Plafte skids into harbor - City of Newport Beach


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SLJ ND/\Y JJ\ NU A nY .'-l 1'H.l:_'

............. ELATED - Kathryn Florea of Burlington. Mass .. smiles as she hugs inf ant Devon Saturday night after they were safely

·evacuated from World Airways flight. The plane skidded off a runway at Boston 's Logan International Airport into Bos to\l Harbor .

Two brave flames • in rescue attempt

A 69-year-old El ~·oman was killed ear'fy'S;;l;rday , despite what were described as heroic attempts to save her. when flames apparently ignited by careless smoking consumed her apartment.

Dead at the scene of the 5: 15 a . m . b l a 1 e w •s M u r rel Garthwaite of 23151 Los A1isoe Blvd .. Apt. 163. The county coroner's office has not yet officially determined the cause of death.

County fl.l'efigbler Jeff Taylor said the flre was discovered by newspaper d eliveryma n Armando Lazarin of El Toro, who along with off · duty firefighter Peter Forbes pulled Ms. Gart.bwaile's body from the burning apartment.

Lazarin, suffering from smote lnbalation, and flrefigbter Carl Caldren, who sustained burns to the neck, were injured as a result of the blaze , neither seriously, Tnlor said.

The fire caused an estimated $200,000 damage to eight units of the Saddleback Ranch Apartments where it took place. Ms . Garthwaite's apartment and one above it sustained heavy

· damage , while six other apartments in the block were damaged by heat and smoke.

Taylor said there were no smoke detectors in use in the apartments. He said Lazarin and Forbes •. who is a resident of the complex, acted heroically when they broke into the apartment and crawled under flames to pull Ms . Garthwaite's body out of the apartment.

Taylor said the management of the apartment complex is helping people displaced by the fire to relocate , and is temporarily housing them In several vacant apartments.

Friday, an 86 -year -old Fullerton woman was killed when her clothing caught fire in an apparent accident in her kitchen.

Fullerton fire officials said Grace Brooks, 86, was burned at about 7:56 a.m. when a sleeve of her robe ignited while she was beating water on a gas stove.

Deity ,.... ..-. .., alc..,. ll.-..r HEROES - Orange County firefighte r P e ter F orbes. ab ove . a nd n e w s p a p e r d e liv e rman Armand o La za rin cre pt thro ug h a burning apartment to save an El Toro woman . but cou ldn't get to he r in time.

The fire spread lo her nightgown and caused bums over most of h e r body befor e it wa s extinguished.

Mrs. Brooks died al 2 p.m. at UCI Medical Center in Orange.

Ylll llllTDll llllY Ml OH AN GE COUNT Y. C ALIFORNIA '>(1 Cf NT "

Plafte skids into harbor No fatalities as DC-10 slides on icy runway in Boston

BOSTON CAP > - A World Airways DC-10 carrying 208 people skidded off the end of an icy runway and plunged part way into Boston Harbor on Saturday night as it landed at Logan International Airport, authorities said.

No one was serious ly hurt., even though the plane's cockpit broke off and threw the crew lnto the water.

Police said all those on board we re rescued from the plane, which came to rest partially submerged in the freezing sea water at about 7:30 p.m. EST C4:30 p.m. PST>.

" God certainly has been good lo us , " s aid o n e femal e passenger clutching a baby.

At least 33 people were taken t o hos pitals in Boston and nea rby Winthrop . J o Ryan, s pok es wom a n r o r the Massachusetts Port Authority. s aid none of the injuries appeared lo be serious .

World Airways Flight 30 originated in Honolulu . and stopped in Oakland and Newark, N.J ., before landing here, its final destination.

·'The front end of the plane flew off," said passenge r Jerry

Missing boy hunted by Anaheim cops

Anaheim p o lic e we re conducting a door·to-door search l ate Saturday for a three-year-old city boy missing since Friday arternoon.

The youth. Tony Alex Geary, was reported missing by. his mother shortly after 2 p.m. today. She said be had been missini since about 4:30 p.m. Friday , but s h e had only dis covered it on Saturday because she thought the youth was with his rather.

He is described by police as three feet tall . about 35-40 pounds, with brown hair and eyes . When last seen be was wearing a red shirt. with white s tripes , tan pants and blue tennis shoes.

Anyone with information on t he youth's whereabouts is asked to call Anaheim Police at 999-1900.

Podesta, 22, of Philadelphia. He was splashed with water while in his seat.

Only the rear of the plane was visible in the water at the end of the runway. but most people on board slid down chutes from the rear of the craft and waded ashore through knee-deep water.

Many passengers, shaken but unhurt , were taken away on buses and vans . Some were still . wearing inflatable life vests .

·'The plane slid off the end of the runway," said a snowplow ope rator. " When l got there, there were people there getting passengers out of the water .··

The accident occurred as the plane landed in light rain and

fog on an ice-glazed runw•y al the airport, which border~ the harbor. The National Weather Service saJd visibility was l 'h miles .

Flight attendant Bobbie Sue Gr.iffey said the runway " was very icy."

Carolyn Walden, another port authority s pokes woman , said the plane carried 196 passengers and 12 crew m e mb e r s . A s pokes man for the National Transportation Safety Board in Was hington gave the s ame figures.

Podesta said passengers had no warning that the plane was in trouble.

· ' We landed fine and kept

going and going ," he said. " Th ey couldn ' t stop , and J a ss u med it w as ice or something."

Kathryn Florea of Burlington, Mass .. said some passengers pani cked a nd " people were screaming, 'Let me off! Let me off ! • "

S he sa id " the cre w was terrific. The stewardesses were handing their shoes to people who didn't have shoes ."

Miss Ryan s aid th e plane landed on one runway. then veered onto another and went down an embankment into the wa ter .

Logan was closed arter the accident .


FROSTY FOOTBALL FANS - Orang e Countians can have their Super Bowl thrills today without the chills these five spectators felt Saturday as thev huddled in beach chairs . . .

.............. along the snowy s idewalk in Pontiac . Mich near the Silverdome to watch a pre-game parade. Telecast s ta rts at I p.m .. see Sports for details .

Who's figuring town's impact? Village Laguna pushes suit claiming Aliso Viejo is too big a neighbor By STEVE MITCHELL Ot ... DallY ...... , .. "

" Pe(}f)U are putting us in the elltiat box, Out we're really not againat the project.

" We ; u s l wa nt ii d o ne responllbly ." ~Norm Grossman, Village Laguna


Laguna Beach residents are looking over their shoulders at a new neighbor that in 20 years will be twice the size of their seaside village and house three times the people.

It' s caJled Aliso Viejo and, depending on your point or view.

SUNDAY SPECIAL It will be a well -planned community, or it holds the scary prospect of clogged roadways, pollution , and a glut of new re s ident s in th e alrea d y congested south county .

Wh e n completed in two decades. the new community of

Aliso Viejo will contain 53,000 res idents. the majority living in attac hed, condominium -st yle units surrounding a 788-acre town center . ll will occ upy most of the

remaining undeveloped acreage of the Moulton Ranch, stretching from Le is ure World to the boundaries of Laguna Beach, and from Laguna Canyon Road to Laguna Niguel.

One lawsuit already has been filed to stop .the development. It was tossed out. An a ppeal is pending.

Members of Village Laguna, a loosely -knit e nvi ronmental group based in Laguna Beach, say they have raised $22,000 of the $28,000 needed for that appeal in the 4th District Court of Appeals in San Bernardlno.

A judgment on the appeal is expected later this year .

Meanwhile, construction of the first tract of homes began a year ago near La Paz Road and Moulton Parkway.

Village Laguna spent $15,000 for its unsuccessful lawsuit in Orance County Superior Court.

NEW NEIGHBOR - Map s h o ws ho w Ali so Vi e j o borders Laguna Beach.

and said other issues raised by th e g r o up would mor e appropriately be cons ider ed during later planning stages of the development.

No w. Vi ll age Laguna is rai s ing more mone y for its a pp e al , through direct solicitations a nd fund -raisers, including an auction held last September that raised $6,000.

Officials at the Aliso Viejo Co. r e fuse even to di scuss their project as long as the matter remains in litigation.

" We really can't discuss the project while the appeal is in the court." s aid Al Wheeler , a spokesman for the Mission Viejo Co.

Along with the Aliso Viejo Co .. Mission Viejo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Philip Morris Inc. of New York .

Norm Grossman, chairman of Village Laguna . has no such qualms.

" We'll talk to anyone:• he quipped.

Grossman. along with Belinda Blacketer , a former Laguna Beach planning commission chairman and an offi cer of (See lMPACT, Pase A!)

Upjohn plans appeal after lo8ing suit to Newport man

That suit claimed the county Board of Supervisors acted wrongly in approving the 20,000· bome Ali so Viejo development. The laws uit , rejectect by Judie William S. Lee in November 1980, sought a reversal of the supervisors' approval of the Aliso Viejo environmental Impact report.


Disney Productions show a 33 percent drop in first quarter profits. But officials expect that will change with a sprinkle of pixie dust , a revamp or Fantasyland and 'release of six movies. Details on Pace Dl.

&OLE REGRETS! - Actress Faye Duna~ay calls her latest New York stage appearance "a new be1lnnin1." See wb.y she wants to break from her rum image of a sleek cookie who drives men wild on Pate D9. SANTA ANA (AP > - Upjobn

Pbarmaceut.lcaJ Co. says it will appeal a 95.1 million Jury award to Eric Barkan, 23, of Newport Beach, who said be lost bi1 kidneys and spleen because ol an Upjobn acne medication the company knew wu unsafe.

An Oran1e County Superior Court jury deliberated tbree day1 before Friday's decllkln a1alnat tbe lllcbl1an· baaed COmPUJ. Ill attorneJ, bonald Peterson, malntalaed "Ute reeord jUlt doeln't support tbe ftncll .' ' Ba'& and bit father, Yale, aaed Up John ·ala yean a10, &'If...., tM et-PM1 knew Ute

antibiotic Llncocln was defeetlve but tried to conceal reports ol ita aide effects from phyalclana and the U.S. Food and Dnai Adminlltratlon. ,

Llncodn wu preKribed for 'Barkan'• ac:oe infection in Dffember 1975, tbe suit said. Sill weeks later dodorl cliseoYend Barkan'• kidneys were belq destroyed . In 11'7'1 be was dia1no1ed aa bavln1 1lomerulonepbrltis, a kidney Jnflammatlon often cauaed by baelertal infection. Two ,ean later hJa kidneys and spleen were surstcally removed.

Since the operation, Barkan

must spend four hours every other day on a dialysis macb.lne, which performs the kidneys' function of fi.lterin1 waste and excess fluid from the blood. ..

His annual f!!edlcal bill is $50,000. The suit noted that his parents were forced to sell their Newport Beach home before Medl · Cal and insurance supplemented their paymenta.

The jury awarded youns Barkan $3 million for patn1 discomfort and mental ana emotJonal diatreu, Sl.25 miWon for future medical eapenae1 and $1.72 million for .lOll of future eamlnp.


VIiiage Lacuna a lso artued the county's general plan was cban1ed to accommodate Aliso Viejo by increasing the bousina ceiling to 20,000 units ._ nearly twice tbe ortainal 10,090 allowed under the previous county aeneraJ plan.

Tbe Lacuna ll'O'IP also aaid the project'• envlromnent al report failed to ll1t items required under Ute CaUfomia Environmental Quality Act.

Judie Lee, in upholdinC the county and the Allao Viejo Co., said provision.• of the Environmental Quality Act wer'91 't violaWd by the c:ountJ,


SUITE LIFE - More women are travelin& alone - for business or pleasure. For ideas on what hotel amenities to expect and how to ask for them, see PageC3.

TAX B&EA.K - The Internal Revenue Service Is allowin1 con1ressmen SlS,000 more in deduct.iCJna per year since they have to maintain two residences. Three aolona ex.plain why the 11vtnc1 are JuaWled on Pat\AS·

' ....


Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Janua')' 24, 1982

No letup Midwest

• ID

snow By Ute A~lated l'reH

A record blizzard born In a hlstork winter burled pa rts of t he Midwest in wMist -deep snow Mnd whipped up 9-root drifts Saturday , whlJe power lines and t ree lim bs s napped.

Snowslides closed three main p asses in the s ta t e o r Was hington and war m chinook winds gusted to 97 m ph on the eastern s lopes or the Colorado Rockies . Snowplows were used to free 2,000 people trapped

' si n ce F r iday m o r ni n g by avalanches at Utah s ki resorts.

Two deaths were blam ed on the weather, one in Virginia and one in Indiana . More than 300 people were killed in a 10-day cold wave that eased las t week.

Mean wh il e, a s to rm that m oved out or the Rockies late last week hammered much of North an d Sout h D a k o t a , Minnesota . Iowa and Michigan wit h up to 20 i n ches o r w i n d -blow n snow on top o r

record amounts that rell earlier . T he Midwest was practically

s hut down, wit h t housands of travelers stranded and some m issing. Snowmobiles went to the rescue of about 200 motorists trapped o n a h ig h way i n n or th e rn M ichigan . near T r averse City.

" There a re a ll kinds of cars on the roads, and there's j ust no way to get to them," said police Sgt. Duane Girard in t he Upper P enins ul a ci t y of Ca lumet . Mich ., as winds gus t ing to 65 mph piled deep d r ifts across hig hways .

In South Dakota, where up to 20 inches or snow fell, t ravel was for bidden in m uch of t he state. Aut horities in Vermillion said a ny drivers who ventured onto the roads would be arrested.

Accumulations ranged from 20 inches · to more than 40 inches ac ross Minnesota a nd many r oad s were b locked in the northern part of the stale. CHANGE OF PACE - Between t he I 2-mile

Walk for Hoag Brigade. above. a nd Frank Daumcey of Costa Mes a , right . who won t he 5-k i lomete r Run for Hoag were 2.000 e nt rants from 5 to 75 years of agl' in thl· 5- and 10 K raC'es S aturda y along Ca r ls on Ave n ul' in

From Page A1

Delly ,..... ~ , , ... .,.k O'O-•

Irvin <.• n ear the F luor Corp. The foot work ki c k e d off Clambakl' Weck . which r aises fu n d s fo r lloaf:: M l'mo r ial Hospital in ~ewport Hl'ach and end~ with the Cros b~ Southern P r o-/\m Golf T ourna m e nt lo h(• pl a~·crl Thursda ~· and Frida~·


RelOrtttotel/ . Conference Center

0. 11, ~11-~

Vill age Laguna . say t he g roup is bas ing its appeal on t hree major points .

" F o r one thing ," Ms . Blacket e r s aid . " th e en vironmental report takes as a ' g i ven ' t hat the San Joaquin Hill s Trans portation Corridor wi II be built. "

That p r o p osed 14 - mil e expressway wou ld r u ~ from Corona del Mar to just north of San Clemente, bisecting Aliso Viejo.

" But wh a t happen s if the co rridor 1s not built ?" s he asked .

·'There is no information in the county's E IR of wha t would happen, or how the traffi c would be handled ."

She said the additional 200.000 car trips per day generated by th e Aliso Viejo development would overload the San Diego and Santa Ana freeways, Pacific Coa s t Highwa y, El Toro and Laguna Ca n yo n roads , a nd Crown Valley Pa rkway .

A second point in the s uit the t wo Village Laguna s pokesmen contend. is that there has been no forma l acceptance of 3,400 acres of open s pace dedicated to the county by the deve lopment fi r m .

" If the count y does not accept the acreage b eca u se or economics or othe r reasons, it rever ts back to t he company in 15 years." Grossman said .

TRAFFIC ISSUE - Ali so Viejo opponents fea r 53.000 proposed res ide nts will further clog s treets i f 14-mlle San J oaquin H ills Trans portation Corrid or i s n 't built

" The county s hou ld have considered that !f>Ssibi lity in the El R . It diqn 't. ·· '

Affordabfe"'l\ou'Si ng within the project is another concern of

Community contained All loops lead 53,000 Aliso Viejans to ur ban core

It can be descr ibed as a self-contained. com m unity.

· In fact . the t ra ffi c s cheme for the proposed Aliso Viejo development benind Laguna Beach· features an inte rna l " loop" road system tha t d iscour ages through traffi c from ad joining communities.

None of t he expected 53,000 new Aliso Viejo residents will live more than two miles from a 768-acre ur ban core , a factor t he company hopes will promote pedestrian and bicycle transportation.

Aliso Viejo spokesman AJ Wheeler says no inte r views by company executi ves will be gra nted while an appeal or the plan is in the cour ts.

He said the company will not even comment on development plans wit bin t he 6,600·acre project area.

But he did s upply a fact sheet that outlines some of the features or the new comm unity, which is expected lo be completed by the turn of t he century.

The circulation s ystem for the com munity t reats Aliso Viejo as a destination, with no road connections to Paci fi c Coast Highway.

A number or public transit accommodations a re included in the company's blueprints.

Bee a use or the ur ban core and town cente r . no neighborhood s hopping centers or "corner m arkets" will be included in the project.

T he mini-downtown will feature re t a il • s hopping, a civic center , hotels and restaurants.

T he 294-acre town center will centra lize most enterta inment activities. such as theaters.

.Sports fields _and other leisw:ela.ciliti_esr The urban core a lso inc ludes a near ly

500-acre bus iness employment pa rk , which t he company expects will s upply more than one job for every Aliso ~· ejo household.

The busines park wi ll be located north and south of the to center , and will house high technology industrial firms , a long with s ma lle r bus iness and professional offices.

Fifty-one pe rcent of the Aliso Viejo property < 3,400 acres) was offe red lo the county for dedication as a permanent greenbelt. including a 200-acre golf course and more than 700 acres for schools. parks and playing fi elds .

And Aliso Viejo is cooperating with the county and the California Coastal Conservancy for a 2,600 acre "self-supporting" g reenbelt area within the open s pace acreage .

The county is currently preparing a plan for recreationa l uses for the souther ly port ion of Ahso Viejo

Those amenities might include a 200-ac re vineyard, a 10-acre winery and resta urant, e xpansion of the existing Ben Brown County Club golf course, st ables, hiking and equestrian tra ils . campsites and picnic a reas .

T hirty rental villas would be located in the-... center of the g reenbelt , and a resort hotel and confe rence center a re planned In upper Aliso Canyon.

Fu nd i n g d erive d rr o m th e revenue producing recreational facilities would m ake t he g reenbelt p roject self-s ustaining unde r the Aliso Viejo Greenbelt Management P lan .


Daily Pilat ClaHlfi.d advertl8'ng 7141142·5171 All other -.nmenta 142..-321 Seal Beach bank

bit by bandit again Thomas P Haley ...--o....~~

Robert N. Weed ............ Thomas A Murph1ne £cl<IO< Michael P. Harvey ........ ~ L Kay Schultz Dnctorol~

Kennett\ N. Goddard Jr ~0..-

Bernard Schulman ~

Chu tes H . LOOI ........... ~ Carol , Moote

""'*' '

The F BI and Seal Beach police w e r e co n ti nuin g t h ei r investigation late Saturday or a b a nl< ro bb e r y t h a wa s a pparently the second by the sam e person a t that bank ln the last eight days.

Police said the lone (UDman entered the World Savings Banllt ln Rossmoor Shoppina Center on Seal Beach Boule \'ard at 1:14 p.m . Saturday and escaped with an 11~yet undetermlned amount of uah. Theft were no lrUUrl•.


Village Laguna . Twenty-fi ve perce nt of t he

homes m ust be set aside for low and moderate income housing, but Village Lagun a contends there arc no resal e controls

except for 1,000 of those units t hat would be built within the state Coas tal Commission zone

" The othe r 4,000 a ffo rdable units will d isappea r as soon as they a re sold ," Grossman said

~Medium o.nsity ·:High o.n.lty


~Pn . Recreation

·~I 0.11, ~11-~

WHERE POPULATION' S GOI NG - Greenbelt buffers 20.000-home Aliso Vi e jo project from coas t for t h e near future . Grids s how dens ity of bui lding zones

STORE #1 2224 Newport Blvd.

Newport h ech 175-1174 '

Open 0.lly

·· We took a 100 p e rce nt increase in densit y (from 10,000 to 20,000 units> in exchange for 1,000 affordable units with resale controls," he said, adding , " Not much of a deal. is it?"

Eco-attorney representing coast case s

Vi llage Laguna retained E. Cle m ente Shute. Jr . . a Sa n Fran cisco e n v iro nm e n t al attorney , lo prepare its appeal of t he Aliso Viejo project before the 4th Distri ct Court of Appeals in San Bernardino

Shute formerly worked for the s tate Attorney General' s office , taking cilJes and counties lo court to enforce the California Environmental Qua lity Act.

He a lso represented S PON <Stop Polluting Our Newport ) in its joint s uit with the Cit y of Newpo rt Bea c h whic h s uc c ess full y ove rturn ed t he Orange County Airport Mas ter P lan .

The eco-attorney also i s representing the Friends of the Irvin e Coast in its cha llenge of the Irvine Co mpan y's Irvine Coast development plan bet ween Corona de l Mar and Laguna Beach.

Shute filed Vill age Laguna 's opening brief for the appeal last Nov . 19 ironically a year lo the day of the Orange County S up erio r Co urt deci si o n upholding the county and Aliso Viejo's position .

Attorneys for Aliso Viejo have s ince requested and received an extens ion to fi le their response. They ha ve until Feb. 3 to r espond lo Village Laguna ' s 47-page appeal.

Within 60 days of Aliso Viejo's fil in g, Village La g una mus t pr esent a clos ing brief.

Shute says a judgment on the appeal i s expected b y September

·~ STOAE #2

210'11 M•rtne Ave. Ba lboa lll•nd

173-7128 Open Dally

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 2'4, 1982

Response to blind girl's plight is touching

"EVERYONE BENEFITS'' Adults most concerned with Lu pit a 's adj~stment a~e J oe and Leslie .I.err.ell, top, host parents ; Flymg Sama ritan Scott Jackson of Irvine. and her mother , Victoria Salas .

Fanrilies sought f o~ Scandinavian students

Host families are being sought for 25 Scandinavian high school s tudents who want lo spend the 1982·83 school year in the United States.

The young people will visit t hr oug h t h e Am e r ica n Sc andi navi an S tud e nt Ex c h a n ge, a no n - pr o f it or ganization operating under U9e auspices of the Swedish Ministry of Education and approved by th e U . S I nt e rnation a l Co mmunication Agency.

P a rtic ipati ng s tud ents ar e fr o m S w e d en. D e nma r k , Norway and Finl and . They will

arrive in late August 1982 and return home in June 1983

The students are descr ibed as flu e nt in E ng lis h . They are covered by medical insurance a nd wi ll br in g th ei r o wn spe nding money.

P rospective host families can ob ta in further information by contacting Kathryne Elliot of Westminster , 898·6330.

She aJso has infor mation on ho w America n s tude nts can apply to visit with a family in o n e o f th e Sc a n di n a vian countries .

lb 8ANDll JOY ofllltOIHY,..... .....

Tw o w eek1 110 , Marl a Guad alupe Saaloa - Lupita, for short - was jus t another blind Mexican k.ld.

In the small home she shared w ith he r pa r e nls a n d fi ve brothers and s isters , Lupita, 9, hopelessly blind since bir th, ht1d to be led from place to pluce.

She never attended school. She co u ld n'L . T h e r e a re n o provisions for a blind &irl at the school in Gue r rera Negro, a small town ha lfway down the Baja Pe ni ns ul a wh e r e s alt refi ning is the only industry.

Her parents , Rlto and Victoria Salas, worried a bout her future.

Whal would happen lo little Lupita when they were dead?

T here was no hope of her ever havin~ vision. Her blindness ls congenita_h inoper3blc. Lupjta 's mother had contracted rubella while she was pregnant with her .

Lu pitu 's only skill was folding la undry, something her mother taught her.

She couldn 't even find her way aPound with a cane as most b l in d pe r sons do . Sh e was almost completely dependent on others .

Yet , she isn' t s tupid . Actually, Lupita see ms to be

an extremely br ight li~tle gir l. E ve r yone who has m e t her r ema rk s o n h e r c h ee rful ptfrsonality and her perception.

He r parents d iscussed their concern for Lupita 's future witt> fr iend s a nd r e la t ives . Wh a t could they do? Wher e could she go? What kind of help could she get '?

F rancisco Verdugo, a former pub l ic off icia l in Gue r rera Negro, took up the pa rents' cause

It was a ye<i r ago when he took Lu p t tu to 1-;1 Arco , a nothe r sma ll , poor Baja to w n . approximately 30 miles from her hom e .

El Arco does n ' t have a ny doctors or a school for the blind .

But 1t aoes have the Flying Samarita n s. a group o f dedi cated doctors. nurses and others from Orange County who fly into El Arco once a month to run a free weekend clinic.

T he doc tors who exa m ined Lupita d iagnosed conge nit a l blindness and ptosi~ or the lad!> 1 droopy eyelids )

Su r e , th e d octors co u ld

Warmer days

Coasta l Ll9ht vart•t>f• winos ntQ,,I •nd

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U.S. sumniary He•v~ \nOW cont1~ 1n tN ~r

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California Soutfltrn Callfornl• w ill be lair

tflrougfl Sunday High t loud\ lncreu lno Moncl•Y Cold ntghl• and wa rme r de~

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Ex tended forecast

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Temperatures N ATION

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Tell us what '. on your mind

FRIENDS SHARE FEELINGS One p le a s u r e in Lupita Salas ' world of touch is pet dog, Ski.

~._ ...... !Wty Nol ....... ~

Gir l is visiting from Mexico to attend Braille Inst itute in Anaheim .

operate on her eyelids, but she s t ill wouldn't bt: able to see

Nt•vcrthe lcss, t h e F ly in g Samaritans were interested in Lupit a , and they ta lked among themselves about what could be done for th is bright , cheerful little girl.

A school ror the blind might be the answer . And , it would help if s h e could le arn E ngli s h , a mar ketable skill In Mexico.

But there aren't any schools for the blind 1n Baja . And , said Ir vine resident Scott Jackson. an active member of the Flying Samaritans. none of the three schools for the blind in m ainland Mexico teac hes Eng lish or is free.

T h e n . Les l ie Te rr e ll , an ophthamologist 's assistant and m e m be r o f t h e Fl y i n g Samaritans, suggested bri nging Lupita to the United States.

She and her husband Joe, a real esta te professional , met and li ked Lupita . And . although they a l ready have three daughters , they t a lk e CI a b o u t doi n g something for her

After m a k i n g doze ns o f com fl lacated arrangements. the Terre lls flew into El Arco two weeks ago wit h th e F lyi ng Sam<intans.

W i th J ac k s o n ac ting as translator. the Terrells, Lupita and her mother and pilot Gordon Gra) flew back to Sa n Diego when' they learned they didn 't ha ve th e n ecess ar y documentation for Lupita .

Undaunted , the group set out to fi nd the appropriate offi cials whµ could clea r the way for Lupita 's s tay . T hei r fe at accomplished. due in a large pa rt to Gray's dipl o macy , J ackson said. they proceeded on north

Lupata 's futu re now? It looks brighter . Last Saturday she was playing

hapµi ly a t the Terrells'spacious Fullerton homt: and s mahng a lot and gaggling some.

With J ackson trans la ting. she said she likes it here a lot . she hk es everything, especially the din ner the night before - pizza

a nd . most of all , the Terrells ' dog. Ski. hich was obedhmtly subjecting himself to a bit of


gentle play with Lupita . On the Tcrrl'll s ' coffee table

was a pil e of n ew boo ks including t itles such as " Spanjsh in 10 minutes a Day."

L upita doesn't speak English and none of the Terrells speaks Spa nish ... But we' re learning," Leslie said.

Lupita 's mother . Victoria, also sm iling a lot , seid her daughter " is a very happy child. She likes

The f'lying Sama ritans is a o o n - pr o rlt , v olunt eer organlaaUoo, supported entirely by donations. For infor mation ab o ut the Oran ge County chapter, .contact Clara Gallegos, president, a t 633-5149 or write to the Flying Samaritans a t 109% Smoke tree Lane, Santa Ao• 9%796.

to play and to collect little things that people give her . She's very attached to obj.eels."

J ac kson explained Lupita 's whole life is in things she can touc h.

"She likes to pl ay with other children," Victoria added , " and she's looking forward to going to school. ..

T he Ter r e ll s hope lo keep Lupita with them unt il at least Jun e whi le s he a tt e nd s the Braille Ins titute in Anahei m and Cla r a Barton School's program for h a nd ica pped you ngsters from Anaheim and F ullerton.

T he FuJle r ton fam ily would like to keep Lupita for three years because that 's how long it'll take to teach her everything she can do with a walking stick a nd for her to develop skills in Bra ille and English .

With those skills, Jackson ex pl ained, Lupita could gel a job lo s upport herself when she' s older , perhaps as a telephone ope rator or a hotel desk clerk.

Victoria plans to return to her family in Baja with the Flying Sam aritans in early February. Meanwhile. she. too, is living with the Ter rells. helping ease the transit ion for her daughter.

LesUe said Lupita already is learning her way around their hom e and, when Victoria goes hom~. she'll share a bedroom


with e> n e o f th e Te rre ll da ughters.

Speaking enthusiastically, JO(! exp l ai ne d they ' d b e en ou t s hopping with Lupita lo get her a ne w outfit because that's what they did when each of their da ughters began school.

T hen. expla ining what th ey're hoping for Lupita , be s aid she ' ll r ece ive mo bil ity t r ai n ing in addit ion to lea rning va r ious skills .

" She 's not mobile with her ha n d s . S h e h as t o b e . led eve rywhere, " he noted . " But s he now counts s te ps and is w o r ki n g wi t h domin oes, an y thing that will mak e her work with her hands.

" I was at the school ," he added , " a nd they were totally impressed with he r attention spa n ~nd ability to ad apt to s itua tions. She seems to hear we ll and has a real sense of knowing what 's going on."

On e of the Terrell daughters Interjected. " She can count to 10 in E nglish." Another spoke up : " 12. I think ."

Holly Terrell . 8. Hilary, 10 and H ea th er , 14 , ha ve e n thus ias ti ca ll y join ed thei r pa rents in helprog make Lupita fee l a t ho m e . They r evi ew En g l is h phr a ses o n a tape recorder and introduce her to the water bed a nd family pool table .

" T he second t ime we went to El Arco. we saw Lupita ," Joe ex plained. " and we were just impressed and thought we could help her . We ha ve younger and older daughters and the ages fit in . It just seemed r ight. "

He added, " We thought our fami ly could be n e fi t fro m h a vi n g L upita h e r e . " T h e s itua tion is reciproca l, J oe said, beca use while they' re helping Lupit a. the Ter rell children are learning, too.

·' I think when Lupita gets into school , it ' ll be very nor ma l around here ," Leslie sa id . ··o ur main concern is to m ake her feel com fortable , like this is her home . J think this is a great opportunity for her and for us."

J oe summed up their feelings by saying, " It's people helping pe o p l e . No go v e rnmen t invo lved . J ust people."

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As trand using the LIFESTYLE 2000 type of pro­gram.

Do you feel overweight and sedentary? Has hypertension, a therosclerot ic heart d isease, diabetes, or digestive problems developed in you or members of your ramlly frQm th is stress?

If you're concerned a bout the quality or life then look into the' LIFESTYLE 2000 progra m which uses new errecuve ways to reduce streis . LJ FESrYLE 2000 provides a 90 minute free in· troductory semin ar that deals wlt.b the harmful errects or emotional stress, and physical s tress (from alcohol , coffee, tobacco, various looda · and additives) . You' ll learn bow u a partici· pant, you can r e duce your c holes t e rol , t riglycerides and glucoee levels down to safer levels :

-Take orr 5-20 lb. in Just 6 weeks and con· tinue losing until you actueve your ideal wellhl.

•11av~ r..a.or ~ more endurance an'd energy as measured in exerciH capactty by Dr.

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L I F E STYL E 2000 offers c onvenient , economical weekly meetings and peraonal con-sultations that can Improve your life . '

The resulta or LIFESTYLE 2000 partici­pa nts have bee n excelle nt. "I reel more energetic and my cholesterol went from 27• down to 178 within 2 weeks" - M. Godfrey, Or ange, CA. " I've been diabetic for s years yet my doctor was able to reduce m y insulin by 40 units after I experienced the LIFESTYLE 2000 program." S. Merker, Redondo Beach. " I reel less stress, my blood pressure and tri1lycerides • came down, and I lost over 13 Iba. in 10 days!" M . Perez - Santa Ana.

Co me to the to ..... frH l•ct•re by Nicholu Delgado, educational aclentlat, former ' director o.f the Prttikin Better Health Pro,ram ' an now Director of Lrn:sTVLEJIJi00.9

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Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 24, 1982' . I

anted: Watcliilogs with plenty of civic time Secretive and ob11eured from

public view by Ill very nature, I.he Oran1e County Grand Jury la one ot the most Important -yet leaat unders tood - otliciltl bodies In county government. 1 " It's a cross-section or aware,

· ...

lnlell11ent people who are wllllnt to serve as the county watchdo1," declared Superior Court Judge Luis A. Cardenas, who advises the 19-m em be r cllliens' panel.

''TtJese highly motivated ,

LATE AFTERNOON GLOW - The sun had been pla~·mg hide ' n ' seek with clouds a ll day over Newport Beach a nd

Tiny fibers f o.cus at Williams trial

ATLANTA <AP ) - The hunt for clues in the s layings of 28 young blacks involved hundreds of policemen and volunteers. But it was two scientists with tweezers who found the tin y fibers prosecutors now s ay Link Wa y ne B. Williams with 12 deaths.

Attorne ys pr osec utin g William~ in the deaths of two young blacks a sked Superior Court Judge Clarence Cooper la s t week to all ow them to introduce evidence conerning 10. other deaths.

Out of the presence of the j ury. prosecutors disc losed they h a d f iber evid e n ce. blood samples and witnesses they said linked Williams to the 10 deaths .

IL w as th e fir s t pub l ic disclosure linking Williams to



any of the other 28 s laying cases investigated by a special police task force. and one of the 10 deaths was not on the task force lis t.

Cooper said he would rule by Mo nda y o n th e prosec ution request to introduce evidence a bou t t he d ea th s without cha rging Williams in the cases. fl is like ly to be the biggest decision he has yet faced during the trial , which has completed its rourth week.

Two scientists expert in the ana lysis of Ciber evidence both sa id microscopic examinations showed a possible link between Willi ams and Nathaniel Cater, 27, and Jimmy Ray Payne, 21, the two men he is accused of murdering.



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con cerned lndlv ldual 11 art looking at county 11overomenl and bow life la going to be here . No other group does that. The grand j ury is th e people 's watc h dog o r co unty J(overnmenl. •'

Cu rdenas s aid hi ~ office prei;ently Is in the preliminary 11t1tgcs or selecting a new grand jury to serve a one-year term be1innlng July 1. A Hat of appli cants for the 19 seats is be ing compil e d and many

commuJ\lly 1roups have been asked lo s ubmit names of qualified individuals .

Grand jurors must make a " huge'' Ume commitment once finally selected to s it on the panel.

Jurors spend from three to five days a week working on matters before the jury . bul are paid only $25 a day to a maximum $75 a week , plus mileage, for their considerable efforts, Cardenas s aid .

As a fact sheet prepared for prospective jurors points out , " Orange County, with nearly 2 mill ion people . its numerous fa ci l i ti e s, age n c ie s and p ro ble ms. is so big and so complex that 19 people must be prepared to devote their time and energies almost totally to the needs and demands o! the grand jury .··

Keith Boillot, of Santa Ana. the current grand jury foreman, agrees.

" It 's a full -lime job, but it's ide al for someone looking for a part-time job," said Boillot, of the- 15 to 20 hours·a -week he averages.

The 64·year ·old retired civil servi ce employee said he feels honored to serve on the panel .. J alwa ys heard it was a prestige thing, and it is."

Bes ides being inte resting , Boillot s <Aid , " I learned more a bout county governm ent in two m on ths th an I drea m ed was possible.'·

Th e c urr en t g r a nd j ury , com posed of nine women and 10 m en. has dra wn very close and o ft e n sociali2es together , according to its foreman .

The actual 19-member paoel ll drawn randomly from a llat ono names, prepared by a selec:tk>cl com mltlee. •

P e r s ons Int e r es t e d are nominated by a judge after whi c h a ba c kgrou nd lnvesUgatlon Is performed by the District Attorney's Office.

Cardenas said that normally, the selection committee narrows the list of prospective jurors from a list of 150 to 200 names. So far, 85 persons have applied for the new panel.

The judge added that most grand juries are made up of r e tir e d p e r so n s, private bus inessm en , housewi ves or those with independent income s ince it is often difficult for the average working person to make the time commitment r equired.

C ardenas s aid the re are enough applicants for the panel, but questioned wheth er they represent a real cross-section ol the county.

" We' re find ing enough people, but are we finding enough of the right people?" he wQ,ndered . The ave r age age o r g r and jury mem bers since 1972 has been 53, while the median age In Orange County is 30, he pointed out.

Besides its work as a panel , the grand Jury also operates as 10 in vestigatory committees . Usually. a juror selects two on which to serve.

Committee topi cs a r e : the au dit / bud ge t , c r i minal co mplaints, e n vi ronmental management. human services, ge ne ral se r v ices c riminal j u s ti ce, a dmini s tration continuity, editorial review, and final report.

appeared lo be r acmg them to the horizon a t 4 : 15 p.m lm­<}gine how gorgeous F riday ·s sunset was in <.·o lor.

Boillot also expl ained that few persons really understand that t h e g r a nd ju r y sc rutinizes government <And is not a regular tria l jury.

C ardena s s ugg e s t s that ' persons interested in ser ving on the grand j ury write him a letter in ca re of the court and he will. in turn. send out an application.

CLAIMS LINK - Ass is tant Dist ricl AtlornC\' .J oe Dro le t s a id fiber and other e v1den<.'c links W<1vnl' R. Willia ms to l 0 s I <I .\' 1.n gs of b I a <' k . 1 n addition tn t he two wit h which h<.' is ch e1 rged

Will final fire fizzle? Jet to be test-crashed in desert for air safety check

EDWARDS AIR FOR CE BASE <AP ) - The 20-vear-old jetliner s itting patiently at a lest fa ci lity has made 52,470 safe la ndings . but on its las t one. scheduled for 1984, it will smash into the ground in " the . ·· . biggest s ingle aviation safely experiment .. ever.

The Boeing 707·720. assembled in Renton. Wash .. 20 years ago, has logged 20.000 hours in the a ir . But its destiny is lo crash, to see if an additive lo jet kerosene ca n prevent exp lo s io ns o n impact.

The four-engine plane, called N-23 , has been used by the Fede ral Aviation Administration to test landing hooks like those us ed on ai rcraft carriers. fly resea rch missions and lo fl y in conditi ons si m ila r lo those

where fata l crashes occurred . · The more than 52,000 landings are the most any Boeing jetliner ha s ever made .

In July 1984, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration , crewmen will make a final check of N .23·s new seals, make sure 1ls tanks are fill e d with fu e l a nd send it barreling down the runwa y by rem ote control. fl will fl y over the Mojave Desert where it will sm ash into lhe Earth

NASA and the FAA are hQping ther e will be no fi re and that the $10 m illion test will be a success.

" It wil l proba bl y be th e agency's single biggest aviatjon safely experiment ,·· said Mike Be nson. an FAA s pokesman in Atlantic City .

One of five people killed in

civil aircraft accidents die from fire and toxic gases rather than from impac t injuries," s aid Russ Barber . project supervisor at Edwards.

Key to the ex pe r im e nt is whether a polymeric antimisting addi t ive t o jet k e r ose n e deve loped in Britain will work . It is the fuel mis t that causes lhe ex plosions and fires lhat onen incinerate airplanes that make cr ash landmgs.

A s tudy fo r th e FAA by Aeros pace Corp. of El Segundo says use of the additive could s ave 135 li ves a yea r . but said it will cos t $20 billion for the a irline industry lo implement over a 20-year period .

Still to be worked out is when to add lhe anlimisling element to the kerosene










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1l Ii l I

NEW DEDUCTION SUPPORTED -Congressmen Dan Lungren. Jerry Patterson

o.M, ...... , .... ,,_

and Robert Badham, left to right. dislike the way tax break was voted , but they' ll keep it .

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

Seymour tells hackers Tempo of races for state Senate, governor quickens By CHARLES H. LOOS of-.o ... ,~, ....

Anaheim Mayor J ohn Seymour says be baa the backing of four-fifths of the Orange County Board of Supervisors in hla quest lo replace Juhn Briggs in the s tate Senate.

Seymour, like Briggs, a Republican, claims the support of Supervisors Harriett Wieder, Bruce Nes tande, Ralph Clark and Tom Riley.

County Sheri(( Brad Gates also Is backing him , Seymour says.

There will be a special e lection in Orange County's 35th State Senate District April 13. Br iggs resigned the seat Dec. 28.

* * * A BLACK TIE (optional) fund ·r aising soiree for Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial candidate George Oeukmejian is planned Wednesday al Costa Mesa's South Colas Plaza Hotel.

DIMer tickets are gointi for $500 apiece ; tableR of 10 for $5,000 each.

There will be a reception at 7 p.m., with dinner at 8.

Chairme n of th e event are WUllam Campbell. Frank Speers and Toni Vitti. ... '

Among the 26 co-chairmen are Peter C. Kremer, John D. Lusk , Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Moiso, Bruce E . Nott and Randall Presley.

*. * THE REAGAN administration ' s top

housing oftlclal, Samuel R. Pierce Jr. , secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will address the Feb. 1 meeting of the Oran1e Co unty Chapter of the BuUding Industry Association of Southern California .

The builders ' group will hear Pierce, a lawyer and onetime New York judge, at the ' Airporter Inn ln Irvine.

A soci~our will precede dinner at 7 p.m .

Tax Javors Corigressional houses Tickets for the event a re $'2S for members and $3S for nonmembers. The public is welcome. JlesuvatiDns ar_e_ essentia!. • .Contae&.-- tbe­associalion 's Orange County office, 547-3042.

* * * THE COMMITTEE backing the six in c u.~benls for the West Orange County Mun1c1pal bench plans a cocktail party Monday for its fa vorite jurists - Dave Cartl r , Ragnar Engebretsen, Joanne Harrold, Alan McKone Kenneth Smith and Marvin Weeks. '

When April 15 rolls around this year. the usually dour countenances of U.S. Senators and R~presentatives may be some $15,000 brighter.'

T hat's because Congress voted itself a~~x break - rather than a pay hike - last year that could translate into as much as a $15,000-a-year tax s avings for lawmakers .

While most taxpayers would have trouble finding a kind word for the Intern1'1 Revenue Serv ice following their annual bout with the federal tax collector, the floor of Congress probably will be the one remaining place an unsatisfied taxpayer cannot be found.

Three· a rea congressmen, U.S. Reps. Dan Lungren, R·Long Beach, Jerry M. Patterson. 0 -Santa Ana , and Robert E . Badham . R-Newport Beach , a ll report they will avail themselves of the new tax break. a lthough Patterson is critical of the amount of money Congress has allowed its members lo deduct beginning this year. . " It Mil be a pretty good sized tax cut," said Patterson from his Washington. D.C. office. " I

- think it was probably more than it should have been."

Patterson is even more critical , however , of the manner in which the tax break was passed in the closing days of the last congressional session.

" It was handled in a hideous manner," the '"l>e mocrat said of the tax provision. which was attached as an amendment to the Black Lung Benefits bill. " It's outrageous, it's dumb . When

we do these things the public bas a right to be out•aged and it's a hell of a way to run a government. "

· Patterson, who voted for the bill, said he supports the concept of the lax break because members of Congress have been penalized for ma ny years ror the cost or maintaining a Washington home in addition to the home they mus t maintain in their dis trict.

Under the previous tax code, members of Congress were allowed onJy a $3,000-a-year deduction for bus iness expenses. unlike other bus inessmen.

For tax purposes, a lawmaker's home is cons idered in his district or home s\ate . Thus, while a member is living in Washington, be or s he is considered, under the tax code, to be on out-of-town bus iness. Most Congressmen believe the $3,000 deduction, to which they alone were limited , was discriminatory .

Under the new provision, members will be a llowed lo deduct $75 a day for Washington ex p e n s es wit h o u t h aving to s how any substantiation whatsoever . Since Congress meets for approximately 240 days a year , the amount most members will be able to deduct is $18,000 - some $15,000 more than presently allowed .

" When you consider the $3,000 was put into effect in 1952, it' s not such a big increase," explained Badham. who said he supported the measure.

He said that when he first read news

Custom Sale.

accounts of the tax break, he thought he was going to be " rich."

" Basically. though it's no deal at a ll. It 's a fair ap\lroach to the fact Congressman have to m aintain two residences, ' · he added.

Lungren, who also s aid he supported the . measure, call<!d the provision, " fair." But the

R-e publi can was (}r~tica-1 -0f how the tax deduction was handled by his colleagues.

" I still wish we had a c lean vote on the deduction amendment, " Lungren said. " If we did these things openly. I think people would accept it. This way, t~ey think : 'they' re trying to sneak somethiAg through again.' "

Saying he a lso would have supported a pay inc rease, Lungren said he believed the ta x deduction provision should have been debated ear lier in the sess ion , rath~( than in its wani ng d ays a nd handled m or e in th e "spotlight.··

" We ought to have recorded voles on those things (which deal > with pay . We ought to be up-front about it," he said .

Both Lungren and P atte rson agree the ded uction will represent a tax savings for Congressmen.

Besides deducting the $75 per day a llowed under the new law, members also can can choose a $.50·a ·day deduction plus all inte rest and property taxes paid on their homes; or itemize their actual deduction - with proper substantiation.

The fund·raiser - $75 for a single, or $100 per couple. please - gets under way at 6 p.m . a t the Garden Grove Community Center, 11300 Stanford Ave. Reservations can be made by ca lling a ttorney John Woolley's effice, 638-3800.

lnciOenta ll y, aon'l let tile committee's name - The Committee for a Strong Judiciary for West Orange County - fool you . The committee is flat backing the incumbents.

* * * HELEN REDDING will be installed as the

new president Tuesday when the Mesa Verde Republican Women of Costa Mesa celebrate their organization's 20th birthday.

The anniversary meeting starts at 10:30 a .m . al the Holiday Inn. There will be a luncheon . Guests are welcome. Call 540-1416 for reser vations. * * *

WHO CALLS THE shots in Or ange County politics? You can ~et the scoop on this question Thursday night at a gathering of the Orange Co unty Cha pter of the National Women 's Political Caucus.

The speakers wiU be Debora!) Manning of KO CE-TV. Sandi Mosl ey -Coleman of the Regis ter and J eff Perlman or the Los Angeles Times.

They'll s tart ta lking al 7:30 p.m. at Santa Ana Republic Savings and Loan, 2400 E. 17th St. , Santa Ana .

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Orange Co•at DAILY PtlOT/Sunday .. January 24, 1982

WINNERS Da ily Pilot phot~ of caged cat exhibitor, wading egret a nd Fos ter Grandmother won pr izes in Los Angeles contest.

Pilot pictures ptized 'Photographers' attention to animals, caring pays off

Orange Co &11l Daily Pilot photographers Richa rd Koehler a nd Patrick 0' Donnell took lhree top awards in the 1981 Pre ss Photograp h e r s Associall on o r Greate r Los Angeles contest.

Koehler 's firsl place animal photo showed a girl in a cage with her cal during a cat show at Orange County F'tlirgrounds, Costa Mesa .

0 ·Donnell look second place plaques for his photo or a great egr et strolling In Upper Newport Bay and for hls series on foster grahdparerits al Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa

O' Donnell also was honored as o.11, ,.....,_..,,.k ... .-1t......,. o utgoing president dur ing the


r ecent awards ce remonies at Yama s hiro Res t a ur a nt in Jlol lywood.

It was the 45lh annual contest fo r th e 300 -me mb er press photographers association which h ad it s be ginning s a s the Hollywood Press Photographers Association. The contest for 1981 dre w more than l ,500 entries from Southern California press photographers.

The full list of winners in the newspaper photography division shows :.

SHARED HONORS - Patrick O' Donnell , left . brought home second place prizes a nd past pres ident 's gavel. Richard Koehler won first place

a e11 ANmal Pfto4e . For\I , ll l< IWlrd Kotnltr, Or•nQ• COHI Dally PllOI , u cond , P et r ic>. O' Donnell, Or- Coost D• llY Piiot , third , Bob Smith• Monica Even•nQ O..llook

a u t " lctvn s ...,, hr\I Tom Tonoee. D;ill y R-1. \Kand, P•trot" 0 Donnell , OranQIP Co•st D•lly Pilot thir d Marlll 80\ter . Or•not County Registtr

Spel Ne wt e...... f ,_,.& M •• • M v-1..... LO\ AOQ•le• Her•td E. • • mmt'r \fl: ono Ae«S \.A.c°" Th• A '\O<•• teo Pre\\ lt'uro. H O'#lfi fdl L.1p1n,


Whi ttler D•llY N-•· S!Mlrh ,.,.._ . Flr\I, Ann Knucbon, LIH Angtltt

Htr•ld E•• mlntr , u cond , M lkt P 1tor lm , An•h• lm 8uUoOn, third, Rlcll LIP\U. U PI

~•••ure l'fll•t• F1r\t . Geor91 Aeyno10, , treel•nct, ..C:ond. J Aynt' K4'm ln LO'\ Af19ft• \ T •mes third. M •tk 80\ ter . Or•noe County A eQl\ter

,., ,.. - · F.r\I - M!<ond. M ou Me-. lD\ A"91'ln Tl~ third Re<I Mt l..l!noon, The AUD<IAIA!<I Pr~\

SOUT~l COAST PLAZA Starting February J, and Every Day of tht' Week


Bet 111ttn B ulloclc'• & / . Mognin

Weekdays & Sat. 10-9; Sun. 12-5, Service Charge $2.00.

-----___ o.i1y Pil.i P_ i., ,..,.ell O'o-tl ~!!!iii!i!ii!ii!i!iil!!i!!ii!ii!iii!!!ii!!!!!!!!!i!ii!!!!!!iii!!!ii!!!ii!!!!i!!i!!i!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At the Pilot, people make the difference. • • • people like these in the business office .

" I e111oy tire wnl'd rl11t 1l.'s

of my 1ob and the d1 /fe rent people I it>ork with I feel l1kP f'cn rea/111 contnbutmg !lomethmg to the cnm mumty - my cu mmumty "

Rhonda Wl't>d , Costa Mesa Rhonda inputs payroll. payment and biJling da ta into a computer terminal. ·-

ll .., e<1:.~ to get t aug ht up 111 I he hl·adhnt•.., and e:o.t'1ttng nl'".., ol I ht• d<I\ but t.1 nc•\\ :.pape r 1s al :.o a pn,·at(• bu:--inl':.:- .\net 1u .... 1 l1kt> di\\ ot ha pri\'atl' hu:. int-s:-- . \\ e ha\l' a bu~ lnl'"" olf1l'l' \\' htl1• tlw Jolh ma\ be· thl' .... amr pr eparin g pa~ roll and fin~lll('lal :--lall' ll1t•nt-. ,incl l-. t•t•p1ng I 1'.tl'k o f thl' bilb o ur peopll' are Vl'ry s pt·t'1al Thl·~ prondl' tou1Hle:-:-s upporl M'l'\'lct·s to L'\'l'ry dcp<1r tmen1 <ind prO\ 1dc· munaj!t•mt·nt "1th t1m e l\ . \' Ital m formutwn a s \\el l as making ..,un· tht• P ilot h .. h a const ant s uppl·~ of news p rin t. Finding good people who l'rlJO~ their \\Ork ma~ takt• lo n ger and cost m o re . but at the Dail ~· Pilot\\(' kno\\ it's \\orth 11 because peoplt' do mak(' a diHerence.

.. . \1111 /Ob demands a Int ot accuracy and I e111ou that I /eel that I ' m u'e>rk111g (111 a company 0 11 t lie go a11d I ' m moumg up u•1th 11 ..

Katrina Routt, f Laguna Beach

As payroll supervisor . Katrina gets the paychecks out to the e mployees every Thursday on time.

Daily Pilat


-- 1 ltke tile ucinet11 o/ ""' du t 1es a11d t Ire peoµll' I work u1tl1 Worlw1g 111 till'

Pilot /1a$ y11•e11 me a /111 ot erpene11ce m uane<i accountmg f1mct10n!l ..

Bruce TM is. S e wport Beach As an accountant , Bruce reconciles bank accounts a nd prepares m a nagement reports .


" Where p~ele make the difference." 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa 642·4321


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Iranians' pr~file low Foreign students caught in middle at Coast colleges fl.Jfl,F~~EB

Iranian atudenu a t local college campuses face a fa r dtrferent set or problems today than tbotc they laced one year aao, when the 52 Am urlcan hosta1es were released following their 444-day captivity .

While hostillty toward Iranian students al local campuaes was the rule a year ago, today the campuses are quiet and any antagonism aeems to have disappeared, local educators report.

But t.he Iranian students - who constitute the. largest block of foreign students at most area colleges - race deep psycboto1lcal and financial problems in the wake of tbe revolution which swept across their country.

I ncreaslngly, Iranian s tudents attending UC Irvine or the Cat State campuses at Loni Beach

United Nasons learn to Cope

SISTERS. Ore. t AP > - " I like you just the way you are."

That is a motto that has crept into the lives of Dennis and Diane Nason.

When you have 19 children , some with severe handicaps. living at home yoi. learn to

·accept what come!j a long . What has come along for the Nasons is six children of their own and 18 children they have adopted.

It's lhe " United Nasons" of Sisters . The .adopted children arrived from Vietnam . El fSa l vador a nd Indi a with several from !throughout the Unit ed States - F lorid a , ~Oregon, Indiana, Washington and New York . • Medical histories for some of the children •)'ead like textbook cases of what can go wrong :-with a child. But that doesn 't bother the Nasons. ~ Nason, who is pos tmaster in Sisters, said, ;· " Most of lhese kids a re kids that no one else

wanted, but we love them . :· " There a re a lot of kids in the world who 'could 11\ it if they had understanding and Jbve. They may not a ll grow up to set the world

: on fi re . but a.t least they can function as : members of society .'' · Mrs . Nason said , " What we have now are

1 ' kids from every race. It didn 't s tart out that .,way, but I think God would really like this . family . There's a lot of harmony - the way a family should be." . Seven-month-0ld Kevin is an example or the type or child that finds a way into the Nasons' hearts.

When Kevin was born to a family in Florida his parents were devas tated to learn he had Down 's syndrome - a form of retardation . His tests showed him to be at the top of the scale -able to read and write - but his natural parents

· couldn' t accept the handicap. " .. Their loss is our gain," Nason said.

Another example is 4-yea r ·old Ma ndy, whose birth·parents in CaJcutta , India, used drugs to try to abort the molher's pregnancy.

The parents. both doctors, were appalled when their daughter was born without arms.

The Nasons say they have become experts in psychology, medicine. deafness and a host of medical problems. There are money problems from time to time but they have learned to cope with that phase of theM- lives. too.

Course readies radio licensee

A special ham I amateur) radio course for mariners will be given by Gordon West. founder of the Wes t Coast Amateur Radio School, s tarting Feb. 3 at Newport Harbor Yacht Club.

The nine-week course will allow aspiring ham operators to secure their novice license and prepar e th em for t h e Federal Commun ications Com mission technicians license. A novice license allows ham privileges by Morse code only . A technician license a llows voice trans mission on FM 2-meters .

West said emphasis in the course will be marine ham radio installations aboard power and sailboats.

The first five weeks will prepare students for passing the novice test , given by West. The final four weeks will concentrate on technician c lass preparation which requires passing a technical test given by the FCC at the Long Beach headquarters .

West also teaches classes offered through local community colleges .

For registratiow in the mariners course call )oat 673-7730. For fu rther information, call West at 549·5000.

PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES ft... -1111111 ... , ......

Insurance and Documentary Photography


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Serving Lunch & Dinner Reservations Suggested


Tropical Fhh •Fresh• M•lne Aqu•ium Supplies / tpecr.t Jan. H, 1112.j•n. 29, 1112 Tetr.odon pmlembmngenlla: f:G

I am better known as ''Puffer Fish" and most puffer s are salt water fish bUt I am an unusually quaint and capt ivat ing addition to the fre~ water aquarium. However , I have a bad habit. I like to b ite! and my dentat lon makes ' lt very uncomfortable for t tte recipient of mv disquieting social deme.nor. I am not perfect. If you have fish that stand up for their r ights I am charming. See me at Aquatic TroPlcats I am 0n sat. t .49.

1110 w .... , • eo.aa ..... · Ill ... 1 ... Comer H8ltlor .... , . .

and Fullerton arc rindina it dHflcuJt lo aet government s tudent stipends or ramily allowances out or their homeland. The situation is serious and getting worse, say the dJrectors of the campuses' international student pro1rams.

Yel , it Is the psychologlcaJ ,Problems these s tudents face that pose a far deeper and more fundamental problem, the educators say.

" The psychological problems cannot be seen on the s urface, but they are there," explained Or. Russell Lindquist, director of the International Education Center a l Cal State, Long Beach. ''Tbc dilemmas interfere with their s tudies, their dally routines and their health."

He said tt} problems s tem from the stress caused the s tudents by the unsettled s ituation in Iran, uncertainly over their future and the fact family members may have been imprisoned or killed .

UGl 's Martha Morgan, assistant dean of students for International Student Services, said ';ilmosl all of lhe 150 Iranian students al UCl are \' having financial problems because their government is not releasing money."

Ms . Mor ga n ex p lained that besides instituting "elaborate" procedures lo obtain money . the Iranian government has cut some students off . for enrolling in " unapproved " programs or because or low grades.

·· Parents ha ve to go through so much pape rwork and quite a bit of harassment to get money out," confirmed Dr. Louise Lee, director or the Internat ional Education and Exchange office at Cal State. F ullerton.

She s~id the s ituation has worsened for CSU F's 200 Iranian students, who comprise 40 percent of the co llege 's total international enrollment.

Or. Lee agreed the psychological problems, however, may be more serious.

She said " grim a nd severe news from home, the financial pressures and the unknowns th e futu re holds , have all contributed lo prob lems for whi c h Iranian s tud e nts at Fullerton are seeking help."

Despite the per sonal problems of the s tudents at the three campuses , bowever , res is tance toward I ranians has moderated from its levels of a year ago.

" There 1s no host ility on lhis campus and th e Ameri can s tudent s have been very supportive," UCI 's Ms. Morgan said.

At Fullerton . there _nave been no hostile

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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24. 1982 \


DAILY ANGUISH - A year after the hostage crisis. with AmeritC1n-l ranaan relations· s till frigid . nearly 50.000 l ran1ani, pursue an

encounters for Iranian s tudents in a year , according to Dr. ·Lee. " It 's quiet now perhaps considering how high emotions were a short lime ago," she said .

Dr. Lee added that the Iranian students have maintained a " low profil e, in general. "

Lindquist said there has not been a report of an Iranian s tudent being harassed in a year at Cal Slate, Long Beach.

He added that it seemed like the Iranian

1/2 PRICE SALE On Vinyl Wallpaper

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. ·~ ·..--education in Am e 11can co ll eges and univer:>it1es. flow arc the~ faring on Orange Count~· campuses.,

s tudents might even be " coming back a htlle bit " from the low profile they maintained throughout the hostage cris is.

S an ce the Coas t Community College Dis trict's three colleges have so few Iranian s tudents enrolled , there have been no host ility problems and no reports of s tudents who have encountered financial or ps ychologica l problems. said Richard Simon , director of community relations for the district.

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X .... " Ota AMO ROTUllOA PATTS .. 11" , ... Jl tJH• - · • INCIALLV UL&CftO PATTS"MI ? 'AH J( 1 ~~ Jl I/I", ... ·ijiiiii~ ... ~ .............. ~ .... ,.. ....... ....

~\. E OYSR llOTn.a, II ~ PAIN~~::R:~~~A"R ~J •

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Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24. 1982

Correct poor checks for infectious waste

Until about 10 days ago, we doubt many people living in Orange County knew of - or cared about - discards of the health care industry known as infectious waste .

All types of material. from body parts removed in surgery to syringes, rau into the category of infectious wa s te . State a nd county h ea lth d epa rtm e nt r ules spell out prot·eci ures b \' w h1 c h the mater ia l is t o be t reat ed anti d1 sposl'CI o f Th l· co unt y req ui res tha t l ht­mater ia ls either bl:' 10('1m•ratl'd . or . as an a ltc rnati \·e. s tc r iliit·d with steam and pressure. S11<:h st er ilized materia l ma\ the n bt· placed in county landfllis

What came to light recently is that b~pitals have permitted infectiQttS wastes to be dumped at landfills without benefit of treatment. Five hospitals were involved: representatives of each facility sa id e mployee errors resulte d in e ither untreated waste or improperly bagged waste"'eRding op at the duml>s.

Four h os pit a rs s k a t e d through the incident without any problems. A fifth did not. County h ealth departme nt offi cials singled out the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange for punishment.


Thos e o ffi c ials ya nked the center 's infectious waste a nd disposal license, fo r cing the center to employ a contractor to dispose of the waste . The county look thl' act ion dei, pitc nteusures t a k e n bv t lw uni vers itv to t·orrctl 11l•fll' IC'rll°il':O- .

We don 't think the .county s ho uld have gotten so heavy handed with the university. We say that particularly in light or the fact that had the county hea lth department and landfill inspectors been doing their jobs, the entire infectious waste crisis probably would not have erupted in the first place. We find as much fauJt with the county as with the hospitals .

o r cour s e , lay ing blame never accomplishes much.

Wha l 's now ne eded is a cooperative approach between the hospitals and the county to ins ure that infectious waste is quickly and safe ly disposed of. Representatives or both parties say those approaches. are being developed and that the situation will be closely monitored from here on in .

That had better be true. In this case . hollow promises are hazardous to your health.

To err is presidential Sooner or later, everyone has

one or those days: For President Reagan. it was Tuesday at a press conference.

There had been s?eculal ion that the president might preview two major areas: his plans to < ll increase excise taxes on certain items and (2> turn over some federal programs to the states .

Jn retrospect . he probably wishes he had. With no major opening statement to carry the press conference. the questions turned to a variety of subjects. And he didn' t have all the right answers.

1- Reagan norm a lly prepares for press confere n ces with briefings from aides and acl,tng o ut anticipa.t e d ques ti on s . Despite this , he " misspoke.. as the saying goes these days. and made confus ing state ments.

It was immediately apparent that he was incorrect in saying that " there. are a million people more working than there were in 1980." There actuall y was a drop. or 94,000, and the White House acknowledged the disc repancy. Still , Reagan ins isted again he was correct in us ing aver age employment.

But there was more to come. He s aid a Pi ma Coun t y

(Ariz.) prograpn to feed elderly


people saved $50,000 by " doing it with volunteers ." Actually , the d ir ector said , the savi ng was $632.

T he p res ide n t s aid t h e percentage of the Gross National Product spent on defense was down, when indeed it is up.

A comment tha t the steel indus t ry " has a mul ti -billion dollar e xpans ion p lan " was cha llenged by executives of the industry.

There was a state ment that " people today have a lower interest rate than they had when we started '' True. the prime rate is l owe r , but l o ng · term gove rnment bonds. industrial bonds and mortgage rates have risen.

And h e s pok e of th e ''e limination of the marriage pena lty in taxes. " The penalty is reduced t hi s y ea r , n ot eliminated.

Which a ll goes to show that the pres ident , too. is human. And he certainly has fared no worse tha n Dwight Eisenhowe r, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford a nd other p I' l' S I ti \' II t ..., \\' h II S l II 0 d <·011ragl'o11sl.\ IJdon· lht· \\ orlcl al a IH' ('">S t•onf'lor·l'llt'l' \ :-. l hc~ nil · ..,il' , lht• lm('k stop:-. I h l·rt· :\nd l h t· ent it1...,m hl·grn:-.

Can't please any tyrant The political spectrum has

often been described as a circle with extremis ts of t he left and right meeting , appropriately, at the bottom and becoming almost indis tinguishable.

This was sadly demonstrated last weekend when supporters of the leftist Sandinista junta ruling Nicaragua besieged La Prensa. the nation 's only independent newspaper. Three people were s hot during a demonstration outside the newspaper's oCfice, garbage was thrown al the home , of the paper 's director, Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Barrios and the junta suspended publkation for three days.

La Prens a i s t he s ame news paper that fought so long and hard for t he ouster of the corrupt, right -wing r egime of Anastasio Somoza. forced out of office in July 1979. Chamorro Barrios' father . Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Car dinal , w as murdered in J anuaq· 1978. a ppa rently by Somozti 's pri\'ate thugs . --

As the Sandinista regime which replace d Somoza's has

become more repressive. La Prensa ha s been speaking out against the Marxist ideology of some members of the junta and criticizing ''deviations" from the " re volution."

F r id a ,. . l h c I n t (' r n at 1 o n a I F 1 • cl e r ;1 ·l 1 n n o f :-.; t' w s p a p l' I' P uhl is h c r :-. gan· Ch amor l' 11 Rarr io:-. lht• 1982 " Goldt•n Pen of F r c e d o m . · · c i t i n ~ t h t' news pape r · .... <'am p a 1g n <1ga insl n~press1on

· · 1.a Pre ns a ha s he('IHl1t' a s \·mhol of frl'eclom in Cl'nl rul :\ meritll n . l h l' fl' d e r ation s ~11d

Chamorro Barrios believes t he junta would like to close his newspaper for good. That would be a tragedy.

La Prens a 's trolibles with Nica r agua 's dictator s d e m o ns tra t es a le s son fre e people have learned throughout his tory . Tyrants. no matter what political colors they choose to paint themselves , are basicaJly no different from one another. They nlle by coercion and refuse to tolerate peaceful opposition. knowing full well they would be doomed by liberty.

Opinions expressed in the space above are thow of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex­pressed on tnis pdge are tnose of tneir autnors a nd a rtis ts. Header comment. ts in v1t ed. Addre~s Tl"te Dally Piiot. P.O. Box l.S60, Costa Mesa, ' A 91626. Ptlone tno 641·4321 .


Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Publisher

Thomn A. Mi111MHne Ed itor

81r1Nra Krelblc'h Editorial Page Editor


Schmidt snubs Poland's soul WASHINGTON - Behind the pope's

anguished appea l Jan. 10 that "all men o f good will" JOin in preventing his native Poland fro m be ing "suffocated" is th e Vati ca n 's fe ar that Sov ie l ­o rdere d liquidation of Solidarity is s 't.i'cceedi n g pa r tl y beca us e s ome West ern countries partic ularly West G e rman y - r e m ai n r e m a rkably passive.

Ne ither J ohn P a ul 11 nor the ruling Curia of the Catholic Church would e ver stale s uch a propos ition pubUc ly. But Europea n leade rs with access to the Vatican say_ privately that the highest leadership of the Churc h is receiving ago n ize d compl aint s from Poli s h Ca tholics ag a i n s t Wes t German " passivity "

Those compla ints will now esca late in the wake or West Ge rman Cha ncellor H e lmut Schmidt 's e xtraordinary s tate ment J a n . 12 that his country 's " main interest " in the Polish tragedy 1s to " m aintain dete nte ."

Traditi o na ll y, Va t ican poli cy 1n dealing with the a cute contrad1clion of communist rule in the world's m ost Catho lic country has taken the uneasy pa th of sustaining the Church without

m orta lly offe nding communist powe r But the d e fl owe r ing of P n land 's

peaceful democr atic r evolution under Lec h Walesa 's Solidarity , with its 10

. f1r:.~ f-11-ll_l_IVl-1 ~ ;-million m e mbers. has challenged th1:. po li cy as never be fo re .

F'aced wi t h thi s c hall enge , so me hi g hl y p laced Chu rch leaders arc beginning to ask this about Cha ncellor Sc hmidt

How can he rem a in so passive whe n at was one of his pred ecessors, Chancellor Adolph Hitle r , who invaded Poland an collusion with the Sovie t Union m 1939, s t a rling t he poiso ned procC'ss that inexorably led lo th e present a~ony of Poland '!

The fact t hat John P uul 1s him~elf Po lis h m a kes the frus t ration at t he Vatican all the m or <' po ig nant Left to his own devices without const ramt'i of the Curi<1 , the courageous pope m ight

Connnon code cu.rah le? Things I Learned En Route to L.oolang Up

Other Things

- That with the ne w Pos t Office nine·digil Zf P Code, e very man. woman a nd c hild in the U.S .• Ca nada and Mex ico couJd have his own personal code , with enough left ove r for every

SYDNfY HARRIS dog in Nor th Am e r ica. (IL s eems a cl a ssic rase or bureaucratic overkill I

- That Da rwin 's O rigin of Species does not mention man except in a single sente nce in the conc luding pages or that la rge volume . ·

- Th a t dr inkin g 1n t he US. is c he a per t ha n a lm ost a n ywhe re : the a ver a ge lax , federal and state, on a Ille r of liquor 1s unde r $7 .50, whe reas in Canada it is twice a s much, in England four times a s muc h, a nd in Norway nea r ly seven t imes a s much .

That a horserace with obstacles is calle d a " stee plechase" because a pac k of horseback ride r s in 18th ce ntury Eng land would pic k out some distant churc h steeple as a goal a nd race to get the re, jumping ove r whatever natural hurdles we re in the ir way.

T hat a tepee and a wigwam are not the s ame : a t epee is a tall cone-shaped

t ent, whale a wig wam 1s a rounded 1>r oval·s haped hut, bu ilt m ore on t hl' order of t he Es kimo igloo

That in New Yo r k s ta te . only 5 percent o f th e a dult population con s um es o n e · t h 1r d o f th e alcoh ol pu rc hased <This p roportion probably doesn 't vary mul'h in other stales as we ll . >

Tha t the mon th or June beca me· popular for weddings becauc;e in Roman t im es Mav was cons1dc r ecJ un luck \' for marriage· a nd the ceremonit.>s w1•re m ovc.•d up <t month 1The Roman M ay ce lebr att:td thl' feast~ oHhe dead , t·,1ll ed Lemuraha 1

Thal the original ' Sl'a\•eng(·r was a n 1m por t:rnL publi c 11ff1 c1al. someth1n~ o n th e order of our 1ns pc t•tor of c ust oms, who r iffl ccl through fore ign trave le r s · b.igs and ex amanl•d their be longings

Tha l thrf'C o f Darwin ' s four o;ons we r e knig hted . a lth ough he him'>c·lf n<'ver was . ( ll1s theory of t•vul11 t1on gave offe nse to Queen V1ctona 1

T hat the bra nc h of m cd1c1nc a ve t e rinar ian pra<"l iccs 1s called " t hcriatrics."

That a r aven a nd a C"row arf' not sy no nymous . thoug h both be lon~ to the sam e genus · the r aven is thl' largest m e m ber of the crow fam ily, and has hy far the greater ran~e

That th e p layer we rall tlw " dummy" in bridge as known as " t he dea d one" in the Rom ance lang uu)!cS. and " the straw m a n " in .the (; erm anic tong ues .

l> r>cak <Jut t•vt•n morP fo rcefully than he did o n 10 lh~ a ppeal the n was p<.1rt ly des1gnt·d to hea rten his pastora l flock in Pol:rnd

1J .-,f')1tc l' re s 1tJent R eag an 's u n t 1 Sov iet s an c t io n s and NATO rheto rn·. the t r am pled people or Poland frl'I forj!<>tlt:n a nd betrayed

Nowhere 1:-. that s e nse of bet raya l de<'pt:r 1h;m in the l·onduct of the West Cicrman ~overnment In contrast to the liold rc·oid1t111 of Ital y's coa l itio n gen l•rnm•·nt is s uspending negotia tions for the Sovict · Western Europe gas p1 pcltne, Schmidt ins is t!> on vie wing Po l;md mainly throu~h t he tunnel vision 11f \l1v11led Germany

H1dirnhng the 1·0),t to West Germa n y 11( t h1.: anti Soviet 'ia n r tions he refuse!\ to impost.>, Schmidt told ABC's David Rr1nkle~ Jan tu th<Jt " of much g reater 1 m port ant'«' is the ronsi deration of the fat<• ,,f 17 m1lhon Germani. hv:ing within lht• Sr1vwt area ' in East Germ any.

Thal sl'nt1m1•11I ha" m eager support 1n lhl· Valtl'an and the White House, whe re there· 1s known t<> he quil't talk that the P11ll '>h (' ri s1s ma~ ~1\'e t he West e C"h:i nce to n11:.e the Yalt a issue a nd th~ Br<'zhnt>v lkwtnnc

l'hc 1945 Yalla a~rcement gave the Sovwt l nton specwl rights in Easte rn Europt•. but l>.1-.l•d on free elections that neH•r .,.. t' I ,. held . the Brezhnev Doctrine proclaimed Soviet hegem ony over all lO:a s tcrn Euro pt• S1m1farl~ . Vat1l0 an powers feel that

the· Wf'sl has not s ufficiently exploited ""' ll'l \'l•>latw11s of the He ls mk1 Accords iJ a prc .... sun: point against Moscow.

1\lthough Pr l's1rlent Reagan a nd S"·t·retcir.' uf St;1t<: Alexander Haig ha~e l.1h11red h:1rd t o form an a nti-Soviet ron.!> with i.umt• c.·ullrng edge, the pros1wc-t of <. hallen~1 ng Yalt a or the Brc1hnev l>o<·trine rs Y. Ca kened withoul lh1· '> llpport of \;i\TO 's most powe rfu l Europt.'<•n m<.·mbn Sr hmidt's Wes t <l<·rm J tl\

\ l on·ciH·r ~<·hm1d t 's appraisal of (;1•11 Wt>J<'h:<'h .l~ruicls k1 as a Polish ('atrtol 1n h t.., .Jan ·• 1nterv1ew with .lam1·s l«· .... 1011 of Tht· ~cw York Times t l.1 ), lws v. 1t h tht· \ 11 ' °" at th e Vatica n .

Thl' lug hl''> t c 'hurC'h lt•aders now fe ar tha1 'thl' -;o ul of Poland· ' is being nus ht·<l I hat tht..• s uppression is gettinlf hars her , that W:;1lei.a. in confine m ent l'\'t·r '\111<.:t' lht• De<· 13 Soviet-s ponsored n~H· kdown . ma y <ilread) have been s ub; cct l·d to brainwashing , possibl y throug h chc mu:al treatment.

Hui m•tt her the Cuna nor the pop~ him s elf <.'<J n wa~e the po li tical battle of anti So\•act pressure th at the Vatica n qu1t•tl~ cl1l>cus:.ed in t he s anctity of St . P1·tcr's Only the Wl·s t ern powe rs can do I hii l

And "" long as He lmut Schmidt and \\ l' ., I <; l' r m a n y p u r s u e t h e 1 r '>l' lf l'enlt'r('d goal of detente e ven at the price of another mort a l blow to the P(llund npix·d a part by Germany and t lw Sovt<•t Union in 1939. the West is di\ ldt•d and rnpplcd

Boon in January: Human kindiiess •

T her e 's somethm~ per verse in m y natu re that lends to ma ke m e like bad wea thC'r. I notice th a t when r hear the r e 's a storm commR. I look forward to 11 ,

It has lo b<! a s pecia l kind of bad we ather I do n' t l ike lo ng periods of intense heat or weeks of drought, but a rea lly te rri ble rains torm or a hea vy s now warms my heart. If it weren 't for the c ons tant remind e r s that so m e people suffer during a storm, I 'd like to sec us have a 14· inch s nowfall about once a month a ll year long .

I ' ve had thiR pleasa nt feeling about what most people desc ribe a s " bad weather" all my life and I've tried to a na ly7.e why I have it .

FOR ONE THING, any kind of storm i11 disruptive lo o ur no rm a l routine s a nd there's nothing m ost or us need more than to be forced to a bando n our tiresome UttJe ways or doing the same things the same way every day. I am , Cor eitample , at the mo m e nt of wriUn1. sllUng in my office in cor<turoy pants, a warm wool 11hlrt. a nd good leather boot., . I am very comrortable but I wouldn 't dream of comJng to work thl1 way ti I hadn't hid to shovel o ut my driveway this morning before I could get the car out.

Not only am I dressed more for outdoors. lban for indoors. but I am uns howered and unshaved. J bad

plarfned lo go back into the house aftt!r s hovelling the dri vewa y and g.i myself p r ope rly groom ed fo r office wor k , but 1t wa s so late when I fi n ished that I d1<1 not. So. here I um and I fed g rt•ut I 'd never have felt this good if we hadn't t' ad a snowstot:,m rust night.

When I parked at the r a ilroad station from which I t a ke a tra in into lown. som eone else was trying to get h is <-'<1r

AIDY RllllY o ut o f a parking place ne xt lo mine. It had been blocked by that wave or snow the plow leaves on the s ide of t he road and the driver was franti cally sp inning his wheels and rocking his car lry ing lo get lt out. He was n 't going to m t1ke It

I MOTIONED to him to stop tor l.l m inute a nd It was a pparent he wasn't

·s ure what I had In rn ind . I took a s hove l out of the back or m y car, h 11stlly reduced the pile In front o r h is wh~ls and stood back a s I Indicated to him that he could give it another try. The wheels apun but be Inched his way out of lbe trap and. not darln1 to s top. waved a grateful lha nk·you to me as he drove oll. ...

" What a wonde rful person I r eally

,1 m . I I huught lo mys e lf For th at ins t a nt ull my self doubts were gone. rtw -; hortcom an gs of c harac te r and 111tl'i ll-<:t . of wharh I ' m .... o often a ware! \\' 1•r1• 1frt•p below my l eve l o ( ronM'10. sncss T he whole wo rld wa4 ; ust grl'Ul for t hut mom e nt. l 'd helped 1 strun~t'r for no Sf'lf1i.h reason e xcept the plC'as un· unselfl:-hncss ga ve m e I pwed m y c uphoriu to the s nows to rm .

I wnll.:ht•d television p ictures of th • a rt tlrm ath of t he deluge north or Sa Fra ncisro T h(' onchorman in Ne w Yor wa~ tulking in a ltve inte r view with th cMrcspondent on the scene.

" IS IT TRUE that extra police hav been moved into the are a to prevent th) lurgc-scale loolinR that's going on?" h as ked .

" Well. ye~ . Ulcy have moved extt police In here," the corres pondent i~ Ca liforni a said . " nod there has bee6 looting , but frankly, I ' ve been mor impressed wllh the he lp people ha v b e n l(ivlng cuc h other. I ' ve seen peopl com e into thiR ar •u with tools an he a vy equlpm enl j uRl to he lp the peopl in t roubl t> T hey' ll help someone i de. pe rate need and then move on ti help somt"One e lse without ev~ ukJn anyone's name. It's JUSl ~ ~at l way everyone bas pltcbed in.''

I was pleased to hear the report turn tht a nc horman'& ne1aUve Q911tM$ lnto a pasitlve aoswer. ~ •• bring!i out the ~t ln us IOmt Ut'l\8.

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/S.unday, January 24, 1982 ~·

Redecorated Capitol can't hide ineptness



8y CHAaLES G. BELL Pr. Chart.a G. 81U i.t o pro/eator o/

poUUcol ~at Col Stote ~. Prof. C. Northcote Parkinson once

observed that a ny organisation which has become !JO successfuJ that It can afford Its own building has reached the peak of Its power and has begun to deteriorate.

" Parkinson's Law" - as it is called - may be observed with the recent

D•lflllll ·alllliiTI . -· - ~· - ,... -

completion of our state 's $68 million Capitol restoration project.

The restored Capitol - complete with firep laces that don ' t work , fancy chandeliers, gingerbread scroll work on walls and ceilings, and sup{>osedly earthquake-proof construction - houses a governor and a Legislature which is m a rkedly less capable than at any time in the last 15 years .

California 's hjgh ly profess ional Legislature - once a model for the othe r states - has declined in both

political ambition. His two ruUle tries lor the presldeocy and his unannounced candidacy for the U.S. Senate Ws year have cast his every move In the Ueht ot self-serving rather than st.ate-serving moUve! · Co rnpoundine the problems - a onc~-optimistic rublic willing to support a wade range o government programs has turned pessimistic. There is little r oo m for mane u ver l e ft to the politicians in Sacramento.

The governor's budget totters on the brink of disaster. After falling to attract a n y meaningful s upport for several different tax proposals, Brown was forced to submit lo the Legislature a budget which fa ils to keep pace with i nflati o n a nd ma y s tart with a carry -over $500 million to $1 billion defi cit from this year.

Brown's proposed budget depends on t t}ree dubious assumptions .

F irst, he hopes the economy will im prove by mid -year --: when hi s budget goes on-line. Second, he hopes that the voters will reject an income tax in d exi ng measure in this June 's

primary. Third , he hopes that the voters will a lso reject a June ballot measure which would eliminate the inheritance and gift taxes.

But there is little reason to believe that the present recession will be over in five months - t here are better reasons for believing that the economy will s till be in trouble.

Tax table changes clarified

power and prest ige. And the governor , theoretically one of the most powerful in a ll ~ states. has reached an all-time low in t>ublic popularity .

The once powerful a nd relatively unified Democ rati c majority in the Assembly is in a sha mbles. Obviously, the bitter year-long fight between Leo McCarthy and Howard Berman over the speakership split the Democratic pa rty . Following that, Willie Brown mortgaged the Democratic party in order to build the te mpor ary bi-partisan coalition needed for his election as Speaker.

Now that coalition has been smashed on the rocks of reapportionment. And the political ambitions of a half dozen legis lators further reduces the chances for a productive legis lative session this year .

Gov. J erry Brown 's ability to lead also has been sacrificed on the altar of

And both tax reducing measures on this June's ballot are highly popular. If approved by the voters, they would cost the s tate $325 million in fiscal 1982·83 according to the California Department of Finance.

Attorney General George Deukmejian - a Republican candid ate for governor - has attacked Brown 's 1982-83 budget as well as th e gove rnor 's " gross mi s management" o r th e s t ate's finances.

To the Editor : Your " More Opinion" page Sund ay ,

J an. 17. featured an article headlined . " Who figured this tax ' reduction'?" This " Oear Uncle Sam " letter did not conform to the rules for " letters from readers," so the o ri gi n of " Cuzi n Marmaduk e " is a m ystery to th e r eader.

The author completely ignored the s econd paragraph on page 2 of the IRS

MAILBOX Carol Hallett, who has stepped down

as Assembly minority leader to run for - ----------------lieutenant governor, has flatly denied th e need for a ny new ta xes . Both De u kmejian a nd Ha ll e tt wa nt th e budget cul even further.

But it is not only GOP politicians who a re attacking the governor 's budget. Brown 's opponents for the U.S. Senate nomination can be exp~cted to attack his fiscal plans . And State Senate. Majori ty Le ader J ohn Garamendi, D-Walnut Grove, who is running for gove rnor this year , has criticized Brown 's budg et f o r i t s fal se assumptions.

So. whil e tbe Legisla ture a nd governor wallow in their $68 million edifi ce complex - very little should be expected from them this year .

Form 1040 instructions . which only 11., inches from the beginning had a black head line " Tax Table Changes" followed by a one column explanation only three inc hes long, which ended with " Keep this change in mind if you want to co mpare this y.ear's lax table with last year's tax tables."

THE TAXPAYE R deduct s hi s exemptions (usually S4 ,000 for a couple with two children > on the 1981 return, so the " Taxable lnceme" is shown as $4 ,000 less on the 1981 re turn than this family or four with the same 1ocome would have s how n using the 1980 format.

The 1981 table w11J show a tax due

wh1d1 1:. 114 11e rccnt less than the 1980 tabl e shown The reductwn was al a 5 percent rate for 1981 , but the law for mos t intume did not become effective unti l Or t I. 1981 Therefore, 3/ 12 x 5 pl•r cent = 111 perc en t Th e 1982 redu ction 1s to bt: JO percent upon a 1981 IJa '> <' uf 95 pcrcenl. and 1983 is scheduled for another 10 percent r <.'<luct1on upon the 1982 base The ag~regatc three-year redu ction wall be 23 percent ba:.ed upon the 1980 rate

Cuz1n Marmaduke. 1f you ever have tu lake some mcd1c1nc . please read the direc: t1ons before you swallow 1t

-C~GOR Y PECK Daily Ptlot letters policy is tliat names

may be withheld from letters al the discretum of the editor. when requested by the wnter. 1/ the umter ha.s ~PQ{ied h1_s correct iwme and addres.~ fo r ven/icatlon - Editor

Curb Federal R eserve To the Editor

H"w about that' The Federal Reserve Board lowers the discount rate to the banks and lo and behold, the banks lower the prime le nding rate to the bor rower and the cost of li ving rate as reflected through the consumer price index drops•

Could 1t be that inflation is tied to the

Sinful Caesar, shy Sarah sure seen simple By FREDERICK J OHN

Frederick John offers thu chaUenge /rom Honolulu. Tongue twisters are enjoying a revival. Can you say " Lemon Liniment" s ix times

without an error ? It sounds easy. Try at ! You ' ll probably have to untangle your tongue before you' re through.

Try this one. Nine out of ten people can' t say it twice in rapid succession .

" Sinful Caesar s ipped his snifter . seized his knees and sneezed."

Then the re is what is probably the most famous tongue twi ster of them all . It goes :

" If a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood would a


chuck if a woodchuck couJd and would? But if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood, no reason why he should , how much wobd •. • '

could a could

a nd would chuck wood?" . Accor ding to Yale Un iversity Professor

Laurence Neumann, one of the world's foremost authorities on semantics, the science of sounds and meanings, the revival of tongue twisters la " a marvelous thing for the nation's diction."

" It has to be a good thin&." be clarified. ·'Those tricky sentences are excellent for ton1ue muscles. They teach you lo uae your lips properly too . Many s inging teachers insist t hat their studenta practice ton1ue twisters to help lbem enunciate properly."

Slneers at the Opera practice tongue twtaten reguJarly. The tale. 1reat Ezio Plnu's favorite waa:

Gray wpre the geese, and greerf 'lwas the grazing."

Pinza 's twis ter m ay sound easy. but try to say 1t three t imes an a hurry .

The high price of gasoline may have inspired the revival of tongue twis ters. .

" Gaso lin e p ri ces went up ," ex p la ined Neumann. " As a result, m any college s tudents had to s tay close to campus. Their funds were limited and they couldn' t afford lo buy a lot of gasoline

" To pass the lime at night, when they didn't have anything else lo do. they started tossing tongue twisters at each other, and that is how the current tongue twister fad got s tarted ."

Actors have always used tongue twisters. Sir Laurence OJivier reportedly used to war m up with a tongue twiste r before going on stage to face an audience.

His favorite :

·· Betty Boller bought a bit of butter ·But.· she said, ' this butter's bitter. If 1 put it in my baller, it wi ll make m y baller bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my batter better · So

Betty Bolter bought a bit of better butter, and it made her batter better."

Italian screen beauty Sophia Loren had to learn English for her films. Her English teacher reportedly had her practice this one:

" Moses supposes his toeses are roses. but Moses supposes erroneously. For Moses he knowses his toese!I

aren 't roses. as Moses supposes his toeses to

be." It is a well known fact that the late Boris

Kartotr. a splendid actor , used to lisp a lot . The letter "S" was his problem, and he regularly practiced twisters reaturlng that letter . Some wer e :

"She sells seashe lls by the seashore." , • 'Sl!ater Su.ale ' s sewing s hirt• for soldlenJ."

" Slippery s leds sUde smoothly down lbe 1lulceway."

televis ion annount·ers before they perff)rm 1s

" The seething Sl'a ceaseth and thus the se<!thmA sea surficeth U!\ ..

Herc ;.ire soml· of the nest of the older tongue 1.w1s tcrs You must repeat all of them three times rapidly and without any errors

" Truly rural " " S1xtv s ix sack chicks " " Tac twine to three tree twigs " ' Three new bl ue beans in a new

blown hladdcr " " The old cold scold sold a sC'hool coal

scuttl e " " Six lo n g s lim s li c k c; lender

saplings.·· Some new t"' 1ster)> are

·· Ooes this shop s tock short sol•ks with s pots""

" A bloke's back brake block hroke " .. Preshrunk sh arts " " S hy Sarah c; aw s ix Swiss wr ist

watches" " Doubll' buhhlt• gum bubbles

doubl~" M y dentis ts make pat ients with new plates

pract ice ith this trick y twister ''Amid t the mists and coldest frosts. Wit h bares t wrists a nd s toutes t

boas ts. He thrus ts his fist against the posts, And still ins is ts he sees the ghOsts "

If you can say that one four times in a hurry without a mistake. your brand new dentures are a perfect fit.

Other popular twisters are " Fanny Fowler fri ed fi ve floundering fish for Francis Finch 's father " " The s ixth s he ik 's s ixth shee p's

sick ." " A big black bug bit a big black bear. m ade a big bl ack bear bleed blood." " S h e s t oo d o n th e balcony .

inexplicably • • m i m ic k ing h is hi cc u ping . a nd

a micably we lcoming him in "

T hat one sounds s imple, until you try to repeat it a few times. Then there' s :

· · /\ skunk s tood on a stump . The stump thunk the skunk stunk. But the s k unk thunk the stump

s tunk ." Last but not leas t , t here is the twister

genera ll y regarded as the tough est of all. Ironically, there a re several different versions of thi!l particula r twister. Whal follows is generally rega rded as the most popular If you can say it once wtthout ll mistake, you're pr~tty good .

" Theophilus Thistle, the this tle-s ifter , sifted a sieve or unsifted thistle. ff T heophilus Thistle, the thistle s ifter, s ifted a sieve Of unsllted thistles .


" Three iray geese In lbe green 1rus araiinc:

·'A snifter of snuff i• enou1h snuff for a sllllf for a 1nulf anltrer. ''

A twister re1ularly used by radio and

111 the siev e o f uns tfled thistl es Theophilus

TblsUc, the this tle s iner. silted?"


art1f1c1ally set l-'ederal Reserve Board discount rate'!

Coul d 1t be t h at people aren ' t !. pending money because of the big 1nter1•st rates and that factories aren 't r>roducing goods or expanding because of ht gh interesl rates ?

Could 1l be that housing starts are off bet a use of high interest rates·!

IN ADDITION to taking credit for f1ght1ng inflation , Fede ral Reserve Roard Chairman Paul A Volcker shou ld also take credit for promoting lhe worst auto sales in 20 years , worst hous ing- starts 1n 15 years . greatest unemployment 1n seven years and the second h1ghesl consumer interest rate ever 1 exceeded on ly by the December 1!180 rate ' 1

Unforrn rratc1y , Volcker an d - hi s F~deral ficserve Board members are pla y 1n~ God with the economy and not ;.it m) r<.'f1uest , probably not at yours . the President's or Congress '.

ll ere is one of the few times that I've agreed with Sen . Alan Cranston. He has proposed leg1s lat1on that would bring the Federa l Reserve Board under the cont rul of either Congress or the White llou~c ~

Support Cransto n 's leg is lation or Volckcr and his fellow independent think er)'; w11Lput 95 percent out of work !


Double standards hit To the Editor .

In reference to " Schmitz punishment !.cts a precedent. " by Earl Waters (Jan . 13, 1982 1, I whole-heartedly agree that Sen<ile leaders (.,I were woefully la c king Ill s tatesmanship in dealing ·puni shment" to Sen. John Schmitz!

Could 11 be that certain fnnge groups "l·r e J (• l1ghled to hav e a n exc use . h o "' t'\ t•r fet·blc . to de s troy Sen Sthm1t 7 poli tical fature in order lo -. 1r1p him o f hi s co mm it t ee t h<11rman!\h1ps. which would be a big ~c· t bark for his cons tituenL'i an the area he r t'prescnts''

WE ll AV F. too many double s tandards' Do we have freedom of !.peech an this country or don't we ? Do we have freL'<iom from censorship (for our view' or a lleged v1ews1 or don 't \\ (' .,

The (.'1vi l Li berties Union, which is :.tran ~ely s ilent . should certainly show som l' interest in justice. 1f they are truly interested in µrotecting the rights and µrivileges of all ethnic groups alike.

If t l11s 1s a case of racism and bigotry. 1l set>ms that the backlash is far more vi<' ious and devious than the original " oHenst-." Can the constituents in Sen. Sc hmitz ' area afford to ignore lhe ('on seq ucnces?


Saf e crossing delayed To the• t-: d1tor

F'or longer than I can remember, the res1denL'i of Corona del Mar have tried to get an improved pedestrian crossing <at Orch id Ave nue a nd East Coast ll ighway T his request has had the blessing of the - Newport Beach City Counci l. the Corona del Mar Chamber o f t'ommercc a nd co mmun ity assoc1at1on

S I N C E A P R I I. o f l 9 8 l , t h e Department or Trans portation has ig n o r ed our city ' s reques t for an encroachment permit to ins tall, at city expe nse. an improved crosswalk and warning s igns. Late in 1981 , the legal ~t urf or t he s t a l e Depa rtment of Trans1)0rtatlon advised our city lhal the reason for denial or the permil was that a case was pending against them by an Injured pedestrian a nd t o allow improvements there would likely be some ad mission o r a dang e r o us co ndition a nd perhaps affect the laws uit

In my judgment, this is a hazardous crossing and it should be improved Imm edi a t e ly . I can ' t e quate th e o u l co m e o r the I a wsult to the importance of protecting someone else from belng injured there meanwhile.

By th fs le tt e r I am publicly announcing lbe exlste.nce of •whal t deem t o be a se rlous baurd for pedestrians at this locallon.

PAULL. HUWMEL CouncUman Sixth l>l1Uict


Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

. -~ ...... "BE A GREAT BOY" - Member of Boy Scout x lo~r Troop 2230, pledged to preservin~

Plains Indians ' rituals. performs eagle dance

Knots • tie up

talent . PITTSBURGH (AP )

- Tallr11bounrtram15 on a log and you'll have Rob Roy Kelly 's attention.

He hunts them in the woods of Minnesota , in Pittsburgh parks, in his neighbor's back yard.

The associate professor of design at Car ne gie - Mellon University hunts bumps, technically called burls, " because they ' re beautiful , they ' re interesting, they' re good therapy to wo r k on while I ' m watching football. "

A kind of knot or bump found on tree trunks, limbs and even roots, " burls," Kelly explains, " are caused by a virus that will eventually kill the tree. They ' re contagious, too. Ir you find one, you' ll find another within ISO feet.

" Usually," Kelly s ays, " I take the tree down, remove the bark and let t he burl cure for six months to a year."

Arter removing the 1 bark and curing the burl, Kelly cleans it, sands it by hand, rubs it with a soft cloth, and fini s hes the job by applying a mineral oil with wax suspended in It.

In his garage in the Squirrel Hill section or Pittsburgh, Kelly shows ofr a Minnesota spruce with burls bulging out all over the trunk. "

•' I went looking for burls up near Grand Marais, .Minn.," be said, ''I couldn't understand why I couldn't find any.

''Then I drove down a street in t own and people were using them for mailboxes or they planted them in the front yard and grew petunias around them, or bung bird houses on them, put a plastic windmill on top.

"They had cut down all the trees with burls in lbe neighborhood."

To Kelly , the miaabapen lumps with their convoluted patterns bave become objects ol art. He shapes the ends of the burls but doean' t interfere with tbe deslp lbat nature itself bas stamped on: the burl.

He doesn't sell lbem - Juat keeps them .around bla apartment, Uct even bM names for . b1I favorites.

There'• " Bil Otis," a cranium-abaped one dubbed "Socrates," a black walnut named '' Rln10 .-. and a buncbbacked "Quaa-' ......

at Colorado Christmas ceremonial.

He'll think our Field Umbrella is

just ducky. It's our gift to you with any

10.00 purchase of Aramis, Devin

or Aramis 900. Just imagine

walking in the rain under an umbrella-for -two,

and savouring the scents of Aramis, Devin or Aramis 900 on him. You supply

the setting, we'll supply the essentials.

THE FIELD UMBRELLA It's yours as a gift with any

10.00 purchase of these fragrances. The handsome green and red umbrella

sports a wild duck-head shaped handle and opens to a wide,

big-enough-for-two w ingspan.


Scouts dance · to fame Fifty years of guidance puts feather in leader's cap

LA JUNTA, Colo. (AP) - On his honor, Buck Burshears haa done his best to do his duty to God, his country. and thousands or boys who've looked up to him ror ball-a-century.

James Francis· " Buck " Burshears ls the only leader Boy Scout Explorer Troop 2230 bu ever had . He founded il ln February 1933 with 27 memben and one motto:

" You don't have to wait to be a man to be great . Be a ireat boy."

Now , at 72 , the childless widower looks back on lbe years he dedicated to teaching other men's boys how to become men.

His devotion to "bis kids" has brought him an honorary doctorate from the University or Colorado, along with scouting's highest honor , the ''Silver Burralo." But his proudest Ulle is " Head Chief of the Koshares."

To be asked to join Troop 2230 at the age of 12 is a boy's invitation to spend t.he next six years learning to become a Koshare, a Pueblo Indian word meaning "fun-maker."

Bur s h ea r s ' Ko s hare s, affectionately known in this southeastern Colorado railroad and ranching town as "Buck's Brats," are distinct because of the step they have taken beyond traditional scouting.

Burshears' Boy Scouts have gained a national reput.ation for their Indian dancing.

Since Buck 's boys gave their first performance for SS at a La Jupta church supper nearly 49 yea r s ago , the troop has attracted a wide and enthus iastic following . The youngsters now average SO s hows a ea r and travel

SPECIAL LEADER - Buck Burshears, 72, poses with a s tatue of. himself at Koshare Indian Museum .

thousands or miles. With the help of a soda pop

machine, countless r ehearsal ho urs arid the ir tirelessly dancing feet, Burshears' boys hav e amassed a $3-million Indian and Wes tern art collection. ·

They have also helped raise another $1 million to build a showplace that not only houses the art , but pro vi des a spectacular clubhouse.

Troop 2230 bas prouced the highest number o( Eagle Scouts - 516 - or any troop in the nation . Ninety percent or its membership goes on to college.

Buck's Brats now live in every state of the union . Two are university presidents . Dozens are doctors, lawyers , engineers. Three are ·ud es.

More than 100 of Buck's Eagle Scouts have their d.octorate d eg rees . One s ay s his proficiency as a surgeon stems from sewing thousands of tiny beads on his Koshare costume.

Burshears joined the Boy Scouts In 1921 , and in 1925 became La Junta's first Eagle Scout,.

On his office wall, Bursbears keeps a plaque inscribed with his favorite saying, the one he's tried to live by for half-a -century :

" A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car . I drove. But the world may be different beca use I wa s important in the ure or a boy."

ARAMIS, DEVIN AND ARAMIS 900 A leglndMy trio of "8grtnc• fOf the man who demends the best of ~19· Frorll our collection: AtlfNa Cologne, 2 OI., 12.00; 4 OI. , 11.110. After Shew, 4 or .. 13.IO; 8 or., 18.IO. 0Wn Country Cologne Sprey, 3 oa., 20.00. Country Cotogne, 2 or., 13.00; 4 OI., 20.00. Ar.mla IOO Herbel Cotogne, 2 or., 12.IO: 4 OI., 11.IO. Herbel After sa-,i°'" .• &.00; 4 G&.. 13.00.-0nl eilll* c•...._, ...... whh M1PP1e1 lest. Coemedca, 401 .

. I • ,. .

. I i· I .


Daily Pilat SUNDAY, JAN . ?•. 1912


Angels couldn't D

0 be more pleased with Jackson deal. See story, Page B2.

Irvine wins on the road A t<?ugh act in the PCAA Special &o the Dally Pllot

LOG"AN, Utah - UC Irvine basketball coach Bill Mulligan doesn't profess lo be a prophet. or a philosopher.

But he does know that winning on the road, especially in the tighlly-knlt PCAA, is an act that is hard to come by .

" It 's not easy to win on the road . For that matter. it 's not easy lo win at home, either, in th is conference," Mulligan said following UCl 's narrow, 71 -68 victory over host Utah Stale Saturday night here.

" We 've won games by 1, 3 and 7 points and whatever il was tonight- three."

The .Antea t ers won the ir fourth straight without defeat in PCAA action a nd improved their season record to 15· l. But it wasn't easy.

UC I jumped out to a 12-4 lead in the early going as all fi ve starters contributed to the total. But Utah State clawed back and Dave Belshe hit an eight-foot j umper with two seconds to go to put the hosts an front , 35·34 at halrt1me .

R a nd y Whi e ld o n h it an 8· footer and Kevin Magee a 7-footer to s tart the second half and UCI never trailed again.

PCM atendlnge c...i.r-.

UCl rvlne FrHnoSi.te S.11 J ow Si.te C•I State FullertOI\ Lono Be.U. Si.I• UC S• 11I• 8•1»•• Utah Sta rt P A< lll<

W L • • 0 • 0 J I I J I l 1 , 1 , I ~

s.~,··S<-uc l r•one 11, u i.1> .. P•co fl< 60. L- 8 M Ch Ste lt st .... F r .. no Si.te .:J. C• I Stal• Fullerto11 •O S• n JOM Stele 12. UC Sellte BarDera U

T--.J' tO­UC lr • llle et L- Bt.o<h Stale ,...._

~ W L U I U I

' . I II s 1t • 1t 3 II S II

Ce ! Stai.. Full• rtOn at UC Senta BArbAr• Se n J OM Sia!• al Frnno Slale Ul•h Si.te•I P.c1fl<

Ut ah Sta te had a chance lo m ove in front j us t prior to Whi e ldon 's c harit y toss but Kevin Fuller stole the ball with 23 seconds rema ining and the A.ntealers in front by one. Magee h1l a free throw lo ma ke it two and Whieldon sealed the win a few seconds la ter .

Utah State used a box and one defense but the Anteaters pulled it out in the second half with a man-to-man.

" We pulled it out to try to get Magee one-on-one," Mulligan s a id . " We thought about it earli er in the game but I never felt confident enough to puJJ it out then.

ARMED AND READY - Quarterbacks Kenny Anderson Cleft > of Cincinnat i and Joe Montana or San Francisco

... -....... show form during workout this week . Both will be dead ser ious come Super Bowl time at l o'clock today .

But the decis ion wasn't sealed until the final seconds when Whieldon hit the second of two free throw attempts for the final point with 15 seconds re maining.

·· 1n the firs t hair we were gett in~ great shots but we just weren t hitting. I didn' t think about pulling it out then. Yes, t hi s wa s one of the poores t shooting games this year for us." Today's Super Bowl has a fresh look

A new site (Detroit) plus a pair of new teams (San Francisco and Cincinnati) are featured PONTIAC,\ Mich. (AP ) - The Super

Bowl was becoming too predictable. .. The same faces . Tbe same places. So, a year ago, from New Orleans , the National Football League looked wes t , looked east - then beaded due north.

This, of course, is the first Super Bowl to be played in the nation's snowbell. 'l'be snow's effect will be limited to the 80,000 or so fans driving lo and from the Fiberglas-enclosed Silverdome.

Alaska (440,000 ) or Wyoming (471,000) or Vermont (511

1000) . •

But for tboM re• boun eocompuaio1 Super Sunday. the world - or at least that part ol it which cares what happens in Commissioner Pele Rozelle's domain - will forget matters such as economic yard sticks. It wiU be more concerned with the yardsticks that measure the inches between success and failure, between victory and defeat.

This technological wonder with its cross-batched, air-pressured roof s tands upon what used to be lhe burial ground for worn-out, rusting automobiles.

THIS SUPE& BOWL presents a plethora of such contrasts.

recession bas long since given way to de pression , where a once-awesome all-American indus try is grid-locked by infla tion, by stalled labor negotiaUons, by the influx of cheaper foreign-made cars.

And after the sun has set, RozeJJe will crown a new champion to replace the Oakland Raiders. A new team will celebrate a fantasy-become-reality.

Not since Joe Namath engineered the most startling upset in the history of the pro game a dozen years ago have two firs t -timers met in the Super Bowl. Jn this struggle for survival between

the _q_nci~_ti !J~ngals and the SJ&n Francisco 49ers, we have a iroup of highly paid atbJetes on center stage in an annual event which is the very essence of opulence.

Yet this is Michigan , the most economically hard-bit state in the nation. Just down lhe road from Pontiac lies Detroit, the bub of the nation's auto manufacture rs, where officials say

Just outside the Sil verdome, beyond th~ }40 seats, ~yQnd lh.e ncuum of a green-carpeted world where skill , luck. hard work and clean living are almost inevitably off with success, there lies another world . . . another struggle for survival.

And-never before has-a tum Cln this case, both teams ) arisen from the ashes of a losing season one year to reach this climactic event the next .

YET, DESPITE the occasional asides that something ' s lacking here -namely a so-called championship-type team like the Dallas Cowboys or maybe the Pittsburgh Steelers or San Diego

JN THE STATE of Michigan, 627,000 people are looking for work. That's mor e than the entire population of

The choice here • lS the 49ers

And don't be surprised if the score skyrockets It is that week of the year when a tourist worth

his salt at a cocktail party wiU have an opinion on the probable outcome or a commotion universally known as the Super Jjowl.

As a matter of fact , experts and authorities emerge from the woodwork and opinions become more fluid with each passing of the martinis .

Generally. the conclusions will be equally divided between the two sides. In the case of Super Bowl XVl, scheduled today in Michigan . a similar number of cases are being made for the San Francisco 49ers and the Cincinnati Bengals , who were very unlikely principals 20 weeks ago.

TO BEGIN WITH, it can be concluded that no test of ordinary skills will ever live up to the hype and hoopla of .Super Bowl game. For a fortnight, there is much writing and talking and reciting and s inging of the virtues of both s ides and a superhuman quality creeps into the matter . This culminates in a week of confusion quite unlike anything else in this society .

It is an unhappy fact of history , howeyer, that only one team res ponds to the touting of its greatness and the event is nol st.amped on the memory . A year ago , for ins tance, the Philadelphia Eagles did not work themselves into the fremy appropriate for the occasion and they were quite thoroughly trounced by the Oakland Raiders.

AU matters being equal , however, It would be the view from here that the San Francisco 49ers will win Super Bowl XVI. For openers, the 49ers may have the best team.

It is not in the least out ol the quesUon that San Francisco will outmuscle and overpower Cincinnati In tbe front lines or the pit, aa lt is sometimes called. Many autboriUes say this is where football sames are woo and loet.



s urprised everyone but themselves and at the moment are a proud and confident - almost cocky - bunch and this is the sort of people who win

gigantic events or the importance of the Super Bowl.

For a difference of opinion, you enlist the aid of Ray Malavasi, coach of the Rams and therefore something more than a casual bystander to Super Sunday.

" Naturally," Malavasl says, " I would like to see the 49ers win it, being from our division and all . But I don't think they will. I am afraid the Bengals are the best team on the basis of having more player s with the sort of experience you need in a big game like this.' '

BEYOND THIS, Malavasi says the key for both sides is Identical from the standpoint of neutralizing the opposition. Ip each cue, the quarterback must be handled which wUJ require good defensive play. Joe Montana of the 49ers and Ken Anderson ol Cincinnati both have hot hands.

Malavasi gives the edge to Andenon. " I think he ls better at lbrowint the ball

downfield, " Malavasl says. "Tim ls because be will stay in the pocket and set himself, whereas Montana Is movLna around."

Those who risk money on football are also interested in the number ol point.a likely to be scored. The factor involved ls called the overs and unden and in the case of Super Bowl XVI, the number Is ln the area of 48.

Chargers - what we have here are the National and American conferences' two bestteams.

A year ago, Forrest Gregg and Bill Walsh had inherited teams that bad become community embarrassments, and they were just getting comfortable in their jobs.

Gregg was finishing up bis first season as the Bengals ' coach. And they k n e· w h e w a s b o s s . Tb e B i 11 Johnson-Homer Rice era , when laxity was a byword , had ended with the suddeMess of a s lap in the face .

Gregg was schooled by the ultimate taskmaster, Vince Lombardi , during his days as an offensive tackle with the G r een Bay Pac kers' (Super Bowl teams) of the-l960sc He whipped ttre­Bengals back into shape in one big hurry . ·

BUT IF THERE were turning points, they came last April and again last September.

First, the Bengals gave quarterback Ken Anderson Cris Collinsworth, a pass <See SUPER, Page C3)

T he Anteate rs hit 31 of 63 for 49.2 percent , the lowest average of the campaign . It marked the firs t time this season that the team has been under 50 percent from the floor. Most of the inaccuracy came in the first h al f , a 16 of 36 e ffort (44.4 percent> .

Ma gee, the leading scorer for UCI. had 21 with 18 coming in the second half. He pulled down 11 of his 16 rebounds in the second period as well and hit 8 of 15 from the floor.

Whieldon had 18 points and six assists but was only 8 of 17 from the floor. Rainer Wulf had 10 points and five ass ists for UCI -while Ben McDonald bit 8 points and had 8 rebounds .

Leo Cunningham scored 17 points for the Aggies and was the rebounding_ leade("_ as.. weJL wffh n. -

"Cunn ingham has reall y i mproved, " Mullig a n s aid . ·· He 's very agile and a good s hooter . He c reated a lot of proble ms for us tonight. Our defense is better this year. No question about it. We ' re more mature a nd we ha ve fiv e starters back.··

MOllltOVEa, IT IS the feeling here that the 49era are on a roll. It would be far too comball to 7ef er to Siii Francisco as a team of destiny but it seems to create the same atlDOlphere as the Oellland Raiden of a year •IO·

Tbe • 4tera came from off the pace and

Mel•H•i Hys-tte xpeets --many poml.a to appear on the board and there ls no dispute here. Wacertna the overs ml1ht be for all the world Uke i{ up olf the street.

TeU ·em where you 1ot It .

CLOSE CALL - Colorado Rockies ' goal·tender Glenn Resch dlves for and deftects ~hot rrom Steve Bozek or the King~

during Saturday afternoon's Denver. The contest ended t\eadlock. See story, page 82.

·Wilt won't be lured bac~ tlo the court J're• AP dlllpa~

PHILADELPHIA - Pro m baaketball 1reat Wlll Chamberlain aald be probably would not come out of retirement to play for the . PhUadelph.ia 76ers, baalcally because he doesn't llke lbe IYPIY lifestyle of pro sporta.

Chamberlain, 45, said in a copyrl1ht i~tervlew in the Philadelphia Inquirer Saturday that be enjoy~ his life in Los An1elea . He

contrasted that with life ln the National Basketball Association. -

" Would I like to go back to eating at 12 midnight, watching TV in the room, catching all those early flithts? "

Sixers owner Harold Katz propo se d lurint C hamb erlain o ut of retirement a week a10 after

the te~'s startint center , Darryl Dawkins, broke his leg.

Chamberlain, who retired in 1973 as the National Basketball Association's all-time leading scorer, told the newspaper he was flattered by Katz's suuestion.

"There's no doubt in my mind if I wanted to come back, I could come back," Chamberlain said. " I led the league in blocked shots and rebowM:ling when 1 quit, so I wasn't exacUy a dog then.''

.auote of the day " The wall would have to be rabed all

the way to the third deck to stOp the home runs I give up. When I live them up, they arct very leeitimate." - SeaWe Mari.Den pitcher Gleml AbW&, when informed that tbe right field fence at the Seattle Kingdome would be raised from ll~ to 23

1feet for the 1982 season.

O'Reilly converts for Bruins

re~und to break a 1-1 tie midw11y , Terry O' Rellly smacked in a ~

through the second period, sparking the Boston Bruins to a 3-1 NationaJ Hockey League victory over Washington Saturday a fternoon . . . Elsewhere, Mark Napier scored twice In the first 38 seconds and Montreat went on to post a 6-2 triumph over Calgary . .. Third-period goals by lloa

Flockhart and Al HUJ lifted Philadelphia to a 5·5 tie with P i ttsburgh ... Andre Savarcl's goal at 17:44 of lbe final period proved to be the game-wi nner as Buffalo edged Quebec, 3-2 . . . The Sutter brothers. Brent and O.aae, each scored a goal as the New York Is landers rolled to a 6· l win over the

O'H1u.v Ranger s ... Blahe Stoa11t&oa scored his 31th goal at 19:07 of the third period to give HarUord a 2-2 tie with Detroit . . . Tim Youg and Dl8o ClccarelU each scor ed twice as Minnesota whipped Chicago, 8_. . . . Mlke Zake tallied twice, one on a power play and the other wbeo the Blues were shorthanded, as St. Louis skated past Toronto, 6-2.

...... n.. eel a IO-root m abot h'OID the riabt 11 tbe buaar eooded to alYe caao Bulla a 140-139 NBA ove victory over the New York Kni turday nllbt ... Ale1 &•111111 ICOl'ed JO nta and teammate BUI Me&m.J came be bencb to add 20 11 Denver poeted a 11 .1oe win over Houaton, 1oappiftl the Ro Ile 1' tbree-1ame wlnnin1

- tr ak ... Rookle .Jay la poured In 34 polnta

aa DaUu poated a 122·110 victory over Utah, marklnl tbe first tbtee·1ame streak In the hiltory of the M avericks ' fraochl1e ... Jolla Drew scored 21 polnta and Eddie IMDIOD added 20 as AUant.a

- down od C I eve I an d , TM•u• 109-99 ... J•ll•• Enl•I recovered from a 1low start to acore 19 point.I and lead Philadelphia to a 100-87 success over Seattle ... Rookie Jett a.aaait comblned with &evl• Grevey and Gree Ballard for all 15 overtime points ln a 109-108 Waahincton victory over Kansas City . . . Ray WUUam1 conne~ted on a 1.S-foot jump sbot with six seconds tell to belt> New Jersey to a 113-109 win over Sao Diego ... Jolmay Davia pumped in 2• points and Indiana shut down a furious second-half comeback as the P•cers topped the Spurs, 107-98 . . . . Tnck Roblluoa and Jeff Cook combined for 37 points as Phoenix rolled past Detroit, 113·90 . . . World Free bit on 14 of' 25 field goal attempts and scored 36 points as Golden State beat :.mwaukee, 11&-113.

Foster expensNe trade bait Cincinnati Reds president Dick Ma

Wainer says he doesn't believe he can sign outfielder Georse FCNl&er tq a new contract and plans to seek a trade wi a team willing to pay Foster's estimated $1 million-a-year plus salary . Wagner met with Foster and bis agent, Tom ltelcb, last week to discuss a new contract, and Wagner came to bis present decision after reviewing a counter-offer submitted by Reich . . . Designated bitter Hal Mcllae hopes to r eport to the Kansas City Royals training camp March 1 in good condition after participating in a rehabilitation program for his irtjured knee.

Here's how you silence a Lob9 crowd NEW YO RK - Fordham m

basketball Coach Tom Penders thinks he may have found the ultimate in bom~co •..i rt advantages. Penders recently retu1-nPd t ruru 11 trip to Albuquerque. N.M .. where bis team lost 51-49 to host New Mexico in the finals of the Lobo Invitational. " They have the greatesl homecourt advantage in the country," Penders said of the New Mexico team. " They get 18,000 rans in the building, and they all s tand and chant until thev score the first basket. • ..

.. I think we found a strategy that worked in the second half, though," Penders said . " We ~eld the ball for three minutes until they got tired and sat down . The kid blowing the French born passed out after about two minutes "

Hodges retires at Indiana State Bill Hodgea, the man most •

responsible for keeping Larry Bird in basketball. says be will resign as bead coach at Indiana State University at the end of the current season. Hodges, 38, was an assistant at Indiana State in 1975 when he successfully recruited Bird, who had dropped out of school and was d riving a garbage truck in bis bpmetown of French Lick , Ind .... A series of three races this summer between Stewe Ovett and Sebaatlan Coe, Britain 's Olympic track stars, may be scrapped because of a leg irtjury to Ovett, British press reports s aid Saturday.

~:elarers . file against Vikings NFL team cited for adminstering psychological tests

MINNEAPOLIS <APl - The NFL Players Association bu filed a grievance accusin1 the Minnesota Vikings of violating the National Football League labor agreement by giving ptayers psychological and personality tests.

Wbile it is commoa practice for NFL teams to give such tests to proapective draft choices, the ~llective bargaining agreement bars teama from administering paycbolo&ical or personality tests to players who have signed contracts.

In its grievance, the union demanded that the Vikings furnish each player with r .. ults of bis teats, destroy au other tests data, pay each player teated $1,000 and promise not to eni•1e in such le!sting in the future . · Ed Garvey, executive di.rector of the players asaociatioa, said Vikings General Manager Mike Lynn was "just ignoring the agreement" by living the tests.

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The clause was added to the coll ective bargaining agreement in 1974.

" You wouldn't believe the right we had over psychological testing," Garvey said, " because If you' re negotiating with a player ... and you've sot a psychological profile of him, don't you t.bink , that gives you an advantage? So we raised bell about it."

Lynn said the tests were given to the players by an independent Minneapolis area research firm for the purpose of designing a test to give colJege prospects.

" There are certain characteristics that players in the NFL have and what we wanted to do is find out what those characteristics were at various positions," Lynn said. "The best way to do that was to test our own players. We did not give the tests to get a personality profile of the individual player."

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Angel :reaction • • is unanimous Jackson acquisition has them excited By die A.IMcla&ed PN11

The An1el1 on Saturday greeted lbe news that aluaer Re11le JaclUon would be 1win1ln1 for their aide ln 1m with enthuataam and excitement.

The Anaels Friday night reached agreement with Jackson, the flamboyant free agent who earned the title "Mr. October" for hla World Serles exploits ror the New York Yankees ln 1977 and 1978.

' Jackson 's new teammates consider Y an.kees owner George Steinbrenner 's toes their 1ain. and many of the m said so after learning of the American L e ague c lub ' s s uccessful co nclu sion to month s of negotiation.

" I THINK HE add s character t.o our ball club," said second baseman Bobby Grich.

" If any of us ever hoped t.o play in a World Series, thia is it, th is is . our c hanc e , ' ' s aid outfielder Don Baylor . " You may boo him. or you may cheer him , but the bottom line on Reggie is that he 's a winner. ·

" He'll give the organization a great lift. He gives us great appeal. We ' ll be competitive wit~ the team across town (the World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers ).".

Jack.son. who turns 36 in May, will be present at a press conference at the Anaheim Stadium Club Tuesday for the formal signing of a four-year contract that ca lls for a yearly salary estimated irnywhere from $800,000 to $1 million.

He will join Fred Lynn, Rod Carew and Baylor as former AL Most Valuable Players on the Ang el roster , which also includes Infielders Grich and Rick Burleson

" I CAN'T WAIT to gel to spr ing training ," pitcher Ken Forsch said. " God. I don't think a team Uke this has ever been assembled. I'm glad I 'm on it, not pitching against it. "

Jackson, who lives in Carmel and does occasional duty as a television pe rsonality . was in Ke y Bi s cay ne , Fla . , thi s weekend on a TV assignment.

' Tm very happy to join a club that really seemed to pursue and wanted me," the Angels quoted Jackson as saying in a prepared statement. " With the Angels. I get a chance t.o play ."

The Angels declined to divulge terms or the agreement. but did say the contract contains a

• ctauae baaed on attendance. Local newspaper reporta aald J ackso n ls 1uaranteed somewhere In the \'.iclnity ol S3 million and the clauae could uJUma~ly net him $4 mllllon.

THE ACQUISITION of Jackson 1ive1 the An1el1 a crowded outfield and may make either Baylor, used moaUy 11 a deslanated hitter, or re1ular right - fielder Dao Ford expendable. Executive Vice Pres ident Buuie Bavasl ls considered likely to use one or the other u trade bait in an attempl to strengthen a weak pitching staff.

·· r know ... that's what Buuie has in mind " aald Manager Gene Mauch. " I toad my wife that I think Buuie's trying to get me so strong a team that 1 can' t mess jt up.

" I'm tickled to death to have Jackson. If R~gie Jackson can still play Uke l-Reggie Jack.son, then I think Buuie and Gene (Autry , Angels· principle owner a nd chairman of the board ) made the greatest deal in the world."

The s lugging left -handed batter bad an off-year with the Yankees in 1981, hittin1 .237 with 15 homers and 54 runs batted in . But he bas 425 life -time homers a nd in 10 All -Star games owns a .304 batting average. In five World Series he has bit .357 with 10 homers.

He also adds a left-handed bat to an Angels lineup of moeUy ri ght -hande r s, meaning that opposing teams won't be able to t hr o w a steady diet of .right ·handed pitching against the team.

" I HOPE HE has four great yea r s with the Angels," said Grich. " He's an added tbreal, something opposing teams will have to deal with. His presence is always felt .

·' I wish him nothing but well, and I hope he helps us, bec~use we need nothing but help."

Autry has now spent about $21.5 million on 16 free agents, not including the $13.8 million given Burleson, Ca rew and Lynn. each acquired in trades made po s sib l e by their imminent free-agent status.

The team bas m ade the playoffs only once, in 1979 when it captured the American League West championship. But the sales of season tickets at Anaheim ha ve jumped more than 12,000 in the five years of free agency.

Boyer with cancer? · LOUISVILLE. Ky. CAP ) -

Ken Boyer, the former all-star th ird baseman with the St. Louis Cardin als , has been stricken with lung eanrer . according to a copyright story.

Boyer was sc hedul ed t o appear with Cardinals ' officials a t a media lun cheon in Louisville Thursday , but was reportedly taking treatment in St. Louis, the Louisville Courier Journal reported Friday.

Boyer has been named to

manage the Louisvil le ' s American Association baseball team next season. St. Louis Is the team of the Louisville Redbirds.

A Cardinal s · s pokes man explained Boyer's absence from the meeting as " personal. "

But A. Ray Smith , owner of the Louisville Redbirds, said that Boyer has lung cancer. " In my judgment , I think he'll manage here, but I'm guessing. I ' m s ure he was taking treatment today in St. Louis."

College basketball Mondec,.eame•

w ........... at°""""' ..... SM! 0-.. k at Air l'wa ........ c ................ .... 1!¥-"6ee10iltNlt Aken! St. el lt­autter el~, 111 . ............. 0... ,_......, .. OMeu. St, f'r-h.111. • Y .... .._ .... .......... ~ .... T-. .(JIMla.-- .. C.... H . KIMudly .. I . IC-•h St. L•elf' ....... Sl. ~-Ge.~ LIU M lt..-.Ctly SW L.,.._ at LMtleM Tedi Arll-k a4Mc- M . ..... ~..-... ...... ~ Sl!~ec-........-. ~ .. a..~ W. Ylf'llllllt Tfdl el leollll CMwl .... S. M .......... Ye, c.M\1111 ...... Dew ....... VMI It. L"* el Y.,..... h ell • • T-tlelW. c.w.MM 0.Y'lft•W. ~lly .... Ylll-•OW.;ilew

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T.,..., .... ,.. • ....... ld .... 54 . ........... .__ ._..... r ...... ...,... Arll-•T•MIA&M H--•TCU .... Arll .-Ut* AKll el Nldlillllt St . ~- , .......... car.e .... St. .... o-wt"1111N ...... ~ u .. ................... C8lleel CM'Mltel~ ~-.-•c...-Y ..... ce ..... a..-u.••• 111 " Merllll .... ........... Merttl ........... .

HAPPY MAN - Angels ' second baseman Bobby Grich greeted the news or the acquisit.,en or Reggie Jackson by his club with enthusiasm, saying, " l think he adds character to our beflclub. ··

Kings frustrated by tie

DENVER <AP J - Brent Ashton deflected a goal midway through the third period to beJp the Colorado Rockies earn a 3.3 Ue with the Los Angeles Kings Saturday afternoon in a National Hockey League game.

Ashton skated around the Los Angeles net and took a shot, which bounced off Kings' goalie Mario Lessard 's skate and into the net at 10:06 or the third period. Ashton was credited with his 15th goaJ or the season.

The tie extended Los Angeles' winless streak to 14 games. The Kings have yet to win under new coach Don Perry, going 0-3-3 in the six games since he was named coach.

ROB RAMAGE staked the Rockies to a 1-0 lead at 5:37 of the opening period when be scor ed bis ninth goal of the season, a SO-foot slap shot during a Colorado power play.

Rookie Doug Smith put Los Angeles on the scoreboard with his nin~ goaJ of the season at 2: 34 of the second period.

The Kings went ahead on a power-play effort as Marcel Dionne passed to Jim Fox. who beat Colorado goalie Glenn Resch on a 10-foot shot from in front of the net at 8:02 of the second period.

The Rockies evened the score a s Bob MacMillan scored his 15th goal at 15:35 of the secood period off a pass from Merlin Malinowski.

Los Angeles answered when Dionne poked in a shot by Dave Taylor at 17: 17 of tbe second pe riod.

" I REALLY DIDN'T see it, " said Perry of the tying goaJ . "The trainer was up and moved right in front of me as it happened. AJl I know is it hit a stick or something and went in. It 's happened a few times earlier from what I 've been told.

" Maybe we should practice more al getting him (the goaJie) to clear it (the puck ) out of there."


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M E y -e ..

Orange Cou t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24 .. 1982 .. Cincinnati vs. San Francisco When the Bengal8 have the ball When the 49er8 have the ball CINCINNATI OPPINll IO Crta Colllnaworth . . .......... WA 18 Anthony Munoz ............. . LT II Deve Laphem ...•• . ....•..... LO M Blalr Buah ............... ... .. C U ~ Montop •. .. . ...... . •... RG Tt Mike Wlleon . .............. .. AT • O.nRou .... . •••.......... . • TE 81 luec Curt le ••..•. . ...•... ... WR 14 ken Anderaon ..... • •.. . ..... QB 48 Pet• JohnlOn .•.•••... .. ....• RB 40 CharlH Alexander . . . •.••.•.. RB

llNGALS NUMl!AICAL AOSTEA ...... lfl ..... ... • . bf c-..

1 O Jim 8leetll 12 JO lhOmpson

13 IC«l lliley

t • i<en Andef son 15 runi Sctlonel1 21 Olivet Divis

25 JOhn Simmons 26 llollby~ 27 Btyan Hos 34 LOUIS 8teec!en 36 J1m~

K 5-6 161

09 63 111 ca ~ 183 13 OB 63 212 11 OB 6 I 185 2 s 6-1 205 5

CB 5.11 192 R S 6-0 186 R s 6--0 192 2

CB 5·11 I~

RB 6-2 m R

C..1tlo1111a 'NilllonglOO SI


AIJQustana Ill Slaotonl

!tnrtssee SI SMU

Gal SI fut 1eC1on

Mc:Neese SI N Gat0J1~ Central

W».e f oresJ 40 CNlies Alwndef

42 M1~Fullef

44 ~Gtln1n

45 Alcllie Gtt~lll 46 Pete Joonson 49 Guy Ft~ier

· 50 Glenn~ 51 RiQ Rimtlo 52 1omD11~ 53 Bo HalhS

55 Jtm LeC1a11

57 Reooie Wiiiiams '51 BQ11 &1$11

RB 6-1 221 3 s 5 10 182

CB 5 10 186 RB 5 9 184 6 RB 6·0 249 5 LB 6·2 ~15 R LB 6·2 228 1 LB 5 11 227 2 LB 6 3 237 c LB 6 3 226 7 LB 6-3 234 10 LB 6 0 228 6 c 63 252 c


Ol110 SI Otloo SI

Olllo SI Wyommo


V1191n11 lecll

LSU N Dakota


W.51! l'QIDI'

CoecNng ....

Fot1es1 Gtegg

Hri Bultoug/1

Bruce Coslel lJndy Infante

0.Ck LeBeau Jlm McNally

Heao Coach Defensive C00td1nat01 L111ebackers

Spec1a1 leams Tight Enos

Ouanert>acks Rece•ve•s Defensive Bac~f•eld

Cllfens1ve Lone

.. CBS wants to avoid overplay By LARRY SIDDONS -~ ............

CBS will use the bulk of its technical mjgbt and on·air talent to bring today's Super Bowl to an a nt icipat ed 100 milli on Americans, but Terry O'Neil will be thin.king small.

O'Neil, the producer for the network telecast of the National Football League cha mpionshlp, wants to make sure that all the cam eras, videotape replays and vo ices don ' t ove rsha dow the game b e tw ee n th e S an Franci s co 49e r s a nd th e Cincinnati Bengals.

" WE WANT TO avoid, at all costs, overproducing the game," O'Neil said. " There's a danger of injecting too much for the viewer . Once the ball is teed up, you cover it like any football game. You cover the hell out of it. But it comes down to the hum an factor."

ln Super Bowl XVI, O'Neil expects the human factor to be pr ovi d e d m a inl y by qu a rterba~ks J oe Montana of Sa n F r a n c is co an d Ke n Anderson of Cincinnati.

" We 'll be focusing on those two gre a t passer s a nd t he o ffe nses they d i r ec t , ' ' s a id O' Neil, 32, who is involved in bis fi rst Super Bowl. " We' ll have is o late d cam e r as o n t heir receivers oo every down. since both coaches like to throw on first and second down.

· 'On defense, the NFL trend towa rd substitutions in certain situations gave us some great isolated shots in the Oallas·San Francisco game for the National Conference title. We' ll key on people lllte Fred Dean . when he comes in to pass rush for tbe 49e rs , or Hacksaw Reynolds, when they br ing in an extra linebacker."

ONE OF T H E t ec hn i c a l innovations CBS developed this y ear w aa the " El ec tro ni c Cha lkboard," which enabled al) announcer to sketch tbe path ol a r eceiver or running back on top of a sUll·frame shot. The c h a lkboard r e ce ived muc h acclaim fro m viewe r s and cr lUca, but, i ronically . O'Neil ' feels it won't be or much use in the Super Bowl.

' ·Both the 4ten and lhe Be n1ala 1 0 most l y w ith maa·to-man covera1e ln the defensive (backfield), and the chalkboard la moat uteful to plot roate1 t hrou1h ione def eD.HI," the producer aald. ! ' Oa man°to· m1n, i1olated -nmwaa an-Wter"'for lbowlnl-

IAN PRANCllCO DIFINa• 79 Jim Stuckey •. . .... . •.•. • .• .• LE 71 Archie RMM ............... . NT 71 Dw•lne Board . .. • . .... . ... . . RE 19 WHiie Harper • ...........•• LOLB M Jack Reynold• .... ....... .. LILB S4 Cr•lg Pukl . .. . .. . .......... RILB 18 KMna Turner ••• . ......•. , ROLB 42 Ronnie Lott ........••••.... LCB 21 Eric Wright .... . . • .......... RCB 27 Carlton Wllll•meon ...... . , . • . SS 22 Dwight Hlcka ................ FS

...... $9 .ien Wiuh 60 ~Moolf 62 DMLaoNm 65 M.u Montoya 67 GMy Burley 68 Mi).t ObtitiK

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NI 6 3 265 ' 1 6 5 271 4 I 66 218 l

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IAN FllANCllCO OPPINll 17 Dwight Clerk •.••.. . .....• •. . WR 11 Dan Audlck . . . ....... ........ LT A John Ayers . .....•....•.....• LG H Fr9d Quillan .................. C 11 Randy Croll .... ........ .. . . RG 71 Keith Fahnhor1t .•...••....... RT M Charle Young ................ TE 88 Freddie Solomon ........ • ... WR 1 • Joe Montan• ..... ....... ... . QB 49 Earl Cooper ..... .. ....... ... RB 32 Ricky P•tton ... . ........... . RB


... ._ 3 Jim Moller

7 Gu¥ llenj¥n•n 14 Ray ~SCflU>Q


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CINCINNATI HP•Nla · 72 Ml .. St. Clelr .. .............. LE 71 WlllOn Whltley .. • . • .... • .... • NT 79 RON Browner ............... RE 13 Bo Harrie .. . ... . •• • • . ... .. LOLB 11 Jim L.Clalr . .•• . . ......•• . • ULB 50 G .. nn Cameron . .•..• . . • • . • AILB 17 Reggie Wllllama • ..... . ... ROLB 34 Louie Breeden ............•• LCB 13 Ken Riiey ••..•... . . . • . ..•. . RCB 21 Bobby Kemp . • .. . .••. •.. ..... SS 27 Bryan Hlcke . ................ FS

.. .... 58 l<Wti lume1 59 Willie liafpe! 60 JoMCt\Oll'lj 61 Da11 AIJ01t~ 62 'IQ~ 0-0°119 6C ~Revnotos

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R A lltsr l'ff' pl'ly., whO ""' nol ,,,_Sly OH(! "' ..., NFL 11-9c_,,

Dock Moore e ... s~ .

George Selc1~

K•m Wooo

Deferos ve n<> B•' Walsh t-e.;o t.uac n C.eo•Qe S1eten Oelens111e Bac~s Oelensove Coo101na1or

Strenglh·Coneltlo0flln9 Ouanerbacks

Oflens1ve Backt1e1d Noro 1-<ecke• St•en91ro M ' Jac~soo

B • e ManheN'S B OIJlJ Mcll.1Urrc ~

B•rr McPherson

Super Bowl TV menu

THE PRE-GAME SHOW (I' • Ttme: 11 :30 a .m.-1 p.m. (Channel 2l

• Format: For the past lS years, the Super Bowl has been played in the sun belt, and co un t less mi ll io ns o f Am e ri c an viewers ha ve watc hed a spectacle enveloped by relatively balmy climes. This year , " The Super Bowl Today,'' CBS Sports' special 90·minute edition of its popular NFL, halftime a nd post·game program, The NFL Today, wil l focus on the ci ty of Detroi t a nd environs, site of pro football's first Super Bowl in the North Country. CBS reporters fi ling stor ies from various locales will compl ement the broadcast hosted in Pontiac by Brent Musburger along with Irv Cross, Phyllis George a nd Jimmy " The Greek" Snyder . Cross will follow the activities of the two teams during the week prior to the game and will be report ing live from the field and outside the locker rooms before the game. George will report live fro m around the Sil ve rdome , talking to dignita ries and celebrities. Snyder will ma ke his selection for Super Bowl XVI. Roger Staubach and Terry Bradshaw will anaJyze classic contests of the past . Pat O' Brien and Sa nd y Hill wi ll report live from locations in the home cit ies of the competing teams. Fred Dryer will be a t the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, site of S uper Bowl XVII , t o compare d ifferences of the s ites. CBS news correspondent Charles Osgood wlll report from Detroit on the spectacle surroundinq Super Bowl XVI.

Commentators: Brent Musburger, Irv Cross, Phyllis George J immy " The Greek" Snyder, Roger Staubach, Terry Bradshaw, Pat O' Brien, Sandy Hill, Fred Dryer and Charles Osgood!

(I) • Time:

• Pl•ce:

• Equipment:

• O•me Comm9ntator1:

• Where Seen:

THE GAME 1 p .m . to conclusion. (Channel 21

Silverdome, Pontiac. Mic h.

23 cameras covering the game and the s tadium, includ ing three on " The Super Bowl Today" se t and one in a heli c op'te r . 4 c h y r o n g r a ph ics gen era tors for the presentation of pr inted s ta t is t ic a l Informa t ion on·sc reen such a s scores, yardage, completions and player Identification, etc. U videotape machines with slow motions capability, fed from various

.ca meras, for highlights and replays from various angles. 1 telestrator, a device whereby hand-drawn diagrams and notes may be Inscr ibed over a camera 's picture . 2 stl ll ·storage units wh ich hold dlgltal still photographs of players and coaches. 3 digital video effects generators, to provide special visua l effects . 2S vehicles, Including control trucks, mobile units housing the videotape ma ch ines a nd other production devices. 100 microphones. 20 miles of ca bl e . 100 monitors.

Pat Summerall and John Madden.

The broadcast wltt also be seen live In Canada, Mulco, Eng la nd, France,

l net>Jr ~"•S Chur.k S1uoley Spec a T11ams Rece·ve•~ A1 verme••

Ro.Jrt<W\C) 0dC~ ~ S&m Wyche


Oelens•vl' Lone

... THE MARBLES Its the t rophy, the c h a mpionship ring, the m oney. the p r estige and bragging rig hts - tha t 's what' s at s t a ke today a t the Sil ve rdome in P ontiac as t he Beng a ls and 49ers battle for footba ll 's No. 1 honor.

AFC chllmp Clnclnnatt (1iMJ 27 Sean .. 31 atN 'f Jet I 7 Cleveland 27 8u"alo(otl ' 10 •IHouslOn 41 a1 Balltmor• 34 Pmabu!gh

7 •1New 0.tea1111 34 Houston •o •t s.n Diego 2• L A 38 Denver • 1 et C1eve1ano 3'SanFran

n 11 Pln&Outon 30 llAtlllnta

21 30 20 24 17 19 7

17 21 17 10 21 l l 21 10 28

Whefe: The SrtverOome, Pon11ac, Mlc:tl .. capacoy 80.638

When: Sunday. Jan 24, 4 pm Broadcast Oft CBS TV eno radlO ne1WOt11s

P1rOclpent1: C1nc1nna1r Bengals (15·31 AMenean Conlerence cnampoons vs San Franc1sc:o 49eoi f14·4), NatlONl Conlerence charnptOnS

Key ~: San Fr1ne11ClO quar\e<blc;il Joe Montane. wide receo-s Freddie SOiomon and Dwign1 Cla,..., ~., Roy Werschuig. detensrve encl Frec:t Dean. corne11>&CJo Rotv. Lon, loneblclt· er RlynolOs c.nonneu quallef · DllCk Ken Anderson, wide rtcetvers tseac Curns at'¥1 Cris Co111nswe11n. 1ullt>ack Pete Johnson. Punier Pet Mclnallw, corne<t>ICll Louis er..oen. OI· tenttve IKl<le MlhOny Munoz. k.ICk r• turner p;!vld VerMr

Pe'fOfb Eedl WIMlllQ player w.11 l9CelVe $ 18,000. 1rt ~ 10 Iha $9,000 he ft()tlVed IOI winning the oonfetenot ene~ geme Each to.Ing plllyer Wll r- 18.000 lllO on IOC> OI the Pft'YIOUI SD.000

I t a I y , Japa n , th e Ph i lippines, ,Austalla, Sout Korea. PMem., Ptarotte

- t rwli) IOIDeflln bappmed."

Col~bl 11~1;..anit.l0n:1MQ11tl---f--+-rllil-------------------.t".:merlcan Forces Ttlevlslon~' 'r1 S.nQleoo 21


Hied coecM91 Sin FrlncltCO. 8111 Wll.fth, 30 .,.., , .. *1111 ~ ~ ~,, CnciM111. r orre11 Gregg._20 lftr .mh

la. 2(). t•. CetHf ~d 38·37

F'-*: Sen ~l.l\CllGO by l '-1 !)Oonll

..... WAUN

From PageC1

SUPER • • • . r ecei ve r w ho wo u ld t u rn! d e f e n s ive backs ' eyetj saucer·wide. He was their No. 2: draft choice, and he was No. 2 ln' receptions and No. 1 in yardag& on the team. r

Th e n . wh e n A n d erson stum bled badly on d:!( throwing two intercepUona getting yanked out of the 1ame before it was one.quarter old, Gren gave him another chance, starling him in Game 2 a&aiDlt the J ets. If the 1ame hadn' t been in New York, Ken~s wife bu said , and if he bad not started out well , be m ight not have survived the fans' wrath.

But be won, completina 21 ol 33 passes for 248 yards and three touchdowns along the way. And with what turned out to be a fiercely protective front line. be a n d t he Benga l s k e p t o n winning.

THE LAST-PLACE team at 6· 10 in 1980 bec a m e 1981'a fi r s t ·place tea m a t 12·4. And Anderson, a two·ti me cha m pion in the 1970s, was that again and much mor e. eamint Mos t Va luable P layer a nd· Offensive P layer of the Vear honors, too.

That, too, makes this a unique Super Bowl. For it is not so m uch Gregg's patience in 1•1 that made Anderson what be is today so much as it was Bill Walsh's patience in 1971.

Walsh was an assistant under Bengals boss PauJ Brown for nine years. ll was Walsh who c o n vi nc e d Br o wn t o draft An d e r s on . a li t tl e · known q u a r t e r back o ut o f • less e r -kno wn s c h ool, tiny Augustana College in' Jllinois in 1971. By mid· l972 Wa lsh bad painstakingly molded hi m into • s tarling quarter back. By 1974 and again. a yea r late r , And erson was th e le a gue ' s premier passer .

Yet when Brown c hose to relinquish his coaching duti~ after the 1975 season, the job w e nt not t o Wals h but to Johnson, " one of the boys.'' The d isappointed Wa lsh le ft tbt Bengals, spent a year in San Diego (where he be gan th' conversion of Dan Fouts from e disilJustoned young man into tbt NFL's most awesome thrower); then headed into the college coaching ranks at Stanford, just outside San Francisco. '

IT WAS TH.ERE, in l~, that Ed ward J . DeBartolo Jt .. tht young owner of the 49ers, went when he needed a savior . •

l n 1978 , th e 49e r s ba 4 s taggered through a 2·14 season: T he y d id so again in 1979, Wa lsh 's fi r s t year . For one thing, Walsh bad little in tbf way or youth to work with. Tbe previous regime had dealt away bas ke ts of dr a ft c hoices lo t r ades s uch as the one Ufit brought tempora ry box-office s t a r (but by then ineffective runner ) O.J . Simpson to town.f

But also in 1979, Wals h bad bis own draft to wor k with . And am ong the gems be picked up were a Notre Dame q uarterbaot na med Joe Montana. in the t.hiJld r o und and a Clemson wide receiver na med Dwight Clan seven rounds later.

What be bad do n e w it.ti Anderson, Fouts and a few other pro and college quarterbac.ks alo ng the way , be d id with Montana. He nurtured him aloni and made bim a winne r , pa.ssinl ch am pion o f t he Na tional Conference.

Wh en C l a r k ma d e h is soaring end·zone catch to beat Dallas in the NFC UUe pme two weeks ago, it was tbe emd result ol Walsh's passing.1am,e ph i losoph y t h at aom eti~w . som ewhere. someone is open downfield .

NFC champ San Frandeco (1~31 17 11 0.CrOIC 28 CNoego 17 at Allante 21 N Orleans 30 al Wathonglon 4S Oellls 13 at GreenS.y ~L A 17 •• Plftlbufgl\ 17 An.Ma l~C~ 33 1tL.A, 17 N Y Gianlt 2111~ 28 ~ 21 •• Ntw. on.ens

24 17 3-4 1• 17 14 3

17 1' 1, 1S 31 10

' e 17



Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, January 24, 1182

CROWDED INTERSECTION - USC's Glenn Smith (35) tries to bring ba ll between a pair of Sta nford defender s during·

Nelson struggles but still leads Current PGA champion holds o~e-stroke advantage

P HOENIX (AP > - Larry Nelson retained lht lead with a l ·under-par 10 in second round of the Phoenix Open golf tournament and looked ahead lo "a &rinding weekend."

T he 1ort-spoken Nelaoo. the current PGA champion, pul toaether a 36-bole of w. nine 11hol1 under par for two tripe over the 8,728·yard Phoenix Country Club course.

" I juat wasn 't very sharp," Nelson aald. " I don' t know if the layoff bad anything lo do with ll."

Nelson, who completed his flrsl round before rain delayed play Thursday, bad a day off Friday. The rain delay threw the tournament a full day otr schedule. It' s now set to end Monday.

Morris Hatalaky, who last aeuon won his first event in a slx ·year tour career , a nd tour sophomore Fred Coumles moved into a Ue for second at 134, 8 under par at the tournament's halfway point.

Couples, one of the longest hitters on the tour, matched the best round of the chilly, sunny day with a 65. had a 67 despite a last·hole boaey that coslhlm a share of the lead.

" It was a gamble, and I pald for it," Hatalsky said with,.a shrug after boldly going for the green with bis second shot on the par·S finishing bole. He

found the water lnatead. The aroup at 135, only 2 shot.a back with two

rounda to 10. Included defencllna UUt-bolder David Graham, hometown boy Tom PurUer, former PGA champ Lanny Wadkinl and Lon NlelHn. •• Graham, the U.S. Open champ, bad a U . Wadkinl


shot 70, 19 and Nielsen es. 11

Some of the 1ame'1 bl11er aum also remained In position for a shot at the tiUe. Tom Kile, lul year's leading money winner, had 1 11 and wu al 138. Johnny Miller, winner of 1 $500,000 flrtl prise " In South Africa earlier this mooth, wu • ·131. And 1981 Player of the Year Bill Roten waa at HO • ' after another 70. · • ·~1 -··

Lee Trevino, 73·146. and Arnold Palmer, 73·147, failed lo make the cul for the final two •t rounds .

Nelson, wbo had opened with a spectacular 83, ~. had a 2·shot lead when play beaan Saturday alter a one·bour delay because of frozen areens. : 1

" I knew what I had to do when I started off," " be said. ''I figured no o(\e else wouJd be ~tter t.bao " _ 8 under par and whatev4:r I shot, the num~r under par I was today, that would be my lead . ~

" Unforutunately, 1-under was the best I could do. It was just not a very good round of golf."

j Antlwny strikes Saddleback surprised by Palomar

APW ........

Saturday's Pac -10 cont est at Stanford. Trojans won. 85-74 . See Page BS.

Bowler adds another to list of titles ALAMEDA CAP > - Earl

An thony rolled a 10th -frame s trike against Dave Soutar to c linch hi s 37th c a r eer Pro f essio nal Bowl ers Association title, winning the ARC Alameda Open Saturday.

Anthony, the tour 's a ll-time leading money winner and title holder. needed a strike on one of two final -frame shots. With the s trike, on a powerfully rolled light pocket hlt on his first try, h e a ss ured him se lf the

· match by beating Jeff Morin, 231 -204 , a n d Ted Hannahs, 209· 198, earlier in the day .

In the fir s t match of the five -man fina ls , Morin downed Marshall Holman 219-204.

Soutar's second -place fini sh was worth $7 ,500, Hannahs earned $5,500 for third , Morin took home $4,500 for fourth , and Holm an received $4 ,000.

It was a cold shooting night for the Saddleback College Gauchos Saturday lo match the weather outside and as a result, Palomar College posted its first victory of the Mission Conference season wit h a 65-53 decision in the

• 1

loser's gym. ,• Saddlebaclc set the tempo for

Super Sunday's here! tournament 's $13,000 top prize.

He increased his tour earnings to $960.436 and appears certain to become the first bowler to reach Sl million in career prize money .

Woodbridge knocked off

The Wo o dbr idge H igh basketball team made a trip to Catalina Is land Saturday night, but the Warriors came away without a win, dropping a 52·40 decision to Avalon.

t he n!S~t by missing four .asy _._ layups inllle early stages or the game to fall behind and the Gauchos were never able to catch up. ..

George Turner hit a baseline jumper with 8 : 54 left in the ga m e to pull Saddleback to , within three at 46-43 but that's as c lose as the Gauchos could get. ,•

Long-awaited game starts at 1, preceded by more hype " I hope lo do it on the winter tour," said the 49-year-old PBA Ha ll or Fame member. " In a few years. t here will be a lot of players to go over $1 million. but I'd like to be able to say I was

By HOWARD L. HANDY Of .. Dalty HM Sc.ft

All the hype for Super Bowl XVl is over and the two teams will get down lo settling their differences on the playing field today.

But first there is a OO·minute pre-game show, hosted by Brent Musburger and it includes a lilt.le of everything from picking a winner to talks with dignitaries and celebr ities in the s ta.nds in Pontiac, Mich.

The · pre-game festivities get under way at 11:30 this morning with Channel 2 bringing the show live . You can st ay tuned for the rest or the a fternoon to lake in the entir e production , including the game, with a myriad of cameras ( 23) a nd a host of microphones (100) covering every phase of the day 's events.

halftime and postgame show. Cross wlll review the act ivities of the week leading up to the game along with reporting from the field and outside the locker rooms before the game; George will Interview dignitaries and celebrities In the crowd; Snyder will predict the outcome; Staubach and Bradshaw will analyze the previous games ; O' Brien and Hill report from locations In the home cities of the competing teams; Dryer will be at the Rose Bowl In Pasadena, si te of Super Boxl XVI I in 1983; and Osgood will report from Detroit on the spectacle surround!~ Super Bowl XVI .


1 p .m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ ./

the first." A bout t h is title -c lin ching

strike, Anthony said. " I wanted to keep the ball in the pocket area light enough so that I wouldn't leave a split. To do that, 1 moved my spot farther down the lane lo delay the hook . If the ball started to hook too early, I was dead ."

SUPER BOWL XVI : San Franc isc o vs . Anthony finished with another Cinc innati. s trike and an eight count, and

Annowte.n : Pat Summerall and John Madden. won the final game by a 218-199 score over Soutar. from Kansas,

The senior-less Warriors were held m05Uy in check by a tight zone put up by the hosts, and afte r trailing by just four points at intermission (27-23). Avalon s lowly built its lead in the final two periods .

Leading the way for Woodbridge was junior forward David Wise with 10 points, while guard Mark Foringer (8) and center Anthony Radovcich C7) were held lo single digits.

Now 10·4, the Warriors return to play Tuesday when they batt l e Mar s hall High o f Pasadena.

Palomar out - rebounded Saddleback. 34-15 and bit 66 per cent of its shots from the fl oo r . This compared t o 36 percent for the Gauchos.

Don Dodds, becoming eligible for the conference for the first time, hit 15 points from his point guard position. Mark Hill bad 16 for Saddleback while Julius Pettigrew was hjgb for Palomar and the game with 21.

U CI women win Katherine Hamilton and

Dorothy Lewis com bined for 38 points to lead the UC Irvine women's basketball team to a 72·55 victory over the University of San Diego Saturday. For those not interested in the buildup to Super

Bowl XVI, Channel "' will bring the Virginia at Louisville basketball game live at 11 lhis mornin1.

In acquiescin g to the big game, both of the other networks have billed their usual Sunday sports fare early in the day .

It will be the Anderson Airlines for Cincinnati who made the championship ~a~~the~Ndllyimprovi~Joe MontaM~~e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 49ers In today's 16th renewal of the Super Bowl. 11 Neither of the combatants has been at this peak 2a21 1112 ..... before. Anderson, In addition to wide receiver Isaac thr Wt•• Jaa, or ' Sun. 1

n Curtis, has a corps of youno receivers Including Cris Siii'• U _.-.-. Wectneed•Y

CBS itself begins with CBS Sports Sunday at 9 this morning and Channel 4 brings Sportsworkl at 10. Then it's Superstars on Channel 7 at 10:30 and with exception of the basketball game at 11, there is no other sports fare scheduled for the balance of the day.

Collinsworth and David Verser along with tight end • Dan Ross. San Francisco is directed by former Notre The sav1·ng p~cee . . 11.tal•d Dame star Joe Montana and when he throws the • , football , he has a pair of blossoming wide receiver : .~¥,';~ stars In Dwight Clark and Freddie Solomon. Solomon ~ ~ _...- --

Following are the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are : 1 1 1 1 e• cellent; 1 1 -1 worth watching ; 1 I fair ; 1 forget it.

11 a.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ ./

COLLEGE BASKETBALL : Virgin ia at Louisville.

An'?O"ncers : Dick Enberg and Al McGuire .

Ralph Sampson will put his amazing basketball skills on display when the No. 2 ranked Cavaliers from Virginia face the Louisville Cardinals. He will have 6-4 guard Jeff Jones and freshman forward J Im Miller with him. Coach Denny Crum of Louisville doesn't have a center in his lineup and has used 6-8 Cha rles Jones and 6-9 Scooter McC ray at the position. Derek Smith (6-7 senior) and Jerry Eaves (6-4 guard) are the stars of the Louisville attack.

~ 11:J a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./

SUPER BOW\. TODAY: Pre game activities. Announcers : Brent Musburger, Irv Cross,

Phyllis George, Jimmy " The Greek" Snyder, Roger Staubach, Terry Bradshaw, Pat O'Brien, Sandy Hiii , Fred Dryer and Charles Osgood.

With this first trip to the north country for a Super Bowl, CBS is staging a gigantic pre-game,

is a speedster and Clark a technician. Clark was the premier receiver in the National Conference with 8.5 ca tches for 1,105 yards. Former Ram tight end Charle Young is also in the 49er lineup aloog with defensive linebacker Jack Reynolds .


Pedroza (33·3) makes his 14th WBA featherweight title defense against Juan LaPorte < 19·2) In a scheduled lS·round bout taped In Atla.ntlc City, N.J . Also : Taped coverage of the men's downhill at Wengen, Switzerland, site of the longest run on the World Cup skiing circuit. Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner are among those tak ing part In the Superskates ice skating exhibition, taped at New York .

10 a.m. (4) - SPORTSWORLD - A review of the 1981 NFL season, incl uding the surprising play of the 49ers and the Bengals, the renaissance of football In New York and a comparison between veteran QB Cra ig Morton and second-year player Eric Hipple.

10:30 a .m. (7) - SUPERSTARS - ABC begins the 10th year of competition with taped coverage of the first of four men's preliminaries. Among those Involved are Renaldo Nehemiah, the defending champion, and Steve Garvey, Gary Carter and Mike Schmidt of baseball fame.

•. RADIO Football - Super Bowl XVI , San Francisco vs.

Cincinnati, 12:45 p.m .. KNX (1070) . Hockey - Kings at Vancouver, 6:50 p.m., t<P RZ

(1150) .

- ----- ---- -- -- -


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Orange Coast OAJLY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982 •• Bulldogs' def ens~ puts bite on Fullerton, 43-40 Long Beach State has its troubles in two-Ji>i,.t loss at Pacific ; USC, UCLA post easy victories in the Bay Area l"ro• AP dilpakMt '

Bernard Tbomp1on 1cored 15 polnlt aod 1,rabbed Hven rebound• Saturday nl&hl, leadln1 Fresno State to a U-40 Paclflc Coa1t AlbleUc AssoelaUon victory over Cal State Fullerton

f'uUenon, s.u ove~ !,nd 1·3 ln pg.Al playl sot 19 polnll from auar 11Aic>d w<g{ anCI 14 from backcourt mate Ricky on.

Fresno Stale scored \ht first el&bL point.a of the aecond half to open its bl&eeat lead of lbe aame at 28-17 but had to sunlve a Fullerton rally ln lbe final ftve minutes of tbe aame in which tbe Tltans aot to witbln three point.a on three oc:_caaiona.

Tb~ ftulldoaa. the naUon'a No. 1 -4efeuive team, limited the Titana lO only 33 shota ln the game, with Fullerton hlttina 16 tor 48.S percent accuracy. Fresno made 55.2 percent of ill noor shots.

Fullerton outrebounded Fresno 22·15 even though it were forced t.O play wltbout leading rebounder Tony Neal, who ls sidelined because or an ankle injury.

Pactflc IO, Long Beach State 58 STOCKTON'" - Matt Waldron and Rick

Paulsen together made three free throws in the final 54 seconds to push the University of Pacific to a 60·58 win over Long Beach State in PCAA play.

"' WaJdron made two of the three fouJ shots. Pacific had a 13-point lead with 8:50 left in the

game. Long Beach Stale then outscored the Tigers, 24-10, in the next 7~ minutes to snatch the lead 58-57.

The victory puts Pacific's season record al 5-11 and its PCAA mark at 1-3. Long Beach dropped to 5·10 overall and 1-3 in league play.

USC 15, St•nford 74 STANFORD - Senior guard Dwight Anderson

scored a game-high 26 points, leading Southern Callfomht's Trojans to an 85-74 Pac· lO victory over' Stanford.

The Trojans led by two points, 29-27, al halftime but outscored the Cardinals 10-2 at sta.rt of second half to assume control of tbe game. The victory improved their conference record to 6·1.

Forward Maurice Williams hit a fastbreak lay-up on--aa>asMrom guard- .hcqurffttt-lmt't" followeq it up with a 20-foot shot to complet4! the run wh,ch made the score 39-29 with 17 :09 remaining in the game.

UCLA 83, C•llfornla 58 BERKELEY - Kenny Fields scored 27 points

for the UCLA Bruins, who extended their winning streak over California to 45 consecutive 1ames by trouncing the Bears 83-56.

UCLA, which last lost to Cal in 1961, outclassed the Bears in the second half en route to the victory which improved its conference record to 4-3. Cal dropped to 2-5.

What started as a close game turned into a rout in the second hair as UCLA got its running game going.

Fields had 16 points on 8 of 12 attempts from the field in the first half. UCLA took an early six-point lead, but California evened things at 13 all on a Sam Potter jumper and the game was tight for the res t of the half. The Bruins led at hal!time 36-31.

Oregon Sl•t• &3, W••hlngton 43 CORVALLIS, Ore. - Lester Conner scored 18

points to lead No. 12 Oregon Slate to a 63-43 victory over Washington, giving the Beavers sole possession of first place in tbe Pac-10.

The Beavers now are 7-0 in the conference and 14-2 overall. The Huskies are 6-1 an 13-3.

CoMer led a pressing defense and scored 15 or his 18 in tbe second half, including 8-for~ from the free throw line in the closing minutes. Conner also had five assists and three steals.

Washington's Dan Caldwell , who scored 12 points, bit two shots from the deep left corner to bring the Huskies to within 51-39 with 3:35 left. But it was a last gasp from the visitors as the Beavers then outscored the Huskies 12--t.

Arizona-Slat• 55, Arizona 54-TUCSON - Junior guard Paul Williams hit 14

of his 22 points in the second baJf, including two free throws with eight seconds to ~o. to lead

Basketball scores cc::r

UCLA 13, C..lfomle M USC 15, Slenlord 14 Oreeon SL '3, Wetl>"'910<1 '3 Or- 611, W.,,,lnQlO<I St. M FrHMSI. d , CS San J- SI. n. UC Seni. e--a

6S Peclfk 60, U.. llNcll St. JI P1•.,.nlll••. U. OI Sen Di..t" LoJOfe 66, SC. Maly't 62 Gonr ... a , s.nte CIM• n USF l1.~1t UC 1t'-sldlt ... CS LOI"'-'" M Cll ....... 55, CS lleMnfteld S4

'Safi F~ SC. lS, S-- St. U 'CS Norlllr l dgt 51 , C-.1 Poly

IPom-1 ~ CS StMlsleul 74, Clllco St. 67 lttd..-54, ...,,_.Piiar • LeV-'2,. Cle .......... ·M&ldd .. . P 11C Ille UMlet'M e1. L lflfletd .. ~91,c.ia..,ast6l

CS He,,_..•. UC 0...h" ....... UC lrvlM11, Ut.911$1 . .. Wltler St. ... NOf111em Ari-65 N- MeJdco SL ff, Wklllte SC. S7

INN 11.15, --·It- 77 MeflC-SJ. ldeMSI oe.1-... st. ts, c...,._ '° coo SM Oie9DSt. 57, ~-SI. loO UIMI n . A" Feret'° Ari•- SI. SS, Ari- S4 Wyomtflo27, 8VUU MO<I'- St a, llOIMSI. M ~

Artc-67, --6' TCU 61, SMU 61 TeaH .. 5o. QrollN 11 T .. HTedl11, .. 'flOr 71 r .. HA&M61, ltk•" N. TeuaSt.U, i.-to , ................. ~ .... ~.,. UTeP74, .... MHIC:tSt.61 Oeetn ...... ,. . ..... _.ken .. S. lllfflols ... W. Teliat St. '2 ....... llMl'-11, ~ 5S

·-,.. MkJlltM. ()Ne St."·~ """' S1 (2otl 1111ftMW. ......... S1 MkllleM St. 11. Wltc.wn • M'-114,0.......,..M IC_ St. '9, "-SI ............ _ ... ~ Natrw OMii ti,~ SI DaPIUl1'1,AM .. elrwl._....61 Mer..,...,,,,_., .... St. " · CIM.. MldllelB.., N. IHIMl&6', ........ 0-,. OtlleU . ........... 0 . '2 ,,.-,..,~w ..., ... ~., -........ tl 11, CllldMatl.,

• C .......... 61, It. l'r-lt, P•. J7 C>Pella ... IMIMll It. • , ....... ir.-.... .. .......................... ,...._ .... ,, .... ,. ••"·a. w. Mkfllelll n Ol ........ Clt't•,~.Dl*tl ............. " ........... ...................... ... ........ ~:" Allllwll.. 14 Dllllll .. a.-..

••.a.umra .... ,.,~,.

Tenn_.a..~ 11. YMI" Wllllam £ _.., 611. Old Oomlft ....

St Coll Mlclcll• T...,.&!lff M , Austin "-•Y

n E. Te,__ SI " · Cl~l 11 Onldlofl 61. Manllall St No. C-lna SI. '3, Enl CMollN

5J MoAMec!SI . .. , E . IC-kJ M w . C-lna6', Furmef!M Samford 7t. oa. Sou-.. 10 S. MIU~ ... ~Sl. S4 Norttl Qrolltla 66, "-al• hell S4 J a mes Mad lso11 12 ,

N.C.·Wllm""'°" SS ICeftluctcJ 67, YAl'ldettllll SI T.--17, LSU 61 McN-SI . .,, Wls.-Parllslde,. MIDI~ S4, Mlt61n ...... SI . ilO • Mvr,.., SI. SS, T-T«ll loO N-Ori.- loO, T ...... ft NeVJ '5, llllc.,,_. 5S SWL~n.S-54 NE Louni.... 7t, SE L.OvlsiMM t.J

coo Cet1tenarv 75, Herdln·Slmmons., T-SI . ... Jec:Uon SI. M NW LOVltiMM ... M«c•r .. .... Ford....,.C, Amwo or .. e1 61. Lei•~ M (ou Ne¥~ v..., ti. Seton Mall II Penn 5', ,..,,,. SI. 44 WHI Vl ..... le ff, Rhode ltlancl SJ Pitt ••• ltlltgen .. T...,pte&l, SL .J-.oll"t n Mftslefl .. 8ickftell, """· F• lrllltllOk•lll-.el-lsl, P9d St. Frends_ NV JI, 8eltl,,_e SI .....,Cell ... • . SyracVM 6J ~U. 15, V-67 c ... 111u1•. Ni.terem ConMll ..,, c......... 0 c-ucwt ~. vin-e St

"°'' c.-" · Der1..- .. p ............ o... ......... St . ltt11venlure U , G1or11

We"""""" 44 • T--k 10., lOfll lllMCI U. " H- .. .,,..,.,.. ... 1N1M 5' 5ie-7'.~ .. St. P_.s 71 , Ulka J2 A-an u. as • ._.....,.,.

Comnuittr colege --C....~e

Mt. S...AMM1e7t, s-e.AN 10

........... " · "" --.... 41 G~Sl.CM'"9tU .....,.crwww

Pl*'-U, ! 7 l ~UI ._.._..,.11,c..,,..s1 ~----.. .. .......... c -()-..Jl, ......... V-..n c-.-11 ........... .M c....-•.v.....,1• LA Tr• Tedi ... H-.ct! M ~ ....... l.~ ......

"'.:.~ ~ . ................... .. Celete ......

UC l,.._11. U ...... -.. .. ucu-.~11



Arizona State lO a SS-54 victory over the University of Arliona.

The victory brok.e ASU's seveo-1ame lostog s treak and extended UA's losing streak to ehiiht.

San JoM State 72, UC S.nta Barber• 15 SANTA BARBARA - Forward Chris McNealy

and reserve guard Jonathon Brown scored 22 .,olnts each, readirii .. San "Jo6e state to a 72-65 PCAA victory over UC Santa Barbara.

McNealy also pulled down a team-leadlna 12 rebounds as the Spartans raised their PCAA record to 3· 1 and their season mark to 9-6.

USF 81 , Portland 78 SAN FRANCISCO - Quintin Dalley scored 28

points and Eric Slaymaker made two free throws with_ 33 ~_ds lefLa~No. 11 San Francisco ed&ed Portland 81-78 in a WCAC game:

Wallace Bryant, the Dons• 7 -foot center , contributed 18 points, 18 rebounds and three blocked shots in the victory which made' USF 3-1 overall . Jose Slaughter , with 23 points , led Portland.

North Carolina 66, Georgie Tech 54 ATLANTA - Top-ranked North Carolina,

getting overpowering inside play from James Worthy and Sam Perkins, whipped Georgia Tech 66·54 in ap Atlantic Coast Conference game.

Worthy scored 24 points and Perkins added 18 as the Tarheels rebounded from their only setback

of the Huon, a 55·48 homecourt la.a to WaJce Forest Thunday night.

The victory lifted North Carolina to a 14-1 record overall and 5-1 In the conference. It was lhe T1trheels' 14th consec utive dec:l1lon over Tech.

OePaut 79 Ata.·Blrtn.ngh•m ea CHICAGO Terry Cummin(s scored 24

points Jeadin1 fourth-ranked DePauJ to a 7M8 victory over Alabama-Birmingham ln a nationally televised game.

The Blue Demons raced to their 11th stral1ht triumph and boosted their record to 18·1, while s na'l)pift'g 7Alabama~Birmlngham 1s Hve1ame winning streak and leaving the Bluers with a 13·5 record.

MIHOUri 84, Oklahom• 14 COLUMBIA, Mo. - Senior forward Ricky

Frazier scored 17 points as second-ranked Missouri coasted to an 84·84 Big Eight Confere,nce victory over Oklahoma.

Frazier's 10 first-half points helped Missouri to a 36-25 hal!Ume lead. The Tigers out.scored the Sooners 10-4 in the opening minutes of the sec_ond hall to take a 44-27 lead . Missouri led by as many as 30 points in the second half.

Frazier, who made all eight or his field goal attempts, led Missouri, 16·0 and 5-0, to its 28th consecutive win at home . The game was played before a record crowd or L2,944.

UNLV 91 , Seton Hall 81 NEW' YORK - Richie Adams led Nevada-Las

Vegas on a 13-5 burst midway in lhe second half, and the Runnin ' Re be ls held on to b~ at underma~ed Seton Hall 91·81 in the first game of

Get a car . . . a trip to Hawaii . . . Includes airfare and hotel accommodations and shipment of your new Fiat back to

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Take advantages of thi~hance of a lifetime! Take delivery of _ygur new _ I 98(f orl 981 F iacbefore February 28, 1982 and we 'I I pick up the tab for your round trip airfare - Los Angeles/ Honolulu, 8 days 7 nights hotel accommodations• in Waikiki and shipmenr of your new Fiat back to Los Angeles. Unheard of? Wait until you see our special low discount prices! Here is just a sample of che 40 car inv.entory you can choose from ...



a double·header •t Madllon Square Garden. Marquette beat Iona, 75-e7 ln the 1et0nd came. Adams scored five points ln Nevada·LU

Veeas· decisive spurt, which be1an with tbe team• tied 60·60 a nd 11 : 37 to play . Adami bit a· three-point play to alart the run, and the Rebell led 73-65 at the 7 :55 mark .

Twi~. t1'e Pirates, whoee was depleted Friday by the academic lnelltblllty of tbree starters. pulled within four point.a, the final time at 83-79 on a pair of free throws by Mike lnaram wltb 2:29 left.

Sidney Green, whQ $C.orod •• ol hlA l8 J>Clinll ln the second half, then hit a pair of free throws, and the Rebels scored six or the game's llnal point.a to win by 10, the largest lead of the game.

llllncM• 84, Minnesota 57 MINNEAPOLIS - Gene Griffin scored 11

points tp lead Illinois to a 64-57 upset over No. 5 Minnesota in the Big Ten.

Illinois improved its record to 3-3 in the Bia Ten and 10-5 overall . Minnesota dropped lO 4·2 in the conference, 12-3 overall.

The Illini, who trailed by as many as six points early in the second haJf, got 12 points from Perry Range and 10 from George Montgomery.

M iMesot.a put together a 10-point spurt to take a 51 ·47 lead with s ix minutes to play, but Illinois scored 17 of the next 19 to put it away.

Derek Harper put in a rebound and Griffith went over Breuer on the left side to tie the score 51 ·51 with 4: 18 remaining. Montgomery gave Jllinois a three-point play when he was fouled by Breuer with 3:05 left. Illinois took the lead at 54-51 and never gave it up.

....... lllw. ¥a.Ce .............. ~....,., •• .-uev.e-J_ ....... -.....-.....,..._..:........,...,--._...._ .... ~~-.-.--...... .._~~~~~---~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----..~----

. .


~--··------..... ,,_---.or-................... ~ ................................ _... ........ _.~_.,.~~~-~~- ~~-

• .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January :M. 1982 ..,.._. ________________________ .,. ~--------------------------------------------------------------------.

NIA w•n••N CON,•••Nc11

PAC"IC DIVlllON w L P ct. GI ........ :IO II 732

S.ettl• 27 ll • JS 21'1 PllOellla ,. IS .• u s Go199n$i.i. u 11 ~ I Pw11- ti " .S» • Sef\Olet8 12 1' .113 11

~OIVkitA ~II Ant- 1• 14 HO Denver 21 20 S24 , Hw•ton " t2 ~ 1111 IC• llMS City .. 11 ]41 111'1 Uloll u JI l2J IS Oollas 12 21 >00 ••

eASTl•N CONP'l•INCI A•#lk Dhk'-

llollon JO 10 ISO Pflllac1e1pf!la ,, 12 101 1\'> We S/l lnlJIO!I ,,

" ns ' Ntw York .. n .., ""' New J t• M\I " n .,. 11111 c ... tral Olvl1I•

MllWOUkN 21 .. .u• All en la " 20 .. , )

l lldlana " 13 OJ ,.,, Clllcago 11 11 .,, • Dotroll 17 ,. H S 11 \'> Cleveland I l3 1H 1•111

~,· . sc ..... P hlladelpNe 100, 5Hlllt II All ante lot. Clevetond tt ClllC•90 140. Now York 1)9 IOU lllCllona 101, s... Anlonlo ff Do llas 122, Vteh 110 Denver 111, Houslon lot Weshl"9(on lot, Kanses Clly 10. coo Pl\oenl• 113, Dotrol l 90 New Jeriey 113, Son Dle90 10'! Gol- Stele I It. Mil wOUkff I 13

T-.y'•G-• Portland at Bo.ton ,,__.,., o_ Sea Ille al N- York

COlLEGE ---uC'frtlne 71 , Uteh St. 88

UC 1•v1NE M<OoNld ' · Wull 10, -~ 21, Fuller I . Whlel_, II. J Olln!oO" • . Tl'lomlbn 2, Cr~ey 0 Tota ls J1 t •l6 II

UTAH STATE "'u>les1ord I , Mc.e...llOUQfl ll, Cunnlt>Qftam II, Ar>derson • • e .. 9eson 1', H.,ri.-. 4, Btl\he 4 Tol•l s 31 ' · 1061 • Hal Ill me U••" SI•••. 3S ]4

Tota l touts. UC 1,.,,IM 14, VI.ah Slate II . Fouled oul Thornton CUC lr• lne l McCullOU911 (Utell Ste It I

Christ Cot. 58, Peclflc Bepl . 56 ... C.,tC aAPTIST Ouanlllle 11, Kendell

2, W llllomt I . Str099 J, Tolson 10, Ke11ano 2, Grimm • . C'-1 o. Mol>lo 2. Kalltnbotck • . Tolalo: 1• I-IS S.

CM•IST COt.LIEOl - T H•nsen 11 , Duek e r 1 , Ouerr l , M H•n\en 9, Elc Nll>tr(ftr 9, Puts 4, S<Mdler I Hartmen 12, Burlngrecl I. Tola IS U 17 111• st.

Halftime · Clw'llt Colle(ft, )MW . Tota l louU P0<lll< Bepll1I n . Cnr l~I

Colleoe It; Fouled out Kendall ( P0<lllt 8ep ll1 I ). Tolson I P•cll 1c B•Pll)t l. Technlc•I foul• Mobley I PO<lfl< B•PllSU

How top 20 fared How ti-. tOP 20 .. e m1 In Tl't• AIM>

Prus' coll~ IMlshtlMl ll poll l•r•d thl• _ ... : t , North Ce rollne (I• t ) IOU 10 W•'•

For ... t S~<48, but G.oro•• Tt<ll .._S. 2 MIH~irl ( l~Ol !Itel !(en .. , fl ·lS . llHI

Olllehome_... J Vir ginie 111-11 M411 C.Or99 W•Slll~ .,.,. 4 OoP•ul t i• t i beet

• ••llMl,...8 1rml"9f\etl\ ,..... s. Mlnnetol• (12.JI ..... Wl\oCOftsln n.S7.

lost to llllnoi. M ·U 6 I owe C 1).21 beet Nori"-''•'" .,.,..,

beet M le hl9eft S6-ll 7. Tues 11 4·0 1 llHI Tu n Chr lsllen

IOS..,; M•l5outnCMoOne•·11 I . ldeno 11._ ll wet Mo<>tene Stett ., • ·

lost to-.... S>-St • lt enlurty t tz JI bHI Flor lde ... ,., .,..,

V ef'clerllfll 61-SI. 10 lulu (I J.J I beet Soul"•'" ltllnols

n .44 toll ; IOit to lncllene Ste le .O.St II . S..... F ren<ls<o 111·11 beet Gonr­

IO<U; llHI Porlleno 11·11. 12. 0 ..... Stfte (14.2) lltet WHlll1>91on

State M.-; l»at Wu/\lnOIDft U fl. U . G~own l lf· SI lost to ConM< ll<ut

•>·S2 , lost to Provl~n<e SO-•• U , NOf1h C41lo41na St•t• tU· l l lost to Dulle

•~·41 : beet e .. t Cerollne 6).Sl IS Ar\enses 11).71 beat 8•v•or 10·~ bNI

Houiton ., .... t• Al•berne I 1• ·71 t>e•I c;.orv l• 91 66

beat Florldet'NI 17 LOUl\vlllt ( 11 SI 10\1 10 VtrQlrll• Tech ,,.,. 11. ltanses !14·11 but °"'•homa

•1·42 , beel IUMeS 1C).S3 1'. I-lo•"'°" (1141 IO\I1o • r11enws ., ... 20 T-- 11) J I .... , MIUl\\lppl Stele ~·. DMI Loulsl.n• Slate n "

COMMUNITY COLLfOE PakHnarlS. Saddt.bac k 53

PAI.OMA• Matlin I . ClllMn 6. llvon 11 "•tllorew 11, S.-W• •. l-arwn t Mytt\ • I otel• 11f).2Hl.

•AOOl.e eACI( 0040> I ) , H iii 1', Tyrner 7, Wt\l\lewt* I 10, Mlt<llell • • F vJ(..., I, Ooyle 0, 11..0 0, O•oundO lo•••• tO II IS ,,

Hallll- f'OIO!Nr, M H Totel '°"'' P•tomot II. ~dOltO.U JO,

1o oul1P out OllYI• t uddlebolc ~ 1 . Turner I UOdltbolt k I

South CoHI Conf•r•ne• c ... •.,-• O••oc•"

W L W I. Fullt•lon $ o It 1 Ml, $e n Antonio • 1 •J J 'atlleAN 4 1 1' I ()ronmont J 1 U • CetrllO\ 7 l 10 10 Oran~ CN \I 0 J t If S.n 01190 Mfta 0 S I "

·-,·· 06"'ft ll ' Jel so Mose 11 or .. IQe coa.i Fullerton •I C•rrllot Mt. Sen Antonio •I G roumont

MIHlon Conference

Rlvtttldt CC 50001-k San Ber.,...Otno Soulllwt>lern San Oleoo CC Clltu• P•lom•r

c ........... w l , 0 J 1 , , > , , l t I •

W-ay'• Gam .. Saddl-" et Soulllwt~l~rn Se n BetMrdlno ••Sen DttOO Alv .-r skle "' C•VV\

OvoraN W L ,, )

" 10 11 ' • 10 ' 10

" 10 . ,, HIGH SCHOOL

Av•lon 52, Woodbridge 40 WOOOa•IDGll WIM 10 F0tln11tr I,

Morel•nd 1, A-v< k ll 1, B0t•u>. 4, Burke 4, Aou5h O Totels 111>-10 40 .

• .., ALON - S.IAmune1ch •• . Pllell>\ • • Mechado IS, Brown 13, Romo 1, Gonr•I"' o. Totels JS 2-6 SJ

seen " ' 0...111" Woodllrt~ 10 1J 9 40 Avalon IS 12 10 IS SJ To t~I louli WOOC1brld9t' 9 Av•lon I I


UC lllVI HE Hemll10n U , R•ndell 1, Lewli 1', Buch•nan 2, Beker I . Ro y • . JOlln'IOn • . Simpson • , P•nlll l J , Gomer 1 Totals 2' 10-lO n

U. SAM DIEGO - Morrli 10, TllOm<"\ 11, J ent J. Wtinr•lt 14, N•lson I I MlnHr 4

Hellllme UC lni1no, 31 ·lt. Tolal touli Not available

WCT lournement Utl Mo alee City I

Oole,,.rtlll .. Bruce Manson ~· Jos. lul\ C •~ rc .. 1

• • John Sodri det Belen T•roc:1v 01 . 1> •

·-· Women's lournement

let s..1111 I QoMrtenlMI SIA .. el

Mer lina N•v<'alllove del Anne Smllll, 1>-l • ·• . AnOrt• J aeger del Vlr9ln1• Ru1lc1, .. I 61: Wenclv T""'bull oel Svl•I• Hanlk•. l>-3, 6 1, Berb>ara Potter Otl B•llln• BurtQt .. , .. ,

5"nitlMI Sl~es M•rttn• N•,.r•Ulova det B • rber• Potter

1 • . • · I Anclf'H J MQer d•I W•ncly TurnbUll 75, M

Devis Cup EASTE•N J.0..11

lalT••t. Teiw•I J-J, TelwMOt

s-.... Shlnlclt• Sakamoto IJapan J 0.1 w 1o

c 11an11· vunv. M , .. , , S. 1, 7·S s111119yu1u Mlclllo IJ-1 def Htu H--- · k. ••• • ••• 6-l . .. , .

0.-.. H1lo$nl Sl>lreto-Torv Yonei•• • I J - 1

def Wu O\lt19-YU1'9·HIU Huono-•vno. nc: w:or• rf'POl"'lftl

Cel liMOllY, ~I

~ ll-1. """'""'" 1 Sl9ttH

Kim Cftaon-N> ISo Korn) clef Aot­l•la mede, I J.10, . ... • ·3, • · 1 -Al•A Mll r<lal Rod o'4lo G abr i • ( P1t11lpplnes ) def Jeon Vouno ·dU !>­Oono wool<, ).6, .... 64 , • . , •


uc1rv1Ms. • .. -• Sl<let•

Snyder IUCIJ def. Alamo, • · I • ·I , Quede tUCll del Godfrey, •l .. , M< Pll•rson tUCll dtl (i.arQtr, I ... • ·• · 1 ... La~y IRI Qel Nel"°", 6 3, 6·3 Mltllel..,n I RJ Otl Suyedre, .. I, .. , R•mo• IVCI I dtl HUf'I, ~C6· 1 -Oued•Snyder IUCIJ def GarQtr·Ul"llm, • · l , • · • 11\l <ll• l\•n God t r• v t R I dtl Nelson·R-. 1·•. • -3. H""l ·Turknellt 1111 def Amor ZOiier. '4. 6.0


.,,,,_DIY ..... w I. T ... ... _

eo,;,onMln 1• ,, • "' )GO .,

C• •eary " 11 II ... n• •I Vonc•u"" ., , . 10 ,., l lO eo ll"'9• IS ,. • 1• ,,., u COIOraoo 10 ,, • 1,. no 11

NwntOl•ltltA Ml--.1• It .. u '" '" ~ St . Loul1 u ,, • 1• , ... '° WI Ml Pet 11 " 10 1• '" .. c;111090 11 ,, • 111 U I ., Toronto u n 12 JO) '"

., Dottolt .. 16 • 1U '°'


Poltl<llOM.-NY h l•ndttn ,, 1$ • ,., ,,, tO Phl lldellll\la " 14 , 193 11t H NY Ae"911rt ,, JO • , .. , .. .. PUhllurQll '° 20 • , ... .., .. WHl'll1191on "

,. , , .. 1tl ,, A-Olwlt ...

Bull•lo ,. " • ,,. 10 .,

Botton ,. .. • '" , .. ., Monl•tt l ,.

" 11 '" ,,. .0

Ouellet 2S " • 22• l tt ,. H1rlloro II ,. " ISl I02 J) "'_,.,sc .....

1t1 .. , >. Cotor.oo l BO\ton I . WM/llnolon I Har ltorcn, Deiroll J Bufl•IO ) , auto.< 2 Monlrt<ll • , CAl(fory 1 NV 1'1-"'· NY ll""lflrr\ I Pllll•clelplM• S, Pllltll<i•Qll $ Mll'lnttot•I, Clll<- 4 ... SI LoulU , T0tonto2

T-.WtGMltt ltl .. >elVencou•tr Weshl"Olon •tNY ll•"lf'Jr> Colo•-•t Eomon1on

1(1~• 3, Rockies 3 k enllly,._...s

Los Angel .. 0 1 0 )

ColorOdO ' 1 ' )

"'"'"'" .. I . C oloredo, Ae m • o• • ! Ashto n , TomtMllllnO, ,.,, , PenelllH Rom•111. Cot, J.20, Turnoull , LA, 4'1', Cllartrew. I.A , ~ U , Boner, I.A. • JI . - <Ml llan. Col, • JI , JOlla nM<t, I.A, 16 II.

Sec .... ,.., ... 1, LOS Anllfl .. , Smltll• 1 Fo• l~ : 'M J, Lo.

•~•os. P61 11 cDlonne, Torrlonl , 1·cn. •. Coloraoo , Me c M lll•n n I WtM l n, , Mat lnowsi. 11. IS 3S. s. LO\ " ...... Dionne tt (T eylor, L Murplly ), II 17 Pen•llles Kelly, LA, '·°' A• m - . Col, • 0.. Lo wr, Col, I 17. lurnllvll, I.A, IS .JI. HardY. I.A. t i ,., Tambtll lnl, Co4, II SS

TlllNPwleol • , Colo t•do , Ashton II tT • mb•lllnl ,

Atsth l , 10 O. PtNlllts Rema~. Co4, J , .

Shoo on _ , Lo• Af9IH 10.11 .. 1' ColoredO 1 .. l~S n

Go a lies LO> Angeles . Lonero, Colorodo, Resch A I , 1'3

Sant• Anlt.e .-TU•DAY'S •HUl TS

Ultlill ¥1 ..... , ,.., ... Oii _.,,., '1•ST •ACli. One m ile

Emt>ermoll< CPlncevl 14 eo 11 oo • oo Don won IOtlve r .. 1 1110 1"'1 IAsmuH..,I l 40

Also ••Ud Aull a w•y, Eeoln F ive, Comp1 lltt , Kl n11 Gonro, Pa<ll l< Morn, Mel\e doon'• Honey. Ruby' • Jeu

Time 1· Jt t1S

secOND •AC•. 1 111' rnll•s l( a m Win Auler (~mehrl'.40 • .0 J.IO Ker!Mc IMtH•r- ) ) .0 f .20 Toco Toco tHewt.-, I l .00

Aho t.c.ed· Pr 1nc.~1 Alya# G r•at L.ou, Nuty Noell,., lma<ornl\lla-n, H~teu Ann ie. COllnl YOU< <:¥Os

Tim e 1· -.4/ S tJ DAil Y DOUkll 12·• 1 pelo M 1 IO

TMl•D •&ea. One mite Gla u T- ITorol lt 10 11 40 I 40 HHIY Nll._Y (~ ... I S 00 l-10 Gla mor- Delw IPln"y l • .0

Al .. rec ... · - · t GI,.. An Ind\, VI• , .. lllll11, Oenclno OouQM ... S1r .. 1 L.,..or, Do<ldMly It- . My 0orll"9 AlwWe. Tl- , ... .,s

,OU• TM •&elE. I " "mites Brllllont Dowel• C0.1-yel • 00 • 10 J 00 Cell Me MASI .. (~•Uri s 00 ) tO -Poch l-. CPlncey l >IO

Al to rec .. ~ale ,.._,, hll A9<1111, ,,..,,_ 1toeSOt1. s.>rtng 61- r Tl-: 1' '44/ S H IX&CTA II.JI peld S11 4 00

'"'" "-"•· • 111 1.,rl-• Wint•- HOii IMtHar- 1 t IO s. JO • Cl BN• Puddl"ll ISltlNr l t .IO • eD NHIY IH..,_,I 10,IO

Al\o rectCI CoPtaln Orient, 1 v A Pott. Bteu 81-. Farouk, Mow' s Pe ppe B.,e, Oree m ol Fire, Suprem~ G low4 Arndc• n

T1m1 I 1' 0 U EllACTA ( .. 101 paid '2• 00

SI XTH •ACE. • lurlonQ> Ktno 1-1 1111 0.l•l'lo~wr• > ••IO 1.10 • 60 Lt Sm lrll !Hewtoy l • 00 1 IO Youno Otttroyor CP lncay ) 3 IO

Also rectCI L- Cron. Prince of Note, l<t Flow Buu' • Smoke, Roya l Prom, Mighty C•"" E• rly -\let, Eml>_,, Se<le rtonlsm

Time I II 0

South Africa Prost rolls • in

Dispute causes suspension of 29 drivers after race KYALAMI , South Africa <AP > - Frenchman

Alain Prost overcame a flat ti re Saturday and wheeled his turbo·charged Renault through the pack to win the South African Grand Prix. a n event marred by a pos t· race squabble which saw 29 drivers s uspended.

Prost f~ni s h ed 15 seconds ahead of the Williams <Jriv e n by Carlos Reutema nn of Argentina in the Formula One season.-opener. The winner averaged 128.59 mph, also settmg a one-lap record of one minute, 8.28 seconds to break the 1980 m ark of 1: 13.15 set by French teammate Rene Arnoux.

Arnoux finished third , just ahead of Austrian Niki Lauda in a McLaren. Lauda. a two·time world champion . is making a comeback after a two.year layoff

Minutes late r , amid post-race jubilation and champagne, Prost and 28 other drivers le.arned their racing licenses had been suspended sn the renewal of feuding between drivers and Formula One officials that nearly had forced cancellation or the.race Thursday .

Drivers. saying they were s tunned by t.he s us pensions. lodged an appeal w~th the Federation International du Sport Automobile (FISA), which is the world sanctioning body of auto racing.

At issue are two provisions of new, so·called " super licenses" t he drivers s igned last monUl, forbidding lbem to criliciie FlSA and commillirlg them to their present teams for specified periods. Drivers contend the licenses llmit their freedom of speech and their ability to negotiate new contracts with car manufacturers .

Driven boycotted practice sessions during the week , and their Ucenaes were suspended. To save the event race organilen lifted the suspensions

·and ann®nced that molorsports authorities would meet in Parit Thursday to review the problems.

T he d rivers thou1hl they had won the showdown but Francis Tucker, chief steward for Kyaltml course, said after the race, " A temporary truce ns called unW' end of the race 1blt meant that lbe potiUoa lbat existed prio~ to the a1reemenl ls efftet.lvely reinstated."

LGturteam owner-Colln-Qepmalt-Of Bnctand -

s aid . " AJI we had was a moratorium. The drivers must have been under a misunderstanding."

" We hope we will have a resolution out of the Paris meeting," said Christopher Pook . organizer of the Long Beach.Grand Prix, scheduled April 4. •'They <the s us pensions) a re just a part of a procedure "

" lt did come as a surpri se." said Keke Rosberg of Finla nd , who finished fifth Saturday .

·· For a professional s port, l cannot believe the kind of things tha t go on, " added Englishman Nigel Mansell . a Lotus driver.

Kyalam1 Managing Director Bobby Hartslief sa id the dispute apparently affected a ttendance. and he was concerned about the future of the South Afric an event. Up to 100,000 had been expected , but Hartshef implied a ttendan ce at the r ace course near J ohannesburg was well under that figure.

Despite the dispute, the race results count toward the 1982 world championship. Prost picked up nine points. Reuteman six. Arnoux four and Laudn three.

Banquet planned Fernando Valenzuela, Dusty Buer .net Frank

Robinson are among thOse lo be honored al the 23rd awards banquet of lhe Los An1elea-Anaheim chapte r of the Baseball Wrilen Association of America, Sunday, Feb. 14 at the Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel.

ABC·TV's Keith J ackson will be the master of cer emonies, wllh t he feaUvltlea scheduled to begin at 6 p.m . with a no·hoat cocktail party in the Cafifornia Batlroom and dinner to follow al '7 p .m .

Vale n z uela wi II be presented with h is National Leaaue Rookie of the Year and Cy Young a ward! while Baker will be on band to accept a Gold Glove troph)'. Rob1naon, recently inducted into bueball'a Hall or Fame, WlU be hOnOred tn a special ceremony presented by the BBWAA.

Tickets may be obtained by wrltlna to: BBWAA Award• Buquet , 10'7'3 Crebs Ave .. Northridge, Ca., 91321. .,

l•YaNlM •&C• • h lllr!Oftt~ P~y't ,,_y IHof'Aeoll ttO UO >• 111ltt04la (PlllC..,I ) oo • • Cke ... ""- I0-1 e l I 49

Al .. t-.C9f, ... My ..... Ill , Wl11tlnt II, Miu ,.ttwlon. J-h l(lnclV. 111 .. h l

Tlll't l i lt~)

U l•ACTA 1o 11 ... JdSIM00

U ,.lat Mlt l t-41 t t • t tMIO t'l2, MIO eo wltl\ two • IM!fte 11, ktl\ h i_> llOr-1 U PIO, \h <-.ilOll 1Mld toM)) 00 .. 1111 10> wlnnln9 l~kt'I• (llvt "°'Mii U 1110 )l a ura1c11 , .,..,.• lion peld t lJI .o •"II " wl"nlno II<~"'' Cf- llOtM\. - .. ,.,. ,,.

.. GNTN •&e• 4h lu••onot To a or - (Pl"uyt • eo ) 70 1 . .0 eotd £to I ,..,,,.,_I l IO • IO $olo Owv (~tr l 2 IO

AIM> rec .... NO Nu, ' Yn<-1•, lehlll ... t< lno, Plr°'" Y•

Time: 1. IH /)

NINTH •&c;a. 11/ i.mlles. Herd lo I.a (Oliver .. ) U 60 •IC) 4 . .0 fho A r9y .. Kid ( Htwl•y ) ) 40 1 to Alwin. °"""' IMcH• •-1 '70

Aloo tOCMI : Vol 0. Mot, Ornden O.W, Doto, I! .... T-1. ln<orc;ot elOt , Oe•N•

Time· I ' '3 l / S U ll lt&CTA t i-II llel0 S141.00 Alltfldonct k .012

Hollywood Perk iATU•bAY'S •HUL'l'S '""., ,._!WtM .. _ ....... u ... 1

~l•ST•&Cl[. 0Nmll•PO<t • t P a rllno IAwtilnl S 00 J JO • • CIUr Nl(fllt ( h.iltr I I 00 4.~ llanotnl IGouelr .. 1.11 • 00

Al so ractd Blu•vum !o urpr l u , N .. ••olveup, C/\ar ll9hl AMI Soil. M• •I•• Va lue, Smlll119 POP. MtPI• Ge.m ..

Time 2· 01 l /S

SICONO •&Cll . Ont mllt P6<t Husllll\ Ouoe (AIAl!n t 11 40 10 00 •IO Spor ty Old AllTremolev I • 10 \ .o M l< llael\ Ttoe• ISl• n•••men l II Ml

Al\O raOO W~lul \ P<lh Al'"'fl•ttl• Co mmodl lY. SP•'~'• Aroo Slla d t Doi Andy ' • Y onk, 800¥ C~ ket

Time 1 en llS U DAILY OOVlll 11 11 pa id~ 80

THl•O ll&Cl. One mil• pa <• Kolar• Cllellenve (AllD•nl I) 80 • 00 ) '° ADie G old cCrog/\on l • IO J 00 Irby Lene CGoudruul J CIC>

Atso raced Ra unQ 1-1u11 , rv1o r N. Double Gee N, OK • Ru ~ly , Mom• Chene•, A1ch•rd Henover

Time I 5' tJ €JICAGTA 11 II IM> td t~ .0

fOU•TH • ACI Ont mllt OO<t • -Howdy 51o• IGouoruul • llO l 40 1 tO K B King IVell-1n9'W1ml t 10 • 20 Tell amon t A-nl l 60

Also recltd • " """ Hound Stt Aetll, O•n te Roy•t, M \I P M•rQv1\ , 8• •cti. Rogue

a coupled T ime 2 00• S

""'TH • • CE One milt Pt<• A•lrod Ann (Vall•nd.non<1ml • 40 • 10 l 00 Flora Dor N ICr09'>ent 4 Ml ) IO AllW MO<F- IA..O.n l • .0

Aho r•c:ed Jcn.1• ' Crtotc:• O r • nP•t l!. Mayfly , Bever•• Brom• <. PO•le' C. ir1 , O• "lf'\ Ende•¥ Or . Ot•n• M fe htlt• T arw•ltr

Time 1 012 rS U l JCACTA IS-l l tH l<I • • • SO

SIXTH •ACE. Ont mile !>e( f'

Tiie Geftl N IAnder"°" I \ 10 J .0 1 IO GunsmOll• N t(.oudrNu l S 40 S 00 Cla\\y A-I CC>e\omtr t• l IO

Al\o raced Bra ndl no Iron Spec l• I Ou•lll• , RldQem.r>., J1v• Tai>. , Cru l-.ew•y, S<orlnQ Drive. LOC all >l"I. P"•n1om Oon

Time 2:00, SJ l 1lACTA 11 ·• 1 p.,10 "'4.00

SllVl[HTH•ACE O rwmll t PO<• Strlk 1n9 N IAuC>tn ) I I 00 1 Ml S llO Doctor Don N I Goudruu I • 00 I 40 Scrumpy ! S.JO

AIM> •aced Clernou• Bo\' >< . Master J Ollt Armbro Wor1hy Tul•na.,tt• . M•r t••no N , HtOgirrow Lyn.a, Stnp Sia""'" Jttrtml•h'\ Bo v

Tlmt I 143, J 0 lJIC ACTA tll t1 p.o1o tJ ll00

EIGHTH •ACI 0"" m ile PO<t MePI• FrlU (A-n l 11 40 I .0 l IO BHI ot Alllle ILIQftlf\1111 I\ 10 • 40 Cra10 Del IGouoreeu J J eo

Aho raced Leoo•rd ,-.," HoruOft. Fly lnQ Alval Ml< ll•th C.lo ry Ttoer Almehunt, ~11

Tlmt IS. I)

NI NTH •ACl. O..m1l•P.o<• I( ( S NHbttl Pe,..trt IS 00 S 40 410 8rooUltlO N IAndtr \Ofl l J IO J 10 Torptdl Knlqilll ISlwtr!f\ I • 00

Al so r • <•d Sll f'nt l •••lmtnt Eatr• orolr-..ry, And y He"le v P.ter Atone Cor-Aroent Coron•r ta

Tlm t lle • S SJ EXACT A 11 SI P• td '94 '°

U PICK Sill 11 S I II 4 11 CMtd \l , UO .0 • 111111 '"""'in9 l it'tl ~ ( jjvt llOrMt l . , Pl(~ Six tonlOlatlon cwld U I 00 wllll >Ot w lnnlno l l<l<elt l fot.11 llorW\I U PIO S" sc r•l<h con~olallon P••O 0 3 llO w ith tH wlM lnq I le U hrH horw\ °"" \ Cr•h t\ )

fllNTl-4 llAC l . OM "'"• o•a T •wll• I Cltlt l (AnOt r -.on I 8 llO O 70 ) 10 Pl'loenlA Jae>. I KU4'blor J t •0 J 10 Kelly Viva CBelll•roeon • s IO

Al'IO rfUO ""'°""' l l'O<'ll Orv S.c• . Mulll H•nover At""'IO\, Ar M O"O J •mt\. LOY• I L•d, R~Red

Time 2 01 o U lJUICTA 1a.101 O• ICI t4A 10 Allfnclenc:e I sect

fthoenb. Ot>•n ·~ l.<lrfY NthG<> U ·IO

M o r fl \ U•lltt\ .. ,, . 1 ... 1 - 1,.. I- I .cl '°"4)1 H ... )

,,. lom Pui'ttH .... us I.on Nltlwn .... '" 01vto er- .. ., .... IU lonnyW~ln• 6PO IU JOll.n t.OOli 10... - 1» Crel~ StAOI"' ''""

,. llotiEot- .. ,o 1:16 Oe n POlll ... , 131 AnOy Uton IH1 IJ/ Tom W•l\llOPI 70-411 IJI Mlk• Reid I~ IJI Oon J•nu.,y ..... 1• 80l>llY Wodklnt IHS ,. IO<n Kiio II·., •• R Ol>•• I T l>OrYIP\O't II '1 ,. t. oona r d T '*"" '°" 10-61 ,. Joy HH\ . .... ,,. Jim Simon• 61•11 1• Curll•Slr41ft91" ... ,0- 1)11 8 111 ll:r•ll"'t lo..f "' <ilblly Olll>erl ,. ... 119 JOllnl'IJ Miiier I /04t ,,. e111 c a11 .. '"' lt9 J Olln Me/\alloy IHl- 1)11 JIM Co ll>e<'I • "" 140 11111 AOIJl!rs IC).10 140 0 A Welbrlng 11 ... 140 Bruu ltelllce 11 .• • '"° Scoll Hoth 11 ... 140 Gery HatlDt• ll /~10 140 Boll GllO.r .. " 140 Dal'I H•llCIOr\On 10 10 140 W•vn• l t VI 11 61 '"° Mike Sulllven ll ·•t 140 Jim 0•111 ... 11 140 K•n Grefln 10.10 140 Mlkt Donato ,. ... 140 Ufl• I rwin ll • I 140 tt Of'tt•tO Bt•nc.•\ ,, .. 140

1e t Hh r ''II"" /o-10 140 ,,.,,., P81• " .. 140 (,"o' Qt> eu"n\ ... ,, 141 Ea r 1or1 ,, .. 141 Tlm S1m1>1oon 10 II , .. BOb Byman 13 61 '" C•l ¥1n Pteht 1• -• 1 "' St oll s' '""'°" ,, ... 141 Terr y M•uNey 11·70 141 CI WOt Reoo 10 11 .. , Re • CflOwell II 10 '" Clll Chi RodrlQVOll ., ,. !t i Btll Crer>Mtaw 10 11 .. , ~ uu w loolle1 , . 6S 141 De•• E 1c11o1i...roe• 1012 .. , Rov~r Mallbl• ,, 10 142 V •n<t: Heotner , .... ,., Ml• t NICOI Cllt 1'·•9 141 All• n Miiier ,. ... .., Vt( lor R-ldCIU , .. 61 ,., Bua • 11 111 1110 ,., P hll H•ncoc: k 11 II ,., Miiier B.,Dt'r II 12 ,., N ICk FelOO I) 10 10 G•rv fr )v tMJnnO 10 7l ,., P•ul Allr>QH ,,,, 10 Lt# E IOtr

" 11 14)

G.orQf" A rttwr 12·11 Ul 8•rry H•rw~H .. ,s 10 Tom Jtnt. i:ni , ... 9 14] Stf'Vft H•rt 10 13 ,., P•tr..-J4<:~ ,, " ,., I C Sn•.a I) 10 10

fe1led to Oual1ly 6ultll Batrd IJ II ••• Mlkt Mor~. 11 1) • •• D• le 0-ld" 11,, ... J .rn N~lfor-O / J 11 1 .. Aon Slrf'(tr.. , ... ... P•I MCCiowMI I) 11 , .. D•vt Eow..-o' nn ... Mark Lve I • 10 ... ( ,.\ ar S•nudO ,, ,, , .. Bru<t Douo••'- 7J.11 ... Jonn -J a< lnon 10 IS ,., Cireo Powtrs /) 11 10 Brtfrt W•llh 71 IJ 10 G•n• Ll lller , .. ,. t.S 8111 Brillon 71 IJ 10 Len.,le Cl~,,_!\ &9·7& 10 J oi Ot•-1 7).1, 10 Hul>etl G rHn 11 1l 10 P"ter OMterhUI\ 1l·l1 10 Forr t\t F t 1l•r 11 · 14 10 C.11 Mor~n ,, I) l•S Re v B•rr II 14 10 XOll W•"tn• 14 II 10 Don Poott~ , .. ,, I .. M•r k Haye\ I) / ) ... L~f Tre¥1no I) I ) 1 ...

J iii "" '''""" 1114 146

SAB Mesters (et~ l_,., Se. A inu I

M••' M<Null\o ......... I• ta Dennis Wot'°" • • ,...,._,. 711 HUlffl 8 otOCC'hl 10.10..1·11 - 111 Den <>9'eln 10• 1· 11·10 - 11' Altll Hf'Vling 10.11).1W7 - -Gery Pt•- 11-70-71 .. t 211 G Wa llne 10 lC).71).11 211 J Joftnson 11 .. , /Wt m N Buro ., 11 11·11 m AMy •• 71).)t. IJ - 212 W Humpllnf' l ..... IJ.IJ - 19) 1 Mo .. ., ,, .. , ... . n m

Pro bowflng l•tAl- 1

FlMlt E arl AnlllOny del Davt Soul••. 211· '"

( Antllon\' .. ins SU .000, Sou1er wlM ",lOOI

~"-· Souter a.I Jell Morin , 1'.11 204; def TMI Hanna hs, 70'· 1tl, Mor in ael Me f\11• 11 Holma n, 11 .. 204 I Hannalls • Ins '5.'°P ~ tlll ro, ""°'"' ~.500 tor fovrltl, ...o Holmen ~.000 tor llfthl

SOUT HERN CALIFORNIA Snow dep&b/ laches Conditions Lifts/chain

6L Mountain High Holiday Hill Mt. Baldy Kratka Ridge Mt . Waterman Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green Valley

18-24 pow /pp 18-24 pow / pp 24·36 pow /pp

44 pow/ pp 24·36 pow / pp 30·36 pow /pp

62 pow/pp 36·48 pow / pp 24·36 pow/pp

6L 4L · FO FO FO FO 2L ~ FO

CENTRAL.CALIFORNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountam China Peak Dodge Ridge

70.90 pow /pp 136 pow/pp

72·97 pow /pp 72·96 pow/ pp

FO 3L,19C


NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Mt. Reba Kirkwood Sierra Ski Ranch Heavenly Valley Northstar Donner Ski Ranch Alpine Meadows Bore al Homewood Ski Area

Conditions : hp

96-156 pow/ pp 6L 144·240 pow /pp FO

123 pow/pp FO 103 pow/ pp FO

60· 138 pow /pp FO 120· 144 pow /pp 3C 180·2'76 pow/pp UC 156· l!rl pow /pp FO 78· l.52 pow /pp 3C

hardpack ; pp packed powder ; pow powder.

Lllts/cbairs : L - llrts ; C - chairs ; FO.- full operation.

Six Newport yachten set to compete

' Six Newport Beach yacht.a will'­

bc! u mong the 38 entries which iet:l the starting signal Jan. 30 in the l ,200·mlle San Diego to ManzanHlo ruce.

Local en trie s are Ben Be nn ett ' s Choa te -48 Arri b~ ! Bulboa Yacht Club ; Morr_itlh Kirk's S1mt11 Cruz-SO Hana IS J 1 lhl boa Yacht Club , Mlcb&Jl . Abraham 's Santa NlaM I 'frain, Newport Har bor Yad)a Club ; Joe Hoffman'• Choate-40 • Six Pence , Bah lu Corinthian j Yacht C lub : J o hn Are n s ' 1 Uolland·41 Tomaha wk , Balboa , Yacht Club, a nd Al Cassel' s ; Cha n ce-46 Warrior. Bahia , Corinthian Yacht Club. I

Bes ides Hana Ho and Nidl! : Train , t he re are two other SC·SOs in the race which should provide a s pirited boat·fOr ·boat battle down the Baja California coast and across the Gulf or Cali fornia to the Mexican mainland

Expected to defend her t itle for first lo fini sh is Fred Preiss' 84· foot Christi ne from Pacific Mariners Yacht Club. Another • potentiaJ line honors winner is t he 67-foot light displacement s peedster Merlin under charte r to Mike Satte rl ee , San · Diego Yacht Club.

Top Mex ica n entry is th e veteran ca mpaigner Prim avera1 •

s'k i ppered by Jorge Di pp , Acapulco Yacht Club. Another Mexican entry is the Holland·41 Aleri fe. skippered by Manuel Vasquez from Acapulco.

The colorful race shoves off at noon J an. 30 from the s trand off San Di e go where a la rge spectator fleet is expected to hail bon voyage to the racers . The Manzanillo race replaces San Diego Ya c ht Club 's Acapul co race and is sailed • every two yea rs in February , oppos ite Del Rey Yacht Club's Puerto Vallarta race held about the same time on odd-numbered years

McLaughlin • wins c rown

LONG BEACH Terr y Mc Laughl in of Sec re t Cove Ya cht Club, British Colu mbia , scored four straight wins Friday ' and Saturday to win Long Beach Yac h t Club 's Pa c ific Coast , match racing championship and ; a berth m the Congressional Cup I m March


Runnerup with three wins and one loss was Mark Rastello. l Al amitos Bay Yac h t Club . giving him the a lternate position 1

in the Congressional Cup. Only fi ve of the seven original

e ntri es s h owed up fo r t hl! • two -da y event whi c h wa s marked by extre m ely light wind . r orci n g the ra ce committee to shorten course 1n a t least two ruces . Winds were so h ght on F'riday that one race had to be pos tponed. Conditions were only s l ig htl y better Saturday, allowing the fifth and fina l race to he completed just before dark

T h ird place went to Mik e i Elias . Lon~ Beach Yacht Club. , (2·2 l, fourth was Don Whyatl, I Sa n Diego Yacht Club I 1·3 ); and ! fifth was Scott Mason . Newport ~ Ha rbor Yacht Cl ub (04 J.

MEW 1912 VW RAlllT "l .. SEDAN Soper eoonomy with this one I Fu I ly eQUpped including a '4 se>eed transmission. tinted glass. radial tires and rrore! (Sl k 3077) (01613).



Coup e . 5 speed transmission. metallic p e lnl. reer w indow w l pu/wesh•r . ello y wheels. stereo caseette and morel (Stk. 3235) (017765) •

SAU Pll~I .

s I 0 495 HEW 1912 YW

IAlllT COMYHTllU 2 Door. A~ stweo. malellle paint, sports ••••ri~ wtiMI, while sld9Wall tlrte & morel (Stk.3240)(003279) Ust ,.,._ SI h lH

Dhu • t $11 70 SALIPllCI 59995

r I !

, I '\.II \ i

~rpi .. ~ I il•. LA8f fJ' THI WILD ... (B)llX. A 'Mm-r • LSTTM WON>

M•n • On • tll • · •lt•lt reepon... and e Kperl ~ -uaed In Ihle doaumlilolary to .,_ - of the _. • .,. .. ~ Oii iN allbject of

;,, L lelllllllty. l(j98 (1)~

+ • Y. " llltle Mtila Mattlar" (1MO) W.itet MaUllau, .,.,,.. ~ Baaed Oii

t I lf'9,, Aunyotl -4°')' ~, AgnM, -*19Y 1930e b0oll· :• le'1 ... II fumed around

..... lie ecc:aptl I &-year-

<*:! lftOPC* • • for I racing bet. 'PO' CJ)~ • • • " u.Mn And Howard" ( 1MO) PMll leMat, JMOll Aobarda. An oth«wlM

t unknown g•• 11a1lon Ir ett.ndMt Claim• to be the ·. " t1gMful heir ' lo Howard l•· HugllH' billion dollar

eata ... 'R'


~ANOTHE , .aeclN WON>

•' I DAv.wAKLA. I , W>Un4 ANO THE --1-.aAHeWW ' ..,...,. 9'00M ' 8UNDAY MOllNNO I, Ya() JUIKl80X

9ll0 LRr -


c::-~0# OL,AINTINB

I :::,OflHM ~ '11 MMICULTUM U.S.A. CC>~ * *'"' " Duncan'a World" (1979) Larry Tot>IM. Don Morrill. A young boy wno ~ anlmall encounter• obe1aclee wflen de811ng wttll """'81\1 u lie lnveall­gat• the e_,• of an e )(ptoalon ,_ a nature ~. ·o·

(ll) MOW * *'"' " The MlnM:le Work · er" ( 19791 Pauy Duka Aalln. Mell1H Ollbett . Oedleatecl tMCher Annie Sullivan lrlee ~ pollli· ble tipproecll to communi­cate wltfl Mt •tudenl - IN deal . blind a nd acrongwlled Helen K..., .MOYIE * * Y. " Ode To &illy Joe' ' ( 19781 Robby a.neon. Gtynnla O'Connor 8Mecl Of'I ..... tong Dy 8ot>bie Gentry A tormented ,..,_ -o-·· pelt eJtl*lenCM complieat• Ne llrat true r-. ·pa•









l ::W'=:r ..eT8' fllOOIM (A)


...M08 nm• THE UR ( • PONYEANO ,, ,,...,. ~ ~: • JBl80MAL •ti oem•tONI I , I LL.OY'O OGILVIE


l~~t'' + *'"' ' 'TM T•lng Par-1 eel" (1171 1 Animated A young girt, • perrot Md • loed mus! ~ • horde of .,.. ....,.,,.. 10 heawlurd. '0 ' Cl)~ • • ...... The Slayer" (1811) Jack Palanoe, Jann Twry. An ed.enlUtOUI young man enll.u the lid of 1 bend of warrior• to llghl Illa .,.. uncle. the -'<It'd whO killed 1119 ...,., Md .. holding In ..,_tor,_. .. ,~



I .......... , .... ,..TllimAT CM.VMt [- ,~IC.,,..


I: t9'TORY fJ' A II•-* " Arlt utM" .. 0-V.

II Porter ~ N IKtM

cl oalor. ,,.,~--


' CtmtltCOCIRl All ........ nlgMdllb ,_.Of_ trom IN lpor1lnt Clllll '" ,_,,. ClftoleiN ........ . ...

HOSTILE •IHllT - Dan O'Herllby (riCbt) portrays a hostile hermit who is warmed up by a retarded man played by Edward Edwards on "Trapper John, M.D." at IO tonight on KNXT (2).

• • 111m montaoe of Clw'a 11tly cw.. wi111 Softny Bono. .MOYIE ***'°' " &Miier Morant" (1980) Edward Woodwwd, JKll Thompeon,, Int eonec:<lpted 10 fight on England'a side In Ille 80llt

ww O.Clde to "°"' Ille Boer guerillas on their own t«ma.

t:OO 8 IPOfn'8 SUNDAY 15-rouno WBA FHlll· erwelght C111mpion111fp ~ cllampion Eute­blo Padroze end Ju1111 LIPOt'le (Mw trom Alllnllc Chy. N.J .k World C4'p Ski· Ing (IYom Wengen. Swftzer. lend): $uper911t• llgure akltlng IXhlbltlon (from M~ Squere G«den, New YOtllCily).


Cl) ORN.. Fll06Eh 18 8UAME 8TMET (A)

~~WNTTIN ••• ~ "SGart-" (1932) Paul Muni, Gecwge Rah. A 8'Nll-tima hOOdlum rlMs IO Ille lop OI Ille 1.-p Our·

i Prohibition.


F .. 1ured. an Int- w1111 Larry Betry: Ille history ot Ille hankerellief.


TOUOMOW Cl) PORT'S IUNOAY (Jo4ned In Ptogt-) 15-touncl WBA f .. tller.....igllt C 111mp lon1111p t>et-n champion Eueeblo Pedro­za and Juan laPOt'11 (trom Allanlle Cily, N.J. ~ World C4'p Skiing (from Wengen. Switzer11nd): ~at• figure lk•tlng e xhlbitlon (trom Mldleon Square Oatden. New Yoric City). 9 KENNETH ~

10:00 a a UORT8WON..D NFL They.., In ReYilw .MOW * * " Hoppity Goes To Town" (UM!) Mlmllled A ¥illaln tllf••-the~ tul reaidenlS of 8ugllllle. 8 NeWZOOMWE


• THE LAWMAKEM CottHpondenta Linda Wertheimer end Collie Robwt• joon Peul OuU tor an up-10-the-mlnul• .....,,. miry ol Congrnll<>nal ICIMtlel . 81) MAGIC Of Otl. PAINTINO CID INSIDE THE MR HOSll Len OaWllOn end Nldt Buontconll profile Ille lwO l_,.,S competing In Super Bowl XVI (I) TOM JONES ANO 8'JIAH ANTON Performing for the first time together, Tom ~ Md S.- Anton dazzle • t... Vega IUO~ In 11111 apedal.

1CtlO 8 9 THE IUJ'IMTAM (5-\ ~·1 C:O.-­

• of the first of '°"' men'• qualitylng rounds. '""" eompetllOtl lncludtng defending ellamplon ReM10o Netlernlah. st­o.r..y, Gaty caner and M•e Sdwnldl (ltom Key



f'AINTING (C) MOYIE * * *' " Tha Battle 0 1 Alglera" ( 1987) Yaeet Saadl, ~ Martin. Algeria wagee • deaper•t• ltfUl>­gle for~ from 1™101962 .MOYIE **''h " TM Hwd Way" ( 1980) Petri<* Mc:Goohen, L .. Vlfl Cleef. A hlnid _..,. llu to lftM• one more 1111 befora lie can '9tlre. 'R'

11• •a OOlU!Qf IMICEMU Virginie at loutsvtlle • MOYIE ....... ~cn­On ........ ( 1 .... ) p.,,. M..,._, Vic Lwdn. A !Mn ~ • monkey -.di ,.,, food ar'IS ...., .,.., "'* ~ ... Of'I ..... ........... lMIATM ' 'The F1eme T,_ Of TM­lie: H~ New y..,-· ~ .... ·~ ble .... y-·· Dey """

Ille ~alive Mrl . Hlm· mo. (Part 31Q eWAIHNATONWIE< .. RIVllW(fll) (H) MOYll * * * ~ "My BodYVUatd" I t979) Chris Mak._,._, Adam 8llOwin The ,_ kid et a CNcago high achool mall• friend• with the achOOI outcatl and logethet they atancl up to Ille C:t1-' gang wNeh hid p9tMC:uted them both. 'PG'

11:30 8 Cl) NF\. TODAY Super Bowl l>t--0- ptO· gram (M"9 from Ille Sliver· dome In PonUac, Mlclh.I.

• 9 '""W&K WfTH MYI>~ • T8Wf' OOL.E­WHrTTNC.ER • CHURCH IN THE HOME ID WALL ST'AEET WEEK " lo<* Out Below? " Gunl Julian Snyder, edllor and publlaher , lnletn1llone1 Moneyline (R)


12:00 8 L08T IN SPACE

Tiie robot '"'"' surgeon wt... mec:llanlcat men kid· ~ Ille Roblnaona G UAACH • MOYIE * * 'h " Tiie Utt le Colonel" ( 1935) Slllrley Temple, Lionel e.trymore A llllle gift aeta 1111nga tlgllt on • tailing plantation. • THE OUCHE88 0# DUUSTNET " Lottla" Tiier• Is mucn oonjeclur• among lhe 11111 wl*1 l oulU and the Major recum to Ille Bentinck l>tlnglng young Lollle With them. (Part 131(RI 0 G MATINHATTHE ~ Wiiiem Boyd atata In Ille 1935 1dven1ur•-lllrlller " The Losl City" , Ille snort

"'~ include • -­, ... Ind I Cat1oon; Ind Ille ..,... .. CMple< , ol .• Jun-ior G -Men" stwrlng HunU Hiii Md Ille EMI Side Kida (R)

MOYIE * * * " The l.asl Time I S- Parll" I 19!>41 Etoza. belh 'Taylor. Van Joftnaon Bued Oii 1 atory by F, Scoll Al~lld Broken romencas and ah1111red lndMOulla populall Perla at Ille end ol World WW II, .MOYIE * e 'A " Salem' s Lo t " (1979) Oavld Soul, J­Muon. A no\1911•1 returns to trra boyhood home to pul an end 10 troubled memori.. but tinda 11111 • sinister myalery atrrouda his town. 'PG' (%) MOVIE • • " Melvin And Howard" ( 1980) Peul L•M•I , J aaon Rob11d1 An Olllef'wlM unknown gaa station attendlt'll cleima to be Ille nghllul heir 10 Howatd Hughes' bllllon dollar Mtale 'R'


.. TV Of Not TV"

!~QM·a ** " 0..111 Cer On Tiie fr-.y"

1• 8 Cl) SOPER 90'#\. lM The San Ft lflCi9c:o 49era lake on Ille Cincinna ti 8engall In tlll9 annual pro football CIUl4C. 10 be, ..... cut 11"9 Ir-. Ille Sllvef· dome In Pontiac:. Mlclll-

i'~ Eddie .-. Herman tor • baby brother. • KIOI Nfl. NOPl.E TOO 0...ta. Wittie Tytet and L••l•r . Jim Plunkell , c:omedllfl Pal Hurley (RI D TEINTAU< " Tier\ Talk· On Sporta" • ADAM-12 Oftlcet M.ito)' tPotl Ille pot In • IMINjromat, • wtt9t n. aoAT cam .. ··~ Dey On The Slag He9p" On Ille ...,ge of llUCC8N and nlatrlege, Jedi muM.,... Illa~ tlona 10 '"°'*'' Dolly.

·~WIUY, M.D. ®~


* • • * " Aeeurr"110n" ( 1NO) Ellen Buntyn, Sam 8'lepent ,...., • near ,..., llUto _..,,., • won*! .. tflal .it. 1181 !fie ...... 'Y 10 ..... otllere but .. .,.. _,.., ~ of Mt ,__ to clelflol • dtvtne .,..,_, •PG'

, ... P.TROOft

' . l<NXT (C8SI • KNIC (N8CI • ICTl.A (Ind I

·~ICCAIC> L • KFMa ((IS)

• KHJ·TV (Ind.I

e 1tcST IA8C)

e KTTV Clnd. I



(0 ) On·TV ft> l ·TV CtO HBO CCI (CINrN~I


CESPH> (~IM!tl --· '""""' • (~NewsNetwof'le )

.,. 10.,..(lld ~ .. .......... - ... lolft , . Troop,

1:.-.oMIT ••. ....,.....°'.....,_. .. ,,..,., ...... ,., ...., lhHlll•flMI. A l•-•11 ......... -...... ................... ....... : ... ...,. ... -.~-•• .. ....... ..................... __..,.,.,., .......


................ p ....... -·~ • • ~ " The V• MM

LO¥et" (tQtl ~ V ..... ....,l!Me.A~ llflde ·- Md , __ wtlafl lie la INltakan tor • oe6ebt1Nd )All mueldM o~ * * ""'• A11"91" I 1"4) Tommy Kirk . Slllrle y looM. A lunat:to'a IWll1ecl l)IOt lo berrleade lhr• 1lrlfl08"• In an Outk -whll • MQrltllf blekllt .. wt\ef\ Ille MOtllter lutr•a on him.


Oueel: Yvette MllNawl. • CM ltQ.AN'I l9lANO Ollligaft and the 811!09« dltco- • 1018"1 pole topped Dy • c;8f\'ed held lllal loolla uactly 1111• Olllj-

;' MOVll * * * ~ " The IM Of The 81.xtll ... ~·· (1958) Ingrid Bergmen. Oun Jur. geflL A llMloul rnlUlonary IMdl 100 dllldr9tl 10 ..... ty during Ille ~ lnVNlon of CNna. .MMCUIMUY. .... o. • 90L.ERO Ravel's " Bolero" P<OYIOM 1 ~ ~ for Thalia Mare' a c:N>teogt aptly Q! MOYIE •••• "0- Wllo 'e Coming To Dinner" I 1987) Sidney Poitier, Katllanne Hepburn. A lll>lfll young lady brings lier blac:lr. lian<le home IO ,,_, lier

par en II. (J) MOVW * * * " Libel" ( 1959) OllYl1 d• Hevll lend, Olrk Bogerde A man attemplS 10 prove he hH bejln Ul*ed but ruins 1111 cue whe n he has trouble rememblfing detlll1 D KINNY LOOGIHS Singer t aongwriter Kenny Logg!M perform• many of hla grNl•I lllta - lnclud· Ing " W,.,.,,._ I Call You Friend" fnd " Keep The flf•" In tfils eotlc:4lrt taped el Ille Santa Berb11e County Bowl (%) MOW * * " The Relurn Of The Secauwt s.......·· ( 1980) Mark Arnott , Gordon Clapp The membarl ol 1 group of college lluelenla active In the p.otest move­ment during lh• '60s gatller lor • -'<end reunion. ' R'

2:30 8 GIUJG,&N'S l8LANO Skipper becomes cle9fnMCI wt... • tedk> bulletin •nnounc:e. that lie has bean declared 11 fault tor Ille loM ol Illa oh111er l>Oal

D MOVIE * * 1" "SllerlOel! Hoknea And The Woman In Gr_, .. ( 1945) 81s11 Rathbone. Nigel Bruce. Sllerloek Hol~ Is called In to ln.,..ttget• a -lei of crl~ In wf\lel\ finger• are myat-10\itly mlMing from Ille handa of vletlma • PMUNTE " Trldlelones" An lnllmlll and Informative 1oo1r •• liken II Ille trldltk>ns o l lhe t.allnot ol Ille Souttr­_, (C) MOVIE e * '..\ " The HouM Ot The S- H1wtt1" ( 1959) Rob­ert T eylot. Lindi Ctwltllan When 1 p~la lound deed °" hla sNp. • Chatter boa• s111pc>er diacoYers • atrenge map that i.acts lo a hidden Nazi fortune

1:00 D TAU< A80«.IT PCTUM8 " The Se«tle PtrOtoOf•· pl\er" with OUftl J0M9ll MU4H'(;ll 8 llTJU A'8CAU G) MOW * * * " Tiie Mllllor>e.11esa" (1961) Sophie Loren, Peter Se!Ml<I Baled on Ille pley by George Betn11d Shaw A young mllllOn81t'ffS la torc:ed by lier l•tller ' • Wiii to marry a man with • gc>Od butl,,... mind SJ AMENCAH SKYLINE 81) MOVIE "S un Velley Serened•" ( 19411 Soni• Henle, John Payne An oreheltra Pt• 11111 lil\dl out 1ne1 • t>eauli· lul young _,,., sports

ellamplon 11wns out to be Ille Wlf orphlfl lie llpon·

sored yews ago ®' MOYIE * * " The Questor Tapes" ( 1973) Robert fo>1wortll. Mike Feuell An android hu the 11rengtli ol live men but IS Incapable OI amollOn Q{) MOVW • • " The lncradlbl• Shrinking Woman" ( 1981) Liiy Tomlin, Chanea Gro­d in. A 1Yburban llOUMWll• f ind• 11a11111 getting am_., •• hit' unc:on­c:1rned husband IOoka on. 'PO' 8MOYIE * * '.I\ " Star Trlk - Tiie Mollon Plc:lure" ( 1979) Wllllam S halne< . Leonerd Nlmoy. Tiie former c:om­mancter o r the U S S EnterpriM ,...._,blel Ills old c:rew end aata off on • mlllllOn to find the myllerl­OUI WllMI reeponelble tor

Ille dMlrucllon of - · OUI federation t llrahf91, ·o·

a::aoD ON~ " Quellter FMt~"

• MOYIE * • • " My F1¥orlte BlonOe" 11M21 lo«> Hope, Gale SondergMtd. A fl\8fl

end "" ttllrled penguin become lfWoNecl Wllll • beeuUlul b lOftde apy .._ mleeiofl .. '° ..... top · eear•I lfttormeUon 1CtOM IN continent. • MOYIE .

**' *"" " A Hole In The Heed" (Itel) Frri Sineo-tra, E~ 0 . Aof>lneon. A ~ wlltl 1 12·yeat• old'°" .... ~ of pr... .... 111111 t8llllly ., 11111"*" lluaiMl9. • L08 ll:ICT MWW ......

Ml(J)MCMI • • • "AllMM '°"918" ( 1tJ'll lN \JllMnn, lnlrld ~ A .,,.,..,_ ~ ........ ,........ ...... ..., ..... ... ........................ ...., _ ....... ..... .._.. ...... .._. .... .

...... y


Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 2•. 1982

TUBE TOPPERS KNBC • 1:00 - .. Sound ol Music." Blockbulter mualcal baaed on the Uf e of the Von Trapp f amlly.

KTTV. 8:00 - " Kini Kona." Thia is. the im version starrtn1 Fay Wray.

· KOCE a 9:00 - " Kini of America." A )'OURI <ireek sallor Jumps ahlp ln 1915, hopinC to make a better llte for hhnaelf. KNBCe 10:00 - " Nothinc to Fear : The Legacy of FDR.·' Reviews the four administrations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and bow the New Deal coped with the Great ~presslon.

Location: from the £1 Moli­no Viejo In Sen~.

• MOYll • •• " Ho"or Expt_ .. ( 1972) P1111 Cualllng , Cfvlltoph« 1.M. A gflaltly prelllatorle ereetur• ur.artlled from• - In China ~ .,., unwel-come p11nnger aboard the Tr1111a-Slb«ian tlll• toed. • WA.LL ITMIT W&K " LOOll Out S..0-7" O....t JulMln Snyder. edllor and publltiher, lntetn111on11 M~. (R) Q! MOW ** e "T•I PllOI" (1938) Clartt Gable. Myrne Loy Forced to land In 1 field. en elllator ~II and 11111 In io... with . far,,,.,· a dqll· let . CC) f1Ui FU TIME (I) TOM JONE.a ANO SUSAHAHTOH Performing lor the flret time 1oge111er, Tom Jonn end Suaan Anion d&all • LU Vegaa audience In 11111 ac>eeill.

·~· W~TONWUK .. NVl!W(fll) • 90L.ERO Ra...i'a "~o" provldet a ~ velltcle lor Thall• Mltl' I Clloreogtaphy (C) MOW • • • .,,., " Sc;et1aee" ( 1932) Paul Munl, George Raft A llMM· Ume hOOdlum riMI 10 the lop of Ille ~ dvt· lt'lj Protribillon 00 vtOEO JUKDOX

&:00·~ * * * " ThOM Magnlfle4w>I Men In Their flylng MIChiMa ( 19851 Stulll Whllmlfl, Satll'r M..._ An lnternatlOnal air race epon-

~~L -by.~ ~ la damaged by Ubotage ef10t'll. • GMATUT SPORTS l.EGIND8 • MOYll • * • ,... " The Sundown­.,, .. (1960) Oeboratr Kerr. Robert Mllellum. Aullr•• Iran Sheep drovers lace problems In their work and In !amity rellllOnehlpa • ANNOUNE " Retol...O. Tllla HOUM Appl- Tiie Economic lnlll•llYff Of Pt ... denl Reagan" Tiie Int pert of 1 debate ~ William F Budllly and Jofln Kenneth Galbrlllll 11 pt-led G THE vtCTORY GAN>EN Cl) u·A·s·H Ctlltlel ......mea ll«OIC proportions atter reviving • dying patient wtth lleerl muaage

MOVtE * * '"' " The Mirac:le WM· ••" ( 19791 Pally Duke Astin. Meuaaa Giibert Oedlelled teacMt Annie Sulllvlfl Irle& every poMl­ble approach 10 c:ommunt­c:ate willl hit' lludenl - Ille deet . blind end sirongwlfted HeMn KelMI< (O) MOVIE • 'It "Up River" ( 1980) Morgen S tevena A young p ioneer become a obMSMd wll h reve nge atter llta wife It killed by 1 1oce1 land baron who ,_,, 1111 euc::ceaa.

lk30 I NBC NlW8 <11 AllCNlWS

G THe8 OlD HOUK The tooling• tor Ill• b<eezeway I greenllOUM ate poured and Ille hOuM get• • lllgll· ledl -gy audit 0

i :=-as JOURNAL

e * * " Pete'a Dragon" I t977) Helen Reddy, Shel­ley Wlnt«I. Wllll the 11e1C> of • c:llubby green dragon n.....O ElllOU, a n orphan ~ from 1111 nuly to.ter family and togetller 111e two of tllem head lor Maine ·o· (%) MOYIE • • ·~ "foolln' Around" ( 1980) Oaty Bully, J'nnette O'Toote A "81"9 c:ountry boy ttlel to wit\ • t>eaulllul, eoplllallea ted college coed -ay from lier anobbittr llanoe and her equelly uppity lamlty 'PG '


An airborne llellc:opt.,

lllgllt whlcll •ftorda --.Ill .,.... of Southern Celltornl9: • looll . , the lal· Ml In IPY gadoMe; a big lime 1-ci c 11111 °" 1 view of ~~tfleU.S I Mexican bOfdlr. an lnatlfll ""'9ddlng ctlapel In Lal veo-; • dating ewvtoe ror

"' .. I~ ICojMI ln.,..llgale1 Ille ~l~Ofl

~t~·~· • M"A"l"H Aildllr II aooep4ed lo the "Femoue Lal VegM Writ· .,.. Sdlool" ar'IS ~ ~ 1111,.,....,,. of tll9 4077ttt, "


llQDtOOL ' 'Wulflt Md T'911 ..,_ .. A IOoll II ... ., et Wl'9I typeeotlllle .. ..,....., ""9tlo-~Mw to ....,IN ......... ~ MOW OOlidltlot ..

~a. ... ·CIMIU'I~ n. Mtlll fO ••oc.-lfl ............ 10 ..... It• lleMI-.

b6aellmalllng owner

! :...we + * + " Tiie B&llle 0 1 Alglera" ( t987) 'l'l(:el Suell, Jun Martin. Algeria wegee I delpwat• al"'IJ" gie tor Indepe ndence trom 1954 IO 1982 (l)MOYIE • • • 'Hawll The Steyer" I 19811 JllGll PlfanQe, John Teuy An adventwOIU young man anllall Ille lid of a blfld ol warrior• to fight 1111 .-.II untie. Ille overlord wno 111a father and Is holding Ill lbbeulortantOm



Uonel'I ,_ playboy •Ill· lude upeela loulM .

l ,.....TIME CHee:KIHO rT OUT '

fHIUted: Mike McKinnon 1111e1 with young people whO mllca the str .. 11 lllelt home, Ana Cobian atlandt e qulnc:.-1, Ille lrldl· llonal Cuban 15111 birthday pany. (1)'1I NEW8

7•8 (1) IO...vTU D QBMOVIE e * * * " Tiie Sound 0 1 Mullc " ( 196S) Ju l11 And rew•. Cllnalophet Plun""lf A would -be nun ~OO-MUIOan

eutoeratlc Austrian widow· e<'s MVen mlaeNevou• c hl4dret1, In wllom She inSllllS lier kwe of mullC (RI 8 (11 THE MAJ<lNO Of' SUN.No\ANI Cllrtllopller ~ hOsts a loo« 11 Ille behlncl· lhe­_,.. eraallon of one or Ille blggMI hrll In mo110n ple lure 11111ory, 1110 appearing are Merio n Btando. Gene Hlc:lcman and Margot Kidder 11 IAONSIOE Racing agllnsl time, lron­llde hu 10 tincl an uncon­aciOul mlfl on • 9inlr1ng boat. • MSW ONf'F1H 0-t: Lorn• P111erson • TVTANKHAMUN'B MYPT • NOYA " T•t Tube Blblea" The llClence behind the con­mptoon of hulnlfl babies oullide Ille womb ia '"-

(Ii'~ * * •'"' " MY Bodyguard"

C 1979) Ctlrle Mllcepeeoe. Adem 8ekhM The iiew k ~ 11 I Cl\tclgO high sc:hOol ,..... .. friends with the IChool and together they lland up 10 Ille cruel gang wllleh had peraec:ulld them both 'PG' (O) MOYIE • • " Melvin And How11d" ( 1980) Pa.ii LeMet. Jeaon Robards An 0111erw1se un kn o wn ges s1111on allendent cla ims to be the rtgllllul heir to Howard HughH' blllron dollar .. 1111 'R'

7: 18 (IJ MOVIE * * " Kaoemullla" ( 1980)

T 11auya Nlkedll. Teiutomu Yamuakl A looll-a Mkl llllel 111i .. C1ver and carries out Ille reeponeibillllel of • JI.,_ Warlord whO WU

unexpec:tedty killed to pro­

vide "'' t1eu1anan11 wttll more time 10 enact thelf

defenM 'PO' 1~• ADAM-ti

Malloy and Reed brelll up • battOOtn l\Nale, c:l\Ue ~ and doCll ahol· ~blalll • AVIMJE2t

l:OO 8 Cl) AACHIE BUNIW"8 PLACE Arc:Ne'a .. ,_, .. unlns..<ed trucil eruhes Into Reggie JICl! son· a car. • UNOPllA WOALD Of' JAOQUll COUITQU "Oeeer1 Whales" The llttle­known Celllornla grey wllllel are trlCl!ed and atudled by C.ptaln Cout· IHU and Ille Calyplo crew wfllle on lhelr lflnull 5000-mile migration !tom Ille Bering S.. to Baja. Call· lomll. 8 !1J TOOAV-S AM Ben and 1119 ag«ll• go undercover to ldenllly llle ,..,..,.,bars of 1 redleal lac:­llon eonouctlng • telgrl of terror In a emell Southern town. (R)

·~WNTTWN * * * "King Kong" ( 1133) fay Wray, Aober1 Am>­ltrong. A monetr- ape tllttlM an wmy wl!lle lrytr>g to retafll po 111111 on

of•-C*Pt-• eek.ID 90l.D Hoel! """"" Gibb. eoi-t: ,...,ilyft McCoo. au.te: Hell l 0..-. L.ou ....... Da'lid 0.1-. OetmlllM Jedt1«1, Tiie Time. Sneek· ., ' c-tty Twttty . .NOYA "A Fllld ~ To Roger Tory ~·· A portrait Of Ula man wtlOl8 beet· MlllnQ QUldebooke on ornlttlOloGY M\19 ~ • pNollll rote II\ 1""*'0 bWd ~ lflto a INM epor'I .............. o

• MAMIW :•

'""'"" ."Tiie ....... T,... Of Thi-la&; Fftelldl'" .......... TM IOfl ol lf'9 Gr.-' ..... ,,.,, ... 1111 ~

--~ ..... tlyt{fllrt4)Q (J:) llCMI •• \t -nw ....... Of n.

~HeWlll" (' ... IHOO· "'1 T~, Cfvt.flarl wt*\ • p I iger II lound .... °" 1111 ..... . CINtW !lo.I...,~·. •trM89 inep lt\el IMde to • lllOderl ...., lof""'9 CIJMOYll • • • " C •ddyahack" (IMO) 9111 ~ray,~ Del~ Tiie .,.,_t. .. Cl"ounoMlelP« of • 1w1nky country c lub W90M W.. IOafMI ltw ~· ""'-biting 111• lutf ' A' .MCMI • • • • " The Elepha nt · Mao\" ( 19801 JoM Hun, Anll\Ony HOC)lllnl. A <*fl· e eted p 11y11e11n llllH under 1111 wtng • llOl'ribly deformed man whOM Mi. 1111 INn hid been ...,, In CflelO lrMll olllbitlon1 'PO'

l:M 8 (I) 0Nm MY AT A ftill &etber•'• ~ bit'lll· day petty le CINlled by I trio of gun.Coting rot>l>lf• D TMIWON.D TOMC>fWJW

lr:ll(O)MJJlllMUN ... (I) Al.a

Alie• ac:c:ep11 Mon1y'1 propoaal tn • deeperllte llletnpl IO ..... him from ending i1 all • Wll.O KINGDOM " Pred11or1 Of The Mara" Cheellh, Ilona, wild doga. llyef\H and Ollle<a UM remarkable metN>C11 to eatc:h their prey (R) 8 9 MOVIE • 'h " Meleor" (1979) Sean Connery. Nlllllla Wood Pi- ol 1 giant meteor erull to Earth. landing In S wllzetland, Hong Kong and M1nha1ten. 0 DOR.CHO • HHHAW Ou..11. Bill Monroe. Doc Severln1«1. Rex Allen Jt • Olanne ShlfrMI.

-~ T'HeATM " The Fi- Tr- Of Tlll· lie Frlenda In High Ptac.e" Tiie aon ot the Oran11· head man lln01 lllS wey lnlo the dynem11e storage llul. (Patt 41 Q 81) AMEAICAH PLAYHOUSE " King Of America " In 1915. • young, 11rong­wtlled GrMk aa110t ~ ship 1n New Yori< Harbor . hoping 10 make • ,_ lite lor 111mse11 1n America o

MOW *,... " Tiie Jazz Singe<" ( 1980) Nell Olemond. Lau­rence Olllllef A New Y onr cantor btNkl with remlly lredltlon In Ills dallra 10 be a pop mu~ atar 'PO' (~) MOVtE * * " HNtlland" I 1979) Conchata Ferrell. Rip Torn The mother ol 1 7-yaar-old girl lrav... -• to keep hOuse tor Ille tough c:anle reneher 1111 eventually mlfflel 'PG'


Lv~<W !:THO#UR

* * '..\ " Happy Birthday, Gemini" ( 1980) Mldel!nl Katrn. Rtt• Moreno A Her -vatd studlf'rl 'I blrtlldey pwty It hia tlmlly•1 Sou111 Pl\ lladelpll la ll o "'e ~Ill~ aaperlence lot lllS lllllllng c:leaam11" 'R

10.-00 8 TMPPE'J' JOHH, M.O. A mentally relwd.o young m1111 encl • Nl'CUtlC old ,..,."'" find that ,....,. 11 .... e gr•I deal 10 ollet eac:h Olllet a a HOTHlNO To FEAR: THE L£GACY 0# FDA John Hert reporll on Franklln Delano ROOM· 11911'1 tour admlnlstrellons end how Ille N- 0 .. 1 coped with Ille problems OI Ille GtHI Clept .. tlon •• NEWS II EANUT ANOl.EY • IHDEPINDENT NETWON< NlW8 • MUTING Of' MINDS Leonardo de Vlnel, Willtem Biiiie and NIQcolo Plglfll·

nl eonclude ''* dllClUS­Slon, louetrlng °" artistic; IMkln, teliglon and .,., Ctil· ic:lam. (Part 21

~~Of'ITAM * * " Tiii lnCtldlble $1\r!Mlng Woman" ( 1980) Lily Tomlin. Ctlarlel Gro­din A auburban llouMWile llndl llerHll ge111ng smaller u lier uncon­cerned llusbano tooll • on 'PG' ( %) MOVIE • • " Melvin And Howard" ( 1980) Peul LeM•t . Juon Roberda An Olllet'WIM unknown g11 atellon 111and1n1 claim• to be Ille rigllttul heir to Howard HugllH' billion dollar estete. 'R '

10:IO I JEllfll(Y FAJ.. Will Ml/MY 8WAOOAM

Cl) MOYIE *•* "Song Of Freedom" ( 1938) Peut Robe9on, Eliz · ebelll Wetc:h , A bllc:k stavedor• Win• lame u • concert singer and )our. neya to Afrlc:a In -eh of 1119roota. .MOVIE • 'A "Improper 0Nnnaftl0


(1981 ) Alan Min, Meflene Hartley. A _. of mllun­derlllndingl IMde • eoelel WOftler to belleW that IN 5-~-old daughter of • ...,.,.., ooupe II IN *1tmofdllld--. 'PO' 11:901 ·Cl) a NIWI ~ACWllW WOM.D~

....::w. • ~Of' ntl WOM.D ContMl8"11 ltOll\ IN Unh· .. ....... o.-t Britain ltld Awtr ... oompete In • qulr PfOO'MI INt ..... ,.,.., ..,.,,... In • .,.,. --v of 1Ubl9o1e. (II) .. • • • • " Reeurrec:Uon" ( 1•> Din 8urtilyn, a.m ..,.,.,... After a - ..... IU10 llOOldeflt, • WMl8ll llr*lllMW'-IM..,.._ ~ 10 Mllf otlW'I IM II pet• ............. of Mt ,..... • ...,, • dMrle ~·"O' (ll)MCMI • • 1111 Alie" ' •• ,.. c.M ....... ... ....A ...... ._1111 .. ... ..._ .. ___ °'

•1 • tow wflo ....,ed 'It' tMll O.NIWI 8 NIM

11:ao ~MAL NOCUM MOYll •••Y. "A Hate In The

......, .. ( 116t) ,,.,. line· ,, •. ro-d o. Aoblneorl • TA&..- Of',_.. WWWIB> " HIJ801t " A madman eboerd • ~o141f fliOlll llOlda Ille •'-deM llOI· 1809 in Ille crew'a loilel and demandl • fltllOn'\· and 8 pM ICl'rlll• I . ...,.. ......... " I W .. A 'fler\•A09 Movie HOllywoOd tNt ' ' Roger Eber1 and GerM tlleke! ••lfnlM lhll r_,. Why Ille ,_ .... llldier- la now determining Holly• WOOCI' • blQOetl 11111, (A) i =THI NATION

• • ,... '' I ne G e n gater Ctwonlclft" CPert 3) I 198 I) MiellMI NOUtl, Btllfl Ben· ben (_C) UOVIE * * " MelWI And How1td " ( 1980) PIUI L-..11, Juon RObltd& An o lll«WtM unknown get 1 1at1on e11enc11111 Claims to be Ille •lgtillul ....,, 10 Howltd HugllH' b1ll1on d olla r eslale 'R' (S)MOW • • " Th• Hollywood Knlg1111" ( 19801 Robet1 Wulll . Tony Dana On Hiii· io-. eve In 1985 , 8

rowdy high IChool gang wrellle llavoe In Bevetty Holla 10 ••enoe Ille cloaing o t 1n .. r hangout by the local hOm4I o wnere 11aoc1. ellon. 'R'

11:46 IJ FACE THE NATIOH D MOVIE * • '"' · Th• G1ng 11or Cnronrc:lft" (Part 3) ( 198 !) MIC:hael Nouri, Btren Ben­ben

• A8CNEW8 O M<>W • • • " Seratr T •• Portrall Of A ller\· Age AICohOllc" c 197S) Linde Bla•r, Verne Bloom lJ CINEMA9COAE


"* * " The LISI Of T"41 Belles" ( 19741 A1c:ha1d Cllem berla in . Blythe 08"'* G) MOVIE *'"' " Luclty Texan" ( 1934) John Wayne. G a bby Hayes

• THE DUCHE.88 0# DUKESTN:ET " '.Ollie" Tiier• 11 mueti

;;. conjecture among Ille s lalt when LoulM and Ille Major return to Ille e.r.11nek bringing young Lottie with lllern (Plrl 131(R) 0 (() MOVIE ( l) MOVIE

* * * ·~ " Bteaket Motanl" ( 19801 Edward WOOOW11d. JIClt Th0mpt0n Autlrall­ent c:onacr1p1ed 10 light °" Englan0'1 aide In Ille Boer W11 dectde 10 lighl lhe Boer guer111u on llleor own term•

12:: 1& 8 THE AOCf(F()AO FlLE8

12:30. MOVIE • * ,,., " Bec k Roeds" (1 ta 11 Sally F lltd. T onvny L .. ,,_ A llOOl.lf and • down-on -noa-luc:k box.; ~Ind head -110 find Ille elllld She gl"9 up IOt .tdoptlon two-years eatli· er ·R'

12::46 MOYIE * • • " C lleecll An d C hong '• Ne•t Movie" ( 1980) Rlellard " ClleKl1" Marin, Tllom11 Chong Tw o po•ll••d• have numerous small adven­tures w1111e toaming Ille 11reets o r Los Angeles in seerch ot Ille " perleet hrgh " A'

t :1&8 NAMEOfTHEOAME A 1"'91 pretends lo be • c:hanty fund rll-

1:30 Cl) 8U81NE88 JOUANAL (t) MOW • • " Performance" ( 1970) Jemes Fo • . Midi Jaoge. A hOOd on Ille run trom Ille mot> finds sanctuary In Ille hOm4I of • t>umeO-out lor­,,_ roc;ll sler 'R ($) MOVIE * * "S- Sugar" A young gl<I, forced to WOt1' on 1 jungle plantation, mall• pllfl8 IO Mell her revenge aglln•I Ille men In ellarge 'R'

1:'6 (11 A8CN£#8 1:90 Cl) CINOlA800M ,.. TUMA800T

2:0e CZ) MOYIE • • • "Autumn Sonat•" ( 1978) Uv Ullmann, Ingrid Bergman A pr~ou• eonc:en planllt I• reunited willl her .. 1ranged daugll­,., and • r-'!ng and dMf>'Y emotional b•llle beglnl bet-lllem 'PG'

2:30 Ct) NIW8 00 vmo JUKl80JC • .MOVIE *+ 'A " HOllywoOd Boule­vard" ( 19781 Candice Alai· aon, Olek Miiier F •'1111 lrom lnd lane, 1 young uplting lllt'lel beOOrn.­lnvotved In • real robbery lllet 1M tlllnfll II part ol her movie debut. 'R'

1l411 :.--JOUMAL

l:OO MOVIE ' ... "Tiie Aetum" (1911) J a n -M ichae l Vlneent ,

==i~= • • * " The a.111e Of Alglere" ( tH1) Yeeet SMOI, ~ Martlfl.

(J) MOVll * * IA " Journey 8llCk To Oz" (1t12) Anlmalld, VoloM of t..IU Mlnnell. Peul Lynd•


1:41 CJ) MO"fl • • · 'Tiie AMum Of The ~~" (IMO) Marl! Arnou. OordOfl

• CliaDp . .. ,~ ** "MllWI And~" ' (1MO) ..... LIMM. JMon ~ .

tUI ClllMOllla • \t ' 'Thi .... ..,,..,.. (,.., .... DliMloM, lail-

- C!Mlr •

, ,

. I t l

.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982


Q.1- Uoth vulnernbll· , n South you hold: + KQ83 -.: AKI092 0 84 •A7 The b1dd1n1< ha'- µr()('cedl·rl:

outh W111t North ~Ht I ": PHii Pa11 I + Pan Pa11s 2 0 VaH ? Whal 11ction do you tnkl''l

Q.2-As ~outh. vulnerable. you hold: +K76 ~6 0 854 •Jl09632

Thl' hidd1n1r:t1nb procetided: We11t North Eut ' 011th I Pa111 l NT PH• Va11 Obie .... , 2 • l'ass 2 " Pa11 1 Wh11t at'l1on do you lllkl''I Q,3 - UoL h vulne rublc , 11 11 Soul h you hold: •Q94 <:.' A8754 <> KQIO •J6 Thi• biddinK has prOCl' l'ded: North ~allt So11th Wut I • Pa1111 I ,., Pau 2 + Pallli ? Whnl do you bid now'!

Q.4 - lloLh vul m•ru hlt'. llN

South you hold: • AJ1062 ' 76542 <•7 + 84 The b1ddinl( hu' proct'l'dt'd: North Ea•l South 1 1':1'- l • ? WhllL action do you take'!

Q.5- As South, vulnerable, you hold: +QI06 l':I AQ9763 OQJ5 • K Thl' biddinic has pro1·eeded: Solltb Weit North ~Ht I Ci;• ..... 2 · - PH


r ~!11

15 oz. SIZE e


DOWNY FAlllC SO"£NER Softens clothes and reduces static cling

f:.: SIZE) 1. 7 g

RAVE SOfl HAIRSPRAY • Aer...i (7-. MZI) • ._AereMI (4 -. SUI)



2"("] P .. , 3 • f'al# ? WhuL ttrtion do you takl' 'I

Q.6 - Bolh vultwr11hlt'. n11 Soulh you hold: • AQI0983 'V 874 <> 3 • AK6 Your r ll(hl httnd OllflllOt•nL OJJl'"' one di11mond. Whul :w I ion do you Lah'/

Look for an,wcr~ on Monday. Q . - What i1 yo11r be1t percentqe play for fo11r trlckl from the followln1 holdln1? Dummy AK Q 9 Dec:larer

" " There 11 ao 1hort.ace of ea·

trle• to either hand. - R. tt.tt1 ..... Detroit, Mlcb.

A. - There arti only two linc'J 0£ pl11y: one is LO cltlh t ho lhreu lop curd li 111 lh1• 11ull. 'l'h11L wlll 11uccct•d wh1•n1•v1•r t•l tht•r 11111111nf•nl hold~ J I() x 10 thll llUll.

'the olhcr hnt· i to ll'.id low from lhl· <'lowd hund towurd dum1'ty H lhl• nt1x1 l11t11d follow:t low, finc,.,c Lht• nan1 .. H, whl'n you lead low Lii

dummy. th1• nl'xl hand pro duces an honor. win 1n 'dum my, rtiLurn lo tht' elo cd hund and le11d low Ul(Uln, 1nlt·nd1ng Lo finrsse the ninl' 10 Lht• second round. Thul will yield four tr icks whenever thr hand on your left ha5 bot h

Lhl· 1a1·k and lt•n 'lf lhr 11u1l S1nc·t' lht• t'hltnCt'li of lhl•

pl11yl•r on your lt•ft holdtnK bolh (Jl tr;<11nl( hon11r11 '" 11rctllM t hun t•1ther dofl·ndt•r hc>ltlinK 111wdrlrully J 111-x . the It.II lur hrll' ., yuur bf•Ml hct

Sead H y q11eeliont for thl• tol11mn to: Charle. Ciorn Hd Omar harlf, care of thl1 new1paper. Each week a prize of a copy of lhe new ''Goren'• Bridie Complete," a S9.95 vaJiae,. wUJ be award· ed for the qlMlttlon Jlld1ed the be11t received.

Charlea Goren and Omar Sharif per1onally cannot undertake to aHwer all que1tlon1 •11bmltted.



Mo \ t e r Cord


CURUNG STICK ma..w .. For Ou1ck Curls' Chrome barrel with extra-long cool



COUGH TABLETS WITH VAPOI ACTION Mentho-Lyptus. Cherry, Honey Lemon 0< Ice Blue.

30 Tllll£TS 79c IA



12 oz. Sl


"PLUS" COLD MEDICINE Ellect1ve relief from ma1or cold symptoms

36 TABLETS 2.29 SAVE&4e



(12" x 200')

2.99 BUY 3 & SAVE 29e



THERMAL UNDER-WEAR Small. Medium. Large 3 99 or X·Large Tops SAvt '1.00 . or Bottoms ~ -




.JOGGER SHOES Blue & Whrte with 4 stripes

& crepe soles

l 1.88:VE•2.oo LADIES'

POLYESTER PANTS Assorted. washable beau11ful solid colors or prints. R£GULAJt


QUUNSIZ£ mG/l (l2·31)



5.99 6.99


Popcorn, almoncts. pecans in a mouth-watering butter crunch. _195


MUGS Hand-finished. attractive mugs brighten up any drink'

10.SOL SIZE 99c u .


Assorted formulas for softer skin

~(B~CJ LIGHTER Pak of 2 More flicks from


12-.CM SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEKI ciool\ M Tn'"l rnPMM ONDAY rHRl'(.,ATt1ROAY . q Oil AM TO I OL PM \lJ ~ [lA '1

ONE· A· DAY VITAMINS Pt.US Mlt£ULS 11 Vitamins + 7 Minerals

SAVE 8 1.20


BUY 2 & SAVE 39e


JELLY Adds pizazz to any piece of toast!

Single Stfvtno Can Variety of dtllclous Ind nutrltlonal flavors .

• $ 0 • 3-.CMI

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....., , ............ ,... t nm.-~0r, -.w ....

•-Vll.IO-aun ...,. ... ,... """· UMTAA __ .. ,.._~ ......

. _.., .... ~ - -~,., .... . ... . .. -. ...

~ ,


. ..


~ Sunday, January 24. 1982

Here Norma wt0ra a ceriH ""' loft(il·•eve 1lwll wUh c,.,..,., olive green and gold •tripe JOO percent wool lldrt. A knotted·in·fronl Jilk belt in ceriN and P"~ bl/ " Heavm" ,~. tlw blowe and •kirt togetlwr.

Norma checks her luggage at John Wayne Airport. She wears a deep purple raw silk pantsuit and olive-printed m cerise. purple. eggplant and gold silk blouse. both by Fenn

Weight & Mason. Her shoes by Socialite and Evan Picone hose are a lighter tone of eggplant than the suede ca rry -on by Ruth Saltz.

COVER : Wearing a soft olive g reen p1 g leather-suede waterproof trenchcoat. Norma Hertzog is pictured at J ohn Wayne Ai rport. Accessori zing the coat a 100 pe rcent rust-tone Anne Kle in s hawl. eggplant s uede carr~'·On by Ruth Saltz. London Fog umbrella. utilitarian as well as fashionable ol iv e -in se t -with -go ld s lin g pumps by Forecas t. Oliv e -green -toned panty -host' create tied-together look between hemline a nd shoe. M~ . He rtzog 's necklace is by Red Corbra and earrings by Monet.

Fas hion s and acc essories by May Compan~· a t South Coast P laza .

Daily Pilot photos of Norma Hertzog by Patrick O' Donnell. Additional STYLE photo~ by Richard Koehler . Lee Pa~· ne and Charles Starr.

A Sunday Section of the n ra11ge Coast Daily Pilot

Thomas P. Haley Publl1her

Thomas-A:-Murph1ne Editor

Nora Lehman Style Editor

Michael P. Harvey Merketlng Director

Maqone Fendel Retail S.IH Meneger

For News Call 642·4321 . Ext. 205

For Advertising Call 642·4321 . Ext. 251

Main Office 330 West Bay Street . Post Office Box 1560. Costa Mesa. Calif. 92626-0560

Norma Hertzog: By JODI CADENH EA D Of Ille D•ty "IM Su"

Norm a Hertzog has become a minor celebrity at a price no woman would want to pay.

Last April the Costa Mesa councilwoman had a brea s t removed a nd se ven month s later it wa s recons tructed with s kin taken from her s tomach .

Although s he was one of 111 .000 women diagnos_ed as havi ng breast cancer last year . s he was only one of a handful to undergo the new n .•cons tructi ve procedure And lhl' first in Orange County

It"; a di s tinc ti on that has pus hed her into the limelight l'xposing her privatt' life to the same sort of s erutiny he r public life has been subjected to since s he was e lected to t hr council e ight yea rs ago.

A Lo!-. Angeles Times inter\'ll'W from he r hos pital bed last ;'l:ovcmber resulted in an ava lanche of phone calls from olht>r women wanting the rcconstructive surge r~· performed b~· Dr. David Furnas at St J oseph 's Hospital.

She·s bet•n interviewed by a Canadian radio s tation . written for a health Journal. posed for a fas hion layout and will tape !-icveral te levision s hows before the end of the month .

At a recent c ity council meeting the Canadian born councilwoman found herself the t arget of a television cam era. She removed her reading glasses and s hot back a s mile. The next day the KNBC crew followed her

Lady of fashion around one of two pre-schools s he owns and operates in th e c ity .

.. They wanted to capture both s ides of me:· said Ms. Hertzog.

Bright . charming and quietly assured . Ms . Hertzog does n' t seem to mi nd the publicity . She hopes it he lps .

" I feel like rm very much in the public eye.·· s he admitted. " But I don ·t mind So many women have been helped."

Not given to fee lin g!-. of self-pity . s he only missed two c ity council meetings for both surgeries .

But as soon as s he returned home from the hos pital las t April. s he began looking around for something more tha n just a prosthes is .

.. , fell that I would not feel like a total woman.·· s he said ... It was a miser able feeling without a breast. Now I have feeling . where before I was just numb.· ·

She la ug hs reca lling the heavy black line!. her s urgeon drew to mark where her abdomen would be cul dur•ng the nine-hour s urgery . She wanted lo draw a funny message instead . s he says.

A trim attractive woma n with clear g ray -blue eyes. Ms . Hert:wg frequently wears s weate r dresses

.. What I was trying to say to women is t hat you don 't have lo feel sorr~· for ~·ourself:· s he said . .. Don·l give up your life for one breast. ..

In addition to her work for the city . Ms. Hert zog has been active in the League of Cities. th e Orange County Mu s ic Center board . the United Way Board a nd numerous other community organizations .

50% Off ,.


Winter Merchandise. beginning

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I - ..... Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982 ca

Wpen you fly friendly skies ·

Norma llertzog , Orange County's Lady of Fashion, does a lot of traveling alone - for bwiness and pleasure.

Like this week ·~ Orange Coast Lady ot Fas hion , Costu Mesa City Councilwoman Norma Hertzog. more and more wom en are traveling alone - (or bus iness or for pleasure.

B eca u se thi s is o fte n a n e w experience , STY LE offers th e fo l lowing s uggestion s t o aid the novice.

Depend on a reliable travel a,gent or your company travel planner to help with reservations and ticketing.

Be s ur e to reconfirm yo ur reservati6ns 24 hours in advance of flight time, and. if possible, arrive at t he airport early to ins ure seating choice.

If your luggage, plus contents. arc worth considerably more than the $750 airline m aximum liability, and you aren't carrying it on the plane. you can buy ins urance at check-in time for

' about 10 cents for every additional $100 of coverage.

Reading and writing material will make the time on a long flight go £a ster . Also keep a toothbrus h . m a keup and a moisturizer to combat the dry a ir of pressurized cabins handy. Using them during the flight will help refresh you .

When packing for a trip. remember t o keep it s imple. keep it light. Chances are no-one will be avai lable to he lp you , so a wheeled suitcase or fol~able-metal -suitcase carrier is a good idea .

You may c h eck two pieces of luggage weighing 7Q pounds each on a domestic flight . but unless lhis""is ·an····-· extended trip, ~nd more luggage is Be s ure that ~·our travel i.lj!cnt fill s needed for s peed and safety"s s ake you in on the best way lo get from the (luggage has been known to take its airport to the hote l If you' re to p1(•k own trip, without benefit of ownen . up a car . be sur{' you have a written carryon luggage is a more practical conf1rma t1on in ~·our hand approach. Depending on arrt\ al ttml'. you may

Everyone is allowed one hanging want to chec k to sel' tf ~·our hote l has bag, a small !9 by 12 by 23 inches J late d111ing fa t: tlitH.'!-. or 24-hour room s uitcase which fit s under the seat. an se rvice . If it does n' t get a bite at the attache case , coal a nd a handbag . airport. With everything in hand . there ·s no Ins pect ~·our· room · carefully upon waiting for your bags to be unloaded arri\'al Take your time and if tt isn't and processed at the other end . sa ti ~factory be calm. but don ' t be

s 1><•t·1al ser\'tl'l' g l\ en and tht• t~ Pl' of n·:-t aurant.

For maid s1·rv11..·t• lea\'l' S2 1f you·n.· sta ~· ing one night . or 50 tt'nb 11> a SI Pl'r night for lon).!l'I' :-I a~· -;

Thcr("s no lll'l'd lo ttp <1 clourm<Jn for taili ng one th"l ., ltned up. hut gi,·e him 25 cent., to " SI. depend111g on the difftC'ltlt~· . for :1tt rar ting a (•ru1s ing ctt b . If he hl'lps "1th ~our luggagl•. add 25 c·cnb tor <.·<1d1 bag

I. t· a ' i 11 g ·• l' h t• c· k I ht• r 11 o m thoroughly hl'fnl"l' '1n1 c·lost• ~our lug1zagc . b1 ·h1nd the bathroom door. in ever~ dr;l\H·r ;.inrl t•vcn check under the thrown back co\'ers

Ru/111'\ ltt'll rlram1111d\ Jlriq/11 F"rom 01., colleclum o/ preciou.t s1one1 arid d10mcmdl-11t Ill lmrol ydlourgold

A ~ar•haPf' ruby two tnllwn diomondl U ,400 B tar'1nga rt200 C pendant 11 ,915 D tmicelPI wtlh uoal ru/Jles and 110 diollllmds l 10.81j •E pea1&hopr ruby and diamond . ~rte d1omcmdl 19.575 F <>uaJ rutMs With d1amorid& 111.925

I ' /lclfl/1° , \1 I l>ll/11\


Bailey Banks& Biddle Vv'orld l<l'll111t •11ol /1'1n·/,·,-.. S11tff 1832


~·1n. t '··~ t•/ "l'"' I l lft1jl\ f , ' 11 ' .. , v • .,,,


~New Ownenhip 3404 Via Oporto Newport Beach. CA. (714) 675-5454 (In Lido Marina Village)

HOURS: Dally 10-5:30 Sat. 10-5:00 Sun. 11-4:00

Shoe Sale ~Price

Come to the Sale at The Shop for Pappagallo ... before our cupboard is bare!

If your closet is bare and vou've no shoes to wear. ·Pappagallo's h avi n g a SALE !)0 you s houldn 't des pair.

We have lots of styles, and colors galore . Our s hop's fu II of treas ures . come ' in a nd ex plore ~

If frequent travel is in the cards. an embarrassed to ask to be moved . You elim ination of the worry about leaving are not at the hotel to make it imp or t ant ite m s behind ca n be convenient and comfortable for the ha ndled by keeping your sm all bag m a nagement. They are there to make packed with travel s ize sets of your it convenient and comfortable for you . cosmetics. toothpaste. a toothbrush. You ' ll only get what you ask for . deodorant . s ma ll bottles of yo u r Breakfast in 1your room can give prescription medicine. extra g lasses you a few extra minutes to dress and a nd s unglasses . a travel robe. sli ppers eat. but be s ure you put your orde r in and nightgown. the night before for more e ffic ient

If you ha vt• a Qlll'st1on about ~·our bt II. ct1 s cuss 1 t bl'fore '> tJ: nin g and paying at. Again. don ' t lw intimidat<.•d if you don "t und<·r!-.tand som<•thing . S p c a k ll p I t · ., ~· o 11 r m o n e ~· ' R etn('n1bcr t h1·~ \\ouldn "I l'Xist~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\ ithout ,·ou It ht•hoo\'t•s thl'm to keep you hup·p~· You t'an ·1 ll'll. ~nu c·uuld Keep a list of other essentials on the service.

t op of the suitcase a nd check off us If you' ll be ente rt ui ning clients o r they are packed. fri e nds in the hotel dining room

Packing in a hurry often leads to the arrange ror the handling of the check ·· left behind" syndrom e c However . 1f in adrnnce. If ~·ou ' re dining alone ask something 1s left , outside of your to be seated a long th<.> wall You" ll feel prescription medicine and glasses. less cons picuous . ch ances are you ' ll land someplacr Tipping seems to be 'tht' larges t where dupli cates can be obtained So problem for \\Oml·n Otten not hl·1ng don ·t pank . 1 s ure whom to lip ;tnd ho\\ muc·h the~

When choosi~ng your wardrobe ei the r undl·r tip. O\"l'r ltp or nt•gll'tl to rem-emb~r -tu p-rck a <'."ouple of deal w1th the proqll•m at all compa tible colors in interchangeable First. be s ure you have s mull hil b parts jackets. s kirts. pants and and change in you r pocket or pursl' blouses. Any color can be a neutral so TherC' a rc some general rule!> long as you' re happy in it and won ·t Airlin e <.1nd hotel lu~gugL·

t ire of it on an extended trip. The days attendants : 50 C'l•nls lo $ 1 per bag. and of blue, black , grey, brown or ta n are 50 cents to $2 for some requested over as your only basics . personal assis tancl' s uch as getting

Shawls. whi ch can be worn around cigarettes. n ew!> pa p c r s. c·te c;l\' t' the s houlders, head or waist to give a cabdrivers and \\a1ters or wa1trc!-iscs different look lo a costume. a re good 15 percent of the bill° before taxes 1 and

~·accessories to take . as are pieces of more if the bill is s mall. i.c 30 cents :::cos tume jewelry . Avoid tak in g on a 70 cent fare> A wine steward ·.'irreplaceable objects with you . You s hould r eceive 10 percent of the cost of :!may think you can ' t live without the wine at the time the wine 1s •• 1 them, but you may have to if you take opened at the table . Tip a maitre '~ them on a trip . d 'hotel $1 to $10 de pending on the ·~

t'a s i ly tw 1rrcp/<ln1h/1· A touple of \\Ol"d" ;.ibout go in j.!

abroad Rcl!t:-ll•r fun•1j.!n m:ult• <·anwras or

JC'\\ l• l r~· al tht• a1rp11rt bdnn· lt•anng ~h l' c:<font ry

Oblatn "omc· nf thl' c·nunt r~ of cl e~tt nat1on ·..., c·u 1Tt'lll'~ IH'l<>rt' lt.'anng th<· l "nitl'<I St.1t1 •-, -..o n11 nwltt·1 \\ hNl' yo11 arrl\ l' ~·m1h;I\1• t' a s h a\·atlabll'

T akt· at ka 'it 11ne tra \' l'I or bank C' rt• cl 1 t <'a r d 11 · ., ea s ll' r to kc c µ n·c·ords . g<.'l nt•c.•d1..•d cash. an'I pa~· forl mt•al .... and lodg 111 g-,

Do11 "t gel Ill\ oh cd 1 n a ny hl'a \' Y m ental o r ph~ st eal activity for at leas t e ig ht hours aft ('r arri' al if you·ve t'l"O!-.Sl'd thrc>e time ioncs Rt•lax Take a hath and a nap tn:-.tead .

\m1c1erges i.Hl' the r<>hahlt• !-.Ourccs for ;.ill sorts of infnrmcst ton aboul l s ho pping. enl t•rt ainmC' nl und loca l cus toms when ~ou·rc.· abro<.1d One tip al lhl' t'nd of ~our s tay ts the us ual procedure So, with some l'areful pre planning ~· our voµage s hould certain! ~· be bv11. 11 ' t>st pas"'





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A public service sponsorship of the Orange Coast Dsily Pilot

For complete ad copy and art ser~ices advertisers all along ~he Orauge Coast

rely on laily Plllt 642-4321

Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

L. to r ., Edwin Paul, Bill Mathewa , Frtd VanderWeele, Fronk Drezel and Carl "Joe" PeracheUi toke port in Balboa Power Squadron Change of Watch cer~a.

Ahoy, mate! Safe boating By NORA LEHMAN ...,,.....,.. ....

CHANGE OF WATCH : A week ago Friday the Balboa Power Squadron had its Ch ange of Watc h dinne r dance a t t he Bahia .Corinthian Yacht C lub.

A few liba tions. di nner and tht•n . beforelfley oanccd . a r l "' J ot•" Pcr~t'helli .

Where's she going later that's morP 1mportar1t than here? That ·s Glen DaV1son . fluntmytnn Beach 's Animal Control Officer and .~he 's going on stage at South Coast Plaza to have Daniel o/

Jr. took the helm as commande r for the comin g year . i\ec.'l'JJti ng the rcspons1 bilit~ of keeping th1~ org anization. wh1 <:h serves the bes t intel'l'Sl ~ of all of us who take to the water oftt>n . or e ve n pcriodica ll ~·. are B ill Jones . C'hut k Lake. Dave.• Lc.·~tl•r . Ed Paul. Bill Mallwws. Tom Nus bitkcl. .Jr .. .John ffohrin g . . J err'>~ ndrrson . PYelt Va nderWet.>le , T o m M cCain , Chuc k Phl'lan . I !<.t i Lang a nd Bob '.\l icldlC'ton

The.· part~ \\ :i:- fun . of t•our~c Good lo ocl . good l'Oll\' l• r s alion among good fncnds with eommon intcr t•sts .

But. I' m not g oing lo clistuss th a t . lns tl'ad I'm going to l'limb up on a s m all :-oapbox t

It isn' t n·qu11T d that unyont• buy ing a boat takl' a l ' ntt1 ·d States PmH•r Squadron ('ou rs l' hl'fnn.• t ht•\ take to the ba ,. artd or th e sea . · ·

It isn ' t <' \' t•n rl'quir°t'd that pott.>ntial boaters have et drive r 's licenS<'.

:\ncl . pt•rh.1p.., a lot of hoatt•r .., \\011 ·1 agl'l'l' "1th nw ht·1 n J.! an 111dc.•pt•111lent lot . hut I thmk a l'Olll"-.l' ..,houlcl ht• l'l'(jlllr'c.•cl . not to m e ntion a lll't'lh l' not tor till' boat tor I hl' boater I

For tho~t· ot 'ou who undt•r .., tancl t hat 1t 's best t o ht• ·pn·pan•d for p1itcnt1 ~il problem~ 11 ·.., u..,t•I ul to krHI\\ I hat Olll' dm•:- n ' t need to ht• a memlwr ot I ht• Po\\ c.·r Squadron to takl• a lhanta ,l!t' of tht' ll' c.•dutat inn al eou l'..,l'" Thl·~ ol ft•r a 1:J." et·k (> u h I i c B n a l 1 n I.! (' o u r s c.· on ;1 n· g u I a r ~<· hl'<luk .\ tall lo li:H 5000 \\ill .L!L'l ~·ou mo1·t• informal ion 0 11 t hat

~ () l I h a I I h l' \ • l'l' d I .., l' 11 ll r a g I n ).! nH· mbers h1 p I I \c111· r1· inlt•n•..,tl'fl ~ ou m1J,!ht drop a l11H· t<1 o ur Boating Edit or . Almon Lockabc\ h e r e at the Pilot. P .O. Ho x 1560. Cos ta ~h'sa. Ca 92li~fi

SO)JE PEOPL E H .\V E :\I.I. THE - I.I 'CK : rn th1::. tast• the lut·k, tht• r e alh

"1 -g winnt•r i;l t . R e::.o l tHIUll!:> ... Lh c No rds trom-American Express fa s hion s h ow-travel combo he l-0 r ecent[\· was Doris Kafer at Hunting ton Beach . She a lmost left ea rly and would hav e mi ssed th e · e x c itement

So. nm' off s ill' J.!Ol'S t1J lht• <·11nt11wnt on \mL•nc·<rn E\!ll'<'"" \\'l'll al·tu.rlh . :-ht• 11

J Am erica n Ezpfess re pr ese ntati ves at .. Resolut ions : " Phil Ricketts. d•1trlct aalea and marketing manager and Martha Dill , manager, South Coa1t Plaza ofllce.

Sally Stanton certainly sets a good exa mple for f 1tness buf /s

l"'"lwlil~ l ~tkl' a plant'. b111 'ou k110\\' what I m1..·an

T ht·n . i..:m·:-..., "ho e bl' had to run baek to gl'l h is pntt"' Fountain \ 'a llc•\ ·.., and our

I ....

Don s Kafer of ll1mtmgton Beach has 1ust won the American Express trip to Europe She managed to· remain very calm . alu?m .

\l'I ' cm n P a t nt I.. 0 Donn1..·ll that .., "ho I IL· p11·kl'<I l11nht·ll 11p a In n 1..·I Iot t• from Hoolt·n ·~ Lugg;igt• l'nlt•!..., Ill' c·um· crt ~ 1t to a l'aml'l'<I b;1 g. 111 ~ Pt•gg~ \\ill ha\t• t o take .i tn p

SPRl :\'.G IS I.'.\ T H E .\IR : Thi~ ma,· C'OmC' :l' 3 tn·nwnclous :-urpri "l' to \OU hlit d1cl ~ ou knm' ..,om1.· pl'ople an• planning tu gt· t m;_irnl'cl or ha\'l• a ln·ach t;.iken lht' lt·ap ' Can~ 1n1 1m;,igll1l' th at "

For 1n:-tann· rc.·l 1abll' ... oun·t•.., tt.'11 me that <;t'nl' \\'a:-hl>urn \\a.., m.trnl'<I quiet)~· lll "I twfon· C'hnstma.., and 1.., nm' :'\1r~ Borko D.1o rd l•\ 11· Sh1..• ancl ht•r ~l D

Daniel's Salon get her read11 for her tnp Cont mued rm JJaqe C5 ~~~~~~--~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;__~~~~~~~~~~~

Final Markdowns on Fall/#inter Merchanmse

30°10 to 50°10 OFF

LADY MAIDltA ............. upper lewel Mxtto~Co.


Call or Wnte for Free Spring/Sum


. .\


I '


F irs t Pla ce and B enefactor A ward winner. soprano Anita Berry.

Seco nd pla ce and Third place and Fourthpl.oceandOpera Patrons Award winner , Sponosr 's A ward League of Laguna lyric coloratura. Susan winner . Jamee Ard . Beach Award. soprano Dixon. mezzo-soprano. Celeste Tavera.

Continued from Page C4 husband are li ving on the desert

Th e n , Sue Ellen Deverich . Nordstrom's fashion coordinator, managed to sound unruffred and totally in command announcing the N-AE s how the other night ltespite a power s hortage. a nd the presence of her fiance. Ron Smedley. He'd just come in from Colorado. and was off in to the middle par1 of the country the next day.

That's one fas hion coordina tor . Another is Shc l le~· Kaufm an . She

married r ecentl y, m oved to North ern California a nd le ft her job in the capable bands of Billur Wa lle ri ch.

Billur. she who thoug-ht s he was onl~· going to work part time for the fun of it. There is no s uch thing as a part-time job. and this new one is full -time a nd then some, I'm s ure .

AND THEN 'OMF. : When 1 sa" that I m ean it. Billur·s schenule is a little full.

Tomorrow s he narr a tes the Hadassah Fas hiO!i Show al South Coast Plaza llotcl · In addition . s he 's working with Pat Cox

a nd Prisci lla Morr ison. wa,·~ and me;;ins c h a irpersons for ou r local Children ·:-. Village cha pter on the David ll a~· cs F as hion Show. Scheduled for Februan· -.t <.tt the Ba lboa Bav Club. it s tarts at 11 :m· a m . a nd Mr. Ha~'es himself is <.'Oming out to do the number on this on <.'.

If you want to sec suits al their e legant best. don 't miss thi s . L\'da Pearson and A n n C a s p e r s h .i v e t 'tH• r e s e r v a t i o n res pons ibility . Try 642-3602 or 675-4122.

Hele n Ci rkle is pres ide nt of this J.(roup . for the second year. and has done a ~upt•r job getting it m ovi ng right a long.

Billur isn ' t off the hook ~·et Sht'~ also working with Ruth Poole and her g roup from the Newport Ha r bor Ar t :'vluscum on ··The Best of American Fas hions .. Show :\ fund -raiser o rganized b~· lhl' ~tu seum Council. it 's scheduled for Fe bruary 9 at 10 a .m . in the Couture Room a t Saks .

Saks is serving a brunch . a nrl le l me tell \'OU \'Ou 'd better diet the da\' before . E s pecialiy if ~·ou plan to tr~· on an~· oft hose c lothes . Saks· brunches are as l' leganl a~ their fashions and a lthough one n •a lly clot•:-

have control o f one's destiny, s ince it 's us ually buffet style , it's ha rd to resist the taste treats . ·

Vincent Knoll . Saks chief gatherer of the wonders of Mary McFadde n . Bill Blass. Osca r de la Re nta . ct al. wi ll be along from New York to narrate this one .

For a .. r eserve" on th is ca ll Rut h Poo le at f~4 -9263 .

AND THE WINNERS ARE : A week ago Sat urday the Orange County Dis trict of thl' Metropolitan Opera Nat ional Co u n cil comp le t e d it s s ix th annu a l aud i tions . The v we r e h e ld i n the auditorium of t he· Newpo11 Harbor High School and whe n the day was done, about 5 :45 p.m .. these e ight young people came out with a tip of the ha t from the judges .

We photographed the Career Categor~· winners. but in the Apprentire Group the -.nnners were Susan Montgom ery . Cra ig Cantle,·. Donald Chris tensen and Frank Strnad·

Judi th Palance was g i\'en s pecial recognition for the s ix ~·ears s he 's s pent a s Orange County Audition accompanist.

A ll finalis ts in the Caree r Categor~· will 11 0'' audition in the Wes tern Region s e m i-final s . T h en o n to the fin a ls on February 27. a nd with luck because they a lready have tale nt three ca n be se lected to e nte r the Nationa l semi-finals at the Met in Ma r c h.

Good luck. ladies and gentl e men. You do us proud <:ilrt•a d~·

:\NOTllER OPENING, ANOTHER S HOW: It seems hard to be li e ,·e that Dirc<:tor Bill Ottem has been al the La~una Beach Must•um of Art a ~· e<.lr .

But il mus t be so. This latC'st s how. " l m pressioni s m . the Ca li fornia \ ' iew ... honored hi s ann 1vt'rs ary . Orig i nal ! ~· curated b~· llarvc~· J ones fo r the Oakland Museum. the ~·ouni? doctnr brought it to Laguna Beach

A good ~ized trowo turned out to get H Io o k al l h 1 ~ ha n cl s om e 1 ,. mounted ex hih1t1 on Pre~inent of the Board of Trustees . ~t arla Aird, wekomecl . amon_g olht· r~ . Suzannt• a nd Tt•d Paulson. \ ' iri?:inia

Face it! Time to shape up By VIDA DEAN Of tM DMly ~Ml St.ff

It 's been al m ost a month s ince Ch ristmas . . a ll the holiday feasting a nd over-indulgenct• gone . but perhaps some reminders linger.

Now is the time to think about goab for the new year.

I don ' t think vou s hould rus h into t hings. A month is a bout the right amount of time to recuperate from those hectic parties and start thinking ser ious ly about s haping up.

" Shaping up" are two words th a t are

~--~/· I

/ I




-- _,, I


.EJven a workout in J a nuary . · .. Magazines . ne ws papers a nd telev1s1on

programs will g ive advice on physical fitness. They lite rally bombard us with die ts and exerc ise rituals . ·

That's all good , and I approve, but this is not a column on those s ubjects . I I consider them a bit too personal at the moment . . . m aybe February. >

Let's talk ins tead about other areas in which we can s hape up and improve our looks . , ·

First of a ll . let's delve into our crowning glory.

Stylists across the country are now telling us that hair wlll be worn shorter.

Maybe this is the year you will want to .go for a s hort do. rr so, a good talk with your stylist would be the first step . Discuss your ideas and let the stylist guide you as your face shape and your lifestyle may dictate.

Remember that height at the top or .your ~ad and rullness of hair around the


VD~ face help give the facia l contours a lift. Als o. volume at the c rown helps offset a double c hin . while a casual hair s tyle. instead of having ever y hair in place, tends to present a more youthful look.

If you a re devoted to your long ha ir . a nd your sty le comple me nts your face a nd build , there's no reason you s hould be pushed into cutting your hair s hort. Maybe a ll it needs is to be s haped.

Next. let us cons ider t he eye brows: The~· a lways seem to need s haping o r plucking.

Today I p r ovided yo u w ith a n illus tration to help this problem. Eyebrows do raise the m ost questions , a nd they a ll boil down to . · · how do I s h ape my eyebrows'?"

Okay. do this : Look straight into a mirror. a nd use a

mag nifying g lass if needed. Get a ruler and an eyebrow pencil. Line up the ruler verti cally with the tear duct and make a s m a ll dot where the brow s hould begin . Next. place the ru ler at the outer edge of the iris and ma ke another dot on the brow line . This is where the brow will arch - the hig hest point of the brow. Fina lly, hold the ruler in a line running from the nostril to the oute r corne r of the eye through the brow. The brow s hould be s lightly highe r where it e nds than where it begins . You want to avoid a droopy look .

Now, connect the dots with feathery s trokes of your eyebrow pencil. If you find (as I did ) that one eyebrow is off kilter, fill in with your pe ncil with s hort• hairlike strokes ... no heavy hand her e .

If you are lucky and have ~aturally dark a nd full brows, you can forget about the pencil and just let your tweezers trim away those hairs that may be spoiling your pe rfect browline.

Remember this : You' ll look older if your brows are too straight. That's why you should give yourself a lift with the arch . You'U also look older if your brows a r e too close to your eyes and nose, if they a re too thick and droopy at the ed1es. oc if they are plucked too thin - like those movie stars of the 19308.

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982 ca

Fifth Pla ce and Affiliate s Encouragement Award , tenor Mark Feiner

Linda Stevens. her mother·tn·law. Ruth and her aunt , Lavil')ia Jones , who came dDum from Alhambra . admire Linda's painting ·· watertight "

Mayo-Tom aso . And y Win ~ . the Ted P e te rsons. Oor i and Gavin He rbert . E Gene Crain . Bob and J oan Chapman and Ca the rine Kiester.

OUR TRAVELING CIU LDREN AND gr a ndchild ren : r was talking to My rn a Saftig the other day and a mong other things we discussed was l'hildren in her cas e . a lthough I a lways find this hard to believe. grand c hildren bei ng s pread throughout the world .

Nol to be o·utdonc b~· anyone . s tw told me , her grandd a u g hter . Cale ne Wa rd Fleurhe and he r hus band. M-aarten are-­coming through he r e from Brussels on the ir way lo Saudi Ara bia .

These two m e t .it Ora l Robe rt s Unive rsitv. He from the Netherlands. s he from Californi a . und where do the~· land firs t '! Be lg ium.

Maarte n s peaks five or s ix languages as do mos t of h 1~ fell ow I loll.inders

and with t hos e s kilb h t· is. l ··m s ure . inva luable to his emplo~·cr . the Juh.n Dt•crc company .

It ' ll ·be a fasC'inallng cxpcncncc. na doubt tough . but fascinat ing for those two ~·oung ones . A whole new culture . and heaven knows. a whole new cl imate . Ma ybe Cale ne will write a book when she returns .

Dr. William Otton . director of museum on first annwersary rmth art 1st . Scott Moore. and his pamtmg. "Cleaning the Catch ..

~JH• 'trnuarp 'learance FINAL

REDUCTIONS ( )ur fine foshi< >r1s h< n 1c I Jeer 1

rec1uced to o froction < ?f their orioinuJ J>riccs. There ore oreot l>orgoi11s on do~J

onc1 euenino clresses. clossic 011(/ c< >11ten11)< >ror~; spons tueor. knits. s uits . C< >lllS.

lingerie. Jounoeu_1eor. occessories oncl f )eoutiful one-<~f-o-kinc1 ciesioncr J(1shi< >ns.


J/2 Off BAGS A :\'D BELTS /rnrn /kt 1<1 . • \IJll<' f\/c ·111. ,\l1111i ...... ,\loskotPitz.

Ull< I f><lli%/.i<> f<'clucccl tu cl< ·w SC1\H\'ES- O ur comp/ct<'<" >llcnio11 Jn Hll . \II wn ,'\'ipnn

cmd O.scnr etc Ju fk11t<1 r<'<lll< <'d J/ 2 ()jf


1/2 ro3/4 Off Choose from day and evenlnq s hoes from 1\nne Klein.

Charles Joi 1rdan. Haist< >t l. Fet)( Ii. Garolini. Glo ria Vanderbilt and John ll<>~JWl Originols

In a variety of styles ancl colo rs.

Originally $45 to $185,

.JOHN HOG.AN Lu Jollo: 7636 Glrar<1. 45 4 ·7 12 1. Fcishlon Volle~/: 291·7 UX>

F(1s hion 1s tan<1. Newpo rt Center: 644· 7 100




i \

DAIL y PILOT/Sunday, Janua Orange Coast ry 24, 1982

What's in a shirt?






03-4 05


TO UNDERGO CHANGE - Sleeping Beauty Castle will still be the gateway to Fantasyland. but by mid-1983 it wi ll be a

completely r eva mped section of the Ma~ic K ingdom A new attraction, Pinocchio, most likely will be the main feature.

Drop in Disneyland attendance adds to dip in earnings By KEITH TUBER .,..., .............. ~... .

In Anaheim , Di s neyland's a ttendance dropped S percent to just over 2 million in the first quarter ended Dec . 31, 1981.

In Orlando, Fla ., Di s ney • World suffered a n 8 per cent attendance decline during the last three months of 1981 to fall to 2.3 million.

At the box office. " Watcher in the Woods" failed to recoup the $10 million it cost to m It ended up losing $6.7 million.

The above statistics are being c ited by Walt Di s n ey Productions as being chiefly responsible for the company's 33 pe rcent drop in fir s t -quarter profits.

Di sney re porte d last week quarter profits of $17.4 million on revenues of $21 1.8 million. The sales figure was 4 percent ahead of last year' s firs t.quarter results.

Disney officials blamed the lackluster attendance al the Anaheim park on poor weather conditions -during the holiday season, but added that the park's Christmas holiday attendance stiJI was the second best in its history.

The decline at Disney World was attributed primarily " to the Impact of the nation's recession and re s ulting de c lines in long-distance vacation travel," according to a company release.

Disney' s film rental Income was up 11 percent for tbe quarter to $37 .8 million, -despite " W atcber in the Woods . " Operatin1 income for the quarter fell to $3.2 miJllon from $13 . 7 million, a 77 percent decline.

That aspect. of company's busineu is expected to iDlprove dramatically durinl the quarter endin1 Marcb 31 as income continues to mount from the domestic Cbriatmaa re·releale of " Cinderella ," and the European Chriltmu releue of " The Fox and the Hound."

"Cinderella" is eapected to ·bria11Dta&al f9dall of more dam 4. U . 5 m ll 110 D , 0 D I .J t7 · I . million ol which wu renected In the ftnt.quarter statement.

"The relNue of 'Cinderella• waa very, very succeaful," said Erwin Okun , Disney vice maldlDt o(_public: relaUons. " It ranked ln tbe Top 3 lil ma)if maneta amm the c:ow1try. and broil• bouH record• in eipt


theaters in New York alone ... Projected rentals for " The

Fox and the Hound " a re about $28 million, less than $500,000 of which was realized in the first quarter . It was. according to Okun , the most successful initial release in Disney's history .

The success of these two films sho uld s pu r r e lat ed merchandising sales, which in turn would be e f up second-quarter income for the f irm ' s Consumer Produ ct s Di vi s ion , company offi c ials claim. .

Th e d iv i sio n r epo rted

operating income of S14 .3 million in t he first quarter , 6 percent less than the like period a year ago .

Several releases this year are expected to imp rove Disney's future p rofit s, t he co mpany believes. Among th em

" Night Crossing," s ta rring John Hurt and Jane Alexander in a film about a balloon escape atte mpt from East Germany ;

- " Tron," whi ch involves computer game battles . ("We think thi s film will be a br ea kthrou g h , wit h it s computer-generat ing graphics

Disney officials blamed the lackluster attendance on poor weather conditions.

IPCOT - Dlaney's showplace ia due to open in October.

f •

acting as a magnet tor young a ud ie n ces captivated b y co mputer games." Okun said . )

" Tex ," s tarring teen idol Malt Oillon in a story based on the writing of S. E. Hinton ;

" Never C r y Wo lf ," directed by Carroll Ballard I " The Black Stallion "> set in Ca nada about a m an in the wilderness who le a rns about• nature and himself ;

" Something Wi cked This Way Comes." Ray Bradbury's classic masterwork of fantasy.

" In addition," Okun said . " we will reiss ue · Bambi .' · Robin Hood · and ·Fantasia ,' the latte r with a n e w s tereophonic soundtrack .''

M ea nwhil e , Di s n ey l and offi c ia ls have d isclosed plans to r e nov ate the park's Fa ntasyland. A new a ttraction, Pinocchio. will be featured while Captain Hook 's Pirate Ship and the Fantasyland Theater will be e liminated .

Dumbo's F ly ing Elephants. the Mad Hatter's Tea Party and King Arthur's Carrousel will be mo ved to new locations a nd updated " looks" are planned for Peter Pan's Flight. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and Snow White's Adventures.

Most of Fantasyland will be closed by next summe r, with the remod e lin g, c h a n ges a nd Pinocchio attraction scheduled to be completed by mid-1983.

Among other projects Wa ll Disney Productions is involved in are:

- For e i g n hom e video cassette market. Begun in 11 countries la s t Chri s tmas . Disney's " The Black Hole" has shown exceptional s trength, especially in England ;

- EPCOT, an $800 million projec t at Di s n ey Wo rld , sponsored by such corporaliOfs as E xxon , General Mot.ors. Coca -Cola, Kodak and General Eleclrlc . Opening Oct . 1, EPCOT wUJ be a combination world's fa ir and s howcase. where futuri s tic products or tomorrow - and today- will be displayed.

- The Disney Channel, a pay · TV service expected to be on the alr ln late 1982 or early '83. The joint venture wilh West1n1house • l J ! .. lr l 6 h our a 0-f pro1ramming dally.

- Tokyo Di s neyland , 1cheduled for U183 oompleUon.


.. '

Faye Dunaway returns to N. Y. stage .. . D9

Housing haves and have-nots By JOHN CUNNIFF A"•11U-.ANIY-'

NEW YORK- - The haves and th e hav e nols are always fi ghting , and for a good old American reason : The haves want to keep what they' ve won, and the havenols j ust a s eagerly want to win what they haven't.

All in all , it has been a decent battle so long as the economy wa s ex panding a nd makin g r_oom for more ru!oQl e.

Under such conditions, the two didn ' t n e e d t o fi g ht. Th e havenots . th at is . could get thei rs without havi ng to grab it from the haves . The haves, secure in their property, could act magna n imou s l y to newcomers .

In a s hrinking economy , however, the mood changes. The b a\les hold dearly to what lbey have lest it be taken from them, which may be the very thing the hav enots ·nave in mind .- Tfie ha ves a re marked ; they are enemy.

You can see it happening in hous ing, which used to be the a ll -Ameri can pas tim e - the bu ying, expanding, tending of it. It was the inspiration for hard work , the fulfillment of dreams. the symbol of accomplishment. lf you had a house you felt you were a h ave . You felt you belonged .

Houses now cos t about 3.5 times the m edi an household incom e, a rise in price tha t produces a two-faced result tha t adds up to confli ct. It makes the haves smile over their s uccess; it m a k es the havenots frown because it shuts them out of the great American dream and pastime.

Th·e haves a re mos tl y older , th e havenots young er . which m akef the problem even worse. Check' who are the leaders of rent control drives , who are the authors of proposa ls to deny homeowners the right to deduct int e r est costs from income laxes. and who leads the fight for gett ing tax brea ks for renters and you' U find a lot of people under age 35

Perfectly unde r s tandable behavior . beca use the very facto rs c inflation es pecially > th at have mad e homeowners rich are the factors that m ake it all but imposs ibl e for ma ny young families to own a home of their own.

U nders tandable . but nol necessa ril y charitab le . rea · sona ble or wise.

A now familiar if not hoary proposal, for example . would hm it or take away the income

tax deductibility of interest paid o n hom e m o rtgages . Tha t d e du c tib i lit y i s gene r a lly s izable, because of growth in the s ize of mortgages and because of the high level of interest rates cha rged

Mo r tgag e inte r est a nd properly t ax deduct ions. one

advocate argues . add up to $ 39 bi 11 i o n i n · · f o r e ~on e'' f e d e ra l r e v e nu es . Deductibility doesn' t work an y way , he argu es.

CU HH ll'I' b e c a u s e firs t-time buyers, for whom it wa s meant as a n incenti ve, a r en ' l able to buy. Besides. the h ig he r the tax bracket , the neater the. he.nefit or. if you pr~fer ._ the subsidy.

So, he says, take it away or reduce it, without appa rently con s id e ring s o m e o f the consequences, to wit :

I f int e res t dedu c tions arc denied those who borrow money on homes is 1t to be taken awa y from those who borrow to bu y C'ars. c loth es. toys and wh atever else people use credit ror '1 Why single out hous ing?

Is it a lso to be denied to industry?

How c a n property-tax d eductions be. called foregone re venues unless the principle of double taxat ion is upheld ?

ll ow man y new homes would the deni al of deductibility provide'! How many households would find th ei r h ou s ing problems reduced thereby?

Is this the t ime to punish hous ing. now s tuck up to its e a ves in t h e s l oug h of d epression, una ble to provide a million ne w hom es a year when the potenti a l dem and is s a id to be about 2.5 t imes that?

When you look into housing you see a great deal of injustice, a nd it comes not a lone from . government policy

Parents who take great pride in the value of their homes don't lik e to dwell . for example, on the idea that part or tha t va lue resulted from their generat ion borrowing from the generation of their children.

The most peacefuJ resolution of the haves vs. havenots ip hous ing. it seems. would be to g et the econom y expa nd ing again When you build a bigger pi e neither has to s tea l from the other or deprive the other

New honie coverage cheaper, hut riskier By LOUISE COOK A11e< l4'• -·Writ~

Cons um e r s s hopping for homeow ne r s ' in s urance a r e finding new possibilities for protection.

The new policies are cheaper than conventional ones. but they a lso are riskier since coverage is much more limited .

Protection under a traditional hom eowners policy is based on replacement cost - the a mount you would have to pay to rebuild your existing house if it were destroyed .

Most insurance claims involve partial damage rather than total

d es tru ction . But unless you insure your house for at least 80 p e rcent of its r ep lacement value, you generaJly will not be reimbursed for the full amount or any partial damage.

An alternative type or policy, how eve r , ties cov e rage t o market value - the worth of your home if you sold It.

Suppose you bought your house , for $40,000. ll h as a market value of $60,000, but it would cost $90.000 to rebuild. Assume a s torm damages your roof and you need repairs costing $3,000.

With a conventional policy, you would not be able to collect lbe full $3,000 unless you bad. insured your house for at $12 ,000 - 80 percent or the replacement cos t . With a m arltel·value-potlcy , however, you could insure your house for MQ,000 - the market value only - and still 1et full covera1e for Ute dama-1ed roo-r. Nol'mat deducti~es •PflY wtth elther lype ol pbllcy; I you have a S2SO deductible, for example, you


would be reimbursed for the amount of the da m age minus $250.

The Insur ance Information Institute, a trade group, said the m a rk e t -va l ue p olicy was developed primarily for owners of older homes.

The cost of r eplacing these ho m es is fr e qu e ntl y much higher than the ma rket value. The houses may. for example, i n c l ude workman s h i p a nd m ateria ls which are unavailable today or would be too expensive to duplicate. Older homes also ma y be located in depre•ed

areas where market values have not kept up with ris ing costs.

The price of Insuring one of these older homes for 80 percent of its replacement value may be mor e than the owner can afford.

M a rk e t - valu e policies generally offer less coverage agains t th e ft than r egular polic ies. They also s tipulate that d a maged property mus t be repaired with commonly used, r e adily availa bl e materials rather th a n the or i ginal products . Plaster walls, for exa mple, could be replaced by l ess - e xpen s ive drywall cons truction. If your home is destroyed, you would not be able to replace it.

Prices for market -value insurance vary ; in many cases, the cost per $1,000 or covera1e is high er than with' replacement·cost policy *•use the risk of damage Is hl1her. As a rule. howev e r , the total premtum ..for,. market-value policy will be lower than for a replacemenl·COSt policy . (See IN8V&A.NCE, Pace DI)


Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

nflation's unwinding o why are interest rates threatening to go higher? NEW YOllK ( AP ) lnflution

a bt· ·n htild to it s lowest lt:vcl four yt•urs while recession has

t)c e(.'()nomy in retreat. So why rc lnte rt>sl rates so high und hrcull'ning to rise further ? I After a ll , when lnflittlon anwinds lenders should not nee.'<! b high u return to preserve the t p lue of the money they loun. ~nd wh t:n bus iness activity f cclines, loan demand is fl\pected to dry up, removing fUPPOrl for hi g h borrowing ~osts . , · By an y m e a s ur e. bo th fnrlation and the economy have jJowed. : The government reported this pa s t week that inflation , as (Peas ured by th e Cons umer Price Index, rose 8.9 percent In 1981, its lowest increase since Che 6.8 percent r ise in 1977. ; The • Comme rce Department •aid the gross national product , th e broad es t mea s ur e of eco nom ic activity, fell at an tnnual rate of 5.2 percenl in the final three months of 1981.

lt was the steepest s lide since ih e record 9.9 percent plunge in GNP during th e Apri l -Jun e period of 1980 in the depths of \he previous recession .

Althoul(h hous ing s ta rts roso In December, 1981 was the worst y cur for th e nation ' s h o m · bu i ld e r s s in ce 190. Am e rl\'1m s· pe r sonal Income ro11c by 0.2 percent in December, the s mullest gain s ince April 19$0.

And · • r o u l iJ pendab l e ea rnings," wages available for s pending after laking inflation und laxes into account, declined 3.3 percent in 1981 ror a typical marri ed wo rk e r with three dependents.

Yet the prime lending rate, the base upon which banks c ompute th e i nt e r es t o n s hort-term bus iness loans to th e ir mos t c r e ditworthy cus tomers, has remained s talled at 15.75 percent since Dec. 1. after fa lling from 20.5 percent during th e autumn . Man y economists say it is poised for an increase.

The yield on 30-year Treasury bonds, a bellwether of long-term borrowing costs for industry and government, has risen above 14 per cent from levels be low 13 percent a t the end or November. So me credit analysts, including influential Wall Street economist ll e nry Ka ufman at Salomon

Brothers Inc .. predi ct record long -term interest rules before the YNtr ends

And at its weekly auct ion last Monduy, the Treasury paid Its highes t intere11l on three· and s ix-month bills s ince las t fa ll .

Bu s ine ss d e mand f or short-term loans remains high and long -te rm Inf lationa ry exp ec t a tions hav e yet lo subs ide.

How can this be'? " In two wo rds, ' Fe derul

Reserve,' " says Da vid Jones. an economist at the investment firm of Aubrey G. Lans ton & Co.

But Don a ld Maude, c hief financial economist at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. , says it is " expectations of huge budgetary defi cits" that is the major factor in sus taining int e rest rules at pe rs is tently high levels .

Meanwhile, Edward Yarderu , chief economist at E .F . Hutton & Co. Inc., says " don' t despair," low e r int e r est rate s are inevitable by early spring.

Due to processing difficulties. the Orange Coast Stocks tabulation does not appear today .

New statue priceless? Making fake antiques is big business in Thailand

ClllANG MAI. T hailand IAP I How do you

FOAM FURNITURE - T he Sh(.·rnood Corp assembl~· µl a nt m anager .Ja~ Ho<lnguez sib

~---- ~=

u.....,... on a designer sofa m ade at the Fresno pl a nt

m a ke a s ta tue ca r ved yesterda y look lik e a pri celess <.1 ntique dating back to the 16th century '!

As k Mrs . Ban yen Aksornsee. a petite, ex ·m arfet vendor who now owns and runs what m us t certainly be one of lhe biggest .. instant antique" factories in Asia. Under her careful and imagi nat ive tute lage more than 120 s killed c r a ft sme n have fa shi oned and aged tens of thousands of superb copies.

Take a s lender wooden statue or a s miling angt>l out of Thai myt~ology , almost 3 feet tall . To the ane:q >ert eye it appears hoary with age but was in fac t C'a rved only five years ago.

The key is making a good copy from a genuine mod el. Th is pa r ti c ular s tatue. Mrs . Banyen ex pl ains. took about a week to carve and the deft art isan received the equ ivalent or $20. The wood v. as purpose!:- not dried properly so that it would develop s igns of old age

Latest furniture • ID

F igures out of Th ai mythology , Burmese ~p1r1t s. Chine s e lio ns . intr ica te ly wrou g ht orna ments of Buddhist temples. drums twice the beight of a m a n These and othe r antique look·alikes crowd every house. court yard and wa lkway of wh at is a ppropriately called th e " House of Ban yen" a lovely. 1.5-acre com pound wh ere the instants a re made, stored . displayed and sold

The compound normally buzzes with activ i ty ~ Fake antiques are big busi ness 1n Thailand.

Many a foreign tour ist as well as Thai has had h is ego punc t ured a nd his sav ings account depl eted by purchasing cleverly crafted instants at pri ce tags that would normally hang on the real articles

Shoppers here can give their homes an elegant As ian look for very reasonable prices.

ll oweve r . th e r e is a good c hance that llhscrupulous Thai and ~sslbly foreign dealers ha ve passed off Mrs . Banyen·s products as real antiques at their own outlets. That government experts say that most so-scalled ant ique stores in Th a il and now ca rr y la rge ly co pies , oft e n ad vertised as genuine. · .. This," says Mrs . Banycn ... makes me very unhappy llere I te ll my customer exactly what 1s old and what 1s new.··

Mrs Banyen is even willing to share her knowledge or instant antique making. apart from a few special " secrets" which mi ght get passed H> he r competitors .


T hen the statue was hung out in one of lhe compound 's courtyards where the wind . rain, hot house humidity not to mention moss and fun gi gave the piece a mellow. timeworn patina. A than layer of clay was added for extra effect.

The price at Banyen: $100, although the owner 1s a ga me bargainer a nd wi ll consider lower offers . The price a t other outlets : Mrs. Ban yen docsn 't know and doesn 't even want to guess.

There are of course many aging tec hniques. de pend1n~ upon the m aten al in volved and the s t> le~ of the period copied

Some custome rs. Mrs. Ban yen says. will -;pcc1f~ . a desired e ffect and she goes on to experiment. oft en picking up new techniques this WCI\

· Oth er a pproaches to wood a ging include scorching. smudging gold leaf covering. dulling a painted surface or rubbing out the color altogether to expose patchl's of the wood beneath

Bronzes can be <·or roded by use of chemi cals or urinl' . Stone pieces can be buri ed underground ror longer periods and then knocked about and chipped here and there fo r good measure

Mrs Ranycn. now 49, started making ins tant antiques eight years ago It was a sharp bus iness ~\· e because the rea l ones in which she orig inally dea lt were becoming increasingly difficult Lo find a nd much cos tlier to acquire

Some fine antique pieces remain but Mrs. Banyen says that these days her biggest business 1 ~ (·x porting the instants to the United States

Lightweight designer sofa entry in new market FRESNO !AP > - The designer sofa bounded

off a delivery truck and bounced across a freeway ramp before the dri ver realized he had lost somethlng.

Inspection of the dropped couch back at the m an ufacturing plant lwo miles away revealed packing material was soiled. but the contents were in perfect condition , s aid Manager Jay Rodriguez.

" Not a thing happened to it ,'' Rodriguez exclaimed. testifyi ng to the durability of foam furniture

The Sherwood Corp . opened an assembly plant in f'~ resno in la te 1979 as the firm 's West Coast entry in the burgeonin g " lifestyle" furniture market.

Foam is c ut do wn to size from blocks m easuring ~-by· 7 ·by-3 feet before being shaped into furniture schemes planned by house designer Robert Tiffany.

Items range from traditional sofa . chai r and ottom an sets to modern module units in a·variety of designs

A dozen e mployees wrap pre·sewn . quilted fabr ics designed by Calvin Klein , Laura Ashley a nd othe rs around bl ocks bonded with glue Inspection and ,packaging follow.

Assembl y for a n aver age sofa takes 30 minutes

Employees go through three truckloads of foam padding a week making an average of 400 to 550 units

offering a personal demonstration by hefting a 55-pound sofa on his shoulder. " There ' s no danger of anyone around here getting a hernia "

The Lightweight quality encourages purchases by apartment dwellers and people with moving problems. Rodriguez said . Even large pieces will s qu e eze through th e mos t awkward -sh a ped ha llways and sta irways

Another advantage for people with limited space is that all pieces are convertible. Foam pieces laid rial become beds.

" You flip it with your finger , il flops out, and you've got a bed ." he said

The e a se of mo ve m e nt d oes not hu rt durability, Rodriguez added. Heavier and firmer g rades of foam are used where s trength a nd support are needed while softer material is added for comfort

" It's in a very good pri ce range," Rodriguez said . " ll 's not your low-end stuff and it's not your high -priced rurnilure ...

Reagan offered staIDps for hoIDe

An innovative realtor whose earlier offer for President Reagan's Pacific Palisades home was rejected has made a new bid - $1.5 mill ion plus 1.5 million Blue Chip s tamps

Wrather to develop cent-er ··some arc m ore intr ic ate than othe rs ,"

Rodriguez explained. " On our sta ndard line, we could go to about 600."

The corporat ion. based in Spring City, Tenn., has other plants in Paris and Montreal and likely will expand in J apan. Fresno products are shipped to major depa rtment stores in the 13 Western s ta tes.

Coldwell Banker 's Jim Wix . the Re agans' b r o ke r . co uld not be r ea ched Saturda y for comment on the offer by J ohn W. Saunders .

However . Saunders, who founded his own real esta te company last year. insisted his bid was no joke. adding the Reagans could buy " tons or s tuff ' with the lrading stamps.

Wrather Corp. has announced development of Wrather Center . one of the largest rully integrated dffice and hotel complexes ever built in Central ()range County. : The site will occupy 17 acres at the northwest ~orner of Katella and Wes t , immediately south of the Disneyland Hotel In Anaheim, which Wrather lies owned s ince its inception 26 years ago. The Famed 1,200-room hotel has just broken ground for thajor expans ion or its Convention Center racility. 't is one of the nation 's top fi ve hotels in dollar volume of sales.

Wralher Properties Development, Inc. , a 9ewl y esta blished Wrather subsidiary, will develop ~e s ite, long-term lease parcels. and will build to s'uit for ma j or tenants . Richard S. Stevens. fong -time Wrather executive, has been named pres ident of the subsidiary. Coldwell Banker. the lati on 's larges t com m ercial r ea l estate organization. will be the exclusive m arketing Jgenl for Wralher Cent~r . Stevens stated that " the

loncept or a m ajor omce building in close i.roximity wit h a lop-of-the-line quality , full er vice hotel will attract a growing num ber of orporations and businesses who can utilize the ole l for meetings , conferences and bus iness

S\.fpport services." Land planner for Wralher Center is Ficker and

Buffing of Newport Beach. a nationally recognized llrchilecturaJ firm .

Plans for lhe project Include : - A 600-room. 375,000-sq uare-foot hotel

providing a full range of serv ices, banquet tacilities, meeting rooms, and restaurant.

- A nine-story office building of 278,000 square ~et.

- On e or t wo f r ee -standing specialty restaurants.

- Two four-story parking structures which

from Page 01

:INSURANCE • • • Anne Collis of the insurance institute said, for

1example, that insuring a typical frame house for $'72,000 with a replacement-cost poUcy would cost an average or $368 a year. The exact price depends on the insurer- and the area . A $60 ,000 market-vaJue policy ror the same house wouJd cost $293 a year, Ms. CoUls said .

Another aJtemative to traditional Insurance is an opUonaJ endorsement for the ceplacement..cost

'RQlicy Wit.b 11n- optional endorsement, you can insure your home for as UtUe as 50 percent or ils

. rep laeement value and still r eceive a full reimbursement for partial damases, up to

1l1mlt of the policy. : Uke the market·value policy. the opUo.naJ endonemenl lowers c01ta. Ml. CollJs said. \' - '

will provide parking for 2.400 cars ln announcing plans for Wralhcr Center. Jack

Wrather, chairman of the board of Wrather Corp. and Wrathcr Properties Development, said :

" It is s elf .evident that we hav e de e p confidence in the future of Anaheim and Orange County. We were investing and operating our properties here long ago when we sha red Walt Disney's dream. We believe in lhe future here and Wrather Center is another step forward in our commitment to help the area fulfill its destiny."

The total project , if built as planned . will represent an investment of $67.7 million . eJtclusive of land.


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SO COAST fl AlA ~40rn1 low pr l t!" t-1 by Car OU\PI

" We' re the orig in ators,'' Rodriguez s aid, noting the fi rm began making foam furniture more tha n five years ago.

He does not consider the furniture trendy, saying that "Sales just go on and on."

Foam has m any advantages over traditional furn ishjngs, Rodriguez said .

Buyers include " a lot of people who don't want lo be bothered with heavy , massive furn iture." he said .

Workers know that one of the advantages is portability

" We don't need a forkHft ,'' s aid Rodrijtuez.

CO\.~CT9•'S CO• NEft l ·D•

o.Mc .... ..,..• w .. c·1. o.a1 ..., s.11

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SG.65 PER MONTH For services only Unlimited pages and pur­chase your reconditioned pa­ger for only SIOO with 30 days guaranteed parts and labor. •

" I could see Nancy s itting around with David Stockman figuring out the economic implications" of the stamps, said Saunders. a Republican who r a n unsuccessfull y for the Huntington Beach City Council several years ago.

He noted that his company started giving s tamps with house sales several months ago " to show that real es tate is a blue chip investment. "

The payment plan also is unus ual. Saunders has offered to pay $200,000 cash down. and pay lhe . balance. with an annual 12 percent compounded interest. seven years later.

D nu an n n• maaam amammaam•••••• aa•mammmat•·-· !!!!CID•ammma••• -

If it's got wheels, y:ou'll move

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1t faster In a Daily Pilot classified ad. call (>.42:5678 and a f rlendly ad­viser will help you turnvour wheels into cash.



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NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS eUOTAflOtd lltt\llM Udlt Ot1 r•• ... .... MIOWl_Sl 'ACl"C. , •• IOtTOtl H JIOlf H O 'l•CtllllAtl tTOCW U(CllA ... ll Alie •l'OUI 0 I Y Tiii U\O AllO lllitllllT

Cout DAILY PtLOT/Sunda t

24, 1982

AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE ~OUtloed lllCLUH f H OOOll hil Ii"" YQl ll, MID• IU. 'A(lft(, OW, 10'10•, OUIOlt AllO (tll~llllAfl lrOU llC.MAllOU AllD 111"041fl0 U fMI llA\0 4110 l l'IHl l'll f



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- Housing sa es • mcrease seen

LOS ANGELES (8W) - Despite the bleak 1 1911 Callfomla houtlng resale performance, the

California A1sooiation of Realtors anticipates a s low reversal, ultimately reauJUnc in 21 percent hl&her sales volume levels statewide by the end of· 1982.

•'Clearly the hous ing downturn which started In late 1979 has lasted far lonaer than most economic observers expected," said Joel Singer, economist for CAR in bis annual economic ,forecast. " However, in recent months, there have been Initial Indications that the downturn in activity ii atablli&inc. By sprtq ol 1112, we expect to see some increaMI in sales volumes.' '

Singer cautioned, however, that unlike the market's dramatic res urgence following the 1974-75 downturn, the 1982 reversion will be neither as pronounced nor as rapid.

"The factors that will u1llmately determine the magnitude of any housing recovery include the extent to which the recessio_o induces sustained ~ower interest rates," Singer said.

•'Any upturn In hous ing is dependent on the ability of mortgage lenders to successfully compete for funds in a most unfavorable climate."

In the area of new housing, Singer noted that construction in 1982 Is expected to increase substantially, perhaps up to a range of about 150,000 units. compares favorably to lbe 1981 year-end projection of less than 110,000 new homes built. Further growth in the number or new housing s tarts is also expected for 1983 and 1984.

Singer pre di c t ed housing prices will appreciate in proportion to inflation. " The appreciation rates should mirror the inflation rate through the initial stages of the economic recovery and, thereafter , prices should increase al marginally higher rates, " he said. " However, this will not be a dupli ca tion of the situation experienced in 1976 through 1979 ."

Partners spli~ Warmington Development Inc., the oldest of

the four county real estate fll'ms bearing the Warmington name, has ended its partnership with the Beauchamp family after nearly 1~ years of negotiations.

The breakup wa s attributed to the Beauchamps, who plan on concentrating~ on marina construction instead ol land development. The family, wblcb provided the partnership with financial backing, earned its fortune from the family credit dentistry business of Dr. Robert Beauchamp.

The housing s lump has bad an effect on Warmington, which last year was forced to lay off between 75 percent and 80 percent of its 200-slrong

·workforce. The company currently has only 25 houses under construction.

Last year, Warmington built 700 homes. 1n 1982. the company anticipates building 350.

Orange Coast DAIL. Y PIL.OT/Sunday, January 2•. 1982 DI

DELUft INT!IHORI - Carole- Eichen bas decorated. models on display in Tustin.

Office condo models displayed Owners, users able to gain valuable decorating ideas

For the firs t lime, two completely decorated office industrial condominium models are on display at the SIRCO Irvine Business Park lll , Bell Avenue site in Tustin.

Professionally decorated by Carole Eichen Int e ri or s, th e furni s hed models will allow prospective owners and potential users to see how they may customize and/or personalize units to their individual needs. The models are on display at 1342 Bell Ave. in Tustin.

According to Robert Solomon, president of S.J. R. Developers, builders of the garden-style complex. the units are a mixture of deluxe one-story office and warehouse space that are particularly well suited to the smaller professional

.firm desiring to own its own facilities . " We completed and sold out our first business

condo a block away on Warner Avenuft" Solomon said , " and are currently concluding sales at the 16-unit development on Carnegie Avenue in Santa Ana ."

" As current renters of bus iness properties become aware of the financial ·' first -user-tax benefits" and other advantages of ownership, an even greater demand for these condominiums are expected ," he concluded.

adapted lo buyers' needs, and flexibly des igned interiors allow for future expansion. The units are owned in fee s imple , with no ground leases in effect.

Each unit features color coordinated offices that are heated . air-conditioned, sprinklered, and ca rpeted, and each has a men's and women's restroom, and coffee bar . Most are divisible with two separate entrances, and two 12'xl2' truck doors .

SIRCO Irvine Business Park Ill is centrally located withi n the dynamic Irvine Industrial Complex wh1ch 1s recognized as one of America's finest. master planned industrial communities. With in mi nutes of the Newport, Santa Ana , and San Diego freeways , the park offers immediate access to alJ parts of Orange, Los Angeles and San Diego counties and theOrangeCounty Airport.

Major regional shopping complexes, excellent restaurants, fine hotel conference facilities and world famous rec reational attractions are all conveniently close to the site.

SIRCO Irvine Business Park 111 is located on Bell Avenue, just west of Red Hill Avenue . Walker & Lee comme r cia l brokerage are the sales cou nse lors , a nd are local ed in an on -s ite information facility . For information, call 669-0444 or 835-3748.


lgmi11n1m111m A dictionary explain& real estate terminology

Q: Would you pie He explala M•• of Ute real e1ta te term1 moat comaoaly aaed tiere la CallforDJa. We b1ve bo••h& aad Mid aenrel proper1Aet in several 1tatet la tlile laat It yea.t. Ye& we are 1tlll coafuaed by 1o•e of &tie termlnolosy uaed In your baalaua. A•J elartneaUoo would be appreciated.

T.a.T.J Costa MMa A: Here is a " brief dictionary" or some of the

more frequently used real estate terms :

ACCELERATION CLAUSE: This clause in I note and trus t deed pe rmits the payee or be neficiary to declare the entire unpaid balance immediately due and paya ble when a given condition occurs . Such a condition can be the sale or the land. T his clause Is sometimes called an ·•alienation clause.' '

B ENEFI CIARY 'S DEMAND : Written ins tructions by a beneficiary under a deed of trust stating and demanding the amount necessary for issuance of a reconveyance. whether a full or pa rtial amount.

BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT: A report from the lender, usually in writing , setting forth the terms a nd conditions of a loan already of record, such as a mounts s till owed, interest rate, monthly payments, etc .

CONTINGENT: Dependent upon conditions or . events s pecifi ed but not yet a ccom plis hed . Property may be sold contingent upon the seller or bu yer meeting a predetermined condition.

CONVEYANCE: A written docum ent that transfers title to an asset from one person to another. A deed and an assignment are both conveyances, as Is a bill of sale.

DEED OF TRUST: An instrument used in many states. including CalHornia, in place of a mortgage. Property is transferred to a trustee by the borrower Ctrustor> , in favor of the lender (beneficiary ) and reconveyed upon payment in ful l.

EARNEST MONEV : An amount of money given as part or the purchase pri ce of property to bind the agreement between buyer and seller .

ESCROW: According lo section 17003 of the S t ate of Ca liforn ia F in a ncial Cod e : •· Any transaction wherein one person, for the purpose of effecting the sale, transfer . encumbering, or leasing of real or personal property to another person, delivers any written instrument. moneyJ evidence of title to r eal or personal property, or other thing of value to a third person to be held by such third person until the happening of a specified event or th e performance of a presc ribed condition, when it is then to be delivered by such th ird person to the grantee, grantor. promisee, prom isor . obligee , bai lee . or any agent or employee or any of the latter."

SIRCO saites at Bell Avenue ra.nge i.n size from approximately 3,103 square reel to 7,758 square feet of combined office-warehouse area . Ample parking as well as professionally mature landscaping is included. Suites may also be M11D TO ST ART A FOUCLOSUU7

17141 142-111 I

Nation's home builders STAN-SHAW CORPORATION Professional Excellence Since 1951

C.All 642-56 71 und lei u fnendly Ad v 1SQr helv )OU plare your ad toda)

create the best bargains By .ROBERT J . BRU~

DEAR BOB: As a home balkier, I'm sick of your constantly telUng prospedlve home buyers &o bay only wU.b affordable "seller fiaaDclD&" from a motivated home seller. You're overlooking the beat place to flad easy mortga1e rt.nanclag. Home baUders are olfertni maDy creative flaance plans such as low down payment "buy down" mortga1es, no-interest mortcace plans, n~c­down programs, and many odlen. A bome baUder with a blgb cost coastnadioe lou la a mo&ivated seller and we are anxious to arrance fiaancl11g for virtually any quaUfled home buyer.

- Edward ff.


llllUG DEAR EDWARD : Shame on m e for not

emphasizing that new houses are an important segment of today's " buyer 's market" for homes. Creati ve hom e builde rs offer many unique financing alternatives to high cos t mortgages.

Howeve r , new home buyers should b e cautioned about " buy down" mortgages which offer very attractive low interest rates. Last week I saw a new home ad orfering 0 percent mortgage. financing. But when I read the fine print it said after two years the Interest rate jumps to 16 percent. Then the borrower's monthly payment will increase about $400 per month.

Home builders with unsold, completed homes are extreme ly a nxioes to sell their houses. Potential buyers shouldn't hesitate to negotiate on price and terms. just as they would on a resale house, because home builders wiJI often custom tailor the price and terms to meet a buyer's budget .

Trip deductible? DEA& 808: Two ,Yean •I• we bottpt a

coede.u.lam rea&al lavel&IDn& • Hawall. I& Is m aaa1~ by a real&er. If we f1y .. RawaU _tala year &o taped oar coedemlal••, Is ..,. alifare tax deductible?

- Gtasers. DEAR GINGER: Probably. Reasonable travel

expenses to lnapect your real estate in.-estmeats are tax deductible. But the tax law doesn't define " reasonable." If you Inspected your condo once a

• month, that's probably unreasonable ; once or twice a year ia probablJ reuonable.

However, if you combine your lnapecUon trip with a vacation, an IRS auditor mlcht require pro·ration ol your airfare and will au.rely deny your meal and lodlinc c01ta. Check with your tax a~viaer for detalla.

uro intere•l plan \

DEA& 808: We an t111H1rt11&...,.., a aew ........ ...,. .._ i...,t• .. ...,... n ... ,.. ..................... 0. .... ,.,.... ..... .............. ..,., tt'r .. ,.... ... ...................................... ,. .......... ..,...., ......... ,.... .. .mar • ...... n" 1•an. ••n•, t11e '"'"• ..

' • ~ I .,

vague aboul wbetber any part ol oar payments will be tax-deductible interest. What's tbe answer

- Mrs. L .L. DEAR MRS. L.L .: Talk to five different tax

specialists and you' ll set five different answers to your question. The answer also depends on the finance method used . such as lease with option to buy or land contract. These new zero interest plans a re being offered by many home builders . The programs look like installment s ales. But the IRS requires the seller to charge at least 9 percent interes t on such sales . lf interest isn't charged, the IRS can impute interest at IO percent on deferred payment sales.

As a result, many home builders offering these plans increase the cash price to include at least 9 percent interest. [( your builder has done this. it would seem you can deduct part of your " zero interest" payments as lax deductible interest. Ask your tax adviser to explain further .

Not widely available DEAR BOB: I read a magubte article wbkb

explained " reverse anaulty mortgaces." As . I am relired, on a fixed penalo• and Social Security income, and owa my bome free aad cJear, aacb a mortgage would be Ideal for me. I coaJd use another $300 per montb to belp wltb living expenses. But when I phoned several loc:al banks and S&La, they bad never beard of such mortgages. Where are they avaUable!

- David F . D E AR DAVID : The mortgage lending

industry does not like the idea of reverse annuity mortgages. whereby the borrower is paid a fixed monthly amount with no monthly repayments. The principal and accrued interest become due when either the house is sold or the borrower dJes. These e xperimental re verse annuity mortaages are available only In a few communities from progressive lenders. Perhaps il you and other retirees pressure your local lenders, they will make such loans more widely available.

New report offered·

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The flnal 30 ocean frQnt homeeltes. A walled and gated priva'te residential community in San Clemente. Private beach and private Swim and Tennis Club .

Interest only financing available C714> 498-2830 or <213) 277·9470 .

• Wrap-Around Kitchen

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.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

Lion gobbles up anything that's green •1 STAN DELAPLANE sees a doctor at this time of year. It 's bad

CHINATOWN, San Francisco - We luck ... He said : ' 'Don't talk to me about we nt down to the s treet they c all ed medical matters . Don't even tell me how Dupont·1ai last night lo give the kune pao you' re feeling ." chicken a vote of confidence. The Chinese The Dragon was parading llong Kong's New Year begins tomor row. Celebrated in noi sy s treets . Firecr'ackers going orr Chinese communities all over the world, everywhere. Shops were full of nowers

The biggest banging of firecr, ckers and " good blooms, good luck" for this is a parading dragons is in San 1-,rancisco and ha ppy season. Honolulu and Hong Kong. There's noth ing There's a pedestrian subway near the luckier than a seven-toed dragon (the most Star Ferry but police s top truffle so the powerful) weaving through the streets. • Dragon can walk across Dragons sleep

The Golden Lion goes from s tore to un derground . They are fire-breathing s tor e. Each bas • head of lettuce hanging angry if you wake them up. (ro(l'I it. Above the lettuce, a s tring of If the Dragon used the subway, he might dolla r bills. The Lion performs his dance, fall as leep there. ( I imagine you don't let climbs and gobbles lettuce AND the black cats cross your path ' That's odd > dollars - Anything green. says the Lion.

( I suppose you put on funny paper hats and blow horns at New Year 's . That's why the Chinese find you inscrutably peculiar. )

I spent one New Year in Hong Kong. Most of the time in the lobby of the Peninsula Hotel with Dr. H. H. Wong.

Doc Wong had plenty of time. '·Nobody

This is the lunar yea r 4680 for the Chinese began counting long ago. It is the Year of the Dog. Children born this year will have his qua lities .

You might think this m akes them doggy , but m the Chinese calendar of anima ls we look at the dog's better side. The dog is bra ve and loval and guards the family .


Chinese seek i·ng

• tourism By PRUDENCE HELLER ._ ..... ..,.. .. ,._


NE W YORK - They a re fi ve Chinese men in search of a more pros·, perous [uture for their country. So, not so long ago. they packed their bags, said goodbye to wives , c h ild r e n and friends, and set out for the United States.

Zh ao Tinghai . Gu Shu bao , Li Han -Ben. Ch en Xuh ua and Li Zhengxiao, a ll officials o f th e C h i n a Inte r nation al Trave l Service (CITS > of the People 's Republi c o f China, are s tudying for m a s t er 's degrees in t o u r i s m a nd tra ve l a dministr ation at the New School for Social Research in New York City .

For China is looking for big things from its tourism indust ry - 1 million foreign visitors a year by 1985, according to Zhao. That would be about twice the number r epor ted by the New York Times as having visited in 1980.

But China is short of hote ls. buses and -Chinese officials feel -know-how, including the kind of know-how that wi ll lure Weste r ne r s w it h t h ei r hard currencies.

T h e A m e ri ca n E xp r ess Co ., whi c h hopes lo steer more and m o r e Ameri cans to China in years to come, d ecid ed to help the Chinese do something about it - hence the s tud ies of Che n , Li , Zhao, Gu and LI , who range in age from 29 to 46.

" We are s tu dents . we 'r e not a government d elegatio n ," t h ey str~ssed recer1tly in an inter view at the New School.

As for their studies : Although they have

had business experience with CITS, the quintet, Zh ao exp lains, were libe r al-arts majors in t h e ir univer sities in China . So subjects like ma r keting , s tatis ti cs. a cco u nti n g and ''regu l at o r y en vironme nts" are a whole new world . For instance, Zhao explains, be h a d n ' t had m at h

·s inte high sc hoo l , 20 years ago, so statistics l s a p arti c ular cha llenge.

Another hurdle is the diff e r e n ces in background between the U.S. and China - with tbe Ame r ican system dominated by private bu s in ess a n d t h e Ch i n ese system domlnat e <t by t h e 1o ve rnm e n t. An d there 's the bigness of businesses in the United States . Zhao says that when teachers use large 'companies u examples of polnta they' re trying to make, it just doean 't

· re1 la-ter with the Chinese ; the y wo uld undentand better ii the teacher used a Chinese restaurant as a n uample.

All ftve are n uent in nerydQ ED1U1b, but 1pedallsed mar ketln1 termlnololy can be a prol)Mm.

· 1. 22 ?.~~ ~"f6e MiHea' Stretch Briefa Elastic lace trnr nylont Lycra • spande)' ny•on r.,r polyester F•t 5-7 Our 1.57 • 1.M , Full Figure (1-10) Brtefll, 1.22 • Ou POl't A4'Q I ~

8.44 Lamp• hede• Pleated fabric 1n

~a-.~·Q ~2" ~4" -47' s+1es

14.97 Mure"' Red S.t' I Lightweight. h1gh·f1 dehty headphones

1.97 Enerdent'il; Tablet• 96 den ture cleanser tablets al saving!>

Super Glue<> Super last bonds in

seconds' 3 grams

1.76 .22 LR. Ammo• 50-round box CCI pental point ammo.

2.37 Fr.m CHI Fitter Spin-on lllter fits many US cars

lfe's a good friend. You couldn't ask better for a New Year's Child.

llowc"'.er, the Year of the Dog is not a lucky time to get marri ed . Engaged eouplcs hurried to get married before the yea r 's beginning.

The New Year has important days to observe. F'irst day : " Do not break any · dishes Don't sweep the floor. use needles or s cold anybody . Don 't beat yo ur children.

On New Year's Eve, elders give the children lucky money. ·· Ngart sui chin." It is put in lucky red envelopes with lucky s ayings printed in ~old .

To honor a guest , have banquet chicken . It 1s served whole. The head is pointed to th<' honored person .

But if you give a banquet for your employees, you point the chicken head toward somebody you are going to fire. Wh en he sees this, he loses his appetite. Services no longer required . Pick up your check at the front desk . Happy New Year! Some banquet !

88¢Pkg. Mt .... • PanU- All Nylon hose panty 0 -.ri Jlz• PMll· AH • ....... _. __ 1.17

S~.MT, T

77cPkg. Opeque Panty HoM Misses' nylon panty hose. fashion colOfs

1.22 Miss Breck · Spray

., •l .. Jr 4)( ,, Jv ,,

''l OI

$ 1 1-Gallon· Juniper Pienta

Yovr choice of Tam or Sea Green Juniper "Con•-Sa•

s1 Each 1-o.llon" Plant• Your choice ot Asparagus Ferns or Golden Arborvlta ·eon·- sin

o .......... Power cell batteries. 4-per pacilage Size O

77• 8TPl!>"Glil T,...._t 8 oz • ; helps improve engine performa'lCe. .,. ...

SPECIAL "1 i ~ - 1 Night GRAND SLAM A~ ...... f*~t

Gerd91 looM, '"' Al'Mftcen ......... C.odllllil on 04/lf 31 tt l'IOor 1t1e1 •

C.Mlno ""' IOOll Yelucd .. u, 00. ~For

$19~/a. ... Single Or Double

6.88 Sleeks For Men Double knit poly· es1e' •n solid cOlors

4.48Pkg. Compec:tor Bag• 12 leakprool heavy­duty pre-culled bags

Tlm.-Zer«>"' SX-7<>• Film S111gle·pack lor 10 lade· resistant color p 1c1ure!>



Landmar1< Lucky Br~ak Packag~ 3 Days

and 2 Nights

$491? dbt. occ.

It's your lucky bre~k, a ~ that inclodu A comfortable

Landmark room fO< 3 days and 2 n19hb, 2 Continental breakfasts, 1 lunch, a cocktai l in the Sky Top Renckzvoos,

1 Pnme Rib dinner in the Sunset Room, and SS.00 Ga la>ey Room ShoW Ticket.

(~ ¥f\"I ~ ~ ~ " • ,,. ·~ *'~ "~ ~ '" •w-..c> '"" °"'' .,.,.., fll ,,,. .c:h• "·...0 11~ ' ..W •v.,.... J{,I °"' Cf' • • • Ov• IO •"• """''Oi'•lf19'" '••~ it,._.,_. __.... ~c,,_. °",~

v.--~ .. ·~ ·~ "''·~ _.. ,......,~ 'O be~f\tMCJ .. ~ .... 11"".'9 ......... • • ..... °' ..... '°" . c;o""lipef .. .,......,,.. • .,.. .. , • ~

, ... ,~---•'-

Men'• Print T-• Polyester I cn11on !>Ohds with p1on1

1.97 Indoor Thermometer Thermometer and hum1a11y meter

Plzu Quick • Sauce 14 -01. • zesty sauce by Aague • IOI P•Ua ._.,

8.88ea. Handy Photo Hc*Mf Big book album. ptiolo box or big fhp albUm each holds up to 200 photos

~ 2.11 SallatKary StNk Dinner with whipped potatoes. gravy. vegetable. plus

2.77 Anvtl Pruner One hand pruning shears for hght pruning fObS

...,-0-Vec:® ltlntem Rugged t·pc. lloatlng lantltfn with battery.

1.67 ...._• Al'fMf AN Protectant for home or car. . ......

•• d ish o f Jello

1.33ea. Prell'" Shempoo 11 · 0 L • 1tqu1d or 5· oz. · • concentrate 'A OI •• '"'4_,

I Applkotlon

2.58 Clelreee Cotor Shampoo-in hair color 1n all shades

3.33 ........ 3·pieoe, 100'1. PVC vinyl Zip front 1acket.

88~ea. ....., ..... Handy rectengular rubbef mat: colors.

J ' •

; ,

. I

: I 4

. I


.. .

I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982 01


Probing mind profits IBJ SlllflS l I J Novelist strives for entertaining pace FICTION

1. " An Indecent Obsession," Colleen McC ullough GOl.DF.N, Colo (A P )

2. " NobleHouse,"JamesClavell Clive Cus s ler , a 3. " The Hotel New Hampshire," ftn uncially s ucces5'ul


A convenient alternative to ho•pltal emergency rooms for:

John Irving novelist with " Raise the 4. " The Cardinal Sins," Andrew M. Tlt<inic' " and .. Night

G ley Probe '" a m o ng his S. " Masquerade," Kil Wiii iams t ' rt' d 1 t s. <' o n s ~de rs



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4030 Birch St., Suite 107 S Newport Beach t

6. " Cujo," Stephen King him se lf an ente rtaine r 7. " No Time tor Tears," Cynthia rather than a lite rary

Freeman s tylist. 8. " Remembrance," Daniell e s teel " I 'm ente rtaining the 9. " Gorky Park," Ma rtin Cruz Smith r ea d er ·'' s aid th e

10. " Spring Moon," Bette Bao Lord 50 -year ·o ld writer. NON -FICTION formerly of Costa Mesa .

1 . " A Light In the Attic," She l " llopcfull y, l'm giving Si lverstein hi m his money's worth ."

2. " Cosmos,"CarlSagan li e and hi s wif e , 3. " The Lord God Made Them All," Uar bara , li ve atop a

James Herriot m o u n l u 1 n west o f 4 . " A Few Minutes w ith Andy Denver. les s than t wo

Rooney," Andrew A . Rooney miles from the grave of S. " Never-Say-Diet Book," R ic hard Buffalo Rill Cody

Simmons . From his modernistic . 6. " Guide to Life," M iss Piggy t a s tefu ll y furnished 7. " Elvis," Albert Goldman offi ce with a view or the a Great Plains on a

· . " Microwave Cookbook," Betty !.mogless day, he writes Crocker •

9. " The Wat-It-West ,,_, Peter & daily about series hero Barbara Jenk ins Dirk P ill , a .marine

10. " At Dawn We Slept," Gordon W . engincer whose cirploits Pranqe h u v c inc I u de d the

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L-!m .... !!"ll'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--rais1ngoflhcTitanic

2ForS1 Sun Glo Chip• Your choice o f corn c hips t o rt tlla Ch•PS cheese pulls and many more

Fluor .. cent Tube 40-watt cool white deluxe tube 48 in

2ForS3 Taety Cookie•

Chocolate chip. Oiitmeal 01 '>P•Ce 200 Ct

With lnalructlona

latch Hook• Aug Kit Acrolan • acryhc yarn. prrn1ed canvas. more ........ ...,,,0 Reg , ...

' l••"'--~

---· - ·· . .:.:. K..-• .,.,., ... ... ~ • ..... fM.tOfy _,. YOUf NtH C05t AnM rilCfnt't' 4.87 Ret>e l•

S.el· • ·MHI • Unit He<11 scMIP1 seal., food 1n bo1fablP baq.,

3.97 Vinyl Runner Protecl carpets Wllh sruroy vinyl runners ?7 .. 72


" WHAT IF?" Clive Cussle r r esea r ches plot.

No problem be in g away from the wate r , s aid Cusslcr. I le read!> a lot or t ravel folders Cuss ler, who drQppcd out of the advert1s1ng bu s ine ss to write , manal{ed a diving-gear




YOUt ~I (..Q" Art8f J •<lhf, 7.97 R.•o•t•

Pistol H•1r Dryer 12~0 w ' . , Pf·C I tiea1 '>Pll 1m1-.

5.97· 10-lnch S•ute P•n Ha s a1rn11no •••IP1tt.r S11verS1onP • 1ntpronr • DuPont AeQ r M

/(({/[[II r Mand Held

-79c Box

Brillo• Soap Ped• Box of 18. soap·llfled steel wool pads

2.77 GIH• Utility Bowl 1? ()/ handle QUldP

bf)wl with

3.97 42-0t. w .. teba1ket 0 1 rugged pla s t ic with swing top

40 StePufr., Sheet• Fabric softener lor the dryer Save

Long· las11ng sponge mop.

Cleans glass, mOfe Trig­ger spray 32 Oz • • " " OR.

21.73 Our Reg 28.97

Men'• 8" Leather Boote Tan leather upper w11h cushioned insole. steel shanlr on 011 res1s1an1 c,olp Men !>sizes

1 1 ~ -llll f' \11.oi..•ot v 1 26 .-...!!."'~' "'., .,," ... V ~h_1r Lulh

I, .. ~"'"'' V , .. .. ,,,.,, • ., • Ea. 'r"-1" k V

Educ•tion•I Book1

13" Dieg • ....._ PortebM Cok>r TV Auto color cootrol system. Instant picture and sound. Integrated circuitry for greater reliability. Model KMC 131 tG

1.48 Tellfn® ""9 II°'"'® Cleans, disinfects and deodorize&. 28 Oz • 'fl Or

Save On St•nd•rd· size Sleep Pillow SIPep µ11tow w olh r..v 1(jf 1 .• 1ri<• 'It•~" 1 oil "' llC~ ;in•J unt.Jr.·tndPd p 1yP<;IPI l tl

Terry Tr•1nlng P1nt1 Combt'O cotlr•n N11t1 c., 1ayf'1 p;inPI 1 r,

12" Dieg • •••• aaw POftable TV 100% solid state c ircuitry Low power con· sumplion. Model KMB· 122 I G

Dtetee® CapeulM 40 exlra·st r1ngt h dtet capsules Selle

••••• ••••• •••••• •••••

Cd) .. i::~::i ••••• ••••• - •••• mrl"'"'-·x.;..--.


~u:-· ;~. flllMk:atecl

°' ~ . . . ~


7.97 8-digit C•lcul•tor l C D ,,._~,.J ,,,, mMt • •'Y W •t h O;ill,., f

14.97 Compact C•lcul•tor l C D rear:Joul anrJ a larm c:•nc~ Savf' 8al1tw~ tnr'u<lfld

8.88 L.C.D. C•lcul•tor 8·d1Qll Nlth d l\ey memrny Auln shul · off B•tttw~ tne.t-u080

Colg•te • Sh•V• Ri ch and creamy shaving l oam 11 Oz' •NetWI

1.12 Soft s.n~ Lotion Non-greasy skin IO· 1100, pump 10 Oz • ""' 0 1

CetMtlc CoffM Mute Pretty c olors and designs 10-0z size

s hop early m h1 1> writing career

li e wrot · h is first b ook , ·· The M cditcrrancun Caper ." on a portable typewriter in the reur of t he s hop.

11 1 s s eco nd boo k , " I cc her~." was written in Estes Purk , where the Cusslcrs moved afte r a vacat i o n tr ip to Colorado 11 years ago.

1 C uss le r returned to

ad vcrtising briefl y afte r cominli! to Colorado.

li e relocated in the Denver subu rb o f Arvada for the job and wrolc .. Rai s e the T 1tun 1c 1 " from a basement offi ce.

When Gussler decided to become a novelist. he knew he would have to prepare himi.elf

·· 1· d never eve n \Yrittcn a short s tory," he r eca ll ed " I didn ' t know how lo structure , how to plot It was back to s c h ool 1n lhe evening!> "

Now Gussler works at wr iti ng books from 8:30 in the morning to no later than 6. " When I' m writing, I find myself working seven days a week "

The story germ s tarts with the que s ti on . .. iP " he s aid . then . ··why"!" . Be fore any book is

!>t arted . Cu1>slcr s aid , the s tory is in his head "' 1 n T ec hni co lor and s tereophonic sound · ·

li e re s earch es hi s i. ubJccts for up to nine months before writing . Thi!> includes trips to the publi c library. telephone calls and t ravel folders.

Cu:.slcr has an intense inte rest in lhe sea , as doc !> his hero. Pit t. Also . ht• s hares Pill 's interes t in out -of · production foreign !>ports ca rs .

li e owns 20 cars. all garaged in a warehouse in th e Dl'nver area .

" On ce 1n a whil e I dri vc one." he said , " but I' m really like an art collctlor The cars are lik c pa i ntings on a wall ..


C'live Cussler. Bantam. 345 pages. $13.95.

Ab o ut th e mo s t thrillin g thing 1n thi s ne " thrille r by Cliv e " Rais e t he Ti tanic ~ " Cu ss l c r i s the exclamation mark in the title .

C uss lc r ' s plot is a moder<Jtely inte resting one· . It would probably ha VG made a good s hort storv

B ·u l 1 l 1 s n · l good enough to bear the weight of the near-350 pages through which it has to inch its wa y

The s1tuat1on 1s this : In 1914 . England . on

the brink of what late r became known as World War I, needed money .

T o raise it. the British government agreed to se ll C anada lo the lln1ted Stales A treaty to th at effect was signed and two copies made.

U nfortunat c ly. the man taking a copy to Britain went down in a s h i pwrec k , while th e man with lhe American copy makes the mistake o f rid ing o n a tra in whi c h see ms to ha ve plunged into and sunk in a d eep river.

F or s o m e reaso n , which Cuss ler wecftcl y explains later. the lwo s ides decide lo ca ll the whole thing off

Scene c hange . The lim e 1s 1989. The U.S. is in big nnancial trouble . It needs energy and it needs it fast. Canada has lots of energy - so it is discovered. Hdw to get it?

We ll , it see ms that whi le resea rcMng her doctoral dissertation in . ' his tory a young woman I comes ac r oss a ·; reference to the treaty . It's the only reference , but curiosity has been aroused n ay ,. inflamed.

T he hunt to r jlcover t he drowned copies of ~ t he treaty is on. •

But t he reader has had to wade through more than 170 pages to get lo this point in the na rrative, and interest, to say the least , definitely bas nagged.

Cussler does resolve • everytbing AM'ly at- the e nd . but by then it doesn't really matter.

~ . .,.. •.. AP ..... 1Edteor


• .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

Good abk-bodkd ·man wants job as housewife DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1 am a male, 25,

and ve ry unhappy about the notion that children' and housewurk are a woman's Job. When I was l~ . my slate r '" hu~band left he r . She went to work in a bar . sometimes putt1n1 ln 16 hours a day . I c leaned the hOuse, did the laundry and cooked ro r her three children, bathed them , play e d with th e m and wa s th e ir mother·s ubstltute tor seven years .

I neve r received pay tor a ll that work , which was OK, because I knew she made bare ly enou1h lo feed us a ll. Aftenome ti me my s is ter married again and told me she didn't need me any more and that I s hould find another Job.

My problem Is the only thing I like to do is be a housekeeper a nd take care of kids. J've tri ed o the r t ypes or work and was ve ry unha ppy. I made up m y mind lo do what I do best and applied fo r severa l domestic positions . I have had severa l inte rviews but no job - just rude comments s uggest ing that a man should not be looking for woman's work. I am still unemployed and sti ll looking for a chance to prove m·yself.

Libra: You can expect change By SYDNEY OMA RR Monday, J an. 25 .

ARI ES C March 21·April 19) : You ga in popular s upport - e fforts meet public approvaJ . Emphas is on fulfillment, the gaining of major financial adv antage. You 'll feel more secure as result. Olde r fami ly mem ber does care and will prove it. Keep eye on Cancer !

TAUJlUS <April 20·May 20) : Lunar s potlight on comm unity project , profession, prestige and abili ty to commun icat e in e ffecti ve m a nner . Ge mini , Sagitta r ius persons fi gure prominently Long-distance call could be related to travel. Good news is on the way'

GEMI NI <May 21 -June 20 )• Good moon aspect coi n c l des with dista n ce, l ang u age , com m unication . spiritual vaJues. You' ll be asked

HDRDSCDPI to p repare form at, to help establis h policy . Aqu a rius. Scorpio. T a urus persons fi g ur e prom inently. Legal green light fl ashes.

CANCER <June 21-July 22 ) : Check deta ils conn ected with bills. payments. c redit. Find reasons, refuse to be satisfied with s upe rfic ia l explanations. You'll be in contact with a restless, d yna m ic attrac tive ind ividual. Protect self in clinches'

LEO <July 23-Aug. 221 : Modera tion s hould be k eynote avoid ex t remes , let othe rs ma ke c laims. Be discreet and diplomatic . You' ll be dealing with Taurus, Libra, Scorpio individuaJs. Accent on pubUc relations, pa rtne rs hips, joint effor ts and marital s tatus.

VIRGO 1Aug. 23-Sept 22): Focus on work orders. special services and understa nding of terms connected with sales and pur chases. Take care where legal documents a re concerned, be wa ry a lso about co-signing or lending your name to any credit scheme. Watch Pisces!

LI BR A (Se pt. 23 ·0ct. 22 ): Emotion al whirlwind could domina te scenario. Em phasis on involvement, s wift changes. a ffairs or heart and r a mbunctious children . Pe rsonal m agn etis m

-___ q,,._ __ _

... Ullfll " I'"

I'd a pprecia te il ii you could print this and add some of your own advice. - REALLY WANT ING A CHANC E

DEAR RE ALLY : I'm sure &o be s wamped with letters from women who wUI want to kaow where you live, bow mucb you cbar1e aad wbea you can s tart.

Sorry, folks , I don 't kaow &be ans wers to those qaesUons - tbe letter came wltb ao s ignature and ao addre11, aad It's Just as well. I am not ru.nnlng an e mployment a1ency a nd want no part of puUla g my readers ID touch with one another . It co.Id be a rtaky bulaeas.

As for you, youag maa , keep t rytag. I see ao reason why a maa who Is competent a ad willing s hould not be employed as a housekeeper , cook

sv ASHLEIGH - - - --






soars; special request will be granted. You' ll have added r esponsibi l it y a nd wi ll be rewa rded accordingly.

SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21) : Finish ra the r than in itiate project. Negotiations a re on brink of conclusion. You'll reach more people and you'll ga in greater underst a nding of basic values, inc luding property. lndividuaJ you respect will seek your counsel. Watch Aries!

SAGl'ITARIUS !Nov. 22-Dec. 21) : You'll be encouraged to s ubmit new concepts, ideas. You could meet a " very specia l person." Emphas is on individuality , pioneering procedures and a new s ta rt in new d irection . Leo, Ar ies , Aquarius persons figure prominently.

CAPRICOR N <Dec . 22.J an. 19) : Conser ve energy and funds . Luna r emphasis on income potential . payments, collections ahd abilit y to locate needed mate r ial. Clash of ideas involves older individual or author ity fi gure. Cancer and a nother Capricorn figure prominently .

AQUARI US (Jan . 20-Feb. 18) : You ca n extr icate yourself from " de li cate situations ." What seemed a defeat will boomerang in your favor Popula rity inc reases. timing and judgment are on target. You' ll complete project , win a mes and prove a major point. Watch Sagitta rius!

P ISCES < Feb. 19·March 20>: Much that occurs co uld be obscu r ed fr om view . Bac k s t age maneuvers a ffect outcome of project. Know it , keep guard up and see people as they are. not merely as you wish they m ight exist . Open lines of comm unication, accept social invitation.

Scripps College womeii plan meet SCRIPPS COLL E G E Networking Wom en

meets Tuesday in the Airporter Inn of Irvine. For more informat ion call 621-8000 or 752·2197 .

BOONE, IOWA Society of Southern California meets at 11 a .m. Saturday at Knotts Ber ry Farm's

ClUB CAllNDAR Chicken Restaurant For more information call 526·5695.

NEWPORT HAR BOR La wn Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays for play. For mor~ information call 759·9966.

HARBOR AREA Lions meets Wednesday at 10 a .m . a l OASIS Senior Citizen Center , corner of 5th


and Marguer ite st reets. Corona del Ma r . For more infor mation call 759-9471.

ENGINEER'S CLUB of Orange County meets T hursday at 6:30 p.m . in the Saddleback Inn of Santa Ana. For more Information call 997·2600.

COLONEL WILLIAM CABELL Chapter of DAR meets Wednesday at noon in the Newport Center Libr ary of Newport Beach. For more information call 832·6160.


.............. s... 1922 HAHOI IUD.

,COSTA MESA - 541· 115'

Illese little ads r eaJly wor k ! J oi n the thousands or other peo· pie in this area wllo a re r eg u la r u sers o f Classified. Call our ad taker at &'2:§678.

BARTS. CHAPMAN, M.D. D1plom•t~ Am«1c•n Bo.rd of Ophth• lmology •nnounc~ t~ openrng of his office fOt thf!

ll'«lltt °' ~"' ~,,.,,,,,..,,




(71 4) 49S·29'U

aad nanny. DEAR ANN LANDERS: You have prinh.'d

seve r al le tte rs Crom people who have had unus ua l weddings . P lease tell me, whal 1s so unusual about doing your own thing today'> Th irty-fou r years ago it wok a lot or nerve, bul I ' m glud my br idegroom had ll. He thri lled everyone in the church, es pecially me.

When Orrin took me of( my fa ther 's arm , he s uddenly burs t forth Jn a totally spontaneous rendition or " I Love You Truly." He has a wonderful singing voice and the organist pi~ked up the accompaniment beautifully. When he finis hed, everyone stood up and appla uded .

P lease prin t this on Jan. 23. It will be our 3Sth wedding annive rsary. We both love you. -P ITTSBURGH R E ADE RS

DEAR R EADERS: Here It Is .•. with my best wis hes ror many more happy ye a rs toge the r.

DEAR ANN LAN D ERS: My siste r and brothe r· in·law a rc going out of town for the weekend and leaving their 13-year -0ld son an~

nine yl•a1 old d11uJ(hl •r home alonl' to feed the dog and cat

My hus band nncl I offered to keep the ch1hln•n our own ure ubout lhcir ages but they r~rusc-d , suyl n~ It would ~ l(ood for them to l<.•arn mdt>1wnc1cnc·«' We s uf(gested t hey ask a rltl·ec who >1> 23, hut they rejected t h a t suggestion ah;o

Now what '! M YO fl" Arc we craiy to be -<:ONCERNJ<~D I N TUUiA ?

DEAR T Ul .SA: Chlldre.n who are 13 aad nine are awfully young lo bf· le ft a lone - evea If they are mature and well-behaved. For yoar own piece of mind, In vite th•· chiJdrea &o dlaaer at least oaf' night 1rnd check on them freq ue•Uy by 1l hOnc.

lluw much® uou ltoow ubuul pot , cocaine, LSD, speed, PCP uppers und dowrw.>rs. glue and heroin? Are all these drug~ dtmgeruu.s·1 Get Ann L.andn1' all new booklet . The L<Jwdowr1 <m Do~ ': For booklet ordered, send f l 00 plus o long, sel/-oddreaied envelope t37 cents postage J to Ann /..anders , P 0. Ben 11995, Chicago Ill 6<J61J

Medical hypnosis_$e1ttinar set SECR ETS OF HYPNOTISM will be discussed

by Dr. Rona ld Da nte al 7 :30 p.m. today a t the Newport She ra ton Hotel. The foc us of the seminar, sponsored by the Newpor t Har bor chapter of the Cit y of Hope , will be weight redu c t ion a nd s moking. Cost is $25. For informa tion, call 842-1582 or 966-655.5.

RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT and its use in treatment of chronic lung disease will be discusse,1 at a meeting of thl' American Lung Associa tion's !letter Breather!-.· Cl ub Tuesday at 7 p.m . in Aniihcim For informut1on, call 835·5864.

HOUSI NG for the disabled will be the theme of a meeting of Friends nnd Relatives of the Menta lly

HfAlTH HllP STEP FAMI LV problems is the theme of a

program presented by the City of Irvine and the StressCenter or South Coast Medical Center at 7:30 p.m . Tuesday at Deerfie ld Com munity Park in Irvine. For infor mation on the free semina r , call 499-1311 , ext. 560. .Di:s allll.'<1 at 7.30 p.m . Tuesday m Santa Ana .• For

information. call 547·7559. STR ESS MANAGE MENT a nd biofeedback HOAG ME MORIAL HOSPITAL in Newport

willbe lhetopicof a lectureat lOa.m. Tuesdayat R each will o ff e r two cardio p u lm o nary the OASIS Senior Citizen Center in Corona del resuscitation <CPR > classes beginning Wednesday Mar. Speaker will be Hy Algazi of the Biofeedback al 8 a m A '-l'l'Ond cou rse will be held at 7 p.m. I n s t itute located in Corona del Mar . For Thu rsday For inform ation on the free c lasses. call ~i_n_ro_r_m~a_ti_o_n~,c_a_l_l _75_9_·94~7_1_.~~~~~~~~~~-7_60~·5_9_23_.~~~~--~~~~~~

I. George c. Scott in " TAPS" (PG)




" ARTHUR" Plus


"Masterful" -L A Times. Sheila Benson

"Wonderful" - News week Magazine Jac i.. Krolt

• l AOO COMPANY ANO WARNER BROS. iuu~ _..., • .,......,O• ---· r.......,_,.,,,~ .. ~

Chev\j has the ~ to make ttlis Hoa~ Season the funniest ever!

~OO~et/;J ~oa~Ci~~o




" Humor and eroticism in a tender and entertaining work~

"''"'' M .. Jm l\f~ 111~1.. 11\lf'

If your husband has had a first episode hem t affack or cancer w·thin the last few months, you are invited to t====-===~~~--~.b~~~~~~~I.!-;;;;;~~~;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;~~~~~~ participate in a research stuc;ty, by an RN, giving you the opportunity to anonymously express, your feelings about his illness.

CALL $~ Broderick

540-3380 - .... 12,... or 6 pm-;f o ,...-


Amsllnco. Guitarist

Blue Beat Cafe Jailuary 27th & 28th

9:00 p.111. 107 21st Place

Newport Beach. CA (by Newport Pier, behind The Ritz)


0 f 0

Orange Coast OAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 2'4, 1982 .. !Dunaway retu~ns to N.Y-:-stage

By JAY SRA•aun A .............. 1


FAYE DUNAWAY . .. Returns to stage

NEW YORK - In 1965, Faye Dunaway, an unknown , won raves as the woeful wife in " Ho1an's Goat," an oft-Broadway play by William Alfred. That, she says, " was absolutely the begilll\lng ...

Sure was. It led to "BonnJe and Clyde," and 14 other films, some nopa, for sure, but also " UtUe Ble Man," " Chinatown," " Network," her 1977 Oscar-winner, and last year's Joan Crawford exercise, " Mommie Dearest."

Now, fresh from a cable-TV taping of Clifford Odets' "The Country Girl," the Army sergeant's daughter with the fashion-model looks is back on the New York stage. After 16Ya years away.

She opens Jan. 25 In "The Curse of An Aching Heart," a new play by Alfred. Like " Goat," It's set in Brooklyn, albeit In a different time and amid the working class, not politicians .

"This, I hope, is a new begiMing," she says . She explains she's doing the show as a break from her ' 'film image" - which often is that of a sleek . sophisticated cookie who drives men wild .

She was that type In "Chinatown . " And in " The Thomas Crown Affair , " with Steve McQueen. And, of course, " Network ," in which she played the fiercely ambitious, Nielsen-addled network exec who ecstatically moans about



BEST DIRECTOR-Steven Spielberg

•l9WAMl llUYll COAST ' LAZA IDWAllDS llWUIDI So.A~ C.0...1 "'"''Co•" ........ IOUllYAMI uun JIODllnllG( ~46 1/ 11 '°""'INI' V.if-9\' 139 1 !>00 • ....,. S~ 1 OU~

•c..llOllt Or""qe 6J4 1~~J llADIUM Ollltl ·1• "°•--•CCU'TI O ~~~~S..,~·--~CXJ~·~-~""~!!t•:__j 01.tNJI! f.)98/;'Q r<>11nffl lNOAOl.tiNNt

r,,. __ "' ,,."'""91 ••o-- • lloul ,,_ ..,,.,,..,., OI ,..., ............ _,,,, __

r;=il All AGU AOMITTE 0 ~ Genetti Aua .. nc;ea

AU . 11:3 ~ ANO [ijj FllMS RE CEl\/f



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EurOC18W1 112 Muttonblrd 114 Allow 115 e.ntu

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REOS IPGI Al 12:30 4 : 30 l : JO No ECllnOmV 5-tr"G



12: )02: 505: 1 5 7 : 4 5 10: 10

Joftn 8ek11t1I -·ll~IRI

Time 9a"dltJ (PO)



..,..._OFntm 1..-rAMl,GI• f'lal" •et9e" (PG)

Ti~_i Hutton TMW(P'G)


11hares-0f-audlcnce whJlc romancing with Wtlliam Holden.

It's a far , far dirrcrent type she's playing in " Curse, " in which s he' ll star for only th•ee months, due lo a spring fllm commitment.

Here, she says , she plays Jt'ran Duffy, a poor, drab lrish·Amcrican lady In her mid·thirtles who II

thinks she's a failure but who " tries to make peace <See J'A Y~, Pa1e DH>

laaa..toa laoepltal a Ion affair ends, aaewoae bqbu,aad a .... the tnae meaalng of COIU'ap.

'~ Whose life is it anyway? ~!@ 0

NOW PLAYING llllA El TOllO Blea Plaza lO N.t•O < SacldCeti.i< • ~29 S339 S81 S880

COSTA MESA ~<1wa105 Soutn Coast P1a1a !>46 ? I t 1

HUNTINGTON BUCH lo .. a•o C r.~m.i d48 0388

IRVINE Eoward~ Woudb<•O•W 'J!> 1 0&'>'>


Nonti.-ttd for6 GoldalGl~A ....... BEST PICTIJRE - ORAMA BEST DIRECTOR Mark Rydell BEST SCREEN PLAY Ernest "Tllomp.'iOn

BEST ACTOR Henry Fo nda


GA""""" {A ~~·~ One of1h~ Yur's 10 BeM.


- N•w Tort Nm CrtUc:I Award - Natiooal loard ot Award



...... lllGllf t .... MLOXlf"••• l •t Hti.llAM'JUNf .. '."TU, l S •• • '•• CrA·f",tAlrAl ; ".

All P~l.fill :Jtl'IH ;• , ... . J

Thia wffk you c•n '" REOS at theH the1tre1 •tow•.••••'°"' tow••• tttJO rw111 • C•IOlll ....,..,, 8t..-• '" Ot•u " • ..., V'°"' l 'IO 6990 Oo - 0'1\\l

lOWAMI Clll(MA Wiii ....... ..,, .. cour ~ ,,,,._ " ' h•\ rOW11 cur1J1c__.. c.,,~ ...,. n1 •II• UA ..,.l btu 1W •01) ..0•4-w• .cu•1ra r0111 t-i t..caou.._ .. ,

·:;~~~~~~~,:~~~:,~~ -:=:,~,::;,~·=· to ~ ~

*BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday

All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except Sptclal Engagements and Holidays)

LA MlllAOA MAll Mtraoo 01 l o t ec •o na

LA Ml~ADA WALK ·IN 99,.2,00

- c econ • ,__ l4llnoel " TAPS'" 1._ ................ ... I ------­'"RAIOf:RS OF THE LOST ARK"

- OOUIY .-o (Nf 11::a. a ... • ••· ' • · •• ••

ntU'9 a.I MU~ IJoCt< DAY ~T'MT 04Y"l~F '"C•&.OA&-'f •-•"ca _ _, --. ... ...,....... .... _

• ., _.... '"REOS"' 11111' •:at."'° ,.., PAU\. •l'WllAM • IAU. f NL0

"ABSENCE OF MALICE"' -\ M . J:ll, l at•, , ..,.


... - .. - ··-·-000N GOLDEN PONO'" -,. ... *119.; •-»1 , ... ......

•o-GI C l(:OTI • f *Of Nl ~

"TAPS 10<11 ,, ... ,..,_. .. _... .. ....

llllC-Olll,,_ • .0 ... CMMwna 'WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY~"'

12'41. l:M , a•. 1 • .ti tt CfOI

_, .... _ ... "'5"ARKY'S MACHINE"" lllJ ..... __. .... , .....

Focutty or Cono tewooo

213/ 531·9580

I ,. ..... .. .... ............,. Ndll • ., ... ...

.., .~ .. o.-...,.....~ ­.,.. .... ..... ... .,......_,._. ......... ...... .-. - Reos·· c"°> ., ..... ,.

a\M f M Y"°'-DI • SHARKY'S MACHINE' 1111

tt"• . >--., a• I U , .._.

---- --~----------LAKEWOOD CENTER


focullY " ' ()et AmO

--·-~ .... l.oft-­cw nmeern.• "'RAGTllllf:" IHI ........ , .....

213/ 634·92_1_1 __________ _

..,.. .. ...,_ l'OltO • aAAI .. AU..IJt '

" RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK"' .•. ,. ... , ..... .,.,. -LAGUNA

M• CllO• .... 0 IAIO CMAll~

" CHARIOTS OF FIRE"' -1,, .... 11, .... , ... ,.


Soutn Coo s1 Htwoy ot l 1o adwoy

494-1514 '"MOOO.N PROBLEMS" -..,.. ...... ,._ .. , .,.l .. , ......

00 NIN£ TO FIVE" 1111 ____ .,.,_.; .. -.......... ..,. .... -'~·· ·---.. ""ATLANTIC CITY 0

Ott .,..,., , , .... ... ... . - .L.e . .......... -..-

, ACIFIC TllEATllES DlllVE ·IN SWA' MEETS s11nc• •ou• euu s- v .. o t•I ~· .,

llA1190 11 l l VD DlllYE·IN 6 OMNGE OlllVE·IN ••• •O, .. \ AfU• Oat. su•a.•

U lt ''"' '"' SU• OU S . . .... , •• suoiu•

"''' ,. .. •6 15 \ 1 ~ .... 6 :0Q V••, \·~ • 6 45 IMPOfHAN r NOTICE' c .. 11 nRtN UNDER 11 FRU! • ••OI' 1ao *•'.., Ill• • I"'• ' " 5 30 • S.1 Su• Hots 4 30, 111

E.$4 SOU110 • l'OUli 4" 1.o • IVoCoO IS TOUll S't.U(J ~ '00 . .. CAii ~ WIT• tGNnO< &CCISM)lll' l'QS/T"Oi

- INNG AM l'OllTAIU 1• AU Clltf "'1 OllM-#IS di ()ti 4# Moro



' '•••OY 9t ot l e mon St


"'0£ATH VALLE Y"" I'l l P\.U.

·:MOTEL HELL'" \111

879·9850 Cl ~E " !>OU~ O ---.. IEYILSPE...,.......,,!11-1 ---r--""7.STAA TREK-''IOI __ _

P\.W P\.119 '"THE FI NAL CONFLICT .. 1111 "'KILL SQUAD"' Oil - ,,...,.

"'MANIAC MANSION"' 1t1> I "'FANTASIES' 11'1 C•IOf 11 S()U~O ____l C • • I• ~,.o



\1rw;ol n A:•• Wet t Of • non


-·--'TH~ "'THE BOOGENS'" I'll


-==------=== ==,------BUI NA PAllK


Son 0 ••90 , ,..., of t ro ou 1 ... 1t (So I


, WfSl ,..INS1tll


' .. ,.


LA HABRA DRIVE IN -'II ..... _. -...... -17Ml62 -- -

....... ~ 1.1


.. ·. · ..... WARNER !Wt\.t I N

.,. ,_..,.._ ro rtu ,,., .... "'GHOST STORY" 1111 -0TH£ HOWLING"' I'll

"°' l'A• • -· llCN'lll " OU.TH VALLEY"" 4'11 -'"MOTf:L HfLL" " '

Bto<n ei.o So ot G.Jrot n G•O•t F111wo1


.... - .. -·· ... ,.,,""­'"ON OOLOEN l'ONO'" IN! -"'HU.VIEN CAN WAIT" "' •

-·--·-­'"THIE MOUCTION" 1111 -"LOOKt:ll" CNt CIN( II SOUND

"" __ ... _,_ " OH OOLotEN l'ONO" "°"' - . " HIEAVt:H CAN WAIT' ...

SOMO Ano,,...,

• Stol• C 011e 9• 5.51·7022

--M.L­"TI eol.TI LA MINDA" -"•L MO DI LA .,.Tl"

••• Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24. 1982

·'The Hill' offers fine drama Creators refuse to accept any compromises •i J&UY ave& Koaoll 1ay1, "The 1bow'1 style and rormat la " ''L"os ..... ....,ANG•LES _ Lut ~ember, when different, but It 's stlll a very, very commercial

c. ~ show. We didn't set out to create a rallure. Once " Hlll Street Bluet" won an unprecedented el1bt the public 1ot u.sed to what we were doln1 and was Emmy awuda ror a re1uJar Mrl•, bope was no tonier alarmed that lt didn ' t look Uk' expreued t.bat all the tua would lmpmvc the ' Ma1aum. P . 1., • they round It enormous ly abow 'a anemic ralin1s. entertalnin1. I think that's why Fred Silveroian

It did, which probably Ht another precedent. stuck wtt.b us." The Emmya rarely, U ever, bave bad any Impact The ahow came about when Siiverman on the fate ol a televilion seri•. When the Emmys su11eated Bocbco and Ko1oll. both with an and critical acclaim are matchecl a1alnat extenalve back1round In police dramas , rat1n1s, raUn11 usually win. collaborate on a aeries about an inner-city

Fred Silverman, then pre1ldent of NBC, preclnct. renewed " Hill Street Blues" tut year despite poor "That sounded suaplcloualy like ' Fort Apache' rat1n11, and t.ben, alter the Em mys, it be1an to to ua," says KoaoU, • and we said no. Then we 1ain new viewers. By the middle of Dec:ember lt tboulht aboUt it and came back and said ii they made it to t.he Top 10, 1rabbifta ninth place. Then 1uaranteed to leave ua alone and 1U&ranteed we it dropped back to 31st place ror two weeks. wouldn' t be bothered to death by broadcast

"IWJ Street Blues" la a show t.bat does take standards, we'd comlder it. We aaid we couldn't 1etting used to. It has. a 1rimy look it's a do a realillic police drama if we bad to bow to police drama set in a precinct in a rundown area every UWe rule." of an unnamed Midwestern city. It bu a large KomU says, " We went into this sayinl we cast, many of t.bem as 1rimy u nel1bborbood, were -.. .... to do a 1ood show. We didn't care ir it and they're all runnin1 orr in different directions ........ Purauin• different stories that last ror w.--s 00 dido ' t 1et on the air . We weren' t golne to

- _,... compromise." end. There are no neatly wrapped encHnts each week, and that, plus ill down-at-the-mouth look, Bochco says, u1 think our alUtude wast.bat .. odds ror (allure were eoormoua. And as long as we aept many viewers spinnin1 the dial put it looking were eoinl to rail anyway, we might as well make for something more pleasant. It's as difficult to 1et it the best show we couJd. And it was a· wonderful into as a soap opera, but those who do u.sually are experience at the networl. I don't know when booted.

" The show's ratings did make a dramatic we've ever bad. t.bat kind of unwavering support. turnabout," says Steven Bochco, the executive Usually, if you don't get the ratings the first thin1

a network wants to do is 'fix ' the show. Fred producer, who created the unique police drama Sifverman's attitude was ·. How can we get people with Michael Kozoll. Kozoll remains with . series as creative consultant and work.a on all the to watch? Fred nurtured this show and protected it stories with Bochco. anct renewed it."

" But a lot of stJtr went on last year that I The show is produced by MTM Enterprises, think conspired to finally turn our fortunes. The which was beaded by Grant Tinker until he Em mys obviously were a big boost. But for five or resigned last June to replace Silverman as the six months every one or1 our actors bit the road to head or NBC. promote the show around country. Usually at Bocbco says, " We were all concerned when their own expense. Everyone went out and sold Grant went to NBC and what might happen if we show, antt I think that had an impact." were sWl getting low numbers. He'd be on the ~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~- - ~


Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine.

• • • • • • • • • • • •



mT MrrOln'IMQ ACTOR-... watl L ...... llUT IUPrORTIMQ ACTwa-~ 1111 ........ o

NOW PLAYING a• - uu ... IMl P'lAZA u an a.11A Or'Mgl 637 0340 lltN 529·5339 Or'Mgl 63-4-3911

•EIWAWUIO .. ~ awaw••••H•• 111w!*1leacll673 8350 Wtmll!Sltr 893 0546 lrv1111 (714) 551-0655 l.IWAW IOUT1I COUT PUU , ... COITH c...aa Cosu 1o1im 11141 751 4184

r=..-=:~:=:.:=s:::·-- 1 ::::·.:::n



• • •





• FRI. 8:00 • SAT /SUN 1 00 FRI. 7:00, 9:45 • • • : I 4:45, 1:45 SAT./SUN. 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 : ............................................................ .. i IN CINEMA #3 ••• • Lock the doors ...


! here come the SUSAN SARANDON

i Ne@llJOrs : A Comic-Nightmare


A ,9!!>:CTURE • FRI. 1:45

CHEVY CHASE FRI. 7:00, 10:30

FRI. 1:30, 10:40 SAT./SUN. 2:15, 1:30, 10:40

As ft.~ rtses. ft. suspense begins.


SAT./SUN. 3:30, 7:00, 10:30 SAT

UTIRJN. •£TINmD .4U, HAT8· ..... IJNTIL ... P.a . . NOWOPEM

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f A • o

M.N--l'WY .............

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Steven Bocflco Michael Kcnoll

FAYE DUNAWAY • • From Pa1e Dt . with what happened to her life."

It'• not a relentleuly downbeat show, 1be tla1ten1 to add. She tri• to describe lt, then •et· tJ" on callin1 It " a comedy about tra1edy." .

Mill Duuway tumed 41 on Jan. H . She wean ber years 1raceru11y. eaally. unlike many in Hollywood who've under1one eo1meUc aur1ery.

She hu areen eyes, uh·blonde hair, a low, throaty volce and a quietly intense manAtr. Home base for her ls a lar1e , sunny apartment overlooldnc Central Park . She aaya 1be's never lived lrt Hollywood.

Her ftnt view of Hre was a small Florida Panhandle town called Bucom, where she was born. • · ' '

Always possessed by th41 demons of ambition, 1

she got to Hollywood rut. But she started humbly, waitlna on tables to ray ror her studies at Bolton University's School o Fine and Applied Arts.

A senior-year appearance in Arthur Mlller's spot. I didn't want to hazard a guess. Fortunately, "The Cruc:ible" led to her admilaion to a new all those Emmys transleted lnto numbers and it actors' trainin1 program at the Lincoln took Grant ofr the hook.'' Repertory Theater. She turned down a Fulbrl1ht

Bochco and Kozoll set " Hill Street Blues" in a scholarship lo study in London to take it. composite or various Midwest.em cities they bad Simultaneously, she replaced an actresa lived in. Both, too, had written for such police playing Sir Thomas More's daughter in " A Man shows as " Kojak, " "Columbo," " McMillan and For AU Seasons" - thus malling her Broadway Wife," " McCloud," "Quincy" and "Delvecchio." debut in June 1962, just three weeks arter

Kozoll says, " We had a lot or characters graduating from college . kicking around in our heads. We bad a lot or actors Somehow Miss Dunaway, who comes from a we wanted lo write for . We envisioned a cast of broken home. avoided the Hollywood custom of eight regulars. What happened was we bad so marrying often. many i>e91>le in the pilot who were so wonderful we She's only wed once, in 1975, to Peter Woll or ended up wit.b 13 regulars. Now it's H ." the J . Geils rock band. Alas, that union expired, a

The sHow revolves around the precinct victl:nrotconflicllng careers. The actress has been captain, played by Daniel Travanti. Like many ver y cautious ever since about dialogue that shows, tie ls a core of sanity surrounded by includes " I do." lunatics. He has to fend off the brass above him, But for the past four years she's lived with -keep a lid on the neighborhood and deal with and has an 18·month-old son by - Terry O'Neill, a crazies about him. Plus handle an aria.Ir with a former British photographer she met shortly alter public defender (Veronica Hamel> and pacify his " Network" and the Oscar she got ror that. . hysterical ex-wife <Barbara Bossom). " We' ve been engaged two years," she says,

Bochco says, "There's no question he's the showing the ring. And she says, " next sprin1" spine. I feel the show could survive the loss of all she 'll marry O'Neill , whor:g she credits ma.t with the characters except Dan." stabilizing her personal and proressional life.


i·d w.i r .. ~." . ~ l! ~ T ! ~~TON 8-lB -0388 .......... . "

-.-­" WHOSE LIFE IS IT A.NYWA. Y?" ,.,


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E.;ai5 --w ..:..5 -~-. ........




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Halogen headlamps.


• ,,

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 24. 1982

ltlgh·3trength reinforced . , roof 3tructure.

l!xtemlve corrosion protection .

-- "Bu.stle-baclc" rear deck for


Front -wheel drive. f"ron t disc bralces .

Four-wheel fully Independent


Ouer three billion dollars' worth of

world-wide deuetopment and production .

You know what's going on. Seems like everybody's offering you

a rebate here or a sell-a-thon the~. And that's fine. For now. But what happens later? What happens 10 or 15 thousand

miles from now? Will the car you buy "on a deal" be able to stand the test of time?

The Lynx will. In fact, we're so confident that we're

making you two totally new offers. lWo totally new offers that no other

leading automaker has. Not GM or Chrysler. Not Toyota, Datsun, Honda, or VW. Nobody. .


It's precisely because Lynx has the kind of high technology you see above that its maintenance costs are exceptionally low. (In fact, its scheduled maintenance intervals are among the lowestofanycarsold in the U.S.)

But now these maintenance costs are lower still .

They're zero. They're literally free. For 2 full years. So - for 2 full years or 24, 000 miles

(whichever comes first) - virtually the only thing you have to pay for is gas. And even that shouldn't be very much. Because Lynx is EPA estimated at

12a1* ~a 44 ~~ I

FR.EE WARRANTY FOK 2 FULL YEARS. Lynx is built to such exacting.

speci fications that we can now offer you something that GM and Chrysler don't. Something that Toyota, Datsun, Honda, and VW don't.


It's a totally free, no-strings-attached warranty. And it's good for 2 full years. Or 24 thousand miles. Whichever comes first

(The government maKes us call it a "limited" warranty. But it covers virtually thousands and thousands of parts. In fact, it's so complete, the only things it doesn't cover are accidents, driver abuse, tires, and fluids.)

But the good news doesn't end here. Starting today, only one automaker

lets you save while you drive and when you buy.


In addition to the above offers, we add a third.

One that can help you buy a high technology car at a substantially lower price.

Starting today, you can get a 5% cash bonus. 5% off the base vehicle sticker prlcet on any new 1982 Lynx.

Here's what you'll save on this offer alone:

Base Lynx 3 ·dr. $275 Lynx GS 3·dr. $365 Base Lynx 5·dr. $285 Lynx GS 5·d r. $375 Lynx GL 3·dr. $325 Lynx GS Wagon $380 L}ll'C GL S·dr. $335 Lynx LS 3·d r. $390 Lyn GL Wagon $345 Lynx LS 5·dr. $400 Lym: RS 3 -dr. $340 L}nX LS Wago n $405

Or get $250 off any new '8~ Lynx. You can apply this tqyour dOwn pay­

m ent, thereby loweringyGlQr financing costs. Or you_ ']lay choo~ to get a __ ,.--check direct trCbn Lincofu-Mercury.


Add it all up. On cars delivered from now until March 13th, you can get free scheduled maintenance for 2 years. Plus a free 2-year warranty. Plus 5% off the base vehicle sticker price. All at your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer's.

Nobody else offers you so much on a superbly engineered, front-wheel-drive car. But your ultimate saving isn't a matter of economics. It's a matter of pride. Your pride. In driving a Lynx. Instead of something less.

•Compare to the estimated MPG of other cars. Your mileage may differ depending on speed. weather. and trtp length. Actual highway mileage less. Lynx 3- and 5·door mlleage esUmates not applicable to units with power steerfng and air condlllonlng.

t Llmll one per customer.





1'Al.l.AHASSEE, io' la . (AP I S.y ... r llet1, 61 , an Internationally known theonllc111 meteorolo&lst who luued th e rlr s l weather rep()rt for Mars as part of the Vlklng rroject, died Friday.

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP > John Jarmaa, 66, a

form.:r U.S. representative who represented Oklahoma In Congress from 1950 to 19'78, died Friday

OXNARD <AP> - Jack V. Fox. 83 , a vete r 11n United Press lnternationul reporter. dJed 1-'riday.

SANTA MONICA (AP > -a. Parker Sullivan , 67, chairman or the board and chief executive om cer or Ge n eral Telephone or California from 1962 to 1979. died Thursday.

OBERLIN. Ohio t AP > Emil C. Daaenberg, 64 . president ot Oberlin College und a noted pianist and teacher, died Saturday.

ALEXANDER CIT Y, Ala . <AP > - Thomas Dameros A•uell, 78, a

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

Gesture aids canal's foes By THOMAS D. EUA.8

Good public relations may turn into bad polltic1 t.hil 1princ for the prime bac.ken of the $1 billion Peripheral Ca'nal project.

By llvfnc up almost half ol its um s upplies from the State Wat•r Project, the Metropolitan Water Dblrict of Southern California should wln some aoodwill from farmen In the San Joaquin Valley, who have op-posed the canal becauae there wouldn't be enouah wate r In It to suJt lhem.

But providing thal water to the farmers wlll a lso turnlsb the MWD ' a anti -canal foes ammunition for their campaign.

Voters will decide in a June ballot rererendum whether to approve the 43-mile canal, which would runnel Northern Cal!lomla river water around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta into the Callfornia. Aqueduct for shipment to Central and Southern California.

The MWD is the,· proj~t'a main backer. claiming the extra water will be urgently needed when a new Arizona water project begins using Colorado River supplies after 1985.

But opponents argue both that the water is unneeded and that the project would upset the environment in the Delta area east of San Francisco.

A new element was irtjected into the debate last rail, when a huge rocksUde at the San Luis

1:111111111 11111

Britain'• royalty kept bwy

LONDON CAP ) Queen Elizabeth II was the busiest member of the royal t11mlly In 1981,' but h~r huaband. Prince Philip . a lso h ad an actlve year.

The queen attended 285 . official guthcrin,1s . 13 meetings of her Privy Council, gave audiences to foreign ambauadors 85 times and met nearly every week with Prime Mini s t er Margaret Thatc he r - t otaling mor e than 430 engagements.

Philip had 313 official engagemenls, according to a n annual s urve y compil ed from co urL circulars and published in The Times of London .

Prince Ch arles , the heir to the throne, came in third with 20 9 engagements. including o n e at St. Paul ' s Cathedral on Jul y 29 when he married Lady Diana Spencer.

lead er in the na ti on .. s ·--------11111!!!111--• Princess Margaret. the queen's divorced sister . .,ad 101 engagements, the 81 -year -old Queen M o th e r El i z abe th attended 98 functions and Princess Anne, the queen's only daughte r . attended 84.

textile industry , died Monda y . Ru ssell wa s chairman of the board or Russell Corp.. one of ,the nation '-s l a r g e s t manufacturers or knitted goods .

WI l.MlNGTON , Del. ( AP I - Vie&or F . Hauoa, 77 • .an Inventor and former head o f Wi nl e rhur Mu se um ' s analytic a l laboratory. die3 Sunday.

MINNEAPOLIS 1AP> -Harold C ha se, S9 . Uni vers\ty of Minnesota pro fessor of pol iti ca I sc ien ce and a form er deputy assistant secretary for reserve affairs in the Carter administration , died Wed nesday . He was a Marine Reserve general.

ELY . Min n ( AP > Sig urd Olson , 82 , an Int e rn ationall y known nature writer and e lder sta te s m a n o t th e environmental movement i n Minn eso ta . died Wednesday

WHITE PLAINS, N V I AP l Eva Sebocken Glaser, 63, pres ident of Schocken Books Inc since 1975, died Tuesdav.

BLOOMI NGTON. lnd . (AP l - Jolm s.empel, 78, who headed the Indiana Univers it y Journalis m Department for 30 years , died Thursday

OMAHA. Neb. IAP > Eva M. Siems, 63, Michael Reagan's mother-in-law , died Tue s da y o f pn e um onia . Rea gan , Pre s ident Reag an 's adopted son. is married to Mrs . Stern ' s daughter , Colleen.

LOS ANGELES IAP I -WJlbur D. May, 83. director emer itus or the department store chain his father built from a single store in 1877, d ied Wednesday . Ma y became a director of May Co. in l919 and helped guide its nationwide expansion.

r eservoir near Los Banos temporarily cut it! capaci.J.y enough lo threaten next summer's crop irrigation in the vast cotton fields and almond groves of the west San Joaquin Valley.

To make up that sbortlall, the MWD agreed to give up 250,000 acre-feet or stale water to which it is entitled.

The MWD will pump extra water from the Colorado River this summer to make up for those supplies.

The water agency clearly hopes ils action will mute Peripheral Canal opposition among farmers who object to the law authorizing the canal because it would forever forbid damming of several major Northern California rivers. And the MWD may win over some farmers .

The agency also hopes to win goodwill by reminding Northern Californians that this will be the second time in five years it has given up its water lo aid other parts of the state. In the 1976-77 drought, the six-county di.strict allowed parched northern areas like Marin County to use s upplies it had paid for.

But this year's action seems mos t likely to have a dirrerenl impact, rllising a new question about the need for the canal : Jr the MWD can give up 250,000 acre-feet of wate r in a moderately dry year, does it really need new supplies from the canal ?

Even the MWD's figures Indicate that during mos t years with normal rainfall , current s upplies will be sufficient after t he Southland 's Colorado River take is reduced. rr past weather patterns hold up. there would only be a tight water supply in one year of every seven.

Cr itics of the canal say those occasional s hortfalls can be made up by extra pumping of unde rground supplies . The underground water table, they say, could then be replenished during the next wet year with no harm done.

If the canal were built, the critics claim. the cost would be borne mostly by Southern California taxpayers. while mos t of the water would go lo San Joaquin Valley farms at cut-rate prices similar to those they' ll pay this year.

The MWD. o( course. scofrs at these ideas . saying it needs excessive water supplies to help out in dry years because pumping too much rrom underground s upplies could lead lo permanent s alt -water i nc ursion s and forever ruin the und~rground reservoirs.

There's little doubt the water shortage in the San Joaquin Valley would be severe without the MWD's help this summer . But the MWD's gesture in giving up much of its 1982 Northern California s upply will just as s urely provide roes with new ammunition .

( Elias is a columnist baaed in Santo Monica J

/ BUSIEST Quee n Elizabe th 11 wa s bus iest me mber of roy al ramily in 1981 wit h 430 engagemenb

Quakes studied

PEKING <A P J Chinese scienti s ts a re s tud y ing tr aces or ancient earthquakes to h e lp i n fo r ecas ting mod e rn tre mors . the off ic i a l Xinhua n ews age ncy has reported.

Xi n hua sai d 51 scientists and engineers m et in Xian to discuss way s t o id e nt i f y prehis toric quakes .

Indications or ancient quak es some a half million years old have been found in Peking. Ni n gxia , S han xi and eight other provinces, Xinhua said.

FRESNO (API Irving w. Levy. 85. president or Ph t k t h e Gotl s c h alk ' s 0 OS ma e money ~:~a.;~::;.~d~y Store chain .

·Nentune SOcietv ~fMl'°TioH IUAIALATleA

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Fruits of field ripe for plucking By JOYCE L. KENNEDY

Dear Joyce : I caa take 1ood pictures bat I caa•t write. Most colle1es empbasbe joenaalbm aed oaly toacb • plllo&ograplay. CoUI Y" please give me .. Hesdou • ltow to develop in all Oelch of pltololnplay!

~ - J.T., Omalla, Neb.

As a photographer. you can work with everyone from models pushing jeans to biological researchers whose lates t genetic creation is begging to be photographed.

Tuning you in to all fields or photography would fill a volume. Fortunately, Larry Cribb has done exactly this in " How You Can Make $25,000 a Year With Your Camera No Matter Where You Live" ($11.50 postpaid rrom Writer's Di1est Books,

, 9933 Alliance Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45242) .

In addition to the uauaJ newspaper and magaiine work, Cribb dlJcusses

•such markets as industrial and commerclel pbotocraphy , advert.laing, le11al and studio work. He explains bow to rbake money snappin1 ror schools , churches , aynagoeues. weddings. print shops, sports events . garden clubs and anJmal sbows. 1

Another resource, also available from Writer's Digest Book•, ls Rohn Engh •a new Utle, "Sell and Retell Your Photoe," $16.50 postpaid. An experienced free- lancer. Encb preaent1 a total 1am• plan for martetinc your pbotot at bllbelt profltl.

One more : "Selll n1 Your Pboto1rapby : Tbe Complete llarhtln1, Bu1lne11 and Lesal Gulde," by Arie Kopelman and Tad Crawford (Sl.5.00 po1tpald from St. Martin'• Pr91, 1'75 ah An.. New York, N.Y. 10010).

Altbou1b a colle1e de1r .. ID pbototJ'aplly ls tboulbt by IOIM ,to be I

CAREERS the best preparation ror this career. th e re are n o f o rmal e ntr y requi rements . Alternatives lo a four -year major or minor include two -year associate d e gree s. vocational school course. classes at community cente rs and training in the armed forces.

Although new photographers are queuing up ror jobs in portrait and commercial work . prospects look s lightly better in business. industry, scientific and medical photography . A highly specialized background -science or engineering, for example - can put you in front of the line .

The top markets a re still in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, but with technical competence and artistic t.alent, you may be able lo find photography Jobs almost anywhere you go.

READER SERVICE: A rww book.Id, " Phot0f11aplter: A Pro/•uional With a Challenge," oraawert mora11 of 11otar quutfora• about trafrah111 and job opporhmiliea. Ji'or a frn ~. coUrt•'ll o/ Cht PToftt.SOMl Phofogroplwr• o/ Amtrico, 1tnd o po1fcord ~•t to JOJICt Loin Kemtfdl/ at Boz 1560, Cotto Meta. Aak for " Photogropher."

Oxygen lack bl~ed BOS'roN (AP) - Re1eareben IQ

peo_pl• wttb breatltlnc cWtlculUe1 oftin die at nlsht from heart problems caused by a lack of OJtYI•· • Docton from tbe Unhenity Hosp6tal of Wales Unted nlcbttlme heart problems wttb low ox11• level• ln people with ehronlc obstructive a.lrways dlMue.

ICEBERG MAKER The Columbia Gfacier near the oil port or Valdez. Alaska, started last summer s hearing off masses of ice that

.. ~ ......... float Into the path of ships. The proble m may intensify during the 1980s.

Iceberg menace predicted Alaska glacier m.ay dump chunks in shipping lanes

S EA'M'LE <AP) - An Alaska glacier described by scientists as out or step with geologic lime will be dumping millions of tons of ice in the paths of oil tankers thi s s ummer, a glaciologist predicts.

The Columbia Glacier , ending near the mouth of the oil port or Valdez. i s in a rapid retreat neve r be fo re witnessed by sc ie ntists, Mike Meier of the U . S . Geo logi ca l Su rvey in Ta coma , Wa s h . , s aid in an inte r view last week .

Since 1978, the 41 -mile-long glacier has re treated 1.2 miles, leaving beh increasing nur;r:i ber or icebergs.

The rate. of retreat is expected to rise lo 2lh miles pe r year by the mid-1980s, with up lo 27 million ton s of ice per day dropping into the waters or Pr ince William Sound.

By cont rast , the 425-square mile j(lacier dropped less than 4


million tons of ice per day lasl s ummer, Meiersaid .

The danger to shipping from ice bergs will decrease every year a fter the mid-1980s, he noted , as the te rminus of the glacier gets farther away from Valdez,

The reason for the rapid retreat r e mains a mystery, Me ie r said. He discounts the theor y that an increased release of ca rbon dioxide from the burning of fo ss il fuel s is warming the atmos phere , creating a " efrect" that will melt the world's ice sheets and raise sea levels .

Meier s aid the Col umbia G(acier s imply seems to be a la te bloomer, centuries out ol s te p with other glaciers that retreated long ago.

The rapid retreat was noticed for the first time last s ummer, when the average yearly slide back of 150 reet s uddenly

jumped to J ,650 feet. The ice chunks dropped into the sound c aused some o il tankers to restrict their arri vals and departures to daylight hours .

Beside la rge icebergs , there a lso have bee n s ightings of smaller "bergie bits,' ' normally up to 350 square yards in size and ris ing 20 feet above sea level. " Growlers .. are even s maller icebergs that e xtend less than three feet above sea level and occupying 25 square yards.

·'The growler is something that is beginning to become dangerous to shipping , ·· sa id Meier.

Four tankers can be berthed at once at Valdez to load oil from the pipeline, Holmes said. In addition , two r e gular pasenger fe rries and three to six c ruise ships dock duri ng the summer

Guess who came to dinner? Reagans enjoy party bids·

WASHINGTON ( AP) - White House aides wouldn 't dream or telling a hostess what to serve President Reagan and his wife, but t hey are not above finagling a d inner invi ta tion for them occasion ally.

While the Reagans have been c r ed ited with bringing fresh spark\e to the Washington social scene. it 1s a measure of the isolation of the White House that they h ave h a d to so l icit invit ations when they wished to soc ialize w1~b an yone except

their closest friends. Beryl Bentsen, wire of Sen.

Ll oy d Bentsen . D -Texa s, r e m e mbers that her May 11 lun c h for Mrs . Reagan was .. arranged" by a mutual friend from California.

Mrs . Bentsen recalled that the fri end , who was not identiried, said Mrs . Reag~n enjoyed small luncheons and"' she thought it would be very nice ir I would have her to lunch ."

.. I said. ' Don' t you think it would be a bit presumptuous?"

Make it in Mass.? report to tax man

BOSTON <AP) - People who " Make it in Massachusetls'' are b ei ng warned by the Department o f Re venue to re port everything they make, i ncluding income from kickbacks. drug dealing , · cash s kimming and gambling.

Co mmi ss ion e r L . J oyce Hampers. who headed a meeting of tax administrators from 12 Nort heas tern s tates last November on what she called the ·· underground economy,'' estimates Massachusetts loses about $367 million a year In unpaid taxes on s uch unreported inco me.

The 1981 state tax form , which carr ies the state adve rtising s l ogan, " M a ke it in Mass achusetts. " has a new sectio n o n U nd ergrou nd E conomy Income warning that

ADAMANT Soul singer James Brown dellvered a stern m essage to Vice Presldenl George Bush, telling him that the nation's blacks have " got to l\ave jobs·· this summer.

a ll income must be reported. Say a person makes $100,000

holding up an armored car and reports it as income: The state r e venue departm e nt says mum 's the word .

.. W e' r e bound b y confidentiality statements not to reveal that type or information," sa id Robert Sherman , th e department's director of public relations. " If a guy reports on his income tax form ·occupation Thief,· that' s nobody's business but his own ."

Sh erman said that to hi s knowledge, no one has ever reported income rrom such an activity.

" But now they could face a cha rge or income tax evasion," he s aid . " Of course , they 'd probably have to be arrested for stealing first."

Nevertheless. Mrs , Be ntsen . who had met the new first lady briefly about 10 years earlier. took the cue and called Mrs . R eaga n . who " readily accepted."

Ceci Carusi. a Democ rat. got a s imilar call from Tish Ba ldrige, the Kenned y admini s tration social secretary who helped out Mrs . Reagan for a few months afte r the inauguration.

" I couldn't believe my ears . .. Mrs . Carus i said ·' I thought somebody was teasing me. '·

H er . Feb . 11 luncheon . featuring cream of zucchini soup and fresh shad roe with bacon, became the firs t of 22 secret noontime exc ur s io n s Mrs . Re agan made during the first y ear o f h e r hu s band ·s administration .

Together. Lhe firs t lady and the pres ident attended seven private dinne r s outs ide the While House the ir year in Washington wh ile giving several dinners or their own.

The lunches and dinners were a way for the Reagans to make good their pre-inaugurati on intention or getting to know the Washington establishment. Like Mrs . Carus i. man y o f the hostesses were Democrats.

Dinner hosts have included Katharine Graham, chairman ot the board or The Washington Post : Vice President George Bush ; S. Dillon Ripley, hea~ of th e Smithsonian : and J ohn S herman Coope r , former senator and ambassador

Though some or the Invitations ce rtainly were s pontaneous , others were solicited. sometimes by Michael Deaver, one or the president's top three aides.

A close Reagan friend sald. " Mike keeps an eye out. for<thelr health. and if they are reeling trapped, be will call a friend and uy, ' Why don't you have the Reagans over? ·

" There are rriends who are bein1 encouraaed to ask them to dinner... sald the friend. wbo added the Rea1ans " love to IO to people's homea."

Sometimes the pro•p•ctlve bo1te11es called White House toelal secretary Muffle Brandon for advice. " I tell t.bem to relax and do what lfley enjoy dolnc," Jira. Brandon said. " l would oot­dream ol telllnl people what to Hrve."

lln. Bentsen caUed a chef lbe uew ID San Aatoelo to pl a 1peela1 deaert r.elpe for bet lunch for llra. 1tq1ui.

•• ffe wlum.tred to come to Wublnltan to do tbe lunelMGft."

I lb• "( aald 'Well, ~ OD.' And ht tot a bll ki~k aul Of It. We had fun pfua.lq tbe menu."


.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Januury 2<4, 1982

IVS oa

success u a·ra • sa e.

Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what you call them, the idea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 10 steps will make it simple.

Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your

• sale. Weekends are usually good, but many successfu I sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract po1ential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day. ~

What to sell. Everything! That is, everything you haven 't used in the

• last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole ho use. Look everywhere, and list everyth ing. Fwniture. Th is is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furn iture where it can be seen from the street. Price

· ft1rniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for compartsons), but high enough so you can come down a little when someone shows interest. Rockinq chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped , and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalg ia items are very popular -display them well. Clothin9. Make sure clothing is c lean, and mark the price way down . Put as many th ings as possible on hangers. Separate kid 's th ings by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a 111111t on clothes except for unusual items, which should be tagged witn an explanation (like, " hand-embroidered flowers , dress worn by Mae West)." Appliances. These wi II sell for a fair pri ce only if they work . No one wi II take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested , or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets turned ori etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold " as is" . · Plants. These usually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady. Cousin Jasper, Maggie), and write a l ine or two on the name card about how to care for them.

Write your ad. Here is a suggested ad: "Garage Sale - desks.

• Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing , 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many gadgets, lots ot unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as-specific as possible. Give directions if needed. Don 't use abbreviations - many people won 't bother to decipher them. CAUTION: Don 't advertise anything you don't really have. Every item in the ad must be on hand at the start of the sale.

Where to advertise. Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area - most people shop close to home. The

• Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington Beac~ a(ld Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the Pilot, you 're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 t imes or more, and start it a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice.

Make a sign. To help make your sale successful, make a few signs

• from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good sign size is 14" x 22".

Placing your sign. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your

• signs. Be sure and add your address and any direct ional arrows. Th is should be done about a half hou~ before the sale starts. Place your sign where it can be seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION: Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town 's plann ing department or clerk.

Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office

• supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work wel l. or you can use masking tape. However you mark them, make pricn low. Garage sales are for bargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can 't sell you 'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year.

Serving refreshments. This doesn 't have to cost much, and creates a friendly

• atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts, or the kids could go in business for the day, With a lemonade stand.

Display . . Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or

• boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don 't cause people to bend over unless you can 't help it . Use one table as a desk where you can see everyth ing and take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed " cashier " at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions, relief for lunch, etc.

Check your neighbors and friends.

II See if any want to join your sale. This wi II give you someone to share expenses with and increase interest

6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 in your sale. If others join you, be sure to include this in your ad (example: " three-family sale, " " neighborhood

~~~ ~~~~ ................ -..... sa .. le•'•').•G•r•o•u•p•s•a•le•s•a•re .. a•lo•t•mo .. re .. fu•n•, •to•o• ... ..

330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA. Open 8-5:30 Monday thru Friday, Saturday 8-noon.


a coo can as a one

"' \

. .-.. I

Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

lASllFllD~ 642-5618 ... ...

,. t l

INDEX M•.. , .._..ForW. •••••••••• •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• • •••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••• •••••••• ~t

' .......... 1002 ........ 1002 ....,.. loU l

T1 PllCt Yllf U. CaH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •

I~ IOlll IOI/I ltll ltz1

w....w. REDUCED r.o~ooo Delalit c~E£"J!a 1ve~Y 3

One ol a kind'Faoch style Bdrm, ram, pool home 3 bedroom Wes ts Ide o we at 12~ . Owner ho me . fealurea 11 transferred, quiet cul· spacious family room de·sac. Prestigious golf

EQUAL HOUSING wilh a rustic cellinf . and course Joe. Priced below OPPORTUNITY TWO brick rirep aces. martet at on s.320.000

t:'s Moffet: ,. Yard is profemonally Call Diana Cappel, agt

landscaped and lineil 631-1266 with beautiful Cypress ll't!ft Only five minutes lo the BEACH! $129,900. This home offe rs you rmre for the money. call now.

An•1lalt Vii.Lo.


u $100 Co as everyl~ng you need + areal lerms·S min. to bear h. Gree Astle 7511· 1221


~INTER SOLITUDE - A cross-country skier Journeys along a trail on Colorado's Grand Mesa, s now-country 'mecca for winter sportsmen. For awhile . friction developed

AP .......

between skiers and noisy snowmobilers but the Forest Service has separate(! the two groups amicably.



•t» All real esta t e ad · :: ve rt ised in l ha s '°" newspaper is subject lo .... the Federal Fair H OUS· :: ing Act or 1968 which 1~-i makes it Illegal to ad­:: vertise " any preference, '"' limitation . o r di s :: r rimanation based on '°"" rare. r otor, r e ligion , :: sex. or national ongin,

A(or•&C• ,., s.i. 1• or an intention lo make any such preference. li!lli.tat1on,, or di s · cnmmatton """11ftWM>l0tS.w I M

llto<•P••rt> l);lt ...._,_, 10

With reasonable down o wn er will c arr y balanre at 12.9'i: in· te res l! Luxuriou s 3 bedroom 21., bath Mesa Ve rde s howpla re . Formal dining room an· vitmg family room ,and TWO fireplares Prime locaUOI), near the Mesa Verde Country Club $229,500 Call for more finaneing details

ltdlced SI 00,000 SPYfiLAS$

<>:~!~~=i~ r ....... ,, "°" ... ,,.,., 1l!JI

~=~:!:;~;i~ ~= OupltaH L 11uu ~.1. llOI

War in paradise cooled 11 . ....... bl llO\•f l lQJ ,,.....,.,._..y llUJ lftdutln1i Proptn) J IOQ Lou for s.i. 1l'AI

nus newspaper wall not know1n,ly arrept any advert1s1ng for real estate which as in vwla tion olthelaw

==•H~•~.~· = --------Or- Co Pt"I> .ll<lt ,.....,.IS: .t.~-....1.1 CL..U...1$.....lll-t~~o:~:;;,"' = QllRV • ... VTllTTilfn - tml'

"-""• hrm> -1.•••<> llllU ._... dMck •eir eds Cll •Sec Com'promise abates clash between skiers, snowmobilers Ku1 r..111• cac••••• llJJiJ Mr met report .,... Ideal location for this

Rtolf.>lot• 11 • •1"'1 Mil ron ...... ely. Tiie gra ceful Mere dith IEMTALS "DAILY rtLOT . ,.._1 Gardens family home 4

MESA, Colo . CAP > - The Grand Mes a , at 10,500 feet the world 's l argest flat - top mountain, is a winter sports paradiSe in the rarefied air or .westen\ Colorado.

On a clear day, with the snow sparkling under a bright s un and the air so sharp the world seems new again, a c ross·country skier can cover miles effortlessly and a snowmobiler can glide like an airplane.

·'It could not be better designed for winter s ports," says Dale Bittle, a U.S. Forest Service worker.

But this idyllic winter scene is home to a modern-day range war .

Cross -country s kier s and snowmobiles have c rossed paths - sometimes violently in the rolling hills and high timber of the m esa . And like the cattlemen and s heepherders of 80 years ago, these 20th century combatants are being forced -a lbe it reluctantly - to learn to liv.e with each other .

Across northwest Colorado in the 1890s, sheep ranchers sought to estab l is h a place for themselves, contending there was enough land for everyone. The ~a.Ulemen tried- to force them out, saying sheep ruined the rang~ by de~troying the gr ass.

It took t im e a n d Fores t Service action to separate the warring groups and bring peace to the range thi s century . according lo a local historian Dave Fishell of Grand Junction. '

Ironically, the Fores t Service today is using the same solution to solve the same argument -who uses the public lands. It hasn' t been easy.

·'There's eno ug h room for

everyone" on the Grand Mesa. said Gary Hunt, co-owner of Gr a nd Junction ' s larges t snowmobile dealership.

" But you hear complaints about them tearing up s ki tracks," said Eric Oakley, a cross-country skie r and owner of a ski shop.

Two years ago , fi s tfights broke out between snowmobilers and cross-country skiers on the

" This conflict can be solved very simply. I believe there is enough land for everyone as long as .it can be properly designated. "

Grand Mes a . whi c h at 547 square miles is half the s ize of Rhode -tshlnd . The-re- weJ<e rumors among snowmobilers -never proved - that skiers were s tringing piano wire between trees .

Th e s ki e r s. meanwhile , denounced snowmobiling foes as " drunk , obnoxious and rude," and complained tha t noise and exhaust from thei r machines ,ha d destroye.d s kiing on the mesa .

" We had some incid ents," Bi ttle said . " We had a gun pull ed once, and there was a fe llow who ended up with a

concuss ion." =i"': ... M<I !: labilty for th first bed rooms. 21, baths. ._ • .:::;~":,1 m> i•corrtct l•s'ertlo• formal drning room. fun The conflict was inevitable, so me s tat e official s s ay , es pecia lly with the growing popularity of both activities . People who cross-country' ski do so because of " the quiet, pristine environment, while snowmobiles can destroy tracks and they're noisy." says Bill Haggerty of the s tate Division of Wildlife .

l-""·•••••• llQj family room , and a ~=':"f'.~:' 10 -"I· hearty farep lare Low r ... - 1.1 ~ I marntenanre yard as all :=::=: [~;· : play no work ' Relax Alll••'"" noo HD.esforSalt 1njpatio. s parkling Apu ""'""' ...., POOL and hot bubhhng ~:;!"'""'lot = ~:;••••••••••••••• SPA! $240,000 Call for A-.uo11d - - 1002 anappointment ......... .w .... \ ti~ •••••••••••••••••••••••

~ ... ":':".:Ui. ~ c-•rr vi•• \ ...... 11 ..... a. e50 1 New Cape Cod 2 stol")

Snowmobilers point out the Grand Mesa is public land . They a lso say tha t skiers who want truly isolated trips can use the We s t e rn Slope ' s wild e rness a reas, where machines of all types are baMed.

11-.iu•Mw•' !~ I bldg on pnme s treet g,;r;r.;,:.rMI ;;;; 2D) 5q (t t S C 3 r pkg, a.,,,.,,., 11.n111 111<1 I Residence, oHa ce up ~"!":!~"' R ..... , ~: stairs. roof to1> deck. re R ... •bll••"" ...., ta.1ldownsta1rs $375,000 a.. .. 11 .... m ... .., <>Pft Sat / S.1t 1.5

• llSINESS, INVEST· 41 O l 1 sf St, M.I . MCNT, fltlltlCE 673-6J76

=~ ~~ $119 500 l:!~:::~' ~ TEAMS fERMS!! Eighty years ago, the Forest

Ser vice defused the range war by .creating the Uncompahgre National Forest and doling out grazing permits that served to keep the sheep from the cattle.

::=; ; ,'!".:. :i Owner wants out ' .,°"' .... Tfl, )jj)) I 3 Bdrm 2't>ath home with --.OIENTS, large laving famil >

area Bnck fireplace PUSONALS & North Costa Mesa

Today, the Forest Service, in ~oncert with the Colorado Parks and Recreation Department, bas designated certain areas and trails for the use or each sel>arate group.

LOST&FOUND ~~~n · <.:all now .

Signs on 15-foot poles make the differe n t area s . Maps , s howing separate t r ails for snowmobilers and skiers have b een printed and wi II be a_vailabl~ next_w~~k ~t _area__g_as _ stations , conv enience stores, ba r s. and Fo r est Se rvi ce stations.

The move has gone a long way toward defusing the issue.

·· I got together the various ski c lub s a nd s n owmobile r s ' groups," said Bittle, who has taken charge of ma rking trails to separate the s ports men . " We cussed and discussed and finall y worked out courtesy closures to satisfy as many people as we could.''

It was a popular move. ·'There are getting to be so

many snowmobilers and skiers alike that we need designated areas ." Oak ley sa id . " T his confli c t can be solved very s imply. I believe there is enough land for everyone, as long ilS it can be properly des ignated ."

Hunt agrees with the area des ignations, but says a " live and let live" attitude is equally important.

" Snowmobilers aren ' t bothered by skiers. They can be wherever they want," Hunt said.

The passage of time a nd more fraternization, like the range war _o f 80 years ago , bas contributed to the lessening of tensions .

-........ )100 Cit Pool \1111

l!:.'i~= ~ ,.,_. i.:llO SonolO.•· :.. Tra\tf• M_,.

SEIYIC£S !Jtoon ... o..-.. ,

EMPllYllOIT & mPUATION St-·, ....... ,_

JMW•.11tf'd• Hrip •w<01t l r

MOCNAllllSE ~ ""41-n Awitb•

::~ Metrnal\ l~mua• 6 Eqwpmii>N Col> Dot• t)f'l' 10 'rou tWMw' f,.,.., .. \.it. -~f,.ood\


I ~''°'"'' " ... " lfW'f'"\. >e 1"'4'• 1l1rwun w" .... u.'"'°"~-. .~.-a 'tlil\.tC'al IMolriimf'rlt\ Htf.n h11n A lqu•C> p.,, ~&txa.n~ ~UMI M.rtHfW'<\ .....,,, ... c-. 'tor-' lttM...,.raM fl.t r

i~ •rMt0 H1t ·1 Xttf'U



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°""'' . .-...... Claot o<a 1Ht1-Vd><lft 5-N. lonll• ....... On\et rrwu v-


mo tllll tlJI tilt tlto 1119 11111 -~,.

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&t- :m o.u.. fTJt , .. ,." ll!JI , ,.. llTa ...... ,,.,, , ., .. , t'l1I ,_ fTJI

Lung disease top killer for cancer

NEW YORK CAP ) - Lun)l =;&~~. . ·= cancer will kill more Amen- ~.... ::: cans this year than any other :.' .:; form of the di sease, th e =: .... ...... ::: . .' .. ~. Ameri c an Cancer Society ,_ ... ..... ...... . ,,. predicts. ::t, • .-. · · · ·:::

In its annu a l publication ..... "" " Cancer Facts & Figures," it ~ : ......... :.:... '!! estimated that or 430,000 cancer =.:·.:·::. :. ··· ,,. deaths ln 1982, 111,000 will be v ..... .,;. .:.: . ........... ·:; due to lung cancer. ve1 .. · • ... •· • • · · m1

" The rapidly risln1 lun1 • 0 cancer rate baa obscured a o-.. · reduction in death rates ror au •no o l her k l n d s o f ca n cer t'r" ·. ··· -· . : combined," Lawre n ce ~.....:..: .: .. :::.:. ·:· ::: Garfinkel , the society ' s vice ~ · · .... · .•11 president ror epidemiology and a:: .......... .. = .statistics and director or cancer ~··· · ·· · ·· · . . · :: prevention, said in the report. ow- • ·•

"The irony or th.ii 1ituallon ls lf. · ·· · · .. .'...... . =



• ' t 00 • ~ C)

~ •

>< C) • = • I f


13.50/o R..ci119 ...... , Subr)'llt mre size down and owner wall help con· s1derablr with finan1•1ng at 13 5', ! Handsome ~ bedroom 211 bath Mesa Woods POOL home boasts a for mal dining room for entertaining, a relaxing fa mily room . and cozy firepla rf Very priva t e. bea utiful ly landsraped lot features a crystal clear pool' Pl'rlect home for vear round eQJOyment • Close to the Plaza Sl99.000 0on·1 wait. call no"'"

12.50/o Rlta!IC"'9

Owner moll\ ated and I will rons1der all terms on this immarulate 4 be dr oom 2•, bath Class1r home Tale en try. rormal dining room . family room, fireplac·e. wethar L1pgraded with plush 1·arpetang . and wood flooring an th e family room and baths Comer l.9l 1s_completely liind.scai>ed and inrludes a large SPA. and a hnrk f1repit In t he put10 5175.000 A must sre ! Call today

979-2390 1/CTI S BRISTOL


Tarbell, HE\LIOHS



1 This Ca pe Cod home I should be an Home 1

I Magazine S Bd, ga, r, I financmg_ Pnred underl


Olarming 3 !drin 2 bath I home in prime location. Great financing terms available on tliis one. and no qualifying Price Sl49.500. Hurry. call us for complete details

fla1a• Ag;-J ~ Ol.OCOIOMA

Charming old CdM home with Pool and view oo larse lot Beam cell· ln1. 2 fireplacea . 3 bdims e1ch with own bath. 1475.000.

OCl.4MflOMT Cdal 3 bdrm + den. Barsaill at 11.zso.000 .

CAMIOHLMDS 4 bdrm, f1mify tdlialll1 rmi breakfaal noolt: . ~~· beacbea .

COSTA~ • -olnri a rm on Gr.'u.. ftaU lot ,

=~ •n.arl4'' that lung cancer ls amoaa the ~. .. .... · .... · = m ost pr eventable or all ·:.: .. ".'.'.'. . '.'.' ..... ..

::~·::~:~e:~i 1~'f.":, = ~:·:·~:::;:::::;{:)::·.;::~·== ~ ~':~ ~l~tl•J !1'n r~a~I~ up cl•arettes." u...dl ot other peo-

Tbe llOdety saJd •mokinl ta · · ::.::: · • pie In tllll .,.. who .,, reapodalble ror a percnl of v• ......... : :. ·: :I: ruular uer1 or


--- -


HARIOR RIDGE orrerexpires Jan 31 UIEEEEEAL 2S Bodega Bay

ShowsliTie 1 model. 28SK I er 159.0111 tn ass um. fin a oriog. Bhlrs. Lease option 2 br, Lowest prire on the wide greenbelt Sl39,SOO Ridge. Call me for an Qlcr,644.0134. :ff.t26J'1m Rhone. agt t.:la~s1f1ed Ad~ . ~our one·

stop sh~1p~ 1·1mter

Thelfunt ....... on the 0...,. COllt


ADS You Con Ml II. fond II.

Tr* h W'rlh o Wom Ad

[&42·5878 )


The pleasure of lu xurious living in a conveniently accessible setting is a dramatic factor in the location of this stunn ing property . With its commanding views of Catalina , the ocean and- ba y . this hom e is complete with four bedrooms . 3 baths. pool and gourmet kitchen . An outstanding va lue at S975.000. For more information call John

Ca mpbell. ~Q,

QC }jrQ0 ll:NJY 675-2311

TWO OUTSTANDING BA YFRONTS WITH OUTSTANDING FIMING! Iola of llwtt ........... ')ride of owHrsll1lp" co1tditi01t, dtcoroted btGllllMly ...... good .... ....... Cal far cWais cmd to pnYitW ttltM file ptopertits:

UMDA ISLE 2""°'Y wftll 4 .._ + ..w'sr-.__...._.,..._...,. f-'ly roe. witll shp doww INtr & coHtry kltcllu. LHdtceptd to ,.._..... + brWcp 0¥W ., ,... & spa. Sl ,lfS,000. Sip far l boeh.

IALIOA ISLAND priY• locatloe wlttt seariy . ...._... & ..... wood, ...... & ..... to • INtyfr..t • lcJllh. Lsp ..... 4 bed. ......... ..,... ..-... ~ + Wco.y. ,.., I sip + .... ycrd. SI ,J00,000. fff. A ,..... ..... todlly's .......,.

Flll•clllf I 00/o cash •n ,..,.... met oww d c.,-y .... flll•clllg .t I 0¥•°1• ..........


S.., ~ollh, Pt-ty ~ 243t W C:0.1 Hwy 3 IS Mt!w Aw ~ BNch IWbol WMd

611·1• '7M•

NEW BUSINESSMEN C.nteot tM DAILY PILOT fOf '"''"'"Uon regerdlng lfle.

=-::...~:.~· MMll1DT.m

u ....... allR aAnLE~ - This label of Cincinnati-based Hudepoh.I Brewmg Company's Christian Moreleln beer r~~ tbe survival struaale by small brewers to invade _the specialty beer market ln faee of bl1 company do~inance.

l&1n1 cancer clMI •IDODI IDID ._,...._ Call our 1d

and 43 percent amon1 women. .L--":""!""-..--..l!:===:::;::::=1::Ull:="::at::•::::sm=.==l.:======z=====:t., ·~-I'!


... ~~C1h1lll ~- t 1Dboarcl. allul· terecl 40ft aq fl ln 8ay11lore1. s bdrm . lu .. r.9!~':Jrm· cllniD· fr:' amllyr'::~:;! klltllen, pantry ud family eatin1 area . Suurlty 6 ao und 1Yllem1, hardwood n~teak and oak t , wine stora1e. marble bat.hi and tx·

I temlve 'I' are OD· b a um I of the quality ft ea

o-J'J,.= ...

Pete Barrett ~ pre~nts

CAPl..S Rare 1 story condo, 3 Bdrm, quiet Eastside, adults only. Desirable financing avail $145,000. 421111 tu.C~ O,.S- l:lM

COSTA MISA ...... COMDITION 3 Bdrm 2 bath plus family room. Assumable 1st and owner will carry 2nd . Price $135 . 000

MIWPOIT llACH LOWEST PllCED • .. LAMA\. ' At the beach! Cute Spanish cottage, fireplace ,' dining room, builtin kitchen, laundry room, 2 Bdrms. Owner will carry. Only $155,000.

PllCI lmUCID DOYEi SHOUS One or the largest lots on Galaxy Dr. Marvelous 3 Bdrm home with. sensational patio area for entertain· ing. Priced $399,500 and owners anxious. Xlnt financing available.

PINMSULA POINT Two stories, 3 Bdrm 3 baths & excellent condition. Owner will carry. Short escrow. $495,00Cf

MIU Y8tDI MOYE lllGHT IN Clean 4 Bdrm. family room, quiet street. $173,750


~ .

c::;::;. ' l ' '

--1-"' ,>~J p>t ·~·I (I

~~•INC.. Elecant Eb1lisb motif c rown mouldln& . bandcarved frpk , sbut· ters, brua appts. etc. 2 br, 2 ba. full security. 10~3 fin . avail. Lse/opt avail. 1283,250. 9SS·ll20

SIWON\.._ .~r:t~t~wport Beach . Custom waterfront h o me · priced far below market for ciuict sale. MAI ap· 11raisal $4.4 million · Reduced to onlr $3.6 million. Seller wi l carry ~yearfmancln1al10%. ROom for 3 large yachts. Indoor/outdoor pool /spa .with retract able roof. Underg round wine cellar. Separate guest AND maid 's quarters World 's most romantic master suite overlook· in1 entire harbor BrOker consideration To see call Rick, Bkr. m1• 729'2 aoy_thne.


OWC a 1.S yr Joan W / Un· believable low Int. on tllil Mesa Verde 4 Bd 2200 sq ft pool home . Shows like a mod el Sl67,SOO. Opn Sat 1·5. 3165 Bermuda. CM or caU Lois Miller , agt


R&"M~ CcMFIXH $225,100

~ue bucl; cottage paint, carpet and

lma&ination ! Excellent location . Motivated owner will help fin ance Wallt to beach! Hurry , callmasso


CHAMA YOUI POINT OF VIEW! Get away from fences and walls and look out into the beautiful blue Pacific and lights from Laguna and Dana Point. This custom 3 Bdrm plus den bas one of the largest lots in the area . The rooms even have high ceilings and closet space galore. Call for an appointment and see how this home can change your point of view. $685,000.

IMA ... MOVM9 INTO A HOMI WITH HOlHN TO DO! Spend your leisure time doing what you enjoy. This immaculate 3 Bdrm home looks out into one of the loveliest yards in Corona del Mar. Neutral beige colors throughout lends itself to-any"~olor st,Yle. A real pleasure to see and even more pleasmg to live in. $378,000 FEE.

MIWLY MAllllD! You will be delighted to entertain your friends in this youth oriented

· comm\D'lity w/all the amenities pool, tennis, lake & a better way of life to start your family. You will love the oak plank entry & thick spice brown carpets, art gallery walls. $197,500.

"m TIMI OM lHI MAlllT ... 30 YWS! View home on large lot in CORONA HIGHLANDS. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath on FEE land. Excellent fin~n· cing $350,000.

YOU OWM YOUI LAMD IN llYIMI TlllACll Great family home on corner location. 3 Bdrms, formal living room, plus large family room with fireplace. Patio for entertainment. Worbbop in garage. Seller will assist in-financing $395,000.

A 1ril'•~ _,. D. I.Ill IS. n11 c..t • .,. • ., ~ ......

Spring SUit for Petites

PRIITTD PAmRN A70I nnnStm ....

Here. the classic Chanel· look suit favored by fashionable women In· eluding the First Lady Slim. easy. it's ideal for you who are petite 15'4" I tall and under and shorter·waisted ). H Printed Pattern A7061i)' A bb't evl a t1011 s to Parade comes in Miss Petite Siies 6, 8, 10. 12, ~41 16. Size 12 !bust 34 > Wtes 2~ yards 60-inch Send S2.50 for this Print· ed P attern to DAILY PILOT . Bo x 59 . ·01d Olelsea Sta .. New York . N. Y. 10113. Add SOr ror postage and s pe cia l handling Print Name . Address. Zip. St y le Number and Size. Sensational savings on semalional clothes are yourswilhourNEW t982 PR O MINENT D~lGNER PATTERN CATALOG. You save SSO to t500 and more wben you sew! All the top names. newest easy-to. sew designer looks in d r e ss es . coats , sportswear. Plus soc BONUS COU PON for any pattern of your cbOice. Send Sl.50 for Book37 now. VIEW TOWMHOMES Muter suites. View of Ocean & Night lights. ~el Area. Parks. open spaces. Sl37.000. Xlnt I'm. Hal or Pat Alls

751-9105, 673· 1300

°"""' "--clM This C. ll. 3 Bdrm l ~ Ba charmer bas it all . Spa, new copper plumbing & 2 car aarage. Assume 10YJ% 1Jt and owe lrg 2nd. F\1Uprice!J13,000.


WOODBRIDGE DOLLHOUSE : 2 Br Bodes• lnodel, hl1bl1 '"'9ded UJe entry • mfrrorfd WlrdrobH. Good auumable lat TD • owe a 2nd. Very I motivated. S14t,OOO. 4 MelodyLn

CUSTOM CONDOS: Lovely Tudor •trllo1. cathedral cet111111. llllDd kJtcbem. All ID lo. ti HwJ lotat.. rroat llldt a Mrm P20 • · '11-411~ Deblia, C4i. ... _""j ......

.tlL ........ • ......... \ - "HMt. .




Deluxe. 2 master suites, large airy rooms. Great financing. Country atmosphere in Costa-Mesa. All for the low price of:

$137,000 & $119,000 HAL or PAT IAUEI AGTS.




lt.\ltB<>H RE.\LT\'

· · auFFS "C" PLAN Terrific location overlooking the pool. Spacious 4 bdrm . 3 ba th condo. $29,950 moves you in! 30 year 12 '1'.z~ financing. $299,500 L.H. full price. Living rm. opens onto large patio - perfect for summer e nte rtainin ~ . 4th bdrm . is downstairs - ideal as an office or teenagers room.

LIASIOllUY Full security bayfront building with swimrping _pool and boat slip available. Nicely decorated l bdrm, bayview condo available for immediate occupancy. Lease for $1200 per mo. or buy for $299,500.

LAU HAVASU Superb de se rt hom e with breathtaking water and mountain vi~ws . 3 bdrms. and baths, large gourmet kitchen. family room a nd pool. Overlooks the golf course. Completely air conditioned. Only $160,000. Owner will finance at 12 1~% interest.

COIONA D& MAI LOT Ocean and bay views in a quiet area away from the cro~ . and just a short walk to the'in?ach. Oversized R·l lot with 753 owner financing, priced to sell at $595.000. ·


5.5 ACllS * CUISTIAMO Ideal horse ranch with a view from Saddleback to the ocean. Within the city limits. but priv a t e and secluded. Owner may exchange. $695,000.

IALIOA ISLAND COWBCIAL Prime Marine Ave. property is seldom available for sale. Act fast! 100% occupied buildi ng with attractive bnck facing. $498.000 and owner will finance.

COSTA MESA 111'AIL C8f1'll

High traffic West 19th St. corner location. Completely leased to desirable tenants. Motivated out of town owner will finance. $477,000 L.H.

7.JACllS 1-J on Hilhlaitd Ave. Just two blocks from lbe fwy in North East San Bernardino. Great visibility . Approved for 120 condos. $2,100,000.

PllYA11 llACH ACCISS Spectacular remodel. Cameo Highlands, $295,000 L/H. ldd 5 minutes to beaches, 5 BR. 5 years old. Peninsula Point , $459,000. COteO "'0#...,.,_. .... W /AMAMCI No qualifying necessary 2 BR, 21h Ba, next door to the pool and spa. $119,500. Oti9 aoac TO OCIAM Cameo Shores, owner will finance. $925,000 ree. 116 CAMYOM LIASI McLain 2 BR condo. $112.5 mo.



raeifSULA HOMES 2113 MIRAMAR OP&t SUN 1-5 Remodeled, decorated 3 'bdrm, 3 bath . mstr bdrm, ocean view, $425,000.

West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1 ,200.000.

Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm, 4 bdnn. 3 bath. 3700 sq. ft. $1,385,000.

UDO ISLE HOMES 70, VIA UDO MOID SAT/ SUN 1-5 Prime Lido Nord bayfroot. 5 bdrm, S bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1 ,500,000.

Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings, $420,000.

UMDA ISLE IA YFIONTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm. 5 bath home with pool. $1,495.000.

Lagoon view from 6 bdrm , 5 bath. playroom. dark rm. den. $1 ,350.000!

CAlHATION COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 4 boat slips, $2,050,000.

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3.:' B"Y'"l' D• .. ' • t'. oh 0101


chtdi .......... "' Wf ...... .. Hie Mtwport H.t.- _.. Ir cal for ct.tollL • . tllllrt's•"•ffcwdlblt"~ for rttr(- penoa. . . . .-.g witlt so.. •eryfltxliltt.t.1!

Orm by: W.'t clstwt. occ-.-tsl .

700 U. P.t&. #22 . ........ . $59,500 2260 ,...,...._CM S 114,000 1545 ..... t-, CM •••••• SI 19,500 359 w .... MPT Shorts ... SI 35,900 3134 t4•1idN, CM •••••••••• S 144,tOO I 22-1221/J Ord St .....•. ... $255,000 2291 ..... Dr ... ....... $265,000 I I 7 M1rW A•t., W Is . . ...• $295,000. I 53' See 1n1• Ttr •....... .. $279.000 1723 "-.. - .. ..• •.. .. $295,000 "2 3'11 St.,.,..... ........ $310,000 2 II 1911 St., off W ........ Sl 19 ,000 11 l Via R..-. U. ...... USS,000 lJl-2211/J ,..., .... la. .... 5375,000 2 I 4 E. .... lttcl.. .,..._ •• $397,500 200 I 1119 lei., Clfflw•" .. $415,000 I 4 IS s.tt1p, Doter S..... $450,000 1111 Oaufvwt . ........ . . . S640,000 3024Ouu1W. CdM ••.• S 1,350,000 124 w . ..,, OI ......... . Sl,550,000 • c.-. 1•. .• ••. ••• s 1,200,000

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~ .. • · - - •• l --...a....-.----- - '-' OPIM HOUll 1-4

Of9e .. TUl'RmOCI Sale or lease ooOon. 4 BR wUh spa. Good assumable financing plus owner financing. F'ee at $199,500., See Ginny Anderson At 18762 SAGJNAW. . OfllM IAUOA IA YNOMT Cape Cod. Pier & slip. New 3 BR . Gloriou,, views. Startling low price of S11195,000. See Evan Corkett At 1014 E. BALBOA BLVD.

OfllN IH UtlYllSITY rill Accent on quality. 3 BR & Fam Rm. Parquet floors , Brick patios & more. $193,<XX> Fee. See Kay Parker At 4931 HEMLOCK

OP9t IN Y ACHTSMAHS COYI Beautiful newer Bayfront. ~ BR. + f am. Rm. Room for 2 large boats + a side tie. $1,895,000. Fee. See Valerie MarshaJI Al 1617 BAYSIDE DRIVE

OPIH IN TUtnllOCI Just listed - lovely view 2 BR con· do. Assumable loan. $175,000. See Rita Quiggle At 45 RAINBOW RIDGE.

OPEH IN JASMINE CUB• Exceptional plan 2. Most private location. Professionally landscaped & decorated. Large spa. $380,000. See F.<iie Olson At 2 MARITIME DRIVE

OPIH ON IALIOA PB41NSUU The ocean is the front yard of this fabulous 3 . BR, 5 Bath custom. $1 , IOO~ <XX>. See Bill Bents At 1137 E. BALBOA BLVD.

OPEH IN CAMEO SHOUS Ocean View, 2 BR plus den. Lovely large patio with room ror pool & spa. $595,<XX> Fee. See Nancy Sim· moos At 4521 TREMONT

OPa. IH HOl'TH UC.UNA 6 Oceanfront apts. Brick entry .. Fplcs. jacuzzi & views + beach. $2,250.000. See Nancy Hurst At 731 CLIFF DRIVE

OPEH ON SPYGLASS Formerly. the 1981 Design Home. Distinguished custom Mediterra· nean Villa . Commanding ocean view $2,400,<XX>. See Nancy Nichols At 17 MUIR BEACH CIRCLE

YOUI MOST CC>tMNmfT LOCA TIOM And best buy for living on the Bay is this lovely 2 BR, 2 Ba. Condo. You have your own private sauna and use of a pool. spa and recrea· tion facilities. Large assumable loan. Seller will help with additional financing. Ready for immediate oc· cupancy. $598,500.

HAllOI IJHI Dramatic Lucerne Model. 3 BR. + f am. Rm. 3 Fireplaces. Intimate retreat off master bedroom suite. Sparkling clean. Ocean & night light view. $675,<XX>. Fee.

AffOIDAILE! Great potential & price in desirable community of Eastbluff. Family rm. with fireplace, 3 BR, 2 BA. Sun· ny patio. Lusk built. Convenient to shopping & schools, owner financ· ing available. Priced at $199,000.

COUMTIY FISCH ESTA Tl One of Big Canyon's most beautiful estates, above the 8th fairway. 4 BR. 4'r'z baths, library, wood floors, formal dining & large master suite. Pool & spa with lovely used brick deck. $2,300,000. Fee.

CiOl.F COUISI VIEW In beautiful Big Canyon an elegant Deane Townhome, decorated to perfection, bas brick patios, french doors & a spa with a direct shot to the 18th fairway . Good terms. $640,000.

IJM)A ISU - PllCID JO SILL! A lovely custom home on the bay rront with large slip plus 2 side ties. This Wlusual 4 or 5 bedroom home has a lovely inside patio with spiral staircase plus an extra large deck

, with barbecue for entertaining. Ex· ceptional financing by owner. $990,000LH

UtellSTATID .... AMCI On a 45' lot on exclusive Lido Isle, this remodeled home has all the amenities for gracious family liv· ing. 4 BR. 3 BA. Den. Study. Formal dining room & two private garden courtyards. $99,000.

• IAll - ••ALD IAY Available to so few! Unconvea· Uona1 ! Channing! Great fun I AU describe this excitinc 3 BR bomt surrounded by trees. View to ocean, steps to private beach, French doon, spa in muter BR. dalper hardware, etc. •.ooo. --- .... .._.. _




Orange Coast UAILY .,ILU t J~uoaayt January ~4. ·~~

·~ Ol n. ....... CXNlllHY

IA WIOMT A home with the ultimate features for a tuxwious life style. 60' boat slip, 3 BR, ram rm & formal dining. Stained glass everywhere, Jennaire, central vacuum & air cond. marble fplc , extensive security systems, bayside patio & 2nd story balcony $1,750,000 Bobbi Ryan 752·1414 (P22) .

MIWll IAYflOMT - OWMB flMAHCID You own the land when you buy this spacious Mediterranean style home with docking for two or more vessels. 4 BR, 5 BA, & convertible library /den . Liv rm, din rm, kitchen, and breakfast rm all overlook ing the bay. Good assumable loan & owner w /finance balance w/ reasonable down payment. $1 ,700,000 Larry Dyer 642·~ (P23)

SO' IAYflONTI Water, water everywhere. There are water views from all the living areas of this in · novatively designed home on a 50 ft. lot w I excellent docking · facilities: 4 BR, 4 BA. FR. DR. Seller w/carry lg 2nd. Best price in town $1 ,550.000 includ· ing land. Dona Chichester 642-8235 ( P24)

MIW LUXURY OFFEllHG OM Spyglass . Charming Southcourt model w/breathtaking 180 degree view of ocean, Catalina, Newport Harbor & coastline visible from most rooms. 5 lg BR, 41/2 BA. 3 car garage, pool & spa and much more. New on Market $1,100,000. Myrna Boom 551-8700 (P26)

HAu\>a RIDGE WITH VIEW 4 BR Devonshire offering prestige, security & night Ught views. Upstairs of· fers one story living with atrium. master suite, den, formal living-dining & fam . rm. $925,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 ( P26)

PAMOIAMIC VIEW OF OCUM Cameo Shores, south of PCH See sensations sunsets & shimmering sails! 3 BR, fam rm + rhany extras. ~riced to'sell at S795.000 Darlene Herman 752·1414 (P27 )

HAllOR VIEW ~IUS Magnificent ocean & harbor views withe ultlla.ate in privacy on a Jg corner lot. Fantastic family home with 4 BRs, custom woods. tiles, 'wall coverings & skylights. Beautifully landscaped patios & gardens w/ lg pool & spa . $795,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (P28)

MIWPORT ISLAND -IAYFRONT Quiet location with 3 light, bright BR with sun deck. 2 fplcs & marvelous patio for entertaining on the bay. Pier & float for 25 foot boat. $649,500 Fee Barbara Aune 642-8235 < P29 >

CiALAXY DRIVE - DOVEi SHORES Ranch sty le, shake roof on approx 1 ~1 acre. Good floor plan for entertain· ing includes ; spacious fam rm, formal din rm & li v rm. 20 x 40 poor+ spa. 3 or 4 BR. $495,000 Leasehold Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (P30) OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1·4 . 1459 Galaxy Drive · Dover Shores

EXCauNT NEWPORT IUCH HOME Spacious 4 BR. formal din, library 3 fplcs. Immaculate condition. Pool size yard, country kitchen. $565,000. Berit Mitchell 642-8235 ( P31 I

JASMINE CRHK Lovely plan 5 w 13 8 R. 21 2 BA master suite, patios with many upgrades. Im· maculate. $395,000 incl. land . Dick Halderman 642-8235 ( P32)

NORTHWOOD IUUTY A dramatic family kitchen w/fplsi_microwav_e ov~n, mjrrore!i wardrobes. _up· gradeo carpeting in this 3 BR 2 BA home. Owner will help w/financing. Near shopping & schools. $175.000 Alan Beel 551·8700 ( P39 I

MEW CONDO USTIMG Fantastic Financing for this 2 BR. 21h BA, formal din area & private patio. Only 1 'h years old located near Harbor High School and within walking distance of shopping. $159.000 Fee land, Donna Godshall 644 ·6200 ( P40J

2 IR CONDO - IRVIME Highly upgraded condo with closed in patio. Great location. Both loans assuma· ble. $107 ,000 Berit Mitchell 642·8235 ( P4 l >

IUILDBS - LANDSCAPSlS Westside Costa Mesa lot . Zoned light manufacturing alley & street access . Room for your equipment $103.000 Barbara Callihan 642·8235 (P42)

HAllOR VIEW HOMES Carmel Model - Fee - 3 BR. 2 BA, fam rm corner location - great privacy -added skylights - Large first Trust Deed. $245,000 Fee Bea Arnold 644-6200

IAYSIDE COVES Private beach, gate guard comm uni · ty. Steps to Balboa Island . 2 BR 2 BA Condominium . $359,000 Marilyn Kershner 642-8235 ( P33)

A MIW V.iw LISTING 4 Ill. 31/J IA Dover Shores home on lg lot w/ RV or boat storage. Lg separate mastersuite w/ocean & Newport Center Views. Good Assumable financing. Owner will consider trade for small home. $319,500 LH. Barbara Aune or Terry Hanes 642·8235 (P34) OPEN HOUSE · Saturday 1·5 · 1209 Santiago Drive · Dover Shores

A WHOLI MEW WOILD OF LIVING Beautifully de· corated 2 BR condo home on Balboa Peninsu la. Rich carpeting, excitirig wallcovering & plantation shut· ters. New light fixtures & brass hardware , steam bath & whirlpool. Secured building w /heated bayside pool & rooftop sundeck. Excellent location, boat slips & good ftnanci,ng. Low cash down. Assum. 1st & 2nd T.D. Seller financing. $315,000 Bill Wedmore 551-8700

, (P3.5)

STAI UGiHT - STAI lllCiHT View day or night will delight. Gracious 3 + f am. rm, one I eve.I home in prestigious Seawind. $299,000. Jane Paqurn 642-8235 (P36)

IASTILUFF CHAIMll Sparkling emotional at · mosJ)llere prevails in this 3 + fam rm Lusk beauty. Numerom custom features & upgrades · Newly landscaped w/parklike rear yard. This shows like a new . home! Excellent location adjacent to park. $239,500 Jane Paquin 642·8235 (P37)

WIW LOTS - LA.uMA llACH Seldom available · Three lots suitable for buUding in North Laguna • ocean views & desirable custom location. 21 ,000 sq. ft to 41,000 sq. fl. Priced from $135,000 to $235.000 Terms available. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (P38)

GET LUCKY! By previewing one of PATRICK TENORE'S many VALUED listings, all PRICEDTOSELLTODAY!

MUST SH 1HIS llAUTY! Prof. decor. Ocean view 4 Bdrm w/ pool, spa & city lights. Assume 11. 78% True value $429,900. Won't last! Patrick Tenore 759·1221 m TBNS COUIT & POOL

Lush 4 Bdrm 4112 Ba estate, 3 fplcs, 2 fam rms . Huge liv . rm. 2 spas. Spectacular thruout. Only $695,000 with low down +owner will finance. Call DIRECT for details. Patrick Tenore 759-1221

SU. POOL & SPA Warm luxurious home like new. Owner will finance w/ tow dn. at low int rate. Only $269,000. WON'T LAST ! Patrick Tenore, 759-1221

1WO llAUTllS! Sec. gate w/panoramic view. Two lrg 3 Br's + den wi form. dinrm + wet bar. Assu me 91i4zo/r int . From $439,995 w/LOTS OF TERMS. Patrick Tenore 759-1.221

FUINISHED Ml.I. HOME 4 Bd, pool. private. sundeck, fully furnished, ready lo move in . Only $329,000 w/terms. SEE THIS ONE. Pa trick Tenore 759-1221

SPA & TINNIS Lrg 3 or 4 Br home w/ lrg family rm + decor . Reduced $10,000 BELOW MARKET to $176.995 for quick sale. CaH today ! ASSUME 12% INT. A great value. Patrick Tenore 759-1221

MEWPOIT CONDO Spacious 4 Bdrm condo. A BEAUTY. Lrg patio w/wetbar! Call for TERMS. OWNER WILL FINANCE. Patrick Tenore 759-1221

RYSl5,000. Sharp lrg 2 Bdrm ?112 Ba . New Turtlerock condo. Only $169,900. Call for details. Patrick Tenore 759· 1221

3 ID 2 IA TOWtilfOMI A true showplace next to So. Coast Plaza. A bargain at Sll5 ,000. Try $15,000 dn w/ lo paym'ts. BUY IT Pa trick Tenore 759-1221

WOODlllDGE Sharp 3 Bd twnhm. ASSUME 10.7'i( ONLY . $149,500 w/TERMS ! Patrick Tenore 759-1221

FOIECLOSUll Clean 3 Bdrm Irv. Terrace home w/pool + sauna . Call for detai ls. Patrick Tenore 759-1221

. LE.UIS BIG CANYON 2 Bd 2 Ba condo $875 mo. SEAVIEW 4 Bd w/ocean view. $1600 mo. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 759-llll 76M702

OCEANFROMT - OCliHFROMT Convert this ex . lrg duplex to your pri . residence and Jive on the finest beach on the coast. Grt fin. avail. Steal al $650,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 759· 1221

CAMEO SHORES Fab. Ocean & Coastline View 3 Br 3 Ba., Formal Din .. Fa"tnRm., Study, lrg. pool & courtyard , pri. beaches, Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 -

UMDA ISLE TRADE Breathtaking bay view, 2 boat docks, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft ., 5 Br, 6 Ba., game rm., formal din ., sep guest ring, pool. Seller carry 1st T.D. or trade industrial or off. bldg. $2,100,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221

CAMEO HIGHLANDS Ocean, view, re-decor, & remodel 3 Br, 2 Ba. Formal din. Very lrg . yd. pri. beach. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221

"2" MEWPORT CREST CONDOS Lq~s t mod e ls w1bay & OC'ea n views , 4 Br 3 Ba . Fr. wet ba r . Outstanding Buys at $210,000. Bob and Dovie Koop 759-1221

COSTA MESA R-2 E.S. Lrg 2 Br 2 Ba, den, huge liv rm w /din combo, Lrg comer lot w /rm to park 6 autos. $130,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221

MIWPORT CIEST COHDO 2 Br., 2'rl Ba, loft, highly upgrade, oak floors. beau papers, ocean view. $98,000 1st at 12%. Priced at $170,000 Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221

Zl4 E. 17• St., Costa MIN 441J lerrmca PllwyJ!!l-15 c.,., .......... ""lclt

631·1Z66 51f.t400" 719-IUI

Independent Member Broker

\\ 1:s1.1-. ':' \

TAYLOR CO. l\EA L1 OHS ·,111t'I' l ~H f:>


Elegance & dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion located on the 18th green of golf course. Top quality craftsmanship thruoul with finest woods , abundance of imported marble, crown moldings, 61h baths, air cond ., 3 wet bars +more . Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths, banquet size DR, fam rm and billiard rm . Call for appt to see or a color brochure. s2.1so,ooo in c ludin g the land . Financing available.

NEW EXCWSIVi-HAUOI VIEW First time offered. Quiet park-like setting. Huge rear yard 179 ft wide. Rm for paddle tennis and pool , or great for an orchard. Picturesque cul de sac street. 3 bdrms and Family Rm. $379,500 including land . See anytime. 644-4910


View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights from this prestigious home with grand entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br 21h Ba Fanlily Room, 2 Fplcs, Community Poot & Parks. Ideal family home in a

' prime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $329,000 Leasehold. Owner will l\elp finance . 1251 SURFUME WY S.AT/ SUM 1-5


200' to beach. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths in upper ; 2 Bedrooms in lower. some view of ocean. Fireplaces. Patios. $279.500. Owner will carry 1st trust deed of $230,000 at 139. , No loan fee.

FOR 1.EAS6-$1200 MO. VACANT Newly dee. Big Cyn Townhome with exciting golf course view. Unfurn . El Dorado Model with 3 bdrms, dining rm & 21h baths. Pool. jacuzzi & tennis.


WESUY N. TA noR co .. REALTORS 2111 S. Jooqiia Hilt Rood





SUN., JAN. 31st 2:00 P.M. Cal 644-49 I 0 For AppH! ...... t to

iMptct ot any fflM. 8ROkERS: We wilt cooperott pro•idiMJ

you rtejisht' yow clittlh. CaU I WESLEY It. TAYLOR CO. I

Leo HCIMCI for detaffs 644-4910

644-491 o I ---1 WlTERFR8NT REDIEED· 1/3.

New custom beauty, 3 Bdrm, even slip & pier. Reduced $500,000 to $995 ,000 for cash buyer. Call for details .

-0" :-;;a: -~ ..

Balboa Island Realty ANO l~EST•'l\ENT e(\,'l\Vi\NY


ti)~~~~· ,,

1 IO DIGIB VllW Charming home on Spyglass Hill. Large lot with lovely pool. s Bdrm, 2 story, newly offered at $829,500.

M<*L1 HOMI Lido Waterfront. Cozy 1 Bdrm, large living room w/frplc , great year round living or weekend retreat. $59,500.

WOOlllW Cote<> Near new 2 Bdrm 2 bath,

' single storY end unit. French doors, lov e ly neutral carpeting, beaut. brick patio, bltn BBQ & ftrering. $141,000.


IAUOA 6 units-great condition. All ~. Bdrm 1 ~ Ba near the bayfront·excellent rentals·S650,000

OCEANFRONT Like new duplex·3 & 2 Bdrm 2 Ba each unit·on the sand, wiU take small down ( or trade and carry the entire balance. $695, deal on the water.

• NEWPORT HEIGHTS Custom, near new & gorgeous thruout • '· Cape Cod. 4 Bdrm, family rm, formal • dining rm, 2 brick fireplaces, 3 decks ~ with ocean peek. $465,000 and terms. §


2919 .... ,.,. lfycl., W' 30tti

~ .

IE 110111 ILllKS CD.



Ne w Listing - Beautifully Upgraded Dover Unit - Single Story 2 Bedrm, 2 Baths + Den -Bright, Cheerful Decor - Special Wall Coverings - Shows Like A ·Mode l - Owner Will Car ry Financing - You Are Invited To · Inspect - Enter By West Gate, And Check In With Guard - Price , $425,000.


OPIH SUt4 12:30-4:30 NICI ltlDUCTIOH

LliSl/OPTIOH OI SAU Like New 4 Bedrm 3 Ba Home In Beautiful Westcliff - Detached Home On Fee Land <You Own It). Owne r Flex ible . Price , On ly S275,000.


OPEH SUH 12:30.4:30 • Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND . Parquet Firs, New Cpts. 3 Br + Conv Den. 31/:z Ba. Sep D.R. Huge F . R. W/ We t Bar . Kitchen WI Pa ntry . Brkfs t Rm. Sauna . Study. 3-Car Gar. Wood Deck. Bay. Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. Sl,400,000.


OPEH SUH 1·5 Owner Financing. Flexible Terms . Poss Lease/Option. Lrg 4 Br Lusk. Spac F. R. WI Parquet Firs. Form al L.R. D.R. Area . 2 Frplcs. Sunny. Cheery. Mountain. Nile Lites View. $229,500.

TVRTUIOCK VISTA Beautifully Upgraded Spacious 4 Br Home. Rare , Desi rable Waldorf Plan. PFof Decorated'. Spa . A Pleasure To Show. Call Us. Priced At $324,500.


Lovely View - 2 Br 2 Ba - End Unit - Decorator Wlprs. Drapes -Pl antat ion Shutters - Super Financing - Lrg Assum Low Int Loan - Shows Like A Jewel -$255,000. A " Joy Of Newport" Listing.

21AYSHOUS Prime Bayfront View. Pier. Dock. Quality 5 Br In Desirable Gated Comm. Pvt Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land, $2,076,600 Total Price ls Less Than Equal Locations With Equal Amenities . Only $975,000 If Leasehold.

HOISi COUMTlY Dramatic Home - Approx% Acres - 4 Br -:- Pool - :spa - ttemodeled Recently - Park 8 Cars + R.V. -Great Location - Can Keep 3 Horses, Maybe More. On Your Own Property. $289,000.

SUMSITS PLUS VllW Lovely Courtyard Entry - Single Level - + bay View - Huge Patio - Potted Plants - Flowing FoWltains - Indoor/Outd00r Living - 2 Br 2 Ba Condo Shores Better Than A Model. A "Joy or Newport" Listing. .


Attractive Spanish 2 Br Furnished 4-Plex. No Vacancies . Good Location. South Of Riverside . Exctllent Terms. tm.soo.


---~----------- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -

Sliili 0

DlsfiiiAT1t1 -On the water. Price s lashed $10,000 to $214,900. ONLY 103 DOWN & owner will ftnance ! ! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556-7035

* PANOl.U« PIMYHOUSI YllW * * • SICUlfTY ...... • • Brt;athtaking view from professionally decorated PENTHOUSE !! Featuring 2 master suites, pool, security, all . amenities. $450,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373.

DIO DOWH No down payment required on this lovely four bedroom, two bath home with family room . Asking $149,900. 556·7035


Gorgeou.s 4 Br detailed home. 1 blk from ocean on FEE land only $299,000. 267~ San Miguel Dr , Newpo'rt Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373 .

• WA 1'llfllONT HOMI • * PllVATI IUCH •

Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French doors , frpl , professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $265,000 & seller will carry 80% loan at 13% ! ! 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373

OWta AMAHCIMG Beautifully upgraded executive home with low maintenance backyard, spa & firepit . New microwave. Asking $175,000 with only $30,000 down. 963-5671

•TUITlaOCK * Sl27t P11 MOMnf •• • •

is all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive detached home featuring formal dining, family · room & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373

100/o DOWN , Hi~hly desirable single story end untt with double attached garage. Assume $60,000 loan at 103 interest rate. 963-5671


Extremely popular 3 Br plan featurin g magnificent decorating, fplc , gourmet island kitchen, formal dining, family room & in-house laundry. All this & more for only $389,000 FEE. Owner will help finance !!! 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach.

• 759-1501 or 752· 7373

4-PLIX Prime rental area. $60,000 down & owner will finance at 12%. Try straight note. $224,900. 963-5671

* * MIWPOIT CBST * • f l/4". RMAMCN& AYM. •.•.

when you take over existing loan ' on this upgraded townhome on

1 FEE land I ! Seller will carry 2nd

• T . D. 2670 San Miguel Dr, I Newport Beach. 759·1501 or r 152.7373.

I •SB.Lii DISPllATI• i I J'IJ% AMAMCIHG I Spacious Rancho San Joaquin l townhome w/ PANORAMIC


I Featuring 2 Br & den, wet bar, fplc, etc. Price slashed for quick


aate & seller will help finance. 2t70 San Miguel Dr, Newport

1 Beach. 759-1501or752·7373


fl 2'70S.~Drtft

1714171f.llOI 17141712·7311


tlJJU-Aw 17141 t6M671 17141 H6-70JI

;Q Walkarllaa


~TODAY 1·5

UMlqUI IH HAUOI VIEW HILLS Center courtyard for great entertaining, 4 BR in Harbor View Hills. $495, 000. See Dottie Valentine at 2706 Lighthouse Ln.

UMHjM IM OLD COIOMA DB. MAI -Elegant, completely remodeled, 5 BR, 3 fplc, 4 Ba, the best of everything . $625,000. See Pat Merry at 442 Begonia.

UMIQUI IM OLD COIOMA DB. MAI -Completely remodeled, Ilh blks to beach, 3 BR 3 Ba, perfect. $550,000 fee. See Pat Merry at 317 Poinsettia.

UMHjM IM THE ILUflFS - Bonus room ' & 4 BR, 2~ Ba, fplc, air cond., new carpet & paint. See Mary Ann Andenoo at 512 Ventaja.

UMHjM OH IALIOA ISLAHD - Quaint 3 BR & den house w / income unit, , view, dock & OWC. $650,000. See Rita Boland at 123 Grand Canal.

. U~KJUt= ti()Mt=i

REALTORS, 675-6000 2~ East COM! Hlthwey, Corou 4411 Nw.

WI ~'1.61 Ofl)tlaSTUSJMS .. TOWM

' ' ~~~

UFE IN A GARllN 6A1191 PAIK YU.AM. at the cor· ner ol Avotado and Fairview Rd. in Costa Mesa, truly offe r s a multitude ol ClMtom features within its 2 & 3 Cape Cod style community. Excellent ~ yr. fmanc­ing with 13'43 fixed rate loans available help make this develop· ment a highly successful and a most pleasurable place to live . From $137,950. Furnished models open daily 10 :~ AM to dusk.

Broker cooperation

c.M. Offlct CdM Offlu S4 .. 22Jt t!:IQ, 675-2111

~iJJS Q1N;rf *!A.~~


" ~COT[ nrnLTT sp ~ lnVr5TntnT conrnnT

You've Arrived at . . "

HAlll ISUND CIStlR Watlrfrlllt

Once in a great while a very important home in Newport Beach comes available for sale and purchase. This year, this home will be the most important residential property to come available. Featuring four large bedrooms ( 1 separate guest quarters with kitchen. and full bath). five full baths and a waterfront view of Newport's Main Channel, this 5000 aqftbome bu it all. · Stuated on nearly 1/6 d an acre, the property offers an expansive grass yard to oblige the host and hostess with one of the most beaWf ul settings in the world for entertaining. Tiie eier and slip will accomrmdate any boat ~ to 100' in =~ with room for Secondary

If you are truly interested ln, and have. the rmancial capabilities to acquire one of THE most important homes to ever come available in Newport Beach. please call WM. F. CXYrE or your own broker for an ap. DOintment. 'lbe price ts~ million.

aon .... ......... ""· ........ CANYON ... .,.. .....



· BEST IN BlUFFS MINT. 2 bdrm, 2 bath 1 level, lovely view. Priced far below market at $210,000. ~ l·I Z07 I VISTA D1L OIO

MINT. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 level, very uperaded. Lovely greenbelt. $209,500. ~ l·I 2007 IAJA


...... ..,w. ......

, r ,

RVM~ - - - - - .

ASMM ASS.,._ ASSUMI Semi custom, 3 years new, cathedral ceilings, crackling fireplace, $125,000 assumable loans. 13.73 interest rate. Pric«i at $181,000. Seller will ca rry. Hurry on this one, won't last!



••••• BY OWNER Victorian charm ma 1t er bedr oom balcony w/mlni view ol So . Bay UflS , 000 . 87~7104

l'elbng the most people possible 1s important lo th e s uccess or an y garage ule Make sure )•o urs i s listed i n Cl 1h1(1ed . phone 642 5678.


IACHB.OI 101 Scholz Plaza, Penthouse 27, NB

631-8169 Sat/Sun 1·4 lOOScholz Plaza #2<l5, Versailles

DIRECTORY 673-7~ $99,500 Sat/Sun 2-S

l ... OOM


4 Melody Ln (Wdbrg) Irvine 675-5.SU $149,000 Sat/Sun 1·5

ll7 Marine Ave, Balboa Isl, NB 67~ $295,000 Sal/Sun 1·5

••225Grand Canal, Balboa Isl, NB ~ $595.000 Sat/Sun l ·4

1099 Mesa Bluffs, Costa Mesa 631-1266 $187,000 , Sun 1·4

J • ... FAM IM w DIM 1706 Miramar, Balboa Penin Pt, NB 642-~ $325,000 · Sat 1·5

2 Maritime Dr, Jasmine Crk. CdM 7~9182 Sun 12·5

1 Redonda, Northwood, Irvine 752-1414 $239,900 Sun 12·4

l llDIOOM 425 Gloucester (E/Side) CM

642·~ $145,000 Sun l : 30·4 2353 Columbia, Costa Mesa

963-6767 Sl.29,900 Sun 1·4 •963Arbor. Costa Me$a

54&2313 $122,000 Sun 1-4 1126 E. Balboa Blvd., N.B.

1·524-581 Sl,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2653 Vista Omada <Bluffs ) NB SU.~ Sat 12-4

448 Morning Canyon (C Hinds ) CdM 675-fi(O) $295,000 Sat 1·5

309Wake Forest (Coll Pk) CM 963-6767 $1.29,900 Sun 1·4

HOC Walnut, Orange 673-8550 $98,500 Sat/Sun 1·5

212Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-1:m $487 ,234 Sat/Sun 1 ·4

110 Via Cordova, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7:m $425,000 Sat/Sun 1·4

• •35462nd St., NwptShrs, N.B. 7~1501 Sat 12·4

616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 640-4521 $385,000 ' Sat/Sun 1-6

l • ... FAM. IM w DIN ·542 Harbor Isl Dr (Prom. Bay) NB

759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 12: »4 : 30

2113 Miramar, N.B. 675-6161 $425,000 Sun 1·5

1657Tex~Cir., Mesa Verde, CM 831·2'ra> $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5

1525 E. Balboa Bl, Bal Penin, NB 642-~ $49.S,OOO Sat 1-5

•28 Miners Trail (Northwd) Irv. 67~ $200,900 Sat 1·5

307 Poinsettia (Old CdM) CdM 67~ $470,000 Sat 1·5

317 Begonia (Old CdM) CdM 675-alOO $5.S0,000 Sat/Sun l ·5

ll~Somerset Ln., Westcliff, NB 548.a8 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·4

214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 67~ $498,000 Sun 12·5

• • 1014 E. Balboa Bl, Bal. Penin, NB 644-~ $995,000 Sun1·5

••3713Seasbore, Newport Bch 644-6200 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5

••3711Seashore, Newport Beach 644-6200 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5

2612 Redlan<h CE/Side) CM 642-6368 $149,900 Sat/Sun 1·5

62 Drakes Bay (Spygls ) CdM 640-9900 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1·4

110 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, NB 631·1400 $389,500 Sat/Sun l ·S

420 De&>la Terrace, CdM , 67~3W $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5

25 Rwtling Wind, Trtlrk, Irv 758-1501 $280,000 Sat/Sun 12·4

277 Morning Canyon (Sbrclfs) CdM 67s.IO $515,000 Sun 12·4

21Z7 Aralia St., Eutbluff, NB M2-82Z $279,500 Sun 1·5

3 KeQSm,ton Ct., Hrbr Ridge, CdM 6'4-GOO $57$,000 Sun 1: 30-5

.22 Lucem, Hrbr Rdge, N.B. 644-6200 $495,000 Sun 1·5

9'l8 Goldenrod, HrbrView His, CdM ~all '*,50C).Fee Sun 1·5 ·

1223 Dolphin Terr., Irv. Terr, NB 6GD -.~IJI Sun 12·5

1• ... emt Zill·~ Canu del JIU'

IOW ..... S..J·S .

4 ... OOM 14441 Chateau, Huntington Deb 673-~ $139,900 Sun 12·4: 30

•2828Tabago Pl., Costa Mesa 556-0197 $175,000 Sat/Sun 11·4

1207 Sussex Ln CW .cliff) NB 7~9100 $275,000 Sa/S 12: JC}.4 : 30

760 Via Soud, Lido Isle, NB 673-9060 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

223 Narciss~ COid CdM) CdM 67~ $565,000 Sat 1·5

4.511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-n6t $9'l5,000 Sun 1·5

"Collins Isle, Balboa Isl, NB 673-6900 $1,200,000 Sa/Sun 1-4:30

2646 Basswood St CE.bluff) NB 7~9100 $229,500 Sun 1·5


Costa Mesa 546-2313 ,159,000 Sun Noon-4

2009'i Port Circle, Hunt'g Beach 751·8282 $126,000 Sun 1·5

4 • plll FAM 1M or DIM 2825 Zell Drive, Laguna Beach

831·1196 $800,000 Sun 1·5 2012 Port Ramsgate (HVH) NB 67~ $335,000 Sun 1·5

512 Ventaja (Bluffs ) NB 67~ $275,000 Sun 1·5

1909Lanai <Mesa Verde) CM 963-6767 $345,000 Sun l ·5

• •219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle 642·8235 $2,250,000 Sun 1-5

1863 Boa Vista <Mesa Verde) CM 64G-9900 $215,000 Sun 12·3

14 Monterreb~r (Spygls) CdM 64G-9900 ,000 Sun 12·3

2842 AJta Vista CE/ Bluff) NB 673-MSO $325,000.fee Sun 2-5

•1776Panay <Mesa Verde) CM 645-<Xm $375,000 Sun l ·4

•2242 Heather Ln, Newport Bch 955-~ $250,000 Sat/Sun 10·5

19762 Elmcrest Ln., Beach 963-5294 S189,000 Sat/Sun 1 r.6

1521 Tahiti, Lag1ma Beach '497.5454 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1533Tahiti, Beach 497-Si&SC $475,000 Sat/Sun 1·5

232 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 673-8494 SUI) 1·4

48Sequoia Tree (Univ Pk) Irv. SU.~ $157,SOO Sat 1-4

2706Ughthouse (HVHls) CdM 67~ $495,000 Sat/Sun 12·4

2221 Port Lerwick (Seawind) NB 675-alOO $350,000 Sat/Sun l ·S

1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores. NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-4: 30

320'l Delaware Pl., 'Mesa Verde, tM ~9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 12·5

••1617 Bayside Dr., Yacbtsmam Cove, CdM

&M-9080 $1,895,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 133 Via Undine (Lido Isl) NB

675-7298 $7~,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1251SurflineWay,HarborVu, CdM

"4-4910 $329,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • *1706 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Penin, NB 67~6/675-8444 Sat/Sun 1·5

1152Kinptoo (Wimbldn Vlg) CM MS-«m $258,850 Sat 1·4

·~ 708 Via Udo Nord, Udo Isle, NB 8'1U161 $1$0,000 Sat/Sun l ·S

*•SM West Bay, Peninsula, NB -631·1400 $1,550,000 Sat/Sun l ·S

..... FAM bew DIM 3051 Carob <::luff) NB

673-m) ,000 Sun 12-4 •17 Muir Beach Cir, Spy1lua, CdM

644-9080 $2,400,000 Sun 12·5 126 Vla L«ca, Udo l$le, NB

871-7B Sun 1·5 ltM rtamtng (M•a Verde) CM .... 15,000 Sat 1-4

. "2 Bepla (Old CdM) Cclll l7MOOO tm,000 Sat/Sun 1·5

* "" ...... ........... ~

102 Scholz Plaza #239, Versailles 673-7~ Sat/Sun 2·5

J ... OOM 24322Santa Clara, Dana Point

494-85.51 Sun 1·4 411 ~ Dahlia , Corona del Mar

675-5511 $320,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 JOO Cagney Ln. #101, Versailles

673-7:m SlZl,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 300Cagney, Penthse 17, Versailles

673-7~ $132,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 25 Canyon Island Dr., Big Cyn, N.B. 673-7~ $26.5,000 Sat/Sun 1·5

2 • ... FAM IM or DIM 2143 Vista tntrada, Bluffs, NB

64G-5560 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 20919th St., Peninsula, NB

631-1400 $319.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 #3 Rue Fontainebleau (Big Cyn) NB

759-9100 $425,000 Sun 1·5 501 St. Andrews, Cliffhaven. NB 673-7~ $162,500 Sun 1·4

l llDIOOM 56 Timber Run, Woodbridge, Irv.

551-8700 SlZl,900 Sun 1·4 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar

675-5511 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1·5

l • plll FAM IM w DIM #6 Gatewood {Wdbrg) Irvine

551-m> Sll.5.900 Sat 1·5 #3 Monaco, Harbor Ridge, N. B.

64G-5560 $695,000 Sat/Sun l·S .


Avocado& Fairview, Costa Mesa 548.2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun 11 a.m.

l llDIOOM Avocado & Fairview, Costa Mesa

548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11 a.m.


J llDIOOM •700Lldo Park Dr. #22,

Lido Penin, NB 631·1400 $59,500 Sun 1-5

l 18100M 300 E. Coast Hwy #52, N.B. · 675-3347 $68,500 Sat/Sun 1·4

DUPLEXES FOR SALE z-z IBIOOM ••24<rl W. Oceanfront, Bal Penin,

NB 644-9060 $575,000 Sat 1·4

2001 Kings Rd, Newport Heights, NB 631-1400 $415,000 • Sun 1·5

l ....... ••123Grand Canal , Balboa Isl. 67~ $650.000 Sun 1-S

l .... Zll 516 Marguerite. Corona del Mar 67~3U1 $398,500 Sat/Sun 1·4


2 ......... . ~ Femanclo, Peninsula Point

64S-03m Sat 12-4


, mlOOM 21 Canyon laland Dr, Bil Cyn, NB ~o S!Dmo. Sat/Sun1·5

HOUSE FOi llMT . ......... ..

11S Illa La. (WtlttlUJ) NB ..... .,_ Sat/S.l.S


o a a• q ¥ o o ; Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 24. 19821

....... Wt ......... w. ••. I ....... ,., w. 1 Ho.ttt Fof' Wf HeltMt Fof' Wf Ho.ttt ,_ Wf Ho.Mt Fer Wf t

1;;;;.;; ........ 006 ~~ ...... ,i.i ••!••!••··············· •••••.••••••••.•.•• , .•. •.....••..••.....••..•.••••.......••••••..•••• •••••••••••··•••······• ••••....•..••.•••...•••.......••••......•••••• ••••••••••·••••••••••·· MtM I 024 c..t. Mete I 024 8"1M I 044 L.... .... I 041 1tecti I 06; ltecll I 06' lt•ll I 06' le•ll tMt

••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .............................................................................................. ······•··•·•••···· .................................................................... . ~~ 11~ oa Balboa - tnllt dtedt. Over IK aqlilJ. Sllort or lone wrm. .. minimum. ........ ~ '71-Jl,6

llT TIMI AD¥llnllD -::down· 3 BR pool• RllEYEI VIEW

Choice 4 Bdr l ·sty home in prime _ 631.o2r1 Elaa a nt 4 Bdrma. auattmald 'a Mesa Verde locaUon °~Aluded n--p_._. 1 grtn. ramrm, 11me rm . · ~ spa - - OH 3 ftn!places, spar. decks surrounde d b y lus h landscaping . ••••••••••••••••••••••• OEAL!Df:AL!DEAl.! &muchmore $218,500. IMATNTAll... Fell out ofetcrow, net\d Freeland Rl ty 831-1196

.a.JCOUISIJIONTA.. HAllOIVtlWS fut sale 4 Br·terrlfie ! OCEAN VIEW l''lXl!:R Finest address on Mesa Verde C.C. Btauttrul 2 Br ro·op. Vacant. Move now 111 $17SK anm. tOOK at

A11'UCTIVI lf Con X~c1111r.:;; .. ~· Sl83 ,900 + 1 e r ms 1owx plua o we . ~X90 J STOIY go course. temporary cust om 4 ,,._ LL Warner, art 559-9400 I lot, :i BR. t~ BA ee11

+MODERN APT. Bdrm + family rm + gym are a and 4t H ! Don631·4888 a . ~~·r:bui!:.'~ino.~~ : paddle lO· is & more! Exce-llent .....,..1eec11 1040 STIALA YUi IQa. Save. . financing available. •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• • Wood & glass, ()(ean &

IHllALTY JAClll ~ 6Jl•l2" ARTISTABODE, lml to c an yo n vus , very ••tJt

4J,. ..... beach. 3 Br.i.2 Ba SllOK, private. loll or dech,

" ...,,YV howlt :iun l·S 20612 --------1 mstr suite w/jac . cor -=-=-=Ln=. "=B=*'=21&3=-1**IOODBllDGE! ner l ot $450 , 000

.... , ...... 1007 L• .. 1riiHw 3 Bdrm condo. ffj ghly ~;n::gt S40·3888 &

..... •••••••••••••••••• 19762ElmcrestL111e uparade d Ii s how s -='-=.=-------Beaut. 2bdrm , 2Vtba, _.;. _ __:_ ____ =-======-- <Beach•Adams) beautifully Sellers will LOT 25 140 linc1e story, Penanaula •~·Sl-10.._. Two sto ry, 4 larue I.St X Pt. bome . Seller will """"' vr- 1 " Sl38,500. !lies• Verde 3br. bdnns 2 b f " ass · Includes city approved finance. $4 15 ,080 . 2+dtn, 2~ Ba. lYr new. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. 1657 Eleguitdra~·~~: rg'1!_~ .. b plansfor cuatom home.

1 ~/Al. : 875-5134. call fordetalla. John, agt Texas Cir. 8.11·2720 inc. Formal dWne area. nuvu rldgt SlSO,CXXl/terma. C.11 Phil Mlwlwfi ..ttto. $79 500 Rear paUo. Side patio Rcallg 850-lZlS. Bkr. .., • . oocf.1:Y terms ' ,.... • Italian custom ceramic LM>DegreeOCEAN vu

- ..... e 1 BR, R·2, S0xl2S tile in fam rm ar bath. 551·3000 So L Sb I ~~ed:<l. {~~us~mr!~ klt.~Pomona . B!t· in di s hw as her , 1t!O B1rnm r k .. ). lnin~ hoine. ~~:l new~ P~t~ a A.C. PETITIE RLTR nucrowave. · 2 ~ yrs comm Million dollar 1 ~ 1--------1 548

·0522 old. $189,000. By owner neighborhood. Assu me C:... .. M.. I022 ...sA YHDE By owner : two 2bdrm Assumable 9 "• 3 loan. 107/8% TD Reduced ....... •••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm, 2 bath, frp lr. dbl houses on I lot. Asuma · 1714 I 01·9259 collect pnce. ~.IXXI Trade in

CDMDUPLEX farage , A· l rond ble 113 . l~t T.D. o we OwnerJean Clarke. ~. Owner 855·2013

R&'M~ of Costa Mesa


Sltll.E STORY PERFECTION This 2 Bdrm, den (or 3 Bdrm) ha s It a ll ! Vaulted ceilings, cstm shutters mirrored doors, centra l air, tormai dining room, enormous wrap.around patio by Rogers Gardens a nd m ttch m or e ! S upe rb decor thruou t th ts NewJ>()rl rine r townhome . Free & clear. Submit on your terms. Now only $2..\5,000! Call tWCY IMIEIHIHO 759·1221 (644-6636-res.)

GllGEOUS SUNSETS-POOL-SPA 3 Bdrm Calif. r a nch , gated for privacy Views thru walls of glass. 2 fire p la ces • family room, formal dining r oom , n 0<'1

& more! View from secluded m str s u ite, s unsets, Newport 2& beyond. Mini mum d o wn . Anx ious o wne r . Assisted financing. Now only $298,5001

Call MAMCY IMIHHIHO, ownr/ agt 7 59-122J C 644 ·6636-res . ) 75f.IUI •44-66J6

R&" M * of Newport Beach Best b\i.y in CdM. Lrg 3 1:341500· Owner will as· ~nd. Asking $125,000 D 't R ........ I I Wll ...__..__ .. ty 8d .. __ / f I 2 Bd sist an financing with 25,000 dwn. 20th & °" ...,.,... W'f • p t . rr-apt~tS261.~:+ o we; 1or McC..l., IUtr. Pomona. M0-7464. ~~~ti~v:sba~~ 1'~ s1!~81 i ··2~ J0 B~e~ea in S&50.~ Emerald Bay a.,.io leach I 048 MUST SEE' W/$40,000 dwn . Joyce 541.7729 4BR Pool Home In Mesa bath home No qua1·1f'y tached home. Ridiculous home. v.iew, pool, JIC, 4 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• Prof. decor. ocean· YU, 4 w 631 """ Ve d L c t $138 "'"' w ba, 3 fireplaces. com· e ·1""" l!!!!!!ll!!!l••B•!!!!!!!!!I · r e. a rge Orner ing. S12SO mo. 673·3698 or a .~. arner, agt mwlity tennis. For more OCEAN VIEW ~r w/pool /spa + rity

l.Jlt. Breezeway. 2 Car ~2700 I SSS.9400' ln/0646-3916 Three Arch Bay 3bdrm. hies Assume I I. 78' 1, G3;r + Much Mor e! -- b f True val ue $429.900 Drive By, 2828 Tabago NO FOO LIN JUST ·• 3 a, amrrn, comph·tely Won 't last ! Patrick

Appt to See, 951-0959. f loors . Corner lot kitchen.sec. gated . w.alk eoore a



HIWPOaT COMOOS Studios, l & 2 bdrms, from $93,000 & \ up. AU have good assumable loans with low down paym ents. Pool. r ec. room, i;ub parking , sauna & jac uzzi . and some with ocean views.

HIWP0"1' CUST Ocean view 3 bdrm condo on private court. Owne r wlll furnish new carpet. $195,000.

IEAUTIML Y MAJNT AIMID 3 bdrm, 2 bath Westcliff home . Close " to schools, park and tennis. Room for e xpansion. Good financing at $185,500.

B.IGAMCE ON UDO 5 bdrm. cus t o m d ecora ted is an exceptionaJ value . f'ormal din ing rm and farruly rm. Lite , airy & s pacious .



Tenm available on this super rlean charmer Priced right for qw rk sale Gr eg Astle .

Owner/bldr has spared no expense in tbis new unique 4 Bd 3 Ba home . llOO sq ft of luxury living w/toomany amenities to list. Good financing Ast.lng $315,000. For pvt showing call Glen

Place. Then Call for $90,CXXlfor3 Br w/wood ~ r~mod eled , garden -TS9 l221

Open Rouse Sat & Sun VA/FllA welcome Bkr to be~ch Att ra<'t 1ve 11AM-4PM Priced to 848-07~ I fUl&nCUI 714 499·~- • r · ,

Sell At $175,000 with As· 1 •OHL y 161( DH* DESPEIA TE t 2 new cs tom ocean vu s uma ~le L oa n s Lmmed. poss 2 sty nr l W bn · I ~s. 4 Br's 4 1, Ba. -Cooperation With Agts I brh. 11 .... , AITO 2 yrs. FP r~ew 1!ew 3B~ 2ba, l .. LA MA l s 0 N .. A FR 1521 1533 Tahiti c~ Yll• •VETSAnN: * SlfJ,CXXl. 964 7362 fl_ rume loans ~eed ,::t i CASTLEONTHE HILL 75 <XXl. A 497-5454 __

1 ~~ ~~~nc~ 25tsrt:e?

FOIEClOSUHSALE I sale I This F ~ co unt r y CUSCEKTIAY 21lX> sq n + 5carpkg I Mesa \'erde Fixer GAIHO with Hot SUCCESS REALTY ~ateau hkg~ a~ve the Beach side or highway. , Residence offi ce up J . Hellwarth, a,ll SS9·9i(l0 ,

: ,,

R&"M* Principals only Sl25,000 I Tlllt _. 54!!_7991 __ co&:z!i sl Y ~ne 15k a ~t~ I w a I k Io Cre sc ent stairs. roof top deck, re I 543-7023 41r0....~ 3 Bd ms a~ ~ard . ~1 Beach stop and l'nJ OY tail downstairs S375,000

J~MINE CRE.EK-fuli l *~ 11 1/Jo/o YA• Wllttowrf. roorr/lrg' ra':naiy :~:!i~ !!i:~•l::~~lai'h~~ y~~r l 0,.Sclt/ Stla 1·5 ~. vPuoo. 21 .'1ednennis .. 2seb..8 4 FOREC.LOSURE 3 br + 1•, ba Possable j $160 000 & fully equipped gym. signer decorated 2BR 410 list St, M.I . .,........ , ~down. ~5K at S856 675•1•771 Wit h com man ding own your own 12,,: 673-6776 __ Own. no. Open Sat/Su n Prime c ·M. location. 2 PIT I Prin e onl y coastline & island views AJTD Sl '9SOO QCE• .... vu UlSIC 11-4. 1.9Curl. Ownlagt homes+ pool l lot. Sub· ...=667"-'...-"·386.1=--- • from most everv room · ~ ~lSLS/728-515 1 mil your terms . Must ADULT CON DO haven + the add iii on a I OCEAN f«OKT 1 Take over SlOl. loan --------· sell.m It's a beauty Just RXH UPPEI for singles or reti rees 1, features of an enclosed 3 uru~. all whale water No qualifying John. agt

taYIHETBIACE j refurbished an and out Br loft rea!ly nice at I spa. sauna, wane room , I views . North Laguna., 631-1.266

41_._._E Agt7Sl·329'7 SLa

0r2ge 4b

0drm . ont y

1 $86,500 Warner . agt • t h i~ stunnang j huge2BR 2Ba . d111erm .

~ 1 ,000 wner wll I ~9400 I masterpiece awaits the wet~ar and frpl plus 2 Sunny, light·n·bright 100/oDOWM carry. elite. Sl.250,<XXI with 35 1 1e.mf1r studios Pnme and new on the market ll'/20/o INTEREST 545-7306, AL llllfilll••rlfiillil I sumable & seller fln anr· :Vantage structure. low with brick front. side HO QUAUFYIHG! l MESA VERDE in.'l available For more interest. May trade ror and r ea r patio s, 3bdrm, 2ba, 1600 sq ft . For sale by owner As IAC ....... Ol- 'S detallsral1Mikef.asley, 1 cas h f low 1nrome. Ea stb lurf . S245.000 hardwood parquet floor remodeled kitchen. l yr sume VA. S67.000 at w ; I ~ Ungo Real Estate • .ooo 4bdrm, 2\.-.iba. lrg yrd, ing throughout Xlnl old carpet throughoul. 2bdrm Mesa Verde ('On· DB.IGKT ---- 499.4174 I CWS.C COTIAGE S207,000 assumable 13'; location · less than 100 Sl.50.CXXI. OWC AITD for do S99,CXXI. 751.23i.i OHLY $74,950 . Near Crescent Beach , lsl. 642·516l j 640·8107. paces from Sl.000.000 41yrs at $1520 mo - Imma culate end unit fl e .. _ privacy . qu::allt) and ME-RT homes. Rea llst1rally Demand E Side area nr OPEN HOl.iSE I 5 O\'erlooking pool and • Yll'WS <.:ozy 3 Bdrm, 2 ·•"tTV priced al $365,<XXI with S.A Country Club Call 243 MAGNOLIA park like grounds Pvt ' Lingo bath home Nothanj! left SHORES COfDblnalion of assuma J err 1 A gt J • t 714 J :.r~~lr~~":rsc.h~~mo!~ coc~arkla~1.1e.1 pasut·oof+a

112. cNa

0r Town ~ Co~nl·r •""""' to do except ~pand if WATEIFIOMT ble and owner fi nancing &3116 Be · you w~t to ,. eatunng 5 Br. pvt tennis & pool,

Call now. * MESA YHDE * moldin~. 2 car gar orr al· UA I FYI NG to a s-1 Or.AL I Oak cabinets and floors. walk to beach S269.000 644-72 I I WITH POOL AND SPA ley Ca I Jim Davis. act sume lge 10% loan SEE .......... ,.£ Ital! an tale t' usto m Possible lease option I


IT . and you'll own it., WUVUDlll a ~ATIOMAL . wooden blJpds. spacious AJtJ.. Cul Mosen 759-1221 Spacious 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. HURRY CALL963-7010 I llfCrMNT ocean views & Catahna I kltl'ht'll , macrowo\•e, etr Beautiful area. $15,000 Realty World/Beachslde LMLJ'llU sunsets from this cozy 2 S34S,<XXI Low int · dn. Aski ng S240.000 Loweat price on water b.drm condo w ith 494-7551 $160.5 mopymt PP Agt . AIA..OtB Large 2 Bdrm 2 ba flreplart & d trks , ... McCon.dilE _ 76(>.7<&1 I~. DOWM 2 STOIY + poel w / hu ge d ec k and Elevator from f arage - - - - ..- ___ _

~ \'ACANT MESAVEROE Reducedpayments rorJ $17,500 beaUUfulvaew S2•7.SOO fort;O'lveruence com ,lolJIMHllh 1050 1•~.n.a.~ OLD CDM S127.~ 3 BR 2 BA 1612 years 2--<>utstand ing Immediate poesession! -- I murutypaol S24S.OOO , ....................... mucED: UDO


IEADY TO SB.I. CLIFF DR. VJEW Traditional CAPE CO D home with EX C ELLENT O C EAN & CAT ALI NA VIEW Rambling 4 Br, fami ly room a court yard ed area wit h POOL. Asking $590 ,000 w ith TREMENDO U S TERMS.

• ._ YOUI ANTl9UES! They w ill fit beautifull y in th is STUNNING 3 BR home· on the market ! None will com pa r e al $250.~ f1 NANCING TOO!


R&' M* of Costa Mesa JUST LISTED Sandlewood 20-; dwn. Eastside condos. 3 BR. Rmt till yours. Here at I lO'l. Dn · noqualifying 2 DOVEISHOIES YOUIOWMPAH WATaRtOKT Location•termsarethe owner will f inance 2•, ba , lge yards & is ' Bia 2.1tory twnhse Bdrm 2 ba & den Forever bluffs fr oot 1I Oramaucally situated 3 This home features 5 k:ey to this 3 Bdrm fa mi· SSO.CXXI at 13'1 s yrs By patios. Walking distance wit h form a I Ii ving · 1 Forever view. ocun views are yours Br 2 Ba. sLO\'e pipe wood bdrms, 4•, baths. hv -------•1 1y nn country charmer 1 . Don Pfaff 546-2313 toshoppang. Open Sat. gou rm et It 1 t c h en . Aslt for Lynn Noah from this 5 bdrm home bunung rirepla(•e. plush nn, formal din rm . i;o· DOVER SHORES ~HEIGHTS blk to the beach on cor ..__ CO ... DO SO

0.., Ariltoftr Dt•tloD. Co. cocktail patio and large Toww & eomtry built with metarulous at· C1111>Cts. rstm shullers. , dock & ~pectacular bay S E C L U- D E D

ner lot w/ mt n1 VU ._ ... " " Aent6Jl·~l master suite. All just2 1 Rtdton tention to details A centr air, red wood viewsfromeveryroom G 1 u Owner fl ex ible . wil l A ent.631·5737 minutes to miles or l

55111100 formal dining room , cleck.naturalgas BBQ, 2 Financing open to your

1441 a axv n\'P I CHARM

rent, lease option for Sl55,000 A SS.<XXI Pnce Reduction , pounding surf + LOW ~ spacious fa mily room & car att garage Pnred , o(fers. S2,300,000 B l>e F i\ pm•a1e rontempoq1ry ~or sell right now 4 BRPLUSPOOL makes lh1s Eastside's down pa yme nt No astudyordenplusdeck at $119,SOO. For im Ralphf\arra&AssO<' .t r n. ormal Din entertaanmenthome w 3 Unbelievable buy for Owner transferred, will best buy Lovely. large qualifying! Ht'RRY r all WOODIRIDGE & patios will add to you r mediate arl ion , agt I 673-0619 mg Room , .

2 Fireplaces. Bdrms. r entr kllr b . .

CDM. Call Diana: agt ' help w1fl nanc1ng Lake ~me. xlnl nbrhd, good 84Re7al-6l100World! n-:._achs1de AXER u··ER ~mes1n.~.roooth1s lovely - aril 559.!U()() , . tJ,i:,r A:iage p :01 larg~ I wood.~y setting. lots or for price & terms new home ' I.Re patio flna~ c1ng $14 9,900 °"- rr 1JU1111: ...,., ... Y m

1 bile I glass towering trees


rm + 4 Brs . Allstate Devin Real Es tate , Unbelievable but true_ 3 WHITEWATER • . 1- B•l•G•c•A•NY- O•N•H•o•M-• I ~~n~a~. 11 113~~~f:ti1 1 and ~pa Room to eit ' Realtors 768·2977 6"2·6368 ___ -- HIMHRat• Stoclff Br 2' ~ Ba 2·St)I d.etarhed I and city lighl s views r OFF6TH F RW E r111anrin~ Onl\' $420 000 pand on & out .+ alley

• Beauurur • BR , 13• ba home w1f am1ly rm f Uu 2 bd & d Al AY · arress Be~t st 1n Hg(> • home ·~ m1 from orcun frple earthtone rarpet rom s rm en J I A Deane "Deauville .. re· Open 31 Son 1 4 30 Pr1ce.d at only $279 500

I Secluded yard gives wa)' i ass~ loans ousland:J home Derks on both lolJiM...... I 052 sldence w/4 Bdrms. 3 Ba Robinson · Realtor I Call Diana aRt 6J1.1266 I to a wonderful pool & lllg value und~r market I l~els & yard tor outdoor • .. ••••••••••••••••••••• and over 3000 sq ft of liv· 541-5647 ·

Duplex. 2 one BR units on J ac . $269. 000 Todd 1' Grab that phone this ins: liVlllg. Eitrellent ~tarter I • VIEW HOUSE • ing space: Features m· corner lot S229 ,500 Bi ms. 213 434.9909 Coast 1an 1 Mari I y n . a gt


1 ~ :i~~arpet and 3 br. 2 ba Sl.39.500 Super cl~ a Jacuu 1 In the Owner will assist hnan. E uities 213 .!3J 74~ pain · • . I !..~ Ownei:, 49S·S7J!L. pnvate patio area. a 3 673-4791 , 340.SS 17 or UN BEL 1 EV i\ BL E ~ ~ ... r._,. L*t Fwtst 1 OSS car garage. a lrg bonus 754-7~1 · • 1_. I room and gate guarded

S12S,m for 4 br, shake ,._~~·"'l"~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• security Owner will w:...uJ~rCrfftl d MESA VEIDE C.C. I roof, hes1 ~~ea. ndew II rarry a 2nd TD One of rv View o ocean an . . f bl k f h . h paint SIOOO s un er , the. best buys on the Catalina. Spa cious 3 tSJUSta e w oc s romt ISS arp , market Try Sl 2.900 TURTLEROCIC • 1111110...~ LtilatFottsh green at S695 . 000 Bdrm. t'llmtly room plus contemporary 3 BR. with fam room down. Bltr~·0709__ • . BY OWNER ..._......,,°' tN• R.tstc.yot1 H-. 644-7020 dining. Guarded gate. &formaldining room. Seller bought ~- I 3br.2ba. Plan8. Move· 1714149411 77 I tennis, paol, rec room a nother and must sell now. A great H.faaw 1042 in condition Clnse tp ----·-- • Pnvate 4 bedroom. 2 plus more Priced to b $ ••••••••••••••••••••••• part & pool Assumable balh home that shows ~S:.O~all for uy at 175.000. Better hurry ! BEST BUY Trinidad nnanrin 752.1324 f'AMOIAMIC hke a model Over 1000 oolmfELL BANKER. lsld Prime loc 38r 3ba PRICED FO--R-;- WMTEWATH VIEW square fttl of decking ~~~~~~~~

FEO RISSY? owe at 14' ( int Bkr A 3 br, ram rm. 2' <t ba . with spa overlooking

L t h th. S Bl ff 3 BR TomGo-tier646·9200 OUICIC SALE new rrpts & drps As secluded c reek and 1 •

noWMH " NEW'' CdM CUSTOM BLT Z300 SQ FT. Wik to bell 38r, a~Ba , circular stairway , s k y lit ea, aarden windows. Asking •.L..llf:>O· OPM HOUSE Sal/Sun '

1·6 618 Marigold

l40-4.521 637 ·8778



Wkh 15"4 down for 10 ,..,... 3 Bdrm. 2 bath, treat condition w i~b _.., atru. A/C. w.lfw ...... ~ ~ patJo. corner lat wldl RV acces1. Aili· =JOI. Foran IP·

:Ill to see. call lW


- .

r • I A 1 "' ' · ~I. ., ~

e US s ow IS ea U S • 1-.L.._-- - - wooCJbn dge Bodega 2 Br sumable S98.<XXI 1s t at "'oods Formal dining --------

fa m . room. 2 \2 ba beaut ifull y ,....._ 1044 28adollhouseongreen· 10 . 4 ~ . For sa le by l room , 2 c ustom OWNEIRMAHCIHG decorated family home with sup e r •••••••••••••••••••••••! belt Wood burn in g owner. $2.2S,OOO ~replaces. plush carpet· Qwet , spacious adult pool & s pa complex . Just listed at R.clloS.Jo..... frpl c Divorce rorres Dys 67'5 - 5320 t evs ing. wood plank flooring rondo. 2 br, 2 ba. end $2~ Ro.llin~ green li11l s, sale. Quirk posession. 759·1206 In kitchen and nook dbl. gar .. vaulted reil·

29,000 whiJpenns trees offer call today. Marilyn , agt W"'TB W"'TEI area, a.nd atrium orr the il\gs, lri·level. Security,

----- ._ 1ty ClAT I rouAll

• t...,"09 "'" 0 1Uombl.d .... tfl be..... IO ""*• 6

Mple -ch '""' ........ ol -i. 111 111 ~ .. o1-

B E 8 L U 8



1 I I r I

"" ....

~ S U A. T C C I A wife w11 helplng her 1..-PI _....,-r ........ 1....-.... 1-t mlddle-aged husband Into

the doetof"1 office. Mother 1.....1.__..__...__.._..__. patient Inquired, "Arthrltla

I H o a c A R i with compllcatlona?" .. ______ -t "No," replied th• wife, "do-

'-· .... l ......... r_.._I .... r ......... I ..... _ it·rourttlf •Ith a - - :·

I " I " u Ill E I • eo..- Ille °"'°le ....... 1 r • 1 r' 1 ~:: .:i: ~ v::r:: , ... .._ ....... ...._ .. •=-r r r r r r r r r r f 1

t• I I I I I I I I I I I I ..... "" .. •••

seclusion Ul this choice 559- "' "' family room make this comfort It convenience. condo, Sunken master EYEIYWHEaE home a t rue delight. Well·lit location. Make s ui t e . gu u t ro omd Set high above Laguna's S314.<KMI with assumable offer : $]3S.<XXI. +study or den. Pnce famed Riviera coastline first loan of Sl59,453 at ~ Realtv $1 89,SOO. Ca ll now, find this spectacular 121.lrk Submit terms to Ofc9S3·9117/evs998-6126 ~ 2000 contemporary split !vi owner COLowELL BANKER. t\rra;s frmT IRockEISc home w / de ta i le d ADULT mobile home ____ FEO on cul·d·sar Avail only arr h it er 1 u re 0 r 76 .. 4519 part, on the bay, 3 BR 2

lo b1zyers with El Sr age w 0 0 d / 5 l u r r 0 & Ow BA, 168.500. ALSO. 1 BR. chdn 32SK 955-0170 BRE AT H TAK I NG ner /agent den, l BA, Cum. S45.000


Free s tanding Gross­mont on fee land. 2 bdrm, well maintained. Good locatloo backs to small park. $139,900.

BELOW. . t6tapuut ltedl I 069 Unit 52 Sprawling 4 bdrm floor ••••• .... •••••••••••••• Bkr. 714-675-3341

Woodbridce's best buy • Terrific localionl 2 Br1 oceplional dea . 1000 fina nci n& Terms $104 ,800 . A c t now Warner. agt 559·&400

plan srved by 3 baths features : 2 FRPLCS, WET BAR. beamed cell·

, Ing. (am rm, lrg kitchen w/ all modern conve- · n lences & H U GE M.ASrER SUITE. Dln­inC area opens lhrouch s l idin1 g l aas to EXPANSIVE patio ' POOi area w/ ROCK RIM· MED SPA• WATERF ALL . For

"""'~'-' .. 5"211.,.., .. ft.._le.._ thole who require tbe Vacant 2 Bdrm 2 ba new "' •~ ""'"'"';i,,.c1"-. .. 1t , finelt, you may have all carpeta. rresbly painted thia (lncludln1 2 ... thnlout. Lownt priced L..-lt_. I 041' IWlllble loam) for only Cardiff. Great f or ...................... , '3$1,000 P'ULt. PRICE slnfl H , make offer. OCEANFRONT Kodular CALI.TODAY! Prited S13',!~500. Type Homes . 24 br. MISSIONREALTY COLDWELL BANKER, .l«\llity, 'ioll ml °&gyt •&CatHw1, La111na,

FEO ~~.le~wo:d .... 4t4=07JI IKDWM-3 II dtct. pool, 1uarded OWl•MUSTS&L ~ tn Htrita1e 1 fa1e, adlt1 oaly . No l. A1molt oetaafroet, Plt'll am.of lrvlnt. 2· I ~ . • • 900. • ·•16 Victoria Bcb. Beaut. 1ty. l Vt 81.i..pool •park 1 SALllYOW• oet111 YU 4Br lh, rte ~· rrln . onl7 . j , ____ 1 t

1 1 2., rwuooluJaLSUO.• .

OWC 11113 P.i .-cwa t r ua 1 Alta VIila area !Gt. D . ,.,,, 'ODff, alt OCHI Ylatf hma • Ortlt eolltal nl, W&a

Fi~~-~ ~=·::. Ptrf . ......... ....,.... ·z:µ-,r..,:a ,.,,~~

T ramferred seller says s ubmit a ll offers on this huge 5 BR, Fam Rm , 3"1 bath family home perfect for entertaining . Complete with breathtaking view, 2 fireplaces, dramatic "°°l & spa area and 3 car • garage this vacant custom la now offered at less than replacement coat at ~.000. Call for financing detalla.

- a . a a a n enc a

ISLAND DUPLEX Eitrell lorataon . BLUFFS Stmm income , 2·2Br 2 bark uruts Try S75,000 38r, 2Ba Condo, 2 .P\'l dwn o we Call Curl I patJos overlooking w1de


rtsSr 631 1266 beautiful greenbelt ar pool, new cpts. singlt sl )'. imma c . Ask ing

I S215.000 BY OWNER 644-~.

RCTaylorCo 640-9900

CASH GIMS-TUDIS Creative seller wall structure term s jus t for you on t h is s u per 4BR , Spyglass fa mily home on c hoice corner lot. Offered at S525,000 call now!

NEWPOIT STAITll Ra r e chance to own a comfortable 3BR·2 ba Harbor Vu on fee land for only $224.950 call now!

W AITING-fOI A IAMAIM This cozy 3 BD, 2 BA+ ram. Rm . in Harbor View near comm pool has good assumable loans and is priced to sell. $237,950.

M'ICCAIU Located in prestigious • Spyglass, this 3 BR, 2 Bath with formal dinin room and family. room has fabulous mountain and city light views. G financ ing offered by motivate owner. Priced to sell at $549,000.

HA•Ol •11 Magnificent cuablanca 3 BR, F.R. 2~ ba, formal DR. breatbtakin ocean and city lipt view1 mu this our buy ol the week at 1125. with uaumablt financiq.


0r9"gl COlll DAILY PILOT/Sunday, January 2'4. 1912

............ ,.,Wt ....... ......... ...... ..... I.~ ............ . ..... , ..................................................................................... ~ ~······-...········~ ...................... . ................................................................... . .. C •• lt7 ~~ ........ !~ ~ IHC uc:._.• UM...-.~~ ... !?!~ ....... !: ...... ??.~~ 'ldf!"' JHJ ~~!!'!~~ ... !?!! • .... ~ ... !?!!

.---------------- ~ - dowa . ...... ~ ............ - .................. ~ ¥\&, p¥t bell,... !M*lrolRINT -................ z ...... ~ lllPAIOLYHOM! th apprechll oo , ...... PALM SPRINGS cleeGr,lcarfar~. I ldrm. U . Fnctd lallCGlldolbr2ba, f/9 , Udrm,Jba,frplclallv 4ba.lpyll"tl,1.,._,., ....

9'1CTACULAI OCIHt YllW Mariner'• Point custom 48r 2i,A, bath home on ~ acre, 3000 aq ft, 3 yn old. Room ror pool or tennis court. Lar1e family rm, rormal dining, gourmet kitchen, 2 f rplca, sep. laundry, Italian· tlle entry w/dbl doors, mini blinds, trash compacter. JUST REDUCED lo $329,500. •

........... Am .... ...,w ........... '6).t010 w 64MOll

• Imo. PQIMDta. Jbr AllA / IXCLUSIV! ltl!.PJ!Olmo. 7~. yard• 1ar.,1. KJda • bllM. I car 11( t...U. nn Oar.,e. tm/mo ..:11P:,;•;:;;::;:..:l lllD::.:.· .;..:Nl-$W==---;r__, ..... Alt. Illa: ... ~t~.,. LaQUU~TA. 2 Yr old a BR, l IA !Mlut, ff11J, =: •tlco ... Aull. poal.JK,Ntllt'.wtuc'. ~ .. Coetact 18R, ..... tobeaeb roSrUST!Dl acrH . 011t of t 'own :::_•ra:i.. ownftw~Bd pvt. bacll yd, I moa aoft:'l5tl--. A1eot, cm.P .'1MIN Mrt. Budy . Bua : l:.{:

... si.-o•TvlDI · 'Cl • r. leMe. ._ mo to mo. IM&•Lev• 281 aBA 2 _m ..... •~mT--.. .... ___ _ nubl ldbdnnt. b· 1d~ ba. dou· mc)ue.aha <•••> ld~•,1 rrm1 d.ln


•t•1>- SUS/ mo 115. 4115 or TonlaollM, deluae1_•Hr Uvlml via ~Avail llhlf Coado. ' bdrm, a e • ac • 1.ara1• 6DW • n v rm1 t e/c~t m:im new, Ur. I" II. aecb. • ani...,'.~ ' IAYlllOMf bMlll. llJllOmootb

bomtc~it~ai900" C••••l•I ... n ..... =·~~.'!~~-Al I I BR.1 M ,., apt. - ~~i!r.r'sf:~= HUMBOLDT ISLAND. I lt0f1,. + bdmu. 2 U4.ll07 GoldCO..tllealtora ........... t7H 1ara1e. 'eated poo~ '/:J: ~ Oo(dHrod Adulta,nop!' a. ..... • 1411' dock. ' bath .. II replaced Bluff• ma1nUlceot 541-UtaOl'DS·IOIO ...... , ................ ~boat/RV 1tr1, bht . 2BR l.IA 15''5 0 ,

111 Bdrm. D /moyrly. ,..._.Ylew. Pier an bartlor/ ocean vu, tbr,

S.A&.- .... t.-..WorldCoedo. ror :tr1\ out.atndq view DICUTIVI ..... Yrd ii.a .r:..:a· Wl&a'ttoetUocne1, lac. ib: ... .,.,.mo. AvaJJ. ii.Ml Ndec. Kida/pell. ...... ;~; .......... Salt ly Owner. JBR, " LQ Goll, $2&5,000, UYIMA •I.WI...:... · •1.00 r.b. I, __...lls.al7 . UNIQUEIDDEAWAYI 28A, Uptradtdcupeta. Pabltrade. dya ('114) lnille. "f.rr~liunac. 3 ' Ir* Jl44 BALBOA ISLAND w .. view, l BR llllC• Great View. $15,000. tt5·tUI, ~vea/wlllld1 Br w/cstm DOOi + apa. 3 BR tWllllN\ I~ IA1 fp, _.................... BAYFJIOHJ'. VJEW Of co, hilb beam cl&. f9lc , 11'·5'5-7101, llloa· Frl. .-J..rnn. Warm neulral tonea. ~lu IHS t mo WOODlllDal BAY-I BDRMS.L!AIE, HJW t'loon. Sunded1 6 N . 7W..11NIS1,J.5Plll. P .. ClyUttll 11400/mo. Roe Salter, orMWm a M-c:ciido:- • Or • !MONTHLY. CO¥Wed pat.Jo. Own/ sin. NOfmU.ONO BEACH etncleacy condo wltb ...sA.... beaut' fe:':91r ABOB

. . • - : SlH,SOO. O•~:i:o VIJ'lbUa llltcbuette SH 000 Laree ~ bdrm l ba -0

9115 • N! a BR NOIU:·HA "~.__., • ._. I06' Mis.,.,. ltect. 1069 218-ZZl-5310; 21S o.mtryClllbF.atates ao,ootdD. lS~ latoebal lllda/ peta o\. 'rplc .: pet• ~.11 / f:iu 4/51r. 211. ramu, rm., VJ!W·SPA • POOL·

... -.. .................................. ,.. 1090 New31w, JbaC:Ondo or will take par~er. ICllartwn. l750. 5'$-5IJI G1G Dlailtlnn .• lbloc:kfrom llJ::.f.MONTH . NAllOIWI IO'UD0411 ....................... ~Deeontor MUl'Jl 111 PAllD•YI • - - N.H. Hl1b School. BRO ,751o-tl00 ~•LS• lltT.D. lee brick paUo, Freocb ..-ti HTAn From ru Sll)ltb riverfrnt exec c.t.MIN JJJ4 1Br 1.8a vacut: new 11000 I mo . A I en t at lU're. OWC lar1t dn, Iota cl 11,andcrafttd H\JOE lot in TusUn area m•>:.v.s.:: home 1197,500 trade ...... , ........... ••••• qiti 6 m;_ II yd f150 5'1·5m. H.¥. HOWi W. I Bdrm, Jba+dea. ~ 3fplc1, W Via wiLb 3 Bdrm 2ba dea - - $10akeqty forOranie C:O Cl~ 2 Br. 1 Ba. 0wnerS.20t2' Spacloua bouae with Lovely 3 Br Carmel Y!!!:.~ llabta and Und ne .


0r / aJt . w/frplc 11ome: compl r• U~p sn:=o 18

1111 Condortb , mtm bout la lab trarrlc 1• · 3 BR 2~ ba 2 .............._ .. b 3 b IWilnmiq pool. 3 Br. 2 ~~;_!•ll)c.0.uent loca·

--. ......._ 815 · 72 a PEN decorated love l y ' acA ur Pal Sri 1417700 areaclW.talde C:Oata yrnew. , • .._, new .. r , a. Ba. Famllyrm. t111Jc+ ......... . ._ -------- SAT/SUN 1·5 landJcp'a Almost ~ 2, 137. "3t700, f\a~ ;::.u. cOacs · M4u. Terrine for Anll· sty coodo. Fplc, trub • aar. Part. pool, 2 additional utility ~

Walker & lee Reel f sfHfe

WIS1CL"' a&lffS acre cuJ-cie.sac Excel 11.75 T.D. lock l>OX. o Golf Cl b D I o q~ Sbop, Accouatln1 coqitr.;.t;::• win, pvt ac. ino. 133-9057 bdrm a . N i c e I Y SZ~ffO Sinale story 3 Br 2ha nnaDcin.. ~l .Eunice. ~ MWOll 7~/l»IW4 :, ~si'1t ~~Law Ot~~r( :~· rnJ!mo ;:i::,:lec aar. Woodbridle. 2 ttry, 2BR, 1 and IC aped , auto

r.o.etv 1 d 1

Unaa Plan spa 130K Nr Npt ' lmne Bl. Call ~ BICR _ __,,,_ · ul · • 1 ~BA. Pool, Soa, Tennis lllliaklen. S1250/mo. In· ,.,..,....,' rru P 11• dn ~term & Mickey Shafer, Bkr. llllS. 1110 · a..~ atos t . 0-P.W J226 6Laike. "7Slilo. Leue. dell 1ardener •pool ·~room, located In i...; .... ri anc- •1* Ollt .. Stttt Approx. 100 aq. ft . H · -•••••••••••••••••••• 75-0115 t75-7t09 service 840 1327 prest11lou1 Westcllff . .... ru P ce 1212,500. , _.................... "+"' 2600 clitdlnc tbe y ard . Spectacular, breatbtak· .. aoince79..a.st7.'

~ '> ~ "_. I

~'!•to the beach. 0wn«A&t. SS3·1006 Weil. dtr lffl u-a-n•n•••cH ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1500/ mo . so . s u2 . lna211oty,laolatedcliff llMTALS ,._ _______ 1 1!!!!!!!!!!!1!••1!!!!•!!!!!!!!!~ .,..._ lludoua and will HARBOR VIEW HOMES ......... •••••••••••••• ,...,.rv. - CAIO SAM LUCAS m5629. houae , 2 decks over 2Br, l Ba $700 ,. help wtt.b the finandn1. Modified Carmel s BR, s Bea~tlful 2BR Condo. FEISIMPLELAND u.v..-o ocean , St 200 t m o . 2Br,28a 1850 HCAMYOM UMTAL

llltppointment to BAjacunl, prin only. Swim ,Pools , Tennis. Priced below milt at ~ llOMOF a994 3Br28a $850 Luxurious three 4BR•F.R., den. Dover eaUM0-1151 askP>OK644..s345 Open House. Sun 1·4. Sll7,000. SeUerm1A1taell lbdrm condo, brand THILUCIYFIW •T 3• 3• LeRaii'OrRltY&13·8800 bedroom, two baths . Shores Sl6SO mo .

141182 Cordoba BISHOP fllt. Take over loan.low new, 1 bill to harbor. Real ln Costa Mesa's .. • • . Riehl decor led M ted Barbara Callihan, Agt, Prkelcdllccd PLACE M.a1nolla • down. Wall! to ahoppln1 f\all prtce, 185,000 or Ir\ NEWEST 11ted 20 " ..................... Rancbo San Joaquin , lr/MA~ 3000 :,uare reel. 642-8235. '

S2S 000 Bolsa. 714-846·l!J71 6beacb. avail. at 134,000. Terms Townbome VILLAG E New 2 br, 2 ~· condo. view ol 1olf coune. 2 Ov lOt Pri . f Upper Back Bay, im· NO FOOLING . JUST CJSREALTORS avall.41N·5771Darrell. COMllUNITY. 2. 3 Br. relri&, pool view, MOO. bdrm, den, 2 car gar. drlooll.' ~ tee ~f s;:~ I ~o:.m~~tB~ . rmc. 3 bdnn, 2 ba. ~00 190 ,000 for 3 Bdrm l-6JloHH • t ,_,___ 21.118a. 1800-ll001q. ft . of •12:58,842-?lM • .at0-m4. \'u~'eue .1~:°:1i homes. fully equi,u.>ed IJJ!l"•------1 IQ ft. Cst home. Quaet w/wood noors. Corner ..... 2700 pure luxury. Gara1ea. , .... ,..., J234 1131·'1300,Realtor. II: itch en w 1 l h B·IEASTILUFF cu I · d 1 · s ac . Now I«. VA/FHA welcome. 3 Br + z Br near beacb ••••••••••••••••••••••• bydro-tuba In master ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• microwaves, 2 frpl~'s & ._ !11084000, sooD,PY~1u700rs for Bkr .. .o708 <>wD.- .W carry loa~ .... Of Cetc... ~L.~~!~&_!o1o1m•1• ...._.._ 3 Br. 2 ea. beach house. wetnthbar. 11400 • Sl 00 a

•• • • • • mo. wltb 155 ,000 down JIAcref lnbe t1f 1 wuuulJlllllWllfl ... p ce • f\all llvln1room wit.h • tmo. yearly. Avail. ,.., . 644-~ . • ~me cul·de·sac. up· Owner om.r......... S241 , 000 fee . aettln ~r Le~~n:n micro· wave ovens , formal dlnln1 room Feb lit. Newp ort NEWPORT CREST4Br.

Lualt, 3 Br. 3 Ba. S'75-3712 " ..................... Owner/ Broiler 171>-11581 Oft a~ bous b private palloe " yards. room that overlooll.1 the 9xJra l4C).820I A 2..., Ba . Some ocun ' . Rm. Den, pool. • -·ety Golf "-·rs• Vl·w· ......_...._, - - ' · e, am Gardener provided . pool 2 bd 1 d · &eat . .....c1 A 1 """' """' "' "' ,._ ., ...... ,... I forest and spring fletant li in 1 15 rm, aun ry view . .. ..., mo . gen

can euJI)' coavert Home ! Near Back Bay. ,_.S. 1100 ,.__ • ..a. •ooo SllOOOO More acreafe . fv g ~Yb. room, aep bobby room. -=:..==------• WOW!! 63l·Zl62 to«h. Br. Appraised 1302 ,000 . ....................... -"•'NJ • ! av 1' 11·a b I c I mmulel rom .. 11 ioa FUii modern kitchen Deta .. h· .. Ho-• 3BR. Won' t last! Newport

Barslin 129 500 W /S~ OCEANFRONT Modular ••••••••••••••••••••••• e . • llland, 1 minutes to S.C. , ~ cu ...... townboua 3 • w / lofl aa.. llleenArtukovlcb,BIW Down !' or' T ·rade Type Homes , 24 br 9UNITSC.M. PRIDEOF owner / Agt. (7 14 ) Plua or O.C.Alrport. Gar-.o7'3 2BA w / fam rm In Crelt e, new~ :lb fb su'OO"

640-· ""--- · · .... b OWNERSHIP LGE AS StO-mo Ju•t eut of NeWT\ort • • 3 bdrm, 2 ba, fpc. Unlverslty Park . Sl75 t't!Ci«, 3 br. 2~ ba. Wal r ,

1· ·

42.7 vwua ,%13-847-5630 secunty, '-' m1 pvt "" · . - -or Plua •1000 se~ur i· t~ . to beach, tennis pool BruceJobnsoo675--084l + f~f pier. Cedar SUM. LOAN. OWC t~. 1te4...... Blvd. 6 ao. ol San Die10 db&e garqe. Blt·in IU • • ..... llinl ocean' view ' o ......... AMII: cot.tqe type, redwood NEED 1125,000 DOWN. h¢ •I• ZIOO Frwy. Startin& at l900 a kitdlell. ms mo. + f725 Walk to Poo~ Par . Avail. Feb. L ll60/mo. 1 PW SH exec 3 br w/gar

BAYP'RONT 2 bdrm, 2 bat.b apt. over deck, pool , 1111rded A&lm-4313 ' •"••••• ............... montb. 631 ·~3t. 2473 SD. ~pin& 6 c bools . yr lease. Children ok. ~~~An~~~3314

.,._ _ _tEASEHOLD 3 car 1ara1e.. Attached pie, adlt1 only . No INCOME DUPLEX, 2000 sq ft . 1 ~range Ave ., Cost a .. -6354 4lor&SH0

40ACl. StO-lM4

a.ucwaite 4 BR. s BA. bedroom. bobby room' ~· • .900. -..3116 ...,..__ ~r1rom canal. N.B. en. Forleue: beaut. 4 br, 2~ Avail 2-1, 3 BR. 3 BA + ...=.=:....:;:;;:-=------- ·-------nearUnda lsle, lndudes half bath. 4Sxl00 lot. r'""rau 1 _,,_ 4 BR, 2 BA, adults /no ba. pool, Jae. Gardener Fam rm, 2 car gar, HARBOR VIEW HOMES Ptoinaula l Br . ..... SSSO privak dock. 60' on the Room to build with SPICIAUST l.oYely 3BR GoU Course petltemJ>. rental3-6 mo. 6 pool se r v . in cl. Broadmoor Heritage 3 Br, 2 Ba, den. frplc, 2 Fanusticvicw2Br 1615 main bay. SS0,000. down, I potaltial ba~ view. Sub· •EICITillC * vtew, Back Bay Home. On Monrovia St. near SlJOO/mo. 9112.4471 Park Condo. Sl~/mo car gar , 11rdener, Home, NptSoores .. f750 Ir usume $750,000 at mlt olfer. Reduced to llhhS. Se:lectfrommulUpleun· Trade SlOO,OOO Equity lltb.l550. 1157-Gll88 3bdrm, 2,,_,ba, fam rm, St0-5086 U ,100. Avail 2/ 1/ 82. Family bm3Br ... $900

1N&l2·trz3l ~tr°ina 6T Co Wltb or without furn , its. Tenm available to for Rolls or Gems . 3BR 1'-"BA , nu cpl , 'nburon coodo. no pets, DeerfleJdpatiohome , s&I m.&550, 644·5458 3

BrTownhouse SlZ1S Harbor Rld1e assum i.eJ.153.2000~t73'7i Ml64 Greaibrier Hm ln slityourneedl. Owner 2l3·277·6089. :,~~aper-skyll&hts · @5. M7-4.52:S; .. -ISS3. famiJy, 3 br or 2 br & 3BR.ZBA Cul·dt·Sac. Lrg Ummaculatel $2!5:vi:.rJ~·3?;. Truat /EstateSale Laguna Hllls nicest s • Mllhh · edelt.·frplc-lgyd· I' ti __ .. _. JJ4G den, comm. pool, ayail . Yrd. 1125 mo. Kids ' 8ayfro:'.!t~~~kl .. 13250

star pll, . . W_.... 2t00 dbl $750/mo 73l ·o&e ....................... ~:er S7~9.'m7 I~~ · Pets OK. 645·7818 Lovely tie Npt home n-~er ShorL Y ~ Af~RIEand . BolAaYtFIOSI I pMTa~a01. Ml aDbOle . ..,., .... ., ' ....................... E. Side 2bdrm, new tbru· s Bib to ocean. Ele11nt 2 ?pmtwmd. . F..utrm,bll&~e fys -~d.l?,~:,-sf a16ml iolyr with 3 l1e bdrms , ~ ... ...... Beautiful 2tx60 Keywest ·, . Pvt pt.y for home out . form a I if in . Br. FunllY Rm • Den. - . .. ,..... formal dining Sprawling 4 br home

1 $475,000. Hm . 2Br, 2Ba. This is f'J!l1Wl11V! fJ£ 1• to blO' oo lae option <Bk breakfut nook, 2 car •Mo. Pluah crpta, 2'-" Woodbrid&e, lge 2 brt 2 ba -'640-8~;,,;ol07""------- fam rm, immac.

Clll' lot, room for min OCIAMFllOMT lllebestintown. ~ Bay·lrv. )1157-6190 gar, yrd, 1rdnr. S675. Ba. Cedar 6 1Ju1, sun· condo, frplc , a/c , 11e 2 2bdrm, 2baw/stone frpl~. Sl500/ mo yearly tennis court + pool. Beautiful h o11te o n Mc .. orflt-' • 714t64t.()763 Pvt party bu $.12000 to S4MZS.3. deck , dbl car p r v pr. • /opener: Walk to pool 6 gar S690/ mo <withdock l Priced below market. Peninsula Pt. Priced at Beautiful Belair M .H. 2925 College Ave Invest in 4-ple~ +in Lrg 4BR Exec Sty l e gara1e. fu lly ma Int. lake 6 sboppmg. &S. Adults, no pets . 1st. last

000. 644·7424 bkr lot value. w/fmt llil, Uxl9 liv rm. Costa M~sa . CA,. Orange Co. Can not Home . In Preferred yard. Adulu, no pets. In· DMIM5 . 6 Sl.50 dep. Ref's req. Waterlroot Homes Inc Canal Front, NewJIOrt 675-8616 675-8444 12110 llstr Bdrm . Encl carry neiativc. Prin· Resideotlal Area. CM. quire at ~ 18tb. St. 21lGry. 4 Br, 3 bath with 6$.2520days. Realtor 631-1400 Sbores 4 B D' VBSAJWS patio. Nr. Hoa& Hosp. cipals only . 833·9626 Brand New, Carpets. -.a:ll famiJy room. l850 mo. sz,oooct0wn. ~er!i1i Penthouse Ba c helor . 124,500. APPLIYAWY (mtf.'s ) Drapes , • Pain t. HOMESFORRENT Flntandlut+SJSOde· LUXUIYIAYFIOMT C t I' cpry. Must scU ! Mate 20% down. a.n approx CLASSIC T•SIMltcr Tbrougbout Every 3 Bdrma S650·1700. posit. lllacnah Irvine, 3Br. ~Ba . witbboatsllp. ..,, z1• &I 1415 JI., T-R••, ~•. wal .. :,:ooo lit 11 .... "' . owe ~•MAU• Near new 4·plex 2 .... Room. Window. 3 Car Fen c ed rc a r da • lladlHwoo 551-8700. Avail. now . Man y • I ... ._.._ ,..,.,. "' ... -,.., --~ bdr:m. 2 b9Ul h unit G FlllCed Ba II Y rd ameaities. S3SOO Mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• :::;.~:laent 8*l044 PJSc>a~u~~·~';i; 2'f06~e2CCl·A with flttplace,e:!tk>Md ii·-.;·;.:·~·.i•;d ...... G!'°~denior s~rv i1ce : ~~lacg~/ ~~5~2f:~~ L..-INdl 3241 Broter87~12. S.CJUliArN

..... Pool ty sus ooo Owner Alt ...... irtJJ patio, aarqe. ~~ 1st. Oran1e Tree, Water . Ac•. nofM. " ..................... Balboa lalaod Waterfront 3 Br 2 Ba. ate, PG<>'. sec P:o1. u~oog;::; 631·11•' . . -· tw.~~bBf~.o~~u~3; c;::.-.;;:.:. .. ·;jij p!!.~u~~~elo o~~:l •BR ~J~B~SQSN 3a!~121t~nrE~!~~~~ ~~~ ~o ~~~rn· =-~pets. P P. 9630 All . .._ 11\tfa Trina Plan. Fee Newport Beach De Ania JUtr, 6JS.elll. ....................... ~Mo.'74 ~:. ':.:. -

1 ...... • .,,.,,". 0 e I Y · S l 2 0 0 m o . -· · ·

-,:-- View. Comm maiot . bayfront Part . Mint IUpcraded ZBr 2b1, yard, Westside 2 BR 1 BA n,. ... ·-...... 213·Sl4n WY.USS N.B. 3 bdrm, 2 ..., ba . . ..wum... Pool, Omblts, xlntcond. cmd. '71 double wide. ,. ... , __.__


ca rport , no dogs cloaed gu, fenc'ed back Excluaive ~ B 2..., Ba pl, Msuel Shores 3 Br, 2 ba Ocean • n labt view, ~=~~4j>1~~~=:i~.•pnk~ 000. A . 6'2-5200 fl.replace, brick patio. - •- '135/1111>. Aet673-1lll yard, patio, was her spa, tennil, sec. gate. bome . Gate guard . 4bdrm, ram rm , 3 car · VIEW ' 5645

~t:~~1rn~~~·l ion HWIUIU $60,000. Bill Grundy ~~~=Ua It .. --INdt 3140 dryer Itta, carpeted. ~u:ach: 950. Aft s cy . Adult s . 111. $2200/ mo . Eves : cfi1 Ron H8-8515m:~ wtpartial ocean view. ~"" 875-6161. ...... ••••••••••••••••• draped, no peu, $475/mo USO/I e ase . 0 w n er 1fll).()807. .:95::1~· 1.S::.:7:.:.6 ____ _

~Mint CODd., 2 BR 2 Ba __ "!_A_TBR.0, " ''"- 4 MTBr. 2'' 1911 Liberty, IOC70, lrg 2 • ._..,,.,.._.,,,II s::.:rf.,~!'i"N•. to 2st:".: 548-5442or770-S629 CHAct~FEebYO~tR3CRbPTS2'L _... 2B R Co ndo . Adu It Downtown Security ecmdo, lowest price ln -- ~- n Br, manye.xtrulnpark - '""'"_,. orouc. ice •~, . 4 br 3 ba condo many ,,~ . ... ·. r, ..., 1ocir•.-~s Cocnplex. 2BA. NrHoag. Pool jac tennis J BR u,e area St•.900. Call Ba. d/w, fp. newkltcben nr C r escent C ity . $.140000. 1IOt W Balboa 3BR, 2'-"BIR Fam Rm, ' · · 11 ' D ba.21ly,95()/mo.)br, 21 ~""' liZSMo lit Last&Dep '500 . 67~ · ·

~ forappt640-6259 tile, built·lnS, 2~1tios , 2 SZ0.000. 707 /458-3300. BIVd ~Dally, 2-4. Frpk,Dln m, Water• ~~es,~ ys ba ,, SJSO/ mo . ,!uper atHr. Securil&:Yl mi. ofJ NoDo0. 7&8.7w · n>. eves. rt/A' ~· sundttu. Beac living 673-3800 Ted Hu ert Realtor , Oardeller. 1750. M7·5630 SHARP; e;~R.2\0\iA ::~1r.:_e~~~bopping ~. ~!:1~"n'oS~~'. Harbor View Homes. 2 ~J;!· J.~~r;'11~:01~·

· 'IY} : atitsbest. 12811,000 Repo, Mobile Hm $5000. ~ Ml partlteclt 316' . Condo. £ASTSIDE. Dbl , · fJSO.SISO·Sl,000. (714) Br: Den. frpk .. large waterfalls , s tream s. " '/'lv DUPLIXUIS,000 Below Market Value. By owner fixer triplex••••••••••••••••••••••• ear frplc Patio fi685 LANDMARK a BEST 3 9-3118 nnmm1ngpool J1cun1 1 S800 / , R EA LT y lsbortblocktoocean3 Low dwn . 0 .1t. Dir . ll41,0001mlst1t 7"'% CIMerY Village .Mobile '42·lim ' · · BR, ladltover40, S650. 2 car ,arage,' pri vate ~f1:~~:19 ; 675.~.0 ·

Br 2 Ba's in each unit . 8115--.. Need le cub 645·3340 Home Park f\am11hed 2 581-7422 a- 2 II. Io c 1 t on , I n c Id s -Some ocean view, su"!1 · Love!ydblwide 2 br, 2ba Br. 2ba, pool, adlt&, no Remod.Crp !~· ~ ba, gar. Beach Townbse 3 Br 2"'1 Larte yarl!, View ! t750 gardener. pool service. Mtw .. 1 ... mer rent Owner will on pvt cnr lot In Hunt. llM'LD IM pets, doae to a hops 6 ls/ VJ.,... ouple on· ba, 2 cat, i bits from n>, partial util Av a 11. Feb . 1 st Tennis, spa, view, full help finance. Harbour. 846-9060 l'f.ltaurant;a. S750 mo yr· !y. No pets. SSSo. 675-0097 beach. [150/mo. 988-9110 lsl, lut, security. $1250/mo. 77o.-0347. sec u r i t y , b It · i n

WAMJID, FAMILY SAMQ.IMIMTI ly Ind uUI. 673·3685 or ~. 2 Br, ,ardener/wtr 4N-3324 bookcue. Santa Ana. 4

Br. 21,AJ Ba. + Family C: rdtt Walt to beach. Lar1e l·Z.1841 1.m .11111 pd c hi! no pet s 4 Br. 2'-" Ba. Bonus rm, Bluffs Condo . 3~R . 11S7.2914 rm.•2

u raar. Owner Pup1rty 160 owner'aunitw/pvt yard. EASTBLUFFSHOME E 'slde s48 . 9441 0 ; Famrm, 3,lOOsq . ft. nrCleanZBRHouseN~Bcb. 2i,;,BA, New Crpt / Paml. -=-=:..o,_ ____ _ ., I I I he 1 n f 1 n an c e . ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• All units bave new paint 4 br i~ ba . . S5HlTI Greer Lake. S1095. eves Sm Yrd, Gar. Kids 6 2 CU' Gar. Frplc. S980. Rancho San Joaquin In .,,,. ~~~:':=i:~~~' carpeta. Bid& a yrs · • view. JI~ M>Gm Pa.OK! $750. 494-2576 wtdyl, 732.3313 Eves 6 Irvine, 2 bdrm . 2 ba,

--- --•.

S181~ SUt,500 1- MIWPOITllACH new. 11.I X (""· Sub· 3':irr:S:,~~booJ. ~ ~l~t~:ind~~~·:~ 4 BDRM 2 BATH, fenced Best r~tal in Laguna wmdl • ~f!~r~pe~~j 3 Br up 3 Br down Hl&b visibility. C·3. mil t.enm. SI 500· 11150 Dottie Jobn'ao:. • /W. E very · 1 Ysd. patio, '150/ ino. Beach. Charming, new- 2 Br. 2 Ba. Bay front. owner/A&! 640-7210

.• --·-·· motber·in ·law Some ocean ~ic w . 2 Ocean view. 1.2IO ft . froo· ....... - ,.;_ _ .... c - .. • . DCW -Oped" for in C· Daya •1-1147 ly mnod. 3 br, 2 ba cot· comm. beach tennis ··=--~ t pt ' • ..iR .. , 1 LI tap. Use exlstial build· ..... _ ·---·-~~· ticJn. /&in l /21 24 ena/wkada 780-0UJ t.ace. Walt to beach 6 docb · ' To<i g 1

..\ ' I new c '" .....,e car rara es. ve m•ol41*>""". ft. or build - - 111:1 UDO ISLE cbrm1 4~r '""'~. lNo Arnold. Brand new 3 Br. Stove' lballlliDI. 11200/mo. Call . $2000/mo. Agent Usk .. &I 3525

'I'!, S:~~lt~,500. =~~~M .. ~000 IQ. ~Owner will •• ~ 2Y!Ba, la sunny P•tt~, ~ Meyer Pl. J. dl bwaaber . Child 6 Bilffiedinon.551-8'700. •1m10,


3767· ............ • ......... ..


-t..1.a. R.t.-63

1 194

I ,_, cany. fTU. ,000. Sl1·1300, iAi E -SUOO/mo. Ball fJOO/ ino. 549-1783 .• "M. ll pet OK. Sl50/mo. MONARCH BAY Ter· Nnport Crest Condo, DELUXE end ul\lt. like _.__ M0-120I Realtor ""'-" ~mfB1111 " · , ·Tr . race. Beaut. bome + =--mo~~~~iew new. 2 BR. 2 Ba..,,,,,

MTUDUCB) DOCISl>I LL m41R 411-1040 --.-aton 11 ... nyoa .._.Verde. 4BR. 2BA. 'BEA R..~. Illa. furni1llin1s . 4 1\dtvr. pool, &ate, many xtras. - •or-•• units 2 ...._ ........ - ,._ Towohome 2BR 2BA - 1c Bit , __ A _,1 F b n...a.. ..k '1500/mo ~ . QM! unit , 3 BR condo, 'I\aat.ill.S.A. line. S62S. No • ...., • -~~ .__..__ Formal oin1a1.' suoci ••I' . . ...... v .. e ....... .. , U , can .Wllleifr0ntH0mes lnc. grutlocationnearHoag peU.775-2580,751-0716. tltoc*i from beach aJMS S•ae .... I076 Ol+ ... •/lmcM . ~a:!~~ llo.A&ll4MIZll$ 50. 846-1535 befum. 831-1400 Hosp. , comm poo ls ,

~l::'~oo~~~ ....................... s.Hh ar 53Mm' UDO 2 Bdrm MOBILE 2 BR. 2 BA Pentr1dae 3 br, 1~ ba, recent~ in· 1dlt1 only, 1100 mo. fijp tw•iFwwl•&I 3bdrmunltlslreal MOMM6DOWM 4Acprimecomm'lland. N d

1· B 1700 ON WATER 2 c»ve•tmo. l yr 111, aulated, fmced yd, car .......... 3252 WSKREALTY 675·3411 ......... ••••••••••••••

owner occupancy. New lar&e 3 br, ocean $1.4S million w/escepL .B. up ex, Z 3 R..t. lsl atrmMOBILESIOO. Warren onl y , •Ill pr. Kida welcome. lat ....... •••••••••••••••• 2 BR , 2~BA Condo. C:.-dllW. 3722 ftllaod.n& avalla· vlewp,llO./mo. 5'5-9911 terms . R Baf d ab I , ~T ~;:able. uWC Waterfront ~1 Inc. $51·2100 ;:, i ::u:oo. Avail. Exec. 4br, ~·· fam rm, 3 Newport Terrace. Gar, ..................... ..

ONLY SZI0,000. Call Cmtom design redwood &S1·14Z5,55l-'237 · · r , 631·1400 3 BR + boous room, 2 BA · · car pr, view, nr ocean. Car po rt 6 Pal Io . Small Studio Apt. f\am, UTOtoday. home, pano ocean vu, 4 West Costa Meu C3. M2-1S55 Meu Verde custo m Slept to beach. View! pm5.1'74-J&20. 1700 / mo . 63 1· 5800 , $375 lnclds utll . 713 1,;

Br 3 Ba . S340 , 000 . eoxuDmt lot. + 2 bdrm llnzl•• ~ ...._..,. zl•h• heme, 11 yd, 11200/mo •Lux 3 Br, 2 ba, llv 3PI• Dt!b. Loury Home ~21111 or (2l.S)347· 2544 Marl\llrite. $11J,OOO lsl TD usum . Ille. $133,000 or make Beautiful 2 Bdrm condo ........ :.::. .......... ~9'777nea rm, dlnlne. dbl 1ar Call !UmluDded by llex.kan 3 BR 3 Ba Bluffs condo, 644--0311 ~~ fixed. Own. wlll clr. SZt.OOOauumableat Gil the water. Near ten· ...... l20J Slwp, a Br, lra. yard, __,, ~ard. v:;r NrBcb. Sll50. Dottle Johnson, I UTOOCIAM LLSTATE


~conal Ider•~ 'rr&am2111d13· home, t.'1.!:... cat'rur~ ,,, b!ftt tnil cowtat ' alretadty bu ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• • tAmo.: .. tat • lu!....! 2d8rl .bwlt.b1ara1~b•t,oldve6 ~:St . Tennis -.1981-f75-6000at.t. furn . studio . In cl. ,__.., -,., enan, area erm• . • ......... LS . v .... now.141- • wuher. \; 6 · · D r I/ 6 tll N 11\1111-------1 v ley 6 b II vua, 3 S30.000 down. Owner priced • ,500. Choke .._..,"' Sharp 3 br 2 ba small pet OK SSSo/mo · 41S.ow7 Q.USIVI r e r · u ·


Br l~ Ba . lat TD 645-- Irvine location. Call to- Yearty·Weekly·Wlnter, pool /spa bbq , 1 .,; SS'lt'Jt. · · Lr& 2bdrm, 2ba, patio IAYSl>ICOYI = 0· n 2

s mo .


l'f!rOOO. K fixed. Seller d.a1m.JOOO ~,4 Bdrma, Newport carpet, drapes , new home, 4/yra aew. frplc, Ra.rt+ beaut. Columbia · Wlll deal. 1183,000. Call PORSALE COLDWEIJ. BANKER, achltBalboa. kit che n . U U / mo . ••••i cathedral ceilings , model, full deck + waler c.ct.MIM 3724 Paul Yoder at Lin&o New office buildlnl FEO JACOISUALn l a t /last. uoo dep . ~ 4~Uyb comm. pooUapa. •5. view. Lce2 BR + den, ...... ·.·••••••••••••••• ..o <>ranse County airllort PllCU PIOPllTY 556-76.W All -anc:' 1.nc1.:.':· ....-. rp1c, vaulted clp. z car CASA DE OIO

OCIAtROMT area.._. down, below AllPAW• W.IS. aidrm, zt>a, boous rm, Freably painted. f7 75 .......... 3267 ~ ':::~m:!::u~ lo~ AU.tmUTIESPAID 3 bdrm lllH. aac. 115,000, muti:et fioa.ndll1 , 7000 ho llllita· botb 2 bdrma 67M 173 end~· frplc , sedervlce Ill>. _............... level IZOOO mo lae. 1 .. . tenm. Approx 1150 mo IQ. ft., prime location eacb w /dbl uraiea. ---- -- porch, lat/ext r one. lfl*P.S FOR RENT .,..11 •· Compare before you rent. 01· 1380 and jult ftlt cl Suta Aaa SISl.150. .......... UM Nopeta. '750/mo. + 1'750 J Bdnlll, llSO. Ftaced .. .. rent. Cu1tom deal(n II••••••• ••11Uck Country Cl11b near __ . __ ............... sec dep . C 1 1 s : yd:J:::!•· KJda• HartJar View Carmel features : Pool, BBQ,

rnew111. ratauraa'!J ,...,.._.001 1ot. WUI BaJlloalllaadWaterfroot {714...,.. peq . 54.$-.... 38r 2ba. ftnplace and cov ' rd 1ara1e. nr· s.h!AM 1010 aiqlort.. fee lu4 lde coulder creathe 3 Ir. 2 Ba. Year)1 ren· 2 br bouae , yard ' -.,oofee. ...... M5-S50.1 rouoded wltb pluab

lor ••""*'· eo.tact 11awt11S1 ... • . t.1.• . 110. 71MM1. ,....., "'° + depoatt. • Bdrm lutbtufr home . 1-11c-.. Achalt Ii•·

.- m llll 1HAN ,.,. down on this well loca~ 2 BR, 2 ba condo. 'Priced to aeU at $73,000.

ITAITm ! Tri-level condo nr. So; Cout Plaza.I Super IBR with owner financin1.1 1112,IOO.

- O...lllDdalaandDick CO'nJRYZl ..,,..._, bacb, 2 Br. 2 lkll/Dttaok. MS-119 .. ~ ... ?~!.~ auto 1prlnkler1 . TL."ltabelt. Nopeta. ~Bmb,lrobr Oald- 5'1·UA II. lD E . Ba7front, .... .,....... ..,..::• OardtDtr . • . &S7-4IZI, -·L. ':!:i

'·-~(714:)71M::11:•:..,1•'llllit:•:w1 lalbo• lllaad. 11100 3 bdrfD.-1~ b I FAHJ'AITICllENTALI DAA/l'l'Q 3 br, 2~ ba, -·...;.-·=------ -II ~:;::t, JIM witlter. ll4IO aeaual. •czU>m.c~ vn, ai-.ear..ABr. JBa. l :::..~'· 11~1~:;: J Br. 2 Ba . Condo I' 1, ..... 1141 ltatllll!!!!!~~~!!ll!l!~-1 .. '•HH•••••• .. •••H•• Hlrt»1clu!llJ/f11.Jlt1. Cl . SC Pl bloc• to hacla. llOO . ...- st. • btauUful Bluffs rull - ..... _ ...... .

11W.Lornc11 JNt..a lDd. bldf. .. CKtlt •• SUMMT .:.,';.,..· ,..._ A.!'6 .... · Bu k I a y v le• . Kl.'1 flMllT ro•LEABI ... ft. JM fer OWIJCT• Jlr. 111. eottaae. Very llvrm Jrtckii;d nt z • <11lcM, Toao.t1hlldUr JBr, f/r+•!DI UtU / mo . Ill ary lp1iiliUllitid.tU.,1

INNnPOITBJ:ACHI ..,, Xlat S.W. a.ta l!ft•l!l!.•JIJ.!Olt, carpi. • . • ~na· JIM fOI Sale. Nie., 2 . ote. Mew ept1/fial1t . ..... .....,.. Plft·Dt .. ,. •to•141. ft. "1.Ua· AM loe. PMll P'ruklhl ,._., ... _ •JH tiaD,C.M.MMl... !!!• ID.1~8A, Pam •MM711,Ul· tn Caul Jroat, Newport roudla11 . Terrau4 ..... Atttlctf•• blUdtaa w - -- • - -· ,.,,k, DID Im. 'NIWPORTCRISTCON· - •Ir .......... poal . .......... . wtti. ample parki•I· fir.. JIM ;;;;i·~;:.:••t;~work •-•Oardeur,mo. D031drma, Yin aear --.iobuJ. tuoo/mo. 1p1r•H•1 fHatal•• · Prtme loeatloa aear--............... **tObca&WuaNr oc..ALI ;C14 FM '. PDOI, tenla. iiit mo, T..a., pool, walk to Spaelo•• rooa1 . ,,.....n, reat11ranl1 ...... ,Jay..... dryer "'"' I ear I 11ACR-.a1ow11ra ~-- . ..... ~ .... 1 ... or ..,.,. ......... , ••. ....... MOit COID· C...dllM1r•1qtt ..,.; • . UTs IDO . er=.. IAddrtt ...... o:Jr .. .ii ~JlNLY• ·*** ..... ; J bdrm I ..... Walk · la cloutl, pcdtiYe ..... rat• bl' RI hfMle/eee&lo do. ~ oc.~Ai.i ~~ !fHIW . be bk, SM mo. 251 .....,...., ..._ llomcll" tltd1H • =:.~:·~·~= PYt buda HUI,. ti lw fnle , PtUo. "Nr OC.UNT ::-·· ........ ,....,., '-mlt.MWllt .... lr. cloit =o.:: to•lt> -.. 8lltM · • · 1 ~llliM6oecaa. l .. bn -~- "" clail, IUO. lit, '.'hdf1. Grut Loe • to part • pool . 1 ............ Allllrlllllrb....... · •1wt.M=un ... • O..t-Hn l&m,•• Dttort 181, a~BA , •1111/ mo. tacl .. dtai

(TM-- f"' OllJ ..... ta ...... "'1J .. J lw J - --- ., • .,. , ••••• 11100 . • •• If ... ... lm•illill•••ll&''n,~ ~::.: ._I "'le kleoa1, l+ .. •mll,paal.Wis' JMJ ,,...,,... "'-"" .... "" ·a 11

.... T-..11 c.N • 1*aWitl. ~. I cu ...... 11111111111H-•M1M1 ~I llr, I" be. • .. a.. _. frpl a PB llL ... Tllllt Cf. I ~r . Gard •• er . ~ t ! c' ••• • 1..t . u:~rkll. Nr Hlall ....... i.e.... la~ ._.. ,... 11_.. ..,... • • a.touAtm11 0.., ll*Jana, ....._ -.ttr,.. r , ac ...... .11a.•w.bll. ,_ .... ...._ ... ' "·~••

... ~.__ __ ..., ___ . I ,.M........ .., I tlfH • •• , . . .... Ill) ..... -._, • .

lb:z=!:=::!!~== \ \

O,.,,ge Oout DAIL V PILOT/Sunday. January 24, 1982

'1f ... ,.,,., .... ," ....... 4tf lwah....._ ftfalwata......_ ~.............. ..._ 40ff, .... tosei ... 4JHCltc....., 44"0Hlct ... ll 4400 ..... ....................... ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""21 Dr 1111 ~..... 1141 W.. 1124 C:..W... )124 ........ • ltecll Jl40 Ml.,.rt IHcll 3Ht Room and bath. Fem JWo P, 2$..». Siu 28lt, Je17 Welle.lift. N.B. Wut 11\Arn Of~ Nr NB C1¥1t - .............. .. - ............... " ..................... •••• .. ••••••••••• •••• •• ••••••••••• •• ••. ••• • • • • ••••••••••••••. ••• •••.. SJ O 0 I m o M a n y 2BA iD CclM. SSJ7 .~ + ~ flaaacJal iAtl. 7000. .f. Center. 100 SQ P'\, Bir ' LOSING L.IAI lh 411tl· 1: ·~· IP~• 11lE VICTORIAN; New· PAUUADA APTS·. ~ 3 bdrm a bath Oct.aAlroot tot Winter tm1nltlea BU·Z43hvtt, Utll •3173 lit. floor, tnt MH032. Ovtrol~ '•cllltlt1 . ~ ~ H1udl :-'

~--~Jn P ••· :-= l A~ar.'~Jl~i 1 er. ~:.::· l Br. ~~ ~~~;:~~:r•u ' =•e:i!~~~~.: B 4I:t. S300 Joclds ~·; a::!/l>r~td2 DSUICmUTIVS I ~~ eor:~ del Mar1 =~~1.~!".f waJUn·~ Ms Slrt...... J76t bet' · u • · a flW 14GO. J Br. UAfw'll UW M Prol, Cooaenlal, mw. 14&-Ziaaft tPM 300 to 400 aq. ft . Coatt room cbalra ' Buut .. "._ ................. ..,~~i&Jt~,Uf..020 ~. Adwu only. Catt 2 Br I Ba. 1ara1e. 77N OMTHll .. TI Non·Smlt r U2 UU. · JN Hwy. Putln1. rear en· Salon halrdeyera an~ OCEANP'IONI' 2 6 4 Br. a 70 M. .... 5411-tMO. Newman. "50 t.1t . la1t On lad

1 a ft er a PM Day a . Help! Mother 6 100 need ..,,... try, 1ullable for In hydraulic chalrt mlr·

Avail. Wlaler. W•ty I 2 BR, l BA uwty dee:, 2 a TOWMMOUSI . 64.2·"31. e ol • II uxury 951·1Sl3 boliaUc roommate, Irv f1LA1A 1uranct, loan aaeot, ron lbelveu.ncl plaau llaalblJ.mnn. IDl'I. car, adultaonly/ no Wet ~ s..c-....1 Deluxe poolside xtra ~·~ bdcllm, \ balll apt 14 bdrm. Kitch privll. condo home. M/ F. Non· New lwiut)' offlcuface p-apblca, no retall. Con· AJJO=b· •hams*

Want aomethln1 ittra SU.1819 ......_ • ...,....... larp 2br, 2 ba, bltna, ,OC11 theRerec~/ Ee[!• B\.laineu person or atu· emkr. S27$ + utll . In l rvloe'a b u• ut laetauia,67S.149'. andbalr uC:u. ~~ a 2 Br Wt1t1lde Coeta Meaa. ,___...,lllri•lh ~whr, l~ miles btach. ,r:J remo~el:d 'wllb _dent. Refs reg 646·$268 m'7476 center! ~Y Frwy ac:· OHlctPrt..le. UJ.t1.5eor

tompletely dolx. ll(llta1n, 2Br. 18a. J:':';"' w /tftctrlc Adult.I, no pets. S4SOmo. new c:arpetloa drapes Male. room, bath. 2 CtuittJan Prof f '. 25·30. c ... Avail. now! Call Approx. 300 ar. loe1ted aller6,__,. ftnf•. o. 'll0-9117. ctotral heat, refria ' .,_-, loh of 53&-8382. kitchen cablntt.s, ap: l250 Call bet. 6 ' 1 PM Shr38R, 2BAAptw/am . rordetalll. KB, SUIO/mo + ulil. IT'S E•SIER

· ; atove, eocloaed \•race . ......... .W loc._ t Br. w/loft. t.,.. Ba. frpk , pliaoces. Thi• upstairs M7-2'1&1 f180UUI. Mt-7188 55 ·12JI '40.423 714/847-5079 A :;,•~alt. No Ida or uu le ck I• y. pool, a~aae. sm . Laun unlt lncludes a fireplace , Corona del Mar unfurn. Rmmt toahr Duplex . HB. •DIUIXIOfflCIS• 21.3/$92·1631 THAN YOU


._.. atudios one and two bedroom apart· ments FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also offers

'All Utllltltl Paid 'lmmtdlat• Occuotncy

•t1 MMllon In R«netlon

And Much More' For a monlh or a hie· lime Models c>pen daily 9am 10 6pm Adulls only. no peas

Oakwood Garden Apartments Newport Beech/ No.

880 1Mne (al 16th)

(714) 845-1104

Newport Beach/So. 1700 161h SI

IOolle• a1 161hl

(714) &42-5113

m,5m mo. 548·5442, HSO/•. 540.otU. dry ractl. nr shopping . mirrored bdrm closet room w/ balh ' refng, 1 blk fr Bch. $1111. Avail From 1 room to 1400 aq • HIWPOIT NWY 2 Br en

" I d ~ 2 Br ~. 1 <'hild OK No 847-<*56. doon16 dbeclt $275 utHs Incl. 760-1813, Ftb 1. 980-8'39. Eves. ft . From su5 a sq. n. No PIOHT A•I THINK •••

Adw' .. 1 arage . peta, 2563 Elden A. ve u1 lbdrm coodo, P•tlo, over oo. n1 t ~ ~Y · 661-8063aft. 5pm Ulte llvlna alone, but lease required . Adj Full floor .1 t lS 000 lo own your own bu.I· ll~.f!Opetl. /mo. 67s.«rl4 wuh/dry, frplc, pool &i Sl.MlOmoolh. UllliUesm· Lqwia Niguel Shores, r can't afford It! Over 25 Altporter ton 2112 Ou avaa . 1 ii oeu. Let ua •bow you

T73 W. Wilton. 631·4889 jac sec gate dose to eluded. For appt. call mk b · remale wanted lo share Call AM 0

133 3223 . sq. ft. f1exible of ce how. We have al moat 500 2 Br. 1 Ba. downstairs 2bdnn, 2ba dUJ)le!' $425 beich, 6'/ mo DeW, '550 (714)720-2473. llon·Fri ~r, cg:m OQ~ct': w\th same beau furn 2 pont. • . . space from 796 sq. ft . ' Bi& Red Quicllprint Ceo= 2248 Canyon Dr 2 Yard, garage, qwet ~ ~5PM . all new furn ·Tennis: bdrm, 1 ba apt Cotta 17THSTIHT le> O.C. Alrportarea tera In the l:l .S. and childttn OK No pets SS3·02SS c H A R M l N c pool Jae tv wuher/ Mesa 1275 mo Util Pd COSTA MISA t41WPOIT HACH we're pllllfting 1~ oew SG/mo. Sierra Mgmt. 2 br, .1 ba, f~lc , refrig BACHELOR Nr Bch UOOVIEW Gorg. 2 BR, ctrye'r. St~ps '10 beach. 751·2160or4tJ.9560/ Uu 2or3roomolficesuites . LOC. cent.en t.b1s year. Tate Co. ~H324. H10 md. u~ls. No pets. Fntd Yrd. Util Pd. S32S fp. acks, Pvt<'henette, pvt enl Male to lhate spacious A/C, pl~ty of prkg. Util Minutes to 0 C. Al:J:rt. advaotace of our u Fireplace , pool. pvt 443 Hamilton •A . Mo. S36-?2l6 fl(Q)/ mo67S·63S9 Sgll250. Cpl$350. lst&i Newport Shores home locl.AvaU. nowCill •l&lO aq. ft. Recepton- yearsaperience. Grow patio, dishwasher, on 645-711M "'·-'-....... ' u I I 2 3 LL., .• BR. 3 BA. L.-ach sec 493.3490 Avail Feb lit. S300 mo Rnklaomica 675-6700 ., offices • 3900 sq . n. with ua. EXCLUSIVE E runUMl""' n um · nu "'~ ""' . . Reteptioc·ll offices 6 A.REAS LOCALLY AND

/side, all in Jt· lrg 2 Br. WTSIDE Bdrm. Apt s Cy m , close duplex, year lease, Bedroom w1lb lulch pn v Randy. 540-96019-4 da 600 sq. ft Mesa Verde cool room. Can be com· NATI ONA LL v. Casb re· prdtnapts f'rom$560. Coonll)'Woods ; Largel Jacuni . Sauna , pool , 1s t &i last , water Nr bus and shopping Proftoshr2bdonN.B. uu. 5'5-41.23 bined for s720 sq. rt quired. S21,000 whlcb M7·2141 Br. loft , no children or tenni s, volle y ball , garbqepaid, $900. avail renter. 962-7520 Penn. 1 blk from bch Avall immed. For Info. INCLUDES working

Soarll:.ling clean 2 Br. 1v. pets. Country sett ing. basltetball, game room Feb (213 )376·4S09 or Rm i n p vl h 0 me , M/ F over 2S $300/ mo BAYFRO.._.T call capital. Total invest· Ba. M!IO. Fenced, utils S4651mo. 180 21s t St. Bell 846·0619. l213)396-8086 employed male pref +ulll dep req 'd. Kris " ment 15 low as 166.500. paid. Refrige. 2 small Dil)'S 646-G62, Eves & WALK TO BEA CH : Ba y vi ew , yearly . with /without kit pri v S40-7377or67~4808. Primeofflce. 760-9440. with financing for cbildttn OK, nopets. Wknds645-9543 Bachelor , s tove & beautiful 4 Br 1950. 979-~ M/Frmmte neededto shr Costa Mesa, 2SO sq . ft . quallfiedlndividuals. lll80Waltace 631-SS83 refri e. Gas & w11er Brolcet645·3683. S200 per month. Isl & Jbr apl very close to sl.ite. Sl7S/mo. Utils in· Private office, answering Complete package

2 Br. Adult , beamed ceil· ~~a~ RIJ aid. /mo. 536 79_1L Large lBR. Ulil pd. Spot. last. Male or Female beach. $260 mo. 67S·S048 rid. 779 W. 19th St. service. copy ma chlne. induda: ings, serve bar, relrige, ~._., !n WALK TO BEACH· 1 Br. less. Quiet $450. 2421 E 25.35 Bristol/R edhill . MtCHRISl'lAN RMMTE ~1 ·8!8. telephone. Avail now. • SlteSeJectlon lots ol wood. No pets APAITMEHTS wilh stove. $350/ mo , 16tl1St 645-4718 642· 1986. . 2BR IBA .. E.C.M. EEO s o ~ms •Leasehold ~ Maple St $420/ mo. Beautifully landscaped 536·7979 -- Steps to beach. 1·3 Br, Furn. refng, microwave. 13 mo. 631-4796 Dan N A 8 U . A WANTED : Improveme nts 548-7356, 673-8803. garden apls Pool&Spa . 28 r 1 & DRESS? Answering & Industrial or offi ce •Four WeeksTraining

Jbr. 2ba upper 4·plex , Cove r ed Par kin g . ~- I· r , both rp cs . $775 kit . pnv . phone, 11w1m · IAUOA ISLAND mail service, conference space, 40().600 ~q . rt in •Equipment adults, no Fiets, S525. Adults, nopels. Hsbo. 3142 ' 650 Per mo · 1 m · ming pool, steps to Sch, Selective Lady looking room. Adj. OC Airpon South Orange County for • F)oanchise Fee

1 BR ••40 •••••••••••••••••••••... maculate. 673·2.507 $?75/mo S48-S366 for mature, non smoker $100/ mo. 714·833·0692. evening and weekend re· Ad ... :.· ru d UMOCValenca. S45·7983 131E. 18th.SI 646.6816 Guarded pteintenn1s NEW-BEACONBAY Hotth,Mottft 4100 tosharebercomfortable ~&S72sq. ft . ll .00per hearsal of responsible :A:::m'iJ:: n AUSU>I COMFOIT !St E. 21st. St 548.2408 c,

1 • sfw1 mm g pool, Lrgh2br, 2ba, vu, deck, •••••••••••••••••••• ••• furn. apt. near water. sq. fl ., 397S Birch , N.B. rock band. • <>Penin&Supplies

Large I BR downstairs 2250 Vanguard 540-9626 ll e roo . cobble stone ws r Id ry r . cm pct r . Sl.4.L.4111( MO Ta Ret'aa must. 675-6076. A&ent 541·5032. CaU Regina •First lfaolh 's Rent w incl patio, fp, d /w, street, on channel adJa· D/W, gar. tennis. pvt Wkly rentals now avail. 546.5659 , ~urity n...v...11 and t t • u · bch dock Sl050/ Ftosharecharming 2 Br. Huntington Beach, 4l9 -------- ~ ""t""' pool , spa, car Port. no 2BR 2 BA SS25 cen o manna nique . mo. yr· SlOS & up Color TV CdM guest house with Main St. 380 sq ft. ........ l..ttl 4450 lnsunance pets/ adults only S46S. 398 W Wilsoo 631·5583 2BR S8SO/mo ly m.353S; 673·3116. Phones in room . 2274 frplc. $.12:S/mo. + Cindy SJ..9S/mo. Sierra Mgmt. ..... .................. •Now 14 offices 26SOHatlaS49-2447 Clean, lge bachelor apt. 7311.5022 ld725i Upper 3br , 2ba ~~:rt Blvd CM 760-8'233. Co 6'1-1.324. ~oreorOffice 1350 sq ft throughoullhe U.S. • 2 BR Mesa Verde. up· S32S mo bltns Ca 11 nw 3144• up ex. bl~~ lo beach. Sh Be 1 d T "'--'rt Beach, 504 N. Mesa Verde Area to serve you per New deror. Adlts, ~11S8askfor0ave or ••••••••••••• ••••••••••! be a m ceiling s . lr g HEB>APLACE7 are au . ecor ur ·N~rtBlvd JSOsQ. fl 5'5-4123 CAUCOWCT S47S. no pets. 8J3.89'74 I Pam Orange Tree Condo t BR balcony, yrly rental Reas. Wl.'ellly Rates ~e ~k w~~~Y~~o':i. to 900 sq ft. Avai l. at BS< (2 I ltl7 .. 30l0

~=~=====!. • 3 Br Condo nr S C EASTSIDE W/Loft Washer/ Dryer. TSL M2mt 642-1603 Kltcbenettes Phones quiet&ipleasant ! S400 + asq ft Sierra Mgmt. Sten,.,.._ f\lrn. 2 br, 2 ba, lge pattb, Plua, S.A. Pool. spa. ~75 mo I 2Br 11-, Ba SF'tidge. Tenms. Pool. & 3 Br 2 Ba. Steps to beach. "Z" .<=Jiannel Mo,•ies exp llS1·22S2 Co. 64Hl24 :!'~~~Al~ wctlTol ~ o'lookloc Nwpt Ba y garageS7SO b · d b ' t pa Ass um e 7 Mo 19Xl winlerrental utils Sandpiper. 1967Newpon on v · sq Pool 6 sauna. Short or S49-3232or641-1460 twnllse., bK' ~l cb~~ Y· Balance or lYr Lease I incld. • Bl CostaMesa 645-9137 MtF to shr 3 br house, MEWPOIT ft + slorafce. JS< sq rt l-I00-537-7070 lona -ter m rent al. '2 Br 1. Ba. gar attached, f.z rm. ThiS!new::i~t ~~-~Im med U 25 PROPERTY HOUSE lftf Ho.t. I 41751 ~~i:'sa l2SO + i,, EXECUTIVE STE. Realooom cs 675·6700 LOCAL '1200/mo. Pb. 6'6-6350 Adults. no pets, s..75 + last. 642-3850 642-lOlO ....................... Luxurious suites avail WMoe.ESALEI

YBSAIWS Security, 646-2723 TSL MGMT 642-1603 U.,.. leodl 3141 WA THFIOMT 1row9•1 G,_. H• ~~e-:l~~ bo~ c pvt for sub-lease in one of ~~ =ah~~: s~a~~~ MllDED Laree . Bachelor. Nicely 2 Br. Adults , no pets. new· Dc.aP.. 1126 j•e;,;·j~· ~·;••;-;•j;• Prestigious Lido Are'a, Sr Cituns '855.QZl comm pool, w 1D.' pkn~ : ~c!5pt!;~'.15i~~~ Ill& bldg, fully improved In I.he fast growing Elec· fur o 11 h e d M an y ·, ly dee. stove/ref rig, encl ... •••••••••••••••••••• stove ref rig d,~ 2 :lk~ h+ den condo w / boat s...r l..tllh 4200 patio, nr tms, noo·smllr, close. Includes: incl trpl. Ideal retail or Ironic Security Busi· 11mnlUes. l625. 645·104S atio. . 979-4410 DUPL~ : .Large 3 bdrm , oc~. lst / lui + ·1, util. sUp Sl900 .mo. Year~y or ••••••••••••••••••••••• '325 / mo u 1 i I in c I Rec""' / hon office Rent Sl OStsq ft. ness. Thi! is a recession·

Lg ZBr . w/ view on 1Mesa Verde. 2 br. new 28x18 ~ving rm. Some tmo. 494·7222. lease1opt1on possible Easter/Summer. weekly, 7~9717 : umfiiesp•Ja:itorial 631·5840atl 4 pr<xt business. We have Seashore Dr nr4'lh, un· crpt, drps, paint Qwet ocean view. Recently de· &JJ.43380wnerlA 1 B~ .• sleeps 4 Balboa Mature adult to shr •lOOfreecopies/mo For Lease· olfice, 864 sq a dealer assiJted pro· tll 6-15, ~mo. 673·2986 I area Cul-de-sac $475 corated. 2 car gar OCUN FIOMT 2 Br 2 Ba .Condo. ~I . Perunsula. 675·0680 beaut. house w/frplc & • Ample parltin~ ft +warehouse, 2508 sq. gram Olat can't be beat ! btr8AM. 498-1936, 966·1485 $650/mo 495·1490 Mosl elegant apartment frplc, 2 pnvate patios. VGCGHoa l..tllh 4250 Jae, H.B. 963·S766 • Kitchen • Sect y serv ft . Great toe. Street YIS· IMYISTMIHT

Furn . ba c he lor <no PALM MESAAPTS Sllblarpt_ 3brelxec dusplex11' buildi';;t in La~una g~nd7301ev7e831.~5 +985de· •••••••••••••••••••••••Lady 20·30 to share 3 available ability . Forbes Rd , ~llED stove). Nearocean. SJSO 1561 MesaDr. :tM. enc gar. ma Beach. estlocationm ~l. ·1 . . .t-4 . OCEANFRONT2&4Br. bdrmdplxatthebeach. Call,Roxanne97S-0740 Laguna Niguel l by $14,500 rm. 642-7918. 2 Br unfurn . S425 U'~d 0'«!~at6~: & ~wn . .J1t,f1a.thlhkit"~ Spa c i o u s IBR in AVail. Winter. Weekly/ Skyll~ts . cable, full y <Xe/desk space. Arlive frwy l. Joann. 499·3577, IOO'k Secured

Balboa ls. SBr Zba, short Adults only, Call btwn aga. ~· p::t, s u b1. '":a reaug~. East bluff Pool, Qwet, Monthly 673·7873. tiquip d. l300 + t,.z util . airport area . R. E in· 497-4844 aminby inventory. 1 or long term. Frplc. 9-4. 546-9860. I or 2 Br. near ocean. elevator Lease only Pleasanl area ! Single :.)' Ing drywalJ lined dbl 642-3338 Ken vest. olc Call Paul or Beach Store, Newport e g potent1a

spacious . S800 yrl y 2 HUGE Bedro o ms ~arage, clean . 24682 "A " 1850&up JJO CLI U Dr ~dull No Pets SSOOtmo dr access . us 'mo Rmmt needed Im · Doug, Newport Invest· Wallttralfic.pnmeloca· S75,000 IDml Ground Floor , Fully ~~':°~ ~~ <c~11~~15137 · 494-Blm. 644-4767 846-4W, 846·9501 med I a 1e 1 y M / F _ 7~!51nt11 Cou n s e Io r s. 673u~1! !f!J1 sq. rt 675-4185. AISTYE.AI

et-Cl 377 Carpeted Bu11l · ins · 2bdrm '5 0 N L z.._ 2b PalmSpringsarea (Mon· Newport Terrace, pool,-'-=-"-=~·-----• --'""---=.::~!':!'!! ......... ~ SUPER Location! Over Super older 1 Br. Villas, petS a:U~~'!,~~ktn~ couo B lt~n s . fir~pl :c e terey CC> condo 3 BR 2 jac, student prlrd. S275 NEA.RO.C. AIRPORT CAllTOLLFREE Large 2 Br redecorated. 50 Adults. No Pets .. ~ smaU & cozy. I person. pie pref 494.4269 t\dults. no pets so25 Ba . furn . w / atnum + UJI. 646-9215. llo6 Exec. Offices 1-.....nal ~ti 4500 l-8C)O..l23-6556 new kitchen, garage. Mo Apply Apt E no pets 1375 & S395 - - - 6n· 884 2 645· 8323 Golf. tenni s Dail y , Young resp fem w/7 yr froml250 641 ·807024hr •••••••••••••• ••••••••• OT I block shops beach 1425 568-Wilson646-4477 ~ Steps to bch, I bdrm . 76().(.(B; , , weekly & monthly rates ~d to shr your home FREE RENT N.B .. 3975 Birch. 8860 sq • · 141 2 18 W C anad a LALANNEAPTS 2BR2baapts, New rpts & 1'-lba. SS50 incl ut il I avail 714 · 5S8· 8001 Prd2rms Beach area Upto3mos .ilyouactby pftaorr lsessq MfllA .zAonge:. sornt ._ .. ..... ,...,D3ll9 1838 Placentia. 2 br . drapes. S4SOl mo No 49Hnteves leodlforCNlt 9-5PM, askfor Marll . <""287<-• <·. JO F .... ls Pri H B r "' "' ,....forMr. Sawyer ~'"'" M S I d 2BR B \' I R I .,._. " .,," ""'· l. me · · 0

. Ml·5032 S420 incl util Dys pets. Dana Pacific Inc oss t . 6mal stu 10 · 2 A. r Y enta 1No Tahoe Condo 4 Br s M F k h lice loc. Competiti ve ------...--=------1Lld PartMrs. for start· .., 848-8Ml; evs968-4078 «l-8001, 831-9370 apts . min cook1n g.1 Ava tl No w. S800 1 min 10 Northst~r. 1400 ~0.=~0~J~e2 rates. Xlnl expos ure IDXl .sq. ft . t!oncrete ult· 1ng up · lo ·dale N. C tyt:w::td . •- a.. 31 .. 0 view. beacb close by SS9 UBZ, After SPM wt Tom857-1668 f 1 · . . · Calloow, 960-2471. up ind. bide w approx machine shop Great .,.,.,... GAIDEH SETTING! • -•• .. · Utili ind S280-S290 mo Be h 2 bl II J SR 2b · fl' c. spa, microwave 750 sq ft ore space Ful· Potentials. Call David

....................... 1 bdrm. beam ceilings, ....................... 4!M-823S 494 ™ ac oc s a. Dl.x l.odian Wells condo, 3 j Avail immed S37S + ..., • H U NT 1 N G T 0 N ly fncd yd Xlnt S W Jl4197S.1024

..... -~ 3I06 "'- ··2Br. 2Ba . W D book· • . frplc.,,,carl682S700 yrly, no br. pool. spa , tennis. WI+ ckp. C.M. 851·2089 BEACH S A I p I ~---------- Full Patio Garoplional, N rt•--&.. 3169 ......,. ._,d 631{1772 • anta na oc au Costa Mesa Laun ·

....................... all util except elec Nr up. ceramic t ile ki t · •iwpo -- I .. .,.,i ay lvemess. IOIOS/ FWt• FranklJ.o7S2·5111 "~·Sl lK n-notcpermo Balboa Island Water a......... OCC "' baths h ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lo\l\'ly ground floor 2 ................. Op'- 3Pri Offi .... r ·· -fron ri=wl,)'S , & r air· • attc gar w ropnr PMI NEWPORT bd 2 b d ,. -to Sil... 4300 U\ to shr .. Bal Penin. • • vale ices :!liOO sq n with front of ,..1,.,,63 Ag•nt

t 3 Br 2 Ba . Yearly grounds Avail before 846-4152, 846·9501 rm. a <'1onNo ... om,· ••••••••••••••••••••••• steps to bd1. S230 mo .. , • • 2, Stal.· r Areas · · '" "'' ' "' rental /mo 770-0347 Feb R RE ONE mun1ty poo ewpor W b face. large rear door. set ... ..._.. 1 A A ! New JBr. JUa . approx APilDJMENJS I Heigh\.S Area.' S725 GAY ROOMMATE 1st + last , ~ ut11. . • • et ar up for machine shop. °ns t H SOIS

..... ,...... 3I07 $4.15. 752-2876, 966.6565 1600 sq ft , marble frpk . 1111 646-4121 CONTACT: Larges.I Gay 67~14 ACalv111 ll7alb4le)848no·w31J· ls3t floor 321,r a sq. ft . or S8SOlmo _.,...a nm f b I Mal F I " - 0 --- - "' F , .. ..,, 1 ~an A"• Unit G ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••0 •••••••••••••••••• AVAILAILl MOW! wet ar, va1· sys, 4x7 NEW Ocean View 2 BR. e/ ·ema e oxrv1ce in 1wuum .. te wantc:u em .


"""""'Ii ...

S3SO . Ulil Pd . lBR , LargelBr. Pool,laun· ~tub. W/Dbook COUMTIYCLUI 2,, 8A ar$7SO/moPh So C al G R C non· s mllr .. Bal l~t . <Xficespacefor rent , 385 Cos ta Mesa Day s 36.,_I.._. ~lex. 417 E Bay Ave dry. Adults. 00 pets 1415 up, 30 pvt gar 846·4152. LIVING IN 640·ssoO~veS (213)630-3040. S238/ mo 1 n r I u t II . sq. rt_ second flo~r . ~™•Eves 646-0681. Invest 135.000. 1st TD.

boa 547-11.SS, 542·0190 + S265 depe>sit. 931 W. 84&.S.n G,846·9501 - F 23 + to share w H h 675-6656 eves Prestigious Westc.hff lndustrial bldg, 6000 sq Owner 721).1130 Oceanfront 2br 2ba S800 19th St ~-0492 NEWPORT J Br 2 Ba. Stepsto beach same large furn apt 2 Share3br 2'-" bacondo 2 area Sl.OOaq. ft. Med1cal f\ . w/sprinllters, lrgrear M--W..ted 5030 rm. 507 E. Balboa Blvd. · MARIMHS WALK I IE .&.CH S750 B ·N B S2 90' · · N ' t Bkll. Call 645·6501. ov ..... d d & r ed ..._.., .,.,.. .,_,M'1chaal Realty 2BR 2BA, lg kitchen & 2&3 Br Townhouse Apt "' PROPERTY HOUSE .,,!·

3377 · / mo ~rac~af!l.!~7 ewpor - r em .. a oor enc ...................... .

u•......,.,., "' _ d 1 d r N ...- ..., u • ....,....,. adjoining paved park· Want $49,000. Pay Top In· Bachelor Apl Near yar ' n ry ac · 0 Yard. single & double An adult commuruty on 642•3850 642· lOIO F, ~· Jbr. 3ba. furn NB prof. sir. M will shr S25Sllo-Privateoffice1 ing. Comer of Redhill & terest. Se c ured by beach, sundecll . limited SS/rm 631 3537 car garage, ~ear Hunt I the Ba ck Ba y Sp er WATBtFIOMT Lag Bch Ocean Front beaut. home w. adult r>artiol/ll:itchenettespc Pa u I a r in o. C M 11 52 .000 Equi ly . NB cooll:ing rac. Utils meld . Harbour Children OK tacular Spa . 7 swim 2 IEDIOOM Condo 1300 Ev es 30+ P?S. 76CM>I02 lalloollainSl.Hunt Bch. 549-9671 Home Strong Borrower

7~1713 SS3·1776 Ea.sts1de38r. 2 Ba frplc &10-6807. nung pools, 8hghted ten·1 . .....'"""'6 - DailyJaotr. Allutilpd 550 sq ft Indu s trial W/ SMi l Net Worth . · · 19Xl ' ~ 1 B t · 1 r n.s bik trails Ready to go, move '" to· ""' "'' Prof to lhare 3 bdrm , 2 A ail 1 Owner

'&\YFRONT CONDO· Lg PRoPERTY HOUSE 11: ne~ ~.1;p~~s/d~~lp~~: ~ 1~ n g g ~ e e n ' day Boat dock avail Prof. Ml F over 30 10 story condo ill Corona v · now . (714 )848·3133 for rent , 213·277-6069 2Br, 2Ba,secbldg 11000 642-3850 642·1010 min i blinds . Slate r Ba chelors. 1 and 2 S650mo. 67S.9S22 s h are 2 Br 2 Ba del Mar. Male or fema le 646°"965 Molt 191a.Trat rm. Avallnow. Adlls on· Newly dttorated large 2 Beach. S375. Waler & bedrooms apartments. BALBOA BAY CLUB· ~rt Beach Condo. $400760-8131 2T06MOHTHS WANTED: .,.._ SOlS ly. 67s.6775 Br with patio, pool. gaspd. 891-7490aft. 6:30 and townhouses from STU DIO APT .. f URN 10 tncldsuUls. 646·7S32 Rmmate to ahr new Short term office space Indus trial or off ic e .................... . ..

3br, 2 ba, yrly Nr beach. garage, kids OK, no PM ___ SS40 to Sl(Q) per month OR UN FURN ·1900 / tb&M!mate wanted, non· beaut. 3 BR, 2 sty hme. available in prime loca· sp~. 400-600 sq. rt in s.Hler-~ Co. Frp!c. OW. gar S6SO . /mo . ~1·0763. 2bdrm, lba duplex doll On Jamboree At MONTllLY BROKER. amoker, sbare large 2 lrvine. SJOO, uli l incl. Uon, nearAirporterlnn, ~:!f~~k~~~~~~ All types ol real estate Avail. 673-S719 \ 2 BR 1 Ba in duplex. new house. back yrd . gar. San Joaqwn Kills Road 7S9100 bdrm, 2 b1 apt w/gar 731-8630 waltinc distance to OC bean or rtsPonsible uwestmentssince 19d C.-.. wf:\: 3122 ty decor , fncd yd gar. new paint. crpts , drps {714)644· 1900 I Newport Heights 2 Br l Near Ocean No San Neat, mature M/ F 20-30 Airport . Xerox machine ~ 1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• No pet s SSOO m o S48S. 8171 Ne wman to() FEE! Apt & Condo Ba yard, enclsdgarage Clemenle. S2'70 + ~ ulil non smllr to sbr 3 BR and other amenities. rockband. z.tTD1 STEP TO OCEAN. Most 543-5478 759-0840. rentals Villa Rentals No Pe t S 4 9 5 mo Call Nick 496-5484 leave San Clem panoramic vu Call Eva, Call Regina

6754912Broker 642·5722. mess eocrecorder. home 1260 + u tiL (714) 1133·m8 546-~ 64Z..2171 545-0611 ~~L~f~~c~0:c°::~ 8:J~ ~~dr~la~:nl~~: F3en~edTOyarW!'H1 .,.0RMPLCl Balboa Island Waterlront S.C.._llh 3176 3BR Hse Behind Back 661.sazg ,.....H.I LOC S..-. 4550 WTDi~owR ~~~--UoSKfor

. f d e c II W rf ~ "" r Bay M•llo- Cl•an l'Vfi ' t • ii . •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• s/ e ~. l up. view rom ate alls . streams . ZBa. Enclsd Gar NEW 3 Br 2 Ba Yearly ren- ••••••••••••••••••••••• · .. ~ . "' Newport Luxury Condo . ..,. ce sua es ava 1m·; s R v .1 NoCredll. t Nopenalty. ~/roo . Call Anlhonz s pa, pool SSOO I mo . S660 Mo 848.3775 . I mo 770·0347 2 Br l'' Ba, garage, laun· ~30 n · 9'79-1886 Harbor Ridge, straight (~t r'uflrol ms·r··~1:00ca pel!ass~.. ~~~~M mi~~~.~~ . Denni1on Assoc. 673·7311

ays 642·57S7, eves (714)673.9019 ; 67S·~O I I Bdrm apl, stove. fnR. dry. blk l o bea c h , Matu re r esponsible M, prof, I SOO / plu s "'• "' "' "' 631-GllO windl631·6630. Lovely EasUide 2 Br 1 Mr. fnty .cl M• pk.fog On Penin sula ~/mo 974 7225 Female. non smolter. 752·9442 dys 640·2434 1637 l Bea c h BI vd . JS% TieW

3 ...,lbatll Ba. Avail now Near 3. bdrm . 2 .1,, ba . 67S.0612aft 5 INl CE 2 BEDROO M Newport Oceanfront eves,wtnd.s 714 /842·6636 1 mile l ... W..ted 4600 Sl6,73S~uoned lsl TD Old CDM, View, 2 sun· sc hools , no pet s fireplace, fam1lyroom . Versailles 2bdrm , 2b apartment with view or /mo. 548-1667 SHARE 2BR l~BA w/ soutbof40SF'twy. • ...................... on 13.33 acres land at decks, beams, fpc. m s. /nm. 63Hi1SS. wet bar. dble car gar , lg frplc . clubhouse. se~ ' the golf course. hills. F/stlare 4 Br. 3 Ba. prvt mature quiet 11/F ftB. Ne"'\X'rt Beach. prime Business Man over 45 Ade 1 an l o, Sa n Avail Feb 5 Richard 3 br, 2 ba, 2nd floor , slundS~OOk. Sec$18s779moL. ! ! t , ate. so. SS7.J997 public tennis cou r ts hme, River Ave. N.B. $200/mo utll . Incl. Call PerunsuJa. location, 300 :.-:~ c°!fi 833ln 1.r8~!,'!e oart lnBetmarctinoonl. y ·moeoun• .. •ynl'yd. ul~%1 ~1850da, adults. 00 pets. $525 + ast '" · 1 i.,.,r. behind propert y , 2 Jae. pool, tennis. beach Brook clys 751·2019 eves sq. ft . 2offtce suites, S300 ~- uu "'

640-7072eves. dep. ~2.245 ly. 846-9088, 848-411S BAYFRONT CONDO·Lg enclosed carports, all SJOO/mo . lncld utlls . 846-lm per mo. Mark673·6606. 9Sl-8SS3. yr. 203 discount . (714) -.........:~::.:..:..:::...;;..;..:=.;.. ____ _...__ ______ 2 bd 1 •~ b $375 2.Br, 2Ba , se< bld11. SIOOO builtlns. laundrry facilit y ~2963. "'fi Retired cple need 2 S Br 751426 da. Or 493-1153 SOadoua Studio. F'tplc • &side duluu 2 BR , up· _;5md, '"'it Ga, d rm Avail now Adlts on· in 4 unit modern spanlsh F Shr Fu CM Co d Pr2 brof. 2FbsetkCdsMsamet tfo s,br ..,. ce to share, dwnlwn . ' and 552· eves. New carpet. No dogs. per·ba.lcony, newlydec .. +..,, epos · as P I . 675-6TI5 style ... .i lding. 2 adults m n o , a ap , rp c, C. M. Construc ti on ~~r':'!'· ~:.oruappt:~

. UUJ Pd. 760-9657 quiet adults. 120 E 20th. Nr Beach 81 & Mc Fad· uw w/F. OCC Student. 12$0 OW. Walk tobeacb. $325. oriented preferred. Call S.•111d WTD 3 Br. 2...., Ba. 130.0 sq. rt. 646-0lOO ~n..;,.!dlt s no pet s 14~0ft leach 3840 onlplei, N~.~ll~~n ~~~s mo incl utll. 642·8065 673-0880 for !ttalls 642-43'72 dys, Wf700ant~S/962-l 1~1 b nold e ~~ sale; SZ'IP,oooid' f"'lc, 2 blocks beach .,..,...._., •••••••••••• ••••• ••••• • · .,...,., .. ~ · eves. Professional woman 645-.... 7oeves. ""' : .... e · r. sm. ue ••r 6, 83. 1 ·r 1 d .1 IOWASJ'. CONDO Available February . FEMALE to shr 3br 2ba seeb 3S Id <Xfi r 1 2br, CdM Prof. M. Ran· monthly at 18"A>. Well =~e ~~t. ~z.~~~~2 ~; ~ ~~! ~:~ge. No K b k t? ~~~o wner <

7 1 4 > house on Balboa Island mate t~~J:1: N~~~: s1;~~ir::.aS:1t>o°: tsi:~~: d,y 731-8183, 640-2950 secured by lqe equity.

alaraue rite Da ys .,...... . ......,. ...... . enne UJ1 p0f . . fZ33/u.>. Judl675-5216 do. Ocean View ! $425 67~1739. Garace, Corooa del Mar Call Joe 51301, Eves 644·2578. F..astside 2 Br 1 Ba . $455 W -. h th b. I . h s.ta.l.N 3llO Female, non.amllr 3 631-6757 2sty, 1300sq ft ofc space. atta. 640-4127 MM175 21625 El<k~i~f~ 'E " asn ts e e 10 og1st w o won •.•·$UNNY·isaA·n···· bdrm, 2 b• dpx. ~ btlts to ONTIIESAND RM . nr oc Airport. Call Call67s-t636 Want14t,(Q). Pa1 Top In·

lbr,beaml,1tove, refrig, SJl6 U L 2BR The Nobel Prize for Medicine in '69? WJTIIPATJO $.125 Beach on Pen1n1ula Newport Oceanfmt-mt. 7·7pm,S4.S-4428. 2 Resp Emd:t Men. 30. Jerut . SEcured ~i 1ralrv.atse.o~ebt1ti eBl~ lBA A':l:sQ:i~~ 311 W ~fV'\~ 1403N. Spurieoo :O::t utCill.llsSul6 ilasl Ptol./Bua. pel'IOCl. non· Fu~bed. So. Laauna ~~RE t: o~':fe~ ~~u~~er ~-• . u~/mo Mo~ Willon.&11-2177 v- "'-!'...II JIJ m .-,836-0706 Btlh.m~ 1

or ::'~:v~~:!:',!t &i,liab Tudor Bldg. 335 Have Conatruclion Elp. w/ SMll Net Wortb. """"" - " If uni1·re not sure who (or What) Kennybunkport _ s/r 4 deab bath wet -u do ~ ... m ... UOB Mar1u erit e. 2 BR, 2 BA, drapes .. pvt ' u 11f1 ...... ,.. .. Id Nut , mature prof. Fba1 2brC.M. apttoahr ' '· ' ... t repairs, Paint ,_.,.._ __ .......,, .... ..--~----..~~-~47 Pat Io . l w o st or Y' was. dOn't feel bad-you're not alone. _..,.,. 11!1191d ltoO stral1bt female, non· w/F 50+. l200 + ~., utHs. bar, ~an view. New Etc. For Rent Reduc '.

2Br2Ba~ .... I carport launrm pool. Kenf1YWnkport is one of14cllstinctlvely •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• amter, to• .. r 2br, l' .. ba c..,_ ~c:>!.11375 per mo . ~orCalRoblE. ves, 675-1712 • 1•1•/ ............... =:-mo· enc gar. ulil DC', l child OK. rffi A.w.r.J.... t Seawind Vin ... "" _.._ _....., uuu '* 11., _ .... ,,., pu d erentapartment '"""t-'sa · ' age WlfMM"9h apt. Close to beach. M t F 2b 2~b OfftceforRenl Ltlt&hilllll

• 79MZ1i> 14111/mo, firat. lul + 1n 11unt1ngt0118Nth. Seawlnd Vil!agt 1s a result F\lm ' llllfum f bdrm Slt5/ mo . Incl. utlli . t:.... • Npl 'lits UC: MoathtoMoatb szoo C oup I e • e e II Ill I ..................... .. Jl2 .. dep. nrHarbor61tthSt. oftotallypmonall1!dp~lplanf'lino. apt .. All ulll pd. All loc.. ut.1i. Ref•. e4f.7sss $42.latlorsio.nsi bwldroataptorhoue '••••-• llM

c:.t.MtM "Sl!em1oactt atl9'76Ma· .,....,kind fatt!ntlon c1e5e amrnilles. 846·0819. FShatt CMDuples. IJIO - ~ .......... ~'""SqFt renta l, N. B. ar ea --·-·•-••• _ ........... •••••••• Ille. Apt, I or T or call 11111:

0 you M . •~ 400

G + UUJ Sbari ~·· -a ..... - . Nolllmkt, e0Ddrioklll1 NnLYDEOOR. ta.all A perfect blend of nature and living- - · · ...... ,,_1 h4* . a&ltable for Sm ~ufetarlau

l • · 1• pd, encl 1•r 1 IDd 2 bdrm lraUers. nestled In a forest wittt babbling brOOks and quiet ....................... ....,.,_ ... ..., 4Jll . 4M4111 ~~1 · d/WlllMr, pool. Adult• I H5 to S210 + 1150 ponds. cooled by naturil ocean brettes. Add to lAIWla Btld lllotor Inn, Hom!, Ziil. 2BA. Pool. - ............. ••••••--•••--II eon. ..un~ DO children eo that tennis courts. swlmmtrin N\l\k, a i..t.•uf and * No. Pacific Coaat . Jae. 300 Yr1 to Beach. • .... 1ar. ule 6: 1212 ~PT ~/

pit.I. ~ e·- .... . 1.1.:h ··• ..-.. ,.,...., "!' La1uu Beach. • · Jett, SJWl.14 Eva. ...,., 'Ill w. 00 St. • • llrTownllouae Colt& .... ..., r.. " • a c:onvenlent loC3tlon near shopping and • Weekl1. Kitchen 171-0NODap. C ll m.nrr COIOMA MAI

MIW'1 dttor. I•• pd.• .... empiO'/ment and you·ve got a placutl)'One would av able. Low wlnttt · · =llalbea S.vloa• --·••••••• .... • -.I pr .. 1'00&· dtwhr. 9nlle llom, 25, w/4 yr. """"' ~.,1 ..,...;... (E 11 ... _, """rt!) rat•. 494-szt4 Noa·lllll>hr Ml2Br, Iba Ofllt....., 4 Air CODdlUoa· ~ • AMI.-~ old IOft Helle to rent Pfuvu•1 .... "'"""' veil nci,.,,.,..,n,,.,., Balboa Inn. S90 • up apt.• mo. lit 6: lut 6: .... -................ Ill c:ll'llttiu, utOiU• tulr IMI ,..:•~"cf .. pd. = ~ ~~i:. f.°:~ DN!ai:u~.=·;::,a:_,twobath ::!'ln..~'~..:,eue . ~r:;..;;:1~7~1-12 . ...... ~'L.o1. :'Ji..llliiAift•fsmoper • ............... .. -'.uMr':-'.· dtll•r. =la.·:~~~: ~~nHu . °f1111QP 10.ytnm, rmtiba, poot, Mtr• -tca ft Lu "- nlAllMe.,. o.c. C714t67M4ie ~~1;t0~18 .':!. 11 .. ~. ....... o....A .. I lt.J I ~. •Udy beacb, ffm Hr IC Pla11. - AUpirt. tram - . ,,... II It ~ ••• -

J..._a1r, 11a . .-. ;.';' .::d: .T • .: I !!!!/mo-..r7 llo. Rm fr em l•re. -*t nllllMt. c.u 1 ..... 11 • ar-. •!MM :I!~:..~-· gll--tftirt:• Gaud Ana. Pool Ouao Mf.n. ;;::..-- '*· HARaOR hel a& Cc:/tUUtt

mo. air, l~la !5555 .._.,Ongll:ln Vlllgl une ~ Bllctl. CA 11"- Rwy. S. LtlUH a..ed Ana. Pool. Oceu t:."'cooPrtw c::,:; J_;mlrllamb:::-..:. l'a U.. ~ lot t1'1t twUlt, 1d•lt1 :~: (1t<I) ......,, Im U IA, N !IDt, .. lidt of Bt1•••t I . I MO... a.k I

~--:, .. :-:::: ~f:t-:::' •.i r~ir.s.n-"""'1d1Mncdlanllllft111 ~j::.S-1 aer. = ·.:: .. _:. ,..atz~a=._ ~:~~ ~:&~ ...................... ..

.,_._,...... .. Ill. cau Mrfldlllft.OWl~an'*'-*'tos-lnd~ ............ t UUI. ............ a.:. ........... H·~°' Attl. Cill ··1 ;r.:;,,• ~ tir ~.....,._.._ 10 . .. -. ;-'.r'.,,.._ c.• . tA a.11 . ••·nla .u w.tult. "• · :l:&tmU: It,


lll"fkt c:....IW .... rih- •* Il l ...... lf1 •••If ,..... ... •••••••••••,••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••• -.... •• ••••••••••• - .. •••••••••••••••• •••M•••u•••••••••~l .... •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••• •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Or111111 deared from IJO TILE INSTALLED llllnll. owCJI IMND ... l • at .. m tleu. Crow Q mo u Id ID 1 . WHY NOT ONtOF DUMP JOBS SONSHlNECLEANING I'm Small - My j)r1CtJ Plwnblna Repaln ADKhldaCuaraoteed yr ls~-· COior brt1btenertt wbt rnanllea. wall unlud 1llf. BES?! Simmons Umali Movln1 Job• Mature Chri•tlan Cpl are amall! Cd llf, NB rreu•l. llltM e4H033 Ref• JW M'ltI

--:::-"'~~~~LQ!i;;.i'57u;Ha....._1 crpta . 10 mlft. buch. cabluu . H.rdwou Oanlectln~-6684 Call M EM«-1391 Who U1l<lentand1 Your • 11'1S"477 ATLAsPLUlfiiNO • eu.tomCeramlcTUe 'l'lmlwLowlqCare Hill. llv/dia. rms t U ; :iution~ to wood pro "'. DLaodscapdhlnt. HAUUNG 6 DUMP Clea n tn1 Needa G.L.Mtn1W1Pai.ntln& HEATING REPAIR Prom wv. FrHnt

8ab""1fet, aartlmt, !~J ~ S'fG.IO; CCM6CU b HSZI Resid/COmm Clean-up. JO~. ask for Rand)' . Reut l.ocaJ R~ eust won. Ur #362478 REPLACE ~1688 ·1408 rtft. ~.tq.JH .,.o; ''™ c· 1 ~ariJ; m. n.vw.. HauUn . 548· 89 60·142'1----1-T• lns. Freutt. 731@1 -

I wW .... k. mv home $ o:t adat~ IJI Dep . .. ;;1~~•••••••••••••••• "'= "-·-Busln"ac . ,... a ...... . .. YOUI " CT . ........ ••••••••••••• CUSTOM JNT~ .. ~XT ,.i,,.,. ... .+i""f M••91•.t ~t d # C :1 15 yrs exp o wor.. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC r1 vwu ~ w, ~VI'" "' c. •••'•••• ••••••• • ••••••• • • ••••••••••• ••••• ••••• aya / wuk , · • · rnpel!. Reea: 531.0101 14 Jl\ill II 'd' 4Yn IJ> l.andscapln&. TOOAYI Yard /larllf F,XJ>ER. PREPARER EXPERTSE VICE PIOPllTY •!x~rtTreePrunlD• • Ni· 7 NoSte /N Sh i yrs exp. 'I · c 9 Grdn. 1 Ir Brlt k P1tloi1. cln·up etc 1 ton truck ~rollethd to J>r~act11Jcte LOW RATES ..............

84...., .~~rclal La~7c.ape I .. •••• aam am .0 ampoo . Gntd. Prof. Service at 11.1i 1983 u br . ucore t IRS. ,,. y B 0 ~5·117$ _,_ ""I . ._ ... ~ - ...

..... • ' •••\••••••••• •• .a-. Spff1allsl. F11t ORYWALLTAPING Prices Sure to Please · ' d i t . oe . 9· 18 NELSONsPAINTING Orance Co. area. 15 Yrt hr all you Med to know »U• f'tteeat. 83!·1582 .¢11textures 6 acou~tlc ~ b .9 Ir • E_._ t!~~~~'{i!:•~;~~· . efc • .._.., Int /Ext Reaid/Comm exPtneoce. Call tor lnfo. l•-.. -.. 111DP111111111BT~!!I.•.•• aboutbanll le .call c:-.t/c:o.u.t. est. KevlnJ11 9088 G•r dt.n ln& l:nmp l. unk traah MB-•914 .... !!J .............. AcouaUc cellin1s. Refs. andrates TIBSllYICI --..u.J.uci&L:'9~1t.---.i ••••• .. ••• ............. nr.,....S..lce1 clean up & free hauling ::....::.:..=.:-· - BRICKWORK : Small lic 'd Freeest.83'7·2637 l.:.l lU ...... THOMPSON'S ....................... foru.ubleitems TREES/SHRUB TRIM Jobs, Newport , Co1ta PAINTER NEEDS ........ ,., • • 4fJ..2JJt• * ......... ..... ••• • •••• CONCRETE CONSTR . E.M Oealan fr Check __ Mlcbael645·6734 j Garage&YdClean·ups Meu, Irvi ne Refs . WORK- 30 yrsexp. lnt ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ******* .. WICI I SOM U · 64

2-114112 Pa c le • & I n I I S H Gardening Wanted ...Er~t 557~8271 875-3175. /ext. AeousJic ceilin1s. J.D HQm Rdlnishln& 111•• • ••••

BuUdersSlnce 1N7 c::.r..k Tit MT L / r e B H arv e Y M&wtr11. edging, raking, ,Ho. CON Stnlce Custom BricHluonry Pavis Painlin&847·5186 Antiques, ltll c1blnets . JAYE TREE CARE Additlom . remodelin4 ........ ~··••• ••• •••••• Hanilion. 545-3701 s weep In g . Fr e e ••t••••••••••••••••••• q>mpl. yard construe· Painting's the Game , Fine aintin . 645 ~ Complete service and

"n 6 M I Doon, windowa patio Hansen• Ceramk Tile a.ctric_. estimates. 645·4372 or Compamon Aide. De~ire t 1on. poo l de e Ir s & Pedersen's the Name! Kilchen <'abinct6 built or stump~ grindin&. 10 yrs :!!.. .... ........... coven Free est Reas f1oon · Sho*era · Tubs ........... . ........... ~5737 . lJvetnPoeltlon w/ Corn encloeurfl Local refs . Uc 239534 642.0862 refin ished , restored, pp. ye lnJ. 640.930CI P~QtrUft, W2•i.. _Fin. Uc, U'totu . }49·2i10 Call anytime 972·4639 Eµ:cTRJCIAN priced - eatJble Pmon. 83J Im 00-11512 . ~painting-coll. grad beautiful alaln jobs 25 Expert shaplo1. thlnoln&

. c.ompltte lMl·uP ROBTSTElNBRONER Qe•ll1S..-.ic" nght, Cree estimate on . ...................... ttamtdt•IR! Hart Masonry . Br1 clr , 7 yrs exp quabty work yrsexp. 1142-8689 __ & stump removal. 7 yrs t llry. Reu.**4 GEN'LCONTRACTOR ........... ... ......... largeor~mallJobs . Ctrventl")• Muonry ...................... Block , Concrete. Ref Low ratei. Oana &46•1869 l-daka/ ltp4ir exp. lns. 675-2821 tzdlmct..,. Uc 3111M6J 645-6456 Uc. #396621 613· Rooftnl . Plumbing Want a REALLY CLEAN Uc 361294. 641i-1S91 Mike Shill PainJitt r .......... h ........... Tree 1'nm1n~Gle-,a~n,,,.~'!t'----~ ... ~............ · nNEHOME IMMACULAn RESID/COMM 'L Drywall -Stucco Tile HOUSE! Call Gingham MasonryourSpeclalt)'"!- fordable Quality Lie . COMMR CIAL Yoot.hy serv ce ree es . Prompt. prof. aervice on IMPROVEMENTS Cll•inl Serftc" 20 yrs exp Do my own Re I. J B 646-9990 Girl f'reeest . 645 5123 Cle~\ qwr k, d~pe~d•· Free F.6t. Mark. 645.~ =STllA.L 646 7s.s& Tony 's Tree major apples. Steve's Additiondt Remodeli.n& Homea87S:97M Offices I wort. Uc d Al646·8!.2L General Maintainance ROBIN'S CLEANING ble. we do any me JOb. orS.ll-2:890 DWHG! Servi--...-..-te......_ ____ _ ADpk, Seri. $41·11514 - • UC'D ELECTRICIAN Repairs & Decorating Sel'Vlc a thoroughly *631·2004' ,__._ Turn lost or unused T~ A.....,. cJlM PEP GI RLS cleaning ~· work · Reas rates • alit • Ra 640.5144 clean house 540.0857 ~ .....--.. space into a workable ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......,..- · t 6JlCN7"T 0 •••••••••••• • •••••••••• • .................... .. service. Homes·OCf1ces· eees · . ..,,,,. ~m H ME IMPROVEMENT Expertue Housekeepmg ...................... HANGING$10/ ROLL urea-rooms d1 v1 ded , Credentialed former Drivew~a . park Inf lot .,,.,."'L CIGM"RA~ AJ!ts. S48-0663 TOP 9UALITY Rep.air·Ma1ntenance. Suppl.Jes fumished • A BC MOVING · EJ! p. . Stripping·disc on paper drywall. drop ceilings & teacher Admmistrator repaJra, sulcoaing. . C•m G .. Electn cal workat Heall!'& · c arpentry, Trustworthy _?578003 prol.1 1owr~tes . Qwclr , Visa/ MC. 645.9325 tnmrarpentryto com J7yrsexpe_r Kdg thr8th

r airs. Uc'd. Uc. J349882 770.6S54 .. ~ ...... ~ .. ~ .... Reas. rates. ID~SQ.5.!_ eler, ule. Free est No Quabty Work. Depend a <'aretul serv1c~552·04 10 Scott plelion Call Tom or Jetr grade Corona del Mar. __,_..._..,...,......,.x.a.;.;·4:.&&>~ MKHAUCONSTL tt-1.-.&. Elcctnc.llW'Speci.aily' ~too small 64H811 -hie. Rf!s. Call Pam & • A· I MOYIMG • Experienced paper atli61-2!_13_qr4933886 ~·!HJ _____ _

AU.!'l'ATE PAVING Custom homes, fram· All phases li~nded Clean, quick. ~ep~nda --·-- --- Bob Owi l 673·7012 Top Quality. Special hanger u yrs Good 1oof1i1cJ Typillg Sealcoatina · St~lnfc Ing, remodel, French exper Free est' & advrce ble. We do any size JOb IQubu~i:~1 Jobs. lgels~I 'Thorough & Reh able care 111 h1ndling. 25 yrs service 8 5 l l 4 6 J •••••••••••••• •• ••• • •• • •••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• • ~~mm.~::1~·1 doOrs. skylights & patio Allen Const <Mike) • 83!;2004 • . Da:-t~.~9~ · Experienced Good ~eh . exp Competitive rates <214-980.3149). REPAIRS FOR LESS TYPING - Fas t , a c

-=:'~==------'~,:=~ covers.848·3652 497·5322/4•·4863 RoorCo•trilMJ - .---e____ - --~·_?522 /546·8096 Noovertlme . 730.1353 UC PAPER HANGER Shin~s, flat 30 yn curate. reas. Cassette COMM. RESIO. C.,..ter ADD'NS/ REMODELING ....................... Ben s Home Improve HOUSEWORK DONF: Sl'ARVINGCOLLEGE Bonded & guar. No JOb exJl. ee~t 770·212.5 ![ans GJl..OOSeves Joe <;&mpanaro Asphalt ••••••••••• •••••••••••• Plans Lic 'd George BES!' MASONRY ment BY J Ar AN ES E STUDENTS MOVING too small or too large REPAIRS OHLY' Wladow Ce...llMJ Paving 6 Roo fing . FINEFINJSH WORK Pllme~&Sons . 557-6932 TILE &UNOLEUM Ser;vice. All jobs, biR or I Profess1ona1 Call Yo~h 1 , CO Lie. *Tl24·436 Free est. Tuny89S.2H! AllTvrw_s.



63_ •••••••••••••••••••••••

Resurfacing, rep~lrs , Reroodelio&/ Doors hung . . ' - Gre 615·4394 sl11llll_964 52:1l 1139.50.15 Insured. 641·8427 ..-:.=...:..<.r:: - " Let the Sunshine In " aulcoa!, striping Rand 720-l260CdM Add1tlO!JS. r emo d el s. L.....-.L ....... _ • Repairs , painting ,! WATCH USGROW ! p_.,lltllOval BALBOAROOflNGCO CaJISunsbine Window ~~=...~•~e!:..:v~,_. --:-~ home improveme nt . "-~ carpentry Christian re· HOUSECl t:ANING , ••'•••••••••• ••••• • •••• The only roorinR l'O with ''I Ltd c u oG<o Dnvew•"" Parkino Lot CHAR ~ENOVATING ~ows, doors. patios, •••••••••••••••••••••••1 tiable897·m2 ' By Swed15h. Lady. Exp STARVING ACTORS •BRYANT'S • construc tion rebate~ ~ earung, · ,,_ . .,..,,.,

R ,-.r•i..· I • Compl. mt /ext & cust. d r 1 v e w a y s r e . •FRENCH DOORS • - NB A . 8 MOVING COMPANY Wallcovering Removal 673-6743 673 8229

• RESIDENTIAL • ~si::P~or~mg cabinets. rs. 645-3749 plumbing etc' Lie 10 panes Installed, 6' JACK OF ALL TRADES I ___.lla - ~4 2!71, F~t & Careful. Lowest All Types 642.1343 - • · Avg 1 sty SJO, avg 2 sty l.Jc631-41:.i CUSTOM ADDITIONS 378711. Ph 96o.063s slider o~ning , S750 ('om I Cal~ day or night. I College Student l'111a n ~ I Rates ~w Allows M I C • . - Huber Roofing wll ly~s ~ Ch~ 957-8388

---=:.:..::;=-="-- --t Ki tc h e n r e mod . pl (unpainted )640· 106~ _!Jack&75·3014 • homes in C M & H B I VIS~C.L.lns . 673 ·~- rt.fer/ tpair New·recover deck~ (..1earViewWindows . .. .....__ Sit I' R r 8· 11 JM Ilda Syste.M Ll-..I... . ......... Fl .1 ..... n.~ • 0 ' llA? 9383. ................. ...... Lie f4ll~~n~;1~ X:lnt servictt. tree' est ;;:=:.-/.~ ........... ~ .,..,Y,,,.!!.es e 5 1 f'reedesrPn 7free est ..._.ell'fillllltilMJ

1.----- oon . ' ~~,,,._b. - ,~ 'Pt;ASTER.PATCHJNG ~ ..... 1~ AGG RESS! VE I I '"""""""' Room addil'ions, ten.ant •••••••••• •••• •••••••··~ •••••••••••• ••••• ••• • •• Sr rub A Du , II r o _......., Restuccos Int ext 30 n Ken -~3·9018

representation 1a! ' :f. We spedallze in Custom 1 m prove men 1 1 n • SPECIAL* ~D~<r:1D r,~o~s fesMooal housecleaning t fi~;·;:i~;;~;·b•;Ri~h~·r~i TS Neat Paul545·2977 "Qua 11> Hoofing or Prof Window Cleaning or fi 24 hrs. 5<1S.1422 Carpentry, Bath &r Kit surance work . decks. Any chair hand·stnpped and ;~!du >' c c83z.4881 XI n t work Jc an Sinor Lie. rns 13 yrs or Neat patches &texture~ floe Homes 645 Ot04 OranRe Co to serve you

Remodel 710.0236 patios or reglued . $1975 Al ~~- - ti31·501b happ localcustomers Frte t 193•1439 ~•IWJ w pro r ess 1onal , .W: ll•e Minor to Major Repairs n~lkl67Llc313174 Touch Of Cius In H.6tg Cullegt- Student "" tll Th~l:_OCJ 631 44 10 1 · - !••••••••••••••••••••••• l' C<>nom1cal. quality ·:=·=·,••0••U•1••C••:;• Remodeling Doo r s ,._ ....... 1 1eners, 711 W 17th St •••••••••••• •• •• • •• •••• rll'an. Your Condo tu · ED'S PLASTERIN~ Bl'DGET R.\TES l.u· d ~en1ce Free est Nwpt ·~ - llln "•"·11951 848-2464 ....cA?Ot'""°"' •A2.._( M &42·77t2 Haul, cleanup,roncrete Perfection Wayne Call C..StoMP~ AJITypes Int or Ext l_.owmrn SmlJolbOK office Klm646·1992 , ____ .. ..I •n . ...... • •••••• • •••••••••••• • •• I D T k CA<"""" r ·1 • - -u.....,... .., wu . ....,mo Stn. jGaidtiAl g re~va _ ~mp rue Ans .... er Ad •4!111 ~yrsexp Llr 4 941 <PW-O<JO ~e.e,e-,; t'l'~~!. 1~ _ 64t 7$81 ' ont't.'dto lrnel allo\er wrtY 7S2-5001/752·oen. C.,.. ice COIPOIATIOHS ...... ....... .......... Quictse!1_ ~2 7638_ 642-4321 Bonded Ins Rers Color PLASTER &STIXCO ~· '"It ......... _ 1u-.11 to look ror oarai:e PROF POLISHING •••••••••••••••••••• •• & PARTNERSHI PS I - --- - · 96J 0911 0 k · · b I If " ft"vnvnl . f'I

. · WeCtreCrpt Cleaners Formed by Attorneys TREES HAlJUNG- Student has Hoose a mess net'<! hefp ? ex~ -'~ Repair NoJo too sm ••••••••••••••••••••••·1 ) aJ\:S .•ou II find them ~~-atRfOU~bome or , Steamcleanftuphols Reas rates 557-5700 Topped removed . ex lge t.ruck Lowt>sl rate. CalJ lola 1213 1433 4601 f, J B PAINTING ~ 645 4~ INDLlSTRIALSEWl~C mthl hl're rn Classrrred ..........,.__ iclc " '5~ ' Truck mount unit · · pert clean ups , lawns re· Prompt. Call 759 1976 1714)842·4980eHS SPECIAL! INT EXT. WA;'.1 ACTJQ;\? &CLTIING orrabn c~ To place )our garage

Classified Ads 642·5678 Work &liar. 645·3716 Se~1!.!__ms ~7! ~led. 751·3476 Thank ro.!!.a.1.2hn . __ ~as~J:!.~efcJ>.!!!£.! dlr!!JI Lar..a 645·9383 Classrfed A<!_s 642·5678 t!_~~tr~~·O-l50 saJe ad. l·'!ll 6i2_ 5678 _

Loltl'-d 5300 Lolt& 5300 Lost & Fo.d 5300 tmt & Found 5300 loet&Fo..d 5300 Help Wc..+td 71 00 j~WCMttd 7100 H.tpWoeted 7100 HflpW1111ffd 71 00 t¥1PW1111t•d 7100 •••••••••••••••••••~··• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••I••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

ILACI Ul/.M.i. FOUND ADS La;t : lrisbSettedem No F'oond . Wl'd . Shepherd I ~~und ·rtv~:~ch ,d'i'3~:o I f.tio;~~:~~r~r~Rp~r Auto Dttaller BEAUTICIA N· career looldiHper CosmeTECtologistsCI ... 5 Lost : Jan 1 in Lag 1.D. Name: Lucy Btwn Mother & puppy. Spr ICewpoll & 'd t'f , 1 wk for Newport C'enter Wanted, no exp . nee . oriented hairstylist & Part time, typrn1t. 10 HHI A"

Beach. White around IDE FREE Warner/ Edwards HB 111gdale & Meadowlark I ~ 1 l'n IJ... Law Frrm . i\ rP, A R. but does help Wu . & manicurist ror a highly key 2 arternoons µer for exercise & weight mouth. 835-2487 or aft 6 M Reward. Dys 559·3530, 846-0083 _ Found. Sm Blk M l>uR lite tyµe, nllst• Non polish cars, good dn v,1ng located salon in Fashion week Diann loss health clinic Grow· 494-7249 ca1·· eY M.2·0980 Found · Shelly mix. Great ' with Long Hu1r l~jured smo~~rJlnh'. ~ll 37:13 re<.• . 18 yrs old ~ in .. fs land vie Sandy . 536 2032 I U\~ co wrth o~'ty for

r. Lost : Ger man Shep Dane mix. Red Setter. nght fronr._l,?aw_ 536·071J lmllReAuloSalon , C M 640-6<Yl3. C_.,lt+ait Ston su sta ntral a va nce· plu.sebelpusfindhim 642-5671 tan tblk . 9 mos male Ba ssell. Dobie mix . I $200Re wardl I ACCOUNTANT - IOOIUCEEPHF{C Kitchen hep needed startin&645·7717 l-Ost-1 White Shadow . · ~tl71 ~J 1 I ment S3 .75·S4 50 hr.

""~ v" K h d S ber1an UUO> "" " ' ' ~ 1 r 11 1 Id . usry e? er .see sin •·onsMon•hru "'r1 9 to COUllEI • a....... dna Poodle mi·x. 1Sth1Rivers1de. Npt Hts German Shorlha1r .1 , ·~t . u-x r.,mtl" 111·c Thu lrvm" Co has an RABYSITTER Ind t I d FUii ur plllme Apphr a · -----~lbs. 2' hi1h. wht & Found : Pit Bull. male. 631-1 173 ees oun . I I c II 972 4672 1mmed1ate opening for 0 r my )' r 0 d.ivtdual with 011 or gas "1 I r d r S . .

. b h approx l Yr Vic lost ·1 . m n Huskey_ Irvine Ammal ~a ---- . an Accountant in our F t • me M F bac kground for new lam • s an we et Orange Coast Savings :I':t:f.. 'Bef;!ccoir!~ ShallmarCM645·5668 &hn:Uzve~~ f~~ v:c · CareCenter.!54·3734 \~bd. GeFrm Snhegp vblk Agriculture 01v1s1on '1:-.~C rtllCdJM I area okn PoSit1on. Reporting to Shop, C M 4.40 E 17th I has immed P ~1me il uds R d ' · s · I 0~er·s Gardens. NB Found · ColUe Mix Dog ...., mix • }OU . • ic. Tbe pos1t1on in\'Of\'es ,Y a u ie . w · controller Bentley - ~C2t 64~~ operung Good dnvin_g_

w/s verst . ewar . Found: Spnnger pame . ~~Sat . Jan 16 $25 Nr Sllnllower & Bnstol Balbo!fen 67~2700_ - preparation & analysis 644· 5800. ext 7169 . hm Hayes & Assoc t570 (.1encal position in rood record Hours. 8.:30am-&l039 eves, or Iv msg vie. Albertson's, Dana ,._11 ... 1.17730r""'"'"""3 IFterner mix wht. F of budgets. financial ~9006 Brookbollow Dr •114 .

1com mod1t y co rp . !pm Call Linda ·

83l-4595 dys . Pl. 661-0229 REWARD, 644


..... "" -~ """ Corker mix blk. M ""ht statement & forecast . as Babysitter needed CM S.A 549-2625 Personnel bnght. resfs. acrurute 754 1801 1700 Ad a ms

•• e e e ee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e : ~~frilir:.1 Ms~~~~e/ad ;~!r~\:l~e~haa:c':un~r ~H~~.~ & Ha rbor > services 100'< Cree l ~~n~0;kt \:;~~111:~1 • .. we C.M E.O E. • ruan mix bl 1.m i;.i4 Jli56 rng Oeiree 1n .iC<'OUnt Babvsrtter must enJOY lootCkEEPEI t1onal ab1ltt~ Salary DEUVHY • Y WEEK SPECIAL l25 MesaDrl'M •nli! or business + l?ood I-. ' h h Id 1 . · bt-.'11 S900 & SllOO Call

• 8. DA : ~at;!~ m:1~.a ld~o'!'s11- ~E::K~:?~n~~~!1;:~f ?a~~n~~:~*~: rs~dM : r~~~~~~:r ~;~;~:::: ~.~x~~ ~~~::1onal ~~~~1:1~~~:~hr~~i • 80ays • 3llnes &Dollars • CM~-6TI2 fetred Send reli ume area Collegt studentok brokerage in Newport cooking ro r s mall ""ell groomed Part ·

- Reliable w references Bea ch , growth op · P~~·ate rom hosp . App tune, Mon . Wed. Fri • C F'ound F'emale English ""1th salal') h1Mol') to tiill343 _ portunity. salary rom· I) at t~e Gardens, 450 G4l-8820, ask ror Bev.

lt seasy topla c eyour8-0ay Week tass1f1edbymat1 and 1I e . Bulldog 11upp1c \' 11· P~D19t. Rab,sitie r needed mensurate with ex · Glenne)re. LagunaB,·h

COSS IUS - a S On Ya r Y U • X2 107~ • 2·:KiPM to6 OOPM Mon· perrence Non ·smohr --- SF.LI. idle Hems with a • t t $8 th t I dolla a da t To Q atify for I his I Adams & Brookhur:.l THE IRYIME co . J 494-8075 I • specia l o ffer you mus t be a non-commerci al user o ffe ri n g ---' -1 Agricuttw. DI•. day lhru f'nday Harbor I preferred. Call Katie. Ha\e some1h1ni: l•I , t•ll" n .1111 Piiot Class1r1ed

80 d • Found (';1(('ulator I P.O. lox C-19512 , & Bal< er 979·9051___ 64().9350 ClaJ>s1f1l'd arb rf<t rl "1·11 I \cl e merchandis e fo r sate up to $ 0 per ad a n the pric e mui, t rallbet5&•.J'M trn., CA.92713


8abysiuer Needed ror --be rn your ad The cost stays the same w hether your ad e I 642 4706 Christian Mom My Ranun

11 • needs e ig ht days selling time o r Just one e '~ . SlSOI Home E CM Must ee1


• 1 ··~· · · ·· ····· ··· ·····••r ACCOUNTING flexible. 966·2806 e Use one w o rd 1n each box About 4 words mai..e one : ·~:~l, f:4r.;0!~~e CLERK r ~.1~s1m-;-• cla ssi fied line o f type M1n1mum ad tS 3 line s P lease o r in t I 7days a week , l'onderosa Homl'~ . ont• . Person n~eded lo meet

Plainly • 119 Corgeou~ ~ rrb 10 ,,r Calrfornia i. mai or fi }TOid grrl after school. • •

1 pamper )'OU Jal' Un1 . homt' bwlders. has an t S.S to approx 2·45pm

r ----------------- __________ ---, Sauna L,()(·als a~ Wl'll d~ operung ror an Account cv~ry da y. Mon Frr • • lour1sts Rank ingClcrk workinll .,..,1h ~ILST BE OEPf.N • I · I


Ameri c ard . M a~lcr our Homt• Dt'rnratini: OABLE MUST lrve

I • Charge, Amencan Ex Center .,..,thin walking distance · • I press. Diner s all to Slooecreek Elemen-•. I I e welco~. 714 645 3433 The PoS•t1on reqwre~ a l ~~~rne w~fedab5~i dcga~I

I I • 2t_g1farbor:..fil_Of rrummum or 1 2 } ear~ 1 5S2·046lalters30pm • S I 00 ~·or total relaxation wuh acrouAts pay a tile ~x

I • I • a professional mas-;atl' penenre

•• 1


10.60 I • ~~:~ .. 1 ~~::s,·~!i Need We pro,t1de a brull rofmt lmi!B•ANKJlll!l!l!ll!'Nl!l'!G~---• • I ~ 1

pe nsa ron ene 1

I Company~ Cal Momca package plus out~tand BRANCH • I 13.20 I • _ 953 1822 · 1ng .... orking surrnunrl 11 I COEDS Would 1.,o, e To in!l> Pltase apply fo I MANAGER • I 15.80 I • Party with You! Call I

• I I • Lesl re or S vln a PONDEROSA • I ~ • Strong prof man desires

"dd $2.60 for each additlonal llne for 8 times I ~'!It! 761 ~36. HOMES • I

• µretty sensual lady 11! 3~ d t 720-0296 G•o Mno 1 I ' _ays~_t!_L__ 17141975·1609 I

•. Publish my ad for 8 days starting e PROF. ESCORT 1~~h0. ~~ra~e0~~~nk'l~d1 • Tnsh, 549-lk>96 alt '!Pm_ 2M2 Busrness Center Dr •v- • • Classification • 1mne. cA 921 1s r:,1~dJ~ldu:1R AN c H


fOI L.liDEIS !

Linda & V• k"' I MANAGEMENT posl · e Name e IC IS Equal()pPortun ty lion 1n our MISSION • ESCORTS+ Employer MrF/ H VIEJOofOce.

, •• Address \ • ,,J~~v~:~TTJ~RS Ans. service. pisnt ore Ideal candidate should C't z· Phone • N.8. Expe~ prer. but possess2 ormoreyears

' . I Y IP - 669-0207~ will tr.-m 3·11 s hirt ()( previous experience • ( Outcall l 548·9236.' · as a supervisor in the re· • Check or M.O. enclosed 0 • l'!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'IAns Serv Pleas ore. tail or rlnanc1al area.

PENTHOUSE NB EJtper pref, but will You will be resPonsible • Charge my ad to: • tratn 3 11 PM shrrt for ·branch administra· •

• HCOITS S48-9Z16 lion. personnel manage.

. • O ~ # Exp. M/F Couples Ap~tManag;.::-e;. me~l. ani d outside sales L .._ • S39 5030 perienced. mature cou· act1Y1t es

• MIC • VISA pie. Beaut. maintained

• * • Exp • « unit , Cosla Mesa We offer an excellent • 0 TT • For women ooly·totaJ Adults, no pets Apt + salary /benefits package

• bodymassagebyDiane. salary /bonus 642.4907 along with the op .

• Lr.::-.:.:::-.-wE~L-L-P-AY-THE POSTAGE-::-.:.::-.: .::::.. • At~~li.!~;-,!!'::er wkdysM. r:!i~:11:lre!~~ro~~~ .. ••• • 1 • eecort. Oiscr. Send bus An MA.MA.GB 1 r- - ard ii ibl PO Box ~ for a very nice, Please send your re-

:.. : 111111 I NN~ ;~;;A~GYE : • I ~774Z~!~i3 ~~li,~.n~\~o~p!~ ~~'!.~~Jto?hlstOf}' •• ! . j 1r 1:~'~i O : e !!:'.~ ............ !~~.! ;~1:~':,,f~.:iar~t~~ ... W.•

!. ~ • 2 fiy tor price of l ! PA ..,.Uon.---.;;;;..-..73H""'-'..-742-. • ..._____ ............ ,, . • ! UNITED ST ATES ,, • Couponl. 13 Countries! A't"fENDENT rtooc.-..

R ,. ... MO=--'. 8.1::;;1::..;·•= ----i Uve·ln, bel~ disabled Dtl lie

,,: ! ,..,~~~~~~o~>e,:~•~•~•Ac~L:~,••• ~ : 1'¢:1! r:.:::::~:.~i@•• . ~n~r. • i - ....... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .A TTIMTIOM: ~. ~ POSTAGE Wll 8E PAD lfv AOOAESSEf • 6 • ScMolt & Ambltiotu boya and

~ Or1ng1 Co11t Dally Pilot gi e 7005 etrlt 10.13 yeara old, to

~::. i Daily PHat - t. .: ! ;~~t~-· ~!i~i~~:~~fri -:z.:a" I _ 1 and conatut adult AA/IOEIM/F 't• IOJl 1 MO __ 11 • .W.W..... 1 071 t uPtr•lalon prnldtd. ·----••I v r "" S ....................... Cal1Jto5:JDPll uk for

•• . 330 w. lay t.. ·· 1 Y.:::/ married mu Andrea, MJ,m1, eat. Mortramilieu.re1etti1a ' I C 821 I I • De odd )obi ••n Ml the campiq "'*I" lbll ,... Co1t1 MIN, A a 'I : • • ...... CH do a _ ______ , )'Hr. If , •• hn • •111"7 ol lllud1maa . . ... ,.en.-.. ~ tlllal'1 llOt •et-• ,'~ ••••••• * · ...... ; ... WIV'I vn 1 UDI ... , .... It DOW

=- r··-··············-···1

•• ., • ___ I a.lf.SA41Mt-M19 wllfa t Q!liWs\d, •


Move on to a bigger Territory.

l.1 •1k1111: l11r .1 • h.111u• 111 "'l»•l•I \'11111 r .1w1·1 •1•1• •rt1u11111··' 1 "'"llk·r I'"' h11t·r~t.1h· &ink \\(' \•· \jln\\11 111 .111 11 ''· '" 11• """~ .,f !1 l~111k' .\1111 ·~ M l lw.1m·l~·' \\'1· r 11~1l m1111 · 11r11><lh·or• 11l•<J pr• •I• """~•I•

CONSUMER LOAN PROCfSSOR \\c 1.llffC'lltl\ l\.iw d <ilrt't'I' l~'rtllll( for ol l 1Mhtllnt1 l nJlll f'rtKL'•><llf lt111.0

lllJlh tYplfll! .rnd I '-'ITllTIUOKatMHI -kill' .Ut' ........ , ... ," K111 .... l1-d!!f• ,,, 1t11· l IHISUrtPCJ lf"'1Jl (X•tt-~SS prC'l..rrt'll lxll "" '" ''"""~I "·11111"

In llu11t 111!!1110 fle,lfh l all hir ,m appomtm101 '" ,n.., II\ lur .111 1n1e""'"' \lnndav-Fnday, ~oo.4il0 ~~Dudik. 7902 Edln11er A''t'ou•. Huntl111· ton ~ach. CA 92647. (7H) 546-8985 or (714) H4HSRI.

TEUER ( Experienced/ Part· llme)

\\1• haw a 1.1.1rH11nt' opi•iunq tur an C\Pl'f'll'lll t'd rrlh r"'lll1"'11nts 111 ht• •l J>olrt · ~ 11ur moov,1t1w R"'"'1h ' uu mu'I IM\t• IM,M m.11h \kdl\ .inti the ahthl) 10 nKnmunrrat1· W<'ll Wllh our 1.u~l<H1wri. ·

In lluntm11100 Be"( h l Jil for 1111 appomhm.•111 Of stop lw lor an interview, \loorlnv· Fn<tay. 11 •Ml-·HMI Rodney Jacobton. t 9945 Buch Blvd., Hunt1n1· ton ~ach. CA 92646. (7 14 ) 960·6575.

TEU£R (Experienced)

t'lpphrant mu~I h11w ti month.'1 expeneoct' &~K malh ~ k•ll' AOO lht' nlMhtv 10 l'IM11m11ril1 a ll' wl'll wtlh our' ll~ltllJlt•r~ Aft' rt"QU1Tt1I •

In '>Mla Ana. 1·al1 lor an ~l'PC"lllmr111 or ~l\)p IJv h1r 411 mtl'l'VK' .... Mc•nday· hi<l11y, !Hltl-4fM) Gent Font. 1018 N. Main Strttt. Santi Ana. CA 92701 , (714 ) 558-5155.

NOTE & COW:CllON TEU£R '1 'II mu~I have Note Uepartment exptnellC't' 1~ludm11 a ~trong background 111

1101 .. s 1·11llectMt0~ wires. and l't'l'llfrcnte 111 dt-pos1L CoUOd verbal and wnlltn rnmmunK31Hlll 'lulls nrt nlsi 1 nen~ssary

In ~th Lagun.:i. call IOI' an apputnlmtnt Of ~top bv for an inttMew. Moncily­Fn<Jay, 900-4.00 Dorit Jobntc>n. Stx Monarch 8-)o Plu., Sooth Uip_oa, CA 92m, (714) 496-1273.

We oller a romprehenstve ben('f1lb poc~ which incl~~ ao efn9loytt sa\llllgS f)lftn. eduratronal reimbursement an emplovte rdf'flal lnCtntrvt program. and emplo)tt banking prM~

Expaulo1L It come• with the Territory.

. 11::..... - Bark .

..... ........ .... "" . . • }


..... ,



Cr:ttt Ellctruic

c.!91~. S..Clllht

SiMt.JH4/ = llmtl:n!ton Beach Union Hltb School Dist rict aeeh an E lect r oni c ·

1-- -.,:-=: Si*Tallit POiftion ~~L dtsifns, 1nsuallsJ moau1es, operates, ana maintains computenzed ele ctron ic e n e r a y manaaement systems, u well as tel ephon e systems.

Selected applicant will have knowledge of com puter microprocessor, electronic technology, i11 c lud l n g . a ba sic knowledge of proeram ming. Applications will be a cc e pt ed u n t i l February 3. Please app· ly at Room 131 or call

M8 UMIO 10251 Yorktown A' e Huntington Beach.

... -- . - .. ~ - --- ... --- --- -- - , 0 • 0 a

Orange Ooaat DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, January 24, 1982

w.w ll•••'!:!'!.~ ..... ?~~ ~!';.!~ ..... ?!~ ~!~ ..... ?!~! !.'!.?~ ..... ?!~ ~!~ ..... !!~~ ~'-~~ ... :.?!.~~ !~!~ ..... ?~.~ ~..!' ....... = MUlllSAIOH llC9'TIOMllT SeleaPart·Time ICTIY,,._.... Teacber for Chri1tlaa lefrl .. r1&., rs· ,

• ~alUhlftt, C1uar11 • ~~ for pre1t11iou1 111011 IMJOYYtSIT 11111'911411 Pre S~lloo l , jl&l mt. ~ -· W I ' A cr11Uve Human R eaourcea ••t.oo per 1 hr1 ~·~time. Work ro~~peopltt ean W~Altl•TOM Dramatic sro•th baa Mo• · 'r l. lp m cbYtrtuhe. W/W , Mana&v wlll have lbe Opportunity to Lucou lle Nurau ~!::11 aZcs~T:fy .. ~~t bt ~=rbl~no~:• UoColn t Hamilton 6 crut.tdtwopo1IUOJ11 for m.1w ; m.1112 __ ..;; .... .-...=- ----eahblhb a re s ults -oriented Re1ltlry '51 llo1plt1I Saturday. !iperienuln ttioua. Opp'ty for ad· ~peopleyou wlU 1e. the po llabed p l'o · TY.AC HE R - lnfanl W*, clea• • · *1f, d epartment aimed al meeting Rd ' Ste 119. Newport ad buildln1 or pase VIMtmlot for lhe rl&hl on tht money 1ou can fe11 lo11l Bulle~ ~eJopment Pro1r1m de••· IWri ... = employees' needs. Skills in m erit Beach. NZ·~-- rnaktupdetlrable. Ablll· Pfl'IOft Rlebard Outllett m1ke u 1 LOI An5eit1 Hayea ' AHor. 15 0 P/ tlme Member o# ,,.mt. A.LI__. ,. 0 mp en s at l 0 n . be n. r l t I . NW"ltnl l )' fut aod I C· Salon' 200 Ne wport nmea clrtuJalion ept ~!'*bollow POr .. 14·1 lrlNdi.aclpllllll')' leam ~I.JI--~ "' L-.. CH"•a.1 atel und 'D NB Odd rep Many people ~. S4f.21625 ersonne Special «I ' Spanllh -or1anlutlonal behav ior and 117 R~tt.c::•Hotp ~eu,ry . f.f::;·~~e er r, · oo the p/t clrt ulatlon llll)!m l§ frtt'_·_ 1mportu t Call J ackie Slo¥e 4.....,.. . .... communication would be helpful. Nwp t Bch Re h ab pends on experience. ~· · Beauty Salon In u les proaram urn • SICllTAIY ~5760 · IM. wt16te m . p . dyn . · ds The Dall Pilot 1t "'"'· neat appearance ' roore than l200 a week Jlortcaae Company In 75MDlllklorClaria

a l'OlttUtake·ClhVaer, ~e, llllllthum:Onims tpiac nylenaeeder·. :r::\t~~~IJ:s~dJ6:!. eq ua l /p po r l unl:; frieadly, a muSl ! Call for workfo& JUJt I few Newj>ort Beac h h u TF£HNIC ~IANC i 2 2 cu ft We1tla01t. .. employer Women and 64M()l2iocapet. houri each cfay slcnlng openlna for a Secretary t r am c apac tor "'ria.frottrree aide-,

P lease s en r esume and salary tact · Mr s 510 n e • mi norities are e n · llC.-TIOMIST llP new Tlmu Su b1crip· with tood organlu tlon Manllacturt-r needs an alde, p!5t ofr. f7MeN ui •" t .!'2·~-- td t I ReaJth Care Mana t llon1 In t heir com · akilla eye ror accuracr tlilryLevtl Technlclan.

req rtmen.., 0 : Nursln& ~bnllt' apopapcpa tyo. ns at Co l I I . mw\ltln. We pay hourly , 6 attention to detal Cheml•. try I. Phy1IC11 Mrii ~ cu ft , I /I w/ tee Box 1002 L VH .,.. nit Uc ll nnt mpa.':fi n rvlne age . t:lecttonlcs naclcgrouna maker 1rn like ou..,. Daily Pilot 7.3 & 3 ll :30 Conv. Jlo•f front counter. has an Imme late open ·I~ '1r;~ou~ com~ Non·• mollkeKr • ,ul a ry Helpfu l. P1y Co m 8llMIU . . " c... for • hlahly t kllled, l · u , .ave ' 11.100. Ca : al e, menaura1e wl

1t h Ex ·

C-Osta Mesa, Ca. 9'l626 NB area P08 au lludu ~ Pl~'~euwion al rel c e P. :,e1•ack afoprp etaal~ lna ~ cewlth M0-9350 perience. Call ror Appl. Rel rig, Adm.inl, 2IO cu ft.. smiles need ed , xlnt llO *='st th.-ut. e are 1 argt1, 1 h'k • .. :ws-2490 clean l280. 8'2-8724 aide benefits CalL64~·804!_ • _, • I rapidly expanding com· ~ e lai to ua about *•SICUT"•llS• * -- Xalde

Nuraina c .... ~ CA. pany, and we need an ln· thi1 greal p/tlme OP· - ,....... BRAND NEW lNurance MAKE MONEY while al dividual who can beat Portuhlty. Call Mon Fri , V.P. Sbl 100$21,600. Sofdt ._

ACCOU..., "DMI... homt. setting up ap· MUISISAIDI ----touri'ma~eand 867-3361, ext. 1204.. GenOfcCooaUIU OO. on Mayt~wuller.dryer "'" " · nnint- nts for comm'I EJcno>f"d all t hini . <.:onv. rA.YIOU ASSIST. 0

" ' "'"" ' Payroll RE •1• •""' Immediate openinas to .....,, 173 5'77 FAtabUshed Irvine In ..- .. ..,,. ..- ll t.huame time andle Salesperson wanted for · · • ..... w work pleasant eve hrs """ · · surance brokeray e with carpet cleanioa. SHo 120 =· rnillet lcf oi:~~, to Sf SO I bustc," Oime'nsion .. attractive women's shoe Elc~ultanl Ours 3 9 Mon Fri mo sellin~ . c I ........ c. q~r:!"'an"'X~~~~~ l de: }~i':~~er~:S.,.~m . Free mJr med , dental ~:S~:1 ~1~if PA00.}. ~~~ aw1tch ard <App rox 'rf"i in Fu hlon Hland. ~Birt=~~U'E~~ hourly wage, call a t Sink, atove, re!rls. $40. mlnlatralor with 2 or ·• &llfeins. Call : 642·8044. perience to Join pre· l30 calls pe r hr > t me , exper pr e · Newport/833-8190/ Free lPM~l51 41N.2788 irore .years aeency ~X · Must ~~~~stic & Office Manager needed sti&ious c o mp a n y ~~~c~":-~J,.~~sM~!i :~7810 TIL ... OHISA.LH Seara __ l_7_c_u_ft_ f_ro1_t_·f_ree_ ~~ ...... ~~__.-"-LA.lf-vU·itmtiYflted -Apply-in for Comm 'I Real Estate Bentley Hayes It Assoc type~ wpm Successful .... rro.ctto.. Fff position open for as ref rig 6 mo eld. SllO.

ec:bnicaJ/Clerical posi· person : Vans Tennis Brollenage in NB Must ~S17~ • . ~~kh~l~~~26~~ . can~date w\11 be as· Need extra lnconit' PIT SICllTAIY sertJve person wtth past Onc$.UO. ~i!i':/:~t:e,~~~~ Sh s.. 42SO Barranca ~~::r~R:~~~t::3 Person nel ser v ice s ~~· e~::111~~~e~~m' opportunity sharinisuc· ~~~~t/~~1~fi1 :: 1 ~~l~~~~~e ~·J:f/fn ~I037 capacity lo com mercial Pk lrvlne. S5l·3304.

11 r rocess1ng ex per pre llOO'"olree. munication skills Com Cell ideas. Call Mi e to- with strong typing & person at Iii&> Placentia llcydet 1020

producers. Benefits in· er ab I Y on Wang Nl·llCIPT. pensation package com day 966-l!lllll shorthand talents want· A\ eC.M ..................... .. elude profi t sharln1 MARKETINf System Work temporary jobs mensurale with bar k· . s.tlt., ed.Applyinperson wilh THERAPIST I nfant MEN'SSCHWINN plan, paJd time off each __ ..... 955 .... 36!!2._ _ closetohome c;round. For interview, Creative Enferprises 15 nsume to: Mr. Fuentes De\•elopment Program &l..ADIES' 3SPD month, commuter reim· MAMIP£MEN VICKI HESTON call Sharon Rasll\$ (714) lnterviewlns for part at Robert Bein, Wilham P111me Mem ber oi S50 ea Cash. 720-03&3 bursement & 1 congenial Ma Offire & ASSOCIATES 641·1616. EOE M / F time work with our new Fro~t It Assor . 1401 transdi!r1pllnary team Girls Nishllc i 12 Spd. working enviroomeot. JDllN££ NEEDED 546- . ............ ,._...._ ~omotional con cept. QuaiJ Sl .. N.B. NOT & feeding bkgrnd. Tourlog Handle Bars. Please call Judy Bell : IUU lMMEDI TEL Y .....,. -- 11 t S h (714 >752·2255. ext 205. A rHSOMHEl F\111-time . must know ce en opportun1ttes nt cess a(; . pa n1s ute New. 1115. 645-4199, Anderson & Aoderson $1200 Secnt.-ita ASSISTA.HT diets. C.Onv. Hosp. NB ~e~!1~~~~~~~eM~~~ SEC'Y/ DEC ~~!~ 57~1

Jackie _.64S4L1..-....~' =---- - -Insurance Brokers Inc with & without p 1 d area, free medlcal, den· " for prestigious Laguna - = -' - - - - - - -E 0 E If h shorthand ersonne / A v~rllsing lal & life ins. Call Jane be ambitious. For In· Niguel land develop TIRE SEIVICE " 444444 ~ ... m /. fitMralOffkr Dept ~as o'Nmng ~er 642-M>« . terview call · Mon·Frl me nt co m pan y . Tra1ne~s ok App ly ~O"IMXllls JOBS JOBS JOBS NEVER A FEE expans~on , pt. Be /. !.SPM700.S?JL ProlessionaLmanner & Newport Tin Center , Redline, w/Takagl l pc AllOverthe Nallon Y011WJ-ll-23Ytar Work Closc>to Home F'inanc1al serv1ces rrrm R E.Sales SECRETARY t.op levelskills amusl 3000 E Coast Hwy' t'rank.shotgun se1t, bv1

Forlist of companaes to Old,HDle,r.t. YICTOlt· I ~pert~~ngN~~~~t~~ · 1 CH££R 2days per week. Laguna lirtdMtradflc CdM dbu t/y rt1 ml s , a .. '2,oy t'OOt~fi: 16021 252 O'J79 •JDGH PROMOTION Temporary Service 640-0123 ~~tween 9-2. M Ac l'l g . o ff 1 c e, no n (714)831-8031 -- -- - - an sea c amp. _, or

POTENTIAL ~8520 EOE MIF OPEN HO srroker. P.O. Box 1134. TRAMSMISSIOM bestqffer.~98.12 OP. 527 •SUPERB TRAINING ~!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!ll!!~i , Sales USE La a Beach. 92652 S.C:'y/ Operatiot11 Exp'd automatic & S!an ~ ._

---"~n 7 Day~ -CASHBONUSES ""! Top sports progr ams M...,., da r d tra ns m is s ion Racera Wanted ' Moming UGA.l SECT PROFIT SHARING 0-'ty Aval1 .. t located adj J ohn Wayn'e COSTA MESA t I SECllETA.IY Excltin" career opp 'ty builder nl'eded Xlnt t · · 20 j 0 · i

u tigation exr . Newpon • for seCJ' motivated indiv Airport Growing firm NEWPORT Someone who doesn 't for brFght energetic wages, working rond1· raamng . mi es. Center,smal fi rm Non l714t964-5473 eager to learn Mrktg & needs 4 reliable people :rUESDAY mind working for a liv· person interested in in hons & benef1ls Pleast> I days 7G0-0327 eves smoker, M6·3733 _ l !M!!!!!!!!!!!!a t!l!!u!!!!r!l!!e!!!!!!!!!!!!W!l!!o!l!!m!!!!!a!!n!!!!!r!l!!o~r l Dislr ki l l P ·r interested in ma king II J ANUARY 26• 1982 Ing Ralseswl thout ask· rnat ional tr avel . apvly at · Art Ca r r Mlclll)Mllhri•IOJS

M8·699S money Good future . 7:30PM ing lt you 're worth It anguages & young peo Transm1ss100 Co 1057S ••••••••••••••••••••••• Assistant for babvsitting infant F T o R D E R D E K steady employme nt girl ofh r e. Expr or ~Rapidly expanding Bechler River 1\\ • 1" V ~w 25•,FT elderly gentleman L1\e "Ou·r hm ., \ ' ar4a cc77660 tr~•RAA "•"9237 b ed d "'""""« ~

. in 2br 2ba apt in C ~I 8:is.4.SJ9 r .. CUSTOMER Sfo:R\'ICE ~ - CALL MISS RICH ""''~ · ""· an as stu. enl "'"~ Redwood 2x6 ecking, CA 92646

(714) 964·3339. ext 220

Ex·execut1ve wishes to PERSON Exper pre ,."SSM"... I 714-645-0303 SICllETilY I exc hang e program I TYPESITTER 4-20' long also redwood MECH "' .... IC ferred, must ha \'e '!ood '"" "'" loc at ed 1n 1. a g un.i p T "' & s ·

dependenct' but nl'ed ~ 1 Macgregor Yar hts. sense of humor . gd :wiOCD and ltek Call Calltoday and gelall the PQ6"1llon 111 photography n ITEK Quad "'Jpt gua r J im or Ken

t maintain optimum 1n· "'" Exper'd on AB Dick EXCITING front offlre Bearh, is s eeking a

0art •rrlt'. r~ves at fencing Lowest pri ce

equal oeply applicant would be an saJari. Call646 !1664 · d t I R I bk.le g k II ed sec~e aria 5 1 5 u .\1rporl C.a ll Bob or -.;~~.o.=..:..=..:=---• some assistance Ideal 1631 Placenlla, C M benefi ts. romvet 111' l' _646-781! 9·5 IMlkeJ answers to what a future studio Typing and hghl pe r s to n. 1 1 rko 1~ g b1 ~ 81' a c h "J ear J WI anvi1me, 646-9885.

employerm flh intelligent, reti red male MB>ICA.LA.SST rRJMTI.,. J at;t~5;at!snc~ldm::n 542.~for1a~p{eqwr arutious to rapidly as Sh elly n 2 162S Ol ympu s OMl · l • 7 ~!!!!!l•!!!!m•!!l!l!!!IJ!!!!!!!I ood h 1 d p T E p 'd f ont ofr 'adl~ I lite) "' - - s um e ma nag er 1 a I • • chrome body l 450 mm -= : UI & P )Sica con •· So x I rbkk shipping and some typ 360 AB 01clc , top quality to YOU responsibilities while de 9~1 ~M 1-· +Olymp"• .7c: to •• FAcrow/ Home loan ex· lion who would provide me ins., l pg & p · Id 1 f 11t'Ork o~ Management alin · h · 1) 1 ~ .. ,, .... " ....,, peri P Profess ional "O m pa l.\l'ina Fashion Island, uig art lime ea or s ""4 o .. .,., SICllTilYfUEC. g wit \'ISlllng stu pis z.oom lens &case. S350. ence. art time lo , ' w.... housewife Hours fh.• x1 resl!Q!l · · "" ·-.... p I d · · dents from Scandinavia Part Tune Wanted For br85CH20l ruonship for free board & ~ B. 644-038l ble Temporary P T cashie r , ~ves & ~onhna~ ':pe~T~~is~~ & Germa ny. Starling Mon Wed Frida> - --~2776

GB&AL OFFICE ~~~~mpensation MEDICAL OFFICE S4S S228 wknds, no exp .. Call Mrs expansion Nwpt Bch. s alar y S 16 . 000 + Ou~ractor'I O!flce New bidet w1polisbe4 Typing & light book . -- - - Exp ' d f root off 1c e 1 il Bower 675·2790 wkdys flnanciaJ services firm benefits. Seod resume or Call Lee al 673 ~o brass plumbing fixtures. lceep1·n11 Part i t • mA I ' --- person for busy urology l ' TTIME TEl.LH ~ Good typin~ shorthand , letter to: A.S.S E . 228 TYPIST/ RECEPT pdSllOO, sell '596.

" " , ........,, ...lfice Some back off1"e Great spot in Dana Pt o- ep•·on1st •011m1.~ _ ,OllS k No r-ast Hwy Lag 9SS-Z2721963 7333 Moo-Fri, fl u ible hrs "' ' Some c h ......... " exper req on·smo er · "" · una Opportunity for bnght. --· ---645-5421. _I CONSUMER exp Need good refs II typing f as der or Parl·T1me Ou lgomg 2299 Harbor Blvd. Call 640·0123 between Bearh, CA. 92651. dependable self startt' r IC-ras Ir

Good benefits. Fullt1mc. le er exp pre erre r ersonaUty a Must Be Costa Mesa. CA 92627 I ~2 .r.r""~REC~ -r-. ""-~ 1 ~ IOlO a_....1 Offlc LOAN H s 847 "IV\• - , icr, • J~ uv~11m arruratc ) , -wt ·-- e . area. '"""" c up d I f' d I I Able to do u Variety or . h . k'll l t d f f r·-Cl k N C a rov1 en e era . . wit eeping s 1 s, ap 1 u e or 1gurl's. •••••••••••••••••••••••

Office H:~r~me~?!~~ PROCESSOR MB>ICALRECEPT Savings. 496·6l33. ~~lies such as tYPLl)g. AnEqualOpptyCo. I f ttime Send resume s good phone personahl} IV1, 1t ar Thyristor 285 Ope • c k Busv front offi ce. ex· EOE M .~ filing & be al ease with Restaurant Now accept Secretary to. C & R C.Onstrurtion, & Il l' able to handll' nash $50 V1vitar 75.205

rung for ler wll h SH ow ad , --- phones Involves dealing · '· · f • c oc SunJ d L c h h ff 10 Key by Touch to ftdtt- per 'd only , Newport , with residen ce of a 111gappucat1ons or new1 bec.Stcr..t~ ......, an n . oslll ea\ ) P •lne t rn 11• Ca non mo unt SlOO. Process Sales Reports & u l .. iftcJ Center 644·0970 ,ilTTIME Pnvate Home Owners Sandwich Shop. part El ec troni cs co 1n Mesa. CA 92626 Ple~ant. work ing rond1 ~alcers SIOO 673·0822 Credit Canb FIRST MESSENGER 6-9pm Expanding youth l Assoc in I r vi n e . lime help Hou ~s 10·21 !--aguna Bea~h has .an SERVlCE STATION AT llonsmC M Pl t>~Sl' c all D 1040

c.1644-4460 INTERSTATE Fu ll·t1me days , for counseli ng firm ha s Worlcdays areSal, Sun& PM.Exrellent pa) 152151 1mmed. open1nga va1la· TENDANT P lime Ap CaJ mella S452666 .!'!' .. ••••••••••••••••• Sewport Be a ch law operu9gs for 3 5 sharp Mondays 9·45 to 5·30 ~~d~e. Hunungton I ble If you are an exv'd ply Shelrstation 17th & Women v. llh lran~porta KEESHOND Pups. AKC.




BANK Orm Must be bright. re· outgoing mature people Ideal Sil~ation for Slu· 1 Mraiad~e~reen Bolsa & Exet. Secretary with ex· Irvine, NB. t1on to house<"lcan. part Champ sire M IF. Pet & habit'. & own dependa to motl \•ale amb1t1ous dent Call Barbara for - ce ll t ypi ng s kill s Service station 1\ll en· time . SS OOhrl~ Mu~l be s ho v.• p,. t pl y ble car 7~ 6426 ask tor i 10-IJ yrolds Call 2Spm l nte r v1e v.• Appl a t SALES.IOATS i 70+wpm >& ableto de· danl, exp , ref rt'(! , 1Jref f.ast. ihorouith &_!!HI 2130071345aft 6pm

Mmlt-.ctM• Dependabl e , ~x penenced, full 111ne days for office bldgs Nev.')>Ort Beach Phone 644-1.526 9 lo l2 week dl):S

Diane. 642·4321. ext 343 Ask for 5$ 1MlO Between 9·5PM . Boat sales expenence al With people tactfully· age 30 & up, day shift, ( 1 t' n l U 1 Jn" • 14 -- - - · ~ddl ed Andrea . helpful selling ad\l'rt is handle rorrespondence. Sun off 9 hr d a' .ll&l 9'7t1b I Doxie Miniatures. AKC

31 roslttoM i.: •SECRETARI AL

• e-ag codmpamon Rec~t ing spacetoboatowners stat lypuig, phones & a S2751wk + comm NBI Reg Mal e s . S300. lo eld~rly la y Prvt Good clen cal organita· & eomm'I Hottest new vanety of admin duties. 644-7151 • ~~ Females. S3SO 549-0373 room & Bath + board & 'AST'EUP P'EISOM al k'll so WPM raJJ us' Somt> arrount· - - -Sal NB area, close lo S days a week 1nch4ding uon c!.J1 s. Iler Ex manne magazine Xlnt I in' or .boo&keeping ex· SERVlCE STATlO:'ll :\T •••••••••••••••••••••··1Wire Fox Terner Pups . 4 bay & bch. Ref required Saturday Art or draft . a:i g w :r c nd i. mcome potential Draw per desired We offer TENDANT. P T e\•en ,....... to05 ~1mths AKC S300 EA 673-2409 llli bacJt&round helpfol ~.~~'nct f~n ~en~f1ts . against comm aft er ex~ pay & benefJt& m I inp ., wknds, neat ap- •••••• • ••••• ••••••••••• 1114 1 828-0224~~----•DELIVER Y

•MARKETING -ORDER ENTRY &OTifER AREAS • I lf it ' sgot Models & Escorts. Fem F\IU eompany benefits ss1 6.116g0ana ~I ~~.9!J r 1 0 d eluding our pearance & handv. nt * 300/~50°/0 OFF• DOBERMAN PUPPIES

Only Top SS. Apply PE:-lNYSAVER -- ' -- 4DA.YWOllCWfH ing Apply at 25901 Antiques A Touch of s.50

$1000 I handles

• you' ll grab a sale

I 642-48.52Aft 12. 1660 Placenlla A\•e . U11hllats t0Go·l'arts SALES 1 C.Ompany 1s located 2 N rt Bl. C.M L1 as.s lntenors 711 W 714·894·6561 C M I \\'h.ile\ er the F:ic:l Creative Enterpnses I nu. from C.Oast Hwy & 8 Si.upping R~e1v ing li th •A2 c M 642 1112 ~ Id

I faster in I Daily Pilot I classified I ads. Call • 642·5678

Models u..11..tttd M k h Roll t'tn off the ma rkl'I 1s int er v1 ew1n g for nu from 405 It S Frv.1•s. Clerk. Some Expen i:ncl' --· , ' 1Dalmatian. 17 mos 0 · 1\:eeds tall at1r act1ve a e you r s opp1n 11 1 W11h a Cla:.s1f1t'<I Ad P lime work wilh our Please call for appt I Required but will train ANTIQUE WALNllT has papers, shots, loves


NlffltltED (7141964-5354

mm women for agency easier b> using the Daily CJ.JI Nov. • t;.12 S6711 new promotional con Te l o n• c Berke I e Y. West Airport Area :.1 F 4 PC BDRM s_r.T kids, SlOO 964·5152 asstgnmeni.s. 548·7762 PllolClass ifa~Ads I <" epl Ex re l op P e r so n n e l De pf 40hrweelc S4S.5344 .~ E'es.0738199 Purebred Pit Bull pups.

MOTB. MAIDS porturuties and valuable 7H-49t·t40l Sr A.ccat 5291( FT lg wa.JI clock t'h1mes I 6 wks old. SlOO t2) ~ time positions for EXECUTIVE experience for college ' 8 S d • · f SSOO . onenlal va3e S75 548-9670.

1 Cd•f st.ud. ents Must be am · - I c. tegg+r3ee m mance olrl 631·S979 ' .. h•a .' pso loveable .... sma I mote . " 5'I 25 bilious For interview .,.... a en yrs exper w1 - ..,...., " . . •v to start SiJ.4S20 SECR.ETARY call 760-8213 Mon thru ~ret:ia'. NB S18.~ I enable yo. u lo Join this in Antq oak ~ ew1n11 t ab rm old female. ginger ·

General Labor Coif Stora ge P T . private Country Club Call : 644·5404 8 30am

Friday l lo 5 J.>m lllis gol e.n. opportunity temational firm Pos1 w ma ch $ 17~ . A ntq oak color Sl2S 968·8219

Da- •1 ,., .&. , - •• 15 JUSl w~tang for your I tion entails aud itin g. tabll• SJOO. Lamp $15. •J<c Golden Rel u s

. I' I al·········· ···•••····.,:. 1

s a.les girl, oulgo1nl( & expert1se inhan~ling the budgetin g, fin anrial ' Ant q o ak r h r S4 0 " h 1 h ~ P& LOCATED I .... FASHIO .... ISLA..._." fnendly, 18 yrs or older, P .res 1 d e n t s a d j analysis + relatt'd ac 851 3922 r amp in es. s o s

" " "" Jr sptswre, full or part mirustrat1ve dul1es You rountin fun r l1tl ns I wormed.S195 S45·7684 l : m Tues·Sa!

GEN'L OfC to S900 Excel typtn& skills and a professional approach will be Lbe key to your s ucc es s Fa nta s t ic growtb opport un it y BenUey.Hayes and As· soc 1570 Brookbollow Dr. 1Hl4, S A s.49·2625 PtnOllllel services lOO'"r free.

Adyertl.Sl·nn Sale.S Bi'g 8 CPA fi' rm located in time Second Clanr e. will make your own de- 1 Bentley.ifayes & . .\sso~ O\·er 150 )r magnificent ISm Whl Poodle Mix. sio J. I 2122 W Ocean F'ront. N ll c1s1ons when necessary . 1570 BrookhollcN. 0 r I massive dining set ~ed Lo\es Kids.

F ashio n I s land is seeking 675-3361 '.'"isl with travel.filans 1 • 114 . S.A 549 · 262~ velvet uphol 8 chairs. - 848·7976 "Exper newspaper display salesperson to • handle key acrounts for Orange Coast D:11ly Pilot Salary, comm1ss1on and excellent benefits Growth opportun111es for person with career amb1t1ons. Send co mplete resume to M ar) I Fendel, PO Box 1S6<1. Costa ' 1 Mesa CA 92626 ~o phone calls, pll' An Equal Opportuni t> Employer.



·····- ······ ········ ··· ·················-

Ge n Ort 1ce - C l e rk Typist. F T 8am·5pm Perm position Entry level. 40 wp m Small comp a n y w go o d benefits Ann s.42-9363 •••••••••••••••

GlRL FRIDAY Balboa • I Peninsula_ Type, Good •• IMMEOIA.TE OPEMIMG • Skills. Refs, Sal Neg Med Ins. Super Detail • Motor route in Prime Newport e

' Persoo! 673.-3591 Be a ch a rea . Low miles ; ap·

I HAMDYMA.M-r/T e prox im ate ly 350 cus t om e r s . •

F.ducatlonally oriented • We e kda y hours 2 :30-5:30pm. e co. Hours nex. Preferra· Sa t & Sun. Sam·7a m . Minimum ble AM . Ca ll Bell y e amount of collecting . For de · • Bruce: 979-1955.

HOUSHHrElt e t a i ls c all Br uce Cart y o r e Penn. position 2S hrs wk • Foster Ouellet at 642·4321. •

us. Hunt. Harbor ber


r ~it~ anny, •• •• • • • • • • • • • • p/time, 3p·m lo 7 Xtra 1

~::~ble . 536·4048 liilv Pilat .. .. ......... .. ....... , HOUSHllPH · I J ·

8 u_ II I D d M o n . , ; ; I Jmekeepint aod child &~ •--t Ex · care La1un1 Bea cb . lllfll1Nilf ...,.,_, IC.

/ Ana. 141-8700 <Eva) Immediate opening for ad.vt!l"t:islnc ac.eount dl.Ja 417..a1 eves and • ..k..s. executive lo sell bolh weekly & dally

· oewspepe.r advertiling tD a wide variety of ''\'·" acce>u.ota Must be self starter. wwa . : wi Un(. to develoe accounts in a new .. fl$ terri\orY. Space sales exper. needed. Salary

B • I • f • JlllS a>mmlsslon. Benefits. Send resume to .:!n:~ ~~:,Pl~! ; Cart l Olson. Dally Pilot. P .o. Box ueo. ffu tl11t on Bea c h ·: CoataMeaa. CAtaa. Nophooe ca.Its pleue. llrmeb. IDalde 111• no • ' pr'OIPedlu, attractive 1

: , ...... ..._ f'l-.:...1 u-Mer COID"DHtlOft pack11e : .... , ~·- IMll

hall compen11· : fi•• poeltlon opmlna for an exper c asalfled dm ttalllillt. E1- • •·pta I h · -• bWtl .-1•-• f I t bueflll : .. Y ptrlOll w t manaiem..... a t i . 1 - Id Mutt be Innovative. capable ol organiJaUon ==~P=•~:. : ~ • lmplementllla new product pro1rams. mnt ,ot•tl•I. lom

1: Send NIWlle to Carol Olton, Daily Pilot, ,

11to n.t:::Dct 6 I: P.0. 8oxlS, CGltaM .. , CA9raS2S : ...., ..... . ~

• 111111 ........ : .;;J ~""~ •• 11 .. 11,trlHetd In · : ~ .. e.wuJ U tU1tnrlH ... ; ·£i ,, ..... c.u -'-a-~~ . I : :

·!'L. \ _J__~o,poit·~~J_jj iiliiijliiiiiiiiii .. ~\ ·ow up•• ... •• ' ..... '',...,......••''• • • 1 •'•

1 ..

a Professl·onal secretar y . SA~ I and take lols of SI for a Personnel serv1ces 100' • 1 huge table. ornate carv y'--"'-'-'-'-'-1- 0_4_5

bu sy bos s Gr e at rree 1ng Appraised l lS.000, n-..r Git

T Y P I. n g 7 5 w p m , f~IOR DESIGN beoefits. must sell S7,0006'42·3957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f1a1 r for deror al1ng TeodMr - --- - Free' Shellie Setler Mix

S h 0 rt hand 100 Wpm • necessary fl ex hrs. will Coociltator Antique oak Hoosier. xlnt Female 11 mo. needs yd.

f k . train. 661·6589 IL..- ... ' f ' t E <'ond, S2SO 1890 cl()(k, 646-4811 c a p a bl e o w or 1 n g ~ "•· ro 1 • · S1S0 6*-8127 ...;...;..;...=;."------

i nd e p e ndent l y . well sJtWc~=~S ;~·~•· ,rograni .,- r.•••• 1050

Orgaru.zed a nd vers at1·1e . •c• •p to 1.s ANNIVERSARYSALE 1•••••••••••••••••••••••

I nrHOHI ...... S.....s"' ••IBUY ** C ompe ti t iv e s tarti n g andolherworldfamous HD.si11YawC011t- ' JA N U AR Y 3 0 .

artists Sl.000 wk in .....tty THdl s-.llsh lOAM 9PM Good used F\lmiture & s al ary a nd e x ce llent come potential Leads 4S'JOCampus Dr .. NB .. T'ci' ~ ' ApplJances--OR I wUI be r'ts furnished, new car & 557-6122 .. ~d.ittcJSpr- 1 Door Pnzes sellorSEU.ror You

n e 1 ' Hawau vacation incen· 14211 Yorba St.. Tustin llMa. Salary A.pproi FREE Soft dn nks & rof MASTBS A.UCTIOH CALL FOi APPOtNT..en' tive plan. Mr Copple. 731-7711 $BOO. Call Jill ot ' .fee 646-Ul6113J-f6J5

' ) 640 9200 675-0233. Ulll45J.3524 I c~~~~sT~~se KING INNE RSPRING 714 • ABBEY EXTRA FIRM mattress

EXT 247 ANTIQUE MALL s~. never used, worth • 11751 Westminster Ave s.u>. sac. S248del. Never

EOUAl OPPORTUNITY EMPt.OYER Cardeo Grove used queen u, worth

RCTaylorCo 640-9900


YOU need s peciali zed , pe r sonal ' 'How To" tr aining from one of the m ost s uccessful s ales trainers in · the business.

YOU WANT to work In a plus h . well-located offi ce with a group of hig hly motivated professionals .

YOU desir e the c ha nce to grow with . .a rapidly expanding, progressive .company.

CALL ME NOW in absolut e COD· fidence

MIMM ••Wt 640.HOO. orfices in Newpo('l Beach,

Palm Sprin1s & Rancho Mira1e

RC Taylor C ·'l ---~

~ 554·6103 m . cash only, 1218 del ( <..._ __ ~.....,...._ _ _,} ) Usually home1 754.7350

IANTBD ( c--"'"'!lc:cs~--) >

NewspaJ>tr Carriers for ~outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach

• GoodEs111ucJs • Super Trips • GrtatPrfln


Appl.en IOIO •••••••••••••••••••••••

HARBOR AREA APPUANCE SERVICE We buy used appliances - Wesell recond .. guar appliances. 549.3017


G« m for your opera· ble l«OOd refrigerator. It's eo1tin1 you up to 1144 or more a year ln electric bills ! Donate your operating attond f'dri,erator to ooe ol charities llJted below, IDd be 1ure to menllon t.b1s IJ)fclaJ olfer wbea you make arrao1•· meata. Gtt a receipt, IDd 9ouUMnl Calltonua

MUSTSB.L MahogfJly double bed with rflattress. Moon shaped mirror on bead· board, ~080 631-7797 aft6

Woodworb Bantoola b5 ea. Round table 4 cbain $150. fln.7737

Kint size Waterbtd on pedestal w/6 drawers. S250ollo. ~aft 2

Frenc.b Prov. broude Mtttt,E:.oraqe/nd, down , like MW, llOO/O .&44°IOIS

McMall OM Hall Tree, lllO. lme St.• · 0111 Dbl Bd St. - · 10' lell, ... ,.... Bd, ... Kl• Bd COmpl, . . ......

ldllaD .W pay you SD. Coutb, I ' 1old/ 1retD Your doulioa la tu._ tru1btd !~!!!!.i. 1l1t ductlble . ...... pickap by -. ... ....,. . the cbarity. 1'b apaclal Brand new tolld oik oil• aplrtt Marcb u, bdrm alt, •Ill"-· lahr dttalla, ,._.: ~ tradllimal. Ul ...

c.t.., ·----· ·-----· ----iMW• Cburcb r ._=._.Mia. JT14),,,.., '-. .... .....

Oildr9'1....... ~ llallt I • · Iii• flOrllll~ ~

<'FM> mi.a II• ..._.. .. YIMllt...... etfftt .... t1M1. A

(TM)-- ....... .. .......... ..

·---------------·---------- - - - - - - - -

Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. January 24, 1982 n ••• '•111• ................. ...._., _.. tllt w... .. ............ ,.... . .... w ... JI .... ............. •••••••••• a.; IMI 1111111 M71 ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• ........ •••••••••••••• •••••••!'!f ••••••••••••• ••·····••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Janal J.- ~table ....................... - ................... 'C...,..-w/hllibJ,tWi.- Wl.-TOUI W t71J .._ t7JtMw•••.. t74t ftlrltool bat , near lft!:C:.~Al.Ji. quit· Ollia6et•ft lllOClria1 witJI dolll. WM• W. SW toOIUl9 CAif ....................... _ ................... _ ....... •••••••••••• •••me All. , 1out botULI,• .... ~ ldtred · f 2112• .... ,,... . II>~ rtfna. un1:.C~.wt n.. ..... tC.i/ am:i.., ' & · ... MIN1•11 fTS, ltitaclal TV , SM. ~>' taHi wl.ltlal .. WI loatSllp. SllO Pft Cli1111fi1 tlJI . 1 06 31 te • .. = ~,:.ZSii~~ room· t balu . .' 8ea11ty mo. __ .............. r ~· • .,., , .. 1 .. bAke. flS. MMa Saloa laalrdryera and MarUT,.._ MllMST ,._..(I llll + tu. e mo. O E.L. Compete HoUlt ol Im· - . - hydraulic cbalra, mlr· n ' SI Ip av a I I ab I e . '17 T.- I · '-"'" Ca COit MN4 RH porU DtNct &tuued • ~· ~uitar, 1 t ek:p ron, ahelveundplantl. Newport Harbor Pvt IMTOWM . . : • ·~J varu. la41UZ To!al mot. Hntlblt pymlt • • llD amp. OUD I Alie>. mak• l.!I>. tbampoo MMM4 mT ~ '"' I pmll SSfft IZ Coat D I • I 2 l J 0 r arul..:! I« be1lnoer 1Ddhalrprochltl1. N.B. tllp. Up to H' . <OIRIU) I " 1 "°!-"C41111y W.An leaee 1406 st to take 714/MERCEDES la 21.I llO. i 50. iidl work CIJl'3U154or Water/PoWtr, iir Udo. *H.arborBlvd. A In rema lnln1 'll Otlivuy Order VOllrt cr714/07·2m

aut.•7458 a.fters, •t8Clt ~1•9001 Brenda. COSTA MESA Models • Demo• are Today! · Redwood bot tub 6' c...- 1096 still availa ble ! We • • i-~•IS d iameter X 4 • ' w / -~ lelf + lllldaliae ln : E11ropean ' .,.,.,.-~ b b U00/ 080 •H•••••••u••••••••••• 5$' Newpo. rt rt M MooriD1 WE PA y cfelivtry and flawless l9CZ J4IO .:t:,&1 • ' Eat ab Ii I bed Cl UI II t Y s7M01S pl"HWlltd BMW 'a. &In roof, ca111tt1 • 4 ••••••I Painter, Harbor refer. TOP DOLL• R Wbtre Customer .......... ~ .. DALI" Lltbo " NSL trade wotk for 1d eond. Sllp lot Niil 11 ft wldeto A Service Come a lJt 1 -tram. C»t03> ·

llll•lalave$oaAppl, 1Sl4 Dover. N.8 . Bar 11&1.let f49" 1125. uk for vehlcle.94.5-1468 H ft 1001. 1250/ mo FOIUSID C.AIS Salee·Servlce·Ltasill& · SIJ,950 Pura, Clotltea . 1272 lloolt, ttereoeqlllp., ete. JlmMZ·5'54 TV....._ &tlboaCovet67H15e AL.AMMAeMOM aW. lJl SantaAna JIMSUMOMS pytt\er!IB. lO · ZPm Sat / Sun . JEEPS· Government ....... IOtl N!WPORTBEACR .......... ..., POMl'IAC/SUIAIU (114) Us·317l IWOITS

OleWlCl 0•~11110 e0,1e101~ -.,, s11 rplua Listed fo r ....................... Shore moorinl w/ 9' ltl7ft •Hw.4 a.IDHartiorBlvd. iii~Cbed~Rl&.1;·;11,daiyiiil ---':...&-4..J..,_.,=--......,.;..:z'--1 m!:P01 ~.f81 ~ACH .... ., - Garaae Sale, Sat/Sun. 13,118.00, Sold for '44.00. '82 color Sanyo Ill" re- Kiff,otfer. '121H440 11nt tosie, Ml power, COSTA MESA '71 1200, stick, s tereo,

!!J!!Ly. BcUun-lloe Pioneer turntable , For Info Call (312) 11llle control, s ' wka old, IMh. CA-w totO wirewbeela. Completely MMJOO 549·1457 jrww~~fr~look~1~1Llood~.~S99Sg:·J~~!!!~m.!'!9300~~~ l'::tGaraie"'·le =ter table, bab" 931-1.961. Ext2239. ~r warr, ......... *•""'. --.- IWtored. ha&enior Clua &42-3W1t1kdys'3l·S252 09 1 "v.~ fl"fH-I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..&1. • ..1. .. •- WI IUY ES Sit Aaot.5Pm , wot misc. 651 Fri4 115 22 Survival ri- aaertflee $495. Also In ltl uu ........ ol eom· 1173 MERCED BENZ UJl~St. C.M . Vlctoria,tA,C.M. ne '75. 'tove seat 115 12" GE color 1165. Call llJ STOWE ~Ulloa. Serious In· Cl.IAMC.AIS M '725 220D Aut om a tie .--------11.evl c.cwdl . ... .... '*"'. 631·1113 6J6..Q329 Q\iri•ODly. ·~nuc•s ...................... tran1mi11ion and a ir _ .. ... "'"" -_, Brava, 2 IJtre fu el lnJ.. condilionlnl This one it

SUPIRBOWL YOIMIC Ihm Siles. bod CarTopCarrier. Fit• All Mont1omery Ward s Monthly boat • RV 76Mln 1982 wrnty., 11,000 m1 dnt jlllt like new.' (215"1). ftlll!ND:, Sm, Pool Table, Cara! Only Uaed Once. AM/FM stereo phono, 2 1tCJr11e for any alie, it !!!!!!!!l•l!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I co nd ! 16 .200 d ys 0 995 J i m Marin o

lrvlae, Fri/Sat / Sn .141Santa111bell. $40. 5'Sl·l322 s m. speakers . $55 . br ucurity , free MODELS 152-27611 Vcikawaaen,8'2·2000. lOam to lpm. Livlo1 ~ ......... 1 ·-------1 673-9018. launehio1 6 w11blo1 '511 AU1tiD Healy. lOM. • "" ' · - -- I · 1 N t ...__._. p·•-t ... T 76 nat X· l9, new ml, Mercedes •• 81 SOOSL, 1[11 · :' =~:~0c!f. Ftarolt ure , pla'Dts , FAN, powerful adj . Pioneer Reciever $150, ~.ef~'1· Ba~kphy hln i'or~ae.'i~i:: HERE new eng $3000 farm . ired. avail&1 '823llOSEL. er eoMOle, old refril , elothes , lawn tools . beigbt 5'-9', 2' blade. $75. :i Garrard turntable Dr. Newport Beach. F\nn.s.!MDU ..u"\W! 67H•. Also avail 3llO &i ,SOOSL', houaebold atuff, alt i ~i:s. ':~~~· t:o~~1e1: 9M-800I · 851·3922 &M--0610 '61 <:bevy, 2 dr, 8 cyl slk, ""' • '727 SEL'

11 SEC's Great

.t .. fr woman ' s 10 ori G at bod ... lnt HHiff IUYH e ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Wester n Importers • • · Sat·Sun 10.S PM . 3025 G d bl · h I- re Y • · Top dollan for Sports ~2324 569 92A6

rr'i. Near Cu.Iver and s a m 0 a p I ( 0 f f .. d'~?t ~oaueer. ~t< . T1 - .,...... Rum perf. Many new c B c CL...-L _..... '77 Acrord. !111pd, am fm I • - .._om Cutu .. r 2Pr _,. ,.. .. _ $12 SO •a ..... , • - ' • ..,., . n . ..... _, t d f an, u1s. ampers. ~·ow....- 6tereo cass, dot cond '75 .u. SL. Su ..... rb "'Ond , .. , . rT . ... Labrador) CM . ,.,_._nc1. . "' . caU""'""708 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..--· .,._or ra e or 914' Aud' ' ...,., ... ~ ..

take Walntat Eut to 754-6494 H0.1146 Bea·~~:ul.....,RCAClrTV. Z Arcr.ft 9110 4x4or?536-718'7 ~fO:. iicMGR atl1ctbtof ~~alt6 m. SiJverBlue. $21,500 Yale. Leftoa Yale, right 11w ....................... . 53 Packard Clipper. One JIM MAllMO DIMOs 9d '76ACCORD Priv PIY644·7266 ca S.Crament.o, left on 1-------•·e • yr wmty. Free del. TV P---w-.a.......1 "---. aood "'ond. l"lllU• ITV Good eond S3200 , 50 S H lt t 11 ~yt.....a S LI • IC ··- John' ""' 1786 - -- vwng " VOfJCSW.&11!!.ll.t..I ~,,_..., 1

75 ~ E er a1e o a ey - .._ A w~ 1011 .s.._. '77 1'210, loaded. OC AP 557·211191. "",.,"" -~AMA..tED 494·39881'97·5682 malted Helena, Ganie WISTCLI- -- Sans 9090 . .. "" T 18711 Beach Blvd. """""""" Blue w/b ue int , al e, 15. rr •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• w _,.,. eac ~hrs min. Call Paul or '74 Jensen Interceptor, HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTOMOllUS '76 Civic. 5 spd , new tape. cruise, priced tG

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!I Prol. pool table, ping· Childs car seat in good A~ ReeltoReel~ Jim. 714 -752~2266 or s.sKmi, SlO.OOO/OBO l4Z.ZOOO aawtl•oflMto <'lutcb, brks, tires, up· se ll , Sl l , 900 pp pone table, furn., trains, condition, also girls 090613-081.2 213.Q&.5021 645-SlSO , __ __.:;...;:.:::..~=--- fti..,.... hol • reblt eng X Int 900-247!.

S~J!:,g t:b~:!;tdh:ankt ~~~;l~g c::u~~~·~~~ clothing~~~· Mn ll" Coiof.TV c-.111, S•/ COLLECTOR'S ITEM WINIED ...... llu. ~~::sd SlOOO. 551 SSO~ W--.,;ANT..=..;..E~D;.....-M-B-Z4_50_S_E-L,

ldtcbmware. 551·9553 bass g\itar &i amp, etc. w/rermte control, $275. W ti ZO ·~Ford GaJaxy 500 YOUI UOTIC will trade my 1974 ~ 1\arnlture Sale·. Custom lSOOHi~dDr. NB t4niccll 1 955·22721963-7333 ....................... 2 dr,Jreat eond, 35K &llllTISHCA.IS CcilorC:O..lll '79

XL .t.ccord , full y Rolls Royce Silvei "·' / l"•PM .... ..£... 1011 1979 VW Ca mp e r on·a .......,/080 TODAY! equip., 5nrf. lo mi, xlnl Shadow Evcell cond.

Game Set, Stereo In ..,.. n .,.... .wwn . ... ........ . - s··-. ·-vtc.. cond' aft~75·8438 __ ._ ' 3 6. 0 0 OA I/ a I u . 8anllay C bin · ••••• .. ••••••••••••••••loafs & M.n.. Dynamite Spirit Con- 646-0886 ~I ~ _... "' , 11

AqlWii! Way too Many Items to A~ sac. $250, ~s~ Eqm,.... version Pop· Top. P-27 Model T Pick Up Bed. W5'NG l9llO Honda Accord 3·Dr (647VELZ>. Call 760-8702 Etacere, Coffee &i End Ust! 401 Princeton. CM. lt.alian made Frontahm ••••••••••••••••••••••• type. 27,000 one owner xlntcond. l200. S • "DLEB •CK 5 spd, air. lo ma S6500 .72 2200 ..... _ Lam . uc,,,_ n. •• i: S uff lknubeg boots 548· 1392 ,.____. •010 mile s . Li ke New ! 6-3175 AU A 673-6708or83l 3849 __ 4 spd, sunroof, am1fm ~· lpl, Anhque _....,_ ,.. ... ty t !' . - .,. (399YflW). $8915. J im '' Mirrors Decorat or "'.J 9• ood d' t' Trombone King 38 Con· ••••••••••••••••••••••• M . V lk 7JC ...... couv IMW '81Civic, 4 dr. will trade etc. - ·--·. 642·7745 • • • au11 I con 1 ion. A .... T · 1 d 1r1no o swagen , - ",. 3100 W Coasl Hwy ' old k h items AU top quality in Cou • b ·~, enor x nt con ,._a- loat' · 2HOJ MAJGUllllTt 1or er pie up + ras .,,,, _,, s Xlnt Cond • • · ntry pnnt, rown · • . · _. • ..,. · 842-2000. EJdo, oae car owner, NewporUleach pp "" ,_ .,. mlt eood. 56 Beacon t.ones SlOO 644.7183 slide nawless with con· 12 fl Ga me Fi s he r 1 new to b.iahest bid· G42-IM05 rtlWY. I _, 968-

57.!!__ Mi. Rns Gd. $4000 0 80

Bay N. 8 . 673-3116. . rest stand l mutes.~. fiberglass boat S375 ID Camino Flltura shell ..._, - -1 MISSK>H ¥11.JO 75 Sta Wgn. Good (;ond 8J9.&\37 I SAT/SUNDAY. 11 lo 5 Call64o-7558. . xlntcond. '78· '82models. """Vhl"f- u pG 0 ·=='------

Find what you want an 967!1 Kensington Drive 646-3866 a bargain $300. 1111·3250 .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ WANTED! Avery Pkwy off 1•5 JOm 121 OO O 8 '76 Mercedes 450SLC,

Daily Pilot Classifieds amt Beaeh T ...... Y-'te I , a.ale •66 l..ate model Toyotas and 831-2040 ~949 I 49'1·lll67 62,000 mi. d1c blue/ tan • · Student Good Cond loah. Power 9040 '75 SIX PAC 8 Ca_bover *•Ma•* Vo I v o s Ca I I us Closed Sundays ,,.,_. 9730 lea~er. elec sunr~f.

SJ.SO 644 i 096 . ....................... Camper. Hydro Jacks. TODAY !!! , ....... ................ polished alloys. orig.

.. : . . . . 6 4 2 . s 6 7 a I . . c•'H FOR BOATS 1 110 hkup . 1500 / bst Will Take Best Offer 1977 JAGUAR XJ 6 A owner $21,000 675··0836 Offlcd•wllwt & IW 548-5046alt5:30pm. Great Mecllanical Con· d h' ·

E•fpRHlf IOH .-... •HI ·~ ......... -9140

dition. All New Parts. 1'1Motfbc"'-- ynam1te XJ6L Tis 'lll2niESuper clean, gd •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,_ _.._ •• Incl Clutch, trs, Etc. ,_....Of,:.;__., one 15 loaded and super mech cond, Reg. gas.

=-.---------------~o..- ... hs 9500 with auto 40' Owens Tahitian. la ve- ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• $175 Recent T11ne-up TOTOTA·YOUO _.. - sharp' 167641

' S899S $5i500. 548·3065 • I I ...... ,._ Ci1111tti. city bike, red. c 11 D IMW Pwduat Or J I m M a r 1 n o • ra 1 1050.,...., 1070 reader S4 ,950 , Bur · aboard sUp avail Call, 1 700 . 127 a , ays, 499·3901. 1tu...._.... Volkswal!cn 842.2000 '75 4SO SL. Xlnt Cond.

••-•••••••••••••••••••i'•••H•••••••••••••••••• r ough s 9500 with Judyor Harvey642·4644, c ean, mt. 5· 4'7-s372. Eves, 499-4722. c......... L.meeo.ld~ · - RbltEng. Mov1ng, Must

3l sofu. New. $98. Lov· Parrot, dbl yellow head. cassette, used S4.9SO. txwn , 9 AM & 5 PM . 646-8028. "'- U•·t>tl • ' Mcl.arttl IMW!! '82 XJ6 4.2. Sell ! Sl9,500 Pri vale eseata $88. Sleepers, yng, tame w/cage & Eco Air Products Inc 17 fl Whaler. 65 HP, '-dlM...-.XK ~l•t, a.,Or&..ast 2KMI Leather Int. F\11 Party, 644-7266 Sll». FACTORY957·5708 ~Yg:· Sac. $650 3 (714)Z7l-811l trailer, radio covers, Xlnt, cost 1700 · now ... 9540 J1111 Dollar lyO..,.._.rt.! ly Loaded Must Sell ! lt72MEICEDES

Attractive8'sola&5' 1ov· c , 4 eggs & cage 4 rafrtc & oak arm center console . S6SOO 75. 839·UM9 ....................... .,.Pl'd 17141522-5333 Tr ansferred $27 ,500 250 eeeat, SlOO ea. To see, $35.673-3600 ehairs, brown vinyl set· firm. da 752-7733, ev M........._ •-/ ~ .... ..- ... 1L Day 966 · 1202 E ve,

H 14 K Id JO '' 00-03~ -...yea.. _,_ - - .... M'-.E COU.....,.Y S m1J22 4 · door , se dan , pbone673·2062. eavy go lee, xlnt cond, $200 all. Scaahrs 9150 Pintopowerw/trailer ForYour Car' -.-. "' ' brown /I an Be c k e r BEAUT 4 POSTER chain, pd $2000, sell 631·55.Sl, 9:30-3, M·F- 'II JET SIU ....................... $19115 754.1620 JOHMSOM & SOM OLDEST '66 Jaguar 3.8 S Xlnt AM/ FM. Power brakes,

IOnl u Wowhed. mo· p ... "°"=· 96""33 Offi«. ll1" now! •ldrnm Only ""'1 ""'" SI 700. "'8 v,...,h• TT""' Good U.. $ ~· SJ900 114·644"''° pow" ""ring, ol«on· ~n~~~ ~~:Ce~~n~ ~1~.'~!~ ~f:i~·ai~~i;xe~c.t!!~~· 67~ ~!:.1i14~ow mileage ;,~~;;'·~;,;~·:!d~~ Cos~~~;?.56Jo J.._ 9732 ~li~Fi~~ xlnt cond, $275, Willbhlelp . 955-2272 963-7333 desk.sC d (metal( &i wt oodl ~: Xlnl 1, • lcondosto.NWlle ller40 h li79 HONDA XL 2SO Needs-Work. llBlllM>BO. Prem1'um pn'ces Sales-Service· Leasing ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• 13 l·Z040 495-4949 mo ve , as s e m e Meet 1

111 1071 re en us me a • · w P 1600 miles, nice bike 631.3327 '74 lntercl'plor. 55K m1,

lfii-1760 ....................... =~e 7~t,f Jr: br:~ ~· Ui:!er frarranty 9675. 545-957tat\5pm. CHEAP JEEP' '80 CJ7 rr:SJ~!~~~:Ss~I~~ ~CARVER I Sl~~l~o ·~~~~In:.~:~~ · ::: Amer Oak curio cab , AllCOMPllSSOI fabric swivel cha irs.!e°r~·900l '77 ~DirtblteGood VI, low milea'ce, white in1oodeondition. l(llS·f()iCE·BMW I paint Ask for Mary curved cJus sides. $475. 3 hp, 1 pbue 60 gal. ~base. Call Steve 36 ft Grand Banks , condili°'!~'..., with blue top. $5300. ' ~~:::" Mmda '731 67J.1148at\ 6PM 631·5'79 vert ical, code tan II: . or Unda 751-6271 loaded. All or part. Doell: '"'"""" . 644-5403. lmMIM•....: -~;;...;.;;:;.;;;.....;..:;...::==--1"''"••"0 "• .. •••••••

2 pc 7' sofa l200. Cocktail never used. $695. Terms + mooring Catalina 7? Honda CB 350,· ~Willy 's Jeep Sta Wgn. BMW '79 320i, blue with ~,, ~ Mei '742 table blln lights with/ 112-5390 3~or~~f;~stand . Avail. Assume loan


ing/ Windsbleld. xlnt XlntCoQd. Good Gas Mi. tan int . am ' rm. snrf. 4fa-•~ · • ..................... .. $100, lable lamp $30, call ~ •• ,.. IOIO 964-9504/962-0105 Xlnt terms 168,000. cond., $42!1. 964-7958 $3000080. 645-2561 xlnl~. 17l4JMl-8!1S7 WE'VE '-·· ATTINTIO ... 57256 a.ft 5pm. .. ..................... Smith Corona Elec Like m9658 JULIE H. MUST Sii! '1631112. 41~62,000 " ~ -:ae:.~~~esJ!OP~ tin~1:1n1:s~e~lin qg':!!~ neww/case. SlOO, . l8' Century, all varnished I X XOO~£xJoO V E S "12Cbev)' PU, ex. cond.. • ~QS~~.s189new tires MOJEDI ......... O~S

• _.,, -.. • . 8513922 cll55ie w/fuU cover, 352 1 DAVID y PS/ PB, cstm rims & -'-'·"-'-'-"-'-'-~----• dintbl,21vs $30, 25 cuft ALL supplies and fix- · Olds eng. Must sell , . tires , 3 Ln c b lift , '77 3201, a1c. s un rf . n•IY&ft91• .. TONNEAUCOVER s/a, cm. like nu refer tumlneluding . A~ ~~~co~fi~ ~. fi73.9J2J


AM/fM Cass. Blt. mtr amJfm, bra. 4!ACIUTTI F!tsNG's,'71· '81 MSO. bit ease $20, Maple Display cues. waiting accept $200/dw~ -SIOO 13' Boston Whaler. 40 hp, '78X.R75 HONDA l tutis. Best Off er WI IUY 851-1844 days .~~.l Man'Nae63vel~!!,ed, IS7ve5 msg w/ door $40. 968-6813 room chairs , Beauty elec start , steenng. Dirt bite, xlnt cond. 962.S800 USED CARS & TRUCKS ..., '""

W •• ....._.. Id · Salon halrdrvers and ITI). 67>115119 • _,, ,,.,, 8127 ..;...;;;"--=.;...;....----- IMW 733ia TOUR 1 '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ MCnlQI .., wrs. m1r· hudraulic .. h·, m·1r· S2SOO. 673-9321 ..,.,.,. .....,. T__,__ COME IN OR Sa I~ r ors 6 cab In et s J .. zoo llM '1ll y h IT250 l ~ 9560 CALL FOR pphire/Navy leather M4l04. '66 MG New Paint, Tires,

New $1200 s ell $350 ron, shelvesandplants. MUST SELL! X1n ~a k • 1;,;,as . ... •••••••••••••••••••• - .... - .. IS .... L BBS wheels. computer. ~~I; ··~ Battery, Re gul at~r . g.sau · · · Also, make.up. shampoo TlPIWllTEIS. t · ma e er. im CHEVROLET Luv "1111115 """"- ~ t fogs. R. S. mirror. 16,000 _ ,_- Generator Starter W1r -=-=~-----1 and hair products. S5ClO to S600 Value now T wo - o.w n e r 980-2.1121. Dynamite " Minl·Trick': Cormler·DeLillo I mi. S28 ,000 ( 714 I - •R ing, Clutch. Thro'w-out Sala/Settee J.,.shape 13 ft. Call631·9754 or S281.95 ·+ tax &i service SearaY · n .24 cudd y '79 Kawasaki KX 250. Truell:. This one Is super CHEVROLET 67~. (213) 445.3711 M1S IMIJ S1 ttsl& •u 14SUM Bearing, aecelerater. Bei1e/woven like new after6, 896-6809 As k ab out Word cruiser . tw in 470 10 Xlnl Cond. Must Sell ! sharp! US03577) S399S. 18211BEACH BLVD week.days Tachometer . Speed

..:S.125=~· 673.Q67'· ~:'i.l ~:-=::-;-:~ l,;;;~::~;::~::;;;1 Processors Meres. than new, $500080. 752'2867 J I m M a r I n o HUNTINGTON BEACH 'Ml RX7 GS. ai r. sunroof, ometer. Sl75 Tune-up C.ouch &i chair to ma tch (213) 702-8670 lSO~r~fr:S<~·~~:l:.~o •72 BMW R7!1 /S, 18,000 Vd.ll:swagen, 842·2000. 147-60l7 or 3 ~s'~:UPE S s Pd . ca s s · new S2777 . Be s t o r f er loose cushi ons . Like A.lhl CB~~ShSOI APECO any paper copier Eves 17141673."""8 orig. ml, xlnt cond, $1300 "9 Pick-up, iv. ton, 4 sp.. 549.333 I · Ptrelli 's $8000 857 5949 499-4722, 497-S372.

'744 new, sacrifice SISO. I P uias, wll gun wlstand- 11900 luelds. ,,.,., r1rm 6421682 V 8 SI 500 080 4 speed, beige/brown . 548-3002 l'l.50/090 536·9832 f 9 48' '71 Pacemaker sport · · · eng. · · ~ .,.td PS, PB, alarm system MGI

f;:~r·UP 75.1262· fi s her . l SK W ge n . . M<!'ltesa 250. Street/Dirt 645-7903eves/wknds ....................... AM/FM Blaupunkl Ex· •••••••• .............. . NEVER USED: Bunks &ught in error $2.50. Sell loaded w/ electronics. Bille .Demo. Less than '70 Ford 1 Ton Flat Bed ~ 970I cellent condition. MUST lil- l<Jll '75 MGB Tan w/blk intr $200, Qn b.drm $540, 1200, save 150 No 3 ready lo fish Sl20,000 or 500 miles $950. 751-1508 Good Cond w/new Trs. • ...................... SEE! (lic491BNQ) I MAZDA 4 sp, auto overdr. nice

. glass top dinette . 1225. Arllor Press new METAL DESK 6 trade for larger sport T,...,.._ Tnrr.. 9170 Radials, PS, &i PB. $1950 IUY rwcllced to car. nds some work . Bst =r'!!f.~~11 s~.ngQs~ 832.9700 SECRETA.R.Y DESK fisher Pvt 1·598-1821, ••••••n••••••••••••••• OB0.4N-0039 •c•I Sl2,tt5 DISCOUNT dr.



_, _, Right : drawers. Lefl : 840-3748 ~AT"' SALE '78 D ... ·un PU I g'--.. A A ••• ~ .... -. ...... ,.., IMW '79 MGB conv. exit eond, $1:1). MORE !! 770.0901 Color 1V, dining room, typewriter. Open pull """' "' ""' · on ~. GET A TllP -~-

Dual king sz •bed, 1150: dressers. chairs. 17131 typewriter is ready to '77 8ertram 33'.spt sedan 29'A1RSTREAM xl~t eond. properl y TO ........ W ... 11 lll·Z040 495-4949 HEADQUARTERS ~~~ewhls 15496. aml

6 i,e ehesl of dwrs, Santa Isabel. f' V go S125. 964-8008 loaded, assum loan. lo SZSOO. 631·7900 m1mt.141.50. 675-5859 """ A

cqbt stand, l.100 for 3 pe. 1.5 galvanized pipes, l2' =i91N~~· ~SS~;·~~ T,...,.._ Utllty ti IO '78 Datswt ~Uilking ca:. FREE' e.t '715 t[AS{ OR BUY '741

Cub. 720..Q363 long 2" inside diameter Pth 1017 754-709l ••••••••••••••••••••••• camper I e . 5 sp • •··~~·~:;;·S;~·;•••• tf!! _ -~- ~ . _ 8' coucb 6 loveseal nub uo i ea . 200 ' o f ,,; •••••••••• .. •••• .. ••••• . , t.r1'JUTVTRAILER S31195 . • 9944d s • 67"J.~" • ~ n#4.

· . galvanized pipe, 50< fl . ...-.. 211 Monterrey Dsl. 40 NB Sl.95/bstolfer '75 Cbevy Lu v, blue See our ad in today's ----"-'--""""~"---- m~a by bei&e. ml pr. Coffee cau 540-8278. -~ Mmctrw mooring. Make reason a· Eves 545-0418 w/white shell , erpls. Sports Section or call "12 Capri 2000. Air , cass: ~

........ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '68 404 sedan, body gd. lots of nu parts , 11500/bst ofr 640-6122 eves S250. 720-0063 Antique radio. Zenith SIOJ/090. ?46·9085 ~edr. S45-6734 .. IWto s.r.k•, Psh map, panels, am/ fm 752-27 95 .,....~~ SIOOO or bst 2031 l lst SI

1m wood bd.rm set. 5 pe, ssoo. New Craftsman Panot. dbl yellow head. ~ Eu Harbor Sport Fis· & AceftlOrin 9400 SZSOO. 49USOS. Sanla Ana 714/953..w14 PandM 9750 kinc·siu bed, Uke new, Router ISO. 4.100· Elect. yng, tame w / cage & her, Sleeps 4. Twin Eng, .. ••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Ford v. Too. 4X4. Rblt "••••••••••••••••••••• $1~. 673-5477 CordaSl00. ~958!1 playpen. Sac. 1650. 3 MustSeeToAppreci~te . s••VISAYIS Enf, 4 spd, Good Cond,


--------1 '78 Porsche 911 SC Elec 7-pe II v rm s et , tan F\.nches, 4 eggs &i cage Be s t Offer . W 111 - SDIO. 64M882 '740 surf, window, all leather nauahahyde ; drk oak '"9MCo•t $35. 673-3600 Consider Trading For WITMUSB>PAITS P7 's Immaculate . frame . Make off e r . CC ~ .... '"It" AMA.IOM PAllOT Real Estate Pri vale Imported car parts '&6 !,;ton 6 eyl. 4 spd. 1970 Ml l 5 c '19,700646-0822 -.2121. $2700fullprieeSave SJOO .

1 Party 77~4797 IMPORT map. 1ood eood. $950. Volvo Hawaii / Division Snrl, dark bl~e s':dh "12 914 Porsche parts or

UNUSED QUEEN BED. Call 714 -975 ·1413 or with arge cage. SJOO. AUTO SUPPLY *'32M. d JlmSlemoDJ Imports int Xlnt cood. $18,500 wtl>le. New '74 2.0 re~lt. -Sp . •- .. ti 97~1485 Verytame. 549·9823 _ __. 1_.

1 lOlN. Manehester '76 LUV Truck , runs .,.,.., .. < ,,., • .,.. Webers, many ext .

""" nncs • 1111 ress Parrot: Mitrid Conure, ~ 9050

Anaheim 716-9900 great 11900. See at ••NOHASSLI•• ....,........,, .,.. . ._... COit. N75, Sell s200.1-----.... 1111111•I band _.,.,.,.- G Sal S Su ,. ..... IU .. 11.U!!. _.."""'.-.!.,.l'lf!l""lll '76 4SOSEL MB. Wht. Fiii Judy 642·4012 -mo 2HP•LEC. u oTOR tamed,young, $80. arage: e. at / n&.5 **"'"- ",....** ""CRI ' K - . "' • 759-9516. • ............ •••••••••• ATTIMTION 2035 11\lllerton Ave W5 You Can Now Buy or ly Loaded. S nrf 516,995 ~ FlCE, 78 928, 2S

Rattan md dj11. set w. 4 ~~~o~~I::,~· 2Parrots. Amazons. Yng, YACHTIM6 • c .M. Lease any new Car , •-"·""- ~ S81·2323 ~i , lmma cul:ie. n;-w

-~*7~n~~u~bj 115/0BO 536·91132 ~8-J~ s!~rches . ~=!!~~11 ·~:er ~fltku~ w ~u!I~~ t,!P ~~Do~~~~~~ ' _ _. ,.. · t~~ st~e:ci~:J;,. :s:zaer Kt, $300pr. 720-0363 Npl. Bdl. 675·2960 TONNEAU COVER /080 S48 0832 Personalized Service, Oassic 1971 240Z, great snrf, am/Cm rass, SOI< 'S7 Porsche Speedster

COMPL. BDRM SET Uted Vaeuum cleaner i-& OnJ-1 I090 " Your Year Round F\ts MG'a,'71· '81 · • · Delivery to Home or Of. cond. See to apprec Mi. 12 3. 900 E ve 5 RepUca Dbl bed, 5 pcs, $100. 125. 3 Truell: Ures $15 ea. ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Charter Service" Never used, $75 '64M ~ T°'!;i,oodBeTrsOf. Rf bit flee. caU Cbuell Coli at p185. (213)8&4·2989 760-6285 67~1047 or 631-1003

873-8639 t .50Xl6.5. 83l-t'725 SOHNERUPRJGHT --. .__. t06t Maria631-7'7t7 lvemsg otor . • _... st er. AlllOMate. 731-2400 ............................... _lllllllllllllllllllll_llllllll ... lllllll .... lllllll ......... llllllll..--. SZSOOOBO --.. - All Stt. 1'71·2590 Ask For ,

Queen Ann coffee table, 37 ft. al paneled drapes, ·~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~eAfternoons. ......... 9705 I c1e1k aod lo boy. 1250 noor to celling. Off Santana 3S. 6 bags, fully UTllODY WOU v

9570 ......... ••••••••••••••

w11.c.3597 wblte,.iAt cond. with eqq 'd. Volvo diesel. Upt.o5".olf your body ·- MIW&USID ....._ ..... c h't rodl~. 413.o:J'19 .......... ,..... 164,500. (714) 640-492$ lhopatlmate. 536-1132 ....................... ...... aoUJlA. IDIUnD .... . ~pc, w 1 e, u.-:::! R d .. -;-- · - '72Ford~ton. v .. , Auto.. -.rA -.l lood eoad. Sl75. Da ~ 8111, Heavy Duty .-..nwlloa ar man • 13 Fiberllass sailboat HARDTOP FOR FIAT aood eond P /S Call Orqe Couoty 'a oldest 'lS1ZlS1 e¥~S IAlaaae~~~· ~~ d w/trlr. $500 or but. SPIDER. Good cood!· Todd iaatll . m fr leadln1 dealership.

Couch, mattbl111 love ..... El C •-- ~.__ ~lab ~~tconof: llctonlra. f1l·H4t lion. !25. 87M311 '14 FORD VAN B t fore Y o u. b u Y .liU cood s.c Raaua. - · am....., ........ - or ~ .,. BANGER aJ f'istd 14" aa.vy Maia U.S. IQYWtle~ come an l. see

:p!5.°.:9'34 • ' eW1. '175; Catamaran, rer:«.mt keel, s hp OJB.' Bristol llltd tiret MS p~. Call = cond, ,v:r;~~· • ... UJM GTV8 and the ,._ p • : 1'' sailboat b11U, w/pou. tllp, l8000. PP, ae.31180eves. · ·=.nl543 ' SSl'derV~I .._tem~rary anon • : tlaolae walerbed, couole. waJnul %13/5~1171 , 4 Olds •wrecked WW · _. llACH IMPOITS ~·-: jak ~- • · ei-mz Richard. w/bencbSlOOO. Pete 30' CCtODado, moorln1. sell partt, motor' aod .._ W..., tltt •Do¥19lreet, N.B.

-''/:~-=:--:-:='-=1:1'=::-·· 1•<•m•111111••)•.•••-I 547·74451557


P'WUDdo St, Bal. ' cyl tr-ln loodcood. _ ........... ,... 71i.ettt . Well blill upri1ht, piano, P,OD!\m.4743 IG-7520 19allarbor81vd .. C.M. MOl&MOteMM. ,_.._,. llnt eood .• mut 1111 Luer . Good Ra ce '31·717'

*-mimlred eubea, 1'711'entde Plaee SfOO. M2·957 Record. JSalla. Car Rk1. Mtea fw 141 · Mii .....,,t1b)t1. (ar JeUI bet. TuatlD • 8tGl'Y •Clark Plano llP· Many Xtru. 11150 . ........... .. •••••••••• 9707 tlWlft/!O'lm S.UAu.C.11.) rilbt, wal1111t finish , f'IM794 fllPORTANT ..................... ..

ft'llllll• AU.DAY. SAT/SUN brnd new U SO O. 10 lllCGretor 251 fully ~~'i°ND J ·:.~~ 5T;:S100: !11111

IOllPIJNG ... ~ llalt Ince.' 3 ••t tQ\ipped, moo or best ADV•RTJS•RS 714(111.otG .

rw-crptl (lll'HW), lnJ oft•... ., 11:. t..:.=.:.i..:.::.:...;::;;::.:----1 N--lelUISO. ...... lllr. wDdn, 41'1, Tb• prtt• of Item• ' ,. Audi ao. Xlnt CODd,

a rr wrrutJ. Ptllow fllturH , atul tit . ;;-w.~·H~~·;i:•ah:.' ... ..,_, ad•trtlltd bJ veblcle IUY 1EM • tmf, tape. 9UOO. a.Mt.-- ullluta . 2 wall dlDp Pol• al&e 150 ... to71 dultn i. u.. ••Jcle 58.L •EM ..;1IMl'll;:;:;..;:::::.;.:... ____ 1

flllwll, plaatt, lreel, p> m,.. • · _ .................. , clwtned 1dHrtl1la1 IMW t712 ...... rttrta.. bdrm . BOAT ILD'I POR RCNT r rol•m• c1oet Dot ••• ... .& "E ·M _ .............. . •tt1 eoacb1, alum . •! ._._. IM4 MDt. ICll. • " 25', JO', elude 111 appllublt IRAV 5 ~11111r-.X111tn.........1. .... anl•a•. If'' ;._..;;;e .............. If .....,..N PM . ._, keMt. trwfer .... SALE o.,a 1111. a.rt, ITT :: .. -:.-• .. ,,: ,. .... .:..~.~~.·r.i '"' ,,,......_ =;.,":'~ SALES" ,..... ' ...-. :'g'1u,

!!~~~!"'!!'!~~-iiiiiiiiiiiii.••I ,.,1, 1 111 • ut111 -... ... 1 .... ..._~ .a•.llJ.c.• . ~~· ''"' 10 . ........ ..._, WAllfTID : lllp , t• · •.., ........., Aamfr.

Cl)Qlllfl ...... ..... ....... ~,..... • •••· c_1i111f• for••• •f C:-... .,._ ......... ,..,.....,. .,, ... 1111 2" .... •• Uhl = 1 f . '7' utter. .~J.:,';!:111W 64Hf6J a.. Ille.

\ •

.. Orange Coast DAfLV PILOT/Sunday, J1nu1ry 24, 1982 •

~.~ ....... !~ ~·.~~.~ ....... !~ ~.~.~ ....... !~ ~.t.4!~ ....... !~ w... w•rW ....., -. • ..w ..._., 1.,1.w w... ..,,rtM :W... u.M .-. Uted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1······················· ....................... ·············································· ............................................. .



°"fl' • ,.., - IOt fO"' """" - GlC

~=· 'C:. ~~v:: ~ .. ~ ~""'-~"""- ''*'°"'I o"' -:r:&"i'H":J~r r:.~ :.t: Or'O"lol ..i.. IM2S 00 ,._. - Siii• ~ lo!tl --16529 32 ...... IU


anahei111111azda 601 s. ANAHEIM BLVD. 956-1 aio

411 can tuOtKt to~ ...-

~.'!~ .......... !?!! ?~ ............. !!.'.! !!'!.~~ ........... !?~! !!!:! ............ !?!.~ ~.~f! ........... !!.~! ~!!! .......... !!!~ 1'10t1'. NtwUrea, palat. '11Saabl008. Loml,aun· irn TOYDTA Cebu A #IYOLYODU&.11 '• XA7 G Strtt1 Spee. '8 llutaq, priced to Goodtelftd. ~. rf1 ale, am/fm, w .m2. dynamite lllt·baclt with INORANOE COUNTY I U llliNel, chromt tit&, MU. Cal} whcl1 oaly

7 _710U.5day1 wU67·&212!fil.e__ s •Pffd trani miHloa _ _ wtrwwllll, tlet. aunrool • ...;..._;.;.;.;:;:z.;'-------'79 '24 lmmac. Air , .... , 762 air condltlonlnti , 1nd SAus. laYICI ori · . •SM3 '11 ..... ..,. T·Top. Ort AMtntP-7 Urea, 3 pc. • ...................... llereo. (J B WTU3) . Ate LIASINa '14 COUGAR IUut. Xlnt Cond • .,,. whl1, • ocha blac k . OIAMalCOUMTY'S S469~ . Jim Marin o OV£RSEASl)!IJ~RY Alr, maayextru, xlnt. Or 8t1t. Call !vt1, Mull ue. U 1,900. MIWIST V~kswa en 842·2000 EXPERTS ~ 831·2"1 ..::IO;:.:;tea=------

..fil:!_t.10 ~11.U· Al. AuU1orbtd '7' TOYOTA " n... ttH '• ....... •VI, auto, Mull ltll 70 whl 914. Al· SUBARU DEALER 4 DOOi IAIU Ill ;.~d. .. •u•••••••••••~ fad. air, ,., dlat brlll, 10>'• . amlfm cus . Whole,u le Blue Book YOLYO '7S Datt, 1ood cood, run1 Grit. COlld. DOOO OBO. 0100/obo.13S-371S. +"' t37S3081 lllYHarbor Blvd. well, DOOO/blt ofr 157.-r

'71175 Porsche Taria $3050 COSTAMESA a.o.un '• lllalluc. v.1. auto, can.a RSR, while Oft Thecldore Robina Ford, ,,..fl J 540.9467 '74 Monaco, 2 ~!i air, new Nlol, mlnt cood., am/fm cueette 2«.c>H .. A Bl d co~t 1ood cood! Sluuu/ beat /080 ~ maay ltru. Must sell . 1112 MODELS aruur v .. " a '81 Volvo GL, SK ml, all . . fut ! US ,000 080 . HERENOW!!! Mesa . 642· 0010 o r xtras ! Superb auto ! ofrllulllell ! NS·8412 'UMUSTAM6 546.eoll ti Sal .,_ In S0.82U. .!14,500. Don831-0.118ev 'IOD50PICKUP •VI, lo mlles. cherry,

any me . e1h~rvlce-Le11 g '70"~ . R II ..,100or .. ~t olf'"r PP I IS 000 SADDLllACI '-\J.rooa. uns we 'IO z•SDL W .., """ "' · ! or 1 owner . , • MIC11eQ I~ Hibl I SUIAIU ~o~~~~r. 4 apd/OD, xln~lc'o•nd 846·5318or 9-t?-2743~ NO-S.Sev, wknda. 29Km1'tR kenu lll·ZMO 4H-4t4t -· - 23,000 mi. $9,900 eves, ,_,. H4'0 '86 M111tan1,coovt

1• ~

Leue ~, k r -- --- - ----- '79 Corona. lux ed . 4 dr, wknds8Sl·l345 ........... •••••••••••• or bell ol er mmac. o~ Auto'eJl~:· T..... t7'5 AT, AC, PB. PS. tilt whl, '71 FORD ...::;~=~· -----

714-473-4311 ....................... 4 spd, 4 spkr AM/ FM .a..a..... UMd HAMADA ~11 ttSS 1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1176 TOY OT A Ce 11c1 A s le r eo, x In l con d . I -- Wh I I BI Bo k 'Mg1111•-1t II d aml Iii k ownr PP SS2SO 857.4544 ••••••••••••••••••••••• o esa e ue o •••••• .. •••••••••••••••

't» Poracbe 912. Snrf. yn le t-bac . wtth · · -- lllkli HIO ta&2VDX) '71 Cutlau Supreme Luther Int, Alloys. 70K 5 speed t ransm1ssl1on ,,._... t767 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl 175 llroulham, nu llres, llnl Mi, Orie. Serious Jn. and very low ml es ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 1964 Bui ck -Sk ylark , 1beodore Robins Ford, cond! one owner. 14400. quiries Only, 112,000. (9'78REP> 53995 Jim "19 TR7 cont hgbl blue, clean, runs great, $950. 2080 Harbor Blvd .. Costa -=IS=:l~·l:.::484:::.:-____ _ 962·3119 Marino Volkswagen . 56p. AM/ FM cass. 47K, 842-IOM Mesa 642 -0010 or PWo ttS7 11•--------•I MUlOO. - $5000 00·7957 776 4021 '63 Buick Le Sabre, low S0.8211. •••••••••••••••••••••••

70POISCHlt14 '~OTllCIL ValkswOIJf" t770 mi .. gd cond. MUST '72 Oran Torino. 4 dr1 'IOFORDPIMTO 78,000ml, am/fm In dash Lo mt., full options . ....................... SEU.. '600080549·1805 ood t ransportation . Wboleule Blue Book radio. $3200. 15200/ 0BO. 966· 1055, 1981 VW Sr ir o rc o . 'SI Electra, good cond ! /bestolr 646·9510 (MrTYI'A I

964·8008 631·2244. Dyna mite S Heed ooe owner, no accldenlS, $3500 ll'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l '74 Toyota Corolla 56K transmission with ai r 640-4.111 fast SIOO. Theodore Robins Ford, ..... 9755 Orig Mi l owner. Great conditioning, stereo. al · '76ELECTRA LTD 2«.c>Harbor Blvd .. Costa ... •••••••••••••••••••• Cond.S2300. S44·1890 loys andlowmiles Like Xlntccind, wbite litan, llllO. MUBtseeSS2·3671. Mesa . 642 · 0010 o r '62 Renault Gardena. S300 '19 Corolla 2 door. Low ~~!n:ic~xs:'~ i57~50 49K, szsoo. 642-46116 '71Tonno 4 dr hdlp, xlnt ...:;541).12.;;:;...:=l=l;.;.... -----

~-------~-----------------------~ ~00~ miles,g~cond & v~~M.M~~. ~ HIS ~ "-/~M ~U JOI•••• 646~ cleu . Slm 0 80 Call ~ 642.4961 --


.. 960-6967orMl·S098. 1980 VW S c iroc c o ••••••••••••••••••••••• , 71 ' Pinto hatchback, lolsloyct t756 Dynam11e coupe with 5 CONTIMPLATIMG 7.7 RANCHER.QJ new clean,hpeed, newllres. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Celica GT, s s1id . speed transmission, air CADILLAC? llrts.sbocks S2uoo OBO luggage rack.1ood

liftback. a / t. J>5 . am tfm condi11on1ng . mag We specialize in leases ~ls?979-268S transportation car. 11200 '~1 DEALfR IN U.S.A. w. tape. Xlnt l'Ond wheels. and s tereo . for the busin ess ex · CAPRI FORD '73, air, 080. LY"W CARVER Guar. no major repairs Beautiful Brazil Bronze. ecutive Ii professional. stereo/tape, Li res gd., 642· 1570 Jeff 1~1 ~=~) PP . 85l 2252 (450ZSR l. S7~5 . Jim ~Seltctloll priced for quick sale. re· 63l-7797 Maria IO.l.S-~ Marino Vol ks wa gen, Of"MewltlZ built e n g. , Sl , 200 . V6 Pinto Hatchback. Was

1 u you're looking for a bet 842-2001 C • 642-2219 in wreck. Body and u .... - .. -' • " ~~~=~ ter i?b· you won't want j 'fi0. '65 VW left & right

1. ICI 1 U.C. tt45 frame damaae. All else

- Cars, ClossJcs, Anhques. 9'ote, & OM of a kiltd! ClOSlo SUNDAYS ID rruss t~e employment door .• 73 left door. 550 Mow e. Stock. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OK. vs. <47,000 onc mil. columnstnClassified each. Western style whl NA~RS '76 Uncoln Town Coupe, new trans Ii radiator.

~~·.~:.': ....... !~.~~ !~~.~~·-~~.~ ....... !~.~~ I~·-~:.~ ....... !~.~~ ,~~·.~:.'! ....... !~~~·.~:.'! ....... !~ ~·.~:•'=••• ••••!!~~j ~in:a~~-~~e'_Beetle CADfLLAl: ~· 1mmac. S3200 Ii:~·;:?;~~~~~:. I 1980 VW R abb1t A 11w1~ ...... 1111.,i '19 Mark V Cartier. xlnl Interior 1ood. Reds

S~p.NO ~V>J- '82 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE Loaded w1c 11

5 speeo AM/FM stereo meca11tc paint sport wtieel

wh1ce s1ae wan Clres & more'

llSt Pl lCt 1116S Our 01scount 1170


l ist Price our Discount


s SOl'e<I metallic oa1nt rear ~·noow wasner & w1oer alto~

AM FM stereo casseul' om m1pes & more•

SALE PRICE 510,495

s ~~~ .t[/£~'81 DASHER ~fees~~

A~~ Eou1opeowitnatt sunroof

wnne s1ee waH ur~ 1eatneret1e sNts nereo oreo & more• L - Ust Price · •1oa10

E ·.. SALE PRutCEunt 593SS


s9995 "' Auto, w s w tires soorts seats

& wheel stereo cassette. verv low miles, wn1te too



ss495 ~ speed air AM/ FM stereo. "' teatherene seats

~ .

p E c I

' • •It

'82 RABBIT L Fully

eaulpc>e<J wirn 4 speeo.

tinted glass rao1a1 mes &




loaoee1 w1tn s soeea air stereo prep

list Prl~ our Discount

59055 1a.o


loaoe<1 wnn allov Wlll'tlS rl'ar W1noow wasner l

wioer s soeeo stereo cn sene soorts sl'ats l more•

list Price •9410 our Discount 101s



57495 Air, stereo cassette. low mlles. leatherette seats & morel

,. .


'81 VW P/U Loaded With H/ O pkg

stereo prep . tlntea glass s speed. radial tires. custom value P1<0 . 1eatnerene seats

list Pr1Cf

Our OlscOunt

'81 JEnA


& more• ' 7t60 10U

Auto , air., stereo cassette, leatnerette seats, floor ma~. only 8.000 miles,

1 dynamite t'ustom 2 door < .... 1.1 " ' ' ' ~ '1100 cond S8.SOO avail A great deal for w 1 t h 4 5 P e ~d mOS48·261il ~chanic or paru sales.

- MUBt sell all together. transmission. This 1 a 73' CDV, New steel bellB, M~ tt50 S700, make ofr Call I sharv one. sec 11 now ! full power, new paint , .. ;.;::: ............... 968-5844 aft 7:30 pm . <M753087 I V S14k895 Jim 111,(Ql mi Real nice car. '76 Capri Ghia 4 spd ai r '73 Hatchback , • adp,

I ~ .;.~o o swaitl'n , moo 851-0239 nu radi al ~. S3ooo : " """ °""" good cond ! runs well !

, - ---:- - - - '67 Cadillac Limo. Good 644-6785 841).7348. Sl200/bst otr

I ~Rabbit , A.M ' FM cass. Shape. Make Offer. ,72 Comet v.s eng 4dr ~nrf . nu tires, S7500 673-9510 Days. 642-4429 air, ps. gd cond. · S950: 76PWoHatcMted 6:»3-$112 673-0322 Eves Call Lori : 8Sl-06T2. AW> Lo Mi. . Nw Pnt, 1979 vw Rabbit A • 'IZStdmDtYile• '79 Zeph v·u Silver. $2100 644-1096. custom 2 door with 4 v~ All()p . 37 M' \IQ loadyedr 1

1 ag~r wgnf • ...:NB=-=·-------speed transm1ss1on and "'' hons. OO . 1. • .., • o mt, pro . '78 Pinto Wgn upd, 4 ' tereo cas...,tte Th•r one Garqe Kept. Like New malnt $4900 540·3836. ' od ., ""' "" •19 500 75e-J.2M cyli er, air. cassette, 1 s v er y s h a r p ! · • • · clean. ~l.256 UDM00661 $4395 Jim **Slf-141t•• ......, tt52 Mann o Vol ks wag en. '76 Seville, all options, ....................... ,..,_... •ffO 842·~ __ xtras. first SS,600 Ca 11 'I I FOID ••••••••••••••• ••••••••

'72 VWBF:ETLE Now!!l 848·2632 MUSTANG . '74SATURN EXCELL ENT CON D '71 Cad. Brougham. a Wholesale Blue Book Ra<ho. beater, ps, A·I

. S2600 great car! Must sell I lBGCTII 1 shape, $1350. 838·51~ __!:!8·8695 $1195.631·5923. S5775 '74 Plymouth Station

I~ VW Convertible A '72 El Dorado Converti· Theodore Robins Ford, Wagon, good engine and I dynamite deluxe Rabbit ble, runs, looks great 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Costa body. Sim 997-8679

convertible wtth 5speed PIOO OB0540-39'74 Mesa 642- 00 10 or ,_.._ tt65 1 transrruss1on A Brazil ~ tt 17 540-8211. •••••••••••••••••••••••

8 r o n z e b e a u t y ' '76 ""'_... d t h <886ZY \'J. S899S. Jim •••••••••••••••••••••••1 Eager bu1ers read the ru~1r x ra s arp. 1 Marino Volk swagen . '61C:-ro l27 Classified ads ever) nu paint. brakes, tires

842·m> 4 spd. Orig. S2SOO or best. d a) I f yo u h a \. e SZ995. SJ6.M02, 540-3492 546-1171 somelh1n1t ror sale. re '73 PooUac Grand Prix.

Must sell '68 Rug , 11\'lmac -----....... arh them fast and inex· xJnt ccind, l l ,2SO/OBO. New eng, clutch. paint. ~.-- ns1\_e_!)'. call 642·5678 _ S48-08J2. Stereo. radial s & ••••••••••••••••••••••• -='-=:=:...-----c h r o m e s •.,....M.w 'll tlOO Alltos,M•w tlOO S250010BO 645· 7606 or a...y Cllltnth ~·~18 aft 5pm. 2 Dr. H.tcliback!

1978 VW Bus. A dynamite Afr cond. , p...r. steering 7 pass~er ~us with 4 & brakes, tilt wheel. etc. speed transrn1ss1on An (3149/6879). agate br own be1g el Mowo.lrSSStl o r 1 g 1 n a I s h a r p ! H~. •D CL.-_...... C040582l $5995 Jim "'"- . ..-.,.._., M k · Dove/Quall Sts. ~~ Vol swagen ,I NEWPORTBEACH - --· - -- I lll-0555

'68 Fostbact1 YW, "COMYRTllLE" Good cond. runs good, new tires $1 250 OBO lt7l C .. YIOLIT <t!rl· i3lJ c.nce Cl•slc

un4 VW Ghia Convert i· In EXCELLENT condi­b I e ! 4 s p e e d lion and has low miles! transm1ss1on with vt•ry Call Mary evenings at lo ~ mill's A real 495-0507 classic ! <942 KK Y) $5995 Jim Marino \'olks"a en_._~

\'W KJT CAR 'lEEDS WORK S500 ~-0975. ~73· 1469

'79 IUS Must see lo apprer1ate. Must sell S7900 or best otrer Mitch Breer

SEE US FIRST! . We havea good selection ~ or NEW & USED ~ Chev~ets!


""-"ii o' I • • h ' I I l"'I I \ ,, t ..... \

541>-1200 _ ~9001 '77 Monte Carlo, needs

'73 VW Bus 68.000 orig. IW>l'tt, suoo. miles. xlnl cond. l owner m -1442. ;tm. 494-5638 76 Monza 2+ 2. 4 cyl, s

·77 Da s h e r . s un rf . spd, Konls, spoiler. lo

·--·­- -•-139'1TOI s1997 OI

17911 wo.= -- VA - 11 ~ Otferre4. e»er""'"' pr1u --!l it~-... __ _

lt7' DOffl CHil•ll .

.-utOMetlc tr&N tt fll ..,,... -- ......... . -~

Avt-"- .,, _ _....,.._,_ (1 1!151

'2297 OI

'92"..MO= .... _ 11.P ll. - 11 M'lt. Ot ft ttff peyN ttt Of •Ct -..... ~_...,..,_... a.: ....... - ~

I AM FM. cass S2SOO. ml.12450. 760-8708 also 90cc Yam scooter "Ill Malibu Classic S/W 1 55HlM3 owner. Great shape.

'77 BUS, fuel lnJ . reblt Eves. 642·8874. Daya

s2397 OI

'11211 wo.= .... - .v 11 - 1111"> Oft• ,,.. ,.,_, .,.,... -

eng. sunroor. stereo. 1213)681-2l613 $4195. 96().9SJ7 '77 Monte Carlo. Air.

'71 y W Cot1• Pwtt, Slr, Brk. Perfect Wh ite ~I th · b la c k cond. l owner . 12595 AM/ FM Cassette. 21K Eves, 642·8874. Days mi. lmlllltculate. 17 ,850. .1213) 68J...Z6l3

831·6528 '71 Vega, re·built eng, '69 VW Camper. new new beater. S650/bst ofr eng. , clutch. tires 11500 -'642--""-7""4""'71=-------0BO 675-9427 "Ill Monte Carlo. snrf. one

·~ VW Rabbit Convert1 owner. S3.600/olr. ble Lo M1 4 Xlnt Cond 548-2373 aft. 6 548 0143 '62 Impala. 2 dr. good --------• n ch cond! Highest bid· ,a.:

'70 IUG $1500 der! 67S.7981 ~ Mustsell. 966-1996 iUIONTECARLO

'74 YW Bug . Xlnt eng. Many utras, xlnl. looks great. 12750 fZ500 631·2991

tl!IO II 2t _...., -°"---lt7tDOffl OMHI

Option• 1P1ch1d• , .,toM1hc ~ rtdio ll1t,,. 9'" ''

'3497 01

'12JH wo:: .... - .," - 11"" O• lt ortf ,..,.,.,., pttoe -

I lllOllOO JI _...., -... __ ..... lt11 PONTIAC

TIAMSAM '"It' .. _,,,,.. '"( ,., will- & - loch , Hit ·--.. -. .­(1WUOI)

'4975 °' '18011..0:: ___ 960~·..;;48""37'----1 '57 Cllevy 2dr Hrdtp,

V.W '73 Camper. Good $1750 or but offer . cond. l3500. -.a.

Cal1640-!I019 - •---· --'---""..-......-..."----• ".-.-VS, Auto, 2Dr,

.,. .............. , ....... -J- .......... -11~ '7tk •• ......, ..... "'---1968 VW Bus. Runs and Ila&•, All/Fii . 1425.

looks goocUllOO. 4M-m3214 · '94.m-t Cer'Nlle Hll

'71 VW Bua . Clean . - ................. . Dependable. 11350 080. V1:IT! 'lT &X COND

~-4139u T·roPtRACK 11750

1187 VW Squ1teb1ell New lftlin•. suoo. ......,.

...................... '77VOLVOIM Ak.loldld, ablt

- Al·•l 'Tl Vd¥O. lllr, .CV .• o-1 om.._ w.u. 1 .. 11



pp 714·551.ff• Oonttte 11 .. mo .............. cbl"-, 11• top. =-:,·= .. 111'111 a-.&A•LHliq

lt1t OUIMOtu CUTLASS c-.-..--­.... -.. .. -· ~~

•5497 .. '16?4' ... :::

- - .,._ - '°"' =:~~:.; ., ...

. 1·~~~ I ,""r ..._.,W: 1111 -~ ... -.--. --·-.... -11COIBl\•3997 ..

s149u MO= ~ ..,._,.,,. - 21 ... ~ Ot lt • ,_,,..... llUU - ~ 11117• • ......,..,_ °"---

,,.'°" lllllTAM ........... -.­---. ..........

~. ----·­..,., '5997·

'111•....: -- ua - •"' =::·.::~:..; . .......


. ·-






N16~T .•.















OUT~ :• OH, ER, · ·suRE





By Ernie Bushmiller AW - - I DON





J> C> [>







HoN'? AL&.. rr EVER Si\yS 19

TICt<-10CfcV ilCK-"TCCK!




10 NINE!






I .. I DON'T THINK 50, A~f>EY ...

by Jim Davis

e 1182 ~,~ . ic... 1nc.

<l <J <l


~- ---.--·~---------:-=...---•ss---s•w--..s.---... 2110110•1 .. -.~ .. L~Zll

by Ferd and Tom Johnson . Now w~ CAN --AS To WHAT THOSS



! 1LL SI/OW if/OSE PIPELINE P\R.A1Es r w~'L1. HeAT 11-tis PL.ACt=. L.lf<E OLJR ANCESTORS




\.IE~e~ ...

By Georg~ Lemont

; .


··~~-·--~· -·--~---~-----


S HO UL.D ae .'

fll!NPl HOW VARt: 't'OU ~AJ. US. CAVAUrl H0"5eS ! I '71 Pl\l'"r KNOW 1l-i,m1S


. . .


~ VOL.JR couNiRY E 1-rP~U:SS f CONFIJS 1 NG-. i ., x !

/·Z'l,,,_ ____ £.U ........ ....i . ..,.,

• • ' ' • t

1 ' ' • t • • O _\ •~ t '•' • ' '. t

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. .




, :


.CAl.L. FOOTl3Al-L-! ~~:J,.,..:J~U

I . -..

- 0

e JOI ~-I ~te tlMt ,.....: " t.mmltt..t of tw.nty dtliW•te ,....ty, ltvt fMf'el•IN Wcet11mlttNsof . _ ---- .''S.. lfvouun.Uscowr.-t......._


a.tter rhymlnt word is mluinv. , - . \ IP ... 'l!ill!f\11619111

e Fish Fry! F ind • f ish In each sentence: t . TIW cash added up. 2. The ship had docked. 3. The Ice mass melted. • · The car passed tl'le letl.

d 14') r ullWi C 'l~M C Pl"I~ I

e Stw IMtt ...,.. "'9 C.rpenter.11• •...., cerNn eff • .9"fN pjec• of wtOd. Hew fMIW ctr· ne" did .... "9(1 MW then? Answer 6ft JI MC,

·u ... .iuNtot • Rlddte·Mt·Thltl Why Is a leaky l.uctl Hitt M eager racehor•f ltcause It's Off and"'""'"'· Whit do tftdi.·rubber fNft do be~ IObt'P TN., btuftet around.


0 0 a a a

The answw to this vln· tage charade Is plainly

-----~--'-~-+--•~...___~-=- ::.l'"-"'-=---t-;41--~--t---,~~. ;en you make

·~ '9 NOSED OUTI Add cofors Matty to "'Is wlfttry SC"'9: 1----.

l - Lt. blue. 3-YeUow. 4- Lt. brown. S- Flesh, 6- Lt. P'""· 7-Btadc. I-Ok. treen. t - Ok. blue. 10- 0r•nge. 11- 0k. trav.

CAN YOU TRUST YOUR IYllt TMN e" at lfflt If• •IHH· ............................ ,.., .......... ,. ......... . Qldlly CaA YM W ... , Qecll • ....,. wtllt ..... lltftw,

'IU• ... ll!P ,, •• ""' .. ' 1M11111 s 1 PHM ·~ 6u1n1w , , JftH:K'W •I u<i • ••11~' ' ' l 'l'IS ·c ·1u•,•111P s1 -e i 1ua,.1119 s 1 aci.JQ 1 :sa,.,.,•11•0

It out? My FIASTiswonand

never lost; r~ versed 'tis now beforeyev.

My NIXT ~•l'Md Is rtd•1-...1n veins If lf'Y ...,..

My WHOLE so won· drous 1tr•nte I must u..-1cuy con· ftnlt,

Tl•11h •re lnteit­ilus, It wUI be • .....,Hyou


• 13



·rs e • I t7 .~ 9

i f J 1

Sr.ELLBINDER SCC).R E 10 points for uslftt t ll the letters In the word......, te form ----t----­two complete wor~1

NUft\ERATI . . . . . - .. THEN MeN I polntt Heh for all werds of four tttt.r1 or more --------­...,. among the lettwa.

Juat whit •m I? l "'PllOMl lf30NOM

P•OM •111 ' ' • • •suy SHI~ AHOVt Mat CH you dr•w te ceMPlete "'9 dedlt .. scene above? To find out, dr•w lines from 1 to 2, 3, etc.

T~ to score at ..,,, II 1tCtints. '- . .,.,1 : "'•,...,.~HOd


by Lynn Johnston --------------------------... UHOH ··· \ l~NK )bUR. HEY.\~LLBE.TYous¢SHE









• •



,, '



.l ................. a..-.·--~·--·~·--~·--·..-.-..Me .... t~----~--.....·-=.,._.-,._...._ ______ ...-... __ __,. ____ ~--~------------~·---~----~-1=.~.~---~~-------~------~-~-



. .



~1l\CK, LOOK Af. 1"'1~ \-




a - _.,._

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- - am --

a s s a a so s

lf!s 'ltll~ OlfftllJL:r ... 'lov CAN ~~NO ~. Ol'IS, £.\J~N tf\OMfM~ ~'{IN(, 'fO ••.

· · ·bv ·MacNellv


I ~


January 24. 1982 Daly Pilat



Selld lie ""'*'"· • • ....... tD "Atll, - F~ -...,. 141 l ..,_. AW9~ llN 'fWll, NV. 10022 Wll "'1 lS IDr piAllosNd ....... Sony, .. Ull'I -- Oiiers

FOR DON GREGORY. Broadway pro· ducer Do you lad ........ --. lwird to work wllh? -.1.G •• Sabl'l1•y. Md. • When it comes to stars. the bigger they are. the humbler they are. At the start of the Camelot tour, Richard Burton was a littJe rusty and not so good. Two nights after the Canadian opeililag, I aNd him . "Are you getting all you need?" figuring It was a dasisy way to see what

Slruck by stars chluolry. was wrong. "I know you're nervous about my petformance ," he replied . "but It took

me three weeks to get into Hamlet and also Equus. It wlll be the same with this - l'D get better." I was amazed. Here I was. this star-struck kid from the Bronx tittening to one of the worid's !Peal actors apologize to me. lnc:redble - didn't he know ~e was no prodUdion without him?

FOR DICK BU1TON. Olympic skating champion

In .._ W9lf ha ..... c:h., ID the lut ttv.. dec..S.? -H.S .• Hmdfttton. W.Va.

•There has been a decline in emphasis on the blur­ring of spins - spinning as fast and as rapidly as possi· ble so that the body appears blurred. Although certain skaters have done wonderful spins, nobody has been able to spin faster than Ronnie Robemon In the 1950's.

FOR HILDEGARDE. supper-dub performer wt.. do !IOU remember of your debut? How hilW au­dlmca chuted mce then? -F.O., W.U~oro. Pa. • My 1933 debut was a flop. The manager suggested I get a different dress, so I did, a white satin one - for $27. It was elegant. and instead of getting fired, my one·week engagement was extended to four. Club au­dkmces aren't what they used to be. They want every­thing to end before It starts.

FOR ANTHONY ANDREWS. star of PBS TV's 8rldaMod Reui.l~d

· Your ..ta .._. to mlad the tamou. BrUWl dell ....... Doee It edll .m.t? -V.N., Columbia, Mo. • The class system has no real Influence In Eng&and now: Everyone works, and complains alongside everyone else. h appears. however, that the IO<alled "worlcing class" Is tryklg to keep the class sys-­·em alive In order that the unions may survive.

FROM ntE •ASK'" mm>R Rudolph Nm.,.., never trusts his bag· gage to bellhops or porters. He always does his own toting .... A set of ruby· studded buttons. which once belonged to the late Carll Gllble. were auctioned in Geneva and changed hands for $25,000 .... .-..... s.w.rt received a $500,000 advance for his auto· biography, and e.x·fugitive htty ......_ around a third of the actor's age. got a $600.000 advance for hers. So there's a Pa1ty &Ulll get a bngi rcina'.>m.

$100.000 bonus for gettlng ·kid· napped by terrorists .... Robat Mik:hum. known for his disdain of actors and movies, says what he seeks in a good~ Is wdays off ... ... Comedian Morty Gamy recendy did a show at Caesars Palace. Las Vegas. for an audience that was half Japanete. His fears about communication dissolYed when an Inter­preter joined him on stage. American and Japanae guffaws came at the same

time. and Morty wai. delighted he was coming across to we.II and managing to bridge the language gap. He lam- thmiked the lnwrpmer for his wonderluJ hq>, and was surprised when those thanks brought a look of acute embarrassment . "Mr. Gunty," said the inter· preter with a bright red fac'- "I must teD the truth . l didn't understand your jokes. But Japanese people are very polite. So when I told them ' joke over. L A U G H.' they did as they

Gunty were told ". . . .Because he used to model for knitting patterns in England. Rotter Moore is known there by the rather unflattering title of "1he Great Knit " . . .. "It's always nice to adapt the work of someone you admire." remarks Nell Simon. who wrote the movie Only When I Laugh from his own play The Gingerbread Lady . ... Top model ...._, ~ has taken grooming matters Mitchum

into his own hands. "I don't use a comb." he con· fesses . .. , prefer to arrange my hair with my fingers ." ... Robert De Niro'• maniage to actress Dlahnne At.­boa was in serious trouble (they were unoffldally sptit) until the couple started working together on King of Comedy, a movie now In production ... . Carpentry, It teemS, has a new cachet. First "'9c::ollDt l.Jnl.y ~lncw Mmpnt's son) took an interest in the craft. Nov.I, Mlc:hMI s.len. son of the late Paa Selen. has taken It up and is bUJy redecorating former step­rnom 8rttt E'Jd.-id's home.

PRO a..... <a... mumn1st. director. Comminee tor . the Study ol ~ American Electorate

PROAADCOO CON ...... M. Sewn-on. dnc:tor. Elections

• / Democ:racy depends for Its health on the consent of the governed

1 and for Its vita1ity on their active In· wlvernent. When nearly 100 mil· lion voting-age Americans fall to vote. American democracy ls In trouble . The fewer voters there are, the more likely it Is that highly

~met YOter'I apou9ng nanow 9ipedal lntmatt wlll domNeie our polltics, and our democncy will become gc:>Yemment of the few. by the few and for the""'· ........... .,...,.....,._, •• ,...., • ., Fl!llr-...,

..., '--""" -.. .............. ..n .• , ._ .,. .... ......

R...-ch C«nta h's true Presidential voter turnout ls ~than a decade ago. but not by much. Voter turnout is like a roller coaster - sometimes up, sometimes down - but it's a mistake to assume that low turnout equals bad government and high turnout equals good government. More than 99 pacent oi the Sovim "'* and they haw the ~ tyranny In the modem worid. The demoaacy with the lowest turnout ls Swllmiand and lhe 5'Adll may have today's bat~ sociely .




i ' c

Ao,,.n114ment •

How To Achieve Total Finan~al

"Millionaires Are Not I 00 Times Smarter Than You, They just K"ow Tbe Wealth Fonn11/ii ••

• • Mark 0. Harold.sen Millionaire in 48 Months

'.\tillionairc•s are no t 100 o r c vt-n lO time" o;m :uter than vou, hnt it is a fad that m i llionaires ar~· makin~ lO to 50 and even 100 timc-. more tha n yo,11.

:\re these wealthy people workin~ that mm:h h arde r than vou ? ~o w ;w!

If you a re workin~ ;,nly 20 hm;r..; a week, it would h e:: physicall y imposs i­hll'. (There an.• only 16R hours in ;' wel·k. no one ~e::h mort•.)

The -.{' <tt1e, t ion " u sed tu really "tu mp mt-. That wa'> n few year-. ilJ!O.

'.\Iv wife a nd I thc n li\'ed in D e::n"cr. Colomdo, a t 2545 South II i~h Street . \Ve p ;t id Sl35 a month re nt fo r a c rampe d . tumble d down h o n-.e . '.\i y wift• was e~pcctin~ our o;econd c h i ld and we were Oat h roke . I fe lt dt'-.perak and forced into u com e r. I had to h a r­row $150 from my fath e r and nnothn $150 fro m m y fittht' r-in- law j11 .. t to huy the j.(rocerie'> and p11v the re n t. If that wa"n ' t e nouj{h , I wa.; ·.,e, e ra I thou­sand, dollars in d .-ht.

Thin.i:ts are much differe nt now. L:1st vear I could have rPtire d and live d off the income of my one million dollars in real t><itak ho ldin jls . (I n cid e n11y. al­mos t nil o f the incom e from the real t.""lt1re is tux free).

Sin"·~ I had worked 20 to -40 hmm a week, I know thnt I didn't work evtm 10 times lon~er o r hardt>r thun you . And with my C-1wentf(e from Ames HiJlh S<.:hool (located in Ame~, Iowa), I rn

Freedom ituite certain that l'm 11ot .111y "marh:r than \'011.

If hours, dforts. o r hmin:. ;Ir<.' no t whut -;epamks tht· ric h from the a\'Cr­age gu y who is 'wampe d with <ld>t" .ind Vt'ry littl~:. !r..c,o.f!l.r, ~l)t: n wh;'t h .?

l ·lt'amf tl'tht· m1swt•r t1> tha t c111e-. t111n from .mold ll-llo w in Den\'er. T his fd ­low w orked in a drug .;tort- ' h >ckinl! thl• .; h e l\'e:.. Very fow peoplt· lme-w that he h nd 5200.000 in tht· hank, all 1lf w h ich he had eam t'd ' ta rtin g from n1Hhing.

Within a vear .1fkr m c.• l'ting him. I \\\ Is told ancl ' h own thl' ' amc..• th ing hy .1 young man w h o had rt'ct-ntl y l'ilml' d o ver a million dollar' . 8 \' thi , timl', I hc..·~an to rl·alizc that " h.;t I wa' hl·i n i.? ,hown was trul\' a rt- m.1 rk;i lill· a nd workah lt' " -." · to


\!n>W rk h. I hel!an to .apply thl' prinl'iplt'"' and

me thod .; I had hc..·t..•n ..; hnwn. T lw n·­""lt" wert- . I l·nuldn' t llt'Jit'\'t' how c:a:i.y it W;b, iu fad it 'el'ml·d too ea,\'.

But tht·n I mt•t an e l<lt'rly lad y on ·year -; old ) w h o . a lth1111 J.! h not \·l' r~· "mart. ha' madl· Slli ,000 11-.inl.! tht­'""'l' formuhl.

I then fi J!lirt·d m~· lwl.!1nni111.t w ,1,n't l11l·k.

For thrt..'l' a nd ont· h a l f \'t'ar,, I worked hard to rd'int· anci im im1\'e 1111

thl· formula that I had ht..·t•n ,hown, ' n th a t it would he.· l'il"~ t1• 1.!t't q 11ickt'r l"(''>Ult, ,

:\.; I did thi s. my a~-.t..·h multiplit·d very rapidl y ( 160 per cent 1wr yt'ar) lo th t.' po int that I didn't ha'Vl' to work .iny lo n ger.

I ~ucss l am hm~wnJ.C now, hut 1 did :.tart 'J>t.'ndin!( a lot of time in ou r back yMd pool, trnvelin~.'''°".nd the coun­try, and doin)( a lot of loafing.

Then one day a fri e nd a sked me h ow h(• cou ld d o whitt I had done .

So r De!ttln to o utlint' thl' fonnul.1 that I h ad improved to s how h im really how simple it was, and how he l'ould do tht.-t same thing .

By the next time he 11pproad1ed me , I hn<l w ritte n a lmo -;t 11 co mplck vol­ume on the ensy wuy fo r h im tn copy my n.•.;ulti;.

I wrote this in :.i rn1) lt-, 'tra ii.:ht for­ward lan~m.i:te so im yont' co 11 Id 11nde r­"t1md it .

This t im t> m y fr it- rnJ'" r111 cs t io n ' were very specifi c. ( He had alrl•ad . ht-Kim lmyinli( propertie-; with the for­mulas l hnd heen "ivin)( him). Now he h11d a property he wunte>d to lmy, hut was out of <.:;,sh. How could he huy it?

I not only showed him how to buy without cm1h , but h y the time the deul was l'<>mplc.-te, he .had SS,000 cash In hi~ pocket to llClOl

I lllso s hQwcd hf m how to huy '' '26,000 pn.perty for t75 down, -

You, or 1mynne, can do ~,,,dly what I

did . o r Ill \ do,.t' fri e nd' ha\'t' dorw . in fact , you .;, ll}' W(.• 11 du it hetkr. ( I h1..·~:m doin)( thh in m y ' part' time only ).

It doesn 't mattt!r whe::re you Ii ,(· o r tht' ' i1.t! of your town u r l'ity, m ) for­mula' ill , 11ow you t.'.\al'tly h ow to :

• Bu y income prop e rties for ;t 'I littl t• "" $ 100 down.

• Begin with1111t any <:ash . • P11 t S I0,000 l'ash in your

pockt' t t'al·h t imt• yon hu ~ (without ' t' llinJ.! propert~ I.

• O o uhlt' vonr as"l't" n •arh. • Lt•~all y :1rnid payin~ li·d~·ra l

o r -. ta tt• inl·om e ta't''· • 811 y liaT}!ain" .it 1h tlw ir markc.·t

'al 111..·. • ·°'llow \ ' O ii to tm' 'l•I ont..•

Wt'l· k ,;11t of t'\"t' ry mo nth . \\' hen ro11 st•nd m.- .1 diel·k or monl'y

urdl· r for SlO. I wi ll 'c.·n d vo11 .di nn fc1 rm11las and nwthu<f-., and } IHI .tr~ frt-t' to ll "e tht'm anvwh~re and a' ollcn .1, vo11 would likt> . ·

:\;ow if nm wen' a pe r o;on:1I frit.•n<l of mint- I k now '011 would l>t' lil''"l' ' mt· ,md ~ot nt·(•ci ;.tll} kind n f ).!1tar.1111t'1..•, lmt 'in l"l' \ ou don 't know 1111..· p l•r,1m­.ill~ . I w ill° ).{U.tra nkt• th .it you w ill ht· t.·0 111plt.·tl' ly , a thfit-cl .md my ft>r­muJa wi ll work for you if you a pply it. I will h ;u.:k 11p that g11arantt..·l' h> not ca:.hing }Our dwck for 10 <la~ '· and ii y1111 for any re.1,.on 1..·h .1ll)!l' y1111r mind. Id mt' know .md I will H'nd ~ 1111r 1m­casht•d d1eck hac k.

Yo u may wel l ask, w h y am I wi lling to -.ha rl' m" formu l.1 for wealth? Well. ht•cml'\l' many of . 011 wi ll prnhahl~ wt.>k further l·on~u lt;tti on ,mci dirt'l'­tion from mc as your Wt'alth n tpi<lly ~row" and my t:o ns 11 lt;1ti11n l't-t' . 1dd~ to ow forttmt·.

·But \ 'O ii -.ho11ldn 't care..• if I profit . 1~ lon).t a~ you profit. And' 1 )(uarantt•t' you wi ll.

By the way, if you l't-t-1 a littl t' unt·asy 11hout scndin)! a ch l·ck or m ont'y ordt>r for $10.00, si m p ly pos tdak it h y .1() d .1ys w h ich w ill cumplt'tc ly climin.1tt-· vour ri sl(. · I f you would like to c heck :-o mt· of m y re fe rt-1H.:t'., I liavl•·d a ft·w :

Snit Lakt' C ha1nb1..•r of Comme rct..• , 19 E nst 200 So uth, Salt Lukl· Cit~. L' tah 84 111; Ch;irle,. F. Httht'r. Ccrtifit' d l'tth lic At·co11nt.111t . 1850 Ren ­efici1tl Life Tower~. Su lt La ke City, Utiah . AOl-53l -R286.

To order, .,imply wrik o n any siw paper " financiul Ceni 11 ,.'', your name ltnd address indudinJ.t ~ip t•mJc. pli1ct• it in a n envdopc und 11cn<l it to ~lnrk 0 . HaruldM'fl . Im· .. IR31 Fort l ' nio11 Bl\CI.. Oc.-pt.NG17A Salt Lnlw Cit~ . l't11h ~U21 . St" MIN' tn t•nclrnw .1 d 1t·l·I.. or 11111111'\ ordt.•r for SIO.


By Erne« Volkman

I. n October of last year, two guards aboard an armored truck pulled up to a bank stop in Nyack, N. Y .. and began to load $1.6 million . Sud­

denly. three armed men In ski masks appeared. and. without warning, gunned down the guards. killing one of them . Down the road.the robbers. wtth all six bags of money. picked up two vehicles and several accomplices. While stopped at a police roadblock . they gunned down two police officers.

When it aU flnaUy ended . author­ities discovered that this was no or­dinary armored-car holdup - the robbers wen? , in fact . revolutionaries from the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army. two radical groups formed during the tur· bulent 1960's. For the past several years. they appeared to be virtually dormant. but as police and F.B.I . agents began following up leads. they discovered that the dormancy was il­lusory.

Uncovered in the investigation thus far have been a network of hide-outs. caches of weapons and explosives and. mOS1 ominously, diagrams of .veral New Yori< City police stations. Authorities now believe that both groups probably involved In two other armored-car holdups in which guards were killed. plus the cold­blooded killing of a policeman last year.

If that terrorist Incident wasn't enough for the F .B.I., in December the U .S . Government received repons that hit teams had been dis­patched by Llbyan leader Muammar Qaddafi to assassinate President Ronald Reagan and other top of­ficials.

AD of whk:h raises some important questions: Does the sudden resur­gence of two notorious revolutionary groups mean that a new wave of btr· rorism Is about to break out In this country? ls more and more inwna-

I • FAMILY WIEMlY. J_., M. .tea


The 60's are long past, but angry bombf}rs and silent stalkers are still murderousfY.~mong us. "

tional terrorism shores?

spreading to our fUtrated several radical American

There is some disagreement on the answers. F.B.I. officials. for ex.ample. say that It is unc.lear.whether any such resurgence is about to take place. but add that the bloody events In Nyack represent. probably, the "last gasp" of the revolutionary movement In this country. Other experts, however. disagree. Edward Mlller. former chief of the F.B I. counterintelligence divi­sion (which has direct responsibility for keeping tabs on radical and ter· rorlst groups in this country) says, 'The important fact to keep in mind is this: Ask yourself why these people [the Weather Underground and the Black Uberatlon Army) would rob an armored truck. What did they want $1 mUlion for? These are not the kind of people who buy yachts." This opin­ion Is also held by Lany Gratwohl. an F.B.I. undercover operative who In-

groups for the Bureau some years ago.

Only lime will teU whether the events In Nyack are in fact the "last gasp." but one fact is clear: Even without these two groups. there is more than enough terrorism in this country to be concerned about.

Today. terrorism Is an international fact of life. According to U .S . State Department figures. from 1968 to the present. there have been nearly 7 .500 international terrorist incidents. ranging from shootings to sky-jackings to bombings. Much of the violence has been random. with nearly 3.000 people killed simply because they were in the way of a bomb blast or shoot-out. Of this number. at least 173 of those killed and 290 of those wounded were Americans.

The continental United States has not been immune from international

terrorism, and we can divide terrorists In this

The Weather Und.erground:S Kalherin~ BoudJn was country into two cate-cmated o Nyack. N. Y. ahoot-out last vear. gories: 1) fore>gn ter-

rorists seeking to extend their violent political argument to this coun­try: and 2) domestic ter· rorists seeking to carry out violence in the United States.

The latter category is the easiest to undentand since It is relatively uncomplicated. At the head of the ~st of about a dozen domestic ter­rorism groups is the Weathermen organiza­tion. A radical faction of the Students fo; a Democratic Society. whkh was formed in 1969 to organize student demonstrations against the Vietnam War. the Weathermen advocated a violent campaign against the Establish­ment - defined as big businest and Govern­ment - to brtng It down

with a crash . The group set off several bombs around the country but virtual­ly collapsed in 1970 when its bomb factory in a New York City town house exploded , killing three of the group's leaders and sending the others Into a decade of hiding. (One of those who fled . Kathy Boudin. was among those arrested in connection wtth the Nyack shooting.)

The Weather Underground and Black Uberalion Army represent the gravest dangers of radicalism on the political left, but the growing terrorism on the far right may be even greater cause for worry. The key develop· ment has been the joining of the Ku Klux Klan with the American Nazi movement . a fusion underscored violently In 1979 when Klan and Nazi members shot and killed five members of the Communist Workers Party who were demonstrating In Greensboro . N.C. The Klan. now undergo ing someth ing of a resurgence. has become Increasingly Violent. and some Klan groups sound openly fascist . In the year, ac:cor· ding to Justice Department figures . In­cidents involving violence by Klan o r Nazi groups increased about 200 per· cent.

This Is all cause for some worry. but F.B.l. offlcials note that the most im­portant category of terrorists In this country continues to be those our­siciers who use the United States as a ba~ound. Foremost among them Is the Cuban-uile radical movement. The m!Utant wing of this movement is in fact a creation of the United States - this country armed, supplied and trained several hundred Cuban-exile volunteers. who participated in a series o f hit-and-run raids against Castro's Cuba (and the abortive Bay of Pigs invask>n) .

But in 1967, the operation was closed down. Some of the exiles laid down their arms, but others drtfted to a number of radical anti ·Castro groups that eventually turned to ter­rorist action . The most significant of these Is Omega 7. a violent offshoot of a leading Cuban-exile group, the Cuban Nationalist Movement. Based

' in Jeney City, N.J., the tMe of a large Cut.\ com· mtdy, Omtga 7 has carried qut bomb attaclls against Cuban diplomaac imtalo?­tions In this coun­try, claimed responsibility for the murder of a CUban dlpbnat In UJya• Qoddaff (third from lt6/t): Dfl:l IW! diapatdt hit men? New York Cly and -~respon-.. for the abcks on a Cuban tnMr:I agent who aminged for tour~ to Wit Cuba. Omega 7 has been ex­tremely dlfftcull for the F. 8.1. to aack.

AnoCher organlzalion that seelcs to ua this country as a~ l:s a much la5-public:bed !J'O'.IP known as 0 .T P .0 .R., kUtiBls for "Cromian Na­tionlll R 1 I 1 'Na: ... The !JOUP, which advocMes violent adion to aeate an independent Cromian .... (Cromia is • provinc.e of YupliMa) . ftna t.gan in Eumpe, where It amted out wmnt aaacks against ~ lnltala­lkxw. The !JOUP fkst came to o8k:ial notice here several yeen ago when the Cioeeiar\ c:ommunly In the United States was wracked by a series ol ex­tortion attempts against communMy laden. 0 . T.P .O.R. has been severe-

' ly hampered due to an extensive cradcdown that took place last year by a joint mike force ol poka and F .8.1. agents.

There is ~ OYef how bat to c::ombet domatic letiotlsri I .

Owing recent hearings by ~ llonal committees, conservative

1 Ca9em1Mtn and ....,.. -sued that Ame1can intdgmce agencies need new, broadened powers to com­bat flltrotisn I and that gukietrw:s lp­prowd during the Cartm Adminisara­tion 1aaictb 19 brtdgesa c::olection In this country on radical !JOUPS need to be loosened. (The Reagan Ad­minlslrdon iS also in faVQJ of tolten · Ing these reslridlons.) Civil brties

~ argued, howeYer. that the threat of domestic tarorism is not ~~to warrant such things as Wiretaps and spying on di9lident groups.

This argument is altk:al, becaus8 temxism experts have long held that and-t.errorism is fundammtaDy a mat­ter of good ir.tdigaace. h is not ~. they dlim. to be prepared for a fGIOitwil Mtack; the ewJlCe ol c:omt.619 leriOi .... is to pttUCnl It from llartlng. Boeh the F.8.1. and local pob farces for yeen haw been peepwed to c:ombet llliiOitlt -·· mainly throtqt the me of spa:illl SWAT and assault task bees. Molt major cities haw long11 lfM~hed procedure for dealng with tenolist assaulls. indudJng the famed ho9mge­negotieting force in New York City (which is being copied elsewhere) .

There is some quesdon, ~ of how wel local and Fedmll forces .-e prepared in the lntdigenoe area. Certainly. no one was prepared for Nyack. Some ~ attics argue that wilh gmar b1tellgetace, authorities would have known ol the impending assaull and might have been .. to llOp It.

Pahaps. but as F .8.1. oftidals note. inte)gence on domestic teuonsm is not an a,,y propoeltion . .. Ant," says one F. 8.1. afftdal, '"you haw to deter­mine whether .. y pmticular !J'OUP is in fact a real thrat to cany out ter· rortst acts. Then you're talking about tnfthration of the !JOUP by undercowr operaltva or informants, and this ls no sDnple )ob. ft can take yeas to bulld up such an open11loo. In some ol the more radlcaJ 5J'OUIJS, the

. cxganllllion Is tmll1I and very ~ coi1troled, making lrtfllliallon and monitoring wry d8adt. And you can't Mal an~ just on the aaspi­don they might be about to commit a ta1on. act: you haw to present con­aete evklenc:e of a C0119piaacy. Thae are not easy CMeS to prove."

The events In Nyack haw not llt­ded the argument, for .,....oo one ii qulla sure YI* wtlll they po.-Ki. A. one F .B.I. c6illi pu1111, "'The qua11on ii wt.a. the&.. on the bomb Is a foot long or only .. b:h Ieng. Whit- rm ewr, t'1lll • bombllddng9W1¥" 9'11

~'I WHKLY, __,al, - •1


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Each towel is beau1ifully fashioned in 100°4 fully woven cotton. Each is in beautiful. brand-new condition-not used. not a second. not a rejecr. Each is ideal for all your cleaning needs around the home or to hang in guest bathroom, rec room, etc. Each is colorfast ... machine washable •.. naturally absorbant . . . quality woven and double bordered. to make a complete set of beautiful matching 22 x 14 size towels . . . each one fashioned with a lovely decorator's accent-stripe in delicate pastel.

Should you wish to retum your towels, you may do so at any time, (even after you use them) to Spring Colony Mills S8'es, and reoeive a full refund ~ your purchue price. There is a limit of five (5) towels per address. But if you respond to this notice within 15 days, you may order additional towels, at the special discount price of: 10 Towels for $9 plus $2 shipp4ng and handling; 20 bwees for $17 plus S3 shipping and hal'.dng; 30 li>wels for $24 plus S4 postage and handling. l'!'is original notice must accompany your order. Photocopies will not be accepted.

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New Arthtltls Tteatments: Which ~rk, Which · Don't


For elJef'Y legftbnate beobt1ent being oJ/eled today Jor ~ there fa a, •411GCk"' one. It~ e11entlal that eueiy ad/etl!I be able to 9f'Dt the dflfetence.

By Leely Betger

Over 31 m8on people In the UnlRd States suffer &om arthrtds. But not aD ... vic­tims of the same dtseale.

1he tmn 'arthrtlts' *1lpiy means 'In­flammation of the" )olnts,' " says Dr. Mk:hael Lockshln, a rheumatologist and a.>date profellOr of medidl wt at Comd Unlwnlly Medical College In New York City. '1llere are owr 100 different types of dlleases that It en­compames."

Oileeoarfhrflfs, the molt c:omrrion type, ii a ~ ct--. that c:omn &om wes-.and-.._ on the

~._.,lto~~ ... , Dh•ll'I ,.......liaPCs-

joints. It Is reAatlwty nondilabllng and afflicts ekierty people and those in physbly ~ occupltions.

RMu'"'**' arthrlla ts the molt dls­dng and the molt dangerous. In this type of m1hrtlll (as in aD OCher types except osteomthrtds), the P.nmune llJ*m, which normaly fights disease, apparently goes haywire and abcks the joints i'WIUd. The raull is tnftam­melk>n . plMn . ldffnas and 90metima alppllng. Rheu~ arthrttis affects people of any age but predominantly thoee In the rnkldJe years. If untreat­ed, It can~.

Other common arthrttic diseMeS .. gout, lupus,~ (arth!tlis of the lpN) and juNnlle ardtndl (which C8rl ...... evtr1 lrDnta) .

While ct.. .. d no' ans b

arthritis, tremendous advances are now being made In b..aiig i . Unfor· tur\lmly, many m1hrttls sufferers. con­tinue to squander theW money on un­pl'OWT\ and polllJly humdous reme­dies. In this lpldal health s.:tlor1, we ofl8l' Information on the hopeful MW

dewlopmenls In the treatment of arth11111, • wel as suggmb11 on how quack treatments can be NCX9lizied and avoided.

••1:•aah• dsa Bmu t .. ''Oveal, the blggelt advfn(:a have

been made in the trllllbuent of Ollilo­ar1tdll, ~ NCONtrudM sur· gery," says Dr. Fntderlc c. Mc:Duf8e, tenlor .vice peelldilnt for medical · ­... Ill The Arthrtlll FOWMillon In At-lanta, Ge. '"&ageons C8rl now a>n·

lb'uct new joints that •e almost as good as the original ones." The treat­ment works apedaDy weJ1 with hip rep&acement, but it Is also being done wllb knees, hands, shoulders. d>ows and ankles, Dr. McOuf6e adds.

Dr. ~ concurs. "What can be done with surgery is astounding ... he says. '1t has turned bedridden peo­ple into fully ambulatory people ...

•• Isl ....

wllla•••rn••• RheumMoid dwtdl seems lo re­

lpond best to any of a vmmy of '\-e­rnMtive drugl," which, aa:udi 19 to Dr. McDuffie, can ltop the d8eaM right in lb trac:b. Alpirtn in .. cWy dotes has been an effective agent In the lalening of lnflammmlon and the relief of pain. Such large doles, howewr. can caute lide deds IUCh 81 llomllch lltltadoi I and ringing in the an in some lndMduals. '"But now, much Is being done wllh so-called 'NSAID's,' nonsteroidal anti-In­flammatory drugs, that can do the job of aspkin wllhout side effects, .. McDufBestates.

Another remedy. ln)ections of • gold compound Into the body, has been effecttve in halting inftamlnldon and. laMning mthrtds ~rnpOns. "But gold ~ by injection can be toxic," Dr. Mc:DufBe says. Now ..,.... Is opClmilln M>c>Ut a new onl gold medlc:adon. which wtl pe"Oblblt; be ,... lealed wltm the yes. Since I oon­tllirw ... gold thin the llljldD\ cbl,

(cottdrlued °" ,,.,,. 10;

Am ID OllE FIEEI For the next 15 days only!

_ A ............ U.S. ..._ii .... ._ .......... ,_. .. -N ow1 FOf lhe first time. ~ Colectors Guild will aend ~ one IOlld sitwr'

Morgan Dollar FREE with each eet of fl-.. ordered. Don't miss out on thit Incredible ofter good tor the nm fiftMn days only.

Numilmalic Colectots Guild hat ~ a llmtted supply of Morgan tolid eMYer dolarl, coneidef'ed by 8ICpef1s to be the peak of the engr...-. art. TheM tolid ell\lef dolt8rl of 412.5 grllinl of ninety~ fine lllwr. lhl'M quarter ounce of P'ft sl!Yer, are the molt eought after c:olns eYerminted In lhe lJni1ed StaM. Dated from 1878to1904, in *Y fine oondlllon, tt*9 colnl haw become IO popular that collectors and inYHtorl haw been hoarding them tor )'MI'S. Ma reMltt. there are no longer any Motpan Sllv9r DollMs In ctrculdon. ~ Doflarcolnl, in general, t\11118inaHMd<Mr1 ,000% (that'l~f<J119r 10 times) In value In pt9C9dlng ~· Some Morgan Silver Ootlart Hit for as much u $20,000 and. prime mint condition Morgan Si!Yer Dollar l908ntty IOld tor $42.500.

Now. we Niwa lllMl11bled our ltmit.ed IUppty into lllCQUlstt• IOld all¥er colectlons of ~ YfKY fine Morgan Dollart. Each Ht la dltplayld on a royal blue background In a handeome plWfUtion c.... Makel a litttime gift which can be handed down from generation to oei•ation. To "-"9 )IDUf oompleta lllilfKtlon. each oolectlon ii eocom· panled by a Certifale of Authenticity. We guaram. a tun l9fund within 15 days If not dlelghted.

Aec:e11~ theM c:oinl..,. Hlling at $250.00 P8f' MC, but we.,. now able to ofter them to you Ill our low price of $175.00 per MC which we can gu.,.,,._ tor the next 1 s dayl only.

Numilf'ndc Coltedofl Guild, dealefa In gold and '6hl'lr bulffon and ,..,. coins for <Mr 30 ~. II a member 'of the ANil Coin Dealers MIOdation and the Amefan Numll· mllic Meoctetion. Nl0rtn ..., 111111 .......... ......,

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: ~ c.9C..ll. : I Cly I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 =-- Zip ..... .... . .. . .................. ; .... ~-------~--------~-----~-------------------------------..

ArthritU researchDS are dlscoumng how the d~cue euoluu.

doctors believe it will have reduced side effects. ·

"Penicillamlne, a medicatSon that Is a telative of penk:lllin and Is taken crally, can also be effective for people wtth rheumatoid arthritis." Dr. McOuf. 6e points out. "And the Food and Doig Administration Is presently try· Ing at least 70 other drugs, Including some that attack the diseaM by alter· Ing the reactions of the body's Im· mune system." . ...... _ ...

T .. 11a1au Other experimental tratments that

suppress the body'a Immune system have recendy reoelved a great deal of attention. In biol experiments at Sum· ford and Harvard Universities, ex· posure to radiadon has been found to alleviate some of the symptoms of severe, aippllng rheumatokt arthrttis. According to Dr. Rkhard Hoppe. assistant prof euor of radiation therapy at Stanford University Medical Center, dodon ot.rved that patients being treated for Hodgkin's diseate (cancer ol the lymph noda, with radiation. had the abnormaJlties of their Immune tyltem suppraeed.

10 e MMILY WllKLY, ,,..._, M, ~

Believing that such exposure to X-rays would be beneficial to rheumatoid arthrttis sufferers. docton selected patients who had already undergone extensive unsuccessful treatments wtth gokl and penicilla· mi~ and treated them with low doses of radiation. The results were quite encouraging.

.. We don't claim to have CW'ed them. but N.oo years later .the patients are much Improved." Dr. Hoppe says. "Right now, We are enthusiastic but cautious. We want to emphasize

·that this treatment is sdlJ In the ex· pertmental stages. We are oonlinulng to study tts effect. and It will lake aslly five years to provide convincing proof."

"Because of the potential dangers of radiation . this treatment can only be used for those patients at the WOJSt end of the spectrum." Dr. Lockshin adds.

Aptwrais, a blood-filtering tech· n6que, has allo been found to Im· prove the oondtdon of mo. wtth rheumatoid arthrttis and lupus. "How· ever, the treatment Is~ expen· live (an atimated $40,000 a year for

lcoftlfnwd on PQ11 121

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the first year). so it is being used only In delpeele situlltions and Is not wideJy available," Dr. McDuffie 5¥·

While the development of new tre.aanwnts .. doubdesa ol ~ impor· tance. Dr. Lockshin beJieves that the most b1iportmd work being done~ now In the fight against arthrtis deals wllh .. ~... di5cowrtrlg how a a..e evoNa and dewlops. "\Yllhoul this understanding. treat­ment can hide the basic problem. h's h putting a Band-Aid on an at.ce.." Dr. Lockshln says. "By the tum of the century this new knowledge will be translated Into phenneoeuticals, 90 that we should lta1 teeing major changes in treat-ment."

Meanwhile. Dr. McDuffie ...... "Treatment ii a lot more than drugs. k Involves training people wllh exerdle Pl'O!PJT'I, rest and physical therapy. People mus be helped to live with the dileale. even when we can't wave a magic wand and come up with a cure."" 8 Q.•dillj But too many arthrtds....,... con­

tinue to _. the magic wend. "Quackery ts a $1~~ bull· .-," Dr. McDuffte tey1. AalOlding llO Dr: LockstUn, mnedla range from


... ANO OoQ Food 30 lbs. for 25 lb. price

the .. just plain silly. such as copper bracelets and acudols (1itk dots one pastes on the slm to rei.eve pain) . to the such as cobra venom. ~een-lipped mussel extract. and co­caine." Why do people tum to them? "Because pain. espedaly chronic pain. makes people do lots of things ... Dr. Lodcshln says.

Mus publldly also ,&lys a part. pmticularfy in the case of DMSO (<11* methyl suJfoxlde) . a substance which hes been widefY touted on television and In the news media. even though It has not been aoproved bv the Food and Drug Administration (f.0 .A.) for anything other than a rare b&adder dis­ease. "DMSO seems to have a mild analgelic (pain relievlng] elfec.t, but it's just a tenipor•y pain killer," Dr. McDuf6e points out.

.. We're llncknwhelmed with Its use· fulness In anything," Dr. Lockshln says. "And it's by no means a benign substance. h has had serious side ef. fects, such as larg. skin bums In s6me people. and It can also Interfere with the medication a patient is already taking. Its prtndpel propot .... hew faied for owr a decade to present adequate data about Its~.

According to Dr. Locklhln, other advcrtlled trutTMnts not only do not

(COftdnwed Oft ,,. J5J


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Doctors reploce a hip : "What can be done with surgery is astounding. "

cure arthritis. but can also be very hmmful. One example Ls the Mexican clinics which promise "miracle cures" but actually use dangerously hlgtl doses of cortisone and other medica­tion outlawed in the United States. Other potentially dangerous products are liefcort, a cortisone preparation contU\lng male and female hor­mones, and chuifong toukuwan, a Chinese hem preparation containing toxic substances.

Fad diets, such as the one that elim­inates "nightshades" (tomato, egg­plant, asparagus) , or the one that pro­hibits procased food . are also In· effectual against arthritis. 'These diets are based on ideas with no relevance to the disease," Dr. McDuffie says.

When dealing with the dizzying ar­ray of remedies for fighting arthritis, The Arthrttts Foundation advises that you remember the adage, "Anything that 1e>unds too good to be true prob­ably is."

Addtionaly. Dr. McDuffie recom­mends that you 1ee how a substance ts promoted. "Be sulpidous If it's advertiled solely by tatimonlals, like the football player who says. OMSO

- helps his ·sore arm." he warns. "Human-Interest stories are not good enough. sinc.e there's always the chance that a subsaance wori<ed due to cotnddence, the placebo effect (mere belief In a cure may help a per· Ion feel better) or that the person do­ing the teltlmonial never had arthritis In the first place." Dr. McDuffie em­phema that a good cure will always show evidence IUppot1ed by valid sd­cndlc raults.

"Always know what you're taking,"

says Dr. Loc:kshln. "Be sure you get fuD dlsdoswe of a product's risks and benefits. Ideally, you should discuss the product's pros and cons with your physician ."

Dr. McDuffie cautions arthritis suf­ferers agzsinst searching for an easy way out. "People should follow their doctors' advice on treatment and exercise," he says. "Even If it isn't 100

percent effective, It stiJl can be very good . U an indlvidual stops the treat· ment just to try some quack remedy, he could end up losing quite a l'!WI bit in the long run ." ILi

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Joe Namath's Sectet and

For ~ post two weeks, you'ue no doubt bttn bom· barded with more ptt-Super Bowl minutiae than anyone could hope - cw care - to ~member: But what really goa on during Super Bowl week? ~ asbd veteran sportswriter Vic Ziegel to share some of his locker· room and bar-stool reuela· tlons from the past XV "ubnc:ce goma. • -Hett-'s his report.

T he first few Super Bowls were called Super Sunday. Head­line wr1ters ~ aedlt

for that. The rival pro football leagues were wtllng to de­tcrt>e II as merely the world championship.

From that first game. in January 1967, the ·Super Bowt with the ldenllfytng roman numeral was still m or JV years away. I was on the way to a &tenet's apartment. A 30-lnch 1V screen and the promise of enough beer'for double owrtime. Running.a lllde a.. CfOlling sareets on red lights. Trytng to ftgure out how Kansas Ctty could pos­dJly beat Green Bay and Vince Lombardi. A veteran sportswriter actua8y excited .bout a game.

Slowly, I began to notice ocher people In the sb'eet. People In no perttcular huny. W.ldng Into ttora. probably

VI Othet Super Bowl Tales

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to buy things, certai'\ly taking their own · tweet tirM". Why weren't they at home, I won· dered, wmchlng the game? I almOlt thouted, .. Go home. It's Super Sunday!"

What I rwrnemb.r about the game belt Is that the Oliefs ~ dole for most

of three quarters but, be· caute of Mveral unexpected guests, our t..r was gone by · hallime. Thlt was awful. I know Vince would have uoo.r.ood. Aftfll all, he's famous for saying, '"8-r ilrl't cverything; It's the only thing."

• The first Super Bowl vlc-

toty by an American Fooebel I eegue tam came In 1969, when the New York Jell, 17-pokd underdoga, ICUnned the BelllrnoN Cob. a.. them, too. Joe Namath Wiii

• tplendld qumebeck dw-

ing that game. Even better. for the week the - tpenl In Miami. "We're going to wtn," Narnadl said. .., guarantee tt." He spent molt ol his waking hours guaranteeing it.

Hts ftrst night, though, he was at a Foc:t Lauderdale bar buying drinks, the $400,000 quarte!back having a high old time. Who should drop Into the same bar but Lou MichaeJs. the !P'eal Bakimore defensWe tackle and p&ac.e­kidcer. There were words. "Rich guys buying drinks," Michae)s !JUnlbled. "We're going to kick your butts," Namath shot back. Eyewit­nesses report that Michaels went for Namath and was re· strained. We were told that Narnadl ftnaly bolqlt a drink for Michaels.

RQPOrterS tried to check out that story the next morn­ing at the Jets' press confer· ence, but Namath wasn't there. The closest we came to the quarterback was his roommate, .safety Jan Hud­ton . · .. Joe · couJdn 't make It here." Hudson tried to ex-

. plain. "ff the press con­ference was at 4 P.M .• Joe VolOU.ld be here. Come to think of l . If It was 6 A.M. he'd have been here. But not at 11 A .M.10

While Jets' coach Weeb Ewbank kept his players loose by telling dirty jokes, Johnny Rauch, Oakland's coach In the preceding Super Bowl, was the \\.'Ont of talk­ers. He must have majored In ckhes. WMtl a minor In evasive answers. Midway through a &ultradng ques­don-and ·no,answer semk>f'I , columnist Jtmmy Cannon phrued his query this way: "Coach, there's a gun at your head and you have to an· twer this question. Will you pm or run . more In thi5 game? Remember, there's a gun at your head." Rauch re­sponded, .. rd haw to MY rd balenoe the offense." Four sportswriters shouted . "Bang!"

• In Super Bowl VD (1973)

Miami beat Washington , 14-7. but the game was hardly as doM as the ftnal ICON. Wld\ MWn mJnuta left, Miami ldclwr Garo Yepremtan w aittempllig a Reid goal. When the llllp

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(condnwd from ,,. l 7)

from center was mishandled, Garo made the miltake of trying to J>MI. His pathetic effort was picked off by a w.h!ngton player and run back 49 yards for a touchdown.

The Dolphins were bad< in the Super Bowl the next year and Vepre­rruan Wiii asked If he'd been working on his paslng: Ml used to play cakh on the ~ with Coach Shula's son," Garo said. MNow the coach won't even let me do that."

• Because there

are hundreds of press repl'eSellta­tlves for eac h Super Bowl, and the N .F.L. prides Itself on Its logistics , writers spend most of Super Bowl week on b.lle:s or braldast. For the Pittsburgh-Dallas game In 1979. the Ster&en were in a hotel near the Miam i airport while [>alas Dyed al a more attrac-tive locale In Fort l..auderdale. Here's how to spaLml....experienced_..sports.. wrlta: He holds of on breakfast until the tKOnd llop, Lauderdale, where the Cowboys olfer quk:tle, aeam-ol­chidc.en awpes and popovers. The one food cae.gory dominated by the Steelers was their bnpe!llive coUec­tion of stngle-serving cold-cereal boxes.

The biggest mouth ol that Super Bo wl belonged to Thomas "Hollywood" Hendenon. the Oa1as ~. Here's Hollywood on Plttsbwgtt quarterback Teny Brad­shaw: MHe couJdn't spel cat tf you spoaed him the c .. -.,.

Hendenon adminlld chat he used his mouth on the 8eld as well. '"Say I'm ~ 9rllt somebody who's not too good looking, .. be liold us. '11 say, 'Hey, man, n bet If I follow you home somebody l9Y answers the door."'

• The ftnd of Super Bowl XN was

Pittsburgh's cheerful Off Stoudt, the quartabeck behind the quarterback behind Terry Bradshaw. In his three pro IMIOnS, Stoudt hadn' thrown a P89I nor gained a yard . Not a foot. He W81n't the, holder for extra potnts or 8eld1JOlll attempts, and he wasn't ~In durtng the last few seconds k> fal on the ball. Let's face It, Cllff

Stouch had never been In a game. '1 don't think they wash my uniform ... he said. wit's still got the lldpedion tag."

Stoudt knew he wouJdn 't be walk­ing in the 1980 Super Bowl. Ml doubt If both ol our quarterbacks will get hurt. My best chance would be a kid­napping."

This season, Cliff moved up a notch and, when Bradshaw was hurt, ftDed in splendidly. Until he Injured himself - brealdng a bone In his hand

wtule slugging a punchtng ~ in a bs. Someday, I know, Off will find a way to joke about tt\al. .

• John Matuszak, the raunchy

f>.foot 8-inch, 280-pound defansive end of the Oakland Raiders, turned in the most lmpmliYe perfonnance at last year's Super Bowl. He entered a New Orleans bar at 4 A .M., four days before the game, football the last thing on his mind. The Raiders fined Matuszak Sl.000. Other than that, they took his curfew-braking very much in stride .

Oakland coach Tom Flores was asked If Matusiak would start In the game despMe that incident. MWhat In• cident?" Fiord asked.

"Matusmk, ltaylng out on Bourbon Street till after 4 In the morrung, ga­ting drunk, milling curfew, you fining him Sl.000."

"Oh." Flores said. and now he was smiling, Mthot Incident. ..

The PhlJadelphia coach . Dick VermeU. a gung-ho type, had a dJf­ferent answer. If that were one of his p&ayers, whe'd be home by now," \Amnell said ~.

I'm delighted to report that Matusmk started the game. And Oakland won , 27-10. Didn' t somebody once My that win- rm Ing ls the only thing? I ...

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• Fftlhed doC:Q • Solid 314~ n.o­

woocll: b6-* ..tnut. c:tieny, oM

• • tlif1oom qUlllty • F~ dif9d PflOll • Solid bf .. Wist

GerfNW'I ctuming ~ti

• Money bacJt ~

• Prompt lhlpment ~.t.STCACAAO....,

~§M~· 'Wlillt ~~~=· o..• .__,... ·----



COOKS By ffiotllyn Haneen

For those active gardeners who even now are planning next season's crop, All About Tomatoes (Ortho Books, $5.95), should prove of in·

terest. This bright , beautiful book includes an up-to-date guide to both new and old varieties of tomatoes. It also has tips on growtng, a selection of regional planting charts to help you plan for your particular climate and a varied coUectk>n of recipes that will make the most of your home· grown bounty.

Here is a recipe from the book:

FRESH TOMJO'O PIZZA The pizza topping consists of fresh sliced tomatoes. anchovy fillets and cheese. However, It can be varied by adding toppings of your own choice - thinly sliced salami. minced ham , shrimp. olives, ground beef or sausage.

Dough '.4 • S allft ...., •,4 mp - -- (105-115-F)

l 't't'S Jl-Kdwlky~ 11"' c..- .... poet lour

1 sa Dlll _.. 11 U IJ H •-.....,

1. Dlslolvc sugar.In warm water and sprinkle yeest on top. Set as6de for 10 minutes or until foamy. I . Sdt Rour and salt Into a bowl. With pastry blender. cut In butter until well blended . S.. Add yeMt mlxJure to 6our and mix 10 a ~. Add more Rour If dough Is sticky. 4. Tum out onto 6oured wrface and knead until smooth and elMtk. about 10 minutes. 5. Put Into oiled bowl; tum once to coat all sides. Cover and let rtse In a warm place (800f) until doubled In bulk. 6. Punch down; tum out on\O Roured board and knead slWitly to remove air bubb£es. 7. Roi lnllo a drde v .. 1nch thick and 12 in· ches In diameter. Piece on oUed beklng sheet.

~ OIMol .............

4 - · ... .. thWv .Meed ('JI .......... 4 • 11 ....... - . ...... .... ....

Ueect.owy .... Or.-

I. Bruth top of ~ bue bghtly with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. I . Arrange ch4lae and tomato slices over ~- lay ~ ftllets between tomato slk:.. Sprtnk.le gencroutly with oregimo. S. Beke In 450Gf oven about 20 minutes until aua ls.aoiden brown. Cut Into 6 wedges and taW lrnmedllltely.

Malta 6 servings

FAMILY WllKLY, J~ 24, tlU • 11

Let Our Vlbra-Maaage Do The Work Whlle You Just Sit Back And Relax/


llOUllTOllE llJICl.fl•

111111 .. B_.FISI!


No More Strenuous Exercise, No More Dreary, Drab, Diets/

Here's the m1niculous new way to tone up flabby muscles. and firm up a flabby figure that all the women are raving about! ti's like having a profeu1onal Swedish ma ... ur at your beck and call - for a relaxing rub down, or a figure-firming ma ... ge The Vibr9·Mnage wortts electronically to tone your body, take care of

troublesome bumps and bulges. diuolve away C.llulite and whip you back mto shape. And all you do is lie back and en1oy•

2.GOOWN•llOll•Pw ....... SimJ>IY alip the ad1uatabte Vlbra· Maaaage aroond your waist, buttocks. hips '

or th1gha ... turn It on ... and let it go to work. Dozens of suctlon-<:up "fingers" knead and muuge just where you want them. Set it on 'l'ligh" and 2.000 vibrations per minute stimulate clrcutatlon tone up flabbv muscles. and massage away excess fat and fluid to trim your figure fast Or. tum it on "low'" for a gentle, reluing musage that eases away tension and

strain, rehevlng aehea and pains, and soothing away the cares of a tiresome day. ·

Uw ... ~ ,.....~ Modell The V1bra·Maaage is beautifully made, with a 45" adjustable belt, and an

extra tong 6&" power cord. lt'a just like the e11penaive professional units used In the expensive figure salora. lt'a available to you now on our money-back guarantee. Send for yours tod~ay.

- Use it on waist, hips, ••• thighs or buttocks to

massage away un­sightly lumps and bulges, a.nd firm up your figure fast!

•••• • ••o•• •••••~ »OAY llONIY.eAC* G~I You mutt be thfltled with the W8Y ~Mnuoe '"'"' ui> your figure. or retum within 30 days IOf Pfome>C Nfund of pul'CNM Pf!Ce (e•cept shipping and handling)

•••• • ••••••••••• • ••••••••••• 0 •••• ••9·~ -A(,u., •••••••••••• ~1~r--

11m• :.~..,:U-~1=--"'·• - \3 r I ,.._~me--~ .... ,. I 0OneBelttor119.9' plus $3.76 shipping Print N•~ ----------


• , l'lllndlino I

Two Belts tor 134 91 Addtftl I I Cl IA Y£ $5.oot pl\lt IU6 lhiCIPlno .. 11 & Mndling City ------------

• (Sony no c .0 .0:11 o M...., C•d o v.,. I ~ ~ ~ J Caro • Date _ •w""ut " '" c-nv ,.,


New l\1erit Research ReleaSed: ~


Overwhelming majorityof MERITsmokers report taste botius at low tar.

The most rigorous MERIT ~ research to date has just been com­

pleted . Result: MERIT smokers confirm taste a major factor in com­pleting their succcs ·ful switch from higher tar cigarettes.

MERIT Takes Taste Honors. Nationwide survey reveals over

90l\, of MERIT smokers arc glad they switched from higher tar cigarettes. In fact. 94'X, don ·c even miss their farmer brands.

Further Evide nce: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smo~ers report MERIT an easy switch. chat they didn 'c git'e up taste in switching. and that MERIT is the best-tasting lou· tar they 'i1e ever tried .

MERIT Beats 10ughest Competitors.

In the second part of this s~udy. new tests confirm that MERIT de livers a winning combi nation of taste and low tar when compared with higher tar leaders.

Con£ll111ed: The overwhelming majority reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than - leading higher tar brands.

Conf'umed: When tar levels were revealed. 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste.

Year after year. in study after study. MERIT re mains unbeaten . The prot'en taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT.

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.

0Phll'9 Monb Inc. 1912

Reg: 8 mg " tir:' 0.6 mg nicotint-Men: 7 mg " ter;' 0.5 mg nicotint-100's Reg: 9 mg ''11,;' 0,7 mg nicotine-100's Men : 10 mg " tar;' 0.8 mg nicorint IV. I* cigarette, FTC Ripon Mlf'.81

- · MERIT ~~T


RIT ~&100s

BmATlllQ ,... BLums If you feel a lllde

down in the dump thee days, l's not unusaal. Blame che po.a~ blues. After a six.-week binge. &om~ giving to Ne"' Year's , of family. friends and food. l's no wonder a let­down ooa.n.

"'The onset of winter also con­trbMs to daplw­lion ... nom a-.tes Rotman. profs 11 or al psychology al 8abmn College ... And you may have linger'u IQ disappoint­ment owr che gift. or aa.ndon you reoeiwd. Allo. New Year's is a*-of reflection. After c.or..,.tng your life wilh thole you Mwll't seen in a while. you may fee) like things haven't worked out ...

Your sprts should pk:k up as we mow further from the hoadays. says Roem..i . who advises staying as adiYe as pollltie dapft the weather and d8cualg your feelings '° discontentment doesn't simmer inlide you.

PllAR ....... womA llG?n It wms Mrd to bdew now, but the mariietes al lest

yes's biggat box~"hit, Rtadera of the l..olt Art, were so afraid the ftlm ~ be a flop . they purpotely avoided any ~ pubMdty.


We .-Illy ran an ite:rn ... llbcxd ~. the puzzlng &w'*'9 disat*y affecting millions. Soon ..... teWral readers told us about a dodor who says he's found a cause and trubMnt lex the aiJment.

Abe noticS'9 Ihm bal­ance and coordination ~· were common in the 8,000 dyslexics he's ex-amined, ~. twold Levtn­ton, a psyc:hiailristJ neurolo· gilt. theoctzed that dyRexia . Is ca.- by a dmuption In the Inns-ear ~· "The Inns ... and. behind 1hat. the c:eebelwn section of the brain. act much liJce hodzudal and wl1ica1 con· trois on a 1V," l.evinton says. 1n dyslexics. some­ttwlg goes~. and im­ages come Into the thinking brari dimrted ...

There teems to be a genetic tendency to dys­lexia, but Levinson found i that an ear Infection In e.i)I I childhood can trigger 1t. A He's been ~ his pa-

WllAT'S•AllA? f L\> on charges al ~

betm. a New Yen Cly cWen-cl.nt -- to lllmpoiq chlngl ...... --- he '-Is • may pnrjldice a jlSy .... him.

Thirty-lour-year-dd Archie Outlaw 'Nml1dy requded that '°' the d&ndon of his trial he be 10.ued to by one-of the fol­~ monikers: Archie lnlaw. Archie l..awabiding, Robert Haft (the name al the judge in the a.), Andrew~. Reg­gie Jadcscxl. Eleanor~-

1..asa we heard. Judge Halt was muling it over.

HOW TO DO IT From the book He. to Hold a Ooc:odik (wry caefuiy,

of course) . here's advice. practical and odlerwile. How to Id how long wd the a.en .as: Face the sdklg

sun. Hold bodl mms Ill fuD length In front of you. Bend your ftngen inward, paralel to the horizon . and ftll the spece between the horizon and the sun wilh your ~. For each finger count 15 minutes. Add it up. and that's how long till suntet. How to loU ncmy rneddrw: Eat a lbong peppmnStt or suck on an ice cube before downng k. EJdm wll numb

the taste buds and you'I be .. to *>mad\ evie:n the dreaded cod-her oil.

Ho"' llO uanquish a uam­plre: (Ji$ in case .) YJear a rosary or auc:llx around your neck to protec:1 your­self. or hang gstic and woihbane in windows and dootweys lo keep old fang· bruth away &om your home. A crde of holy wale' tptnkled around you wl ., do the trick. Raders popped W1k> the aowded summer movie sea­

son pradicaly UMMOWlCed because movie execs fek the film 's - (Hamson Ford) , tide and OOllClept wennl 't pro­

. motatlM. Sidney G.nis. senior vp al I •neftlm ltd .. the

tients wilh .~of ------------------

Fo#'d {W/11 In Reldes: Tough. but could vau bank on him?

oompany that IDllde the movie, Mid In ~ Age recendy. It was allo Mand th8I • media billz mdd .came aticl to..,. off ..... produc.r George lucas becm• al his pwtoul •MX F 1111 (Anmku'I Gv/lllJ, &ar Mas. The E,,.,,,,. &r*- Sadd and ~ector Se.wn 5p6ehrg --- al hil megabuck megabolnb, 19f1.

andUsmmines and antide­praunts, and reports signi· 8cant lrnproYement In a large pcrcetdage al cws.

lAVlnlon hM., de'1iled ..... mt Ihm ~ dillgncm ~ before they .., school and fal hap' ty betmd.

0.-. lAYin9on •• addr.- Is 61-34 188th St.. Fresh Meadows. N.Y. 11365.

Who'• t..t the r.t ..... ? w.I, Rddes hM only f I sdSl60~-.11.--.r.tJune. ~~~ :::=;

0... .... ., ......... a I l l I ~


....... (Al Aqumtus) s hp -John IWUlhi 33: Nell Dia­mond 41: Ernest Bolvline 65. lis•.., - Paul Newman 57 . ..... .., - Mfkha8 8aryshntcoy 34; Doma Reed 61. n..lllp - Aa.rl Alda 46. frtdli, -John ~ 64; Kllth- Gene Heckman 52: Van---Roll 39. s t ~ - ... Rec¥eve 45.

,_,,-. •. .,_, .... - •D

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lets you stick 'em up anywhere! 1 • CHOOSE FROM 3 DECORATOR C01.0RS-recl, yellow or beige!

Now, at home, in the office, in your workshop or garage, have the TIME ANO DATE always just 1 glance away-with these incredible LCD·DISPLAY CALENDAR CLOCKS! And now, during this fantastic PRICE BREAK, order extra CALENDAR CLOCKS AND SAVE EVEN MOREt SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your . . purchase price refunded (except1>0st. & hdlg.). RUSij YOUR ORDER TODAY!

Old~1~fl [ r:=~O~~l5G~~·~!~~.~~I J r- - - - - - - - - ... SATISFACTION'" GUAJlllANT'IED-tl TCX>AY • - - - - - - - - - -,

OlDYILUmlltOP, o.,t.vu7'7, MO,.,.., ..... "-· PA 17Ul :: YUi Pl•ne Mild me on• STICKS- UP CHARGE TO: 0 AmericM lJIPfftl 0 VISA C-LENDAR CLOCK IZ530105B for ONLY 0 Cam 81.ncMO Dinwa Club O Mntere.rd $5.77 '**9 $1.25 p.g .. & Mftdlint! •-. I r<wp, ..........._ Color etloiw: ""'"' ..... ....,.. __ = IAVlf Sltnd me 2 CALENDAR CLOCKS PRINT NAM£ for ONLY $10.n plus $2.25 post. & hdll.I ADO-ss Colocchoic:9: nL ---~---~. :::i SAW llOMf Send me 3 CAUNDAR CU>CKS fof ONLY $15.n plus SJ.00 ship. & hdll-1 Color dlolc.-: -----0 ctledl or mdMy ordef encloMd foJ L . (l"A r9lldenb ..... edd ..... tu.)

0 WT IA._ lend 1M 10 CALLNDM CLOCKS fof °"LY $o4t.15 plUI $5.715 stlip. .. -.1 Color .... ---


STAT£ ZIP----0 CMc• !Mn Md ._. SO. fof ,..,., lllOlcr .. 14111

te - flllkeler cet1101 « II• 111t1 CZMIMSlQ. OW fOllcY II te ,,_ ... 111 .,_, ~ly. CfMlt ~ .,... - ,,. .... "°" crMlt .,. = °'"" . .... """"'"· DeliwtfY ...,. wltllill 10 .,._ ._ _______________ . ., ................ ---------------~

.u11mau POVT191 rw longs tor a llomel finely de­tailed witll sacl eyes. droopy HIS, flocked COii Situng.


•;.:1:&1!:1.ims) ~

htl LJllt 17791) ~

WIDOl9IPUQUE1_.... wit• ........ , N•n ( •1t1I Pr1ying ll1nds sllnd 11>0vt 2 s lender binds & n1me plate. 4 ~· walnut llnlsll 0~11 . ..... 1·-····~ 0 ....... N0151Dt-.~

CDA•c Ml 11 a awt• - caHLI Mil.Diii! HiQllly glazed & gracthllly lootld­cl111lc •oo 1111pe 11 111nd· d1co11ttd with dtl~tt 1>ou­Cl!l•l1. Al>ollt 3· . Candle lncl. 0 CtMlt fW 1!12767) Sl'IQ

DllPUY I PWIZI ""'111 AT OllCll Sltttl !>lack & wllitt 1c· cord1on·slYI• t11me is its own u1ne1. ~tor t1mity pllo· 10s Folds 111110 carry Glossy stock. 3" • 2Yo" window~ 0 ........ ,...182414) ··~

uun• ftUll PIUllft MCI _.., .... ,.,..., ....... .... ........ ...., ............ 1!111-............ ,~ ..... bdl ...... 11 • .... --. . .. •,t 'i:?. ........... _ftl ...

•.. -...n~-- .

K~: ... ; .. ~~· a .. r=s- ... ~

llU•OllOUI PllOI COUP\f relu 11 tlle 1111c11. enjoylno ""'41-1111 ptasurnl Slit 1n a pinll bikini . lit lowllllly llold· Ing lief lllnd. DtliOlltflll lltftd· ~lllltd knic*ntdl. ~ 2". 0 "9t .. (ltot4) ··~

CAIT .. IUTTEllR.Y WALL teOll 1111 1w1" I arm to lllng pl1nt1' Swings for l>tst ligllt: usy Wlttrintl Pretty indoors or out! Blacli finish . httncls s· Screws incl. 0 ,,. ..... (43703)

DllPUY TDUll TlllllUllH PUm on llandsomt hard· wood hlllf'CI usels. Eleo1n1 ll>ony 1n1mtl lln isll sllows tlletn off l>tautlfv~

8 •. &111 153645) ..• l"&MI 53652) ... .

9Tl•IOUlllffl .... '" let gifts I millioit-ctollar look to notes , name cards . etc! Rlcll florentlne-llnisll pen wrf1u In " gold" - 4 " gold Ink" cartridges Intl. --0 ........ (0-5000S) .......

MAIDY lHELDPE I ITA., .... taQI "licks" I big IOI> lof youl 2 oz plastic l>ottlt wrtil IOlm !!!'moistens tllt tut. sanltlfl,ll!Yl 0 ........ (19121) .... ·~ CHCUUI CllECU CHU llft""' •llll• So keep tlllfn 1111 & lllnctyt Sturdy lllJlnclllllt lilt lln 12 compertments to keep clltells in montll'Y Ofdtr. 4· 1· . 0 CllMtl Alt (MS33) . . I .

Pl •TIIY IDOIMlftll Book posts •P""D In place: stlf·ldiust lo Ill slllMt 9~-. 13~· II(. Hold !looks. records. m1gu1nes nully upr lgll t. Goldlone met1I; Ml If I .~ 0 hltl (0 ·H•21) ... 11 .~

SAi E! tiff nDI •ms CATILll •Y lie

.... Y11 Ill• MITa I• -.t (1t15lelm,,a.11..-.1

------------------, ., "',. Tialfl .. euw u "'"" PMD • ._,.


10000000 To:


1 CITY lATI__.Zt~---1 Of'PICIAL , • ..a MD 8fT1'Y TICICn


l · YE.All PHH HClllTAllY tucks tn purse or pocket-llu 2·yur planning calendar: phone-address section: area code map; dates & data pages I Vtnyt cover: us t colo11. 0 Pl1Hlf (922t 3) .. ll'l4t

HCUllTY HOii LOCI TUWLI wmt lOUI lns!Jlls wttllollt 10011-1u11 press Imo door iamb. F111 u lt! D11r .... , •• .,.... ,,.. Mt· INel Metal. O ..,._U. 1993901~

IWIDT •11 •LITllt _.. Piii 1 ITltWllll No mor1 giHsts lost from top pocllets wllen you bend -or Ink· staintd 1111rtsl R1cll l11tller· IOOl Ylnyl Fits belts to 2~ O lelt......., 100013) -,..,.

UD llUl· ODWI MULl l Noiseless shot taps kHP hMls new for months! Non· skid poly. hck 1f I ••Ir~ D 111111'1111 hct .. I . •• . • 10 ·SH97 -· ... O·S670S

CUIMIOI TllDlll IUllOI against painfu l rubbing & shoe pressure ! Solt loam cusllion slips over big toe to protect bunion Wullablt . Wo1n aHec:t shot 111 fll1,. ... I~ 0 ...... c.111 (43711) ·~

"MOT NOT" NII..., 1M1 wu• in cold wu tlltr l Give glowing warmth 011 body con· tact! Trim & slip into slloes Cushion lttt . 1001 Grut lor any outdoor activ~1y1

0 "'' '"' (92304) ··~

TilllO OF FtlDIH IO IGAP in restrooms? Take your own poclllt-slll Soapsttck when you travel . tat out. ttc No bigger tllan a lipstick Sani· tary, oenllt 10 hands

0 '""''' (82602) ·~

11 ITHL Timi CLUTCM ICI Ull CLAWll Give salt. sure looung on those slick sur· tacu Just slip over shots. 11oocs. Elastic band ad1u11s to any size slloes. 0 ICI lrl •• (5142Sl ~

OAILY DOii ptlL CADDY t llds worrying ovtr forgetting or duplfutlng dosage. 4 com· partmtnts for Mornln9, Noon. Evening. Nignt 2y,· ptutlc cast Ills purse. pocket -0 4-0lll~ (81927) 11~

_, ..... ~ ___ ,_ ....... ....,, .. ...... ...... ... .... ..... ~ .. ., ..... .. .... .... ....... ... ---­............ a-a£ ... .-

FAMILY Wl8<lY. J-f)' 24. ,..,

MUMllfLECTlll DltlP PAii apttd cookl 11 11; sot PO"''' lltlllCI lltMI Chrome· plattcl 1ttt1: frt notclltd pan elements

B •. "'' '" (73151) lbu r "'' r. (73Hll .,.,_

arrnm11 •u11n1 Wll im11cally s llapeel like pickle, pill&. hotdog. bread. egg , cllust! Cling to rt · lr1gerator to ho ld memos . fists. PIUllC . ....... A... 0 ......... (().90075) . ·~

A QUICI TWiil opens the most stullllo1n lars & bottles! H .. ltvtr· aoe J11 Wrencll loostns llcts from tiny nail polish bottle to big pickle jlr. Plattcl stttl . 1Y1· 19. ~ O ar.,...145131> . ··~

CLHH CllTOUll•IAUClrAI ITUllll Itta JOU Clraln food 1lt111from Ille pan! Mo 111orup1Ma, burntll lllndsl Ptastlc; 10..~ 0 ,....,. ,.3170) ... ···~

41 IHIUI I TilttUMlll Hallfy IOI Illa every kind ol needle you ' ll ever nud­sllarps. damera. embroMMry. mattress. ttc 40 In all-plus no-squint 111reacltf • AA• 0 ..... •10-44206) ··~

en NTlll IADlt n• 11 MAlfl Aluml n11m Potato ktler conducrs llut to cent11 of potato FAST . Bakes lnslcte out let If t . Eacll llolels 4 potatoes 0 ........ 10-99051 I fto!tt

llffY TlllA1'8 IUClll zips tllru a wlloll tOll'lato It once! Its I slim urrated blades mlllt ptfiKt , onrform shees every ' ""'· Statnleu stHI. ptasttc lllllCll• 11 ~- . """"""• 0 -..e.c.i (117303). ·~

.... ~ U9CI'' ll1mll ... .. ~:=:.. ..... ··-··· ......... :::=:. -·::r· ::.... -... .... •

llAllDT IMllltll f'lll UOI fllHZUl•ll-111 uDttt frozen looels with the con· te nts & date . Sptclal i nk wntts on 1011, frHztr wrap. b1~ & boxts: "'" ,.t_tfll 0 frta· llM1I (ZOMS) ll'lq

IUCl OllOH "llflrnY, IAflLYI Handy hol der hH 18 stainless stttl pronqs l o grip slippery onions: guide kni fe for perfect . 111111 shcts1 Wide handle keeps lingers 111'1_ .• 0 O.l-Mllf 199093) lnq

lllllMT YIHl· COATED ITHl curs .. Strong enough to hang wash. decor a· live enough lo hold papers on den. bulletin board 2· l g. Ass' t colors "'If ft. 0 Ctl1Cllft t0 ·917511l°Na

OH ITllOH ITlllPI Off WWOLI Hllllll from ear of corn! Just slip over end­down stroke shu rs olt every kernel whole• Chromeel metal 0 CeflJ·ltrt"tr (l9036) . •'Ne

t• WIPI UIN NI UI MT -YI Afoid accldenll d .. to poor willdsllilld vision! Clltmlully lrtattd sponge 1111111 ll•P windows. mirrors fot-lrtt tor wttkll A.ii• 0 ...... ., (84818) .......

PILIAWAY 11111 HCI 1111 IMU • CAat Alps 0111n to llold Clll or cup firmly. FOlft ............... C4tlll­par1mtnt. Hooks ateure~nto window track . Ptullc; 7 • . O IMl·lllN (t,,.2) .

llrf LOCI IHHBI IR Of llOnt, CAif .... nttlc "'" lllft .,.,. keys llllly. WM le WINI or llltl cacM­btllfod drain. 11ndtr lender. ttc::-r1.!.l • 211o· . lt\ll I , 0 (0.11131) mq

MNll11MNYLAIMll liquid Vlnyl· llltnd QUlcllly dries to sin1119. lllltllll mitt· rlll No mi.Int l Mtnds turs. burns. IOlil s,11111; wlnyl, Cln· vu. rte I 1 v. oz. """"""• 0 "'"' ..... (107113) •• ~

llAll TAPl 11111 LIU ITUL ITIANI Stll·ldllt· Int llJO~l1tr rtlnforctfWltll tlliltfM&-rtlbts.., to 200 lbl afmsl " . wiOt. o_...,.,ia,. fl1244) ...... ~

IUUWAHWlllOWll Just wlllsl Wonder Clotll over 1ny gtus 111rt1c1. Sptcll l clltfllluls rulst w11er sl1ifls. smudtts. Great for minors . wlndsllitlds. tool 10" . •r,. 0 .... , .... (90456) l'

IUU MAID· LHllU 11011 H LIHOUI AUllt Do llltm Sjftly Ill w1111tr & dryer wl t ll nylon Jeruy W11lltr Cuti PYolKts from sn1c .• r istal Holds to \2 pr. 0 c... (llOl7) Pl4f

TllHH WOllLT CIAll LIU; rllllfl, lfty loo1t wood Jofnt,.-wllllout gt•. cllmps. mtssl "Ptn" lnltcts 1111azi1111 awellino ~t thll mlk.U ·am lit ' •• .., 11111111 0 , ......... (51909) ~

l·ff TAILH' I Uri •HHH Is duralllt llbtr· Olus-to SllY llU ·MW long •lier c:lo111 onu tray. Aas 1 colors w1111 bold, bl1tk Inell m1rtln~ ; metric on "~'!..:. 0 ....... (447111) . -~

H ·lllt91 f'MlllH willl Iron cover of Tetton• 1 Sllp EZ·Pfns l'ttr Iron & prtss sllint · lrtt-

w11 ~:1cs1 0 U · C72314) ..... ~

..., .... UC...Mlf Pml fllllllc cowr UllllJI di!\ Old el 1119ellul1111 a off yovr work. SllP.• on : oll l flt111t1ndlrd ·~111119 . ~.1 0 ... ..C.Wr(l3HO) •• ~ ···~

DH I CAT I.I . TAHI St1inlt11 Slttl tag assvres pet' s nte return wlltn lit llrlySI lletlfy '9t'I ..... ... ......... -~. 8 r.r:: 1~:::~1 ~

OM· f9UC" ILllHI move lltlVIHt lff!llnctJ Wdll tlM, end str11H lln1 lo rurr1n91 lurn lturt • Rub ber 1ops, nlc:kt l ·COlttO bolloms . 2· diam. 111114. O lllllln 10·49320) ~

,....,~ .......... -

~~ •• 11911 = ...... ., .............. ........... , .....

..,.. .. ICfloll ro,.

...- 111111M1tt­aa't kWi or tw ill FllDMI plutlc


TlltfT IUI ftT l'lllfltTLT with comtortable elastic ex· tenders Jull hook on10 bra & vo1l1-a per1ect ht ' Whitt

§ 2-1 .... ~991611 U.,ia. ...... 99t7& Jllf . ....... 99t64 lllf •

••ow CAUUlll. CODI. HAllD u .. - quickly . painlessly & economlcally' Foot Smoother llH line slain· less steel abrasive surlact Sate & usy 10 use n.-0 ,_· ..... 195919)~

CATCH KA.Ill TlllM CU"11111 No mtssy clean-lips, ttcfly hair down llact! Snap-on vinyl cowr-up hH fltllible nm Gru 1 tor Pttms. tool 0 'ht•'"' (23267) •l':41 IETHLAll llEPAlll Ill tllS you lighten or re place hinge screws in secondsl Hu mln1·1crewdrlver.

NAiii TlllMMEll lets you be your own barber I Ju at glide owr lllld for nu t. usy trtm1 Gre11 for ludsl Poly Blades separate .

8 ~" (99•991 ·~ I .... , (0·12..0•I lf:o4(

magnilyong gins. • screws ~ Saws trips tooptk:1an-& m~•Yl 11ii.. O llllftlll (69S91 1 . ·~JI"'

PUllYFOOTl- Tltl PUllll­FICT FDOT·WAllMElll for spons & lounge wear• Coty brushlO orion & strelc h

RIOn Ass t colors: ht 111 .... .,...ts

736•1 El. " · •"Nt

llFL.ATAILI IATHTUI IAIL­IOAT Is 1 soap dtsh tool Fun. colorful & safe ly soft all over Makes bath time an actventure as It keeps soap from melting 1w1y 15" hi 0 ... , .... (903811 ll':tt

UIEll llAVlll IHAllPUI l'llCILll Just pu1 them in his mouth & turn- obl19lng fella busily gnaws them to a snup point 1 Body ho lds shn1ngs. ~ns to empty St>t rtne~: .. 0 ...,....., (91090) •• ,..

llDIMll' HME PL.AQUii teii Int world a room oa 111 theirs l Ceramic; sell-adheres 2~· x 1 !It" ltltt 1st ...... :J 11•1 PlllllM llrn !P·03061 ) lly't P-03079)

ICHODL IHMOlllU IOOl la JUSHlllUf With Chlld $ n'lme' 12 kupuke envt · lopes. pl1eu lor pho1os. s1g· naiures. t ic 111111st ..... '.] kllMl·D1y1 (MSSSS) Sbat

._"_..,.., Ill •11•1 ...... .... '"' f1•11y ...... ,, ....

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.. '"~~==--·~·- .... ,.~ WYov.-ns-•~-.

If Cd o&.•fl ·-­llllT. aAQ--- !llAIS.-. Q!l-·-IT WUa.&All 19 IMY--tf •

... --'l'Om:AI -·-"--"-............. .................. .,::;;;;;;~~~=====---· . T• .......

0 ,..., .... ,.::. :'tJ.=t,'l;i ,.to-"::::=::...,,,-.

vniiau.• ..... -. -u•-ns..-•----""'-- I

IUIHT llC llHTH COWll turns 1 drib dlSPoS· 1ble into 1 gl1morous ont l 8rusll-finlsh metll: fits all Bies. 0 lie utM•r C.wr. ....... (41452) . ' .lll41 ""'"'" (41173) . . "'41



Ill ADDllUI LHUI I• Mitt .. COLOlll ICIO chffr 10 mail. tncl wrtono r1tum ICI · drusl Just wtl & stlcll. 3 lints

.. Lllitll (0·20842) • ---.... ~· 8 Dt•• .. , (35865) .

lllTAIT m CADIY ller11

•• It H "'''" of soup. llllCt . drtuint lllillff. Holf• ' tm upr itllt , uay· to · findl w111t1. p11111c-c:oltld wift . r 131t.0

• 11and1: llln_11. ,__. 0 •la CM .. (86702) ··~

PET llAT CM'T ILIDll DllM ITAYI ITILLI Ptrson1hzeo mat hU chng·fHI foam etn· ltr 10 stop 1hdlng-pro1tc1 flo or Vinyl; 21 Yi' x 14~·

1tm1et'••••· 0 ptf ... (P.02253) ~

INOW OFP ICMOOL f'MOTilll 12 ovals tor tlCh yttr: center

· tor grid pial Whitt mllbHrd with brown border: tutl lllCk & loop. Or 111111· 11 4• trarne. 0 .... .,,,, ... {51116) • . .. . .... fh41

11 CILlll II HlPllCIU A ..... ,....... .. wtNHl ll•H-111 carrlt• I• --- .... . '"' ,., .. . Ult••,.. ....... Ill ""·- · ........ ErHtr lllCI PIHtlc; IW'.

rDIY·PllUTY cn•••C FM.ME g1vu. prwclous pllOIO t lt91nt tr111mtnl! Charm · 1ngry Vlc1orl1n In whit• ct · r1m1c. 1dorntd with roau Eutl Incl. 2~ • 1 3 v. •. 0 ,..,,,. .. (61908)1~

AMAZIH TllELLll TDUTHI ... .... ..... J IH IKlll 6 v1nu yield 1>u111t l1 ol muty 1omatou, some u big as 1· across - grow In t sometimes o"r 6 ft hll Try TllELlll CUCUMIHI - 6 vines product crisp cuku aboul 10· lg. EKll kit incl Utda. I PHI "'""'· tray & Inti ructions.

~1"1111 ----·~­°''l . ~ 1'91 llC•t 263) •..•• :~

ETE· EAIE VllOll UTI DlllVHll ILAMI Htlpt k1op squ1nt1ng on s unny d1ys . tumbllng tor sunglusu Clips 10 car visor: fllps up & oown. Plastic tO" x 2\11' 0 E•t·EIM (13682) 11'!q

MAL RM HEDI .. L:~ .. I 10 live 1 long & 1uxurlo1u life S.1ulltuf Ntptunt Ftrn from Eng lish Ch1nnt l growths. You never "'"' lo wattr-doun't nHd 10lll. __ 0 Un"" 117451) . 1"9

CMn CllCll lllMI no 11111 , IOll or w .. er -tf'IWI & 111ot1111 ll11t IUllCI .,.,.,._. ........ ••Yto'lffUI "9 lllollOMI! _ ............ .. lltl'W. .... .. .. ~-= i~

THUD UY IEHU II· ITAITLY w i th Automat ic T hl11C1tr I Just pul thl1ICI in oroowt. push button & you re ready to sew! Built-in clltter snips th111C111 any lengt! . . . 0 TIMH•r (00307) .. ~

lllf'wt•un•aa ... Hiii FllHMI Soft . pliable plu tic cover complelely en· closes mattress - so 11 stays clean. ntW! Atlergy.fru

8 Twl1 c. .. r (97998) I~ Fiii c. .. , (9800411'4

TAil Alll Off IWUTWI A tew st rokes with D· fun· lt wl'llSlls ball Ing, m11ting, pill· Ing trom sweaters. bl1111111s, coats 1n u conds l Sturdy ~sttc 0 D·Fen·H (227'9) .I~

IEE Tltf CARDI WITttOUT ILHIUI S11nducH1 u Cards llavt Q1111t m1tklllos 0 l·""llelt ....... ,32214) .. a· .......... (84162) ... '"'91 172728) .

YOU. OWi NtlTIH am \'91 Ill J ce•11l1t1 al11ll1 · , ......... ,., ., ... ,,_ p l us staJll P• . i n k pad . IWffHIS! ~ahze clltcis. llOoks; f""' signs. tic O Prla llt (t3t361 llltf

llWI ll•ln AIOTMU TU• of toothpute. sham· poo, hlir crum Just push button tor r 1011 1 amount Plu t1c d lsptnser empties tube! Stlt·moun11 in a Jl!!Y! __ 0 ....... T .. (301M)~

llUIY MAIDl·FllH MAD· Ill . . Clever Book Stano adjusts to r r1101no angle & thickness ol material Hand(. tor reading while ea11no. to • IO• lng 11c1 pes, etc Plastic .. 0 ... , .... (88336) l'r.q

lff. fHU Zl,,H CHE

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fltlOTfCTI UITI. MMtLlll ----~ C ........ et CA .I. ,.._.J .._ __ ...... __ ...._ __ __. tor S1or199 or trawtl' Gru t to r swu1111, 11noer1t. blouses Zips shut fo r mo111proofing Heny plastic Big Io• x L3'_. o ZJ.-c ... 1936091 snq

SftaAl.llaU .. l ..... NIZl•-1•P11KMM---Tt•~. A S JOO,OOOPr1tt.,,lt t1e - •ded 1n I t enOom f ll*l"t hom •ttll!H IK~wed on epproo 20 pt-- -eel bf 5~ G<fts lhroutf'Oul 1982. u~ lhe WPtt'f1i10ftol0 L Bi111 Cotp .-cleclsloMtte l1N I An enl1J. e lo&1i.1n-nr ­or I - pt-ICM re<t •- 11!' O.C I S. 19 112 . " 1ut°""!1Ul ly liCt~ II\ Ille SI00.000 p,.,_ ..,_ ,. TN ' too 000 "'"' W•n- . ... be olhc11lly ""'''*' bl' ""'' '"'- - of • 1nn1 .. "°""' upon riw numw of MtMS •K t •ftel VIN! . ..... ptOIHDllecl by ... All , _ , 1 Stllt ' "" IOCel """ I nd <efllll hOM • PC>ly 0