not licensing, will prove more cff ec - Yacht Club Ju ly 28·29. NOTICEOFSALE Mav1'1, anclJuneS,11,t9, 197S t9S2·7S htth f ' h d fr60Down

oF REAL PROPERTY t a e trm as or ers 0 live in reducing accidents. Quarter-final winners in the Sears were Nick AT PRIVATE SALE Pl' BLIC NOTICE . F•cnT1ousaus1Ness East-38s. The first of the line . a The Coast Guard itself oppo&es Madigan of Newport Harbor Yacht Club and Ma~k

No. A-u•u NAMESTATEMENT schooner, was launched last Nov· R Ad J h F h Cl b Th S tn tne Suoerior Court of tne Slate"'-------------- TM following person is doin<,i bllsl · licensing. ear m. 0 n . Folkman of Kin g Harbor Yac t u ; e ears IS

c.a111orn1a, tor1i.ecountyotorange euu• nesus: ember. Thompson, head of the Coast Guard 's for three-man crews. Winner in the Bemis elimina· 111 ' "e Mattu of 111e E•tate 01 NOTICE TocRED ITORs GE Mi N1 11 AssoctATEs. 366 Poole said plans are now under way Offi'ce of Boati·ng Safety. said recently ti·ons (two-man crews) " 'ere Ila! Brown and Eric CHARLENE. M R E I C HMANN , SUPERIORCOURTOl'THE G<enoble, CostaMesa.CA. 92627 D E t 32 "

Oelfa•e<i . STATE OF CALIFOR NIA FOR Robert L Manc:1e1, M Grenoble, for the production of a own as · that licensing does not attack the ma- Krebs , both of Miss ion Bay Yetcht Club, and the win· Not• te ".,..reoy 91ven 1na1 the un· THECOUNTYOFORANGE eostaMe~ . cA . 92627 scheduled for production later this · f b t'ng accidents bad ners t'n the Verney Smythe (si·nglehanded ) were <l<1r\19ned wi ll \I'll d i Private Sdle, to No . A·'3571 Tn ls busi ness is conducted by a n In- k h JOr CaUSe 0 O.a 1 -

the rug ne.1 .ind L>~,1 1)1daer, .... 01e<1 to Es 1a1 t o t HERB e RT c d1111d11a1. year . The 38 is built in schooner , etc judg_ment. Scott Barnard. NHYC, and Mike Blanich. MBYC. <oot1rny1~n~•a•dh~r~r~~on RAT C.ltFFE, aka H E RBERT Rot>ertL . Manc:l~ l._!a~n~d~c~u~t~te!r~r~i~a~s~·------------~-~-~-------------------------~-----------------or alt~r tne 19 day 0 1 June, 197S, a t tne COOPER RATCLIFFE , aka H. C Tii is statement was 111e<1 wotn the olfl ce of John l Kimber, 639 S. 59<1"9, RATCLIFFE, Oeceased. Couf\IY Cler k of Oran9e CountyonJllt'le UJJ ~elf~ Ca u l_ C<tu.nlY of OranQe. HOTtC:E IS He$1EB Y GI llEN to Ille 'I, 1915. Stale ot Ca l•lornoa, all the r•g/'lt. title creditors of tne above named oe<.e<lent ~"2 dncl 1nlerest of said oeceased di tne that all perSOf'IS 11avln9 clal1Tl$ a<,ia•nst PubliV>ed Orange Coast Daily Plot, tll'N! ot death and all tne right, !Ille and Ille Sllld dee eden I are requ ired to Ille Juoe 12. 19, 26, and July 3. 191S 2133·7S int e r ,.st tnat th e e• t a t e o f said ll)em. with the. ne~r~"o""'8rs, on------"'°"~",...,_~~ d~q.,,rect\Jy Ol>tfratlon of Ille office of tlle c lerll of the a bow en· P l · BLJC NOTICE la w or otner ... ,.e othN thdn or on addi· tilled court. or lo pre'>enl them. wilh lne l•Ot1lotnat O l><1•0 detea~ed,allhellme necessary voucners , 10 tne un · ----------- --OI cteatll , on and to all tne ce rtain pro- aer si9 ned a l the o lf lct of Leond rd FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Pt.'f'IY s11uated tn the County or Oraf191!, Smith and Stu.trt O. Zimr1ng, 280 S. HAME STATEM E NT State o f Cdl1forn 1d . p.irt1cu1u1y Beverly Or ., Beveroy Hitls, Calllornia, The tollow1n9 person ;,. doing l>usl· Cl~<rit>ed as lollow s to -wit . ""'icll is the place of Dusmess of lt-.e un- ness a\ :

Loi 102, Trac t on&. C1ly of Newpart dersigned 1n all matters per·ta1ning to WESTHAVEN SPORTS WEAR, Beach, Book 229, P.ig~s 25 lo 30 In· the estate of Sllid oecedenl , w 11n1n tour 15619 Brookhurs l. Westminster, CA. e lusi ve. more co n1111only known as 1027 months after tne '"st publ 1tal1onol this 92683 T•lt~r Waf. Cor ona del Mar notice. 2 M Enterpriws, IS921 Rtl<>dollle

Ttorm• of \ ale cash' " ldWlu l monev ol Oattd June 9, 191S Cl , Fountain V•lley, CA. 92708 t~ United s i .. res on contirma t lon of L0ts M . Ratcl1tle Tn1s bu\1ness •S cor>du<ltd by an In· sale, or pa rt Cd'> h and balance Eaecutriaof lhe Wlllot d fVtdUdl. ,.v.aencea b y note wc urcd Dy Mort9a<,ie 1ne above named decedent Abdel El Sa id ot Tru\t Deeo on tne property so sold . LEONA RD SMITH anti leo percent of an,ounl 1)10 10 be deposi t· STUART ZIMRI N G

of 2 M Enterpr ise~ This statement wu !!led with lne

County Cler~ of Orange County on June 9, 191S.

eow1tn1>10 JIOS. 8e11trl\I Dr ., No. 510 B1o sor ollen. too., 1n writ ing and wtli 8everly Hills, C .. filorni'" 90212

be re<e1ved di ine atore,a10 of fice al AllorM\ISfor E1tec11trix a ny llm.t atlcr t11e tir 51 publtC.ahon Published Oran9l' Coas t Da1lt P1101 , hert'OI ana t:>t tor ... dot• ol \di!< June 12. 19. 16. and July J , t91 S 7181>-IS

"445"4 PubliShed Oran<,ie Coast Oe1ly Pllol ,

Od lt'd '"'' 1ndday o t Jun e. t91S Fran It Re•c nmann, Jr E lt t'{\Jt Or Of lhe Wtlt ot said D.c~d~nt

JOHN L KIMBER ~s. Spru19 St . Lo'Angeles, c.1111. (213) '2l·S191 Al!Mney tor Enc utor

P u1>11snf:'d Orange Coas t Oa11y Piiot, Jun~ S, 6. 11 t91S • 1058-1



S<nool Dl\ tncl Hunl ongton Beath Union H19h $cnool O"tric l.

Bid Oeadl1rn! t t 00 o clock a m. ot t ne ?Ith day ot June, 19/S

Plate ot Bid Ret~1pt District AO· m1n1 ~t,.at1on Conterf!n ct: Tr4t l er . Room E 1'l02 tlth $ trte t . Hunt.n9ton Beach, Cal1torn•d 92048

Pro re<1 1oenttlt<d11on Na!"t"e Fire Odmage fle hd01"ldt1on •t W1nttr\t1Ur9 H•9'h Scnool .

P•ace Pldf'1 \ art: on 1 11~ Olhce 01 01r~ctor o t Fa t1 •1t1.:'l. Pldnntng and Con~truc.t1on, 1901 1 lth St r ~et, Hunt . ongton Bt:.l th dnO W1ll1am B\1>roo, and Partner~, Artn1tt't\ •, 7300 Newporl BoMJ.,evard, N e w pOrl u ... dth , (dt tfornia. f..M,~ avaitdblt' dl Ar c tu tee t '~ Ott1ctt. Jl'IOTtCE IS H EREAY GI VE N thilt 1ne above ·nam•d School Dist ric l o t Orunqe C.ountv , Cal1 t orrH1t1 ac.t1ng by dnd throuqh "' C:.ov~rn1n9 Board . hf!'re1natt t.-r re f err ~d to as "OISTRICT ' wi ll rcceove up to, but not la tor lhdn tl\e abOve ·s tated lime. '>&lllc'Cl l>•d~ lor the award o t a conlrKt for thP abovP p r o1ec.t .

Bia, s nail be recelveo •n t he p4ace ldenllf1ed abOve and Shdll be opened ano OUDl•cly redd dlOud a t the Dbove· Stclted 11mt- dnd Pl3Ct'

1'he-re w1 II 1>+• d S75 00 d<!~1t ''" au1red tor PJCh \e t o f bid docume-nts lo gu;trante~ lhe return 1n Qood cond1tl0t1 w1th1n live diiY\ o1ft<.r lh<' bid openmg <Mt~

Edth bid must conform and be '~POn\1v~ to the conlrrtct do c.uments..

Eden Dod shdll l>e • ccompan1e<1 by tne sec.uritv ref e nl!d to 111 the c.ontrac t document s and by the losl ot pr<>POS<'d MJbcontra<tOI'\.

Tne QISTR IC1' r~st'rV .. , the rlq/ll to re1ect <1ny or clll bid\ o r to waove i\lnV ir · t eQufar•hes or 1ntormaHt1es inanyb'cb or 1n ttw b•001n9 .

Tile DISTR ICT t\l\\ octprm11\EO t11e Qener al orP ¥cl•l1nq fdf~ ot per d iem Yt.t_gtt tfl thf> IOCCttt lY ' " wfl1C.h Olt!t """"'" i• fo °'" pertormPd tor each era It or type of wor~man nE-edPd to c xecut~ lht.> con . trilc l. Tnes<> rdte\ Me on hie a t tne OISTRI CT o fh Ct! localed a t 1902 17111 Street, Hunt .n91on BeMh, c.Jlifomlll. c.o,.es may be ot>ta1nt'd on r~U<!St. A ""Y°' tllffe rate• , hall ne po\ te<latthll J .. Mle . Th~ toreqo1 nq ~t.M<Jule ot ~,. <hflrn

wa~s is ba~d upQn a w orlung d<oy 01 e19t1t 18) llours The rate for llol•O"Y and overtime wor~ s hall be at le'9\t t ime ano oM·ndlf.

11 Sh•ll be manda lory upon Ille CON 'T~ACTOR to w nom the contr11<1 I\ ••-· and upoo anv \ 11be.ontractor ..-r 111m, to p.ty not les~ tnan tne sa1a ~Pf'C• f 1~d rat @'~ to all w or k men 'e"'C)loyed by tnem In tne e aecutlon ot tl"Ml contra<.t .

No bicldef' m•v wlt h•• bid IO<'" llCiod Of lorty•f1V4' f'5 l ditY S .. tt.r ,,,. o.ibWI for tile ~en1n9 of bids.

A payment bond and " perform&l'IW bolld will be requ•recl prior to e •ecutlOll oftM contrlKt . Tt>e payment bondstwill «;c U. 111o form SI'\ lor th 1n Ille <.onlr11<t -.imenti.

By CHRIS GI llSSEN A cto nQ Oor!'c tor F .,t111t1t'' Pl•nnln9 and Const rue h on

Pubh'>lllld Ora11c;ae Coa•I Oail y PHql, JIJf'e t2 . 19. 197S ?l'n 7S

.June Cadillac


Nabers Codilac 2600 Ha rbor 8JYlf.,

Costa Mesa 100

June n . 19, 16, July J . 191S 2t•1·7S


Big enough to get out of town. 25 MPG~

. SmaJI enough to get around town. 18 MPG~

Pop thP top and yoll get a recreational vehicle with !'!IX f<.·d of headroom. Pull it down a nd you get the convt>nience of a car. Now t.hat'i; versatility for you .

"ln 1975 EPA tesLs, 1hyot:t Chinook averaged 25 MPG in s imulated highway driving . . . 18 MPG in simulated city driving. Your actual m.ileage w ill vary wi th rm1d and weather conditions, equipment, drivin~ habits nnd maintenance.


I -·

l SECTION CAMPEI AITHIA Un• .. <101 J S.cti°" II,. TOI' "'°""1' "9• .. 7.99 Exitntf• To 6" 99 f,"' 16". Sli04ir Shl<lded l •ad 6 Co\!.,}.(".



CMt-~u FJheit S'op F()f' t- 191• Molr r+al A,.:d Ho1~f wl Abrc ) "" ' f toni (nte ' •"'9 Th• En911'le. Jtl N•• COi Wo1fO"lt1e1 R.-""o ·n '"' F cw ca Wh,.,, (hf' t ht F 1ltr r' A1t Uu d. Unc.ond1,10f'lolly Guo•antee4 1

They M .. o 0. Eocud O..q . .,.1 Equ1ff1!tl'1t R t Qv1rtl'tf' t'll h

Ii lht 8011u 7 Foil• Whd• lho Or •91nol P urchou f 0.1'\S The (CJf, It w,1~ 80 R.ploud At No C~o·~· Upott Pr e:untohon 0. H1• Cvarontu Cert 1l1Cote . Side Pott 8olf•n o Fo- Lo•t> Moct. I G.M. Cou Now In Stot •.

Tw' ' ' P•ool, W"tth ~l1t•• •01.Coof~~

SvPf'' C 1amp1o • 400 A"'P· Co•~• Contoc•t. ldeol fOf Re crc ot10"ol Veh1d n.

HG. 29'' 1199 WITM UCMUC£


HOIST PULLER P t.ill,, Lo•trt 1

~'.,. , t ho A.,d L\ltt H~Ot\t Ob1n1 , # 1h Eo'"· Sol ,., Eo4.y To UH.

r ; ' ~,,

TWO llAWEI TOOL CIHT TOP "'· ""'"' l).wty, 1• c;...,. ,_, .. lt1ll\l.r~e439•• c.. .. Aclllf!tt Petlll •t 0.t­LK•· Wllil 7

..n•r. nc.. CllL CISlm ··"

TWO llfJt'I IOLlll .... 1111 11....-f , .. ~~,. ., 74 " u ... ().,..i. •1·,,· ".



T11o4 Cou••• '•II S.t~•IM

e>r- "*•· 5'' COSTA MUA ' Ill I. "'" " · .. ..._.~ • 645-1264


• '1 ......



Diop F' 009•d, ci. ..... Plo••d, F.11, Cvo•on•• od Profeu.°"'ol Ovolu.,. c ....,,1, ,, W11h T117 0.-9oniu1.

9.!! .. o ..... 'f~""' P•rcJt.• sr 1

SAVI l .00!

IUISlllSSIOI AUTO fllOI " U " r'ttpJ·YwMlf A"41t .. TIMl!N ..... ,. Wlll $enln All

COOi.ii llC • , .. , ,., v.~1c1.. J6 tt

.... OAIOfN GIOVI 12111~ f\_,,_~


f'• lll<lt W Tt lO'

2 '99 r .... rr,.11.,,. t,... r ...... 1 .. 1.., 4

°""'"'' . LANAW

UI W. WM"lef e1¥4. I<\ _, W.11 .i ""'"'

(213) 69'-2244

.-UUHTOH 710 .. llAllOll .. -...... 992·2236



Htlp\ l'u o Yo"' Goro9t & Carpo."t

Fl-• Cl. on f10trt 01r1y · Ool &c;..,.,.. o.....,bt. Mt1ol ConttrucflO"I.



llG ......



AIR ADJUSTABLE ~~~!~!~ C .. d 0. T•lt ft.. Lood 011 ......... C•"'I"'"• w,,..,, An4 If#. 8 1fCff 1, Jw11 F. 11 • • n .... Liu y.., w ... 1.1 •

=;;..39.'' lftllll•I• Cit, f'Alll

JEISEI COISOlE Attoc:hu foi1ly To A"'f Fl- H,.,.p, Hold1 Two 399 8111tr04u, ( J90HHU. Bloc~ w .t~ 'wood C..01n PoMl1.

P " tff'ct M'"°' F0t Smo If P id ·Up' And Von\. loo~ t Grf' o• 1 Coty lo Atroc h.


FAI BELTS H·9hlv Ro1) '0,,, To Heo1 , Od & Wa;e, , Dutoblt> Cood & Robb., CoMttvC ' •Of'.

... , ... 159 ;(·.: ;·:' , Htor O••r Air CH.illHloc ltlll 1.Hh.



Mto clion ·C\. 0"'01 •,, S ?1~(\ Srrewd1 1wtf !>tt, Ron~ 1l"lq: F'o"' I" io a . lio•d •ood Handlu And Haruly Pla\l •c (cm)' Povch.


12' TOW CIAll Mod. Of v.,., Sl•Ot!9 W•14e4 StMI Lin\1, Wr1~ l'lto•y Ovtt Grob Hooh A• Eoch En4, H lt~ly R"" Rt••1t0ftt.



STOU lfOUIJr MOH. flt,,, Mf.

NO A.M. te ' P.M. MIDAYI

ttOO A.M. le • :OO , ,M. "'"--''"""·

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est. Dec-.

N01 Edwh Nlltlot lion t1 .... ._. ~rue el .... Jllnt C_t, court. u..c1·


AXIi 1eJ01: U. A um: Attlrt

Put June !

s $1

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'"'"" t he of t l\led l N O '! •tlM M. c.c U tnt' ''°303. JlleUft 1"'010' to.If n el lllls.

•A111• An.rr 114t U ......... Ttf:I: Anet11 , Put> ,.,.., t

City a nF• (11')

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'*' ..... 1\4 "14. •rect Jw l• ntPG tteftl Qtlll Otllft'

"'"" .. ,. .... ""' ,,.., ... ~ = DI• ttctlc CM6~

"""' f

--:-----------... ..._. ..... -.. --..:...-----· PU,LIC NOTICIC PtJBLlCNOTICE ••••• •cNOTICE

--:------- -·-·. ----------- _-..,._. Pl: BUC SOTlCE aau1 Pl'C'9'n0Utau ... ,_ --,~ll"utiil1ar-••CT\TICH1Uu11•1u -- ...... " • ., ••• ..., ....... u,.,. • ..,. .

NAail lfAThl••T ..:..-: ........ , .. _.,._ 11 ..,. -...... ,,_ t.ft.wllll ,..r_ It llollll "-!· 'ICTITIOUI IUllNIU "-i.tltwtneN *' ·--. • ..... , MAMllfATIMUtT

-.aet: r .. , • .....,.._.. 'T' THI ftlcOYI• IMO,. .... '*' CA~"OftNtA AUTOMOTIYe ""tellowlnt "'"" •• ool119 IMI· DAllTlaOOK HOMH t ... t CA.~ UM, ..._...,._ INctl. ft~!A"'!.fr.-.f:.1· Slit II .. ""-' ,,...1'i'u fUTY OllA~ICS, nall S«y tt= Avtflw, H111111,,... . '"'Iii .... ~·"' ... S.l4•m•9'M1 ~ ~~ .... ~ .... ~ '-'1t Clnle, lr.,IM, C•. '1107 1, Plllll• H. M<He-e 1_ ,.,,, ;::';.' Orlwt, H111ttl ...... W~ 9Mdl,C:.ttf...... Jefwl HwAwlO , i. Alhtoft Dr ..

-.~rile ,. "~ r '""""' - ·- -.... ,_ ._ Letllllie he<ll. CA. t1'JI m.. ._ ..... , Hlll!llfltltfl ~ CA. \'Mt WilfleM It CtMll«lH. M .. _,; .. ~·It~..., M ,.,. "flll• IMl.iftt•t It ( OndUCl.fd by 1M1 Ill 2. 0t1ttmlllH ,..., ... ,,........ ...,...,, l'eutO'lfle• chldll•I.

HllM....._.- ' v-. .., ..... w ., DI..- ..... "'fll.. JoM H11•l•l<k .. ,,,_. ecti, CA, '1M4 11Wt 6" .. Mtlll _, fifed Wltll "9 1'111 tl•l•f'llellt ,..., fli.d wtltl IN Tiii• .ie1e1ne"1 • H llltd wltll '"-

.. ~'*""ti• I• Ctflff<ltdlrf ••'""•· CMl!f , .. ,. .. Ortftfe c:.u..tJ•Mer ~1Yl.0.tttf °'""' Ce41fttyMM9y ~, ... Clerllet Ore11~ Ccli.111"°""-.....

1~'"'" u ... ,.. •.• a. ltlS. lt/P1111i.H. ll!tH•111t• ..... .., ,..,..,

J.lllJ. i W.fll..U wet tllff w1111 .,_ ,._,we~ CNit O.M ~"" """".._.. Ott1199 c-•• ~ly PllOI, J'4417• ~~':'s~ c1er11 tt Ort11tt ceunt,"" Mty ,..1 tf,.,.. ,_ ,, tt, tt, ,,71 ',..._"'fl ,,,., U.,19,,lld .1-s. '~• Im 1.U.tJ ~.·~.~~r,s Coest 0.11.,,::.."';;

•UttTOM, 9AUt.•tN! ,~ PV8LIC NOTJCE TMOMIOM A Nl&.ION, Attra. HMS.. "''"'"' Awt. NOTtCI tMYtTOtO 110$ ~. ""'· .... J Nollet I• ... ,...., ...... , ... t ...... d

""'41""4 °''"" (OHi Dolly AloC, ltf Tr111i..s .. the CN•• ~lty MtY2'. elldJllflt S, 11, It, ltll "tM5 C.11 ... Ol1lrl~I .. 0••"9• CM!nly,

c.lltwftlt, ... , fe(tlwt ... '"' ... "" PUBLIC NO'nC£ 1o 11 1• .. m .. ,.,..,.,,'""•to. itu, at ___________ __,, .. ~Clletlftg 0. ... of WldK,_ illto

l ·6'Mt ttkl lec..O et 1170 Afff'll& Aftftw, IU ...... o. COU•TO,TMI Cil&te - ... C.lllornl• . .. wN(ll time

ITATI 0" CA~"O"NIA ..,. Mid- •Ill bt ~kly ............ ,.._


Esttle of ETHEL M. OAltOHEa OISYIUCT DKN'9d. ' All lllldl ert .. Ille Ill e~Cerden<t wttll

HOTICE IS HE•l&Y Gl\IEN 11\M ltle lllllrv<tloM 11114 c.tMlllltM •lld E.,..,I" Ltwl5 G.,dMr ellCI Ctoc!IM lipec"IUtltllt -"4<11 ere - Oft flit ..,..._, 8fftll he• llled llerelr\ • --41- end ""' • M<Wed 111 Ille olllc• of I"' l•tn for A11lnorll11 10 Borrow Monty r• Pvrcllt$l"f Aoe"t ot Hid IU!Del dis­ferellCt I• wlllcll Is m ... tor 1wr111er lfk L Nrll<Uler1, •114 tllet Ille time MdPlec• f;Ull ~· 1911111 wllmlt wlllllllsblcl .. lleerl119 llle ..... llH Mell Ml lcw 1~*' <lleCll, urtu lH C"«ll. cw June It, lt1S, e t t :OO e .m .. 111 t11e I"""'"'., .. ,~ m.,._ ,.,•Ille '° ,,. •· cwrtroom of OtMrl~nl Mo. J o1 Wl4 ~ Jtl Ille Cot" Cef'll1TM111lty Gol!e91 ct11rt, ti 700 Clvlt Ceftter Drive Wint, Ir\ Ol1lrkt 9-d of Tr111tees 111.., _,,., thlCltyolS.fll•A"•·C•lllOrML .... '""ti'*\ five ..,,ltfl, !Sp) Of lhe

o .. MJUll~ 2 197S Mlfl'l 1114". OUMtnle• Uitl IN llldder Wit.LIAM ri. It JOHN, .wlll tnler lnlo the •'6Petsed CMll•e<I It cov11ty Clerk tllt Nmt It •w•nseo to him. 1,. the

AXE&.••o. 51YI I.LA & ltOSS · -·Of felllift lo •111•• 11110 well <.Oii· 1'203 S.Mt *"lea alvf ., ••· • lft<I, ,.,. proueds of the <M<ll wlll be Ltti'•lt• CAUi ,..1 l0tlelttd, or 111 lllt Ctft 01 t band. Ille 12111 211 ... 1' · tue1 tun1 IMrtof •111 l>e forftllecl to seld Atttr11eY1fer : Eiucvtw1 M,,...dl•trlct .

Publlftled Ottnge CoHI Delly AIM HO llldder mey withdraw Ills bid tor• J unes t n 1t1S 20ss.1i .. ,led ol torty· llve l4SI dtys elter Ille

' • ' _ _ _ OetewlfortM.,.nlllOIMl'eof.

PUBLIC NOTICE -.,,.,, ni. 8oenl " TrlltlH5 ••M•vn .... ptlvllf99of relecll"O eny • nd ell b"*'°' I• welve tll'f lrreg11larltles or 111. tonnellllH In erit blCll Of 111 Ille tliddi119-


NOTIU TOt•IDITOftS SU"l•101t toUllTO,TNe

STATll 0,. CAl.IPOltNIA '°" TNeCOUNTY0'0.ANH Seely. 8oerd0f ''""ees

N• ._.,.. Qslefl: JunUO, tt1S - 11 :00•.m. ' 8'd • Jl!f'ltU

o.~!~:!. Of LEONA RO C. MORAIS, ~bt l-d Ort119t COHI Deity Alot.

NOTICE 1SHERE8YG1vEHt•t11t J~s. n. 1t7s 201 .. 1s crtdltors Of tllt •1POv1 nemed dKedent 111•1 •II .. rSOttt 11tvl1111 cl• l- '°"'"" ,,,. seid dee'""' •t• rt1•11lre4 to Ille ........ "lith Ille "9Ctnery YW<nerl, In the of lice ol Ille c lerk ol Ill• •tiow tfl. t olled <Ot!lt, or te Pte1«111 lllem, ,..Ill Ille Mee.wry ~llfff, 10 Ill• uf\Ofrslvllecl • I Htnne Alld Morion, SU West $11111 S trut. Suite 1126, LH Ange lo . Ctlllor11I• tOOtt, wlli<h ll Ille piece of IMnlMn 01 Ille ""411c rt lg(!ed In ell m1t· l en per la lnl no te IM t$l•I• of wld dt· a..ient. wltllln ft11r m onllls tller IN f irit publ lcet1011of llllt nollie .

0.tedlN'I' 14 1'7'. • oo•ofHvN. MOAAIS

E•e<ulrl• of Ult 'Wiii ott~ebefl "UNlrdecedlnl

.. ANNAANDMOaTON CH·SIIE" f' .p()LL.Y ~ICM ELt. MITCHELL WWHt$111lfttltrHI SUltellh l.ot A1119let, Ctlll. to014 Pll: UUI •2 .. 1131 AtlefMys tor I HCYtrl•

Pubfls.lled or.,noe COHI O•llY Piiot , IM~ 22. 29, •llCI June$, 17, 1trs 1m1s



.. T•C• °" l"Ue1.1c NlA••• TOl•Nlt.OIYTMS O•AMGI COUNTY


Dtteof HffrlfllJ : J""e ». tt1S Tl,,. Of Naerlng; 1: 30 p.m.. or es

- lllereet .. r H JQtSlble. LOUtlon: R&onl "'· E119lneerlng

ltulllflflt, * Clvk C.ftler ~lw Weal, Sent• Aneic.111or"1e.

PROPO AL: Olall9t ef i- CASE NO. Z~lH

s eCTIONAL DISTRICT MAP l~s•, lo <lle11 .. f,..m Ille A I ••GeMre •tcu1wrel" Olstrkt to tlle Rlll,8001 "~OUP O'"lllftfs .. OIHrltt c ... -.111 .... ,,, loelltd"' .............. , slda" Or<Mnl Orlve llelwffn 81rcll Stretl tllll CYll"tU Strwt In tM Sa,,.• All• He'9fltt erte et requuted t>y Doll G. Hol1lon,eltl .


Tlllt pre)e<I llH "9ft ft11,.. to ...... ,.. \ltlfllll<.eftl -.rae elfect on tlle.,..

NOTICI TO C• EDIT0•5 "'roflmtlll etlf •H OfMled t "'9'th• SUl"E1t1oacou•TO,TNI 6Ki.retleft. A C8'1'1' Of Ille flt9allft

$TATI Of' CAt..,OltNIA fie" clec:ler•li ...... PHl•d ovtsldt tllt TNll COUNTY 01' O•AMOll County Plallftlf'O Com minion HeMlnt ·, Nt . A..UH Room, Aoom "'· «IO Cl•k c.Mf\'

Esl•lt ol MARGERY ELLEN OrlveW111, ~A"e,elldtlw8oet411 GEORGE, 0.<HMd. of 5<ipfn1Mn Hur Ing • .....,. SIS

NOTICE IS HEA1i8Y QIVEH .... NllrUI ~·· SMiie Af\t, c.titcwnl1 <rldllon of Ille el>ow nenwd dKtdtnt .,1w to INI .....,k lle•l"t d•te. t"9t ell potton\ llUlllQ Cl.ttM ,..imt My ~toll lnft •Pilf•I I ... P"PPMd the wkl clec:.Wfll ere required lo file "'9fth• de<IMellon "' 1111119 • - 1uen thtm. llrilh Ille Re<••""' vtw(l\en. 111 .,_., wltll..,. 5'<retary of IN,....,. tlw olloce ol '"' c lerk 01 Ille ellow.,.. lll"t c.trnm11s6on. A-.i us • .00 Ovl< tltltd court, or 10 prnent lllem. wltll Ole ~ Orlvo Wot, 5ent• AN. II\' • :00 -es~'' veu<llers, lo 11\t YnOlrll(ll'ltd • • m., Frl•t. J-20. 1'H. ...... offic e OI ,,., atlor11ey. WAR A EH All jlff'IOflS eltller fUMi"9 Ott oppos­M. GORDON, Allor,,.y el 1-. 11413 Int INl .,._.Sal ere lnwiltd to~ Cren•tww 81vd .. lflll l••ooc:I, C.tlforfli. lllelr ~ llefwe UM Pl-"'9 C­tclJO:l. which ll Ille •••u OI '""'"'".. """"*'· It II ~·" "''' .. ., • It, .,,.1111<1enlontd 111 ell meue,. ..,...,._ 11111rt&OOnM .. illllfnllle41110 u. .,._ Int to lhe u•••• of w ld dtceo.111 • .,..111111 "l"I Ctm""ulon iwlor to "" hNrl"I ""' ""°"'"' .... , '"" flrtl """'Kellen ...... el 1111$ 110t1c• . Few lwrt.,.r lnformatlOft : Tett1llOlll

MA R IAN GEORGE 1>'·205e or cell .. the •Ilk• of llle Euculrl1 ol IM Will ~ ... let! Olvl11oft of Illa £Jllrir011-olllle tb01te naMedCM<tditnt me II tel Me11•t• me11\ A1enc y ,

WARRiN M . GORDON 1!"91nMrl119 llullcH"'· A- llS, 4()0

Anerllt'f at Uw Civic (.t111er Orlwt West, ~· AN. 114U Cte11111aw alvd. c.llfor11la. Ta let llll•I• rtsl'O"M, ttfw 1111e...-.C•lltw1tl•"•1 toCMft9tofl-Cfl•lC75-9. Tel : (21Jl '7 .. 1111 av OltOEil OF THE OltAHO! AIWMJftflHCwtrla COUNTY PlANNIHOCOMMISSION

Pwb115'11ed Orantt Cont Delly PllDI ~IJMd Of~ OtUy Piiot. ~Y n. it.'""' J1111• s. u. ms 1••o.>s ~ 11. 1t1s 214'-1s





111 ""' 11•1 ti.. tollo•lfl9 allew'tvl .. llellt-wtHfortM-dtMI~ tlletft:

Ac-Acre., A<rts ..._ ... lt ltn Adl - A41o1"1119 AP- AHft-' t MefJ Perc:el Hlll'llC»r •lk~IO<ll l'-lfHI Ely-E .. terllf Etc...nd M lotU. E•-t!IC~ l'recl- f'recllOMI "--4'"1 Fwy- Fr-•y ""'Y- Hlghway

1 llC - 1 llC ""'"' 111t- ln1erest lrreg- 1rrevwler Ml11-Mlfllngor Miner II N-ortll N£~t ... ett N£1y-or111etsltrly Nly_...,rt11erly Ho.-vmlltr NW_...,111-11 NWly-Hortm..•te rl y OR- Ofllclel A•<trdl Poor- Portion Pl-f'••• A- Ae1199 Reclet111 - Rec ltngul., Aetw11- •nubdivl•lon Al5- Rlghl5 S- so..tll

S!~lltHl Stc-S.CllOll Sl!ly- Souti..Hlerty • Sly-Seut~rl y 51- Slr"t $41t>-S4'0dl 1tls lon SW- SoutllWHI SWly- Soi.tllwosterllf T- T-11st11p Tr- Tract Trteng- Trlenoultf' T-p- TowMlllp Und - U110lvldtd W- Wett V"y- Westerly


The Aueuor's MtP P•«•l number ~11 11sed lo describe prOPerty In lllls 11.t , refefl lo t"4t Asaeuor·s ,,..P bootl, the map f)a94I Of' block n um ber In lhl boot< end Ille llldlvldu•I pa rcel number on,,,. mep Pt99 or within 111., bloc:k. A parcel 1111mber • s tor e x• mPI• . "°"·l6J.OS". would mean Book•~ ot the Aueuor 's Mtps. Bloc:ll l63 IMap P•oe ~ llloc:k 31 •nd P•rcel s within ttwt lllOCll. Tt.t mt0$ r•fe rred lo .,e • v• il .. \>le tor ln'l•<tlofl 111 Ille ofl l<e of Ille As· MSICM' ,

All properly t$ in Irie To wnship Soutll •lld Rt~ Wu l of S.n 8er,..,d1no .... elld ~rld1 •11.

NOTICE 111 pursuenc:e of law. public noOce I• llenby giw" lhel, on Ille Isl day ot Jul y,

ltrS. et Ille flour OI IO:OO o'< IO<ll A.M. of 11191 "''· ,,. .,...,.,gnea T•ll CollMIM el U. COUllty of Ora1199, et Il ls ofl lce In Ille Clly ol Stnl• Ana. Sla te of C• lllornlt , Mii dtH lo Ille Stale, u11leu sooner •--d. or •n inSl• llmtnl plan ol •-mp. llofl Ii l"ltlele4 H prov ldtd bY l•w. \ U<ll 1n"•ll11Wnl Pl•11 mu" IM lnll1eled p rior lo $:00 jt.m. 4'" Ille IHI busineu dlly of Jun., 1'1 ~. lhl re•I properly llereln.tller dft<rlbe4 llPCW\ whlc ll dtlt five or mou ye•rs will h • W • ••PW<I from It'll! d•le ol M'-ol M l411PrtiMrly 10 lllt Sltlt . Tlletmoullllorwfto<h llledff<lwill be nsued woll Ille Ille ttCel amovnt ill• tor whic h II wn sold lo Ille 51•1•. w id emoun l being sel for1lll11dol ler1 .,.dcentnPPO•il•llltdftt•lplionol lllepr-rty. If Ille prooe•IY •s Cletdtd to the Stele, Ille r ight ol rfdempt oon wlll termlnele up0n an y SUb!M!Quenl Solle er etlltr cenveyaflte by Ille Stele .

As provlde4 by ltw, the SU1te Wll IWve Ille S6le a11111oro1y lo r~ce lve .U l'ent1, luues and pronl$-ar ll lll0 l11•11y mt1nne r fr om lll<r prop0trly so deedtd 10 ,,,. $Ute.

AU Wcw~llOll concer"lllO .-mptlon, or 11\e inil iallon 01 a n lnsl•1tmen1 .i- ff redemption will. utlOf\ ritQuesl, be lurni"'9<1 by Rober! L. Citron, Tu Gollt<t«·Tretwrer tl>d Redemption Otllur. 110 Flnan<e 8ullding, 0 0 North ~ey, P .O. 80. UJI, S.nlt -.,.., Celllor11la '210'1.

~ Oeled I Iii Uhl dey of May. "7S Robert L. Citron

T •a Collec tor · Trtesur·er 04 Ore,. County St•I• of Ctllf0t11le

Tiie jlt'OPerllH to be duoed end Ille su1>Jt<I ol "'" nolice are s ll .,.tt!d In thl c-ty of Ore11941, S.l•t• o l C•lllorno•, end parliull •<ly de\Ctl bed as loil- s, to wit :

l"ROPERTY SOLD TO THE STATE No . 91 - S • le No. U l012, AP IN THE YEAA lt10 FOA THE TAX ES, ll l..ot.3-09, Ass~ssor ' s Map: 131..ol UO. ASSESSMENT S AND O T HER \11 '4 CHARGES OF THE FISCAL YEAA No . t 2 - St1e No. IH2t t , AP """''°· 142·112 01. Tr 3622 Lot I Por ol Lot,

\20) ...

H~.~~~1~~~. NEWPORT BEACH CITY Ea IOO'l. lnl In Ml" Ats tto-0.0.•S Hunl· No •l - St le No . 2~132. AP 41.1si.s1. "'910fl kecll Coty Loi t 8 111 113 LOI 10 Beltlot Tr EH i Slde Adc:I Lot It 81k 11 8111. IU. '61t.t0 All ·In( p0r s is a d1· e nd 8 • lbot 8ty

No. 4' - S.le No. 11U11, AP U·OS4· 11, Fronl Tr All ·In< pOr s t adj· Lot It 8ik Vlst. Oii Mer Tr Lot It ll lk 901Ely10 11 IC , '1lS.20 LeUtl!lllto2, ,1'2.tO Ho. 94 - S.le No.~. AP•t-101·24,

No. SO - Sei. No. I U.7l. AP 2s-os4-lt, Tr4'4 Lot ... " rip ol l• nd ill Lot, '3.,. Viste del Mer Tr Lot 20 1111. 'I02 All ·Ea No. H - Sale No. l 19'18, AP Elf Mll· LolJI 8fk 901. HM.IS 117·7tl ·02. Tr SI" LoU, $401.88

No. SI - Se .. Ho. llSll3. AP tS- 1~ Ent Side VIiie Tr Loi Blk lSO. PO< of 8fk,$UI SAN a.EMENTE OTY

Ho. S2 - S•I• Ho, '"OU, AP No. 96 - S. le"lo. l 710 2, AP}9-011·72, lll· U&.J.t, Ea 100~ 1111 111 Mi11 AU Tr I Si Lei' Blk 8 Po.- ol Loi • nd Por ••s1.s1 G.,lield Sir ff I ACld Loi 30 LOI\ s .•. 1 .. 11 8". •"d Por Lot I Blk ' 81k I HWV. E VI, ~UO tlld""°r Lolt 8 1k IC, S289. 14

Ho. SJ - 5•1• No, 1'05'1 . AP 110.ltl.OI. l'•l•vlew Add lo H1111llt!glon COSTA MESA CITY auc11Lote, s 11.14 •

Ho. S4 - Sele Ho . 120S64, AP No. 'H - s .. e No . lt771J, AP 1!0-ltl· IO, Felrvlew Add lo H1111l"'910ft llS-J22-4S. Fel,.,lew Fat ms Lot lS E H O 8eec11Lot 11. $17.24 fl NO,, HW'l· · E• N •011 .. $147.S6

Ho. SS - Sele No . UOSU, AP No. U - S•lt No . 38911 1, AP 110191·11. Ftlrvltw Add to Hllftl"'910fl 111-0S2.07, Hewp0rt Ht1ghl$ Lot II SEly ..ecllUI n, $11.l• 56.lS ft NWly 4'9.94 fl SWly \'7 · lnc.porsl

l nurS<lay. Jun-.i 1 <!, '"' J "'"'L 'y l'ILOT D:i

Listen to the Band


Huntington Beech'• 18-member " Kitchen Band," playing kamo., merlmb•• and tam­borlnea , wilt pretent their flrat performance at 1 p.m. Friday.

The concert, by Hntor citizens age 80 to 90, will be at Community f 1.ble Church, Sixth Stree and Orange Avenue.

They wlll perfor~ songs of American origin, while dressing In costumes from the n•­tlons of their ancestry.

The band Is sponsored by Project TLC (Transportation, Luncheon and Counsel­ing), which provides meals and activities for seniors.


Mo. S• - Sele No . 1l0S10, AP edJonSW .. fa51011N E ·, SllO,• ------·- ·--·-----! 110·Hl· 1', Falrvltw Add 10 H1111tl"91011 No . 0 - Sa le No . 39Sll3. AP r"'"""""

r l.' Ill.IC ~OTICF. 8ekl\Lotlt, $11.2• 116-0ll · ll . Tr llLOl 17 8 1- c E ll llW&2 rt·nuc .'\OTIC'F.

fN.~r~~-.. eo.i. Mow. CtllfOr"lt '2626 010 S5'-SltS

TO ALL INTERESTED AGEHCIES. GROUl"SAHD PERSONS: On Of MIOul J1111• 20. 191$ '"'mow~ 01, •HI request the U.S. O...-rl·

-"'of Houslflt end Urbt" Or,,...,._. t• r•lt•M l'ederet twin llftdttr Tiii• I d tlle HouSlng end Comm\Hllty De~ Ael of "74 (Pl. '3-JA) for u. lloltowt~ projec ts :

Low. interest Lo•11s IPro)e<t, Tlllltor Name) Asllll 10,... r income llOUMhol<ls to rehtflilltett llou5'"9 CPu'llOtlt tr Hat we

ef Prolt<ll City Of Colle-.. (LoUll8110f Proft«) Mi0,000 (Elthntttd Co1l ef P,ejedl G<e"l• lo U•grede Suttt.....,,, 0....111• IProfect, Tiiie or Neme) Anht io..r h1eome llOuMllolcb to llrl"9 IMllM!lg up to tTMet code reqult•

_,, ll"urpow or Mtlure Of<ll Cllyof Cost• Mes• ILeutkwlol P,eje<O '40.000 CEellmeted Ce11 ot Pl'oje<ll G<•MI to Re lltlllllttl• Houtl .. (Proje<I, Title., N-) Aulst lower Income llouHhOlds to ten.11111\ele l!Ollllng (Pvrpote W Ntlurt

ef "'OltCI) Cllyof Co"• Mesa ILocelloflof Pfoje<U S20,'26 <E•llm•t•<I Co1tof Pr'oje<ll E"'ploymt"l ef Heu.iftO Coorc:HNlor !Pf•JKt, Tiiie Of"""'' lmp1enw11t, Coord inete. Adml11hltr Ho\l)lllQ·r•l• ProVt•rnt IPIH'PO• w

Neturtef Projec t! City ol CO•te Mu• Ct.ocelloflol Pro)tU) '24 ,000 !E1llmeted Coal ol f'foje<ll Tra11t1>0ttelio11, L11nch. C--11"1 <PtoJtct, Tlli.efNtrne) Pro.,lde lrentPOtlello11, h#ICll, end (-llng ftr IOw9f ~ SelllOf

Clllien1 CPurpow or Hel11r• ol flrOfe<ll City of'°''' Mew !LOOllorl Of Pr•le<O '4,290 !Estlmeted Cost of Ptole<ll Collsull•11I FHSISllldle1/ """'.tM11 !li'l'oj9(t, Tltteor ... ,,., MllvillH to Deve lop • CempretltMlft C--lty Oewt...,,.... PIM

'"' ..... ,."' Ne t11r• Of P ro)Kfl ol Coll• Mew Clooti.n ol Pr•lectl '10,000 (flllm•l•d COJI of 11'1-eje<tl Emergency Hovll"O CProje<t, Tiii .. , Heme> Pro..»oe .,.,,.,gency 111e11et to....., 111<_ 11...,._*lllll...,lldlli ("""'°" w Natur•

.. "oje<ll City Of Coste MeU CLOUllotlol Protect) $11,UO l l•llmaltd CoUOl Pl'ole<1) IM119Cllon Strvlcn CPro)t<t, Tlll••Nt"") Provide lt1w11eclloll 1trvlcn for OW.II~"""',.,.......,.,~~ Tl· ... II Sec tlOll • • Orenee C•IHll'I' ......,AIA,,., .. , Cf'llf,.M# Na!Wtef Proje(I) Clly Of Cost• Me H <Locellonof Prtfe<U !ht1m att11 Cesl Of Proje<ll Relmllur.,<M11110 Clly tor Dtftlophlo""' Admlllbtffllltl Finl Veer'& f"l.i

(JlrOjt(I , Tll .. "" "'"") FUftdt fer cHlre11 .,.,11<1PMlotl, Md'"" u ... Ill~...,...........,.

iftfllllfl (PurpOseor NeluttOf ~I Cltyof <;elt. MeN 11.0Utlonot Ptoltd) sn,211 (f!5\lmatedCos1ef Ffoje(U Cerlll11gency tl"toJec t , Tiiie or,,..,.,., flt..,IOt fllfMll for'"' ewtrrunt .,.,,,"" tw '""""""' ,,.,._or,..,_

el flrole<t I Cllr Of Cot I• Mn• (LoUllonef Pre)e(U C£1llm•t•dCoatOf Prole<tl EnvlroNM11lel Rtvlew fte<onll rewectlllQ h wltfllll ., tlave lllMfl ~ by tllt ellOW•"emed City MllCll WCllMlnb tM M'fl~IMflt .. ,.._ .... Of '"' ~Oje(t• encl mOI'• 11111• aet• fonll IN ,.._ WllY wcll,. !lot ~red. '"'" E11vlronrnenlal aev1ew ._,.,dslfeMflloettlle • ._.....,..., aNlert ev•ll•bl• IOr PUIHlC •llMlllMtloft.,. lotlYl"I. ~ •tttUKI.

No. S1 - S•I• Ho. nosn. AP It, '376" 110.ltl· lt, F•lrvlew Add lo HUlllllf191on Ho. 100 - S t ll! No. 39Sl.0, AP .. tell Lot IS, Sll.l • 11"°91·11. NtWPorl Mesa Tr Lot so. s. so

Ne. SI - Seit Ne. UOS17, AP llNIOOltWUOll. SIOl.OI UO-tt242. l'elnl .. Add to Hl!f'lllnQton Ho. 101 - S • le No. J9S161. AP 14ec#iLoU7, ,11.14 11..0.1·72, H .... Port Mu a Tr Lot soc s so

Ho. St - $el• Ho. nosn. AP llHISOllWJ.S:~iul.93 ) ll0-1'2~. Fein lew Adel to Hllf'lllnvton ~ .AJAN IJM<ll Lot 1t, S11.U

Ho. 60 - S e le Ho, U Ostl. AP CAPf(TR.&NO QTY tt~ltMJ. Felrvl-Acld lo Huntington Mo. 102 ='€;;;"'N~ . S2 .. 17, AP .. KllL .. 41, , 17.2• ll l· l a).12. Tr 101 Lo i '9 Sly 1.29 Ac. In

Ho. '1 - Stle Ho . 120St0, AP Loi. S-10.H lt0.19'· 1S. l'alrwlew Add to Huntonglon NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED e.ec11Lou>. s11.2•

NO. 62 - S•I• NO . UOStf, AP (nwll Dl~TRll"T t-lfM7, Felrvtew Adel to HIA'lllngton No . ToT ".:"'?;1, !To' . ·;yf3'22. AP , St7.24 llt-H2-4t (ferm~rl y Po r AP 119-2t2·2Sl,

Ho. •l - $•1• Ho . 12os ... AP Tr2085Lott , '2• 20 1-1'1•21 , l'•lrvl•w Add lo Hunllnaton No . 104 - 5•1• No. U • s•2. AP .. ec11LeU7,,11.24 119-2'1·le, Tr 3062 LOI A Tr leng lot In

No. H - Sale No. 121001, AP L.ot, '3 ... Felrvlew Add to Hunllngton No. IOS - S•I• No. Sl• S9J, AP .. Kii Lot $4, $17.24 tlt-1'1 ·3'. Tr 3062 Lot A Tri ano IOI ill

No. u - S•I• Ne , 111004, AP Lot'3 ... tto.ltJ.OI, l'•lrwlew Add lo HllntlnQton CAPISTRANO UNIFIED .. e<llLOIS7, Sl1 .24 CT

Ne. u - S•l• No. 12100S, AP SCHOOL DISTRI 110.1.s.ot ..... lrvlew Adlll lo HY11U"91011 Ho. tO• - S•le Mo. SUlto, AP Beech Lotse. •11.u '10.012-03, Ao Nlguel Lot Por lnSe< 9 T

Ho. '1 - Sale Ne . 121006, AP IA1Hper0cl ·74't/1310A·, S4,00 llOlt).tO, l'elrwlew AOd to Hl#lllftOIOll No. 107 - Stl• No. 600Sl1, AP .. t(ll LOISt, S 17.2• U•·~. Tr 1171 Lot JS, Sll0."1 ...... - $•1• No. 12 1001. AP No. IOI - S•h· No. 60ttH, AP

UOott).11, l"elrvl- Add lo Huntlflgton 12l•*°ll, Tr, .. Loi 1S7, $9' .IO IH<llL .. 60,SU.24

No . 6t - hie No. 1)1105, AP P"OPERTY SOLO TO THE STATE HOottl-16. Ea 100" 1111 I" M111 Rls IN THE YEAA l .. t FOA THE TAXES, .....,•Let 16,U,,3' ASSll$SM& NTS AN 0 OTH EA

He. 70 - Sele Ho. 12111e, AP CHARGES O F THI! FISCAL YEAR uo-m.oi. ex 100" Int 111 M111 Ats ,....., • -...,_.s Tr• Lots ttno, $43.n CAPISTRANO UNIFIED

Ne. 11 - Sele No. 121130, AP 1M-Jtt.IS, aa 100" 1111 111 Ml" Rts $11MW Of(TRK"T .,,..).0Tr•Lots1. n4.,. No . • n~s. •• Tio~'sT1-..1 , AP

He. 1t - S•I• H•. nun. A,. lU-402 .. 1 (fOr!Nrly AP 12).210.11.Gl 110-ttt-17, I:• '°'" 1111 I" Min lilts .... , . Por NE V· Sec 2S T. A • • Sl10.00 ~STr•t.otSJ. $24 , )t eftCI AP 11> ·~1 -0 S I. AP Ul-401 -01

No . U - Sale No . UUH, AP (formerly AP 123·210.11.011, Por SE\4 1n.taMI llorfl"trly AP 10.-171.otl, Ea Sec 24 Te tit I Por NE l'o S•c UT I A I , ~l"ll"Ml11A1ttl0-421 ·2STrMLot Pl.16 10llkA. •M

N•. 74 - S•I• No . 1n110, AP HUNTIUl!T:ON BfAOt CITY n•UMit uw-rly AP 10..20Mll, Tr ""' · 3491.0U8111GlllOftSIOft, M.• No. 110 - S•I• Ho. 111234, AP

No. 7$ - Sele No . UUU, Al" 1,.114.0S !fo.-mttly AP 106-114-0SI, Tr tJl!t.ttt.., Clon'Mrly AP 10..,,_011, Tr )ft Let ti 81k 0 , 'U0.7t. 1171.MaJtMia l11<, P 7.J4

N•. ,, - s.1. Ho. 0400. Al" s•N,.. ir:urNTE CITY ,,.._,, (tenntrly AP 110Q.l'71. Ee' " u.,gyw; ~111tlflMlnft11~6-0STrMLOI No. 111 - S•I• No. 259110, AP ~1111 t• IVtSW\li NW¥t H Vt. Stl.16 »09+0J. Tr71tLof S 811111 , S14t ...

H • • 11 - Seit No. 1140 .. , AP Ho. 112 - Sale No. 312069, AP t,.OIMt CfOflNrly AP llC).0)4.201. h 11).ll,S.ll, Felrvlt• f'erms Lot U S 7U "°'" 1111 lfl Min '"' *'*'01 Tr .. Lot fl H 174.2 fl · IYlllll Wly ol Per- St H t 1111tlH7SllS USfl W 10011, ..a.o. percM ·Ust/241 OA· · Ea St·, '611.•S

N• . 7t - l•I• Ho. 14011t, "" No. 113 - h i• Ho. UOSl. AP t•Ut ... , Tr H L•tl. $21.14 llS-~1, Tr •12 Lota 81k 8 All ·EaSt-.

No . 1t - hi• Ho . 140ltt, ,..,. ~.n t•iuoti. Tr n Lot u. u1.e.

NO , M - Self Ho . 140,0t, A,. l"ltO,.UtTY SOLD TO THE STATE ,,., ... tt. TU21..91U. a'7.14 IN THe YEAlt 1 ... l'OR THE TA)(ES.

1fe. 11 - hit Nt .• UHIO, A,.AlllSIMENT$ AHO OTHER t••tt.Tf .. UltllkA, W... CHAftOH 01' THE FISCAL YEAR



1•MM1. Tt .. l.ot t a11l A, U1.M l'l(;TI TIOUS IUSIN ll'SS l'ICTITIOUS IUSINEH l'ICTI TIOUS IU51HU$

The City of Co•t• Mew .wtll ~ tM "°0!9Cts -.CrlllM ... .,. wllll tMoU Orenl fllllcU trom tllt U.S. O..tfNnl ot ~ eM UtMll o. ... ._. -ftt (HU.DI, lllllMt° Tltte I of.,_~ tM c--titfy Oe.......,._t A<I .. 19H. Tiit tlly of Coslt Mete It c.rtlf""'811 NUO tNI TM Oty et C:.W Mtu Md ,,.. ..,,...., '" Ill& vfflclt l ut*h'I' ti Clt9 llltMllW, <-Ill • K"tt•M • JwlNllCllet1 of tll• P'ederel c""'1• If Clll ecti.- le lllHVtlll t• •twct """°""llltllln 111 r•••tlofl to_.._..,....,..,...., -~•tne. tiM tc.­ttell; """ 11111 tMH rttOOMlllllllltt lie ......... .,,.... fllt "'91 tfttel tf ... atllfketlofl I• lhtl 11por1 111 •~. Tiit City Of C09't INN mtr ... Wit lltt• ~lllt ~t. e.- HUD wlll lle"9 wtl.tled lt1 tffOMllllllllft vn.,; h HttleNI b'ft-tflllll ... ll<y Ac l of lt6t. HUOwlllKtctP4t11Mje<ttef\M ltt ............ .. m- tf t""ft ellCI MC~ .... CMl"k.t""' Ollty If It It ell tfle of.,_ ..... ,.. ..... ! ~I TMl llltctrtlflUClell"""*"''ectnKlltM!WO.tMet tllt("'lft effk., Ol IM HOllUM; • 1111 tflet --'kaM'1-'4 •1ulltof ,.,,.._ ~..,IM proje(tt IMketttOfnl"*'el• r~-!Utfl,, ~., ..._ ... ~MIN lllf'Olet h Ill .......... ,.,,....,..,.._..,_.. .. ~ Mlllt ... .,...,_ tM •t*mlltM lfl ~ "'4'91 ttlt ...... ,,....,,.. (,. C'"

No. n - s.1e No . uom, "" FOUNTAINVAU.EYCITY. N·~!~sT1ANTEEsMsE NT NAMIJTATEMf:Ht "'""ou11uS1N5H NAMESTATEMEHT t10o ...... 1,Tr .. Lolt41111A,U7.M ....... a.. Tlle loll-l t19 persons tredOlngtMni· NAMESTATSMENT The toll- Ing 11er10n I• dollll Mo· • Na. '' - l•I• He . uosat, ,.,. Ne. 114 - Sale ~o . •tO•lS, AP T11etot1ewl119 per\On,.,eOOl11qt>u" nenu Tnelollowlno person•ar• llOl«'lt>u,; ncu"

..nM1,•rNYllle••t11tc1'9MVOettNOtNrtMtMof ........... UfNll °'~'· JS. Wlblllrt ...... ........... """ ...... c.t ...... ~1. a.. Jedle!I• It tl'lt r•IHM •f l11t1ds"' llewut• """,..... ....-...,. wtlf !let" ~ .. .,HUD. H• ollJtclloftrt<elYM•flerJVlf IS. 19111"11M~.,.,... .., .. uo.

TM Olltf 5 JtcUllve Oflk t r el Ille Clly of Gos .. Mue 1$1 ,,._ SorttlNI, City MIMOW 17 '•Ir Orlve Cette MtN, c.llftnllt _.

""Ml"'9f0rMOt c .... o.ur ....... JIN u. "11 JttWI

lltoMI .... Tr e LeU, Slt.S.t 161·t11.ot l'or (formerly AP llJ·l•1tl, 11eues: APADAN A ltE5 TAU RANT 600 O IWUH SU DSY VE!'j 01 H G SUPPl..I ES., ' No. U - l ele He . UO)tt, AP f'Wlec 30 TS R tO SW'At SE \4, SltGIAO II COMPASS REA L TY COMPANY NfwPo: I Or N• wPorl Buel\' C.lll DISCOVERY REAL ESTATE, »t IUOJ Hoover Strul, P .O. llo• JJ1, l

ti.te•I, Trd l , Slt.$4 l l SUNLA!'jO PROJECTS l l'i98 ta.a ' • W. HSI , Coil•-" · CA •h2• , INt\lmln•i.r. Ce lllornie t~ , .... U - Seit No . 140)94, ,.,. ,.ltO,.IRTY SOLO TO T"4E $ TA TE Alr'PC>rl Loop Or1vt . Coil• Me 'M. CA Sort11s Modlr;, U tt HemloO W•y, ICtMelll Mcf'e flelld. 16tl Miner<• Mlln Mn Mid Mary Peel, 1611S S.

........ Tr••~'"'"·~ IN THE VIA• lt'7 l'OR THE TAXES, mJt S.WOI• ""'• · C. tlt t021' OHltMn•. CA. '206 Peclft< , p 0 Boll u.. SVll.Mt 8MtJ\ No • • , - ....... . 14001, ,.,. AlllSSMt! HT ' AHO O THelt OordOll Lint . , , ,, NtPOll W•y J IC HOUe ln Z.~11. 2llt Hem•o<11 Cliubtlll Mcf'a rl t llCI, 1'4 1 C•lllonut t01d

llto-~!_, Trlt.'4 M. i1t,S4 (HAaOI$ Of' THI! F ISCAI. VIAR Colle Mew, CA. t U)• W•y, Stnte Ane, Ce lll. t0l1' Mlnone. Coste Me w . CA tf'7• Tiu' "'"'"'" 11 <o..cl11tltd by t11 1n • .. .... .. - •••• No . 141"9, ""......, Tllll ll>vtl" ... " tOllCluCteCI by • Tllh bu\1neu I\ <Ol'CIUCl•d by • n Ill "'" ll>v\ l"•H Is <OnduCl•d by .,.1 .. dlvldu•I 1tt~ A&MHCW' t Mep • 1J LOI 147, llmltedper11111t•lllp d •••OU• I d 1w1dllel. Mlle. Mt• f'iHt , U7... OO< don LlllQ 5 Sl•O..l Modorl Ell.ttt>tlll Mc l'erho"CS Mery,,...., • ,.

No. " - l•I• He . u101• • ._,. SAN Q.EMENTE OTY Tllll " • le..,.111 w11' tolfll ""''" lht r111~ • •t1tme11t wu toled ..,,,, lht Tiii\ \lelt menl wu lllt d wllll Ille Tll•\ \taeeme"t w u lill'CI w.111 """ " 111...,..,, Altettet' • Mt•• 11t.et1•, No , I IS - h it No HOtJ. AP e.vMy Cle r k of Orenv. Count y !WI lunt COllnt't' Cltrk of Ort110t Countyori.Jllfl~ Cowllly Cle r II OI Ore 1199 COUlllyon J '°""' 'Cle r" ol 0 ,.nge Cou11lyon~ • ., ... • SMIM7, Tr'" Let '2, '812 0. ' • 1'1J, 2, "1) ' t , lt1S. 2, ltlS.

Nt, " - lele Ne . Ul011, Al" 11'40tJ l'44ae 't4ft0 114U1t • \II...,... f.tM'"' ' ' ~ .. • 111.1M .... , f'vGllWd OtfllO' Cotti O.lly "llot, ""1111111\ed Ore1199 Coul 0•111 Pl tot Pllbtl\lltd OtanQt CotU Otily PllOI, Publl""° Ort 11ge Co.aJI 0.lly Piiot , f'llbl l\Md Or•no~ COOi Otil Y PllOI. tlf... J-S, 11, 1t1S tt7'-1J June l l, It, 1', elld J 11llf l , ltl~ 21)4 IS Juno, 12, It, 7•, 1'1S 2011·1) June 12, It, t., •llCI J wly a, tt1' 21,..1S J""' ), It, It, 1', 197' .....

> '· · r




..... . .. >-.-.11 1-'ILOT ThuT'lday. Junt 12.. 1915

PtJWC NOTICE •vauc NOTICE ·~· . .,.. 14.!Pl•MMI CIOU.TWftti •nc:8TOC•llM"TWS au .. atOaCOU•TOPTM•

• • ITAT•Of'CAUNa•lAfllMt ....... COUltTOI'\'.. STA,IOPCALlllOIVO&..O• TMI CDUWfY OPO•AMO& ..,.,,. CM'CAUlllO• .. ••..,. TM COUNT., OP o•••o•

.. A.-U TtllCllMltnYOl'OaMHM ... -.-MOTICI OP M•A•t"e Of' ..... .._.. llOftCIOf'MIAat•GOl'f'fttTI&.

.. TJTICNll ll'Oa l'IHMIATI Of' WIU It l 11 • o t MA a Y JANE ..oa P-...TI 01' WILL AND llOa A .. D l"Oa LllTTI•& HITAMe... H~IU, •I» ~n .. MAltY IATTC•S TllTAMINTAaV CeoNO TAltY J . VOUHOOUIST, all• MARY WN¥IO>

IE ti• I e of MAR 0 A It ET ft . VOUHGOUIST O.C..$M E ,. O S CH1$HOU~. o." .. MCI. NOTICE IS HE .. •YOIVl!Htolfle ~Of EDYTH • J HE .

HOTIC:f I~ HlltlaY OIYIH tNI Cl'MltOtS Oftlltl ..... l\l!Md~ HOTIC:E 1$ HIREIV OIVE)C tllet ~lt.9 MMrla IWls 11194 ... rtln•-"ltioft ~all,_,~ IWlwl119'M ~ Pl.ITCHElt JOfiflS ANO VlltOINI ... lot ptob•le of wlll onel ltUers IN MIM ~-I ate tei!Wlred w Ille JONISGOINOMvellle«llerelnapeU· IT•~l-nl.,y 10 lhe """-"· r .. 1t.m, W1111111e..u1M1yvowtwn,ln "9ft..,,......,.teefWlll•l'Mltor'-e -...Ce te .Melt I\ ..,..._ .... ~ IN olti<e of UW ~lef'k of tt. Maow ftl ff4 ._.11~$ T .. tM"nefll•t' to tlle ee< ""11c..i•1 ' • oncl ,,.., ,,,. lline ao!ICI .iace titled , _,, OI' to pnJent tlMfrl. .et11 IN .-t111eners Cl)enel wal I ref•t~• to • llffrlnl t11e Hmt ~ -n •• tor ..cesSMy •ou<Mrs, to tllO u ·- wNcll 1, _.. for tvttllet jl.trtkuion

1 J111, 1, ltf.S • .)1 • • )0 • .m., In tllo MtlleettloofMAltYIH TINCHEl'll, At- .,,. IN, fhe llmt •M Ole<• of llMrlnQ cou111oom of Depattmtnt No. Joi lor11wy et I.•• · .u• Well O<••n 1,_ .. ,... h .. bMn u t lot June \1, 1t1S, (Otlfl, •11000 111< Ca111e1 Ori .. ~~ In llovl•••td, Suite 1.c>O, l.eng BN<h, •I t :lO • . m., In ,,,. co11 rtroom of .IMCll\lof S..n10A11<1, Cotllotnl.a. C.olltornl• 90e02, wfllc ll Is tfle plKt of Otpor1Melll NO. 3 ot said co11n, ot 100

Detecl June ' · 1'H Mlneu of tht unele<slgned In .ti mel· Ovk c.nter Or Ive ~Ht, In the City of WILLIAM • • $4 JOHN, ,.,ulnlno to tll• est••• ol NICI de- ...... All• Colltornl• Cownty Cltr._ edt11t, wllllln fowr months efltr the Oettd Mey 29 lt1S •

CMAllLH L. CltOUCM lrst pwlllk •1lonof this notice. WILLIAM a. St JOHN, .... Wlbak'e 11~. , Mojllen All Mlle Potter, C-ly Clork AA&,.,... .. _, C:..lit.n.l• ..._ Encutrlxof Ille l!it•I• t..oUISMll.1.tlll ~ A1.aa1n •••G .. _., ... ; .......... ,. ot Ille ..... M mtel clO(edlflC MWMys .. uw

j PllbloWW.CI Or•nve Coast Dolly Piiot, MA•VIN TINCMa• MJ9WUllllH al¥4, Ji.n.12, 11, 1s, 1t1s 11p 1s ... .,.0c .... atvf.,hlwt... L.M~C.ll..,."'•~

';:;!.9:-::~.::::-Utllft Tel : UUltJ1-Ml1JMl·JINt PUBLIC NOTICE •twr~y ._ 1Eae<11ttla .._,.s tw: c.""""-"

P\illlllhff Or•noe coo" °"""' Pitoc 1>1101 IS11e<1 0renoe eo.11 o.i1y ,...,., ~UPE IUo:fo~~TOPT"E Mey 'll , 2'.•nd Junes, 12. 191S ,,.,.,5 J.-s.•. 12- 1





E\lalt ol RICl1ARO I.EE WISE, THECOUNTVOl'OltAHGE!.eO N•. A..,...

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IMI NOTICE 01' .. EAltlNG 01' f'ETITION l:lorotny lrtM Wo!>t nu llteCI l'ltfton • 01' l'ltOaATE OP WILL AND LET· """''°"of prob.l it ol woll ..,,0 letltUOI Ttl•S TESTAMIENTA•Y T"\lam•nt•ry to Ille ptllto-. te- E\t•teol JOHN A. VANDERl<l.OOT, '"'""'" lo wnocn 1\ inaele tor lur111er o.<:N~. pe<tocutars, •nOl ... l l"ehmtenclplllCt ~TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lllclt Clllltar1no Ille,.,..,. hu bffn HI tor CAMILLE LENORE Mii.LEA "n J11h I, 197S, •t 9 :30 • m .. 111 ll>e filed Mttln o pthloon FOR PROBATE <Ol.lrlroom of Ot p.trlmttnt No. JOI !>.oiel ") F WI 1. L AHO I.ET T E JI~ courl, at 100 Co vie Ctn I tr Or iv• West. In TESTAMENTARY reluence to""'''" C/14' Coty of s.tlta A nil. Callfornoa. I\ mooe tor l11rt.,e r p.trtlc11lars. and

C>.JlcOJunt9. 147S l"•I Ille lime eno pl•ce of hearino the Wll.l.IAM E. St JOHN, ,._ ... , be11n set tor June 24, 197S, • I County Cler• 9:30 <1.m., "' ll'le co1.1rtroom of Del>Mt·

GAllR\' A. HAMUO ESQ. n'\4>nl NO. l ol said co1.or1, at 700 CM< f'ttWl"lllr• ao111eord C~ttr Ori•t West, In the Clly ol San,.<t JOO Alla, Calotornlo. Btffrly Hllll, C.lltornla '°111 Dated Junt' 1, 1ns. At-y for : Petlllt"'r WILLIAM E. St JOHN,

PUC>to""eci Oranoe c.o.ut Dolly Pilot. C01.1n1Y Cter• June 11. 13, 19. 191S 21"-lS DEWAit A MALL

P UBLIC NOTICE •ttW•os•tuw lt'1 Av.11111el1111 Stars Suite•, L.os~s. CA. *67

------>-,.-,-s------•attwMJs tor : """"-' l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS PvOllSIWO Oran9e Coast Daily Piiot.

NAME STATEMENT un~5, ,, l2, 197S 20~1S TM 1o11ow1no persons •re do•no bus•

ntU 4\ ------·--·-------


.Aven~ Hunlonvton Be•<" . CA. ,,._.. FICTITIOUS aUSINESS I. P"•loP H Mc Mamee. lootl NAME STATEMENT

C..rlotlO Awe .. Huntonoton Bee<I\ CA The toltowong persons •re doing buSI· 9'2... neu~;

2 D•oe Somt>ro. 10082 G.,htld Ave., BIOFEEDBACK AUTOGENIC Hut1t1no1on 8ta<11. CA .,~ TRAINING. 440 F• ir Or., Suitt 0 , ln•~ bu\o nts~ os conou<1eo by" lom.I ~I• Mtsa. CA. 91626

ee1 p,.rlntrsnop J.anel R. Ma<l.tOCI, 2321 S.y F.orm ~ Pnollp H McNamet Pl .. S.ant• An•. CA. 92707

T"os sia1ement wa i t iled wot" ttw 0 . MocNiv Macleod MO. 1321 a.y C.ounly Cler~ ot Or•no• Co11nly on May F11rm Pl. , S.nt• An.o. CA. '2101 I. 1911. T"•S busoneu os <onclucteel by an on ·


7'24 So. P•lftltr Ave. Wlllttler. C.hlor11I• '°6a2

FU&)I d1v1du•I. Jantl R. MacLeOCI

T"•\ ~1•1e me<1t · - hied wiln th!.' County Cler- 01 Orange Counly on Moy 16, "IS.



The fOllOWlllO persona are Cloin9 llutl· neuas.

CROWN VALi.EV REAl.TV. ll711 Pa ... Ciel C:llmpo, L•gun• Niguel, cllllornl. ,,.,,

Rey- AllUloll'f Peloso, 2Jt71 T•smen B•y, 1.a111o1ne Ni1111el, C..lltomla tun

A. Ouftl• Fry ll119, 2'711 PaMO clltl C•mpo, 1.1gu11• Nlgl.lel, C:1lllornl11 n•n

Fr•nll G. Ml<llelen.1, 4120 Birch Street , No. IOS, Ntwpof t &tech, Celilorn1•'2~

This buslntu Is bel119 <onOuctecl by• .. 11!*'Slllp.

A. Duffie Fryllng T"is stalAtmtnt llled with the Countv

::1ert1 ot o,.no• Countv on: Apr II JO, 1975, THOMMOH a YAN WI! 1n t.IWM"•I Se(eM "'-Ma(Arll1t1r PlllU 42'01\a( Art""r .. 111ev•rtl Nt..,..n .. llC,., OlilttAI• t"60

l'UlSJ Published Or•noe Coast O•ily Piiiot ,

Mav?l, 2t, •nCI Junes. 17, 197S 183HS



Tl>t toll-ln<,;J person Is Cloorv,i bus• · neu•s :

THE HAIR & I, Suite " A"'. 410 W. Pa<lloc C:0.$1 HW'f , Newport Beech. CA.~

K•therlne Mar ie Hulme. 7S62 Seine Or., Huntonoton Be•c h. Calll 916oe7

RocherCI At1;1ro Hulme, 7S62 Seine Or , Huntlnglon Bue". Calll. 9'2M1

This bu\lntU ls conoucteo t>y an In· doviOU•I.

R.A. Hulme This siatement wa s toled wllh the

Cowrlty C:ltrk ol Oronge County on J..,e 1, 191S.

F'4lll PUDllSMO Or.anoe CHSI Diii'( Piiot. F43tl2 P\.obllSMd Oranoe Cont Dally Piiot ,

P\.oblisheel Orttnoe Coest Dally P\101, June s, 17, 19, 76, 197S 2080-IS Mdy l'i, and Junes. 12, IQ, 19/S 1%7 IS Miy U.29. anCIJ11ne5, 12, 197S 188'1·15 ---------------




,,.,.S dS T"" louowono penons are oomo bvs• The 1011ow1n<;1 per~s •re OOlno ~1-NAI LS ETC., 1763S Forties Ro .. ncssas · ne>s•s

Svolel Lac;auna Noguel, CA97617 ICOLL CENTER NEWPOR T H.F.S. BUii.DiNG, Suole 100, 180 lereu Lynne P• null • , 2300 NUMBER'· 1901 Dove Street. Newport Ne.,.po,, Center Drove, Ne wpor'l 8el1Cfl,

Fao rvo~ .., RO , No. V~ Costa Mtsa Beac". C•tolorn.a 92660 CA. '2660 C:..111 ql6l 6 I Dona ld M Koll, 609 Via LIOO JOl'ln Mot• Stt1nbruoge, .on On·

1 11 1> Ou><nls~ ·~ <onducteo by an on· Soud. Newport 8e•<ll, C•lllornoa92"60 Otnt, Hunllnoton Bra th , CA. ~9 di• •OUill 2 ~ocnard c. Ell lou, '16 Lo..O. hie, Norm• Sle1nbruo11t. ~12 OnOone.

Tt rew 1.¥nne P1uull• Newport Beath, C"lttornoa 97660 Huntlnqlon Be•<". CA. 92649 T"os ~lclltm.,nl wa s lo ltO '"''" the 3. Lee C ~mmos, 'M Londa lslr. Rober! Eschbac". SIG l<oft9S,

C.ounly Cl4'rl• ol Or.>noe County on April Newporl Be•<ll, C• lilorno• 92660 Newpor1, CA. '1'60 10. 197S. • · o P. MiCIOlemas, 11 Hall Moon This t>usoneu os cone111cteci by an''"

1'4211• Bey Drive, Coron. Clel Mar. Calolorni.1 ClovlMI. Pu0!1Shtd Or•nge Coast Oaoly Piiot, 92•7S John Mot• Ste1nb•U99t

~y?l, 2'1. allOJuMS. t1, 197S ll31-7S s Evttetl D•vis.111. 380'15.lnclune This st•tement w•s loleO wolh ltw l.•ne. C~on•del Mar. lornia'l'2625 County Cttrto. ot Orttngr County on M.J y

• · Timothy I. . Strader. 1930 Port JO, 19/S. Albons, Newport ~uh, Calolornoa F44l41 t2660 P\.obhSIWd Oranoe Cont o .. 11y 1>1101.


J-s. n , " · 2•, 191S 2011>-I S FICTITIOUS •USIN ESS NAME STATEMENT 7. SlePhen N . .8.,nud, 1100 Wrsl

The followoft9 ~rsot1 Is Clool'IQ bus,. B•'fAYlllut, Balb4N, Clolllornoa9'2662 iwuas; F . I . A E Properties, tnc • ISi

CA T'S PAW, 970 8. W, 171" St .. i11rmin<;1ton AV1!nue. H.,ltord, Contwc· P UBLIC NOTICE

- -- --C01>lc1 Mtw, C•tol. I cutOlollS

Moc.,•et Fr•ncos Murp""· 970 B w. T"•s t>usinns Is conoucled Oy a llm•I· l'ICTI TIOUS •ustNESS

NAME STATEME NT 111" St., Cos ta Mesa. C•lll , ~ p;utnersnlp. ·

This t>usoneu IS conducted t>y..,.. ln· Timolllyl..Strader The tollowlno IX''"°"' •re doing l>u"


e11v1ou.,1 This statement v .. u llleel with the Mi t .,at'I F. Murphy County Cler k 01 Orange Counly,

OK' e TC . 309) Mo•no~e L.n .. Cost• MeSa , CA. '1616

Tnos st.-.1emenl w• s filed ...,111 I lle Cc\lllorno.t on May 16, 197S. Counll' Clerk ol Or•11g1 County on May F4J'l10

Donna l.te Orton. 3093 Roanoke L.n .. CoSI• MU•, CA. 92626

16, 1975 PubliSlleO Orange Coas t Daily Pilot, ,,.,_ Mo77,7!!_~n0Ju~~~!c~·~·IS

Cra oo E. Jonnson, US Merring Cl. Sa<r•IYll'nlo, CA. 9S82S

Pubhsneel Oranoe Coas l O•lly Pilot, May 77. ' ' · an<!_~~S.:_E. 19/S 18SI n


NAME STATEME .. T TM lollowono ~enon h 00•"9 busl ·

M S\ as · OIAl.·A-SAN OWtCH, 73SI Httl No.

G, Hu<11ono1on Buen. C• lllornl"'2M7 tllon Ver HHr. 8~2 Don•IO Circle,

H utlh?!Jlon Beoc 11, C•lilornl.i 92fi.41 · Thi\ ovsoness •!. conou<1eo by •n in·

e1tw1oua1 EllPn Ver Haar

Thi\ sia1e,.,..nt was Hied will\ Ille Counlf Clerk ol Or•nge Cownlfor'I June 2, 191S


01' •ULK TltANSFE It CSKs. '111 - •1'7 U.C.C. I

Nolice Is "ereby g l11en to '"• Cr t'Clltors of LEANNA RICKERT.

Wiiiiam H. Wt!l \ I, ~ 731 Norin Rorr Way, S~r4mt;nto. CA 9SIH

T"•s l>u\oness os tond•Jt led t>y an on OlvoOUal

L••Orlon T"•S st•temtnt was lol•CI wit" tile

Coun1y Cler~ ol Ot•nge County on April 7S, .. IS.

Tronsteror. wnose business adclr~ss os Fqo2 22'01 R11lgers. Apt . c. Cost• Me,.., Coun- PllbllSlleCI Or•noe Co•st Dally Pilot, ly Oii o+-ange, State OI C.liforn111, tNll • """-Y u. 2',and Jun• s. 12. 1us 11n -7S bu411 tr•n\ ltr is •llo<ll to tit made to 1-----------­V IR GI N I AV , TOWNSEND, Tr~f""· -.Se t>usiMss -ess os PUBLIC NOTICE 1)01 Yorba St., Sanla An.a, Couney of 1------------0r~. St•tt of Ce lolornoa. FICTITIOUS 8USIH ESS

Tl>t pt09trty 10 be lransfe<rtcl ls NAME STATEMENT lotated al 1733 Fullerton, Coslll Mesa, Tiie lot1°"'1ng IX!•~ Is ooono buSI County of Oranoe. Slate ot Calilorni•. ness'"

!o•lelpr-r'ly 1seltS<rlbeCI in general CR ... Z'Y LADY ADVE NTURE 1''4l7t es: All stoc._ In tr•Clt, lo11t11ru. equ;p. TOURS, 27SO Golden Core le. Newport

Publlsntd Oran~ Coast D•lly PllOI, ment •net 900d w i ll of \Nit ~ Ck•<"· CA. ""° Junt' S. 12. ' ' 26. 197S 2C8l-1S f: • r 1 or t> 11s1 n es s It now n a s KathlHn o . Emory, nso Golclet1

Pl' RLIC 1'0TlCE


• 'Tt>e toltowono peri.on I~ Ooinq bu<J · •11t\S ~\

8ACHEl.OR FLATS, 26711 Gr­wi•, Mo\\•on Viejo, Calllornl• 9:167S

R•U• RH Buscemi , 26711 Gr-ia. Mi\\•Oft VIC JO. C•lolorno• 92•1S

T"•\ 1>us1ness os conducttCI by an in· Cl1• 1C1Ual •

R•I• R•e OU\ctml 'Tn os ~late~nl wH lllltd wh" lht

Counly Cttr• of Oranoe C.011nly on May

A8RAXAS" and IOC•lt CI at 1133 ~irclit, Newpor'l 8•11Ch, CA. 91660 Fullerton. Cos ta Meu, Co11nl f of T"'' t>uSineu os <onductltd t>y an In Orange. !.la'e of Callfornid. divl<lual.

Tht t>ullt tr11nsler wi ll t>e consummal· Kat., teen O Emory eel on or af\er tl\e 23rd dayot J...e, 19H, T"ls st•tement wo tlled '*' th the at 10:00 • .m. al GROVER ESCROW Counly Cl er~ ot Or•noe Co11ntyon Ma~ CORPORATION, Ill So. ll llnoisStre..t, ••. lt7S. Anotleim, County ol Orange, !.late ol FOtH C..litornl• . Put>lo ~ed Ot•n<Je COUI Dally Pilot,

So l•r u known to lhe TrilnsterN , all M•Y 22 , 2t, •nCI Junt S, 12, 197S 1794·7l ~nen n.,nes •nO adelre~s.s used l>v ·-- --Transttror tor t"e thret' yetrs l•st past , .,.: wme. PCBUC NOTICE


S. WH. c;tlOVIElt £SC:•OWCOR .. OllATI0tt TM following jJiinon Is ooing l>uso· 1'4Mll " · o .... tM "'9ss as ·

Pvblis""d OronQt Co•~I D•llY Pilot, """ ........ C.llffnll•tt•s STEVE'S MOTORCYCLE Cl.INIC, .J...e s. 11, 19, 2•, 197S 209'2·H Etcrew Ne. 1961 .. 1 l~S. Gr•ncl. S.n11 An•. C1llC 9270S

Published Oran91 Cont O.ily PllOt, Steven J•mn Tyler . 12•JS St. Ma•-June 12. 197S 21•1~ !St .. c;.oroen Grove. C•lll 9164S

Tiiis l>u!.•ntn os conou<teo by an In· Pl'BLIC !'\OTJCF. ••ms PUBLIC NOTICE loi•loua•s11ven Jomes Tyler

NOTICE TO C:ltE OITOllS • '1•'2 Tiiis !.l•1tmtnt wl\ foltel ..,;1n tlW 54.l f'E ltlOlt COU•T OP THIE NOTICE TO Cit EDITORS !county Oen ot Oung• County on J..,e

STATE 01' C:ALIPOltNIA "'°" SUl'EIUOll cou•TOF TME 12. tl7S. '"IE COUNTY OP OltAMOE STATE 01' CALll<O•NIA l'Oll ~S

Ne. A-GUO THI COUNTY OP O•ANGE PuOll~CI Or..,,oe Coast 01t1y PllOt , Est••• of CON RAO BUFF, II, ..... Ne. A·UMJ J..-es. 11 . ... , • . ltlS 20ls-IS ~RAO BUFF. OotceeMCI Est• ltol LOUISG. Mll< l(ENZtE. de-

HOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENtotN CAt.seel PUBLIC NOTICE creOltonOllllt above nemtel~n• NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN IO!hr1-------------1 .._. • II persons l\avl119 clel'"' aQoa•nst creOllOt'S ol the at>ove named dKedlnt PICTITIOUS auSIHl!SS fhe Mod CIKJCM!nl Ort rtQUltlel lo Ille !NI all person' Nov•no <laoms agaoMI NAME STAY EMIENT tflefOI. ""''" '"" Mcenery vowcNrs. on the wiO Cit< relent ere rt'Cluired lo hit The 1o11ow1~ persons •re dol""' ~-I nt off Kt of lhtt •t>ove e111lt11td <-1. or !flt .... ..,. IO -esenl them, wolh Ille neas.,..y "'· woth lht neceswry voU<IWrs. In ~n•s· .,..;lien. lo ll\t' unelerslQlltel •IN of. lilt oflo<• ol tilt c lerk of the.-.. tn· LINE GRAINI NG SPECIAl.IST5. fke ol •VDER M.A.N. LEVI N, BAI.LIN, Ulleel 'ourt, or lo posenl tllem, "'41htlw 7•S2 U>rge Cir .. H11ntolll)ton Beech, CA.

MCeswry vout:tiers, 10 Ille undtrslgnecl lt1441 • P\.OTICIN ' GRAF. IUSO AlverMclt ., ,,,. Ol li ' " of MU Fink, , ,,, WllsNrt Merle LH Kitti . "'12 Reel c:oecn. Dr . Nortn HOiiywood. CA. t•to7• -~ 8 1vd., No. 700. Bever ly Hiiis. c..111 .. HUllllnqlon Be• < II. CA. • U 41 ·~ tht pla<t of t>u\ lllOU of 1"- Ill" Wfllelt ls tile place of t>u•llless ot lhe Un• Frf!CI Ar i""' Muilc , 1"411 Undefhill fltnlgnoel In a ll malltrs pert.Wiii) lo ci.nioneci 111 e ll metters perlalnlng 10 !Ant. Hllftl•nolon Be•<h. CA ~7 tN .nett of Mid dtO<ltllt, w llllln fOUf ttw of ICI eOt I 11111 f ___. .... afttr lllt flrtl publlutlonOI Ulls Ht•te H Ot< n , w n our Tiii!. bllslneu Is <oneluctecl by• llmll• •·--·· montlll after the first publlcatlonol lllll ~ f>OflMrSlllP. llOt~Juflet. t•IS notlu. Me11t L. 1<1e11

Gonrecl 8uff, 11 1 Dettlll ~ ... 20. 197$. Tllil \lalenltllt WU flltd wlUI Ille 8RAN01Mec KENZIE County Clerk ot OronQtt County en May

E•e<ulOt of tht Wiii E •ecu!Ot Of'"• Woll ~. 197.S. • ~ (N •bOVO n4 tn<ld Clt<eotroe of the eboYe nfmtel dKtdtnt Htnt

auOllllMAM, 1.E YIN, •ALLIN • MAX PINI( P\it>l lSlleel Or•n11t Coast D•ll'I '1IOI. ~1•&e1tAP '7'1Wlltllil'e atvtl ., .... 1.. MAy29, anCI Junt S, 17, 19. lt7S 1-...1 ..-!ti""* Or· .... ,,y Mill\, C.IH. _. .... •••· ' " 11"7 Tel : UUl172•t111 UUI..... '°"'""f'9r8_ .. _,, ___.,._ 199<- PWl""-d Dr~ 0-tl 011ty ,,...,. , 1-------------1

f!All ... 0r-... CH" OelJr PllOC, Ml\I n ,. ., .. Jllt\t s " 191) , .... 75 PICTITIOUS IUstN•U .,,._It, tt, a., al'MI Juty J, ltl~ 21ti-15 ' ' ' ' NAMI UATIMCNT

PUBLIC NOTICE '::~1-1"911trS011' we 4NiflebU11



PVBLJC NOTICE PICTITIOUS a U51NtlU lllor111a <Ofpotallon, St" W.fllff

~•C?•flOUlaUllMCH NAMC! SfAfEM•HT .. H11111M91onfltec:". CA. llAMt ITATCMINT TM lotl-•llO ptrMWI Cs ClolllO Ml Jot-n C Loekllert , Pro , 1.11184

'f"« ,.......,,. fltMootl ' ' OOlnt ~ ••U' •• Mendon, F'ounte1n Vello'f, U 1 lllK&ft ' IC It LTO , ltol 'or"I A-. - · M A. l"Hr'8'1 . $oK-Tr ..... )oil) • JIWU.ttV av JANOV, UOO f . U.~h~ll.Co '7•11 Toll"<\IWll , Wtstmi11ster. CA. OcHi'•tll'll .. ....... c • ., .. , Pemet• ano Cort T. 1<11t1IM111, 2*1 LU(lllt II HOyl , v P .. ,,, No

s--t• C.. ... It, I tot Ii Oc_. Et C~lno C.plltr1no, D•no Point,'- elm, Apt 7, .. vtrly "'""CA. .......... ltlM, c.#o '2Ml '2•2t Tflls buSIM•t "'0'!4!11<111111 9f f CM•

• I 'nits INtl~ •• ~...-W<tM.,., '"'~"' Tiiis bu\intO h ConCIU(lecl .,., aft""' ••!Oil. ......... 1. ~lvl-1 Uldef•l0<lrtl•r1 IN; .

• lell*• C.. .... Cort T t(llf>IMll JONI( . LOUl\Afl. Prf'I_.,. • ,_ .. ...,._,., w.e\ tu .. '°""' "'9 ™' ttet•mf'lll wes filed _.tll Ille Tiii• sC•lement wH lllN wlltl 0 ~'t 0.A el OrM>99 Ce11nty en,....., c:..Hlty Cltfll of 0P•ft9A Co..nty Oii Mll'r (;ouMy Clt rtl qt Oreno. C..Vnly Iii\,. .. ,.,,.. ... ltls.. • ». 1t1S.

• ....,17 ~1J "4111 ,...,1.,.... a.-.,... Ceett C),ajty flllOC, ~lt11e41 ~·~ C:0.1t Delly Pll04. ~1~ Otenoe Con• o.llY Pf

.. ., ,., Miii JllllO S, U, 1•, ttU IM-1$ """"U. 1', elld Jlifte S, 12, 1t1S !&ff. JS Ml'f 2', •"4 JYM >. 12, It , lt7S .,.._,

6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8

. . .. -

Thi au-t Mattc.tpl9c• on the °"'Ill Collt

-.1LY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ....._ ....... ,...,,,. ..... .......... ......... -.. ........ . ~ ...... .. ... ~==~ ..... ~ .......... ............

=:!-~ .... ....... You eon s.n It Find It [ 5878] One (:all Servk• Trade It With ~ Want Act 642 • Foat Crtdit Approval

~·· --.~ ...... . , _ _ .. ... Sift

-.-.. ...... _...., ............. 1 ... ,..-•••• • ~

1--------•IH1•_, L1ot- W. Hoeses For We ...._.. llor S. ......_hr 54-••••••••••••••••••••••• .................................................................... . HlORS: ActwrilMn GtM1.e 1001 CHMr.e IOOJ G:e•r.. 1002 G1•r.I 1002 sa.o.ld checJ& tltrRr odl ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••\••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cWty ..ct report ~ J IEDROOM MIDITlllM4EAM ,..,.. , ... ...,. n.. CUTll! TWO FOR OHi WHERE ELSE? VILLA DAILY PILOT...... SJ 1,500 2 2·.Bdl:m.. ~. New • ASSIM u-1o.ruty for....._...,_, 1_ Veterans or i''UA buye~s paint & carpel'!. Reduced Can you rind a tlne 4 SJ I ,SOO 11- ._ • .,... - are welcome on this lo $42 ,500 bedroom , comer home correct i111rioft Giiiy. g reat value! Call before CALL 6 7S.7060 that la beautifully up· Formal entr y to spec.

• --------•I It 's gone. Call 96J,.5671 or g raded & CLEAN AS A t ac1.&lar Uvlng andCormal

.............. Moffet": All real estate advertised in lh1s news paper ls sub­ject lo the Federal Fair

556-7035. GOV'T OWMED PIN ! W armly paneled dining rooms. Cr ackling family roo m a n d a ll brick ti re/lac e •


Walker & lee Real lstate

3 UH, 2 baths. $33,500 bedroosns lus hly carpel· SEPARATE AM ILY $950 Down . $700 Costs & _.. ll ' 1 1•.o1..

ot:U . s on Y Y• years ROOM AND DEN WITH impounds. $291 PITI d l I .

n e w an ru y 1s a w,;vr. BAR & "'1-t balh. CALL 55&-8800 b l ..... " 900 c.~ .,-gor geou s u y a ..-. · swe~ing st.airs t.o t wu Balboa lay Prop. Try $4900. down pay · enorinous master Housi ng A c t. of 1968 - --------­

whic h makes it illeg al to advertise · •an y pre · feren ce, Ii milalion, or d1scrimalion bas ed on race, color, r e ligi,pn, sex. or nationa l origin, or a n i nte ntio n to make any s u c h preference, l1m1la­uon, or discnnunat1on. ·•


Realtors m~nt. DON'T WAJTI each wilh private baths. 546-4141 Privale_ rear grounds.

HOME 4750 sq ft or luxury local · ed In excl usive Dovt!r S hor es sectio n of I Newport Bea<'h with a 5 Bed room , & den +

Early American 2 STORY


Thislnewspaper will not panoramic view . 5 formal dining, l a r ge knowingly accept any Bdrms. 5 baths w / over country kitchen, family TRl-LEVB.. advertising for real $1 5,000. of cus t om rm. Pool a n lar ge IEACH estate whic h is in vio la· w a llpaper anddrapenes. backyard. 23:>.7 Tustin, UME SJ4 .J..OO lion of the law ~ 2 wet bars, 2 fireplaces Newport B each . ASS .z~ --------1 a nd family rooms. From ~ $308 PER MONTH Houses for s• lhe immense m assive A c ul d e sac s treet ! A •••••••• •e••••••••••••• · bdrm w / s unken b a lh l o . large yard uniquely d e ·

I the trellised garde n out s i ~ n ed with t e rraced

Own e r -says help! Call n ow 963·i767

Of'fN Ill g • II S IVN 10 llf N1Cf'

~- --REAL TE~~


Call now for appointment

General 1002 j of the pages of Sunset dich ondru l eading t o

D ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mag azine, this h ome is Spanis h tile e ntry! En~er

4 + FAMIL y a n exceptional buy al into lavii;h liv ing room $l29,000. Will con sider with soaring vauJled ceil ·

Mext to.- - excll.anges: By appt only. , ~~~~~~~~~~! i n gs ! Un i q u e d u a I

lo see this charming J " bedrm home located in pre ferred Eastside area near Newport Harbor Hi School. Features formal dining room, breakfas t nook, immense family r oom, carpets, drapes, bllns. Beautirully done in side and out. Priced below market value. A P

P"'OROt.K & : Agent 75Z·1

192Q OCE •.._.VIEW purp o s e fire p I ace "" ~" hi g hlile s b o th living

TEMNIS I 4 BLOCKS I RETREAT room ·and s pacious fami -

w it h pr ofess i o n a l . TO ocl!•M HOUSE l y room . Spirali n g •IPlt I landscap e, a ar cond. and I . ~. OF G' •ss s Lai r c a sc leads to mam-is in s h a rp condllion. Just lisle~. 3 bdrm, 2 bth, ~ moth m as Le r and

ONLYS.51,950. 2 ·sLory w1thformaJdm- Tropical atrium c hildr e n s s uit es! A Agent 644·7211 1ng room. mammo th s ize co u r l yard e ntr y. gourmet kitc h e n with ----------l fa m1 ly room. s t one Mas sive livi n g room w a ll sunshine hig hlites a nd llG IEAUTIRJL

L · PENINSULA I f ireplace, completely r e · of st.on e wood bur ning separate pantry! Dual $42,500 I Po ...... pamLetJ inside and out. fireplace . 4 king b ed· purpose backyard ror Sharp a s ;i pin. Enlarged

In 1 ! Traaler or boat acce.s to . room suites. Panoramic garde n in g a n d e nte rta in· Ii vi n g room + dining

Y I NEWPORT I a parking area on side of I view from rormal d ine, ang and r oom for boat/· area seats 12 + 17 x20

p I L 0 T

c L A s s I F I E D

6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8

BE •CH h10


mn_e. Assumable VA I g arden kitc h e n & e nter· trailer! Unique c h ildrens fiesta r o om . Crackling "' lai n er ' s pa rty p .. t10. pool!Call847-6010. f . I VERY

SURr.1•y ()PfN Jl19 • HSllJNIOlff"l .. f' ir t; P a ce. r- "' , . IQ ·1 -~ I M iles a n d mile s of . . gra c ious ltv111g for JUSl

Best buy on lhe point ! m0 PIUQI Cabfornaa living. Steps , .• :.·.· 1~~~ ;11· $4_,250 down . Call Spacious four bedr oom 2 ac• • t o beach . hurry . 64 . 7171 s tory beach home. T~o Praperti•s · ., lL 's unbeatable al lo w, \ .: ':~ ;' ~ !r.o111 ~·· ... · "S ' u1i ,0111No<1• f i r eplaces. 200 sq. Cl. 752-1920 lo w$S3,500. Call842-2535. . _ !., e n c losed lanai, gourme t l'OO OUAtln NIWPOU HACH I Oil{Nllt -9~ •1-S H"'I '\)tfl "l'(f • 4 IDRMS + POOL v·'·.· :.:,;:_·.:.

kitchen. Sweeping s tairs I [ ~- ....... : to. secluded m aster s wlc E"'STSIDE I' ,,: $41 ,500 '=~~···~· ~~~~~~ W th Pare nls rel eal an·• "" ·· Great family home of· ...::

p:iva;e s undec~ . Bes~ DOLL HOUSE ~· ==· ~·~;···~f~~~~~~ fcrs s pa c ious bdr m s , 2 NODOWN-$55,900 N e wport locatio n . ,,, .. .,~. S h a rp Cos la Mesa. 31 ·. baths, f ireplace, hu1lt-1ns Bd f

-"""" b d 2 b h h Huge 4 rm, ormal down. C all 96J-6767. c roof!' . at WIL I BLUFFS c~oo & heal e d pool ! G I & i<'ll A damn •• lrilevel in area or

b ea ut if ul c arp ets ""'" t erm s al on ly $41.500. "

~ lhruoul. Large covered ! OW.._.ER Call ~3-5671 o r 556-7035. fi n e homes. LOads or

" t•usLom extr as. Absolut e-

•M~~~~I patio, I.Ible g arage. Room '1 JNew inlcrestin!! ly up· - - .

· b I · · II I ly n o c a s h down lo Vets. t or oat or tra1 er . gra<ll!d popular H µlan , 'lilTll' H U RRY,CALL962·7788 ~~~~!l!!!!!~~~~ Hurry, r1rs t lime offte>red I :Hm Ua1:k liay \ ' U incl • ~ !' . I and priced S..12.000. Call , 1 and ~ 1 J 0 • .>OO 2 !IJ J'J JJi i.Q.. KEY

1--------- 546-5880 I Quedada , N.U. &m 8365 G2JS P.€ALTOP.sii Big Canyon Buy Oµen 1 5 Thurs Lhru Sun.

Beautiful Dover m odel. ·.-.-.:.--.------•I G....,-al I 002 G.....,.al 1002 \'acanl Mus t s ell ! 2 ••••e••ee••••••e••••e•• e•••e•e•••••e••e•••~••• I Bedroom & den Sll!l,500. CLIFF DRJVE o r lease S700. mo. Old world charm 1s

I refle c ted 111 thts im ­



Open Daily 1-5 305 Broadway, CM

C0:\1 t-; SE~! ! Lar~e de·

w / bath & fplc. l'lus 3

maculate J bdrm., 2 bath home . IOl' JLc d an hig h ly de s 1ra1Jlc :-.: c wport H eig hts. For lhc value1 con:.CIOU!> buyer - ~.i.900 :

----------- bedrooms, com plct t:ly


la t h e d rumpus room

r e furbish e d . l g c war drobe dost:ts. liv rm.


Repos in Orange County

Keys m office


Specia lists in j!overn· m e nt financed ho m es!

556-7777 mrytirne

;l .. tJ' I f 0Ab'" •4 .... "' UOl'IC,"lo'° ~.. y,..,.

dining area, top.grade :11 ----------• I shag c rpls & d rµs. Boal

or trailer gate on alley. tiood financ ing avail.

646·3928, e ves67J-4577

Lachenmyer Realtor

$59.500 SIR

POOL-IRVINE True! S59,500 i s the lowest pri ce. This model - in tract ! Quiel cul·d e · s a c . M assive 2 s tory! 2400 sq. ft. Large formal

B .a.y VIEW THE BLUFFS dining room . Sunsh1ne1 "' I kitchen. P ool table 1n1 FRON ~r ROW 81~rf~ S p acious 3 bdrm. 3 bath f amily roo m s t ays!

I 38R, f a m & d 1i:i. E end unit lhal provides . Hideaway master s wle Plan. walh exc1ung de· plenty of privacy plus a t w ilh fireplace! Walk in cor . ?9.500.. VIEW across the ' closets. Lau ndry room. OP EN SA.T / SUN 12 ' J0.4 lusciou s g r een belt to lhe I Commo n pool & tennis 2627 Vasta Ornada Back Bay. Transferred . courts. W alk to school.

HAL PINCHIN own e r mus t sell.646-7711.1 VA loan can be ass umed R ealtor. Open eves. 7 11'2%. $353 mo. Hurry on

2727 E . Coast Hwy 1111 this Irvine bargain . Call 6 7 5-4392 7 5 2 • 1 7 O O L o d a y .

• Of'l/J~l ? · ll~lll"llC'IMNl(I •

PRIVATE IEACH [ ~ ~ Two s tory wate rfro n t • ' --~ I 4BR & d e n ,. forml din , 2 BLUFFS CONDO 1 .·:d frplcs. 3 car g ar, xlra prkg. S ubm1L yourtrade. S upe r s harp Ca rme lita 1----•-----•1

Sl45.000. m odel & jus t 18 mos.

J "'COBSR11:"''TY n e w ; co rn e r l ot, 4 "" !l;Alo bdrm s .• J full baths.

COROMA DR MAR Duplex , w ith 2 bdrms . e a c h unit. A rare proper· ty at s u c l\ a low price in s u c h a fine renta l area . Offered at $77.500

675•6670 Price r edu ced, $79,900

642-5678 DAILY PILOT

C. F. Colesworthv REAL TORS 640-0010


BAY ANO BEACH fi?i, ... 3000

... .. . _,..... . . .. . . . ... , Eastside C . M . 3 BR, 2 ba l•---------•I h o me. dbl gar + lBR·i----------1 apt. Assume 7

1h7o VA ---------•

loan . S mall down· Owner will carry 2nd TD. Mus t sell- Full price $.50,900. CAL L. PRESTIGE HOMES, REALTORS.


Only $4000 Down to a ssume fantasti c 73 VA loan o h immaculale 4 bedroom home in Foun­tain Valle)' . Unbelieva­ble lo w pri ce of o nly $32 ,500. Vaca nt. Call W or ld R ea l E s tate 1)56· 7777.


1'hls Is what N e wport Beach Is all about. Less t.hon 1 y r . o ld hidden two-11 tor y w / 48R . d e n , formal dmmg . a lrg fee lot & a POOL w / auto. s w eep . The owner h t1s been t..ranr'd aod regret­lully h aa t o sell th is Select Propett)'. The full prlc la $122.*- CALL for an appt. ~4!600 C:SELECT - -T' PROPERTIES


New. alr:host. finished. Bulltns, fir e pla ce , ca rpets , walk · i n w ardrobes. lovely decor. Very attractive in and out. Big lot. See an)'li m e A s king $83, SOO . Call •I


SUPB SH.Air Whe re else but. Mes a Verde cag' you tind such a lovely · 8 bed.rm h o me tor only $.58,000. Must see Lo appreciate! Call n o w before it 'f too late!

~UPERB f-fOMES ..e C.....,. NI $41-M&S


Lo ve ly moa4> 1- lakc 4 bdrm h o me. new c•rf)Cl· lnit. Only ~.900 & you OWN the land ! 646-77U. Open Eve11.


Walker & I uc Reol lstote 1>on ' l give up the ship !

• L1 1o l ' tt in t'la !>S1f1ed . Ship to i h ora re11ult..s !

642·S6'78 R42·SG7tl. Clauiflod Ads ------

WATCH THE IOATS from the spacious living room of your five bedroom Cape Cod home. Formal dinin g room. patio plus sheltered te rrace on 45! frontage. Pier & float - Excellent fee value $250,000 Will trade down

CULVElll>AU 5 IEDROOM Large f a mily~ home on a quiet street . Fireplace in living room. Large fenced yard, all good-sized

.rooms and in move·in condition. As king $.57 ,500.

NEAT MOMEY·MAKER $9~000 Fabulous south of highway 1Corona del Mar duplex with supei: rental his tory . Complete with ranges, refrigerator , washer-dryer. Is this your need ?

POOL·VIEW AMO PRACTICAL TOO 4 bedroom, fam ily room in Harbor View Hills is expensively upgraded. View of harbor, ocean, sunsets. night lights. Mirrored wardrobes, deep deluxe sink, new hot water heater, covered patio, gas BBQ -just a few of the features of this attractive home. $124,500.

LIDO - STEPS TO HACH Imm ac ulate five bedroom plus· family room home. Close to Nord beach. Many upgraded features. Full price $136.500 with terms.

SPYGUSS-IEST VIEW Panoramic view of Newport Beach, Bay, a nd ocean. 6 bedrooms, family room, bonus room, rosewood peg floor entry, wet bar, pool, jacuzzi. Enclosed courtyard entry with fountain. $215,000.

PRIVATE COMMUMITY -V11W ,.. Elegant 4 bedroom, 3 bath hQme with gourm et kitchen in Big Canyon. Decorated by Maison . Dramatic 2 s tory entry hall. Air condi t ioned . Office. Gorgeous sola rium, garden and patio a nd view. $187,500.

CUSTOM ESTAn ....a IUCH Like living in a park. Lovely 5 bedroom home with custom decor overlooking t e rrace and pool on land you own in Corona del Mar. $185 .• 000.

ALMOST MtW -UTTU ISLAND Large 2 year old 3 bedroom, family room, 2'r.t bath custom home plUI incom e apt. over garage. Huge ma ter suite, J>Owder room. Hurry! $155,000 .


------ - -- - ~

r .- • • ) •• • • • • • • .. • • • • .. •• •

\ M•••i._Wt ~ """:..o ' .-.••••••••••••••••••••• •• '°"S. H1•H ..... W. ,.._..._.We ..._..,_We , ....... - - •.....t.... • e 1111 j ••••••••••••• ••••••• ......... r'Wll""a... ••r 1111 9 · • ••••••••••••••••• ........................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• •• .. ••; .... ••• .. ••••••• ••r• 1002 ...... IOOJ .,.,.. IOOJ ._,._, 1002 G1Mr.a tOOZ j I ..... .................................................... ....................... . ................................. .

• ?1"4tue s""" ~· · ~EALTORs' . - ---


This new home has many custom features. Large living area, gourmet kltch~~· plush carpeting and wall covenngs .thruout. 3 Balconies. HUGE master suite urstairs w /fireplace + a wet bar. A rea pearl for $159,500.

CALL-64~7270 21211. CNst Hlgltway, C°"'"' def Mer



M CH 1111' I Of •rr. 1111. Of 110( 6•fPUU Ill I• #A " Oll

CA.UFOINIA Cutll 'IE You know the k ind : board 'n batten shake shingle roof, shutters: Jots of shrubs and a tittle white picket fence Well, Unique has one; a duflex south of the highway Corona de M~r and only $76,500, with good income, call us.

UNl(i>UE HOMIS, hahn - '75-6000 2441 E. Coost Hwy., C... .. M..

----... ----l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!I!!!.. "'"" 1002 G....... · I 002 GaMr.. 1002°GfMf'el 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• REAL ESTATE OFACE

MANAGER , for million dollar

volume office Positions now open due to expansi~n & promot ions . All interviews strictly confidential. Ask about our high profit sharing.

Being remodeled ; custom 5 BR, 5 Ba. 6500 sq. ft. home on point, pool, dock.

Lovely custom 3 BR & den, 31h ba, on lagoon. Boat s lip. $225,000.

Beautifully decorated 5 BR, 4'h ba ., paneling, 3 frplcs . Boat s lip. $260,000.

OLDE COltOMA QUAINT is the word for this dclij{htf ul 3 Blt & den. R·2 zoning; room for second unit. So. of Hwy., wa lk to shops . ~.soo

ANOTHER NEW LISTING ON BAYSIDE DR. Unobstructed view down jetty; lovely beach in front. 4 BR, 3 ba. : beautiful entry. $258,000

EASTILUFF FOREVERV I EW . 4 BR, 3 ba .. 2 frplcs . , 35 f t. game rm . S e ll er motivated. $105,000


2865 E. Coast Hwy., CorOftO •I Mar "Selling RHI Estah in MewpOrt Harbor



GeMral I 002 I G~al . I 002

······················· '······················· 4 IR-20001


Thunday, June 12. 1975 DAILY Pll . .O'r Df ....... For w. ........ Fors. ...... For,. ···········-:-·········· •••••••............•..................••••• ..,. Costa Met• . I 024 ...... Ofll leoda I 040 "-Hagt• IHcll I 040 . ............................................. ...................... .

* 15'x35' POOL * DeUghllul 38R 2ba home + ram rtl) , pooHable.:11 Ph•yrm, bl~ ll B Q & on un encloaod c lll.dc·aac :st . $46,llOO. Leave mC!6sagc. '194·8611 Lag una Beach.

Zogrodzky RJtr.

Lovely 2 bdrm. house &

llG 5 IEOkOOM Newer· ) bedrm. 3 bath home- In top Jrea d v.<tt: tu ocdn. t:arp,t:u.Y. dn•J)(.'ll, bltns, wntur sul~m·r1 up­grade.c.I thruout. Move 111 cond1t1011 . Nr "'*rk~ & school , . 3 Car l(tir . $55,000 Bkr 8'3-5541

l · BR apt. Eas ts tdu , ---------•I cl06e-in. $50,000. Owner. 646-8858 548·94.<U HUGE CORNER Between 10 AM &6 PM ----------1 3 Bcdr\l()m. 2 balh, v~ry

, • '



JN COM g or a good plffi to II V() und IOVt'lll . <; values lo ch.0060 from., 11 a to p I.leach commumty. CALL842·U37 l S45,7SO cloan with upgraded

shag carpet~ & covered MHa Verde patio. La11l lllllc in trucl, Prest ige Home 4Ult ocjl

Owner llquidatt!s, im· ~4.900. (.;ootJ f1ount·111g Hr+ Oe n . l mmnc. Up· mediate possess ion available. Only$41 ,90o f.!r atlell. $61.!IOO lj.16.JOIJT1 • poss ible ! Sits on a pool· IW -

l04i4 s ized lot with covered lf~j~~~~~~~ patio , s ecluded bac k 962·4471 r.:: 546·8103 ••••••• • • •••••••••••• ­yard. Thick pile carpets. ---------•IUn1 P drk. 4 Br. 3 drapes. Buill·in.s, wood Ba, <..:han cl'llOr Mod~L cabinets. 3 bedroom:. + WALK TOIE.ACH t ' am . Hm . urn. Hm . family room . fireplace. ASKING $25,000 S64.000 55:t·97c.t.5 &iS l 7:J91 cathedral ceiling. bkr. l>e li ~ htful llunttni,'lon .~-.- . -- -

5 40-1720 H(:ach resulence. Ample I U Rl LEHOCK Uroad· T ARBEL.L fo r ba c h e lo r ess o r moor P lan 4, 4 br, 21

2 by, ecstat.Jc couple. Sunken tl 1 n . rm , f a m . 1 CQ .

l955 Harbor •vd., fireplace pit, cheerful pJr~eled . gar. U~graded Costa Mesa carpeLS & drapes forced cpl g . Ki tch cpl ~· 14 .

--------- .a i r he:il , bu1it . rn s. lot. Vu of hi lls. N~. P~rle MO DOWN <.;harming s hingle roof. & poo l. Lantl incl d.

lo Vets. Charming 4 Pleasant patio. Convc· 833·03"6 ____ _ • 1'edroom. Eastside, com · nienl ~o s hop(>iog. Mu~t OPEN SAT / SUH 1- 5 pletely remodeled. New be seen t o be appree1at 13571 E • W q ua r ry t ile, carpeting, e d · V A C A N T . s pent ti'( atrium entr y.Don 't miss FLEXIBLE Tr:RMS. RACQUETCLUI Lhisone. 897·0321. New on m a rket ! Enjoy

· • lhe pri val·} & romance of thi s bcaut 1CUI hom e. J Bllrms_.. 2_ bat!'IS, din~~

• rm .. ta11HIY 1 m . • brit');. lrpl c . 1)1 :-tov cr q1p

-- bcnc llls & l·onven1cncllll! Call 714:148-180 I Custom 5 BR, 4 ba., View, 80 ft. on

lagoon. Boat s lip. $295,000

Prime University Park PRIVACY · 2. Cul de s ac local ion. So phi s ti c ated con - 540-3666 Rar e Ex e t er mod e l. dominium on s ixth floor. 135 s .... ,

llG AS A IARH ol a home th al has cxcep· MaJes llc 2 s tory in be:;l tional dccoratmi; & park· Huntington Be ac h like yard . w1U1 cttvcr~ll n e 1 ~ hborhood . JU !> t patio. ~'>!:l .!)1)0. Q 1ll now blocks to the beach. This for app t., you ""un'l be e l e~ antl y d ecorated d1sappo1ntcd .

Ask for. • . WiU ••••••••••••••••• ' 1002.Gt•r.t 1002

Traditional 4800 ft 5 Br, 4 1h ba, air-cond- On lagoon~ boat s lip. $325,000

Massive 2000' s in g le Localed on Balboa Bay Co•la Me•o, Calif:><nia 92626 s tory gem. Immaculate with s laps available. landscaoe. Mexican tile Jo'abulous view of ocean --------­en lry • . Be a m ed s t e p & bay . Pri c ed re -

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• down l i vi n g room . asonablyal$59,000! Call $34,950 Formal dine. Lus h cen· Owner Sacrifice

llum c ofrer~ 6 hdrms. DAVID D. CARLSON

l I l G d 673 8550. ..

HOME I..._. IRVli..IE ra a rtum . ar e n f:>+'fti1110 .ir51111n 1:t1J.ri• Famil y s pecia l. extra

Small 3 bdrm,, 2 ~aths, s~rounding· f::~:n~ [~ 11Il~;h·U1 ~::.P lu:~ 1L~~~ pi;ne~: beautirul atrium. This is a fr ee ~c~~slt~[nr:~~-"~it:;~~, ~JJIJUW }t~~~r~~\·~~~ ~a~a•~~~ standing home with no common walls, Ge•r.a

1002 GaMrat 1002 net & much more! Call LG gate_ Wood cabin e ts.

located close to everything. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• preview 752-1700. · C • tr · •---L 1018 bui It-i ns. 3 bedrooms,

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bny\•dt· Dr•v• N B 67S 6161

hu ~ c I amlly ro o m , 9293 lormal d11110s room , 3j Realtor 833· baths & lush lancbcaping SPECIAL!! on ovt.> rs1ted lot. P1clurel . perfect at S7J 950. Call j Atri um t_rea tmcnl • ~ .a 003·56i l or 556 70J.s. ~artlen_er s delight in tJ11:s

large :> bdrm home 111

Offeredat $.51,500 oPtN1110 · 11S1uN101J1•J•'I ' ap1$ atto~ xtra baths, den area .

(. [0~~1N-M1'fiTIN IH[] I tillfi&IHI ;~fj~ii~ii~~~;iff;;'.i hkc.T~ii~RL 2ycold Co. . •~. 3Bc.2 _ ~ $46,000. 493·5001 I 2955 Harbor Bl•d. , Ba home on 7Uxl50 lot. 5

---RE AL TOR 5 ~ TENNIS min . to ocean. S-lti, !150. 644-7662 COIOMA DB. MAR 2 STORY :_~~!'.~:!~!'1:'° ••. ~?~~I C .M. owner.


Walker-& Lee Real Estate

de :; trd b le t.: m vcr~ •l,Y Park . Let w. show y~ Lhe separate lam1ly rm.• with frpl c ., cozy k1tt·he11 nook , li v ing rm . with frpl. & dinins rm .. £ s urrounded by a I~ l a ndscaped patio . J\)l thes e feature.-;. including the land . $81 ,500

IRVIME TERRACE- $H,87.S REDUCED $2000 IRVIHE TERRACE I ASS l.iM E 7 ·. ~. Loan. Sand ONE YEAR MEW Just reduced $2000 for Aflawless 3liHHomeonl ~•nt~H~e2Sty, 48H.3

1002 New exclus ive offering! Ocean view :in overs ized corner lot Ua,:sl'plam&din·rm. Nr 1002 G«Mral

IRVIME HOMES Formerly Pettit Realty ..

Re-altors 5.52-7000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f LR BR & k immediate s ale. Belong with beautiful s la1.11.,d1 So. _ Coas t Shopp10g & rom , mslr itchen. Warm & to exclus ive tennis club ! ~ 1 1 1 1 t p k o 1

friend ly 4 BR. 3 bath quality built Huge 2 s tory Spanish. g lass windows, ll'adecl, rv\ne nc us · ~if ~ ~ Y VIEW OCEAN & LIGHTS

SALE $44, 900 College Park


P B t f R f I m m a c u I a t e I y glass boo kcast?S, natural ' s.:>7.95o. Ownc_:.- 557-5.589

rov. eau . am rm. m or boat. I d d & d ···' wood & bri ck textures an s cape ecorateu. a nd mut h much more .! JACUZZI

2111 SmtJooquhtHilsRoad Sunken l i ving roo m . 1 3 .BH,tamrm, profly de· n o wa x fl oors. air -


Rustic charm abounds in the un jque beach estale. Circular drive. Huge liv· ing room wiVi dramatic corner Jo g burning fir epl a ce & BREATHTAklNG glass wall view . Gourmet kit che n • dining . S epara t e wing or hideaway masler suite with view + childrens quarters. Hurry for Lhis one in a 1.ife time dream home at a BARGAIN price! 963· 7881.

NEWPOITCEHTER.N.I. 644-4910 Formal rlinmg. Fancy 1 Cal1 G447211Quick. Onlyl co rat c d & ld sc pd . cond1u o n1n i.:. fa mil y garden kitchen. Spacious i $9S.~. Agent ---. Secluded a rea. $l9.900 room wet ba r. a ttr active family Room h1d e awa v two l eve l GRt-;ATN EWDUPLl::X fir e pla ce, c -u s t o m

Outstanding 3 bedroom GeMral 1002 Getteral 1002 mas te r s uite! i'ully mir ;$ br. 2 frpl , cpts & d r ape ri es. patio and College Park home. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rored pn v:ite ba th. I drp:;. Owo e r will con· bl ol' k w a ll fen c e . 17x26 Added family room iJ ~uge bed rooms. l .uxury s ider 2nd. 6i5 202" eves E very thing goes rn th•~ 4

Spanish Hacienda li ving plus lenms for JU:. t I I bdrm . . 2• 2 bath home fo r w / Swedis h fireplace . 3 Br, formal dining, sep S65,9UU! T a ke ad \' Jn 2 Charmin g hou:ses on1 DONAlDM. BIRD fS649Ut 1Sx30 Healed & fillered fam rm w I Crplc. Assume Lage - call now752 1700-. I w1clc lot So . of hwy. CdM.! Assoc iotH, •"11°'' a price"'o · ' pool. This is truly a one , VA loan of S.14,800. om. '".,. "~, '" ' "' .,. , . I lk-aul. i: arcll'l\S. SJl ,500.I $48, 950 of a kind home ideally Condo Petwthouse [ ® ~ I Owner , ti7:J .itw ,. GI FH ... l'U.. I. located near all schools · - :::; -- "'va & h · See to 2 Br close lo bea ch. Or a ss ume the low· VISleH s opping. ap- Olde Cora.a Gre at s t:i rt e r hon1 e. DU. l'LEX -CdM for sa.· le or prcciale . New lis ting. trnde for multJple zoned interest loan on this gia nt , a~ .a.• 'TY

..1-1~ H urry won ·t Ja :st at · . • ··amilyhom e wilhahu"e 3 PLEX & 4 PLEX .... ~ $53,95-0. us ,.... '


__ - -- -- - lot in Costa Me;a_ Ne w, ' " G 552-7500 640-6161 Fres h pa int , fresh $l9.SOOv,·ii p 'fi 4 BR FAMILY e a c h .3 BR . 2 BA w/ paneled · family room , cNoJPL~T~oJ ~ t , ________ _

carpeting , a nd fresh new . • a oc1 c . . 1 rpl c s. Broke r s ok . handsome wood burning - . 0 ---------

pans ies in t he yard . Se vera l 2&3 BR umL'> in BUNK HOUSE , $ 127 .500 . Aft 5 PM , fireplace, 3 bed rooms. choose from . ~n ·t miss f ·5 THRE E BEDROOMS this popular commumly,I Bunk ho us e on Irvine • &l·I 41133. ranch kit c hen, wood this opportunity. From Or ale or a nd one -and one · half prices start at S39.000 Hanc h ! <1u1 et c ul de sac. I cabi nets, built·ins. No· $M?.~. .. , L / f baths . Just $69.500. CALL 961-4405 Spanis h arc hes entry. I Costa Mesa I 024 wax floors. Enclosed

900 S.f..1~8n 1'! f ie ld &~l8cs. ease op Ion

6 7 5-551 l Salespeople Needed Spacious sin~ lc s tory. All 1 •••••••• • •• •••••••••• •• front yard. bkr. < · JO - It's your chml'e on th1s


ColeofMe~ • • • g la ss l1 v 1n g ro o m . EASTRIDGE 540- 1720 KentllogcrsHealty cha r m ing 3 bdrm. in

Cheery k1tcher~. 4 king BE .a.urv TA.RBB.L ; MEW ENGLAND u,_'an· 1'u\'eerast1~~1 .Pu"~r..k . A real 2515 E . Coast wy s it e bedrooms 1nclud111g "' I l ..,., :vv

Corona del Mar. bu1 lt · 1n b un" bccls Prime eas ts1de location 2955 Harbor Bl•d. , NANTUCKET RAISOR'S ......... 1002 G..eral 1002 , ....•.................•......................


macneb / Irvine realty


Super sharp - former model ! Next to Park , Pool , close to Schools, Shoppin g!! $64 , 950. La s z lo Sharkany - 644-6200 (E78)

ONLY THE HST Quality a nd upgrad ing in this extremely delightful 3 bedroom, 21/2 bath, family room home w /view on large secluded elevated lot. Perfect famil)I home. Reduced to $114,500. Belle Chase Lee - 644-6200 (E79)

llAUTY IEAUTY EYYYWHERE!! Beautifully furnished & landscaped Versa ill e in Bi g Ca nyon - 4 Bedrooms, den, dining room, 4 1/2 baths w /view & pool. Many extras! S h own by appt. S320,000 <Furnis hed ) Bob Owens. 642·8235 (E80)


Vl!W.&.OCA TIOM-PllCE. Extra lar ge lot - 5 bedroom & Fa 'm il y & 5 O O o Sq . Fe e t of Comfortable living with pool and entertainme nt center with firepit & wet bar w /charglo grille. Walter King 642-8235. (E81)

llG CANYON JEWS.! Overlooking the exclusive golf course. T h ree delightfully decorated bedrooms, s tunning redwood noors, enlarged breakfast room, i nd oor gas BBQ, ai r, and used brick patios. $169,500 Amy Gaston - 642·8235 (E82)

AMllOUS OWHH UAVING STATE. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room on Pool siz.e lot. near South Coast Plaza $47 ,:soc> Larry Dyer 642·8235 (E83)

64JAJJI 64"'21t "1 0... Driw .._. MllCM._

......-n ~. ~- ntti.

ranch s tyle! Dccur<1lor 1n Co:;ta Mesa . Lovely CM. ' Re m e mber. the s ty le ? BEST BUY wallpaper & wood thru j two i. tory modem with 3 ' 1 lhg. rambl.i~j!, ~ozy? 5 REALTORS NEWPORT -------1 out. Pool s17.e yarcl. As· bedrooms plus a large WHY RENT, I BR. huge 16x20 game rm

s ume i\ loan - $317 mo. lamily room plus an ex- • & d e n , co ppe r kett le 4523 Campus Dr . lr\' 111e HEIGHT I Priced lu ~how & sell : tra s tudy. Easy ma111. when you can buy a cute kitchen farm s l.t.e w 1all C . V· 11 Sh <.;t

.R .a. .._.D MEW hurr y <'a 11 ~ow .: te nance. noom for boat , 3 bedroom near bcuch.j latest gourmcl fixtures ~ a~~LL ~3~660 r . "'" 752 l700 s lor:ii;c _ Only $64,000.I No downpay menlto vets C ra c klin g bri c k ___ -------

$58.950 jus l rebwlt a nd A charmin g 3 bdrm. Ol't'••• 11 , ,, , , J 1 ••• ! ca11 673.8550. or assum e present loan. fir e pla ce . Gas l:HJQ . T URTL E ROCK 13 · d · ne w from lop Lo bottom. ta s t efull y decorated [f(I ~ · ••U•lll Y · "~· ·11or1 ,:-i• I Paym ents $212 monthly Loads of s q. foota~e~ Pl · 4 .r ':ca l This 1s the one you have I [ I ' tota l O L o f ' A S H 1 o N ED moo~ an on par -been waiting for. Huge home 10 immaculate con· • \:6': ,iil~;h·U · . , Bk ,.,.., ""ll br. 2 1

:? ba . frml. o It,

~i~~~g+ ~~~~2 ~l~a~:I~ r~~~~C~h;l~U~t:v~~· :~e~~ -: ~iiQ'ijl~ pri ce. roro.ow ~~~ .. localed . big shade trees, of the m agazine yard and - _ Slluycr s Sa \ e Sellers$ lndscp ~. Pat.Jo & fire p1l . with alley access. l sl patio with bwlt-in B· B·Q. COLONIAL I liy Owne r 2 HH s mtl Travel to Pans Unobs truc ted ba ck &. l ime ad vertised. Call O u l s t a n d i n g I BEACH fcncecl yard . ~ti.sOO. Call i On Mc ~ron.t v!ew 01 hills. Lan<I quickly 546·2313. snccihgohobolsr.hopoda r~~. ~etno nail~ I EST .a.TE I ti-16-0748. 559 H..tmtlton,; 540·3666 Wha t 's Your Pl'ice'! inc l rl . :i52·41H_l __ _

Of'(NlltO • HS•UUllltlfNll /' A c_:M. 735 8ahr S lrH I Lnnu,na Beach 1048

!~.It~~ Ii 'I courts, and bike trails. 6 BR, GUEST Co•ta, Co lifo..,.ia 92626 4 O/o .;~: ................ ,. " ' • One of the best buys in

: '~ 1 ' the beac h area ats,51,000. TENNIS 9 is tot:il ft-e you pa.v fl)t' • BARGAl:-.1 PR lC t·: D )·· ___ j ;' j Call 546-2313. Private tree lim~d street s39• OO. 1ciu a llr1l' <I r ea l c:- tall' beauty. 2llR . frpk, pa rlt·

_ ::: - OPINllco.,1 rniNrr>llrN•rt • to mammoth famil y 48EDR00M SPACIO US 3 br. 2 b::i , fam .~ht• n y ou li s t \\llh lik e g rounds . $6!J ,5UU.

WORK OUT OF I · I hom e on e s t a te -s ized 2 BJ\TH home. Carpets, rm, lge kit . hu~e lot . Charl es lju1nt a rd . OPEN Sat/Sun 1·5: ltiOS

-~'IJll~ :l!'lJ grounds. 6 bedrooms in· drapes , range and ilis· Alarm syste m. $ 11 ,500. lku ltor fur t 11p·doll a r Louise. BKR. 400_2277 YOURUVEIN ~:~~-·~_!l_ Jj(fiJ~t cl.guest s ullc. Dcsigned hwashe r . Near schools & 1 6!12Darrell , 8JJ-0027. lly ::. a les . :\um be r o ni·

Hard lo find double use _ ----···"-~' around b a Icon y market:. ow_ R_er_. ___ ___, ( #1) in dolla r volume SPANISH STYLE residence. Only one of ils staircas e . Garden view Roy McC~ for listini:s sold in 1974· 2 sly home. poolsz. lot. kind on the m :i rk e l. kitchen se r ves formal Realtor 18l0Mewport e=c;.,t • y II 1034 Ovcrsooo snles p.<.1ople & w / ocean,·u . J lg s un-.,..,.,,000. Call now & s ave. OCE.AMROMT dinin g. Large family Cos ta Mcs a541Vi729 ain a .-Y 8 1 1 9 0 r a n J! e decks. 5 br , 4 ba, hu"-' ~ 4-PLEX ••••••••• •••••••••••••• County·multiplc lis ting .. ~ 646·7171. . room. Walk Lo schools , SP• .._.ISH

41R fa m rm . 3000 sq . ft. Uy

• OPfN r110 · 11 s HJNroarM<:r• 4 Furnished l · bdrm. park . bike trail & tennis "'" boards a vailable. ownr . Sll9.500. Sa lly:

.,. apt s. Guages & <•ucts. Neac beao h . + POOL ~Ul.nfard il4 -499-3967,i1Hi39-9701 b a 1 c on i es. S u m · Great area for childre n. LOWEST PRICED beautifully upgraded 4

~:., _ · ,~ m er / winte r rentals . Lotta home for a low, low bedrm, fam rm, 2 bath REALTY VICTORIA HLDS. ., ,, Owner will trade. Priced $57,950 .• Ca ll toda y . 3 Bed, 2 bath family homeonlargelot. Crpts, SINCI 1946 On lhe popula r North

al $135,000 842·2535 . home o n a tree lined drps, bllns. Charming lJ.S.S Vt0 lido, N.& Wite 295 side, a charming 3 bdrm. 673·3663 548·9673 Eves MN r•1° • '' s ruN '"~"'11(1 • s t r e e l 1 n COLLEGE decor with fplc, covered f'ho.-642- 2991-Anytimw home, pegged Oak firs.

OCEANFRONT TRIPLE X -prid e o r ownership. Localed on best beach.

associated B fl <' • I " '• " f /1 , • 0 fl S l·e· · · · 1t~~ !I ti PARK. Fireplace, cov ·d patio. prof. landscaping. How much net cas h do thruoul. Lovely patio &

· :: : : patio, DW , nu paint, & Our best value!! $:;6,000. you want to walk out of garde ns. Ocean vi ew! t~. _._,-.J~ j j workbench in gar:ige. Al Call to see! Bkr963-78Sl. escrow with-? You t ell Only a few bl~. from , -=·==•-="=:II' only m e. 3 0 l h y c 3 r 0 c beach. SllO,WO

J : 'I'\ t • • ' r, t.

· Want ads Call 642·5678 ... Terrific Potential here for owner occupa ncy and / or tax s he lle r . $199,500.

67 .4 6 S©RJ1!N\-~£2rS" Tlrof Intriguing Wore/ Gome with o ChucAle ---- - - f11itf' lty C\AY • . rOUl\H

ASSUME $31.000

$275.MOMTHLY I l ·lli. Sandpolnte's Clnest 3 T O N E f _

r.ears old I Ornate brick ......... --, -,.--,.--..--, -i n terraced yard·tile en· _ _ _ . .

t.ry Into soaring ceilinaa ~ and r. I u s h carp e LJ I N U o E C j ~ The grocery cle1k esli.ed 1he Sunab ne kitchen with I IS I I customer 1f he wanted a dov room ror dining room l . . . . - ble bag. The m&n poinll!!d lo Ma mmoth m aster a nd h•l wife en<l &11d, "No Ono is spacious bdrma. Only l s E 8 E o t 1-:· '11

$Sl00 down I Or usume I' A C°"'pi.• .. 1i.. thuf ll~ QllO••·' 7V•% and $2'1$ mo. paya I I I I v by ,, ... ,,1 "' '"" """'"0 ...... 1. all. Seller bought MW! - yov dcvelof) ·- •l•P No l b~IQw, Bring an orrer. 8C1·60l0. O'IN 1119• II P'UN 10 11 Nl(fl

;~.v .· ~ .. .:...;.;.. ,,..,



' & 'WINI 14\J'-160(0 l(lflRS It~ I

lH(S£ !OU-'RfS

UNSl"'li\M&lf AllOVf l!l HR~ 10 (iff AN~WU

SCRAMLETS AMwan .. Cleufflc.ttoa tOIO

$42.500 leadership in sales--eall TURNER ASSOC. lftvestor's! N ' H La now- thank you. 1105 . Csl wy, '~um1

Ji. ~1 _ · .... . 2800 sq . ft. , 2 sty, 5 br. (SaveThi.sAdl 494- 1177

fa m . rm, frpl, new D/ W. ----------i---:-:-:---:--:----Nr. new cplg. & kltch ---- EMERALD vinyl Cir. Call for super Are YCMI a Goffer? .

ANYTIME low price. Bkr. 962·4495 Practice in your own BAY .... EW 0i..a u.a.awET backyard wh.en ,you buy 3 Bd , 3 ba , fatni lv rrh, " " - one of ou r exclusiv e "

Enjoy the benefitll of this SEACLIFF ho m es. A Country home. Owner,

MES ~ VERDE. 4 bdrm., 2 bath borne. line a ssortme nt in a 494·8664 , Open Sun. 1·4, A located in Century Park. 220 Emerald Bay.

J UST LISTED. Beautiful Frplc., qua lity drapes ; range of pri c e s . C ----------3 bedrm home w/ giant im m ac ul ate : 3 patios ; 2l /Surr. PORTAFIHA add-on Family rm. Only 3~ yrs. new. You can LAGUNA $48.950. One block from save money on this price golf cours e . Owner aruc· oC $$6,900. Call now ror invites you lo ins~t 1ou& l Ca ll World Real app 't . their panoramic view Estate, 556-7777. D ... YID D. C .a.•• rftLI building s ites overlook·

,.. ~"""" in g beautiful Lagun a 3 BR, 2 BA. dbl. gar, lg . leaftor tll-t2tl Sl'-TS4

2 Be a t h . A 15() f1n1i.h\:u

fn ccd . yd, nr . sch ls . •---'- homes . OKR 4~-~ Q uiet s tr e et. Will ..._..gtoa...- 1040 ooperate VA OK to ••••••••••••••••••••••• NICE corne.r house. 2 br, * MAKI:: NO M l~'TAKE·

c · • cpt s , drp s. W ell ' Atsl be do11e b"'r"' b I. prin c ipals. $SS ,<lOO . 4 IR+ tcJdm lands c aped. •33 ,900 . vv

0 ""• u

MB·0786 $49,500 (213)421MIU( • ~l~:~~~c~:;~~ 3~ BYOwner/ A"' . ASSUME Mu ter s uHe & bath unfinlshedapL over g:ar . Vi\ or new oT No down. 3 down. 3 BR 's·bolh up. * $2000 ledilttkMI pool & ocean \IU. BKR. br . $36 . 950 . 546·7739 ; Corner lot w/ bollt gate. THIS WJ:i~ l-:KENDONLY 499·22'77 961"7944 Crpt..1, drps, bltm. fplc . Walk lo Deb for c)lll)' -----­

Bike to beach. You m~ $S0,500. BeauUCul atrium ., W 0 0 D S C 0 V l:: EASTS IOEDUPLEX Join pool / t ennill club. e ntry. 01>en house DUPLEX. Ocean view. 2 &3Bdrm . By0wner. Call to seell Bkr Sat / Su n 12 · 6 . 944 2 frplc, >tlnt. cond. S9l ,~.

SS6 ().567 536-3836. Molokai. 968-5600 BK R. 499-2277


.. .... -~-.... ..: ... . ... .... ' .... ---• ' ' '*

.. DAILY PILOT Thuractay, June 12. 1975 ... Prop arty 2000 ...... U.fw Hou••• Unfunifthtd Hou•H u ....... d Af• hn••h UMwa. ~ u .... .. .......... ········-·· .........•.............. ' ... ·················· .......... ·········•!• ... ,......... ..... ~· .:..\~~ ·~ · .................... ... . TRIPLIX .... " ........... 3240 u.__.. ~ • . ' u-i c .. 1. M••• 3114 . c.,..,... ..... JJll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ... ,..... ·- JI•• c.............. ~JJ •••••••••••••••••••••••

SI.I per •lu bednrB and 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lml!Qad. occupancy-I Br, a ••••• •• , ... • • •••.•••••••• •• • • •••••••••••"' •t•• •• -........... s. ,............ i"•••••,.,.S. f~ ............................. ................ •••••• ••••••••••••••••• '.'.'. .. :.~::!' .... .!~ ... ~...... 106t .... .,.,........ 106t '- OCIAM YllW •••• • ••••••••••· .. ••••• •·•••••••••• • •••••••••••

.c,..tom •u1u 2 bdrm.., VALLEY REALTY ol theie unllf are lBR. OCEAN view new a br Ba. Newly decorated . BRANO new New,orl • MIW DUPLEX :t BR . tov~Jy dupl~~· 14AJ b•ths 100. Near condo, 2\-\ bt. Pool, lcn· t 'rplc, di1hwhr. Cul ·de· Terrace condo. 3 Br. 2"11 Oeluice s plit-levol; lJCIO Frplc, crp~. 1ar~ pa S schools and • hopplqg, nil ct , c lubhoi.aae. '400. ••c. Se lected si n11l e1, Ba . ~. "-dults. no pe!A. sq rt. z bdrm w/lolt·dtn, Walk ~o Npt Hlan. PI unlU are alw•)'S run. C•JI aller6 pm. i&Sl-3541 child ren ok . 1310 lie. 3 or 67!i·5800, Bk r, no fee . frplc, plut h crptw. home· t.ase. 640·089'9~ . Prlv""t patios. clOled 4 811 .. UOUS~ AVAIL .t BR 21h Ba Back Bay like a t o r age, w1dk·l n zB R & YARD 1aros1fes , erivate laundry c ...... def W.- J222 711, nr. oct11n. 968-,621!1. Pooi. 1ardener, 2 c11; clo1e t¥, b11th & 1ue1t UU8Sta\eSt. CM

)>alh b9me; •lew u ,1.., p . •m. wilb frplo. ...... ,ed RESENTS rooms . t:xc~Jlent loca· ••••••••••••••••••••••• L.rg 3 Br, trl-level. hi.lie iar.$400. &10-<:o:IH b11th, bltn au ranMe 6: Call646-<lH4 tlon and a11k1ng 9111,900. 4 BR & f 3 r hi &. oven, patio deck, 2 cat Owne.r t'. ~1 found lara111r $TOO mo ·~·vaUcj~1•1~ · ~:!n.~~00~~~.6Ca.1t aft 110 DlG. VIEW encloaed .11 11iraae w/lv.W\· 2 Bdr~. 2 ~· excell~l un1Ui ll'l)d 11 motivaLtd. H v · 11111; 175.moo Y · !i ;30, 846_087J . Newport Harbor. ocean dry room. Par only elec· condit10~ with new cpt.s,

. f:•"" •••.z '"' ••roa•. "' Bl"- F "'MILY HOME •rden sellJn&. Private A W A atio att11 with mat"" The original owners of this giant

' ~:.::; See loday lit rambling S bedroom, S bath home offer

---- -

.Ao Ian REAi ESTATE oao C·' ""' , . '·• . ~ .. . . '

$35,000! Jn Laguna . 1-leated pool , cabana , view , privacy go w1th1s bi~ 2 bdnn own· ·our-own . Immacul ate

OPEHHOUSE !Ti / Sal / Suo. I ·S

401 JASMINE )' ou arc cord ially invited to view this deli.i;:hlfully charm1ni; home, on large corn ~r lot , with 3 bdrms ., 2 baths , frplc ., priva te ~ ard & palio area. The prox1m1ly to the beach & parks au enhance lhe de ­;o; 1 r ab i I I t y or thi s

1M-1t ut1 fu l home! Asking $82, 50 0. Directi on s ; Nor th Coas l Hwy. to

.J as min e; wat c h for s!gns.

il""71kll00 OO<M:illllW

499 -:ZBOO

SP .-\ N ISl-1 Villa, ocean Y1ew, J br, wet bar, f1:1m rm . No d uwn GI . Heduced fo r quick sale. 571,000. 581 .;,.7 after 6 vm . Prin . only .

J~Y U\V;.JJ.: R. New J Ult , 2 Ba, home. Ocean View. !129 Tia Juana. Musl sell ! Make offer . 543-14"1

their home or 22 years to the next large active family tha t wants ' 'real Newport living." On Uie largest lot in Baysbores, with a fine low lease amount for the next 18 years, this is the buy of a lifetime for you! Steps to private s andy beaches. keep a sailboat on the sand or in one of your rive garaees. Seven separate areas ror en· tertatning; an outstanding patio with large and lush plantings; and a giunt master ~room suite with sun deck and firepl ace are. all highlights . The home is clea r and qualifies for at least a $125,000 loan. YOU CAN "TRADE IN " A LOCAL PROPERTY AS YOUR DOWN PAYMENT! Asking $172,000.

Call 675-7225 CAL.l US JOA A fREE fST IMATE OF YAlUf

\'i\LLEY I{ E,i\ I ~T \ '


II I · ' · - &. Calalhu1 . Beaut, new tric. Adulls. !:iO. of Cout new p a int. Adults; nb Qual~ H.V. ttomes 4 Br, 2 S. + Orand new $70,0CKl home:! exec. 8 1uff home. 3 br. 4 llw y, 5 bik!I fro1n beach. pets , 2~2 Royal I a im PlllC'9 t'. s. Spect. view w/pool m l f rom &hoa Chica bu . vaulted wood cell ., $42!i . 435 Galde.nrod , Dr. IC673·91W

P"'.~ap-•,erli- . & tennis els a vail. ,S75. State l.k'ach. $495". mo. for1nal d ining rm , fnm Coro 1111. de l M 8 r · IMMAC. L~. 2

br, owner's 7S2 "1f2 mo. lse . 644-ztrn Forn1a l living & dining rm , 2 frpl cs , w" l bur , (714)675-9337

1100 ovAn•1. "' •lac r m, s pa c. ra m rm w1wet m 11 5 is i v e mas l e r unit . Frp • D/W, encl.

4-PLEX Mew Ll1fh1431! 0.. thtlt

rwelly Malen cttlh! All 3 Bit, 2 Bil, well cared for. Xlnt rental area. 0 e"clusive. A.genl S49-0ll2 MS-111

TOP LOCATION & boaul. bar. 1 bdrm, bUlh dn, up - ba th / Rom 11 n tub, Jge Ctiolce urea , 2 Br.2 0u , all dbl. jar. Adulta only. no duplex on oceanside of stalr:s 4 bdrm, 2 btt.lh, 3 country kitchen w/ view bltn11 . Pvt . laundry rm, pets. S26!i mo. 581-5768 Bayside Or. a bllts . from cotr aar., custom paUo. compactor self pvt. patio, garage. New· 1 cd d Big Corona Bch. I yr . old Of fici1 963 .4581 , borne c l e~ n ove n se ~vl ce ly decorated. Adult.a, no 2 br, crp t.a, drp11, n Y • 2 br $400 mo. 111vt11il June 751_6461 porch, 3 car glilr /opener, pels. 67!i -2U!il ga~ & l~undry facU. i1ao . 6. Call 557-6543 from8 to 5 central vacuum sy&tem . . • ~83~1~•~2~7~"----.,--.,..,-or S:> l -SM6/MS-0882eves. lrvlM 3244 51 J50 645.1102 NICE l br, re1na. stove,1•0 • . t 3126 ----------1••••••••••••••••••••••• . · mo . or cpts, drp5 . l&t & . GltCI rOln

3 B'.• 2 Ba houfie. Pvt TURTLEllOCKlbr 2 ba 645·ti l71 · $l25. mo.548-4017eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• p1tJo,garase. Be1ut. de- ""' b ri ;,. ' N tH · hts Spaciou1 2Br . 2b &

DILUXI ... - •v 1 corated . Pvt. Laundry e ar, al um . ...,..ast! e~por eig Costa Mtsa 3124 w/Crpl('. Near new. ~ -- R 11 bl Adul Si&25 mo 833-1927 Charm1ns older, 3 Br. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C 11 ,93 ... ,2 G arden Grove . m, a tns. ta, no ' · Ba . hardwood floo rs, mo. a """ · f"irepl•ces, pooi, l ·l , 2-2 pets. 675·2o.5l. * REHT ALS * fr pl . nu paint + xtr11 Off hett'll ratt. Hunti,..ton leodt- Jl40 1·3 bedroom1, inc l . EXCLUSIVE Sborecllfl UNlV. PARK room &balh , rearof\ot. l, 2 : 3 ~r; A:uJu no ••••••••••••••••••••••• g_areaes. Xln\ a~la- Rd. 3 br . 2 ba , pvt. acces& 2 BR, 1 ba .,, .. . .... , $315 $395. 548 ·5041 eves. pelt, s hw rs, s ag cpts , llKI TO llACH t1onarea . £?nly l0% riow lo bea ches. Beaul. yd., 3BR,21hbtJ. ..•.. $37SJ42S c lo&ed garage, frplc , payme.nt . Ca ll&l3·35'4. yrly . lse. $595. M2-202:6or 3BR, 2 & .... .. ..... $42.S 78 LINDA ISLE BBQ. Ga:. & waler pd, HEAR SHOPPltr>M9 S parling ln ves trn e n 67.5·4&69 TURTLEROCK Avail immed. for yr's. Pool Reautilu.1 ne w 2 Bll

Corp. JBR., 2ba . .. ... $400/ 425 lease, 5JOO sq . rt . on L.A.M.A.HCHAA.PTS s tudio apts . Frplcs , •Charming 1 hr, frpl c, COLLEGE PARK Lagoon . Call ; 645-1200 778 Scott P lace, Cl\t bltns, dishwasheni, 2 car patio, util pd . $225 . 4 BR, film . rm. + bonus ' 642--5073 garage. Sundecks. From mo/ yrl y. AdlLS, no pets rm .,2\lzba. -······· $540 $280. 536-2579

Assu mable loan availa· 833·&974 . ~ San·Clemeate 3276 raril·Like ble on this north Costa • ••••••••••••••••• ••••"' Surro~ Love At I st Bite .~f ei; a 4 -Plex . All · Coste .M•sa 3224 BEAUT . Ocean Vi e w. DELUXEl ,2 Apts 1& 2 Bravail.f<\Jrn&un-bedrm, 1¥4 balh units . •••••••••• ... ••••••••••• VISleN brand new, upgraded, 2 Pvl Patios - I-I ool furn . APPLE APTS. A Owner will help finance · MES.A. VERDE s 1 y , 3 BR , 2 Ba , Nr. Shoµ ·g - Adlts t)nly unique irlea in adult apt

1 $89,950. Cull 545-8424 , As Fen cedyd . $375.557-3131! 552-7500 Lease. At Mira Cos ta a nque...,.. ... Huntin g ton Beach . with minimum down <I J:IR, a BA. Vt:Jry clean ..


•IALTY Town home . $350 . mo. M rti i .... ......_ living . ti700 Warne• Ave,

M•wport hodt I 069 M•wport ll'ech I 069 soc ia t e d South Coas Villas. or call owner . 1777 San ta Ana Ave, CM 847-6047. No lease. Sorry •••••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Broke rs. Spac. 4Br, 2ba, 1'~R. Cov-i·J BR , 2 Ba . Nr. schls & 557_6069 ttt g rApt113 1)46·5.M2 nochildren orpets.

ered patio, 1-Tplc. $360 s hop 'g. Ava il now. $325.1----------J 'ljlj~iiiiiiiiiiiiil";~~~~~~F.<:-MOMEY· M.A.kH mo. Lse. Owner645·8076. George 832-7 151 . Townh°"se ...,. • NEW TRIPLEXES •

LIDO ISL.A.~D W.A.TYFROHT l.ALIOA ISLAHD . Unfuntithed 3525 1,2,& 3 BR. $1115., $295., Sandy beach is the setting for this bi g 2 Shops & 2 apt.s. with off. MESA DEL MAR. Sharp312 yrs new-6 ~R. 4 BA, air ••••••••••••••••••••••• $375. Patios . J.'/ P. ' 2002 & hand some. unique J1roperty. All s treet pilrking . Full y br, .2 ba . Lease $350.1 cond . Bllns . ~I car~t · li .B.2 sty 2 BR, 1','J BA HuntingtonSlS.19-6779 h e r e in thi s stunning h ome of leased, on lar ge lot, Ava iLG! lO,MS-&475 cdOOP~~~~~oyard . Pat io. security ga le, ~ennis . exquisi t e ta s te & quiet beauty. 4 s how s pride of MESAVerdebeaut. Jbr2 ~ · · pool , r ec fa c 1J. No . 4orLESS Bd d d . . d ' . ownership, ideal ror in- ba. New crpt, 2 rrp1cS .j REMT.A.LS ch ild r en un ~er 16 . Gigantic 2 br. acros•

rms., e n , st u y, 1nt1mate 1n1ng ves tor , use r .Only$S8,500 5425 Gardener&.waterl 2 BR, 2 Ba .. $300/ l50/ 300 :t260 / mo . A'' a al 7/ 16. f r orb b c h •. $100 per a r ea, las t word kitchen + 2 bdrm. & 2 down I pd 979.5417 3 BR 2 BA ...., .. 842-2070. PIHICIHIC person. 847-4387 b th t l ' bl d r REALONOMICS . . ., ..... "' .......,

Lfdo ~f.5· 000mposs1 e l o up icate on Brokers 675-6700 Nice 2Br Apt. Sml yd ~· 4 Br,._•, "'uaBa;,..~nu!",h·-· .. $525 Duplex•s U1tfur11 3600 TUOVEISTSUPM 'ME SPACJO US 2 br's. SlS9 & • ....,, • patio $220 mo · ~ .. .,.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" $169. Child ren OK. 17391

· 545.JciSio SUM MER,_RENTALS 2 BR house E Costa Over 500 tall trees and " A" Keelson. l Wk. W. d

LID 0 REALTY RAISDR'S Mesa . 5225. mo. 2 br IO st r ea m s with Beach Bl. off Slater. Loh for tele 2200 Mesa Verde 5 Br, 3000 duplex Newport Ht.s $2fi0. waterfalls create a r e· 842-0389

3377 Via Lido, H.I. 673.7300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sqft. Buccola Home on REALTORS mo. l /495·6938 !axing setting for your ----------1 052 I '!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!' POIT AFIMA Golf Course. Hug,e f'ilm . s pa cious ne w 1-o r 2· 2 BR . c pts . drps , new

•••••••••••••••••••••••[ : L•'-1 ._. 6 Rm , :t700 per m o . 452JCampus0r.,lrvine .A-_..__•h,_.shed bedroom · apartment. paint , near fwy&maj<f'


•· * llEST • ·r1 1Rt:E UFf~JCt.:S, over )00 lis tings from $2),500. 'to i2i4,00Q. Sin~ le f.irrh ly homes, condos, lots and lO-A'nhomes. Oceiln·Ml. & f olf l'ourse views

;Laguno Mi~ Rlfrs. 49 -4040 830.5050

M rt I - -L 106" Mob'I H AW~ 557-58.Jl. Ca mpus Valley Shop Ctr I""' ... ...- From Sl 9!i. t>~urnl.ture shopping. ,$17~ . No pctA ewpo ePOKn .,. 1 e omes invites you to inspect ·;••••••••••••••••••••••• available . Sma ll pet!'! 545-0700or.841-007o

••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sele 1100 th e ir panoramic ,·iew 3 BR. Fam. rm, wtr. pd .


CA.LL 83J..1600 Cotona d•I Mer 3722 OK. Adults on lv. :J Al\I Must sellimmed ! Assume ••••••••••••••••••••••• si tes o ve rlo ok in g Ea stsidew /grdnr. 1.5t&: 1 . 38R d ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• to 6 Pl\l .2300 t-;airvicw ILOCKTOIEACH

11,o1i c,.;, loa n. $64 ,000. l..rg J Owner. t~ l eetwood t2xfi0', beautifu l Laguna Beach. last & cln'g. dep. SJOO. ~~~l~ro c k l~w~"hor:~ : 1 ~R furn ovr-ga~ $180. Hd .. Cos ta Mesa . Phone 2 Ur, cpts, drps , bltna, br. 21/:z ba s plit lev. Farm enlarges to 20x60'. Up- BKR '494-9388. 979-3848 Sgl. level. $400 Mo. lo ut~L pd; no pct/cttild 431 5'15·2300. gar . 205 lSth;il. 536-3058 kit + pool + no maint. g raded. Nice HB Pa rk. Iris s ha g 644 4340 &IS-9557, 0wner Da ys 529 -2 134, eves FOR sale· 1st lime or- BUNGALOW2br. kids carcfu lte n ants.NopeL~ ' ' · Be11ut. new,li&bt & airyt,

960-1Jl6. fered $47,500. Lot 25x9o , llACK Ba y 3 br, kids, pet Eastblufl' Rlty 644-113J IC01ta Meso 3724 2 BR, 2lf.t BA Studio apt, 2 &. J BR garden apt& Big C1i1 nyon. Brand new J----------1 R-2 w /olde r home. 20th SAVE S40 . mo. 4 br, fam Uni v. Prk-Terracc new z!••••••••••••••••••••••• Bltns, D/W · t" \>t.s &. drps . Plush rust or choc. brw1

Sl., Ne wport Penln. Call rm,2 br :,ki~s, pe.t , xlras llr, 2 Ba townhouse nr l LOW RATES Pat io. 5265 mo . 768 c r pt , fr p I cs,



Ted Tre sse n , JPS ,1 ~. M . SIS.::. . 2br,~tv, k lds . p oo l &. s hop 'g. 5j 75 . • Stud io&.lBRApts Joann. Agt . 838-BOlll "A'a s her / dryer hookupa

639-6700 t ee I llkr. 552-7891>. •Water Beds 1 & 2 Bil ga rden apts, frpl , encl. garages. Nr. oceal\

" ........ ' . ~ •642·9900• aguna eac •Phone Scrv,Htdpool Irvine Ind. area . $175 to B .. ,. 1d .. r " ·oov• • lo• • I HOMEFIHDElS L B h 3248

• TV& MaidServAvail l) / W, pvt. patios . Nr . $225U P . 536-8117Nopets.

traders. See this beaut ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ch.Id Se~' •'OOono. SS7·-· l * L I VE NEAR THll $150,000 Yearly Income le vel a cre zoned Jl .4 · • 1 r en ... ..,oo - "'°" BEACl-1 New and nearl)I

Excellent tax she lter with all uti'I Bluff rea '! J BR. 2\li Ba, frple , s tove, OCEAN FRONT La guna ! 2376 Ne wport Blvd, C~t ne w 2 & j BR. Apt.s. Some Great Newport Location CM Only a · stone 'sath~ · lo\'ely yard . SJOO. mo. Roy a le Condo. 3 br, 2 ba , 548-9755 or645-J967 • Tropic:'ol Pool• with ulili ties paid . From

Super t"inancing! fro,.;, 300 acre pk. 2 mi l S40·7730 2000 sq . fl. Bilr, frpl, SeC'. 2 br, c pls, drps, bllns, $275 . OPEN HOUSE, 406 Unde r One Mill ion S's from ocea n. T e rms- EASTSID E 3 br, stv / ref .. guard. i79a mo . Lse. HOLIDAY PLAZA s pira l slai rcese, real 22nd S t . 12_5. No fee. TedHubert &. t\ssoc 1. rade . 64 2. 1334 o r lg. fn cd.yd . &wrkshop. Adult.sonly .7 14-499-2771 DE LUXE S paciow;lBr. frp lc,re rr1g,pauo,gas&. T O BIN REALTY,

67a 8500 I furn apt. Pool. 1\mple water pd 548 1168 · 642·6518. ~mo. ~ep, & rcrs . re· 2 Bd, _2 In bu, bltins, park ing. Adults. no pets. • _M_6_·_l3_l_l _____ _ Condominir.Hn:S R h F q d . 6"2·6220 c;i rpe ling, drapes, frplc, 1965 Pomona Ave .. C~1 WE.STIAY >Jtl'S . 5159, 2 Br, crpt.s, drps,

for sale 1700 oncG • 5• anM. 2700 2 B I d I $450. pe r · mo. 494 -0663 N•w " Br ~•15 Pal10 Q

••••••••••••••••••••••• rov•s r s pol ess up ex . afl. 6_ d Or "' · - · · 1 7 4 4 2 u e ens • Superb s ingle dwellin g •••••••••••••••••••• ••• Gara g e . S225 mo . Casa e 0 beaul. g arden. br a nd 213-EX·9-5595 or home constructed of 2 STORY S135. PER ACRE Deposit. Call 645-2994 . 8Jk . froni Coast ~lwy; 2 ALL UTILI TIES PAlD n e w s Park ling apt . 714-848-0626 Kids OK. massi ve s tone & stucco. $20,950 f~ ull price , 2 1640 Ac r es- Imp r oved EIT 3232 Hr. den , 2 ba ; oeean vu Compare before yo u Adults, no pets. m W. Situatedonbeautifutcor- bedrm. 2 bath, bltns . cattle ranch. Terms -or oro liv . rm . Blk. to shops. r ent. Cus tom des igned Wilson.C . M. Z BR , l BA Condo . ner. amid Coral trees, range & oven, ovcrliized selle r will leaseback. • •••••••••••••••••••••• Stove, r efr ig. : lge. patio fea t uring: 645· 9614 Was h/dry , refrig. incrd bi g pine s & putting c l os et s, plenty of CHARLOTIELONG 3llr~Oen Condo. Dblgar , &rearyd.$.150 Month& •Spa cious kitchen wilh Ideal location nr. pool. gree n. Exquisite ~1arble s tora ge , FA hea t, air Rltr. (714 1644 .1150 patio, bltns. SJJO per mo. owner pa ys utihties indirect lightini;: 2· I IR LOFT OHL Y $255/ mo. A!!k !or Mikt! :.

:SETT E R llome by en t ry. large f~ amily condition ing.your selec- days 8JJ - 17l u, eves Miss ion Realty 4!1-1-0731 •Separatedin 'garea 1.2&RWjlOFT or.c. 84 2-9 371, llome •r .· .i br, 2 ba , great r o o m w i th s tone tion of carpets & drps. R•al Estatt 5.81-5175 o r 962-1022 •J-lome-lik e storage Pvt Patio, frpl, l yr lse ~'~'"~·~"~""'-------

of Valley & hi lls . fireplace & den, 2 huge Paymenlslesslhanrent. W•t•d 2900 .r.---foioVall.., 32 34 LopaHh31uet 3252 •Privatepati06 Avai lable Jw1els t 2 BR , 1 BA, d& hws hr, ,000. 24171 Lo11Naran- Ma s t e r bedroom s + C all Dan o r Ken at ••••••••••••••••••••••• rv..n ••••••••••••••••••••••• HAYLOFT .A.PTS

j,as, 831 -9935 guest bed rOOf!l - J ba~ . 839-8321 Agt . Wanted; Hse in HD, CM, ••••••••••••••••••••··~ Spacious 2 bdrm, l 'h ba :~1:.~te•pa~l~~agc 283

Avocado, CM W/ W cpt. drps , patios or ,o...---------1 Roman tub. !:iUnken Jlv . i'"V, Se• I Bch or Wmstr. VACANT. tl uge 4 U~ . 2111 home , w/ bltius, rrplc , balconies . Encl. gar . V..

FLAWLESS! fi~ g ,roo m . wiTlh t"lolnle Income- Property 2000 i So m e cas h, will take b ~ .:bo Phoodr e ~. ~,.1 g c sun room & coastal Mtn . : ~~~~~iz~:~~~ues -s ur - 645·0143 mi from ocean . No peu. 4 8 1t,fa m ity rm , 1o...,·ner ircpace pit. aseu Y • •••••••••••••••••••••• o ver pymn ls . P. Pty . n~1g., r . ~IV· per vie ws, Pool & rec. rac. rounded wilt\ plush $200 / mo. Warner&Bolsa Qoinc in La~una N~nel. decorat ed th ruout . By PRIME 4-PLEX 2131968.1253. mo. A

7sk for Kellh , l:\kr Adults. $375. 64().l&W . landscaping. E-S ID~ 2 br, l 'h bu, encl ~~i-~74662 Milo, apt. A. .

~H! \lo' uf rollin g lull s. owner, eo ~rtesy to 962-44 1 Ad 1

Np gilrage, paUo. Adu lL~on · l--~-------~f"}' c ustorn fea. torcs. brokers . C·all . 644-4422 $83,750 Newport lecxh 3269 u ts . o et.s ly. ~d-7692 or644-0lt78 Lr\RG J:o; 2 br studio, patio, ~ 1-----------J Cov ington 4 . pJ e:it. Rnfal1 J BR, 2 ba , 2 car gar, ••••••••••••••••••••••• IBORMFUrn521 5.

l ust ue Sl'~n ~ W1dov.·er 3 BDRM . 211.1 ba , in Bluffs . Perfect location. SlOOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• b.1.tns. Co~m . swim pool. . N1': WPORT Il ls clean , at -. J6S W. Wilson &12-1971 AOUL T J BR, friJI C, pool. rncd . Couple, Want ok. c.iwner a nx1ous to re - Ownr will carry TD bal. plus cas h s pendable on Houses hntilhed Kids o.; . No rec. $265. lst1 t rac 3 br 2 ba fncd l F 1 Sl lli. mo. 1~1a Pomona , No pets. Sl0..50. Avail , 1 n:ca~le . Va lue packed at Prin cipals only. $64 ,900. Pioneer 842·4421 I · • · 1 & 2 BR . urn / un · Cl\t .Call645·195ti afterJunel6lh. Also 2 br $1.i-t ,500 . Pl1 · 544 .2404 $8400 down payment. ••••••••••••••••••3••1•0•2• , I ya rd , dbl ~a r, cpls, drps . Adults only. Pool & rec st udio avail July 1s t .

Rf::OCA llP E'r · Earns $900 per month. G-eoneral Bi g, va ca nt 4 BR home., 5375. 548 ·!>897or548-6680 ! rm . 645-0632 Ea5tsidel'J28r 84i -4440 Hurr y c all t7 14 J ••••••••••••••••••••••• o 1 <>~ Cl ~-'--------H.J:o:ALl'ORS 2 HOUSi'~Sonhugecomer • ny ...,.,,.,. mo. ose llll!RVINE 'fJ:o:RR . P\' l .\ I Bltns, w/ w, re n g, pool , -

497-1761 Jot. 1 newer 2 br + in · 7~· 1700. MOVE now CdM house. every th ing. Everybod y] home 1 blk from bay J I Lqe: Fvrn 2 ar.SlOO s 190 Ad I l s . 110 pc t s LOCJUn• Mlguef 3851 com e olde r , now 3 br. INVESTME1''T fr plc, $225., ulil pd. Walk welcome, no fee . World I b 2 b db.I d ·&I bftns , w/ w, drps. pool 642-9520 •••••••••••••••••••••••

MissionVieio 1067 Possible convertible into DlVISION to beac h cottage, H.B. RealEstateSS&m7 ~·lio ~;1 67f~Y · adlts , nopet.s. 00-9520 I OELUXE 3 BR,2 BaCon· J•••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Jou . Driv e by 717-7171n THE R EAL ESTA.TERS $100. ut1I pd . Also Cosla . p y Mtar Compll'tion do. Off 1st Tee. El Niguel

TAKE THE Ir vi ne , Newport J-lgts . TWO- S unit apl bldg just Mesa 2 ~~ · frplc, singles Hunfi'"JfOft leoch 3240 BACK BA 'l View. J hr or 21' 145· Mo. 1 br dlx mobile I CEDAR WOOOS Cou ntry Cl ub . Lease . 5'l1,soo. 615-7788 complel•d fo••al• . Clooe or famili es . Agt. Fee. ••••••••••••••••••••••• br & den Pool & Tennis home. Older cpl. pref. No ""° U . . 0 830.9544 PLUNGE • 979-8430 , . · . ·1 children or pets. Quiet& ' -... n1versny r , ncar1-,---,,--,---.,.--

.Bcaut1ful J BR, 2ba , fam OLDI E for price of 1 cor · to maj o r s hopp ing BEAUT. 4 br,a ba, family $595. Lease644-0034 I secure. Ponderosa. Mob. Back Ba~" I hr, 2 hr & Mewport ltach 316t rm, d .::Jig: htful putiu & ner Jot! Possibly dl\' iSi· center. Is l yr write-off. M•w,.rf ltoch 3169 rm. Close to !!chool & llARBOR View Homes, JI Est , 1991 Newport Blvd, den .. ~ r o rn 5 I 8 5 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• fircp11.S , and heated pool . ble inlo 2 lots. Dr ive by 5l 4M · 536-2579 ; 592-SOJO ••••••••••••••••••••••• beach . $4SO. 962·2734 b r , 2 b a , x I n t . CM. 646·8373 ~:s1\~dl! . 54g, 7437 or PARK ""EWPOtlT Lovelyview . $81.500 723 Ir v ine, Newport C OMMERC IAL Pilot Wanted: Ni<e famil y to nei ghborhood Walk to ,,.... · 1.r•"TM~S

ASSUME 7°/o VA w•'•h•> to • h•-h•·, , be, 3 pa·k , pool & ·,,. 1,, ""ui Hunfl....ton 3740 "" "'"' ..,., .BO ND 11.t.:.&.Ll'Y INC 1-l g,t s. 2 hr, ga r, huge TRll'L"' X "-· 'I '" rent our home, J Bit, 2 • ....,..,., ·~· C \SA VICTORIA. B h I •831 -!Hll• 75'Xl25 '. 543.5U0.675-7788 r.. •....._.,,la .. esa ba . home, l blk. from I 1 J • 640- 1289 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ac eorlorZ --- ~;;;,;-10.~l·;;o;;;;;;;;;;;..,;;;;;;,;;;;;;o;;;;;~: w/owner 's 38R l '!-1. ba , + beac h w / prof. male or BA, dble ca r gar ., cpl&, mo yr y. ease . NO INCREASE in s um · l ,2 &3Br, UnJ'urn1Furn Bed rooms and

Mewport Beach t069 ~ frpl c. Central location. fem a le , A ge 25 -3S. d rps, R / O, 1295· mo . P.A.MOR.AMIC VIEW mer rent. Beaut 1 brfurn fr . $lti9 .5o gas /wtr, pd. Townhouses ••••••••••••••••••••••• . -L· ID- 0 -ISL-E - 1 ;;Y;•;·~•;';';";';';";';;;S56;;·';';"; ( 6'2·180Z 963-4569 E •Pts $165 & $115. Spanish A.dul ts ·No Pets Set'. gate f'r . $."?29.500pen9·6 Ba,y & Irvine Hills. n· bid 1 Pool , Rec . Rm , Eh.~\'ator DaiJy

PROM0t4TORY Near BQlaa·Springdale . 3 \ertaine r's d e li g ht s ty le ll. pvt enc ~ar, szav· . 6428970 IA y HOMES VIA MICE 10

UNITS Hou••• U1tfwwist.d BR, 2 BA, erp~. drl)6 , w/ pool & ga me room . pool , sa una. Jndry, adl ts. ictoria, · A Spa-~ools-Tt'ni~ . Lu xury waterfront Lovely 3 br, 2 ba , EAST~IDE ••••••••••••••••••••••• R/0 , $.110. mo. 96.1-4500 t' antasticnew4br, 3ba, 17301 Keelson Ln. l blk 2 BR deluxe studio, ulil 1 5f!~~s alr~::1mix!:!e'~~

· _, 1 f 1 re p I a c e. S 8 2 M , G 1 3202 4000 sq rt cu~ tom home. W. of Beach off Slater. pd . BlLns , crpts, """'I. home s pr1ceu rom Walk one bl-k to 17th en«O 3BR 28AhomebyFwy 8427a.... ,,.,~ SanJoaqui nH.illsRoad,

.~ SS' l rt ••. Uwner /,\ genl. ...._ • -A'OOd ceilings, 3 frpt cs , · ~ $200. 19711 Maple . &&5-8079 $211,Jvv , wa e. ron..., . Street. s hopping. U•) one ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Westminster Mall $395. 17141644-1900 607 B ayside Drive , ~~~""".6~7~3~·6489'.'."'""".~"".:•I bed rm + owners 2 FREE FREE 846-4017 many ex tras. $l 250. mo. LCNJURa leach l741 1 _o~c~64'°"5~.S~64~7:_ _____ 1-:-::-::::-::--:::--:c-c--c---Nl!wport Beaeh. 673-3900 (. bedroom unit. Scheduled •Profes&ional Service- ::-::--:c-:c--::c---:--:c-j .~64~>~-7~l~O~Z~o~c~6'~>~··~1~7~1 ---i•••••••••• ••'••••••••••• "Tl·IE VICTORIAN '' LfVE Near The Beach!

income $1825. mo. J.\JIJ •LA.NDLOIDS• BRAND New 5 BR WA T E R fo' R ON T · Beaut i ful 2 Bd ne ar Newly decorated, 2 br, Casa del Sol pri ce, Sl79,SOO. (Owner Holftl'flftder• * Landmark.$450. p / mo. pier / float. J BR, form Emera Id Ba Y . 11<;ba w 1 ~11 r . Adlts,cpts. Beau tifulAdultApt.s may help finance.) Call 963-7878Agent dine. 2 bath. W/w cpt.s, Oeeanside . 7 /1. 1 yr . drps, rncd yd w/patio, FrOM SllO

BAYFROHT 1076 •••••••••••••••••••••••

2 Cus tom Homes S~r Oc:e4M View BALBOA PENINSULA & DR f I y . h 2 n . , rp c, l r .

for details. 642· ft00 DELUXE TOWNHOUSE fplc , dble gar . No pets. Adult41 no pets, $375. mo. water pd . Call bct.,.,·n t -5 ~ 21661 Brookhurat, HB Exchisl•e With Cati{Ornia '11 t.rgest Jbr , Zbo , enc. goc, patio, $.'>50. m o. yrly lease, Rltr 1595 !Cil . C&t . Hwy. Apt. 4 636-oll20- 962•6653 Excellent loc.at1on on t e N $79 500 B k

bl k h ew. , • r r .

Bay &only l,<:z oc to te 493.9242 •Rental Service!• &42 5200 K " v· · kids/OK. $300. '4.i-5071 • ""••port leach 3769 1-';66~7~·~· ~~'~'';lo~n;;•~ .. ~.S~l90~1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Ocean. Each hom~ has 4 a· ~1 • ".· COSTA Mes a , fncd, 2 br, bdrm s, 4 b a lh s & HILLTOP'COHDO SISS. pets ok. Or 2 br Gallery, 2 £1repl aces, W/Oc:ean View. 2Br , 2\.'2 house H.B., kid1, pets, wetbar , ul tra mode rn ba, 3 patios . J43,000 s in g les . Also walk t k1t .: he n & pri vate pier. Owner . 496 ·4875. ANYTIME water N.B. 2 br, 11ingl~ t 'ce l a nd . See at 12001 -'-'-"'-'-CC..=~---I or fami lies. CdM hou&e, Ea ., t l:htlboa Bl vd .• or W••hM111f..- 1091 1""~~~~~~~~~( utll pd , kids, pet.sok , Ag\ . -eall 675 ·8120 for mote de- ••••••••••••••••••••••· I· t'ee 979 8430 ta1 ll'L . THIS IS IT . .


B ill C an yo n 's best S v:ilue. E lc:~A 11t I story, 3 Br . J Ba. 1mmoiculate, h i~ h ly upgr<i1ded . $13.5 ,000.

p .,,,, w r. •. ,, .. 1 .. lri

>, ,l ,, ',A.,I ~".U')

MIWl'ORT SHOllH Lar1e 2 ·Slory 4 BR. :J belhs ; l ""ndecb, paUo. WaJlr to lN':ach, tenn11, eu N«fl n...c. prif:ed MJala l Ml .riO. C.11 CAVWOOOUALTV

-. . ' , ----, . .

AtalEstate byMt!l/AY


$33,900 Thi& JAR 28A "°"1tt i& on a large lot with brick blilr SQ II pa tio. Ne-ects JllOme work . A ar•at val u• . HURRY, CAU...IMZ·&.171

~~•~S~41~~· 1~2'0'-'--*~-1~H .... ,..$... 1100 ~SOR Yif"N f~4br, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jlit b• . man y xtraa, 'Priced to Hll by awner. ·• Mobil• Home 12x60', 2 ..,,rifl. on ly. Rl8.:;oo. Fe.. bt, 2 be , e ncl I t.In porc h. 1'1rm. f44 ... 374 after & 5 .W. Santa Ana.. Nice

parti: . 54.0-0722


1r you want to make BALBOA3br,2 ba, klds money. if you like to CdM 3 br,2 ha, kids/ pet mana ge proper1y, and if 11.8. Sl40. 1 br , appls you can pa int. This-pro- 11 .D. new5br.3 ba,kids perty has Lhe pot.en ti al to S. A. Sl!i.5. 2 br. kids. pet generate a 20",b return. S.A. ba ch Sl4lt util pd. Call & ask to see Lhne 9 1o·~e / Bkr w~tl located units In HOMIFIMDEIS Lagu na. Only 542,500 *642-ttoo• cash down .

RtALONOMICS l1Ml1e lli9d 3204 BROK E RS 675·6700 •••••••••••••••••••••••

IJJ 4 .f'LUES Little Isle. 337 B. East u s ·d b 'd B B•yfronl . B•y view , c .,.. . l e - )' ·SI e . · uy l frplc 2 br 3 level 1ut.c

or hot h . BI t n • + £ar p"ark . (213)17&-irza dshwsht!! , xtra lrg units . S00.900. ea. JJ«r./Ownr.' a.n..e P•itttllle l207 ~· 12.80 •• •••••••••••••••••••••

*DELUXE 4 Pl.EX* Pr ice d b e l o w Mkl . $93,000. J un lu w/ frplc• .• 1 ha11 oceanview. 2 yrs . old . No vacancies. 80".i> loan avail . at 9\ '1%. . 842-7407


Most exceptional home on Potnt, 80 ' Jot, 38' liv rm , lorml din rm , 4 liR, 3 BA. Hunrm . elev., garden1 ' Ira e•b•n•. Magnlfi cenl panoramic view ol bay. L&e By Owner SlOOOfmo. l - S:SS-3998 or 67~96«

••••••••••••••••••••••• 120 ALB E RT P LACE SEEK & FIND,. Hames• Pam $29.95 WK UP. l Bdr, 2 Ba Delu xe 2 br. Iba, adults,








& Bach. Color TV, maid no pets . s1as. Call ~ serv, pool. THE MESA, 530·3572 &'13-9781 4lS N. Newport DI, NB , 646-9681 SPA CIOUS 2 br . apt .

1-""-="-------l Eas lside Co!! ta Mes a . 5 HR upper, lower duplex, SJW bltns. Summer renlal or 548 ·78&1 yrly lse . Chlldren & pets ok . 548·3917 LGt.: 2 br . bllns, dshwbr,

, adt5, no pets. New crpt. .A.f.!ii twu11t1 s1so. 645·4<l91

U.t.ntlollod ' FT N I T l N R G RA ,.. A c TN E I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• LARG E 2 br. gar .• yard. AR N 'ECETNTLP G YR \\! c;....,,. 3102 R t;_fll. $175 . mo .

MESAYMDI 2 Bdrms. , l 'A bath condo with pool . P3.S Mo.

STEPS TO llACH 2 UR, 1 ba , uni, $285

MEWPORTCUST Z BR .' 2 Ha condo$525


associated Ofl< l • 'I>, ;q ,, • ~

l• ' ... ~ •'' ' •

• ... I ' INN ••••••••••••••••••••••• (l )1!i3-07 19, cves548·622S HJ p

8 TRAP N C NT A ff 11 ED 8 C RENTAL REFERRALS $195·2 br, 1% ba Stu<Uo, iJ!i,S.3 Br,2 ba,blktolxh. 8RG C TAL I OIL CC YDO U BL Alllype&. PaclrlcCout adj . &hp ' A· P•lio , Nopell t chlldren . Yrly. POAHELELTQF. ES UOYT UG Cha r tera Rental crpl / drp / b llns , W-Newport , 642-Wl

Division. Fee. "6-3487 ot 213 /!192-5227 . ~ MOLB OULRNSEC H ELDIR B 548-8638 ~ ........ ~

DUPLEX . 2B ll . bltn.ii , M L E c G A A " A " s s I H c £ E R 8 a.Ibo•, ..... ,. 1107 pa\10, gar . Ove.r 4U-non DM RR RM 0 RB s c G NIL DD As ••••••••••••••••••••••• • m oker. S210. S.·»J-875.1

NEW 2 BR apt. nr. yacht . . ~..._ - '""°"'.,,.. • club . $285 / mo. Veer 1 BR $130. mo. tncl uul.

._....,, .,, ..,.. .... ,.......,. .... ,......., flM •• roundCall213/'4i-&UJ, Older ten1tnts only .

..._ _..,. N• II .... ..,....; 6'5-2020 or 642·6560 BACUTRAP' Olll:T~ Kll:'( !I c ....... ct.I W. 1'22 IR.llSCHll"O HAMt:I IAODLP. .c ••••••••••••••••••••••• z Bl', 1 Ua U'"'lll.irs . CICMC 8RIDLE HIP'8TRAP llHAPT T\JC ,... COLLAR MA.ltrl/\'GAL! TRACP ; fAMT ASTIC VU UT lo every t.h lng. A.dul t.s on·

~-----•-o_M_o_M=o_w_, _._"-'-"-1"-'"=1"-1-"'~--~' 2 BR, i BA, bllna, rrpl , ly. No pets. 123!i. MG-~? E",lof "'"eta lsrttr " ~ rl"d" pu11ln with o¥er M crpt , d rp a, b•leony . JUST like A house! 3 br, 2 diiwo¥tt;iu p1r penel I" •:i 111·111• •efift OC 24 -~ boo11Jt11. I'd T <1 ordf!' volvm" l. ll1ndDl.•ftldll hi riach, mskl"l ' he<°k<L Matvre eouple Pre! . bii. . laund ry (acll .. crpll, pq1bll to "S..k 6 r ind" In tart o( thi1 "'..,,PIS-'· S'!iO/ mo. 815-S.587. drp11 , $310. 841-3487


Rel rigeralor. Setwt1l.y. Pool, Jac 1.11zil Ree. Bld1 w / e) c a e rm . Ullllerda . Color'JV • IRVINE AT MESADJt.


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~d~it. •• Bulld it... Diaper it. .. Hamme~ It .•• C~rpet 1 ... ement IL.Wire ft...Hoe i t Cleah it Move t ... Press H ... Paint it ... Nail lt...Piaster lt...Fix It . . . SERVICE DIRECTORY

~~!·~:: ......... ~~!.~~~~~•••• ••• • DN1..-1A9 CUlLD CA R E 11 • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• • • •• • ••

h • 1 ays only, Dreasmaklo1 l.n lhe Euro-my o rne,. Newpurt Carpet & Upholstery pean M ann~r . Jun e Beach. 642·6169. Cleu n ing. Steam & ipoc1aJ FK~Eawim awl

Gardeftl •CJ GetMnlll S...-.fcel ....... cle•lecJ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MIKt; 'S GARDENING

Qulllity Yard Malnl. NO, CdM, CM • MS O'J30

Cre~livo . i r o n ga l es · Cleanmte Aplll'lment.s er ra1Jmas·w1ndow gullr<b. humcs (;M/ NB. Re.liable. 213·436·5190421·100.S 752·~/S56·1S819

Jlavu open i ng tor ~ Sha mpou . Free est. w/any $SO. pants suit. t' tuldr e o , 2·6yra. Hot S.16·7811 Otsi(ned & madejll!ltfor Landscape Maintenance lunches, play yard, na""' you by Corday Fashions. Compl c leanup/service Gloss Hotisecle•-& k R r ..... By appl o I 558-4232 f;sumale. 546-9107 • ••••••••• ••••••• • •••• • '"'"7

- sn"'c .s. e :s. 646 0160 Chlld Care - n y. • ' Wmdow&/Screen.'I Replc 'd References 6115-390'7 lutlMH Serviu ••••••••••••••••••••••• IYec:tric al TOKYO lOM Phone Est. Cheerfully Lond,caplllcJ

, ..... 1, ... ,.. ..... , • • ,.... eeodel • ._.,.,. ' . ••••••••..•........•..•.......•................•......•••.••..••.• , . P

' P I PATCH PLASTERit-IC ' u11tom k1teh~n & b..atJl.

ro a nler. honest All Types Free l!:s · • ··••I' ' A·'-''ll0~6' work, rea i1 . Jnl/e'<l, tr~ . ·,. . rcmuuc m s. ...... es t. R d~ . S4t1·27S9, umates. Call640-~ 1&l.lerul1on:s. Umq~~ & • 642·3913 Vl!:RY Nl'.!AT PATCH u i;uu l work wclCOO'le.

J OBS & Rt:Sl'UCCO. ~~.o ~bl'r UB Uureou.

• Wallpaper llanging• liy Former lnstruclor Carl Rebko · &16-2A49

1-'ree c:st 1$!13· 1"3:1 !.16lMl:J 1-1

RooflrMJ ....................... • ••••• ••••••• •••••••••• •••••• • ••••• ••••••••••• ~fedy ~ Care ot~v~~ ,1ven. AAA· Bob. 751·7286 ••••••••• • ••••••••••••• Consultunl in financial & CHI LD Care. full -part ~LECT~ICIAN.- Sml CMng or yuu. · Windows , windshields, Ford 's L~n<;tscape. ~ R.L. S!NO~. Stale lie/ in· manaaement. 30yrs exp time. Spacious facility Jobs / mamt / repa1rs . 22 mirt:ors, etc. St.andord & Lawns. Sp!'lnklers. Lie/ srd: t:xter1or. QUALITY

HEl'AlttS . All typM. H~iill, frc:c est. lie. t

JUST PLUMll MG? F'ust Serv lteas HJles

In aerospace & relal xlnt care. Pre·school en: yrs exp. lie 233108. HaullftCJ c uRlorn. Mobile service. Insured. 962-7817. & J<;CONOMY.979-3335. 1ndustri_,s. 15 yrs as Sr. vironment $erving C.)llla 548·5203. •••••• •••••••••••• •••• • T H E G L (\ s s MAN

Ju:st One Call To: J UST PLUM.BIN<;

• &&2·4111 ..

~-5020 ar1yt11nl:.

0Cl1cer in majur corp. Mesa & New...,. ... Hei.,hts G-..1- i YOU CALL WE llAUL ., ...... ,.,..,. • ROTOTILLlNG $25 • TOP QUALITY 536·4986. areas. 645.o9 12• 0 r -v.11n9 ALWAYSA-VAJLABLt: 0•xr~ Landscap1ng-SodSales. PAJN'flNG• He ----------1 l>tS-8U:J3 • • •• • • • • • ••••• • • ••••••• y An OW ORK. 556-0347 Free est. Master chargt: Inll!rlur & Ex tenor L.R. OTIS Plumbing . • ••••••• • •• •• •••. •••

Proress1onaJTyping : Quallly / Maint / Ldscpg. MOVING, hauling. Oays / eves!lti0-2170 Call Lee tsll>-7278 Waterbtrs,u1l~1ies,d1s Cl!:llAM I , TILE N & .Reasonable & Efficient sod, sprkll's, sotl cond, Remove asphalt, coo garage cleanup. Reliable posals, sloppa~cs. Tt!· R u<l r ... . t e; tl

Ph : 549-3853 Contractor cleanup. 642·3331 / crete, soil. n~ ... · h &nd fastservice . 963-&&52 WALLCOVElUNCS pairs, remodehng and . c~ . e . ..... n "•6 908 ~- M-- lNSTALL/ lt"'.MOVE repipmg. New Construe· Jobs" dcomc. SJG.24..u•

- ......... -------- ••••••••• •••••••• •••••• .,.. ·4 · final "rading. 751-0338 ~HAULING• - - -·-' "" Cabinet Making 0 ~ • • ••••• • • • • • • •••• • • •••• J .E . Swenson 536-0001 ti on. 21 Hrs. Uc & bond •• • •••••••••••••••• • ••• . l:'. U.Ccrwick&Sou Dep. lawn & gardening. ~ardenmg-Landscapmg EFFl CIENT&FAST WI LLIAMS & So n s -----------1 ~2-6263 Top Soil Ci;~m Cabinets, bout wk. Add / Rcmod Pool cleaninl{·gen maint Exp. & Dependable ** 556·0347 •• Masonry . Brick / Block / MARV 'S l'LUMlilNG ••••••••••••••••••••!.Y

pul10 cvr, kltch rm.JI . hit No. Bl-114:!21 842·8072 or&l.2·1062 Cull George 213·00:!·6598 GENERAL llAULING Slone. Call 581·7829 Patios • 646·9807• • Toi) Soil • Composl * ticewk. 646·5219 673-6041 549·2170Japanese Expert GeneralSer•ic n • REASONABLE • ••••••••••••••••••••••• NOJOBTOOSMALL • Mull'h • Hoowood.-,

Carpenttr C EN ERAL CONTRAC· ~a o d.~ c 8 Pe · 1'~ re e • • ••••••••• • •••••• ••••• CALL 646-5&48 M0Yin9 Cslm Patio cov{'t'S, cone Lew & Wayncs Plumbing. Call ~-WJO ••••••• ••• •••••••• • • ••• TOR will furrush Lie. & sll!"a~es & Designs . HAN~YM.AN-llomes & • • • •••••••• ••••• ••• ••••• decks, Expt bit. Dujack. Repipe - Kemodel -New . SAVE & Profit. t:ustom Part superv1::.1on ror Spectaltz~d ID p~tio COV· Apls. (;onscienllOU!> HouH-c lean1ng !Moving/Hauling. Student &16·7598/846·9495evcs. Const.20yr.~xp.675·62til Tree Service remod, repair, add-on. respo1uible proJecl. ers. fencml{, fi sh pond. Cr aftsman. 645-6558. •••• • ••• • •••••• • • • • •••• w/large truck. Keas. -----------1-...::..........:.. _ __::._.;_...:......!:_.:.....:_:..:...:.....1 • • • • • •• •••••••• • ••••• - . insulation. 1''ree t:st. & _&a_· _2·_86_3_7_(_7_·10 am) Any other General yard " T JI lNG".. by Moo -e llOUS~CLJ::ANING is our

1 Uarry 548-9723 &839-5779. Sunshade, covers, de<:ks,

D work . 97a· 7731 aflJ , ., s · n ,· ,, II J · · • fire ring benches wood esigns.645- 3439. Dl''K ' IUFL'MAN 64"u8!J5·H6 Gen woodwork r·epa1rs us1m:ss. "a a mces b , ' , · '

'-' ~ r ~· a · : ' Raggedy Anns 675·6553 rk, cond. Quality. Fair

1-·orll '!> l'ree Scrv1l'C. l<:x pericncccl C r ew. L1ct111s urc<l. 002-7!U7

Hemodel-Rm Add-Patios Add · n em ode I· Pali o . , plumbtng, etc. &12·5613· · Pai11tin9/ PaperilMJ price. Creative designs. Cab in e t s - Ca r Ports Shcller· Decks·Gazebos. C l ean u~ s: freework, General Mamt&remodel W11ldohousewurk. 1·•.••T•H••E•H•• ::;::;;::.·•• Remodeling lge/smjobs. Garages. Mr Lee . Llc. & Bond. 6-l'1·7598. Gard~nin g. _Min or Comm / income/ residence Havereferences. A ... -U"'I Ken. eVt!S 642·1770. Ray, 835-3562 None better! ~~~:fl:i .g . l Oyrs m area. Mac Neill * &I0.829'~ Cull ~S-tw07 . D. Schwartz Sr. 558-1301 days 675-9184. We care.




Tn•c Hemoval. hmbm!! & !'>hrub de.iring. Yard Care 5 hi Ii Ill:!


Apartm•nb Unfurn. Rooms 4000 Gara9H for Rent 4350 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••

hsiness Rental 445011 AnnOUftcements/ !Pet'SOftals 5350

••••••••••••••••••••••• Personals/ '••••••••••••••••••••••• Help W.t-H 7100 Help W•t~d 7 100 H~lp Wanted 7 I 00 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Mewportl•ach 1869 ROOMS $20. wk up with Gara g e w a n ted for • ••••• • •••••••••••••••• kitchen $30. wk up apt. :>loragt:. On or nr. Balboa

548- 9755 or ti45- J007. Island . $25. 673-4256.

2 SHOPS. ideal location! Lost & FoUnd I PREGNANT? for bookstore. cand le j ••••••••••••••• •••••••• Carinp. confidential !>hop or . art g3 1lery . Car Pool 5150 colm sell ng & re ferral. I..ocated 10 the Mall aq ••••••••••••••••••••• •• Abort io n adoption & The Fa c lory. N · B · Lady needs ndl! 7 :30 am keeping. '

lieachfront -great view, quiet beach , 3 Hr, 2 Ba , LIVEATTHEBEACH garage. S550. UtiJ incl 'd SJO. wk & up. G73·M40 IM5·0245 PINE KNOT MOTEL

Easlblulf Tnhse bcaut. Under ~nagemenl ~pl. 2 B~. 3 Ba, bltns , Gentleman. refrig., walk lrplc, patio, pool. Avail. to beach. Vic. Pac. Coast $350. 644·0355 JI w y . & Be a ch BI.

536·8518 TWO bdrm. l gar. Beach -- --1' rl\'. Lido ::.hopping RoomforRcnlpvtcnt.No url!a S295/ mo. 673 2821:1 t ' o o k 1 n ~. g 1 r I on I y

Office Rental 4400 •••••••••••••••••••••••

l'HOl-' ESS' LCLASS A Dldg, 2790 Harbor Blvd, C.M. Air c:ond., wood panel wa l ls, drapes , carpel, el cc . . music , janitor, park111g .. M.R. Stever, Mgr . 557·0136 or 646.83!)(;

67:! 9606 1 to Downey. 5 <.la wk. Ret. APCARE 547- 2563 Industrial R~ntal 45001 5:00 pm. 75l ·Otl3'7 •• • ••••••••••••••••••••!Lost & Found 5300

NEW BU ILDINGS at •••••••••••••••••••• • •• O.C .. Airport. 2400 lo 80001 LOST/ FOUND A PET? sq I l. am pie park in~ . 960·2900 Adoption, Low SO M E UN ITS FOHi t:ostSpay / Neulerln!o. SALE AT 10"o DOWN.

ADAMS MASSAGE Clea n pri vale rooms. Massage & Sauna. 8839 Adams Ave, Hunt. Bch. 963-1247, Mon thru Sal Uam 'ul midnight.

J Br Condo in Lux. Bayfrnl 675 ~8 or ti40 4161 _l_S_O_ l_W __ e_s_tdi- .ff- D- r-. 1\ d u I l D I d g . o n Hcnt room $95. Family l'en11bula. Poul , muny home. walk to bch. Close

Koll / Irvine Center. Cal 'I Lost : Irish Sett~r. 4 mos Dan Curtis. <714)979·92051 old. fml. Vic Hunlmgton

MISSION VIEJO & Frankfurt. HB. $100 Heward. Call SJ0.7464.


CENTER 24 hr Hot Line&15·8800

.Xlras. S275 mo. ~ oo:.15 lo OCC..: . 962-7391. or 615·4203.

!;,)1ALL l br nr beach Stove rt:fr1g. li1rl::.. 110 pl'ls . $185. yrly. IH5·Ltil:IO - --

P\'l enl ' K pnv. CM 'Sl51wk & S601mo. up 541:1 5~54 or 556-00Sl:I

w l::STCLI Fl" 2 br. 11 :.t ba. Summer Re ntals 4200

townhoust: . A.dulls. no •••••••••• ••••••• •••••• pets. 1728 BedlonJ Lane. , . s285 . m o. i\vall 7, ts . BALBOA I cn1n. 2 br apt, 5"1$ ·- · J:J 1 blk to buy & O\·can.

•.> $120 . \Ilk . July only . ;'1 J·; W :! br. :.! bj dupll-x. ~2 lii;xtJ

Newport Financial Ctr Leas in9 Office Space

Call on Site Manager <714 )6-12-3111ext246


Co1nr1 Wi'f ti.h1111 ()101n •tHJ •'"'"e :.~o

1 landy to San Diego l<'wy . 200 lo 2000 sq.fl. t:all uwner 831-1400

1200 ~q. Ft. M· I w front offil·c. tge r ear dour. 220 3·1'hast:. Unit 16. $18.5. 62'J Terminal Way , Costa Mesa Day:>, 510·5710,

HOMEY! DO YOUR OWN LOS'T female dog . UlVOHCI!: DARK. DARK brown, The Wave Project cou ld be misl-aken for UlVORCE CENTER black. Part Cocker and Ally . Trained Consul· µart unknown Wearing lanl~ lo Assist You. ~5. collar and lags. Answers + r111ng ree. 548-4216 for to HONEY. Vic. Walnut appt. I

~Alf c:-111on1ns Square between J efferey - . , - 1 ~;..T9 """'°'i.i lld. & Culver Dr. Irvine. Inc;ea:;e Y?ur b~l line l eve$ &l6·001H ----

./' r.1e .. ..,. 2500 sq fl shop in OntnJ-:c 552_5ti97 after 5 :30 or lo .l c up s izes, 2 wks orl

.,l' ,..n.-Nk.,....• w ofc & focd storage weekol'fCJo;; 14633 Kazan your mone y back .I ,/,...o, - *• yrtl. Wired .ror machmc, "t. · 846·7!15!*or~94 -0IHL • / ~ up . .,.. . ---

U W, cpts. llrJJ:>. 1-!Jr. J lllk~ Ul'ean . ~12;; mo . :.! 13 ·355-3690 1675-06-12

./' s.c, ... h c ·s 0760 I ., ., _.,.. P'M''"' - Dnnk1ng problem ? PIU\',\ l'E llomc on the 2000 SQ r'T. " :! ofc ':. FOUND : lllk . min~ Poo-1 Call Alcohol Helpline WaterrronttnCd~1 . SWOC Or g. Cly. A1rpon c1.1e_. v1c. ~r 191.h Street. 24hrsaday835·3830 & $16!10 mo. July & Hti3·78; 8 I (.;.~.laMes.a. 645·67. 09 Aug ust. 673-2875 for appt. CUSTOM CAKES

- --- - - --------- 2:;00· M · l <;M l7th &I "~~ND: ,sealpo111~ . Male LIDO Lux . 2br. 2l>a apt. SS' PER SQFT p 1 acc 11 ti a . :.! ~ 0, Siamese . 5 6 yr!'> old, for eve ry occasion,

:! HH Ouplcx. su11deck, nr.

Advertising Sales


The Daily Pilot n ee d s 2 additional sa les persons fo r outside sales s taff. Advertis ing experience required. Applicants mus t hav e good car and be ab l e to t ype. Sa l ary a nd commission program. Good op­portunity. Good co mpany benefits. Positions must be fill ed immedia tely.

Apply - Personnel Department o r inquire to

Carl Carstensen, General Advertisinq Manager

Orange Coast Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa

Equal Opport\Wty Employer

10.A T BUILDERS Wesl~ail Corp. h ~l ii 'al·a ne1l!S 111 the follow; m g ealt:gorll'S : Hand Laminators Gelcoat T ouehup P / t Sec. Gucrd T o µ wa ges. xlnt co. benefit~ . good wurkulg cond:-. l'lea~e apply to the j!.1le i.:uarcl al

W estsa il Corp. :!7:> :\td.:urm11:k . C. ~I


WANTEIJ Carpe nters Electricia ns M~ch'l lnstallet"S

. • ,

~1 ust he cx!J(•ncncell:

W c p ,1y top\\ J~l·.; • t·:xcclll•11l l·u l~nl'l 1tr

111clud111:.: 1·11. 11,·.ilth 111~ ~hie ins lor our cinplO}l'C:-.

Uch . Nu pt:ls. Sen . t:1t1 zcns only, ~2.5 yrly . ti?:>·Ull;)

1-'rpl, pauo. :w deck. wlr. 1617 W ESTCLffF - N13 P\H i µrk:.: cxhst au·. 1~ I de~lawe~', ~11:. . 19th ~ masterfully created for


San Clemente

\1cw. t>75·6:!5!1 AGT.5-ll - 5032 ll.ti46· 1<!S<! t;.ll~ l ~·~eA\e . C.M . !Ht! -0867 1 you. The unusual 1::; my HelpWanted 71 00 HelpWanted 7100 nHW . 17th~trcd 3876 --- s p ecially. Pri ced r~ - ••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••• t ' o!' ~1\.,_-s.._,

ttlk lo IJcach ·New Condo. ;i:140 up s ture·of£ices cpls Le · • 1000 IL 1 1 NICKY-found your bike. •1 asonJIJly with "al1~fac /\PT. MGR . Het1re<I Cou· Babysitter needed. San ·----------

• •• • •••••• • • • • • ••• ••••• • J !">C ~q . . \\ U I '' JI ur.2 "'"" Jacuui volleyball. Sips drp s air bath. l?:JOI IH,'~. 110.i2o vc)lta gc. ... a_""--~-·--t lion i..:ua•anl eed . (;all pie. small lih.lg Light Cleme nt e area. Our 2 im. 2 bJ. IJlln~. 2 l'Jr 6. Sli:>-wk . !#61S·5700. Heach Bl H . l:UH2·2834 I JI l 1 n · 1 n t A pl + + + ho m c. 5 days wk · ---------• ga ra g e Goll' course --- ---- llcal. hot wal~r. New Lo!'it : Blk Lab puppy . e en n ow or your ' a . . . . 3 49?878.'> BOAT v' ew. $235. & $250 . OCEAN FRONT 1508 & NEW plush office bid '' 2 hldi.:. (;ood loc. &15 Ul'1 w r c cl {' o I I a r ·1 c ustom .~ccoratL'<l cake 541-5311 Ku rl -- 7::!0·5 : o . . -· ----1

" 1 " ' ·1· l · P M at ~7!Hll23. . CARPENTERS '1!*-1·2339 1806 W. Oceanfront, NB. to 6 rm s uites. (;on · c 3 SHOP. 1800 sq. fl t- Q l 11 I .~ s 1 n · " · - · A/R~c Boo6ckttper I Babys itter. my home. re· A - rtm . t FurnCshed liE> -7777, ti7J -3752. ferencc rm, xerox 400 s q . fl. dlxofftcc• J l:!I ltcw:mLo31 ·1549. I Sl'IHIT UAL ltEADER + Gen ' I ofc exper. l liablc . Mon -1-'ri. t:all ~~l~~~a::oa~u~;~~.~~l~~

pa U ;n 1 . shed 3900 55!H221 copier. Nr. OC Airport It. overhead drs J'nmci FOu:'-iU. Lg Hiie maJei Of>CnlOA MtolOP.M I neet.led . 5 Uay wk 111-I ti4607JJ. _______ w min 1 ~r l;oal ,., 1~·r . • • ~: •• ~. ~:~~•••• ••••••• HAI.HOA Penn. Ocean· ISJJ.3640 --- lul·, San Clcmellle JI} ~q \1111 . l'c>otll1· Choke chamj A?v1,ce'.-'n.all matlcrs. cluctes wknd,;. Pri\'ale Uar Ma1ll ~lust h.1\l' ""II tuoh ~

C IL I \ 11• :\ ·wl:.incl & lleil llU• 3U N . f<,I Cam1110 Heal


club. N. ll area. Apply in 1 _ lrunt ollage oi· J\pt. FREEREHT 1<1-:l)C,\IWET • sroii i~ ! ~an Clernente,1"orappl per:-.on . Wed thru Fn l • TOPLESS ~.i;:~:-~"at .'\pp } lo .;;-;:: .t,,:_{;...; ~~l'ilOO : l"a mlly sit.~: .!>ll'S ~ ·~ · Ofc ::.pace 1n M1~sion \'1c kEAL'l'<!IC:> 1 •• ' , • , •

1' ~all .·!\Ii! OO:J I ~2-~l:Jti

1 llJa"! 2µm. ll!Ol lla}~1de 1 . . DA~C. ~S* 0


Vl::')to StOO. p iwk . 6iJ·~IOSe\es · jo & Lagun3 Niguel a~ 497 171,1 1• ()l , ;"11) . Sm. frm~ dog ,,1

. 5

. . k · f 254


Or. CdM Day~ or nig hts, no Sun· W est s a ilCorp . -UCITlllCll(WCOllCEPT ! &wknds. lowa::;JOl·s41lmncwofc ---- - w, bwn . onhead&Blk& 1•an .1 see s wie, :;., --- - day. Up lo $5 . p , hr. :.!7:i ,\ll'Curmit k.C ·\ ••

ADULT lAKlSIOl llVlllC Ba lboa, Wl!ekly . modern 3 b Id g. c; a 11 0 w n c r. Rentals Wanted 4600 Wht s pots on body. Vic yrs. Not ovcrwcii;ht. Call !ARE You Looking For C H EE C II i-: E CLU B.1----------\M11u H1ucc1mo h , 831·1400. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;-.;cwl~11cl & lft:il.847-0841 • 675·tt6:17 I J OU SECU IHTY'! The 1109 N . II arbor Blvd . Uoal i\IJnufal'lurer

I •Bachelors Hr , $225. Ba~r-.i $100 . --- . Re::;ponsible work111s: cou· I I ARMY~ ha::; ll·and pays Santa Ana • I BR , 2 BR fi75 ·6712 allcr ti . ·~~~· New~?~~. Blvd. ~~~l : pie seeks 1 Hd ~ou.:,e/ apt. F?UN l> : Tan , mostly I Travel 5450 well. Call 5-19·292'J, a sk •-- ----- I ~~~~~;~tEI~~~~~~~ • 2 BR & Oen ~EWPOKT l /.!e l br. B S95, C $1:!5. U ·t Lagu na . 't e arl y. ::>hep .. malc. bl\\11.8 mu . ••• • • • ••••••• •••••••••• 1 forlu5 . I BEAUTICIAN From S175 · S48S sleeps 4, SH;.>. wk July. paid. 675·845!._ -- 752-1992 I & 1 }r. Vic. Uroo~hursl &! SEE EUROPE Guarantee ~t~\;.~-~~~\~ri-;11~~~{:gR

Sll15 wk Auj.!. Monlhl) W "'TERFROoJT HOUSE SI.I' I ,\<.lams. /\fl. 5: 533·6888 ASSEMBLY Newport Arca. 5-18-131 l I A "' I :! :l YL•ar-. l''-Jll'nenn: Muo Verde East & Adams rates a' ail . ti7.:> 35iJI BY CAR I

540 _1800 -- Mewport~ach Responsible woman will f<' u U N L> : t: o Ide. n SUPERVISOR 1 BEAUTICIAMS ASSJ•: \lHLY MODE H N 3 br. r ear Executiveuflices t·a1·c fur vour home dur Hetnevcr l'upµy, 3 mos. • Purchase any ! For precision electro j Now an ler v1cwin~ tor . l .. \ H l' J-:'.'rl'l~ ll hou:-.e on ocean. Compl. SIS!l·SJSO Month 1ng sum~mE'r mos. l!:x · mal e . Vi c., Irvine &j Car tor delivery in ' mechanical assembly of' N e wpor t e rlnnSalon 1 ' ""Hcxp+.:l'll'lll'I.! turntshed,$250. wk. West V1ewofboal~&waler ccllenl references. l>o Uroadway, t;Q:;ta Mesa . Europc&letusplanyour i small components. t-:x- C..:all : t>-tl ·Oli61or5-l0-858l ll ,\Hl.)W,\Hi': Newport. &-16 i971 for re BILL GRUMDY not smoke 675 ·57!J5 _tH~·~6U! !. ind1\'ldual Lour. From pcr 'd in both lugh & low


_____ l:\ST,\LL EH k h I d · od J> u L'AUTICI \"'S I Yt·ar l'l\.'W'l'll'l1l'l' scrvallon. uealtor o75·Gl61 morn eves L'OU i"' D .· June 9. small ' la e·ofl lo ome· an ing, qua nuly p r uclH>n. ,e. DIC• • ' " .,._

- --- -- " ,- "' h h d f • f 10 f 11 f XI t l:J:!,!Barranl'alltl

IWANTEDbachelor 55oruFL' ICl·:orStoreRental Business/ ln•est/ blk male Scoltit:. Vic.t )uu ' llbe1nte an:-.o qssupen1s1onuuplo I w 1 oowingor. n ln1111•!f.!711.;

r - Graha m & Warner, ll.B. ~ experts. Also lcdSC & ren· production assembler:. & I ~l:J location. 6-IG-7008 over lo rent IJ.!C :-1Pl ~ o 700 Mf . ll. Oceam·1ew. Financ~ f • lal cars. EURAUTO.i lead personnel. ---

CO RONA DEL ,l\1Ali cea? ~mountain view. llU S. El <..:amino, San ••••• • •••••••• •• • •••••• 846·4252a~.7 pm Lido Village , N . U.I 549-3041 I • Be autyOpet"ator• BOOKKEEPER 2 Br Town house. rrrllc, 4!1~ ·24o3 __ -- Clemente Business . Fopnd : Germ.Shep cross 673·45:Jll EqualOppor. Employcr t1 .a1rcullur.::;, rmror 3,.. l•:, µ e r '1· p lime . llrs - -- o tunity SOOS 1 I l I 70 lll•x11Jk. ~l ar\'a1· EIN:· t rom $275 . t Br from Sl!05. Vacation Re ntals 4250 ppor male. Approx I yr. Gold -- mm yr c 1en c e . o Pool. Lennis. l'onlanenlal ••••••• • ••••• •••• •••••• Newly del·orate<l, carpel •••• • •••••••••• •••••••• blk / wht. C.M. 540-l120 &noloym• nt & , comm & ~,\Sil_ lxmu::.. tro111c•:-., Cull Uarb:1ra lur breaklu::.t. Sumc ocean & 1-· o r L e a ::. c ' n ~: f. nr£.°~mo~f~<=C:~r~i~~t Vending --- • . Pre paration ' ASSEMBLERS Apply'" person. .1ppl. 5 111 :rn10. ''atal1n" vi·•" s. Separate ' ' J> L"...:1'Ll.'' "'. . •·us·tum W 9 h CANDY ROUTE FOUND . Silky Terrier. •••••••••• •••••••••••• • Soldering. Mech. As · I lair W L•SL I CASHIER " " " ~ '"" "" '" "· '-' xlnt lot·at1on. 779 . 1 t •

11 f .. d newly ~roomed. Vic. of !>cmblv or Drill Pn•ss ex· :!J05 Newport Blvd, N. B. i

IJmlly·t1on. Close lo buall dreamhuu~e. Plush St. $75 & $85. 541H~5 or 1-:xce e nl roule o can } J 7lh St C..:osla Mesa · h l f I c..: M - I ~hopping & hnc be;1ch :!GOU sq. tl. C halet 548· l!J54 & !>nacks available in 673

.51 i9 • Schools & per . e P u · · BEAUT\' Salon s pace .\ulomoll\l' dcall•r..,hip

6-14·2tHI w 1evcry l'11 ncc1vable --- your area. Ideal way lo --- Instruction 7005 642·8080 avail for r ent. Lido ble l'XPl'l'lcru·t• fl.'I JUllt•il. AP· bltin . ll orsc 1:orral & FULL SERVICE ~ upplement salary o r LOST. black male Shep/· •••••••••••••••• • •••• • • Assistant Ma nai,:crs: Mid· area. 675··1100 · ply .it tack room Luu! Ph : TES pen !> ion. Locations, Collie. w / wh . c h esl Begi nner 's J azz Class. die age couple. 60 units. CONNELL


l7 1-l lJ:llH244<lr :l:l8·2200. EXEC. SUI Installations & Tr;1~mnJ.! s tripe. 801 Walnut, 11.8 . Prof. Male Instructor . Eve & wknlls phone BEA UTY SALON Needs CHEVROLET FROM $180 lurnished . l-'inanc1n ,:: 5JtH308 St. Louis Muni. Opera, 645-0632or 5·16·6l!YI. Sham poo g irt.assistant.

NEWPORT~ll·~lobcach ~·:!&lo available. Can be ex NY. s.t8·b643 - Busy llunl. Bch. s hoµ. 282141larhorBIHI MIN UT ES TON PT BCH.

Bach . 1&2 BR. lrom Slt>5 Adults. Nu PcL'> 15tl1 Mesa Dr.

mod . 2 & 4 br. Slti5 to ~50 Airpurl Arc.i panlled lo full lime 10 LOS I': Blk . Min. pood. le. Altraclive. girl lo modd I 846-4046 aft 6PM ask fur 3

OO I G IS Sh Ell l 'o!>la .\I c :-.a :>Iii 1:!110 wk 642· 4' Separate Ulf1ce. IKO sq It t•ome . f' or information ma e pup . vic. aws afternoon a week. Mu::.l _ en__ ....

(5 Ulk::. EastofNewl)Orl Blvd.>

546·9860 -----

Lake Arrowhe3d new 5 t ~lorage . Pal'l lH: Cuasl µh . 714 ·879·121W Cove. Lag. Bch. ~eward. Jobs Want~d. 7075 ha\'e a nice figure & he

llwy. cd~t. 67:;·~1·1 --- Uecky Mead 71-1·689·1452 •••••• • ••••• ••••••••••• sophisticated. Great pay. Br. 2 Ba . Sips 12· N. INCOME TAX Hus1nC!>!> EXCELLENTTY Pl NG Strictly for fun . Privacy Shore . $1-10 / wknds, soo·orc + 400' warehouse, No bookkeeping. Mostly L?ST: s mall female in my home & disc r e tion ass ured. S 2 2 u I P e r w k · carpet, htcd ce11'g/prkg. Orange Co. 642·3729 Sia mese, Vic. Bushard & Ca ll Pat 675-4177 wri t e d esc ribin g :.!13 /863-8291. M . L zone S225 mo . Adams. H · B. Reward. elf W l' ··d ,. . ..,.,

------- <..: h r 1 s l i a n <..: o • - 002· 7660 art. 6 & wknds. yours · n c .. ""°"• • J Hr . 2 ba 1\va1I. June 20 646-1252 -------1 opportunity. jobsat1sfac· ----------- 35 yrs exp. Paint/ repairs / Daily Ptlot, p O. Box

n . lo July 15 Rea~onable . NO. Costa Mesa Dental/ t1on Our People mal.. Lost : BANJO. Para- plumb/ elec. ~1ainl work 1560,Costa Mesa92626

e Call for 11110. 675-7973 Medical OfrswleSavrul. MONEY. Skip96.~. mount. 1n Ca se. Sm~ll Aptcomplex . S36-7o.56. CdM . From S315 / mo. Mr . sui t case. Rewari:l . " HELP" AUTOMOTIVE

' o ' K_eere. 5 19·8138 Money to Loan 502S 548·8023. Each monlh your bank ••••••••• • • •••••• • • • • • • statem ent is reconciled,

BIG' entals to s hare 4300 • lMOFHEE RENT • BUSIMESS 1 0AMS 1-·ouND: Iris h S~tter . a ll yourbillspaid ·Tax re· Used&Mew

3 R ff- f "" Vic. Lagu n a Ni g uel C tr tP •••••• • ••••••• • •••••••• 1·2· m . o ices rorn ~.oooto$500.000 . Beach. 618. 493.7241 cords & all deductions on ac erson MALE/ FEMALE, Shr. 3 UJ:> per mo . Near Busm ess growth with 1tem1ied. Callforfreean Exper'

• br. + den. W. Balboa al airport. No leasereq. creative finun1:m,:?. f"OUN D : Hlack & brown fo. 645·4782 art.s Call Etftmy 546-1934 10th. 1 , lllk. lo bay or 833-3223 9 Til ooon Call Mr. Bryan puppy . 1'.:llis & Delaware

BEAUTYOPR Needed to a~s1sl bcaul1· cian wilh large dientcle. 1'' ull l ime . Cal l Vicki, or Paula a t 962-770.'l

Bikini & Nude Modefs Best Pay in Town!

Call 549·8660

Boys &Girls 10 to l4 years of age. Dai· ly Pilol delivery routes may be available in your area. Karn profit for de· liveries & cash, tnps or

CASHIER Fu I I t 11ne (h cl' LIS

G1H11I pay 5 Localmns . M~tro Car Wash

:?'J50 ll urhol' Bl. C M,

Cate rer / C.otW. Expcricncl.'fl

Hours a pprox. 1!,\M .2PM daily. 5 lla} wt'ek. ~Ullt ha' e a hihty to prepare I 1 g ht I u n ch f'o r lilO employt:cs . Co. soon lo btc located 111 Ora!U!l' C..:o.

Phone 213 r~~ O.il2 Equal O~po1 . Em1>loy~

F m $165 ocean . $150. Call : Tom / · 835·7&)(_> _ 118,847-4369. H.JpWCMted 71001--------1 f0 Diane. 67:!· 7888 •••• •••••••••••••••• •••

Oakwood orters the --- luillMH Rtfttd 4450 MOMy Wanted 5030 Lost·at CM P06l Office. Adnrti,'-Saln AVON finest in country club liv· Female wanted to share 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••• • ••• • 17th & Orange. Blk/ tan 8 ·Outstanding- ;:ies oppor. ng al a "OU can af br hou se on Balboa Dank Trust Officer seek lb. Silky Terrier, M. Dog Sell adverti·51·0 ., s pace 1 . " · · I s l a nd for s ummer . COLOlll...IY 2 I d di t " tprd. Ther~s $l r;n111 ion $132 50 m o. Bills paid. THE " Ing $4!5.000·$35,000 nt nee s m e ca io n . for Orange County ·s

It\ l'ecreatlon fa1·1Htles. 675 64. 2A 30 RETAIL SHOPS T 0 on liayfronl r e · Reward ! 675·2807 fastest growing publira


FORYOU... NIGtl,. LIGHTED T1''N · ., s 1dence. 642·311 l. X-244 --.,- --- ---- j I d no · .. n ' · - - Prime reasonable tipace or 673.4303. Mr. Paige LOs r : 9 iron al Costa l on . mme • o.,.-m . ....

NlS COU RTS. A rul1l11ne SHARE 3 nn, 2 & house availol)lc large & s mall. Mesa Country Club June This position reQ'ti hard A s a o I\ V 0 N 1&ct1vltlcr. d.1rector w~o male/ female, clean, gd Old world charm with M~9es, Tnnt 3rd. <.;all 646 · 3032. wor k, inte lligence & REPRESENTATIVE.

merc handise ror selling - . • -new s ubscriptions. 1-'or CHILD t:A H. I:' •• Jn\> hum1tt information please cu ll days. Mu:-.l ha\- O OWi\ 642·4321. From San car .• ~a.nr_~~ncht:. . Haro Cl t! mente - San J uan find . 673·2193 ...!.. Capi s lrano are!l• ca ll Ckri(':il Full 111n1" T)'P.· ~95·0630 and M1ss1on Vie· in~. 10 ki•y ;_1dd(•r a. J0-~1 Toro area. call phone Nt•wport Roach 581-6310. area . t:.111 l>lwn hn. l'f &$, Equal Oppor. Employer 642 7447 ,ii!

1>l.on11 parl1es. BB'!} :s, character Close lO So. French windows. gabld Dted' 5015 REWARD most important profess. You meeL new people & ln!)S & more! t'ree Sun· Coast Plaia. $100. mo. & trees. Adjacent to • • ••••••• ••••••••• • •••• --------i- selling exper. Com,pcnsa· h I . Bet daybrunch., 545·6228 Festiva l of Art. II LOST: -tmo. oldgrey Kt· lion com m ensurate avexntcammgs. · Plus bcaul.1(111 s ingles. Grounds. LOANS up to 80% ten. 'f' /flcocollar. Vic. w/abillly. Male or fem . ter than sitting Ul home? IOAT IUILOERS 1&2 b ed roum u pt!I, Fcmole r oommate wnnl· MO BROADWAY Nr. So. Const Plua. (;all Mr . Skolnik, C.:all : 540·7041 or Zeni th Weslssi l Corp . ha s furnis hed & unl'urmshed. ed lo s hare C.M. home. LAG UN A Bf:A<.:11 ht TD Lo....a1/ 20/o t'45·901H _ 7 t 4 I R 94 • '7 81 fo r In · •7- 135 •• 9.d•a•ya-----•I va cnncu.•s for the follow·

• Honts fro1n $16.5. Prices ~115 indcli.i ut11. Aile 2 ftd TD LocMs ___ _:::;:_ ____ terv1ew . tng positions: v:.try by loc:ui1on. Models 23.JO. Ghil cl uk. 548·9653. Lowc!Sl rates oranj!e Co t.o. ... t. S. H B. Jr· All Amer· open 10 to7. Sorrj no pl!l.8 494-7915 1-'oolba ll jocket w I APARTMENT Manager BABYSITTER Few hrs., Es per. & T,.._. orchlldren SaHler Mh)Co. patches & " Really " Mustbe m •turecouplel Sdaysawk.forllyr.old MHI Cwpmt11 1

Oakwood Garden


To place your m • sage b ror •lh1•

rcMhng publl~. phone

Daily Pilot ClnshlCtcd, "42·J078


rur Klorc or omco. Ample piarklng. Town & country 11lm011phere.

l~ Mesa VeNle Or ~ Costa Mesa.545 123


642·2171 S45 0011 Reward . 968·2279. manage 75 units m pre· gi rl. Own trans. l rv. JoiMn Serving Harbor area 24 ----- auee area in Qista Mcu. area. Call.: Mon thru Fl-1,, A 111•hn years __ _..______ Mut1 l be experienced bef. SPM . 546-1161.. art ;J

For Clnsstflcd Ad r"•liabl" . Salary + apt & & wknds. 551-3745 Xlol co. beneftL'I . ·rop IO'k RETURN ACTION " .... wattca. Plcuais • apply lo

2 I' rime 2nd TD' lloth Call a ~:~~\:c~·0:~f~ . j~r[~~ Selling anything with n lhe gale guard ut : 1hll' less than 1 Ua1ly P1lol Class i fied /\d No .. 318. Dally Pllol Cla isiL1(.~I Act ~ . W HhallCorp. Pruvl·rty in NewporL AD-VISOR Daily Pilot. P . o. uox 15 a simpl nu-. ... 27SMcCorrruck,C.M. Uch. Owner ; P .O Hox G-i2·5878 l560, Costa Mesa. 92626 JU.'it ~all 642·Sb'78. 82tJ. lialboa. Cahf



CLEU Document COftfrol

Typln~. filma. ii~ncrnl otr1ce duties .~ .i.-sk ror carol.

Col students. Jl'l :sis, ~ hv. Ev~ ;Sat. Qtr , ~ nee. Mr Lyons MS-1'*-

CooUW..t.d Brukful, dinner, ~ pencn <' c w / l(o<>d op · por\un1l) . J\('lpl)' ao pcraon, J oily Hoi: •\' ltt$t.aurant. 400 S. Ctiol. I IW)'. La g. Heh..

\ I


DAIL V PILOT Thursday. Jurut 12. 1975 _._ .._..,.. _,.,.... • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• b'o ' , ....,w---~ 1100........_W_.H 1100 .-.-nmcH 1010 Doti 1040 hrMtur• 1010 ~~-~!~ .. ~ ... ~~.~ ~~ - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••• • S t Sal I A

~~ 7100 • G O 8 &OJ ENCE 1' n9bln1on 't <.: u • tom Leuving t ao e J>-~ W..ted 710 HefpW..tH 7100.....,W•ted Ru l K~lM l u, h cen11cd WiUbUyretri1. Appl. nm-DCOLASS to Sl• rt Wed . Q uill d Soha. 'l'raad i · ph '~ ; "~lan5ut~~~n_,li:1' w .............. ...-..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 11 le» l)OOp lc Why no t SECR.ETARY nina or no & acrap meta.I . 2 7 ··30 Uonal, flora l pnnt . nest coe.s . -"..A.. • • ..-u. -

wor k m the hotl~t ure1t • 875 ~unylirne. June S. • p. m . offer over $200 AA G pm 1' rad o winds Cir, HB. Office COOll lll•or llu n u 111:t o n tieach / l''oun 1f you can take Gregg '7~ Ke l vina tor Slde / s1de, ~~:.~:.~9:ch- Irv l o e 963·S363. . ' 1442·4629 --JUNIOR SALESMEN

{' J\f.:eS 12 lti. E a r n ~0·$-tU per wet:k · f!Clling tww ~ u bst·ri bers to th~ DAILY

Pl LOT u ltcr s<.:hool and Satur days. Mu::;t be out of ~ t·huol bv 3 :00 PM . No d c I 1 ' t' r i t • ~ o r c· ~> I l c c l t n g . Tr uns po rtul1on f urnishcd. 1 luntington 13eath Fount a i n Va lley ateas. call X-i7 l J fiO

~at ' I or~u11 1~otton pro. ~in Vulley . ~II Keith s h ort h a nd <&t 100 · 120 rw fro...,l , 19 c u fl. Refrig. • \ 1d1n g h o u'lc & hd llb Sft~e a: ~.t Villa£:e Rc<aJ wpm, t ype bclween 55.75 S45·1+882 lns h sette r ; 6 mos. okl ; MAPLE Dinjog ~t. Tu HorHs 8060 c '1rl' !\cr v an : !\ nuud~ E:.talc002·~71 wpm & a ro looking fo r a -- female. C ham pionlines. ble, 4 'Chrs. Good <.'OOd ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1> t 1111l' t• oortlrn a l o r . RECE P T ION IST, phones, cb alle n go, then send u..., Ke nmore Wa s her & Gas S hola. $75. 551·2063 SlS0. ~7·3182 Lrg chlld 's Pony, white & l nJUt l\'l' & mutun· JUd~e l y ping , f1hn 11 , check Wrt l · your rei>ume Ory t r $180. M a y t ag Li ~- o· r Gd d I l " "flJ old

t l I P bl ,. .. Cl r "'"A'' ""0 h > '5 G / d I l . h s .. Ar Pu s .. Wk" v .°' m. rm . urn. u p p c, .. J • sn tin c:.sen JU u h 111 ~. So m e b k kpn ~ ass1 lcu ..,no ...... Wa ll er $ti . ua r e . n s e ... " p . o .... b :d h 1

h 503519 contact valuable, ab1ht)' knowlcd~tl help fuJ. Mm:s Cfo 0 1uly Pilot 5<16 867Z AKC, Champ. line. Shots, quid : e aut, never u~c ' ea t >'· •

LO h u nd lc h vy vlloncs & G reen 642·926$ P . 0 . Box 1560 wormed. P h : uft G pm, moving . 968·8822· P ri nce is for saJc . Qtr reco r d keeping nccei:ii:;. -·-- Coi:; ta Mesa, Ca 92626 ltefr1ger a lo r , white 2 Dr 633·1108. L l QUJ DA1' 1 NG · beo ut . thro. Gentle but spirited .Sala r y & rnaJ or co . RECUTIOMIST 1''rost rree w ttcemuker, ORI EN f AL lurrut urc . hunlel' . Won ribbo n 11 benefi t~. N B. lcwat.aon . T P , 1 ant phone $2()0. Alt. 6 p.m. 640..5546 AKC Vlzsla Pups. 1''u n · • 54S·l~ * ~795 .


. <.:a ll for HJIJ)()tnllnc n l y .in~. y eas J r' Secr e t a r y, p / t11n e, l ·S - tus Uc dogs. NOW$75. - --------

752- 0992x5 per~ona! 1t~, ~enera ~ . Mo n . Fri. Typin~. ~en . Ke nmo r e Washer/ Dryer . 646·6;!21 Dine llc w / c hairs, coud1, HouseholdGoods806S llOM ••' M AJ<L~J·~ 1,.,•,c,.ec~. ruot 11 e.11. t>I0·45a.I a i;k ofcex p. 752-1762, Nli $W5. X lnl cond. -- - r .. c l in e r , d1 i; hw s hr , • •••• • •• • •••••••,•••••• •

• "' "· '~ " 842·6800 aft S;JOpm Mini Schnauzer , AKC, 8 " ~ U PJ OHN - - -- S ERVICE Sta . Atte ndant , I w k s. C humpio n blood w ali h e r , <.lryer , u t il H o us e h o ld S ale . Gootl ...._.pWont•d 7100H•lpWant•d 7100 1~~~~~~~~~!!J full t -..·..,p ·d ..t.ucton 1015 1· / f 559 4991 cabinet, pictur~. m 1i.c . item s. 423 Marigold l"ri. ~•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••:•••••••••••• i..: H~TAJL SAL~LADY ame, eves. """ " "' inei:;, ma e. · 003.3i.33 Sat. S un . 675·2089

COL 'llTt-:H SALES MAN fur 10 J rt 1H• :.ton · llOat · 111~ 1·\ p p r l'I d . .;.,,7.!)006,

CVl VfF: H SAU~.:\1 1\N 1u1 llt Jl'lll l' ::.ton·. Hout 111:,. t', I, prd d :,.;1 !1006. . .

JEWELRY SALES F 111e i:; t quali ty s tore req·s top qu a lity Salcs He lp , w t mana g t•m enl pot c11-t1J I Appl) u1 IJ t' r i:;on be fure 1:! noo n. J He rbert Jlall Jt·w e llc r.s. 87 So Coa, l l'lata . C .:\1

() (.' II t ,1 l \ .., " l (.) r l h II - -

Ch.11""1 d l'. J p pro ' I J 1-:W l:: L H Y :>ale:. ul)t!lllll)!. •l.t .' ' "I. O r th11 «~P n.·<1 l n s td<' s.d e.s. Eves ~ i:-wr l ~ l.\ I h 1 1ll·1x:nd111i.: \\ knd hou r~. Hour ly + 1111 1''IJ '\ o ... mok111)! JJ.!e commt~ston . Wt• l r a1n. .!II .111 t.t:! :.!t•.!1> l!l:l 1730 o r l!.18· 1:!36 ----

Lh •nt.11 \ ,,.,,, l"h,11r-.1ck -----------1 JSu,~ :\l'" l"J tl l'ral'll l'l' Jr.Eledr&tgr }.1 111 " 111 11.-. l' ' JI l•IU 0:$410 Degree neces~ary

De ntal Sec 'v /~pr I & h'>l!'>l ,1111 J..,11'.' f 'd OI 1

1•11l k ;.: l' .. 11; JlJtlll

Dental Assistant Ol'l h11 d r .11 r s t tle . ~ I..'.'< p t'r d , p t1m.- :.! !lay ... lt' \'Ule j.>:! i XUO.

Che-mist, exper 2 Yrs l)l'OC'ess 1111d us ·1

Sr. Mech1 &CJ" Ueg rcc ne ct,-ssary Electronics Tec h · Dl'l-: l'l'e not nec e.o;:;.

l'cm po T e mporary Help 'tl a r g a r d 54U-44S5

O l-' 1'' 1C E Alle ndnl. E\'cs. E x pe r . m ature, bond1· re!>p . Ho nus for s m og, ••• • ••••••••••••••••••• eve. pt t tml'. b le . lull / p art lime. d ay brlikc & Jamp lie. Ne a t * PUIUC• A_ K_C_ A_f _h_a_n_ p_u-p ,_S_ m_os-.-.1 Adju11tabeds •. 2 dlx twrn~ Jewelry 8070

(; 1:!·350.J or ~vcs. Lai;una Bch o r ~P::r;.:. ,! o~:-1~:'.ri~i;lo *FURNITURE• female~ s ho w quul. $1UO incl. line ns . 2. yrs ohJ.' un· ••••••••••••••••• •••••• P " l' l ·1·11n e SE' 'H-1::-.T-A-R Y Newpo rt lk h . 494·2081 Newl>Or l B lvd. CM - * &UCTIA.11..1* w/pap~rs , $50 " ' ilhoul. ~er w<arran t} . XJnt co m.I . WANTED

u '-' for a ppo intme nt. . "' "'" 645.3215. $850. 549·0507 _ _ tor ne w corpor alt' vflt t·es ---- SHOE SA.LES •Friday 7 :30PM• - TOP C AS H OOLLA .H n t' ar Or a n "c l ' ou nly 1-----------1 ESTATE S HOWHOOM. FR E E ! ! MO V I N G ; Ent ire Con p A l D I'' o R y OU H airport lnft.r e:. tan.: & RN-CCU ~Yne ~~~ee:re~~~mghf~~ I fo' U RN ITUH E 3 Fe male L a brad or l>up· t e n ts of ho m e mu!>l * ~ J C:W b:LRY , WATCH£S, d1\'er:. 1t1 e ll J>Ol>lt1u n ,/ur I Sale:.m an or Woman in 1 O IS l>OSAL p1es,7 wks . old . 847·2595 sold. 831·976tior4lj2·295t A HT OBJECTS. GOLD, qualif1ec.J1 n d1\lduaJ. OJ> N1gh U., l ull or µ1time. lii"ghgradefarruly s'h""'" ·' lte po:. &Ba nkruptcy \llA'f L' RU E O k in •• :. t !)lLVE R SER V ICE , Puy. Send Hc!>uOk " f l "'l I '"" Xl nl ""J >L' N o I SA M 0 Y E D best "' · " · l•" l ."' L' FU R N & AN ..,, e r e .. i a ,,a,, ' F' ull o r narl· l1me . ,i\p"I' ', O J "' 9to 5 ai Y ' h al r p la tform xl r a s ,, "'

Wnle ad 110405, Daily be ncfl l !>. Contact M rs.I r .. " , . S u &c ~ e' ped ig r e e , f e m a le , a l· e · e • . . • ~ · 'fll\UES. 6-15- 2200 Ptlol, P O . Dox lStiO B;i l e t r e ri Ii n -27:1 I I in pe r s on, H_cmph ill":. I' ... ome ee s .,..v · lergy in our ho m e . Mui:;t Lk ne w . $125. t>ll-8850 -"'- -

Co!> ta ~1 e:.a . Ca 92626 ' . o ~ ~ .. M .e mo r i u i I Shoes, 54 Fa~ruon Is land, MASTERS AUCTION fi nd n e w ho m e w / lots of uAPLE l>rop- lua -f D1n1-11" Miscellan.ous 8080 "' "' " · · I N B t>44 · 4:l23 I !!075 1r~ Newport Bl. CM m ... ,., - -- - llo~p1tul , 301 \ tl'loria, _ ._ . __ ___ ! 0 .,3 96.," or"A" .,,,0 ., love. Reas. 673-4391 Hoo m Set w / c arve d •••••••••••••••••••••••

PBX Answe rinq Serv ~I E O E OJ • ~ .,..,.""°" WK C .. · · TASTEE FREEZ~. hclp l P oodle T oy Puppiei:; . 8 m o tif, tuble & -1 c ha1ri,; ~11~~e~ ~~elt!>IU- ~~ m _ I n eed e d . Neut a p pe a r . Bicycles 8020 weeks All m aJe blk l 'h S47·3182 CARPET BARGAINS

S.•LES I Apply 1n p erson lietwn 2i••••••••••••••••••••••• l.d p k <AK' , . ) ---- T op (J11a l Mill Seconds "' I ).' r O • e e " Kin g S '' . b"d, C i t• '1"\ '. U ·• 1 • t A ..: •---------- &5pm , 2966 li rislo , C .M. 1N e w p o r L Cy c I e r y . ,,,.6 0142 " .. ~ seu ... a r pe s · oy ..,tlC

PBX Wantcdagg rt.':>s1ve s ule:s · - ------- u 1 · h u & .,.. . · t:ouch&lovc-seat (5 m vi,; . " CHE•n1.1," l I bo & • n a e 1g . reugeol , I • Ar

peop e Lu earn a ul Teochers·lusiness Az u ki 2 1 16 Newpo rt , Ye llow Labrado r 5 mos. o ld ) DH Set & o tr1c r Call 673-7162 RECEPTIONIST J:;i.: ll l~~.ur1~1u~ "Ol~ \ II" A s ecr e t a nal & b1:1i:;m ess ' ill vd . NB. 675-1700 I f e m al e. AKC Ch a m p . ho use hold i tem~ . :Hull·---------

Oµening rn Orange Co. ~ I N K Kos m e t 1c:s hy ('olle g e in the Irv ine Ill· line fie ld t ri a l. &W-~ Barbados <Mes a Verde ) -----·-----for s harp 111dl\ . w 1 PHX Kos~ol Int e rplanet a ry dus lnal Com p lex is e x· ~un to ur Az uki Ha ccr . off Ba ker . 751-797-1. W TE exper. F ront olc a p1>ea r Jm· ; We o perate on a . pandi ng ! w e a re con. $.lt<J.95. <.:y c l~ Works Ltd., Da lmat io n . Free lo good -- AN D & pleas a n t phone vo1c -.· direct _ s a les ha:.1s and 1 duc l rn g i mme di a te in·: Hl22 Ne wport 8 1. C M I ho m e.2 Y.Jy rs . All s hots . f 'ruilwoo d dre sser , 5' TO P C A SH D O LLAH n eccss . X ln ' t pay & tlwrc is no l1m1t l o lhe , lcrviews for teache rs in l 548.57isa. Grea t famil y d o g. long, 20 " wide , t a ll mit" P A I D F U R YOU H bl'ncl1ts . l "a ll Pcr!>Ot1 11el. a mount ol m oney you 'll all s e c.: r e tari al & bus incss - - ---i 499·4044 . --- - r o r , 9 d r awer:.. pcrf J EWl':LH Y. WATCH ES.

- - - - 213 i8til ·57 1J <.·arn are as. If you ;u·~ av:.1ila · i 808 JACKSON cond . SSO. /\l i:;o m uc h A HT OBJ EC'I~. liO LV DISHWASHIHG JUNIOR SALESMEN Oown~ySavinqs Call bclweell lloull s. .i ulc imm e rl1ately & Ill FR"'MES FnetoYou 8045 j unk loo c heap lo h !>l · S I L V E H SE H VIC1':. MAC HINE OPR & Loon I .\tun thru r'ra . ;il !f1!1 !Jti.57 1 lcrc.'Sll'd in Lhts rewanJ· • A • • • •• • ••• • •• ••••••••••• !>Om e free! 187 E 2bl St. FI NE F U R N & AN

11 I .. II !\,. II" o I ,,: ,. J ii \ J.!t' lU· 15. Earn $20·$.iU Ot>JJ<> r Employe r I or ~2·5t>tl<1 . f~k lor Dau m g oppo n un1l y, Call Mr. I Including Tedems 1' F ri:sk y Flurry Kittens H t , C .M . 64o·W30. TIQ U ES. 6-15·2200 ~·~c 1 111 .. \l 1 •.. , ., .. 31' .:\l . lll' t' ~ l'ek gelt111g 11e"' or Ve rna for mformallon w. D. Polli ck at 550·88!12, Or· ' e i·" b tak Lh Weane d & Trained SEC T

1 0 N A L S

0 F ,\ .

' • • u "" 1·u!\lumcr:. tor the DA ILY - I & a ppo tn lme nl. NOW u ~ em~ e n ru ! * 5-18 -4615 * !",~~t-L ~r~'!: ·~; .. ~:·;~~~i 1: 1uH' a Iler, :.l'hool a nd P e r i:;o n 2 1 to. trn fu r l.. • • . ~- ' • - - ~- -- --- l S~1.1day . d I M 13 k I c us to m b u il t , gold . ~ · &3 ' MATTRESS ... • ~alu rcla~ :. . \ou ffiU!>l be m " nll ..: 1,,·u . .. k " lJ ' trn Sale!> hdl).18,) r!'i . Old . Ap l T L: LE P JION L"S.\ Ll<:S '-'~!; .. o.,.na e ar J 'C!> .l0 pup p1es, ti wks old. P a rt S l 15 . K in g uc d . S35 . Jlo.-.p rl .rl , JUI \ ' tl'lona . vutl.lf::.l''t10u l lJyJ: W 1un. 1

1 C;ll · P;t:I ;, r" Le\I ply. 11:!0 .So C~t. llwy, Pa~L l~mc or"'t u ll l imc . ""c~. CoaslHw) . 1 G e rman Sheph e rd 9til· i003afu; _ j *MADNESS*

L' :\I "' I. 1 u r .\I ,.:-, .ln\J l>l' .1 blu lu ~ork ~L 8-18· llKH : . 11.lai!c ~arr . Sunda nn- JUam to 1 p m or 5p m lo ' _ all o75·76ti6 __ .l ~6·0773 h

1 S

Uu nl.IJl k J:-. l :J clJ y:-. 1>cr WL"Ck. :'l<o - I ratline: Co ' 8pm. Excelle nt e a rnm .,"::., 1'Com•ros & I Cul ontal C o uc . S ing c l *ALL SIZE * ilelivcrtt!!> ur l'oll..-cllng . I PLl.,; :\U H:; R :'\l..: 1.-; u 1-: o S .il c:-. ll c lfl needed , l'' · ~a~ar~ or c.:_omm t!> ns .Equipment 8030 m a nne r ed mixed Peke . Wrnc h esle r 32 Hille 1:1.~i Priced to Move! ----------•I " I Free lo good l)(Jm e , well B e d \\ h cl Ii r cl •

ATCHER l'r ;.i dn :-. piu·1t1all o 1t prv ·• 2 10 ~ '1·1c_~~:.·~frr IH' r ' tl . l'Jrl ltme o r• 646·-l lUO~fl:_'.>~m ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Approx 1' 2 yrs, m ale. p .m .) 6-t0·6G;io IS3:l ·0025 &&Jt;-~i

· .• ")J'l l .'-htl l .\1>111' \l(ll? c,a ~ltiJ ·~ ll ln Ca .,,, , .__ I \ I I ' Al "'OLT •\ SJlTlO" . ' · '"'" ·"'"7"' . " • .... J h - -


, I lrrn c MPJI Y Ill per:son , TELfo~ P ll O:'\ ~ Soltc1lors, m ., • .. · .,._.°' "' l l u 11 L1n g l o n Be J l' o r ICX L J k L ' 1. , ... l L' l 1 , L e" ·&c .. se. ----------• OVE RS IZE O \ 111\ I Cl uti

1 * *I BUY* * Jn1Jer~u11 . 3 • • :\I l'Hl:: ::iCI ) - ~c· 1c s 1· :J!> ll0!:1 '-""n e t"I p umc work from your · ,. : .... ..., " •

YELLOWC •8 · ti l · l l:1" in · <.>:> a ' l' L' A' 'LJJ·'. I' · 11 t l Cl 11 H ~Su. 642·711l Fe m ale "Dobie". r\KC ; c hr. & Ottoman, u r .111g l· "" L"" u "I Onpoi· tu n i· l , "''-' - ' ' " un tng o n r . · ·1 ho m e. S2.25 h r + bonus.

1 H S7S

5 •. ., 3" , Coot! usctl furnilu r <.• ~ L· h , . \1 "".. " "' J • II - - 1 >11 I ., • "3"' L • li1ll · - one year o d . ouse pee. . .>ti·uU u USti ... • v<k>lJ . L'!> J 1-; mµloyer la I.ii ;> .. u:. ur o r u 'U. "' a~una :;•1 No :scll rn g mvol~ <.:a ll h I ;1ppl1a 1t L·~s. or I Wiii Sell

:'\ U 1 1 11 0~ t<: C.\LL..., - - - - appl. bl wn 8 &4 P.\1. ~Jll. L a g. ll tll~. ' .\1,r,J)t:J{(l'l}~5tH·tp Phol~~~~hi =i~p traine d , lovable. ~...:-!__2'10 I Work1n~ 2:i llt•a ll1l-1l T\ l11r \ 'uu . l'Lt<:. \.'i t-. Kr tt·he n llcl pe r & l>t:-.h · - - ~-- • Beau t. Ca li c o Ktltt·m .. 8 C ir s.:;u llrn 11a11 ::1 MASTERSAUCTIOH

"' .1,., lt e r I Lr m e . ~l es a RE.\ L ES TAT E SALF.:S SALESLADY Teleph Ans S«v Mo~s . weeks , box train c.:rl. rl'l' lrnc r $ 10 1;w li!li I • • U l::iTH IBLTOH \\ ,in t \ c rde Loll\ . llo:;p , litil Walker&Lee Ex iier ' <l . Womcn ·s rc~ll> I t:xp e r d 0 111 ~. l" ul l , A\'ar lable. 546. ~.l.


646·8686&833·9625 ot.I . ffiJlure lnh.·rL•skd tn CenLl'I' !:it. C ,\ J tu wear. ,\ ge l.5·45. I- ull I' / t 1 m e . A 11 :. h 1 lt s & llo lly wood Ly pc ----- lk :-. k 1101111' o r I JI! 11 '•'.

1 01' S t;~ l> .\ Y H:J\J O!.f7.I

c.H n111g up l •1 ~ lk 'I' ino REAL ESTATE or P / l tm e . llrs & :>a l;.iry j wknds. T o µ wag es. Ca ll I 54 9 .&i(;O l \' 1 .t:I iA P o i 11 l c l' 2 y r .

1 S It a :.: \ · P 1 I 11 .' ih t•J·: I) . L· 1

11,, ..... · l .. ni .· il l re!\!\ P l l' Jll (i.$!•!i l~I L;idy l'om1llHt1on. ltve· tn. 1·1--1bl """'<•1- .. ~k I I b " & • I 1 I • 1 · " t I) • • " I ' 111 1 · · " " "

l1Lc hou:.t:work & l'OOk LOCATIONS c .• e . n.,... "" ' ...., u1 . e tw.n .. a m .. pm . Cats 8035 ' l e m a e . •• o v in;.: "' nee1 : , .':.1 1.'.g l· . " ·'"I' ' l' I l\o\ ... pn11g. lr a mc. xlra DOCTORS ASSIST. l A .4. /\ L 0 t ' a l i u n s 111 P al t>44 ·94W

1 I ho m e Jo r ou r wa 1d1d11·1 &·1 .J.>h 83.11! lirm :-. llll irn c:ku"•'<I $2l .j 1ng Ca l 042 lti:k1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t l .J!J:> r »:w • · · "' ·

\uu11:.; IJd ) t lX:!Xl lo .1:-. Oran~eandLvsAn:.: .. ll· :-.. SALESLADY [·l'E HMI TE INS P E<.:TO H l'"; HS l.\ N Krrn ::'lis pt: . - 1-, 1Dl·:-k .., 1111 d 1\Jl111 t. 1d11~ 1\,ilul' S;l25!: <luel·n Sl!J:i.

:,1.,1 rn lll·allh :\11 L~d~ S l·t11or.C1l1 t.t' t1 Net:dsl H 1\'ers 1d c, a 1t<l.~·"'111 l >11•).!11 U\cr :JU. l\1u:. t hJ\ l' c .\ I .\l us t uc lr ccn!> CU. Guod ' C l" .\ n•g. lop qualit ~ !ilk Ln n :.: harn •d1t1J ll· :- li.rpl' ::, 1; 1 :-.. 111d :'tkh 1\ ,'. l.uc . ~ 1 2.11. lr11:1 .'It·

e'P · 1cq \ \l• lt . 11n .\pply ~a til t' lo S harf' Baluoa counta·s. Wtlh fan lr l r l·~ pe l' . 111 beller :-OIJCl' ially i oppor tun ity w :.: rowtn~ • SiS SIW -~Hi·~~lt i.) 1.i lh. ,\IL<~red al l ,.lur l:- Ju ld lop h rnl l•i• p1·d 1111 ll\1 1 ~ 1,.1 1 11 1xx. LMtall~ :.lrH J ll ''' 1.·\L' ~1:!11 W I !\ l J

11 ti fl 0 m ._. o \cr a g tng O\l·r :.!. UUO :i.q s hup. Xl n l \\Urking n m·! tu. Xlnt sal ary . ~::! · l~I:.! ' .iWO!IOX ~l'.:t1~1 ,.,,. ~ 1i:, llo th l11-.111l l'11 11d l h111w

1'o·J,.,l II\\ .\ \. l' \\Jlol' t Hclere 11l'e!> C;ill bctw !I l l. pru\'tdr ng scpar alc ds. 673 · ::!~W. Wa 11 t e d L 1111 g l l Jl l', ---- 1ii.jfi:!i!! Ut:1d1 t.\: :i p m . L l·L phone rrng Jub b \· a re ..i . p rt v.1l c - TYPIST l)rown . ,1uburn. Ta l1li~ I \'1·. o lrl mal e Lah &, CUSTOM CAKES

' <" '\'fJ l t1m e!>. 675-72&1 c vun :-.l'll ll J.! ro um !\. ::iALl::S 1.'wl ANA(jf'.; :\1 1-:1'T l ForLcx rlron \'ttk'tl l)P'-' I tcin alc krll1•111, 1:!-iti:!I Wollhou nrl m1 '1( l\' ('l'fb j MEUIT \'11ud1 & 111\ DRIVERS ICrossC~I

.'\u !:ipec ral Lll'l'llM' lh­lf ti \ l' l'I' l'h ur!>d.1 ~ J um• l:!lh Onl). .\ I .11 1; '"'. u r \' J d ll C1,q1

1l1Jl 1•1. .• ,c11l1J. C .\ I

EL EC TRICIA.HS \\' :11111·tl Sen rt'l' 01 t'On

L untf,.,1 a pcr. mu:.t b<: e x pl·r o , l' I' 2 1 Lag u n c1 I l tlh .irt·.i H:J<H~

L I\ c 111 \\ o m Jn l •J l':tre lor t•ld\•rly l'ouplc, tnd mlrn~ 1 111\ ..1 lttl SJOO mo Hm & hrd R l'l!> r e1(r1 . C;ill ttt5-~:JH C\l1•S

:ttrull11111 t•\ pcr. l l' lfd LI VE l.\i 11:-. l' k ce p c r. T11p 1•~1 .' •'- h· ·nd rh \ p p I Fam ti~ ol_ J. l11e. h!>t'kp~. l'\ 111 pcr .. 1111 .11 177!J.1 ~I-> & ctJ'>k ;.! ·>·lli ·31H2 1'.11 h L"r :...11111• 1; 11 \11 11 '

I .1' ,. 111 e 111n p:m1011 lur '1l"

Exec. Secretary t• \l'. •Jld~:;·_ l.1<b . S~n l 111 tnl'di.1tl' •111\·11111:: 101 ,, ulo l..l•r J ..>- · • ~I lr~ me . ~l'<' r~·t;n .' l o l''\l'<' \ I' 111 LOA .'i l ' IHJC ES.SOlt , Wtll l.1;-. l •nm HU ' t 'O. \.h· Jl'l· I rain . ( '; il l P roleS!> tUnal l11u" '" ' l or ·1 <' .l l'l' l'I' .\ lor l :.:a t:t•:-. . Co:. t;i Me:,a or11• 11 l1 ·d 11tdl\'1tl11,1I \\' :)1!1 X8'; 1

:-.l 11 11~ p111 · ,.,,, S lhktl b C '. 11l i I I i.1:.! l:.! l!I

Extruder Oprs I l·.,pvl' ii . all !-> lulb .1\,J1 I. Jn "I'"" l!.olon l' n 1d ltw I , 111:! \ 0 11 1'..11111,111 I n 1111 :1,•1 11'1111

MACHINIST \ \<J rl t •I\ ul shurt r u11

p1111lucl11111 "' crr l.. H1·q ' 111111 J \ r:-,;f, e '1>er 111 J

eolwl111~ l1Jt,ol "'"rk h is rt' lllJh- ·'""''l.11 11 lw.1111 \ l) l•t'fJl•lr , ,•t•l..111 111 lt·.1111 lr11111 111p h.111 l.\ll'I l .di t-;11.11111 P 1 ll111n.1 111 .1111 111 •• J•l11 · '·' '' 1·11~1


t 1J r \ .\I u' l <111 o \lo n · M'lU.11' I


ELECTRONICS: :.!hhj ..... tr\ ll'\\

1 '11slJ .\IL-!><1 W l1 \ I I" '\ Ill ;i., n1·c••t.·d 11) E 11 uJI 0 1,1>ur . Em••l•>~er ! f )1 .111 t• 1 ·11u11l .\ -. ll'.1!1111 ~ ..., " ............ _ ... ___ , ,,1wlr•1 \ l .11..1· 1111 111 :O...A.Kll

I> \\ !.. \,•I , . \ fll'I It IH' t• \l..111) 111 ln l' 111 1111 ,11!1111 Ill.' I 'h . 111 \I lllh' I l' p l ( h \ II I" l .1pl 01 l'.111 I

( 7 I 4 l 821 -0180 1

1 r,, 11 L. II .al I' (' n 1 n


1; I :1 j"l;fj I 1.111\ \ I 111•_-,f(,'\ l·.t(

" 'I' ii .rt t l•l1.1M·, 1111111, \I \llJ WA~Tl~U ,, .. 11.11 ' 11• . 111 l t~llll' I P .1rt t 1111c • C;1ll . 11 '"' 1 'J I 1111 lllll' I' \ II '\' \1 1·-..o \ (111\'I • !;Iii !Ni8 1 tJl \ \ u hrs 111 11 1.! '" .1 Ii : .. :! iu 11 1 \I .ill' lrc·lp w;111ll·fl full &

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\ . 1., 1111 Ju ,

JI 111111- \ppl) K1·n 11w k y t· 1 tL• •I f ' flll'he ll . 2!1~ t-: I '11.l'I fl \\ ~ . Cd :\I

priv a te man.1g l·1 ·s o ll tl·c Sharp Guys/ Gals Wi ll l ram Acl'u r J I' \ rrn 1 "'""" 10 ro.1m ."'>IX !!l:li e:-.(':t l , h,1l c h l'•J\'l• r lJlile!\. ;mu !-tep .u .llt "'urk a r l.'J l 1:-:x per '<I in lug h fas hion P•>rt<.rnt . l' lt":.i ... a n t '> I\· K1lll.'ns. 111 :.: ha 11 1, \d; -. l.. mg hed .:.:.1s lihq , t!a r

Jor l'\ cry o l'c a s1u11 . m astcrl u lh crcale<l for ) o u The uma:>ual 1:-. m y s p l'l· 1ally . Pril·c 1I i·c a:.u11J u le "'tlh !>al1"> la1 I ro n g u a 1· anlecr! . l'a ll H elen n l.l \\ lor ~ uu 1 l' l.l!>lOlll del'OI J lL'\I cake al ~79-8123

pron d111g eacha:.!>0Clall·j· m l.' n · s & w o m e n !> lut' al \• tl nc· a r .() (' ! .Blk ~\: .. \\ hi~ ~·• h<.'11 hll, I sl~ol:-._. \ a111.thJ .iU Wtlhht!>own 1>rwate tl l'!\k ~porls\\ L' '1r . loolu11~ forJ .\1q>o rl HJuli. lll·r n . f rnr! :s.• t. Lfi.HIX M.arniture 8050 GI;, 140 1 anrl t ell-pho ne 1 c.: .i recr 111 rclJtl :.a ll:'., ~ l"ro:-. l & A:.:.1K·1;_llt·s I IUL•Dons 8040 ' •••••••••••••••••••••••

12 . , . •·.I bl " ...

I • II l ' B - .. - ( I ., 1or11c 1 ull S, J lll\C~. m .,! 1111 C a lur a ppt.\.: 111 ~ua1 ....... d-l ~Oui 1 ••••••• • ••••••••••••••• (;1 ~Jl Sa v111 g!> on L.:s L'<I 1 s h e ets . p i ll i>W l' a ""'"

TRAINING I len\\ •PETWORLD• !· 11rn : A pp1t& M 1~c. I b e d s pr c.: ad . rlrt::-.:. l" r. Tut ll u n a :.s1:.tan \·e lur THE LOOK UTILITY \\ 1b_on s l:J ar~a 1.1,Nouk n 1 g ht s la n rl . s I 25 pre lll'C n s 111 g !> dluo l 644·6500 Lia"la .\1" 11 t'hrhuahua . .i l;, W rnt hSl. C .M. !>l7 · ~05 l afl 7 . 3o ~·..imou i:; " He ad S tarl·1 MAIHT. MAN l ' .. 11dl 1·' S h i h '1'1u . -- - · O.\ t\. &IRON Trun.k$.50 . l ra 1n 1 n g pro s,: r a na . SALES· RETAIL E xper <l m a n ncl·• lt-d tor ..,d111 .rn 11•1 l"1wke1' 1>11:.: i l. OU Cfl . x lnl cund . Olf Garage Sole 8055 ~l t lk l'an!>. S25 & $18.:-io. Classc'> I n · ftnJn l· tn i.:.I wo m e n s•ttally s hoµ , all uround ma111len.111cl' " " 1'11 ll ull:.. ( '1xka p<>o. I wtu tc . p lush lalJn c. S200.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bell SLar hl ml i:; z 7 1,. s:i.s CSl'rl' "' · and g uarunlt•ed on L r<fo lslu nd . l'O.'>• ll •>n wo rk . Xlnl l'O. hc t1 l'lll:.. j l'u m . IUO in1"ed l'uppres. ! S lud10 b ed cove r w /4 j 81 G MOV ING SAL E ! z~nith 19" B

1W TV. purt

sal t•:> P lus: au<l t0. \' l l a \ all lor high lioul..tng topwage:-. . :\ppl~ ln !!;llt· Stud !\l.'I'\ tnlhl h l'l't'tb. 1 mal c h1n g b ul :s lc r ~. 1 Furn & M t1:1C. lnduduig S:l.>. ti.l5·81 61 or:H8·71SW. lra111 rn g. Wl·t'kl v ot ft cc.: s al t:!> \\l/lll l' ll llll crc~ l l.'d guard al : :.!:1:!.) \\ 17th .ll F.Hl\ ll' \\',I t: l'l.'ell ucr;.:c. $.!5. Baby's1 Tripl e llr e!>:.c r . Cup · L' . "h ·1 - • " · l • ln11111 11,! and da1 iy •in the •n l <> I> C un te mporary Westsoil Corp. ~,\ , lJpe 11 l.:.\ 1::-.,;H .>1J:.!i - ~ hig hch a i r. $10. 494·0028 -1 pe rlOne refn g . Sltj,.j. Blk ,. ~

1'::> op C us111g ~-~ ~

1ot.~.MlraA11H111A1 ;.!G. EMEMT I las h1011!\ Full or P l1ll1L' . :!i5 :\ll:Corm i('k , C ~I. top D in i n g lblc· k h rs. ~~~~~ncb~n~hanups~ i 1~~11~ ·1·~ !) a l a r \ e " m 111 ·' 1 C la S!\ iC Sc h winn lHkl.' , . • , • ,"'. , 7 1 -l . ~3M ti~ t il . \ :- I. lur ' . :~- ~ ·~_. ,. ::::::::> - > l p l a nt s, mi sc lia l u r e ! ~'.v~r y l h tn g Goe:;

W l• w rl l p :iy ""'' r , l ioda Wa1lress .. \ pply 111pt· r~on , ·~ .. ~ T hur Ju . 3 pm . til l 64~· 1111 ~ 1 . v 1i11 . 11 0 11 11 11 111 u 11 r , J ft l . S1cl 's Ul11l' lk·t·t. IU7 : AJJJ~AlnlbJJJ Murgu~ri tc . C<lM . COUCH. C hau-s L a m l)!> . mana ~l' r!> 111 1 ~ 1;~, lo •n·l SALES TRAINEE :!ht Pl. ~B f! t ""/(/,,Irr~.,~ - - - ' A s ur e \ llU l t"t'l' i \l· lh e k 1 f · liara~e Sale · Dictaphonc, ·.r~bl~s. Ster_oo-.. 11.r re

. Lou tn ;.! l olrl a t·a 1't•1•1;·' W ELDEH hl·. 1 \~ in '1~t -. " · • co""VENIENTSHO""INC • No " Ir compr··~~vr. ~pr u)' a :se na b le o l fer_. 642-6344 tra 111 111 ; au d lwl1> you I An· } 011 w1 111;.: 111 \\nr" · 1 1 \ I .. ., ,.,. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ·

IH .. · d l11r ·' !'>Ull'c <;:-.f ul 1nler l'::. t t•d Ill l hl! pl' tl \;"'lna 1 1.'X p • 11

,1 x ~'" -Q:..c, SEWINC CUIOE FO R TH E i.:uns . furni ture & m 1i:;c. ENTI R E ll OUSEHOLO.

l•kll m 1• ''' ll'l'l'r I I I l , . u ,.. l ' •> II\\ II a .' IJ UI . ~ CAL ON TH E co. 1062 Io w a S l. c.;. M. L'urn . l't•'l Ur""'· L ·•mp.• . ) e m !\ ul Ol ll'r llto'UIJ c 11·crl 11lt· .. 1t 10ll ii IN l!'>!> lhlt• •. • ·~ u ..

!Jo \ 11u ha\l' 1111\tJl l\ l'' 1 · L' a nta s l t" 1 .. clrc:- c lf)th"!\. ~;i. r_dcn & ~sh. Id loob • tDS w ... :.,.,. look 111!! lur .1 lt•w · nlt• i 'a·w.-. :t i For an Ad in Women's Wortd r ~ " ~ • · 111 It · JO "" 1 ~' " ~ WAHLCO barg a 111 pri ce!> (3 151 . 540 1 a · ;> . p .m . o r

.\lt·m l1-.·r 111 :!ti 1c al l) !> <ll l'"I tr ;i 11H'l'!> l or '' I 1,. -, .. 1 CollSu~ 642-5678,Ext. 330 Sal.I082 0 1

ablo. ll U wk'!_dS. ho.i r d ... . \l ,• 11)l>t:rul a :-.ia ('Jn•t• r 111 Lht• ~rou11 Ill·• d J tl y :1 ·I ·,:JO al u .,

LI o 11 J I It 1• I 111 a l 1o n 1 s uranc e rndu:-,lr) Sal a t y I l'~l'entia A\ c. <.: .\l 1 :-.l'f\ I Lt'. c;u .JI ollll l:t·U . p l u.-.. 1..• otnr~ t:-.:- 1 0 11 . Call jw 110 W.\ :'-iTS TOWOtt l\ I

tr acl l' J.J r 11 g r ;1111 l:. x ., IGJ !l.l!1a. 1111 I unite r Ill·. DRIVE A C.\ IJ ~ tetbl \ l" l'l;1s..,111cli .incl for m atlt)n I C lfOOSt-: } our ho u r :.. ~ l'llu \\ pa~'" ; 11 IH· rt1~111g: work I or \•11u rs cll . be qial ..!el n·s ulL., Ch e r !IU j Soles & T~her , I \ Our own 1i1J:.:-. :\tc.:n u r µr .: p rt nl .. d 1·on1rat'l:.. J> t1m c _l u r I 1ano:. &I Wo m c.: n . Can be :-.hg hll) hroehur• ·::.. ~111\1 l•Jrms to j O r:.:an:-. .. »~I l~lll 1 hand ic apped .. 'I/ c al n:i a kt: )ou r JUl> c a :-.1er.IS1•h1 ><1I Uus U ll \crneed l'd C l e a n ,\p 1>eH ran t't> l·rl·c 1n.:-lall a l 1u n a 11d lo r l' rt\,J ll' School part Vcls., 1·el1 r c d . A!!l' 2.> lo p rd .. 11.1! !11 H 1.~ · l 11!l l a ~p time ':> I.UH per hr. Beg in - i U. Supple ment you r Ill po~ t I- 01· Sal" ::. rg n :-. s . 1 w II l . · f . l'Ome. Un\ e a c a b 6 h r !\ 1

· 11 t It I 1•k t10•· mg· 1.' Jl 1 r.trn rec. I "

1 1 nu

1 n ° ·• · I ' I 7 I 1" !.I I u ;i u r more a ti a y. /\pply 111

l" r 1·1· h u -, 1nl·:-.s e a rcb 1~ 1 2.,() :' ti 11

J m . tlers u n Y l· llow Ca u Co I .iltcr 1111l 1.1l on l,• r . S al1..·:-. tJ ~ ' p m . • ISG 1~ • Hilh St . {;1)!> l~ agents lor t~ \ e r 1:.u :-.ub SEAMSTRESS I :\otcs a . ' d1 v1s wns . .Suµpurt "I UU· . . , . , . • . .. - ! s 1darll':-. 111 t•sc r o w . ~.xpc ll l m cclc~~ fll arnee:-..IWoma n •IU :i:; 011 1 m o rt ).!ttJ . .:~. 11l:-.u ra11c·t· .. 111d 10 ", Orapc_r )o ' g: Ope~ tel e phun es. Nu i:; a lu!> · ma r kl'l111 ,;.: . •n l!!> 111 •111 po:s:twn:-.. l 'HX expcr. prct 'd . N.B. j

H: .1d1 u! ollll' I')'. .JOO W. I (H5·ll3:J6 uclwn !1A·91' 1 1th . Co:. la M c·:. a .

1 _ _ _ I

.>4U f).1(,..1 Woman to dcs1i.:n & .s l'll ' COMMISSION

Victoriana Motifs! MU LT J G AHAG I': ::;,\LE. (.;e~ Le lnt'r :.16ti m 1m e o Cu l ·J e ·s a c Com e o ne. g r aphin g vnnl~n J.! co m e a ll. T hun. .. Slrn :U? m a t·h 1n e . . t' ~t~_a !>. rrcc Vis ta Ha ya . Costa Mesa . ra bbtls. 8~2 .1)36.j •

M OVING SALE• WA~T~D : l'eahen and o r • lfon Swrnhoe P he asanl

Th is w ee k e nd 1-lth . & c all 8·17·872-1 afl. 12 . UU 15th. 271 Morning t:a

110011 n yon Hd , CdM . So m e -it.em s le lt t rom clos ing House full of ;1;lnt 2 ) r old a ntiqu e :. lore & :som e crpl. 3 ll.lne brn s hag & h o u s e h old item!>. Hl20 rcu o n d pad . • .. ori g: r ' r e n c h l w 1n b c drm p r ic e . $-IUO/ bs l ofr. :l l16l s u i le, oa k M!c·y . old B rn g h a mpto n C r . llU lele pho n es, 19l u Cable An y t ime . Ne ls o n pla ye r p i a no , ---------­walnu t d r o p le a f t a h le , l::LEC. Typc wntcr, He m . pictu res , t'ru m es. q uilt:.. "25 ... D e !> k & c hr. $150 bowl & pitcher. ltre ck Bum pe r pool , :s la te ~~ c opp e r P <'S, jewel~y. ~chw}nn b ike . . gil"l 's _2u'" w as h er , d ry r . ref rt g. ~15 . E ve:;. -1 · 1U6-14·84U:i.


L1p to i'U' . 1mmt·1ll .1tc MAt-llCURIST 1..·omm1:.,10n -. with A D -------------•I wmdow !> ha des &dr<&JX!!>, .) l>a y \\k . Will t ram

ha irdrye r . :.o fa , s tea m Walk~;.-s1 i. -c~-mmotlc •~on , r ecords & book:;, $15 Ho:sprtal table $.> km~ sz ~edrm i,;ct, 10 s pd tH2· l 57!1. '

... J ,~ I 1111 Jllll •l,1) "' Ill Jrl '\11 1"'1' llt'I \ \ t'

t r;i111 \ "" 'l •Ill 1111a...I lr!-t• lll'11pl.• ,\ ho· .11 1t .. 1 ~I I ' \J1J1lv• .111\ .111 IH' l ' \ 1•

.!I I.! IJ.1111111. l·,,.,1,1 \ 11· ... . 1

ll11ti..,.\\ 11JI.. . p 11 nw .! h.1ll ti a' .~ \\ " I Ul'' ~ 1-·1 1 1itci!\ t,j,, ,; 11.1 \. B

Ho u ... t·"' t' ,.,... 1 ... , rn ,111 l'\

t TU '·' I l • lo\•• per hull r l t'.tdltll'.. h•1l1b~ d J ,'.'>t '!'> "' '' Ir ' I 11 (' J11•rn L1q u1il 1->111h r 11 1 tl 1• 1'\ t ',111 ~m1 :{ IXK llr !lli.:I ~~-I .111 ti1>tn


I•.' JI l ' r d .\1 u :- I d o VA~C i':S tha t .1llow )OU 111·tl 11 11 rl'-. Ca ll Uct l )', Lo r cccl\ l' l'11 rnm1si:;1o ns 1~1.. 1•1:111 bt•l 11n· l' IOM' (If (•!\t'r0"' .

~1.1 .,-.1 ·us1 • "l''-"l lmmL'<I I ;c,; ><l ll<I\ \\ rl l Lru111 <.:ct ll 1;.1:1 (»Sf~I or 1; i;;.cw.1

\ l t<: J> h :,\L 111:.u r ancl' & lll'.l! lm.1r d l! rrl lo r ::.u r J.: \•011 ' ol I w e F~x per 'd 1111 1\' Il l I 5170 . .i Ii pm wkil.1 ~:;

.:\l olllt'r 111 t. vr r1lrl g irl nt•e1b :.1tl 1•r . m) hlltnl.' , h i n1i,: h h I :JU pm tu ::! :10 o rn I' rt•I r c:,pon l'Ol li ·gt• 1' .:- l uclc n l or ollll-r . Ca ll 1l.1y::. fi 75 l!IV:! I


.\lt l·r .J.I > ~·ar!\ 111 bu:.1 nc:.:. "' rtlr ~I c.ompdn} 11w1w d 01111· .... , l<J rn~urc l'U11ll11Ull) o l l)UUCIC:-0. ou r 80\1 .J:-.MH'IJ ll'!> <Ire !>Clltng ne w rndu ,, l rv n•1•onb . Our \ Ol u m e 1~ more than ~1.11110. 0110 a d a} : 1,000 hom l!s s ul<I a m onth . :\l o re impo r ta n tly la s t ) car w e 11a 1d out more t'OmffilSSltln!\ ~. lo our :--all'!\ people l han a ny othL· r ~ l' :1 r 111 uur lw •. t11n .111ll Id !'I late tt , lll:;t -. "'Ital "'l' . r l' holh in · ll·n ·:·.i l' d 111 YOU Uw ~ .ilt· -. a sS41t' 1<1le .

SECRETARY Ope n 111g rn Ad\ e rt1,:,,111g lo r 1nd1\ . w tgood :;h &

' t y ping (;ovd OPIJOr. to s la r l t·a r i:c r . Olt· "' 'It :-. u 1111 h c l v t' a I c cl 1 n Oran j!c Co .

C.111 P e rsonnd 2 131861 ·571:1

Equ al Oppor. Emplo)er

SECRETARY Coron a d r l Mar

T r a 1n c c - Po :; 1l1o n w / g reat po lc ntJa l. Start al S.150 m 11. Ha1se. alter trai n 111 J.! pertocl. c typ 111g, 10 key c a l.

N c w port Cc11l e r E mploym e nt

Co ns ulLa nLi; Ai.:e nQ .>67 S an Nic holas Dr

C u :s tom Shade & Dra pe ry ~hop. J.535 K Ci:; t lfw y . CdM 55l·8803

Young wom a n to opera te .John Wayn e T c1u11s Club :-.iurser .}. Pre f. )! trl w I kmder g a rte n u r p r e s c houl teac h ing t•xµ

ti IO·~lo or 1»4-WOO

MerchandiH • •••••••••••••••••••••• Antiques 8005 •••••••••••••••••••••••

~ Ill :! \ I ' '"'I'''' I ll I :-~ ho11 l 111 i: !-1, al ,ar~ •om tQ• · t1~uru( 1· ~ l r JtHlll" & ~ .. IH' ( (' " rt l.J •· t :\I 1

Dt•ll\ l' n ur llw l>AI LY 1"1 1,0T ·111 :-.u l1:-.1·n bt·r !> 111 :\'.1,· w111• r l H' " ' l'li l'rultl r> IU!\ ;.!l'n l· rous .1llow.u11·t' lur u u1 11 .\ p p1c" 11nat dy 3pm 111 ;ip m 1!<11 ly .incl :-,.1tu r,l,1y .ln<.I S und.1) m 1>1 ntn~., l•ll IJ2 1 l·:i. l ..! HI

II you re• M!n ous a houl New 1)ort. Rcach_~I0-615u

lw1 o rnrn;! ,, real t-st uLc l•----------1 p roh':-.:-. ronal , c·all o ur Jlt'r·,,onn t•l deportm c n l to mJl..c a n a pµo1ntme nt to INn :1tVl l·: W US '

E xquis 11 e G o ld Thread l'~ M UR O IDE IU m , S il k Ce re m o ni al Court Hobc Xlnt cond . Purple fi e ld W / CEL E S TRI AL DR AGONS , 'l'hun d e rbolts. C loud forms & tS HOU ) S y mbols. Sk irt w / hl ue , y el lo w & r e d s t rt pes & l"OO llOl lS

Ch 'in~ Oy na.<;ly. Coll~c tors Ite m . $1300. t».5·209-1 l t 11111111111 hi :.! :.!i.1 1 l'Xl

1 , ( ( 1 '> l . t ~f t• ~ . I

l•m111 1.1 I lru -.prlal b) H :


" ,hifl . ~ hr • 1k i-·u I 1·omp.iny•n1•f1IJt . Call ~46 f~2 o r S.h> 8!JI J

O fo'fo"W": <.: l1•rk t1 )"pt!\l for r 1'n1r1l k c.•e pm ~. tn vt'r'I t o1} l'Ontrol. ~.1l e!\ unJl .\"l l'i Ill l\c•y hy tou« h u m u ~ l ~1 1 <'I o r k .

lJt l l l"C W 01 k . 1 d:&) 1)1.'r "'k 10 key. pos t1n~. 1\ I' $2.7~ hr. ~" 90'.JU.

.111111 Th · nl r . 1 nd 1t!\t.'11 •

Lo ,, A n;.:clcs t 2 13 ) :>8U 7362 Lun g Hesc h (2 131 :;oo 27~1 C>r;m~r Co. ( 711 , 77b !13.l4J


H l•; ,\ J. 1-:. ... Ti\Tfo; Wf.. HE PMfftW \ llL H 1"UT UH1';

An 1-:r111ul Opportunity Employe r

Secy 's with Sh Sr. Typisb

T e m1K1 Tem porai-y lld p l71W2 Sky P ark, lrv tnc

Cu 11 540-44!)j

OflPORTUHITY knock" oflt•n wht•n you u e res u lHll'llrn.11 Daily l'i lot <.:l.t&i.11 lt"<I Acl~ tel rt'n t•h \lw Orn11i.:c• (;m1~1 m arkt't.

P hone 111~ 56ilt

A Bit Of H is tory fo'or Sa k ' .'\'tns:-.:.u: husetts lot t ery trt.• kcl s •Hned by George Was h111 gl o n 1c1rca 17681 w1 lh c1>ver le Ut' r . Ap praise d at S750. Will l'On side r c l o s e o ff er 552-IJ046 .

Applia.ces ao 1 o •••••••••••••••••••••••

F r 1i:1d .:t ir e r e l n gerolor . while, S 1,:, It. t :ill Good workrn ~ condition $00. 642·3003 •after 5pm

S t::LL idle ilt"m~ ~ 1th u Oat ly Pilot C las 1f1ed Atl. 642·5678.

'.'CiHlllU,: \ 1 Hlltllt \lH'Hfhtu·

lt1a; ut •trolllnt.; uhoul tt1\\ n -thl1 »l P'lu11 H11rd 1•• n••11ll 1-th'' 111•1 ft•r t t•hoh •· i'.ft• ua• .. tllUt, th f 111.t \ f' I ithHI , Lou

I\ tf h l t d p ~I I I 1q 11 :; II I ~ , \fl " l'ollt, ' 111 IZ. 14, I~ I :ti ~ ti.•• I:! C hu1Jt.t J t) IUk••t' .~ • > ttttt .. "> lnt·lt ~nd $1 00 for .,.,ch p• ll~rn

Arid 2~ t 1•nl6 tor t'M t h po1ttt'rn It" fir~I Cl•H m•ll and -~lal handhnl( , ulh1'rw1sr lhltd 1•1"~• 1l1•hv1••)' will l•k" lhrt't' .....,.1ia ormnr ,. N-nclto M1na" \tnr11n. 442. lh•• ll~ 1lv Pilot. l '<1llern l>c-pt • 232 West lAlh I'\!. N t'W \ or ... Ny 10011 l'nnl NAM t :, Al>0Rt:."5L1.IP, ~1 1.t. and STYLI'! Nt, M11 RR <"~; f lU ! t:: l'ATl'EHN ol }our ( ht~((' l O l .. nd (Of' Ol'UI! frrt' jlll r.·rn an"d1• Nf:W :,t>R ING ~I' M •t lo! R I' A TT£ R N ( ATAL()(j IOO •t )'ll'• .all 1llt1, rr~ p111 .. rn t·oupon Sfnd TSc MW ~•:w + KNIT Rooli with h:h•r lt•tvt' p11i. rn . .. SI 2' l n•l• nl f.o h1on llc>ok . . SI 00 IMlli nl s,. ,..,n , 1WloM • SI 00

733 5

lll•lll•r r hA1 mini! 1nllqu• mollrA uo ll ne na. 11tctur~11

l'oll~cto1 a· f in d! F:ruhrof!IH nld lime !rea~u~, In l'Oltll fu l ••Dd f'tllJ' tll lC'h"s <HI IOl<t'IM , ptac .. m~1~. clot h•. 1 0 11< 11 1•"" tur""· J'J11t•'t n ;aar;. teu uafrr o( ~ll mollf~.

Send 51 00 for each ~ttcrn. Add 24• for each p 11ttem fOf' fint-c~IHI mall 11ncl lfl>fl'i • I handlln~ . Send to AlicC' Broolts , 105. IM O"llY PiloC , Jllt>~le<:ra ll ~.. 8o11 \6.1, Old Chelsea Sl • tlon , Nciw Yor lt , N. V. 1001) . l'rlnt Nimt . Addre ... Zi1>. P attt'rn Num~r

Save d o llarb! C r eat f' bHullful lJllnl(~ Send for Ntw 1'7) N~le<"raft C.taloc ! J del1n.s pri nted IMide . . .15' ' N•w! Nifty "fty Qulit. Sl 00 !'if'W ! Ripp!• Crt>C'ht!\ .• $1 00 !kw -+ Knit~ . .. •1~ NHdl~lnl Boe* ....... SI 00 tlawtt Crothet JJom ... . $1 oo ti •trpin Crochn l!look •••• II 00 tMtam Crwh« 8Dol •• • . si.oo lnlt•nt Mu tamc lloclt • S1 00 1114l8nt Moncry Boelk •• , .11 00 ComplcrtcrClft Boda •••• •• SI 00 Complett Mella tl4 • . SI 00. 1:1 P r la. Affh• iM fll .. ... 1llY • Dool! o( 11 Quilts II • . . . .. • ~ Munum Qulll 8'dl •a ... . 00' t) Qullla for Tod,.y ta ... W , ~or 16 J ltr> tlqp ... • w

la d ies bike, pme a r mo1re ----o r b k c a s e. P eter!> u n G rn sotabe d $75. can1 lbl. • painl ing, ch1Jdrens loys. 4 d1rs $20. llampcr SI dis he s & 111bc. it e m s . T y pewr r l c r t bl S.J 675·2122 54;H iJ45 .

Moving fro m s tule . Mus t c e an e l e r y L o t ~ell furn . A ny r eas olft'r Weslm1ns ler Memori a l acce pted . 960-37~-· __ Par.k . 5325106 ~61.'.\lorn ~ F a m i l y , f ur n i ture , ing :s_. ______ _

lamps , d i.i:; h es, t ~y s, Chopping b lk. solid m a c~lhes, mis c. Sat-Su!1. pie , free·sta ndlng JO"s q , J u ne 14· 15, 517 Oak SL 3 6 " h i g h . 675 · 1 2 13 Lag . He h. 558·14'18

Spectacular G11rage S a le . Mov i n g to a p t . E le c . lawnm o w e r , tle n fo r n .. toys, books , washer & dryer . evcrylhl n~ t.:ocs. Cheap. 11:u;2 Al m e lo Ln ., HB. nr . Spring d a le & Warne r . Sat &Sun.

M ovi n g, Sa c rif i ce ' Wu rli t ze r s m a ll Grand P iano S!>50. Apl. s ize s t ove S90 . Apt . Si lt' r e lr1 g c rato r . nearly new $125. Fri g idaire e lectric s t ove $200 A nti q u e Secr e tary $300. tH2·6889

Gigantic Garage Sule . J BRONZ E Green tone Poly .1-'a m 1hes le a ving state. Hi · lo c pl. Tops. 673-455.), 17641 Van Rur~n . l lH. 100 <.; u r n cL. Bal.!!>.

Sat & Sun o r til everything Powti r mower $45. Ubl 1sgone ! Ti ro!l &p1llows & bed s 2 u . Dr u se r i. . mu c h m o r e . 6 8 2 uook c a s e s. mi s c Cong ress . CM__ ll~ms . Moving. 968 4:r75

GIANT G A R . SALE Sal & Sun . 9 lo S. 11'16 Som ha Circ le . Costa M~a

4 F a mily g a r age :.a lt'. Slove, relrl s,:. wu :o,hcr. dryer. k it c he n s et . h v1n(( rm 11et & tUnmit rm set Al l kmdli o f unl1q uci; , c r ys t 11I & ot h l· r ho u11uho ld t:ooc.b. mo\ 1c t'quipm c nt. 3241 Alla Lag un a Blvd., L ug unu Bc h. 494·3054 .


llun~ry - Often l>unl't' nest de

ENOUG ll T he "rorery clerk asked the C' u '<to m c> r 11 h t• \\a n t ed ..i d n u h l1· M A 1'hr ma n pmnted to hi~ wi fe a nd !' 111d. " No. O ne 1s l':NOUCilf

Nlt&dl•H• IOI ..._.., M · ...................... -.... •ww t040 ota::i.c~•/ y,..1...- ' 95'0 , ... ...i.... I , llov l · ....................... Sc 9150 .. -•· .,orW Alltot. l•potied n I • Port ab I e ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••• Thursda . June 12. 1975 DAILY PILOT D Mq,navox SZS. Bar&U S3 IMMACULATE ••••••••••••••••••••••• &letbnl$10.SQ.Ull . zs• LYMAN BARGAIN ! '13 Yamaha '72 Oodco Pitk·Up, au IMW 9712 Mffc.edft lea 9740 14.vtos, llltpOfiecl A9tot, Us-4 Alltos. UM4 .. •.

HARBOR llOOR1NG 12SMX, :IClnt cond. t3QO. power alr MW 5bocls ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••-••••~ NSpew s 1a1. H"d•oa hdlo, aadr marllndlr e1s.cmo btuU.. isil. xtru.Sbeli OIAMG!COUMTY"S GS 230 SedH 4 sod. air. Toyota 9761 a-.;,.. HIO Ford ~ f4MI ~~:':z~TanCaln ~. • 6'1S-44li "11 Suaukl avall . $21S0. 531-41156 OLDIST =':i Blue, good bu)' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••• :;;;•; ••ci•w•••••Gd.•:

30• VEGA . C.ooverted for d1rt but & '74 Cor. M2. auto, stereo, COM..a, or •.:on. ......... ,.. uu llotonadur, all ll.l'M' equlp~L ln w 9570 l90SL 19S9 90% ~tortd. PS. 2clr, radials. $3150. . CH New Ures, lo ml, SIZS~

WmM4 IOll • nF a, ea&ru. 300 bra. duded £ t lh Oood •••••••••••••••••••••• MB 190J , $6000or beslol· Pb· Ml·7S05 1Yaot6f PP. fMS..sal. ••••••••••••••••••••• .. m ,ooo. 84.Z·ST?S condlU~o~M~t1:·1 POO. ·a. CORVAIR Van. con Sales.Ser'C,Jcc-Leulllil fer . Pr Pty S51 1087 • SALES .. SE.RvtCE Mercwy ttlO

SI CASH SSllOtt ll~HaJS CIAFT °'4·05n. verLed to~~ .. 75• loy Carnr, llc. M~I 9744 Xlol ;:,~~~ROLL.A n 650 Zl~~~~~cl ••••••••••••••-·--·• Gooduaedfum/relrtp TwlllC .. 1fll11rlNneh l 9 8 a H 0 n .ta ~ 8 o Rollal\oyee BMW ....................... S48-S73S. 546- 1200 ' 7J MlaC. Fnn/ttov•.5*0'NI . ....... Q ..... yecM Scramblu. Good cOnd. UOORIWAID 234E. 170\St. '65 MGB COUGAltD7

t •de.. SI..,. I 0 1 T• ~I · lleat Otrer ! 64$.3113 for help ln 1aJe ol nl~eat Colt• Mesa ~ '70 Toyota• mag whla. FOR SALE : 1975 MONZA V -8, auto. tram., {ad.OrJ .. tr ••ti IOIJ OMLY

575000 camper van in Call(. ! Xlnl. COt\d. 644-4196 very, very cle811. $1.200 2+2. Lo miles, $3750. air conditlonlQi, powec

.,..; • WlllardY•c'h0a Forlecer's~l Homey· mellow. Raised Opel ortradeforVan. 642·'1241 Phone MS-0137 before 10 s teering. AM / Fkatenio. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .., l / Mlke Kidd B roof t l t


46 AM or afte r 6 PM. h t II l I -• Cl'UUR E 3336 Via LidofS7J..-ao rep Ulco • re r g . ~ s ove , ••••••••••••••• •••••••• w 1 e wa s, v ny """• ~.. P .A. Syatem, 4• 2/ MonleaaTTSptcial ster eo , bed , sink, etc. Tri..... 9761 .661 • wh1:el c overa. Real

c o m P I • t O w / 28' TROJAN Cabin Also $00 Royal Infield Xlnl mech . MUST SEE! & '74 Opel Manta Luxus. ••••••••••••••••••••••• mpala Super Sport , 4 s harp ! ftadial Urea. Mlerophonea Best offer CruiHr '65 La lr k Duket. 8'4·7777 lnlo. 675·9589. • $t 6 llOAOWAY Autoanauc, s uper clean . '68 TRIUMPHTR·2SO s pd• 396 eng. $SOO. <VYL292l $29915. over$1000. &U·Q7 b pc • e, SAMIA AHA Only 14,000 miles. Serial MUSTSEU.$'900 SS2·1101or64<MSSO

re li210 HPV-8Gray,20 ' 74 HONDA MT 250 '64 Ford Econoline Van , 835·'9171 #9413. Wl1/7 Plbel acrylic drUm set, 9 hrs. ·Dinette, V Berth, E lsinore. Like new. $&(). '500. Good tires & in· nt1u"TIMA v CREVIER BMW 835·3171 • S4S· 06S2 * 64 Chevy VaT. W/shell . 6 r ~ pc:. Hardware. ZU cyrn. TMonomatlc, VHF. Fat.Ho, See at 3215 Clay Na terior. 962·149S. Runs TIOflNtHOMACHIMI Por•c .. • e yl. 3 spd. Gd t ires. ~~ HAll90ll1U'O. bat. le uaea. $BOO or bell eak dka, bristol cond. 645·8998. • · · good . • • " 9750 V•••OCJH 977 $1000/ bes l orrer645-3637 otter. Bill, 536-SIMO PN,. p t y Best offer I 73 BMW 3.0CS Coupe. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA 549-1123

.-.i . 6'0.tl68 or 549-8875 "70 YAMAHA 250 Eaduro. Autot W.ted 959 Metallic Blue, 4 spd. Sun 61 Porsche. Super. 90. All REPAIRS-s&lVICE C..__ler 9925 '68 Sta. CP. Fully ~ t.AUCker1na •PUtel t2CJIS58 Dirt bike. Good cond. roor, stereo, one owner. new inter. Fm 8 track E h & .. ~ i... •• : ... ,.. c - 4'

l walnut. Needlep't bench. SE~ RAY 24 '. r u I I Y $400. Accessories. Pr1. • W••E••P••A•Y••T•O••P•OO•••LLA••••R• Low males . Lte. 753J FL. ~tereo. Comp. reblt eng. xc ange ""'uwlds ••••••••••••••••••••••• + stereo. lean. Loe.-· Mlnt condPrPt.)'492·2340 eqwpped_. ready to go! Pty. 546·3286. l>~ORTOPUSEDCARS C REV1E R8MW 835·3171 Ura. Must sell tonight. BROOKLYNBUGCO. '67NEWYorker.fullpwr , PP. Bst ofr. 963-


------..;;.......:..::...::::..::.:.1 Mercru1se r 165 e ng.. Best orrerovcr$3000. Aft. Esl1males 548·9141 fa ct ory air. xlnl cond MER~2 Montego, 8 Office~& Under200hrs. Newcond. 7~ YAM . 250 ~D Git · FOREIGN. OOMESTIC! Capri 9715 5PM , 673·462l. '74 VW :- Xlnt cond. See to npprec. 8425077 pass . wagon , auto. A/C, I , ... ,.... 1015 Tra1lerw/ pwrwinchin· k1t,exp. chum. 21" F .W. orCLASSits ••••••••••••••••••••••• - -- See to ap prl'ctate . Tony . P I H , P / S, AM / f~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• cld . M usl sell . ... 500. xtras. $350. Will deal! If your .car is extra clea '73 V6, 4 s pd, Decor. 2.3K. 1958 Porsche . XJnt c.:ond. "AA l"co I l I ~ ' - 968 see us first 1 ,,., ....., . ""°· Chrysler SlatJon Wagon 8

. e~ep , uggage ra~ ... Exe svl chrs $15{35, secy 642·8772 ·3528 · x nl. cond . $2,700/ orr. ~.750 . Call Dcan<t!l<t-2795 •69 Town & coun•'"". Air, radials. $2850. 548·3281 chrs $6/24, desks, dftg KAWASAKI F"l • BAUER IUICK 640·5734 art. 5 or 542·5603. '72 VW. Squarebaek. re· w 3

~\:~~!~ksw ~~ <gt~ · loats, Sall 9060 good. $95. 68. runs cos~!~~~rbor 8~~: '73 V6, Decor . AM/ FM . !Rolls Royce 9756 ~=~t ~a~T:t~~:: ~~= :~~: ~e:~e ~~:e~ ~~::.ks ~'!!!~ .......... !!!.~ 64$-7411 ' . •• • •••••••••••• • • •••••• • 673·4391 * s unroof, must i.cll ••••• ••••••••••••••••• • & butt. Am / i'·m slcreo. pass. full power. like '66 Mustang V8

NEW & USED, Cont. Ta· F~J1:A~A~~· ~v~ Y~MAHA 125cc MX $l75. TOP DOUAR 644.2432

__ •t DEALER IN U.S.A. ::51_~~19~r best offe r . ~et~rtv . Ply. $l500. M~~~~oo Couches. Pvl ply. plan s, needs glass , $200or ... 839.0904 IMMEDIATB.Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• CARVER '71 Super Beetle clean Continental

99301----------I ble, Cb•its , Desks, nimble, s ips s. 3 hulls+ Kil. Fast on dependable PAID Datsun 9720 ~ ROY .

6'6-5:US cabin & t $70C WILL BU Y YOUR ROLLS R new rear tire;. Good~··•••••••• ••••••••••• • SACRIRCE • ~as · HONDA CT 70, 1973 Lake FOR AU. OATSUN, TOYOTA • OYCE cond. 642·7919aft S. 71 CONT INENTAL Mark

DcrSKS Chr" Xe 636·6411 Denrus. new. $350 or best offer . FOREIGN CARS OR VOLKSWAGEN I 23·U. 171hs1. Ill , full power. xltn cond. Superb 1967 Mus lan~. ~ • ... rox,

2 , 548·8683 1 COSTA MESA Every extra inc lud ing

lypewiters, drart ' g. 7 ERIC. SON 1 yr . old . C •LL OR COME,..... PAID r~OR OR NOT., s0-4444 VW Repairs . F.ngines . Hestorrer. 644 ·6474 8 "" " · T · power steering, power board & m ach., Clles, & . ea ut1ful ly Curn . & 350CC Harl ey·Davi dson TO SEE US I DWOILLLALI, . PCAALYL ~~EONTP 1,' ClOSlO SUNDAYS rans miss ions llebuill Corv•tte 9932 brakes. factory air con· many other otc. things. rigged . 494.3503 171, only "'""' mJ·, looks , ..... or Exchanged. Tune·ups, · d . "Ac "\J\N ALLEN 540 fi •.•2 ·s b 9760 mufflers brake ,·obs cl" ••••••••••••••••••••••• iuoning &

4 almost ttcw .....,.1010 17' Thistle 2 set sails trlr ;; real! $200 or bl!st orr. • · V'f't

1 oa • ' · • c s uper wide tares. Ne.., • I • Need k cc.2 l 0 I --. -1······················· Reasonable Work Guar. 73 ORVcl'TE ..., P1...slrO"J91 1090 xlnt cond. xlras. $1700. ssom ewr .••• ; . 4 7 1971 Dats un S t a tton 1 1966 SA!l.U Steve556·9300. LOADED. 17,000mi. factory paanl joll.

••••••••••••••••••••••• 213·472·5520. '72 Yamaha Mini· Enduro. t Wagon . Very good <:ondt·1 Good eond . 30 mp••. °' I"~. • 5Sl ·5217 * Completely restored by

W ll S tlon •ood ua I ,., """ 0 64 VW BUS Gd. cond. Villa Ford & gUMant.eed

ur her . p inet, x lnt 18' SEAGULL w / trlr . S225 - . '73 Yamaha 80 • g . ., s '!11 e~ge. 968·1•179 afler5 p.m. Radio, ne w rubber. besl r---r 9933 by them . $1200. Please cOhd. S7SO. ~llOCM •Ct. 4 good ri·ggi·n g s "'ls but $250. Ph . 540·1'""' Good paint & interior. -- - _.__,.. Call 552·1063. .... vau °'1400 c 11 b f 6 T t 9765 offer over ~"'· 493·6843 ••••••••••••••••••••••• orwknds • • llOOW.CNstlfwy.ll · • · a e ore p.m .1 oyo a _.,., 1~~~~~~~~~

· needs some work . sooo. Motor Homes. 642


642·9338 __ !•••••••• ••••••••••••••• anytime '69 XR7. f'ully eqwp'd .• 1_ Mu s~ s e 11 !. Loved 847-1338 Sole/ Rent 9160 I new tires . st~reo. leather Olds b .I 9955 Wurlit Sp t XI ' 74 610 W g n . <.:o mp . JQYQJI(' ' 72 VW BUS , Radio , int. Orig. ownr. $1,350. mo

1 •

ier me · nt Lido 14 No. 2512 w/traller, ••••••••••••••• •••••••• I equiped. Xlnl cond. $800.. I'-> Hea t e r , A / C. 7 pa s~. 4!17·1978 ••••••••••••••••••••••• =•~ or best offer. Xlnt Cond. $1100. '74 Explorer 20 ft. Only WE BUY & take ove r paymenl : Brand Mew ' 74s $3,395. 644-4382 Sales and Servi(-e

· · eves. 673·3'731 2,000 mi . has generator . IMPORTS 1. 494·8188. i. OMLY I 0 LEFT Dodge 9935 OLDSMOBILE Sor d C h H d roof air. roof rack. many '63 BUG. New eng. + •• ••••• •••••••••••••••• GMC TRUCKS S 'i c,rry ammon LIDO 14' nicest Lido on olher extras. $10.500. T o p Dollar For .\ny l 'il Pickup . w / camJ)l'r. Lo i Also 14 Demos banged up front = Btg $2375 '73 Spt Dart, v·top. HO ..... D• c•ns

P net rgan , perfect coa s t. S urprise Dad .1 963·4168. Make or Model. I mal e s . Bes l o ff e r . a t bargain ! 540-5790. Pow/ atr, all xtras. clean. " ~ """ cood. 542·1494 Karen, 213·746-5098 days .' . 979 6030 THE:\1 E:-.IOOuS U • ity "'~

HAMMOND H..J85 J · yrs 714·898·0293eves. Traeler1, Tranf 9170 JIM PANOS .--· --· - --i SAV l:-.IGS ' 70 VW . Man y Xlra~. 19·800mi. P .P . !>4!>-l2?0 2~~~bor~

oJd I cond ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Fiat 9725 ExamplL· $1500. Steve 646-2994 (8 lo '73 Challenger, V·8, P /s. Costa Mesa ~-9640 in g ra~=~·. 846.·1~7kS LIDO 14 W/ tr ai ler . Compacl Travel Trailer. MAZDA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·1 ~ <.: ELICA 5wkdys)642·8720ev. P / b. air. Very clean ! ----between6·9 pm Complele. Good cond. Slps 6. Clean&cute . $570. 2001S. Manchesler ORAMGECOUMTY'S 4s p ec d , ai r_. r,ad i o , Volvo 9 772 $2600. Da~s 213/448-4584 ·;2 OLDS 98. $2395. Im·

MAKE OFFER. 642·7979 968·1148. Anahei m 636-6000 MEWEST & LARGEST heal er. 0137 K If N) ••••••••••••••••••••••• or .Eves 8-&6·5039. mac. cond .• 61,000 m1.

SportilM) ~eock 1094 40' TRI H air finished '68 N . d ·r T I Orang• County's JMM EDlATE $3477 j Phone 54lH220 ask fo r ••••••••••••••••••••••• . · .1 . • 1mro t'nl ra1 er "' SPECIAL '74 DODGEBIOO Steve ~• o • g1r ... , um1ruc, glng, 2 anchors, 2 pro· sink & stove. Sleeps 4 . -r " " llU\1 l ...,,. '64 F85. auto. overhauled ., ... Bo ts . ,_ H . engine, sat s. gen .• ng· inc porta -potty. icclJox, Highest S R. .... er Alt MDol!:dL__llVs· E&. lct·Yolors J) l • S ·.-..•r Van --------

fits n 6'h ft. Xlnt. cond. pellers, & masts. Ph. Xlnt cond $595· 497·1241 on Imports D' k . Cl W\ WHO VOLVO SAlfl V·8

• auto. trans., power eng. $150 or best offer . Call J o 6'0·6074 213·928-4004 aft. 5:30 p.m . aft 5 ' Bill Maxey Toyota IC Miiier Motors ~··~'· • s teerin g . New intenor. Bdy. needs wk. 962. 14~ .

c.; II R ffll ~DBm . 0 Beal pri ce inc reas e . only 16,000 miles. (37548 > n. ..... KITE No. 591, 12', self bal - 17 ' Norlhwes tCoach. l~. a ogeror I ' .:. ·~· TOY TA Super s tock . All models $4695. '66 Olds . forced to s t.'l l. HIN, Steno 1091 ing, good sails. F\an boat. Self cont. $1500. Aft 4 pm, --- 847 - 855S Priced to Sell. Overseas New tires. Xlnl cood. ho

C••••••••••••••••••••••• 675·4798 96J.1915. FREE APPRAISAL 120 w. Wurncl' 1966 Horbor. c M' 646 9303 Deli ver y Specialists l9'1W KEMXJN mi. 831.0486.

OLOR T V 25" console. w b I & a l So. M:.iin M--- l) l • r LJ\\AMCnJEElli good cond. $75. 675-478

7 14 ' ALCORT, fast , un · WOW! e uy usei ca rs Sanl.i:\na ;,.ii·l l :J:! azda 9738 ,,,. .. Autll 2!>24HARBORBlVO. 1970CUTLASS. newpa1nt,

alt. 4 :30p.m . sinkable. w /'frlr . New 23 ' Golden l'alcon, 1974. lC~~~~~·OLc~.11!roGr'RaOfTreHe ••••••••••••••••••••••• <IUll" WJW COSTAMESA 549·8023 trans & brks. XI cond. '74 at S1650. Make offer. M. t c1 1· 11 If "' " "' °'1350 833 UT"' " 10 6763 532


.,, in c on · •u Y se a 197J FIAT 1969 Dod••e RT 440 mags "' · · .,,, ; " · Magdavox 19" color con· u cont. Pulled less than I MAU>A VOLVO 0

• ' • soleTV,goodcond,,lOO. 1000

ma. Rear bath w / C IWTJI CHEVROLET wide tires, green /s tock. Pinto 9957 Call 642·7919. AQUA Cat w l tnuler , aux. lub & s hower. Sips 5. 182 11 Be ach Blvd. Mint ~~~~orl Cou~·8202 11' • • 1966 Hurhor CM h46 9)03 _S1800. Rick, 536-7189. •••••••••••••••••••••••

4 h.p . opt. With extras . lJ,500 BTU air cond. Bal Huntington Beach ~ Ford 9940 '72 RUNABOUT Radio. RCA 20" Color TV Makeoffer . 645·1407 Jacks. $3,795. 673.0528. 847 ·6087 5-19-3331, ' 7t Flfl.Tl~ Spider . NOW ORAMGECOUMTY •••••••••••• ••••••••••• A/C, auto.40J(X) C.oosole. $95. loat SU / SELLIMGYOURCAR, ; 5l>pd. mags, sharp! I VOLVO '69FordLTDwagon. Full owner . great s hape.

Call~·l45& D~ks pt 9070 !~~!~~~~·.~!i!~t:t: ••• !!~.~ TOPPRICESPAID • 1 S29\J0.9G8·0158 . EXCLUSIVELYVOLVO pwr . • A I C. AM / FM. ~l00.5J6.3248 2 color ~Vs . N~ minor ••••••••••••••••••••••• GARDEN ER ·s UT ILITY For Imports .74 r' iat X 19. Loaded w / j Largest Vol vo Dealer Per I . con d. ~ 14 00. ·72 Wag on , auto matic , rei;>a1r 21 wood SLIPS NewportBcach TRAILER • 7 5 Pa1dfororNot extr as. Like new. ts.ow inOrangeCounty! 546·6541. luxury inl., s tcreo. lu.,g. cabtnels. RCA & Zen $2S Sailor Power LICENSE SIOO S:W.J4t7 Dean Lewis l_..s mi .• Pri ced LO l>Cll. Cati I 8 d N '74 BUY or LE.\SE '70 LTD Cntry Sq. Wagon. rack . new tires. low mi. ea 875·1301 673·52SJ 64.5·8506 . . l"'"'" Harbor,··,T. M~. . aft 6, 5-18-0709. I ran 8W DIR ECT 642·9401. - 5 · & """ " Lugg. rack , air, full pwr, ------- -

Gerrard 092 Turntable Side·Tie on Balboa ls. Up ,.:.,. •rv•c• 9-4oO 646·9303 Jllt'Wor 9730 1 MAZ DAS ~···~c~.~~-~·,~.·~ new trans & ~ires, x:lnt 74 Pinto Wagon, 4 spd. VI /cove r & Styl us for to 42 ' Boat, no li ve· 5 -,- co nd . Lo m1. $1400 . 2300 En!!. R/ t-1 . air, l ui· 0~. C

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • TOP CASH.1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · ~ D·4 . $1 5 0 ./o ffer . aboards. 714·615-2290 .. 642·8850 rack. Xlnt Cond. $2858 494·0192 4 U.S . 14 Mag whls. w /2 For c lean usec1 cars &1 '73 .. E .. • r 84? 2694 ----------1Wanted slip or -side tie Cor new F60 ures . used for l ru c k s ! II ow a r d i 12 cyl, 2+2, a ir. mant. 1 OUR HU&( DISCDUNTED 2025 !?· Manchester '72 COU Rl.l::R. new tires, trm . w • -· ----

Car SLereo, AM / F M . 2S'Trimaran. pref.Hunt. only50mi. Cost$180.sell Chevrolet , Dove &Quail i 548·W20or67:13586 ! A heim 750 2011 AM / FMrad10. Sl950. Plymouth 9960 Casselle w /spkrs , nr Harbour area. Aft 6 pm , Sl50 incl. 'g . 3 GGO W/ ap· Streels, nr. MacArlhur. IJ l PRICE $3395 na - - * * 548·4402 * * ••••••••••••••••••••••• n ew. Sac. $15/oller. Also 848·7632. prox . 1000 m i. l e1t. Jamboree and Bristol · ensen 9732 , Autos, UHd portable cassette 552·9234 Newport Beach 833·0~· : ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·70 LTD CntrySq Wagon w / case.648·0919anyUme loats,Sp•ed& · - Mu s l Sell ' 73 J ense n LESS $500 full power. xlnt cond.

Slli 9080 ca.roper s hell. for Datsun I I HU.Y I Healey_. Xlnl <.:onc11l1on . j AMC 9905 Sl400/ offer. 960-3026. St / AM / FM adi •~ k 1 b C ••••••••••• • ••••••••••• ereo w r o .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• p 1c up . a so um per JUNK CA RS! ! ~ 64::i ·04~- 1 1972 Ford Gal 43.000 mi , t ape. Packard Be ll SK1Boat14'h' Outboard g uard . Mak e orrer . 847-7lA3 M d ' '73AMCJAVEUM · Spanish console. $150. with ne w trailer 546·4103 • -. - I - rt-~ --1 az o 9738 J 2 DR HT new l1res, $1700. lnq 222 Call morninga. 642·1460. 548 0063 • ~u 05, mpo irg ••••••••••••••••••••••• I F . 1· . . W. Ma rqutta aft 4 .

v.s. auto. trans., power •

ATLAS Chry51er jPtymouth

Open Daily & Sun. ' ti l 10 PM

2929 llarbor Bl\·d., Costa Mesa

546-1934 ' . Autos for Sate 1·••••• ••••••••••••••••• 1 RX2 M AZUA Xlnt. Air. I, CASH REBATE actory air cone al1onin~ .

OLDER R CA 21" Color loats, Stor- 9090 ••••.••••••••••••••••••• Gneral 9701 •. Miche lini.. Koru 's. $1,500. ,1 FROM · t C 1 L

.k d -7" "'-ti / . steerin g, r adw, he aler.. BY OWNER onsoe. 1 e newcon . ••••••• • ••••••••••••••• ~ que~ ••• • ••••••••••••••••••• ' ti42·2i10 I I vinyl roof. tmlt..'<i 1:tass.1 1973 GHAN TORINO . _ .

$95. 963. ........ Boal S torage . daily · Clau1c1 9520 ; LAMBORGHINI I -1 Mazda Mtrs. Four othe rs Lo choose SQU I RE STAT ION 61 Catalina. Ai; cond. & .....,.. we e kly monthly - •••••••••••••••••• • •••• ,MercedesBenz 9740 ~ of America : rrom . H eal s ha rp ! WAGON . P /S,P/ 8 , A/C. Ha d 10. Powe;._ Good

NEW SO Wall Ultralinear Speakers. whol esale

Security ·24hr launching Very RARE ' 53 Na s h .l\:"\:"\OC:'\C I ~( ; ;••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 (342GVC ) S2695. ne w tares. Lug. rack . cond. ~00. 548·321.J. ramp. Newport Dunes. He aley with '59 Cad AU TO CLASSICS I Mercedes Benz i L1kc n e w eond . Lo w Pontiac 99•5 1131Buck8ay. 644·0Sl0 engin e. Mak e ofter . E f" C • l ~KENDON m1les .. $3750pnvatc par 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••

875·0970, as k for Btll. LTD I xecu ave ar I Your p . 0 I AMCn m t c II 5•0

877" ..

....a.~• M--'-- flCe n y ~ y . a ...,. 0• I t>i Tempest Safan Wagon

priee. 875·2489

..... - --- T rt ti I 4 5 0 SE I 252• H4R80R BLVO a-.1-t r•1po 0 Oft ·~64 MCGdli 11 Roa,?sDler ~7255 . 0 range Co u n t y · s I COSTA MESA 549·8023 1972 FORD >; ,. TOM ._., S3956.o.,.,., .,..r···-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• a 1 a c ·• r. - . newest . mos t m odern "" ""''

WTI SP EC IALIZING IN V·8 a uto. trans. radio, ' .- ~pnt. ai r ••••• G •• E.N •• E.R··A·T· O··R······ CaA~t•rt, s•; 9120 646·2022or 548·7<&H2 authonzeddealer ! I $252.80 mo. $ 2 8 9 5 '69 AMC JAVELIN Camp•r Special l·-o L' IREBIRD <:'.-

Marine, 110 auxiliary ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 46 FORD WOODY S 1 S I 2 DR SST he~ t e r . Full c0

amper PtS, P i ll . xlnt. t·oml. 3K V $ 550 . See a t . C b SC 3 cs • ervice t . V. 8. auto. trans .. factory e quipped . Cab l)ver Sl.950/ofr. 6-105734aft.5

Rosan/s- sll.p•7 NB 8 ~ a · Ove r . . . • Has new l1res, brakes & Leasing Air. power win dow, d -- -,. w d d h I air con 1t1omng, power camper. Sleeps six, ice . .-

- ------·---1 Slove, icebox, s leeps 4, ~~~i : G4?i77~~ El· s ape. ·r11EXEW AM / FM s t e reo, lo w s teeri ng, radio, heater. box . s t ove und oven. 67 i' 1reb1rd 100. ~adcd.,Malnt...-ca/, Reico hyd. jacks , l!li5 1..\:\IBOHClll :\ f miles,36monlhopen end Real s harp ' Low price! <93859L ) Primo co n d . St e r e o .

Sef-•lu f020 $SS0. 494 ·1003ext. 604. '31 Model A P / U n ew URRACQ lease. loededWlttl: ' (YWK229) . $1395. PRICEDTOSELL SlS-OO/ bst ot r . 552-7372. ••••••••••••••••••••••• g ' t bed R AUTOMATIC '62 Chevy , 1 Ton chassis en ine, rans ; · uns. NOW ON DISPLAY Sl 5,000 cos t . buy· back 1 ~KENDON ~KENDON '73 Trans"'-Eleclrical- Woodworklng t $25"" 93 I 499 1253 """ Plumbln i:- lnstallalion mokn . . vv. ga ~as --·--·------ $10,354 ; dcprcc. $46'1.6; I TRANSMISSION AMCnJIEEP AIWIC'1JEEP Xlnt cond . Must sell.

•. Repair. Inboard En". Lan s, a.t r water coo er Recreational Takm~ Orders On Int. $4455. + Tax & Lie. OR OR 8 557 4971or 557 5967 "' "' on top. big v ·8. 828·1201. V• .. lcl•s I 2s24 H&RB eLvo. 2s2• HARB Lvo. · · Repair <in boat>. Scorpio "'" 9530 The New Es~ada's $20~291"7 ·1 , s.·ec. clepol>it. Ser. COSTA MESA 549·8023 COSTA MESA 549·8023 T ... ·-d·rbi'rd 9970 •hrlne. 548·9704 1973 VW poptop camper, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ IMMED. DELIVERY I ._., "'

- - --------1 great mileage, must sell, Sand Buggy & trlr VW ARRIVING ' OON Bwck 9910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lo•, Power 9040 offer? P .P . 498-2499 1600CC. r oll ca1'{e all Open Mon ·Sat. 9 lo 6 Jim Slernons ln c luc11nq all this ••••••••••••••••••••••• '65LTD. S'.IOll. T Bird 'Iii. new paint & •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• licensed . $lOOO. 551.4166 Closed Sun. Econom1cat powerful '66 Buick LaSahre. Ex· Steve 646·2994 (8 to 5 uphol. Good cond . LQw

'73VW (Weslfalia)Cmpr. aft 5. AUTO CLASSICS. LTD. Imports Silky s mo oth ro sary cellent runnini:: cond1 · wkdyJ 642·8720eves. mal es. Be s t oiler. 32' Century Cab. Cruiser. Tw in C hrys ler eng . $12,000. Call 67S.5774.

Poplop. Xlnt. cond. 16000 --------- 10591 Bec hler Ri ver, (7

I 4) 83~ 9300 enqine with 3 vr 50.000 t ion . $550 / bes l ol fer . ,71 Ford Ton'no GT. 6-16·8458. mi. AM / FM. MusL sac. 4 Wheel Drives 9550 f'ounta1n Valley, Ca. ~ mile fac tory warranty 548·5818 anytime -------Pvt. pty. 968·1093 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7141557·3345, rieat cr rec 11n 1ng $1450.Call522·3L29 V~a 9974

UMl CHRIS 25' Ovemiter . .:>slps 2 . '68 enii. szooo.

148-7082 eve1/ wknds.

-t....lleHo-- 9140 '73 lnt' l .1, T P .U. P / b, 714 963·8381 ' 7El M. B .. 300 S EL. 3.5. naugahycle bu c ke t '621UICK SU MMER Wh l '6 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• - ....... P I S, auto . lS,OOO m 1. ,__________ conom1cal. luxurious sea ts Wtlh m emory SI OO. 645•3383 s. .. 'i2 \ ·ega GT, dean. Auto .

camper + m any extras! "'lfa Rom•o 9705

European . 2 Tone blue & lron1 passenQer seat 5 Falcon . 4 dr. Sedan. 6 $1600. LIC EOH 317. Pmt. X35 ' Kenskill in Adult

18' Glass·2 moton·l ·eohp, I' ark . I 81 k from 1·7'nhp. on larae wheel h eh / s to r es. $4300. PP. lrlr. Live bait tank. Ex· 536·7123. tras. Re ady lo go! '1900. •----------

Clean! $4200. 548-4970 :. ••••••• : ••••••••••••• gray. Comp I cqwp. tn· ra{11al ply tir es' Power Cadillac 9915 cyl. s tick sh ift, gd. int. & ply . 557 8537 aft 5 cluc1 s unrt . Minl cond. rtts c lull ••••••••••••••••••••••• body . Rad l1res. Huns-. -- .

1974 JEEP. 4 whl dr . i.., ·71 AlCa Spider . 44,000 mi, 644·6815 cArp,!Hng 1achome1er CADILLAC but needs eng. wrk. $325 H Ve g a Wagon . Air, Ton J · lO P . Up. 12,200 AM I.FM . S..1700. ~II for --------- console rear w indow or orr. 9 lo 5. 400·6183. G.T · P / S. $3100. Call f<>r mi ·s. 642·6683 details. 494·3661 ' 62 190 S L Me r c edes. def 0 9 g e r ere G.." 1 c Over 70 to choose from /\fl. 6P M 495-6415 details. 494·3661

Rebll en g ine. Hardtop. c;tock tin ted 91a•• , From °'1995 . G "" 1\'' k

.,., • "' " ' 6 l STA . WGN. A / C , 72 Vega GT wgn. S pot· Am l f 'm s lereo. As m g 1oc1cm9 luel cap s 1m Financin & Leas1n •. I $4 350 586 7394 h radio, $125. Ca ll Morn ess. 28.000 mi. 4 speed, 8

· · ·--- wooa s1ee11nq w eel. ..........__ c-...a•-- ings : track tape . S220 0,

673-164S yclH/ Scoot•rs 91 SO Trucks 9560 Audi 9707

'71 24 ft. Marauder F /B, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• twin HIS, loaded incl. '71 Yamaha 350ce, under auto pilot. Da)'S 64&28ll 4000 mt , xlnt cond. $400. or eves, 968·7465. 675·4787 aft . 4 :~ p.m.

SO' dsl Trawlers $SOM '74 SUZUKI Street & Dirt. 40: ds l Trawlers SlSM Lesa than 250 mi. $95. & 30 Tr•wlert $22,000 usume loan. 537~101 Compl 'd price. F\nlahed •--------­&. under conal. AllanUc 1973 YAMAHA 2SOMX Paolllc MariUmeCo. rebll eng, no miles. Xlnt

675·194S/646-~9l cond. $600. 592.2793

40' CUST. Dietel Trawler, '71 KAWASAKI 500. xlnt under co n a t . Grand cond. Mual aee lo ap· Banks t y pe . $10,000 preciale. 979·7260 comp. S4'7·8978aft. 7PM ---=~-------1 ·12 M1ico 250, WhM.lamlth 21 ft . Tolly, 1914. equipped. Must sell by .Boat yard 1pecl•I. Rebll Sat. RccenUy reblt. $300 ena. New elec. Quick or make offer. Mi-0042. sale. ft60()0. ~l. ~.:.-.:.------- 73 Honda SL 70, Ort&. U~ ' new ribertlau Ownr. Clean, fut m811Y walkthru, new ll HP, xtraa Betl olru 6'2·0346 Mere. • trailer. $4795. all. 3:30 Mneolr.142.-. 1----------

...:..;..;;._;..-------1HONDA, CL175, 4M ml, 14' ~lon Wba*, Sour xlntcond. $450. Pull, 50 HP. Eltc 1tr 4r 559.5339 ••. u.~ under s hn. Wiii pull #1lder1. New '74 BMW R75 /6, 7SOcc l•OOO, ullln1 S2400. w / wlndJ•mmer " 145·5000 DockmHter, cualo m 1addleba&5 . S..tboa Bay Club P750. 961·9181a.I\.. 6 p,m.



75'• '4ly or LeOH MOW!

~WtlemiA 'Cf) TOYOTA

1966 Harbor, C M 646 9303

'60 CHf:V. ~. ton pimp. w / '70 re blt. eng. $600. or beat offer. 846-1810

'57 fo' ord Pickup. Reblt en~. New clutch. Campe,r s helJ . 8'2·1150 •675--3831.

S2 Chevy Pickup. RUM fX• cellent. $450orbest orter . 6"2·3963 aft. Spm

'57 Ford V ..S.outo. ~. ton. pipe rack . $5so. Pvt. Pty. H723S4. S81·8130

·10 AUDI 100 LS, 4 dr, 4 !lpd, Am / Fm stereo tape. only 31,000 orig. mi. l Owner. Xlnt cond. 52095. 645·8457.

MB Cream Puff cond. Al so mu c h mo re WWWI ~ 642·1460 830·0400or496·71Sl all.6. 2SOS Air. '66, Must sell, e q u 1 Pm e" 1 t 0 0 J.6M ......_ "'4. 53500 . 494 · 8385 days, numerous 10 mention C... .._ S40 9'00 5SHJ052 eves. AX3 Coupe (S er

9167 Triumph 9767 Triuritph ~~~====--====~::::::::::::::: •••••••••••••.••.•••••• •·•····••·······••·••••

r ~,



C-R-e.D-1· T Y•MffdaSHI S....Y•M ... ,

Cttlf ..... .,. alotct .. ... .

842-6666 • • I\

0 66 Cad Con v. Ex cond. Comp •. pwr . Tllt-telc . whl. Am / Fm s t e r eo, $1300. 645·2094 I

·75 Coupe d e Valle de Elegance Model $8650. PP. 640·8988.

$3950. '71 CAD F1eelwood Brougham . lo miles , mint. xtras . <213>592·5227

Camero 9917 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '67 Ca mero. New motor, tl'9ns. rearend. Gd ures, 3spd. 968·4S89all 5PM

Che•rolet 9920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71 IM PALA, radio, •ir, d tsc brks, P /S, A(f, elec. ian . • xlnt eond . $1500./oCr. 546-4922

Classified Ads sell big items , 1m•ll ilcms or any ltem. 642·~8.

,, \I


1975 OLDS




$3577 1975 GMC



CHOICE '69 AMC Ja•t l in SST

J\ul o m:.it1t· t r.irhm i-.::. ion . ru t.ho and hcJll'r 1Z\. E IO.'i 1

'61 ChtT. Ho•a G t\li ndt: r . autumattr. r ;.a ti r t• • h e .i t c r . I WU~ i.1h 1

'61 Dodqe Dart Autom<ilH-. powt'r :.hoe r · '" ~· air t·o1Hht1on1n i-: ( \ ' 11 ~.111 I



'72 VEGA W AGOH 1 ::.p l ' l ' d , w . ht-Jlcr, wh1ll' ~Jib 111.1:wc 11 1

' 72 Cht•. Chut llt WGCJGf1 Aulorn ,.i 11 •, (JUWL'r s tl'cr· I I) ;..! • I , 1 d I 0 • ht.' ; 1 l C r . 1791WYW I

' 71 Monte Carlo A11tom J t1 t' . :.11 r rond i· t 111 11 111 • • ' 1 n ~ I to p . 1~i !IUL '\ I

'73 COUG AR IXR 71 Full l'l.llllri:tf 11\(.l\ldtt'K) OO• er WI~. >fet &c.1 vtc.. lCJ• mite~ 6 4 5H00J


A rf}ttl 1Aw {1I Full PQw o<. fa t tCl'Y dlf. PlU:) A :)UN ROOF t3420PA J

'72 H EW YORKER F ull Ol'>wt-' lu • u ') e 11u•P-P-eO 1nck.IC'l·'V) fi t lt)('f " ' ' l ..Jw m ilt:) onty 39 000 \640(.HR


9 e•u hlut cu fqu1poeo "" ' ' " c111 tt..e l u .. ur . .. 1nt l va nq M t w toee 1 CX ¥i. t' ' w1ncJo...., ~ ill ( 0Mlt 11 000 "lll~S (lU8JKtj'

s3777 '70 COUGAR

F u ll uu wtir fa t.1r.1r f o•f . IOw m olP<l<,I• t:>i'JAvU

Only s21 I I ' 74 I UICI<

ELECTRA LTD r ult., lu• ~<" 'I ' 1u•roe~ • "° o n1y 2 t 000 'no & -. .,,4 , lPA


Tn1, f\f>.t1Jr••u1 1u1 ury '·"' t\a~ R,,.1.:rytn1ng •'ltl na , r.,1 l"ll y 69 OVO m 11e s,1 \YW ::.2 t8

s 1888 ' 74 I UICI< C ENTURY

LUXU<; • O• Seaar• ' " " lh•n .000 m1te 'i 1 Ataotut~l y in tfw room Ire• n Reallt " "' -,,u1st1fld1ng Lil w nb all tne t\.l .. "'Y te4tuun. b37HRt1 1

'7 1 AUDI I OOLS • ctoor • ·f•f'i&tl ·'-·dil'\ E qwpr,,ed thtl ""'dy '¥'Ou w QviO A- i n t S n ow roorn l tl' ti 11 11Uk1


• Of' F 1111 00llJlr9f ' faCtCAy air !:>PM~llnq cooa11•Jn • M>42

s1333 '72 CHEV. l<IHGSWOOO

EST ATE WA GOH 3 ~11 ·• l oll l>0• 6f A air. ICI# 28 000

""'"' 6t ijfAf

' 68 FORD TORIHO COO! Po wer laelory a11 . v1nv1 100 N~1

on9 '" '°""" fW YH838/

'7 1 C OMTIHEHT A l 4 Cl Full hJ0 •1ry &QUI~ 15 19CPM )

s2888 '7 3 CORV ETTE

1 Bat • \CJeeO " '' c ono . ~t.-teo. t•ll w- IHI' er (\f"8><T0>

s5999 '7 1 OPEL GT

A utoma tic tr1n1: _. ., cond 1l1oruno l"9MMJI

s2666 '61 M GC

Hald fr> hntl 6 c yf aufoma<.c:. hke new c;.ond1fl0'\ YWY6~8)

52333 '62 JAGUAR MARK II

3.1 SEDAM W i•• w heel ) ~utorn1t1c t ran t runs QOOd '"''°'e th•~ ctass1t & redMLe • pro lol ISM.13381

s1444 '74 OPEL

MAHTB. LUXUS ONl Y fl 000 MllES A ulO""l l1C lrN1$ s... .... ,. safety 1836LKP)

s3333 ' 73 JAG X512

sno-<oom eona111on low 33 000 ,...1<>5 8 rt11'ih ta<tng 9' " " '' nas T .... -' .,.,. atoun<I ,61161-<YW/


"' 1111111 00 •• Zz

s u p E R s









A f ew examplH :

'75 710 2 Door li r o11 n•t ' " "' :~1

$3595 •

'75 610 WaQon Brana Ni!w1 • 0311!.9

$4695 •

'75 PickYD Brana Newt 1 0::06•

$3395 SAVE •74 2602

• - · • " mags one owner •~7•

$5995 •

'74 610 COUPE • 03058 • 0 28S8 • 0 301 4

$3795 3 t o Choose

• •74 610 4 Door


$3295 •


Full - · one owner • 2&611 Save 11 Of11y


CALL TODAY 546-8017






b ..... : lrMCIHew

75 Grand Prix

$]41 !? .a mos Cu n pnce $ 4979 •r>el T &L 0.19"90 pml ${>804 one< T &L & All Fin Charoes AP A. 16 2• "' on llClOfO\tecl CTe<l•I.





Where's the best




'74 CAPRI •

V-6. sp0rty 4 speed . bucket seats. less th a n 20.000 miles (784LXH )



• •73

CONTINENT AL 4 Door Sedan. Tow n Gar Elec t ric ve n t w indo w s luxury 1nteno r. Only 23.500 mil e s L eath e r interi o r . metallic finish. (057HMH)


• •74


Silve r mo o n dust f inish. soort console. b ucket seats. facto ry air . powe r w indows. p0wer steering & b rakes.

• 17.000 m iles. L ike new luxury. (026KRO } For only

• '69

V.W. BUG Dark blu e w i th wh i t e interio r . sk i r ack , rebuilt engine. rad io. (YCL250)

~ /)











The Epitom e of l\l otonng Bea uty . Tot a lly eq uipix.>d includ in g p a dd e d t op , t:.ipes tr y & leat he r anten or. fu ll powe r . fac t o r y ai r cond1lion i n ~. lilt wheel. /\M FM s tereo . eru1 :.e control. e t e . {226CJ S I


Go r J.! e o u s t er r a l ' o ti a f tr em i s t f1 n 1s h \\ i l h m a t c h i n ~ pa dde d top. lea the r uph o ls l C' r \' lull p o w <: r . f a c l o r ·" ' a i r rcmo i ti on in g. l i I t ·wheel. /\l\1 Fl\l s t er eo w 8 l rat·k Lap e. rl'mO t t' tru n k release . t' rui se contr ol. t.'l<' I n c lud e s Ca dill a c 12 m o n t h -12 ,000 m il e V P Wa r ranty. 1FTK 6151



DE VILLE Vinyl top , leather inten or. full power , fac t o r y air c o nditi o nin g, Al\L 1FM s t e reo, t ilt t e l eHo pi c s teeri ng wheel, powe r door l o c k s, e t c . Fl a w l e ::.s condition. (158542)


SALE W e an celebrathtCJ • 54 Y"" of ser•lu to Or_,, Co•ftty u 11der t i.. so-owfter s .. ip a ftd - ••CJ•· _,.. with record ..._..illcJ diteCNlflh i ft H ftY ......... .,." t ! Come i" for ..-r sa•lftCJS Oft SALES • SERV I CE • PARTS • TIRES!



STAG.E FRIGHT! · bclusin O ro119e c -11ty ShowlllCJ

11wu Suftday, JIHlt 15

A n actual 18 8 5 Concord Stage Coach converted 1n l o on e o f A meri c a 's outstandLng feature cars p o w ered by 650 Ford Po w e r H orses ! SEVEN YE AR S IN TH E P LAN NI N G AN D BUILDING! SEE IT THIS WEEKEN D.


1970 MAVERICK ' 2 dr .. rad io , heater, l'l'OllOrny ti t·yl l' llJ.! lnC , aulo maL1c. <ZOl:JIJJ>

$1499 1970 FA LCON

:! cir . . radio . hc:.ilcr . a ut11mat i1·. power s teer · 111g . < !15!1 USG 1


Uroug . 2 dr . vinyl root , po w l 'f' :.ll'l'rt ll J.! & br;i kl·::.. :.11r . ,\ ~l F:\I. tti2t.i.\CC I

$1295 1974 M AVERICK G RAll£tl Auto .. power stccn ng, \'lny l roof. douhl1.• s ha r p, low m iles . ( itP l!l6l )

$3495 1969 CHEVY CAMARO

HALLY ES PO HT. 1\utu . ai r . powe r s teerm i:! & br:.i k<?s. nny l roof. must ::. •c · 1 t · s ::. h a r p . ( JJ:J(j J v ,

$AVE .'73 MERC. C OUGAR XR-7 A M 1 i'' .M s tereo. auto , ai r , o pw . s l ce r . & bra kes . yi ny l roof, low miles . l71SH E U)

$3795 1970 FORD LTD

2 rtr . . 11.T . • auto , ai r , power s t ee rin g & brakes . viny l roor, low \ 7ti0Ali U I .


I I ' ·

IJagDna/South £oast Today's Clo Ing · .Y. Stoeks .•



Laguna 'Finance Deficiencies' By JACK CHAPPELi . Of"'• 0.lly ~II« sc.ft

An Orange County Grand Ju ry l>robe of Lag una Beach city finances has uncovered what its auditors consider to be 10 defi­c iencies, some of which ha ve come as s urprises to the city of­ficials.

In no case, however, were any serious violations or state code found.

Laguna's SP here Delayed By Wll.LIAM SCHREIBER

Of U.. DAiiy Piiot St%ff

The Oran ge County Local Agency Formation Commission heard nearly three hours ol public tes timony Wednesday before de laying action until July 9 on a proposed partial sphere of influence for Lagun a Beach.

The sphere being sought by the city would ex t end along the coast, incorporating much of the South Laguna area, and inland, takinl? in thousands of acres of undeveloped hills and cany<_?ns.

LAFC st aff m em bers had re· commended to the commission that the sphere be reduced con­siderably to inc lude only some additional land a long Laguna and Wood Canyons, directly ad­jacent to the current city boun­daries.

It was the second of three planned s phere of influence con· s iderations by the LAFC for Laguna Beach .

Several months ago, the com­mission approved a sphere for the city that incorporated nearly all of the Laguna Canyon waters~d n ear the. Laguna

· Lakes in Laguna Canyon. Next year, the LAFC will con­

s ider additional city requests that. about half the Irvine Com· pany 's coastal s trip between Corona del Mar and Lagun a Beach be added to the sphere.

Dozens of residents of Laguna Beach and South Laguna add-1·essed the commissi~n Wednes­day and opinion appeared to be cqually·divided over the issue of including South Laguna in the city's sphere.

The entire Laguna city council a ttended the session and most of its m~m be r s addressed the LAFC, urging its members to give in to c ity wishes that their entire s phere proposal be ac­cepted.

Several coun cil members and a number of other speakers cited geographic a nd cultural ties between the two communities.

Councilma n J on Brand said a permanent link between the

(See LAGUNA, PageA2)

Trek CGntinues

The inve s tigation b y a Newport Beach accounting firm is a routine audit initiated re­cently by the grand jury to de­termine if cities are m eeting state laws dealing with utiUza-tionofrestrieted funds. .

Laguna Beach is the first coastal city to be investigated.

The firm of Coopers and Lybrand made its r ecommenda­tions following a review of the

D•llY Pi l.t SQtl PllOIO

HE WILL RETURN Charles A . Hess

Hess Back In Post at Huntington Charles A. Hess . one of three

Laguna Beach Unified School District •dministrators ousted by a majority bloc of trustees in 1972, has been h ired as business services s uperintendent of the Huntington Beach Union High School District. · Hess, 49, currently is business

services chief of the Palm Spr­ings Unified School District.

He accepted the $28,500 per year Palm Springs position in May 1973. Six m onths earlier , he had been dis missed from his business services position at the height of a philosophical dispute between three Lagun a Beach school trustees and then Supt. William Ullom. ·

UJJom, who also was fired , ac­cepted a position as superinten· dent of a northern Californi a school district.

The third ou s ted ad· minis tra tor , ..Robert Reeves, later was r ehtted in Laguna as assistant s uperintendent of in-

<See H ESS, Page A2)

' Determined Danicl Ambrose, 18, of Santa Cruz, and his j equally determined donkey, Holly, are conUnulng their

trek from San Diego to Sonoma, following Ute path or ; Father Junipero Serra. They arrived at the Irvine 1 Equestrian Center today. This picture was tak4;n during ! a rest stop in Laguna. Ambrose hopes to · collect • pledges during the walk to benefit retarded children.

,,.J '

fiscal 1973-7.4 budget and actual expenditure s . It reviewed transfers between different city funds and reviewed the internal controls the city has on its money.

Of the 10 recommendations made by the firm, seve'r a l ref l ected diffe r e n ces of philosophy. som e were already being corrected by the city but some of the dfaclosures of old as-

sessment district finances sur­prised Finance Director Richard Reese who only recently joined the city starr.

In two cases, the city has col­lected excess funds from im­provement district assessments.

The problem is the excess funds have to be dis bursed. to the people who paid the money. To do that would require a title search for hu~dreds of pro·

perties . The title search alone would eat up the extra money. Reese said .

The money involved is about $75.000 for both cases.

One assessment proje<'t in ­volved an Arch Beach Heights area sewage assessment dis ­trict. T he other involves speeial assessment di s tricts formed prior to 1973. However, detailed records were not maintained

and $30,000 in exce~s funds can­not be specifica lly identified to any assessment district.

T he c ircum s t ance piqued Reese who noted that his pre· decessor, Tom Meade, had at­tempted to find where the over­age came from , but could not.

..If there is no way lo resolv& it. d()(>s the money ju~t sit there forever?

<See F INANCES, Page A2)

Ex-Coast Defendant. Wins $10,000 Award: Privacy Invasion Charged

By GARY GRANVILLE Of llM DAilY Pilot St.ff

A San Clemente woman who was charged with conspiracy to commit murder two years ago has been awarded $10,000 because an eavesdropping device was il ­legally planted in he r trailer home by Orange County District Attorney investigators.

Awarded the out of court settle­ment of a federal court lawsuit that alleged her pri.vacy and con­sUtutional . rights were violated was :nirs. Betty Love F1atiey, 4.8, oH880N. ElCamThoReal .

Nam ed defendanls in the suit were Dis tri c t Attorney Cecil Hicks and investigators Willia m Tynes, James Dougherty, J oel Hayes, James Sarros and Frank Oxandaboure. D.llly Pi lot St.Ill PflOt•

Also nam ed as a defendant was Philip Henrich Smith, a former Long Beach policeman who was the alleged hit m an in the purport­ed murder conspiracy. .

SAN CLEMENTE BLAZE TODAY DID ESTIMATED $85,000 TO HOME AND CONTENTS Firemen Fought Are at Home of Herb Eggleston, 108 Monte Vista, for Over an Hour

Along with Ca r l L . Osowski, 52, of Anaheim, Mrs. Flatley was charged March 30, 1973, with con­spiring to kill George Minkian, Osowski 's then business partner.

(See INVASION, Page A2 )

Teacher Unit : In Capistrarw Plans Picket Members of the Capistrano

Union of Federated Teachers <CU FT ) will drop out of the Certificated E mployes' Council <t:EC) and w ill picket Monday night 's school board meeting, says Lee Weagley.

Weagley, a Dana Hills High Schoo l h istor y t eacher, h as represented the CUFT on the CEC. The CEC r epresents te~chers in s alary negotiations. The teachers he represented feel that the June 4 meeting between the CEC and Capistrano Unified School District trustees was .. a lesson in futility," Weagley says.

At the m eeting trus tees claimed tha t because of inflation t eacher pay raises would ~e possible only if cuts are made m other parts of the budget. They asked that teachers submit re-

(See TEACHERS, PageA2)

Fireman Stricken In Clemente Blaze

Fire raged t hrough a San Clemente hom e today, injuring one fireman a nd causing an estimated $85,000 damage to the structure and contents. · Firem an Jim Dahl suffered from s moke inhalation while bat­tling the blaze and was taken to San Clem ente General Hospita l for treatment.

The fire partially destroyed the condominium home of Herb Eg· gleston , 108 Monte Vista.

The fi rst fire a la rm rang in at 4 :58 a .m . and upon arrival of fire unit s fl a me s w e re l eaping through the roof of the house.

Firemen battled the blaze for nearly an hour before controlling it. Firemen contained the fire to the Eggleston home preventing its s pread to attached ·con­dominiums.

Fire Chief Ron Coleman said the blaze began in the den of the

Cancer Ban Eased LOS ANGELES (AP> - A ban

on the hiring of cancer victims as municipa l employes has been eased and job applications will now be considered individually, officials said.

condominium . spread into the a t­tic and set the roof an a me.

Occupants of the home were sleeping at the time the fire began. They were unhurt. The cause of the fire is yet to be de­termined .

Firem a n Dahl was give n emergency treatment al the scene of the fire and then taken to the hospital. Extent of his in· jw;es was not fully known and hospit a l officials indicated Dahl might be hos pital~ed for an ob­servation period.

Navy Pilot Ejects

As Plane Crashes SAN DIEGO (AP> - A Navy

pilot has been rescued unharmed off San Clemente Island after his F8J Crusader jet lost control and crashed into the sea, the Navy said.

Lt. James Wagoner was picked up Wednesday night by a boat from the island after helicopters from the aircraft carrier Ranger spotted him on a life raft, a Navy spokes m an said.

Coast Panel Backed

Clemente Units Nixed An appellate court b as ruled

for the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission and again s t a n Orange Count y Superior Court judge in a de­cision that ag'ain halts construc­tion or a 64-unit apartment house in San Clemente.

Wilh Justice Robert vardner the lone dis6enter. the Fourth District Court of Appeal struck down decisions by Judge J .E . T. " Ned" Rutter tha t would have al­lowed construction by the Aries ~vclopment Corp. of its planned F..spana del Mer ocean view pro­perty.

Justice Gardner pointa out ln

his objection to the majority r ul­ing that .the decision represents a loss of nearly $500.000 for the Aries a company.

The firm's plans were first s idelined when the coastal com· mission round that the project was in violation or the Coastal Act.

Aries lawyers successtu11y argued before J udge Rut~r that construc tion on the 1.2e-acre parcul commenced well before e nactm e nt of the coastal measure and was a,pproved by lh• city of San Clemente.

It was argued against the com · pany that at one point they• do.-

cided to build condominiums rather than apartments and did not have a permit from the coastal commission for the pro­ject. in its final Corm .

" Aries' entire conduct bears lbe indelible stamp of unseemly baste and lack of goocHaith," the writers of the majority opinion commented.

" Aries m ay he a land de­veloper and a soull s corpora· tion but Its stockholders have Jost a lot of money ... in a good faith effort to develop this land wltJ\ the full approval oC the clt.y ot San Clemente,•' Justice Gardner respondt d.


Five Aides To Assessor

Plead Guilty By TOl\I BARLE Y

0 1 tltt O.ily Pilot ~fl

F1\'e of s ix men indicted by the Grand Jury on charges related to Congressman Andrew lUnshaw·s 1972 election campaign pleaded guilty lo r educed charges late Wednesday.

Their decision ended a day­long dialogue between their lawyers and Orange Count y Superior Court JudgC' Walter Smith and led the jurist to cancel the trial previous ly scheduled for his courtroom.

The six t h m an, Jame s Bertolino . 52. of 24 116 Via Madrugada, Mission Viejo, will go on tria l Tuesday in Judg~ Smith 's courtroom .

Bertolino faces charges con· tamed in the original indictment:

CSeeGUILTY, Page A2 l

0raLag:'4l.: ··· Weatller

Considerable low doudi ­ness through Friday with some hazy afternoon sun­shine. A little cooler Fri · day with highs in th~ mid-60s a l the beaches to low 70s inland .

INSIDE TODAY Was Congressman Andrew

Hinshaw snubbed at Costa Me10·1 Fish Fry? CUM of fu:um think something W08 ft.Shy. But a fry organizer aays it wo.s Hinshaw who turned up hi1 nose. 0 . C. Hu1ttng1 teUs the tale. Page AIO.



~· ..... ... ~ . .. I l"IL.U I L. /~C

Painting .Cache •

Found LUuna Beach. detectives to­

day recovered $15,000 in paint­ings stolen houris eurlier during a rooftop.entry burglary at a North Coast Highway :irt g:illery.

Officers discovered the pa1nl­ings in a small German-made sedan parked near Haggen· marker Gallery, 372 N. coast Highway, where the burglary OC· curred at at 5 a .m .

The burglary upparently was aborted when Officer Barry Snyder. while on patrol in the area . saw a s us pect in the vicini-

.:1.Y but lost him during a foot •:chase. :: At the time or the chase, ac­; cording to one detective, the

• burglary had not yet been dis­covered.

The ca r in which the paint­ings were round was r eported s tolen from Costa Mesa.

The intruder. described by Snyder as a male adult wearing dark clothing, gained entry by forcing his way through a rooftop skylight.

Front Page Al

TEACHERS commendations as to where those cuts s hould be made.

Teachers have demanded 20 percent salary increases, as well as increased fringe benefits and improved working conditions.

Tony Leon, president of the Capistrano Unified Educators' Associatio n, told trustees teacher r ecomm endations would be ready within a week.

The CU FT r epresents about

f nur~.y .......... •' 1 w 1 J

........... ~I

GUILTY .•• grand theft, conapiracy and sub· m.laaloa of faue elaims.

The five employea ol lhe Coun· ty Aasasor'• office face slate prison t~rms of one to five years and/or fines ranglna up to $10,000 tor their pleas on an amended charee of co.nsplracy with intent to submit false claims.

All fi ve admitted in lhe courtroom that they bad billed the county Cor time actually spent working on Hinshaw's con­gressional campaign in 1972 when Hinshaw was still Orange County Assessor.

One· def end ant, who asked not to be identified, m ade it clear after conviction that be and his companions were assured before they pleaded that probation terms and a possible fine will be the maximum punishment they will receive at the hands of Judge Smith.

Hinshaw and current county Assessor Jack Vallerga, face two trials for multiple criminal of. fenses charged in two Grand Jury indictments.

Vallerga goes on trial alone Ju­l;' 7. Hinshaw 's first trial is scheduled for Aug. 18.

Both men will go to the courtroom together Sept. 29 on the charges initially returned by the Grand Jury against nine as· sessor 's employes.

Deputy Dis tri ct Attorney William Evans was asked after the pleas were filed Wednesday if his office would be prepared to accommodate Hinshaw and Vallerga if lawyers for the two men tried to work out a deal on the lines of that concluded for the five assessor's employes.

INVASION. • • one fifth of the dis trict teachers The case against both defen-who belong to a teacher or- dants was dismissed in mid ·trial ganization . 0th er teachers s ix months later without defense belong to the CU EA or to neither attorneys having to present their group. case.

"We in the CU FT plan to make But the dismissal did not come our own suggestions as to what before Mrs. Flatley had been teachers should be getting," forced to spend eight days in jail , Weagley says. ··we feel that the pay costly defense fees and made board and administration have to "suffer extreme humiliatipn, yet to come up with a realistic shame and embarrassment. " budget. Estimated increases are In a pre·trial conference order not accurate, a nd as money signed shortly before the becomes available during the woman's suit against the District summer, as it always does, we Attorney 's investigators came to will have ready our own spending trial in Los Angeles, it was stated recommendations." "the following facts are admitted

For now, he says , theCUFTre- andrequirenoproof;" commends that certain ad · -"On March 27, 1973,said elec-min i s tr a ti ve positions be troniclisteningdevicewasplaced eliminated in order to free funds in the residence of plaintiff Betty for increases in teacher salaries. Love F1atley.

Weagley estimates that two -"At the time s aid electronic thirds of CU FT's ~ members listening device was placed in will be on hand to picket Monday plaintiff's home, no search war-night's board at San rant had been issued authorizing Juan School . such placement.••

''The others, who won 't be · -"The sole purpose of placing there, have found it necessary to said electronic listening device in supplement their incomes by plaintiff's home was to record the teaching evening classes." \ conversations ofplai~tiff. .

- ''The conversations of plam-Fro• Page Al tiff were, in fact, received and

tape recorded .'•

HESS ... slruction.

Hess toda y said the new job represents a professional advan­cement. He will earn $34,223 in Huntington Beach and manage a budget or S40 m1lhon, more than double the amount spent m Palm Springs.

He was selected from a field of more than 125 candidates for the position.

Hess will begin work in Hunt· ington Reach Aug. 1. He said he and his famil y will relocate to the Orange Coast shortly.

Company Fined BALTIMORE, Md. (AP)

The Singer Co. has been fined 2,500 for making an illegal con­tri bution t o the 1972 Nixon­Agnew r e·elecl ion campaign.



According to depositions sup­porting Mrs . Fl alley's complaint, the listening device was a socket plug placed in the trailer by Smith.

The depositions indicate the eavesdropping device was bor­rowed from the Newport Beach Police D e partm e nt and that Smith had difficulty in retrieving the plug from Mrs. Flatley 's trailer.

Court documents indicate that Tynes sat outside the trailer in a car listening to and recording con­versations between Mrs. Flatley and Smith.

Her suit charged the in· vestigators with invading her privacy and violating provisions of the Fourth, Fifth and Four­teenth Amendments as well as Ti­tle 42 of the Civi l Rights Act.

The $10,000 award to Mrs. Flatley was paid by Mission Insurance Company, a county in­surer.

$2 Million

Dlllly Pilot St•ll Plloto

KozooforYou Mrs. Beulah Kanawyer and 15 other members of Hunt­ington Beach 's 'Kitchen Band' will present their first performance Friday at Community Bible Church. See additional pictures and story Page 0 5 today.

Five Marines Held in Sale Of Grenades

Federal authorities were pre· paring formal charges toda y agains t five Marine Corps enlist· cd men charged with trying to sell 300live hand grenades for$20,000.

Investigators claim they met with an undercover agent in an Oceanside apartment to negotiate for th e explosives pilfered from Camp Pendleton and were taken into custody there Monday night.

The suspects include Sgt. Phil B. Shaw, 22

1 and PFC. John E.

Snow, 19, wno were booked into San Diego County Jail pending is­suance or complaints on the felony federal charges.

A trio of Marines also allegedly connected to the explosives theft today were being held al the Camp Pendleton brig. Authorities declined to release their iden­tities.

Front Page A l

LAGUNA ... areas " is completely logical. "

In general , the maximum sphere proposed by the city was supported by the South Laguna Civic Association but opposed by large landowners and developers fearful of what they sec as the city 's no ·growlh attitudes .

Councilwoman Phyllis Sweeny t1ied to allay some of those fears by telling com m iss ioncrs her city has c~sistcntly had one of the highest building permit value figures in th e county on a per capita basis .

Several South Laguna resi· dents asked to be annexed to the city because of changes io taxa­tion policies .. They also said there is a poss ibility South Laguna would lose the option of in­corporating itself in the future . Spokesm en for several of the pri vale enclaves shouth of the city ::.aid the city couldn' t offer them any services they don't already have.

San Clelllente I

i I

Police Salary Talks Stymied

Pay talks b e tween San Clemente police and the city have stalled without agreement being reat'hed .

Representatives of the Public Safety Employes Association left the last meet and confer session after meeting with Max Berg, city clerk, and Gerald Teachout, finance director. City Man~ger Kenneth Carr did not attend the session.

The chief demand of the police officers is to receive salaries equivalent to the average paid by other county police depart. men ts.

In addition, the city and the of­ficers have wrangled heatedly over the issue of Teamsters Union representation.

The City Council acting under aegis of a state gavernment code section has refused to allow the police employes to ally themselves with the union.

The officers ' association has responded by saying it has only contracted with the union to represent it in talks , just as the city has contracted with an al· torney to repr esent its interests.

The smoldering issue flared when Mayor Anthony DiGiovan· ni angrily gaveled down Teamsters U nion Represen · tative Richard Castle and threatened to have him removed by force from the City Council chambers during a council


FINANCES •.. . " Our thought at this time is

just to take the money into the general fund with the assump· lion thal we could have some future liability if a person came in,'' Reese said.

Another recom mcndation de· alt with establishing a central purchasing department for the city. Reese said it was the city's position that selling up such a new department would cost more th an it would save by combined purchas ing.

The report also recommended the city:

- Develop certain payroll con­trols.

- Establish additional policies and procedures for purchasing.

- Establis h separate funds for gas tax revenues and related ex· penditures.

meeting. Both sides have declined to

discuss matters relaUng to the pay talks.

Carr would say onJy that the t alks were held last Friday and no further ones are scheduled because the association has not requested additional meetings.

He retused to s ay what offers the city bad made to the police officers.

" We don' t negotiate through the press," Carr said.

Mayor DiGiovanni has called a special session of the City Council to discuss emnloye pay issuesatlOp.m. Monday.

Carr said the meeting would "cover the entire scope of city cmployes. ''

Police are asking for salary increases ranging from 6 to 13 percent depending on the of­ficer 's rank or other requests for f1inge benefit improvement.

Teen Injured In Accident Still Serious

Shawn Miller of Corona del Mar , gravely injure~ in .a skateboard mishap earher this week, was reported in serious condition today after surgery which involved the removal of his spleen.

Miller , 14, of 513 1h Poppy Avenue, had been in critical con· dition through Wednesday. He remained under· intensive care today at Ho ag Memorial Hospital.

Police traffic inves tigators said the youngster collided with a car Tuesday- .afternoon after he exiled an alley between Poinsel· tia and Orchid Avenues.

The motorist traveling along Fourth Avenue was unable to avoid the collision with the youngster, officers adde9.

Poets Read Works Laguna Beach poets Michael

Pavopolou s. Rachelle Ben· veniste .and Michael Neal will re­ad their works at 10::.> a .m. Sun­day at the Unitarian Church in Laguna Beach. The readings are open to the public.

The arrests were set up follow­ing extended surveillance by the FBI, the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department and the Naval Inves tigativeService.

Authorities stressed today the arrest of the Camp Pendleton quintet is not related to ap­prehension of a Marine Corps warrant officer and his girlfriend on charges of stealing supplies destined for Vietnamese refugees interned at the base.


Authorities did not say if any motive other than monetary gain has been un covered in the stolen hand grenade case.

Authorities allege some of the suspects were seen by a sur ­veillance team as they obtained a load of grenades from an am­munition dump in the Las Pulgas area of Camp Pendleton.

They were assertedly tracked to the Oceanside apartme11t where the ATF undercover agent made contact, a fter investigators conducted a stakeout al a spot where the grenades were hidden.

A civilian car reportedly pulled up as federal agents watched and its occupants picked up the ex­plosives and delivered them to Oceanside.

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County's Teachers Seeking Benefits

A!>~rt N . W~ P·~ • •' • no P'YO'•V'W'r

Jacli( R Curley .. ., . ,. ........ •1""" ~,..,.,. - MietlfMll/"f

lnomas Keevil [$10<

Thomas A. Muri>fiine ,...,..'O...q (ct,•cw

Charles H Loo~ Richard P. Natl .. ,~.·~· ...... ~".ft)fOlt"Qr\

u911n• Bue" Offlu 11 .. ~•r•\C""'t

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Hundreds of Orange County teachers have phoned unemploy­ment offices for information on a new federal law which could give the county 's 26,500 teachers more than $2 million a week in un­employment benefits this sum­mer.

But the flood of calls and a pamphlet explaining the situa­tion that has been prepared by the state unemployment office may be tor nothing. · A special appropriatloos blll which indudH a clause repeal· ing tbe provision for teacher summer unemployment com­pensation bu been pa11sed by Coo1re11 and Senate and Is awaiting President Gerald FOTd's 5ignature.

The California Teachers .U. 1«l1Uon la referring ttachers t.o their local unemployment o<nce. for information on lhe matter. And lHchert have bffn calling .

Charla Fruier, managtt o( the Employment Development


' \

I Deportment office in Orange, was quoted in a California Teache rs Association bulletin story on the topic.

T his week, he said, he has re­ceived more than 200 calls from teachers wan tin g to know whether they are eligible for un­employment compensation.

·•our other omces have been having a similar number of calls. Some letters too, but mostly calls," he said.

H the repeaJ measure is not signed, be said, teachers who are not teaching during the summer could file for unemployment benefits of up lo $90 a week.

To qualify . he said , " they must be able and available for work and actively seeklnt employ­~l durtnf the summer."

,u the law s tal\ds now, he said , the teachers would be able to col· lttt unemployment c-ompensa· tion . However . be said. " thi s may be terminated at any Ume with a cb11111e in the law.''

' I

Pendleton Link Stitch Button Front Cardigan 50/ 50

Wool/ Alpaca. •2500

HOURS 9 30 T0600


leisure Suits By Tobias and Munsingwear •4200 to •esoo





1816 Newport Blvd. Intersection of Harbor & Newport'Blvd.

' . t,


1'icio11s C11cle

Electric Bills l!p, Usage DOwn?

BySYLVIA PORTEil tr you are among the mllUoos of us tryln1 to conJerve

~nergy and curb our soann1 electric ity bills by cutttng down our use of Jlghts, aircondltJonU>g, TV, etc .• sure!¥ you ttlso are among the millions of us Irritated. frustrated and ~onfused by the fo ct lhut no matter what we do, our monthly bills keep nsiog. '-

Why? ·So many of you have asked variaUons o( this questton that I recenlly sent a typical inquiry from an East Coast editor to Federal Ent>rgy Admm1strat1on chief Frank G. Zarb wtth a request that he explaln. Here it ls - ln all its "< beauteous bafflegab.

" The explanallon or lhi s s atu a t lon 1s ~tt·aightforward. yt!l of httle consolatlon to the 11 v e r a g e u t 1 I l t y cus tome r fac ed with ~1 g h e r pr lces fo r

Money's Worth

\lir tually a ll of the basic necessities of life. The need for h1gher rates to cover higher costs of ruel, labor and opera­tion 1s easily understood. It 1s not so easy to comprehend the apparent need for higher rates to compensate for lost re· \lenues due to reduced demands.

.. CUSTOMER CONSERVATION efforts and a general ebb in the level or econorruc activity have led to a s1Bmf1· cant reduction m the demand for electncaty. Since ut1hty companu:s mus t construct generating plants to meet an ex­pected level of demand, they are unable to reduce their fixed costs when demand falls substantially below the rorecast Although utilities have delayed further con­struction, they are still saddled with high fixed costs for ex· 1stmg plants which ure nQ.t bemg fully uhhzed

"The 1mbalance between demand and the available supply of e lectri c power will be corrected as the level or economic acltv1ty is restored and utihlles adJust their con­s truction programs to account for our more e(f1c1ent ubliza· t1on of e lectric power In the meantime, we can 111 afford to financially hamstrmg the utilities by restricting their abili­t y to recover their costs already incurred Our energy needs over the long term will depend substantially on the ability of the electric ultht1es to expand our generalmg base while re­ducmg our dependence on petroleum as fuel for generation.

"SINCERELY, FRANK G. Zarb/Admmistrator." What's Zarb really saying? Stnpped of the bafflegab, he

:is telhng us , in effect, that the only way the utilities can con· tinue to operate is by ste adily r a tsmg r ates to pay for idle generating plants bwlt when demand for electricity was tn· creasmg

But the fact is that the amount of eleclnc1ty used m the l1 S. is on the dec line In such areas us New York City, a Public Service Comm1ss1on r eport reveals that com­mel'c1al, 1 es1dential an<rrndustnal customers of Con Edison actually l educed their consumption by 6 2 percent dunng the r1rst nine months of 1974

What does this imply? You and I are caught in a vicious cycle. Many uhhhes have mo1·e generating capacity than they now need and this excess capacity is costmg us money in the form oC higher rates Yet, because rates continue Lo n se, we cut back on our use of electncity, thereby mcreas­lllg the amount of unneeded capacity. We are paymg for the mistakes uhhtles make m for·ecastmg power demand. But existing mdus try conditions promote excessive consump-tion and unreasonable growth assumptions

JS ANYTHING BEING done? Yes, some state re­j:!ulatory comm1ss1ons and consumer groups are zeroing m '.'>n mdus lt y p1 icmg policies and expenses they believe are ~efficient and wasteful

They are bnngmg pressure on ullhlles to reduce ad­\•e1t1smg and promotion expenditures They arc argwng tha t changes mus t be made m the way ut1ltt1es set rates, so that the sm all consumer does not ha ve to bear an unfair share of tbe expenses of supplying power to the big m· dustrial users.

As for Zai b's pos1llon, 1t clearly reflects a pro-industry l)l as - completely understandable m view of the !act that a FEA lo~ dtscloses that 91 percent of the meetmgs Zarb held ' '1th outs iders during his fi rst four months as agency chief " e1 e .... 1th energy industry representatives And of the 458 meetings the 10 top FEA offlc1als held with outside groups dunng the same penod, only a mere 6 percent involved con­sume11sts, environmental groups , s tate conservation agen· cies, other non-industry personnel

InCentives Offered To Soviet Farmers

MOSCOW (U PI > - The Soviet Union says the crucial 1975 wheat harv~st 1s begin· mn g and di sc losed that farmers a rc being offered huge cash bonuses to work harder and faste1

The Comm un1 s t Party newspaper Pravda said the novel , capitalist-type mcen· tive plan is being tned out m the Kuban Region of the Caucasus to int'rease yields of winter wheat now entenng the harvest season.

GRAIN HOLDS a key place in the Soviet economy and the Kremlm has tned a number

,£( schemes to increase pro­~uction wath varyang degrees ~!success

The grain crop is not only important to the Soviets. A major crop disaster can force Moscow to increase imports, which can have a direct bear­ing on food pnces tn the Unit· edStates.

The new incentive plan is aimed at cutting the amount or Umc winter wheat, which ts planted before cold sets In during the fall , spends wall· ing to be .

The Soviets are offering combJno workers a 100 per· cent salary bonus if they harvest all their assigned work wllhm eight d~. 75 percent bonuses for nine days and 50 percent Cor 10 days.

8 Y S JI 0 RT EN) NG harvesting tJme, the farmers hope to cut wast~11e and thus wrcase the yield from each acre. Soviet acreaae yields ore fer behlnd lbose m the United Sl4ltes

Pravda also dl•closed that Soviet farmers ere atm sul· fmn1 from tho klnd or bad •plann1n1 that. has atruct~

previous harvests . It said farmers 10 Kuban

lack spare parts for farm machinery. In one case cited, it said the area needs 8 500 truck tires but has been given only 1,300 , meaning that thousands of true ks are un­usable. The Soviets in the past have

expenmented with incentive plans offenng goods such as bicycles and actual crops to reward increased produc­tivity.

A REC ENT RE PORT said U.S experts expect the Soviet grain crop to be about 200 million tons , about 16 million tons below the otflcial Soviet estimate.

No Miners, No Coal Says Chief

WASHINGTON (UPI) -The biggest problem standing in the wa)' or a move to double American coal production by l985 would be flndlna enough miners, an lnduatr)' leader bu loJd Con1reas.

" I( we fall to solve the peo­ple rroblem lhe quetUoo ot a coa ltlduelry wttb a i.a. billion-ton annual level wtll be largely academlc1'' Joseph P. Bren.nan, preslaent ot the Bituminous Coal Operalars' Association, told the Senate Public Works Committee Wednesday. ·

He said belweea 125,000 ~ 180,000 new worken "wld be needed.

Thutldex1 Jun112. 1975 DAIL V PILOT C:J J

NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Thur day's Cloeing ·Prices 'f ear'e High 0 Low1 Appeal' Evf'ry Saturday

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I :a 1 + t: ~N t ti 11\"t- Ill ICN ,.....,"' 111 . ,._ _ '- Mllllll'l I S. I , 20 , 2,• _ ~ fk : • 20 a + ~ 14ello p 1 " 1 n 11"- VI Mlrre Al ,,. ' 1 ~~ '41 • 1

• - -

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~. ... I' t 1..111) C1orA (~-I

- · 1t­R•l•tG11 tO t• 1~1 41 Al meda 11 1) lj7 4> • , filMl(O Ill 40 &C) 4 • ••- 'a Ra PC1An1 SO 8 U 6 RePAm pl 3 t ts .. >o Rey~IO 1\1 4 S !• '• Ra~tntl 40 8 40 1'~ .. R4i'l'l lleol\ 1 IJ 2'e ~' • II) RCA ~P 1 1S 5'1 11~ ~ I t RCA CV pl 4 , • S )J~, , , RCA pt l '> llO l''h- II) q R .. dne Co.. 1 l - I• qlttlCIQ lpl • 7h- '· • r,iAeacto , p l 19 H• R .. d&llt lS 1 1l 22 - '" Rtdmn Olb ~ 2 l • AeK t 741 11 9 1JV1 + \1 RHCI Tool 10 76 1311)- V1 ~lchOtd '° J o llC't • Rel e 1ec ~ ' lO t• llo- ~' RelEla< ~ .. 1 47V. + ~ '

:::&<;·,~ ·: ,: .. ,n~= tz R• IG pt , llO • 10 av. RepubGp WI • 74 ·~- .,.. RtpFl11!. IO 6 73 9>~- 1/i RepMQe lllV.. 13 10'1 - I/lo RepStf I 60.a l II 19'11. + 14 Rt \FVOU 12 10 701 9>o Ret• UCtdt 1 I 10 19 + ~• ~vcoOS 40 16 1)6 33 .. ,,,, RevreC 2SC S llO 12' • 1/o Revlon 1 20 19 258 74' - 2', lb'!an•111 20 S 12 l « Reanrd I 12 s 4o 22 + Ill Re • ll pl 2 l6 3 l7V> • Rey lnCI 2 18 8 20S SH'• - · ~

~:~~~r1 ·3 ~ ;~--~ ReyMlpl 41 > 4 SH• , ReynSe< 40 10 1 I - •1o RiclWrd\n I 4 6 10 - ~. Aler.Mer 64 11 161 101/J ~llml'tel '° 1 110 12 - ""' Rlt11IT A \ 20 6 10 14'h + \, RloCr 111 60 6 9 U V.- 'h RloGr pf 80 'I 9V• , All& Aid 1• 17 101 11'4- '1't 90 12 .t 21-111 + v. Rot>S/\ew 70 16 21 12Yt - :i. Robrl-'" 1 30 6 9 11'11.o- "'­RollillS 2•• 12 1&S 12t'O+ Yt Rocr.G I 24Q 6 20 \~+ "' Roen Tel 16 10 19 12•.c. - -Roc kowr Sl ll n 9117 + ~. Rocll.wllln 2 1 89 '3 '• Ro<kpl 41, I S8~

~:.~~·,' fl " J H·~-·v. ROllr Ind oO l'Z 91.\- Yt Rollln•ln JO 14 8l 1 9\~- v. Ronson 211111 7 ,.._ + °"' R-rc 1.20 u 14 - \ ' Rore r A 'IO 11 IO 21 + 'h Ros.r10 4Ci. 11 119 421h- ~. RoyalCC M 14 69 IS - Yo RoylO , M b 3 m 3'l li+ ~ Roya l I 1Sb I ) 2S7 , •• RTE Cll 16 16 1 S'•- 'It R11b0rnd 36 33 28 24''"+ ~\ R11Ckerc 20 9 111 21 - 'lo\ R1.1s.Too 76 19 14 9~ Ryder SV\I 310 S'• - '•

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~k·~r ·~~ ; ,: .~!: + . v~ 5oherci11 2 60 6 47S SJ + lft SflellT r 6SO 4 1 21V•+ ~ Sl'ltllerG )6 S 8 7'11<- Ill Sllellrpf I 40 1 14 • , Sl'ltll rpt I JS 2 1S + ~ Sftt lltrG pl3 2 321't+ Y• sntrw11 2 20 • as 43 ,.._ \of S1err •Pc 92 7 •S 91.­S19n.ilCo 90 1 ISS ,..,, Sl!llWllCopf 1 3 II - V. Si~Cp 1 12 18 39 t" I ' SlmPrcn 12 12 40 7~•+ II\ SomnsC 88a 10 16 tn.- .\. S.mpP•I •O 21 es " - .... Son;erCo 40 99 !Slit- "• Sln;ert:, l 'l't 7 JS+- ~

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~~1~ ·~ . • ~ :~~- ~ Siier ton 24a J 7 • ' - '4 Sptrry HUI I 10 41 1011>- 1/ 1 Sp Relld 16 12 1IO 44 - "" Spr•Que El 11 31 •1~ - "• SquarO 1 10 12 :U 111 ' •

Squ1t>0 M 11 321 JS •-• ~. SlaltyM lll 1 6 61 37~-I .... StoBre nds 2 111 248 c.8-4- "' StCl8rpf l SO 110 4/ - 'n StBP•on t 32 29 40 42\lt+ I Sta 011 ca11 s 730 31'11- ~ Std Oillnd 2 7 S21 43+9-I StOllOr. I :16 18 216 7<m - ~ SICI POOr 1 '12 18 221/• + 1,\ Std PrSll 40 4 913 10 + •, , Seel PrllO 66 • 3 ,_ ' • Standex s2 • 2 MO- v. Stao WllS ,96 I 120 11 - ' •

~:i;:,~ ·~ : ~ ,,: •. ~ .. StM1,1t11• I Iv I .. 211• - l'o SIM llSc 6611 2S 11 - V. St•ulfer 2 20 8 SZ ~ .\lo Ste r lDr9 ,10 IS 269 19"41+ Yo Sltr ctalll 40 8 42 ll~ •• Slt ... llS IO 1 91 1' + ~ S1ewW11 1 92 1 I 23'- , • SIOl(ly V I 10 S 12 17 SIOket y pl 1 • l100 11•1>- V. Stone Ctn 60 3 s I H·- .... !>tone Wb lb 10 1• .SS "• Ya Stop&SllOp 1 S 10 IS1Ao t" .,.. Slor•oeT Sit 9 SJ IJ'Mo- ""

~:~:1 : lf ,! ,J ~~~ .. ~ ~ .. ~w~ 7 1! ~14t- •;. SuD Propn I 7 9 11'10 Suc rHIC .20 l ·-


Sun Cnm 40 a 1 12"- \'O Sun 011 SOI> 5 .. ,. . ....... SunOlll)I 2V. •• 1t'I JI"" .- Ii. SllnlM!•m t 11 86 1I VH Vo SUl\slr l'ld .to • 160 2l~I Vll Sun~lllno l6 16 90 14 \4- \ ~ Sup 0 11 1 40 ll 33 2 1.v~-1 Supt1 Gn 20 14 t 4'tl + \II

Swirscope l 1• 12" + ..., SuM V• I t0 t 22 """"" ~ \ S..lroM .2SO 1t 20 6 - "' S WIM\11. . 48 4 l 4' " , $ "(11r911 .. 10 ll:l 191.\+ Vt Syl>nlpl 2 40 •• l '9 _ ,.,. Sy.iron~~ ~-1- 1 T•ll8Ut to a 26 1314- ~ faltOU Hat • • S l - Vt Utley In .60 6 17 I '- ~ Tel .. Y pl I • 17 '1 - Wo ,.,,. .. ... 10 " 1.S\lo + Vt T~y •'1110 113 -~ ~ T .20 . ~ ' •• Tt ' olor 4 n • Vt- ~ Te, lln1co11 12 SJ 10\t>- ~

Rapco Charge

Salli Hiil Pl~ O. QI')

I:rm·~·~.Jf •: f! w tt Tel YM 10 41 I " ft Yft , i ·~ fetllftfl\O • I 74-Ttl.. (Mp It 2~ T-( • I .0 4 W 2• • Tennec Awl .. 441 I~ ~ TeM<pt S~.l 20 • !t+I Tet«Pwt ..40 4S2 tt .. +

~==~-- .~ ,: 1~ r -"' THETr I 10 I II ~IA. TicO•Tr 1 ... 1 14 ,,...._ \4t Tu91111 1 20 • tl 31 ... + ~ Teus nd IQ 13 s ta 'H Tu lllstr I )0 S» IO~I ... Te u lllll Cl> 6 1~ 'Ct; }:· .. ~~ ~~ .~ ·~ ~ + ~-Tuu 111 1 24 10 434 22'AI- \-1 Tu ll l ll011s t 11 . ~ ~ TUtrOll I 10 8 131 ~ • • Tutrpf 2 ot • ;i • VJ+ ~ Textrpl 1 40 • • 4 21"+ ~ f n101101 10 s so ,~. !;la t nma.n r114 " ' 4S •• Thomln 40Q 1J 1 9 + ~. ThOmJW .54 10 S 1VJ + ~ Tnr111.,o 40 11 20 ~+ ~ T1Cor11<1tn 1 It lSI 1Slh+lllt ride'"'-• . 10 • ' 31.,._ Ya Tiger Ill 30b 10 tOS 12 - ~ Tll'ne Inc 2 10 228 ~+ f 'lo T4m•H M .SO 10 l.sJ 1746- ~ Tlm kn I IOa 7 23 lS~ "" ?"Ishman RI .. 126 II + 'II To1>l11 P1<11 • • \4 Todd Snlo yct • 40 S .. , Tollldo Eel 2 1 33 20111- V. To11k•Cl> 40 IS 12 ~ 141 Tr.neeo 96 t • 10 H + 14 Triltl~m S9 14 1•2 • + 14 T rani pl4VJ • • 4 70 .. . TtMlllC .92b { . 1l 191'+ ~ TrtnKO IO 1 U 11\/ii .. • ~~nstL1,r :s ~ ; ~-· ~ Tr~n 1 li 11 38 32\h• "Al

~~:-:~'.:~ -~~~I~= TransW~ .. 11 ''*- '4 ~~~~IOI,, ~ n_. -·~ Tr..,lrs pl 2 • • 4 lSW.+ ~ TR E Cl> SI • 80 10.- 'ill TrlCont 7Sll • 70 18"+ ..... TrlCU pf 21/t • 2 31~+ V. Tri So Mtge • 6 3 Tran;lt 908 l 5 13 Tri• Pee 40 11 5 10 .. . Tr l11Hyl11 to S 19 ~+11A1 Trf)lc ene 20 19 11 Z:W..- !.la T .. W 111 I 20 S 2 11 13 -TRW pf 4"" •• J9 J6.v.- 1h TRW l)f4 40 IS 62 -~ TllCSOllG 96 7 9 1 10'ht V. TwCf'ol! •O 8 70 llW>- ... TycoLll 100 11 95 11 - 'l'to Tyler Cp ~J u~221/l+ "'"

UALl llC .0. • 2S7 l l fll+ UAL PIA 40 1 IH• •• UarU> I 20J 4 14 22~ ~. UGI Cp I 32 1 S 13 - ~­UMC lnd1.1 I 6 42 '~ •;. UM E T Trs l '4 2.,.._ •;,, Unarco ~ 3 1 9~+ ' le Uni NV 1 8Sb 9 4 64'!>- :l1' U11 Bncp 84 6 6l ~ Yt Un 2 9 408 S81.4-P• UnCarll 2.40 4 4 7S S614+ V. Un com 1 l3 1 :w IO'h- ""'

8~1r.e<"1'fe I~ I~ tft':! r: UnEt ptl 71 • 17 2S Un El pf 4'h • lAO 41 Un EIK ri' 8 • 2 71'1• , •

~~ot~'l9. '~' 12 ~ ~~ ~ ur101cp1 z111. . 40 s1 + 1~

Un P•c 1 IO15 1bl 1&'i'>-1'1a U P• c pl 41 I> 111'1 - V.. Un1onam & 2•to • un1roy•I 10 o as 7~ - v. Unotoyalpl 8 • 1)10 1&1/t + Vt UIO brclM~ S8 S - '"' UIO 8rn<I pf 8 . ,,._ 14 UnCorp 4211 32 8 - •ta Uld Fnc:ll 20 6 10 7'h • , U~sPL 12 8 188 101/o + 'I• Unltlllu 2 32 ~ 11> 77 • UlllndCp 341 I 16 IOV• - Vo UIO Inns 10 1 4 - V•

~;'o'~~I ~ ~ ~~ :j~= ~ Un NliCIH r 22'1 148 17r..- -­Utd Pl<C Mil 20 l - ~-­Un Re ing 48 s 19 t<A'I• ~ USFI0..1 2 48 11 43 32~ + -,. USFoS I 0 111 3 161/o .. ' la US Gyp I loll 12 127 1•>4 + V. USGyr>f 1 80 l 73\1).,. >11

~~~me ~ :M~ !ito- i,._ uSLeaw 24 9 16 to - 14

~s\~·'~I ; ~ ,~ .... . -~ IJSSttel 2 80 4 2'14 54" + V. us roe 90 12 28 1911, .. v. \Jld Ttchlll 2 8 466 SJ.,,-~· UtdTe<n pl8 16 123\> + ~ Un1 Tel I Ol tO 462 IS + I.\ Uni Tel wa • 8'1 1~ ~ 119 l.lrllTpl A t•,, 4 1' + ll'tl Unlt rode Cp 12 307 16'- "' Uni var Cp 1 • 9 7S'.. • • Unlvst.e•I 2 7 14 31:\4- •to Unlv\Otl 90 6 lSI 14\rt + •to UpjOM 96 18 503 40'ft- ~ USt.tFE JO 1 114 IS • Usll leFd 9• 10 9 ~1 t If• USMCp 1 20 3 10 ,. ... USM pf 2 10 I> 7S>~ • u 1,.r. lnll 1 19 2SO &• - 71olo UlanP L 2 3' 9 0 21 ~>- , 'I• UV lndu~ IQ J 1t 21>• ...

- vv-Varoan 70 10 JS 10~.- ' "' V•n<IO C:o 9 41 ,_ "• Venoc;~ln 20 2'1 26 s i . + ~ V•Sliur .Ull IS 12'.J ••• \/e tco Ollstl 1S 201 J 1 - ... VF Corptn 1 8 J9 211n - •1. Viacom l r>t 96 8 \1• - '' • \/lctcwCC: SO . 17 s"'°- 'lo V• El~c I 18 1 380 11~ t" Vt V.tEPpl 4 10 130 40 V•EI pl 4 IO , 1200 4' •• V•EI pl 110 . zt10 1~•+ ._ Va El pl I I S • 1230 13'h- ..... V•EI pl 7 n . z.O 71 \'J .. VaeptJ 1 72 1400 711,, ... VornaCIO Inc: 21 6S Sh • VSI Corp 60 6 40 U + \It Vu IC nM 1 80 6 10 J21;11 • •

--ww-W..Rpf 4V> 1 110 •I - I Wilch Cp 76 9 74 19•• - 14 wecr.ov 04b ' 9 J' •- • • W•IQrtefl 1 10 2S 11>..- \lo Wal l<rH 1 40 10 7 32V. • , wall Bus ~s 10 o 23'h- 14 WallM11r .0 4 1 91/t + 'l'to W•IMart 12 22 14000 22~1 I~ W•ng l 0411 12 ' ' 14 , • w .ird FOOds ?S S a~- v. Warnaco 80 S 11 9 • Wa rncm so 11 48 14'•- ,,._ WaC:mpl I' • 73 30, ,-1 WarnrC:O SO • J ,.., •• WerUlm •2 II 2'13 3Sh-11"' W• •l'•S 1 10 9 43 19"' + 1'o W•st1Gs 1 18 S 1 18•1o- • • Wa~Ntl IO S 2 11h- l/io W•Sh 511 I .. 3 5 13'1•- \.'O w ash w 1 S7 ? 26 18 '" + 1;11

~!~~~f';~~ : ~ ~: ~g:ia - • ~) Way'°" G • O lb S 4 Weenun In( 10 ?O I +- lft Wralh<'r 40 6 11 & ~ ... Webl>Ofol Cp 10 J1 J ~ • V.etlMtL bCI S q 81 • I "' Wt1sMk1 6-0 ? 10 201, •• \o\lclboll CP 11 t 'o ... Wells F11 96 40 18 we11 ~ r tOtl 2q ~,, ' v. Wt>M oFn oO J 11~•- 119 Wt>-.<:Tr 1 60 1 ~I'll • WPePpl • • 110 so + •, W\I P\ P\:p1 7 3 1 3S~+ ' • W\t11Ar 4Qil 6 96 71 •- ' • W\8....c; I 40 6 J'I 22 ~- ' • WSlrnCo NA 17 122 1S + '+II W\I Pat Incl 6 17 7 • • Wcst Pull llO 6 43 13' •- v. WUnlon I •OSI o l 131/a- 1/o We sttl E l '17 SI 116 18'.4 + \ e W$1vec 1 40 l IS 27 '- •• ~yc.11111 21 1 7 uv.- ... ~rrrw' IO tt 203 31 '°t+ Ve Wll Fr.,e «> 10 6J I~- '"" WlllPS Io~ I 2S ,.~ .. \ a "fht!elSI p l 6 z100 S71tt + ll'l WT>rtpool 80 41 S)O 2t~-- I~ Wllll Con 90 7 $1 1 2111>+ ~

~~r·~i:. .• s~ 3~~ ::: Wl>ltlakr Cp 14 179 l'- .. . WIO H Cp 1 11 28 11~ .. . Wl ebOIClt 21 11 1 J" ·~ w11111 rns .0 7 :loO 32t\+ Wl11Co$ wt s 76 4$16 -WlllCOilf IO • 2 Sl"'2- 3 WlnnO• 1 .12 1l n1 39\o'.t • • WlnttO• CIB .. • ,....,_ ll'r WIMelWlllO 65 S:\4- "' Wl•EIP 1.97 10 1:M 16~ + \.\ ..-.,sEIPI I 90 . U O fl •: r WIKPS 1 32 4 7 u~+ ~ Wit<O C I 10 ' a14 n + .... =~ 0~1~ ~; 1~:., .. 'NOOd\C.. .. 1 10 11-. ... WOOlwfl '10 I 11S U+ IA W.OI pt 1 20 II l1 - -11\o\orlCI lilrw • 2 ""• " Wl'IQIY 2 40. 12 10. '314 .. e v;y1y c orp J(yi!!._ ~ • .,

XerOa (9 I .. '°9 .. -1 Xtrll Ill< JOI 4 IS '~-

Y•1e' lf'ldltl • 19 i-Y~IOf .60 ' to 11 + \II ~,. , ,, , tt Z.,.1a &O • 116 •i:

~l:R~~ ibi " ~ ; Zur11 lf)d 12 1J '3 1~ ,.

LOS ANGELES (AP> - Ra~. 1111 llllnols·based (1rm speclali&lng ln cran kits. and its California dla· tnbutors have used d~ptlva p1cka1· Ing in marketing, the state Allom&y General's office said In o compl1lnt Wednesday.

The complaint said Rapco, 1 1Ut>­a.idi.ary of Martin Ville Industries, Inc., of llltnols. hos pac-kaaed It.a pro.­duct!! U\ " over1lznd contalnen" that tend lo create a misleading lro· prenlon-of the sttc or quanllty of lhe •oods U\s1de

. - ... - ..


.. •

I . • i

I . • •

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Cl.I oAiv PILOT Thursday. June 12. 1975

By BU Keane

" You needn' t hide. It 's nobody you have to kin ."

L. M. Boyd

Bras, Parities Lost Forever

Lot of odd c haracters have re(iuested in their las t wills and testaments that they be buried in peculiar posit ions . But none more peculiar, I ' ll warrant, than the one stipulated by an old boy w ho died in 1772 in Leith Hill, England. H e was interred upside down on horseback. His theory was he'd be ready to ride on Judgment Day when, as so many peo­ple believed, the world would be rever sed.

T H E ~1 UNICIPAL Lost and Found Bureau of U lm , West Germany, reported at

the end of 1974 that it had fai led to find the owners of 284 misplaced brassieres and 113 abandoned panties.

THREE OUT o{ every four women who work in tel evision stations pound typewnters.

WAGES Q . .. Kindly compare

the average government worker 's wage now with the aver age wage in plivate industry."

A. Governme nt, $12,984. Private industry , SS.900.

Q. " IS IT an automatic felony to hit your wife?"

A. In California and Texas. it is. But it 's not, according to the laws of the other s tates. These lega l queries get tricky, however. No doubt numerous municipalities outlaw wife hitting . And husband hitting, too. presumably.

Q . " HOW MANY KINGS can you na me that were r eferred to either as lionhearted or as lions.,"

A. Fn•t.• . Richard I of England was the Lion Hearted . The Saracen Ali was the Lion of God. Swedcn·s Gust<1vus Adolphus w<1s the Lion of the North . And Henry of Bavaria and France 's Louis VIII were just plain Lions . Do you want to count Englan,d 's Queen Elizabeth I? She was called the Lioness.

HOUSING Not all hous ing experts agree that your

basic hous ing bill including mortgage, tax ­es and insurance - s hould <1mount to no more than 20 percent of your monthly income. The FHA estimt.1tors say you ought to include maintenance costs , too. Gas, electricity and heating. And they s<1y the total payments s hould amount to no more than 35 percent of your monthly take -home pay.

T H E BOATER S who zip around in front of outbo<1rd motors outnumber those who r ow with oars. The rowers outnumbered those wbo paddle canoes. And the canoe paddlers out­numbered those who dnft in dinghies . Them ·s the statis tics

T H E R ETAI L STOR E credit card-; out­numbe r the oi l compa ny credit cards by 100 million to 90 million . The oil card-; outnumber the bank cards by 90 million to 50 million . The bank card s outnumber the travel a nd e nter ­tainment cards by 50 million to six million .

Address mutl lo L .M. &yd, P.O. Hox 1560. Costa 1\1 e sa 92626.

·Panel Nixes New Hearings A developer 's threat of who have battled the 1s­

s ui t aga in st the city sues for more than two fai led to ~way city coun - years opposed the IDH cilmenihNewportBeach . demand s for a new Monday and their de- public hearing l o ex ­cis ions made recently on amine several new con­development of two lots ditions imposed when the m The Bluffs remain on council approved the de­the books . velopment two weeks

The panel heard the ago. threats of lega l action One propos al would Monda y from lawyer s cul the density slightlr. representing the I DH and the other would a -joint venture w hich has terthe p lacement of units ~won approvals wit h ontheproperty.

s trict conditions for de- Spokesmen for IDH ' veloping two la ndscaped argued in vain that the

lots in the e s tablished sudden changes in condi­community . lions warranted n ew

Dozens of re s idents hearings:

SMW. U.StllUf COITAMUA tt •AUOllT£0 ,LAlln

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• A.tjustablt tilli119 wi4th. f T33-S



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r I


Saddlebaek EDIT I ON

Today's Clo&t.g N.Y. toeks


·One-time Defendant Awarded $10,000 By GARY G RANVILLE

Oftlle O.llr Pll9'SC..ff

A San Clemente woman who was charged with conspiracy to commit murder two years ago has been awarded $10,000 because an eavesdropping device was il­legally planted in her trailer home by Orange County District Attorney investigators.

Awarded the out of court settle­ment of a federal court lawsuit

·Parking Action Weighed The Mission Viejo Municipal

Advisory Council has ordered a study to de termine if they should ask the Orange County Board of Supervisors to ban all overnight parking on streets.

After hearing a pitch for the overnight parking ban, MAC members this week referred the question to their traffic commit­tee for study and a recommenda-tion. •

Deputy Sheriff Vito Ferlauto came before the council in mak­ing a strong pitch to outlaw over -night street parking. •

Autos on the streets, he con· tended, create problems for law enforcement, street m ai n ­tenance and fi refi ghting efforts.

" If a citizen calls police to re­port a prowler, do the officers have to search every car on the street? Or do they focus on the only obvious one that belongs lo the prowler." he asked.

" If .someone is inclined to steal your hubcaps or rip off your radio antenna, do they victimize the car parked on your property or the one in the s treet?'' . Ferlauto, a Mission Viejo MAC

candidate last fa ll who has been active in community affai rs since, a lso strongly urged the night pa rking ban on beautifica­tion grounds.

··Mission Viejo has done much lo enhance the beauty and safety of the streets in our community,•• Ferlaulo said. "Many feel that an additional s tep is necessary -that is, regulation of the extreme number or vehicles parked con­tinuously on the streets.

"Beauty is only one of many reasons for this proposed regula· tion ," he said.

He said parked vehicles con­tribute to t he accident potential of interior residential streets and make access for safety vehicles such as fire engines more com­plicated.

The off·street parking regula­tion would be an addition to many othe r r estrictions in the "CC&Rs'' (Covenants. Condi­tions and Restri ctions) agreed to by each homeowner who moves into Mission Viejo.

Others includ e painting all homes in "earth tones," prohibi­tion of " uns ightly TV antennas," storing boats, trailers and cam­pers out of view, and providing landscaping on the lawn sur· rounding a new home within a certain lime.

"Beauty is of s uch a concern that even a certain color of wall cannot be erected," Ferlauto said. ''This is as it should be to preserve our atmosphere of liv­ing as well as our property values becau se of thi s at ­mosphere .''


<See PARKING, Page A2i

~:~:a::·· 1t'e•tller

Considerable low cloudi· ness through Friday with some hazy afternoon sun­shine. A little cooler Fri· day with highs in the mid·OOS at the beaches to low 70s inland. .

I NSIDE TODAY W03 Congr~13man Andrew

Hin1haw anubbed , at Costa Meao's Fl1h Fry? Citu of­fi.ctal• think something wo.s filh11. But o fry orgonfur aoys it wet IUn$how who turned up hi• no1e, 0 . C. Hustings teUs tM tole. Page AIO

that alleged her privacy and con­ti1itutional rights were violated was Mrs. Be tty Love Fiatley, 48, of 1880 N. El Ca mi no Real.

Named defendants in the suit were District Attorney Cecil Hicks and investigators William Tynes. James Dougherty, Joel Hayes, James Sarros and Frank Oxandaboure.

Also named as a detendant was Philip Henrich Smith, a former

Kazoo for You

Long Beach policeman who was the alleged hit man in the pufAOrt­ed murder conspiracy.

Along with Carl L. Osowski, 52, o( Anaheim, Mrs. Fiatley was charged March 30, 1973, with con­spiring lo kill George Minkian, Osowski's then business partner.

The case against both defen­dants was dismissed in mid-trtaJ six months later without defense attorneys having to present their

011ly Pilot 51~1 Photo

Mrs. Bewlah Kanawyer and l5 other members of Hunt­ington Beach 's ·Kitchen Band' will present their first performance Friday at Community Bible Church. Sec additional pictures and story Page D5 today.

5 County .Assessor A.ides Plead Guilty

By TOM BARLEY Smith 's courtroom . ou11e oa11y Pllotsutt Bertolino faces charges con-

Five of six men inilicled by the tained in the original indictment. Grand Jury on charges related to theft. conspi.racy and sub· congressman Andrew Hinshaw's m1ss10~ of false claims. 1972 e lection campaign pleaded ~five e':' of tht' Coun· gui lty to reduced charges ~. Assessors office f~cc stat.L· Wednesda y. prison t~rm s of o!'e lo five years

Their decision ended a day- and /or ~mes ranging up lo Sl0,000 long dialogue between their for their pleas .on an ~m~nded lawyers and Orange County charge ?f consp1r~cy with mtent Superior Court Judge Walter tosubm1~false cla1r:ns- . Smith andledthejuristtocancel All fiv e admitted 10th~ the trial previously scheduled for <See GUILTY, Page A2) his courtroom.

The sixth man , Jame s Bertolino, 52, of 24116 Via Madrugada, Miss ion Viejo, will Talk Slated go on trial Tuesday in Judge

MAC P lans Panel

On School Growth The Mission Viejo Municipal

Advisory Council is setting up a new committee to deal with school planning and growth pro­blems.

Residents interested in serving ~the committee are asked to al· tend the MAC's next meeting at 7::ll p .m . June 23 in the council

· office, 26129-D La Paz Road, Mis­sion Viejo.

By Assessor Jack P . Va llerga, Orange

County assessor , will be the speaker of the Saddleback Area Coordi n ating Council general meeting al 7 : 30 p .m. June 18.

The meeting will be held in the community room of People's Federa l Savings and Loan. 23688 El Toro Road . El Toro.

Rick Bohay, SACC pres ident. said Vallerga will speak on the s tructure. policies and pro­ceoures of tax assessment in Orange County.

Tailgate Flap Driver Punches Mesa Man

Fountain Valley police are seeking an angry freeway driver, who a llegedly got sick and tired of being followed too closely .

" I DIDN'T T HINK I was that close," the 51-year-old Costa Mesa man told officers . They are seeking his alleged assailant on assault and battery charges.

Police said the incident occurred at 7 : 15 a .m . Tuesday on the San Diego Freeway en-ramp at Brookhurst Street.

The man told police his long.haired assailant suddenly slammed on his brakes, bringing traffic lo a halt , then walked to the man's car ond " punched him three times m the face."

"I THOUGHT rr was n female unhl he punched me.'' the man reported ly told oCficers. He s uffered minor bruises and bent a lanet, police said.

Then, the man alleged, Ms as anent walked back to his car. " He looked Uk(! a bltJ\ty rooster, strutUng away after a major accomplishment," he reportedly said.


case. But the dismissal did not come

before Mrs. Flatley had been · forced to s'pcnd eight days in jail,

pay costly defense fees and made to " suffer extreme humiliation. shame and e mbarrassment.''

In a pre-trial conference order s igned s h ort l y before th e wolllan 's suit against the District Attorney's investigators came to trial in Los Angeles, it was stated

" the following facts are admitted and require no proof: ·' . - " On March 27, 1973, said elec­tronic listening device was placed in the residence of plaintiff Betty Love Flatley.

_ .. At the time said electronic listening device was placed in plaintiff's home. no search war· rant had been issued authorizing such placement. ''

_ .. The sole purpose or placing

said electron ic hstening device ro l'laintiffs home was to record the conversations of plaintiff.

" The conversations of plam­hff were. in fact. received and tape recorded. "

Accordmg to depositions sup­porting Mrs. Fl alley's complaint, the listening device "as a socket plug placed in the trailer by Smith.

<See JS\ ' ASJON. Page A2 i

Pair Still • ve Coun_ty Hostage in Zaire

NAIROBI. Kenya <AP> - An American university professor said today that two American students and a Dutch student kid­naped by Marxist guerrillas and taken to the Zaire jungle more than three weeks ago are alive and believed well.

··1 cannot say more than lhat without poss ibly jeopardizing ef­forts to obtain the release of the students. They are alive and bel ieved well , .. said Peter Steiner of Ann Arbor. Mich .; visiting eeonomics professor at the University of Nairobi who volunteered to act as a mediator

T e achers :Inquiring About Pay

Hundreds of Orange County teachers ha ve phoned unemploy­ment offices for information on a new federal law which rould give the county's 26,500 teachers more than $2 million a week in un­employment beneCits this sum: mer.

But the flood oC calls and a pamphlet explaining the situa­tion that has been prepared by the state unemployment office may be for nothing.

A special appropriations bill which incl udes a clause repeal­ing the provision for teacher summer unemployment com­pensation has been passed by the Congr ess and Senate and is awaiti n g President Gera ld Ford's signature .

The California Teuchers As­sociation is referring teachers to their local unemployment offices for information on the matter. And teachers have been calling.

Charles Frazier . manager of the Employment Development Department oHice in Orunge. was quoted in a California Teachers Association bulletin story on the topic.

This week, he said. he has re­ceived more than 200 calls from teachers wanting to know whether they are eligible for un­employment com pensation.

"Our other offices have been having a s imilar number or calls . Some le tters too, but mostly calls ," he sa id .

If the repe:.i l measure is not signed . he sa id , teachers who are not teaching during the summer could fi le for unemployment benefits of up to $90 a week .

To qualify. he said, ··they must be able and available for work and actively seeking employ­ment during the summer."

As the law s tands now. he said . the teachers wou ld be able to col­lect unemployment compensa­tion . However , he said, "this may be terminated al any time with a change in the law.'·

County Panel

Approves Two Viejo Tracts

Two Mission Viejo tracts total ­ing 682 single fa mily homes have been approved by the Orange County Planning Commission.

The tracts , both to be built by the Mission Viejo Company. will be located on 299 acres near the interse ctio n of Alicia and Marperite Parkways.

One of th subdivisions con­sists of a 64-unit residential de· velopmenl on t he west side of the future Lake Mission Viejo. Twen· ty-nlne of them are .waterfront tots.

Plaonmc comm lssloners 3 lso approved a second 618-homc tract, lacWcllng two schools, two public ~. and one opt-n spac~ · lot. ·

two weeks ago. He sa id " things an.· at a de·

licate stage" and that the next "four or five days" could be crucial.

Diplomatic sources said com­munications containing informa­tion about the hostages were re­ceived recently from Popular Revolutionary party members holding Carrie Jane Hunter, 21, of Atherton . Cal if. , Kenneth Stephen Smith. 22, of Garden Grove. both Stanford L:nivcrsity students. and F.milic flcrgmann. 25, of Holland.

It was the first t•onfirmL'<f con-


El Toro Man

Faces Cotinty Murder Trial Terry Dean Hawkins of El

Toro has been ordered to face preliminary hearing July 10 in Santa Ana municipal court on murder charges filed after a Westmins ter woman 's body was found in a partly filled drainage ditch near Canada Road in El Toro.

Hawkins, 21 , of 22932 Rumble Road . is charged with the slayinl{ of Guadalupe McClelland, 40, of 8342 W es tmin s t er Ave ., Westminster. He is held in coun ­ty jail with bail denied.

Sheriff's officers cluim that H awkins s tra n g l e d Mr s . McClelland Apri l 28 after sh(' met him in an El Toro bar and accompanied him in his truck.

It is alleged that he dumped her body, naked from the waist down. in the drainage ditch and placed a large rock m the middle of her back to ensure that it re­mained in that location .

tart with the guerrillas StnC'C a third American who was abduct· ed , Barbara Smuts, 24. of Ann Arbor, Mich .. was freed more than two weeks ago lo carry a de­mand on the Tanzanian govern­ment for $500,000. large amounts of arms and ammunition and the release of guerrilla leaders de­tained in Tanzania.

The kidnapers s uid then they would kill thei r three prisoners 1f their demands were nut met by mid -Ju Iv. The Tanzanian ~overn ­ment rejected the demands.

The cavtives were taken 111 a (See ALIVE, Page A2 i

Car Rental .Monopoly .· Charged

WASHINGTON <UPO - The Federal Trade Commission to­day accused the country's three biggest car renters - Hertz, Avis · and National - of monopolizing the airport car rental business. causing consumers to pay sul>­stanti;tlly higher prices <AS a r~­sult.

An antitrust complaint issued by the agency said the three firms had fixed prfres. entered into a cons piracy to keep poten­tial competitors out of airports. ha t·assed smaller competitors and made deal s with the Big Three auto companies for ad­vert ising payoffs whit·h helped shore up their monopolies.

The three companies had com­bined operating revenues of $1.16 l>illion during 1973, the ITC s.iid . During that sC1me year they con· trolled 96 percent of L lie nation· s at·the·airport n •nt-a·t·ar bus t· ncss.

Hertz is own<'d by HCA Coql . and is the nation 's larg<.'sl CCI•·

renter. The s<.'cond largest in the field 1s Avis. whit'h until recently was owned b\· Telephone and ·Telegraph Corp. National is a wholly owned sub­sidiary of Household Finance Corp.

··we are s hocked al the broad (See RENTALS. Page 1\2)

Council Set To Relocate

The Saddlcb:.ick Area Coordinating Council is mo,·ing into new quarters \July L

The new office is Suite 3. Build­mg A, in the Laguna Hms Busi­ness Park at Moulton Parkway and Canada Road . Laguna Hills.

The ex isting number. 830-8316. and post office box (357 1 will be retained . SACC spokesmen said.

50 From Silverado School Graduating

A gro-up of 50 students wi ll cross a special bridge tonight wh en they gradu1He from Silverado Continuation fligh School in El Toro.

The students were referred lo the school from the Saddleback Valley Unified School District ·s two conventional hi(!h schools be<:ause the students were hav­ing problems ol many kinds in the usual system.

Their predicaments on comin~ to Silverado included everything from drug use to aJcohollsm to e motional disruptions to bebovlor problems to pregnancy to ~conomlc str•lt.s requiring them to work odd hours during the school day.

They have worked their way through the high school gradua­tion rt>quircments using a system of indi~idualized instrut'­tion in which each worked at bts or her own pace and could tcuvc.­school wh~never thl' work wos done.

Tonight 's ceremony begins ut 6.45 if\ the school quad with a Oaf' salute led by student Chuck. Evans .

The Rev. Harold Leestma will lead the invocation. and student. Lesll~ Lane will introduce guests . Debbie Burton will welcome the crowd and issue thanks.

Congratu l ations t o the (SttSILVER ADO. Pagf'A.2 )



E x p ected To Quit

County Assessor Jack Vallerga said todtt y the s tatus of five t.>mployes in hi s o ffice who pleaded guHty Wednesday to con· spiracy charges will be de­terJnined within the next few days.

However . other sourees said today that three of the men will resign shortly and two will take early retirem ents.

The three expected to resign ere Fred Forbeck. 43, supervisor olthe commercial division ; John Xontani , 48 , t•hief appraiser of the :f.SSessment s tandards group, and ~istant Assessor ·George Up­'1oo. 54. ~. Chief appraisor of the personal property group, Chris Boukidis, 61 . and supervisor of ~e business division. Re~inald Dunfap, 64. ;ire the t wo who are d igible for earlv retirements.

All five men pleaded guilty to t aking part m a conspiracy to '):>romole Rep. Andrew Hins haw·s 1972 {'Ongn•ss ional campaign by \1smg county c m ploycs as volun­teer workers.

Along with four others they were indicted on the conspiracy •.md other charges bv the OraMe Count y Grand ·Jur y la st December.

Two months later the County Board of S upervisors urged Vallerga to s us pend the indictees until their cases were ad ­judicaied.

Vallerga refused the board's r ecotnmendation to suspend the men until thei r cases were set­tl ed.

Now. the a~sessor. who has since been charge<l with being a part of the con!> piracy and of mis­conduct in office, sa~·s he will c·onsult with others t>.:fore mak· ing a final determination of their status as county employes.

Their rl'sig nations and retire ­ments would s:.i ,·c the assessor having to m;.ikc a judgml•nt.

All five men were at work in the assessor 's offi ce thi s morn ­ing.

* * * F r o• P age A J

GUILTY . . . courtroom that thev had bill ed the count v for t ime actuall y $pent on Hinshaw's con­~ress i o nal campaign in 1972 when llins ha\.\ \\as still Orange County Assessor .

One defendant , who asked not to be identified . made it clear after conv1ct1on that he and his companions were assured before they pleaded that probation terms and a possi ble fine will be the m;,ix1mum pun ishment they will recei ve at the hands of Judge Smith.

Hins haw and current county Assessor Jack Va llerga. face two trials for multiple criminal of­fenses cha r ged in two Grand Jurv indictments.

v"a llerga goes on trial alone Ju ­) v 7. Hins h aw 's fir st trial is s-cheduled for AuS? 18.

Both m e n wi ll go to th e courtroom together Sept. 29 on the charges initially returned by the Grand Jury agamst ni ne as· sessor ·s l' mplo~ e!-

Deputy Di s trict Attorney William Evans wa s asked after the pleas were filt>d Wed nesday 1f his office \\ ould be prepared to accomm odate Hinshaw and Vallerga if lawyers for the two m en tried to "' ork out a de;:il on the lines of that concluded for the Jive assessor 's employes.

Company Fined BA LTIMORE, Md. <AP l

The Singe r Co. has been fined 2.500 for making an ill egal con­tribution lo t he 1972 Nixon­Agnew re-e lection camp<Jign.


DAILY PILOT ,,..,. Of'•n?'"' ,,,,. t O.•tv P1tot V1r1'" w h1CI'\ ,, com O•Md ,.,_,.._.'fl> Pr"\' ''pub•• ,""'1J b y tn.t OtAnO­(.Olt,t Put>hvi•r;o romp• ny Sf'P•' • h·f'O,t•Of'\•'"' pul)h\""'O Mond•• fflfC'hJQh f ''°'" tM CO\I• Ntrtw. N• w~I kt.;cn •• um1f'lqt0f'\ & • <h Fo\IM •••n V•llt'f. ''"""'"· S•ddl•t>• " V•U•, •ttd ~"· 8#•'" \nutli ,,,,. .t A \l"QI~ t•9M>fWI f'd•t•~ 1\ CMJb4•'""" ~•lurd·•'f' •"''°.1 ~,,..,~ f PY. Pf •""-·~• pVl)f ""'"0 .,,.,,, • •' •l'I ~ '' •~ ... f St•t•·t. (r1\lct M• d (••1tQ1f'i' ... ..,,,.,,.

Robert N . WPro p,,.,,oent • nd P·wbfl•~r

Jac k R. Curley V•c"" Prf"\10t1'nt """ Crtin,.r•\ Mil""''"''

Thomas Keevtl E.01 to r

Thomas A. Murphinc ""-' nt1101 nQ Ed•tor

Charle-. H Loo<, R1ChMd P. Nall

Saddl•ba ck Vallevomce ) )J'01 L• f'•I An•ct •t \•n O••?O '•ttw• f

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Telephone (7 14) 642~321 Cluslfied Advertis•"9 '42·S671

s..ito•• ll. V•H• y N•MOfht •

511 ·6310 , ,.,..I•.,, (lttft-f ... 49S-0630

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Thu~ay. Jun• 12. 1975

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Cftpo Teacliers Plan to Picket Members of the Capistrano

Union of Federated Teachers (CUFT) will drop out of the Certificated Employes' Council <CEC) and will picket Monday night's school bOard meetJng, says Lee Weegley.

Weagley, a Dan,_ Hills High School history teacbe~ bas represented the CUFT on tbe CEC. The CEC represents teachers in salary negotiations. The teachers he representea feel that the June 4 meeting between the CEC and Capistrano Unified School District trustees was "a lesson in futility," Weagley says.

Al the meeting trus tees claimed that because of inflation teacher pay raises would be possible only if cuts are made in other parts of the budget. They asked that. teachers submit re­commendations as to where those cuts should be made.

oetonir to the Ct1EA or to neither group.

•·we In the CUFT plan to make our own suggesUons. as to what

· teachers · should be gettiog, • · Weagley aay1. " We feel that the board and· o.dmlnistration have yet to come up with a realisUc budget. EsUmated increases are not accurat~, and as money becomes available during the summer, as it always does, we will have ready our own spending recommendations."

For now. be says, the CUFT re· commends tbat certain ad· mipistrative positions be eliminated in order to tree funds !or increases in teacher salaries.

Weagley estimates that two thirds of CU FT's 8l members will be on hand to picket Monday night 's board meeting at San Juan School.

I 0.ilr l"llot sgff f'lllQ Teachers have demanded 20

percent salary increases. as well as increased fringe benefits and improved working conditions.

" The others . who won ' t be there, have found it necessary to supplement their incomes by teaching evening classes." ' ILLEGAL' SIGN HAS IRVINE GROWLING AT LION COUNTRY SAFARI

Park Officials Cite Low Receipts, Say Better Advertlatng Needed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Safari Sign Takes Lion's Share of Hill

By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of Ille D•ily Piiot st.ff

Controversy has erupted over a new sign in the Irvine foothills which informs motorisL'> in 32· foot letters that Lion Country Safari's jungle is still open for business.

S imilar to th e famou s Holl y wood s ig n in size and layout. the jumbo·sized attention getter is located high on a hill and easily visible to traffic on the San Diego Freeway.

But unlike Hollywood, Irvine isn't rushing to save the sign. In fact. the sign is placing officials of the Irvine wildlife preserve squarely into the jaws of city hall.

Claudette Donatella, assistant Irvine planning director, says the sign is not only oversized but was pl aced on the hillside without a perm it.

Building officials have subse­quently photographed it, inspect· edit, and determined it illegal. A letter is being sent to Lion Coun­try informing the coroporation of the violation along with a request to remove it. If it doesn ' t come down. Miss

Donatella s ays Lion Country could face prosecution in court.

She added that Lion Country had been given permission r e-

New Theater

Group Plans First Meet

The Saddleback Valley Com­munity Theater will hold its first organizational meeting Monday at8p.m . in El Toro.

The non -profit organization is looking for members over 19 years old to work as actors and backstage crew . according to Daniel Cavallo. P eople are also needed for publicity and business management, he sa id.

Monday night's meeting will be held in the community room of People 's Federal Savings and Loan in the Saddleback Valley Plaza on El Toro Road.

Additional inform ation is available by calling Daniel or Norma Cavallo, 586-7634 or 494-2656.

Front Page AJ

ALIVE ... raid on an animal research st a­tion on a Tanzanian game re­serve.

Diplomats in Dar es Salaam. the Tanzanian capital; reported today that Za ire had given the United States an unpublicized go­ahead to seek unofficial contacts with the guerrillas .

The sources said they felt Zaire's action r epresented pro­gress in efforts to free the three, seized May 19 on the Tanzanian side of Lake Tanganyika. The ~uerrillas took their captives across the lake to hideouts in eastern Zaire .

President Mobutu Sese Seko is reluctant to admit the existence of the Marxist rebels, who are siud to control much of eastern Zaire. the former Belgian Congo.

Confidence Voted BRUSSELS (U PI > - Prime

Minister Leo Tindemans won a vote of confidence today from a divided parliamtnl over his gov­ernment's d~ision .to buy the U.S. Fl6 fighter plane for l ts NATO forces.

cently to repaint its freeway­facing sign but that the sign on the hill wasn 't included in the ap­proval.

However Jerry Kobrin, vice president in charge of public re­lations for Lion Country. main­tains he wasn 't aware of any or­dinance violation .

·· we ' ve lo s t..-uncounted thousands of customers because of the area's extreme restrictions of even s mall directional signs," he s aid.

" As a result Lion Country has been one of the best-kept secrets in entertainment history. People whiz right by on the freeway and then call us from 30 to 50 miles down the road to find out where we are."

The sign, consisting of four-by­eight foot panels of gypsum sheet rock. was placed on the h. lside Friday. The panels were laced on the ground and sup ed by pegs to keep them fro sliding down the mountain.

While admitting ment constituted bold action, " Kobrin justified t e sign because Lion Country is in " a tight economic crunch."

For Lion Country. plagued by financial losses and a sagging turnstile count, the need for an oversized billboard on the hill may be just.a sign of the times.

Front Page A J

INVASION. • • The depositions indicate the

eavesdropping device was bor­rowed from the Newport Beach Police Department and that Smith had difficulty in retrieving the plug from Mrs. Flatley's trailer.

Court documents indicate that Tynes sat outside the trailer in a car listening to and recording con­versations between Mrs. Flatley and Smi th .

Her s uit char ged the in ­vestigators with invading her privacy and violating provisions of the Fourth. Fifth and Four­teenth Amendments as well as Ti­tle 42oftheCivil Rights Act.

The $10,000 award to Mrs. F1atley was paid by Mission Insurance Company, a county in­surer .

F ro• Page A J

RENTALS. • • charges." said National Car Ren­tal Pres ident J .W. James in rep­ly to the FTC complaint. He de­nied any wrongdoing and said National will "vigorously op­pose" the charges.

Spokesmen for Hertz and Avis said they had not yet fully analyzed the complaint. Hertz said its management had no knowledge of violations and "if they exist. they are completely contrary to Hertz policy and un· authorized."

Since at least 1968, the com­plaint said, the companies have rigged a noncompetitive market structure " by employing na­tional coordinated programs."

They conspired with eacy other to 11ubmlt the same types of bids to airports seeking car rental fran­clses, it. said. By so doing, the complaint further alleged, they set the standards for cont.racti. which prevented other fi.rml from getting Into the business.

They were also accu.aed of " consptrlne , comblnln1 and agreeing amongst themselves and with and through their franchisees to fix and stabilize price for automobile al rental service location.&.·•


PARKING. • • "Yet a llowed still is the park­

ing of vehicles in all colors, various conditions and of assort­ed types to clutter up our view of this atmosphere and to show up oil slicks and street sweeper paths."

Ferlauto said that though the California Highway Patrol does not classify accidents according to those related to parked vehicles , many accidents on re­sidential streets can be general· ly attributed lo obscured vision.

Further, he said , removal of vehicles from the streets would make night patrols by police easier by making it easier to identify unusual circumstances.

Ferlauto pointed out that or· dinances already regulate that each home have two garages, that no car be parked for more than 72 consecutive hours and that on-street automobile repair work be limited.

He said Brea, La Habra and Fullerton alread y have laws similar to the one he proposed. If a family has out-of-town visitors, they may obtain a special-use permit allowing on-street park­ing, he said.

Tony Leon, president or the Capistrano Unified Educators' Association, told trustees teacher r ecommendations would be ready within a week. ~ ·

The CU FT represents about one fifth of the district teachers who belong to a teacher or­ganization. Other teachers

Teen Injured In Accident Still Serious

Shawn Miller of Corona del Mar , gravely injured in a skatebOard mishap earlier this week, was reported in serious condition today after surgery which involved the removal of his spleen,

Miller, 14, of 5131h Poppy Avenue, had bt!en in critical con­dition through Wednesday. He remained under intensive care today at Hoag Memoria l Hospital.

Police traffic investigators said the youngster collided with a car Tuesday afternoon after he exited an alley between Poinset· tia and Orchid Avenues.

The motorist traveling along Fourth A venue was unable to avoid the collision with the youngster, omcers added.

F rotaPageAJ

SILVERADO graduates will come from William Zogg, superir.nendent of the Saddleback Valley Unified School District.

Teacher Gail Halley will pre­sent " Thoughts in Music" sing­ing two original songs and play­ing guitar.

Two scholarships, one-from the Saddleback Valley Educational Council , and one from the Sad­dleback Valley Administrators Association, will be presented.

District Board of trustees President George Henry will pre­sent diplomas and principal Bailey Daugherty will give a farewell sendofL ·

Gurney Aide Admits Gift

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Former Sen. Edward Gurney's onetime chief aide testified today that three days before the 1972 general e lection he gave Rep. L.A. "Skip" Baf alis SI0,000 in a Vero Beach men'sroom. ·

The cash, James L. Groot said, came from Gurney's safe and was from funds raised illegally by Gurney fundraiser Larry Williams.


Pendleton Link Stitch Button Front Cardigan 50/50

Wool I Alpaca. •2soo

HOURS: 9·30T0800


Leisure Suits By Tobias and Munslngwear s4200 to •a500





1816 Newpc:>rt Blvd. Intersection of Harbor & Newpcrt Blvd .

t '


l { \ ) I






l (






Irvine EOITlON


'roday's Clo Ing .Y. tocks


Pair. Still • ve County Hostage in Zaire

O.lly Pilot Stolff PloOlo

' ILLEGAL' SIGN HAS IRVINE GROWLING AT LION COUNTRY SAFARI Park Officials Cite Low Receipts, Say Better Advertising Needed

Sign Dispute Flares Lion Country Puts Out Giant-sized Word


By R U DI NIEDZIELSKI Of the Dally Piiot Stall

Controversy has erupted over a new s ign in the Irvine foothill s which informs motorists in 32· foot leUers that Lion Country Safari 's jungle is s t ill open for business.

the hill wasn 't included in the ap­proval.

However J erry Kobrin , vice president in charge of public re­lations for Lion Country, main­tains he wasn ' t aw:.irc of nny or dinance violation .

·· we ' ve lost uncounte d

thousands of cust omers because of the area 's extreme restrictions of even s m a ll directional signs. "

' he s aid . . .. As a result Lion Country has

been one of the bes l ·kept secrets m entertainment history. People

<See SIGN, P age A2 i .

Hinshaw Compoig11 Cose

NAJROBI , Kenya (AP> - An American univer sity professor said today that two American students and a Dutch student kid­naped by Marxis t guerrillas and taken lo the Zaire jungle more than three weeks ago are alive and believed well .

.. l cannot s ay more than that without possibly jeopardizing ef. forts lo obtain the release of the students . They are a live and be lieved we l I, •• said Peter Steiner of Ann Arbor, Mich., visitin g economics professor at the University of Nairobi who volunteered to act as a mediator two weeks cigo .

He s aid ·· things are al a de­Jkate stage" an d that the next " four or five days" could be crucial.

Diplomatic sources said com-. munications containing informa­tion about the hostages were re­ceived recently from Popular Revolutionary par ty members holding Carrie Jane Hunter, 21, of Atherton . Ca lif ., Kennet h Stephen Smith . 22, of Garden Grove , both Stan ford University s tudents, and Emilie Bergmann ," 25. of Holland .

It was the firs t confirmed con­tact with the gueriillas s ince a third American who was· abduct­ed , Barbara Smuts, 24, of Ann Arbor, Mich .. was freed more than two weeks a go to carry a de­ma nd on the Tanzanian govern· ment for SS00,000. large a mounts of arms and ammunition and the release of guerrilla leaders de­tained in Tanzania .

The kidn<.1pe r s s aid then they would kill their three prisoners if their demands were not met by mid-July. The Tanzanian govern­ment rejected the demands.

The captives were taken in a

Similar t o the fam o u s liollywood s ign in size and layout, the jumbo-sized attention

. getter is located high on a hill and easily v isible to traffic on the San Diego Freeway. •

But unlike Hollywood, Irvine isn't rushing to save the sign. In fact. the sign is placing officials of the Irvine wildlife preser ve squarely into the jaws of city hall.

Five Aides Cite Guilt Claudette Donulclla. assistant

Irvine planning director, s ays the sign is not only oversized but was p laced on t he h i ll s ide without a pe rmit.

Bui lding officials have s ubse­quently photographed it. inspect­ed it, and dct erm ined it illegal. A letter is being sent to Lion Coun· try informing th e coroporation of the violation along wilh a request to remove it.

IC it does n ' t come down, Miss Donate lla s a ys Lion Country could fa ce prosecution in court.

She added that Lion Country had been gi vcn permission r e· cently to r epaint its freeway­/acing sign but that the s ign on

By T OM BARLEY 01 lhe Oi1tl'f Pilot SC.H

Five of s ix men indicted by the Grand Jury on c harges related to Congressman Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 election campaign pleaded guilty to r educed charges late Wednes day.

Their decis ion ended a day­Jon g dialogu e between thei r lawyers and Orange Coun ty Superior Court Judge Waller Smith and led the juris t to cancel the trial previous ly scheduled for his courtroom.

The six th man , Jame s Bertolin o. 52, o f 24 116 Via Madrugada , Mission Viejo. will go on tri al Tuesday m Judge Smith's courtroom.

Bertolino faces charges con-

Trek Co11tinues

~ . '

Determined Daniel Ambrose, 18, of Santa Cruz, and h is equally delcrmined donkey, Holly, are continuing t heir trek from San Diego to Sonoma, following the path of Father Junipero Serra . They arrived' at the Irvine F.qucstrian Center today. This picture was taken during a rest stop in South Laguna. Ambrose bop s to collect pledges during the walk to benefit retarded children.

' I~

tained in the original indictment : b'rand theft, cons piracy a nd sub­mission of false claims.

The five employes of the Coun­ty Assessor 's office face state prison terms of one to five years and /or fin es r a nging up to $10,000 for their p leas on an a mended charge of conspiracy with intent tosubmitfa lse claims.

J\11 five admitted 1n the courtroom that they had billed th e county for time actually s peht working on Hinshaw's con­gressional campaign in 1972 when Hins haw was s till Orange County Assessor .

One defendant, who asked not lo be identified , made it clear afte r conviction that he and his companions were assured before they p)eaded th at probation terms and a poss ible fine will be the maximum punishment they will receive a t the ha nds of Jud~e Smith.

Hins haw a nd current county Assessor Jack VaJJerga, face two t1;a1s for multiple criminal of· fenses charged in two Grand Jury indictments .

Vallerga goes on trial alone Ju­ly 7. Hins haw's firs t trial is scheduled for Aug . 18.

Bike Trails Grant Sought

Irvine's bike trails committee will ask the city council to seek a $60,000 sta te planning gr ant to de­termine the best way to handle bike tra ils at str eet intersections, according to Trans portation Commissioner Juanita Moe.

The committee met Wednes­day with M an ny Puentes, a member of the statewide bicycle tra ils committee. a group which has proposed uniform bike trail standards some Irvine commit­tee members consider unsafe.

The uniform r ecommendations would blend bike trail s with street right turn pockets at in · tersections. Irvine's present system keeps bikes segregated at intersections with striping and rows of epoxy uots.

Thie f Gets Jewels Jewelry va lued al nearly $600

htu; been s tolen from the home of an Irvine woman m o grund theft case reported lo police Wednesday. Susan C. Reynol<.11' , 29, of 17921 Butler St. . told police several items were founct miss · ing from her bedroom j w lry box in the famt1y ho.:ne.

Both m e n will go lo the courtroom togethe r Sept. 29 on the c hnrges initia lly returned by the Grand Jury a gainst nine as­st-ssor 's e mployes .

Deputy Di s tr ict Attorney William Evans was asked after the picas were fil ed Wednesday i( his office would be prepared to act·ommodate Hins ha w and Valler ga if lawyers for the two men tried to work out a deal on the lines of that concluded for the five assessor's employes.

.. No way," E vans emphatical­ly replied ... They wouldn 't get anything like this . We're pre· pared to talk cop out . of course. but I don 't th111k they 'd go for anything like wha t we have in mind .··

Judge Smith . obviously dis· turbed by Hinsh aw's failure to r espond to a s ubpoena that directed the congressman to ap­pear Monday in Su~rior Court, issued a bench warrant for the Newport Beach R e publican 's ar­rel;t.

He s tayed execution of the war­rant provided that Hinshaw ap· µear in his courtroom June 26 to explain his earlier unauthorized absence.

Judge Smith set three dales on which he w ill sentence the fi ve defendants who pleaded guilty Wednesday .

The dates and the defendants are :

Jul y 10, John Montani , 48. of Garden Grove and Reg inald Dunlap, 64, of Placentia .

July 16, Chris Boukidis. 61 , of Anaheim a nd Fred Forbeck, 43, of Orange .

July 24. George Upton, 54, of

<See GUILTY, PageA2i

Solon Tells CIA 'Pwts'

WASHINGTON (UPl > Rep. James Stanton (D. Ohio>. said today he has know ledge of s uccessful assassination plots involv­i ng th e Central In telligence Age ncy.

Stanton. who heads a New House subcommittee on the CIA, confirmed he had talked to a reporter or the Clevel1'nd Plaln Dealer on assassination plot.s.

" The ques tion was 'Do you know of any successful auass1nat1on plots '?" Stanton said. " I rcspondoo •y .: ··

raid on an animal research s ta ­tion on a Tanzanian game re · ser ve.

DiploQ"lats in Oar es Salaam. the Tanzanian capital, r eported today that Zai re had given the United States an unpublicized go. ahead to seek unofficial contacts with the guerrill as .

The sources tiaid they felt Zaire's action r epresented pro·

l,!ress in efforts to frt'c the three, seized !\Jar 19 on the Tanzanian side of Lake Tanganyika The guerrillas look their captives across the la ke to hid<.'Outs in eastern Zaire.

Preside nt Mobutu Scse Seko 1s relu('tant to admit the cxistenee of the Marxist rebl'ls. \\ ho am said to control much of eastern Zain.>, the former Belgian Congo .

Tailgate Flap Driver PlU1Ches Mesa Man

. Fountain Vallt•y police are seekinj:! an angry freeway dnver, who allegedly got sick and tired of being followed too closely .

··1 DIDN'T T lllNK l was that close:· the 51-y<.•ar·o ld Costa Mesa man r eportedly told officers . They arc seek ing his a lleged assailunt on assault and battery charges.

Police sa id the incident occurred at 7 : 15 a . m Tuesda \ on the San Diego Freeway on-ramp <.1t Brookhurst Strl'ct. ·

The man told policl' his Jong-haired ass:.iilant s udden!\ s lammed on his brakes, brinitmg traffic to a halt. thel1 wa lked to th<.' man 's car and .. punched h im thret• times 111 the face.··

··1 T HOUGHT IT \\ as a fe male until he punched me, the man r eportedly told officers . He suffered minor bruisl":-. and bent g lasses, police s aid.

Then, the m a n alleged, his assailant walked back to his car . .. He looked like a banty rooster. s trutting away after ;,i

major accompli s hment,'' he reportcqly said.

·Board Adds Funds For Judicial Study Orange County Supervisors

added $30,000 t o next year's pro· posed budge t today to pay for an efficiency study of the Harbor Judicial District Court.

Richard Humphries, county administrative office analys t, s aid the management review would be the first in history for a county court.

John McQuilken . llarbor <:ourt administrator , told supervisors the judges themselves requested the audit by an outside agency.

The H a rbor court se rves Irvine. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.

McQui lken said the study could reveal operation <:1l deficiencies· or a need for additiona l person­nel.

Super visors h ave taken a tough stand against inc reasin g court personnel reques ted without fult justification. T hey haw asked se,·eral limes in the past · the t:ourt conduct audits lo supµort. their per sonnel requests.

Several supe rvisors lauded the Harbor court for t<.1king the fi rs t s tep . c laimin g ·it ma y en · courage other courts 111 the county to do lh L· same if they want additional personnel in lt1e future .

Former Defendant Wins Settlement

By GARV GRANVILLE Ofllle D• ll Y P1lotSIAll

A San Clem ente woman who was charged with conspiracy lo commit murder l\\O years ago has been awarded $ 10,000 because an eavesdropping device was ii· legally planted in her trailer home by Orange County District Attorney inves til-{ators .

Awarded the out of court settl e · ment of a federal court lawsuit that a lleged her privacy and con­stitutional ri ghts were violated was Mrs. Be lly Love F1 atley 48, of 1880 N. El Camino Real.

Named de fendants in the suit were Dis tri c t Attorney Cec il Hicks and investigators William Tynes. J ames Dougherty, J~I Hayes , J ames Sarros and fo)·ank Oxa ndaboure .

Also named a s a defendant was Philip Henrich Smith, a former Long Beach policeman who was the alleged hit man in the purport­ed murder cons piracy.

Along with Carl L . Osowski. 52. of Anaheim, Mr·s. Flatley was charged March 30. 1973, with con· spi1;ng lo kill George Minkian, Osowski 's the n bus iness partner.

The case against both defen­dants was dismissed in mid-trial six months later without defense attorneys having to present their case.

But the dismissal did not come

Navy Pilot Ejects

As Plane Crashes


SAN DIEGO (APJ - A Navy pilot h• beef' rcJCued unhan:ned otr San Clement l.lland titer his F8J Crusader Jet lo&l ccdtol and crashed Into the sea; lM Navy said.

U . lames Wagon r wasl)idCeet up Wtdnesday 11\aht by a boat from the laJancl aner betlcOpters trom l~ aircr aft c~ 8•!'(.tt potted him 01' a ure .-.n.: '~"Vy

spoke ma8~ahl. • ,

J ( '

before Mrs. Flatlcv had b(•en forced lo spend eight days in jail , pay costly defense fee:. and made to .. suffe r extreme humiliallon, shame a nd embanas~ment. ··

In a pre-tria l conft•rencc order s igned s hortl y before the woman·s suit agains t the District Attorney·s investigators came to hi al in Lo!:> Angeles. it was stated " the following fact s arc admitted and require no proof;"

··on March 27. 1973. said clec• tronic lis tening device was plac<.>cj in the residence o f plaintiff Betty Love Flatley.

·· At the t im t' said t•lectronic hslening device w::is placed in

<St>e INVASION. Page A21

we.titer Cons iderable low cloudi·

ness through Friday with some hazy afternoon sun shine. A iittle cooler Fri­da y with hi g hs in th e mid ·60s at the he;,lchcs to low 70s inland.

INSIDE TctUA Y Was Congressman Midrt>U1

//rnshaw snubbed . at Costa Mesa's Pish Fry? City of· flcials think something wo.<1 fishy. But a fry organizer '-oy.t ti was Hinshaw who turned up Id$ nose. 0 . C. Huslm~ tells IM tole>. Page AIO.



3 Aides Expected To Quit

County Assessor J ack Vallerga s<mi toda y t he status of fi ve employes in hi s offi ce who pleaded gui tt y Wednesday to con· s plracy cha r ges will be de­te rmined within the next few

~ days . Howeve r . othcr sources said

today that three of the men will r esign s hortly and two will lake early re.tire m ents.

The three expected to resign ure Fred .Forbcck. 43, supervisor of the commercia l divis ion · J ohn )lontani, 48 , chief appraise; of the ass~ssment s tandards group, and Assistant Assessor George Up· lon, 54.

Chief 4.1ppraisor of the personal property group , Chris Boukidis, 61 , and s upervisor of the business division. Regina ld Dunlap, 64, C!re the two who are eligible for early retir ements.

All five mC'n pleaded gui lty to tak mg pilrt in a conspir acy to promote Rep. Andrew llinshaw's 1972 congressional campaign by using county employcs as volun· tC'er workers .

Along with four others they ''ere mdicted on the conspiracy 4.lnd other <"harges by the Orani:?e Cou nt y G r an d Jur y l a:.t December. ·

Two mont hs later the County Board of Supt•rvisor s urged \ 'alkrga to s us pend the indictee:; until their cases we r e ad­judi cated.

Vallerga refused the board 's rernmmendataon to suspend the men until their cases were set· tied.

Now. th e asses !>or , who has Smee been charged with being a part of the consp1ra('Y and of mis· conduct in offltc , S4.1\S he \\ 111 ('onsult with othe r s ~fore mak· ing a final detcrm ination of thei r status as county employcs.

Their r esignations and retire­ments would s ave the assessor ha vi ng to make a j udgment.

All fi ve men wer e at work in the assessor 's office thi5 morn · ing.

* * * F rom Page ill

GUILTY ... S4.lnta An <1.

SentenC' mg of th e five men will lea \'e four assessor's employes facing tri <1 l o n the o ri gi n al charges with Bertolino's trial scheduled to open Tuesday.

The remmning three defen · dants and thei r tnal <'S are :

- Robert P.lumlee, 47, and Kirk Armistead . Gt , both of Santa Ana and both on Au g 18 ; and Garland Reddmg, 55, of Santa Ana. Sept. 29.

A con\·ict cd d efendant who as ked not to be identifi ed r e· vealed 14.lte Wednesday that he bas been askrd lo a ppear as a prosecuti on witness at the trials of Hins haw a nd Valleq?a .

" Thats fine by me." hcsa1d.

Two Tulare

Blazes Out EXETER <AP I -- Two

separate f1 r es !rn cpt through 3.800 a C' res of tinder-dry brus h and grnss an Tu I a re County, a nd fire offidu ls bchcvC' both were dchbcratcly set.

The la rger o f the f ires blackened 3.200 at· r cs about fi ve miles east of here . a Division of Forestry officia l s aid Wcdncs· day. It was contained before mid­ni ght and 250 mt•n remai ned on duty th rough thl' night trying to control th l' f l ames, th e spokesman s ~id .


DAILY PILOT lhii- Or1n9(' Co.t\t 0 •~tv J.•1 IQt .'\Wf''ltct\ '' <Ot't"I· bU'W"'<f I~ N t"W" F''H"\ ""bll\hf"C 0Y t~ Or_.Qlt (.o t \I PubH•.h1n•1 lO'"'''*''Y 11\tf'h".\h 11'(11110"4 .W"f' ~1·h ,_, Ml•noav ,,..,., ..,,,, .,_,,cw, •or- '°""'" ltN-"'-'d. ~wOUfl ~~f\ t•v1 t1"'Jt,. l'.1tA< I'\ f l'tv• t•m V• tlfl y Irwin• !.·tdcJh lJ,.f ., V•llfll'( ti,._1 LAQVf'\I lttod\ ~vtn (u•\ f A ~ ,,.,., ,. '1 ... , " l'dlt1on ·~ OUb41U\"0 !Mtv•'1.ay ""'d \Uf"'CSA¥' Tn,. p1"1n '°""' pubt1\n1nc, ,,, )00 YA I t1.t1 .Sttt"f't, C.O~t• M t •, (411t urt 1 V-1t•f'I.

Robert N Wr>ed Prft"\10t,.t •no Pt.1bh~•r'

Jack R. Curley Vttt P'f""~nt i1 nd ~,,.,., Midn.t-q"r

Thomas Kec11il Eoito r

Thomas A M ur phint' MM n .. Q1nQ f <lttM

Charles H Loo<; Richard P. Nall A ' t\I ' " ' M .. n •o+nQ Ed•l·lf'\

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Thurtday. Juntt 1 • •• • • •

0111~ Pilol 51 .. 1 Pllolo

Kaz oo for You Mrs. Beulah Kanawycr and 15 other members of Hunt­ington B each 's 'Kitchen Band ' wi ll present their first perform a nce Friday at Community Bible Church. See additional pictures and story Page 05 today.

Five Manines Held In Grenade The/ ts

Federal authorities were pre­paring formal c ha rges today against five Marine Corps enlist· ed men charged with trying to sell 300 li ve ha nd grenades for $20,000.

Investigators claim they mcl with an undercover agent in an Ocean s id e apartm e nt t o negotiate for the explos ives pilfered from Camp P endleton and were taken into custody there Monday night.

The suspects include Sgt. Phil R Shaw, 22, and P F'C John E . Snow, 19, who were booked into San Diego County Jail pending is· suance of complaints on th e felony federal c ha r ges.

A trio of Marines also allegedly connected lo the explosives theft today were being held at the Camp Pendleton brig. Authoriti es declined to r elease their iden· lilies.

T he arres ts wer e set up follow­tnf! extended s urveillance by thl' FBL the Alcohol, Tobacco a nd

Court Halts Construction

/11 Clememe An appellate court has rul ed

for the California CoastaJ Zom· Conservation Com mission and agai n s t an Orange Cou nt y Superior Court j udge in a dl··

Firearms Bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department a nd the Naval InvestigativeService.

Authorities s tressed today the arrest of the Camp Pendleton quinte t is not r e lated to ap­prehension ot a Marine Corps warrant officer and his girlfriend on charges of s tealing supplies destined for Vietnamese refugees interned at the base .

Authorities did not say if any motive other than monetary gain has been uncovered in the stolen ha nd gren ade case.

Authorities a ll ege some of the suspects were seen by a sur­veillance team as they obtained a load of grenades from an am· munition dump in the Las Pulgas area of Camp Pendleton.

They were a ssertedly tracked t o th e Oceanside apartm ent "ht!l'e th e AT F undercover agent m ade contact, after investigators conducted a stakeout at a s pot where the grenades were hidden.

A civili a n car r eportedly pulled up as feder a-1 agents watched and iti:; occ upants picked up the ex. plosives a nd deliver ed them to Oceanside.

T een Injured

In Accident

Still Serious d sion that again halts construe- Shawn Miller of Corona del taonofa64-umt apartmenthouse Ma r , gravely injured in a in San Clemen te. skateboard mishap earlier this

With Justice Robert Gardner week, was reported in serious the lone dissenter . the Fourth condition toda y a fter surgery Dislnct Court of Appeal s truck which in volved the removal of down decisions by J udge J .E . T. his spleen . " Ned " Rutter that would have a l- Miller , 14, o f 5131-'z Poppy lowed cons truction by the Aries Avenue, had been in critical con-Developmenl Cor p. of its planned di ti on through Wednesday. He Espana de! Mar ocean view pro· remained under intensive care peaty. toda y at Ho ~g Memorial

Justice Ga rdne r points out in Hospita l. his objection to th e majori ty rul - ~olice tr a ffi c investigators mg that the decis ion represents a said the youn gs ter collided with a loss of nea rl v SS00.000 for the car Tuesda-y afternoon after he Aries a company . • exited a n a lley between Poinset-

The firm 's plans were first lia and Or chid Avenues. sidelined when the coastal com· The motoris t traveling along mission fou nd that the project Fourth Avenue was unable to was in violation of the Coastal avoid the co llision with the Act. youngster, officers added.

$ 2 Million

County's Teachers Seeking Benefits

Hundreds of Orange County teachers have phoned unemploy-

Jnent offices for information on a new fede ral law which could give lhe county's 26,500 teacher s more than $2 million a week in un· employ ment be ne fits this s um­mer.

But the flood of calls and a pamphlet ex plaining the s itua­tion that has been prepared by lhe state unemployment oCCice may be for nothing.

A special appropriations bill which includes a cluuse repeal· ing lhe provision for tcocher summer une mployment com­peOJation has been passed by the Con..rress a nd Senate a nd Is a waiti n e Pres ide nt Gerald Ford's s ignature .


The California Teachers As· sociation is refe rring teachers to their local unemployment offices for information on the matter. And teachers have been calling.

Charles Frazier , manager of the Employment Development Departme nt office in Orange, was quote d in a California Teachers Association bulletin story on the topic.

This week, he s aid, he has re· ceived m ore than 200 calla from teachers wanting to know whether they are eligible foT un· employment compensation.

" Our other offices have been hiving a similar number of calls. Some lette r s too , but mostly calls."'he said.

.Mexican Police


·Nab Pot SAN LUIS, .Nexlro <AP> -

Mexican federal police have seized 869 pounds of marijuana after a two·hour air and ground chase involving Mexican officers and agents of the U.S. Drug En­forcement A4mlnlatration.

The incident betJan Wednesday morning when the pilot of a DEA spy plane spotted two cars and a camper parked at the end of a clandestine air strip 3S miles east of Mexicali .

Two hours later, the DEA pUot reported a Mexican aircraft had flown in from the south and landed. The DEA pilot said persons from the cars and the camper were unloadina the plane and another man had climbed up a ladder to r e fuel it.

Officials said the DEA pilot then la nded on the s trip, but the other aircraft took off so hastily the man refueling it was left behind with a hose in his hand sUll pumping gasoline.

" The pilot of the s muggling aircraft must have been the most surprised man in Mexico," the DEA pilot s aid later~

Meanwhile. the camper and the two cars sped off in different directions and the DEA pilot called for help from both sides of the border.

Agents said a second DEA aircraft look up the chase and Mexican officers raced to the scene in cars.

While the two DEA planes followed the camper and one of the cars, the s muggler's plane and the other car managed lo get away.

Occupants of the purs ued vehic les a lso managed to flee after abandoning their vehicles.

Mexican officials s aid they found 869 pounds of marijuana in the camper a nd a gun a nd empty sacks with marijuana traces in them in the other car.

Missing Boy's

Body Discover ed ROSE VALLEY CAP> - A

Ve ntv ra County s heriff 's helicopter s potted the floating body of a 5-year-old boy who had wandered away from his parents · at Sespe Creek in Los Padres Na­tional Park , officials said.

A s heriff's s pokesman said the body of James Michael Nicholas was recove red Wednesday, three miles downstream from Lyon's Campground.

Fre• P,,.eAJ

INVASION. • • plainUCf's home , no search war· rant had been Issued authodWlg such placem~nt. "

-:-"The sole purpose of placing sald electronic llsterung devlce m plaintiff's home was to record the conversations of plaintiff.

_ .. Tbe conversations of plain· llff were, In fftct, r eceived and ta pe recorded.• '

According to dewsitions sup­porting Mrs. Fl alley's complaint, the listening de vice was a socket .plu~ placed in the tniller by Smith.

The depositions indicate the eavesdropping device was bor· rowed from the Newport Beach Police D epartment and that Smith had difficulty ln retrieving the plug from Mrs. F1aUey's trailer.

Court documents indicate that Tynes sat outside the trailer in a car listening to and r ecording con. versations between Mrs. Flatley and Smith.

H er s uit c harged the in ­ve~ligators wittl invading her pnvacy and violating provisions of the Fourth , Fifth and Four­teenth Amendments as well as Ti­Ue42o(theCivil Rights Act .

The $10,000 award to Mrs. Flatley was paid by Mission Insurance Company, a county in­surer.

Front Page A l

SIGN .•. whiz right by on the freeway and then call us from 30 to 50 miles down the road to find out where we are."

The s ign , cons is ting of four-by­eight foot panels of gypsum sheet rock, was placed on the hillside Friday. The ,Panels were placed on the g round a nd supported by pegs to keep the m from s liding down the mountain .

While admitting that its place· rnent constituted " bold action, " Kobrin justifi ed t he s ign because Lion Country is in •·a ti ght economic crunch."

For Lion Country, plagued by financial losses and a s agging turnstile count, the need for a n oversized billboard on the hill may be just a sign of the times .

Ri~hts Rejected BATON ROUGE, La. (AP ) -

A resolution to ratify the pro­posed Equal R ights Amendment was narrowly rejected by a Louisiana legisla tive committee Wednes d ay. T h e Louisiana Legislature has r ejected the con· troversial amendment for three straight years.

Car Rent Monopoly Charged

WASHINGTON (UPJ > - The Federal Tude Commis11ion to· day accused the country's three biggest car renters - Hertz, A vis and National - of monopolizing the airport car rental business, causing con~umers to pay sub· st antially higher prices as a re· s uit.

An antitrust complaint issued by the a gency said the three firms had fixed prices, entered into a conspiracy to keep poten­tial competitors out o! airports, harassed smalle r competitors and made deals with the Big Three a uto companies for ad · vertislng payoffs which helped shore up their m onopolies.

The three companies had com· bined operating revenues of $1.16 billion during 1973, the FTC said. During that same year they con­trolled 96 percent of the nation's at-the -airport rent -a-car busi· ness.

Hertz is owned by RCA Corp., and ls the nation's largest car renter. The second largest in the fi eld Is Avis, which until recently was owned by Inte rnational Telephone and Te legraph Corp. National is a wholly -0wned sub­s idi a ry of Hous ehold Finance Corp.

" We are s hock ed at the broad charges,'' said National Car R en­tal President J .W, James in rep­ly to the FTC complaint. He de­nied a ny wrongdoing and said National will "vigorously op­pose" the charges.

Spokesmen for Hertz and Avis said they h a d not yet fully analyzed the complaint. Her ti said its ma nagement had no knowledge of v iolations a nd ' ·if they ex i:>t , they are completely contrary to Hertz policy and un­authori zed."

Since a l least 1968, the com· plaint s aid . the compa nies have rigged a noncompetitive market s tructure ··by employing na­tiona l coordinated progra ms. ' '

They cons pired with eacy other to submit the same types of bids to airports seeking car rental fran­cises, it s aid. By so doing, the complaint further aUeged, they, set the standards for contracts which prevented other firms from getting into the business.

T hey were also accused of "cons piring, combining a nd agreeing amongst themselves a nd with and throug h their franchisees to fix and stabilize prices for automobile rentals al r ental service locations."


Pendleton Link Stitch Button Front Cardigan 50/ 50

wool / Alpaca. •2590

HOURS; 9:30Toe·oo


Leisure Suits By Tobias and Munsingwear •4200 to •5500




1816 Newport Blvd. Intersection of Harbor & Newport Blvd.



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) I


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., 'l'oday's Clo Ing .Y. Stoek~


Five Hinshaw Aides Plead 'Guilty' By TOM BAJtL.:Y

Of tM Dally P ilot 51.att

Five of s ix men indicted by the Grand Jury on charges related to <.:ongressman Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 election campaign pleaded guilty to reduced charges late Wednesday .

Thelr decis ion ended a day: long dialogue between the ir lawyers and Orange County Superior Cout'l Judge Walter

Smith and led the jurist to cancel the trial previously scb.eduled for his courtroom.

The sixth man. Jam es Bertolino , 52, ot 24~16 Via Madrugada , Mission Viejo, will go on trial Tuesday in Judge Smith's courtroom .

Bertolino faces charges con· tained in the original indictment: grand the ft , conspiracy and sub· mission of fa lse claims., Pl 101 SI.Ml PllOIO

Kazoo for You Mrs. Beulah Kanawyer a nd 15 other m e mbers of Hunt· iJ1!,'1.on Beach 's ' Kitchen Band' will p r esent t hei r first perlorman<: t' FridGty at Community Bible Church. Sec additional pictures and s tory Page 05 today .

Car Rental Firms Hit by Trust Suit WASHINGTON CUPll - The

Federa l Trade Commission to· day accused the country 's three biggest car renters - Hertz. Avis and National - of monopolizing the airport car rental business, causing cons um er s to pay sub· slantially hig her prices a s a re· ,;ult.

An a ntitrust complaint issued by the agency said the three firms had fi xed prices. entered i nto a conspiracy to keep poten­tial competitors out of airpo11s. harassed smaller competitors and made dea ls with the Big Three auto companies for ad­vertising payoffs which helped shore up lhei r monopolies.

Or••lle ,_L Coa•• ~~

Weatller Considerable low cloudi ·

ness through Friday with some hazy afternoon sun· shine . A little cooler Fri· day with highs in the ,at the beaches to low 70s inland. .

INSIDE TODAY W<U Congressman Andrew

Hin1h4w 1nubbed at Costa Meta'• Fl$h F'ry? City of· fidol.s think something ~ /ilhy. But o /Tl/ orgonlur aays it wa.1 Hinshow who turned up hU note. 0 . C. llu1tin91 tells the tale. Page AIO.

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The three companies had com· . bined operating revenues of $1 .16 billion during 1973, the FTC said. During that s ame year they con· trolled 96 percent of the nation 's at-the -airport rent·a ·car busi· ness.

Hertz is owned by RCA Corp., and is the nation 's largest car renter. The second largest in the field is Avis. which until recently was owned by lnternational Telephone and T elegraph Corp. National is a wholly owned sub· sidiary of Household Finance Corp .

··we are s hocked at the broad charges." said National Car Ren· tal President J .W ~ James in r ep· ly to the FTC complaint. He de· nied any wrongdoing and said National will " vigorously op· pose" the charges.

Spokesmen for Hertz a nd Avis sa id they had not yet full y analyzed the complaint. Hertz said its management had no knowledge of violations and ''if they exist, they are completely contrary to Hertz policy and Utl· a uthorized . ' '

Sinoe at least 1968. the com· plaint said , the companies have rigged a noncompetitive market structure "by e mploying na· tional coordinated programs ."

Navy Pilot Ejects As Plane Crashes

SAN DlEOO (AP> - A Navy pilot. has been re cued unharmed oft San Clemente Island after hJs f8J Crusader Jet lost control and crashed lnto the sea, the Navy said .

Lt. James Wagoner was picked up Wednesday nlRht by a boat from the l land afltt hcllcopten from the ~ircraft Ctarrier Raneer spotted hlm on 11 ure raft, a Navy apok~sman uid.

., .,,

The five employes of the Coun· ty Assessor's office face state prison terms of one to five years and/or fines ranging up to $10,000 Cor their pleas on an amended charge of conspiracy with intent to submit false claims.

All five admitted in the courtroom that they had billed the county for time actually spent working on Hinshaw's con­gressional campaign in 1972

when Hinshaw was still Orange County Assessor. On~defendant , who asked not

to be identified , made it clear after conviction that he and bis companions were assur.ed before they pleaded that probation terms and a possible fme will be the maximum punishment they will receive at the hands of Judge Smith.

Hinshaw and c urrent county

Assessor Jack Vallerga. face two trials for multiple c1imln<.1l of· fonses charged in two Grnnd Jury indictments.

VaJlerga goes on trial alone Ju. ly 7. Hins haw 's f1r~t trial b scheduled for Aug . 18.

Both men will go to the courtroom together Sept. 29 0 11 the charges initially returned by the Grand Jury again~t mne as · sessor's employes .

Deput y l>1 st r& l' t Allu1·1w ) William Evans was asked aftcr the picas\\ e r e filNi Wt.'Clnesday 1f hi~ office "oul<l lw prcpa n.'CI lo ;.icco mm odatc Hin:, haw a nd tallerga if la\\ yers for the t\\o m<.>n tried to " ork out a deal on the lines of th at concluded for the f1\'e assessor 's employes.

.. No way ,·· Evans e mphat1cal· ly re plied . " They wouldn 't get

<See G l ' I L Tl'. Page A2i

• ve m ... r1ca Grove 'Surrender to What?'

TrafJ.ic Violator Confesses to Bank Holdup •Kidnap Victlln An unident!fied man suspected of mak·

ing an illegal le ft turn in Orange threw uµ his hand s today and s aid , " I surrender ...

m <.1de the illegal lurn lwd a major arres t to l11s credit. ·

OF.TAILS OF T llE robben· latt· th1:-. NAIROBI, Kenya (AP I - An American university professor said today that two American students and a Dutch student kid · naped by Marxist guerrillas and taken to the Zaire jungle more than three weeks ago are alive and believed well.

·· You s urrender to what?" an Or<.1nge µoli<:e offi<:er asked.

morning were sketchy. · ,\II that was known is tha t th t' ba11d1l l'll

tert•d tht• bank s hortly alfrr it opt·tll'd . sunulated u g un to t'ntic:P a teller to su r r ender <.111 uns pe l'ifit•d amount of t<t!-th and

'" l canl'.l.ot say more than that without possibly jeopardizing ef· forts to o~tain the release of the students. They are a li ve and believed well, '' said Peter Steiner of Ann Arbor. Mich .. visiting economics professor at the University of Nairobi who volunteered lo act as a mediator two weeks ago.

He said · ' things are at a de· licate stage" and that the next "four or five days" could be crucial.

Diplomatic sources Saia com-. municalions containing informa· lion about the hos tages were re· ceived recently from Popular Revolutiona r y party members holding Carrie Jane Hunter, 21. of ~th e rton, Cali f. , Ke nneth Stephen Smith, 22. of Garden Grove, both Stanford University students, and Emilie Bergmann, 25, of Holland.

"TO T HAT BANK JOB," tb<: ~u spettl'd errant driver r eplied .

. then fled in hi ~ eal'.

The bank job he referred to \\' <JS the ruu· bery of Crocker National Bank <.1t Tus tin <.1nd Meats A vcnut'.

And the officer who followed the ~clf­conf essed robber into a liquor store after he

TllE SUS P ECT APPr\RE!'\TL \' eludt•d a privatt' c:itizen who jumped into h is t'<Jr to pur!:iuc the bundit but he w as not rH..'urly so suc:cessful in e luding the officer w ho la ter spotted him making an ill eEW I left turn

B Hike

Police Vote on By TERRY COVILLE

Of the 01lly Piiot SNff

A vote by Huntington Beach policemen will decide today and Friday whethe r officers enter c.trbitration or s ettle their salarv differences with the city. ·

Meanwhile . c.t wide !!:JP ap· parcntly s till ex ists in contract negotiations be tween ~he city and its firemen , with another rouncl of talks sched ul ed Tuesday.

Office r Da\'e Ga mmell . negotiator for the 178-member police association , s aid an offer made Wedm·sday by the city may bring policemen close lo set ­tlement.

The city offered ;.m eight µer· cent pay raise. time·<Hld·a -half pay for overtime o\·er 40 hours. and retirement pay based on an officer's hig hest yeur of l'arn­ings.

Offer Gammell said the city propo~:il

equals a total bencf1L llll'l'l'4:l!>l' of about 12 percent.

He sa id the onl r real dilfc·l'trH·l· now between th.c city propo::i<.J I and the police requt·:;t 1 ~ \\hctht•r the <'ity pays the offiC'er's sharl' of the retirement fund . Ht• :HI· milted that would be a s izeable chunk for the city, boosting the benefit pack age to Hi or 18 per·

<See OFFER . Page A2i It was the firs t confirmed con­

tact with the g uerrillas since a third American who was abduct · eel , Barbara Smuts. 24 , of Ann Arbor. Mich., was freed more than two weeks ago to carry a de­mand on the Tanzanian govern· ment for $500,000, large amounts of arms a nd ammunition and the release of guerrilla leaders de­tained in Tanzania.

Teachers Seek Raises Coast College Facidty Nixes Six Percent Hike

The kidnapers said then they would kill their three prisoners if their demands were not met by mid-July. The Tanzanian govern­ment rejected the demands.

The captives were taken in a raid on an animal research sta· lion on a Tanzanian game re· serve.

Diplomats in Dar es Salaam, the Tanzanian capital, reported toda¥ that Zaire had given the United States an unpublicized go· ahead lo seek unofficial contacts with the guerrillas.

The sources said they felt Zaire's action represented pro· gress in efforts to free the three. seized May 19 on the Tanzani an side of Lake Tanganyika. The S?uerrillas look t heir captives across the lake to hideouts in eastern Zaire.

President Mobutu Sese Seko is reluctant to admit the existence of the Marxist rebels, who are said lo control much of eastern Zaire, the former Belgian Congo.

B y ALAN DIRKIN Of Ille O~•IY P iiot Stitt

About 90 faculty members from Orange Coast and Golden West colleges attended a meeting of the Coast Community College District trus t ees Wednesda y night to support their bid for a 12 percent salary inc r ease.

The teache r s were deadlocked in their negotiations with ad­ministrators - s ix per cent had been offered and r ejected - and the facu lty went to the board for an answer. Rut they did not get one. The trustees agreed to meet again on the issue in 10 days. Tho~gh the talks concentrated

on t e achers' sa lari es. the negotiation s will affect all employes of the district. The classified st a ff - the 1tUpport personnel - also have asked for a 12 percent increase. and en· dorsed the arguments of the faculty representatives. Distri ct adm ini s trator s who are certificated a lso will receive the same perce ntage increas e as the faculty when it is agreed upon.

Tailgate Flap· Driver Punches Mesa Man

Fountain Valley police are seeking an angry freeway driver. who allege d ly got sick a nd tired of being followed too closely.

" I DIDN'T THINK I was that close," the 51-year·old Costa Mesa man reportedly told officers . They are seeking his alleged assailant Or} assault and battery charges.

Police said the incident occurred at 7: 15 a .m . Tuesday on the San Diego Freeway on-ramp at Brookhurst Street.

The man told police his long-haired assailant suddenly s lammed on his brakes, bringing traffic t o a hall, then walked to the man 's car and "punched h im three times Ln the face."

" I THOUGHT IT was a fcmole until h punched me, " the man reportedly told oUh~ers. He sufCered minor bruises and bent a l asses, police said.

Then, the men alleged, hls ossaJlant walked back to his car. " He looked like a bant.y rooster, 1truttin1t away after a major accompllshment," he reportedly sald.


~e talk s thus invol\'l' about 4 ,000 fulltimc and parttim c cmploycs. and Pt'rsonnd 01rel' · tor Max Russell r eporled that. 1f a 12 percent across· thc-1.xwrd in· crease is g ranted it wou ld cost the district 52.8 million . with Sl .858,000 going to c:crtificatccl employes .

The counter offer of six perc:cnl would total $ 1,398,000 for a ll employes.

Russell estimated lhut the fr. inge benefit increases that arc also being sought work out to about 1 percent of an employc·s salary.

The trustees and the teachers debated the issue for about 90 minutes in public session, with Ralph Lewis , h eC1 d of the OCC faculty sena te, stressing that the pay bid was in line with increases in the cost of living.

"' [ don 't think l ::ihould ha ve had to come he re tonight." he said ... l believe w e should have reached a compromise. We ar<' not here for a mass public prayer meeting or lo beg for u salary in· crease. Twcl\'e percent is not an increase; it is a s king for the status quo."

The trustees later went into closed -door executive session to discuss the issue and emerged at 1 a .m . to announce that they will hold a s pecial meeting at 8 p.m . June 20 on the pay packal{c.

. Board pres ident George Rodda said that trus tees " probably" will r each a conclusion at that meeting.

Lewis reiterate d earlier com­ments that he did not understand the continued deluy, and that raculty me mbers were entitled to receive some indication of what

e t The Fountain Valley 1ty

Council has called u spttial ~x· ccuuvc session for 8 A.m .• Fri · day, at city hall to di scuss l)ersonncl matters. City officials would not <"Om m e nt on the sub· je<'t of the closed meeting.

their sa laries will be lx•forc they d~partment for the s umml'r

Rodda sa id th a t the board ·s µos 1llon was that l\\O factors al'l'

casting uncer taint) O\ er the di :-.· t1ict 's budget. Tht.•se foctors an· whether t he dis tn<:t must absor b students from .tht• Gardt'n Grm e L1nifiC'd School Distril't without full r e imbursem en t from tht> state and ho-w the district wall l.J(• af fected by state bud gl't m('asures to ca p gTO\\th at com­munity colle~cs .

Trustee Worth Keene said that the dis tri ct 's sa la ry schedule presently is among the top in the nation with th e exception of d is­tricts in New York and Chic<i).(O

<Sec COLLEGE. Page A2l

Valley Man Suing Over

Mace Attack A Fountai n Valley man s ued

th e s tate for $3 million in damages Wednesday with the al · legation that he was severely burned about the face a nd permane ntl y dis figured whl'n t \\' o C a l i f o I' n i a H 1 g h w a y Patrolmen spra yed him with Mace las t F eb. 15.

Lee Pennington . 161 27 Mt. Kenya Court. Fountain V1:1ll o~. claims in his Oran~e Count ~ Superior Court I a'' suit thtH <1f flcers A.J . Af! rams and Ohvt•r J Sohnsky s prayed him with the dNerrent chemical while he"' a~ handcuffed in the r ear seut ol their patrol cur .

Penninglon lists Orange CoUA· ly und Sheriff 8r<.1d Gates as co· defendants with the further al­h::1tation that it was 24 hours ~fore county jn1l officers al lowed him to be treat~ for his burn .

Pennington was arrested on the Ncwpo1·t Freeway near Jam­boree Road for an undisclosed of· fl'fl 'I •'



~ A.2 DAILY PILOT H / F Thursday, June 12, 1975

Pleaded Guiltg Strike End

Three Assessor Valley Teachers Aides to Quit? Back •

in Class County Assessor Jack Valterga

said tod tty the s tatus of five employes in hi s office who pleaded gui tty W cdnesday to coo­s piracy charges will be de­termined within the next few days .

However . other sources said today that three of the men will resign shortly and two will take

* * * F ro•Page Al

=GUILTY ••• anything like this. We're pre­pared to talk cop out. of course, but I don' t think they'd go for anything like whal we nave in mind."

Judj!c Smith , obviously dis­turbed by llinshaw's failure to respond to a s ubpoena that directed the congressman to ap­pear Monday in Superior Coµrt, issued a bench warrant for the Newport Beach Republican's ar­rest.

He stayed execution of the war­rant prov ided that Hinshaw ap­pear in his courtroom June 26 to explain b is earlier unauthorized absence.

Judge Smith set three dates on which he will sentence the five <.lt!fendants who pleaded guilty Wednesday.

The dates and the defendants an• :

- Julv 10. J ohn J\lontani, 48, of Garden Grove and Reginald . Dunlap. 64 , of Placentia.

- July 16, Chris Boukidis, 61, of Anaheim and .Fred Forbeck, 43, of Orange.

- July 24 , George Upton, 54, of S<.inta Ana .

Sentencing or the five men will leave four assessor 's cmployes facing tri a I on the original <:harges with Bcrtolino's trial scheduled to open Tuesday.

The remaining three defen­<.lants and their trial dates are:

- Robert Plumlee, 47, and Kirk Armis tead . 61, both of Santa Ana and both on Aug. 18 ; and Garland Redding, 55, of Santa Ana, Sept. 29.

A convicted <lefrndant who c.isked not to be identified re­, ·ealed late Wednesday that he has been asked to appear as a prosecution witness at the trials of Hinshaw and Vallerga.

"That's fine by me," he said.

~eception Set For Sculptor

A public reception will be held for sculptor J 41ck Zajac at 8 p.m., Friday. in the new Huntington Beach central library on Talbert Avenue.

More than 20 pieces of Z:.ijac 's work <ire currently on display at the library and will be there through J uly 11. Zajac has been commiss ioned to produce the en­trywa y sculpture for the city 's nl'w civic center .

The reception is co.sponsored by Standard Oil or Caltfornia, the Jodi Scully C &llcry , and the city's Allied Arts Commission. The Huntington Beach Company, a subs1d1ary or Standard Oil, IS payrng the $45.000 for Zajac's civic center work.

Pope Apologizes VATICAN CITY <U PI) - Pope

Paul VI , renewing his call to Roman C:.a thol ic dissidents to join in Holy Year reconciliation, apologized Wednesday for any offense his criticism may have caused them.


DAILY PILOT T~ 0<•"'1" Co" " DAiiy l'llol .... .. wlllfll IHom· r ..,. N f"W\ f'rt~' t\putit10-.-.ctby t,,,.Or"ianQP (JM t P\.tt:>lt\fttr'WJ (.O,,•;>.j"IY \ "l>"'"'t" ~Chtton\ Ar• s:Nhf1~ ~rwJ•Y tf\r O\IU., f t1CS..y fOf (.o\t• tww, !Hw-1 S.<t<n H"nllnuton 9"tcll/ F...,... l •1n \11 t1e 1 . lrYflU'. S•ddlt blCk V•lft y •nd UQti"W ~.t< h \l>uU\ ( •4t\t A "jt\Qtt tt'-910tnl'I f'd •hon I'\ ("Uhll~h· d ~fuf'dA'I' dt'CI !:tutr"CIAY' lhe Pfl n(IOf'I Nbf1\tllnQ p l;tnl , ... " )(JC) W. i,' a., Silrl't1 , c.o~t• Mes.41. C•li to,nr. 9161•.

Robl' rt N . W<>ed Ptf'\•Ot "'•NJ PvOl•\l't'r

J ae k R. Curley V •C f: Pr•'"'l•dfint a f'd CAn .. r•l IMMoi-r

Thomas Kcevi l Edole>r

Thomas A. MurphJne MA n• olna £.Ollor

Charles H . LOO'> Richard P. Nall A ' \l \tA"t MA n• QJt\0 (dltM \

T erry Covi lle W. u O•An°' '"""'' £.Ol llW'

Hunt lnqton B~ttch Office tlt ll 8 .. <" l!ov•o••O

~111,_. AOO••u P 0 l!to• I~ • .,...

Other Offices t..11011"• flut "• 11 .. c;1o,....v,. S4'ttl C..••• ""~ ·• Uo 'Nt ll 6"'v ~-• ~-•I S.<t(n »U ,., .. ,.., 90vle-d $tddlt"'°' ~ Vt llty U>OI ~ "'91 "­

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Tel•phon• (714 ) 642-4321 Cl•sslfled Adver11Slft9 642·S.11 f,_ "-rill OtMIOO (!_, e-.n.11o,


C.ot1¥ rl l"' · " II Or enOt c .. u ltw&H•lll•v ~-' ,.. .,. . .. , ..... , .. 11111\l••ll-•..i•tor••• melt•• e r All•• fl•••"'tnu ,_. , , ,., "'"' .. ••ll••dvCtll • " " •"' •IMCl • I .-rrntUleft of ,....,, . .,., ....... "''~ ( IOU ··" • P•ld •• , ., •• Mne, C'<1hf0tfl., J111t\C rtt14Nlfl1ty C¥rltf U 00......,.,,.Y , -. - ".,. oo 111.,.""t• "lllllll<Y •••-•-u.oo ~ly.

early retiremepts. The three expected to resign

are Fred Forbeck, 43, supervisor of tbe commercial division ; John Montani, 48, chief appraiser of the assessment s tandards group, and Assistant Assessor George Up· ton,54.

Chief appraisor of the personal property group, Chris Boukidis, 61, and supervisor of the business division, Reginald Dunlap, 64, are the two who are eligible for early retirements.

All five men pleaded guilty to taking part in a conspiracy to promote Rep. Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 congressional campaign by ·using county e mployes as volun­teer workers.

Along with four others they were indicted on the conspiracy and other charges by the Oran.r?e County Grand Jury la s t December . ·

Two months l a ter the County Board of Supervisors urged Vallerga to suspend the. indictees until their ca ses were ad­judicated.

Vallerga refused the board's r ecommendation to suspend the men until their cases were set­tled.

Now, the assessor, who has since been charged with being a part of the conspiracy and of mis­conduct in office, says he will consult with others before mak­ing a final determination of their s tatus as county employes.

Their resignations and retire­ments would save the assessor having to make a judgment.

All five men were at work in the assessor 's office thjs morn­ing.

Fro• Page Al

COLLEGE. • • and is second in California .

Another argument of Person· nel Director Russell was that, although the consumer price in­dex shows a 12 percent cost-of· living increase. the index , Russell said , is related to lower salary categories and is less vali d for p eop le on hig he r salaries.

UPI Telt911o10

Budget Watchdog Legislative Analyst A. Alan Post follows the proceedings of the budget conference committee which is in its second day of drafting the final version of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. 's $11.5 billion-plus state budget. Story Page AS.

Former Defendant Wins Settlement


A San Clemente woman who was charged with conspiracy to commit murder two years ago has been awarded $10,000because an eavesdropping device was il­Jegal!-y planted in her trailer home by Orange County District Attorney investigators.

Awarded the out of court settle­ment of a federa l court lawsuit that alleged her privacy and con­stitutiona l ri ghts were violated was Mrs. Betty Love Flatley, 48, ofl880N. El Camino Real .

Named defendants in the suit were District Attorney Cecil Hicks and investigators Willi am Tynes, James Dougherty, Joel Hayes, James Sarros and Frank Oxandaboure.

" the following facts are admitted and require no proof;''

- "On March 27, 1973, said elec­tronic tis Lening device was placed in the res idence of plaintiff Betty Love F14tley. -"At the time said electronic

listening device was placed in plaintiff's home, no search war­rant had been issued authorizing such placem ent. ' ' · - " The sole purpose or placing said electronic listening device in pla intiff's home was to record the conversations of plaintiff.

- "The conversations of plain­tiff were, in fact, received and tape recorded .''

According to depositions sup­porting Mrs. Ftatley's complaint, the listening device was a socket plug placed in the trailer by Smith.

Teachers in the Fountain Valley School District were back in theit classrooms today, their three·day·old strike officially ended.

Meanwhile, a parent group pressed on with plans to recall three school board tpembers the gro up c laim s was .. un ­responsive'' during the strike.

District Superintendent Bob Read discounted published re· ports that the teacher contract . dispute would immediately be turned over to an impartial fact· finding team.

Instead, he explained in a let ­ter to teachers, negotiations will resume and fact-finding will not be used unless talks break down later.

What actually ended the strike, he said, was a revision in district policy on fact -finding, whkh as­sures " a neutral third party as chairman.''

Bob While, chairman of the teacher negotiating team, ex­plained that the three-person panel will include one member picked by teachers and one by trustees.

The policy change deals with

Yearbooks Distributed,

Students Say A spokesman in Edison High

·School's journalism depa1tment has denied r eports Lhat stu­dents had to cross teacher picket lines to collect their school yearbooks.

Officials in the Huntington Beach Union High School Dis­ttict sa id Monday the delivery truck ' driver, a membe1· of the Teamsters Union , refused to cross the picket line.

So students reportedly were picking up their books by walk­ing across the lines. However, district officials toda y s aid school employes and student helpers actually carri ed the books on ca mpus - not in­dividual students.

But journalism depart ment employes claim ed the books were delivered Saturday, when no pickets were there, and the driver carried them to the journalism office. The books were given to s tudents Monday

· and today, employes said.

selection of the third party. In the past, he sald, U lbe first two members couldn' t eiree to a third, the Orange County school superintendent made the selec· ti on. ·

Teachers contended that as an administrator, he c9uld not pick a neutral party. But under the re­vision, White said, the district. bas agreed to pick th~ third party from a list submitted by the Callf ornia Conciliation Service.

The trustee recall effort. chaired by Fran Johnson, a mother of 10, was being launched today against board President Hoger Belgen, and Trustees William Cran e and Sheila Meyers .

Mrs. Johnson said a parent group was meeting this morning to select officers and organize tho petition efforts.


OFFER ••. cent.

Gammell said he is submitting the new proposals to officers for a vote on acceptance or denial. If they turn it down, both sides are ready to enter a fact .finding pJ'Oo cess which could lead to an arbitration proceeding.

Don Lewis, assistant personnel director for the city, said both sides had been at an impasse the )>ast three weeks, but they kept negotiating anyway.

Lewis said the situation is not so good with firemen, saying both sides are much farther apart than in the police contract ta lks.

Engineer Larry Richards, pre• sident of the firemen's ;;lssocia· lion, said "We're not deadlocked yet , but to call it unsettled would be putting it mildly."

Neither s ide cared to reveal specific proposals and counter propos als because another negotiation session is scheduled Tuesday.

Richards did say that Hunt· ington Beach is the ninth largest city in California in terms of as­sessed valuation and 12th largest in population, but its firemen are paid 89th.

" We have made what we feel are decent demands,'' he said.

Both fire and police negotiators are seeking larger in· creases this year because both associations are on the last year of a three-year contract they s igned in 1972.

There are five pay scales for teachers in "the district with various steps within those scales . However, Russell explained that an experienced teacher with an MA will start at $15,000 a year. The top pay scale goes from $15,121 to $23,517 and Russell said that because most teachers have been with the district for some time more fa culty members ar~in the topsca ~e than any other.

Lewis maint ained that although salaries are high com­pared with other districts, they are not high compared with the area and em pha s ized th a t teae!hers are professional people.

Also named as a defendant was Philip Henrich Smith, a former Long Beach policeman who was the alleged hit man in the purf)ort­ed murder conspiracy.

Along with Carl L. Osowski, 52, or Anaheim, Mrs. F1atley was charged March 30, 1973, with con­spiring to kill George Minkian, Osowski's then business partner.

FOR FATHER'S DAY Sunday JUNE 15 " I don 't believe a savings and

loan association would finance the average price house in Mesa Verde for one half or two thirds of the faculty because of insuffi. cient income," he added.

Sclwol Board Chauffezus On Way Out?

SACRAMENTO (AP) - Los Angeles Board of Education members will have to give up their chauffeur-driven cars if As­sembly man Paul B . Carpenter <D·Garden Grove) gets his way.

Carpenter introduced a bill to that effect Wednesday.

Carpenter said he thinks " most school boards realize that using district personnel for personal chauffeur se rvi ce i s not a legitimate expenditure of funds , especially now when budget restrictions are making money for education so tough to come by.''

The Assembly passed asimilar bill last year , but it was killed by the Senate Education Committee.

The case against both' defen­dants was dismissed in mid-trial six months later without defense attorneys having to present their case. .

But the dismissal did not come before Mrs. Flatley had been forced to spend eight days in jail , pay costly defense fees and made to "suffer extreme humiliation, shame and embarrassment."

In a pre-trial conference order sign e d s hortl y before the woman 's suit against the District Attorney's investigators came to trial in Los Angeles, it was stated

·Seat Open

On Committee The Ocean View School Dis­

trict is seeking applicants to fill an unexpired term of its Person­ne I Commission, an a gency responsible for setting policy for the district 's non -teaching staff.

It also serves as an advisory body to the school board in mat­ters relating to those employes.

The commissioner will fill the term of Ken Eilefson, who re- · signed. The term ends Nov. 30.

Applications must be in by June 30.

J111nbo Blaze Passengers Flee 747 NEW DELHI, India (AP> - One Boeing 747 jum­

bo jetliner with nearly 400 persons aboard was destroyed by fire in Bombay early today, and another one with 400 refugees from Portuguese Africa made an emergency landing in Rhodesia after limping more than 600 miles on three engines.

The only reported casualties were four persons who were slightly injured in the Bombay mishap.

Air France said the right landing gear on its Hong Kong-to-Paris flight overheated as the plane was taxiing to take off from Bombay. The airllne said when the fire warning signal came on, the pilot" braked the plane and the passengers and crew escaped down the emergency chutes as the big aircraft caught fire . •

Passengers and crew remained calm, and the evacuation was orderly, Air France said.

, •

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Wool/ Alpaca. •2500

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Leisure Suits By Tobias and Munsingwear '4200 to •ssoo





1816 Newport Blvd. Intersection of Harbor & Newport Blvd.






. t


' I

I l


'f oday's Closiag N.Y.S&oek


.Five llinshaw Aides Plead 'Guilty' lSy TOM BARLEY

• Of .... 0.11, ...... Mllft 1 ll'ive of'six men indicted by the Grand J\lrY on chaJ:ges related to ~gressman Andrew Htnsbaw's 19'12 election campaign pleaded guilty to reduced charges late Wednesday.

Their decision ended a day-· Jong dialogue between their lawyers and Orange County Superior Court Judge Walter

Ka%oo for You

Smith and led the jurist to cancel the trial previously scheduled for ha courtroom.

The sixth man, James 'Bertolino, 52, of 2All6 Via Madrugada, Mission Viejo, will go on trial l'uesday in Judge Smith's courtroom.

Bertolino faces charges con­tained in the original indictment: grand theft, conspiracy and sub­mission of false claims.

Mrs. Beulah Kanawyer and 15' other members. of ,Hunt· ington Beach's 'Kitchen Band' will present their first performance Friday at Community Bible Church. See additional pictures and story Page DS today.

·Board Adds Funds .

For Judicial Study Orange County Supervisors

added $30,000 to next year's pro­posed budget today to pay for an efficiency s tudy of the Harbor Judicial Distri ct Court.

Richard fiumphries, county administrative office analyst, said th e management review would be the first in history for a county court.

John McQuilken , Harbor court administrator, told supervisors the judges them.selves requested the audit by an outside agency.

The Harbor court serves Irvine, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa .

McQuilken said the study could reveal operational deficiencies · or a need for additional person­nel.

Supervisors have taken a tough stand against increasing court personnel requested without full justification. They have asked several times in the past the court conduct audits to support their personnel requests.

Several s upervisors lauded the Harbor court for taking the first step, c l aiming it may en­courage other courts in the county to do the same if they want additional personnel in t!le future. •

CdM Youth Quizzed . Over Sclwol Blasts Police j\Jvenile officers said to­

day they plan to question a Corona del Mar youth who may be responsible for two separate expl osion s of extremely hazardous firecrackers Wednes­day at Lincoln Middle School.

Juvenile detectives already have seized six unfired Jirecrackers described as-having the same power as a quarter stick of dynamite. They planned lo detain a youngster who took them from the family home to


NEW YORK <UPI) - Prices cloeed lower todoy 1n slow trad­ing on the New York Stock Ex· change in the absence of any ma­jor news developments.

.The Dow Jones Industrial Average, up more than two points earUer, was off 5.24 points to819.31 at the close. Declines led advances by about' 5even·to-ftve margin among the 1,787 issues cconingthatape.

Turnover amounted to about U ,60(),0()() shares, down frOQ'l the ~.-.oootrad d Wedn day.

Prlc:e1 were lower in moderate trMlini on the American Stock £xc:bange.

sell at 50 cents each.

Officers said they have ac· counted for all the firecrackers which changed hands through the day . Besides the two blasts at the school, several were heard in the Corona del Mar area through the night.

The first blast hit the locker area of the boy's gym shortly after the start or schopl and damaged a wall and bent a win· dow frame. T he cost of repairs was eslimated at $500.

The second blast later in the d~y was reported by police to be in a trash can, but caused no damage.

Officers described the tissue­wrapped explosive pieces as about five inches long, about an inch in diameter and capable or bl'owing ore the arm of a youngster.

Rig.hts Rejected BATO~ ROUGE, La. (AP> -

A resoluUon to raUb the pro­posed Equal Ri1hts Amendment was na~rowly rejected by a Louisiana leglalatl\le committee Wednesday . The Lout1iana Legislature has rejec:ted the con· trovenJat amendment for tibree ait.raight. year1.

The five employes of the Coun­ty Assessor's office face state prison terms of one to five years and/or fines ranging up to $10,000 for their pleas OD an amended charge of conspiracy wiUi intent t.osubmitfalse claims.

All five admitted in the courtroom that they had billed the county for time actually spent working OD Hinsbaw's con­gressional campaign in 1972

when Hinshaw was still Orange County Assessor.

One defendant, who asked not to be identified, made it clear after convi~tion that he and his companions were assured before they pleaded that probation terms and a possible fine will be the maximum punishment they will receive at the hands of Judge Smith.

Hinshaw and current county

Assessor Jack Vallerga, face two trials for multiple criminal of­fenses charged in two Grand Jury indictments.

Vallerga goes on trial alone Ju­ly 7. Hinshaw's first trial is scheduled for Aug. 18.

Both men will go to the courtroom together Sept. 29 on the charges initially returned by the Grand Jury against nine as­sessor's employes.

Deputy District Attorney William Etrans was asked after the pleas were filed Wednesday if his office would be prepared lo accommodate Hinshaw and Vallerga if lawyers for the two men tried to work out a deal on the lines of that concluded for the five assessor 's employes.

.. No way," Evans emphatical­ly replied. "They wouldn' t gel

<See GUI LTY, PageAZi

ort-Mesa Offer

To Teachers 'Insult' Balloting To Decide

'Surrender to What?' Trafj.ic Violator Con/ esses to Bank Holdnp

Proposal An unidentified man suspected of mak­ing an illegal left turn in Orange threw up his hands today and said , .. 1 surrender."

made lhe illegal turn had a major <.ll'l't!S l lo his cred i l.

By HJLA~Y KAYE Of U.. 0<11ly Piiot Staff

A pay proposal that fall s far short of the 12 percent salary hike sought by Newport-Mesa teachers was termed an " insult" today by teachers' bargaining representatives .

··You surrender lo what'? " atl Orange police officer asked.

DETAILS OF THE robbery latt· Lhts morning were sketchy.

All that was knO\m is that the bandit en­tered the bank shortly after it opened. simulated a gun to entice a teller to sut·­rcnder an unspecified amount of cash and

"TO T HAT BANK JOB," the suspected errant dri ve1· replied.

.then fled in his car.

The proposal offers a 3.8 per­cent pay hike to teachers at the top of the pay scale, but nothing more than automatic annual pay increases to other instructors .

Teachers were given ballots to­day asking whether they wanted to accept the salary and benefit proposal offered Wednesday by the school board.

The bank job he ref erred lo was the rob­bery of Crocker National Bank al Tustin and Meats Kvenue.

And the officer who foil owed the self· confessed robber into a liquor store after he

THE SUSPECT APPARENTLY eluded a private citizen who j umped into his car to pursue the bandit but he was not nt·arly so successful in eluding the officer who later spotted him making an illegal left turn .

Monopolg Charge Ballots wilJ be counted later to­

day. The results will .be an­nounced Friday.

It the proposal is rejected, teachers will be contacted in the fa ll and asked if they wish to strike, s.aid Bill Grgurich, Certificated Employe Council (CEC) chairman .

Car Rental Firms Hit Teachers have asked for what

they call a cost-of-living adjust­ment, roughly 12 percent. Last year they were given a nine per­cent pay hike .

The school board has offered 12-year teachers on the top pay step a 3.8 percent sala ry in ­crease.

WASHINGTON <UPI> - The Federal Trade Commission to­day accused the country 's three biggest car renters - Hertz, Avis and National - of monopolizing the airport car rental business, causing consumers to pay sub· stantially higher prices as a re­sult.

An antitrust complaint issued by the agency said the three firms had fixed prices, entered

into a conspiracy to keep poten­tial competitors out of airports, harassed s maller competitors and made dea ls with the Big Three auto companies for ad· vertising payoffs which helped shore up their monopolies .

The three companies had com· bined operating revenues of $1.16 billion during 1973, the F"'CC said. During that sam e year they con­trolled 96 percent of the nation 's

at-the -airport r~nt-a-car busi­ness .

Hertz is owned by RCA Corp., and is the nation's largest car renter. T he second largest in the field is Avis, which until r ecently was owned b y International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. National is a wholly owned sub­sidiary of Household Finance Corp.

(See RENTALS, PageA2i Those 587 teachers on the top

rung are ones who have ad­vanced to the point of no longer receiving automatic pay boosts other teachers receive.

The remaining 600 teachers in the district were offered no addi-

Teachers Seek Raises . lion al salary increases other than the automatic 3.8 percent pay hike they receive as they add another year of experience.

Coast Colkge Facidty Nixes Six Percent Hike " From the appearances of the

proposal, it's obvious the district has teachers as the last priority for anything,'' said Chuck Gordon, one of the CEC reps and a teacher at Mc Nally High.

By ALAN DJRKIN Of tl\e 0• ii y Piiot St.all

About 90 fa culty members Crom Orange Coast and Golden West colleges attended a meeting of the Coast Community College District trustees Wednesday night to support their bid for a 12 percent sa lary increase.

" I'm not al all happy with the proposal. It's an insult," Gordon complained. The teachers were deadlocked

in their negotiations with ad­ministrators - s ix percent had been offered and rejeeted - and

Grgurich, a Newport Harbor High math teacher, said, "I'm assuming the teachers will reject the proposal . . it 's simply ridiculous."

· the faculty went to the board for an answer. But they did not get one. The trustees agreed to meet again on the issue in io days.

According to Jean Harmon, ad­ministrative assistant to the dis­trict superintendent, trustees de­cided to devote $1.25 million oC the $2 million in emergency re-

Though the talks concentrated on t e achers' sa laries, the negotiations will affect a ll employes of the district. The


. <See INSULT, P ageA2>

Tailgate Flap Driver Punches Mesa Man

Fountain Valley police are seek ing an angry freeway driver, who allegedly got sick and tited of belng followed too closely.

... DIDN'T THINK I was that close," the 51-year-old Costa Mesa man reportedly told ofCicers. They are seeking his alleged assaiJanton assault and battery charges.

Police said the incident oecurred at 7: 15 a .m. Tuesday on the San Diego Freeway on-ramp at Brookhurst St.reel.

The man told police his long-haired assailant suddenly slammed on his brakes, bringing traffic to a hall, then walked to the man 's car and "punched him three limes in the face."

" I THOUGHT IT was a female until be punched oie," the man reportedly told officers. Ho suffered minor bruises and bent glasses. police snid.

Then, the man aJJeged, his usaUant walked back to his car. " He looked Hke a banly rooster, strutting away after a m~or accomplishment,'' he reportedly said.

. -I

\ ( Ii"

classified st aff - the support personnel - a lso have asked for a 12 percent increase. and en­dorsed the aq~uments of the faculty r epresentatives. District administrators who are certificated also will receive the same percentage increase as the faculty when it is agreed upon .

The talks thus involve about 4.000 fulltim e a nd parttime employes, and Personnel Direc · tor Max Russell reported that, if a 12 percent across-the-board in · crease is granted it would cost the district $2.8 million, with Sl,858,000 going lo certificated employes.

The counter offer of six percent would tota l $1 ,398,000 for all employes .

Russell estimated that the fr. inge benefit increases that are also being sought work out to about 1 percent of an employe 's salary.

The trustees and the teachers debated the issue for about 90 minutes in public scssion.~with Ralph Lewis, head of the OCC faculty senate, stressing that the p'y bid was in line with increases iri the cost of living.

' ' I don't think I s hould have had to come here tonight," he said. "I believe we should have reached a compromise. We are not here for a mass public p&·ayer meeting or to beg for a salary in· crease. Twelve percent is not an increase; it is asking for the status quo."

The trustees later went into closed·door executive session to discuss the lssue and emerged ttl 1 a.m. to announce that they wlU hold a special meeting at 8 p.m. June 20 on the pay package.

Board pre tdent George Rodda said lhtH trus tees "probably" will reach a conclusion at that meeting.

Lewis reiterated earlier .com­ments that he did not understand the continued delay. and that facu lty members were entitled lo receive some indication of what their salaries will be before they o department for the summer.

Rodda sa id that the board 's position was that two factors arc casting uncertainty over the dis­trict 's budget. These factors a re whether the district must absorb students from the Garden Grove

<See COLLEGE, PageA2)


Weatller Considerable low cloud1

ness through Friday with some bazy afternoon sun­shine. A little cooler Fri­day with hig hs in the mid-60s at the beaches to low 70s inland.

I NSIDE T ODAY Was Congressman Andrew

Hinshaw snubbed .at Cosla Mesa's Fi3h Fry? City of­flCials lhink someth~rig too.' fishy . But a fry organizer S<JY!t it WCl$ Hinshaw who turned up IW nose. 0 . C. Hustings tells th'! tole. Page .410.



_,.4 ¥ OAIL V PILOT N •

Watson Reveals Projects

The Irvlne Co mpany fs con­aidering the construction of a posh blulftop luxury inn on the prime section of its Castaway Point property overlooking Up. per Newport Bay, company President Raymond Watson said Wednesday.

Speaking before a large town. ball audience assembled by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Watson delivered a wide-ranging address on the status of his firm and its plans for Aiture projects.

And among them would be the '3nn and a residential complex

·milar in density and style as ihe Bluffs along the prime •creage overlooking the harbor at Dover Drive.

The luxury inn is but one idea for the property which remains in Jimbo until plans are made at the city, s tate and federal level for a new Upper Bay Bridge.

Watson said that analysts in his firm have noted that the depths of the recession which brought housing sales and ren­tals to almost a st andstill recent­ly have eased considerably.

He said that the firm once again is making gains in sales and ren· tals - even in the admittedly pro­blem-plagued Promontory Point project hit by s low rentals.

In other areas of the firm's in­terests, Watson sa id that the year of planning t alks at the com­munity level on the huge TIC­MAP acreage bounded by Irvine, Newport Beach and Laguna Beach now is headed toward the county planning commission. He predicted a formal end to the planning effort by the end of the year.

Watson declined to discuss ex­actly how much the new surge of income amounts to in doll ars and cents, saying that the information will be annou nced at the annual m eet in g of the firm 's shareholders who will assemble onJune24.

" We had a good year," he said of the firm 's 12·month fiscal period which ended April 30.

"lt was far better than the fis· cal year that preceded it, " he added.

"We are proud of our ac ­complishments, because we have pulled out of the worst poat war recession this country bas ever bad."

Swim Classes Organized At Boys Club

Swimming classes are being organized by the Boys Club or the Harbor Area for boys and girls nine months to 18 years.

Five separate sessions will be held this summer. The sesslons are scheduled : '

-June 16-June 27 - June 30-July 11 - July 28-August 8 - August ll-August22 - August 25·September 5 Morning and afternoon classes

will be held in each session. Morning classes last from 9·11:30 a .m. and afternoon classes ~ from noon to 2 p.m.

Reservations can be made by calling the Boys Club at 548-9387 or by going to the Central Branch, 594 Center Street, Costa Mesa.

Ambassador Dies NEW DELHI <U PO - Durga

Prasad Dhar, 57, India's am­bassador to tha Soviet Union, died Thursday after a heart al· tack .


DAILY PILOT =~~~~~·.11 r. ~:\i=:::~::.: Coa•I ""'b41$11ono CAlmo•n• St-•lt eclll._ ••• publo- _ ,,., • ., 11\<PUQI\ F rtOoy tor Coll• Mow, ,..w_I .. eel\. Hunl1"91°" Bff<ll/ Foun· 1••n vat••v. lrwl"•• S•lldl•~c i. V• lltY •M Ul9\IN S.e<flflolllll Cool A ""'9"' reQ<ONI - """Is putlll\Md lllwrder. end WfOOY• Tl\e "'""' " ' pUbl lll\lnO ple lll t el DI ~I s.., SlrMI, C.0.W ~··· Ce lllornl• f7'1f>.

Robert N. Weed ,.Ulth nl a tWI ""1111111\or

Jack R. Curley VI(• "'" '""'end Gen .. • I WlleOtf

Tnomas Keevll ldllor

Thomas A. M urphlne Mell••'~'"''°'

Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall 1'nl tl•"' INl\•tl"' ldlt0t•

Newport Beach Office JJJl'4•• l'Ofl ......... .

"'°lllllt A-t\t; l".0 . .. , ttlJ, .,~

Telephone (7H) Ml-4321 ClaHlflfd .Ad~ertl•lnt M2·M71

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-"'' ·

Thurect•r. Jun• 12. 1976

Dally .................

HONORED BY TRUST!!8 Special Teecher P•raona

School ~named In .Mesa

The Canyon School for Traina· ble Mentally Retarded (TMR) children in Costa Mesa has been renamed the Ma rion Parsons School.

Newport-Mesa school trustees voted this week to change the name of the school in honor of the r etired teacher who is well known for her special education work in the district.

Mrs . Parsons was an elemen­tary school teacher specializing in remedial work from 1938 until . 1956. Then, she taught special education for Educable Mentally Retarded (EM R ) children until 1961.

She became the first special education psychologist in the dis­trict, working at Canyon TMR School, at 2350 Canyon Drlve, un­til 1973 when she retired.

The school board's decis ion to change the school name was pro­mpted by the Canyon School PTA , which unanimously re­quested the name change.

A spokesman for the PTA said the name change was suggested "to acknowledge the service and

· selflessness she has shown young people of special education throughout her career."

Mrs . Parsons has received several awards for her work, in­cluding the Teacher of the Year Award in 1956, The Newporl­Mes a Edu cator Association Educator's Award in 1972, the psychologist merit award in 1970, plus special recognition by the Council for Exceptional Children, Chapter 188, sever al times.

COLLEGE ••• Unified School District without full reimbursement from the state and how the district will be affected b y s t a te budget measures to cap growth at com­munity colleges.

Trustee Worth Keene said that the dis tri ct 's salary schedule presently is among the top in the nalion with the exception of dis­tricts in New York and Chicago and is second in California.

Another argument or Person­nel Director Russell wu that, although the consumer price in­dex shows a 12 percent cost-0r­li ving increase, the index , Russell sa id , is related to lower salary categories and is less valid for people on higher salaries.

There are ti ve pay scales for teachers in the district with various steps within those scales. However, Russell explained that an experienced teacher with an MA will start at $15,000 a year. The top pay scale goes from $15,121 lo $23,517 and Russell said that because most teachers have been with the district for Aome time more fa culty members are in the top scale thananyotner.

Lewis m ai nta i ned that although salaries are high com­pared with other districts, they are not high compared with the area and emphasized that teachers are profeHional people . .

"I don't believe a eavlngs and loan aHociation would finance the average ptice house in Mesa Verde for one half or two thirds of the faculty becau1e or insuffi. clent income,•' he added.

Seat Open On Committee

The Ocean View School I>ls· trict i• seeklnf applicant.I to fill an unexpired term of It.a Penon­nel Commtaslon, an a11ncy responsible !or aettinl policy for tbe dl1trict'1 non-teech.lni ltaff.

· It also aervea as an 1dvllory body to the 1chool board tn mat· tert relattni to tbote employn. ne commtuloner will nu the

term ol Ken l!:lltft0n, wbo re­alped. The term encb Nov. ao .

Appllcatlona must be ln by June30.

County Aasessor Jack Valleraa aald tod•~ the s taLua or five employe1 in his office who pleaded guilty Wedn~ay to con­e piracy char ges will be de· termlned within the next few days.

However, other IOUtcei aaid today that three of the men wut r•i1n shorUy and two will take early retirement.a.

The three expected to reslan are Fred Forbeck, 43, supervisor of the commercial division; John Mootani, 48, cblef appraiaerolthe aueument atandarda IJJ'OUP, and Assistant Assessbr George Up­ton, 54.

Chief appraisor of the personal property group, Chris Boukidis, 61, and supervisor of the business division , Resinald Dunlap, 64, are the two who are eligible for early retirements .

All five men pleaded guilty to

* * * Ero•PageAl

GUILTY ••. anything like this. We're pre­pared to talk cop out, of course, but I don't think they'd go for anything like what we have in mind."

Judge Smith, obviously dis­turbed by Hinshaw's failure to respond to a s ubpoena that directed the congressman to ap-. pear Monday in Superior Court, issued a bench warrant for the Newport Beach Republican's ar· rest.

He stayed execution of the war· rant p(ovided that Hinshaw ap· pear in his courtroom June 26 to explain his earlier unauthorized absence.

Judge Smith set three dates on whjch he wlll sentence the five defendants who pleaded guilty Wednesday.

The dates and the defendants are:

- July 10, John Montan!, 48, of Garden Grove and Reginald Dunlap, 64, of Placentia.

- July 16, Chris Boukidls, 61, of Anaheim and Fred Forbeck, 43, of Orange.

-July 24, George Upton, 54, of Santa Ana.

Sentencing of the five men will leave four assessor's employes facing trial on the origjnal char1es with Bertolino'• trial 1cheduled to open Tuesday.

The remaining three defen­danta and their trial dates are :

- Robert Plumlee, 47, and Kirk Armistead, 61, both of Santa Ana and both on Aug. 18 ; and Garland Redding, 55, of Sant.:i1Ana, Sept. 29.

A convicted def end ant who asked not to be identified re­vealed late Wednesday that he has been asked to appear as a prosecution witness at the trials of Hinshaw and Vallerga.

" That's fine by me," he said.

Teen Injured In Accident Still Serious

Shawn Mlller of Corona del Mar, g ravely injured In a ' skateboard mishap earlier this week, was reported in serious condition today a fter surgery which involved the removal of his epleen. ·

Miller, 14, of 5131h Poppy Avenue, had been In critical con­dition through Wednesday. He remained under intensive care today at Hoag Memorial Hospital.

Police tra!Clc investigators sald the youngster collided with a car Tuesday afternoon after he exited an alley between Poinset­Ua and Orchid A venues.

The motorist traveling along Fourth Avenue wa1 uneble to avoid the colllslon with the youngater 1 off icera added.

School Board ·.chauffeun On Way Out?

SACRAMENTO CAP) - Loi Angeles Board of Education members will have to give up their chauf!eur-dri ven cars it~­semblyman Paul B. Carpenter · (D-Garden Grove) 1et.1 his way.

Carpenter introduced a bUl to that effect Wednesday.

Carpenter aald he thinks "m01t school boards realb:e that u1ln1 district per1onnel lot penooal chauffeur service Is not a legitimate expenditure ~ funds, especially now when budfet. restrielJon1 art mlkina money for education 10 toufh to come by::

The Assembly paned a 1tmUu bill last ye,ar, but lt wu killed by the Sen ale EducaUonC.OmmJU.,. -



taklng part in a conspiracy to promote Rep. Andrew Hlm.baw'a 1912 con1ressional campaign by ualn1 county employee u volun· leel" workers.

Along with four others they were indicted on the conspiracy and other cbarfH by the OrJtnae C'?unty Grand Jurr u~t Decembor.

Two months later the County Board of S upervi1ora uraed Vallerga to suspend the indicteea until their cases were ad­judicated.

Vallerga refused the board's recommendation to suapend the men unW their cases were set· tied.

Now, the assessor, who has since been charged with being a part of the conspiracy and of mis­conduct in office, says be will consult with others before mak­ing a final determination of their status as county employes.

Their res ignations and retire­ments would save the assessor having to make a judgment.

AU five m en were at work in the assessor's office this morn­ing.

:Man Arrested In Robbery Of His Family

A 23-year-old Corona del Mar man laces char ges of armed rob­bery today in a case in which his father , mother and brother are the alleged victims.

Police said they arrested Alex­ander Wtthold Bernhardt in the parking lot of Western Federal Savings Wedneeday, soon after a member of the f am Uy alerted a teller that something was amiss .

Officers allege that the man s tabbed his father twtce in the leg with a short penknife, held the family against its will overnight and then forced them to the sav­ings instllution. Detectives said no cash actually was withdrawn by the f am Uy, however.

Detectives said the father 's stab wounds were not serious, nor were injuries received in a beating. The father, William An­drew Bernhart, 58, did not require hospital treatment, officers added.

Bail against the son wu set at

SummerRec ~ Sigrm.p. Set R .. lttraUoft for SUllUDS'

recreation clusea offered by tho NeWpo'r't Beach Parks . Beachel and Recreation Department wll be held Saturday.. morn ing fo r N ewporl Beach residents.

Residents m ay come to clty ball, 3300 Newport. Blvd., betwe'n 8 a .m. and 10 a .m. to sign up for courses that begln June 23 a nd continue through Augu1t. Some claaaes wW last for two week• only.

Non-resident• may 1tgnup for courae1 on Mon· day, Tuesday and Wedn ... day for next week, betweeft 6p.m. and8p.m .

·Teachers :Inquiring

About Pay Hundreds of Oran1e County

teachers have phoned unemploy· ment off lees for lnf ormation on a new federal law which could give the county's 26,!500 teachers more than $2 mllllon a week in un­employment benefits this sum­mer.

But the fiood of calla and a pamphlet explalnlng the altua­tlon that ha• been prepared by the state unemployment office may be for nothing.

A special appropriations bill which includes a clawie repeal­ing the provision for teacher summer unemployment com· pensation has been passed by the Congreu and Senate and ls awa iting f>resident Gerald Ford's signature.

The California Teachers As· sociaUon is ref erring teachers to their local unem ployment otrices for information on the matter, And teachers have been calllna.

Charles Fr azier, manager of the Employment Development Department office ln Orange, was quote d in a California Teachers AsaoclaUon bUlletin story on the topic.

• This week, he said, he has re· ceived more than 200 calls from t eac he r s w a nting t o 'know whether they are eUgible for un­employment compensation.

. .. Our other offlces have been having a similar number of calls. Some letters too, but mostly calls," he said.

INSU~~ ••• H"fS to the teacher salary ln-~ues.. '

Tbt • mlWiD JA 1'tllr'vte WU obtained from tho 1uc:ceaM tax ovet'ride elect.Ion held last manth, whleb ralled the tax rate •lxMll 5 cetlLI tor next year.

OI the '1.21-mll~t.o-be apent on teacher 1aJary lncreates, $385,384 was proDOHd to be used to add a top ai•i> to lbe 12-year t.eachera.

The acbool bov cl al.lo proposed spending $t86,596 to continue to offer the same health benefits to tnchera at no extra cost. a lthough preiblum bave ln· creased.

Teachers currently pay '9 per month for health benetlta and the district i>lcks up the rest ol the bUI. .

Mn. Jf armon 1a1d the 1cbool board a1•0 decided to aet ulde half of the first $!i00.000 the dis­trict may collect during the com· ing year from state and federal sources to spend on further aalary increases.

This year's aalary 1chtdule baa the newest teacher, wtttr no poat-graduat& credlu, earning '9,882 for a lO·month W9fk year.

Top pay 11 · for the 12-year teacher , with the maximum number of post-araduate credit.a, who earns $17 ,987.



••we are shocked at the broad charges, '' said N aUonal Car Rett· tal Presldent J .W. James in rep­ly to the FTC complaint. He d•· nied any wron1doln1 and Hid National w111 "vlaorously op· pose" the charges.

Spokesmen for Hertz and Avis uid they had not yet fully analyzed the complaint. Hertz said its management had no knowledge or violations and "if they exist, they are completely contrary to Hertz policy and uh· authorized."

Since at least 1968, the com· plaint said, tht companlee have rigged a noncompetitive market structure "by employin1 n•· Uonal coordinated propama."

Measure Approved HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) -

Gov. Ella T. Grasso today signed a bill allowing " silent ritecllta­tlon' ' in public schools. The Con·

· necticut Civil Liberties Union already baa said it will 10 to court to challenge the bill, which is labeled " a aubterfu1e for prayer."



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II ••

Thur!!!!y. June 12, 1075 N DAIL v PILOT CJ I l'fefo.,. Cgcle

Electric ·Bills Up, Usage Down?

Tbunday'a ,Clo.m, Price•


... By 8\'LVIA PO&TEI\

If YoU are amon1 the mllll0ot of us tryln1 to couaerve enerflf and curb our aoa:rtnr electrlcily bills by cutting down our UH ol Uahq, air conditionJng, TV

1 etc. , aurelY you

al.lo are •m"°n' the mllllorut ot WI irritatea, f ruatrat.ed and conlu.ed by the fact that no wha(we do, our moolhly b111- keep ri1ln1.

Why?' So many ol you have asked varlatlon1 ot thl1 question that I recently 1ent a typical inquiry from an East COaat editor to Federal Enqy AdminJstratJon chief Frank G. Zarb witb a requcm that he explain. Here lt is -in all lta beauteous ba(flegab.

HThe explanation of tbls situati on h 1tralghtforwud, yet ol little consolation to the averaJe utility customer faced with higher prloea for

Money's Worth

virtually all of the basic necessities ot Ute. The need for bJ1ber rates to cover higher costs ot fuel, labor and opera­don .J• easily understood. It is not ao easy to comprehend the apparent need for higher rates to compensate for lost re­venues due to reduc«l demands.

"CUSTOMER CONSERVATION efforts and a general ebb in the level of economJc activity. have led to a aignifi· cant reduction in the demand.for electricity. Since utUlty companies must construct generating plants to meet an ex· pected level of demand, they are unable to reduce their fixed costs when demand falls substantially below the fQrecast . . . Although utilities have delayed further con­atruction, they are still saddled with high flxed costs for ex­isting plants which are not being fully utilized.

"The imbalance betw"n demand and the available 1upply of electric Power will be corrected as the level of economic activity is restored and utilities adjust their con· struction programs to account for our more efficient utiliza­tion of electric power. In the meantime, we can ill atf ord to financially hamstrin& the utilities by restricting their abili· ty to recover their coets already incurred. Our energy needs over the long term will depend substantially on the ablllty of the electric utilities to expand our generating base while re­ducing our dependence on petroleum as fuel for generation.

"'SINCERELY, FRANK G. Zarb/ Administrator." What's Zarb really saying? Stripped of the bafflegab, he

is telling us, in effect, that the only way the utilities can con· tinue to operate is by steadily raising rates to pay for idle generating plants built when demand for electricity was in· creasing ..

But the fact is that the amount of electricity used in the U.S. is on the decline. In such areas as New York City, a Public Service Commission report reveals that com­mercial, residential and industrial customers of Con Edison actually reduced their consumption by 6.2 percent during the first nine months of 1974.

What does this imply? You and I are caught in a vicious cycle. Many utilities have more generating capacity than they now need and this excess capacity is costing us money in the form of higher rates. Yet, because rates continue to rise, we cut back on our use or electricity, thereby increas­ing the amount or unneeded capacity. We are paying for the mistakes utilities make in forecasting power demand. But existing industry conditions promote excessive consump­tion and unreasonable growth assumptions.

IS ANYTIIING BEING done? Yes, some state re­gulatory commissions and consumer groups are zeroing in on industry pricing policies and expenses they believe are inefficient and wasteful.

They are bringing. pressure on utilities to reduce ad­vertising and promotion expenditures. They are arguing that changes must be made in the way utilities set rates, so that the small consumer does not have to bear an unfair share of the expenses of supplying power lo the big in· dustrial users.

As for Zarb's position, it cleartr reflects a pro-industry bias - completely uoderstandable m view of the fact that a FEA log discloses that 91 percent of the meetings Zarb h~ld with outsiders during his first four months as agency chief were with energy industry representatives. And of the 458 meetings the 10 top FEA officials held with outside groups during the same period, only a mere 6 percent involved con· •umerists, environmental groups, state conservation agen· cles, other non-industry personnel.


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, 8.nkTru11 J S 24 JS.,._ 'lo Cummins la 6 • 70>;. - ~. llf'bOll 1.6.0 \" 41 2t • .• Cumn pf7. SO •. 1950 88>." - ,,_ Blf'cl CA .20 6 35 1~ 14 c unnoro 20 14 6 Ot- 1 • Batie Inc .60 J 6 ~ • • • Curr Inc ,5-'b . 14 10•1, + •,. Betti Ml .2b 3 Ut 24Ye-1~ Cur1i1s .20b 11 2Sl n +.- ~. Bautclll. · '°IS 180 32141-1 C~UtrH 1.60 7 8 31 • ,,, e.xttr I. . It 3S 215 "6 -2 Cyclop l .>IOa '2 x9 1'14 + 1 •

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4 ,13, l~ ... .'vt O.yPl.I 1.66 I 271 16114+ 'lo

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'f!'~ll4\ . nl. ~ • 'f t

l' elO''• Hip.Lowe Appear Every Saturday

~ ... , ~ ... N O*l 0.. 0-0. P·l ~ Clolt Cf10.

1-r,~1:,r; ~ , .. ·u ~~r.o~~ -~ ij ~·~~ ~ ~in""!.}! .sj ~ m:+ ~ IO(t iilemo i) 'ij P>M t .lO 10 U 2 ""- Y> Me t r..o 1 1814 + V. l~f .SOC .. + lfeolW .SO IS 2 W. ... Mo t 9\lt+ '4

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E11t11 Pr.,.. • • 1 514- 14 lntl'l•v . $1 ~ 30\6- \4 Mll'rtNot , SS n..-. ~ !;11 Cell 0 1 • 30 ,.....,_ "" lnlHerv 1.1 $ 1 U - v. Motorole . j SSA .-~ 1!1tCI¥ 1.... .. • ,. ..... Yt n!Hold 521> .. ll 'A- "" Mt Fuel 1. u 70 • .,... Euon iv.1> 1 1"4 ""• 14 nu MlnCll 2 4 .. 319"- ~ MISlTt 1. • 10 1M't • 11

_ ,. P- 11111 Mlnll'IG 11 SI t lh- \<\ M\lnfent . 5 67 7\1)..- 11'11 fl•mrOt ,40 t U m •1: lnlMUll l.M 6 t Utt- ~ M\lnfcl pf. .. 11 5\IH "' .... f~M .lb I: 11' • ....... nlNcll 1.AO.a 1 102 2• 11. ... MuMn9 t.OI St • UV•+ "' Fa rt Ind .lO lSt ·~ ntl Peper a I $64 • S"-+ v, MUrpC.O t 20 6 •2 u •;. •.• Fa lrmlF .60 12 1 V.+ lllFl•CI . lid 1 10 S~ .• MurPllOl . ilO 4 1'.i9 21 V•+1•4 FenslHI .AO S I • + 111Te.T1 S2 6 1011 22h+ V. M1110m 1.J2 •• 20 1 •~ ._ •;., Far W$1 Fc1 .. S 6 •:: I T&~fH • .• 1 '6Vt+ •1, Myers I. .>IO H 4J IV.+ !/.o F•r•h Mio ., 19 1V.+"' TT H it>., 11 ••~+ ' • - N--.doers Cp . . 11 5'A ••• T&. pfJ. •• 1 • 3 + \.-1 N•b•K01.>0 i IJO 3' + ..., FederalCo l 9 , 1~ ·• 1Te.TofK4 •• 17 0.\4+ Vi Na lcoCll.'42 74 31'4+ ~ ftd rt:f"I I 9 3' WI.- •;. I TT f'N , .,. •• '81 " "'- ~ Nerco Sc ·'° I 2• 1ov. • •• ~~~pi~ : 2~~ 1!~ ~ IT& plO s. . 1 SI ... ~~ua, 1' ·~ 67 .>s, 1,11~ · ;,: l"ed Sl~n .JO 1 1 9~- \4 lnlrpec I 20 • 10 19•,. . , r n ,,,.. - .,. F-Aos 1.16 17 17~ .. , .. ~ ... tnt••pecpl s •. 1 S11J;o •• • Ne1Avn .~'lb .. a1 , , - v.

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1~ll ~ S'l:r- 'I• K•tV pf 1 46 . • I U~ 1- ~ ~~~ti, w~ ' U 1~ ~ GAC Corp .. :ll! l'l:r- V. K•ufm & Br· · tOS 70,. •• NoCnAlrl wt .. 41 lS.16 ... GAF CP .n s 3l I~ '"' KlulBpf l'h • • " ""' • • NoHlUt 1.02 ' 32• 9'1t .. GAF pf 1.20 .. 4 I& • . Ke-OR .4Cl 4 2 10 • · l'io 111G•t1 8 36 23'/• Gam ik 1.40 S l 23,,_ •• KtVser ,ltQJS 2S 13~ .... '" NllGspr I 90 2 2J¥<-·; ~ Glmblpt a . . . , 21- ~ IC•-CP .20 6 l9 6 '1> .. 11• NOlnPS I 36 ·9 22 14'.4+ .,., G•nl'Clll . S2 21 6S 34Vo- v. Keller In -SO 10 l2 ,~ + "" NO NI GS i ' 10 • ll M'I- ... GardOen .76 1• 1A 22- \lo Kelloo9 70 11 2l6 " "• ... ~· NoNGpt ' ·"' •• xao 93 +1V• C..rffnkl , 96 7 2 lllh+ .,_ l<alwoocl IO S 21 Ht • • NoSIPw 1.84 9 '8 23'1' + •it Glrlock .18 6 S 111/t+ V• K.,,,Ylll l.>IO 6 1 3I NoSPpl It.SO •. 120 n11t ... 1•;. G•1 Svc 1.10 • 8 1211. .. . ICeN\tcon l 9 111 lH• • Nrlhgal 2Sb 17 2 3't"I+ ,,.. Gateway In .. '2 w.- v. Ky Ulll I,, 11 IS 11 + h No•lllrr. i 60 s , ... 28~ t- ~ GCA Corp 11 36 ,,_ i'1t Kerr McG 1 17 204 88 ,, + ~. NwstA r1 .•S 1 250 18'\I.- V. Gemini C.p 13 9~ 'It Keyuo"" 1 2 7 is,• ', • Nw8an 1,60 10 12 ~"·- V. Gem1n11n la 8 17'1>- 'I• Kidde W 80 S x239 20,' t '• NErg c l •Ot> S 13 2SV. • •• GnAml 2'1>

9• 34 101/t - 110 KieldeW pf 4 • • I • S ' ·• Nws t In 1 7S 3 217 32

GnAOtl .80Q 19 38~. I Kl~pt 2.20. , ... .... ·~ Nwn Ind WI 16 U '4 •.• GenATrum 1 28 31'1't+ ·~ 1 KlmbCll.60 1 92 27~+ Ii> Nwstlnpts.'.' 5 95 -2i,. GnATpt2,,, 1100 41~1 Klt19tOS . .O 8 6' b~•-l"" Nws11pl 4.20 .. 39 71 -'I• GenCat>I 72 6 105 1 fllt - 'It Klrs<ll C .90 8 21 13 I• t- ,. NwttlnptC S .. 17 9S'h •. • Gn Cgr I 20 8 12 1Ht+ ~ K ~ M Alrl • 4 13 • Nw Mii .Slb 1 '5 9~ , .• Gen Cin~ •• 8 38 18 .... v. Kn>Qhl R 54 IS 211 29'14 - ~. NwSU t •oa • 4() lWH ,,., Gn OevtlOP • J ' "" . . Kothr no Co 6 16 H·- V. Nrln Co 1.10 s 10 25- 'Ill Gen Oyn•m 9 30C> Sl-1¥• Koellf pf 2\.4 • 2 26"'4 + '14 NOrlonSI .•O 10 222 11- 'lo Gn Eletl 60 1S 4'7 ...S - V. ICOP9tr 7 olO 1 17 SS'\4 • ·• Nr1S1 pl 1.60.. to ~ GnFood 1 •O 13 1S7 ll111 • • Kopoe r P1 ' · z100 •8 • • • NucorCp 71 • S lo GenGro 90b 11 1S 1o.;..- 'II Krallco 12 187 le'A- '• NVF Comp 1 115 9 Gen Host . •O 1 A 1'1• - ''• KrH9'1 2• J4 JOO 30 - 'It --0 0--Gen Instr 2k 8 128 12'1<- 'I• Kroger 1 36 1 37 2 11•• - ~ Qak Ind , 40 ' A 8 , •. Si!"nlMns,1/113011 1l 79'1•• "• Kysor In .•O ' I 6Yt+ Vo Oak•lePr .84 I 2 1211..- 'I• "" IS~- ~ •• G 1-:;-~ L- 6 18 '1 . .. OcCld p .151) 4 I ..... 18~t+ II) GenM lll 1 20 14 3SI '8111+ ~c as .., • - ,. OccldPt pf•.. J3 59 + 1 GnMot 1201>14 S90 43+.~ ''t t..msnSn 19 1 2 IHt+ '• OccPtpf 3 60.. lO 601Yo+2"11 GenMot pl S • 8 oH u >;.. lAneBry .12 1 11 1 0~ ..- ~- OccPt pl2.SO •• 112 ~-\lo Gen Pofllnd s1 6 + " ' LorS•~ .28 • 91 1v. - Vo OccPlpl 2.14 .. IS lO'h+ :v. G PubU 1 68 1 143 1H· - ''• I.ears pqv. .. I 2sv...- Vo Occd Pet wt .. sso 1~+ -¥. GnRtfr .20b 3 12 911• - ,_,, L.uswy bO!I 10 23 '2• V> + V• Ogdt!n Crp 1 4 .i 11~~ '1' GnSlg ntl 76 13 SS 37'/e- ,_,,<ls&N .SO 6 10 101/t- lt"I OQdn pf 1.11 . . 9 27 - "1& Gn Sleel Ind s J4 s .• Ltosona ~ A 9 nv.- '" Ol\lo Ed 1.66 t 133 1s~..- v. G T E 1IO12 '70 23,,_+ •t. L.eh1 PtC 80 1 3 11\ • + '1• Oii E pf 7.2' .. 110 72 ..- V. GTE pf 2' ' ' . 2 l1 ' . • Len \/al Ind 58 28 w. • • OllE pf 10.16 .• IM>O 101'\4- I,\ G Tire I 10g • SJ U 'I- '• t.Allmn S7b 88 1 I~- Vt OllPw pl 1A .. t.UO 109\IJ+ \IJ Genesco Inc. . &~ sv..- "" Lennar Cp 19 12 6 · • OKC Cp .80 4 J 11111 • Genu1nP 6A H IJ 39~" V> 1.t"lOX In 12 11 • 70 + ~. O~laGE 1,AO 11 36 2t'h- V• Ga Pac 80o 16 26.3 4)•,.- 14 Le• Fd Cap .. 20 1'1• '· Ok GEpt .IO •. llOO 1QI/) .. ,,.., GaPwpl 7.8ll •• zl O 65 • Lev Inc . 1Sa. 11 11 '1\, '• OklaNG 1,6'° t 12 2••1>- 114 GtPwpl 7 12 • i 100 6S + ..... UVI Strs .AB 8 86 28 '1• .. n, Oll n Cp !.20 7 6S 24-~ Gerber I. OS 10 Sl 191/a •11 Lev1ti Furn 86 176 He - 'A 01 lnkrell 1 s 36 17~ ••• Gtl11y0l I SO 1• 59 IM ~ >,. ~7 LFE C.Otpn 7 3• H• •· • Omltkln . SO 4 12 11¥. + ,_,, GF Bu> .32 S 2 S . . LFE pf SO • l S• • • · • One1dal. .74 6 S 10' •- I/• G1an1PCm 1 9 11 12 ~> 1" '"' L 0 F Co ,80 • 52 16''' • · • Ornc;ieCO .12 10 JS 8h- •10 Glbr Finl Sk b 14 IO~H 1/t LOF pf A:V. • • 1 54 + 11• Or Rckl 1.20 10 ~ 11 .... - 'A GlddLW . 20b 114 1•r.- '"' L•l>t>Y McNI 9 30 ••1. Otis El 2 20 s 72 30''1t- '1) Gill Hill S2 S 37 12-14 . . UbrtyCp ,40 6 1 11''' • ., OutbdM 1.2020 JO 1l"-- ~ Gll1•11e 1 ,SO 11 126 ~+ ~ Liberty Loo ·· 7 3'1• •·· OutlelCo .7S S 6 1' •.. Gino• lncot 8 '8 61~ , , Lotiert y L ~f I S~ • • • OvrShpll IS 4 n 11 14 • Glnson w~ . s 7~ ..- L•gg My 2 h 10 SS 31,,.. ... OvtrTrn 80 6 s1 u v,- (t Glol>lll Mdf 12 49 1SI/• v. L. lllyEll 1.10 28 20s 12•1. - '\lo OwtnCF .. 21 • 3SV.- '~ Glot>e Un 1 • 1 1~+ '• L1ncNt1 16011 272 J9Y• + r,,, Owenlll 1.72 a •2 •0"4 + ~ GoldWs l Fcl 8 8 13 - '" UnoNtl ff, .. 3 S8 • 112 0w ... 11 pf(~ .. 1 69"1 + ~ Goodroe 1.1 2 S A9 1&:\llt - '" Lon NFd 7' • 11 18 •·· Oxtotdln .60 ' 10 12V> + \IJ Goodvr 1.10 8 27' 11•1e- •;., Uonel C:Orp.. 7 I~- 'II - P P -GordonJ .32 b 3 12V..- 11" Llllonln 21171 •• IOS I'll! • · • PtcAln 1.20 • • 62 12 11> + 11, Gouloln 1.20 & 27 2'11> + 'h I.Inn cv pl 2 .• S 15" + '• P•cGas 1.88 7 42S 201;. •.• GoYldpl I 35.. • 1 18~- +lo l ll!Otl l" plA.. • 10h+ .,. Pac LIQ 1 41 1 S1 11 •.. GraceW 160 6 124 27't"I+ •;., LMI ln11estr • 42 2\lo.., V. PtcF'l!lrl .IOIO S22 21 r,,,- '• Grand U .80 10 23 1S'IH I/, Lockheed S 219 11 - t/• PecPwr 1,60 10 1S9 20•,•- •1• Gf'Mlll 1 so 4 l 21 - ~ l.oewCp 1.20 '· UM 2l - ,,, Pc T& T 1.20 9 ti tH. . • Grant WT . 58 41.4 • • Lomas Fl l6 ,. 39 7V.. · Pac11T1n 80 S t 9:i,. GrayOrg .SO S 1 1«>'1t • . . LmMg 1 •St> 5 . 76 15~+ 't"I PalneW iOt> I l SS s ~. +. ~ Gredt A&P . . S6 10 - 'It l.ndlwn . 30t> 5 1 9V.- "" P•lm Sh U ' 23 4V..- '"' Gll.1100 I 20 18 U 1SV) +- 'It Lone S Ind I 1 .. IS',, •• · Pamld.1 OSb 10 S6 1•11 + Vt GtN Ir) 10d 15 4 14~- Ve Lon.SG 160 7 86 26 - 1A Pan Am Air 611 ' "" GIN Nell I 80 4 4 3S'" • • . LonollLt "" 7 66 14.V. • . . Panhandlt 2 '4 119 29'.4-· y,; GtWs Fln ·" 8 196 18'1• + IA LIL Pl N 13 • • z80110 + V. Paperclt 6oO 4 52 10''• GIWIU2.92b I '23 2• +'I• 1.ILplJ812 .. z60 731/Hl\/J Par91s : .. 9 ., U >t.+ 'i.4 GrtW pf 1 88 •• XJ 1o'\lo+- '"' LIL pf IS:V. .. I •w- '14 Parlo.Hn 1 11 s 12 18.\-t + I. Grn Gia 1 08 7 S 17 1~ 'l o L.on90r9 IO 21 92 6"V.- 'I• Par i..r Pn 32 1S U ll >t. - ~. Gry~ 1 04a 11 1'& U .l'o ~ •/t I.oral Corp 8 301 l<Wo- 'It Pasco 1'nc lit 215 34 + 2 G<eyllnd wl .. Sl l h • · I 12 10 3,. 27~- ''2 Payless JS 8 8 14 - 1;. Grolier Inc • J2 JJ. + •1• LaPa clfc 20 " I IA IA'ho • • PeabGI 0.b 11 100 17>~- ,,,. G<um•n 60 b 17 11'h- lll LouGu l ,M 10 4 21'141- '.'o Penn Centr 3' 1\1• - \'\ Guardl 10bt0 tS 10h-'"' Lo~t•in .40 •• S 11 •.• Pen~y 116ll 346 si.~ -1• . Guard MIQe . 19 H•- ' '> LT\/ Corp 2 2S9 13~- 'It Penn01x l 4 4 32 6 - ~ Gulf Life .so 1 280 8 - ' • LTll Cp pl s • IJ ~ 'It Penn Fruit •l • •4 ..- 'lot Gulf Mtge RI . • 2 1 3~ '• LubriolCp 1 20 91 sJ r/-1~ Pl Co pf4.\lt . 3 52V. + Vi G11lf 011 1 70 4 2623 22 .. 1

11 LuckyS .Mo 11 S4 ,,.,.._'A P9nnPL I 80 "7 .. II~+ v. GllllRC 75b A 186 22~ LUdlowC 12 ' M l 'h..- '"' P PLpf 1l 00 160 110 + l'I• GllR pf A 20.. 1 34~ '" L.u~nStll 6oO S 1 2j~ '"' p Pl. pl 8 70.' llO 87 + 1V. GlfRp81.30 . 4 21 ,, LykesY ISb 1 53 , . --. ... PPLpf8° .eo " zso 82 'h+ 1''> Gull SIU 1.12 7 A"3 12~• 'It LY kt' Pl 2"1 .. 25 21'A.- V. PaP&L pr 8 .• 1250 791;2 +I ~• G SU pf 4.•o •. 1170 ,. I Lync l'tSy 20 7 Z'OO 41/e ••• p PL pf 4 •o .. 150 d Gull&W 1 10 • 9t 36 '1· 1• --M M- p PL pf •so .. 1190 AH1 •• Gull&Ws ws .. 20~ S ' • MacAnF .'° 9 10 7~1+ '4 Penwll 1°34 ·t 68 23~-·~~ GlfWs pf J'I• • 4 62''' 1~ M•cOonld 4 48 ~ · Pennwpf 1111 1 40 Gullon lnd'l IA 17 l~• V• Macmlll 25 S 29 5*- 'It Pnwl pf 1 ll<l " 24 191•9 ..- · .\,

- H - AMcy 1. 10 8 :t2 201/t+ 11' "" 11·-0

7' 19' 7"' ' - "" Haek W 2 •8 12 S 2H• 1l Mad Fd .30tl .. 71 ,.,.._lilt ;:;;~~:. pt'a l 7;'' - v:· Hall F B SO 15 S7 181

11 + '•• Mi!l<I SQ111te .. 21 5¥o- Vo Peopl Or 20 ii 12 1 HellP't .aoa 1 , 1t.•• MaillcCll .u .. J7• 61to+ ~ PeopGs 2 68 6 39 341_,,_· ;~ Halllbln 13220 76 14S111 - 1 Magn<ivo• · · A 8- \II PepsiCo t AO 18 58 b1'n- v, HamPa 1.20 3 8'1 1s>,., + •te M•ll•rvCo 112 )1 1~+ ~ P1tr~lnEI 28 2s 81 2S Hammond 7 10 • V• .. MaloneH ou 3 24•1"+ V. t lnc1 'h 6 AO 20'.\lo-


\ 1 Handlem .0 18 38 7 • . Manha In In . • 3 J•;. . , : Pet Int pfl 12 121/t Hand H .IOe ) 12• 26'h- v. Manpwr .88 4 1l tt 'n+ ""' 1'9tlncpl ao · • 6 12' \ • • H111uCp 64 • 8 9 M1n Hn 1 /2 1 J9' 13"+ ~ ter Pl '90 iS l 11~ -·,1; Hfl'lna 1~13 AO '21

i +- 1'• MAPCO .10 17 " 401/?-~ PelreSI SO. 22 21 6& - l Marv1 1 9 1~28110 + '• MaratllOn M 5 4' 1~ • • • trol~ 50 1 18 18'1' + :>\ Hardffs d 1) 37 4 -+

1 • Mar 0111 80 8 5' • 11+- V• trlC I 71 b . . 7 20\ • , , Hernslo 2 10 6 38 •9V• 1

1 Marcorlnc I 8 2U ~ .... - \lo lier 76a 14 1069 3Ql'o- "II Harnsfor wl • 2• 28'1• - .._ M•rtmn 40 lt 12 1...,.. •• help o 1 20 e 149 36"- • ~ Hanal!J 22 9 •I 14 - ~> M•rM IO 1.10 6 129 17 , • · · Ila El I .... I 182 131/'t- V. Haf"l"l•C. I 20 • 16 221/t • • Marioni. .48 1'4 93 21 •14 • • • 1111E1pl •vi .. 21•0 a• .. HMXO 1.10 • 18 1S\ t - 1. Marlty . .o 12 n 11, - 1\4 tlilElpf ·~ .. z70 76 t I lilttSM• 60 8 121 9 '" Marqtt .20t> t 10 fl't .. · El t 1 ~ uo 68 11" •t.

H."kk :io 10 IS 1S~ ~ Marlon 211>1< 11 15' 13 + :W. P • " 2 • • Helin t 4441 • .. ,. • " Mrm M l.b(l 22 301 59~ lit "1EI pl.. .. l50 39 .... _ 1 H.lweEl t .6ti "7)~-'49 Mtral\F1.24ll • tt -~ 1,:)t'':O,~.~ ll\lo-~ HaiyH All> I 7 J 10-. .. ,,. Mtn M I.JO s SS " + ... If Ip' Ind :IO sv.- Vo HertlUne •• u • .. . Mitr tnP .50«> 10 as 1tv..- ~ 11lhdp11 • • 49 7~'t- v. l*Cll IM ... I 6 14 • :1 Ma C11p , $4 6 14 1' .... ..- ~ llptt 1 6oO \i 631 56 - 1\M Ht<lctMn tk 19 11 1o:v.- v.o Meaco<;p .n 12 " 4'~.,. llVH .o.. 12 1v.- i,. Hellmn .... 10 JI IJ"'+ '"' Muonllt .M.Jt ff Hi= 'h CkW<k Int 'i IS ,.~ •• Helnr H l.7114 1U SO - 1 Mett•YFO I 4 S*- ~ PltclNG I 2f s 11 131/) He•- cur1 1 1e1 ' "" + •;. Msc p111 .tot> -· '* ... Plert 'IT;. u 20 sv.-· v.; Heller Int ... 11 95 ''t'o- 'Ito Ml lnlv .Jal> • • 2t 11-\lt..- II) PHlsbr~ ! 12 .a U V. + \4 Helm&P ]' t 97 35~- \4 M Mt1v . Mb I J IOt•+ ~ Plontr • O t 6S 24'1to- Vt 11tm '" . • . 6 7 + •,\! Mal..,E .llt> 11 18 - " Pitne t ti 16'11. ..- Ve 11trcul•J 17 216 :IO -I~ W.'I OS 1.'° 14 16 '2~..- '141 1FJ1 a· 14 32 11*+ Ito Htr\"41Y • 10 22 llV.- V. ~'l!J'W ·n, 1 ~116 2! .! ~ tlltlfl : t 697 71V.--l HtUton 0 S 10 2Hlo - 7

/0 m•'; · X f'lzu 11 12 ~7 26~ HtJln pf t,.o . 16 nv.- Vt M•Ytl t.:>Ot 1 2t + 2 P!en ,..vc11 10 ..-..,_·..,; Htul>lln 1.10 tS 44 7 ., -111• ='!A 1,-2~ ,~ sf s9~ ~ Pl•r!'{ '471> .t 1 1w.- v. m;:~'.':.-rn ~ 2l! ·~.,.= ~ McCwcl~" s , ~'4• .... "".::tci21! *' .u s~: ~ Hlntnbr .41 t t 12 . . . McCrorv ~ • • • ~ • · • =:..~ l .. '2~ v. Hll~ Htl 112 1S 24\6. - .... McOrm I. ~ 211 \h114 ~ T .600 •• 1 1l~ -~1:~~~~1\ !J ~~: ~ =s=. 1f m ~ 2! ~~~ill: J lt .:~ Hotr'1r ,71 • " u v.- v. McGr & 1.B 1• 13 11 i fl'tG&pm'so Hoff IO<tn .. 7t W o- v, McG~ HI · f 114 11 - .,. ' 11640 102\'\ t I HOI Inns 3f 9 J~ 11V.- \40 rHJpf 1· · ; I 20 •• • faotlMC I '°'7 107 '114+ 14 HOlld A tSb .. 11 18 - ~ llll'tr• .M 1 llOO 46 + 'h Pot EIP ;16 I ~ ~ .. - V. l'IOllySuo 3t 1 >0 2SV. + ~ l(H A le 7f ""+ ~ l"Otl!I"' ~ I \!'} + l Homa\•~· 111 111 sn. \It Mcl.H£ .72 7 " 2m:: ft' ,.POI:;, 1.10 . ,. 1 -

-·"' "II 'I "I It=-·• f 1~ 1:U : s i..,..._ ..... ,,._,.nd .- ... ="1., 1;.t~ s 12 t Vt .,,.. H . H2 • IO IS.,.._ II< Preti "0raJ' ..,._ ~ HO 1~".t 10 a IS~=·" =,;a·; u' f:ti-·~ ~~tis\,•'° t ~ tt~!. ~ Ho .20 H II 21.. Yf ~ • t p S A ~ )J • \.'t ... Ho' In 1 ,. • 11 ,.-. + \It '.& u 1 ~+ Pus e.o1 1. ; m u ... Houdllt .IOI 4 .A7 • - th Mtnas • 'lT 'f Uili _,\<lo PSEt.G • Ii us U fll+ ~11~1~ ·9 ~ HV>+'Y. M1rcS~r.I017 ·4 ••. PSUG 11 .. ~wt+l·ft

uoft,lr:c~:~ 1H 11:=.~ a~rcfnj id !1:1~ It )J: tt~:l~ f ~ . • 1 n • ~ ,,_.:. , ! I~ ~ J: . . •JO 10 • v: c;Ji't 11 I~ ~9~~ Vi Mis. •• 71> '1Q lift:'}! IE()fll ' : :: mg ~~:j •

rdJ ,1411 .._. 11~+ .... Ml~Jt 1i I~ 1 l~ \I: PS <!f" t , " ~ .. ~ ~ =~ i H 11?~ .·~ =.,~ . 1t , u • "~ ~1: ,., .,r,n~-·~ .._A 11'°9 I S fi'I- ~ = 7• " l'2 + I "51ncl pf ali :I~+ =V:#J,, 11 .:~+ ·" Mic i~ :,i ·; 2 f!~ :jL I' :I:., 11,~t"' ~·"" ts,~ .. \6" ~Tl~ I ~· ijl •, · • ~""" - .. ~. l' ~ ' t :.~· . . :.. :t :r'" T'~~,n ... Hu't'CllCP :~ ~· 1 n - E 'i ,, ~; tt 14 1 t"- - ~ ,.~ ~1, Al ,,,_ ...

Hl~~1~~:~ili~ \l :1r~,,~l Jj • :.; ~~ 3 .:m ' .. tH .t!.:: M~.1. •& L'L•·· ~~"'I '1111 !. l2 ..... !ft , ti~.~ '"~ : ' h~= g;;' 'J; .. 'I 1v. ...

Si-. .... ~ l (lw,lt) a- ~·'

- It R-~ltlon ,90" 101 41 lttm.O.. .111> 1$7 •v. •.. llance In .«> .0 • l h - \ • RaPdAm .so • 1> • • • !'IPAl!l ~ S . . t U -t \'o Aay!Mto l h ~ ' fi - v • At.,.lntl .40 I 40 ""' \, Ravtti.on I 13 '2t8 5"" - 17 RCA Corp I IS 562 18w + \.'o RCA (II pl 4 , • S S2 V. • . FICKtl\/i , , 110 3'h ~' qfle C0 ., 1 J - It

qA.t 1pf • • I H• Yo qRt 2pf • , I J\o. , Ruel&. 'ti:' , n - 1.. ~mn ... • l . ..__ 4911 I \/) + ~l RMd Tool 10 Jo 2 ~)- 1, RelcllOlcl .60 s •t 11h •.• Rel lltc .tO 6 3Cl • "" - '­R!ellle< Pl) . . I 41V. + 'II RalGr~ .tOll • • " s~- .,... "91G I·'° .. 9 11~- v. IWIG ,60 , • 10 I~ , , Rt11111KP wl • J• u. - h ~l'lnS .ao • 21 •~~- v. Rel>Moel11v . 1 13 Ho- \. Rei>ltf 1 60>i JI .. 2;tt .. v. Rurvoo . 11 to 101 ~ • , ReiallCrdl 2 I 10 tt + ~ ... RlvcoOS «l 16 1S6 " • \I, Revrec :ut> s u 12•~ - • , R•vlon l 20 19 2.S8 7•'n 2~. Re•h..,.. .10 s 12 3~· . flit&1''4 1, 12 S •• 22 + VI ~Mn pf J .)6 . l 1111> , Rey 1nc12 aa a 205 ss~. - v. Rey ln pf 21/• • 11 ,, ,,.,_ l/J ReyndMet 1 3 08 20~ • , • ReyMlpf 41 2 • 4 52 ~• "{. Reyn5,ec .40 10 1 8 - • Alcllard'n 1 • 4 10 - ~. R•CllMer 64 11 162 20'h . • Rct\lnnd 80 l 110 12 •• RltQIT• I ,~ • 10 14V> 1 • • RICO< In ';) 6 9 1• .,... h

~.~~rJ •&i7 101 ,~l! -·~. Rlvl611a .90 12 4 22"•,.. '• Rol>V>aw 10 16 21 12111- ~ Robrti.n 1 30 6 9 18"-- 'II< ROl>ln' .24• 12 1.S 12 ~t + ''• RocllG 1 240 6 20 ISb+ 1111 Roell Tel .1610 at 121•-" Roc:kowr 52 13 27 9' : + '•• Roc:kwllln J 7 89 2J\, •• Rock pf • I• • I 5'\ • •

=:.i:n~f Nl i~ .~ n~-· ~; ROllr l11d 40 . • t2 ,,_,,_ ~. Rolllnsln 30 u 83 19~- ~. Ro1110n .Jig '21 7 Ht+ V. RoptrC 1.20 . • • u - Vo Rorer A .90 11 IO 21 + '> Rosario .>IOI 18 129 d 'h- h Rov•ICC ... ,. 49 IS - •, . RovlO I Mb l 399 36~+ lll

~W1c1p' 1.~~ ~l 7s{ ~~-·.;.. Rul>t>rnd . :16 3J 21 2• ~• + ~. Ruell.ere .20 9 111 21 - ~" RuuTog 7t 19 u •~ ... Ryder Svst . 310 5~•- '1• --.s s-Se~nt R S4 I I 4 36h- '"' Setg.ard Ind 16 23 H1- '1• Selewy IA 176 •e~ .... ~t ~ Cor"'n 6 15 Sl ., • . S\JoMrl 1:.0 1 110 S1.,_ •• • SUoeMrl wi . • 19 29~• + • • SIJollP 1.12 1J I 11 . , 2~> ' 10 23'1\+ '• t1Paul S '16 . . 20 10•10 - '• StRtgl1 1 AO .s 73 2•>;. + I.

t~aD'~~ m ~ 1~ I~~::~: SanJRilC 101 • 10 h • .. ~­Sender As'° .. SS 8'.• - ~. SanF In I IO .S 112 2tl/·• - ~. SF• ln pl . SO .. 1 7~ .. S.Felntl .!IO 12 282 ,..,,._, ..

~~Ye~~1~ 1~ !~ 1~ -. '. • SavEI P .20f • 1 7 - '• Savh•B Mell 28 40 6~ • .,. ' . SvOnOr l}d 10 S 6 .,. '• Saxon lndui IS 20S 3~~- '. Sclltefer CP . • 8 s ~. + '• ~~~~~, .~ ~~ m m:= :1: Schlumb 6(' 28 20s 83'119-H • SCM CP SJ ' 12 12 11• - •,, SCOAlnd .60 ' 30 1 - If• Scot Lad .n s 11 11-M.+ '• Scoll Fe1ir 1 e o7 1 s '1• - •,. Scoll For .&a 7 11 tl'n ••. Sco11Pap 08 8 176 1s1, - 1 ScollY!> I 10 1 I 8S 8'4 + 't"I ScovillMfg 111 13 11' ,_'I• ScuOderO V .. 2 H• •.. Scll<I pl •Sb • 7 M1 ••• St>OCLn I AO • 139 27 - ''• sueontr .20 s 27 20~ + •,'o SeaW Air Sk 13 52 5'"- '• suo,.m .eo 14 39 30~- 11•

~PP::.e.12 1: 3l .m-; ~: surlGO s2 13 1696 18'1\ + ~. Seirl 1.60a H 36oO 68 • • Seal rain Lin . , 2 3 - ' • SEOCO . 13 10 1&2 341to- '• ServluC , 10 6 • 1 + ,,. Servomn .60 6 103 9 •• SlleUsp , 21 9 9 HA •• !>l\apell .10 1 20 10-)... '• !'.l'lellOol 2 bO o • 7S S3 ..- ~. SlltllTr .6Sb 4 7 28\4+ ~ !'.lltHerG .S4 s 8 7"-- V. Shtllrp# 1..0 • , 1 1• ... S11e11rp1 1.:u ., 2 1S + ~ SllellerG pf3 .. 2 l2V• + V. SlltrWll 2 JO 6 as '3V.-- ~ Slerr•Pc . 92 7 4S •~ •. SlllnelCo .90 7 155 I~ ... SlgrwilCoc>f 1 . • 3 17 - V• SIQll<)dt Cp I 12 11 YI + Vt SlmPr cn . 1112 .eo 7-14+ Ill S1mnsC. 88a 10 1• 17'44t--~ SompPat .• O 21 IS 16 - \I) SlngerCo .•O .. 99 JS•h- •I. S noerpt 3"1 . 1 JS~ -suooeo .60 u ll22 lSV•~ '141 S!\eOyO I 20 • 7 59'1e + ,_,, Sllll Corpn 107 2 ·~ ••• SkyllnC8 .24 46 191 231.r. + I/)

~!:~nt .~ H I~ 29~.~ SmltllkllM 2 IA 25 5'1/J •• • SmUlls T .4S S 7 9 11.- V. Stnucker .eo 9 1 15\/o , .. Sola Bas ,lob 5 31 1Cl'/- V. Sonesla Intl •• 1S J~ 'A SonvCp .o.b io an 11v.- 'h Soo L.lne Jb 1 10 l2'1" + ~ SOS Cni 3' S ... 7,,_+ 'I. S Car El 1 48 8 112 IS i/• + 'I• S<:arEpf 2'h .• 1 28 + 'n Soullldown 3 62 "9 . .. =7 i::k··: "i ~ l~ ~ SoeastPS 1 6 l 1'h ... S <:alEcl t ... s 90 t'»ll . •• So11lllC0 I •O I 94• 121/'t + V. SolnGE 2.28 1 5 28 •.• SoNRH l.ltS 9 167 ",,..+ Ill SNETel 7.M 9 14 ll~ + ~ SoPaclf 2.2• 10 1s• 27 + ~ So Ra11 2.12 10 6' s.•n-w. SoRa1lpf' 50 .. • 5~ •. SoRall pf l • . 2 SW...- ~ SoUnGl I.'° I U 29'1\ + ~ Soullllnd .•O 1• 219 2AV.- V. SoW1tFr .20 5 17 711t- Ye

~!.~'ifJ ~~ . i ~ l~~ ~ Sp>irton .2~ 3 1 •~ V. SperryHul I 10 '1 10\h- 111 Sp Rend .1' 12 1IO 4' - "' Sprague El 17 31 9:V.- V. Squar o 1.10 12 36 17,,.._ t;., Sq11•bt> ·" 17 317 351;.-1.v.

~~~:-~i ~ 1: 2~ ~~I~ Std8rpf 3 SO . 120 47 - \IJ StBP•lnt .3J 29 AO A2V. +I Std 011 Cal 2 5 730 31Ye- ,_

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~::-H~~ ~l 2;

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~=~~~r.'l&'i :~ ~: ~~:~ - .• ;~ Wavr>e G . AO lb 5 4 ••• WHnUn Inc 10 10 7"' + 1111 weather . .cl 6 11 o•• • •• WebbDel Cp 10 l9 31& ... well MCl. 60 s 9 8'•, ve W• sMkl 60 9 10 701

' ••• Welbill Cp .. 11 H• ... Wells F'o .96 7 •0 11 ••• Wells F 101\ . • 29 S1/o + ' • WescoFn 60 1 3 lH• - '• WescTr 1 80 7 1 2111. • • WPePpl • '' 170 50 + '1 WslPt Popl 7 3 1 35~+ ' • WslnAr . .cot 6 96 7' •- •~ WT.Banc I AO 6 3• n~.- • • Ws lrnCo NA 17 121 1S + •a Ws t Pac Incl 6 11 1 • Wl!\IPub 80 It • 3 13' · - ' • WUnlon I AO S1 61 131,_ ' • Wolth El .97 S1 71• 18\<o + \ a WslVK 1.40 S 13 17.. • 'Ntyenb 1.18 1 7 isv..- ' • Worr,,. • • eo 21 203 38 ~•• • • \Ntl Frye '° 10 63 lo1

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--xn-ll•ro• CP 1 It Ml' 69 - \~ )(Ira In< JOI 4 15 t•~- t. Yet .. IMUI • It t i\- ~ Y119$10r .liO S S 111,t ~ \ a Z.liC:Otp 76 , 1t , \/)- "' ZAIP"I• .6o0 • II \< .. • e,. Corp • • ! ,,.._ 14

ithRed I 10) 71 t4\')- \ 'lo " tnd ,JI U •1 ~- i..

'Rapco Charie LOS ANG EtO (AP) - an

Jlllnols-bued firm 1peciaU1ln1 in· craft k it~ . and ill Callfomla dl•· trlbut.ors have uaed deeeptive packq· lnl ln markeUn1, the state Auomey General's office said in a complainL Wednesday.

• Th• complaint aaJd Ra~, a tul>­lidtary ot Marlin Yale lnduatri.11, Inc., of Jlltnots, bas paekafed lts pro. clucta in "ovenlled conl.ain4lrl" that tend to create a ml1le1din1 im· ~ of the the or quantity - the foods luide.


Thursday, June 12, 1975

By Bil K dne

" Yov needn' t hide. I t's nobody yov hove to kiss."

L. M. Boyd

Bras, Panties Lost Forever

Lot of odd characte rs have requested in their last wills and testaments that they be buried in peculiar pos itions. But none more peculiar. I'll wa rrant, than the one stipulated by a n old boy who died in 1772 in Leith Hill, England. He was interred upside down on hors eback. His theory was he'd be ready to ride on Judgment Day when, as so m a ny peo­ple belie ved , th e world would be r e versed.

THE IU UN ICIPAL Lost a nd ~ und Burea u of Ulm , West Germany, r d at

the end of 1974 it had failed to find t e owners of 284 misplac brassieres ;md 113 a ba nd ned pa nti es.

THRE OUT of every four women who work in t elevision stations pound typewriters .

WAGES () . · 'Kindly compare

the average governme nt ·wor~er's wage now with the a ver age wage in private indus try "

A . Governm ent. $12,984. Private industry, $8,900.

Q . " IS IT a n ;.iutomat1c felony to hit your Wife ? "

A. In Ca li fo rn ia and Texas, it is. But it's not, accord ing to the laws of the other states . These legal que ries get tricky, however . No doubt numerous municipalities outlaw wife hitting. And hus ba nd hitting , too, presumably.

Q . " HOW MA N Y K.11'\GS can you na me that "' e re re ferred to either as lionhearted or as hons""'

A. Five . Rich ard 1 of England was the Lion Hearted. The Saracen Ali was the Lion of God. Sweden 's Gustavus Adolphus was the Lion of th e North . And Henry of Bavaria and Fra nce 's Loui s VII I were JUSl plain Lions . Do you want to count England 's Queen El iza beth I? She W CJ S ca ll ed the Lioness.

HOUSING Not a ll hous ing experts agree that your

basic housing bill including mortgage, ta x­es a nd ins urance - should a mount to no more than 20 percent of your monthly income. The FHA estimators ~ay you ought to include maintenance costs . too. Gas, electricity a nd heating. And th ey say the total payments should amount to no mor e tha n 35 percent of your month ly t a ke · home pay.

THE BOATE RS who zip around in frontof outboa rd motor s outnumber those who row with oars . The r owers outnumber ed those who paddle ca noes . And the canoe paddle rs out­num ber ed those who drift m d inghies. Them 's the statistics

THE RETAIL STORE credit c<Ards out· number th e o il company credit ca rds by 100 million to 90 milli on. The oil cards outnumber the ba nk ca rds by 90 million to 50 million. The bank ca rds outnumber t he travel a nd e nter­ta inme rds by 50 million to six million.

Address mail to L .M . &Jyd. P.O Uox 1560 , Costa Mc•sa 92626

Copyright 1975 L M. Boyd

·Panel Nixes New Hearings A develope r 's threat of who have battled the IS·

s ui t aga ins t th e city sues for more than two fatled to sway city coun- years opposed the IDH c1lmenin Ne wportBeach . d e mand s fo r a new Monday and the ir de· public hearing to ex· cisions made r ecently on amine several new con­development of two lots ditions imposed when the in The Bluffs re m ain on council a pproved the de· the books . ve lopme nt two weeks

The pa ne l heard the ago. threats of lega l C\Ction One propos al would Monda y from la wyer s cut the density slightly repr ese nting the IDH and the other would al· joint venture wh ich has ter the placeme nt of units won approva l s with ontheproperty . s trict conditions for de- Spokes me n for IDH veloping two la ndscaped argued in vain that the Jots in the e st a bl is hed sudden cha nges in condi­communily . lions warranted new

Dozens of r e !.1dent s hearings.



C•tl 642- H11. hi • few words lo work tor ou.




• 835-3830

24 ...... •My



• Combines .-Iffy <Mlfrwtitll and •JC<..._. .........._..

• G"4 for Htht d.ty _.,. .;; tlrives al the ,.,., ae<UMries

• D.,..le inwlat-4 •. ,. f'ftfflttf cent•r lodlint ....... ftr safety. #700.C.


Homelite XL2 Chain Saw

• Features twin trigger dual control system for independent throttle actuation

• Easy starting, quiet running.


Black & Decker Jig Saw

• Dad will find lots of uus for this handy tool

• Makes straight, curnd oncl scroll cvh in wood, -tol ' plastics

• l blade inch1ded. #7S04


Electric Charcoal Lighter • Eosy to UH, qvick·slortint olMI

541fe • Now yeu con stort llW fires

Wilhevt llMllf IMSly ftul1b

~ New! Black & Decker

MOD4 Cordless System " • Interchangeable Energy Pak provides

the power for a whole line of power tools

• Rtcharges by snapping into Re<harger

• Automatic safety switch prn1t1t1 a«idental starting

Shrvlt T rimmtr Head

Grass Shear Hear

' Handle lne'IY Pak

Tru-Test 3 H.P •. Roto-Tiller

• 3 H.P. lritts & Strtttet1 ... 1 ... witlt rec.ii st.,ter

• AdjustaMe tillint wWth. j Tll-S



999 1199,,,,,,



Tod ay'H Closing .Y. Stoektt

THURSDAY,.JUliE 12, 191_5_ TEN CeNTS

Five llinshaw Aides Plead 'Guilty' 'By T01'1 BARLEY

Of IM b•ll'f f'lletSC.11

Five of six men indicted by th(: Grants Ju ry on charges related to Congressman Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 election campaigo pleaded guilty to reduced {'harges late Wednesday . .

Their decision ()nded a day. long dialogue be tween their lawyers and Orange County Superior Court Judge Walter

Ka.:oo for You

Smith und led the juriit to cancel the trial previously scheduled for his courtroom .

The six •, h man, Jam es Bertolino , 52, of 24116 Via Madrugada , Mission Viejo, will go on trial Tue3day in Judge Smith 's courtroom.

Bertolino faces chttrges con· tained) n the original indictment ; grand theft, conq>iracy and sub­mission of fa lse claims.

0.11'1' Piiot Stall ..-o

..... IP.9~Pl!f.!!ft11t" ~nawyer and 15 other members of Hunl· in gt on Beac b · s ·Kitchen Band ' will present their first pel'formance Friday at Community Bible Church. See additional pict_ures and story Page D5 today.

·Board Adds Funds For Judicial Study Orange County Supervisors

added $30,000 to next year's pro· posed budget today to pay for an efriciency s tudy of the Harbor Judicial Dis tri ct Court.

Richa rd Hum phries, county administrati ve office analys t , said the management r eview would be the first in history for Cl county court.

John McQuilken. Harbor court administrator, ~old s upervisors the judges themselves r equested the audit by an outside agency.

The Ha rbor court ser ves Irvine, Ne~1port Beach and Costa Mesa.

McQuilken said the study could reveal operational deficiencies· or a need for additional person· nel.

Supervisors have taken a tough stand against increasing court personnel requested without full justification. They have asked several times in the past the court conduct audits to support their personnel r equests.

Several s upervisors lauded the Harbor court for taking the first step, claiming it may en ­courage other courts in the county to do the s<1 me if they want additional personnel in Uie future .

Car Rental Firms ,, Hit by Trust Suit

WASHINGTON <UPI> - The Federal Trade Commission lo· day accused the country's thr~e biggest car renters - Hertz, .A_v1s and National - or monopohzmg the airport car rental business, causing cons umers to pay sub· stantially higher prices as a r e· suit.

An antit~usl complaint issued by the agency said the t.hree firms had fixed prices, entered into a conspiracy to keep poten·


NEW YORK (U Pl> - Prices dosed lower today in slow trad­ing on the New York Stock Ex· change ln the ubsenceof any ma­jor news developments.

The Dow J ones Indus trial Average. up m ore than ~wo 'j)Olnla earlier , was off 5.24 points to 819.31 at the close. Declines led advances by at>qut a seven-to-rive martin among lhe 1,787 issues cr01s1nglhetape.

Turnover amount<.'<i to about 15,600,000 shares. down from the 18,230,000 traded Wednesday.

Prices were lower ln moderate tndlng on the American Stock Exchange.

tial competitors out of airports, harassed s m a lier competitors and made deals with the Big Three auto companies for ad· vertising payoffs which helped shore up their monopolies.

The three companies had com­bined operating revenues of $1.16 billion during 1973, the FTC said. During that same year they con· trolled 96 percent of the nation's at-the-airport rent-a-car busi­ness.

Hertz is owned by RCA Corp., and is the nation 's larg'est car renter. The second largest in the field is Avis, which until recently was owned by International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. National is a wholly owned sub· sidiary of Household Finance corr.

" We are shocked at the broad charges," saldNaUonol Car Ren­tal President J . W. J ames in rep. ly to the FTC complaint. He de· nicd any wronRdolng and said ~atlonnl will '' vigorously OP· pose" the charges.

Spokesmen for HerU and Avis said they had not yet fully analyied the complaint.. Hertz said U .. s mana.iemertt had no knowledge of violations and ••if they exist. they are completely contruy to Hcrti policy and u·n· authorized."


The five employes or the Coun· Ly Assessor 's office face slate prison term s or one to five years and /or fines ranging up to $10,000 for their pleas on an amen.:'~ charge of conspir acy with int~ to submit false c laims .

All fiv e admitted an the c.•ourtroom that they had billed the county for time actuall y spent working on Hinshaw's con· gr,essional campaign in 1972

when IDnshaw was still Orange County Assessor.

One defendant, who asked not to be identified, made it clear after conviction that he und his rompanions were assured before they pleade d that probation terms and a possible fine wilJ be the maximum punishment they wiU receive at the hands of Judge Smith.

Hinshaw <1nd current. county

Assessor Jack VaUerga, face lwo trials for multiple criminal of tenses charged in two Grand Jury indictments .

Vallerga goes on trial alont! Ju­ly 7. Hins haw 's first trial is scheduled for Aug . 18.

Both m e n will go to th c courtroom -together Sept . 29 on the char ges initially returm!d by the Grand Jury against nine as sessor 's employes .

De puty Di s.trsct ALtornt• y William Evans was asked after the plt!as were fil c.•d Wednesday 1f his office would be prepared lo accom m oda te Hins haw anti Va llerga if la\\ yers for lhl' l\.\u men tned to work out a dei.11 on lht! lines or that concluded for the five assessor 's employes .

.. No way," Evans emphalll'ul · ly replied . · 'They wouldn ' t ~t!l

<Set! GUILTY. Page A2 i

ort-Mesa Offer

To Teachers 'Insult' Balloting To Decide

'Surrender to What?' Trafj·;,e Violator Con/ esses to Bank Holdup

Proposal An unidentified man su::;peet cd of mak· ing an illegal le ft turn in Orange threw up his hands today and said . .. I s urrender ...

made thl' illegal turn had J ma,1or a rrl'St lo his credit.

By Hl lARV KAYE 01 llM Dally Pllol SUit

A pay proposal that fall s fa r short of the 12 percent salary hike sought by Newport-Mesa teachers was termed an '·insult " today by teachers' bargaining representatives.

.. You surrendc.·1· to wha t ?" an Orange police offi ter a::>kcd.

DETAI L S OF TH E robh<:r~ l.1l4.: th t:-. morning \\ ere s ketchy.

All that w <.is known is that llll' bandit en · tered t he bank shortly after it upen(•d . simulutcd a gun to cntiCl' a teller to sur · render a n uns pecified amount of t·ash and

''TO THAT BAJ\l( JOB," the suspedcd errant driver replied.

.then fled in his car.

The proposal offers a 3.8 per· cent pay hike lo teachers at the top or the pay sca le, but nothing more than automatic annual pay increase!t-to other instructors.

Teachers were given ballots to· day asking whether they wanted to accept the salary and benefit proposal offered Wednesday by the school board.

The bank job he ref erred to was the rob­berv of Crocker National Bank at Tus tin and.Meats Avenue.

And Lhe officer who followed the sclf­conf cssed robber into a liquor slore after he

THE SUSPECT APPARENTt Y eluded a private citizen \\'ho j umped int o his tar to pursue the ba ndit but he w<Js not nearly so successful in eluding the officer who later · spotted him making an illegal lcfl turn.

ttlesa Taxpayers Ballots will be counted later to·

day . The results will be an · nounced Friday.

If the proposa l is r ejected. teachers will be contacted in the fall and asked if they wish to s t ri k e, said Bill Grgurich , Certificated Employe Counci l (CEC) chai rman .

Carnival Cost $5,-570 Teachers ha ve asked for what

they call a cost -of-li ving adjust· ment, rough ly 12 percent. Last year they were given a nine per · cent pay hike.

The school board has offered 12-year teachers on the top pay s tep a 3.8 percent salary in­crease.

By ALAN D IRK.JN Oftfle Dally PllotStaff

This year's Fis h F r y and Carnival s ponsored by the Costa Mesa -Newport Harbor Lions Club cost the t ax payers of Costa Mesa $5,570.

That was the cosl of the man hours put in by city cmployes and the use of city equipment for the weekend extravaganza held May JO through June l.

. \ This expense has been report-

ed lo the c ity council by City Manager Fred Sorsabal. " It's all budgeted money, but I want them to know that this is what it takes. '' Sorsabal said . .. This is our contribution to the fish fry."

The cos t would ha ve been higher. but the Memodal 0<1y holiday fe ll tluring the same week as t he fis h fry and lherefo~c the city employes were paid

straight lime. ;,ind not time and a half.

The bi ~gest factor in the cost was police manpower, which totaled $2 ,480 , Sorsabal said .

This expense compares \\1th the $26.000 to $27.000 profit th~st Lions Club pres ident Lou Yan­torn estimated was made from the fish fry .

The clu·b paid for fertilizer to <See CAR~fV,\L. Pa~e A:!1

Those 587 teachers on the top run g a re ones who have ad ­vanced to the point of no longer receiving automati c pay boosts other t eachers receive.

The remaining 600 teachers in the district were offered no addi· tional sal ary increases other than the automatic 3.8 percent pay hike they receive as they add another year of experience.

Teachers Seek Raises Coast Col'lege Faculty Nixes Six Percent Hike

.. From the appearances or the proposal , it's obvious the distri ct has teachers as the last priority for any thin g," said Chuc k Gordon , one of the CEC reps and a teacher al McNally High.

·Tm not at all happy with the proposal. It 's an ins ult," Gordon compla ined .

Grgurich, a Newport Harbor High m ath teacher, said, " I'm assuming the teachers will r eject the proposa l .. it's simpl y ridiculous .· '

According to Jean Harmon, ad­ministrative assistant to the dis­trict superintendent, trustees de­cided to devote $1.25 million of the $2 million in emergency re·

. <See I NSULT, PageA2i

By ALAN DIRKIN Of Ille Dall'( Pilot SUH

About 90 faculty members from Orange Coast and Golden West colleges a ttended a meeting of the Coast Community College Dis trict trustees Wednesd ay night to s upport their bid for a 12 percent salary increase.

The teachers were deadlocked in their negotiations with ad· ministrators - six percent had been offered and rejected - and the faculty went to the board for an answer . But they did not get one. The tr ustees agreed to meet again on the issue in 10 days.

Though the talks concentrated on t eac h ers' sa laries. the negotiation s wi ll a ffect all employes of the districl. The

Tailgate Flap Driver Pwrehes Mesa Man

Fountain Valley police are seeking an angry freeway driver, who allegedly got sick and tired or beJng followed too

· closely .

"I DIDN'T THINK I was that close," the 51-year-<>ld Costa Mesa man reportedly told officers. They are seeking his alleged ass all ant on assault and battery charges.

Police said the incident occurred at 7: 15 a .m . Tuesday on the San Otego Freeway on-ramp at Brookhurst Street.

The man told police his long-haired assailant suddenly slammed on his brakes, bringing trarfic lo a halt, then walked to tho man 's car and " punched him thr'M l11nes ln the face. "

" I THOUGHT IT was a rem ale unlit he p me," the man reportedly told officen. He suffered ~ lli'Ws~ and bent glasses, police said. •

Then , the m a n lllleaed, hit uaaUant w~ to his car. " tie looked like a ban\y rooster,\t\ftl tf\er a m~~r accomplishment.'' he reportedly satd.

• ~ \

classified staff - the support personnel - <1 lso have asked for a 12 percent increase. and en­dorsed the arguments of the faculty r epresentatives. District a dmini s trator s w h o arc certificated also will receive the same pe rcentage increase as the faculty when it is agreed upon .

The t.alks thus involve about 4,000 !ull t imc and pa rtt.ime employes , and Personnel Direc­tor Ma x Russell r eported that. if a 12 percent across-the-board in­crease is granted it would cost the district $2.8 million. with $1,858,000 going to ce1tificated employes.

The counter offer of six percent would total $1,398,000 for all employes .

Russell estimated that Ute fr­inge benefit increases that are also being sought work out to about l percent or an employe·s s alary.

The trustees and the teachers debated the isS()e for about 90 minutes in public session, with Ralph Lewis, head of the OCC faculty senate, s tressing that the pay bid was in line with increases an the cost of Ii ving.

•·1 don't think I should have had to com e here tonight," he said. ' ' ( believe we should have reached a compromise. We ai·e not herelor a mass public prayer meetirfg or to beg for a su.lary in· crease. Twelve percenl !$ not an increase : it is asking for the status quo."

The trustees luter went into closed-<loor executive session to diie:u&s the issu and emerged at 1 a.m. to announce that they will hold a apechtl meeting at 8 p.m. June 20 oo the pay package.

Bond prel\idenl George Rodda said thal truste~a "probably" wlll reach a conclusion ot that meetlnl.

Lewis reiterated earlier com· ments that he thd not understand

· the continued delay. and faculty members were entitled to receive some indication of wh;Jt their salaries will be before they department for the summer.

Rodda said that the board ·s position was that two factors are casting uncerta inty over the dis­hict 's budget . These factors are whether the distr ict must absorb students from the Garden Grove

(See COLLEGE, Page A21


Or:•·~ ~Ht tt'e atller

Considerable low cloud1 ness through F riday with some hazy afternoon sun­shine. A little cooler Fri· day wi th h ig hs in the mid-60s at t he beaches to low 70s inland.

I NSIDE TODAY WGS Congressman Andrew

Hinshaw snubbed at Costa Mesa's Fi3h Fry? City o/· f icials think someth~ was /tshy. But a fry organa.ter says . it WQ4 Hinsflaw who turned ur> hil noae. 0 . C. llusllngs tcUs the taJe. Page AJO.


.. f til CAIL V PILOT c Thursday. June 12. 1975

Pleaded Guilty·

Three Assessor Aides to Quit?

County Assessor Jack Vallerga said today t he s tatus of five employes in his office who pleaded guilty Wednesday to con­s piracy charges will be de­termined within the next few days.

However, other sources said today that three of the men will resign shortly and two will take

* * * Fro • Page AJ

~-GUILTY .• • anything like this. We're pre­pared to talk cop out, of course. but r don ' t think they'd go !or anything like what we have in mind."

Judge Smith , obviously dis­turbed by Hinshaw's failure to respond to a subpoena tha t directed the congressman to ap­pear Monday in Superior Court, issued a bench warrant for the Newport Beach Republican's ar-rest. .

He stayed execution or the war­rant provided that rnnshaw ap­pear in his courtroom June 26 to explain his ec.i rltcr unauthorized a bsence.

J udge Smith set three dates on which he will sentence the five defendants who pleaded gui lty Wednesday.

The dates and the defendanls are :

- Ju ly 10, J ohn Montani, 48, of Garden Grove and Regina ld Dunlap, 64, of Placentia.

- July 16, Chris Boukidis, 61 , of Anaheim and Fred f'orbcck, 43, of Orange.

- July 24, George Upton, 54, of S<1 nta Ana.

Sentencing of the five men will leave four assessor 's employes facing t r i a l on the origi charges wit h Uertolino's ·tri al scheduled to open Tuesd<iy.

The remaining three defen­dants and their trial dates are:

- Robert Plumlee, 47, and Kirk Armistead, 61, both of Santa Ana and both on Au~. 18; and Garl and Redding, 55, of Santa Ana, Sept. 29.

A conv icted defendant who asked not to be identified re· vealed late Wednesday that he has been asked to appear as a prosecution witness at the trials of Htnshaw and Vallerga.

.. That 's fine by me," he said.

Sclwol&ard Chauffeurs On Way Out?

SACRAMENTO CAP) - Los Angeles Boa rd of Educ ation me mbers will have to glve up their chauffeur-dri ven cars if As· semblyman Paul B. Carpenter (D-Garden Grove) gets his way.

Carpenter introduced a bill to that effect Wed nesday.

Carpenter sa id he thinks " most school boards realize that using district personnel for personal chauffeur serv ice is not a Jegitimate expenditure of funds. especially now when budget restrictions are makmg money for education i;o tough to come by."

The Assem bly passed asimilar })i ll last year , but it was killed by the Senate Education Committee.

Ainbassador Dies NEW DELHI <U PI> - Durga

Prasad Dhar. 57. India 's am­bassador to the Soviet Union. died Thursday a fter a heart at­tack.


DAILY PILOT "T,,_. 0.- (o.t\I C.•llv P•IOI ""lh-<h IHCl"n­t).nr-d tf'lif' """""" Ptn.'\. t'\ out>Uv.d by,,_ Or~ to• t P\,bl1V1"''19 Co"'P•"Y ~t•t• dOH:Jr\ii •'e publt..- _,.., • ., lh•0\>9~ Frldoty let C:O.ta """""' Nt wOQ'l U-•' n Hunt1nqton 0.-.C.f\/ Foun .. \fll ·n \l• th y trven.,_, S•Odle~• V•ll•t' t1nd &.•QtJ'wt (.vM" !.outh Co• 't A ... no .. rf19torwl .01hM ,, i-•O••'f\f'd S.l urd•YS .,., 5-vnO•V' Tft'f pr•r.c.•Oo'' riu11i 1 .hlnq p l • nt t\ t\t :JOO W.t.t Bay ~l•tt•. C.o>la Me w, (Atotornl• tl&U..

Robert N . Weed Pt 4'"1o10fil'n1 •nG Pub11~r

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Thomas Keevil

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Charles H . Loos Richard P. Nall A'•'''""' MAl"IAQll'"O E.Qo!Mf"\

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early retirements. The three ex peeled to resign

are Fred Forbeck, 43, supervisor of the commercial division; John Montani , 48, chief appralserolthe assessment s tandard,, group. and Assistant Assessor George Up· ton,54.

Chief appraisor of the personal property group, Chris .Boukidis, 61, and supervisor of the business division. ~eginald Dunlap, 64, are the two who are eligible for early retirem ents .

All five men pleaded guilty to taking part in a conspiracy to promote Rep. Andrew Hiruihaw's 1972 congressional campaign b~ using county employes as volun­teer workers.

Along with four others they were indicted on the conspiracy and other charges by the Oranite Co unt y Grand Jury last December. · ·

Two months l ater the County Boa1·d of Supervisors u rged Vallerga to suspend the indictees until th eir cas es we r e ad­judicated.

Vallerga r efused the board's recommendation to suspend the men until their cases were set· tied.

Now, the assessor, who has since been char ged with being a part of the conspiracy and of mis· conduct in office, says he will consult with others before mak­ing a fin al determination of their status as county employes.

Their res ignations and retire· ments would save the assessor having to make a judgment.

All five men were at work in the assessor 's office this morn­ing.

. F ro• Page AJ

INSULT ... serves to the teacher salary in· creases.

The $2 million in reserves was obtained from the successfu l tax o verrid e e lec t ion he ld last month, which ra ised the tax rate about 5 cents for next year.

or the $1.25 million to be spent on teacher salary increases, $385,384 was proposed•to be used to add a top s tep to the 12-year teachers.

The school board also proposed spending $486,596 to continue to offer the sam e health benefits to teachers at n o extra cos t, althoug h premiums have in · creased.

Teachers currently pay $6 per month for health benefils and the district picks up the rest of the bill.

Mrs. Harmon said the school board also decided to set aside half of the first $500,000 the dis­trict may collect during the com­ing year from state and federal sources to s pend on furth er salary increases.

This year's s alary schedule has the newes t teacher , with no post-graduate credits, earning ~.862 for a IO-month work year.

Top pay is for the 12-year teacher, wi th the maximum number of post -graduate credits, who earns $17 ,987.

Front Page A J

CARNIVAL ... restore the city park and helped clean up the park, but the reim· bursement did not affect the total compiled by Sorsabal.

The $26,000 to $27 ,000 profit was based on gross receipts of about $80,000, Yantorn said. The money primarily w ill aid youth or­ganizations - the boys club, the girls club, the girl and boy scouts , the youth problem center o n 18th Street, the Youth Employment Service, the child guidance center, and will buy glasses for needy children.

Gurney Aide Admits Gift

TAMPA, Fla. CAP) - Former Sen. Edward Gurney's onetime chief aide testllied today that three days before the 1972 general election he gave Rep. L.A. " Skip" Bafalis $10,000 in a Vero Beach men'sroom .

The cash , J a mes L. Grootsald, came from Gurn~y·1 safe and was from funds raised illegally by Gurney fundra iser Larry Williams. ·

P ope Apologizes VATICAN CITY (UPJ) - Pope

Paul VI , renewing his call to Roman Catholic dl11lde:nt.1 to Join In Holy Year recoMlliatlon, apologized Wednesday for any offense his crtUcllm may havt caused Lhem.

0.llY,_. .........

HONORED BY TRUSTEES S$Mclel Teacher Paraon•

School Renamed In Mesa

The Canyon School for Traina­ble Mentally Retarded (TMR> children in Costa Mesa has been renamed the Marion Parsons School.

Newport-Mesa school trustees voted this week to change the name of the school in honor of the retired teache r who is well known for her special education work in the dis trict.

Mrs. P arsons was an elemen­tary school teacher specializing in remedial work from 1938 until 1956. Then, she t aught special education for Educable Mentally Retarded (EMR) children until 1961.

She became the first special education psychologist in the dis· trict, working at Canyon TMR School, at 2350 Canyon Drive, un­til 1973 when she retired.

The school board 's decision to change the school name was pro­mpted by the Canyon School PTA, which unanimously re­quested the na me change.

A spokesman for the PrA said the name change was suggested •·to acknowledge the service and

· selflessness she has shown young people of s p ecial education throughout her career."

Mrs . Parsons has received several awards for her work, in­cluding the Teacher of the Year Award in 1956, Tbe Newport­Mesa Educator Association Educator 's Award in 1972, the psychologist merit award in 1970, plus specia l recognition by the Council for Exceptional Children, Chapter 188, several limes.

Front Page A I

COLLEGE. • • Unified School District without full r eimbursement from the state and how the district will be a ff ected b y s tate bud ge t measures to cap growth at com­munity colleges.

Trustee Worth Keene said that the dis trict's salary schedule presently is among the top in the nation with t he exception of dis­tricts in New York and Chicago and is second in California.

Another argument of Person­nel Director Russell was that, although the consumer price in· dex shows a 12 percent cost-of­Ii ving increase, the index, Russell said , is related to lower salary categories and is less vali d for people on higher salaries.

There are five pay scales for teachers in the district with various steps within those scales. However, Russell explairfed that an experienced teacher with an MA will start at $15,000 a year. The top pay scale goes from $15,121 to $23,517 and Russell said that because most teachers have been with the district for some lime more faculty members ar~inthetop scalethananyother.

Lewis maintained th a t although salaries are high com­pared with other districts, they are not high compared with the area and emphasized that teachers are professional people.

" I don't believe a savings and loan association would finance the average price house in Mesa Verde for one half or two thirds of the faculty because of insuffi­cient income," he added.

·Seat Open On Committee

The Ocean Vlew School Di&­trict is seekina applicants to fill an unexpired term of ita Puson­oel Commiuion. an agency respontible for sotUng policy for the d!atrict'1 non-teaching staff.

It also serv~s os an advisory body lo the school board in mat­ters relating to those employes.

The commwlontt will fill the term ol Ken Ellefson, who re- • signed. The term enets Nov. 30 .

ApeUcaUons must be in by June30.

i"nNn W-lre S.mees NAl,ROBI , K e nya - A

Mlchl1an unlverslty professor who volunteered to negotiate wttb an A/rlcan Marxlst. guer­rilla force holdlnJ two American students, lnclu(ling a Garden Grove man, captive says both

· are all ve and believed well. Ke,meth Smith, 22. a former

hieh school honor student aod footban star, and Carrie J . Hunter, 22, of Atherton, were kid· naped nearly a month ago.

The Popular Revolutionary Party terrorist group also ab­ducted Dutch s tudent Emilie .Bergmann, 25, in a raid on a wildlife study outpost.

They were hustled into the jungles of Zaire along with still· another \] .S. s tudent from the Stanford Univetsity research project who was later released to return to civilization with de­mands.

Smith's family, the Joseph E . Smiths, of 11381 Jacalene Lane, Garden Grove, could not be re­ached today for comments on the newes t developments in t he tense, three-week-long incident.

Smith, a Port of Long Beach longshoreman, his wive an<l their other grown children have steadily expressed optimism because the abductors' motives are believed to be purely political.

They were reportedly semi· courteous during the initial raid

on lbe s tudy ~tailoD near · Lake Tanganyika, an outpost which has since shut down as a resull

Professor Peter Steloer, of the · University of Nairobi, where he i s v isi ting on leav e from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, was teluctant to t,eveal any real details about the

• s1udent hos tages. " I cannot say more without

jeopardizing efforts to obtain their r elease ,'' he explained. " They are alive and believed well. It was the first confirmed con­

tact with the guerrillas since a third American who was abduct· ed, Barbara Smuts, 24, of Ann Arbor, Mich., was freed more than two weeks ago to carry a de­mand'on the Tanzanian govern­ment for ·$500,000, large amounts of arms and ammunition and the release of guerrilla leaders de­tained in Tanzania.

The kidnapers said then they would kill their t hree prisoners if their demands were not met by mid-July. The Tanzanian govern­ment rejected the demands.

The captives were taken in a raid on an animal research sta­tion on a T anzanian game re­serve.

Diplomats in Dar es Salaam, the Tanzanian capital, reported . today that Zaire had given the United States an unpublicized go­ahead to seek unofficial contacts with the guerrillas.

County's Teachers Seekiµg Benefits

Hundreds of Orange County teachers have phoned unemploy­ment offices for information on a new federal law which could give the county 's 26,500 teachers more than $2 million a week 1n un­employment benefits this sum­mer.

But the flood of calls and a pamphlet explaining the situa­tion that has been prepared by the state unemployment office may be for nothing.

A special appropriations bill which includes a clause repeal­ing the provision for teacher summer unemployment com­pensation has been passed by the Congr ess and Senate and is

awaiting Pres ident Gera ld Ford's s ignature.

The California Teachers As­sociation is referring teachers to their local unemployment offices for information on the matter. And teachers have been calling.

Charles Frazier, manager of the Employment Development Department office in Orange, was quoted in a California Teachers Association bulletin story on the topic.

This week, he said, he has re­ceived more than 200 calls from t ea chers wanting to kno w whether they are eligible for un­employment compensation.


comedy, Auditorium, Juoe 12 an.dli, 8 p.m~ free.

" THE CAVE DWELLERS" ­South Coast Repertory '!'beater, through Sun. 8 p .m. .


PLAYHOUSE ~ "An Evening of Melodrama," FairgrOu.nds, June 13and14,8:30 p.m .

MOTORCYCLE SPEEDWAY RACING - Fairgrounds, 8 : lS p.m.

Swim Classes Organized

·At Boys Club Swimming classes are being

organized by the Boys Club of the Harbor Area for boys and girls nine months to 18 years. .

Five separate sessions will be held this summer. The sessions are scheduled :

- June 16-June 27 - June 30-July 11 - July 28-August 8 - August 11-August 22 - August 25-September 5 Morning and aftern<;><>n classes

will be held in each session. Morning classes last from 9-11:30 a .m. and afternoon classes go from noon to 2 p .m .

Reservations can be made by calling the Boys Club at 548-9387 or by going to . the Central Branch, 594 Center Street, Costa Mesa.

8_tamps Going '

To 12 Cents? NEW YORK (AP) - First·

class postage rates will increase this year despite contrary re­comm endations from an ad · ministrative judge, say s Postmaster General Benjamin F. Bailar.

A spokesman for Ballar in Washington said the cost of mail­ing a first-class letter would pro­bably rise to 12 cents.

The Postal Rate Corn.mission is



cu1Tently considering a .proposal ( by Judge Seymour Wenner lo re· duce first -class postage from l0..,-1 cents to 8.5 cents while sharply increas ing the rates in other classes. f



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