Bradburys insist search isn't over - City of Newport Beach


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25~ CLO


Badham ridicules write.-in foe

Coaat Local residents react to mllltary confrontat ion be­tween Libya and the Unit­ed States./ A3

California The law firm that rep­resented J. David & Co. has reached a $40 million settlement with In­vestors./ A4

Nation Scientists have apparent­ly found a way to Inac­t ivate the AIDS virus./ A4

World Sources say Nicaraguan troops that Invaded Hon­duras last week have withdrawn back across the border .I A5

Sport& The NCAA men's basket­ball semifinals are set today In Dallas./81

Angel Infielder Rick Burleson continues his bid to come back from Injuries. /81

UC Irvine's baseball team turns It around on UC Santa Barbara In 11-2 wln. /81

Entertainment After waiting 25 years to play a romantic lead, Harold Gould landed a big one - opposite Katharine Hepburn./ Al

INDEX Advice & Games Bulletin Board Clasalfled Comics Death Notices Entertainment Gardening In The Service Publlc Notices Real Estate ReUglon Sports Televlslon Trivia Weather

A1 1 A3

B5-7 A12

B8 A9- 10

A8 A6

87-8 C1-20

A7-8 81-5

A6 A11


Easter will be cool one

Cooler temperatures arc ex­pected Sunday as Orange Coast families pther for Easter cel­ebrations and children set out on f.aster cu hunts.

FoUowin& a warm trend that luted lhrouah the Easter hol­iday week, cloudy skies and cooler temperatures ex­pected for the weekend.

Cool temperatures, which arc ex~ to continue Monday, will hover in the 60s at the beaches.

Sunritc services will be held throuahout the Oranae Coast &Ra. tor a hst or tirncs and locations of sunrise and other Ealter services. tum to pqc A6.


But Democrat Bruce Su mner says barb s hows congressman 'is really worried '

By SUSAN HOWLETT Of ... o.IJ .........

Congressman Roben E. Badham says Orange County Democratic Pany Chairman Bruce Sumner .. must have some sort of an identity crisis" for cnt~ring Newport Beach' s congressional primary as a write-in candidate.

But Sumner brushed aside the political barb Friday sayin' it looks like Badham "is really womed about something." .

Surnncr. 60, agreed this week to launch a write-in campain because a follower of ultra-conservative Lyn-

don l.aRouche was the only can­didate in the Democratic primary.

Badham said in a statement re­leased Thursday that Sumner, a former Republican assemblyman, left the GOP in 1971 "after bei ng pressured out of office in 1962 over his liberal voting record during three terms in Sacramento, his defeat in a Republican primary for the state Senate in 1964 and his appointment to the Superio r Court by Democrat Gov. (Edmund .. Pat") Brown.

"Somehow, I think that Judge Sumner is having trouble deciding which pany be belongs to," Badharn said. " He lost the support of Orange

County Republicans in 1964, drop­ped out of elective office. and now is at odds with the clements. of the Democratic Part . "

Sumner flriday that It sounds like Badham "is really worried about my candidacy and has survival with the ltepublican Pany. He has a fight on=s hands in his own primary."

.ham is opposed an the GOP pn by Nathan Rosenberg, 33, of Newport Beach. Rosenberg is a management consultant in Santa Ana and president of the Young Re­publicans of Orange County.

Sumner denied being "pressured out" of office and said he just chose not to run for another term.

Sumner said Badham is "living in the past" by referring to his switch to the Democratic Pany I 5 years ago. ''If be feels I have an identity crisis, maybe what he's saying is that I'm no t

0..., ......... a.... .........

a partisan . The question is who can best represent the district. and who will do the better job," Sumner said.

Until Sunmet'sdecis.ion to beoome a write-in candid.ate, Art Hoffmann, 29, a technical writer from Santa Ana, didn•t have an opponent for the Democratic nomination in the 40th Congressional District. He would have automaticaUy become a mem­ber of Democratic state and county central committees - somethin& old­line Democrats didn't like.

"Democrats on the suuu don't really what the central commit­tees do, but people look up to their candidates." Sumner said in an interview with the Pilo t this week. He added that having a LaRouche ad­vocate as the Democratic standard­bearcr would be an embarrassment.

Hoffmann bocatne the only name (Pleue eee BADBAll/ A2) Bruce 8umner

Jury may settle allegations made in ·sheriff's race Gates· challenger asks for ju ry decision on charges she made

By STEVE MARBLE °' .. ~,... .... A patrol sergeant who is \rylDg to

unseat Sheriff Brad Gates asked Friday for a full j ury trial to determine if ponions of her campaign statement aimed at ousting Gates arc false and misleadi

Gates fited a writ Monday aslc:ina a Superior Court commissioner to de .. lctc ponions of Sherifrs Sgt. Linda Lea Calligan' s 200-word statement of qualifications.

Commissioner Gale Hickman de­nied the writ but set a bearing for Monday to decide ifthe passages are misleading.

Marine aannery eeraeant John Roten outalde bJa Vllla lleea aputment complez. Calli.&an's campaign statement ac­

cuses Gates of"havin& been con vieu:d of a federal crime, owning a b&r in violation of state law, ooverin& up a felony drunken driving UTCSt and violent criminals at a low­security facility.

Tenant wins eviction battle By TONY SAAVEDRA Of lM~ ..... . ..,,

John Rogers only half-noticed when his neighbors began moving out of a Costa Mesa apartment complex shortly after the site was taken' over by a religious group.

Then came the eviction notice. Rogers and his two sons were given

30 days last Dec.ember to vacate their two-bedroom apartment. He learned later that it was because his family did not belong to the Wycliffe Bible Translators Inc. group.

" I asked them what did I do wrong? Why am I being thrown out? They

JUSt to ld me that I was family 39," said Rogers, a 33-year-old Marine gunnery sergeant stationed at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

Like the 38 families before him, Rogers and his sons were faced with the question of whether to fight o r pack.

They did both. Boxes of" knickJcnacks and niclclc­

and-dime trophies" remained stacked in Rogers' small dining room Fnday. following his court victory two days earlier over the attempted evict ion.

Harbor Munietpal Court Jud11:e

Bradburys insist search isn't over Say statements a bout bones foun d in desert have caused anguish


· The parents of Laura Bradbury refuse to believe that bone fragments found a week ago in the desert arc the remains of their missing daughter and have vowed to continue their 17-month sean;h for their daughter. a private detective sajd Friday.

Further, Michael Bradbury said his family has sutfercd .. extreme mental anguish" because of statements by San Bernardi no She ri ffs an­.vestigators that the fra&ments prob­ably belong to Laura.

The fragments, which included a skullcap, were found a week ago by hikers in a wash about 1wo miles nonbwcst of the Joshua Tree Na­tional Monument campground where the 3-year-old 11rl disappeared Oct. 18. 1984.

As many as 400 sheriff's deputies and ~serve officers today were ex­pected to comb the high desert area where the fraamcnts we~ found. said Lt. Dean Knadler.

" I do6't know what we' ll find. but almost anything might be of help," he said.

The missana prl's parent who have spent nearly every wa.lctna moment since she dasap~ lf)'lng to learn their dauaher s fate, have been out of'town since the fragment$ were found.

But their comments and concerns were made pubhc Fnday by James Schalow, a pnvatc detective workina with the family, and through a spokesperson at the Laura ('enter 1n Huntinaton Beach


" Our big concern is that an in di vi d­ual with an apparent disregard for solid evidential material bas taken it upon himself to be judge and jury in a forensic matter with which he has no app_arent knowledge or expertise," said Laura's father an a prepared statement.

" Because of the extremes implied, .. Bradbury said. "The famil y has suffered severe mental aneuisb.

··we arc aware of evcrthing that bas transpired," Bradbury said in the statement. "There is no solid. con­clusive evidence of any kind to indicate that the skullcap bas any­t hing to do with Laura' s kidnappinJ ...

Schalow criticized sheriffs in­vestigato rs for a lack of sensitivity.

"This would be like finding a bone an the bottom of the ocean ofTAonda and immedjatcly jumping to the conclusion that it belonged to one of the astronauts," he said.

"You've got to have some empathy for the Bradburys and all they've been through " Schalow said.

Sheriff Capt. Gene Bowlin said last week that the bone .ents. be­cause of their prollimaty to the Bradbury campsites and a forensic determination that they belonged to a child who'd been dead less than two years. probably belonged to Laura.

Bowlin also sajd that Laura wa5 the only missrnachild hisdepanmcnt has a record of m the Morongo Basin wtuch takes in Joshua Tree Nat10~ Monument as well as T~ntynmc Palms.

But Bowlin 1dm1tted there was no war, to prove has theory.

• Even af that did tum out to be uue. we still don't know what happened." said K.nadler " So the invcstialtion socs on ··

Schalow wd the bone frqmenu could belona to any one of the thousand or massina chtldren in the

(Pleue eee BRAD'U1t1'9/ A2)

Christopher Strople ruled that Wycliffe would be violat ing state anti-discrimination laws by kicking the family out of the 56-unit Villa Mesa complex. Strople said the international religious group was not exempt from the housing law because the complex was operated like a commercial business instead of a charitable organization.

Rogers paid $610 a month for the small apanmcnt, nearly twice the amount charged to members of the Wycliffe organazation. an evangelical group based in Huntington Beach.

(Pleue eee TENANT I A2)

Gates denies the accusations and has asked the court to delete them from Calligan's statement of qualifi­cations.

But a Newport Beach attorney filed papers Friday on behalf of Calligan stating that the accusations are true and asked that a jury be allowed to decide the issue.

Leland Sterling also supplied the court with material purporting to back up Callipn' s accusations.

Included 10 the material is a statement from an lrvme resident. Debra Trapp, who said she was served alcoholic beverages at the Fox Hunter in lrvtnc between June and

Jewelry shop settles portion of racial suit By SUSAN HOWLETT Of ... ~ ..... ..,,

The owners of a Fashion Island jewelry sto re have settled their part of a $13 million lawsuit filed by two Long Beach men who claim they were victims of racial d iscrimination while shopping there last No­vember.

The federal lawsuit was filed last month by Los AJamitos attorney Tom Barham for Carl White and Wilham Powers. h stems from an incident Nov 2 1. when the two men were alleged­ly detained. pho tographed and run out of town. Thcycla1m that because they arc black. they were harassed by police and employees of the JCWelry store.

The sutt lasted Wyndham Leiab Diamonds. In c ., Wyndham Letah sccunty fuard Herben W. Maples. the etty of

Newpo rt Beach. Newpo rt Beach pohcc officer Danny Reynolds and three uniden­tified Newport Beach officers among the list of defendants. according to Barham.

But the jewelry sto re settled the case a week ago for an undisclosed amount, leaving only the city of Newport Beach and its police officers as defen­dants in the lawsuit. Wyndham Leigh made no admission of guilt by settling the case, Barham said.

The suit seeks $650.000 in compensatory damages from the city and a total of $2.6 milhon fro~ Reynolds and the o ther officers. Barham said.

Barham ~led a $20.000 claim against the city Dec. 14. It was denied by the City Council and turned over to the ctty's claims adjuster.

(Pleue 11ee RACIAL/ A.2)

Police say prowler's slaying self-defense By LAUR.A MERX °' .... .,.., .........

A 23-year-old Manne died Fnda) mornina after being su.bbcd by a resident who found him prowling on the balcony o f his San Clemente home.

Pohoe arrested and questioned Jonathon L Alcorn. but released him aft~ dctcnnanma Harry M Sum­mcrflcld was killed in self-defense. $&Id Lt Hector Ri vera of the San ('lcmente poh~.

ummerfield. of parh. Nev was ~ tationcd 11 C'•mo Pendleton


Summerfield died about 3:30 a.m at M1ss1on Community "-lthough R ivera said ummcrficld sustamed ~veral knife wound!. the caust of death had not been dc-­temuned late Fnday

About 2 a.m. Fnday. poh~ re• cetvcd a call from Alcorn's wife. who repon ed that btt husband had a prowler 1n cu tody at \Mar horn~ on the 200 block of A ven1d.a Serra. said Linda Rodnguez of the <\an C1emcnte police

Alcorn rcport('dh found Sum· (Pleue ... PROWL&a·s / A.2)

. Brad Gata

August of I 975. Gates said be was a limited partner

in a panncrship that owned the establishment but that be sold bis interest in August 1975. He said the partnership was issued an alcoholic bcve~e hccnsc in September.

Sterung also filed police repor;ts and subsequent legal correspondence relating to a l 9f7 car accident in Newport Beach involving two off­duty shcrifrs deputies.

(Pleue eee SBSJUJP'P"S / A2)

Hospital will pay $170,000 • 1nrape From staff u d wire reports

A Valley woman. whose bedndden. brain-diseased daughter was ra~ at a convalescent home. will be paicfS 170.00Uio an insurance settlement that was given tentatjve court approval Friday.

The settlement.. to be paid ovet five ~ cars. 1s about half of what had been sought by Helen Stegmoyer. mother of a 36-ycar-old woman who became pregnant after being raped in her bed at the Mirada Hills oonvalcsccnt home 10 La Ma.rada last year.

The mother' s attorney, Dack Run­els. said Friday the settlement be­tween the family a nd the hospital's msuran~ carrier. C.omstoclt ln· urancc Co. o£ Los Angeles, was

tcntauvely approved by Orange Count) Supenor Court Ju~ Henry T Moore Jr.

The JUdgt indiated he will sign the settlement Monday. Runels said.

Bob Gerst. an attorney for Mirada Halls' parent company. Whittier· based Evcrhealth Foundation. said he had no immediate comment on the ~ttlcmcnt.

"There was no evidence of any wronsdo1na b) any Everheallh em­plo ec We provided excellent care fo r (the V1Cllm).'' he noted.

Officials of Mirada Hills and f\erhcahh 'lld they had no com· ment

The rape was d1toovered C:toctors learned that Laura Eklndec was PftSD.1.D t last June ..-lllle 1akiftl an X-ray to find a tube that bad slipped lhrol.l&h her abdomen and 1 nto her colon

A Los ~naclcs County sbcntrs 1n._.esupuon concl'-lded that she wu

(Pl-- ... RAP&/ A.2)

Al Onlnge C0Mt OAtlV PILOT/ s.twday, Marctl 29, 1988

Areafirm to work on 'Star Wars' W ASHlNGTON (AP) - Tbe Pen-'

taaon iaid Friday at $1Clected four competina oontr1etor&i ancludi"J one in Seal Be8cb, to beJin dcsigrun1 a network of computer facdities to tc: t UU'ittina and control systems for the .. sw WU'S" proaram.

The contracts, each wonh about SI million, were awarded to TRW lnc. in Redondo Beach; the Rockwell Inter· national Corp. in Seal Beach; the Martin-Marietta Corp. in Denver. Colo., and the Boeing Aerospace Co. in Seattle, Wash.

Each company will be expected to submit proposed designs within the next six months for the so-called National Test Bed. The National Test Btd is to include a number of special

computer and "simulation faciliues," linked electronically, that can be used .. to assess potential battle manaac­mcnt and command~otrol...and­eommunications" systems for Star Wars.

The Defense Department will re­Vlew the compeuna desijns and award a second-stage contract " to two or more" of tht companies, the Pentagon said an a prepared state­ment.

The Star Wars program, known formally as the Strategic Defense Initiative, involves an effort to d~ velop lasers and other exotic weapons that could be deployed in space or on the ground to automatically shoot down nuclear missiles fired at the

Umted Statci or its allies. One of the most difficult problems

facina resea.rchera is the development of a supcMophisticated computer system that could be programmed to detect enemy mis iles: discriminate warheads from decoys, and continu­ously and automatically di~t the flring of U.S. weapons to destroy the warheads

The National Test Bed will be needed to evaluate the capabilities of any such computer program de­veloped by researchers.

"This effort will support a decision an the early 1990s whether to proceed to full-scale development," the Pen­tagon added.

Ex-Boys'Clubchlef gets 14 years BJ tlse A11ocla&ed Press

A former Boys' Club director wbo pleaded guilty to 46 felony and misdemeanor charges for sexually molesting three teen-age boys was sentenced to 14 years il'I prison.

Donald Lee Luslc Jr. 44, of La Palma, former director of the Cypress Boys' Club, was sentenced Friday in Fullerton by Orange County Supcnor C'ourt Judge James 0 . Perez.

Perez noted that Luslc, who has bten held since October 1983 an ljeu of $250,000 bail, already has served 1,351 days and that his sentence will be reduced by time already served and time earned for good behavior

Teen-ager dies after inlialing aerosal fumes .

and work. Lusk was arrested in 1983 after two

brothers who belonged to "the club told their parents they had been molested. A police investigation led 10 allegations that Lusk had molested another 17-year-old boy who had been living with him.

A search of Lusk's apartment yielded a videotape showing ham performing sexual acts with the three boys, Otputy D1stnct Attorney Manuel Ramirez said.

LusJc first pleaded guilty to the 46 counts in 1984 aner Perez eljminated a "sex by force" allegation and indicated he would sentence Lusk to 14 years if such a plea were entered.

A 16-year-old Irvine youth died Friday from an apparent drug over· dose after he was found in an apanment carport by his mother and police offic.ers who were attempting to get the boy committed 10 a mental c:.a re u na I.

The unidentified youth apparently suffered cardiac arrest as a result of inhaling fumes from a can of Scotchgard. said Lt. Mike White.

Police said tht youth had a history of inhaling the aerosal fumes as a means of drugging himself.

The boy's mother contacted police Fnday and asked for assistance to get

But an appellate court reinstated 22 counts of sex by force last July and said Lusk must be allowed to withdraw bis plea at another hearing.

During a January hearing, Lusk reaffirmed his guilty pl04 to the 46 counts. He believed he would receive a lighter sentence by admitting guilt early in the proceedings "without puttini the kids through the tunnoil of tesofying," said his attorney, Paul Wal Lin.

Perez agreed with allc:Sations that Luslc hacj drugged one of the boys so that he would be unable to resist his sexual advances, but he said there was no precedent for ruling that Lusk's 1

action constituted sex by force. ~

her son committed to a medical care unit. She described her son as being depressed.

Police officers accompanied the woman at 5:21 p.m. to the Heritage Point Apartment at the intersection of Walnut and Topika, where they found the 16-year-old collapsed in a carport area.

The youth suffered a fuJI cardiac arrest as he was trying to get into his car, police said. He was treated at the scene by Orange County paramedics and taken to Healthcare Medical Center in Tustin where he died.


The shenffs deputies both were 1nto~1cated, but the 1nc1dent was ··covered-up" by Sheriffs Dcpan­men1 and Newport Beach Police Otpartment. 11 as alleged an the legal papers.

One of the deputies eveniually was cha!Jed with misdemeanor drunken driving. a copy of a coun record shows.

The federal cnme to which the

campaign statement refers 1s the apparent overcrowding at Orange Count) Jail and a contempt catatJon that was issued a year ago.

Sterling said that deleting the passages in C'alhgan's statement of quahficat1ons would be tantamount to prior restraint and would infringe on his client's first amendment nghts.

Calligan. 38. is a M1ss1on VieJO resident and presently a patrol

sergeant. Gates 1s setking has fourth term as the county's shenfT and coronor.

BADHAM ... From Al on the Democratic ballot after the party failed 10 field a candidate for the seal held by Badham, a five-term mcumbenl.


fhe complex was donated to the group m J 983.

Rogers soon discovered that the neighbor he had e:\changed so man) casual "hellos" with over the pallo fenlC was the housmg manager, Jack C lifford. The Manne said he was told h\ < lifTord that the group needed the lpanment for its " massionancs.''

· I 'e been a Manne 15 years and I ht-hoe m freedom . My k1ds started ~h1, 11 here. lhe1r fncnds are here. so ''" ' should I mo,e"" said Rogers. \o\ho 1<; separated from has wife. He and <;ons. John. 11 . and Robert. 13. h:nc lived in the apartment for eight '1.·ar'i

Rogers hai. i.pen1 ncarl) halfh1i. hfe 1ra1nmg for warfare But he was unprepared for the baule that btgan \\ th the Dec 6 ev1ct1on notice

I kept m)' head in the sand while

e' ef)one eli.c was leaving. and then all of a sudden 1t was my tum.'' Rogerssajd. "I made up m)' mind that I wasn't moving w1thou1 a fight."

He contacted state and federal housing organ1za11ons with little re­sult. Then he started searching for ammun111on in law libraries and "do­ll-yourself' le~I books.

Piled on his k11chen table were samples ofh1s latest read mg matenal. including "Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court" and "California Tenants Handbook ..

Armed with his newfound knowl­edge. Rogers began looking for an attorney. He went through a1 least seven before he found two who would take the case.

"Nobody wanted 10 touch 1t:· said Rogers. adding that he questioned many of the lawyers on 1he1r feelings

about chaJlengang a religious or· ganization.

" I wanted someone who wasn' t afraid to fight 11 nght," he said.

Meanwh ile. Wycliffe had sued 10 evict the family after Rogers refused 10 leave.

He was vindicated this week after a two-day hearing.

"Talk about sweating big time," said Rogers. ''Now they want the back rent after refusing to take 11 in the first place."

He added that Clifford said the group still wanted him gone.

" I'll fight that battle when I come to 11." Ro~ers said.

Oflic1als from the organiuition could not be reached for comment Fnday.

Clifford. contacted in the dnvcway outside his apanment, declined to talk about the case.


11at11m mdud1ng lour ~an l)1ego hii lrcn he !Mild ha ..-e hecn m1ss1ng for

I " than two )Car-. .\,1de from prnx1m1ty. thcrc 1s

nrnhmg at all to \uggcsl that these b·1nc fragment\ have anything at all '• di> "'llh Laura ·• the detect1 ve said

~halo"' '>aid the d1scovel) of the bone fragments ha!I had a negative effect on the search for Laura and that donations to that cause have already begun to diminish

But he denied reports that the network of vol unteers involved in the search for Laura 1s being disbanded.

Lon Flash a volunteer at the Laura

Center. said the center has been deluged with calls since the bone fragments were found. She said she and other volunteers are stressing that the search for Laura is not over.

"I don't know what the sheriffs department is JOing to do." said Schalow." But Michael and I are ~omg to keep this 1nvestigat1on alive.'

•\ C)an Bernardino pathologist who '>tud1ed the frdgments concluded the)' Ix-longed to a child 2 to 5 years of age v. ho had been dead less Lba.n two ) ears He said the fragments had been nposed to sunlight less than c;1x n1on1hs PROWLER'S SLAYING ..•

Dr Judy Suchc)' an anthroplogist nt ( al State Fullerton. also studied the bone<; but said at would be 1mpoi.s1ble to determine !>r~ or race by the small amount of fragments

Dunng a newi. conference Fnda)'. Suchcy said It 11. virtually imp0ss1blc to determine sex or race simply b\ exam ming bones or bone fragment'

K.nadlcr said has office has recc1 vcd reports that the bone fragment~ arc wmehow tied to a satanic cult Bu1 he '3id there as no evidence 10 supp0rt surh "rumors"

MAIN OFFICE )le) .-.,_..,, 0..'t' ~t _. V11 }a t

.... 907.-« 8 • '' '\' .. ...-."- A fit. f

From Al

mcrfield. who was armed with a lire iron. on his balcony Before pohce amved at the home. Summerfield Oed and Alcorn. armed with a knife. began chasing ham, said Rjvera.

Officer Allan Harry Joined Alcom in the chase. Harry later called for as'i•stancc when he was reponcdly hat in the head by 1he prowler

Alcorn cornered Summerfield and a struggle began. said Rivera.

When more ollicers amved, they arrcsted Summerfield and took him and Harry to Mission Community Hospital. Harry was released after being treated for minor head lacer­ations.

Summerfield died in the hospital, Rodriguez said.

Rivera said police have completed their investigation and determined that Summerfield was killed in self· defense.

Delly PUot o.tlvery

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VOL 79, NO. •

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<:ti""'"' t n4 f;V"fHy II ~ .io "°' t fC..... '°"' t~ o., 1 • "' u• bt•<)f• 10 a "' end YOti' COOy • De-.C

ClrculeUon TelephoMt

MC* o..,. C.OM11r ··- .......

Easter weekend will be cloudy Slcle9 moatty cloudy through Eater Sunday, wtth

a t.- sprtnkle9 et tlmee, eccording to the N1tlooal w .. ther S«Vlce.

Highs wlll renge from the upper 00. at the beachee to Mar 80 In the vali.ys.

Lows Wiii M In the 50t. The mountllna wtll be moally cloudy through Sunday, with a

few aprlnklee. A chance of af\owen late Sunday. Hlghl wttl M 65 to $5. Lowe will be In the 30a and 40a. Delerts wlff M partly cloudy but warm through Sunday. Highs wtll range from 72 to 82 In the upper dee«\• and In the

80a In rower deMrtl. Lows wtll M 48 to 56 In upper deMr1t and In the 509 In IOW9f


U.S. Temps

- - """"'• ..oAA u $ 0.00 "'c:-.

Surf report


Services slated for NB's Prince

Funeral services are scheduled for 11 a.m. today for E<tward GuyPrince Jr. of Newport Beach, who died Tuesday at Hoag Memorial Hospital. He was 77.

Mr. Prince, who was born in Bloomington. Ill .• was retired from the transportation industry. He was a member of the Newport Beach Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-<iay Saints.

am 2·2 1·2 2-3 2-3

He is survived by his wife, Helen . Services will be held al the Newport

Beach 2nd Ward of the LOS Church, 801 Dover Drive. Private intennent will follow. WIJJl•m A. Bloomer

,. 62 .. M , ... 11 31 11 31 M eo 11 61 70 51 64 50 86 67 82 43 e:s eo 17 81 IO 5J 10 M .. 51 64 52 m M 117 64 83 57 79 53 118 56 119 .. ee se 81 44 118 51 82 52 IO 52 76 31 81 51 ,. 51 ee 52 ee 51 64 511 11 se e1 se IO 51 72 52 eo 45 11 51 711 49


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Smog Report POllutll'll 1IAll\CWd ll1dllt (pl!)' 0.100 good. 100-200 ~lot ..... .... people, ~ unhallltlful lor .. . 300-600 hlzerdoua. ~ llglM-. • IOdey'e pel fotsMI, ~la P..-.. dly't 1ltlln«I P•I.

Qr.,_ CoMI . .. .. ... .. 75-100 ltllend Orange Coutlly_... 100 Melropolflen LOe Mgllea. 100

El Toro to have new commander By Uae Anoclated Pren

Brig. Gen. Donald E. P. Miller will take over command of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station from Bns­Gen. William A. Bloomer. who 1s retiring June 27, the corps announced Fnday.

Bloomer commanded El Toro since July 1984. As commander of the Marine Corps' Western Area air bases, he is also in charge of Manne air stations at Tustin, Cam p Pendleton and Yuma. Ariz.

Miller is director of public affajrs at the Marine Corps' headquarters in Washington, D.C.


The federal lawsuit claims inten­uonal infliction of emotional distress, negligent inOictaon of emotional dis­tress, false arrest and intimidation of civil rights.

White and Powers contend they were admiring a ring in the window of the jewelry store when they were approached by an unidentified New­port Beach police officer, Maples and another employee of the jewelry store. Maples and the Wyndham Leigh employee allegedly told White and Powers that they looked bke robbery suspects and searched them. according to the su11.

After allegedly photographing, searching and detaining the men for about three hours, the officer and the unidentified Wyndham Leigh em­ployee released them, Barham said.

White and Powers were stopped and detained later for another 45 minutes by Newport Beach police officer Reynolds and the unidentified police officer as they left Fashion Island in their car. the suit alleged .

The suit claim!> that tht uniden­tified Newport Beach police officer held a pistol to Powers' head while the

officers searched his car. An internal investigation by the

Newport Beach Police Department determined that Reynolds and another officer did stop White and Powers, but officials denied that either officer held a gun on Whi te or Powers.

The suit further alleges that the officers made White and Powers submit to photographs, and "hum1h­a1ed them by ordenn~ them to leave Newport Beach." Pohce officials also denied that allegation.

Barham said his clients were pleased that Wyndham Leigh settled the c.ase because '' they have now been able to 'focus their attention on the pnme defendant in the case. and that's the police."

"They (White and Powers) couldn't believe the police of all people could be as ill-informed of their right to detain people," Barham said.

Barham said he offered to settle the suit against the city for $20,000. but later withdrew the offer after "looking into the case and finding the exten t that the police were involved."

THE NAME OF THE GAME ... There is a common practice of private labeling in the carpet industry. Large de­partment stores, chain stores, and contrac­tors at new tracts have fic titious names on the samples so that the customers cannot~ easily shop brand name prices.

Custome rs shopping at our store find the price of each carpet prominently featured on the sample. Because we are competitive, we feel the customer has a right to know what he is buying. We never change the name on a sample. The. name of the game is integrity. ·


Barham J?ObCC could have determined in 15 minutes that White and Powers were not robbcfY. suspects, and added that t.he civil nghts of his clients were violated because of the way they were treated.

RAPE CASE ..• P'romAl

raped while strapped to her hospital bed.

But no evidence was ever turned up linking a specific person to the assault, and no arrest has been made in the case.

Fcarin~ that the pregnancy could kill Eldridge, her mother and step­father bad doctors induce labor to abort the 20..weck-old fetus.

Eldridge suffers from a rare ner­vous disorder known as Huntington's chorea. which ravages the brain, leaving her mute and constantly curled into a fetal position.

Tbt woman is divorced and is the mother of an I I-year-old boy, who now lives with Stegmoyer.

private label?

MOHAWK caapet

l I.•

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Mon-Fri q.~ 10 at 9 30-4 00

Sun. Clo\4'c1

• c&rpet ..i ..


l •

ln1talla tlon cmtom drapehw M,l, parquet wood

' ,

Orange COMt OAJLY PILOT/8eturd8)', March 21, 1MI 68

GOP talk slated on city liability

Newport gets its desil'ed streetcars Fullenon City Councilwoman Linda LeQuire

will discuss the Fair Responsibillty Act of 198~. an initiative whi~ will appear on the June 3 hallo~ at Thursday's luncheon meeting of the Ora.nae County Federation of Republican Women at the Orange County MedicaJ Conference Center, 300 S. Aower St., Oranae. .

LeQuire's talk, at 11 a.m. followina the 10 a.m . ~usi.n.ess mceli!l&. wil~ center ~n the " deep pockets" hability rule as it applies to a city's share in economic damages for injured victims. The public is invited and luncheon reservations at $10.50 arc available by calJing 846-8841 or 830-8517 before Monday.

Audubon Society to meet The South Coast Audubon Society will hold its

regular meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Dana Point Marine Institute, 35502 Del Obispo, preceded by a bird identification program at 7 p.m:

The Young Auduboners Nature Program wiU meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Bank of San Oemcnte, EJ Camino Real and Victoria Jlken and Dorik Senner will present a program on dinosaurs, and further infonnation is available at 492-7449.

Mu.nlclpal bond talk set

Trolleys will shuttle from Fashion Island to Balboa Peninsula By SUSAN HOWLETT °' ... .,.., .........

The clang-dang of three old· fasbioned troUeys will be beard along Newpon Beach streets this summer.

The City Council pve the arcen Uaht this week to a beach-area shuttle system that is slated to begin a one-year test June I.

The 36-seat trolleys will travel the Coast Highway between tbe Balboa Peninsula and Fashion Island. acoording to Ken Delino, executive assistant to the city manager.

"Now that we've got it. we're really tryioa to make it work." Deli no said.

In February, the City Council authorized city staff to negotiate and bnog back a proposal for a contract with American TroUey Lines, and beg'.ln a push for advertising revenue.


J .... ,flltt ~ i

~ t: m .., 1 I 2


Saddlcback...College will present a tinanetal seminar on municipal bonds Thursday from 6:30 to 9:30 at Professional Fmancial Advisors, Inc., 26131 Marguerite Parkway, Suite C, in Mission Viejo.

Delino said the city has sold $15,000 worth of advenisemeots to be placed inside the trolleys and $44,200 in advertisements to be posted on the outside of the wood-trimmed. I 92() coaches.

Roate of Newport Beach'• trolley can

Financial consultants Charles Mann and Maureen Tsu will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bond investments. The fee is SI 0 and registration information may be obtained by calling 582-4646.

Weight lou program slated A medically supervised weight loss program for

people 30 or more pounds over their ideal body wei~t will be offered at the Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center in April.

An orientation program will be held Thursday at 6 p.m . at the hospital, at the com er of Euclid Street and Warner A venue in Fountain Valley. Call 966-8006 for addittonal information.

SAT review In Irvine Review classes for the Scholastic Aptitude Test

(SAT) will be offered by the Irvine Community Services Department for four weeks, beginning Thursday, at Woodbridge High School in Irvine.

The SAT classes will run from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April I 0, April 17 and May I . Ann LJtvin is conducting the classes, which are priced at $65, and enrollment infonnation 1s available at 6 71--0707 or 660..3881 .

Volunteers being sought Volunteer workers in the field of chi ld care.

elderly care, interpreters and clerical suppon are needed b¥ the Volunteer Center of Orange County West. which serves the cities of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Midway City, Seal Beach, Westminster. Stanton and Los Alamitos.

Those inte~ting in lending their services should contact the center at 898-0043.

Spelling bee In Viejo

The Irvine Co. committed $50,000 to assist the city in underwriting the cost of the program. The trolley experiment is expected to cost the city abo•Jt $88,000, according to City Manager Robert Wynn.

American Trolley, an Arizona-based manufacturing finn . runs a similar trolley system in Santa Monica, Delino said. The Newport Beach trolleys will cost 50 cents. Althou~ City Council members arc

pleased with the proposal, they expressed a few concerns about the proposed route.

UCiprofto head paralysis association

Dr. Carl Cotman, UC Irvine professor of psychobiology, has been named chair of the Science Advtsory Council of the American Paralysis Association. The council makes recommendations on issues related to nervous system injunes.

Based in Springfield, N.J .. the Amencan Paralysis Association was organized in 1982 by famihes of spinal cord inJury victims, physicians an.d researchers.

Mayor Philip Maurer wd that during busy summer days, all tb.rce trolleys might find themselves stuck in heavy traffic.

" I'm that somewhere along the line, we will look at the route again and change ity" Maurer said.

Councilwoman Jaclcie Heather said the trolleys represent a welcome transpor­tation idea for the city.

"They're cxcitinj. they're different and they capture the imagination," Heather said.

Councilwoman Evelyn Hart said she

Cotman is best known for his pioneering research demonstrating that the brain makes its own self-repair chemicals after mjury. a finding that may lead to treat­ments or cures for spinal cord and brain inJuries. Dr. Carl Cotman

was also pleased with the trolley idea, but added that the route could perhaps be modified to get closer to the beach in Corona del Mar.

Tbc trolley system isn't a new issue in Newport Beach.

In 1974, the Harbor Hop­per bus service came to a halt after three months of low ridership. The shuttle idea resurfaced again in 1983 when the council decided to back another study on the buses. But that effort also died.

The City Council looked at other trolley

proposals in February 1984 in an eff on lO reduce peninsula traffic, but the concept lost out because of several problems, including funding.

It loolcs like the city will now Jive the trolley idea another run., hopina it will provide a fun and valuable service to the community.

The stops along the route will be serviced at 20-minute intervals from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Delino said. The trolleys wtll make about a dozen stops between Fashion Island to the Balboa Peninsula.

Teacher, volunteerwin honors from QC board

A volunteer from Corona del Mar and a Ocding runs Corona de! Mar Hljb's 12-., teacher from Fountain Valley High School page newsletter with the help of 10

have been honored by the Orange County volunteen. The publication. which Ocd­~rd of Educati~n for o utstanding ser- ing said is the .. only link between the vice to the educauonaJ system. parents," is mailed to students' homes

The honorees are David Paul Licata, a seven times a year. chemist!)' teacher at ~ountain Valley H~ Io the past, the 41 -~-old mother. of! m the ~u!ltm.gton Beach Un1on two bas put togeth,er similar networkina ~1gh ~hool Distnct; and Maureen Ocd- · system for Anderson Elementary School mg, editor of the Parent Teacher Associa- and Lincoln Middle School lion newsletter for Corona del Mar High School in the Newport Mesa Unified School District. Each received the board's Outstanding Contributions to Education award.

Last year Licata was cited by the national Science Teachen Association for development of a curriculum lO integrate writing into chemistry classes.

Licata is in his ninth year of teaching. said she is honored to m:dvcd the award. .. I think it is super that the Orange County Board of Education is getting involved with the volunteers. .. &be said.

Accorclina to PbyUis Bercnbeim. coordi­nator for the awards~ thccommit­te ~occpts norninauons throucb<>ut the enurc year.

Children in first through sixth grades arc invited to compete in a spelling bee at the Mission Viejo Mall next weekend. Registration wiJI be held at the W.ortd Book Encyclopedia Booth Thursday through Saturday.

The oral competition will be held in the mall's Center Court area for first and second graders at 11 a.m., third and fourth graders at 3 p.m. and fifth and sixth graders spelltng off Sunday, April 6, at I p.m. CaU Tanya Thomas at 364-1771 for infonnation.

Irvine police learn that crime can pay

An Invitation: Attention Ofgantntlon presldenta and MC·

retar ... : We want 10 ,,..p make your upcoming ......,ta, meeting•. Mmln81a And tundralMB auc­CleMfut. Send brief announc.menta lnctudlng time, piece, coet (It any) And a phone number tor additional Information 10: Bult.tin Board, Dally Piiot. P.O. Box 15e0, Costa M .... 92e2e.

Repor1a of your ctYb or 0tgantutlon'1 actlvltlee - Ilk• community aervtce projeeia 0t etectlOn of omo.r. - lhoufd be directed to tM Community Newa Edit« at IM ume addr981. Non-returnable ~and whit• photographa.¥• wek:ome.

By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Ofllleo.lp .........

Irvine officials are learning that crime sometimes does pay.

More precisely, they've discovered that their police department can collect extra spending money when it helps seize cash earned through illegal drug sales.

This week a U.S. marshal presented the Irvine City Council with a check for $185,977. The money represented Irvine's share of money confiscated in 1984 through a local narcotics investigation.

Samuel Cicchino, chjef U.S. marshal in the Los Angeles bureau. told city officials, "You're receiving funds that some drug dealer might have used to buy a swanky car."

Under the rules of the reimbursement program, the money returned to Irvine can only be used to bolster local drug enforce-

meot. The check will provide the first deposit

in a special ac.count approved last summer by the council for funds obtained through dru$ in vestigations. Irvine police Lt. Al Mutr said bis department is seeking similar returns from five or six otheT cash seizures made by local drug investigators in recent years.

Muir said the check received this week stems from arrests made tn September 1984.

In that case. an unusual deposit of $280,000 at an Irvine bank aroused suspicion. Local officers brought in a poltce dog that detected a drug scent on the money.

That discovery led officers from Irvine. the Orange County Sheriff's Department and the federal Drug Enforcement Admin­istration to the Laguna Hills office of the real estate business that made the deposit.

M.L.T. At the office. investigators seized almost

$49,000 in cash and 1.3 pounds of cocaine. Arrested at the scene were Mike L. Tague of El Toro and George F. Howell of

Rancho Palos V erdcs. Investigators then searched TaJue' s

home and confiscated an addiuonal $84.000 and 2.27 pounds of cocaine.

Sgt. Leo Jones, who oversees lrvine's narcotics investigations. said Howell has been convicted of drug charges and was sentenced to state prison. Tague failed to appear at a legal hearing and remains a fugitive. Jones said.

Federal investigators have had the authon1y to seize cash and othCT assets associated with illegal drug sales, but until recent years they did not share these funds with local police departments.

A procedure has now been adopted to allow local departments to request • portion of the money confisca~ during investigations in which they participated.

Lt. Muir said lrvtne followed such procedures after the 1984 81TCSts. Last year. the U.S. Attorney Genenl's staff determined Irvtne was entitled to 45 percent of the money seized in the investigation. That cut - the $185.000 check - finally was received by the city this week.

Muir said the money may be used to purchase vehicles, special communica­uons devices or other eqwpment for narcotics lDVCSllgallons.

An Irvine drug invesllgator said under­cover officers also somettmes required 10 display large sums of money called " flash rolls" to indicate they arc serious when attempting to buy narcotics.

'Do you think the United States did the right thing by firing on and destroying Libyan patrol ships and radar center?·

Complied byG. Jeanette ATeDt

Allton JHbon HuUa~Beac•

CMJdrea 1 Ubnrlaa No, I think it's crazy

to get mixed up with that man (Khadafy).


SamLoca~to NeW)Ort Bue• Artttl

No. bccaute I think they're ptck.i DJ on a Ii ttJc ny and matina him more import.ant than he really is.

Roger TeopaU Newport Beadt

Searcll coaHl&ut Yes, because I believe

the reports are accurate. They fired missiles in the direction of our ships, so 1t would a proteetive action.

G. C. Tiedeman Cotta Mesa

Retired teeretary l can see their poinL

They want to keep com­munists from North America. I think wc' rt gomg to pay for 1t wtth

..;_..--~ an increase in terronsm

DeM>k R•bla l rYIM Ttadter

Yn, as the infor­mation came over the wire, they attacked us tint and for us not to have retaliated would be ao trror oo our Pl"·~

• I


• •

PamMauy Newport Beac•

Homemaker Yes. l thank we've let

other countncs push us around too long and we should take some ac­tion .

IWMJttmu New,.,-t Beedl RMI estate tlett..,...

Yes. because I lhlnk it's ume lO look at th1np rsbsucatl), and takr ckapve aeuon.

A \

A• Orange COUt DAILY PILOT/ S1turd1y, Match 29, 198e


Crowds on rampage at resort PALM SPRING (AP) - An out·

of ~ontrol Easter vacation crowd ot youna people rampaged through downtown Friday. attackrng a cater­ing truck, dumping water into open­top cars, pulling clothing from women and tossing beer cans and bottles at police. witnesses said.

but they had been requested for trull1c control earlier this week and were not called 1n to help w11h the unrul y sttuation.

Associated Press photographer Douglas P1zac. 1n town to photograph the Cahfom1a Angels baseball team. said he saw a crowd of young men surround two women in an open Ferrari convenible on Friday after­noon

"The cops arc barely in control ... said a catenng truck dri ver whose vehicle was ran$acked.

Gerhardt said there wa!t an uncon­firmed report that an o fficer "a!t hurt. Witnesses !Mlid office~ were conl·cn· traung on crowd control and not makjng large arrests. "The~ smncd teanng their clothes

off ... said Pizac. who intervened. lie said the women. who were wearing i­sh1nr. over two-piece battti0$ suits, were crying and pleading with the men 10 stop.

There were no officers available to talk about the situation, sajd Juleen Gerhardt. a Police Department sec· retary. She said all but a skeleton crew of the department's 80 officers were at lhe scene of the disturbance along PaJm Canyon Dnve.

Palm Springs has long been a popular spot for young people to gather dunng Easter break.

"This is the worst since 1969. thars what people have been sayrng," ~1d Gerhardt. That year. a huge cont· 1ngent of young people ran amok through the cit} dunng Easter break

A contmgency of 11 California H 1ghway Patrol officers were in town.

She said there was a larger than usual contmgent of }Oung people 1n town this year for Easter break

"One had her top tom off and the other had pan of her bottoms tom off.'' said Pizac. ··1 asked them if they were all right after they started dnving away. and one of them said ' I ' II never be the same again.·

Lockheed suspen,ds 20 for drug abuse By the A11oclated Press

ONTARIO. Calif - About 20 Lockheed Corp. workers have been suspended from their Jobs at tht' com pany's a1rcrafi maintenance fac1ltty at Ontano International Airp<>n for alleged drug and alcohol abuse. tl1e company said Fnday. The suspensions resulted from an internal probe that began several months ago when some employees complained to management. saying drug and alcohol use by some workers was creating a dangerouc; situation. said Lockheed spokesman John Dailey. Dailey said the invest1gat1on and suspensions appear to be virtuall y complete. although a "small number" of additional workers may be suspended n<."<t week.

Tighter securlty jams trafflc SAN DI EGO- tcpped-up secunt) at m1htal) bases

throughout an Diego County led to huge traffic backupc; Fnday. but officials were d1 ... 1ded as to whether the checks "ere a reaction to terronsm threats from Lib)an leader Moammar Khadafy A spokesman for Rep. Duncan Hunter. R-Coronado. said the Na' y reluctantl} admitted the secunt) enhancement was due 10 this week's clashes between U.S. and Libyan forces in the Gulf of 1dra. But a Pentagon spokesman. Cmdr Bob Prucha. said the inspections that led to mile-long traffic backups were not necessanl> tied to the s1 tuat1on wtth Libya. San Diego police placed a citywide traffic alert tn effect. warning

motonsts ol length} delays entenng three major installa­tions within the c11y hm1b

Elght hurt ln bus accldent LOS ANGELES - Eight people aboard a Rapid

Transit Distnct bus suffered minor injuries Friday when the vehicle slid down the incline of the Rimerton Road on­ramp of the San Diego Freewar.. The bus remained upright as it failed to make a tum while entering the freeway and went down the embank ment said Fire Department spokesman Gre$ Acevedo. Five city ambulances and four other rescue vehicles 1n1t1ally went to the scene of the 12:31 p m. accident.

62 arrested in protest LI VF RMORE. Ca lif. - Police arrested 62 people

during a Good Fnday protest of weapons research at the La" rence L1 \.crmore Laboratory. a lab spokesman said. .\bout 500 pamc1pated 10 the religious service and march - held for the founh years in a row - just outside the laboratof) gates. said the spokesman. Norris Smith. Of those arrested. I:! were Juveniles. he said. All but three of those arrested were cited and released from custody,' said Alameda Count) Deputy Richard Bernet. The three, who all refused to agree 10 their release, will be held until their arraignment on Monda y, he said.


See local police officers compete in this annual football game to raise money for high school athletic programs and charities.





TICKETS FAMILY PLAN (Admission for 5)-$15 · AOUL TS- $5 CHILOREN- $3

J . Domtnelll

J ; David

AIDS virus made harmless in lab

NEW YORK (A P) - Rescar<:h teams from Harvard and the Na­tional Cancer Institute say scientists have found a way to inacuvate the "AIDS virus, a breakthrough toward developing drugs or a vaccine to combat the fatal disease.

Gene-splicing techniques were used to render the virus harmless by snipping out one of its genes in laboratory expenments. researchers said today.

The 'research was reported inde­pendently by Scientists of the Na­tionaJ Cancer Institute. m the Bntish JOurn~I Nature, and by a team at HaPVard Uni versity's Dana Farber Cancer Institute, in the biology Journal Cell.

Researchers thought that removal of the gene - called the tat. or

transactivator. gene - would slow qown the virus's p-owth, said Dr. William A. Hascltme, leader of the Harvard team. What they found was a surprise: "The virus doesn't grow at all," Haseltine said.

The transactivator gene had previously been found to act as a "fast-forward" switch, boosting the growth of the AIDS virus.

Although researchers believe the cnppled virus may be a protOt)l>C for a possible vaccine. they cauuoned against undue optimism.

The researchers stressed that this was not a cure for AJDS, nor could it be used as immediately as a vaccine. Further research will be needed to look for appropriate anti-AIDS drugs, based on this work, and to refine such hannless vtruses for use in vaccines.

la W firm Suspicious fire damages settles Nigerian consulate in NY

By lbe Associated Press

$40 million la rgest amount ever paid by law fi rm due to client

SAN DIEGO (A P) - A judge Friday approved a $40 m1llton out-of­coun settlement between a law firm that represented the bankrupt J. David & Co. and up to 350 mvestors who lost fortunes in the fraud-nddled currency exchange finn.

San Diego Superior Coun Judge Donald Smith approved the settle­ment, which clears the way for the money to be distributed within 60 days to the plaintiffs. said Mike ~guirre, who represented the plain­ttffs.

The settlement. the bulk of which will be paid by Rogers & Wells' insurance company, resulted from the plaintiffs' allegation that the law firm continued to represent J . David Dominelli, even after it knew he was operating J. David & Co. illegally.

According to the National Trade Law JournaJ, the settlement is the largestamounteverpa1d by a law firm to settle claims stemming from its representation of a client

Aguirre said the plaintiffs 1nd1vidu­ally had placed between S 10,000 and $7 million with Dominelh. They will receive pro-rated returns amou"ntmg to about 45 cents on the dollar.

"They basically bought their peace... Aguirre said of Rogers & Wells. which 1s headed by former U.S. Secretary of State Wi1J1am P. Rogers.

J. David & Co .. which promised investors up to 40 percent returns on their money because of Dominelh's purported knack for playing the volatile and unregulated inter­national currency market, was forced into bankruptcy in February 1984.

Dominelh , 44, pleaded guilty 1n March 1985 to fraud and tax evasion and is serving a prison term. At the time of his sentencing last June. he estimated that he owed investors about $80 million.

NEW YORK - A suspicious fire damaged the offices of the Nigerian · Consulate on Friday and authorities planned to question a man who was pulled screaming from the blaze. The man. who was believed to be a Nigerian citizen, was rescued by firefighters as he danlf.)ed head-first out a window of tbe 33rd­floor office suite, apparently gasping ior fresh air. He and th~e firefighters were injured, authorities said. The consulate was closed Friday for the f.astcr holiday weekend. as were most other ofljces in the 35-story building in midtown Manhattan. Only a few people had to be evacuated when the Fire Depanment ordered the top five floors cleared, according to department spokesman John Mull igan. The fire began in a reception area and spread through padlocked doors to other rooms of the consulate. causing heavy damage to about half the 33rd floor. said Fire Commissioner Joseph Spinnato .

Slmultaneous AM-FM programming OK'd WASHINGTON - The Federal Communications Commission on

Fnday abandoned the rule that required AM and FM radio stations owned by the same company to run different programming 75 percent of the time. The rule was designed 22 years ago to help FM grow by forcing owners to run FM stations as separate operations rather than adjuncts of AM stations. FM bas in fact prospered 10 a point where AM stations now need the help to stay competiti ve.

TWA negotiator Imposes deadline NEW YORK - Trans World Airline's top negotiator on Friday accused

the head of the striking flight a11endants union of misrepresenting management's proposal and gave the union 24 hours to decide whether it will put the offer to its members. Bill Hoar. the TWA negotiator, aJso said the airline was disappointed with the union's counteroffer presented Friday. Neither he nor the Independent Federation of Flight Attendants would disclose the terms of the un1on'c; proposal. V1ctona Frankovich. president of the Independent Federation of Flight Attendants. did not immediately respond to the company's demand for a vote by the rank-and-file.

Farmer to sell dalry cows for beef WASHINGTON - Dairy farmers will send nearly a million cows to

market over the ne:<t 18 months tn an effort to curb the nation's costly miJk surplus. Agriculture Secretaf) Richard E. Lyng said Fnday. Under the program. farmers whose bids arc accepted agree to sell 1he1rcows for slaughttr and remain out of da1ry1ng fo r five years

Volcano contlnues to erupt, ash spreads ANCHORAGE. Alaska -Augustine Volcano spewed ash and gases for a

second day Fnday as health alens conttnued throughout south-central Alaska, grill}' dust grounded airplanes. and wind borne debris spread as far as 600 miles to the north. The ash from Friday's periodic blasts, part of the 4.025-foot peak's first eruption in I 0 years, was expected to circle the Earth severaJ times before settling out of the atmosphere. but no appreciable effect on climate was foreseen. "That's what we expect to continue for several more days- periodic bursts of ash." said Betsy Yount. a IJ.S. Geological Survey volcano expert. " In between the ash bursts. tbcre is still a plume. but ifs mostly gases and very fine ash."

Poisoned water cooler caused death Federal prosecutors said there was

no evidence that Dominelh ever engaged in currency trading and that he apparently was paying early in­vestors. with funds coming in from later investors. a scam referred to as a

~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Ponz1scheme. The settlement involving Rogers &

Wells 1s a s1deh~t to the J David bankruptcy. which 1s in the asset liquidation stage. About $22 million bas been recovered by the bankruptcy trustee. No money has so far been returned to investors.

TEMPE. Ariz. - A 32-year-old man was accused in a crim1pal complaint Fnday of murdenng a woman who drank poisoned water from a cooler in the office where his wife works. He also was accused of trying to lull his wife and two of her other co-worker'>. Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Cleve Lynch filed the complaint in Justice Court against Lewis AJlen Harry Jr .. 32, of Phoenix. who was being held at the Maricopa County Jail in heu of S 1.37 malhon ball. The complaint accused Harry of first-degree murder in the death of Julie Williams, 46. of Mesa. who collapsed Monday after drinking water that had been laced wath sodium cyanide from the office cooler at Transamerica Title Co. Harry 1s also facing attempt murder charges involving his wife. Sandra Diane Harry, and two other Transamenca employees.



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' ' ' f

Nicaraguan forces have left Honduras

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) -: Informed sources said Friday the Nicaraguan troops that invaded Hon­d~ras last week in pursuit of Nicaraguan rebels have withdrawn back across the border, leaving be­hind only a few stragglers.

The: sources in Tegucigalpa said the invadi ng force left behind an est1-mated 200 Sandinista soldiers dead, 16 captured and an undetermined number of wounded in its retreat through the jungle mountains of southeastern Honduras. They said abou_t 40 rebels were lolled 1n the fightmg.

Honduran officials had estimated the invasion force at about 1,500 troopscr.

" The Sandinistas suffered a con­siderable number of wounded which they have managed to evacuate back to Nicaragua," possibly with the help

of Soviet-made Ml-8 helicopters. one of the sources said.

" We think all of the m~or units have withdrawn from Nicaragua, aJthough there arc some straglers lef\ in Honduras," be added.

In Washington, a senior Defense Department officiaJ said Nicaragua had been conducting "a significant withdrawal" but that he could not estimate bow many Sandinista troops remained inside Honduras.

There was no immediate confirma­tion from the Honduran government of the reponed withdrawal.

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate approved a modified version of ~s~den~ Rcapo's proposal for S l 00 million in 8.ld to the Nicaraguan rebels, known as Contras. The pack­age now returns to the Dcmocrat­controlled House for action. The House last week narrowly defeated the plan.

Crowd of Libyans kills 'Reagan' ox

T RIPOLI, Libya (A P) - " We will 1£!1poSC sovereignty on the Gulf of S1dra with our blood!" Moammar Khadafy shouted Friday to throngs da~cing around ao ox with ' Reagan' wntten on 1t. When he finished his speech they lolled the ox.

The Libyan leader gave his scorecard for the confrontation with the U.S. 6th Fleet in the gulf. which he called a Libyan ambush:

Libya: Three U.S. warplanes shot down.

U.S. Navy: One fishing boat at­tacked.

He also claimed one Amencan m1ss1le had not exploded and said 1t would be i1 ven to the Soviet Union for inspection.

Amencan officials said the Libyans fired at least six missiles soon after 6th Fleet vessels entered the gulf Monday and U.S. warplanes re­sponded with attacks on Libyan patrol boats that sank at least two. and

two raids on a shorhne missile base, with no damage to American aircraft.

·Ships of the three-arrier Navy force that entered the gulf with the avowed purpose of asscnmg mter­nat1onal navigation rights, pulled out of the zone Thursday. Khadafy claims the gulf as national territory, but the United States insists it 1s international waters beyond the gen­erally recognized 12-mile limit.

The Pentagon said it ended the e"xercise several days early. The version Khadafy gave the crowd was that he sent a message to the 6th Fleet demanding its depanure, and " they left in 72 hours."

After the 90-minute speech. mem­bers of Khadafy' s audience whirled around the black-and-white ox, wav­ing their fists in the air. Someone slit its throat and others danced in the blood that gushed from the wound.

About I 00 foreign journalists es­corted to the site wttnessed the spectacle.

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Good Friday observances Cardlnal John O'Connor jolna hand.a with eome of the b11Dd.reda of people 1athered on the •tepe of St. Patrick'• Cathedral -1n Mew York Pdday to putlclpate lD a nadonwtde • promotlna a .. Banda Aero.. Ameri­ca" cam pa.tan &Cain•t han&er. bclio •ta don• aero.. the country &1aO participated 1n the Good Pdd&J e•ent u thoaaa.nda trod the cobbleetonee of the Via Doloroea lD Jeruaalem. retractna Chrlat'a path to cruclflzlon, and Pope Johll Pa al D carried a black wooden crOM th(oqh the ruin• of paean ancient Rome to the Coloaeum.

Vietnam to return remains . WASHINGTON (AP)- The Republic of Vietnam has agreed to give the

Uni~ed States at least 21 sets of remains thought to be those of Amencan serv 1c~men on April 10 in Han~i. administration sources said Friday. •

~1etnamesc and ~J.S. officials have also agreed to hold another sen es of tech~1caJ talks to discus~ the continuing search for missing Amcncan servicemen, the sources said.

_The officia~s. who agreed to discuss the mjltter only if not identified, declined to specify the exact date for the new round oftalks but said they would occur "toward the end of April."

~ccor9mg to the sources, the Umted Slates expects to receive 21 sets of rem~ins and possibly more during the Apn I I 0 repatriation. As has been done prev1?usl( the remains ~ill be flown from Hanoi to the Anny's Central Ident1ficat1on Laboratory in Honolulu, Hawaii, for identification.

The United States had originally proposed to receive the remains on Apnl I , but !he Vietnamese: said that dat~ was unacceptable. the sources said.

Richard L. Ann1tage, the assistant defense secretary for international sc;curity affairs, an·~Ol~1ced March 11 the Vietnamese had disclosed during the last meeting m February that they had a t least 21 remains (o turn over to the United States.


Orange Coall OAJLY PILOT/Salurday, Marett 29, 1Me d

Ortega calls ald to Contra• 'cruclfJzloa of Nicaragua'

MANAGUA, Nicaraaua (AP) - PrelJdcnt Damel Ortep aid Friday that U .S. ~ps in Honduras run the nsk of death, and the U.S. Senate apPtOval of aid to N1caraau-n rebels was tantamount to the "aucdiilion of N1caf'lllUL" Said Ortcp, "It IS really impre 1ve that Ul this ~k that people celebrate Holy Week, the week Christ was crucified, that the conares 1onal approval is the cruci.fixion of~icarqua.:· The Senate on Thursday nlJht approved., S~7, a modified version of Pre Jdent Rcapn's plan for $100 million in Contra 11d. The now returns to the Democrat-controlled House for action. The. House last week narrowly defeated the proposal. Ortcp said that " American au~horiµes, American advisers, American helicopters run the same risk (of bemg killed or destroyed) as the mercenaries (rebels)." "The respcnsibility i5 the1rs," he said. " Nicaragua has the ngh1 to defend 1ta tcmtory.'

13 bomh ~lode ln Freach cltle. MARSEILLE. France - Thirteen bombs exploded in three citiei en

southern France late Friday and all of the t.araets were banks or govemrnent­run facilities, police reported. They said no one was iajured in the anac.k.s. Ni~ bombs exploded in Marseille. three in Nice and one in Aix~n-Provencc juJt west of Marseille, accordina to police. They said banks and a post office were slightly damaged in Marseille along with a bank m Aix-cn-Provence. The targets in Nice were offices of the Bank of France, the Air France airline and the local electric utility company. Police said the windows and frontdQOrofthe Air France office; w~~ shattered, but the two other _at~cks caused only minor damage, No mdiv1duaJ or group asserted respons1b1hty for the a ttacks, and it was not immediately known' if all 13 were related.

French arreat two alleged terron•ta LYON, France - Police so~ re{>Oned the arrests Friday in Lyon of

two alleged mem~rs of the French terronst group Direct Action and said they were ~us~ted of mvolv!'"e~t in anti-NATO bombings m Belgium. Another o~tJon ~ll~ the F1ghtmg C~mmumst Cells took responsibility for the Belgian bombings in December. Direct Action has claimed many terroristacts in France in recent years, including the murder of Gen. Rene Audran France's top afl'!l~ saJcsmen, outside his suburban Paris home in Jan. is, 1985. Authont1~s blame the gr_oup for the killings of two policemen in 1983. The sources srud about 50 police officers took pan in the arrests of Andre Olivier a reputed founder of the orgamz.ation in the late 1970s, and a man who may be Georges Cipriani, another Direct Action leader, after their car was tailed from Paris by intelli~ence officers.

Mislabeled Icon called rare Ea•ter wor.k BALTIMORE - A mislabeled icon that was shown once then put mto

storage at a museum 1s a rare 14th Century Byzantine work depictillj the Easter scene, according to an art exP_C~. £?r. Gary Vikan1 curator of medieval art at Walters Art_ Gallery and a specu~hst m Eastern Mediterranean art, said the icon, a 10-by 14-mch tempera pamtmg on wood, has been restored and is now on pennanentdisplay. '_'It's a very fine paintinJand whoever patnted it wisoftop, top rank .... Icons of tlS type were common m Byzantium, he said. but very few have survived because of deterioration.

Europeans lauach Ariane roc.ket 1a 4th try KOUROU. French G uiana - The European Space Agency launched its

17th Ai'iane roeket from the agency~s SOuth AmcncanJ\lngle buerridayE\er technical problems blocked three previous attempts. Less than half an hour after the 6:30 p.m. EST blastoff, the Anane 3 rocket thrust an Amencan telecommunications satellite into orbit and then one from Brazil, continuing th~ agency's commercial space race with the United States. Agency officials said the rocket blasted off exactly on schedule and called the mission "a complete success."

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- -~- ~~~·--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------------------------.................................... .

- t.00-u::: HOOAN'I AOQ( 'N'


*~ ''The Wittlvl Widow 0t Wegon Gip" ( 19471 Abbott end Coltello, Mlrlorit MM\. e AlWA SMITH'S MONEY *Ofl.D


IMIC (J:)MOVIE •••• " Amadeus" (198-41 F Mur ®~omHutct




• *'" "Wdlit1" (1955) Joel McCtea Ver1 Mllee


• O r " A PiltlO FOf Mrs C1m1no ( 1982) Bette Davis. Penny Fut*

- 10:00-• Cl) AtCHIE RIC+t D 9 ALVIN ANO THE CHftlUNKS



I DALE EVANS EASTER THE BEAM MOVIE *' • ·~ "Captain Nemo And The Un­

derwater C11y" ( t9701 Robert Ryan Chock Conl\Ofs Cl) MOVtE .... "The Old Maid I 1939) Bette 0aVIS, Mrnam Hopkins (Z) MOVIE t * t * Gunga Otn I 19391 Car, Gr1nt. Douglas Fairbanks Jr



GAlACT1C GUAADIAHS • wow * * • · T anan s Perri 119~ II le~

I~== YESHUA MOVIE * * * "The Candidate t 19721 Rob·

er1 Re<Jlord, Peter Boyle

-11:00-• Cl) PGA GOlF G Q! MA. T







fr ..... ., ''On The T ~n.' I 1949) Gent Kelly Frank Sinatra

AFTERNOO+I -12:00-

0 HICl<ORY HIOEOUT II THREE STOOGES O MOVIE tt Hell River (1975) Rod Tly!Ot, Adam West (!) QI PAE.SEASON BASE8AU. .MOVIE • ' ' Bloody Avengers" I 1980) Alea-1/ldef Fu Sheng, Adlatd Hems • SOUOOOLD • WOHOEAWORl<S I'&) AMENCAN OOVEANMENT GO DEAF WOAlD EASTER '1)WRESTUNG Cl.J MOVIE • • •., Oreamscape' (1984) Oeonrs Quaid. Max Von Sydow , ,-, ST AR GAMES $JMOVIE

t *' .,, Fathng In Love I 1984) Rob· er! DeN1ro Me<yt Streep 1l) MOVIE t • •i, " The Tetminator (1984) Ar· nold Sdtwarzenegger. Linda Hamil· 100

- 12:30-


8 THREE STOOGES 8 AT TliE MOVIES '1l) BUSINESS Of MANAGEMENT ~ LAVERNE & SHIRLEY ai) THE INVESTIGATIOH (C) MOVIE • • ' The Btg Street 119421 Henry Fonda l uc•lle Ball

-1:00-a SUPER CHAAGERS II MUNSTERS D WAR Of THE STARS Q)MOVIE • *'' Our r,me 119731 Pame4a Sue Mar11n. Par~er Stevenson fD OOCTOAM40 '1l) BUSINESS Of MANAGEMENT (fj) MOVIE t The Car 119771 James Broltn, Kathleen uoyd a!> THE ~OSECUTOA a,) WORLD Ct.ASS CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING 1 PJ OAt«A: FEVER



( MOV1E t t AIOClln I 1985) Meno Ven Pteblei, TISla VtlWa

PUTTIH' ON Tl4E HITS - 1.45-


- 2:00-


* * * "The f>f1vatt Wat 01 MljOr Benson" ( 19SS) Clllfllon Heston, Ju. lie Adams 11> PAOJECT UNIVERSE 8D BETTY J£AN ROSINSON EASTE'R Q;)MOVIE ** '1t " The Gal Who Too« Tile West" I 1949) Yvonne De Catlo Scott Bredy

~ ~ Natural 11984) Rober1 Redford. Rot>en Duvall

FAME MOVIE * t •, AndrOld I 19821 Klaus Krnslu

~= *' t t • ·Ttte Sotrow And The Pity ( 19721

G GIOOET - 2:30;-


-2:45-Cll COlLEGE BASKETBALL MOVIE • *' t t " The Empire Stnhs Back

( t980J Mark Hamill HarnSOl'I Ford -3~­o SPORTSCOPE

G MOVIE *' t "Adven1u1es Ot Ptnocehlo" ( 1978) Animated D 1JJ PBA BOWUNO 0 BIONIC WOMAH (!) FAME Q) MOVIE t t • Tile l euor Of Mechaood11Ua I 19741 Eli)NOVA '1i) CAREEJI UFE Pt.ANNING BJ 8EHNY HIU - UNLEASHED P GOOOTIMES



rrSA UVlNG G) MOVIE • • t ·, Easter Parade" 11948) Judy Garland. F' ted As1a11e ED ~ESENTE el!) HUMANrTIES THROUGH THE ARTS

IF"°'*OT H '' "Swiog SMt I 198-41 Gold11 Hawn. Kurt Aus9ell


• * '°' "Bl'llfl$1orm" 11983) CM110-phet Walk:en, Nalllll Wood

-•:30-0 IN 8EAACH Of ... 8 WU WOAL.O Of SPORTS


~~NEWSQ t t *' *' " The Man In The Whtie SU11 . (19S1) Alec GumMSS, Cec:ll Patker



8 FAME 0 BLAa< StiE£P SOUAOAON (!) PETER ANO PAUl .MOVIE * • * ·captain Hora110 Horn· blower" ( 195 l ) Gfegory Peck. Vlrgin-11 Mayo. e ARTHUfl C. Cl.AAKFS MYSTE1'008 WOALD '1i) SQUARE FOOT G.AAOENING (() M"A"S'H OQI NEWS Eri) RQ4 COOt< EASTER al) THE MIL.UONAIRE MAKER

MOVIE t t "Turk 182' ( 1985} T1molhy Hul­ton, Robefl Urrch (J>) MOVIE • • t ··The Ra1nmaller t 19561 Bun Lancaster Katharrne Hepbutn


EVE.NINO - 5:00-

0 NBCNEWS U MOVIE • t The Smurts And The Magic Flute (l983l Anunated 8 A8CNEWS Q 0 GAEA TEST AMERICAH HERO ti) THREE'S COMPANY fB ACTORS THEATRE PRESENTSI '1i) TlilS OLD HOUSE (() RISKING IT AU Qt UTTlE HOUSE OH THE PRAIRIE 6i) R08ERT SCHUU.EA QI) TOl<USO SAlZEHSEH (C) MOVIE • • • "Tile Candidate·· ( 1972) Rob­ert Redford. Peter Boyle

THE TALE Of TH£ BUNNY PICNIC (S) MOVIE t t * 'The Foot Seasoos · 11981) Alan Alda Carol Burnett


- t:30-


- t0:00-1 =INOTOH STEELE

• * t " Conduct Unbecoming" ( 1975) Mlctlael Yor1t, Suunnah Yor1t

•MOVE * * t * "The Flrtm111'1 Bal" ( t968) Jotef s ...... Merit .Mltt<WI eMOVIE * * * "Stage Door C#lteen" { 1943)

Jack Nlcholaon and Jeeelca Lanae etar '11 lon=~IY'I "The Po.tman Ahraya lllnt• Twice·· ton.tih t I DAHaN' ON AJA

at 9 on CBS, Chan.Del 2 .· 119711 Woody



TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT '1) HAAU NO HATO 'ff) MOVIE • • Oxford Blues 119841 ~ob Lowe All) Sheedy r MOVIE t t The Mean Season t t985J l<un Russetl Mariet l1el'lll1l9#ay (%) MOVIE * • • Tne Bostonians 119841 Chr1$IOpher Reeve Vanesu Redg1ave



f) Cl) AJRWOLF 0 QI GIMME A BREAKI U MOVIE t t •, ' Cannery Row" ( 1982) Nielt Nolte, Debra Winger. D 9 AEDO FOXX SHOW Q (!) lWILIGHT ZONE &D NEWS Q) MOVIE * * t ,.., "Under Fire" ( 1983) NICk Nolle, Joanna Cassidy 8l) OOYSSEY ~GREAT PERFORMANCES ai) THE PROSECUTOR m RACING FROM SANTA AHIT A CC) MOVtE • * • '' The Bay Boy" (198-4) lrv Ullmann Krelef Sothetland IJ>J TALES FROM THE OARKSIOE



- 9:00-f) (() MOVIE t * • "The Postman Always Rings Tw.ce' (19811 Jack N.c~son Jessi. ca.l.ange. 0 ~GOLDEN GIRLS D (])LOVE BOAT G) BLACK GOLD AWARDS fD ~ TE MAORI: A CE1.E8RA TIOH Of THE PEOPLE ANO THEIR ART EI!> DALLAS HOLM EASTER

Allen, Lowe Lasser CPJ lWUGKT ZONE

- 10-.30-(J) IN SEARCH Of ...


- 10:45-• SPORTS PAGE

- 11:00-





TAAVELS Of HENRY 080000 (Z) MOYIE t *' "The Nrne Lives Of fritz Thcl Cal" (197") Voas ot Skip Hanna111. Riva Rose



WE.EKE.NO (!) FTV tl) MOVIE * * t " The Gh<>St Of Flight 401" {1978) Ernest Borgnine. Kim Bas-

• FROM THE AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE Cl) MOVIE * *'" "Disorderly Ordefly" ( f~) Jerry Lewls. Glenda F arrtlL IJ) MOVIE • • ,,., " White Llghtntno" I 19731 Bun Reynolds. Jennifer 81lllng5ley EID LIFE Of CHRIST

(C) MOV'IE ** " to To Mldr!IGhr 118&3) aw. &ton.on. Andfw StMnl. (!)MOVIE *H"i "ArlbllQue" (1Mll) Gt90«> ry P9c*. Sqtlia Loren

-1':46-• MCNEWSQ

- 12:00-•• MOV'IE • * "The Cobra" I 19611) Deni A/lo

ldrtwa~• Ekberg,


u "Allct, Sweet Ab" (1971) Lin­da Miller. PIUll

~ ::v.e tfTCHHIKEB • "Hot Bodies" 11984) Ollnlle, a .. btlel Pontello (l)MOY'E **'""Android" I 19821 Kleua ~I. Don~

- 12::»-


(!) MOYIE H 'h "Oart PISMgl" (1947) l'Mn­phrey Bogart, Lauren ~

l~Wl<JHS t U "The Breaklest Club" (1984) Emilio Estevez, Molly Rlngwtld. (Z) MOYIE • "Bolefo" f 1984) Bo Derek, Gtofge Kennecty

- 1:00-


~VIE *** "Kings Go Forth" (1958) Tony Curtis. Natalie Wood. QIMOVIE **'It "Passion" (1954) Cornet Wildt. Yvonne De Carlo. GD RICHARD HOGUE

- 1:t5-(t)MOYIE * * t "Pauline Al The Beldl" ( 1983) Amanda Langlet. Arielle OombUM

-1:30-0 REC0R0 GUIDE • N>EPEND9fT HEWS . SOll>OOl.D ~~HEWSQ ttt'lt "The Killlng Fields" {198-4) Sam Watenton. Halng S. Ngof.

~=m>BEYoHo t * t "Midnight Express" ( t978) Brad OaVIS. JOhn Hurt

-2:00-I) MOVIE t t "The Oregon Traff" (1975) Rod Taylor, Douglas V. Fowley. 08HEWS 8 NEW YOAI< HOT TRAQCS U!) MARK. YN HICKEY 8!lt MOVIE

Three Coast servicemen earn medals for achievement Four Orange ( uast serv 1ccm cn

have been decorated w11h comme n· dation and achie vement medals

Sgt. Larry W. Werner, so n of retired Master Sgt. David and Joyce Werner of Capistrano Beach. was presented

wnh the Air Fo rce Comme ndauo n Medal 1n West Germany Werner, a 1980 grad uatc of Saddle bac k Collec. 1s a financial management spec1ahst with the 3 I 65th Combat Suppor1 ~uadron .

PVl Clark D. Allen, son of Robcn W. Allen of Fountatn Valley and J<Aithryn Allen o f Hunttngton Beach. has been deco rated with the Army Achie vement M edal at Fo rt Campbell, Ky. Allen. a 1979 graduate

iiiiiiiii~i!iijii!iiiiil of La Quin ta High School, 1 s a medical spcctahst with the 326th



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Scott A. Raadall, son of Howard Randall o f Hunttngton Beach, has graduated fro Coast Guard recruit training at Cape Ma y, N.J . Randall is a l 984 grduatc cif Edison High School.

• • • Airman Theodore C. Petbes. '>Ori o l



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Theodore J Pethes of Newpon Beach, has p-aduated from the Air Fo rce medical service~ specialist course a t liheppard Air Fo rce Ba~. Texas Pathes. a 1985 graduate o ( Coro na def Mar HteJl School, 1s now serv10g wtth the Air Force Medical Center at Kee~ler Air Force Base, Miss.

• • • Manne Lance Cpl Bardia R.

Babraml, son o f Shaw Bahram1 of Hun tington Beac h . has bee n promoted to hi~ present rank while o;erving with the 3rd Force Service Support Group on O kinawa.

• • • Airma n Brian W. Aniou, !Ion o f

Carol Dennis of Huntington Beach.



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has graduated from the am:rafi arma­ment systems spcciaJist course at Lowry Air Force Base, Colo. Amo n , a 1985 graduate of Manna High School, 1s servin~ Wlth the 366th Aircraft Generation Squadron at Mo untain Ho me Air Fo rc.c Base, Idaho.

• • • Pvt. William E . Walker , son of Jane

C. Walker of Costa Mesa, has com· pkted the basic fi eld anillery can­noneer course under the one station unit training program at Fort Sill, O kla. Walker 1s a 1985 graduate o f Newport Harbor Hi1rh School. • • "r.

Navy Seaman Recruit Denise M. Poole, daughter of Willia m a nd Janet Fredrick oi Mission Viejo. has com­pleted recruit train ing at the Recru it Training Command in O rla ndo. Fla. Poole is a 1985 graduate of M issio n Viejo H igh School.

• • • Spec. 4 Joutlau P. Kavua1b, son

o f PbiLip R. Kavanagh o f San Juan Capistrano. bas been decorated with the Army Achievement Meda.I at Fort Bragg, N.C. Kavanagh, a 1982 gradu­ate of Capistrano Valley High School, is avehicle driver Wlth the 82nd Airborne Division. • • •

Sgt. Dowd J . Rosen, son o f William and Aon Rogers of Costa Mesa, has received the Air Force Achievement Medal in the Philip­pines. Rogers, a 1976 graduate of Newport Christian High School, is a Morse systems operator with the 6922th Electronic Security Squadron. • • •

Tamera L. Morrl1, daughter of Shirley and George DeLillio of New­port Beach. has been promoted to the ran.le of specialist fourth class in the Army. Morris, a l974 graduate of Edison High School. is a medical specialist with the 2nd Support Bat· talion 10 West Germany.

• • • Staff Sgt. Paal J . Foy, son of

Charles A. Foy of Huntington Beach, has graduated from the Air Force non-oommissioocd officer lcadenhip school at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.. Foy is a reciprocating pro pulsion technician with the 24th Con­solidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 10 Panama.

• • • Pvt. Javier F . Garcia, son of Elena

and Porfirio Garcia of-Irvine, bas gradated as an armor crewman,at the Army Armor School in Fort Knox, Ky. Garcia is a 1985 graduate of University High School in lrvine.

• • • Tammy L. Gibtoa, whose husband

is Anthony Gibson o f Huntington Beach, has been promoted to the rank of specialist fourth class in the Army. G ibson is a parachute rigger with the I st Corps Support Command at Fort Bragg., N. C. • • •

Marine Pvt. Du S. Erf>er, son ot George and Carmen Erber of Hunt­ingto n Beach, has completed recruit tra1mnJ at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot 1n San Diego.

• • • Airman Lawrence P. Kosky,son of

Charles and Patty Kosky of Newpon Beach, has been assigned to Sheppard Air Force Base. Texas, after complet· ing basic training at Lackland Air Force Base,t Texas. Kosky, a 1985 graduate or Corona del Mar Hip School, will receive specialized lll· struction in the aircraft maintenance field.

••• Pvi. J0te M. Saatua, son of Teresa

Vazquez of Costa Mesa and Pvt Patrtcll T. OUlef, son of Sarah and O ayton Oakley ofHuntington Beach, have completed Army basic tra.injna at Fort Jackson, S.C. Santana is a 1985 graduate of Estancia Hi&h School. and Oakley is a 1984 araduatc of Ocean View High School.

Harbor Area's O riginal Wholesale Jeweler

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the best slice of Orange County

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• HtJn'utgfOll tJ.och ,~.,,


Ofange Cout DAJLY PILOT/Saturdey, Merdl 29, 1918 A7

Celebrations of Easter to begln at Sunrise Easter, the annuaJ festival that

celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, will be observed by Oranae Coast Christians at services Sunday, tqin­nin& at sunrise with outdoor cer­emonjes,

• • • For the third year the Pacific

Amphitheatre, 100 Pair Drive, Costa Mesa, is dona tin& its faciU ties for the Cotta Mna Calnry Cbpel'• sunrise service at S:30 a.m.

About 15,000 worshipers arc ex­pected to hear the Calvary Chapel Symphony and Youth Choirs, as­sorted speakers and perf onnances, and the sermon by Pastor Chuck Smith.

Admission and parking arc free. For information, call 979-4422.

• • • The 17th annual Easter Momma-

on-the-Beacb at 7:30 a.m. at the Monarch Bay Beach Club is sponsor­ed by the ~rd of the Hilla UaJted C.uc• of Cllri1t.

The sermon will be delivered by the Rev. David Sandberg. Ruth Sandberg will direct the senior choir and Kathy Bell will direct the children's choir.

Afterward, an Easter brunch will be served on the church patio at 30121 Niguel Road, Laguna Niguel. The I 0 a.m. service will feature Sunday school students decorating a floraJ cross.

• • • For the third year, world-famous

entenainer Della Reese and her singing group, The Brilliance, will perform at the 8, 9:45 and 11 :30 a.m . Easter services of the Budllgtoa Beacla• of ReUsto.1 Sdeace.

Dr. Peggy Bassett, senior minister, will present her message, "The Other Side of Easter," at these services plus a sunrise service at 5:45 a.m., which will feature a trumpet fanfare and balloons.

Services arc held at Seaclitf Vil­lage, 2205 Main St. , Huntington Beach.

• • • The Believer'• Commulty

Qare• , Huntington Beach, Wilf have Easter sunrise services at 5:30 a.m . at tbe Newoort Dunes A uatic Park.

A Cll •11 Wt1C1•1 fNll The UNITED



METHODIST CHRUCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd.

Ctwrch School 9:00 Worthlp 9:00 and 10:30

Charlee 0 . Clark, Mlnlat81'

Coeta.,._. MESA VERDE


Wor.ttlp I Church School l!.30-10:CIO ~.m.

Or William E. Steel 979-8234


UMl'nD METHOCMIT 1400 W. Balboa Blvd Rev Lawra- ;e T. Young

...... . e-.. .... _. .... • ...., .._ .......... 0., c..

,,. AJllAiill ,. .IL


6662 Hell Ave. IM2·.-.61 Wonhlp Service t;jO 110:00

8:30 lunda1School10:00

Fountain V1tt.y FIRIT UNITED

METHdotaT CHURCH 1ai2s Bushard St

t12-21es James R. Hadley, Pastor

Worehlp I Church School t-.30 A.M.


Coron.delMllr 1444745

.... ' a.di SdMI t:lO I.Ill. Rev. Bur1-y R. Howe

aervioe at 7:30 a.m. Sunday on the center court at the John Wayne Tennis Oub, Newport Beach..

• • • Six aervices becinnina with one at

S a.m. will be held Sunday at the Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove. The Salvation Army Choral Brigade from Bristol Easton EDJ)and wiU participate at 6:30 a.m.

The church chorale and orc~t.ra will present Handel's " Messiah" (Part II and Hallelujah) at 6 p.m.

• • • The 33rd annual sunrise service at

K.nott's Berry Farm will be held at 6 in the Coveml Wqon Arena. The event is sponsored by the S4 Southern Baptist oongregations in Orange County. . ·

Admission is free, and there is ample parking.

• • • Roger M. Mahoney, archbishop of

1131 Bay Bay Dnve, Newport Jack Whitaker. Beach. • • •

Los Angeles, will keynote the 66th annual sunrise service Sunday in Hollywood Bowl. Also participating will be Robert Guillaume; Mabel King, Rosemary Oooney, Shawn Stevens, Cesar Romero, the Young Hollywood Chorus, the Southern CaJjfornia Mormon Choir. the Holy Family High School Glee Oub and the Glendale Youth Symphony Or­chestra.

Pastor Tom Vmccnt will deliver An interdenominational worship the sermon, and Silvester Blue will will begin at 6: 15 a.m. in the

Doors open at 2 a.m. and services begin at 4.

·..a • 1 · Equestrian Amphitheater in Coto proVl"'e spccta .m~s!c. De Caza. Music will be provided by

• • • The Com.maity Cllarcla Con·

The 13th annual sunrise service, Dorcas Preston, Nancy Shoemaker presented by the La.pu Cllrittla.D and Bill Mith from the Spirit of Fellow1lalp of Lagoa Beacla Grace Community Church and the Cll•rcll1ea ud Qrlatlau Ualted for United Methodist Church. The Rev. Jesa1, will take place at 6:45 a.m. in Dr. Bob Turnbull, radio and tele­the Irvine Bowl, 650 Laguna Canyon vision personality and member of Road. Saddleback Valley Com munity

grecatloaal, Corona del Mar. will provide a sunrise service at 6 at Inspiration Point, Goldenrod Av­enue and Ocean Boulevard. Corona del Mar.

Services also will be conducted in the sanctuary at 8 and l 0 a.m. with a balloon festival scheduled at 9 on the patio.

Participating will be Pastor Jerry Church. will deliver the Easter Tankersley of Laguna Presbyt.Crian message. Church, who will deliver the Easter message; Pastor Jack Nemeth of Calvary Evangelical Free Church will give the invocation; Bill Eiler of the Neighborhood Congregational Church will read from the Scripture; and Iaclc Wheaton ofl.aguna Church will give the benediction. Music will be provided by Craig Williams and


T wry McCanne. DlrectOt of Adult Mlnlltr._

Easter Servlee Sr ..... 9:1 .. a . llrM••

T1na NQ/az, OlrectOt of Children'• Mlnletr._ .., ... - l:JI ' 10:00 l.111

a.di Sdlllt -Clll*9I ..,. AMI 10:00 I .II.

lllner7 un mllMI -uo' ....

¥..,.n - 7:00 PA

2850 Fall"Aew Rd., Costa Mesa 557-3340


780 Vlctorta l l, Coet. MeM LothM V. Tomow, P•tor

131-1111 .,_ ........... .. WORIHtP IERVICE l:OO 10-.30 AM

s.lay ScMtl & AM ... am ,..20 Ul Clwtstian o..e,,., Sclllal



bstbluff Dr. & Jlmbo<ee. Newport lludl

Rev Wllllam MtQuoed. Pastoi Asst Rn. Robert P. Sttwlrt. Assoc Pastor

R<>detf Whitten, M11S1C Director WtnaiiJ 9:3' l.I.

E41catiM ctn... lt.45 l.I. QIWC...,,......

hf Wk Cll 144-lMl


R.otit Bt•1111d , """ ~bofft & bstlllwtt DI

~~- ..... ~ii--::: ,~ ...... ~ m .. .,,,, M a,

Sebbeth S.rvlc•• 'riMJ lllllilC l!IS P.1. ,.., ~ flnt ''*'ff........ 1:JI , ..

Stnllc die """9rt·lntlt Ana 21M lw ftttl

• • • • • • Another sunnse celebration will Celebrations of Christ's resurrec-

tion will be held at 9:30 and l I a.m. Sunda~ at St. Mart Pretbytertu Cla•rcla, Newport Beach. An Easter vigil will begin at 10:30 tonight.

begin at 5:30 in Central Park, Golden West Street and Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach. The service is sponsored by the Calvary Cbpel, Huntington Beach. • • • •

The lAIMru Cll•rc• of lite Ma1° • • • The lrville-Newport Cll•r~ of &er, 2900 Pacific View Ori ve, Corona

del Mar. will have its Easter service Rellpou Scleace will hold its Easter

Dr Eleanor C Jackson 141-1112


Roe• J. Ber1. Past0t Kin ftferl Kr0&slld, PastOf

WllSllPlllYIOE 8 AM & 10:30 AM

(Interpret« for the deaf it I AM)

Stll>AY SCHOOl 9:15 AM flnery C•e Avabbk ....

ltl ...., Ir, lnJert leHla 141-1111


IDIK .... of Cllf'MI) 2401 kYIM •• leflt• .......

.... pot1 llMch M$-S'111

! Morning· Worship l 0 AM Sunday School 9 AM

Gene l w9MOn, Mtnl9let'

IEW TllOUIHT CHRISTIAI CHURCH 110 w. 11 .. 11., .... ....

(111d111W. ... etll1•> "H•v• F•lth In lmmort•llty"

Easter Sunday - Special Music

Dr. Eleanor C. Jickson Bible Study Class 9 : 15

Sunday Morning Mfwge. Htalmg & Junior Church 10 JO IW-A·lhu-ct 141·1414

Laguna Presbyterian Church .. Cbrucb of Cbimea"

A ~ dudl for 1M Soutll c.unty. Stimlti'C Sermons. BtautN ITlllic.

Sud.,. Wordlp 1:00 • IO:SO &.111 I N~ry CMe Prerided•s..MT Sdool for .n Al•

Wedd•Y ho,,... For CtJJdrt•, Yoou • Ad•lts 415 Forest Ave • Phone •94· 7555

Or Arttu I., .. _..,, an. Cnis -.... Or. Edwwds Caldwtl DIAL-A-PR.A YER-494-PRA Y

Be Sure to Worship at a Church



of Your Choice this Easter

:w,~W1rn M 11'9Cmt.._ (Wnl)

aAllllMAaKS. Ml.W .. ,IOC[S

fll·I PA - Sal-IO:lO 1.111

'""' Senltts I •t r ndly OI Ill 1 lO lt4fiClotd $qlool

A1tg11 (0 Yowttl C,.. ~

m 1 c....aao. """""ltldl 1411 ...._, ...... 1. c.n ..... .... , ..... ....,..v ... ~

• '

t.Andrew Presbyterian


John A, Huffman, JI' l'Mcor



s.May. Mardi JO. 19"

f:..•ttr "11nd.1\ M""~L'<' !'\ 111 J.•hn >\ ll1.1fl111111 Ji c111t11cJ


ll•I""""' , / "'"''• of "1'1 IMJ''

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r,,,., c " '" °"' .,,,, 1•' .. .,, "'""'"''"' Clulcl .aft' 1• ,.., .. ..ifd

tll\."\ '\t An<lrrv. ~ R1•atl N~~1tl R<-11(h l 11lrlC'rn1,1

I u tt .... "' • ,.,, .... """'' H t--" H. \ ... ' t7Hl ti\1 l'IN.'

...,_. Beed will hold an f.u1er lttVice at 11 a..m. at 27802 EJ Lao Road, South L..uuna. ""'"7• •

Two ideotieal wonhip lef'Yica wall be held at 9 and 10:45 a..m. Sunday at the l'tnt a.rt.elm ~ 1207 Maio St.., Huntiac&oo Beach. Guest apeaker will be K.nofel Staton, president of Pacific Christian Collqe at a 6 p.m. wonhip bout.

• • • Easter will be celebrated Sunday at

9 and 10:30 a.m. at the '•pu · Prttbytertu Clavcta, 41 S Forest

Ave., Laauna Beach. • • • The fC1tival of the rcsumic:tioa

wiJJ be celebrated Sunday at 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. at St. Peel'• LMll u• Clludl ., ~ 8ada. 1190 Morninpide Drive. An eu bunt ia scheduled at 9:30 1-m.

• • • f.aster SuJ)day services will be held


at 9:30 a.m. by the Lepu Ntpd Mlabtry (UllltM MedlMilt) at the Crown Valley Elementary Schoo~ 29292 Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna Niguel.

• • • The Rev. Dennis Daniels, a padu-

at I 0:30 a .m. Sunday. ate of the School of TbeoloSY at Claremont College, will oonduct the Ualtarlu Ualvenall1t Easter ser­vice at 10:30 a.m. at the Lapna Beach Center, 429 Cypress Drive.

• • • Festival services wiU be held

Sunday at 8 and 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Harbor Leneru Chrcla, 798 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. • • •

Marc Hoffman, M.S.W. and psy-• • • ·The Pretbyterlan Clt•l'cla of tff chiatric social worker, will talk about

" Aging and Social Action" at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the <>ruce Cout UaJtarlu UaJvenallat Chm. 1259 Victoria SL, Costa Mesa. He oWill explore the ooncept of as a lifelong process whose gains may be overlooked due to our fears about srowiog old.

Coveoant, 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, will conduct Easter services at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday. Spcctal music from Han­del's " Messiah" will be provided by the choir.

••• Special Easter services at 6, 8 and

10:30 a.m. Sunday arc planned at Clarl1t Ledteru Cllucll, '760 Vic­toria St .• Costa Mesa.

• • • Meadowlark Lemon, more widely

known asa former star of the Harlem Globetrotters, will share his ex­periences about bis oommitment to Jesus Christ during the 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. services on Easter at the CapJ1tnM Valley Claar'*. 32032 Del Obispo Road, San Juan Capistrano.

• • • Easter Sunday services will be at

8:30and IOa.m. attheLa.pu Beacla Ualted Metltodi1t Claarcla, 21632 Wesley Drive, South Laguna. An Easter egg hunt is planned for the children after the last service.

• • • Cllu~ of Rell&io•H Scleace, (~leue 11ee 8tJJQUSS/ AS)


YCNI .... Wllcuw - AMI,.....

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ...,,, . , ....... Hun ............

IUMDAV: Morning Worlhlp .............................................. ~ AM Blble School ................................................... 10:45 AM E....,,lng Worahlp ............................................... 6:00 PM

~"_.,... _ __, ......... Mtlle F• r• 0... ~ 6 A'-' " Ker.-. ,,.,_...

M•ge ..... o.r.tor ol C........ ~ DIAL· A-OeVOTIOM - ......._om. - ..._..

M .. ,_... c .......... ,....

---1 ... .t. I SAINT JAMES ~··

\ l/ WELCOMES YOU IUNDAY W~ IUVIC«I 7:30 AM - Hofy Euchertst Rite I 9:00 AM - Hoty Euchattat Rite II

10:45 AM , Pray. and PralM Euc:harlet Rite II Church School , 9:00 AM Chlld Care - 7:30 l 9:00 AM

(Music. Mrmon and ehltd care at 3 eervlees) ..,._WHK WOMIHOP

Monday°Frldey - 8:30 AM Momlng Prayer Tueeday - 10:00 AM & Heellng SeMoe

Wedneeday • 6:30 AM Hoty EUChans1

Rector, Fr . .aotan AeheJ • AMOC.. fr. llftlln Coa, ~ The Rev. Ttiomu Henry • Or. Wiiiiam Roberta


nf)Q V 1a Lido • Ncwpon Beach • "1 14-6 7 Hl:! I 0



''Reallty'' Coete ... u-Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sc .. nttal

2UO MeM Verde Or., Coete M9ee Church I lundey School-10:CIO A.M. RHdlftt Room, 28IO ..... V9rde Dr.-t A.M.-4:30 P.M. Mon. thru Frt . Wed. 7-7:t0 P.M.-• .. .JO P.M.

lrvlM-fl,..t Church of Chmt, Sc._.,tl•t "-'CM Sen JoaquM lne.rmedlele School 4111 Mlcttel10ft (NMr Yele) Church a lundaJ lchool-10:00 A.M. RMdlnt Room, 43'0 llerrenca Ptrwy .. llllte 145, ltOMCl'Mll Plau

10 A.M.-4 f'.M. Mon. lhru let. 10 A.M.-1 f'.M. ThundeJ

CNloif e... ~ .. w.,,,.,., Newpot1 8Hch-Flrat Church of Chtltt, Sctentlat

::-a~"C'!.. llMc~ 6 10:30 A.M. RMdtnt Room, A15 V&a Lido

Moft. thru .. ,. t A.M.•5 P.M. Tuee..- 74 f'.M. <:Md C.-. ,,,_ l~ t JO. t t 30 AM ... S"'°!t r.,..

Newport lecond Church ot Chriat, Sdenttat 3100 f'eclftc V'9w Df., CorOM del .._, Church a lunday lc:hoof- 10:00 A.M. "-M'"9 Room_.. "•" f . COiiet Hwy •• CdM

war•llAY lib I fill HITT IHIW 1 P.a Ill cmr ~••

All are cordially Invited to attend the church servtces and enjoy the prl"lleges ol the Reading Rooms.

Child Care Provided AT ALL SERVICES.

r S.... T.,tc:

un.t Dtlltr SiH tf E11ttr CtUtCH Of R£ll6IOUS SCPCE • "'-- ol .,.. Urw'9d Cludl .. ........ ---


Adul'- & Jr Churcil For lntormatton 9-1331 8 ()(), . .. , ' 11 30 An Pwggy 8-tl





Monks' vow of silence 'destructive' FromA7 """ Four serv1ccs, begmnmg with W--

6 30 a.m. sunrise oelebration, arc $Cheduled Sunday by the Ruc~o Capistrano Commulty Cllarcb, 29251 Camino Capistrano. San Juan Capistrano.

Once restriction was lifted some just couldn't stop talking, researcher says

By MAR.It FRITZ All 1111 .. 11 ~ Wrtt.t

KALAMAZOO, Mich - Trappist monks who endured decades of silence to commun1calt better with God instead lived lonely, frustrated and often bitter lives because tht>re was nobody to talk to. a researcher says.

James A. Jaksa. a Western M1ch-1pn University communications professor wbo studied the Roman Catholic monastic order for eight rears, said the monks' vow of silence frequently was debilitating.

"Some told us that as a result of their lack of s~ch. they felt hkc children, they felt that they were Jetting dumber and dumber," he said tn an interview. "They felt scnous harm had come to them."

Jaksa said the relaxauon of the

Tr<appists' enforced vows of silence m 1969, one of the sweeping reforms in the church at 1he time, had a profound effect on the monks once they were allowed to speak freely.

In 1970, Jaksa said. he and two other experts were asked to act as consultants in assisting the monks with their communications skills.

"To come to to a group of people who had been virtually silent. some of them for 50 years. you find significant changes ... he said. "They had no skills or knowledge of interpersonal com· munications."

Man y m o nk s remained withdrawn, he said. while others couldn'1 stop tallung.

"They were extraordinanly ver· bal," said Jaksa. '!That's what sur· prised me. Once you eot them speaking their personalities really emerged. and there were a lot of

personahuc .. Many were bitter, and Jaba said

there was a mass exodus from the monastencs by monks who re­d1scovt"n:d their personalities af\cr resuming conversations with other people.

Jaksa, who with Ernest Stech wrote the 1980 book, " Voices of Silence; The Trappists Speak," said he began with the monkS at the Our Lady otthe Genesee in Piffard . N.Y., and went on 10 interview more than 100 monks, visiting seven monasteries in the United Sta1es and one in Canada.

" Many were intimidated by con· versat1on," he said. "Some were absolutely fearful of even saying 'Hello' to another monk."

The solitude had not ~n, Jaksa said. Mo nks could speak to their supenors and sing in church. and many secretly broke their vows of i.1lence. He also said there was an unofficial rclaxatlon of prohibitions against speaking m later years.

Jaksa said he interviewed one

monk who had been bothered for a decade by a remark once made by another monk. "When the vow was lifted, they spoke to work 1t out," he said.

Other monks, he said. had formed opinions of one another based on years of non-verbal communication, and were stunned when they began speaking and discovered per­sonalities and opinions sharply dif­ferent from those they had perceived.

A paper writ\en by Jaksa included an excerpt of an interview with a monk who suffered a nervous break­down in 1967.

The monk, who was allowed to speak to his supenor, said the abbot asked him what was wrong.

"And l'U never forget my answer." the monJc sajd. " I said, ' I don't know anybody. I don' t know anybody:

" I had been going on convictton. on principle, on faith and good will , .. the monk said. " But I wasn't getung what every human being absolutely must ha ve - human support, human rclauonships, and love."

8loWE Harlan

A musical retelling of the Easter story, ' "Lamb of G lory," will be presented that night at 6:30.

• • • Easter services at the ~e Hiii•

Commwtlty Cburcll, 2333 1 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills, will be held at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday.

• • • The Robert Schuller Institute will

present the Na\ionaJ Small G roups Conference Tuesday-Thursday at the Crystal Cathedral. The focus will be teaching churches how to strengthen membership.

• • • Dr. Sioux Harlan. behavioral psy- will open the Light, Love and Laughter symposium. to be presented Friday and Saturdal by the Orange County Dtstrict o the lntemat1onal New Thought Al­liance.

The symposium will be conducted at the HutlDgton Beacb Cllarcla of Rellgloas Scleace in SeaclifTViJlage, 2205 Ma1.n St., Huntmg1on Beach.

Dr. Peggy Bassctt1 pastor of the church, will be among four church leaders to receive the Stellar Award for contributions to the New Thought movement.

Religion rated high by Baptists, Mormons


Heads seminary Theolo&lan·educator Jamee I. McCord heads the new Princeton, N. J ., Theologi­cal Seminary.

By the Associated Press

PRI NCETON. N J - A Gallup poll finds thal among Amencan denominations. Southern Bapus1s and Mormons are moc;t apt to consider their religion '"\ery import· ant."

Sevent)·lour percent of outhem Baptists and 71 penenl of Mormons rate their religion in 1hat top category For other ma1or churlh bodies. the percentages doing so were

Lutherans. 55 percent Roman Catholics. 54 pcrtent. Methodists. 53 percent: Presb)tenanc; 46 percent and Ep1scopahan'i. 42 pcm.·nt

For .\mencans as a whole. 55 percen1 say religion is .. \t:rv 1mp<.>rt· ant" and 31 percent tl·rm 11 " fa1 rl) 1mponan1."

W .\SH INti.I ON - ~:iJor · U.S Protestant and Roman t alholic de· nommauons are continuing to op·

6 :00 A.II . .. VICTORY"

Rev L V Tornow

a :OO A.II. aad 10:30 A.II . "PROCLAIM PEACE.

Rev Bruce Jeske

C.brilt1utfJctlU lbuftb 760 Victoria Costa Mesa 631 - 1611

nursery care provided

Easter breatf ast served at 7 00 A M





SUNDAY - MARCH 30 •Three ldentlcat aervic•• at

8:00 a .m. • 9 :45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m .

Outdoor Sunrise Service 5 :45 a.m.

There will be Sunday School and Nursery Services available at all three indoor services

,,.., ........ ",,. -

'-----~---'\.(714J 9e9· •33•----1~


pose military aid to rebels m Nkaragua as pushed by President Reagan.

With his initial proposals defeated 1n 1he House of Representatives and a compromise being sought, various church bodies reiterated their stand against such aid.

It "simply intensifies the conmct, has contributed to several thousand deaths and does not serve a useful poht1cal or humanitarian purpose," said Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye. general secretary of U.S. Catholic bishops.

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Ed· mood Lee Browning wrote President Reagan. saying his references to the rebels as "freedom fighters" obscures the issues and corrupts " the language of our democracy."

The U mted Methodis.t soetal·ac· uon board charged that the rebels. known as Contras. have inflicted " terror. torture and death upon


innocent civi lians." Both Catholic and Protestant

groups urge support for a diplomatic solution as backed by most Central and South Amencan countries.

WORCE TER. Mass. - The first Spanish·spealong congrega1ion in the Lutheran Church in Amenca has been officially established here. named Iglesia Luterana San Juan -St. John Lutheran Church

SA LT LA KE CITY - The Re­ligion Newswnters Association has decided not to hold its annual mee1ang an conjunction with the April 5·6 general conference of the Church of Jesus Chnst of Latter-day Saints because at does not admit women to a pnesthood session.

Allhough a poll of the newswnters had favored that site, the executive board decided against it after the bar to women reporters became known. The church offered to make available

closed-circuit television and tran­scripts of the priesthood session. but said it was open only to males.

The newswriters are to meet in­stead in June in Atlanta in connection with the Southern Baptist Convet­nion.

NEW YORK - Leaders of Prot­estant and Roman Catholic rchg.ious orders have agreed 10 launch a permanent ecumenical consultation on relig.ious life to promote more interfaith understanding and cooper­ation.

The decision was made at a meeting led by the Rev Roland Faley, executive director of U.S Roman Catholic Major Supcnors of Men, and the Rev. Andrew Rank. president of the Anglican Conference on Religious Life.

A consultation was set for Feb. 2-S. 1987. for representatives ofC'athohc. Lutheran, Anglican and Eas1em Or­thodox relig.ious orders. Aims arc to

· develop mutual appreciation o~ re­ligious hfc as lived m the vanous churches, and to examine areas of convergence.

WASHINGTON - A prominent Jewish leader says a tide of ne<?­conservative thought in the country 1s blumng genuine religious concern by extolling the pursuit of wealth . " hap­piness and 1mmed1ate ease of the ind1v1dual."

Rabbi rthur Henzberg, professor of religion at Dartmouth College and vice president of the World Jewish Congress. told 1ts nationaJ­uon that an "esscnt1a1ly matena11st notion" has taken hold in American life.

He added. "Even Judaism in Amenca has been bent. by some. away from transcendence and towards centering on man's well­being .... Even in relig.ion, man. not God. has become the measure of all things."

Antique roses still a favorite today Old garden roses have a special

charm all their own. Nurtured by nalure 1ns1cad o f comm ercial hreedcrs. these surviving flowers of 1he past have delighted countless generations of gardeners with robust fragrances. subtle colors and dehcate flower forms.

According to Country Home maga­zine. man)" of the antique roses that bloom in present-day country gar· dens have roots m the ancient gardens of Rome and Greece. the rand1ose castle gardens of mcd1eva Europe. 1he renowned French gardens of the Empress Josephine. and the modest dooryard gardens of early American seulcrs.

These garden ancestors are living proof that the enduring qualities of the past still flounsh today. No other flower in history has enjoyed such timeless admiration as the rose

Gertrude Jek yll, a highly acclaimed 19th-century English wnter and gar­den philosopher. lauded these old­fash1oned blossoms m the gardens of her time when she wrote: " How seldom one sees these Roses except an cottage gardens: but what good taste 1t shows on 1he cottager's part. for what Rose 1s so perfect at home upon the modes1 wa)s1de porch."

Roses have symbolized love and beauty since the ancient Greeks

ordained them "Queen of Flowers ... In Greetc mylhology, the first rose bloomed when the goddess Aphrodite appeared from the sea. The Romans linked the rose with the goddess Venus. Grown throughout the empire. roses represented wealth and status.

Roman settlers took 1he1r valued roses with them 10 lea ve their mark as they e'(panded their reign into Europe. Often called 1he Adam of the rose famil~ . the galhca (or French rose) is believed 10 be the rose from which the old European roses de· scended.

From Rosa gal hca came R. damascena (damask rose). valued by the ancient Romans for its s1rong frag ran ce: R . dama scena semperflorens (autumn damask). the rose firs1 known to bloom twice a year. and R. alba (the White Rose of York). famous for the part it played later in England's War of the Roses.

A renewed interest m rose develop­ment during the Renai ssance produced many new rose classes. anclud1ng the cabbage rose (R. cen­t1foha), and the moss rose (R. cen· t1foha muscosa).

Like the ancient Greeks and Romans. early Chnstians revered the rose and used 1t as a symbol of their beliefs The white rose. set apart from

1--------------~ other roses for its punty of color and

In Concert The Legendary

llAITIMVJ w1 th Reba & Country Sonlight

& Dick Hilleary

form, stood fo r the Virgin Mary. Roman Catholics call the stnng of

beads they use to count r>rayers the "rosary .. because the ongmal beads were carved an the shape of ro~.

From time 1mmemonal roses ha ve been the flower of romance English folkJore says that when a young girl

wears a rose near her hean, the fi rs1 man to pluck it will be her true love.

In the late 1700s, the China rose (R. ch1nens1s) and tea rose ·(R. odorata) were imported to Europe from the Onent.

. ~, State leader to install slate

SAT. April 5th 7.30 PM. LONG BEACH

Jordan High School Aud Tickets at most

Christian Bookstores INFO (213) 370-0185

Mrs. R. Nelson Nicholson of Stockton. president of Cahfom1a Garden Clubs Inc .• Wlll be the guest of honor and installing officer at the Orange County D1stnct meeting on A(>ril 7 an the Holiday Inn. Laguna Hills.

Lon Avery. manager of Stewart's Orchid Center in Orange, will be the speaker. For information and lunch­eon reservations, call Jane Berry at 499-5 151 or Dorothy Roetter at

494-9549 by Tuesdav. • • • "Color in the Landscape" will be

explored by Shirley Kenns. hort1cul· ture consultant and landscape de· signer from Huntington Beach. at 7:.30 p.m. Wednesday in Mahr Ho use on the campus of Cal State Fullerton

773-3579. • • •

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden will offer two classes for home gardeners interested 1~ minimizing water usaee.

On Apnl 5. a three~hour workshop Wlll deal with selecting Ccanothus

· cult1vars. one of the most spectacular native plants available to home­owners.

The lecture is sponsored by the Friends of the Fullerton Aboretum. Kenns, who also 1s manager of plant production and sales at Huntington Library, will discuss color schemes.

1---------------..._--------------. hormony and developing a garden

This class w1 II review groundcovcr low shrub and large bush forms, and detail how they vary in fol iage, Oower color and blooming time.

HAPPY EASTER! You ore welcome lo attend Easter Services. os olwoys.

FOUNTAIN VALLEY FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 18110 Magnolia (Magnolia at Talbert)

Children\ Chruch I 0 30

Arfhur •••H Mlnlater

Nursery 01 olt services Active Yov1h Groups 6 00

Rod Selfken a Mork l•••• Youth Mlnlsten

PRESlnERlll CIUICI IF TIE CIYElllT 2850 Fairview Ad., Costa Mesa 557-3340

Invites you to Join us on EASTER SUNDAY MARCH 30

TH REE SERVICES 8:00 am. 9:30 am, and 11:00 am

Music by the Covenant Choir: Selections from Handel's " Messiah"

Bruce A. Kurrie, Pastor Child care through Kindergarten for all services

plan. Kenns serve~ as a con uhant at

Sherman Gardens m Corona del Mar and at South Coast Botanic Garden, Palos Verdes.

Cymbidium orchids will be fea­tured at the weekend plant sale at the Fullerton Arboretum on the Cal State Fullerton campus.

Sponsored by the fnend • the sale will be held from I 0 a.m. to 3 p,m on aturday. For information, call

On April 12, a ocrtified landscape architect will conduct a six-hour workshop on landscape design for homeowners. On the same day a field tnp. entitled " An Introduction to the Desert Flora of California.'' 1s sched· uled. An introductory lecture will be held on April I 0.

The garden is located at 1500 N College Ave .• C1arcmo01 For mfo r­mation. call 62~ 1 917 .

OPEi llR OSTER SERVICE l :31ll John Wayne Tennis Club

1171 Jamboree Road N. B.

" Rise Triumphant to a New Life Today" Rev. Judith Gale

Irvine-Newport Church of Religious Science #3 Sandburg - Irvine 955- 1422

Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Satutdey, Merch 29, 1986

CBS ties NBC in ratings, no thanks to basketball ROTHENBERG ..._ beuert !"C would bavc wo.o the week,"

said Michael Eisenbera. CBS' re­search director. NEW YORK - CBS t1ed NBC m

the ralinp last week with a big a ist from the miniseries, ·•1f Tomorrow Comet," but no help at all from prime-time coll~ basketball. figures from the A.C. Nielsen Co. showed.

For the week, CBS and NBC avc~ed 16.2 ratinp, while ABC had a 14.3. After 26 weelcs in the 30-week prime-time season NBC lead with an average ratinaof 17.8 toCBS' 16.8 and ABCs I S.O. The sccood and third parts of •• 1 f

Tomo rrow Comes.'' Sidney Sheldon's story 'bout a &lamorous jewel thief, tegjsterecf among Nielsen's first IS shows for the week of March 17-23, but the NCAA Tournament regional semifinal broadcasts both ranked in the bottom IS programs.

''If the basketball had done a bit

A national ratings point equals 8S9,000 homes with television.

NBC had four shows in the Top I 0, all from its popular Thursday comedy block. "The Cosby Show" was first with a 36.4 ratin' and the debut of "All ls Forgiven' finished seventh. " FarniJy Ties" was scc:ond and ''Cheers" third.

Baroid Gould and Katharine Hepburn atar in " Mn. Delafield Wanta to Marry" Sunday OD CBS.

Guess whds going to be the life of the party?

//PHIL fUO!'J' DAY ... A cut above the rest.

- /\~PICTURE :·~·: --- --- ~ - -- . - ~·-· :.~)~:

NOW PLAYING ~STAllfSA f 01U H)t: t.intm. C#t"I• ql'j ....

lll~ 10 .... ,.~ ...

~· 'l&80

HWl!ll f lffli•'d\ Ur'M-w .. •S.-1¥ -~&111'

• IJIMAOA P¥ '1CUJ'..,.•1\ c,n'"*'

•••••• • •••••• • • * BARGAI N MATINEES M O NDAY THRU FRIDA Y !ST 3 PFRFORMANCES * • S A TURD AV 1st ; PE RF OR MA NCF S + • t • fP' •t'H•fl&Y\, & <:., 1 &RRf(1 • Jt&f tRf<,, •


.P11u1u1 tslllf•ully s c • .._.,

POUCI ACADIMY 31 llACK IN TRAINING CN1 121» 2141 • 1M .... Mt I hes


GUNO HOI f,.UI IMS JI U l.U .. ., IO•U


PltlTTY IN PINK (,.Ul 1 ... JIU I i» 7'4J ltiOI

ITIVIN ......... I TMI COLOtl PURPLI f,._U)

1110 ••U 11» llo:U ....... flll'I ...

LAKEW c~nter South

UU IU4 tUllhottx 11 Doi A iwt

APatL FOOl'S DAY Ill lMSMt ....... IMJ IMJ

MMY nLU MOOllt JUST ll1WllN PlllNllS ('°'U )

lttat 2'H l tW 71M 10.IS

OOUY 1'190 ...... 1 ACMllMT AWA.IOI

OUT Of NRICA fMl ..... ., ,,. , ..


GUNO HOI (,.U ) l21U a1U J iU l:to IO:JO

DOllY 1nuo MOllY lfNOWALO

PltlTTY IN PINK ~Ul 12IJJ bU •141 MS .. ,. 10:.U

MAltT nu1 M0011 JUST lllWHN fRllN05 ,,. U ) " .. ,, ........ '"ff


U 1» 4'U 1.45 llADl'NI

21.>1 .... IMS


llVHL Y HILLS Ill '"° a.u ••• , ,,. 10.10


'"' .. U 11• IMS .....,_ ,.,....,.



2.00 .... "°° .... 11100



HANNAH Alifl 111 Sl:STllS r'°' 1 >1 .,., a.u ,.,u


h >O &1M 11>0 I 0.JO ._... , .. , TWO ltlOWS

THI MONEY PIT 1,.1 bU 4'11 t:tl tiM 10.M

APltlL POOL' S DAY ti! llH iM l 1M 7il0 .. 10 I 1.-

..... ...i tw0,.1MOW __ .. .....,...._..._, ___________ .....,

Ilea Otllct O,.u $11 Su~ 6 00 l"M Mon f n I 30 l'M S~ow S1.n1 It 7 00 rM C..-1n Undtr 12 Alw1y1 frtt

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OJ• l11t HM/Leu ft Duft f!fX (1141121 t t1tll1Mtl~ " t i ht!I pt41ttl JtU11tw1Llle" ANAHEIM BUENA PARK

~Pl .... • .. t- QM Fl .... M • flle-1 Qllll A ..... • • TIINl!tl


1. "°""tit 2. NAUD CMN 1111 a. INIDHf1OfTM1CITY 111


2 . KlTA POICI ,., ) , fJ( Ill

ORANGE (?W) ....... ,u .., • CMfl'"


OUNO MOt i-111 TUIMNO PlACll 1111

........... ,,..lll THI PAI.CON AMJ THI INOW~





APltlL POOl' I DAY ti)

anl'tWH •IND' I

llL vta IUhn tll

loHABRA .. ~,;,.,. UI D - .


• ~




PltlTTY IN PINK l"olal JUST OMI Of M OUTS I"- 111



PllWll' I llO ADYINN4ll I""

CBS plaood three &bows U1 the Top 10: ··60 Minutes" in fifth, Pan 2 of"Jf Tomorrow Comn," in sixth, and itt Sundar, movie, " Oaltas: The Early Years, ' io a tie for ninth with ABC's "Dynasty." ABC also scored with its Tuesday comedic : " Who's the Boss?" in fourth aod "Growin$ Pains" in seventh.

The third part of "If Tomorrow Comes" ranked 12th. AJI three in· stallments, including the first part from the week before. averaged a 22.0 rating, placina the miniseries third behind ABCs "North and South" and CBS' "Cain A Abel" among multi-part productions this SCMOn.

Among the bottom five shows,

CBS' "Trapper John. M.o .;• ABC"s movie, .. Triplccross" and ABC's ''The Redd Foxx Show" tied for 59th, CBS' NCAA balketball wat 62nd. NBCs " Punky Brewster" 63rd. ABC's "The Fall Ouy" 64tb and ABC's "Ripley's Believe It or Not" 6Sth.

In the evcnin& news com~titioo. the ... CBS Evmin& News,' which suffered some. pre-emptions on the West Coast Thursday and Friday because of NCAA basketball, stiJJ led with a 12.3 rating. The " NBC Niahdy News" averaaed a I 2.2. A~Cs " World News Tonight" had an l 1.3.

Here are the primo-time television ratings as compiled by the A.C.

Firstrolnanticlead a bigoneforGould By JERRY BUCK ,,,,......,....,...,

LOS ANGELES - Harold Gould waited nearly 2S years to play his first romantic role, and he got a reaJ plum - leading man in a television movie with Katharine Hepburn.

The character actor, distinguished by his white hair and mustache, stars with Hepburn in the CBS movie ''Mrs. Delafield Wants To Marry" Sunday at 9 p.m.

He plays a Jewish physician of humble origins who faJls in love with a wealthy widow from an aristocratic WASP family.

It's the first romantic leading role for Gould, who at age 37 gave up a coUege teaching career to become an actor in 1962.

" I've played a few things close." be said. "In 'Golden Girls' I was Betty White's date. But it wasn't a lead . So now tbat I'm in my 60s I play a romantic lead. I don' t know if this will open up anything o r not. Maybe this is it. But it's nice to do."

Hepburn, the winner of four Academy Awards, was cast first and given a choice ofleading men.

"Sh'e looked over a number of people," Gould said. ··1 had tony to New York to talk to her. She d1dn't know who I was. She's outspoken and frank and thorny. She doesn't mean to be cruel. We hit it off from the beginning. We found our ideas on the play and the approach to our charac­ters coincided ...

Whal was she like to work with? ''Youjust recognizeapro. It wasquite

wonderful. It was fun ." GouJd said that as he dJd the

romantic scenes, there were always visions in his head of Hepburn's famous leading men: Spencer Tracy, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda.

"Once you ~l these legends she's played wt th, you just follow the script and respond to one another," he said. "She's very giving and doesn't hold back.

"The whole idea of acting and make-believe stiJI has a sense of childlike wonder for her, as it does for me. We bad a scene where we were eating. She insisted that the plates be warm. No one watching at home would ever know, but it's just part of her process of'makc-believe."

Gould also docs voice-overs for commercials.

" It's just exploded the last year or two," he said. " It changes your perspective, too. It gives you a solid base and you don't have to grab at things desperately. But there's a danger, too. You fall asJeep. You can say I'll just do voice-overs and forget the rest. That's the danger. It's not want I want to do with my life.

" I think that's why those wbo arc really serious about their craft do plays and workshops. You find more tn yourself to ~ve, rather than the spontaneous thmgs that come when you work quickly. The st.age is the only place to disc.over what you have to offer, to find what's beneath the surface. It doesn't have to be Broad­way, if the part's interesting.··



8 A S E D 0 N A T I U E S T 0 i Y.


PREIEmD 11 70 -8 TllACI •BY STEREO ., ... ., ..... .....

..... , ........ 1• 11111 ...... 1i.a.1.-. . . ......

edwards NEWPORT ...,..~MIA• l!.AAQ160 '"'c, CCMIT M'W'l'. ISl'W- ~ • ~AllllACA.ftMW

edwards MtSSION VIEJO MALL UM ... OPW'JTO j81:~

eao- uu.n •n-M ~£• .... uco ••~

LAGll4A HILLS MALL CINEMAS ~O:CO,:.'f,:'a:S 768-6611 II Ill MIU UQ .. U

I •

edwards BRISTOL CINEMA .u,i'f~ M0.7444


Niebcn Co. for the week of Mar. 17·23. Top 20 tisti!\11 include the weelc's ran.kins. with teason~to-date rankin& in petenthescs, ratina for the week. and tow homes. An .. X .. in parentheses denotes one-timc.-only presentation.

7 (It) ''Growin; 11'•1111, AIC, 2'J.A, It t ,.,... "Ort*

, (Ill " 0...t: The £.W V.-rt'' - " Cit ~ MoYtt." ,u, 1' 3 rnllllon hOl'ML

t. <•> "0.NMtv.'' UC, JU, lU ,,._.

"°"'*· ~(el"~ Glrll," Na(, 21.1, \U ~

12. cx1 "" Tomwr- c-.:· ,.,, ' · cas. lo.I, 11.t mMINl Mmft

1. (I) " The CO.O., $Mw," Nae l6A ret'--J 1.J ltlllloll "°""' . ft"'. '" o•> " NewfWt.'' cas, 1u. '"*

'*""' 2. <tl " Fllll'lll\' Tiet,'' Na(, 32.2 27 7 _...._ ~ . ........... I • (t ) "MierrV vie.:• N~ If•, "-1 ,,..

"'°"*'" l IS> " C._.t,'' HIC, 26.2, 22,.S m1111on ~ 4. 1111 " Wflo' t IM lou?" AIC 20 20t

mlNloll ""'-· ' • '

1•. t1I " DellH,'' CIS, 1' •, 1'7 mllllon homft 16. 1131 " Ke te & Alllt." CIS, lU, IU rnl•loe


S. (4) " 60 Minu'-.'' C8 $, 1• 0, 20A m1111o11 llOmft.

17. <• > "TN Coll>Yt,'' A&C, lt.O. IU rnllkwi

"°"'"' 6. ()() " H T-r- Comes," Perl 2. CIS, 2:U. 20J mllllon t1c1miK.

lt. ()$) " Hiii $1f'MI 8'uel/' N8C. 1U, 161

rNlloft "°"*-7. 00 " Al II F«eh'M 5"del/' NIC, 22A,

1•.J mlllor! ~ 1'. (21) " Hotel,'' Ate, 1U, 16.0 mlllon llOmel 2G. (>9) ' '20-20.'' AK, 1U, 11' mlllon llOmet

7t • I fUQI ICU't1&o 7AC-­"0UT If AlllCA" (PC) l:tO, 4M, 1• 1 ..

*IWl IClA TC. "HIC II" (PC-13)

11s. no S 4S, HO. It.IS

f<IM ltMllS "T•£ IOKY rtr' (PC)

l:JO, >:JO, 5 JO 7:>1. t.JO

"CAil WIS 2" (C) 12#1.11

"JIST lmlUI FllOIS" 3:15, !di, 7-S. IHO (K.U) ..... , ..

IMllY llU" (I) IHI, l!t$. •:10 J:IS, U , lt.»

H .MTI. , ... "TllctlOIPWU"

1-oo. •:e.. 1:11. 1tte1 (N.U)

IQ.LT llCWAlD "Plml .. ,." (PC-13)

ll:IS. l:lS. 4·15 6 IS, a•U, ltlS

WAl.T..-r'S ''SLUNC IEMTl'.' (C)

ll:JO, l :Ja, ><• Stlll. 7:311 . ....

edwards BRI STOL >40-7444

t1 • 15l0l & T MA C. &lllP' 11UR ! &H T A &N&

I · • a1 • Ll

1 AC.UEIY •IMtS "Oil Of .,llCA" (PC)

1•. •:00. 7 .... , ...

"Ultl ftol'S tar• (I)

ll'JO. 2 lO. 4 JO 'JO ••. 19:10

ACMIOfY AHi> _.. "Tl( TllP TO

IOUllTlnll" (PC) I I 5, l:20, 515, 1 le, t.JO


"HUCE ACAHIY l" (PC) ll'tO, HO, 4 00 6:t0, HO, IHO

edwards CINEMA CENTER 979-4141

H All!IOll a l VO • &0 &1'5 Mf I & V(llOI C floTEll

COI T& Mf S A ., ....... .awl. l[A TC.

"ClllC IO" (PC-13) l:IS, l JO. 610, I .IS, IHI

QWll( StllJt

"LIW" (PC·ll) IHO. l:tO 4• 6-00. HO. IHO

"APIM. FIOl'S Nr' (I)

12 JI, 2 JO, 4 JO tlt. I JO. 1015


"SlUNC IEAm" (C) I UO. I.JI, l lO ~•. 1:ll.9:ll

Sfll( M1tlEIC "pttjC( ACMllT l "

ltlO. tJl. 4 )0 & ~ UI ttlS <Kl

TCIM,_S "fl( Ml£Y '1f' (PC)

IHO l't0. 4 ... .......... , ...

.,..,, "SWNC IUITT' (C)

11"5. l:tS, us

"Mll&MT• IMIU -.U" (I)

1.», ):45 HI. 1:1 S. ll~ IS


"CllC IO" (PC-U) l'I S. J:JO, 5'4~. JM. IJ: IS

"CM£ WIS 2" (C) 12.:tl. l M,

....... I m SISTtlS" •:ies. ns. CK-Ul

.. . ..... "' "tlT If ..... • ..... ' Off "' ~. 7:45

IMIU llW" (I) "lllm'S lllMC£" IHI. ?.:tS, 4:1a 1Zl45, 5~40. 10-.ZS IN-Ul

---•·_is._•_·•-· _it:_:lt ___ 1 "JUST 1£TWUI RUIS" 4 llACI llOLIT ST'IXO ~. 7 IS, ~- (PC.IJ)

llQWl W TCll "CM II" (PC-13) "IW (PC) l • . HS

I t 4S, HO, 5 Is. n o. us

USU:lNC WllT' (C) lH44-1

"CltSSIWS" (I) ••s TOll,_S

"TIE llllY m" (PC) 11:15, tlS. t:15 1:15, a:H. IO:lS

OM.I: MDI "LIW" (PC-ll)

ll:JI, Z:JO, •:JO ••• • _.. , • .lt

IG.1 T BlltWAlD

"mTTl II "'"" I 0 , l:4S, S-45 7'45. ••s 1rc.u1

"Antl FOOL'S Hr'(I)

IHS, l U , U S HS, U5. ltlt

• TUCll llOlJT SlOCO 111C1W1 m1c.. ""* llO" (PC·ll)

I IS. l :lO. HS. 1:00, ltlS

''HlllMTll 1m1u 11us· <•I

I JI, HS 6 00 I IS It IS

"JUST 1£TIU• ftllltS" 4 0 1 7 IS. 9-4S (PC.Ill

"IM" (K l 1215. UO


IBO lll 4 JO 'JO, •• lt>.lt

"MINT'S IOUICl " 11 IS 41S I IS <"' Ill "CIOSSIOAIS" (I )

n•. '20. 10.1~

• TTlUlllal "JIST IEmH

FIOIS" (PC·lll 41S I • tlt

TCll.W.S "TIE ltl(l m" (PC)

11 00 llS 00 ' • . I JO. lt . .ZO

"Tl( COlOI PUIPl.l" f".IJ)

aa. s6a. tte 11JO

• TUCll SlOIO 1 ~A..-S

"tit WAlllCA" (PC) ll•>• ••••

"Plml ti NI" (PC-U) u.a t• ••Ue. a~

• SAf OIU It~

llOlJT STDIO "Pl£TTI la NI" (PC-13)

1 lt l:ll s•. 1.• . ,.,. 4 TUCI llCU'f STOl.O "LIW'' (PC-13)

12 • • l :JI, 4;JO ' :lO, uo. 1010

.. .,_FOOL'S NT" (I )

IU5. ~S. OS ' 4s, a 4S,

"JIST IETWUI FIOIS" ~-. 1i45. It.ti <"'-IJ)

"UI" (PC) IHI, I !IO, l ..

7t • 5 T'UCll DCUY ST'IXO 1 ACMOn • ..,,

"MT If RICA" (PC) 11145. l:CS. 6:45. t4S

smc an ro.oc "NUCE ICU£1Y

l " (PC) It 2. 4, 5. I. JO

"IOCO IY'' (PC) 210 6 10, lO 00

"JlW£L OF llU" (PC) 12 20. 4-10 . • 00

"•Ousr· (tl 2 45 640 It-JO

"WtlJCATS" (I) 12 40, 4:lS . • ll


i 581 -5880 I fl fOAO RO U AOCUlf LD

El TOllO

''IOWllOITll IEYltLT •IU.S" (I )

11 ll lJO 00 6 le. I.JO. IUO

CHMl( StlIJI " l.ICAS" (PC-13)

IMO, 210, 4 10 110, t·IO, IO:OS

"Al'l ll FOOL'S tar (I )

12 4' 140. u s '40 l-40 10 20


3" (PC) 12 2. 4. ' · . 10 WAll DISllY'S

"SUEPUIC IE.Am" (C) llJO.lllllO SJl1lt9l0

"CAI( IUtS 2" (Cl 11 20 HS 6 I) 9 ~

"W " (PC)


<f' l 1 I

'0 J W 'f TOC•OWN - Allf' . llCIWl nnc..

"CUIC It" (PC· lll I IS 3 )0 HS


IQ! l lllCWALD

""£m II M " IP'-lll IJOl ll S.11

1 JO 'JI


.... , If Af'ltCA" fPC) 1•. 4• . 1:te. 1••

lllCMI(\ am "HIC II" (K · ll)

1 • . t4~. lt0 ttt ••Jt

"POUCI ACMlll J" (K )

IHS l U j 64' au ,.,,

• - ----- - •. _._._._.,_.___......._....,..~~--~--__, ..... ______ ~~----............... ._._. ...... .._ ............................................................................................ '!"' ................ .

AlO Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/ Saturday. March 29, 1988

Director onored Japaneee cllrecto.r A.k.lra Kuroeawa (right) accept. con­lJ'lltaladona from American director aohn Huaton, who p~ted him with the Di.rector. Guild of America Golden Jabllee Special Dlrectorlal Award ln Loe Angelea. Both directon were loeera ln Monday'• Oecar presentation•.








The superb pertormonces ore in· spired lunacy. Shelley long is the

most oppeollng actress since Carole Lombard ond Tom Honks hos o fie ld

day. If ·so fofol joy: · - Rex Reed. NEW YORK POSl




a:c-~.r:::r f. ~ [pG Gr A UNIVl~L Picture .. 0 0 a• .. , _ _. ••• f• t ........ 40[

- NOW PLAYING - -.,, ~... • l '0- · -- ":\ .. .,.'°

• .c ...... ~...... • .. .,. - • .... . .... .. ~ "°" .. , .... ". f t . . ..... ~. .> •""'.. A..._-..1 l!li~ UO IO ....,._. ·~,. . ... , ... ..... - ". ...

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Y &R's Lauren rescued from grave ALL MY CBJLDl\EN: Enai pn1tcnds to

bow to Natalie's demand and says she will aivc up Jeremy. Eriai and Jttemy stqc a public ftabt for Naialie's benefit. Jettmy 1ets 1uest list from the party and searches for the killer He quesuons Andrew, who denies being near the stable. Jeremy 1s arrested atler he0 s ca~t discoverina the file and shoe polish. Enca tips Andrew off about new evidence, hoping that he will return to place where Deteciivc Yount and Jeremy are awajtinj him. NataHe 1ears up Rou's check .. Phoebe continues to try to 1rack down 01ber pendant and rts owner. Brooke pretends 10 abandon the scartb for her mother. Nana and Benny kiss bul arc interrupted by Cliff.

• • • ANOTHER WORLD: Althou&Jl her

father V 1ctor 1s againsl ii, Kathleen •tt~pts C'ass' mamagc proposal. Michael pres.s­ures Donna 10 acknowledge he 's lhe father of the twins. Jake s1nlcs into despair and deeper 1n10 deb1. and the loansharlcs 1hrca1en 10 harm Marley Leammg of Michael's we.a.Ith in a newspaper arucfe. V1c1ona asks him for a loan to buy the Plams Mo1ef for Jake. Wan11ng to help his new-found daughter, Michael sets out to purchase the motel Nancy tnes 10 make Chm Jealous after he ends their rcla-11onsb1p

• • • AS THE WORLD TURNS: Lucinda meets w11h Shannon to discuss wha1 she knows of her past. Shannon is unwilling to wedding date with Brian unul her score with Lucinda 1s settled Frannie is unable

110 piece 1ogc1her what happened before Doua's murder. Steve depressed because he los1 big Chicago job to Iva's ex-boss and lover. Margo. back from London. moves 1n wnh John. Refusing to reconcile with Toll) over his supposed affair with Barljara, Margo tells Barbara she will keep .her susp1c1ons 10 herself to avoid hurting


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CllT& lllA EDWMOS SOUTlt com PlAZA S46·27 I I


II 11 '\ Im 1 "I 1111·\ I 1u14l111I !ht•\ l1l'(f


llYlllt EDWARDS WOOOllRl>GE 551 ·0655

IJ llUIA PACJIC LA MllAOA 9'4·2400

HUIE CllE>OMl 634-2553

\II in rhc· n.inw 11l tr11·nd ... h1p

Lisa and the 01hcn lily conttnuC$ to s1.1y 11 the farm whett Holden unsuccessfully attcmpt•to seduce her

• • • CAPITOL: M yma takes Brenda shop-pmJ for des1aner dresses and finds Kelly and Leeanne already at 1he shop When Kelly decades on one special dress, Myrna secrclly buys 1t first Mark asks 1be jud~ for leniency for Jennl. and denies Alonzo s accusauons that hes doioi this only to help Tyler win 1he case. When Vera accuses Jenny of deliberately stealing 1he money, Tyler geu her to say in court thu Jenny bas to be crazy. WaJly meets Tiffany at Corky's but can't make love to her when she returns home with ham. He tells her Jhat he's suit comm111cd to someone else. Jud.son mctls woman at C'orky's and she 1nv1tes him home. Spying on Brenda and Dylan, Myrna see1 them k1ss1ni. Brenda 1efls Dylan she'll always be there for him.

• • • DAYS OF OUR LIVES: KinaJus ca1ches up w11h Ktmbcrly as she 1s abou1 10 leave Salem for good. He threatens to find her wherever she &OC1 Ktmberly 1cccp1s Peach's 1nvna11on to SI.I)' with her Peach tnes to reun11e Shane and Kimberly. Bo, Hope and Shane plan 10 rt'SC\Je Lars from the KGB when he performs w11h the Russian ballet m Salem A mystenous seizure leaves John Black helpless and los1 m his past

• • • GENERAL HOSPITAL: The coroner

rules Jenmfer's death was caused by an 1n1ection ofatr from a hypodermic needle. Two needles arc miss~· n from Patrick's bag but he has an air-11 t alibi. Ted and the shenffbcheve lhat atnck IS lbe uller but fear if Ibey tell police the O'C'onnors will reveal the Laurehon se<:ret. sending them all 1ojail Anna teams th_a1 a man saw Jennifer arguing at the a1rpon with a person 1hat fi1s Kevml1a Lorena comes to

bim but finds he's preoccup1ed with has financial coup over the Qu.rtermames. Tanya is prq.nant Bnan and Claud1a's rocky marriqe ts further 1tn.1ned.

• • • GUIDING UOHT: Simon mov~ 1n10 Spauldina mansion and promises Alex he will never marry Jl\daa. Roxanne tells Rick their problems may be too b11 to over­come. Kurt furious when he learns Mindy promised Jackson not lo a family for several years. Rfok tells Claire thal she can't blackmail him, and be Wiii Lell his father and the medical board about tus recent dl\11 probltm 1f nC<less.ary. Calla panics when she overhean Ross 1atlun1 to Vanessa about the 1mponancc of having a family. Calla la1CT Lelis Ross she wants 10 end their relationship Roxie convinces a reluctant Reva that she should tell everyone who she is Reva amvcs 11 awards banquet and reveals her true 1dco11ty just as Macve and Actcbcr arc about 10 decline 1he1r p1tss awards.

• • • LOVING: Zona 1s sho1 to death by

Loma. who .ays the shooung was an acodent. However. evidence mounts apanst Loma. Rebecca lells distnct II· 1omcy that she can insure lus political future if Loma is indicted. Allractcd by this promise. the dtstricl attorney decides no1 to menuon the doctor who can 1t1cst to Zona's ms1.1b1fity. Ava reluct.anlly faces the grand jury. Loma 1s indicted for murder. and Cabot caJls Zach Conway 10 defend her. Ann teUs Gwyn she won' t forsive her and will use the tapes as she wants. Gwyn apologizes to Harry and begs him to get the tapes. Harry finds Lhat Ann has destroyed the tapes and tells a relieved Gwyn. But Harry asks Gwyn how va1eful she would be 1f he destroyed has own copies of 1he tape:.. Dolly and Keath arc ma med wi1h Loma as maid of honor

• • •



A ~AFAMC ~fl PILlUm :A ; -~ -- --·. --- ... .

NOW PLAYING •IAU • HUll llllGTOll IUCH •LACUNA HllU • Oll4llG( r:mmJ

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LUXURY THEATRES \A''ALK INS SJ . 7~ 111 J M111. W H kCI• )'• * yy, • * lllMll OntyS.t Sun., &.

Holld•t • Unltu Noteo

OJ,) JIJ;43' M{,) ij; 41~~.~~i1.=.·~ .. J S 1 Ac.1Clemy Aw•r<U Walt Disney ' s

OUT Of' A f'•UCA tpg) S&..EE.PIMO ~TY (G) SHOWS AT AT 6 : 40 &. 1 :30 6 , IS a. t : 30

"""IL f'OOl.. 'S DAY Ut' AT 6 50 ~ 4 0

c•oss •oADS ,,., SHOWS AT 6 · 30 .. l · JS

CEnTUAY ClnEDOmE tJ 634 1SSJ Cll1pm1n & S1nu An1 fwv


5 ,55 7 : 5!> .. t . 5!>

DOWllt A .. 0 OUT , .. ~"LY .. LU(R) SHOWS AT 1: 10 3 : 2!.

5 · 35 7 : 50 &. 10 : 00


SHOWS AT 1 .45 3 · 4 5 5 : 45 7 · • 5 .. , , . ,


5 ·40 1 : 00 .. 10: 15

. ""£TTY ... PINK IP'G· U)

l'()C) 3•10 5 :20 7 ·JO .. ' 40


Tomorrow'' t :<&O •:•o a. 1 ,40


• H;1•lti1ul61 U2 11 10 !111tllt .,, .. S14f•Y"'

"°UC£ ACADCMY llt t f'Gl

Plus Pee Wee"s 819 Ad••nture (PG)

SLE£PINQ KAUTY JOJ Plus The Jou rney o

N.1tty G.1nn ( PG)

DO""' AlllO OUT , .. 9EV£RL Y HILU (1t)

Plus Splull (PQ)

THIE Cot.O• PURPLE C•> Plus Co· f'Uturtl Crowo,Cls (RI

PltETTYl ...... K cPG-•n Plua ••ck to th• fl'utur• (PG)

APltlL f'OOl.. 'S DAY (R) Plua

Stiver 8ullel (R)

*DRIVE 1111 O,u I JI WU1y1/t H Wh1•1IU1•t1 t2 f111 U1l111 ll111•


llOW SHOWlllG! MIU 'Aal 952--4993 UA MOVIS I


RU.T•--141-03" mwuos IUfJICT~

llNl IS4·Ull mwuos U1MJS1TY

oan mua 751-4114 EDWMDS T°"" COfTtl COtTA lillSA

!•"' • O< I.lo<• !>"~ S(j,~

ONE UJ'E TO UVE: The bullc1 from Tracy's aun strikes Vick.i's tUddcn tape recorder. While Larry tends to V1di, T*Y aeuaway, accidentallydroppin& the tape ofbcr confession as she runs off. Olnt is cleared of Dr. Polk's murder and is released. Tnacy hades in the secret room. Tracy decides to escape to Brull dit&Uised as Tina, bu1 Clint catches up with her at 1he airpon. Tina throws a lavisb party for Richard's return. Brad and C.Onnie make love, but she's forced to hide his identity, claiming she's having an affair with a married man. Brad worried when Jenny fails 10 answer his classified ad as planned. Pamela moves 10 Asa's house. Cassie and Rob file for divorce. • • • RYAN'S HOPE: Max agrees to lend Dalco1a money 10 furnish an apartment but he tclJs Dakota he knows of his past aod eitpects lo collect a favor later. Oakoia and Jill show up at Frank0 sawards di oner, much to Frank's horTOr. Frank learns tbe '"bbnd" can see and witnessed the unprovokeCf attack on Evan. Tltis con­firms 1ha1 Evan was lelliq the truth. Ryan telJs Jack she's go•na 10 tta.)' with Rick rather th81l go to collqe. V1nnie1 Rick 's boss at the company, discovers Rick·s real identity. He tells IUck he may like havana a cop around. Roger tries to blackmail Max bu1 is unsuccessful. Maa· &ie 1hen triC$ to aet information on Mu, bu1 Mu reveals he also is onto her. Jack and Devlin grow closer.

• • • SANT A BARBAR.A: Eden recovers from the 1rauma of her miscarriqe. Gina is believed dead after her fall ftom a boa1 and a memorial service is planned for her . Evidence mounts ap.inst Eden in GiOA's "death." However, Gina is alive and is stalkina Kirk, who tried to murder her. Gina terrifies ham by pn1tendin1 she tw returned from the dead. Kirk passes out and Gina thinks he may have had a heart a11ack. Meanwhile Mary and Mark con­unue 10 have difficulty consummating their love. Mason makes a bigcommiuion on the sale of phony an colJection to C.C Capwell.

• • • SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Estelle confronts Lua afttt lcamfog sbe's ~­nant Laza falls down suirwell dunng their argumenl Fcann.g she will be accused of pushing her. Escelle lies about the incident Liza's complications endanger the baby's lrfe. No11cing Sunny is troubled by Hopn and Patti's rela1ionsbjp, Uoyd manipu­lates Sunny mto beginning a counter· atlack. Hogan and Sunny's trea1ured fnendsh1p 1s fractured as they eo,pae 1n Journalisllc combat Quinn and Cqnty baule over the fate of the Mc:Cleary house.

• • • • YOUNG AND THE RES~: Paul and Andy discover the grave where Shawn buned Lauren and find her unconscious but alive. Lauren is flown to Genoa City and Dr. Recd diaanoscs that Lauren bas been given an unknown drug. Paul believes Lauren loved Shawn and wooden wha1 led 10 the murderous end of their relauonshap. Diane surprised when Andy appears at her door. Jill threatens to aocc:pt Hollywood offer for ri&hts to her life story and John capitulates to her demands. Amy 1ells Tyrone that Nathan IS ulitcratc and envious ofTyrone. Tyrone is sympatheuc bul Amy womcs about having revealed Nathan's sccrc1. Victor learns about Nik.Io's use ofV1ctona 10 break up his love affair w11h Ashley, but Nikki 1s indignant and berates Victor for his anfideli1y

COMPROMETASE. '\t:a un voluncario

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• "'f:SP.!'tT1D , .., ™J!!!!!• nllTtl • EDWMDS YUM1 COfTtl Hl-~7

:.:s TUNNING:~

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LA _.,. P.JIC!fa U 1111 H'M240

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- '34-lS!l c..... UITAIM54t-7'44 ....S•TCl.


-· 1•••·•J PM:R-l•••

Big win.for Chalk in the Oscar quiz

Chalk ~ne up for Cblk, tbe only 1 pl1yer Wlth a perfect score in our

special OK&r ql,\iz. The OWC K•ffee ltl•&c' and the Laacen were only a half-point offtbe pace, however.

Those who submitted " Who's Afraid of Vil'J,inia Woolfr' for one of the "entire cast" nomjnces should be reminded that there was a fifth


character. a bartender, in that nick. All the rest were, justifiably, nomi­nated.

The Koffce KJutchers continue to hold the field at bay, but there's an interesting battle shaping up for second place as we aprroach the final month ofTrivia Bow V. Here's your next increment.

I. Name the base commanded by William Sbatner in "Airplane II: The Sequel."

2. On TV's " Batman" show, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson usually changed into their action costumes while doing what?

3. Who deliven the news~pen in the Tumbleweeds comic stnp?

4. Which battle, apart from Get­tysburg, was ~ted to be the bloodiest of the Civil War'!

S. In what movie did Judy Garland sing about ''The Atcheson, Topeka

Toi Tnus

and the Santa Fe?" 6. Cannibalism is involved m the

climax of what Tennessee Williams play?

1. What NFL Quarterback is the son of blind parents?

8. How were the police tipped offto James 'Cqney's whereabouts in the movie "Wb.ite HeatT'

9. Name the common nickname shared on the screen by Fred Clark and on radio by Gale Gordon.

10. On Jackie Gleason's old TV show, identify the music played over the entrances of(a) The Pour Soul and (b) Reggie Van G leason III.

La1t Week'• AD1wer1 I . Luise Rainer · and Kathannc

Hepburn (Oscars in succession) 2. Jane Wyman (silent Oscar) 3. Walt Disney (eight Oscars) 4. Greer Garson (longest speech) S. One, Brando's for. "On the

Waterfront" (Scott-Brando Oscars) 6. "Sleuth" and "Give 'cm Hell.

Harry" (entire casts nominated) 7. "West Side Story" and "Gone

With the Wind" (I 0 Oscars each) 8. George Burns and Tatum O' Neal

(youngest and oldest) 9. Lee Marvin (su'Y.rise w1nncr) 10. " Rebecca," " Lifeboat." "Spell­

bound," " Rear Window" and " Psy­cho" (Hitchcock nominations)

Send your answers to TR IVIA, c/o the Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday. orherwise half the player's last score will be awarded.


S..01, Mardst ARIES ~Ma~h 21-April l 9): Individual close to you w111 coof&de ••1eeret

upitations.' Your own lona-ranae prospecu come mto sharp, clear focus. What had been out of reach will be(ome available.

TAURUS (ApriJ 2().May 20): Interest in arcane 1ubjecu, the occult will be aooented. You could have unusual dream which, Proi>erlY ioterpre~. could prove pTophctic. You will receive new1 coocenun1 travel plans.

GEMINI (May 2l-Junc 20): Focus on family, special qrcements. contracts, discussion of possible liti­ption. Sia.nificant domesuc adjustment 1s featured . You get almost everything desired if you arc d iplomatic. Proceed acoordin&ly.

SYDNEY 01111

CANCER (June 214uly 22): What seem~ lost will soon be recovered. Someone behind scenes bas privileged information and will share it. Emphasis on job at hand, emplo}']llent. ideals, w11hngness to ma.kc sacnfices. .

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on money, love, intensity, pressure, deadlines, ability to achieve foal in sensauooal manner. cenario highliahts victory, substantial financia reward. contract difficult to refuse. Cancer native plays role.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22): Emphasis on special transaction, land values. minerals, diamonds, uruquc offers. business opportunities. Older individual lends benefit of experienc:c, bas faith in your capabilities. Aries figures prominently. ·

LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be direct, independent, original. have courage of convictions and get to heart of matters. Short trip or visit could involve close relative, possibly brother or sister. You're due to make fresh start.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 l): Follow through on flrst impressions. You could locate lrticlc that had been lost, missing or stolen. Overcome temptation to veer from basic course. Cycle high, you' ll be at right place at "special" moment.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Popularity grows, long-distance communication relates to possible job otter, prestigious social affair, journey. Proettd with special study, investigate correspondence course. Gemini native plays role.

CAPRJCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Some rules. regulations and restrictions actually work in your favor. Refuse to be discouraged by one who has little faith and less talent. You'll be given opportunity to rebuild on stronger structure. ·

AQUARIUS (Jan. 2~Fcb. 18): Roadblocks suddenly are removed - you gain cooperation where previously there was opposition. Loven' quarrel is settled, romance nourishes. Excellent news received concerning business, career.

PJSCES(Fcb. 19-March 20): Individual you relied upon appcan to "tum away." Don't be discouraged - you'll learn plenty, and loss will be minimal. Domestic adjustment is featured. could include actual change of residence. Taurus plays role.

IF MARCH 30 IS YOUR BIRTBDA Y you have delightful sense of humor, arc very much aware of body image, have artistic talent; you also arc versatile, you have tendency to scatter your forces. Gemi ni, Sagittarius play important roles 1n your life. You arc daring, dynamic, creative and w111 do plenty of traveling this year. ln April, you'll be rid of superfluous material and expenses. You are an original thinker, people look to you for ideas and inspiration. May will be memorable for you 10 1986.

Blondie's first kid Poem softens loss of gettlng on ln years shuttle astronauts

DEAR READERS: 'Tite tragedy of • If you're older than 52, you're

senior to the first-born of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead. That fictional child turned up 10 the comics on April IS, 1934.

Was 10 I 537 that Pope Paul Ill settled a large debate: Do Indians in the New World have souls? He said yes.

The Swiss arc trying to push the numerics in their life expectancy rate - 76 years - up to those in their literacy rate - 99 percent.

Australia's city of Brisbane covers as much real estate as Sw1tzcrland.

Open Question: Who was it called journalism " history's first rough draft"?

Napoleon napped daily. So did Wmston Churchill.

Q. I know President Franklin D. Roosevelt's last words were "I have a terrific headache." But what was the last significant thing he did?

A. One of the last, at least: He tore up his draft card saying he wouldn't need it anymore.

Q. When did the fi ctional Mr. Sherlock Holmes die?

A. Jan. 6, 1930. according to the fan club records.



L.M. Bo YD

When you drive an automatic shift car, do you brake w1th your left foot , or with your right? Sixty percent of the drivers bra1cc w1th the right, according to a driver's license tester.

You get some idea about what the Japanese think of education when you learn Japan has 291 universnies.

When do21ng, you respond more swiftly to one spoken word than to any other, according to the sleep researchers - your name.

Sir. ask your w1fe if she's lookmR forward to age 52. If not, why not~ That's the age when the average woman's waistline starts gett ing smaller again.

Still imperfectly explained 1s the fact that the wealthier you get, the fewer accidents you have.

tlae Space Sla•ttle Claalleager bro•pt fortla u oatpoeriaf of maU. ID time of aorrow people fee a Deed to expreu dllemaelvea. Muy letler1 were ex­tremely polput ucl aea1ltlve. J llave 1eleceed t.i1 oae to 1we witb )'H . Sta~y O'Brtea of Wal~. Ma11., 1at It wltla aote atta~

DEAR ANN LANDERS: We arc all devastated by the explosion of the Space Shunlc Challenger. I want to express my sadness to the fami lies of those who lost loved ones and to the nation as well. Here's a beautifully comforting poem I clipped from your column several years ago. It is not only for those seven brave people who lost their li ves, it is for all of us. - SADLY HOLLOW IN BOSTON.

Do not stand by my grave and weep r am not there. l do not sleep I am a thousand winds that blow I am a diamond glint on snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awake in the morntng

hush I am the swift uphf\ing rush Of quiet birds m circling night I am the soft starshine at night Do not stand by my grave and cry I am not there ... J did not die.

- Anonymous. • • •

DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have always thought of you as a person who preferred plajn talk with no pretenses. Never have I known you to substitute euphemisms or pleasant-sounding paraphrases when a plainer, more common word would do the job.

Imagine my surprise when an a recent column you apolo~zed to a reader for saying "blind" instead of "visually handk apped" and "dear· instead of"hcanng 1mpa1red:'

L.M. Boyd I• • •yodlcat ed Everyone knows what the words col•J1JJl11t. bltnd and deaf mean. There 1s nothing


insulting or demeaning about these words. They express a human con­dition. Please. Ann, don't take us back to the mid-Victorian era when the word leg was considered offensive and only "limbs" were spoken of in polite society. - LET DOWN IN CANADA.

DEAR CANADA: Tbnu for t•e wake-•p can. Of coene YH are rtpt. Yff wW be ruclbl1 more abcMlt die deaf ud tlte blhld lD tall• col•ma from DOW OD ud u far a1 leg• are CODceraed, I 1ot a ttl1 kick oat of tlaat oDe.

• • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Herc's

another letter from someone who lost money in a coin machine that dispenses newspapers. ·

When my fathcT was hospitahzed l brought him a papeT every day. On my last visit I tried three machmcs and lost all my coins. NO PAPER! I asked the reccpuon11t what she could do and she said, "Nothing. It's not my responsibility." I then said. ··v ou won't mind ifl bring an the tools from my car and dismantle the machine so I can rctncve my money." She immediately gave me a refund and hung an "Out-of Order" sign on the dispenser. So you sec. there lS something that can be done, ifyou use your head. -A.S. IN DELPHl . lN D.

DEAR DELPHJ: Yoa ma1t be tbe ortgl.Dal oracle. ftuk for t•e 1Dappy comeback.

Beatles' suit over royalties rejected By die A1aoclated PreH

LONOON - The former Bea­tJes bave suffered a setback in their long-runnina lcpl battle to recover millions of dollan worth of royalties on their early hiu.

Judae Paul Gibson ruled that EM I, the British record1n1 com­pany that issued many BcatJes hiu , docs not have to make a new aooountina of how much is owed to Paa.I MeClrmey, Rl•10 Stan, Geor1• 8an1to11, and Jolua Le•· .... , widow, Yob Oao.

But lawyers for the Beatles' compeny, Apple Corps. said afterward they would still prob­ably reach aarccment with EMI

,£on the amount still owed, which they estimated at about $2.94 million

Apartheid rock BOSTON - City Hall re­

sounded with rock ' n' roll Wednesday as U ttle Stn• Vu, creator of the 1ntt· apartheid album and video .. Sun City," appeared in Bolton to kick

Patil llcCartDff! off Fru South Alric.a Day.

Van Zandt, wearint 1 black velvet robe and a wlt1te ruffled shin. thanked the Citf Councd forde;idint «> lJ offS 2 maUion wonh oh10Cb in companies that

' . hwcett

do buSUlCSS UI South Afnca He 1n tum was honored for hJs cam­Pl-1"' to pcnuade mus1cians not to play 1n un C1ty, a Lu V~ lake complc~ 1p South Afnca's Bophuthatswana

The " Sun City" album and vtdeo lnclude performances by Brwc:e s.rtaasCMa. Run DMC, BMaJe llaltl-aod Mllea Davt1.

Flynt cleared CINCrNNATl - Pubh~hcr

Lan')' Flyet did not viola te a oopyright when he used a 1976 poster of actress Fam.~ F1wcett 1n an advertisement. • federal appeals coun said.

A thrcc-JUd&e panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Coun of Appeals ~vcncd a lower court'' dcc1,1on and ruled an fa vor of Aynt's a.raumcnt that the Fa~tt po'tcr was subject to what the law call' "fau UK."

Pro Arll Inc .. owncT of the copynabt for the postcT, sued Aynl, cla1m1na Aynt VIOiated the copyn&ht by usina the poster wathou1 pcmus.sion. He wed the Fawcett posttt tn a 1978 ad for hls Sl&m m1pDoc. 1n COOJunctJon with a parody on the 1970s. The Id was pubhshed 1n his lam and Hunter map.nncs.

0r.ige CoMt DAILY PILOT /Saturdey, March 29, 1NI


Q.J-As South, vulnerable, you hold: \) 4'Jt OJ874S632 •Kta ~tner opens tht- bidding wlth one spade. What do you respond?

Q.2-Both vulnerablt , ~ South you hold: • 52 'VAQ643 OAQlO •Kt09 Tht bidding has proceeded · South Wettt North Eut 1 \) PaH 1 • 2 Q

? What acuon do you take''

Q.3-As South , vulnerable. you hold: +IU10752 0 AQ85 ~' The bidding has proceeded South Weet North East 1 + Pua 1 NT Pua ? What do you btd now'>

Q.4--Both vulnerable, as South you hold· +K6 'VA10782 0 AK103 • 93 The bidding has proceeded: South West North Eut l <V 2 • 2 • 3 • ? What action do you take'?

Q.5-Neither vulnerable , as South you hold. •A IVAKJ9 0 109852 • .KJ6 The bidding has proceeded East South West North l \) Pus l NT Pua 2 Q ?


0111 S11111FF

What do you bid now?

Q.6-Nelther vulnerable , as South you hold. • AQ105 'V83 085 ~?H The biddln3 has procet-ded · North Eut South I Q 2 ¢ ? What action do you take?

l,ook for answers on Mond~y .

For lnformation about Charla Goren's new newaletter for bridge playen, write Goren Brld•e Letter, P.O. Box .,.H, Or· laodo, Fla. 32802-4418.

TMT MJLT ,.lllll S©~~1A-L£t,~s· .... N•I

------ Wlt.4 ~ CUY I . 'OUAN ------

O lleorronge le"•" of lhe four icrombled WOfds ti.

low to l0<m lov1 wcnp}e WOfds



I I r I t-1--r-L_Ar-"-Q ..,..u_1.---41 , . I I r I . ~-.--s ...,.c_R..,..O_P..............41 ... 1 .---- I I r I '~ My young nlec. came up with

_ _ _ . one of my favorite allly daffyN-tlOOs. A cucumber is a vegetable .-


__ K_E_B_R_A_M_-..


that's always In a -

5 I I I I I' G Comp• .... chudll. quoted _ _ . _ _ _ by l1lh1>9 In the ""11ing words you ~ ''°"' ...,, No 3 beklw




Scroll - Ouail - Corps - Embarlc - PICKLE My young niece came up wilt! one of my favorite silly daf·

fynitions: A cucumb9r 11 a vegetable that's always in a PICKLE.



1 Alumnus 5 Singer 9 Ladies

14 Roll 15 Module t6 Sentient 17 Mine ingress 18 Nap 19 Billiard shot 20 OISJOtn 22 Set down 24 Explicit 26 Petition 27 Excet 28 Price IBQ 29 Move up and

down 32 Flippancy 35 Be semor to 37 Soviet sea 38 Imbecile 39 Rainbow 40 Tested 43 Wisest 45 En1oyed 46 Glad eye 47 Netheflands

commune 48 Coegulate 49 Do well 53 Ship's gear 57 Smash in


58 Utopian 59 Jordanian 61 The of

March 62 Contract 63 1916 Fehx

Arndt numbef

64 French river 65 Vetches 66 Exercise

rooms 67 Aerie


1 Comprehend 2 Amendment 3 In e•lstence 4 Sleuth 5 Younghng 6 Battery part 7 Magnitude 8 KtnlOlk 9 Aswan

Egypt e g 10 Expec1 11 Sa11 support 12 Gaehc 13 Caraway 21 Uproar 23 Put OVI


25 Private eye 28 Lineage 29 Unadorned 30 Elevator man 31 Outdo 32 Plaster base 33 Hebrew

pr.eS1 34 Vacuum 36 FC>Od

ilbSOf'Pllon process

38 Syne· 4 1 nngers

42 Bogeyman 43 Aalan weight 44 Bustles 48 Knock off 49 Serious song 50 Clergyman 5 t Equalizes 52 Remount 53 Song ~ AuumpttOn 55 Foreboding 56 Weight

system 60 Low· Fr


=t "'.'t "" • ..

Al2 0nange Coat DAILY PILOT/ S.turd•y. Meroh 29, 1Ne


by Bil Keane BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP)

" How do Easter lilies know what dote they hofta have flowers?"

MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson

•'911l> .-.,Ml(tf .. f\#" 'tf'l'•'-AI• " " ,

''They say 1f you talk to your plants they grow. Maybe we talked to Marmaduke

too much "





--­.. - ~~---···- ~

-- -

- -" I couldn't afford a yacht. "


) l \~

I i J ·I ~


J ; • z


by Hank Ketcham




by Charles M. Schulz



BoY, ARE )bu our 10 LUNCH, EMMY··iHE~S NoSNOW oN iH' GROUND.


fib HE. CX)ESN T, DADDY! IHE Ef\Sf ER a.tN'/ cx>e.SN"l lftY EGGS C.HICK\:NS (X) !I

IT1S To CLE:,AN 'foUfi! RooM WI rH.

15 MA~ j AT 'f'OU~

';--) ' i ~ I JUDGE PARKER

j ...









~ ~~~~v

Ii ~A~5 il-4A1 R.)f\JLAR PE.CRl£. ARE. Wr\f.ORtAet.£

'TO 6€. ~NO



by Jim Davis


by Tom K. Ryan

by Kevin Fagan

1 AM17

by Pat Brady

! ''7 NEJIEJ2. ~cx.QIT CX: IT A5 ·~NG







f i J ' i

l 'M SftX.K UP HE.RE / AND CAW( 6€1 DOWN .

by Berke Breathed

by Ferd & T OJ'.l'l Johnson

WoMrN ...

by Lynn Johns1on

by Jeff MacNally

by Harold Le Doux

by Tom Batluk

HANG ON ! 1'U.1H~


by Gary Trudeau

L....---------....... - ........ ---------....... .-...------------------------

• I

Ran thwarted

llllyPilat SA TUAOAY, ~ARCH 29, 1986

Y enk-tr8de DH Don Beylor to Red Sox'.for Mike E•l•r. • Edlaon, Oceen View top 8unMt foee In 6-Ht.ll tou~. U.

Shootout in Dallas set to begin

... Top-ranked Kansas tests Duke: Louisville meets surprtstn LSU

From AP dltpateltet

Top-ranked Duke matches up with second-ranked Kansas, while l.SU, the team that made it to Dallas the hard wayJ. meelS Louisville today in the semmnaJ round of the NCAA basketball tournament.

Todar'• .emfflnal•

Site: Reunion Arena, Dallas. Game one: Lows' (JO. 7) vt.

louisiana State (26- 11 ), 12:42 p.m .

Game two: Kansas (3S-3) va. Duke (36-2), 30 minutes foUow· ing game one.

Television: C BS (Channel 2). TV announcers : Brent

Musburger, Billy Packer. Radio: KRTH (930), 12:1S

p.m .

Unbenlty m,h catcher Jeff Baker appll• taC to W•t- clec.lalon from plate umpire. who called llartines out. Weet­mtn.ter buenumer Robert llartines (top). tben await. mlnater won cloableheader anyway. Detail• on pace 83.

Herc's a look at each game:

Kauai VI. Dake DALLAS - Stars aside, today's

NCAA Tournament semifinal show­down between No. I Duke and No. 2 Kansas would seem to hinge on o~posing journeyman centers Jay B1(as and Greg Dreilin~

Radio announcers: Game one - Cawood Ledford, Dave Gavitt; .Game two - Curt Gowdy, John Rooney.

Duke, 36-2, has built a 20-pme winning streak despite the rap that it lacks a legitimate center. It is a team of veterans. led by All-American guard Johnny Dawkins, who have found ways to win.

" People say, 'We can beat Duke. they don't have height,' " Duke Coach Mike Knyzewski said Friday. " But actually beating us has been a problem. We just show up and pay attention to detail."

Kansas, 35·3, also is on a rolJ. carrying a 16-game winning streak into the second game of today's semifinal. No. 7 Louisvjlle, 30-7. faces unranked Louisiana State, 26-11 , in the opener at Reunion Arena.

The Jayhawlcs got a boost Friday when 6-5 forward R on Kellog, their No. 2 scorer who had been hampered by a strained arch in his left foot, practiced and show no difficulty in running. It was bis first running sin~ Sunday's Midwest Regional cbam· pionsbip game.

Line: LowsvllJc by 51/z; Duke by21h.

16 minutes and fouls out," Kansas Coach Larry Brown said. "Grq is going to have to be part of the game."

Dreiling has been plagued by foul trouble throuahout hu career, includ· 1ng Duke's 91-86 triumph over the Jayhawlcs for the Big Apple National lnvjtation Tournament title in °'> cember. He played only 16 minut.cs bef9re fouling out with 12 points and I l rebounds.

Bilas, Duke's 6-8, 225-pound center is the least regarded of Dub•a starters. He has the wk of playina Dreiling. Danny Ferry, a 6-10 freshman who played against Dreil· inJ in the first mcchnJ when Bilu wu inJured, will come off the bench.

Dreiling had 19 points and 12 rebounds in the Jayhawk.s' 7S-67 Midwest Regional wm over North Carolina State. He averages 11 . 7 points and 6. 7 rebounds.

USC women advance to title game Danny Mann ing , a 6-11

sophomore forward, is the star of the Kansas team because of bis all­around ability, but Dreiling, a 7-1, 250-pound senior. could be the key.

" We cannot beat Duke if be plays

" Kansas has a much taller lineup," said Dawkins, a 6-2 senior who led.a the Blue Devils in scoring with a 20. point average, " but J think people put too much emphasis on heighL It bas haunted us since we've been here. Height doesn' t have much to do with matcbups."

Dreiling said ... I don' t &o out to (Pleaee eee 1'CAA/Ba)

Miller's 17 helps Trojans move into final against Texas

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Ar, - Foui­tjme All-American Cheryl Miller surpassed the 3,000-point mark in career scoring Friday night in leading third-ranked Universily of Southern California to an 83-59 victory over Tennessee for a benh in the cham-

fionship game of the NCAA Division women's basketball tournament · Southern Cahforn1a will seek 11s

third title in four years Sunday night against unbeaten and top-ranked Texas, a 90-65 winner over Western Kentucky in the other semifinal.

Miller finished with 17 points to increase her career total to 3.002. She also had I 0 rebounds and five assists for Southern Cal, 31-4.

The doubleheader at Lexinglon's Rupp Arena drew 9,894, a record for a women's national semifinal. topping the mark of 8,866 set in 1983 at Norfolk, Va.

A quick USC defense forced I I

first-half turnovers by Tennessee, converting several into fast break baskets. Tennessee, forced to shoot from long range. hit only 33 percent of its shots 1n the first half and trailed 42-23 at the break.

Southern Cal, which won titles in 1983 and I 984,jumped to a I 0.2 lead, but the Lady Volunteers twice rallied to within one point.

A layup by Kathy Spinks brought Tennessee within I 8- 17 with 7:53 to go in the first half, but Southern Cal responded with six straight P<>ints on a layup by Cherie Nelson, a 13-footer by Rhonda Windham and a Jumper by Cynthia Cooper.

After a Spanks free throw, two slick passes from Miller on fast breaks led to layups as USC pulled out to a 34-20 lead.

The young Tennessee squad, which had only one senior. was unable 10 recover.

Tennessee, which finished 24-10, shaved the 19-point halftime deficit to 54-43, but could get no closer.

Nelson added 16 points for USC. while Cooper and Karon Howell each had I 4. Bridgette G ordon led Te n­nessee with I 7.

"'~ USC'• Rhonda Windham beat. Tenneuee'• Shelley Sezt. on to looee ball during flnt half of Friday'• 11emlfinal game.

Eligibility woes may plague LSU NCAA maintains Tigers' probe still very much open

By HAL BOCK ,.,....,.. ..... DALLAS (AP)- Lou1S1ana State's

unlikely Cba'JC into the NC AA Final Four was achieved on the thtn edge of ehgibility. How thin might surpn~ even LSU.

It turns out that an NC AA m· vestigation that l.SU considered closed may be very much open. after all. And in the worst of scenarios. that could send the Tigers home from this nch tournament without a dame to show for their trouble.

tournament that they had been cleared. 1t 'W'a!> a n erroneous assum~ uon on the1rpan "s~ud Rick Everard. director o t legislative services for the NC.\-\

"I do know that as recently as 10 da~ s ago. <after l.SlJ's sub-regional '1ctones over Purdue and Mcmprus State) the s1tuauon had not been resol\ed. \\ e had requested more informauon "

Ste'e Horto n, an NCAA lcgislauve assistant working on the case, m· d1cated that LSU had complied wtth that request, say ing, " I got all the informauon I asked for."

Did that then clear Vargas and his school"

Burleson drawing lots of attention The school has been the focal poml

of some season-long curiosity by the folks in Mission. Kan., who guard collegiate athletics so scrupulously And the questions are lin,enng, primarily about the eligibthty of backup center Jose Vargas.

"I can't comment on pending ~CM ehgib1lity c,ases," Horton said. "They made the dec1s1on to play b1m. That was an mslltullonal decision. As far as 1nd1v1dual ehfibihty, they obviously felt he was ehgible ...

Did the NC AA agTCC? " I can 't comment on pending

NC l\A ehgib1hty cases." Honon re­peated. "LSU sull has some caxs in front of the NC AA." Angels' infielder under close scrutiny

as he attempts comeback from injuries

From AP dispatches . PALM SPRINGS - Whe n Rick

Burleson takes infield practice, even opposing players often pause to watch.

Burleson, once one of baseball' ., finest shortstops, 1s trying to resurrect his baseball career. which has been put on hold for almost four years by a series of shoulder injuries.

"Every throw I make now is imponant," said the Angels' an· fielder. "Even other teams stop and watch when I take mfield. I feel hkc rm under the micro!COpe every day ...

Burleson, who turns JS on A~ril 29, has been throwing the ball Wlth z ip this spring. apparently having rr ­covered from three potentially ca, reer~nding injuries to his nght shoulder over the past fou r years

" It feels fine . My arm angle on m y throws nas chanacd. but I have about as much velocity as I ever had." 5aid Burleson, who has been used mostly at 1eCOnd base - with a few stans at shon - for the Angels during the exhibition season.

"As far as I'm conccmcd, I throw as Jood as 90 percent of the mid· infielders in the mlJOrs now."

Burleson. the Amencan Lcque's All.Star shC>rtstop when he was with the Bo ton Red Sox an 1977. firsu orc the rotator ~ ufT in the shoulder in April of I 91S2. He mmcd the rest of that ICUOn and the tint thrtt months of the next year as he rc<:u~ratcd from suraery.

He attempted to come bad lat<'r 1n

the 1983 season. but the shoulder became inflamed and he wound up appearing in JUSt 33 games.

During spring training of 1984, Burleson ruptured the same rotator cufT. He didn't return until Septem­ber. and played in only seven games.

The followinJ winter, he suffered still another injury to his right shoulder, that time dasclocating it in a wei~tJifung accident. He missed the entire 1985 season.

Since his first shoulder injury, 1n 1982. he has appeared in just 65 games for the Angels, who acquired him an a trade with Boston in

December of 1980. " I'd be a liar if I said I never

wondered if it was over for me," Burleson said at the Angels' spnng training camp. " I was fortu nate that I'd sianed a long-term contract so I was abk to dedicate my'IClfto makmg It back.

"There arc some than~ I still wanted to accomplish . both indiv1du· ally and as a member of this team."

His si x-year contract with the AnJeb, which reportedly pays ham $690,000 a year, runs through llus season.

Burtcson, a career .275 hitter. was h1ttana .372 while playing in IS of the AOfcls' first 20 c.Abib1uon aames \Jm spnna. More importantly, he hasn' t made an error.

While he said he ha felt " really aood," h<' "not takina anythina for arantcd

'Tm not 101na to look too far

ahead," he said. 'Tm learning to play second base again for the first time in I 0 years. The real test is yet to come, playing e very day, and maybe that's not m y role. That's the club's de· c1s1on."

Angel Manager Gene Mauch said: " Rick Burleson is a remarkable man who's makjng a remarkable com e· back. He's met every test. If he can continue, he'll make a valua~ contnbution. In what capacity:"' I don't know yet."

A '• top ~el• Jn J OtlJ, IJ-4 PALM SPRINGS - Dave King.

man's run-scoring sinale in the 10th inning gave the Oakland A's a 5-4 victory over the Angels in an e:ithi· b1tion baseball pme Fnday.

Donnie H1U tnpled o fT losing pitcher Doug Corbett Wlth one out an

the I 0th when Angel nght fi elder Devon White lost h1sdnve an the sun. After Bru~ Bochte was walked ante nt1o nall y, Kingma n ca me through Wlth his single to lef\ to ~ore Hill.

Oakland is 13-R 1n the '>Pring while the Angels dropped 10 11-10

Daacan 11/ta DcHUen. 9-6 POMPANO BEAC"H. Fla -

Manano Duncan c,nappcd a h-ti ue Wlth a two-run tnple to right. then scored on a balk to cap a \ax-run, ninlh·mnina comeback as the Loo; Angeles Dodgen. defeated the l cxao; Rangers, 9-6.

The Dodgers' nmth-1nnmg binge came at the c:itpcnsc of Rangen l~ft­hander Mickey Mahler, -who optned the gates when he threw awa> a potenllal game-ending double pla} grounder for an erro r.

Early an the season. when other questJons were being asked. Coach Dale Brown offered to take a poly­tp'llPh test to prove has program 's innocence. But the NCAA prefers more traditional evidence.

On the eve of the tournament. LSU was asked for documentation of Vargas' ehgjbahty. The team voted. and Brown supponed. a boycott 1fthe popular Dom.i01can center wert no t permitted to ptay. The Tigers then went ahead, beginning an unlikely tournament drive past four favorite - Purdue, Memphis State. Cieof&la Tech and Kentucky - to reach this lofty ~lateau

"lt 1sourundcrstand1ng that he was completely cleared." S&Jd LSU's as­sistant athletic director, Joe Y1tes.

" If they assumed on the eve of the

The iron) of all this is that Varps' tournament contnbullon bas been minimal. He has played a total of 13 minutes m four games. and the neu point he scores will be his first .

Mc:anwh1le, the stakes arc high for LSU A.II Final Four schools t'CC'Cive $815.300 for their appearances and that enurc sum could be forfeited. It ha'i hapJX'ned before

In I 97 t Villanova came within su poinu of the: nauo nal cbarnpionshif· loinng in the final game to UCLA~ dynast}. 6 -62. The tournament'• Most Valuable Player that year was Howard Poner of Villanova.

T he onl) problem was that Porter had been under contract to the old Pttt'iburgh C ondol"'I o f the Amencan 8 Mkethall l\o;~1at1on for the last two m onth'> of thl' c,cason.

UCI turns it around on Santa Barbara, 11-:2 Embarrancd by UC Santa Barbara on

Thursday. UC Irvine turned things around on the Gauchos Friday in o PC AA baseball game at Anteater Field.

The Anteaters, who bad absorbed a I S-3 bcatina at the hands of Santa Barbara the prn1ous dayi bounced back in convincina fashion with nn 11- victory over the Gauchos.

Ocne Roum1mper JOt Lhings rolhn& for th<' Antcatca in the first by cappLDg a thrcc·.cu.n inning Wlth a two--run homer.

Roum1mper. a product of Orange Coast College. drove 1n three runs in the pme to improve his team-leadin, total in that dtpa.rtment to 28

T om Baine, •ho had a of tnplc , hit his first 1n the open1na 1nn1na to start the sconna.

dn1.-in•· 111 Mark Webstrr who had cracked a onc­out 1nr.k

In the third. UCI paddcd 1u lead as Ed Clark and\.\. chstet led ofT Wlth s1naJcs and advanced on a ~cnfi~ c· hy Baine C1ark scored on a wild pitc h and W<"~tt'r came across as Roum1mpcr lifted a s.acn fiN' fly

In the fifth . the ..\ntcatcn continued to pull away a < lark opened Wlth a double and scored on Wcbskr \ baseh11 Web$tersto lesccondand after a patr ol \\. lu, Doua Kline doubled in two run

It hc:ca me a rout when the Anteaters added three mort runs in the stxth Bame's two-run tnple and a w1ld pitch attounkd for the thrtt ruM

Batn(, who was 2 for) overall "Mth 1 RBI and a ~cnfk(. improved hi11 hatt1na averaat to '420 .

The first four hatters in the l I( 1 h.1tung order wtrt' re ponstble for I 0 of l JCTs I I hats.

G abby RodngucL wac, the bcnific1ary of the productive C>tlcnsc The '\ nt('aten' stanma and W1nn101 patcher worked 611, innings, allowtna four h1u and wa characd Wlth the two run-.

8a1hn& the Junior naht·handn- out oh bl loaded Jam m the !ltventh was 8o Kent. -ho truck out Enc John'°n to end the threat

Kent pitched the final 2•, mmnp. stri.ltinaout four while alloWlng two hit~ The vietory by \ht Anteaters •mapped a thrtt-pme lo ioa auult and an el&ht-pme Santa Barbara wtnnina lltC&k. ncr ( 11. 10.2 overall) and the 0.uchos (19 10) >Nall play the rubberpmt oftbe t.h.rco-pme sencs today, I o'cl • at Anlcatcr F1dcl

____ .. 'W_

v > ; so z a s s a s

. -'

UCI euffers lou iii tourney ~-.-MONTGOMERY, Ala - It went

<!Own to the ware, but for the second 'traiaht day, the UC Irvine tennis \eam came out on the short end of ats "1&tch Friday at the Blue-Grey I en· rns OasStc.

Houk sparking Cal Poly-SLO squad

The Anteaters dropped a 5-4 de­' i\10n to Kentucky in a match tJC'I ltd 4-3 entenna the No. 6 singles and No 3 doubles.

Ex-Edison softball standout has productive tournament -

4-2. Cal Poly is rated No. 8 in the nauon. Houk was also named to tbe alJ· toumament

team. The Mustanp are coached by Beeky ffeicUsc~

• who attended Fountain Valley High. Heidi1eh is Cal Poly-San Lu1sOb1spo. sparked by the play in ber first year as the Cal Poly coach.

of former Edison High standout Lha Hottk, · · · Each of the final matches went an to

11ebrcakers with the Anteaters need· mg a victory in either to claim the vittory . However . Kentuck y ~r-tvaa led an both to hand the Ant· nttrs their sixth IOS'.) of the season Jgainst 12 wans

rc~ntly shared the Cal State Northridie Tour- Cal Poly hosted UC Riverside tn a . nament of Champion'.) softball tttle with the host doubleheader Friday and had another twin bill

M with UCR today. The Mustangs return to the · atadors. Southland Friday to face Northridge. They also

Houk. a senior shortstop, led the Mustangs to play at Dominguez Hills Saturday, April 5. five v1c1ones an the Northndgc tourney. * * *

In the champ1onsh1p game. Cal Poly and Mlcllelle La1orek, an Estancia Htgh and f'lorthndge ball led to a ~ tie af\er nine innings Orange Coast ColJege product. basagreed to anend On Thursday. 22nd-ranked UCI

tef1 to SMU. the top-rated team 1n the ccrontry. 6--0. Kentucky is ranked 14th.

with the 1eams declared e<><hamp1ons. It was the Chapman College in the fall. first time in the four-year hmory of the tour- · Lazorek, a 5-1 J middle blocker, has earned

Bruce Man Son Htn g, Art Hernandez and Ken [)err supplied the Anteaters' poin ts 1n singles. while Julian Barham and Mar~ Kaplan l·arned a doubles '1ctor)

nament that Northndge was not the outnght one h;tter in volleyball at OCC,'was named second winner. team all-conference and the team's most improved

Houk, the Cal Poly captatn, was 4-for-4 m one player. Al EstanCia, she lettered in volleyball and of the tourney _games, a 6- J victory over Cal State track. She competed in CIF in the hiah jump and Dominguez Hills The Mustangs defeated Chap- the 110 meter hurdles. She bolds the school record man. the NC'AA's fD1v1s1on Ill top-ranked 1cam. 1n the high jump at 5-3.


'Bad News Bees' ·hoping to earn another chance From AP dispatches

SA"'J JO~E- The an Jose Bee\-or ii ''The Bad "'lew\ Bees" as third baseman Ken Reitz has ca lled the baseball team -are in training for their California League season opener. a !'>tep on the comcbad.. trail for Reau and 1he other former big leaguers on the club

'T m glad the Bees are giving me this chance A<> an independent 1eam with no maJor league ties, they arc Ii.Jee an employment agenq. with no ltm1ta11ons.''

mfielder Derrcl Thomas said Re111 , Thomas. and pitchers

Mike Norns and Steve Howe are the ex-big leaguers signed by the Class A club which opened its two-week spnng training camp Thursda) at m regular scaso~ h.ome. San Jose"s "1 un1c1pal tad a um

"-ioms. Ho"'e and Rc1 t1 ha' e admitted to drug problems in the p3!>t. Thomas· name "'a<; mcn­

Relta uoned during testimony at the baseball drug tnal in Pittsburgh lac;1 \ear. but the 35-

rear-old 1.-eteran of 1-i big league sea-.ons sa)s · ~ all 1!"> had no (drug) involvement "

Noms a 22-game winner "'Ith the Oakland \ ·, 1n I 980. will be the &cs· staner "hen the season upt.·n'> here the night of .\pnl 11 aga1ns1 ~ahnas and llo"'c former Lo\ <\ngele'> Dodger\ reheHr will Ha rt thl· nnt da\ . according to Bees owner Harl') "ltnc

Celtics romp behind Walton Bill Walton, makrng his first stan of m

the NBA season. scored 13 of Boston's first .28 points and 1he Celtics reached 60 . victories for the third consecutive year by · routing Washington, 116-97. Friday night. With center Robert Parish sidelined with a stiff back, Walton scored a season-high 20 points and sparked the Celtics' strong first quarter that gave them control ... In other NBA games. Ricky Pierce game off the bench to score 31 pomts. hitting on 14 of I 8 from the field, as

Milwaukee defeated the 76ers, I I 6-94, and knocked two Phila­delP.hia players out of the lineup. Phi ladelphia center Motet Malone was hit in the right eye with 8: I 9 left in the first quarter aod was taken to Wills Eye Hospital, where he was diagnosed as having a swollen retina. He will be out indefinitely, the team said. Sixers forward Bob McAdoo in­jured his left knee with 6:24 left in

Walton the game and his condition was descnbed as day-to-day ... Mike GmlutJ scored 26 points anct Otis Birdsong added 23 as New Jersey do"ned Chicago. 118-107 ... Bill LaJmbeer scored 27 points to lead Detroit to a 116-107 victory over Houston . . . DomlDJqae Wllkhl• scored 32 points, including fou r free throws as Atlanta hit seven of eight 1nthelinal I 19, to leadthe Hawks toa I00-92winover Indiana Alex E11gU1b and C.lvta Natt scored 35 points apiece to lead Denver to a 128-120 victory over I tah

Caps lose game, another player

goals as the Ne"" York Islanders scored a , Mike Bouy notched his 57th and 58th ~

4-3 'iclof1 o"cr Washington, suddenly weakened b~ two key in1unes. in an NHL

* * * MH'"8 RJce, a Mater Oei Hiah arad. is a member of Loyola·Marymount's sonha.U team. Rice, a Huntinston Beach resident, is an out· fielder-first basema.n .

Loyola Marymount will play its first year in an organized le.gue, the West Coast Athletic Con­ference, having competed t.he past three years as an NCAA independent.

Also competing in the WCAC is United States International Un.ivenity. which sports two Orange Coast area products.

Khn Browa, formerly of Golden West College, and Sae Ledy oUl ofWoodbridgcHigh will suit up in Lady Gulls' uniforms. Brown.z a junior. and Leahy, a sophomore, play the outneld.

* * * Mater Dei Hiab's Stun 'homat bas been named the Player 01' the Year oo the AIJ-Southem California Catholic team. Thomas. a senior. guided the Monarchs to the CIF Southern Section 5-A championship.

Chrledan wlna at Fairgrouncl8

National champion Alan Christian of Huntinston Beach took up where he left oft' last year in winnloa the featured ICf'ltch main event Friday in the aeasoo openina card of speedway motor­cy~Je racinaa.t the Oran&e County Fairgrounds m Costa Mesa.

Steve Lucero of Riveraide raced in front early in the race, but Christian made a darinJ move to pass Lucero on the out&1de to take over the lead midway in the second lap. Christian led the rest of the way.

Mike Faria of Colton firtished sec.and. Mark DwyerofRivmide was third and Lucero faded to fourth .

In the handicaf main event before a crowd o 7,283, Doug Nicol of Manhattan Beach was the wire-to-wire winner.

The second-division main event went to Cypress' • Don Jack.son,

.,. ,. 1

All the former maJor leaguer'> ar c hop1 ng to 1mpre.-,., '>COU l\ and get offef'> from big kague club' earl\ in the '>e3'>1>n \tc'c '<'ho I'> douhhng a'> lidd managt:r ngh1 no" belJU'>C Frank Verdi resigned from thl JUh reccntl) won t '>t<tnd an 1hc1r IA.a\ 11 hag league JOb'> arc offered

Nomr.. "\I 'a1d. ·Thi' 1,n t JU'>l a ne" Jca.,l' or c1 new chant l' Ike ~ 11'\ a la\I c:h.:tnll'

game Fnda ) night. The Caps retained their one-point lead over second-place Philadelphia m the Patrick Dn 1s1on but lost Bengt Gus&afsson with a broken leg Just hours after Mike Gartner underwent arthroscopic ~nee ~urg('f1 . Elsewhere 1n the NHL. Pierre Larouche ~ored has second goal of the game and Kelly MIUer tallied 31 seconds later to key a three-goal second penod that earned the New York Rangers to a 4-2 '1ctol") over Edmonton ... C.algary scored four power­pla) goal~ in the first 26 minutes. two by llabJJ Loob, .ind defeated V. 1nnapcg. 6-3.

Jeff Stone of the Phllllea la able to ••old the tat of St. Loa.19' Beath at third

hue while ad•anclng on a •ln&le durlog ezhtbltlon game ln St. Petersburg.

Quote of the day Paul J obos, fornll r 1A.11k rctcn er lor thl'

Seaulc <.,eahi11A. ~s. on v.h\ Jt\ hJrder tu he an auto salesman than to pla~ ·football · There arc no film ... of irate CU\tOrnl'r<; IO '>tUd} . Television. radio


Easler's bat does talking

.· -: .. .·

Murphy, Mize share TPC lead Bob \turph) '>('! a rnur'>l rc:u1rd - n

v.h 1t h \tciod up l11r onl! an hour and 15 minute\ I mlJ bcf<m Larry Mite lied him for tht· "\1, hok lcad 10 thr T ournamr nt Pla~cf\ < h.1mpwmh1p al Ponll' Vcdra, F-1.a . E:.ach reached thl' h.ill"''*' pu1 nt nt 1h1\ annua l champi ono;h1p of goJr., tounr1~• pro' 1n I 14 That\ Ill under par on the tourist'> hnnll' l l•llT'>I." tht>l>lil\t'f\( luhatSawgras!> and one belll r !hi.In the rnord Fred Couples set 1n I !JM Maze did 11 v.11h ~ ..._ .. ond r1111nd 6~ .md the 43-ycar-old \ifurph' tht li r,t manoOth1· tet· Fnda ~.shota6 5 \t 1hc \.1ounta1n < 1a tc: < nun try < luh toursc in I 11<;

.\ngclc\. Ual4' Douglass , J "inm·r and runner-up an h1'> onh t'<'<• prior \l ri 1or tour l'\l nt' \hot a five-under-par 6 7 to ta~l a ont· \ lrokl· lead Jltl·r th1· fir\t round in the Johnn' \.1,1thl\ ~n11>r' < la'>\ll I >ougla\s raced to the lead ctlm11't lr11m thr \lilrt po,llng lour b1rdJe\ 1n the fir'>tfi, e h 1l ·\ 11l1hco;1r ~2 11 ll1 'ard1.our-;c

Lakers, center renew contract l'<d I '>.f><>D- c 1·ntl·r PcturC1ud- m

mu nd,-,nr hJ ' \t!(rH"d .1 '1t11nd ICJ-<.la\ c.ontrac.1 "'"h it l I"' \ngdn I'> the dctendrny "B \ t hJmp1nn' ,innounted f nda'

c'rudm •n•hv1r1 a 7-2 ::!?IJ.poundn <,1gned h1~ firs t 10-<la~ c11ntrad ~•th th1· duh on \.far1.h l!S He has appeared 1n nn1. g.11n1· <,1h 1· that time <,tonng 14 p<>1nts 11nd pu lling d11"n n1m rl'hound' 1n a 20-minute \tint last \.1ondJ\ n1~ht during thL· L.11.. er' 124-1 02 victory over thl' \.111 \11tror11r• \pur\

< 1udrn1111dv.ur, J ,.., \l'.11 •1ld n.1t1H· ot Rey~Ja' 11.. , Iceland h.111 htTn pl.i ·.in11 .... 1th tht· 1<..1n\.1\ (rt\ S1111t'r\ ol lh<' I 11n11nt·n1<1I tt .... ~ l'lhJJI \ \\II\ 1.11100 wht•n lhl' l.a~C'f' \lt1nnl li1m

Suspension' lifted at SD State \ \ N Dll < ,() <,ari Diego \tale m

L na vt.•n11\ athk11c d1rct tor f red Miller hrtcd a ,u,pcn<o1on ,,n the men.,· :ind women tr:t< ~ anJ til'lct ,1thkte\ f ndav :illowing the· h'<lm\ 111 wmpc•tc 1n a meet SDSI '" ho•11 ing t<i<la) ·

\if1lkr \;11d 1hl ..iahkH·, ;m• allnv.ed 10 lOmrx·te today 11 thn c:ompll'k It''-" tor n·nl"at111nal drugs and anaboli< \krord u..e

9 '0 a m - RODEO: Pro Rodeo Rou ndup from B1lhngs Mont.. Channel 9

11 am - GOLF. PGA Tournament Players \harnpionshap (third rou nd ) from Ponte Vedra. Fla. Channel 2.

11 am. - WRESTLING: Channel 9. :"Joon - SOCCER: Spain vs. Belgium an

World Cup quali fy ing game (tape), Channel 34. 12 30 p m. - COLLEGE BASKETBALL:

l~l · \" Lou1sv11le in NCAA semifinal game. from Dalla'>. Channel 2

I pm - MOTOR SPORTS: M1am1 Grand Pm .. ( hanncl 4

I JO pm. - TENNIS: Semifinals an men's pro tournament. from Chicago (delay), Channel .i.

1 · ·lO pm. - GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS· < "hanncl 7.

2 p m. - MOTOR SPORTS: World Supcr­cros!"> finals . Chan nel 7.

2 p.m - BOXING. Johnn) Bumphus vs. J D Dobbin'> (tape ). Channel 34.

3 p m - COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Duke vs\as in NC' AA semifinal game. from Dallaci Channel 2.

3 p m - BOWLJNG: Amateur doubles national tournament. from Reno (tape). Channel 4

3 1<1 p m - BOWLING: PBA national champ1on.-,h1p. from Toledo. Ohio (delay), C hanncl 7

4 p m - BOB UECKER: Wacky World of Spons. C hanncl 4 .

4· ' 0 p m - WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS: Boxing - Marvin Hagler vs. John Mugabi (tape); World \k1 Fl ~ ing championship, fom Kulm. .\u'itna (lapc). Channel 7

7 30 p m - PRO BASKETBALL: Lakers at ~attic . ( hannel 9

RADIO I 0. JIJ a m - BASEBALL: Dodgers vs.

Atlanta. from West Palm Beach. Fla .• KABC (790)

I p m - BASEBALL· Seattle vs. Angels, from Palm Spnngs. KMPC (7 10).

7 30 p m - PRO HOCllEY: Quebec at Ktngs, KGI L( 1260).

7 JO p m - PRO BASKETBALL: Lake~ at Seattle, KLAC' (570)

7 30 p.m. - PRO BASKETBALL: Clippers .at Sacramento, KMPC (7 10).

But veteran Phil Niekro verbally bfasts Yankees after his unconditional release

From AP dl1patcbe1 Mike Easler had a partjng shot for

the Boston Red Sox with his bat. Phil Niekro's parting shot for the New York Yankees was verbal.

Easler, Boston'.s desjgnated hitter. hit a two-run homer off Dwtght Gooden as the Red Sox defeated the New York Mets, 6-5, in a ! ~inning exhibitjon game Friday, shortly before he was traded to the Yankees for another DH. Don Baylor.

In another move, the Yankees requested waivers on 300-game wan­ner Phil Niekro for the purpose of giving the veteran pitcher, who turns 47 next Tuesday, his unconditional release.

N1ekro. who won his 300th game on the final day of the 1985 season, had been ineffective this spring. allowing 14 hits in 131'1 innings with a 5.40 ERA. He was 16-1 2 with a 4.09 ERA last season.

In his 22-year career. which in­cluded 20 years with the Atlanta Braves' organazatton, Nielcro has a 300-250 record with a 3.23 ERA. His 3, 197 strikeouts rank seventh on the all-time list.

" I think they knew pretty much when I came down here I was not going to make the ballclub." Niekro said. "That's why there was no guarantee in there (his contract).

"The age factor had somethan& to do with it, they said. They didn't tell me any good reasons. I think I could have gone 25 scoreless inninp and not made the baUclub. I just don't understand why the birthday comes mto cffcct. EVJdently, production doesn't."

Niekro's brother. Joe, acquired from Houston late last season, is assured a spot in the Yankees' starting rotation, but he was angry at the team's decision.

" If that's the way they treat wan-

ners, why should 1 want to pitch 1n that situation?" said Joe, 41 . 'Tm not sayi ng I want to get traded, but I don' t know. I S•$Ded a contract to pitch for this orgamzation. That doesn't mean I have to have a smile on my face. and I won't."

" I think once he (Joe) was here. I was expendable," said Phil, " and I'm the only reason he came here."

The Red Sox won their game with the Mets on Marty Barrett's RBI single off Jesse Orosco with two out in the 10th inning. Barrett had sinJ]ed and scored the tying run in the ninth on Wade Bow' two-<>ut single.

Gooden, tfic 1985 National League Cy Young Award winner, bad his third consecutive so-so outing. In six innings he allowed nine hits and three runs while striking out three.

In other exhibiuon games: Orioles l, Ya.Dees 0: Al Pardo

opened the I 5th inning with a double and scored on Juan Bonilla's sinJ!e, gi ving the Orioles the victory behind the nine-hit pitching of Mike Flanagan and three relievers.

The Orioles scored off minor­leaguer Lopn Easley, who came on in the 14th inning. The game would have ended after IS innings by mutual agreement because both teams were out of pitchers.

Blae Jays It, Tlcen t : Willie Upshaw picked up his third hit in the ninth inning and scored the winning run oo an RBI sinaJe by Buck Martinez.

The Tigers committed siA errors in the game, Jiving them 33 in 21 Orapefruat League contests.

Attrot I, Reda 3: Jose Cruz and Denny Walling drove in two runs apiece and five pitchers held the Reds scoreless over the last seven innings as Houston recorded it~ fifth con· sccutive victory.

Cruz's flfth-mnm.g sacrifice fl y off

~ Yankees send Baylor to Red Sox in deal for Easler WJ NTf. R H AVF '- Ila 11\P)- fh t.,'kw

~ \ ork Yankee~ and Ho .. ton Red \o\ \wapped : des11ruued hittcn Fnda) w11h the 't ankee\ :· setting Mi ke Ea\lcr and the Red \Qx aett1ng • Don Baylor 1n a trade that put\ each player ma

home park uulorcd for him ~ " We fetl that Don ffaylor'!> nght·handcd 'l>,t an our ba.Jlpark will hel p us trcmendou.,lv and ouaht to offset our left-handed over· strtnath." said Red Sox General Ma natter Lou C.oman.

The 35-yt'ar-old Easler. a left-handed hitter. h1t 262 for Bo~ton last ~·'"°" 1A. llh 16

hon1er!I and 74 RBI and had three of the Red ~,.11: 10 homers this 1pnna, including one Fnd3> off NataonaJ Leaaue Cy Young Award winner Dwight Gooden of the New York Meu

The Yankees plan to platoon ' at OH w11h Guy Rocnacke, but he will bc'playina in Yankee C\tad1um. which favon lef\· handed h1tter!I

Baylor 36. hit 231 1n 142 aames for the Yanktt1 last se.a50n but hu 2J homers and knocked 1n 9 1 rnns borman u1d Lhat Baylor. who had bilked earlier at a trade to th(' White \oll will olav reaularly in Fenwav Park. whert

( ~

a a a a a

the left field wall as 3 I S feet away, "We feel we're more balanced now."

Gorman said of the Red Sox, whose starting hneup includes lef\-handed hitters Wade Sous. Steve Lyons. Bill Buckner and Rich Gedman. " I've known Don Baylor for many. many years. He's a great auy, an outstandina player and a leader on the field .

"Of couf'IC. you don't find many pe<! like Make Easler But Baylor as very much hkc ham an ability "

"Goina to the Red Sox as where I always wanted to ao. but I never thouaht 1& would work


out," said Baylor, who played with the Anaels for Boston Manager John McNamara. " I'll wind up playing everyday there and 1 know n 's a great orp.njz.at1on.

" I loved playina for the Red Sox," Easler said. "But I know that trades are pan of the pme and I'm loolcin' forward to comina to the Yankees. This is my 1evcnth move and maybe it will be lucky for me."

It was the fint trade between the American Leuue East rivals since 1972, when the Ya.ntees iot relief pitcher .perky Lyle for fint bueman-outficldn Danny Cltt:r

John Denny snapped a 3-3 tie. Braves 6, Expos 1: Pascual Perez

pitched fi ve strong innings. After giving up a leadoff triple to Tim Raines and allowing him to score on a wild pitch, Perez retired the next 12 batters and gave up only one more hit in his fi ve innings.

Montreal third baseman T im Wallach was injured when he was spiked by Sam ple on a steal. He was taken to the hospital, where he received several st.Itches. but there was no immediate word on how Jong Wallach would be out.

Phillies 8, C.rdJnals 3: Gary Redus drove in five runs with four hits, mcludmg a pair of homers.

Redus led ofTthe game with a home run. then added a two-run shot in the third. Both came off Rick Horton. Redus later added a two-run single as the Phillies broke the game open with fi ve runs in the last two innings.

In a 'B' ,aamc, Philadelphia's Steve Carlton pitched six shutout innings, givin~ up three hits, in a 9-1 loss to the Carchnals. John Tudor started for St. Louis and allowed one run and three hits in six innings.

Pirates t , Royals I : Johnny Ray had three hits and drove in six runs. The Pirates trailed 5-4 in the bottom of the seventh when they scored fi ve times on RBI singles by Sam Khahfa and R.J. Reynolds. and Ray's three­run homer.

Brewers 1%, lndJaaa 10: Billy Joe Robidoux hat a bases-loaded, two-run single in the eighth inning.

Milwaukee bombed four Cleveland pitchers for 20 hits, includ· ing a solo home run ':>Y Rob Deer. Cleveland had 14 h.Us. 1ncluding home runs by Joe CaJ1er, Brook Jacoby and Joe Carter off Bob Gibson in the seventh inning.

Gluts 4, Caba Z: Pitcher Vida Blue and Dan Gladden bit consecutive home runs in the third inning.

The homen tied the score off Scott Sanderson, who gave up all the Giants' runs. Chi?Jo's Ron Cey, batting .097 before Fnd.ay, hit his first spring homer. a two-run shot off Blue.

Marlatn t, Padres l : Dave Hen­derson's two-run triple h•ahliahted a four-run fourth inn1na that broke a scoreless tie. Seattle put the pme away by scorina four runs in the top of the ninth off Lance McCullcrs, in· a twe>-nm double by Domi· n10 Ramos.

nlte S.1 • . Twlm l: Tom Seaver outdueled Bert Blylevcn io a battle of veteran ri.altt·handers. Seaver, • t . struck out faur and alloMd three hits in seven 1nn1nts. lncludina 1 bome run by Chris Pitwo.

Blylevcn, who turns JS next month, allo~ one sinaJc throuah four i.nnfop before the White Sox ICOf'Cd two run• in each of the nf\h and sixth 1nninas.

1 •

Canucks nip Kings in OT, 2-1

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - Dave Lowry scored on a 3S. foot . w_rist . shot with 32 seconds rem.11run1 in overtime Fri:::& ni&ht U? pve lhe Vancouver Can a l-1 vtctory over the Los Aqdes a key National Hockey l.eque game.

It wu the first overtime victory of the season for Vancouver and ~led the Canucks into fourth plac::c an the race for the final playoff spot in the Smythe Division, two points ahead of the Ki?JS.

LowryJ.. a rookie left-winier, broke in 2-on-..i:, took a pass from Brent Peterson at the Los Angeles blue line and scored with a shot bigb to goalie Rola.od Melaoson's slick side.

The Canucks are onJy one point beck of third-place WinnipeJ. Van­couver has five games rcmauung, Los Angeles four and Winnipea three.

i:i>e Kinas will play Quebec at 7:30 toni&ht at the Forum.

Tfie Canucb' Rick Lanz and the Kings' Sean McKcnna exchanged goals in the second period.

Goaltenden Melanson and Rich­ard Brodeur were brilliant, particu­larly Brodeur, who made 29 shots.

Clippers top Suns PHOENIX (AP) - Norm Nixon

scored 19 points and Marques John­son.~d ~eofbis 18 po!ntsduringa decisive third quarter Fnday night as the Los Angeles Oippers beat the Phoenu Suns, 107-96, for their first road win in their last 10 NBA games.

The score was tied 20 ti mes before a tbrcc-point play by rookie Benoit Benjamin put Los Angeles ahead to stay at 73-72 with 6:08 left in.the third period.

Tbe plate umpire &lTea the oat •tan u UnlTenlty catcher 0.Te Baker appllea

0.-,,_ .... .,..._.K_..., block of home a&alnat W eatminater buerunner Mike Skjc>naky.

()tinge Cout DAIL V PILOT /Seturdlly, Merot! 29, 18M •

Edison, OV win· ~ .

as tourney ends ers, Seahawks

outscore Sunset foes: University drops pair

The Loara Tournament finally came to a close for four Sunscl League bueball teams Friday, as Edison downed Hunbngton Beach and Ocean View lopped Marina.

Another Sunset team - West­minster - padded its record with a doubleheader sweep over Sea View foe University.

Here's bow it went: FAJIOa t , Bada,ie. Bea8 'I:

Bernie Colacchio went 4 for 4 and cracked a bases-clearing double to brina tbe Chargers from a 7-6 deficit to the win over the Oilers at Hunt­ington Beach.

Colacchio also doubled ea.rljer in the game and drove in five RBI all together. Mark Miller was 3 for 3 and scored three times.

Edison returns to action with an 11 o'clock doubleheader today, while Huntington Beach is off until Wednesday when it meets Ocean View in a 7 p.~. game at Mile Square Park.

Oeeu View 11, Marlu t : Mike Fybric had three bits and drove in four runs as the Sea.hawks concluded tbe tournament with the convincmg win at home over Marina.

Fyhric helped Cc.can View (6-3-1 overall) break the game open with a bases--loaded triple during a big sixth innins- The Seahawk.s carried a 4-2 lead LDto the bottom of the sixth before exploding for seven runs.

The game was calJled bec:auSt of darkness after the sixth.

Only one Ocean View~ waat without a bit, while a trio ofSeabawk pi.aim limited Marina to ju.t rout tuts. .

Wn1mlas&er 1-11, u .. ..,..., ~ The Trojans' offen.e wu vin.UIJ.))i non.eAistcnt in the two IOllel on e.t Lions• field.

In the opener, Univcmtytooka l-0 lead in the tint inn.ina when cau:bc:r Jeff Baker delivered a two-out double and raced home on a sinale by Steve. Cooner.

The lead luted wuil the bottom o( the fourth wben Wcttmimter ta.llied four uncamcd runs. It wu S-1 wbien the Trojans (3-6) aliced the deficit.ia half when Bret Bradshaw and Con.Dor each drove in runs witb sinalea..

Bradshaw and Connor supplied four of Univenity's six-bit total with two apiece.

lo the second pmc, Westmi.Mter seized c.ontrol early with a 6vo-run SCClOnd and made It a rout with six more runs in the fourth.

h was more than enough for junioc pitcher Dean Eddy, who ~ded oo.Jy one hit, a secood-innina sing)e by ~ Howard. . ·...:

Mills second: at Stanford ·:

STANFORD - Senior Mills and junior Ralph Garibelcti picked ut> second-place finiabea an4 senior Eric Hudson was third in~ day action at the Stanford Track and Field Festival Friday. .

All-CIF Southern Section soccer teams

Mills finished seoond in thejavelilS with a toss of 146-6, while Garibaldi was second in the 10,000 meters iJl 30:32.6. Hudson finished third in t.1118 shot put at S4-2:V•.

Joe Sordi finished third in hit bcaf of the 400-metcr hurdles in SS.12; Eric Alljson placed fifth in the pole vauJ1 at I 4-8, Rod Curry was s.ixtb ilt the S,000 meten in 14:S7.2 and J.,. Hall placed ninth in 1S:13.S. • . Bon4-A

cit-Ive Ptever of Y•r· ROClert Herrl1 ($1ml V....,). forwerd, Ir.

Oefenll .... P\evw of Y-· JoM SoKh (Simi VelleYI. dffender , W'

Coedl of Y..r: Peter GUllOY (Alie Lomel. FIR.ST TEAM

~a-.MM CUtr9 <•->, 11.J Al>­dlel Alve rez (Cllfemonll, u .; K8"'1n Clerk• (Blahoc> MonttlOf'Mf'Y) , .,.; Rev Femande1 <TorrMCtl • .,.; Armendo lune (Muir) , sr.; P•VI Md:. ullV ( Thouund OP a), v , .JoM Slslro owlc (Blsnoo MonlOOl'Nl'Y), .,.; MolM Sut'I !Don L.uoo), v ., ll'UCI WetMnOero (R_,. HJl1 ), u

F-•o.--oertl Plnede IEI Moelene), v ., Rich Slllct. (All• Lome) , II'.; ntl Wele (Ctr· rllos) , II'.

o.Nnden-Oevld Kolde (All• Lam.), lr .; Lenee Krtl1*' (E IS8Mow8f'), " ·' Brien McOoneld (Bl*\8) , v .

Goetk_.-Mlke C011n1 (Alie Lome) , II' SSCOMO TaAM

" ·• Chris Font1I (Hert), Ir.; Tim Hire tArrovo Grendel, " ·• Brn n L.erkln (Dene Hlltll . Ir .• Mike Meriden (Peclfl<:e>. 1r .• Je1111 Marllnt'I (LOllCI 8eec:ll Wlhon), u .; Jeff ~edlth (Dene Hiiis), Ir.; Jeff Pe!lM IArtlnotonl. Ir • Horedo ~et <Bosco Tech), Ir.; Fr enc:lw:o Rot>let ( Gerdena ), Ir., Jemes ROUllNn (LovOle), Ir.; Abe! S.klene 1Burb6nk), sr.; l(e11ln Scem1>rev (Cor ­one l, Ir.

Bo,..2-A Offtnal11t P\ever of Yffr . Cerio\ Donntn

(Ctfllrel), torwerd , v Defensive Plever of Year: Mike Kne u1 (Bree·

OUnde) , defender, v . Co-CoeehH of YMr: Nebll Noulelm (Central)

end Mannv TOiedo (BrM· Ollnde ). f'NtST TEAM

Mldflelder1-o.Mll Buc:Nnen (EOOtwoodl. sr., Jeff Goroon (BrM·, v . Hector Lomeli (SI Monica), v .. Fernendo Martinet (Ctntrell, so .. Etrln Montn tMonrovle l. s.r

Forwerds-Jevler Gutler,..1 (Glenn ), Ir.

Forwerd1-Tlm Coyle (Sent• Ynt1 ), sr , Todd 0.erdon (Morro 6av), sr, Oevld LeH (Brenrwood), Ir, Mall LUOtln (Brentwood), Ir

Oefenoers- Rocnerd Ou"'-"e (AOCXKe l. sr , Marc S.ncne1 (Whittler Cllrl1t11nl. Ir . Jim Sl>ellon <-'voure l, v , Terrv IEbfnorel. " ·· Jeff Smith (Atew:aderol. sr., 6errv SPrl09s (MerslleM FunderMnt11), .,

GoelkHDtrt-John Morrh (Ora nge Lutheran), sr .. See n ~nton (Moo<oerk) , " ·

Glrh 4-A Co·Offen1Jve Plaverl of veer Jev IMftkl

( Edhenl, lerW•r'CI. sr. and Otennt Menore (Soutn Torrencel. tOl'werd , sr

Co-OeftnSIYt ~ ... .,, of Year . Btlh Hen· dric l<l (Alie Lome). defender, sr e nd Jullt J • mllt !Torrence), defender. Ir

Co·Coechft of Yeer CtlMll Yll• eftd R-Nedlft ( EclWftl.IRST TEAA'

MiOflelder-Julle FoudV lMlnlon Viti()). tr . Jenn~ FunlH (Alie Loma), v .; Shan<18 Hefnn CCleremont), sr , Hui,_ HU1dllnson IMlu lon Vltlol, sr , ~ R..-n (Edhen), U ./ Kim $dlle4 (Laguna Hfllsl. "'

Goelk- - Metl1se Perea (Trovl . " TWlltD TEAM

Mldf~-Teml CertMn (Welnut), Jr , Jodie LOPU (Mllllllenl. If., S.ndre "'°"" (H-t), so.; Stecev Tedl:ett (Bru-otlnd.t ), v

Forwercn--Krlsll 0tmon1 (Kennedvl. so . Glne Gors.,ublo!BlalloP Amel), Ir .; Kim Ko.tVk (Hecltnde H• lohls Wltion), Ir

Detender-Adlne Cocn<ene (Altmanvl, Ml., Dianne MeMk (Blsl\oc> Montgomery), v .; Trl'he McK" (l• Quinte l . " ·' MlcNlle Mlltko (Aov• •>. sr.. Abbv °'1'nuclJOn (Sonore ), so., Steele Poaoc:k (WHlleka), Ir Goellt-~lse GonHlet (Alemenvl , SO ,

Kris Me1sero 16 1tnoo Mon•eomerv l. so

Girl• 2 -A Offensive Plev~ of YM r Trecv Redma n

(Agoure), IOl'werd, v o.t.Mlve P\eve< of YMr Dlehn Manner

(Aeoure l. -*-· II' Coech of YM r · Oevld GOOWln (Agoun)

F•ST Ta.AM MIOllelders-Uura eoon. (CerrltO\), Ir.

Critenne CHUH (Chemlnadl), so.; l(ethy

Greenhefgll (0.k Per1t), v ; Dewn Krenik ( Aeoure). '°·• Cl'ltf'I $treltOll (MOOl'Par1l ), If . Shtllv .,,.,.,...,_ (O\lno), Ir Forw.r~- AndenOn (Montelelr l. II' .

C.thle Clemall CTtmPlt Cltv), Ir., Amv Werd (Avour•l. ff.; Stecv Wise (()ell P..nt l. Ir ~"''' C.ldwell (Monlclalr), "'··

Merv DeWitt (Westrldge), " ·· UM Ftrr e98no (Aeour• >. Ir.; Lisa Pellonen (Mof're>ark), v . Stecv Renko (Ttmole Cltv), tr Goelll~otlin MonlQ (Oek Perk), Ir

saCOND TaAM Mldflelden.-t<.elv Clle.-o <S.nt• Clere).

" ·· Tlffe nv Ebert (Bonltel . so .• Marv J­McDevltt (South Paladenll), Ir, SNnnon Pollrt (St. 8ona11enture), Ir., SMrvt Rush (Sonlle), so . Laure WM'fff' (Westrldge), sr.

Forwerd.-WtndV Btnnett (Agoura), so , Edie H..-nenc1e1 (Chino). Ir ., Kim Siu (Cerrito'>. Ir ; Wendy Wornadl ( MOOl'pe,_) , sr , Jutte WOOdt>urv (Monrovle l. Ir.

Oefendert-Mee Martin <St 8one""1tUf't l. 1r ., MNllte Mldllet (Chedwlclll , sr . Temlko Oeewe 10.k P~I. If . Lori Shotlltt (MOO!'· Ptrkl. Ir. Goettl~orl HelfMf•I (LI Semel. Ir.

John Wagoner finished seventh iia the lugh jump at 6-8 and Robert Sibley was seventh in the stceplecbde tn 9:16.7.

The UCl men's 4 x 8~yard re~ team finished second in 7:37.2.

In addition to Mills on tbt women's side, LaQueta Harvey fiD-1shed second in her heat of the 1 ()(). meter dash in 12. 72. Freshman Karin Grelssoo finished sixth in the loQS jump at 18-3, Wendy Simmons WM seventh in the l 0,000 meters in 39:()if and Beth Mc:Grann was 11th in tbit 3,000 mcten in 1 <>:04.1.

UCT's women•1 4 x 880-yard relQ unit finished fifth in ~04. 1 . •

~TOdd 1Mnbur9 ( Newtlurv Pen), .,.; St- Mec.Ktn1le (Simi V ...... ). SI., Eric Weetmen (Ulllendl , u .; Maran Wiilmann (PalOt Vl!'dMl , II'., Cerio\ Z..mllreno (S.nte MonfQ), "'·

Forwerda-ttlckv Acune (Simi Ve .. vl, lf.;

Yttltl Heu (Senti-), Ir .. Utv"'" Hweno (Brea· Ollnde), I(.; Marc.en ~UI (s.od~ck), lf ,. Brie n Pettf'son (Monrovle ), sr ., Geldlno Rodrl11ue1 <K•PC>tll . 1r.; Tim Slclet (L• S.111 >. If., S..elo Sllve (Sonnv Hllll ). v ; Chris T«rts (Beldwln Perk), sr., RIO< Wlnoerd ( ADP!t Veltey), IT

Forwerds-Heldl Bl'9wn IUl!lventtv l, v .; Heidi Dinkel ( North Torr I nee l • " • ~ennon r----::;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;:----Maddock (Torrence >. Ir ., 0..... OtT (Oceen

l(elltl Goloen (Footl'tlM), v ; O.vld Grlnt 1.wc.oi.1. U .; Hector UrlM IR9dlencnl . Ir.; Eric WYneld9 (Wft~el. Jr.

Oefendert-<errlck Br•~nt..- (Foothlll), sr , Shewn Feltler (Tor,.nce>. II' .; Dena Keir ($Guth Torre nce) , Jr.; Fr•nll RM (S.nte Ane ). II'.; Tem ,...,. <•._),Ir.

Goelk-- Stev• ($1ml Velln'I, sr. TMlltD T&AM

Mklfl.ic:ten-ttooerto C.del\81 (Oxnerd), u ; Allttionv EIW"1 (Fontene), sr , Joe Fleneoen (Wftt Torre nce), v .; Stew~ (Miiter o.l l, llJ Fellx Guillen (Rollno HI"'), Ir .• Denlel P9n8 (CUiver CIM. Ill'., Brendon young (El Modellll l. II'.

Forwerd1-0en Berthe! (BllllOP Mon•oom· ervl. v .; Miit• 6•11notf' (S.n Goreonlo), sr . Tom Truong (Tl'IOuMnd 0.U), so.; JOM Vu· -1 (• Anel. Ir. ~WO Y-1 (HewthOfne), u . ~ ....-C (~ VW), 11.1

Sa>n l(er1ttn (All• L~. Ill' ., Toby TurnbuN (Pe'8deN), ll'

OoelkMC*'-Joev Feole (Riverside Potv), If.

Bon3-A offensive P\ever of YH r Cner Ztoede

IB""**)· v . o.teMlvt P\eyer of YMr Ed QulQleY

(E.-enie ). u Coec:tl of YMr: Jofln c-'" <E-•nHI

f'•STTaAM ( ........... •vdllllle)

ChUCIC AAlll (Mlrelnle ), If.; Brent 81.n IE.--enui ). Ir.; lull Cerrenui (Burbenll ), l r ., Ed C«rttes (KenntOY ), Ir .. Jow Ouertt (Sen Clemente), .,,, JoM Gundl!'IOnl (Dene HI"' ' · v .; R""8 Herttv (Wlllnuf ), II'., Jor9t Hurtertt (E l $eound0), .,.; Joe KrlCll IEI Seoundol, u ., ~ ~ (C.orone), .,.; MlctlMI Nel1ore1t ILomooc), Ill'.; Maril Ollv- (Heclende Htfotlll Wiison), Ill'.; Rulr (Mlllllten), If.; Crete Turtev (Olemond S.r), lrj Sel Velesco (Burtlenlt), u .; Pet8f' Z8llOOI (UtsOO, U .

saCOMO TaAM Otftlel ArQUtl• <Sen Gellrlel), " ·· Wil1

Ce11re1 IE~te), Ir.; Miiie C.r1lencl (Cresol), .,,; 0.vld HevHM'Y ISJ . Frenc:l1), u ., ROl»le l(et1eroff ( Loi Alemltosl. V .i Peul McGr­(RleNfll), u .; Jow MOl'•n (Miiiiken>. .,.; Todd Norri• (Ceplltreno VelltVl . u .; Eddie Oleffson (Herl) , u .; Ltonerdo Ollv..-es ( 84111 Gerdtna), 11'.; SCott Rose (Mlreltste), If.; Uic:lo S.led.t (Burtlenk), " ·' s.ntos (E10trannl. u ; John Sunt ( Le Semel. sr.; Bred Wetklna (Burtlenk) , " ·• Mike Zubelt (CCII'-). " . neao T&AM

MarlO CeMdO (St. JoM Botcol, v ., Pet c:Mvlerrtt (lAkewood). 1r.; Biii Culp <E-•nuil . •r.; Botltlv Oe111dorl (Herverd),

~-<·•MY Plrlh ( Le Selle), Ir. SECOND T•AM

Mldflelder-Rven L.M1ner (Monrovle ), u .; Jim Morris (Celon). sr.; Riek Rooer1son (Mev· lelr ), sr .; T..-rv vesouez <LA Ullel. Ir., Raul VlllevH (Fullerton). u .; Erin Wf"llM <Eshlndel, Ir.

Forwerd1- Jow Cuen (Bolla Grendel, sr . Kirk Felertlaen (Bru·Ollnd.t), "'·• Jttwl Geel· .,._ ("-'*1 H.,._), 11.1 AIU Main (La Cenade), sr

Oeftnden- AI CeMrwe l u.w.nitYl. sr.; J t1u1 Gercle ICentrell, Ir .• Glen Hensen ISi Bernerd), " ·• Jose Meliln ( Beklwln Perkl, sr . Elvll R-eu (Verbum 0.1), " ·• Peul ThOmOM>n (LA Quinte l, Ir.

THNtD TEAM Mldfl«tder1-<0t1rwo Art- (Mou11tatn

View), v .. Mell F" (Crwtminede), sr .. An1on;o Mendez IS.nil- I. Ir.; Jeff Novlnoer <Sen Befnerdlno) , If., Kevin WestDlet (La Mlreda), so.

Forwerd-Marlln Agullere (Berstow), sr., Drew <:rumm (CW- del MM), sr.1 Luis Juncal (lndlo), u .; Rollef'1 Leon (Verbum 0.11. so ; Tllo Marinero <Arrovol. sr.

Oefenden- J eime Diez (Central) Ir , Denio. Fellmeu (South PeMMM!lll), sr., MIQue4 Gonteltl (Celexk:o), sr., Ted Mastel (Le H•br•), 1r . Bernerd "'*°' ($unnv Hl"I ), ir . Rooen SOlueoc>ert (Bree-Ollnde l. sr

Bo,.. 1-A Co-Olftnslvt Plevers of Y H r Ke11ln Jauch

(AQoure), rnkffielder. ''" end Grent Lenciv (Agour e), mldflelder, ii ~e Plevw of YM r Cr11Q Dl• mond

(Ce lebesasl. defender. Ir . Coecl't of YHr: Ment e.n,, (Aeourel

f'IAST .TllAM Mklfl.idera-Oertlt Beggertv tWet>C>), sr ;

Ricky Cone (Cabrlllo), II'.; Pier.I'• 0Uf'•nd (SI BoneventUf'e). u .; Gustevo Me<llne (Flttmol'el. sr.; ~- Stott <Bretnren>. Ir.

Forwercft--Pue Allen (C.lebeses), ar., Chris C«• I (Whittler Christian>. " , Manuel E1treoe (Elalnore), sr., Oevld Fursman (LA BtPllll ), Ir.; Joe Malldeleno, Jr. (S.nte Peule). so.; Grev Poolll (C•r>l•tr•no Vellev Cl'lrl•ll•nl. u .. Rut>tn Rocrwt (Yucel1>el. Ir.

Oefenden-<111'11 BOlller (LA aept11t) , sr .. Mark Hellv (Fllntrld9t Prep) , II' ; Mike Nlebon (Agoura ), " . Kenny T• vtor (Aoulnea), "'

HCOMD TaAM Mldflelden- SMn McQuown IV•llff Cllm·

t lenl . Ir, Peut Retctlffe ICalebetea), Ml , Stevt si.c~ IYucelpe ), so., Garv Wellttf' (Marene the ), v .

View!. .,., Sleohanle Poncllec (Pe lOs llerdnl, sr , l(etll Stevenson !Torrence), ir

Oefenders-Mlcllelf• B11rn1 ( Nt•Pfff H1rtlw), .,,; Cindy Hewklns IUlllandl. v . Joennt Mias 1c1aremon11. "' .

Goelkeeoer-Terr v Leuchner (Torre nce) . Ir SECOND Tl!AM

MiOfletdtrs-Otnlw Henders011 <Tor rence). sr ., Connie Jeffers (Dene Hllls l sr , Margeret Mure>llv (Wutmlnster ), 1r . Keren Nence (Ceolstr• no VelltVI. sr . JennHer N- <C«· - dlll Mllr), II.

Forwerd1-Kim Brooll1 (WHI Torrence), w .• Kim Ce rtender IE I Toro), sr ., Kim Dutton (M1u l011 Vieiol. M' , Hea ther Meuro (South Torrence ), sr., Erin McGinnis (Leguna Hiii, ), 1r

O.ftnders-Lvnor JOllnson (R4KIOn<IOI. I(.; Monlce Mautino (Well Torrence >. ir . HMther Mclntvre <Levune Hltltl '° . Laure Molfl <Torrence ), .,. • Jena S1enoe ($outh Torrance>.

Goellleeoer-An<11 Sch<>ooe (Soutn Torrence),

Girl• 3 -A Ottensive Plllver of YH r Kit Scnwarhman

CBll!loo Mont110mtrv1. mldflt4der, sr Oefen1lve Pl1ve< of YH r Mlctlttte Wood·

ward (Arcedle) deflf'lder sr Coach of Year Nencv Clarke IB1\hoo Mont · ~YI

FIRST TEAM MIOfl.ic:ten-Jlll Htnorv (Sunnv HIKs l, Ir ;

Cervn McNemH (ArGedle ), '' ; Mollle MMl'lan (Bl1hoP Monlgomerv), sr ., Julle Sl1kowfc ( Blsholl Mont~v). Ir . Sl\ellv Wl~lam1 IL• Quinte l. sr

Forwercts-l(rislln Herk ins IL• Quint•> ir Sendl HOOk (Sen GOt'QOnloJ, so., Slecay Sc/\effer (Lone Beech Wilson), sr .; Gina Scf\nelder tPeclflce) , 1r , Cort Scoll (Redlel'ds l. so .. Klerllen Taub (Welnut ), so., Erin Wiison (Sonorel. so .. Barbie Yrlbe <Rovell . '°

Defenders-Terri Dovie IBlshoP Monteom· ervl sr .; K.tll ~rewskl (Simi Ve llev) . v

Goelk- -KtltV Krtt>C>s (LA Quinte l. sr SSGONO TEAM

Mldfl810en-tc: lm KH llnv (PKJflcal. If . Kr l1tton Meellff• ITllO\Jwind O.Jlal, so . Olene Petrostl (Trovl , sr, Cert Sexton (Arcedle ), " ·· Sondr11 Shetkln (Aleme nvl. '°·· Trisha White (Simi Vetlevl. sr.

Forwerds-.Crlaltn COOke (Arc.Ole >. ir , Ketv Ouloell (Sen GOl'gonlo) , so

Dftnders--MKl!elle Breceros (Cenvonl. i< .• C- lnllll (Mll'8r o.I ), II./ Heidi L .. I (Cemerlllol, u . H enne Murre y (Roserv) , sr .• Lfllle Pe'" (Simi Vetlevl. ' ' ·' Jennlfw Prehal (l • Quintel, 1r ., Merv Jo Soufl CBl"10o Mont· gomerv), Jr.

Adams, Fresno State aide, selected to succeed Grant

FRESNO (AP) - Ron Adams, architect of Fresno State's stingy defen.e, was named the BuJJdogs' head baketball coach Friday.

Adam1, 38, succeeds Boyd Grant wbo resiJJ1cd at the cod of the season after compilini a record of 194-74 during nine ycan with the Bulldogs. That tenure included the 1983 Na­tional Invitation Tournament cham­pionsbiP.i first by a West Coast team in ..i:4

Durina eiaht yean as assistant coech. Adams developed a match-up zone defense under which the Bull­dOI-' led the nation in defense four ti.met and finished ICC)()nd twice.

.. You have a pat basketball tradition here," Adams said at a news conference. ••t want desperately to continue that tradition."

Adams. who said bis moet tmport­ant job will be rcauiti"" 4etcribcd bis otfensive philosophy tbis way.

·-rve alwaya believed in aimple offentet and ipeodin1 a lot of time tcadunt shoo~ and hoot1na­ruquca and the penonnel you have ,.

Adamsldmttted he*U nervou as the \Jme of the announcement ntaltd ·

"1llt lut 12 bours my stomach tw bttn operati independent of my

body." But he said he is ready for the

ptC$Sures of a head-coaching Job. Athletic Director Jack Len&)'el said

other finaJists were Sacramento State coach Bill Brown and former USC and Mississippi State coaoh Bob Boyd.


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- - -~ .. ~-......,~------.......... -...... •r-_, .................. .,.,.. ...... ~ .......... ,..., .... ,...,..,.. ..... , .... , ........... ,,.. ..... , .................. .,., .................. , .................... , .......................................... a .................... .,. ................. ssc ...


.... Wlrte•N CONn•INCI

'fl • Llllln Portland ,.._,. Oo6d9ll Statt CINen S..t1te

,Kiiie OMMeft W .,...L 5' . t7 :w » ,, '3 11 •1 ,, •1 27 • 7

~tOMIMI x•Hou•ton 4.S 29 60I


x· Oenv« 44 31 517 l ''J x·Oehs .0 lJ S.. • I'> Ute/I ll 37 S07 111'1 S.etanwnto U '1 44' 12 S.n An tonio 33 ~ '34 13


va· &oston • • Pl'llledell>llla x·N-Jerwv ~ ·Wuhtnuton New vor ..

60 13 41 27 l6 ,. lS )t n s,

Ctcmel OIVtM.n • · MHweukM 51 23 a · Allent1 46 29 • · O.trolt • 2 32 Ci.v11and 27 "6 Cl'tlcego 1S 4t lnd l1 n1 1S SO

x-<llnc/'led Plevoff t>e•tl't

'" 613 561 370 331 333

13 25 25'11 311,,

51.-, 9

23 1> 26 26 l'>

v-cllnchld division 11119 1nd Plavoft oertn

r-<:11~ cortf«en<:I tlli. ''*V's ScWM

~ 107. "'-"')( 94 &oston 116, WHl'tlngton t7 New J ersev I It, CMceoo 107 Mllw1ukM 116, Pnll1delOl'tla ' ' Detroit 116, Houston 107 Atlanta 100, lncll1 n1 '1 Denver 121. Ut1 1't 120

T ...... t'sGlmff u111n , , s .. 11i. a_, at SacrtmentQ Houston a t Wasttlng ton Ci.v.iand al Atlanta ChbOO at N1w Vorto Utah • ' Sin Antonio O.trolt • ' Mllweukff Portla nd 11 Golden Stall

~ 101, Suns ff CUPPIRS 1107) - Ma11well 1·4 IH,

I• . Nlmt>lllul J · S 2·3 I , &enlamln 7· 14 • S ti , Jotinson 7· 17 •-s 1a. Nixon 9-1• 1-1 19 C•oe 4-6 e>-o I , Eowerds S· 13 o-o 10 Gordon 0-2 0-0 O. Crou O· l 2· 2 2, Wl'tlte 1·3 0· 0 2, Ve tentlne 3-3 1·1 e Tote ll 40· t2 27· 30 107

'"OENIX ( ff) - Pinckney 4·1 3-6 11, PHtmen 3·3 1· 2 7, Adems 1-17 l · l 19, Davis 11·27 3·3 26, HumohrlH S-12 2·1 12. Nance l·S C>-0 2, Senders 3-9 C>-2 7. Venos t-6 0-7 2. Tl\Ompson 4· 7 1· 1 9 Rooev o-s 1·2 l Totals: 40-99 1• · 23 96.

Scare l>Y ~,.,..... Clfppers 30 21 27 n-101 Ptloenlx 30 31 1S 1~ 96

Three·oolnt goa ls-Da vis. Sanders Foui.d OUl-None Reoounch-CllPC>eO Sl (/IMXWtll lt) PlloenlA 60 (Plncknev 101 Aulsts-<ll~s 21 INlxon 7), Phoenl• 21 (Devis 91 Tol•I fouls-Cllppen 24. Pl'toenl• 11 Technfce ll-Oa vl\ , Plloenl• llleuel di fense.



( II OelH TedeY's SemlflMh

LOUIStena Sr 124· I 11 YS Loulsv1lle 130 7 (Channel 2 e t 12:30 om.)

Duke 136·21 V\ l(enws IJS-3 1Cllan"9 2 el 3 om I

Mende Y' s CN~r.llltl LSU·LOUllvllle w111ner VS Oull.t ·K onsa ,

winner ICP1enne1 2 a t 6 om l

AP Coach of YMr votln9 CMdl Vtte\ Eddie Sulton. l<el'l•U(.11.v 3S Olcto ver .. c.e . Bredlev 32 Mike Krrview•~ • Ouk• 10 Lou CarneSKca St JoM'\ 26 O.e n Smith North CaroMa 13 Larr; Brown l<enws 9 Dena Kiri<, M.m0111s St S Pete Gillen, )(evlet' Ohio 4 Jim Vetve no. N Ca roline Sr • 8oOOY !(night India na ' Don Hoskins. Tens-El Peso 3 Jof'ln Thom0$011, Georgetown J Lutr Olwn, Arl1ona 7 Dlooer Phelps Notre Da me 2 Merk Rtlner. &rOOktvr 1 Jim &oulln, Ste•e I Clem H•~lns w Ken•uck" I &ob Huouln• , Akron 1 Paul Evans Navv J im Dutcntr Mlnne\Ote &111 Fr tder. M 0ch1gen Charles Moir Vlrgll'll• Ttc" Dennv Crum. Loulsvme Jud Heathcote, Michigan S•

AP Co.di of tM YHr 1986 - Edd•t Sutton Kentuca. ... 1985 - Bii Fr• tOer Mlchtge" 1994 - Rav Meyer C>eP111 1993 - Guv Lew.s Houston t9t7 - Relotl Miile r Orl!QOn St 1991 - Raton M iiier Oreoon St 1990 - Ra" Mtver OtPeul 1979 - Biii 1-iOOges tndiene St 1971 - E001e Sutton ArOnsa' 1977 - Bob Gellle rd. Sen Frenc1\CO 1916 - Booov Kn1gn1 tndlane 1975 - Baoov Kn101H, Indiana 1974 - N O•l'I' Sloan Nortrt Caroline St 1973 - Jonn WOOden UCLA 1971 - JOM Woode" UCL A 1971 - A MCGulrit Meroutlfit t970 - John .NC>OOeft UCL A 1969 - Jonn WC>OOeft, UCLA 1968 - Guv Lew1l , Hou\ton 1967 - Jon~ Woodtn UCLA

COLLSGS WOMaN NCAA DtwtlAM I MmMIWa ( .. L#....._, l(y. t

ll..W.Y"t le.-USC 13. TennenM ff TIXH 90. Wellern Kenluck" 6S

Sllftday' s l'INI use m·., ..,,, T• .. •• 1s:> 01 1c11enM1 1

at 101m >

$ail Uf..,..,, ll'ertt; No '"'°"' 0- $art A..llndl: No -· ..,..... No new on 11·14 II oua

Groomed SI• ctie lfl end two Che lf\ et nlohl

S4ldl ~ No new on e 10· 11 tt °'" Groomed Two Chelf\

T"'98 0-: No new on 1 S-S It l>eH Groomed e nd sprflllJ Two dOul>le cnelrt. one surl9ce Uft

Ner1fl Stir; No MW on • • · 12 It base GroolTlff end spr ing Gonde!le. elgnl c l'taln

SVeer aewt No new on 9· 16 It °'" Groomed e nd soring Six 6oul>le cl'telr• ecces.r llOtldota

AIPIM Meadow$: NO new, l ·t• > fl oew Groomeo end spring Nine douoo. dle lrs e ncl rwo troc»e cl'te lrs

HemewMCt No new on e 21!) ·1011 l>ue Gro<>m«I end sPr lng. Two Cheirs llllM •urt• t • 11th

S4uew .., .... (1, 200 ft.). No new, t I , ft on a Groomed spr ing and P•Cked C• Ole ca r, OOllOOI• end " clle lr s

5-8• V.-.V (6,200 ft, ): No new on a J • 1 II t>eH. Groomed. •Pf lno 1nd oacked Seven chairs, two surtece 11th

T eflOe Siii aewt: NO rePOrt HMV«lf'I' v ... v: No new on • 9 It one

Groomed end spring Tram six trlole. t ight double cnetrs. five surtece hit s

Siii lftdlne: No new on • 3-6 fl oes. Groomed end spring Six OOuOle Che irs

M1. Rese: NO reoorl 1"'9 Summit: No rePOrl. SMf'rl $111 A..llndl: No rePOrt IC.tnl wMCI: No new on • ll-'10 It oese

Grool'l'ed end firmed oecked Two lrlple cne ln . Hven oouoie Cheirs end one \urlace 1111

Ml. Rltle: No reoort D9dee ltld9r. No new on • ' ·II It be~

Groomed e nd wring Seven chairs 11\fff ' "rtece tltts

SedtW Pen. No ne w on • 6 It °'" Groomed end spring , lour C11111rs 1 surface lltts.

Memmotti: No new on a 1' It oue Pecktcl oowoer end sor lnu Two gonootas. 2S chairs . end four surface 11t h

si.rr. Sllmmlt: No new on 6 • I It Da\e Groomed e no soring F ive cna irs, tnrff surtece 1111•

J- MeU.nllln: No •eoort Tel!oe Nlt'dlc: No new on e 2·6 It IMIH

Groomed and spring A.evlll GW9I: No new o.., a 10 11 oas.e

G•oomtcl and SPf'lnu &Mr Vlllev: No '"'°'' E•• Mounllln: No new on • 1·• 11

oo i.e Groomeo eno \Pf'lng

Min's '9Umement ( at Olia901

Ouer1Wi!NI Slnlles J1mmv Connors CU SI oet .O.nores

Gomer fEc<U1dOr l 6 3. 6· I. !>coll Davi\ 1u S l Otf Kevin Curren ru s I s-1 1 f 4·4 &or11 &t<ker rwe,1 Ge•menv def Peu An11econe <US 6·• 6 • t"•" Ll!nd US di!! Jotle n K•otll US 1 t.-• 6 )

Cole9e llLUE · GA. EV CLASSIC lat Molrl .. t••• All.)

Klftt\K'lly 5, UC WW. 4 SlntMt

Man !Ion Hing !UCl) de! McGH 6 1 6-J. Va11 Emou•oh !Kr def Veles 6 o 6 1. Otrr IUCll dei l(eevln' 7-S, 6- 0. Verge ti(> def Berhem . 6·1. • · 4, Hernenoer tUCll Otf Rvlff, 6· • 6·J Oennev IKJ Otf Cadlgen • ·6 7-6, 7·6

Deu06ei McGee-Ven Emourgn "1 def 11.\an Son

H1ng·Ve 1es • · 6 , _, 6 t 8erham·Ka 0len IUCtr Otf Btn\On·Cooc , 6· • 6· 4, Rvte. • Va rga Kt def Derr HernalKki. 6· 1 3·• 7·6

°"'9r kor11 I Chemol«lslllo llract.t J

SMU S Tennes1tt 1 Mle m1 6 Soutn CarOllne J Ar kensas S AlaOem a l

(Cens ... tlon Bre c .. t) Trinity S, Auourn 3 Ha rva ro S, Long Beach Sta i, '

0..., Ml ftsl'linO DAVEY'S LOCKER. CNewl>Ot't Bffdl l

- 148 e nglers 1SS l>On lto, 60 rock llsl't, ? he llout m calico ban, 13 se nd oeu 146 macJ<ertl 13 "'nut ll'h 268 l>lue ~rch

NEWP<>ftT LANDING - '6 ang .ers 9 rock llsh JS w nd oen 9 calico ous 2 \httosheed SO scutpln t meO•t r el 3 IWllioul. I cet>eron


Men's golf results TPC Devit Love Ill 71· 11- 142 ,,, ...... "'*'· 1'19. ) Sieve Pele 71 n-10 '°" Munlfw '9•U-1)4 aerrv J1eckt1 71>-7>-1'3

Le rrv MIH 6'·6t-13' Franll CC>Mtt 70-7>-IC O..,.Rumrntih ~13S Ken &rown 72· 71-143 &rtll UPHr 71...S-136 Jim C~t 7J· 70-1C Oouo TeweM 61-6t-l:U koll HOCll't .,._7.,_.1'3 O.vkl Edwerds '7-4..-13' Gii MonH1n 70-73-143 Jim ThorM '9· 6t-IJ1 Loren A.oblr11 10· 7>-143 MIU Hulbert '9...-m Ma.rk Ptri ,,_1 .... 143 Nldl Pl"la 71· 67-131 Hel SUiton 71 · 72-lG P• vnt Stewert 11· '7-131 hrnt1erd l.enV«' 70-1>-143 Tom Kiit 6'·6._,lll Rooef Melll>le 7C>-73-1'3 Oe vld i; fOll 10· 69-139 M<tv Been 7C>-73-143 Kelltt Fergus 6'· T>-139 CtlertM aot.llng n - 70-143 JOM Mel'leffn '9· 70-13' Jett $lumen 7C>-1.-144 Tom Slectr.meM 70-69-13' Mike OONlld 73· 7l- 144 &oo Twev 6'-13-13' Weyne Levi 73·7l-144 Oannv Edwaroi '8· 72-1.0 8*' Cren"'8w 73· 7l-144 Mar .. Wiebe 61·72-140 Oennla Trixie< 71 · 73-144 J~Slndtter 70-70-1.0 Morris H•l•ltkY 74· 70-144 Mike SUltlv•n n · tot-140 Oevkl ()grin 7C>-7t-144 TC Ctten 71-69-140 O•v• Stoctllon n-n-1u Lennv Wedlllns 67· 7>-140 Tommy N•k•llme •t-7S--14A Rn FIOvd '7·7>-140 IC.ennY• 71· 7)--144 WtNi. Wood 67·7>-140 Tom Wet .on 7C>-7f-144 Pe ul Aa lnger 70· 71-141 Geor~ Burns 71· 7)-144 Oe ve ll•rr 69· 72-1'1 Jotln COOk 71· 7l-144 Jev HH• 73-tot-141 ......... QuellfV J.C. Srlt&d 61· 73-141 &uddY Gardn« 73· 72-145 8 rue.U.ttk• 7C>-71-141 Lennie Ctemenh 72· 1'3- 145 Ronnie &ledl 7C>-71 - 1•1 Scott Sltnl>'on 7• · H - 1'5 Tonv Sills 66· 75-141 JOhnnv Miiie!' 70-7S-14S Cnrl• Plfrv 6'· 72-141 S.ndY LYie 14· 71-145 Jim Simons 49. n - 141 8 111 Glasson 75-70-145 Greg Norman 70- 71- 1" Bob Glider 71· 7t-14S Peter JeCOOsen 12·69-141 JOdle Mudd n · 73-US LM Trevino 61·73-1'1 L Thom1>$011 10-7S-14S O A Welt><lno 7C>-71-141 Ken GrMn 66·7S-1'1

Bred Fel>el 7'· 7)-14S Dan Forsman 75·70-l•S

Larry Rinke!' n · 70-1'2 Huber1 Green 72·73-145 Tim Norris 14·6t-14' Geor~ Arcller 71 · 7-14S Tim Slm1>t0n n · 70-1'2 Merk Lvt 73·72--14S Tom Purtier 72- 70-1•2 Ron Stride 7l·7l-146 Garv KOdl n · 70-1'1 Chit> fleck n · 69-146 Olcil MUI 69· 73-142 O• n Helldorson 70-76-146 Grev Laoenoff 73· 69-142 Je v Oetslne n · n-146 Mar k O'Meere 61· 7t-1• 2 &ob Eastwood 72· 7._1'6 Corev Pevln 7C>-72-142 BIH Sender 74· 7?-1'6

1 1111., •• ,'°" Mlllt lt•lcl Oec\tlewn Ired F•Mt Celvln PM11 Curt11 Strenoe J lm OelltoNf a111Rooen 8*" Wedllln• lt uu Codlren Howard Twitty l lN IC.raltWI Nkll f eldo Andy OIUerd l!d Flori PelMcGowen Helt 1rwln Cralt Stechf Jeck Nicklaus ltt11Celd~I PetLlndsev llob LOhr W«KN ltecill>urn Merk McCumoet AndvMe!IM Funy Zoeller Joe Inman Lerrv Nel\On Merk Heyes • · Scott Verlllenll &otlt>Y Clampett Oen Pohl Devld Grellem Gerv Hallbero l<lkuo Arel OonPooi.v Anov North Tony C«cle R lcllard ZOkOI ~O'Gredv Arnold Pelmer tseo Aok i Jol'tll Aoams WavntGredv Lon Hinkle Ptilt &tackmer Clar ence Rose FredCDUMl


74·n-14' 71-75-14' 73·7>-14' 71-75-14' 7>·7>-14' , .. 72-14' 7'· 72-146 71-75-14' 71. 7 ..... 147 73. 7 .... 147 71. 7 ..... 147 n-10-141 69· 7t-147 11· 76-147 74•7>-147 74· 7>-147 1s·n-1a 75· 72-1•7 7• ·7')-147 n ·10-W n -1s-1'1 74· 7..-1 ... 11>-7t-141 7S-7>-141 n -76-141 72·76-141 n-1..-1" 72·n-14t 12-n - 1ff 12- n-1At 74·7 ..... 1SO 7 .. 7 ..... ISO 7S-7S-150 74· 7 ..... 150 ,..,,_,so 71-79-UO 72· 7t-1SO 7S-7S-150 76- 75-151 n -19-151 1s-n- 1S2 74- 71-152 1s-n- 1u 81· 71-15.l 74· 1C>-15' 79• 7 ..... ISS I0-76-15' n -tc>-151

Senior golf results Cat Les A.,....11 Jottn Brodie

Oe NI Douglass 32· 35-67 Chi Chi Roor1gu11 Mike Souchak lS·~ LM Elder B.n Smllh 3'· 3-4-U Herold Hennlnd Brue.• Crampton 35·3+-69 Paler Thomson ~·35-69 &ob ROil>urO Well Z«ntirlsk l 35-35-70 &ob Goa1ov Ted Kroll 3• · 36-70 Art Wall Pe ut Harnev 34·36-70 Ken $1111 Mike Fetc rtlclt JS· lS-70 Roberto OeVlce1110


36· 34-70 8ob c nertes 35·36-71 35· 35-70 Mlli.r 8eroe< 39·3?-71 37·33-10 Ctlerta Owens 36· 3S-71 36·34-70 George B1Yer 3S-J7-n

J IY Hvon 39-3)-n 36-35-71 Orville MoodV 36-36-n JS-36-7 1 Btllv Mexwall 3S·3t-13 3S·36-71 Cherlle SIHord 37· 36-73 35-36-71 Jeck Fleck 37·36--73 36· 3S-71 Gev Brawer 31·37- 73

5"end Per1ecl t Vancouver. Le nr 15 (But>ta,

Peterson I, 12 CM (l>O I, 1. Los Anoele•. MC.Kenl'\8 10 <Dionne), 1• .56 P8f\el­tles-Suno\lrom, Ven (sie'111ng l. I OS. 1<e11 ... LA l 1n11rter enc1) . 11 1'. Herdv, LA cr~s ·cl!eck•no ). 17 '3

TIWd Ptnod None Pene llles-None


CAMPBELL CONFER.ENCE 3 v encouver. Lowry a c Pe11rson I. • 28 Ptnellle1- None SmYIM DM\.loft

w L T Pts GFC;A v ·Edmonton S4 16 6 11' a 291 .ot ·Calger v 37 30 9 •3 331 299 Winnipeg 2S " 6 56 217 l60 V e nco<Jver 21 " IJ SS 262 311 tc:i.- 13 " 1 S3 271 )70

Nwns DMslon ~·(hlUOO 37 29 • 12 lJO 32S ~ St Lou's )6 32 a '° 291 in • Mln,,.sota JS 32 9 ,, J09 ?91 • -Toronto 23 4S 6 57 195 ~ Detroit 16 SJ 6 38 2S7 393

WALES CONFER.ENCE p • lrlcll DIV1slotl

• wu1111111ron '8 n s 101 m 2s1 • Pri1i.oe1ot11a .. 23 • 100 311 m • NV ts•ande<"s 37 27 11 I S )()() 16' NY Re ngers JS H S 7S 2S9 1S6 Pl1t11>un111 33 3' 8 7• 297 '211 New Jer~• 2S '7 3 S3 28 t ~

AdemsDM~ o..toec • 1 30 s MontrHI 37 31 7 Boston 3• 30 11 8 utteto 3' l3 6 Hertford 37 35 3

•-.-<:llnclled Pla vott 1>er 111 y~llnch~ dlv111on tllie

Frldlv's ~ Vancouver 1 I('"-' 1 (ot

87 314 11 314 19 195 Tl 'U 77 308

New Yor k 1s1a n<1¥s • . Wunlnoton l New York A.engen • . Edmonton 2 Cetgarv 6. Wlnnloeo 3

Tedev's Gem9S OutbK et Klnet . n BuHelO e t Boston Cn1Geoo e t New Jerst?v MlnnttOI• • t De troit

178 161 U6 273 28S

Edmonton • 1 New Yori< lllenden, n Ntw York Ren~~ et Pl'tlledelot11e . n Wun1ng ton et He rtfora " Plttsourgll e t MQf\trtel. n St Lou11 et Toronto. n

S4HldeV's ~mil Bos•on a t BuH• to 11 Toronto 11 Cnlceoo n Ca oa•" a l Va ncouver . n

Canuclrs 2, K ines 1 Scw• llY p~

l(,ng, 0 I 0 0-1 Vencouver 0 I 0 1-7

Finl l'erled None Penelt1es-Nlcno11,, LA 1e-11a rg -

11g l. 1 36, Kenned11, LA me 1or lffgllllno >. ' 13 Lowrv v a n, me !O<' Ctlgtllt,,g ) 4.23. Pe tterson LA me10t (fluhtl,,g), 4 14 Coxt Ve n. met0r (flg lltlnu l 6 1• Nte'V Ve.., nlon·\hOtnuJ, 7 30, Patterson LA ma t0r

geme mltconduct· m atcl'I meoor (llo1111nu1 13'06. "tclmond, LA, me lor · geme mlscon· duct·me tcn me lor (fighting ). 13:06

$nots on goe!--Los Anuelff 4· I0-1 l·S-30 Vancouve< 1C>- 14· 1· 1-ll

Power otev OP90rtunllles- Los AlllJNs 0 of 2. VellCOUVtr 1 of '

Goanes-Los Angeles, Melanson 133 •ho•s-31 wvts) lle ncouver . Broduer 130· 29)

Attenoe nc-13,063 llefer-Brvan Lewi\ L1nesme<>-J1m Christl$011 , llanov Mitton

~ I I ,, .

E xNblfton beMbell AMER ICAN LEAGUE

W L Pct. Oetrot• 14 7 667 Oaltle nd 13 8 .619 Ton 11 7 611 MllweukH 11 I 51'9 New York 11 I S7' Toronto 11 8 S7' Cnlceoo 11 10 ~24 Anetls 10 10 .500 Cleveland 10 11 476 Baltimore 9 11 • SO Sffttle 9 11 • SO Mlnnesote 9 12 419 K • nsas C l•v 6 10 37S Bos ton 1 13 350

NATIONAL LEAGUE Allenle 11 7 .63'1 Sen Frenclsco 11 a 579 New Vor• 10 8 556 Pnlladelpl'lle 10 I SS6 P lttst>urgh 9 S S29 C1ncinnet1 11 10 57• St Louis • 9 500 San Oleoo 11 11 .478 ~ 9 11 •so HOU\lon • 12 400 Cl'tlceoo 8 1S 34e Montreat 6 13 316

Nott SPiit \ OUed oemes count In stand· tng,, ties oo not

Fridlv's Sc-0.KlanO S Aneeh 4 C 10 ln11lngs) ~9, Te•es 6 &oston 6. New York Meis S 110 1nnl1101ol Hovston 4. Clncinne11 l PttllecletPtila a, St Louis 3 Plt1sl>IYOl't 9, l(enses Cltv 6 Allanla 4, Montreal 1

ClllCMO Wntte lox 6, ~hi 1 Mllwlllll• 12, Oltvelllnd 10 S..IHI t , '811 Ole90 2 Sen Frendteo • . ChloeO Cubl 2 Toronto lo, OttrOlt t a.Htmor• 1, New VOA VellkMt 0 ( u

IMlntt) T .. 'f't .....

$Mflll n A.- e l him Sorlne1 ~ -n. Allenle el West Palm hed'I Sf Loult YI. Clndnnetl •• Temoe Detroit IH ) vs. 801lon e t Winter Heven Plttsourett VL New Yortt Mela ,, S1.

Pwtwsburt O.lroll Cu ) n Cllleeoo Wtllte SOit e t

Sare IOI a Alltllle ( H ) vi !\MW York Yenll.MS et

Fort LA\ldtrclete Ket1Mt CllY n. Tu .. ,, '"°"'""° Plllledltollle vs. Toronto e l Dunedin MlnnelOI• n . Houilon •• KIMI""""' MontrMI VS. llelttrnore el ~ C i.vetand VI. Mllweull.. el °'4tflCll9o' Sen Fr111Clltc:0 vs. Cl'tlee90 Cubl e t N\e'8 0.klllnd vs. s.n l>lt90 et Yuma

S4111d1Y'• --Sen OletO vs . ....... e t '91m SlwlllOS SI. Loul• vs. ~ •1 Vero leKfl T orotllO Vt. '°'ton " Winier H•Yen Clnclnnt11 vi. New York Meh e l S1

Pet~ MlllnesOt• n. O.rtoU et L ekelalld Chlceoo White SO• va. l(enMa c11v et

Forl Mven Tu.ea VL New York Yenk8" ,, FOil

t..eucWdell (2) Pll~ VL PlllMMJnlh e l lk'edlnton Mont,,..1 Y'1. Houston el Klulrnr'MI Atlante Vt. &eltlrnore •1 Mleml Cl'llceOO Cubl vs.. Mllweuk .. a $1111 'Fr1ncltco v .. 0.lllend el Cl9vetand vs. SMll I T

~·Mme·ldU· Tllft • .Mrl I - Sen 0 Sun .. AIWll 6 - Loi A""'9S, 1:05 Mon., APt'n 14 - S..ttle, 2:05 1>.m . Tue1., Aprll 15 - S.elttt Wed., APt11 1' - S..llte Ttturs.., APtll 17 - MlnMIOle Fri., .AIWA II - Min-I• Set .. APtM It - N\lnnet.ote , l:OS o.m. Sun , APf1I 20 - ~ta, 12:07 P.m Mon., APf'll 21 - OHiand Tues., Apr11 22 - Oakland Wed., ~prl1 23 - Oelltand Wed .• /My 7 - Toronto Thurs.. /My • - Toron10 Fri • Mev 9 - MltweullM $111., May 10 - MllweukM, 7:bs P.1'11 Sun .. /NV 11 - MltweukM, 1:05 P.m . Mon., Mey 12 - &os1on Tllft., /MY 13 - &oalon Wed., /!Mv 14 - Boston Wect., Mn 2t - Detroit Thurs.. Mav 1' - Detroit Fri., ,.,,..., 30 - flelllmor• Sit., Mey 31 - Baltimore, 7:0S om Sun., June 1 - fleltlmore, 1,:07 P m . Mon., June 2 - New York Tues., Junt 3 - New York Wed • June • - New York Tl'lura., June 12 - Kel\.se.s CllY Fri., June 13 - 1(,,,.., CllY Sat .. Junt 14 - IC.•nM• CUv, 1:05 pm Sun .. Junt 1S - Ken"• Cltv, l:OS pm Mon., June 16 - Teus Tun., JUN 17 - Ttxes Wed • June 11 - THH Fri., June Tl - Ctewteno Sit .• Junt 21 - Clt'velend, 7:0S o m Sun , June 29 - Clevelend, 1:05 Pm Mon , June >O - Chtc..oo, 5:07 p.m TUH., Julv 1 - Cl'ttc..oo Wed., Julv 2 - Cl'tlc:eoo Thurs., July 17 - Toronto Fri , Julv 11 - Toronto Sit , Jutv It - Toronto, 1:05 pm Sun . Jufv 20 - Toronto, 1:0S pm. Mon .• J ulY 11 - MllweullM, 5:07 P.m TUti., July 22 - MlfweullM Wed., Jutv 23 - MllweukM Fri , July 25 - &0tton Sit • JulV 2' - &olton, 7:0:5 1>.m Sun • Julv Tl - &oston, 1-0S pm Tttun .. Aw 7 - Sea ttle Fri., Aw. • - Seellle Set., Aug. 9 - SHllle. 7:0S 1>.m . Sun., Aug 10 - S..tti., 1:0S p.m Mon .. AUii. 11 - Mlnnnole Tue1 .. AUii 12 - Minnesota Wed .. Aug 1) - Mlnnnota F ri • Aug 1S - O&ki.nd Set ., A119. 16 - 0.ktend, 7:05 o.m Sun., Aug. 17 - Oakland, l :OS pm Thun.. Auo 2t - O.lroll F ri .. 1111111. 19 - 0.1roll Sal ., Aug lO - O.lroll , 7-0S P.m Sun . AUii. 31 - O.trolt, l:OS om Mon., Sec>t. 1 - 61111lmore, 1-0S pm Tutl., Sec>t. 2 - &eulmore Wed., Sec>t 3 - 8ettlmore Fri , S.1>t, S - New York Sit., Sept 6 - N- York, 7:05 p m Sun., Sec>t 1 - New Yorlt, H>S pm Tuts ., Sept. 16 - Kenses City Wed , Set>t 17 - Ken"s Cltv Thurs .• ,S.01 11 - Ken"s Cltv Fri .• SePI. 19 - Chk•oo Set., S.ot. 20 - Ctttc.90, 12;20 o.m Sun . Seot. 21 - Chlceilo. 12-07 om Mon., Sfft. 22 - Ctevetend Tues , Sel>t. 23 - Cleveland Wed , Sept. 24 - Clevlland Fri .. Set>t. 16 - Ttn• Sit., Sept 27 - TtXH, 12'.10 P.m Sun .. Sept. ,. - TIXH , 12:07 1>.m . Alf oamei 11 7;30 1>.rn • lndlce ted

C.....beMbll l"CA.A

UC 1rV1M 11, UC Se* la,,._. 2 UC Senta 6ert>era 000 000 20I>- 2 6 0 UC lrvlne 302 033 OOx-11 11 2

Connettv, Carballo CSl. Purviance 161 end Mc:KlfcMr, Rodrlouer , Kent (7) end Nlcnolson ~odrlouet, 2·1. L~onnetlY. 4·2 2&-<la11t (UCI) , Kllne (UCll. 3&-llelne ( UCI) 2. Hllll-4toumlmM r CUCll

Hlltllc:hMbeMbll lltOH•LIAGUE ~•ST GAME

Wftlmlllllltwl, ~J University 100 002 0-l 6 l Westmln•tlf' 000 413 x-t 9 2

l<rut08f. McCorgerv 16) e nd Beker, Gonaeies. Turn« 16) •1'0 Vlll9oe•. 29-lleker IU), Musurece (W). 38-Teue !Wl.

SIQONO eNM • ......_.., 11, 'Mrca.., t

UlllvtnJIY 000 000 0- 0 I 4 WtttMln1ter 050 600 - 11 10 0

llOftrnell, 0 1 "1 (6) HO ~en; l!OdY •nd MCNtll 78-V ..... t (W ) l&-ttodflouet (W) 2, VMllM.a (WJ

LOdA TOUllMMIWNT OCiMA V'9w 11, ~ 2

(Sbr llWllRle.. .... ) /1Mrtn1 000 00)- 1 4 t OcMn \119w 200 027- 11 11 1

J ensen, Wlllla (Sl, 0..1•11• (6) end H•llebeUeh, Kneckert, Jonmon (4), Allder\Oll m eno Oterouwer w-ttnedltn. 1-0. L-~ ~vtlrle COV), LeoMerclf IOV), 0.Y11We COVI, Heltebeuull IMI 3&-of:ytwle COVI.

.... ' · """""'"" -..di 7 E dlton 102 303 o----t 10 4 Huntlnoton e..c11 040 • 0-1 4 1

8ttrd, VIOelff (4) end Tewell. JoMlol\ (4) , Mcleod. )(e•\ler ()) , A!Yeret CS) eno Mcclendon w - vldelea, 2-0. L-K8"'tr 2a-.<ent IE ). HMKh IE 1. ColeGctllo IE ) t


W LT Oa Founle ln Vettev 2 O 1 Wes1rnlnster , I 0 ~ OcMn View 1 I I 1 Edlton 1 2 0 1 'h ~unllnoton &eedl 1 'l o Ith Merine 1 2 0 II/)

~Y'•Geme Ed1SOll vs FOUlllelll VelMY et Mlle

SQue,. P•r11 11 o.m.l w ... Nllv'•Gwnel

Westmtntt., et Merine (3:1S 1>.m.) OcH n View vs. Huntington &tech e t

Mli. SQuere Perk <7 o .m.l '"*V'• Gema

Mer ine VS Edison •I Mlle Souere Park ( 7 1> rn.)

s.twdlY, .... S 0- ( 1 IUI\. ) Fountain Velley et Hunllnoton 8eech OcH n View at Weslmlnsler

S.. Vie'# L.....-W LT oa

Coron• Otl /Mr I 1 0 Co•I• MeM t 1 0 Estencle I I 0 Le~ a .. ctt 1 1 o Ntwi>ort Harbor I 1 O ~ 100 Unlve<.altv 1 1 0 WoocSOrkloe 1 I 0

WedlwMllV'I 0- (J!IS tt.m.) Estancl• e l Corona Otl Mer L•ovn• &Mch •• CMI• Mesa Unlvenllv 11 Newi>ort Harbor Woodtlrkloe a I $edOlet>eCk

''*V's 0- (J:IS iun.> Corona Ofl Mer a t Unlvefsltv Coste MeM at Woodtlf'kloe Letune &Mcl't et s.ddleOadc

S.twdeV, Allft S ~ Newoort Harbor et Estencle C 1 o.m .I Lffllll8 &ffch al SOUll't Hllb (non·

Nleoue. 11 e .m.)

SouWI Cout LNtUe W LT G8

lrvlnt 2 0 0 Dene Hiii• I 0 0 II> El Toro I 1 0 I Ml9'1on Vlelo 1 I 0 I CePlstreno Vallev I 1 0 1 Leoune HUb 0 1 0 1 Sen Ctemen1t 0 1 0 ,

WedlwMllY's ~ U p.m. ) Irvine 11 Sin Ctement1 Ce1>ts1rano Valley • I Dene Hiiis El Toro • • L•oune Hills

't1dlv'• Gamet u p.m. ) Ce 1>btreno Vallev e t lrvlllt Leoune HIN• " M19'1on Vlelo Deni HlllJ • • E l Toro

,irtc11V'S lrWW11ee• aAMaALL

A"*1CM u..ue &OSTON RED SOX-Tr.o.d Mike

E asler, •loNted l'llttw. 10 Ille New York Venllees for Don &evtor, clftleneled hlltw

KANSAS CITY ROYALS-A.. .. Md Joe fleckwlltl encl Mike Jona. llff~. end Pat Sheridan. outflelder.

MIN.NESOT A TW1Ns-5etlt Merli Por· tuoel, Pitcher, Alvero Etolnote , thortstoo, end Merk Funderburk, outfletdlf, to TOiedo of lnttrnellonet LMOU8.

NEW VOA. IC. VA Nl(EEs--ReQ\ltlltO welver\ on Pl'lll Nletlro, pltctler. for tl'lt e>urPOM of glylno lllm hb uncone1111one1 rellese. ......... ~

C HICAGO CU&S-Slgned t<.elll'I Mortland, oulfletdltr. to • llirM · v•., (;()(I·

tract. aASKIETaM.L

................ INde .... LOS ANGELESLAIC.ERs-slllnedPetur

Gudrnunc:tuon, center, lo • 1C>-clev contrecl HOCKEY

.............. ..,Leetue DETROIT RED WlNGs.--ftecelled 8oO

Probert, left wino. P ITTS&URGH PENGUI NS-Pie ce d

Terrv Rusltowsal, wing, on '"' dis.bled Mst.

...... 'MlleMI Hedrrt LMtlUI IHL-SU'P41110ed Robbie Le lrd , Fort

Wtvne coach, tor two M mes •nd fined him s 1.000 tor ergutno with • goal ludOI


bealtelbell coectl MIAMl-Olsmlneo Tonv Pege, wkle

reclever, end RoC>er1 Thomes, running beet< , from the too11>eH tu m

NORTHWESTEA.N- Nemed Frencl • Pwv toolbell coecti

WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON-Nernect Jonn Luckherl • lhletlc; dlrec1or ' "° Che lrmen of tile Pttvslc.el Educltlon <*>art · rnent.

..... ., , ,. ..., . . ' ,. Horse racing results


11 ltJ I I um Be autiful New Gueet Rooms and Suites Le Cbateau Full Service .Restaurant

Hosted Evening Cock.tail Hour with Hors D'oe urve1

omplimentary Coffee, Dani1b and Morning Newspaper

Adjacent to Orange County Airport 45.00 S pecial Introductory Rate


IA•l'•ted et th" conier or Drleto l and R•d Hiii Count r y Sid• l11n, 3 26 8r11tol. Newport BHC'h

' OR Rlt'lf>RVATIO"IR, <' Al I 64e.OOOO TOLi '1ll& 800-Hl• ... 2




< 1 lttl tf ll· NIM hemes.s tMetlne l FlltST ltACa. Ont mite HC•

Printmake!' (McCerty) 3 IO T111 Com1>envs Gold CKuteMer l Howdv Ster <Lonool

Time: 1:59 1/ S.

300 HO i.oo uo


Alt0 r an Sklooers lnvedtr, Revel Monler't't', .t.ndv' Peoper, Andvs Hound. Demie n, Merell Ster V.

Scratef!ed· , , , Anoe! . Tallemon S2 EXACTA ()·ti oeld sn 10 HCOND ltACE. One m li. oece.

w lnc.oro (&1vi.u1 4.60 ltowdv 9ve Bvt (PlenoJ E l Peco <Centnll

Time: 2:01 1/ S

l .00 uo uo 3.00


AIM> ran. SrnY1hm, Solo Fltollt , Sier Red, 81Kk ChMtah, Ferenhell, Albe­

SU.tehtd: Acumen. Klllevs Pet«. S1 VCACTA <7 ·11 1>eld 112.60 TH•D RACll. Ont milt P8Ct

l. A MJtlrttt (RO.en) 47.20 l3.20 UO ~uffltlo Fll'Hst (Wllilems) 5.AO '.20 II H flolcSeclous (Anderson) 7.60

Time: 2.-00 315. AllO ran: Vlewfleto l.•o.1Mlo ltOOeo Drive,

Cttl1>1>1ft Olrt, No actetchtt al IXACTA u-11 paid s:m '° '°""TM RACI. One mllt oece

c -wlMe (AuOln) 1110 PIMH Scl--H (Grundy) Counttn Rovele CKue«ller )

Time: 1:00 1/S Also ran Pri stine , Wtlete Knodlout . LI"

llllocllellt, Wynne N•ndlne Me!llnu Moment No sae tClll•

"'"'" A..ACI. One m1'9 o.<t Vender Lorne IPlenol 7 60 llllOM Anllt Pr ince (ihker l Tr ue Cl\lr!H CSleeth)

Time Ut 1/S

SIO 460 I 00 S.00


Alt0 ran. Time SQuere " '°"· So.ctel Peler, Whet AOOUI M4 Olrtct ~k!o, Le uru lloy, l.lllle &tOIW'll

SCre lChed OvnclM Cl't1ef, r etst ""'I SJ IXACTA (H 1 Pttld "460 ' SIX'l"H llACI. Orie mlle oece

Macho erevo {Avbln l 'IO e tg Ertle f Pltr'fl Ceflfof'nle AllOel ('"'-l

Time 1JI l/S

360 3 4!) •oo soo

1 °' AllO ran Forester Mts E 'llPftn, Slllos Kini

TOP Jlmmv. 0.lllJll E.ndM¥Or , L A Dlct•IOf. SCr• telled: Meltete Hunter, Two OcteM U IXACTA (5· )) HWI ... SO SIVINTM •ACI. Ont mi-. -.. ~ (Kuetller'I t IO S.tvedor ( ,...tlO) Worthv ltntOt (AUllln l

Time· !JI 111

uo uo S.00 uo

l •

AllO ran OtllUlll, Stnert l(oele. Dul<llY. Ye Wehcl, V111 ltlltt WltCome Jedi ~·l(Jled S.Cfed Sl IXACTA 17·J) 11ti0 llOUO

llOHTH IUCI. Ont mile pee.. Keren Eve K CPerlter ) S,60 Traci Miu (Mele!') SorMtl'llno Sexy CSIMtttl

Time· 1:51 4/S.

t.00 3.20 S.00 3.10


Also re11· Trwwret E~. Pefltovs Peullnt , Reen Sublecl . WI~ • • Nuevo ZIP, L .. 11 Chrlsllne.

No scre1cl'IM. SJ IXACTA (3· 2) oeld Ul.JO.

NINTH ltACI. One mite CMta . Proud ~ <Todd 11 > n .o 10 0 no Marland Weroett (Andtnonl S.00 uo /!Mater Joke IPWUrl J.00

Tlme: 1:.St. AllO re.n: FrM TUf'n, Al>le Sov.,..lon. Snow

Denet, F~. &eron Mocl\M, Werldlne Scre tdltd: MldlM4 .JoM. Prlvv Council. SJ Ix.ACTA CN l N ici J221.70. '2 ll'tCK SIX ll+S-7-3-2) Hid U29.60 to 21

wlnnlno lldl•lt cnve ttorst1) . Cerrvove< DOOi: 121.m01

TINTM RA.CL One mlle oece. cut 11 out (ltosen) , 60 $10ltn Momenta (Ve ~l

Of• llHfk "°''°"' (~) Time: 1:.51.

uo 260 , 00 2.40


Also ran: TltereH. KHU Orum, Cl'lltt. it.Mia ltov•le.


NO t.Ueldlel s1 IXACTA (1-61 H iii s 10l0

SMll ..... f'ltlOA Y'S alSU\. TS

(7hl ................. ,,....,... "HT •ACa. 6 ~.

Shenlln (IC."""' COMlcltlOll Fii (lltell l Of'el'I hrM (Mer-t I

Time: 1:10 4/S.

l t..40 uo llO HO ,60


Alt0 r an. POW«'f\11 Ey11, Dl•llnc11~•1v Don, aeretv Nob't, J eHtcO

No tCl"°*-n IMC'TA CS-2) N ici s s.1.60

SICO.O A..AGI. 6\'t f\M1oll9S. Venllle Fas1 (MelQUlr ) S,00 tonnlOllt (Slblftel l volcal llOnOe ( K.--4)

Time· I 19. Alto nt11 UnkNWn Llmlh , Gold

OlemOt'OUI Amtlet, lt.Oi.t\I 61orv SV•teMer. MMr'f Stllcntt.

3.00 1.40 HO >OO


N ' Snow.

3600 1110 540 .,. )20


'------.-..----.... ----.................................................. ___________________ ~-~--- -

~ouetTH ltACI. 1 1/ 16 mllel Vive Dancer CMcHeroue> 17.60 Sir Richar d H. (o.lel'lou.s .. ve) 8ron.t• Tudor (Steven~ >

T1me: 1 :46 l / s.

uo 4.00 400 l .00


AIMI ran· T • I Hloll . &Lee• S1"4, AllO!e's I.II 1111.kloe. Brett' • Cl'lellerl>Oll, Tt ue 9kle Lo""

k re1cl'ICICI: Per1•kt

"'"" ••ca. • ~tonus ExNd Mo<e (Vetentllele l S 60 Jlnete (Otlettouuen> Tl'lfrd Metrl.oe CMCCerron)

Tltnt: I: 10. AIMI ran: Foldlno ScrMn, Zvlhum, Flotl Ing

Marlette , lndle n Flower. Queen OI Kheled' • Room, Go Tdev Ho, Frlenclly

No acrelOles. t.S IXACTA CS-11 M id SIS SO

SIXTH ltACll . 6 turlot?ll, . Grev Writer IOtlel'IOvsseye) t 20 S 00 ) .40 OVfl• ltlder (Stevtl'ltl 6.60 S.00 Jlf'MO (Solhl 3.40

Time· 1:10 4/ S A1IO ran: Elld Plev, Tloot Chte., krol ~.

Cheroot, HMIY .... ,.... JumolnO JekOn. 0.blootl, Old Pt!, MM!tveL

set•lelltd: lltll.

llVINTM UCI. Ont Mlle. •-•lo IH• wtevl 15.60 lnftn 1rvmen ( P111Ca v) Mldledlle C~sl

Tlme: l :U II l

t.oo 4.oo t.AO MO

uo ~''° r an: Smarten Up, Jon 0 .. Cotmotron. No acretCl'IH. U IXACTA (2· 51 Pekl t214 00

ltoffTH RACI. •Y> fUf10nn on lur1 Pr1nct loOOv • IOI"'"'"' 1l 00 MO uo Tommv The H•Wlr. CC>elehoutMye) U.60 uo o.i--e (Steventl l.40

Time: l:IS 1/S. Alto ran· • A Ad!Vll"l8ftl, Slr•lfwd 1•'1.

MWMlt "4tl, $tnolley °'1111, Heto"s Sword, ,,......,. • IOld And ~

ScnlcNd. In Toto, El CorH Oll

NtNTH •ACI. I 1/16 mites """' Sier (0rt81J'I DtMJ1 ltldoe Cllilek) Sir SJer <S~I

Tlmr 1: .. Sti

37 80 lMO 1UO

Also ren. Wtlldb9Y TM , OlllNlc lll'lllO. LlaftlM'#~, ~...iblfflY $1Ud'#, TM Dub Ot Dudltv, Sier Meterlet. One 1...0 ltomeo, ACCU a.ct..

kr•ldled: Eleftntt. U •XACTA C .. t ) NICI t 1,7w..ll. n f'9CJC IDl c2· s-,.,_M> ...i. .. .-.. 1a

nwo wlMrftt ~- (II• ..,._> It ~ SI• COMOte11011 Nld IJMt..,. 10 n •"""9 tldl"' (ftVe Ilona).

ti l'tCK -· (J.-.... ••2 t-t-2· 7· 9) N ici "17JO '° It Wllwllne lldltl\ hJ• Nnft) CMr;ovw .oot· 1201,M1M At~t2.1'4

.,_ •

°'9nge Coell OAILY PILOT~. Merdl 29, 1MI •

NCAA . • • From Bl avoid foul trouble. I wilJ need to establish a physical type ofpme carty on. If you stan out passive and then get more physical, the officials are more likely to call 1t."

Berry Player of Yearj~ LoelavWe va. LSU

As the season Pro&rcsscd it was clear neither Louisiana siate nor Louisville was aoing to be a cham­pionship team. Good, perha~. but not arcat.

Even before their season bcaan, the Tigers lost well-traveled Tito Horford, their 7-foot freshman center. O ther players fell by the wayside as midseason passed.

At the start of the1r season the Cardinals were, well, struu,ling. After 17 gamt1, they had already lost six.

So what went right - right enough that LSU and Louisville arc one victory away from a shot at the NCAA basketball cha.mpionship?

What went right is that LSU <:oacb Dale Brown and C'.ardinals Coach Denny Crum convinced their players that thmgs didn't have to be as they seemed.

"What these k.Jds have done " Brown said following the Tigcis· workout Friday at•Reunion Arena " is a testimony to the human spirit. In an age when it's not fashionable, they have believed, they've hung together . .. They stayed together when it really didn't look like we bad a chance."

As a mult, LSU recovered from a late-season slump by staging four tournament upsets to set up today's semifinal meeting with tOuisville, which rebounded from that shalcy start - 1Dcluding losses to Kansas and St. John's in the Big Apple NIT in December - to win all but one of its remaining 20 games.

" When we got to the Final Four of the Big Apple NIT in New York, I told my players we'd be playing some of the best teams ID the country," Crum said.

DALL\S (AP) - There was one vote Walter Bury wouJd not have received for Player oftbe Year - bis own.

Berry was ~nted with the Adolph F. Rup~phy Friday as The Associated · • collqe basket­ball Player of the Year. The St. John' s junior bad another choice.

" I would have voted for Johnny Dawkins," Berry said of Duke' s senior pa.rd and the seco~-leading scorer lD Atlantic Coast COnfercncc history. " He always givt1 I 00 percent and he's a great player."

Th<>K same words were used to describe Berry, a 6--8 forward fon::ed to play at center because of St. John' s lack of height.

The New York native, the fifth underclassman to win the Rupp Trophy, averaged 23 points and 11.1 rebounds per game and set a school record for blocked shots with 76.

Berry reoei ved 66of192 votes from a nationwide panel of sportswriters and broadca.sters. Kenny Walker of Kentucky was second wtth 50 votes, followed by Dawkins with 18 and Len Bias of Maryland with 12.

The AP honor is the latest for Berry, who earlier was voted John Wooden and Eastman awards as player of the year.

" I know I'm this good but I didn't think rd win all these awards," Berry, also the only unanimous All-America selection this year, said. " I didn't think about awards during the season, those thi ngs j ust ha~ned."

Those happened use Berry and " I told them It was no disgrace to be

beat by teams that good early ID the year, that it was a way to learn what we could and could not do. lt was a mcasunng stick of what to shoot for. If 1t had been January or February before we played them, we wouldn't have bad the time to learn how to overcome the things we couldn't do ag.ajnst them."


St. J ohn'• Walter Berry, eeen taking aim at buket, bu been aelected AP'• college baaketball Player of the Year.

his teammates vauJted from getting no more than a prcseason glance from the college baslmball ex pens to being one of the top teams. It won the Big East tournament over Syracuse, after sharinJ the regular-season conference title wtth the Oraoaemen.

The Redmcn made it to the Final Four last year, led by All-American Chris Mullin and 7-footer BiJl Wen-

Menu not what Duke had in mind Host mistakenly thought grits might be ideal fare _ -From AP d.iapakbes

DALLAS-Wolfgang von Baumbach may be a great host, but his idea of making Dulce players and fans feel at home dunng the NCAA basketball tournament might leave the Blue Devil faith ful a little pale.

The manager of the Plaza of the Amencas decided to make DalJas a little more like North Carolina by serving grits. Not1ust pla1D gnts, mtnd you, but Duke blue grits.

" Everybody in North Carolina eatsgnls." von Baumbach reasoned.

T he problem is, not many Duke basketball players call North Carolina home. Of the 13 Blue Devil players, only two are nati ves.

Von Baumbach thought grits would be the perfect touch. But while executive chef Peter Schaffrath was pouring blue food coloring into a bowl of hot gnts - he even added butter - the Duke squad was eat1Dg pizza for lunch.

Coach e. J.lke •hot clock, 3-polJJt play The 45-second shot clock in college basketball

has been a big success and there's w-owm~ suppon

for the thrce-potnt field goal. '"Those who said the 45-second clock would

change the game for meaningful statistics are wrong," said Dr. Edward S. Steitz, editor and interpreter of NC AA basketball rules. " Those who said that chances fo r upsets were gone - the theory of the nch get nchcr and the poor get poorer -that's JUSl not vahd.'"

Stenz produced stau sucs on Thursday f~m 7.783 games

"We find no s1gn1ficant change whatsoever from last )ear," said Steitz . .. In the 20 years that data has been recorded. I've never seen less change from the pre' 1ous year "

Of the NCAA coaches polled, 80 percent 1od1catcd they liked the rule of having 45 seconds to get ofTa shot. The three-point shot could be next.

" Interest tn the three-point field goal con­tinued to IDCrease over the past four years," said Steitz.

He said 40 percent of the coaches polled favored givi ng three points for a field goal scored from outside 19 feet . 9 inches.

Loal•lMJ• State get. no re.pect Lou1S1ana State 1s the only member of the

NCAA Tournament's Ftnal Four that didn't figure to gel to the big shootout ID Dallas. A lot of people still don't know that LSU 1s here.

The Tigers and Coach Dale Brown arrived Thursday to virtually no acclajm. Only the desk

clerk who gave out the room keys knew that · the champions of the Southeast Regional had arrived at the Sheraton Hotel. .

Although there were no chccrin.g crowds, the players bad only to look around the lobby to sec that all that quiet may soon vanish. Blue and gold balloons were everywhere, waiting for the LSU faithful to follow their team to Texas.

JCa naa• bu lt. n pentltloJJ• The Kansas Jaybawks needed all the help they

could get in reaching a berth in the NCAA Final Four basketball championships. For Coach Larry Brown, that means playing along with super­stitions.

" We try to dress in a certain way and if we lose when we wear tics and sports coats, the next game they arc gone," Brown said. " We've got a certain way to dress and we go thro ugh a certain ritual before the game."

Nebraska selects.Nee From AP dispakbes

Danny Nee is the new bead basketball coach at the University of Nebraska.

Nee, who spent six years as the head coach at Ohio University, succeeds Moe Iba, who resigned after six seasons.

runatoo. but the same $UCC1e$1 Just wasn' t expected with Berry leadina the team.

"We did a peat ).ob this )CU and so did our coaches, · said Berry, who eclipsed Mullin'• tuWe«alon scor­in& mark this year. "the aeuon was area t and so an1 these awards, but I wouJd like to be No. 1. Win it hC'TC ...

Berry was presented the Rupp Trophy at a pre.Final Four ceremony where Kentucky's Eddie Sutton wu named AP Coach of the Year.

Berry is asked abo~t his plans constan U} .

'"People I don't even know ask me what I'm going to do.··

"9VW ef .. Yeer Wlllllle v ...

" 50

" 12 1

' s s • •

•, . :~

"' ~· ~ ... ·: ............................................................

NCAA Final Four~~ player sketches ·:

By tile Associated Presa

A look at the starters for each of the teams in the Final Four with name. height, weight and year:

LSU llldrY ....... <'-7. ta. S-..1

A Qln¥«1ed OUMd &lenton moved lo IM frol'tllne u a s tart« 10 Hines aeo Wes nemecs 10

IM al· l'eOlclMl tum, sooriftO 12 llOlftts and Ol'abtllno lftfll retiounds aoMlnt J(tf!tudlv In d\etl'IOlon$hlp geme 81ggest UMI to teem h !Ifs .... a1 lie ~• "'-n ll96d 11.11 own .oe1n11 INN louoh, and biooer, c.n•an In reeionet A""'"9d U POlnll and • e rebound1

0. ....... <•·'- 211. ~. The McKI Oulllandino Pl9yar In Ille SoullleHI

ltl9lonal, ltecldao!\ awrNed 21.S ooln" In tM lout' NCAA~ Moved to forward mlclwev llVOUVfl Illa IHIOl'I 8ft« Nllllla Wiison W81 ~ed lnellolllla. A¥.99td 12.7 ooln" - oema on s 1 -c.t11 '1>c>Otlne

Dln1dl Tavtw (M , la, 51'. I Tilt Tlo«'I' POlnl llUel'd, Ta \lllW It 1l•lh In

car- KOrl111 a t L.SU. Tl'llrd-... m .u -sec salecllon, IMdln8 INm In rnlnutat and tiff" el W9ll a1 aulsts. Avar89" 13.7 POlnls but s«N"ed l~rs In flrsl tlva POSl-MaSOf'I Hmes.

Jeflft W9al'M (64. w. S-..1 l.ffds 11141 T19an In scorlna , ratloundl111 a nd

lllOdled snots. Has alrMCIY brOkan ll'la 1,000-oolnl merk and ls 20tll on I.SU car- lht Ml1Md one oema ttm '"'°" baQuw of cntcaan PO• sec Fl'Htllnan of Ille y ..,. last saeson. WUll• rm av.,.aoas 17 9 POlnts and 1.4 ratlOuncb

,.,,,,,_., W1M11 (6 .• 5, 1M, Jr.) His ShOI al !tie bun.,. llMI Memol'lls Sla le In

YCOnd round of NCAA. Lollll· r anoe ll'IOOllf' wtio flnlstled seaSOf'l e t "9 percan1 Aver89" f .5 oolnll

LOUISV1LLE ........,, Ct.- <6· 7, 1M, ~)

Selecteel to rwlanai d-tourna,,_1 IMl'll ett. ICOl'lno .0 POlnls. oreOOlno 10 ratJouncb end handln9 out tlft assists In last two lllttnft .._ Is 0<~b4V !tie '"'I -.nown of 11\41 , , .,..,.,.,. ,.,,.eves 11.l POlnts al'ICI 6.2 raOoYnds Has ~ JS of 1111 la51 Jf frM IN- attwnots

...,. ..._ <6·f, -. ,r.I The ~ro eont.renca Fr~ of Ille Y• r

end a second tum al-confwenca MIKtlotl 1'4• s tltkan IWO rnor• "°"°" In POSI- Dlay, MVP of the Melro tournament ano alk" lon In tM NCAA. Tl'llrd In scorlncl at 12.1 Laecb In rebollndlno a t 7.f and In Olodttd "'°'' with " Nicknamed Never HeNOus Pantls

J9ft Hal <6· 4, l lO, 51'. I A l>OOd lone- ranoe "'°°'''" 111111119 e l a S3

-cant. 1.elds Ille IH m In 1r .... 1rvow snoo1l111 e1 • -cenl, mlu l111 oniv elotit of 11 e11amp11 11111 v .. , Aver- 10.4 POlnll

llrY Tllernilllaft It· 7, I ts, ~. I Another member of IM aN-r"klnal 1 .. m a n<I

was c:l'loMln tint IHm AH·Metro tor tfle ieeond 1tralol'lt season. Av.,.8"<1 a lmost It oolnl• In llrs t tour NCAA eames wlllle orebtllno 1.3 reoounct' end llan<11"9 out 4.S eul'ts. Averaoas 1.U POlnts wl'llle flnl"'1111 lusl tlefllnd Eftlson In reboundlno

M1t w..- (6-S, l&S, Sr. I A flf111· .,..r p1a.,.... ell.,. wtfarlno e ~Oken

foot IHI VMf. Malllno ltla lt\lrd F lnal Four •-ranee of l'lls car_. F l<'st tn m •"· comwence Mleellon after IHdlno Cerdlnab In K«ln9. H is ts. JIH IJ • n<I mlnules Dlavad ,.,,..._ ,._, POlnts

~ l.ooa ... ,

Grw Dremlll (7-1, - Sr. ) • T~ecs to ~ nm Wldllle Slate "·

attar IQs ~ ...-. I.IP Wltll Ille Jt- • POlnt , 12-1900und "'1CMIT*lce "' ........ cNrnPlontlllP eeelnsl Norlfl c..r... Staie. He'I • De lt\a otr1y 7-iooe ,..,,., In Flnel F-. A_._ • • 117 POlnlS and 6..1 ~ •• ....... <...._ ia. a .1 Sl'lol S1 PWC91t tram IN ft9d ftlh - llUI

lull 15 ""*'I from IN "-"""- ._ Hn •• nended out Z7S usall wNll ._...... U POints - ..,.,,. and :u rtlllouMI.

·-~ (6-S. .... Ir.) •• • Finl IMfn All-... Eilflf IN._, '- ....._ •

5-ld on IN In ICOl'"9 a l 1.U ...... wtlle • • JMotlno a. PWUnt "°"' "'9 -....itnw .. . Nicknamed IN. SllturdeY ..._ el Ill Ills 30 POlnt· llllA Mlftlll ,.... coma on that dltY of ttie weell Has DIM wlterlno from a sor.ined left If di slnc:a "" MmlllNa ol "" Cili .. 9fQ loumemtnl. ~ ~ <6-11.. ns. sea>

QQe of "" nation's mat'9 l'Wakled lllllY9"1, •• Mannino .,., 111e.....i al l"9 _.,.. tor ltli . Javnens. He Is IN fin.I l09Nlfn0! • Ill K-• · l\hlorv to M.rMU ltle 1~ mw-. Leeds IN • Jev,,.wtn In scor1ne a t 17.1 p9r MtN, Wiiie Ol'ebbine U reOouncls and l'laftdll'lll out '2 eulstl. · ­Hh felt\ar, Ed, S. M nslstlllll coed! lor Kamas._

CliMll ~ (M, .. Sr.) •• Fourtfl on the al-time K- tcOrlnl hi wllt\:-

1,535 oolnts. A,,.,...ecs ll.4 pOlnts tNs - and. we1 lacond In estbtJ wftfl 114. SCor.s tllflt Points In 111t ovantme -lod of ttie Ja'lfteWb' reoloftll ;. Mltnlflnel vldoN over MidllMn State. An '2 -cant car- .,._..._ sMotar. •,

DUK• : ·· Min Alllf'9 ( ...... - Sr.J ·-

Tlllro-leedlne ICOl'W Ill Ouke lliltorY and -of fl ... •ven IO or.ll IN 2~ ~­tl'llf'e. Sec:oftd on IN ._,..... ICIDr1ne et 11 A , DUt. IMdlnt l'aooundllr a t U - ..,,._ s.cted IO ._.. al· ravlclNI '-" ... .,.. 1' "'"" and lfe-retloUndl lft ... t ._ ..,__

T ............ (6-4, \SI. a .) •' TheMIY- _.. .,.,._ltw1lN!tftaMIN

oNt SI.,,., .... ..,., .._. -- "'*' tt­PWC*l'I from "" "'*'· ,.,..,... ., .. Hu lad ~ 8lue Devtls eedl ol IN.., ltlrw-. ....... out 221 t11i1 _. Heel M --!his ,,_ wltf\ -Ol' leM~

.. .... ( ...... 221,,Sr. ) • MISNd IN !Int mantfl of IN - wltf\ IC

k- !niln. Gr.-.. -Hilfl lO ,..._,... In E nt It..,. ftrl8I ~Navy. A.........,_._~ ­l'WoundS - ..,,,., ~ on 1t1a ...,,.,. w"'1t ICOl'lno e t a U dip.

.,...., D9Wnlll ( .. 2. 11'1, Sr,) • The ontv flnl · l9MI Al-~ In lt\a Fina('

F04X, Oanm Is Duke'• al-time...._ ICllf'W': wltl'I l .SOI POlnt\ end Is~ In AtlMtlc ~· Conference 111\torv to Oldlla Hemric of w ... c : Forni. Member of .U-ACC flnl IMrn tor .-IC{. Jlre lohl .,_and was MVP of tounwnent tni. yHr, tl'ltn award In Ent lleelonal ~ 1111 Slue Oevlls In scortno tr. last tour - -,,., JCOt'ed In -*' flourn en NCAA-record tU. ' ""'" Made ll'la dacldlne •v In al tour Dlitl~ victories 11\el -• oeclOecS bV I- POlnll OI' lass. HH l\ad nls lerMY retlf'ed bv l"9 SChoOI. A...,. .... 20 POlnts "' oame. •

OrM ..... - <l-S. ltS. Sr.) • Wa1 IN 8lue Oevtls' slxtfl l'Nll'I IN lu l two-'

IMM>M Defore Hmlno I,. •lartlne role ll'lls veer: Wu Mlee1td MVP of 8lo ,.,,,_HIT, sc:orlno ii POln" In Cl\8mPIOMllfO "lctorv owr KaMAJ. Avef'aoat I• 1 Points and U r900unOJ. : ..

TV replays · considered . by NCAA

. · ... . ·

D.\LLAS ( AP) - The clock. con­trovers\ at the NCAA Midwest RcgJonitJ ID Kansas City is gi vmg college basketball rule-makers ideas about using television replays to keep it from happening again.

" I will present to the NCAA committee the possibility of using TV to monitor ume and scoring," said Dr. Ed Steitz., who is editor and interpreter of NCAA basketball rules " I thlDk the chances arc very food that something like that wil ~ done "

Kansas defeated Michigan State. 96-86, ID overtlmr ID the regional semifinal but valuable seconds ~re left on the clock. when the umcr- had trouble gemng 1t started wtth 2:.:!0 rcma101Dg and Michtpn State lead-1na by su points..

Stc1ttwd the TV Yt'Ould.n' t bc used 10 qucsuon j udgment calls by the offietals "like the NFL 1s doma. .. rtfcmng 10 the football league's adopuon this year of use of replays to backup offic1at1Dg on certain plays

"The reason 1s that you ~'Ould nttd probabl}' five cameras and pmC"I would last until midnight," be 5&ld.

Steitz. the athletic director at Spnngficld College. also said that from his own view tn bis living room at leas1 I 0 seconds should have bttn akcn off the clock 1n Kansas City.

Asked 1f he though I It would be .., embarrassment to the rules commit· ttt and the NCAA 1fK.tnsas won the national ullc because of the fiasco. be wd "1 don' t think you could call tt an cmbarTUSment but 1t would pele 1t"

He wd there wuobviously no WIY to know for surt 1f Kansas bad taken ume off the clock.

" What should have been done was l'

the umn- should have no ufied the rcfertt that the clock had malfun<'· uoncd." ttt \1 sa1d. -rbc rcftret said he nc'Vff dtd tha t."

Johnny DawklD.a of Ode (left) and ltanw fonrud Danny Man~ alaow their alam-dank.lnc ak.tll• Friday oa tbe eft of today'• eemlfinal coateea.

te1u added that 1( be had bc:to M1C'htp.n tate C'OllCh Jud Heatb<X>te he would have run on the coun with h1 armi wavtna


~ ----- ---- --- --

"9 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 29, 1988

. .... ·~ not .,..., -·~ )0 de n " r~ • •• °' t \IOtll<I to, ~ r-ot umu.a •o. flan<• cner9h 'OtnPVtMI e l l 1"t'tli. OI' '~ ~let ~· oer ~tf\. e.11 cowe<f~ tO\ f\ • 1\4 t rtw rt•'°nAot. •t

----· 'Ot"«W \ ' " '


,....... nn=•~ .. ~111~11=~..:!:~ ,., .... L~tmsn

ZllO GRAND ENTRY CuJn!V •P-rMC- h""oot--f .. o-r- •a .. ,- .. by• • I 1500, ~&-8687 , aft epm. ;;;;;;;;:;;:=iiiiiiiiil Dc>onl-moldinp-bay win• ELECTRICIAN QUALITY at ,...._ prtcea. OWIW Cotta ~. UC.

$2.40 per day dows, complete patio., Lie •233108 Smallllatge OLIS FINN. LANDSCAPE Intl.xi. RMI e.tate dMn kif 32 O.W.C turn key URGENTLY need l will addttlorla, quality wont joba & repairs ~8-5203 P'-nt-aprlnk~ne- up carpet .. wtnc:towa, etc buelneea. "3-UMl2 art 3 PAY FOR PHOTOS taken

Thit's ALL yoo pay f0< • •77«8 PliUI 54-S&eo "'·· lawn. Hortlcult m~. full Re'f•a. Free eet. 957 .. oetu· PM or 964-1832 aft 8PM of accident. Corner of ~-------- NEW/REPAIR. ""'allty. No malnt reaa refs ~~27 1- 6•- LarltapYr & PCH, Corona

3 llnes, 30 day minimum Expert Carpenter. Aeald 'I, Job• to small, reuonable. · · llAllll P..,. .... n1 Del Mii on Nov. t2th, ap-ln the Comm'I, Small/large Jobal FrM eat .. lk:'d. 83 t-23'5 C&B LAWN SERVICE Uc qu.tlty WOf1l refs, free Otprfaaltln ntl pro 1t 3 p M Ca 11

SERVICE 531-3225Jotin775-8082 Ftarial;p Mow-«tgeTwtceamonlh. •t: Callanytlfne,M2-4701 -UW1&1-•! (213)807-2111 M· F or Doof> S 17.50 to l25. ~5722 - (714)875-2890 Cablnet• FENCE air New & ~· EXPERIENCED Gardener TEACHERS PAID Nat'I. co ._. ldeu, In- --------•!

DIRECTORY WOOd chaln llnk patlO a CONTRACTOR la back. ventlona, new ptoductt. 'r-!,....--:--....-----

35 yra exp J«ryM2.o567 • • 10 yu N.B .. CdM ....... Fir•aetlmat• MM519 (7U)582·HS8• FH .....-------...&-- free • t. Greg, 96&-0 118 Quality yard care. Ron'• · baaed · Uf!!I Fir..... Gardening. &42-M&e PaJtrlaL · 3012 H~C~ ~ ~o~ FIREWOOD 179 SOYA Cord .... l!!I. F~ INTERIORS PU1111-Mllllll UJ~~~:.~· s$~~~u~;

Your kllla nee eggs.' 845-5133 . Winter Special, Ouel mix. ARICkwoAk m Jobi HANGING/STRIPPING $20,000 Caeh Required. HOME. Wa prov1de:


&llFll Liii


&st•llllll IYAIL •UDUTll.Y • Crttlc:al Cere

• Med/Surg• P9cta PLll

•TOP PAY • FAEECEU • Flexible Hours • Retetral Bonue

111t•mauua SeMoe Directory Oellv .. Jim, 838-8561 Newport, eo.ta M.... VISA-MC 873-1512 Piiot Francl'llM Operltlorl • IBM Compatlble

3900 Birch St. Suite 112 Newport 8Mcfl

114-111·2111 l AepreeentatlW • Gaa1aittl lrvlne. Refa. 875-3175 AHOYS WALLCOVERING ~Mt~~ CompYtera.

142 •121 _. IOI Loving mother CM area lnatallatlon & Removal -.. • Accredited by Nal'I ~ 11111 will care for yoor chlld dya JlMS GUNS. 15-20% over Concret•Patloe & Drl\tee, Int. Painting. Me-w13 an lndMdual with back· Home Study Councll. MM

cost For appt call Glau btoc«, Carpentry & ground In offtoe aervlcea. Cltric~Of•1~ ..... iliiilMl•llil•m• .. Mlillliilllilli•••.. M th F 650-4M4 Carol 6'6GUNS or 63 1-0658 OiywaH. Paul 842-3238 -·- -IUTI" _,d ---Ing ind/ or • Gov. Student loans to llff ~- ... _.,.. ... ~ thoee who Quallty. AC UNT clE.RK

11., ... ,.._""".,..._P'Mm,.. ~5722 FENCg:GATES Tree trim gu..;" d Steve M5-4833 W _, ..... h ....... t- wcceea In Man~t. 3 "*'Wk 10/tW' ~ Mother will babysit In her If • - Ma1011ry wont Gen clean DEPENDABLE QUALITY OtM1IW writing. If yoo STATE OF THE ART. FHt paced NB RH·

Anutical= C.M. home, Mon thru Fri. H paa ups tree tnm r~al WOricmanlhlp. 842-8813 hew a put history of Call now 831-«68 taurant, need• beck ofc

REBLOWN ED ·= Dump runs. C M / NB. e g .. a .. .., ·-.. .._u- are alncere, aophletl- latl1J9tat perlOl'l , da,_ • ........ _____ Alto Int/Ext Pelntlng Ct area Jim Whyte, 6'2-7206 STUCCO MASONRY· TILE Hang/atnp. Advtoe to the Cited & uplre to muct1 - - day, must be able to

Uc#288597 831-9295 l §CLEANING --- No Job to small. All typee. ormy. 839--0730 hlgherthenawrageeern- handle streu, pref exp, SERVICE: a throoughly •G~N. HOME REPAIRS. Free aat. Lk:. 831-23'5 PJ--Ll- Inga call 759-7822 M-F Cllil• Cart 3011 $8.50/ hr. call collect

r~Jli,~11 Exqulalte Acoustk:a Re- clean houN S40--0857 Paint. Drywall. Carr;.try _ .. , 10-5. Fltlme child Care™ 213-924-9423. sprayed 0< remove. ~ ' etc. Gary 6'5--527 PTL llm at J4 lw 0 f JH-1111 In my Costa Mesa hm call ADV PA AGENCY In NB wall Repalrs. 8'7-7901 HooMCleenlng 1•yaexp. **HANDYMAN• • *l·lM-* • Allplumblng&hNtlng9 WUT ... llT 650-5318befora8pm needs p/t General Otc:,

11-.illillillllllilillliiiiiil•iiillll• A li relleble, reu, tr .. eet, own 1 d 1 111 •- Soup-sandwlc:tl shop nr M F -~ ... ------· ., ~ct trana. PlnaM5-988eOell1 Large 0<smal 1 o ta CLEAN&EXPERT ORAINSCLEARFrom$15 bctlonCo .. tHwy. Aeady UlllESIVllUIU WP . perso n , .. ' ----- --.. ua.ttUt · Pat 531 "5579 or Ive msg. Over 25 yearsexperlence Fauceta, Olepoeal, Heltlt, f0< BIG MONEY MAKING Reap. llv•ln chlldcere. 9A·2.30P. 833-7e73. --= ' APPUANCE SERVICE INlllSUll• Baaliar Llc. T· 11M 28 7

30· 1353 84t-0907P&R722-9066 eummer. Call Agt. Bob Ladles from Rocky Mtn SIOUTUW. f gz = _ Refrlg's, washers. dryers, W~t==~ S~!.7fr! LT HAUUNG . MOVING u ABC MOVING•• SANCHEZ PLUMBING Ok:klnaon. 752-2181 stat". High standards. Property Mgmt Co., loc*-

................... '"••Mllld'll•~llilt•U---• ranges. DIW. A/C All aarv1ce now ~~57 Garage & Verd Clnups I Quick & Careful T1380-48 Copper Repl paa our Yarn & knit ahop .. aetab- 1 year commitment Ing for bright .-geUc Community Appllance. · Jon 6'5-8192 LO RATES 552-o.410 ape<:lallty Repairs & llahed over 1 yr, exit lo- LA PETITE MERE person to 1Mm & gro.. 7899 Aster Clrele, B.Pk. TIE._ ... UY _ _ STOYlll Oil.Liil Heating. 842-339• cation In NB. Mutt ..,I. 1·800 821-1985 Start as PfT r~tloni.t


'iiiililiii .. ____ J ltu, !!!,• ..... •AM 240--0717 °' 522-2323 Frea•t refa 552-7729 H1ullng Moving Clean· . Call 9-5 M-F 994-5400 "'--ntiCI 0 and rental pereon. Room _ • · ups. 7 Days. Loweet rates STIHm •Ylll OI. Pn~_ •1•t ' -- f0< advanoement. A.rc~1tectare VACANCIES VACANCIES Call Batry. 722-8673 oranoe co. OrlQlnal FultsEMfcE PROP- Ilea Waat.. l URPl/ OllLIOAIE TSL MGMT M2-1eo3

ARCH RENDERINGS. Special Pre Spring Rates lacoae Tax - Student Movers. Tnaured ERTY MGMT .. 3% Bkr rv nv, 81 e, sound lnvett· Eng. spkng Iv-In. Lt. care lllT lllW !!!';;;;;;;~;;;;;1 HOMES, COMMERCIAL. We do It alll 857-07•2 Lie. T12•_.36. 841-8•27 AMERILAND 997--0941 menta have S800K equl· tor nwbm . Clean-cook· !! Call Kevin 673-25 t51E C.atracttrl FRANK MUSSELMAN NEW Warehouae St0<age ty, NB, pnme comm prop drive n-smk pvt apt In FIT tamp help over 18 yra,

La) 130 yrs As Tu Consul11nt P!JC~CI nr alrprt want loan beaut. home 1 blk·bch. Cuhlera/tleketa. pet1IJnO








Air• t B.1 WILSON 1 SONS Sr C11 Rates 6'6-7828 IOYll·UI --/PWI ,. •• 1 s21sK 2nd TO · Sun/Mon off refs req'd.I atten., otc e1c. Call Suite Perking Area RePaJrs 1 Am Add Remodel Kite.' Careful-Courteous-Cheap .... ,_.., - · 760-6843 0< 760-13•9 II 67~ Ol' appfy In Resurfacing • Roofing & Bath Tiie 4357"37 Ina.I LadacaJiat By hr /0< pleoe. 6'6-3665 Reader. Put-Future $5 ed X1t Rlveralde Comm prop, LOVING NON-SMOKING person et 3432 Via Waterproofing• 831-' 199 30 yrs exp 6'6-17'0 A La 850-2758 Diane 83 l -8984 3 ya old, valued S585K, • • Oporto # 105, Newport -- ROLLS, Gen. Contractors nc1rt laraiat S.met want loan 1st TO $22SK. En~llah speaking woman Sch btwn 3-5:30. :;rh:~:;:::~t!;~~~r: Kitchen remodeling TIE llEll SCllE companion/ Aides tO< live ...... u., I W itital both prop has atron~ ten· ~c:.,~v~o~" :,r 3ho~d~~~ GENERAL OFFICE Joe 6'5-4289 7am-9pm Speclallst 552-0•28 Lawn-Tre&-Shrub Install In care & llte hakpg fl)( ants Cell 714-854- 919. Must have refereneft. Needs a think on 'fOl.K feet ~~---,,..-.,-....-- Cta1tnctit1 Tree Trim and Removal the elderly (71')833-2009 Add',.OMIOn--RerTIOdel Aaa ... ctlltatl 955-1 585 Day °' Evee person, f0< buay ofc,

laaian1 Senkn I lail•i•I ~:,,~k:'~n!ta~t~:~ Paiatial . .. F°ieeop ~iZ·e'3~2~~· Pf i ii/ - wtgd ~ mAnneriama,

A=~~~rtBr~u~: SlAll ClllTalOTlll Free Est1m1tea ~8-6065 FINE PAINTING By Alch· -· Aauucna1at1 nzo M~-:.::t{" SlOI W'~ ~8.~.Klm Typesetting. GRAPHICS All types of remOdellng. Landscaping Sprinklers. ard Sinor 16 yrsof happy S•aJJ btlat lt,.U *llfl l IUl•1• DATA ENTRY NEWPORT 720-9191 llc#487699 8'0-1596 Sod Clean-ups 20 yrs In ¥~stot$rs.I Uc.9~4 • l.AmJNATECli; Penonallzed Reeumea & E•••ew--I FfT, musl type 50/Wpm,

T-- w p II\..- area Tony MS-5 t2• ~ • ou Go-Karts, Single Cy1. MIC le1t.,.. Same day aervtc. - • 'rrnK e"" helpful, n-amkr ~. yplng, ord roceaslng, .,_rs - - RAINBOW PAINTING Scoot.,.,Mopedl,Mowera avail. RESUME WORKS Career opportunity fOl' an p-;;rt Waetem eorp,'"cd Typesetting. RUSH JOBS Elltry l Fr;;;ct; DOOfs Complete ctean-op gen' I Ouahty IS our policy Expert. personal, reas 111 1044 experience Eaaow Of· Michelle 851-0517. ~~=PH~cfs EN~~;6~i' By Norman The Doorman maint, tree trlmlng, free I 650·66'6 JEFF uc 8688 P/ups.'Dr · Dave •9'- 1187 • ficer. Mutt be able to

Oak & Fir 857.0QOR est Mauro, 982-9973 Lett Ftad 2925 work quickly and ae-720-9191 ISHIKAWA LANDSCAPE A.A A PAINTING Int/Ext Tilt ouratety Excellent com-

HOIE LOAll Dmnfl --- Sod Clean-ups Ma1nt I 1 LOOSWtepES.,.T_~?1oe"1b66le2~r31oe23.5 EXPERT fnlng-Reilable, pany benefits. For more

•eDRVWALL fAPING • Sprlnklers, etc 850 ... 147 __ ...,.... · reuonabl•Remoc:lel· beth Information, can: Great time to reflnanoe s G c -•1 722 9783 FOUND ADS COidweii Banker Eacfow CALL NOW 842-«•s All Texturn & Accoustlc TREES DAN AL YER PAINTN kitchen. ... • 6'4_9390. a.It! for Claire

Free est Kevin 722-9294 Lie • •2592• A COidweii Banker Co LOTUS 1·2-3 PAYROLL Electrical Topped/removed Clean- Call Anytime 964-2017 Wiain Clt1aia1 ARE FREE Equal Oppty Company

Plcilup & delivery, too up, new lawns 751·3• 76 G LASGOW PAINTING LET THE SUNSHINE IN Gene, 979-0551 p••• ... L - C C II -"•-1 Evtnl Clean Ups• Tree Topping Int/Ext 30 yrs exper., Sunshine window cleaning a :

Carr••2 Ouallly work, free est Shaping-Removing-Haul. ref's 6'2-5214 Ltd. Call (7 l•> 6'8-5980 t•i·Hll .Ill IEllnllY EXpert Cerpentry s;r:;;c; ~~2_:513 968•740~ MIKE 650-32~-- HOMEOWNER EXPERTS "' RECIPTllllST Repalr-Remod'l·Addltlons RESIDICOMM'LllNO 261 Tree/Trim/Cleanup compl Int/Ext Acous Celllnga. Park Window Cleaning. Real Estate [)eptartment 5-48'"'980 yrs. Do my own work Uc gardening Competlttve lie• 288597 831-9295 we also wuh mlnl-bllnda ol auccesaful lndepen-

BUILD OR REPAIR •278041 Al 6'6-8126 I prices Chuck 6'2· 2873 PAINTER NEEDS WORKI Newport area 720-9101 FOUND fem LO() eared Of· =ln~nl~ ~:p ·~~

llllllL .,,.. FIT, typing, phonee, vartecl ofc duties, 557 -3200

lllOALlmll OIJtlea lndude: Type, fh answer phonee, wilt treln on word proceuor. s12001mo ater1. Aek for Mary 852-0233


Watts, stairs. doors. locks. - DON'S ELECTRIC I Gardening Full Service I lnl/Ext, celllngs. refln cat>. Spring Cleaning Special •nge & gray rebblt , Olde quartMt ofc, accurate ralllngs, moldlnga & trim •98-9671 Service calla, Mow-edge-clean ups- tree (26) yrs exp .. work guar Balboa Window Washing COM. 6'0-1827 typing sl<llls req, dlc-

l:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia...:#;_4:.:,7.:,6,;,:10;.:6..:Do::;;n..:96':.:..:,·..;;5,;;.94,;,:9;.J,:;dry~er.,:ou:.:.;lle:.;t;,.s .:,et;:c,;.· bo:.:;,n;:d:ed~,:w,::or:,:k:._:96:6-:2:_:7_:1:6/~E_:l.:_v ~m:sg!.,j..D:.a:.;11:1s:..:P..:a~ln,;,;,11;;,;n:,g .:.96':...:...· :.;38:.:3:.:.7,J.. __ _:6:..:7..:3....:· 3:...:1.:.35:__--f FOUND: Male lrtlh Setter, taphone & WP knOWl­lem Irish Setter Male edge an advantage . Aust shephMd. mele prevlou• loan ilocumen­

Immediate Entry Level Full-time opening for growing PubllaNng Com­pany. General office, some typing & good ph o ne personality


HB Real Eatlte Otc, flt vartous dutlee, Ind aome errsnds, gd apelllng ac­curete typing, ettentton to detail a must. H,. flex, call Vera 8•6-1371.

A GOOD AD· Let us help you find your market! Our experienced ad takers can advise you how to " tell all about it " in a low-cost classified ad.


lhua Apse, 1 Ra.y Boa tal lorl exp pref. but not snake 6'4-3656 euentlal, xii benefits

FOUND· Med sz male blk Call Personnel 851-9900 18b S.A Can't keep. ClllHCEUll 5• 5-88'1 EOE M/F/VI H

Found Older female Wire Haired T errler Newport Is land. Coll ar only

MANAGER 650· 130• Immediate opening ror full

Lost F/Wlre Haired Fox time District Manager Terrier. red collar, vicinity Must enjoy work ing with Dove<I PCH, 6'5-3575 chll dren. Experience


LOST Gry / wht 2 yr We otter 1n excellent ben­M/Husky, named Juno, ellt progrem: paid v1• bl eyes, 662- 1861 cations a holidays, bonld

LOST Parrot, 3/8186 C.M program and dental In· area. Green bird, red surance. Salary plua head 722~ 171 aft 8pm mileage reimbursement

LOST small allvef/ grey/M Applicant must apply In poodle w / purple collar person at Dally Pilot. 330

vie Fllrvu/ Bak« S•s-8096 West Bay St., Coate

GIVE 'ffiE

- Mesa, Ca Apply 9-11 a.m. 0< 2·• p.m (Clrcul•· 11()('1 Dept.).


YOUR T,IFE. lk .1 \'oluntn:r


,. n11U111

3 years experience, mufti pro}ec1 commercial and lndustrlal, motlv1ted and resourceful . Budgetary and PA a mutt. Reply to BIRTCHER, P.O 19677 lrvlne, CA 92713-9677. Attn· Mary O'Connell.

SAUi I IWIAlmllT 11111 +

PEAK INTERNATIONAL A feeder In the heelth end

beatuy, need• 26 hlgt\ly motivated men and women who are

abOve avefage exeoutlve 0< toP producing .....

persons f0< the OC a.rM. Complete COl'p training program April Mth (If

yoo QuallfV) Mr. Hudson. 114-411-1111 TlmlLllY

Enthul•tle ANt Mgr "Md rortennla end actl\19...., t>outlque. Or•t beMftta, qualJfted ~ .. with reelted e• perlenca pleea• call Robin

American =:-.~rr-1-.~~·~~~~ Red Cross r:k ... .;:!.

1nauranoe ex~ fOr ---------t two lnt1tnls1a. 84M743

Mon-Fn, 9-5pm.

lfflllOlDI Person wllllng to !Mm.

Typing helpful. Starting sal. S4-S6 hr. 957-3073

PIT IE•W. IFFlll Pert-Time clerlCll poettton It Credit Union. Poefflorl requires a person wtt1'I transportetlon who can handle I Vatlety of t•a. lndustr1al League of

Orange County Credit Union; 15901 RedhlH, lte. 101; Tustin; 259-4844

PIT ...... eltftlM Mon thru Frldey et

N.B TRAVEL AGENCV 780-9515/8YM M2-8777

IW. llTITI ll•'T Buay exatlng reel eet.ate co. ...ka eggr ... lve lklenaed l*'90f'I fOf aaet position. Selery. Send,... eume to: Ad #•. o.ity Piiot, P. 0 . Box 1580, Coate Meta. CA 92'21

llllPT/MI. ... Gr•t future '°' depen­dable. motivated Girt

Friday In small growing, profeaalonal firm. ,.. quires od phor'9 rnw!Mf, butc offtce 9kllla, llke de-­tall end variety. WIN train right perton. Grow wtth ua. ~918

M•lllmT Front offloe appearance. Mutt type lrn­medlete opening, Call Pola or Shelly 1 1


U.OAlllL lnvwtrnant firm In ....,. port~ _.inO FIT MCr' ty wlboottkteptng exper. Good t yp lno . grammar 9kllle, WOf'lt pro­cu a Ing l phone • MClMMry Good growth potential. Non-emkr. 11800/ rno. 873-4227

SECRET ~RY FIT Aocurat• typing f()( W.P.,

xlt dlctaphone ekllle, •P•lllng and . oood w/numbera, '31-MIO.

•.-A&. Alllll* wan E X C E l l E N T 0 P • PIT kif Santa Ane ptyt ~ PORTUNITY For ,_,..,, vettlOatl\19 ofc. M~ IMd Gre.d• e.m.,gency Clinic to ,.fT or ln'f'lllttOatl\19 l~ted In N'#pt lkh hu poeltton, &U-Mn .. CALL CLASSIFIED 642-5678 lmtMd FIT (19tnlng Poe- -•-/llln 1t10n 1no1 .u omce _, .. , • ..

..... . ·. .... ,. .

dut .... open to do llmtted FOf New 9oet •oar.oe. X· Ray Tectlnlolan 10Q8 Ft tlme. o.tall ~

!~!~~XI~~'::~~ IHDTillln/ U. ege For oontidwatton, Entry i.wt, front oMoe ep. Debra 838-8000 PO I 1 ~enoe. Ut• typtng.

-·· phonel. .. train. -- t ISO mo. to..,,_ Front a blCk ofc Wiii Mf Stuert. 411-1103 traJn. College bJtQmd .,...... ,...... pr.t. Npt 9ctl FfT • Mon _....., , ,,,.._,

thr F'rl &4e-5073 Mtwre, ~ ptue, N«Mr fof A.I -.110,

RN/LVN ,or Ho41tttc IJtliln "*'' CO, N.8 . luay Ctr. S 10-UO/ hr pit, phonee. typing 4hDm. NB / Tutt l n , Duncan general ·o ufce . tall S4•-t 15. 9-4pm Marltyn 840-7'80

1a:., _____________ __, ____ ............................................ ..--...-.-----..--------------------------------~~~~ ------


111'111 Tlll•llll Need od drv'g recotd &

valid CA. llo. IMtall & Mr· Vice etec:tronlc o•rage door °'*'9'· Benett•. Wiii tr8'n right petton 15K-8 7 Sup9rto< Av, CM

Available In lrvlne area. $300 to $600. No collect­Ing. 3-4 hours a day. Mon. thru Friday afternoon. Sat. & Sun. morning. Call 642-4333, ask for Kirk.


Dilly Piiat 330 W. Bay St.

Costa Mesa, CA

If , .. .,. ...... 1e1t1e 114 wut t1 • .......... WEWANTYout ............. .......,, ... .. ..... ,.. .................. . ........................ ..,..,, ............ _ .... ' Cel , ... ,, A .. fw T.C.

(7 t4) 642-4111


Deliver 1 day a week. No collecting . no soliciting . Must have dependable car , truck or station wagon and insurance

CALL 842 - 1444



Crew Supervisors are needed to work In a fessional management 1t1on.

now pro­pos-

We now have openings for mature adults to supervise newspaper sales crews.

Responslblllties will Include hiring, training, and motivating teens In obtaining new cus­tomers for one of the area's leading newspapers. .

For an excellent opportunity and earnings of $500-700 per wk,

Call TC Aak tor Aon 842-4333



,' •• :, ;,. •• J ~ , •

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• ~. HA'1t.-.r.1'°' "'... • •

cu~r• A'4t \A '·.J, •1



,/, f) ~lt.'181 '" "' • :.

COST.I. Ml 'A '>·'1 .......... '. 5o-Speed, AM/FM S .....

15Kmllee. ~ UC. 1LQRM5

Stoett 4290 .... THEODORE


JJf>l. HAPBOR e,vc ((l\TA M l~A ">~: '·'



/1 .......... M.1,lfl{ \I ••• -

(O'ta ... I \A ..... , ' '


ROBINS SQ R ['I 'I 'ti"' •I

I A - I "I '



' • - 0!'8ftOI C0Mt DAILY PILOT/, Maroh 29, 198e

' ... - Ml c II• n Me MlllMllW. II... PIOTmOUe .,..... ~by. M indMduel NTmOW ....... Or CCMllll M nnow ..... I '9C1"10we .,-... ~ L. OOl9r\t ~:..:.:··-Of MM99TAW 19, 1... MAmlTAW fillolwdLMu-.noe .W.ITAW ~~·tt. tt MAllllTAW IWmlYATW ......,IMt. 1174.0...

:;ur---&?L...I' .::::..:::-~ ~ 0t"'lt"=~=~-- wfttl~::~ot~ ~==:'*-.,. ~S.12, tMI ' ,.;:=::~n~:::...::::--.. ~0:~=1 11 ooit-1\ - GP ....... 11 1~ ---IMPORT8.171t1OllllyPlotMan:lll,15, U ,I Vll)fO OIPOT, 1000 lfl09 CWnty on Mwdl I , AOAVANClO DATA a.... F'fRTH POeT!M LIM- I IHTl1'TEK.NO-OAlcNr ~~Mtnc1M•11m1 -...... UN-·--- lf'AlflHAVfH. IAHTA ANA, 2t. 1HO lrlstol, 8ulte • • ~ I... CONVVISIOH AHO IOf'T· ITm. 312 !Mnd.,. Offtoe Ave .. Colita ..... CA nat L. Collt ~ GP ..... • !CA t2706 h-411 e..ct\, CA t2teO W WAN. M7 W • ._ en.t "8JC 91JT1C( Box 1CMe, • NNpor1 &wih. M IO h ••I Jo 1 • p h Th9 ......,.. ._ tied ....., ..... MA••H ~ F, ... NI. NIM

1 Mol Ylll'I Bui, 14 ~ 11\ib!Wled Or_,. COM& •2.4, eo.te ...... CAbiii OA'*3 ...... ,, 22tO Coleg9, wttttthe~ClnofOr·

'.__ • • J .. '!! .. ~ ·~O """"'-• •• -... 11

•-"" -r ~Moe, OA 12120 o.tty Plot Mt11cll t5, 2.2. 2t, UOVd ~ ~ 117 PIC1'm0Ue ..... ,__.I. Hueton, ~~ ....... CA tH2f ... ~on JMtdl ao, •• •""'"- -- ..,.,. ""V- -·- ~ ""'""' TNCChlNgocCM>-Bul, 14 Aprfl6, 1Nt W. ~ Stl'MI, #24, 0oet.- t1Am9TA~ Pwtner,311.......0,PoetOf• TNe butlMM .. COn- 1tM Toe.I ed..itteO •1Mt1 eb0\19 ACTmOUI ..,_.. , !Mn9. CA t2720 s.-449 JHM, CA t2l2t ni. fo10w1r1g.,...,. n b loit 104e, ~t duo*'~ en lndMduel ,._

H AU. 161, H .4; Totll "6cherd Plment.1, wne y Th.19 bullneu 11 con- Alldr.- Jotin P,_.on. dolnO~llt: ewt\,CA ntN I MldlMIJ. llt..,_1 Pu'*'*1 0r9'IOI COM NeMMtM 2,Hl,4H,ff0: M eb0¥9 ~':! duci9dby· hutblndlndwlt. 4052Homelt.ed,!Mne,CA nH! MA"INE WIND· larllhleUl~. lnd .• j Thie ltaNIMnt ... lllilcl Delly'llott.Mrdttl,Ap111. ~ peld .,:'Notte; Gr0M P.,,,. ~tel. IMl9 M .,. Mol Vtrt Bui Ind TNC Chi rtllJC fllllC( 92714 SHtELD CO., 810 W. 11Mt\, I CelttofnlAI COtpOJetlon. wfth the County Clttk ol Ot· 12, 1t, ttM . .. ,.1:. Non•~~ ~ ~'*' 11 con· ~ULTAt>u--.NTSPAOOUCT ..... :._ ~. ~ C::!!.n1 ... !Md ACnnoue ....... ~ ~ 4802 v-. IC, eo.. ....... CA t2f'T7 a103 ... .. t n lf'ol• ~ 1: County on Merdl 11, M..-.... flUndl t 1n ,71t,124; dudedby a .,_,.,piwtner. :W.,CAl2Jl4u_, ,,_, wtththeCounty()et1( ofOt· MAlm9TATDmff Th19 llUllnw 11 con- W~ :t. ~ ===.~= ,._11

,_, Un_'= ""* (lwpU> ehlp Stuart A Iha-Yin, H WIQe County on March 7, The:::.:::~.,. duat«1 by • Oll'*lil l*t- MMe, CA f2t27 ' Thie buelnw It con- Publllhed e>r.,. eo.t "8.JC MmC( NoM; (Lelle) floom • .__, l*NI ttwMI Rain lflllne Ce t2114 tHe ~R80UR OOMMUNITT' ~ TNI bullnw le ~ <M19d by. • limlt9d pertner· IOeily Piiot Mereh 22, 2t, flllC hiJOUe .,, •• ...-. t ,OfU11: ~ Thie 11ta twnen1 w .. Thia bu~I,,.. .. 18 con· P101'a C" ,.,. 7 oe .. ~- L.IOYd OOl9M Aoetle duGtlld by • .,, lndMdual 1t11p 1Apfll 5, 12, 1tee ~ ITA~ (oeor.,.) In ~ Ind wtttl IN County Ci.tie of Ot· duct9d by' trt lndMdual Publitt* Otange CoM1 nUnvH, .1 t ..,.....ater Thll lta.ttment Wiii flled In lndlvldual Peter 8. Hi.ton 8a .... f0 -8wrph11 d ur ing 1tH tinge County on Fwuary STUART A SHEVITZ Dally Piiot Mlfch 15, 22, 21. LAne. Hunllngton leech. CA with tfl9 County Ctenr ot Ot· Thie .. t9'Mnt - "'90 Thie llM'"*lt wM !lied TM fOIOwtnt l*90n 19 ~12t,O .. ); ln1ur1nc• In 13, 1He Thia •t1t-*1t wu f1lecl Aprfl S. 1He 97~~tlnolon Hwbouf Com- 1f108 County on Maren 3, with tN County CIWk of Or· wttt1 the County CWk of Or-- ~N~L~f. Ot 0, 0 . : N 1110 n w Id . ~ with tht County Clertl of°'' / _......, ~ch c.tlfotnl• ION -- .,. County on M•oti 11, .,. County on F«lnMry I - - II' WI. nH' Hllotfope A•. Corona ..

t 5,et1,0M, 141; Aocldent l P\lblllfted Otlf108 CoMI Cou ty F~ ......... , • .._ IMe It, ,... I r-..... ""'~ c.-t. t2tZI H • t Ith pr • m I um a Delly Plot Meten 16. 22. 2t ~He n on I not for profit, 17108 ~ P\lbllllfled Orenge CoM1 '-7 ratt• M•, · 11f,t 14.S34: ~ In April 5, tNe · f'I01aG w•t•r Lin•, Huntington Ollty Ptlo1Metcll15, 22. 2t. P\lbllMd ~ eo-1 P\lbllltled Orange Coea1 ftC'nf'llOUe .,..... Ten Ven......._ .,,,.,. Force: ~S21, 1113,02t; AOClr S..C57 PublllheO OtWIQe CoMt NIUC NOTIC£ ~· c:u: I• GOn• Aprll 5, 1888 SH&I = Plot Meirctl 22, 21, Delly Plot Mitch I . IS, 22. r::-~=.,.. ~~ ...... Celt.

~ ~ ~ o.ity Pllol Mt11ctl 8, 16. 22, f'ICTTnOUI ..,..... dueled 5, 12, tlN 21. 1Me dcHno bUllnett M: Tiiie bulllMM II oon-p._ 1e ..... 22S fUlJC ll)TICE 29, 1988 NAMI ITATl•NT Peter SI. Don, Prttic*tt rtaJC ll)TICE 1 .... 11 s..420 LAN 09CAPE SYSTEMS, due19d by: 9ft lndMcMll *• Nr9by c:.rtlfy tNlt the ----·· SMt2 The followlng perlOl'll •r• Thia •tllement WU llled 24292 Tuco OrlYe, o.n1 Toni Ven 8oNlttae ~ ftem9 .,. In eo- ...... • • • ...... --- doing bu..,_ u : wllh the County Cltttc of Or· PlCTTnOUI ........ NlJC 91JTIC( Point.. CA t2t29 Thll llal8l'nent .. llled CIOfdenOt with tM ~ ~~~.,.. rtaJC NOTICE SOFT FOUNDRY, 387 W ange County on Metoh 4, MAim ITA,....,., BVoyoe 0 . Munoz. 24292 wtth 1M County of Or· S tet.ment for llM YHI' AAiftA .;;;-,,;: ';;r:.:..V., Bey St., Coet• MeM. CA 19M -- Th9 folloWlnO '*"°"'.,. N Tn'IOW ...... "8JC NOTICE Tuco onv.. o.n. Polnl. CA ... County °" tMf'Oh ao. MOec1 Deoember 31, 1N6 :v-"' -~1 '9CTmOUI .,_.. t2e27 .. _ d<HnQ ~..: um ITA.,...,,, 92129 IHI IM09 totM lnewenoeCom- Trwt., 17581 Ortfltttl Cir.. MAm ITAT'lmNT Nancy E HolQate. 387 W Publl8lWd Otwige CoM1 UNIQUE WOOO FLOORS Tl'9 ~ Pe(IOM.,.. flllC1'mOUe ....... Thl1 bualnMa la GOn~ ,_.. nllll6oi• ol tM State of Hul'lllngton Beech, 1294~ The lolloWtng l*'IOnl we Bay St .. Coeta Mw, CA Delly Pll01 Merell 15. 22, 2t, 188 E. 22nd $1'991, eo.ta doing bullrtW..: MAim ITAlW' duat«1 by. In lndMdull Putlllhed 0rtw'OI Ca.I ~ purwent to i.w AmOid Lee Roetn, 17 1 doH1g bu1iM1e M: a92827 April S, 1988 u.a, CA 92827 MUAPH'Y'I "OMANC!, Th9 to1ow1ng 1*90f1t.,. ~Munos Delly Plot MarUI 21, Apt I,

lellMr Jofw\ "°'"'· Jf .. Orltflth Cir · Huntington POQ BINDERY AND Thl1 bualneaa 11 con· s.-442 Wlli.rn Floyd Wer'*· 188 1127 W. W'lll9on, 1103, Cotta d<Hno butlnMt M: Thll ~ - flied 12. 19. 1tee 1P\ ..... 1t; ,,,.,,_ F~ BMc:fl,. Cellf. 92947 MAILING SERVICE. 1327 duct41d by· an lndMdual E. 2211d Str_. eo.ta...... Mele. CA t2t27 THE 8 0 A A 0 W ALK with IN County C*lt of Ot· · IA--4fl Mor.~ duct~ ~~~oon- 8toneift91d. ~t• ~. CA NANCY E. HOLGATE Nil.JC ll)TICE CA 92821 • Mlelt\MI ..... Murphy, BUILDING, 2104 WHI .... County on Mlll'Ch 13. , ________ _

Puoleflltd Otange COM1 Amoid'L.. Roeerl t2e2e Thi• atatement wu ftlecl Ellz&belhFranoMW.,,,.;, 527 W. Wiiton, 1103. co.ta OcHn front , N•wpor t 1oee rtaJC fl)T1C( ~Plot Maran 25, 29. 27. Thie

1111.,,.,.,,1 WM Kim D Qulnl•n. 1327 with tht County Clenc ol Ot· FIC'n'nOUt llU ... 91 tN E. 2211d Street, Coet1 MeM, CA 92427 Beech, CA tat63 ,_1 _ _ ...... -.-.-... ..... ---.._

21, 29. 1Me . with the County CWk of Or· StOMfleld, Coet• Mw, CA 8nQ9 County on March 4. NAiil ITATlmNT MeM, CA 92827 T'hl1 butlnMI la con• Rlc:Nrd Lee L.-wrenoe, Publllhed 0tat1Qe COM1 PICTTT10Ull •"HmM T· , 12 County on Mweh 20 92826 t988 n ... following petllON - Thi• l>utlMN I• con- duc1ed by. 111'1 lndMcMll Stat Rout• IOJt 1038, Ot· o.lty Ptlol Met'Otl 22, 29, MAm ITA~ = • Pamela R. lMlgtldO(f, 119 F1Cm11 doing bu81n.a M : ducted by: llU9bend Ind wtte MldlMI llr ... Murphy enge, CA t2te7 Aprtl 5. 12. 1Me The folowtr'9 peraone.,. 1 ,_,.1 14th StrMI, Huntington Pul>llan.d Orano- Coat SOUTH COAST BUSI· ELIZABETH F. WARNEA TNI ~ _..· Ned l'hll butln.1 la con· . Sa-4413 doing ~ -

--------- Publllhed Orano- Coal ee.ctl, CA 9211-48 Deity PllOt Metell 15, 22, 29, NESS SERVICES. 2800 S. Th4I ltatWMnt ._ fllecl wfth the County CWk of Or· dlmtd by. In lndMcMil ~ nt£ MU, 1111 "8JC NOM D.ily Piiot Merell 22. 211• Thi• 1>ualnff1 la eon- Aprll 5. 1988 Malt1 St., lJnft A, Sarita Ana, ~ the County Ci.tie of Ot· llllOI County on F'9bfuery Nc'.Ntd lM ~tn09 MMe Vtwde Or. L 1111.

___ ....... _ ...... ...,_, __ ·- 5. t2. 1Ne ~~by • 09'*8' p.vt. Sa-«7 CA 92707 ilrl09 County on F*'*Y 24, 1Me TNa ttatement - fleecl rtaJC NOTICE ea.ta Me9a. Celt. t2tlS fllCTn'IOW Wd ......," ,_.,,.., M81Y EIU.abelh Yow, 3217 11, 1He ,_,.,.. wtth the County of ()t. On the Wiid 8'd9 urne...s, um ITA~ S8--4n Kim OulnlWI WlO Pamele Biren St., Santa Ana, CA n.11'2 P\lblllMd OrWIQe CoM1 tw'OI County on Mwch 8, PIC11TIOU9 .,_.. Ca11fom1a. 1565 MeM V..-

The fOlloWtnG l*'9Gn8 _ R Langadorl "8.JC NOTICE 92707 P\lbllan.ct Orll108 cout 01111y Piiot Mareh 22. 29, 1tee MAim ITA~ E . .f3IE, Cotta ......_ Celt. doing b uelnna u : P\aJC NOTICE Ttll• etll9'Mtlt w• Ried '1CTITIOUl IU .... I Thomu Leon Ygw, 3217 o.tty PtlOt Maren 8. HS, 22, Aprll 5, 12, 1* 8....eo .... .......__. ,.., ": The to11ow1ng pweone .,. t2e2f CleHmlt• RH OUrOH , with the COunty Clerk OI Or· .... ITATl-.n' Blrc:ll St.. Sant• An•, CA 29, 198e ~~'M~'1r. 22 29' d<Hno ~ M ! Thi• bu91MM le eofl-14482 9eecfl &Nd., Suh• C. '1CTmOU9 IU ... 11 8l_l08 County on February The IOllowtng pet'IOnt .,8 92707 8e-40I .,_., • • • CORO NA DEL MAR cluct9d !t.i~::f'Mlon w ........... CA t2tl3 MAim I TATlmNT 18, t988 doing l>ual~ Thia bu1ln .. a 11 con- NlJC ll)TIC[ APff 5, 1HO &.-448 FlOWEAI, 2188 E.. COMt Thie w tied

Fninll Wllllern Tlm•d'y, The tollowtng peraona ere notM RITE TIME C~OcK SER· ducted by: husbWld end wife 1111m11"' 11111\ftl't ~. Nlwpof1 a.ctl, wtOI IN County of Or-"32 Hemllton Ave De. doing~ M Peregon Pul>llllled Otano- Coal VICE, 805t W.,,.,., Avenue, Mary E.. y,,,_ ""~ nu1PK ACllTIOUI 91111•19 CJ; t2MO Inge County on MarUI 20, Hunting ton BHch, C A ReM•teh, tH13 BHCll D111ty PtlOI Maret\ 8. 15, 22. Huntington BHch. CA Thi• ltalemenl WM Ried '1CTTT10U8 .,_.. MAim ITA.,._, rtaJC ll)T1C( S.9'1no J . Porto, 2008 1tee tH4e BM!., Suite 143. Huntington 29. 198e 02e47 with the County Qef1c of Ot· NAm ITATDmln T'h9 ~ '*'80flt.,. Port RairMolt• , N9wport ,_

T'hlt bul l,,_. 11 Con· Beech, CA 92848 Sa..o9 David Inlay 8172 Ellll .fC angt County on Mll'Ch 4, The followtng l*'IOn8 are d<Hno ~ ee: f'ICTinOUe .,_.. leech, CA~ Publllhed OrWIOt COllM due'*' by:.,, lndMduat DeVld Allen Sll/vely. 21250 Huntington ' Beach CA t98e ~ bullMtl • · MARKEL I ASSOCIATES, MAm tTATDmNT Thl• butlnttl la con· o.lty Pl6ol Mar'Clh 21, Apt 8,

Frink w. Tlm8d'y Beech Blvd ti 104, Hunt· Pta.IC NOTICE 92&48 . ,__ 1v'7"'0 SERVICES 16 t42 1400 [)aye S tr .... N9wpor1 Til9 followtng pet'80M ere ducted by: en lndMdlual 12, It, 1Me TNI lt• tement WU llled lngton BMc:h. CA 92&48 Thia l>ullnen II con. PUblllned Or1nge C0Ut "'· ,., ' 9Mctt, CA t2eeCI doing ~ M: S«allno J . Porto

wtttt In. County CWk of Or· Thia bu1lnff1 II con· FICTITIOUS _,..... ducted by. en lndMdual Delly Piiot March 15, 2~. 29, 1~18CAt~e49Hunt1ngton Pllr1clt Herold M.,1191, . (11 MIDNIGHT MAOIC (2) Thie ttat.,,.,.,,t - tlled = County on Februwy 7. ducted by: WI lndMdual NAm STATIMPIT o.vtd Inlay Aprll 5. 1988 niom. A. Ollnder 18 t42 e8S Center St .. ea.ta~ AtFlECTIONS, &482 Welt- with IN County of Or· --NlJC- --..,-TIC(---1 0.llld A Shiv.ty The lolkM!ng '*'°"' .,. Thlt 1111.ment WU llled SM43 Twinkle Clrete. Hunitngton CA 92927 mlnst• A .... . w.,,...,, WIQe County on Mlll'ch 11, --------------

f..r7 Thll itat.,,.,.,,t wu flied doing bullMM u with lhe County Cieri( of Or· •- "' N0Tll't BMCll. CA 92849 Thl9 bualnett la ~ eA 92ta3 10M PUIUC MOnc8 PutlMthed Otange Cout with the County CWtc of Or· s & F ASSOCIATES. A .,. County on Merell 4, .. ~ I~ Thl9 l>ualntN •• con- duct9d by In lndMdu.I Oebre LM Uvtng1ton, ... . ......_. n....,_ ~ Notice II~"*' tNl

Delly Piiot Merell 8, IS, 22, = County on Mwctl 20• !Cellfomla 0-el Partner· 108e due19d by. Wt lndMdulll Petric* Mlll'tlel 18190 Routt. 0.dln Grow, rv-- ..,._.,,... ..._., the City ot F-ountmln Vrl/lfl(I 28, IMe , ... lhlp, 369 Seti Miguel Dffle. ,..., ~ COUfl'T THoMAS A OLINOER TNI statement w.. tll9d CA t27Ge Deity Ptlo! Mwcn 22, 2t, Hou.Ing Ind COmmunltr

S~ P\lbllanect Otano- C09llt ,Suite 100, Newpoft Beech, Pubff8Md OranQ9 Coat COUNTY Oft~ Thia ll1tement WU flted with the County CWk of Of. Thl9 bullMM 11 con· Al)l'll 11, 12. 1N8 Sl-474 1 Oeve lopm•nt Advteory Dally Pilot Merell 22 29 C811fomla 92eeo Delly Pilot M.,Gh 15, 22. 211. In the Mallet OI lhe Appll- with the County Cltttc of Or· = County on Mercn 13, duct9d by. an lndMdu-' I Bawd """ be OOI 1t1tlrtng

- - ------- April 5 12 1988 ' · Mk:hMI 1 Col'lerl, 369 Sen "-Ptll 5· 1988 Sa-440 cetlon of frank Un Haig ~ County on Feonwy ,_ Th~!t~~~ thtClty'1 Twelfth y.., ~ rt8JC NOTICE . . SM 78 Miguel Drive, Suite 100, Serekl.,len tor Ch8f198 of 18, 198& Pu1>411hed Or- CoM1 .,..... t..._ "~·-"" ,. ....... ~ n... •-II' ~ I Ing .rid Communtty 0.-

- -------- --------- Newpon Beech, CaJlfornl• Name f101• -..,.. "'"' ,,. .,.,... .. , .,_,. "'...,. .. ~ ""''~ ~ llodl Otent l'fo. '1CTmOU9 MllMd "8JC N011C[ 92680 rta.IC NOTIC[ Ho A 132380 Pul>lllhed Otange CoM1 Delly Piiot March 22. 211. = County on Marctl 13, '1CTl'nOU8 .._..

1, gram on W9dneedey, Apt

..._ ITAT'lmNT Robert D Exel, 360 San ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Dell¥ Pilot Mereh 8, 15, 22, Aprll 5, 12, t888 1 ..... ITAT'llmWT 2. tMe In the City touftctll

The·= ~e:o FlC~:.=· =· t.:~!~:9~ I ~~:.~=· FOR CHANGE OF NAME 29

• tHe Se-410 Se-472

Pul>hMd Orange'= Tll9 lollowtng pet90f\ .. Cham:-=·= pet· =TY. 2311 Elden AY· The followlng perl()nl .,. Fred Springer, t 116 26UI The loltowt (See 6064) -- "' W'ITM"<t Delly Ptlol Maren 1l, 22. 21. doing l>uMw • : :t':m..1on ~ .:::: enu.Ste. 1 eo.taMeea CA doing bual,_ ... Young StrMt.Sultef!, Sacramento. ng~w• Franklln D•lano Helg ""~ ""'~ ' April5, 1He (• )PRUDENT 8UYER ! lhe meMtno oonted f'9 92827 ' ' e nd Anoelatea, 8882 Cellfomla95816 ~ l>ualneaa • : Serlldarlan ha flied 8 pell- P\B.JC ll)T1C( '1CTTnOUl8UIMd s..466 MARKETING (l>)PRUDEHT Ptennlng~ City

Gordon Olx Ba.lzner. Bayonne Drlv9, Huntington Thia bualneu 11 eon- LFI NG/ R 0 & 0 tlon In thl1 court lor an order um ITATamNT BUYER FINANCIAL, 400 j H-'I . 1lf200 a.... A. 2311 Elden Ave. , 1. Coe1• ee.ctl, CA 92&48 ducted by· • gener.i pert- SPtOr!.E, RSSul'te2F5. OCA•Et•' • .1!.~h. ell owing petltlo11er 10 f tCTmOUe .,..... The.--.......-...•• •-•r 11111\Tll'r Eel1 17ltl St .. Coeta Mee&, ~ ~ ~

Und • C " __ .. 1 -· .,.. - chenge hl1/her name from NAm ITATIMEff ·~-""' ...-~- l'"UUU\I n1.11-. Ca11f 82827 • • MeM, CA 92827 • .... nn 11ney .oung ....... , P CA 92827 Frinklln Deleno Haig The followfng '*'°"'ere doing l>uaiMM M: J~ D. Chatt•. 754 from 1:00 1.m, untll 5.00

Thi• bualneu 11 con- 8682 Bayonne Ortve. Hunt- MletlM4 I COhel'I. Oenetll Randal Grant Powefl, 801 S«lklerlao lo Fr1nklln DH doing bull,_ M: BLACK OTTER PRESS. f'ICnnoue ..... u Tuatln , Newport BHCh, dp.m .. Monday ttwough Fn. ducted by an lndMdu.i 11'1(1ton 8eech. CA 92&48 Penner Amlgoa Wey Newporl v WILLOW GLEN DE 105 E. 18th St, ea.ta M9M. MAim ITATDmNT 8Y

Gordon Dix Boetzn.r T1111 l>ualnen 11 con· Thia 1tatemen1 wu nled 8eecrl CA 92seo •11gn • CA 02927 Th9 tot1ow4ng P8"ION .,. c.Nf. 92883 Pub41ah 0reno- Cout Thia etatement w .. ftled duc:1ed by: .,, lndMduel with the County Cterk Of Ot· G!Mh H Poweta 801 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED VELOPMENT, 1901 N9w• ~Ruth Orey, 10591-C ldolng bullr'9tl M: Thia bullnMa la con· Delly Plot Mardi 29 1111

wttll the Coune.. Cieri( OI Ot· Lindi Al1f1 Camey Young ang9 County on Ferxvary Am-.o• W1y New' port that 111 persona lnt.,..t9d In pof1 Boulevwd, Coate MeM. Lakeelde Dftve South. Giii'· RADIO PERFORMANCE duct9d by: WI lndMOual . a..1 '' Th flled 19 1986 "' • lhe ma"« IPPMf CA 92827 Jem. o. CNrter

Inge County on F9C>Nery 11 •t•tement WU • Beach. CA 92660 1>41for• thl• court In Depart· PeeHlca Aleoc:iet•, Inc . den 0rO¥e, CA 92&40 s p E c I A LT IE s c 0 N. Thia atat.,,.,t - ftlecl - - - ------10, 1Me ..rtll the County Clettt of Or· F101D Thia l>uelneu la con· t N 3 t 700 CMc c -•.. I t i Thll bualMN 11 con- TAOUEO. 18312 Qlff«d St, •-II' ~

fJOGa7 8nQ9 Couoty 6n March 20. floJ A. Leaowlt&, Al · dUC1«1 l>y 11u11>and and wife ~ o • • .... om• corpora on. duct9d by: WI lndtvldull Fountain V"'-1, CA 02708 wtth the County CWk of Ot· .. _ ,.,,-. P\lt>lllhed Orano- Cout 1986 tOf'M1 et ..... .. lrletot R G Power1 Center Drive WMt, Set1t• 1901 Newport Boulrlard, Oayte Ruth Qrmy Cllfton B. L41tt, 18312 Git· WIQe County on M8rdl 25, - - ------.-.----

Deity Piiot Mlll'ctl 8. 15. 22, 1"*1t0 l treet, autt. TOO, Coeu Thia 1tau1ment wea llled Ana, Cellfornla. on Aprtl 28' Colt• Meaa. CA 92f2T Thia ltllement WM ftlecl ford St. Fountain V""-t. CA ttlle teOTIC9 °' ~ 29, 1988 Publl51led Ot1nge Coqt MeH, Ce llforne t H 2t , with 11141 County Cieri< of Or· 1988, at 9 15 o 'clock A.M.. Riiey Bower Aplf1menta with tht County Ctw1c of Ot· t 2708 ,_, ...,... mioM

O•lly PllOt Match 22 29 '41·1- Ind then 8nd there llhow IX. 2t99 White Ac>M, Sutt• Cou M ch 13 T Pul>llal'Nld 0r8flg9 CoM1 ntm" Ul•ll Se-437 "Pf1IS, l 2 t986 ' ' Publllhed Otange Coaet enge County on Metell 4. C.UM. llanytheyhe'/9, wtty255.lrvlne. CA92714 = ntyon ., •I Ne builneu 11 eon· o.llyPllotMll'Ch29, AprM5, CCU•lllDelfW

Se-479 Delly Pllol Merell &. 15. 22. ~ 19&6 Mid petition lor chang9 of Thll l>ualneu la con· ducted by: 111 lndMdual t2. 19. 1He fMI CffY fW --------- --------- 29 1986 no:mo name ll'IOuld not be granled. ducted by • gene.rll p.vt. ,__ CLIFF 8. L£TT SA-488 ;ouwr. YAU.ST

1111-"' llf'ITll'r .. _.,. W\nrr: ' s- •22x PubUshed Otange Cout I IT IS FURTHER ordered neratllp Pul>lllhed 0rlflQ9 Coea1 Thia ltatemtnt WM NOTICE II Hf•faY ""~ ""' ~ l'"UIVU\I nu'~ - D11ty P11o1 March 15 22. 29. that • rnnu of 11111 Of'der to Dlllly Piiot Maten 22, 29. with the County Cler1l of Or· " -- I I 5 986 _,., J s. Riiey Aprlt 5, 12, 1tee = County on Mweh t3, •-"' NOnrr OIVEN tNt on Wedi~. FlCTmOUe llU ... U FlCTmOUI IUllNEll --------- ,AP'1 1 I .now ceuae be pul>hhed In Thia mtement - ftlecl .,_ ....... 1 ~ •~ April t . 1tee. et 7:30 p.m. fn

MAm ITATl....-r NAMI ITA,....NT "8.IC NOTIC[ S•-44 1 theOrengeCoutDellyPllot. with the County Clertl of Ot· .,._..... ,....., ACTITIOUe .,..... the City Counctf cn.mberl, The ~pet'IOl'l8 .•• ~ The fol.........., peraona are ...,._,,,, ,1 .,,._11 I • newspaper of gen9(81 ano- County on f*'*Y ..... ........._. ,.,. ,.~ ........ IT ... ..._ 10200 Slet• AW1'11.19, Foun-

dolngR .,...,_ U . .,, _ doing bu~ u ,......, " '""" ..,...,... cireuletlon, publlatMtd In Ihle IS, 1988 l'taJC NOTICE ,.v.,._..., ...,.enge ...,._, - ,., ___.,' llirl V""-t, the Ptenn1nQ oaa'a Pizza Rlatorantt . v & E LANDSCAPE AND NAm I TATUIENT I PtlllC NOTICE county at 1eu1 once a wMfl ,.,I ,. Delly Piiot Merch 15. 22, 29, The lollowlng P8"ION .,.. Commltllon wtll hold• pu~

17053 Newland St.. Hunt· MAINTENANCE COMPANY The loltowlno petlOl'll are FICTITIOUS IUltNEll IOf lour consecutive WMl<a Publlahed Orano- COUt FlCTTT10U9 .,.._.. Ai>fll 5, ttee doing buelntU • · lie heerlng IN fotlowtr'9 lngton 8Mctl 9211-48 Ba s Ot . doing bu9lne11 ... prlOf to the d l y of aakl ,,..,_ Oalty Piiot Merell 8, 15, 22, MAm ITATDmJIT Sa-45e BUD' S TRUCK TIRE· on

Deniel Doe Santee Diogo. ~2i2~ 111118 t, ange, SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT T::.Ai:O:i,:":e,.""!!! ete Ing 29. 1988 The lollowtng petlon8 - SAl.£8 AND SERVICE. 104 CoNOfTIONAL use PfA..

t70G2 Stanl9y ~. Hunt- Edward Archibald. 8122 823 38111 Street. Nawpon !doing t>u"'-9 u · Oeled M81 17 1988 88..419 d<Hno ~ ee: rtaJC ll)M P•llmmon St., Sarita AM. MIT NO. 127 P9Clttor\ _. 1ngton8eech92M7 E.Shen8ndoatl, 0rangeCA Beedl. CA 92~ 300 PROPERTIES ttt H• nry T. Moor• , J r., BllL' S TAXIDERMY , Callft2?04 mltt9dby81Jen~b

lh19 bu1lneu la eon- 92fl67 Ettc Steven Rankin. 623 w ()y9' Suite F Senta Ana. Judo• of th• 111.,.rlo r ••II' llf'lftl't 18644 Lot ~ Fountain '1ClTTIOUe --.u John 8. king, Jr. Ind, ... a l>!Wwnent of • .._ duQt.o by: In lndMdual Victor Eggen tefl No 36th Slreet. Newpoft 8eeGh CA 92707 Court I"~ l'IUIPK ValW/, CA 82708 MAim ITATW Freid• Kll'lg, I04 Per9llnmon ltore lnaudlng .... Of dell ~ .. ~t Santtoe Dlogoft'--' Sh1ttuelc Pl-. Orange, Ca CaE~Ra•• 1n 623 36th Rogers A Severaon, tO Pul>lllhed OranQ9 Cout FlCTmOUe llU ... d Biii' Eldon T8Y'Of', 18644 Til9 folowtng l*90N .,. St., Sarita Me.. Cellf. t2704 Ind grOC*ttl locmed 811 ""• ... emen WM _, 92ee6 _.. "~ " Hermttage Lane Newport Delly Piiot M•rell 22, 29, MAim ITATllmNT Loe L..eooee. Valley, doing bullneel M : Thia bUllneea 11 eon- 8475 fielt A~

wtth the Cou'1ty Clerk ol Ot· Thia 1>u1lnH1 11 eon· Street. Newi>Oft Beech. CA Bea<:h CA 92660 AprH 5. 12 .. 1886 The lollowlng CA 92708 J C INTERNATIONAL. duct9d by. hUlband Ind wtte . CONOfTIOHAL 'use ""-anQ9 County on February ducteo by· e oene<•I part· 926&3 Tom Giimer. 19522 Old S8--480 P«aont ere Thi• buelneH 11 eon- 2134 Main Str• , Hunt· Freid• King MIT NO. 121 P9dtkwl 8Uf>. 14• t988 nerllhlp Thi• l>ullneH IS con- Rlrl<:h Road Yori>• Linda d~~~':"c~~STRUC· ducted by en Individual jngton Beeetl, CA 82&48 Thia ltll"'*'t WU fllecl mltl•d by N•o•h lg•

Fa010a EDWAAO ARCHIBALD duct9d by hual>and and wtte CA 92688 . ' TION. 14452 Pin.wood Rd, . Biii Taylor ~ C. 8811mttl, 29804 with the County~ of Ot· TlllcahMN for tr... of Publlahed Orang9 Cout Thi• 1181etnenl w .. nled ERIC RANKIN I Jeck•n 2165 Eut I Pl8JC NOTICE Thia mt«nent - Rolllng HUii Rd. R.H.E. = County on Merell 25· OWMrlhlp °' .. '"'* ...

Deity Pilot Maret\ l5 22, 211. with the County C*1t ot Ot· Thil etatement w19 flied Lemon H91ghls Drive Santa FlCTITIOU8 llUIMIS TUltln. CA 92ee<> with the County Qef1c of Ot· 90274 ,_. ,_.,,ant loc9t9d 811 1-AptN 5 . lHe Sa-<&S8 1nge County on February ~~ theCou~,::ty~~:.~..: An•. CA 92705 · N.U. ITAT'lmNT 1~~!:::"Rd~: llllOI County on March 13, Thi. bualneee ta eon· Publllhed 0t8flg9 C09IC Brookhur1t StrMt: thl•

16. 1986 1s1988 ., ·' This 1>u11nen 11 con· The followlng S>ef90N era CA 92880 tHe ducted by 1n lndMdual , 2t. ~ ~ ~ f10tat7 . F101311 ducted by I oeneteJ pert· doing bual..-a u Thia l>ualn ..... eon· . ,__ JOStpH c. SALZ.ETTI Delly Piiot Match • APffl 5 . .... Ind ~ ot

Pul>llalled Or1nge Coaat ~bllahed Or• Cout 1,.anlp STOCKRIDOE PART· duc19d by. 111'1 lnd!Yldual I P\lblltned Orange COMt Thll et•t91Mnt ... 12. 10. 1He s~ bMr Ind .....

29, 1988 29 t98f>o ere . . . Thi• statement WU llled Ship, 369 San Miguel Drive. Thia •t•twnent WU ftled Aprll 5, 12. 1tee .,. County on Mtlldl 13, . MIT NO. 12t P9tltk>l'I .,.,.. 0 £H H NOTICES Deity PllOI M.,ctt 8. 15, 22. 6ehy "" I M tr 15 22 1 Rogers A SevtlflOO NEAS . • Callfomla Plf11*'· J EFF WHERRY Deity Pllol Metch 22. 29. wtth tht County~ of Or· CONOfTIONAL use ltf"-Se ... 17 · S _4 13 with Ille County Clerk of Or· Suite 100, Newpon BMch. with the County Cllll'tc of Ot· 81-478 1088 rtaJC ll)TICE mltt9d by Huen-Vu eniCI

KINYON - - -------1 e enoe County on March 4, CA 92660 WI04' County on Febniaty ! ,__ Tilenh L• for ...,..,.,_It MARY CRAWFORD mm11c wnr1rr: l t986 s & F AMOCl•I• 1 Call· 18 1988 I •-"' 11111\nrr Pul>lllh«I 0r8'1g9 C09llt f'ICTTT10U98UIMtl of1¥tdeo1tOt9~ f'9

'"~ nu w. POOi.iC NOTICE Faoall7 lornla Oenerll Part'nwtnlp, · f101• ... _ ""''~ Deity Piiot Mitch 15, 22. 29. MAm ITAT'lmNT Nie end '9nta1of 11 rlttnge KINYON, a resident FlCTTTlaUl IUl4NEU Pu1>11stiec1 Orenge COUt 3e9 San Mlguel onv.. Sutte Pul>llahed <>reno- Coea1 '1CTl'nOU8 ..-u April 5, 1Me The followtng per90n 11 It IM30 w.,.,. A--. of Newport Beach, ~ ITAT'!MENT FICTTT10UI au..... !Dally Pilot Mltefl IS, 22, 29 tOO Newport 8eecrl. CA 08lly Pilot March s. 15, 22. MAlm SrATa.NT Sa-454 d~ bullw M : &lit• o . palled away March ~The tollowlno peteOna.,. NAMI ITATHIENT AP<ll 5 1986 92660 29. 1988 1"'9 lollowtng P9ftonl er• BlJILOERS MANAGE· CONDmOHAL USE P£A-Tl 1986 h h doing l>olllneu.. The lollowlno Petton• .,e s....... DSl SeMce Compeny. . Se-418 doing~ rtaJC fl)'f)C[ MENT, 1n ~ Dn¥9, MIT NO. 830 Petttton ~

' at e r ome, SELECT SHOPPING SER- dotng l>ualneu 88 Call lornla eorpore tlon, OAEENSTREE'f LAND- N9wpor1 a.ctl, c.m. t2M3 mltt9d by Oertln Jing tor ... she was 79 years of VICES 2453 Otange AV· 1 EGBAR PROPERTIES DllDLIC W\TIM 21791 Lake For.t onve. El •IDI II' TIM SCAPE l MAINTENANCE.. '1C'"10Ue ....... Robert L. Han11 II, 177 ~t of • ...,.,,... age. Mrs. Kinyon was enue, '•J. c0818 Meu CA 1653 Iowa Street. Unit "B" l'"UU nu ""- Toro, CA 92630 ""~ N01~ 3152 Cedron. ll'YIM, CA MAim ITAT'llmNT RlverllCS. Drtw. Newpon ruuur• nt • t 11120 born in CUrtl.8, Ne · 92827 ' COila M .... CA 92826 FICTITIOUS BUllN£8I Thia buslnen la con. FlCTITIOUI .,._.. 92714 Til9 IOllowlng P9'80ftl 819 Beectl, Cellf. 92883 Broolchunt StrMt.

Mlcheef Robert Gamble, Richard A E','?1~. t653 NAME ITATU1ENT ducted by a generel Plf1· NAm ITATDm.NT EllMI Mert. Home, 3952 d<Hno butlnMl ee: Thl1 l>ualn .. 1 11 con· OONOITIONAL USE P£~ braska, moving to 2453 Orange Ave. •D. Colt• Iowa Street. Unit 8 Coate Tll4! lollo'#lng P9flOl'll are nerahlp . The fOllowlng pet'IOn8 ... Cedron, ll'VIM , CA 92714 INNOVATIVE MICRO· duct«! by. In lndlvtdual MIT NO. 831 Petition IU!t>-Califomia ln 1930 M ... CA 92827 M ... CA 92828 do;ng bullnen.. MlctlMl I eon.ti, a.n.11 OOI butlntM... Su.In Tullllo Tenorio. SYSTEMS , 2891 Chlo• Rober1 L Herne II ml119d by Dene Ind T ..... She i.a SW'VlVed by S..trlt Cardenu Sulll'ez Robert L Enole Ill ~ DSCS 3 ASSOCIATES Panner. Robert D Exel, (~ RENT· A· MANAGER 883$ Allin Street, #324, Road, Coate M .. e . CA Thia ai.tement WM Ned ONnnelkar for ~ her sisters, FAther 24530tengeAve • J Cotta Beth Street. Anaheim CA 2910 Red Hiii Ave . •200, G-•IPertner EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Long8eech. CA92803 t2f2e wlthlMCountyC*'<OfOr· mentof 1 fl'Ganyo9wt1•ar•

....... CA 92627 92806 Costa M ... CA ~826 Thlt lt8tetNnt WU llled B) RAM POWER 10221 T'hll bu1lne88 I• con- JoM HtiptonMal Hiii. Jr ., = County on Mardi 25, llt tl52t• ooktlurlt 8'trMl. Sh.ick and Mildred Ttt11 bu1lne11 11 con· Thi• blillneu le con· DSC ' 1 Calttornla llmlted I with the County C1et1r of Or- Siiier Aw , Ste. l03-54 t , ducl9d by • genetel pert· 2881 Chloe Aced. Cotti ,._ M~~= '::: Cogburn both of Ne- dueted by a general Part· ~llhed by

1 genetel part· panr~nnlp. l>y Ranney E ange County on Febn.oary Fountain Vlllay. CA 02708 Mrlhip JHM. CA t2e2t P\ll>lllhed ~ COMt mm.d by Ouentum f.Mlr· bra aka; brother , Mrllhlp Ip Draper, Gener11 Pertner, 19 · t986 Keith Gordon Barktt. ElllN M Home, Suean Thl9 bualMll le con- ....._. Inc for _ ....... Charles Crawford of MICH A EL R 0 BERT Aten.rd A Engle. Robert 2910 Red Hiii Ave., •200, '101127 10287 Slat8' Ave., noe. Tenorio duct9d by. 111'1 lndMdu9I 0a12,11Y1,..Pt, ~-~wctl · April S, ~·Ot 8 . :--..~.':"!'!'!:

GAMBLE L Engle Ill Costa MM3 CA 92828 flor A. lHOWlt~ . ~·· Vlltey CA 92708 Thfa ltat.,,,.,t - llled John H. Hiii, Jr. • ..... .. • ..,,.... -Oregon; · ln· Thll tlatement wu llled Tiiie •titement was llled Peter Sp a rre . 1443 tomer • t Lew. aiDO -o1 Thi• bualn•e• la con- with tht County Cleftt of Or- T'Nt ltllem.nt - ftlecl SA-48' «lttnalnment t..-.y to be law, Barbara Kinyon with the County C,.,k ol Ot· with 1~_?.>unry Ci«k of Or· tTeneighlh Way, Sec:tamen ltr"4, l lllM 100, C_.. duct9d by. an lndMdual lltlQll County on Merell 13, with tht County C"'1I of Ot· ~. • t380 w.,.,. Av-of Newport Beach , •noe County on Fel>Nery 81198 """"nty on Fet>ruery to CA 95815 ....., CA aal Keith o 8""• 1He ange Counly on Match 13, rtBJC NOTICE --

an<hon Rod Ki t8. 1980 24· 1988 Thta 1>u1lneu 11 eon Publlahed Ot•nge Cout Ttw. etat~t - ftlecl ,_ 1Me CONOfTIOHAL Ull ~ er . . F101a10 FI01717 j<lu<:led by 8 ~·l Part· D&lty PllOI Meteh 8. 15, 22, with !ht County Clertl of Or- P\11>111119d Otange CoM1 ,_.. '1CTITIOUe .,.... MIT NO. m · ~ ... r\yo n of Arroyo Put>llahed Otange Coett Pul>lilhed Ore~ Cout nenn1p 29 t986 .,. County on M•ch 11 Dally PllOt M11ten 22. 2t. Pu~ Orenge CoM1 um ITATW :'!:' ~-;:-., Grand e , grand · Da1ty P1tot M8'el'l8 15, 22 DaJ~PllotMueti 15· 22· RanneyE Draper S.,...2tx 1088 · Aprfl5. t2, ttee Delly Plot Merdl 22, 29. Thelollowtngper90Nwe"ruc:11onof eddlel0fllll..._ da ghte Ka N 1u 29. 1tee 29· 988 T111a st11ernen1 wu nte0 ,.... SIMM Apt1I 5, 12, ttee dolnO ~..: of u An:he1m~ ATso S• ..

141 S•-"21 11~

1~~;1~~r~0~. l'\8.JC NOTICE D~~M~~~22~ s.....ea 17~~~.F~t'::~~.~~-=: ~:==~"":"'..: survived by 3 great PtBJC NOTICE IUM.IC NOTICE t988 FtCTmOUI ..,..... AprM 5, 12. 19&e rtBJC NOTICE Pt8JC ~ <Allf. 02tl6 AMA VAflllANCI CME Fandch1ldren, Kai , F__. NA• 9TAT'lmNT SMS9 '1CTmOU9 .,...... Clva CMP.. California , NO 11112 ,..._,., IUbmlt1ed HoagieandMarc Pn- FlCTmOUl lUU.ll I FteTmOUlllUl lNHI Pu1>11llhec1 0t11noe eo..1 Thtloll0wlngper10naar• MAmlTATllmlfT ncnnoue.,_.1 1n2N TuatlnA~ . 0r-.. byU......a.ner....-.

{·-·' .. .. .- ITATl•NT j NAMI I TAn.NT Detty Piiot March 15 22 29, dot,,., bu*- u : •- II' NOnrr -... .--.. .... _ ITA- Cllllf t2M6 .....,. ......._ ........ _ ....... . vate IUIWY aervke9 I T,;'lollowlng petaon• .,. Tt'le IOllOwlng petlOfll ..,. AP'll 5 t988 ( i).LEADEA PROPERTIES ... _ ll"K ..... .......,_... .. per90flt.,... - ·-· Thia buelneu It eon· • '=';:..;;..; .~ willbeheldatal.ater dolngbullneeau dolngl>uw- u Sa-«5 ( 2 ) LE ADER INTER · ~~o1 PER · ~::::::~- duct«lby: a ooipcutlon d l y P•tlod II 110 17 date. Pacific View EfX·NEWPORT. ten I G 6 8 FINANCIAL SER- NATIONAL TRAOINO co ~™A~.. fO RMANCE , 3042 · C AC"APUlCOQOlO, 15041 Sid Plttou ·~ .... Mortrn .. ·v Dln!ctors w1e1c:11t1 Dffle. Suite t05. VICE 7152 Edctnger. Hunt- Dt- 1c NOTICE (31 LEADER ENTERPRISES T ..... ......_..... - .,, ~t8'P'1M St, eo.t• Mele. Edwefde St., Huntl"""on Thia ..........,1 .,.. lllilcl NOTICE OF " " ' ---- - ~-·-- Newpoft BMcn. CA 92680 1,;on 8eecrl. A 92847 I"~ CO · 195t Newport Blvd. dol ,,. ~ ;;-- CA 82828 9teoh, CA tn47 .,.. wtttt the County Ci.t1t Of Ot- AA.ATIOH OF NEGATIVi

NEVERS Howard 0 Judl h. 2345 IM•~ ~;Ol•~m~~·1n~~2 i FICTITIOUI llU...... I Cost• Mesa. CA 92827 (~HYLAND AIA (B) HIGH· ll"rri R. Hlll'lf'lhen, '2t SldMy A. C<ONl9V, Jr.. = County on Mlll'Oh 2&. DECLARATION '°' ,,.. MARTHA BERTHA Roekrldge, O,.nge , CA~h CA 92847u • n NA* ITATl•NT Mlkt Shu.Chi Un, 172 LAND AIR CONDl'rfONINO SMtlaOO Ad., ea.ta MMe. 811 Tia Juana 8t .. Lagun1 ,_.1 lt9"11 IOentlfted With en NEVERS born Janu- 92~ R n.-.:i. o r.n1 MCOletmld 10071 I Tt'le IOllOwlng pef9()fll 1ft ~2W St. Co•I• t.MM. CA AND REFRIGERATION co .. CA nt2f leech, CA tMS t P\ll>llthed Ot COMe .....,.. .~ ,,.. ......

' ,_,. · .....,..,, 141 Via 0 I Cl I ' W ~otno bualMM u : 18101·C Oemlon Len• This butlMM II con- UUtlt 0 Ctoeetl¥. 8t1 :'r. aMn tNt b...s on h .,._ ary 25, 1907 in Ger· Hevre. ~ Beach. CA '"n ·~~ 92~8

.. , . P R E S T 0 N I Thia builneu 11 con· Huntington &H eh CA duct9d by..,, lndMducll Tia Juen• St., L•oun• o.ity "°' .._ell • AP111 11• ftlel lllUdlel • ......,_ 0.. many. Pu.ed away 92883 mintier, ECHNOLOOIES (PRESS ducted by 92949 ' ''**fl Hennlhen 9-lf\, CA tlt81 12• lt. 1MI teretton .. ..._, ..,..,.., March 27 1986 ln Thi• t>u1lne11 II eon- Th~ bU}lnen l~On· ECI 310 Avocado •& MIKE LIN John Rulco9, ll'l'Ot..C TNI .....,,..,. .. llled T'hlt bullMM .. con.- ~ Tll9 EnWOIWU•ltlil ........ r ...... ' H• I"· CA duc:t9d by CO-pertn«a OAA~T ~Ot~AMIO ti M ... CA 92827 Thll •t .. etT*lt _.. fllecl Oamlon LAM Huntington """the~ a.'tl of Or· ducted by.~ end wltt ~ Oot1wi.._ .. _.. ....._wna wo, · Rex R Reno. HOWlrd G Robeft S Smith 310 with the County C1et1r Of Ot· e-ti CA n'4t ange County Ofl M#Clfl 13. Lan 0 ~ rtaJC llJTIC( 1ld•t approvtl of tfle She 18 SUTVlVed by Judeh Thlt lllt.,,.,t WU "~ •5 Colt• Mw •noe County on FeOnlary Thie bualnen I• con- 1Me Thia UtarlWlt .. Med ~ OedalllelOh on lltio ht:r' huaband. Daniel. Thia •t•IM*ll .... llled ~h l~nty a:" of~ CA 92827 I 19 11118 duct9d by. en lndMdutl ,_, wttfl 0. County an ot Or· PICnnoul ..... • • APf1141 1• . ~rvices will be held 'Nitti the County Ctert! of Or· = Y on weh · Thi• 1>u11neu 1e eon- , .,.. Jonn Au9co9 P\lbllth9cl OrWIQe C09IC.,. county on .._°" ti, MAim ITA1-f fHlH MATil"M .,.

•nge County on Fe1>ruery ~uelld 1>y a n unln· Publlllhed Or•not CoMt Tl'lll •t•1..,,.,,. .,.. Med o.lty PllOt MetClfl 22, 21, 1Mt The ~ P9fW't II ~pununto Monday. 2 P.M Pa· 19 1988 Ot ~ ~otporattd uaool•tlon 01lly Pilot M•rdl 8, 15, 22. jwlttl the County Ctert of Ot April 5, t2, ltM ,._. OOlng buelnem M! U.. fl tt.t giflc View Ch.ape I fl01*21 D&';fyb~':;:"'M.,J,T 16 22

1 ~111411than11 P111Mrlhlp 29. 1988 Sa-4

231-. County on Msdl t3: a..... PutJltfted er.,.. eo.t OtliL PAOPDO'IO, HI~ cao..m..

p a C I f I c V I t w PuOllll'led Otat!Q41 Cout ~ 11188 · • · Robert S Smith 1MI Dair Piiot Mardi 22. 21, Plllmer It.. COiee ..._ ,.,_. Coda. t.000 " ..... u .-. --- Dtrtt1.o 0.lly Piiot Maren 8 15 '12. Se-425 Th•• •1•1ement WN lllecl ,._ ·-.,. .,,_ .. s. 12. ,... Cllllf. tata7 ..... ~ ~ ..... .,. ..... - :I• tt. 29 ltee 'with IN County Cltttc "'Or· '1aJC NOllCl P\il>IW* 0rlflQ9 Coeet .. _ ""'-. a.-... o..t Maura&..-. 2t6i.. nk:ilpel Coda. 1119 21. N. w p 0 rl 8 f' ac h . S• '2' . PUil.iC NOTIC( COUf'lty on Merati 4, Dally Hot Merctl 22. 21, "'iii ........ rr.. ,.,,., It. , eo.ta ,,..... THOR DalNHG TO .... &+4-Z100 p 9 PlCTmOUe --.N APtits. 12. 11M ewmn•mmn .. _ .,. _,_ Cetlf. tm1 tlfYln tworor 1n °"C ••

Dll- 11' W'lfll'C ....... N ... ITATllmNT I ...... f f"- ""'-. Thie bultMM " oon. 10-.,,...... ... ~ -.., ... ~"nu M . ~:.=• I Pul>llllhed 0tlll'IQ9 Coat ThtlOllowfnGl*tonl•• ni.~.,._.,. HOiihOUl-M duQt.otwen~ en~"• ••

"'••u-. tn. O&M ~·C.1111,

; °'J:IH? ... ,....,. ... c.- .... ....

ACTTTIOUt MJIMH The IOl!owmg panon1 ere l'?•lfy PllOI Mwcn 15, i2. ~. dOlng ~ M. I __. ~~ :0THtM. Mm ITAW 0-.. M. Lee U. pWlo .._.,..I~ NAm STA,...NT dOlng bull,,... .. : IAJ)(ll 5. 1tee PAO.TECH MAAKE'TINQ, rtaJC l'llUllJK 3334 !. Co.I Hwy., CotONI Tllit ~......... TNI ltetemenl .. Med t11b 11 ••on Ill ...... ,.,

The t<JllooMng '*'°"' .,. LAND sc1rNCE. s,, w I s......a so2 w 881/t>oe 8tYd • ,..... ncnnoue ...,.... ,.. ...,, Celt. eatzt ..._ ----• wttt1 tt.t COun'Y a.rtt of Or· Mar ooruot .. ,..... dolno ~.. BalbOI Blvd, Newport • ~R Beeetl, CA 1291.J......... MAm ITATW H11ttlca ne lurf '"'• ' · !8CAPi. IOI Ven ..... = Cou.\ty on Mardi 2S, ~it .. .........

0A LL EA 1 E 0 F 1 N e.ect'I. CA 02te 1 rtaJC NOTICE Obtr1 Eugena ,..,._,"· Th9 folow4ftO pen0n9 .,. n111ona1 lftiO.. Oafffomle , Ct.. c.e. ....._ CA t2Gt n ,..., '° ....... ..... TERIORS 3&20 S..bfece 8ttdi.y, Al9n Tl\OtTI .. I 3tt3 Merc:iut Ave .~ doing~•· 1543 .. .....,,. Dr., Col'"· L..-ry A.~'°' y.,, ................... "-~~ :,...:..~ .... ~...: ...... Co<on. del M111 , CA 511 W 811.,.,_ Rtvd, l'Wlt· flCTmOUI ....... 9-c:h, CA 82913 AE\'tR UNIHX HAIA OE- ON dtil .._, Cell. t2t2I ..... Ct , ColCa ..... CA ,...__, "" - ... "' nt25 pon a.ecn. CA 91691 I NAm ITATlmMT Thi• bullneu 1• eon· SIGN, M21 9o11e A,,. , 1 Thie butilnw II oon- t2t2t 09lly "°' ~ · _,,,. 6• ~be• llm"I •a .. ~

Je¥» E King , 3&20 S... T1111 bu11neee 11 ~on· TM fOllOwtng ~ ... OuctR 0.i

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645~303 JalormatJoa on page 19





Rate chart M at; 1•D1 •Id cue., tad -.....: lJrW'Y • tie _..., lnduM: I-Mo. CD, 7.16; 1-Yr. nw.. 7.0 1.

• ,..ltnd ..... U.-,..lmd ....... •• 3 II I ,..... .... ....... L

S..of~ 10.500 2.00 10.000 2.00 9.000 2.00 &-Mo. CO 2.50 Croc:Ur 10. 125 2.50 9.825 2.00 9...000 2.00 1-Yr. Trus. 2.75

MORTGAGE COMPANIES Ar'll~ 9.875 200 9.500 2.00 1.875 2.00 1-Yr. Treu. 2.75 .._., Mc:Oume 9 750 200 9. 125 2.00 &.250 2.50 1-Yr. T,.._ 2.75 GMAC 9 750 2.00 9.500 2.50 &.500 1.75 1-Yr. Treu. ~ sa-... AME)( 10.000 2.00 9 750 2.00 1.750 3.00 1-Yr. Treu.. 2.25

SAVl«lS AHO LOAH 10000 2.00 9..175 2.00 1.50 11th Dtlt. 2.25

NA NA NA NA 1 ~50 11th Dtlt. 2.00 10 500 2.00 10..000 2.00 1.50 11th Dest. 2.25 10.250 1.50 10.125 2.00 2.00 1-Yr. r,_, 2.35 8.125 3.50 I.GS 2.00 1.50 111tt '*'- 2.00 10000 2.00 1.750 2.00 2.00 1· Yr. T,_, l .1S

2.00 11th Otlt. 2.00



COLDWELL BANKER, Costa Mesa 645-0303

....... HUNT



pg. 3 Profile

pg. " George Elkins Co.

pg. 5 Unique Homes

pg. 6 Grubb & Ellis

pg. 7 Hunt & Associatea

pg. 7 Harbof Rea.tty

pg. 8 Open HOUM Olrectort

pg. 9 Open Houae Directory

pg. 10 Remax of eo.ta Mesa

-pg. 11 Remax of ca.ta Mesa

pg. 12 LJono- of Newport

pg. 12 Grubb & Ellis. Tom Alllnaon

pg. 15 Claulfled

pg. 18 Clesalfled

pg. 17 Clas81fled .

pg. 18 Cl1ulfled

~· 18 Grubb & Ellis, - om AlllMOll

pg. 19 Coldwell Banker, Cotta Mesa

pg. 20 Coldwell Banker. Newport Beech

By JIM BATBOOC& DlllJ"'9tCw: $ f 1

When you spend 20 years learning how to personalize your _professionalism, it pays off for your clients and sales force. Just ask Jeri Hunt.

In 1980, ahe opened Hunt and Associates lJl Newport Beach and has built an 11-person agency that special­izes in applying its 100 years of cumulative real estate sales experience to define and fill clients' needs.

A native of Los Angeles, Hunt broke into the real estate field selling tract homes in northern Orange County. She moved to Laguna Beach in the mid 1970s and joined a residen­tial brokerage firm in New­port Beach.

Hunt said the real estate profession bas moved a great distance forward since ·the days when agents were no more than deposit re-ceipt writers.

"Today, the agent has to be a lot more knowledgeable than ... 20 years ago," she said, adding that new, tougher state education re­quirements are "another positive step .. . m pro­f essionalizing the real estate field"

'fo be a-good agent;-you have to help ... people with their dreams. You also have to keep up with education and new training tech­niques," she said.

"We guide people into what many times is the biggest transaction of their lives. If we help them find the home they want and stay in touch, chances are, they will turn around and buy or sell through us again," she said

Hunt said she never com­petes with her sales staff. Instead~ she said, "I like to spend all of my time helping my staff make more sales and keep their clients h~ppy. I seldom close my office door and tell them that they can always reach me to help them with ... clients' needs. n

Hunt said that she hopes home prices have stablized since they shot up so dra­matically in the early 1980s.

"We are now in a realistic marketplace," Hunt said.

But it can also be a tricky marketplace for the un­initiated.

"Today, you really have to be on top of the financing and be able to show clients how to move from one type of property into another. The market is so sophisti­cated ... that there is no room or time for mistakes," Hunt observed.

When asked how to suc­ceed in a residential bro­kerage, Hunt said, "I once chatted with a learned per­son and he told me that there was one simple secret for success: You have to put the clierit before and above your own desires.

"When you are going to an open house or an ap­pointment on a weekend, you don't think of what you could be doing at home. You think that you are on your war. to help another client bwld their dream ...

To preserve the quality of service supplied by her agents, Hunt teaches her staff to work "smarter and harder."

"We want our clients to feel like they are in the hands of canng pro-

Jeri Hunt

fessionals. After spending ... five years working with the clients and agents in our office, I can't believe that there are still any people out there who look at selling homes as their part-time job because I have never met a part-time client."

To demonstrate the im­portance of lasting rela­tionships, Hunt tells the story of a couple to whom she sold three homes during a three-year period. The husband eventually went to work for her.

"When he became a member of my staff, I lost one of my best clients," Hunt said.

Working as a real estate agent for Jeri Hunt bas its lighter side too. One· mem­ber of her staff coaches a high school girls· volleyball team and, on any given day, might share his latest coaching experience with his coworkers.

Another associate keeps the office posted on the progress of a dream to build

a little cottage in just the right location for a periodic retreat.

Others might talk about the next trip they are plan­ning to take.

By sharing their dreams, Members of Hunt's staff have developed a rapport that enables them to help each other to better serve their clients.

Grateful for the system that has enabled her to build her own company, Hunt said, "There is no other place on earth like this country. I love to wave the American flag whenever I get the chance."

But aside from the cons­tant challenges and de­mands of running her own brokerage, Hunt said one of the best rewards has been the number of " paJs" that she bas made.

"That's one of the greatest satisfactions opening a bot­tle of champagne and talk­ing with pals about their kids, or their pets, or their drea .. ms ...

NEWPORT BEACH STUNNING NEWPORT POOL HOME · Re· duced & ready to go! Location plus in tt11s lovely executive home Immaculate & ready to move in 3 bdrms or 2 & den. 2 fireplaces Perfect for entertaining $340,000


MAGNIFICENT NEW HARBOR HILL CUS­TOM HOME SOPHISTICATION IN WHITE Contem porary 4 bedroom home in lh1s exclusive gated communt ty 3 fireplaces, berber carpels. luxurious master bedroom sui te. free-form pool and spa, gourmet kitchen. bonus room. multiple bu1lt·rns. full wet bar. and a breath taking ocean and ci ty hies view $925.000



SPYGLASS HILL - NEWPORT MODEL Beautiful view of reservoir and city lights New carpet and water heater, custom bar. marble master bath. Assumable loans. $385.000.


LIVE IN NEWPORT BEACH FOR UNDER S1IO,OOO Has everyth1nt you want! Fireplace 1n master suite, au cond. walk to beach, 2 bdrms, 2 baths. den. Shows ltke a model Good assumable financing Sl 77.000.


NEWPORT BEACH CONDO · Large versatile plan 4 with a dramatic hving room, fireplace. family room & den Good view. One of the largest unrts rn Villa Balboa Assumable hnanctnt Owner armous. $182.000.


HARBOR VIEW HOMES · Sunny. light and mMt · inv1t1nt home. priced to sell now Nothing has betn overlooked to make this expanded, redtcorated home perfect A best buy at $369,000.


BIG CANYON ONE STORY EXECUTIVE 1 HOME r abulous home for executrvt Irving. 30 ft sit

down bar overlooking golf course. stereo room. pool table area. 25 ft mirrored wardrobe plus walk1n clostt Reduced to only Sl.100.000.


A COVETED COMBINATION FOR LIVING Spacious 3 bdrm. 3 bath condo wrth laundry room.

About 1900 SQ. It of great View ltv1ng above Newport Bay. the ocean and moutains One of a kind. don't miss rt! $275.000


BLUFFS LARGEST MODEL - 4 bdrms. lam~y room + bonus room Great lamlly home located on quiet cul-<1!-sac & greenbelt Bonus room w/ battl & wet bar Country kitchen • family room AJr condltlOntd $219.000 L H


LIDO ISLE CONDOS Four 2 bdrm condos in super locabon Steps to community tennrs & beaches Short walk to Lido Village, shops & restaurants Sl99.000 each Buy ont or all


MESA VERDE BEAUTY -Completely upgraded 4 bdrm family home w/ pool & spa. Exhibits pride of ownership Great curb appeal. $329.000.



BAYFRONT - SPECTACULAR VIEW OF TURNINO BASIN Large pier & slrp. Remodeled. 4 bdrms, 3~ baths, den, 3-ar earage. Room to expand. Community tennis. Sl.750,000.

Bll VlaNT

BLUFFS, NEWPORT BEACH - Uperaded and beaubful! Attractive ·x· ptan wrtti wrap around pabo and cozy fireplace 1n master bedroom. Custom ble 1n krtchen and pabo. Situated on a lovely greenbelt. Assumable loans. Reduced to $212.000 L.H.


BLUFFS, NEWPORT BEACH · This model has rt 3"! Three bedrooms upstairs. formal dlru~ family rOOJTI and 1ttracbyefy decorated rn earth tones. Wra~ around with coroo locatron. Sl 95.000 L.H.


ONE STORY 'HAMPTON' MODEL. 8EA­VIEW - 3 bedrooms, 2~ 6at:hs. Cukl&-sac location. Attracbvefy deco<ated & landsaped. Ocean/ crty lrtes vtelf. Good assumable loan. Guard rated community has pool & tennis. $355.000. ·



DUPLEX - 0LD£ C.D.11. · Pnde of ownershti> rs reflected 1n thtS beaulJfulty maint:a.ned duplex. Each unit features two bdrms w I numerous amenrbes plus a lour car earaee. Great rental area. Almost SJ00.000 of assumable hnancifl&. Ottered at S335.000.


OCEAN V1EW HOME ON LAROE LOT · lowefy QUl(t area of cllStomrzed homes in Corona de! Mar Access to private beach. Three bedrooms & two baths. Two decks. Perfect for entertarnme. $369.000


BUY ONE OR BUY TWOI · Choice 60' Corona de Mar lot available as one parcel at $465,000 or r.o 30' lots at $250,000 each. Seller will pay demohl:ton cost of existing home 1f lots are sold 1nd1V1dually


DESIRABLE HARBOR VIEW HILLS - Bay, ocean and night hghts views from this delightful sint1e story family home. Perfect for entertaining. Party Sized deck Private pool. Many upgrades Priced to sell at $419.000.


FABULOUS OCEAN VIEWI · Third lot from Ocean Blvd. Presbg1ous site m prime location 1ust steps to the beach. Build your new dream house or great potential to remodel present structure $449,000


STEPS TO THE BEACH · A short stroll to bay and ocean beaches from this custom·butlt 3 bdrm, 2~ bath. family room home. Extra features include fireplace. sundeck, large stained glass window 1n entry. $389,000.


RARE CORONA DEL MAR OCEAN 81.UF­FLOT - Reduced $350.000 to sell now! Includes plans for spectacular home with close up views of waves. tide pools & 1etty act10n. City approval, now before Coastal. Others priced at Sl ,500.000 & $995.000. Now $650,000!


TOP OF THE HILL VIEW - Custom built home, top qualtty thru-oul Unbelievable amount of storaee space. Perfect for comfortable hvrng & room for entertamrng. 3 bdrms. formal dtmng room, lrge liYlng room. gourmet kitchen. $695,000.


OUTSTANDING PROPERTY IN OLD C.D.M. Pl.US INCOME - On a very picturesque street, large 3 bdrm with family room. wet bar, 2 fireplaces 1n an authentic Spamsh motif. Includes separate and very private overS1zed 1 bdrm income unit



FOURPLEX-DESIRABLE EASTSIDE COSTA MEIA -Call now before they're gone! fresh and clean two 2 bdrm and two bachelor units. Within walktn& distance to l 7ttl Street shopptng_ The larcer units have laundry hookups and pnvate yards. All havt fireplaces. $290.000.


COSTA MESA FOURPLEX Situated on the westsHSe. close to schools & buSlnesses These units are always rented. Each IS a 2 bdrm, 1 battl & has it's own garace & pnvate yard. Invest now whtle interest rates are low. $278,000.


- --- --------- -

DAILY f'ILOT /lnAI. ISTA,1w••·-----------------------------IA1'UltDAY MMt. n, IW/PAGa s

I - .J ttJPrftJi.I f£W LISTING ~o~~TltG

SPfCUl • CMY• ISlAll - Upgraded Pinehurst modet, 2 bdrm, den, comm. spa, tennis and pool, big deck with small view, tastefulty done. $218,500.

I ... f ... Y ... - Pro­fessionally decorated fou·r bedroom, famlty room Palermo modet In Harbor View, near school, pool and park. $339,000.

DETACHED SllCLE FAllLY BOIES Four light and sunny 3 bdrm, 3 bath homes, each with 1560 sq.ft ., , private decks and patios, oak cabinetry and handsome fireplaces . .

Only 5 of the most popular floor plans left: 3 bdrms, 2 stories, excttlng kitchen area and dramatic master suite ensemble. Priced at $399,000 with very attractive financing. .~r.1~ fr<?m $~!><).~.

-----TO *325 •. uOOOuu-- ----

.. .. A lllf LITS - South of the highway, In Olde CdM; 3 bdrms, 2 baths, detlghttul street a l>l'Ock and a half from beach and bluff. $325,00. I llC UIClll - West Newport duplex, •bdrm/ 2ba and 2bdrm/ 1ba, owner occupied, good condition, next to beach. $219,000.

I LOT Of LOT - Magnificent 180° view of Dana Point Harbor. lights, mountains. With $50,000 down, O.W.C. Submit all offers. $225,000. lllTll ' fH CUTI• - Owners have to setll Dual

' master suites with massive Catalina view. Low­est priced condo In LB gated comm. $165,000. TWO IOIMI Mil - Special, vacant In lrvlnes Northwood area. Plantation shutters, formal dining, owner anxious. S 1•9,900. -IOITlfll OlJ l llf'fS - Desirable end unit. wrap around patio, highly upgraded 3 bdrm, AC, full security, on quiet cul-de-sac. $238,000. II UllfTA. • l llfJS - Back bay and night light view from 3 bdrm, 2 bath condo, end unit, sunny patio, on greenbelts. $229,000. UTTU ISLUI Item - Funky 2 units, full Balboa Island lot, flreplaoes. close to bay. Income $18,000/ yr. Then build dream home. $295,000. COIOIA Ill Ill CUSSIC - Totalty modernized 2 bdrm, 1 bath cottage, )ennalre, tiled spa, stained glass, plus In-law qtrs. $295,000. SAITI Ft RAM - Ap~lng Bluffs townhome, 'barrel' fireplace. beams, enlarged Linda plan with hot tub. Hot lla11ng at onty S2•2,500. UYSllll IEAllm - Immaculate, cute and sure to sell! Two bdrm with room to grow, sty'8 up to date, price down to earth. $219,000/ L.H. LllCT9l lJlllAll - Ranch sty1e • bdrm with majeetlc sycamores. 2 adobe ftreplacea, study.

1 nice yard, w .. tcltff area. $299,000.

---...... ~-3!-51000 TO $311,000 1 l.llllY LfUm.( - Harbor Ridge townhome with serene view of city and beyond. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, •Tl( Cl.If - Above Newport Harbor, lncredlb'8

view, • bdrm, •1~ bath, pool and spa. Needs finishing touches. $335,000. N ... TA fUlJIC - Beautifully decorated, lmpec­cab'8 3 bdrm. 3 bath townhome In Jasmine Creek. Owner transferred. Must sell. $375,000. SM SUfPO - A wink to the ocean, 3 bdrm home plus 2 bdrm, 2 bath Income, vacant with out of state owner wanting offers. $395,000. ... lf'PllT• n - For family desiring lovely. spacious • bdrm pool home In the prestigious neighborhood of Irvine Terrace. $396,000. ltST CllCI F• TW MCI - Lowest priced among Jasmine Creeks larger plans, (plan 6), ocean & bay view, mstr suite with stttlng room. $339,000. ICUI • U Y 11(1 - Overlooking proposed new park, 3 bdrm, farnity room, close to school and shops, pool-stzed yard, neutral decor. $395,000. TWTUllCI TIUS• - Perfect cul-de-sac lo­cation, max privacy, lg. famlty room, • bdrm, private spa, comm. pool and tennis. $339,000. Tl( Pitel IS ltCIT - Thats rare these days, so Is a 5 bdrm alng'8 story in Broad moor. Immaculate, sunny and Just reduced. $369,000. MT 0 IUl - CdM duplex with 3 bdrm and 2 bdrm units, each with 2 baths, decks and nice kitchens. Mini ooean vtew. $339,500.

--~*4 ..... 2..,5,000 TO $895,-000-----

UIJllS SlWI - Five bdrm, • ba home + Income. Walk to CdM t>each, fully upgraded, 3 fireplaces, spa. $549,000. Unml LIT - Complete with a cozy older home! Balboa Peninsula sandy beech. 3 bdrm, 2 bath wtth cute cabana. Juet $450,000.

im~b'8 condition and AC. $642,500 . A IUl lmllSl - This newer 2 story, 3 bdrm Olde CdM ls special! Spactous feeling, ocean vlews,_great for entertaining. $580,000. S1mY a-lllCIT - Townhome overlooking all of Nwprt Beach. Perky 3 bdrm, 3 bath, retreat off master autte. In Harbor Ridge at $661,000. SIPO Ftl smETS - You won' t believe the view! Jasmine Creek 3 bdrm, comm tennis, pool, and deck looks to Catalina and beyond. $425,000.

---'OVER $1 MILLIO.--­llM CM £STATt - 5 bdrm, 1 story home, oceanvlew, Laguna's finest area with private beach, comm facilities. $1.190,000. 11ST fUU U • Tm llMIET - Spectacular 6700 sq.ft . home on half acre overtooklng secluded beach and coastline. Sensational $4.950,000.

OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 .. - $339,500 lJt ....... 2/3 bdrm duplex. mini ocean vu J . Skahan .... $238,000 - ....... E'}d unit 3 bdrm. many extras F. Scott Evans --- $5"&9,000 111 t11• 11rM1 5 bdrm family home + Income L Curet UL.Ill HM-.& $450,000 1• ......... 3 bdrm. 2 bath on the bay M. Rousaek>t .... .. $339,000 Jt1J"" ...... Lovety Palermo. 4 bdrm, FR 0 . Johnson ~ TMA- $339,000 11 Mula Perfectly located, 4 bdrm E. Tabak .. - $295.000 111 ...... Clua6c 2 bdrm, 2 beth cottage H. Mar'kas WP 0111 LY.I. $379,000 H1J . ....... Pri'iet• 5 bdrm, single story 8. HutcNnga .,.nrr• $396,ooo •1 1..-.. Prtvate 4 bdrm, pool V. Slnclelr .. - From $280,500 .. 11 ...., Brand new 3 bdrm, 2'A bath, vtew A Johnsoo

U~IUJ~ 1-t(MH. L>IALT~i. ~lti~~f)OO PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY ~T MMAa111UR ~Alt.DIN coaaN4 DU. MAit

' ·


IEWU usn11 UIO,.. Views of the bay, ocean. hills and city lights from this 3BR condo in Harbor Ridge. Atrium sports a spaetous spa. Gate guarded community with com­muruty pools Gayle Amato

ILi 011 OISTll llASTHPIEOE 1111,IOO Decorators personal residence. A perfect floorplan with formal living room. formal dining, family room, breakfast area and gourmet kitchen, 4BR + den. An outstanding floorplan. New on market. Linc:Ui Oeth

SPYIWS DlOW. 1111,000 Four bedrooms, 3BR, formal dining room Capehom model. Spectacular pool and spa. A forever view of ocean and sunsets. Lois Jacobs

UYHHT Wllmo&TI 1111,IOO Single story on Lido Channel m security building. Enjoy the boating activity of Newport Harbor from your living room. A show place with 2BD, 3BA and den. Move right in. Linda Oeth

Niii if IWIUlllP UH,000 Costa Mesa charmer. 2 story with family room and den Potential 4BR. Tastefully decorated throughout. Has hardwood floors, large master suite. wet bar, pantry. redwood deck. Meticulous­ly maintained . Virginia Swan

180' 11 TIE UY Sl,llO,GOG Unique tn Newport. Here is your opportunity to have your own sandy beach plus a boat dock. Delightful 4BR residence with marvelous vistas of the boaung activity. Room for expansion. Ann Peters

OHOU IEL llAI • IEW LISTtlt 1214,IOO Cozy cottage with 2BR. 2BA. Newly remodeled with formal dtning room, breakfast room Separ­a te guest house Lovely patio & pool Walk to pnvatc CJCcan beach . Ann Peters

HITAST10 YIEW LOTI OIE Of A 11111 12,100,000 Views to Catalina. Palos Verdes and the Santa Ana moulal.nS ¥e yours to en.JOY when you build the estate of your dreams on these three con­tiguous lots on one of the highest parcels of land on the Gold Coast Ul Newport Beach. Maralou Ingold

IYH 100 n If HLF ottllSE FllllTHE Sll0,000 This fabulous 4BR. 3 'hBA custom home features one of the most exciting outside entertaining areas you'll see. Smashing pool & spa. barbeque ;lTea . Large view deck overlooking Big Canyon Country Club's lush fairways. Over 100 ft. of goli course frontage. Owner motivated and flexible . Danny Bibb & Maralou Ingold

Mm&lll saLD HH,111 Owner transferred - Spyglass Hill! Five bedrooms, 4'1~BA, nicely decorated Southport model. Mountain and night light view. Spotless throughout. Sparkling pool, fire ring, covered patio. Price reduced to $62~.000 . Virginia Swan

IXimlURY U,,_., 11,111 .... Never before offered for sale. A truly outstanding residence for the buyer who appreciates quality design and spedOUI Ught lnteriont, usins the finest materiala. Pool. spe. pier and &lip for a large boat. &ochure upon request. Ann Pct.era

# 2Gwlc Pl•aa, lulte 100

SITURllY OILY SPYGLASS 1111,llt 4 lent .., Ir. 5BR, FR 1-4 M. BulkJey

EASTBLUFF Sil._ 2U4 .....,_ 3BR, FR 1-4.30 C. Ward

CAMro HGHLNDS ......... c .... 1&W9't Ir. 3BR, pool 1-4 Strock/Godshall

PENINSULA 1111,llt 1211 I. ..... 4BB 1-5 v ogtJ Al.lin9on

PENINSULA SU..... 111 SW StrHI 2BR, view 1-5 M Cooper

SPYGLASS 1111,111 21 ...... .., 4BR, FR, pool/spa 1-5 L. Jacobs

BELCOURT 1111,llt 12 ~ 2.BR, FR 1-5 B. Partch

LIDO 1121- 111 Yla ..... 3BR. den. spa 12-4 C. Nilsen


.,..... 1211 (. .... ..,., 2 til sunaet T. Allinaon

HARBOR RIDGE 1111,111 4.BR. FR, vtew 1-5

.,....,, . ., C. Mason

SITlllllY I SllllY SPYGLASS '2,Jlt-Lots 84-85-86, vent land 8-8

C.D .M. .... ... 4Br, FR, spa 1-5

,., .. ....,,.. M. Ingold

U24Plllfflt"'" Allison/ Allinaon

Wll &II llYllY 1211,IOO Full of grace and charm, newly redecorated and refurbished, this big 3BR, family room property will make some lucky family a great home in a splended family area. Coby Ward

12TI IT. AT TIE IUOI - HWPIRT IJI0,000 Peninsula custom 2 story. 4BR/4BA exciting home. New carpet and appliances. Sweeping views of ocean, beach and Catalina. Private hi­quality location. Priced well below market with financing by seller. Tom Allin.son

LllO • IEW CHS111Cl1 .. • EUUIT 1121,000 Title 'THE CASTLE' this home provides sophistl­c.ated living with 3BR, 2~BA and 2 pallos. Light, airy and a fresh feeling. Bank owned with very flexible financing. Quick Escrow. Tom Al­linson/ Micki Cooper

EUUIT FllllllD O&IYll OftTlll 11,IOO,IOO Epitome of luxury. beauty, conveniences, & privacy. Three bedroom includes incomparable master suite, sauna, spa, built-ins, marble, granite and rosewood, separate office, nautilus gym, billiard room, family room, large pool, 2nd spa and Texas BBQ. Includes decorator items and art pieces. Tom Allinson.

un ..... .....a MI~ lllU Sl,111,IM Close to Newport/Mission Viejo/Laguna and Los Angeles. New roads to Coto de Caz.a Estates. Five bedrooms, 4 !h BA, 4FP and stable for 5 hoTSeS, party room of 1600 sq.ft. with fireplace, bar, 2BR. 45' pool, 9xl2 s~. Great views. Multimillion $ homes. Bank repo. Best price. Appt. Tom All.lnaon

11W L1111m wm UUT YllW SMI,• Remodeled 1 story, 4BR. 2~BA Harbor View Hills home with bonus room or separate inlaw suite. Brand new kitchen wtth top of line ap­pUanoes. Extra large room with wrap around windows. Maxine Propp


llLOtHT man 11, ... ,... Private tennis court, pool and spa. Large home situated on !I\ acre lot in prestigious Belcourt. Two story home with 5BR, 4BA. family room, study, air conditioning. extensive security system. Bright and cheerful and in 'mov~in' condition. 24-hour guarded gate community. Price includes the land. Donna Godshall

CWIH ... UHS .. • Wll LIT SHI .... Outstanding single story home with 3BR, 2BA, fonnal dining room. New dishwasher and oven, plantation shutters and many other amenities. Swim in your own private pool or explore the tide pools at one of the 3 beaches. Donna Godshall

llUT lll&Tlll • UUT llT •I.I. ........ CALIFORNIA RANCH STYLE single story home on huge lot. Three to four bedrooms plus separate guest quarters or recreation bldg. Beam ceilings, extensive use of oak. beveled glass and three fireplaces. Home recently remodeled. Se­cluded patio with pool. spa and fountain. Many amenities. Appt. only. Priced $495,000. Donna Godshall

TllS 11111 IS SPllW. '21 ..... Three bedrooms, 2BA. Extensive use of French doors and crown mouldings. Oak plank flooring in kitchen, family room and laundry room. Custom plantation shutters. Convenlent to shopping, air­port and freeways. 1st T .D. is assumable. Gayle Amato

UIE FIHSTAalll ....... Ila .... This tri-level home with 3 car attached garage (eatures loft area. Could be a library or den. Three bedrooms. 2 ~ baths. Skylight ln master suite. Community pool and tennis. Gayle Amato

LIWUT Nllll UYFlllT .. U . Ut.,_ Three bedrooms, large master suite, wonderful view from master bedroom Living room, dining room and oversized deck, CO%'J den. two fireplaces. Room for 2 boats. $395,000 leasehold or $597,500 with land. Call Barbara Aune

aumFtl IAYFlllT ........ Dover Shores - wonderful family home. Highly upgraded with wood floors, skylights, billiard room, 3BR. Camily room, lot.~ of charm. Private pier and slip. Secunty system Barbara Aune/Stephanie Grody

l&YSIH OIYI •II Int• Priced for quick sale! $399,000 includes land. Two bedroom, 2!1\ BA, den and fonnal dining. Upper end unit 'Colombia' offers privacy, security and partial bay view. Martha Macnab

SPllTlllUI llblnllT S2,211,IM The most spectacular views are offered from each level of this three story custom home on the cliff overlooking Big Corona, the jetty, ocean and Catalina. Each level affords a unique decor suit­able for a 10phisticated yet lifestyle. Four bedrooms, 3 ~BA, game room. hot tub, aolariwn and more. Offered ln fee at $2,250,000. Danny Bibb or Martha Macnab

W llMI U11•111HRT al. ... 1 ..... Thia two •tory home con.sisi. of a vut muter suite with marble fireplace, eemnc1ary BR., 3BA, aky­Ughted living room. library and wn.nda. Price below market for quick ule. Maureen White and Ed Eecano


DAILYPft.Or/ftA&.WftllTl .. ----------------------------·•M111mMR'--. W., 1W/PW J

~--HUDt & ASsociateS 84G-4888 - . REAL ESTATE 2125 Sen JcNlquln Hiii• Rd.


PRICE REDUCED •200,000 Designed ~!~ to moet diacriminate, thia 5Bd, 7Ba. CU8tom home ia located at the veey VIEW -top of Harbor Ridge. 180° ocean. bay, city & 'Sumeta Over Catalina' VIEW. From warm library to family room w7one of 4 fireplaces to gourmet kitchen to 40' pool & epa - it reflects the ultimate~ ~quality. Maeter euite (over 1000

I aq.ft.) w/aauna and fireplace and breathtaking VIEW. 24 hour guarded gate. Uee your house u down payment or eubmit trades. Offered at Sl,760,000.

1 Call Jeri Hunt.

I I I I ' I ' ' ' I I I I ' I ' I • I I • I I ·. i .· I .· I I I I . ' I I './I I : I . i I I I I I I I j I I

TWO MASTER SUITES WITH VIEW Luxurious lifestyle with concentration on quality, dee~ and detail thus creating an atmoephere of el.ance and eophiatication for thoee accustomed to the very best! Formal living room apd dining room with colorful garden and pool views. Delightful - eunny - fully equipped kitchen w/breakfaat nook. 2 separate muter suitee with city and water VIEWS + gracious guest quart.era and study. Charming family room with handsome wet bar and 1of3 fireplaces. Spectacular outdoor entertainment area including pooVepa with waterfall, lischted VIEW gazebo and paddle tennis court. Security alarm and 24 hour guarded gate of Harbor Ridge. Price<f to eell at $995,000. Call Jeri Hunt for appointment to see. ·

BIG CANYON - 18th FAIRWAY Spacious & sophisticated, this 4 Bd, 5 Ba custom designed by W alace Neff, is California living at it's best! From courtyard entry thru the gracious & sprawling floor plan to sparkling pool, separate citrus and rose garden, right onto golf couree it's the entertainers delight! Private pool house w/sauna, enormous basement and over 4200 aq.ft. to charm you. 24 hr. guarded gate. Owner may 888ist. S995,000. Call Jeri Hunt to see.

-BIG CANYON - $164,900 T he absolute lowest price in this development!! Delightful, 2 Bd, 2 Ba sing.le level with dining room and wet bar, step down living room and fireplace. Large and very private walled patio amidst a lush woodsy setting. Will a1.&o lease or lease option. Call Jeri Hunt to see.

FOR LEASE Eastside Coeta Mesa - 3 Br, 2 Ba. Immaculate upper unit. $1075. 399 E . 18th Street. Call Al at 640-4868 or 497-7317 for appointment.

REALTY 'The Harbor Area's Oldest Real· Estate Firm

TIOIUlf .... UYPWT ,,,, ...... Ulll u="tu Liii 11n.- llf n. .. - h I h ·~1-= Prime bayfront locatlon with pier and noat. 70 Move In with Just 8 little down. Wetl located Spacious 2 Bdrm. 2 bat unit wt ocean, ar feet on the bay. Spacloue 3 bdrm home de- Newport Beach condo with large assumable and city lights views. Large patio, fireplace, sjgned for C&llfornla living with private swim- loan. 1 bdrm plus convertible den, 2 full baths, completely furnished. Prtvate and quiet location. ming pool, baaement convertible to wine cellar, detuxe gourmet kitchen, private deck. ex-famlly room area and formal dining area. pensive carpeting, full eecurtty bulldlng. Ii 1a1• 1-...m •1• - .,.. YILllJ 1211,111 3 levef & contiguous OCEANFRONT lots In fut Luxurious 2 bdrm condo beautifully decorated llllliift 8'1U growing Cartabad. Choice comer locatlon suit-and hlghly upgraded. Fabuloua vtewa of the bay, able for 7 condoe or rental units. ocean and city llghta. Party eae aun deck, full security bulldlng and terrific recreation facilltles.

We have eeveral qualtty rental properties U.... YilW - Ila.- available now, furntahecl or unfurnished

1 Bay, ocean & night llghta vlewsl The perfect priced from S1050 to $1950 per month. Beat home for an ac11ve growing famlty with 4 large locations. 2 to 5 bedrooms. CaJI and uk for bdrms. 3 baths, famlty room and 3 car garage. our remal de(>artment. Owners moving out of 1tate have priced to Miii t__ ___ _:_ _________ ....,J

IUITRL Unmt ..... 11...­An exceptional value beautifully maintained with an all new kitchen, 4 bdrma, den, wane shop and large bayslde brick patio. 60' on the bay w/prtvate pler and ftoat.

- Un.TI.If 11.-,- ft.LA...._ llM1T sm.-Unml *•HD tl.-.- Sandy beectll Prime location near the harbor The moet beeutlfulty decorated penthouM •t Located In exctU9Mt gate guarded Bayahor•. entrance. Large prtvmte pter and noat. Partlalty Vtlla Balboa.I Largest ft()()( plan with 2 bdrm• + Spaclou~tevef home custom bullt wtth 4 remod•ed 3 bdrm home with mmple room to den or 3rd bdrm, ram room & formal dining

, bdrma, garmge, famlty room and large expend. ewr,., may help finance. A terrific room. CIOM to poof and Jecuz:zl. bayaide IU~. baytront Vefue.

(213) 628-2828 (714) 673 4400 2145 EAST COAST HIGHWAY-CORONA DEL MAR


Experts advise beginners who

• aim to re-cane By JACK MACKEY McCl•tchy ..... Service

CHICO, Calif. - Jane and Ray Nelson have been giving new life to cane and wicker furniture for nearly two decades. They have repaired everything from a museum quality Victorian piano bench to " the old wicker rocker that's been In the family for years."

Any wicker or cane furniture can be repaired, they have learned.

A customer once requested Nelson to repair a sorry looking Victorian bentwood rocker. The chair had been dipped In a tank of chemicals to remove five coats of paint. The chemical also removed glue from joints that had held the piece together. " It was the worst basket case we had seen before or since, but we fixed it. "

Jane Nelson taught herself how to re-cane furniture about 18 years ago, repairing chairs her husband salvaged from a dump near their hometown In Michigan. Over the years they have owned their own cane and wicker store in Phoenix, taught classes and pursued a continuing project to restore wicker furniture for the Quinault Lodge, a tourist resort on the Washington coast.

These are some of the tips they pass on to would­be do-tt-yourelfers:

Repair• - Furniture must be strong and solid . Where sections of the frame are broken, strip back the wrapping, splice In new wood with glue and then re­wrap. Don't use angle Iron or metal bracing. Re-glue loose joints. Elmer's yellow carpenter's glue works well. If a chair wobbles from side to side, It needs strengthening.


110 33rd Street (Balboa Penln) NB 644-6200 $344,000 Saturday 1-5

429'~ Avocado, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $289,000 Saturday 1-5

• 610 Avocado, Olde Corona del Mar 675-6000 $295,000 Saturday 1-5

2 IR ,1us Fll RI or DEi

12 Belcourt (Belcourt) Newport Beach 644-6200 $695,000 Saturday 1-5


2« 3 Bamboo, Eastbluff, N.B 6«-9060 $278.500 Saturday 1-5

268 Bay Street, Costa Mesa 645--0303 $177.500 Sun 12-4

1S.3 Bonnie Ooone Terr, Irvine Terr. CdM 644-90e0 $320,000 Saturday 1-5

**105 Edgewater (Bat. Penln) NB 875-8000 $450,000 Saturday 1 5

466 Gavlota (Bluffs) Newpo11 Beach 6«-5518 $238,000Fee Saturdttt 1-'l


~~ . •

Meterlela - Caning comes from the factory either In strips or in machine-woven sheets. The strips are required for caning a chair that has a series of holes drilled In the frame. Cane strips which have been moistened In water for flexibility are woven In a prescribed pattern. Pre-woven sheets are attached to the chair by means of a cane spline that is glued into a groove that has been cut Into the frame. Furniture will have holes or spline grooves, but not both.

Tlpt: Attempting to substitute pre-woven cane in a chair drilled with holes could result in the frame being weakened when grooves are cut for the spline.)

•When lnstalllng pre-woven sheets, place a moistened cloth over the sheet until the glue has dried In the spline grooves. This keeps the spllne from popping out as the sheet dries and becomes taught.)

1931 Port Lockaleigh (HV Homes)N.8 760-6514 $259,000 Sat 12-4

.,..37 Aue FountaJnbleeu (Big Cyn) NB 760-8333 $475,900 Sunday 1-5

1500 Seacrest, Harbor View Hiiis. N.B 644-9060 $3.49,000 Sunday 1-5

••3473 Windsor Court. Costa Mesa 645--0303 $195,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

3 IR ,111 Fii II tr DEi •633 Cameo Hlghl~• Or, Corona del Mar

6«-8200 $388,000 Saturday 1-4

283<4 Catalpa (e..tbluff) Nwpt Bch 6«-6200 $275,000 Saturday 1-<4:30

***•2928 Perla, The Bluffs, N.B 722-8460 $379,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

195-4 Port Carney, Harbor View Hmes, NB 644-8693 '4<49,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1500 Seacrest, H. V Hiiia, COM 84+9060 *3'49,500 Sunday 1-5

• 118 Via Quito (Udo lale) Nwpt Bch 6«-6200 S521,000 Saturday 12-4

4 IEllOOI 2001 Kewamee, (lrvtne Terrace) COM

673-2724 $396,000 Saturday 1-5

• 2012 Port Br111ol (Harbor View Homes) NB 760-9285 $339,000 Saturday 1-5

2725 Solana. South Laguna 54().3013 $229,000 Saturday 12-4

New products on the market Compact •peedblock ander

Manufacturer'• clalm - That this sander is llke that used by professionals, but wefghs only three pounds ... that It has a one-handed palm grip end delivers 13,000 orbits per minute ... that Its compact design makes It easy to get Into t ight spaces while ottering flush sanding on three aides ... that It has a 1.8 amp direct-drive motor with no gearing to lose power ... that spring-type clamps provide for quick paper changes and firm retention of quarter-sheet sand­paper ... and that Its 8-foot cord prevents the plug from catching on the edges of large panels. Manufactured by: Skll Corp., 4801 W. Peterson Ave .• Chicago, IL 60646.

Shade pall. Manufacturer'• claim - That this pull ls made of

wood and attached d irectly to the bottom of any standard window shade ... that it will prevent the shade from flapping out of control and uncoiling the spring Inside the roller ... that, because of their weight and the fact they are turned on lathes Into carefulty balanced shapes, they Insure the shades will hang straight and fully extended ... that they come In a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors ... and that they are made of ash or rock maple, the hardest native American woods. Manufactured by: Collector's Workshop, P.O. Box 27, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522.

Do-lt-yourselfers w/11 find much valuable data In Andy Lang's handbook, " Prsctlcsl Home Repairs, " which can be obtained by sending $2 to this paper at Box 5, Teaneck, NJ 07666.)

4 II ,111 FAii II er IEI • #23 Bek:ourt (Bek:ourt) Nwpt Bch

631-1268 $829,900 Saturday 1-4:30

••22 Belmont (Harbor Hiii) Nwpt Sch 759-9100 $925,000 Saturday 1-4

••21 Bodega Bey (Spyglass) COM 644-6200 $519,000 Saturday 1-5

**1213 E. Balboa Blvd (Balboa Penln) NB 644-6200 $700,000 Saturday 1-5

20 Hiiisborough (Harbor Hiii) Nwpt Sch 759-9100 $775,000 Saturday 1""'

* • 1798 Orlole (Mesa Verde) Coeta M ... 759-9100 $329,000 Saturday 1-4

2224 Paciftc, Corona del Mar 494- 1177 $895,000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

• 2224 Padftc Drive, Corona def Mar 6<44-6200 $950,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

*419 Signal (CHf'ftlaven) Nwpt Bch 631-1286 $449,000 Saturday 2:30-5

• 10 Stillwater (Turtlere>c*) Irvine 675-6000 $339,000 Saturday 1-5

• .,..2019 Yacht Reeotute, Seavtew, N.Bch 640-7848 $459,000 . Sat/Sun 1-5

llEllNI 409 Morningstar, OcMw- Shores, N.B

M4-90e0 S99!5,000 Sunday 1-5

2512 wavecrett (Broadmoor HVH) NB 644-0121 $389,000 Saturday 1-5

California housing costs tops • • 1n nation

• 1111 ,..._....,

WASH:NGTON - California upheld Its reputation of having the highest housing costs In the nation last year. with San Francisco ranking No. 1, and the Los Angeles and Orange County areas ranking among the top five, according to a study by the U.S. league of Savings Institutions.

Homes In the San Francisco metro­politan area sold last year for a median price of $152,000, more than twice the national median price of $75,000, the league reported. The median Is the midpoint, with half the homes selling for more and hatf for less.


TOP5CITIES S•n Ft• New York City Bo•ton Lo.Angeln Or•nge County

1152,000 I 121,000 I 12',000 I 123,000 1122,000


BOTTOM 5 CITIES Pltt-"urgh D•yton Clnclnn•tl Bloom Ing ton Akron

154,152 154,7!0 155,300 :55,IOO !a,:. The league baaed Its rankings of 46

metropolitan areas on Information pulled from 16,300 conventional mort­gage loans made by member associa­tions.

After San Francisco, the most ex­pensive area for home purchases was New York City with a median aaJes price of $129,700, followed by Boston, $126,000; Los Angetes, $123,000; and Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, wlf h a median sales price last year of $ 122,000.

the cheapest housing was found In the Midwest, where a depressed economy has contributed to holding down home costs.

Akron, Ohio, and Reading, Pa., both with median home prices last year of $56,000.

The typical American buying a me­dian-priced home of $75,000 last year made a downpayment of $14,000, representing just under 20 percent of the cost of the house, leaving a monthly mortgage payment of $573.

added $75 for real estate taxes, $100 for electrlelty and other ut lllty costs and $22 for Insurance coverage for a total monthly median housing expenae of $770 last year, according to the league survey.

At the other end of the scale, some of

The least expensive city among those surveyed was Pittsburgh, where the median price of a home was $54, 152. followed by Dayton, Ohio, $54, 750; Cincinnati, $55,300, Bloom­ington-Normal, Ill., $55,900, and To the mortgage payment was

At the two extremes. the median monthly housing expen1e In San Fran­cisco was $1 ,370 compared with $873 In Pittsburgh.

I Ill ,111 Fii II tr IEI

311 Goldenrod, Olde Corona del Mar 873-2254 $549,000 Saturday 1-5

• • 33 Montpeltler &;:t>ot Rldg9) NB 644-6200 $750, Sunday 1-5

-:> 1111,ln Fii ii tr HI

LOTS 84-85-88 Top of Rockypolnt s~1 ... 644-6200 $2, 700,000 SaV n 8-8


FOR SILE 2 IElllll

428'A Avocado, Corona del Mar 875-5511 S289,000 -Saturday 1-5

2 II '811 Fii II tr IEI

• • 2792 L~ Court, CM 5-46-2313 188,600 Sunday 1-4


439 A & Band 441 B Femteaf, CdM 675-8000 from $260,!500 Saturday 1-5

1741 Tuttln Ave, (18), Costa MeM 846-<4380 $120,000 Saturday 1-6


720/720'A Femleaf, Olde Corona del Mar 675-8000 $339,600 Saturday 1-5


5403 River Ave(2BR/2ba) Newport Beach 645-1771 $895/mo Sat/Sun 11--3

• Spa *Poof·

**Wawfront * * • Wat.,,ont & Poot V'QMt eddreta at guard gate

. - -. .

. .I I

. . - . ~

llllPllU 3000 eq ft, 3 BR, 3 'h Ba. Large dining rm & fam. rm, spa, fittpit, pool, view of beck bay. mountains, night Uahta. .... ,,.1 ..............

.... ,.rtln lllioMll

· ~ ,

~ . '

I I I a I m I B I B I R I I I B I D I I I

= 43


Expansive 4 Bdrm, 41h Baths. 3 fireplaces, 2 courtyards. Spacious warm famlly room. One of the finest newer homes In the area. Many quallty upgrades. Large gourmet Island kitchen. $378,000. Best buy In the Heights!

W llllEIS 111-1211


Huge lot - almost 10,000 sq. feet. One of the very best areas of Newport. 3 bedroom Ranch Style home Includes famlly room. Remodeled kitchen and bath. Vacant and ready to selll Asking $305,000. Open House - Sat & ~

W llllERS 111-1211

41R CISTOI WITH IUEST UlllT Expansive Newport Heights property with re­cent 2 story addition. Tasteful traditional design with oak hardwood floors and two brick fire­places. Large famlly room overlooks pool area. Fully contained guest unit In rear of property and much more. EXCLUSIVE LISTING. Asking $349,500. Call for appointment.

UE llllEIS 111-1211 ,

4 Bdrm. 3'h bath. quality build. Guarded communi­ty. $150,000+ In up­grades. Gorgeous decor and lush landscaping and the price Is still com­parable to new salesl Call NOW for your personal showing. $829,000

.llLIE lllLL 131-1211



IEWPIRT - 4 CAR llRllE Drive by 1441 Galaxy In Dover Shores and fall In love with this 4BR, 2.5 bath on a huge lot. Call me for your personal tour. $289,900.

.llUI ULL 111-1211

1 3 a

REALTORS ® SWEEPllli OCElll VIEWI $301,000

One of Newports BEST view buys! Superbly remodeled 3 bdrm home with 3 baths and a wonderful family room. The kitchen Is a dream -all new upgrades. Open flooring. open beamed celllngs. Views from formal llving and dining rooms. This home has uncomoromlslno details. Asking $309,000 9'11 HISE SlllH

UE RllllRS 111-1211

SPlllSH VILLA Newer Clltthaven residence In prime location. 4BR, family room, plus den or llbrary and 3 full baths. Soaring ceilings, elegant marble entry. This most dramatic design will lend Itself to any decor. New pool with extensive decked area. A beautiful property with all conveniences. Just listed at $449,000 WU ..U llll&Y

UE RINDS 111-1211


All the warmth. charm and location you could wish for. Great value In Newport Heights! Ap­prox 1700 sq.ft . of luxury living. Just 2 years old, 3BR and 3 baths. Newly listed at $165,000.

&LUSll llTIAll 111-1211


Quallty Plan B with light oak parquet flooring. Fireplace In llvlng room, family room & master. Expanded master with office retre~t. , Neutral decor Is easily modified to suit your taste.

PITEi Jlllllll 111-1211

ElSTILUFF HI SOLD I just sold my Eastbluff listing and now I have two extra buyers. If your thinking of selling call me.

PETER Mllll 111-1211

HlRIOR I OCEAI VIEW Executive 2BR condo with endless upgrades. Showroom perfect. Mirrors, marble, tlle. wool carpet.

PITEi '911111111-1211


Call fer Elfl .... If •artet Yll11 .. ,,., ..... '" " .......... IEDITERUIUI ELEUICE

WITH PlllUlllC YIEWSI European charm compliments this rambling custom home. Situated In Newport Heights. Comprised of 4 spacious bedrooms and 4'h baths. Built In 1978. 180° views of bay & ocean from all llvlng areas Including bedrooms. A unique Island kitchen with every amenity. Mas­ter suite has fireplace and sitting room with oversized closet & bath area. This property has an excellent presentation throughoutl Newly offered at $579,000. Shown by appointment. IPEI HISE lllllY

Ill llllDI 111-1211

IUR IEW IWPT llm TDWIHOIE 3 bdrms. 21n baths. enclosed yard, attached garage. fireplace, microwave, tlle and even a balcony off the master suite! Call for appoint­ment.

IUD IEW LllTIMI S 111,000 ... lllll 111-1211

VlCAIT IEWNRT POOL HOIE Refurbished from top to bottom exterior and interior - 4 large bedrooms, large llvlng room w/ flreplace, gorgeous pool and spa. New roof. paint , carpet, etc. Priced to move at $279.000. Just call to see!

.... TOii 111-1211

FIVE llnl • WTSllE Newer pride of ownership units - all have fire places and vaulted celllngs. large assumabl loan - hurry $450,000.

unn llEWU 111-1211

VIEW • CllED SHIRES • VIEW White shimmering watts and columns lnclo this dramatic, 4 bedroom, 4 bath home with ne Eurpoean kitchen. Tranquil 180° ocean view, from master, LR, dining, kitchen and entrance. Call NOW for personal showing. Spacious and Immaculate. Only $699,000 .

unn llEWll 111-1211

l..------------------------1 631-1260 • 234 E. 17th St., COSTA MESA INDEPENDENT BROKER MEMBI

.......................... --------------------~~


WESTlllmR OFFICE LUSE 850 SO.FT. of prime offl~ location, private ba1h, divided office. end unit. 90¢ per foot. Gross lease. Corner of Goldenwest and 20th Street.


6,400 feet of well decorated office and small warehouse, ample parking. Prloed befow market at 95¢ N.N.N. FT. or offer . ........ WILL TUIE Fii PAUi SPlllllS 11011

• Ulllll llHE • Slll,000 10% IOWI

Wli l TRADE: Fuu:i ¥ FOR L .".fH .E- H curJ1r.1f RUAL 1,JH 1rJDLJS TRIAL

Devonshire 5 BR, 4 BA, family room. dining room, NEW PAINT, CARPET, drapes, brick deck. kitchen & entry. Complete ocean, bay, city, moutaln views. Assume $350,000 at 11•1o; $150,000 at 12•1.; $200,000 at 10% fixed financing. Private yard with room for pool.




Largest model, Devonshire five bedroom, four bath, dining area. Breakfast room. game room. all new decorating, room for pool. Wiii trade for commercial property.


CUSTOI IY FARI Redesigned by Fart, this custom 5 bedroom. 8 bath, has a master suite with walls & cefllngs of padded sllk, with control lighting for the celestial design work to steep under the stars, black mirrored walls & gold leaf ceilings In formal dining, pool & spa of stone with cascading waterfalls. Unsurpassed view of ocean, bay, city lights. A must to see If you want the elegance and contemporary feeling of Harbor Ridge. Asking $1,695,000.


Slll,IDD Just reduced-TENNIS, community POOL and spa. ocean and city light views. One story '4 bedroom, 21A baths, family room, 2 fireplaces wet bar. Offer leue option.

•11n111w • IALllA PElllSILA •

.. & '"1l IOOP '°' uor. Jt


FllEST lllES # 1 RE/111 AIEITS Fiii GALIFIRlll I

FRDI 1111 to 1111 I



Lido Isle bayfront,custom, three bedrooms, 3 baths. Award-wtnnlng tffe ftoora & watts thruout. Master suite has steam room and hot tub, lnkeboll custom carved bed, headboard and credenza w/canopy, trench armoire, leads to master bath "To Stay". Carved wood wall sculpture 188x94" "To Stay". This Is a must to see. Many Items, too numerous to list. ........

I I.

Two bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining with fantastic vlews of ocean and pier, from this oceanfront condo with security gate and under­ground parking. Wiii "trade" up to $400,000

range In New5i9 iriiwlll::ome. i' ·~~~::s:.:·:=:~E 3 ~~~~ ~!~fl~~~~!!~~~rs •

Fabulous view of Bay and Ocean from this 3 $2l9,900. Special terms. Condominium. bedroom, 3 bath home with large game room .. a 111-1211


and pool. Steal at $552,000. Must sell! REITAL I •lllYIEIMP

.AYCREST • REDUCED 2 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, pool, spa & tennis. $595/month to month. Avallable now. I

Must sell four bedrooms, four baths, formal Ill .II. 111-1211 dining, family room. Large yard for pool. lots of trees. Owner says make otter. A steal at D • , F • R • 111 1 MYIE 1., ov11 s 1vorlf1 1etpe I

LEISE 111 CAIYDI r-------·--•••--t 4BR. 2.5 bath, family room, formal dining, large DOVIE'S BBQ RIBS • 1 yard with pool~Pi·::~~o1;p month. I I

.EWPIRT CREST II ... I ... .., ........ (TlllJ .... ii I I

..... 1 ............... 1 .. 1 Three bedrooms, three full baths, famlly room, I nob). I wet bar, 2 car garage. Shows very clean and 1 I L_...._ .... -'- __ .. ...._ ••• I very good location. Lowest pl'lced plan 4. A steal I lrP .......,. ._.. ... rmw _.. ...... • I at $180,000 . .. I ....,.

1 IMP I Wn, ,_. 11111 ,.. wttll WI (...._ I '

... ...,.. I._ .... , ... fell H .... ). Pl ... lih hi ,.., ._ ______ .. _ .. "_ .... ____ .. I ,..1., a,.,.....,•,..,..,.,.,.. I I

WL w. *"' 2 ., a ....,.. 11 111°. • Ulllll lllllE • * CllN SELL OFF * I •••n ,,_ .,.., 1tt ... ..,.., et t1t1 I

LEASE IPTill 1111,000 I ftil, ,.. lff ntw. n. n••n teil 11 Panoramic view of ocean. Fashion Island. 3•10 DOWN - Owner occupied. '""· Pew ... I Pith •• • ,... I Catatlna, ptua on a clear day you can see the 1501• DOWN - Non-owner occupied. I Mfll ...... ••• ~ .... ..,. •4 ....,.. I Queen Mary. Features oak entry and family 1 BORMS from S59•90o I IEllEll room and five bedrooms. Wiii trade for com- 2 BORMS from S69•900 IU I•


merclal property. Ask for 3 BORMS from $79,900 I 1h lllllElllU llAU.Ml IAIAll I - I ... IMP .. & 111·1211 ._ ______________ _

:A . # 1 RE/IU.llEITS FOR CILIFORlll FROl 1978 to 11~5 631-1268 [I ·.~ Mk .. .,,,,,.,..••ii> --,,,,, ~ 181115 .,.. '''"l--= GI@> .,..,.,,,,, --•• ,. --MI'S' -- 111' ~

' L


. I




In Corona del Mar, buitt in 1930. The property includes 4 lots approximatety 30' . by 60' each or 2 buildable sites each with 30' frontage on the water . Priced at S 1,495,000 fee.




Call us If you would like to receive copies of our real estate newsletter. Publish· ed In Newport Beach since 1979.

• CAlllO SllOlllS - 4 bedroom, Ivan Wells design with retractable roof. Great ocean view on 2nd street from water. Owner will consider exchanges for com­mercial property. $695,000. 640-LONG

•FANTASTIC LOT - Nearly ~ acre atop mountain in Laguna. One of the finest views. $49.5,000. 640-LONG


• MOllTIGO -Phase I · Extensive remodel, new baths, walk-in closet, new kitchen, huge family room remodel -new carpets/ paint. $287,000 MO-LONG


• PHASI I -New point, greenbelt close. $239,000. MO-LONG

• "9ASI II - ,.0. '--' 0 .,1, owner may carry 2nd. ~ S . ~u-LONG

• MASI~$ o· \.. 0. odes, huge tot. S2.5.5,000. I -


• llAWllm PALl•MO - <4 BR, Tastefulty re­modeled w/ new kitchen, landscaping, wall coverings . $38.5,000. Pride of ownership MO-LONG

• STUl••••G SOMl•SIT MODIL - .5 BR, view. Everything upgraded. Spa, sec system, etch. U..9,000. 640-LONG

• FIVI ....... U~- Somerset model. $197.5/ mo. No J*S. 640-Lo';G'1

6•o.LOMG The only 11u111lt•• you neecl.

(714) 640-5664 31!8 SAN M~l ~ SUlTE 200 •NEWPORT BEACH CA 9266()

Ask the right questions before signing contract By CHANGING TIMES Tllell ............

The Better Business Bureau receives more complalnts about remodeflng and home Improvement businesses than any other category except mall­and phone-order sales.

A homeowner's best protection against misunderstandings with a re-­modeler, besides choosing a good one to start with, Is a solld contract that documents the promises made by the remodeter and the standards you set.

Your remodeler wlll probably offer a preprinted contract. That's fine. provided the following points are addressed.

• Building Instructions. Plans and specifications - brand names. stytea, sizes, colors and model numbers of cabinets and appliances, and Ident­ifying characteristics of materials for construction, plumbing and electrical work - should be attached and referred to In the body of the contract to make them part of the legal document. The contract should specify that the remodefer wlll do the work In accordance wtth local building codes.

• Price. The contract should restate the price presented In the bid, along with the payment achedule.

• Financing. Unless you've already obtained financing, the contract should Include a clauee that caftl off the deal unless you can secure a loan with terms that meet your approval within a certain amount of time. Two weeks Is common. The terms might Include Interest rate, dlacount points and number of years.

• Starting and comple11on dates. Note when the job wtU begin or how much advance notice the remodefer wtll give ~oa before starting work. Stipulate that thf job la not complete untll tt meets your _,proval, regardless of when It paaaes Inspection by local building offlclals .

You can try to get the remodeler to agree to a comple11on date and penalty If It Is mlsaed, but many refuse to do that, even reputable onet.

• Construction area. The contrKt should dee6gnate the boundartee of construction ecttvtty and exptaln how dust and debrtt wtll be confined to them - tor example, by coveting any openlnga with plutlc and turning off the heetlng ty9tem In that part of the hOUM.

Yoo might alto want to ftnd out how

the contractor wlll move equipment and materials to the stte. For example, you may prefer to pay a little extra to run a cement pump to the backyard rather than let a truck drive over the front lawn.

• Permits. Specify who Is respon­sible for securing building permits and any other necessary documents and for arranging building Inspections.

• Lien release. An uncondit ional lien release prevents subcontractors and suppllers from collecting from you In the event the remodeter doesn't pay them. Without such a release, your home becomes, In esMnM, the col­lateral that guarantees payment.

•Noncontract work. Spefl out any work on the project you plan to do yourself or want to hire out to someone other than the remodeter. Make sure the remodeler doesn't count that work when calculating your price.

• Change orders. The contract should state clearly how any changes wlll be handled. They should be In the form of written and sfgned amend­ments to the contract, which should cover the work to be done, how the plan wlll be modified, the new Spec8 In­volved, and how the change wtH effect the original price and completion date.

Some remodeters lmpoee a penalty on the order of 15-25 peroent to dltcoorage clients from making any changes.

• Cleanup. If you want the job site and surrounding area cieaned up fNery night, the contract should eay ao.

• Binding arbitration. To avoid having to go through a drawn-out court procedure In the event of a dispute, stipulate In the contract that both parties wtll agree to binding arbttratlon refereed by an organization IUCh a the Amencan Arbitration A~atlon.

• Warranty. A remodeler lhould warrant materials and labor tor a1 teut a year and also pus on manufacturer.' warranties to you.

Your remodeler may ofter a ttv.yeer HOW (Home Owners Corp.) warranty and roll the coat Into the price. HOW coverage for a $10,000 ~ .. $150. You may have to P8Y a 1100 deductible under tome ctrcumetenoee. For mote detah, call (800) 241-9290 In the Eut Of (800) 433-7857 WMt of the MIMlulppl.

~~--------------------------............... ~

Auberman earns Realtor Emeritus title M.J. Aubenn• has been granted

the title Realtor Emeritus by the Newport HMbor Coeta MHa Boerd ot Reatton on beh•tf of the National Auodatton of RMffon.

The designation Is awarded to tt)ose who have held members In the national association as a Realtor, Realtor­associate. or a combination of both for a cumulative period or 50 years.

Auberman originally applied In 1936 for membership on the Pttt9burgh Real Eetafe Boefd of RMlton as a saleman. In 19'47. he become a mem­ber of the OrMter Pttteburgh Boerd of RNhon as a broker. He moved to the West Coast In 1963. and joined the Newport Harbor Costa Mesa board In 1977.

The natlonaJ association's lnetltute of Real Management granted Auberman Emeritus status In 1982. He Is a co-founder and charter member of the Western Pennsytvanla chapter. He was also one of the first 11 certified property managers granted that desig­nation within the Pittsburgh Board of Realtors.

Two jobJ Merrlll Lynch Shlrtef T'°"f.':.~ned the Mission

Valley office of LJl'Ch RMttr as a sales associate and Gene E. CMl ls a new sales aseoctated wtth the Hunt­ington Beach office.

A llceneed real atate agent since 1978, Troup comee to Merrlll Lynch from Century 21 Lake Viejo Realty.

Chai holds a master's degree In management from Centnl Michigan Unlveratty.

RltJ6e•ood promote. BaJJey Tere ....., has been prmoted to

vice president of os>er•tlons for Costa Mesa-baaed Rldg1wood Develop­rnenta, Inc. The lrvtne relMdent has been wt1h the firm 8'noe 1976, begin­ning as aaalatant to the president. Most recently, ahe eerved aa executive assistant while lupet ~ Harriett Wieder was chairman of the board.

RutabJo jobu CoatbJeatal ~ ....... has jofned Con­

tinental Land Title Co. as a title


representative In the Orange County area.

The nine-year veteran of the title Industry is a member of the Newport Harbor Boerd ot AMlton and serves as Its assistant afflllate chairwoman.

BeJtJJerjobJ• top JO percent Sheri a.ftner of F1ratTMm Walk-In

Realty'• Huntington Beach office has reported over $3 million In sales transactions In 1985, putting her In the top 10 percent of the firm's 200 sales associates.

The long-t ime Huntington Harbour resident has spent six years In the real estate Industry and speclallzes In single-family homes and Investment properties In the Huntington Harbour area.

Century 21 top prodacen c.ntury 21 The RMI Eat.ten has

announced Its top producers for 1985.

Pat Davie earned honors for the highest total commissions paid: Don Pfaff Is the firm's top salesperson and also achieved top dollar volume. Top lister was AH ZarrlnMgar.

The firm, located In the Costa Mesa­Newport Beach area for more than 25 years, joined the Century 21 system last November.

FlntTeamjobu ..i.t FlntTeam w .. .en RM1tJ Is partici­

pating In this year's Walk-America " Teamwalk" program, sponsored by the March of otmee. The Walk-A-Thon Is slated for April 26 in lrvJne and Huntington Beach.

Money raised by the 16th annual Walk-A-Thon wtll be used to fund research Into birth detects and support community-based health eervtoee such as pre-natal clinics and Intensive care nurseries.

" We see the March of Dimes Team­walk as a great opportunity to support our local community organizations In their effort to ftght birth defects," said Cameron Meraj, ArstTeam broker­owner.

First Team offloel au have algnup boards and posters dlaplayed to


Profit bl Bicelleace " Profit In Excellence" has been

selected as the theme for the Newport Harbor Coeta ..... lloerd of Reetton by Preeldent Terry McCatdle, the third McCardle to be elecied to the board president. His father and brother served the board before him.

Costa Mesa resident McCardle Is owner-broker of Century 21 The RMI Eatat ..... with two offtCM In Coeta ......

Vlce prHldent le Martl Jenk Of the George Elklns Co. Secretary Is Ninfa O'Brien of Docbkle RMI Eatate and treasurer Is Mu Adrien of The Adrian Co.

Afllliate of Year aamed Laurie Qebhsdt has been named

Affllate of the Year of the Newport Harbor Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. An account executive wtth Comcal ..,,....., she has been actively In­volved In board activities for several years.

She was affiliate chairwoman In 1985 and has accepted the 1986 chair­manship of the fall fashion show, set for October.

Under her leadership last year, the affiliates sponsored a golf tournament that netted more than $3, 700 for the Make A Wish Foundation and a Cetebratlon of the Seasons fashion show to benefit Canyon Acres home for severely abused children.

Rllea '•Realtor of tlJe Year 9ettJ Rhee has been named Realtor

of the Year by the Newport Harbor Costa Mesa Board of Realtors.

Over the years, she has served the board as 1985 vice president, C.U­fomla AMocletton of R•9'ton direc­tor, and chairwoman of six commit­..... She la preeentty a membet at large of the CAR convention committee and multlpte Hating MrVtoe committee.

Active In the community. ahe 11 a votunteer wtth W~ ..,.. Trane­laton, Child Gu6dance of Orange County, and of the UCI Town and Gown.


J&nlutll take. Mle. IJoaon Tom Marahall of Costa Mesa took

top sales honors for 1985 In the northwest division of Keutmen and Broed of 8outhem Calffomla.

Marshall, a 36-year sales veteran, sold $8,558, 261 In 1985 while working at the Kaufman and Broad com­munities of Autumn Chase and Call­fomla Dawn, located In south San Bernardino County.

He has been wtth Kaufman and Broad for nine years.

ID panalt of baUden The Laguna Beach-based Pacific

Southwest region of Onlbb a Elle Co.' Re1ldentlal Brokerege ... ftcee has announced Its plans to aggresslvely pursue new home builders to market their tracts.

"We can offer builders a complete marketing package that Includes an experienced sales staff, Increased property exposure. advertising, public relations, assistance In obtaJnlng financing, Insurance capabllltles, man­agement capablllttes and assistance to buyers wtth contingency sales," said Sendra Khedra, director of marketing and business development.

The company has aJso expanded Its relocation facllltles In Irvine, under the direction of Judy Slack, relocation director.

The department offers referral busi­ness, corporate relocation and third party marketing. Homeflndlng coun­selor Mary Otthoff provtdes materials on the area and answers transferring executives' questions while Dtllft9 Kruek, relocation assistant, provides backup support and asslstanoe wt1h

JtlolJler jobJ• Coto de C... Mk:h ... A. .._.., has joined the

staff of Coto de Caza as vice president ~ of construction. planning and develop­

ment. AformerlrvtnereskSent, heformerty

worked With the lrvtne Co •

Mohler has 1• years of expertence In Catlfornla real •tate tn the .,.... of construction. land ecqultltton. plan­ning and development. He lolMd Coto de Caza'a parent organlZatlon. AtWtcSe l*MJ, as VtOe pr.dent of ~ ment In Florida In 1985 ..


PAGI t4/SATURDAY MA& n. , ... • ................................................................ DAILYPILOT/llSAL&ITAT'm

Wo1nen specialize in mail-order art

home. F nd reproductions of art customers can't locate alone

"If I found It, they were so delighted."

•r the ANoclated ,,...

Ever see a painting that would look perfect hanging on your wall - but the museum shop doesn't have a reproduction?

Moore says her partner recalls that when she worked In the shop of a major museum "she started keeping catalogs of other mu­seums and art outlets under the counter to help people seeking a prl~t her museum didn't carry.''

Thanks to a new mall order service founded by two New York women with extensive art and museum backgrounds, there Is a good chance of getting a print anyway.

Comparing experlenceS, the women realized there was no sing le source for locating quality reproductions, and they founded

' 'Print Anders." Their first cus­tomers came from museum shops and art deaiers who gave their card to people whose re­quests they couldn't satisfy.

Called " Print Finders, " the service offers to locate the de­sired reproduction and even have It framed and shipped ready to hang.

" Customers In my shop would ask about buying a reproduction of a piece of art - often without even knowing the name of the artist - and were so disap­pointed when we couldn't provide It that I'd try to research It for them," says Diane Moore. who works out of her Scarsdale. N.Y ..

The service has llstlngs of more than 20,000 reproductions and posters, Including the most popu­lar works of the world's best­loved artists as well as many lesser-known art works.

The customer simply sends them the title and the artist's name, If known, and they do their best to track down the repro­duction anywhere In the world.

"If It exists, we'll find It," says Moore.

35,000 drawn to show for do-it-yourselfers By JOYCE SCHERER BODLOVICH o.., .... c. ••• , ........

The Home Restoration and Re­modeling Show held recently at Anaheim Stadium brought a super­market of home improvement and decorating ideas to Orange County.

It was the fourth appearance for the home show In Orange County, though there have been 10 such exhibitions In Los Angeles.

Features included hundreds of ex­perts who offered homeowners free tips on everything from solar heating and air conditioning to plumbing, patching, painting. roofing. reseamlng and rewiring. /

"The cost of housing In Southern California has skyrocketed. Today, famllles can't afford to move when a new baby Is born or when they elmply want to change their surroundings. Famllles are forced to keep their homes longer and make the necessary Im­provement themselves,'' said Vanita Ciiio, spokeswoman for the home Show.

More than 35,000 do-lt-yourselfera who braved rainy weather were treated to c:tmom cablMt makers, Interior deetgners, turntture manufacturers . and carpeting Md lighting experts who w«• eeger- to par1 wtth Information to make at-home Jobi eaafer. In all, more than 300 exhlbltort displayed their

wares during the four-day show. The magical miniature world created

by master miniature builder Rich Waters was one of the highlights of the show.

The elaborate " adult doll house," priced around $5,000, Is designed with Indoor /outdoor lights, running water In the sink, a working Jacuzzi and foun­tain - and even a self-cleaning oven. Miniature Victorian furniture fl lled the home, which was accented with hand­painted wooden floors and hand-laid stone facades.

" My father was In construction," explained Waters, "so I grew up fascinated with the whole Idea of bulldlng something special. One day,

after years of talking about des1gnlng houses, a friend challenged me to quit talking and do something about my dreams. He said If I can't actualty bulld a real house, I should try bulldlng a acale model first - that Is how I got hooked."

Waters' full-time wot1< Is making home construction fantuiet a reality tor a wtde range of cuatomera. Includ­ing Elizabeth Montgomery and Bob Newhart. Waters and hi• partner. Oacat Palomino, spend alx month• to one year on each house.

" We Ilk• to build the house to elaborately and so exact that someone can actually Imagine ltvtng there," he said.

Belly up to the bar at own home Br PATRICIA BEACH SMITH llltoCllildlJ_._..

SACRMENTO - Old, un­sinkable Molly Brown beckoned folks with her famous. " Belly up to the bar, boysl" Watering holes llke Molly's or the bar on "Cheers!" are hard to beat, but a group of new at­home bars could do just that.

Because a growing number of Americans prefer to entertain at home, furniture manufacturers have responded with a variety of new bars for home use.

Home ent.-talners f avorlng the old Engllah pub look will get what they seek In Customcraft of San Fernando's large-scale bar In 13 different wood flnlahea. For $12,800, the bar comes complete with Illuminated front and back bara

1 a wooden canopy, swinging

bar ooora on one aide, a brass foot rall, bullt-ln glas and wine bottle racks, a br ... atnk, an alcohol­reslatant top on the bar and beveled glau fronts on the dlsplay cues. It measures 8 feet by 5-foot-8-lnchee by 7-feet-7 lnchea.

On the other end of the alze scale are bara dtelgned for small IMng apaoee. Boyd'a Imported tolld oak bar fotda from a 66-lnctHong bar wt1h a k>dclng liquor storage aree and bullt· ln wtne and glela l1ICka Into a 2() cabinet that rolls anywMfe In the houee on It• brUI caaten. Another amalt-acai.

bar comes from American Drew's classic California Vineyard Oaks collection.

It combines room for a small refrigerator, a locking llquor cabi­net and wine rack, all on casters to facllltate against-the-wall storage. Another bar In the same solid oak collect Ion, though on a larger scale, Is a two-piece wine storage and bar-buffet deck with a mirrored back on the bar. as well as glass and wine racks, shelving and light­ing built to resemble a claaslc china closet.

But the real tooler among Ameri­can Drew's new bar units Is the Grand Legacy collection cherry highboy, which opens to reveal not the typical drawers but a drop-front lighted bar, complete wtth glau •helves and stemware racks. The Queen Anne-atyte footed piece features a broken pediment top with finial center, plus carving on one of the five drawers below the bar center.

Another tooler on a large ac.aHt 11 the Helnoom eollectlon bank aafe from Pulaski Fumlture of VlrglnlL Made In maple, but ftnllhed to look like black stMI, the 5-toot "v8Ult" opent to rewal a pulloUt ber "*'· drawert, a tocking Hquor cabinet and mirrors behind the bar. The unit rests on typtcal " aafe" WhHll and 11 decorated wtth gotd 18808 detail•.

RIALllTATI A.ti .... llU ,_......., ,, ,, ~, , ___ lUO toh f'of~t ,,,,

FOii SAU -~'·-11 7' AIY\'*'Y1ff9 ?161

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IEWPllT'S FllEIT Bl-level 2 Bdrm/den townhouse. Berber carpet, vtew, gated community. Pool and tennis. Sea Island. $435,000.

TIT&LLY IEmHILEI 3 Bdrm home. French doors and win­dows, private pool and spa. Extensive use of brick. Big Canyon dollhouse. $499,500.

SIPEll ILIEll llOIE ....... tt11 •• ,

3 Bdrm, 3 bath, pier and allp. Great location. Bay and city lights view $950,000.

Ill UIYll PW 2 4 Bdrm. 2'1t ba. View of Back Bay. llghts and golf course. As.sum. loan. Room tor pool and spa. $785,000.

FllEIT LIOITill Mclain Townhome. 3 Bdrm, 2~ bath. Golf cours and lake front views. Furnished and In Impeccable oon­d ltlon. Consider lease option. $350,000.

1101111 OllT• 4 Bdrm. marble floors. built-Ina. Kol pond. Securtty 1Y1tem. Garage holds RV + 3 can. $950,000.

LllU ISLE 3 Bdrm, main channel view. Private pl« and allp. Guard gated community. $1 ,095,000.


''°' (Ot .. ditlMof 1100 c.,_~ Mone 1•01

°""" ·-, ,,, t1 '•o 11n •~v_....,, ,,,. --· l 70 ~"°"~' ll )7 "-2 H ·--· 7140 ,_.._

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11)() ......... _..







CUSTOl LOT Unique corner lo-

. cation. Can bulld over 5,000 sq ft home plus pool. Pr ice d to eell-$329,000. Call me for your personal show­ing.


101• 2010 loJ7 l~ 2&00 26<01 , ... , ... 76l0 ,.~, ,.,, 1061 , ...

•flLllT lM-5111

R&"M~ of Newport Beach

.. ,.._ ~-'-·-\oiw·o Af'IO S-A ...... '(jhh ~.._C~t #lllWtro *"'·-,..,..

MISC. HNTALS ,...,...,_ °"""' .. ·--~-,, .. .....,_~ ._.--. fe \.hoilc

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COMMllCIAL I .E. SALl/ HNT "-... _ .... _...,Solo -..OH,.,1.,. , _ _.,._,,. o..--~ --...... ,.,....,..,

DEADLINE I PUBLICATION DEADLINE Monday ........... Sat. 11:30 AM Tueeday ........... Mon. 5:30 PM Wednetld•y ..... Tues. 5:30 PM Thursday ......... Wed. 5:30 PM Friday ........... llvus. 5:30 PM Saturd•y ............. Fri. 5:30 PM Sunday ........... S•t. 11:30 AM

DIRECTORIES a.-~ •. Dellr o..,...eo.i

Cir GulOe _.,.' f~ Auto Piiot . ... •. -·· - F...s.r ,_.. &!-. T atllOld .. SeturMy ec- - a.turdlly . ......

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CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY The Dally Pilot strives tor effieleney and ICCUfK'/ H-. OGCUIC>nally error• Clo OClCUr. Pleue llsten when your ad It reed bedl and ctleck your lld dally Repof1 erron Immediately to ~2-H78. nie OaMy PllOt ac:cepts "° H.abiltty tor any errat In .,, lldllertleement for ~ It may be responsible except '°' Ute C09I of the apeca actualty OCClUt*ld by the errOf Credit can only be lllOWed for trie l1rsl lns.tlon.

THE DAILY PILOT OfflCE HOUR8 Tele: M..f l-6c30/COUNTD M..f 1-5

Rf{M~ R '"""t :... L r •• , •

DEAR PROSPECTIVE BUYER, 11 your goel 11 to own • ~ vtew home In

Otde Corona del Mw eouth Of tM highW•Y. be open minded end think about • condo. 428'.4 AVOCADO OFFERS , THE FOLLOW· ING: V'9w lot, ~ atreet, 2 yeet'I MW. IOw mlilnteMnOe and llleOdatlon due9. '°'"' tax-. .... ln~ment and more qualtty. Look •ound Corona del Mw th.ta, ct-* the prlcee Of MW *9e ~ homea 8°'lttl Of~ hlghwey, then Ylelt OUt OPEN HOUS~ et 429~ A~. Setufdey onty 1~. COf'N late end enjoy the M*' end r~ta.

Very Truly Yours,

COLE OF NEWPORT 875-5511 or evenings •SM-2~2

IESA VElllE $431,100 Golf Course for your back yardl Fantastic 3 BR, 2~ BA. remodefl All new kitchen, formal dining room, tlrepl.ce In IMng room, petla • wfndows, muter bedroom suite hu Jecuzzt tubll Courtyard wtth 20x30 pool and ~-Many extras, emotional decor! ' ,

llLIWILL ... a Ml 1111

l • • I


\ ,• l_

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-a.amnm RUL Bi'IBI l!!JI!! a..c• tMtlll!J!!! 1uc• tMt c.,.., •ti 111 21z2l1ut. 1w• 2141'1 1w• 2Ht a.tMa c.u.... 2tM c..aa..., MM

ILIFFS TEW Nil + lf&I i606'a hOm4i rental offl2er 1L. p::;t encl {sd 5BR: mtn a. ty ngtita vu. 111.U 2'M 2er 1e.. Clean 28< 1e.. M75 _ 2 Bdrm 2 ea, 2 3Br 29a COMPARE! Elegant •P9Ctacutar v. PCH & gerega kldl w/gar. Walk to bch S 50 Ph ... Ill Herber Vu Hma. Un rn 2 • ba. / din garage, w/d hkups S850 patio, Indy, no peta, gd

COMPARE I 1189,000 acre ... •tat• behind PVT 53M19t Agt fee 897--0882/213-945-59e0 $1975/mo. Agt 840-5664 combO. lfplc. micro, on VIiia Rentals 97µ912 1oc bike to bch 5"4&-2750 I•. The Property Mart elec gate wl1h 2 gueat BEAUTIFUL 3 Br & denflOIBeet the rush rent thlt RARE UDO ISLE LEASE Grand ~ S l l50~":i 2br. Iba, upahlln. 712 • IAllA 911 WTI 649019 hOusett A rare value. llv rm llOUM. Oceen Vu ! $420 lbr )ult block.a to 3 BR 2 BA Huge family yrty, ~~Jr'•· v Shellmar..C.. 3 people lBr & 28< lrtg reng.

FUTURE waterfront con- Price slashed 1140,000 11750/mo. 582-5137 ocean complete kit room. vacant ano reedy Nowl · mu. Betty, 5~156. laundry~ ~t No dos on Lido Is. Fabulous- Only '859.900 WltMmal COrf bell COtl"""' So f 53M 191 Agt tee for you A well prlQed C.rtaa ti lbr petl SS50 & '$850/mO

Horses O . K Cell -..~. 0 • 2l44 11650 mo. Near beaeh, :---... · s 546-0492

ty priced! Ownr 673-9319 PATRICK TENORE Hwy,28R. trpl Nopeteorllniat tenntund vlllage. 2Jbd. 1/1>1, utll, $875~ ~tfleiu 931 W. 19th t. GROUND LEVEL CONDO 831-1266 smkra I lOOO 838-70&2 2BO, 28X Garden llome I BALBOA PENINSULA w . OP«I Sat & Sun 1~. BEAUTIFUL MW 29r e.cic 2 mstr bdrma, l/p, patio . • ii • Latge 1900 sq ft duplex with prlvlle pool/spa. Neat bMCtl llome 3 BR. 424 PotnMttla,494-4262 lPUTmm Bay area W/ D, micro. immaculate cond. S 129K • 4 • ~ I ~ Newly decorated 38R GORGEOUS S2000/un- 1 •,i, BA, If replace. nr 2Br lba, front apt, $825. Beautllully t1nd1eaped, refg. wet bat, 1ttl'td omc.

DOVER R.E. 759-5080 1,M 21,i,ba. Lge 2 turn 12•00 l\.lrn. mini- ocean, Bey & library. Vrty yrty. trplc, D/W. 433 Iris. spacious All utllltlea or gar. Avt Apr 2, no pett, -- - ... El _;.....:._... blks bell, 2 car 'gar mum6morental.chlldor $1200/ mo D1lebout SeaSAT. ONLV 10-1PM pald . Pootgar. nopeta ldllaonty. S825, 11t/lut lllllM •Kw . . 11500/mo Open Sat & pet Ok. Call·& utc tor Auoc: 831-7300 28drm 1Bath $895 ~ sec. 642-8780

3BR, MONACO 1259,000 ftfW ~.!"' ~~ Sun 11309•,i, Iris. Marlann Phllllppl, Agl BAVSHORES 1

•lWfSMlPf• 301 Avocado 6A2-9850 •Ha ••• Fee land Own« 7~ 14 Hatbof v- Hm• .-.- 111 -- c 0 Id w.,, Bank. r 3 " ....,..... new crpt1 -__ - -- Remodeled enclosed Lux new Exac Home Welk 6«-9060 or 75&-9534 3/ bdr. 3/ba, 80 11 to bch., .,..._,,.., · •E-ekle lg 19r 1ea wtgar ALL UTIL TIES PAID

HI oh I y u PO r ad e d Portottno 4BR 3'1lba, to ocn. 4Br, 3'ABa. 135001 11-9 mo rental. $1800/mo. (;'t~ 1111~: ~~ 185«1 Reapon pereon only Compete Mtore you rent Portoflno Unique 2nd fir 9 pa. $499 ,000 . Agl mo or IN opt 875-5393 j 2BD, 2BA Garden home 548-7415. 1 11111 1 · 88 $550/ mo . Credit "" Newly dec«ated CU9lorn ~n 1954 Pon Cerney Kerstin« 759-1195 Overlooldng Big Corona, with prlvlle pool/ spa. BIO CANVON Exec. 34001 TILDllT lla.1111 req'd. No pets 831-2242 detlgn la1turea pool. s.« &«-&693 -- 3br 2ba houte avlllable GORGEOUS $2000/un· 1/1 4 BR 3ba Deane 2/bd, 2/bl, gar. w/d, ,_ bbq oovr'd gerage. sur-

WAITll- S 1,000.000 YI 141H June 1 le8M $3ooo1mo furn S 2 4 0 0 furn ' T /home lg• prlv. loll decot. shutters. 714'h *OllUllT fm* rouncted with plulh land· ISEAVIEW- 84la1 str. 4BR • 497 1761 mini mum 8mo rental, /pool & $3000/rno Orchid n-peta 11126, 2 + 1 + C8l'J)Oft Eutalde 9C&Plng No pell Watartront with dock spa, 2-sty 840-7649 pp __ • child or pet ok Ask tor ~ 12 mos:- 548- 1858 I 548-2526, 11-4Pm. I Hurry $475 Fae lB<lrm & 28drm Furnished Have buyer that wants co j--- -- Cntl ... , 21241 Mariann Phllllppl Agt · 1 -- TILllEIT lll-UIO SO tr&de up Ready 10 go WlTllFlllT Fllfl Co 1d we1 1 Ba 'n k a r Blufts..clean 3Br 2Ba. 2 13BR/2BA fplc,sndeck . __ 385 WEST WIL N Coll Aon F.isot 760-5000 28drm. 2Ba Prtvate •1UmFIL MISl• 6«-9060 or 759-9534 patios, no pets. lae S1350 I Indy 2 c.r gar. refrg • FREE CABLE TV 1.g 1Br H2· 1111

doclc. walk to beach. 48drm 2B&. 2 car gar lncd I - -- Agts 6"-049e. 846-2389 c:ptldrp I 1375 875-6599 & 2Br Grdn Apts Pool ClltOE E/S._H_ TWD _ _ • l'\r .lllA ... V room 10 bulld Priced tor yrd Hurry 1900 Fee me FlllllY TWllSI 0oo·- -· 2bf S800'• 1 ...... HL IUI $525-$626 710 w 18th 2BR I ' BA dah frplG ~,l"llnl\. ../ . quick salel ~!11 or Donna TEUHIT lll-1110 II Tl~TUHOI al~tm !'.an front l/yd:2Br tBa w/lrplc. View of 2Br tBa upstrl.511 yard, :ataQe 1,W-/5 ' \l\X, { \ .}I I.~ \ 11 Webster

63 1266 • SHARP Westside 2Brt E~ten~n« • ~lg~~ Wet gar bltlna & more 111


beactl & surf. ~· req. Joann Mex 2 people. No 2340 Santa Ana Ave

••ii~ ' >•? 1Ba Duplex Tiie floors er am rm, rPvla. ~ 53M1908-1Rltytee Sl'tOWnbyapptS1050mo pe1sl535Agt550-1015 Mgronpreml.11543-6-428 UN tSU utmYjYI» crpts, drpt, wl d llkup: ~~1::71:oo"J: Call an HUGE downltalra ocean 0.tJ W114 39D. 2BA. Pf\'. tum. launct. Dtux unturn 1bdr near

Extra wtde trt -2-111 -~·...,;.__·•• garage. MIO<> • NC. Mutt Agt, How81d 559-9400 view 3 Bdrm, 2 be With 111·2242 1-caI gar ~ carprt , clean· new 1g balcony MOO. lot with huge south garden Sia Cltatalt l 76 stand credit ,... No pell SPACIOUS 2B 2B 2 llreplac:e S 1800/mo up to dale, n-pets. 1950. 383 Avocado. 673-3838

ror year round uM 4 n0-5629 r a. cat Avall naw 508 E Ocean- 844-7211 , eot bedroom home ·3 ·.; BY OWNER. New England * . ._.-... ,.1111* par&gil~&lci.:!u!.ed~I - lront. Balboa Peninsula. --- Ea1~1d:.21~drm + NI;:· t>etl'ts den/-tbar din· style home Ctose 101 _..._ ..,_ nos, """' .-~. Call Denise -..~ qu ... 1 .,.. mo u • •no r00m Built.Jn charm ocean. 1275.000 OBO Exec lype Condo, 2 metr University Townl'toute. at 851_1184 -~~• i1!kf 1st, last & dee> 84~20 and c:omlott Great park· 582-1400 or 492"'"82 bdrms, loM model, gar, S 1025/mo 733-1669 . Eutalde 19r 188 Old & 1 Under appraisal • - - PoOll795Jrno&62-HOO Tunt.octtaogll1rydetach 181/ PIT1• 1New2BR lBAw/deck, IO FlllllYUUTlllTS charming $525/mo Call $165,500 •••ile Rian 3Br 2Be Twnhae, pool, home, 3BR 2BA. ale:, lrg 3BR luxury Bluffs condo , of hwy. S940. 523 Dehlia. Sparkllng clean terge 8'>11 Larry ~ 5411-6880

a .. ST SEEi Ftr Salt 1100 g.arage CtoM IO be8Ch & bkyd nr pool & tennis l/leW. $1650. 720-1950 780-1789 Gar avllt. for famlllel wtth t Of 2 ------ --... s· 1100 •97 "718 I 1eoo' •--• "' & . ,,__ M-- <11.a .... lldren Near n••k Heat EASTSIDE LUXURV In a 125 VIA KORON IMP£RfAl 20JC40 In cie.n .... ops . .. ..., • """ ~r 8880C Lido tum 29r, den. 2'hba, _ .. --- - .... ~ No a ...- Plne For .. t. toe 1br. d/w,

OPEN SAT 1-4:30 CM par11 w/poot. Spc rnt Bdrma 11.;Ba . 2223 duet. EV99 -9762 poollepa/tennla. S.2400. 11• lff 3~ 2e:-' 1795 Ing, QU/ wtr pd, 2 petloe. The Dalebout Aaaocietlon S 2 2 5 1 mo S 2 6 . 5 0 0 Meyer Pt Huge yrd. No WOODBRIDGE CONDO R8Y 261~25.4 8754475 MOVE IN COST 2Bdrm 298 1730 $580/mo, edulta, no pets,

111-1100 LRIDOLau1:~ · Bk:~~s380t pet•S925~gt54&-5e05 :2,~~'~N!!=·~· LllRYhll&llll Lge Cott1Q9 Type. 2BR398w. wuaon 831-5583 Y'lllf....._fSA&-0864. -L -IFEOT ... · 11\Q ......... 4191 875/mo. Cute 2BR. gray · • 2Br. 180" ocn w •See 1BA, pvt patio, wld l'tt<up, ,._ •-- -•.a ,._.._ .. __ -•.a .._ n to bay. pool 6 mo free & White wlthuttera. l'tdwd $850/mo,


876· L.-s Bd1 ai>t•. 494-2265 gar. No pet• M75/mo. i--;:•:•::-:;;;;;;; .. ;;-~-;;;; .. ;;-;::;;;;;;=-;-iii

28r 2Ba Condo. view apace rent! Owe 122K, nra garden/yd No pett WOODBRIDGE CONDO TSL MGMT 6A2-180311 $238,000 6A2-2134 Bkr make otter 700 Lido 22l8 Placentla. 645-2586 lg 2bd 2ba cloee to WESTCLIFF CONDO wo-o-D .. A~•• v•• AGI l~f m Park Dr. • 4. 650-8873 , poollt~nnl1.' covered 2 bedroom, 2 bath, pool, 1 ~ flll lllf ,..___ -- - -s:wr- Cea Lt EASTSIDE • 2BR 1.;BA parkJng & at or age . $850/mo, 780-9640. $525/mo 1BR 1BA, all APARTMl,...I

CUI - C etery ta l ""S 1~;8' g1tage, ~ S950/mo. 494-7028 or ReMrw for mid April •1 bullt lnl, lndry rm, nr R • 5 Bdrm, spacious home ~ "' mo. 786-6586 Evaa. atgner 3/4 3ba lrplc beach & lhopa, mt ' tOIOY ovr 11r0tn itylt tPts Quit!, comlotllble kv1 with prtvale yard, large 4 AdJOif;fng Harbof v;; WUIT... dahwsl'ter garge $950 735-141 w 18th St. w to """''' ' So Coast Plaza wMe Oftly 1111n11tts 10 kltotien. den. game room. Cemetery lot1 aectlon B<l 1 Den 2 ea """"' Wlllll..... 53M191 Ag1 '- TSL MGMT 642- 1803 Kh Cincn 1¥1111ble NO PlTS Pl£AS[ cloee to school• North Memor ' G den rm • · ,..,.,.., BRAND NEW 29r 1Ba t 1----- ----r1r-Owner/ Agenl Principal• 181 ar 1p1. Rent S 1050/mo car E.nd Unit Xlnt ioc 19drm Apt w/beleony, ~ •u LLi&&•NrY ·--• Only Diena Cappel 12500 obO 646-8357 646-629 1 or 241 ·90 11 I s-;J;"ca11 Anita, Agt Unturnllhed 29dnn plu•I pool. No peta So4i5imo. ' '

831- 1266 Ltt1 ftr It 4 'SIDE Extra 1ge 3BR or 458-8999 or 552-1800 Den S 1200/mo yearly 6'Wr-3e 18 •sae.• UIE I 11 - 2+ den, lop cond, bltln lll·ll• I 1& 4-Plx, bltn1. nu pelnt. I lll•llM •tte.••

• -• kltch w / refr l g , nu = .... L •J41 No P9t• $515 + dap. 2 ••••••• ., •• ., Lake Park ., .. of Down- cpt/drpa. d ining rm, • • mw LU 7180 Sl'tlllmat M2-89ee -- -~~~~~~~~ • town H B Prioolpalaonty. trplc . 1 btk to CM ~F/P. lnYlhage 1•:X 28<, 1¥.Ba.yfly. $850/ Mo.1 .. .. j Ua, lmAT 6 ll9f WAlm 9ICL

Npl Hgta 4 plex. S225K Agt. Af1 Spm 538-9533 Courtyard $875/mo, no blk-bch. A\11 wkty/Euter 1 5411-93.41Dy846-26A8 E 12=~ lBa ~!r ~ Ml •A•Al•ll firm S2200tmo Income bac•t1, f1ra1 pets 722-le&l/S48-7745 wk or mo-mo S1500 mo., 3BR. 2ba. WESTCUFF,' NO P~2970 7 ...... 1

DOVER A E 759-5080 "-"" 1575 / aide large 3BR 1BA I 837




1 targe yard llreplace newl 1:::::::::::::1:::::::: - 91 ' j Id s '300 Lg E-elde 19r wllota of nat IWPTOllllYALIE HORSE PROPERTY trp1c. dtnino. lndry, aogt llUlftPlll•lll ;:~~~~~~\ •. · wooct. oui.t eomp1ex

2 bdrm, 2 bath. private YUCCA VALLEY. Cute ~~9 ~~/~ Cal°r$~ I •See ~2~ IC>ll. $535 No pats 990-2970

area with llreptaoe end lba 1br house. corral , 83"r.12&e I YlllllDYlrT IBr upatra wl garage. MEDITERRANEAN pool. Grt11t locatlon Only! new gar., 5 acres. 2'1l ON THE BEACH In GATED VILLAGE COM· j Cable TV. Reta raq'd. No $ 116 ,900 w / terma tenee, other out bldga. ··~~~- Laguna'• Unique Tree. MUNITY. 28drm. 2 ~Ba. peta $495/mo 352 Vlc-Patrtck Tenore 631· 1266 6191384-2401 365-0465 !0 Ill . New lg 29r 298 Mble 1800 sq. It. of PURE tori.: 845-8161.Avall 4/1. VIUAGE

~~\: I - 1. -·~...:..__;;,:_, hme. 3 pvt bchaa. pool, LUXURY Garage. SPA lnl . : tallu 24 hr eec gate $1575 Yr matter au1te1. Dining 1Br w/ patlo. encl gar, 'tlllll• Lge 38r 2B1 2 story i.. pref 499-2704 room. woodbumlng nr• Fair / Fairview 1re1

"' · Bt11tt/ Cta•n Condo Yard, garage . place, microwave oven,1 S500/mo. 240-2036 PLAN- 7 New1:>0f, Crest $1100 v1111 Rental• L!fW~I 112 prlvlte petlo. ELEGANT 2BD 1BA 2271 Pomona Condo 3Br Partlal OCMn Gfaeral 2102 87


_ (rg 3BR ™· fencd Yd. LIVING only 15 mlnut•l pailo, carport. qulei vlf!W By<>wnet 738-1833 uxcondonrS C Pila Un- a le: , l rplc. coun try! to So.Co. Pfua.)uateut netghbortlOocl $625/rno

- - NB • 2BR 18A hte 1 blk to tum 2 BR 2be on lake nr kitchen, dbl gar Agt Of Ne9WOt'1 Blvd & IOU1h No Peta 5"4&-54io5 SPTIW$ STUL I bc:h. 1~ yd, 2 car piing, waterfalls Poot, epa ... 768-7104 0< 8&1-3437 ' o1 San Diego freeway.

IEINfl 1410~ avail now S800fmo. yrly c:urlty gates Cu1tomlzed It 2473 ORANGE AVE 2/ BD. 118A • ''I::_· avail 0 B Cl ALSO 2BR 2BA. tower clotela s 1000 wkdy ·= ..... 831· 5439 By appt only 4-1-86. S800 mo. open cean ay an ly unit 1 hM oft beedl ' hOuee Fri 4-0pm Llghls Prime locatton · $850/ ·ty 851 -8777 ev/ wkndt 2 1 ba ooodo. 2 ear lu CJ .... 11 llJ 518 VlctOt'la 135-'5"5. With 3 Bdtm and 3 ear l mo, yr 957-0956 gar Walk to beect'I Adtte _ • garage c 1111 ror your ax- JlOlll IW.n pref. No I*• 1975/mo PANORAMiCOcewlVlew- 2Bdrm, pool, e1rport CtuSIVe Showlno Diana ""' ....... IT Llllll ... ,. 11Vlaat . .. . . M&-7580 Clean 3bd, 2ba. tpl, $800/rno. 2265 canyen C•PP81 631- 1266 I 114/llM na llld nu 3br 2~b8. 1450 .... 1··-n- - peluc1'k?.:. '?.::. .. ~IU\A main. • call Dr No pet1 8334533

ti, l/p, fncd yd, dbl g8f, ' -Ill ft"W - ,..,.,...,...,.,

l=i6~~-·' NAPLES tSLANDunfum l1150Petok722-6247 FrplcS775. 8161rvtneAva . llW 2 Bedroom, 1 Bat.h ,

1 t!.:..,._, - home large 2 MOVE FAST PROPERTY HOUSE ~7&:,r.ra r:d2e~ t. · ( bdrm. watere 1cro11. ot llf 10 Nwpt cozy Bkr 642-3450 NfSCP26'26ePo0111oma ~ Apt #F00~19 llrepl1e., yard, eup•r bungalow w/ eppla bale -·-- QOIA'TTl4lt kltdl & fr• utlll • ·

II- garage (213) 869-()035 $396 Child ok/Of engl 1 ~~-·~ kldt/pet M75 53M1111 2BR n~BA. dW, W/d hkup,

Ill Pl• ._,..,..J •Mlll -+ ,,....,, ~d4 • Agent C09t patio. No pals. $850. Beautlful large Dover Nice IH gueet hM lbr *'• * •ted, att t>ltlne. S650 Mo- ~ l 3004 "1timore. 543-5-478 Sl'tOr• home with epec- IUC*b loeltlon S3eO Into ..,. OCC tlylllh 3t>r 2ba Mo/Yrty, HurryU F• l .. ... tacutw "*' . Bey. OCMt'I 539~ 191 Agt i.a pool too S755 nit many TIUlllT ll ..... SBA 2 oCtXR VIEW: 2 2BR 1b8, -'ry. ~. llght-. 4 aectroom 3'1\ laiilN I I _ _. others un1dvert1Hd car Q8' yard l l650/rno clean , yard/patio Bath Now offered 11 1 •- 53Ml90 Oeet Alty._ 4BD. lamtey room, pool, EY98 4G1·6123 MOO/mo. e75-48M • "'95 ooo ........... i ...... ~ 2 A en newcatJ* tenni.. vi.w, 12100/mo,1,.. _ _ -...,. _____ 1 - • .. ....... nc ....... paint . verz_ clean .v Exec. hm. 48R 31>&, 760-8782/975-9Mt. ~ti 2 BA. 2 BA T/hlie $25.000 decor1t1ng al- · • tam rm, re<twd tpe. gdnr _ WlndOw w Of OOf1 cree. towllnC9 and out-ot..rate I 1500/mo 87 2578 1nc:t 1 1400/mo ~tt!IO 4Br se.. Dodi, Beyfront. Bil PV1 patio, erpn. S*ltry. owner rnay help With aeJ:ka LUSH COHDOS W/18"9 12200 A\11now. 646-7171 jfQ(( ifNViCE PNQp. lndf'Y llG.Hu dfpa/cpt, 11nano1ng Pniaam etraerna. Gar w/OtprV All! kif~°' Uz EATY MGMT .. 3" Btlr M 9&imo, em 1)91 Ole

M2-IJM t>oe m Id l'tt<up, ,,... c:tecor. A\11 Afg &M.I.. AMEAl~ND 917-ot41 65()..3873 or &oitt-0433 I etyte<t rite decot frptc now 2bf' ~be S800trno. Lrg 38;. 38A ~ 2 28r, orpt•. ~. t>lt!Mi gourmet ltltch 2-ger lbl' • 7oo 111 mo + $500 oer gar w/utr• pting ' ~ . .,..._ l'llcup, and 98'·j PETE


11100 63M1$1 Aclt '- MC 5"49-2447 b11 to~ W/ O l'tlcup, ...... .. 1700 Nloe .,._ M2.ao4 Tldy 4BA 1 '-"ba Poo1 lrptc. 1 11001mo. GO 21A .. a;n: tax 1ro \A 28A DUPLEX. ar... ....

O••llfiad ,_ IC)Clellnl0t· t1050 dlaaount 114 33rd & tMrtQ --. t1050fmo, New cerpee, jHlln1. dnipe9. matlOn:=c-wltll S51-31t9 TSL MGMT 942-1803 c.. 873-7281 oereoete&O. Mt-6001


WITH THIS AD THE place to come home to - A peaoetul park-llke setting conveniently located. Only mlnut" 10 South Cout Plaza and th9 beech

"FREI .. CIOWAVE f YOO IDT n1S MUI)!" 18edroom

1 m.droom a Den/2 8etha 2 Bedroom/2 -.u.

2 ... oom Townhouee/2'A a.u..

,,,, ,,,,,, , ,,,,, ...... ,,.~,, ,,

~~-------------------------------........... ~ ..

111111 • IU · Month·to-monm Ml betl, ftJllO. dlttl#lltW • also tv11labla end 08f. 8'tlne, w.-$700 Aft 5:30 IM-04&4 • Fum11hed/

NOW OPEN o lllllT •AITIDT c1•1mn Classified

ml .. II I '911! unfurnished California CafX Cod Styling has bttn QUIET RESORT LNING • Frtntss centers. captured at Tht u~ Select from l , 2 and

""Spet1(11ng hee'9d pool tennis. swimming 3 Btdroom plaru with I or 2 Baths . ..... Court )1lrd ¥tew dining ""vionen. 88Q.,.... Models open d11ty. 9 6 • Vaulted Ceilings • Walk-in clo~s • ;~t d4ne In court ~ Sotrv. no Pf1• Private Patios or Balconies • Central ""Specloua At>anment1 Newport 811ch No Heat ing and Air.conditioning • Pool • Spe ""You're own ~t• pet llO lnllnt A11tnue • Covered Parkmo "~knchen ,.. "" Nft cto.... 1.,.. ~ 1'1 t6thl . 1 Lf.11 fNIM ""I.MO- WIHl-ln ~ .._,.. The Cape's exciting loc111on 1s w it 11n SI R.IW '-ft.II ""0eted OOYlf'9d ~ng Newport BtKh so M!lung dmanet o( South Coast Plan Mall LL lalt/llat lM 1-wtth atelf10t 1100 l6ttl S11111 and the MW Orange County Perform1ns rwo 38R t'MtA un1tt llnd

ALL UT1LITIE8 IHCl.U0£ lllt Oovtr) Ans Ccnm ·a ·1y p·1 ' ........ '"""/lalt two 28R 1BA untt• New

ICZ-'"3 II I • 1217 CM'S* llnd '*"'' MlllnQ 1a.2 e.droom ~ m.-• *ll WCO. IPlaM 1--------1 1239.000 Pnnc: only ~Ufnlahlf'IOa AVflllable 1000 South ( oast Dr1vr WWII 11111 Oemn e31- 12ef

SMry, No l)et9 Cosra Mesa. (.altfom1.a, ( .£lifom11 92626 ~\=:; ~ ~ l..A QUINTA HERMOSA J\.t)al1111CftS (714) 55"1M4 own YfNf own otnc.

1. 8=2~1 J' P~~H~Ll.n~. ~HB:J=~;:;:~~~~~~~~~~~;e;;;;;;!i§!~~~~---:::'---::----==-=-=-=-----:=1· Tom 1. ... eot &42· 1803 ,.... Ml•a..1 AAAMIMQl!dl'l'opoof tlt\

C A l l -





- .


TV's 'This Old Hous~!­cashing in on hOme renovation revolution By LAWRENCE KILMAN A 11 11'1tad"'w~

READING. Mass. - Frank Fernlno Is In his backyard, dressed In heavy coat and hat, and he's struggllng to lift a heavy floorboard onto a half-com­pleted second-story deck. As he works. a voice booms from a speaker like Big Brother gone amok.

" Frank, you don't look like you're suffering enough to me. Can you carry that up from below?"

'I've seen people who just a few years ago would have h1red a carpenter are now doing It themselves."

RUSSELL MORASH uecudve producer,

'TIJU Old Hou.e '

Morash Is sitting In Fernlno's base­ment, watching a television monitor and giving directions through a loudspeaker nailed to a tree. Outside. In frigid weather, Fernlno Is helping master carpenter Norm Abram build the deck while Bob VIia. the show's host, and a television crew make him the latest point man in the home renovation revolution.

Fernlno. a balding man of 39, Is the software manager of a computer company in Boston's suburban high­tech corridor. His wife, Mary Jane, Is a substitute English teacher at the local high school. They have a 71/t-year-old daughter named Betsy and are active In the PTA.

The Fernlnos have an Impressive woodworking shop In their home. They've used It to bulld an office, finish the basement, split a formal dining room off their kitchen and add a wood stove and Insulation to their porch. Contractors helped put the pool In the backyard. The voice belongs to Russell

Morash, the producer of " This Old House," the Emmy Award-winning home remodeling series that Is one of the most popular shows on ~public television.

Ruell lloraah (left), ezecati•e the watchful eye of carpenter !form Now the one-story ranch house they producer of PBS' 1 1Thla Old Abram tapln& at • relto­

bought In 197 4 for $36,000 Is too smaH.," pata a beam ln place under ration project ln ReadlnC. llaM. A two-story colonial nearby would suit them. but It costs $250,000. So the





• PENINSULA OCEANFRONT CUSTOM • IN AAA COfl>ITION • GREAnY REDUCID TO $700,000 • FOR EASTER SALE • 48R ( 2 masters) - 3 baths with spas • Floor to ce9ic ocean view wiNtows + huce freplace for

romantic, ercitilc smsets and hi'lc. • T otaly repairted irterior with new kitchen appbnces ( t1cept refricerator) • Excelent, low rate, find ht TD financinc by owner • Quick quaification review ' report • Quick escrow and occupancy possible



CALL TOM ALLINSON Senior Marketing Consultant

644-6200 Grubb & Ellis


#2 C1v1c Plaza, Suite 100 .. Newport Beach. California 92660


Fernlnos decided to add a second floor to their home, a Job that Involved taking off the roof and adding three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a deck upstairs.

The renovation wlll cost about $50,000.

" When you think of the Initial $36,000, even when you spend $50,000 It's a lot better than selling and going somewhere else," Mrs. Fernlno said. "We havu half acre and an lnground pool. W4'1'ke our neighborhood, and we have a lot of work In this house."

The Fernlnos are not alone. Each week. nearly 6 million viewers watch "This Old House" on 260 public television stations. and Its popularlty Indicates a lot of people are seeking help with renovations.

Three-quarters of all h.ouaeholds undertook do-lt·yoursetf projects In 198-4, compared wtth 39 percent In 1965, according to the DIV Relearch Institute In lndlanapollt. Americans spent more than $69 billion on home Improvements In 198-4, and more than $38 bllllon befonged to the do-lt­youraelf segment.

By 1990, the home Improvement market la estimated to top $113 bllllon. with $78 billion, or almost 70 percent, belonging to do-lt· yourselfers.

The Fernlnos have watched " This Old Houee" alnce the 1how began MVen yeara ago. Earty In 1985, they aaw a newspaper advertlMr'*'t for the show that aought homes to renC>Yate on the air. They wrote and were accepted.

The show gets hundreds of letters from all over the country, but, wtth the exception of one house In Tampa, Aa..

all houses have been In the Boston area, the home of WGBH, which produces " This Old House."

:When Morath tells Femlno he's not suffering enough, Fernlno cl!mbs down from the scaffolding and hands the board up to the carpenter above. They shoot the scene flve times before Morath Is happy. Fernlno Is exhausted. " Frank, you're really gonna 9MMp tonight, kid," said Morash.

For the first five seasons, "This Old House" was a simple " how-to" show featuring professionals, and Morath decided the Idea was growing stale. Last season, he began using home owners who were willing to become Involved, a concept he calls " sweat equity."

" It seemed to be that people who were wtlllng to put a little of themtelves In a project were getting an enhanced value," Morath said. " I've eeen people who Just a few years ago would have hired a carpenter are now dOlng It themeelves. My accountant, who a few years ago was sitt ing In his chair watching baseban, was now ripping shingles off the roof of his house."

It makes good tefevlslon, as each eplaode ends at a dramatic point In construction.

" We've always told a story and left people hanging at the edge of their chairs,·· VIia said.

Wiii the Fernlnos get their roof on before It rains? How wtll they OYercome the lna<lequate <*llng Jo4ttt?

It Isn't ... General Hoepltal," but mllllon1 of do-lt-youreelfert are tuning In each week to find out.

======--~~~~~----l!ml~ ................... ___ .. .. DAILY ~ILOT/llaAL ISTAT8 ~~~~~~~~~------------------------ IATUllDAY MA& J9, 1-/~AGS 19

NEWPORT BEACH H llJlllU..., 11,111,­Etegant home provtdes '4 BR, 4 BA, sunken conversation ptt wtth fireplace, formal dining, famlly room, forever views of channel, bay & city llghta from both floors and boat dock. Very Impressive throughout!

• Ullll ...... Abaotutely gorgeous 3 BR Monaco model. High­ly upgraded wtth new A/ C system, new heating unit and hot/ cold spa. 180° view of city lights, moutaln and ocean. Prime location on the cul­de-sac with 3 car garage.

Wllllnm Mii .... Big and beautlfull Inviting and gracious warmth of woods, special tiles and luxurious carpets throughout. Outstanding buy on a very special Island complete with dock and side t ies for your flotilla. Let us show you this perfect 3 BR, 3 BA home. Easy to see - just call.

.... ,.._ MD .... Ideal location near the Wedge. Large 4 BR, 2% BA home wfth delightful atrium and large rec­room with wet bar. Well app()inted master bedroom with balcony patio. Owner will carry first.

•• ,,.,..., 1411 .... Contemporary 2 story plus dock In private community. 3 BR Includes bonus suite, separate from main living area. Plans for sunroom ad­dition. A must to see for boaters!

MWPlll 1111111 Pit .... 3 BR home designed for entertaining family. Well equipped modern kitchen and separate dining room make It easy! Sparkling pool and hot tub surrounded by wonderful landscaping and plenty of patio space for outside fun. Bay and city lights view!

11n1111m 1n1.­Aamb11ng 2·atory home wtth 4 large bedrooms, high beamed celllngs and circular staircase. Double marble fireplace open to living room and dining room. Elegant master suite wtth fireplace and his/ hers bathrooms overtooks picturesque pool with recirculating rock fountain.

• Tll "NlaA 11•,lll Gorgeous bay view condo wtth 2 large master suites, bullt-ln kitchen with eating area plus huge llvtng and formal dining area. All high­lighted with quality wallpapers and carpet. Re­sort complex on the bay with pool and boat sllp near the Pavllllon.

•WNIT 11A11 IHl,llO 3BR, 21ABA custom U-shape home with famlly roof]l and llvtng room wtth fireplace. Cupboards and' clOMts galore! Plus separate guest suite with 2 roomaand a full bath. Lovety pool and spa and new patio.

....... 1121,111 Faahlonabte penthouse In a quiet and secure resort location wtth all amenltlel or walk to the beech. A eerene 2 BR, 2 BA In per1ect condition lnctudlog a new kitchen. Perfect for two adults who are tired of renting.

•au•t.. 11n.-0ceen vtewl Spending llQhtal A fabulous reeort atmoephere gtve thlt 18R penthOUM. a very ~~ fMQngl Per19ct u a ftrtt or tut home.


OPEN HOUSES UTlllAY ...... ~73 WlndlOI' Ct. .. ........

3BR, tennis $195,000 . 1-5 MITlll'll 288 Ba/ Street ......... 3BR $17 .500 12...t

SlllAY MITlll'll 3-473 Windsor Ct. L......,. 3BR, tennis $195,000 1-5



BIG CANYON PROPERTIES. View and location for the discriminating ex­ecutive In a dramatic setting! Even as you walk Into the llvlng room you are over­whelmed with a feeling of spaciousness as you marvel at the terrific view. You will truly know you are In one of Newport Beach's finest homes In one of California's finest communities.

This Is a Monaco plan featuring a muter suite on the first floor with a view and steps to the private spa In the lovety brick patio. Gourmet kitchen formal dining room, powder room, all In Impeccable taste! Two large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Centrally aJr con­ditioned with three car garage. Excellent value. A recommended buyl $585,000.

NEW LISTING ... ,_ '21 .... '48R, muter autte wtth walk-lo cloeet and jecuzzl tub. Mother In law quarters! Pride of ownerahtp. 3 BR, air conditioned, deoorator wallpaper. Young exciting feeling. Large back yard.

COSTA MESA ...,.. 1111.­Hetghts area - just reduced! Unusual, 'artsy", funky, funl Great '4BR, 3 BA home for those Who what something different! A-2 lot. Motivated •wt -WlllLDll ft.LMI 11.._ 3BR, 2BA, vaulted ceiling, atrium, central air, leCUrlty, community pool, spa and night lighted tennis courtsl Owner transferred. Grab your racket and come see this one today!

mtamu 11n,111 Newty remodeled 3BR, 11nBA home with new carpet, drapes, cabfneta In kitchen and bath, and wallpaper In all the right places! Superb "Just move right In" home ready and wafting.

mfl.U 11 ... Two story condo In excellent South Cout Metro location. EJther '4 BR or 3 + den, 2 baths, large mast• bedroom with sun deck, mint-yard wtth patio and two car garage. Cozy complex with pool and spa.

UITml mfl... 11 .... Appealing 3BA. Owners want h sold! Excellent condition with community pool. Very private end unit in small c;omplex. Newty decorated, vacant and ready for occupancy!

-.LmHll 11M,111 New llatlng In super desirable CoHege Park! Cozy 3 BR, n'• BA home on larger comer lot wtth AV aocess. This home la prk:ed to aetl and wont last long. Call today!

mfl.U 1112.­Two story, 2 BR condo with vaulted ceilings, ftreptece In llvlng room, patlO and double at­tached garage. Take advantage of low Interest

._ ______________ .... ratee - purchase your ftrat home nowt

MESA VERDE ... ,.. .... This charming Golf Course remodel has 3 BR. 2Y.BA, jacuzzi tub In muter suite. All new kitchen, llvlng room wtth flreplace, Pella win­dows, security system, pool and spa In 20x30 courtyard. A fantastic buy for the golfer who wants all this and many other extras!

IWYDll II•• 4BR, 3'ilBA, custom alngle story home near Mesa Verde Country Club. Huge famlly room. with cort used brick fireplace. Gourmet kitchen, central air, security, pool and spa! This wtll flt you to a teel

mlftlll ... Gracious '4BR + den Mesa Verde home ha8 everything! Located near 2 gott courMS and 2 parka, beautiful yard wtth pool and patio, and side hideaway patio otf the den, new add-on famlty room and teen quarters with It's own entry. Bring In your otferl


mfl.U 111.,.. Super lharp 2BR. with bubbling stream next to private patios. Pool and spa just steps away. Onty ttve years otd with all amenities. Why rent? Call now!

mtama •• Super sharp 1BR, with bubbling stream next to private patio. Poof and spa just steps away. Onty five years old with all amenities. Why rent? Call nowt


UITllll 1111-Charmlng Spantsh styte pool home wtth 38R, dining room, hardwood floors, covered patio and RV accees. In excellent condition wtth new paint throoghout. You really get your money's worth In thta hornet

una• 111.,.. 2 BR, 1 BA ead\ duptu In good rental .,..., Groa Income $10,440/year. Low renta. ftxer.


• •




PAG• 10/IATUllDAY MA& n, , ..


,.111111 .... P1.,_ The finest In condominium living. Split level 3 BR, 2+ BA, family room, privacy on expansive greenbelt. City and hlJls view.

Liii Y1W11 P2.,_ Beautiful sophisticated bayfront penthouse. Great views of bay, ocean, mountains, Newport Center. Short walk to Lido VIiiage.

Pl•llU""" ...... Unique guest cottage plus 4 BR, 3 BA main house with huge patio, 3 story 'windmill', 2 lots. Upgraded gourmet kitchen and great storage.

.... llU Niil 1121.­Broad expanses of glass frame this ocean vista. Immaculate 3 BR, 31h BA home with huge kitchen, FR, large exterior patio. Priced to sell fast.

UllUllAll ........ Exhilarating ocean views from this charming 4 BA home built right over rocks. Stairway to sand & tldepools below. Walk to quaint shops.

.. UITll 11,2 .... Elegant French Normandy estate In prime view locatlonl All features for gracious llvlng. 5 BA, formal dining, library, FR. Quallty throughout.


Wllllff 1111,HO Wonderful remodeled 3 BA home sporting a large spa In an Inviting, spack>us yard. You will enjoy this Immaculate & tasteful property.

... -- Ill Ill 1111,IOO Pride of ownership! Located south of highway, just steps to park & beaches. Remodeled 2 BR. 1 BA and 2 BR, 2 BA. Annual Income $30,000.

n...u ..... 1411 .... Spacious, fun, very livable home with 5 BR, 3 'h BA. Spectacular Catalina sunset views with the Pacific for your front yard.

IMllOUFFS HH,IOO Ocean view In COM's most established com­munity! 3 BR, 3 BA, single story fronts on lovely strada & Pacific view. Beach access.

Pl .. UIU IAYflllT UH,IOI A distinctive home planned for gracious living. 3 BR with custom oak cabinetry, master BR with flreplace, boat dock.

P1.a1U UYflllT 11,211 ... Drastic S 1,200,000 reduction makes this estate size Bayfront the best buy on the market. Large boat slip, spectacular location. 11,111.­so· on bay and a charming 4 BR home wtth lovely garden entry, lanai across front, master suite, a chef's kitchen plus dock and beach.

PUm1U UYflllT 11,111,M1 60' frontage wtth 2 boat slips, 2 side ties. Large, 4 BA with 1uper decor plus 1 BA apt. May consider apt. trade. Fee.





CORONA DEL MAR ll.ll Ill.a• Ill Pn,MI Newly decorated 3 BR charmer; plantatlon shut· ters, fireplace, celling tans, brass hardware, redwood spa, new paint. 11A blocks to beach!

ILll •IU HL U1 PH,IOI Top this for value! 6 BR, 4 BA, 2 kitchens, 2 garages, 2 laundry facilities, patio + sundeck. Walk to beach & shops. Low down, assume loan.

llYllf TDUll '*• Resort-like setting with pool & spa overlooking the bay and Catalina Island. Raised redwood decking for summer sunning.

••rnua '*• Lovely home In quiet upscale neighborhood. Very large lot with pool, 3 BR, family room. Professionally landscaped. Excellent condition.

..... ""'-.u ...,. ... Emotions run high on this superbly upgra~ed 4 BA home. Tradltlonal In feeling with quality In cabinetry, moldings. wood flooring and more.

IPYIWI ....... A special feeling awaits you In this upgraded 4 BR panoramic view home. Beam celllnga. wood floors, 4 car garage, view side patio & spa.

UU.YD-.U ....... Fabulous 180° view of Harbor and ocean from this stunning, totally upgraded and remodefled 3 BA. 2'~ BA home. Appointment.

snam 111..­Room tor children, pets & funl 2 story cotonlal, 4 BA, famlly room, plus bonus, plus children's playhouee. Ocean view, large yard.




lll.IMH laA ..... Spacious ooean view duplex with flreptKea. Walk to shops, theatre & restaurants, or out to the pier to watch the surf.

1AU1A H•lllA ..... Location & potential + C-1 lot wtth 8 garages. Adjacent to 'fun zone' development, an area with exciting possibilities.

,...IU 12 .. 38R stucco home In great lower penlnaula location. Excellent 'starter' houae. 2nd home or build new. Call for appointment.

IUftlW 111.,_ This Is the view you have waited fort Ocean, ctty llghts and mountains. 3 BR Nantuektrt, lwge yard. room for pool. Exoellent ftnanclng.

IUYD ..._ Largest model In Seavtew wtth good W.W of CataJlna. city lights & mountains. Room for pool on extra wide lot. 4 BR, 3 BA.

....llU....., MHMI Location, ocean, view and Income tool Clalatc beach duplex at end of boardwalk wtth pan­oramic Catalina and sunset view.

IUftlW M1._ One of a kind! Expanded Port Royal wtth pan­oramic view. 5 BR, spa, enclosed lanai. Top street of Seavlew. Association pool, spa, tennis.

,. .... u llUlflllT ....... Outstanding decor & Class A ~onstructlon make this new beachfront home a super buy. Com­pletely furnished, 3 fireplaces, spa, 2 llvlng rooms .

,..............., 11•.­Rolllng sand dunes to ocean Is view from thl1 appealing home. Extensive use of brick and wood add to the existing charm. Appointment.

,...Ill.I Um.t ... .­Endless turning basin view, 3 BR home ex­qul8'tety decorated & maintained Is tocated on Buena Vista, the garden street of Balboa.

llftl llllD 11.-... Old world etegance In contemporary beyfront setting. 5 BR, enclosed pool/spa atrium home built for family or entertaining.

N•llU IAYflllT 11,111 ... Exceptional 3 story 5 BR, 8 BA home on exclualve Buena Vista. Three story covered atrium, elevator. sand and dock.

,...II.A Um.? 11.-.-0ne of a kind home with extenslve bulH4na of furniture quality, a planked celling that re­sembles a boat keel. Buement, garden, boat dock and beach.

N•llU U,,_., 11,l ..... Emotionally appealing bayfront on East Bey Ave. Outstanding architectural deelgn, con­struction & decor. Spacious patio, sandy beach and sllp.

H llU U,,_., 11,111.1• 70' frontage on Main Bay wtth 6 BR. cutom furnished home & new 2 BR gl.14911 home. Stlp & aide tie. for larg49 yacht•. apaclout ptitlo.