Family of Eight - City of Newport Beach

SATURDAY, FBRUARY 2:f, r l961 out . . , . ' 1ets - ture AU Split llp Family of Eight .Search for· Home: By THOMAS FORTUNE ... 11911r ....... Mary Kirkbride would like to so JOme to mother and ber eieht brothers and sistm-1. But the family doeao 't have a home. So Mary, 11, la farmed out witb a Costa Mesa family. aeu three to 14, are split up between four families while mother, Mn. Mary KJrkbride, loob for a home she can afford on her meager we)fare income. The divorcee, who bu no idea where Mom Loses Two Legal Skirmishes By JACK BROBACI .............. Mn. AntOma L. ' elf Sall Clemente, once Q '9t w:vtD11I Of the murder of her inf•t IOll, llat two minor ltfal UirmJlbel Fridaf in advance of her second trial. achedaled t. .,_ Miiich ll la Superior Coatt. Judge Robert Ga'dner ruled against dismissal of the murder ch•ge a.od refuaed d e I e b 1 e counael Dudley Gray 's request to show a movie of his client under hypnosis. Attorney Gray told 1be DAILY PILOT Fri4ay, "If the judge will allow the showing of thiJ movie, 47 minutes of my client under bypllosls beia,g eumined by an expert in the fle1d, I tiouldn't be afraid to try the case before a jury of aix police officers and six deputy district aatorneys." Gray saJd the fibn was made under the d1ce«ioo ol Dr. David Johnlton of Los Angeles, a p1ydliatrtst. Judie G1rdne!' ruled against mow- ing the film before the trial and ruled as "out of order" Gray 's request t.o have the tape ol Ult .hypoogil admitted as evidence. Gray made a ttroog plea for the abowiag ol tile color film in adva.DC9 of b trial. "I uttd that this court tab a gfant Mp forward in c<>neent1og to the review of ttle resuiu ol tbia hyp· notic analy3ls," be said. He claimed his cUent had been sub- jected to hypnosis twice previously, once by San Clemente police and once by an order ol the court at the request of the prote<:Ution. " If you view this film, I am sure you will agree that ln the interest of f tlMice this case lbcMAk1 be dLAnW· ed." Gray pleaded. Gardner replied that aB auch evidence aboald be aubject to a ruling of the trial judge . Gray tben went before Presiding Judp Samu.I Drinen who ruled asaiut two a1milm' pleas and remand· (lee ANTONIA, Paie !) her former hl.18blnd ls, -.,. lhe bu been looking for monlbe without success. And it abe doecn't ftnd · a place soon lbe will loee her well.Ire support, because to coDed the childrea moat be living will her. She says &he baa been oven until Mardi 1. Mrs. Kirkbride la receMng per monlh luppcrt DOW. "I couJdn't possibly go OYW '115 per manth rent:• she aald. "I could get by with three bedrooms. Tbe three girls could sleep with me, and the six boY• ill 1he two other bedrooms.'" She sa11 lbe la 'willing to wort. Mrs. Kirkbride, who is M, said she lost her job of five yurs last October when two ol her dlildren were in the hospital with hepMWa. She aaid her only experience is in factory work but llle's willing to try anything. "She has a legitimate problem we haven't been able to solve for ber," County Welfare Direct« O. C. Peoples said. uwe know that h 0 u 8 t n g allowances for famDles are 1eoerally inadequate." The 90Cia1 worker assigned to her caae said tbe department bas beeo trying to find be!' boualng. "Our policy is that perlOlll must do what they can for tbemlelves ." Mn. Dtdlt1dl llllld abe ftl meted 11' -- ........... "*""' l!plrbnent Iii Sant.a Ana because '' the fire deplrtment wu oo the laodl«d's b9ck. '' .. IDIY be .... W at a friend's bOllll .. Sama Ana (MUm). News Editorial Lists lliegal Acts in Strike LQS.ANGEl.ES (AP) - The Herald- Examiner, in a front page editorial Friday, listed dozens of illegal acts, inclading a fatal shooting, which it said have occurred since the news- paper was atruck Dec. 15. The news- paper'• management refuaea t.o be in· timidat.ed. the editorial said. A atetement from slrib headqtiar. ten described the edftorial as '1>lan k d'9Ck fir -rio1ence haDdecl by one publllber to hit army of ll'Dp(JIUd pro(eNimal .tri.kelreKera iDsJde tbe dilputed oewspeper." HA"Y BIRTHDAY?' - The federal 1.ncome tax will be 55 years old Sunday, but moat Americans probably feet they can't afford to "bail oat" of the f AILY I'll.OT ..... Mlllt- .. Lee f'IY• jail and still bave eDf>Ugh money left to finance the birthday party. ' I 1 .. ' , J " .. t ,.. •Y .·, •t .• Anniversary SnDd8y · Few Americans Plan Gala Ce1£bration By PAMELA POWELL Of Ille DaltY f'lll1 Steff The United States Fe1eral Income Tax will be 55 years old tomorrow, but who's celebrating? In fact, there are those Americans who might claim they couldn't afford to finance the birthday party . How did we get to this point? Actually, Americans were taxed as early as 1812 on goods that are today referred to as luxury items. The office o( Commlsstoner of Internal Revenue, however, was not created until 1862. Tbe commissioner was given the power to levy and collect taxes and enforce tax laws through se.izure and prnsecution. Ten years later his duties were cutlined in greater detail and the general pattan of today's taxing rnetbod! was established. The $600 basic exemption figure first appeared curing the Civil War. Increa sed truces on advertisements, m e d i c i n e s . perfumes md cosmetics also appeared about that lime. came the Big One. The 16th Amendment to t h e Constitution became effective on Feb 4 25, 1913. It gave Congress the power: to levy and collect taxes on income from whatever sources derived. On Oct. 3, 1913, Congress enacted the law which tmpost!d a tax on net incomes of both individuals and cur- porations. Since that time persoeal income lu has steadily increa.M!d. By the year 1918 the Internal Rever.ue Service's own income reached the billioo-dollar-per·year mark . in tax have occurred w ith every major crisis s!nce then. Dllring the lD>s the government wael able to follow a program of budgeting and repaying the national debt incurred during World War I but the depression of 1929 ended trus and caused an additional increase in the mid ' 30s . Under the Social Security Act of 1937 the Internal Revenue Service began to administ er the Social Securi- ty taxes and then, with the advent of World War II and the Korean War. sums of money again were needed. Congress in 1952 reorganized the IRS bureau tc. modernize it in keeping with business standards. By 1967, IRS computer opera tions had been expanded lo the point where all Lax returns were processed through the Automatic Data P r o c e s s i n g system. Collecting the tax dollar now costs less than half a cenL It used to be as high as five cents. With these i m p r o v e m e n t s throughout the years taxes have still increased and there is no sign of any letup. The following is a breakdown of how the government dollar was spent In 1966. Cash receipts which came mainly (See TAXES, Pafe %) Literary Queen Fannie Hurst Dead At Age 78 NEW YORK CAP) - Fannie Hurst once remarked ol her first bids for literary fame : "I wrote all day from loneliness, and all evening for the same reason ." Miss Hurst died Friday at !tie age 78 in her apartment home overlook· Ing Central Park. She wrote hundffih ol short stories, 30 boob af1d several plays • all romances.- Born in Hamilton, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1889, Miss Hunt grew up in St. Louit. •Miss Hurst came to New York at age 21, look graduate at Colum· bia University. and wrote. Some literary critics call Mis ... Hurst the " sob o( Amerlcao letters. But u one critic put It: all' }tow people who write beauU!ully & can t tell a worth a damn. Sit ii a rully wondu'ful story tellr." Miu liunt aAlo relaee a good stoa. r numerous visits to And•sen's St1rf'• lJp, So I• K•da9 •• Orange Coat be1Cbes ai;e ataJn getUna a littlt traffic as weather Wtrml up. ita abue ol the crowds is Newport Belch, down by the pier, .... Otlllll Comt OJlllip ......... ' [, l.g· is hoistM hip b1/ IUl(en 1lol> Damon , 19, Oott) a1ao ol OCC. and GNC 18. from Chapman College. I statu• in Central where. sur· rOUJ>ded by ctuidreo. she t.allced to tbem kl the ol youtblul fan- IEN CENtS City Falls After 25 .. Bloody Days ' SAlGON (UPI) - South Vietnamese troops blasted through a gate ol the Imperial Palace today and won the 25-day battle for Hue. Grimy U.S. Marines held bactc and watehed as the government t.forcea stormed the pala<:e against light r. sistance. But the Leathernecks and other allied troops sweeping through the two-mile·square "Forbidden City" surrounding the fougbt a seriea of fierce battles with pockets of Viel Cong and North Vietnamese troops. According to official figures the bat· tle f-or the old city cost 482 allied lives including 119 Americans. ' The Communist forces paid for their 25 days in the palace witb 4,423 lives, the officials said. At .Kbe Sanb, the U.S. Marine Bast in South Vietnam's vital northwestern corner, N9rth Vietnamese gunnera launched their biggest artillery and rocket barrage and followed it with a battalion - sized ground attack at the base perimeter, U.S. spokesmen sald. The Americans struck back with heavy blows from B52 bombers which new seven raids in the jungle hills surrounding the base pra\ficlini cover for a CommunlJl force estil'nated by (See VIETNAM, hp l) S11mmerskill Quit on Own Says Reagan SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Gov. Ron- ald said today be didn't thiJlk his administration was respansoble l>r the resilmation of John Summerskill as president of San Francisco State College. " That bas to be his decision " Rea- gan said. "T don't know of aiiything we've done" to make Summerskill resign. SummersldU. 42. resigned after one year as head of the ur· ban campus Thursday. He charged political interference and inadequate financing was threatening higher edu· cation in California. " I 'm not going to lose any sleep U that's the main reason be made the decision ," Reagan said. "T hope for his sake he finds a cam- pus where there are unlimited funds and no restrictions (on spending) ," the governor said. The boyish·looking SummerskiU, a psychologist. said he planned to re- m aln in education in the San Fran- area . He attacked both Reagan and As· sembly Speaker Jesse M. Unruh. CD· Inglewood ) for their attitudes toward hieh er education. "I don't think Gov. ReaJ?an is par- ti cularly interested in building higher education in California ," Summerskill said. He said be was discouraged after a discussion on education he had with Unruh, the state's m o st powerf\11 Democratic legislator. '' I think the speaker. to use a sh .. dent expression, is uptight about law and order. and I think he is uptiitht about the fact it costs money to edu· cate our sons and daughters." High School Age To Attend College Hfgb tchool students will be to attend college before earning tbe\r high school diplcna in a unique pro- gram this summer at UC " B" averace or better students• have completed their junior ,ear JDl1 lake aummer courses at Rlvers\de and Mr"D cokge credits for 1bem before Atla'IUC to h1&b tdMd tor

Transcript of Family of Eight - City of Newport Beach


out . . , .

'1ets- ture AU Split llp

Family of Eight .Search for · Home:

By THOMAS FORTUNE ... 11911r .......

Mary Kirkbride would like to so JOme to mother and ber eieht brothers and sistm-1.

But the family doeao 't have a home. So Mary, 11, la farmed out witb a Costa Mesa family . ~children, aeu three to 14, are

split up between four families while mother, Mn. Mary KJrkbride, loob for a home she can afford on her meager we)fare income.

The divorcee, who bu no idea where

Mom Loses

Two Legal

Skirmishes By JACK BROBACI ..............

Mn. AntOma L. ' ~ elf Sall Clemente, once Q '9t w:vtD11I Of the murder of her inf•t IOll, llat two minor ltfal UirmJlbel Fridaf in advance of her second trial. achedaled t. .,_ Miiich ll la Superior Coatt.

Judge Robert Ga'dner ruled against dismissal of the murder ch•ge a.od refuaed d e I e b 1 e counael Dudley Gray's request to show a movie of his client under hypnosis.

Attorney Gray told 1be DAILY PILOT Fri4ay, "If the judge will allow the showing of thiJ movie, 47 minutes of my client under bypllosls beia,g eumined by an expert in the fle1d, I tiouldn't be afraid to try the case before a jury of aix police officers and six deputy district aatorneys."

Gray saJd the fibn was made under the d1ce«ioo ol Dr. David Johnlton of Los Angeles, a p1ydliatrtst.

Judie G1rdne!' ruled against mow­ing the film before the trial and ruled as "out of order" Gray's request t.o have the tape ol Ult .hypoogil admitted as evidence.

Gray made a ttroog plea for the abowiag ol tile color film in adva.DC9 of b trial.

"I uttd that this court tab a gfant Mp forward in c<>neent1og to the review of ttle resuiu ol tbia hyp· notic analy3ls," be said.

He claimed his cUent had been sub­jected to hypnosis twice previously, once by San Clemente police and once by an order ol the court at the request of the prote<:Ution.

" If you view this film, I am sure you will agree that ln the interest of f tlMice this case lbcMAk1 be dLAnW· ed." Gray pleaded. J~ Gardner replied that aB auch

evidence aboald be aubject to a ruling of the trial judge.

Gray tben went before Presiding Judp Samu.I Drinen who ruled asaiut two a1milm' pleas and remand·

(lee ANTONIA, Paie !)

her former hl.18blnd ls, -.,. lhe bu been looking for 2~ monlbe without success. And it abe doecn't ftnd · a place soon lbe will loee her well.Ire support, because to coDed the childrea moat be living will her.

She says &he baa been oven until Mardi 1.

Mrs. Kirkbride la receMng ~ per monlh luppcrt DOW.

"I couJdn't possibly go OYW '115 per manth rent:• she aald. "I could get by with three bedrooms. Tbe three girls could sleep with me, and the six boY• ill 1he two other bedrooms.'"

She sa11 lbe la 'willing to wort. Mrs. Kirkbride, who is M, said she

lost her job of five yurs last October when two ol her dlildren were in the hospital with hepMWa. She aaid her only experience is in factory work but llle's willing to try anything.

"She has a legitimate problem we haven't been able to solve for ber," County Welfare Direct« O. C. Peoples said. uwe know that h 0 u 8 t n g allowances for famDles are 1eoerally inadequate."

The 90Cia1 worker assigned to her caae said tbe 'ft~ department bas beeo trying to find be!' boualng.

"Our policy is that perlOlll must do what they can for tbemlelves."

Mn. Dtdlt1dl llllld abe ftl meted 11' -- ........... "*""' l!plrbnent Iii Sant.a Ana because ''the fire deplrtment wu oo the laodl«d's b9ck.'' .. IDIY be ....W at a friend's

bOllll .. Sama Ana (MUm).

News Editorial

Lists lliegal Acts in Strike

LQS. ANGEl.ES (AP) - The Herald­Examiner, in a front page editorial Friday, listed dozens of illegal acts, inclading a fatal shooting, which it said have occurred since the news­paper was atruck Dec. 15. The news­paper'• management refuaea t.o be in· timidat.ed. the editorial said.

A atetement from slrib headqtiar. ten described the edftorial as '1>lan k d'9Ck fir -rio1ence haDdecl by one publllber to hit army of ll'Dp(JIUd pro(eNimal .tri.kelreKera iDsJde tbe dilputed oewspeper."

HA"Y BIRTHDAY?' - The federal 1.ncome tax will be 55 years old Sunday, but moat Americans probably feet they can't afford to "bail oat" of the

f AILY I'll.OT ..... Mlllt- .. Lee f'IY•

jail and still bave eDf>Ugh money left to finance the birthday party. '

I 1 .. ' ~ , J " .. ~ t ,.. • • •Y .·, •t . •

Anniversary SnDd8y · Few Americans Plan Gala Ce1£bration

By PAMELA POWELL Of Ille DaltY f' lll1 Steff

The United States Fe1eral Income Tax will be 55 years old tomorrow, but who's celebrating?

In fact, there are those Americans who might claim they couldn't afford to finance the birthday party.

How did we get to this point? Actually, Americans were taxed as

early as 1812 on goods that are today referred to as luxury items. The office o( Commlsstoner of Internal Revenue, however, was not created until 1862. Tbe commissioner was given the power to levy and collect taxes and enforce tax laws through se.izure and prnsecution.

Ten years later his duties were cutlined in greater detail and the general pattan of today's taxing rnetbod! was established. The $600

basic exemption figure first appeared curing the Civil War. Increased truces on advertisements, m e d i c i n e s . perfumes md cosmetics also appeared about that lime. Th~ came the Big One. The 16th Amendment to t h e

Constitution became effective on Feb4 25, 1913. It gave Congress the power: to levy and collect taxes on income from whatever sources derived.

On Oct. 3, 1913, Congress enacted the law which tmpost!d a tax on net incomes of both individuals and cur­porations. Since that time persoeal income lu has steadily increa.M!d. By the year 1918 the Internal Rever.ue Service's own income reached the billioo-dollar-per·year mark. ~1 in tax have occurred w ith

every major crisis s!nce then. Dllring the lD>s the government wael able

to follow a program of budgeting and repaying the national debt incurred during World War I but the depression of 1929 ended trus and caused an additional increase in the mid '30s.

Under the Social Security Act of 1937 the Internal Revenue Service began to administer the Social Securi­ty taxes and then, with the advent of World War II and the Korean War. sums of money again were needed.

Congress in 1952 reorganized the IRS bureau tc. modernize it in keeping with business standards.

By 1967, IRS computer operations had been expanded lo the point where all Lax returns were processed through the Automatic Data P r o c e s s i n g system. Collecting the tax dollar now costs less than half a cenL It used to be as high as five cents.

With these i m p r o v e m e n t s throughout the years taxes have still increased and there is no sign of any letup. The following is a breakdown of how the government dollar was spent In 1966.

Cash receipts which came mainly

(See TAXES, Pafe %)

Literary Queen

Fannie Hurst

Dead At Age 78 NEW YORK CAP) - Fannie Hurst

once remarked ol her first bids for literary fame : " I wrote all day from loneliness, and all evening for the same reason."

Miss Hurst d ied Friday at !tie age 78 in her apartment home overlook· Ing Central Park. She wrote hundffih ol short stories, 30 boob af1d several plays • all romances.-

Born in Hamilton, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1889, Miss Hunt grew up in St. Louit.

•Miss Hurst came to New York at age 21, look graduate ~rk at Colum· bia University. and wrote.

Some literary critics call Mis ... Hurst the "sob ~" o( Amerlcao letters. But u one critic put It:

"W~ all' }tow people who write beauU!ully & can t tell a ~ry worth a damn. Sit ii a rully wondu'ful story tellr."

Miu liunt aAlo relaee a good stoa. ~ r numerous visits to And•sen's St1rf'• lJp, So I• K•da9 • •

Orange Coat be1Cbes ai;e ataJn getUna a littlt traffic as weather Wtrml up. ~Wng ita abue ol the crowds is Newport Belch, down by the pier, .... Otlllll Comt OJlllip ~~ .........

' [,

l.g· is hoistM hip b1/IUl(en 1lol> Damon, 19, Oott) a1ao ol OCC. and GNC B~ 18. from Chapman College.


statu• in Central • where. sur· rOUJ>ded by ctuidreo. she t.allced to tbem kl the ~ ol youtblul fan-


City Falls After 25


Bloody Days ' SAlGON (UPI) - South Vietnamese troops blasted through a gate ol the Imperial Palace today and won the 25-day battle for Hue.

Grimy U.S. Marines held bactc and watehed as the government t.forcea stormed the pala<:e against light r. sistance. But the Leathernecks and other allied troops sweeping through the two-mile· square "Forbidden City" surrounding the pal~ fougbt a seriea of fierce battles with pockets of Viel Cong and North Vietnamese troops.

According to official figures the bat· tle f-or the old city cost 482 allied lives including 119 Americans. '

The Communist forces paid for their 25 days in the palace witb 4,423 lives, the officials said.

At .Kbe Sanb, the U.S. Marine Bast in South Vietnam's vital northwestern corner, N9rth Vietnamese gunnera launched their biggest artillery and rocket barrage and followed it with a battalion - sized ground attack at the base perimeter, U.S. spokesmen sald.

The Americans struck back with heavy blows from B52 bombers which new seven raids in the jungle hills surrounding the base pra\ficlini cover for a CommunlJl force estil'nated by

(See VIETNAM, hp l)


Quit on Own Says Reagan

SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Gov. Ron­ald Rea~an said today be didn't thiJlk his administration was respansoble l>r the resilmation of John Summerskill as president of San Francisco State College.

" That bas to be his decision " Rea­gan said. " T don't know of aiiything we've done" to make Summerskill resign.

SummersldU. 42. resigned after one year as head of the 18 .~student ur· ban campus Thursday. He charged political interference and inadequate financing was threatening higher edu· cation in California.

" I 'm not going to lose any sleep U that's the main reason be made the decision," Reagan said.

" T hope for his sake he finds a cam­pus where there are unlimited funds and no restrictions (on spending) ," the governor said.

The boyish·looking SummerskiU, a psychologist. said he planned to re­m aln in education in the San Fran­ci~co area.

He attacked both Reagan and As· sembly Speaker Jesse M. Unruh. CD· Inglewood) for their attitudes toward hieher education.

" I don't think Gov. ReaJ?an is par­ticularly interested in building higher education in California," Summerskill said.

He said be was discouraged after a discussion on education he had with Unruh, the state's m o st powerf\11 Democratic legislator.

''I think the speaker. to use a sh .. dent expression, is uptight about law and order. and I think he is uptiitht about the fact it costs money to edu· cate our sons and daughters."

High School Age To Attend College

Hfgb tchool students will be ~ to attend college before earning tbe\r high school diplcna in a unique pro­gram this summer at UC Riverside~

"B" averace or better students• have completed their junior ,ear JDl1 lake aummer courses at Rlvers\de and Mr"D cokge credits for 1bem before Atla'IUC to h1&b tdMd tor


,. FOR GOV. REAGAN - Argentililn ltodentl Bbrdo Gotelli IDd Maria Euaema Alcala (bath ttandiDC) pl'tlleDl A.-nhl,-i Robert E. BadM.m (&.Newport Beach) wltb token ol biend.lbip f« Goot. Rea,ao lrom Gftl. Manuel lrizibar, mayor of BDeDOI Aines.

Argentinian Students Bid

}farewell to Foster Homes By BRUCE BENSON

Of Ille Del" """ .. ..,

Areentin.ian students were preparing to depart from their fo5ter hornei; along the Orange Coast today after a flurry of receptions and a farewell tupper wtth Lbelr American hosts.

Cloee to 30 of the Latin Americans have been traveling acroas the Uruted undet' a student exchange pro­eram Wbote locs1 Uailon i i Mrs. Beverly Cramb. a Sparush teacher at Newport Harbor Hilb SchooL

f're111 P .. e J

ANTONIA ... ed. tM cue &o trial Oft the March 18 date.

Mrs. Thomas, 25-year-old wife of a Marfne Mrfeant, ii charged with pourlnf Jetbal chenUcak down the throat of her 2'Z·~1ay-0ld son in July. 1966. The baby died two weeks later ~t Children. Hotpltal ot Orange Coun­ty .

Mrs. Thomas was arrested ttirel' months after the alle1ed murder. Her lengthy trial last May befort S~rior Judge Bruce W. Sumner resulted in tbe jury finding her guilty. However, one jurc:r wavered when polled by the court on the verdk:L

Juror Joseph Schiasler. a Buena Park School custodian, said " I went along with the majority."

Judge Smnner immediately deJcared a m11trial.

Since then tile cue hu gone to the District Court o( Appeal and the State Supreme Court. The district court qreed with the prosecuticll's content.ioo that Mrs. Thomas had been eoovicted of first decree murder.

The Supreme C.ourt rnened that • dec1sfon but refused the dtfen1e'1 C011·

tt11Uon that to try her again would • J .)lie double jeopardy I pr<lhibited by haw•

• l Mrs. Thomas. a dark-haired. dark· : : •ed native Filipino sat quietly in E: ,._court corridors ho1din~ her 2-year­' t dd rtd·hatred, blue~yed daughter. ; rt'racy. She smiled as lhe talked with • friends.


• 4. • ... : · • From P8f~ J

~:-TAXES ...


The studf.llU met Frid., afternoon with A11embJyman Robert E. Badham (R-Oranice) and Wked over their u­perlence1 and impr'ffliona o l America.

MORE FORMAL "How do you dress in lk:bool 1t

home?" Badbam uted 1t 1 reception held at Newport Harbor Hiatt School.

The Argentblianl were 1 e a t • d around room, dreued in .similar fashion• their American f:riellda.

" IJ\ Buenos Air• our ~s are much more formal," said one.

They explained that costs and tips uniform dress and short hair ane th~ style for school attendance in Airgen· tina ...

"We like the way you dress In the Stat.a," uid one 1tudtnt. ""It's more oomlortabJe." I

LIKE BAY CITY Most of the group appeared to agJ1ee

that they've been most impressed with the city or San Franct.sco.

Badham said he was in hearty agreement.

Another said he noticed there are few buses in the Harbor Area.

" Ye11. our NJ>id transit system l:s practic31Jy non.existent," Badham said.

ALLS~ Alter respoadinf to bh queatlons

about what -they thouiJlt of. tile U.S .. one student asked the assemblyman : "And whM do you think of Argen· tinians?"

" Well, from what little I know, I like ~ very much," be smiled back.

Badham praised the exchange pro­~am aid noted that "this kind of inter-change does a Jot more for pro· m<Jt.inlC undentandin1 than do moct impenonal programs."

One of tbe Artentlnlan chaperone~ concurred. Sbe .said the IWdeat& have most enjoyed the.It cba.Dce' tit live briefly with Amerloan familitt during their stay here .

Mrs. Aldrich's Motn Succumbs

Mrs. Btryl Brown Hamilton, mother o( Mn. Dul Aldrictl, died Friday at Hoag Memorial Hospital. She was 75.

Mrs. H&mil&orl J\ad been viii ting her daughter, Jean, and son-in-law. who i9 UCl chancellor. •t their 1392 GaJaxJ Drive bom~ la Newport Beach for dle past 10 days.

A relklent of Tue.too. lhe ia turvlved by UOCber' ••t•, S u i a 1t " e VoorMel : 1 aoe. Gardolt B. HamUtoft, Mtd I brceer, KenMUI Brow., all of Tucson.

Senica will be held al tht Arllona Mot11&arY ill Tuclo9, Pllet!ac va.w M• arial Pan. Oor9a cW M•, 11

tbe '°' ·-- l90rtUlrJ.

New Stamp Paya Honor to Dimey

A <Mlllllltl'ftOriltf•e et-. tloe«~ Wett DflM7 ..,., " en WI at DbneJlud Ila s.,...... ~ Wat .... no.cM b1 01 .. 11•m Jtlcltard T. R-. co.a........-~). Rw, -. ~ UM ltllsta·

tiOft ~ CM ~. NM tt .. h,.... ...... ,.,.. 11, lte8 ill Mlnellilt, .... .... m..,.,.. NI ,..., lh .. "'4 Ila hoped ............ bt ...... A.lllllMlm - e...-ca.,.

OAKLAND (UPn - Dr . .... Ital· ferty, hedgehopping around UM state In hJs campaign tor .tilt U.S. Snate. 1aJd Friday he hoped "every lingle member" of the !ohn Birch Society would vote for him i.D June.

Rafferty, stat. tuperintendent or public ins1ructioa. .WIJ. alUd iD a newa conference It tile Otldaod • · port - onlf an boar lifter • IDeltiac with Gov . .l\ot!J]d AeMtn-.. If be liliad membtn of the JBS fa bM eamp.icn leadership.

"( wouldn't even know," lie ~eplied . "People from all walks of ilie are help­lni .me." Rafferty said 21,000 persons sent hJm campaign money even before he announced his candidacy at a Hol· Jywood Palladium I a 1 I TbUflday nlebl

But Rafferty II.Id be all'MCl with

~·· poa~ 00 Iba ... ~ ty durtnc the ttee election ~ that if-fuernbers of tbe aoclety "come to my party, they buy my pblloaopny. I don't buy theirs."

" I would bope every single member of the Jobn Birch Soc»~ woUI vote for me a1 u indJvidual.,. be uW..

The ed11eator, 1tart1111 llll-P1111-san political campaip, Mid.M ~ individual votes, not blots>of ...tea.

'· 1 am not seeking nor would I ac· cept the endorsement of any quaai-of· ficial group of this sort," be aaid. This apparently did not rule out, however, his endorsement by the volunteer Cali· rornia Republican As1embly or the United Republicans of C&lifornia, tbe Jtatl'1 two m a j o r GOP volunteer sroupc.

Secret T estinwny Slawd

In 'Tonkin' Controversy WASHING TON (UP!) - Mew !afar·

matloa ,,.. to be made public lat. toc1a1 bnrlnr on tbe Seaate roretsn Re1'!1om Committee'• bated dllpute wtth the Penta1e>a °"" tbt llM Gulf of Tonkin lncldellt that toacW off the U.S. m11Jtary buDdup tn Vllbmn.

The new material II Defeue Secre­tary Robert S. McNmura11 teeret teltimony on the lnddnt bl• private mHttnJ with commJtt.e tldl week. testimony certain COlllD'lltt.t member• bellne cut. doubt oa bow well in­formed or fortllrlpt UM ro•• m11ent wu when It ftnt dlacUNed tbe Incl· dent wttb eoa,,.... tn 1114.

The tnttlal report to Coasr-. per· IOUlly dellnnd bf McNamara, aald the U.S. Dnbo,•1 Mlddox wt Turn· er Joy were att.cted by North Vletna· meae patrol boatt bl U.. Gulf of Ton· kin on Aue. 2 and 4, 1114.

The U.S. w.11 were on routine patrol and the au.ct wu unprovoked. the roi•• nmeat aald. North Vletn• meee nnal .._ wn 1ublequentl1 attacked by U.S. p1anel In retaliation. and the Tonkin tnddtnt uJtimate1y led to the Congressional resolution of sup­port which President Johuo11 med as authority to begin the bomblng cam­paign a~ainst ~ortb VJetNm and the troop buildup in South Vietnam.

ComnmtM Chairman J. William Fulbrl~ (D-Ark. ), says be hat 1eo. ret MlformMioe ~ ......... doubt on the part ft U.S. afficiala whether the destroyers were ..-tually attacked the secood time - Aug. 4 - following U.S. proteru to Nor th Vi6tnam over att.d1 cie Aua. 2.

Sen. Wayne Morse, m · Ore.) a CM\IJ\tttee member, believe., the des· b'oyera were attacked the HCOnd time, but oootrary to McNa· m•a'1 te5timoay this week, they wtrP. spy ships assigned to P£OVoke an enemy respoose.

Another member, Seri. Eugene .J. McCarthy, (0-Ml.nn.), charged Fri­day that Johnton wu concealinc tfte !acts far political reasons.

McCarthy, a peace candldatt for ttle Democratic Preatdentiat Nominatfon, ~aid In Berl.ID, N.H., be ill?"~ with

Sloop Inferno Runs Aground Nt~r Bahama ~

v.dT ENI>, BabamM (AP) - The t\oop Inf«no ran bard acround on roe.ta Jn the entruce of West End H~ Friday nilbt lit«' •traytnc off coudle Oft ibe lMt lei ol 1.11 oceaa race ht started iD Mlaml.

P'lrat ~ indicated the lnlerno, ~ by J . P. McH\llh ol Cluca­IO, rtcelnd heavy dim.ace f r o • MU thM At times caTied elliJt·foet w....a.

Tbt U.S . .C...l Gu.d at Miami said OM of ltl ctrtten, the Cape Sboalwat.. .. fram Port ~ .. WM •land· tac )J .. Mlilt tbl lnkrno'a crew. TM COMl o.ant aMd Jt bed ~ctlvtt • r.,..u al iQJuriea to tlhe crew.

Mdhltt nonnaltJ carries a crew af .._ to 10 ,.._ he competes .. rw 111• ared ~ the eoutbtio oce• ,..... ellf•••· •• 1 a ts ti. pill .. •loop o1t tie

roeb .......... bJ IQh WIV9f ... ...., ...... hel oil apOIM from the Infe,_

covtnd a t..,. _... ol the water 11 .. .... .... tlRIC oeell«I tile ... el .. not.

,,. ....... *** h lhoell .. It lalt•ad ...... w. •e 8ay Bea. ..... ,..... 1'i fht tMet tit camJ)&ete the racoe

,,.. ...... a ,,... Jn\._,,. .. b)' Ted T"Mr' cf Ali.ta.

EICM7·._., boats ~ the te»­mllt woyaie t.o tbW Graad Bahama island reaort. wt~ m\811 cralt warn· me.a flJIDa IDd 'triDdl qt 40 ~ for• cat for .... fl h\are.t Mnt"8 Mlmnt ... Welt FA!d.

Morse that ttie de•froJ•• ,.... 1Up­porti111 a South Vietnam .. naval than bombardment alliftlt h Com­munists and ttMnlure prCMlbcl the

"Thi• particul• dat«tioe. » partic­ularly aignificlDt,.. Mceanby Hid. " Still tn<1re lmpcrlant. however, Is the fact that it i1 cnty pert af a pat.. tem of mil"jud&IDMit and ai11tau~ men.t and diltortion wbrcb la contln· ually oonoealiDc the true f acta al>ou t die w• from Cbe American peoplie .••

The Pentacon Ill ftnt Ntlttad Jll'C>­poeall to mab McNamara'• new tMt· imolly public. but later cleared Ule trmtaipt foe il1uanee by the com· .

Fro• P.,e l

VIETNAM .•• U.S. Inflellig~ at more than 18,000.

The spokesmen said the eigtlt-eogine bod>ers droA>ed bundttd1 ot tans ol bombs on a road link Uled for North Vletnameae artillery <.'<lllvoya.

In other air action, U.S. fi~IM· bombers &w 60 miasiON against the ci/.1 ot vtbb. a main headquarters for ~ Viet.o.amese U'oopi jult nortt of tti. Demilitarized 1AM (~Z).

Aootber maj~ action y wa,, a rocket and mortar attack a hospi· ta I and barrac0 buildings in the tiant Tan Son Nhut airbase complex nt'ar Saigon.

Four Americans in the barrack5 were killed by direct hiU and 11 per. sons, 11\0tltly Viletnlmeae civi!Ufls. died in IN>ther area M"OUOd t.M baie in an attack on an olfioera qu•ter1.

Nooe ol tbe paliellts at the hospital WU injured but lD&n)' aczwnbled uOO· er thel:r bed$ when aheUs explod«t on two sidea ol the buUcUoc and smaahed windows.

The city of Hue wu ii\ ruin today llt.el' h bk>odiett Md aecood ~st baWe of the Vietnam ••. ~ly at Dat To 111t year, where U.S. and SouU, ~e b'OOPI foutftt for 26 daya, dld ti~ race ~..- hln in Hue.

Huge rats scurried in and out ol ~ piles in h city's tree·lmed 11reet1. Dea&ftwase~. Today's fi8bt foe tt'I palace began

with a fwious U.S. artiUery baITage covered an attack by elements of the &ulb VitCDlmue lat DM1ilot1.

The IOYWft'Dlllt troop1 CllJl>ed tM tuV ....Wt bf tea&mc a lfMoot ..,., t.o pull ..... tbe Nd and blue Viet Cone ...... tbat ..... taunted \1.S. 1IWUiDel f« man than ltlr" .....

UPI COCT ...... PtrrJ YOllQI ,._ pwW tlaM 4(--lncb lbliDI mllde I "'8 af tlMI eoadM.wk:e wall ot tt>e 1mperW ~ ........... ...,tor .. Sou• "'*••• ........

TM VliftiwMM 0-• Ltlr rtpart. .. .... ~w-..-. -- 111 ............ V)et c.. aDd ... 1.U- - .......... ot South v..... coWd ..., .. Mir .. .., to thit

•· Bill to Repeal Tax on Truck.en


Death Scene SalJU Ana Polb Officer Clay Cotton crouches ovw bole in ground leadirc to atJeodoned ci8tern where 2-year-01d Maurine Ktliy drown­ed Friday. Little pl's body WM found by officer, tubln«fed in four feet oi waw aL the borne of Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly, 403 S. New­hQpe St. Smlil buildinf in b9ckground is playhouse.

Sgt. Says Rifles Refused

Men Under Cong Attack WASHINGTON (UPI) - An Air

Force nrreant was quoted Friday u sayinf ruilltary otficerl mused to issue weapons to hl..s outfit even alter they were under attack at the start of the Viet Cone offensive ifl South Vie~.

''They ,....e bot aod heavy all over town all day." !be Mr leant wrote Rep. Thomas S. Kleppe <R· N.D.) " Yet ti'8)' woukl not iuue weapons to any of w.

' 'The guys ln tOWI\ were defense· less. Because of aome stupid. idiot tblnkine ltlat Nha Trang wu a .ecure area, no~ other 91-aDaitpalliee have

3 Youths Held In Shooting Of LOS Bishop " SANTA BARBARA (AP) - ~ Santa Bar~ara youths were in custody today after the ahootiat death ot a bishop of ttle Cburdl ol Jesus Ch"ist of Litter-day SalnU.

Kari N. Hawa, 57, wa1 found dead by bit wt.M. Wuda, • tM dri"'"ay ol hit nearby ~ heme Friday mominf. He Md ~ 1bot ill ttle chest. •

A tip from a woman tent police to a horM e .. mn.. ..,.,, .twre hy said Robert K\WM, JD, and Reibert Wlllbtta, lt, refmed to aurrender. An hcw-loee SM,. ...ated.

At ooe point a womal'l who ldenti· lied herself as the mother of Kuhns pleaded with the boys to come out.

"Bobby:• llbl yelled °"" a poUce bullhom, " COIM out with your hands up."

Pollee .tYllDC*t behind met at llbictd1 end Wlbed Mar IN 1.-nades U* the ltvtnc room of the home. Kubal mid Wllldte wer. taken into cuMocb' ud booked cm IUlp~ ot borntckle led bur1lM1. A few hour~ \Mer LlrTJ Qurman, lt, ... booked oe the laJM cba'p1.

PoU.. Mid the Haws bcmt bad been rllllMChd ud a blue JftU'1 bo'.t WM foaDd le __.., ....._ Netcb~ bor'I nomW tb91 beard lbota *"1t t a.m. M mora1nc. nt. K•l N, ll&wl Jr., a Santa Bar·

... dtadlt - IClll ol tie Ylettm Mid "11 ,._,. bad p6diDld oUve& TbanUJ llDd ... 1lftb*J buy with Uleolhit1ieat1••----· .............

11ile .-. Bawa pnWltJ Mlrd ................ _ ... . ...Bllwl, ........... ..... mnsr, 9ct ..... - ..... ..... hs'•., '9 0.W .. •'Ez1ca.

Harvard Club Pay• , Honor to Member

R1nll'd Club el 0....- <Alty ..., • wUl ...... 11111 ••h ti .. ldwn Ill. Bii !' PW Polo ~ 9andl7 et El Dendo Pelo Field, Pm DeMrt.

The 1MI Ed U.U, one ti lie chwttr m.mbn of .a.. ehtb WU f .. 111 In· jured wbDt Pla1lnC polo bl Jan. 1981. 1'M ~eat iii Mid ..ul)' In bia .....

wp3po11s." Nha Trang is on ttie coa.rl about 300 miles north of Saigon. '

Kleppe said he had asked the Alr Force for an explanatJon more than a w~k ago, but had received no answer. The lawmaker said the letter - he iderrtified the author only a,., a master sergeant from North La«ota who was ltatiooed at Nha Trang -showed ' ' incredible bungling some· where in the ohain ol command. "

In answer lo criticism lately thal 80llli! other U.S. troops w~ not arm­ed, the defense departmertt explained its policy. It sajd that tOCA1 command­ers could decide to keep rllles ~ U.S. troops lo crowded civilian areas to prevent indilcriminlt• lhootine.

But Kleppe' s statemeo.t was the first indication that SOJM troops ~r attack were not given arms.

" How would you feel if you were 1uJTOunded by the enemy and you didn't even have a weapon lo ddetid ynurself with?" the sergeant' a letter asked.

" Even after the day·l<>ntr battle ln town, the reporls comina in from all aver the oountry ot the aame thinl? happeninl aftd the sure k:.oowledee tbat come nitbtfalJ the base itlelf was f0ill1 to tet it. it WM ttlU a(ainsl retulationa to issue weapons to tt>e troops."

The letteT u id 6ve American.~ with wbcm the Hrteant llh.ared off. base quarters were aaleep wtien he left to 10 to tM base belor. ~ at· t.adc 1ta rllld.

" I don't Jcnow if tmey made it ln the bu• or not. • . they had ~g to fight with except a ruaty but.cner knife.

" Our officers. in their hotel, hid to 8tand by helplessly and watich • aquad of V.C. set up a mortar acrou the street and start Jhelling them,'' tile letter added. ' 'Thty cook1 have (1ltten the whole squad wiUt OM Ml& if they had bad one."

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Samuel brl Wutlams, 19, of Houston, pleaded guilty to 19 charges t9:1lging (rom burllarY to robbery by as:sauh .00 waa brought before Judge Sam W. Devis for tentencing. By the time tbe judge

i ~ was tbroogh, Wllliams found him· • self facing 504 years in the Tens

prison. Judge Davia pld. however, that the 19 Individual seu&enctlS, the longest of which was 40 yean, would nm CODC\llmltly.

Debby Stanley, 12, of PittsbuTgh, got anotheT day's vocation /Tom school Friday when keT brotheT, Dan, 15, put the cuffs on her and then could not get them off. Police OOfM to the rescue and TeLeased the gfrL /Tom the oLd NaVJJ handcuffs a/teT a couple of uncomfortable hours.

• Mrs. Carrie Russell, 80, of New· hall, had saved for years for a tombstone. When she had $218, she decided on a party instead. She in­vited 150 friends to the gathering. "Tombstones cost too much nowa­days," she said, " besides t:hey are old-fashioned. She spent all her tx>mbstone fund on food and drink, saying, "It's my last fling and a party is better than a tombstone for people to remember me by."

• OM of the fcwori~ ta1'geti of DaUa& thieves in recent da11s ha! been a atorage bui lding in the 101'them paTt of the city. The toorehowe toc.r robbed again Thursday for the aecOTld day in a 1'0W . . . much to the embar· assmnt of the owners. The warehowe b the police Pf'operty storage building.

• Nurse Pit Backlund of Seattle, Wash., was called upon to bottle· feed twin Orangutans on their

· : : fourth day of life in the University Hospital. "Molly" and "llvi6", both 10-year-old Orangutans at the Woodland Park Zoo are the proud parents. The pair, which have yet to be named, are the only twins born in captivity in recent years. All are doing fine.


County's Growth Tops State, U.S.

Jn rate ol growttl, Orange County contlnuQ to lead California and the nation.

The Anaheim · Santa An.a · Garden Grove Metropolitan Area ranks far ahead of any other metropoUtan area in the United States in terms of percentage aiooe the last census.

The Orqe County metropolis ranka fll'ttl in numerical increase since 1980 - barely behind ~ thil'd and fourth ranked areu of QUcaeo and WasJUngtoo, D.C.

OUT TO 'Gl'r UNRUH DlnNa Carpenttr

WHERE ANCIENT DWARVES LIVED? - Costa Mesa exptorer Louis Nackos, on first trip with. his "diversified dozen" crew to remote area of Yuca?n _Peninsu~a, fou!1d seo.reral of these t11.ree-foot-high doorways. leading ~o ancient nuns. Legends indicate area may have been habitat of a tiny people wtlo lived many years ago.

Trustees Approve Repairs

To School's Auditorilllll Pl.ans for structural rehabilitation

ol Newport Harl>or High School auditorium - and then some - have been approved by Newport-Mesa school trustees.

Board members this week decided it was good economy to make some needed repairs and replacements as part of t!he one pro­ject.

An $185,000 bond Issue approved

Soaring Meet Set The 22nd Annual Pacific Coast Mid· Soaring Championships will be held today and Sunday at the Torrey Pines Glider Port 12 miles north of San Diego and one half mile north of University of California, San Diego.

by Ctle voters for earthquake safety rehabilitation bas been sold. That ls the cost for basic structural changes.

An .additional $45,000 from reserve funds will be spent on the related projects, including:

New hardware - $4,950. New roof oo shop fa<:ility - $1,750. Replace flooring - $1,100. Rewiring - Sl.6,500. Replace plumbing - $2,300. More rewiring - $5,800. New sawdust collector in woodshop

- $12,000. Not authorized by Ille board was

16,600 for repainting, Trustees asked to wait and see how school finances shape up before deciding. Painting ls the last step in the project.

Work will begin sbOrtly.

'DIVERSIFIED DOZEN' - Pilot expedition to Yuca­tan Peninsula takes breather before pushing pon· toon raft into the aea for another leg of journey to set up route for future tourist-explorer jaunts.

Crew of triple-pontooned raft ca!ed itself the "di· versified dozec." Practice sessions for handlqag raft were held in lagoon at Newport Dunes prior to the trip. '

Fan~y Exploring Va~atio~ 'Diversified Dozen' Proves It Can Be Done in Yucatan

By JOANNE SHAW Of llM DaHJ ...... Sleff

Louia Nackos, seagoing archeologist of Costa Mesa, not only bas proved you can take 12 men with varied backgrounds from all over Southern California and m a k e an exploring team out of them.

He has proved the ''diversified dozen," with a few practice sessions in the lagoon of Newport Dunes, can learn enough about hand.ling a GI-type rubber pontoon raft to take it into the wilds of the Yucatan Peninsula, find evidence that possibly points to the discovery of an ancient race of dwarfs, grow beards and still get back to civilization in a matter or days.

ln foot, Nackos has proved "ex­ploring" in the space age can be so much like a vacation that be plans to make it just tnat.

He is winciing up his stand today and Sunday at the Southern California Sports, Vacation and Outdoor Show al the Anaheim Convention Center.

SELLING TRlPS '.fhere Pe is selling tourist-explorer

trips to the Yucatan Peninsula to just about anyone who wants to go.

Nackos and the "diversified doz.en" have just returned Crom a pilot ex­ped.ition to set up the company. Mayan Expeditions. which wiU handle tile exotic vacations.

The expedition started ln Tijuana where Nackos and the 11 members of his crew flew to Merida, a city

Mrs. White Leads

Area Heart Drive Mrs. William White, 32265 Vista de

Catalina, South Laguna, has been chosen chairman of "Heart Sunday" for South Laguna.

Heart Sunday begins tomorrow and runs until March 3.

During this week v o I u n t e e r neighbors wiU be visiting homes in the area to request contributions and distribute pamphlets c o n c e r n i n g aafeguards against heart disease.

on the Yucatan Peninsula. From Merida, Nackos and his group spent two days exploring the already ex­cavated sltes of Mayan ruins at Uxmal (pronounced Ooshmal), Kabah and Chic hen ltza ( pronounced Oheetzeneetza) .

From there they traveled to Isla Mujeres, an island on the eastern coast of the peninsula. Here they pick­ed up their raft. three rubber pontoons held together by a 20-foot plaUorm. Their supplies consisted of fresh fruit and staples from Merida. " We caught whatever else we needed," the ex­plorer said.

FIRST PROBLEM Nackos said they ran into their

first problems on the tiny islood of Cancum, just south or Isla Mujeres.

''We tried to save some time by running a river on Cancum, instead of going around it, but the raft was too wide and we had to cut our way through. I thought for sure we were going to lose the raft on the j~gs and branches," the explorer said.

On Cancum, he explained, there are some Mayan ruins that he is trying to get permission to excavate. The Mexican government will not allow Americans to dig out ruins that are on government property. The ruins Nac.kos has spotted are on private property. however, and if he can get the owner'i1 permJssion to excavate, the government cannot interfere.

" If anyone we take down with us is interested in arche<>logy, I 'll be glad to tec::<:h them. I'd like to give people the chooce to b e c o m e archeologists." Nackos b a' a bachelor's degree in Meso-Amerlcan archeology.

MAY AN OUTPOSTS Once the expedition had cleared

Cancum, it crossed over to the mainland coast, and spent the follow­ing three days going soutll to Tui11m. During that time, the explorers passed ruins fairly frequently, he said.

"Most of the ruins we saw on the coast were Mayan outposts. I believe that if a person would follow back into the jungle, he would find ceremonial areas that go with Ille outposts."

Naclros spent two days in Tulum which is the site ol one of the larger

Mayan cities. "Tulum is particularly interesting. The ruins can be entered by swimming through an underground passage from the sea to a lf.a'ge well in the center or the site," be said.

From Tulum Nackos beaded the raft north again to the island of CozwMl, a one-time sacred island of the Mayas. After touring the ruins of Cozumel, Nackos and his crew returned to Merida and from there, home.

The 28-year-old explorer say;s be is particularily arudous to to Yucatan with his second grouj> in March.

MANY LEGENDS While the pilot group was running

from Cancum to Tulum, Nackos said they came across quite a few ruins of a dwarf-like civllliation. The doors to the building were about three feet high, and the miifacts found inside were proportionately small. Nackos said the natives in the area allo tell many legends concerning an an· cient tiny people.

" l think a legend coo be something worth following up. The ruins of Troy would never have been discovered if legends hadn't been used as clues. If you live in an area and get to know the history and people, they will tell you their legends."

Nackos said be will USt. evidence he gathers on subsequent trips to write a master's thesis or sympol.ium paper on the dwarf people.

Z GROUPS A MONTH Mayan Expeditions. which has been

formed since the pilot trip will be taking the first group of tourist·ex­plorers on March 15. "I 'm trying to schedule a trip April 5 for students. I'll probably take two groups a month until August W'ben hurricane seteon starts. IC I can take at least · five between now and then, I'll have a good foundation laid for next sea8011."

Anyone. male or female, who enjoys this type of rugged adventure ls eligJ. ble for Nackos' raft trips. "We want the people to be in good physical condition - we're pretty far removed from civlhatioo out lbere." .

Each expedition has room for 15 persons, inC!luding the staff of four. "We have two batives who nm the 18-horsepower outboards and do tbe manuat work, so the p e op 1 • have more free time," be said.

GOP Sets Sights on Unruh Carpenter Explains Plans w Topple 'Big Daddy'

' Editor's note: The unquestioned political boss of the Democratic party in Califcmiaa today is Asumbl t1 Speak· er Jesse M. Unrt,h. And the unblwh­ing ob;ective of the Republican party is to Teduce Unruh to a political no­bodfl cu soon as possible. N e'U1p01't Beach attorne11 Dennis Carpcnu1, tJice chairman of the Republican State ~tral Commitue, is in the foref1'011t of the ~nt. HeTe'• how he 1ees hil ;ob.


OI ... oellY , .......

Aslembly spe.aker Jesse Unruh Is the target of the California Plan, a marshalling of political forces in aJI..out war for control of the state Legiai.ture by the Republican party.

GOP State Central Commlttee Vice Qi.airman Dennis Carpenter pulls no punches when be explain• the party'• war pl.ans.

"We want to put Unnb -~ be belong•, a.a the aaaembtyman from lngSewood, period, .. carpenter amllet.

'lbe Newport Beach t.ttorney wae ta1Jclne about the present status, ltre.Dlth and gOllt ol the "Cal Pl1n" committee "'1Jch WU ortaniled In 1911 to wrellt coatrol of tbe .Ute from Unruh.. Gov. Brown and the DeJDOCJ"•ta in general.

To date the ... bu succeeded In electing Gov. 1'.onald Rea1an, md 1n 1918, thanka J)lrtia1ly to the ~·­lmd1Ude, 1&1Dln1 liS teats ln the .tat. u~ el five in the eenate.

'lbe 1988 loal 11 to 1a1n five to aeven seatl in U.. Assembly (the Demcp-11' hoJd a 42.JI edvanta1• DOW} and eaou0 to IMe control ol

the Senate where a 20·20 deoolock now st.ands.

Carpenter, a calm. pipe-smoking politico, comes nearest to being ag­gressive when he talks about the man he calls "Big Daddy."

"Unrub's positJon in the last decc:de ts not well known to the people of Callforrua. Through manipulation of committees from h1s post as assembly speaker and his control of Democratic political funds he has become the pollt1cal boss of California," the GOP chalnnan explains.

"He controls the fate of all legisla­tion and has assumed the maximum power possible. He is - typical of Democratic bosses throughout the n:: tion. say llke Mayor Daly of Chicago "

But Carpenter gives Unruh credit for ooe tblng. "He did something for us. Beating him has become the rally· big point for state Republicans. !Ir has cootributed to the strength of our party." LOOXS 'GOOD'

How does the GOP plan to t::kc over look at this point? "Good", says Ctlrpenter. ''Under the\ Cal Plan we pie) dlatrlctr held by Democrats where we tihtnlt conditions are right. That meana an o u ti ta n1d I n i:: Republican candidate, but facing a heavy Democrat.le registration ma· Joritf.

"'lbe job will be tougher than 1966 bec8Ull Of tbt recent gerrymanderin~ ol dlltrlcu under the Supreme Court· mandated reappart.loo.ment." Carpen· ta eoatblued.

"Tbe Democ:rata b1Ne bad three craca at reclinticting and you can ... Ulurtd thlit tMy eerrymandered to pve tbllr party U>e srutest poss1·

ble advantage," the chairman cau­tioned.

Do you think Unruh is seriously considering running for the U.S. Senate position?

"Yes. his situation is m o r e detperate most people realize. If be should lose control of the state he would be a political nobody. He has access to the facts and figures that we have and they tell the story.

" 'Big addy' may take the best w•y out by shooting for the U.S. Senate job," Carpenter guessed. " It's the up or out political syndrome."

"GOOD WORKERS' 'nle G-OP leader says possible suc·

cesa this year will climax a lot ol ha.rd work. " We have developed good party workers. they have been ef. fective."

carpenter doesn't duck the Unlversi· ty ol California tuition issue and the Medi-Cal r'1f!I.

"Our big selling point this year wtU be to point out th•t Gov. Reagan b frustrated In bringing iA>oul the refonna he campaigned for. The un1ver1lty Issue Is simple, shall the taxpayera or the students run the ICbooll?''

On Medi.Cal : ' 'Thal ls ont ol the pvemmeot services whlch the 1ovemor thlnb must be streamlined. Expenditures must bt reduced,'' ~adds.

Wbat about Orange County. "Sure we will be after the assembly seat· held b7 Unruh' s hand picked can­didate, Ken Cory. Big Daddy rinaoced thlt campelp (Cory wu bis former INlltMt) and we know he spent trom •.OOO to '100,000 to win."

EXPEDITION SKIPPER - Lou.II N.ekoe eollects lbelll md dlbl whiskers on hit sojourn to Yucatan 1111dppec of ralt trip iDto remate .. areM of Mexico. He wants to retum out month.

V •• - G I 0 G .- ~...-.~ ~ ..-. - - - - -- - ....., -- ,--...,..._ ..__-.... ......- ---------------------- , - - ---------... -----------~------~-----~-:-----.......................... 4 '·


.if DAil Y PILOl Saturdly, f~ 24, 1'68

Pulpit and i'l"he Co1ta Meta ~on1r•1atloa ot ma ltoor,..i...t C1111rd t I

""' Chrtal II( taller D•1

E' wblcb holds rtlW •• at thli Or •at•

unty Faircrouodt, Su.nd17 1lfJl coaduct churcb 1chool "°rmtp ar:d cluae1 at 1:30 a.rn. At 11 a.m formtt s-e1idin1 elder Walter W. llfilll •ill dtt:ver t be rt1t11111 at the mornm1 worahip aervica. Be1lnnar church and Junior chvrch are alto oUenJ at thia tlma a.od nursery ca•e ll pre> vided duriJl1 bo b11 1ervlce1.

Youth d.Jacuulon clu1 will be held at 8:30 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdq.

The Rev. Stanley P. Allen, putor ol the Fountalu V1Ue7 Pre1byter11u Church, ·.will at 's 11 a.m . worship h 11r on tho! &ubject " What Je,~s \Vant ~ to Be to You." Lee Lion­hlra:er, baritone 11loist, will •I.De dulilil the service. Sutl· day school wtll begln at D:50 a .m.

The evenina: H!t: le study will be held at '1 p.m. in the pastor'a home, 1Zl7 Dorset Lane, Costa Mesa. Tbe church m~ts in Foun· tail> Valle1 Hiib Scbool, 17800 Bushard St.

Paster Hemy E. J ones wW muaa1e o n "Knowledp" .at tbe 9 and

10:30 a .m. 1tl'Vice1 Sunday of tbe Ctatral 8 ibllt Oarcll, 190 E . 23rd St., '.Coata Pi-teaa. The pastor will .speak on " An Evqelie:il V I e w ~ SensiUvlty TrairtlD;" at the 7 p.m. wor1hip.

Donald Hes.te, r~ntly returned from Peru, will conduct the Bible study and prayer meetiq at 7 p.m. Wednesday.

Lutheran Church 'Vome:i of Lalberaa Church of Tbr Returredlon, •i:: Hemilton _\ve ., Hu.nt.fngtou Beach, will have Dr. Hormoi:e, who is in charce of the Jsl1mic Center, Lo1 .Angeles, u t:hdr i!Jest speUe:· a t Tue9day'.s 8 p.m. rneetin&. 'nl:e PJ'Olf.Kll 15 part of • Mrles on "Great Religions of th Wcrld " •


......,. ........ ,.. ........ C.M.

1:30 & 10:55 A.IA- WORSHIP SERVICE , .. A.M. IUMDAT CMU•CM K1'IOIR. •i• f' .M. R. Ml a k . Ml ..... T ............

IMt..,.,. WM. 1:• 6 l;IS P.M. .....,, .... V. .,...., _ • ....,UN - -.4IM

'HAUOR TRINITY IAPTIST CHURCH llJI ........ ............ c.... ....

IOllll' L HISI. ,__ Sunday School 1:45 a.m. Yanlhlr Wonhlp 11:00 a .m. Baptilt Tratnin1 Uolae I p.m. Eventna ..-vice 7 p.m. Wedn•da> Blbla s~ 6 Pra;yer ........... 7,00 p.m.


611M1 1111, C....._ ...... ,,, t I •' s ...,.4. 1 hlool ••• • ••• ••• t:41 lr1l ...... u.i.. ••• •••••• • •iOO

Mlrnln9 W•nhl' • , •• , , , • I I ;00 t..."ilrt W .... lp • • • , , • ••• 7t00 : W ... -4•Y"'••littkf¥1~• •.. • ••• . • 7111 • ............ ,., ......,..,... .... , . • -


IAln'A AIU HMHlS • IUNN'I' ICMOOL ........ . ... . .... .......... ....... . ti• A.M. • MOl:JlllMI woatllf' . . . .. ........ , . . ........ . . ..... _ . II A.M.

J llVIMtMa WOIUl!lf' ........ ....... ... ... .... .. ...... ... 1 f'.M. lollO-•IC Ull't'ICI Wft ........ 'f .... .. .......... Ml f'.M.

•IY . ..... , CAlllU.- Q\MCM •MOM• MWln


.. __ Vlctori• • Placentia Ave • • ,,,__..._I COltl Men ... • .. 11411 ......... • -L-" -·- -°'"...._,., .... ~ ............... --~o • ., SchMI •••••• t:H AM Mllllt1W Ill ·---

MrW11i111 w.,.111, •• 11iee AM .... _... ............ .. , ..... .... Scllllll . ..... . .... . .. , .. -

Pr)v•• s-1c• • , •• •:.J• "" Mlflli. -- ........ 11 ........ l•nlnt Ww1h1, , •• • 7:tl N ., .... -- ......... ....... ........ - ... .............. .... ,..._

)lw_., ,., ........ Ill .......... Nursery Cara Provided • 147-4144 __,,,. ........ • • • FIRST CHRISTIAN " OIURCH ATTBID • r•;• & Adtmt Sir .... THE otURCH

Hu"tl"9ten luch

Of YOUR OIOICE t.1111 w.,...,1, •• t :Jt 11:41 Set. .... . ... . t :JO

~,. ••• ,. • •• • 6:00 l'M SUNDAY !1tt W.MI, •• 7100 ""' .... ...,...__..,., _, _ 1:7c.... ............ -'*-

' ....... OllllDll• .........

PP RIT CHRISTPAN CHURCH .... ,.., .... ~a '' I rlt), JOUWTAlll YAW' ...................... ...,_

UNIPllD luvte~ •• • t:JI, WOUHI' •• , lliJt ....................... • a.. .... _._. - ....,. --

CAlYARY owe. Of COSTA MW - ..... ca.iii ca... - - ......... --- " _..... ----------··-a.M ............. ............................. ~-·

...., __ .. ...... --- ----- ....... jis.-. ......... c... ,. - - .. - ....... CllPtlllll ...............

... -·-----~ ............. -tt-·-·------lift ....... ,. ..... ,. ..... ,, .. ~ ....... ., -

ii,, '

:Jw,Cluutu.,. CluuJ. I

• !--- m \ , 2

-w:::,.· .. "'-- -.... _y_,... .... MID~D .. :.:'i(tto,""' ['.,, ' ,_ ....... ~ . - -

Pew "'!lit Art fli Bulldlot a

a.n.tsaa Hom•" w-..11 bt tbt tit::.t ol tbt tennoe wbJell tbe n .... ,_ .c. Plircio,

-.. "' Finl CllrWlao cnrG, 712 Vlctoria St., Colta Mt11, wW pr111C1:1 durtn1 both tM 8:1$ and 10:40 1.m. wcrahlp MrV1cN Sunday.

At 0:30 p.m., tbe cllurch wU1 have a fellow1b1p din· ntr. DurlnC the 7 p.m. Vetper hour a coklr film titled ' "I'hroulh Blood and Eire" will be diown. Por· tioa1 d. the movie " wert tllmtd in Rwsla , other Iron Curtain countries.

o...,,, r.....,..,. 'lbt Re•. F. C. -., BeW.. dean of the Efbcopll Con­

"Tbe Church , The Divine 0 Long Beach, d be Ml11ionery Soc~" 11 the the apedal prNCMr

. .... by .,. and lnltall the J 8e8 iermoo. topiC '"'""'19n Bishop's Committee for Rev. Bruce Culhirl1 for the St. John the Dtrioe J0:45 a .m. service Sunday at the Flrat C h r I 1 I J a a Epl.IOOpt;} Cburdl, 2043 Cburcb, 384 Lt1ion. Lagun1 (>range, COIU. Mesa, Beach. at the 9:30 service Sun·

Steven Finley will be the _d_•~•-· ------­main 1ptaker at the 6 p.m. tervice u the c h u r c h observes "Titu1 Day" with Paci fic Christian College, Long Beach .

The Rev. Melvin V. T1ylor wlll give a sermon titled " Can Anyone Be Perfect?" at Sundl')' '• 8:30 and JI a .m. service• at Fairview Bap­tl1t Church, 2525 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa..

Tile F I r 1 t Met.bodltt Cb h m W 19tb St ""' . ..

Costa Meu , will b o I d duplicate worship 1ervices at 9:30 and 11 a .m. Sunday with the Rev. Ric bard J. Dunlap preachin1 •t both. The choirs w1ll perform at both servlce~

A 1upervt1ed nursery and church school cla11es will bl available at 1:80 ud 11 a.m.

Tbe First Met•·••f1& (Seo PULPIT Pall II •

_ .. --,.......:;-' ... - ---•

Dtladly ~ Sdfl .. I • · --• 1

Ancient raditiom1 Create I . . lo'.

I f

No 'Enthlumsm for Yoiitli 11J LOULI CAllD.S ..............

y ..... ....,.. - flad churdl· ..... a dl'll mllbl

<Ill !ht - "' -llhlp service• held by tbt e11ly Chrll<l ....

So ..,. a IKIMd.Proe.tant theoloctan. Dr. HervtJ Col II( Harvard DMllllJ Scbool.

ill .. -.i... - Callo­qu7. a moot1111 ma­pubUlhtd b1 tho U n 1 It d Cburcb of O:lrUt., Dr. Cox dl.ICUIHI 1 P"oblem that It' painfully ftm!Har to par9Dtl and putor1. And ~ iu1-1e• some bcM ITOlutiom.

" YOUNG PEOPLE Ind to be red up wMb cburehe1 in which wor•hlp ii lt1fled by deadly decorum," bt says. They 1lmply are 1lOt interested in tak1nC put in the tr1dlUoaal type ol c:uJtlc worsh.lp in wblcb people gather at eertalo Umec and In particular bob' place• to follow an accepted order ol ritual. Thil applle1 to JD11t7 younr adwt. u well 111 t.en­a.gers.

But theH aame youn1 people, Dr. Cox oblerte1, " have beeJl favorably im· preued when tbe1 'rilW Negro cbu:rcbee." Tb • "f _.

" lllrillad to !Ind -

- i 1'tl'9 Cb r lo 11 a I 1 lbt ..., '.QI!'\ • .. -~ -.=-· •"l ·~ ; n 11w1 **1nc .. • ........ tlf.•ll•4 .. -· I "la '!··· . --·Ir.I . --- -. ..

1111. Ca-ta rtaU.Ut - · . -- .. -· ..... ~-= - u4 .......... wbllt ......,... . tbe-11( -~ .,. IOI lilll-· -· raad ~ 11-oin .the 1' -lbiadoe t • t 1 r ae.. ---- • other' lf'tUpl ~tlutomtd ... ,.. O'VtrJll&lll. "' aa"" "• «ICbe~ Nor - bt 1111ot 1btJ ' .-_ - and pr-, IMtTld.. Suell a dra1tl1 TM6r-........,..rnc. ... --·-· -·--· -· "lar - Ill- • • ' - lib Ibo Til:l«y btrltad - !""lllp )al ........ .v- "' • ,_ IDOl'1DOUI alOrikW'I... .... .. wbet •! . ...u, .-_ bt .,_ lllO! "II cal7 -dip today.

WW bt llOCOMUJ Pa tbe - • iaPJtlUJIBN-i-s nil couplt II( c?ecada for .- ......., tot ~ d?fflHlll overlapplo1 l'onnl ._. -~ ~"~' Of church lite" to co-uiet I'll' - ....,,., ... u~ Of early n.u. . · Cbrittlu worship a r e

• while iU ~ andenray in 10me trwlttloDal 1 e r v l c 1 1 , 1 coi:llfllltiOD1, TheJ oft-. c$Urcll could abo <&r· op- IMO tht Iona "' " pktunlU.1 for m«e in- feutl" (a 1 ap e bl1n& ~ 1ormlll. W«lhJp. GnO word ""d in tbe Nn

Dr. On uy1 ~at the Tllltamut to d e I c r I b e orill.oal practices of tbe ..,. unteWah Cluiltian love toc 17 Oniltiaa community pro- otben) . AD uape feut ii vldt an excellent l\dde for a fellowahip meal into wbkia uperimeats in m a t I D I 11 bdarwcwen an hlfo:nnal wanblp more mtanin.lful · ctiltlrltloe o1 holy eom· and IPPNlinl to todQ''• mwdon 10GDC peopa. ~ are 1 11 e

._.. ,..

...., _ __ "' -ln111Cba11gual­of. tNdltimal worlldp •

( .. CAlllEL'! PalOll •

Evangelical Aide to Talk Guell pr- ti SL

A n d re w • 1· Presbyterian Church, Newport Be&cb, -,., will .. .. Rev. llalpb D. Wlm«, a member II( Ibo ~ GI Los ""'°* - ha for two flve-11• tennJ worbd for tbt Nltloaal Evan1ellcal un­der ,..,.iar _._., .& ml1Mmmy bf the Com­mlukm. o a EeumeMcaJ MillklD end 1ttla1klnl of the UDHed Prdl)t«ian <Jiurch ia tile U.S.A.

At prnent Dr. Wi&W fs •tiH under cammil&kll IUp­

pori 7lut ,,. ,.. - l!ftD (lltt AID E.Pallll


PRINCI OP PIACI LllTHlllAN CHURCH Nawport Harbor l.uilioran Clucli CHRISTIAN SCIENCE M•1• VM°4• Drht• I t.•• Str ... , C.d• M ... , C. llf . Lutheran Church of tho Ma.tar AMD•llW C. MHHOlll. P-

PAMILT i••YIC•r ta 1h1J a.-. .......... ., tcHO&r t 11I a M•1' .,... :ISOICUllDr. LI 8-4293 2900 Peclfic Vlew Dr .

CHURCHES h i11•• ., , .... ~ ..... Sdi..M - Mi. &thw OI-., hlHl,.I ,.. ... ,,__ ...... ,.,., CORONA DEL MAR

I Offl~• l'h•n•: S4t.Ol21 Sch•.l l'h•11•: '"'·OMt ...... ..... J. 9-lll1t Dll WILLIAM It. !LLIR UANCHB OP THI MOTHll C.MUICM -·- ,,,_OR :l-5022 THE El'ISCOPAL CHURCH 1.,.. ...,...., ....... ..... . , ...........

TMI PlllT CMUICM M CHltlT, ICfltmlT s...... """"' .... . ''*'"'• ..... 1'45 A.M-f• •lly Word.I, IN IOSTON, M.USACMUSITTS Welcomes You. ............. . ... 11 :•""9

ST. JAMES, Utt wt. u.., .....,_. .._. I Nunery care evallable t :41 A.M.-StifflT Cli•rdi ..... , Subject ot ttie Les6on - Feb. 25 s....,. s.,.ic., - 7:Jt, t :IO, 11 :00

\ v at an servlcea 11:00 A.M.- F•d"'- W~i, THlolNy 10:10 - ~ l :OI , ... WELCOME

"MIND" M•ly IH ..... & ......... S..... --R"'-, n. ...... ..... P • ....., 11: A-.. n. Rn. hwW c,. ..

Corona RI Mar-Second Church of Newport IMch ""°""' 675-4210 C-• .... kllMI ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, 5th &: Marguerite HUNTINCJTON IUCM

,,.~ ..... Corona del Mar CHURCH OF REU~IOUS SCIENCE - .. - Sunda}f: 8:00, 9 :3~Ud care at 9:30 420 10th St., Huntinston Buch amt ' ....... w...a-11 ...... . o1y Day1 u announced Sunday Momint Sa"'lc .. arul Y...+h ChUf'Ch.-11 AM

1...-. fte hr .Jffl ...... hwlt- ,.._ A7l-64tl ...... R ... - nuL C...Hwy • W•dn•s'•y Evtnin9 Study &roup-7:)0 PM

ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. c .... ~ •• Flrtt Church Sundays 7,30 & 9,30 Church Scbool-9'30 .,._, Ne, ..... ..._: U'-ZIH

•tow. tM tt. S... t :IS, 11 ; SS. t :ll, 11 . Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days 11 announced

..... ·-- ,.., Mlwp9't ·-.,._, n. .......... W. 11111111111 - ,._. MMU6

Huntinpen le•ck-Fir1t Chur ch EPISCOPAL BA HA' IS w. k li••• r~ v .. .. . .. St. 11t Oltwe S.. t :lO, 11 ; S.S. t ill. 11 . I ,._OCLAIM UNITARIAN ......... -t1t011N

ST. WILFRID'S lf'ISCOPAL CHURCH UNIVIHALIST Boho' u' lloh l91un1 Inch-First Church I CHUICH

I ...... "' a.-1 '-- - .,.. ...... ~ ....... .. ,... ,._ .. .., o ... .. I 21t Victotl• St., c.n. w ... QI HJtl Drtft S... t :JI, 11 ; SS. t 1J1, 11 . ,...... ..... ~. '41·JJll ... 149-2005 ·-" ...... l--2MhrfttAM. Tlll - · ...... c. o.,, , ... ll •)f AM. 646 4652

I Sunday Sarwkes

Newport lnc~lrst Church • ... t..M. ""' ,_,_.. ha ..... • MlllT ......... a.di JJOJ 'l'9 t.N. .... ' '' '· 111 u. t ill, 11. '=""·""··- -,,., .... ---..

'"" ..... IMnl .. ·-· ...... IH• - JltS 'l'9 U. ·-- ,._,.,c..,......,... A Cordiol V(.tc- fro..

I AU are cordially invited to 1ttend the churth sen'lces THE METHODIST CHURCH tnd enjoy the priVileges of the Reeding Rooms l'I Pint Asaemllly of God Chlnll 1146 I. 22nd St., COiia Mttt a.1r... '"·"' l,.,,,__t...t ltlff

EVANGEUCAL FREE CHURCH M. C. Cronic, P ... or COMMUN ITT ....... $illfl'l•ll, Au•U·• , •• 1 .. ft . Ch•i• DirMt•• ' MITHOOtlTCHUICH U1IMUITT

OP HUNTTN•TON RACH llflTHODPST CHUICH 1tll R.Oa!DA Aft. S11,,.f•y Sch••l-t:JO A.M. lllAt•t• 67S.°'IO

11 • .,11y W•"'il, - 11:50 A.M. w.,.Jt;ll • ···ll : tl Ahl -- .... ,,~A.M. ·-- .... .. 1:• , .M . .. w.,,M,, t :JI I 11 AM '••+0<1 S11bi•cl: .,.... Spwtr ef LAwl•-••"' IJJ.12JJ -- , , 111• A.M. ._.. '""* .. .... J :M , ,M, ~1ch Sch .. r ••• . t :lll AM

W•OM•SDA' YOUlfl ll•l l> - J:• , .M. M•.tin9 kfl'lpor• rily ;" llllLIE STUDY AND "ll:AYIEll:- 1:00 ,. .M . ....... n-.-7 .... c .......... SI. M•rk ' ••1i..,t.•i•11 l lU.ICI CM..,.,_.,,,., Pnltr" - P- Ull-,_ .._.,_ l'llST Qwp

C"-'a.lrllt .......... MmlODISTCHURCH E•llblwff Dr. a

CHURCH OF CHRIST Vi1i+on WakDm.....Nul"l•'Y Aff1nd•nf lttt. Sf I H••hr llwd. J.,.,bo,.. . A..r . 'Wo,.hi, I Ch~rch School

217 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MESA I 9tl0 .& 11 ... M F..11i11 v.n • .,

' llTWllN M4IOI. _, PAlnltW Gvange/ :Jemp/e 141-7727 FllST

SUNDAY MORN INGO tltlE STVOY . . . . ... ..... , . •. • :45 AM

tt:i. C•lf• Mt .. Norlli lllTHODIST CNUICH

SUNDAY M0lH IN6 WORSH1' I COMMUNION , , 10:45 "M MISA VllDI 1122.S •••• ,.

SUHOA1' IYDUN& WOASHI' . , .... . . _ ... , . . ... . 6:00 , ,M. MITHODPST CHUICH Wor1hi' I ChMrch Sc...., WIDNUOAY EVENING artLE STUDY . ' .. ........• 7 : J~ l'M "ASSllMILY OP GOO" M ... Y<HI• I •••w St. t:lll .& lt:4.S AM

NUUllY CAU PIOYlllD , .. , ' .... C...Mw 111• A.M. - _., ....... ,., ..... - ........ w....w, I 0-..h Serr-I '

~h··· .... o. w.,fteW ..•. " .. , .. ... - ....... .,.. c ...... ..._ LA llACH - . ............. t :M I I t:JI AM • ..... W. M.. .... P ... . ..... ................ MITHODPST CHUICH Phone: MW711 Day er Night - - ...

Hntl'ffiistk•ch 2Pl~t Wet,., Gr lo ... .._ CORONA DEL MAR 8l1d Tidings Assembly ·of 8od --fCHUICN W.,._llAM

ONTRAL 1n1 ,,.. s.. •.• . r1'"'1111 a..ow-.Mt...w ' p, w....w, a a...h s....r 4ft 0 lOll lrllf otUROI l"lftHnlll 6 Moonma, Newport Boacb 9:10111 Ahot "'\)RC!f O ................... "-"Ct;., a..d-Norih

N.w,...t k•d•

Q7 " iii "' CHl!ST CHUICH TMOltlAI ......... ,..., c UlllTT IY' THI SIA ~ ~ Suoday Scbool 9,46 A.M. llaniaC Worship 10:50 A.M. MITHOD!ST CHUICN

U.J H•il A..,. , 142 ....... 1 .... w . ........ ~ " •n-1• - ..... - C.A. - ' '"" P.M. !:Y'lllellldc Rally 7:• P.M. W ....... 1 0...ckW... W..W, '1Jt I II AM

·~ofGod = .. 9 I IO:JO Alrit ., a..fl .w...a '1JI Mt .~

,,.. ....... QNI ~

... a.... Met..._...._ n , .... a......,.....,....., .. ... -.o1 .... ....,..,.,. ,, "' ... Wed. 7:31 p.m . Prayu-Royal R.anitn • Mkdsa11M1 . -

.....,. tdoool ' No4 \\ : ~ ................ .,_ '"' , .... w ..... ,... .... ,.,,..........,.. .... 1t:Jtl<M' It

=-'"' ·~ ~ PRESBYTERIAN CHVRCHES ~Q 14111 """" 'I!••-·»>; .....i "¥t 1 PM HARIOR ASSIMILY Of &OD """'-" ....,,. ~ of the Harbor Area .... _ ....... (otlUIJY 740 w. W11aan, Coot• - ' • a. "' .,_ ... """' SI. Y, L. Mlnwter. ,__ La IOM CGflllf, Chrtat ,.,..., ...... '

'- ..... C01161116ATIOllAl ........ ...... ,... .. k1&lsu·. ..._ ft. L ,._, JPCA,,.,.,, ...., ...... ,,.. .... °"'"" al ~ ....... a-.

• ..._...., w ... h1;;;1et1t · - ' Hll~N~-1 ........... 611 HILIOTllOH .......... ~· · " ................ :

·-::i.·~ ...., w • .vi.., ,..,...

.-~ ~I llTINllVI , ·- I ~·~•111.u&. .._..,, •L - ,... -- .. DAILY '1l0T"S ...... t.Jt I 11 .. ....., . .... ~ ........ ..,. ....., 10:41 A.Jr"- ......... :tr-__ ,, ..... __ ..

-- i;., ,...., OM.. Ill Jri a, ...... ..• . ... a.a ....... .... l4M7l7 ... Ml-791 ' AMUf ....... .um .... .....................

cosTA MISA CHIUSTIAN SCHOOi. ;.~~ ---~ .. , ..... ,.. ....... .. -. .... IM.L e • r.- c·r -. 1 ,,....._,,. _. _ -----·-- - c-., •v.. .-llHA- . Seventh Day Adventitf Church ) ............... - . w.,.... .. s..w . ..... Guest, Ministof -.., .. " • ........... -- ,,, ............ c.. .... __ -- ..... ~:Jw-.a°"""' -..rr.·---.i,

a...i -- I . Hanft tTJt . .... AM. • AM:~.f • ................ __ ................. ........, Stl ... -Utl Fri4•Y ......._, S.o wh 1 ltll , .. ............. -.. . S.lllH, w .. ~ • ...... 12 "- • -- QDd c.... Plowil ..



~ -·- .,--- --------- ...... -------~ -------------------~------ -

(c-tt •• n.lil ..... . ,

O.C'- 2721 17tb St.. B1ma tiacton Beaci, wtll conduct two worablp HNicea s-. day at t :30 IDd 11 . ... TM Rev. G. R..u Sbaw will preach on '"nle Lie ... A coifee bour wm be held between 1ervices.

Cburcb school will JM.t at 9:30 Ud 111 a.m. and the youth O'OUpl at f :JO p.m.

"Zoroastrianlsm" wm be the subject of the ttdrd Jee. ture in tbe . "World's Great Religions" Mrin It 7·31 tonight at St. P a 1 t '• 1 Metttoclat C.Rcla. f 11 Hewes, El Modena. The Jee> tures, sponsored by tbt Bahat'1 et Oru&e C..ty, are free.

The lecture will be pns~ ted by Mrs. Betty Conow.


Prince or Peace Latlteru Cbvcl, Baker Street and Mesa Verde Drive Costa Mesa. will have as its ~st pastor ttrl& Sunday the Rev. Tengbam, former missionary to Africa and

~~~. t~~:a!in~bf: New Chancel Furnishings Scbool, Los Angeles. A . new pulpit, communion table, chairs and altar Pet~rson, . church coon~ ~ember, the Rev. Gary

" What Kind of a Church" rails recently installed in Coot.a Mesa Foursquare Smith, director of Christian education the Rev will be the sermon topic Church, 1784 Orang~ Ave., will be dedicated Sun· Wesley W. Murrin, pastor, and Hank R0,'.yell Elm~ of the Rev. Warren G. day during the 11 a.m. service. Shown admiring the Card, and Mrs. Florence Preston, all church 'council Studer at The Preabyterlaa __ n_e:w_oo_an_ce_l_furn __ is_hi_·n...:g:....s_are_.:...(l'le_ft_to_ri..:::.g_ht:.:.)_Mn>=. .·=--=m:.e::m::be::r~s:._. ----­Churcl of the Covenant. 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, this Sunday.

Worship and c h u r c h school will be held at 9:30 and 11 a .m.

The junior higb fellowship will meet at 6 p.m. and the senior bigb group at 6:30.

'The Rev. F. C. Benson Belliss, Dean of the Long Beach Convocation, will be the special preacber and will officially install this year's Bishop's Committee, at St. Job11 the Divine E piscopal Chucb, 2 O 4 3 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa , this Sunday at the 9:30 a.m. family service. C b u r c h school will be held at the same hour.

A communion senice will be at 7:30 a.m. Ash Wed· nesday will be observed with services at 6:30 and 10 a .m. and 7:30 p.m. There will be communion, the penitential order and devo­tions.

Pastor James G. Blatn's sermon tiUe for both the 8 : 30 and 11 a.m. services at Newport B a r • • r Lutheran Char~ 2501 Clifl Drive, Sunday will be "We Go Up to Jeruaalem."

There will be a service at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent. Communion will be in· eluded. "Modern Ma n Before the Cross" will be the theme of the weelcly Lenten Vespers eac h Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

The Rev. Vernon E . Kot·, pastor of Lathern CbW'cb of the Cro11, LeiJure World, Laguna Hilla, who bas just returned from a two-week seminar at the Lutheran Seminary In Berkeley, will preaC'b at ttie 11 a .m. service Sunday.

Special greetings will be extended to new members in the fellowship room alter the service.

Oruge Co a a ty B'nal B'rfth Young Adults COCB· BY A)· bas scheduled she main events fOT March. They I n c l u d e : Saturday. V.arch 2, a trip to the Golden G 1 o v e s Cham· pionship ; Sunday, March 3, a cancer movie, to be shown at the business meeting, and March 17 a Parent.a' Night. Three parties are planned for March. 16, 23 and 30.

OCBBY A meetings are held on the first and third

Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. at Security First Na· tional BMk, Bolsa and Magnolia a v enue s Westminster. Further m.'. formation can be obtained by phoning Rob Berg, M.'\-589'l, or Shelly Dorris, 892· 2932.

Col. David M. Fowler will deliver the sermon this Sun· day at Corona del Mar Com· munltJ C1larch Congrega­tional, 611 Heliotrope Ave. He will preach at the 9:30 and 11 a .m. services on "One Man's Leprosy."

Clrlld care will be pro­vided. Church school is slated for 9:30 a .m.

The senior I.RH group will present a number of poetic and dramatic readings on "Our Problem" at Sunday's 10:30 a.m. meeting of the U n I t a r I a n Universallat Fellowship et Laguna Beach in the Art A s s o ci a ti on Gallery, Cliff Drive and Nor1h Coest Highway.

The evening meeting will be bel<t in ttae bome Of Mr. and ~s. L)'ster, 590 Dia· mood, be~ at 8 p.m.

Twenty teven newly or· dained ministers were bap­tised last weekend during a three • day assembly of La· guna Beach area J ebovall'1 WUne1se1 in San Clemente High SchooJ.

The nursery s ch o o 1 of Community M e t b o d I 1 t Church, 6662 Hell Ave .• Hun­tington Beach, hu scbed· uled its next parent-teacher meeting and open house for Thursday, M arc h 7. Tbe open house will be from 9 to 11 : 30 a .m. for the public and 7 to 8 p.m. for parents of nursery school children.

The Rev. Kenneth Dunkelbergtt, state youth direc110r for the Southern California B a p t i s l Coo· vention, will be the feahlled speaker at the c I o 1 i n g sesston of the School of Missions this Sunday at the Ftr1t Baptist Church of Buntinf&on Beach, 6th and Orange, at 7 p.m.

A Japanese potluct dimer will precede the session at 6 o'clock.

The America for Christ special offering also win be taken on Sunday in con· junction with the cburches of the American Baptist Convention. The offtt!ng Is

ASH WEDNESDAY AT IAllft W1LlllD'I CHUICH ,..,_.,a- AMI W1111 1•1

6:JO a "" '""'"'- and 1-'tloft ot AINI - Hel'I """'"""'°" lt:OO a .m. nt. litany elld """""'"-' OfflCe - lll9elltlcfl flf Mlle -

"°'" '-"" ' JO p,m. c1111-·a Serva • .• ....... ·-"""' "' At'* - ...,..., ~ - IGl"'-"d 11¥ -

In !fie ~.,..,, 14111. """' .,.,.. - ·-M'llntl IJH llna St .. H.I. 9'2·7112

Topic for Sunday, Janu.ry 21 "HOW TO USE RILIGIOUS SCIENCE"

S...., M-. ... ........ _. T ... ~11 AM ~ ... J-rr . .. ,....ofl'MM 1111t1e ,...~ ~ ""1Kflllt11 Wllat llteti.•- Set.nee 111 wll9t " _ , lltW It -u. nee ce..u1t rfYi.wt ..... llllOM ,. eld - - .,....... . ....

CHUIOI Of 1El1610US KBa UtT ... IMlt, Mwe .. •lwll

.,,..., ,..., ........ "'"9f su.2121


wn ftaaorial pal& TJ.r s-lrl '1 Moll 81 F rtlflll


for Christian Teaching and Home Missions.

Dr. Glen Schunk will con· duct revival services at Cen· tral Baptist Cbarcll, 7661 Warner Ave., Huntington Beacll from Feb. 26 througb March 10. The meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Dr. Scllunk has been ac· tive in evangelism {OT 20 years, c o n d u c t i n g ap· proximately 400 evengelist campaigns.

Nursery care will be pro­vided for the services.

" Mind" is the subject of the Bible lesson to be read in all Orange County Chris· tlan Science churche! this Sunday.

Golden Test f'Or the less<>n ls taken from Romans : ' 'Now the God ol. paUence and cOMolation gr~ you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Fatbei­of o\ll' Lord Jena Cbrlst."

" A Table in the Wilderness" ls the sermon topic ot the Rev. Norman L. Brown for Sunday's 10 a.m. 1 e r v i c e at t h e P lymoatb Congre1at1onaJ Church of Newport Harbor, 3262 Broad St.. Newport

Spe•k• Todav Elder John W. Osborn of Riverside, president or the Soutbe36tern California Comerence of Seventh-day Adven­tists, will give a ser· mon t i t 1 e d "The Church - Thermomet­er or Thermostat?" at todwy's 11 a.h. HrVice of WestmJ~r Sev· entb • day Adventist Church.

Beach. Communion will be observed during the service and new members reeeived. Sunday school will be held at the same time with baby· sitting service provided.

Dr. William R. Eller will deliver a message "The Gratest of All Gtl'ts" at the 8:45 and 11 a.m. worship bours this Sunday at the Lutheran Cburcla of the Master , 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar.

The congregation will bold special Lenten hours of worship o n Wednesday. Communion will be offered. The evening message will be "Living in the Light."



Scheduled A midwinter fellowship

meeting will open at the First Baptist Church, 301 Magnolia Ave., Costa Mesa, Sunday. The f iv e . d a y meeting will eod Thursday.

Dr. Jack Bridge1 will open tile conference with a talk on "God's Answer to the Pn!6ent Crisis" at 11 a .m. At 7 p.m. Dr. Art Wilson, former president of the Bap· tist Bible Fellowship, is sctieduled to speak.

The keynote service will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Dr. W. F. Dowell of Jacksonville B apt i s t Temple, Fla .. will be the speaker.

The scbedule for Tuesday includes 8:30 a.m., devo­tional prayer time ; 9 a .m .• practical seminars; 10 to 1 p.m., various speakers.

There \vill be a special trip to Marineland from 1 to 6 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. there will be a presidential address by Al C. Janney.

Wednesday's m o r n i n g schedule will be similar to Tuesday's, while the af· t.emoon o u t i n g will be to Disneyland. All fellowship night will get under way at 7:30 p.m. during which Dr. F . S. Donnelson and the Rev. Bridges w i 11 present ttie · · M i s s i o n s Thrust."

The normal m or n i n g schedule will ·be followed Thursday and in the af· tern0<m there wt1.l be a trip to Knott's Berry Farm. Dr. O. C. Melton and Dr. G. B. Vick from Detroit will speak at the final evening service.

Gospel Singer Norman Nelson, mis­sionary with Overseas Crusades, will present a concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Central Bible Church. 23rd and Or· ange, Costa Mesa.

CASSELS .•. (Continued .From Pare 4)

Washington E p I s c o p a 1 Cathedral - in the use of contemporary music and dancing as expressions of worship.

OR. COX THINKS Jt a great pity that conservative worshippers " are prone to boggle at electric guitars and trap drums in church."

"Their res1stance is Wl· fortunate," he says. " Folk soDgs, dramatic movement and visual color in an a i; of celebration could open tfle semes of peopHI whose worshlp life is 1bJclc in a caretully preserved tradi· tion, and allow them to en· counter God anew.' '

AIDE ... (Continued from Page 4)

a 1peclal assignment to Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, where he is an associate professor of mlsslons. He Is also ex· ecutive secretary of the Latin American Association of Theological S c h o o 1 s . northern region.

Identical worship services offered at St. Andrew's at 8, 9:30 and 11 a .m. Following each of t h e services, members of the board of deacons will con· duct a tour of the church grounds and facilities for all interested.


211 ....... """ !

~~~~~~Y~l~ Prom SUO v ~ Yiqn $46'

r stmmstrr .tltmorial Jark Mon.ary-ee..etery

"Everythini in OM ll«mliful p1oc4tt Bec:auK the funeral and burl&I Cleftlet concept eliminates the nml for proctsSioa& ~ bwfy traffic on 0ttrcrowded higbwap family tnd friends alike may now f9Y their 'full re­spedS br attending the burial ~ • wtll a the chapel aerflce. all at ODt 1-atiful plaic2, at las cost and more rott+<l'iea ::e. 14tt1-1410l-.ACH ILYa.. WISWifil

114 TWim• W421 71 4 -.. .. \·1711

Temple 'Eilat' Picked

The Sou9l Coat J ewiab Community Association haa voted tio adopt tbe name Temple Eilat. The temple also will follow the Reform Tradltton and affiliate with t2>e Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

A spokesman explained the name was c h o s e n because of the con. gregation's "strong iden· Wlcatlon" with the people of Israel. The r e c e n t mideast war started at the port of Ellat.

Rabbi William Sanderson will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of tbe congregatioo, at 8 p.m. March 1 in the Presbyterian Church, 119 Ave. Estrella, San Clemente. His topic will be "The God Concept in an Absurd World."

For further information about the temple call 495-5434 or 837-2009.

World Day

Of Prayer

On' Friday

AT ST. JAMES The Right Rev.

LENTEN SPEAKER .Pi'· Crawford W. Brown

Bishop Rusack to Hold Services at St. James The Right Rev. Robert C.

Rusack, Suffragan Bishop of Los Angeles, will conduct confirmation services at St. James Episcopal Church . 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach, Sunday.

The service will begin at 9 a.m . There will be 18 adult conflrmands and 20 junior confirm ands.

The Rev. Crawford W. Brown, retired rector of the Church of Our Saviour San Gabriel, will conduct' the Lenten Quiet Day at St. James on Saturday, Marcb

2. from 9 a .m. to 2:30 p.m. Dr. Brown is known in

the Los Angeles Diocese for his interest in spiritual heal· ing and personal counseling • He is a member of ttie Religion and Health Com· mission of tbe diocese.

St. Joachim

Rites Mark Lent Start

Cburcb Women United of / the Harbor Area is sponsor-ing the World Day of Prayer Aid Sought A "Mission on the Mercy obrervance in Costa Mesa of God" will feature the and Newport Beach on Fri· F V opening of Lent at St. day, March 1. Or ietS J oachim Church, 196 4

A service will be held at Orange Ave.. Costa Mesa. Christ Church by the Sea With a critical refugee It will begin Sunday and Community ?r.ethodist, 1420 population almost beyond continue throughout that W. Balboa Blvd., at 10 a.m. control before the Viet Cong week. The Rev. John P . Ashey urban invasions, 43,000 more More than 1,000 are U · will direct ttte meditation. homeless have been added peeled to attend t h e Other participants in the to areas in wruch church mission. observance will include the volunteers are s e r v I n g , The · Rev. Robert J . Rev. Dale Johnson . Mrs. J a m e s MacCracken. ex- Logrip, and the Rev. John Dwane Black, Mrs. Robert ecutive director of Ch)..lrch Sullivan, Marist preachers Heath, Jonah Kliewer and World Service reports. from San Diego, will deliver Mae E . Driver. He said that after con· a sermon each evening at

The First Method I s t sultation with Vietnam 7:30 and for five minutes Ohurch of Costa Mesa. 420 Christian Service staff in afteT each of the morning W. 19th St. and the chapel Saigon and church officials masses. a t S t . A n d r e w • s in this country, a call is Sermons will include "The Presbyterian Church. 600 St. being issued for an im· Personality and Love of Andrew's Road, Newport mediate $50,000 from U.S. Christ," " The Ecumenical Beach, will be open from Protestant churches for Movement," " Christian 10 a .m. to 3 p.m. for private emergency assistance to the Courtship and Marriage," meditation by those unable newly created refugees in and "Why Catholics Love to attend ttle morning that war torn country. the Blessed Mother." service. ,~-------=-=-=~-::--~-~~~~~~~--

Offerings will go to manyl••••••• OPEN SUNDAY

projects in the United States TAKE THE as well as o11ter lands. I nclu d ed will be scholarships for training BITE women for Christian broad· casting in Africa : support for 13 colleges in Camaroun, Jndia. Pakistan. J a pa n . South Korea. Hong Kong, Taiwan. and Guatemala. The International Student Service will be aided. In A m e r l c a , agricultural migrants will be helped as well as Indian . Americans, rural ·pastors, and vacation church schools.

World Day of Prayer observances under t h e sponsorship of C h u r c h Women United will be held in 123 countries and in 2,300 cities in America. The com· mittee working locally in­cludes Mrs. John F. Dean as chairman. Mrs. Charles James, Mrs. James Moor, Mrs. H. M. Wright, Mrs. Cecil Hoffman, and Mrs. Carl Boswell.

NO. Ono of the most populer " ' wspap•r futur11 in the entire United St.tes is the Ann Lenclen column. It's • cle ily tutura of the DAILY Pl LOT encl our rHdtrs tall us it's our No. I column.

lat I LOCK toke you off th•

hook. We'U find your deduc•

tiont, and make sure they're

the maximum a llowable ,

Yov'll - time, traub'-oncf maybe more t flon enough

money to pay for our low

cot! MNlca.



fillll------ OUAUNTP l!fll-----­W e ' ""'°"'" CK<wroi. pr.,...rotioft of ..,.,.., tv-... tvlft. If we 1110•• ••Y ooron thot coot yo11 • ., ponolty « ln,.,_, - wlll P"1 th• """'"' °' IM9rwt.

Am•rlca'a lal'l•lf Tax S.rvlce with Ovw 2000 Offfciee

1834-C NEWPORT BOULEY ARD (at Newport and Harbor), Costa Mesa

WHIC DAYS t AM • t rM. SATURDAY. SUNDAY f . I ltHONI 6<42-172<4


9:30 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M.-SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 6 PM.


-.. -. - --- - __ ,,,_,,,_ - ... --. ..... -........ ·-·~------ ...... .-.. - - - - .-- ~ - - --- ,.... ..-_ ........_ ..... ......._.........,......- ---------- -1

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L •


Beal E•tate ~

..... Comment . .

1y land.I McC.rdl. RMltor

CREA Officer·

Eari1 ~ 1111ettnc plan,~- .... prier to c08llrlle- lant syeUed PMt 11111 "'9 *1tcts ·•sold oaf' ..... 81 .. •• Hacie8da Admts -- ua eo.t.a llua'a Dlil Cerro

Duaald GWJes, fonner deVeliopment. consulta1t to. 1 e v e r a I Wida ~ i u s t

We twive • few ...... te in.-t. I hive ~ ttlink· California s e a 1 t e com- under • .,, 11 tMialtioru


, ..__ .2 erd point '° • le1llut ,..... the int Neut inve.tlnt I• n• •tale. - •" .,,. • • mittee:s a n d le&lslatlve Dex( fe1f ..a. ., sale' uf wisdom to help convlMe my hvsbend. h assistant to Seo. Luther •cent.a, W~ lfMI IM

O. C., ituntiftt"n leac "A moment's r_,._ioo must coorince you of two Gibson. u s joined the predict.

'l::u~., th ah E t t ' 'Bayers llJCISt Mt 4Qickly • tr.ings: First, that lands are of ~anen~ v~ue; . al C fomia Real 1 • e if they wat tbe plan, the

• there is scarcely a possibility of their falling IJ\ ~rice . Association as Legislative lite, llDd the ltlect!on of but aJmoot a moral certainty of their raising exceedingly Reoresent.tin, it was n · c o 1 ors a ad c • 1 t o m tn value." This excerpt was written October l~. 1778. nounced today by H . feature•," the Del Cerro by George Washington to his stepson, J. P. Cusus. • Ja.cbon Pontius, CREA ex· sales firm streued.

· ~tc~u~tl~v~~~~~c~eipr~es~1~d~en~t~- ~~~Th~e~B~1~c~i~e~n~d~a~terie~~s~~~~~~~----~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7~~~f!l!T~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ Wouldn't home and property in our area be i.11 .-

txpentive If you rHltort would e liminate a lot o! money fn advertitint? I know you mwt spend consu:terable ameunh of money in advertitiftf. This has to be adchd. of course, to the total price I pay fw the property. On • r«cent vac1tion through the East and Mictwett I even noticed all types of S.Uthem California prope'!ies be­ing ..tvertlMd thero in local pape" and magmnea. Is this HJ*'•• necoaary? - P.T.N., ~ ~ac~

Advertising is more than an ~le necessity:. 1t is the very foundation of our Amencan free system. &f06t Californians are unaware of the official economic role ttiat advertising by realtors pe!'forms for them through the advertising and promotion of their merchandise.

The realtor has p!a)ed a leading role in attracting capital. industries aod new residents ol our area. Every-

• one has benefited from the resultant boom. Many small and large investors from every state now own a small part of California. The real estate agent using the tool of mass commllnkation - advertising - has done much to produce and assure California's healthy condition.

I am not a veteran. Do I hno to be • veteran to qualify for an FHA loan? -R. C. (hello

No, as long as your credit is good and your month· ly payments are approximately one week's pay, you will probably qualify.

I am considorint getting into the rul eltato buti· nos._ What kind of person succeeds in the rHI estate\ buslnou? What qu1lltios should he posseu?

- Ron Smith, Santa An• Today'6 realtor must be a true professional. He is

much more than a salesman. He must be well-versed in land values, coQ..struction, and financing. He's got to be the kind of a ritan who inspires trust. And he should demonstrate a sense of civic responsibility because of h~ vital influence on community growth.

ll you are the kind of a person who likes hard work but doesn't want to be chained to a desk. if you're will­ing to study anything from the technicalities of zoning to the complex factors which make op property values, if you like to meet and help people-there's a pla~ fot you in real estate.

You'U be expected to have a banker's knowledge of financing. a practical grasp of contracts, and a mind reader's knack for diseovering whether young Mr. and

• Mrs. Smith would be happier in a new split-level or the comlortable house in Westcllff.

: You ougbt to become the kind of a person who can - make something more than an educated guess about

the long.range future of real estate in your ana. To do this, you'll have to learn what makes your community t ick - the growth potential ol its business and industry, master plans for land use and development, the tax structure and laws affecting property.

Above al1, it you don't know the answer, you'tl have to learn where to find them.

Remodeling, Updating Boost Housing 'Boom'

Although • slig?lt increase in housing starts is predict· t>d for 1968, the successful manufacturer must attune himself to the conaumer and go after the remodeling and modan.Wng marteta. .

Roy C. Bolt, pre1j~rrt and genenl manager of Em· hart Corporation's Kwikset Division ln Anaheim, ex· peels a six percent rise in private houung starn over those ill 1967 and re(era to thC" increase as a ''boom· let. "

" We really can't call it a boom, and I don't believe it will be as much as most people llltidplte," be said. Kwlkaet Is the world's \arg· est manufacturer of residen­tial lockseta, and Bolt re­m al ns alert to all industry forecasts and trends.

Although 1967 •tarted of( slowly, a late s•ge in pri· va .. ~ Mn. brought about a tncnue (or the year, bl reperted. But for Kwibet, alls ii refltded in • ..... beckloC al Cll'da-1 wblcb wU1 aboW ..... aalea tlpns. Bolt said then ii a normal lag of about IO days between the actual boulUl1 start and the deliftr/ of Jocbeta..

Bott loab r .. • additl•· al lnc:retlM ia .... clartD& -~··11o ....... Exec Named

are becoming l'DOl"e and more security coolcious. It used to be that they would not replace a locbet untU it was brolten or a burglary occurred, but now they are mating replacementa be­fcn either of t.Mse things happens."

He cited the fact a burglary OCCllTI ~ every 28 seconds in the United States and that the home· owner bas become increu­ingl,y anxious to install lock· sets that can resist prowl­ers. " Our own &ales of dead· locks have increased 10 times over- wbat they were a year aro," Bolt said. A deadlock ls operated by turning a key from the out· l\de or a thumb piece In­side which sends a larJe bolt deep into the door jamb and resists jimmying or other force.

' "lbt l9"'0delin& ... moderadng martetl .. biggw tball ever bdwe, and .. mercl!.andiltng ef. forts pit f.nt.i by manulae­trnrl in ta.. ... IO f» have proved that Ii the mOft lucrative area for b&Nwse," Bolt Mid.

"We also want to reach the bnpu1le buJer, became JD&Q1 mllllOlll of doJlarl worth of ~ will be IOld to .... .,....,., .. addild.. ' 'We're ,.... .,._. Ulla marbt _.. Ima enr by maJtilC .. lllf...mce .......... ,ndUdl more~ .... ... ~ .. ....., .... ~ ........ . ..,..,.., ...... . ... U. ... llatul ue.c xi cw•..s....­pemt.of-pa, ...... ..... •. .... .... ,. ....... 1'IMllt .. heme .. ., ........... . .. ... ...... ow ,.... ,,.

-rile S.iu. Bw"-· - 1 • lrlJ...i ""U;" "'"' urili•• .. _ oli__, .. ,...., :

COLLEGE ESTA.TES l·•·S..6 Bil>MQ .. • J.t ~

SUNK.IN UVlNG ROOll! • FOJlllAL lll?mfG BONUS llOO-., • Dl<SS • -.U0Ma



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Zero Lot Prlnelple \ i

Oceanwood HomesF eature

New Architectural Trend A new architectural trend,

that of. using every square inch oi land for ' 'indOor-oul· door" living, is bein~ ap­plauded at Oceanwood in Huntington Bead!, where the A.ftnoor Development Co. has utilized the zero-lot line principle and placed ooe wall ol the house ftusb with the side of the lot - thU& malting available, Oii a regular single • family residential lot, 25 percent more usable yard area than 1s offered by ntost standard dwellings today. '1

The acceptance of this new housing trend is eviden­ce<! by home sales totaling a little over $1 million since the community opened its m<><k!ls to the public last October. Larry Armour. president of the developb>g firm, and his marketirt& director, Paul Bruns, who originated the architectural concept. worked out zoning details for the $3.5 million project w i t h Huntington Beach planning officials.

"The cooperation o f

constructed. Arehitect was '' In the par 1 or. we've Earl G. Kaltenbach of Santa designed a room that is Ana while C. Tony Pereira adaptable to ltle Southern of. Los Angeles decorated California way of. lire where the models. entertaining has a ~!)('ci al

By means of Armour's sense ol freedom. ln the siting innovation, he hu southwest tradition. t he been able to produee homes selling from $29,950 to parlor ili designe<I '!o !"at $3.5,950 - a medium price the setting can be changed range for Ute vicinity. Grant from formal eteganc'! to deeds are presented to the casual informality at a homeowners since th e moment's notice. With ex· dwellings are not on leased posed beams and large open laod, and there is no fireplace, the parlor opens ~1 association. on to the central California

" While retaioing many of Room for 'indoor · outdoor' the inherent traditions of th• entertaining." single • f.amily residence," Armour says that " fin· Armour ex;plaina, • • t h e gertip con"enience is the Oceanwood home olfers the key-word" for Oceanwood's prospective buyer a great tradlit.ional Summer Kitchen deal more than he has come whicfl is situate<! in a "lush

f h garden environment." Ac· to erpect in most o t e centi.Jlg liveability as well h<>mes being constructed today. This, as as 11fility, kltchens feature a direct result of the zero-lot 8 complete line of space-age I In e pr inc i pl e' we've bu i I t · i n s , inc luding

ed Oc ood " dishwasher, as well as employ at eanw · furniture f I n i s h e d

Armour summarizes (or cabinetry. luminous ceil· the homebuyer some of the Inga, family breakfast bars improvements and featu res and outside patio bars. be can expect f r o m Oceanwood's unique con· Models may be visited ~t

I de · Oceanwood daily fropi 10 ceptua sign: a .WI. UDtil dusk via the Santa


A home in Laguna for only s30,995 to sae,995 -where new in-coming industry is forcing ~alues up, up and up ..•

Plua • way to NV• you twenty thou11nd dollar• cash with • apeclal 5·3/4% There are also some pretty smashing floor plans and lnterHl·rata loan we make avallable- a loan with a lower rate than VA or FHA! exteriors to choose from-designed by a noted archi· ..J"' But there's more to a Niguel West home than being able to buy it r ight. tect. .J" Most folks who are buying here are fairly There's mood too. We might say that these homes are the perfect setting for the well-to-do and can afford more- but we offer that

mature family who enjoys a martini before I I "more" for less and give them

dinner. Let's face It-across from El Niguel 'NJGUEL WEST leverage if they want it. And CountryClub and afl--well, there's some snob speaking of leverage, you can appeal here whether we like It or not. .J" move in for as little as 5% down. Then too, there are things in these homes you In fact, we'll even pay your loan simply can't find in homes at twice the price-things like Master Control Sweep fees, your escrow fees and your closing costs . .J" Lighting, Central Vacuum Ducting, Indirect Lighting, Total Insulation, Landscap· If you thought this ad was too much to read, wait! The ing at well as luxurious carpeting throughout, and all the deluxe built-ins. homes are "too much" to see I

everyone involved in tbe planning Of tbe cOQUDwiltv was simpty tremendous," Armour expresses pleasure. "and Ocea11wood recetved rapd approval as an FRA· VA projecl

Loeated at A t 1 a n t a Ave~ and M a g n o 1 i a Street, Oceanwood is laid out on 20 acres.. with only lO'l homes to. be ..Utimately

1. Since ttle wall ol ttle Ana or San Diego Freeways home b on ooe side or ttle to Beach Boulevard. turning propertJ., line and contains right toward the ocea11 and no windCMis, and Is also oC then left on Atlanta Avenue masonry construction. _~to~th~e~d~e~ve~lop~m~e~n~l----~--.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==:=:=::===============================~­sound tranamissJon is nearly

Title Trust

Offers New

RE Policy Title ~suranC(, and Trust

Company of Santa Ana bas announced a new concept for the real estate industry according to David R. Por­ter. vice pr es i d e n t and Orange County manager.

eliminated and visual en-croachment entirely remov­ed.

f· With the accwnulateJ ~ideyard dimension comes an "indoor • outdoor Jiving area previously unexplored by builders whidl expands the rear yard utiUty as well as drawing the fron t yard i:rto uae, and through the extensive use of gl.4ss walls and windows, too outdoors becomes an integral part 0( each room.

3. Improve<! access to rear areas is immediately available ror emergeney purposes or for r u t u r e s w i m m i n g pool con-struction.

4. Usable storage aru for boats or campers is given alon~ide the home and may be easi?y scr~ed-off from

P o r l e r announced this new price schedule is de­signed to accommodate a package deal ror the trade­in program. G I resale&. view. the guaranteed sales p r o- 5. Contrary to the bodgc'­gram, or a normal sale and · ~ge effect of. five feet s~c­resale where title is taken • tions of fence exteod111g for convenience and for Im". each way from the house mediate resale. central in a lot. sections

This new procedure will between the houses wiU allow Tl to record a deed belong lo one owner and in the usual maMer and is- create mol'1! p t e a s I n g ime a commitment in lieu aesthetic solutfons to street of a policy of title lnaur- elevations. ance. At that time the ti.Ue "As ror the inteiors. lte charge will be made wbic)\ · heart of the ~anwood will inclode a 10 ' percent home," says Ann09f, " la bold open fee. . . the cali~ornia R o om

The order will ~ held_ 1Jl Although open to the sky. abeyance and anyUme with- il will be as private and In 180 days the P~ as functional as any ~ther may be reM>ld with 00 room Framed by sliding tional charge- for up-dating · ·d th titl and issuance of the glass doors on three 81 es, Ut~e Ucy. ~ith a wall of. st~ne enc1os· Po~r added that this ing the fourth, 1t . co . N­

change ol their price sched· approached from eiUler .he ule which will be elfecti•e dining room, m a s t e r J tJiuary 12 1988 will enable bedroom suite or the parlor. the ~al e~tata 'broker and dents will be able to salesman to pua along a dine or entert~ undt'r the aubttmtiaJ aavings to their stan, or tan during the day clients. in total privacy.

en ar 0



' \

And get one · of Southern Cal iforn ia's best new home buys. Now. Glen Mar West homes have three and four spacious bedrooma. Patio kitchens with bui lt-Ins for convenient indoor-outdoor dining. Two and three-car garages. Carpeting, fencing and much more. All included in the purchase price. All for only 5% down.

Location Is unbeatable, too. You llve minutea from Orange County beaches, golf courses and famlly recreation centera. Top-rated schools


• ,,

and colleges are practically at your doorstep. And your home is freeway­close to opportunity-filled Orange County and LA. employment centers.

You're bound to arrive at Glen Mar West-If you 're really looking for that ideal home. Take San Diego Freeway to Magnolia. South on Magnolia to the corner of Magnolia and Garfield in Huntington Beach. Follow signs to Glen Mar West, -1r.1 r'~ m'\n '~ 'cst6 Wbate the good Ute atarta. -:: "fl.Ci I 11 laK n~ .:


. ... .. .. .. ~ .. . .. r

~. DAil Y "1.0T -- . ,..._, "" 1"'8

--Corporations Enter Build • . g Field Most people in the market

for a new home are nOt aware ol the fact that many of the homes they look •t

. - and the one they may eve.nblaD.1 buy - may be a product ol the same gtant corporation from wbith they

buy their 1uollne or life tuurance or aluminum toll or mea:uine• or e v e D

11'-l cardl.

_,,, ... __ bett no.. u ." I.- ~ CIOI'·

por•ti- --.. Ille bollle - ••rtot, amooc tMm i'l'H. Gd OU. Goodyear, x.... Aleol, Rerno ld1, 0~1aq. hOUle, Holbnart,~ loci.• Metropolitan UAt, .. tbe Pewyivania Rdlr .....

A f9C'Ut -. of Prolellional llalldlr, the buslnes1 mapzlae of tbe home bu 11 d t n.1 illdwtr7, anal)'Zflll tbe Illa• ot these blue chip, lb'llll II the houslof lndlulr)' ~ Wldl la the pm h., """ t' ii!" main ol tM> ~ r. - a r,Jattv~ly f 1f1D1iD , ~ depena .. 1 bUJ,_.,,. -and predict. that tldi M deve10pment ,..Uf wp UM buDder and the quaJ:tty of housing new cotiamunitlet, 11 well. :.,.

Newport M.Qi . • . • • • ' I'"' - . Heada Katella

Merpn al bcllll taotm with blue cblp CAJGl'dw are dul to tbl fart a.r' home bWld'•I ll ....... on • bu&e IC&le, 18;1lfi1C the development al -.. communttiel, ad la -easel wbole ... em.. These bit bt•Wnl w plexes require biC eapllal; and klnl·tm'm lnftltml9& wblch the modem earponte giant. can provide.

At the ume .time, in- , '-: r..-is ID~ bo!!<h1. 1 .. .; will - la .i.. in:o•ldn .- -- "'- totUos ·~ ... th lllrh·l'ftlll- .... 1 ........... _ . ..., ... -­lmpOrlant lax-... , -· -, Proles~ Bulkier says ~ ..W ml.Diii ud that builders and home • ~~ -that, di U,.. buyers alike, wfil_. beaefit 9v!t*.,y' ~- la. ... °"«i, from co rpora ti o a in- J ·more ecodomleal.bomlnc. yolvement tn home building .Prlnf ~alwB,:::~ .. ,. in the~ ways: 1 o eu_. , the 18" --~-• 1~ The tlrest-,ln .tbe bOUJ.e bulldiq .. ----.-i. · · · market on tbe p&rt of Jm-p

home bui\diPC lnd will [Erations is in tenm oJ gaJn mucb JMf!jled lmmunlty , from tbt 'lbort·term llPI and n,vestment a_nd "°'-!t Pf.P-d . noml pect.t . The act~t;!,,':niq ~WtiS lll ~ e con· design .apd C of_ •1~ns diet Hv.erely affect homes and comrDliaitiff if the market for homes. left to the experie:nCed o.i . Loni~ Plamaf. llet- . • "' ter · nnaiiclrit will enable fe1s10nal bu¥er. He may builders io plan and dev•'-' be part of a btJge cot·

· i ....,d. poration in 1b.e fuhn, Wt com!11uruties n a soun , hil , tnpw"'°w 1 n d q.

~~ J,,L;l. .:1 , ........

.... Jlllla.. 11111' --..... ow. ...... ........... = ........ , .....

.\,._= l •• c rtfm -, t' I • .,,ri111

.. I~~~ •m.E llTI tit '- ' '

LAGUNA NIGUEL · - . ' . ' -'* n- &aiJio,.. ~ ....... ,_ -··~~---­~.i:i=.· ....... . fi:ii.:'--. .. -.. ... -....... "' .... __ _ .. _ ........... .,. ,..,._,,......,.......,.. ---1 .;:.~..:-.... ..,, .. ............ ...c - ··1t.t .... 114.•· IJ

·;'t!'T ..,. ..,. ~

-~:a"' - "-*C.- ......,., ~ .......... c....._ OMI MJo.1111 ' tn• .,..,,.. '

• .. Melvin R. Schantz, prell·

dent of Katella Realty, an­nounces the appointment of Dale Donnelly of Newp<irt Beacb as its first ltDer.aJ manager.

fas~1on over a &re•~·r· \ ....... 1ence will still be u period of time - which " r""" P-1--......,-,--"""----.,...,--,--,-,,.-,----shouki in better com· perm.ost in the .~ f P' e K1'df ,••:.-.. to 'Aslc: Andy' .

:j!cio.eout at Pacific Sand• Dannelly will be in bar4e

ol sales and 11.1n e·r al management of Ka t.e-J.l ta Realty's five residential of· fices located in An&Mlm, Garden Grove aad Hun· lington Beach.

muntt1es. ' i"bW""idiD"";'•l""""'_,;;;;;;~.·-· _,_,_,_,_,;;;;;;'i;;;;•w•'""'~· ;;;i;· _,_,_,_,_,_,_,;;;;;;_,_,_,;;; Better Hme dellp. M&nY fl

ol. the corporate giants are invesUnc- in the h o m e building market because oJ their interest in developing prodlk!CI · al!!lld in. .housing.

.. ~ . :t~.nw is one ol. the landscaped patios that will be open for public inspection for .~ tbt final time thit weekend .at Deane Homes Pacific Sands on Atlanta Avenue t!ellt of Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach. )., .,

Now 4--oom 11>111 llnl pion, on enlll'lld dellgrw on 'lhl flmoul "Ch8lticlllrt"

m<Mlol1hatwailtho-Honmllld o.- Aw..i for Excollonca. Allo ..- In 3 bedroom pilnL

Priood from $29,9116


..... I.ML


• ---.

<Last GWeek at GJ>acif ic San'ds

H.,. Is your FINAL OPPORTUNITY to JOleet your MW 0.... Home from 18 rwnalning 111 hcff"oc: Sonds. Modll1 will bo open fw

Ju<t OQO mon -· Now It tho time! Y• • WI Tl'lllll A* _, our Riii EJtno

...... ~Pl<+- YGOr - hctnl

..... yar - -·t. - """'" - 9:00 ........ 11:00 p...; '""'· .., ..... -.c. .


FMI adtlre 3, " · - 5 b.iroom P'- ln I -IMV or ~-It vwr lmoer;tion. Down ~ -.t • low • $3,0.; ,_di.., S-Vmtntl •low•l214,

T1bS.nDlerofrMnyorPJcffie0out ., Hiahny 101 to Beach Blvd., thtn . - - 014) .... ,,,.. . J

f I ' i· \ I

. . , ·· PaCIFIC sanos

, . ·I -•

............... ..t ___ ....,.. .. _.......,.. .....

.,..llOiiSUIC.•~•A'!'!"''«iOl'~t011.Pl11'CUW'*"-.""'•410t"'*ffMlT· • ....... llA04.~•lln•e-IMl,_ tMt.1117




Da~ienda Boni es

~. : 11e'1es

JUST 52 450

I " I . s.m4300 per month ·- • "'·'

A STATIMEMT ===== Th• n•w s.,i.; of MHitwr•nN~ stylH H•ci•nd• homM h11s l>Mn op•n only• frirw•l!~l , , , alr•td'f ..,., 100 heve IM9'I Mid. D.n't dal•y. This is y.ur i•st ch. nc ... "N.w« •9'1in • luxury hom• at this

"F'." pric• , , • at tfMit• Hl'f tM'1'111 eit.I J.w ,.ytn•nts.

VETS NO,· DOWN- LOW FHA TERMS 3.A lfdro0m1 - big '-+. (pt\ you •Wf'I ,._.,, lot) the , 11xcitin9 " Aoride •itch•" . . . •It the thin91 .,.., drHm aboitt in this w•edrful new home lecetien. Her•!s ,,.c. , , . h.,. 's luxwy •nd •t pricn less tha" mt. SM H•ciende 0.1 C.rro tcMieyl

' ,. , . ·•

J . . . ' '" •\.,~

J ••• ·,,_ ..

~ I •

J •

' To ~-fti•. '!"W Hocl-4• ~ ot Doi¢...., l•h N...,..t i. lfl•fol •H I ,. +. P.evlitri .. Tum -.rftht et P'e~l• rin; lat wt.a. Ft.tit) te tha t.n ... . .

- ------ - -----·--~',t...~..:..- - - - -



_.GOP President and D mo Vice President? r • • IAnnouncing .. .




WASHINGTON (UPll - minority puty .. nclldate a- to lllO Seo~. bar&aln !or that control, bu to win control of the House conceive of the possibility Wild u it a on n d s • deprives leader of a chooleJ betw,ea tlae the power t.o elect the preai- in the next election. and ol wtomng cootrol of the I Americans could wake up clear elect.oral vote ma· leaden. This baa dent in the eveot of a trying e~n harder to win Senate tm year. next January with a jority, the election ls tbrowll once.. in h ei.ction ol deadlock lD tbe Elect«al control of eight additional So with a Republican Republican president and a into the H? ln .ne Hoose, the vo~ for O>llege. Delegations whlch delegations. The goal is not House and a Democratic Dem~aUc vice president. But t.bat s only for pres1- president ta taket1 state by are split could have their an impossible one. Senate. a d i v j d e d ad-

·tlwtt • lt'a like~ The dent. \ 1t..te, with each stale ha1ng votes forfeited. In the Senate, U1e vote ministration becomes a • are overwbelmingly U no canm~te fetr vice . one vote. The party w ch Re,,ublloan.s now cootrol for vice preslden1. is <'&st possibility because or the

MR. RICK PERKINS Former Owner & M•n•9•r of Harbor Optiuf


Hutchens Optical 369 N. Newport Blvd. (Old Road)

Newport Bt1eh M2-2778 g ~t lt. president ~ a majority, hu majority contn>l ~ the deleptlon1 of 18 states. by senators individually. Electoral Collegi! flaw in the • But there la nothing' in ·th~e ::_vi~ce~p~re~aide~ntial~~conte~~·:t ~--~e~de~le~g1~tloo~~s.~or~c~1~n___:T~h~ey!....:wil~l-be~~tryi~ng~_:h::ar::d:_.:,:N:ot:__:Pv::'.e'.'...'.n_R:e~p~u~blic~an~11~oa:n~Co:n~~11'..:'.tl:'.tu~U:on:::· _____ -==:::================= the Constitution which re· -

quires that the vice presi-Jent be a member of the

, .ame party as the president. Md a situation could arise

r •.nU ~ar whlch might well ead to a ' p 111 ad-1.ii1tration.

If major party candidate ·or r e s i d e n t fails in November to &et a ma~rity of the electocal votes. the Houae would select a presi­dent from the three leaders.

~ The House h.a.s had to un­' dertake that chore twice • before in history: The first

time a~ the election ol • 1800; apm after the elec­

tion of 19'l4. The politicians saying

it could happen again thii • year with fonner Alabama

t)ov. George C. Wallace and i>whl!-ps a Peace Party can· didate ln U\e race .

If the election Is close. and Wallace or any other

Fipe~ Bail


~e~~~ .Judicial D~ct of the Municipal cdtirt

1 w a r n e d

coast residenff 1, take note of revisions of ~ o u n t y ordinan~s w~ch ~sull in fine and bail chan .

Ball for parking · posted no parking and no pprking al anytime has been taised to $S as has parking in a bus loading zone. Tres~s­ing has been raised to and posting a £or sale s n on a parked vehicle will n net a $15 fine.

Obstructing a public dock and diving iMide the harbor entrance are both $10 fines . Dog licenses now cost "5 and a dog without one ~ill cost his master a $.5 fJ.Jle and a personal appearance ~~municipal court. Dogs without leashes have a $10 ball for thelr masters.

C:Ountian \ Gets Grant

For $75.0 ' Russell C. Packard. or

Santa Ana, a reciple11t of a $750 research grant from the Orange County Heart Association has comp)e his project.

Packard, now a fresh(\la a t t h e U C l·Califortlia College ol M e d i c i n ~ • performed his research .i the USC cardiovascular lab In Los Angeles. His project consisted of sur~ically pro­ducing hypertension in rats by enveloping their kid~eys in latex capsules.


Amber Mouthwash



. ~·t\ . \

. . • .


Nylons 'Parnless, wMe n cr o-mesh ~ !ery wit h 'mt.tot, nude •ti F •Ill' qval­

•ly n~lotls t0< IMg wear 1n ladr!s' sizes 81? to II.

• • Glo-Coat'' Kur lash Eyelas~ Curter

'' Lactana'' T•llnSMS

Wit• "T11t•·Ti'" •••


floor Wax • ~ r: ~ :ioo!IPnl1 1our la>h•~ look lnnge1. tramt YllUI '.yes Y11tll ~r•Ater emollas1s.

--~·25 .J


Get TOT~ lllvor. TOTAi. oualily 11 e'ltr'f 1:1rto1 of ice r.ream - l!I )'OUI chotee of dehr.rous fl!YOls. Mne your own S11ndaes, sodas or batlana 59l1ts at llome.

f Hf l•tttl.-fff l•t

11i "'"' 55c SQUARES

···---- 'Corn Huskers'\ of tra1n1ng and u perience by the phannacisl at S~v On Drugs enables him to comPoUfld pttSCllP· uon~ wit~ lhe highest degree of premiol and arcuracy. Yoo can b& COllfidelt YOllf ~ion will I>' fill,d JYSI as your doctor ? cribed .• . pl•1 l~~t ~ COOlt'IOU.\ St/VIC, .

.....!• . .:-... ~· I

Multi-Yitalins ~ A rlit1¥y -i,.ment ol tturty YJlam1ns And mulf?ral; 1 98 ~11 11 0111! C.,\ult. ..,. Ut 1• """ •

Therapeutic Formula lli1• '91tlCJ Mtlli·fita•itH •• • 114(11 COllCeltration 1 98 of v1tam111s aids 1n evert day Y1ta111~ deticieocies.

..__ ... ,, •ec. Ut 111 Caps. •

LOTION for •omni h~1

Conctntrall'd. hm1 duty . .• soothes even

~:oog~s&t skftc SIU .,-


Cold Cream @~ Deel> clutlsts, • ·

:.o·~:. ~~~ age (;). -lky Skil CrUI ~ Sopole"lents 9t ~ iul111al beauty oils. US Silt

'Angel Skin' Hattd 1 ldy lltiH • hands smoo!ll and your


'*1ng. I.II Silt

"little Frillies" CAT fOOO

=.•llirl•c-~ z~.39c

- " u..11·1-YitailS UV.ON . • • lhtMnll Chtor- - -----. - --- --.-----... •1 i !vi~, .. m_ .in. 50'.A000

' <Miwuu I Vitamin 'B-1' 1 u.s.P. units... • 111e ... so m,. 98 "Coffee-Mate" J.P1u1 .. ., 119 uv.oN HAND •• , . UI c Bowl Set 1.Si fruit fla vore d • • Ill's

111·1 • hr Ym C.ff 11

I !!~i-~! i ·a·l,~9.~;: I· . ~:.~i~~i~ ~ a. Acid - U.S.Psgc. SO 1111· ':J; : . gac 11

. • .... f.1t !Di's -..,_ ____ ~..JI

' Wit~ "T1fl11" ll1i91 .. ._

NON·CAlOllC utttD

Sweetener SAY·• •• . ~. teasooon tGUllS 2 lmPoollS of suiar. 2gc •ewr ••te•Ml is do! s11ed. lie l er.

ASPIRIN Tablets SAY·OH ... 5 gmn - U.S P. ,, tor rehef of llllllOf lludacie pill. Ila ...

Glyceri1 SAY.fM ... U S.P. - ~iis 39c ~ " '"' ol cha~ ~. nMllh~ skwi. • 4 er.

Mineral Oil m-M .. . Huvr-u s.1•. 5gc odorltSs, t1sl e le ~~. non talteititf . 7k ft.

Cold Capsules SAf.fM •• • Wrtfl TirrW!d.

rA congestion dul! to C Actlelt for cont1lltl)U~ relief 59 cold~. He 12's

a. Nislat1tly ••• needs l'IJ~l" fl'fll!Oft.

11 " · • 66c

ll 1z. Sue ot plastic with a text111ed tin1~h. As'wrted color bottom\ w/clear hds.

69c f~I for omelets « pr~ , paring 2 foods at ODe ti&. Heat p<oof ha1dles. •

111. u1 2.98

R ~ t..) ~ I I • • ·; ' ' I , j Household Needs

Waste Basket

Waste Basket RP.claqgular shaped, ril l~rg,. moder11 basket 1~ ~~~orted colors and ,; (: 1.Me. •'

.. ,. 1.•• 99c '



! f

Thl.s irocram was\'lid­ed in order to en('4urage gifted college S.! 1

1 e n c e students to constfer careers in cardlovasgiar research. Student R~earch As~ia­tions al! given the op· portunl!J to do pioneer work

fa ricll foo\ing. firit feeling colo!ful de­signs aod fms ;,, pull~er 0< bGttOlt front. All nicely de· ta iled.

t in ~~ . fine. st laboratories in ~ nia. / Ap' cations for n ex t year Student Research ·As tee program may be recei d by contacting the Oran8' County H e a r t Assodation. 1043 West 8t St.. Santa Ana . telephone s-47-~.

u. .. .......... c:.... • Mel L C.- ...,_

c- ... ... • 1'11 ... ... • ... M9 .,. ...... _ .....

• -·.. • • • •t4' __ _

• 1 •

= ~ .. .-...-----.-....-..--- ..._,...... __ _


7 ,, ,,

2.98 3 le IX


"Desert flower'' lwty Bat~ ftr Dry Ula Rdly ~d. llllllWf Mrir., ~ ut!· lier ltlltfS dl>eptd, .. .,. • ,., .tt

i! 1.25 t: 2.50

________ ...... -- - --------------·------------------....... -~~


. ' .. . ' ' - .

!0 DAILY I'll.OT ' -

New York Exchange

------ -

. - ... --



; • • • •

-- --------------- ·---------------~---- -

' • •• ' ..

·~ '


I l j ..




~ } I


Tteasury Bonds


10 Most Active Stocks

wtlD.Y AMl•KM IT9Cll IAU'I .... ............... ........ . u

- •• ••••• ••••••••••••••••• • ~11'1 -ri.... ........................... .. ~ ,....-·- ......................... .

....,.,,..,M,l ...

Year's High,



at Dtctmbtr 31, 1967


Cash and U.S. Government Bond• ... .. ..... •• • •• . $ J ,693,604

Loans on Re~l Estate .... 28,124,606

Contracts or Sale or Real Estate .. .. .... .. .

Loana to Facilitate Sale or Real Estate . . . . . . . . . .

Loans Stewed by Savinas Accounts • ••• •• •.••.•• .

Real Estate Owned .••••. .

Real Eatato Purchased for lnveatmoat ..•.. ... ....

Federal Home Loan Bank Stock ... ••. ••.• •• ·

Office Premises and 1!41lipcnent (Net) . .. .... . .








A~cnaed faterut Receivable • 116,609

Othn A11et1 ••••••• • • • '472.80 TOT AL ~BTS .... • .. · tlJ.521,230


Low, Close

<I> •


Liabilities Capital

And Reserves

Savinas Accounts •..• ..•. $31,068,905

Advances From Federal Home Loan Bank • • • . . . . .

Other Liabilities

Derorred Income ••••. . .. .




TOTAL LIABILl-TIES ••• $31,542,132


Specific Lou ReHrve • ••••• $

Outrantee Stock, 95,159

Rt1mea and Smplaa 1 ,883,339


TOTAL UABlUTIF.S CAPITAL AND ..REIBRVES • •••• • • • • $33,511,230

I ..

. ..., .. ' '.

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/\PT stt1• .:as rl'frreerutor '8 '.!·:i ' I m«tal Janka SI• "nrh .\n1111ur 'lahoiany bulft I $:.!j 67:>-09'~

:.J SEMI Lrmab-, - ori"'e 11r1·llld. onr li;!hl g 1•1·n $7 "!Cl ,. ~rh Divan and chai r w1lh "' pt.·uw• 1·~ $:.~ M11 plr dt'~k $!l Bnlhr<.om sink with fL'<· IUl'r5 S."1 IJ<JUblr Siii ini;s llnd n111tt1 ' ''S hmh $7 &>d It n111r S:! Bahy wa.lkrr SJ. '.h n ~ ah• lt' skat('~, sw• 10 $ : \\ om1·n ~ shOI ~k.a le S3. l .. arla!'a ntw, almost new tire S\I' '· SI/~ 14-lS. T-'C • $;: Laclre~ c11 pria and ahorts lllr . $1. LadlPs hlou.,r1 and knrl 1op11 l.i< • SJ Lanjlene Hk . :h: l..adtt s sk1111 65c • S.1 scrrtn guard :ior. ~ loot I foot n.'dwood snow frncr ~ C.E. drv iron Sl . Small window Ian S 2 · Drapes. irey background $~. Pink qu1hrd t)(>dspread S'..!. Prnk Silk 11 u I I I P d b!'dsprrad S2. T r I\ v e r s t drapery rods. varrou~ 111rs 1:)('. Purl!f!S '..r.x· • ·,o.. 9fi2. 7?U. 19962 l sthm11~. ILA

BOY'S - Sung ray - hikr Sl6. Tl•nnr, racket $:.!. Ice skal!'.S s:i. &.16-~

cuYnllJllG !Or · j()c. Bookb :.oc. Lamps s,2. a111drrn 's ii;aml'$ 50c. Toy5 10. Drup•!a t°l 1006 M l~IM, CM

pORTABLE bar S 7 j 0 C•1uch. i:O<.CS t' o n d 1 I • o n SI'.! :;o Sm-tU TV l ne('ds \!.'Ork I and 1tand $7.3() Ki td1t'n!'ttt chairs S 1 . :i 0 Mrh. Nau:;11hyde c~s S4 . SUO Oinrtte tablel> S'.l . f7 jQ, Automsuc washers S:i . S10. Refrigerator SlO. I lollywood bed rr11mcs S'! j,')

. t.'l!)'I 51>1: • SI. Dr.1p.~ S1 . ~· Toaarrr SI. F:nd 1ablt ~ S\,j() radl lk d frame> S:t B1krs Sl :i0 S7 j(), 15.50 • UP<'nor Avr. C \1 1rrar1 616-91 j!jt • 64!­.l~67

K'·:N"10Rt:: 1rwt.n:; mncl1inr. carryan;;: rasc. hutton hrill' 111tachm,.n1, $25. &l&l'l66 Eve.

fl f:.<\K ancl c·hair S I '2 • Bookca11r $2 . Drrs~!'l·i S5 ral'h . Pol<' lamps S3 ra1·h. Punch b o w I ~t SUO. A!'80rtcd tublt•a $1. 1r play ta.blr S4. RoUaway col $2. 16? Cedl P\. . CM.

SKIS. blndl~ and- polrs SI:>. Pla tform rockrr S5. Ztn!lb rl'lck rat11n $7 Douhlr h ,-d "''th hrAdbr...11rd S..'lfl. 3 \lap~t r llRlrs \16 lland1nowcr $2. Cr\b mattres" ti Expenslvr maternity bathi~ suit and •mil SS each. Car bl"<i $2. Danish ra11y rbAlr~ S7 and S4. Mrt1l rol $:! TV IM pnrts 1soont1 1s ,!lrr1r iind 11l'rrcn lil>'hts. bol no p1r-1u1·tl $10. Boal :;a11 can $6. LIV1ng room r halr Sl5. Good m~torcyde helmPI S 1 ~ . ';!esh playpE'n $6. 51-1 ()f \l rmlar s.i. Pnclded car 1Pat s~. Pt>dlll !Irr rnttine l t <'rth anrl mri 11 re11~ SJ5. Lug­::11~r ri11 ·k with !'anvris c•nv•· r \ 1:1 l.I 8-611<14! or 61'! '.!6i7

T?..UNt>U: b I' cl acomptcle S~IQ. Twin box spring 3nd 111attresa s10. 67:1-7565

t•ri~ldaire rul!lom tm'iX-rial ~U\Om&t\C Wl\~hc r. r )mpll'IP nvrrhaul . new pump, ""'· rP11 Pnl rondi11on s.:f.> 6 l!· 'l'tlfi

17' TABU: TV Sl"l. F'or.1 "1us111n1t rRd10 1 lran"~lort S'!'.> AM· t"'1 rM110 ~10 T=11JP f r<•ordrr s; 21 • noor mo<trl 'T'\' S'.2'>. A II 1n .. icrrllrnl 11hape . J j(\11 t: t!lth St ;.-1~ "'12!1

WALNUT tabl,. $2:.. Foundry 111dlr. ~ for planter s:.. LUlf\t fixture $S. ~· wld~ window $4. Swim 1in11 \ :I Ktnmor,. r I P r t r 1 r t)lanket s: .. Snlld corr door '.Ui" x li'8" S.i . 40" 'crt'Pn t1oor , 5. Cloth"~ pol~ S2. Room !'oolcr s1:.. Rat:an ,. ·arr S.'l Bur11r~ insrrt f.:lll· l(l't S25. Rol\l!Ol'l bulnnt' li:;-htrr s;;, :'olrw rea r '..'6 ' "11:.r whr!'I S9. Leaded gla ' windows S20 pair. 811rbtt11t ~ TV tray~ :-.or. 302 Ir is \\('. CdM. 67>3539

~ nATTA.'l- dlnln~ch31rs with cushions s:is. Oval t111.1, with tt'al ns. 96'Z-3m

WOODEN !Able t 21e.ves1 •nd ·, cna1rs S20- Gil! rdrlgerator $25. 0 o u b le brd. complclt S\5. $48-4691

8t •RJfo:-3- yean- oTcl:-JOO(! rhi ld '1 pet S25· ~noo. \14 w. 18th St. Coll& Meu

1rlREE-24" malJle b&r 1toola llke new S12 e6ch. portabl,. pool mtu 4', llqUUe loot flltl'l"I 15 foot pool vtry aood condlt.IOn $25, alto pool !Ad­dtr and chlorint tt'llllfl8 kit SS. Mwit tell, 1e1vln1 l(a te. 962-2374, call S~y. - ---CRIB S&. kltcb~tttt aet. fll· renm 125. :,48-0109

BOY'S Set fll iroU ~h- with baa rio. aoif cart $7.jO, r. .E. t11111r dr)er SS. C.E. lJ .. ~ tf'lf".1~11:111 S25. 34" drill $12. 1" throw Slbrt aaw UJ. IPO(l~ n..;o. tnm tT'Mlfonner n. tumltllft' Sl t • c h. foot ba 11 clHt.a IUO.

• lp10Mir ctl&J'f Sl~ M2-7UI.

PEKZ-A.POO, 5 b. Midi& SU. sa..Jt45

CARPETING, approlOm&tf'IY 70 llQ. yard.<! Sl yd 9 '< 11 oval bra.ided rug Slit. M11ple d inettr S10. Mahopny Duncan P h y I ,. rabl,. sza. Pads $10. Sllvrr Eyt>IU!h. formal. l\t'W S:..'O. B caurlluJ.o white formlil or wtdcl ing dress $20. Ma­JorWltt' boots, new. ~1tt' ;,•, li.!I pi£ and call ,. ~. Jatka for rad1<> or phonos :A:·S2 Baby b(d SIO. Convertible buggy SR • Metr000mt' $7.30. ~JH.).

STENCYl'YPE machine $15. Stand $2. Pnctlct' r econb & LaSaUt' Uni-fersily cooru $."i. Or1enlal modern lablt> S25 ~ side chaira $'.!!>. '..! hoAI chairs $4. SILt' I'.! dreaes 50c-$4. Skiru :'JOI' ~ 10. Floor waxer S l~• Floral arTangements :i(k.J.4. Vases, ritJbon. win IOt·:iOr ~7364.

OVAL brajdet! rugs 4' " 6' SS. And 8 x I:? m Good rondition. Brass I r o n 1

fireplace screen, likr ne" SO flreplace 10015. l ikr nrw S5. Maple dough stand lam;• table $25. 646-aJ34

ADJ USTABl..E 2 ;ildr twil rail S20. Room cooll"I' $1:1 F'lshing pole, 11 ft. SI. Receipt regis ter $12. Dinini.: room set and 4 chairs S20. Tow bar S'l5. '.!-'.!4" lirf'~. I\ tube for bike. all $3. Washer and dryrr com­btr alion SlO. Sew in i: mat·hincs $2.50. Hair dry!'r. hts any chair $20. Foldin:: door S7. Medicine 1·abine1 s..;. 2009 Continental . C. M.

NEW bcautyrims ror VW, srt ol <I $4. v.w. hrtch $15.

ew VW mgine cover lock $:_ New 5 drawer unlinlsh!'d f'ht'St $15. New 2 drawf'r unfinished night stand $8. Nt"1f :i drawer fin ishro chebl SJ::. Dwell mettt $7. Nrw scngle bed panel headboard S2.jQ. 31>16 Kill.ybl"OOk, C.M. ;,.t().9779

24- 0UNcE- spray paint cans JX per l'M· 1550 Supcrirr Ave. C.M. lrear l Sa t.Sun. 646-9188 • 642-5667

1964 P6RTABLE-TVS2°5~ 2 irons S3 each. :>-18-6842 ----

EXPENSTVE us!'d c r i h needs painting $15. Me11h playpen $9. Blll<lf< occasional chair S18. Women· ~ evening and spomwur, siu 1~14. ml'n's medium-42 clothing 50c - 642-1614 all 10.

POLAROID M800 L a n d Camera S2S. lwith at. tachment:BI. Pl.ncor powt'r ll'lOWt'T $20. 'nre chaln.I , 3 eels SO eedl. Outbovd m~ atands $3 uch. Old CU$l>idor JS. Salad lhredder with attachments $ 3 . 5 0 , Jt'ep t i r e a wilh rim SW each. Infant st'9l Sl. 2018 Anaheim Avr .. C.M

TllU:-GoodyHr-ne~ - sisx -J:l SS, new in box WilllOl'I 1taf/ woods. Sl5 r ach 1 • 3 . 4 5 r r2\llation shaft 0 -2 11Wlni: weigh! KI :>-ffiO!i

SALTWater- rod - and rerl SIS. Ches~ set $4 Four f t Oriental statue $25. Hand lawn mc>Wtt $5. Pair ;; ft oan and brass hand pump for boat $4. Pool cue $4. Twtnty LP record~ SIO. 6 vch battery SS. Elrct rir hrater $12. Bonii;o dn.rm., $:1. Water ~kt~ SlO. 2-100' hrllYy duty eXtt'nsion col"ds S12 Small lfTlndPr SlO 2 wooden rlf'ck r hair<1 S17 f'll ch. IR 2 '< ~ stu<b S9. ~,o·

1" line S3. OtnPltt t a b It """ $12. Book~ !Or • Sl. Romr'< S1~ Sl'l ho.le . F..ll'C"· lrlMll lixtur1>i1 S2-S10. Rowl. 1na bf\11 S7. T V. S:!5. Rust' f\4. M04or S.'\. Twtn tw>d headboardl $9 rach. Coocli m. 646-7616

TWO - Baby bed~ S25 - u rh. 10 wtiitt llrills lor \igh1 r.~ t'&ch, TV working ('Or dll ion 125. ~akers 11r rabinet $6, Ma)1ag wasli l 'Z.>. 646-2300. 853 Arbor.

SA fu RDA Y- Onzy ~Formic dinettP. ~bit . 4 rllalra ' nc ru'lhlom1 I SJ2. 2 n.r~s S 11nd SlO. a ir rooter SlO lamps k lo tl. :r x :i· S-4 ucb. child's chalt jQc, tlectrlc ml'<er $2. Kt'nmore vacuum a nd Ill· tachments tJO. rhalr an· tiqued gr~n $3, WllSlt'

~ct . roastl'n !> 0 c . lo tdlen utf'O.lill 2X and 50r. hand massarer S\. 2MO Monrovia. Oleta Meu 642-1()31\



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St~e Baek ~

Entertainers Becoming Stronger With Protesu By BOB THOMAS

A, ~t.T ........ "'1tw

HOLLYWOOD I AP) "Support Our Boys Canada."

The reference is Americans wbo cross Ult border to dodge tbe draft. Where does the placard •Po\ pear? Not in a peace march, but on a network television show. "Laugh·in." It ls flashed on the screen so rapidly that most couldn't read it,

On the Smothers Brothers Show. Tom aod Dick an discussing ~ oCfering of London Bridge Cor sale. Tom says be would like .to buy 1t, and Dick asks what he would do with the bridge.

Tom: I'd give it to Presi­dent Johnson.

Dick: What ror? Tom: To b r i d g e his

credibility gap.

Pal Paulson, avowed non. candidate ror president on the Smothers 8 r o t h e r s Show. comments: "A~ a comedjan, I think I could be just as effective as Presi· dent Johnson." Cut by the CBS censors was his follow· ing line : " But I don't think I could run the country as funny."

Tommy Smothers. by a cur ious pattern of cross­pollination. appears on the Rowan and Martin " LauJb· in" and delivers the one-line blackout. " Let's all get behind Pre si dent Johnson-and push!"

These items ofrer evidence of the New Dissent that has appeared in the entertainment medium dur­ing the past year. Dic­tionary definition: Dissent - to differ in sentiment or opinion from the majority.

PoUt.ical satire has been a part of the American entertainment scene f r o m Will Rogers lo Bob Hope. Comedy makers from the lime of Aristophanes have used those in authority as the butt of their jokes, usually to the glee of those who are governed.

BITl'ER HUMOR But in r~ent times the

tone o( the satire bas become more strident, tbl attacks more bjtter. They r a n g e f r o m the an­tieslablishmcnl humor of


ANSWERS l)tAWKS' Tommy Smothers

The Smothers B r o t h e r s Show and " Laugh-in" to the Sledgehammer blows of the o Cf· Br o ad way play, "MacBird.''

The remarkable a.speet of the Now Dissent is the availability of mass media. When Harry Belalonte took over the "Tonigbt" show in place of Johnny Carson this month, he not only sang calypso songs: he also used the NBC program as a forum for his views oo Viet­nam.

ln interviewing Dr. Martin Luther King. B e l a f o n t e declared : " All of ua here feel very strongly on the war, and we oppose il" The singer added his support of the protest vote for Sen . Eugene McCarthy. No de· mand for equal time to register opposing views has been reported.

R/ece ntl y Tommy Smothers, who o p p o s e s President Johnson both on and off the t e l e v i s i o n screen, was asked about the issue of equal time for Democratir. loyalists.

" We feel t h e ad-ministration's views o n Vietnam get plenty of airing on television." the comedian repHed. "The Bob Hope Show, for example.''

HOPE'S BAWKS His argument is that

Hope, with bia Christmas IJ)eeial based oo hla en­tertalament tour GI Viet­nam, gives wide clrculatJon to the bawkisb side of the war. Hope and John Wayne


I See By Today's

Want Ads


' • DIME •A • UIE • llY

°"°515 WAit Hllrry .... font.

are the most vocal of lbe a h ow· b ll lineas hawks ; Wayne recentl:y directed and starred in the first major film about the Vietnam war, " The Green Berets."

Com.Jes Dan Rowan and Dick Martin of "Laugh-in" acknowledge that they are d<Wes on Vietnam and they wear peace emblems on their jackets as proof. They say they think most of the people In the country are for J>Ntt.

Dissent from tht ad­rninistration 's Vietnam policies is being expressed in film theaters as well. United Artists is releasing " Live for LUe," in which Claude Lelouche ( " A Man and a Woman") inveighs against the American posi­tion in Vietnam. The film was financed by U.S. money and stars Yves Montand and Candice Bergen.

A n o t h e r A m e rican distributor, the W a It e r Reade Organizat.iOA, i s releasing ''Tell Me Lies." a film version o( Peter Brooke's London stage play attacldng the Vietnam war. The movie f e a l u r e s members ot the Royal Shakespeare Company. as weU as comments by Stoke­ly Carmichael, and clips of the self-immolation of a Buddhilt monk.

DA.RING DISSENT On tbe American en·

tft1.afmnent teeoe, the is!ue Of the Vi«nam war has brougbt the kinda ol dissent

~t Ctlellritiel h a V I D • t dared for &Jmoat 10 years.

Darinl the t>tsres• and war year•. 1 b o • businen persooalitiea · ofto .Lent their names and f.1naD.. cial support to cauaea ~ "ere at variance with ma­jority opinion. Th• aacettt Of Sen. Joaeplt McCarthJ chaneed thal ~ act«a, writers &Ad directors Jound tbe1 were unemployable beca"'~ tbeh' DI.met bad bffn linked by coqrealonal committees or p .r i v a t • orgaaiutioos to causes that pro.~ to be unpopular.

The res.ult wu a lone • period ill w b i c h en·

tertainment ne refuMd to engage in ~ political acUvtty.

In receJJt ytiar• tb9J .ba9• been slowl1 re~ to tile political arem. Tbe auceeu o( George MurPlY md Ronald Reagan proved to many actotis that political activity Jiou1d not b • preclud~ because ot tbeir pro(ession.

Now' the Vietnllll wer bu prompted ntany perlor'IMf• to apeak oQt in • manner l'tey would not have dand a few years ago

FR~ ll~O ''I'm just a political fellow:• aaya tor-direct« Carl Reiner. " and rve never been pqlltically active before, I Mvf!r d a r e d • because I saw joo many ol myfJ:i s. ruined dmlDC the M era.

" But I'm takiog a posiqon. ' m too «Mstwbed about what mipt bappm in Vietnam to atand by and do ltOibing. ''

Las{ month Reiner acted as E!nlcee for a "Broa<tway for Peace" benefit at Lin­coln Cen1er' s Philbarmalrlc HalJ in New York City. The program featured t w o dovish senators, Grueninl al Alaska and Mone o f Oregon, plus an assemblage of show business figures: Paul Newman, Jo a nn • Woodwar d, Harry B e 1 afo n t e • B a r b i • Smothers, Eli Wallach, An· ne Jackson. Leonard 9eml· tein, Diahann.I.. C a r r o 11 • Robert Ryan, rony Rancbll. etc.

Noting the turnout. Vari• ty quoted an obMrvtr: "I don't think J've e'ftr ... so many p o p u 1 a r en-­tertainets suppartin1 • minority view."

GOOD ADVICE FltOM GRANDMA Kl,, Harllnt- Marcelle C...,

Actress Getting ""

Early Sta;t~6 ,_, At the age o1 8'h. Kim­

berly Harling has her mind all made up about her llJture career. She's going to be an actress.

And wtlb grandma as hel' teacl\er. ther! ' I pver y chance abe'll be successful.

Gramdma is Marcelle Cor­da.y. a widely acclaimed l'' actress and artiatic edvttor f• SoaU. CN&t Repertory. with wbom both she and little Klmbtrly are a~ ill "1be Tune of Your Life," which c~e.s this weelrlmd at the ndr'CI Step Tbeater in Costa Mesa .

Xlm douo•t bue ml.ldl to 113 in the Saroyao ~­eel)'· appell'l.ttl oolY la OM ace~ but abe manages to capture ttle audience's at· tent.Ion duriag her bqef mo­meot ONta ...

Far Ole blaade · hUrtd channer, theater ia alnadJ qtabfamlia'. a )'Mr ..,_, la the UCJ Studtet Repertary Tbutu prgductlon of Plrndell"1 ''Sh Cbarad«s iD Searclt al • Author" ln a wonllen t.t lmpartlDt ro

Htr llWldinother. at 'II. caa look beck on a lont

:and exciting t b e. a tr J ea l career. Born and railed in France. sha came to tbt Uni led States tn lt17 wG J acques Capeau's Theater du Vieux Columbia.. plq)nf roles in the pla)'I o f Shakespeare, Moliere and Gide.

Mm Corday appelftd m the motion pkiturea "Tb4t Great Z le f { t l d • • • " A Farewell to Anna" and. "Mmron ~ .. with aocll names u Gary Cooper. Helen Hayes end John Bar­rymore.

Her . ltal'f "Portrayalt lft. el ude r o lta .ia "Mm•lllance." ••Gr a 11 d Hocel'' and " Mad &ties " tN tatter with 88lie Ba;._ She bu "- teen in the SCR prodDCtJon o1 ''Bui.• but now .ervea prtmar.U,, In"' act....,~-

Airline Film



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: 1


' . , ~

r av TOM :rnus

' ... _ ..... Thi next· major intern;&& ii: ' taler for ~o~ • B d Mak

' lot arts could well be ... o~ du Pol.Dt.J . ar es ' , where an ambitJoua pl'OJJ'lllll to fcqe ~ tiQ,J' beach

ooinmunity into tbe font,oltt of ~· culture 'l)ebut' at is currentl7 operating unclet a ftall bead of creative steam. M.

·• Under tbe l\llduce nd'~ of Cart Schell, - .' elodyland • a member ol the acting ~ family tlllt incluclu ·

brotbet M•JJDillian (flJ~tl· N ... llu.rg'') Md . Wbea the N lh D a I sister "Marla (' 'The Bhae Anpr') .. n.. Poial ~speare c .... a D y

.. ~ tntematiooal Theater Organizatiom,~ il about._ leave ~~1!.t ":~= tbe 4.rawlni boudJ, . • ~· it WSJl

Offi=, it all begins next Thursday nfgbf when first time that the Anaheim • , the D mates it.a debut with a multi-phased pro- sbowhouse has presented

1 gram ·of entertainmeot al the Dana Strand Beach any of tile Bard's woiks. .. and Tennis Club. The bill of fare runs tbe cultural The w i d e l y acdaiuled

r r. eamut from ballet to bop. company. currently in the ' ' midst of its fifth annual na­' fOtt QPINIRS THERE are Micbe.lene, ac-

t.rets wife bl .. Jly Fair Ledy'' and "Camelot" composer


Alan Jay. Lemer; tile Martin F.stabtimment, a brand new teen-age band beaded by 17-yeaN>ld Tony Martin Jr.; .J..cques Haney, French journalist a n d gourmet coot; Madame Renata Bore­mm. dittdor of the Picro­lo Theater of Los Angeles. and Harry Babbitt, locally popular vocalist. who will emcee the program.

Heeding the lineup, how­ever, will be Schell. who wilih Miss Lerner, will pre­sent a dramatic reading from the German play "The Man Outside." Somewhat of a classic in Germany but relatively unknown in this

country, it depicl8 a soldier's re turn to his v , homeland and his struggles to adjust to postwar society.

Schell, who lives in both Dana Point and Switzerland. \ • is enthusiastic about bringing professional theatrical

and musical productions to the Orange Coast. He sees · ~ Dana Point as a nucleus for hl i?her culture. notin~ - that the city's new marina, when completed, will attract

the type of person who is interested in the performing a rts.

AS FOUNDER AND presid(!flt of the new Dana Point International Theater. Schell plans t.o establi.c;h the Schell Academy of tbe Performing Am to provide

·• training in all facets of the theater. including foreign lansruage departments. There is. be points out. no

, "xisting college devoted to this purpose on the South

" ' C'oasl 1• The theater Itself will boast a Drofessional resident

J ·ompany of actors who also will tour the country •nd abroad. It will spawn a number of related com­mercial ventures. such as a hotel. restaurant and club, a theatrical agency and an international short wave radio a · n. " '8dlet1 'Wtd1e ~ably better~ as "Max-millian'~ bro ' oa thi• side of the'~ Atlantic, has

, qulte a fdUowtn in bh awn right. He 'i· ently was Hell as BaTOn _ R1cbtMn in the mox ' 'The !31ue t.fax, !!. Ud tm:ee t.ar1 ago .at a ·Mos<!ow . festival . be .• mobbed . Mlograph seekers ignored ~is companion, Ja<\ Lemmon.

t.OCALL Y, ~nNG and starring In "The Man Outside" aJodg th 1*flas Lerner . who also is well known as u fn. ber native France. The blay will be R" ~lb in Los Antze.Jes and in baM Point as the I ftocludion of the lDtemationaJ Tbeater. · • ,

''What we need now are sponsors. who share our feeli:Dp Mid realize> the vast opportunities provided ~>' tliis endeavor, to help us reach our goal ." he N )"S.

,,... ii ttie primary purpose or the Thursday night JM'~~ wtifdt. sets under way at 8 p.m. at the Dana -strand Club. tnvitations are currently in the mails. t.ut """ations for' those without tbem may be made by calling Patricia Hathaway at 496-2747.

To borrow a Jyric from Steve Allen. this could be the start of something big.

* * * BACKSt AGI - South Coast Repertory's Third Step

productton " The Time of Yoar Life." closes this \ weekend :_ without three of i ts original stars . . . Stuart RidJ!ewav bas left for New Yort !llld ~nald I Boust0rq and ?ames McKie are performing m the Watts Restival, ,bat S<;R llad some eager y9~1t t~lent waiting ln the wings . . . the roles are bemg filled tbi.s weekend by Martin Benaon. David Emmes and Jack Davis. respectively . . .

i Iuages for the lotll annual Orange County Footligbt -

1 l<'estival have been announced by yours truly. who's

tionwide tour, will ~n its engagement with a pro­duct.ion or " Romeo and Juliet" Mooday at 8 p.m., its only evening performance.

''Romeo and Juliet' ' will be repeated oo Tuesday at 11 a .m. and 3 p.m., and on Thursday at 11 a .m. Playing the title roles at all four performances will be Stephen Coleman and Joan Weisberg.

The final production of the company, "Tweittb Night. '' will be staged at 11 a .m. and 3 p.m. March 2.

For this e n g a g e m e n t Melodyland bas revamped its st.ging style from circular to " thrust." the type originally used for p r e s e n t a t i o n of all Shakespearean works. · This move has redut.-ed tbe seating c a p a c i t y drastically but results in every seat having perfect sigbtlines for all of the stage action.

Film Award To Nichols HOLLYWOOD I AP) -

N'.ike Nichols has been nam­ed the best movie director of the year for "The Graduate" at the annual awards dinner of the Direc­tors Guild of Ametica.

'Ibe award for b e s t television direction went to George Schaefer for the CBS Playhouse drama ' 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night."

The directors gave their D. W. Griffith award for past achievement to veteran suspense master , Alfred Hitchcock.

Concert Slated

By Violini~t Ravel's "Tzigane" will be

the featured selection in the upcoming c o n c e r t by violinist Stanley Plummer Monday. Feb. 26 a t California State College atl Fullerton.

Plummer's cpncert will open the college'11 third a. nual Artist Concert Serie• sponsored by CSF a.od the Associ.a~ Students. The performance begins at 8:30 p.m . in the Little Theater.

ouT•t cons1 ' I I '

Open Nl9htly 6 :45 p.m. ........ ht . • s.. •J , .• .


:A.~Your ProDlems


Tills Time Mother

Doesn't l{now Best

By VERNON SCOTT 111'1 ....,_ C.flM l II I

HOLLVWOOD.(UPI) - A fading movie tradition ls the "tour," that gaggle of stars and producers who bit the boondocks to help drum up interest ~ a 11ew picture.

gives producer Racltln the hives.

.. The stars thlnl< lhey'rt bigger than their pictures," be fumed.

"Today they sign con­tracts for a half-million dol­lars or more aQd specify they'll only worl(' a certain number ol weeks. After lhat their time ls their · own.

" If 1 had rr.y way Uley'd write contract.a so the stars



TlieTour. would go out and sell a J)tC• ture ror three weeks whtn Jt ls released.

" But sometimes I think the secondary people In the cast are more interesting than the stars. They have more to say and they're amt­ious to help a picture along.

" Is my experience recent· ly l 've found that fans are just as interested in seeing and talking to slim picklns as to. s~ Paul Newman.

DEAR ANN LAfiDERS: At wbat age sbould a daughter be allowed te go ioto ~ doctor 's examination

lo the. aid days when studio mogula. 'were kings. they'd oPder their contract players - {tom Spencer Tracy to C11J'Ole Lombard - out on the road to makt personal appear"'1ces with----------------------,

room without ber mother? I am 14 ,,..,.. old and mature for my age. My

mother bu ahnys been too protective and domineer­ing. we have had. blJ argument over this and she made me feel lite a ,(ool. 'I'bt! doctor told my mother (in my presence) that it was you reacl less, he may not necessary for her to bthave better. stay with me during the

Wh• I • • • Ill YOU °" IN other ''" of examination but she rais-

the opening of ·their oew moviea ill varioils cities across tbe COlllltry.

Fans would tum out screaaiing and hollering for a look al their favorites -and eventually buy a ticket to see the film.

Now that stars rule the roost most of t~em would rather be caught smuggling LSD than make a tour.

But Marty Rackin, who recently returned from a CREST


FOX ed such a fuss that he finally let her \ave her way. Please reply in the paper for the benefit or otner girls who may have this problem - OVER­RULED DAUGHTER

lllt murl"• " '" Kow can YOU b«

''"' your - rrleH will -"? ltlM " "" Lencttn' 1>00100' " Merrla,....Wllel lo ExP<tCt " S.nd wooir '"Uftl lo " "" l.• noen In ure of lhl• otWSP• Hr .,.. closint SO CMlt In coin and • lont , •'•MPl4. wlf .. ddrtued en••k»t.

tour to promote "Rough 1 Ml. 11•·.:-:,::,rc ,, ..... , FULLERTON Night in J ericho." is one LONG BEACH 510 N. HARBOR

""" l.•nden wtll be ..... to ..... • co wllh voor prCIOlems. $encl them to ~" In cere of 1M DAILY llll.OT , •ncloS!no • Hll· lllldreued, sternPtd efl• OIOP•.

of the few remaining pro· ducers who believes that hit- GArfleld 4-1619 525-4747 ting the road is necesSCV'Y SAT.-SUN.-BOX OFFICE OPENS 12 NOON to the success of movies. 30 p M

DEAR DAUGlfl'ER: Any " You' ve got to do more 1~~W~E~E~K~D~A~Y~S-~B~O~X~O~F~F~IC~E~~OP~E~NS~6~! ~~·~· ~~:

than make a picture." he l~ says. " You've got to g1!t out and sell it. cbUd who Is eid enoagll t. • 'ihu Debut

wait ft aid uollC)I a. ~ Into a pt.ys.Jelara examllllaf llOLL YWOOD (UPI) room without motlter. Most European model GeraJdine

Baron will mal.e her film doders have • •use '- debut witb Tony Franciosa uslst tltem, IO YM wffhl in " A Man Called Gannon." la all probabllliy llOt have --------­beea aJHe.

It ' 1 unfortua&e lbat &he cloctor dJtl not •venwle YMf moO!er instead el aDowhlc


"I'm a big believet· io pro· motion. If you a s)c me what a tour does lo the box office, I have to answer I don't know. But then what would a picture do if you didn't'?"

The revulsion major stars ha.Ye tor mee~ the pub~ I

her to overnde Mm - aDd fjllMilllijWlllll.!::.!::.:~ you. , ............ . ,. ..._ .. ,~.,,,

.... --· Al c.let' lllla.tMfll Ta'ltw Met1ell Ire-DEAR ANN LANDERS: "HFLICTIONS IN

Will you please p r i n t A 60UNN nr thin . I wt ' -"" some g in your co umn "IL ••teo"

a bout people wbo spend half lr.ft~fP.l .. ~,...~...r; their waking hours in "dreamland? "

My husband who is 60 has had three maniages - none of them any good, including this one. The problem is that he fancies himself a dashing Lothario and I am sick of i l For the pait yea:­he has carried on a red bot. mail-order romance with a girl who is barely out of her teens. I found I a letter be bad written to her but not m~. He said be was willing to leave his wife and family if she would run off wttti him . When I

i 11 • 1 il \Ill "'A


,_ Stewert ""'"' ,.,_




'A~ Tf1 :,•,. ,•.


Deli> oa, I'- onves "THI IA&J.AD °' Jemr•

confronted hJm with the Jet- HMq K•M 0...1 M<eture

ter he laughed and said " I "H'OIODY'S rn11cr don't mean any of this silly ...,_ w..,

1 Meet \ M ......... .Jon.s·

I )( ...... ., llMll!Sa.•Wn& Cork·Serewtna,

""" ............... ! s t uff - I'm just having . .. ';*"' fun." """' ..... I've never been abl.e to ' .u>WUT c.MtLOAO ,..,Cl., prove that be has actually ·~~.:;-done any.thing out of line, "IAH,OOT IN bill if he is imagi:ning all THI PAIK" IPI

. h d •lvl• ...... ,., this doeso"t e n c e "CLAMIAlr' psychiatric h e I p ? - . - ---11 ·~--

TO~~fii° r: He sou9ds al IJlt ·~: f fftmC. ~ff-&(lYfl l:tUJe weird, but it may be I _ ~ menopause auu p I a ,.etlf °'*- , ....... ,_.. •Ill a. combl.lla~o~ ... of


11e .... 1 Mt-I~:-' .... , I IMWJ 1'llJI --· ~~=

foollall.e111. J( all he doe~ ' 'lAWY 0, THI DOLU· * SICOtfD PIATUll * fl ft'he goofy lett.en and .. ~ ,:U";0 " yea bave no evidence that ,_ • • .., ,...... .ANn-0NY QUINN be ii 1'11UiaC arouad, ror:et AUN BATES It. Part of Ms " fun" might ~NE~ be leavt.g Uae jut around ~~ so you can see it. When • ...,. A~e.<11er ~

' =-- •• .. ·•

IU4t1·1i .,. .. .. .._...._. ..


1hffi~SO ., ' • ~ •• I ~·. • _., I. I IA S\A


'-' 11-9 _., -·F11acwr IG ... ,._. Hayt.., 11111'•

'"THI , AMIL'f WAr' _..__




~~=--..... o• t OCtUNe <'"All lOOH

/ 109 llST IALIOA l lfD. \ I ~IAlJOA rt:ll lNSUU• IJl.4141~ • CHILD WITH ,_UNl ONl'f •


I ' "'


~Valley of the Dolls , Suggested for Mliture Adults



e NOW AT THESE TWO EDWARDS CINEMAS e e Orange County Premier .. Run •

liiiiiiiill.-il A N D

IN nit: WESTMIN$T1! .. c;urrnt

A girl, a boy, a tender, funny, terrible wedding.night.

The BClJlJHi BElOl HERS' PnW:b

the &1nlly 0 "'8\'<:D

-nw rd:atW'cYJ'ff -··t bindle • • 8UCH • AT •"4.41 • ' or....., .... MV•fToteTON ftM:K • _..,... ....

·, "bainnllllin~ ~ one-ad tournament this year . . . '. t tl'iey are the aforementioned Emmes, Sooth Coast !':::=========·11 t • R~rtory managing director; Kent Johnson. wen • ~ known communitY t.6eater director around the county. t and Dr. Clayton Garriaon, dean of fine arta at UCJ

. .. ·~· ··· , .. , ..... When she ' THE IDEA WAS fMPLAUsteLE ...


n • . . the festival will be staged March 28 and 29 1 t Pl Santa Ana College. • • ( r r

In 1 1 • t:

, r t •


l'llllQl&9 j HEY KIDSI ·­

..... S...T.-, hM 'llW' "'HAIUti ICAluM·

1 "- c.rt-c•••• ,... ......... ,....s ..... Set . .... , .....

goes West ... the West • aoes chicken 1 :

Dmus . l)lY ~


Ima lt1NT ltmo IOMI Mow AT POP\ILAlt PfUCIS .

- ' ... . ~ ' . ~ • • 4' •


Good morning. boys and guls, and welcome back to another Saturday session in Uncle Len's Corner.

How about this weather, kids? Not bad for February, is it? Especlally when back east they're 1hlverln1 and shoveling snow. Re a 11 y makes you feel lucky to be living in California, doesn't tt?

OF COURSE, wben it snows too hard in the ea~ they close down the tchools aometimes. But then all the kids have to make up those days in the spring, so it really isn't worth it.

Next week, boys and girls, let's have our art contest built around our Southern California weather. 0 f

. . . ... . ._ ... -.._.

ii course, It probably will rain ------------------------------11 when Saturday's paper com· es out, but we'll give it a go anyway, hug?

H 0 NORABLE mention winners in week's art conust are:

Kari Langdale. 11, Costa Mesa ; Rklcy Burgess, 9. Huntington Beach; Li s a Burgess, 6, H u n t I n g t o n Beach: Thomas Kuehn, 8, Costa Mesa ; PauJ Stanfield,

* PRIZE WINNER * This week's contest winner is Joy Antlrony, 11, 743 Via Lido Soutl, Newport Beach

Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest Here's all you do. (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and 4 tncbes deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2.) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3.) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mall It to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560. DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar.

11, Costa Mesa. and Mark l------- -------------------- --- - 1 Kuehn. 9, Costa Mesa. /? /' p r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----..--~~~-l_..aro 6 l-orn~r~~--~--


A favorite place I have in mind RIDDLES AND JOKES Is a grassy valley that's nice to find, Go there and think when you have a worry, Take your time; there's no huny. It's nice to know there's &"Omewhere to go. U it's a holiday and you're out of school Go there and think, don' t be a fool; f{ave a picnic by the stream so pleasant, Go swimming or hunting for a great big pheasant; It's nice to know tbere's somewhere to go. So re~mber what I say, U you want to go and play Or sit and think about your probJiems Or even think about tbe goblins, It's nice to know there's 10mewbere to go.

A ~ .......... - "9 It-' ~. 11, "'9 .. ,_. ,.....,. c.... ..... - - ....... ..., Ill ,.. ...,., ... -:'c:::' - - W .,.,., "9 Utlcl9 LM. lu I SM, c.ttl

.... ,.., .... .... ..... •I• 0.-.. C... ..., .... ... 1161, c.... ..... c.lf.

,,...., .... . ~. --UIN Ml ol lllt WwN ... lllCY> ,,.,._.. le Hormel\ G. I( .. ... 11 , Of SlrtlOll , l'lerldl, for Ille -tton:

Wby dot1 tlle eoldeat weather come wetb after the 1borte1t day?

The seasona, we an told , depend upon the sun. Durl.D:g the long summer day1, the sun rises hlgh in the sky and ahe<U more but than during the abort winter days, when the noon sun is lower. In a geMral way, these factors do apply to the changing seasons. But in practice th1s system falls ~ k~p ~ a pr e cl1e schedule.

I n the N o r t he r n Hemisphere, we should n· peel December 21 to be the coldut day of the year. This is the shortest day of the year and al90 the day when the noon sun Is lowest in the sky. With the shortest hours of daylight and also tbe longest. most slanting rays of sunshine f r o m above, we surely have a right ~ expei:t Jess heat and more cold tha.n on any other cby ol the year. True. the Christmas sea.son may be cold and whit~ with sbow. But yeara of w e a t b e r · watching have uuiiit us to expect the worst of the winter to arrive in late January or February. This lac in the seasonal ICbedule is caused by the wa, our planet abs«1>t, boldJ, and releues lta quota ol dally 1unsh1ne tbroutbout th t yur.

There an time lats at the opposite aide of the tcbtdult allo. 'nle year's lonrest da, falla cm June 21 or 22. On that 1ummer 1011Uce day the noon 1un riles to 1ta bl&btst peak and !ti IC«'Cbin1 raya pierce dlrtct}J down throuih a 1borter ._,e.r o f at· aaotpbere. It It reuouble to upect tb.ll to be the hot­*' daJ ot the 7ur. J ime 21 or II may 1ndHd be teof'ctdli bot, bat' once .... ,... al •utbu·••l­.. leJd UI ~ uped tbt Mil of. Ott 1ummft'' 1 t>-at team.. later In .Jaq &Dd

abtorblng, retaining and relealing its solar radiation.

Tbete delaying tactics of the earth's surface are aid· ed and abetted by the gaseo111 blanket o f at· mospbere that surrounds it. The absorbs a negligible amount of heat f r o m sunbeam& passing on their way down to the surfa.::e of the planet. Instead, aolar radiations are changed into heat by the land and oceans. and the lower level.I ol the a.mtospbere are warmed by heat r adiating up from these wet and dry artlas.

Atrtlf _.. I W.W t• Alllll M ~ T--..:1, eoe IL al le«fl. .....,,, N.w Yor1l. lot Mt -''°"'

What dJcl the earlle1t 11trono01er1 d.lacover?

Some of the best early astronomers were the magi of a n c i e n t Mesopotamia. They had no telescopes to spy beyond the range or the human eye, but they were skilled mathematicians. And most ol all they were pa­tient, accurate star-gazers. They observed and charted the po!itions and paths of tbe heavenly bodies. They charted the daily positions of the sun and discovered the relatioa&hlp between this and the changing seasons. They di!covered celestial ways to clock the passing of time. Their pa· ~nt records of the stars covered thousands ol years. IAter astronomers nttded these long-term observa· tions to back up their new theories.

Early astronomers made many sound discoveries. The most astounding one was a rellabt. wa1 for predicting ecliPM• far Into the future . 1My recorded eclipses for tbouSMCll of years and oblervtd a pat· itrn that rtpeau • :l d repeats on scbedW.. 'Ibe1 called it the Saros perl and at\rOOOTDtn CU ua~ thls &Dclent &co to predict .cUpees of aun. Modena lastrumt have re f i n ed t a 1 measun.mentl. but w ltJ)1 refer back to 4 • t ll • discovered by the m.,i and otber' '11

* Jack: I know the capital of North Car­

olina. PRIZE Jill: Really? ·

WINNER J ack: No, Raleigh. -UllM ~ um SllWMdl LAM. 111111"""9 INCll

Father: You know, it cost me ,5,000 to send my boy to school.

F'riend: So what? Fathel': All I got was a quuterback.

---~, ......... Dear Carol: 'Ibree men fell out ol a boat,

but only two aot their hair wel Wbyf .,..._ •• euo P"l'tl 9'4.1 :....WV ~ .....................

Teacher: Stevie, I wish you wouldn't whisUe while you're studying.

Steve: I wasn't studying, just whistling. -u...~ . ..............

Te ..., C.l'lt'I tenw, 111111 '"""' - ,..., w rllWle "9 t...i. ' ·O. ... 1171. ...._. IMcll. (IN4 ....... l(aMfy 11111 ..... , " .. ...., ........ .._.., " llKl""9 ,_ ....... - .... ..,_

Crossword Puzzle ACROSS

l lllother of 6S Across

5 Cltrgyman 9 Perfotmt d

14 JeJune 15 Clumsy

person 1' Strong

point 17 H119e ray 19 Instant 20 Tt tt • -:

2 words 21 Let fall by

natural PfOCUS

23 African gau ll e

24 Chemical prtfhf

62 - Alto 65 Pinching

distress 66 Cwrl1d on 6S Bucltpassu

Df Northtfn Dancer: 2 wDfds

70 Rocket stagt

71 Outside: Comb. for11

n S111tl recess

71 Snappish 74 College

ofllcl•I 75 Gifts of

a kind


26 Rotary: l Tum of Comb. '°"" address

28 Lnplng 2 Sharp rugg td amph ibian ridge

31 European 3 Metal pin flatfish 4 Girl's nu1t

35 Viewed S Mr. Landon closely 6 • de

40 - gru Boulogne 41 Del lghtf~ 7 • pllot 42 Coln of 8 Colorl ess

Europe flamm able 44 • sign II quid 45 U.S. explortr t Atronautlc• I 47 Very bfltf dlrtttlon 49 • crab 10 Su bird 51 ·flooring 11 Division of 52 Encompassed a 11lnue t

by 12 Outline 54 Kind of sharply

laugh 1) Caribou's 59 Unit of l t ngtll rtlatlvt

2124/ 68

18 Plllllppint 46 Klpling tltl t Is land 48 Equine

22 Siiia ii round· sound lsh mark 50 Uselu I hint

25 SL Lawrtnct S3 Wu bo ld Su way enough structure 55 Dry la~ t

27 Tuse wool bas in 29 Partltlt mineral

of matlfl' 56 Former 30 Station Austrian 32 Ruin produc- crown l•nd

Ing tru 57 Downs or 3l Agreuble sails

scent 58 Sme lls 34 Small umplusanlly 35 Length unit 59 H It 36 Rlvtt &O Kind of

from Lah errand Victoria runner

37 llark left U Ptt lods by healed '3 Ornarnenlal wound fabl lc

38 Constant '4 Nurnu1cal 39 • st111lqunu prrlix 4l l tstem 67 24 hows

Ewopean 69 Ti111t per iod

~It ~.:;f ::: -:;::za=;;:::=:;;; ...... bJ Us .... of uu....... --------







"l1l'AA T 00 'r'Ol.' YIA"1 TO &e wMeN "'°" ~OW UP,







' '

ly KH lalcl

ly Ferd JohnSOll

ly Tom K. Ryaa



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GUIDE e MAnllllG

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- •••Oii ...... f,


2.88 Final CJearance! Pumpa, atinga, stnpa in *6-en, auedes, vinyls, and pi{eata. Many colon. S-0.


~ .... 2.44 °"1y 1.66 Md.-es heavy bOusebold appliances easily. Roll· out unit with pads hu 40 marproof wheels. Ch1rge It .

·10 Roll Toilette Tissue

c-.. Cit $1 .00 Sunday Ottly

77¢ Tu rolla of tViO-ply facial quality tissue in pink or white.

5•¥• et K mnt.

S-clay Only


Use on muv llylea of Kodak cameTM. Pldtlre bas three cubes - twelve fluhea. Just Char,. It.

' /(

.......... ol . * • • • • - ,.. _, - -

Sunday Only Permanent Preu Men's w•rn Style JIAMS

Ow l9CJ. 3.97

2.96 CtM,.. It.

\.~Ill!!!!!*~ , .. THERMAL ILEND 11.ANKET

Our Reg. 3.96 Sadat Onry 2L86 72x90 Beacon® brand blanket in thermal·woven 50% nylon/ 35% rayon/ 15% cotton. Penna-Nap finish~ 5'' acetate binding. Raspberry. beige, sold, avocado, blue and white. Just Charge It.


O• Req. 2.96 S.clay Onty 1.96 Colorful sceUer rup, ~"x42'· , are oval·sbaped or ob­long . . • in viscose rayon, a choice ol avocado. gold, rose, blue, brown, sandalwood and henna. Shop K mart for savings . . . and H<j"-,,. tt".


Act.It s9M ........ s3a1 .... $5.84 llecJ. $4.76

The Young Set's Favorite


Our R9CJ. 97c Suncloy Only 77c Popular poor boy polo features crew neck and mort 1leevet. Great for sport or caaual wear! In white, pink, maize, blue. Machine waah. 4-14.


Our lt9CJ. 3.27 Sunday Only l .97 ea. Accurate timing light. easy lo read vacuum fuel-tester. gas-saving motor monitor. and to locate valve trouble and other motor problems. YOUR CHOICE at special price. Chart• it.

PRINCESS Ow I ... 9.97 s .. c1., °""


6.68 Slim eycle eUl"C!iler features 1 •• tubular steel frame. bdled enamel blue finish, vinyl bandgrips, molded vin)~ pedals. leddle Mil MlllW•_..,.,

\ - .. . ' . . . . .

. ' JI DAILY PILOT ~--~~~~--------~--~~--~--~

By GLENN WTIITE OI ,.._ O.•IY ,., ....

Orange Coast CoUe-ge will have its bal'k to the wall tonight when bot and cold Mt. San Antonio College invades the Redcoat confines for a crucial Eastern Conference clash.

:\ ctton opens at 8 with coa~b Bob Welzel's Pirates In a win-or-else situa­twn as they struggle to keep altve their EC champioostilp hopes.

They were jolted out a first place tie with F'ullerton Friday night when thev suffered a 113·1~ loss to Chatrey Coliege's sizzling Panthers in distant Alta Loma.

Pirates Top

GWC, 3-7, In EC Debut

Bv STEVE EKOVlCH • 0t 1M 01Ky l'llel Jl11t

Orange Coast's Pirates collected four runs in the fourth inning. three unearned. to provide them with the needed impetus to down Golden West. 8-7. in the Eastern Conference base· ball opener for both schools at Hunt· ington Beach.

Golden West sent a man across the plate first with a run in the opening frame, accounted for another pair in the second inning and padded their lead with another run in I.he third.

Orange Coast scored a lone run in the second and third innings and trail­ed. 4-2. before igniting in the fourth

IASTlllf CC>tfl'IUNCI W L l'ct.

Or- Cew11r I 0 1.000 Cllat~y I O I .GOO Fuller!ofl I • 1.000 lllvtrtklt I t I .ODO S.nl1 An• I 0 1.000 GollMll Wot t I .COO Cllru• t 1 .000 C YP'IP 0 I .000 Mt. SAC 0 I .000 S•tt h..-dlno 0 1 .000

l'rW•Y'• seer• OCC I , Golclttll WHI 1 CtlflltY S, Citrus I Fun.rton ' · CYP'tH , S111la A111 2, Ml. SAC 1 Rl•ersloe i. S.n hrfttrdlno I

to take a 6-4 advantage they never lost.

With one out in the fateful fourth , '1imlnutlve Pirate second baseman ilandy Brawn singled and was moved to third by Mike Leppa who followed Brawn's act with a one base sbot of bls own.

Rustler burler Dennis Jones at­tempted to pick Brawn ofC base. but hJs errant toss rolled into center field advancing both runners.

Pirate burler Jim Slagle walked to load I.he bases and bring up lead-off batter Ethan Oliver.

Oliver grounded wbat appeared to be a double play ball to Rustler sec­ond sacker Lonnie Clausen, but Cla.u· sen booted I.he ball, allowing Brawn and Leppa to race home with the ty· ing runs while Slagle moved to third on a wUd throw.

•O\.Ollf WllT (1) OIANOI COAn Ill .. , ~ 1111 .. , . .... , .. .,...,. !b s I ' I Oflver, II • J • I LOO<Mr. n • l Yocvm, lb • • ' ' ~·;t.;.r,>,b ~ '


' .Jef*l1>1 . .. s ' ' • ' M111<•. <I ' ' l ' Johnson, rf l 0 , ,

Tffl()r, 11 • ' , 1

&a lley. cf s I 1 I P ll'tt, rf • 1 ' 0

Eti.r,c s 0 1 ' si..11 ... c s 0 0 • a,..,,, 2b l ' ' 0 Jontt, . 2 • • • Ltooo. lll 1 1 ' 0 Munw N. a I • • • Sl19te, o l ' • 0 M'Ciutll<\, ... I • • 0

M•ts. • I • 0 0

S-.ctr, .it o 0 0 0 so-tr. " 0 • 0 0

Tet11t ,. 1 II ' Ttttlt lit I • •

Rustlers Fade, Lose by 97-61 . Golden West dropped It by 16 a: he flnal buzzer but 1t was a relieved ~t. San Antonio team that trekked 1~1t of Basil Peterson Gym Friday 11ght after coach Dick Stricklin's Rustlers bad playe1j the Mounties more tban even for 75 percent of the ~ame.

In the end, Ml. SAC bad a 97-61

••sn1 .. CDNl'lllllKI w L.

Fvt •rloon Ort,,.. Cotll IU-tide

IJ 1 11 l It J

c .. ~ llll SAC (l'IA~ S.ft .. ,.,,.. s... ..,_ ,.,_ ,,,..,

' . ' ' • 1

' It II

Ctrvt , IJ ..

,......,., tc.t•1 C""ftry llJ, Or- Coe" IOt Mt. Mc"'._ 11 11-114..,..&leflleAM J1 •~ 11a.c1"""a cw.- ..,, ... ""'- .I T-..n .__ Ml. ~It°""* C-0.- wtlf If l'llllet1IM c;......,, "' ltMnlcll Cllr11t .,._._.. .......... ewr..

,, l'A

"'' tll 1"3 lU. 1m ,., 1105 *' "" "°' 1229 ,,., 1119 ,. IW t)U

"" ui. ,. 1'4

• Euten Coater~ baskd>all vie· .. ·-•t ..,.,. : f After trail.Ing by a scant ~mar­• • gin at ~1e half, ttie Rustlers caught

t• ~ ..,,. tall« Mounties aod went ahead ~ : by a 7 .. 73 <."Otmt on Bob Klesw«Ur's :• btu.t wiUt 8:lt to go. • n.. Mounties rot tbt lta4 back and

• · continued a ccuph point.I &o tne good ~ ~ until 4: 15 to io ~ Ollie Martln • • : in perhlpl h Is lloeat bow' u a Rust.-

•' , I I

lilt · fooled out.

Mt. SAC. the preseason favorite to nab I.he c1rcu1t tJUe. boasts an 1m· posing front 1tne. led by classy Tom James - who's averaging 18 points per tilt.

Coach Gene Victor's Mounties suf­fered a 75-68 loss to the Redcoats in the first round of hostilities and has since faded out of contention for the crown with six Losses.

However. they m-Opped up the hardwoods with Golden West in OCC's gym while t~ Bucs were stumbling at Chaffey.

The Panthers were incredible, can· ning 62 percent of I.heir shots from

the noor and Mver traW. At one point in last hut, the

hos.ts boasted a lS..poiot adveauge. 80-65.

But the visitors kept tbelr COOl and gradually hacked down the deficit despite being punlsbtd by offensiv~ foul calls.

With Bruce Chapman and Craig Falconer dojng most of tbe damage with their lncredlble s boot l n g performances Coast got back lo the game, fJnally tying the score at 94-all with ~ :20 lett in the game on a layup by Fakoner.

However, the Panther' 1purted

back, two straiitit b~ from Georce Gionta aod mavelou Bob Beam. That made It a.t4 with 4:36 sbowlog oo ~ dock ud the bosta led to the. tlnl.dl.

Orange Cout hurt its chances, forc· Ing shots In W>le last tramic minutes. Then CbaHey, wblcb cOtrtrolled both boards, would come down the O:><>r and score.

The Pantben reeled otf alz points m a span of 57 1eeonda wblle the Sues were golGg tcorless. 'nlat upped the count to l(N.M wtt.b 2:4.5 left and the Issue wu M lotJCfT In doubt.

Wetzel'• group cut~ bulle to four

f O .. IL'I' l'l~OT - i., ~ ,...,_

ONE THAT GOT AWAY - Ethan Oliver of Orange Co~ slides into borne pbt.e for a score as ball bounds trarml~ly away in the Pirates' IVi Eastern

Confeftoce baseball victory. Rustler catcher Mike Sheline (14) and third baseman Jim Carter in the background look on.

Sports In Brief

UC Irvine Girl Beaten

By Billie Jean King WTNCHESTER, Mass. - Tennis

queen Billie Jean King won her 20th straight match in powering her way into the semifinals Friday night in a bid for a third straight U.S. Women's National Indoors singles champion­ship.

Mrs. King; a 24 • year . old Long ~each. Cilif., housewife topsetded 10 defeose of her title, wasted Little time in sweeping past Patti Hogan, 18, ot UC Irvine, 6--0, 6-3.

M!s· King's doubles partner. bouncy Rosie Casals of San Franciseo, was extended before advancing through the quarter•finals of the 61 st annual tournament at the W~hester IndOor Tennis Center.

Miss Casals, seeded No 3, moved into the semllinals wltji a 6-4. 4~. 6-4 victory over ScoUan<l's Winnie Shaw the top foreign seed. '

SAN FRA~1s!o - ~Sprln, ttaln· Ing" 1ald WUUe Maya on the eve of departure for the San Francisco GI· anta' Arhona ump, "Is a real period for me."

The National Leape'1 ' reat home rH hlttlnf outnelder added 11 be pff. pared for W1 18Ui mltjfW league sea­son : "I'm never eut of 'lb ape."

... wetp 181, I wtU wet&Ji 181 wbH tbe teasoa ltartl. I will weigh 181 wbea It elMb. I wel1bed 18' for It years," he ~. He ea ta only tw• meall a day ud watches hls calorte. earer.Uy.

Mlys loolle4 nt ud eager aed re­laxed., la .Urp eoat.ralt to Wa drawa. debllltate4 appearaact at Lhe en tf the ltr7 aealOa. He leaveta Soltdt7 for Phoenix and CaH, Arb .• wbere Lhe Glaata are acbefaled to ~ port .. Muater HtraH Fruka .. llart lrata.l•«i ....a,.

OAKJ#ID~ Caih. -\wy Gaines, lt-ycv-old high school speedster. won the national AAU to-yard champion· ship Friday night then Wat ordend bome with a 102 deer- fever .

ft wu l'l1s third stra.lfbt nadonal c:bampionslllp.

Glinu. a student at San JcWe, O.UI ·~ ll;p, "'°° lo • ACODda nae. ..... u. al.f tbl world NCOr'd •bared by ..,. •altp'ilMrl.

Met Plndtr fl the N .S. lrrTnJ was ..... ... Jolla cario. fl .. Sota a.r. vaue, Yoath vma,. t.ot lttlrd. Boll atao ••s timed tn e nat

Earlier, Bob Stair~ of Sootllern Ctllf U. wboJMildl ttae...wal ildoar po le yaoJt 1'ICOl'd at 17 feet. 1 !rt lnch·


es, severely bruised bis si<re when his pole broke during a pra~e val!lt.

* * * LOS ANGELES - The Los Aaieles Dodgers wlU take a good look tills spring at tllelr newest bonus player, ZO.year•ld MarvlD GaJUber of SH Diego whe palled up bids by tJne other teanu. ·

Galllher, wlilo ldta- and thnnu rlgllt­banded, received a reported five-lig­ure bon1 t. 1lg11 with th' Dodgen' Bakersflekt team in the Callforafa Le ape.

Galliher was slated to fly to Che odge"' traJnlng camp at Vero Beacll, Fla .. today. He was the club's No. 1 choice In tlle secondary phase of Ute recent free-agent draft.

Originally. be was drafted lo 1915 lly the Chicago White Sox but didn't sip.

* * * DAYTONA BEACH, Fla . 1 AP) -Rain wiped out a pair of 125-mile races expected to be the world's fastest Friday and left the nation's finest stock car drivers w I t Ii unanswered questions on durability Uld danger for the 10th a.DllUai Daytona 500 on Sunday.

The weather front. wluch brought lornado warnings as well as )Mavy showers was to pass through durin.g I.he night. the weather b u r e a u forecast , and clear the way for Saturday's Permatex 300 and Sund'1's $200.000 main event.

The uppermost question 1s whether tires and machinery will " 1tbltaDd the unprecedented 189 mile an bout l.ap speeds under racing concitt.1ona.


Golden West Wins Twice At EC Relays

AZUSA - Golden West Col1C1te's track team copped two first places whlle Orange Coast drew a blank at Friday afternoon's Eastern Confer · ence Relays at Citrus Junior College. ~ldeo W~t's four-mile relay team

c' Bob Messin_a-' Bill lnglebart, Rick DeNucclo and Nell Eybert came home ftrst Wi 17:40.7.

And Tim Schroll. a Westminst~r High product. captured the 3,000 met­er steplechase with a time c' 10:12.S.

Les Bland of Orange Coast took a third in tbe pole vault, soaring 13-6. Rick Dias or Fullerton won the event at 15-2. Fullerton's Dennis Walp, who won the event last year at 15-S. fin­ished second this time.

Golden West's four-ma.a. fOUJ'·mlle relay clocking missed the Southern California JC record by five seconds.

"They'll run much faster than they did today." commented a delighted GWC coach Tom Noon.

Siwl!tt medlev-1. l'ul"'r1efl 2. Cl!llfev J Or•"" (OHi CSlellf>tll'- ICelly, 09cltft. lehmftl) T lm.3::it.3 Tim.a•

• stwttl• rtl•v- t. Fullerton t. Gotca11 Wu t IW1i0ac1. JtvrMVr, 11''11, OttubYI l. Mt. SAC. nm.1:S1 .1

Miit Nt.,,._1. Ml SAC 1. Fullerton l. Sllllt 4,,., ~ r.t1y.-l . Sttt ler111rdlft0 l . Fuller!oft l. Stttll

Allll. Tl--41.1 .,_ OtllellQ modi.., re11.,_ 1. Ful'-'1°" J. er""" l.

GOldllfl Weal IW1~. C-r. SftWll - , V111A,... ...I. T ...... ~:M.S

• relt.,...1. Futler!oft l. Santi """ l Saft ltr· lllf'd"'9. TJme. t •1'.J

• mlla ,.. .. .,._,, ~ W•t llMlllN, lne-,,, 0e NtlCClo. lv_,,I 1. SWIM ...... l. Mt SAC. Ttm.11 ·40. 7

Miit ......,_, Clll,..., J IN. SAC 1 Or- C­Ctfll....,,, Sdlrnln, 1'1-11. S~I. Tl~:2U

U-1. ~ CSll J ... , ..... CCNtflyl 1 _,.., (SA) . ...,......,,. 11\ot

1-1. JiolNon (M l t. !AF .... (MlACl 1 Set­- CMSACl . Oii~

"1- 1. Olat l• I J. Wtla 11"1 1 ... ,,,, fOCCI • Hel9111-1 $.J

hwl-1. "-It.My CCl'tef'lffl t Saw. lMUCI 1 LltM IGWI 0111111e .. 1~ ~I. ltolla,,, CCltNtl t . 0..,"V IMSACI 1 ,,,...,...,. , .. , . ....... , ... Mu1l1ct1111 I. kl>rol (G'#I .

on Tube

' wben..Palcontr tDd Jotm ValJeJy pkt· ed ap nns ioall but by Ulen 11 ... too late.

A Cbatfey oew..,apmnaa said It WU euily the PMtMl'J' belt eftort m tbe

Wetzel said afterward: ".Beam was fantastic. I don't thln.k ou.r kldl were up tor the 1ame. Chaffey controlled the botrdl alld put together t•o ex-cepUooal Dives. We had a '"' turnovers that hurt. but we played well eisougb to win o.nder normal circumat~.··

Beam wu indeed fantastic. lie hit a bigh of U polnta, dropping

Ogden, Doug~ass '

In Tucson Lead TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Host pro

Bill Ogden and Dale Oougla.u ended second-round play Friday with nine· under-par 135s to lead a wholesale assault on par and 1thare a ooe"6troke lead in the $100,000 Tucson Open Golf Tournament.

Douglass, tour regular, carded the day's best score, a 32-32-63, to equal tbe Tucson National Goll Club course rec«d set in 1955 by Don January. He shot a 'n Thursday.

Ogden, 41, bad a :M.32~ to to with his tint round &9, sccring four birdies and an eagle while avoiding my bo~ys.

Grouped one stroke behind the leaders, each wfth an eight-under par 36, were flrst·rouod leader Jerry McGee, Harold Henning, aoo Jack Montgomery.

McGee, 23, New Lexington, Ohio, had to scramble from Jtart to finish Friday to get a 36-35-71. He managed only tba'ee birdies while picking up a pair oi bogeys.

"This is the best round I ever played," said Douglass. ''I'm sure of thal .,

Douglass. who managed only a.n everrpar n Thursday. despite aix birdies Friday and recorded nine birdies m bumbling the 7,200 yard, par 72 course.

The Denver, Colo., pro. a 6-foot-2. 15.5 pounder. rolled in birdie putts oi four feet or less on six holes Md rammed in a 25 footer for a bl.rd Oft the seventh, h1I longest putt of the day.

Ogden, a winter tour regular since

TUCSON, Arfr. ( Al' ) - Qvtllflers '°' Ille llnel » holn ttf lht T uaGfl 0.... ; &Ill Oodell D•I• Ooll9'1u Jeck Mont_, Jerry M<Gee H1rold HeMI ... D- Stodl!oft T- Jecota Geor" IC­Geotte a..,.., JOl\ll LO!r 8ob SNW lob L-SleYe DPc>trt'Nllll JCIM ScM .. Dew!" '61ffver T .. rv Hin ..

.. .-1u 12-4)-.llS tM7-13' 45-71- 1:16 7M+-U6 ....-111 6Mt-1:17 11>-41-1)7 lG-61- 131 ... ,._Ill 134$-1• ~Ill 6t-11- 1Jt 104 .... ,,, 1M,_,,, n.u-1•

UCI Invades Cal Lutheran

TiiOUSAND OAKS - UC Irvine's basketball team ma~ It& 17-7 record here tonight against Cal Lutheran's 2·22.

Coach Diet Davis' Anteaters hope to right themselves after suffering two straiglft setbacks. UCI lost to UC Santa Barbara Thursday night ~78. ~ to Fresno State Monday m overtime. 77·71.

Cal Lutheran coach R o b e r t Campbell motored to Santa Barbara to take in UCI's game with the Gauch()S.

" Irvine hu a good, tough ball club," he commented Friday.

"Our biggest problem is going to be the containment of their center. Mike Heckman."

It's the next-to-last pme of the regular season for UCI. Davis' quint ends the schedule next Friday at Cal Slate (Fullerton).

The loss at Saat.a Barbara was a severe blow to lrvtne'1 hope ot landing an invitation to tbe NCAA's colle1e division playoffs, but impressive wins at CaJ Lutheran and Cal SUta cou.lcl boist the Anteaters back Into tbe NCAA picture.


1947, also was placin1 his approach shots witbin strikfng distance, holding out four birdies of eight feet« leas.

He scored an eagle 3 oo tbe 5.»yard 11th hole wbeo be reached Che green with a f oor-wood and sank a six-inch puU.

Lakers Win

But Injury Strikes West

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Los Angeles Lakers' stubborn defe,nse and balanced scoring brought a 131-115 vie· tory over the Cincinnati Royals in Na· tional Basketball Association play Friday night.

The victory, however, may be a costly one as star guard Jerry West pulled a groin muscle in the fourth period after scoring 29 points. The ex­tent of the injury was not immediately known.

Archie Clark with 26 polnts and El· gin Baylor with 25 supported West's scoring .

The Royals, playing without Oscar Robertson. were led by Adrian Smith and Connie Dierking with 26 a.nd 24 respectively.

It was the Lakers' sixth victory In their last eight NBA games and they stayed in second place in the Western Division.

* * *

TV Menu

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' I


. -.

.. •

I 1 1

I 11


~ CLOSI ONI - Newport's Al Gage (2!) juat does get ball back itito play to Ron (behind Huntington's Brian Ambrozic+\ (42). Play wemt for naucM however, as champion Huntington defeated

the Tm. 69-62, on lihe Sailors' court. Others looking on are R-0y Miller (52) and Greg Snyder (44) <'1l the Oilers aloog with Bob Black (35) of Newport.

' Corona, Marin~ Estancia,

Barons Win Swint Contests Vanity awiiamina wen t

into full IClle 'iction Friday with flva meets lnvolvin& area p~p ttama.

Four of the five meets found an area winner with C-Orou del ~ lpdlng the way with a 52-34 triumph over Fullerton in a non· Jeacue meet.

LB 1'• Aztec• V•"""

L_,.. I MCll I'll 1•1 Le Clulflle tot Medi.¥ 1 11n - 1. 1. .. 11N1

CW- · Mellft, C...,,M. C.tUMYI Tlftw: J :a.t.

- 1'1'9t - I . Wlllle mt (1.01 2. c. Wt re 11.l l I. &lmM (1.0 1 Tlmo: J·:·1 Frw - 1. Hnd>cort ILll 7.

ROI- ILOI l. tta1k llO) Tlmt : U .I

llDO lodl•Mlu•I Mftle.v - I Wtrr'WI Ill I ) M lld>fll (Le i l. Scovlllo (LQ) T'-: >:JU

D!VllW - I. I.A Ou111•• 1 P roo111 ILl 1 a. L• Oultll•. t• '"' - I. '•l'*!lrt (LOI 2, W.t,... (Li l 2. C_,,1>4 11.• 1 Tl-: I ·ti.•.

100 FrM - 1 Hlt~ocl! II.II 1. . ...... (1.0 1 1 MllCMll I LOI TlfN: JU.

1tt l eek - 1. ,...,,. (LOI 1. - (LI) 3. Cl"'11 (I.QI Tl-: 1:11.f.

- ~rM - 1. Wllll• - !LOI J. c. WllN (LI) 1 l llMa (1.0 1 T1-: ,, ....

1tt INW - 1. C-ad Cl.II t , 14•alt (LOI 1 lcoYIC ll ILO) Tlm•i: 1•11 I ,

4t ,,.. lllll Y - I. LI Qul• lt Tim• · >;18 >. ...

L...,..1 ... ,,.. 1111 IMI L• Ouilll a '200 ' '" - I. Wt lltlrv !Lii i 1.

Currlf 11.0 1 TllYW : 7 AO. 50 FrH - I. O•lcwlld ll. &l 1.

G•lmm (l.0 1 l . Cro.- (1.0 1 Tlmt: Jl.2 .

100 F'rH - I . Ghetr (I.QI 7. W11l1ffY (I.I ) l. CulTle (LOI """'' t :Glf.J.

1• l ldl - 1. Gw4M (L t l Tl-: l ·JU .

100 llrtHl - I . Orlowski (l.81 t . Go(llon !LO I Tim•: 1.170.

• F r M lttley - I La Oul•l e ,_ 1,...,... &•Kii rm 1.u1 i... °"'"'• .. ....., . .. .,, - I . I.a ........

c~.i-lffl• a , ree - 1. Wllh ll.0 1 2. 9,._. (L I ) l. F.-• (LO I Tlmt1:

1:17.7 • FrM - 1. ~ (LOI 7. ~r

I Lt l J. ICtller II.t i TllN: JU IOt lndlw1'uol _ ..., - I. V• n

DeuMll ILll 1. ,_ ILe l Tl- : 1 ·11.a.

• Fllt - 1. Wl .. 1 (LOI I. ,..,...._

tLe 11 ... """'· Ml , _ - l. "- CL• > 7. Ve" ~" (Lii J. 0 W• ,. Cl.II T• r l :OU.

• led - I . MC!Cll•- II.II I. ........ lll l J, .._.,, !LOI

l':';a~tt - 1. Cu lllto Cl.QI >. 0... (LOI l. S..-t Clll T1,_1

"i. '"' .. ,n - 1. LH""• a.ac11 IS-, O. W.,t, IMC .......... Tl,_: 11».•.

Mea• .,. l'lku v .....

- Frw - 1. MM-Y ICMI t. J- (M ) l . P't UI ICM ) TI- : 1:1).7

JO F,.. - 1. c...._1.,. CCM I 1. oi- CMI J . Conw,.. (M) 'Tl,...: :ILL

100 lnCIMdwl - II>' - 1. lt lcht y ((M l 1. Moll'M•rv (CMI l . l't ll,_...,. (M) Time: 1: 13.J.

JI F'lv - 1. "'-"betrv ICM I 2. 111'-h (M) 3, C1rpent., ICMI Tim e: J U .

100 Fru - I . ~· ((Ml '!. MllUl ,....Y (CMI l. J- (Ml Tlmt : 1:.51.6..

SO &1dt - 1. COf'M\ellt CMI 1. ltou ICM) ) . 1'1111 ICM) Time: a.1.

JO llre&SI - 1. Slliowkl (MI 2. lt lcNY ICMI l. ....-,. IM) limo: JU.

lOO Frte ~el1Y - I. Co.le Mesa ICtrMnlfr, lton, McAMnew, SCfw..,,. ....... II Time ; I :Sl.O.

E .. les " ' RR Venily

Eal• nrll 0 61 Utl lte11"'9 141111 200 Medll'f Rein - I. E11tnc:la

TIMt: 1:• .6. 700 FrH - I Cla r11 ( RI 1 k oeklvf<'

!El J • .t.Y.-.otlt ! El Time: l : lt.2. 50 Fr• - 1. Pr..,tlco ( El 2.

CarroM I l l 1. Ku1>oer ( ltl l '-: :au

M lnOlllVldull - ley - 1. ·­( It) 2. _ , .. l EI. llo tlllr4. T lftM. J• l t .2.

OMne - 1. WI ..... CR). No _... Ot' ll'tlrd . l'olnS. : '4.'5..

100 Fly - I . 0... Il l 1 1(1"11' ( Il l l. Hlll( l l TllM :9'.4.

111 Fret - I. Ca rtoll IU 2. l'r..,lke I l l J. C .. rte Cltl. T I m 9' tu .

100 II.tell - t . O~rHM Ill 2. ""-Y Ill 1. Helftr a.1 I l l l l- : l :tJ .4. ... ,,., - 1. Holll9wetlll ( It )

1. ICM/ollott (I ) l. A.,.le!le Ill Time: A: IU.

1• llrt• I - 1. MOl'11 l ltl 2. Goed'f~•r Ill J. La wr_.. C ~ I Tl- : I 01.t .

400 Fr .. hlay - I, l t ftfteia Tl.,.e : J ;)l..t .

1 -Etlo11ei4 Ult 1<161 llolllno Hiii•

100 M<!dlev Relay - 1. Rollfn• Hiiis Time : 1:01.1.

119 l' ree - I . IC1w1bt IEI 7. HtM ( I I l. Mc:Or- Il l TlfM: ,, "·'· to F"'• - 1. lt no,,... l it) . Camobt ll CE) 3. Hoff I E I T i,.,. : 2U,

100 lndl•lclu•I Modlf"( - 1 Vvn (El 1. Wolstt<1<rofll ( Ill 3. Mencl'9 l lllT-: l :DU.

190 I'•• - I AOredi (II 1 Llllell (E) l . ,....,,_ 11'1 'Timi! : 1:07.1.

1• " ' " - I. T--... Ill 1. ltnllddt Cit) l. Hallft 1111 Tlmt: JU

100 llKll - I. Mandig ( R I 2. Vyn I EI J l - 1111 Time: l : IU l.

- Fr" - I . ICa• •lle I ll I. Holllale< Cltl No tlllrd Ti- : ' "' ' · 1• ·- · - I. Welw IE I ' · ~ Ill J. - - - 1111 T1-1 1: ll.1.

- Free it.lay - I. ••••Ml• T ..... : •:• .l. c ..

l1t1ncl1 IS.I Ull lt1tline Hlllt WO MldlfY lltlrt - I. l1t1ncle

T1-: 1:•.A. - Free - I CllNonl (t:I 2.

~;':!°"' II ) I. CIH"y 1111 Tlmt :

Jt Fr• - I. ""'1111• I l l " ~t:lf'l.tncl Cl) 1 G•MNlll Il l Tl- :

1• llldlv._.,I ~ - 1. •-­( It ) l. Oevl'f ( It ) l. S.'- Ill TlrM: 1:10.1

Armel...,,. CC) >. Nl<*l•ut (l'I T lmt: l : S6 s.

st " " ' - ' · ltllodt (F l 1 .. , dbunl (Cl l. Otl,,,_ (f l Time : 24 '!.

709 111111•""'-1 - •Y - 1. Crou CCI J. M-lmlM l'I J. I_. CCI n- . t:• .1.

100 ""' - 1. er .. , (Cl 2. • .._ (Fl J. Hom CCI Tl,..: .511.

100 Ft" - 1 Allt>tlt l!t ICI t . llKlt CCI ,, Otlt lllM lFI Tl- I Jl .t

100 h ck - 1. ~ulml,,. (II) 1. • - •!Cl l Curll• CCI r1 ... 1 l :OU.

400 l'rM - I. Armslront CCI 1. Nldcleua l ' I 3. Hiiimen CCI TlrN : A:H,t.

1oe 1 r ... 11 - 1. Mcc1~111n (Cl ' · l.oclH I ll ) ) , Miller (Cl Tl- : I.fl I

a FrH ltelt y - 1. CdM Tlmt :

'·'"·'· ·-CdM 171 1 ( 10 FulltrlM * MlllleY l tlrf - I. Cet'tNI del IM r Tlmt : 1'01 A.

'JOO F' rt• - 1 Newcomb IC I 7. Winburn IC). l . llwm.., ( f' I Tl- : 2 :01 • .

59 Fr~ - I 8"9• - ICI 1. Vaunl CF) l. ltl,.,,._I• (Ci Tl-. M S

I • lfldly..,., Mlfley 1 • l(,.,........,J (C) ' ... ~ 1111 J. N- m (Fl Time: I 111.J.

100 ""' - 1. Lolu !Cl 1 e-rd IC) l. 0.1- l"I Time : 1.0S o

I • Fr• - 1. llffMrd (Cl J. $1,,_I.,., (CJ J. Yount C'I Tlmt: -.1.

lfO lack - 1. 11"'9- CCI l N•- (Cl J New....., CF) Tlmt : I:•.•·

• Fro - 1. IC rvm-llr CC t l I . Wlfteur11 (Cl J, klmmerl~ ICI Tlm:e 41JO.J.

100 • reH I - 1 l!Uadl !Cl 7. Curn11... ( Il l l. Kida l ' I Tim: l:IU.

IO llFr N lhllY - I. ( OtONI • 1 Mer IN-.:.,.,11. l.ollt. Krum1'hOlll1. llatdt l Tl- : J t 47.0,

c-CdM UI I (,.I l'ult.rlon

700 Mtdlt Y lltl•Y I, ( W Olll Ml MM Tlmo: 1. I I.I

700 l''ree - I. ll<>UtllY (Cl 2. Wlctcll l'I l . Ward (Cl Time: ) : 10.0

JO Fret - I . l.lntbareer (Cl J. Kon.a IFI >. Lltht IF) Tlmee : U.6.

100 lndlvldu• I Medley - I. Ollt CCI t. 80U9h Y (Cl J. ,or1y lfw! (Cl Tl-: 1:11.9

lO Fl; - 1. Op<ttn CF I 7. l r .... hlOft (Cl l . Lollr (Cl Tl,..., 10 1

100 Fr" - I . tO!lo (Cl 2. OUvr (Cl l. ICe lla t ( Ill Time st J

elf : •:."'-;, 1icf~e ''~ ' · o.r- • • lr .. 1! - I Wlctit~ ( l' I 1.

l rowll!Oll ICI >. lll•ff CCI T ..... 1

JO s. JOO FrN lttll Y - I Cet'ef\• dtl

/#oat IOlivff. Ollo, 1.ollt. l..,,...,._,, ,,_, l : .&S.t .

v .... ,., F-'elft V• lley 11, A'11ttit 411, ....... _

• JOO\I Rein - 1. Arteoi.. I . S.t- .. l. F- • ln Vtllrt Time: l '. 11..1.

JOO ' 'M ._ I Noell l "Vl t . 0..- 1" f.t. I >. SltWt,, l 'VI Tlmo · 1·• 4

JO Ft• - I. Heocl (FV) J. Cron CAI J. l.lfllOf !'VI Tlmt. 1'.l. ,. lrodlvldu•I Mffln - I. PH<N

(FV) 1. HIO!lclle Ill Time · t :ll 6 0 1¥1'11 - 1 l.t rllln ( l'VI J, a<ll'le

l'VI l s.l•llN Ill l'oln11 : 411.1. 100 Hr - I. Hkldlt leSI I . OH ""'

IA) J, - l""I TIMf: l :Ol.7

Pirates Swimmers In Third

SAN1'A BARBARA - Or· ange ·coast College's swim­ming team is in third place after a day's action in the Santa Barbara.Golden West Invitational and attempting to keep pace with leaders Fullerton JC and the Santa Barbara Frosh.

Fullerton is mainlaininit fi rst place with 177 team poinl~ after the first day or competition and Santa Bar· bara is sitting in second with 172Yz .

San Dieio State's frosh are trailing Orange Coast 11221,.1) with 104 while San· ta Ana JC is holding down fi fth with 1021h.

Golden West is seventh with 551h .

OCC's Mike WhiLing is leading the diving through the semi.fina ls with 21 2 points. 23 ahead of present second place.

Pirate Bob Dake culmin­ated the day with a third in the 100 - yard backstroke (l : 00.0) and a fourth In the 100.yard Fly (56.7).

The Pirate fly relay tu m (Bob Mueller , Dake. Mike Wilson. Paul Hughes) and backstroke team f Paul May, Frank Warner , Brad Petty· cord. Dake) both copped fourth places In 3 :~ .8 and 4: 15.0.

UCI, OCC, GWC Win Net Duels

Both area junior colleges along wfht UC Irvine victoriow1 in ttnnls Friday with lrivne leading the way with an 8·1 trouncin& o{ Cal Stale Los Angeles.

Orange C o a • t came through with a 5-4 win over Riverside In an Eastem Conference tus~le and Gold· en West followed with an identical score over Santa Ana.

The wln.ners were all on their home couru .

Thr won It hand­ily. wtth J ody Rush, Earl O'Neill. Robert M o or e, Craig Neslafe. Gayle Duke· low and Steve Teal a ll pick· ing up easy victories In the singles.

Raymond Sokolowski and Pele Clark led the doubles field fw the An(eaters.

For the Pirates or Ora11 ee Coast it was Rusty Moore and Steve Lawhead comin1 throuih for the clutch points u the duo teamed up for a fi·J. 6_. victory in the final doubles match and the wi.

UCI Ill (I) Ct l 1111• (I.Al . ....... J tdy Ill/th CUC I) _, Carl M1tte

ICI .. , , H . l ebfr1 Mew• (UCI) • I Or'°

Slw111- !Cl M. .. , Crt l• Httlltf IUCI) do! "''"'e­

Ca r rno11a ICI .. , , H . Gt¥~ OUllcloW (UCll dtl Okt l l'UOP

!Cl .. l. H . l~I O'NelM (UCll • t # l~e C.t,.,,.

(C) "°· .... ·- THI IUCll dlt Mik o Wt lu

(Cl Ho .... -Jell Mel.., IM Slew T1tl IUCll def H .. M - I I..,_ (CI .. >. W.H.

Ctr- ..... l eutP 1(1 def J •ll Wllllt mo ..... II- r t T I UA CUCll .... I_

lie~ Soll-•I •ncl 'f'e (lork (UCI) ,_. C- - Wit• (Cl ._,, .. I

~- c .. ,, 1'1 t•I ltl¥• n l<la Slnelu

Tim ~ (OI def llall lil rlcll t• t 6 .. , .. ,.

Errol G..-ton Ill 1111 W • teull. IMrk Huie. lfl ... Ill.I W1Mh•­

( Il l .. , . 6 l. Joe IC,.._.. <• I 0•1 Jim w .. _,,h

(0) " "'· .... ltustw MatH• IOI clef Merk Wllld>a~ (It) , . , , ....

•I••• l..tw1' .. d (O) ft! Siu OeM ll l lt lJ-6, IM . M

Ooutlitt Gvon ...,.. l.llrleh ltl letl lo Sll•uA


Oilers Go U nheaten;·

Tars Dumped, 69-62 By EARL GUSTKEY

Of .... O.lllt rlltl stiff

Huntinaton Beach'• clasty Oller. completed an unblem· ished SuDMt Lea1ue ataaon Friday night at Newport Harbor Hith School, beatlng the Sa.Uors by a 69~ margin and clearlnt the gales for the CIF playoffs.

It was Huntington Beach's 27th straight league victory.

M i k e Contreras. t h e leafue's best off • balance shooter and probably the coolest head. loo. punished t he Tars. He scored' H points, most of them coming

off steals and seemint)y awkward j ump Shot& from a 11).foot perlmU,er of tbe bas· kt l.

Newport attacked a 10. point Oller lead in the clo1· lnl minutes, but too late. The damaae was done alfd It was done immediately the second half Upolf and by Greg Snyder midway tl)rou1h the Jut quarter .

Openin1 the tblrd quarter , Newport trailed 37-30. Con· treras scored oil the Up and then Rick Seibert. Snyder. and Roy Miller combined to leave the S a i l o 1' s reel·

Mater Del Loses

Barons Capture

Track Opener Fountain Valley and Mat.

er Dei opened up the track season f'riday afternoon with the Barons of Fountaln Valley thrashing invadin& La Quinta. 9-31.

Mater Dei , however. fell victim to Santiago, 104·26, on the wnners ' oval.

Phil Age led the Fountain Valley surge with wins in the 100 and 220 dashes with times of 10.2 and 23.0.

And. be came back to an· chor the winning 440 relay team with a 44.8 clocking.

The Barons caputred 11 of 13 ~vents in runninf away with the m~t.

F V t•• Aztecs Venlly

' "°"11111 Ville • 191 llll Lt Oulnt1 100 - 1, AH (Fl 2, Purklewlcr

1111 >. Hulme l'l Tl,...: 10 7. 220 - I. l•ot IF) 2. Hulmt t (F I

~. C- !Fl Tim•: Zl.O. _.., - I Gunlr Ill 2. SltuHar

''' l . Coltma n <'I Time: , ,,.. MO - I. Htrdl" l' I 1. A .. rk

Cl' I J. P' '9ur!MI Ill Tlmt: 1:06.1 Mll<t - I. Chrl•llono CP'I 1. ,..,..,_

Cl.I ) . M<Phtrton (L) Time: 4:!.:l.0 ).Mii• - I. Fu• (Fl 1. w111 11 ....

(FI l . No third Tl,.,.: 10 :0 0. 110 Nii - 1 conw IFI L H t ....,,

( I' I 1 York (LI Time: IS.4. llO l.H - I . l'IH'tio'°"l<I (F'I 1.

Coller <Fl J, v.,.. Cl.I Tl- : 71 O. ..0 h la y - 1. '°"""'" Valle•

'::::,':;• .. I .Godbe, l'u'11 l<twlu , Ate I

HJ - I. Tw-11 ILi 1. (011tr l' I l. H1ll•lll IF) H•\ohl M.

l.J - I Han- tF I 2. ltoertt (F l J. l'ul1tiewloct. Olllt "<t: - ·

l'V - I. He"'°" l" I 2. Smll!I ll I l. No llmd He1t11t: U-6. '" - I. ,.,._,_ 1111 7. Sulliv111

(LI J. 1.J'ddlft (fl Olllellff: • II\>. ... , ounlt lnVt lle• 117) (Jj) la Oul11U I • - 1. F..-..,,.,,, (II ) J. M-t

(VJ > M.,.1 1111 Tl- : 10,I JOO - I Fund9rtlurtt (II) I . Ma.ts

(F') l k'-1 Ill TIMI: JU . MO - I. lttYmond I' I J. • - •

(F) l. JO'lnon. 11"1 Tim: l : JJ.O. 1320 - I. M .. 1 Cl'I 7 Mtney

CF I l . T,,.,,.,_ CU Time: 1'4 ,, . 110 HH - ! , Hen111 1' 1 I . ll0<:11t

ll'J 1. lt lYert (l.) Tlft\t: II.I.

110 LH - I . Tllu•no (l l l ll lvore Ill l. H1nna 11'1 Tl- · 14 7.

.. ~ll•Y - I. Founl• l11 Vel1ff

(MeH , - - · Honnt, l'll ... llu'111I Time: l : l11 .

HG - I. ~II I F ) 2. [)y9f (Fl l N• !lllrd Heltl'tt: M .

LJ - I. M.trll" (Fl t Sclloal Cll l. Roen. CF I Ol1l ance : 11.J.

PV - I. K•lo !Fl 7 lt l•ert (LI l . Upt,,. (I. I Ht lelll : IW

SP - I . &0'4'me11 CF'I t. f now (F' I > Onr l ' I Pleleno. ~ \

<• F-e i.. Veile¥ (J.I) Ull l.1 Qul"'• I

100 - I. Goto ( F l ) ~t•• Ill l Emory !Fl Tl,... 111

llO - I M11ller1 (LI 1. Ot n< t lt ILi l Emf<'Y (Fl Time. JO I

U4 - I. fl°" IL i 1. (lull ll.I J . JoM- l'I TllM1 1117 .7.

1)79 - I keyma Il l 1 l. ... (Fl 1 IMdltr ILi Tlmt : l:al S.

llll LH - I Goto ( F l 2. 'ry (Fl J. TllYM (LI Tlmt : IU ut h lt Y - I P:oun ta ln V•llty

IMcCullout" • Golo, ''Y· E,.....vl Time: 41.6.,

HJ - I. llH r:h ILi 2. J elty ( LI 1 0- Ill Htle"I: '-10

LJ - I. ltlct.a r• IFI 2. Hu'1 Cl. I J. l,...,y I' I I nd Zt rlllll Cl' I l) t1...,u: 11-J ,

l'V - I. CllY Ill l . Cl• rk Il l J. No llllr• Haleht : t .o

' " - I. Hu'1 fl I , . ltl<herdt (Fl l . Zorndl !Fl Dlatenct : • ·Slit.

/tlD ' ' ' Cctvs Va"lty

Mt l er Del (Ml 110.I Senile• 100 - I . Ila; U I 1. ltlc:ht r- UI

l. lt i<t Ill Tlmt: 10.1 1'9 - 1. • • • ISi 1 ll tct.an1-

n 1 l . Olcli - (MOI Tl-: U . I. "40 - I . h ybouno ISi J. Vlnafll

Ul >. HI- (MDI. Tm.. SU MO - I . Mu"- CMOI 1 Didi""

CMOI ). I.I""" ' U I Tlmt : ?:12 I Miit - I .t.lev1 11 (SI 1. , .. 1 ...

(MD I l. l l...,,.lm (MO( Tl ..... : 4:JA J. t-Mllt - I _ ,1, (SI t . l.e•11t•

IMOI l. .,...,._ CSI Tl,.,.: 1' :1'.l. no HH - I ._. (SI t. -­

(II l. l - IMOI , ,.... , 16.t. I . LH - I. a_,, ISi J. Jol\­

C SI l. Wllll•t1' " IMOI TlfM : 11 J. UO llt l.. - I. S.nll- . T,,,..:

M l . Miit •• r - I . l t nl'- T ..... :

J : Jt • . >iJ - I . ltumu ..... CS ) 7. N ........ ,

ISi >it lt/ll: M . lJ - I. ltkt CS) 7 ltWtt Il l l'V - I . M.,.... UI 2. Ollmollll

(MDI Helt/If • 11-6. SI' - I lt lu IJ I 7. W. llell ISi

Ols lt Mt: .. 4'6 • Ol1<u' - I . W~lllor ISi 7. No

·- ... "''' ' 011""'" nu. -IOCI - I Condell UI 7 T er " e y ISi J, l udl ... ISi Time · I0,6

Jt0 - I. Tu,....., IS i J. l udl-111 J. Hau,..,. (Ml Tl,... : 1', I.

600 - I. J........ (MI 1. C• rrell (SI J. 0-11,. IMI T ime: l 1lU.

lllO - I Moad (M) ) . Cftmtl ISi J. Mllltr UI Tlmt: l="J.I. It M>i - I. l lcfllt ISi I , Net­

UI Tl- : l t .S. llt L H - 1. Ceftdtll (SI 1. &•II

ISi ] , ltkhl• fll Tlmt · IJ · IU. ... ll elay - 1. S.nll .. o limo:

1:4f.t HJ - 1 L.wo ISi 1. McNulty

ISi ~le/II : M ,.,..1 t<a" - 1. l.t n!1190 " · Mtlt•

Do i 14. c ..

, .. - I . ' r ec:ltMlt ISi J. ltilcll­(MI J. 11 .. mon (SI Tl,... 10.1.

IN - 1. l'rK IHa UI t 1#.t lC"" (M l J •••mon ISi Tl"'" 1'.A.

..o - I. Turwul Ill J. ll•'te< (Ml 1 ltevlrft Ill TS- I lit I

1l2t - I. Ct WM IMI 1 Galle,,.. IS i 1 Or• rbull ISi Tlmt · J ·O S

UO l.H - I. J-- (Ml t. ,,._, ISi J. Orllr ISi Tl,.,.: •••• ... • • •• • - I. """• T ime: .... l.J - 1 l'r •tl• d• ISi J 0 r I I 1

(SI l Keio (Ml Olt l•flte 17-1'4 ,,.,.1 Scora 1. S.n tiH o "' ...,.,.,

0.1 ll.


In&. '6~. That WU H unt· lnston'a btuest lead of the nl1ht.

Newport reduced that l•P to ~ early iJl Utt fourth period but Snyder acored four 1traJ1ht buck.eta. putt· Ing Huntington out of reach again. 6&-54.

Newport led thret times, at 12·11 on a Bob Black fol· low lltot and at 14-13 on a Dout Underwood free throw and at 23-21. When R i c 1' Stlck.elmaJer followed with a bucket, making it l&-13, the near · capacity crowd -most of it Newport boo.ters - went cruy.

Huntington Beach bagged the Ind again a minute lat. er when Contreras stole the ball, slithered put two New· port det.Dders and scor ed on a layup. That made it 17-16 and Newport was to lead only once more.

5-lly ......,. HUflllrll""' 11 16 1' ll-69 Ht - I HUNTINOrd~ cl~ 1' lt-4t

Ct>nlrM • ~~ r I' ~ ~ Ambro1Tc11 ~ 2 $ lo Miiier 4 ) ) 11 =; i ~ f 1

: "'P.f:,, 1: 1 ,. ;, NfrWl'ffT MAii II ,. '" ~ i:~. ~ ! ~ ,J :::=. i : J I~

'iP.:. • 0 3 • .~ ....... ., f ~ ; J. u~ 2l J 2'

Vikes Rip Lion Five By 70-41

R~ JIM CARNETT' OI 1111 0.1" ' 1191 llefl

The M a r i n a Vlkln«K cleared the last obstacle be­fore openJnr CJF play Tue .. day, smothering the Welt· minster Uona. '70-41. Friday nirht in the Viklnf gym.

The Yikes. who own an fm. pressive 24-3 aeason reCGrd and fln11hed MCOnd in th~ rulflled Sunset League bu · ketball derby, will travel t.o JUdlanda Tuelday ni~t t.o face the Terriers. winners of the Citrus Belt League ti­tle, Jn the opening round of thr playoffs.

" Redland& h11 a food. tal! team, but Jr we can get by with a minimum of turnov­en r think we can win ft ." uld Vlkinf CG8Ch Lute Ol­son followi nr the game.

" They are a presaint baU rlub. but we've f.aced the pre11 thll year and haven't done too badly." he polnt• d out. " We are expectinc them to have trouble containint Mark Soderberg Inside and that can be Important 1o us." he added.

Olaon cleared the bench enroute to the easy victory. but It was Soderberf. h1~ 1tar center, who paced the way.

Soderberg c • n n t d ui point.. most of them coming on • o f t jumpers from the outside and intimidated the Lion front line on the boards. 01.aon reat.d th• &-8~ rarly, putting him on the bench in the opening m(l­menu of the fourth quarlP.r with Ute contest well in the bag.

Mt•IM <• I 14'1 C•ll Mn• .. ,,,,,,..., h ley - I. MNIM

Tlflltl 1:#.J. \ .

to F tv - 1. Clllfenf (E l 2. Currt llU l. S.1- Ill T'-: JU ,

IOt Fret - I . .... Ill ... I l l 1. Gref'IHll.t Il l I. Mc,l'ttMI <II T""": .. ,. IOI ,,. - 1. Puc... (l'V 2.

Harvtv (.t.) 1. Siewert (l'VJ Time · ll.S.

Pirate Dee Renfro,finlshed third In the 100.ya rd frte· 11 tyle In 50.6.

end lHchtmlAIJ.6. 6-1. 60 " , .. He.t ley 11111 Wldi-111 IOI <Ml ..,

Wlnd\ak •rod ICM ,._ ( Il l ..0. 6 4 ' ..

. , I

' I

i I



1 t

- ptrw - t . 0.- !CMI I . Miiii« ICM I J. lff'l"t' ICMI Tlfn- :

' ' : ·' ·..... - 1. °""'- (lill l ' · ~llY CCMI a. liltll.... CMI T1-:

;:. , ........, - le¥ - I l."""" 111111 t. ~ IC#) l . , 111111 ... lc:MI ll- t:IU

OW. - 1. •- (CMI t. • , 1¥ 11..._. IMI ... " "' - I 1.- ICM) 1

......... 111111 l. loll,...,,. ((Ml tl!N•

·~ I'- - I .,_.,....... (Ml I . lfO'r ((Ml l Miiiet (Ml TllN" U t

' " Itel - I . _,,llllltf ((.1111 t , ......... CC:MI J. .... 111111 ,,.,..:

ll~I. Frw - t . ~"""" IMI I. .,_ CC¥1 J. M......,. ((.1111 1 tWN.

f:~l. I "'"' - I Li.tllt IMI J. ._... IC.11111 a. ,... ... ICMI f'-1·:.•-,_ • .._,, _, ........ , .......... ~ ....... L,_...,, 0.. ..... 1 T- : J.IU ...

C... -..:.1 Ce) ..,,_ - ,,..,,., - I . ,._ t r I 11 • ~ ....... ...... ..... ..., TIIMl 1:a 1. .. .,_ - 1 • ._.._ CCMI t.

; I Ml ..... (CM) >. ,,_ IMI l°l"'ll

I ! r

1 ' I •

l:~.$.,_ - ' · ...e •• • • t'M) t. lt•11 (CM) t. Ille CCM I TlfM: H.S. ltl ......... ...., _1. ~ ~(MIJ1. -lMl1. ICIN ta.I,._ t t&l

•• I'• - 1, ... IQH 1. J..­IM ) l. i._ IMl f- l :.U. .. , ,_ - 1 ....... CM)

t ... CCMJ a. W- CCMI tliMI

'" .. ._ - 1 . ........ ICMI t . ~ IMI I. .... tCMI T l fltle ! , ....

• ,.. - 1 -- (tM1 ' · ~ lM) A. ..,._ t• I n-,_...._, _, .......... W IS.

. ..... ICIU t. Mii fQI) n..o..

"'"' • """" .., - ' · c.11 ... ~~v-.,._,,.,.

• hell - I. .t.l'd<klfte (II 2. 1!;1•t M CEI J. lo- ( I ) Time : ,. .. . If l!lrtu l - 1. 0 tff'I 111 t .

lt*'b 1111 1 l. J-"" Cll Time : >4.1. ,_ FN!t 11141• - 1. E1tenc.e Tlmt .


1'rit.e " • C•M v.-y CclM <• 1 ,,., ,..,....,..

T:: 1~'[' ... ,. - I. FllllllftM.

- ,,.. - ' · Allllr~I ((J 1

Two Eagle Rallies Beat Mayfair, 7-5 &etanda HllJl's vwsity

basebalt teanl c.nt from bebtad twb Friday al· terDOOCJ to defut Ma.yfalr, 7-6. in UM &a'*' ... son opener at

Snal'lnt Ute whl waa pikhrr Tom MorTllOn, who •pUt mouod duUea with Chuck lMettl.

:.=' ..J fll =I 'I I . .. 1 · l

IOI l acl! - I. 0 .. 1, CFVI 1 Htrvrt CAI J. O.dier UI Time: I : Ql.S.

- ll rff - I Hoell (VFI 1 Gordlft (Al J, Wun "' I" '" Time: 4:A1.~

1• l rM .. - 1. lorOll IAI 1. WI,._ ( Al l. 1 lobo!I Ill Tlmtt l : lU. "' ,. ,... lltley - I . F'-111'1 Va llty

111--. "-"• ...... , ... .._..I T""": >:,..I. .. l'ou111a lfl Valll'f SJ, Sa"'"'- 11, A""I•

M ,_ M...., lttlay - I. A,., I . lolllll• J. 11'-Wlft Vollrf Time . ... . IU. ,. Fr• .- I. Oltnt U1 1. Smit!•

ISi l , .,_ (Al T- · >:• ... • l'rt - I ........ ., 0 2 ~

( ll'VI l. •lclwHt IFVI Tl- : 17 1. I • lftlllw,...I ~·o - I a.Mard

1'111 t . ......... 11 TllM: 1 11,A.. 1• Fly - I, ltlt9 CFV I J • ......_

ISi Tlfnt: l : IU t• ,.,_ - 1. tfolllll Ill 2. Cr9'1111 ll'VI l. llfMnl l ll'Vl TlfN I :tl :I.

100 a.o - I. - lte •CA I l. ..... I Ill - 1111,.. TllM: M t 9

• ' ' ' - I, , , ....., I AI 2. ""9M• (l'Vl l. Wll~ (I) Tl- : 1111. ..

,. l rttlf - 1. ......... ""I t. , ...,.... l t l >. t.llatd (P'VI Tl,,,.:

· ·~·· • l'rw ll ela' - I. t"'1tM• lll Vt lllt 1"""*- •iee. ~It! WIMIM lime: A1ta.2.

t-,._,_ VtlttJ 1' • ....,...._ a . An.ole , ,. ~ l t leY - 1. ""'"'"' ~ f"-o ..._. Arf!NI T!m.1 11n .1.

• ,,.. - I . Wt lh l'VI 7, Jell- CFVI l. Ow'I.._.. Ill ll~I : J:nJ

• , , .. 1 • .....,.., ( F\I) t. (Mftll IP'VJ I. T"'*IM m hM• If 1 ............... , ~ - ·. ~ f""I I.. .._, Ill J. ........... floNr

;1:'';1r - 1 4'cM6 lll'Vl l ....., . . . ....... l"' I fll!le1 is ...

,.. p,.. - ' · ~ ,,.,. .. .... (filVI J ""' •SI , .,..., lllU

• ... - '· ,_, Ill t ... Utl l ..... '~ """ a.1.

. ..... - 1 ~(l) t,

.... th l l '-"" ' "" """

'" • P"'9 h lw - 1 ~"' ...,. ,..., ('t1rA . ~ .._.,, Al'CWI 1 ....... ..._ TllM • 11U.


Finilhlnit behind Dakl' i n the 100 fl y was teammate Bob Mueller (57.0) and fol · lowing In Dake's wake i n the 100 bacbtrob wu com· rade Paul May ( 1 :00.0) and Goldell Weal'• Cralf Jorgr n· son 0 :00.5). Th~ Orange.. Coast brta~t

stroke relay squad (Mike Ir· wtn. Douc Sharp. Mike ca~· well, Kw1 Johnston) and lhe Golden West breast strol..r contJn&ent took first anti slxt.h In 4:!W>.5 and 4 ;~.3.

- · <Mid L• wl>ttd ( t i dot IC. Wiiie .......... ..... h Cl I .. ,, 6· A.

GOldt" - · U I ( • I "'"I• .t.Ae ........ ~ IGWC I IMI lo 1-r; ISAI

1 6. 2 .... W-1 COWCI dff o urb1 11 UAJ

.. ,. 1-6. '-1 1rio11Mn (OWC I *" '"°'"- U•I

1 • • ...,, .. 2. c- ar1 !GWCI _. Ht<-r IS 4 1 ......... bbtft (GW'CI # 11- (SA i .... ..... J - IM IGWCI IO<I .. ~"' U AI ......... -Ii_.. e lld l1111tfterl (GW(I Iott

10 1_,-, t M ~ IJA I 14. H 11•11 w W- 1 IOWC I lo<I le

T"- """ "°'""-' I SA I • I t..J. N . •

C- t'I - J ,,.. ln, IGWC I ... 11 11• _,., - ow.... , .... , ..... .....

CIF Playoff Scores AA

Olt ndora 62, Villa P•rk 59 Antelope Valley 7', St.

Bel'Bards 81 Jtatena • · Saftt\110 67 San Marino In. GaNy ~ Vtrbu'm Del 5'7, Worlnnan ~

S.nta Clara n. San Mar· C* .. 81.:.~c& •. Yucaipa M tC G. N Cll"lh t l SLO • , Hart 11 Santa w.ta 7S. S. 0 . M~-

lklll • ~,, 73, Seddlt·

Met i7 Garden GroM M. Duarte


Bassett 82. Hemet 81 Orana• tn. Ganeaha '2 La Salle 47, San Gabriel 45 liidto 10, El Oentro 54



Templeton 72. Cate ~ Moofpark fl. Dunn I() l.MtMr.n 81, St. Gtttavieve

IUo Hondo 14'. llacll·f"OH 441

Bnftfft( ts. Ctllpttrla 16 N ..... a. A.,.,le Valley

47 o.t.i. CbrbetM M. Pua·

dena Poly «t Blc Bear 11, SMrmu 71



- .. . ' . . . . ... . .... . . . ··- .


DREAM AWAY It Helps Solve Problems, Says Doctor,

But Stay Away From Sleeping Potions By STEVE MOSSER

Dreams are believed to be the brain's way of working out and resolv· ing our problems and worries. It's imPortant that we dream.

Dr. Anthony Kales, associate pro­fei;sor of psychiatry a t UCLA, has r ecently found that people who regularly u s e barbiturates, am­phetamine. and alcohol are decreas­ing the amount of time they dream each nighl Over a period of time these people may develop psychoses.

Kales bu been working on sleep retearcb since 1962 at UCLA's Brain Research lnJtltute.

" We have been doing a wide range of research here at our sleep lab," he said. "We have been analyzin1 1\eep patterns la children, JOWll a dults and the elderly. We have a1lo done wort with sleep walkers and with the eHecta ol &Jeep and dream deprlvatJoo."

FOR THE PAST YEAR Kales bu been chectiq the effects of vartous druga on the amowt of time a person spends dreamin1 eacb

Kales work.I with a n elec· troencepbalograpb machine. Th I s machine meaaurea the electrical ac­tivity of the brain. Wires that are p~sted to the 1ubject'1 head lead to the machine, whlch traoalates the e' ectrtcal Impulses to llnu on a mov· ln3 graph.

''The brain 11 collltaotl)' givlog off 'ectrical lmpulse1" exp)eined Kales, l nd we have found that the Impulses

'ery with the kind of sleep a subject .s experienclog.

"Sleep bat been claulfi.ct Into four stages. Stage one la a very light sleep. This is the drowsy type of ~leep one experiences shortly after going to bed. States two and three

This artic~ a~ared origtnaU~ in the "California Sun," Laboratory newspa­per publi!Md by graduatt ltudent! in the Department of at UCLA.

are deeper sleeps and stage four ls the very deep sleep lo which the body does most of its rebullding."

STAGE FOUR SLEEP is particular­ly essential in the elderly. SclenUats have found that older people do not get enough of this deep sleep. Doctors are now working on drugs that will enable old people to saf'ely tet more of the stage four type sleep.

In addition te the four *Ce• oi aleeip there la the stMe of dream.Ing.

Kales can tell when a peracm i.. dreaming by watc.hing hls eyelids. Rapid eye movement&, which are r e c o r d e d o n t h e e l e c­troencephalo~ph machine, almost always accompany dreaming.

"A person," says Kales, "follows, with bis eyes, the progreaa of his dream. If someone is dreaming that be iJ being chased down a street bis eyes will probably be darting back and forth, looting for a doorway to duct into."

DURING THE NIGHT the average person will dream about three times as part Of a 90 minute cycle that takes him through all four stages of sleep.

Nobody is really sure of what the purpose of dreams ls, but they appear to be the brain's way of resolving and working out problems and wor­ries.

It's important to dream. It dispels our little worries rather than letting

them build up to the point where we develop a neurosis or have a nervous breakdown.

Kales' latest series of experiments has been concerned with the effect& of drugs on the amount of time a person spends dreaming. Although otbe•: research into the effect of drugs on sleep has been ~arried out in other parts of the country. Kales' research has been by far the most extensive.

THE TESTS be conducted showed that barbiturates (depressants), amphetamines (stimulants) and alcohol all increase the amount of dreaming during a night's sleep.

Kales said that "if a person were to take a barbiturate in order to sleep for three or four daya in a l'O'W, bis dream time would diminish. After be stopped taking tie pJll his, dream time would increase for & num­ber of days until he bad caoght up on all tile dreaming be bad miued."

The danger lies with the person wbo, for an extended period of time uses drugs or drinks heavily. He will not be getting the normal amount of dreaming, and many things that should be worked out in his dreams will not get that chance. He may very possibly develop a psychosis.

KALES SAID that "so far , almost every drug we've tested decreases the dream time. The only drug that seems to increase the dream time is LSD, and these test.s have not yet been extensive enougb to be con­clusive."

Kales stated that "sleep research i.s a relatively new field of medicine and we are just beginning to scratch the surface. It's amazing bow little research bas been done on sleep -something we spend nearly a third of our lives doing."

r-----------Oar M•• I• S•• Frmeebeo -------- --

You'll Always Find Hope Where the Heart ls

By HERB CAEN bucks each from Marcus Aurelius.

SAN FRANCISCO - Bob Hope 0ru:iire~f ~~8°~ A~~~at

' •eadllned the Children'• Hospital when the temporal')' bleacbtn wtre 'leneflt at the Circle Star Theater being dismanUed at the Oakland in San Carlos, despite the advice Coliseum one recent ftne day, tbty of bis managers ("You been work· collapsed, injurtllg Ted PelatoW11d

to the tune of SI.5 million - OT Ing too hard, Bob-Baby"). Hope so be is cla1minJ in a auit against had an eye operation at Chlldren'a the Col.llnm Mid nerybody ebe a co-.ple of 1t&fl ago, "and I Involved ••• Artist Walter Keane sun have a 1e>lt spot bl my eye la newly enp,.S to a girt whose _ 1 meaa hurt_ for that little eyes aren't paticularlv tar1te. It ...._...., " an began wl»tn she admired one ,_.,.._ of hi• palntln_p of 1 girl with those ' r ALWAn TllOUOfJT those tales btg peepers. -al>oat .--..., tlDdSnc a mouse • F 'S .. o .. ~ SCH h ID 11111 eaft *tDlr bottle ,,.... fables, o. • n AruE ELL, w o Ml .._.. If It 61D•t blppeD down not without reason, d e 1 c r 1 b e • a'.111 S. )'. Pmtm1lla - and this himself u "America's slowest·rl• net ft COit tbe bottler S3000 ln ' 1n& comedian." ls also feeling sad­tbe Rectwood CUy courthouse. eyed today. He recently got wont 1'wGl1lal tar tbl plalnd.U. by the from hl1 sponsor. Proctol' It Gam· .,,_,, wu a Dr. Pepper, although ble, that hla TV series, " Good tbl plltJ drillt na aot of Morning, World." i.s be1nJ canceled IN aim• nam.. at the end of tbls aeaaoo, ProcW ... lt1rl'l'l'tJPp1 Lt. Comdr. ~ing unwUUnt to gamble f\athe.r.

MMC:tll Aurellm of 1 ve been • Schell fan ever alnce llarbl CG11U1tJ * 1'U nllevtd the Ume be wn appearing at i.-. of cwnnynd ·of the USS Vanoe Tahoe and confided: " l rot , (ad prompOJ ltlrr9d ap 1 mJabty nmew. .•• but wwd-of·mouth la kin. ,..._ Yb DI' e w .Punoa and ing me! aa...>, la acrw .._, tued by OOMES'11C NOTE: So ,.,.... cw. of the f\UUOT' omcen Marc:ua clsco Exa•llw nport.r car.Ill aid ftfe "mutlnOm." Thi Junion Drnw ... wa~ ill the pldlllt - lAI Be.bnoa1i1 ad WIUlam Una ta hllt of Ille JMlP'I' ..-

• Gacrom (Hat) - wut ooe mJDioa Ille .... came. A In , mlliutll ,, her husband, Judge Robert Drewes, drove u:p, handed her an umbrella, drove oif . . . That -particular plcket line was going around in some pretty funny clrd~s. by the way - because Drama Critic Stanley Eichelbaum 1bowed up with a pitcher of mut1n.ll. If those strikers don't watch it, they'U give skid road a bid name.

EVERVllODV TO HIS OWN SCllTICX DEPT.: Women's Wear Dall.J bu a full-time correspondent la sa.tgonl

And h1I Page One headline story tn that paper one day recently, 1dl firtt 11&sb following the Viet eon, UPrilmt. began "The Vietnam tut.lie ladoatry received a knockout blow durial the Commcmiat Of­...... ta Salcon." A vmtabi. ex. clmift, but I don't mean to mate llbt of tt. Thi VMtn&m t.extne IDduatrJ pnbablf mates the whole do6 tiat U. I. are rit ft-.


Advice to Women: 0 ftt Out of the ~tchen!

from a rec..nt lf>llCh bf Dr. UZ.. l ian O'C01tncr, 1d~ lf)f:dalUt.

In our lopsided world, woman ac· cepts pasalvely the gut advances in method.a Of communicaUon, -.Y• of travel, effective control o f epidemics, improvements in sanitation and health meuura, m o d e r o facillties for routine houehold cborel.

We accept all these changes having barely lifted a finger to bring them about, and have been derelict lo our duty to follow through oo the ideu presented long ago by women for the humanitarian developments which should and could have equalled the magnificent metamorpbosil iD other areas of thouabt. We have lost sight of tbe leaderthlp which struggled to makf' itaelf heard ~ now lies buried in a few footnotes to hJltory.

CONFUSED BY THE CLAMOR of society, of which she herself was a very vocal part, woman generally ba.s been content to let the world plunge on, steeling hertelf against every challenge. refusing to see the whole picture, busying herself with details until details tbem1elves loomed larger than ideas. Recorded history has helped her to forget bow the world looked at women with ideas.

Always the focus bas been on the unimportant. Women with ideas were unconventional n o t completely re­spectable; they broke with tradition, upset custom. In the overpowering contempt with which tbelr conduct as women waa greeted, one can hardly discern the great ideas whtcb were being enuuciated.

Never baa so much been written about anythlnt as about the so-called weaker sex. P s y c b o l o g i s t s , 1oclologJsts a n t b r o p o 1 o g i s t s, behavioral sclentiata, social scientists, psychoanalysts: All, men and women both, have filled libraries in every learned discipline about woman, her desires, her aptitudes - if any -her ills, her problems, and most especially, her duUes.

THERE IS more general agree­ment, naturally, upon the last item

"l call it 'romaatlc Jove.' Some da,y, perhapt, lt may be toHldered en• more lmperlut thaa &be wlaeel • • • darUni."

than on any other aspect Woman is the housekeeper, the homemaker, and she bad better not Jet anytblog distract her. Few of the experts ever encouraged her to do anything, and if someone went ahead anyway and bad a thought in defiance of all this expertise, sbe was ~teep jt witblo the confines of be.r own home.

The world could take care of itself without ber meddling. The few bold souls who did look out were shocked at what they saw and, defying custo.a and tradition, wrote and spoke out. The thin line of leadership grew longer.

The shadows of mountains of pre­judice under which woman bad always been instructed a-he must live out her destiny were deepened about the middle of the last century with the advent of p s y c h o 1 o I l c a I and psycboMalytlcal research.

1n the beginning there waa Sigmund Freud, the Viennese physician who expressed all p s y c h o l o I i c a 1

phenomena iD t.rm.a oi IG .... fn. ttrpreted all bmnaJl bebaWii' .. Item· m1q from biology. TIM Freudiu tbeary thM anatomy 11 detUaJ lw bad wide impact OD edacatklll, art. lltc'ature and aatlnpOloO.

WOMAN,~ to th1a theory, la mrvioua ud longs to be a man; her ~tom1 belac locomplete mate. her tllvy UM male. Sbe wu a ltruge, inferior, ud ,Jels.tbaJHluman lf*ie• to Freud. She bad DO delt1DJ, DO independent being ~ ber own. Sbe emted only u wife and mother. It was . woman'• utan to be pulive, conformist, dependent, tearful.

Foraotto bJ bi.story. loaded down from generation to generation by in· formal aanctiool which 1he htnelf helped to impoee, required by sodety to lollow custom which easily becmne tradition, told she was and should be passive, interested only in thln1s, warned to avbid thinking, woman in ge.neral bu tried to conform. Yet the number of women who cballen1ed the theory that nmen's whole belnl was passive grew tteadlly and rug. gedly.

In a Ver/ abort time it will be the 21lt century, and we dare not face it with timid women aeeklnc only peraooaJ goala.

THE VAST BULK of recorde d history will give us very little en· couragemeot, but there have been splendidly endowed women 1n nery nation who thought great ttiouitits. We must d~er!:f scholars who will delve into ort document& and win­now out the essential; the crut. warm, humtnltarian ideas so that girls tomorrow will not be lured utde by the trivia of personal idiosyncruy;

We must reject totally and at on~ the thought that the brain that comes with a litUe girl-baby is somehow inferior. And we must make her believe it and help her to use it for the good of humanity. We must teach our children, boys and &iris alike, that insecurity is the fate of manki ·1d and is not the peculiar prerogative of women.

Revolution • Ill the Pubs


In England. the internal combustion engine bas become the curse of the drinking classes.

The government is enforcing drunk­driving laws under which a lad can take on a couple of pints of British beer (which is weak) and be found a drunken driver by breathlyzer tests. If he has more than 80 mllllgrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of his blood he faces a $240 fine, or four months 1n the cooler, or both.

The laws are being enforced by a feisty, red-headed lady named Barbara Castle, who is Minister of Transport, and wbo neither drives nor drink.I.

The lawa have caused more talk in England than even the devaluation .of the pound. People can adjust to the latter. no matter bow distasteful tt ls. Tbe drinkers cannot adjust to the drunk~ive laws.

THE GOVERNMENT claims the law1 are working and will save at least 250 lives in lts first year of operation. It ls not clear that the saving at lives ii due to less drunks behind the wheel or limply less cars on tbe road.

The galns are being matched by Jones which are also very Important to the English, including the threat ol the end Of pub life, especially in the country.

Sal~ one disgrunUed publican from West l>rayton, whose business bad fallen off ~ pt:rcent after the laws went ln. " It's spUWng up old !riendshJps; it's going to leave a Slap tn people's lives. A good pub ls like a eafety valve. You can let- off steam about your job or the state ot the NaUon or your wife. Bat who ls going to IWld around drink:iq tomato Juice all nlgbt."

ANOO'llER PROPRIETOR, 1 t Maid.stone, toot enterprisbl1 remedial acUon. after bl.a bb bad fallen by 40 percent. Be offered chautfems to ~e bis 4rtntlq cua~omen borne. He b1red t9-totaling chau.fltun with ecooters.

euatomtn ca hire the chauffeurs. wbo wW pat tMir 1eooter1 into the tr.a al tlll eustcers' cars, drive 8'-.ft bODM and then scooter back to Ult pub I« someone else.

Wbtl• palle report sharp loaa In bQllae.u. tM brewers report an OftAll clied.lue of but 4 to 6 percent, illdicaUDL!: • lot o1 pub drhlking t. Wiii lll'td to tbe home, witfl 11•• • ,...,.. tblt only 1 bran pollt1· eta w.dd C9n tD conalder .

OM ot tlle troubles about the law Iii *'* nabod,J cu be tun wbe.n be ll &epl1J drunk, •l~ tolerance tit ....ot Tmiu, and IO do the &lie crl ... ,..... bodltt.

A ..- boWa M ii brtatiQI the ..., ...... aeeedl the al*d UmJt Ot i)etb OD a dowbJe YtlJow llne, 11.t lilt doesn't bow If be la bruk1nf tM la• U be drlna after ctrtMSq ewe pllltl ., *r.

10 IOU A&E aakinC the &om.-

ment to give the cit;iJen the rlght to test himself at the local, before he enters bis car. One lndlgn1nt citizen, asking for this reform, added: " Is this law going to become a further blood sport for the police?"

There is an old story that the curvy roads of rurel England were first traced by drunken yeomen winding their way back to the farm from the pub.

Were I sttn living ln England l would tee oothJng against personally toddling the two miles from my former hoDH! to the )ocal. Whatever the effect of alcohol upon health1 Utefe c&.n be no doubt of ttie vaiue of walldng as exercise. And by the ttme you get home, you will be ready for a couple of doubles, and bed with an Agatha Christie.

If Smut ls Everywhere,

Will It Just Be Ignored?, Ti?MM~

Each time the U.S. Supreme Court considers and then overturns a censor'; ban on po r n o gr a p by , Americana wonder where lt will all lead. To an increase in sexual aber· ration? To corruption of youth? To an outpouring of filth from every newsstand and bootabelf? Parallels with other countries are never exact, but some an1wers to the questions may be found in Denmark. Eight months ago, that country became the first in the West to pass a 11• abolishing all censorship of anything written, without exception.

Ten years ago, Denmark would have been as unlikely to pus such a law as Duluth. At the time, Daoilh courts could - and did - succea&fully ban such standard suppreaibJet u the Marquis de Sade and Fanny Bill But as m tbe U.S. a decade a10. the explicitl.y sensational work.I o( Henry Miller and Jean Genet wtn beginnlDg to slip by. Over the years, llberal.izlDa pressures becan to ballet. until by 11167 kiosks abounded wltla and paperbacb WhOle pbotoCfapbl of sexual variation& and contoniGM made their deacrtpelve pnee ..,. necessary.

An end to pronosraphy sl.IPPl'Ulloa was Dnall)' fl'l"OPOled In Parliament. and an extenS1ve study wu un­dertaken by the 1overnment'1 f~ man permanent o D criminal-law reform, made up Of the nation's Ombudsman. the cl.lredor of public S!fotectulom. a proteaor of JUri,lprladlDct It the U11ln:nlt) of ~sen anc1 tbe ~tlldtnt o1 the court of appeala.

WJTB ONLY the Judfe diuenttne, the eotnmill1on concluded that cmsonblp thou.Id co. L.ut JuM, after a minimum of debate. tbe 17'-maa P•llamtnt &O'ftd by 111 t"Wa •twlm· inj YOtt al 1Ji to 13. Wblt happened? lmmtdlaetb', of coune, a flood ti new boob came oat und« ~ labell a tht "Pwno ~es .. and with IUdl t1Ue1 as SUR-Naked, the 1\0l'J of a D1cld 8111 WboM t!MrapJ bJ an .,..... expert ill carelUll1 4et.IUld.


The ecstatic exactneu of descrlption had not been legal before, and publishers settled bact to await the hordes of buyers.

They never maieriallud. Uuold dirty boob were sent back by newsstanda and tiosb in ataggerint numbers. According to one publisher, about 75 percent of the first p-eat overprinting of tiUes were returned. " Four to six pionths before the law was changed,' says P u b 1 i s b I n g Adviser J orgen Rothenborg, " you would distribute 20, ~1000 copies of a MW pornographic ntle. Now, only about half of that number are printed, and a third of them come back. I suppose we only print for the ooanJsts, and that's not JOU~ but mostly people from 45 to 85. • Agrees Publisher Hana Rettul, wbo helped pave the way to reform: " There really is a very poor market in Denmark for erotic literature, now that it ls oo longer forbidden fruit.,.

1T IS Sl'ILL too soon for conc.Julon1 about the law's long-range lmpect oa Daniab mores, which are alnad1 among Europe's most liberal. But since tbe law was passed, then bu been no marked increue ill sex· related crimet, IDegitlmate preinan­cin, bomosuuallty, ftnereal dlaeast or nen ~arrtap. 'niat btint '°• th• govtnlJIHIDt ii MXt plmDIDJ to aboll1t. an ceDl«lb1p o1 moine. aDd plctsea.

- -...-..:. ...... -. • - or· ,...



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NEW CARS 546-7070 ·


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• •


Koop thlo ......., ....... , with ,.. ..... "! ............. ,.. ................. All tho - u ..... ..,_ ... doocri ... .............. .., ............... .....,.. i. ..,-a DAILY PILOT WIMT ADS • .... _ ....... .,... ............ ., ....... ...,... .. Hot_I_ • IWI •Ions; ..... PriUy.

HOUSU FOil SALE (2 ....,_)

no.M 1W•i CormadelM'ar ll'l1l-2dl (Sat" Sun 1-5)

--.lnllloVlllage l'IWOOO - 1148-0a'T (Sunday 1·5)

12 Ir. I Family or Dan)

1010 KJDp 14, Newport Beacb MMBlll (Sal " Son)

IBIS Dolpbln Ten'. (lmne Terrace) CdM 642-M72 Z.u 873-MllB (Sa~ Sun 12-5)

1200 Dolphin. flrvln• Terraoe) OdM 671>3000 ~ 642-4788 (Satuzday 1-5)

(3 lodroorn)

1018 Prbcilla Ln., (Harbor rugblands) NB 1148-31116 (Sal " Sun 11-4)

198' TUJtin Ave., Carta Mesa 673-4768 (Sat & Sun 1-5)

213 Sierb, COlta Mesa 54~795 ISat & Sun 1·5)

18161 l'All• Ln. JIB (2 bl Mila- Lark Golt Club) 545-8291 (Sat & Sun 12-5)

908 Darrell, Costa Mesa 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

3124 Sumatra (Mou Verde) CM 54G-1720 (Saturday 2-15)

2521 Villa (Baysilcnl) NB 6711-1000 Efes -90 (saturday 1-5)

*5471!1 llodeu (N"'J>Cl'I Hei&lltll 6411-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5)

(3 Ir. I Family or 0..)

9032 Adella Citti. (l'Wdon Shores) JIB 1162-9820 '(Sat & Sun 1·5)

9471 Rambler Dr, lhmtlqtoo 8-h 92~54 (Sat & Sun 11·7)

1100 Somenet Lil., Newpcrt Beach 6411-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5)

8142 Musi.. Dr., (Padllc Sanda) HB 536-7187 (Sunday IG-4)

3010WammlA(llalecreol)CM 54N474 (Sunday 1-5)

1200 ~. Ln. (J!a1<nal) NB 6411-7753 (Sat. Sun 1-5)

19S72 Clnborn, ~ -540-1720 (SUday 2-5) 2oooeom-.~JNB

8711-aOOO - 1!4&11861 (sand9y 1-5) 3221 Clay St. <l"wp<Mt llelllbtl) NB

6411-7171 ~11 (!lot. - 1-&) 2001 "I:''"'• (llarllor IDglilanda) NB

6711-3 - ll4N868 (Sat • &In 1-8) 308 l!uel, a.- dol Mor

6711-SOOO - 873--0SN (Sat • Sun 1-8) (4 ...,,_,,

415 EYon1D1 Siar IA a>over Sboreo) NB 642-8231 (Sat & Sun)

11118 Santlqo Dr. (D<nw Sbo,..s) NB 642-8235 (Dally)

•4e39 P'alrfteld, (Clllleo Shona) CdM t'lll-3Ul (Sat & Sun 1-5)

(4 Ir. I Fwn~ oo: Den)

1632 JJD<Oln IA, N~ Beach 54M148 (Dally 1·5)

2722 Canary Dr. (lfeu Vsde) CM E'fes, wl<ends 5411-0987 (Sal lo Sun)

1512 Antlqua Way (Dover Silonl) NB 644-1133 (Sunday 12-5)

*2000 An<hal' W.y l]laycrest) NB 642-5200 ~day 12:3G-5)

*1739 Tndrwlnda Lu, (Baycre!I) NB 642-5200 !Sot & Sun 12-5)

1700 Donr Dr., (Hlrbarll!lhla!Mlo) 646-7753 (Sunday 1-5)

2417 Bamboo St. (Ellt~ NB -9 (Sal & Sun 1-5)

125 Eut 20t11 St., CM • 642-7777 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1133 Goldenrod (Harbor View HillJ) CdM

87!1-3000 Eves 575-1513 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1101 W. Bay A•e., N.-....rt Beach

5711-9200 Efte 548-6968 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 1682 Oallu (lf•a V«de) CM

64().1720 (Sunday 1-5) 3218 OrelOll (off Gisler on cul-de-sa<) MV

54.8-SffO (Sund1y 1-4:30)

(5 Bedroom)

-u u-s.ntJaaoDr.;Newport Beacb 11411-4494 (Sal•SW>1-I)

fS It. I Family or Den)

*'°'°Ball Clttle (lieu V«d1) CM -1720 ~ l:~:SO)

DUl'LDIS FOil SALE 12 Bedroom Each)

320 Undo St. IBolboa Bl. lo 6tb L oa Bu) ..,._ (Sat • Sun U-SJ

'l20 Orellld, C-na de! Mr 1711-aOOO Ena 575-5942 (Sal • Sun 1-5)

121r&J"I GO !( .......... Corona de! Illar


(3 Ir. &ch)

111 C"'1iiotloa, C..-del liar 67UotO (Sal • &Ill) -CONDOMINIUMS FOi -SAl:I

p lledroom)

*190I Connnll IA (Wesldlll) NB -1194 .. 54M80ll (Sii • San 1-1) *** .......... ,, .... , ....... ,.-... ·-

NEW HOMES 4 and 5 Bedrooms

1 story . 2 story and Tri-level. All have family rooms, separate dining rms. and ~et bars. Nearly all have 3 car garages. Quahty homes Deluxe features-start at $59,000. Delightful Upper Bay area where you own the land . Convenient to Westcliff Shopping Center.


400 WINDWARD LANE, NEWPORT (Cor. Tustin Ave.-1 block So. of 22nd St.)


. ... -- . .


lmmaadllt. 3 Bit 2 bath iw­

nu 1ot bome • Ith accea for ar tnller from al. WJ. Home '*a 12x16 mutrr bedroma, bullt.lnm includlnc retrlpn.tor A rtttur. MW" C'&f1ll'U. IM!W' drape,, nrwly painted inside I. out. FHA 5% % avaU . to you $1·16 month taxn included.

$21,fSO Full Price






IMMACULATE '"" -· Bullder'a Llquldat!on

• POOL 1~~~~=I NOPAYMENT 2 bedroom ' convertible den a .J.J. with ' ,,.,.. ""'""full' TIL 1969! dcrornted throughout. Larg o? pen Ou6'1 ONLY $12,500. Small two bed­

room pltu: bacbdor rental EASTSIDE COSTA MESA one-halt block from bu1 line. $1,680 yarly iDcome. Excel.. J~t r..t..n on lnvntment. ~ w a n t a 111.1batant.ial dotrn - -.rill carry lat 'I'N!t Deed - or use $7,CKXI loan avalJable. Strike When Op. portlmlty Knocks.

tirepl1ce in living room • wtildl OYttlooks the sparkl- SUNDAY 12:30-5 W• pay everything. In;:: pool. All electric kitchen 2000 Anchor w.., Prlndple, interest. wtlh nery con't'enience + See tllll "mbllll( tarae 4 tues & inlurance. Formal dining room for BR custom • built home In entertaining, large double tha t part of Baycrtst which Pni&e hU MW -.her 6 lm't ldf9 bold! 'frub dryer includ~ In aelllng clw'minC • with abtrttft'I , price. Will eon:sldtt leut bel.vy lbake roof. b t 1 b option or irtni&ht leue for beamed c9lln0. 2 ftrwpi.c-2 yrs. e1! A completely NPU•te

only $41.500 pl..,room u .-ell u an tn­-.tttrc famlly nKJm wldl • bv. GounnH'• kitchen! Huae 1Wi1Pmb!c pool + • Jacuui pool! Drive via Ttmdewiadl Lane \o Ship­~. SH J'Oll !unday? Ruth P•Noll, lllNttor ta Westclifl Dr. M2-5200


Reduced to $169.000. Older owner mu~ 9ell Immedi­ately. Unusual oppty • low Dn. Bkr. Box P-33. Daily Pilot.

29.3 E. 17th St. 146-MN Evmint;1 MS-515.l

DAVIDSON Realty - Vonll North

4 BR + 'family close to IChocla. wk!Hae. Immel . - -"""' -1-4 :30 3:Zll On!roa Avt.

Rltr. mo Harbor 58, CM !146-S. ....... 54&ISl2


A few are described below. Call DI t4> day · - we are· sure we can help you find the right home 1t the right term• - we're here to a;en e.

IN THE CITY But out of this worlcl.

Magnificent view of Back Bay and mountains. Custom built 3 bedrooms. 2 bath with every exclusive refintment. In a quiet, secluded area. Sony. DO chil­dren under 12. $64,500. Owner will help finance.


Beautiful 2 story, 2100 tq n.•home with oversize master suite. Oaly 3 yem old. Everything in apple pie order. $29.960. tbo/o down .

ON THE IEACH View 1,00 mites.

3 Bdrms .. 1 lh 00.ths, lar2e uostalrs sit· tin& room. A lftUe older but the price b .. oiity a sbade over lot value - $54,500, ...- wUf condder small trade.

WlSIDE . ~ IDRM. · IM lot, ,_ 't..- ""l"-

IED ROOM! Tbil 5 BR 1900 sq It borne ii your IU\!Wef'. Sparkling MW pdlt l:n & out, all tmulated, 2 baths. bid.'I ol clcett "*·· built-In kitchen, dlsh­w a 1 he r. U~ at $29.e . S.'IOOO down.

!DJJ p \I I . \\ 1111 I .,..,. . \H ' 1!1 \'

~ f \ I ' '

HIDE-AWAY Corona del Mlir

Walk to beech • ~ aat 2 Unit. wi th room left t>r )'OUt weelHftd -like living lor 1'r..e

only Ml.Ill


"'""' ---- . ~

JUST LISTID Beautifu l 4 bdrm, ~

•tory. r o r m a I dl:alnl panr!~ ... w I t ll •tone fi11>lce and ll*C-­lom Iv rm with ekpnt dN~. On 10,IXIO aq ft lot in exclUliw COWi­

try club ltelpborbood . 141 ...

ELEGANT 111 the WOid far tb1a 5 bed-­room 5 bath heme. Form!ll dJnlnr room ott completely IDOlkm kitchen wtth B B Q • Larre famtly nan wfth bal11in "ftt liar • 2 nn,Mcn enhance tht tr..mftldom lJv. tniroomAmut«~ mte. i..rp pcio1 me 1o1 wttb plenty of nib A ,. &. Vacant _ca lhow' .., timt.QD ... ~

..r;,, . ,-~ ... -Dandy 4 Bedroom, 2 bath home on large M lot with room for 2 more unit.. Hou.te hll been repainted inaide and ii .,le and span. $24,950.

'nlua'\i*'"4ft-t. :~ ..... """"' - 1-------1 IEST SS VALUE • $1 ,000 dawn, $147 ,,_th,

3 Bedroom, 2 batb famUy home, on large &0:1120 lot. Completely feneed, double garage, ki tchen with built·ins. Top, top value at Sl9,500.

DUPLEX - $20,900 2 • 2 Bedroom, units tn fOOd eutalde location.

WTSIDE FOUltl'LIX 1\1111 nnled , with waltfnr u.i. Ga­n,.. and paved pOtldAJ. 7 fOlll Did. c1 ... to shopping. 142,500.

546-2]1] OPIN SUNDAY 646-7171


ACT llOW ~apln ....... ...... ,+....,.,_ I ,_. ... hame, t batll&. .. ellld. ....... kltct., ftptc -... -.-­.......... *19.,.. - ·°"".., ... --


Look At Thial California Ranch ltYle • VttJ nude wltb beuy lbake root Neat, clmn A: beauti­fulbr paneled • hen'• tbe cllncber- a $22,000 lou at 514% take over a 1 k l 11 1 $27.960, 4 • Jamlly.

con ... Ro11ty su HID 1!iOD .w... at Kartlor

(Ntm' Cinema 'n.e.tnl


OwnorNor<e-- - -home. Huge Ut1nc niom, -.

mal dfldna roam. Imp..,. Uy roorrt with ~. • larp bi!dl...... .. 3 bUbl, 2.70I ~ feet Ill N"'PQft'1 1DD1t ctwllee lo­cation. Vi~ of the a.ct Ba,)I', Now- oftertd •t Ml,l50.


Fwlalk H••• l lJl (cwt+ ""91 O.J, S ..... __ _ lut room lcao be wtt W t .., MkW '-twn -narMftlUa ID ..... Pfto. ed ,..,.,.dcaU, al•• - --..., ... :.

lioolty, ""­.... ~ ...... -* $11,soo * • 7''11-1'-li"-' ----· •-..a.a _.....

"""" .. ,.... Qieqlclll» imetd 1ri?ia 1- .. ..... ..... aa. ...... . • ::·a ''"'' lJ ..... °"""" ._ a -_ .. __

JUtr . ........ MMlll l5lb OpiO ... ,.._,


UNMATCHmPOOLH0 .. ·$21,5001 3 bedrm., family rm., beauty! Alb paneling, carpe!Ald, cuatom drapes. Bull~tn All-FM stereo. Blue Haven pool, cascading water· fall, shufOeboud I: badminton. Ideal for tun 6 enterta1nin1.

NIWPORT HGTS. • J 1R + FAMILY ltM. $19,950!

18J24 llring rm., fi replace. Choice area near Bluff & pork. Unequaled for pij<e,_qua)lty 6 locatloa. · '

' 5 IR • MISA VEllDE • $21,5001 2200 sq. ft. of gncioua !Mng. BullMn d,...m kitdlen, d!Jbwuber. , DeligbtfUJ play~ in lovely retr yard.


HORSE RANCH You've Sot ID ._ Udl: A l bedroom ranch hou!le, c:or­nl. 2 ~ i\lelt house, 1 bedroom bunk boi.9e and othtt out-buildtnp all ca a bet.uutul \Ii aCf"e rmdl wttll trftt. Qty water, p.1. lights and lfftl'\.&n tn and: paid tar. Uve ti me ._... and' br1rlc In $200 per montb. !D­owne from other tTm.


l "LM-111" FOURPlll

Let 3 tenuu paiy your n y . Delu:xe 2 BR 2 bath unitl with flreplacH f; spe.clo\a ltvq quartera 11100 !IQ ft eech) . FULL PRICE $57,500


•• Victor I• 646.-1111

FamUY rm . w/ ftroeplace !n new, IPllt-level llallw. fe• turtnc ctr.mauc cathedral

- In""". -areu. Bfft. locatkia DltU'


CUiiom-Buiit 3 BRb 3 baths plua Family or carden room. Mar le frplc & luxury thru­out. Walled garden entry. Reduced '10,000 ......... .. . to ,79,500 Mr. Clarbon


Architect designed home for tb.e diacrimJn.. a Ung buyer. Extensive use of paneling 6 ftne m.. patloa. 3 Bedn>o .. plus llbldy.

.. .. ... ............. .... .. . ,79,500

Jin. """"'

REDUCED $10,000 Absentee owner off en beaui!fu.t lrrine Ter­nc. home. 4 Bairoo!lll pl111 Pool. Below for fut sale. Gr•t view of I ac.a:: .... ........ .... ...... . llr.U- ·


i.a1o Uaoy - - beoutltullunny p-..n.. • "°"""" 2 fall Iota '811,500 Mn.1-

0elAN Ir IAY ¥llW • .

ca.tom -- ll~ t Bedl--.... w .. fllllll:r rm - -.. blr. - ......... bu lltllq nn. Lon!Ald la l*la 1111 ..,. lier VIJw Blllt .. .. .. . • • . • .. • • • 9";111 Jin. ·-w. ...

' . "' OffKE '(liBI ~


- L COMT HllllWAY .. ... , Wot ICl Niii


, __ _ ..... ' --- ·- ...... -....... _... .... ··- ............... •

. . _ ... __ • _______ ...,_ _ _ .,._~· ·-·· .................. .,,.,., . .. .. .. ~ ..,,,.,. # ., • • • ,,-r_...... ~,..

:;~use~ FOft ~LC .. ,..... fc~n macnab

VIEW Nt-w maarufc:cnt Vk'w

1 r:droom, 4 bl, dtnlnr rm. 1~ -:e rm, rarpell, Ua:')ts, llld la.OOscapnt. Ai«'e~ to private ~aches

fot sale by Bullder (')PEN DAJLY

1136 S.ntl1go Dr. Dover Shorts

$88.000 - exc flnlJlclni

8AYFRONT Pier, ~Up, 60 tt tront&{le

I :.-autUUI 4 BR, dlnln~ rm h'l:ne ready to move tnto -

$84.900 OPEN SAT & SUN

41 S Evening St1r line Dover Sll<l:ttl



POOL TIME AGAINI \\ow! Try to heal a 3 i family room with lovely pool Ior only $24,950 le In Mesa Verde at that. 10% down to only 1 loan. CaU right now. * OPEN HOUSES *

1710 01hu Pl1ce McM Verde Cambridge 275 Nn11u Rold College Park Area

2839 Corvo Place Paceseller Home

Coll9 Realty 546.5HO 1500 Adams at Harbor

INMr Onema Theatre)

8/8 433

Morning Ccanyon Corona HiCJhlands ru-st time on the market. This 3 BR, 2 bath, F1rc­place Home. Located on a quiet atrect-you own the land. completely r-emod­eled with a Family Room 20:<21, PLUS Bit/ in Bar and Stereo. Large Pallo and e a s 1 l y maintamed yard.

Price: $52.500 Owners Amclous

1 :;n.::r:xi Eves: 673-IX>54

e~,, & Beach Realty, Inc.

'.:!107 E. COast Hwy., CdM



. I/I UY! IN • •

a !"Kl cute 2 BR no-, and Jet the 2 BR Apt. ~ ry llMlM ot ~ .-.,zntnta. Excellet .,..._ Vf!t"/ eood Yale» •l $tl,OQ9.

IF YOU UICE Ip IM'im, lllllbe.the end liw lnexpenidvd)', loot at this 2 BR Home In O>rona <tel Mar'a top am, dose to beach and.,.,._ You'll like the pric~ $32,900; baa a S23,900 loan. cait tna­ to 1ttl


FAMILY 4 large bedrooms aod 2~ ha.tbs. Cozy family room, blVin bookcases and ~ plaoe. Kitchen to deli&ht any bomemaker. Prideful nel&bhorbood fer y«ir dJ.ll­dl'ftl. Owner all, and price ooly i.;3,500.

673-9200 Ewa: S48-6629

lay & leach RHlty, Inc.

2lrJS W. Balboa Blvd., N. B.

No Phoney laloney This big 4 bedroom located

neer College Parle school, In Costa Meaa has fresh paint throughout .. New wall to wall c8J1)els. Eleclrlc



IJCUJCre~I New 5 btdfootla -­wll.b '-VT lbake root

Md formal~ tarse la.aU11 room wttb

wet tiar A parquet floort 1onul dWna t"OOOl


S cu p.rqe excellmt value •t

m.soo 1623 Antigu• Way OPEN HOOSE OAU.Y

A luxurious Sartain In Baycrest- an except>onally attractive near-new Contf'm. ponry R.ancb st.Yle home, glaS>waJled lo a central. spaclou$ SUMy patio. Ideal fO«" enterla.ining! Gard!!n courtyard entrance. panpl~ game room with wtt bar, formal dininK room, smart powder r o o m. E.xquialte master bedroom suite with 20' of wardrobe. A bceull­fully decorated le malntaln· ed home on a pool-slz~ lot in an exclusive residential area where you· own th e

built ln kitchen and separate land. Rare for only ~.900: laundry room. Plun ~hie Ruth Pardoll, RMltor gBJ"qe. The borne Is in Lop 16<6 W tcliff Dr 642-5200 ooodition has a VA 5%% es · an. Anyone can asswne.

S1S1 per month pays all . 6 BEDROOM HOME Priced at fair market value $25,500. and will aeU because . • . of the Jaw of IUJJPly and de- View View View mand. We believe that peo- Warmly inviting Cah!omia pie like facts not a n1n Medilemll\ian with sweef)o around so call us to show \ng view of Upper Bay .t­thla oo'me. It will back up Hills. Custom bwlt by !VAN theae fact&. Rottman CO. WELLS. Details for apac-546..8222 anytime. iou&, formal tntertainlng as

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill well as lor the young folk .

1968 is GREAT! We have the best listings In the best area - Mesa Verde!

14"X2'l ' fam1ly room on thl' children's w In J:. M:istcr &Uite separated Irom ram· 1ly wlng. See this complrte­ly furnished model Lodat. U19,500 furnished.

ROY J. WARD CO. <Baycrest Offkcl

1842 Santiago Dr. 646-15."iO


HILLS ~N"6e'"aftt, Corona del Mu

Lusk · built homes located in the Southland's most de­mrable & fascinatmg area. Schools & Calif. lrv1ne Campus just m o m e n t a

2850 M.w Verde Dr. Cotta Mesa s.6-5990

A Bit of Old Mexico awa,y. Dramatic custom - built 4 SR Sensibly priced from

3 bath home cin:llns a tunny Sacrifice! ~·s900K tHo OS43M.500ES courtyard. Stunnln( living rocm with aoanng beamed 6 Bedrooms, family nn 2 DlrecliOIUI: MacArthur Blvd. ceilings. massive Mexican frplcs, 4~ beths, king-ilie from PacJtic O>nat Hwy. or brick fireplace. Gleaming heated l: filteftd p o o I. Newport Fwy. Turn on San hand - made Spa.nbtl tile PLUS milllon dollar day & Joaquin Hilla Rd.. then floors in entry, baO It family nlgbt Catallna & Bay View. follow &igns to model area. room. An ex.citing borne with Redoced from $110,000 INCOME the warmth of rich wood to S7S,OOO paneWng, stained timben le for Immediate sale $ $ $ adobe brick on a lg. chore- Chester Salislu.u This is truly a steal $5.000. Jess comer lot In desirable REALTOR - 1 below identic11l units next Westclirt. Excl\lsive with: 315 M~ Ave. Balboa Is. door. 7 unit~ In top rental Ruth Pudoll, Rta1tor 673-6900 area. Wall sell for mlnimum

100l Westcliff Dr. 64z.5200 e e down or will consider trade. l!!l!!l!IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!i l fN nlre :i bt'droom home.

$750 DOWN- Call now mr df.t11lls.

On thia large 4 bedroom plus fa.m.Uy room plus den home. Modem built-in kitchen, 2 ~baths, only 2 blocks



c..te Meu 11• 1209 "9wport leech e. OPIN ~ e a-....---"'!~~-~

m SIEftP St,~ M­l a f'fo. ar 10dl St., Jtl.11

Sp1ctecvl1t View HAUOI AREA

Ea9t flt ~e Att.: 1.$ Wllllt a DtlU' ..... ~m<'• llfh' PM .. Sst. t S~. UKE II your ~ come trur! NEW 3 Bdrm., bdwd. floort, '400 ~ feet. la11:e bt'<I· l~ tile bl .. blt·lft ov~ A rocirna- muh'J' IWlc with ,..,.e. Nat'L Blrdl cabinet.I. ~ • batb fcinnal d1nlng P atio. 1*. atblcbcd pr.: area,~ tntry, rumpus Sbakt roof, LAlle lot. Cto.e t'OOlll wtth wet bu, and pre> lo arhoola l c:b\nho&. l~ll1 i.nctacaped with

WIUllOUS W1terfront liYlnQ Modem 3 BR 4 bath on tx­clusive laland over 101' uf wate~t llvln& with pd. vale bolt dock 78' tona. SEEING JS BEUEVINO­All t.bla lot $'11,000 In Beau. Wu! HunUn(too Harbor wbe~ )'OU own the IMd. Bier. Call J ackie Brun.s at (714) 847-2531 or 1213) 430-~71

BY OWNER. 3 Br, f:am room + z· xis• playrm. Oiolce lol PUtUnc IJftN. Extras.

$.\9M or of fr r.

LMlo Isle 1351

OWNER; call: 54UT96 wtoMJttc IPlllklcn; and pa· LARGE ROOMS on 52' lot, Strada comer

near clubhouse. Cl\armlng 2 bdrm + lanai. Plans for addt.11. Reduced to $54,900

• 3 BR. 2 Ba., sep. den: tkll. $48,SOO. nuee k>t. beaut. lndscpd. PClflOl"'GMIC View 1000 Sp. ft. brfok I con<:l't'te 1>9Uo, ', ahade 11J'den. fountain: bride planters: lll'p. play yd; lath-plaster: carp. thd. nn.); stone frplc.. blt·ins. By owner. $23,950. Make oUer M~T l

BY OWNER • Near WfttcliU abopptng. 3 Bdrm home. larte living with fireplace. d\nin& area, new built-In ldllchen with bi.rdl cabinets, new FA 1\lrDaDe. 1.arge lot • 66ltl26, with ~ock walla. $24 .<XX>- 642-'1907

$19,950 3 BR & 2 b3 compltlely rede<"orqt~ . IO't down

906 DARRELL Open Sat I Sun 1.5

642-177l Perron Rlty Co.

' Units "Easlside" $39,500- S5000 ~own . No :?nd TDs Call qui& .

Lockhart Realty 569 W. 19th SI., CM

646-2301 64&-33.."2 - - BY- OWNER- -

EASTSIDE, C.M. Open Sun 1 to 4 PM

239 E. Magnolia, 2 BR Desirable neigbborbood. Fruit bearing trees, well

kept! n8.500

MORE for your money. 19'10 Monrovia. 3 BR new kiteh, extras. patio, better bit. Lg lot. $111 ,950 FHA 120/ mo. Open SatlSUn 1.s. Roy L. Snavely. Bkr. 64&-!)().tl

PRICED to seUS99 mo pays all on assuming 5~ '10 GI. 3 Bdrm, cpls. drps, many extras. Submit terms, will carry 2nd. Owner. ~0-9'139, 646-0452. --s-;1-e_ b_y_ Ow_ n_e_r __

Goll cour&1! h o m e. Com er lot, 3 BR's. 2983 Java Rd.

C. M. Price Sn .500 -Make offer. Call 548-8873

SAC! Home In College Pk fl "ea. 3 Br, and ram nn, Beau ci>fd. & drp 'd, Total mo pymnt $145. Owner. 5 \5.4101

Condominium 3 BR, 2112 BA, crpls, drps, bit-ins, pool.

Next lo Country Club. Owner

* 546-059'2 * 2 BR .. Uv . dlnlng rm., w/ w Cpl!.. nice kitchen, lJerv. porch. Extra BR & Ba. oU garage. Owner ~-5310.

BEST Arca: 4 BR~fam. New rpts: dbc. appl's. thru­oul. Owner 915 Presido Or.

Mes• del Mu 1105

Of tbe ba7 ud lls:hts from the living room and garden d~ of tbl.a 30CX> squ11.rt' loot VACATION ranch home. Are you looking Newport Hgta. 1210 HIDE-AWAY for a 4 BR ~mt• wnirh ls _ _..... __ -._ ____ 811d tncome Producer. Cute

area.t for entutalninit end 3 BR + DEN 3 bdrm. 2 be, completely I.a a1IO an ldt&J ta.intly home F ho 3 d f IX' h with Ila luse rumpo~ awm 1~ baths, lie yard, alley ac- um · mt. r rom ac · and room for a pool'.' Only ceu for camper or trailer. Near Shops, ~7.500

Ntw cvpet.s t.hruout R. C. GREER, Realty '9,950. $23,45() • lO% do.wn ~16 Via Lido 673-9300

•~.. 2501 Margaret

• Ml- •SPRING Call: Mr. RobilllOn ?W •RE AT• DAVIS REAL TY

•• • tuiTY 542.1000 OPEN HOUSE Huntington Beach 1400

1801 WNtclW Diivr FOR SALE BY OWNER SAT & SUN 12·5 p.m.

YOUR OWN- OJte Fixer· Upper, valua'b1e 1i161 Eas.le Lane

Newport Heights propeny. Huntington Beach

PIER Older house but well built. tl bl No of Meadow Lark 2 BR, 1% BA , large play· Goll Course nr. Edlnger &

Is Included with lhls spacious room downstairs. $25,500. Graham) and beautifully decorated 4 ~ at 327 Fullerton, inter· A Clloice Residential area. BR. home with formal din- ested call 5484TI2 Spotless 3 BR, 2 baths, mod-Ing room. Located In ont Fantabulous Panor1ma em home w/blt-in range, of the mOlt desirable areas 3 bdrms, 1am rm, fantastic dual trplc & BBQ, deluxe of Newprot Beach and sur- view. $60M unfurnished, $65 c:ari>ets & drapes. See to­roonded by $150,000 hOffit'S. M fUl'll. A tremendous nome day. Kessel Co., Realtors This one ls only $89,500. for you. 545-8291

SPRING ---- --B<'Ckwllh Rlty Lai:una Bch Kick The Rent H1blt 627 S. Coast Hwy. 49-1-7508 Three bedrooms, living room

Realty Co. ~ ACRE 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bath .... ;th fireplace, 2 lwrurious Rln

11 642-7252 Anytime Cul-<le-Sac St. Death of hU&- halhs. watl lo wall cari>ets.

• band forces aale. S45,000. drapes. Lush landscapinR By Owner-Transferred- 646-7l>U or 642-l.2'll. Owner. 1WTOunds this beauty. VETS NMr New-Immaculate AS Ia Barpin- 2 weeka only $150. DOWN.

Elegant atrium, 4 BR. 3 tuU 4 BR 2 bL $22,000 By owner. ~----baths, clinlng, foyer. huge 23lS Holly Ln, l'o{.B. ..........._ living I'. family rooms apen -:-A~V..,..AIL.,.,.-..,..lm..;._med_.:_ . ...;.CWf~. -H-a-ven-to enclosed garden. Wet bar. 3 BR, 2 ba + 2 BR Ocean lwcurious carpetini: through· Vh.•w Apt. $49.500_ 5'18-'1249 out: master BR suite with sunken, TeITauo, wall papered, fully landscap('(j ; 3 CAI' garage, pool-sized fcp simple lot near Dovrr Shor­es. $78.500. 548-6146

Home on the Beath Charming home

located on Oceanfront on Seashore Dr. COmpletely

Furnished & excellellt financing avaJlable. Total price $56.000. Zoned tor en

additional Unit. For full information phone owner

KI 3-87~6 ~. EASTBLUFF . -

i682 EDINGER 842-4455 OPEN EVES.

N_ •_w_po_ r_t _sh_o_re_s _ 1_22_0 CUSTOM BUil T NEW 4 BR & DEN 3 BR I~ baths, ProvtnciaJ in

l ballul, 612·3430 p~tige art'a . lArge 101 wit h ======== =I alley access for boat or trail­

Dover Shores 1221

Bcaullful 4 BR, view home, heated pool, cabana, land­sca11ed grounds. $74,900.

By Owner * &46-3tr.

er, built-Ins, carpets, drap­es, beautifully landscaped, fenced yard. Close to achonls & beaches. EZ Cinanclng -price within reason & only $32,000.

Ted Way RHlty 536-2579

Lusk 'B' plan. LrR view lot. 4 BR, 2"' ba, liv rm, dining aree. , 1rg fa mily nn, compl opt'd A: drp'd. Kll<:h w/bltns, eating countrr, sep lndry rm, lge rcer yd, w/ cbldn's play Rrea . COv patio. $42,500. Owner 644-0439. 2417 Bamboo St. Corona del Mu 1250 Must sell 3 BR 1~ ba, sere·

Baycrut-Reduced- Prlce •••••••••• rate 14x26 tamJly rm, like new cpts/ drps. Seller w1U Owner walling for good cash DUPLEX pay loan points tor GI or offer. 4 bedroom m .-xcel· Cocona del Mar FHA buyer . lent condition. Open House A cheerful, llte-!IUed BRASHEAR REAL TY Sal. • SUn. 1 to 5. 2127 Le- 1500 IQ ft In each specious 847-8531 Eves. 839-1537 ward. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath unit. Carpets, ,

Open Hou•• by Owner Je1n Smith Rultor drape!!, bll-Ul kitchen w/ dsh- Added f amlly Room Sat & Sun 11-6 Pool 490 E. 17th St. wn11her. F.asy to ret1I.

3 BR, J~ BA. Moving. Im- _ ___ 64&-_ 3255_ 1 blk to Shopplng Center. Nice Dutch Haven home with maculate. N e w avocado EASTBLUFF Only $42,500 • terms. carpets. drapes, & lots of wool c:rptg., covered patio, NR. TENNIS CLUB brick work. See this one iilatt ,,ntry & hearth. 12· bit· BEACH COTTAGE for sure Only $22.500 in cabinet " workbench in VIEW HOME • By OWNER Buy et lot value · Paul Jones Realty g11r. Many extras. Sarrifice! Lge. 4 BR. PLUS versatile only S25.000 or ofler! ! 847-1266 Evr11. 842-l\!144

$26 700 .. .,, c 11,., fam . rm · Irpk., carp., DON'T WAIT ON THESE! -- - - --• . r nA ",. '". 872 Ma- drps., au elec, blt-ina; lnd- BEST BUYI

gellan. CM. 545-7278 scpd. & tncd. $39,500. CLIF PRIEST, RHltor e Oass A-condition 3 BR

DR's HOME - SPANlSH 1/ 3 Al!. lot, Back Bay loc. Lge, beamed cell. liv. rm. w ,' frplc., fun rm. w/ wet b a r opens to priv patio Kltch. w I aJI ocnce.ivable bit-Int, incl. BBQ It .alid -.lnut cab.; 3 BR. ((ormal din. rm. maY be uaed u 4lh BR.. or den): heated 6: re~ ~do pool. Protest. landlcapcd. Magnificance. tot only ~.500. May trade.

to elementary sdlool a n d 293 E . 17th SI. M&-4494 Meaa Verde 1110 e 614-15-Ml e Slnce 1957 • Slate entry/ beaut crpts.

_N_ E_E_D_ MORE DOOM?- 3034 E. coast Hwy., CdM • View location

e OWNER - 646-~790 e

o;. s:t I Ln 1.5 1965 Tustin AYe.

Costa Mea:t 3 BR .. bit-in e)e(',

kitchen. A REAL BUY:

Ruth Seeley, Rltr. 1306 Park Ave .. Bel lal .


Harbor HlgNancls Spactoul and Immaculate, this 3 bedroom. 2~ bath home otfen the belt ot Back Bay living at a "grab It qulclt" price o1 only $35.~.

LJdo RJty 3QJ Via µdo 673-8830

S$ INCOME UNITS $$ 6 Dcluu units ~7,:iOO Ii three BR units $65,000 :J o 1e BR Units m .000 • "\ 'll"f' BR Units Stlli.:JOO

·: ells-McC1rdle Rltrs. 1 O Newport Blvd., C.M.

rq Ev~. 64+06R4

.'l ... ON Realty f,,ESA VERDE

fn1 ,1 1cula1e 3 SR with lll I- •:h" Adult occupied, quiet r. ·e:t. f.WJOO,

nlt:-. 2750 Harbor 58. CM ~IN4EO Eva. ~12U - DUPLEX Nil. IAY

OPEN SAT A SUN U.S 3lO Undo St.. Balboa

Balboa 81. to 6111, l.. to Bay E"c fftltaJ am, "5,000 6. H. MICH.All... Jt]tr.

50'T F.. Balbol Bi. m.-o

UDO SANOS '3 Bil .2 b&U.

S22JOO CfOW'P W'll11ammn. JUtT

m.m> OPDf EVE!.

' ·

miall shopping center. Just Evenings 5'17·1875 introduced to the market . - 4--------woo' t be around long. $13!1. BEDROOM • per month tncJudes principle POOL • $21 500 and Interest. ' I En.JOY romplelely memlen-

anre free Uvmit. Modem bwlt • in kitchen, 2 Quffn size l>flth.~. 4 big bedrooms and only 3 ynn ntw. Own-

2043 WESTCLJFF DRIVE er translrrrcd - Act Now!

~mt Open Evn. ~

PMce~~l~~gU~ ws ~ prestige are~ clou tll the , 2043 WESTCLIFF DRTVE bey. This lovely large l646-77ll Op Ev comer lot home Is Just wait- __ _ f'n ' e~. ing !01· a famUy to enjoy an , it's 2400 sq. r1.." bedrooms 3 Dolphin Terrace baths • a delightful Lamily­room otr a delux kitchen. NPw Paint, t•IPan 11nl'I ~111'1y Don't miss thil! one, only for R new owner, 2 BR dC'n,

$35,500 2112 bath.~. elec kitchen, dbl g8.l"llge PLUS hug" covPrl'd carport for the boat. Land­scaped for low maintenance. $46.450.

293 E . 17th SI. Evenfnl;!I ::;:: CURT DOSH, Realtor

' $500 Dr .. m Cottege roo w. CoRst lliahway S bedrooms, 2 baths, living 642-6472 EVES. 6T.J.)t68

romn with Romantic ntt- 1-;=z==~~=~~ pla.ce. Beautiful kitchen. I• forced alr heating, 2 car OPEN HOUSE l'IJ"llle. ~ encloaed ya.rd, SAT It SUN 1-S if'('at ror children. Ov.-nrl'3 4639 Ftirfteld movtnr very IOOn. Try $500 ,.. _ Sh Oo#ft. Pl>'fMJl't lcu th4n '-'<lmeO ores, CdM

rmt Beautiful View Home LA.rie 1Wlmmlni pool,

pc"Ofesslonally land~aped $10,000 • cx-ccll"1t t<'n"nl

~ 7S3l m~~ EVD. Wm. Winton, Rltr. •RaftSSESSIONS 229 Marine, Balboa I• "5rV l'IS-3331 Open •t1J I pm

3 BR, 2 BA, fam rm, patio. " ITI4) 6~Nl e 2 car garage on alley

Owner of 5 BR 2 sty .. newly !- ~!!!~!!!!J!!!l!!!!!I • Only S21,500. F.asy terms Lari;:e cor. lot. Must sell!

Open houlM.' Sun. f'rb 25. By Owner. S26.000. 545-7975

decor. homr, on extra 1,,, OPEN DAILY $PINDELL REAL TY lot, in County Corridor, will I take smallrr &: ~per 420 Narcissus Wamrr at Magnolia. 5-t5-04.1.ll

2-STY Pacesetter 4 sR,de;, drp!!, lndaopd. patio ex­reptionally clean. $36,950. Owner. 8474().14. ~9-3890.

house in 1rndl'. $39.SOO - NEW DUP' ex • SPOTLESS • Clear. V011;rl Co.. 2667 E. ,,_ I Vacant 3 BR, compl. remod-Coast Hlway. CdM 6~ 2 BR. 2 baths plus 3 BR, 2 b1 eled, new bit-ins, new (.'flts.

- Can Have View Choose your own colors now Xlnt H.B. location. $.22,850.

OWNER : 4 BR."°f Ba. JWpu~ lie: din rm. It ram.; water­fall. Imm&<'! Eves ~ ~n Sal &. Sun. 2772 Canary

or WATER SCENIC I Will exdlange $6000 eqty for R·2 vacant comtr lot PROPERTIES I TD's, boat , auto, cash ur

rm Newport lsland Gi.:>-:>726 submit. Owner 897-9674

College Park


6~1972 67~>-4073 eves. Most seJI now 1 BR l~ b11th Elegnnt :I BR, 3 hath + home. 1900 sq fl. Only Sl'.!00

MUST SELL! 3 BR. 2 BA. f'rpl.. bit-ins: drapes, rarp.; 2 car gar. S25.900 646-1492 Beautiful 2 - <tnry, 3 bdrm

Newport leach llOO home one mil" from bc11ch. --------- Carpeted, drn pN1. land8Cap. ATTR. 2 BR., din. rm .. trpl: ~ Ac. ioncd & fenced foe hor!IC« 8t dop. Priced for am med. sale. $26. 750.

646-89(N BY OWNER

LlDO VlEW, value potential 2 BR., d e n, 2 1 ~ baths. Trade? Open Sa:. i. Sun.

1010 KINC.S RO.

* 642· 78!l8 *

ed. Never 11\ Ni ln. Take S1 ,600 down ll1mrain! call 962-24 lfi

-:Npt Is land Bayfront LoVM)' l'ASY . r are 2-yr old rustom homP !-~t)'. 4 BR, 4 ba. Pier & (Joel. 5" ~ ln

You own 1hr l•nd Ownrr 6T.l-'l(QI

~-~~ ·~--8ull d• r• Open House

OPEN Houle • S.t " Sun. 37 4 Bdrms, 3 bA. d in rm, !am Balboa Coves. Owner It-av- rm. Fef" 111mplr. Open 1(). ~ for Aluka- Mun kll 5:30. 1018 Nottin~hM'I . <COr-ln mcdl81ely. A Bargain! ner of Highhtntl 1 S79,000.

OW- E'R IEAvlNG Oluntri 5-14-5.147 Sl8,000 F'P Sl .SOO dn. 3221 Immediate Occupency Cay t. Stt Sun or fft. 160$ lrvlnt. 11111 hor HJsth­

WESTCLJ rr Condominium land1. $2.100 moves )'OU into S."W,!l'SO. 1509 Comw.U Lil. newly carprtcrl 4 BR 2 Prlnc, only 543-4808 646-91.94 bath homt.

BA \'CREST 4 BR, 3 bl. !am, 642-2000 or tJ 1-13'7 2 lrpl, gar. Fee simple ON THE WATIR-ST4,500. Owner. 646-'1&47 mE BLUFFS: a 3 BR., 2 bl,

STAND out Vlllut, 3 BR. 2'-\ BA, ram rm. Le• ffl'i )'d. m.soo. 10% down. ~2913

ELEGANT S.)IYftw TWn~. fee land; 3 81\. 2 Ba . tl'pl., pool. $5Cn> dft. m-OS8

apllt-levtl homl' w/apeeta­cular v i t w <11rf'Ctly oYfl'o lookJni thl' f'nlltt B a c II Ba.y. C.ll own<'!'. &M-l:ltM

SUPERB View of txi,y, ocun '1 J Qi.1alin1 ' SEPARATE hou9e for ~rAt~ or lftcom1.

llOOSE a Garare Stt"PS to \fill aettpt dtt1r hooR In OC'l!IJ\, 10 1"I old, patio, Palm Dteert u P'll't p&.Y• R--2. 1:25,790 Ownrt 642...swt 1n111t. m<;l.24.

RANOI _,... home l BR. REDUCED Jowly I Bil 2 2~ ~ dt)t lot or " acr.. Ba. hom• ~ Not»; am -BJ CIWl!er. M2D E . 15th N .& aa 2 a;pts. Rm. to bbl N..,

rMMAC. 2 BR..: la•" lot l:i". a-y • 0ttan. win Mil .n • sntel. .,....., Dr:i\lf' by 316 \t Int or h adr 121 °" 54 El Modml. Own'rlG-1251 OWNER m..m.t

POOL plu~ V1('w. down 1nch1drs co~I:<. :.iso1 Ehhtlde RA1. Haffdal Rlty. 842-4405

Harhor Virw HJlls "Home11 to Match lnC'Ome"' RAT & SUN 12.;, - Special Sol V lsta-R. Robers, Agt. $3000 down

642·7000 d ---- --- - :l BR 2 ba, shake roof, hdw

By Owner nrs. sunken Uv nn. T111re Cl\R.nning 2 BR 2 baths on • over GI loan 51i % Int. lot &. 1 ~ with l~e secluded Pat Rob4trtson Rlty. pa tlo. Income Unit possible. 947-8553 Eves. 893-4152 ne'A• carpets and drapes. - - $ l 3-750 $41,750. tNot ltaseholdl •

67!.-2829 Oldt'r 3 BR rustom homr fix -- DIRE- EMERGENCY! ' er upper tyou own the landt

Call now the lot 11lone 1 MUST SELL! worth this prirc.

Submit 1\11 offers TRADEWINDS Rl TY. 3 BR, 'l Ba, tam rm, bit-In /!142.·SOll S-t2-iJOJ'l ~766 kitchen, lovely rol"n('r lot. _ _

A.skinit '39,000 • S4&00 Down Duk;t, Haven College ~fancy Rlty

1 S29.500 .. Big ram rm 3 BR

HARBOR Vic-w llllls, Bl'Otld· hugr din rm, lwtwd firs. moor Homr: l11r 2 Sly .. 4 shake roof, COV~llo. s~ BR., 2 ·~ be., r11 m. rm . din. dn llS3Wlle SIA ,. int. rm .. community pool. Pat Robertson Rlty. 644-0373. a.47-8553 * 193-4152



BY OWNER S58.000 FORW:R MOOEl. HOME CORONA lfllthland4: 1ge.-2 NEAR BEACH. Comer lot

BR., OCC'ln vlrw: not lt 11sc I trt,hly paln!A'd. 3 yn.. old Prim11 10<'. 5M Se11ward Rd. r.ompl lnd11epln1r It 11prlnklr. $33,900. 675-46.2.1 Optn • Sy ~ bdrm. A fa.m. rm. Patio ownf'T- I t. fire r1nir. Cpt,, df"Ps.

B\'OWNm : ~ooo. ~ ownl'r _ Nici! .2 Br hae w/1 .Br tum OPEN HOUSE Sat l Sun Apt o /.ar. Alk·-$34.~. ~ • Fct> 2t It :!5 * 10> 9032 Mtlla arclt

FasNon Shorn, 3 BR '11 ACACIA. 149 2 BR air- d panelllnc • emu. ner R-2. WUI add View~- ~"' 1tt1t btt-tn. to IUlt. m4'90t 952-9P>

Or«nd bay 9'fiw. 4 Br~ ba. BY Owner. J Bdrm--.-14_ bl_tha_ autt,.rs, din rm, tam nn. r:iai>l't ~ bent-Ina pa ..

bill. m.~iOO ~ ~l "'' N~11r HuntlnJ!\On 'ecnt. OWWE m ""· m.• ta.'939.

HUftt".1.- ..... 1400 ~nlum

Cl..,. A. A Whlltte VfST A IAHIA Dtaa1b8 t.b.11 ~· 3 3 Jm.2 BA. all electric, fnc. BR home tor a very tual)' d.lahwuhu. Quiet. No ehil· b\lyer, loc. in a prime arN. dren. Newport Beach. Own. I..& handy kit. w/blt-111 R/ er 642·2809. 0 . d1,;hwallh('r, din lln'I, IS: ===;;:::;:::===== rear Uv. nn w/u~ bric4t Duplex• For Sale 1975 lrplr, wl w cplJJ, drpa, park­like pool 11ied yd encJ09ed w/ block Ince. 'nils nearly new home l1 priced for a faat sale. Aaume prtsent EZ to quality low Int. loan w/ low pymnts. call 9624-m

lt '1 A Sweettleart Only $13,950 3 BR new w/ w carpets. bullt-ln range, oven hood, dishwasher, garbage disposal lncludmg washer. dryer. Fenced yard, '.! ca.r garaec. A s s u m e present loan. Total monthly pay. ment includes taxes - $149. Olli 962-4471

l f Allt41f!RAI 19142 Broo . H.B.

PRESTIGE Home. B y Owner. 4 Bdrms, 2 ba, frplc, bltns Nr lt'hols. shp'g & beach. 841-0778 aft 6 pm.

4 Bl{ 2 batha, walk to Hun-


CORONA DEL MAR 3 BR. 2 ba ea, trplc, 6 >'rt I I young, nr schools It &hop- , ping. I l


PROPERTY 332 Margue1'ite, CdM 673-850

"c,.i 1 ALS Houses Furnlthed

Rentala to Share 2005

WANTED YOUNG MAN {o share hooae, eXi(>enses with 3 of same. L a r 'e NEWPORT SHORES home. ' Ability to pay S90 mo rent ' for pnvatl' room &: bath • furn. Call 642-9Gt alt 6 PM or before 10 AM.

tington Shopping Center. $25,500, 847-147'1 aft s EMPLOYED woman, alont, hae with same. CnU CM S65 mo 54UO'n. 3 BR 8c den, 2 be, frplr , new

1n.s le out. Fend yard. By Owner. $20,900. 536-TI87. WIDOW Will share IOY*1

2 Bdr. apt with lady.

Fountain Valley 1410 Garage$75CM~

CUL-DE·SAC, Large 3 BR. 2 BA, ram rm. bl·lns, big l"Umpus room w-pool table. 135' Block wallrd backyard. Com.,letely landscaped with patio & gas fire pit. $28,900. 847-3929 l67a! Oleander Circle, r.v.

Out of County 1605

$JJ,000 EQUITY in s.F. area (Hillsborough). View home. For Orange Co home. :>411-3220 Mr. Duke.

S. Ana Hgts. 1630

3 Ilse on ~' ac - llorsese & ln t oml'. Total rPnt inc S4400 yrly. $39,500. !>!~ 7249. 5"18-4207

~ORSES * HORSES Ii acre. nr UCI & lndust. A·I w/2 Br house. $31,500

Bkr. 548-9569

Costa Mew 2100

1 BDRM Furn H!e. 1 or 2 employed men. $85. Uhl pd. First & last mo. See ' al 19251 ~ Anaheim, (~ar ) Sat & Sun.

$95 FURNISHED 1 Bdrm, rear, Call 54&-1220. 1nquire 2458 Santa Ana Ave.

SMALL 2 bdr house lrg yd, gar. SlOO mo. 642-0760

Corona d•I Mu 2250

EXECUTIVE Home 3 bed­rooms 2 baths $350. F\Jm. ii;hed - years lease. 317 Poinsettia. corona del Mar. (kran side of highway.

Ba lboa 2300

RENT-Sale, view ocean front , 406 E. Ocean Front. All glass front. 673-6801.

_T_u_st_in ______ 1_640_ Laguna Niguel 2707

MONARCH BAY OWNER Attract 3 bdnn. 2 ba, lam rm, 14 ac, Xlnt lrx: , nu lndscp, nr i.chl $27,950 838-1097

Laguna BHch 1105

Wooded Estate Ocean View

Luxurious 4 bdrm, wilh fam. aly nn & '.! baths; 6 bdrms + lam + 3 balhs. Exquis­ite homes, priced !or you. Private beach club. Sell or trnde. Also we have over 250 additional listings.

Beckwith Rlty Laguna Brh. 627 S. Coast Hwy. 49-1-7508

... 1 ... i ALS Houses Unfurnished

General JOOO

Picturesque "C 0 U N T R Y COTI'ACE" type home, de­tBiled farm - style archite<:­ture or old brick, stucco, WClltherf'('f dlJngJe roofline w/ gabled peaks, nestled be­nelth s pr a w l J n g shade _ _ LA_ R_G_E_


.. ~-COUNTRY ST y I.. E" Wooded !ell<."t'd lot in !iv. rm. ha~ R r c H w /W Back Bay. Util Pd. $140 CARPETTNG, C U S T 0 M 546-5630 e 20031 Birctl DRAPERfES, WOOD PAN­ELfNC, MASSIVE BRICI< F r R E P I, A C E FROM FLOOR TO C E I LI N G. JC U G E PICTURE WIN­DOWS WITH A PANO. RAMJC OCEAN VIEW, thru the oren fields &. unclut­tered landscape.

Unique 3 BDRM. FI.. 0 0 R LOIT, SERV, BY 2 BATHS, PLAN, and E:l\~A Pl..AY feature!! seP6Mlted dining are11. Brlght a n d cheery t 0 ARM llOUSE KITCHEN, W/ CERAMIC TILE, N1\TIJ. RAL B I RC II CABlNF.TS, BILT-IN RANGE I< OVEN. etc., all blend<.'d together an maplrslOnl' selling.

Thls charming lie anllquated home Ill the ULTfMATE rN PRIVACY & EST ATE TYPE LrVING, SITUATED ON SEMI-PRIVATE COUN­TRY LANE. WHERE NA· TURE ABOUNDS IN A PLENTIFUL f ASH ION. Of. rered at lhr unbelievable low prK' I' of, $24,950 FULL PRICE


985 So. Coosl Hwy. l..Ri;tuna &ach

Phone 17141 494-0731

°1tGROOvY'Small custom modem llilfh Above Coa'!t

Royal. Loaded with extnis. ~mendous view' '39.000 O\lmer • .. • • . . • . 499-24!n --- - -

Ocean View Patio. lmmac tum 2 bdrm Own-Your-Own. Clast to beflch. n8,SOO. Own-ersRlty .f~

VIEW of Olnyon. clly, ocean ., BR. 2 be. l~ yn new. Elegant deoO'r. Below mark-Pl at $41.500. Owntr 494-2J65

Laguna Niguel 1707

4 Bdrm. family rm. In MONAR~ BAY.

OWNER. $51,000 675-2599

San Clemtnte 1710

nx IT UP 4 \Jn!ta - 2 BR-, 2 bath. mm-cteck. nn rou coune. OcPM view. Make an otftr. S39.:i<Xl --

4 BEDROOM 1 ~ beth•, ~ry home

Nr. ""9dl, pi,r,oo Ellen C. NabonC'y, RJt.

1634 .N. El CamlDo Reial Alone m•> G'Ulcs Su~.C.hl.

Conct.mlnlum 1950

Cost• Meu 3100

NICE 3 bedrooms, 2 b a I h home. Carpets, dra!><'s and built • ins. Good r esidential area. $200 month - cash - no lease required. Call 540-1151

l 9 ~~~1 OPEN Hb-e 2702 San Lucas Ln, CM. 3 BR, 2 ha, !am rm. lge fenced yard, dble gar. w / w cpls &. drps lhru. Nl."wly dec, f' A beat, bltns, frplc. S250 m ri

TRANSFERRED lo Samoa :l BR 2 ba. pauo. elec ldtch dishwasher. drapes, w I w cpt.s beautifully landscaped, f ru 1 t trees. S24. 950. 54G-Z783

VERY CLEAN 4 BR, 2 Bi' home, bit-ins, frplc, crpls drps. Mo. Lo Mo. SnO. RllT • 540-4141 -------

3 Bedroom, cnrpets, drapes, fireplace, elec kitchen, ftnc· ! ed yard. $185, eves, wk • rnds :l45 2ln.3 .. -

Spanish E&stslde Z BR, trpl c . • o, ?

' y, beams, priv/ yard, pat! adults, no pets $128 yrl bil-7629

2 BDRM - near shops scnools - garage. large y1 $87.50. 543-4890.

& rd

6 YRS old. 4 BR, n~. m 0 0 ~ts. dJ1is, lend yd. pell

s:~ or 6~3202. -

~ Older 1 BR. Adult'\ $160 W. side 3 BR O/ vit w Mgr. 21!li Miner a48-l!m

l BR. Gar, Patio. Tropl cal l setting. Qwrt for &dolts.

hHc shop:c: S13J. 646-:?267. 2 BR. <11-n, cpt.~. drps. Wil le r

s pd. Adolls. no pets. Sl4 mo. ft1S.117fi6. 616-li41!1 ----

Me1.t Verde 311 0

3 srnROOM. 2 bath, built ins, Wall LO wall carpeting d."df>eS. fenced yard, nas. ~-

Newport Beach J2 00


:I BR, 'l b<llN, Newport $hnmt. Pool le 011bf1ou.'\t

.MADGE DAVIS R.talt« 642-~

TOWNHOUSE Leue or Sale; tum • unfum J BR.. 2'6 .... trpt. CU1t-. dn.pel. blWm. 2 r8r pr .• btecad pool.

LESS than ~nt Nr nr- 2 Aft 5 pm • •~ BR. 2 ~ -r-~. Sl49 mo I ·nil: 66STll Ind all. EM unft, HMll1 Wld•~T"Dmt tllal


- - t . ... .

Li.ul. Y PILCi 1 :;..tutd..'7, Ftbnllr1 24, 1968

'"''" rAU . iALS Apte. Unfutnlthld Apta. Unfvrnlthed

UAL UTATI ......

, ....

rlowport a..c_ h __ 32_00_ ~·~~~~h -~_H!!!!!.,..._ .._,. ~~ S.nta Ana 5621 _Utl _____ ~--LEASE Wl @l>tlon., watertront 2 UR. pier ' ~. ExclUJln .. "O:nmunity. 837-5255

OCEANFRONT cocta&t, l en. cpu., dJ'1'9, ttovt , ,... mi. Lease SlTO mo. 4%9771

N.wport Heights 3210

DELIGHTFUL HelKbta loca· uon with Cull's t )"e vlrw or ocean. Lease 1235 mo. 3 BR. 2 ba, blt· ln•, trplc, fenced, dble praie. Eve• . ~-9;)36

View ol Lido. 2 BR, den, 211 b/ . Lee. lot. Lease

_ SZ!J'l_1

month. 642-7898

Newport Shores 3220

2 BR, Den - Furn Unlur No llT\All chfidren


lrvlM 3231

LOVELY 3 br, 2~ ba, tam, twnhle on Park. Fpl. palio. cpll, drps, •!r'U· $251). m. 1()12 A,..a luxury


C.rp•h, Or•pu, Built-Ina

• , , every luxury! l i9

Priv•t• Puk, Club House,

Pool. f 1miliu Welcome.

Frorn 117 5 T•h Huber te w,,,.., • 1111 6• Weil°" w.,,..,

ju1t put lvclld •• th• $rH fl v.11 • ., Entry.

We have received Che-.a.....:.:....,. ,. ___ CMc llOITAPINA UW ........, - ,.,._.,,__ 'l>u.1 ... ¥'*- '--

..... tfflcatien eww ,_ ... 2 .,..,.. ••• c.... W1'lle ....... c..-

... ttM line ...

Uftaire /rom $99.50 ~= Extra lu~e one bedroom, two bedrooms and studios, Hotpoint, re!rigerators. carpets & drapes, private paUos, pool. rec· reation area, separate's section.

111 So. f AIVIW RD.

0c- YliW ' i.e ~ lLS'J P9d& Av~

(R3 County)

OWNll ~· WMtf ........,. Gett 142-lW Eva m.1e SPICIAL CLASSIPICATION POil

Betw"n McFadden A ""' St., Sant• Ana - - .. • 1•• 547.7415 b.x.191'. V1- im c.lb7 NA1 v- 901tN $WAPP -

l~!!!!!!~~~!!~!!~~--~~~~!!!!!!!!!!l l>rin, Do-ter Slaore1 . Sped8I .... KcJ..L. ESTATE $.12~ LMhold. SCiO an- 5 .__ 5 ""- -5 ........

-••llu 8)' ,._ '""" l\llU - AO MUil .-OUDe ~,., __,,,. . OW'Dtf. ~ ........ - ..... .. ..... ~- c.- .. tr-.

P""""'OUSE VlEW OVER- ONE ot the lat larp Eld ._YOUa ,_. lllMI• ..._ ... "......,..... c. ·~. n lncotne Pro......... 6000 ......... 4..1 r- •-..a. I.... .....-OTHINO ,Olt ""I - ntAMI ON\"' LOOKING SPACIOUS GAR- ____ ....,,._-·_., __ """........ """ __... "' PHONE '42-5671 • DENS. Lee. Pool-Fountain, TIUPLEX 2·2-3 ADtlqua Way, Dovtr

0= T• ,.,_ Your Tr..._.., Par.tlae Ad

5200 ~•woort Beach

.. 12

WISTlilNS1D MEMOllAL PAD ,......,., .& c.m.t.ry

c:.....lele fu.,.,1ls from $245

~:" IDcbadea ~ Care ~ ID -. beautiful Siiia meana Ital coet.

No trattk Jll'Ob!._ 14801 Beacb, WHtminster

barbtqut, Flreplace. Elect. below 11mUar. S7SOO db. KI T.-r. eye 2 car iar. ~r De- Get $.195 rent pay $260 1========6=150

:::;;. SWAP: Ford A Pkialp » luxe Ft1I. 2 BR 2 BA. cpta, PlTI 6% Lit, $7S on 2nd lbnd... AntiqQe, aood condWoa. Drape:i. All Ma.Int S300 mo. ideal deluxe retiree home 1--------- FOR: Late Model VW b\11,

ilW (world's !arst1t> Root 531 !!·!l'125!!!!!!!!!!!!!e!!24~%1 Beer Drfv•tn A Jltettaur.,

Westcllft at Dover No. a. Nf&J' Harbor and 19th Calffonala laacho 1ood coodilloo. 5'8-78iS 642.2559 LYTLE REALTY 1 9Cl'e of 1ently lloptnc land _aner __ 4....;p;_.m. ____ _

aeats 180: In Orans• Caty. Card of Thanks 6416 $20,000 Eq., CID rdd other , ., eq. Trade for T 5f7·7t0'1 bkr. na: Family at Marpret s.

PHONE Ml. MOUISON 9'2-05" EHt Bluff 5242 583 W. 19th CM S48-949:3 with a ro... lta!J bam, and '48 Int1 walk·tn camper. ~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!11~!'1;::::::::::::::;;;;;; TRIPLEX; jjj" BR.. Welt fenced ~. A bHutl.tul Trade tor 1950 or newrr !!_._______ ---- Cotta Me1&. S3T.500 full 2 Bdrm, 2 ba home, alto Ford or Chev 1 ton truck.

5100Cottl Meta 5100 Pre-View Opening price. $!IOOO Equi ty. Want bu a blllard room. Priced Of like value.

HlLLTOP Eltaw SU Juu wilhes to ellp'el8 r.ft1-- OVfl' 30110 -ft. tbelt apprec:\ltloo to llJ -...-......... ...... Mr fl1enda and uei&tibon 4 BR, pool, kar 1ar. Over tor their tbouahttutne.. cfur. 1 ac. $74,000 clear. Trd fer n- ... _,_ t .......

Cotta Mesa Corona del Mar

3250 ............. -.;;.;; ..... ___________________ ,

2 BR, 2 baths, View of Bat* Bay. S189 I: up

cash; $44 net, potential $74 at Ml,500. For more into 897..Jlri6 net. M0-&183 Owner plta.1e call Glenn Tbomp&on HA VE house Want unlta

local prop. Bia. ~ ._,. recen ""'teJl\le-

Dana Point $39,000 3 bdr, 2 tun baths, lie pool, 2-car gar. $16,000 eqty. Trade fOI' ~ Newpt Bcb R.E. Owner, M2-2823

- --------- -BRAND new luxury 3 BR. fan, rm, 2~ be, cpll, drps, 3-<:ar gar. Ocean and bay view. Lat $400. Owner 4~7.

* VILLA MESA * * All UTILITIES PAID * Extra large 2 Bdrm Deluxe Apt1.


West View Apts. 737 Amigos Way, NB


lo TOWNHSES 2 B ltL ba with: Have land Want TD'1 Have r.. 711 Eca.hoff _.1 • - - -- Inc. Apt.I A 4 Br. 2 ba. Res 2 " - -. TD'1 Want F 6 C Hou.IC

yr.old. E/ 1lde. CM. Pool, U18 W. Chapman Ave. Have TD's Want car R. W. 6 furn . f159M.-terms. Own- Oranae, catlt. Steele Rltr. &e9667 er. S'lS-1393. Eve, 494-4119. Ml-2nl Eve-wknds, 538-m'T WANT: Dana Point lot ..

DELUXE triplex. Cpt.s, drps, part paym' t. on Newport Corona del M1r 5250 bit-Ins. Walk to Westcllff Ac,..,.. 6200 Beech home, 200 ft. lrom

•hoi>c· $38,500. Onr 646-8679 ocean tront. Prlndpals Only

1 BDR~. stove. retrli, iar. g.irdener, walk to btach. e Closed double garages e Heated pool & 67.r5J5!l _____ _ _ : • Children's section • Recreation area

Lido Isle 3351 • Fully equipped • Private patios -------- playground • Walk-in closet& I f R.E. SalesrMn Wanted Owner 642-SS4.1 * Channe Ree * Buslnese R•nt•I 6060 Establlabed reai mate~· HAVE: Deluxe Oceantrt NEW J BR, den, 2~ baths e Forced air heat • Single story 2 car pr, I a u n d r y , c:ptJ/ drpl, frplce. 673-0844 * 719 West Wiison Man.,.r 646-1251 *

Huntington 3400


3 Bedroom • 2 Bath • nr .. place - Huge family room • Huge Fenced Yard S200. Mo.

. .. . ' "'L., Aph. furnWMd

Cotta M... 4100

$22.50 Wk. Up • Studio le Badl apt.a.

Goner el 5000


Sllpe Available 2 BR - 2 Bath Apts.

LEASE· or - BUY $420. Mo • .l up · $59,500 ap

2525 Ocean Blvd., CdM 873-1188 - for further tnfo

Herman Trott, Mgr.

BDn' Location. '1J1 x 50'. specialJzine exdmlvtly m Dupl6 NB. Excel l.ncome. Ha.rho the lilttnc and II.le of an- Trade for ainaJe ~ in

~~~=alt 6 r. developed acreqe for reci- Orance Co. Prtnc only. dentfal development, needs 6~ 7839

e PRIME Retail Locadon e STORE - U x 40

111'5 Harbor, CM 6f6-6654

conscientious, honest f u 11 -------­tfJM sa1nman. Experience WANT 16 to 20 Units. HA VE and R.E. llcmte req. Com- Duplex Off.I' Ocean. can add million bam. cub. Art Glovinetti, Rltr.

Offko Rtnt1I 607~ Dike Ind c.,,..ny, Inc. 613-7420, 673-9187 ---------

1 Phone 646-9531 fur appoint $20,000 Equity 111 beauBTul

WALKER l LEE 7682 Edinger • lncl Utils 6 Phone 1erv.

• Maid Strvice · TV avail.

DELUXE Spa.c:iool l BR uni Apt. $100. + util. Heated pool, retrig, carp e t I ng , drape•, ample par~. No chldrn. No pell. 1965 Pomona, CM. 642-5858

LAGUNA BEACH Overlooklnt Newport Beach borne. WUI n a · • · , r _... Deak aJlabl in Rancho C1llfornla trade for apartmftlt house

spa~s a~.1tft! 20 acres, fl'Ollt tree. Writt W. In Npt Bcb, Costa Mesa or 3 lz..445.5 Open Eves. 2 BR It den, opts, drpS, blll\5, W&D, patio Adult comm. S165. ~2585 or SJ6. 8516

185 MO. Cl.Ile 2 BR. Fenced, chldrn • pets OK. 4U In· dlanapoUs, HB, Alt 10 am.

FASHION Shores, luxury 4 BR, 2 BA, with all desired features. 9624101

LEASE 3 BR deluxe bome. Fuhlon Shore!.. ~

* 962-9820 * Huntlntfon Htrbour

• New Cale • Bar 23841h Newport Blvd. 548-9755 $87.50 NICELY tum 1 bdrm duplex. Cpm I: garb disp. Gardener 8c wtr paid. No pt~. 646-2962.

Newport Beach 4200

New Bayfront Duplex Beau View - Slip avail. Fum 3 BR, 2 ba. S250 ' till JUDt 29 or yrly lse $350 mo. 22~ 19th St., N.B . 675-0'l36, 213: TR 2-1035

Cotta Mou 5100 ~~~--~~~-·



from $100 Incl. util.

1 • 2 6 3 BDRM. FURN. 6 UNTIJRN.



l 6 2 BR. Furn 6 Unlurn Frpl~ I Prt/Pattoa I Pools Tennla - Contnt 'I Bkfst. 9 bole PutVGreen. 9CXI Sea Line, CdM 64+2611 (MacArthur nr. Cout Hwy)

Lido lilt 5351

Heated Pools, Qilld can BAY FRONT Upper A p t , 50 STEPS To Beach, lovely Center, Adj. to SboPSUll _ Firtplace, 3 Br, 2 batm, 3 BR, 2 BA, avail 3 mos .. 2700 Petenon Wl'f, at Har- $350 mo. leue. Agt. 642-2222 March 21st. $185. 615-0271 bor 6 Adami, Coat.a ...... , _or_m.. __ 291~. T ____ _ dya or 67>4543 e•e1 6 ·-3 BR 2 bath, private beach knda 546-0370 1 BDRM. newly decor.

clltl, beacbe1 6 boat 1Ups _w _ _ . ------ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~\ Adults no pet. Utll pd. Near available. $325 / month 1-BR., sgl. "*1'· 30' Boat dock Bay. $140. 10'1 Vla Flortnce. lelM, or option to buy. Adults; no peta. U50 Mo. Prut!&e Addreu Phone 673-6573.

newest o ce """'6 st F ,..,_.... ~ H ,,_ Hunt Bcb. 642-SlSO prime location ln downtown • ......... o>.MO>i wy -.., Lquna &ach. Air coadl- Sun Oty for appt. ~Plex West C.M. $7000 eq-tloned, carpeted, beaiJtiluJ uity. Want: 3 BR 2 batb paneled partitioning T w o ReMtt '!'1!9rty 6205 Eamlde Costa Mesa or entrance•; rear 1~1 to LAKE • ....... 2u A Newport. Under $25,000.

-"' - ~ - 54().8383 9 to 5 Municipal parklng Iota. $50 Town lite corntr - Newber· · per month for 1pace. Add ry Valley our &Tallow. 14' Sid boet. 50 hp elec. $5 for deal< Eld cbairs. Add Reaerve ~ of oU rlshts. John.on A trailer. Uke new no for buatneu boun an- Ai.o 1 A • Paradla Parle Value $7!1i. Trade for late .werlng tenlce. All utllit1u HDo Hawaii 5C84'i(8 ' model car or !TT 892-0745 paid fXCePt telel)bone. • WANT· CM NB

DAILY PILOT · or prop. m FOREST AVENUE Out of St1to Prop. 6208 HAVE: 2 dp1.x ltd unlU.

LAGUNA BF.AOt ~ KING A Anaheim. Blt·lns cpll, drps, ,,c." M N AD- 5 mcl pr 600 an. Own 49-1-9466 DmON: J..arse lots, water, M4..cM7 a.ft 5

OFf1CF.S: 2400 W. Coast power. $& f\111 frice. $10 -------­Hwy., Newport.. NEWPORT Down. UO month, no U.. HAVE: 5 fl1rn unlta + 2 BR ART CENTER, acroea tr.m tereat. Free pkt\lru, Mape. borne w/ ottlce, Npt. Blvd. ttw- Stuft Sblrt. Prestia•. Wrttie Box 481,, 30I equity. TRADE for modern btda . Reuooable ArWJna clear land No. C&1. Cll' TD's rents. UtlUUtt paid. Off· Bkr. SS.1002 street, prtvatt Jot parldna. • Mount. & 0...rt 6210 _HA_V_E_:_Tw_ o_f_ree_•_cJ_ear_

Broker. Call Tony Helbling yrly. UUI pd. 673-6427. 347.2531 OCEANFRONT, mo d e r n ,

!!l!!l!!!Pll!lll!!!!IJ!!!•ll!!I!!!!!!!!'- 1pac. , 1-BR.; 'Iii July lat. MARTINIQUE


Well m1JJit1tned. Heavy Iota. Total S7000. Huntington hach 5400 constructon for quletneu. LUCERNE VALLEY WANT: Boat, camper «

l ndlvidual a!N:ondltionlng. r>e.ert Land For Sale trailer JACK Kl.STLER Laguna 3705 673-5732

Rent1ls Avtilable Apts ' bousel • all price ranges. We need addltional rentals • property listings. CUSTOMERS W AlTING

YEARLY, tarize 2 br fenced yard - bdl 50 yds $200 lll-44th St. 213 - 691-9575.

1 BDRl'1 near Pier. $85 Utilltles paid. Adulta only.

826-3184 Beckwith Rlty Laguna Bcb. =========

Parklike IUITOWldlnca BEACHWOOD TURNJ.SHED BAOtELORS Apartment Homes UNFURN 1 BR • 2 BR - 3 BR

2 baths available Carpets, drape•, garage

11th & Santi Ana, C.M.

Private patios • Near Beach, Gou and Shopping.

Rental detalla at oCftce 12, TO SE'Ml.E ESTATE EXCHANGER M2-l040 or call: ~2400 or S44-8678 CASH DEAL

WRITE SAVE ''AD'' 17~1 Westcllff Dr. MURRAY *

30 John Street * * Ho1Yokt, Mua. OUMO BUSINESS and

So. Applo Valley FINANCIAL 5 I C. 2 BR blodt bome.


Cometory Loh 6411

HARBOR Rest Memcrial Park. 3 lot. for $700 or $250 for one. 5.11..UCS aft 3PM. EXCHANGE 1man home Oii

R-2 lot with room for man unltl Ior 20x40 Mobile home. ;;L:::- .= 1 ::::Not= ,::::_===L,,,=50::: Fortin Co. 1103 WestclUf Dr. ---...__ ______ -_.;:..;;.1

60-5000 or S43-25'71 COMM. c:or 2 bldp home • otfice NE cor 11th A Or-8.Di•. HB. Appros $6000 eq. Trade for other prop or T Bkr. s:JS.2585 .... ~1972

NOT Responslble for any debta other than ~ own. n.eodore J. Goodlauder SERVn.:e OlltECiORY

Babyslttf"' 6550 BABYsrrrtNG, my home, permlDef)t, under 4. Swine shift considered. 548-0884

TRADE: My 12 yr. old dl)o plex, Lquna Bch; 5 min to town le beach. All tum. for: 2 BR fixer • upper house, Lag. Bch.. pref. CM-3520 BabysittJni, my home, nr. HAVE Islmnd home HUnt- So. Cst. Plaza Wk.days only.

initon Harbol.D', tree and --Experl-'::~en~ced=·=~=,.......--clear. Trade for income BABYSlTI'ISG property, thia area. J>riocl. In my home pals only. 342-1257 DAY or EVE S48-0481

BEAU new ocean view pf :ne bm. 3 Br, den, wet bar, 2 frpl, 2 ba. For: Hltc8.l', boat. plane, TD's, lot, T Eq. ll4 M Owner. 613-6635 2 BR borne, GI loan, oo R-2 lot. w/ plam for Duple."t. WANT larger borne. Fortin Co. 642-51XX>. 548-2576

TRADE: for lgr. borne; 3 BR. beach home; 1~ view lot Pac. Pall.r; L.A. inc.; All clear; $130,000 Val. 62

Day, week or ~er night ~· nurseey IChool tt1ch­Er. Lag. Slguti -.s5ll

lrldt, Mlaonry, .tc. 6560

BRICK, Concrete, Carpentry Custom Cabinets Sm jobs CK Free Eat 9Q.6945.

ALL TYPES Muoory, Brick Block It Cement work.

Also rtp&irL 636-291$

Ba)boft Coves, NB 6'1>C9f1 Carpentorl"t 6590

!0~~~p 5:!~.:i= 2 Cupeoten readf to do , ... .._., your auto., boat, mtr., trlr. Trsde BuildJac. ~ remodfll all or part IOI' aummoblle. Add+room. ~ ...;. ~ e REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS

e loc CABINETS. Any 11.ze job. Vac. 3 BR, Xlnt H.B. . 23 yrs exper. S4U113 $22,850. Will exch. $6000 REMODELING ial eqty for TOI, boat, auto __... ,.:~.~~ or " Owner 897·9674 n:aJUen · .....,.,.., .. , etc.

·' Precile worktr ~

* · * * Cement, Concrete 6'°°

~ ··~ e CONCRETE WORK e Of All Types. No job toe>

Small. Call: 892al038 and NOTICES CUSTOM PAn~ I:

64M233 &f&.5M2 627 S. Coast Hwy. 494-7508 B1lboa 4300 '!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll

3 BR 2 baths, frplc 2 BR 2 baths, SMtlot 1 BR · Walk In cloHts Warner It Springdale, H.B. 12 miles W of Beach Blvd. I 142.5001 or 842-3615

Prima Joe. for lge eor,,. Ofc's llOO aq ft 0 25c. Re<:pt. area, 1 pvt ofc'1 wnlnuVpan, crptl, drape•

air-cood, irotmd 1loor Owners 5*.1!11, 541-Ml9

Beau vltw. 3100' altitude. But Opportunltl• 6300 ' Found (Froo Ada) ~ $15,000 compl. turn. i:;;::

Block walh. Alao concrete ll.rwina • remOYal. 842-1010


Free est. 646-1.234/t75.5516


All u Iii Incl 115 up. Bermuda Village OWNER 675-4008 Your Own Unlquo

0.llghtfvl Ofc Space SILVER VALLEY, ''Land of "NUTVILLE" PUPPY, little black female, Scotty-terrltr type. Red col­lar, about 4 moe. old. Vicinity Santa Isabelle ' On.nae Ave. 646-6175

2 BR A den, l~ ba, cpta, drps 315 E. &Jboa Blvd.

I frpl, pool. Lie $225 mo. Lakes" offering 5 acrea in • hl--..i St Carpets, ctr.pea, a1N:Ond + aubdlTilion SUOO down $48/ rrenc - ore

Adul ts ~1243 betw lG-5 pm BALBOA * 673-99-15 Spac 2 A 3 BR, l"' baths Octan Front 1 BR- r-~ta. dranae 2 °R 2 ba p I tlo

Re~pt. .mce. Mutual month. Pbooe an.A aft. A DIGNIFIED BUSINESS Bldg. I p M IN A HUGE FAST

CEMENT work, all types. 1 BDRM So. J..quna, Ocean ..... ..., .. - Q • • oo • pa . vu. No pets, o\der adult.s. = $7=0.=inc=l=uti:::' I=. :::673-4==™= Near lhopplng .\school• MORA KAI, 8181 Garfield. 2865 E. Oout BwJ, CdM er . . GROWING MARKET YOUNG Malle G e r ma n

Shepherd found In Alpha

No job too small. Free est. R. srun.JCK WA15

11~ mo. 675-1494 iiiiiiiiMiiigrii.ii22iiiil4iiColliiiiiliegileiiiiii#ii2i&I Priv street. 1 block north B•y l1l1nd1 4350 oU Garfield. 962-8994

~ floor. 1 f75.4070 9USINESS and ''Nutville" cof1)0f'ltlon with P11ul Stuat. owner FINANCIAL a provm record ot success Beta perkine lot CM. IcleD- ChlW Care 6610

4!i m . __ In operating company atx>res RENT FREI la now ottering • llmlted

L•guna Niguel 3707 BAr.HELOR Apt . Ulillllcs 2 Bdrm W /carport 1 BR Townhlt, pools, gar. -----''"------ furn . $90/ mo-lst & I a 1 t $90. Water paid, near c;>ls, drpe, bit-Ins, wsbr,

tUy StS-3239 ---------LICENSED DAY CAR!!

4 Bdrm. family rm. Se-- Sat/Sun. 1321Ai Agate ac.hool. Avail Mardi 1. dryr, patio. $115. 545-1019. ln MONARCH BAY. $350 2194 Placentia Avenue

IF YOU manap our anall But. Opportvnlti• 6300 number of tranchlsts to oUlce bldf . ID Coeta Mesa. 'MtE ORIGINAL q u a 11 f I e d lndMduals or

FOUND: Ladies ccld watch, black cord band. Vic 15th & FUllertm, Newport Hts. Ide:ntl.fy. 541-1334.

Hot lunches, nape, crattt. Harbor-Biker * 54&a1539

OWNER. ~2599 Lic!o Ille 43s 1 537-0380 Lattuna Beach 5705 Good loc. Ideal tor account· THIE• Of a•GHD•D groups. ant , Insurance, rN1 estate r "' "' INVESTMENT Or SlJ.950 Contractwt 6620

Condominium 3950 MOBILE H 0 M E • X L N T M I C • 100 CLIFF DRIVE caJl 5'4-2321 after Nner Had It Thll Good! CASH INCLUDES:

Gp e apn LUXURY FURNIUNFURN ~~n~ 1st. SU!IO Caab 1'llkel It e Complete store fixtures A FOUND: Part Qibuabua, female. Vicinity Diamond St., Laguna Bcll. Identify. 494-1268

ROOM addltions, lotr ow.r­belld, top quality! U'X20' F&J:lily rm. Special offer, S2Jl0. LT Const. OR 3-1166

--------- LOC! NEAR CdM HJ Schoo I Patio, Pool, Sgle party or Cheery, apUt·level 2 Br Cple only. No pets. 673-0196 home. Blt·in el« lc!tcben,

SPAC 2 l 3 BR, t~ bathl Yearly Lt~. 1 • 2 BR - ISIS w.-..a.-~ Ot. All! DELI. 1'Ully equipt, equlpmMt

dshwshr, dbl gar ~17

.. c:N I AL~ Apts. Fumlthed

Huntinqton Beach 4400

Rooma • Apts for Rent Dy. wk, mo. Sngl1 1 A 2 BR

Cpta, cl.rps, 2 pools steps to Shore A Shops ••f1;1JTI Ulle New. O>olcie 8-.y Front e Merch•n•dlle tnv111tory Nftlr sbp'c and achoola Oceanvleow from every Apt Delu~" cust. deC'or Ofc aulte. Loe. Low Rent Leaae • (returna MOOG at mall)

FROM $99.50 trom U50 mo up. Crpts, drpl, recept + 2 pvt AU sunues, LI c e DI e, • Expert atte alectioo Mgr. 1998 Maple, #3 494-2.449 Ofc's. waJmd/pen, ~ Health permit, etc. e Leate necotiatlons

LUXURIOUS 2 BR l u ...... 2 BR, Cpta, drps, View! Till sq ft poand fir, oft Value. MUST -11 rilbt DOW e Stott desiaJI • 1-YOui ' ,. ..,.., - Incl ... II OwMr n.n.ferred. IC- • Comft1 .... • ~-h... • ..i ... ·--

YOUNG German Sbepberd. Addltiam * Jl«modeUrll Well tn.lned. V\c: of Harbor Fred H. Gmrick·Lic. View Hilla. ~ S'?MOCl * ~2110

Found • black A wblte rabbit all elec, crpts, drl)I, r.E Just redecorated. Garage, beaut / patJo, ... ., Uua -· "'"''"'·...,,._ --kltch, color antennas. Encl. Garden. 384 Myrtle St. Owners •• SQ.5419 2276 vice &ar, Pine tree1, nr bul. $130. 494.9"';>52 Y Prof • Is e PARTNllt • • In - atore A On-TbeaJob

- t a m e. Indlanapolla 1t C1rp.t C ... nl"I 6625 B~•cb. H.B. Call 53e-Cn * CARPBr f'ROBJl>'Sf

Gener1 1 4000 ~ blk bch. All linens A util, ~~~-~~~~- COMPASS MOTEL

HOLIDAY PLAZA U8 - llth St. N.B. ~70 Adults. 120 E. 20th. OCEAN Front 3 Br, aeml· oung MSIOIMI tralnlnc MALE wbt poodle Vic ol Cleaninc, lay!na, repaln. DELUXE 1paclou1 1 BR, 2 BR. Trailer, comp. furn. f'urn. Apo $ll5. + udl. Very comfortable. Hunttng. lleated pool, c a : p et I n g tor Sboru ~r pa r k. drapes. ample parkinc. No lnq. Mn. Glouer SJS.3683 child rtn, no pell. or ca.II Rial to; 714: 8'1'5-9971. 196'5 Pomont, CM, 642·51118

1 6 2 BR Apts. Block to

BACHER.LOR A 1 ' 2 BR furn ished. Adults. $200 mo. dream. Huse t ,000': 5 nna + hntuUc ..., ~ with • Aalddv•ertistna A promotional (94-l3J8 . l lr&P. nitnnl, cpts, dtpa. wide -.!Jlt.. ·--·-. Uft.

Apts. N!Wly remodelf'd. evenlllgs alr-cond. Ott Ill prk nr. flr7I Jtm~ ~~ Exilt1nc operatJons now Near IChoo1s 6 ~. 2 BR A dtn. bit-ins. pallo, 25c sq tt. 5C1-1111 $25,000 cub _ put ar fU1l nettiol Sll,000 plus pr year 988 El Ounino, ~t 1. C.M. nr beach. March 1st. Cp!S, s,qs & S17S. Air cond. peril's, am~. ITJ..211150 QO to I PM.J - locadoal Immediately

2 BR Rtd Pool, ~nt ma. ctrp.. SHS. ~04 Oni CoanC7 Bank Bldl available In Ort.nee County. Jal' lh1·1 nao. at11 pd. Ad· ni 't 17th St· CM. ga..1e ELECTRONIC wnte •boat ~ 1n detaU

~ti. le Edinrer· Call WeJdon'1 4M.a'lO ~lSO'J. CARPET Oean!nc. Floor

RABBlT • Vic Irvine A 1tttwtrc. Wutns. wan.. Mqnoll.8 CM. 548-5035 "1ndon wubed. m.a567

Lo9t 6401 Carpet Cloanl"9 6625 Costa Mesa 4100

DELUXE 2 BEDROOM Carpets, drapes, built • Ins, heated pool, prtvate paUo. S'135 mo. 3Z E. lTtb Pl. 54&-7731, 54U259

1-BR. apt., tumilbed. UW. paid. Own drln, ya.rd It workshop. ruo ~o. 14&-me DdJu 2 BR. 1" BA, )lr'ivate s-.tlo . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • . . S1.5()

Dn ....... ... 2 BDRM, ftt'lf cpta, $135. 1113 Santa Aaa A.Yt.. CM 8311-49%1

E I ~ 2 BR. Elec bltna, patio, prlll. Adultl Clftl1. 311..Jl Olla S1l5 mo. IC.l29I

• No. 1 lldrm. Udl pd. r.t paUG, ddA. adlllt.t. No peta.. EYa MUn1

NASSAU PallN l • 2 BR ,... « \hd l11541A 8t6 poOI 1TT E.. 221-s St. ea.a 18.50 ran.. 1 BR um pd. Am ...... M.- ...... ms~NMm

IUA'1 6 d..., mrlwcl ........... 11~ tin. -il~

- •• IDRK.~ ruJkics ..., 111'- Ho OIM'lt••--


ulta., 6t6-6276. Rentals Wanted 5990 - OFF CE I LMN'-!.. ..,,..., b' Sele (Gffe Phone#> to ALASKAN Malamute vie • WAU. TO WALL e 2 BR Apt. Nrw cpt1, dTJ>I, WANTED: Lra BeftCh Hse, I v to be lbOWd tl'Ol'I\ P..tena Francblle Salee Man-is Cofiqe Park, COit& Mesa. e CARPET a.£ANJNC e No 1maD chldm Of' pets. al;> 10 for E&sttr wk. Balboa qtni S125 Cll MS-~ See • J'lTZMOJUUS P 0 Box 908, COila Mtsa, 54~'11 BIG Dllcount! --.z3 By Owner. Ph: 548-6169 °'' NB. 213-241905 or 213- llEALTOft 560344 92627 STRAYED Lct lff1 tam cat. 3 BR, 2 ... _ -·- .t~ M:rml Comrnerdal MU 313$ E. Cout HWJ, CdM Altertd. Wht spot on neclt 0.rdonl"I "'°

-· ~ ..... "'.,.., lnv.tment Opper. 6310 Vlc Hts HarbouJ', tn-3517 ---~---_..._ General 5000 '>ltm, pa&. $145 mo. RESPON Penon needs un- ) 1/ HERRJNO'S COMPLETE •- .- .- .- .- .- .-.- • .;....-.-.-.-.-.-.- Ora.nee Avt• * 613--0053 furn 2 bdrm hie, Laguna. J ocres DlS'l'IUBU'IORS MW liar DISIONlltS SMALL Cl'eme color Poodle; GARDDf SEllVJCE

e HURRY! e Patlo, 1ar, view. Permnt. Commerci.t .... bold nm atl(r adrrw. Omtact Al --.e Younc • Dftd lot1' cut, vie. 2500 bit. * "'1 f!. "'N-UP * 2 BR ..... .,.._ Baktr to Brtleal ...._ CM Jantt tlM wtmd It 1' lta- • • ._ ~ CM M2-2!l'23 A.ft. S. ~

., UUAUtll OJ<. Ntar lllarll)in. 49!M127 Hat1lcr Ka1l!lla bacbr'9 -ble them IDalll> =~===·===== ev~. $115 Per Ncmtb. Ftlr dl'lnlla can: b at ...... _ • ._ • ...., _ ___........ OUR SPECIALTY LGE Unf 1 or 2 BR Apt. ~ .. "'-'.._..' ~ .......... .......,, ~-a. -- .____.. ..- • ...... _ __. ..._ SPECIALt 511 Wlllon. CM 641-5124 • small ha! . • In bch arta Bani• ...... ~· _,_, .... .,..., ~ Wiil r-- -~ - ..............

2 WKS FREI ltlNT HOUSE 2 BR. att1e pr, - >"'1· RMPOQ c:p1e 540-Z275 .... tAOl'I' au.. ewp. D1t t\lni.lll Pf'OOl. ..,,.._. SINGLET. Fret Pa 't1 =in= ... ~=,,,..-,,----Ma.Q rtilen'llklnl NOW N\C't ptden W/ prdfftC'f, MW ..a • poww + libs· BOAT DH1tt • Mfsr Dttda ~ Oii ... OlllrlJdm.,.., .. ,u, curnplet_! la'·

Newfy Redecor1+.d lndry, nr lbp'c. SllO ...:111 Roome for "ent 5995 2 Adjolnlnc 1 I •nd ..._ Xlllt .._. i.e. Plw\. saooo 201' ret\ll"D OD Jim.t. dll R..w ........_ 'rice. • 1W9l"I ~. CIOM to '"°"'"'' '•rk 2 BOR.N, bit-in.. new C'P1s i10x1i9 aaw ~ -"--~ a. p .oao. v~ J'ul1J MCUl'9ll. xmt fldw9 511..-.,. .._. Nlilllllt. Elcdmt wort. lop Club & Glrfi (futt A dtpe, DO pets, Sl20. 2203 LARGE pvt room, adJolninl CM By owMr WO.Ult Id ...,.... Gll&t. Wrltt 8oir P- - .,otfftlSal f« bicMr retvn KAN, 55, f'dlnd, WS-.. 1 "!::ea,,,...... ... _______ _

• Speelool 3 Br'• . I Ba American An, CM. pvt beth. No ldtdlfn. ., 12, Dastr PDoc. ,.. 18 Tax - •ftiL cociptiD)ca Wrtt. 11.C. 215 EUROPEAN G.UU>.Da:Jl e Swim Pool • N/P'fftl 2 BR. Qff, util, adalta, mucith. Ml-3093 lncluttrlal ..... 8'0 WELL """'9d IUdalllle Wrtte Box M.- DaJlJ Pilot E. lldl St., c.M. ~ • Matntwir. e Frpl lndi•/lndrJ tac1a no pet.a. $ll0 mo. ~ SUJO UP wk. W I kitchen ~RM lodua. * mb. A1ll - ... JI' ... ..... . ALOOHOUCI • Vtr7 ~ 5'Ml17 .... • Multi ..... ~ ... MM«ll • $22.SO ~ Studk> Apia. 2314~ IYl.11 1l'Ol1r ... •cnre a (. ........ ~mo... ~~!".'! T .o:. 6145 Rartior ...... ,...-:;:,. EXPERT Japuee ~

1145 AMholwt Aw. LOVUY l BR Q>ts. dir1ll NewPGrt BJvd. CM~ )'d. lee Pid'I· to.aat ft. Goad locdla. Low Nit. e ff YIELD e It...,._ ladlc'llls, Clnnap, l&IJn.. C.M. tJo. pool ~ • 1.,G l BOR.'\f. Prder woc1dns ~ hll ...... W.. Ml* .. TNrt Dtedl $25000 * SINGLE ADULTS '* kMDce. ''MACK" NT..mJ2

~ KCllftOd Pi ~ WOIDIJ\. RJtclwB ~ lett 61• ... ,_ .,_. T PM. Oa* "'' t to 1 coUatd CaD IOt reeordld .,.. Apt tlll6 c-al a. .... II.INT . IG-C7M ,.tolDAlltl Prop. _, tor 01'.0llO wttb ,. lbD'I da7 ~ and tdPc. Ollld

J • ...,. ,..,.._. l 3r. ~ tam. c:Man; t95- NICE clean roam b a nn CHOD 1D1' • Ol*is "-'- - d _.. '50 IOO don. lhlt M ,_..., • • m.- jMa A 11111Dac. ~ ~•.: u•IL ~:: ~ f'fA • prt o.t.a Me.a. <le. ID. 02 SaA~=:., ._. ......... 1111 __, Joc. to d.11 Anno...-,...,, MM GDfEIW. • .._., ~ ... - • :::===~~=~~11~·= .. =•=.,,.===== ..., mc14 " · ,..... mom t>.7 « i:v.. "'" ...,.,., ballllllt ,.

FUU. OP'neff TO 8UY ......... .... ... .... Hemea - ~ONA .W~ - ,_.,_, C'll4) aa -- a.r- SlU,OllO JD Co!211 Ha:zll• CW. tmic. ~W. . .... Ho ....... o.a.e. e..-n oot .,,__ AN'DQUE .... ._ _. wftll S 7fl.. ~ "7 1tra1C e nu.:z MUMA e e JAPANESE CAJU>l:NINC

H••• of Clllln LUXUtUOUI Tow1aw lpllt ro:wt.Y nc-d 1 a• 1 t .w oot 114: ..., ta-mt ll'ffllll ~ Ila • T.D. ci:. .....,.. ~. wu11 Sndlllll ma.mae "1 Semct. c::i.....r. ~ 511 w 1.ldl C.JL ... ..._. a '-r J lia. ...... nu. home. Ladli9 er ~n. EMERALD BU .WW Joe tl'll ~ edfon .,_..,,1 T ~~ ..,._, me. UJ.'JOM aft 1 pm.

. ' ~et poolr QO m.o11'1. E10tJ owt-e 1fttqr witb ea3S. Plft.. ~ ~ l'tliiEk 1'rw1t Acn. Well Wnte: PO. Ba 4 l 11 • OPl2'f T OATS>. W!ZK EXPEIUEMCZD GlrdllNI' o.u, PDa& .... *"'' n. ..... ,_ .. _.a ...,. Cllll ~ tlon, 'fly ow.-,... _., Dil ._ llllll ..a Newport 8-cll 1 ..a pa ~ , ......... . 0-..,, ~ • ao.aot na. .- ,. .. Mrs.~. &A White • ,, *' Dllll ... . Dr'• ....._ ..._ OIAJtGI! m m z. •.. ~ Jttu. • ~ • ..,.._

,., AL) ADts.. Unfvrn11W


- --- -

Btactl. heated pool. m. to S1SO • fl'ft utllltles. ~3771 SJ&.1282

• '

\ \ •• .. · •-·• · •• ••if• .-•••• 1" • • 1._ , • • t..-., •. ,.:·._,..._ "I ~ : ~..,.-·

• NIWPOltT IEACH . • . . 2211 laU.. 11M. • COSTA MBA ... . ....... .. 330 Ww a., • HUf(rlNGTON llACH .. . JOt Fifth ..,....


msrD\N Qaulc, j a.,. 1 $10 and $15. PocM 381 g, l~ Street. C.M. 8 FT. Quilted couc:l'I, needa SY MOO~ O>tteo table and SIRVICE DlllCTOlY NCOl'da 10e • 25c. lJlil.lcy lOt .... up. Ladln Startll 5:00 Saturd~. clculn& $25. Mat.chin& chair ~.· ..... wre~~.l·naho\l~ta ~ n"': .:~w=-~a= Plumblnt "'°

WALNUT ami..c a blDet, ctua tn door S25· OIOice of S tMW\y ~plat­fo-m l'Ol-ktt and occulonal chl&Jn SlS/ea. Dlabes and k(1ehen were Sc> $%.SO 110 \V. 19ti1~

DREXEl. colM t a b I e • walnat 52'· ll 21'' $25. Smok· lrlfi cabtnet ~. Bedroom cb&1r SS. Small dtak $10. 2 black tlauphyde patio cba1n $5 each. Windlo'c chair -..ith rll!ll teat no. Mirror witb antique wood frame SS. Seth Thomaa lhip'a clock $25. Antiqu~ c:opprr kettle $25. Swing aet SIS. Tricycle $5. Garrard rtccrd chanter $10. Leather ~. 3 piece $10 and $15 each. Men's, WOIJft!O'I

and cbildrf-11' I clothe.a $1 • $25. 873-6646 aftu 10: 30 AM

tallle 80c boc*a like aew mem clod)fa 25c and ~ s*r ak1.s, men, $15. 2 arm chalrt SlO each. .., •, "" •• .....,....., wrie11 S1 to '10- mink b.ata, cp. Toatu $1. Bookcue ._., c:blldml bun $6 2 Md tablet. Dani.ab $8 thn: '150x1S ST.SO. Call 6'fS· wtttl COC:ktall 118118 ud LEAI<ST Ca.a Ot' water ece­lllllle ~ $41 saver '10. ~ Kllcellaneoua t t e m 1 to $1.S. Sid poles • fishing eam. 4' ll 4' ooftee table 2752 :': :!or ~~o= tronloally locaiccl UDda' C*­-. and mem dotblna from lOc tD rz;. 142·:.llm, creel "- Stroller $ 5 · $20. ~ x 4 l'Offff table $.15. MA'ITRESS And box 1prln&s lamps Sl each. Mattrea, ment, blacktop, crow>d. :l5c to JU. material 25c to 1'1391 Avalon Lane, H.B. ~t bO<e S 1 2 · 5 0 . Table Jamp $.S. 642-1896 (double) $20. 6'1U<l66 see e~llent for vw bus Sl. walls. showers, any plac.. Sl Y*d. Jieweb-y 25c to Sl. OfmTS SlO and StS. Pocket Pot1)I chaJr $2. Bowling baU T.V. S25. ~ or al 4lii Fernlea1. 01.M. F<Mdln& table for small Repaired. Waterllnet cl~ oeramica, tiles 25c to Sl. boob 10c and "'° Ladles S:U0. .R.tdftOd table ~ 842·2677. REF R I G ER AT 0 R $10 af>artm111t $4. K I t ch en ed, J)rellW'e ruto~. Black minl.ttur. 1~ year anU ·~na clothes 2X and tour ~ .n2. Owus~ Dft.ESS..Sin 24vt M'Yer worn, dishwasher (automatlc) no: tables witb lmertl $4 eedl. CALL "l.D.l<S" ~ AKC poodle aD shots $25. up. TaNtet S1. Bookcue lounlt • · ~ macluoe cost S20 seU for SlO. Broiler- 20 gallon water beater SJ: Metal re90lvlna T.V. table BankAmericard OK

P' .AIN colored 1"1-0"0 Clllll"-l. sbori Joac>ed. Good l'OOdjtJon 50c yll'd. fll.S186

DrMI patterns lOc, 21'06 A S3. ~ it e.,, p.. ~ter SlO. - tOllstcr 12. Uk? nl"W. LJ ma.boean,y end t.a. $3. 5319 $1.50 RCA clock radio ST. Plumbing ~pairs~ Semces Rlll&ft'a Dr., Costa Meaa, from lOc to fl5. Ml-21895, GOOD,._. burner ga'I ~JoYe S..2620 Bruce Creticeot. Lido Sands, V1orlung touter $1.'fj. lloo- drain llne3 stoppages cleared 541-91194 lntl Avalon Lule, H.B. (white) wttb piddle. br-oller BED divan complete $23. _Newport Beech. 642~'1~ ing board St. Dishes ~ U:8 Discoant PIDmbiQc

TIRE • VW white aklewall $4. ~ • 30tb Stnet N.B. ~ .et $25. Double bed llM1nl mt l1Mttreu $15. o.1ltl modera •1foe> ta2* • • Pole ~ wttb Wkbl' .... $5. Leather bAllOOk crit bale s 3 • Bualnette and .-ct $5. Book cue $3. 2 Leath« pillows $.:!JO. 14741'J3 H.B.

STAINUa; Steel OYen bed 6' x 9' OVAL braided Ni and oven $25. ~" wh.lte Ba atoot swivel ~ $7.50. TV- Swivel table, I a r & e each. 642.981(. 2 07 0 ~ &12-1680 tabM fOl' lick room like SU Double box sprina and enamel metal c ab I n et Pot belly stove $25. Hand- eOOUih for 21" tel SlO. TV Rarbor mvd., C.M. TRADE! Expert work for new cost $50 aeU for S25. ma!tr.. $1i. Single new lcitcben link SlO. 35<XXl BTU wrought andirons $15. Old Poo/ antenna SlO. Lamps $5, Lar(e Gu ttfrigerator f!O. ANYTHING - fum.lture, Oitome d\nette let $15, matttta $20. 2 tricycles U duel wall leather S

1 O · acbool delik S7 .so. Old trunk S4 $3. cake keeper Sl. 6' buffet, aood condltlao $10. tools, you.nam~il 64Z-034l.

chrome cllnette t able each. Pedal fire en&ine $4. ~ ~l ~~~ $5. 360 E. 15th St.. Newport Automallc coftee pot, needs 15 S>ri decorative rock S20 _ _...;....;;_ _____ _ pedestal baa SlS, ~ chair, Pink tatteia llpl'ead, new ~ m Het&ht:a wort! ss. Assort!d cafe cur- ano S25 per ton. 1 blk. Sewfnt 6960 mlf!,ht be antique $1.50, pair $5. Blue Moritan Jooes cabinet SS. %119 Twsun Ave.. tains, 10me n<'W • from Sl east or Harbor at Ford Rd.,

Gr.RU 28" 81~. 3 Spttd, handbrakes. Newly paintl'd. ~cell mt condition. 2 2 6 Cabrillo StreeL 54~2803

ol rnetaJ twin beda excell('!ll spi~ad $4. Br111 vanity beir C.OSta Mesa _ _ OINlNG <'hain1, Armclwnr to $3. call 642·2443 1969 PBrl'ons st .. C.M Alrerations. cuslom dre condition SlO euh, comer ch $4. Dbshes, poll! and pans K1VJ.ERA Bed d iwt'llpo1 l $2">. $20. Thrre others $Ir> each, . . maJclng. Reuooable pt"ices ll'ctiooal matching chair Sc to SL50. Maple cradle 43J Gokienrod. CdM. f>i11J10 chair flO, :! small ~UBLE Bed $10. &16-72'.lO 2 wheel uUhty tralltr. metal For app't . 6'13-6015

.... sis 1 tf n dre - - ' d l s10 Bo s"'" Id ZJ" bf'd Sl5. ~n;,•,, ~. l6th St.. ' - -ll"vr.., covered . Pa orm S18. 2 ower g\rl.a sses DO It yoorseV boat: 16' SK anbque. rwt> t'l'pll r TOOL lC ... w e x eo.1a Meaa Alteratlons--442-5145 rocker nnrly covered S15, $5 each. Phone 968-2868. h. u!.l ..,.., •53 Olds VS en'"ne each, Ladda·beck $1. Antj. long 71,2'' high $3.00. Clll N

20 ....,. .,. bl FORDOMATIC Fils 292 or eat, accurate.. yrs. exp. AN<YmER &Tftt sale at: 01.NlNG table, 6 chairs $25. wrought Iron t e I e phon e 10161 Birchwood Drive , $2;). carburetor SlO. Maline qued coffee ta e, gt't'en &l&-1824

3"1• Poppy, Coru1a del Mar 54U609 stand$150 St.SO,~ ClWR ~redith Ga~ne. H\U)- e.xhauat $20. Extt'Mlon for $7.50. Antique ~wletr con· UTILITY Tr.ller '68 plates sv::_.~ulbonc~~· .~~::S.~ TILE, Ceramic 6974 Saturday ~ M . 42" Patio ELEX:TRIC blanket, near Go. • 32" ~ Sl. Im tington Beach exhault $10. Prop $20. Drive d$20lmeo. tVloaellln, ne$10, ~:!'fzgs $? ... 54S-8822 "'''" ..., table $5. 2 ereen web dlatrs new, double, """"'le control venor St .. Costa MeM., MATERNITY clo~. size lhtJt $10. All ln good con· --- ---

26-.. -~24.,.,.., * Verne, the Tile Man *

.., h 2 pl iaiA' .... ,. 646-5289. 531-5978 12 ood --"''ti Fro o .. ,....,.,.. machine $15. Ice bucket 50c. BOY'S Bikes - • SERVICE DIRECTORY cust. woril . lnatall le ...,alrt. ~ eac , ma e cap s ss. About a doien men's • In g \."""" on. m ditioo· ~ Kitchen tools aet SJ.SO. 26" good condition llO • • .~ .. arm cbalr1 P> each. 4 sweaten, 11.ze S, M. I.., DINING room tabk! $25. St to $5. 847-4485 BEAUTIFUL Small poodle Percolator $1. Two oil paint· $16 ~ Gerdenlnt 6680 Npaotcjobh'. Ltooe a ~~~g ~w~ upholstered $li and _...... cost $25 new. ~.;;e Mattresa, regular ai.ze $25. _, '""""·. " ••1 ; .. ,..,, _ _..._ m-'e, lemale ..,.,, ds $20 ....., "

0 -tty .. __. s 2 0 ~·- - ~ - u• .,. vu...--. .. ...., ....... Indian hea • 65 yards used carpeting $25. s . 847 ,_,, ,.~ -$2... uc UUOlnJ each. Kitcbeo clock $2. Boll IPrinca $25. Bed frame ,, ...... ~!lent, no ..... """" u ... u $24 ANTHONY' repiur. .....,.,............, "'--· - • -• -.. •- t '< ...... .,. ·-- ~ eac:b. lal'lte oil painting · Phone '1'764693 ....,.....,,e Jewary ....., .., ..., A1ann clock $1.50. Wood $15. Platform rocker $25. ipart CiYer $25. 330 old 45 SIN,,...~ Box s....ino __ .. t'I n - .a -------- Ger.Jen Service JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Four ..M .. i- room dWn C Bedroo ~• S5 Coff .,_._. "'• ,.. "'"' lronln& board .,.. D<.'Uroom FORMICA Top Lable and 4 u ,......,,. skiil w\tb b.indin""' $20. Poles m '"'-"Me · N RPM ttcOt'd&. 25c tD $1. _....._ .v .... 1•--• .. , " 67'- and · ii"''" for no O>U t i:: .......... ..._, ,,.v ~ I.amt> reramic .. -e. h.ainl $25. Foll!' pllshc 646-1941 Job Wented, L-.. 7020

$3. 1965 National Gf'OgT• maker $5. Di.shea ~ Juicer ~~t 2 bar~~ cvburetor 0685 OlM Kay FI o c h $7. 2837 ~i.r~ Sl.50 each. Step Lablc Rras. monthly care. Prwi- _,. AK< German Sb e p herd bl, all i•.,,_ ~. R,eror'd $5. Suitcase $10. Limp!! $j. lo.;: ~'1 Ford $5.. Very old • .,,,.

71 .. - 1V ,.,~ Cl ...... _ .. __ R-.. .a ,. 0 ~ ta .. _ CONV • ' ""'~'T IL • a1id

male.. 2 yrs. old. Needs albums. ;;: "c;ld, some Mixer $5. M.irrw SJ. Gas book with no CDVer "The GAS StDYe ~ - · ~""· uuuuwx '-'• '" u Sl. Coffee table $1. Phone tng. Landacaping. Exp. uu.- ~' .. lllV Ivie yard and blah fence oew, all &ood. $1 l!Adl. 642- beater $5. 4 TV tra)'I S5. Wallflower" in O~ English Both in &ood <'Ofl<illlon 646- Mesa, 546-Qi&j, _ _ ~12 ticullllnlll. "Tender, loving catt . by nurse ald. Mr• S%>. ~ 6669 Barbeque $J. 3341., E. 16th print $2;. 494-5336 afttt 12 9754 ST'.'DIO couch $7. tall L'OO- NEW Marbor [)e(.'Oratora C&rf' for Green Gardem". MOIT\IOD excel rm,

St CM NEW Aluminum ch a 1 1 e temporary Lamp and shade l"mn $25. 545-0078 JAPANESE G46-18'l'l, aft 6 pm. JI~W Sl.5. Bikes, boy'e FRIEM>LY baby ~s $2 ·• · · EYCYCLOPEDIA set $24. . $5. Blond comer table $3. ~.- GENERAL OOice Secretary ID-speed $20, Man's 26" each. Ratz 25c each. IH6- MARSLE bath pullmAtl ~ 1~ Ch 11d r en'1 J uni or lowlie and thick pad SS. Car bed $3. Bathioetle $5, ONE Good working condll1on GARDENER desires full time paaition. G.E. "a I bing 811'7 ft x 20 tn with and Dlcyelopedia set $25. Great 2 new ma~for boalhumlnNum Baby bottle bolder :ioc. Frig;daire $20. Hair dryt'r CM Refs ~3966 __ ..... , __ """' ,...,,,~ .... _,_ __ ... .,., n-. l 0 -'- of ... _ w-•em w-u chairs $5 I . ew .... ......._ ...... er .,, "" CA<: A'h:n E.v-r. Comnlete yard lei'- . • • . SS:.di':' ~2 ... u.ww " 21" 'IV S25. l'l'' portable to2 ai~. 4~ .. llll,;;: ktt~ee ~ boolca~ Gre~ Ideaa""t: World Globe 14". $5. 2 b"°":"' Boy's lamp SI, Boy, girl ..,. u ... ..,.., - ·"" .,.,.,....,.,., ~~. Free~;,t. SU.'1958 HOUSEWORK. Ref. if req.

TV S23 bo... ood p'cture d Sl "" h G Id and -.Id quilted lWltl twin outfita. s1. Size l · call ar_tei_·_4..:p:.....m_ . ---:-- - S2 25 hr A t..- em""' apt.a FOUR 14" Ford chrome ' "' g

1 $10. Faucet fixture for same ay _, eac · reat eas •"" ' 546·960'1 TYPEWRITERS • 2 new YARD CLEAN-UPS · · ..._, rv ·

_ .... __ ,_ SlO ... Uld IOWld. Ottoman $8. n o M-"- inea-"" program 10 volWDe11 $23. bedlpreads $5 for both. z -"l ..,. 50 h Haullna ""ees • S .. -·bs • I"" & houses by est. 536-6801 revene wJJt:!l:a ea.... Tape recorder $20. Radio ., · °""'any P YI"" The Collected wot'ka ot twin chenille spreads S3 for PING Pong tabl~. extra I"''_,, es .,.,., e a c ' • • ' wu • 1

673-4496 $3.50. end table $7.50. 64.6- twin bedsteadl $25. each. Abraham Lincoln $24. Great botb. Electric edgt'I', al~l sturdy $15. 545-4524 Ur.denvood standard $15. shaped or removed. RolDlll· • EXEX.'OTIVE SR."RE-GlRL'S roller rink ice skates 1525 Mahopn7 tea cart. glass Books for O!lldren, set $22. new $20. Chromed roUssenc LARGE maple captains Remington Noiseless $17.50. Ung w~ina·new lawna. TARIAL WORK rN MY

(wtdte) and ca11e r.iie 6, ll n d shelf $25. Chi \l pend a I e E n c y ~a Brittanica with timer and control $8. "chairs $10 each. Floor lamp Underwood portable :i:~· 642-7260 HOME. PHONE 968-1123 like new. 548-6646 . Sl5 DOUBLE mat~ Mahogany round table ye• books $3.50 each. Large pipe thttader and 3 $2. T&bl<' lamp $1. Swedish Remington Standard . . Se 6612 Outdl lady want.a bouse-

BF'.AtmFtJL roee bustles aprlngs $.25 u ch. Single with abelf $.25. Blue Lustr r Bookcase SZl. Large 2 dies $10. 2~·· pipe w~.ench walnut arm chair $5. "48- BuJTOUgbs Adding machine General rvicea Wortt. Mondayw only.

Queen Elizabet 99c. 5132 :~~e:i~ue'P:: n~~ ~~111 =e ~i 0 ~" ~~ ~ee .!..~Zn. $1Ji: ~ cutler to

3 $5. _402:!_ . -----.-~ _ !:~d:rh i ~~~) ~~ ~.! Painting, Plumbing, Car- 646-1246

Warner, H.B. S25 Lo .., and S2 bla k d I . ._." .,,..., BUNK "..As S2S 54~3039 chemically cleaned, olled pentry. Re111! Rel. Insured. Do ti ~ ' -I GmMAN She 1> herds, ~ n~ar:anicy benche~ ~ s id~. SlO ne~:. :-u~~ ~e ot'111j,~ SCRAM-LETS SWING ~'\el ~10. Wonder and adjusted. Call 642-5143 ~~~~~~ '"" ~ "': lNP S

beautiful marldnga. male U2.50 and S3.50 Small tables 2 arm $15 each. Walnul Science. 10 volume set $15. • ho:·sr Sii. Movie camera, after 5:30 p.m. All day Sun- ...... w .....

pupplu. $25 e.di. 962-7297 $8. S3. lAmPI $8. $4. desk with while formica top Couch S25 Snare drum $25 ANSWERS F:tona 8 zoom tens $20. 962- day. ___ Hauling 6730 G~~~eryi::~::scy BOYS Schwinn bicycle. 1ood Towels 50c each. Sit.Sun. $20. Sat AM- All day Sunday American· Heritage books: 8647 OlINA Cabinet $~. Two · .. coodltlon, $1.2. 536-8296 318 St. Ardrew'a Rod. 646- Ml ~7 $1 .95 each. Lands It People Inform Coupon _ Garble- PEA<X>CK blw.e and green ladles white luggage $10. CLEAN lots, &araaes, etc. 106-B E. 16th, S.A. 547--0395

TABLE 32" x 66" white 8381 PI.ANTS: Clivia, budded, 5 sel $15. All an excellent ~~ '[ Hear~ _ Infect- sofa $2.'l. M1tc'1U11 chair While Stag 4w p8n\a siie Tree removal. dump, skip, Oiinese • English • French

fonruc. and iron $10. 2 Iron GAS welding set, gauges $25. gal $3.'fj. Han&in8 ~ls. bargain. 838-3643 Cl~ are RIPE f.lS. 548-1589 _8,...;$'1_._673-&4 __ 7_____ backhoe, fill, grade. !16U745 Permanent, exper. Live-In frame chain $5. Eod table Tanks $2.50. Hose and •I· \lu:ge redwood wall planters RE FR I GER. AT 0 R S1S Overbeanl in a f\ower gar- 5 BATONS 28" Pach ~. 2 matched Dutch rabbits and SAVE MONEY * Before you Far East Agcy. 642-8703 S2. Pet car-rylr\a caae $3 tad:umnt $2S. 1i(i" drill .,, it h troplcala, fwlchlas, Automatic washing macblne den: Tmverae rod nevrr w;ed ex- cage and equipment S7. 642- Take II to the dump caU ... __.._, Men 7lOO Duuble modem headboard, $17.50. New tap and die fem, succulents $1.75-$6.50. $.:0. Ford !lat bead. V~ Ge.rdener: ''Thll ls a tolJaC· tends 48" • 86" SL 0oK _15_76_.___ _ ___ Ua! &t&-9188 or 642-5fJ66 ....... -heavy $3. 962-ll)il aet $25. Porter cable router Uly of the Nile, cactuJ. no. 548-~3. 420 Ford Rd. co plant in full bb>m, ma· bed new, large $(. Pink MOVCF.S: 8mm 50 tt. black ./ RAUi.ING. 1'rnlh -p\ckup. Senior

RADATRON Tacbometa' $:25. Attachment& S25. 43'' succullelts, 1 e r an i um • A4lt Ca.ta .Mea dam." l ,,1ece drs, me U SS. and wbi~. silent, olde Ume Trimming. Anythinc-we do Automation S.,.ciellsts m. Sean I-track aQto level $3. Tow bar ttS. Sew· fem, tropicM bromillada, JUNIOR Petlte clothes: size Dear o1d lady: " How very Ladies suit, 11.11e 12, brown CC'medie3 and cartoon, 50c. it a1L Expert work. 54>2792 SmaD ccmponent.s. j stetto player $25. Sterec Ing nachiae and cabinet bi~ lOc-$2.50. 241.h- f>.'1. Sweaters $1.50 • $3.50. interesting! And how loni: tweed JS. While small Power transformera, all Th l8K cartrld&et $3 eacb. 962-1063 $25- Air compttaar SZ. 25th, 9-4:30. 164 MerTill Pl. SldtU $3 - $4. Dl'eaes S4 will it be bt>fore die CIGARS <'ard~n ~ll'll .rated 50c Chokes and audio Income Tu 6740 WILLIAM PENN

NEW LeRoy ~ ut New I ft ftlJICll'KCellt ~ C.M. Ott <>ranee, bet'Weeft • $7.SO. Sulll $6 • $12. ~RIPE!" GI:: 16" Portable TV with trwsfonners 2Sc. DI. New Neva-Oor atapler $12.50. New louYer doors $6. ~and 22nd. Oldltail wear S7.50 and $20. TYPEWRITER Underwood stand $25. 20 piece blue and ampllfler kit: all paru., Gordon N. Warren

1856 =~~~j

SJ. S I: H Gtten Stampe Drop lt9f table $5. 16" ' '56 FORD Pick.up mering Excellent condition. Sal· rd>lrll $25 548-7166 wlllte ch.Ina breakfast set ctiasm, schematic, 1 watt, Pub. Acct. - Eat. 1951 f:;;:;;==;;=:;===== l:l.50 book. 962-1063 ply tires $10. New traDu unit and front axle Sun. 376 E. 20th St. Apt. t · - $1.50. New enamel oolfee $3. 450 volt .selenium rec-

2 I

~..:..;.....:..;... _ _____ e brake control $20. Lawn assemblY $15 each. Sprinp s . c.o.ta Meu. 642~rus NURSmY acbool slide S25. put with 6 cu~ $1.50. tlfiers, lOc 4'030 Highland Home or Office Apptt. Help Wanted, Men 7 00 ~~ ~~ ~Y~ edger $2(., ~ $20. S6 each. Otda and Buick 7~ POwm 1aw $15. Radio- ~ se~ $.S~~ sand. lmperial hand c a r Pe tn °"65·~ NB. Ask for John 642- No~. ~~r:;:~::C:u RMI Estate S.lesmen New dra~• 84" x 72" fl Motorcyck trailer ftame with forn standard bellhous- record pla)'f'r' $15. Boat ree was er. . sweeper n. Heavy duly 3 ----- ---- OPEN '1 DAYS Experienced, lmowledge al Sbclrt lined red drallft, 8 $25. Wheoela ~ ~ tor Inga $5 and no. Olds ma« ateerin& tcomplete) $15. SUMMER'S comini • 4 peno ring notebook SOc. 548-8382. MATERNITY Clothes, si1c 4!10 Seashore, N.B. Harbor area. Lone est.a· f.J..I wide $5. 962-1063 same $25. Milu bike 125. spark $1.S. Cad 2 x 2 Table TV (wor!cs) $10. "Sam90tllte" arm chairs, 2009 Centeilll PI a c e • 12, In good condition. From •

675-3'4$ • blished office.

96U325 manifold $8. El Dorado Dinette mble SS. Two step ~ yellow and green, new, Newport Bch n to $5. 841-4485. - ----- - "C" Thomas, Realtor BED and Box IPrlnc $10. CO.KART frame and wheels wheels is e!lCh. Girl's bicy end tllblea $6. End table clean, weather proof, low, 'IWIN bed spread SS. Twin YELLOW Formica tab I e Nathan Tax Service 224 W. Coast Hiway 548-552'7 Kltchen table and 4 cbatrs .•""' • .,..,,,_ and Stratton % cle .... .,... .,....6 $2. Colfee table n .so Radio low ptice of f lO each or bo~ ""'rln"" and mattress wi·th 4 chairs 2-8" extenaion Onmge Counties Largest $3. Mattreu. box l!Prini $10. ~ ai•,,_ •• .,,,,....., $1. Coleman camp stove $8. cloae olfer. Aod . one bra.lid u,.. .,..y bo d L fo $10 STOCK Clerk. no exper. Duck boet $25. Slnile box HP engine, Nila 1ood $10. TURQUOISE Drapes 19'bc82 Trailer hitch $5· LaJ'ie fish new white weattler proof $1$1?.: r:1a1nn bu~assd:::~ :I's. le1wes, new $25. 2 extra Ont rm . • . . . . necessary-; $425 per montb apri.r\i $3. Gaa 1tove $10. 64+Ui65 $15. ~te drapes 90x40 $6, tank SS. 2 Child's life 42" metal umbrella table W;lti.nghouse <'I e c t r I c chairs to match $10. table. s:~~· ::: ·appt. · ~~ to start: 5 da,J week. Write 10 layiJli hena • 50c apiece ~LE bed frame, bard ltoYe gas $10, double bed preaervers n each. Boal • needs only leg bracket roaster and stand m . Metal ~ !°:k~~5. 1i ~':! NATHAN TAX SERVICE quallficationl, age, beiibt. 7 fool palm tree $15. 2 rock ~ SlO· Dinette ael, complete $15, Comlnt colfee seat $3. Bar·~e $2. $6. Balboa OR 5-4929 ate cabinel $15. Sma.11 desk white chl.irs $6. 2 Braas S2T-TI42 828-1853 to P.O. 80lC 145, Calta olive treea SZi each. Screen 4 cba11"I no. ..... 12 eup $6, ,_. all kinda M--..1- _.., L.-1.-- 5c • LIMED Oak double ctiei.t • .. ... LIQ....... M~. Calif .. 926Z7

.,, Ser i.roo-mak .,... record r _ ...... "' ...... """"" •~v .,...,...,....., table lamps $5. Dishmaster Co ' zed I Tax door ~. ap e like new wilt! COft!1' $1.S, 25e to $'15, tape . ~ $1. Reoords 5c • SOc. Bar drawers and mlrror $15. HART Metal Skii. with bin- sink faucet ru. 39101'1 0wr mpute.n ncome Firemen wanted, age oaer. im; Beach Skid., Colfee table, nevn mar $2, sweat!n all llzell 25c slg11, flaure9cent $1.50. 5 Oilld's redwood table and -11d t nel Place, N.B. 673-1603 !35 E. 11th, Co!.ta Mesa 21 to 31. SalUJ S566 H.B. 84'1·~ $'1 ~. Coalole'tbe TV flS. to 50c gtrla and ladie.s aallon Yucca.a $3. 14"' 15" • benches $5. Owlcan Phyfe di~ $20. ~ Power.,. e au o . Full time record keepinc. To S677. Flnal fl Ung

CRIB. whl~. with like-ne1r Wuhini madiine. nttds blouleS lOc and 15c. pull 16" 9'*re tires 50c • $3. drop Jeai table SlS. Dou~e tra.nsmlsllon $10. Hand lawn WESTINGHOUSE Auto b115. m&mt.. Sect)l' I and DAte l.tardl 1, 1968. Acilitf I<antwet mlttrHS and 8 crft> -i.. ss. Sil w. V'acloria. fNf!r ttloar girts and a.-boywt w~ bendles ..,, Builden bed frame SJ. lAdiel air.e mower $2. ~ 14':1.'lher, late model. ex· Bkkpf 1trv. !Z13) ~734'9t0 Ot)I of LagQna &.ch

'-•1.•-tt •c · ~..-- 50c to 7!lc. lboel .-; 0 ...,. •• sk $15 cam ,- t rv Vacuum cleaner $25. rellent t'Olldition, $25, 847· 6TH ~An * D 501,.. t A sheets $15; UllUUUO: e ~ c .M. 548-7343 Sl boya atdrtB JOc to $25c iron llaka S3 "11 n d I e . ' - Jee ates . p ""'"' bl 8115 • H •IUl, Fire ept. rOrel v .. 2la Knax'rille. H.B. 5.16-2395 BLAOC SOFA $18. Mat· di9hes all kinds 50c to $1 Garden k>ola 50c. $2. Utility cot $4. Fokiire chairs $2. (runs good all 111. DouSlo' A·l S'T'ENO I IOYS 10 • 14

MAN Mting pira.h.oa. $JO. trH&. box 1Prin8 and frame 13 ll 5 gokl nlS '6. ~e tables $3. Lumber lOc . $2. Table lamp $3. ~ and !f!lld~,2~~chn~~ ~ HOTPOINT Autn wuher, HARBOR SHOP'G ~ Lqwa Beach. ~ Lquna Ocan $10. Rabbits Sl.50 $20 fot each one. Coid&pot table $4. coffee ta1lle s2 Reinforcing steel tJondie S'l. rans. knki1-knackll 50c • $2. late model excellent coo- 7 Days a Wttk. 56-8DI Good roum! •Good prdbal sch. Canary and caee. K· retrtrentor $25. One door o.\llcl.a writ1DI table 4 1t ():)ost:Nction toola 25c - $4. ~ E. ~an Blvd. Balboa 39)9 -- -- dition. S25· ~7-8115 G. I . HOFFMAN DAILY PILOT cnsaries $4. Outdoor metal croa top trttze.r. 642-3657 long 2 ft wife IW'l&r mar Hand M>oll 5c • Sl.50. Dec· TELEVISION Table-. Nest REFRIGERATOR - t1ma ll K!:NMORE AU'lO washer. Enrolled to practice befort • 84%-4321 • cha!• $5. M7-0t9!2 sruDENTS IJftD detk and t<Jp $10, cornpleU W9rdrobe tric and plumb.lo& material 0( four. Metal witil Doral Frigidaire . spit• and span- late model excellerrt con- Internal Revenue 5ftrvlct' c w-L H ......

NOR.CE wr1neer "'a. be r d'.alr =· Small red ol maternit)I clodles lOc to 5c. $.:!. Sm.all dilplay cues desicn $6· 6'W-0085 great for surplu., or beer dl tion. $25. 847-8115 For App't . 646-5421 ar UMI ..,. " l t ti p 11 m P , n e " re-•-•-- desk and wtla.l not S2 er all for S20 size 12, SOc • $4. Sarffn door w1th 5 PAIR 36" x 4" br pane $20. S7S-004'1 - WHIRLPOO~ Auto wa.ahrr, FED. • SI. S4.50: Lg (orm ~utl time or ~endt. t:'anllmlssion and TDOtor nwuuoi: Sa~.-.... and SuftdQ' 10 to auachmenll $3. ?l!iboard double honit Windows S25 -TWIN bed 10, Ford four good condition S20 Mat· "' d Mm age 18 apply lD Pe1'IOll aactU~ $25. Like ne..; ~ ~.:1tiqued. 401

E. ~:.., ~ctoria. a.ta Men ~~· 5c si $.2. EIS3ectrli:! All. One t>ompiete baby be.n'el AFB, manifold and ching platf~ rocker11 • • ~R y;AX '1~Vl~: LIDO 0

CAR WASH c:aniet«r v-=w:m SU.SO. 4- --~ .,..,..,,, ,., _.ances • · . crib clean $10. 6n.642'7 en.rt> adrJpter flO. Ford n~ed ~overs. . both SU.

1920 l'arbor, c .M., 543-2404 m E . 17th Costa Mea

---t -- .,_ ...-.. ble • . .. ,..E Win" blck Earl1 4 for Sl. U2 Vlrglnla ' b··-i!lliion, Ille '32 · '48 Li btw ghl Recnna vacuum ' ~ ......... a.-. ,_... .-....... • PORTABLE ~ter Ulee Pl. Costa Meea. 1 blk north ANTIQUE French ~r ..,_,,, C02 g e1 .. -- 0 TER.MITE INSPECTOR. record ~ $12. Old Amerlcao chair. excellent new $25 manual adding ol 22nd, r!Pt on Virginia basainolre. S~lable f 0 r s2;-,. Portable 1V $25. <'leaner. $5. Infant car bed, lNCOME Tax: S5 sho".. n Branch Ill lie reqd Preler

u n derwood lll.andard conclition $25. ~ 1n9chine ' $25, de!l pi, Pl. kt-&in 1 am • 5 pm w'>Od beBk et $25. 6'4.(1985 Ai· riOr UO. 646-4349 $2. Potty chair, $1. 847-illS. 64~~1temlzed dedu~~«> one now emplyd bUt eager STERO Al>uml, Jar&e aelec> chOds 1'!l"Ord player.~ Zl" a>N'SOLE TV, needl cinnn:s Hone hat aalr! AIR Compressor. molor. Air JO" x 36" Pina tinted wall _,,,,.., to advance. Stricd¥ ccmf. '1" tton all types. $'1.$3· Sft hlng\JV Jamp no. _.., mter S25. 54S-964l Good clothes aU cleaned all tank ho5e and vun complete mlM'Ot' S20 call 673-07311 YOUR HOME by APPT. interview.

with c:&lT)'1nc cue~ 10 recorda "Down Memory braided Ni $5. CClnJbloatlon me I . Whit<' wool coat $10. /\-. condition SZJ. Nrw i~ MATERNITY Clothes, ~1ze Federal • State Rf'turnB ~2515 portable TV $25. Lane" 15 yean of IQl\g hill radio record player '51 546- 25 foot al 3 ft v.tJite picket Gold nerring c<Mlt $20 'I. ho"tit! motor $20. 2177 Maple 12, in good condition. From • 531.0000 • BUILDING CUSTODIAN = ; SU.SO ' record aet "Many C)7 fence $5. 24 iDcb bllJ'becue Mapin) worn once. Black SL. CM 642·25?ti - $1 to $5. 84'1-448a. Amerlc•n Tax Service Part time. Any 4 lu'w ..-.w.. ___. ....1 • ..- ns. Moods ol Enoctl l..iibt" SS. I' ll" 11 '1' ti o at door $10, with electric 'Pit S7.50. 14 coat s:i. 'Jbrte P I e c e DOUGLE Canopy hed S20. GUNS $25. Spanish !ixWre5 Guaranteed 642-w:l IM!tften 10 PM • 9 AM N-~;;.;"~ta pe Re.lidtt'1 Dic't-lt condenMd OGtllde prqe doer 26" HP ~ectrk: S:- :-5°2 emerald &reen oocktaU suit Dining room aet SlO. MllClle S6 pair. Decor&tor cats S6 --- e9dl day Mon throocb Sat. ~- wtth 45 ft.COn1 boolat 50c. 6 for $2. Se•eral wide ts. toot 1ockd Sl. ,.,,__...... er d · $7. Thtte plrce btlle with cotfee table Ind 2 end tables P 11 r. BWl homs. SS. T.V. lreniftl 6755 C.U 548-tln• - .,.. •·- ..., ..,n, Fi--'-• -- ~ ruffle Sl. TY brown utUIJ9I m 0 • r n black blousf' codct.aiJ suit S!5. 548..JO'J6 P ....... a--'--ert ..., - ... ._ - _,_..,._, --~ - _....__ .-.c. ...... .,.,..1...,. - - 18.blt' model worb very "'""""'G w•"' FRY rnrwr for M~· Dick's ._ ,........, . ~rs. etc. ~.SS. l tand 12. Ganvd t1lnt ........... ..,. .... H"'n· VI ... , ,u n Gokl knit Gt>ilex knit HI F1 AMPUFim $20. 15" &O'XI Zl", u:;. ~. ~"oo" - .. ~LU F\ah "';.~ R~ant, 7419

Sets radio-TV boob. com- $10, car ant 50c box spr1np "51 FORD Oaunlr)' aedan, ll8Ckl S6- summer lblfU with cabinet S25. sttreo - ..... "'"""'' pply Mob PORTl.'CJl1Clittaa.ABLE ~ 112T:: ~ ..-. CID1llW p). f'lisht ss, potty daair 'ISc, f1011 doors, 1eata. b umper s, all cok>rs $3 to SS. Wool head phones f\2. ~ _ DRESSER. 6 ctr.wen, rio. BriQg hanier• * Sf8.361T Hut. Bdl.: a Y

- l1l"U .,_. i 1'.._ --'-t n o. c A...L.. _..._,_ .Ao.-- u to SS .,. __ ..__ Childs birch *"6er, $'JS. G '" .;.. B""- Didt' a, A ~. • c-1 trl lt..tS'-Combinat o n ba« 50c. car cvvwr. "'' ~-- _. _..., "'~ .,._,,_*" . ..---• ...._ ·VOGUE Slalom ski st5. Childs formJc. tllble and I.RONIN• ......... ""'your Costa Me111.

apmbr - • e c c hn..,_ a. Sat-sun lt». ....,. 13. plaJ pei lnr ~ w/ tlrea, toll I ta e to makt and jewelry SOc '° $15. .,.......,...._ bik own hanlen. , _ __; _____ ...,........,--GludmllPi.d ta ~ 115. ( > o.i. n, pllildc: twtn ~rd6 tn.Oer f15. Oarintt sio. Ml!ll'• llPOl't sbor11, tarre Girl'• small .,..,,...;..... e 3 chain. $2.50. fti.fl radio. WANTED expe:rieJ»Ced "'*' 1'Jr coat m. ...,.,., JBT7 Oru(e, rec ble n. Men's knit - lhirta $\S. Twin bed $10. Sears' $5. Small aluminum frame M2-U!9 or ~" boys' for full time • pert

Mela $3 each. rsnan e_nd t9 ~7 Baker, C. M. ul ,~...cne analyser $20. Austin window and $j 790 u...- OU HJGH """ tr... $5. JM .. twlr'I frame $4, CLOCKS: .00 ..... Illa dom. ~~~boo, Eutt>l f, ·~ Pd ICI'ffn. · Janltorf•I 6 time. Cootact """•• esi, $2.$0. MUlllcal ro c It e r S Seti oC twtJI mattresees Ialaleat Sl, i o&d wooden ..,c. Al'1o

1-;: .. D«:.otat« '"""' .........,.... A-40 Engine and 4 sl)(' k.or-.: 847-3006. Newport Harbor Yacht Qub

bardWDod $2. B • t broom ad '- .-, IXC!tllent wawr pipel Sl. •JS: :: ~ _, 2 • LARGE eold Jellf ~e transmi&alofl s:ri. Autlin ~ SALE: 36" stove, rood Ct .EAN wtndowa, tloon. C&J1I 720 w. Ba.y Ave. OR 3-rn.l 9(9)" n. 2 tr*1 ..alk Rt1 ccn't!oo la set.~ 10.J(M()R.E Wuber, iood W:n:pw SZJ. 4 p&.tr new frame $10. Spare btodi ~nd conditioo, ns. 61;>-4ll0 ~c : l'tomet A offices. Reu. R~ AVAIL.UIL& $1 eKb. J'WIUis reel end ~ ,._. A coe4itklD $2$. Nl tdA! T roRMJCA counter b Mldtnc doors $15. Walnut ~ssc:t!! s;;~ Twowh;;_ls $20~ 1 PAIR White gtrls ft~ 11>e BrWhtu Side SU--4134 tn lhw, 2:51 ,.. $2. Las w--n. 25 Y'OI S5 S69IO:Z -·~ ..__ ••• ...a clud!ftc lar&e double link. arm dWr S20. Genuine an- .. dr 11 ntrol n :::tei., SS. 1 -·•r IUJl.lque p ,.,..__. Wemnln.ttr fDr boJa. J0.14 ~ l '° ~". 30 "! lllA~ - pqpe. ~lut ~ST.iiSi l1lce MW 125. Modem pot. tique butttt churner 125. TV ::_. w~5 •'o.i n:.'!e c ~anl8h satin dr811>Cs . .. penitm- •kttlM•,.•"I Good Pro6ta • No SuDdq Sl. Bollt ~ ~e. "" I ....ts o¥, Ill o t b er CanliMlr™. c .M. ~ lf17 di~ lttYlll 12• sg, or aervlce cart $8. Elllcll'IO walnut 13bl,.s $1.i "8ch Slat mon. 144'' x 9'l". $25. ,. tl'ftt "50 Delfvtry 64.l-4321

~ 21' ~. ~',~: ~ lltller 0 !!!.!! BABY Crib md mattr9I:: =~·= ~ ~ :Tt:e :i;::~-:z.:s ~j ~~ .,::~ $11~~:;atlt.~i ~l~lll~ and lkirt ·~~ 1;:~~0:.~ J~~ ~ ::. -:: ~ B.B. &apL ' .... .,,.......

2 lamp• ~ eeeb. mets (I) "8dl Alunmum m.Q3lM It '-101 Salldburs Pbono AM Jt"'M s 2 s . WESTINGHOUSE ste am S.uaaabl. rates 646-301l Balboe. It.alt« ScMco.

8XiN MiRJS ,_. '..,._., Oolll, ...... Jr. fll'lnUI SS. "'° pictUtt ........ 4• x T' with Way, Vll111tt 11. Unlvl!l"llty Bedroom fumiturt. blur l.ron ss. GE .,_tt> $3, blue - - 3644 Bevtl'ly Blvd., LOI Dtc1dc _,.. "'° ~ IOmt IJ'IOUI' D1mtV 11t wttl\ llCJ"etl"I SlS. Td llfnoallan Patk at ff"inr t.cqucr sz, Mf'tal boo1c baby lull!P S3 lnfaot Mat S. Pu•r Ptlnh Anlfles, Cal- ns: 381-131'1 c. .. ......_ $'J0. IM- D001ILE 81111 • ..S one 1'fl&T 4 dMdr9 '2$. -4 bar ltooll ""* cue Ila ...., ao. CRASH Mltnel wttb YIM' caM ss. 2 bedroom dre&am S.t car ·bed ' $3 '44-lte6 * Wallpa~r * nBERG~ .t ~ .. PJ . ............ ~ Sit. hi ... mettn:a S.S. Small nitlo $&. ~ mtlflttrl (lftWI 11'el ... vone, WI S3 "°'· 2 ,...,,,. 1amJ>I' l~luU NB) M_f w. l9lh SL, C.M. TratoeM. 01)' "' 1'41ht

2 w .. 1 am. ...... $15. ~ m.31111 •« ..... £. m. 50- ott, nearl.Y 11('1' ... N4!9CO SU. ~. bkJnd round rol· HAND Toob 2$1- to 11 and INTER or Ext. PATNTrNG. &hit. Am M9C ~ .---. iiilld""°1 o I ~ Ntw t1•tlUoo. ILECJ'IUC H a r t11 e a re 3114 l'lec:tric tOA.11ter IS. W.-U. lte ab!Cl $l. 2 Oy mdl! fi.ko 1 ~\all tic. H)'draulk: O<M £1). SERVICE. Local y icllt MIS &bcoct. 0.. ~ aU w i 11. ua ._. ~ ~ fllit· _.... ,._1 bolCa i.11 SM AL&. a" 11 • • c es ~ automatic. '°P &o-4 aad rttla $.l. both,~ MU Jacki t2. ~ r rtl. FREE est. :5el627 _:.ta;:_l\l..;.ea ......... ~~...,...~:--lh a 1tU1 I .. tio.. ~ dlt J.a dlt. 0.&. tfml'r, pttOlialllr, ..,,...,. iaeacer, ru. 6n-~ Cf{AlR Bftt ml CIJ"/tl DI. x 14' $3. Dltbel 101Dt MW VETS ac.df'd m:IJVEllY noct Drtwr IA 7 e ·-- 2 ...... .-¢'Dllr cood J HO ckd dlMrs (,!!pot) t.a&er 11 eaS. MICO SURl'BOARD 9' r, Miii· BrU and .ilowdl lftOYie 10c to SJc. Boob 5c. 1* °' Ex'f.10 yra b1 a~a SUD or. JGm1 ~

111CMD,.. .... ~ ti p • ta. _.,, TwfD D1:11 znt _.. .... ~pl _.. -. S8i ,... 'bin ao. "°"" rider, aood cmdtrtan (afllfl'A Pl. UiM ._ ~. Bookc-."'Sl New Mtrtc! a.a, ~ EM. 6C7-ou7 ~ $41-?MI -- --- - ~ ......... -~ .......... ' a - ........... - ~ m. ... .... lld ... boJI 12:1. Maple caffte ... ..... Yan1t)r ttool SS. Bhae ~ ou\1.ft boKn &. Ntw ~ w .. ~n IUS IOYS ; a:-;._ ""it,• a ;'" ;.-o.;w, 11

1'• o1 ... - s~ SJ,&.51 • -. w.. ..W.. bodl tur s1a. MM:lff dtttl, It• 1'- 15. Matdllnl Po' atttnp Ile to lOc.. "'* 6NO A,..• w rM , * lilt & N8 tw'll WDm .... ...... _... ... CWtRAR0 t II rat a• t e ~ 1\\8 SS. 2 21l · 8 I'm pJbt butw U1* ud OVE1l U ....

W...,... ..... lDda -·~- <l.Da. ~ .... ~ • ili&W ltllllll~ wftlau_4 ~ ''·• • · ~ta'm. CM~ ~~~~~ ~.-!!~rovwnm~ 1--. u,.fiiht•• _.,.tit a a... ... CXlVCJI. Good e• - - -~ ..... ........,. 1,..., RCA e RPM tu1..s.", • iiii<:E{°&oy•a " "• alrl'• 24" - _. ·-... ...., .,_ ''"" ~·... vn.n ... ,...... • • pm .. JD1...., All9 .... e-, dlalr $15. .... --.....___""""' --- ........ $S..... . ~..eta. W.a& JO to.. Dlile ~ .. Ott.. m-m - er .. Drtw • ......,; llMID ~ ait ... ...- 1'r . ...... - - ' 1 • t

I> t'



. . .. . ...

Zi DAll't Pf\.OT Saturdly, F'ttwv.lry 24, 1968

NT .IOIS a EMPLOYMENT .K*S A IM'LOYMIHT J0aS & IMPlOYMIN'f JOU•~ .wa·==--··~; r111CHAlia11I,. w~a•z&a,. HelpW... , ... 1W Jig) ~--;2;ftADI ~ t<' _ IAl.IAlm~

w- 7• · 1*--n . , 7a ,.,:Iii • ,,..._ .. 'l"- !!P!f!f.11•! 11•

Senior fAechanical


DUmMAll llect,..Mechanlcal

Cemetery Counseling

Mill Operators

• leypnd Operllor

• .P1cbsi11 CAICELLEI ~~ Spea

.llid "-•-",Y! llf 0.:1 ft••· •• a.p • w % ••a 5

Designer life support equip­ment for commercial, u nderaH and military •ppllcatlons. Must be fa mlllar with mll atan· dard s, d rafti ng prac:· tices, and wllllng to a ... sum• responslbllity for various ph•M• of p rojects.

App ly In person or .. nd resume to Per· aonnel Department.

U.S. Divers r mpany

~ed In cocistruc­tlon and llnlshing of cat>­lnetry and panela tor ln­tm or of one-of-a-kind yachts. Pl'l'V1ous exptti­ence with aome fibreglass useful. Send letttr or re-111me to Box M 38 Daily Pi.lot An equal opportunity


..., INSPECTOR Precision Gears

Ma.chine shop. Experienced only. Pmnanent. Outstand­lni wages and fringe bene­tiu for qualifled depend­able person. Cllll or awly

Pickup Precision Gear 1926 Placentia Ave.

Costa Mesa 548-2225 or 54~UJ.q An equal opportunity


Must b&ve • t lebt three or foor y.ars t"P'rl"'" In llChtmatl:T' dwala ley­out, and printed circ."Ult board drafting.

EJcr.ellent chance for all· vancement w I t h leadina manufacturer of profess­ional audio «'qu1pment ror the recording and broad­CMtil\i industry

Salary rommrnc;untr with experience and qual1hca· lions

Evenmit ;ind Saturday 1n­ttrv1ews may be arTangcd by calling·

LANGEVIN OiviSJon of Sdenlltic

lndu~IMt'S. Inc.

Beautiful P a c i f i c View Memorial Pork is located on the hill· side overlooki,,g the Newport Bay oreo.

C e m e t e r y lots, crypts ond nitches. Before n e e d pur­chase plan.

Miilf luve at lead ...,_ ye•r~ recent ....... .., experience on multt ·. spindle m• chine.


1166 Whittler Ave. Costa Mesa


An equal opportw)JI:)' employer

BOY, 15, wants trumpet lesions; needs ttacher In Hunt. Harbour area 847-7496

AgencMs, Women 1300 .

• Tedlllcal Typist

• Secrellrles 4 yean Experience. Sbort­hand 80, type so.

• Enaineerina Records Tech

Knowled&e ol Film procea­lllg mk:roalm and printer. Any lbitt.

• Cleft Typists ~ w.p.m.

U.S. Diven Company

3323 W. Warner Santa Ana

An equal opportunity employer

.......... .. ............... , s,.u.h ._..... .... & cmdl.liclll . ... srtddle -...,

• • ...,..... dtu - • r&ar. WAS OIUG. $1 ... • HO'l'POJNT db. a 11 t • •

MUST IAClfPICI ~ 5 ,_. .... ,_. sas.oo codttco. a 5*3lrJ

.l'l'Dll .u n:u.ows: 1110 GorpotJa • ft. 8puUib .. Anti ....

and Ma tchhl Chair. - - ---- ---• C\lltom • u JI te cl wtth UNIQUE Idea sift to t carved wood trtm. a 10 1t. motl'e'! en., a cna-m SeYDle CarYed velvet mta. TCft wocdd lo9'e It. AN­beavy Dark aak end table8 TIQUE ~ tMpat and matdllrlc codlta11 ta- ~ aDNA. lS1 Solid said hie. I P\ece K1nl alze Med- pocket ~ n.,, ez.. iterTane&D oak pueDed quislte wbtt. Pd aMsra mite wi:tb bl11 ti n w I d ta a o n d 1 Kina me box IPriQP Is A p ot b ec a r1 Jau . mattresa. Lar&e* d• ORIGINAL .. 8Cl'9ID 11iJ COit dinJ.11& room. Gold Jee.I CAN'iON. ~ 1.-. arts Spenlsb table lamPL liq- a cnlb.. ~1951 1111 awa1 lamps, etc., etc. 90ME'l1IINC ft&B:1Meeut Eadl si'ece can be ~ FOR HDIT Aa Q4U11ite ed tndlviduallY. wood cantDc tar ll 1 a

Tmm available YACJm By ~ mo. Newcomers to Calif. er a R:ARE CX1UJCIQRI

Credit approved immediateq item, elepbat tar W. DENT R & D FURNITURE Want to ~ m AK-

3323 W. Wamer Santa Ana

1801 E. Carnegie Ave. S1nt1 Ana 546-8830

An equ11l opportunity employer

A f ost growing com­pany with complete s e r v i c e f ocilities. Mortuary. Chapel, Mausoleum and Cre· motory oll within the cemetery.

newport personnel

.... agency Apply Pat Folsom


IN THE WAREHOUSE TI.QUE HWtfts m ach i n e -=~~----- 1144 NEWPORT BLVD. cabinet ot UllUloa1 cte.isn FULL Cbarie bookkttptr; COST A MESA for that stereo ~r A

An tqual opporturulY employtr


8-U and 3-5


Jmmrd. Perm openings lor:

Profeuional Service for th• employer •nd th• a pplicant

heavy exper., mutt be ablle Every nltht 'til 9 real convena~ ~ <• to go thru PAL ' Balance S t & $ 'tll 6 praised). rJS.1§1 aheet. Opportunity tor ad· a un LARGE oatdoor antique 11p vancement. ~ or 5.16- with la.rp wqon wbeel. 3793 NEW Sloo. ~

Shipping­Warehouse Manager


• Draftsman • Youth Center

Coordln•tor e Ground1m1n­


We wont two emo­tionally mature men. No experience ne· cessory because of o u r professional training. Do not poss up this opportunity.

133 Dover Or ., N.B. 642-3170 549-2743


19700 JamborM Rd. Newport Beach

e BE A FUU.ERE'ITE e $2 HR. GUARANI'EE! Local area. 893-1992 ~

Auction SchHule - - ----• Sunday, February 25th Sewint ~lnee 1120

10 A.M. SINGER 'l'OUOI Is SEW Mi1e. Bricebnc Sewtna machine. Tab flflf!r

• Park Malnt Ma n For full intonnation on these outstanding opportun­ities contact

Phone 6'2-159' Danell Ward

..., amvustS IDJll1'1ffL Mlllf!I ---.-·- ­... ,.. .. "**'

All appllcationa r'l!Yiewed Jobt--Men, Wom. 7500 on merit with no blu ti>

11 A.M. 1mall payment. ar .-..10 New A Used ApplianoN er..dl. O'edit Dept. 5.15-Tlll9,

fast 9rowlnt manu­fadurer requlr" e x· perienced manager who Is an expert In hlth volume shipping and warehousing. Send r"ume or apply Personnel Offi ce.

Cook-Pantryman Expetienced. Days.

Good working conditions. Apply in person

Stuft Shirt Rest. nu w. COEUt Hwy .. N.B.

SalHrMn & Man•gen

Personnel Offic• 3300 Newport Blvd.

Newport Beach


Vice President and Director of Soles

Phone TODAY for an appointment tor a more

REW ARD ING FU'MJRE. 642-9080 for • ppolnt. .

SCREENED SERVlCE STATION • Managers c., .. ,. for Secys. & • Aulatant M•nagera Bkprs. In Orange County

ward Race, Color, Creed or Se:it.

Plff Time TEWR

Automatic Sendlnt & bcelvint Teletype

Operator E:itperienced, preferably tn stock br'olrqe. Startinl aal­ary $450. a month. WU1 i-Y more dependinc on expert. ence. Contact MRS. .KJR. NER, GOODBODY ' CO., 494-8003.

U A.M. Anabe:im. New .l Used FUmi~ ..,.PRIV---A-TE-..,-- party---wan-..,la-tlD-0VER IOO ITEMS sell near n.ew SIJ:WI!'!' Zls-




1080'l Beach mvd .. Stanton 100% P'INANCING · I ltriDc (1 blk oonti ot Katella) Martin Classic r u 1 t a r

Gus Antlin, AuctiorMer " I cue. $175. Fe oder OPEN DAIL y 9-5 Mustang w I cue, tender

U.S. Divers Company

Career opporty with leadJna tirm offering over 100 mu­tual funds. Full or pt time. No exper oec. we train.

Owr 18 years old. Union acale; meala, ho!!pital in~ur.

le den tistry. 4 to 12 Mid· night; also midnight to 8 A.M. avail. Apply in person. Howard's Restaurant. 4001 W. Coast Hiwny, NB.

• Attendants 642-7484 546-6020 e T rain .. s Screened Penonnel Agency

Ex perience necessary

Apply In person for Sales l lnspeciion amp w I r e v e r b. $275.

CENSUS ENUMERATORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! compl. New 48 bua a<>

s,..75 per hr .. 6 hrs. per d&y, MODEL SHOWROOM ..=ard==ion=$49=.:::::833-0035====

3323 W. Warner Santa Ana

An equal opportunity employer

Machine Maintenance Five ye1rs experience In rebvlldlnt and m alntafn lnt mach ine ahop equipment. Some knowled,. of tape controlled equipment ct..l rable.


1166 Whittler Ave. Costa Men


An equal opportunity employer


18 o r Older DAY SHIFT


REUBEN E. {EE 151 E. Coast Hlg~y

Newport Beech



Npt Bch attice. 642-6422 Santa Ana oUice, 547-8331

lnveston Financial Services, Inc.

- -ELECTRONICS Tape drlll operatoc I: programmer • printed cir­cuit boards.

Marosi Company 1530 E. F.clinger Ave.

Suite 6 Santa Ana n ~ - 541-0269

PART TIME EVE Distributor toe West Coast mfg. co. raw traJ.n. eu foc ules A ae.rv\ce.

$70 Per Wee\

General Machinist Mill & Lathe

Transicom Corp. 851 W. 18th St .. Co8tll Mesa

642-9000 ~-~ ~--


Oee.n lhop. Plenty of wolic. Good workln1 condlt1ons. 234 East 17th, Costa Mesa.

The Wesu largest indepen· 901 Dover Dr .. Newport Bch. dent oil company bas im· mediate openings in the Or- Hein Wanted, ange County area. Quick ad- Women vancement for responsible. ------- -­


hard working men interest­f({ In a career in the indust­ry.


Call Mr. DowO.U 21 3-944-6111

Powerin• Oil Co. \ 2354 Lakel•nd Rd.

Santa Fe Sprint•

Receptionist Type 60 w.p.m. Good skills. Front office posl· tion. Exce-ptional growth opportunity:


Willilm Pereira & Associlfes

MARINERS Savings & loan 1515 W"tcliff Dr.

Newport Beach


Good Opportunity


6 p.m. to 10: 30 p.m. call 547·7783 for interview. CHOPPER GUN OPERA T­



MacArthur & Ford Rd. Snack Shop No. 1 Corona del Mar 2305 E. Cont Hwy. 2 CARPENTERS; 1 Hard·

ware man; Chopper G u n Operators; nbregtass roll­er men. EXPER. ONLY. 3't\ ING &'HIFT.

O>lumbia Yacht Corp. 715 McCormick Ave., CM

SALES CLERK Part-tlrne, eves. Apply Mon. 6 • 9 PM, The Tobacconist Inc .. 55 Huntington Center,

Huntington Beach

SeTV Station needs man w/ exper. Penn. Union Oil, 39.1 E. 17th St .. CM



DAILY PILOT • 64M32l •

JF:WELER: manufacturing exper. only; quality repair setting: fine retail store; perm., top wages & bf'oefits.

Electrical and mechani­cal Inspection. Supervlaor potential. Experienced only.

LANGEVIN Division of Scientific

Industries, Inc. 1801 E. Carnecie Ave.

Santa Ana 54&-8830 Equal opportunity employer


Immed perm openlngs for : • Accounting Clerk •. • Dn ftsman • Youth Center

Coordinator For full information on theSt' outstanding opportl.ll'l­iti~s contact:

Pe rsonnel Office 3300 l\lewport Blvd.

Newport Beech

roR ~s~~B~ING eovs 10 . 14 MACHINIST Aftemoorui I: evenings only Good routee l • Good profit! EllCjine Lathe COUPLE WANTS ..• Ex·

Call 548-9347 BALBOA PENINSULA Mln1m ~ril'nced hou.~keeper·coc* . DAILY PILOT um 5 yean expen- Uvt>-in; summen in Idaho;

STUDENT. for garden work. e 642-uD e ence. Company benefits in- winte~. Newport Beach. pnv. home: ambitious & CARPET a a I e i. m a n-. VC· cludin& paid life and med- Pn b • th colored hono bl Bo •--1 1"~'"""""', bonus plan v. room. • ra e. x M-34 Daily ""' .. ~~ ... ~~ 1V st drtv Und 60 Pilot perienced retail s tore, some and overtime. Apply or call ; mu e. "° · Salary open. References.

SALES. tulJ or part time. outside. Excellent new Troy Engraving Co. 54.IH08.1

C pl store. tnn nav for rlf .,.,.,., S Pullman St - ------om etely new item. no """ ,,..., ,..,...,, · · - Grneral Office Clerk

titio , 847 man 892.-4441. Mr. Fortun Santa Ana 546-8565 compe n. ·8526 - - Some knowledi!e or lr8lnlng

Waiter, Spanish-Mexican PAk.KlNG attendantfl. 17 or - ==--=-----1 in bookkeeping. Able to t"ood. Must be 21. Call over. Students preferTed. Ap. 2 SERVICE Station At· I)~. Orange County area.

Mr. Wood ...•. . 494-9358 pl) In person after 6 PM. tendanta needed ; must be ~tart S350. Call Mrs. Brunn Se" parking attendant at exper. Al's Mobil 54-rvice, (213 4'"' ""26

While ele,.,.""ts'! Dime.a-line R '- E 1 4

""""' -===~=='=-:::.::-~=~=u""=n =·=Le=e.==.::N:::B:::. =;:;;.!..::~:=·;;W;;;;;;;:ar;::n:;:er::::A:::v~e:;.,;:;;l::;l.B:::·= WAITRESSE.5 _ Comb Food Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help Wanted, Men 7200Help W•nted, Men 7200 & Cix:ktall. Mandy's Co!fee

Shop. St-vi shltll avail. 970

S©\\JU}A-l££trs Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for 11 Chuckle

0 l!eorronge the 6 x:rornbled worcb below lo rnolra 6

llrnple word" Print lattars of .ach Ill its line of JQuores.

N. Tustin, Orange. Mr. Johnson aft 4.

SHA~1POO GffiL Calli. Cotl­rrt'tolozy Uc. required. Nitl' worldn1 conditions. No. Ht,.! . &h. Call 847~.

• I:: X P R. ANSWERING SERVICE 0 P ER AT 0 R Aftrmoon A evening shift. Full or part Ume. 54().1932

COCKr AIL WAITRESS Halo Room. Nl&flt lhift. 970 N. Tustin. Orana1. Mr. Johnson alt 4. ---- --

BAR.,lAIO I DanCft' wtd.

Corona del Mar

e SECRET ARY required for Co n t r a ct Adminl.stration Department. Minimum 2 years experience in O>n­tract Administration. 8 0 wpm Typing, Ml w p m shorthand. Used to typing technical data. Call 642-2400, or eves. 546--0319, ask for Jim Hyams. S e r v o n i c Instruments. Inc. 1644 Whit­tier Ave., Costa Mesa. An equal opportunity employer

Secretarial Po.ltlon School District Administra­

tion office. Shorthand I& typ. In& experience ttqUired. Sal­ary $444-$SSO. mo. Apply lm­memately Huntington 8eacb Union High School Dt.strlct, PeMIOMel Ottke. Tel. No. ~9331

WANTED lmmediately and de~ntel:y an exper pianist to accompany the Harbor

Women'• Chorale, a •-omen's chorus. Each Tues. from 9:30 AM·ll : 30 AM. Baby lit­~ provided. Unaible to pay but the compe.ny \s great! Call director, Mrs. Terry Danne 962·2060.

PBX. Operator Answerin«J Service

Experienced preferred Minimum age 25.

OR 3-1166

BARMAIDS ••• • •• onct 50-GO

DAHCIU $300,., .... m.5'11 or 133-9763

Mini skh1. 1bp 9 a Y • · SARONG, COit.a Me.a ~ ms PAIT 1141 WOii

IUOLAI I .' I I I I r . I ~A D fl l • 1 Clvo•heo•d In o flow., gar·

I I I' !' I ct.~rdener: "Thia Is o tobo<;. <X> plont in full bloom, mod-

15 r r i: L I I ;~~t~~~

TRAINEE • for cutllni ot Boat cuabJon& • ~ tn CALL TODAY! I! Aft& ~non • J~ ' otre.n )'00 NI e.xceDlllt Ouisttlllell El W. lllb NB eamtns opportUDftJ. cau

collect 531).SB

~'t,.. ...... ... ~ITCIN 12--?"

I I I I I I~~=~~~~~~~ • lMf ...... ~ ,._. « W..U. WALKER la LEE 1- D Rarbor Bhd. ~

- ~ISHWASHIR -0vvt 40. A~• call

MM8 ·-: rtcW1*t Bed ,.... Qjb

' . - EMMllr, " .... ..

• • • • • Voll 0....1(19 lrom np No. 3 btlow.

! ~=· r r r r r r r 1· r r 1 ! 5- I I I I I I Fl, I I I I ·-"" .......... ,~ .... SCAl..a.ETS ANSWERS IN DIME.-A-UNE

at least 18 yra ol age, U.S. FURNITURE citizen. Good physical con- Wh P ianos & Organs 1130 dltlon. Apply City Hall, Y RENT • • • 14381 Olive St., Westmln- IUY for less'! ater, Cal. Work will betlin . • Ml&l'Ch 1. n4: 893-4511 5 Pc Spanish dining rm

EXPP'IENCED $99.~. bexaeon table. black " iron. Uving rm·Mediten-an-

RHI Eatate Salesman ean with wood caned arms needed !choice of color A: fabric!

PRIME LOCATION $:229.$ . 5 Pc SJ*liah bed-R. C. GREER, Realty room aet, authentic Me<Ji.

341& Via Lido ~ tetTanean design l1.7'9.$ . 3 BEAt.mCIANS Male 0 r Rooms for LESS THAN $3.$ Female. Mature all~ound A WEEK! - bank terms. exper individual. New plullh Approved Furniture shop acroa f rom new Sr. 2159 Harbor Bl, CM 548-9660 Ctlufta Home. 655 W. 19th Open Dally •9, Sua. 10-5 St., CM. 642-7m Alt less than 1f2

CHEF'S Inn R.eataurant 3201 of O rig. Cost.

INVENTORY SALE ALL NEW, USED, RENTAL return pianoll A: organs .l noor models are beins cfi&. counted at GREAT SAV· INGS! Wurlitzer • Knabe -Wi.nter - Fischntt ·Steinway • Hardman • Miller. s~ pianos from $499. Grand pi­anos from $849. Ubenl fi. nandng up to 60 months.

Wallich'..Mannlng's MUSIC CITY 3400 So. B1'llml So. Cout Plaza


E. Coalt Hwy, CdM b a• Almoct new 42" dtning table optnlnp for: WaJters, wait- dlairs, walnut coffee table: BIRTHDAY SALEI reHts, Ir Bl.llboys. Gonlact Ex·long twin beds. TV Coo- Yes. Feb. ii our Birthday mgr aft 4 pm ~70 IOle. 499-1989 Month. But don' t brine Jll'ffo'

enla - we are celebrat:lnK STATIONERY help, draw ·ROUND O[NJNG TABLE by giving YOU a prnent of 30% of gross profit. ~gm. aollJ mehogany 5' drcl~ discounts up to~% on IOtne live, aro1'tng, established without leaves, has 3 extra models of Baldwin mdae. oftlce 111pply firm. Write leaves. aacriflce. The best deels In the West Box M35 Dally Pilot. 494-3248 eves .l weekends. are always at

BEAUTY OPERATORS: MEDITERRANEAN Dining WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Space for lease tn attractive room set 6 chain and 1801 Newport. CM 642-3484 shop in Newport Be&ch. 67> Credenu xlnt cond also TAX CLEARANCE 3385 marble coffee table' with Slightly used Danish Walnut

Wanted: Housekeeper w-car wrought iron 642-9482 conaole $495. Uaed orpm For elder))' lady. Un In. SWEDISH Frplc, $ 12 5 . .trom $395. New Hammond

No smoke er drlrik. Rep))' Spanlab ttyle batch cover Organ ~. Good aaed &ic 165, Laauna Beach coffee tab!., $85. 675-5453, grands from $795.

m..«im SCHMIDT-PHILLIPS CO. Schooll-lnstructlon 7600 CUSTOM L-lhaped bar. T m7 N. Main O 20th st.

LeDOnl In long, new $200. Matching Santa Ana DANCING & FENCING JUaency dlaira. t u f t e d CABLE piano, 48" Qpriatlt. fitvre Control & fun avoeMto. sso. each. 847.s.9 xlnt cooditioo. Painted ftn.

with the ''UNIQUE" method I!' CUSTOM made couch, tsb. $250. Aho O:>mpl boua&­CaU for a.ppoint. on frft persimmon, Must SAC! Also bold fu.rnilhinp. Need CUb! dance anal)'1i.l-or brochure 9-draJer droser. 543-lm! _675-0372_.,.-___ __ _

by mail. NEW 8' pd ' honey beige B3 Ramond Oqu UNIQUE STUDIOS acotch suard coudl on ca5' witb Leslie apeaken 1885 Parlt, Cblta Mesa ton '65· 548-4Q'l9. Excel cond. ~

646-5066 Eves 962-5935 3 PC. SectlOnal coudi 14• Ask far BID. e KEYPUNCH e 8foiie· $100. WlU Deliver SEARS Organ, 2 k~.

CINHS start Feb. l6 at • S48-7440 e=. f:1~ ~ :i~ POLLY PRIESl'. Tw o EARLY Amer; Otannel-blt --------­daises dally.a:~. 1 : 3 0 · 5' llC)fa, 1 awlvel roclcu, MAnrusHEK Upright Piano 7:00. Individual in· 1 club chr, xlnt. ~3957 For s.te $1.5C). &e aame atruetion. Polly p r I e 1 t at 2437 None Aw., CM. B\l.llneu CollfP, 325 N. G1rege Sale I022 HAMMOND, Walnut. Serles Newport Blvd., Newport CONTINENTAL 85 ircratt LlOO model 1.112; cost $1155, Beadl. 548-9723 ,..,, VW I aM . Uled 6 moe., $895 566411 enr. - e n . oma

HAREM Dances It YOGA tMta (tan) , Corvair t1re1 It LOWREY Holida1. ma1* ClUN9 b)t Adnan Sarban of wbeell, 11t1.all wtii. A ttres, spinet. Xlnt cond. Bat oiler Ba&hdad. Accepted au~ cuh repter, key machlnt over $415. 5*1025 ft1 of Wddle East culture. t bla.oll., Royal E2ectroa

l200 At Buie Rbythm Studio, !m ~writer, Victor elec- ldd- Redio W. 19th St, CM. For tnfo ~ m9Cb. Heathkit CB n- - --------• call momlnp 131-lMI or dlo, fhaart1eent It ~ llsht C9 2-~ ndio, ~ antt. 54IC4I ans P.M. nxn.n.. Loedl <:l Mlle. w I + 2 mike, and band

WEST Co a 1ry . ...- m w. 19th _mlft _ _,· 96U!n5 ____ _ ~ St C.M. (Set It Sun) 2 CB RADIOS

~ • ....,_ Sc:booll ,.,.,, .. SUI>ING , .. dr, $50. mobile • bolJ9e mt a. Mallll St.. Santa Am Kltcll bood •mt. new, sis. 2 mttnD&L * ~

M-Tlll :be'I" tour ralaed panel tmr GvdPn Cl"Uft a , oo door, • · rr· Holly sr.. TeJerilioR l205

SS7-7111 "- Small COOQIC'emot. S20- - --- ----Hl_lmtlnlt-_ -._ -..;;..•_- _ Bncb ___ n_ __ .u.orted kloll rr· Ramee IBIT A ft ANNA·s Pn • Sc bo ol It IUrftlrd. • Meorted tq · Kinderprten. L 1 c e D a • d Mea'a illlrta. 112 • Nth St., ,,.. ftB ty cart, tun ltamtnc tor 1flC KB. ~73. Sat a SUD. \.UUlll dllldren. mo Tbm1n, CM. 5CM AVOCADO A-.. Cdld -.1... 1'oall • GatdtJt • Band $t MO. ~Tour home. .Fural"1rW, 1?ub A~. Ut1her1lh ..,_., KltdMm-wve·~ ~ E m pb9aia °"'"'1111dobal attrnp. Valw.t.. naJJa. Spanbb. 9'2-4124 Mr. Lopn RUMMAGE SALE •t Sdl1 ProtllemtT PY\ bMlrdll, ..>11 W. 11w It. lbdlv atto. Small ~ Calta Maa ~Ward Pnp. 54t.oGO ,..._ '4 Ct to • :JO) un:mlE GI.ft • Cldlcaat 10 lpcmor Beta Sima Pbt ._ T)pUls ldlocll 113 Del QAr ACE We S&t., lllll. M Illar, Ol WWB ~Wed. • Gii ll, l'fB. MallO Mt.kl HelltDCDptW """ T..... clld.....W, IDIQlll, crlll A

1..ow ..._ y.,., 5111..- matt.. -. twattun a MllCHAM>tSI '°* ~ podld!

SALi ANO TUDI 1!°:..!.!:19 ~-=t~ ~ , ...... - ~ llcpltllle, c ...

~!tdlilail. - «114; -· SA.I.£ ................ ._...,_..HB ,._ed.,.~ . ~ - ···-

Rent cu appa, to purdliue Free dPlnery • me s..tce

HO ~l'OSfT

5Jt.'5Jt 193 .. 1131


<XlLOlt TV • UNI' • LEAD: PUBCRASJ:. m lllodtta. $T per mo. ,.,... La Vtpe Ya.calm to Mdl ealtomet. l"r9t l>IUYtrJ'. lJ!llltal.Ladm • Oial' Aatcn.

... Free • - llr'lb. World oi Qa • Call eDDect Zll: a11.f1UJ ....


. 1-I" .. ... 1-. .~



.. I ..

i i I 1·

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... _ _, - ·-- .... -- , ... .. ·- . - . _..... . , , "" ..... ~ .. ~ ~


·~·--~_, .. _._._....,. ......... __ ............ ' ..... --------~--- M9terqdee noo 9520 Import.ct Aut.. MOO 1.._..1_. ~ MOO LOCAL NEWPOR.T BOATS 2 MOTOlCYCLIS _OPIN..._~_R_O_A_D ____ M_G __ _.....,_Y;.....O_Ll_SW....;.;.....;;A_&_E.;..;;;N..;;.; ------- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

Rmft A Nnf COlOlt TV

$12 MONTH Opt. '° blq. ~ ~. i)ft ~· Mo Upoala.


CXLORUJm TV 0,.. T d79

U ' ODMallla ' 'U" + ttll' $115 1·'ff,8ulwl>, LoMtolOOCC NOW OFFERS '63 VOLVO ;:'.~.a!. a:: ~ fo_r daert radna· DIRICT FACTORY '67 MGB CT. Brililb rac i-------.. P1800 COUPI ,,,., occ ,__en.. ·- PRICES rm. chtm wire wbl.a, C~) 1967 V•wagen n. """ ........ _ .. th .... _ .. ~ ..... _ ..... ...... .,...,.,.,, 1 • •gs IO cc Dirt $~. 9G2-6127 ....:t.Uww axttc """ .... ~ M' nilco ny., $6!iOO Bl.kt '8 FAN'USTIC MODELS $ 16ff blade leatbt!r Interior. FWly a'~- '9eded 8m0. : ~~omea equipped Incl~ Radio 4'r Dll.Mel ..... 1, bow Boda for ~.oo • SdC Contained __ ,_OR __ s_c_H_ E __ !c~·:O ~~~ and overdrive. 'MUs la a ttal

Is ltcna pul.pJt, We l.lnff, Sf5.ll40 : Teleec:oP1c shield Wub pert0nalbed arand tourll\¥ S to S I R.OF ts D.F. A talt, J•...... Boot Thrus pMrCH£ tn. i u 11 Vinyl niach.lne. AM • FM Radio.

-..., Ca UIU Interior, Outside Mt r r or, NUed mdaJnl bost. S2t,500 tloflda llo. P eanut tank. : ~lt ~~uni.a Heater, Oetrosttt. u weJJ Two to cboote trorn • • Ont


TOP c..... & !1ulp. .. l'lEW Mlruda 1tn101U 50 mm I' 1.t ..a.e, cmt $250, ~ATl'ENTl~~~ON!l!llll!IDOCTOl!ll-RS!!!!!!!!!!! SAC $115. Le1ca SF 50 .,vim K\lrtm

FIUTZ a AVERY D'TRA cbromt. Take ovet Walk Th '67 912 • 4 speed a; cleanup and delJvery. year warrenty.

~ ~~~ Pa.ymeotr. W-185.1 : ' 6 Sl~">C~ '67 912 • 5 speed $182 full Dn. Payment ELMORE Camper Special Trucks '.: ~vttti~ lnclud• Ta• & Lie.


~ F 115, '8S- tntr.. 2 .~~ blitz Coronet 150, Sticsve • an..,.- P - ....... ~ 7'xl2' PLEASURE raft. Dtck Trallor. Travel 9425 J'ORD • CHEV'i ... 9 C"'~pepe •• Y-"ow $55.24 mo. bank flnan. attaches to 2 poal'oonl, ran. DODGE • CMC ., .... ""

MCYrORS 9625 Garden Grove Blvd.

Any Make or MMtl. CON NILL

CHEVROUT 2121 Hart.or llvd.

Metz mecabJJts, b a t t e r 1 Scopes, ephipwnanmetera ...,.. - Waltlng room fUrnitw-..

lap ts place tor mtr. Ml&lt 1963 Anstocnt ~Liner cu $2590 '59 Coupe • SUver Ask about our aac . .lncompt. iss., ~ refrir, twin bottles, new '59 Coupe - Rusty Red SW Dn • 36 mo @ $40.99+

Carden Grove JE 7-6639 .-ck. strobe. -- ru. cab. 8ovM llectro

,..., CENTURY Sa"'- 11• ,.,_ tires, a id e room. ~L ~ 1 final payment for title. '68 VOLVO ..... ~''""*'_,.

OIL palntiftl. lht b7 O.Yla lll! .. Otbet' oil paint. lllga s:1C1 nieL small C!lllft8. form tablet, llPPC'OJ JOOO BC. $35. Ile¥• andtllt colna, Carthap and Rome, dated between 300 BC and 400 AD. Lot $100. Bax M31, l'ally Pilot.


673-2794/Ba.2231 CH.B.) Llml~ed offer, limited time. Cboose from our vast selec­tion of fabric! SA VE 50" oo Labor O\g.

Free, p!ockup, dellv,

*AUCTION* U )QI will ae1l or bu)r

rtve1 Wlncl)' a try Auctiocla Friday 1 p.m.

Windy's Auction B.m Behllld ToriY• Bldz. Mat'l 2075~ Newport, CM 646-8686

SS CASH$$ We pa.y caah tor: I J'urniture I A119llancea I Antiques I Tool.a


Call 547-'7'8 or 827-8271


Remnant&, Samplea a Mffi. ends Sat. Only 8 1.m. to 2 p.m. 9'l9 Baker , C:O.ta Mesa

LUDWIG SUper cl& drom set, w-Eliin aJDlbol $35(). (Cost $650.) Seara elec washer " dryer, nso. Beaut. parlor irand piano, MedJt. walnut, $18()0. 546-o.l25

EMERAJ..D..CUT DIAMOND. Over 75 pta, appn..IMd at

SS!'>O, wW sacrU a t $31'5. Wallace Sterlin& (Grande Ba.roque) sen' for 8, COit new $55. 75 aettins. $400 or oUl!r 5.36-6705

20· otflc_e_ or_ ato_ np __ trlr_ .

$.."95. 8' X12' Port. storqe bldg $1.2S. ~ Olt•. % T Ex-phone truck, needs work $12S. Blackie ' s Boat Yd. m.6834 Lee dlD. table w~ chalrw,

Yf/17 Dke, NO. Lee bu1llt To matdl, $311. Stereo, "°' IJ'MD rdn rocker $25. Fre6er $50. MJ.4'191

ONE wheel lugguge trallt:r. Cap. 550 Iba. Extra wbeel amt Ure. Western saddle. Both Item• excellent condi­tion. Call 548-1369.

WHEEL Chair , and com­mode chair, both Uke new. Sears console 1 e w l n 1 machine, &ood condition. ~-5805

KIRBY Vacuum cleaner It attachments. P"J ca 1 b balance of $S3.40 or small p~nta. credit Dept.

~7289. Anaheim

23" Conaole TV ts ant. perfect. $40. Late mod. waaber-<lryer combo, like new. noo. 536-9817

2 BEAUTIFUL coata l. Mag· nln label. Nevtt worn. m Tan silk, (l) Black faille silk $25. ea. 642-5!>99.

RELA.XISIZOR wida face pads $60. Antique C\lna clock $40, Old txqull1tt beaded be.I $40. •9739

UPHOLSTERING • $79.50, 2 pc. (European craftsmen> Free n t. del. pickup. 215 Maln, HB ''Berny" 53Uf05

PEUGEOT 10 spd. Man'a bllce. New tire•, bnkel. Xlnt. $50. 123 29th St NB

~ ualt •JIWIJ •• .,..,. """ cond """' _.......,.. "·Ton. ff .D. springs. Front T&M MOTORS l1 JO bra. Save $1500. Take . - ,,......._.., a rev. Heater, 11pUt r1rni WE'RE BEA.ILY DE&LINO COSTA MISA Pomta A peocU cautery. Stertliur, mile. ittma ... aft. .. all &in.



tn tnd fin -H.D. tlra . gauge., auto- Q ~ Spedalizinc • VW A Porscbt car e or llDC!e. Trucka 9500 matic opt. 4 sµced. 70 amp ~ 8141 GARDEN GROVE BL. 289".l s.,yabore Dr .• NB 1

--------- battery, d u a I hydraulic 0 CARDEN GROVE FlllRGLASS DORY '64 GMC brake.-, deluxe cab - padded '~ ~s 192-555 l or 534-2214




See Us Before You l uy Used Cars 9'00 1'' motw • c.n C'D-9351 d u h.

5 Yr. '!=In. Bank Terms .. ~ - - --Sei.._ts 9010 ~ Ton P$idc


4 Spoed. All Trades Welcome. '11' READY TO GO ,,. .. L•m:a NEED A CAR?

1'E8. Hh • 25th 10 A.M. to 4 P .M. ONLY tm S. SHANNON ST.,


Private Conection Ori9tnal Palntin91

Oil All llz:ea and many art1lts $2 to $30 deb. 1851 l.ndu1 St., SUta An& Hta, nr Coun­try Club.

Buy from Camper Truck SAILORS a would-be 11.llors. FLETCHER JONES Specialist. Wb.Y blfl that boat! You CHEVROLET BUY ~'i~!IRECT can rail ts own an lntert1»t 1633 WHtmlnstu Ave. HO SOUTH HAHOl in a flfft of aallboata co~ WesQrilnster 531-4650 •iltlnc ol to tt ocean racer 139-3n 3 A aenral day-allon. Min - --- Fantastic Sacrifice! lnveltment $2000. Fu t l y 1963 CHEV. PU - 6 cyl .C V secured •" r etum- .. le -'th spd .. fuU 6 ply truck tires, G.M.C. 6. Late '67 with "' -.. w• U a.f Oelx Travel-t-ie 10',ii' Cal>-lnt! 673·2517 IP t riml, le type o' load over, '68 model. Ba.rely

1Pri.nc9 R I htr, B a r d e n NEWI bu~. good cood. Exe. broken in a t 4.800 miles.

EXCITING! buy. 962-01.85 Hvy duty rear end, Pwt' str.,

Misc. .Wantod V 21 Sloo -------- air cond thruout, R&H, l.n·

enture P '50 FORD Pickup '56 V-8 tercom, buckets, 4 spd tran.s, 1610 Tralltrable-Ramp Launched enelnt. 4 Spd trans, Camper good roadability. Propane &

Saillna WS!IOIUI w/ purchMe shell. nu brakes. $250. 847- elec retrig (bir:l, pressure $1995 _112_3________ wtr. 1yst., dream latch. Av· WANTED

Pumttv....Appllences Color TV'.,_Ster ...

- TOOLS-531-1212 er 893-0555

(Ask for Art)

OcHnlc Yacht hi" '55 FORD PU, V-8 r/h, '68 ocado rm &: stnless. Full 1700 W. Cout/NB 642-5151 Ta&•- Good tires. Runa reaJ bath I monomatic toilet, 8

SI .cRIFICE! 2'' SLOOP zood. Body in very good pl wtr htr. Simple to d is. Galle)', heM!; aleepe 4 shape. 646-3523 !in-7159 mounl ot level; aitch tri·pod equip., full coven, '56 CHEVY CAMEO jaclai. $2,600 It assume Moorinc anil. S4795. lit Ton Pickup • V-8 pymts or $5,580 cash out. Ewa. call: ~3737 * ~ * Pvt Pty. G-5972 or 49-1-1701

~I. UU\O CAN'T BE TINANC!:DT HanlmlptT e lWp<l1 I JIZ ?

OYER 65 IMPORTS • s.d Credit! • ~' '66 PORSCHE 911; xJnt VOLKSWAGENS ·=~~~' cond.! Many extraa inrt •67 vw 11595 19ti6 Harbor, c .M. 646-9l>3 u-r•RTuY MOTOU 9llS header ~·tern. $4,550 . • ,,,,, vw ............. . n495 -------- ~ n 548-6251 "" .... • • .. .. • .. • 14.20 So. Main Is FAinp.r -------- '65 vw .. ............ W 95 Sport Cars 9610 <2 bloocka N. ot Seua) e '63 PORSCHE 1600 S. '64 VW .. ..... . .. .... .. S995 -------- Santa Ana ~ I0-!50f Silver VI I red int .. R&H, '63 VW ................ $895 '68 TR4A ------'----• lmmac! ~. ~2001 '61 VW ... . .. ....... ... $795



RUTZ WARREN Sporta Car Center

no E. i.t st.


N e w Car. British reclng green with black leather in­terior. Fully equipped ln­cludlng wire wheels, inde-pendent rear suspension, ra­dio, hcatrr, etc . .. SpeClal this week - end. One only Ser #CTC 75243-L.

$2,738 Full Price

1003 F'mancing 11vailablc 0.A.C.


FOR SALE: O'da.y Tempest '56 FORD ~ton PICKUP '21. Eitcel cond., all raclnz GOOD BODY. Needs molllr Imported Autos 9600 SANTA ANA 547--0764 AUTOMATIC MOTORS

962S Garden Grove Blvd. IMr lncl. MS-5810 or work. 646-1432.

5'0-8855. '65 CHEVY % ton Plck·up. * * 20" VIKING Sloop $1400 Campers spec. Style-side 8' Sll..wbird noo has broken bed. Dir. $1495. 494-9771

WANTED: antique Ir fine mut m..4533. '62 CORV AIR 95 ~ Ton jewelry; relert!ICff oifered. BY Owner. 50' DI es e l PU, side eate, new eng.

~1011 After 3 PM ~chooner. 14' beam, crulaP, $350 * LI 8-4086

•700 live-aboard. 213: 434-0191 -.S7 Chevy 8. 1t.<i75 Machinery, etc. ..-___ ......_____ 14' O'Day Maverick ••• . $500 548-1945

SH<..PSMml, comp. w/ cabl­net, accellOl'l~. etc. xlnt cond. $115. 962-8948.

17' O'Dlly Daysailer .... $1250

Fun Zone Boat eo. 673-0240 _J"_.....P' _____ 9_5_1_0

Power CrulHrs 9020 '68 JEEPS FREE TO YOU ~· ELCO trunk cab 1 n We're Dealing Todayl

MATURE J 1 12 ft dla cruiler: xlnt runnlng cond., S.. u1 bafore you buy mtter b)' ':1 ft"' high on ~ nn canYu enc'°. tot alter Hurry while stock lasbl muund for tlllY dl.uinc deck; new upbol . &: radio; " l Plus tooa al fW dirt for th~ $3500. u i.. 673-4711& Eve. fall f.lDia hauling. 642-4371. 212' '3' CABIN Cnmer, slpt. 4; 2 YR. Old part Pui • bead, bait tank. $1895. IMPORTS Boston Ttrrier bull dog. To • 61'>1355 • aood borne. Adults. 54&-6529

2177 loat Malntonance 9033 1966 Harbor, C.M. &t&-9303


A LP IN E 't:-4 Alpine IV, GT. dlr.

Blk w-blk HT. Auto, Im­maculate! $44 dels, aSl!ume Cont. ha.I. Old car OK dn.

* 494-9771 * ALFA ROMEO

'64 Alpha Romeo CUSTOM HARDTOP, roll up wlndOWI, 1600 CC. AM/FM, blauk radJo & heater , 5 speed trans. Many men ex­tras. Thia wttkend 1peclal.

$1695 Firlit car lot on Harbor Blvd.

JOHNSON & SON Uncoln-Mercury

COit.a Mesa Branch 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7050


SUNBEAM 1965 Sunbeam T i g e r •

Beautiful. New Candy Apple type paint job, nu top, etc. $25.00 delivers OAC. Full price $2195.oo. Call Credit Mer.. 542-8801 or can be seen at 901 E. l at, Santa Ana.

'64 Sunbeam Alpine Rdatr


with factory hardtop. Real 67J.0900 exceptlonll condition $25.00 ttn4 t. NeWMl'f Ion Ille ''"1,..v111 delivers OAC. Full prlce 1 60 V. W.

Garden Gro• e JE 7-6639


Beautlful metalic gl'ffD wtth n ch black leather interior. Fully EquJpped. Runs and looka like a 1968, and carries a 1 year warranty. Special week-end only.

$999.00 Full'Prlce

100% Financing evailable 0 .A.C.

ELMORE $129'5.00. Call Credit Mgr. blue in color with l!Ull

547.-880l or can be attn at roof, radio and heater. Hu 901 E. lit, Santa Ana . good tlres and brakes and MCYrORS

1962 Sunbeam Conv. w/289 just bad a valve and ring 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. VS, Muttanir ene .• trans, It job. Runs like brand new. Gard'n Grove JE 7~39 rear end. New top. Excep- SpedaJ this week-end only ' '60 PORSCHE: Uonally clean. SAC-l695. $599 00 ~ n4:847-8882. • HARDTOP

Full Price 1 """'· Flnanc\.n vaUa 1 Purest Porsche ln town. •Mrtv 1 • b e BeauWul Honduru Maroon TOYOTA

SKYLARK ·~ all power A aft. $1595 El Cammo '59. &: Special '63 $900. each All A-1 cood. Pvt. pcy. See at 520 Ocean A•e, HB

~ Buick Sta Wq. Mech vccellenl Nr new brakes, ahocks. battery. Transfer forces Sale. $1650. 548-61.S

'60 BUICK LE SABRE Very sharp, must see to Appreciate! $400. &IT-6391 PUPPlES ____ mia_»_•_,,fe_m_al..,...1- 7 YACHT maintenance A JEEP: '61 Wlllya 1-Ton

weeks. wm be amall dop. np9.1r a t your dock. Ex- Hu sand ~. $600 6dC-Ot50 MS SUli c:c.ta Mesa peieDced. Reu. 548-~ • 646-2700 •

White w1tA new black top, ---------1 blark tonneau cover . GOOD NO SffORJAGf E LM

O.Ao.c. RE In color with IOft contrasting I ea th er interior. Runs tbsc>- CADILLAC

2/'l6 I BLACK puppies. 5 wb. Marine Equip. 9035 _::_., m_ oe_rs _____ 9_!>_?_l'

~;: :11!:' = WANTPD: 111- 2!i HP Outbrd USED CAMPERS 2790 2124 motor 12 'fOlt electric start, _ • _

Pirelli tires, radio A heater. Sharp interior. $750. m6al8 (Fullerton)

BMW YOUNG, ..U male dog; 54.5-5481 '65 Ford 4 spd. " ton ~!.: wooderfUl ~on: all loe SU Moo I 9036 er equipt. duplex tire•·..,..,. BMW vacclnatklns. $ 2749 After t ~!_"I__ mileage • with new open

6 PM 2/2• 55' "--k • t n 65 M ro.d chaula mount, kitchen ,, .vu..: . .or ren o. It toilet llt1ea • beautiful "SE'ITING A WHOLE NEW

ntIENDLY 5 months black NEWPORT BAY. PHONE family out1lt. Priced for lm· STANDARD FOR ECONOMY dog, loYea d!Odren 192- ANTHONY'S * 839-2281 mediate sale. CARS"

~ Poodl . J.~ Boat-Yacht ""'$3415 Sales-Parts-Service ma.lea, 2 female~. =~':en- Ch1rten 9039 - • - F1UTZ WARREN

---- - - -- '63 Chev. H.D. camper equipt Sports Car Center ed. 54s.3501 3-l LUXURIOUS HOUSEBOAT · Split rims - tires with 710 • lat St.

LOVABLE, medium breed R.ENTALJJ. Cruise 100 0 stand-up PUgrim camper - SANTA AN 547..07&1 CoDle It Shepherd male pup. miles inland waterways on side dinette - monomatlc toi-11 wee.ks. 192-3172 2124 the bMutlfuJ Sacramento let. Thil package ls like new FR.~ to aood home. 6 mos. Delta. Relax and enjoy the • ml&lt see to 1pp~ate. old dog. All abota A: Lie. adventure. No experience "$2345 pd. ~1129. 2/ 26 needed. Really a unique - • -

GERM. Shtpherd. female 5 vacation. Write today hr '63 O\ev ~ ton - H.D. equlpl moe. lo•es eveeyone, to rood d e t a 11 s . AM E R I C AN with ecooomy chassis mount

home. l9'7-129S. 2124 ~· ~~~t.W ~·i n~ :v:':d Id=~· t= LOVABLE Labndor blaclt Creek, Californ ia 94598 facilities · right for the mlxed pup 8 wlcl • m'Jtb!r budcet mJnckd. Very clean. punbred. M7-9817. 2126 Boat Storage 9048 " $1985

SMALL gu refrigerator. YOU MUST SEE CM ,. ,.., BOAT STORAGE SEO AMPER 1969Panon St., . . M""' THESE U C

ICE Cream cabinet 512 • It LAUNOIJNG PACKAGES 38th St., N.B. 2/24 Sall or Po'ftr up to 16' They are all exceptional

Fenced yard. ~ • Trades welcome FREE P£T RabbJt 50-1~ Bayfrollt. Monthly ra ttt e s yr. bank financing

2126 Include ... Ulk' or hoist 830 S. HARBOR BLVD. .. :·as A t..IVESTOCK Launching. SANTA ANA 531-4650

CALL ANTHONY'S , ... , General MOO 839-00 0~~·s

DATSUN '60 Datsun pick-up, gar­dener's special. Rebullt

Engine. Xlnt thruout. Dir. $39 dels, usume cont. bal.

* 494-9771 * '67 Darsun pick-up, lo

Mi. Trade or sell. Dir. Can fin. pvt pty. 494-9771




HERB FRll DLANDER 13750 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39\

2 blka So. O.G. Fwy. 893-7566 537~4

OF NEW 1968

Toyotas It

MOTORS 9625 Garden Grove Blvd.

Garden Grove JE 7~

Will Buy four Volkswapn or Porsche & pay top doUars. Pald for or not. C8l1 Lou McKeman.

613-1190 '65 VW wagon Variant 1500 "S" lo ml. Dir. Xlnt cond. S65 del &: A~me cont. baf. Will

• All Models • Accept trad'e. 49-1-9771 Immediate Delivery '61 VW Camper. Side canopy, can 494•7503 Empt bd 'r , IW~ bar, radlo

4 sprk:s, Eng perlect. $935 900 S. Coast Hwy. or oiler. 548-7636 or 673-6317

La9un• leach ~ '64 VW perlect condition! '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!~!!!!!!~I U4 delt, Ul\lme cont.

'68 TOYOTA bal. Dir. w.accept trade.


9771 * ' 66 VW 9 pus ata. wag.

This all new 1~ 4 • wheel Xlnt cond. Radio & trlr drive vehlcle 11 rated the Hitch. $1750. 962-9677 best you can buy. In the - ------­past 8 yeers of competition, '66 VW Wht with Red int. It' • never been beat. We are Xlnt cond. '68 lie, $1400 962-ready to meke immediate 2210 aft 6 P~ delivery, and have all colors e '66 V.W. SEDAN. XLNT and equipment to choo~e COND. THRUOt.rr! MUST from. Wt'll guarantee to SELL $1350. CALL 673-2659

1 utel y perfect. For tbe di. crimlnating buy er. CON­COURSE. One year warran-ty,


9625 Carden Grove Blvd. Garden Grove J E 7~39



HISTORY! s .. Us Before You Buy

4 acru of ultra modem total Cadillac faclllties des{iJled to better aeU and service new and used CadWac auto­mobiles.


flf41l LemiA ~· IMPORTS 2600 HARBOR BLVD.

COSf A MESA 569100

'67 Cedlllec 1966 Harl>or, C.M. 646-9303 Coupe de VIiie

GT-6 Full pawn', • aoadltioned. vinyl top, ltatber lntetlor.

Looking r« a GT.f and can't Low miles. New car warranty flnd one? We've gnt one - $.5495 r cody for immediate deliv- ALLEN ery. One Year warranty. Oldsmobile-Old!U.c IJia. 100% Financing available 1150 So. Coast Hwy.

O.A.C. Laguna Beach '94-li.4

ELMORE '67 CadUlu Sedan de Ville

beat any bonltled deal . 100% Financing available

'6.5 VARIANT Squareback, MCYrORS Vin.YI top, full power, one owner, excellent cond. 9625 Carden Grove Blvd. air conditioned, low mil-.

$1550 * 673-7330 Carden Grove JE 7-6639 New car warranty,

'66 Volkllwagen '68 MG's $5495 Excellent condltlon ALLEN

0 .A.C.

ELMORE MOTORS * 673-8455 * NEW AND USED Oldsmoblle-Cadlllac IJIQ.

'65 F lat 1100 D, Abtolute- SEE USO So Coast Hwy SNAKES fot sale. 6464196 -:Mobl==,.=Hornos====9200= LARGEST SELECI10N alter 1 pm l.Y perfect! Showroom cond. 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. '63 vw. White. HER• FRIEDLANDER Laguna Beach 494-lON

FACTORY DmECT Dlr $39 d·'- Garden Grove JE 7.fi639 Orl""'ftal . H'IO D CARPET LAYER baa car- •-5 00 . .,,., &mune cont. aw• v-.. ..,, 13750 Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39) '65 ,.__.. oocf pe~. will tell at coat to -t _o_ ... ,;..._,_..,. _ ___ 1125 •1 n . OPEN ROAD DEALER bel. Old car OK dn. '49'-9771 '67 Toyota Corona 6~7019 ..... • ~ New 24 Wide 2 bllcs So. G.G. Fwy 4 Door tabor. Can ftnance 547.aT MIN. POODLES AKC Na., Two lath* Two Bedrm • HOUSE CARS * (.'HAS. MERCEDU IENZ Fully factory equipped. Sold ''5 WHITE SEDAN 893-7516 Low miles full~ JEWELRY dllpU.y ca11e. 51 wormed It alk>tl; U ftl., BEACH TRLR. SUPPLY SIS MOUNTS * SLID&INS - -------- new and serviced by us. One Xlnt Cood WOO. fm.7296 air dtkloed. ' W'lde x 18" dtep. MOidy sroomed ts ~ cul 1t:l81 Bf9dl Bl•d. * VAN CONVERSIONS yur warnnty. Special ttlil ;;:;;:;:======= Antnt Wanted 9700 $3895 lfus. 95• &41-222l 5'6-48. R1111tin"10D Beacb 536-9112 • MCYrOR HOMES weekend only. VOLVO ALLIN ITALIAN BEDROOM SET GREAT Due PuppWs for _ _ .. l!!!m_!!'!9_!91 $1,599.00 WE PACY A .. s· H Oldsmob1Je.Cad!Ueo 1Dc.

t ~ • ~ aJ,., 541.2814 durlns dQ FOR R.ENl' $1.lO. mo. or ALL MAKES It MODEl.3 Full Price VOLVO USO So. Cout HwJ. * 961-290C * ~eves It Sun. Mon. DU. '4500- 2 BR. 1" BA 1967 TRUCKS 100~ f'tn1nctni 11vall1~ Laguna Bead! tM-lOlf ~OYAL 'Safari' portable GERMAN SMpherd ~ trplc, call&M, unfum. T ... d, 0 .A.C. FACTORY AUTHORIZED '67 C8dlllH typewriter, ucd cood. $10. Top .AKC ret- for tamt deed. 890 W. 15tb BEACJI CJTY ELMORE Sain-Parts-Service ror u9l!d can • trudcs just Coupe de van. m-0115 m ,,..,...., OI _N_o._'TO_ N_.B_. ---- CAM.PERLA.ND FllTZ WARREN C8ll us for ftte estimate. NJ power, alt ,,.,.,,,,,,.,.,.

Si:LUNG wbt naus coocb A il"Gl:Wf KOUMD PUPPIES DBL WJ6e 2 Br, 2 '*· 185155 •;:,:;d., H.B. MOTORS Sportt Car Centtr GRQTH (ffEYROlfT Low m1le9. Newear......t.J c.'lr, l'lOCl t"OM. B/M .._. f9male, ~ an'p, lldrU. MllJts. 1•1 ---- ---- · ,61MERCEDEf&ni190-0 lll'2S Gardeo Grove Blvd. no E. lit St. $5295

&4l-ICXl3 snale. Cbdlt> llrtcl. .,_ ~ No. 90/ • TRANSPORTERS led. New pUa& • ti~s. Garden GroTt JE 7.e838 SANTA ANA S4T..o7M Alk for Sal~ Manlier ALLIN '1 BLACK NAUGAHYDE• DA."HEUMD AKC""',... -


7-' -------,...,- IUSIS-CAMPERS MUlt tee to apprec. Sac! '68 TOYOTA '61 VOLVO$ H1~n!~~-~~:. ~So.~.:-.

fa. NEAR NJ:W, SSO• male t mos. old. H~ CJtt;"SAl>ER DELUXE u.IO, M-OT18 111ou a~ .. uai"'"' ~ ....,._ m.Jm ...... flflt.r. 548301. Expando JMns room 17d2, ·es vw ('amper (2) ft'BJ: R£ALLY DEALING O.t A letter Deal Kl 9-3331 Lqutla Be9da .....

TINY TOY POODLE 3 "wnlqt, pordl A tool 't4 VW Camper (2) MG TODAY! AT la Your Car A Clunker? •59 Fleetwood Qi4Dw 1'tll 31.,!._Popp~~M·i:.= m;:,~ PUPP1D '* Axe ,.._ abed· te.19. :: :::: = 9 pua (2) u:n =vn: ova HIRB flRllDLANDI R We PA>' CASH for a EVl2nmNG. - Call

wlttcf. 1· tofa $50. Sat. 81J.T429 M.tercyclte 9300 ''1 Ba • 9 ..,_,., ·~sin· ~~:i ~ Sot Ui a.fer• You Buy 13'150 Btacb Blvd. (Hwy 39) junktrl Martin'• 83MOC1 alt 4 PM U ';"1' YO R Sale: "~ ~ ltDd Serriol - new Pirelli tJrea, d~<'bablo " l • m.:.S bUcl So. a.a. ~- =..._==c=,=,.======:.:..::===::;;::i=:::::::;::.=I w..._, P> ,._. e.d. hn Male wJdl ~"" HotNla-Trlmnph J~e · aid nck, cbabu, Miii llMI Cd-- - - - .. ....,. N 11..-....I SH w1re WhHll, ell.ta bnket, MIR UlllG .... VOLVO Station Wqon.

_EXJ:RCY.........,. ............. a..,,....E~aDll......,.........,..ti-,.,-1 t TaANIPOllTAflON ft•va.u- wit belt. JC1J'I nm CAR IMPORTS ~ by o~ owner. HIRI PIJIDLANDIR h11 bffn s t: N I J 8 L y Beudful CODdldoll. N"'

m11m111r =· ..... & Yechtt tOOO U1lt 1-o &hid. (l(Wy •> DRIVEN l: malntalr ed for tlrel, ....._ aad dutdt. . -.a. w... it 4 -' J bill So. a.a. Fwy. o.IJOO h3PP1 aia.: )"OUI' • Harbor. c.M. 646-9303 to. ma...., accumulated

KINO • t tr•• ........ _.. ' ..., .. S'r.111 537_.,. tHt drl•~ wtD.,. IJ hM ==;;;=====::t 1'1 and'r..._ 4dYer . - ..... ... .... • ........... Pl'til!I a:I. . ...... ~ ft - - -.. _ ... lbll ._ Mmt M Im COUPE. Oian.neJ bo4' a buttfrY ... a,...,. Pvt. 1llU1Wrn - · .,...,...,, coeit, .. Olll en.- - - ""'--... ' ...., PC1 rmatt ..U •...: #.G'l'S -------- 1NEW u...- .. 1 ... auto.

ti' ........ -- ~ .... ·~-..., tX\JU. .. ·--·--- - ,.,.,., tM.JW YVPW 15' JI JS' aw .. ..... ~ iPiCiAL " .... - 6t blllt.,~~--------~ ___ 1_.,"_or _ __ .-. ___ ~ .1wl anMI tnm ....s. _,. ........ V.,. Cll&. w o .~ a RP alee! _. ALUM. i&fi c.ams:-. wide 'M MC new ,...t. ~ 8' TRIUMPH SPii r lk£ wllb pdnte JICV• tTr.c!« $'J.!t.. 9ml - .- "* Im. Pvt. W BONDA Scnmllltt, ..,. 6 loal bad, $115. Good CICll>t' . ,,...en • ..., tof, MW ctr. ~ 4 On Wh~ '::; llW'bt· .....

"""''''""' .. &9ii pCJ ·-- ... . ,,. tn. dll'OllM. ,,., tlrw. «*- ~· Alt 4 ~ - ' aphohttr7 . .. •'2:20 ttd lntln: : BARCA.IN! DA.11.1' PD.or Dllll>A.-ada._ .. ~-~rt o... . .. Dteui ..,._ ..... ~. WTDt CAM,l l 'IO MGA UDO hi;~ One $llSl5 Dir. $7503. 900 SQ. lJNE:S. You ean aa tbsm

• ... Dll'lele lcele 11' 11 IT , )f t1 a•, llllJM: 'fi'li 1lllt. 1 ... 2 ... late ..W. C I ~. Bell own. IU&I' '1.009 a A llk&J. Cout liff1., ~ a.dt ~ ..... a daf. DiaJ • • •111t ...... ......._ m: GMllt tra& B1c ...._ 54-UIT. "7 tllr Ml-mt at S'iJ5. ~ _.,. T


.. . . . ... . '

%8 DAILY PILOT 5.lturday, F tbruary 24, 1 %8 T PORT A-T-IO_ N __ T_RA_N~S~PO~R-=T A..,--=T1'""'0-:-'.N,----,""'""'-ct Cart 9900 TRANSPORTATION -------- TIAHIPORT A TION TltANSPO•TATK>N TUNSPOaTA llOH -




lt'1 Our Annlverury S.le

'66 Sedan ~Vllle. Full fl'H· er, air ie.thtr.

'63 IMP ALA SJWtP ._ by ORlC Ownr Sport Coupe. Stick ah!lt 4 dr. ltllr, lo llll . everytb.ln1'

166 CHAl&EI '6' MUSTAN6

'65 POU A=*-=~~· '66 Cwpe deVUle. FUll pow­er, alr. leather, landeu top.

'6S Coupe deVUle. Full pow­er, lNther .l air cond.

Radio Ii: beater. Lie. Q6S.. S28 IG-4688 156.

CJ1W- 4 Doat. A ... de tram. $2119


Dod&e Charier. coupe. P er lteertnc. Radio A 1181 er. T"40.

$911 "63 LINCX>LN Cont., fulJ FLETCHER JONES PM' .. alr<Ond .• leather; lm­

$2111 FLETC .. I JONIS . CHIVltOLIT FLETCHER JONE '64 Old. Conv. deVllle. Full

power le &lr cond.

S CHIVIOLIT em:=: Ave.

em w~ Ave, • UNm Westmfnlt« ~.~~=""':":"::""__,,,~~

CHEVROLET 6633 WHtmlnster Ave.

mac.t '17115. 644-22-46 CHEVROLET CXM'INENTAL '61 clean 4

6633 Westminster Ave. dr. compl. -,,wr. It air, $!m. '63 Cad 0>uPe deVIJlr. Fu.II power, cond. Leather and low mlleegc.

Westminster 673-4350, f'13-l564 eves 939-3nl 1966 MAROON 4 - dr. Mint


139-3773 139-3"3 116 MUSTANG. 289, new

t.lret, excel cond, q 6 CYL economy,. 4 ap owner. c.u MCMI024 Tms QUALITY

AT All ~ Can. J>rlrrd To Sell Md All Can


'66 IMPALA . cond, low mileage, $3700 or STATION WAGON 327 VS. be9t o&r. PH: 642-59'J8 FALCON

· S)frtonnaooe, '82 J'~ ~. ~=~=-.....,.._..,...._ Futura Sc>t ep. R • H. 116 MUSTANG, 6 cyt, nu tmlWIOl':l::'AM•COITAW New premium paint and trans, clut~ Top. condition. ----------


1965 -'66- '67 CONTINENTAlS All NW "'9 fl..W tcu<Ms, lncludiM 11/b

metlc lrl,..mlUIOft, - S-lr19, bral!H. $7995 WI- . - tMls I ncl lec1ort 1 lr , -wtlll ateroo ,...,,_, FK!orY .. ,,,,~IY. .. ~k.ff aluf • .. ..

'61 (QUGAR Pr~rs '''" $3195 Au- tic. r1H110. N atfr, _ , ' - '""· br•~••· f8"°'Y air, tow rnlln C4 ,. c- ,,..., , 'IClory warr111tv.

'66 MERCURY $3195


'67 MERCURY $3395 Montcltlr. 1 door "•l'dk>n. Auto'"•'"· r<t<1 •• . "eai.r. _., 1tffrln9 , tJirtkft., f &et . . .. , tllr ti 'eer11"g ~'• p lui m• nr •xlru lftclerv want ftlY.

'61 MERCURY $2295 C""'"I C~ Aull)fNtiC fr fftYtf ')'""'· r8(11tt a. l!Ht ... , - •-Int, w/W, .-te . 2 la L- ff-. , tclery Wlr• ,...,.,,

'66 MERCURY PARKLANE $2995 4 door htrdtoo. Au"""'lic tnmmluiOtt. _., '1- •"9, llftkn. ,,,,,_, _, _ ,, , FKtOrY ' " · 11..i.o a. Miler. ,_,., __ ... ,.,,


No Fi.Mnc:mg Problems At LIDO MOTORS

64Ul762 1.'lOO W. Coast Hwy. :\.A

- ,67- EL DORADO-Full powrr

Air rondltlonmg $6495

ALLEN Old11mob1lc-Cadlllac Inc.

11;,() So. Coast Hwy. T.alt\11la BeadJ 4~ 1084

Powf"rglide. Radio Ii: heat­er. P ower s teering. RSP-459.


CHEVROLET 6633 Westmiostet Ave.

Westminster 139-3773

'65 IMPALA SPort Cous>f, Automatic, pow.

power steering. Radio &

CHEVROLET heater. N~rj~~·

I CAN HELP YOU FLETCHER JONES e S!i Drlivers CHEVROLET • Most anynnc 'JUal11Ju 6633 Westminster Ave. e No crcdll nrcdcd Westminster 8 l"o pymts. ' Ill April 839-3773 e Large inventory, oac, dlr. '65 IMP ALA • Call Mr. Ada ms ~3

SuJ>('r S po r t, convertible, 19!il L'vfPAl...A 4 door , Low Powerglide, powrr ateering.

mileage. P .G. PIS - Ri ii. Radio & he11ter. RSM-014. Ocan car - one OWTlcr • $1288 .MWlt SeU. Make o!fer. 671- FLETCHER JONES 47fi7. J:,\les.

'60- CHEV.-Nomad- i;ta. CHEVROLET w ;i £ 0 n ; It 0 0 d r 0 n d . , 6633 Westminster Avr. powerglld-e trllJll! . $495. 6'16- Westminster ] <f!Y.! 139-3n3

'67 CJCEVELLE, Auto, alr: 166 IMPALA Only 5000 mL "~1ust Saai- Sport Co u p e.. Pawergllde, IH:1!", Will &ell tor cont. power ateeing. Lie. ROP-

baJ. Pvt Pty, ~9771 647. 1956 Olevrolet Bel Alr:-:z dr, VS. auto, R-H, ed cond 962-349-l

1!119 CHEV Jmpala Conv. New VS eng le trans. R-H. Oean. $400. 67J.. 7967.


CHEVROLET 6633 Westminster Ave.

Westminster 139-3n3


'65 MONZA Crupe. 4 speed. Radio It beater. MBC-3.38.


CHEVROLET 6633 Westminster Ave.

WestmmslPT 839-3773

'60 CORVAIR. Radio. heater, oew clutch, pressure plate. aeala, bead easket & rires. Rough bot dependable. $200. 67>1415 alter 6 PM.

'64 CORV AlR Monza convert-lble. Excellent cond1oon.

Cle&n. * 644-1835 '60 OORVAIR, 4 Dr .• auto. trans.; radio; for fast sale, S8 . 962-5415.

'66 Corvalr Corsa; 4 1pd. Xlnt cond. ; Low mile. Orig. owner . 540-7913

'62 CORVAJ'R';\10NZA-4spd. ExceUenl cond1 '.1un.

S550. Evea ~6-839S

co1vmt\ '62 CORVEm

Hardtop, customized, beauti­ful pale tee1 blue metalic. Brand new ahort block & clutch. 4 apeed. R & II. As sound as can be found.

$1895 First car lot on Harbor Blvd.


'62 FALCON wagon, R I H, tires, &i>otlesi vinyl uph, $1650. or betl otter. 673-4390 CHARGE !Tl r top mech cond, driven about

113 ncrmal miles You' ll New C•r• 9800 New C•rs love it· Pvt pty • ~UM IP .. , .• -iiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill

clean, nms great $499 " best of!er. 6'73-«i64

Eve FORD '56 FORD. 9 pua . stat.Jon

· wqoo. R.eblt enr.. new try abockl, new brakes. new ery, radiator rodded out.

'66 DELUXE Ford Coun Squire Lcladed with ev extra, incl. stereo lal>es $2500. Fanta.stic Buy!

Excellent oood. $475 OI' best &3- otter . :?018 s. Cedar. Santa

6475 Ana bored. stroked '53 FORD,

2 carbe. flocw sbitt, R H good tirea 115. 540-4528

& MERCURY '6f SEDAN 6. Orig own S tnd '62 MERCURY tr.ins. ctn, 65, 500 mi 3 Convertible. FUU. POWER.

and FACTORY AIR. BUX-62'3.

xlnt tires. nu int. $235. 54:A26().

'64 FORD Country Sedan 3S e~. PS, air, new tires. Orig

2 $711

Owner~- 847-9822. '63 Ford Falrlane 500 4 dr new tfres I: brks, auto, VS R-H. $650. 894-3419 aft . 6


6633 Westminater Ave. Westminster 139-3n3 '59 FORD Station Wagon

'65 Mercury Colony Park 1 Beautiful Oyster wbtte w­

walnut grained p a n e I 1 .

good Fact. Air. el~ 6-way aeat­!!lec. windowa. Peri. cood. Pvt. Pty. MI 6-8896.

In &ood condition. S.'!25 675-579 1940 'FuR.o- Pick Up. rond. S350 - or best offer 548-30Ci6

'66 FORD LTD. Air cood. tull pwr, excel. cond., $2500

'S5 Mercury Il/T, vs. auto, PIS. Dir. Full

price $99 • • • • • • .f.!M-9171 Pvt pty. 673-1685.

'62 FORD Galaxy XL conv. ; MERC 'S3 Monterey Spt Cpe. R.-H, auto., top cond.; $675 accept older. 644-2951

• H-T. V8, auto, dependable, orig owner . SlOO. 673-2484.

'66 Convt, nu pump btry " strtr. Xlnt cood, PS $2 300 MUSTANG 642-9447 alt s

'62 FORD XL390 Xlnt cond '66 MUSTANG





CREST NATION-WJDE WARRANTY '6.5 CHEVEU..E Malibu SS V-8; 4 spd., air-cond., $1 ,480. J>rlv. Pty. 536-mo.

'63 CHEVY n NOV A Uncoln-Mcrcury Hdtl>, R&H, Xlnt cond. $6$ Costa Me!lll Branch

ps, pb, buckets, blk cons Pvt ply 548-4620

2 + 7 Fastback. HI Po. 289 $2200. 548-4101


'66 OLDSMOBILE $2395 '65 Impala SS Conver t. 4 Pvt pty. 549-4233 all Harbor Blvd. 642-7000 63~ FORD Sprint, 4 a~

~ Used C•rs 9900 chrome wheels, custo

'* 2 doo<' Hardtop, w!OfN!lc !r•1Urn1uloll. PONtr 1tHr· 1119, _, b,.k•, llCIC>rf l lr,

'64 BUICK SKYLARK $1195 7 door h.,dtoc>. Aulomattc trensmlulelfl, rtdlo • nd Miter, _.r 11eerlnv, brt~es. - • Wll'llllaws Ind fKlory • Ir. Elt~Pll-1.,

'65 BUICK RIVIERA $2995 All!OtntllC 1rtnt • ll')Wer w.11, •'-'""" br•k~s. wlnOow\, fldory t1r.





545-8278 642-0981

spd, ps, pb, xlnt, $1400. Orig owner. 833-7714

'66 Orev. Malibu; V-8 eng., R·H, bucket sea ts; auto., Good cond. $18'1S 847-1200

CHRYSLER CHRYS T&C Sta. Wag. '66 lmmac. Orig owner , ps, pb, auto trans, fac air , Bal of Fae guar. Below bk. $3195. 7957 Baker, CM 546-3262

'57 CHEV Bel Air Ur, Full pwr, R/H, 4 bbl, good tires and cond. $3'15. 546-8608

'55 CHRYSLER New Yorker 1967 El OLmlno 396 +.speed, Xlnt transp. Dependable &: 646-1906 alter 5 p.m. ck!an $21'5. KI ~1561

New Cars

Wouldn't tt be nice for aomeone to pick up the tab whenever you get your car sel"Viced? Under our exclusive Uncoln . Mercury lease plan your car is serviced for 40,000 miles a t no cost! Includts motor tu~ups. oil changes. lube, Polnta, plup, brake linings, etc.


, .,.,~rled Autos 9600 Imported Aurot 9600 _1m .... e_rt_ed_A_ut_os __ H00 __ 1_m.-,.po_md __ A_ut_os __ 9_600_


19a TOYOTA 2.000R tWtDJ.OP




'2095 VOLYOS

• llB'S & ITS


sPRms •

Ex. Stk. No. 4n5 JEEPS


'66 TOYOTA Corona. R&H •.•••• $1495 '67 OPn Station W19on . •• • •• .. $1195 '63 VOLVO Station Wagon ••.•• • $1395 '61 VOLKSWAGEN Panel ... •• .. $ 895 '51 Will YS Jtep ....... ....... $ 495 '51 MGA loedster ••..• . . ... .. $ 495 DOIEITIC TRIDE·llS '64 JAGUAI XKE . . • . . • .. .. . . . $2495 '65 CHEV. Moua Coupe ........ $ 995 '60 PORSOfE Super ........... $1795 '66 FORD Must1n9 GT . . . .. .. . . $2195 '59 JAG 3.1 Stdfn •. ••. . . ..••• $ 995 '62 CHEVROUT Moen Coupe ... . $ 495 '60 TR-3 ROldsftr ••••••••••••. $ 895 '64 CHEvaOUT ~ Ton long bed .. $1195 '66 VOLKSWAGEN • • • • • • . • • • • • $1595 '"S PONTIAC Lt Mins H.T • .... . . $1695 , '66 SUNIUM ROldsttr ••.••.• . $1695 '66 CHEYIOLIT hp. 2 dr. H.T., air $2095


·57 O>rvette 377 VS, 4 sp, Mag wheels. XLNT. COND. Dir. SST dels, anume cont.

vinyl top. paint. 54(}.1)491.

19Sl FORD Econoline. Wra around windows. Good con GROTH p

dlUon, $475.00, 642-4965 Bal. W-acccpt trade.


'64 STINGRAY. Auto, a Ir. silver, iood cond. 0 r i g. owner. 675·11704.

:63 ~pass Cnlry Sed. Wa Xlnt cond, new brks & tires Pvt pty S89'5 962-3752

g. CHEVROLET '59 FORD Fairlane Conver Good cond, $175. call 5233

DODGE ~ MUST SELL DOOCE Darla, priv. party CT big 6 w/ pwr. lteer. le brtcs., buckrl sta.. R/H clean. His '64, S1095; Hers

. '61 SQUIRE, 9 passenger 1 owner, good cond. 56-0344

'53 FORD Victoria. G o o SALE

' $500.

d '6! . $1595; 545--8349. 'I'ranll)Ortatlon. Cood Uru. • •• $75. 646-2119 Net'd a GarbenstanC)el

Fiild ii with a wane ad! CHAk.GE IT!


98 4-DR. SEDAN WITH AIR COND.I 4288.62


STK : 318





USED CAR SPECIALS! '62 FORD W..-n 4 door, flldi. .....,, "'9tNllc. t lr mQlfldl-llol"'"lll"'"'tt. A rftl to«ltl • (ITC 12'1

'62 RAMILEI' IOO C'outc C\lllOlll - Redle. llM!tlr, -llffrnoq •llfofnelle. fKl9f'f elr. (IOT m1

'63 PONTIAC LE M ... IU - · . ... - llMMr• - lie. -•r """'- V.f. IOHl Ml

'65 CHIVROLIT COltVAllll - ......... ~ OIOZ 461>

'63 CHEVltOLIT 81SC ... YHE - ..... llM!tlr. fftll!Ntll. -•ltffl1tt. !ITT • I

'63 OLDS Cllltl .. F-15 COUPE. v.a. ..._ _..., 4 .... ,,_ (llf.141!)

$895 $595

$1195 51195 $1295

'63 VW IUS Slick. Green. KlS 120


Stick, radio le heater. Beile. QYS 954

$799 '62 T-llRD

Full power and air condition. Gold. NVL 978

$699 166 OPEL

Stick, radio le heeler. ~e RPM181

$1099 '64 CHEV 1/J·T

PICKUP, 6, 4 lllf!«f, radio I: bMter. White. F 25m

$1399 '65 IMPALA

4 Door. ~ automatic tran. million, radio, power lteer­lng, air, whl~ ROU 609.

Sl699. '64 GR. PRIX

v~. automatic trsmmlwlm. t'lldio, power atterlnc and In.ks Bkle. QYT 121


'64 OLDS Olltili c,._ $1595 •i-------1te111o, ...... ...., ...,.., ... "" ....


s..... -_.cOflM..._9'1 ..... _._............... • • • '64 r .111t0 Fl/II - · ,_,.,., * • '-.. -JI.GOO "''IA

No don Pl'1'fDl!l\t ~

S1195 :=~Met la )Wr


H: COST A MESA 546-1137




H•tla11owl1•dl .,,... . ...,










'64 COOINENTAL $2466



• • • •• t • • • - - , . . . . ... .. f . ...... • . . ... ..


lt'a • ,...f plNsun tO announce these salesmeft •• beine •mcNMJ the a.test winners of M.._ S.l11men'1 6uild Awards from Pont&.c Motor DM&ion. Th... e_wwds honor outtt•nding records in se1in9 new Pon­tiecs encl Goodwil Used c.n. We' .. t.•e to acid our own C0ft9'etul.. tions, end to uy th•t such succeu results only when e Miesm.n hes • sincere desire to serve Heh custOtnef' intelligently end comclentiously. If that kind of treatment appeils to you, may we suggest you drop tn?

'( Out wltll a car llke the Motor Tt'Hd MagllllH ) . Awar~ wlnnlftCJ GTO to sell, how CCMlld ·they ml•7






. . .


MUSTANG 196.: MUSTANG Conv. Low ROY CARVll ni .es, auto, R/H, rally pak, PONTIAC $1700. xlnt cond. 642-3064.

--~LDSMOliU ms "~44°;1 Mea

'Ell Pontiac Tempest convert U_Md_Ca_ rs __ _ 4 spd, 4 cyl, asking $325.

847-TI55 alttt S PM


STUDEBAKER '60 LARK 6; orlg. owner; new motor, braket, etc.; air/ c good tirea; re&! tnna

'65 RAMBLER oo!'ga1n. S350 Caah, or best '65 OLDS Cutlass V-8; 2 Dr. CJnnp OoaDt1'• ~ 550 2 door. Automatic trans, oUer. 642-0304. hdtp.: auto .. air, pwr. ateer. Dealer fur kolla ·Ro)~ and Radio A heater. SUY-837. -======II &; brakes. RIH. PtOO. oni. BentlJ. $1088 T-llRD owner ~>49U 1965 TEMPEST LEMANS FLETCHER JONES T-BlRD ,56 Full R/H

PONTIAC Coupe, power, CHEVROLET auto., ster'eo a::·· clean'. __ automatic transmission, 6033 West.minster Ave. """" '65 PONTIAC LeMans COD- factory lfr. Uke new! Westminster $ll30. "'°"'""' vert. All pwr., fact. air; U995. Dir. 494-7503 839-3nl '59 T-BIRD convert, power very clean. $1,425. Terms 900 So. C>11t Hwy. everything. New top. 2 Nu avail. May be 11een at: Star Lquna Beach '60 RAMBLER Wagon. Has tires. $500. 847-9953

~!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '68 llcenlt'. needs brake job. TV, 275 E. 17th St., CM. or = $200 ,,.,, 7529 Whit I ..... " •• ' ""-· • ,......_ call 642-9742 9 To 6 PM. '68 PONTIAC LE MANS · .,..,,. e e e_ ... · ..,..._ ........

'66 Pontiac Catalina. $500 3,700 Ml, V8, auto, ps, jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiilii below bk. Xlnt cond, fctry redlblk int, xtra car, mlJlt air. pb &: ps. Orig own. eell $3200. 673-0693 n.eoo. MOit .a ~ 2-2ta. MUSI' Seit '66 LeMana CODV. leaving couotry . ....... 10 Call eves. A weekenck. ~ pm. 646--3614

- ·-lf!!!!rted Autet HOO hnported Auto. HOO

The tougkest challenge .the other imports ever ~ad to face.

~., Moton' lowest pr; Luxury Sport Coupe.

• I

Steal A Fine Car Legally!


Bayside Moton '68 CORYETTE.~~$4995 - -- - --'65 YW ~ $1095 '66 JAGUAR ~~.w .... $2995 - - ----'65 Caclllac = ~.::- $3095 '67 EJ Dorado~ ~;!,.$M95 ...... ~~~~~- -~~~-

' 66 Mustang ::: ~HT $1695 ~ - -- -'67 Mustang ~: $2195 '63 CHEY II ~-.:-,. · $695 '62 LINCOLN:, C:~ $1195 -'67 PONTIAC lun• 2095 ...... - - -- -~·7 JAG IKI ~ $4195 '65 FIAT -~a.!.. $1095 --- -~----

'65 F-250 PU ~~ " $1395 '67 YW ~:;. ':.:• ·

VJ,it Our luutfful Showe..... At 1200 W. Comr Hwy .. NI '46-5055 * 646-5056 .





• • • Now The Car of The Year Is Here Anti VI• Have Lart1• Quantities To Choose Fro111I



Fully Factory Equipped with: YI ....... Uf~_.. Dlllfl S•f•tJ , ....... ..... ,...... MIMI ...... M c.p.t, COM .... H.-. ._ ..., ,.. Stripe • ..._ .,..._., n .... ,.ee.; ............................. """ ..... ,.. ,_ Pd••!...,_ C1 .. u1:aet1t u.1tt -4 Lodi, IMte ... P..e -ID tllJ LJt11ta, lnenlW. Key Lodi ... SJlllmi s......... ,.,. Slpaik. ... 170.14 WW. °"" nra;

• Automotlw• Dealers For Ower 46 Years •

\ I


-- . . . . --- .... ~ -. . .. -~ .. . - .... ,...,,.._ .. ... .._.,..,.. . .... ... ...,,,,, . ~.- - "





·~:- '68 RANCHERO

:..·o:.~ i:=·l::$2288 *FULL PRICE ~- ..... • Ouhlde ,_le Conlnll Oultldt Mlrron. llrlohl

~!',, '::d':S~~!~ 11,~:: w~: PLUS lhltld Wasller1 & 2 Speod Wlptn. 1264 IMMIDIATI DIUYHY TAX & LICENSE



TOTAL DOWN ----Ulk ll'lllH


Buy your new car or truck and r~uct your monthly Ptvments.


MONTHLY CASH OUTU.l l~ ., •Mllllll Awlcl!lm .......... Clft Aolltowd ()'Nit

UM the ~ity In your old car, PAIO rot Olt NOT, to moke t'1e dOWll payment on yovr MW « ult<I car Of tNdt at WILSON FORD oncf even get


' T....., tin ,....., I - to 5 pm M11d1J1 I A.M. to· t P.M. .


fte1fi •f- liNtt • I defrostet witli Air Flo ...tll.+ion, oll new I 600ct 75 hp engine, iliac llf1lte1, 4 1pHcl spchro trani/'nin ion, • lnyf Interior, beck up, clomo l courtesy lighh, peclclecl clash l visors, 111t & 1houl. 4., bolts.

BRAND NEW FJ·1 FLARESIDE PICKUP Fr91h a ir .lit1+.r I d1fro1ter, 2 .. .,\,. s 2 0 8 • . * ror1, H it be~s. back up lights, 1icl1 r K • tOI'\, 1p.,e tire & carrier, padclecl d1eli I visors, 6 '/J foot f l.,e•lcle pickup bocly.

BRAND NEW 1968 FORD FALCON Fresh 1Tr heater I defrotfer, duef hydrHlic .it 1918 * brake 1y1t1111, brake lite, front door crfsy. • lights, cloth l vinyl Interior, p1ddecl cl1all A visor, windshield washert l wipers, 1icle view mirror. No. 215 lmmecli1t1 Delivery PULL ICI ft.US AX It UCI Nll



'228 '60 VAUANT SEDAN ~ulon1etle f r• "smiuio", r1clio encl hHter, Stock number 2 71

'59 RAMBUR AMERICAN St1tion w19on. 6 cyllncler, slick shift, Stoclt n11mb1r 179

'60 FALCON "utometic trensml11ion, recl io, hHter, Stoclc M1mber 2 )o4

'60 Pl YMOUTH RJRY H1rc1te,. Reclio. li11ter, VI, ouiom•f· le. power ltMri"g, PWA401

'63 CAMPER SHEU Pectory lMtilt, A r11I bHuty, Stock number 31 0

'60 Pl YMOUTH '-DOOR lconomicel 6 cyll .. cler •ntl"•• stick, roclio encl ht1t.r, LFUIH

No. 196. lmmecliate de livery. PUl.L PllCI PLUS TAX l UCINSI

' 58 PEUGEOT SEDAN s2ss '61 CHMOLn COl"'11 4 speed tte1umiuion, orit in1I VI, eutornotic, rtd io and hee+.r, bleclt color. No, 2U Hctllent conclition, No, KHUIM

'61 FALCON TUDOI s3ss ''6 MEICUIY CAUIN"rl Autometic, redle. hHet, flt-H f White w/blue vi"YI Inter., VI, 111+~ cover, No. 234 PS, RAH. Ne. I 59

'62 PONTIAC $)88 '66 MUSTANG HARDTOP 1 door. va en9in1, aulometic tr1n11!1 i11io11. 200 C.1.0. Auto., R&H, Gold/ ltl1clr ,.dio ond h11ter. No. 294 vinyl bucket 1uls I cerptft. No. 307.

'63 GAL.AXIi 4-DOOI s3ss '66 GALAXIE 500 All vinyl interior, VI, Alriematic, Tudor, H.T. VI, auto, PS, white w/Milto Redio & Ht1ter, No. 3M. interior. No. 260

·u COMn S.22 $488 '65 ECONOLINE DU. Redio & Huter new whltt f inish.

Club wagon. RIH, blue w/W11e vinyl No. Ill. -inter., fernily 1p1ci1I, No. 160

'63 FORD GALAXIE 500 H.T. $588 ''1 MUSTANG VI, euto., PS, reclio, huter, l ig 200 C.1.0. 1n9, >. uto, UH. WSW, WSW. No. "' !Ml. of 50,000 ml. warruty. N., Hl

'H MUSTAN• '67 DODGE CORONIT lteclie, ltt1ter, powlf' rlelf'i119, IMicht 100 H.T. lll va, eu+o~ PS~ U H, .. cht 1•1t1, WSW, No~ 2U se1h, leu tha" 15,000 ml. - u r

wtrr•nty. No. 257

'65 •ALAXm SM Seden. VI, ••ti., PS, 352 ent·· bl11 e

w/ ltl11e • lnyl i"ter. No. 2H


51188 s1449 s1ssa· s1sas .

s1sss s2oas


1/J·TON $298 , ....... r jy•n 181£

'1cb1t truck. UU'll'ULJ AIUUll,I; _sioc_ k_ R_•""---.-t-01 ________________ __

''4 CHmOLIT 1/J•TON Plckuft trvck. Stock number 227 5988 EL DORADO ~------------------------------'U FOID LONG aD

VI, l 1p11cl, ree l cl11n. Ne. JOI

'66 FOID LON•llD l •..-H ~H1111lulon . Ne. 28'


.... ,_., *"'· .... "' 'U ~· ~100 PICICUP

lll" .... '"'- - · No. -

' '6 CHIYIOLIT it'• TON "'· .._, *'Y. ..... 2"I

CAMPERS Oii Dlsplly for

•edllte DellYery.


i.w. 5795 I ' fully ..,.,,.. Inc ..... bu­,.,.. .-., ....,..,, .,...., .... water t1nk, sink. ....... 4.




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Are you a little FROG in big pone!? Don't iust sit there : • • croaking about that rut - LEAP into our sua:eu picture • • • man a BIG SPLASH in '68 ,with the most ra~'1 growi~ bear­ing manufacturer in the country.


l :l





t :i

t ::

' .. ..

t ::

,_, 0 f? N I N C

1:101J Clwt Us Titis Day/ .....

of NBC's Eye Guess and NBC Ra· dio's Emphasis; Tolie Fields. come· d1enne. and Gil Youn1. actor. They will attempt to 1uess the inner per· sonahties of pre·filmed 11uests. They

l :JOI Sllnrlse S.Mtlttr (C) are Ben Gazzara, star of NBC's • Edttutit11 Eulllnp: (C) "Since Run lor Your Lile (Monday) ; Polly ars Be11an." In this lhird week Beraen (Tuesday): Jerry lewis, who

of the four·week series, Colonel has his own variety·comedy show Griess lectures on "The Decisive on NBC (Wednesday): Zsa Zsa Ga· Vear- 1863." Monday: "Att rition bor (Thursday): and Jim Backus and Maneuver." Tuesday; "The Uni· (Friday). flcation and Emeraence of Ger· 8 Ed Allen EJlfcists (C) many." Wednesday; "From Opl\, Mon., Movie: See Daytime mism to Frustration. 1914·1915. I Movies. Thursday. and "The Search for Al @ PatlOfa"'a Bahmitld lernahves, 1916·1918." Friday. @ 6 Sunny Tod., (C) GJ Eduutiotlal Futwes

10:30 I~ Diel V1n ~ Sllow 7:001 Odyswy (C) • @ 6 Hollyweod Squares: (C) ID TIM Today SMw (C) Jack Palance. Glenn Ford, Dean ~ (C) C I .kines. Michael Landon, Janice P111e Mr. Wbllbone S1tow ( ) and Jim Backus auest. Stoel! M1r1ltt I Educitional F11tuns

7:JO IJ c:as Mtrnin1 Nm: (C) .losephl (i7) Donna RHCI Senti. JM ,.,ne Show (C)

I berclM Witll Clofill (C) Roy Rocwrs

111 Babysitttr (C)t 111 :00 I ~ Love of Life (C) ~nt's C.rtoons (C) • @ 6 1-pardy (C) f'el11 t11t Cit (C) Movit: See Daytime Movies

1:00 I a C..,Uin ltallllfM (C) I (i7> (]) Te,.,t.tion (C) c,,., Row Lte (C) Trutll or CollMqUHUs (C) T1tt Amazin& Tlllff Rotllper ROM

Lassit llld Wtbstlf 1 11 :251~ CBS Midday Nnrt (C) l :lO 0 Cifl Tall! (C) (i7J ABC NtWt: (C) Marlene

O Momifla Flid: Thll week's se- Sanders leclions are. "Swiss Miss," Mond1y; 11:30 I§ Selfdl for To1110uow(C) "Barbary Pirate," Tuesday; "Eve ry- . 6 EJt Cut11 (C) th!na's Due~:" Wednesd.1y; "Bl~nd· t'V 3 How's Your Motlier-In 1e s Reward, Thursday, and Su· Law' (C) Wink Martindale hosts Slnnah of lhe Mounties." Friday. m Shtriff Jolin (C) . I Tiie Add1111s fl•ilJ CD News

C.rtoons (C) 11:.45 II a Tiie C11iclin1 Upt (C) t:OO 11 a Calldicl C.•n

· 0 6 Snap JMpMtlt: (C) Ed McM1llon's auests are Di111 Mlfrill 1nd Robert Horton U M9'e Dourtas: (C) Jack E Leonard co-hosts.

I J.t La U.11t (C) left ClftMlll (C) CIJ Cita Kid (C)


12:001 llttM .t NMa (C) • Q> 00 Let's Mlh a Deal (C) (i7) rn 11w1tclltd

• TtWICIO: (C) St1n Bohrman and M1rl1 Cole co-host. m•· n1 a (lj Andy of MaJbtnY

t:is It u. City Sct1M1 f'•mr• t :.25 0 @ @ NBC Ntwt (C)

t :JO I W"""" Hlllbillltt 12:3011 ~ As tlM Wtfld Tu. n11 (C) 6 CMctntrltiet! (C) · 6 Dip of Oar Lives (C)

• ltt1rin1 ClliNrtll tf 3 TrtaWft lllt (C) C-4 Witt: (C) Tues. only. Mrs. ~: See Daytime Movies. Geor1lan1 Hardy, President of the Dt.lin1 ftr hllars Los Ancwles Board of Education. 1:00 II a (I) Law Is I M.y ,,..... moderates 1 ptnel di1tusslon con· MtM Tllilll (C) cer111n1 the influence on children B ~ Ci) Tiie Doder'J (C) of the viol•~ in enryd1y lift . The (i7) (]) T1tt f•altM proaram is sponsored by th• "I· tlonal Conference of Christians and Jews m Lts Cflflt SIMN (C) ., ,.... film (ff) CJ) Sea Nwt

t :45 8 ...... P .. ; ~ Wltll tif1h., Wed. only.

11:91Mlf tf ~ QI (I) ,. uar: (C)

Larry 8tydtn ........ Bill ewtetl.

1 :30 I§.~ Moat Pll'\Y (C) · 6 AllOtlltr Wertd (C) r. lachetrs Holtywoect (C)

l11ct1ttt1y/ S'9dl Mantt

2:00 I~~ T• Hie Trwtll (C) T• Don't S.,: (C) Bar·

b1r1 el n, Robert lansln1 auest.

I (f7) Cl) Tiie Ntwtjwtd C.• (C) F.--4 "-- (C) Tdllia!C...

?:2S 8 News (C)

TORRID TWUSVMF.- l u)re JI/I. so11 om/ M11h111•/ (hriJ1ta11 pru1t<lt t111011u110/ /11r .. ·111 u ,,, 1ht1r """' rolt'S of It// S 11111h 0111/ Jur Rms1 o n ABC' J , ""'""""' 1/1 0111011c S•'· rits, PtJ 11111 Plo(t. 111 tulm, Mn11· days om/ I h11ntlu.J ut 9.JO PM.

MO KE.f 7 (.. R \ ,\ l)IRF:CTCIR­Ptln Toi~ 111/tl, 1111u1/11•1 /11cr1 '" h 11 t ,,,... ,., " /1r11 he drh111s m 11 1/11rc1or ol tilt' 1•111rnJr " Mon/..t.'t'J MlllCI Thr11 Mu1101 '' on A IJC's The M tmkt ts. 111 1·11/111 , Mn11tlct>' 111 7:J{) PM.

2:30 I IB The Eda• of Nlclit (C) · @ 6 Tiie M1tdl G1n11 (C)

Ft1turts @ CIJ Tiit Biby C1111t (C) Darin& Ventures (C) Buslneu News/ Stoa Marlett

2:55 8 ill 00 NBC News (C) (i7) CI) Cllildren'1 Doctor (C)

3:00 I Ci!J Cl) The Secrtt Storm (C) · P.D.Q. (C)

Lt1ve It to Baaver Im {3) Cene11I Ho911ital (C)

• Tempo: (C) Jo Ann Pflua and Bob Doman co·hosl .

m Uncle W1ldo (C) Offict of ttle PTnicllnt/ faatures Ci) M1tinH: Don Rodewald

3 :301~ HF~:~11n/fYI (C) Ptrfect Match (C) (i7J (]) Dar• SllldoWJ (C) Winch1ll·M1llonty Show (C) Hobo Kelly Show (C) Cl) Di1lln1 for Dolll11 Movit

4:001 Mr. Ed; Movi., Thursday. · Movit four: Wednesday only.

Divorct Court (C) @ The D1tin1 Gamt (C)

4:30 I E1rly Show: See Daytime Movies.. . Movie Four: See Daytime ovie.s.


B llffflt PlliAI• Nns (C) Tiie Ntws Hour: (C) Baxter


I Sllper•an (C) Weedy Weodbury Show (C) loa'1 Bil Top Show (C) [j) Mille Doulfas Show (C) W lt1adtr'1 Dl1nt

U UNITED AIR LINES * Presents lakers vs. Philadelphia 76'ers

5:00 g Lau11 B1.Utbalh-4C) Friday only. The lakers meet the Ph1la· delphia 76ers, live lrom the Spec· trum in Philadelphia. (:J Pit looM in HollJwoed: (C) Don Rickles CO·llosts.

I Tiie Am1zln1 Tll,.. Datellnt Ellropt Ci) Ji111111y Tllotllnon Show (C) Cl) Sllalltf1 Pizzi P1rty

5:301 Ozzlt and Harritt ABC Ntw1: (C) Bob Youn1. Tiit Add1111s f'1mity Cress Cltntnt/ °"'1u1 AIMii·

t•• @ Ci) Tltil D1y l '61 (C) a Cl) M111 Frffl UNCU

111-SctMet Pr•ara••l11t-«CET CM!lntl 21 off•• air ti .. for ttM LOI Ancwln City 1nd Co4111ty Sdleols for dllldrtn'I ift·sdloel pro1ra1H1l11a. 111 tdclition, Ille ttatietl bfMkasts In· _. """'1.. fO( tNdlen. rr .. lflllll are tdledlfled II ftllewl: ..., l :JO AM·2:JO THIUy 10:20 AM·3:JO w..._.,, t'AS AM·l:JO TllttrMlr t:AS AM~:JO frW,, 10:00 AM·Z:JO

~olor CBSS2 Thrtt brothers lndonekwe­hungry girt between them t Fred MKMurray Jeffrey Hunter Dun Stockwell ~nkeRule ChlUWilh Los Angeles Television Premiere t



0 CMt9I IX llhwie: "Tiit Mqi­dM" (drama) '59 - Mu Von Sy·

F£8RUARY 24 dow, ln1rid Thulin, Gunnar Bjorn· strand, Naim1 Wifstrand, Bibi An· dersson.

I Alrlan htrol . NET fnttvll

6:00 a Tiit 111 NIWS: (C) (60 min.) btNfts 34 Clete Roberts. I ,:30 IJ a ()) rettaat Junction: (C) 0 @ (6' s.tvrday News (C) (60 (30 min.) Aunt Htlen Cauest Rose· min ) mary Ot Camp) pays an unexpected O 5rand Ott ~: (C} (30 visit to the Shady Rest and finds Hank Snow. Tex Ritter and Strina· that Cousin Mae is there to help bean auest. out during Kate's absence and al· O loss City (C) (60 min.) ready has alienated hotel guests. m CotWbal! (C) (60 min.) 0 Movie: (C) .... nutll tllt 12· EE 5ospel Mission Milt ltfff" (adventure) '53-Robert ED IH 1ttwiew Warner, Terry Moore.

ti) u Casa d' lu f"*u . ~ ~n~M~~e ~'::.: ~~ 6:30 0 Mtlody Randi:. (C) (60 min.) lis Diller, Louis Armstrong, Elaine

The Sons of the Pionem ruest Dunn The Lettermen 1uest

I Mi .. l>Mlf• (C) (60 min.) I J9. P'ynt (C) (30 min ) 12 O'Clod Hip (C) (60 min.) Lilli rll•tr Theatre . World ef Yotltll Boa dt Mtaia Arrib1 ti Norte . • 10:00 1J Ci) Cf) M111nlx: (C) (60 min.)

7:00 1J a ()) CIS Evtti .. I News. (C) ID News: (C) (30 min.) Larry Bur· (30 min.) Ro1er Mudd. . rell, Bob Rhodes. 0 MIC (C) (30 m1n.) I fl> M.,..... 22: "White Gorilla." Bob Wn1hl hosts. . 10:30 D 11 Mende: (C) (30 min.) "Bra·

I f Trt0p (30 min.) zll." George Sanders narrites this I low litcy (30 min.) eaploration of the primitive people Rft~al fins . who live in almost prehistoric sim· ""'"I tllt 5uitar plicity a few short miles from Bra· El Mundo ~ loco zil's ultra·modem new capital, Bra·

7:30 Ra (J).JIQte 51euon S11ow:1 silia. which is surrounded by jun111e. (l) (60 min.) The Kramdens and I at JM ,,.. (C) (2 hours) Nortons win a iinrte contest •nd1 fE IJ Dtt9and embark on a wacky voyare eround 11:00 1J Elfttn O'Clod ltptrt: (C) Clele the world. Repeat. Roberts

B@ (i) Tiie Saiwt: (C) (60 mi~.) Q TIM. lltll tt..r News: (C) (30 Hlyriclt: (C) (60 min.) B1lly1 min.) Jack Latham.

Walker ~ests. , D WtHtnd Ntws: (C) Keith Mc· D ~ w i lft(1A~ hrlllit tfl Bee Eactlltnct: Yltnna iO,s Clltlr. (C) G) .News (30 min ) (60 min.) The pro1ram follows 12· &II Cf1t tn S. Ca~ ~ar-old R1inhardt Tilly from the 11:10 0 News

·tune of his acceptance as a can·• . • d1d1te for the world renowned 11:15 IJ f....., 52 Movie: (C) '5u11 choral 1roup, to the day of deci·I f9f a (western) '57-Jel · sion-when he is to be accepted frey Hunter. Fred MacMumy, Janice or rejected by the choir. R8u!e~ ........ rd ,.

1,.. M · " f 'I

I TIM lld 5uys (90 min.) -.. ., ~"' owie: " lowetl n.o.a (C} (30 min.) Safe" (drama) 64-Henry. Fo~da, llipafd (30 min.) Walter M1tthau, Dan 0 Her11 hy. Dr. ~·1 Stem Jewul 11:20 fl llewit: ''W11riers f°lft" (ad· Off.a.., venture) '62- Jack Palance. Jo Ann

r vrN1~r.

1:00 I Mic:llMI lledcttt (C) (90 min.) Ralli. C:..ntry .... Sllew (C) (3 11:30


1:301J a C1J My TltrM (C) TONIGHT SHOW. In Color (30 mln.)Steve leaves lor Amster· D Tiit Ttftlpt Sllew (C) dam. Robbie for the South Peciflc. U Mwie: "Nl&M Mid tilt City" and Chip for Mexico-lemn1 a (mystery) '50 - Richard Widmuk.

Q'L~ie~t '::t (C) (301 ii)'~~~,.. .. CHne11ball" min.) •'file Wu Maa." (comedy) '55-Judy Cancwa. Andy R Mlllial Varieties: {C) (60 min.) Clyde. The Almira. Eddie Vallus and his 12:30 GI M-NllM Mftits: (C) "FOftlp orchntr1. Fr1nkie ,Yankovic ind his llltripe'' (suspense) '56 - Robert orchestra guest. Mitchum. "Htr IUt!d ef M111" (ro· Q <rn (I) LMmna W .. (C) (60 mance) '46 - Dane Clark. Ja n i~ mm.) Paire. ''Cllelpef by Utt Dellfl' fl>,__ ,.. (comedy) 'SO-Clifton Webb. "Par· &> E Dettdlt de "-- dell My f rllldl" (comedy) '52 -

t:tl 8 QI CJ) ........ ""9el: (C) (JO Paul Htnrtld. mitt..L l*»fl llllN: -n. 111 ,,_.. (west· II Q CJ) S..., ...... It tlll em) '52--fClttl Ooqta, Pat~ Wy· ilwlti: -(t) '°StrMlt ........... more. (comedy) '~S-ffock Hud10n, Gln1' 0) MeM: "C.,ecahll1" (musical) Lollobrt1Kfa. Gl1 Young, Edward' ·47 - Groueho Marx, Carmen Mir· Judd, Arthur Hayna, Ttny·Thomn.' and1.

• .. it



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. ) ( ·

I · is le ,. J· J · e.



'" •f· :e


'· 'I· d· 1n

" .Y )f'

st· 'Y·

11) ir·

Bizarre and exotic!

T~ A cniliatio1 of prillitin •JBterJ lvb 01 the very oatlkirtB ef Brazil's capital!

Hosted by Baxter Ward l&.30 pm


Danny's Supperclub Act You can visit one of the

most famous nightclubs in the country at a minimal cost (by turning on your TV set) Mon­day at 9 PM on NBC, when Danny Thomas does his night­club act for the fi rst time. ever. on television.

On a night last summer when Danny was doing his supperclub act at Harrah's in Lake Tahoe. the taping cam­eras were set up and recorded his one-man sHow.

It is almost an entire hour o f Danny. with time out for commercials of course: intro­d uctions of his accompanist­arranger Walter Popp and the Leighton Noble Orchestra . wh ich plays the sho'1·

Danny. singing such stand­ards as "Hello. Young Lovers," interspersed with hysterical an­ecdotes about his own mar­riage, and advice (?) to newly- and older-married couples; "People Who Need People," and more jokes, performs for TV just what the "paying customers" get to see when he is headlining in a nigh tclub. ,

T oo, because of the intimacy of television, there's a feeling of being at ringside for the show-something not easily achieved io a room as vast as Harrah's.

THE WNELINESS PAIR- Mildrt!d D111111ock. ltft, and S111an Tyrrt'll, (Jiu)'· i111 mothu-in-law and da111thltr-lrr-law. rtspulh•t'ly, commluralt In thtir lont· lint u In a sctnt from "Tht Hanuttr of lfappi11t11," 011t-ho11r drama alrln1 In col~r, S11nda)' at J PM. tu part o/ thl' N BC Ex,wrilll'nl "' Tt'lt 1'isio11 st r1ts .

THE DAllY PllOT, TV WEEK. rt:BRUARY 24. 1968 I

The Smothers Brothers Shake 'em Up One of the best things about

the Smothers Brothen. besides the fact that they offer a deli· nite choice to the Cartwright brothers-plus-Papa, is that they have a show that "tells it like it is." f or aside Crom them and the Rowan & Martin Laugh-io, there a re no orher stries on lV that even rt/au to what's happening today- in the world, a: home. in your neighborhood . in your mind.

The Brothers show was a sleeper, coming along with an innocent-appearing variety for­mat in the formerly jinxed time slot opposirc Bonanza. Some people recalled them from their better-forgotten series in which Tommy played a for-real angel; some people knew them from guests shots in which their roo­rmes often ended with Tommy'5 tagline- " Mom always liked you best." It was Tweedledee and Tweedledum- Dickie Ott. the sensible well-mannered grown· up, and T ommy Dum-Dum . the half-confused. rather clumsv guy with the shrewd, sometimes rude. perceptions of a not yet con­formist human being.

Actually Tommy rs the more intense, articulate, more highly motivated. more polit ically aware o r the two. Dick, a dedicated family man, has less ambition as an entertainer, is calmer. le3S active in polit ical affai rs. Tom, now divorced, devel~d ulcers after their fi n r series. He speaks our on tht' dove side of tht' Viet· nam controversy; he is more out· spoken in haMln with network censorship.

But both brothers are equally determined to do their show thtir way- to oversee every de· ta il , to be controversial. to con· front what's happening. to wa lk the slightly wild ~ide. A~ their comedy hour pro­

ceeded . viewers became aware that it had a sharp. topical stance. Trut'. there were the usual guest stars, funny skits. pleasant songs. But there was also second banana Pat Paulsen, who did deadpan editoriab o n everything from gun laws to censorship. sometimes in com· pletc double-talk. So convincina was the put-on, that he received thousands of requests for copies o( one of his editorials in which not one sentence made sense. And 50mC editorials made 100

'"'"" ... for cas· comfon . ...... 6


Some guest srars were offbeat, for TV- Moms MabJey, with her earthy, human comment on everything from sex to civil rights: and folk-singer Pete Sec­~r. an entertainer who had been "blackl isted" from network ap­pearances because of his political viewpoints.

There were sharp polit ical quips-a recenr one concerned the rearing down o f London Bridae : " Why don' t they sell it to the U.S.? Pause. "What would we do w ith it?" Answer :

• ·'We'd bomb it, o f course."

T ommy

Pause. ··o r we could ICI LBJ use it to hridge the believability gap."

Narurally. the show ran mto netwo rk censorship trouble. When Seeger appeared, he sang an anti-military. ant i-war song (based on a true incident in Marine camp training in the south) called ''Old Muddy." He sang it for the taping: the net­work cut it out.

But if s in the area of sex that the network gets edgiest. One sketch, a far-out version of " Ro­meo and Juliet." had a l ine that Juliet might be, as they say. " in a family way." No. said C BS. Apparently it's all right on soap operas or Peyton Place, but not on a comedy show

As receolly as last December so much strife had developed that Tommy was quoted as say­in1 that "we are a t complete oddt" with the network. "We' re 1erious about this," the quote stated. '1'rouble is that they want us to do a program that pfcucs everybody and we don' t and can' t work that way We hold too many strong beliefs oo certain matters. Unle'5 the tnriN "''Meb to c:cn10nhip is

cha nged, then this will be our last series."

At the S<lmt' rime. the Broth­ers were gaining the support of cohorts in rhe industry. " Produc­ers have told us," Tommy was quoted as saying, "that we have ~ned up the way for breaking of unwritten Jaws and using ma­rerial which nobody h ad dared to include before,"

The show. meanwhile. had hit the top s lots in the ratings. giv­ing Bonanza a run for its money. Apparently even this didn' t calm the network . Even when contro­versy proved to be good busi­ness, CBS still had the jitters.

The Brothers have actually be· come the nearest thing to fear· less leaders and establishment shnkers rhat lV has produced. And being an ardent admirer of rhe Brothers' courage, of their •icwpoint, and o f thcic show, I soughr an interview. Tommy. in particular. I wanred to talk to. "T ell it like it is. baby," I thought. "Tell us about the noble fight. ..

As it turned out. T ommy wasn' t ra lking at the mo ment, and Dick had little to say. So I'll just have to tell you how it was. Tom. it seemed. didn't want to ralk because everyth ing was now cool with the network . problems had been resolved. he


was tired of talking about the whole matter. Dick. however. had a few m inutes to chat dur· ing a busy reheanal schedule.

Things were hectic. as usual. on the set. Dick was preoccupied wilt! how things were going. By way of conversalion. I asked what he had thought of a rercnt cover story on them in a nation­al TV magazine. He hadn't seen rhe story yet. and apparently didn'c recall that there had beeo

an interview. A few linea from the story were quoted to him, and he looked annoyed.

" I'm sure I never said that . anyway. whoever said it, the) shouldn't have used it. Even if it's true, it doesn' t sound right."

This immediately reminded me that I had come to discu~ the Brothers' srrong stand against censorship. H ow were things go­ing?

"Things aren't settled at aJJ," replied D ick. "We've still got those three guys from network continuity (censorship ) . And they're still busy saying we can't do this and that.

" You know, we don't really ao overboard on social com­ment. It's only a small percent· age of the show. It just looks that way because none of the other shows say anything at all!"

I agreed. with one exception. the Rowan and Martin show. Tommy h as guested on Laugh· in: D ick is scheduled to. They both have a ttended screening parties for the series. " Aw," said Dick. "they don't really do any· thing new. Not really."

1 put the remark down to had mood and a natural twin~ of jealousy a t sharing the crusader· innovator role. (And, ooides. R&M have a more liberal net· work. ccnsorshipwise, to work with. It 's true. o f course. rhal rhe shows have a difference. Laugh-in centers on a ft ip, punc· ruring of stuffed shirts and stuffy arr irudes on all sides. Repubh· can and Democratic, liberal and conservative alike. The Smoth· ers take a stronger. more defin ite political and social stand.)

D ick was getting edgy. He had work to do. T om simply sat and looked morose. That was rhe end of the interview with rhe knights in electronic armor.

The fact that at the moment they are less than talkative does not take one whit away from the courage o r excellence of what they are doing. You can't, after all, expect shakers-of-the-esta~ lish ment to be well-oiled public relations tvpes. They "tell it likt it is" on their show. Verbal eX· planations att quite beside the point,

If T ommy sometimes gca pretty upright about the whok si tuation. ifs understandable. And, after all , it may just ~ possible that mother really did love D ickie "bat."


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'" le. be hd



Newport Beach



LocMed in the finest area along the Pacific Cout. Cloee tJo and recnation iareu, UnivEl'"Sity ol CallfAlmia at nine, and many Element.-y tr High Schools. Alllo, some ol tbe most modem and cmveruent ahopptng centers.


Send re1W11e to:




( 7 14 ) 8 3 3-0600, Ext. 2 I 8 I SATURDAY INTERVIEWS


All epplications reviewed on merit wUll no biu towanl Race, Color, c~ or Sex.

Doto Communications Systems

ENGINEERS (Digital) 'l'o perform advance state of art Rid> and production 1mprove­meM m~ed:ric con:.ponents applied tA> dtcMaJ data communication and/or cs.ta ~111.nJ equipment. ProJ· eel responsibilities from design throueh production release. Experieoce desired in anaJoc and digital circuit design of active filters. D.C. ampllfler modulaton, <*:lllators, dJiltal loek and &lgnal detectors. Priple respo111lbillty would include the uae of these micro-electronic componentl and c'rcuJta in the design of dJgital data communication equipment. Compu. ter facilities 1&V'lfable for analytical engineering deslp. Elec­tronic, mechanical and analytical support groups ere•avelJ· able to assist the system and equJpment p~ject engineers. BSEE or MSEE required. Advanced prepllration andlw 4 years experience desired.

Circuit Design Engineers To perform advanced mlroo-electronJcs (thin film circuit de· sign and evaluation) includlnB methemaUcal design analyst. using computer. Circuit J!n>ject relpODslbillty from desigft through production fabricetlon, BSEE and 3 yrs. or more ~z. perience in analog, active filters , DC amplifiers, modulatort and power siJPPly translJtor circuit design la reqµ.lred. El· perience in <»eltal circuit deaisn and Ioele deairable.

Programmer Analysts Who are lnterested in punuing cballedib1t new con~ in on-line, real-time fnform.cion systems, -tidlizfng COUJna new generation of computers. OJ>ENING in the FOU.OWING CATEGORIES:

Da1* CoU~tion and Diuemlutlon-On-Une Management In· formation Systems Direct Distital Control Applicatiool - Me11a,. ~'wttchurg - Supportlne Software. BACKGROUND REQUIRED: A minimum of 2 yeen of experience 1n any or all ·of ttie aboye areu. A BA or BS decree in mathematic• or ttie phf' sical sdencea prefe~. not

Crystal Filter Engineers A dynamic, growing enelneering gro~ oeedt an engineer with experience in advanoed network dellgn ruethodl to work on development of cryltal taters, equallzers and related pro­duct.I. Scope of work can include development of additional computer aided detlgn methods u well u haviD1 project de­•lln relJ>Oftl1bWW. Decree required. Tb.ii ii a senior position. Salary commemurate with ability.

Test Systems Design Engineers Immediate openings for test engineers capable of Independent state-of.the-art achievements. Will be uociated with testing and automatic check-out systems design and manufacture. Excellent opportunity for original think~.




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . l THE HEART j

~ OF SHOW j . . j BUSINESS ~ • • . . : TONIGHT ONL\'! : • • • • •••• • ••••••• • •••••• • •••••••• • ••••••••• •

...... ~ 8pa.-.g Entertainment Jeabrlng a Galaxy~ Great 8tan ••• RICHARD BURTON


wltlt 8rftl8ll COllllca

llatTy Seoombe Spike Miiiigan

iC .. ..

10m Jones 6lynl8 ....... Shirley 8a8sey Frankie vaughan

Lulu Mclulu hnmy Steele

* * * Miiicent Martin ulltlMI

Paddy Stone Dancers s,edal6-tl


.. iC ..


,..,. .




6:45 TIM Qrilttpllm 6:50 Slwt U1 nls Day/Ntws 7:00 Te• ucl Jerry (C)

TIM liMt Alt...,. 7:30 Undlrdoa (C)

S.Mly Sttfy n.. (C) Wond of YMlll (C) Mr. Wisllbotlt 5""' (C)

Is tile RIY. Gtortt Re1u. All Sainti Episcopal Church, Pa11den1

I " ..... , ... c.i.. (C) NIA llllltball: <C> 1!t~ vi. St. Louis.

l a.a"' ....... (C) I Cl) flrll laftht Qwdl

11 :30 D P'l'9fltt: "Orctiestrated Voices. N

140st Robtrt Lee presents the UQ.. voice Sin Dieto Stale Collece Ver11 Choir in ttlt readina of '1he Bells. R

~ Edpr Alltn Poe. U lllewle: (C) ~(ad­venture) '51- John Payne, Rhondl Flfmlnt.

' r ' I 11 '< () () '< 1:00 la Cl) l.Mp Ulltt My Fiil:

"ferment and Faith." RePort on t!le 1%:00 D &u••la fef Al Apa: (C) Center for lntercultul'll Document•· ''rconomic Values of Area Beauti· lion in Cuernavaca. Mexico. flcatlon." , TIM Cllrimphn <C> I w.w, Wei~

8ed ts 1111 M1Wtt ~ llM• (C) C.sper Caftolat (C) llltllll"ft , .,. Mr. M•IM (C) ~lilll tw Teay (C) (i) 8ed •• 1111 • ..., (C) DlttdM

1:15 flit Cllriatepllm 12:301""'"'"' A9erlcl11 C.lblft (CJ 1:30 l• Up and Llwt TIM F11aa.1a (C)

Mowie: "Jae* Slade,. (western) Flitlt tw Teay (C) · ~Marti Stevens, Dorothy Milone. · (!) (C) "The Last

8 Milton tllt Motlttlr (C) Frontier." Morie: (C) ''Tiii Ma11 IMl11(' 1:00 D YMlll Miii '-Ike: (C) .. Jwenilt

(western) '55 - Randolph Scott. COurt." Judae Alfred J. McCortn17 Dorothy Malone. ii questiontd.

; ICatllfJ11 bllt- (C) e· ectiMs (C) rn hlllecnta1 ........ • ...... , 111ew1e: --n. Ltlt· (I) Htl'ald If Tmtl I•" (western) '58-P1ul

9:00 I ea.era TllrM Newman. Lita Milin. ~- Tabtf111de ~ (t) aJ lllewle: ""Vtwa Z..,.Ca!" (1dven· li11• Ille liOlllltlrtecl (C) ture) '52-Mar1on Brando, Jean Alvin (C) Peten.

Vlfildadts (C) I "" lift Cnas.We (C) l Miftisttriat lttllfiea Sll.ic. ~~ra Md Ji•_, llJI

6 Mowlt: "CJw!M Cllle ht · Meet Ille "'- (C)

n (mystery) '37-Warner Oland. "' Se Cna Cl) Te• and Jtl'ry (C) 1:30 I) 9 Cl) F .. die NatlH: (C} ucutta KMEX South V..tnam's President Hcuyen

9:30 8 a.o ind tllt Men (t) Van Thieu cuesU. Mlwie: '1tefMs Die Y1t111t' O Chi Ca.,..: (C) "Canon Bryan

(drama) '6G-Erik1 Peters, Scott Grten." Green tells Whittier College Borland, James Strother. students his obarv1tions on Billy

I l•es hMy (C) Gr1h1m. The BNtles, lndiln mys· hay -(C) tioism, end the lack of enthusiasm

Alie• Rtviv1t Hottr in ~uni peot>le today. 3 ~ (C) D t ... lfMI ..._,: (C) Sen. I. @I) y C..S '91 ...,., WJlliam Fulbrifht auests.

10:00 I Steps to l ter11i111 (C) m hic:e e4 Calrary (C) · TMs Is tllt lift (C) I tD 00 I letlwt ill Mirada (C)

lwllwiMle (C) 2:001 V' ......... (C) • Mowlt: (C) "Tripeli" (1dven· j Miit tllt "'- (C)

ture) '50-Maurttn O'Hara. John ..._..: "1111 84- Wtll" (mys· ~e. I teiy) '54-£dw1rd G. Robinson. m Movie: "The Dt"'1 Foi" (ad· John Forsythe, Mucia Henderson venture) '51- James Meson, Jessica m....., De"r (C) Tandy. (l?J ~ lllewle: "DM Aibi" (mys·

I '•r1J line llfY) 4&-Sidney Toler. rn far• Sllow @ 00 Mlwte: ''Operatieft Stop" Cl) Val .. la 0 Sllew (C) (comedy) '60-John Hewer. Anton la Cata di laa f"llfaa Rodaers.

10:30 I ~rt1nity Uni (C) 2:30 B ltlief (C) , @ Ftllltim If flilll: (C) ..._ c. .. ,.. (C)

"Is eac;e Possible?" Conclusion. l:OO II tlllidlr/O.aiMr: (C) "Seare· NBC Hews United Nations oorre· 11ttd Education: Moment of Deel· spondent Pauline Frtderidl inter· sion." Ditcussion of eq.,.I educa· views Dr Arthur WaWiw of the tion1I ~rtunity for all children Institute for Policy Studies In Wash· 9 0 ~ i11 T.-wi· 1naton. O.C., on the sodal and iJl.I: ( "The Hamster ol Happi-poli1inl aspects of order, disorder neu " A new pllJ by eti1rtes Ent· and violence. and the idl1 that man with Mildrtd Dunnock and mus murder is not necessary to Sus;n Tyrrell playinf the rotes 1n • JOClt_:!t for surviv1I. two·c;haradtr drama. about the at· D ll1J rn ....,,: (C) "Ghos1S tempts of • you111 frilhtened, un· oT the Old West." A visit to a sophisticated &lrl to win the friend· &host town in the Southwest. ship of her eldef1y, cant1nker0Us

11:00 & QI (I) Mttl ""*4y: (C) To- mother·in·law. ronlo vs. New York. I a ...... 1.-rt (C) 0 MJ FMfite Ser!Ntl: (C) Guest at TllCIM Gt1et1 W T...,....t:

( c 1 t

• ' e

' l :JO f c (

I 4:00




I 1:00





• -

(C) Arnold Palmer defends his D @ Wlkl ..,._.: (C) (30 championship on the link.S of the iiirn.) " Roundup for tht Rupununi." Tucson National Country Club in Marlin Perkins participatH in 1 cal the $1 25,000 tournament. tie roundup on a r1nch 1lon1 tne CD Clla111in1 T1111t1 (C)/P....,ort Rupununi Ri11er in Guyana. tt horrt (C) U ShowcaM S: (C) (60 min.)

I Cl) hblic 5«vkt fll111 " Julie LondOn Special." Fred and I Mickle Finn. Chad & Jeremy, and ,

3:30 Cjj Cl) Dlihlftn't Fii• httinl: The Dappers join Julie ror a musl· ( ) "Skinny and fatty." Rebroad cal ~cial . ust of Japanese film about a poor. 0 ll!J (]) Voy11t to tllt lotto• of skinny boy who helps a fat, rich UM Sta: (C) (60 min.) "Savaee Jun· introverted school chum learn to ale " Junele fi lhters from outer make his way. space try to tum Earth into a hot.

tlet of till Coldtn West (C) lle1v1ly lorested junife. Prus C.tor"ce (C) 11 LM Lucy (30 min.) TM Wawtront Mowie: (C) "S""'f' (drama) ! Do•lnp Altpes

Fred MacMurray, Anne Baxter I 7:30 u a C.11tle 1111: (C) (30

ii lssun and Answtrs min ) fritz Weaver euests 11 Ou

4:00 00 lie Tllftc Colt (Cl franklin, a shrimp fisherman whose CD A"'erlcan Spert11111 ~: preoccupalion with his woril

( y Donahue hunts antelope in prompts his lonely son Jamie, Colorado and Curt Gowdy and Frankl played by Richard Ouemmfin& to Woolner fish for Cape Cod bass in run off into the treacherous Ever-Massachus~tts glades.

I lattl! C,, 1 0 Qj (6) Walt DitMY: (C) (60 ReU1•1 Ftatllfts min.) ' 'The Youn& Loner." Part I

4:30 NIWMllahrs (C) of two parts An orphan boy's bel-Worlll Pross: (C) Dr Max Raf li&erenl , "me-first" attitude nearly

ferty auests. . costs him his chance at a ntw life

I full '°'Clel Rtvw11 on a sheep ranch Butch Patrick, 5:00 Nns: (C) Clete Roberts Kim Hu.nter. frank Silvera and

0 (i) Anl••I SeetttJ: (C) Jane Zachary star ''Can Human Nature Be Chanaed?" 0 Million $ M~ie : ''lll• lnttt111" Study ot why tach human beina (drama) '62-Mlchael Callan. Cliff perceives the world differently. Robertson 0 ~OYl.: , "$id1tt Goes to RolM" CD Truth 'or Consequencn: (C) (30 (com_dy) 64- Cindy Carol, James1 min.) Bob Barker hosts. Darren, Cesare Danova. I Call Mr. D (30 min.)

lilli1an'1 lsllnd (C) : Tiie frtnch Chef: "Small Roast I Outer Li•lb I A•1rican-A1111tnian Hour

~"' Arts Tlleatre Birds." I I Uittltlet (C) I a·oo ~a oc Tiie Ed SutllYln Sllow• ..;;;....,;;;:=============================

• Toros . ( ) (60 ) o· h Sh c~ I ''The Crime of Johnny Mule " An whose victims diUP""lr without 2 5:30 I (j) A"'ateur HOiii (C) min. 1na ore. u.i ,.-(6) frt11li M~oe ltt90rt (C) Ames auest itinerant prospector accused of trace. Gerald O'Louahlin i1Jests.

Success Story (C) O Upbnt: (C) (60 min.) Guests murder esupes jail and be&s Hoss O ~@Hip c:Mp1"al: (C) (60

Th• Monroe• (C) are The _Ameriun Breed. The Dells. I lor protec110n Noah Beery. Coleen min.) " Tieer by the Tail" Ricardo

Th G f s d Gray auest Montalban euests u a wounde~ l•r\e's law e rains 0 an · · lCar l Tr•Q (C) (30 min.) bandit leader who is captured by

: TM TOJ Tllat Grew Up '~ of T~ril~,~~rn!~u~~n-~ (i7. (3) Sunday NiPt Movie: (C) the Cannons and tells them hi~ desert search for Frank Padaett.


111t Ovt1 India" (drama) '60- followers will destroy them unless who intends to kill his hostaae. Lauren Bacall , Kenneth More. Her he is released

6:00 II Tiie Zht Clntury: (C) (30 min.) " Fram Cradle to Classroom " Con c:usion ol two parts Two projects are uamined m depth a day.are center for babies of workina moth· ers al Syracuse Unrverslly and the Bemter-Eneelmann Pro1ect at Iha University of llhno1s. 0 ID 00 G.L C.11•1• lowl: (C) ffiJ min.) The University ol South· ern California is challen1er U Pollle l'erldt: (C) (60 min.) "Salute to New Orleans' Mardi Gras."

I Colllblt! (C) (60 min.) I Gol111 "'"' Cl) Terun (C)

6:30 Ralpll Story (C) (30 min.) I ~ (i) flipper: (C) (30 min.)

" My Brother Flipper." flipper comet lo the aid ot an elderly diver (Dino Terranova) who believes that, 1c­cordin1 lo an old te11end. the do;phtn must be a rtinc:1rn1hon of his brother. Repeat.

I Tl• T•nntl (C) (60 min I WIClill1 Sllitl In till AttllY (C)

( min.) ti) World of YMUI ED~

7:00 U 9 l..IUlo: (C) (30 min.) A trained raccoon lost 1n the IOftst attempts to mot lntnd$ wilh wild animals

Kathenne Daly, after she euldes bert Lom, Wllfnd Hyde-White. When 0 SUNDAY NEWS REPORT him to a hidden airplane. Anne rebellion occurs among Moslem * P b H . & F k Bute1. Steve Ihnat. Arthur Franz tribesmen, a career soldier 1s as res. Y arris ran guest. si&ned lo rescue an AmericM gov- 0 Sunday Report (C) (30 min.)

emess and an Indian P11nce on the m News: (C) (30 min ) Larry Bur m " THE HEART OF northwest frontier ol India rell, Bob Rhodes * SHOW BUSINESS" m Canadian National ttoaey: (C) fE Manion Forvm/Prollie

All-STAR SPECIAL (2 hours) tfam1lton Redwlngs vs 1IO:lO 8 World of Youth (C) (30 min.)

COLOR 8 PM KTTV 1 Toronto Marlboros • Movie: (C) ''The Wonderfu l

• · l ti) l'tay of the Week Country" (western) '59 - Robert CD I Um~ I Tiie Heart of Sllow m C•ntos y Rim Mitchum, Julie London lusinm: (C) (90 min.) Bob Barker t :

30 m Louis E. Lomaa (C) (2•/2 hours)

Is host to Tommy Steele, Peter fE Invisible Man Sellm. Tom Jories, Lulu Mclulu, 0 AMERICA'S AMAZIN.G 11 :00 8 Ueven O'Clock RlllOrt (C) Frankie Vaughan, Shirley Bassey, * FUN FARM. Color fllm O The 11th Hour Ntw1: (C) (3( and special stars Richard Burton, of KNOTI'S BERRY FARM min.) Tom Brokaw, Ross Porter. Elizabeth Taylof, Sammy Davis Jr. and GHOST TOWN 0 Open IOI Discussion (C) (30 Q) htspert to Profit (C)/Cha11&in1 min.) Timet (C) 0 I ,flc!M I Amorlu's Amuln1 Q) Church in the Home (C) (60

I Scailet """*"'' F. ar111: (C) (JO min.) Guided min ) s,ectni•: (C) ·•canur." Repeat. tour of Knott's Berry Farm, high » '16· Thia 011 1961 (C) VarleUdn li1hted by reconstructed scenes oi l tn. Feature / News

•.... n ,.,. f£\ M~ e1r1y America Repeal _ :.- ._,, ...., ~ .,._,..111.Law: (C) (30 O ""' Yerty Show (C) 160 min) 11:1s - News: (C) H11ry Reasoner.

min.) "Bye, Bye Blackmailer" Eve m il!ici•LI M1t1 in Crisis: (30 11:30 1J Movie:. (C) "Wondt1 MH" and Kaye resort to phony blackmail min.) " lindber&h vs the AtlantlC." (comedy). 45-~anny Kaye. tactics to prevent a fllht between The dramatic ltaht 01 one man to O Mov!'· CC) 'The Lon.east H1111·

llheiTh~u~~ (C) (30 min.) fly thet&~llant1c Omn non stop is ~~lu~'.1'~al~tn:nW~~. 67-Doui

Star r.rftn1t1nca re·crea '''" I Publit Slnica (C) I'll (Cl ti) Owmt11 ~enture (17' CV AIC News (C) 0 0.rtdlo de Naar ti) Teatro Slltll 11:45 Movii: (C) " Tribllta to e tM

9:00 IJ a . S..tllers tfotlliort: (C) 10:0011 ~ (1 Mission: Impossible. (C) Man" (drama) '56-James Ca1ne7. (60 min.) Pett Sfflef. Lei&h (60 min ) Phelps 1s assigned to Irene Papas. French. Stoey Mitchell 1uest. expose the carefully prolected chief 12:00 Q) Movie: ''Tall, Dark and Kan4• D ti) (6) toftlfWI: (C) (60 min) or a nalionw1d~ murder for hire ring 111me" (dram~) 4 I-Cesar Romero

,... t



3:00 O Q) <6 1 Experiment in Television: (C) " The Hamster of Happ• ness." A new play by Charles Eastman, this two-character drama stars Mildred Ounnock and Susan Tyrrell . The story concerns two lonely women. one an elderly, cantankerous mother, and the other a young. frightened, unsoph1st1catea girl, who is her daughter-in law The play deals with the gir l's attempt to win the friendship o f the woman and a place in her home.

8 :00 m I IJlc1M I The Heart of Show Business: (C) Sammy Davis Jr .. acclaimed the world over as a-;:;--enterta1ner's entertainer, head Imes the all-star cast of this 90 minute special on KTTV. Joining Sammy on the international-flavored show are Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Connery, Stanley Baker, Peter Sellers. Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones. Tommy Steele. Lulu Mclulu, Frankie Vaughan. Glynis Johns. Harry Secombe and Spoke Milligan.


10:00 I) '291 lf) CBS News Special: (C) " Report From Vietnam by Walter Cronkite." CBS news correspon<Jent Walter Cronkite and executive producer Ernest Leiser are on a two week assign ment on Saigon, South Vietnam for a comprehensive reassess ment o f the American pos1t1on there


9:00 0 (i1' [ 3 I stfciA\ l " Present laughter." (C) Peter O'Toole and Honor Blackman star in this special two hour tetev1s1on adap tat1on of Noel Coward's stage hit The color production. taped in London by England's Associated Television Ltd .. 1s a frothy comedy detailing the romantic and emot ional complocat1ons besetting an egotistical actor who 1s about to go on an African tour. The special marks the American TV act ing debut of O'Toole, the popular Brit ish star who started his career on the English repertory stage and soared to international lame in the title role of the mot ion picture "Lawrence o f Arabia."


9 :00 O <i7' I SflCIA\ I Carol Channing and 101 Men: (C) The " Hello, Dolly!" girl brings all her charm. excitement and talent to this musical special that was postponed earher in the season due to a labor strike. The roster o f special guests includes Walter Matthau. George Burns. Eddy Arnold, The Association and the United States Air Force Academy Cadet Choir


10:00 O ~ 6 NBC NeW$ Actuality: (C) " The Soviets 1n Space." Americans get their first look at the many facets of the Soviet space program 1n this one·hour NBC News special, prOduced and directed by George V1cas, with Kenneth Bernstein as the reporter. A highlight o f the program is Russ1an·made ftlm o f the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstall-the Soviet Cape Kennedy. The film documents the f irst manned flight, m ade April 12. 1961. by cosmonaut Yun Gagarin, showing pre· blastoff operations. blastoff, and recovery in t he Saratov region. NBC News was permitted to film at the Center for Distant Cosmic Liaison. located at S1mferopol in the Cnmea, where--w1th one exception. a British scientist- no foreigner has ever been allowed before. The Center controls all satellites. manned and unmanned, and has many of the functions of the USA's NASA operation at Houston

Pac• io

THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 24 . 1961 1 m htty Dullt (30 min.) (i7) (}) Mewit: "Att.O of the Crill Meuter" (science fiction) '57-Ricllard Garland, Pamfla Duncan.



For morning and afternoon list ings, please see DAY· TIME "PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies.


10:00 e ''Tiit liir1 He left llellind" (comedy) '56--Tab Hunter, Natalie Wood.

I Mr. MCI MrL Nor1'I Wll.t'a .._, u Casa de i. F"11ras

1:30 • T11e lireewy Ii• .. (C) (30 min) Haul (C) (30 min.) Mdllle'a NIVJ (30 min.) If Y..U. (i) H..wtlty· lr!Mlty lt.,.ort (C)

: fMclw '61: "literature.'' Ci) CIS Ewt11hl1 N ... (C) Nifide,. 34

7:1>0 tJ CIS [nnm1 News: (C) (30 min.) Walter Cronkite. D tt.lrtley·lriMley Rll)Oft (C) (30 min.) 11 :00 n ''Tiit f'aradlne Cast" (drama)

'48-Ann Todd, Ethel Barrymore, Greaory Peck.

12:30 m "People Will Talk" (drama) '51 -Cary Grant. Jeanne Crain.


• :JO I) (C) "Sliver lode" (western) '54 John Payne, Dan Duryea. ft ''Wllat I We•an!" (rom~nce) 'TI-Rosalind Russell . Brian Aheme.

f V F N I N <~

6:00 I) Tiit 111 News: (C) (60 min.) I Jerry Dunphy. 0 Tiit 6111 HOiir News: (C) (fJO I min.) Robert Abernethy.

0 Rawlli4e (fJO min ) I 0 Si1 O'Clock Movie: (C) ' 'Ctn&flis Klun" Part I (adventure) '6>--0mar Sharif, Stephen Boyd, Jamts Ma­son. m Tiit Flinutonts (C) (30 min.)

11 5etden Vey111: (C) (30. min.) " Islands of the Sulu Sea." IJ F Tr.., (30 min) m I left LllCJ (30 min ) CD Hli1111'1 bilnd (C) (30 min.) El) T1le libll Answers ~ Mtvit: (C) "Cape Ft ... (drama) '62~regory Peck, Robert Mitcllum, Polly Beraen. tD Wntlitt&ton in It.view 9 (j) The Monhn (C) @!') £1 AIMSIM

7:30 I) tjj (f) liunMMllt: (C) (60 min.) Oscar winner Ed Bealey. cast as a whiskered water witcll. shows up in Dodae City during a drought and promises to find waler.

r.arn• f.1oaN' " rt'llllllt'd "11h Carol B11mt'll " 'ht'n ht' ap~ars as hn spural-4.\ '"nt 011 Tht' Carol 811mt11 Sho"'. M o nday at JO PM. in tnfor nn CBS . .._flSJ 811mt'll /it$1 rt'ufrtd tonlinutd ma1or lt'ftvuio11 t'Ypos11rt as a rt t 11rrlng ,11rJf n 11 Moorl''t dol'limr onJ ,.,.,.,,;,,It sho ws.


t :

I, 1961 I le Crib


) min.)

) (30





Fter" Obert

nin.) t as s up and

•l'ial '11ss 1/( 11

O The Monllees: (C) (30 min.) I tificate; hostility clouds the re "Monkees Mind Their Manor." The union of Dr. Rossi and his brother. boys IO to En&land when Davy in· Betty speaks sharply to Norman. herits a courrtry estate. tJ Tt9p0: (C) (90 min.) Don Mc D Mowit: (C) "forest lanalf'I" Guire hosts. (romance) '42-Fred MacMurray, n11 World Adventure (C) (30 min.) Paulette Goddard, Susan Hayward. 111:1 0 @ Cf) c.wbty in Africa: (C) Ell) NET Journal: " TelrYision and (60 min.) "A Men of Value." The the White House." The provam 1ame ranch is used as a way sta· presents highli&hts from a panel tion by kidnapers of the e~· premier discussion on television news cov· of a nei&hborin& country. erage at the White House. Par1icl· D Milhll $ Mowll: ''Mio Killed pants Include thrH former Presi· teddy ._r (mystery) '65-Juliet dential Pres.s Secretaries: James C. Prowse, Sal Mineo. Haeerty, Pierre Salin&er, and Biii GI Trvtti or Comequences: (C) (30 D. Moyers. Also on the panel are min.) Bob Barker hosts. John Chancellor of NBC and Dan

I hny Mason (60 min.) Rather of CBS. Moderator is Ed· Ttdlllical Collllf ward P. Moreen of the Public: Frttldl Qef Broadcast uboratory of NET. Colllias y C.lldoftts fE Revilt1 Musical

1:00 D Rewall and Mlftin uqti-111: 10:00 tJ f8 CJ) c...1 Burnett: (C) (60 (C} (60 min.) Connie Stevens, l.lrry min.) Garry Moore. Durward Kirby, Storch, and The Temptations &Uesl John Gary auest. It was Garry's


.......,. (C) (30 min.) show that eave Carol her start and St9dl Mlfllet s.. .. ry /Office her lon&·term contract with CBS. ttie f'midtnt . 0 9 (6) I Spy: (C) (60 min.)

Ell) USC Mnlc FtltiWll: The USC "Happy Birthday, Everybody." Rob-Symphony Orchestra, under the ba- inson and Scott are assianed to l?n of W~lter Ducloux. plays etas· protect a retired agent 11ainst a 11tal music. ,vengeance-seeking escaped prisoner. f11 E U.,ldof Jim Backus 1uests.

l :JO tJ a Cl) The L11cy Stlow: (C) 0 Ceorae Pvtn1• News (C) (60 (30 min.) ~n Crawford and V'rvian min.) Vance auest on this musical ~dition 0 (l7) (]) Tiie Bia Yelley': (C) (60 of the pro1ram. When Lucy s car min.) "Bounty on a Bar~ley." Nick b~eaks down., she and V'rv iO to becomes the quarry of bounty hunt· Miss Crawford s house for help. The er Wheeler Johnson, his partner on star 1.s ~resstd in old clothes for 1 bear hunt. Leslie Parrish and redecor~t1ng, but the girls think she Peter Haskell guest. 1s destitute. . 0 (i7.J (I) Rat ,atrol: (C) (30 m Alex Drtttr News (C) (30 min.) min.) "The Hickory·Dickory·Dock m Derin1 Ytntures (C) (30 min.) Raid.'' The Rats are about to hit fil World To111orrow

_ Rommel 's tank supply depot when, fE Teitro F1mill1r Sgt Moffitt learns that his brother '! has been killed. Troy is concerned 10:30 &) News: (C) (30 min.) Bill Johns. about the Englishman's effective-I fil Merqutt 22: ' 'Not a l.ldies' nes.s on the mission that requires Man."

iit·second !iming. 11:00 fJ E1ntft O'Clodl Report:. (C) (30 Mtl'V Griffin (C) (90 min.) min.) Jerry Dunphy.

( O ~rful W011d of Wo..n (C) Q Tiit llUt Hlur News: (C) (30 fB Hot Lille Eduation min.) George Skinner. &I) Adfl1111 D Spook-In Mowit: "Return of die

9:00 fJ ta Cl) Aa4J Grtffitll: (C) (30 Y1111Pire" (~orror) '43-Bela Lu1osi. min.) Emmett buys his wife a mink 0 News fmel: (C) (30 min.) Bax-coet for their 25th weddln& anni· ter Ward. vlfsery, but 200fs in his attempt D hie: "Tiie LHt Mitt" (drama) to kMP It secrd. Ronnie Schell, '32-Preston Foster, Howard Phillips. Ruth McOevltt &Uest. GI Jot F'y!le (C) (30 min.) D 9 @ Daft."' 1llt9lu tte~; &) hit: "let's a. HIPPY'' (ro-(C) C60 min.) 'Thomas at Tahoe. mance) '57 - Tony Martin Vera-Danny pre.sents his one-man supper Ellen ' club act, filmed durin1 a per· · formance at Harrah's Lodae in @@ News (C) Lau Tahoe, Nevada. ~ @ lllit o., 1961 (C) D Ci1J m F.., S41ud: (C) (30 9 00 News min.) " tpitaph for a Cop." . Leroy 11•30 fJ Mov'e· "Su prise ' •cha•" and Mace Baker serve notice on • 1

-, r . . S&t. Stone that they are going to' (comedy) 60 - Yul Brynner, M1t11 kill him. Gaynor. m Holiday (C) (30 min.) D Q) @ Tll• Tonialtt Show (C) fil S.a*lltll Tllnt11: "Treason." 0 (l7) CI) Joey JllMp Show (C) Ell) Off·ll•p m Les Cr111• Show (C) f!) MUlia Y Eatrttlll 12:30 m Naked City

9:30 fJ 9 Cl) f1111i1J Affair: (C) (30 &) Mowit: "Captain Sirocco" (ad· min.) .When . Uncle Bill meets an venture) '50-l..ouis Hayward, Bin· attrectrve widow who alto hes nie Barnes. three children, his own family 1., ... 0 f! u-•-· .. t. ....... _,.,. ( st ) starts matchmaking. ~ , .......... ~11- • my ery &I flllf Winch to Advtnlllrt (C) 6-BtrfY Sullrvan, Bthta. (JO min.) 1:00 IJ Movie: "Liit Train fr0111 ..... D (ff) Cl) hyton "'": (C) (30 ~· . (s~nse) '52 - Jon Hall, min.) Steven tells the Cirsons he Chnst1ne Larson. will ~arch for Kelly's birth cer· D News (C)

'Present Laughter':

A Borrowed Title One of the mystiques of the le&itimate theater is the origin of

play titles, aU of which must meet the ttrlqent requisite. of bcina " box office.'' easily remembered and provocative. Many dtlcs owe their oriain to the Bible ("Voice of the Turtle," "The LittJe Foxes," et al.), with Shakespeare an equal contender with "Bolb Your Houses,'' "O Mistreat Mine," "Tbis Happy Brttd," etc.

Noel Coward drew upon the Bard for the title of "Praeot Lauah­ter." his sophisticated comedy, a.iriot on ABC, Wednaday at 9 ,

1•t., O'Tool• (rltltt) "'"'"' ,.,, Am•rb11 t«lnlllo11 d•but 111 rll• ABC movl• ttlr/lr 1~cfol, "l'rmflt UUlltttr.'' '" dw Tfl odll.ptotlott o/ New/ Coword'111a,. ltlt, O'Took ~rtl'tlY• on qo_tiltbl «for abour to /~aw "" an African '""'· Horpot ll#lt/lllln (~/t) co-.ta11 ond Tim l'n•c~ (cmrrr) is fratu1Yd In IM ,,,.cw.

with a cut headed by Peter .O'Toole and Honor Blackman. Tbc title is derived from the clown's "°ng in "Twelfth Nlg~r" :

"What is love? 'Tis not hereafter. Present mirth hath present lauabter . . . " .. Prnent Laughter.'' which details the frenetic: goings-on in the

life of Garry Essendlne, a jaded and much put-upon actor, wu an Instant success when it opened in 1946 at the Plymouth Theater in New York .

Variel~ described it as "a highly sophisticated faroe, aboundina in cynical wit and brilliant surface philOllOphy," and the New York Times commented thal "Mr. Coward can sive casual lines hilarious inftectlons and his whole point of view toward ordinary atfain ia .uitably crack-brained."

The New York Herald Tribune summed up the play in a sinaJe tcfttence: ' ' It is immense tun." ~ Broadway version of "Present Lauahter" stamd the late

Clilcon Webb as the world-weary Garry Eucndine, a man who had recendy celebrated his 40th binhday and had no more wortds --or women-to conquer. Jan Sterling was cast as Daphne Stlll­lnatoo, a young admirer who wasn't satisfied to let W'CU enoup alone.

In the television adaptation of the play, Peter 07oole plaYJ Garry as both youn,er and sprightlier. and Honor Blackman ii attn at the youna woman who lond neither wiaely nor too well

But to return to Shakespeare, by lhe end or Act Ill the old ldaae js provcd-.. Atrs well that ends well.''

.... 11



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Sammy Davis Jr. headlines an all -star cast in "The Heart of Show Business," a 9(}.minute color special, Sunday at 8 PM on KTTV, Chan­nel 11.

Produced at the ATV Network studios in London, the fast-paced spectacular features a g littering array of international show busi ness personalities in an outstanding variety show.

Joining Sammy on the prografl1 are two of Britain's most popular actors, Richard Burton and Pliler Sellers; five top recording artists. Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones, Lulu McLulu, Tommy Steele and Frankie Vaughan ; the te le­vision stars of Piccadilly Palace, Millicent Martin, Spike Milligan and Ha r ry Secombe with the Paddy Stone Dancers; plus England's famed actress-comedienne Glynis Johns.

And, to introduce this ·wealth of talent, exec­utive producer Bill Ward selected Sean Connery and Elizabeth Taylor.

Davis performs several swinging medleys, foJ. lowed by imitations of some entertainment world g reats; Burton (in an a ll-too-brief-segment ) recites three poems; Tommy Stee le sets the pace fo r the special with his opening rendition of "The Empe ror's New Clothes," and Sellers, Se­combe and Milli gan provide the comedy via a classic "Goon'' routine entitled " Les Trois Cha ri ies."

Ethel Merman essays the role of Sally Adams, Ambassador to the Grand Duchy of Lichtenburg. in Irving Berlin 's classic musical "Call Me Madam," Saturday a l IO::JO PM on KABC, Channel 7's Saturday Night Movie.

No less than t>leven of Irving Berlin's bright­est songs embellish the rollicking story set in a small myth ical country, and Miss Merman's co­sta rs include Donald O'Connor as Kenneth Gib­son- Mada m Ambassador's press attache, Vera. Ellen as Princess Maria. ~orge Sanders as Cosmo Constantinr, Bill y De Wolfe as Pember­ton Maxwell. Helmut Dantine as Prince Hugo and Walter Slt>zak as Tantinnin.

Considerrd one of the all -lime great musical comedies from Broadway, the 1953 release was producrd by Sol C. Siegel and directed by Walter Lang. Arthur Seekman did the screen­p lay from thf' musical "Call Me Madam" with the book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. Music and lyrics hy Jrvinf? Rerlin.

'~~ i ' i i i ff ::ff"" ( 'IH!eJ• J,11 1• ' ett"ll! ~IG . ~.fst = .. r•'f ir ~i 1f~;f1 'l~t · i1 i ~ !l ~)1 !. i I .. , !''' f s-r !" i ''I ir: I] 81• . ·~rH' ' iHP' ,i; f ~ i ~· .11 ! Ila -! : ~u1!1 ~I! ii~ : !r~r 1;t i ! ; ~I; ltf frl _ sJ~

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i •. in i' 11~ 'I·. i! r'l!f 11·111: •••1 • r• ~· r •ii. M. iii iim • ;-1• ~ ! i [Igo" ~1pri!• !!H"Hn 1so• i~. !1h·~ i ·1 JU(;~1~ -~f'I' rr~!~~11if!1•.~it'l'1~i11~~!i .. ~1~1~,,.,a,~~n1t!~1 ,!jJ;''i1'l1

11JiI: r~,h~- H1~,. r :i !f ~111J~ Jf~;fiffi ,1=~ !~ 'i!lH 1I~i1•'ijl !J H! ;il! It fi t I. ·r 1';. . : Iii t~. ,I JI ! .. !! .. r i1=-11.1; f ! r ! :.? sl ~r l~.if ! ..: j t ~:il;·:'i ~

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For morninc and afternoon 1

llatincs, plene see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movia.


l t:OO B ""- ..._. IM lllrs. ....,.. (diam1) '47--4'a Htrriton. GeM Titmty

11:00 a "T1le ......... (dnune) '51-Ltwrtnce Tiemey. ...,.....,., Ml-• ,...,.. (COl'lltdy) '45 - Dtnnls O'Keeft

U:~ G) (C) ''Dtlal hp ill .,.._... (ldWnturt) '66--Jofln Fonytllt.

•:00 D CCl ~·· 11· (comedy) '60 -Ottn Martin, Fr1nk Sin11r1, Si m· my Divis Jr.

u o a <Cl "TIR.llt .. ~ (•~nturt) ·~rdon Scott Bet· ta St John.

• f ... ', I ,

1.111111 lllt lit News: (C) (60 min.) Jerry Dul'll)lly

I,' lllt Mii "- lhws.: (C) (60 "'"' ) Robert Abfmtthy BRM!* (60 min.) 8 Sil O'a.ct MIN: 11-e 1fN. ff Yun'° (drame) '56-Wnls C.1·

"'1· Bl1blr• Sunwycl Walt• Pidr · eon, Sttty Lou Keim, Dean Jones. lonely. middlH led steel tycoon! tries to locate S04'I he abandoned 20 ,.ars blfort. I

I Tiie ~ (C) (30 min.)

1 htty Mt (30 min.) I m a..tlt a.. T11ucrt! ''The

Red l>feion."

I .. IN .. ,... .... ..... ~ la ea. * la ,.,..

6:l01 lllt c...., .... (C) (30 mlft.)l Mani (C) (30 min.) MdWt's 11111J (30 min.)

w.w ",.... I (I) ....... ......., ..,., (C) ,.._., F°IUMll: "lruuraece."

Discussion ol the costs i nd bent- ' fits of v1rious types of lift in· I SUrlllct.

-~=-~--(C) 7:0011 CIS &1H11 ~ (C) (30

mW\.) Walter CroM.11. a .... ...,,...., -.rt cc> <JO min .. )

Alf~ Hi...a (30 min.) F T,_, (30 min.) I Lew Lecy (30 min.) Cillpl' s ...... (C) (30 men ) WlfW T.-mw (l) YM Allllllll .. tt

. Y. 11itM Tt S., It (C)

(I) McH*'s ""' El~

1:» a a Ltst i• s,..: <t> (60, mifl .) Dr Smith 1s tumed into a statk of ctltry by T,bo, a carrot·like cruturt • hO Nits • strance plant k1nadom 1n Ol/1tr s~ Stanley Mims • .lames M1llholhn f\lt$1

PREPA RED FOR THf nCC·4SIO\--S1r1r Allm 11 p•r/Xl"•' rn /011111h ,, Jt'a o/ la11tlu cu ,,, {'01/Jln HHCI tht' \'BC Kt11/1 \f1tJ1r 1"111 ICI hCIJI " Th,. Com, Jy Sunllwl Ku" rolnrau l lf't'dm- tda 1 01 0 PM C.11n1 " ""'fl opprorirt6 "111t St" , " ti/ ~ h11 t>/J Jtdf'l..i.· J.. Lnr111 \ ' 1 r A llt'•1 0"•' ~ ... ., 'itillr1 (Ind M'o"° and •hr \f1u 11111• ( h1mp1


0 @ r6..., TM Ylrpiiu: (C) (90 fD l11nl'llti9tlt: " Plastic Fibfr Op min.) "Stacey " Stacey Graini er tics." Dr_ Brennema.n ind a Du· lapses into a state of self -pity 1fter Pont executive discuss the new his um is par1tyzed in • bum flexible plastic f ibers thlt havt re accident Not unti l his uncle and duced costs and increased tfle ap. others eo•d him into action dots plicability for tr1nsmiuion of hrfl1 he want to fet well. lee Krot11r and color. 1ue.sts as Stacey's cfrllritnd. ti) ~ Mllliul 11 ~ lilNlfa: (C) (30 min.) t:lO B ft ~ Ne a MM: (C) (30 Bill Cosb.1... ruestJ, ) n:.. p 0 @ W T1lt MllfW'I: (C) (60 min. ""' and 1ut1 raort to cun· min.) ''llie fltty. Thousand Pound nin1 when 111 tlse falls 1n their Breekfast" X·raya ahow tfllt 1 Yen· effort to ob!Jin t lclleb to the tritoquist • ho was injured in an Nortllwatem • Michipn footblll

auto accident has • • stomech full l;t~ul~ min_) Don Mc ol diamonds, ind Mr. Stetd ind Gufr. ltosts. Mrs. Peet irwestlpte. , ._.., CC> (30 min ) 0 lllllilll $ lllM: (C) "Tiie .._ ~ (C) · i11 die Crey F1auel S4lit" (drama) 1...-. ll•lcMI '56-Greeory Peck. Jennifer Jones, Fredric Much, Study of 1 public l~ a ()) -..... Whiters: (C) relations m1r.-his wife, his home (!i> min.) Art CarntJ. Connte Fran life, his wor11. and his reldlon to cis. Peter, Paul & Mary aum a son whO was the resuH of a a ID (i) .... .. Yow l ift : (C) romantic interlude In Italy durinc min.) "Beware, My Love." Paul the war. Bry1n investi1ates a mysterious G) Trwdl w c:.a._....: (C) (30 drowninc and discovers 1t is part min ) Bob Barker hOsts. of a murder plot invoMna 1eatousy

I rtny M11011 (60 min.) and a mill ion doll1rs. John Van Ttdltllul Comtf Dreeten, Sus.n Trustman. Anna Lisa Off·.._,: " Rorer W•rntr. 11 " ~est.

Second of a thrte·part proaram on II h9fre P'lltu. ,..... (C) (60 Roger Waaner's muter chOrale re· min.) llearsat 1t UClA I Ala Ortitr ,..... (C) (60 min.) fl) Milfc:Ms a C.~ I hril1 YHtllf• (C) (30 min.)

• ,..,.... Z2: "The Maril ot tht 1:00 I Wmd•1 (C) (2 hOun) Whistler."

P'aswwd (C) (30 min ) . I m NET festival: " Kurt Weill.'' Sttc* ~"'" SH11111ry/ Offict Lotte lenya, Kurt Weill's widow, is

ff die ~t joined by actor Georce VosM-tec to EfJ Y'M r DtllKs Wtrtll (C) pay tribute in word and sonr to ti> £1 UMlrpador one of the world's irreat musician$

l :lO II ~ '""" HitllliNits: (C) m ... dtl Miere.tes (30 min ) The wol1d's crutest vio·ll O:lO • ,.....: (C) (30 min.) 8111 Johns lil'llst. played by 1uest Hans Con· II ned, tries to te1eh Jethro how to 'll :OO . £1ewtn O'a.ct lttport: (C) (30 play but runs into a talent a•P mm) Jerry Dunphy. 0 lft Stcell4I H .... ld Yurs: I Q Tiie llt• ~' News: (C) (JO (C) (30 mm ) "lucky Luke .. Luke mm.) Georre Skinner • " brushts up on poker to help a II s,.M; l11 fllwi~: 'flit ltmn llfOman recoup 11mbl1ng loses at a (hOrro.r> 35 - Bons l<artott. Belt poker palace Lu1os1.

m .. _~ ,. iff (C) (90 l 0 Ntws f'•al: (C) (30 min ) Bai· ...., •• r in min ter Ward

m WffcMn of tttc World (C) (30 D Movie: "httll of ''"Y" (ad· nun ) venture) '57-Kirk Douetas. Ralph fl) '-t« C1111n Meeker.

m Adn•n• .... l"yM (C) (30 mm ' II) Mowit: "P'lfis UtlftsS" (advtn

9:00 f:I ~ X ' rtlft Acres: (C) (30 lure) '53 _ Claude Rains Mal1a min ) Ohver decides Hooterv1lle Toren. should have a barbershop and '17 N (C) 11ves Eb S25 101 a correspondence rA" ~ cour1e 1n the trade But Oliver is l) 6 Tiiis Day 1961 (C) lrappf<I into shellin1 out much ~ ,..... more cuh tor uniforms and equip 11:30 II Mowlt: " Y0tt '.tta Stir H19111" ment then becomes the fall euy (romance) '4~James Stewart Joan when Eb netds a sub1ect to prac Fontaine hct on I~ 6 n.. T•ic'lt Sllow (C) 0 ~ 6 Kratt Mu11c Halt: (C) GI ..., list.p Sllow (C) (60 min ) "The Comedy Sur.11val lta Cnne S.... (C) 1(11 . ~t~ Allen stars 12:30 m ...... City

0 l7 L!- I SFWAl I ''Present m Mmt: "Dw!rs C.rp" tmY$ ~uctittt. (C) (2 hours) Peter tery) '4~John Calvert. Lyle Talbot. 0 Toole and Honor Blackman star 1n lh1s lelrv•SIOn adaptation of Noel 12:45 O Mowit: ·~ From Sa1pn" Coward s sta1e h1I a frothy comedy (adventu" ) '66 - Jean Chrvrier deta1hn1 the romanhc and emohon· Barbara Lanie. al complications besetline an eiro·' l1Shc1I actor who 1s aboul to 1101 on an African tour The pro11ram •ils taped •n London by Enl1<1nd's ~1ated Television ltd (ATV) Q) lsl• nds 1n tllt Sun (C) (30 'Tl1n I

EE S.1tt1r11$h C.ravan "

Tllutrt: 'Rolling

1:00 R M .. tt: ' 'CM!ffllt11ed" (drdma} '29-Ronald Cotman Ann ~fa rd1ng 0 Nns (C)

1:30 8) All·Nip t Mo.its: "The Casb1h" (advtnture) '4~Tony Martin ''flit N•ndffttlll Mat1r (horror I ~J -Robfrt Shayne "Too Toune Tt lll!Ow'' (drama) '45-Joan Leslie

I Fa lis Tl f o th







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For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY­TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies.


lO:GO B (C) '111e Jazz Slal'f" (musical) 'Sl-Oanny ThomH, Pew Lee.

11:0011 "ftclertl M•" (drama) '50-William Henry. H~ Wltll Two ,...,. (comedy) '44 - Dennis O'l<etfe.

1 e Watch excitinc " LET'S I * GO TO THE RACES," &

WIN BIG CASH! FREE TICKETS at VON'S Mkts. II lit'• Ce .. tilt bcies (C) (30 riiTn.) D @ rn 11t1un: <Cl (30 min.> "The Joier's Flyina Saucer." The Joker (Cesar Romero) tenorizes Gotham City and plans to put Bat· cirl in orbit! 0 Miiiion $ Movie: "Al ~ (drama) '59 - Rod Stel1er. fey Spain QI Trvtll Of ~ (C) (30 min.) Bob Barker hosts.

I Ptny Meto11 (60 min.) Ttchnlul Conlet Advtntwt: " of AsSl.ulns."

Mount1in climber Joe Brown m1k• a lrtahteninCly difficult ascent of a SQO.foot cliff to u plore • 700·rear·

12:30 QI "A S.c Te It••'*'" (dre -1 old cave hideout used by the Mon· me) '4!>-f1ul Munl, Merte Oberon. gols of the 13th cenlury, wtlo built

4:00 ti (C) "Ille Ceilweb" (drama) ·ss a fortress in the Elbun Mountains - lluren Bacall. Richard Wldm1rk. ne_ar~:,;;a:1 1n Se1.

4:30 0 "o.I ....._..... (drama) '47 1:00 I leli!!J.. (C) (2 hours) ~umphtty Boa•rt. llubeth Scott. (1'1) lV The F'lrf111 "•: (C) (30

min.) " The Reconversion of Sister

I V r N I N (, Shapiro." Sister Bertrllle finds her­self the object of )'Olllhful adorl · lion when Carlos' iodchild, Lindt

5::00 II T1le lie News: (C) (60 min ) Shapiro. becomes a 1uest of the Jerry Dunphy. convent Pamelyn Ferdin 1uests • • llle 6tll tt..r News: (C) (60 I 'ISIWOrd (C) (30 min.) min.) Robert Abern.ethy. StDct Mililet S.••ary/ontc.e

B R....W. (60 min.) of dtt '1'asiH11t Sb O'Oeck MeiM: (C) .,_. of I Pllylnc tilt Cllitar

tilt ~ (drama) '52- Jel- EJ u .. ,,.-frey Hunter. Jean Peters. Walter l :JO . fl) (i) lr111sidt: (C) (60 min.)' Brennan. " arbaraWhor· Ironside traces th•

I T1le fltmMes (C) (30 min.) I identity of a beautiful amnesiac hay .,.._ (30 m!n.) .. who his fallen In ton with him. (}) MMa! "nit UttSnt HeN I Vera Miles 1uests.

(dr11nt) '53-Buddy Hart. Wendy D <llJ rn ltwitcMd: (C) (30 Stu1rt. min.) " How G'"n Was My Gnss."

I Mr. •Ml Mri. Nel1ll Sam's witchcraft saves the d1y Wlllrf'I ~ When a brifht i1ttft synthetic lawn ...._ is delivered by mistake.

~ . n. c . ....., c ... (t) (30 min.)! IM~ Cflttln (C) (90 min.) lfaal (C) (30 min.) RIMnC KM {C) (30 min.) Mdlale's Navy (30 min.) htlr C111111 W.till tf YMtll : Mdhy lt""'11 m ....,......., lt9'f1 cC>I Adria ... iir..-1 ... If Matwity t:OO fa (J) n..., NiaM ..... : (() cas beltill1 News (C) ( ) "$tltnar'• ............. (drama) ~ 34 '6J.-Henry Fonda. M1ureen O'H1r1,

James MacArthur, Donald Crisp, 7:00 II CU &tftlnc .N ... : (C) (30 Wally Cox, Mimsy Farmer, Vir1lnla

min.) Welter ~ronk1te. Greu. Understandin1 parents help II He._,-M...., R.,ert (C) (30 their son lace the romantic and mfn.) financi1I realities of lift.

"""" WIM«~ (C) (JO min.) U CAROL CHANNING f t;Mp (30 min,) I •

I LAM LKJ (30 min.) * Monsanto Night: Watter llllpa's llllnd (C) (30 min ) Matthau, Eddy Arnold, httlrll fw LINc Association, Air Force

. Cl) HIP _. Wll4 (C) 0 ~ m I lflC!M I CM.i a.a. iKn•irt., Flit nill1 1iicllOl Men: (C) (60 min.) ~ = 1 ""' This special was scheduled for ear·

ly in the season. but pottponed 7:30 fJ 9 CIJ Ciun911 Strip: (C) (90 because of ABC's labor di$9utes.

min.) Ctltster Moma suests n the· All the ch1rrn, excitement and talent leadtr of 1n outlaw 1en1 of Asmy that made Miss Ch1nnin1 the toa.d desertara, end Andraw Dugan por·, of BroadWay in the musical comedy trays Major Ben CoYln&ton, who-

1 " Hello, Dolly!" is in evidence alon&

with the aid of Jim Crown - at·1 with • roster of special 1uests-tempta to rtdalm his AWOL son Academy Award·winM< Watter Mat· from the pnf. thau. comedian Georse Bums. Eddy D ~ @ Dlaltl IMM: (C) (601 Arnold. the fast·f!slnr pop VoOCal min.) "Orl1ndo, tlle Prophet." Hens frOup The Aaociatlon, I nd Ille Conr1ed In th• titl• role ., • Untied Stites Air Fon:e Academy liahHlnpr1d ma1icl1n, i nd ~un1I ~det Choir. Thia is Mia Chan-Alltllofty Aide, In his TV Mut. n1n(s •cond starrlnf performance IVllt •• thllfts wlttl desips onl In • m•tor nttwor1i spedtl. Danial Boone's fur catc:h. (Continued)

She's a Diamond's Best Friend Just to ke1:p the record straight-Carol Channing docs too like


The blonde star of Carol C hanning and I 0 I Men, airing Thurs­day at 9 PM on ABC , bas been engaged in s inging about the engagement-type stones for years, ever since she played the flapper Lorelei L« in the Broadway hit musical, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," At one point in the proceedings, Carol-Lorelei batted

LEAP Y EAR BABY- Vlvaclo11s Carol Cho1111in1 luu clrcfed Tltursdoy /or hn ABC color SfHcial. H., 111n11 lnclud' actor Wolin Manhou, co11111ry-wrsrnn si111rr Eddy Arnold, the AJSod atlon slngirtf group and rhe A ir Fora Acadm1y Cadet Chorale-cn111alnln1 60 t'llflble bachelors!

her big topaz eyes. parted her ruby lips. fl ashed her pearly teeth, and insis1ed in pear-shaped tones tha t ''Diamonds Arc a Girl's Best Friend,"

She stopped the show cold wilh lhis paean to "icc"-and in the publ ic mind. she's been associated with diamonds ever s ince. Even her even-more gli llering success wtth a later hit. " Hello . Dolly!" couldn't m nke people forget that Carol is 1he diamond's be~t friend.

Carol owns a few diamonds. but doesn·t often wear them in public. "It's because I value them too much. not too li1tle," she says. 'Tm a t iny bit absent-minded. I don't get too emotional when I forget a rhinestone on J wa~hroom ' helf- hu1 I wouldn' t want a diamond to turn up missing."

When she !'ang " Diamonds Arc, e tc." in her supper club act,

Carol used to toss handfuls of make-believe sparklers to her audi­ences. " It was a kind o f shared token of love," she says, " I guds you could call me 11 spm1u11I ancestor of the Flower People !" And,

she funhu says. she's ' 0 diamond-conscious even today she lilte1 not only the genuine gem but everything that reminds her of lt­roclc candy for earing. for instance. or rock salt for bathing.

" Hate diamonds?" said Carol. " I Jove them. Heavens. what

.~merican girl wouldn' t?"

..... 17

aa.rch 6 ABC airs an all primetime evening of spe· ciats, from 7:30 PM to 11 PM. It's a red-letter night for Wolper Productions, largest independent maker of TV documentaries and specials, too. Three of the programs are Wolper-made.

The schedule goes like this: 7:30 PM-the second " Undersea World of Jacques­VYeS Cousteau"; 8:30 PM. a mini-spec about Mia Farrow titled " The Now Generation." emceed by Miss Farrow's former Peyton Place col­lea1ue Ryan O'Neat. Though Mia hardly seems typical of the "now" generation, recent publicity concerning the new Mrs. Frank Sinatra will guar· antee viewers; 9 PM. another city tour hosted by a famous femme-this time Princess Grace of Monaco takes us to "Monte Carlo-C'est La Rose" ; and at 10 PM, part one of the three·part " The Rise and Fall of the Third Retch," based on William L. Shirer's monumental history of Nazi Germany. Final hours for " Third Reich" are on Fri­day and Saturday. Richard Basehart narrates.

• • • News from Vietnam

Metwork news coverage of the war In Vietnam is reach· in1 new heights of bravery in two ways--the physical courage displayed by news· men and cameramen. a num­ber of whom have been in· jured in recent weeks; and the honesty in reporting the happenings " like it is."

One South Vietnamese cameraman was captured and placed before a firing squad; he escaped by feign­in1 death. and then running away when a plane scared off the Vietcong. An article in the weekly Variety. com· menting on coverage of the recent Cong assaults in Sai· gon. said: " At both ends of the war beat. video was giv-1ng absolutely no comfort to officials forced to sell the hne that the VC assaults were a bust . The general tone of the TV reportage in recent weeks . . . has been

one of biting realism . . . Even the claims of enemy dead previously discredited by both print and TV. were again getting the f isheye treatment, Walter Cronkite noting that the South Viet· namese forces, who do the counting, 'Have been known to exaggerate.' ·'

ABC commentator Joseph Harsch, in reference to Ad· ministration statements that the enemy is short of man­power and may be giving up. reported: ''Best estimates here are that the enemy has not yet, and probably never will. run out of manpower."

NBC News corresJ)ondent Howard Tuckner. wounded by rocket fragments while covering street fighting in Cholon. Chinese section of Saigon, included a report on the capture and " instant" execution of a Vietcong fight· er by the South Vietnamese national police chief. Shown on the Huntley-Brinkley Re­port. the photo was flashed on front pages of newspa­pers in this country. Variety commented that: " The pic­ture produced what the war had seemed to lack to date - a symbol for now and pos­terity. In Shanghai in '37 it was the wrenching study of a terrified and weeping mop· pet amid the rubble; in the second global conflict it was the lwo Jima flag-raising. In Vietnam. it may well be the image--flashed around the U.S. by NBC. only web on the spot--of a Saigon police off icial pumping a pistol slug into the head of a captured guerrilla leader."

The photo produced an angry comment from Senator Robert Kennedy who ex pressed shock at such a bla· tant violation of the rules of warfare. Acknowledging that the Vietcong routinely use terrorist methods and cold· blooded murder. Kennedy said that we are supposed to be different: that we are f ight· ing against just such total disregard for human rights and life; that if no such dis­t inction exists. then we are no different from the enemy.


ntURSOAY (Continued) If .. _. "-- (C) (JO min ) 1J Tnte Alht•blr• (C) (30 min.) CJ) 1'le U1e11ct1Uu ~ S11*11t11 lkttrl: " Rev1111e ii'""..- 22: "Crimt Doctor." Ruter." UD ..... fl1) 1llNtn hit Hal Marienth1I 10:30 8) ~ (C) (30 min.) Bill Johna.. looks at some performances by 11:00 e E-.. O"ca.ct ~: (C) (!IO Bob Baker's Marionettes. min.) Jtny Dunphy.


"9dle • ~ D 11le 1111 "'- NIWI: (C) (30 t :JO tD (j) Dnplt (C) (JO min.) iiiTn.) GtofJe Skinner.

• Suicide Attempt." Sil Frld1y ~S.-• ....,..: "Tiie ...,... and Officer Gannon wart11 Iran- (honor) '36-Boris KarWt. tically for a man who called fn>m ...., AMI: (C) (30 min.) Bil· an undisclosed location to report ter Wini. he plans lo lake his own life. Jiii G lllMt: ""'1ecl _,..,.. (cir•· Donohue auuts as the suS9td's ma) 'SO - Gln1• Rop11, Dennis sister Mortin. G T_,.: (C) (90 min.) Don Mc· I JM ,,.. (C) (30 min.) Guire hosts. MM: "C-Mn" (fllY1tery) '49 8) Tl'Mf (C) (30 min.) -Oun Jager, Jolln Camdine. m Crut Dldliea 'U: "Th• Fu· ~I ..... (C)

11t1r talks over Ille future of our ..._ ture ol Britain." Host Ptter LIA· I T1lll hr HA (C)

lona·lime ally with Anthony H1rt1ey, • s. c.u former ecfrtor of Britain's "Tht ll:JO 9 .... : (C) .,......,. (rD· [conomist." . m1nct) '57- June AllY'C)n, Rossano

10:00 0 @ (j) DeM Mtrtill Sllew: (C) Braui (W min.) Dean bandies. jests llld I~ Ellie TeM&tit sa.. (C) sinp with 1uests Arthur Godfrty. (fl) ...., .._ sa.. (C) Jonathan Winters, the Grecco ind la 5'1119 (C) Wiiiard comtdy team, and comedy 1Z·J0111.w Qty son1 ltylists Sandler and Younr. · ~ "'llliltJ ._..,.. ("'"°

"'-" ,... ..... (C) (60 t•ry) ·~ry Scott. a·~ ....· (C) (60 min) 1%:45 B .... : "tllet ill lite* 11• ~he Name of the G;me." Pat Hi~ · (drama) '54-Nevillt Brand, Emile

11e •. Jack Kelly and Monica ~ewis l:OO ~-· "Th ltld f taw." star 1n this dr1m1 ol a proftss10nal • - •• 1'911 ...,.. ... 1ambler (Kelly), who iccepb win· (musltal) 33-Eddle Cantor. nine or loslna money n easily 11 D News (C) he accepts winninc or lo1ln1 a &irl. 1:30 tD All-Ni&llt Mwia: "TM Miiii ti A Teus millionaire (Hin(lt) st1Ms OlijM" (mystery) '46 - Eric 11111 the 1ambler in an unsual 1rr1n1t· Strolleim. "Yekale" (drama) ·~ llltlll. ind the action btlins. Anna Ma1n1ni. "TM 0tpnwtr Gt Alea Dr• ,.._ (C) (60 min.)• (drama) '56-Annt Heywood.

:~~susrHJsE:: 'lllHEI THE:: ...


Is there no limit to what a man will gamble? Tonight a Texas millionaire stakes a gambler

in the most far-out bet of his life!


for m listina TIME for Y• the d

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For morning and afternoon list ings, please see DAY­TIME PROGRAMS. Below for your convenience, ar~ the day's movies.


10:00 ~ "M9t as .• Stranier" (drama) 'SS-Robert Mitchum, Frank Sinat ra.

11 :00 n ,,.... •••an StJilin ..... OiOrroi> ,, '46-Gele Sonder1aard. ..._.... (western) '51- Tyrone Power.

12:l0 m "A Wall i• ttlt s.·· (drama) ·4&--0ana Andrews. Richard Conte

• :JO II "'CIMidtd" (drama) ' 50 -Glenn ford, Dorothy Milone. n ...... .., hcco,. (dram•) '58-Sttphen Mclhlly, Coleen Gray.

r vr N 1Nr.

tribe Chuity Jones. 1 missionary teacher, is opposed to this dP· Pl"Olth as a mltter of principle and uerts htr influenct 0¥1f the na lives to " rnson" with lht wll men Maurice Evans and Julie H1rri~ guest. IJ Mt'lit: "T1lt et .. Kty" (mY1 tery) '42-Alan Ladd, Brian Don· levy, Veronica Lake. 0 Ci7J Off To Sot Hit ~: (t) ~ min.) " Clarence, tht Cms· Eyed Lion." 0 M;ffion $ MoM: "n. Marr (drama) '61-Stewart Whitman Rod Steiger. ' m Trvtll w eo.-.•c.os: (C) (30 min.) Bob Bar1cer hosta.

I '9rry M11911 (60 min.) T Klllllcal C«ttor

WOf1d "'"' (C) u Hora cit Silria Piul J.1IO P~ (C) (JO min )

Stoct Marttt S.•IUfY/ Offla • tM PrtslMlrt

I EJ Unrp.._ 1:30 Qt) Cl) CtMr f'yto-USMC: (C)

( 0 min.) Gomer mounts a bull­dozer to clear part of Clmp Hen­derson for a rocket launcl\lf ind

5:00 IJ TM lie News: (C) (60 m n) runs into Mr. Purcell. who insists Jerry Dunphy. that tile land Is his. O Tiit lat Motlr News: (C) (60 0 @ (6) Star Tiff: (C) (60 min.) min.) Robert Abernethy. " Tile Ome1a Glory." Clptain Kirt n l..M1n latllttball: (cont'd lrom and his crew are expased to a 5:00 PM) lakers vs. 76ers. deadly virus and IO to the planet O Si• O'Clodl Mt'lio: (C) "au.t where it originated. Mor1an Wood-CfllJ Hone'' (adventure) 'SS-Vic· ward. R~Jenson 1uest. tor Mature. John Lund, Keith Lar- -Q (17) LV C)ptl'atloft: htortah1· sen. IN!lt (C) (60 min.) Tim Conway

! TM ""tste C) hosts. Guest are The Clin1ers, David

. MS ( (30 min.) Frye, La inie Kazan, The Mills Brot ... httJ hb (JO min.) " rn ~ ' 'Cmtllfl r,.. tlMI ers, Jatkie Wilson The location is

tt..ttd SH" (horror) •61 _ An· ~~~~e Air Force Base, YtetOfVlllt,

ttlony Carbone. Betsy Jonts·More· I MtrW Criffm (C) (90 min.) land. H . Mr.

11141 Mrs. Nof1ll 1w1h Cills (C) (30 min.)

. Miit'• Ntw? h ter '""" ObloUofl I Sptculltioll: ''A ConverutiOn 5:JO n.. "' With Hume Cronyn and Jessa

• .,..,, Ca•• (C) (30 min) Tandy." Dr. Keith Berwick covtrs Haiti (C) (JO min.) a variety of topics with tile hus-:=w·~ :!:ti (JO min .) band-and wile st111e team. They t1lli (i) HllwtMf·lrinlley lteport (C) about the theatre life and tlleir

. ilHll(: (C) " Don't Let the private Ille. Bumps Get You Down." Certified in- @I) Adrian• structors demonstrate how to han· 9:00 0 a (J) frl4ay Nicflt Mewio: (C) die stHp and rou1h terrain and " f lipt rrot11 Alhiya" (adventure) m1intain balance on bumps. '64 - Yul Brynner. Richard Wkt·

I Cl) CIS fw1t1illC News (C) marl!, Geor11 Chakiris, Suzy Par111f, ~ 34 Shirley Kni1ht. A carro vessel is

7:00 CIS Ewwiwc ....,: (C) (30 bein1 battered by a typhoon , ind min.) Walter Cronkite. seamen are attemptin& to trantllf C, tt...tley·lritlllfY Report (C) (30 women and children to lifeboats. min.) Brynner. Widmark and Cllaklris pt1y

I f Troop (30 min ) ' men dispatclled to the aru. En I U.. LKJ (JO ·min,) j '?ute the stori~s of their personal 811111111'• lslaH (C) (30 min.) lrves •.re told 1n llashbacks. Filll• f t•ily Q) Tiils Eldtitll WorW (C) ( 30 (i) ,....: (C) "flit Mart of min.) ..._., (suspense) '58-Sidney ti)~~- Titemr. "C1ttlt

Poitier Eartha Kitt Thief m...... ...;..bit: "Civil I @I) Ella, El , s. ..... Riatits in 1968:· Host Dean Seelye 9:30 0 @ 00 ~ S4um : (C) and Dr. Jolin Hannah, president of! (30 min / Adam West. Kaye Ball1rd, Michi&an State University, discuss Marty Allen. Stew Rossi, Eva Gtbof, prev1ilin1 social attitudes and leris· Roddy McOowall 1uest. ' ' lrl lon. 0 Santi Allitl Spat&tfrt (C) (30

I Ci) :lo'• NWJ min.) 0-1 0 @ (IJ 1llo C_, 9f Will Seit·

7:JO Iii Ci) 1llo WIN, Wild Wat Htt: (C) (30 min.) " The W1n1ors." 160 min.) No stolyline m il· I Will Sonnttt IOOS ro jlll ta lur11

•bit 1t pmltime.


lrom a l"nrunninc c.ll llllto tM D Ten.: (C) (60 min.) " Four hiding pl1ct of rtfla tflo man ploM lf°'Clodl Almy." P1rt I of two par1s. to sell Chiff Red Leef. Tlrun t11Hsts the help of Sir Basil, D TH1pt: (C) (90 min.) Don Mc· • military u pert, In opposlni sieve Guire hoS:s. trtdtn th,.ateninf 1 defenseless 1 (Continued)

Tllh ••• r•preseats a e•• ... 1'•

Wherever be ... )le ereates an ..... , '•

l•pres~•- moe ••z. art_..


2211 W. lalboe Blvd. - Newpert leech


,... 19

F1UDAY (Continued) eat1ie< this Mnin1 at Paul.y Pl· • fridly 111aM s,edll: (C) (60 Yillon. mltl .. ) "Anreb In Fomt Grttn." The 0 ,._. flul: (C) (30 min.) Bax-story of IOldlers In Vletll1m who ter Wini. risk lift Ind limb undtr pm lftd 8 Wllliata f . ....., *-: (C) e.tnflllf'I flft to save th• aatd. tht ~ min.) Godfrey C1mbrid1• mothers and tht dlildrwn from tht c· rava1es and bniUlity of war. Jle ,,_ (C) (30 min.) ft!) NlT ~ ''The Youn1 ~ (C) ..,.,.... ,,.. hrW' Eiillbtttl." A drama. written .,,... (muJiul) '55 - FC>f'l"Ht Tuck•, cially for telMlion, about the PH· Merpre~itiC)nc. slonltt and ambitious YoUn1 dluati· I~-( ter ol Htnry Yltl durin1 the ttm· 6 Tilis .., ltu (C) pestuous years before htr corona· ...... _ ,._ tion IS £liubtttl I. H - -., .............. Mlll'il 11:30 Mwfr. (C) "It'• ... f lir

1 ... 11@ Ci) NIC ...._ AcbtlfitJ: (C) ........ (~) 55 - Gtnt • ~ min.'f''Tlle Soviets in s~." 1<ei1y. o.n ~1eyr Cyd t11artsse.

NBC Ntws went into hi&fl·MCUl'tty 11 ~:., .~ = cc:C) areas htrttofore clostd not only to a..~ 5111w (C) foreiantrs but to Soviet aim«u (I) Sllltlt " 1 St1f IS ~I. Molt, of what is st.own ill 12:00 iflwle: (C) .... , .. ., T.-,." the films loll1&frt h11 n""r befoni ( ramal '57- Robtrt W•ll* Join bttn Min publicly. Kennetl'I Btrn· Collins. ' stein reports. 12·30 II StloM·lll Meiwie· '1119 We# ., '-It hbl1• ..... (C) (60 . lihl" (horror) '41--0audt Rllns. min.)

11 0 ~ Cil Jlldd. fer !Ill Dtf111M: fllak~ C!'Y (l) (60 min.) "Square House." ~· AW-. T__.. (west-Probltloft ruin '" tht llrpt in em) 46 - Randolph Scott, Ann

Judd's de!ense of an ex-convict l:OO ~~ -- ..._ rw... cllarpd with munltr • - -. ....,_ "' - .. ,_.

I Alll Drlllf "-'


(C) (60 min.) SlllCllt'I" (science fktlon) '56 -.. ._ ... 22: "Blind Spot." Hu&ll M1riow.. llldM LAN D fllMr. "Tiie stnitaltf" (111$-

10-.JO at Nin: (C) (30 min.) qlll Johns. g::~ '63 - Victor Buono. Elltn

U:ltR°""" era.a Rtpert: CC) (30 1:30IDAIMlltM ~ (C) "llltl-nm.) Jerry Dunphy. 111ti111 MMll" (scitnct fiction) '50

! Tiit lltll How "-': (C) (30 - John Archtr. "Tll We lllllet m n.) Ceor11 Skinner. Apln" (romance) '4G-Mtf'le Ober· 8 UClA ~I: (C) (90 min.) on. Geor11 Brent. "Tlll 81..t Lii'" Bruins vs. Stanford Indians, taped (dr1m1) '41- Bttte Davis.

There's Only One

..... 2D

No.1 No. 1 u.c. ,. ........ -... "' ......... ... tf .... ,_ ......... "'- City c..-. ......,.. ........ ._.~ ...... . . No. 1 '""' __ ., _., .... ...., .... -- - ............ .,.... CH.- c.... -., .. ~ , •• If ..... ...,..,

No. 1 ......... _ ... ~ .......... ... ......... ......, .. ~ (.,.ety ..... .,.., ..... 1111119111111 - .._City .....

No. 1 ., .,...,....,.....,_., .. ~ .. ........ -'cl. ........................ ............................... No.1 ..................... ,.. ...... ~ ..... _ , .. Or-.. C4ICllfr ............. _....., .. .........................



Breaking the Soviet Space Barrier Amerkan1 will aet their ft.rst loot · at the many facets of the

Soviet space program in a ooe-bour NBC News color epecial, "lbe Soviets m Space," Friday at 10 PM oo NBC.

NBC Newa was permitted to ao into biab«CUrlty ~as here­tofore closed not only to foreigoen but to Soviet crews aa well. Most of what is lbown in the Him bas never before been seen publicly. even in the Soviet Union.

C01mo-1 AJ.xn IAorrov, ~' ''""' to WlllJc 111 1p«1, •14 '*' 011 • trlllnlllf 1'1iaio11 111 /wlkoptn.



COi-i AJuel U-v willt wife """ cltlld al lwtM /11 SUIT YUlcp, wlNn ell Sovler comr°""""' live.

Co1mo-11 otteml clo.un ot Air Force Acalmiy ouu#I• MOKOW.

(uft) Altl•llfUU al Ccn'tcr /or Distant C01mlc UoUon. al E11potorill in I~ CrlmH., wlterr, wirlt OM uuptlo11, o Brilllll 1de11tl1t, "° fo,.. r lr"u Ital ev.-r bHn ollowed ~Jon. Tl., Cflllcr colllrob oil M1clU1t1, mamwd o!ld 1mmo1111rd, ond lta.J mo11y of tll• /unctioM of tM U.S.A.'1 ft/ASA at HotUton. (Rlfhl) Cosmo1111ut l'llllrl J>opoviclt is nodltd by cllnklluu /or r,.i11illf 111 cmtrl/ui- 111 a 1poc• clillk out.lid• MoJcow.



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SUNDAY 9:00 8 ~(I) " Fl•me Ovet' lndi• ." This 20th Century·Fox release

stars Lauren Bacall, Kenneth More ano Herbert Lom It is an action-packed suspense drama set in India A career soldier 1s assigned to rescue an American governess and a n Indian prince and uses an antiquated tra in for his trouble-torn 1ourney. Produced 1n England

TUESDAY 9:00 0 Ii) (jJ (C) " McGu1re, Go Home." This 1966 release 1s the

story of an American g1r1 and a British Intelligence officer who fall in love amidst guerrilla warfare 1n Cyprus Dirk Bogarde, Susan Strasberg, Qenham Elliott star


9:00 8 fa (C) "Spencer's Mountain." CBS offers a repeat showing of this 1963 comedy drama starring Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Hara, James MacArthur and M1msy Farmer.


9 :00 8 ~ 00 (C) " Fli&ht From Ashiya." The United Artists release stars Yul Brynner, Richard Widmark, George Chak1ris, Suzy Parker and Shirley Knight. It 1s the story of military air·sea rescue operations developed during World War II, and spec1fi· cally the story of the problems of three men.


9:00 O @ @ (C) " I'd Rather Be Rich." This Universal film was produced by Ross Hunter and stars Sandra Dee, Robert Goulet. Andy W1ll1ams, and Maurice Chevalier. It 1s a happy, romantic comedy and should make this evening's viewing a pleasant experience.

SLA VE T RADE. T HR E AT- 111/ie Harris Jluest stars as·Chnr­ity Jcmef. a miuiorwry tracher. who /aces marauding slm·r 1ratle1 ~ in "' F1111r O"C/ Amr\'·· 11 two-part advent11rr n 11

N8C f Jarw n. Frula\' at 7:30 l'M .


Diplomats of 46 countrie~ maintaining pcrmanen1 m1ss1on~ at the UnireJ

Nations accepted in111tation~ 10 .i11end the taping o f a Red Skelton special

program for The ReJ Skelton Hour. Tue~ay al R· JO PM . -On C BS.

The program. entitled " Laughter- lhc Univer,al Language,'' i~ an all ·

request, one-man concert in pantomime. Taped Feb. 20. a l the Ed Sullivan

Theater in New York City. the nalions who~e rcpresentalives were presen1

include :

Argentina . Austria. BarbaJo~. Belgium. Bulgaria. Canada . Cambodia.

Ceylon, Cosca Rica. Cyprus. Czccho~lova lc1 a. Ecuador. Finland. G hana.

Guinea, Honduras. Iceland . lndia. Israel. Ita ly. Japan. South Korea, Luxem·

bourg. Malawi. Malla Netherlands. Nigeria. Norway. Paraguay, Philippines.

Poland, Dahomey. Sierra Leone. South Africa, Spain. Sweden. Switzerland.

Thailand, Tu n1~ia . Turkey. Unio n of Soviet Socialist Republics. United

Arab Republic. United Stat.cs, Sou1h Vietnam. Yemen and Zambia .

The special presenta1ion is Skelton·~ answer to the many requests he has

received fo r a performance s imilar 10 his show of Sept 27, 1960. which

saluted lhe 15th anniversary of the United Nat ions. Thal performance

brought Skelton the Awa rd for Dist inguished Servic~. highest honor of the

U .S. Information Agency.

Seymour Berns. who di rected the 1960 hroadcast . is the producer o t

"'Laughter- the Universal Language," with Bill Hobin and David Rose

~rving as director and musical conductor. respect ively .

WATCHING A PARADE- Rtd Sktlron pa11101111mt1 t1 11111r 1101rhi11g a parade 011 Thr Rtd Skt/1011 Hour. S1artln1 01 IOI' ltft. It# 1rtt11 o /rit 11d. f'Oll 1rlh111,. 10 thr ro11111rr


J flu1 t1ni: ya/111n ht< old ff1t i11tf'lll.

P•p 21

CHANNEL LISTINGS Information for these l ogs is furnished by the te levision sto · tions. TV W EEK is not responsible for lost -minute changes in program listings.



(CBS) Los Angeles (NBC> Los Angeles (Ind.) Los Angeles <ABC) Los Angeles (Ind.) Los Angeles (Ind.) Los Angeles (Ind.) Los Angeles (Ind.) Los Angeles (Ind.) Los Angeles UndJ Los Angeles

(ABC> Coble Bakersfield (NBC) Coble Bakersfield (CBS) Coble Bakersfield (ABC) Bakersfield (NBC) Bakersfield (CBS) Bakersfield

A star I * I preceding a l og listing indica tes i t is a paid advertisement , Chan nels 22, 28 and 34 o re UHF i n Los A n ­geles, wi th 28 being the educa tional I ETV I station. Chan­nels 17, 23 and 29 are UHF in Bakersfield.

This Magazine ;, published weekly fa r th is newapaper by TV WEIK, a dl•laian at Griffin P'rlntl119 a nd lltho9roph Co. , lrtc., editorial a nd p radu<· lio n afflc ... P.O Bo• 1190, Gle ndale . Ca Hf. Add reu advertis ing inq ulrl• • lo the d iaptoy odnrlising d epart"'•"' of t his ne wspa per.

· CRACK-UP-An ad-/1h c·ra<"h up f?t1es1 -hnff Sammv D m·1.f Jr. and Rt1es1 P1•1er La11 fo rd at 1hn· clown throuRh a fketch on ABC's The H 11/lrl\'1111d Palace. in color. Saturday at 9:30 PM. Other guesH 111('/ude flnl:t'r Diahann Carroll. The Check­mater, and Rowan and \ifartm

Page 22

THE DAILY PILOT. nl WEEK, n:•ltUARY 24. 1961


11:00 ~MI) NHL Hockey: (C) Toronto Maple Leafs vs. New York Rangers at New York. O NBA Basketball: (C) Philadelphia 76ers vs. St. Louis Hawks.

3:00 m Tucson Open Golf Toumament: (C) Second day of the fl 25,000 tournament. with Arnold Palmer defending his cham p1onsh1p on the links of the Tucson National Country Club. Tom Kelly calls the action.

4 :00 O Big Three Golf: (C) Fi lmed at the Carnoustie Club in Scot land Is the second match in a four·.,.rt competition in which Arnold Palmer. Jack Nicklaus and Gary P"tayer pgy 72 holes for a first prize of $25,000, with $15,000 l of"I to the runner· up and $ 10,000 to the thlrd·place finisher. Henry Lon1hurst. distinguished British journalist and golf reporter, serves as commentator. Though Palmer 1n 1967 won a persoMI hi&h of $184.065 1n off icial PGA earnings, he finis'*t second to Nicklaus who won a record of $188,988 in addition to the coveted title of Professional Golfer of the Year. ~ayer played 1n only 14 events last year but still manaiied to win $55,820. O American SPortsman: (C) Troy Donahue hunts antelope 1n Colorado: Curt Gowdy and Frank Wootner fish for Cape Cod bass 1n Massachusetts.

9 :00 m Canadian National Hoc:iley: (C) Hamilton Redwings vs Toronto Marlboros.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 7:30 O Celebrity Billiards: (C) Comedian Bill Cosby's lightn1ng­

fast wit 1s matched against Minnesota Fats' equally fast cue for a fast half hour.

FRIDAY, MAIM:H 1 5:00 O lakers Basketball: (C) Chtck Hearn calls the live action as

the Los Angeles Lakers meet the Ptuladelphia 76ers at the Spectrum in Philadelphia.

6:30 fll) Skiing: (C) " Don't Let the Bumps Get You Down." Demon· strat1on on how to handle steep and rough terrain and matn· ta1 11 balance on bumps.

11:00 O UCLA Basketball: (C) Dick Enberg calls the ec:tion as the Bruins race toward the NCAA finals i n same .,... SUnford Indians. Game taped earlier this ewni"I.

SATURDAY. MARCH 2 11 :30 AM m Sports Special: USC meets UCLA for NCAA S'Mm meet

at the Beverly Hills High School. 1 :30 O College Basketb1ll: (C) Loyola at UCSB. 2:30 0 AAWU S.s"etball: {C) Washington H~ metlt ~lty

of Oregon Webfoots at MacArthur Court in EU19M. F.....- Sims calls the action.

3:30 I) CBS Golf Classic: (C) Jay Hebert and Lio nel Hebert meet Lou Graham and R. H. Sikes at the Firesto ne Country Club in Akro n, Ohio.

4:30 I) Santa Anita Ra<:e: (C) The $50,000-Added Santa .. rbara Handicap at l ',4 mites (turf) . Fillies and mares once .. ain will be i n the CTPN SPotllght in ttlis rKe. _..,.. r.,idty is gaining stature as one of the most ~nfficM .,_. ~ for distaff thoroughbred campaigners In America. OmM9 and Apri l Dawn won div1s1ons of the feature last winter, the fom1er providing trainer John Longden wit h his first success as a conditioner at Santa Anita.

5:00 O The Professionals: (C) Guest Andrei Molt.erer gives pointers on sk11ng. O Shell's Wonderful Wofid of Golf: {C) Master cMmplon Gay Brewer plays the brilliant Billy Casper at the Dof'lll Country Club on the edge of the Everglades in Mieml, Aorida. The transformed swampland, called the champion9ftip Blue Mon· ster, has a 7,028·yard, par·72 layout with weter ..,.rywhere a constant hazard. O Kings Hockey: (C) L.A. Kings vs. Toronto Maple Leafs. Jeg~s McDonald and Ed Fitkin relate the action from the ice of Maple Leaf Gardens D ABC's Wide WM ld of Sports: (C) Wortd f"-ct IUCI.: Championships, via satellite fMCI t.... 1 I schedule)

5:30 fll) Skiing: (C) Demonstration on Nindlint s~ and rough terrain. Repeat.

11 :00 O UCLA Basketball: {C) Bruin.s vs. Cah ~ ...,. in .-in• taped earlier this evenlna at PM.ti., r , .. L


7:30 f)S.. IJDni 0Eff1 mMr.

7~S l!)Sac

l:OOIJ 9 0 0 IJ5tn es .. m•

l :JOO QJ O !ff; fJAd. Hunt."

t:00ea 0 9 D @ mAct are "~ Ytolent IDA••

t:JOll~ O ® .... ern) '5


Mr Co. , Lt Gigant comed'

Th! to do . tOrt ot

ML oa UJai

adl 11111111 ... ..

IE EscMta IUiUl g) £1 AblSlllt a Slleflod tto1 ... m &,lef1111 * ertfta 10:00 8 a m Sllm.a111 <C> • i:00It1j ([) 1111 LIM .,...., <C>

D @ (I) lit'd .. 11 (C) • THll Sa,e (C) fJ G1J (]) lift& ..._, (C) Movie: (C) .... ldad" (advtn· e Movie: "C•n lelt" (adventure) tu~e) 'SO-Maureen O'Hara, Vlnc.nt

SATURDAY 4:JO Ra Cll Sllltl A1111 bee: CC>

file l50b·Addecl Santa Barbara Handicap. MARCH 2

'SJ - George Montgomery, Tab Pnce. D ID Stlepledt• (C) a Tiit f!yln1 Fillter111an ftl)Ttadltr '68

Hunter. l :JO I) Tiit Road R11t111., (C) m a .. .... 1ca"° o a m to11ece 1asUtba11: <t>


:218 Clwt Us nil 0.,/..... 10:30 II 9 s,ace llilett (C) ~-:.:.!'cics~ (C) :JO • S.rtse St...ttf (C) D @ (6) Atom Mt (C) m Mewte: ''Tiie Day tile EJrtll

4:55 0 UNITED AIR LINES * Presents Kings vs. 0 Dai111 lor laamltlc fJ ~ Cil Geor11 ef ttle J111111t (C) Stood Stllr' (science fiction) '51-

fJ EffldM Uwi.c (C) 11:001J Qt Cl) Mtby Dia (C) Michael Rennie, Patricl1 Neal. tD Mr. Wistlbolle Sllew (C) 0 @ 00 Top Cat (C) 2:00 R Movie: "In S.CietJ'' (comedy)

'~5 &J SKrad HNrt (C) 0 Movie: "Vicilante T'"9f'' (west· '«-Abbott and Costello.

Toronto Maple Leafs 5:001J n1 rr.tesaiellala: (C) Guest

Andrei Molterer 1ive1 polnt.11 • ski in11.

ern) '54-William Elliott. D MO'lie: "Cattle Town" (western) l:OO 1J 9 Cl) C.,tain ltallp1110 (C) fJ (ii) (]) TN leatlts (C) ·~-0tnnis Morgan, Philip Clrey.

D @ (]) S.r 6 (C) m .... ltibllH lllutrt: "Mutiny c:J Mlllilfl $ Mevlt: "Slloet~ It IJ GIN Altry SMw ol the Elsinore." Madlclne hncf' (western) 57 -

D @ Cl) Sllllra W1d11fll _.. of Cott: (C) Billy Cuper ind G17 Brewer fight it out on one of tllt three massive courses at Doral, Ill Miami. Florida.

c;J Slper..,. Randolph Scott, Angie Oicldnson. &J ....._, Mwle: "Securi ty Risli." 11:30 IJ 9 Slpefun/Aq..,..• (C) m lie Movie: "Miraculous Jour·

D @ Cell lll1cCeef <C> ney •• l :JO D iaJ (6) s.,., P'rtsidtftt (C) 0 (i7) (]) Alltriun latMbtlN (C) . 0 IOnp Hockey: (C) LA. Klnp

battle it out with the Toronto leafs.

0 (i7) tI) TN Fantastic F111r (C) c:J Movie: (C) "Trhl_,.. If Her· 2:30 0 ~ @ AAWU . lasUtball: (~) c;J Action Otutr1: "City on a atlas'' (spectacular) '64-0an Vadis. Was~maton Huskies vs. the Uni· Hunt." tD s,o.11 Special: USC-UCLA swim vers1t! of Ore!o~ Webfools

J:OO 8 8 Cl) Fra111lllllttin Jr. (C) meet. From Beverly Hilla Hifh. g) Cine tn S 111 0 @ m AIC1 Wide WerW ti Spofta: (fj Tentative achadut1: Tiie World A11ure·Sketln1 Champlolllhl,., via satellite from Geneva.

D O ({) TIM FlintstoMa (C) 3:00 IJ The New Society (C) 0 (j1J Cl) s,i41r •n (C) 3:301J C1S Coif Classk: (C) Jay H• m Adilll n.trr. Today's films bert and Lionel He~ert meet Lou m hter L11111t1

are "Alcatraz Express" and " The 12:00 D Future: (C) "Dynamic Wheels." Graham and R. H. Sikes. Violent and the Damned." II> Calldecln del llClll• 0 Slli Breed (C)

&J Cifll11n'1 Island (C) m ln110V1tion1

&J Award Tileatrt: "Pleue. Mr. 0 @ Pfo Bowters' THr: (C) Balzac." 12:30 IJ a Cl) JoftllJ Qttat (C) From Toledo, Ohio.

OD Todol • laillr

5:ZSc;JNewt . 0 Aariculture USA (C) m Clliller (C)

9:30 1J 9 Cl) Tiit Herclltoids ~C) 0 Mewit: ''l&Mt lllqk'' . (adven· m Color Theatre: (C) "last of the 5:30 fJ Ralpll StDry (C) c;J Cldpt (C) D 0 S..... alld c.liltll (C) lure) '44--0rson Welles, Alum Tam· Mohicans " &J Surllide 5 g lllwie: "Tiie M...nct" (west· iroff. Nancy Guild.

ern) '52- Wllliam Elliott. O (HJ (}) tt.,,t11ill1 '61 (C) D ~CD .lturMy te tlle Cent• If OI Tileatre: "The Badie of iii EJrttl (C) I Mershal Brennan."

Mr. George Q. Bis. president ol the Gtgantac BnJldcuttng Co., Ltd., wu in a dour mood. lt bad been a 1-d sea.- for Gigantic and now · tbe star of tbl necwork's ODly aew bit, a cmnedy aeries titled Loft in a Haystack, wu thftlatenlq f8 quit.

Thia wu Min Gloria Thfrty·Etght and the name had nodllng to do wttll her ap. (Sbe was 22.) It was more • tape meuure tort ot lllna,

Muell to everyone's surprise, Love in a Haystack had taken otf DI a rodlec. npt tram the very first show. Blg had thou.gilt

It wa terrible and Big. for once, ... rtgbL Al a comedienne GkJrta na DO Lucille 8alJ. But male Ylewen ceuldl't ha~ cand Jess ad womm lllt ....­to Glol1a when Ibey waldled ..._ Thlrty-Eltltt'• lllbdslstn.4 .....,...,. around a kttchen as "a boulewtfe." M_, cwldD't 1111 wt.ether die lbow wu a poi.. or What, but they continued ID waleh and kept it way up In the radnp.

AS nm ttme tor tt11 ~ ..-. lna wttll blonde GIOt1a d1'9W Mir ... p1llMd bll 91Cttt&ty olf his lap. ......

AUDI mat llx n...,. ol Old Ud Ut up a • SI .... r. He hadn't ·1ong to wait.

... ~, ...... .....,., ....... ~ llli ..,, • laalllld Mlt, ...,.,., s- Crawbd. Sbe ...... • Qejt of,_, Md a..

Altili •-•=ID& r.... 1111 lllfPl1le. ... ....., ''Now, now. ~ Illar, wbat'1 aJ1 dds 1 a..r •bout yw wadq IO quh tbl -*?

-Well. DOW dalt I lane ccmedy, II- Carol BanllU Md Lacllll. I WllllC • If on io ..,._ ral& A tll1 Wiii I .... ........ .., ........ 1-eiDa~. hiolilll:~l'm ..... ..,~"

•• ._ .. MW a 11111 ~ and JU'I are die mt •• , llld J

3:55 c;J FaMOus ScMols

4:00 O The Outdoorsman: Joe Fou (C) I 1J Clla•pionstlip towline (C)

EE Roclly Jonn fD Sllllft1: (C) "Don't let thl Bumps Get You Down."

might remind you that you have a contract.'' "SO WHAT? Before I'd continue with thJs series I'll become

a nun in a mooutery, or something. Trouble wiUJ you is mat you can't see a girl's potenttal."

Big smJled Inwardly. THAT was one thing \tie boys at the ccnveotlon had never accused him of.

Miss Thirty-Eight explained tbat she WU determlned to have a new career as a dramatic actress . .. You will be able to read all about It in the paper tomorrow in Sam Nasty's column," llhe lald .

.. Sam encouraged you In thJs nutty idea?" asked Big. "Of course. He aaid I could become a great actress like

Jayne Mansfield and Barbara Parkins. He said I had enough for nro atrta. He gave me a Jetter to that big drama coach in New Yort, Lee Goldberg."

.. Strasberg,'' corrected Big. He dJdn' t know whether to knock ht the bead or pat her

on tbe fanny, but decided on the la er courM as a matter ol hablt.

"Olorta.'' be began, "I em going to to you like a father. We Ila~ made you a atar In a single llUOD. Yaar fan mail ii 111p1 at dl11 atudlo. And do you know wbo two ol your bla.­laM are? I'U tell you. ney are Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett. n., tllld me peraonally they watch your show every week to &et P*lln on bow to do comedy."

"IMY REALLY said that?" asked Gloria. "MilDluMl,y. You stick with us, er me, and I'll make you the

....._ - ca lelevlslon. I've been plannUsa oa that all -. ~· llil- "Let't go up to my pba and talk It ewer." 1111., ,., •• said Gloria, dropping her eutier ~

dftllil tGlce ... Bat l'U meet you there. P!rst I want to go home. ~oat flf Ills Dior, and put on my mlntskirt. Who needs JOM

wtDlcl. .. .. " Glor1a for once had played her part weJl . . . Just as she'd ---· 8"al 11 me ratinp sffppect next MUllft it WOlld SU. -.

lmbqualr.e to get Love ID a Raywtact off die ... t ..-. Bot wfJo bad outsmarted who? ,_ n



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