50th YEAR-NUMBER 198 - City of Newport Beach


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Transcript of 50th YEAR-NUMBER 198 - City of Newport Beach

' I

• • •


orgi·t Retailer


lfamed CoOk leynoter at Scout Feast

GeorweM•A'• Started en S 12 • WMll Dh11-1a.•

K•ynol• ap.ta.lter at tho UIW&1 ba.nquwt tn Balboa ..., O l.ID at t :IO p m toda,y at U.. Jlo7 Sooutll ~e Dnptn Oaiwld1 .. 0--S-. MvdU1lan. aa i..nn.IM­bom lllamll'1"tl'lt who.,.. trmn a 111 a -k dllhwutMr to OWMr ot tho tnltmat.loo&lly fUQOC.18 Omar Khayyam Roet.alU'UI\ Ila Se.r\ J're.ncie«'O

RALN V NIGHT CRASH It looked Like I.· .,,...._. commg at me t.. ·' 1ilt'

WI" the way Leroy J . Berry of Coeta Met1a dt'SCnbt'd what happened when h ie car and one driven by Stanley C. Allen o f ErueraJd Bay era.shed on Coa.at Highway Just east of Bavside drive. l"rorit whE"t'ill from Berry'• c-ar wert' t o• n off and thrown about 100 fed. Allen Kaid n1e car started to skid on the ~·f't pavement and went out of control. - New-.t>reM Photos

Windward • ID Record Sail Run PA(fL I!. l:NOEL

••• ~.., n-.11

Wednesday AITival Would Mesan in Set New Acapulco Timing Fatal ·car

U nless tM wind ~ away to a whlaper Don Chil-1 smash up cott'a Windward should set a reeord for the Acapulco i>.ul IC Ens~• .i. 1"7 Ir­

R&C't>. 1t appured ~unday nigh t when the blg aloop re- "'M An Costa M .. a . wu d• a d

portf'd in at about 300 m1le1 from the f\nlah. She hu until on arrival al Rnt1c Hoaptl&l Y••· Wrdncaday t o ~t lo and .et a new time tor W 1001 haw. l•rday IN>mine about 7 after

K U 8ecGlllA aod UWd h11 car had CTllAbed lnto I.he All flllzie9 ~In ba4 lM J B. roy q'D&1 lll&ndard u lntftw9ction

...,,,. lllOr) lh• ""1nd l• ~Ins 1 are Bali.in&. &DOt!Mir ... ~ ot N.wport Blvd. and !Mst.ol ON l l) about n .... or ab lcnOU Tbh boal belolqtnc to a.rt& Gou 8l a c:cord:lna' to Costa Vf'9& i houlrt ronllnu" t~ h"IP th• n. ... and J:ar1 Cortt•tt'• ,,Jtna C'kNd. poU~ ntporU R bnall• whlrb. on ('(JfT'f'<'t"'1 llm• N'HTC I ~I ,,..... a.Id to hen i,...n

nnw 1ttand ti> •1n- In Cl ... C th• Altura. Rush J I thrown out ot hll car and wu 8'-h.ln4 th• Wlnctwarrl ..n lh• 1 Jark._ SOTC, II IMdlna. Oanlu· pklled Ill' bJ anot.Mr mO(or­

N ov1a del Mar John 8<'r11lp11' San Ml . .Uh Bn>wn. SDTC. la MC· lat. PoUc:.. n.lllhed b1m lo lbt Olecn dull kt>U-h and th• Lldn ond and lAdy BountitUL Wa.ldo ~t.&J bul hf' dlf'd on thf' b l• t ntry Zn~ T H Quinn I WAt.nnan f\OTC t.h1rd. Kt- wu lll lll c<>1•1MoU1 J r • K"t' h K lol,,. ~ 40 hOUn. 6t mlnut .. • ::~ llv "rollc• plAN-<I hJm In

l>•rl•nc l !W n u . R boat.a I• •n•1 3e ... ·onci. hudlc:ap oa t.M lh•lr <'ar and aald h* hac1 t• I· R l&loa ;"lHTC yawl wle>na-tnc to \\ 1ncl..,.n1 which la lltT&tcb boat 1,.n ~p at Ow whttl


p;npl opu•tecl a W. ahop at ~'I Wf'et 18th at , COltla Mf'-


!lt.anl•y C . Allen Jr . 22, e>f fl F:m~ld Bay, L&tuna a ... d •. and Looroy J . s.rry 23 2t711 F'Pd"T'll1 A 'tf• , C".omta )(-. "'f'A

t,..._!Ad for cull at Hn.s H011P1· taJ Satunk)' aJt..r Uwir r an e ra.abed oo C'a.at Hlirbway about 600 fMt eMt at &fl'IO.

""al operator T >al 1: '""'ten· I Ume t• "*' and unload s--1· Onn All•n \.c1ld pollc• lw wu bfo t l W\11 ... k a ~"" 11 troll' pra dr1rins &O to eo mllf'• &JI hour

Newport Hardware Vies for Brand Name Honor NEW YORK . N. y - Arnone the ~ IW'li·cted to

comf)f'lf' for thc> 11J1tioo'1 top bonon In ~tailing. the 1 Brand Name Retailer-of· lhf'- Year UUea, will bf.> A I Foreit Hardwart>, 220~ W . Balboa Blvd Thia Nf'wport Buch,

Wlill• a youna 11\N\ be wu a ocout.m.ut'" in °'• A.nnetan Boy &-out• anc1 1o pnMQUy a member a l lug• of ~ Boy 9couu of o\ mttil' a

M&rdlklan "'"" raptUNd by. t.be Turlu In UI!' lll·falec\ Armenia.ft wv for It be rt y Ha *ea r.cuod and .m\J&"l'le<I om by A.m.-ie&na ot th• Near Eul ~lt•f

Br..<'OMF..14 C ITIZEN .California . eto~ 1111 vvmg for the top award lo lhf' Hud- H• m&dw hll w ar to l&n "-"·

'"Arf' Atol"\'a r ale&10ry In Ihle N l"h of ~ .,.lf'(-lt'CS f1ru1 11au did


c1eoo In 1922 ana w u a NAaU· Important romr>f'tlllon In JM7. We wl"h ..,, 11 ,, , them n.nl worltu un UI 1911 when be

A I Ji'or lfll H • rdwa,.... v•u p,..,.. w n ua tn• trylnr ror th• cov- bocam• a •l•wa rd "" a round-vl<><t• lv a>A·ardMI C"l"rtlncat t of ~tA'd award tt the-world cniia. He boot.me a rn~11nr11nn in th" 19"6 rompt"- 11'..arh nnallll ha1 be< n 1nvl~ n.aturaJ.la.d rttlaen In lt29 lit Ion

I n., n•tlon w ldot comp.•lltlon 1monJ d•.a J.ni fnr oulltandlnc p n>ml)llon o f bra ndf'd warH

&EA.LTOR Ot" YY.A& - Roy Mc:C..ardltl of ea.ta Mea. left. put preaklent of the Board ' of Rnltor1, la a'tRrded a petpftua! eter1Jq ailvtor cup u 1~7 Raltor at the Year by Dean Bradford at Rft.lton Awarct. dinner rri-day nl1hL Nf'WI Prem Photo


dunns 19~7 ewun11 Into It• nnaJ ptia.. t oday with the r t>l,.. ee

tn 11\lbmlt a d" t•llf'<I • nil lllUI· The tll"llt Omar Khay)'am •..,.. tratl'd prffot'nl•tlon 1 h~I l>fft o~nwd In ,.,....,n,, In 1912 and b1• """,.....,.nll hi• 11"7 ll<hntlalnJ, IMC'on.d tOmar Khayyam • I tn •I•• tralnlnr end oth• 1 b~d


aa.n Jl't'&nrla.·o in l ll!t He all90 pmmollona.I a ruv111u nw. o~ a cllAln uf a&ndwld• lllbo'9 pn-Mntallon1 will t>.> r.v .. w.cl calt..d CbMtnut Trff In lHO ni ..... Ooeta MM& man an l*.Y troll\ &a.. 1 ... ~ f/f In N..w York Man-h !I 11 and T M91'd llt la n rnu thi• fonnul& Uw Lout o f thf Ka rt.or A.- tJw TMr, A . J . VlcotUSO. lit anJ tM wtnnen 1tei-1 ... 1 ,t that t or • ucc- H &NI ~ n..t reoaJ ..tal• lndl1.trv today. 1111.atl,,,acs Aft., ODrona *1 Mar. of the nnallal a nnoun1·f'd bv

H•nrv p; A ot pN>mdfont of BB nit :Samn ~ nundallo n lnr . Lim• '""° judflfll rummllt~ ll 11 the thlna that all llU<'r ...tul R.oy ~ .. ~. M . t.. t Bu.t) Mc:Oudle Ill a brolr4r wt&.al 0.

mAd• up ot 24 wad1n11 "'tru- CU'Wl"ll h.a"' In C'Ommon" ("orntllUI and Mall ~. M. Well&, WO l'f~ ...., llw urlfania.allon wlurh •ron- UvN ot the .turw thal >Aull top P"alta>OM ()O(lll wlnrwl"ll of tM thrH top 1181 '1..a8ontt aM OantieD• tit 110n thf' l'Gmp.tlllun. ~

bonon In Uw- 196& rnmr.,..lltlon Ono o f Mardlklan"1 friend.I once a ..,.rdll ot th'" Nr#JIOrt Ra.r1Mr ~'- &II Lftll ..., aa:ll9 -S.lertf'd trom a mon,.; thou- nnt·plaCC' wtnrvt'll a,... tl~m- told h im lh• irnal• t fl"Mdom Board ot R.n.l\orw all rHide _,.. W , A . 1'oW.u a-J ~ iii

and1 of • ntrlf'• In lh• 2ll r al•· .,.IH'• IMUirtbk- l4 romrtl'° toe A m •r'lca had to olfw wu tll• work II\ u,.. (tty It. 1m .._ Oarmlftll .,. A _;. _ _

JtOrl"• "' ,..,.l• ,lln• lh••· 111"'- flv• v wara. Arthur C'Urtord. P""· f~ t o itv" He decldwd "11.al Mreu6. ,_.dent ot ltl'f triv tor lWo to ,...., Ol'll&m r hant11 i?pr!'tlf'nl l""tall lf'ldf'r• ldf'nt of the A W 811rt11t ('om· ha had to JIU 'A-"&11 the 1blllt)' to r'ul14'rton Aff u ho~r ot t.be t or Ulll Jilardl 0 ..... a.ad ....... •hlr In the '" tta•~• r>iltrlct pan)' a Brtd(wport l'nn~lrut r-k f iw Amer1ca R.Nltor ot ~ T•r award. •Ala.lb' ~ U. · W' C• .. of <'ohmbla . c·anada P\1,.rto bulldln& ma torta.1 deal•, wm On U.. roul\d- lh•wo\"td c:nU.e Col'1leUU.. 3N VIA& -..,.. ..U..S el Ule H.u-1 _.... Rll"o a nd Hav.A11 bf' c"81rm&a of ttw Judp<I tH "'1alted lh• Armenl4n moau- tlOT• top ..i ...... ud t.a.- cMUtoa ., . .......... ,,....

Comm<'nttn,: on lh.l• lOlh an- 5 MA.IOI A"'A.ltDtt tery ol ll&n l....&Daro n.e.r V.UC. ~. all 11111 l!laa a. ,.ra "- I.a ~· " nual 1·omprtttlnn Htnrv Abt l 's> lo nv• major a-rdl wtll I wl\.oN UWN wu a t NUUre bouM I.OP u.t.r. 1'taa ~ La .._ 1* Ji 1tt11' ef wtt 'Thi• \Hr mort' rhan

1 bf' madtr ln 14 nt UM 26 cl&MI- tJt Arm-.laa Mri~ and ldl- .,~ madl ~J' ~ OIUUlf Ula ... _..... ..... ., ~

f'Wr, bl"llu l'l'li.lllnc httamf' .. nl.llOlll , up ll" nn-n In tbw I IOI") . Mardlklan rt1led all not.a- Uw a.rua\.le.l .,..,. PUlll a& t«-. ..... ""'.. - ...... wrrt.Ja l If UM prCMrf"'Hty of OW I Gaw>lln• a....V1t.r St&Uon at.e- 1 boolul wtt.J\ .Arm.nlan ~1 8anta AM ~ i...-.. ,~ - ..... • poFw&r ~rtod W U tot>. m&ln- lrOQ· The ..... ncl Na..~- dallnS ~k lo U..sr-lpiurmet. 11(~ ................ - ,.....,. ... ~ .....

lt.a!aed. Contln11<'d prowp.rltJ er-of· t.n.-Tesr" w1NWr i. a_,.._ Kins 8b&ra, w11io II* l800,...... w 'a !Miil.-.,.. 111.,,.. ac.o..-a __.la tae 11.& mut be a chi.Vflt not onlv tn -4 a pJa.que &nd O.rtiftaaa. ., -.v. a.tnd tile_...... -u&l v.- (0 7 a• .... & .... I) Ulll production of sooct. but OUUnrUoa st"n Uw ~p. 1C&rl7 ln Wor1d Wa.r IL....,.. ________ F __ F _____ ..._ __ .._ ____ ..._~_.-alllO In ttflclf'nt &Ad lmA(lnall•f The a.,,.rd1 wt.II ii. ~twd kl&n wu oa.11~ UJIOll to hwlp UcJl

I dt.trthullnn antt ... tune Sound I on April 18th In tit• Grand 8&11· the food probh11n In U . I . Ana)' Nt.a1tt n1 poll(h·• li ke lhoH on 1 room of the W~dorf - Aaona CAlll!,W arowtd t.bo -14. Ile P" w•Jcii lh• Brand Nam• l\t'taller- at a di~r bonortnc ~ re- all ~ ~'°8 wttheut ~ ot-1..lw-Tn.r •llU\f'f'W wut bw lAlMB 'nl1I attatr wt.D elllnu ,_to "'111'7 wut •can.-..,. p6cbd baYO plrwd rtt.al Import· n&IJoft&I 8.-...d Jlf._ 1'-*. (Ow I •• • ..... 1, Part I ) aw. Apnl lJ..20. a ~

llCl'AIL arua rttm Ui&t wW be .....,..tM 11ry ' "nllo Brand Name ~ rwta.l l .torm In all falta fJtl Ula

ot..ua.-T-r CM11pft.1Uon i. an a.a- cou.ntry, wtMtMr • llot U., i.ft

nual and conUnuliw •pur l o bet· wn.roli.d In llM ~~ The ler ~nc. · he conUnuod. dl.nn.r will ti. at.._... ">' c.ao. " With ~ lmowMdf~ ol llM to 2000 of Ule ..U.'e -..S... com..umer'1 ~ and In~ la ma.a~ . ...... ~ t..bo lndh1du&l motrchanl ,. mall · tS.llJlil' aad NUii .. . Inc a oontn""'uoo to _ __... Dw1nc Brtlftd Jfam. W-*. YlLllctnJ 11vtnir etandardl In !lb Uw a~nnlna 8r'IUlld N&.aM lrtldlns area. rrom t.M.t vt-- RfoU!i.r · at- u.. - T-.r prMat&­potnt.. th• ec,...nlnJ cc.mmllt.wl Uoru wtll bw oo dl.-pla.7 al U.. wtrt1 lmp"'--CS wtlh lbw job Waldorf .


Pi.an. to malnla.ln o rdwr on BAJboa t.lulcl durtJla ltutor WMk will bw n1"1.,,.,._, and dledlod et a m..tJ.na of the B&lboe laland ~taUon Tiii~. r.t>. IO, a<'· cordlnc to Mn1 Nonnan Buck. cha!nn.MI 0( ~ OOlft·

mlllM. 1 ~ P'..d.ltorUJ. Part I Pap 2 1

Owntt11 ot .-.ntal propwrty on ttw Lal&nd ha•e all ~

conta <'twd ILTld t'9QU9tt!t! not lo nint durtns that " "" a t a ll. But M111 Ruck f~ th.ll la too much t.o upoct

Anolher plan wblch wW pt lta nn.&.1 pnHah e l lM F.tlnJ&r)• m .. unir la to ba~e al l ,..lcMnta ot l.114 Ul&atl'1 l"&ny ~ &lld a po••·- bloclu~ •l u. tn.l&lld "'1d.-e • V>p ~ ,,. h() do not ba• e UMm It ll etlll t1> be d91.r ­mlned •hat lvlurw U.. blockade will be In •ftttrt ~ un · der Ju.t what Mndllkw\8 a It.ate r>f ~•rswnry eui lloa de· rla.red., Mrw 811('k • J•.


Oty Hall Off April Ballot In Newport?

Cl!\ ("nun• 11 1nnl(hl In f•J>' ralf An~er type of ~ In UM' nlln toward N~rt • " ' u,...lnn h<•"Ut from thr rlty. Mrvloe will bw conllld«'.s by Beach wMn hi• rat wtnt ou• ttf O'A n .. tl \\ 11ahln(tun '" f'ler d.- roundl t'lnlchl . £. J " Bud" <'ODlrol IUld iltld~ ,...rou t~ afll • • · " • appr<•H•"' • km l Jadtlln ot 63' R4dl&ndll A•w. bu ~ttt u,.. lato oin• drtvtn b v I a pprn• • • allllul1" nf hi• n•lth- •pphed for perll'd860ft to - 8&1- &-rry b<•ra In b111tnN• '" 1 h,. 8.Albo& t>ci. Pkr tor ICMldtns and Wli.o.d· eo.ta ,._ rour. Ottlrer a r •11 111,1 p._npn toe A K....-port·te> ltart Dol\ald C\utl le In H,,..

Action Ordered on County Dock Famous Editor

Inds Visit at Mna Sister's

r.rrt t.rnbforJ nl>\atnr.I • •tJltf'- C"al&llna IJ!land o,.raUon.. Hoaplt&J with a bMSIJ bru!Md m•nl ~1~,..1 b~ 2~ hoalnn-.m•n Th• oparallon, -.n.aJ .,.. r bf'lrt "' a re.Ult of a t'Chlalon a n•I , ,. • .,• ,.nt• nk.olnit lhr 1 .. -.. lWfffl May and a.ptem.,.r, wouJd l'aturdaJ nilbt bft~ hU po In« "' lh" r1 tv 'Pl" r In ~ll.ft- lnrlude a ~ fa boat now readJ H~ ur and OM <h1••n b y Ron-bf'ra lh DAibo& for M rvlr• an'1 ' tO f t r rtlft eUJI •ld I!: Sa~ 17 at kllla

Nov- 11 nPP""" • I unt1#r ronttn1rllnn Ana a t lnt• f'W<"tlon nf 4th and Imrr•" "m""' A180<'1stl"n ll - Sooth \fa.lft Sta al('l ln•t 'hf' 1 ... ,.,. "lll"'#mvit Jackln pro~ to lNrtalJ a Clulc wu notumtns from d.-0 .... 11,.nhfrrl!' a111cl h" I• • m•m~r I fliv.t t o .,. lMd t.o t h4 P•"-dl 1 unrlng a pn.-,n,.T to th• county nt tb• ,..,.,. '"""" • .,.,.,..,, , t1<1t h" fnr th• lOtMMns ILTld unloadlns but I )a.II , •un l 1rwil"'I •n ' m..-tlns ln >A'ILTll l th• rlty tn ronatruct • 1 >Ahlrh tn11 olfr,.,.m""' '" OJlJIO"f' ramp to It H• IA~ 12000 In -------------"'"" f"'l\rhf"I 11\000 .-.~ ~ _.,,. wnultl HAllOR WIATHEI

Rf'\'f'ral ,,r,.k• "4r" Or9llfln· •111• th .. flldltll" btr1t 14 1th•I"""' plane for a ,_ ------

" "'-. 1 .... a1nir: "' r\ly ~ .... H terfronl 1 r<tJ>f'f1Y • ln· Ul nrput.e I loy Oft ... 9't WU.II I hf> t1U1f'&Y'9"1 at t..11• me> C)Vy lAoe l)llbert • • Oil tlll m•nt "" 11• ronMinlrat~ In- RtpubU.- IU ~ ""-· .uf· • 1,.11o11 ,.., <•htalnl~ a permit °'" ff'N'd mln~ lnlUrMI ~1' rllv II< "'°'"" l • ••!'f'ral" l"• MHWon wtwo.. hie N~i. ,.,... tnTOl-1 I bnool• frnm th .. "' "'"'ly·r .. v.fl•tn1M · In " r~ti.klfl with a r ar d'.rtYWl et1 1 ,,., II• .. ,.1 lhr,... tw~a t 1 "' Jenntlt Wrtctit ll2 OI 1•11 I wno1l•I 11• I ~· '''"' N'mal• .nit In S1n1 a An. 4.,. a t •l• Yk· pl.,.. G1WI 111 1n 12 nUnut• a.I. a tori& •t. I

Tu1,..-.1.u.rw ror t.be put wwk bl Ill" NtwpOT't .Qarllor area ..... RIOB Tu.-day, Jan ti 80 Wf'd.nHday. r a., n ee Thur9day, J a r a " F'T'lda) J an l• t2 47 1'al unl• ~ J a,. JI\ "-' 84 lundu J an 211 U 57 \<nnrlo . J1:1 n t10 ICI , Ralalall te

Tbomu & ~ c­~c edit.or mown ... ~8oom" In Lbe __,..,., pnit--'ol\, today eoncludod a .... l wttll ~ slllter MU7 R.ey­nolda, MM ~ Dl1..., who " la the rHl .tat. bulll!Mm tn c.o.t.& M-~ 4t, ,_Uy r.-p .

..t u man&fins edit.or of Mar · !Iha.I .,.Id'• Chtea,ro •un-Tim• ,,,. ..... JIWJ6n ...,,,.. Rayt\ ·

olds t-.collimm at comelftt a.MD\ Ida fabUldl» ~,..,ID 'nm• ........ Att«npaft~ Pl~ cl\&r •

Inc ht. Qwta M- YW!l ..,.. h II wtte Mid m<>~ Thwy Mp&l't~ '°'" Ui. llla.i by pl.&.n• w1t.h th• bis man8'1ns "41~ tndlr.allr& a rc-fble trtp to ,_,,_. tn lb• ettlq,

HES 'DIE CR~ ·- Ka Holl:ll'ook, ....... B&lbea Aniliias Qvb 1967 clat~ at the a.nn-1 award.a ~ rrtk7 llD Newport 8Mch Amttiean ~ Hall. bU ... bU4I ruu wtth u.. elwn,........., ......., WS-ted htm bf Nnrport Va1or Don. 0 . BlU. '!'ht tropby. donat.fd "" the Qty fll Newport 8"acb. appea_,.. to '- •on tbU eoOQlb to k.ap Holbrook ~ - N .... Phm ftoto

•• _..al ..... that t.bt 8&l)oa Jlilwl Ja. prov~t-J.1eOCl•tlon 1•t out the plana it. made lut •nmrMrln OOQ,junctJOD with city offlclala, look tbwi

over~ poa.h UMllD up ln r-.ooUec:tion or wb.at bap­

peMCS \Mt lpl'tnc. Th-. plam included attempt. to

pf owneT"a ot rental propert,- to t\and p6ck tbeh' tf't\· .., ant.a and IOMf' form of t.ra.n'lc J'Mtrict.ion onto thf . ' laland.

We would U.O sune-t that city police brlnr t.btlr pl&nl oat into '91ytipt a.nd appriM the people of wt.at they can ft1*l. If the boodJUllMI lrnow ln ~ they can Pxped to mfft .ttT'l"I D\HSUl'?tl tbPy

wm ay a..ay, bul lt they hear the poU.:. are tokt not

to arr.t any al the nke bofll Jmt. ha.tnr a rood U... 1*: u• It will aw. \Mir reoordl. then lhf n!C'P t.o,e wm come tn fen. and .. wlll hn• lut year

OV'fl' apJn.

Lut ,._, Jt. wu aothlns but luck that a major catut.a op1Ni cM llOt happen oa Balboa lal&nd The

ICIM wu .a lllll for It with th• .tl'Mb ., crowded

wtth can tt took nmrf7 aa hou to clrin from th. brWp te tM otbll' ..s of the Wand.

w. ..... .... t 0 ... polel btfnl paabed uumd .,,, .................. fnmt ,.,. Uttend wttb

... wa. ud cam. hula Ml al mqaeaJhlr t.ti·

...... 1 ....... lillu4 ......... "'°"ed ot1 by

............ -..07topt~Jnthe

.. ,


• Kuchel U?ntinues Tricks; Places His Foot In Mouth

INCOME TAx-I4\x .... are ~m• .... s•U..

Ulat wUI ..., the lnttmal ~ _,. .. rvioe ta P~I ,_.. NWn

. .

GraSs Roots Op~n ••.

LA.a CRUCU. H . M., cn1· ZEN :, "It you drive a car, t.bve • no better reeolutlon yw caa make lhall lo drive alefJ' tllrou6f\C>Ut t..M 7ear. lt you are unwtllin• lo taq U\.al rwpon• lllbltlty, you have c~ of 'lie lftC' &mOftl' I.Ao dffd ll\ hifb•

nt. an~ .. - -- . . - .

. . . . . .. ..

_ Senator Tbomu Kuchfl hu come out api.n °" tb MCla1Wt~ aide ot tu public powfr quntkln by writtnr th• bouae aub-comm.lttee- on lrriga\ton an4 ft. cl&mat.ioo ap•ut ba\l\J\I t h• Pacific Gu • F.Deetric Co. develop P'>Wer In the Trinity R1vtr wat• r pow•r development.

Uncle lam takM In over N million lnco~ tax rflt.um• • ch yur That la wv•r•I traln~ fll pl«e. Of paper end ll la bid to undentand bow Ul" 1\4-ue a.vi• '-• u ~ a Joi. ., It doel, corwlder1"- die ....., \OO&u~ Of pMe.11 ot papet/ lt el&al handle aJ\d. the ttlort ~e ot lime It mu..t h&ndle IJl8m In Ltt' • do a ll -.e nlll to m&M UMlr job ~ler tor thetO and mA.)'.be wt'U. cut tbelr ~Mel

BmAV&I!. F.u..I.8, P lt. . •

The lut time the aenat.or opposed thlA private lndu.try plan he trifod to quote from the Republica.n platform adopted at San P'ran ctlK.'o, only t o havt> It ahown he had only adoptf'd a 11mall .:-xrrrpt from the platform and t),e part whirh &j)plled lo public power h<' had cardullv avoided. -

Ju1t why ~n Kuchel 1hould want thr re.t or California anc' the United States ln pay foi the gov­emmt>nt drvrltJpmen\ o! pow-er tn 11Pll to the peopll' tn the i'nftity RJft-r dletrict baa n<'vt' r been apparent. Nont' of thl" proponent. of public power have ever been will1.11g to •~er tha~ qu•at 1on.

Jo:wn before eatablahmrnt of TennetaH Valley Authority, poblie power proponent. had bttn talkinr about the &iYeaway of po~r llOUf"('f'tl in th• nation'• nvere, but they have never ahown the t'f'Op dialricte Living ap&rt from theM rJVPM[....Why they should M taxf'd t o pa v for powu •tJpplifod from thOlitl ri yu"&.

The TVA recenUy uked Congrtta to appropnate a TUt 1rum to build eteam powt'r plant.'l bfoc&UM' the river there ia not producing e11ough power to '1P-"" ply lndu•trif-e that ha~ mnvtd in frOTR-~·l'(r-~ng­

land to take advanl&gf': of Uir cheap po~-; That a ppropriation wou\11 com" out of lhf pocke1'J ... nf t.ax­

payen all over the Unitl'd State.a, at lee.a~ per

cent of whom would not ~nt'fll h'om th~O\\'t"- -

power rat.ea. "/,A"'- -. • ~ ...

At the 'Wile time, lhe eame aocWiltically; ~

fod pnr bu bttn dt"Mandmr that Coosreu canceJ a contract already awarded to tht Ida.ho Powl"r~. to ti.liJd lhl'ft dam1 tn Rt'll.8 Canyon 0 11 the Rnake River and f.Wroprlate moot'y to build a federal dam

at a COit to ue l&xparn of $300,00<TOOO The Ida.ho

P ower Co hu a.lrf'ady •pent U0.000 000 on lte job to build thrff dama. u the ro~mment abould fol­

low the pubb<- power rani'• dicUtM, thi. would

have to be addeod to the $300 rnWoo, plua a nlce fat dam.a ... 9UDl for roln1 back ()ft It.I contract

On lop of all thia, none of theefl public power

projed.9 pay any t.a.xe•. while the Trinity River project would pay it.ate. county and feod•ral ta.xe., jut u la the Tdaho Powtr Company to the extent ol about 21 per e411t ol t.ti.lr rrom revenue.. Add to t.h~ t.&1N lht' lntf'l"Nt on tht' f~r&I inve.lment and ft runa In to mJ.Woo. of dolla.na etery year. tun t.M lntnut oo the fl'der&l lnveetment and lt rune tnto mllllc-ne of doll&re ~ry yur

How mu('h tonier J>f'Oplf. ln Oran~ County a.nd

tn t.houa.nda o! other counUN not Illini cheap power a~ rotric to conttnut' to h('lp pay foe pla.nta

that .upply th• ch•p power. U1 eomtthtnr t o won­der about. U Co.a Mesa uked Nnfport Be-a.ch to help pay pa.rt of ita billa, the people h~ would yell

to t.h.e MY: but they are pa)"lng few ~r tor p«>­

ple in Wuhinfton and Ortron &nd T•nneuee with­out a murmur Th~ pl"Obably i. not a voter ln tht

COUDty wbo haa WTlltf'D to ~n. Kuch('l to quit be-­

~ a eoclalillt and vote for pnvate enterprl.ee, be­c:aue t.be voter t. ~ of beftl« billed f« other J*>s>l''• e~lrlclty \

It bu bttn eetimated that a! Uncle Sam would wU hJ9 J>0""" plante and olhtt induatnea he would

hav. enouib money to pay off tht public debt, but

Kuebf'l and the rNt ol th(' boyw are ettll looking

for w.ya to lnveet. mort' o! Uncle Sa.m'a money How )ODC are '" '°lnJ to at&.nd for It•

and our ia.• · •

8el.\d a Hpar1ll4 cJlec k with M Ch tax relU1'TI It fnrm• HMO and J<MO F"..S .. re fllf'l1 nr rnallfll to­l'~thn, ~ for"'ard a •P.r-

t'lieick for .uh &nd tutt-n Meu~ly tn the tac• of u ch n-turn -

See that all rhfClul '"' 111fn· .a an•I P'1M I• Internal A..v · enue S..-.l<'t' l

Jn ·. u1>mltt1n1 IM!JM1rAlt 11turruil I\• d'SK*rl ' .. ... ""-'~ • - ~· ., tor hu•band and wife. pleue do _ _ _ _

.. "' T ' ~ .... -

NJ:W8-T1UBUNI: : KA f riend ot OW'll u.ed to •lay In lrlm by

I .catter1n1 a handful of i-nnl• ln hi• bed.room evuy morn1111 and •tooplns for them Now h• • gelll~ tat u y• there • nn In• enllvf In It anymore. Ht•

l iolnl' to try dlmM nut .... k.•

• I C\ TERO, Tl!XA8, JU:COl\1): J ulu Vtme WT'Ot• about •Jl&i:.

travel be<'k In 18611 and pr. I dieted th11t lh• Am•r1~ would be rlntt to reec:b • the moon. and the Ruut.an. MCOnd It I• work1 out that w•r. we'll rof'S1v• · 1t11d tor1et lhoee aput· nlu"

not 1taple toftthf'r, Ju.t attach by cllr cou,..... look• like a retreat from ;t.vt a •.i-< h on l'Ulded mlMllM PlLGER. NEB.. ZNTEft..

• • • , ,...pon81blllty by & can<ll<lale for Thl• conUnued conc.ntl"lltlon up- PRISE: "How wondertu.I would .A ll1L•·h u i·u,..lv all "ct14PdulH lhf S«'n&l• to Hve h lmMlt trou- on nation&! and lnt1.m•t.lonal al· be t.hla world we live In tr -

ln•lde ~ return Onlv P'orma ble In lh• remalnl~ pact ol hill falra la hardly llhly to do much oould k .. p Chmt.mu In our w. an d rhe,·k ahoull1 li. •t- t em1 u Governor · to mak• Callfomla vot.era •tart h•l'U - all yMr round : lt we

hed tn the t•r" ot 1.ll• rf'- to vU\laU.- the Sen1Llor u Ute could rm our h-.n. with )o,.. tum !"lo not place Hmlttance 11\Nl to ~ In the Governor'• ol· and do &W8)' with hat.red and undl"r l"l' tum ON''rAR.I~l..ANO REPORT: noe. lntoler-ance: If we could nplue

Yo ur name and home addreu Ju • SU~~t.orial candldat• tM yeaml~ for Ole rold &nd mu• t be eompletf' Sen wnuam 'I' Knowla.nd h&a pleuuree of the world wtlh t.be

8pe<' " I• pm~Mi nn thl' In- n et.Led a major problel1\ fctr the 8 A N RAP' A EL INOltP£N vlrtuea of tt.llb and moral «'Gm• t.aJt !'@tum rnr the Snrl1.l I Republlt an 'i'urty In ' 'll•. rnmia. OF.NT-JOI 'RN At. Wf' don t like rourace Bec11rlly Number of t'&ch •p<•llff 0.ltlng Gov Goodwin J Knlfht I thla whole- endot'9ln1r Jll"l>C'~lurt I Thi• a.houlll not be nvfrltJollked out !)( 8.nator Knn"' land • -y 1by IU<'h croupe u the Callr•>mla I

• • wu QlllY pl.Tl ot t• «' Jub The O.mocratlr Council t>r the Call- RA YNp;. I.A ~Wl'I ea.I<' If the tA.Xpaytr ~ r vdC• wu other rart h•'\ n.. .. 0 1 .. • r to «et reeurrh I• lh• queat t or tunda

IS!J" }earw or ovu at end or "'11o-.land to ... unct 111< .. a <'all· Comla ~publh"1l A.Hembly• • - ment1.I 1llllC'ovC'r1r• whlrb ce n tb~ taxable year mak" ln ! r~fl.h whn ,,.11 11v wana to be pecl&lly when II ~fin• to •r>rear ol)'n broad ntw pathway• th• hlO<'k• prnv1detl therf'for ( Ovt'mor \\'h•"• " ' "·' ~ 1 n1J ar· like 1t11 orf1r1a l Pndorw,.rr f'nt ot fnr t f'~hnlral advanremtnt &11<1 Un«' 1, Jll'P 1, -.,. rl\er~ r1""1 In ~ A i:rl..,. fn·oi'\\'uh· the pe.rty And wt do" t hk f' tht huma n betterment It can be

Th4 narn,.. ()( th""1ren fnt~ lngtlin t h• uUier da) h t Jui. WllMd I r an1MI on In thf lahoratorl• of on lln ,. ,_ ~~....,,81 ttt• nam - 1 bl exrhution of • an111tl•t~• from the "OV&rnm&nl "n" lnd"&try Bu•

~ , • ... - nati..- pro trtU flu·lualvely. ,., ., c " - •

ber .. nte rN., Qn , r\(ht hand I The J'ro9pecllve IO'"Mnor mt.de It dlrKl primar11'9, whirh 11 lmpll ll I• ~8t 1·11nt1•11·ted In the a.tmos-merl(ln ot I~ pl1.Jn MVit then hfl wu ronremed cit In the J>ro< eduN w hf'n the phere nf d t dlc11tM frM Inquiry ·-~ number nt f'Xemplln rui I only •bout U S pr,.rar,.'1ne&L partv rNme la ueed by thf M · lwhkh prenU• In our coll•I .. ~tle'-line I . p&«e l, 1hould a'"'-. w1th the nurn~r nr lndt- 1 Th~nat day a t ~aim ~prinp be dnrwrnr ~ and unlY'ft'Wltl• ." vtdu&ll ll•tf'd on ~rhedule 1, page 2

Jt you are clalmlnl' " Hew or HoWM'hOld · •lalu• nr It you & N' j " wrvlvlnl' wtdnw or -.1onwer who quallflee tor •i>Kl•I tu l'omput&tlon m1.ke rfrt&ln lhf' block pm"1Md th tf"f'fnr IJI rhl'f''k ­l!d on P•r'fl 1

A ttach t.JI tonn• w 2 t o th" r•e• ot t he return tt It la •ben­lute ly l'trtaln you rannot obtain rorm w . 2. pl- ll llacll tull tit · I planatlon Jn 11U<'h lnstanct•. It the w1U1'holdlnp .,. out of pro­portion tn the -~· tht pm­,._ lnr nt , ...,. ...ti•m w111 be I dtlaf~

It anv port.Jon ot ,,....... 11 1 ucludable on lln• 8 (b) , pace t , .. re<-el•ed under a ,...... con· UnuaUon pla.n tor alclim- or Injury, •lt.ach •I.Al t f'm.il aho,. Ins; compulat.10f1 and rtn t'ull I particulars. s.ttM 11\111, a ttech form 24'0

Editorial Circuit Rider


Calif oml.t. 9dJ tOft took IL )Ooll at r 4! lfnn'lla • problf'm.8 In p~­aratlnon tnr tl'wl budpt -1on of th• ~lature which .. 111'.heid· uled to bel1n rwst month

UN nu.NCUCO CHRONI­Ct.J: : Oov Qoodwtn J. Knl«fl l prld .. hlmMlt on ht. pollU<'•I reallem. and "-• tranklJ a.dmlta t hat he WU (Ulded by U\18 MNlf'

t• rna.klnl' up hia mind not to u k the t..cilllatur-. to .-.lM la.Ml "by I nne dollar" to meet tM ~t 1 ot a UO mlllton dollar delk'lt tn ••t• nnan-. we belle'n uu.. ..

1 ~t.rn divorced fro"' ~lty, tor th~ N'AlllY t. lhal lo keep a f:O"#

,mment 1n itnund condltloo, poll I Ural leade~lp •bould Itri•• to mu• ,........uea equal ~­tUl'9. JCn.lftlt ahouJd .ununon tlle ~· tn tell UMt fAt1ala.l ure that It.a apedlftC ~- ,..._ qv.tn n- tu.- Rta ta.clr nf







N- • , • o.Jlferala'• lenn.& Ml.all NMIHtlt>a • t11 Olt.ar._ ••• bl luuui- ....... _ ...

.. IL ~ of I .. or1ftMJ ee9&.

MINK As Low As

$248 Ott.en Up To

5788 • .,


llOHJ:\ ~ FURS 568

a11U L&moH

,._.17 ot Chtc.ce 6 N- T_.

DtrrW Gf "'-1- atud109

ot r\111..tM aad ~

announcH the auociation of

RUSS LARSON of the Ru11 Larson Studio of

Dancing and Dramatic Art


• laht • lcAoom (P,.t""'· T ""'·

• Mo denl tap Aduth)

e Acroltatk e Drarnatk Art A.U U.-. oow- are ._.... ~ inalnl7 tw I.he berlttlt of Ule ~ - to ..UO. t.Mm t'laU undentand·

Ins ud hwtruau. Ill U.. .-tne ....... t.hu. JW•• line ~ and ooetly --ry t.clrtndtb\s

R-91lt•~ JarMMry 17 to Febru.ry I 0 Phonet ORiole l -5060

Borboro Nichols, populor motion picture storl,.t curre ntly o ppeorinq w·th Fr o n~

S:notro in " Po l Joey,'' models on exqu, te

N111tir11I HorT"o M ink Stole for . Charle•


• AJI f'wn ....., "'arilM

le Mow NIUlltry t.I

" ...... ., '"''°~ hlr.

KIMBERLY l -8279

r AA& •·l\U A< Jt.o•• res STU.ET

• ~TtLL A tlJ\iJ: UlJ'A:"TH>'­AV A II.A IU.F. ..•



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-ots • • -. cm. r, then 'Oil c.aa

utel)' (OU are Aepod• of be

I hlJb·

PA., lend of lm by pennl• lOmJ.n(

Now there a

e. He• ... k. ..

COJU>: •p&C9

d p~ •r1c;aiv... '\. the

second ·, well



tt -n our tt we

2 love 4 and •PW:. d and lb t.be mo!"lll

Buie 'unda-

can iwaya : &nd .n be 1ee of

Bul t.moe­;qulry 11., ..


• L

--.,... ------- ..... ..._ __ ..._._.,,_ .... loll.;l..._ ........................ ,.:.;. ..... .._,.&.;,...;.,_..,...~....:1.


' .. Leland Edwards Ammnces Mesa Council Candidacy

(>ndldM'y ot Lel&Dd )I_ S4o ,...... a.... ....... .:. ~ In Ole A.prtl I eo.t.a ...-. ~· .. ta ew U.. ... City Oound1 election WU tJil.. UU. 8C.. ' $ OU 9t. DUU1ct. t\<'l&Lly anaouncett by Dlipot1 lh • a nUtoM lt&91 ...., CUy Oer11 C IL Pri•t t.1111 rnoratn.f.

l:dwarda, or 273 Monte vi.ta ll • Ill the thJrd ~ throw hit hat In the rtnr ottlcl&lly. OM!· ltld&cv of Jl'red Wll.aon. \TOO W . 'Plac-enUa A"" . a.n<I Olen IC. Cnt.t>aurh ~24 Ha.mllton IL. v. .. re announ• ,.,, F'rlltey

1 De1~, S Hirt i1 Cir C~11e4 by Newport Police

&:IOVarda 111•11 ht'ld lha Coat11 IS) 0~ OoWI~ l'iifll'll IWnk:P t.1aa pc>lllh"I apotll~hl ortrn Two men are tleatJ anlt four durlnr lht' JH•t vur aa aharp 1 ~rlou111:v Injured followlna two t'rltk ot the 111 t- •enl count'U un •lnl'lt- • ar Al'd4enla on rural laau• Ilk .. rti .. IP&ah law. th~ mat.la ~ Mlnday. Tht! l'alltomla

Hlgbw•v Pal.l'ol reportf'd th.a.t 1 one of the lnjunod r. unilf>r lo<'il

IT'S AS SIMPLE AS ordt'1 •l OranJl! Cmwt' Hn•pl-tn l "n • ftl"'1 v .t n1nk 1!nv1nc 11llrga11un

F'ra n1 ia.:o So~ J t :!ti o f

FIRST CA~DIOATE TO FiLE I A I" ood la bPlnf h'1d at1.r t I hf' l • •oh In wh lt'h p ~n,;f'r J•>f' Ru<' ha R.oc1r1K1trt. 28 or Atwn<11I Irving 1-; l..aby lcenterl lllgt\a hUI nominallon pa~,.. for Newport Buch


.11 ... 1 ni .. 1 1:1 P 111 amuh ".. City Council which arf' bemg tiled with CHy Cltrk - Trfoawrl'r Margt>ry on Sam1a11:0 Rlv<1 Wr•t nt Tu-. ED\\1:0. Ill ICt· HAO&l'i 1111 A v• :\ wttn.,,.. ••ud sou "rhrou<il'r bv SIJ"ncer \\' . R1r hardaon I right I Laby waa !int candidat< to ICdw;n K urt llaftll'I 64, ot

~prove Your Child 's Reading

Habits With Instruction In


• "m" 11r·o11nd a c·urvr a t • high t'OIT'filt·t e h1a nomination P4P"rll - N•ws-Preq I hoto 3M I:. 21•l St C'<>et.a M-. 1111 .. of ~peed hit a hllfh"u' I ---- ---- - - 'dJ9d tollowma a h .. 11 au.ad1,

11111rkf'r post anlt wrnt off tl\e I • 1------------- Saturday n l .. ht ' ' Lh9 kfeway road , rolllna o ver Both "'"" K 1n •sley Tosses Par1ttnr lot. He ..... . na UYe ot \\m lhrnwn frnm t h .. <'llf H•>l1- MCKENZIE HANDLES b DEATH NOTICE 0.nnany ant! ltv"" Mire fou.r

•lir•u·z t)<><lv WtlA (Akf'n '" R.rka I OE L ON DOCK H t t N rt a.nd one • ha.It \ llara Ke OWlt.cl (~amrhf>ll and Kanlbara M ort llAl"V A I a a e w po MIC' H AltL HA ft\ t: \ ' and optratll<I a t raU•r C'OUlt at I in >. nnl1t•lm Plllna ' liu't' .11 .. 11111• 1111 11111 I St ""' H of bla home add,.._

~. " c • 1 p I e,....~n &rVe)' ~Uj ICd&"• n ... ltl\'t'r ........ kltf\'<I nnd hla I ldl\ flH tl'tnoc11'111nR lhl' Mar· : ounc1 ost walf'r, Nrwport Beadr rt'lutned "" la •ur\l\f'<I bv hla wtdow, I lhrf'f' flltM<'nK&MI ef' rioul l) 10· j Ult-r• M Ut< [)(Rk• . rnrtl'Wrlv t.o Ntwp0rt S...Ch lut """k from _ _____ ...;=======-===

t ;) " anJ t ' " Tralnlnrr for ""' .. 111111111( I n•l,.l>f'Odf'nt'f' In \\ nrd Rf'rnrrnltlnn

Saturday Class• s Now l•in9 Form•d

111rrd when a cu load or Lr>n«


lhr llar bot Hhlt•\lllt·tJa, wh.lch I Kl'nneUI c Klncaley. Mii VIA Campbell, Oflto wh111"t> 11 .. • ttand-o .. ai·h tl&llOra trlf'\J lo oulntn W~t• &rqulnod hy lt>t1¥ lut Udo Sood la • C'aJ\dld&le for thr ed th• runl!l'll l or ht.. rat.h .. t I NPY-·port 8-••h p<1lt1,. 11hnrtlv "~"k b\ l rYtng C .lur\len


,,oeltlon on l'\rwpoc't Beat h i•ity Mkhatol Harvf') 1:1 """ died aftPr II 30 p m ''f'ttl'r•lft \ I•• al tk•v .. 1t11w1 en.1 W\1111101 rnuru-tl l><'lnf vatata<t by Ml"ll auddf'nly Jan 14

<; Ktn1pton r ta ll••t .. _ ... H ll I P11llt.e ~re punrulng a veblrll' I .• ..,., I he announred ut Wt'rk 1lrfvf'n bv Ot!<>r"'9 Mart in Pt!tlr· H llndllnl( tra11111u·t1un waa ..,,n a t •J>Md.a .. stlmi t,.'1 up to JI • '4·11 ,O.fc'K,.nn .. "' \ " l.1•1 .. ltt(l mil"" Pf'' hour J ••I north H•altnu "'h• """' rt, .. nf ih~ ~ntnt..nr\9' tu F.1 MOM'!Q 1n1t ,_t,•r lfl••fl ,, Ill ' ' '" ,, ., •,•.

Klfll'lllay n.. bttn • rMldenl of Ne\o\'pt•rl ~h fvr 14 vran the flnt 10 11f whh'h he ...n.i M 1 11

Klnplry llvf'd on Balboa. laloln•I . movintr to Udo lale four .\l .... r a &g-> He <'Vf'rMM K lnl'aley \i fie . 1~0 a l 198-4 rJ&<·~nUa Av a . In ('u•tt. M- dnlflC' mt!d1<·al ,,...

H .. rvay had wur k,..I "" O'IPVllor <•perlllor In Ut" l\la.hnntn 11 t' ounty I C"url Houa. In Ym111111town Ohio for morf' th•n !\lo v.n l!n• ~ lo• M1ln1t • lf>I In • ""-' min• a rdl'ltml In P"n""' l va.n la Hr 1111 .. 1 In Ca.mpl>f'fl an I ., ... a "' t ll knn"'"" rttlu n <1 f 1>01 'I rom­munlllu

Why all the. l>other;. l.Tmit of Ten Studenh

of Comp•rable Pro9ress to Form Eech Cius

TO BE HELD Saturday Morn1nqi. -

• J~ ~dtOm ... r lnfu~•llnn r..11

--Liberty 8-5757

Art"r t P .M Oa.lly and \\ _.. ... J • .

CRESTMONT Rttl f' A rrr""11t.cl

Element•ry School St• +• Acaedited 505 St. Andrews Newporf BNch

lffact, th" ··• r lf'n th.. ~I ~ "'" .. ~~'~: ;;:.:;,,,;~


:;,~~"~:: REALTORS Ru .. .hrd io Hoer ~Ital ·~ Edmnntf Zappia.. 11. I .run A . I [I'\•• 111 anol J ohll A ~r- 1 ( f tlfttlntwod from ........ 1 1 t nft 11! 11n atatlnn,.d a~r<I A ini\ ro .. r•f' • l Lu~ lk'•c:h, 1h,. 1·~kln11: 1• nd hra "'''• Al)n• ha, ... "' "

- ~ rhlldrf'n Kt'ont•th JU and .\t11r v

M"ILreh anJ produclnr ttan•• ffX' ~urv1v1nic: ar• hi • . ,.,1 :- 1 ~r·hron lht- ~nLI l r adl' Thf' K 1nrrattn a noth1 r ann Ha1 ' " l!ar\r\ or havf' 11••0 nur.n1"'1 • hllttn-n and &nut l.A-bolnon l)lr..,. Ja.,;,:hltno 1 lhrN Kr&ndchlldren . I Htltn~ R.oJeba1·k of g., ramento

Police were t.old bv '"'" hll• h I 12 H• came 1,, Costa Mraa tn ,._.,.. l.h&t they had rtdrn "'Ith JIMl wlwn ~ wu altadi"'1 to A l'J"&(i\JJltf' ol M&MM- hUM"tla

P etenoon tor at- mllN but 1fc. lhor flna ni f' .. ·ctlun of r)'wo !\ant" W Uluta Of Techn~. K lncw­ntft or the rar at Nf'WT'Or1 altf'r A na A mw All But ~y tuu tallen "" ln l.an!llt In rtvlc

·~ .. '"!! PP.l f'MIOn and h fJI t'l1t!nd• A 1 1 h,. .. n•I ,,, tht ,,. a.r tw "'° a.ffaJ,.. and I• r halrman 11f lh•

< arol Hf'IJ\, ot 8anLA "''"· a.nJ Ma.rs•• 01"1"'11 ut Sane• Ana. hla wlltow Ju.Ila Harvf') "' l..ona S.&<h, 10 &'T'&ndrhlldrr n lln•I twn JTf"• l - .-ranltr hlldN'fl

11ruum1nir ~r u thn· drov• lur nl'd 10 ht• na!Jllt v~.., ...... yarhllnir romrnlttN of lhl' f'"h&m · ltflf' 11r u,,. a11 rv1v1nir f'BOttn(f'r • brr of ('omrnen·r anct W'UI Vh' t ,

,__ __,. to" n Pa l,..ft•rr ,,lurnlna rha.lrtnan of lh• ""rk1 It\'.. D-.1..-.--- Gradua-•• ld Pl'tel"!Wln had • ..-c-n ur,.~. bt·n- In lhf' fall of 1~'11 to ,.._ ....-, .. ,,! ~ •• I '" 1low down bul refuRd to do ,_1 b 1.. . I VOUP of I.he CIUM NI < umrnlttM Strf"llU'll ,,,..1 ('laq Rt.Ibby L

N rt U n t ..._ Lau 11 pem1Antont ~· ..,.nc.- H , __ , ......_ ~ ... 1 'do I ltll .wpo po r e "' .._.11 H11 i. « m ember QI( tht Kl· • .. -80 a mem.....- "' ..,,. • I Bk~ . .,,, ol C'"ll.N'Tl l" Bixler. punutnr lht' <'ar llOUlhbnund nn IO.an la <"lub antl haa .. rvw on T. Mlht. Ttlnn.la &114 Pk,.,, rluba .. on J"&lrt. a.a Drive r 09ta M-. <~flut Hlpway In th" 11th St (' t M \' hi ,_ p k The Klnpltya &re alrlllateJ W1Ul ,..._Uy wu l'l'dWLlt!d f rom I.he I 1 r,.1 °• 11 .,,.. 1 " r~ ar 111« Sl Andnrww f'rea...,.man rtt '- • -

Ollltrlrt No l " "'" It" ~mia· • . ~J· llrtn a&n r••nc la. ·o A Ir cw..,, .. 1.a.rllf'• th• •BJ' had Olllr\ln " tlnn M1('1trdl• ..... a 111:\7 •II· \\her .. h .. 111 a tnt'mbf'r nr ttw- Srho .. t P'ort Wlnflel<l lkoll Tht

Htal Bf'ach pollt'e unit , It wu ,.., tur of •h,. Soard o f llt-aJLOra board of Pll'lt-n lni•tl'• • nd •i:ie- laJ rourM ,...lrAlne<t Bhtf,.r In .... p<>rtf'd Pf'tenion'• botly wu and '-dfod lhf' ConaoUdaUon CIM™'tt committee lheb.lc hty t t1dtnlr a l rund&lnrnt&l.11 t s.lcf'n to Dilday 0-pel ln Lonr Commllltt' whlt'h conduc~ Ula ot the NJ.Km mlmUe.

I ~ath Krlt-aar Surv., lo ~nnlne Ow f4rilMJ Sclal chllc

f .... btUt y ol mttfblr OW two

No H-inq for r ltln dur1n l{ sen · n. t7. • · Nary ~ .._ Thf' Rf'allnr ot 'Hr Award, that ~ on !'Ian Clf'mt> nt. b ·

Mesa Murderer mad• I>\' W<'r.t bAlh I Ill aynony- laJ'ld w-111 ti. •.l.lllljl'•r a.nd nnnr rr1ou• wtUt • IVlr and •~immunlly art•• T11Hda \' llnd \\"f'<ln,. .. 111 1

T .. a..teTe .. Claaalflecl

--, Th. Suprwnt' Court today dot- I work 7 .. m Lo Ill r m . a nd eun•l8}' ___________ ..__



"" •• " (' ., .. 1, ........... ,._,,....,.,,..., _ ...... _ ... Inc ..,ri,.. ttll- ... Metropolitan



nlad • hMl'inJ lo Job.n C a.Jvtn Otbl"n llonured •t Uw rnd&:r 6 a. m to ~ P· "~~-----140-Aa&oe for ~ Tipton. under death MD!.enee nl'nt wer. llonlon AndiTw, f <>r Ute murdn of 11(1', Okla Jark 8nmn.a.n Jr' Jad11 Brenn&.D ANGLERS ( ' J ohn9on ln eo.ta w- on Sr . R••• Olrne l'ua, Hawe.rd Old.a. L.A8T or WORU>a ri-t Cara

Onl\' a ll blarl( P a r k&rd Car -111-u 1•..,.,,van tn ti S Load -

\fart h 2fl lllM. T'be •Late la


JHJ1 ~mlth , l'Jlan l'lm11 h , l>lrk nnw rr""' tn rarry nut Ula • · 8ln< kl•r. Art Tieu, anti <Jl rM ,.,.uuon Wa.nlfM rl aa~•mf'n of t h f'

( CoeUau.od frum ""'" I 1 ''-lea.aed marlin • ""• n ta " .,.

('Ivan lt1t' Lady Lam a r 1114flf'd

by Blll n.. Lal'l\&I', r or IU mu Un r-.i...-1 t l\a 8'.c 8'n' .......,,. I 9c1 by Don l...ocke and BUI P1al' for tm1r m arll11 ,..,.,,. • ..,, thr Dfl<lt I I u"'-nNI h v ~:11111' 1

"' 1 .. tnu Inter, IU1'91on

Tipton a ppealed h'Olll a c.J. torn IA 9'£pnma Court dedak>n

nt OK 2S 1 ~T, den~ lllJn • n•w trla.I The 11 -,...,--nld ""tr<1""r I• In !!an Qu"'1tln

month• An Adalr, Maune Blt­k•r, lva.o Emardt, Wal l La· Bordf. Roy M\'Cardla. P•ul R.oY ­la nd J M n Srr.11.h, Hal Vlf'rtra a nd Jo-ph.Jn• w .. tib ll•flnc ml'n

T ftf'lhr f •1r f10 1r •n•rlln ,,.,,.,. •

ndt f l'int 6 ,...u. 17:1 HP H-· l , Rt>ve.1 M'ut•r ti,... C".ared for Ilka baby. ,.., Jnlv Jlt!\.•1 1·1111 ,.,,.... MllOO Pf'1<" Ji Ill ~ I ' •wn•r rier nefl I lH I 1«1:111 1otf1t " ,., OR

• ,, ft\• \ti•• f'h • \I' nwr1,.fl h\

I Karl Mlll ,.r tot IWo marlin ••· Chamb« MM"-9 ,

rnnoc:ton o1 oruic• ao-t1 ' Todays N. Y. l'b&m}),.r ot f'omrrwrra wUI - t ""b ;, &t 'T JO p. II\. '" I.be Or LllC• County Ke&b ~. ~lh and Rou 9t.a ..... AAa. r.oqmau.e ~ w41l ...... -t:Nr~

Talk Your Way To A Shorter Day witli l>L. ~· ""' - 'Yf-

·~ -""" Iii Stenorette

Trrma To ~'"' lour Bud•~•

f0'1 H o Moin St

1(1 2-2.U.S

•-• anl1 th.. J eramar 11 1 •3-~HIN.,. for Rl-nt nwne<I bT J.rrv •nit Marvin •~ •mot.I f<Jr ,_ m artin ntlf'IUNld ..-• .

1 y d _. Stock Report

- - -- , , .. TI • t<'Ot'11lru J bdrm

.flll&r.kt( rwpot1 f n>in pnvau j 9AAUTS .-.. ol ~ • H&nllnUI 6 ~ C'.o , K.wport S..ca. J ·~ llll'T. I (0... • ,,_ ..._... h by Ra.lrh Unpa ti.rr . • diaOt t.e AJnwtca. ..

llou• N..,. w..11 l(> wall rar . ptotln& Prtv&la pat.lo 6 CV· .... W&l9" pd, las mo. Y•rlv 4W H•l11Jtmpa Ollt 34~


DOW.JO~~• -'Vl:ILA.G-. ~ram a m be r a d hia ,-1 )() lndwrtna.M ... OI down 1.M early ~tillj( -,.""*'- tt.l't•r UNF'111UC. I bdT17\ .__ . ,~ 20 Ral.la 107.1 4 up .11 ~ \0 U.. N- WIWid. Ha lit Tl I r.tlf f 0t1Tr ... _.,,.,,, II f 'tlllt~1 i2 21 up ..u • m.ntiv nt R.ac1on U 1:11.«ut.tn I &-.l'b M ld- y "-1M..'

I P . ~ \ °'"""" 1....... Comtni!l• and I.he llkW'UUTt 711,., ~ llm elUn& Si 8tlU'd ot UM kn l'nn.oMtoo ColU\ · -~ ,.....,.._ __ J r2 cu.. ~ e..oo• 1ac a.cu...w.. .,. ._a.a t::.t.k - I A,na-da • __ u,._ niOaot.ad • tile llUnr AAWQl>e ----------~-.Jer 61 ~ .......,,. rt._ \0 W. tor dl«la-

DuPnnt l fn"......, ~ta boJ1lnOd OCEAN FRONT 1 :~ra t ICl .x-tnr U•, Re la UM aulbor ol Olnner a.t <~n,.ra l \f111 n t"ll 34 1.i. IOmar Kha~"\'111 '• rool! ~I r:,...111 ~"rl hf'm ft '\ 3.,,. 1944 !Ulol R<>nr ol Amw1ra 1a i1 :-; l'r nt ral 16'• loblornphyt 195' He a.l11t1 con lotonlu11• 1111 _ HI.._, tnbut-1 ant~ •• to t!Mt Stan aod 1

I !\lnclaJr OU - "" lltl'1p.a Anrry ~la 1947, I ~landarlt Oii °' Callf , •• to OolUw'• ~. ,.,,.., w• l'r1UMNUT1er1ca • J8 &Ad oti-w.. Mud.I~'• autobi ' t ratoo on or Ca.lit • .,,_ ~Y ,,,.. ~ 1a u.e

I~ ~t~~------ 811 .... l'erot ltM ~· Dtr-t

Ht 'Sl~fll. llO M'I: 4 R.~.

Al-" un Inn ft fX aan rmnt -a p ,.,,nlr• C'Onl t r f>rtlv H I'! 000 T.-nn1


BALBOA BAY PROP. J 11()6 W Balboia Blvd

Oft.lo&. J -TUO Urll


I Pays 4% Per An~: 1~ LO~::~: Year ; LAGUNA IE.AO., m Ocean Av. HYott 4-11 n It

I ~AN CLEMENTE. 601 N El Camino Reol HY0<1nth 1 1195 _Jf ~--.,.-==========c:::====-

-when electricity dries


fresh-air meet i ..., DlctrS """ Cll ..... - ..,.,.. .,.. --... --.. air Inside Thar~'• llO flw, .-. ol "-e "'11*41iliil111 fll••A111111•a. It's cleaner and ,.,.. ._ .., oe.- -.., fll .,.., ...... -

back-yard drying-and cloctrJc drylltg 41ow't ,_ ..... Ell'ctrk: dryen noc ..Jy cat ._ • a.., • ._ ._ ID .......... ..._

you tot~ another k-1 Olll lilllO .. Mt -. .... _.. 0 to.,_ It your appl6uce o.ler.

135 WEST 19th ST. In \lkt. C'~nf#r-C',.ta Mf>Nl

S4>rv1rr llradquartrni For n R11n1 0 A11phan<r11

PHONI li. ·l4J7

°'" Ha.,._.. -''-'• • ~<t '•re-,,. ' \ ",,.11...,... ~

... d .... "1 .... or,_._..

1111 HAllOI ILYD • •• Dowatewa o.ta ...

A Consplet.e Un. of Modtm Appllanl",.a - ltar11n - TV


... ... __


. t. ..


picture peel~

----t, m.rw,,. Jt tuu 3 •·· ii on t ..MS authority. tollvW1n1 deta iled ,.... ~ that ,..._ iut ftf an~111al•ly MJf-a•h u ndt.-d per-- Ulrotlit-o n.M Unit_. ltatu 1llaA .-t•tM ' h vton Plat'9." AMM.tlll It le a ~wtent aopol • UllJI dr\ll many m1HloM ... "biltrft tMn" ~ lM ,.., t i .t tM M\'t'I of lAe N nM' lltle.

By lM way . do you ~tmbr• ~ \&lft~ ot IM a utllor T In c.&H

l!a n IJu'-n aw ay \a. cop)

,_~ It mlpt - • Mc1tlt for 11 rttall ttw a uthor• nam•'

Now rom.. l b<> pertl n•nl q ·•f'• Ion How .io .. 1v do.- lh• moUon

p&at1tn follow the l>OOJil ! Query a n -.t'M ~ UM °"'OU.l4·Wll It 11 ~ Ule aov.I to, you must re• member lh&t J>•JJfOtt ' "'n 1a b-lnl' 1hown p ullllcly. It •fart.a el our " "' n I U do l l\JI Wedneeda ,. ewn1n11

Uld--1-llll•ma.Uonal -- .. .., .... &My a.-,. Nadtt, 0.-

• mr;---- --- - ·--ltrTt•••• ________ __,u • A



St. loecblm'• .la B1ood B&Jik Need

. . . . .. . ...

SAU nMI! ....

<.;RA.NADA MARKET ta the apt title for thll palnUnr be111r 11hown by Arti11t Frank H amilton, to Mr.. J'rwman Fisher . p<'nnya al'l. chairman of Junlor !:bell Club Tht pa intln1 la one o{ a nwn· ber on dlaplay at the pre8f'nt time a t Ule Newport Harbor Public J.Abrarv. - SWf Photo


Not Geography History in 1958


Mn. vu,,trom will recount llOme of I :~ e.xperl«-ncu f rom her lnawla ln J ame.icla , HalU lhe eo.t.a Bnva 11eeu- and Spal n and Ma jol"C& lJ\ \lie Ba-1Kr1o falanda

Mrs. Walt.r SltJToufM, prNI· ~nt ot thfo ~l) wtll ""PQrt

Oft llMl --''"" wtlll ta.. a.-, Beacll &Ip\& ~ al the Oourm.t rHtaural\t at Dtirrwv­land Saturday Mn 8\JfTUlltla and Mn Wor1 hl n&1<in LH l"fJ>­reMnt.c! tile i-1 cba~r a t lhe luncheon

Any 8lt'm& ICAppa In UW a ,,.& who W1ah8 l o attend l ht lu n r h­eon may CAii Mra 8elrt0ft a t Oft ~.


The Community Volunteer Bu...u aen<b a hurty thank• for a ~ well done to the eleftn \'Oluntffl'9 who an1wen'ld our ~ot requNt to htlp the T 8 AuociatW>n'• Nobtle X -ray U ruL For happily volunteering your time to ••gu in pa­lleot.a fill out carda, and he.Ip the X -ray t echl)i­c1an1 In thla v1tal h~th eervice. the T . 8 . ~1-a lion and the CYB are ext.remely grateful.

Jl'o r further information on CVB reque9t.I watch for the.e Volunteer Notice. u ch Monday, or call the CVB om~. LI 8-0717 at 326 No. New­port Blvd TuM<lt.y throurh Friday trom 10 a.. m. to 2 p, m I

See New Picture

Jr. Ebell P lans New DI.Splay at Library Soon

....... -~ ....... SAWYER


KILLl , ......

~ AU RA VJJrG OtJ1l PU8T ..


~' ,_,, ---·- lNJUtu te



....., ll- "'-.Ou ~8t.k ...... T'p T• M"{. ... More "W---r r;,ny tbl•1t In tht1 aAtop ot ­

ff'N'd at • N'dU!'tJO• - .. makt1 thf' aalf' a worti.y f'VfJd.

ma,.tin & Von JJ.me,.1 INTmllOIS






ALL Fabrics ~ t F~ arMf C>mJ. Price

Chintzes ·"~ .. .... .. tt.d Prtfth ....-.... .. ... .. ' ea....... Drapery

Fabrla .....,..,. -. •u• 1.49 Upholstery Fabrics

.2.91,.. '

REMNANTS A11d lolt Ench 1-w• ,. .... Up Te I I farda la 1-cUi

so~ )

ma,1m & Un _lJ ... ...1V l4i NO. COAST llVD. .


Sii OUI MOO& HOIJll .. •Wfl ,._.Cl

FREE You are corcialfy invited to Ylsit u1 charittcJ oer " Re-Opening WHtc''

Marvin A. Sloans Home From Tucson

K om• •pl• 1r N•wporl A."' h n--. Uuu\ • Ver <'nnvlnc"'1 111111

It le t.N.ly dellWhlfltl th y.,.r ~ an Mr. &Ad Mrw Mar· N A.. Sloan.. '!'bey ha• • bwn wt.~ la ~. Art~na

att.rulM D9' .. "'"' b Y th• ~ dUnat• U b)' U.. 4'har tn • ti thtu 1~~.._.-GW CT•n•t aqtllw. ttt.bln. AM lh• 1r 6austi lw an4 .an-I 11° law, Mr ._ Kra. CleaaM a..der, •hn ,....._ ID tMt city .

*""' IOl4 UM!r hnm• on Clltf Drive Mr Md Mrw 8lnu1 ba •• now 1.aJ11tt1 ur rHld~ In a «t4111pt tul apu'lm~nl al MOO V1a Oporto. and an Anf'W· IAI ~ irtmdll!Jpa.

ABALONE SPECIAL ltCJ Steaks. Not Sman Chowct.r Pieces. o,.. Lb. Senn THIEi

RECIPE: 79~. Dir •h•I· "" •t l'a lu In .... • n<1 C"r• r )ler mM I, OIXll' rry l'IC - t.hen I'" ' '" · oU u bot u poulbt. ..ri lho111 '"'~'"• ••no <Mtrno•a • thPn rry SO ~ on on. alct. and tn llf'Mn1b Oii lh• " thH l11• t 9 a ll

BAYSIDE FISH MARKET On the corner of 28th St. and Newport Blvd .

NEWPORT BEACH ORiole l -'1380


JANUARY 23 thru FEll~U6RY 1

MEH & WOMEN FREE ONE full week slenderizing cou r1e given

eech gues t

Nothing to Buy! No Obligation!



GRAND PRIZE-' o m rlrl•• I 11•1 um fff•IJnl'1I °'' "n<1""h lnt' ( " ""'

2ND PRIZE-11 --- "'~l'hJft. ""'~ ....

lRD PRIZE-• \\ ,...le 4'l,.nt1,. r11ln1r C n11""'







• T &

1' t•

. .. ..... : .. ... ..etac:t

. Ml! .

' ...

/DrG -ICI _ _ Ow

....,.. I Mo,..

ahop of­loa - to nll1 11v••t



..... • , ..


..... 1




Chi Rl'i '>s Invite Interested Youths

Th• Chl·l'Uln CJl!b. rompc .. d

ot &II hll(tl ·lllCh"nl •1• bll) • and ,trl• wlll m .. t Th111 ... l•y. In lh•

at JO!lchlm 11• 11. 1 :10 p m

'!'Jill Club II itO\\ 1111 Ile !dlly and hN l.n lnt•rulln~ (U Cl(t'l.m.

New mtmbf>r• ere lnvltt-d to 1.t­l•nd



Tut-•da) ~ TI11arMI•) :'\la: hi


You order one of our Tuesday or Thursday "Special Dinners'' at

regular menu price .. pay only $I for your wife's " same special


1 Cn1 lllf'l IY RILlhoa Inn I

BA 1.80" HP:A(' H HOTt.I. On th,. Of',.an at Ralhoa

ORlo lt1 :1 ·4630

tiONORED GUESTS of C<MltA Mesa Friday A.ft.er-. noon Club were thrRe put president.a, who at· trndt>d a lunrheon in tnbutt- to their M'nice i-.­

l'Pntly Soled, II. t r) are- Mme.. Calla Viele, L. R. Daughenbllugh, M. F . Spencer , Ora.nee Dia­rirt FedPralion or Women'A Club PrMident, Mn.


Larkettes Smg At I District py A Community Church .

Thf' J,arkf!tlH , a ftrl• •lnr- Awards Four lnl( group fmm Harbor H ll{h All of t h .. Jura l •wnea. ~ ~. h'l"I, J>f'rfor-ml'tl a l th,. Com- a tlt•nl1f!l1 It•• January FOl.trtb


1111111111 Churrlt 01r ('••~Is M•aa f>l.Alrl··l ·rn"<"llnir ot Pll~nt.I l.nd ll'<rnth· tor lh~ Wumr n-. r;ro1-.... T<ach1r. Ill Fullerton Unloa

,.. lilich !'1 hMI r,. 11 well rnr1.rded !:trnlp tnr lht'lr lltlf'ndance u t hey


Reuben II. Day; Km-. GWUl.lna' Butler; and. •t&ndJ.nc, (1. t r .) Kmee. II.any C. Burdick, R. B. KcMurtry, norence K. Sbeuer,. Helna Kaaer. Kenhetb Stew&.rt, and L. Wm... Covert - Statt Photo

Past Presidents ~onored by Club At Costa Mesa

.. NEWPOllT HA1t901t NEWS-,.US-,A•T I • ,A&E I :.•:.:..: ~ .,..ii

MONDAY. JANUARY 27, ttll Aki wwt w 111 bila.,... .......... _.,... ... "Liongate" Title of M --m.--~"'1""--Book Just off Press

"How would a maa •u.r.11 ea. old •fa a 0.UU." ,_.. • · dtdleat.ct to U'\lth ...... ..C a plalne. " It i. my ...,. U.l • th.a. turbulent WW1d ol oun T" w111 be wtdlily ,_41, and that

ftlt la a ~ueeUon wbJ~ A•· many wlU r..i enrich.ct tor MU• ft 1'11 mme111, Newport lllav1nr Mltoctl'd It " Wl'l.W, ~ - .s..r wbUe - - - ------IMMMly tl\t:aa•t tn tiou.worll. Bidden to om.n· er Ra vln• bti4lll a report.,. on Ui• Loe Ans-•• nm... • ,...... For NA TO Group laftot Writer 1.nd 1. put.M~ "' 1 Rny 'Ml.)'piole, lOll Via Zurich, fboM·WTillnr •atnoy, lllile _. wu a "''"t 1.1 t. •p«lal dinner =::::::::::::::::::::::===: t.boul to r1m1 t h., 1.MWer bv whlrh 1·11111•-c ,..I a tlay In Olllnlt)'· ___________ ...,.

produclnt: a "'l>rk Of nctlo~ 11.ftd fot 12!'1 rf'pr-latlv .. of The bouk t• J11• t be111r Al-.-d NATO lu t ThunMtay eve111na. by Pa...-nt ••,... ... ot N- Yol1< Jan 23 The Jl'Ollp had bttn In under th• natn• ot " Ltonrate • ('()ftf,.rl'n•" at A no11. hf'ad 8pnq-1

All Mn. 8un1cne111, wtre of JMll Hot .. 1 A It h"'ll'h \(r M•~'rc>J• lumm•rw. an orlrtnal m•mber 111d not •t '""'' !ht rnnr,.,..nre ol the old N"WJIC>rt S..C'h ,.. h1 WA• '"'~ of lh<lM prtvU.,..cl lloe tortt. eouicht to 1.n1tWer 1 he t.o att•nol tht rt Inner pa.rt7, CU-Uon 11\e had u'kl'd htr mata c harac· 1 n too le hold on her lmas1nal1o n and knov.ledf• of phllneor1h1 •n•I P'Y<'holnlt'·

" I tlna ll1· "'rut ~ a 1lnry In whic h lll .. 111ao n rhera<"ter ltt<I· teated u hr ""• lo lnath, In U.. end del' .. 1v•1I hie own be.rt," llhe Ml1l

Kn. Bumm"' " hu 11Mlt:ned boUl ~ lneil<i<o 1lh1•traUon an•1 U.. J~cket of hf' r book ~ht d9d.lcated th• "'Or k to h•r bro­t.bc, Chari ...

Mental Health To Be Film Subiect

T ilt- f111 <1 1 I 1l li1Vk H t>pr f11I pr od111,.,1 II\ thr ~llllr l"lvle lon ot Mtnl~I II• , 11 11 -.. htrll h1•I J1A t'»pla ln ltu <1 11 .. ,i.1 luyl" A• t wtll lw ahnwn "' l'l·· l.a1e11na B••<'h H ll{h Srho,•I 1>n Wf'tlnr"'1a1· JiLn· 1

uary 24th at • 'l() p "' All ln­l<'r,.•tf'd P.''"' n• ar .. lnv1t•d to alt•nd.

"'Ky etory 1~ a vanan<>e

Philharmonic Preview Event Next in Sight

o f Newcomers Club Monthly J ,uncheon

Tiie ftnl preVI- prior lo th• Wrd l)'mpbony r o nc•rt ot the lKT...tl ll94YOft h.,, bf!en ... hedul- ' ed by tM Oran1er rountv Phll· hl.mlonki 8octet 1· f•1r Thurmd4ay, Jan. JI, 1.t 11 • m a t Nf'w port llarll« T1.cht f lub TM atfl.lr ii Ollol Of lW'O 1 lannl'd pnnr lo ~ oooe.rt llun·tan. Jan 2fl. at l :IO .. a . tn tht> !o"l1ll•rtnn Jun­ior~ audlt .. num

Newc<1mf'111 1 'h1h "111 lu>ll1 Ill monthly han1 l1r11n T'l lHda•. Jan 2A. •I lrvlnf' <"111111trv C'lub at

1 noon Thu ·" \\ all ,,.. " mualral

BALB: : A/11

NOW l ' I . \\ l'tl 11:11......,U. Ta\ lor Kll<'k Hud-

- · ,.,,..... ,.,..,. ('a r rol 1 Bak"'· lanto Wlthr,.., ~r­NtloM M«'< '1UT1hr1d11". ~..t Ml-


nmM>9A•llm "°_,.., am amx "HIA VIN ICNOWI




lllTAllT8 l P .II.

FrNI Mnrxanlha1"r <'h~t rt'C111,1nl'

((Orml'rl)· o( Th• l< l'lf 1

S"n.ca lnllu.Jed "l;l M1 S..n« v. llnf'Ae.,,I 1. ltl.Kbly tnter.lll\I' F'I I \"our Hurl 'Th• Sky pro1<n1m on lhe fl'ounden Ol.y H«am.. Siient, • • Ruulan Plr- lh• mt' hllfhllghtffi by the pNa­ntr .. ·su<'h a I.I'! F'•llow " ind ~ntaltnn u f four Honorary U fe Somt'day" Thf' l(roup I• under M.-mbf'rahlp Awl\rdl. lteclplenta

';;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;=:;;;:===~:...:d~l~~r~l~lo~n~o~r~~~fl==•~M;;a;;;rl;:;e~H~l~f'b;;;l(';;;;;h of ltw•I' honorr - · Willia ,;. ----- Watn"I l'halrm1.n of the Bo&l'(I

o f NufM'rvl -.on. Donald Buth.lnee. DlrN"tor M Hf!Allh J:ducatlon tor

Tiie fMCOlld '"Oll'rt ptev\e'W W'lU M ti.id In Pullerlon Fri­~. Jan. 14, ILt 10 30 IL m In

Tb09e who .:it.erta.in the l.mp...-ion that a put pnU· tile~ 1-~ Cl ubh ouae

dent ia 800ll forgotten by any orsaruatioo ahould h&Ye ~ DI Wrel Am• t11:1.

Luncheon Arranged as Sign of Appreciation "GIANT"

la color. Al<M> ''1111.a ('Upper Nllp" la on .. maHro.,. -d f'Okp, "Ola•t" a& l :ta p.m . oely. ~n tar,_ ln r,rlNa. A4alta lac- ; laaton u.nder

W. 1\RCJlt IDMUND P1JNXlM ~~llC·---­-· .. ·~---91llll- '-M._l_ ..,.._. __

-···- Fr .. Par~ing



20 % to 50% . THE SALE! ~•u ... , tlOUt .... .,. lla.lly t :IO • 6 :IO


,rid&y ' UI t

at a

and DRAPERIES 1779 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa

Open Fri. Eve5. til 9 Liberty 8-6215


. . ••••-•-••••• a•



f'AY ... Y'Mf ~I '$ wl .,... .. ---. IOO, CIMI Q09 i.a. ...

~di.cm-Pas Tl'Ol. w.lcz. 0.-0. Yd

~-.-r • .. 11 $)Jllla --WW..., ...... ,... ... .__.,..,_. .,..._... ___ .._ ... .._ .. ....... ,...papm. .... ..-. aAYI~ NOWI ..... __. ...

a..cU-.aodb~·.__,_.._ ,. ... ,. .... --.._...__, -· ....... ..,...~-- f ,_--a Atdlllr w.an., ii ...... -- ..w;.J ~: ,_.. ,.,..,,,, "",., ..,_,_.Of•,~IO- ..... •• -a _.J--JJt..,.



t ht' Ora.n 11" C'.owat)t H-.tt.h 0.pt t.fr 1->nud Bait.Mr, Prtnrlp&I c)( Chnton 9cliool ln 0 1.rdnl Cmn 1u'4 Kn. Jlt.o..

TlcJl• lllQ' b.t putthlLHt1 at I attended the mf't>ling of Co.ta Ke1a ll'riday Af'tenl~ u.. ...... 18) • : C'tllld,.... '"'·

Cub Jut week Honored ~ were thoee who had ~==

m on.a Wt'W'&llev a ~t cl P'l"'f'rton wbo scUftl;J' .upportm a Knl"f'an War Orpbanace.

M r11 . Hs.r<tld Boy..,-, DUtltct PT'f'tldtnt &nn(lun.oed Ulat • Mr1ff ot lr<:lUlf'~ - IUCMl9dUJ l"amllv l..lv1f\K by Dr. A.rthu.r

wteld~ the pvPI lhroqb the y...,.. Id.nee the orp.n.1a. Uon'• inceptJon ln 1933, and nothlnc wu ~ to lbow them app~l&llon.

Lua.cb«m t.&bl• •- baauU- Ml.\rt)' ui.4 ~ M:Wer. ~ ~ tuJly ct.conted by M,.._ Hal Har- COYved bukait.a ha14 a ~ pole and her rommlttM.. lnclud- ot m.lud p.rdm nowww ta a ?tot in. Mm.. De Mur1 ro.b. Who of coiol'. maQ l\AoMt wu ~t.. tunmbed Ola nowva. H . B M~ .. wtOI &II OfthSd &114 tool-.'-­

L Blf'ti: v.·c.uld bf' ~tecl al ----------- ... I.ft addllJoaal t.ok*1 ol u.. al· fair 1*' pl&Ot -.rd w9'Mll WU

llW"IDOUllted wWa • ~ W'oodla

p'NI -"'*' "' Mn. JlarJOle.

Uranr cou t cotlef'e Audi~ Sr. Ticktockers To tum bea'innlnf r~ lrd !l"OCTI 7 30 to 11 30. AD penoa1 W t. Pr • •-who a ltmded the 1eeua. by Ori\ OD O.)eC\.G Kn. i.ura Ponar, dult ,...... Dr Blf'ls tut yur wm be 11\mt 11Y a.a.tor Tldltockva ot t.b.e c1et.. ~ 09W U.. ...uq, a nJtlou• to h ear hll1l llC'&1JI. and KaUon&J Cb4.rtty ~ will .-.utt ~ tM nnt . 'ftCle ,,..a. t~ ,.,.,. urr-d to br\"6 w1UI holl1 their not m~Unc on Ral - r1"'1t. Mni lrn.9l Oranqulet thl'm • n1· lnlf!re9hd adulu • . . urday ,.ebn11.Ty 111. a t th• ht1ml' Th .. wn ... I• •JIOn"'>....., bv IM I or Dla.nf' 1. .. 1n<1 r u t preaidenla MM! U. y-.n Harbor C-ounc-11 or PT A 1Lni1 th• "hJrh lh•Y rep~t~ .._ .. Ol"ll.1\ ,. <'.Out C~llf! f' A d ull P'A· Tbe (lrla Wiii work on lhfoir


!OllOWI, Mn. r.... 1l. Dancben-ucaU~ Proc"nun. r nJ1oua project. wbfla lhly plan ~ lNl-H; W.... ~ K.

tor UIW' trtp to SI.II Dtero In o.y. wtw. Mf"Y9d one ttnn hwn Rl'p1Tau.•1 n,r N•wport s ... ch th• near tut 11rf 1934 lo 193:1 and two a.d.dJUonal

DON'T Miu This Removal Sile MoYllMJ To New Loe..-. I

Y• Cu't Afford To Miu It I

4 toSOcro OR MOU

lr--lu-lh-. -•• -.,,..-... ----1 1:--....... _Coah ___ ,.....

_ Sweaters _ _ Spo1 l1w.. at lh" m,...llng Wf'"' M r• John 1 r m· lhetr Chrtat.m.. proJK t t;orm.1 fr'ool 196-4 to ltot, K111 N•tt Mr11 Portft Slnel&Jr. M.n., Ule ftr1.a co.leclf'<t canned sooda j OUA111nl' Butler, lH0-41; Mn Frank O'Ccmnor , Mn. Wllllt.m wl\kll .,,.. 11~ to a rroup ot C&Jl1. Viele, 1H1~1 and lNMll;

W . D Nev.man l.lld Mrw H 0 lndlan ,_rntlori M.19. K B . M'cMurt.ry, 1HMT; .n• Burl on C°""'"-1 .......... MrlAln Ml"ll M f!I Bf!rry, Mrw. Navaho lndla.ne on 1.11 A rtznna M,.. HI.IT)' C Burdick. 1942-0 ; Jll ~ Aft q. Bn1-vey. f'."Olll ao.t& K- u nl ta Mn. nor- .._,.., lH't...a;

~•: M~~~I~ ~o~~~~~~H~~.lH~; ~. ·-------------------~------------• "f1t'hA"I W<1ml'r C'htr1"8 Half'. u t ollowa · Prf!• RUM11 MrVoott, Kennet.Jl Stewart, lll!U·OI; M.ra. Alan J~~. ~ ~~~V r~ ~·~ ~m~ s~Lwm~~~~lll~T : F;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W, f WlllOn. Wlllle.m 0 nrtl'n . B&lly Al'Ther, Treu Und& DuS- A ~ p..t WU tM ~·

le<>tt , P1n 1 anl1 bouna chaJmlan o i.trtct J"ederatlon ot WomS1'1

I Visit Glen Ivy Cathy !turtf'vant Pub 11ctt 1 outi. ~t. M"N. M. r. , Ml"ll H K..i.k.w!!Lll ~ Mu- <'hat""-"' 8hAron t.yma.n and 8pal\C'er cit run.ton

Ch.uit,y rha 1nnan Diane L.und .Mna Wlll&rd 8&.ll.,. w u ctl&Jr-Jl"'l~t" romna '1•1 Mar ta v1e 11- man or th• dl.y Kn commUlM

M•m~ from~ ~h In.tr hl'r pAt"1lJI Mr ll.l'l o': Mra OaJI .. .,,,



lnrludoed Mm• C&rl MclntM. Henry Cl&y 1'o4cw ot w . 1-. are 1 ""nlt.fo Aue t .. wv t, ll&ra Belle Chl.klrtitf, ~ Br&ndla. N . J . ...,_,are •pmidlq lKMAI Ru.-.y, ht"""-!• P.0'1 Mulford ui.4 8u.n lldl1-. Ota--

~. "'-1 ~ ta Mary 11:1 · 1q rOC19 cllalnnaa ..... Mn. A thetr OIJffon\Ia -Uon t.t A:u i len W•lr anct Crom SI.lit.a Ana. H 8m1Lll, and hw oommJU.. In­s pr In I{ b n r I' ' • Glen f ry Hot 1,,... r."Ynn P'.-1'1f'nnlln ant1 l'ttA&n , !'lud..s Mm-. Robert "-· &nd

1 Spnn,p Flippen. Wlllud Kl..- • •





-- --





&llCCPT lfONllAT"


II-OPINING 0- ......... r,..... ...._ ~."

luncheon From 11 :30 to 2:30

Chef M.urice J ele






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~11ow·s 3404 VIA UDO



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o~;. mojl ' recent accomp/i4h~ent ~ .... ~ •. .

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iewport l1rMr IEWl-PIESS w11 awarded FIRST PLACE (weeklies an~ semi-weeklies) in the 111-

11•1 •mpetitio1 apo1aore~ by the National Associatio1 of Engine and Boat Ma11fa1t1rer1. The · •

-· '•~ of 1w1r~, wit~ e1tries from all sections of the United States, is excellence in overall promotion . l ef N1re1tio11I bo1t111 11~ 1llie~ subjects by newspapers . .


-lltlflE .PUBUCA TION with more local news. more local pictures and a comprehensive pres-. . -

: eatlflon of Oii' home-town community's growth and progress.

. ---

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'' I '~8 grea .J






t t _ ........

811 eo.,11y lell A~~iUWal 25-:1. 15,m c.tt .. n i1 C0111j :.::. : :.J:. .

S11U. ~ING ·S>J;ES R0UNDS ..... U. :a•_.,..~ "'9 at1'I _.PE llr•

... ~ .. a.1..- .................. ..

..... ttlftr'tl ............... - ., ..... ,....,

....... __. ................. Or-..~. . -.0eo.rr.a.-. ...!:.... ... ,.._~ "• iun_ .. ~ ~ -.-~rsa· •• WIUl ._ ..... ~'1W11 ..... Nt.. t. U. ....

,__ ..................... -- .... ,.i. .... ~ .... ct u.ia,....... ftd., wtdta ........... at ..... lo ... fl • - .. - .ecs .. NIDodll - .... ..._ ~ .......... ...,... fUUttlM ud ....... -projecta.

,,.. ................. " ~ dool1I ,, ...

-· --v ... -· --.... 1.M'f .... ... I PM&tt• i., a.au.a OOlatlM OM 0..

Atw.!17, tM ~ "o.M(\.­ed" ..... , .......... -\)' S&4St ,_,., Dlftlllw• W.-..n that lot.al • ... .. Mt tlpn, ~to ........ l)h1.

.... MUlapr ,,.... II. x~ ,~~~~~i;ji~~~~55555=;;iia ~. la a ... ., ..... due

-----~----------- ~'!t '::.. "':.'-:.=~ JAMIS D. RAY

bocllfllir · - ..... wt~ ........ ,...,... ftrlq '* ftMI ....... ,.~ ....... a.. .....

GUNS AT HIPS .. twnnu, ...., ,.,.. and r.wa, ~

Police. C. ompare ,,.:; ~ =.:..u..~.:,: ~ 1115,tll Cl I 'M In

Bad Check ·Notes· ~ °'~~-=. ... .:i tn the ~puy• ~ en .,._ 117 DAVJI TAYLO& d&1 Wore. but a 1.-~ Iii ot nWl\ber ot ...._.,..

NIMty•fOUf' mea met crrer hlndl otftmr Mid cbecka ot UM -.ma MrYK CU.toaa"' ~ ta In a Loe ~ Nlll&m'Ult. T1MtJ ..Ma and pr'OUctora amp b&d tkla r.na lut ,_,. U. were bad - trom u tar nofth U "-a ~ up Ila bfa dtJ and the hfP•t tor Ul)' Glll9 ot UM SantA ~ .. 6lr llCM&th u nct.a.l:ae pve an en~ d1t'l_.. etpt OJ*"&llna' .,...., CoA& M-. utd M ftt.r eMt u mt ct.crtptJGD of ti.. ~ 'l"ltroupout U.1 llOO-aqu.an­Balienan.ld and llAA Bem.a.rdlao. ~ them.. It wu ~ -- mll• ..-vice .,.,. tllo P8 eom

At ftrwt pncu ti-. wu noth· t&bllabed Ulat a eyadlc&le ~ paay In 19:17 had a Mt a&Utlon ~ to lndk:ate that tlMM mtpt "rfnC' WU W\f'&l"ed In pum1ns ot 4J.1S2 l'\dtom ... tllJtd 'Ip. be ~ other the.ft jovt.l ..-rlc. Ut- particular check.a. •t annual meter -.dcttU. total clul> ..nben at a -i..q tundl- ,,.. louUMm ~ Alo- m ll.8 47-y.ar ~-- awt·t.oc•ther. But wt.tn the eoc:tallon rMet. thla wq ClllOU 111 an a.... boUn&ld "t' Puo •tine WM thnJuP, the la.It cup a m<llllh u doea tM ~ Robl... In the nortll: .., Sen of c:ott• eerved. and tb4I)' becan COunty Checll Inv~ u- ci.nente In th• eouUt: Ule utll · puahll1r away from table to llbed IOdt.Uon.. IDac:b Y9&r t.bere la a Uy WU •ervlnlf UI. TM custom· their ooata. ~ th• mic. m .. y mu. m..t.lnr ol ~Ir I~- en at yea•-f'lld ltllT. Ttlle o-r· have be9r\ ltattl*' at t.be tonnl-- tOIW IUl.tewtdm. all cuatomer total 11\owed a .. _ ... _ ..i "'"" buU.I ___ __. m.c:h time Ui. cileck whopptn1 1112 per ~t lncrf'ue ..._._ &ITIU' ..,. •-· ....... - .--r OftT a 1lmll1r cu.tomer total of wwt h1'h In roww ot $&.ln. ..,,,..,.., hla victim• remmaber 142,473 at ar-41\d lM&. ,,._ _,.. membWI al Check a little 110met.hlnc more ti.bout Y4' ______ _

tnY..U&&ton A 11 o c I at Ion of l\lm, and wtlen c:hll<'k tn,,...,_. Southem California. police ottl· tora mMl they t'ILll pool Uwlr tn­cerw and private ..,.nt.I pthered dlvldual kn.owledg-P Into a (l'&pb­to pool Information about curnnt le, ""1'1y preclH plctun al the operaU.ortl of bfd check .,.._.,. man. With law enforc-emeot -c-­~ Meea PoUC. est. Jim cl• llO anned wtth thla tntonna­

Slot ... a.nd o rnt'er Orvtlle Ambur· tlon. the <'h«k ~ haan't

No J!lbow Room So Car Strikes Tree on Mesa

Ot:r THF: POlNT!-"Ugh, Ooh, Ouch!" moana Bill Cullen. 12, 3!501 Finley, u his diminutive Mexican pet. Poke, glances apprt'hen&lvely from her owner'• iack­et at VC'tC'nnanan A. E. Stockton. during a r ab I e 1 chnlc held Wednesday night 11poneored by the Newport Ha.rbor Kiwania Club. - Newa-Prefta Photoe

reY "ere tbt-re becau.e 2( n.ib- mut'h chant-. t o llC'Or"P

ber c hlt"kl had bounc.d lnto their A• the r-•ral m&na«er ot a town OVff the prevlpua th~y larp rroc:~ rhAln who ~· period, and they n.eeded &n1W•n et the meetlftC' put ll. "'nl.ey're Th• nst were thent tor the 1am• 1till h.ktlnr ua. but not quite u reuon ~ u lhey 1114 Lut y-.r and

A pro~ m&L'hiD• and I~ y.,- befon that, lh&Ab to

T11f'ff tt"fn ,,.. l\rll 1Uftered mll\Or lnjurtu whl"n ltwlr car Ill.ruc k a t,...... 1t MHa Driv• and Nf'" pnr1 8f)ld In en.ti w- WPdnH•tay momtnr

Tra.nas)ort "41 ttt HO&« Ha.pl t&I whett thPV '\l. f'r. ~lea.Md after •x.amlnallon ,..,.,.. Mollnda Aclr­l&nd, 11. JovC'f' 'l'untal• lT of Santa Ana and Carol Wf'bb, 11. of 2t'Tll Rf<tlaw Orin. eo.ta MtM-

NO ENTHllAlASM-"Hey, MlBt~a. what's that guy gonna do to me ' " uka Penny. a pooch owned by C'yla Andrus, 9. 2300 Laurel Place, who doe-an 't ffN'm Hpec11l1ly enthuAed over lhe idea of r&biea ahot.a, either. Young Cyb.'a pet wu one of 204 1.nuna.h to receive abot. Wed.n~y night at N rwport Beach police station.


1e~n wu rtr;ired up wbJch Ule you," •

Voit Purchases omcen Wied to abow aampl• of ----their bad p&Pt"r and p l<'lu,... or

Santa A S•1te •uplcta ftG An omoer from ~ County

The Vnlt Rubber <'ompAny hu nu.N'hal('d a 17-acrP sit. I.Ji Sout.nw .. t Sant.a Ana

Sbutrr. Ottlo •tartf'd Ule ball ro111,,. Ke told o( a .. 11.. o f ti.cl cbecu JM.Med tn Oran .. County during- Ch.r'-tmu week.

Mayor Dale HPlnly wu quot- 'nle checkl bore t.b• •i.nature ~d u a&l:)ll,f lhf' w11rlc1 ~ larirellt °'" a ll\UIJ)eCt beUned to be llrln• manuf1rturer or nibl>er product In Lonr Beach. Lonfr Be&ch police ~thlf'tlc- f'qulpmt>.it plana to m&lte had been notltled, and lh•y ,.._ Sanl& Ana Ha nat1on11.J head- ported a prtnt llhop In their ctty w arttn1 ~rni. Pnd o r lhP year had requMt.ci lnv•tlraUon of a

C:ONlrn.ment ot check• th., had Th• movP of I.hp Yoll <lf'l'&n1· been •nP«'ld to prtnt for lhl

ut.lon to Oranire County hln... llUlpect &l'ld VM'lou.1 otber m.en. on 8&11ta Ania C'tty Council The 'nte print llhop had become llUI· roun<'ll will hav• to app,_. a pklOUI o1 lb• order ~ t1'te zonlnr;- amendment at Har1>or Blvrt a nd H untr.Jn-r A••. checlll _,.. to be printed on t.

·- ~ !Uvendde be.nil Provldln• lhf 10nt r hanf"e la Lonr Beach <poUce and O""('e

approvf'd ltt. <'Ompany v.:111 con- County 8her1tr• deputl• 1l a.k9d

I ~tn1rt lv.-o b1ltMln1J1 on t~ mite out th• prtat &bop and ~ted that will Jll'OvldP a bnut 711.000 th• .wis-ct and two ol hi• u­aqu&rP ff'eL A bout 700 J>C1'90l\I eocl-.t• u they ca.m.e to l.&Jll" de-


"'Ill f'\'Pntu.ally bf' tmploye4 by livery ol th.e blank ch.cu ~! th<' nf'W VoH plant_ The 1herlrt"1 deputy told the

At leut thrM dlftertftl per­IOrui com pla.l nf'd to po lice ~Uy lh&t the word 'TaJ. ton1" baa been 1era'lll1ed onto cara, t.elepl'loftt' polt"a, mal.J boolea, •top ll(nl, or truh bo..-.

Robert Reed. 132 Ithaca An., Hid hi• car trunk lid -. pel'­~nUy man'f'd by the i.ttef'­lnr. It aJd tt wu wntten by llOme llOrt of llO~nt w1dcb WPnt r191'ht t.h.rou(tl Ult p&lnl.

ft.. 1. tlwaln, 218 Dtjon. a&ll U'8 tret'd -.. WT1t.S- °" tlle •~ .t Illa N7 tn .a.n. 80rt of red 8Ubdanci. made to loolr 111141 blood ft T . Dtnwiddl•, IOl V\a Nlc-t. Aid mall ~. t.lf'pbone poi.. . a •op ~ and a t1"Uh boll In bJJI Mtpboltiood _..,.. marlrf'd up With UM word wrtt­l•n In black liquid ar- poUati

11 - (TOUP MVera.I of lhf' chec-k 1111&'

I ] . Mesa Y--..&&..- went 111..111 at 1.,...... and ..,... b&IJ... occ Ed•-='-1 I VVTJ1> ed to be oper&Ul\I' ln the Lne An- ~

,1, Held in Theft --!;:. ~m:m&l'K_..,ecs not Attend Confabs

only t.o brief th• o tf lc.11 on Dr Norman Wal.loft, YI~

PoUce --a y ~ rtrl• w•" t~ .oulb rrom Meaa Dnv. onto N-i»n Blvd wht-n tM acekknt ~tl'T'Pd Jt wu ••· pl&11wd I.hat all thf'ff Wflre In th• front M&l and Ute dt1v•r did not haw f'N)11rh elbow room to comp14'tt ht'r tum. con.M­

quenUy 1trlktns a tl'ff on tM

~esa Y arlance Proves Costty

Wltll tM dty cbustnl' I» tor eom.ttilq that ta coeUns them 112 Uwr.11 no~ In mua peod\Jet.IOll. Coundllma11 A. L Ptnk!PJ ~ldtd at t.lw ~ at eo.ta K.. Qty Council Monday nlrbt and hll f•llow -ben 'l'Oted to han Ow city mananr brt"I' Ill a report u PP'l'l\C' the c baJyt

'nw charp ta for ITIU'Uftl' a .... rt.a.nee which upanded nc.nt­ly wti.n It .. u ~ t.o bl'Okd­•n Uw 1ywttm of notlfytftl' tn­~~ and attect.d pt.rtk1.

ThrM Cotita Meaa yout.Aa and ch.cu pa-1 and N&pect.I .,.. P~l. Dr. OU.. T . 8l"OW1\ a Sant. Ana boy wt-re •rTUted ,.-tad but al8o oo c heck.t that llOCl&J 1elence IDllltn.lct.or; and -nn petty theft rhur;-u by po- wt.JI be p&IMd. wti... they wtll C'b.r1.. H lAW1a. llClence and Nat L£L f-L91 llr- u math~a"- p-1, ....... - •t-d .... _ JIJW ~

~ rectm Y lllld turned over be pe.1994, when, and '°"'<> wtll ~· ......,. "" _.., ... -· ....... In aher1ft'1 depu!IPI who booked be ~ lbem annual General IDducatJon Con• over New Firm thf' qu"rt• t a t Juvf'Tlllf' Hall M'unwbJ.le Sloter and Ambur- ftrence lpoNIOred jo&DUy b)' lb•

u ...... that lh de t • California Junior Collep /1..a-Thl" ho_v, r11nK1ng tn .... r•Y no r.,., • pu Y 1 latl

'"'m 1 ~ to 17, Alle~ly wen rheck aunp'8 w a 1 llmlle..r to 9<>C on and Ula •tat. Depe.rt­r111u1rht with 11,.. and l'U • tol· Utne c.beclu ttwy were th.en In- ~:::: .;::., ~u;;uon a t B&kera-f'n fmm con1tn1rt\nn vph.Jcle1 neUpu,,. and their C"a.M wu -lb by '-' WatllOtl and Dr .Don&Jd Brtdr-at P'alrv1•w 81.&lf' HOlllMtaJ ere c · man have alllO beelt authort&ed fltfl Thl"M ()f tJW )'llU tha a.- And ii' 1l WWlt ~t the to a ttend the llouU.- Ca.Jlfor-~r1 edly a ttmltted prev1ou. ~moon A poetal lnal*'torj nla Cool•rence of o.n. of ln-thtft• rmm the holpllaJ told how ch«Jle were betn• lltot.n irtructlon at Santa ~ r.ti ~oo.. r rom poet ottk• box .. tn lh• Ian tt-is Wetaon wtJJ .. ,.... u

remando Vall., o.niptlon ot ch&1nn&11 of a MCtJon meetJnr. Hospi.....I Th~ the llUIJ>e<'l wu alma.t Identical a.nd 0r BridJman w1tl ~

ITV WTT to lh&t of a poelmuter In th• a report

A S3M bo1<'~et apreatler hal I Palm 0-rt ar.a. The pnlrtm u - -----------­'-"' atnl..-. rrom the Jl'a.ln1ew t... had ~ tor a ptctu,.. to N .& ...._

81.&te H-s>itaJ C'On8lrurtlon Job help otr1cera n&b I.he torrer An ·~ "'"81hn on 206111 Harbor Blvd north ot otn<"er trom Sant.a Mon.lea rec· National M11tf.a

Purctl.- ol all out.et&ndtq ....,._ ot aant& Battlara PJ.u. U• • <l..,,eloper and m&nutM> turw otl "1.nf1 eoated pluUm tor al rcratt. l.ac:tu.t.t1&.I and ...,tcul­tun.J eD4 ~ bu~-.. mated by Mm"'IBCO Ad.belifnm 6 PluUe. Co., It WU MmaUnted by O&Yld L. onm.. ptW!dmt ot th• l&tt~ nnn. eu11r. ......,.. Ptutle8 wW • ~ u a wtaolly-ownad 1 • b • I d I a r 1 Oil Narmco under U.. ,._.i raa,n.

~t --~ ot Narmco ftallM • c-t.lnp Oo. .noCMr ~.

Cot1ta M-. • h•rtff• ~tlft oenl.Md th• picture u ~tn• OU. L. Joan.c., INK er-t-Jrf'llf' ral <'Ontra.c:lorw Ken Bon" tr-..urer. (>ff.II A. K•rhart report The vlrUm wu ld«aU- a ilu.pect h.• had qu•Uon.d lhrM Y1ew Drl•e. naUOflal 41.rect.or ol

or. N""1"'rl Bea<'h and ~· N~ ~acl\ nM u W llU&m II Snvci« l"'ttkll prn1nua. the N&Uonal AMQdallOll ot Ac-

n .... alllO ~ Uaat 8ant&

8a11IUa P1..uo. wUI ha ... -t.o Nannoo'• dl.....afted ~

\\ ... 11n nr Gar~n Clro,·e v. UI b< I Ofhr,.,.. of the CentraJ or- · __ An lnv .. tll'a t.or from Baken-1 count.ult& attended u.. n&Uonal 11\81&.ll,..1 ... ChAptpr pre&ldenl..I anrt County rliapt.er BCA ·tlJ n.ld lhawed plctw-. ot checkJI board 111..tlftl ot1 JlfA.A Salurdl. o f '"" !"•:11th ('l)Ut in<t CPnlral lnrlu·I" \'Ire pr.Id.,;! Ke~n:t.b Mexlc&l'I boroer, MMTiben of th• I h.e had enoount~ and dt111er1qad In 8t. Louil . • 1 Orani:" c :•unty < hapt,.n or tlif' A Whit• nf Ga r..i.n Grove an<1 fTcilJp lnrh111e the l•t'.llnl' bul ld- a l'Wlpect beU.ved lo be paMIJls Beto,.. Ntum.lQI' borne, Jol&D­J:J1111,1 ~r.,c ' "nlr•r lur• AM•l<'tal111n John Hnr.,.,._ Tltle Jn auran•·" It •r• or OU. ana who.a .-unu .. 1 them. H.e wo tnro nned b)' an 80ft wt1J attend a t"Oat.-.ne. at .,, c all for"'"' Inc l'\l\lllrol") Tf'UJlt Co~ Santa Ana, l e<'r.t.ary I r&nl'• f roin '1nm• butldlnr to I o(fker (f'Om UlnJ B«a.ch Ul&t a NCR , a t Wlllt.e aultur 8prii\p. ~ et.rua r-v 11 at • cllnn .. 1 •tanr t In tr,.uur,. r ron11nPHlaJ and tnl1u1t.rtaJ oom ntAD fltUnr the llUlpecl'I d_."1>- v tollowed by Ir.in .. ....... , , • ., miry c•tub I atrurUon Uon had been arnllled I.her. the .,~:.-. __ .. ~ · - vacauoemc la

~ f'<hn wlll •I art h l.4 ,.,.nnd ,......., _ .... -a..,o Clty. 111.. ''' hill•ll•llon• "111 ,...,. term .. pn1.01tlent of tb f' l.'f'nl rat

th• rl\lk•wlnit nonalnJl'llttn men Dr""!C" t'ounly l'haptflr Mualc lnal allf'1I fr>r I hf' 80111.h ('out Wiii I>" ruml1thNI by the Oarr•ll rh11ptf'r H<'A l•t vlrfl rrf«l<tf'nl Rr"wf'r orcheatra. ll'n nk Jll....., 11 11t C'o11t a M... . BCA 111 .1hf' olrt .. t llllrt larg,..al 2n<I vi••• p1 ,.,.,.1,.n1 Ah·ln 1· I n1 l('anlt.a l Ion 11t tH1lltltna In th,.

1 Cl,.rnf'n•r :"lfl"l'"r111 HPru·h .... . 1 nllf"t ~tatM fl numben al·• rel&r)' Allan Alrott , Southern n1oet 2000 m.-mhera In 1 ~ diap Counu... Oa.a L"4"1, San ta An• . I '",.. trom Kem <"OUJ\tJ to th«'

Please send me yow brochure descrlb .. !low I CM ..,,. 10"

"""' ........................... ~ ............. . Addrtn .. ........ ............ . ... -·. _ •••• •• •..

CltJ .... • ..... .... . . . . ........ .. ......... .

Pref errPd Mort•••• Ce. 501 W N1nt11nth St . Cost• Me11, Caltf., Libert 1-13-41


and ~ ~~l tlw!W.. U.. 1n campan1 la!»oraton. at both ea.ta ,... ...... .ot.p.



ltM " · OOAST RWY .. !QWJIOllT ~Cl'll

cEclL W.U m DIHl.D - Oil I rt•

We are moving

Beginning Jan. our shop

27th., 1958

Our New address will be

1532 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Cal. ,

Staffor~ & Son Nelson & "Doc"

Phone Remains Llb1rty 1-2276

. • ". I

Y• d be safer TOMOllOW N ,_ -* us TODAY for tM Nattaallf AlwwtlaM

H.,..'• wltat we wlll dor

-.... ,. .... .......... ....... _ ..

. -.i·~·,~ \,._ ~

D ... K

... ........................... a.w .. ·r l>"Cn.,,111 ....... 1

s' , ...... ,._,....,_., . 4• ••


v,_,, ..... ......, .......... ) ................ o.ta ....

Private Poliee llflaMW.,__ u1111 .... ..... ...... ==.;:-~ ~~=' ...........

aAJRLaa ISOOND IN CYO 'rolJ&MI:\' -lle~ra ot tbe St. Joacbim Sch~ llambler *' ketlWl tu..m which plAced ~Dd la tile IMU&I O~e Co\&.Qt.J' C.thollc Youth OrpnlAUQb Toumaroent at Mawr ~ Hleh School an : bot­tom row: Tom f'rfddett.e. lA.rTy M~. ltlcky

Mancebo, ud Jobii Markel: Meond toW : Bill Ota· ham, Bill P.Wt, l'et. OM•er, Jim Hart : third row Jolln ~. Bob Dunn, Tom Bryan. Gary Magner, Bob Gt.nnori, Bob Runkle; back row. Bob Mallahahn, Guy &boo.ea, Gene Pal&ferrl. -New.~ Jthoto

A•••lm Zooma .... JV Flnt

' . A"....., -.a lato ftm

place la Junior Va""ly bU!ctls b&J1 play by dnlbbtnc pre'Vl<>1• ly undft-t~ H&rtlor 64-40 Tue9da,y attemoon. ~ ..._.. Ull~ ... lbt

.... - ta. Ma.rda .. U..)'

.... Ute la "° •b' 11.k MU&. o..ny Pld!Ma ""°'" lt, IUQ M.u. aLM, OUrtu Tay-lllr ......, ~ Tu9owak1 n.-. ......, llW ,. Jl• lAwtl r-v .... ,....,.~ ...

1968 W!'fflllnc .cMdule: l'nd&y, ,.,., H , al Mt. le.II

Antonio, ll ·IO p. 1n : Tuucta,, re~. 11, 81 Oamlno, T 10 , . m: 't'hul'tlday, r-. to. LA. Clt7


co11tee. 7 .ao p. a; ~. PAG! 2 • l'A~T 11--NEW'°RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS hb. 11\., at kn .ot.fo f f"rol)\), MONDAY JANUARY 27, 1961 l ' IO p, m ; J'Yiday, reb. U , I

E.ut•rn c..n.f~aoe ~-1 al --------------------­Mt IAC 111 a. m ; l!lalunliay, Mar. a. l9Vlhtl"t Oallfemla JC ToW'MJafllt at m Cam.Irie. 10 ~

Sportsmen In Victory over Rlcharls



Detrelt 11M1ft1 .,....,.. tut -k hon<>Ad Ofool'se Tltdl9J .. t1'e 11\lmlliw OM -..9tball pla,y.r In lht PfUlclltlll a.HttMU ~ at their annl&l •rnrts b1u4uel. .

1'tll •l«'tloft tabe Ul.I ronn•r 1'f-port RIU'bnr H l&h c .. er u Ule wo11d·1 ~ ba.8k•tbal' play..- •lnr .. thara an no f,..l• belftl~ ln the ~,. lh&11 th• l ' n l'"'1 ltat .. ~ elrc:ult.

" TarCle7 -Un\Md hilt anra.i:e ol 27 potnt.a 1n t. aa.rne

whldl haa lllm 100 point. In front In tht race ' " ' °'" pro fton WU\tnbutft and Bob Wet- l~lp "1th 10 .,.r ren t of the •"h~1ul• ronipll'll'<t

•I ~ 8port.mM UJnlttd lo T&Nlt)' 1'M pla)'M 2e J&mM In tM lut It di) .. 1111'1 hu a ~7-41 w 111 o YI t tuclud'I ""'"~ lh 4t pn\ee tllt. ._.,,,

W.rktt In rlty !loop play T\tw- --------------------­da,y. W11\terbum ~ Olrouth II and Wtl.911 11 Jtl'1"Y Ktmpw lll.d 11. Al Hoblllrton 10. 04fl• tlubb&l'd tour and Jim Ihm,,. t w,) tor U1e wlnnel'9.

Jim Dodd llld Jacll W\lllMn..i were hlfb tor lb. IOMrl '#tlh u ud 12 point.a ~u .... tr Paul ~lien bu nlne. ~ Martin• _,., ltUJ JIM.'~ IOW" &ad R. C. Cttn. l.11.rff.

1\-S'a OU..rw ltd by lkb Norman pu.ll~ 1 "'1ld upeet u l.be)' '-! J l.ll\lof' CllU\ ber tt..n. Nonnan IJOOl'ed 1! a.nd lrhlMr Rob«U II, Phil 8hAltr had Wftn., Jatlt Clark n,... and Har­ry l'hutnaft Uu-.

Dodd la tbe I~ lllOnr ID I~ pta1 wtU. " · IC:111 haMr 11u " akms 11nU1 l\o..na bon Ward Ml tt


If, Newport Quintet Had Won TheY'd Now be First

tr II a mlf"l1 "la word. with 1& f"'lnta S!t\111 1.A,,.r1off aUT that 11 Ult nret word*&rl nln, , Br1t.r1 Luru flw. Tnm

he&J"ll when l&alnr or Newro R ul>4'r an.J st,~ Rnblru1nn tmir. Karw ... b&ak~bllU.r.' nn Dfo<an f'~IYI 111d f'tte •tnddate point 1099 to Al\ahlttn T\ltlday ~ and J'rrv H,.hn and Oavl'

tr ,... c-ould han m&Ae mol"t MfCoy '"'o •""h f'rM &!lat. . 1The Ta.rw had It Hunllnirton i. In t1r1l with fteld pale 1114' lht Colonl•U 18 tlltM win.. an"I nnt In.. Harbnr and the ~ala llll tor nlne f'rote and r 111t• rton hav. thrtt a1111 throwa al a !It r!'t rent ellp t~: A nah•lm, ""nta An• and wllU. An&.lletm r<lftlpleltd t8 fr-ff L& "abr11 twn ar"'I t , • ., and

---------- Uiroww ror 70 ~ <'9Tlt I Gamm Om' 11 Cl-4

Bir 3r~ Perio~ 81vea A1ahelm Cee Cage Win

tr lM flO<'ll hadn 't l'\Jn n ut.

ltn Ult <"li»lnf hcondt ot ron- You mu•I l.&Yt 1r,nir ·r~ f\alOl'I, U\e cloc:• Juat w•nl l~ r-1• to k..,p )' I" ' trum IM'•n• rut ,.,,. lb• TUI lo IM'ot'I n•n thouah Ult)' l'allf'd lime nut a.nn fn1etn t•·.I bv rnort· r•nr" tall · w-. 11\Wlved In a Jump ball 1 I u..,.• r11 ... 1~• r.. Nnb1•

tr we ll•d etArted taltJ>r. r Ana- .========~-==;;;:;;; tie1m pt ntr tn a. qotrk ll'al'J '".., l.114 Tue ._,,,.. never ahead l

A ~ W,.. •IW'Wr .,....... lJ' "' had WOft - ·d llwn In A~ft\'t clauy CMt baalret· ti nit plact I Ul'tdKtattlt Jtu.n- 1

Harbor Reat Memorl1I Puk

ballan to bML Newport Har- U•• Beall\ IMt lO "11i.rtoel outw. ._ • .., t>or Ctt• ,....., e. lat 1oca1 ''·Sl.l ...,... .. o..... coUN -ru.day ~ and ' ..........._ ..........

prtltrve ~r rword " n•• i~RoniiiiPaJiialientiiili~ipediii11i'°'ii•"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ llt!Mfht ~ wtna.

AM.btlm apur t.d lo a t-4 tit« ller1• l..C. Mil UI• Tan rat · \klr ..nn.,1 ..,_. llnotl• the _,r« l,.1t at b1t ta a tine flapln ~ hoop paay. fte Ll1 Ooloruet.a out-pottfd Ole TIU'I 16-8 la tile Wflll '9ftOll and ltoth l'IUM --.-iH fW u ,..nt.a 111 llla nMI ,,...._

llu.ll l'ta pp a.Del Bu kb V\n.­y.,.. bad .Or'f'G 10 .... ,.

laltft ~ Dttk •1.1u1rwM1a _....... ri .. l ~,. toUli.ar .ut ln \M lut •wa.n.r. H• p~ a ,...i OoOr f11M fot 0.rt)', ,.ow,.. team. lkll TY.1st and Jollll H111hr1 !lad tour each 1114 ICent Kodpoft tee~ twe.

I and tat eMtJIM wtll i,, • •


~ =:=, CID Stud+'Jrer·Paaliaad

IOI lllCKl•TI Okl11le t-.M!I

't Newport H.&rbot

It. P. 0 . ll. 1T6T

enry 1'1urtl4&7 I II m, Via Oporto - Oltllnll Ave. "ewpert a...)I

cu11 .. ~. Dialled lhllu

Hive you 111n the LITTLE PRINCESS?

MOVING;? I men • YIU\ ti.II bt. 1 man ·•

Hll If, Tl bf. T\me ilt&IU at rour doer. Up le IO mllu. rr... lllt. 01I dtalane• mrftllf.

• NEWMAN TranL A 8torare AH W . ltth l!lt, C M , LI ~•n• Uc

Have you seen the LITTLE PRINCESS?

O'Nell '• HHty MOVING & Storaae

ror a pod • ..,., fut Nllaltle mon, caU Hut)' ftret. Oln­pe.n. Ull 1M>...,._. fadUUH, latp l&lllu..d ..... ..u.I,. menl aNt amartly u~ 4llqler1tneN mt• u llM4 OHL., by Kuty. Ho utre chartw tor lat. Huly l'Mlly •V'f• you mont)' """ JC•U· m1tt1 f1ven day or nlfl'IL Call Chari•)' Dr&M. Kl 0-0040. Iv.I. LI • ·•Hl. V11ll oor mod· em W1'1'llou.. at Ntwport Blvd and lo M&IJI It.. al MarArUrnr Blvd

Have vou •ten the LITTLE PRINCESS?

Gener•I Contractor ""9et11UaJ abd 0-martbl IO Yna. ln Harbor A.rt&

8r1c.I ... ~ f'runa UI Olflentll

E. L. PATTERSON 2~ fl: Hnd IL, CM W 1-1211

~- _.__

81n1r1I Contrector UOIDMISP

Ntw Wotk - ll~ J. Wll/roN MdC

OR a.o198 Sltlc

Concrete Work dW fwNlt.tsou II a. t f ... ~ eur .,._i_,,


UMrt.1 .. Iott

Roy's Maintenance Complete Profeutonal

Hou11cle1nln9 l

Floor wut.ng a.nd butttnr Upholtt.ery Cleanln1

All type m.achlnt carpet cle&nint ln your homt. 1 day ~rvioe.

~EASONAILE Phone Liberty I · I J12

FllERG;LASS WORK .._.p&lr IU\d OOftf Jok Pf• Jo' too IZD&ll or too l&rp. r. ,,._ s.timate ee.11 u ....... ~ LI MOU. Mu.



JM T r u1i.rton An .. Cotta MIM M.Idway l -&114 ti ao .,,,....., tall . ....


Alter1tion1 ·Addition• MlNOJ\ RXl'Atl\I

l\Mert S . ILm,..n IC &slffl


FURNITURE Dt1Unotlftl1 dee1ptd ................ ~

C. EVERETT SMITH CJI 29UI 8t., N_,,ort 8e&cll

OR 3 1170 daya Ot rnftll\lt 311.lc


( ' I"'• 0.\ 11 .... • •ut17 f'qUlppM Wllfl t.IJ 1)4)•tr IMllala

56 IUICK • • $2195 Mni.d-t•r Rfr, ( r P't1U7 ftlUIJlpM "1lh a.IJ pew~t """'"*-• Ori&lftAI • tmmlN"lllatt Ulnt-uut.

55 IUICK • • • $1691 IU\'lf'ra C p.o. h••r tl,..'11\c . '°""'' ~~ ... D)'M• n uw, "1Mllo Mid Mialf't. L«W l o-r ~ar

54 IUICK • • • $1441 ! llr Rh l,.r. C P" bd11>. Mier. D,..n-. ,,,_, •t,.f't111C • llrak"" P11«od In ......

14 PONnAc • • $1191


ICtaUnn "•«nn Ralle. "'-lf'r, ,......, 1t#rta1 • .......... A ar.AI. ftAROAl~l

BUICK Rhlf'~ ~. Radio, IM6&.or and l>Jul1•w,



·STANSBURY BUICK 214 .. ,t 17th It. C•tt1 W...

~; al\Mv .... • 'Y• dale I ,.,.. v.-.11 ,1ann.a In or• drlrf ,... tllin t• M Ivel l&bl• tnr lmPf'Ml"4 taUwrhood Th• F'n1< ­IH MYI • t.lu )'Mt aid ... , I ~llnr m<>m•nlanly. ·-------------------- .. ___________________ _.




--Ill> .. .. .. L.


• al


ll tto

Want Ads Are




• Fast To


• low In


• To Buy

Rent Sell Or




Want Ad

To The



• ORiole 3-4330

• Ask




IS Bx• .. ,,.. Painfinq. Oecoretin9

Papt"r Ha nl'nc

_~ ___ Uomt __ w_u_t.ct_ .. (-r U a..ta. ......

SEAMSTRESS fiberglass. Material & Supplies WhoMAJ• a 1teta11

GFO. BURKHARDT l.J I ~ :O-,..to; f 1 l ·11-.'TRA<'TU f\

l..llN>rt \ I IMI•

Ul\-llKAIU.NU a-. Al , IY~A l ' lt INS

n oun t a. a to • .i Ill I i ..-• Me>nrvv11 Ooillla 111 ..

Ll~rtp ~9409

" Walt' s Home Repairs TR""c;H H .. UI ING

'·"'"'"~~·n r ~ I 1•a 1 p• n ln p.tllll t u& j>ept' rl1• n1 p ' <'• Eatu •••ta I

II\& 111• 6 ftlc»t hotu• ,..,,. ,,.. I~I S-3'2'12 j K• 1 ... 1 eha de .... .-na rt~ • tttfc


• • Vold M.utn1 F\berstau boat. ~paired

Crystaliner Corporation t25 and 507 30th Strttt

Nli:WPORT BEACH O.R.iole 3-t-020 6ltlc

11 lu• "' ~na A tenaloo • ll lm - I ----

tn•rn• "' r f'tln• aold AU typ.,. n t COMPLETE 36-:\l~lla.nf'OO" BOAT SALE


NSW Jt..UUIOND 01\0ANIL • IJ m*t. at ¥1)\lr cm)J autllGl'tmed RPUll(tnd 0..'eft ta 0t'lll .. Ceu.nt7, &.: lunldt·Pblllt,., PO Ho. JU!n, Ian~ Ana • ff&na· mo.nd Ot-rw n Stuittw. ~l Ne. S,.ltre, P\illarton. 'n\e "&19-moncs <>ra-n neve1 nM!dll to "" tunf'd

. • He"• you •••n

the LITTLE PRINCESS? ... PL:ncoUTH t1£D4:'f -

T.kP <l°"r V)"1'1U. la. 1DO fflrAHARO IJOI IC. 19' th~ a. A .

SPINET f'I A NO a n• I t..nch. like Kl I • llOt I new JU.11'nt.. "-\11-r llrirelu 0 1..Da .... HOl.U>AT--ciii I I~. lllPf"l.· l•I tor Jeeuary '4M NOW S ,...... ~ Sl!I f'lr mo lktlrnldt• lvvu ~~--------.-._. _ _., Ptltlllpe ('o 1120 N . Main. la.n · Out&l&mJll\lf l 1<1>ry • 'l\i"'llOIM ra Ana 'rr u l,- nqt 1n n.,.,. thru.out! t

~-1 .. 111 • 11n .. h1111 .. , , fkt•nuat-11 HAADTOP COU,.. ... r,. ,. • •• ..,. ,,...ne<S I p INT NG -------- --------- 211 Kl ll rll e 1nll1" r Mer•

LI 8-8522 I .~ I f' ~~l\" \ AX 7' rib .. 111 111.H tll ll~h\ .. n.,M ll:J!d . 12 tOO irR1<: N t:H .,,.,, 1111·!• 1 • .,1nt1 ,,.. IJ«'"'' 1l \IA 1' or Ra111t t•nn• 1 $605 ! I !

tU m ti"d 11 .. 111 ,,.,. , N VC' JIU s • • • II 1191' lo! , l\1a..1 8lv1I l.a- t'lt•onumy •11!111...r, Al ....-n"' PAP1';R HANGING hull , r>.t u . lw • vr. $7 !1 1111 !'1 211' <'abln 8 1nu., ~ h p

\ \ R~11 ,.,,. R iv<!., Ntw~1rt wr aux Have you seen E. 0 . SAUNDERS A llio 1•, T nodjtt' t n 11'k u f Mboud it l ••ll<'•I

\'I'll tn ,,. \ Rrhm lc1t·Phllht••. f""• · HY"" ' TTI I I tomo""w A TIUC:I • UMi U .JOO --~ :\10 Main " ""'"Ana J':\:'I ht ' ll "I\ l'":riAN - f'ar Lo&. a.et 0.MAO·C _...~


the LITTLE PRINCESS 7 '\00 ~hf S I """"P"rt S..ar b TllrM wllh l r • ll11r

3 2 I I•· ! I S K!lbua l , l"(\Olpl f' l t' OR .oo (I L

t 'P.I\' \T~: 1 .. ., 1r lllll• t J• • l>O»<" ut i11 . 1·11m r ... h1n1t 111111 K1t\ ,. Hh1<· f ·hinelOf' 11 11 >tll 111 ~loop hull 1·1\hl n

• ll:W ~ f HIO

• ltlO $ ~:\

T•lc" •W • 1 ,., ml • Ul TT 1110. ,._,,.,,. •...,,II .. • . r«wy' TV Service Rea1onable Ht ' ftfll\ HI• ii() , ~ l~t ~' l'I A.1 t.eruna HTat t 4.n44,

KA RR\ I\ PICT1Dlt8 I .-1 z , )l~ll -4

j I -1 ·~s 1-'0RO OONVEJln-.. I :'141 t'll ~.\ r .. , ... 1r '" lnL.,.. Tallt' over Pvmta JSl,.lt111<1.

llO l lf' I K .. ~ P~erpek v.a. Ktt8BAJU> '°' ll "' I\.. &; A. STAR TV ~ · PAINTING · · l NTlo.:RIOR'o r .EX1'1!:R10 R

Jat k Rt>lmann O R 3·270'

Mec:Mntc.aJ 844 ~U"tca..I M&Uluna.nc» a.rYtoe


O R 3-9003

S1u·ntl~e pr k • 52111 Ont'ntal l8 ' l nbo.rd, Of~n l l ~h t nf ruic• npertly rep.lr.d al very boat, J"'f> ~ I tow p rl<*! l:llt.Jmat.9 n- A ' S.. l!lprey -111nr <tlnk •• I St.and Tnna n • H. w / 1 w. IQ l.alOl

Ounto.1 .... ,.. Ha'" C'lllh"ll -

i :I :IOO 2301 \\. . Balboa Btf'd

N~rt Bt-ach ORlole 3 llTOO

s .. 111 t11ctlon Guaranlef'<l -;~· sa

O R :l· l 2S7

ICX l'~: F< ll':Nl'f.:h 9""notan. u ... 1

PU!IH)(AN"l!I . 1756 ll. CO&lt ""'1 OR1o~ s. neo HdO

Watch & Clock Repairing

NEW ,,ti«~·- &&bola. Da·

NJ I <'Ol1\~I KH• P'rom nntand, 1r Prania ,

foldl'\( mu l, drM

. ~· , • 118 . ~ USJCD Hammond Sptn.t Ol"'(Ul­

perlkt c-ondl llon. Sd un14t-Pt\D· ltpe Co , ~20 N Mt.Jn. l&nt.a Ao.a.

hav·ti.1 St tt'I t.l 8..S711 • af\#r • TS~ Have you •••n

:... 0

.. :. - - I the LITTLE PRINCESS '1 1 .. ..., r."'YT'O Hard·T op R A

n. w • "' "1.... w 11 ... i.. •ood . -- -- pa1nl. Lov. " '' "" 1 •IWTW'r. _. .. , I 1137 VOLI<•WAOllN, lua 1'.oel CUSTOM HOME~


Pt'rry B And r.we Ll IH~2!'1 1 I 42t!c:

J B M f'l ttl r1c l Vpt'Wr1te r , &00<1 ahc•r1 h~ nd R.·111 rrlt'r· t'nl'• ·~ Av a il nov.· OR 3 · 2.~4

"INE Baldv. In G nt.nd, 11.ke n-. O R !'·117Zu l"ltl' blue, radio. Sll.09lleftt cond£U. Mesa Boat ~ H&rdwt.J"e ~ '3370 rnOO.l te>r IU&O. I 11116 OR a-ttJ•. Tlt7t

22fl 2eUl St . ll yrw.. lo pey ~l'hmldt-P!tlutpe '!Wl FORU VS VlCT. :;orollD Ct.tm OOUPll Co . HON Ml\lh l!l&nta .A.na , ON r

1 I ~. OftT -ta. Ill.Sf ..


Newport Jewelers 7Ac80 Newport 8-rh O R J-40IO I.' $ t 95 HUB BA llD IOl~ t_~ lit 8 t., 8 A.

7k80 IC't...IX:'M\ONlC' orian b9t buy, n.-. , .,,... la.r I \"llf \ 4r T\lrqu<>IH ahow· JCl 1.at01

ao.ta lo{HA LI 8-41111 1710 N~rt. Blvd

1 ;i.;NERAL CONT RACTOR Rf.mocit•ling and Add 1t iona

c•uatotn Kll chl'n.t Md Bathe H Y rare In Hert>or A r M

I HAROLD KINGSTON • I 2138 Pa.cltk AYe. Coeta M f'&a

LJ 8-t~7 71 r 84

P AINT INll 101 F r f'l' "74.1111

Intl'nm •n•I to:~t .. r · I .r.• l!m,. t • • Wbeortv I

17p 711

HOUl:l.EWORllC -nll'ld, uper­ltnl'P<1. 11110 ~r hour Ll " ·'44'1(\ll 77r711


M&d• to Ord9r IC9tlmat• - 8ampl•

LUCTI .... LE DRAPERl!:S on 3-116():1 or OR 3- 12:17

l!:X l 'lCH y • n l nu•.n w•nta van \ Tanna U DMtted Mtfc

'IH .nll\4' 1 a.rdenll\K. ,. ma I 11 RAY 8

Housecleaning ~hMlh t rtmmlni: a..nt1 rrun tn.: BOOK MATCHES I.a wn m <)V.1.nK rol olllllnK and Ad verilidng or J>t'rlOn&I Ca.U.f

q ERVIC IC 1tn"1ln.tt . l.J ~ HW I 7flpl\ I <"o 3.'l-0 A Yl"W"A t1o C M ('all

1•omplt'l t' hou.,..-1,.a nme tli..or •• a '<Illlt A pollatung . 1 'l r,.nlllc · \\'A I. I. " .. ..tl1n ic w11111"" • ' ""n l'll-' · 1•• . . ... cJo 1wnt1n..: u•ltl J••I">• • ·,.11 hanil\ n1r• *"' .. .... ,n " s • I P"REE P:RTIMATF.8 .,.,.,. I. I 11 ·480 3 .111.i.1

r a i l Utwrt~ A -~433 I l'!'X l'l".RIP:N IT.l• rnlored wnm~ ri '\aifr v.anlJO •I &\ '">rk. la u ndn • n•I

-- PAINTING . -, ~1 .. ~~"'' Kl ~ i;iz , -~~:

... ~~~a SUPERIOR LAWN &

Lud\\11{ .. . I I JI .on I Hr'7~ -, FIREWOOD


1Wl2 So Harbor Bl• d Sa.nu Ana J E 7-8187. >Jtu t p at .re 1-oek 21tt~

211 .rr Mon~MPv h u ll v. 11h U.Ler d lf"WI f'nJ11lf' M1111 bf' .old at onOf' for ~Ml LJ 8· 7818, own­~. 71ttc

I 0Nl3 R.AJ..L.llCO'M' .:llarl.m ~.. Hudaon 1 n,,.d•r modf'I I~ """' $7~1 t<ar h

I r"'HRV8L.ll!R lnd ual •lal f'n rtne eortftrted In man n., u.. 5I:r:\.

-..ARlNE l'IURPLl'I' •"'O t7A22 8t> 1-hln

34-M..-a. a.dlo. T\'

Knowlton Elttt.roo I~

TV REPAIR ucmNaED ~ m•URED Garden Service Glenn Johnston B\ dav ~ m cmth

I 001 31.at St. N~ a..c.11 Oftl<W 3-T~ l..Jbrrty 3 ·13M

Have you seen the UTILE PRINCESS? ru-r 1mt6:~HABLa

) R 3-2137 4ttd Ti...,

1- --Have you seen


Alcoboltca Anooymoua Wrtt. P . 0 . Beu Ul N nrl'Ort Be&C.11. Oa.11.t. PboDe ORlol1 s..8124

I AM. tot PM..

FOR flALI: Spact' In lha Clu· .in~ a -c:uon of the N_... Pr-. Ca.ll OR :'1-4Sl0

--IW.p w .. w

Have you seen the UTILE PRINCESS?





1"11 hoD« .. d.i.oount c:an»-

....... Can. till • p.a. lJ M206

Ll:ARN TO ~y l hr orpn Our N!nt&I plan w111 ...UN you Ulat you can pl.&y &l\d lnc:h.>d• Ol'J"&n lll ui. holMN aad tr. 1-.. Sc.bmAdt-Phtlllpe. go M. M.aJft, a.at& Ana..

SMALL SS.ONT llp4aet pt.aao. 1

beua\7, u ... ,...,... u ... l"llftt. 8Ghmtdt.-Pb.Wlpe C"'o~ ate N Main, l&nt& AM

Personnel Agency Top J ob Opportunitiee

A ll F ield.a

ABC P'EDCO, UNlON and IAl.EM MA.Pt..& .,...._ IUl• MW. D&mapd la ~.

PALM18'Mn" • r.ard ~dlor Advl<t' pu t pr~t. A- t u · tu ,.. Ion rnArrl&a"' A bu•J· Dt'H Ht'lp \ n all probleme ~~ r-..dlnO J l. l U -0 IL. -ru.t1~ l.lJKoln 4-Mn. ao-d i.u~v• A .MQl\da,.. 'TOpl4

rounty IClnplo~ Local .. " . . ,.. SI.Ill\ . lld\lnJdl· PhllUpa k'e J .UC1C'R APPLIAN~ • l ' o , 620 N . MaJ.n, Sa.at.a Ana.

193; Harbor Bh•rt r -1.a M- 1--------- - --MEN I WOMEN LI 1-~ TV Rentela-Reaaoneble

1JO TwlUn - N•WJ>Of1 ~ ACROU n\OM 131-Wae.ted .. h7

All-Anwr1C'&ll Pv1dq Loe

lf>-TraHpor1atb'I I Have you seen - ----- ----- We Need Applicants I the UTILE PRINCESS?

Have you seen NEW JOBS DAILY , . the UTILE PRINCE-SS? • w.i Pro f.....i<>n.a.J i.c~ l2--l'urDltun for SU.

- -- r-i•n.t

Superfluous Hair Pwm.aMll11J ~ rr- ..... arm.a. ·i.s-. E)ebi-• &Dd Wr ti.nit a.b&ped-No men ~·

ELLEN l.. B1l y A1"T ft. a.

W OMrN • hcretary"a, lu>t'~n . rerwra.I otn,.. ~

JUNE FARRAR, llrnp~l A.-::1

booll · 2 SOJ'A bed& 1 w e)C)(kn •"'ti• and bed fMUl'IM 1 llOUble fnune

wttll beadbou'rt. O&JI all# I P.. m.. OR 1-8048 '7~

fOI~ 12M 9L. ~ a.di, -- t'rolll Clty BaI1 Uc


Udo• 8aJon at Beaot y OR W28o

w .A.1""ICD • l utor rw cou~ If.: ,."h<-mlirl I")' " " II 1..1 "-4:1:111. ------

~ st«-~ nt ~led tu ml~ In Ha.l1lor A.-...

Herd a.n'1 Solt W ooda F"v.tory In T OQ rr1""9

~ - !<{bn•·• • - B4-vf'rll'O' Kll.8 SCIENTIFIC UA.ss.AGE TN YOUR HOME

- ~, Mr.SA WOOOCl\A M'

ILUUlT A.. n11--..

STAR TV 2301 w. ~ Bt•4

:-;.,.'"J)Ort. 8-t-t\. OR M700

HAMMOND CHORD OROAN­A.oyone ....,, play Ulla wttll ao '-• - loiw Pl"* • ..., l.-Tn• Rcllmfdl· P'ld111pe. HO Pf. M&.ln. 8&1ll& Aaa.

SAVE °"'

T. V. REPAIRS .... • TOW' T .V. .. -4

Wilt.ell wll.lle - repa.lr. ~ IOD.t.lll.t Rat.I Oii Bou.. OIJ1&. .utmn.u fMtaDed S1 M A UJI

ACME T. V. 8 7

PEGGY I Have you Hen the UTILE PRINCESS? ttn Hartinr. r M (.I S- 16411 4Jl\ - Jl st Oft l ·JI•


M kt_, 6-UM EARN $60 PER WK. -12~1 PLUS

Expert Hair Cutting $ 1.50

Pt'rm an .. nt• - Ha.a l!lly~ F aria.I• Ma.nlcur-Petilcu rw I ELLEN'S BEAUTY SHOP

11"7 N~wport 8 1,.d W 8-2W 1 aero .. from Hoar HCJ9PfW I

2Z-Lo.t a.nd Fonod

V0 \1 1\ r~nt '"'"'.,.,.. and W.ni ""''" YM I •l- r "'r1t" you r •~ r a l ro11.n.,.l.9tir 1·a.mbr14r I n irtltu t" fl<>• R · l ,. , ., lhl• pap .. r 7tpf\4

A vnN I 'OSM'll:'T'Tf .,. "-- ''" m f'dlal r• "fl"'nlnir• for ma ture wnmPn ' " .., rvlN" .. 11,...tl .. n l A VflN l r n111tl1.. F.'.llni In lt• ho11r r 1<-ua.nt dl (lllflM work . Kl 3 (13111 Kl 7 o n 7~AI

trO I f:\ID Qu i\. k l'U•!lt. by ualn 1 rh• Clus!Ofll Ada ln Iha 50--HlAcf.Uao.oua S • w• · f'"r•• (' all O R l-4130

Property Owner• Attn.

8 A C R .ll"T CE ,.ery fl n.e flO tnrll round c.,u t..abff' W ith l11av•• -u. 12 I h&n.1 C:&1"99".t r t.In liO OR 3 ·• frll2 . i~Ml

l'IP:W h ll' , ·not tn,..,. '""'oa n11t pe..d . malch l~ 2 1~ x 1 1'" r'Unnt'r

cRa rktr Bn>ll I $ 17!\ b l " wool t't:t.n- hooked ruir. 120 f'al r M ot1trn :14 ' ta.bk lampe d ar l t.Ullf> 6 •bnn•, sio C'oral IUld hla.·k 1 ... W"ac'O" . 112 Kelvlna· lnr f lUTllly •Iv r"fr1 « $:'>0

\\ &lnut llhra.rv l&hlfl • Pll l f'I'\ elm. I.~ M&)'t.a.K wuh.-r $30 porta.bl• Mtrv\rf' tu lle $1 '1 O Rll>lf' J 71'7A OT' O R 1 llt!HI.


Knowlton EJ~o~

TV ANTENNAS I C\eoat RM.In - ff\ 0eJ.p I

ln•t.all*'1 <'<>mpl.te to your •


PRACTICI: PI.A.NOi II!! 11.SO. l l llfl A ll In J oOO r ondlUOll cw will rw1 t II\ a mo l!lchmldt· f'tl llll pa, 1120 N . MaJn. l'lanu Ana,

only Ull~ l'l.-hm ldt- PtllUlP9 p19C'e .• .,.., BllJ mMM twin P · Co . 620 N Main. Santa Ana h&turla, P'ort.lo RAK pe.dd.ci lHI ITUD-.ua:ll t dr. 0...•

SPllCIAL IAU: ot Granda lll· nbldlac KimbaJI Baldwin. Ma.­- • R a.mltn, Kroecer. Bram· bllch A m-.ny ot h1,.. u )ow aa PM. Jttll. '8711 f!tc. 8c:tunldt ­rllllll~ Rtac J'1lltlo A Orran Rtore. ~to N Main 8anta A.na

BRINO your TV .t. Radie la fOC' l"'C!'p&lr. n la m u cl\. mlldl r ttea.per WhllH T V Ser.toe, 1711 P.: 17th 1'1 I ' ....ta ~.

t..1 8--401 \ Ot tc

SAUDI aapi. Raldw'\11 lpllwt

tOr. - · JT&a. Meir. ~ Ll 8-T'f 11 t... Ml t S"lTI


$399 W1Lb '1TMW U.

HAR RT A Pr.'nl:l\1'


n cTt

IJIU.J'l:ll'a PIA.No o r TRJD MON'nf l

l on1y 8-DutuJ Urned ()&& Mad­-. ra.rnou Mak• 8ptMt ,.._ ano. 8&Y• U&t - t'UD .....,.. t-. Ubra.1 tra.it. , ~ t.e""9 a.t

SH.Al'ER. 411 to U :\ N . S)"t'&moN

ll&A.la A.n. ICI 2~T2


tor nw lc lll•n.a Pl- caU U a..SOIT m11mln1• • • venlnp


POODl...E a...tlf\11 1l9t1f'oC ........ u,.. nmJe A KC" ~.tn.d TO. M.,.._nte r.- D. M.

Have you aeen the LITTLE PRINCESS? OOT' A "'CLAUT Cll.A.U18"

th&t Mede a - home! Pia.et Ul ad 1111 U. REW'I • P'l'lDI a,...,,... for ~ r..ot. can Otuol.e MUO.

SEU YOUR CAR PAID raft OR it<:n ~7 ..,,.. w...

1'80 & Malit IC >-llOT

Have you seen the LITTLE PRINCESS?

·~ C AO CPI: l>eVCLLE Factory &Ir cond Full ~. f2.'9fl or lni.d- te>r ~oil)' 111 ' .!IT T -Blrd JOO I N-SMW' Blvd 7k"O

daah. aat..i y hf'l1e. ele&1 Ylnfl pion. Oood oondJU-.. ,nn.t, Ne.t ooven. Xlnt • .,,,./W, etc pe.n7. 0 1\ a ... 1n. Ttota TOMKT A Yfta 0-. UMd cw Lo(. O\ant.nt-'! .. 'Ill J'Oft.I) aorroM • u:D. OM .A. f' or Bank tenn. nafl. Tah MIW 9'QllMlllLI '" OS '" ao C'oe.at l'lh·11 , t.aruaa. HUBBAJtD tot a IA IM.. a. A KY&U 4·1744 KI 1·•1 . - --1 ·IWJ C'ffl:'V. Bet Atr, 1 .... ~·

'58 CHEV. V8 Wac. ptpee. w- ,_int Job. ti• Ir NOW $17~ pcked up UI ...... it. Oft I -UN

f 4r. rTATtON W~OON 10hc ' 210 · ftrlN I f'O htr atr tr~

markf'd l Y•ll") .t Rl11 r Next to O e W lhroup<M!I . T'OIOlY A Tft&I Ow\- U -1 Car Lot. Oauult-SI 8- OWAC or 8-ll t...m. eY&ll. tM 8 Oouc. .,....__ lAc'Una RT&tt 4-TTH .

"11 8TUDC. Sl'AftLJOHT CP&. ~ - Pymta no 87 rno .

R'O'l!BAJU> IOt E. let 8t • 8 . A. KI 1-aol

'It J'ON), ...,,. ....,,... "'*"· l::trclUlnt traMpoft.&Uca.. ~ ea.II KI 1-fJTl - ~ llYatl • ..,...,, 'rfttlc

II.I J'ON> T·I. "T. PU. oeJy ITIG. Belt OMAC °" Bulk temw a'nll. .. eo. O>Mt. Bhd., ~ WTr.tt ._n•&.

la PON> VTCt. JII>'n". w. n..nc. ~- '4'..64

R'UD.AJU> IOl II. lit IL L A. KI l-llOS

llOI 111.Aat roN> ~ fladto. ~ 9tltft. ... "'· rw 1.1 •·~!tn. nett

&I FOl'\.O \lt-T. ft119 ,,. ~ pa,..ta ....

lft.11mAJU> I01 & 1Jlt 8t. L A. IQ s.elO'l


'11 PC>Nn4C ,...,. T'a.ke _. ..,._&&. tu.n ...

RU1ntAIU> to• &. la llL. a. A.. tel,,..,, ':U l..INC. "CAP'RJ"' <.'OMV. OW.

Unrt.I .. Polit' Wlllt• "'"" !)lad! root ~ct Clrif . ............ tat Du.I ,,_,. ~. IUlK. 9'C'

aa. ueoo rwwl "--4ACIU· P'JC"I: '

$495 .._l r; MAC M ~ 1'er1N av.ii ... ... ao. OoMt ••d. t,.a.. IL"IDL HT alt 4-'77 ,.

16 BUTC'K CENT. R.tV. CP1t. W• t\nan~ pa)"Tll«nle 162 M

Kt 111BARD .OJ I: . tel IL I A fCJ t-UOl

·~ CHEV. sgo


t 161 Jn.US S'C)JU) ~ I' 6 H, l'ordolllaUc. K\Mlt all. e-t ofter, LI ~. ncn

\ ... 8TUtm ~ -. q; About t0.000 JS\L la .... ..... ftAJI . • ml. t. ,.a. OtiD .... . w . OA J.H41. ffrf•

'M 8'l"Un& li6 T. P&VP • w.n.-e...,...... PL1.t ...

llUltBA.AI> tt1 .. ' lit ..... ,. m..-.i



amv. • 14'* - ....._, . : Nid1 Tnlfolle •

amv.~ ­J.,.._,_. .. ~-. .....

"M CID:V. V-t •POft'f CPIL ,1_

lhowiMCn •••U..1 '70" ....... . ,.,., .. .., . .u... .... PrlMd ~ 19 al .,naaet ~ ., .... .-t: O\lanottieill ! 4 Tam a.. u• Oat LAt.. ._ aauo • 9udt ,..,.,. .-n ..... 0.-11...,.,, ~ "Kl ~nt4..

Have you •••n the LITTLE PRINCESS?

B.A..RGADtB rN N .. udU9'd TRUCK A.NO

Have you seen the UTILE PRINCESS?

11 YOL R ~ ATU\ K£ATS:R Ollt ol I l.8 JU&r&n lM peTlod !

u thtt• a.en d &.n6tr ot ll flood I

BED D TVAN S:\O 2 ¥"llnn t•"'-' dt"1U1 A • h"lr $4 ii , mu<lf'm cluh .-h a ir •.<'Hh o v--1 uttn n1 V1 $4~ , "l t•n(f"* llabl'!'ll J8 f'll r ti pe.lr 1'1\d tablel 113. 2 w llJ I h M l • nt U O -.c-h anct m._ I

Mr\V IT1CINWAT 1"\azioe ..U atylAll a.I I n nlahM, pe.ymeot from U l\ ' pt'r mo lkh"\I~ Phtlllpe t 'o , :\90 N , Mall\ ll&J>. 111 CADILLAC' r·on " t ft/H $5~ la Ana. pwr wln&N • It .. a l • "'""' 1

Pa11en9er TIRES

I 11sT \\ 1,1,. 1 .,1J ...... t.Jin.: I tn1 your bome • hll nd 1.- rt " ' ~''·'IM1r1 l'1r r IT8 T lML ru CALL 1• • I r•M•"' \1 1onot" ' P l....,,. ,... An .utp.rt a bou t th• c:ondllloa turn' lltn ;: I& :IU \ \'&I' uld ot J'OUr w a l • h .. l V 1'1 ...... F?l11m '" ;":ev.purt l C A.LL your autbor1...., OAl A .... I. l'I • • • r .. l\ llT I• 13 l'llGf-rT J 1 t r1- W•t•~ llMt•r II" " ~111 • 71111~0 O•• l•t

'· ..... '"' 11 ... 1.1 .. 1.1 li t\ ' 4 1\ ~(J

RF~i l NN r:R~

Bridge leuons A 1,.. . ••ft • , .

~'" ~ ••• l n•pectlon

111 . JN <' l l ~ .. ..... , 1a w 11 m""'"' , .,.. , $ 11111 " "• II • It frw S.lu \l• u 14 ~ uni l n•trin l( hntt \ Ma k• , .fft r 2•11\ 4 .,.,....,,.,~ , " ''

" ' .. \ " , . .. • ~ ~Ill

' ~ 1 ""' " Have you 5een

r"""" on :l i;~~-~ I the UTILE PRINCESS 71

.. .I

' ,.;i .r,..,.ui M i.t,.·a y fl l ~ ll t1ay 1 JA ,'l:l l A R\" <>R O AN 1'1.PE<"l Al..8 ' ,,.. 1,1 11-71 111" .. v - Ii "~ t l)fl Xro.a.a t rais.tna 1

"""• 19' A I I illl\.ly M'aholfany 2 m&ruJal 1:1.c· - -- - I l""11~ Bp4n f't Orp.n Ill s--ffO<"t

:\3--Roata, ~u ppUf9 C<r\MI ti•"' ?'l •N nnl:r STfll't

~-~~-~~-~-- lla rn m .. 11<1 apu1., Ort"'• wllh 17 F'"T' :-JYUIX l ll,. r 11i.o..• rlln · I 1w r o llH lnn -<'& R l n. l ol<l t,.,.,.,,

aho t\ll f "n111t..,I• • l ... 11111 \\hH I ll- !)le: .. 111n,1 '

-' Ill II r• .lo h n ... on Lllh " " " \ \ It J1 ololh • 1"11• 1 1 -fl{f f ..,r l:llll't U k :I 1221 7k AO

2~ ft Sportfi1"1er Ii" I •~ 1 > II"' I J• icr• ·· 11 1•

rtnr 1t1t1ltH A rf"•ltu t1or1 l(tf• t

f'"f" r f"Ct • nr dU tr1n r1rm 1.1 11 119 41'

11 J Ofl ''"'* ,',4Jlfo

llont• '" "'l.,I H &l"IUW oft•1 •it t a.n wilt Hlt 40 I l ammnn•I l'I J"'Ak" r • n'1 1.-11 .. ~•t I n Jl"rffl<·t • •lf'•1ll Inn Ru ·• ll lf>

l.4bf'1&I Tr~ I u rt\' • nl ,.n t T r f'-tTU • •

'411 I\ l'"ll:H s I ii In 42•, ~ II \

""'" ' " Ar a

arnor• l<T 2 1)41> 2

u r.e A b nitt,.. ST~ M>S l.uat n>~ oJ'1« n1~h<- ~ KJ~e R.d U 11 .11&<82 T ... AO RAH. llllr•ll-t mntor It ttr..

--------191\0 BtnC'l< , .. , r ,., ,11, ..qu tpt ~t M M lllOf> OA :\ ·2."'48


- ----------·~BUICK VH

" JllVJr;RA ' (:'111' 1' 11'

S7P!'i I R<'au t lfol $4 21~1 t .u • Ut-.

'"°""' nf!'I' •

lnY• U .. le • bf, ha.p.-lly nir · ,....,....1 •• u,i.. amu:l"f •&Ju.! ~ f '1MA.f' nir 11111.nk Twma a YaJ I ... ''" <;'cMull Rivet ~ I~ · cun.a KTatt 4.1744 I

, , l 'HKYBU:ft " CCI P"UU.. PWR W• nnam- 'fMI Ynle nl• 129 tl I

Hl "HHARll IOI r. 191. At. 8 A. Kl J .~IH

-"• ... 11 .. r11 au hla d1 t1h l• " a: .. Heve you seen ,..,..1i..n1 ,. a " r•,.h• fl4'H r l• A n ,...h"r ,. , r I u • I" • l .a.un• ' the UTILE PRINCESS? I RfoA.t h n,.,. , a r f r11t1r In VA t,. 1·ir, • 1;u,.unl ,... •I ' Rf'111t 1~ \t A f' · •,; 1' Hn'RO l .Jl:"J , .. ,llnn W ason or 8ank T f' rrn• "..ii fl f14'1 ~.., :"" ~ 1 I\ n,. ., r•r1•·11t l' parly \\'Ill f ' t•M l B lvtl l ..ar•nA. HYall ron•ldar t r•'1• nr tarm• LI 4 -7144 ll .. ,IH i tc'71

. l -

l ·Hour ftecapping Ser.v1ce

Compkta Brake 8emc.

um ~-root ltnd AJ.1p.mcm t

AOAD annca n~on. 9nd.-, l'\a T toUr'f tor UM! u lr:tftl ,


ltOl · 809 W lit ! L ID a.-aa

• GA.aDl'll 6 cm.. anA .~MOIJfa .......... ~"'

......... "ef't&. 0..'t .....

.... "'~ Ulil ~ ..... .., ..... NIOltT~

(tm-'•) .......... ~tl-...l•M 81Ul~ mil ..... n;rtt.. ..

l'Oft1> t JlOUO GlaD-ODOTO t U•OO ""1m.. ~A.Ill • -•uo.•

l'LOll IRlrl' Al.LA. TIOlf 0,.. DU11. c.. M~ 'TUT P.•· .--,uc.1

... malll ..t our llt&.odardl ..... Timm. ........ a.Del di

..__ -.U. ........... llurMu

l elle1 Enoin• Rebulldera . -.J.O"'ll..... Kl .....

ft.A.ft 90KDJa.> 1.-a au. ..... 'IWt.at

Have you Hen .... unLE PRINCESS?

,,_,,~ .... t

W.urT TO llmtT ,._, -.t. ' .,... \et Ule ,..,.. Dow ~'J

flACUW u ad ta tJN Clulifted llllcdla fJI u.. KSW .. Pl'D&.

OLD• coup•, - cM1clrta. .., pat.I. dMln J..rooa IU~ly tws. 01' ullU'L apt. wtlll p · ....,. .. aaJlloa 1Ua"6. TMrly ..... ,..unto Witte --0.11 W. ~r. TTcll

...... tt:n. ..-.. --.cl '7 .......... 11..n ... 11

.. '" ... .....,. ... al ~- 01>.111. o" a.ion.,.,..

I B l • . Ia• - WAJftW>

L I - 11111\an- .._ tw .-i-. .. ,.... ,.,.. Ifft .... ., -.....~w.·-­a.1 ......... ,. ....... ......

.. otaw ............. tlW' ......... ., ........ MT 6 Ptal&IAT ... INC. .. ••l"lt ..... a.a. ....

· u •ua · TN1

BhlJ()lCAJILI: a.Jboa - I a. It. apta. f\qll. t.uxun-ou,.-.1 - wan t. -u Yeuty w~

ON BALBOA ISLAND Ywf7 • .__al nelala


Nelda 61baon, Rltr. IOt KariN -''"' ()A a.MIO

8&1M6 Liia.ad


DJ"Y llWis • u.; ...U ~ 0 ;' tetJ tw · ' ' Id~ aJl.L • ,_. W1IJl ~YU. Mdla; *Ml 9IT" .... ,. ............. ~ .

OCEAN l'RONT ffOl'EL I* " · ~ mat. Jrf.-port

OIUole Mlll1

HSWPORT Hl:ICJJl'T8 room oca lower '9ftl, UW kUa. pl1Y&t. mtraoce. •se Sant& A.a& Ave.

TlclO ... Wuhtr a ..,.,, p rdner. •ti' .... ONtllt J.IOJt l •llDllOOM pl'as• apt. flll1\. -----------­


r..,-1y bull!. MO mo. ptua 1u. 11111 35tll at. Newport Bu<"ll . OIUole 1· 71n. 77p70

OARACJJ: A llt.Orqe IJpacct avail Udo P~ntnrua Yacht. All<"llOf· ... at root ot ai.t It . l'f-·

Wlo&M - ft•aoulllt port Be&rh ORlole 3 ·11330 l.AIT• 1 J\. 1' • - "9poeal, tur• CORONA dal Mu, f\m\ . la.r&'•.. 71d1 aaa ~•rap, .cc. rur111a11ec1 I rm ..,, , ""°'"· P1'1•at• en· ------------PMJY Otuoi.e J.20U tr9Jlce , patio. 1ua,. Adult&

TIUc No ~ta. Ot Maricold. TTc71

I- -- --1 NEW 11 ntum l ·bdrm. ~ eq

913-817 wmr 19th ~ n . b ll lt-tn ovm • r&n~. di•· ' pou l All Ula kltclwn A bath.

COSTA MESA.. OPEr-11 to ~ I S il.~ ino., y~rly 113 •~th It., THURS THROUGH SUN· Ntwport. Or\ M"° or Kl DAY. SM 6 S7~ PER 11-732:1. 74lfr

MON'l1l. Now -.Owinc bl"&lld new 1 bed· room unrum. m<>ckm apt• O&l'M.f• d11poal, ceramic tlle. .., .. enclOIMd tubll. ttc. l blk to tarr• a!lopplnc • medlr al Hnt.r. Call LI 1-22'6 or Oft lole 3 31M H r 79


PT.NTNSULA POINT nlt't'ly f11m l A 2 bdnn apta . p· r•c• wutv•r patio. Winter 1· bdrm . 1715 2 bdnn , 1110 Yt'&r• Iv l ·Mrm ., '90 O R ll-9060 Mr' C'11pper 77r711

BAI RnA ISLAND wintu tl'nl a l new l · l>dnn furn apl d11poeel ~ plw utll 3111 C"olllna An Oft l\·037'

OFFICES FUft RENT Lawyers, accountant-. Insur· ance broilers. &l'Chlt.ecU. btl8i· ~en-do you n-· ottlot •pa.ca! We ba•t It. Amp&e paJ1dn1 Rtuonable rent. !!JM ua now

HARBOR INVl:Sna:NT Oft ~400

. ......... .. Udo lot•

.,. ....,, a.-. ~ tit .. .......................... oa.....,,_ ma

WILL IRDLD • '"*9. I _.,. ............ .,...Mft er I acN, oM lAIMa tklOt&: .,...._....,. ww~

vacu\ lot tn f'a1al lfttqs a ~ID Miiii. npa

llA.CK JI.A. y QI04eie b&Jf M'ft, ,,. OA oune. .... ..... "--' te torn • . w. Bmh, ju.et ott If.-. Dr. Sy __ , _ ltd Nonoe Aft, Oln· dale. Oaut. Cll.IUll l~t3


Commercial Corner IN

Wedminater W JC 111


AUTOK011VIC Sl:llVJtsa

• 8enice atatm • oa,.... • AulOPuU&a.Ma • Motor Rl<'oadlUoaiatl • Other

THIS la an tin proored cwner oa W..tmltUter Blvd. Oft U'9 We.t 11c1e ot W•tmtNller. adJobllQS 40 a rn1 vat'ant land. now be­ln r denloped u a oommerd aJ • nd clvlc-c:enter OWnera need cuh for othoar dev9loflment project.a. llaa1 •tate prtce $87 ,500. Under 30'.I{, ol Mlllllf prloe, <".aah doW1\, wUl i..ndle .



Corona dtl MAI' ORJole ll-!1730

.......... . B/B

PRICE u:DUCm> A.llnlllllli • Jr. 4164 b1pln. Two twta .... . Wrma. .-di uau. BJdc. -11 ~ Hd .. r ill r .... ttwl. Oa~ ............ rtntc~ ln­clUdlrd '" ...,., ulllt, N- prict,

121.oee. ~ ·- da.

ELBOW ROOM I '1illne. 6 flanrUy t'OClllll ttoim. . 2 bethl. ~ ,,.,,.., •fW carpet.t.nc, J ft1"91>1iM'n. t •• ~ .-ied R ·2-U tL froniq.. ft.oom for addlUonal hoUN 01' .,.,u..t.. A b&.rpl• al Ul .• 1ao. se.ooo w 111 handle.


1-bdna. Uld ta.m.Uy room f« lal'f" family or e .. 11y con· vertlble to DQptex with 2· bdr. each unlL Permantnt bart>M ....... l:JCt.ru Include !:lee. bullt..tll ll:lt. . dWtwul\U l"ll"·

~ It wubtr-dryu comblA&Uoa. Aliae carpel•And drape•. Prtc:4 Pll .~ !ft-Mn..


ldtcll for medlca.1 or Shopp1n1 aut .. r . 00· 11 m-. 90iwd C · l . Local.cl Mar C'etller of town. Pri~ 1125 000 29t; dn WIU llUbordln&lt

Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc. REALTORS

Ill l t &. Oout Hlf'bway c- dal Mar OR 11-<M'°

Balboa Income KEW 2--Wrra. untuni.. '• d 11rlex

r•"P. all lawn ca• r C'loae la UI S. lllh. Coal.a J.leaa Call after I p m Kl 6· 7114,,

7 .. Al

BU8IN1:~1'1 OJ'TlC!:8 and !Inn& quart.el'll. Stove and retrl1•ra­alor In< tuMd. Local~ at 1888 PlaMIUl:t In Cwt.a lofeaa. Ideel spot tor buai- and ""1· de.nee c,,,11 C"barln B Retmlar, Daya ORIOi• 3-4330 Jtvenlnga t.Iberty 1-&'l'H M tfc 77~71 4 UNITS ~ block le O<'ean . ~ · 2

OOftOKA '>St. untuna apt., plaoe, l)dwd. lallMfT rocur. ~lie, ... ,.,.


MAft 2-bdm1 dapc>MI tlrr·

noon iar••"· ,_r alloppln1

peu. $86 OR 78<'80

COftOMA. DJCL M.A.A UAlurn. ~ I bdrm upper a~ -Stoff ~ • ~I. ld-.1 for eoupM or bumUI- .. .-oman Oft J.4TM.


LAGUNA 8H th.. lovtUH l bra.nd M W

t A- :Z B I\. unf11m a pu. at 1311 Olenneyre Bl&' dowte e~ ra~ onn. J1urt :Z blk~ f rom ltorH 4 IM'arh. Wondt'r · ful '''-• a- manait r. HY•ll 4 . u71 qr LI 9 .7244 7111fr

B AY FRONT A PT Balboa. Nicely furn l · h<lrm apt. R~u<"ed rt'nt ""•ti to June 1:1 Oar. ca.rb dla)'I \'rn· Ulal,.d llrat lilt ftr O R :1°2760.

M-Bua~eu OpportunlUf"' P'OR RF.NT M I Bldj( . for ' 1orac• l &00 8C1 n .. Ml~ mn, <:'c..ta Mf'a. "C'' ICd JON'I,

kit r. LI 1 °1301. 79'-IU MAllJUFACTt:'RER of eatabll1h· @d quall l y line o( Jl&l.Q. ta needa ...ochlh ,.,,th upltal for Im media t e Hpen .111on tn mrtl 61-RM.I f'Atate Excba.m«f' ~nc ct.mande tor t VP" nt paint product.a prndUl'@tl h\ I TRA DE Equity nr Mil new 2000 thta company Plant lu<'Alrod aq . tt hnmt, natln 181'1ttany In Hartlor atta Ull 000 .... 111 Woocb 1 for any tnie Pf'(>Perty llandl• . LI 8 -0305 CMta Ml'H Harbor .,_ or C"Ollla MM&.

711<-8-0 Owner ()ft l · toO'T. Broker ------------ OK. 71cl0

~ deNK• I-bdrm. uat\lm. e,U. la4Mdue.J t.1'<'ed )'M'da, ........ Wallrtllf . ~ .... to ...,.. .. 1CMo1. aao -.. nuo 'IT· ...... LI l · U&T. IOttc

77t fC" M--M~f to LcMu1 S EU.. or TR.A.DIC - La.neuter, C'.allt. ll bedroom. 2 bath. doub~ l"'a.c"· block fence, Mm•ot and covered paUo -houH for property a t NPWl)Ort BH<" h o r vldnlly. L H Ma hont'y , 4U~7 81anrl"-•· Lan­<"Ultr. Calli. WHl~hall 2 -~82

LIDO lu.11 - Vlll\ln. a Mdrm I Mt.Iii apt. A.ftll. MW oa -- Cell Oil 1-1.... Htft

* fl * ft o.•- i...tJ tunl.lllled o-a 1'Woftt A pta 1 ,. I bdrm.a. ~""bi. wtnt.r or y..rty nta. DCM W. Ooeell 1'l"Ol\ t. N~ Oil a.UIO


* UDO Im.m

WATERFRONT APTS ... I t • 1 .... ·- .... Cell n_..t-...o-• Oft ............ OR 14111 ..,....... Utt•

SN Shell Apts.

8Al..80A. 111191 ;y new 1 bt1nn up~r duDln, untum .. nrptl· ed. blt-111 tt.o.•. n...,,1.N' .... ........ A cloth! 1 dry'M'. OR !\. OHt 71\tfc

NllWPOJlT~. turn. •lit.. • cl099d pa.tlo. A<"TOM from bay, aear bUll ttna. Adul t.a . '911 tao ytty. Oft 1-11141 or Ml 1-Jtlt. 7k80

BALBOA S-Utlf\ll I U borne. t\!m. UlU. pd. O&rac'e· Modem k1t.ob4in. fl"p1.. a uto. wuher. W-W ca,,,etl!IS T .arty Oft MHT. 78".IO

UDO aA. Trl\ONI', allp It J1MW PnYM.e INa.c.h. 06rden patio. 4 bedrma. 11 baU\.a. rum. or un­t\lrn. awn- °" )'U.rly, Call Oil l · N4t. lt AO a.n&. c::.11 H 01· I,.._,,.. • · tt'fll or 110. 7,1570 tw avPGlntm.ent. IOttr

CORONA del MAR A.U..CU'INl7 tum. 2 bdnn• , f l,. ~ and kw~ patk>, 11211 per ... 111 Po&M9ttl• °" l-4IO!.


MUo TWO 8R. ,&!AA 4-. wt~ drapaa.


RD'DCAHCll We 8lq Tn»t Deeda


U H Vta Uc\o ORlole 1 -UJO 70Uc dl ---


Cash Available DEL MAR. HOME. AU latHt a ppolntment.t, cloee t.o be&ch tor lneome or ••t"ant ~1·

r or purctuue aL 1#\ • 2nd Harbor nr Co1ta Mua ar.a truat dMda. LI l ·T7'U. 77r7t

Oranse Co. Mort.gage Co. loQdway 8-1161 a-a.& r..tate

Ue -~--~-~--

I st I 2nd T. o. Loan• CURT DOSH, Rltr. ......,.. el 01'allp Oeil.aty

Truat Deeds S011Pt • Sold

Royal Mort9a9• Co. ORiole 3-0220

MOS N.w'J)Ott BlYd., Nprt.. ...._

LOANS for Homes Low lnl_... JO Yeu 1-M

Construction Loans 11:11 .. lilTLER

3 I 5 Marin• Ave • Balboa Island

ORiole 3-7030

Bay front Lot PtM permitted Prtoe l6fO I*' &Olll\ toot t.o qualified ~ • prlftt. ~ Not a .... i.ou . PACD'IC l:lr!'A.TU INC. Ototyt Ke.Haman met' oa "48T'- ltUllD

bedroom, 2·1 bedroom, com • pl.c.ely tumlahed Cloae to ll<'hool and C'hurchM $3S:I per

mo. potenU.I lncoma. Pnced a t SM &00 1400 w Balboa


" Walker & Lee, Inc. 18111 Hartlor B lvd. u s 11s24

Speculators Two nne untta - l cornplet., ly tumiaMd. ~ double 1•· rage. and Jood paUo IJ)a.Ce J!lx~Uent locaUon n"r ~an. Paint thia on• and reap the prom. A t-u. money-maker ! A•klnJ $17,ll!IC wHll Jood ~rma.

Paul Jones Realty 2001 W 9a.lba Blvd.

Newport BMcb, Oftlola 3·821 0 '77r711

FACTORY SITES l . Owntr neecb ~h. Offt,. 3

acr.a on Baker Ave. nMr Brt• tol for •20 !IOO n 1a la t.lle npl lndUatrlal hot apot Prtc. n.· ur• I- than H oenta p.r loot. M · l A aone.

~ 63 i,,,' by 290' M · l. l"ronta 2 t • l,...ta on f>la<"tntla nev lllll

Stt.000 U .000 ®wn.

rt..OYD \\' L mi. l'ltaltM I 7M N-port Blvd , C..:oeta M­LJ S.IHP3 - Ll 8 ·2042 TTc:lt


• a 1....a

* Investor's Attention * UI' WA TEllFRONT - Pier A Sllps - C.1 Zonlns. Lno at~ In heart of exclua.ive Udo abop­plq &.NL 'J'hiJI pt"Operty pruent.a tnsnendou.1 income pomabilit1N. Tenant.I wait.ins. . ~t ue pve yo1& tu.1· put.iculan. . &XCEi.I .J:NT i'111l.N. RENTALS AV AILA..BLE

OR s..sero Oppoalte City Hall 3341 Npt. Blvd. * W. H. Farnsworth, Realtor * BUSINESS IS GOOD

Buyera a.rt waitin~ for homes, lots a.nd commer· cia.l in Newport Also need home• with 1mall down. For comolete Realty service in th1a aru

gift \ta your 11.tltlng

·N.B.C. REAl TY CO. 32nd & Newport Blvd., Newpvrt Bt'ach

Oppoa1tP City Hall ORiole 3-9060


$6,000 DOWN on Ot'W modern - 1 ~ Blk from Ocean . Heavy Shake Roof. 3 Bcdrma. 2 Bath&. Rnr typt> kltrhl'n with built -in Oven and Range, Dtahwaaher, Garb1tge Dii>posal 2 houi«.•s from community swimming pool. Lt>l UK aubm1t your offer to out·of-town owner. OPEN SUNDA YR. 12 to 4 W~k d&.Y!I by appointment.

1593 SANTA ANA AVE. 4 &-drma 1 1 , Bath11 1 yr old Shown by appoint· menl .$3,650 will handlf>. HtTRRY ON THIS ONE '

206 W. WILSON AVE. NEW 3 Bf.drm. 2 Bath home. Approx. H60 aq ft Attracllve kitchen with many built-ins AND 1 1 ~ Sty Farmhouse type oldn homr on rear for tamUy ot tncome. It you ha\'e IDEAS you l'Rn

have fun fuclng up thP ~r unit CALL US. OWN. er ANXIOUS. $3,000 will hande

THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd.


l bdrm 11nl1J1 Half now IH•· ed tor J yn e t '1111 pn mnnt.J\. A1k1nr: $24 960.

Lut tor a UI unit~ . near ru y Hall. A·• k 1n1 I' 7 !\CJ


2 ooan vi"'' 11rt11 In r apl11-l1'no PellJl&d"• ttarh 40 rt b) 130 u .soo



Coat& Meu

Bay crest N.,...- :!-hdrm A fanutv rf,.1Jl1

Prtrt •I lnw ": $211 :0.00 Thia I ~ ILII 011liot andl~ buy tn llua ar~11 lmmrdla t•• rtf<·llJ'lf\n('>

.S•1brnlf I rnn.. or I"' TI•'• on •I'"' n I'~ vmt'nt :.:n:l4 r-ommn· 0J11r.' FM nf""n <la II\' 2.-. p m

SELECT Upper Bay

Properties U l-1121 EvH Ml 8·!101 21 11 W Oout Hwy, N-port

fl"llc t.., :l Rn•1 •·bdrm llnml"a _ .._·t C"hnlcP lote

I ir w,. h a v .. b•1lldt'n ready to J'OR IAl..ll BY OWNER hutltl nn your Int

CORON A cil't MAR rnmpll'l e l\• -'· F:'ltrl"lll' nl flMnrlnr; a vall•blt f11m I b<lrm 2 tlreplat l"' 2 • batha beautiful patio 1113 PnlMtttla OR ~ - 020;, 711tfr "C" ED JONES


LI a..l9Gl 17111 SI


.. -



A ... ' y

ulUnLtlMd. UICI pw aaoG. ..... l'UIUr. 0... ... I & It. .. 7WO a. plllr ._ fWrwl 1 II. •U EAST OO.t..8T BLVD.

Oorona dal Mar Oil a-TIOO

rtn•. euUllue 2· bdrm.. dblt> ,.,.., Ip. le*. ~ ll.000 down, SM mo.

P•rffl't 3 bc-dmom fam ily homl', C"oet.a MtM C.rptUnr and d rapM, 1 TT· old . L&nd.1eaped 1 '6 baU.. Only $11100 down 9-.1. ... moatlL S.. tlWI to­day.

$9995 Al

... ?-_. ..... -9a1. la.

··- .... :a ..... .... '* ... _ ......... ......,. ..__.,a.-.oa .,.-; TTllG

n. ..... ........ ........ ........ I ..

-:m .. .. ~:s.:.

ft.alp. POD'IW ~ 00. ~ Ut. 1n& .._.. ICI '""°'

• I• •9 I • e a _. -* '-· S9I ,_, llMllLCll. ·~ tML ~ ,....... nma u.. ,._ i....a.. ,......._ .... ...... N. Cftl ~. ... ... ,_ -UL •sarA c..... ...-. u. A.I.,.. n. w•- .u .... PmV•~ ~ ~ tn

~ ~Tiit ... L ..,. well ae eu1' e d moolld ~ OOUftm ... t,¢ t & ~ ......._ LI • ,..,21 7tcao

- .. --- • ...... C9A•MIMO a... Oii Ula i...eb ..,__ ...,, · &.- wQ .....-rt. "'°' ,_. .. Qlu. 0..-. ,.. bMmla , I llltQl'll .......... a ..... MJbia. Ok., ......... ~ .1\aly __.. .., -.. ~ ,. AUl'\Mll. naoo. o.ta J&roay, ....._ "11lta' 1'aha . OR "-llor. OR I~ T7c7t

' J.Ull. ti.II W• •••'•a B&A\TT[J"lJL llia1'fr'lllt home un-._ 11th ~. toi !Wit yr round

....... ....,, - &..arr• - ,_ llllllllt7 e-a-·e , 1 ...... ~ '""""'IJ' .... tfertll .s ., &Apna

.... l~ Wee.Ila '° ~ TWtltO.. ......... ~tile ...,. ..... Ult ........ .................... .,... ... , ..... "' ,. IDO (llillllltatMl)•....a-­ow... .,.tt ..,. l.ttt.

DORIS IRA Y, Rltr. llletal ~ n•...,.._ -.....WaM

°" l.otaO Utto

Y&\&T, 0.- ... Ma.r. 1· • ...,_, ,_., ....,, ,a.a.. auto

HOO ,... Doria ....,. l\ffltoT 01\ l -03b0 7':'r79

1 ... - . ~ 149. U•­lliC ftoom, Wall to Wal\ °"'1>' ttll\I. htJo, oa,..,. and Le• .. mN rooa Compi.tely ,... ...,..led ta IUl4 ovt. .. beon ftM)ty, Oft 1-IT'TO nr7t

'111. KJCEl..T f'll~ rnodnn 1-Wnn. ~. lnquln a t 2h - IJJ\d ltt., N.wport. OP.Joie


S-Plll TM tr

9&01\00M unturn. Ml~l' I-led t"Omtt IM!l"OM "'°'" Udo llandl 11 Ill m n . mt l 0 J'Tll or Oft J -tllO


8/8 rsA.R ROUND R.l:NT ALS

56--M_.'J WutW

BA VII ....- CllOlae '-.I IM TrUA 0-CS. f 01' ..... at ~ count. u t-U$t an. ft-.


10"' I.NTEftEST Qn 123.000 OM year lOUI _. ?\.Im by a rim Tru•t Owd. $31 072 on ... n lncatl"d 10 a c,.. vacant property vall»d e t $M.OOO F'or furtl'Wr In.for· maUOll Call Mr Ad.llnui , M ort· Pl• Loan DPpL TM VCJ1'91 OD.

LI 8-24M


To M il quJcklf CALL LI 1-M70

.......... A...xa - lll Quo.

...... aa •Tll.9. nuc M. MICHAEL •1 ,..,...L Ptet It IMp. Y•r· • AUOCIATES

'1 U&O w1n1u , Sl&O 1 ·~ im TulUll An . eio.ta w..

UDO W 4,.....nlln' Arn. ................. la.A.. l a.&al ~ a I'... I -~ __.. .,._ I &It., I ~U.. . ') ... tm.l:M MdaDC'&IS. 1\1\J'. aDI Y\a Udo. Oft H.tTO


Deluxe Fum. Ant. ...... ., ....... Ir~ MW, ....... l Wl"8'. WIN i l:R OR n&AAL T. 1daaJ f« coupla. .. ,.u t llt " · ~ ....,. °" ~ T'ftto

~ -Y tnmt. ...._, a.sue NClf'ld I• nAt.. I JIM» or a p . Ollll\aet ,,.,.., r., t t>r o.-ta.11e ,

SAT 6 DaACll UALTT. INC IUIA.LTOfta. IOlt w. k100a BJ•d . !-1...,ort a.ch

°" ...-oe Mlle

LIDO' ISLE liTrltOHT KOK&. tJHrU'l\N .

PmR 6 l't.OA.T. a..t north _, to.UOll. f'OO per m01tlh. ,_, .... Oil 1-tHO .._11 .,... ~c

IJdo Rav - Ooan FT-onl Mo~I. •tc. Hav• $40.000

caah - W iil auume P1'1n · cJpala On.ly Wrtt. to Boa Z.11 ~lo lh.11 p&pt'r. Tllttr

LOOKINO flot' a tr1ptft Of' du plu In Nfl'WJ'<lrt Kelrhl" or vlMnllv lo 0111 - w"-t hav. you • No ll('t'nt.a. Writ.a <"lrl' ot boll P' · I!\ 1hl1 parer

l llcll


A...q I ~ ~ "1UI 1&.ryt 1 room .tladlo apartmeri L Pim I ba4roona ap.rtmuit crt'W I cat ,._,.... . Pa~ paUo nn.t eoutnM:Uoll thruouL OnJy I Y•l"I old. ti.uutuJJr l&n..s.caped. ac.a,.. A- Moun. ta.I.II VI- from IUTe plctun w1Ddow9. ( ~· dl.lpoaala w. betha. 1tainl.. at .. 1 double a lnka. mack ban etc. aut.tanU&J l.neome Choice Jo. caU- naa.r J:merald bay 2 blodul to ba&cb $47,llOO oom· pl.ttaly tumtaMd or a.a.llOO un­~ but lncJudN dl'apt• and wall t.o wall carpet -Own• Hyatt • ·1130.

U c

~JT YT OWNER. new mndff"ll I bdrm I bath homt' e ll eltc'trita l kllcMn Troplral land.tc'epl"d tt'nl'"'1. rlork ron . trol •prinkhn• 1y 1trm ovn· 11• 61>1 1•r•r:•, pool alp lot "4 n t'mnta(e Jl'HA t ..oa n Oft S..oe.'l 711cM



One Block to Bay 2 bedroom.I , n Jl\NlllHICll l&JT•

~tin- c-arpon Pl.-it7 I'll mom

tor boat. ll6,7~J01 .. rd S t

W a Iker & Lee, Inc. lHl Ka"'"° 8'•'1 U l-H211


$1 ,()()() On! ,,_ tr..toaa bcDa, ...........

pr .. ci.an.. •14" nu. Oil!)' U0.!14)(). Vacant•

A . C . Petitte , Rltr., 2111 H&rbor Btvd . U l-0:122

J:veaintre LI l-Ml7

BT OWNER. l'~wport 1 blk lo ba v. 1 bllt to oct'an v .. rv nlr• l bl"<ir-m hoWlt Oo11bl<' r;arair• • l"'ued for • pt . r.-n~ y a rd It p&Uo. Onpule• • n.11 1

Ul,1GO Submit t.erma IO!\ U nd 8 L LI 8 ·3lls.ll. 75tfr.

REX RECHS. Realtor 2304 W ON>an F ront

ORJol~ ll · MllO 70t f r.

Shoreclif f s Thrilling Ocean View

Bl:A tmP'l I I«• ll•,nir rm 2 RR. 2 bal h a p&<'l•l\IJO famll\ rm 2 nn-pl aunnv l'" tln and r;art1,.n RtlC>m fr~ r-••:

LJ:M01' HElGH"l'!\ &411t"r Mt thl• t11>hn Modtrn ra• ch, 2-bdrm, l '-i. 28 I Ev,.n1n 1 t:anynn ll<•rl baUI home, a l«Mr pan•led t1.m OPJCN Wt:f'l rR I Rt 'N rM I lly room. f1rep1Ace, •l•ct WOOTION Rlt dream k!lctwn, Mparat• leun-

1 y •

dry A pantry, walk In rlott' l , 3630 E Cou t Hw) cm 5 0400 m uter bdrm 111ltt' l"nd · 1 7111 rw M'a 1'4'd r;r-• J"" 1takl" ff'nr• ovrn11~ K•"'•" u1.onn Own · Nitw nori.u: 16011 l'l.i r-i-er t.lnroln 4 .2:'411 7~rllll 1 bdr<n 'I rr•• fa mi ly '"""' ::

halh• 84-e1.t1ful lt • n• h<1 "k


;,.sf':OftOOM. I )'••ra ""4. r.llOd condition, Jnod locauan. M Co\'l' In t0<lay 0011 Dopood,. ri.-ar Jiii h A- Plac•nlla. C"~a M"M l.J 8 · 7807. lllttc

l,nl K:\OWP:f.I, PLAC' f:

ll'<K llH :l Mrm l" helh~ r A u. •I Ha rdv. """1

r <•11 • lnublr """'•" \\ a11<1nr 11 •'Rn1t tn r ra•I• •chnnl 1 • ~ ... , " m"nlt1 .. Ill h1U14i.

Earl W. Stanley I ~ .At.TUT\

1'lh -" l!\tl')r Nr"'l"•rt LI I\ 2Al'oi 1tn\ tll"fll'


3 UNIT INCOME 11n1, S4 O&l down I.I~·• 111 J h<lrrn 1n1t • •c hrr 2 11nll ~ ,....,,, f, r $!~1 l'f'I lllOlll h Winter 6 fo'HI 1~ 1 w ... k 1umm,.1 Monl h· ,,. l""'n<'nte 1100 prr mclf1tb r • • lir r I "'°"'h l""n\Rl lo< 41 ·

COMMA NCHN\J PANORAMIC It ''"' \A'• h hrJH , . ,.h. k· h)f•f tlnn on Jtn\' A \ .. BAltH•• VJ J': \ \ 2 l«vrl hnml' In C"<1 rona H 11hl"nc11 ll· bdm• ll b&ttu ,.......,."tlon m1 • eJ.<'t bt11lt ·In kllrhl'n l pallne. IJt' •lbl,. i.;ara1" OJlloi. 3 49110

7!\r II~


:r;o lillthu StrM t t. M C:.."h&rmln1 2 BR. A Ven 2 b&tha

W to W c:upeta IUl•I drafl9 BuUt 111 9111<' kllt ti.11 lmre ly pe.tlo, beaut lf\lllf Ian~.

•~ler ayatem. OWN'l:R MUIIT ~JCt.L A•inn. SU.000.


JU2 Via Oporto

~'"' n•l ( hh.rrho"'1 ~""' ;-.;," It .. \ I f:«11s HI.Tit J'•lrt Haroor •n • m"ll: fr"• 210• \\ t •· ~"" J•r .. nt (If\ :1 ~~!!.I c•o.ta M t'raa c tr!11r111l f.HA " :-;.,,,!',,rt 8'-A• h llTtfc 't'nn• 011 11 ,.,,.,1 .. 1,1,. T 14al rn,.. SI~ 4r. • r " n n ' ~ ,.,.,., In fnr l ~IYI 1n~ r111 W1tan11 hl'l\O't'Pn 'll~f.clr1 • l111rh r Rlvd ,...,. l tl· •ic \( 111 t'll\ nr •All

~~::;~ ~- ~·~·~~:.,I F°A rlv Arn•rl• •'"' I •·n•• I h.\nr

llnd fa mlh rn. ·m l'<n h•1• 1i,. t>ual I• (./1111' ' II.a• k Ra H,..a 1 •nn1 C"tlt'tnr llullt f or h • I" r m&ll"nt horn• Trade tq llr11nr,. nr T\let In ar• 1;.,011 rtn..,.., lnir

Try $ ,!\()() Onwn


I ti f'L~:X :' ':.' t .. 11 "'" • II mo• • • 1 .. H .. n~11. s;~ mo "• r,t'\ r • ,, \ r1.tt I .. •rhuol• -::n·.- I

l'• 1111 "" C<>•1.a M"u I I "' 4i1"N• ;o. ,,

LIDO \ITH\t,-JVr. 3 AR , h~l1'• :\'I ~h (llln•'h"'1 1'1,.~I

:tl'U upflr hitmf" N,.,. r C'luh hnu"" llwne r ftn•t"U8 !'1111, "11







~~~_..:_ _______________ _.. _________ .......................... 1 ....

. . . ..

* C-1 op­ou. UI


t. Blvd.

ier­nall ~a

! 3-9060

·om the. igc, rom ·our Y~.

mt · NE '

sq ND for Cftn


ta Meaa

t lly r<><•m iOO Th11 y In thl• 1·rup .. nn TO• lln «1ommo · 2 -.~ p m

•Y s




!&n oM1 l<><:aUan..

DopOOd, I&. C !Wtt.


• A C!: nn l'll -iard"' ono1

w"11<1nr •ch~.

I h l\J\4!.

nley rt Rratll

1ME Jv~ l rt ' mil• ,,.,,, winte r A l Month. •r monl b l lll lO<Ol• •lt>roA..

.Ttt )n J •"8•J


g mv~ r• nu.i ' ::n·)• , l"u I.I


=t R , "J


'"nun •• !'lllh


UR l · ~4u

. .......... a .............

NOW ONLY S195 TOT AL DOWN The FaatHt Sellin9

Homea in Southern California


SUNSHINE HOMES Move Into Yours Toci•Y·


2 Full Bat~•

2 Car ~era9e

NOW ONLY Sl95 TOTAL DOWN J'ront or Rtar Llvln' Roome

MRlicork Flooni

8,000 ~. Ft. Lot

Pltnly of Clo,et.A

Dlnln" Spat• In Kitchen

Street Light&



furnished Models on Wilson West of Placentia



BulJcJpra' Modt"'-8 Now A n.ihlble Fully Carpt"lM a.nd La.nd.ecaped


INVESTORS W' hav' M'Vtra.l dupltxtl in Newport &: Co.ta Meta. PRtCm' In nfry ranre. All out Mll­tnt wt.nl offtra Ttnn.1 are v'ry (1,ltiblt, 90me will trade

' .. a .... --.. • n ....... . .......

UDO IA YFRONT • C-1 WST CASH OUT ll01'l:l,,-ll'OP LOCATION. ~ MIL& WW Mt ~ tl0.000 Pl" ,_,. .. 11,at ..... ,. °"'*" ...... -..SlatllJ .... lb.it aJl ott ... Jto tta11b•1 tilfON&taoe ...._

1215 P'a:T ON ftU; BAY, 8\aiJcllap, ptd'I &Ad alipa. Sch.doled ~ lacom. $3'7,tOO. l:lltlft pt'Opel'tJ amiable OD Jobi ... $15()0 pet' ia,cmth, No telephocs.t 1.ntorn-Uon.

LIDO ISLE tRVIN! T&RRACE KEA TED la 1"falJIPl!D POOL. 8 blldl'OOml. I lletha. 2 ~ &ft in 1epuate atudk). •· cellent for gu.t quart"' or in·lawa. TO ft. lot. BMuUlw unuual decor.

IS800 OOWK. ~ ~atellll'Ol'V1. 8\&Dt tor Ind~ ttfttf. 2 BedJo.: 2 •Us. 1'· dell. C&J'l)f'\a &Dd ~- !mmtdiat. Pel I I •ion to qu.alltled buyer.

CORONA DEL MAR HOTEL 31! POPPY. Open bou .. S.t. It Sun. W&llt to the beetll from thll 1potl .... 8 bdr. hOCM. 8o. of ~ blgbh)'. 46 ft. Jot. Patio.

FAMOUS PICl'URUQUll HOTZL, 8~ aa., OYtrtooklt\1 th• bautl1\&1 'PU1& oc.an bl & fut f1"0W1lla beatb ..... 'hrftftc po..Jb!UtWi.

HELEN McKENZIE REAL TOR & Aasoc;ietes _ 'VIA Llpo REAL'l'OM Day or nite OR a..M70 3338 Via Lido

BIB BA YFRONT LOT - R ·l Extra wtd(o front.a~ . UOO per fro nt , ,...,t l"hnl,... re•ltl1·n t1al


C'loH to Jetty. Ownu n-1.1 1mallf'r ham• or would ron· 116'-r l'a1·han1• for tnrome 4 B n :I bath r111a l..r1:•· tam11\ ronm. Nlr• t. R I ""'plarfll many clu.elA lol.11 of extraa 'tPdue"t'd to t Mi 100.

PtJtlt & ALI P -PLlJft ll'-1COMF.

• Vf'&r old •llr&rllnlr f 11r· l\l1h1>d homt I 9 1\ hat<! · v..1"1<1 floort1 nit'• kltrlM>n, ,.... rludf'd p&Uo Plua 1 B . R IA-"'ICf' aparlnlf'nl UI 000.


rt~ucl:'d lo Mii , I B R , ! I bath, larre llv1na mom •11n· 1na la.ftal, bulll· lh kilc:hl'n n.11'& paUO wal)td lot- pMncy. ... !\00,

VI r;w ! Vlf;W ! VU:W ! Truly a ""• ham• ..,U\ a J"'r­maMn t 11110betrl.IC'l.cl •I"' <>t 8-y 2 tl " and dlft. i11nlnr room, On'plare hdwd nQOrw lhrourtwut, &JI room. atf' l&rp, Mff paUo. I balhPr'• •hn*1'n &ftCl dfoe..SAI' rooma PLUS a JhR f\1m apt onr th" dblP r•Mlft, on •o· rorn.-r lo t . 1"11• I• a brand rwow 11•1 • 1n1. C&ll UI tor dfol&Jb and &ppt to llN


IOOI kirl <ke&n lloulf'va.rd Rf'dllb4M! U1 a 11 llOO. ~t buy ,,., point

Bay & Bea ch Rlty .. Inc. I llEALTOR.8

202~ W B&Jbt>e Blvd M~..,_,rt Burh Oftlol• l ·HOO



WESTCLIFF 8-bedroolb, 2 f\.tU bath Contemporary, w1t.h wkte lot. large living and family room• Ru1lt on a 90 ft lot thie 11:11citinrly ~autlful horn' haa 1820 aquare !N'l ot F.NCLOSED living ar.a, a n aU­el~tric Hotpoint Klttbm, attr&CUV'e e..1.osed beam ceilings, large covtred porch, a.nrl full 11erv1ce porch

•29,860. $4.470 down

( -bedroom , 3 bath Ra.nrho. 8h&ke root. cl"da.r 1ldlnfll, Paloa Vf'rdf'I •tone f!Npla~ a.nd pla.nl­""· Thia modf'm ~ch •tyle home, on a 00-tt. wtd, lot. hu 2218 equa~ IM ot enelOM'd Uv· ing aru. a 24 ft. long covered porth , dtluxe, breathlaktng Hotpoint kitchen, wrvic' porch, and beaullfull)' appointed Muter bedroom 1u1t.a with dreulng room ~ b&th.

'38.816. to.too down 3 bedroom, :l bath, S stall a.bower Oont,mpon.ry. Built on & 90-ft hQiJleeit., lhla sumptuout 1904 aquarP tool bomt" bu a wooderlully inllmate a.nd comfortable l~l~ ldtchm &ad fam1ly room. The all...eltctric Hotpoint )ut4btn ll a bomftn&Jr. er'• drMm, .00 lbe w•llh of Ju.nry appoint· menu ln all deta.111 make t.h1I a.a a.oepUon&l home.

$31 ,700 ... 700 dawn

BALBOA TRUii: VALl' t~ lo.-ly 2 bdrm

bome v.1th "•' n alld1n1 11&• doont W w C~l - dlah-wuhfor •ll•r<>•l - n~pl•<"• It lot.a rot "q1bo&rd •pat"• On a 40 n lot Thia on• tuu a i.,,_ "'• JI.,.\ J>t.llO Pri~ &l Ui.ooo

Al.SO Allr•• l• v" 1 h<lnn llOlnl' nn 4n t1 lot

t bath Jfu nlrr

p&Uu 111° l'I~·,. and 111n~·k Wllh i.;oud ,,.,. ot oc "An W•

kno\\ you "' I llu thl• an<I It talc.. cm I\' $ ~ !)()() tn h&ndle, Jl"ull Pr1M> I• nl\1¥ 1'4.000

PAUL JONES, Rlty. 2001 W R•lbo6 Blvd.

M-tiort -"'°" OA J-t210 T'T17t

TIME TO BUY BALBOA J'f!N 1'llfl1 •;.A Ml!'f'I' 3· Bl:D"OOltUI, !'; aATKa COM'.Pl.rn:t. \' rt 'RNl8HICD

rtrLL Pit t rr.. 12000 LOW flOWM 1" A TMr1n'

FIXER UPftER OCLUf AND BA 'f \UW 1-.i::oJtOOJIUI. I BA -ntl VDY l.AJtGI!: l.tYtNQ IWOW rnu:PL.ACIC • YUl\ NA Cll

OWN'Ol ABKINO Ull 000 WW IU00&8T Al'f OrrJP:Jl

Balboa lav Proptrtiea 1.tOt w . ..... 111"'

....... 0" .. ,.,.

News for you! Balboa laland "IOOOPI l"

• I Wnn · euu.·• -1,. •11 eoo , • Modfom liloroe tor r-r round

Uvl~ lm&ll but aMA."T! an ooo turt1i.Md.

• a-wra, 11oo111e Ii •I"·· l"MI •harp 100.tt. tn b&)'. 114,000 tufftlllwld


4 bdrma . 3 bathe - Bull~• hGCU ucl 1'lttar th• new. Wall~~. ctr&»-. lb~ and IOTI"ty la.nd9captnf. 'l'hJI homt II Wlf ~ avera1• and decorat.ed 1n N.w Orl-... -"" .. a $1ft.OOO .,,,._ O.t. Lou w~b au b9 .-imtd and th. ~Uer will euey a hd. TN.It ~ NJ f'rict> $24 ~with u Uttle u $4.m down.

OCEAN VlEW ao.o: - lho.tl\all7 ~..-. Early AtMricao.. I btSnDll. plua f'uaUy roo111 wD RRQ C'ov~red patio. L&rre view Uvln1 l"OOID .,..

nl11'<'<l he-arth, uHd brick fi~place, bM.m ceUlnp. antiqu,. panellnr. shuttft'9. Hant1"'00d tJoon,·,.. tom drape.. W W carpet.ins t.hruout. lltt-fG Al-., wnoci k1t rll•n di1hwa.ahtor, ba.r, Lr. muter Bed· ""'"' with c·onntttm1 tile beth. FA. bnt. Dbl. K•ntlC't'. Jo,enC4'd yard, plum a rhnn.inf aQ1 h0\199. Thi• hoiM t. pack.t wit.a. ehar*\ md Oll}J '3~ Rfl() I

A h r1ml' to bt· Jll"f'lUrl of 1 Llk~ nl"• It J• 1 • • '° . Cnrnn" Rurh \'t'ry bt'autlful 3 bdml. 2 blil homr I Ira pt>• wall-to1'all C!a.P"p.la , bt-ln-lrltchen., hanhirrood nooni. JI' A ht'at. Dbl. Gara... r.Oll! romt>r lot J 11Ht Ullum~ ~xlatinr 51 ~ * loan-prtc. la only ~34 750.

~t;-m;81NP.»8 OPPORTUNJTY-m.ta~ ed 12 ytan Will Nrr U&.000. ~rt1 to,........ .r. $37.500 8tock and Equipment. "No blu. M:J Oft thla OM." !otTy, no tei.pbone ln.formAtJoe.

THE VOGEL CO. :.$61 & C-Out Hwy

OR 3-2020

BAY FRONT. PIER & FLOAT l£rtf S.bt'lrm .t 2 b&th homt. n~O.Ot ...,. on Selbo& bland aet.000. Btabmft.

BA YFRONT 6 UNITS Udo I.ale '70' ttontap, •t:eJt doin, 1ftJ1M tnd . Uftdft"pnCf°d at f115,00Q.

OCEAN FRONT, PENINSULA Gardea by the ee& , A-Wnn., •l• NmPUll room, 3-cv ..,.._. Acroe9 th• 1u..t fnm tM '-'• bt.uttt.Uy luid-.J>f'd at SU.&00. •

BAY FRONT, PENINSULA PC)M Pitt l t104lt, 52' tl'ont.&ft, paao~ .WW. f .. Wrma., e '-tJl9. ~ dd ,,.._ ...... • $7~.000 , RubmJt

CHANNEL FRONT HOME Ont of our bf'tlf't buv11. Name your own term.a . Thi.a ont .. open to offrra. The owner la uking $12,000. Thia onf' hu lo go Pleue make \l.I an

17Yd O"lole 3·MM

With it.II own entry courtyard, cruUng &n en­tJrely dilfeN>nl oonoept In l&ndecape plannin1, thl.a 3-bedroom . 3 bat..b Pt.cl/lea bu probably the moet 1paclou1, unuirua.1 and attr.ctlve tamil7 room you've ever Mf'n Paneled In unured birch. with cathfldral celllnp, and a ra1-d hearth f1repl&ee ot impon.ed M•a.ic.a.n stoo.e. It a euy to Imagine lhP lntlmatf' enjoyablf' t1mel you'll havf' her@ nu• tntiN 2~ aqiare foot hom•, built on a 9S-ft comer hom•1t., la ct.­•irned for- l1vln1 at It. ~at

$35.~. '5 .3~ down COAST PROPERTIES CO. • oa,. OM rb.l.mMr, 1-Mrm. J~ --

'-· ,..Uo • rum .-n.. Rutll •TTWUt nar-.

offf'T. MU~T R!IJ e~~s


T IA.LEBMEN ntVlC l'l' YOt~ US'n~G!ll JJ' YOt ' WANT Jll:8 uL TS

JACK MULLAN, Realtor '~ - t2nd It., Newport Beach OR 3-94.20


A11 " · 4 Cott11•r Lot n••t O~ 8<-hool Univ S• YlO

N•t th• <"ountry l;lllh ,. 3 bdnn . 2 tiaU. M m" b •Ill iun ind ,. J'Allo. Hd"'d . n nuH F"orN'•I A ir H"' t F'\M'plar r Jta t -11\af flpll r • 1n K1trh~n r\"PrYtl\lnir; fM R• a l l.J v1n11 T'rt r ... l u n In $ 20 000 v.1th

0000 P'1run..in1t

BALBOA ,._ t#\ to e.r • _.,, With

fW'nTI&n.nt 1'1•• of bay. Le• 2 Btlrm , balh and ht.If , Sun· 1Wll, W / W r-al'plta ~. 1· bdrl'll . Plt.Uo and tlble prap C.'oml'r l!'><'S•lon, 1111 IMlO r P.

NEWPORT ISLAND ntiplu wt•ti vltw. arrou 1t,,..l h'om r&i1c and rhann11l. Le•. I-bdrm. i.- family m • . &f\d WlldlNll . Lowf'r l&rlfl' I h9droorn . t111lln Utd irans-e l\t>th h&Vf' l(al°twlre dlapom.18 U1 -,on Y P

WW DO IQCOft Al'f 0 '11

Homer Sh•f•r, Rltr. toe Mrra<i~ OR l · l'flO day or

lUft!Mr aluluple lbtJr16

A GOOD DEAL 01'11' )'Mr 11\•I I r1fllt1', t ·bdl"TTla ... I'll ""•' l'f..-,wtrt Ill•~ rneta M"u 1211 !IM r.<>od Tenn~

J . ~rm hnm:"°< 1,_ t n ahor• and •lo~ <A11.h rul 1nrnm~ pou thlllll... iiw FANNIE: PRICE, Rltr. h .. 11 .,. I• 1n f'Ul'Jlf' nl 1 onrtlltnti aM ,_.t JOI II 1'1'Wf'Or1 81'"d \t r•ar ot lot - wtilrh I• 71\ • 13!\ , rnal.a ).foe. t.l ll ·:\209 7Tc79

!lnll I"••• plent \' nt rn<im f nr "'''' mron J

urut• Total pnr f' la Sn !\11(1 an" •lnwn MnMr: nn 11\\h It .. nn lllllle Udn

P"' rrol'nl I• rlulbll' to q11allflNI b>\1y"r •hinl"Jllnl r~tf'r nfll)' t lf 000

BABSON ~EAL TY & Investment Co. 2Ai8 II: Cout Highway, C D.M

ORIOLE 3-J7i0 Acrou from th11 gecurity Rank


;( t><lrm• on P'\1 li.rum St , ~ ta Mr.,.,, ,, 000 ""wn r.10.,. t o .. , .. al>d bullM•

N.B.C. RLTY. CO. :un" .. Nl'WJ'Ort RI•"

0 pf"'llll" l:'lt ) Kall OR I onei> N•v.p<>rt ~ell

New• · Pr-. C1•M n-• and

12 unit. on Cne!'t Hlghwa v pt•n.ir. ........,. or U.. H.a.rMr a .rH th,... t:ltn• • .,..It

a.II rum1Rh.,.l and 11howmg good inromf. Low t'&.1th rlown or trade for - You ~it '

ARMO . . . Realtors 3()8-4 E Cnut HlJhW"Y• Corona d11l Mar. OR ~-71W\

It Pays to Advertise in The Preas

Call ORiole 3-4330 for Advertisements


0• or•tnr. llnma with II M

• II• P:v•l")'tt'tlnr ll?lt.rfl '"· rlurllnl .. ,.,.. r·~ dl'IM r1.r " '1Qtl llubtlll l true It r u h



1'bl.t 3-bedtOOn'I, t bath Colonlal la f•turtd by a l&rp oovtr.d t,.rrace Yiith 1Udinf ,..... ....U... It'• on~ of tholf' unusual hom.. mutmlllly planned to get lhf' ma.xtmum advant.a.re out of every one ot 11.J! 1187 1qua.r. rt of tncloeed livina aru. It'" bullt on t.n 8'-ft. ootn'r borne­•ite ideally du~f'd tor a pool.

$30,7!'>0 $.C ,&12 down


AUSTIN STURTEVANT CO. 1100 We.tchff Oti\'e Liberty 8-8181

i,.. mile oort.h ot Enln.n~ t.o Bay1horea




and BIGGER .. , $2 ,96'4,'470- 1952

BIGGEST . . . S13,419,227 -1967


THE GREATEST - OUR GOAL! . $16,000,000 - 1958

(Total MLS Sales)

1 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors I M11lt1plfll I !•tin~ P.iforv1t'f'

401 N Nrv.:port Blvd , N•wport BHrh

HUGO tllr1\l.aMtll 301 !:. 8&Jboe 811'C., IWbo&-Oll ...... 10 8s• Ll MlJ6

Ruth P1rdoll, Rl+r. ~tat ~, ,,.__

H•J'b V&AdM'bUl'I, JICidre WiC'k 601 Park A" . an... laJ..and

(1 blaat ·r,_ Ult '-ty) OR J-t>OO da)' o r lllltt

lUlALL T maa •·~"" , l ' k lh hcma' o..,. • ,..,.,.la, .....,.,.... dtlpoial. ODnwr lot lalldMlap9d. ~&al IWW ...,. ,.., ... i.r. OoM ~, oa.11 &IUr t p 11'1. Oil s-aTl1. TTdl

BT OW'JRJ\ LO'l'-41 ·ft. • th• ft. - A-l ,.,..., o.r..r .. ,.. .. ... ~ . ..... An.a ll«flit.., U TM Olla I • .....


Home I lnoome . One (>( Uwt i.e. "°""' IN:•. Uoru In ronma dtl Mn .... Ja.ttt ....... u.n. ...... u ...... .......... 11 . .. ...

South of Hlahwav ... lrtll'l.tJ ~ It "'•" ot .,..,. plbt fUHt ,.ume apt. " tt.ttt Ot11y ,~, noo

Scienti1t - Oocton Ar1i1h

a.tilut1ol\ "1· va.cy penr 'n""t l'fMUU'llC•

Ue>n - I bdnna .I b&tllnna •ll'IJ .. matnt~-.,.1 YWW

Oceen View OPEX UT 6 I UN

I • " • 1»11 Lot IO II 100 m a.rra nr C'.'MOna H16'1· la.Ack, •U ICU

o h lathrop Mas a 0.... ftWY OA J •S!JO

EYH , OA M•M, O ft ~ ~Ht

OCEAN VIEW c-om.r i.t-•ll•n #IOI,.~ -"It ~-. l"utUN a,,....na• U- "'9f'kl1 e""1.nl I ._., rOOl'NI I ktlla , t lftO. .id OwNtr l"Mdy to .....

'M\Y UIOO tl(1\l.'S


14H VI& ()prtnl"I O" l ••MO

OCEAN FRONT HOME 1 lalboe Locetion

$17,500 Good T trms lmape a.a oe.a fnat '-e wtUI 2 ~ ud ........ ~ 1~ ---4 ....... aDd ,.,.., tor '11.eGO. •

Ka"' to ......... - ....... AC1r qtJ'JOK f

BALBOA REAL ESTATE CO. 700 E. Balboe BJ.d muoa. MlfO ,..,

A TIN: INDUSTRY & INVESTORS Han you wen N.....,.artt ._. •• ,..._ ta 0 t l&1 rark - Pmduct \no P1a.cs !

Tbnie 10,000 Sq n tot. wtt.b all lmpfovwwwt.a levm lncludtnr ltftft upt.t 1114 dd.waib) ID lad pdl. ,..p1MNt tnd)' • "teee ID a...._.. opportull1. Wttlt ~ amoat of ._,., N,... port Beach bld'81t.Nl """"""' _...,, .... ltfld , we fttl lhttw na. Iota 1-.p,...,l tM Hatbor Al'N'• flnHt '"1ty la~t.

PJUCll : t'860 l64la

Dll'tct.Jou : Al Hoa1 H~, 10 MrUI an Pla.°"ntl& P..odu.udl PlMe MU bl on your ~ Tract UI two blocb wt« ot th• ,wit a.w Htn­pot plant.

W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2111 W. B&IM Blyd,. Newport ~h

PH : OR ~O. ~ t.J .. ldO. et OR a.-0e03

BALBOA ISLAND . OORGllOUfl BAY Flt01'T HOJim • A.PA.&T­MENT I Ultra m.odttn - fabcaloaa Tttw - lo.~ ly patio. <"omp'J funs - Ice . .t.orwoom, wa.U11r­drytr. A C:OOO Bl!Y at i87.!SOO 11/ L No, 802.


V AI.t; E CON~OUS ! \tett'• a.o ->pportunity to oomblm honv &ad lAccme. lalrnac.lav 2-bdrm. Rane 11 type home, d1netq lttOll troe • • A. 1011 CO\lf'M PLUI 2 ch.ob 2-bdna. l&Aita on rt"&r of rtra Ir le>t.. SEE IT TODAY! 134.800 ( "Ith t.-rm• M1L 721

NELDA GIBSON, Realtor a<>e Martn. A ve., B&lboa LalaAd OR M6IO


a Narst - ... ......._, ~I Jot, 1p. bWti nn., I ftliefl., ....... Clll11Dp. walled patio, l'OCJIB

• tor ...... apt: - aD um '°" '18.GeO.

IACK IAY Tw 0 1ldra • de - ,2 batha. tM ..,... ot carp-..... dftpel IDcl. OaJJ 128.800 - 70Cl .ubmit don. -


PHONll n>ft A.PPOlNTMl!:NT.

'ART ADAIR, Realtor •

lee8 NeW'pOTt lWd (bit.a .. _

LI 1-3792

UDO ISLE ~ - ~ and SUp. 6-Bodl"OOINI, t Bath.a. ft1aN1IBJI[) lmroaculate 'ftnaout ... $125,000

.. W Jot wtth .. Bedroom, I bath., pl\UI lltud7. AD l'OCllU lup, w/ w C.arpet.tq tJ!d DrapeL An -llert .... -· - ---· - -At M2.&00 ~ I Bath. with M1>9Ate dlnlAI roam. 'ftil inam ldtehen .lndude9 .to.. and R. fl1lw'ator - --···- -- ---· __ JM,000 ......... I S.Uia. ~ ud Onpe9 _ __.$M, 7ee>

........._. l Bath. Bir PaUo - '27.000

Loea ,...., from Sll,000 to "6.000

CLIFF HAVEN .. t.Wa nabUq beaut.1 al 230 Kinp Place. Bu ).Wl'oama Plul tamJly room. 2~ Bat.ha. ....... t. tDdDdil ~ &Dd drapte.

NEWPORT IEACH .,.,... - U. Welt a.lbo& BIW. 2-Bdnna.

•DI Bau. ...- pnp. Bpue Bdrm. a.DIS Bath a p I 11 f ftiGI' ifl prep. 1-Bd:nna., 1 Bath tn tNllL ~

ftll 11. -- ...., -·-- . ····--- al IU.500

Dlimi tlt&Sty- Realtor •.u .. I.Mt ~" 01\ ....,

t2 I ,750.




•YI to AdvertiM in The Prns Riole M3JO for Advwtisements


• . ......... •Did .....

t UDO BAYFRONT E"'7 pollftlle 111amr7 tatve 1a um ._,..._ bame. -l:lkltroU. AJA. .....-: ..., ... _... &a tram ...... t.oat llip to fNAt llltnDcia. 0-­pletelJ fUNllbe4 wftll ran ,-... ..S t.-. ir.riftc cl09tta, eapboarda &Dd ballt.-Ja ~ nu. boa. .. Jllce ....... to •tidy tM ... ,,..,, ....... ~. 112\000, .......... ,.. .... aDd •t. (Vacaat' bayflaat lat~ aftll. able ti dceltt4.)


Bay front lot, bQJkbeadtd, pier prt.tJec-. Belt

llOUth bay locatJon.

' 'BAY LIDO.•• a new otftce baDdlQa Ill aow under' constnlctioD at u.. bay frabt wMn u. Udo Shopptnc c.ter beslba. Toa wbo lib a ftne ot:ftce .w be lnt..ted In the d.taill ot th1a ultra modem, air condttJoned, three .tG1"7 stnaeture of ,ta. and a.el, which bu ~ thins from mural ftlla to prhate baleoa•, practically hanfinc Oft!' the water.

i'or tbeee 1.nd other acellent exclusln u.tlnp come to Headqu.uten

p. a. palmer incorporated ole h•n1on co. mene9ement


3317 Via Udo

BIB No ~r Hom"

At Ruch a Low Priu Onl)" l YH Old S.bdnna 1 b&t~ H•rdwo<M1 noon F ol"<'· I'd air heat Oblr IM"*'•• · Very aJ0t ~rhood. no. to ..:.llool. ~burch ~ a.bop. pi ns . S l 2 .l\00 t UOO dvw•

SPRING 18 HERE o~ u i.n.s.r Mw

l• YM. mae.tWol l:UWde Jo. MlUOtl Mar 1rvl11e An l ·' bdnNI. 1« ' plue c»n 1. N•w · 11 dKoret.d. new' rarpet Lot eo • UIO. Double 1&111.I•· J"&v . ed &JJ.y. Nl~ty 1AndKaP94 lprtnldlrn. ll l toO 9Ubmlt your dowl'I..

Rtduced for Quick S&lfl Eutalde Corner

~0'•1110' oorrwr - home a n'1 r.ntal ua4t wtlb lov•l)' pallu. A..i.o ""ort&ahop and u a blo' buUd&ap plu.a douttW. l'&ral(i' '

U you .,,.r -nt 10 b11Jld

u-.·. pleDl)' ot lrou.nd ' "' _.. untla • hom .. t .AblM>-tute!7 Ule IMMt O.I •• llnuw ., ti\ t.111• ..,._, O\lt ot town

-- uklq •n .eoo tu tty tu rnllltwd

2100 SQ. rr I II I\. Uld l&rf• m mp11• .._., I '*°'' ni .... y n old :ite.U.Ol -. "1- Owner -sou. tM.&00

lCMIO SQ. J"T BEAUTY Ju.t attt lrvl IM An. t lo. to ..,,.ryth1~. I lar1r9 bdrma . 2 !only bial ba. II.a r<1wood noon , pretty e&rll"\. r uatorn­ma"- drapM throu• twut. Bul lt In ~- nreplat't'. <1<111blf' I(& ·

111&•· conr.d pali<• t en.-.d. .__.,.., 2 yn.. o ld. t.D.DOO - 8 ubr'r\lt down

VIEW LOT 'ft' i.c a. ltl.np Rd. - priced Lo .. u.

lay I Beach Rlty., Inc. JUU..LTOR.S

1• :N~rt atYd.. Cost& llf•• Day - ~l PbaM L1 ~' 191

Bills Best Buys $300 ~OWN

The~·· no bttter way to own a lp&clou. thrtt bfdroom with family room, 1 '~ bath home. Over U500 aq. n.. ot livinr area. Built-in O'Keefe and Merrit ~ kitchen, !orced-aJr heat &Dd tttt­plAce. Lrl ua 1how you that you too can own th.la home.

$495 DOWN ONE HALF BLOCK OFF HARBOR BLVD. ThrH bedr?Om, 1114 bath with 1bake root. fore· fid &ir he&t and built-in O' Keete 1.nd Merrit oven It ranp. Attached or df'tached doubllo Prt.18· Prioed to M'll at $13,600.

$695 DOWN THREE-BEDROOM. lli BATH HOME UN· DER OONC)TRUCTION ~rve youn now and ch009e your OWll colon . Top Eutaide Coe­ta Me-aa loution . clvee lo Catholic Church and School. Makf' thll a muat on your liat FULL PRICE ONLY $13,600

$750 DOWN FOUR·BEDROO\f t 1.4 BATHS. Approximately 1600 IQU&Te feet ot liVllll a~. Large tlreplacl', torcf'd-alr hf'&t Double Pra&'t! and txtra wide lot ~nt-ral Elf'Ctric bu.ilt·in kitchen, dllpoul and tan. FULL PRICE ONLY SHS,400

$2000 DOWN OORNER rNFLUF.NCE, 90' x 100' LOT. C1oee to Montf' VU.ta Elementary 1ehool ln Cocta Mf'U 1 UpPf'r Bay Thl"ff bedroom• comu rtnopl&ct , complf'tely ~paintfid ln and out, with lar1e detached doublf' ranee. A ~utitul buy. and prtct'd right a t Sl~.MO

W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor MA TT LA.BORDE - M~r

"you'U like our frVndly .,.rvt~" (Aero. trom Tbrlt'ly Dnir Sto~ )

220 E. 17th St. Co.ta MHa L~rtv~l 139 Enninp call LI 8-7007 - Ll 8-7021 - Ll ~56M

ACRES & ACRES ucs UY 1 acN NtAl4' .,., Of 1Ut roundint vi"' Corona dPI Mar ""-· a.uUf'UI 1.-t.dronm • Ranch modf' nl 3-bdrm and rlPn pJua ramiJy 4* .._ ,.. ll"11\C ,...,.,.,, room , on a l&rre lot gun d tock. pa t io, pri·

ORiole 3-7300

"C'' THOM.Al " C .. Tl'IOMA8

BAYSHORES TOP VALUI:! Ql&nn.lna' Cllpe

Cod. 3 bdrm., is-. U•. room nr-.pl~. tldwd noona. ONLY UO.!IOO.

rDl:A.L &&A.CK HOUlll tor l.&IT• tiunlly II bedroon'll. lc'e· It•. mom. w1,t.h nreplace. bu lype k it chen, encl. patio w1tb bar­beque "1J'lNlaHED - ABK.. fNO '24.000


0<-cupled ol\ly • mont..l\a S bed­roorna p lua 119- rumpu.a roo.i . J tUect bat.ha. .,,, to .... ~t . ronvenlenl kl~_,, pottb lluy t erm•. .ASJC.INO P!UCI: $311.9~

"Our Reputation, Our Succen"



,,. W . Coaat Hiway U a.asn N rwport S..cll '

.. (" ' TKOMA8 , ''r.'' THOM.A.a


batha 2 bedrooTNI up 1 ~ down Two etory, lovely homt> ISll.000 t.rme

A RAY P'RONT APTll WIOI I nioortnp rcn 11' outboard ~

I aa.l lboat. • C'IPJ ~ . • batha ,. p 111~ 000 -r.rTN

NEWPORT BEACH Pl.ER 6 rt.OAT- Oupla 1 tied ·

ml'lm• In .. ,.h unit.. nt llOO

LIVI: ON the ocmAH FftONT Nlnl r,_ In • !'nm/o rt&ble D \ ' f"l.P:X U 7 11!'\0. M l\00 dn

RS:I>l'Cl:l> to M .600. T~ Lot I on l ..a J oli&. w10i bnat.h t u ln• vt- <>f lh• Bav nr_,, and l..l(fo t.1 ..

M I .\ l.;R.l:A OE $-4 .600 &n &Cl"e.

2l> down W1lb llU bnntln• Unn

i''· l lk1 ll 1411 Mi '-" · l lUI k . r o.tA M- w1Ul 4 yr. 1)1<1 du· rln n~ &4lO - ~

···~ l"OOnl . ...... C'&tp't. bulll 111 1r:tte.11iui - Poulbl• cul dir \'I.CY and comfort - hup ra~place, wall to Seven l1lend1 Re•lty I me wtt.b 4 klC• on pro~rty. wall ~ lmmedlatt occupancy poa1blf' la,.._... -.i..,.... lhowll TR.ADE for vacant lot NPwport Bnch to & lnvHtment Co. ~ ~ntltwta\ on ly Thrtt Arch Bay. Wf have the ke~. Pncf'd ·.oo-l 2nd 8 1 N~t e..cn

SS'\ 000 J O PCN D AILY" • IUNt>A T I uc:x a.AT~ aad fam· for quick aalf' - only S31 .:";00 - 5 ', loan t oo 1.o :1 oo Oil a...a10

,. ...... •••• r..w.

This w.-.·, Outst1ndin9 V elued RA.l1'1'111n. BAY J'RONT HOKE, ar. N.H. Y'.· CLUB. ~ 5 tat.U. print.t beach, Mar ...... .-.ooo. Pf AOC> down. Otnwr will c.ar­rt balanee.

'-JID.IUll. BOUU:. u . N .H.Y.C., u.oob9tr\lct«l ....,. ol bay. 8wtmmtn1 bMeh aaa. the ttrMt. 8"11 *ch Mm. or yar around. $29.715(). Tenn&.

1-BORll. HOUSE Ala> DEN ON !!A8'l' BAY A VENUE, Balboa. Lee- llrinC room, tlreplace. 1~ bath.I. remodeled 6 ftl'Y attractm. Yoa will !W.111 lib W. ~ $19,7ll0 6 $llOOO clown.


PENINSULA POINT. No. 1 - bu 2-bdnm., Ip. llv. room with f~ place, w/'ff carpetlns in bclnna., custom drap«W It curt.aJzia, cl~ to prl beach It boat ramp. Howie • in beautitul co'ndition. $23,!500 with term&. No. l - bu 2-bdrma., lee· llv. room wlt.h trpl, plu.a Lana! room. Ali the nice featutt1 for year round Uvtn1. $22,7!W>, U.000 down.


Auodat.ea · Ed Let>, Georre Mayer, Glady1 RUUl'll 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa - ORlole ~HO

(Opp. Bt.n.k ot America - Downtown Balboa )

FANTASTIC -SILLY -RIDICULOUS W• have home. r&nginc 1D prtCf' trom

P'ANTASTIC to RIDICULOUS, but the TWO BJrSI' BUYS (Best Buy.._How'd that ~t in then!)

tn Corona del Mar &rt' EXCLUSIVE wmJ US!

1. NE.AT a.a a PIN, CUTE u a BUG : 2 B. R.. tirepl.act, open bum Uv. Rm., all kind1 o! storap, beautitu.1 kitchen, mammoUa prage


2 A REAL DOLL : Pt.ne.lled Uv Rm. with t\repl&ce, F A. beat, view ot Harbor Atta, tropical l&nct.ct.pmg .tr covered patio, 2 B. R. With : G I . LO.AN Arr $&8 A MONTH

Clncludlng tu.ea, interest It tu\.trance )

R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor 3e.22 !:. Cout Hwy., Corona df'l Mar - ORiole 3-61510


3-bdrmi. Md h~ rum.pUI room, 2 bath1, 2 fireplace.. ftf'V new. It'1 a steaJ Princlpab only.

120 FEET OF WATERFRONT Private beach. pier and noat. 3 lar~ bdnn1., plwi rue.t unJt. 3 batba, wall to wall carpet. and drapea. VIEW from every room. Mt.hog pt.nel­tnr throushout On compuabl~ propertJe9 lhill i• underpricf"i a.t $&9,000.

JACK BRENNAN, Realtor Newport Ofttce 1.t thf' Arch~ 3320 W Coe.at Hwy.

LJbierty 8--777!

THREE NEW EXCLUSIVES Ea.at Ba yf root - Home BALBOA ISLA.ND-Printe pier and tloat that

wiU ta.kt" la~ boat, 3 ttr.­place9. water view apt , $75.000 •

BALBOA ISLA.ND-2-bd.rm . 2 bath1 only a years old and Modern. $29.2M.

NEWPORT lS L.A..'JD-2-bdrm .. 2 bat h , walft'· fron t.. Wltb private plf'r and noat. rum.labrd. Small down and bala.nC4 h kf' rent. Full priu. S27 .!500

U7 y-., q.&Ul1 OOMlNC"Uun p;.,.. u 1-IHO cw Oft ~u



BEACH HO~'ES I CHESTER SALISBURY, Realtor ~ ,_ for PQC)I - PRICE T. McCUlSTON. Realtor .tr A.oclatl'tl M Curt Doah Ht.I Will ~m1 th r'r m Tnrrt.nce :ii::.~., ..,.ia..r Mime 3417 !; Cout Hi&hway Corona dl'I Mar OR 3-00«! r trl'Ulll8Hlll1 1 Walttt Bliven HPr b F owlpr

Alltl,.,O att ~ Ottlce locatfid nf'itt door t<1 Ct.Hfomla Bank. CdM I I 315 Manne A Vf' • Balboa l 11lan<t

BACK 8.A T I ~ OUT ftAJfDIJ(9 VISW - !&Tit ...,.,... paUo - room '°' pool ._ 11:1.llOO.

I lt.modelett r.pt.lnle<t ="' - ORI I 3

MOTEL - TRAILER PARK_ I ~~;"':~~"'·;:: ~':; 0

~ -3ooo ------* pull, ~y &Ad llM.tfl S 12 IOO

Claire Van Horn ft&U.TOft

m1 W. ODut Mwy. U 1-4277 a.II ..., LI ~ LI 1-12'1

Halfway to San Franca.co. 34 Motel unit.a , 21 Tralltt apal'N . Modern 2 bfodroom ownn'• hornt 5 1., Acrt'9 with a t'c,,.. fro m 4 1lrfft.a 2 9 At'rN vacant tor further eapanalon. Groe1 mcomf" $32.~. Widow t'all ' t operau a.Jone Property cJ~u. May talte u low u 26~ down • carry , balance. Full price Sl!57.~

I t •rm• 1 O• off tnr (' ub t.o I lnan

I 4 8 R

l'Nt1 ~rm ~h h nm• ctoubt. 4 n nk1

LIDO , he th

, t.J pnr1 I)~ rnr1<1lllon t e R S.y1mnl 11 !\ 000 1'nmll • bialll aw. ooo

IRVINE TERRACE I lote be1 -n BaJ"°6 81•d • nit ..-.n f ttlllil _,,.

OOftOlU. DliL )lAJl, "1 owvr. ._......_ 1 ..,.UI ~nv. 2 n .... 1

:" ..... tarpr4il:;~tut1'~r THE CALLISON CO., Realtors Francis J. Horvath Wiiia-. Or t rad. eq ulty fOf Jl&A L TOil

J a R . 6 ct.n I balJI, pt'rq\M't tl4><>" Vano rl-n bUllt · ln li: ltrtwn ror qult"ll .. ~ S:ltl bO<I

... °" Wlk T .. IO , _1goe _ _ H_ar_ bo_ r_._eom __ M_ eaa._ -_ _ ____ Llbe,___rt_y_~_1_1_•2 1 HIO w B&Iboa B!Y<1 . N_.,ort ()R l-4MO, OJ\ l · f11T

&P~~ =~' ACT FAST! TTpTt


4 a ft. . 2 i.: h. di n1"' room •r• u ... ~ POD1T1 • llltcn.n ~ JUoell rrom beWnc a.M llloat rain p

.... 111111- ..... CloM,& ,._ • a1NIMIJ appreoNCI top llP°'• In·

- 11Pt - · Ol7 Hall. '*:or C ...._. lL Ttld&1 11 1111 JM. 180. Mo =-tllJy pa> -'--·---• ~ 1......-m.nt

C'a1l ...- f'\l.rtbft lnf11rma tl<•I" ChartN a ft.tm..-r <1a no

BEST BUY on a 2-bdrm. houw ,,,,th a 1-bdrm unit on BAI~A ISLAND near No Bay Exoolf'nt ll'nn•

DORIS BRAY, Realtor ANI0<'1alf"I fo:d1th Mt.m0n. Oorot h't' l lran

OIUolw S-4SIO 1 -.....i.,.. U'lwrtY • ., TM • H\ Ma.nnr 1•tt• I

&lhn.a l11lani1 OR 3-01">0 OR 3 126<1 77<'79

l'.'ORO H A DEL W.AJ\ "1 --r rum. duplft J ·bd.nn .-.cti d ttw. ,.,..,..., 1&uft4r7 tube t~.-ct )"tU"d. a.. t.o ....,,._ A 84UIC>A BARGAIN ~b • ~Uoe. Es· ~ <t\tp... c-1 .... l ~nl• l ""'lllnl .-t.al ~ llt.000 I tH MW\ 11 OM .,,_,, Tf"l'nu O R l\-4ITT Tltfr

1 IUlllll .-d • A I U P I: ft MAltKK:T ror n'l:ft~lNO l'a ll OR l ·U\O t<> • ll t'OIU.T

... lhllll

R. C. GREER 3-418 Via Lidn

SANTA ANA 'tlar t r tw nf'V \ .... , •.ith a

n.,.. 1nH•s lrn,.nl " ''' 10{,.

1'"", .SI' 7 R H .\1•,.1.-rn f\1m .A pla l v•at ttl'1 A ll ~ Tradf' ur nr doWTi tor C'om I lnrom• o r 11 r .-1r• l'la nt a Ana .,.....

Klnp Road . Bluff Side P•rm11nf'nl ,.,.,.,,. nf R•\ a ntl II• r &n 2 B R l )f'n l'&r P"I •l'ld 'ff'ni .... ,. - '

'29~ J'lnHI 90 lo! l"fmalnlnl on CllN Onn N • w p o r t Hel1ht.1

HARBOR ISL.A.ND Com pi. tety f um.Lahed B " . ~n pl111 mal<1a rt. lo(

lh Af'l>lllnlmf' nl

REAL ESTATE O Rtolt 3 ~300

I f

d11 0 . tho

.... a rl

'"• ,,.,

.\ ~ ,, ,., '"' •• ". I 1 I . •)

"" , ,,

., ,,, I' \• ... \\

.... ti