Nabhed at t;ahi11 - City of Newport Beach


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Transcript of Nabhed at t;ahi11 - City of Newport Beach



s ·- . '

Nabhed at t;ahi11 .- ..: . . . .. --- - . . '

In Sehool Blast •


. .. . .

. . . .. -.:. """'" ~It.~ --FIREMAN COMFORTS ELDERLY VICTJM ,Ofo •C:051'k"'M1!~:JL,AJE

Joon H• yden, 62, Hospltollad.fol low,blt Suadoy fire ' . - .

. Lido Condom~mn·

County Carpe·nf!!:f. ·G_flfS· · . . . '. - . .

-Term,in Bomb Tlireat . ·-l

By 1TOM BARLEY Of .. o.llY '"'f ~

A young accused in &n earlier onhge Courity SUperlor COOtt trial of planning lhe destructio1. of a Lido Isle condoinlnlatn today pleaded gullty to lesser charges. · • ·

Judge William Mlll'fl3 accepkd the plel of Wayne Francis Nettleton to chorges ol 10llclting a commlsslon or a crlln• and reduc*l ' Ule alltpllOol to mildeme&nor Jevel,


'lbings move quickly wlY, DAILY Pnm ciauill<d waot ads. N& the following ad :

Cozy J BR, 2 BA, fn>f, ,._ lined ~ In Wmcllll. 1115

+ depollL DX·IDJ. On the second caU. the - WU

rented and tbe ..,. _.. mond tn. Mo,. In aome quick ,,,_ own

by callln& a DAltY Pll.or advlaor. Dial dlrectfCMl'll.

He ...,leooad Nettlelon,. 21 •. Senta Ana, lo JO daya la Oronce Ceunty Jill and pl~ ~lm on lwo jars prWltlon.

New<ton' bad been ICbedlded to lace hU ~ trlal IOilay oo 'alleg'at!ons that be worliod tllO SOotb Coist ~ Comp.i1y Of c.o&a M.,. 1ut Feb. 11 that

'be ..... IP' I If mlllail coit­domJnJum •l Lal,,.ite A...,. onc1 Port Lido ii be did nol .-•• *'·°'°·

New.tori, no -Md on !be """ 1trucliM Ille, WU lmlled by !WO

-· inyetdplorl. . Tiiiy - !be ,...,. ~

hired lbem In !be belltl that Ibey ..... the "two Maflo typt.t" be ....... It build two ele.."ll'Onlc bombs. ·

Tbet 111d Nettloltn told i11om 11o pl .... ned to el))loile - bomb II I ~ ln the tie- - II till ........ did 11Dt tmmodlalely....,., _die-· . ,n. Jur1, - - to dlo allop

Jlono law lodlld at II to l In lawr ol acqulual. Nttlleloll - - · to f- a .... trial.

It - •l'lllOd In bia dif- that the ,.... ,... llould11,11 ~ by

- ad .... -- actaallJ ......- lhl !11111 IO ... corpenttt. • . !! a pall! lmatie•ta' .... .....


Two Others

Get Burns


Of .. o.lff' " "" ., ...

A handicapped woman trapped in a J>lazing apartment was carried through smoke_ and flames to safety Sunday morning by in oil-duty C-Oota Mesa llrenwi.

Phil Mellott, 30, wa,, credited with sav­ing the Ufe of Joyce Weatherly, 41 , who wu trapped when the fire broke out about 7:30 on the second noor of the apartment at 2298 Fountain Way West.

Both Mrs. Weatherly and Mellott were treated for minor smoke inhalation at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital and released.

Mrs. Weatherly's two companions did not fare u well.

Joan Hayden, 6%, ls in good condition today at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital with burns on her head and hands and Harrlel Haydeo, 11, ii being treai.d at Orange County Medical Center for bums on her feet.

Costa Mesa, F!re Marshal F.d Lewis said the fire started 1n Harriet Hayden's upstairs bedroom.

"We sUll don't know what the cause or th& fire WIS,11 Lewta uid today, " the contentl of the room were completely destroyed.,,

Mellott, a five-year-veteran or the fire departmen!J"I on hil way home from hil shlft u an engineer at the head­quarten ataUon. when be spotted lhe blailni apartmenl

The lwt> Hlyden women had made their ._, out of the re1ktence, but Mrs. WMtherly WU lrlwed in an upotaln be*oom.

Mellott ran Into the burning opartment to ..,i, the and then dedded 10 carry her back out lbrouBh the n.,, nthet thin wilt. for fire truck• to arrive and 1ttempt 1 .....,.. lhrough tbe wJn. do•.

"He made the ri«bt choice," Lowl1 111d. "ti he'd walttcf. neither be nor !ho wOJnan would have turVlved."

1-11 noted !hat the 1n1e11111y or the !In - IUCh lhat Mtllott'I jacket " " buniod.

11lo Ora manbaJ llld lhat an optn - In the ,_ Where Ille lire llaned allowed - cl tbe bell fnlm !be "" lo ..... t - - the a'*" -l

"Othawlli, ~ ftt¥'el' wouhl haw been able JO pt .. the trapped _,,.,., - be bed lo NII np& ii!' tbe bw1> In~ ..... •

oamap from !be blut • u estlmatod at 13.000 11)' nmn... .

om an,

Lido Bo1nh Threat Instigator Gets

f;ounty Jail Ter1n


CA.LLS IT QUITS Anaheim High School football

coach Clare VanHoorebeke, the "most winning" coach in Orange County high school circles, i! retir­ing at the conclusion of this year's football season.

VanHoott:beke's Coloni!t team has just been selected for a CIF playoff berth. He · has coached on the Anaheim campus for 23 reasons. See details in today's Sporls section, Page '11.

Ex-CdM StuMnts

Nabbed in Cabin In School Blast

Newport Beach detectives waded through hip-deep snow to a cabin at Big Bear Lake Saturday lo arrest two youths suspected or setting olt a pipe bomb Thursday morning at Corona del Mar High School.

GleM Leslie Barneson. 18, of 2tto E. Balboa Blvd. and Paul Bemhart, 17, ol 2527 Bamboo St., both former studentl at ,. the school today are factng fek>ny charges of detonating an explOllve device causing property dama1e.

Barncson who will be UTalgned thla afternoon in llarbor Judicial District Court is being held on $15,000 ball in Newport Beach and Bernhart bu been bool<ed Into Orange C4Jnly JuvenJJe Hall pendll!i I hearing CO !he llJ11< clwil ...

Police said they are 1UU not sure whll the motl\le wn for the early morning bombln& which blew out windows In the omce of A.ulslanl Prlnd pel BeUy ToWllltnd.

"They bad been footin& an>und •Ith some am1Utt bombl whtch they told us U..y set oil In !he Upper Bay," t1kl detec;ttve Sam Amburgey, one of the of· lktt• who lllade tho Amit at BIC Bar.

Amburgey &aid 1~ bomb wu 11>" pafflllly mall< or a m·lnch tenglh cl galvanll<d pipe otulled wltll 'pm powder.

lte u kl ln-ICltoro - I IUllPil' cl IUllPoWder ond pitttl cl pipe and olhor materl1IJ In the &lngt: It U.. one IUlptciJ' home.

"W' had HVttll tt1m1 of drte<.'llftl ""'111ng on lhl1 one." Amburgey Nld. ' 'They talked lo I lot cl poopio belort .... got out l<ada... .

- II I lfldual• "' ct.I Mar HJ&h School ind Amburtey 11kl Bembart wu kicked out of tbe ac:llool lut yeor and 11 119w ,..wnd II McNally Conllnualion School.

The bombinl ofrenae carrlol a minimum pentlt)' of nve )'tlll la ltlte pt11011 for 1n adult AmbulJ<J iald II wu not clear today whether tht juWnlAe IUlptd would r ... . 1lmllar p<nally.

' Dgs of Te1•1·.,.

Youngsters Beat, Rape Woman, 84

PHILADELPHIA IAP 1 - An 84-year­old wklow Jiving on the 15th Ooor of a north Philadelphia public-housing project is l't'COVerlng from five days of terror during which she was beaten with a broomstick, stripped, raped. tortured, bumed and robbed of her savings by four youths, Pl)lice saio.

The widow, with no krown rel1tives, was so brulaed and covered w . .ith \1·eltlt' and frightened that Jhe ate nothing dur­ing the ordeal.

It began, police aaid, when the four youths ..... aged 10, 11 , 11 and 13 - knock­ed a week ago Sunday on the door of her apartment in lhe FalrtlUI Housing Proj­ect and asked If they could run an er· rand.

Recognizing the volces 1,.; youths whom police sakl she knew (one lived next door ; another had delivered h e r groceries!, the $-fo9l-I, 12$-pound woman opened the door and permitted lbem to en~.

Man Sentenced;

Recruited Boys As Homosexuals

MINEOLA. N.Y. IU Pll - G<orge W. Brehm. a Wt!' llthy r1thtr "ho pletckd 1ullty to taldn1 ptrt In 1 ruitionwkle ring that recnJlted boys eel taught 1hcm --1 procticet. bu - ,.,,,. 1enced .. 10 , ..... In J•ll .

The Lotta Jaalnd sales-man had his SIG.ODO baU rm>ted. Ht ._,,, ).i llflt earlier thll monlh 1fttr the d!Jtrict a1-tomey'1 ollk<I c:har1ed ho waa p-rtng 1o fi$< tbe country. Delectl.,. 11kl 1hoy 11w prvvbkw beina ~ 11bonrd Brehm'• 1100.000 IJutt.mAltod yacht.

Brthm. 41. kl I fnther of three and M olllce tq11lpment salesman. Al the •lmt ot hbi artttt In May. he .. ail llm'"lna •IJ an -Id ilhltUc ·recrultlr lor cotumbb Unlvorol\)I.

Brdlm pleaded 1uilty lall month to , .. chlrta "' finl«&r<e -.., .

Wllilorn Dom. 11..... dlilrld .. . tome)•, Aki 8tthm wu one 1<f tl

member1 "' a .. - bomM-1 rlnC wtdcb " achooled" bo)'• t to 11 JNl'I old In ·-u, - pnctJceo..

PoUco 11111 •re llttfdns tft. allflod membtn ol the rtoc. and two Olhm an ••alunc trial.


But, police said, the youths im­medialely ransacked drawt!'l'S, r1pped open a mattress and dcmandtd mone:y.

They found IOn1e mon<y, tool! !be only key she had to the door and threatened to kl ll her if she told anyone about thelr tn-1ruslon. the vict im told police.

On Monday, lnvesugator1 laid the youths u.~ the kt!'y to enter the apart• ment, and again ransacked the nxn for money. And they assaulted and raped the woman, police said.

On Tuesday, the youths forced their Yi'AY Into the apartment , nped the woman aod burned hor "' the cheat wltll an electric com b and mttdlft.

The youths returned Wednelclq and n.ursday a~ committed similar 1ltacb.

A 10Cial \\ orker found the ·~ ln ahnmbles during a visit f"rklay, poUce said.

T11e y,·orker said the woman told her the youths took •II her money, 1bout 12l9. The woman had no tt:&tphone and Yi'IS afrald to le1ve the lpartmtnl because she feared ~ Jocked out y,•ithoul her k~y . ~

Tbe youths ~·ere cba'lfd " l t b burglary, robbery. rape. vandalllm, ln­d«'ftll usault and agr1v1ttd ....Wt and b811try.

We• lliler Int be llUMT tJrouCb 'lllelday,

and 1 1ad warmu alonl the Qr. ange COall , wilh boldt ~

' """ •round " rUlnl lo 1't Inland. On m l&ht lows ••fllded In lhl

hi«h -INSIDE TOD.\ Y

11 ..... rd 11 •0~" r. r<p<>rt<dlr p/~1"0 O rtlfl• lcrioWI, moufN a.JSO Mlt 01I lh• mJnmtl ¥ ealtJil 0/ thl' o c c er" floor. Sit -.tory, Pa~$.

............ , a.~ w ..... ,, ..... . c..-.. . ............. 4 ~ ... • c..-. • ...... .. ( ...................... , .... ..._ I Tll•ll • ~, .... .,....... . .... , . I' • W 4 ...... ..., __..-. ..... . .......... ' ... - . ... ~ '"' \t


EUREKA. Nev. (AP) - A warr&nt ls out for the arrest of Jean-Paul Slnistre and this small town in central Nevada ts a;gal.o without 1 doctor.

Sometime In July, Sinistn arrived in Eureka, presented his validated state basic science C!!rllflcate, and set up shop. In a county of 948 people, be was ap­polr.ted county doctor at an annual salary of 18.900.

Until last week , Sinistre practiced as a popular and appareotly competent physi· cian. Then. the district attorney's office received its first indicaUon that the doc-­tor was not all he said he was.

He had made a slipup concerning the dale he Hied an application.

Last Talks?

AJ l>e\:>U11 DUI. Ally. Byron Bl!yO't relale>, hil olll<o and the -· con• mlssiionen becan an lnvestigi\ :"! lnio Lhe doctor's credentials. La!t week, a day before cbarl'S of p r a c 11 c I n & modlClne wi1bout a license pnoj oblainlng mooey and properly undlr f a I 1 e protenses were filed agalnsl blm, SinlJlre skipped town.

There is a considerable file on Sinlstre a' lbe office of the American Medical Associal.ioo in Chicago. He has a~ parently attempted to practice without a license in Alsslta, and the papen that were presenled to the Nevada Buk: Science Board have the official seal of Indiana on them.

"""· .U(• f<Ords """' be ·­r.e Pllmtr tcbool of ChriopacUc In Davenport, l:iwil, from IWdl lbroulh December, 1171, but -••eel DO det!ree.

Allhougb. OI~ a"' agreed that Slltillre shi!Wd notbe al1"ed to prac1JCe without 1: lie!!lllle for lelr i.bat someooe may be miltrest..i by 1111', II would prob­ably be d~Ocufl to oonY!nce the peopl• of Eureka Iba! Ibey are better off wllboul their doclor,Jhan they ,..,.. wtlll blm.

Eureka bad been·Wilboll.1 a doctor from Ille be&iJmlni of lhil .year until Sinistre arrtved.11 ' II aeme 'IS miles from Ille town to Ely, and Ille nearest doctor.

Counly Commission O>alrman Qwles Vaccaro thought weli of Slnillre.

.. ~ -• J !,._ " He helped •em all !bat wenl to blm.

He knew his stuff!' • WoOld Eurek1 hive. ..... belfer, off If

Sinlslre had not llTiv«( ~. • ,.;:-

"There are a IDt ot town,.~ .who 1ee1 that way," AA M'n. mo l!lloaaie. the countr c1ert ''.llul' lie ... ~ell !bought o by lbe:io~au dol:lor and' as a penon. '' • · ~

Sbcrilf's deputies note that he often went on ambulance calls.

Although he has a w'-"'ant out for ":Slnlltre, Bilyeu corpnlenb: that tniny

people ln the town .. don't care,lf;ibe'a a doctor. They've flOI ta hive~-"

Bilyeu adds thll "obyiou>lx, ieo;- he bu .eome medical · ~. 11•. One

, -----• . -

. $35,0",~"'-. . . .

source says lhal Sin~lre had been a medical ...,,.man In Ille Army.

"We have found no ... evidence of malpractice yet," ljie lllf{slanl district attorney wnttnues, .but tbat "does 1t0\. menn it might not happen 1n the future."

Ally. Gen. Rohen List says that the AMA Informed him that the IJKllana certificate Sinlslre pr•?Sent..i In Nevada Is a fi'aud. ·

At one point, Sinlstre contacted the of· lice of U.S. Sen. Alan Bible, because he was unable to dispense drugs without a license. An aide to Bible said that all the office tried to do was expedite Slnistre'1 application with the Federal of Nareolics and Dangerous Drugs. The ap­plication was approved.

High Court '

Leis Stiirld •

Paddling-= WASIDNGTON (UPI) - The U.S.

Supreme Court decltned today to co~ sider whether the paddling of a public school atudent without bi.I parents' ,. petmission J1 uncon1Ututional .. cruel and u.nUJUll pu.nlshment."

Without comment, the court refused to hear an appeal fl"Oll\ a Dallas. Tex. falher and son who~ theirftallenge of lhe praet!Ce In "low"!' ~ -"'•

Kissinger "Meets

With N. Viets

Littered House Yiel:ds ·Fortune

In Oilier ~ llle<1!i11lrl: • ~ .,-RU!joa ~' Ablr iXllDputer

pl'Qll'll1t".mtml _aro;.llOI, ~ble und<r.:preseol law blll.~ .N<om­meocled lbat Congtesl 1l,.i·u.; teeh­rdol1t.ill problems ID ~if.liar l-~ .... - • • ....... UIUY.:11-lf• ' '.._ •

-Dismissed an appeal by'NOW·"Orleatls Distilill Attorney Jim GOrrloOn -1iom lower~· courf rulings bat:r!ril · Jilioi from fll11hof, Jll'O'l"l'Ullon of l>ii* .. '!ll'ft t:Jay L. Shaw. :...,, • ·•·.

GarrjsQn wants to prosecute SbD on charg., of perjury stenunJar;from, Gar­rlson'f!n"'"11gatlon of Ille ~ F:.Jten.

PARIS (UPI) . - Henry A. Ki,.inger ,and North Vietnamese negotiators met at the seuet location today for what could be the final round of talks to end the Vietnam war. lndicatioru were that the talks would last several days at least.

-· '

The Viet Cong marked the occasion with an angry outburst against President Nixon and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. lt demanded there be no change in the currtnl draft of the


Thief Got Piece Of Her Action

Them boots were made for walk· ing but someone else is doing the strolling today in topless dancer Geraldine Bums' brown leather boo IS.

The curvy entertainer's footware disappeared from her dressing room at Harvey's bar ln Anaheim Saturday night while the 24-year-old entertainer was at the high point of her torrid number.

~1iss Bums and fellow en­tertainers were at a loss to explain the theft.

"Souvenir hunters." commented an investigator. "You'd be surpris­ed at what some ~le take."

$ailor Accused

'bf Car Assault

In Capistrano ' J;barges of assault with a deadly l .!apan were filed against a young Navy . 1an during the weekend shortly alter of­~rs alleged he attempted to rur. down a San Juan Capistrano service station at­tendant. ·- Orange County Sherl£f's o£Heers said attendant Charles Howard Hufferd , 24 , tpld them he was on duty at the station at 274-01 Oretega Highway when two men attempted to remove a number of tires on display at the premises. ••1 Hu£!erd s a I d he forced the men to Drop the tires and then tried to stop their

·vehicle from leaving. lie Identified :(ieorge Szilage 111 , 18, of USS Hancock, .Los Alamitos Naval Air Station. as the driver of the car.

Deputies said Stllage attempted to run i:lown Hufferd who received a glancing

~~low from the vehicle. The attendant was -· '>Qt seriously hurt in the Impact.

• Szllage also faces charges of petty ft. His corr.panlon has not been booked

ing further investigation of the i.n­ident.


DAILY PILOT ,._ ~ c-t O.ILY ,IL.OT, ... _...,.

i. .................. ,, ... I&~" .. °""" c-11 ........... ~ . .... ,.,. "'11111f9 ..... ,.. ..... .....,. .....

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peace accord. '-"We want action, not words," clelega·

lion spokesman Ly Van Sau said. He again denounced 'lbieu as an

obstacle to peace and said: "He must resign. and the agreement must be sign­ed as it stands."

The Viet Cong statement said: "Remarks of the U.S. govemmeat that it wmta to build an 'equitable and honorable peace for all naUans' are only a bluff."

Viel· Cllng officials described lbelr statement. as an official pronouncement by the Vlei Cong Provisional Revolu­liotWY Go01et'lllllelll "and tberelcn IJD. ~w-'" ' po.~ •. Tbeir a.ttilude rai3ed the poaslbfllty

· that the Viet Cong feared Hanoi may make coocessions during the talks which. begar. at an undisclosed place somewhere · in the Paris area. ·

Kissinger ordered his special U.S. Air Force plane to a base in West Germany, indicating bis stay will likely lut aevenl days.

N!Ion'• chief security advl!er then ~ipped out of lhe U.S. Embassy residence in a whiU: Mem..'tiel and drove swlfUy off for hil meellng willl Hanoi negotiators Le Due Tho and Xuan Thuy.

Newsmen watching the North Viet· namese !leadquarten saw no sign of any of the negotiaton. But a Hanoi spokesman said: '"Tbe tnlks are taking place today as atbeduled."

Officials at the American Embassy residence said the U .s. nebotiating learn waa bac:I< at.!¥ ftlldence by 4:30 p.m. There 1'as no tndication precisely bow long the first talks session lasted, but Kissinger left the oesldence soon after 10 a.m.

Informed sources said Tue3day's session would be an afternoon meeting. Kissing~ made it clear on his arrival

in Paris !ate Sunday that he would stay as long u necessary in the expectation the talks could bring the war to a rapid end.

He told newsmen 1t Orly alrport : ''The President bas sent me here for what he hopes will be the final phase of the ne­gotiations to end the war in Indochina .

"My instructlont are to stay for as loog as it is useful . .. If our North Viet­namese interk>cuton come here in the same spirit of understanding and fle.:r· ibil ity which characterized our meetings in October, a rapid settlement of the war is probable."

Blast Hurts Six

Boys; 3 Serious Three of sll Santa Ana boys injured

Sunday in a 1Wamp gas explosion are in serious condition today In the Orange County Medical_ Center.

The boys, all teenagers on a bicycle ride in Orange, were exploring a stonn drain when one ignited a clgarelle lighter and the gas exploded, Orange Fire Department offlciala said.

Rick Wisnelskl. 14, has second degree on his arms and face: Tom Little, 14. has bums on one arm and his face. and Tim McGinnis, JI , suffered Urst degree bums on hJa face. ·The olher three boys escaped with

singed hair and eyebro~·s .

. 3 Boys Saved; l Dies

MONCURE, N.C. (UPI) - Th re e " tired .ind glauy-eycd" boys were rtlCUed SUnday from lhe 1wlrlln& waters of the- rafn.1wollen Cape Fear river where lhtJ' clun1 lhrDUih the nlghl lo Jigged roet.s ll1d bushel afler lbelr canoe capslud. A fourth youtll drewned.

UPIT .......

llU {:l'alef Helli Sean Ma~stiofain, allegedly a 'brain' behind the lnsh Re­publican Army, was arrested Sunday by British soldiers. His arrest sparked rioting in Bel­fast where 1,000 Northern Catholics clashed with troops.

MIAMI (UPI) - When Olio Macon was judged mentally incompetent last year after nelghbon complainejl of the nude showen be took on his driveway, authorities could [ind no relatives to care for him.

So, the 69-year-old ragpicktr was sent to a . nursing home. and his jtmk.Uttered house was left abandooedoand ~­

Over Ille wmeOa, 9011)0' •. ~ Stieaied Into the boll!e; lil ·condfes~ started 1 ilre. • · . ~

Fireman dousing ·the . ·bla7.e s~~ed acl'OU 136,000 cash ln.adilillop:!O ~els

· and ~ties. • . ., •, ..,: .... Macon's coun-appotnle<t ~ _pid

.: c ·woufd·ask a county )udge:todaf Whal to dQ with a hid.den hoanf of

" ft 's going to be very interesting to see how many people pop up now claiming to be his relatives," said attorney Mark Buchbinder.

Macon was arnsted for a health law violation in September, 1m, • after neighbors complainechboul.lbe stacks of junk in his yanl and Ille smell of rolling

· vegetables be co I te c.t ed . from supermarloel trash plleS.

What really shocked the ntighbors into action, though, was Macon's habit of tak­ing showers in his driveway in daylight hours, standing naked as he ,sprayed himself ,with coll~t~ pJnwatei A judge ruled him mentally1.Dcompetent.

Macon's frugality extended beyond the use of rainwaler. His frame house in Aiiami's southwest area was without electricity. He used candles instead.

On Friday evening, neighborhood youngsten exploring the houae lit some of the candles they foond. A started and was soon raging through the house.

Firemen put out the Hames and then checked through the house for remaining embers.

They found bundles of bills from $1 to $100 stacked in a closet and the attic, plus jewelry and stock certificates, boniis a;ul bank books - an In Macon's name. Flrem~n spent all night Counting bags

of coins and bundles of money, then an­nounced they had come up with $35,0(l(I in coins and usable bllil plus ~ #,500 too badly damaged by names to be negotiable.

Fire Chief tawrence Kermey said an unknown atnOUnt of 1dditlonal bills was evidently destroyed when fire gutted the attic.

Buchbinder said he Searched the house shortly after being appainted Macon's guardian, but missed the hoard of cash, jewelry and documents.

"I'm sure be knew it was there and probably worried about it," Buchbinder said: " He kept saying he wanted to go home."

nedy a1ipft,.t1Uon. ~ !' • ..--Refulid io vacate ill order oll)'lpf! a

l<'wer feileral court ruling that Con. nec~'s antiabortion lnw is un­consUtutional.

At the request of state autborlUu, the court on Oct. 16 allowed the law to stay on the books Wltil all appeal• procedures are completed.

In the school punishment case, lower federal Courts ruled that any decision on the issue of paddling wouJd improperly interfere with state and local school operations.

The case 1'3S btlllated In U.S. District Court in Dallas by Marshall Ware and his son, Douglu Ware, against Superin­tendent Nolan Estes.

The papers filed with the ·court did not state whether the youth had suffered cor· p6ral punishment.

Dislrlcl Judp W.M. Taylo". w!M>:deall with the complaint, said eY-idence aliowed the punishment was "usually ad· ministered by hitting the llllldenl !Ill his bullocks one or several limes wllh a pad· die.

"There have alao been incldonts wbm the punilbmenl bas been admlnlllered with a temls shoe," be added.

The Wares said this practice qi the DallaJ lndepenclenl School 0 I 1 I r I c I deprives both c'hildren and parmts of "fundamentaJ UberUes" and is "cruel and unu.sUal punishment" in vlol1Uon of the Conslllullon: ' ., -

Service Sta'tion

Customer Held

In Assault Try Charges of asault and battery were f1l· eel agalnst an Anaheim man during the

weekend shortly after be allegedly at­tacked the atlendant at a Mission Viejo servlee station.

~--... ...,.,.,.~J!l&Jfl---~--M)lll[llll--Now at. ~- ~ At: last.!· brovin, .. sear,

Orange CoWlty Sherifrs officers said Clarence Sylvester Friedman, 26, Iden­tified Steven Edward Novaki 19, as the man who sma&hed his glasses and at­tempted to choke him after a fracas over I an unpaid gas bill. I

Friedman said Novat· refused to pay i after bis gas tank was filled at the sta- i. Uon at "651 La Paz Road. He said Novak I attacked him as he: lried to prevent his I aeparture. I

Deputies added drinking charges. to the booking after they allegedly found an open bottle of whiskey in Novak'• car.

It wasn't Friedman'• weekend , I deputies noted. Twenty-four hours earlier he had reported the theft of oil and gu treatment solutions by a group identified as four male blacks.

Friedman saJd they took the canned products while he was pumping gas into thelr car.


KISSINGER EXIT A'M.ANTA (UP.I) - Aulbor Charles R.

Ashmaa said be bas been told by """' fidants of presidential aide Henry A. Kissinger that Kissinger will resign to become head of the Rockefeller Foun­dation .

The sources of his ln!Ol'!lllilon, Ashman a:atd Sunday in. an Interview on wse.TV. were "several close friends and relaUvet of Kl.u:lnger in New York and Wsshlnglon."

Appearing In coonecllon with the Eastern relt!tise of his book, "KlsSln1er: The Adventures of Su pe r ~ Kr a ut,'' AJhman said Kiulnger'• resl1111tlon wlD come following the appointment of 1 new sctretary of 1tatt.

grill with· cool Microwave cooking


from~9' Litton Mlcro-Brow't\8t111 excMfWe ~

with Litton microwave ovens. •

Litton's exclusive M·icro-Brown-er"' Steak Grill Now you can use your Litton micrqwive oven for terior • -~aiest interior of any counter· lop micro-95% of your ev~ryday cooking - .without the use wave oveh. Ask for a demonstration and taste the of your convenhonal broiler or griddle. Wllh . the difference' ttie litton Micro· Browner makes In 1 Litton Mlcrd-Browner, you'll have llght, QOtden mJcrowaviJ,ven. brown pancakes and French toast, eris~ '° hash ___ .-.,.-;.......,,...._,.....,.,_..,,. _____ _ browns, seared steaks and chopS- foods .with ~ ..... ..,.. "'· l ilt .. t:JL results never before posstble in a mtcrow8va oY6n s.t. • 1>• ,. 4.

Your microwave oven and kitchen rema1~ coor; - ·

Raft Tragedy yet you _enjoy lhe appelizing appeal:of conV111)tlqn; - [8 a!IY broiled foods. The Litton Micro~Browner pro•· ... ., LITliQN Vides the capobll1ty for browning, seoring, griJllng, . .end frying - during microwave cooking. ~ ~

Linon 's e>Cclusive Mlcro-Browner joins ttiese • - .., 01her Litton microwave oven firsts: • Pushbunon Litton -Microwave Ovens

Cycle Daredevil Ki1i Drowns BUTl'E, M..,I. CUPll - Tiit falller-ln-low of motor<ycl• daredevil Evtl

.Knievel dro--i w1tm a ,,_. rail CllTYID& him, Knievel and Knlevtl'a lwo ..... .. ,...... TBZ VICTIM WAS John C. Bork, &1, Batte, who "" SWtpl away by the

1wUt current moments 1fttr be pwbed 1Cnieu:l'1 1.G-)'t&r-old son, Robbie, onto a Jog at ~ In the nwlftly flowlnC MO<llPI Rlver.

Ktllevtl saved Ille other boy, Kally, U. by "8bbln1 his Jacket to t .. p him from IOlna lllder.

THE FOU11 WEllB duct buntlna 1bolrd Ille IS.fool raft wlien the craft struck I Joe and capsbed.

1vtoma11c defrosl • Brighi. easy-clean acryllc In· Noboctykftowl"'°'•lbou1ntlciow""eooti1n1tMnunoA.NoboOy.

Low Prices are boo 11_ here, raJsecl elsewhere!



GltOU, WITH THI wmt ca.,,..,. VOLUME BUYING Rn

- 1 &llHIA .. l'OWllt OF 110 STOlllS 11!!!1!!!!!1 ~ ..s ,,...... -~ 1115 NEWPllAT BLVD. Dmtown Cesta Mesa - Fb9111 548-7788

l '

. .

. ;

Re••me• Nov. Z7

. A~l-y~ar SchoQl ' ..

DebMte at Eia-se By CANDACE PEAff.SON

Of .... Deity ,..., lltff 1 w.eek and then resume with three panel

discussions beginning Nov. 27. Tfie public debaie over the all-year, 4:;.

11 ~hool plan In the Capistran<. Unilied SchOol District will take a breather for a


Ul"I T...,,.._

IN TROUBLE AGAIN Ex·Sho'"lllrl Lil Rtl•

Last week, two heavily attended meeUnes toot' place, one at Dana School and one at San Juan School.

' The district administration ls con-ducting the panels to get parental reeling an the Idea of 45-lS, which has been sug­gested as a prime way to relieve the overcrowding the district is beginning to suffer. •

Balloting at each meeting is being done but results won't be released until after all meetings are completed, possibly al the Dec. 4 board meeting. •

Under ~15, a st~ent goes to school for nine weeks and ls off ~. Enroll· ment Is divided into cycles so the schools are always occupied.

Dr. Ed Westbe~g. school district trustee, is asking . that parents in e his trustee area number two call bis office with their vate on the ideb. The San Clemente dentist said be would· like to "know how they stand on it" In an unof· ficial straw vote.

A yes ar no response will be sufficient, he said, and c9h be given to the recep­tionist or the answering servlct: at 492-7200. There has been no discussion plan­ned at Las Pabrias School. which is in Dr. Westberg's area, but there will be one Nov . 28 at Marco Forster Junior High.

Los Alisos Dedicated ·~ Toro Girl Se~ut _Cadets presen~ the colors dur­ing Synday dedication of Los Alisos Intermediate School in El Toro. The flag was given to the school by Mrs. Louis J . Gualtieri in honor of her son, the

.......,, Novtmbtr 20, 1'72 S DAILV PILOT 3

' .

' .. OAIL't PILOT iJtff Pllti.

1ate James Cerione Ill . The !lag was presented post· humously for his gallantry in action in Vietnam. An open house folloWed lhe dedication ceremonies for the recently opened school.


Set Hearing

On Revenue Following a ptibllc hearing set for Dec.

6 the Orange County Board a r Supervisors will decide how a $9.6 mlUion share of federal money will be rpent.

Federal revenue 1haring will be the subject of a public hearing before the board makes up its mind Clbout how the funds an to be spent.

The County League of Cities, through its president Robert Finnell, Placentia mayor. has: urged that the county share some or its $9.fl million with the cities. Twenty-four cities Ylill receive an ad· ditional $9 million.

The new city or Irvine aM Yorba Lin· da are not expected to receive ftderal sharing funds because they have not been incorporated for the required five years.

The league's proposal got support this week from Supervisor Ralph Clark or Anaheim. He urged joint projects such as local parks.

He agreed with the league's content ion that 87 percent of the county's population lives In incorporated communities and therefore contribute most to the federal funds which are being distributed .

Supervisor David L. Baker of Garden Grove has suggested that all of tbe ~ ty's shart should be used for tax reduc .. lion purposes.

Ij:x-sh0wgirl Lillian Reis Held in Drugs

A spokesman for the Capo ad· ministration said the district would prob­ably have its own poll, more complete " than the ballating fronl the panel meeUngs.

3 Adolescents

Seized in Rape.

Slaying of Gir1

PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - From 's old Celebrity Room to Florida, they knew her as "Lil."

Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, sM figured in two of Pennsylvania's most celebrated courtroom trials. Now, former Showgirl Lillian Reis is in trouble again.

Miss Reis, 42, and three men were ar­rested Fr iday on drug charges. They each posted $1 ,000 ball and a hearing W¥ ,set for Dec. 19.

The other suspects were identified as Ralph Staino, 40, reputed. to be !)er boyfriend, Donald "redesCo, 25, and John Drager, 2D.

11ley were charged with poS8elsing a controlled substance and pc>SSessing a controlled substance with intent to deliver.

Police said they ~.five,plastic bags containing 31 ounces of ' metbam­phetamine (speed). 88 orange capsules of sodium secobarbital and ball an ounce of marijuana.

In addition, Miss Reis and Staino were charged with possessing 13 counterfeit Penru:ylvania driver's licenses.

The four_ were arrested after police went to Miss Reis' home fn t.outh Philadelphia armed with a search and seizure warrant .

Miss Reis is the former proprietress af the Celebrity. Room in Philadelphia. Staino was the manager of t~ club, which recently folded. In tbe late 50's ' and early 60's sbe was a well-known dancer in chorus lines in lhis an!a and in Florida. "

Abopt 100 persons have attended each meeting, although at the Viejo School. Which p:!rhaps races the m o s t overtrowding, 200 residents came.

The dist.ric.t poll would be sent home \·\'ith students or ma!Jed to the homE!s, un· der current, tentative plans.

The 45-15 plan is. beint; used ex­perimentally in the S4n Joaquin and the Ocean View (Huntington Beach) School Districts.

In San Joaquin's El Camino Real School, the parents volunteered their children for the program. In Ocean View, a few schools are using the plan and children whose parenlB don't like the idea are bused to a nearby school.

Opposition forces in the Capo area have said that the district could go to a staggered day, put portable claS!rooms on a site in Laguna Niguel or use more portables at existing school&.

At .. lhe most recent meeUngs, criticism !Oc- otFlllhother the' pliio would break up team·teaching methods and specializ­ed programs (such as mentally gifted minors) ; that there are otbe1 all-y~r ., plans; that children wouldn't be able .to gc to the beach all summer, and I.bat parents should have a choice of all-year or :traditional in the same school. .. Distt~t Jd~nistrators say that ~15.

expands the capacity of a school by one. third but children go to classes the same number af days as in the nine-month plan. Other plans aren't as efficient, Ibey say.

The details or how team teaching wlll Operate under the~plan aDd the revisions to the special Jearp~g classes ·art technicalities af orgaruzatlon to be wqrk­ed out later, one district oUicial said.

The district is still ol!lciaUy In thO· itl­formation-gal.herlng phase. 'Ibe school board baa not taken a position on the idea . ·

An oppooitioti group C.Ued "C.Onceliied Parents on 615" are urg\ng other parents to atteod the panel and board meet ngs. · '

Fred 1nd Adele Allalft, •eteron brolber and Wier d1nce te1m, btlp open Urll 'l'!lnter In New York, Broa<tway'• first new 1'81Umate lb .. ottr In more lhan 40 yeon. Tbeata OttUplu &lx-etory lbell In new ''1-ttory office tower.

Coun:tian Beads "Nation~ •

Rep¥~li;c gt Mirterva Consists of Two Coral Reefs !be '" ~r~sldent or the Rt\pub~ic Or or Caribbean·Pacific Enterprises nnd boundaries came within 100 milts Ton111 ~a::,.(P,oeilation : ~lef'O ; elevation at three crewmen set sail from Fiji for a might follow the precedent sel ~ Latin h1g~ tJ¥:i inifiul three1eet) is eonducting two-day, 380-mile voyage to the reels. nations and other countries claiming her affa1t1,1lf.1sta\e 'and J>!rii11ps readying for One~ there, they laid claim to the reefs limits extend beyond her borders out Joto ~a.r frlnf ~e pravi5loPal .c3pi' ...:. his in the ~amE! or th~ Republic ot Minerva the open sea." hy;1ng J:;'{IQm in OrM#'. and r~1sed the Mmervan flag - a ~aid The professor says it is pOS.Slble too.

MO(Tic'. C. ''Bud'' Davis, 46, of 426 E. torch Of liberty on a bl1.1e (for the se:;.iJ that since those claiming the ~s are Washin~. Ave., ~ .never seen background which was designed by individuals and not an existing SO\fel'f'lgn Mlnfn w,o·~~l".~s lying near the Davis. . , nation , Tonga could make a diplomatic Tropic pricom, but he says he says , But Kmg Taur ahau ._Tupou of Tonga. case with the U.S. government. he plans to visit it next summer. Right general of the JOO man Tone a Defense M e a n w h i I e . C a ribbeaD-Pacific now he ls concerltrating on averting a Force .. led an expedlti~ry band ac- F..nterprise plans to start work on a ma-war with beigbboring Tonga , which also companied by Tonga poh_ce in June and jor landfill operation next April. clalrfti, llfe tetttory. declared Tongan sovereignty over the "We hope to dredge sand in the lagoons Da~ l say11 tht world will soon sit up reefs . and build a I, 2,000.foot-wide,

and tab nouCt of the "newest and "Yfe researched the reefs thoroughly," 15-foot·htgh surface on which to locate

NEW YORK CUPll - Three boys. lhe eldest only 12. have been arrested In con-. nectiof'I withl he rape and deatlraf a 7. year-aid girl allegedly pushed from the roof of a tenement

The dead girl's i-year-ald sister also ll'as reportedly molested but escaped from the boys after the sexual attack. police said .

The smpects, uni~tified because or their youth, were booked on charges of homicide, robbery and rape. Thtir ages. according to authorities, are JO, 11 and 1%.

Thf' boys aeco!tf<I the girls on the street Saturday night, took money from them and lured them to the roof of the -.. six-story tenement In the Brom:, on the pretense the money would be returned, police said.

Once they reached the top of the bulldlng, the boy• allecedly ... xua11y molested the girls and ahoved tbe younger one olf the roof. She fell to an alleyway about eo feet below. '

Her sister began screamln1 and the boys ned, permltUDi the oldtt girl to get away. •

The suspects were taken into ~ after poUce quntioned ne.Iahborhood residents. '

Boy, 15, Handed

Term in Sia~ smalles(..."8Uon on earth." Davis says. OW' country," Davis says. after·a Roman goddess, Minerva "Tonga 's boundaries of ell rocks and He aays Minerva could hold a pc>pu la· Rl\1ERSIOE (API - A IS...ye1N>ld boy is OOO ~ btilei? Jiorlh of Auckland, New reefs, fores~ret and waters have been Ho:'I of 150,000 using the concept of a "sea has been sentenced lndeflnlt.ely to the Zealand., and 260 miles south of tbe spelled out m .royal P.rocla~ations ever city" - a large outer shell built on pil· ralifomta Youth Authority after pleldlna capital "of Tonga . si~ce ,~887 . M1nerva 11 missed by 100 ings - although the president admits guilty to \'tlluntary mansllugbter in tt.

Or•nee resident Davis is president of a mi les. . . that " it would be rather cramped." strangllng ol a g.)·t1Hld girl. company ca 1 I e d Caribbean-Pacific Davis says ~he Republic of . ~11ntrva Using more conventional con!truction , ~ youth was accused of atrancll"I Enterpriael, which was formed for the plans. to ntg~hate with the king. ''We f\.1inerva probably will hold 1 population 8n?nd.8 Artz of La Mesa, appartntly specific purpose of establishing a new na· ~~ta1nJ~ don t want to go to wa.r ov~r of from ~.000 to persons , Davis after the girt called him "fatlJ" and tion so~here. it. Davis would not say however, 1f he 1s says. He would not eslimale , however. "chubby."

North Minerva is a circular atoll 4 \~ piepare? to go to war if necessary. how much money Carlbbean·P1k.itic The girt disappeared on 1 vlstt ft miles in diameter. South Minerva , which . Dr. C1_ro 1.oppo, _46. UCLA ~.rofessor ~f Enterprises expects to make through tht Riverside Aug. II. Her body wu found Is 17 miles away, is a coral outcropping 1ntemat10nal relations says, If Tonga s sa le of land. three day• later.

in the shape af a figure eight, about 3¥.r ;;=:=::=::=::=::=::~================================~~~~~============~ miles wide and eight miles long. At low -tide, the reefs thrust lhree feet above the water. At high tide. they disappear.

There are seven stockholders wilh a total investment of $250,000 in the pro~ ect, Davis said in an interview. "The bulk of the money is from the presiderit of 1 pharmaceutical finn wbo wishes. at this tJme; oot co be idenllf~." he said, then eQ(a.ioed why tbe company was a tarted.

"We flgurtd we really couldn't str11tgbten out our own country, so would start over IOmepLact new," Oavb said. ·" We aearched. through hi1tor)' books, llbl-arles ond noutical dlort• for anyplace in the world that wu unclaim­ed.'"

Davis said the IJ'UUP could flnd only two uncl8'med placer, Minerva ind Conway Reel olf lhe coast of Au:str11ll1, which ""' ~ bffD claimed by AUllnlla.

llloetva WU by Capt"11. M. Denlwn.ol the la 1154. But the ...,. •Pl'"lllOUY Wert -

On Ju. II ol tllls ytar, lwo mmiben


Thanltqlvlnt Dly tonltstJ are in­cluded Jn the Ill football 1am<1 Pilot Pldleroo pl•y<rs "" challtniied with ti,Js Wttk 1s the pkk.for-prolit comptUllon - t1!!9 .lta finll w .. k In U.. DAILY PtLO'I'. •

,,,. Thundoy ...... dictaft I slJilltt fhaap In nilet ol the Pldlmo. An """ lrieo - be dell- to D.llL Y PILOT ofllctl by I p.m. oo w-.y ., ~ W-odly nJglll to be •lltl­blt for Judlln1. Complete n11ft ond tnlry blank apptat !Odty In lj)Ol'IS -

673-5051 a. .....

t : :JO to 5: 30 - · a'•••·

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w• sen: atalo mondla, windsor,

CJitane, amid, volkscycle,

mun do

·2120 West Ocean Front

1 1111 . WHI ...... ,.,, ,,.,

wi&b Tom urphine

Bring Back Old 'Frosty' Young

DEW POINTS DEPT - For nearly ·60 years now , as tbe chill of winter crept in· to our region, the frostbitten ears of Soulhem Californians have t u r n e d 1oward Pomona to leam how cold it really: is.

Pomona has been headquarters loca· hon for the United States Fruh Frost Service. From a widespread network of sub-stations, the National 'V e at he r Service people at Pomona gather temperature readings and make pro­jections on how c<lld ll 's going to get each evening.

This used to be vital stuff here 1n Orange County back \Vhcn we had a lot of oranges instead of housing tracts. If citrus crops freeze. you lose them, brother.

SO VITAL WAS the freezing \VCather news for orange growers and other agriculturists that the Fruit Frost Service began broadcasting frost wan1-ings in 1931. The voice of the fruit frost service was the late Floyd 0 . Young. He aired the cold news over radio station KFI until bis retirement in 1956.

Young delivered the frost warnings in ;1 low, £lat monotone as he. tolled off loca­tions across the state and how cold it would get that night.

He would give you, ''Orange Grove. 31: Lemoo Grove, 29, Pacoima, 26 : Saugus. 23 : Etiwanda. 24 ... " You waited anx­iously, ear glued to the old radio, for I.he Orange-COU:nty points. Whm-he'd giVe you El Toro, 29 and San Juan Capistrano. 28. you could figure it was going to be a three-blanket evening. ~fEL BLANC'S famous comic line on

the old Jack Benny radio show about. " Anaheim. Azusa and Cucaraooga'' .vas a steal from Young's frost warning list. Benny himself used a caustic put-d0\.11\ on other comedians when he'd crack, "I've heard fuooier stuff than that on the frost warning broadcast ."

While Young's warnings of a cold night ahead sent most Southern Califomians to the blanket closet, they dispatched citrus growers into the groves to fire up the smudge pots and get wind machines operating in their orchards. Everybody listened to 1',loyd D. Young.

APPAR.ENTL V SOrtlE o( the radio network brass didn't think much of Young's monotone listings. He came on KFI at 8 p.m. and took from 30 seconds to three minutes for his listing of the frost warnings , depending on how critical things were.

This cut into the start of the Perry Como show and the sponsors wanted KFI to give Young the hook and get him out of the way.

Thus it was when KFI announced that Young wou ld be canceled. the station was deluged with cards and letters of protest. They put YoWlg back on. fie never drorr ped personal comments into his fr:ist readings in the past. But that !light. Young closed by saying, '"And thank you . ladles and gentlemen. for all those ca rds and letters ... " )'ou thought there \\•;1s

just a trace of victory in !hat monologue \"Oict .

YOUNG'S BROADCASTS are cont in­ued these days by a meteorologist with a pleasant vol« named Dale R. Harris. I IL• broadcasts the fru it frost warnings O\•cr KFI at 7 p.m. and again at 9 p.m. unless

~ delayed a few minutes by some sport s event.

Tht Fruit Frost Service. however . has comt lo the end or an era . lls offices have left Pomona and the old buildinit was tom down. The frost people have found a new home at UC. Riverside through the efforts of Chancellor \\·1a1

•linderaker. who used to be out on our UCI cam~pus.

THAT'S ALL FINI:: but when the rhill hits the air. a lot of us old coast 1ypcs will still think or Pomonit and Floyd D. Young. l lis frost predictions O\'c r the years proved 90 percent &ccurate.

You .rure can·1 say thnt for 100 m <Hl)'

WC!ather predictors.

Baton Rouge '

Inquiry Set

Into Deaths BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - The

state attorney general 'a ofiice begins a full ·scale inquiry today into I a s t Thursd8y's clash at Southern University in \.\'hich 1wo students were shot lo 'death.

Atty. Gen. William Guste said late Sunday he had assigned two assistants, one black. one white, to conduct the in· quiry requested by Gov. Edwin Edwards.

GUSTE SAID tht investigation would be conducted in secret.

University administrators, meanwhile. were ffiO\'ing quickly to rire faculty members they said had eocow-aged stu· dent protests, and Edwards was branding as "totally inaccurate" a newspaper storv that he had blamed a deputy sheriff ror the deaths.

The students. Denver A. Smith of New Roads, La .. and Leonard Douglas Brown of Gilbert , La .. both 20, were struck in the head and shoulders by buckshot as state police and sheriff's deputies seal· terecl a crowd gathered in front or the university's administration building.

The violence climaxed three weeks of student protests at the n.Jtion's lar~est predominantly black co\lfge. and led to the closing of the school at least through 1he Thanksgiving holidays.

SOUTHERN'S BRANCH at New Orleans. the scene of similar campus turmoil in recent weeks, was closed through the coming week, too. But ad· ministrators reported th~· faculty and students there had reached accord on some of the differenc!es separating them.

Focus of ..f:be attorney general's in­vestiii;ation apparently will . be the 30-minute-!Ong eq>losion of vaolence that left the two students dead .

Authorities have said their men used nothin~ but tear gas to disperse students. But" Edwards. talking· with newsmen. acknoWledp:ed a deputy sheriff might have mist3kenly fired live ammunition at the crowd.

A LOS ANGELES Times repcrt from Baton Rouge that quoted the governor as saying " I have no doubt it was a deputy sheriff who fired" brought an angry response from Edwards.

Edwards labeled the s t o r y Ir· responsible and inaccurate.

Th!'s 65--year-old president . Dr. G. Leon Netter.•il\c. Friday dispatC'h­ed notices nf dismissal to two facult y members. including the head of the school's physics department, Dr. Joseph Johnson.

Reliable sources said the president had fired three-or four other instructors, too.

Netterville declined comment on the action.

Johnson called the action ' ·a grotesque and perverted attempt to deflect blame from this massacre ...

"Black people know whose hands are bloody." Johnson said. "Let us not for the moment be confused. 1'1r . Netterville knows that I have not encouraged disrup­tion. J simply encouraged him to resign."

Oil Left 'Little Sign' ~10NTICELLO . Utah fAP ) - A wild

life biologist for the Bureau of Land r-.1anagement says the October oil spill in the San Juan River has left little sign. "There is not much oil left ." Nick Sandberg said Saturday after a tour ol lhe river from Montezuma Creek to Mex· ican Hat in southeastern Ulllh.


DELIVERY SERVICE ~hvtry of the 0;11l1 P ilot

1s guaranteed

MtMf Y· l"•I••• : ti •1u fl Ml lllYI ,_ Pl .. , IV ! : JG p,m .• <• II ••d y11tr <l•J .. ,u .. t•••tlll 11 '"'· C• ll • ,,. l•••n until ,,,. •·"'· SllurflY l lHI SuMllY U YIV fl ~ti rt(l lYt Ylllt <OPJ •v ' I"' · S1l u<f lJ . If I t .m . Su!IC! •Y. <I ll ' "" • <~PY will ~· ~ . ........ 19 you . c1111 1r1 r1t1n """I 10 ' ·"'

T t lephones M t ot or- '""'' "' ••• t d""'11 N1flll-ll H""l r.,.Ttn t1ull

i n• Y!' t llm•n1t1r .. j<+UJI

'"" c.i.-te, c 1.i1+••111 ••••"· s ... J11..i C:t.,1l r..,. , DMll ~11111. -Ill LI...,.., LlfWlf l•llt~ .. ,_..,.

U"I T ...... r.

Oops, A Navf1 Slip Almost everything was, except for a new member of the USS Sanctuary crew who slipped on a wet gangway. The Sancllllll"Y a hospital ship, was recommisisoned at San Francisco Saturday: , '

' , ff, '

West Germah ·Voter~ Give . - - - , .... . . . , ~ f • . ' • f . ~,i- ~ ~ -

Brandt 'Landslide' Wiri-BONN (AP I - Willy Brandt, bolstered

by his greatest personal e I e c t i o n triumph, had an overwhelming mandate today to pursue the tension-easing pollcies that won him the Nobel Peace Prize.

A RECOR[) NUMBER of West German voters gave his Socialist-Liberal CO<"!Jition 54.3 percent Cf the 37.4 million ballots cast Sunday against 44 .8 percent for the conservat ive Chri s ti a n Democrata. This meant 272 scats for Brandt in the 496-member Bundestag, the lower home of Parllan\ent, a solid ma­jority of 48.

percent of tbe vote and replaced the Christian Democr;i;ls party as the largest party in the "Bundestag for the first time since the West German republic was formed in 1949. The Social Democrats wound up with 230 Bundestag seats, a gain of six over the 1969 election.

FOREIGN. ~llNISTER Walter Scheel 's small pivotal Free Democratic Party gained in stature from its alliance with Brandt's Socialists. receiving a surpris­ing 8.4 percent of the vote and 42 seats.

t. Cease-fire Near'!

Military .. Airlift '

T-o Vietnam Ends SAIGON (UPI ) - U.S. mililary

sources said tonight the mauive U.S. iirllft of new equipment to South Viet· nam to beat any ceue-flre, l&l'«'Ment ban on such war materiel ended, (or ad practical purpoaes ... last Fr f day. The :!IO\Jf'eell said there are still a few planek>ads of equipment en r:oute but the program has been tennlnated.

Slim Survives Shivery Slip Into Salmon

MIDDLE FORK OF THE SALMON RIVER, Idaho {AP) - Amarillo Slim, the gambler who bet $31 ,000 that he could survive a trip down lhe River of No Return. fell into the water while trying to retrieve a paddle but was set today to continue the venture.

Slim, whose real name is T. A. Preston Jr .. made 14 miles of the ~mite run Sunday before be was dunked inf.O'I the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. Un· daunted, Slim planned to do a little hun­ting before setting out again today.

PRESTON, OF Amariilo, Tex., must run the Salmon River, better known as the ruver of No Return, in central Idaho only with the help of his guide, Jere· Chapman of Boise, or lose a $31,000 bet.

Slim has said the bet was made wit h fellow card players - whom he didn't identify - during a recent gin rwnmy game at -Las Vegas, Nev .

Joe Batson. an Amarillo -advertising executive, said Slim set a target date of Friday - Saturday at the latest - to complete the trtp:

Slim's progress is checked daily by · a helicopter taking off from the isolated Fl}'iog B Ranch.

" IT WAS A fabulous day - they've made about 18 or 20 miles," Batson reported from the r a n ch by radiotelephone.

"Slim fell out or the raft trying to reach for a paddle, but he said his wet suit worked beautifully. They planned to build a fire and do a liUle bunting to­night. "

As much as 500°tons a day at military equlpmtnt has been Pouring Into South Vietnam since Nov. 1 to try to belt an expected freeze on shlpmenls brqht about because of a cease-bre.

. EQUIPMENT INCLUDED hundreds of f1ghlt!' planea, hellcoptera, artillery 1~, annored peraoonel carriers am-murution and spare parts. '

The huge sl>J~t ol suppltea brought m.aJOr protests by North Vlelnlm llld tho V1ft C..g which aald tbty Imperiled the cease-fire agr<ement. U.S. llljlltary sources said Hanoi al!o atepped ilp its ship~ents of materiel intb South Viet· nam in expectation of a ceue:-f1re.

The- United States bas Carried OU\ heavy air attacks against such resupply efforts and against Conununtst buildups In Lill! Demilitarized l:one and the Ql(ang Tri are. Just to the south. U.S. B12 bombers dropped 1,150 tons or explosives on Communist positions near Quang Tri City Sunday and today to break up a nlne-<!11Y .. ld shelling attack agalnot South Vi~tnamese troops , the U.S. command liatd.

FIELD DISPATCHES said the Com· m~s were firing 1,000 shells a day agamst governmtnt positions there.

A command spokesman said the ~ flew 14 missions near Quang Tri City in the 24-hour period ending at noon. 1bere are normally three planes in each mission and each plane cames about 30 tons of explosives.

The B52.s are guided by radar and drop their loads in a predetermined target area whereas fighter bombers can use laser-guided and other "smart" bombs.

MEANWHILE, OFF the coast of Viet· nam. a small fire broke out aboard the 80;000·ton aircraft carrier America .. but it-­was extinguished before causing .major damage, a spokesman for the 7th Fleet said today. There v.·ere no Injuries.

The America, stationed off the coast of North Vietnam, has a crew of about 5,000. ..

The spokesman said the fire broke out in insulation around steam lines in a catapult room and was quickly brought under control. He said the fire apparently was the "result of spontaneous com­bustion" and emphaaized the ship was •·definitely not " hit by Comml.lnist fire .

Repairs will be made by the ship's crew and the America will remain on "Yankee station," the spckesman said.

Brandt immediately served notice he plans an unprecedented joumey1 to East Berlin before Chri.suna1 to sign his government's friendship tre:aty with the Communist East German regime.

"I recognize the results or the vote as a mandate to carry forth . .. the work we started with success in the last three years.' ' Brandt said in a restrained vic­tory statement. "The majority confirmed \\'e are on the right course."


THE MAGNITUDE of B r a n d l ' s personal victory, which rivaled that achieved by Konrad Adenauer in 1957, exceeded the coalition's eipectations. Some stunned politicians spoke of ·a " landslide" that would change West Germany's political landscape for years fo come.

Running with a slogan of "Winy Brandt Must Remain Chancellor," his SOcial ~ocratic party alone received 45.9

Arizona Senator

Cited by Police PHOENIX .Ariz. (AP) - Sen. Paul

Fannin (R-Ariz.) has been ordered to ap­pear in ~1unlcipal Cou rt Dec . 22 on a charge of drunken driving.

" I do not believe that I have violated the statute as claimed and I have turned this matter over to my attorneys.'' Fan­nin said i.•:hen contacted by_ newsmen.

Pol ice said Fannin was cited Friday night for alleged drunken driving and a second cha rge of failure to drive in one lane.





Stormy-Except SE Coast, Sno·w, Rai1i Cover Nortlieast, Midwest to Arizo1ia


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Family Resurf ues •

,Manson's Macabre Weight Thwarts

Mond~. Nawmbff 20, l 972 DAILY PILOT _!

Hughes to Mi11e Sea ·Floor Alioto Son Billio1idire's Barge Project i•i Secret,-of Course

Howard Hugbel ls reported to barge and a 618-foot·long ahtp, work site here Is tight and "We've written several Jet·

Heldon59 Violations ra. 1-e Has Ep1·logue ECHrsNoca<APfeA bulky REDwooD cm <UPI) - so FAii, both the hug• SECURITY •t the bay•ide facility " n<arby Tiburon.

be planning a liant assault on the "Hughes Glomar E1- even city inspectors must ters but never even got them

1 • • • build foiled an escape attempl the mbttral wealth of the plorer," have been built for phone first for ptrmisslon to acknowledged," be said. SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) -

J SfOCK1I'ON (AP) .. - It Lal ,,..--------..:"' by t)fO prboMrs accused in ocean noor. the multimillion dollar ven- enttr. ~1ayor Joseph Alloto's 90n more than

8 year since he wa.s the slaying of another inmate. The mystery bUUonatre'1 ture. Tl:Mf barge alts in a one newsman was met at WORK AT the Tiburon site Thomas R. Alioto, 2$, wu btld

sent to jail for life _ the little But a thlr prltoner project._ shrouded in .ecrecy secret guarded compound In the a:ate recently by guards ls almed at developing tech- for about half an hour until man whose name has become escf. !aped! ' state correction of· andon thcee n,hoteredre oflnSa. ancomFron~ Redwood City where it ls and a tight-lipped Lockheed nlques, such as suction hoses, Si.121 bail was poated after his

1 synonym for evil, Charles IC as say. ~ beini outfitted. to b""R nd In arrest on 59 oulstanding traf·

'Ma Donald Ray Hale, 28, and Bay, rival! a lclence nctlln A spokeaman for Hughes executive who turned him ••ug u ersea m erals to ri ~ warrants Swlday, police ruion. Fred steven Mendrin, 25, were tale in Ill lmagtnary ap- Tool Co. in Houston con-- away. the surface. said.

' ~ H11

ls I ohy 1 I wedo m eben caught Saturday night after proach. finned the company is em- Government scientists have Two sheds have been built Young Atioto's car was stop-:'hi~~~':iieJ h~mr:a~er , J~!us Mendrin got struck trying to A source, who did~ w.ant barking on an under 1 ea queried Hua:bes' off l c I a Is next to the almost 400-foot. ped, motorcycle oUicer Nick

aquinn through a small open- to be. identified, said the proJ· min.Ing venture. but declined regarding the mystery barge tong barge, located near the Wrany reported, becau,,e it ~nddl

1 God, ~med g o n e . ing Jn 8 window at · the ect calls for 1 barge to dlscUJS deta1ls. but have never received an busy· San Francisco Baysbore had a loud mufOer and lacked

" s ntegrated, blown to the Callfomla Institution for Men to the OCMD bottom. An Global Marine, tnc. of Loi answer. a l!m lit.-ense plate Blicker. four winds,'' says one who here, offlclalt said. undersea tractor, presumably Angele5 a ck now I e dg ed "Hughes must be going after freeway. Police reporu said a oom· knew them. Henry Rivera Jr., 30, ap-. automated, will ply the ocean bulldlng the ship In Che1ter, something very big ," said A Redwood City building in· puter cheek showed the war·

But now, in an epilogue to patently slipped. through the bottom from the barge and Pa., and Lockheed Corp. con- Oleg Terichow. a mining Spector sa.ld the sheds are rants were outstandlng, and the macabre Manson story, opening and climbed two Ji.. bring back copper, nickel, firmed It Is doing work on the engi.neer at the NaUonal "conventional steel-framed young AUoto was taken to two "Man!On girls" have foot chl:ln link fences topped manganese and cobalt from project for ttu&hes. Bu t ocean o graph Jc and itructures. Something was Richmond District police sta· surfaced in the w l n d y CALIFORNIA with barbed wire to escape, of· the ocean floor. neither firm would dlscuss any AtmqJpheric Adminls!J'atlon'a being fabricated Inside and lion where his parents were

· 'farmland clty of Stockton, ac- ficials said. Once the mineral weaJtb is details. expei'imental marine mining taken into the barge." caUed lo verify his identity . cused or putting a bullet But Mendrin b!ock.d the brought aboard. plans call !or· 1,;;;;;;;;iiiiOiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;;oiiOiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;~ ----'---'--="'-----=:::.::::._:..::::::_:::.::::::::_:_

t I I I I


through the head of a young way for Hale when he got the barge to be refloated by mother and burying her deep Then the women left Los stuck in the o.p en Ing, alr pumped from a surface in the cellar of an in- Angeles. ~thorltles said. _ship. conspicuous white frame Paul Fitzgerald, 8 Loslliii;;;.;;--o;;;;o;;;;-iiiO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i-i;;;;;;iiiio;;;;iiiiiiiiaiiii;;;;;;;;;; house. Angeles attorney who defend·

There are eerie overtones. ed P~tricia Krenwinkel, one of Two men among those ar· the women convicted with re.sled with the women are ex· Manson, said he heard from convicts who had marked, on Miss F·romme last month.

. "She called me on the phone and she sounded v e r y desolate," he recalled.


HOUIS Mon.~lat.

•·• Suncll•y •••

Then, little more than a week ago, Miss Fromme says • W• HOftOf' Sia: she "just touched up with ~!er C, C•r4•

BALDWIN PIANos • ..ionus Complete Selection

''l!Olllf OI 1HI

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•1141 J'O'll' ll ..... !tie 41ff-

U IDW tN MUl!C IAf "

W-DWORTM , 14HCI 4H (I OllC0 411 i4Lfl I .

"None of us hear frottt our J»Ornats . • • They're of an­other "'°rid." Brenda (Miss Pitman)." 1'IO- Mod- ..... - _,,_ e ..._.... 2640 HARIOR ILVD. 546-5525 515 llOITlt MAIN, SANTA AHA • 547-5151

She said she took a bus to [~~~~44;;•~-;;";";";;-~· ;c;-;;;";-;.;•~•;•; .. ;J4;14~~~....d~~~c~o;sr;A~M;•~S~A~~~~~;~;;...;;;;;~~l_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~-Stockton late Friday from Los J': Angeles, met Miss' "i,ltman there and stayed the night at the house where Miss Willett's body was s~.bsequently found.

their chests the letters ''A.B.," lhe symbol, authorities say, of a white racisl gang of convicts calling themselves ' • T h e Aryan Brotherhood."

Jn a jailhouse interview at ON SATURDAY, she said, Stockton, one of Manson 's ' 'l went to visit a brother In women. red-haired Lynette the men's jail at Stockton.·· "Squeaky" Fromme, 24 . said The brother. she said. wns that for the past year she hu.s \Villiam Gaucher. also booked been drifting t h r o u g h in the slaying. c.3\lfornla visiting "brothers" Emerging from the visit. in prison);ostly try in g Miss Fromme said, she wenl

· · M to a phone booth and called desper VlStt anson. the house "to ba11e someone

referred, still with pick me up .. . 1 wanted to go revef.ence, to the philosophy back to L.A. right away." attributed to Man90n by his h d I d followers - a vision of a But police, who a a rea y

arrested others at the house , future in which blacks and took the call, went to the whites would war in the phone booth and arrested Miss streets. killing each other off Fromme. and leaving the world to be . Her attorney, G e 0 r g e run by the Manson "family." Vaughn of San Rafael. verifies

The freclde-faced, youthful details of the arrest as do Miss Fromme, still using her li

f po ce.

Manson fam.Hy name o Miss Fromme, s p e a k I n g "Squeaky/' said she ls in- cheerfully from behind a glass nocent of the charges against panel in the women's jail, he.T and ~id she expects to be says, "None of us hear from out of prison soon. Qur parents. They don't want

ON MONDA\Y~ -ti- aoythiog Jo,,~ )Viti\. • u~. fied five pefl!>ni liooietl f!i~ID' •, '11>ey're of ~tiler wqrid .• We vesUgaligp of . murd~r . 1lJey believe . we re our o w n

included ·Miss Froi:nmt ·and. -~porii;iiien~ts~·ii"OiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjJ Nariey Laura Pitman, 24. a,1 Manson follower known in the "family" as Brenda McCann.

Also booked were Priscilla


K. Cooper, 21, of San Jose, 205 Mal• 5trfft who, like the other women,


43-1•2571 had the Manson "X" symbol

carved on their forehead; l~~~:iii Michael Lee Monfurt, 24, and Ii James T. Craig, 33. DE MURL

Squeaky's story of the FLO ] ST "£amily's" traveb be gi ns R nearly a year ago, months 24ll Newport llvcl. after Manson, 38, and three CMta M..-women followers were con· 646-4479 victed of killing act res sl~=~ 'i::~~~~~I Sharon Tate and six others inll Iii Los Angeles.

Miss Fromme and other women clan members who bad camped out.side the courthouse during 101.,2 months of trial, waited out the trials of the two other Manaon followers.

During· that time, Miss Fromme served 90 days ln jail after pleading no contest to a char"ge of trying to silence a witness ln Manson's trial by slipping her an LSJ).spiked hamburger.



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Think a thank-you-thought ...

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you love than .at Thanksgiving. And that's what the ITD Thanltsgiver is all about. It says,

"Thanks for being my mother or father.".'"Thanks for being my friend ." "Thanlts for being nice." "Thanks for memories we shared beforr you went away."

And it says it sincerely and beautifully with flowers . Lovely f•ll flowers elegantly arranged with golden wheat and slender cattails.

Sending a Thanksgiver almost anywhrre is as easy as a call or ·~si t to your F1U'Florist (Most ITO F1orlsts ac~pt major credit cards) ..

Do it. And start a new tradition. It'll keep you close to friends .and loved onH, no matter how far aw.ay. When you think about it, we all have a lot of thanking to do.

Utu&lly 1v1\• lor lttt l~n

Ask 1bout newSpeed-A-Gifts-ilowen with ti ver, BM chlna, pottery or ayttol. For th.It E.tr1 Touch. • tu •• ln~t btitlMtflll•fl, N th FTI> M1111H:I' n o..._1 tth laM - Pfk"· 0 1'11 n..t.t.• y__,w 0.11"" •-t.1-tleill.

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. ' •

" ., '• ., .. " • . • " ~ •• .. .. '


Watchful Eye on Smog Air quality in Orange County generally is Improv­

ing but the rapidly growing Mission Viejo and El Toro areas are becoming an increasing concern, according to air pollution control officer William Fitcben .

El Toro-Leisure World and Laguna Boacb are the most critical areas not curreoUyisen~ by !JlOoltl>ring equipment operated by the c6unty's fJ.r 'J>Ollution ,ni... trict, Fitcben told the Board of SUpenilson. He baa rec­ommended using an anticipated $147,000' grant from the state Air Resources Board to finance additional air moo· itoring stations in these areas.

However, in discussing the need for stepped-up air monitoring, the pollution chief noted that $an Clem· ente is not regarded as a problem area because off. shore breezes remove most pollutants froin the air there. That piece of news should enable residents of the South County city to breathe more freely.

On the other hand. it also seems fair to note that residents in parts of Huntington Beach. Fountain Val· ley, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach may not share ~h_e official optimism on overall improvement of air quality .

Rejecting suggestions that new stations be installed in the Santa Ana Canyon and Huntington Beach areas, he explaJned. the canyon is covered by a nearby River· side County monitoring post and the Edison Company will be required to set Up stations around its Huntington Beach plant when it is expanded. '

The air pollution agency says it alreldy is keeping close watch on nine county industrial plants which have a~d to cut operations in the event of a pollution crisis. There also is a possibilitv that the pu_blic might be asked lo cut down on car driving in a real emergency, the of· ficial warned.

' application, th~ APCD ha5 suggested that all cities:JJI¢ the Calilorna Highway l'atr.olJ>e. atked to }~ up cl~ tions for violations of motor vehicle exhaust stand~

South County residents who apprehensively wtfth the brown smog bank creeping ci~r - aqd occasion· ally feel its eye-stinging effect - can 'take some ci>m­!ort In knowing the problem is getting official aUen!iou­Wbether it will be enough to do the Job' Is the next question.

'l'.J!e last thing we need is a local repetltlDn or the smog miseries that crept into Riverside County while olftclaldom was looking the other way.

Welcome TV Newcomer Starting today, Orange County television viewers

tuning to UHF Channel 50 will be able to pick up the signal of tbe"eounty's first television station.

From studips in~e $2 million ,telecommunications center a\,(l(>ld'en w~,Gollege, and a 30,000-watt trans. mitler in the La Habni·6ills, all-color KOCE·TV wm be on the a!t' five days; a week for six: hours, from 4 p.m. r' ·· ' . .

Members o'r the·statl. lieg the viewing public's indul· ~ence for tlie in'itia\ weeb of operation, which will be devoted to "getting the bug~ out or the system." '

Until early Janu¥fY. most broadcasts will be video­ti:iped shows such ~s ·Sesame Street and Masterpiece Theater. But once the bugs have been extenninated, the station plans to 'branch out into a wide ransre of entertainment1 educational and community interest pro­grams.

In adclition to recommending establishment of new monitoring stations and expedition of the state grant

KOCE offers a broa~ned horizon for Orange County's cultural and informational appetites.

... •KE EP ME Al>YISEl>J HENP.Y • .-

The Trbgic Isolation.<Jf A President

~YD NEY J. HARRI~ It's hard to believe that as recently as

the late 19405, President 'truman would walk down to his bank in Washington to make a mortgage payment, and once was observed standing in line to take a bus. A quarter-century later, he'd be in· sulated in a bullet-proor tank.

ONE OF the real tragedies or the Presidency - and of power in general -is its Increasing in­sularity from Uie common world. As Erwin Knoll remind­ed me, in a reccn( issue of The Pro­gressive magazint>, Eugene McCarthy during his 1968 cam­paign for the Presi· dency said that any President ought to be required to ride

·a bus to work every day. This is not the whimsical remark it

may seem. As Knoll explicated the ~ne. imagine the Pre!ldent · ' s u b j e c l i n g himselr daily to the catastrophe we know as urban mass tran11il Imagine him gaz. ing every morning and evening at Washington's sorry slums. Imagine him breathing the polluted air. Imagine him in dally contact - perhaps even in convenaUort - with working men and women .. . "

JOHN KENNEDY, w he n President. once remarked that there were a lot of men he couldn't get to come down to Washington for $50.000 a yea~ ~ho would leap at the chance for $20,000 and a car and driver. Splendid insulation from the rigors of everyday life is what appeals to most men who like positkln and power.





™' ... ,.,,. rtfloleb ~ ,,.... "°' NCtUlrltv ,,.... of "" ---• kiW r.ur ,.r ,. GIM!nr Gu .. O.lty Pli.t.

Who says Orange County doesn't have an open space plan! All that development in the Santa Ana River and Laguna Canyon flood plains will be nothing but open space when the real rains come.


But this insulation is the very root and cause of their downfall. They get out of IOUCh with companies, the country, or the p\iillc. They bear only what th~y want to bear, what their sycophants think is good for them to hear. As several ex-Presidents have compiented ruefully in their memoirs, the leader ls often the last man to know the truth.

MORE AND MORE, the American Presidency, as an institution, is becom­ing detached from its constituency. More and more, even the Congress turns into a mere ratifying agency, as the royal courtiers make the important decisions and men with unpleasant truths to tell are held at ann's length from the President's ear.

Among the democratk: natf.oos, we are !he most monarcbiaJ o[ all. Lacking an hereditary royalty, we tend to elevate our President to this position -psychologically, lf not legally - and permit him rar wider latitude than is possessed by any premier or prime minister in other democratic nations.

AC'MJALLY, this insuJarity ls In part responsible for the danger of assassin•· !ion, so great here, and so minimal in Britain, for instance, that the Prime Minister walks freely in public without a corps oE bodyguards. It Is the very remoteness and inaccessibility of our eleCted mon8.rch that frustrate the ex­tremists and the psychopaths. He has less chance of being killed in a bus line than in a limousine.

'Pill Pop ping' Control WASJllNGTON - A TV advertising

ban on pills similar to that on Uquor and cigarettes is being drafted by House crime chairman Cl1ude Pepper, 0-Fla.

The le1isfa1Uon is aimed at the drug firms and TV industry which condltkln children to' ''pill popping' ' through com· mercial! thawing over-the-counter druga 10lvln& all ol life's pn>blems. S m a I I wonder, rea1on s Pepper that yuung people iu,:;; to lllegol amplletamlno, bot· blturates, LSD and WOrte .. the)' cort-1""11 tho problems al their teem.

Tho Popper plan. " eaacled. would cost the TV lnduatry ....,. tbon -=o million a year. Fl<l!n I I .IL lo I p.m,, It would bar all TV adt fOr polUlllen, sleeping pills, ..datives, Yll.lmlnl, MICfDI piUs and otb<r nao­lnml. Thia la lhe period when - - oftm IJued to the TV ..,_,

Pepper'• JH._.i admtlllng ban bl1 """" Oii al .... Jlln ol beortnp into *" •bu& m. old etillldrr'1 heart baa ...... .., Illa ..- al young pt<>plt ......... !IS llYlll dutb from dnip. ,_ = .... _,itlooa '"'"' n••-.. Pepper h • • ...... ... .. .ri .. •• _.... _. ......... _.U., )'tlr

so Pepper can begin his crusade early In 1973.

''THE PHAllMACEVTICAL companies are not only j>rollleratlnt! this country with piUa, but they are allo eon· tamlnlting our aJrw1ys 1'\th unnecessary and delelttious edvertislnj." say! a con· fldtnllal draft.

"Tba prolUmtlon or teleYl..d drug ad· vertJolnl Is conltlbltlinl to Olli' national dru& crlsU. ... It condltlooa Cchlldttn) to the "'"*tlWY ""' ol dntp," the ,.port goes on. " Mlllf 111-.11 give the lal'[e lmprmlon tbll takq drup -'plll·popptng' - Is IOOd for you, tblt it wW Improve your mind, make you hap­pier by n!ducll!C - • .•

"Thete advertilemtnt.1 i re especially blrmful lo a child and Impressionable ltta.agtn W- undmlandinl ol tho UH ol drup is It beot c:lll'IOl')' • ••. Undoing the Initial Jmpoct ol - televlalon com­......,ial1 will taka 1 Uletlme ol odoca· uon." warn,, the reporl

- Pepper le<ls the TV Industry •nd phannaccutlcal IJnu allould got out of the bualN!I! of glvJnl medical adYlce on the airwaves. Far from cenulnely trying to help 11111 ...... , tllO)' ....... poople to take clnlp lndJJCrtmlnatel)'."


Further Legislative Battles i~ Offing '

Death Penalty Argument _Not Over .... ,.

Capitol News Service SACRAMENTO - By an overwhelming

majority - just better than two-to-one -the citizens of California approved a con­stitutional amendment placing the death penalty back in the state's law books.

WHETHER OR NOT this expression of popular sentiment will make any actua1 d iffe~ - with one exception - in the punishment of criminals remains to be

the execution of an bmocent person, train wrecking involving loss of life - all three of whlcb may be disregarded - and the kllllng or a state correctional officer by a prison inmate already serving a life Ji,elltence.

Will *here be other crimes calT)'ing a mandatory death sentence now that the legislature bas the power to make such punishment legal?

seen. In any case, it won't make any di!- Nor wrm:oUT a real battle in the ference W'ltil at least some time nut legislature. This - if little else - is year • • • ind the fight to give the state the atreed on by the legislative leaders on we'-•f capital punishment may take · both lides or the Issue, Senators George even looger than that. , . Moscone (D-San Fl'IDcisco), against, and

With the passage Nov. 7 ol Pro~tioP J!.L. "Bill" Ri- (R-An\&diaJ, f0<, 17, for all practical purposes oolj one 6· 0 'Wlth some' "otbtr legislaton;" the crime carrying a death sentence remainl • · newly re-elected Ricbardson told Capitol on the books. Granted. the passage of the News Service, "after the ~ session propo.sition nullified the decision .in gets under way, I'll be introducing a February or the state supreme court package of bills imposing a 'mandatory holding capital pun ls h men t un- death penalty for a' number of crimes. constitutional as "cruel or unusual." "Right now," the conservative solon Since then, however, the U.S. Supreme continued, "a number of w: are meeting Court has held in violation of the U.S. with prison rorrectional officers, law Constitution and its "cruel and unusual" men, and members- of 'Friends of the punishments ban all sentences where a Victim,' to decide just what we want to judge or jury has a lite or death choice. work for."

THERE ARE on the California books four crimes with mandatory death penalties - treason, perjury resulting in

FRIENDS OF the Victim is the ' statewide organization which worked for Proposition 17 passage, and Richardson,

who sees little being accomplished In what is left of the 197'2 legislative .session, spearheaded the drive.

Richardson sees at least four measures being presented in the death penalty package ...

-Attack resulting in great bodily harm to a prison correctional officer by a prisoner serving a life sentence ...

-The killing of a prison inmate by a prisoner serving a life sentence ...

-Kidnaping with great bodily harm or resulting In .•

-And tho wWlul llld l:nowltt& murder of a police officer.

MORE, there la some speculation tbe Jaw calling fi>r a mandatory death penalty if a life prisoner kills a cor­rectional officer may have to be re­passed . .

Speaking for himself, Richardson says he wouJd like to see two additional man­datory death penalty bills - for the use of explosive devices in order to ltill or terrorize and for skyjacking.

"I expect good luck in getting these bills through tho senate, which will have a slightly more conservative cast as a result of this month's election," Richardson s a i d, "but the owembly went the other way, and it will be a prob­lem.

"The first four bills 1 outlined are at least within reality so far as chances of getting passed are roncemed, but, at best, it will be difficult."

AS THE ARCADIA Republican sees it , a lot will depend on how Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti, Van Nu y s Democrat, se!s up the next session's Criminal Justice Committee.

He tenned the present committe~ "a mouthpiece for the American Civil Liberties Unioo," but added be hopes its makeup next year will result in it "being more favorable to law enforcement legislation."

Sen. George Moscone, on t h e other hand, who headed tho fight a~ainst Proposition 17, expects the initiative amendment to the state constitution to be challenged under the U.S. Constitution.

' IF IT PASSES that hurdle. the San Francisco Democrat told Capitol News Service, "we will meet and fight each al· tempt to introduce such regressive legislation. I don't see any such legisla­tion getting to the governor's desk."

And actual impasition of the death penalty, he predicted, " will continue to be an issue in future Cslifornia palitical campaigns."

A ~eal Bargain at Honest Dick's It was a month ago that Herbert Hanoy .------------

walked Into Honest Dick's Used Car Lot ,( · ART HOPPE J to look around and kick tbe tires.

He was immediately recoenized by the firm's top salesman. Henry. "Well. well, '------------' back again Mr. Hanoy," said Henry, rutr­bing his hands, "and what cao I show you tOOay?"

"FRANKLY," said Mr. Hanoy, "I've been thinking about that red and white, two-door Ceasefire Eight. Of course, it doesn't have a syn· chromesh political settlement . . . "

" It's just the model ror you. Mr. Hanoy." sa id Henry. "Look at lhat auto­matic withdrawal system, that trJpar­Ute power steering thooe guaranteed free elections •• . "

happily. So they haggled for hours and houis and finally came up with an 18-page contract with lots of small print. On which they shook hands.

' NATURAILY, Honest Dick, himseU,

was called in to look ~-tbe deal over. "C<flgratulatloM; Mr. lfan!>y," be sald, after reading all the fine prillt. "You cer­tainly got yourself a fine bargain there. I don't see any~ why we can't have everything signed and delivered by oert Tuesday - or October 31 at the very latest. "

So Mr. Hanoy went home and told everybody he'd bou&bt hirMeU a used Ceasefire EiOX. Wblfe be was somewhat

uneasy about it, all bis friends said he was doing the right thing.

TIIEN HE GOT a call from Henry. "Everything all right?" asked Mr. Hanoy anxiously.

"Sure, sure," aald Henry. "No prob­lem!I al all Delivery's just around the corner. But tint would you mind drop­ping by for one mcn little chat."

"If there's no problems," said Mr. Hanoy, "what's there to chat about?"

"OH, JUST a little cl.Brif'JCaUon of language. like that part about tripartite power steering. It seems it lan't exactly power steering . . . "

"Look, we've got a cootract. and you promised to sign it by october 31,'' said Mr. Hanoy aogrtly.

. "I think we promlsed to try to sign It by then," said Henry. "Conlldenlially. we're bavinl a little trouble over the ti·

... BOUGHT " '$4 French model or>c6 with guaranteed free elections," said Mr. Hanoy suspiciously. " tl fell sport before I hardly got U home and nobody ever made good."

Careers in Environment " You're not dealing with thole tricky

Frenchmen now," said Henry with dipf. ty. "You're deallng with Honest Dick. IAolt, I'm 1olng lo make you 111 alfer you can't refuse. We've got spoc.lal E-Z term1 on that Ce&scfire Eight. This month on\y."

" WELL, IT ISN'T exactly what I 1''1nted," Wd Air. Hanoy rt".luctanity. ' 'But U you can ma.kt mt a good deal."

" Jual llep lnlo my ol/lce," Mid H...,.

.--- Bt1 George---· Dear George:

Twice th~ young bachelor • t !he olfJce has sugesltd I cMperone • party on his boat. I've 9eCfl his boat . .It ba~l)' has room £or two people. What does thla lndicate!

81.0NOlE Dear Blondie:

ll Jndlcatea a smnrt young bachelor.

ca_, __ ElectloN ....., Ind 10 bul tho en­

vironment .. alwiys 111ve· - ·us. And eovlronmeniallata, lln<ere or laddilh.

FOR Tiii: 8INCEas, ..i ~au, tho yoollll """ - • ...., Ml desire to prtlet'Ye their ltlte'1 and their nation's mource1, there la ooroethJn& more that can be done lban rallytnf to "the ca""'" . There are carttn available in the m-­vtronm.ntal fleid - good, aolld, satit­tylng and Yerf imporianl lllb lo be done. Better yet, the demand for people to undertake those caroers is mounting rapldl7.

Unlomm•tely, most )'OUllg people lack a speclflc lo>owled(e about tilt kind of jobo available In "'°"'"'"lion and how to 1et detailed lnfonnatlon to help them plan careers.

THAT SITUA110N bu oow boen remedJed, w1lh the publlcatkln of two books llstlng catttrs In c:oowvatlon. They 1ro: "Opportunity In E11Vlninm<lll Care<rs," by Odom Fanning (UoiYl!nal

Pubiilhln1 and Dllltlblttln& corp.. is. 75 l llld "Co,..r Opportunlllel: Eoology. Conxrvatlon llld Ellvinlomental C01> \rOI," (J. G. Ferg.- PubllahJng CO., '6.111). ,,_ belpful books llat job op­

portunitleo In enviroruJmltal poycbology ; envimunenW health eoglneerlng ; en­Ylroounenlal ed\Jcatloo; eoviroomental L~: water hf&Jeoe; radloJocicat

lb, and commuolty eovin>omental mana1tmtnt.

THOVSANDS of oew Jobe m opening In II- flekla and in ttloted dlat:lpUoes. 8UCb u recreaUon and parb, range manqemmt, , mil con1erv1tlon . &eopl\yl!CI, wt)dllfe and lisberlel con­IUVllion and octanosrapby.

Addllloollly, more lban tS0,000 Cl> vtronmental health workers will be need­oe! by tll!ll, and thousands more In llelds coverin, 111 aspecll of consuvalion. It'& been estimated that In eight ye•n about 1.2 million worken will "" - to nn career jobl to help protect the rn­vlronment.

Ue. SeemS' there's this gentleman In Saigon who feels he's the legal owner. And to get bis signature on the contract, I 'm afraid we're going to have to- er ­up the price just a little and ... "

"A DEAL'S a deal!" spluttered Mr. Hanoy. "Sign like you promised!"

" Well, seeing we're not exactly the legal owners. . . "

"You mean to tell me," shouted Mr. Hanoy, "that you've been trying to sell me a car you don't even own?"

" Now, now, Mr. Hanoy, there's no need to get excited," said Henry soothingly. "I'm sure it will all work out. After all , if you..,can't trust llonest Dick, who can you trust?"

But, unfortwiately, Mr. Hanoy had already slammed down the rca?iver.

WELL, anyone who's been through a similar experience can predict the out· come. Either you tear up the contract in.­to teensy little pieces, muttering curses, or you knuckle under and go through with the deal, feeling rooked and snookered and muttering curses.

tn either case, one thing's £or sure: You certainly aren't flt to Uve wlth.


DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vted, Pvbltiher

ThomoJ Kttlrll. Editor

Barbaro KrtiblclL Editorial Pagt Editor

l1w' f'd ltnrh1.I ()lll,:e nt the l.,.111 Pllut llN!kl to tnronn and atlmu· b1 1~ rr:111dnl by prl.'IM.'1'lllna 1hll ~tpal>f'S"'• oplnlOn• Ml;I COfll •

mt'nt1r, cm \Opl<"; or lntchst •nd 11lanl tl~nt't, by provldlna: • fnnim for the ti:xprfalon of our- l'f'ftdf'r't' 01)1nlon1, and by l)f'b(tnUn1 lhC" dh•t'ntt YitwpolnU of lnfOMTlcd ob• ~NttY •fld • pokesmt"n on topics or thl- d11y .

Monday, November 20, 11172



m T a w s

Ii 0





s r l


L.·· ltl. Bogd-=-

M.arriage a Risk In· Napa County

.. . """ ., ' U Is in•l!Je,inoo!h of December that the average wife welkl

11 miles a ctay. Her:.UolliDg average in elgb , miles a day. '

~ ·- ~ "INSTEAll of syrilp~ ti1 to~plng off your breakfast pan­

.eakes Jiith a ~an d laflflneS, ' Suggests a Sau Francisco gourmet. 11Tasty." Not this mornin.

WRY . califomia's Napa county is- such a tough place for matrimony I don't know. But seven out of-1every 10 inarriages there break up in divorce, the reco1'4 shows. Can you ex-plain lt7 .

QUERIES - Q. " What's the life expectancy of a 1(1().year­old man?"

A. He's good for aoother 1.53 years, statistically.

' Q. " LIGHTNING stars the most fires, no?"

A: The most that really do big damage, certainly.

Q. " HOW LONG bas It been since Frenchmen cut ofi people's heads with t b e guillotine?"

A. Three years, about.

CHAIN SMOKERS tend to snore. Or so some sleep researchers claim. Remember that, young lady. If the fellow you are thinking about mar­rying light_, up one cigarette after another, rec on c 11 e yourself to noisy nig~ts .

STRAW Tt1AN - It' s generally believed the term "straw man" alludes to those stuffed scarecr ow s of yesteryear which f a r m e r s erected in their fields . That's wrong. Professional perjurers in old England hung around Westminster Hall with pieces of straw protruding from their shoetops. Said straw was a signal that they were willing to hire out as witnesses. That's where the phrase "straw man" came from.


MAYBE you-didn't knoW the Amazon Riv~ carries more water than any other three r ivers combined ... A SPRINT between a healthy jackrabbit and a good racehorse could be expected to end in a tie ... n 'S ALSO a fact the average stu­dent sees far more movies in school thaii in regular motion picture theaters now. The Silver Martini. OUler Men Striving

For Color EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP)

- Many middle-aged men have joined in the current trend to wear more colorful clothing, in part, because of fear of growing old, says a professor who Is an expert in the sociology or clothing.

"Middle-aged men a r e among those most enjoying and supporting the exciting changes in male attire," said Dr. Arthur M. Vener , professor of social science at Michigan Slate University.

"Part of it is just a varia­tion o{ the old mJddle-aged delight in buying flashy cars," he said. . "}

Caring Is saying "Thank You" with our

'I~ .1

Celebrate Th1nk1glvlnv with th l1 leati¥1 lloret arrangement In fill'• warm C!olors. Spread your gratilude to fr iends and toved onn. Nearby Of many mil" away, we'll gu1r1nlee delivery 1lm01t anywhere In tlmt'lor Thankaglvltlg. Tht Tl'tanktul euncn ts 1vall1blt In three 1fzM, 110, 112.50, t15. Ctll US Today

Dif!r&leNria jl()tfl/ dniin1 of dlsrlftctfo"

c,... ,..., ....

For people who want a silver lining without the cloud.

Smirnoff Silver Ninety poinr four proof. Smirnoff leaves you brcathlc>s•

Gift Portraits ;.... in time for Christmas.


Give o little bit of love! Our professionol photogrophers will eoptvre the mood you wont in !obvious Life-Colo~ or block ond white. Don't deloy - we gvorontee you'H love it!

One 8"x l0" end Two 5"17" One 8"110" ond Two 5"x7" on block end white ---· $9.95 o~d Nine wollet si1e on Life-Color® -~·- $24.95 in Life-Colo~ _ $14.'IS

I.in1ited offer - in time -for Chtiabnas

~..:':ri Portroit Studio - Street Floor, Huntington S.oeh, 892-3331

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MOllday, Ncrttmbrr 20, 1972 DAILY PILOT t

A BIG WAY TO SAVE A LI MONEY Big on service! Big on comfort.I Big on convenience!

Uttle on Money! Only 2si for a one-way fare on any of our routes.

The Orange County Transit District, tenderly known as "The Two­Bit Bus Line'', serves Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Balboa, Irvine, Laguna Beach and points in between.with new air· conditioned coaches for only 25¢. Transfers on all routes are frff as long as you go In the same direction.

Uae "The Two-Bit Bus Line" for school, work, shopping· or plea.. 1119, .. You can't IHr/ tnMpotUIUon 1111'/ cheaper.

--I 11 I 11 -·----- -

lu ... l lOP • \ all rTVJDf lftlHMCllOn •

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W> CC.•• ...... .... For·lnformation orj>us 'chedulas call ''TIM Two·Blt Bus Unt" at 547-tOOC

or write to us at 1126 E. Washington Ava., Santa Ana, 92701


• I •


r For the

Record .

:.. ~ • •cr:- :i

Marriage Li.ce1ases



Ctron1 del Mar l7S.f458 Cost• Mtsa •14U


Ill Br<lldny, eo.o. Mesa u l-l4IS • McCORMICK LAGUNA

~EACH MORTUARY J7tl Lapa1 Canyon Rd.


Ml:MORIAL PARK Ct:mt:ler)' Mon11ry

Cll1pd - Ptclfk: \ '\ew Orl\'t N°"""' - · C1ltr0t'1ll1 -• P!Elt FAMILY


'11'1 8oltl Avt. Wttlmlllttr ltWIZI • SMITHS' MORTUARY


rn Mallo St. Biloll1p B<l<b ...

Mood'l', Nowt11bff 20, 19n

Grove District Unwanted PHARMAC.Y


wealth school district with a high proportion of students in relation to its tal base.

In short, none of the other districts want Garden Grove because jt will cost them money.

Trustees of the existing districts believe they can't justify t1king in a poor rela­tion when their own taxpayers 11lready are groaning about properly taxes. the primary source of revenue for com­munity colleges.

Now, trustee1 of the North Orange County Community

Unit Kills

Fleet Smog • " .

Requirement SACRAMENTO (API - A

major anlismog bill that would have required fleet c1r1 in Orange County lo be equip­ped to use nalt.ral gas or Ji. quifled petroleum gas died last week In the Asse mbly committee.

The Transportation Co1n­miltee vole on the Scnate-a1>­proved measure by Senator Anthony Beilenson was 5-5. three short of the required majority.

Th e Beverl y H ill s Democrat's bill (SB 657 ) would have required 1968 or laltr fleet vehicles to be equipped with dual ! u e l systems-using natural gas. compres.sed natural gas, or LPG along with gasoline - by 1975.

JI would have affected fleets of 10 or more vehicles in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside , Santa Barbara, San Bernardino and Venturi coun­ties.

Natural gu or llquified natural gu produces fewer exhaust emissions t h a n gasoline.

Completion For Jail Approved

SANTA ANA - The fourth floor of the Orange County Jail wUI be completed under a $1.127.000 contract approved by ~ Board af Supervi.9()rs this week. ,

Succe!sful bidder ) \vas the Ray Wilson Company or Los Angeles. Furnishing will add another $400.000 to the tab.

Finishing the floor will pro­vide room for 600 nddllion11\ priloners in the n o 1v • overcrowded facility. The t.-on­tract also provides for com· pletlon of the food refrigera­tion system and waterproof ceilings In the kitchens.

construction will take more than a year with completion expected in the spring or 197-t .

,...,... .... ''"'' ..... ' Let. ,.. ........... It - .., ...... ........... Of, fffe•--...... 11 .......... -..... it. ...... ,, ... ,

And read Boner's Ark hi th• DAILY PILOT Sundav comics.

' I



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6% Cenificate Account: Deposit $5,000 or more. Tenns: 2 to 5 years.

S.75% Certificate Account: Deposit $1,000 or more. Tenn: 1 year or more.

5% Passbook Account: Deposit any amount Add or withdraw any time. 53 current annual rate.


JOHN BRUCE Now Showing In Our Lobby -

All interest is compounded daily. Free Servicca: Leave $1,000 or more

in your account and we'll give you free travelers checks, money orders, notary service and trust deed note collection.

Other free services for-accounts of any size indude: save·by-mail postage, savings banks, Monthly Money Plan, gift check holders and many =re.

Say1 "California Federal, here I come1''




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I A WI cil be ca

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Monday, No~embrr 20, 1972 DAILY PILOT 9

Two Men Claim Plane 01,ers~ld, .Sue Hughe_s Airwest School Closes LEARN TO CONTROL FRESNO 1AP1 -Queen of FEAR & WORRY

...... Wl-cwlllfMc• ... "*" .... lhe Valley Academy, faced Ml"'' i. lfWI w1111 ,......, •lllr .. PHOENIX, Arb. (AP) -

Two Sedqna, AriJ,. lll"l1 who cootmled the1 were roflQed· passage on a Hughes Alrwest Olght last because the


• •

])lane had been ovenold have rijed a flS,000 damage suit. ..

WIWam Steinbach a n d James Susa, in the U.S. District Court suit, charged


• I they had coo!irmed. reserva· lions Ofl a Sept. 2{ ftigbt frQl!l Las Vegas to Phoenix , tin after purchasing their tickets were denied permission to

. •1 ' •

.:. , (

Waitress Baccarat Specialist

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -A blonde former cocktail waitress advised by her physi­cian to find a sit-down job has become' the first worpan bac­carat dealer on the Las Vegas Strip . .shirley llrancucci, a divorc· .

ed mother of four, ages , 7 to 22, hadJlever dealt cards onW she ~'1'611i!d in a Las vejiB dealing achooh . ·

.. I'm _just a natural-born bac;carat dealer," she boaats.l

HER TUTOR , Matt Paratore, agrees.

"She did an excellent job," he says.

"When l was training her, I told her from the very begin­nin&~that she couldn't just be _ an average dealer because she's a woman and I didn't want pe<iple to get the wrong idea that because she's a woman she got a baccarat job." ·

Although baccarat is simpler to play than other wagering games, it is con· sidered the most prestigious because the stakes are often higher.

"IN EUROPE, only the very wealthy playbacc a rat ,'' Paratore said. " It's the of the card games because the most money that is bet al one particular time is bet in bac· carat.

" There 's so much money in· volved, the dealers have to have a little more on the ball."

Mrs. Bral)cucci says she ~ decided to switch jobs after her doctor said getting off her feel might alleviate a back problem.

She lost a bid to b'! the first woman baccarat dealer in this gambling town by about ·two months to Dorothy Stevens, a 27-year-old Briton. who works for the downtown Union Plaza Hotel. Mrs. Brancucci works for the Stardust Hotel.

Theseday1, Cad, It's easier to show them than to tell them. Air Califomla has Just the ticket With Air Cal's new "S0-26 ClutS" you can tum Saturday Into a Fun Excursion Day. For example, you can depart Orange County Airport et 3:15 p.m. and aJTtve at Ontario <'-irport 15 1lnlnutea Jetar.

You can take a look around;or catch a flight straight back.

Either way, It'll be a first in their· Ufetlme.--And a weekend they'lt never forget

$5.40 round trip each which la halt the regular adult Iara (regardlaas of age). Thinks to Air C8lllomla'1 unique weekend "50-26 Club", '1Ytng hU never

....... """"""'· Ntdkldo-

• •

"' t ·

• . t Bcills'

. J' 1• N'\eci . · - e (AtSrt - . . z1~ sui -_ ---

board at the gate. The men said they were told

by ait"line officlals at the gate that they were late and the plane 'i''as full ..


'th d 1· · U t P11r 1"' .,.. ._., tfftctwtty. luggage at the ticket counter w1 a ec uung enro men J•ill tti.

The airline accepted their

and Jinaocial probltms . • will DALE CARNEwll COURSI and It lert on the plane vdthout close its doors after gradua· <•It 6d-e1•1

them. thef added, _ tion ceremonies ncx'_t ..:J'..".un'."e'.:_·~..,·..,·-~·"~"..,'..,'"'~'..,'-~"..,'•~~

Perfect'' Right now. Standard Stations and almost all Chevron Dealers are making available a collection of 90 "Dinner is Served" Menu-Recipe cards-a remarkable new way to help make your cooking easier and more exciting. . On the front of each c<i rd is a tempting. full ..:olor photograph of a main dish. You cook to match the pictures. 90 dilleren l main dishes. Like Stuffed Baked Bass. Beef Rouladen. Swedish Meat Balls and Broiled Chicken with Herbs.

On the back of each card is the main dish recipe, suggested side dishes. plus a convenien t cooking schedule . so everything gets on the table at the same time-piping hot.

You get a pack of I 0 dillcrcnt cards-every week-for just 19r * plus tax. with any gasoline purchase. And you can also pick up two index .cards, a handy filing box and card stand for just 29c •<

plus tax. with no purchase necessary. Start your collection of "Dinner is Served" Menu ­

Reci pe cards and start cooking picture perfect.

•Offer. including prices. may vary at participatin& Chevron Dealers .

--...!."'~ ...,Mt ! 1 .... .. -' . --.. I • . , ...

" .. -:.-·-..... ·~ ... .. - ... ~:::--. ! ' · · : . - . .. ,_ ... _'::.... · -·~-.... . ...... -;7· ... -"':· - ..... : . - ·:-:: ~ "::· ~-::-=~'"E:

" ~ . . .. __ ... .... ·.-.. ~ _ .. ·-~.. .... .. ...... . ·-~-- .... ~ . ..... .... ·-....... -··-.. --~ -'*' ... .... _ ....... _

- .. .. . '··

··-... ~ ...... _ :· .. .. -'

: ·-. ~· . '

. --..... ... ........ -


Chevron ers -r ..... ........ OfU iocludi ng prices may vary at participating Chevron Dea1e~

T \'


• •

.. '

" ' ' . i • '


• JO DAILY PILOT s MOfldal, Novtmbff 20, 1972

Manager Migration Seen Econ.orny Optirnism P rornpts Young Mobiles w Move On

By JOHN CUNl\'JFF .... ..,...... ...... ,, .. NEW \'ORK - The voJun·

tary egression ra1e a1nong managers in their 30s has been shooting UP\\"ard since the firs! of the ~ear , said the professor. Optimism pre\•ai\s. and the young mobiles are changing jobs agai1 •.

It is nothing unexpected . Just as \\'Ster churns ~·hen the kettle is heated. so also do the spirited, talented you n g managers begin to move about ~·hen the econonly gets hot. It is predictable.

Eugene Jennings, ·who has spent his adult life - he's, a bil on the far side of 40 - stu· d y i n g executive mobility , maintains that this: group is the avant.garde of job changers, and that younger and older executives will follow their lea..:.

v.·orkers whom they wanted to stay . Some of these talented people lost their sense of direction, said Jeilnings. They too expected !he ax.

~·lany of these managers are now moving on, said Jennings. who maintains 4L listening posts in CQrporations. Their employment was never rein· forced by the company, he said. They v.·eren't told they were wanted.

EASING THEIR movement is the fact that opportunities or age exist. Because of the vagaries of birth rates and economic growth. middle-age managers are in growing de­mand. There are openings for those in their late 30s to mid· 40s.

Jennings mon)toring points, which are voluntarily manned by corporate p e r son nel managers Jnd others with a fee l for Changing y,·orker at·



titudes , also revea! a tendeocy for managers to move to socially oriented jobs.

Jn addition, Jennings believes that young and mid· die-age managers today are restless to change t h e I r careers, not just their jobs, to

J1a High Gear

an attempt to seek a llJUer life.

"After elgh: to 10 years with a company there is a great tcndenci for then. to sum­marl.ze their match o r mismatch with the corporate v.'Orld. They sometimes feel they have overinvested in career bu~ underjnvested ln life."

Those v;ho can market themselves Mw tend to go, Jennings observe.G. "They an: rebelling agains. corporate life, against what is called the 'five to nine' routine," or of \\'Orking until 9 p,m. when others leave at 5.

"THE UNICNS gave the blue collar v.·orke!· the idea of a fuller life," said Jennings, '' but nobody speaka ror the overworkede xec u ti v e . '' Therefore, he concludes, they are s p ea king up for themselves. " THIS GROUP is vita l to

understanding b u s i n e s s economics," he said. "They have the most mobility , the greatest capacit: to be op­timistic. They are a .l(ood barometer of optimism. \Vhen they move i t means people are betting on the future." JimSlemons BreaksGround

For at least two years this groop, which Is usually the mosl free to change jobs. was frust rated . " lnte\l;gence die· lated that they watch their nests.•· They were unable to hasten their careers by job

For Mercedes-Benz Complex changes.

But there is more than op· timism and ambitio1. involved in executive churning, ·which still isn"t as intense as it was in prerecession days but may be double the rate of 1969 and

By CARL CARSTENSEN Of flM 0.11¥ Piiot Slltf

Ground has been broken and construction is now underway · for Jim Slemons' Mercedes· Reni dealership in Newport

J97tl. Beach. Located in the Emktty Bct"·een I~ and 1968, said - Developmerit· Co mp any·' s

Jennings. who is a professor Newpc:W Place, ~he . new at ri1ichigan State University, Mercede~ dealers~ip 1s ex· an author and business CQn· peeled to open April 1, 1973. su ltant. many com p a n i e s Covering almost 4 acres, the recruited more talent tha n $1,000,000 facility will have they needed . Then came the over 14,000 square feet of recession . service area and be more than

"'TllEV DISCOVERED that too many or the people they had hired v.·ere not of the pro­per caliber. They v.·ere fo rced to CQunsel out a lot of young and middle·age managers." To be ·•counseled out" is to be laid off gently.

Jn reducing their staffs, however. many companies failed to reassure competent







... le. S.1111 "" S..• ,... 8JS.Jl05

·twice the size of the ex.J.s ting Santa Ana store. l t will also become part of a future 20 acre auto CQmple:.. .

mE AGENCY will employ about 65 persons and be able to completely service 80 cars daily. A new inside-outside showroom will display 12 new cars with another 75 vel)icles on display.

Bill Kraft, ag~ncy general ftlanager, said the n e w dealership will specialize in

Now .... Plastic Cream Invention For Artificial Teeth

Artificial Tlltli llmr flft So lllllnl lefwe

Now fOf th~f1rit tirnc.•~ttorrm 1 p1;1, \lr rrt:an1 that holds <Jefltures a~ n1· vt-r br lot ..: - lurmaan cla~l IC 1nem. !-ra n.- th~t l1t /f'J Mid /lir#< lu /111 "Uft• l t1 / /1""' ' "f :W" r IHOUll!. I I'~:\ l.l11 1quc• cry allied }o"1XOOE1' r ·•

that h• • revolutiooized dentur1 •t'11rlnr.

ll leta you bite harder. chnr bet· tcr, r:at more natural ly. J.'1xoor.NT hlill for houn. Retiltl moi&tur, . Denturea that fit are ewential 10 health. Stt your defiti1t rc.1ul1rly. C...:t r:aJy·IO-U!IC t' IXOOlNJ Dcnlur1 Atlht:51Vr: Cn~&m.

lali! model top of the line domestic used cars flus a full line of resale Mercedes'. Kraft sWd they 'll carry about 65 us­ed CHrs. They'll also put a limouslne service in operation between the dealership and Fashior?- Island for customers leaving their 'car for service.·

Jack Young, business manager and development engineer for the new project CQnflnned that a I t b o u g h SlemonS is ·now the largest Mercedes dealer In the U.S., the span should become even greater with completion of the new store.

SLEMONS, WHO is a native - of Newport Beach and has

been a Mercedes-Benz dealer for the last 13 years said, " rve w3nted to move to Newport Beach for the past 4 years because most of our customers come from the beach area but these decisions take time."

CoaBtal area1r es id en t s purchase nearly 50 percent of all Mercedes' sold in Orange County.

Slemons is past president or the Orange County Motor Car Dealers Association and cur· rently serves as chairman of the Sou thern Ca lifornia Mercedes-Benz dealer counicl.

IN SANl'A ANA the dealership has h a n d I e d numerous other import lllM!S but will be exclusive Ptfercedes In Newport Beach. The first month Slemons took on the Mercedes line he managed to sell 3 new cars, last year he average<! over SO per month and projections for 1973 are

Ford Recall

To Involve

40,000 Cars DETROIT iAP I - Ford

':<'::~~~~~~~~""''"''"'~:"':!'"!~:-"-:£ 1 ~lotor Co. is recalling more ~ § than 40.000 1973-model cars

1 0 0 0 and !ruck.! which may need

ORDER correct ions to avoid braking loss or fuel leakage.

Jeautiful Ford said it would recall in Stick-on tile Unlltd States 11 .725 1973-

model can equipped with 429-YOURS TODAY!

LABELS <V engines and 31,660 1972· model Econollne trucks to find !JOme 2,800 vehicles which may

Ptnonalind • Stylish • Efficient

()refer for Yourself or • Frltnd

Mey be u1ed on envelop•• •• return •ddre11 labels. Also very h•ndy a l id•nttfic•tion la b•I• for marking par1onal item1 luch t1

l>ook1, rec.ord1, photos\ etc. Labels stick on ..... • Ad mey be u11d for mtrking home u~ foe.~ items. All lebel1 a re printff with stylish V09ve type on fine qutlity white ,._,,.u ,.,.,.

need the con-ections. Alto allectcd ii,re !HS cars

and 2.$.17 trucks In Canada and J 14 can and 157 trucks in ex­port maru1 ..

About IJ«I of tile E<onoline truclul have lmpr<>perlY rouu:ci front brake hoses, Ford said. which rub against the front su!lpenstoh coll springs.

The ~tact couk; cause a hose to ruptUNO, leodinl to a lou ol front wheel braking and lncnased II o p p I n 11 dl.a tance .

Of Ille OMV Forda and Mercutya being r t c a l I e d , about IS are tuaptded of hav· ln1 carbur<l<>r !\tel leabie •hlclt could l'OIUll In delayed startl1111, Ford .. kl.

The company said t h e poulbllity of the fumes being Ignited "ls t-ltremcly remote. . . .It would requlrt the presel1t't of 1 spark from tome unrtlaltd malfunction In co mb l n1tl on wilh fuel vapors.''

lnspecUon and necess.ry carrectiont will be provided by dealer• at no ex>st t o cu1tomen1 Ford aald.

"Petween 70 and 75 new cars per month."

* * * Chevrolet zone sales for October in the Los Angeles area totaled 13,501 new cars and trucks helping die Pacific COast Region set an an ·time sales recor d , M. J . Schumacher, zone manager, reported today.

ZONE PASSENGER car sales for the month totaled 9,865, up from 8.002 in October last year. Last month's car sales were 5,%71 . Truck sales totaled 3,63&, versus 2,16 for the month 1 year ago. Last month's truck sales totaled 1,884.

Calendar year to dite sales in the zone area total 94,900 new car and truck deliveries, CQMpared to 83,SIM for the January through O e t o b e r period in 1971.

Chevrclet ~~ for Pacilic Coast ' Kf.alon during October iet an all tlme one month high with totals of 39,710 cars · and trucks. The record odober peHormance surpassed the previous high set in May um when sales totaled 39,376 for the len western states In the' legion.

The Los Angeles zone In­cludes 71 Chevrolet dealers in the greater Los Angeles area.

Pepsi Gets Rheingold Stock Offer NEW YORK IAP) -

Pepsico Inc. says it received more than 2,4 million shares of Rheingold C.Orp. CQmmon stock, approximately 76 per· cent of the CQmmon shares outstanding, as a result of its tender offer.

'the company saiC all shares properly tendere( will be ac­cepled. Originally the Oct. 2> offer, which expired last Thursday, was for 1.6 million shares, or 51 percent of the CQmmon. at $22 a share .

The Federal Trade Com· misskln announced an agree· ment with Pepsico, under which the ctim~ny promised not to take any steps to assume or exercise actual control of Rheingold before Dec. 4, and not to take such steps after Dec. 4 without glv· Ing at lea!t 10 days advance written notice.

In addition, the commission said Pepsico agreed not to take any steps to change the CQrpotate structure, board of directors or managentent or Rheingold before Dec. t .

Agreement Set At Southwest LOS ANGELES ( APJ

Great Southwest Corp. ,.kt agreement hu bttn rtarbed on settlemtr1t of • suit brought against it by four of itr former offlcen.

1be litigation i n v o I v e 1 clalml apiNt the company by AnllUI 0 . W)'ltn< Jr., 1 former or .. t South-• di tor and chief executive of­flctr; William C. Baker, a former Grtat Soulh'A·eat dim· tor and presldent ; and William D. Ray Ind H.L. Caldw11i , fanner officers of Gre1t Southwest of Mocco Realty Co.


• • • ~ .. w

" • ' f ' \


• • wall s-treet '

·~:;raiJa.;:5! .-:ttt~;~°m;1f~-,J(d:r;~:-Ne1d;o.~~;;i· . • • 7 ••• • • • •• • • • ~,=.. .. . . . 'l'.9!'1"."'~ . • r . .. . •. . .• . .. . .. .. . . .. . ' • ~ •,•••••


Fifteen out of every 100 'Americans today We _ couldn't prove it, of CQ.iiWe1 •• but

own · stock. seems likely it

here that the perc~ntage . is even . g~eater ' in the Or-ange Coast area . . . and it's growing every day.

That's why the DAILY PILOT was .proud, years ago, to be the first newspaper in Orange County to bring its readers "today's final stocks today" via super high speed wire services. We're still doing it in every home­delivered edition and the service gets better all the time.

Wall Street's computers "talk to" compute rs in the •

DAILY PILOT plant every _trading day at the rate of more than 1,000 words per minute. It takes only 12 minutes to move th~ entire New York and American St(j(;k Exc~~nge· reports from the canyons Street to the typesetting machines of the


right here on the Orange Coast.

.. And when technology finds a way to beat that speed record, the DAILY PILOT, no doubt, will be among the first to use it to bring readers "today's action today." W~en it comes to financial news, the one that means business is the





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( ( ..

.)% OAILY PILOT Mond•Y. N""mbtr 20, 1972

Top Drivers Seek

Outboard Crown· Mercury Marine has entered ,--------­

a 14--man team that looms as its best factory bid yet In the '65.000 Outboard World Cham­pionship at Lake Havasu next weekend.

Mercury Marine d r i v e r s were wiru1ers of 5e\'en of the first eight Outboard \\'orld Championships.

Headed by Billy Seebold, St. Louis. Mo.; Bob Hering, Oshkosh. Wisc., and Renato P.folinari, C.Omo. Italy, its hot drivers. the squad includes four foreign pilots, two-time Havasu winner Harold Eis, Topeka. Kan. and diminutive Reggie Fountain, Tarboro, N.C., second last year behind BUI Sirois, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

EIS AND FOUNTAIN are newcomers to the P..fercury factory team, having com­peted as independents - Eis fpr the full eight years of the

.. - race, and Fountain for the ftrst time in 1971.

Others on the team are Don Pruett. st. Petersburg, F1a.: Bill Petty . Wapakoneta. Ohk>:

· Gary Peacock. ~liami. Fla .: Duane Berbaoer. Elm Grove. Wisc., with h i s brother. Dennis : J e r r y

. Simison. l'<qUS F'alls. Minn.: Cees Van De- \ 'e\don.. Boi:lel, Hollallll. ml Bob Spaulding and ,.... -al ol

Builders Get Rules

On Safety· In an effort lo ~ the

safety o( recreat i onal boatmen, the 'Coast Guard has issued safety standards directed to boat and equip­ment manufacturen. it was announced at Coast Guard Headquarters in \\'asbington recently.

The regulations. w h i c h became effective Nov . I, re­quir<! the manufacturer to af­fix oo the vessel infonnation concerning the weight capaci. ty and the number of people 'that the boat is equipped to :carry. Also required is in· '..formation concerning t h e ·'.maximum size of the outboard.

-::motor that the boat can safely ·handle.



Ipswich and Norfolk, England. Both Van Der Veldon and

the British doo are described as formidable drivers. The Hollander woo Europe's single engine champkmship this year while Spaulding and Percival were second in the Parris Slx· Hour Enduro and won the , Windermere, England, three. hour marathon.

ALL WILL BE DRIVING European .,,"'1dolinari tunnels with !OG-plus ho r sepower ~fercury Twister ll engines. Foor of the pilots. Seebold, Hering, Molinari and Pruett, 111ill be aboard new picklefork designs - said to be the fastest tunnels on the water.

Seebold captured three ma­jor races this yecr and set a new closed course ~mile mark in the "'S." Class of 85.633 mile! per hour at Pt1iami.

Hering took three more; in­cluding paring with Molinari lo win the Paris race.

FOUNT AJN EST ABLISllED twQ world records and .won t1iree titles at the American Power Boat Association Na­tionals at Miami.

"We consider this t b e greatest factory lineup we've put together," commented Jim Merten, manager for Mercury. " We think we "ill make it eight out of nine in the Pepsi-Olla Outboard \\'orld Champion.ship.


Sequoya Win Title

Also included in the new Barry Faber's Cbetrio from safety standards are regula- Bahia Corinthian- Yacht Cub lions that supplement the won the PHRY division in Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971 regarding safety defects Saturday's • final net of of boats and certain Voyagers Yacht Club's associated equipment . The law Massey Series. requires the manufacturer t.o Winner in the Midget~ repair or correct at hi.s sole Racing Fleet dirision was Jim cost and expense any failure Moore 's Sequoya b'Un South to comply with a Coast Guard Short Sailing Oub. Standard , or any defect which Bolh yacbt.f nrr a 1 so creates a substantial risk of overall winners in the seven injury to the public. race series.

Resul ts of Saturday's race : Rear Adm. Austin C. PHRF - 111 Oaeerio. Barry

Wagner, Ollef oC the Coast Faber, BCYC: (2 1 ~ikki ll. Guard 's Office of Boating J ohn KinkeJ. vYC. t l ) Safety commented, "all of our Windcbiki, Lee AnmtnlDC. new regulations are almed at VYC: <41 ~rie, Debbi& reducing the rate of accidents, Coate. BCYC. injuries and deaths among MORF - f l t St:cpJja.. J"un America's boatmen. We feel Moore. SSSC: 121 Bebo m. that by t:stablishing minimwn Bob .Damea. \"fC. f1 f VSiag. safety construction standards Dan Pike. \1YC for the manufacturers of boats - --- - - --­and associated equipment. and by insuring as much as possi­ble that boats are (ree from lia7.3rdous defects, the boat· man can be better assured t hat his craft h as been engineered with great tention to safety technology.' '

Sunday is Fl1DBAY


... . . ... .. . .. ..


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your stove does in less space! • Extra large size

and high-domed lid mokes th is your most versatile cooking appliance I REG. $18.99


"BADGER" by lnsinkerator"

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• Maile.cif smooth RGrticfe board-preci~ipn cyf lo fit t19ht~6 inches high. · ·

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1<-iss 0 ./

With Abraham Lincoln's proclamation In 1163, 'Ibanksgivlng became a national holiday in the United States. Tbe custom of Its observance, however, dates bacl to

1621 will> the flr!t barvesl of Ille Pilgriml.

This time of the year it's fun to think back and visualize the Pilgrim&' fint Thanksgtvlna:. Their feasting lasted an entire week and probably Included beer, oysten:, lobster, ven.iJOn, duck and, of course, - the traditional turkey!

No matter what else your menu in· elude!, turkey is a must! It's the universal favorite at Thanksgiving. This

A beautiful brown

turkey een be

acquired by

besting with

some mellow


• -

year spruce up yow- turkey wlth the ad· di tlon of 6eer.

By basting with the mellow brew, the skin of the bird acquires a beauUrul golden brown color and the deilciou11 juice surely will be a favorable addition to your gravy.

A favorite part of the turkey for some Is the .!!luffing and with Old Fashioned Southern you'll never disappolnt them.

It combines, among other Ingredients, sausage, apples, walnuts and cornbread. When moistened with beer, which brings out the richness in thtSe foods, the result offers a savory stuffing for your bird and a pleasurable taste for your gueata.

BEER BASTED TURKEY Lay out wide htavy aluminum foll, and

grtase the top of the foil well. Wrap ends of turkey's drumstick! and wingtips with small pieces of foll. Place blrd in center of foil, breast aide up. The skin of the turkey should be generously greased.

Bring together the sides of the foil loosely over the top of the turkey and fold together. Fold and seal the end!. Place the foil·wrapped bird breast up in a shallow pan. Bake at 325 degree.s according to the chart below.

Under a pounds, $-4 boura ; f.12 pounds. 4-S hours ; ll-16 pounds, U hours, over 16 pounds 8 up to 7 hours. (Add ap­proximately 30 minutes to the listed times if turkey is stuffed.)

When the turkey has cooked to within :W minutes of the total cooking time. open foil and baste bird with I cup or beer. Leav~ the foil open for the re· mainder of the cooklng time so the bird will be brown.

ln testing to make aure the bird is done; the temperature on a meat

.~ - -· thermometer should re'ld. latl degrcl!s. IL - · ' -. ' . ··-·

, ,

Flavor Sesame's Treat BEA ANDERSON, Editor

......,, ..... ,, .. ltn ,. ... 11

• ' ~ great new pUm~pie1ias all of the

good Oavor of a . ..nfidar pumpkin pie, and Ille added tanglnesi of yogurt.

l\loliad. -of sweetened Wh\Pped cream and tbl! nut-Jike OavOr of sesame seed all z~r to make a distinctively great I•

YOGURT PUMPKIN PIE Seaime Crust, recipe below 2qgs i,; ·cup brown wgar, firmly packed ~ eup granulated sugar 1-1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1-1 teaspoon ginger 'A teaspoon nutmeg 1-1 !ealpoon allspice y, te,'spoon lemon peel J{,~ orange pee! l/ kllDce container plain yogurt ~ . cup undiluted evaporated milk , or

thin cream I ·I-pound can pumpkin Whipped cream 8od · toa.sted sesame -l ___ , ... . .. .... ~

Prepare crust. Beat eggs well. Add bl'Own sugar, granulated sugar, salt, cin-­riaf!lOl'l, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, lemon peel and orange peel. Stir Jn yogurt, milk and1JUD1pkin. Pour into pastry shell.

Bate, below center of oven, in 400 degrees oven 45 minutes or until bare­ly set in center. Remove to wire rack to cool. When ready to serve, top with mound! of sweetened whipped cream and sprinkle with toasted sesame seed. Makei 1 9-inch pie or 6 to 8 servings.

SESAME CRUST IJcliUy toast 2 tablesp6oos plus I tea·

spoon Sesame Seed. (Reserve the 1 tea-. spoon tb-.prinkle over top of pie.) Sift flour; measure out 1 'A cups and resift with II teaspoon salt. CUI In 1-1 cup sborteolng. Stir In sesame seed.

Add ;about 4 tablespoons cold water or milk, ~ enough to bold pastry together. "- paslry Into a ball. Roll out on floured board. Line a &-inch pie plate, making a high fiuled rim. Mak .. a one­crust pastry shell.

Vegetarian Diet: Growing Concern ,.. By CAROL MOORE °' .. ~,......,

Vqellrilnllnl Is -ting In aeveral pl- fO< economic ........ but young peopla and food faddllts ~ ahead ol lhe same - tometlmts to the extreme.

TboJ ellmlnate meal and animal pn> ducts, ltlCh u eu• and honey, from !belt djtl aJltplly to at- lo ecology, l\)lre / the .-• ....- -.1 pleaft, maalmbe heollll or purify lhe

bodJ,fer r<ljplua - · "Oi' .... 1_.n loOow a dlel just to .,. In ..... and quit - they beain to 6111 poorly," •'Id Mr1. Dartl !hrhlrd, r- ll!llrltklollt at Ibo Ulli....U, of ~ a1n1ca1 - Center.

Sbe told the UCI Eltanoloo clul on

overtonc1.11 she said. "Mostly from mid­dle and upper mJddle class famJIIes, 1he cultilta ccmtend that disease, hwlgtr, crime and '"""""' are caused by v!ola­Uoos fA. the' natural order of lht wmierse.

"Food is an lotegral part of their lifestyle and rtllgloo. The troublo eomes when ltrlcl vese1&r1ans doo't match Ibo Incomplete protetns to gtt an eight !l'Enti•I lmlDo adds, DDnDall)' l.'OftO' ...- In .- and mllk."

Al.thaulll .............. lbul, ""'"' -i>llble to _.,,, ....U., ..-.. tkln, ricbta, ~ d l1ea11 , tubeiadostl, lic.'I, piowum1 end ._ el

kidney - · Mn. llrhlnl lndlcated thlli - - ... not !hot -•llnt.

don't appear for 3 to 4 years.} dru1•-" designed to dlgHl nut •hJlt othln "Fad diets are not always hlrmlul but Two ufety valvt1 lrt nritdling com- cont.end thll lhe body producft It.I own

the health care systems thete cultlltl munes to shop a.nd "lleallag food." vlt1mins and protein. devise can be disastrous," Mn. Ebrban1 "Thll doan 't mean supermarket theft " A well-bal.tnc<d vqetartan diet may aald. but bu)'lnl: a bamburser at a drive-in ,' ' be lowt.r ln t1klriet and 11turated l1U,''

"Tbey discredit wostttn medicine, the lhf uplaloed. " It malla them feel ter· ihe 111d. " However. 11'1 hlch<r In llar<h food processing industry and t h • rlbly JUilly to eat 1 llCIOilftlCl'lbed food ao tho pe- f .. ts full lithouah ptOCeon tstabllahmfnt lo sen<ral which lea"' .but once lhty 1tt away fnim their home capodty ii unpl'CIC«1ed and .,_ih I• I& few creditable.....,.. f« nutrltlootsta IO lllcJna , they doo'I....., to mind." hlbltrd. == to Wilen they do ..... lor . Vqdarlw ... <l•lfled • - Mn. Ooroil>y Wtndl, Orange °""'' "V-'•~- follow IUdl a.i.- • ....,. ipurllta), --- (- and homo ad¥ioar, e.<pfolnad lhlt a msjor ad·

... -- ~• • plllll f-), ~ f- nntqe ol I "lelaNn dlel ii.........,, = ~~- polkm, food and mUk allowed) or ftultartw (/111it1, II' !ht ....._. lqvmn. ce,..ts Ind "Or they d~ b7 T.ro1 cards _, outa llld letumes). pllllt foods are boUP1 at t b e

lline to tfii J>Olnt o1 delltliiift•tii!i( lllf- 'l1lt "*" ltrlcl tht dtel. the Im odo- --· ool II a b~ ..-n 11 tben termed ....,laf - "' quate lhe DOllriolunmt llld man Jptdalty .-. pl>ylfcal. SOme el'<ll belleve four llUllboad o1 mi-. w- art - "OD tllt 111111 am o1 land .....,.. to

you do mt have a meat thermometer, test il>e bird by pressing the thick part of the drumstick. 'The meat should feel very soft. The drumsticlt jolnt should move

· el!ily or twiat out of joint.


1 cup diced celery l cup dieed onions I ounces sausage meat 1 I-ounce pack.age cornbread atuffing l/3 cup chopped walnuta I ~i CUJ.11 beer 1 tuspoon poultry sea!Oning

Slice sausage and cook ln skillet until browned, then break in small chunk.•. cooking unUJ no pink remaln9. Remove meat and aaute onions and celery In drip­plnp until IOI!. Drain.

Combine cekry, onions, aausqes, •P­ples, walnuts and poultry seuonlng with cmibreld stuffing. Add I teaspooo saus­age drippings. stir tn betr. Toa until evenly moist. Yield : approxl· mately t II cupa.

Yogurt add1

tangineu to

pumpkin pie


and sesames

top it off

with a nut-like


.. Nutrition and lleolil> llhout tlio ..... lna J>atural loocls movement •monc the -.Wture In S.. Francl1co ­Berbley.

Siio attributed tllls to tbe youthful &lamina ol most. prialllonm, tbelr rtlUctll)Ct tG ~ I 'I m pt 0 m I (eonsldtred 1tU•fallure In fo11owtn1 lht rtlimel llld the ""'"- of time (ouch --•-oltllolpillll

almonds 1 day kttpl canctr ••IJI. llM!y to ooCJce diet ddlctenclll - raise• I~ animal, ., alfalfa ....., LESSEI\ 'IMC' • -·-- ol ,,_,.... · lmplarltles or . ""-1\' ... -i<\ Pf'llll!!ci! 1p"'"""" ol . ..... """"·---pliCltlana with blrtlt. pl'Oleln." ft Alcl.

,.,,_ -"' ... Im • - ' to nalure, a -1< trip with splrjwl


...ctlll!ll ....... .,..... ~

" Maftr ....- follow tho dletl to Mn. Dirllanl •Id lhlt wcetarlaN "Al our ...W populat..., locnnnw, we nt oil drop. 'Ibey <q111te medk!oe with allo "''7 In thdr "l•nl to body lune" ..., all """ to loam to Ml loll -1 dnip. lo k .. a ....... II ...... II lions. - - ....... .._. - ii - --....... wlildl rm lie pio-wone, poor nutrilloe or nlllaoe on bad for Iba .,...... or - m DOI - ._ tlldoolly aod <*z'fll'."



J .f OAJL Y PILOT Monday, Nowmbtr 20, 1'172 . Parents 'Recruited

Volunteer Corps Growing By ALLISON DEERR

Qt .. Dloltf' '"'"' ... "

One woman found it a pleasant alternative to nag­ging her family and scrubbing already immaculate floors -a cure for the Housewife Syn-drome.

Another saw it as a chance to sec how a school works "from the inside."

Vet another found new in· sight t n t o teenage behavk>r and could more easily un­derstand her own son.

All were n1cmbers or the


CMHS Parent ..... ).... . Corps includes

Shirley Brantley,

library I above

right ); Mrs.

Mauri Spona9le

with Sandy

Smith, records;

Mrs. Marvin

Smith, switchboard.







Costa fl.1esa High S c h o o I Parent Corps.

The four-year-old organiza. lion was begwi to offer parents an opportunity to become involved in the educa­tional process and open ct1m­munications belween school and conununity , w hi I e assisting in school activities.

T h e I o o s e ly-structured organization has n e i t h e r regular meetings nor dues. Members volunteer their time as school needs arise.

Assistant Principal Joyce Davis coordinates the p~ gram with the aid of Jo Rot·

,.....,, ..,......,

What do doctors recommend for patients in pain?

Docton all over the country dispense over 50,000,000 or tbeae tablets to their patients each yar.

Thne ani many medklltioo1 a ph)"liclaA or denti1t ain P~· ..cribt for Pila. 8ofM ·~ nar­cotit, IDllft1 •19 • vaUah&e onl y oo p.wsipdc>L But lherw i1 one ptl• Nlit\ler, •vailablt ""lthuut p1ffQ!tpdoa, doeton dtAPf'"­•pin. ...... apin ••• AIUICin.

F.ach ,_.., dodon rivt OYer 50,000,000 Anadn lablell to their mtiento In pola. If docto"

· Oilrili '{~h' about A:til<c.'$t'f 10· di.Q;lenle all thne, what better tteommondatlon can you when you .,. fn pjtfn?

You Hf, Anacin conta in• mol't' ol tht pt,Jn rtliover doc·


. man, one of the original members. ·

COORDINATOR Mrs. Rotman explained that

all of the members are volunteers. Most choose the work, she said, b e c a u s e scheduling is flexible. The parents can give as little or as much time as they wish and be on call to help on specified days.

edU<atioo really takes place. They come to know the school staff, faculty and students, as well.

"At most schools, you never see a parent on campus. Parent Corps ls such a part of the campus now students think nothing ol it. I think lhat's healthy." ·

Twice a year regi!tratlon utilizes a majority of the volunteers for a solid week.

"Parent Corps in vo Iv es parents in actual school life," SCHEDULES said llfrs. Davis. "Some work "Because ol our flo:lble in the clas.srooms and the • 'scheduling," Mrs. Davis said, resot1rce center seeing how " we (eel the parents should

know what's going on as well as the students. This summer the Parent Corps made a follow up caU to every student's home.

"Any questions were refer. red to the school, of course, but the phoning was something the staff could never have the time to do."

Other members handle of·

fice reception to fr e e' I ;;;OiiiOiiiOiiiOiii;;OiiiOiii;;Oiii0iii0iiiOiiiOiii0iii0iiiOiiiOiii0iii0iii;;OiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiii;;;;;;Oiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Oiii;.,;;;;;;Oiii_, secretaries for other work ,11 handle the switchboard, work in the reoource center and library and work in individual departments.

•• " ; . '

" '. 1•

II ,, ..

Daytime workers are mostly women, she said, but the fathers become involved as dance chaperones, at athJetic events and boost projects like Marty's Corral, an annual Call ca mi val.

Two major upcoming proj4

ects include an extensive '*:i evaluation of the school by

staff, faculty, administrators, parents and studentJ ~ Distribution and compilation or lhe queslionnairel will re­quire volunteer help, Mrs. Davis added.

"'Phe Paren_t Coxp~ ~c~. help provid~ auxiliary servici!S' fhe schOol can't arford bat wlich are very much needed," she sa id.

Wby do parents join the Parent Corps?

Claire GWy joined because " I wanted to help and I feel it is Important to be in· terested. And, maybe, the kids

4 know it."


YITA·TIME .t. ,,_,. , ... ..._ ~r. ll ...,IHM tit ~¥ tflMf vlNmllll a '"'-•t.. -'! Mo1t1tt c:tMMlt 1.. 1.U, Vlllmlll I .

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The Finest Anywhere Fresh Apple Y._alley. , order your's now and ~ave

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First I pressions Get .A .Sec nd Glance


bO"'°'"'ual, i leablao, a Clolet Queen, • Fairy Princeu, a Butch Number and a Fruit. I 1m your brother, your sister,

\ your son, your daughter, YOW'\ nephew, your. niece, husband, wire, friend and neighbor~ •

I am black, white, Protestant. Cithol~, Mormon, Mohammedan, Jew Ind-atheist. 1 am a ditch digger, truck drive~. meta.l worker, poJlcemaa, doctor, lawyer, clergyman, Olympic champion, lfscher, arcbtteclt artist, musician, • actress, business executive, bartender, interior decora1", taJ:i driver, hairdresser, journall&t and pollllctan.

,I Uve In fear or being found out. J might lose my job, my family, my friends, and lo some states, my freedom.

I am not a child molester, a rapist or a sex maniac. I am a penoo wbo is dif­ferent and therefore, in some states, I am considered a criminal. I don't ask the world to embrace me, bUt I bope the day comes when I and others like me will no longer be persecuted for being a member of a minority group. Do )'OU, Ann Landers, have the courage to print this? - ONE IN MADISON

DEAR 0.1.M.: Of coune.

DEAR ANN LANDERS' I hate to be scientific about a matter so esthetic - I re!er to "Green Thumb Thelma" who in· sists that speaking tenderly to her plants makes them nourish. Your response hinted that you didn't believe it. Well, you're both wrong. Whether one speaks nicely or not ts Irrelevant, but SPEAK· ING does help.

Humans breathe out carbon dioxide, a chemical which plants breathe in. So, by speaking lo the plants we' supply them with one of their basic needs. in other words, the plant would do just as well

Your Horoscope

~·-wh;ether You recite 8 paem by Yeats or one of Hiiler'a speeches.

I'm not discouraging s~klng nicely to plants, I'm just letting plant lovers know that it doesn't matter WllAT )'OU say -so long as you say something. -PETUNIA CLARK.

DEAR PET: Your theory makes sense. Tbnks for the cllle-111.

DEAR ANN LANDERS ' We have a three-year-old son who is healthy and ac­tive but I am teaching him not to run wild in my living room and to keep his bands off oilier people's nice things. The problem is the children of my friends and relaUves. What can I do about THEM?

I've stopped Inviting certain folks for Sunday suppers because I don't know what else to do. ls a hostess supposed to sit In silence with a pained look on her face and p,ray nothing 1 el! smashed? Or should she di~ipUne the chlld even though lhe mother is right there? What's the answer? I'm - LOST IN CIN· CINNATI

DEAR CINCI: Some mo&ben become soddenly bard-of-bearing wbto &bey take their children to the homes of friends aod relaUve1. If you ' have sucb mothen in J001' IM>me and their kld1 are tearing up the place, I &et no reason to "sit In slleaee with a pained look on your face."

Tell the Utile darllngs . lbat you don't allow reagb play in YORI' boase aod If they aren't Interested in the games, col· oring boob and crayom yoa've supplied for UtUe vtslton, you will ask tbelr mom· Dlie1 to take tbem bom.e. then do ll

Aries: Pu·rsue Reality". TUESDAY


makes boastful c 1 a I m s . Perceive what is real as op-­posed to illusion, wishful thinking.

TAURUS (April 2Q.May 20)' Money situation needs ad· ditional attention. What ap­pears a "sure thing" could be the opposite. Know it and re­spond accordingly. Experience now pays dividends. irr dividual, perhaps a Capricorn; is in yoar corner.

trigued , fascinated by you. l'ate advantage. Be discreet. Don't tell all . Others pre!er to speculate. Do s o m e en­tertaining at home. Let others come to you. ·

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Obtain valid hint from Sagittarius message. Romance is in picture. Have fun without b e c o m i n g inextricably in· volved. Key is to be realistic. Don't fool yourself. Avoid ex· tremes. Remember d i e t , health resolutions.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20..Feb. 18): Friend is sincere but pn:r



Tell Troth During a dinner party in the

Old Ranch Country Club, ~1r .

and Mrs. Walter M. Schroeder of Costa Mesa announced the engagement of their daughter, Linda; Ann Schroeder t o Stephen Craig Linder of Long .Beach.

An April 28 wedding is ,bcing planned in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Costa Mesa .

Miss Schroeder is a graduate of Estancia High School and attended t h e University of Santa Clara.

Her fiance is the son of Mrs. Rhoda Linder and Mai: J. Linder, both of Newport Beach. He is a graduate of Arcadia High School and at· tended Drury College.

J l:tf1e Date Selected

Janet Barrett and Keith Doyle are planning to marry June 16 in the First United fl,fetbodist Church, C o s t a Mesa.

Their parents are ~1r . and f.·lrs. Robert F. Barrett and Mrs. Harry Raschl<a, all or Costa fl,1esa.

The betrothed are graduates of Costa f.fesa High School and he is attending Orange Coast College.

Diaries.photog raph s, special albums - these make ideal girts for those born under Cancer. The Cancer in. dividual usually is ap­preciative of gifts which have sentimental value - and responds also to gourmet foods and CQ9kbooks. Select a rare wine, a gastronomical delicacy and you are on the right· path when it comes to choosing a gift for natives of Cancer. Shopping for Cancer can be educational and cer· tainly can sharpen the ap. petite!

GEMINI (May 21.June 20) ' Protect image. Be aware of pubUc relations. Cycle is such th,i you can direct your own de!tlny. Key ls to get legal clearance for proposed proj· ect Means take nothing for graDted. Contact powers that be.

bably misinrormed. Don't take __________ , everything you hear as gospel.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) : 'lbose who appear to oppose your Ideas may be bluffing. Stick to principles. Don't ~ fooled by one who blusters, , Removal

CandleJight and wine create ·a marvelous mood for guests - but wax and wine stains ruin the hostess' mood the morning after. .

CANCER (June 21.July 22)' Make new st.arts in new direc­tions. Stress originality, in­dependence. Look b e h I n d scenes for key answers. Don' t fear the unknown. You have more allies than might be im· agined. Visit one temporarily confined.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 221' Friends are in picture. Some expound ideas which en. compass extrasensory percep­tion. Keep open mind. Refuse to be drawn into foolish con­troversy. Welcome chance to meet people who are vital, ex· citing.

Rely on your own sources. Check with one who has good track record. Your popularity increases. You are due for ~ iiil,l pleasant surprise. ~~~

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)' ~-~ This is time to finish rather ... r.!!i than to begin project. Accent .1"1! security. Build on solid base. Get rid of concepts which are flimsy, outmoded. Deal with Aries. Stand tall. Your own rights should be respected.

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHOA Y you have ten­dency to put on weight. more so than does average in· dividual. You also have sense of humor and an abundance of charm. Change of residence, domestic adjustment w a s £eatured this year, w I t h September a n outstanding month . The dinner party spoilers

can be removed easily from washable table linens, cottons, and synthetic bleads.

Remove wine stains by stretching the affected area across a glass bowl, securing with a rubber band. Pour hot water through fabric until stain lightens.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), One in your home may have problem which requires espert legal ndvice. Don't cast first stone. Be willing to listen 1 and understand . You caniJ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j make room for yourself at top. Cry~ ambitions.

Sarah Chmrhill

Launder in hottest water fabric will allow, using one. hall cup non-chlorine bleach and one-fourth t't.lp detergent.

Lm RA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ), Before taking journey or mak· ing basic change do some doublKhecking. Information should be verified. You do not seem to be getting complete story. Some tearing down in order to rebuild s.bould be on

Atll STEP- 8EltNAltOO - KIMEL l!!OWAll:OI

- Glll:IElllCN -PF FlYEllS-u.S. KEOI Oenct WHr 11\1 Oen$kll\

Capulo 5lloel

Candi. ·wax should first be • scraped off the fabric with a

dull knife. Place stained fabrlc between two pieces of white blotting paper (colored blot­ters are not colorfast) and press with warm lroo.

asenc1a. l '!:~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 11): It ~

Use fresh blotters as wax Is absorbed. Treat a n y re­maining residue with dry cleaning solvent. Launder as lbove.

Don't take chances where financtal security is mn­cerned. Patience now is your ally. '"Young ~l'IOn Is im­pulsive and should not be taken literally. Gemtll and Vlr10 probebly are In picture.

SAGmARJUS (Nov. n. Dec. 21 ): Romantic aura ls featured. Many now ar! in-

Suits. coats D1a1eaa

' j



Caring Is saying "Thank You" with our

Thankful Bunch


<' Ctlebnlte Thtnlcsg1'¥1ftg wllh thlt lettlv. llor1l a1rangemenl In l1ll ' t warm Colors. 8Pttld your grtlitl.ldt lo trie!'M11 and toV9CI onet. Ne1rby Of many mUn IWIY, we'll au••ntw detNtly tlmott anywt1«1 ln tll'M for ThenUgfrwt,., Tho'QlriM­itmill-ln nu .. --. S10, 112.50.ttS.. can us r oday 1

Dil'F81fl#lll /fOtt/""'"' 0{-dM c---

1 ~:.'.4:r"

Celebrated Actress, Artist and Daughter of Sir Winston Churchill

Aide Ind confidlnte to htr famous lather at Yalta and Tehran witll Roosevtlt and Stalin. • Co-utlst alonr with ber cousin John Spencer Churchill in Sliver Creations' Cliurc!illl~n Htr­ita1e Series of Ste~lnl SI~ ver Commemontlvl Plates. Thtst renderin11 depict tile former Prime Minister hi his 1110St drllllllic roles In lils­tory. • Cornnlslt witll OM of Enrllftd'• dlost dlstli>

'""""' penonollties .... see the first Issue plato "TllE HOUR ~ DECISION" ot

THE BRASS OWL ,., " ... ..... -

.... T• I P.M. _, ..... ,.. ....

Monday, Novembtr 20, 1qn DAILY PILOT J :i

Wedding 0

Rites Solemnized BLACK-GOSSETT

Ginger Lee Gossett, daughter of ti1r. and lt1rs. Charles M. Gossett ol llun­tlngton Beach, became the bride of Gary Leon Black dur· Ing ceremonies conducted by Rev. Ray Geary in Chrlat Church by the Sea, Newport Beach.

The bridegroom is the son or Mrs. Jean Black of Lynwood.

Mrs. James Holland was matron of honor and )iurd • Armstrong was man. Other attendants were Miss. Karen Dewitt, lt1rs. James Graham, John Furrow and Doug Nicholson.

The bride is a graduate of ArToyo lligh School and 1'1t. San Antonio Junior College. Her husband is a graduate of Dominguez High School and Compton College.


MARTIN-HANSEN . Pamela Sue Hailsen became

the bride or Jantes Julius Martin during ceremonies con· ducted by th< Rev. James De t.ange in Faith Lutheran Churtb. Huntington Beach.

Parents of the newl~'Wcds are Ptfr. and Mrs. Ervin lfansen of""'"Huntlngton Beach and ?tfi'. and Mrs. Hiram V. Martin Sr. of Harbor, Ore. Attendan~ were Miss Julie

Jenkin. maid or honor. and the Misses Janice Mabe, Lu Ann Hansen and Shannon Zinnel . Others were Richard Jeans. best man, Peter fnavcich. Anthony Radovcich a n d Timothy Dass.

The bride is a graduate of Marina High School . Golden West College and California State University, Long Beach. She is a member of !he American Physical Therapy Association.

Her husband is a graduale of Medford High School. ~led ­ford , Ore.. Orange Coasl College and California Slate University. Long Beach. lie is



111 the bridal party '~•ere Laurie Jlunyen. Angela Run· yen. Tho1nas Runyen and John Oglesby.


The newlrweds both are graduates of Marina High School and she a tt e nd ed Golden \Vest College. Denise ~1athcy becapie the

bride of Peter Wilkin.son dur· ing ceremonies performed In St. Michucl and All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar.

a member of the American - . • • • • -.--=.:--.=---.=---c-c,.-,-cc---=-- ----­Society of Civil Enginecrs . • - - - - - •~•- • • • • • - • •-~ •"

: I ''INCHES·A·WA Y'' : THOMAS-RUNYEN The bride is the daughter or Mr. and Mrs . Henri C. Mathey of Newport Beach and her husband's mother is 1a1rs. Helen Wilkinson of L a Crescenta.

Monterey will be home for • • MINE RAL WARP METHOD • fl,1rs . Roger 1'1;iddaford serv­

ed as matron of honor, while Miss Cathy Young and l\liss Melanie Wilkinson w e r e bridesmaids. William Load­vine was the best man and James Yarbrough and James Clay were ushers.

The bride is a graduate of UCLA and her husband is -an alumnus or the UniYersity of Southern Calitornia.

Michael William Thomas and • his bride, the former Colleen a Patricia Runyen. "'ho ex· • chang ... 'CI wedding pledges dur­ing ear l y afternoon • ceremonies in St. Bonavt>nlure • Catholic Church, Huntington a Beach. •

Their parents art ~1r . and -lt1rs. James E. Runyen and • Mr. and Mrs. G1'>ver Thomas. • all of Huntington Beach. a

a.1atton of honor and best • man were t.1rs. Bonnie Run· • yen and Craig Thomas, and •




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SELECT FROl/4 OUR GREATER VAfl/ET'( AT PRICES ... tCl:•Al•iMteOUen•D•XcaPTOM .... 1 •. TUOllO ANDMY••MMSllTCCMIT•ou.a••T•MI ' "OU• PIK'.El'aOTKTIOlll l'Olx:Y OUAllANT&Snef PllCISTO.• lfffONf AKIM MOIC>AY, IOf"9flt 20lH 1NIOUGH TUllOA't l«Milml 21. 1972''

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I V. LIS I. UI" l8 .,

CHUCK ROAST ....... ,., 63c UNCOHDITIOtfALLY ~ '




CUT UP FRYERS 34c JOUl&-SELF llSTll& f.~~-~~.~Y.~~R~ ...... 79" FARMER JOHN l'ORK SAUSAGE. """":"'""""""" ... .. . ... " ~ HARVEST DI y TURKEYS COOKED SHRIMP 79• JIMMY DEAN PORK SAUSAGE fM.l,..Cll.ICI 93c

HOTOll lllO., l· POUHOllOLL

~Q~.~~"~TEAK ...... . .. 93c ti· TOIS 44c9 HE•~ac p' .. o"R"T'E'R"H'o'0


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Fresh ... Oiscounl Priced Del i Item ~

CROSS RIB ROAST BUTTERBALL T · ,. .. _ " "'"'w'.""'">F"'• ~~,!~ .HAM ......... . .-;-~s:rr-!!J,~U.E_.FD_~~ .a. 1. !s. ~.1.~ ........ ,6 •• , 0 .,,.., ""' .. """'""""'°'" ··"""''C · . · ·. URIEJcS- BACON ~ 'I~:~:~~:;::-95•. LOu"HO-RI CHEESE- ..;11~1--- -CRWI• -·.;;,;ESE ... .. - - ..___

I~,~9.~,~.,~!~!!.~~ ............ u$149 81!~2~! 48 ~ 8.!~.~~ 53 ~ ~~~~~~.,;~;;.,, .. $ 49 ;;;;RGOuDA CHE~~~ 73: PARTY: .. .......... ""37

: • llATH, IONILl!IJ ........ ..... .. .. . ... ll 1 KA.t.NCAlMA KlUI . ...•..• , , .• 7-0Z PKG 59 I.ADY l!E. "550RTtD .... ... .. ,M)l PKG 35

f.~.E .. ~U~OM~U~! .... ~~RK~~~ ~·~~~::~~:49c ~HE.~~ •• ~ACO~ . '" ... 79• ~H~~r..i~,~!,~*llal$~14· · ~~~!!.V.~!l~~~un.~.TU .. ..



suu 3.~~" "!.II(' i,:;, f . . .

.-.MINCE MEAT ......... ...... "::",,~ 59 '

.-.ORLEANS OYSTERS .......... ~'!65'

.,.-MUSHROOMS .. .......... ~~ 33" .-.oJ"' 9. Q(I

.r STUFFED OLIVES ... .. ~'.~ 65' PLANTERS CASHEWS ....... '.'."..:! 1.25 PILLSBURY FROSTING .... ~~:c'l! 53' Y-U O<letUTI OCICCU!t 11.m

.,.-CHB SWEET PICKLES .. ... ... ~,: 53'

.,.-SALAD DRESSINGS ....... ~ 41' '"""' ..... ....

SOUP ...... .. -~~== 16· fROZEN FOODS

PINEAPPLE CHUNKS ........ .. ,,<::: 42'

- .. MRS. SMITHS.PIES .. _,,,.- 93 • REAL WHIP TOPPING ........... 'Ji 41 ' COOL WHIP TOPPING ....... : 59 ' STRAWBERRIES .. : ..... ~~.~,,": 39' HOT StlCES BREAD ......... =::l 52 • WAFFLES ........ .. .. ~~~.= 45 •


CMUljlS, 2.'3" CllSMID, f' T1Dtm, .

13 \4 01 CAii •

PICTSWEET COB CORN ........ :::: 54 ' PEAS & CARROTS .............. :':Wil 20 ' BROCCOLI SPEARS ............ :m:: 32 ' BIRDSEYE VEGETABLES.~~:,~: 49 ' l.fl~Ullll sm1 IWG. W•llfll. AllJICM. 1'AMl5H, llAWlJIAll. CHlll6l, ITAi.Wi, ,AbSl.llt. lllUISM n n 1

"'"''"' BREADED SHRIMP. .......... '.'.= 9 5' JENO'S SNACK TRAYS ........ '.'.'..': 89" l'lllA, l'IW IGU

ORANGE JUICE .. ~"<: 74 '

Stronger, but 10 gentle ond re.Hob!• I


SAUSAGE PIZZA ........... ~.~l= 91' MACARONI & CHEESE ... '.~~::':.'l 38'


.-.DRESSING. ...... ........ ~:~ 45 ' t• UWI Cll AU MPOS1

.,.-ONION SOUP MIX ....... .i'~ 37 • .-.LADY LEE FLOUR ..... ... '.'.'.= 75" SUNSHINE CRACKERS ... ~::::,~ 45' .,.-BAKER'S COCONUT. ........ :::l 57' .-.BISQUICK MIX ............ ~~~ 55' .-.PIE CRUST MIX ........ ~.':\~ 24 ' POTATO CHIPS ............ ~~ 54 ' GELATIN DESSERT. ............. :l.': 17'



n::~· 35c _.,, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS

.,.+lADY LEE FOIL. .. ~'.'.~.:'~:~ 44' .,.-TERI TOWELS ................ ~.'".J.'i 37' ROASTING WRAP. ..... ~.~.~.J.'i 1.59 DIXIE RIDDLE CUPS. .......... a:O'l 79' .-.DOVE LIQUID ............... ~ 59' BORAXO HANO SOAP. ......... :t:: 33 •



49C Custom-formulated QT. with Z-7 additive.

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17112 Remov. gum. vamj1h, 9,c moisture from car'• · ' fuel 1yttem . .

mw11 WllEEL CIWEll '2'7 ·-'°,.... 5-0L $146


4.IOL $123 TU•


70L $119 ··­ANTl>ftRSPllANT


6.SOL$.21 LOTION S.OL $119


a pepsodent ~ ... 4.s,,1 PEPSOIEIT Ttiii;llTE \J ailJ!Z~,!~~111 · T•t .. good - helps PA_Y,,c 140UNCIA~$.2J -;: _.., COVll!e1, - Choic. ol Rogulor

• Hord-to Hold.

- ~ .. 4&,1 HITLE'S llUll I- Ill IHAMPOO WITH vnAMIN 1 A••MlllY ~ IM>UNQ

llEOIWEIY UllT Prevttnt• 1011 ·s 113 of ontl·freeae. ,...

1-llLL ClllSTlllS PaPER Fiil

$•Sf l och rcll 56" lon9 p] x 1 ... ·• ,.,id•. A11orted.

th1r1'1 a ~ near JOU •••


~~:· 2.'2C WHOll 16-0Z CAN ' '


.-.BIZ PRE-SOAK .. .... . ~.: 1.01

.-.COMET CLEANSER .......... ?~': 25 ' MR. CLEAN CLEANER .... .... ;?.'\: 73' CAMAY BATH SOAP. ............. ::: 17' .,..BROWN IN BAG "'~..=':'i:::'l 43'


.-.MIRACLE WHIPPED ..... ~~ 32'

.-.PARKAY MARGARINE.. ... '.'Ji 30'

.-.1MO DRESSING ........ ".'.'.'.~~ 31 • VITA PAKT . ..... "'.".".":iO::~.: 71' LADY LEE BUTTER .... ....... ·~.~!:: 81 •


. GO~DEN 11 c U.5. NO. J 1 O' '"'If\'<(\ RIPE . G ..... DE 0

"' BUNCHES ' I~ ~ _ BUL~ • ---



' ' . '(. Liii Fil TIE



()• ~ , Extra toVlngt ma~ pouible by man1,1f. act1:1~r• te""'°rary : ptomot'°nol Cillow-oncef . ·

LADY LEE SOUR CREAM. ...... '.'Ji 51 ' BOURBON ................ :'!"...:.:":: 5.11 ':.? Van de v Kamps

LADY LEE ICE CREAM ......... ~ 1:: 67'

•11•111ou7Y" 1J.OUMCI f' ...

SCOTCH .................. !'.?.'.~~-~ 5.55 LUCKY VODKA .............. ~::: 7 . 11 MATEUS WINE. ..... ~ . '.'.".~:",,'\"::2 .99 GALLO WINE .............. ~~1 .99.


PET FOODS LIVER CAT FOOQ ............ ~'.':'.::: 20" LITTLE FRISKIE~ ........... '.~~0:,':99' PURINA OOG EQOD ... ~.~.":.:i 81'

All ounTAllDlilG VAllITTOf







Weoth•rproof llgh.n : each lamp bums lndepend9ntly .


Attroc'tive gift boxe1, worthy of the love y gifts you've selected, choice of three 1l1e1, with attractive print or fo l.I covers.


I GAY , .. NJ IOXn . 99c 3 LAllOI PlllNJ llOXD 26c

Con! ol 12 stvrdy cHps for outdoor Jltht · '""·

14"TAll.l TRH

Choice of 3 1tyl•1. W/stond.

LlllEI' TOP~STIClll . WllYL SUEDE JICIET Ooubl•-breosted styl• s1•1

J:lc11 IE TIEE s17'1

Artlflclol tr" with • \36 lully-noodlod

ttp1. Easy to Hrribl•; pocks flot:

..................... '-.. .. - ... -=""· ......... . l ..... a..

with rich top .. tllch st•L detail. Attorted .. colors, t izH 10 · · lo 11. A rool flndl

WllYL llEIE OIPE WnN-· Tllllill ·sal4

Hotdware cto1ure: ottorted colors. One •• , .... o.

-·-L-­,_·•Lwt..._. SM E' •l · llf•l ..... M . LWl--·••t.a.T._ .... $119 ~ 0.- ol r09. 86CL-• hair ltvoller .. ._ ..... ,.. U....U · liMltS.. ....... ....

IMMlllOft · l•Shllil tt. l-.r ·- ......... A AM!mM • I ll le, s ... C ........ _...,or unecen...-. and lovtll•r than ever.



• AM9~ • 1• ..... ,.,. , ... lllU . tn L ...._. s.,.., ........ , ... , ........... .. <MOM , • • ,,,. ... '"· ··-·-- .... ...., . - ....... w

. --· - - ... ~---

....... ..v. . 111Jt ....... ''· ,,.,.. . ........... . OUJe,lU • IUS W . ....... M ~ IMCI • lllJ.L ..... It, w-..u . ,. le. c.r.11••· l lll .... . ,. l ....... , ... ::.=,_ ... "'°'. IU W. hf, 4S FRFM · UI W. A 141a .... .... , ......... ......... ... --"""·---·· --1--raiw. -

\ ,-

.... ....... ...... wna...a . ••~•L ... 11n . m1 "'- ..._ - 1UC1 • tllt .,._. N .II WJ ,. ••,... C.. .. . ,.,, ............ ...


! PILOT ·ADVERTISER Monday, November 20, 1972 Monday, November 20, 1972 DAIL V PILOT J 7

For Tha.nksgiving.. America's greatest feast day!

.. • •• lo' '

-. ................... ..... fHAllCSGllflG:-DAY i

F\ . . ' . I • , • to ..,. ;r . -. ' . . ~

• \ · - . El RANCHO'S resh oms FINESTGRADEA•• ... 55! • • • 1

The fmest! Sou them Cali!omia raised to imwe freabneaa ••• Et Rancho's for quality! Sizes 18 to 25 lbs.

F h H-". 59' . . ( . . . , . · EL RANCHO'S , res ens ·FINESTGRADEA ••••••• lb

Hon'• the quality you'll serve with pride! 'i.ocauy tailed, with aatWaction guaranteed! Th~ finest you'll find!

Fresh Toms _SPRINGFIELD6RADE.''A!· · •••• 45~ Tllldcer and flavorful •• , quality you'll bOpfoua lo aerve. :. and it moat attractive price! -

Fresh ·Hens SPRINGf.IELD~RAD~A· ••••• (9~ Y 01:1 can be sure of a splendid en tree when you roast one ~f these • •• delight!ul dining! • · •

\ '

F.rozen· Toms NORBE~JGRADEA •• .••• 35~. Norbest - a name you know and truat-with TenderTimor to tell you when it'• done!

'fender Timer included with every bird, at 8. price you'd expect to pay for le6aser quality!

Turkey Breasts ....... 99~. El Rancbo''s sweet white meat, with rib cage!

. I -Roasting Chicken ••... 59~ Fresh! ... and luge! .. . 5 to 7 lb. California ifOwn! ' '


B I . H· . . . s 149 one ~SS •am13TOSLBS.JNSIZE • • • • •·

DeijCious old fashioned tla"f • . .' j,erfect forsmallerfamilioi CHortnel Cures~. : .' l.89 lb.) ' . ' ~ .. .1. ,,.,

• " • o ' t • ' , T , ,,

Super Shopper' Menu Makers/

Yli/Ja I r ........ 851 . . . . . ' .. ' (

The one you'll want to serve with that very1pecial dinner! Ub. can (3 lb. can .•. 2.39)

PBBll TIP" lll'll ....... ,,,,, -Birdseye, .. sweettenderpeas ,,. or goldenklmeltofgoodn.,. ... frozen to lock in flavor! !Ooz. pkgs.

Cranherry Sauce ..... . '!~ 24 c Ocean Spra,Y. ... tbe one you'll be proud to puf on the table .. , whole or 1trained . . :~o. 300. ·

' ! .. . '"

Sliced Pineappl~. . . . . . . 4 fo~1 Dole'.• •• , to add color and llavor to your holiday hm -foraala~;for baking! No. l Ii rn•.

Johnston's Pies.· ..... :~ ... 69( Your choice of the holiday favorites •• ·.Apple, W-, ~! Bit9 inclulle, ~!

Darigold Butter •• 83¢ ~Ice .. Cream . • • • • • . • 69¢ Grade "AA" quality ••• one pound carton ~}{oat •• • 1111 nnon IOllDd half ... !.

• •

Sweet Pickles .• ~ • 49¢ Co I Whip •. • • . • • • 49¢ Wilshire• .• , crisp, whole . .• 12 ounce jar! Spoon on pie or ice cream! 9 os. (4~ os.33')

Spiced Apple Rings 39¢_Hor~ · d'oeuvres ... 19¢ Crabapple•, too! Thank You .' •. 'l4ounce Durkee'• froz8n-5oz.choicoofvarifliaal

Dutch Onions .... 29¢ Avocado Dip •.••• 5~ Wbolo YorlrCo. holiday favurital No. 303 . From the Cal.t\vO people ... 6-11 ?~ os.

Mixed lluts ............• ',_, .••• ~ . s I 29

Planter'• delou in the 13 °'· tin. Servinr cockWJii? you'll want tti.o!

Marshmallows . . • • • . . • 19~ _ KnflmilWltum-todotyamal !O~ os.pq. ,

Heavy Duty Foil ••••••• - 49•

For after the holiday . .. §qgur g!J in Jh.~·'·p_gp_er __ Th ursda)', Novem ber 23.

El Rancho Sausage • . . 69~ Fresh Oysters EAST£RN , " · • • s 13•

Pure pork, made by our own recipe! FQr stuffing . .. 1/ 2 pt . (Weste rn . . . 10 oz , .. . 99')

Sliced Bacon . ; . . . . . . . . 79~ ·- -- - - . ' Co_c~tail Shrimp ... · •.. _ s1~: El Rancho's lean ranch style slices! • Fully cooked .. , San Francisco Style!

Ground Beef ur1ALEAN..... 99~ King Crab Meal ...... s2•? Extra lean. and fresh! Bulk or Patties! So meaty, for a cocktail or cauerole!

Festive Produce/

~ Extra fancy • .. from the State of Washington . .. don 't they belong in your holiday plana? ••• for a Waldorf salad or a pretty fruit bowl!

Red Yams mRAfANcv .. .. :2 1~.291 Pineapple v1AR1Hn1GHT ............ . 19~ Finest Quality! smooth velvety te:Cturtd meat!. Large aize .•. ripe! .. . ru!hed by air from Hawaii!

Mushrooms mRAflNCI . ' ' 89~ Red Grapes PlUM~Sll'EET! ........ . 29~ Brown steak type .. . add to your dressing ~ Red Emperor variety . . . colorful and so dtlicious ~

Delicatessen Delights!

Babs Dm111ng1 FOR SALADS ••••••••••••••• 3,,, 11 ; Bob's, from the famous restaurants! 8 oz. (Roquefort • . . 55' Blue Chee11e ... 45')

Cream Cheese . . . . . . 351 Cheese Spreads •••• Kraft's Philadelphia .. . 8 oo: . pkg. Pen & Qui ll ... Soz . favoritefl! . Pillsbury Rolls . . . . . . 331 English Muffins • ••• Crescent or Butterflake ... 8 oz. Bays . .. fork 1pliL .. 12 oi. pkg.

Holiday Spirits/ ,, ;

' '

W• d SAVE$}, ON . s5s• ~ 1n sor CANADIAN! •••••••••••••••• - ' Sippin' 1mootb Canadian whilkey, at a special price that aavt1 $1 .•. perquart!

Dewar's Scotch s6" Champagne .... '2'7 Famouo Wblta L.bel-ft(. $7.99 6lh. IA Domalne -E1tra Dry or Pink-5th

v.-.a .......... '7" Vinya.Rose ..... s1" El Rlncho'1 HolidayTimH . , . , 1 pl . Fine diMtr wine from Portugal -5th ~

Bler.cledWhiskeys4" Petite Slrah .... s1•• ~ El Rancho'1 ... 86prooC ... qu•rt ! From tbeWtnto ./,intyardt!, .. Ofih . ,

. Turlcey Rxln's I ~ ·Mn. Cubblson's Dressing .... 4tc Ywr......,olall-......-oroom braod varioU.-13 01. pk(.

• ' l •

11ce .., st .. H1111 ••• ••••••• '" 1 • Loos Gnia 6 Wiid.« Brown with Wild! Uncle S.n'1. 815 OI,

_ Wal• Cli1itauts ... .. 2 "' 391

. Far y00rctn.iall ounco. -

• . F


Paaltr.ys-.nlig ....... 23' Tm& )'OU? turUy with Raynold'1! l8" roll

Bonlea' s lllace Meat • Ste lmn in <ffttt Mon.:r... Wod. . NO<J. :JIJ, 21. 21 No-."' d«Jkrs


Tbo famM N'"'° 8ucl! - 28 °"· elu ' . °"'" til ldJJlly-t~ 7llaMqWif\r Day No111•wwk wllli sm1m.,..,1 ~ • ·

,\R~ADI~ . . p:.'.:\nrr1.~ sourH ~~s,;ou;~ 11tHHl'H~Tl1 ' : !'' .'. r.H " ... : : · • 1 "' ·1 .

IKJ'lt,'li f, . . . . •, . -· '

l ' ( •




I I l


.....,, - 20, im

S.lly Strvlhors likes to cook only wM:n there Is IOm90ne to cook for.


Spanish Salad: -(Sauce-or · Soup

A salad i.. · a salld, lo a ... but we ill know rest.

• Or, do we? There are a few seCrets we

can learn about s a I a.d 1, especially from our friends in Spain. Their culinary culture has been around a bit longer, for ooe thing and their climate · provides a continuous supply ol various types ol fresh fruits and vegetables, for another.

T1'l1I gives them an edge on 11lad "know-how."

diference in 11salsa de aJmen. cir- 11-... .

A fruit salad? "Salsa de mente" - mint sauce ov'1' oranges, onions; c o c o n u t , bananas, pil]liento - all mix· ed up. Americans can make their own coJriblnalions to please their taste buds.

\ for anytime sipping salad? Th\ famous "gazpacho" salad soup tor chilled refreshment filled 'ifilh vitamins.


What do they know in Spain that Americans don't think of? A solad Is not a salad, a salad, etc.! 34 cup o~ive oil

Then what is a salad in y, cup wme vinegar J or 2 diced and crushed

Spain? garlic cloves An hon d'oeuvre, an entree, 1,,, . tu.spoons sugar (op-

a soup! That's what! Salads tional) a~ not relegated to tiny side J v.. teaspoons salt dishes or bowls in a meal, 1h: teaspoon pepper they make themselves a part Mil: all ingredients i n of the "whole thing!" blender or shake well in a jar.

They are not limited lo mix- StOl'e in refrigerator to use as lures of crisp g r e e n e r y needed. Makes. 1 cup. (although that ls not cut out), Varla&Ds: they make use of cooked Using 1k cup of BaS\c vegetables of all sorts, in- Spanish Salad sauce, add your fringe on the main course and choice of the following l.n­are Iiquified and sipped at any gredlents. Mix well iii a jar. time of day - just as For marinating .,"tipas" or Americans sip soft drinks. as a • sauce for . c10~ k ~a , Salada unlimited? Not a bad vegetableS for the main courae idea, bot how do they do it? add:

In Spaln.-hors d'oeuvreo-are - Y..- cup cbopped-olives-(stul-called "tapas" , or "en- fed with pimiento) tremeses" and are invariably 2 tablespoons m i n c.e d served with a glass ol golderi parsley sherry. I tablespoon capers On-~rocks, chilled or at I tablespoon grated onion

room temperature, s h er r y For seafood, p o t a t o ,

··· -Chrcken'-s-Her Favori'te Fare

from Spain is the any "way" macaroni or vegetable salads, drink and Americans are add any (or all, as Y,OU please) drinking ihree times as much of the following : today as they were ten .years - >iii tea.spoon dey..mustaro_ ago. 2 piminetos, cut into strips

And what salad h o r s t liard cooked egg, chopped d'oeuvres do the Spaniards 2 small sweet pickles, diced serve? 1 tablespoon·capers

A sample listing (all child's AUfOND SALAD DR'nmNG play to prepare ): sliced pi· mientos sprinkled with finely diced garlic, mushroom s By JOHNA BLINN heard it's not good for you ."

.. "The only sensible way ·to HOLLYWOOD - WheJ\ I Jose weight iJ to do it sensibly.

have someone to cook ~{Q!', I Eat by halves an4 watch what like to cook. Then I will cook · you eat," sQe advised. anything and try anythinJ." The actress eats an ordinary Sally Struthers said, smillng, a big: meal at lunch broadly. "I've even been tO!d bu~ ve~ lightly at dinnertime by several people that I'm a wh1ch lS seldom after five good cook. o'clock.

"Most of the time I don't get S~ had especlally dlff1cult around to fixing meals for dieung llroblems when .she myself because I live by was making food commercials myself and to juat cook ~or ·~t ~uin;<f almost con­yourself and to do dirty dWles tmuous rubbling. and wash · pots aild"pans, is " I W85 having diet shots at really lonelOllle." the time. You're aUowed to

Blonde Sally, who plays ~at only tiny little meals a~d, Archie Bunker's d a u g h t e r if you eat one single thing Gloria in "All In the Family," you're not allowed, you can go lives in the upper half or an up three or four pounds. old Spanish h o u s e in " Onct l had to do a com· Westwood. nuts commercial in the middle

Her chief companion is of all this. Comuts are very Baba, a beautiful, sleek black fattening with all that salt and cat with enormous amber grease . I took a comnut from eyes the bag, said something like

· 'crunch.' and when they cut List summer during her 81>" the camera I spit it out."

pearance at the Pheasant Run Play HOUie Jn Illinois, Sally had the oppartunlty lo do her favorite kind of ""*!ng.- .

"Whal I k>ve to do is dllcken. 'Ibere are so many different ways to prepare it.

"One night I made up a new recipe by getting a whole chicken cut Into pieces and just crunched the pieces down into a baking I poured a can of golden muahroom toup


2 Pounds chicken parts 2 tablespoons melted butler

(or margarine) t can (10% OWlceS} con-­

demed Golden Mushroom Soup

~'t cup water . 1 can ( 3 lh ounces) French

fried onions Fresh parsley (optional)

garnished with parsley and diced garlic, boiled potato chunks mil:ed 'With olive oil , mayonnaise, parsley a n d crushed garlic ; ham chunks garnlshed with pimiento.

This Intrusion ol salads does not ei:clude tidbits Of sausage, seafood, chicken, ~tc.

Another Becret: many peo­ple keep on sipping their Sher· ry and.1 nibbling \the "\apas" and find they don't really need to go on to dinner until eleven p.m. or midnight. another long, relaxed Spanish·evening!

Now, on to the main couse. (This is where il really gets saucy!)

In Spain, most c o o k e d vegetables you can n a m e (green b e a n s , asparagus, beets, potatoes, green peppers, llma beans, squash) are often served dresse'd with a delicious "salsa" - varied to suit tastes and moods.

And for the usual green salad? Allnonds make au the

over the top. "I had a can ol French fried

onion rings and put those on top to add navor. When It got hot in the oven and the tot.IP melted all around the chicken and atarted to bubble, the ooJoo rlnp 1lued the-Ives on top of the chicken pieces.

, In a l-<fuart shallow baking dish, arrange chicken pieces; skln side down. Pour melted " butter (or margarine ) over chicken. Bake In pre·heated 400 degree oven tor •

"It came out 111 crispy and tabukius tasting. Yoo can sprinkle any kind of season· ing1 into the dish you want!"

Sally malDlalns that, when you't'o -king long hours, Wt a dra1 to dlne out. She pull In t o-bour days while working on the seritt1.

"It'• a drag ellhe.r way, becauee it tak11 to much Umc to eat .In a Uttle restaurant. By the time you Juve, you've _. so mllll)' boun, you"d rather be home In bed."

Solly Uo - I lllHllfhl I macm btcaute of I con­

tinuous dilclpUne to keep her One o,.,. In lhlpe. She CO\Jld eNily have beon I mo4eJ OX· cept for her height.

"'JbeM betp me I ~" ihO 1114 polnlinC to her deep red

ClnMI Mlronda *"'""" -~ !hit - her 11.Hoot-ooe -~!

"You aee whit. I mten," she lllld wUh I sJalo, lakinl; Oft

- - anc1 4eotend1na QlllctlJ. lllr -pll to "ttoy .... mu! her-· .....

")"' lhrlYS hid I bit of I ..._ - ..... al flt ta '"-'• octullly a place Jn Hal'1WoDd ..... "" tan 111111 a m don, but I -'tlllardM-ltwu

minutes. Turn chicken; bake 20

mlnutes more. . Blend soup and water; pour

over chicken. Top with onlOl'll. Bake 10 minutes J1K>re (or ~ tll chicken Is fender !. Stir sauce before serving. Garnish wllh panley. 11 desittd.

Cool Days

Warmed When guests come in from

the cold, invite them to dlp-ln to 1 bubbllnc pot ol Mop! .. Drone• Fondue. .

In I I-quart llGCOpan melt I tab!- ('II atlck) butter; stir lo 1/3 cup oU­Oour. Remove from heat; graduolly sUr In 1 cup llgbt crtam ., t cup hllf and half.

Add II cup pure maple l)TUp, 4l cup o r a n 1 e mannalade one! 2 llbl._ of light com syrup. Cook over medlum hea~ ollrrlng con­llanU,, unUI thickened.

Cook 2 a4dltlonal mlnUtes . Stir in l/3 cup Colnlrtau. Transftr to fondue pot and ..... wtill fruit dippers.

-=W IO ... No9' J ~do.--,;. ... Yietdo 311 cupo. Flavor Im· """"""':i.r...oL

(Jl"Ollel when prePIJ"*f ahead lpd """led.

.. ' I


I or 2 cloves garlic 10 almonds, blanched 1h: teaspoon salt l/4 cup wine Vinegar 1 cup Olive oil Chop garlic and almonds.

Place into a blender. Add salt and vinegar and wblrl until smooth. While · bllftcier is whirling, pour olive oil in gradually. Good with any green or fruit salad. Makes l 1/3 cups. . '\ .


1 clove .garlic 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1/4 cup ollve oil 1 'tablespoon finely chopped

mint leaves Dice garlic finely and mash

in mortar ~ith pestle (or with the back of a spoon ). Add lemon juice and mix well. Whirl with olive oil and mint in blender or shake well in a jar.

For citrus or other fruit salads, or serve with hot roast Jamb. Makes about V3 cup.




~ / ' . ~ '.

YUlllri', Coffee I LB. i as- · •

Yuban Coffee • 1» 1.69 Yuban Coffee • ,., 2.49

Cranberry Sauce ; o-n Spray 1' oz. ·25¢ Yo~r choice of.whole or le-fed . •

.. ~C&H.Sutar~~ or 1_,, 1 L~2_ 1~33-

. Arden AA -Butter~ - I LB. 85¢ . . • Poultry S~ni•Schllllng ~ OL 19¢


Princt1kf-Yw11J 16 OL 2s-- -Dinner Napkins K•-x 50 er. 25¢

: . . Planters Mixed Nuts wnh •""" " ... 10 01 .

Gold Medal Flour 5 lb.


57c Sweet Pickleswn.M ....... ,. " ... 99c


49c Muffin Mix ''"' c~"" '"· ... . 49t .\ Ctidcofate PioJmeei r.311es I! •L

Choo•• llu•iMrry, Apply 1auce .; Paith. ~

Reynolils'HeaVJ Dtlty; A~lll!1.f oil- : '\ l .O tf'W~ l7V." 1q. ~. 49c . . .

.. . )


Chfttnuts cookecl and tfnnecl for the stuffing, Herb, Cornbread end CroutM· Stufjing mi ... ,

Epicurean ~mishos - Brondiecl• P9'ches ond ' Bing Cherries, Cinno1111111 or Mint PNn, Sweet

pickled C.nte,IO<iP. • .).pricoh, Cont~loupe l!'ci Honeydew. Thero ere Or1nge-Pi~pplo Y oms,

Candied Orongo & Lemon P .. I, Glacoed "Fruits­WHA TEVER YOU'RE LOOKING FOR


~ ...................... ._..,....~.

V~l'l -~ Sunkist Orange J~ice



6 0%

9 OL

9 oz.

French ··B'ellns with -Almonds Onions with cream S.e llntslyw

Glazed SYleet Potatoes 11 ... ,. 10 oz.

Johnsfop's Apple, Pumpkin 6r Mince .-Pie$ ' .

Sara l99' Parker House Rolls •

Deep Fries Crinkle Cut Potatoes " ' Don't for9et-Perty Mints end Candies,

Hors d'oeurve picks, cocktail napkins, candles, nut cups, etc.


24 ...

"'\ . .J

5 for $1 3 , for s1 ·fl 3 for s1 ~z 3 for $1





) • •

I ,,

' •



. '~ : ' . ... '

·- i, ) ~ ~·,t'






Thanksgiving - 11 time for the very best! Richard's h11s it all - from the finest fresh turkeys, to gourmet relishes· ·end sumptious desserts. Even the pans to cook ft all in and flowers for the table, ESPECIALLY AT ·THANKSGIVING YOU'LL BE GLAD THERE IS A RICHARD'S - WITH ALL THE BEST,' PLUS GREAT VALUES AND FRIENDLY SERVICE! ! •

' \i - . '' .. ; f/le:Clf · . iu~hA£tl} Speciarity- Ft.esh Turkeys- Hens and T ~ ·

- ·--l;AS1-¥EAR-300-F6-l!EOl'LE· EN.10¥E[)--0NE-GF--GUR-F-AMGYS-FRESH-lURKEYS -J:Wll1.---¥0U- BE-GN~-THIS-Y:EAR7-These _tur.kexr.1ar,, tl:\e very !inest California .grown',' plump, big breasted from Zecky Farms •. You old.-r _just th~ si1e you wa~ - •~tlw~~ h11ve i+, Individually boxe4 and 'eady for you. , · ·- . •

Tom· 1 TUrkef5·;.:· .·~. -~ n .1.;..;..tFroztn~pOp-upt1mer 35¢LB . . Pure Porli "~uscge Richard'• own.

- R.;;;;;b•r. ·-.· froWte •fur ·~· .fakff.Uf~to"-i deys t.ot h.w ii1th; relrigerltoi" --· · - - --- . t;4'irCllYlii1onid- ldilijhlfUt·toi-sa~Si9• stufflit9-" · Buy yours e1rly. : . ..: j • • ·' • .. ,

Bar· M Tavern Hams WI!.!!! or hill hams ·Hen Turkeyll.-· . ~ .. -: ~ .wt•h the pop-up timer ,, ,,. 1~ ll ~ . ~.~? r . ' · ~ ·• .. ~ ... 1'

Hen turkeys 1v1ri19e I 0- 14 pOund1 eech. The fi nest hem-boneless , smoked en~ fwlly cooked.

Bar-M La Mesa Hams v. or v. ~ms • -.· ,j

Western Oy~ters s ... 11 si .. '•r •tilffln9• 10 OL jor

~ ~ . . . . .·

B~neles~ Ru.111p .Roa.~t u.s.o.A. choic• - Bilff•' per1 .. , 1.49 LB. Boneless Pork Roast sucf..i_.-.t .... 1.., '"Y .....

·-~ong 1.i.nd ))u~;-'&m.n ~!8· Largo ~pons, Pheewnt, King .Crab, Smcjlcocl'.fish, &stern Oy,sters, Cherry; Stone or LittlO:.:

· S~~ 'r'urkey, Turkey RoHs, Squabs' and''l.arge· Roasting Clfo.;!ien" ~ • neck Clams, Jumbo Prawns, CocktaIT Shrimp, Caviar, Frog Logs, - • · • • Oysters in tho shell. .


. . \!·~. ; (. t1' . . -·. , ~•a . . .. fJe:li&rgfe:~e:Pi- · _·< Ue:ril

. '

69¢ LB. ~ ___ } __ _

l 0 89LB.

Brandiid Mincemeat ·,, . . , , 49¢_La. ~ AIJ manner of marvelous things

are a baking, from tho linest'of ingredients. Delicious Apples This is Richerd's b•rrel cured, ~nd p•cke~1 by U,; f~r the best t•stin9 pies •nd cookies! ~ .,


Cream Cheese .. ··8 OL

. . . Your .ch~ice of Phlladelphi• Br•nd or Knudsen

Crescent·Dinner Rolls • ~.: - ·· • •

Pillsbury meke1 them tender •nd fl•kv· I . • ' . . . .. l Sour Cream Knud- H1m.,.i.1~ · . .

.._For holid1y d lps end de ssert s.

Reese Bally Com _ 19 OL; 19~\. ;rh••• t iny ml1dly pickled•corri er•• piy:n.t:: · ·t ~ .; · ~ · ~ •ddition to thi reli1h t r•Y· ' /j; \ ~ • ''1 · " f • ' · ·

Stoned Wheat Thins - .. ,, .... , 4iw, . ,, . .. .• ~ ·~i. ~

Mervelou5 with cheeses, by Weston

I •


• • • 6 iblot or T urkoy 6'1vy

C."di.i Y •rn• READY .cootCEb ottESSIN&S-

Se91, Combr114', Chestnut or Oydet fl"'l. Ctonbtny.0.1091 R11i1~ -er ....... ., 1vtt ... ..i O.ioM · Cronf.tny &of S.IH



• t • ~

- . ' . -. . '


• • •

Fresh bread and rolls, pits, cokes and cookies -for your Thanksgiving feast.


Cranlierry Dessert Loaf A Ricilierd's 1pecielty.

9'' Pumpkin Pie Fre1hly beked •nd velvety smooth.



Potqlo Dinner Rolls Ilk'" Dostn 7 6¢

, ~tnut Bread 73-Assorted Danish Pastry 2· for 37c . , .

' . .

'' ~ be Closed Thanbgivinq. (

Sweet Corn 4, .. 49¢ Fresh picked, from the Co•chell• v.u.y.

Valen~io ~ranges M•~• or•n9e cup• to hOld crenberry re lii h.

Banana Squash Thick_.,


cZu,ulYv Chateau Richard Champagne - Fifth 2.70 Chateau Richard Co~ Duck Fifth 270 Sparkling Burgundy "~ 2.70 Pink Champagne ,~ 270

RlcW4'1 priwete l1MI to t•,th• fe1tJ .. ity.

Jacques Bonet Champagne Jacques Bonet Co~ Duck

"~ 1.99 "~ 1.99

Wine1 meke • ch•rming and thoughtful hosteu gift - choo1e from em011g the flnett C•lifomie •ncl Imported wines .

. "'£~- LIOOOENTER 3-433 Via l ldo,Newportlleoch 'om1'0AILY9 - 7, SUN. 9 - 6 67:M.360

-- "'£~- HARBORVlEW 1660Mac~, Nowport aeich • - OPEN OAILY t - I, SUN. 9 - 6 67.1-2155

- . . • • I I •




•'' • .... .. . . . ~ ' . . ... ~ .. . '

• -20 DAILY PILOT Momlay, N-11«' 20, 1972 PILOT-ADVERTISER ,,

Thanksgiving Stuffing Allowed Convenient Idea •

• "f 't ~.

Mix Made· Special ~·1 No turkey to stuff? You

don'l have to give up "sluf· Ung" - even If you're watch­ing your wel~ht !

Here's a Shm Gounnet side dtsh that 's the perfect protein. rich partner for today's small· family boneless tutkey roastJ or turkey-In-part~.

It's a casserole dish made rrom stuffing mil - lots of good nutrition added, but no fat ! The texture is a croSJ between dressing. spoon bread and bread pudding, so rich a1'4 moist it doesn't neeJ gravy.


CASSEROLE 2 cups sklm milk 3 medium eggs 2 onions 3 celery stalks I clove garlic 2 cups seasoned stuffing miJ: Salt and pepper Scald the milk and allow ~

to cool. Add the eggs and fork;. whip lightly. Mtnce the onion, celery and garlic. Add to the egg mixture.

Stir in the stu!fing mix, salt and pepper. Combine all in­gredients thorough!y In an ovenproof awerole or non­Slck loaf pan.

Bake at 325 degrees for 50 minutes, until set. Makes eight servings, 126 calories each.

For variety : Add a half~p of drained canned mushrooms uo s.alories) or stir in the con­tents of a small 21h:-ounce can of deviled ham (200 calories). Cooked minced turkey giblets jidd more low.fat protein (less than 60 calories an ounce) .

For individual servings pile the. mixture into nonstick muf.-


fin pan and cut the baking time to "bout JO minutes. ,

1 For Extra Protieht: Use two

cups of cubed "protein bread" 1lnstead of the packaged atuf­fing mix. Season it with a balf­teaspoon or mixed poultry seasonings. If the bread is fresh , toast it lightly before ~utting it into cubes.

~ )D A BWTy? Use one cup evaporated skim milk and one cup water in place of the twO cups scalded milk. Two tablet­poons dried onion Dakes and one tablespoon dried ctlery flakes can serve as a stand·ill for the vegetables. Season with garlic salt. !

00 be a label-t'eader: some of today's better aelf·basting ' blrds are molJtened. witll: turkey broth under the .lkin ilj­&tead of grease.

Leaving home? Don't do i1 'tll you can make the perfect omelet!

Career girl coed, runaway or bride-to-be . .. you'll never go hungry if you know how to prepare this versatile egg­besic. You'll never be at a loss for S<>methlng to aerve, either!

The omelet c a n be breakfast , lunch. dinner or de&.'Jert, depending on bow )'OU. top It !

Jt can be a gourmet fare, like an Omellete aux Fines l·lerbes (with herbs) or ju• , folks . . . like a We•terp Omelet. 1

It's inexpensi"Ye - even tht fanciest French omelet! Ill this age of ever-escalating food costs only egg prlce1 seem to stand still

It's fast! You have an omelet on the breakfast table quicker I.ban you can heat up one of those gummy. starchy toaster pastMes that tastes like jelly wrapped I n cardboard.

It's good nutrition. Protelti­powered eggs beat out empt»' calorled cm1t1 or brtadJ 1andwiches any time.

And omelet1 are low i• calorl~ . . if you're a Slim' Gourmet cook!

Forget anyt.hlng )QJ've ever rood about omeldl- The ad~ fat In m01t r.clpes IA cloobl : the calortct of the e tbemat)ves. You make ao omelet with a minimum or fat. ) or no fat at an.

And you donlt need en tx~ tr1v1g1ntly expenglve Frencb omtlet pan. In !ad, the ~ pan oL-11 Is your ovorydlt dime store or ~ varie!1 ...,.tock Altlll•l or 1rJ pan. ' .

With a minimum of 11t: Use 1 meuurlng apoon to me1Nrt out two '- ol bullet, marprine or llllld ahortenln1. Heat the nom1tc1; •me1 ..... hlghMt heat and ... thO • 1poon lo spread the mellll\lf

fat evenly aero301 containers. With diet margarine: It's

half water, so It's half the calories! Measure out one tablespoon. The moisture con­tent makes ii easy to .spread the margarine evenly over tbe bottom and sides.

Lecithin is a natural food product that adds no calories, but lets you bake or fry with no added fat. No kidding, your omelet won:t stick. Trust me.

Here's how .to do It: 1) Break two medium eggs

Into a smal bowl and fott·whlp the eggs llibtly.

S) Count tO 10. Now that the eggs have begun to set, shake the sldllet llghUy. ,

4) When almost cooked, but still aUghUy Uquld, take your fort and loosen one end of the omelet, rolling ll over onto Itself. Ttp the akillet over your plate•and the omelet will roll out onto the plate, perfectly formed.

C.lorl" ' with 2 tuspoolll fat , 210; with t tablespoon diet margarine, 192; with no fat added, 142.

You can dress up your. omelet by sprinkling the surface a.a it cooks wUh cho~ ped le!tover ham or chicken, herbs. onion, part, skim.shred· ded cheese, minced green ~P­per, flaked water-pact tuna, drained crushed low-calories pinea~ple or canned Chinese

fresh berries or diet Jam or jelly. What you add lo an omelet determines whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner or dewrt!

(Slim down with eggs, they're penny-wtse protein power thlt WOD~ add OD the pounds. Send a stamped, .. 11: addressed envelope and 25 cenla to SUM GOURMET EGG DIET )IECIP&S, In car. of lhe DAlt.1( PILOT, 111 West Shore Tnl). · 5par1a,• 11- ~-07871 ). ' •.

SPAGllETl'l n.<IRENTIN!; package d)reellooa; d r l\ I ~ I package (191\ ounctl) will. StJr Iii milk, °"'' ~

spaghetU c11ooor w It b dar cbeeae, 1111 llMI ~: meat sauce t '°" unUl lhorou&hlY ·o.;m.

2 blned. Pour Into ;,...;....;"t.

cups mllk quart oblong blltn[~ ; · 3. eggs, sllibtly "'°tea .Coot tplnach acoord!nC lo I cup graled cheddlr - pacb«e 41nctlom; drain Y!JY

Do not add the eggs until the akiUet beginl to sizzle, sig· nllylng that all the water has evaporated.

2) Add the fat,' d I et margar.ine or lecithin to your skillet. Heat over h1gbest beat. When the JkJIJet is ... n .... l"d - and good and hot - ·add the eggs.

The heat of the eggs wlll finish . cooking lhe interior. Your om.elel wlll be light and "'9111Y OD tile Inside, golden hmm OD the outside.

I te._ lalt / well. Saute - In bUllii'; Pepper tO tule 1 add lo .J]ilnacb with bnld 2 packages (each 10 omces) crurobs and canned ';nted

frozen chopped-spinach .. cheese frbm spqbeltf Balie v, cup min<od oolon ln ,a preheated 31$-degree -With no added fat : Spray in­

side of your nonstick skilled with one of "\hose new lecithin spray-<in coatings that come in

vegetables. . 2 tablespoons butter I hour. Qtt Iii squares. ·"" 2 tablespoons fine dry brtad Serve at once - ·'1161


Or , . top it with iclnati saijCf, ' aoy sauce, crushed cnnnbl tl~ · , spalhettl sauce from pacU,..

Cook spaghet. l(lCOrding to · ¥atet S servings. •

Holiday TI1eat master meats Ralpho bu a turkey for every family. Fzvm delid ... Routrite wma w Ralpha premium quality Grade A turke)'I with "pop-up" cook­ing caugeg. Ralph a t urkeys make Thanks· giving feairto f'amilieo talk.about.

Come to Ralpha for a complete oelection of holiday poultry 'iteme-including Ralphs fresh turke)'ll with "pop-up" cooking gauges. Swift Butteri>all turkeys, Annour Golden Star tur· keyo, routibg chickens, goeoe, and duck&


••• . ·Ralpllslml'llrk8Jfll'Evlli'Jf'llllllJ

Toms . Hens .. ,. .... ~~!!~av Ba1terv i:i:~1~av Produce U.SAA-!"1, .... -t ... - ..... ~rc11-u.a1,. I '''"''' Brown n' Serve Navll

29 All "Ralphe" bl'IJld turkeys come with antt>-

Roaltr11e. ·,:g:-., =~~wokiilg g••:~·~· .. •"'• Rolls :,•:; ,86 .· Oranges Ciiiornian::a3 Ci1iiiiiian ,,:,~:37 p~;,k1~··.. · - ~ . u ......... •-·-- ... .D..._ ...... __ Pies .. 79 ea1ifomiaTangerines

:.: .19 .... 19

WMhlbdu.... ~ Wlhbdwlfv• siff • Fr&tn- Larg•·Sl91k• ~ Dun•f!tt• A11ph1-llglttorD1rt 11 1 89

Crisp Celery P.GPVll ' U~ Fruit Cakes ,.;. ~

IDll ~o..;, h&lft. Prli. m1um ~p- Avg.wt. Ra lphi- H~liday favorlte , 150L

69; E-=.:~ •

11-fz ... ,,.,..... Pfeffermuesse Cookies .... • v ... m, ~ Yams ... 37 "'•llty 41 .. ,,,,_,, ... a.... . ~ 'i '·

- .19 .23

Quallty .... qua .... ~:~.~,!~ ... ,. ,.:; ·79 •• ~. · _ .•• H ..... ~". ·., Spirits

"'""' ....... ,..... ..,,., """' ._,,.,., Pound Cake ... .49 -· -t::f / -

Biavordi..... ~~ i

8iVordi··· .... we ~E-- ,::~ :: ._.. ~ ..: 3~39 aste ... . 45 aste .... 49 ~l~~~i'~rispies •.\'; .59 ·~· -jf.

Spic•• and W1lw AddH- Sef¥a wl*i Lal 3 59 ;.;~~ii e.iess "~i.~· 1;0•11 Holidav Delicatessen ·Gin ..= • TavernHaml.39 Fryers~:~~ ... ... . 29 s88';;iiti1·~~Ad .. r·

33 s~~~- ... .8.79

....... .... c.. a s ............ ,~co. .... Boneless Chuck 98 ............... _ .. ,, ... ,.. ,... • Ch...,, Bros. Wines - 1.89 ~R~mpoo•noR:st : 1:21 ~!~·!~.~:::.~Ibo. lb. "

38 R~lph~~Egg...,"'Nog11 quart .47 ~i!'f~~:~w.;· RNfte~pLM.2198 8 r11a11. Dnimdck1·1Thlgha ~ ..

TopS'i-.:k;i:!8;ic lb. 1.78 Calif. Fryer Parts .. . 75 (i~~·Ham ... 3.39 ~wine '""' 2.99 Mon 1V-Spke1 al'ld W111r Addff 1 79 U.S.D.A. Grlld1 A-10-12 i-. Avg.-Young 59 Pltlabury - ·--r- Q-1' C.tHu Pfilta-Clla~ot 1 aa Boneless Ham Slices ... • Annour Stuffed Turkey .._ • Crescent Rolls • ... _ •fJ' Cold Duck - "'''I" Fr"" , orll - IOLpkf. Honer • iacllle.-l-121b. •VJ. Bob'• (8f1u Cl'leeM !All 82 l!!-- l utlUfld)'-C"9blfl

Luer Link Sal.!sage ... . 37 Turkey Breast ... . 89 Roquefort 11ressing .... • 1paul Ma\S!lon Wines .,. 1.79 WllMn -1 -. 1111• 83 E11leraOtl ll'l·Jl•d Por11:- 111d1Cut 9 SOl·Spr11d 39 J'-Mtf MaeAJN1t1r-S1v1 .30 4.29 Com King Bacon ... • Pork Chops , •. • 7 Imperial ~rine '"'; • Imported Scotch -

..... ":. .24 Com ".: .19


~Whip ~ - ~Fou :; .47 '"'"" ,Id ... 88 ...... 111., ...

'!:. :0 Tlnyl'tm .... . Dinner Nlpki• ·-- .... 88 -- ': .28 Mbt8d Ylgll&l11 ..... PlllllcW,.

• ~(WI~ •

, az)1na1 II 11-188 .............. ,...

........ JotlnMot1'1-Fro11911• ........... •

Goldlill Pranlllia 79

Plinpkln Ice Cream~~ • Pies ..::.BB


... 83 "' . ... :n .... ,, ... 27 -. ...... .... . '; ·" ;: Jl8

E~e DllH Nov. 20 lo 23


11111•0 ilil _189 . • The Suaer nmrlmt

Rec:ipe and entertaining ideas by M!!.rl tla Randall, Ralphs home economist and consumer iffalrs

• manager.


' I

, ....


.• ·, ..

. ... ., .. ,


.· :

. '




C~oc;al~te CRi~ Cookie Be1ff :f r.ies Soft Sell Method LETS ASK

Monday, Nowmbtr 20, 1972 DAILY PILOT JJ

· ~',DEAR NAN: I rud 111 yov tO thaw a turtey illcluilhlg the still be frolen. You will have Lei ltaDd ~ Tho It very strongly. There is in a separate bowl K you like, pie pie can be prtpared in a THE (QOK ,...._ n.t IM lldJ' wM cib&etl. , to wait to remove them. double sack treatment cre•lts much chance of food poison· but the women lh our family paper bag. That's right. If you wMld UU eMcollte e.Wp 1If you're In a ten;ble hurry, A atill better way is to thaw its own litUe refrigerator. Ing. Don't risk it. It isn't always cu~ the bread Into a would like to have Nan Wiley's .._ ~ if tMy were IOt 11 put the whole thing, ltlll wrap. the turkey ovemlgbt by plac- Incidentally, for t,ba,e who worth it. big bowl, dice the celery and instructions send 10 cents and .,,., 'Crap. ~ ml&bt try my ny ped 1n the plio{Um, in a tinkful Ing it in a heavy brown ask me every year, over and For those of you who ask onion or whatever, an d a I o n g , seJf.addressed,

.. ~,,. bUil!I jbem. . of cold water. When the bird - grocery aeck, a double one if over again, it is Mt sat~ to 4aboot stuffing the bird the refriger~te that in a separate stamped, envelope with your Nin W"r • I make tM r • & •la r fee1a: IOlt on the bUtlid&, Uft it neceaaary,,. Then twiat shut, tie roast a turkey overnight--. Iii a ntght betore, no, even when bowl. It all goes together rast request tor Nan's leaOet '---...;-111 ........... chtp recli!e ' l loud ou~ ...,... the ·- · and with "'°"' llrlnf just as yo<I very slow oven. - g@ff'for refrigerated. in the morning. "Cooking In A Brown Paper oa tbe bo1:, tbea futead tf tha,.. tbe relt of. tile WIJ.. would for' doing turkey in a any method you use. You can make the dressing Bag" to Nan Wiley in care of

·drepplai tltem •Y ~-~The=· '--"'glble.::;.;le~· =and=--=such.:.-._w_Ul~brown~-'-~~per~he~g~. ·~~~~-The~U-S_D_A_·~~•-tions~~agii:..._in•,t~~~~-ra_te~ly'---M-d_r~~r~rig~e-ra_te_l_t ~=S=•u=,=h=am-'-, t-w=k~ey_a=nd--"a~'---=tho.:...:.Da=il~y=P=ilo=t.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~t 1 nu cupcake papers• - .•

.. aliaat one4lrd full, set in ·--·bake\.• 'few • miautei longer or ulltD &olden biown. "' ~ Let cciotle1 cool la papen for abollt 5 mbaatn, tbea rtmoYe cartfully alllll layer lM;m lD a cookie jar. T'lls cookie Is cHwy like a bton&e, ud It Im mere Da .... )lee- k 11 -

By tlae way, I n-ete ta eapeake _ ... lo tw8 .bal<· .......... Ol_..t._, get os muy ...i.~ ir.,. 11111 way ef blWmli. lblee l ue morecoo11W'illipper .......

I can't lUe fd eredf. I• tlU btcaate lny·sllter told me about tt. Her lmbud wu ta the , 'N!'VJ' OVerHll Ud Ille seat Wm a box of tMle every moJJilt. ..

nie; !IP•'h ,.. )roken In ut,.ihlU.., ¥9P _... do; , I ..... e-- enJon them ~ ., midi • !"ldf· lln. Linda 1\eaYll, Sll&1PM M .• • ~I • D J

Kan •• - ~ '

What an ingenloos Idea. Thanks for p&Ming UU. along · to our readers. Fruit~~ .. ~ '

many others' I incllded a booklet some. lime ago ~ t ; same. Fruit ,cooklel· or Ullse made with boney:hvet-,.IL ~ Brownies, chocolate · c b ( P cookies, or date bars are veey popular.

You do have to pacb securely and ·carefully. U

_ sturd_y outefliozes. Pack b!c,'ll,~----1 es so. tig)ily Uiere !iii ! a chance for any rattling. \ ....

Large shorteaing cma wt~ . ·~' plastic ' lids make a:celle~ . container!/ Seal them wiUi masking tape, and have outer boxes just large enough to wedge.

Cooliles should be wrapped separately in foll or plastic wrap or baked ln a disposable pan to oend aloog. Wrap boUI with several layers· of heavy brown paper and tie with strong cord. Address clearly with black marking pencil or permanent· iak..JDarker.

Aft ~~primarily for ~ overseas ~. ¥.t yoo ' f>~ may need ~· ideas for sen-ding cooJdtl anywhere. Mall takes an awful banging around

· these days. •

DEAR NAN:- WHh Tbaobgll'IDC and (fhrhtmas oearlag, Ote froita turkey ts my proMe;m. ' • T h e y ' ' (wboeYer they are) freeze the turkey with tbe gt~, etc. lDslde.

The turkey d .... tt lakie leq lo thaw bal the PM<ll do. They are frozea . solid. A woman doeu't llave eDHCll strtngth to pall diem oat. r am sure \Jley ~eoakt pdt tJtose glhlele• etc. bj a separate bag on lhe side: Mr1: Miera. Layton, Utah.

That would be impractical - labor "l""d C<llll. more. But I a~ with you1 I haYe a .terrible time · clawm;. them out. There are two good waya

Berries Creamed Here's a gala way to

celebrate fresh c r a D b e r r y seuon. ,

The ~rfaft comblnea cook­ed,1 tart cranberri~ with partially melted miniature marshmallows, w h Ip p e d cream and eletant aUced almonds that have been llibtlY loasled.

It's dlllettnt and -t CRANil£llllY ALMOND

r~ASY I> pound>tr..l. cranberries

1/3 cup sugar '12 cup water 2 C\lPI minlat'ure

rnai'lbmallows I> c:up llJced almonds I> c:up'whlppinC cream llte•-·-­

Comblnecnnblnies,supr and water ln aaucepu; cover, brinC lo boll ""' boll flOll1 i minutel. Mix mal'lhmallowl into aanbert'*; ldt until almool melted.

aim 1111111 - ..... "' lhldea. Meanwhile, lout - In

,.,.. ahallow pan In -degree oven "" I mW• • unW Ucbt aokien·

Whip ....., untU lllfl. Fold cream, almond extnct and all bu! I labiol- al.- Into aanben'y m1.-i! fM, a lt­tlo mon - ,.. ... ....... !'*I . ..... ~ • dim. Oii illlll ill <llnM with morvtd almooda jolt

befon --

I ' • I

I .


-- U.S. GOVT; llSPKTll - v1ao1Y-oHOYAU----

11-1.1s. All UP


• . J

,, '

U.S. IO. 1










•• -.............. .~ ... ttrtl ........ ·-.............. .._ .... _,......._ ·--••tt-- •H ...... ttftt, ........ M ............. • ...................... ... ............... •U~~-..... ...._111 ......... -., ...... _ .. ....._ ............. lltf-- • ....._.,_. .. _... • '• t ·-- • II...._ ........ ... ., • ...... •a ........... •~...._ • H•L- ·--r-.•f'ln~-a,·~- IW' .. _ ... ....-.... •,_tft, llllt._..._ , I • ..,....,. ... ••• ........... • ...,_..,='. ,..._,,.,. • ....,..,.,.,_...., • ... ._.... •5 .,,... .-.-............. .. •= ...... • M1!1;'1· ..... ,....,_~ ••• , ..... _... •--- ... _..... , ....... -. .-. •• .__,,. • .. ..... . . ........... • ,,...... • ..,...,...,.. • .,...,.., , .,. ..... 111 ...... ,..,.._.,, • to•..-•·-.•-.. , · · .... ·mmr~._ "" ,.. .. ·~- .... ~-:;,..,, ..... .-a,,.,, • ..._ ....... ·---···~ ·_., ............ = · ............ ·~· .... --• ... .• ' ...... ' .................. . .... .,,.. ........ _., ._._~,---. """ ........ •-...::l,-....

-"'"".1 ....... -... 11111 ... I ..... .. .. ......... ---· .. ----­.......... _.. ... • ~ • . ,....,.. • ..._,..,.._..._~r • "' .,....__,.,._._... • .. -. ... .-- • • ;a ... __ .,., ..... .., ... _ ............ ...... ~ ...


' .

. . . . ~ . ~ ... .,,_ .... .,._ •• • ••• " • j>-, •'··· ••• •• • ~· • ; • . ..... . • •• • •

\ %% DAILY PILOT Monday, Newtmbtr 20, 1972


Thougptless Turkey Thaws Thankless- Leftovers.-~. ~

Frenc Potatoes Defined Recipes for Potatoes . Lyon

naise, the French dish, are ifloi clined to be -a little vague.

- ~-But' ·here-is one that-gives -every detail. ' j

It is authentic. too , because it is made according to one of the two melhod.s outlined iD Larousse Gastronomique, the famous French culinary en­cyclopedia.

POTATOES LYONNAISE 2 pounds (6 medium )

potatoes Boiling water i'l cup butter 111.t ~ups thin strips sweet

Spanish onion l teaspoon salt 1 1 ,~ to l/• teaspoon pep.;

per 2 tablespoons mlnced penley Scrub potatoes with cold

water ; place in a saucepsn ; cover with boiling water. Boil , covered, until just tender when pierced with a fork - 30 to 40 minutes.

Cool, peel and slice about v,. inch thick.

In a 10- to 12-lnch skillet melt v, cup of butler; add the potatoes; over moderate heat cook, turning yith a wide spatula a~ necessary, until golden brown.

Remove potatoes and keep hot ln a warm oven.

Melt remaining '{, wp but-ter in Hiller; add onion and cook over moderately low beat, stirring often, until golden.

Return potatoes to skillet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and miJ: well. Let stand over low heat if necessary to hold or heat through until very OOt.

Turn into serving dish and sprinkle with panley. Serve at once in 6 servings .


Surprise A sweet accompaniment for

the main course.



THING IS SMITH'S FOOD KlllBI All Ty;.i ~f· Tarktys • • •

Dlllks ••• llttst ••• Roasters ALL USDA GRADE A





USDA Ot01CE ••• lHE ON.Y ' 'IRAN)"' OF Wf WE SB.I.

$.J~~ T·BDNE STEAKS ~ ... ... .. •1~: PORTERHOUSE ~ ..... .. .... •1~ BONELESS ROASTS~ ... '1~


PORK CHOPS RIB END OF LOIN 69' BLADE CUT ........ .... LOlll EllD PORK CHOPS .... .. . L& 89' CENTER CUT Rll CllOPS ... .. . L& '1"


TOMATO PUDDING 0 CREAM 59 6 slices bread, crust remov· S UR C ed and diced. lou>S<N · . · '°" CAITON •• •..•.•.

~ :! <~~r.;..:!~ tomato CANNED HAMS $398 puree 5'1WT'S SAN>W1CH sm.t • J.U CAN .

;; °: ~!,~ =od darJ CREAM CHEESE 35c brown sugar 1 I UAfl PHl.ADftPttA • 1-0L "'°' .....

ln a 1-quart round glass "'°"' °"" tlLECTIOH °' MJOlllTED "caaerole (l'il by 2~ lnche3 ) NG DOllUTIC ..... WI IUOQIST . •• "' similar ul•nall. m ; x OU lllATUU OOUI DUCK "" 11" together tho bread and butter.

~ -~-:r~1::: BASTERS ~ 59c water 14 bollbr«i: ,....,.. from WOE SIZE • LMllfAICAILE

::~~~r~~; =~ ' BAKING PANS Bab, covmd, In a

prel>Mted ~ own lo~ I b;q. Remove cxwer and wnwa n • c. a..o l9CU'T' l"AN • staud t lllhutOI al - CM1 .... WIWTllll •

If~ .. -. aarvlng. r ~~Tit """"' 2~ssc Ede• or puddq wtll bo v.....a ro.. - •

nrr - brown 11a1 tt wt11 no1 I




--- ,. yalff <w•w•- Ii' ....... ...... 2\o\CA"I ••••• , . ·

PITTEI llPE 11.IVEI ~~:!.":':°""' II' INSTAil PITITDEI ~~ .. .... .. 71' MlllCE llllT =~:. ':'.".'~~.".':':....... .. , PICll.f CllPS = ::.'.'. ............ ..

. PIE ClllT :1"~~~~:--"G. ......... 21' Mllfl llTI ~~~~~ .. .... ...... . 7t

~~ ... n-igc • COUNS • 2$.ot. II\. i.

f\Oll>A UY llD



News and I

\Yiews .

• COFFEE COFFEE CERTl-FllUH IR£AD£o SMlllW, ............ " 0• "'°'1• 15 1 v ·Nn 1 A, DINNERS , COTTAGE

. I· ' ... ~ . : .. . ' . \.

~., 5.~ . I ..

~· ... .


I CERfl.FRESH F1SH 'I CHIP$. PDL. ,....._ .... ••· ""'Ille I ~ • • " I

I CElllWllESll FISM CAKES, ............. ..... .... llQ1A9 II .... ..a . . ••. ""' I CHEESE - : lllCI

Fl1t1Eh\Y' ...... - 135 •1, .... 93c .... 2s7 CERn.FRESH IDLllE• FRIED mCH.-. ~·~11c ...... g& I, ~-= 103 1 =..".:.:--U 2~2Sc .

CAN c.,. .1 DOWIYFUltl llOT II.ICES, PDL. 11...oz. •o; .. Nia ... Uc ~ma o;J- " ' .


I l I ;' l !,

• •


0 ntles

' -B -8 -8_

UIDA .c 1 c Qo91ce Rib End a;~, ' ' Cuts Flavorful Ideal to

q\Jde '\ Pan Fry lb • . t "" Short Shonk lb.

' .

op sir. .. i.~ St.e!d<S 178 :(an.,ed Hams .11.$568 o.i.uC"' - USDAChok 18"1 ·' JI' ~ Dob<lqvt0<SofowoyQ~l;ty 5 Cu R'9olo<C"'-USOACho<o Gro"'

· -Bone Steaks ' ~.~,~ · ~1 51 ftinned Hams ".!,':,".:' 8 ~';,$8 11 Larg·e Loin Lamb Chops ,.$149

Lamb Chops




Monday, Novt mber ZO, l 'i7 i!

Bone Sieaks '"'~c. ciJ., \ 1

79' · 'st·1ced Bacon '"""'""""" "''73' Rib Eye Lamb Chops ""'" $JS• • USDA(~ 8fet' ~ . _ (1ormer .lohri 1-lh. pkg 84d PkJ. S1re I'-

-Bone Ste!ks -•=;. i88~er John '""';;:..,. ..69' Small Loin Lamb.,Chops us'o~",'.::!u .. $1" y OUNG· TOMS anned H~~s s;11.~$4sa Ground Beef ~~1~;~B~: ,.67c .,..J~~.~GHE37NS ~::~:;'tr~'.hr

Tender Tlmw c or Lancaster Farms or l oncasler Forms

2'D · II · " '"""" 79c B •. R I ''"'' • 99c ""'"' '·1 11 22-lbs. & Under

~Done-.~_sl '~:;~:~~· ,. . one ess~- oas ''·:..~~·lie- --- -·YOUNG TOMS- -· - sElf--1Ast1NG- .

9' ... b Chop$ ;_Td:"~r· ·"$1°8 Beef Brisket ~'eway ••con {~;"82c Beef Ri~ Roas1~:~;E:.~·,i99c

rmhWh•'• 99c or Pomt ~

Holf I ..

Faocy qHlity Finn & ~hlH ldeol For Slicing Over C91"Pls

1-lb. Can

langerJnes Avocados

Fino A'"1 F"'" Fint Flavor -low In

Calories! Holiday Treal! lutttrY"lllc• Fla"fl

Blend~ \ytth Almost -'i1Y Salad. A Nutritious Gomishl

lb.25c 3 for $JOO

Fresh. Cucumbers .:'tri~~. • . I

~rapefrult l•llJ led Yorlety

Rich In Vitamin C-Woke Up Brwokfoll AP90tites l

... •

APPLES ·~ •. Ci .. • ··-- 1 fll emes '" ·~- •.. 2,:. 69• °""' ,,... 0.. Bmsels Spi oats "<:' 39•

,, I


Fresh T Olllllt~,::. ZaW41 hies ' 1't:. Red Potatoes *: ~;.

, ... 39' " . ':t.. .. 69'

.. 10·




LIQUOR & WINES " , f'!Pc1 , • . n L1ce11 ~o ,.i·r .. d,,

Ch Moison Blol'IC $36' ampagne Pink cwWllit1/Cold Dul; lr. M11.

Winner's Cup Scotch '~~. ""'$4" Blended Whiskey ,,..w_•;;;;.,, ,, .. $329


8 Zippy Sweet Pickles Cnnbeny Sauce ~ Highway Canned Yams • Pie Crvst Sticks ,~:-:..

,, .... 59' Ill.

..... 25· '" ':;~' 31• '1:27'


In Stereo Al so Includes Six Selections by Jhe

Roy Conniff Singeri

$129 Only

.,i.::~olve your gift problems! ; • The perfect answer for

last-minute gifts .. .


Manor House Quality U•~•r 22-lbs.

YOUNG HENS .V.OnorHouse 43c UllW 14-lbs, l-. lb,


PIES Or M\ICt - l1Hk f11n1

ftApple Juice

TURKEYS Young Grade 'A' 5ofPN11y Brond Tomi Under 22·tb. 1~ _45c


~ Gal. Ctn.

~ICffH P11tJ tfol ............. ... .. .. ..... ll lie)

Oc Clw-Te_M .. ,. ~:\ $J 15 SporX~rq (ltor: 1r1•h t . , l~I ..

1-IV!t Flavor. .Ii· I ll.

I Stuffing Mix ·=:E~ ':;·.· 45c : l ·Juice-Cocktail °'T-=.?:"· rf'':~L 79c · • Mushrooms Choi<~~:~::.!:~~ ... JI' Button or Sliced Tool

l\\·IL 29C Ill

ft Aluminum Foil ~~~~~:., ",-:· 43c · • Salad Dressings EFE;

large' AA' Eggs ::7.:·;.-:.~-;:; ·~· 49c · : Polaroid Film ~!-:E'~ ... s3•

" SAVU. •·•t 33' It!. '



.. ROLLS .:~~3 $1 Jill!ll . P•1~ And Rtody Boktd- Skylark oft l

8Aiigel Food Cake "'~:.:' ' 'I~ 39'

fl.Mn. Wright's Pies=: ~79• Ii.Mn. Wright's Schned:.C.39'


fl Mixe4 V'91tellles ':

a ChocMte kl.In -


VICKS NYQUIL •Ua-tti• Ct1.i tltfl, IM

fl V0-5 Hair Spray Bright Skit Sk111pDO a Dial o.o~ .... Jo~•••'• Biiiy Pow•r

':::- .... :: ••. :: 66• ~ ...


' • '

' '

J1' DAILY PILOT Monday, Nowmbtr 20, 1~72

• • • were as tO/f/ as. and then some

layf1lr Wiii Be Opn 'Iii 11•11g1tt, TUnaghlac &1

••• Closed Th1nksgivi11g Day


mayfair priced HOLIDA y POUL TRY

MAYFRESH TOM TURKEYS." '""'"' ,. 36c MAYFRESH HEN TURKEYS ...... ... ,. •...• _39c SELF·BASTING HEN TURKEYS .'.':,','.:, •. 48c SELF-BASTING TOM TURKEYS :::,','.:.. 45c SELF-BASTING JR. TURKEYS .'.':,','.:. • SSc ARMOUR STUFFED TURKEYS ' ".~.':,:" 56c

" Mtioo M17h" ,..,, Otio · Slap •"°t>P"'9 !or oil four Ho l• 41V ~••• • Wo Corry • lu ll • • l1cl1..., o! '° ' ""''M"' f u'111r1 lor you• Holoto y Foo ot. "




VORINOFF .,ig.,, $699 VODKA " " '·" ,IL t l JI ED l /2


~.E!!!!~~~.~IN .. ... . •n"'' S6 99

~~~l~,~~l~~_!l~ND~n '"·56 9 9

~~~~~I!2. s .. c~TCH .;~~,5499

~~!!~~'l. ~~0Rofl~C. 3 """ 55 !~1~1~1~,~E,R~,~~~S J89

'!.~.~. ~9!E!J!!~' · ""'" 5197 ~~A.~~~ ... ,. _ ........ 5159








GRADE A 2 1/ 2 to 3 LIS. AVG. WT.



7~ 3-lbs. or MORI •• • 65crb.

1I4 SLICED ,~~~',L:c~~~. 89t PORK L 0 IN .. ~.~.~~~.~:~~.:~.~.~.~~-~~~.~ .. 1b.

SLICED Mlll A CUllE ARMOUR 74c 10,l /'I SIZE

BACON 12·01 Pl(G .... .••... ,, !b.


!;~,o.~~.~!~AKS .. ··-··~ 148

~!~f,;~~WMEAT ... 98C:

FRESH " '"' " 98C: 10 · 01, J AJI OYSTERS ME D. SI ZE .... E.t..

FRESH Sl-I ANI( P Oll Tt OH 7 7c: LEGO' PORK ' T071b. WTS. lb •

FRESH GRADE ... s ro 7 1b.wts.54c: ROASTING CHICKENS "·

~~~~ ~~~s~~ .. 98c: ~ ... ~~~~"~~~.~.~~.~~ •. . l b . 5 9c

MIXED FRYER PARTS ...... ou • ., ... . ,, ,.", 29c S HIHOQU.l. ll TE RS W!lH 8 .t. Cl


USDA Food Stamps Welcome Prices Effective Mond1y, No¥. 20 lhroup Wednesday, Nov. 22

may.Jair-p_riced produce

-\ .. , ~



lOi. 16~.

We've cut prices . ~n 7,54~ items

We ve cut • -· -· · "' -~ - --....._ prices on me t : ;;:,us.en,ds • nd thousands' ;,,On produce and on

zen oods and oth canned g 00 d 1 · ~ut prices on 7 542 :f" tNroc~ry items. We've ur most every time the • th ings most people ~tyu corners on service Y Jhop, But ,we hitven't batt on meat and producaen 1(1h~!' tcut qual -

er. . · n, u,1ng, they're

U.S. 110. I




!!?49~ CILLO IAG 13~A.

• .






' ' ' • .. '

•• ~ . r.



-~ -

T~ ' , (

6· h 10 ~

·' 14 I: . ' 1 5 1~ 16 F

'" ' \BF " 19 ~

20 I

22 ' i ' ·f


" ' I

1 I 21 7,1

' • I

OI I -

• 31



by Chester Gould l'U. PUT"f'Mt!' CARBINE IN

.t. SAA! Tlll ~SEE ·MOW ~MD.

by Toi!! K. Ryan

YOU ear IT. WEEPS! PROP 11\"lllE JAIL! IU. ~IZ IF I CAN RUS1U: lJ' ~N~y




'iil:lNCY '






1 Crete 1ow1rd &Impend hom1; 2

10 Head word•

S11urday's 'uzzle Solved:

.cov11ings 54 Men11I 1'1 lslend of 1ptitude1 · ,s't"'den S8 Jndi1n

15 ··- Chin• language 16 Pit. --- 59 M1jor •·•• \ 7 Mennoni!e 61 Love, in

group Florence \B Reregaseout 82 Scotti1h

' 11!em11r11 w1terf1ll 19 Swelling 63 Alw1y1 20 Have laith 64 B11v1r 22 Speakers' 65 FiKed ch1rg11

,. Pl11'f6rm 66 Declines I" foo~btl 11 a1ue fields. 67 G1owing

6 L1ri.IU outward_.... 7 PhVJiNI ,. , t OOW~ , - '13 Ch11ck1 th1 <112 Prison

defe ct: 2 r't" 1"1Andftri1 ~ 1 • course ol olficials words kingdom ,"\. '21 Roman 101d •3 Jiu blod lnMct ! ~ Egyptian 2J Vocalizes soloist

1 FaM 1o do dincer: ~''· 25 Water· le Rasort c~ 2 M1ke1f11~ 1'Cllw courses 47 .Stored •·1 , 7,Moon ~ 4 Visible: 2 27 Fearless ladder

"•hicl• , for words 28 011he US A 48 Rock ledge t l'lort 15 -Cling 29 Coin 49 Uncanny Eaposu 6 Bau bin hit: ~I Healing 50 ··rne ··-

0 Mine product 2 words devices Mu1iny" 1 - • •••• on: 7 Chlmical M Ea ha us ling 53 ··•• Scotil

Aimed II 1ulfi'.. •florl SS MOl.l th 3 Oapolitof I Steoch 36 Author-S. inll•mmation

mud 9 Rpltw1y Girdner 56 W~t Printly IYSltffl 38 Pu11 in a . allowj!llt g1rtn1nt 19 Cfw>Jll moun1ing 57 M'lk•

5 Projectiltt camt>o1ltion 18 Rattllng withered: Prlv111 11 Mt1in1t'1 tound1 Var,

1 Ple111n1ty .,jr.ct~ 39 P11iod1 of 90 Powerl\il: ftlvorlul .( 11 City ti""' d1cUn1 Pttli•

..,,.'lrlr r'llr'<T' 1"'111"1

,, I

111111 (111111,

. 7

ltf Ai Jmlth

by Dlif! Hale




ve;, I'M MAl<f<l<Pm. c 'VE 60T TO GET AWAY






•. &! .. • ::i:,;. .. --

11 · ;1. 0


by ..


;.._~__;:;_~.:...,:;~~~M '

by John Mllet

Monday, Nowmber 20, 1'172 DAil Y Pit.OT JS

by Roger Bradfield

by Gus Arriola




by Roger Bolen

l/fA~. liOll NCnb <iaJ Miii> Mor 6TAllD1'1" DtR' e,ellll[) ~ \llHfll l»E'R'e: 1Hrs Cl.061! 'Ttl ™!!~Nill fl (,

~ ?. .. lO "E"" r IMro ·~ lion ti p/tolJ', w1G •1 *',N 11M lte apeod1ac aU Ute moMJ I 11\'flll • rqialr 11111."

,,,_ If•



' •

. i I



Turkey Needs A Nap NEW YORK (UPI) - Holi·

day turkey, like the cook who prepares it, benefits from a short rest before dinner.

Roast turkey is easier to carve and juicier if it sits in a " ·arm spot out or the oven for 15 to 30 minutes before serving. Use the tonger time for large birds.

If you buy a frozen turkey instead of a fresh one, allow ample defrosting time. It sho~d be at refrigerator temperature, or about 40 degrees Fahrenheit, when it goes into the oven. A warmer bird cooks faster, or a colder one, more slowly.

A defrosted uncooked turkey can be refrigerated safely for two or three daYs. But cover it with a damp towel so the skin doesn't dry out and split dur­ing roasting.

Defrosting times .11re only ~pproximate . Food thaws faster in a refrigerator that's opened frequently than it does in one rarely opened. It also thaws faster in a warm room lhan a cool one.

Keep these factors in mind when you use the following simple formula for estimating defrosting tim~s :

Allow about 24 hours for each five pounOs of bird thaw­ed in the refrigerator. Plan on about 30 minutes for defrosting turkeys in cold w·ater that is changed every 30-45 minutes : or about one hour per pound. for a bird enclosed in a large paper bag and left at room temperature. Close the end of the bag with pins, paper clips or clothes pins.

For refrigerator or room t em p er a t u re thawing, puncture the original wrapping in several places or open it part way and place the bird in a shallow pan or deep platter to catch drippings.

For water bath thawing, make sure the original wrap­ping is unpunctured so the bird won't soak up water.

Defrosting will be speeded up if you remove the giblet package from the cavity as soon as possible. But never stuff the turkey until you're ready to cook it. ·

Like ground meat , stuffings have so much surface eX"posed to air that they spoil more easily and rapidly than solid foods do.

tf you baste the turkey often, allow additiona l roasting time to compensate · · for the drop in oven tem­perature every time the door iH opened.

For greatest accuracy. use a roast m e a t thermometer. Inseri it in the thickest part of the thigh but not touching bone. CARVING DIRECTIONS

At meal time, have a service plate prewanned on an electric warming tray If possible. Keep garnishes on the turkey platter at a minimum so they won 't in-terfere with carving. )

Place the turkey so it! breast is at the Jert or a right­handed carver, or the right of a southpaw. If legs are held together by a band of skin, cut it with. knife or scissors.

Provide a small folded cloth to protect the carver's other hand from heat and fat while holding the lip_ of t h e drumstick to steady it when making the first cut.

Slice downward through the skin that separates lhe thigh from the body of the turkey, and bend the whole leg and thigh toward the platter as you do so.

Sever the joint. place the meat. cut side down, on the service plate. Separate lhe two leg joints to be 5erved In· dividually, if small, or sliced, if large.

lnsert carving fork firmly Into top joint of wing and preM downward as you make a long cut at the bottom of the breast at a right angle to the br~ast bone.

Still holding the w i n g downward. sever the joint con· ncciing It to the body and remove wing to th~ service platter.

Slice the breut In straight, even strokes. beginning about halrway up the breast . When the knife reaches the horizon­tal cut above the wing joint, the sUccs will fall free ., -Con­tinue ca~ing, moving the knife nearer the t.op or the breut bone with each slice. Serve turkey and stuffing when t.nough meat has bMn caned for all sue•t.s.

I , 1



~ ll(rolt • 16-0once Pko.


~ 4-0• Pli.o . • Oe•wrt Topolno


All'ff.A IETA Dl$COU!jf




1Alltr1tn• ....m11 • TM ...,. .,_,



Al.'111 1£11 OISCOUPH


@B'RIO·sf ~RDrav '9c~" . fro5""7c BREAD DOUGH

c°LoR1!fri w'HoLE PEACHES 35c


. ......... hit ltn'f ft .. ,. MUI ft CIAMIKt•~ IOI.tit • """ TU llUltftl • au TWIU m•





2'! '?-'


Atl'tt l IETA . 01$COUNT


' 91 POMPONS C, MARIGOLDS · w: MARGUERlft 1'' ~ DMSllS . IU.

'1-•' (!Ill C.U.NAnOHS

' •

I~!. ..








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Y' NAVEL c~~' 10u.· ORANGES BAG.

·.· . . . . . • •

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" ll • • kl )' '~ -Ill '· . \

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ave to Win 'em All, Says Prothro After Loss ' . ,. .

By GLENN WHITE I; , Plothro's lor<el blew I ~HO ballllme said. "But I ltlll thought we were gOiJI& temoon, hlttin& %5 ol l.l Pl""" for 235 °' ., - '"' ""!' • leld to tJie expkilt .. VtltlDls. who made to win It until they go! lhat last yards while dl...ilng the running • !tack

< LOS ANGE.LES - Torruny Prothro lnci'edlble uae of tlie big playa In the final l6tlchdown" to 191 yanls. !made It short and simple - In dl...i 30 minutes. He w.S ' ,.(erring lo a 66-yard bomb And with the defense containing Mln-

trast to the football game wbt<h• bad Scrambling ,uarterhacl< Fran Tar"'"' from Ta'rkentoo to John Glllialll oo a oesota fairly well -the !icst hall it aeemed ooly .,......., earllor~SundaY too~· '!l_Joud>doWll ~of 76, 70, thlrcl-down-a-veo play wltb, :15 to go the Rams w.,. oo lheir way.

emoon. • - T" S met .Iii ljlldl bi Uit lu(!Wo~Jo In thr 1a .... -'lllat ·ocore made it- 4W4 - But lhe Vlkta cam< oul battling, hlllilll "We'll just have oto win 'em• ~ ~ rally 1'!s motel.· ..,.. ilrl~; ""!l\W. and the Vlklap were In.;, · · ·. nrst with that fiOllJ>le recovery return,

Cll," lhe ·RalDI coicb: told the""" :wJl!>,l>'Yll!'i -"'l.i;,11":1> eoaJuiiihle Biid Grant, f'OICb of the Vl.klnp, said then pn a 'lf.yerd scoring throw - all OIJowing bis team's 45-41 loss to Min· to start the last half, WAI too mUCb for .. Jt was a different kind' of game for U9 ~lthin S:20 of the third quarter. ·

before 71.m fans. lhe Rams to overeOme. ~. . .. great passes and great catcbe1~ Wt Tbe ~tter score was particularly im-lt wu the most points ICOf'ed against a "They are a ~ team, but haven't been able to throw like that all prtssive when receiver Bill Brown slam-

team ,alnce 1965 wheo San Fran- Ibey pt ...,. pr1!}ty. J1R41 breaks," season." med t'<(o woold-be tacklen to earth at clsco marcbfd off wiU. a 45-21 victory. Prothro •dded. "For uample on the He a!JO lauded the play of Rams midfield .and continued on to the end zone

Winning 'em all means getting by New fumhle we got hit pretty hard. But the quarterback .. J;l.oman Gabriel, who was unm'olested. That made it 28-24 and leans, San Francisco and St. Louis on ball doesn't often bow>'!' ,up Into the thoroughly Inconsistent and thoroughly all\>O\Jgh the Rams regained the lead

!the nNld then coming back to the defender's hands like tt dld that time." booed here just a week ago wheo the • dbCe more (11·27) they were never fully liseum Dec. 17 to tackle the Detroit What about lhe Vikinp.,recelvers? " We Rams fell to Denver, 16-10. able to rtc0ver from that quick and

just let them get behind UI," Prothro Gabriel did have an incredible &1- devutatlog onslaught.

: Ti:gy, Irish •

l On N·ational , I ,,. 1 tTel~fimon :f NEW i\'6RK - The Ainerll2n Broad· 1 e•ting Co. annoonced 'Sll!litaY it will t levise the SOUttiern Cllifornia-Notre : , me footbaU game as part ~:f'. a TV ~ebeader on Dec. %. • • The USC.Notre Dame eontesl will ' be

I \ired at 1 ~.m. PST, following a 9:30 , ~.m. game, probably Aqny-Navy. '1 .... 11 MIAMI - Football fans who use the :pld balloon play to fake out local 1lelevis\on blackouts may get thrown fer a ~hocking io.., Florida· Power-& Li.Jbl,Co. Says. lo -; A spokesman for the power company kays booking a heJium.filled balloon on a

'1iire to an outdoor 1 t.elevlaida-antfuna

\toUld result in a ~ tlectric shock if ,.._ we cfilitacts-a ·Jl!),.., line. -..... " : ....

•: WJLKES.BARRE, ·pa, - B ob b y McBride, a ~year~ld d e f e n s i v e

~!back for Wilkes College, died Sunday injuries received during a football

me with Kings Point

t McBride died at Wilkes-Barre General ospltal, where be was taken lrom the eld Saturday. He suffe~ a lractured

~kull early In the third period of the Jlme when he helped make a tackle. McBride. a junior from,

' UPIT .......



"'.( 8.Ml .. tzrl::;Eiec In Chargers Victory

KANSA~ CITY- (AP) The· clock showed one minute; . aecondJ.left.

ijas majoring ln busines,, administration. • • · 1 ' - . . i ruooEJ~-GaryPl•y;-&bo, ·Falcons Duel

final.round 69 Sunday for 72-hola~I ~ -.1 , ,;,, ~ f 270 , ancf i ,0.stroke vict'M'f~-.: ~Ski- ·

,OOOllrazilOpenGolfT~. " "ns 'To'.mg~ . '.ht The SOutb African's easy vicllOrY over

short, par• G<lvea ,Oolf aiib;coune • • Worth n,5q0. ., . · TV .

8 Strie Me!JtYk at Jac"8onvllle,_Fta .• ·wa• T ~ . 1". go-le pecood wilh 211J··anc1 Rbetto,·de Viten1.0 .lU "-bird at 283. " " · · · • • ,

. .... , · W~lllNGTON (AP) - The Allanta - ATLANTA - West Virginia, a high- Faleons and w~ Redskins clash

ring team with an 8-3 record, ac- tcriettt in a Nat)ohat : Football League epted Sunday an· iqvitallon to collide gailte that may go a long way in deciding ith 11orth caronna su1o tn·tbe 0ec, %9 each Bowl foot6all game' 1n Atlanta. tvJo conference races. The bowl's ee1ectioo Committee an- AUaota can take· over the National ...

The K.- dty atlels trailed ·the s&n, Diego <{bai;lera 'tl·'fi: bad'-ion .00 a first iloW!lon the toemy's six.yard line.

Chiels coactJ llank' Stram waa pacing the sidellnel tn hJJ· chlr.tcterisUc lDID­ner, a thin roll of pilper, as usual, in one h;lnd.

Chargers during the cold, ' overcast day. and that one just about dissipated Stram's hope~ for ~ American FootbaJJ, Conference• Wut Oivis4on Jlayaff" berth. The Chargers won, 17-17.

need its chdice alter a one;hour c.omerence's western ·Division with a eeting with members who bad scouted victory. The Los Ange1es Rams and San

everal prospective teams Saturday. The Mountaineers defeated South

lina in their only previous Peach wl engagement North Carolina State, also a high-scor­

ng outfit, completed ilt season Saturday ith a victory ov~ CJemson and a,c­pted the bid at that time. .... ONTARIO - Raia has forced the in­, te postponement of the Southern IJlornia Open ·Goll' Tournament at the t8rio National Golf Club.

Tournament Director Stan Wood said would ask the Profe..t6nal Gollers

(.\!socia' tion for new dates for the $12,500 venL Rain cancelled the first round or the

vent Thul'$lay and f.riday's round was cancelled· when-the coune was too


TIJUANA, Mexico - South Korea's omen'I volleyball team overpowered

he Mexican team to win the-thr•nation tematiCllll toumameql here Sunday. 1be women11 victory gave South Korea sweep In the three dlo1I of competition, 'th Mexico and the United States ishlng second and third reapeetlvety In

en's and womeo's play beblnd. tbe two undefeated South Korean teama.

South Korea too~ the men'• UUe Satur­Y night.

On '.l'V-T~lgM .

Cha..-l7at8 Ftancisco 49en are lied with ~l records while the Falcons ·are 5-4.

In the National Coofmooe East, Wasbingtoo is a half game abO&d of the Dallas Cowboys, who rolled easily over the Philadelphia ~Jes Sunday. Dallu is 8-2 and the Redskins are S.l.

"We ~tter be ready, " said Redskins' quarterback Billy Kil)ller of the Atlanta

"That's the most physical tum played all year long. They come

0 hit. "Besides, lhe 'Falcons are in a title

fight, just like we are, and they're play· Ing as good. football now as I've ever seen them play."

The FalCGOS ,olf..,.. centen yound lwo Of the best nmolng bacU In the NFL - Dave Humpton, a touchdown. threat any time be - the ball, and Art Malone. Wasillqtoo wlll counler with the NFL'• best nmaJnc bock, Lan')' Brown, wbo needs only five mon yard.a to 111.m 1,000 yards rushing tbi.o -· ·

Kilmer seld be ii amazed by the Falcoos' _.itfft1¥ statistics. Tiie Atlanta eecondary· llu aDawOd only ~.3 percent c:ompieu.ol at tbO ,.... thrown !iialnst It, the best n!<Ord In pro loolball.

lats All · Tt1e1daff

For a few fleeting seconds Sunday, a lot of things adding up to almost a rriiracle sifted through Sltam's ail.tie\)' al that point.

"I tbouJht we had a chance to win . . -if we got the TD," ~tram recalled. "We needed to score aaif: )lopelully, with an ans.ides kiclc: .and recoftry, we would still bave a chanct to win..

' 'Somehow .. some way." Mike Llvlnptoo dropped back to J>88S,

unloaded. Pete Barnes, a Chargers linebacker. lumbered in rront of the ball and hauled It down.

His interception was one of four by the

Lakers Help 76ers' Record

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Los Angeles Llktn have a ID-game winnin1 streak IOing, bul cood! BUI Sharman says It'• too early to think about bet· tering the team's record of 33 1tral1ht wtos.

The Lakert picked up No. 10 Sundny nlifJl, beating PIJlladelphla, !:JS.ii, and helping the 7ten toward their own record - I IOtina 0De1

The Jou was i'hltadelphla'1 ttth wllh only one win. The Liken are now off uo· tll Friday, - they - Detroit.

Of lbelr Jou, Ptitladtlphla forwanf

Tbe defeat dropped the Oiiefs, 5-5, J 1,.z games behind the front nmnlng Oakland Raiders. ,

" It's going to be tough to get back in the playoffs now." Stram mumbled. "We had the opportunity to do It ourselves. Now we have to have help from somebody else to get in there.' '

Stram · had said before the season started the Chiefs, who have been in many playofls, bad the potential IO be Stram's best club fWer.

The Chargers, with a puny U.I record, proved otherwise. They made a shambles or what was once one of pro football '• most devastating derenses.

The Chargers poured 17 poolnts across in the second quarter and led 24-7 at the half. Quarterback John Had.I was the chief executioner and running back Cid Edwards hls nrst lieutenant.

..... ~ ~,...... J 17 J , _,, ~ CllY Ollth 1 I 1J ,_,, so - Getntt, J """ , .. .,,.. lliclll KC - Ke,... 4 ,._ Ir- °'""°" ti~

"""' SO - , G, P'll'Me 4 SO - .._t, I ""' lfi'trt. l kll SO - O.r"'°"' a ,.., "- MHI (P•r'" ... , SO - FG, Pin. 24 ICC - l'G, 11- 1111 a • ltC - Wtit, :M lllM lrOlfl Ll\llroltM IS~

'""I ..._. ·-"Ir" """'"' '' n Rrnllft - , .,., ,._.. D f<I .. _.,. ...... ... ,.. It"""' ,.,... ,., ... ... _ .. .,. 41-2M

"""""' ... ,..,,, '"""9M-IM1 W N "-"'" - .,... ,.. "-• --....... - SM °""'' 4krf'tfl IJ.J1 wil'ft. £ciwnts la.421 ~ ( lty, ........ Ne. ....... ,.n. Ot~ .. , ..

Rtcf'IV""' - Aifl '*"'°' o.t-r._. ) i i .... E....... •12, Otr"911 "111 1(- Cff,, Hrtel ~. Wttl ).fl, OU• lo& ,,.... .,._

, ...... - ... Ottf9, ...,., u .... fl• '9ffll iw... (lty, ~-~ .,, ..... (».-

"*''· " ,.,._

_ With the ground game bold to ~ yard• !or the· altemoon the Vll<es had to ride the arm of Tarkenton , the ex-University of Georgia wblJ. And t~ 32syear-old whit responded with II ol Z8 passes good lor 319 yards and four touchdowns.

•'Ji wu a. rrantic 1ame, even ror me," Tarktntoo saJd.fater. " We had hoped to run mo~ but wben they took away thr.t we bad to throw. And I have to think our o£fenslve line is the best in lhe league.

'1be Rams were leading the NFC in sacking of quarterbacks but today they didn't get to me once."

Further oote, the Vlkea were not penalized during the wtld battle.

MW-1• YMl'"'91 J 1 14 '1 - d

1 l.ol Angeltt R•mt 1 IJ 1 U - 41 • INIHVUX.IAL LUD•RS

RUSHING - Ml-••• l rown f .17, Otl»r11 J.14, •Md >H LOI....,_.~, Ell1M11 l .. lk. lhrMIMl'I 1'"1S.

TPIOl'l'llt M . PASSING - Ml..,..i1. T•"fol'°"' l•M m

Yt t d1. Lot ..,..._, 0.0,-IM D-l>I, M, Vllliflta R-

Flfll ~ U ti ltulllft - y••dl 22'.M Jl ·ltl P•ulnl;I r• rd1 n• t• ltt!utll 1••C11 u u ,.,_ ..... »-3J.1 P11r111 M •41 """'°"" - lolt M l •I P-11111 - v•rdt M WI LA - .... telMll, I ""' ( lltr kl(lt ) Minn, - FG, Cox JI LA - FG, R•Y )) LA - Gtbl'ltl, 1 r~ tRll' tl(t! Mbltt. - lrown. 1 ,...., ICOll kid.) LA - FG, R1y )I MJro11. - IC••uw. JO lulllblt rttum IC- kldl:J MIM. - lrown, 7, plU from Tlflt.n"" (Ctlc

- lct l LA - 1 ..-,_15...,, l rllll fRIY kla) Miro.,, - H-rlOll, 10 !*II tr- Tlf'llM!Oft

ICoir l lctl MIM, - lrown, S P,,» l tOM T•rkMfOft (Coll

""' LA - fllblln. 1 f\11\ !RIV ~ let) Ml!ltt. - Gllll.lm. 6' ~11 lrom T•tk.nfM ( (llll .... LA - ~-!, 11 plu lrotrl Gtlll'lel (ll•V • klll

Anaheim Grid Boss

Van Hangs It Up After 23 Years

By ROGER CARLSON OI .. Ol6lt' ,.._. 1t9ff

Clare VanHoorebeke, credited by many as the man who brought Orange County prep football of age. has ~igned his position ·as head varsity football coach at Anaheim High School effective at the end of the current season.

VanHoorebeke, 61 and a veteran of 23 years of service at the Colony, told the DAILY PILOT, "There are numerous reasons for the change. I feel I've outliv· ed my usefulness and that new blood in the program is needed.

" I've been coaching for 34 years and for 32 ol those years my wife, Viola. has been by herself a great deal and maybe I owe her something."

VanHoorebeke's successor is . • n ot known, bul the man who replaces Van 1s expected to be among assistant coaches Bob Salemo, Bob Campbell and Brant C-0\\'SCr.

''That's all been taken care or. I talked to the boss lasl April and told him who I'd like to see replace. me. There arc some formal ities that have lo be taken care of," says VanHoorebeke.

VanHoorebeke will slay oo at Anaheim as alhlelic director.

His record at the Mother Colony has been an incredible series of triumphs that includes 15 Si!nset League lltlc1 umong 186 wins. 50 losset aod 10 ties.

Despite bis flossy. credential s, VanHoonbeke never. went Olf""1 a tughtr classlftcatQI ' of football. ·~ .oev~

, adverse lo Change, bu(.1 W.."tT.ady IO mate· • c11ange wtt11ou1 ""''°""'1 rm­provemenL

" I made more than most college assistants and lhe community and tou r principals have betn good to me," says Van.

VanHoorebeke's success Is legend and it 's no secret that he used every psychological tactic available to 1ain an advaniage.

Anaheim players practiced longer and harder than most and although his birth· day is Oct. 5, It's rumored that several victories in November and December 14·ere dedicated to Van's birthday.

His latest triumph, a 14-l:S win over Westminster lhat put the Colonists In the playoffs for 1he 17th time in 23 years, came on lhe heels of his annotmce.ment to the squad that this was his last cam­paign.

Fils most memorable years came in 1956 and 1967. The Colony, with halfback Mickey Flynn , tied Downey for the CIF championship in 1956 and Vanltoorebeke recalls. "Mickey made good coaches out of us that year. And I remember that team especially for the tremendous ef­fort they made against Downey. Qur kids were sick all day and n1ght. " lt ended in a 13"13 lie for the CIF crown.

His '67 squad finished second lo Santa Ana in Suniet League play, then suc­ceeded in smashing Santa Ana in the CIF fina ls at Anaheim Stadium.

"'nlere have been so many pleasant memories through lhe yeani, it's very hard to pick out any one.'' says lbe Dutctunan. who prepped at Huntln&ton Beach High School .

The Anahetrr. Jo"ox relu.'ies to be pinned down on who was the best lineman or the best back that rolled for the Colony in hi5 Z3 years.

But he does admit Flynn was the ~t exciling : " I'd suppose Jo~lynn gave the! people more tllrills then anybody.' '

That was IS years ago and aJthough the name Flynn will endure forever at Anaheim, Vanffoorebeke says the cur· renl players are bigger, stronger. quicker and better coached on the average than In the past.

As for the Anaheim i lhlete s, VanHoorebe.kc says. "Ours were no dif· rerent than anyone else 's, but we've had some good kids and some good coacbel."

Foster Loose, Relaxed STATELINE, Neo. JAi') - LIPI beavywtJ&ht box~ llol> l'oottr, a

aolemn, lad- - while tninlag for Ulla def...,, • •111 IDtl -

· Jolin Blod< aid, "It's gotten '°bad that we don't tftD reld the papers .tnymo~. ·• . " I ,.... the law ol am- 11)~ 'ft'\'e got ' to wiD I <OUple at P""" beioR too loo(," added H·Laktt Leroy Ellis.

Needling Pay§ Off for QB while aw1IUng the b1Ue111 --.1 fight of hll caner. .

The ~year.old tliertlf's deputy from AlbuqUorque. wound up his 'workoul ·s.;::r, ancl then --1ably with oewsmen. When the q•,..lcq ..,. alow, be qui , ''Come ... ~ lie-....... . ,.., lol.l al bta atm lo !lllp ,.....-. bf wwbC ti ...... nl at lbi Pftb. ltnu a ~ encountett. Ht alto predk:ted be wuuil IMl.t ..... mnwl All ,.._ clay ...... iii! tbii liilailllild, "1 lllie llldl u • - ··

Alf, tbp former ltea.,,...ipt cblmplon, collRil ; - al aio.- lot Ille np~ with ,_ aetUol •ta.000. The llgbl lteaV)'WeiCJll klttc .... Ids -. ftPI

li&ltl, 11111 pointed oat lot bad met 12 lteavylftllllla In M flPU. 0¥erlll, lot ltu 41 md loot five. The ioaea hictuded beoovywtilht boula aplnlt llldl II diam­Joa FraW, Doag Jonta and l!nile Terrell.

"I 1e1 - roan Clll mo," F'aaJer declared. " II you ba .. ~ Ilka 'l'lmll m pounds ll1tnc "' you, 100 set tired .- the laartlt or !Viii rouod.

-. aperlen<I now, and I lhinll I can keep All from """'°' on me." Mc1pr Lal Vlal:all aalll F- woaltl IOI tldl • M I 1 - llltll bi ...

• 1111 -- IO come Into Ille rfnl .. aboll ., ....... a ....... All. . "It~ I - .· t- uld When NMd aiout bis W<il!ll "I'm IDI plq to kll."

• •

Sbannan 111d the •lctorY. the LaRrs' lllh In their Jut II oiorta, proved I.OS AnfeloO "cu ploy ...i1 • • . u we put our m.lndl lO IL"

,,,,,,, "'1 ............. ,.... . .. ' . , ' t 1--r t "'ltllM 1 w "' J:1 Jf::?• t tt ;1 IN I d 1t M J4 t N 4 ..... • • • II I II I ....... t N IJ , .. •C... , ... 4 1-1 f lrtcbM f M I ltJMO<- I W I 4W ,,,_ J4..I I 714Ut ... <Ml

....... l t<t. , ... .. " liM:a .. T..,._ • tf.-11 I» llNlll• .... If ,. " ,, - ,. u......... . .... • -Pl ,....., ... - c.r.-

T-.i -- - tp q .... 1t. 4111 ..... " T.i:lillllal f'1lll!I • I .... ",,___. - 1S.1&


HONOLULU IUPI) - Tito q-k of the U-1)' al• lootbill teom could birtly thnnr tbt bill II yank I Wetk lfO. Theo fla --II ~uni lmltment and durtltl the

-- became the - hen> . Elroy °""I. 21, threw IOUdldown - ol 17 and :llJ'mla durtn& the flnal qtllN!' of Sat11nfty'1 p mo to ltlld lllnll lo a .. IT ¥ictory ... , Linll<ld

~-Qtoo( bad been tdcltJlned lor tn

wttU au. to a pilnf11l lhnul ler In \lf"'I tD­Clll'ted In a pvdlng p.,., wij h Gr mbl· Int Col!tte th:Jl dfJcm1 1e.I the 11 wi111 Ra~ belt p1a,..... P- with tbt pr-ct ol not pl.iJinc

Salllrd11, with an11 t ... - left In tbt

• •

...... ol hlo - r••r. °""' - · ··delprra1e.. enouah to aiolact In acupuncturtat °'""'Ch his •uni·

Pri>lay he 1ppeartd II 'lie borne GI t martlal 1rt1 upert, UIOdltC!d with 1 Chlnttr temple ln Honolulu. for the procta.

Cllon&· the _, :3 .allj the ""'puncturtat ""'°"ed ....i1cs Jrom I cotlectlon GI " " at abarp ... - at..i and gold ~ and In­.... td them l.. IO tine lnci..s In hi• , m bv.k :in 11'~ ., ' It then WU I mtw P-'1n,

...-m th 11 l'kft :i " but t ti I ~ r be hour "' treatmmt be louod bimsdl .,ao nc lo llttp bfcllute I 1r11 In ooe posltlao .. the c:htir." The - ....



. '

. . ' .

l!f DAILY "l01 Monday, Novetnber 201 1972


Dolphins Nab ·Title;

Seven Jets Injured ~1 iaml's Dolphins clinched

the American Conference East Division tltle Sunday with a 28-24 National Football League victory over the New York Jets at l\ilaml.

' Safety man Dick Anderson set up two l\1iaml touchdowns with a pass intttceplion and fumble recovery but the major news aside from Miami's 10th straight victory was seven in· juries to the New York Jets.

The Jels must prepare for Thanksgiving's test against Detroit and included on lhe Jets' w'Ounded Jist ar e safetyman H o 11 o m a n I co n c ussion ). comerback Steve Tann e n (shoulder ), tackle John Elliott (knee), tackle Steve Thomps o n (an.kle ), tackle Roy Kirksey (neckJ. li nebacker Bi 11 Zapalac (thigh) and Emerson Boozer {knee ).

Miami's Mercury Morris ran 23 times for 107 yards and scored two touchdowns, in­cluding the winning one on a

14-yard sweep ln the fourth quarter.

Elsewhere in the NFL:

PITTSBURGH AT CLEVELAND - Don Cockroft's 16-yard field goal with eight seconds remaining pulled out a 26-24 Cleveland Browns victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Cen­tral Division of the American Conference.

The victory dropped lbe Steelers into a tie for first place with Cleveland.

Cockrofl's field goal was his fourth or lhe game and came just two minutes after he had appeared to have lost the game for the Browns by missing a 27-yard attempt .

Cleveland blew a 17·point lead before coming back for the victory.

SAN FRANCISCO A T CHICAGO - The San Fran­cisco 49ers stayed in con· tentlon for the W e s t e r n Division crown in the National

Winchell Honored

Princeotto 1'ops

Irvine Selections The wild Irvine League foot·

ball race wasn't decided until the final n,ighr of the season and the entanglement that was n·nalized is renected by the of­ficial All-lrvine League foot· ball team as selected by the DAILY PILOT.

Estancia H i g h ' s Dan Princeotto. possibly the most exciting runtier in the history of the circuit, .was named back of the year wh.ile F..disOn

Edison and Fountain Valley each pla~ nine players on the two teams while Santa Ana Valley, with five on the first team, garnered eight total spots:

Princeotto rolled for 1,173 yards in 203 carries and five touchdowns from scrimmage and tacked on an 85-yard kickoff return far a touchdown for the final Estancia tally of the season.

... High's standout def ens l v e '.. lineman, Dan Winchell was

tabbed as the lineman of the P•• year.

His average was a flossy 5.7 despite the advantage the op­position had in keying on his nJMing with mate Scott Gayller injured for most of the season.

Coach of the year laurels go to Santa Ana Valley's Dick I !ill, who has molded cham­pions out of a squad that two years ago was winless.

Winchell was a standout defensive lineman for Edison in, every game.

..•. .•. Pos. SE TE T T G G c B B B B



Flnt Team Offense

Bob Granath, Edi.son Wayne Moore, Santa Ana Valley Jim Beranek, Santa Ana Valley Brian Haymes, Fountain Valley Ron Stone, Fountain Valley Cam Barrows, Los Alamitos Vince Klees, Estancia Gary Magner, Estancia Les Becher, Fountain Valley Mike Schwerdtfeger, Los Alamltol Dan Princeotto, Estancia

Def .... Porter Lilly, Santa Ana Valley Don Winchell, Edt!on Bob Jones, Corona del Mar

' • • T


Tom Pole, Corona del Mar Eddie Medina, Santa Ana Valley Dale Peterson, Fountain Valley Bill Ford, Edi... LB


Gary Templeton, Sante Ana Valley John Grower, Corona del Mar Mike Morado, Edllon Dave Velarde, Los Alamitos

Second Team Offen•

PH. Pl1ytt SE - Rick Walker, Santa Ana Valley WR - Mark Wetherbee, Edbon T - Roger Page, Magnolte T - Don Alaman, Santa Ana Valley G - Art Bigelow, Edl90D G - S<oU Napp, Fountain Volley c - DoU( Wolford, Fountain Valley B - Cralc Woy, Edbon B - Fred u.m-. Edi5on B Monty Buller<flck, Magnolia B Mike Malcolm, Fountain Valley

·~- Defeate E Pot Lynell, Corona de! Mar

•' T MIA Goocbon, Fountain Valley : ' T MIA Froot, Corona del Mar • • MG - Denny Seyder, Estancia :·· LB Terry 1.AIBourdette, Loe Alamitos

LB Bob l>eFraooo, Sante Ana Valley LB - Greg Wheeler, Corona de! Mar B - Eddie Weinberger, Edllon

• • B st ... Speer, Estancia ' • B - Bill Stan, Mapolia

B Bob Dudrey, F°""laln Valley

Welpt 170 220 215 20S 185 175 210 170 200 1911 157

195 200 t75 200 1911 200 195 185 185 150 100

Weigh! 210 175 208 230 158 210 185 1911 153 170 185

%20 185 175 190 185 180 170 1911 170 155 t70

• •• Pro Cage, Hockey

Class Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.

Sr. Sr Sr. Sr. J r. tir. Sr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr.

Class Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr.

Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.

•' ' l! 11 ~

• .. ~

• • • •• ••

' •

Conference with a l 4 - 2 l triumph over the Chicago Bears Sunday behind five touchdown passes f r o m quarterback Steve Spurrier.

Spurrier, playing 1n place of the Injured John Brodie, com­pleted 17 of 27 passes for 275 yards. lUs TD passes tied an all-time 49ers record set In 1949 by Frankie Albert.

He hit tight end Ted Kwalik twice for two yards and 16 yards, 43 yards to Gene Washington and nine yards to Vic Washington and Larry Schreiber was on the end of a 64-yard play.

BALTIMORE AT CIN· CJNNATJ-Jim O'Brien's sec­ond of two field goals as the gun sounded gave t h e Baltimore Colts a 20--19 win over Cincinnati's Bengals in the first meeting of the two teams since a 1970 playoff game.

O'Brien also caught a 4(). yard touchdown pass from Marty Domres. The winning 2~yard field goal came arter the Colts had blocked Cin­cinnati's extra point attempt on a touchdown, took the kickoff and marched the ball down field.

Ted Hendricks b I o c k e d llorst Mublmann's conversion attempt with I :28 remaining to set the stag~ for the win· ning drive .

OAKLAND AT DENVER -Oakland's Charlie Smith and Marv Hubbard combined for 18.S yards rushing and a touchdown apiece Sunday and George Blanda ad"ded . three field goals to carry the Raiders to a 37·20 victory over the Denver Broncos.

NEW ORLEANS AT DETROIT - Detroit 's Lions prepped for their Thanksgiv­ing encounter against the New York Jets with an easy 27-14 victory over the New Orleans Saints Sunday.

Quarterback Greg Landry picked ·apart the New Orleans secondary for 11 completions in 15 first-half passes, two <lf them -for touchdowns, and Detroit's defense stymied the Saints until the c I o s i n g minu~

BUFFA LO AT NEW ENGLAND - The Buffalo Bills catapulted over the New England Patriots. 27·24, with the help of Bob Chandler's 42-yard touchdown play with 51 seconds remBlning and John Leypoldt 's 45-yard field goal with five seconds left at Fox· boro, Mass.

The Patriots appeared to have wrapped up a victory for interim coach Phil Bengtson when Mike Wallter hooted a 36-yard field goal with 1:55 re­mainJng.

DALLAS AT PIULADEL­PHIA - The Dallas Cowboys moved to within a half game of the Washington Redskins in the National Conference's Eastern Dlvl1ion with a rou­tine 28-7 win over the Phila­delphia Eagles.

NEW YORK GIANTS AT ST. LOUIS - N<lrm Sneed hit Bob Tucker with two key passes, then senl workhorse Ron John.son one yard for the touchdown In the final five minutes that carried the New York Giants to a 13·7 victory

· over the St. lAuls Cardinals. _...., GREEN BAY AT HOUSTON

- Green Bay punter Ron Wid­by completed a 68 -y ard touchdown p131 lo Dave Davis on a fake punt and John Stag­gen returned a punt 8S yards for another score as !he Packers defeated the Houston Oilers, 23-10.

Pro Grid Standings

',• ••I• J " 'I ' '. "

Lions Gaii1 Westera Dominates

Grid Sr1t Five Lions Earn In Playoffs Sunset Honors

Weitminster HJ~h 's Uoos are the lone Orange C o a s t area prep footbal1 team to make the CJF playoffs which begin Friday.

Westminster f11oes. Citrus Belt League champion S a n Gorgonto at San Bernardino's Orange Show Bowl In first round action.

Sunset League titllst West­ern meets Angelus League runnerup Servile while Ana· heim is at Santa Ana Valley, the Irvine League champion.

The Lions of coach Bill Bos­well dropped a 14-13 decision to Anaheim Saturday night at La Palma Stadium and fell into a tie for second place in the Sunset League.

St. Paul High's An17tfus League champions will be the home team against either Al· hambra or La Serna.

The latter pair clashed to­day at Gahr High in a special playoff to gain the elimina­tions with a California tie--breaker system in effect. Each team was to be given eight plays, alternating, beJdnning at the SO.yard line with the team able to advance the ball at the eod of the series into the other's territory declared the winner and eligible to meet St. Paul.

ln AAA circles attention is focused on Prlonrovia 's battle with the CIF to gain entry In the ola:voffs desoite beint:t: dis­qualified for violations during the summer.

To the victors go the spoill end ln the case of Western H!Jzh's Plone<ra It'• highly jusltfied In the official AIJ­Sunset LeaJ{Ue footbJlll selec­tlQns 111s picked by the DAILY PILOT.

Western quarterhack Bob Acosta Is the back of the year middle guard Paul Charlton b the lineman of the year and Jim Everett ts the coach of the year after leading the Pioneers to an undefeRted se~n and lhe circuit ~ plonshlp.

Five Westminster H l g b players earned (lrst team honors with Gary Maddock>, Chuck Carlson, Larey Grady, Martin Trujillo ind Dan Ac­comando gaining laurels.

Newport Harbor's big three of linebacker Jim Swick. ta­ckle Jim Neidhart and center Warren Ray were accorded first team berths as was

Huntington Beach'• standout halfback, Paul P'Ukneu.

Fllkness averaged 5.1 yanfs per carry with 119 yanfs In 1911 carries and scored nve touchdowns for the O,ilen.

Mate Bucky Bond WU IC> corded a second team berth at tackle while Marina's Jerry Wataon is second team linebacker.

Other area products to earn second team laurell a r e Newport's Dick Stoneman and Westminster players Tony Dominguez, Tony Accomando, Ray Asebez and Steve Frftseh.

Western dominated lbe first team aelecUons with five players, Including defentlve back Guy Coskey, who was also accorded a second-team berth al splil end.

Westm.lnser's Tony Ac­comando iS one of four Juniors to gain honors on the second unit .

All-Suset Lelgue First Team.

oo .... Pol. Player

SE " ­TE

Gary Maddocks, WestmiMter Cluck Carbon, Westminster Jim Neidbart, Newport Harbor Martin Trujillo, Westminster

T T G G c QB B B B

- Dale Zimmerman, Anaheim Tom De La Hunt, Western Warren Ray, Newport Harbor Bob Acosta, Western Paul Fiskness, Huntington Beach Mike Molina, santa Ana Alan Osbon, Western


E Dan Hert-era, Anaheifn.

Welclrt a. .. 170 Sr. 210 Sr. 235 Sr. 250 Sr. 191 Sr. 215 Sr. 215 Sr. 195 Sr. 100 Sr. 200 Sr. 100 Sr.

178 Sr.

PilQt Pigskin -

PICKEROO. Co-Sponsored this Wffk by '


Son Jooquln Hiiis Rood & MocArthur Blwd. Newport Beach

And The


s25 s10· s5

Top Weekly Prize In Merchandise Certlflcatn

For Weekly Second Place Winner

Each for Third, Fourth and Fiftti Place Winnen

Plus BONUS PRIZE A ,.& ef tW:MI to ... 't-t tf ... ,... IUSC "' ...... 0...1 to._ ...... , •"'-'· CHrtwf 9f ... DAILY PILOJ. .

If Monrovia is able to make ils claims stick le~al procedures it will meet No. 1 seeded and undefeated Santa Maria at an undetermined site:

Orange County elevens in AAA play include Freeway LeaRUe champion La llabra hosting Excelsior. Gird e n Grove League title sharers Santiago and PR.cifica at Clare­mont and Hawthorne and Crestview League champion Oran~e hosting Palos Verdes.

E- Don Shulltr, Santa Ana - 16&- - Sr: ·

81 • pigskin prophet for profit. Pity tht Pilot;Pl"lcin PICKEROO gerfle for w•ekly prii es. Top Wi4ner ,.ch w••Jc: rec1iv1s $25 gift c•rtific1t1 from th11pon1oiln9 shopping c1nter. Second pltc• win~•' 9et~ $10 ctr· tificate ind third, fourth ind fifth plec.e winn\tt ~ch .gtt_ $5 ~•rt i f~e te_. EJ c'1_certifle'!_t• is ~detil1, .just !ilce mon1y, at 4ny store in the spon1orin9 1hoppin9 center.

Orange League champion Brea is at North Riverside. .... Alh.embr~ or LI Sern• al St . Paul 0os P IH'blo1 1 1 W!'SI Tor •11nc.1 W" ''";n5ler v1 San Goroonlo al

Orllnoe Show Bowl L8 Polv II Santa Fe S1rvl te 11 WH l..,.n St. 11 Ultl'#OOd Ana~lm II 5'<111 ""' Va ll~ Pasadtn• al S.., Maree. ...

R=.., Marla ft MOnrovla w Burbank at Thoudrld o.b C~Pi ill Ani.IO(ll: V11tt\t _ Palos ..,..,.des 11 Or111119 Excelsior af LI Habra Pac lfk 1 •t H• wlhOrnt S..rrl •I Los Al!Of S•11lf600 at crar1monl

San B1rnerdlno :r\ emD11 Cltv P•lo Vrrde 11 Plln'I ·s11rlP1<11 8~• ,, Nor•h Al......, I~ MurPh'I' 11 Northvlew Aoval oat M St. Bernard Mlr1lnlt al S1nta P111l1 Coron• 11 Walnut Levzlnotr It Ntlf

• 0.W.-1 11 LA 81P1!1t l rt Vali.v No. 2 11111hoo Oltoo, St .

ll01"11wntur1 or Fl 1mor1) 11 Santa Ynei ,

Pat.0 llabltt at C1r1iln1trf1 Lullieran al Tell.tdllpl ltrU,.fhlt I I llannlllQ 2'I P1l rm at •kl 811r N01 r1 Dame (A1'rl 11 Vl llev C1'1rb ll111 ll fm of TM World 11 9or'Ol'I

CIF Polo Pairings Released

As many as a half dozen Or· ange C.Oast area water polo contingents may be in Wednes­day's flrst round of the CIF playofr.s pending Westmin· ster'~battle with Arcadia to­day at Golden West College In a bid to gain the 32nd spol against No. 1 seeded Downey.

No. 2 seed Newport }farbor, once-beaten champions from the Sunset League. meet Or­ange League runnerup Laguna Beach (13-1) at Newport Tues­day while Corona de! Mar hosts Mira Costa .

Corona del !\-far was the Ir· vine League champion. That loop's runnerup, Costa Mesa, Is: at Monte Vista while Or­ange League champion Mis· sion Viejo entertain• Fuller­ton.

New Pickeroo

Deadline Set Because or TIUlnt11lvlng

Day football games. the Pilol Pie•kin P!ckeroo wlll undergo a slight change thll

AU entries must b e dellvered to DAILY PILOT ol· nets by t p.m. Wednesday or postmarked Wedntoday nllht lo be elltlble ror judgln1. Complete rules and an entry binnk appear M this pqe.

It's the rintl week ror tho Pigskin Plckcm:1.

T - Larry Grady, Westminster T - Dale Steven, Santa Ana MG - Paul Charlton, Western LB Jim Swick, Newport Harbor LB Bill Donnelly, Anaheim LB Richard Di..,ruier, Sante Ana B Kirt Bethke, Anaheim B Gary Caskey, Western B Dan Accomando, Westminster

Pos. Player

Second .Team Offense

SE Gary Caskey, Western TE Gary stewart .Loara T Bucky ;Bond, 'ilantinglon Beach T - Pete Osbergr,Loara G - Jeff Wilton, Wl!Olern, G - · Tony Domin- WMntlnster c - Mike Fleager, weslt!ln C Jeff Irwin, Anaheim B Tony Accomando, Westminster B Howard canon, Anaheim B John Shaheen, Anaheim


E Rye Blanchard, Western E Ray Asebez, Westminster T John ~. Anabtlm T Mark MC!loqough, Western MG - Steve Frltac!i, Westminster LB - Rodger Abercrombie, Loara LB - Jerry Wa~, Marina B Herbert Marshall, Santa Ana B Ladd Salness', Anaheim B Dick Stoneman, Newport Harbor B Mark Alvey, We~m

190 205 200 220 183 220 167 180 175


180 185 190 210 172 195 • 205 197 150 184 189

170 190 201 210 20S 170 170 150 171 150 170



Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.


Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.

, Jr. Sr. Sr'. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr.

Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. ,


BORROWING U P T 0 $10,000 l•1cur1d by rt•I •rid p•rson•I prop1rtyl could b1 th• 1ound1st monty m1n•91ment d1c:I· sion you mike thi1 ye•r.

Prop1rty valuts con'tinu• to inc:rtes• 1nd c:h•nC•I tr• th•t your hom• i1 v1lu1d at • lot more th•n your pr11· int mortg19e. HOMEMAKERS c•n show you how to Conv1rt this diff•r1nc1 (which is your "•quity"l into BIG MONEY d9ht now.


Jv1t think whit you cen do with 11p to $I 0,000. Add on 1n extra room or p1tlo. Group your d1bts 1nd c:l••n th•m up 111 1t onct, which m1y l11v1 you with ONE 1m1ll1r- monthly peymtnt th• t your bud91t can mor1 1asily h1ndl1 1 elmost liltt g•ttin9 • r1ise In your p1ych1clt) . T1lte ct r• of oth1r " llG MONEY" n•ff• •t 'th• 11m1 tim1. Pitt•• t•ltphone me or 'lli1it our offict now.


A Subald larY of

Q lllUlllDUSlll& LENDER

17112 ............

• ~eneral

:ieetric red it ·-- Hwntlfttt.n IMCfrt.. C..Uf.

nMT MT·Jltl

• (

Sponsorship rotates with a different c&nttr"pOMOf· ing etch week's contest. Participating c•nters tr• : W•stcllff Plata , 17th ind lr'll in•, N1wport B11ch; H•rbor View Center, San Jo•quin Hills Road tind M1cArlhur 8ou/ev1rd, Newport 811ch: Eastbluff Vill•gt Ctnt•r, Ea:stbluff Drive, Ntwport Stech; ley­sid• Ctnter, B•ys id t Dri'lle and J•mbortt Roed, New­port 811ch: ind Uni'lltrsity P• rlt Shoppirig C1nter, Cul'lltr ind Michelson, {r'llint.

·w1tdi for f~is play•t's form • •ch w•ek in tht DAILY Pll OT Spo• S.ction. Circl• th• te1m you think will ·win ift ••chi· "n9 in the list of 30 91mes incl 11nd in +h•r'•r.,'• ent~ ~larilr: or• r1•1onebl1 f1c1imile. lht 1wateh t 1 DAI~ Y, PILOT sports pe91s fOr 11ch Wttk's list of t winn1r1.

; ' ' . . IiiJLEs ,. I <

1. ,.,,.., "'9 ......,r MM* ... ,,., ,_,.., .... tanflftlM 9f " te ..._. .... -""'· ........ Ille htcill'IW.... .. ll9f1Mll •••• " ftlCI .. "* .. l!'l!trit. "'""' k lfl!li.t'lft Ill tb:• •1111 IMP-. It tKllll• .. 1•1111 ,,_. ... .c.. 11111'1 ~lft 1'111 lie ·~ .. hid. '

t. ~ " te1 l"tl.OT ' IOSKIN 'lctel•OO CONTIST, lpwt .,._,......, l'.O. lu ISM, ~· ~. (A, f'W'.

a. °"" - .,...., ,., ,..._ IKll .......

4. l!'llfr .... INfSf M SIOllmlrbll1 "' la"" 111111 ....... ., 1W .,.... .... ll'f•red W rM OAIL V l'ILOT •ka 1rY ' """' ....... , .

J. P•rtlc l,.Hllf rwtlNllh ... OAIL Y l'ILOT tlTltiflJMI ... _.,. ""-' •'-.. famllilt "" filtil ..... "''''·

I , fie: 1•1A1CI• I U.HK MUSf •I flLLIO IN 011 INTllY 11 YOIO.

•••••••r•••••••••••• • ENTRY Bl.ANH. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Clrci..._.,.. ....... u .... tWl .... '1,-(.._,_ .............. , LA Rams YS New Orleans . Houston YS San Diego

NY Jets vs Detroit · Cincinnati YS Chicago Minnesota vs Plnsburgli

Gnen Bay Ys Washlllfl'on San Francisco. YI Dallas

De11Yer vs Atlanta Kansas City YI Oakland Michigan · YS Ohio State Oldaho- YS Nebraska

Dortmauth vi l!enn PIHsburgh YS Penn State

TCU YI Rice Texas A&M YI Texas Kentucky YI Tent1-

LSU YI Florlda Yale YI Harvard

Artcanscas vs Texas Tech ' Baylor YS SMU COllMll YI Princeton

Minnesota vs Wisconsin Iowa State YI Oldaho- Stata

lllnol1 YI Iowa Maryland vs Mia,\!} I Ra. l

lndl- YI hrilue Sad•back YI Rio Holldo

Westrnlnster YI Sat! Gonjonlo Servllw vs Westwrn

Arialielm vs SA Valley

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f te llllUI.• "' Mr .... "" - ,_. ....... 11 .......... . ................... _ ·­• . ,...,_

' j'~ - ·- - - ---

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• • •

• • • • • ' •. ...

Vanguards Open '72 Campaign

Monday, NO\ltmbtt 20, 1972 OA!l.Y PILOT 20

McEwen's Diahlos Perfect in 8; Car Burns


MA.Ml ITATIMIMT lllAMI ITATIMl)IT MAM• ITATIMIMT The fm'°""l'll ,..._ It dol119 ~.int11 'TM'W. toll~ ptnON are dOtrlo Thi IGllowlfle 1'9f'to11 11 ool"' ~ - ·-· . ' · -"Ell: YACH'TS 1111 "'"'"'" I ILUE WATEll: DIVERS, tol l~h SI., It J, WE$T 6 ASSOCIATES UW

~v " ' "'' HunllrogkM a..dl. (•Utorrll• n..... £ ' I• $ "' ...... .... • · • 1 ' -C•lt MtW, P .O . ... mt, Cfl6•• Mew, Rael UOhfns .. IUll $1 H llllQfor. •11 Ill Ir • ,. - _, •

Pl ff W d d C•Ulornl• *26 c .. ltotfli t»I' ., 1111

C•Hlotlll • '71DI

ONTARIO. Calif. (AP) - ton orp. • • • • • 1• ,,.,.._, s..1 9MCl'I. et1rf0tl'IMI 1 1 ' . C•Ulornl• nl:M Tl'll1 Mlf'41U h btl"' '°'*KltO try • lndl~~lol-I 11 t*"4 CO'ldllC'ltd by ~ Don Moody ol Santa Moruca , Tlldt ""Ill'*' '' .. ,,.. concl\!(1.c1 ~ • ~""''""io. R. J. wni hat·---· th . .. ~H (:0<'90'tll0ft. Aocl LIOf\IMr T"b 11•1-I with t"9 Countv

' ayo e Iles ay '""c-'1 .,.,.•o ..,wn.,.• '~,. IW••'""O· ~~:;"' v.!iM, 15•111 ...,..,'"'· w'!,.~":'ie.!:*'c.'fr:';.i.1:,G«aroey

S KfW e SIX-5eC0nlMHll'- DAL I! R, ANDERSON TN1 11•1-I Iliff wllll 1111 Coun ty Clefli, of Drl ... County Gii Now lt lfn

Southern California Q>llege rier and became the Castest Cl~I .:'ts~=! c'!::',., "':!"'de~ 27.°'r.~ ~le•~.~ r.,. ~Ollftl'f' on o!:'! lDto!!-i WlLLIA.M I . ST JOH N, COUN TY, CL,l!RK, of Costa Mesa w1U open a 31~ Bl.ROG....., CAD' 0"N poncnt five yards deep in the k.lcker Doug Reeves (22 and 30 drag racer In history Sunday WILLIAM E. ST JattN, couriiv ci .. -. bV c~ .. ~ "'" · ~. "



1'1Y J, M6d<IQ,11, °""1tV. p.21 191

""" n&AJV ·1 l<Wtnv J , Mleldoit. Ofslutv P-21102 ' • ·,21• P!Jlll llhtcl Or•• CMtJ¥ Pllo•. game basketball sch e du I e tt.. c.llY Plitt ''"" enemy backfield,' ' says Smith. yards) and Eric Schmidt when he captured the top fuel Put11T""4 0 ,.-... C•I*~ ,.1101 •P11blt lolled 11ort.*,,'~.,.11 ~ '!.._ llot.. "'°"- ia. ao. i 1 • ..,.. o.c--- ._ t 0 n I I ht t Bl I Coll U ed oth Is•- t f ,..,. ' ' ovtmbt< • _, • ..,_,,.,,...., •· 1tl1 J10·1t

a o a ege nbeaten, untied, uruicor er cons 1-t:D per ormers (brother of sophomore Dave eliminator class at the $200,000 <::;,otMr :io. •1111 Hov•mDlf' '· ,~~ 1t11 310.12 in La Mirada followed by the on. SOund like the Michigan on defense have been lineman Schmidt who has seen varsity NHRA Supernational$. PVBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE annual SoCal Thanksgiving football teams of 70 years Mark Merwin (S-.10, 168) and The 36-year-old vet'eran rac- 1 __ __:P:U:BIJ:::C:_N::cm=:,::::;C:E ___ 1 __

00c.;;nou.-w.iiii'iS-- l----;;;;;;;;-;;;-;;;:;;;;;;- -

toumament Friday and Satur· linebacker Steve Hernandez duty this year) . , . er won the final race , against 1- P1c1'1T1ous 1us1N11s NOttci To c••DiToRs day. agO? (M , 170). And if the learns sparkling Vic Brown of Tu'·· 00 8 red· P~CJJ:~0,u/A:~:,,~N::s ,._ !Ol'::':.,1 ''!!!!','"!,, c1o1no 1uP1R1ott c.ouRT op THI

It does b t "t aJso 1 bee - I .... ~ , '"' '"'' STATI 01' CAL.IPOIMIA ,Oft Biola, under head coach sure • u J ap- Offenstvely l's n r~-...1 isn't enough the se- gh d' ual"Jlcat' h Tiit •o11ow1ng ""1411 • c1o1119 ~Mu 111111""1 •1: TMe COUNTY op OllAffOI ~u • Ii t 1IQ J IOI\ w en 11: V"(TROH PLASTICS co .. 111w. 16!1\ Howie Lyons (formerly of plies to a b4JXI of Diablos at tailback Ron Pagan (s-.8, 140) cond freshman team also) Brown's machine started too THE CONTEMP<>tl.AR Y GR ... PH1cs s1 C01'• "'-· c.111or11i. mn .... "''on M"lllk Hi h ho ha been the -""'plug co .. - Gtnltl A-. ••L~ llol•nd. 6-tt .... S•tkw••· lSIO T~•·· fll•t• 111 ELEANOR G. SMITH,

I an g in Long Beach), Pi-fission Vie}o High School w 5 .,.,.... " fmished unbeaten with an 8--0 soon. c1n1orn11 m.2 Mort" .. c.n1~1n1I• . Delo••*· was rated 19th in the T\8tlon in where the ,.eshman football with ten touchdowns. " He's Even without competition, DM11L1 w • .,... Wllll•m•. 201 o .. "'' P11... s. c;,..,,, 131s f't•M•lt, NOTICE 1s HERE11v c;1veN 10 -.

th NAIA and lost u capable of a 10.2 100 in track mark . ... .. _ . ••klM tll91'111. C•ll tor .. 11 ~ AMM1111, c1111orn11. credltcw• o1 "" - ,,.mid -~ e a year ago team has rolled over eight Ptfoody pus hed his top rue.I TP111 tionrntU 11 Ming conducw t1V 111 11.o1anc1 "" · kbl/11 .. n,, ~1i.i11"' s1 ., trwr . 11 pu1.o111 ..... 1,. d91mt .t<U1~1

ooly one starter and rour of his TDs have been It's a complete picture at. 1""1 .. w .... 1. C•t• ,,._, c.r1torril• .,,.,, tl'll u Jd 11ecMen1 .,. _,....,... 1o n1:> . ht h b ards the drag.ster down tbe quarter• DtM/1 WllUt<•" Ttlh OIAll'll$1 lo DI'!"' Cond\IClrll OI' I '"""• wltft llw llKllMrV ~1, 11'1 It"-!

SoCal is rebuilding under straig opponents, eac Y for over 50 y , " says Mission Viejo at mile strip in a world record Tflb 11•1-1 •11... "'"" - c°""''v ~·• ~o. o111c1 ot '"' d.n: of ,,,. MMw• tn1•11K

sh •~·.Jo Smith. freshman level with every c11r11 ot °'._ counr.,. 111 0c1. 21, 1n1. R°'9fld P. kf'l<.llu cour1, or to ,.,...,, '"""· w1111 n.. head coach Paul Peak but Uu,nn. 5.91 seconds, a top speed of WILLIAM E. ST JOHH. Courily C.,k, oy TMI •111-' fll«I wHt> ~ (OUl'lly f'llC:HIMy -.-:i....1, •• ""llfldll'W!Jflld •. fian•es to have a contendi"ng And if someone wer~to bave Another top runner is Vince squad member seeing action 231 95 il hour and a-1., J. Mtdd\U, o.i•v c11r- o1 °'"""' c-l'f' on Nov. 10. 1tn S» H_.,.,.., c,,..,., DfL .... slllt• "°· "· o.

1!1- McCuJJougl) (5-7, 135). who in every game. . m es an • p.znu WILLIAM E ST JOHN COU NT'!' CLEllK, au 17ii0, ......_., lleldl. CMllonol4. team for a possible NAIA asked Fieldioa Yost of d earned $17 200 for the triumph. PIJlll lllllCI er.,.. c~11 011ty Pilot, llt ••""*Y . J. CH'ool1v. ""'· w111c11 I• 1,.. l'l.c:• o1 111111rwu .. 1. A_.1. , was credited with an 82.-yar "We've got a system we · . Ocklbtr '° • rid ~- • · u, 20. p.11411 1tw llflcllt'IJQlllO in 1u ..,.""' Pf'rlelMllG uci i.i1 at seuon's end. • Mictngart- in those days past punt return for a TD. follow where every player gets Tiie funny car ht le went to "11 HOl-11 Puotllflld Ot' • "ll" cN51 0911., P11o1. 10 "" "'"• o1 1•1c1 0t<.111en1 . w11i-1n '°"''

In the weekend tournament how they did it, be might have John Hattrup (~. 130) has a minimum of six to 10 plays Jim Dunn of La Mirada, who PVBUC NOTICE ~,o;,tmbff n, '°· "· ....i D«tm~Jt.~ ;:i',~ •11••


11'" OU1111t.1t1on ., '""

that begins Friday night and replied, 0 just lucky I gueM." scored four TDs at fullback ·per game. Nobody sits out a shot down the course- in 6.60 • P1CT1T1ous 1us1•1ss PUBLIC NOTICE o.itds~~~~1 · ~'...~iFic runs through Saturday with Tbait's bow Misaion Viejo wrute quarterback duties have game," says Smith. seconds to defeat Pat Foster NAMI STATIMIMT ~.1.T tOM"L 114NIC four teams involved, the coach Bill Smith coins it when been shared by field goal The Diablos' success is of Reseda. He earned $14.IXMl . • ,';"' lvl l°"'lnv Pl'_, It oo;

1111 11u


1 P~z::;_o1~sA:~:,.'::~ 1 !.•'1~~~1";:'1 .!:' dec:10t 11, Vanguards will face Pacific queri&t about his Diab1os sue- reflected by the ract. of the Ed McCullouch or Fresno. and A!!.;!1n1;~;;·111 T1>e 1v11ow1119 ~- • •• doing MuRw1T1.-14u1w1T1 AHO R111111• Chr~stian College Friday night ces as they gird for a special original turnout of 85 for the Bobby . Rowe ~l Memphis. P•lfkl• IMrll o·ar1111, 2 Ji• 1 M~11 :1tC PUZA HOA TH, • 11 ..,11ra ~~ J~":.: 1~~ at 9. In the first game, playoff game with Garden S ddl b k two teams not one dropped were tied for third . ~~;::,:: • .:,,;;·· L9111in• "'

1" u' 1 • .,.r1,...,.1t11P. P.O. llo• no, .-n we11· H•..,.., .. 9( ... c1Hl9nll1 ""'

Callfom!a Baptist (Riv~rside) Grove Higb's u n defeated ' a e ac out. One injury dropped the Foster had established the 1.1i:1~.:·1 ..... I• Ming con6\1Cltd llV •n ::;'.111:;.,~-ue: W~lmu'\s r.r, ( llilor· i1~!!:::: 1.-:wtlf" plays Los Angeles Baptist freshman team Wednesday final roster count to 84. rast speed for the funny car p~1,1c 1 1 M. o•e•••ri e<wtt & s111e11u, ltl< ., • c1t11<:11 ri~~ Pv1111"'"' °'•""" o.n., Pl•o• . (Newhall) at 7. ·evening at Mission Viejo. ff The Diablos were hopeful of class early in the day, 235.60, TP111 11•enwn1 111ei1 wltl'I '"' couniv ;::::::!:; ... P~~· .. u~c; w:S~;.,1"' 1~.,., ~ • · 11.10, 21, 1tn m 1·n

Losers meet at 7 Saturday The game~ slated for 7:30 In PJayo S meeting Estancia in the post· in beating Tom " ~ongoose ' ' ~~'"s.0~ •• ~;·i =~.ori~y77Co!!.7..; c·;~t:n~1~~•e. Llm1te<1 p,,11,1 , , m PUBLIC NOTICE and the championship game is with adult! gaining entry for season test, but the latter McEwen of Fountain Valley, c1••k F. K!11gJIOft ROid, Long'NOCld. F1o1111 •. ---t 9 It and tuden•- 50 n•· E · t•· f" t nd 1 that c P·tlltS C•Ukll'nl• 121so 1110T1c1 TO c11D1TORS a · s ~ ce ""· Mission Conference football declined. Once-beaten stan- m uc 1rs rou · n ra e, PuPJll!ohed Dr•• C01tt 0.11., P!1e1, Robtrt .... t1cw••d. c;-11 P•r'M" suP1.R10R couRT OP TMli Peak will start letterman Says Smith: "We've had to cia ripped the Dlablos seven Pt1cEwcn had done 6.30 to 0<1001r » • 1'111 Novotmber •· 13, 10. 1ot15 E. s1 . .IJldr.-«l e>r1v1, H1.ie111. iT ... TI o, cALIPORMtA POR

Pat Quinn (6-5) at one forward be a litUe lucky to keep the coaches v 0 t e d Saddle.back touchdowns to three Jn a 6.29 ror Foster but McEwen's 1'

72 2911.n .;':,r.1c1r:.;.:!! 11 tlll1'19 conWcltd llY • THE c~~."l,~:"oRAMo1: with Jack Causey (6-6) at the opposition from scoring." College into tbe state junior nrPseason scrimmage with car burst into flames at the PUBLIC NOTICE Llrnl!td P••tntr1111p E•••1•"' AUTH E. ooE RR. 0t<t1Hd.

'""ky? 'J'he fa · le r• ¥ • • Mlcl\ffl 0. Doyl1 NOTICE IS t1EAEIY GIVEN lo t"9 olher side. Russell Dickens (~ J.tU\,; • ct 1S no am college playoffs Sunday will\ . ijve TD passes. f1n1sh. PicTtTtoot ausiNliss Th11 •••'-"' 111td .... 1111 IM c ....... tv cr&c111Dr1 01 '"' 1i;oov1 "llTlld ~: 7), a junior college transfer in eight . was a~le to get the Gauchos scheduled to gr. "We just weren't ready for He extinguished the fire and MAMI sTATIMINT c11rk ot er._ c-•v on Nov. 10, 1•n ' ""' ' 8" "'""'' 1wow1ng d•lrn1 ~11rt11 "" from Oh,"0 Sta~· at -•ter. past the "'.""'"• ViJejO -yard M rt Tl'lc lollowl119 Plflon I' doing bullntU WILLIAM E. ST JOl'IM. COUNIY CLE IK, U ld OK-I ••t rlQUlrld IO 1111 tlltm.

•i.;, .. ~, ~ '7lr f d that kind of a passing ·attack was u u . 11: av ••v1r1v J. ~. Df9ul'f'. w1"' ""'nK .. ...,,.., -.ctltri. l ft"" °'"'' John CUrtis (• ") a let· line. And on five occasions the tie Rio Hondo in a irst roun tha ta " S "th Brown had runs of 6 20 sec- l11E a1zzv co.. 113' s..111 E p.21m "'"",,.,.~ or"" •b<Wil 1111111111 c ...... 1 . .,...

~ • Ce . Sat d at t s ge, says m1 • . . . · H._1 a tw1.. COii• Mt$1. Cill•ornl• Plll>lflflld Or•- cw•' Dall\' Pllo•. 10 P••te111 """'· wlll'I ll'lt ~"' terman, will start at one enemy was limjted to a minus game at rr1tos ur ay " Estancia's quarterback onds 1n beating Jim Walter of m 21 "'""""°'' n. to. 11, •nd 0ec:-· '· voucMr1. 10 !"' urtdtfMorted 11 ai l2lld guard Mike Walters (5- yal"M rushing. TWice the mini· night (7:30 ). IKevi"n LaRue) •· the best Paynesville Ohio 6 005 over Joflfl K••~·· 1'360 Eklfll "'"'" " 11 Ud·n '''"'· P. 0 · Bo• •ns. M-' &M<"-.., , ' . ' . Cc•11 M<!u, Cilltw1111 '2427 C1lltornl• ' , whk11 11 Tiit pl.c:t ot 11 ) at the other backcourt n;..,blgs_ bekl the oppos!tion to The vote came after coach ~~~-~- passer I've ever national champion Gary Beck Thb 111111rieu i. DSlng cond\ICe ... bl'.,. STARS °"'11""' ot 1111 ....-"'°"""' 111 •" ,..."'" ,,,__ • -··••· and u~•=• Ed Al d 6 61 frdl¥16uil - ·11llll nv 111 1111 n1111 of u~ post. minus jard;:lge ! G H I , G chos seen,' ' says Smith. or monton, ta .. 3!1 · J- "••me• de<.-..1 . • 1111111 •our monrt1t •'*' 111111r"

Pirates Poloists Favored

passing! · eorge ar mans au So Garden Grove marches in over Olson before taking the Tt>11 11.11..-1 111tc1 wnt:i 1111 c°""'v Sydney Omarr ts one or pu1111r;iu111 of llll• ""'k• .

' ff ll and Cl.l••s t1"ed for the · circuit f' I C•tr- ci Or"•- '°""'"' 111 Oct 21 1tn • td' t ut ol,..- CllM 0ci-r 31· 1tn. Its ·been a team e ort a '"' Wednesday with hopes of pop- 1na s. w•LLIAM e-ST Jo•ori' COUNTY clEAK tne v.·l)r s grea r .,.. l(ENNETH c. LtNosAv. EaKvlor th di t Smith • t"U "th •t t records The · · gers. Hl1 column ~ one of o1 "" w1u of !tit e way accor ng 0 - I e WI .... • . ping the Diablos' bubble. TOP pie("" Sv.Wv: 8y ..... rly J. MNdlla, O.,Uf'f'. h DAILY PILOTS t •bOYI .......... ......,, all the way from defensive two teams ha.d~ battled to a The future ·. "We expect a Top Fve• - i. OOf'I M«KJv, 5•n11 P~ 1.ned Ot•nee C01tt Piiot, t e iTI!a MURWITt. MulWITt a llMIR

. Morik•. s.t1 .-concll, 231.tS m.P.1'\-. Ocloblr :IO •flll HoYlmbtr ' · 11. 20. features. UI 1211111 51,...1 back Mark Andrews ( 9 8 24-24 deadlock: better group next year," says t:;.~ '·c .~/< J::."·T!,~~ •. i •• ~ nn :i.10-11 " · o. ••• 1w paunds) to defensive tackle Rio Hondo (7·2) captured the Smith. M~~"~1~:; v~ ~~.,,Jim Ovnri, L• ~~>.:::' c.rH•rnl• '*» Brad Silva, a 6-3, 212-pounder. Southern Ca Ii for n i a Con- Mlr•a•. '·'° tta1nc11, 22~.s.. m.P.h.. _ _.. All_.,,..,. 1a1c:11,.,.

Assistant coach Dick Rob- rerence title with a l-0 record. Final Scores ~-;::\11:::·..!..c~~t::C11~rri.:no~· .::.; PuoUihtd r-;- ,,cN;;, O.Hy Pll~Jo bins- (formerly ·M-o n r ov iii· ·In other large . div-ision- -20 Saddlebact .. .......... 0 ect>Qy ow•, _ft\lrnphl..,. T ... n. Ncv .... oer •· J, • •

1 1'Non

2 P .1. • O , Prc-s 1oc_~ 1 - - l , 8 111 Jtf'l- ln1. PUBLIC NCYnCE High's varsity coach for over playoff games Saturday I ac1 1ca M11vtrri, P•·· V1r91, t.3111 .-c:Ol'll'JJ,

a decade ) says the diminutive Cerritos is at Fresno, Pasade-- 27 Tustin . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ~·:~ .. ;;~.;!th·(.J.'.•~io~'J,~ f!\: . J Andrews is the best prospect na h~ts West LA at East LA 27 Villa Park . .. ... 0 ::~r1-:'~!:i7t. 8c"~r.:'m.T&::i'. .vP~T2. 1"° I he's ever seen. and West Valley is at Chabot. 14 San Clemente . . O Fvtl M11torevcr1 - 1, T. c. 11r1,. lllnl<lf'I, KtllOMll, Wl1., Norton, &.Sl

I '

SUPlll.10111 COUll:T Ofl' TNI IT.I.Tl 01" C&LIPO•NIA l"OR THI COUNTY OP Ola.GI

HO. A 71US "He's unbelievably quick In the small division Mira JO Foothill . . . . . . 0 wconc11, 1u.1J m.11.11 .. s1.1DO. 21 , .,, WHITI'IER - Orange Coast and . On Ide pf Costa fa-s West Hills and 24 F !hill 0 w11cn, L•ndovtr H1111, Md., Tr vrnl>h.

Co aa-c:1ve w ays .... 00 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . J 111 bt!Wltn Jim COOi<, ... 111 Lorn• ,

liege ls a solid favorite to -· ~- · ( 11 '·· H••'•v,. •nd LIOl'I P•-· capture the Southern Califor- ,...:b::•:_co:=ns::tan:.:::l::.ly_hi_c"ts_:___lh_e:_o_:p-__ ea_br_i_U_o_is_at_Red_wood __ s_. ___ 2_t_E_l_M_od_ena __ ._ .. _._ .. _._ .. _._ .. _._o_.::..,:c:c""'c:.·.::'-=' ·-"c:."_'wc.. _____



In 1111 "'911tr ot JEFFREY MKHAEL Gll-"CE, For ( PIA .... o1 NtfN

nia JC water polo playoffs this week, but rivaJ Golden west poses a solid threat.

Rio Hondo College will host the two-<lay affair, beginning Tuesday.

Orange Coast's Pirates (2~ 1) are seeded No. 1 in the tournament and will meet Cypre&S Tuesday at 2 o'cll)Ck in the opening round tilt. If coach Jack Fullerton's Bucs are successful in the first game, they will come back at 7 the same night to face the Long Beach CC-Mt. San Antonio winner.

Meanwh11e, coach T o m Hermstad's Golden W e s t Rustlers (26-2 ) are tabbed to defeat Palomar in an opening round tilt at 11:30. U they win that one, the RusUen will pro­bably tangle with Fullerton. at 4,30_

The championship game ls set for 1:45 Wednesday with the third place contest to follow.

Twtd1'("1 klltMM lO:U - f'vlllftorl on. Vt11111t• lllf S-

11 1 r:'3::i~·Golcll!I Wtsl n. P1lOl'Nlr It :~ - L- 9t•ch vs. Ml. San

... ~~·"'· - Orlll!lt ( NII n . CvPrlU or Alo HonclO ) : IS - f'11l«t0rt-S1rit1 B•!'blor• IOMr

VI. GolcMf'I Wnl-P•IOl'Nlr '°""· ~ : :IO - FvlllrlOn..S•ril• 81rblr1 w111-ntr w. Ooldt!I Wnl-Pllorrlw Wlfll\lf . S:~ - l.q 8flectl.Mt. SAC klHf

" '· Dl".,gt C•t<ypl'Ht klH!'. 1 11.m. - ~ 8Hc:h·'•1.1. 1Ac wlrmtr

VI. Or•~l'll~Mr.

11 • .Ill. - alll~lon P•mt. U , 1, - COIHO=llOI\ 11•rne l, 41 - !""'"" 1111111 o•mt. l : U - l!lnl l<'I Olmt.

Oilers, MD In Anaheim

Cage Event Orange Coast area prep

baskethall teams Huntington Beach and Mater Dei haYe drawn Los Alamitos and Anaheim in flnt-round action at the third llUlual Anaheim Holiday Featlvaf tournament •

The tourney' opeDS Dec. II with four games 1lated ·at Anaheim Convention Center with two-time c h'a mp Ion Servile claihlng with Western Is the 7 p.m: game .

Coach Elmer Qimbs' Hun­tington Beach OUerl waltuntU Monday. Dec.II, boron bat· tllng loo Alamitos In the 5:311 lslue. I

The Monarchs of Mater Del coed> Jerry Tardie meet Anaheim in the follow Ing tett at 7.

The llOirtno .......-.,0ec.11

Rlltcho AJamltol VI Loara -4p.m.

Sovanna ., °""le - 5:311 p.m.

Servile VI Woatem - 7 _p.m. SUnJi1 Hills "' Magnoll.tJ -

1:311 p.m. M-, Dec. II

Foothill VI Kfllllldy

~ Belch VI loo Alamllol - S:311 p.m.

Motor Del n Anlhelm - 7 p.m . Gan--•=•

p.m •


~~T:0-oSTKIS •••• . .. . •• s 1o

Rentedw;th sk;s S, BUCKLE . .• 3.

~~! .. !99.J.~1;,BUCKLE .. 3 10

SKI POLES SLEDS ••• • :::::·· · ••• 4


TOBOGG • • . . . . · soo• ~ ANS • • . 5

· , •~11 against unque damage • • • • • • •

SNO SAUCERS 1'° CAR TOP RACK : : : : : : : 2• SKI CLIPS •• • . •• . ..•.• 50•

l lNTAt If! IOI SllS MAT I I A,,UID TOW THI ruauu1 Of SKIS, WITHIN A IS DU ,::1~~

' ' -


irreverent rexreed

TMre •r• no .. cred cows as far 11

Rex RHd it concerned ••• 11 m1ny of his high tnd mighty "victims" have found out.

A.ix is as revealing as In X·ray, 11 in­cisive 11 a scalpel . . . end It brash • young writer as any to be found in

the 9litterin9 new crop of newspopor columnish.

His WHtly columns centerin9 on the people end •••nn in the entertain­ment world, con st.n with their bntte force •.. 0< sting with their witty put downs. One thin9 they never do is bore the rHder.

If you hevon't been eaposed to the special R11 RHd brand of joumtli.,,,, givo it• try this wttkond •

R...I RH Reed's swingin9 column this S...dey and every wut in

The .Sunday



Ttwo ~k9f1C111 01 JEFFREY~~ Glll.-.CE tor t ll9nOI 01 ~,.... 11t In C-t, - IT IPPtlf"l"I will lilltli<•lklll llUI JEFFRl!Y MftHl\l:L Gll ... CE PIA • !!ltd - loPOtlullClll tN"'h11 ,.._ bt Ui•noed to l lFP K CJ't'T HODGE'

New, '""elort, II 11 tltrMl'f' .,......,. ..,.. d lfKIN, 1 ... 1 •II Ptrl•Clr" lftltrHIM If! ... 1c1 m • tle< Clo -•• btlor'• ltllt c-i "' °""''"""' l on "" ltlft Hy ol OK-, 1tn, •• t :OO .. tl« ll A.M, If Uhl '9•• to •- ,_ wfty 111t "I" -4kllloll for CMf'l!ll ot - t1*1W ..... bl 9••f'llt<I.

II 11 f\Wltoe< trWrlll "'91 I <O(lll' of flllo Ot-bt< bt PVOl l,,,_ 111 111t Dl"-.e C-! 01J1y Piiot, I - or ..-... cl•u•••••· grlnltd 111 w ld ~Ty. • I ltHI Ofltl Ii<"""' tor '°""' MIC<:HlolYI WMltl p<for 10 "'' dly ol .... ....,.Ing.

O•lfd : - 10. ltl1. H"AMOH G KO"' ILLC Prnldlng J...,.. ol Uld SUINflor ( -t

OAVIO O. BlllAlllDOM .1.11_, .. w.. fll ,,......., c-.,. 0r1 ... Sfllllt IS• ,,..,.._. ._... C••--• nMI ? ....... 1110 ttW7lf ... ,,.,..., ... p ...........

Pllblll...., Or•rtte Diiiy l'llol , No......,tllr n . :io. t7. anc1 O.C• - 4.

• .,,, 11 .. n




Ma. •HIO Ell t lt ol JEAN lLIZA9(TH

O'l(Ef'•E. DKel.-.. NOTICf. IS t1(Rl9'1' QIVEM .. -

Cttdllwt "' .... - ~ ~ """' ... -- "'"4111 dlolfM ........ ""' ... Id ._, .... ,....... .. "" ...... . • •"' , ... "'l(H M<• """'°""'· Ill IJW ol'lkt or '"' ( iol'r\ .. ,.,. - "'"tlMI -·· ., l o ,.. , ....,, ""'"'· ""'"' n. _ __, _ ..... , . II llW ........,...,.... •I ""' enkt or - 111.......,_; .... , & ......... Ill 1! • •1 t111 SltN1, 5¥111 )II .... lM A ......... Ct•• to111l1 llOOlt. wttkfl I t ""' J141o1:1 If 9V'Cl"'"1 of ""' \Mdllf ....... lrl •II .... 111n Plflll"'"' " ,,,,. ...... ot ..,,. ~.

....nN11 ._ """"""' •""" "" "'It ,uMlc:• l ilt! ol '"'' nol l<• o.11c1 Oc'- 11. 1m

Viet.A L. lllA'IEN, (•INf•I• ot , ... Wiii of

,,,. ·- Mo"*f dee ...... WllT 9 l"TllM I It ll•tl "" M .. •lllt. SI! .A ._.,. .....,.._ CMH. _,. Tt11 l'1Jt 111•1 .. ~ ..... lllallt11

l"Oltll f- 0r-.. c-1 O•ll'f' "'""'· Oc- ,, ..., ... ,."... •• 11. ,.,. lfl1 "'"'"'


30 DAILY PILOT Mond.11, Hovtmbtt 20, iq12




KCET illl 8:00 - An Evening With Mabel Mer­cer, Bobby Short and Friend~ Sophisticated jazz stylings in a salute to Cole Porter.

CBS tJ 9:0:Q - Herli's Lury. Donny Osmond. the ~ young recording star, develops a crush on Kiln and

appears in a charity 1nusic show she's arranging.

NBC 0 9:00 - "Barefoot in the Park." The movie version (not the short-lived TV series\ or Neil Sinlon's. popular co1nedy \\dth Jane Fonda, Robert Redford , Charles Boyer and Mildred Nat· \\' ICk . ~

ABC 0 9:00 - The Rookies. When Mike Danko captures a warehou,se thicJ , the suspect's brother kidnaps Mike's \Vife Jill .

, KTLA 0 . t2:00- "Man on the Flying Trapeze." lt s \V. C. Fields 1n a ctrcus comedy dating back to 1935.



Evening NOVEMBER 20

• d1!1pidaltd. lilth ·tloar w1 lk·UD in Htw Yo1k's 'l iU111e. 0 f1111• lotln1 [ {I Titf Adventu1w

•:OOOO ®l lD!ll•ow•

0 (]) (D Tiit Rtokiu '1o T1s\t DI ltr101" lhe youn11 brother ot 1 warellouse lh iel , c1ptured b' Mik t D1nko. kid111ps Mike 's wile J1U. 0 P'Mdema

OW@m~ Nl1ht l'ro footlMll At11n11 fa lcons 11 W•~ll initon RldsHn1. 0 W~d Wiid W1N m Tiie fllnlstone1 CD C:oll'ltr l'yl1 USMC (i}) C1rr1sc•lt11dl1 aJ Mi Oultt [ n1mo1a41 t)i)' tftdt•PGdie Lode• '-0~ M1ybmJ RFO ail ActlH Thtlhf EE Tkn:1 St.0111

CD T1lel11n ·-Ei) Un 'lt11no '•r• Rtconlu fJ!l (fiJ In Slnat Ho1111 A 6ocumen · t1ry on the life ind works or poet Walt Wh it man. QJ The Yir1lnl111 m 0r .....

S:JQ (J) CIS "'ft Wat!t1 Cron~it 1 @) Merv lrlftl11 Show

t :lO U @.Doris D11 Sh1w Oatis ~tu.:_ lin becomes the prey ol 1n [a~t

f uropean wolf . General Nikola i SmaltLort . when she \fits to 1n. west1.11ate the t1u1h ol 1 r1por1 Iha! hr secretly plans lo defect fa the West. Roger C. Carmel 111e1ts. r6) Jolin WtFM Tli111rt m AlldJ Crlffitll

CiJ Clllipn's llllt nd ,. [ii CAE: C.lltfl Cttdit C.Urw fD M1•1nr Tll ltip Cirn m jean111 tar1111 Slit" ~ Cirttn Acns a!:I l"Nr111111 ' oNcill ED littt. Rasul•

OQ)Httn @ l ook Beat ED Tblrty ,Minutes With

9:' 5 EE Su CofM!l it fmrila

7:00 II 0 m News

10:00 0 ({) Tiit New l ill C.lbp Siio" Budd' Hadi;eU, Roberta fltck 1nd Donny Hath1w11 t uts!. l j" 011,11tl


0 Movit: (CJ (2hf) "Otslr07 AM Mo11t ters" (st•·h) '63-Mlr1 Kubo (T) WlldlUt Tllt tlrt O w111 rs My lint! m I Lnt lucy (D I Drt1r11 t f H1nnlt flSl nfi111 Li111: EE fr1r Dl1blil10 "' ffi Wtinl1, IUln1 111d Cl17 tt> [l A1111r Tltn• ta11 ff Muj11 0.!i Movit: ''Th• Mollltlln hod" rim lw. 117 ftln arrt m Speed ltlctr

f:1 mHews O Dept rtment S 0 Crimi fithlers M1yo1 Sim Yflf· ly and lormer GM. ldmond G. Brown l)ltll. ID 1111 Ctsby Sim ((5) How Do Ytuf Chiklrtn Cr1111? ffi Roads ,to f rtedOM In th1 stc· ond installment ol BBC drtm1tir1· hon ol Jean P1ul Sal'l re's flOYt ls, Mathieu finds 1 1ood but t111tnslvt doctor for Marttlle's 1bortion, but ht cannot rel the 11111 ney. ft)LK11 So•~


rim Ytrlldld m s,orts t11au.,. m llitlrOo11 at the s..

AND SEE " STAND UP AND CHEER" 10:30 ( jl Ask tti• ... ''Sdloll ... nt .. 0 Johnllf M1111'1 Stllld ~ MK D.lwis 1uest1. 0 Tltt Ntw P'riu" 11 ltiftll

Up 11141 f) Ttl' Buk nil Wanlt4 De1d or Alive aJ T111t Mvt nl111e

rn Tiit r1r111t 111111 0 Milllon $ Mnit: (2111) "TIMI Thi st•r" ( 'lits) 'S7-M1nry rond1. ~ Wild l h1rdo11 ID nat c; 111 m Dniptt fl) CINsplrlto fD'T'al Chi ~·u 1 11 tr:ITht Mwelltil rer Gm Mlrwtlltt 'ltldtz SMt1 OJ TIM Mdtnu f1111 t1 y

ttSI Tiit f rttldl Che! tl! Morie: (C) "Stt1n1u1 Wiit• We Metr (D,2 ""' al Dutdeo1 Spoftlllrt n

" '"' o o om !l:l m­rfl ~ 3Q! "'"' ' Q Ont Slt p lfJ9fl~ f6' Marshal Dillon Q Morie : (C) " Do1°t Jal! Sla•d Thert" (com) 0 68-RGberl Waaner,

1:00 D CIJ Gu1111110kt "A Sodb1111er" Mi ry T1l11 Moore M1rsllt l Dillon 11des Into lh1 mid {i) Tru th or Con11q111nct1 die of I 11n1• war just IS I m Movie: '1 httt l lDftdt l In Hi• 1roup ol c11tltmen tr& try ln1 to ti le" Imp) '60-Jock M1"°4ltY. 1un down la rmt1, P111 Brown (Alt1 Grtt1 Th~sen Cordi. in 1 filhl owir w1t11 rl(ht1. ff3J HtlM1'1• 0 Iii ctl U~fl.h1 J1m1s Catn. EE ;1rntr Tt• An111tro111 whO oo·ltt rs i11 '1h1 Godfather." ED I l flCIA'! l li1l111"* Tt llllCI

1uests 11 1 rube, . • vaudl'liltt ll: lS ft:'l Rtllt It hoofer •ml 11 1 1lr111htm1n to 1 u;i ' • u Ptrfomtln1 lilh !hit 6ou bird u lli, l l :JO IJ CJ) CIS Litt M1wit: (C) "Tiii m Mop9'1 Mtrt11 Crttll Sl l1111t" (ICl·li) Robt rl Horlon. 0 ~ M19H (}) Ml'fit: "'sterf Ill ''It 0111" EE...,.. .. Ctr•lt t11111 ·s9- ll•t• H•,,.crl" QD 4Jl ilpiC!AIAlllwtnilltWltll1 Q \(oJ fD }llt11ny CllSOfl Shfl'll' M.0.1 MHtll', kitlr Slltl'I •rMl1 00 Mtvit: ·1111 Stf1•1tr" (wts) '5 1 rntllft ~i1tle1t1d l•tt stylin11 -1oe1 McC1•1 lly 1 Plir of ''1l1111rs' sin1t r1" wllh O Mt¥4t: (C) "Yt lltwtllfl'lt Ke lly" t 11lult lo Colt hrl11. I l~d~I '5~11t Wtlktf. IE lldlo .. &• m Tt 1'1n the Tf'ltll m ..,. m Clnlcl w. ...... •-= 12'~ ...,.., """" m-('" ' '3)-H~rnphrty lott•t

.1. 112:00 0 Mnit: '11111 .. tllt Jlyi 111 ~JO GI Man lrtttll Slln Tflp11n" (com) 'l~W C. ntlds.

l :DD 8 (() Hlf•'• LllCJ Younr rtc0rd· m """d Hltclluc• r1tM11b 1111 star 0onll}' Osmond dtvtlOPI I El!) Jant ki cruill Oii Kim whldl DllNIS l lllbll· l2:JO m MIN: "Drt1 111 Wii t" \ 'SJ I flstinr tor lury'1 d111dltt1 whtn -Ctry C11nt , O.b011h Ken, ' ht lltttl ff 1p1111r 111 1 ch11i1J ID Co11ntry ll lllk 11111Nc 1flow 1ht Is 1ri111&1111. e 111 m•11C-""'• (C) 1:00 0 CJ' •• .. C21W) -......t II !flt Pad' (eom) l :IO(_j) HIWS '67-llnl fon41, Rokrt RedlOld. Ch11la Boytr, fllllldrtd Nitwrld: 1:311 IJ Mttie: "S te• liwtlf {min) ·44


' Butterflies Are Free'

Top Comedy ' I

By TOM TITUS 01 9llt O•I~ , lltl Slt lf

Once in every 20 or 30 trips to the theater on the. con1-munity level. a drama critic encounters a production that shakes off pl! vestiges or <intat~urishncss and rises lo a

plateau that could be con· ~idered on a par \Vith any pro­fessional interpretation of the work. • In Orange County, this has happened only twice in the rapidly disintegrating year desp~t~ an overall surge of ambtllon by com mun i t y theater in general. Both of these near-perfect shows were comedies. and both were presented in Westminster -··The Star Spangled Girl" and "A Funny Thing liappened on the \Vay to the Forum."


of the pure joys of compulsive theatergoing.

.. r.

• Ill Clemente

lion of the play Into sharp locus on the Cabrillo Playhouse stage. There is never a weak moment when a character's motivation may be quesUoned.

The story 1s a simple one, a.r·ound which a complex set of c1reumstanees Is developed. A young man breaks away from his upper class environment for a two-month "experiment" at living on own in Greenwich Village- the catch being that the youth is blind. Ile meets a girl whose emo­tional Infirmity matches his physical handicap and who may or may not be the right one for him.

~ - except for a scene in which she wears little else.

. AnoUter newcomer to local theater Ls Hazel Burrows, who chills the room with ht~ biting portrayal of the b o y ' s overprotective mother. It ts a -role fraught with c 11 ch e possibilities, but Miss Burrows skillfully transfonns it into a dramatic gem by keeping it eternally believable.

AN OtrrLANDISH cameo is that of the uninhibited, pot­smoking off-Broadway dlrec· tor who threatens to sever the new-found romance. Eugene Applegett handles this asslgn­

J L\1 SPEIRS deliv.ers a ment with skill and sharp lim­nawless perfonnance as the ing, generating the loudest blind boy, so super adjusted at laugh of the night with his un­the outset but t e r r I b I y CilllSCk>us put-down (I f the vu lnerable underneath. Speirs mother. develops his di ff i cu I t " Butterflies" i.s undoubtedly character to such perfection a play that many community that one unconsciously fears theater groups will be clamor­he may step off the edge of ing to produce, but they have the stage, and when his even· a tough act to follow in the tual breakdown comes it is San Clemente production. The played with frightening skill current show is among the and honesty . best of the year in county

. "

SHE'S FREE - Janice Hart says a poignant good­bye t.~ Jim Spe~s in a scene f rom "Butterflies Are Free, now at the San Clemente Community Theater. · Now it has happened again.

and again the play in question is a comedy, although its clos­ing scenes rival any good drama for pure poignancy. It 1s the San Clemente Com· munity Theater's production of ··Butterflies Arc Free," one

FOR DIRECTOR Richard Andersen it is his finest hour in local theater, surpassing his "Glass Menagerie" at San Clemente a year ago. Leonard Gershe's deserved I y ac· claimed play is a hilarious comedy with guls and an ex· cellent cast of fou r makes both aspeets work at peak cf· ficiency. "digging into the characterizations with zea l and gusto.

An extraordinarily f i n e theater and it contains some

performance also is delivered of the finer ind iv i d u a Jlr~~~~~~~~~====ir~=========::;= by an actress wilh relatively performances. ]

Andersen has done a thorough job of bringing both the heavy comedy and the underlying eIDcltlonal despera·

New 'Alfie' F antas1· •

little experience. Janice Hart Two more weekends are as the kooky girl in the next scheduled for "Butterfl ies" at apartment, wordly wise for the Cabrillo Playhouse. 202 her 19 years but acutely im- A venida C a b r i I I o . San mature. Miss Hart sinks Clemente, but such an ex­beautifully in lo her character . cellent production '{irtually employing a mobile face that demands a holdover and ,will


;~:;:;; undoubt~ly receive it.

~'\I: 1xruu~1011f A new original children's Baugh Randy· Lee R b M•• Proch1c:tlo11 '''""' I JflWitORT lfACH ~ Ofl.U350

f '

. led ' ' ' o yn , IXCLUI - Jfl asy enut "Alfie Meets ~o.n._.Paula Farmer. Leslie "SEAOREAMS" . IYI JtlST IUN

Set by Mesa Juniors

the Birthday ~uecn " will 6e and Beth Miller, Leigh Ann STACT UACH presented the first \vcekend in Baugh, Maria Anderson, Jenny JIFF IRIDGIS ~c.ember by lhc Costa ~1esa Plessir1ger. Debbie Lorman. THI MOST OllGINAL & John Hutton'• Moil C1v1c Playhouse Jr. Rachel Samuels and Sheri IMITATID SUaFtNS FILM Powerful Picture '

Playhouse director Pat i Sandifer. PRODUCID In Yee rs - L.A. Tirn •1

Tam.bellini is staging the pro- "Alfie and the Birthday P-tom1Cllleft duct1on from her own script, Queen" will be presented 011 7 :J~ & t:l 5 lac• 1..,.i11t lhe second involving the ·Alfie Dec. I at 8 o'clock Dec 2 at AU. 5"tl $2.25


A ~·, '~<nq C ho1t Th, o t c

BALBOA ;! I bO.l i< o ! 'l.l·" ,., "'" I>' j .; ·.1;, ( ! ., 0

" • • • • • • • • • • -

NOW IND$ TUISDA'f ' 'Nicholes and Alexen~ra" . .... ...

" Living FrH" _ J P'Gl

TAaTS WID., NOY. 22. "The Godfather''

& I "Where' s Iii

• • • • • • • • • • -



~fiULUTT' 7 I '10211 P.M. - ..:w --.-:-~TTV

llltI>UHA"WJD' :ElC>HNI& -~--.... At. t P.M. C.1t. s... ,, •• 2

charac~er . Mike Ferris lakes 10:30 a.m. and ~- 3 af 2:30 the till~ role, with Jane p.m. in the Community Center Helmcczi cast as the. bad- auditorium on the Orange 1e~~red quet:n . an~ Richard County Fairgrounds. Advance Fe1ris as ~he t11n1d htlle king. reservations may be obtained

Aho lllnbettl T•ylllf

"X Y AND ZEE" I ll I Try Satiu·day's News Quiz

Ol~rs 111 !~c Costa Mesa by calling the Costa Mesa ~ast 1r1cludc Elisabeth Schuler. Recreation Department at 834-s.hanna Holliday, David Fer· f>300 between 8 a.m and 5 pm ris. Adam Sinykin , Sue Ellen on weekdays. · · ·

·- - hter O'T• ..

CllllOOMI 20 ;· .. . -- • ."t - • •::...11:' :1U

" THI! •ULING Ct..Ass ~ (Ill • " HA.OLD AND MAUDli"

·- l!xc: tvll'lft • .....,._. H- Ne ltnervef SNll

Wlnnet' ., J Audtmy AWINI _,,IODLl'lt ON THI ltOOP"

CllllDOMF 21 1 •. .. . ~ •.• 1 ·~

- - - -·ir· STADIUM • f ,,', .. - ·· .. :t:s.c;~

- ... - :..r. •• S1Ali/UM ·2 ;,;

.. -~ <IJ1[" .. .:!~

Merlell ., ..... " " THI! GOO,ATHlll" l ltl • "C HATTO'I LAND" (f'Q J

GeM! le Hew11 " •UTTli ll ,LIEI Allli Fll lE "

a " THliltl! '1 A GllL IN MY l.oUI"''

"TM'l Nli W CIEHTUlttoNI" ( II ) wllll ._,... c. SC:ell -" f'L AW MISTY ,0. MEM (11

C•anet ,,_ ' 'THI VALAOll f'Af'lllS '" Cll l

a T..., C11rt11 Ill ' 'THI! •OSTON i ITltANGLll .. 11 1

l .1. ~1 111 1

J Grul HltJ T.,tf11tr ter fll• Flrll Time! Ac•rny AWtN WlnM"

' 'THE LAST PICTUllE SHOW" f'tltr , ..... - " llASY ll l DEll" illl

u• SOI.Ith • CO..•

a ... t me ....

MtrlJ•I M - Wfflll lrt11n Dew/II

" ltll , 1 11 MADN ISS" 11iu1 " SINISTllt


"iOfflvl"' H0

•"~'-, ~ .. - .. -,

" THI OTNlll" l f'O I ( Ilic - " CONQUllT

0" TH I Pl ANIT 0, THI .l , IJ"



IN Ill



.--~ f ' :



laugh till you

@;D~ S1 111 i11Allf•6ARflHO M1jel1in1 le R111 Onia C1ld1nb1 1! P11oic1j bi 011ij Jiy D im~ ADUll'SONLJ IX) Oim11j kyJOHI 6.AYllOSEN A CAMB IST fllM in COLOR


103 FM


N ....... d1 r 1ul 1nd Corit Br11!11 -frtn- Si111ll'll.

llltdtttd • IMI Mia rolld1) 111 "' 0 """ 1 ( th• IMOCUS of lnr 1111 llolrM· J:OO 1J ~: "t.adMt•'• Ttlrilttf" ~··· "' ttlW tl11t lp,trlf!lt l'll- j {!ft) '46-R1Mol0h Scott I

12:00 0 ~Mlntft1llle11" (COftl) '31 _ I 1,




l :DO m "SH(' (ldv) 'l8-l~t P'ow· ' 11 . liMtll• Tount

I•........ .... (Cll) 'SS-Join I, l •rry $11lllv1 n~

Tiit Min lrolhtn I 1:» 8 "hr Ht11tt w.11 Cftftr " ' "

(com) 046-(:111 Rut111I. G .,.,. r,,. ... w <wu) 'M , -Mthon, QV!n11. Katy Nttdo. I

:1' G tcJ "llltll' c..IM" (mus) J:OO ([) Ct) "flllRt tlt11n t. h 111" '"' '14-EIYls rmity, Gltfl41 f1nt11. I (d1 t ) '6.J-& 111 81Kll110tt

i1i (C) .. A Wtl"' Sitt(' (dr1) 1:11 CJ) {C) "WM _, I~" fwtll '6'-MM\01 lrtl'ldo, Sltb11J .loMS.

'S5-Allflt M11rpflr, jM11ne Orv. 4:00 IJ "ho Ult ti Mrl•1 llt•tl'r" 8 1ftltrt Ttlon't lift" (COl!I) '' 7 (mp) '6~tOllt C Stott, lilrtl _.. ...... Wlllie111 ltndll. Oo111111.

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··-""'llll.C:-iO!'Fl!llli"Wl!S DI!

Plll!I! 111_ .. 11~«01.!>ll, ........ ...

- ~·~···,, , ..... t .... .. ! .. ...... .


• •



• • G

' . ' c ' -' .



Everyone Has Something That

Someone Else Wants DAILY PILOT -CLASSIFIED ADS You Cen Sell It,

Find It, Trade It With e Went Ad

·rhe Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast- Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results

_..,_ lie! I _..... -·- _.... 11~1 I -..... lie! G.ntral G I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;; 1 ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;: 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~:1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~•~n~o~raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~Ge!n~o~r!!•l~ ____ _;Ge~n~e'.!::ra!_!l _____ G.neral General General General General

C iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 l ----::---:--::-:--:--=-----· 1;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;::::~;:;;;;;;;; l O·-WN-ER--1....W--'""1--,-.... -l·yl

ORBIN MARTIN INC ·..A --IASTSIDE- Newport-Outstanding EASTSIDE ..... ~tUW<I on a quiet

- • 2.. >-r'11Vn"4/i#-~ SPECIAL Harbor View Home, offering all the refine- COSTA MESA ~°'-:" 3 ~.~ 'b.ih.~ HARBOR VIEW HOME ~ ments that make a happy family! 4 Lge. , ,,.,1 '°"""' on , hlll• lo!. '"'""' rlreplace leo>dt •d· •••rMNnTt" TWO SEPARATE HOMES - bdrms., 3 baths, lush carpeting & drapes, Each born~ with lt'partte de<f charm to the living

Offering all the refinements that . make a """~'w i~H6~~t 1~~ "i>~: family rm. w/ brick fireplace, paneled 1n prqe, yard • laundry room. re.rm styie kl\ChM, happy lamUy• 4 L bdr S b th lush REALTORS cho1'ce wood •- t bar Prof 1 d room. a..... -·· born• 1"""' of cupboantl and walk . ge ms., a s, TflE OTHER - laces 16th °' a we . ess. an · ;#- in pantry. Range. ~n & carpeting & drapes, family rm. w/ brick fire. 2828 IEAST COAST HIGHWAY Streel, C.M. Call for details scape design. See this hous~ soon - offered ~m! ~~ i " ·ashl"r. BllK. s 2 6, so o • . place, paneled in choice wood & a wet bar. CORONA CAUF. how to J:tuy. at ·$74,900 including the land! rent the others. Jlurry and ~roo. Profess. landscape design. See this house DEL MM. • $54,500. ,.. UU. new Ioli,.. - aski"• HOME • INCOME soon - offere<j at $74,l!OO including the jand! 644 7270 Colleqe Park Beauty 179,500. LARGE • 3 BR. d<h, 11v 2011 PORT "AtBANS CIRCLE OPEN 1·5 • Newport This large Mesa model home, lying behind Cail 546-5880 <OP<'n Evrli. I rn1/ lrpl &: 3 1 ~ car

COLLEGE PARK BEAUTY . Room to Roani •t a courtyard ' & wrought iron gate, has 4 ~;~c ~:;'1,,.':.,~~"i ri':i txl.rms. & a den, completely remodeled apt. Beuutlfully lndscpd,

This large A-tesa model home, lying belllnd • tl is Oll.e Fiirview kitchen. On lush , lndscpd. grounds. It Is ciosl' In $-13,TJO. a courtyard & wrought iron gate, has '4 bd· Ul i squeeky clean, ready to move into. Offered l"'"""""'"'""""'""'"'""'"'"'"I BALBOA BAY PROP. rms. & a den, completely remodeled kitcllen. 2-STORY 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. HUGE at $39,500. NPT. HEIGHTS. * 641-7491 *--On lush, lndscpd. grounds. It is squeeky rumpus room that will take your pool table. clean, ready to move into. Offered at $39,500.' 2 brick fireplaces , builtin kitchen, large yard (QRBIN-MARJIN 4 BDRMS 4 Bedroom Home 308 BOWLING GREEN DR. OPEN 1-5 & room to store your boat. VA NO DOWN H.,. 11 whot ,...,.,. _,,..,, 2 ba1hl, ""'- patio, -

; $39 950 Omtu looking for. Lowly tl'ff* hie prqe, new carpeu A: EXCLUSIVE CORONA DEL MAR * . . ~ REALTORS 644 7662 &haded •lnel. 001 "I· n . of ""'"''· Imm e <Ii at.

sulle. Alley at"C<?U tor boat 1'1esa . $29.500. Considered one of the best areas on the Lq(ty ~

21 • comfort with u.,19 m1u•ter ~-inn. East c o 11 t a

ocean side of the Coast Hwy. This older ~""""'l"""'""!!!!!!!!!!!!""''!!"!!!!!!"'l""""""'.,."""!!!!!!'" [ or tntUl"r. lkHer check th!• Roy McC•rdle Realtor family home with 3 bdrms. & Quiet house. Townliouse _G;;;en;;;o;;r;;;•l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::Ge;;::n•;;r;;;•;;;I ;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;I today. Chl.·n('r "·ill can"Y wo Newport Blvd., c.M. is situated on 30xl18 ft . site, which is 2 lots. • finit r.o. " 'tth oo loon feet; ! SC1an2t Xlnt appretiation situation. Offered at · Enjoy this two.story townhouse and your • S-UNITS-H.oon1 fur 4 $79,500. own private patio. Large, loft , master suite more $106,000.

& bath upstairs . 1 bedroom & bath down- * 3 BDRM. 11011,1E & 1 BR CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX stairs. Builtin Kitchen. A fun place to live APT. _ Eastside. 143,100.

J.~nJa !J/Jl c:::: '.'.•\I l<f fi ~ ' I f

Realtors &t6-T711 Virginia Wiil T,11

, , . Yoo aboul these low:ly homl'S. 4 BR., 2 balhs + hun. rn\. $29,93(). 3 BR .. jacuzzi / pool at $34.,950. NEW LISTING tor only . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,ooo.

• 2 BDRM. DUPLEX & Custom dJplex, built & designed by local AUSTIN-SMITH, GORMAN & ASSOCIATES BACH. APT. UNIT -architect. Loaded with ~u~om blt·ins. Lo- 644-7270 Eastslde. $41,500.



2043 Wc51.clllf Orlve Open ' till 9 PA-1



eated to walk to any area. Contains over 0.neri·'I ------G;;e-nc-•-r•"lc------ 3 Linda Isle Drive 5 BR. lWt>-ltory 1 p e c t • SpyltlaKS. $12'1,!0J.

1831 \\e11tclW. N.B. 64S-6170

3_,000 sq .. ,ft. of living $K2ce. Call for com- liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I rm ORANGE AVE., c.~t PHONE: 642-lm plete details. Offered at ,000. · 425 NARCISSUS. ' • , ' OPEN 1-5

CaU US for your re1I est1te .f'MCI• - WE h•v• lots of ~ f1'i"t• to toll You •boutl

-WILL YOU­M1ss ·our . AGAIN?

Excellent potential in DESERT HOT SPRINGS, near Palm sp'ri.ngs. Can build 4·unils and adjoining property. -availabl~ .. - Only $3,000. E-Z terms! ..

Beautiful new 5 BR., 4•f.i Ba. home. Water­front living rm. & formal dining. Handsome oak paneled fam. rm. , frplc., wet bar. Large master suite has frplc. & cmy lounge area. View of Bay & the mountains .. , .. '179,500.

4 BR. pool, gr. can- BalbM Peninsula yon/harbor \'\cw. $8$.~.

4 BR. ga~n l'OUrtyard; gr. WEST BAY \ 'lf'\\1, $7-1,500 ' th .... • lip

4 Bit. "Sa1wlpi!X'r" . brand WI ,.......r I new. $79.!0'>. Fil'l('st t'llrt\t"r 42' lot. 3 BR.

For Complete lnform1tion LaVt!n1 bunu; . hon1l" & J.l!ll . suite nll s;:at'. COLD" 'El.I .. BANh."ER! Land value i11 Sl&S,COJ.

CORBIN .. MARIIN . On All Homos • Loll, PIMse C•ll: H.caltors 64+2430, S33-0i00 \; r.,at value for SIM9,!i00.

BILL GRUNDY-. REALTOR. 1~=""1~N;;e.~·po::rt~e='·"~··::·,01;:r,~ ~tt1~;\~m..tantANKER I~ RCatro1'!i" 6'4--xr:l, '!!33-0'Jl)O ·-

REALTORS 644-7662 A ~CU: ti().41 1!: CALL ANYTIME 646-3928 EvH : 673-4132

There Is a reason

341 Bayside Dr., Suite 1, N.B. 675-6161 .CAN'T


550 Nf""'ll0r1 Crntf'r Dr.

' '. Gener•I General

Beautifully decora 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, featuring a huge mstr. bdrm. suite, gourmet kitchen, frplc. , lovely shag thruout & 3 sep. patios. Good swimming beach & slip are private. First time ottered. $92,500.

The arca'i; top p:oressionals . 675-3000 arc at ynuc 'c""cc . •

Gener•I General

HARBOR· ISL~ND Lovely 5 BR., 5Yz baths, waterfront home: Lge. living rm. & family rm. , just redecor· ated . Pier, float and sandy beach. Beautiful yard w/ lge. shade tree & swimming pool.

BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR 341 Bay1ide D~., Suito 1, N.B. 675-6161

CONVENIENT, COZY AND CLEAN It's all here in a very Unique home environ­ment . (Fortunate for you this is an escrow fall-out !) Cul-de-sac location, immaculate 4 bedroom home, a heated and filiered pool, all V?ith a serene canyon view. 1'iis- property could be perfect for you! It's one of the best we've seen - and the price is a realistic $69,500.

Contoct UNIQUE HOME'S OF CORONA DEL MAl 675·6000 A ll•tl11t of Gfft9'1 Moo ...

18 yel_ll'I same location

Lachenmyer· Rt:Jl t or

Gener ii


Located Je111 than a block off PRESTIGE 1hc oceonlnml & a block

Irom Newport Ba.Y. Laii;:c 4 "MESA VERDE" bedroom, ~ •• , home. '

balhs, lall:"e living room ' 1 $36~ 950 wilh r!replacc, family roo1n

A beautiful bonic in "Mint" & shaded pa.tic. Some view condition. King 5 I z e d of ocean & bay from upper bedroo~. 2 c I e ~ a n t level. Full price $65,(D). fireplace&. l..arKe ,lamily Call MG-ll5l 0 n Eyea,

REAL E~ATEi room for all the: " Fun r• o\' l'!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!.!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Scenes" h o 11 d a y en-1; tertaining \deal hen! near

1Ge __ n•_r_•_l ------Ge"-"'nc;ar;;.;:;•l ______ 1 the spark]!~ b u 11 t . i n

* * * * * * TAYLOR CO. HARBOR HIGHLANDS - $41,500

Neat 4 bedroom home with covered patio & completely fenced yard. Close to schools, library, park & shopping. Beautifully land· scape"d. Great family home in a fine location. Better burry for this one.

~'Our 27th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realton

1111 Sen Joaquin Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. -10

Gen.•1 Genorol

kitchen. Patio. Sprinklers. """'""'!'~~~~.,.,.. Elegant carpeting & custom drapes. Brk ~In>.

TARBELL 2955 Harbor, c.o.ta Mesa.


Macnab·lrvine .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 642-1235


Turn over a new leaf! Sec HARBOR VIEW See thla lovely 3 bedroom, 2 1 ... !!!!!!""!'"""!!!!!!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!~""'"""~""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PI this lovely 3 bedroom, 2 PORTOFINO bath home, reaturtng two Ge-~.I Gener•I bath Costa Mesa home. H , . ho fireplaces, shake roof, new

Carden honM' wtfb lnconK' unlta! House with lar;:e muntl')' kltchtn. formal din· Ina room, huie btdrooms, .epantt utility an!&, double car & plus olymplc slu oomrnlna pool plus I bedroom apt and bllcht.lor uni! . All tC!TTf'll 11.t $39,EO.

n. . Covel"l'd patio. Famlly room ere s ton;iorrow s, me at --------1 with rlrep~ Only 11650. yesterday• price. Lob of pRint outside, boat or tnJJer

- ··1111·· 11 i...i ,,•• I 1 ,., !

Gener1I I ·B;;•,;;Y.~;;.;:';;";;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;1 •

All this ror lhe money • • I ' LARGE bedroom• al>d 1...,., '"'"'""' BAYSHORE DR.

FAMILY HOME kitchen. Delll'httuJ. homey HOME almMpbf!re. -~ x c e 11 en t 5pal:' IOUA room• . nea r

SJB,500 terms. Newport llela:ht1 private beach. 3 BR .. im· 11ren M.'\.CO'.I. rn1u·ulAll! h o rn c wlwry

Immaculate condition with •I PETE BARRETT 111.rgr r1vlflK nn. $64,500. spaciou1 t-.>droom11., all ele<·· ~111rv Jlftrvey ti:lc bulltln k 11 l' hen. -REALTOR- C.'Ol.D\YEU.. BA."lh.'ER dishwasher, family roo1n r. l<eallUN 644-2C.ll, 81\-moo " 'llh ~liu11orou11 l\1'1.'pl1t("(' , &U-.l200 550 Newport Cffih•r J)r,

~:i,n b:f'1 ;~I~·~ 1 )1~~ ~ 1'c!'o'"ro'"n'"•""l .. !!!J!!!Mel'!"'r"""""~I Sprinklttt lront & rear. Pr'Cftil"e Costa M t 1 a JocaUon. Brit 540-lTJ>.



IRVINE TERRACI Brand !WW Ultlrir . • ,..,. U"lml ! 4 BR, 21Ai Ba., with

Ch.'ner tntMftrnd to ~· 15'1:~ hld. poot i...,-e. hrkbt. Ix v ~ 3 11rt1t In kitch. Badminton c:t.


! acant f -..., btlth, brhlnd Jtl'~. Atw:>luttb t:OllOO! CarpetJ,.., droPff. J I J ••--·t ·~ buildn1, palio, oven:ixd mm111'\l a ' uw ....... garqer Ideal tor kkU • NEWll'OlltT ISLAND ~I rli,:ht 41 STT.500 wi •

lat1e famUy room • recrtft· I NCOMI r;ude;:! the lAnd • lllOC Uon miter I: pool lncluded! Grt'lt, comrr toe.UM: Ip. SCENIC PROPERTllS """""'' oeU.r-132,800 2 hdnn., tcpto., 1•, ""Iha, -.. IO?' down OKI ""Ith l ·bdrm, unit; lde1.I 2915 E. c.out llwy., QOI l

hmnt &. Income tet·up. ! oiiiiii-M'7MW726iili""'Oiil""al ~~~3.3663 ~ r:v... CORONA DEL MAR


5 BEDRM Close Out Sal. · H growllljC roon1 . 2052 sq. ft . !Jtorage, ptllge door ' Tulal down payment. urry or spaciou! living. HuJCe op('ner. Plua nice pe!IO and Realton St>IH9t 1--~,..;..~~~-- I : ~ · , • Brand New! on this onC! al $32,500. llUllken l..R w 11 b roi1- rear y11rrl. on beRuliful 1rtoe Open Evea.

associated r.-rfN·lly lmmac., prof , df'n1nlt'd doll mu. In Cd~I. 1 BR"a.. 11t•p, 1uut qtrs. • channblf( SMlio. " '•lk to btech. $08.~. $42 Ooo t """'""' pi\ & wann lil>ed cul-de-..... Thia hom• SEE HAW .. 11?

Beauty with ~ry C:mrort to M~ke An Offer! • co: rs ~7fnili~ ·~~~:··of i.: ~.auG,~~~~uer hur· ~ ; offer for large fatnily living Tl-IAT S RIGllT ·BUILDERS . WALLACE hou.!!e, rozy eat-in kitchen, & entertaining! LargP fami· O..OSEOPU1' CSALE ·NAM,$- RE L ORS plus 3 BR's, 3 bAths. ALL (eTHs ~~ ~

room boosts elegant YOUR RI Ei Try ;o A T for ONL y $5R,900. Joyt'll" . PA"F -· lace, builtln kitchen. down! Priced to sell b'om 54' 4141- f.(flund 642-8235 (PlQ). , BS'~A~ app ianct!I, dishwasher. Ex· $.13,CO'.I! Crackling r Ir t · OPEN '!. !PM

qui.Site deep padded pill.Cl's. Step down FAMILY (Open Evenin9s) 1..'8l'PCting, w a\ Ip a per ROOli.IS! 3 tl 4 Bedrooms. vac.anclei cost money! Rtrrt dcuirator acccnt1. New Laundry roomL Cement HOME N 1 :641:-12:35~ .... ~:644:6200:~1 •-· water soltner. Bctlulirul driveways. Move ln bt'lorc • • your ,......... apt., •tore

Spt'C""IAC\lllll' 180" vltw ol I ll1rbor a"'1 C1tallna. 3 lwd· room•, 3 be.Iba, wllh l•rae Uvh~ room. A perfect IOI for a POOL.. $70,000 • Don't 11•1 this one IJ'll awsy!

d v--·• 1• Call"'°·- NCOME bldg., etc. thru a Pally Pilol patio. Freshly pa i n le · ..... ,....,. , ~WT)', · ~. I Need a. ·•Pad"~ Piace a.n ad ! CIMSUled Ad. ijeavy s hakr roof. :::::=;O:::~=i=;::==::=::=:::i0:~:;:;:;=:;::::;::::;:;;:::;:~=::=:=:;::=::= Beautirully landscaped. Bric Llvt' in one o{ the Delwct 2 • b ,.. . , '

YA...1720 bedroom homes and enjO)' I OHi \I I 01 \II\ ~ the income rrom 1 he other


,, •

' . ' Rental l:fonwl. Plenty of

Newpgrt Heighls A rt a ====---I 0....... SM.000. Coll

$25,750 -· No Down Tenns

Prtme eo.t11 ldtM ~Uon. Auume apr loan now on proJ>"rtY and YoW' montb}Y \n81111lmcnta arc leM then suu••"U' or'"' <OlWW. en. rent. •~nn lt.)''8 kitctrn. S =!\. 0 !,'.;'J2 et:.1J1--H~llft-~T~urti~-.-y-'e&turea. 2 covc'r;c1 ,.u.-. By tl* Cf')'1'tlll ch!ftr DOOi Boat p~ to rtV )'ftrd. with ~I and excfUQa W\de drl•ewa1. an ... are pfc. bu'-l>q to ~p 541)..11.. ~ ... jOIO _, So-



by .... ~ ..... fl"llo aOO V't'l'J llfiwtc block tnJI. t~tMLI fntlui:\t: dew tn"lh 3 bedroom home with delac:htd do u b I e on aJow b'&1ftc WftL All this la 11valllbli • 11h 1mm«11Jte pciWi9ion la Colt• MtA, ~' 10 lhopp~ attu. For $34,ll50. C.11 £4f-TITI.

<O©\\oUlA-ltt-~s· The l'unle with the Built-In ChucHe

~·-~~,'f/"""~m~rANSWft~l~MOYt~-un_i_u~l__.l__._l_ll I I


BA OKCSI'~ llf/\l Tf)R5 1 01~ W f ulb ~ l'' 16 61

\Vtll nuUntalrwd home wUh 3~==··===: I ~>~ BANKP.R apadoul btdrooms, 3 NEEDED AT ONCE Jtc.llon m.2U'.>. ~ ... . !'iiO X41Wp011 Cenlt:r Or. 11epAratP .. 1tts. dthae built· TWO SAL.ISPEOPLE in k It Che D, dbhwuher. Coolact 6roc. ~. Wt'1 EltlJan t llrtplact . talk owr the bmtOU: Dfollahtlul p11Uo. P o o I. CALL ANYTIME vtlvet pwn park-like lawn. .. ...... -• llri< 541)..J't'll), --

TARBELL Lochenmyer I). • '

• ,

709 NARCISSUS Stvirp 2 bdrm. hon,..

1(·2 lnt f" A, ht'at, "1>1r, ' I • 11 ~"f'T. A aood bu)•! MORGAN RIAL TY

67UMI 67'--




• -


Ii •'


lllT 1111!'

~ L A s s .I.

Cerona del Mar Fountain Valley

HARBOR View Hilb, beaut. $48, 750 °"'"" view 3 Br. 211 Ba, SHORECREST den, $79,500. 644-1330 Eves Ir: WkndL DeaJan for YoWl& ex~tlve

~C:..M.:;l.::a:::l;;M'-.. ...,.------1 tamdy living Md exterilive entertaining. Lo~· 2 stOf)'

BEAUT. CHEAPIE =· k:!:f w~·~:-COI..J..EGE PK. $29,950 clucllna: large jacuul wltb 4

3 BR, 2 BA, big yard. jet ouUeui. 1200 aq. tt of OPEN HOUSE dac\d"" - 1....p land&eap;ng -

S t & S low maintenance rear yard. a ·· un. f'inest bult·in k I t c h IC n '

2l32 ComeU Dr. dishwasher. Fornllll di.Dini HURRY, \\'On' t last! room • plan ~ holiday

~-·- rt banquets here. Fam.Uy room nwwpor with ma.s&ive fl.replace. 3

car garage. Bric: 842·2561.

Check into this ~OlY 1700 11q . ft. 4 bedroom, 2 bath ta.mily room honie with . a private office, J"®m for campera, boats or whatever. A perfect home for lam family on lovely Raleigh Street in Costa Mesa. Only 129,!!50. Call 673-8550.



TARBELL MagOOtjii It Talbert

Fountain Valley


1'lrst time olJered and lb a beauty with 4 spackMta bedrooms, all elettrie puJSh button built·in k i l c b e n , elegant fireplace in gi-acious living room. New plush pad­ded !!hag carpeti~. treAhly pe,inted. Easy maintenance yard. Prime location. Love­ly patio too! Brk, ~· •

TARBELL Hanillton & Brookhur.t

3-BEDROOM DOLL Hunlington Bch: HOUSE • Look.I Uke "Nev.'! ....................... ... Eoglamr·. Cozy, b r I g ht JNDIANS kitchen, 2 vanity baths plus This tee pee has 5 bdrms. & a huge open living room. 2X BA, big enough for a Owner has been ill and brave and his squaw a nd 10 houae needs 110me care.

Hunt!""°" llM<h

Jr. Estate $39,500

Ellquislte Oriental design tta.t yard. Subtle elejtance! Lavbh uae of Palos Verdes atone, planters lend ~ charm to thls belUltul 2 &tory home. Walk to ICbools and parkl ftotn this spacious 4 bedroom. Gracious living room l!nban· ccd by massive fireplace, deluxe builtin k i t c h e n , dish\\1a.aher. Lowly palio for­relaxln&: or entertaining. Brk 962-S566.

TARBELL Adarµs & Magnolia •

H4lJtington Bch.

Spi .. I Staircase Hard-to!come-by! You bet! "Francl,fean F ountains by the Sq,'' 5 Bedrm &: family rm, 3 tile baths. Over 2600

11q ft of supc comfort, up­graded thruout. Large patio, prof ldscpd yards, fuUy sprinklered for low maint . Price only $53,900 with only JOSO down. 962-81151.

Most popular area near beach, schools and shopping centers. 3 s p acio us bedrooms, 2 baths, family room very convenient with handsome fireplace off the


Newpo<t' llMch ~lwh

Pre-Grand Opening Selel

..... $51,495 .......

C9'l'ltlllleul ,,_,,,


l ofty living awaits you! Act swiftly

to select your own Newport Beach condominium.

Visit the lemponuy offices of the Newport Crest Information Center,

convenlentry located el 2400 West Coast Highway Suite B. Newport Beach.

Open Daily 10 a.m. to sunset.

17141 645-6141

=-buil t·ln gourmet kitchen, .---~-,,...:. ___ ..;:::;;:::;:... ____ II dishwasher. Gorgeous Laguna Beach Meu Verde

Priced low at $24,50D. BKR lillle Indians. Kitch. has Ras """--=11. hltins, cozy brk fpl for pow c~=~~,__.,,..,__,=~-· 1 wows In the liv rm. When MESA Verde, on g6U course, your lit lle Indians drive you Beaut 4 BR, 3 BA, Jo'am on the war path banit;h Rm, Fonn Din Rm, Lrg Liv them to the larxe brick Rm W / frplc, bltns, lrg fl'/1C1?d back yard. TEE-patio, $53,COJ. Owner, PEE price $36,700. 3 BR, 2 BA. home, T Plan

4 ':,;~~ oome. FamUy rm If OPEN HOUSE ~-lul'f a ~~~po.~ grounds. Brk-846-138.1. .-_ - - - .-_ --


=l. D~mFor~~ ~~: 531~5111 (::J 531·51DD ~~~~::n u~il suN. 12~5 P.M. ~~~ !:i:.ei:s.=: oo-ocm. I ~""!'!!!!!!!!"!!'""'!"""""" e OLD ENGLISH e 1095 NORIA STREET For appt 493-2566 Fountain_ v;lley Huntington Beach . BeauUlul Zaiser Custom Newport lffch

ll~e cu~tomized 3 . ~· built home with forever --'-------11

-' I ' -

~I ....... 2o, l'J'l2 PILO'T·A



~w*'•• ·SAVING SPACE .. FOR ,...

YOU •••

• HOUSEWIFE'S Uve in a wuh, Jtah~ marblefi:epl ~ ocean view in Arch Beach LUXURY DREAM • 21 rte J!Ug£. ilvl!!g f1!h , _g!lan_tl <:_ t:t- lghl•. ~ou. .. ctY • • ft., 2-le·-1- _ - -- - . - - - - acre ·pa -·- lanuly rm yr/free stanCllng '3 BR~ 2 BA. Spaci~'Us ~-., -,---

AU on one floor, 3 BR, big Fabulous l i v i n g ~.flh f.iontcrey firepl. So many kitchen with all builtins. AJ JHE BLUFFS F I E· D

6 4 2 • 5 6 7· 8


WANT AD 142-5171

llYI Cll•f·

' l

kitch w/loads of cabinets, beautiful swim pool! Like xtras, like elec gar. door Enormous living room with custm Door to ceil firepl, new beauty with 4>us opener , wate~ftener, huge beam ceilings, fireplace and dbl door 1"'""·1obigl.olawxlbi:Y bedrooms, elegant fireplace back yard paho and . rear bu ii tin bookshelves. 3 decks, .. the most in privacy; rm, enc pat · t ig in ~e family room, built- entrances. It looks like a with lots of wood and glass. beautifully decorated 3 enough for 2 pools. E ven in dream k 1 t c h en, Hollr_wooc!- setting · walk to Just $48,950! Bdrm &. den for $69.500. hu a boat gate, o.n cu.I-de- dishwasher. 3 car garage. Country Club &: horse Driving Instructions: Turn on ~ aac lot. Only $32,500. No Beaulilul patio. Garden of stables S36 liOO ,..ft-~ (b ' down 1*1'!1t ~'d. REAL . EST' AT. E FAIR Bluebird ,,_.,.Pin y Den- .ti~·

REAL ESTATE FAIR Eden . 1"™"""piog! Brk ny'<), tum Jett oo Summll C: \i: ~ ~l!55l MIH&)4. 536-25.'.> I Dr., and follow signs up hill, urst -~.jt, ,

$32 7501 A VERY SPECIAL ~:. ~~g:/~·,1:,"J."'s~n Mod appeal.,;, 3 ~ & -HOME- ARC REALTY :t,) rea Ly den home. GracioUI J~e 5824 W. Edinger for families who take time to 586·5111 2414 Vista del Oro living room wilh Inviting Hunting1on Bch. live. T~·o mastt>r suites, Newport Beach fireplatt, goonnefs pnde & DUTCH CLEAN large lamUy room and a ,.... - - - - ..._ 644-1133 ANYTIME joy buUt-ln raoge. oven & billionb room with we! bar ~CH-0-ICE_LO_T -::C~ha;--rm~-;;&c-;Yc;al-:-l-M- 1 1 dlatrwuher, formal dining 3 Bedroom, 1% Bath, builtins plus 3 car garage, on a cul· UWL Jr. estate grounds • including dishwashe", " '/ w dl'-sac street. CA-LL .... ~ted in an ext4omely Graclous _eleg~ 1 Qn Peach l~~~vacylan! ~~ .low crpls & drps, large cu.I-de- 968-4456. desirable area, will t'nake Tree Ln.. Custom 4 bdrm., 1nau~e U... uao.:?img. sac lot, only steps to a your buildff's dream unfold. dinina: rm., tarp tamilj

IUl,fQ ~ • ., ~ Uvate yoor every wish at island kitchen. Even a bltn ~-l10Unta~ Jn. e Y lovallellymp~k.em·en' 11""'1n.neQuw•·c'k ••. ' . This ocean view will cap. rm., 2% baths. Modem

I MY :J@ ! 9 ~~~.~~:. price onJy ~ ~~~rea~I~ °:ou ho:if ~=ra:e&· I== 18884 Brookhurst - never regret it See Al And a covered patio beside Fountain Valley

1 lii::lii ;;;l';;;';;;in;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I Arm..Af>bru:Ster. $14,000. '52~G p O O L.

CINDERELLA BIG VALUEI 0 ,__ CALL '=" ..... o. Do you wan! a 4 bdrm. & a 1-U-r~ 91w ~ con AGE bonus rm .• or"° you need ' REAL ESTATE"""C.

Supersharp and•""" right BROKERS INC. bclrms. with 21h baths plus ll90 Glenneyre Rl4LTY carpet~ family rm.? Thia "94-947l 549-()3].G Ne•r Jlfew,ert Pe1t Orflce'

at ~,950. CAlJ. 968-4456. $42 50011 lovingly maintained home l ".:::~~--~ .... ~~~ l '" ... ';!;;o;:;;-:~~ ... ,11 •••

, •• on extra ,;,.., lot can 1>e l' IRVINE COVE ON THE BAY Lovely 2 story home with 4 ready for quick occupancy. Attractively decorated 1· bedrooms, secluded den on Near parks, with complete VIEW bdrm. 1 bath own-yoUr-own upper I eve I overlooking club facilities, xlnt schools. This 3 bdnn., 3 bath & conv. apt. I~ most desirable area. cathedral ceiling 1 I v i n g Let us show lt to you this den home overlooks the Sheltered pool. Steps to

&ACHE.LOR PAD room with elegant fireplace. weekend. Priced at jW1t- finest priv. surfing beech ln ----flncst shops. $65 <XX>. Edie 2 Bdnn., "Lido" Tiburon. 3 bedrooms on upper level, $42,950. Incl. the land. the area. Quality thruout is Qt.on. ' ' ~~ ··-•t • "- It with a master suite on bt floor. shown by many tin e. COLDWEU., BANKER ~ ;!u~fr.ont't:. All Beautiful trees. Enjoy swiin features. $195,<m. Kathryn Realton 644-24.'ll m-4700 youn for 10% down . pool, hrk 842-6691. RaQ}'lb°"WELL, BANKER . 550 NewpJrt .~Dr. $28,950. Full prioe. Call for Reaf10- ""2430 ••• ~oo

Inf •• - • ~· 1 •• r '· LOOK 1• I I more o. , 550 Newport Center Dr.

l•rwln re•lty Inc. """""l~~~~~!"""" I PRFSl'JGIOUS WESI'CLIFF (Il4J 968-4405 16lll Beach Blvd. "SINCE

1946,. ALMOST NEW . . CONOOmlmum. Exciuaive,

BY Owner: Choice 4 Br. + Huntington Bcb. 1st Western Bank Bldg. 3 Bdrm., 2 bath home; liV1!"2'. Quiet. all adult, and a dec-fam. nn. + 2 ba. + frplc. -~ ... ---~ ....... ~~ Univen!ty Park Irvine nn. w/frplc. Lge. family orator's dream! Shown by Nr MUe Sq. Park. HI Yn. ATRIUM M08EL Days 552•7000 • Nl•hls rm., dln;ng oreo ~tt cheory, appointment only 136,900. old. $:IXXl down. T.O.P . VA . . • well equipped kitchen. At· Call 545-8424. EXCLUSIVE $281 Pm. 8 l 3-11 O 3 , Pi:esllge Span11h Ha.cienda tachcd 2 car garage. Xlnt with SOUTH COAST 833-3886. single ltory 4 BR. Elegant ncl~borbood $32 500 REALTORS.

$36 entry, forml lrg llv rm,. You'll Never Know * 4gg.:2800 '* · ~~•""LEASE~"'""o°"R"'SALE=.,,.-- 11 ,950 flrepl upgraded w/w crpts , .how beautiful a 4 bdrm., • .. ~- ... "' BR. H-~ v•-· S BR.1 BA, 2 trplct, 4® SQ tt &. dn>a, fml din rm, center Walnut Village home can be .. 1.&.lZ ~ ,,ew " i:uuu• ~

tam nn, formal din rm, lge garden a trium, oversized uni.ii you see the custom ~ Homes, crpts, d r PI • patio Ir yard. Drpa & crptg. kilch w/a.11 mod blHn ~·allpaper, the mirrored · - .,. CCMf - -;644-0607---;,~-· ==.,==:->I 1866 1q ft. Call 962-82:11 aJt s ppl 's. Assumable $29,500.' fireplace wall, the lovely .wnt~CIU. * H.V. HOMES Mona.~2 3:30 for 1ppt. VA loan. Our best bu,y! llghl fixturt's &: more. ......,_......,,o.i.r BR+ den. Sharp! Fee land.

I' Price"r OnJy $37,lm. 3 BR Mediterranean modern 90% Flnanc Avail. Owner,




COAST'S lemling

8 ed with breathtaking eo&.1tline 6"-6249 daily 1-5. . r h·11 view. 169.500. 499-2237. SPECTACULAR - Spyg!UI '6Mt71 t:J~Jll~,, I BOND REALTY, 499-2237 3 bdrm. view home. F1exi-L19una Hill• ble terms. 644-5598.

• INVESTORS • REALTY 1.:.:=:...:..=---I •sr.;a;;-nt'C;;:;le;;;m;;;-;;i1e;;----un1v. Parle Center, Irvine BY Owner 6 bdrm, 3 ba, ta.m

• DREAM • CaU Anytlrile, 83l-Ol!>I rm, 3 oar ,.,....,, crpb. EASY °""• run, landscpcl 1\1.'0 4·plcxes. Good H.B. lo- Office houn 8 AM to 6 Pl\t • drps, lgc pool A covered home. Ocean view, 3 BR A caUon. S3XIO. below marketl '."'"""'"'~..,~""""" .. 'lfpa~tlo~. ~Onl~y-!:$46"':''800~·.e83!H0311~~1denor4 BR. 2 BA. Good a t S47.500. Call for tnapec- Leguna &each Laguna Niguel cloeet Space I: Bl.Una. Uon 842-14.18. 'Beach Club rights, nr GoH

THREE ARCH BAY NEW CONDO ·oo East 9, Cwne, $45.000. By """""· Suprrb oc~an view - beautiful view eoU coune, 3 Br., 2 ~Call=-"-=-=1338=. ----decor - ~lexican tile noon. Ba., owner, ~5033. Wfftmln1ter \\'()()(\ paneling, b r I c k Lake Forest

jtTI71 Beach Blvd., ll.B. fircplnce . 3 Bdrm11 .. 2 baths.,J--------- *CONSCIOUS OF TODAY'S REPOSSESSIONS Rtrlu"'. lll5,000 · t'ee. Carol 5 BEDROOM RISING COSTT Here's a

For lnformatlon and_ ~lion Tt!8UJ\VELL, BANKER OWNER TRANSYERRED. bar&ain: 3 Big bdrms and of these FHA I VA homes. Realton ~2l10, 83.l-0700 • • • has r t d u c c d thls paneled den. new c:rptJ • coniact • 550 Newport Ccntrr Dr. nearly new 2 story home to drW. freshly painted. Huse

""!~~~~"":::~~I $51,7"1. Home .Is localed In ldlcpd yard. - Only 1%7~. KASAllA~~ .... - EMERALD IAY ~o:i~~U:~ :!' =~u~ help

RHI Esla.. -~ FINEST LOT prox. 26<10 "' ft ot llW,, BY Owntr, Fran c I 1 c • n arH. Call for f\lll detaila • Mm • F ,_ ~ R VIEW · $50,GOt _...

' oonta!na -• • • sty 48 ' TED HUBIRT !37.&400 --2BA. h""" lam nn w/beam KATELLA REALTY

ceUJrc, lhq crpll... lo and 1\1-la... c;o--;.-------1 !TIT! BHcn BM! .. 11.B. malnt ynl, =hie.> Sl&t & 3471 Via Lido, NB Lkfo ltle ~~~~~~~~~I "Su~S:u. s'.rAR .. 111 67s.l500 * CHOICE * I -- ]r=l hb pnvate """"'"""· 4 IY, Lots+OcHn View! Noni Comer LOI~ nimixa me BR'•, ovenl!ed 4 BR. 1 ~n1 2 Sty. Carpeted 5 Bdnl\I., 3',; beithl ptu. dln 1 1::~==~~-~1 living nn~ lo view .. thruout. wand ~ kkch. nn. plUI lge, l\1llCkdl. w x 35• , ranch size kit· w/ bll·IM. 23 1't. den wllh 185.000 Moltlle llllotet chtn Ii d . COlY TV, den tlldlng glass walls o~~lijt LIDO REAL TY ,.,. Sele IU

ri or ram nn. BKR. ~lL to t undeck with Qi:.'tnn y(t_w! ...3177 Via.. Udo.! _f'!'_pt.. Bcacb.. i---------2Y, llLKS TO BEACH A decorator'• dream • * 673-7* * 'Tl BUtlDY 12'44 lllm\Wd 1

CU!e llllle - In aood MismgN' ,:;,:~· 494.()'131 UL 1RA MODiitii""" btlnn. °""' - Adult nclfll1bomood. 119,900. c.11 PORTAFINA Excllfrc $ BR., 4 BA. View = ,!,ol~ ~ sccrrr REALTY •n.u pool A ~lo from llv •• din. leu ...,,.. • ..,.,_ Mytlme. LAGUNA A faml nn~ Wet bar; s.n..3:." rent. S-~ ~·

OWNERS aay, "GCll them parquot · llOld •nd ""'II be~ wrth vets P.tqn1t1cem oce&ti v1iew lott. ~GE11M.--- rnE Price ta 1Ugb11'.•

• B - 500 • °'" home Ir "9.500: cutt M&Joo A Deal. lmmac. :NdO

' .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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I COits". 3 or• - • bkta Ille fr $11,150. Lett on 1610 \Y, Hwy., NB 2 Br, 2 BA. ldult pert, ~

Ma..l..etp ace $32,500. BJ<R. 84:1-141~ N,.. PL to erur. IA& Bell., REAL'roRS 6Q..4623 blk ., ,,_., 118. llJQO.

n Fut n!!SUlll are Jutt I phone- ~9.1118. Stll fdle ltema now! call ;iCoi;:::l;i53&-alll.i:'.;-'7;;::--.. :;;;;; ,

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~[ RMI E•t•tt, ....... I~[ ]~ ··---' . ~[ '-----iiiiiii-~1~~1& 1--:.i:::..::·Sa::::;le:,._ __ _:1~2.l l Duploxt1/ Unlt1 Money to Loan 240 Hou- Unfllm. :115 =.. Unfum.

lltlr Nm Rentals 1=':::'1'::::::=:::::::":;' I 1st TD , Loa ns•.;;.;c°'=''c..:.Moll=.:..-- .... ,.,. -h SALIS ' LEASING NEW . nu.. - I btU.. RARE BLUFFS 11111 ltrVlce f .11.,, 6~ % INTEREST J double i"'::.' new lhlg ··-,.;··Hines . nuPLExrs 2n,.d< TD ,Loans :eu!.\._":=:.' E-MODEL LEASE !' ~ J..arae.. 2 l'X)', 3 Br, (am rm.,

1 .. 00 BUILD~ fgf1 NOW Li>west 'ra""· Ora"'• Co, 21' bt, &pie. ON BL

' ~n ' • " """ "" Y TD'S" with IUl1 """"' • ..--,-..:,;il'-,~::.-::.;~~ I $45 9 .,_ . 1.n ~ ...., , tteaJtor1- " M&-<nu I COft~ rMn "RfYtr ' , ... JS.,., /ttfg. Co. • :»'3 WeatclUf t>rWe ,:_~· :.._• ;;taqul~: Oi'Mt Family p.,k 334 Pon/and Cuc/e 642-2171 54$-G611 Open 'WI 9 PM "'1>o, appl, bit-In '"'· -

lo -~~tall from $69.50 hlh of Adams on Hunting· SQrvtng Harbor area 21 yrs. • AWAY from It All! Spa.c ap, Deck. patio. Cloae to ........... tes from Anaheim on ton ~t to Portland H B 2nd TRUST DEED LOANS &ch. le/side~ Uul lncl $115. pool '550 monthly. Incl . ..

new Riverside Frwy. Tuke 536-8188 ' · · WWBuyTrustlleedl ALARontolse.645-noo aoc.dues.CeUMrs.Ste""', Green River off 4901 •BROKER 642-14!11* e FRESH A CLEAN! 2 Br. ~-~;:;;::::.· ==~---~ Dr., Corona. ,.. Stove, n:l. Encl & a r, e OCEANFRONT Bach I

~ ctuldJ&m.1 pet $150. Stove, refrig. all utll incl

IMGm• P .. rty 166 l - ,,,._ 1- ALA R1ntal1 e 645-noo l90. · . ncr ALA R1nt1l1 e 645--3'00 ... E-·. ·: ·i · MR. ~,lltl!t' ' " 4BR,2~~~..1'&


lllf{.';,red • EL RANCHO . Y-·-.•. ----------

- \ , Br1nf '°"' ~~t -- ' 1:mii;!Jilliiiiij!-~:1 b - ... j-L-• 300 pool, ..... to So. Cst p . ' Br ' Ba, back i..,. Stalll I~ · ru~h! Jllrlt: but ~ .c;;vm - lease $325. per mo. lit .l for honea Ult

.! , .__ . 1'' l!O ·1..,..1 packl4 \r ill x I llO•L~~·p .1 1 . ,.,, plus · 1100 dep, Call ALA Rtntols e 645--3'00 , ...- ... .,.. J, .• ~ $43,000 Hurry. , · . --. ~ tnn1u I Arlene, Ho mefinders EASTBLUFF

! 5~~~~m · ".'.~new 1n"' . • ~s a;:::,::~: 'f.!.' :;="•, ~ ·, beo.leJUsied ·~" .:Rtvenkle 1 ' I : rt• .U) ,879-S991 furn Util incl.$'~ . and family room. Beautiful eouni,.·-. 5'H900. •.· 1IH ~ ComrMrcleJ: , . """.~• ch 1 AL~ Rent•ls e 64$4900 {:nt patio and rear yard,

., •


' "

Prip ~rty 158 lO UN l Tl! ... Tfto -milir. scio · W'IL ~. 11'11: Bach nr e GOOD MORNING! 3 Br., bc~utU::~~~en:!i . : t , _ =·

1 N ar !hopping & ocean. .l:Ull k!tchen. New 2 B a , e n c I g a r private. No pets. Available

t .. lH'OUlntard Fortin' ·R~·ff'·~ ~i1 , w/workbench. Kids fine! Decemberl. $415 per month. ~;?$>~._:: ~ 3H goodbo 4 Uni~, C.M. Nr. ~pplng. bl~ ~:i;.2 -~!~~~~ fi:"i Rentals e 64S.3900 Call 67U56S or 546-3&88.

-1ip:ea.on arr Xlntcond µ lno pet • .:±~''." ' OCEANFRONT·2 st;y. 3

C ~t tenants. $'"J9,950. 3. Fortin,· $315.r RJGHT;lm Sand! 2 Br. East Bluff bdrm, 2 Ba. Crpl&-drpe-trpl •

.L. ""eed 110 salesladies - '· 21Jla ~ Anll Yearly._ . /--.--c....---- BACHELOR APT · fM l?E:--""1< »r Pegg 4-Ple< Mesa Ve e er; NU-VIE·W.· 'RENTALS LSE 2 BR, CJ'Pto-drpo, ""'•· Fam. R<f . Req • ~ 'I-. . Royal Palm. $62,50Q. 10% s73-403o or ~UI dshwstlr, garb. disp. Pool. 673-03)9

~ :. '. d down & 2nd. li48Q7~ ' ,.: . . . FJec gar dr. $395 mo. COZY 3 BR. 2 BA. frpl, IOfCJr Lots for Sale .. ' 170 Nowl!Ol'f· l!Nch : --1c54:.:S-:...=225.l=.. ----- ._lln<d meet tn Wettclllt.

111,i'tY H . . l~p1.~ii~s, ',• ~ •; Huntington BMch - 1325 + deposit. 646-2389. ,. I'"'!~"' orses, Horsef', f:lirHs ha. ...w.i ...1.~ ocean ir..Mi:. 4 BDRM. 2 ba., fam. nn., DcKt9ca .Gett• Mell O\\•n your own oo1Tal. Board lie' -.n'. ·~ ~ VACANT pool privileges, occupancy

· 1lt1._• ~ .._." your horses in an •N'B 6l6-69f2 or 536-5824 For rent. 3 BR. 2 BA. Condo, Dec. 15th, $450. 833-3894 t1AH0t1642-2901 agricultural are~. Imagine 3 ' ·• , . , • ~ per mo. 1st & Jut plus cN;;,•.;.W,,;'l"';;;,;.;rtc.,;.H.;.11,;:·lc,h;;,ll;:._ __ . · · ii' lob only S51lXl; ' total MNTER Rental • QSO. 3 $50. dep. Comm pool, etc. -

BALBOA ISLAND In- now and ,,,.11ze .a BR, 2 bes, new cpl, pa'lc>~~· Call .Vlene, llomelmd•n !MMAC. & oozy 2 & ., t Grftlt mind' si Cit in profit later. Woiidertul opt. • .bile· to · oce~ · No pt."\11· Realty, 892-4471; eves. bath, bit ins, cpt, drps, dble Agate Stree~ ~ bUj~ l J>OflUni'Y for the. limite<J <.in·· ~6. 847-5398. gar. $215. 644-0000

wo vestor. -~ 1,. ·Walk to " 'ater. Bach. Condo. lnlums £::~7725~ a~!~ts. Call~ <Open eves.J r·~f sngls/ cpts, $Il:i, ec BEDROOM, 2 INth; Ufl'h.rn. 320

I f.~~~;,;;;--'.,._"-. -; oril l>d. polio w/ B-8-Q. Chil- _...;;;::;.;;:.;;;,_...;._.::.:: !Condominiums • · R~·A-Houao 97U430 dr•n a pots O.K. $225. LafUM N!f'!'

for sale. -1 160 ~~~~t ~s;;;tc~ B~ per mo. AGT. 962-4471 3 BR. 0

2% BA in Sea Tm'llce, NEWPORT RIVIERA-ALL yearly. 6 7 3 _ 419 4 or fully lndscpd, oeean view, ON 1 FLOOR. brg. plµahly ~ .. A c·r ·t . s a_n, Ju 8 n 213:796-8S40. MME cpts, drps. IA! $425 mo. Inc crpt'd, 3 BR, 2 ~ dinani, Olpistrano-By Owner. Some San Clemente I D. OCCUPANCY Assn. dues. 213: 772-1037. frplc, 10x40 ptjv. patio. 2 Oct!e.n vi~. ~Horse ok. New 3 Br $250. mo. Mi••ion Vle)o . ~ ~at gar. Pool,~~ pns, etc, !f3;"9188· · • FOR lease, _furnished , 2 BR Dbl ga,rage, _dshwshr . . ""

~: -$34.500 • . Ownt!r/AgL.644-88t4. - .......-- - home. San·-oemente, $180 lJj_:e_Qtlland . .Circle, H.B. __ 2 ....BR. ...1%: BA. _fum _ _avaU, or &U-30'13. • Mount1in-:1 Desert mo. til J une 1, 1973. 536-81U playground, swim pool Duplexes/ Units ... ,,. .•· · Rittort . ? 174 58&-0996 avi:U. Mo/mo or lse. $225.

sale • M2 . · \VET bar, pool tab I e, 837-0000 da.YI: 6 .7 3- 5 4 41 ., •·SNOWBALL! Houses Unlurn. 305 fu'eplaoe & hl1-;n,. 3 bed, 2 ..:•.:.:""o::''--------

OCEAN FRONT ' - that .rowb.u m"1t• '" ~-n ... al ' ':!; '7k1 park, oce~-~ DuplulS Fum. 345 Only steps from the beach iour hand you will want to -:~:':~;;;:;;;;-;;;-·I_!~· ~~~Bnice~~~~~~ut, -'--'-.;_-'----this """1> 3 - ,_. 2 !>uY w. ,.;cbarmrng ' LANDLORDS' N.B., 64&$42 °' 5.16-5824. Balboa Penlniul1 bedroom and farnlly room bedroom Big _,,..,. cabio. • 3 BR. 2 BA, Co...,, crpt., duplex has great potential Natural gas, paved road, We Spec1allze In Newport drps, all appliances, patio, ATRACI'IVE 2 BR. newly for summer rentals. t'.il.11 m~ f~atures. Ca 11 Beach e Corona del Mnr e px>lg, tennis co u rt a , decorated. Quiet be a c h 675--7225. ;-- 67s-;.7225. , It Laguna. Our Rental Ser- children welcome. $ 2 2 0 . area. Adult environment

vice Is FREE to You! Try 1 '54>-=.:.'403=~----- $225/mo. 673-7615. Nu-View~ AJone on lot, $145, vacant, Duplezes Unfum. 350

" I NU-VIEW RENTALS has gar. Kids1pet1 ok.

613-4030 or 494-3248 Rer'lt·A-Hou" 9'J9..l430 Coron• Ml M-r ' 3 BR, dbl gar, bltfns. Large HOUSE trailer, 3 BR. 2 BA,

yard. Sep dining. avail • ni- beach. $225/mo. Water le $UHlftlAIT Of rttl COLWlLL CO. M?n A <•~1151 --"pd ~ •~• 1-----~. ,.,--.,. =· I ~f"':RIJCOLWIUCO. now!_., gt_,.- · ll1IMl • .._....,._,.

1• ~~ -~'~~~ Balbol Peninsula • 3B1t. bltti>s, O'Pts. drps. dbl ~ White Elepbant;~Dtme-A·U~ ~VE .CABlit., . , car, $225, 544-9500 or

ROOMY 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, ..,....xi llcxr. S3!0 ''"month plus 1pacb,11 1 bedroom up11ain with prtvate en­trance, $225 P" month. Both units next to park a: teMis, call Balley 673-8550 Al(t. ~-----o.----..:!." , :"<.... . Wl.ttf RENT? * PENINSULA PT. 2 BR. 832--1530

~._IM"rY Bern.Ji: Mtn'.'° are~ for Yearly. Call 64.5-8908. crpta, frplc, bltna'. $225 mo'. Costa Moll : ' [ 'J I ~ bin , th San CAPE COD. $300 I m il. •-.=LEASE=~-,-B-R_l_'4_ba_

. .._._ w-~ I~: two daYi at Thanksgiving. ~1252 or 962-1965. '-----.-"''t--' Hl!lp us celGbre.te Thanks- Capistrano Beech 3 BR, 2 BA, frplc, 2 car gar, 2 BR, bltinl, cpt, drpa. pr. ' &tvin& the way 1~t should be NE\V 3 BR, 2 BA home. bllins, fenced yrd. kids OK No yard work. $135. mo ht

I -tws.lo jf 11!} ; With, .a._ reuonable rate r~~ted, with bltns. No $249 mo. 842-4421./968-7235. & Last mo+ $50 cln. fee. i?nounhil'D retreat. Ph. Mike, ....... Vt' • Semi-retired or retired cple, 6~1527 after 6. . pets, S275. mo. can 496-1025. lr'vlne no peta. 5'H914.

Cl111ification I 00-124 LOT in famous Lake Hava,;u, ~C!o~ro~n~a~do~IJ!_Ma~r==::.. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; H~ntlngton 8eech

I' I I~ home of the world famous SO of Hwy 2 BR Dup',... 2 BR. 2 ea. Alr/ cood .• • fl65 ;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;. Mmit Hornet Jiilll London Bridge. Located • ' · """"· 3 BR.. 2 Ba. air/ Cbnd • • $285

. close to 8!1 schools 1; city. ~':f1 ~~. ~~~~ ~"BR. 2 Ba:· ; . 5310 IMMED. OCCUPANCY Cl111ificetion 125·149 , $:900'.> or will <~e for. Coa\a

3 BR

2 batba South f H 3 BR. 2 ba. Atrium •••• $340 Newt:J.l Br apt, $250. mo.

Mesa or NeWpori BMch' rn. . · .. ' ·· o "">'· 3 BR. 2 Ba. ,Atrium •• •• $350 D garage, <hhw•tlr




~ come prop. 644-4687. Adults, no pets. $350 Month. 3 BR. 2 Ba. Atrium , ••• $365 334 Portland Circle, H.B. ~al ' BIG ·BEAR "t A.·K l;.·~N7;lr ' ~~r Y4-4818· 4 BR. 2'Ai ba. lam. nn. $400 5J6.11U

~. _ , . _ .• Thai\ksgiving\veeknd. t..oVe- C01t1 ~ Mesa 6 BR. 3 Ba. lam. nn .• , $475 ! Cli111f1eat1on 150-1 ~4 ly 3 BR, ~story. mtn. ¥~e.,, 2 ~ BEDROOM HOME ~a.x .. , -

I • .

1~ Alsn Avail. C 1t r I 1 t m.i lt . . r-vrn. or Unfvm.

f'nancial • H~ld~~) 585-~ or w I hardwood ~oors, Ne__. BMch 1'---~---J· .1 < . ) · , . ctp\s, drp•, firepl, -..- •

Cl11sifieation 200-26'0 Rul Estate Wanted 114 range, dbl car gar, al·

(' 1 ' \ ' I I 11 I I' 1i 1t

. ' ' NEWPORT lsland, 2 BR. ~ .. pine ....... Prlv dock. FUm or Unt $310. mo. Yrly or $250. mo tf'lru July lit. 414 38tb SL, 1 - 879-20S1 I ~ *

,., . k C h . * ley access, large yard. -· .. - ] 1& ... u•c as . No pits. $190. REAL,. "SINCE-·

!'------~ Will b~ . yotJ! property. All . TOR 548-7'729 1st Western Banlc: Bldg. ;· Cl•11ificat ion 300.3U5 cash within 7t hrs. Call NOW a'."'"8.6le 3 br, OW, DUniveralt)' 7000Park, IrvineNt.1.t

-- - - I 1·11ll,, 1·

-· ·- ------

· · new ~ta & paint, clo8e to eys 5J2.. 'V'' s

:· I ...... -r;,-11•1' ii rt' . f.:li mo.';"~.;. ~~t I ........ ror- Jl•I • II' V. $275 mo. m.-5§14 2 BR. 2 Ba. • • • ..... · · $300 . • ' Cla11ification 36():.370 JQ EA'.SJ'SIOE, nr.' town. 3 BR. ~:~i=: : :::::::.~= l .;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ I\ [ 1~ -• - + DR, cpt, stove, "'._tr It 3 BR. 2 ba. fam, nn. $425 ... ..._ F 360 f _ R- . ~ BROKERS INC. card pd. No peU!. $235. lit :;...,,=·-..:..;:"""'=--.....;:;::

Clessifi,at ion 4J>0·4:65 . 962.1 3:.S-80~~-mo., 54


-5 1

~::~ i ·recl h•111 ~t~~~ ,' - . . WANTED, 3 of 4 bedroom, 2 l\.10•, new p&lnl & ... _ Bllboa Peftineule ' I - II .... 1 bath home, eastslde Joa. crpll, fhcd yard, dbl gar. I{ lion. ?<.lust be clean. Large l86 WI;.4-5 Pl.. $200/ Mo. . REALTY e $25 Wk le Up On Ocean f rear yard trees good area 548--0981 Univ. Park Center, Irvine Lovely Bach • 1 BR·Rooml ' Cl•ssifieation 500.510 Price ranie ol Up to $45.IXXI: Country Hse - 2 Br. $130.. Call Anytime, 833-0820 Malll Service. Pool · uw Pd

l I lfi] Pri party. Princloles onl,Y. Stov,, ref.rig, gar, fncd, Office houn 8 AM to 6 PM e Call 615-8740 e

...... . ~ ~7"'4023. '\' 'i ' .. lddi/.pet. ' . liiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiillii Rlftl-A-Houao 979-IOO 3 BR, 2 BA. pool .l·,.. uea, 2 BR, Ill BA, Pollo, = C


. ~ . lrg back yard. Children ok, 31ae15 E.1nq~a1' IZOA ..... C ·~ . ...... , t1111i ic:at1on 525.Sl:i . , t , ,~ AVAIL Now• 4 BR. 2 BA. $215. 833-11031 ~ • a-'fTn. ••r™-£

I ...,...,_ ,lr\l. htwial ~ ~· .. dlhwWOc!Z'~hll"'t L19una -h •"°''-•"'~::.ROO=::.MS~w-/bty~-view-.

. . L:1J lhop'1o ~ts. 645--4Zll. $1., . SECLUDED 1 Br. rur s110 mo. incl uw"

0.11ification 550 .!i55 Butlnns . BRAND New 2 B R · houle, No. end. Woodaey 67J.9B $23,5/mo. Ocean aide of ~· 1 Bedroom f\lmisbed , WO. 'iii

I ... -) L , I~ · -~""l•ty•, , 200 Hwy. Pb. 546->lliO, evea P50 • CHARMING 2 B, , Block lo ti!< beech, Ph. -...,. :r: 1 .... frplc home. Car. Yard. (2131

; '1 1 Oilstrl~tonhlit f ti'I Im.. 1 BA TownhoUJe. PaUo. Ceplitrane INch · Clauiflcolloo · jii-..,,..i. 1215. 1325 - UTJL PO. Vlefona .::.:o==::;..=='----

GC'J WE,LCH'S DRINKS Ch ok. 833-8974. Beocl" 3 & . 2 Ba. fl'J>lc. W1NTER -.I - on

aod"'r':' ~ Tlita 1D3 -old~..! ':i.~d.3;f.R, 2 BA, """ ~~.\';°·RENTALS lJ:...;::,"'S..: ~

ulficatooa ,..f~ I ~ v:=.r.; •. .,;, S"l ~ _ ~::a_. .::.i. -32<8 c~!11::..-l I • Iribu NOW rn the Cbo - ~ -.~. w~ ""' ~

•:elt)1wt f' M~~ to tervice do~ ~~lmide.freahb' painted. TENN1S. Pool, Wilk to Ft.IRN. 2 BR. Aft. Pool. . "tablllh<d ._.... Pan _,,, I llOrY 2 ·Bl\, l!I Ooae lo - Ad\olto, ..,

· dosollicot;on 700-710 lime applicants ~red. NEAR So. Cout Plaza. New ~ S27Ji""!, 1-. Sony, pets. lllO/ltw. • 3 Br, 2 Ba townbome. Pwol, • pell. S.~ 1941 PomoM. CM.

I ~ NO SELLING carat!· A&O- !67-M» t OCEANFRON'Nl<Mldtul 2 Br 2 Bl, ND. 1m1-:r:-••• ~Grcr;D T!lUUTOMES. LEASE w/option 3 BR. 1 Xtra Iii~ 4 .ar. ~ k Muha. no pelL GO CnWr

Cleu'f' fl..1~ aw SECUUo ~.Jo: '-' • 'r't:'.;:~Jl!1'.ll>', Yeaffy, l!GO Pt<""" Cati ,!Si!,l. ~IO~M~ .. ~=:;.= I ,,. .-.- ~ S23S. •~. ,,.,.w. M&tUn. ....... w ~. •• STUNNING 1 BR. 1 BA

I I~ (oelf llquldattnc> for oqulp. 4 BR 2 BA crpta - lddl R VJew - · 1315. c.nttn -. ll<c ,... _, ~ ~ '::.!c. ~~er peta, $2i80 .. l1t


or ' nnl 2 t.nd den. Av .. t ta b 1 • .,.._ no :f.W. a. OI. ' 11.-,,,,-,,___,...;..,:,· ,.!- !16-31111, :.57 2310 t ,_,, 1· - Ph; I BR film .... SIAD. No pdl

·~ ..._...__.~........ 2111\,cpt,-pr, tnal)'d. 6*-1514, ..... - .. c.n...

-I '

_."'_... jii.i.,.,f ,.._ Cllflo!d 2 Adulta. no - $W. JWUIOR VIEW 4 bdrm., 2 SI. -' ~ 54M251. 543-1405. bt. hm.., bl& plt1o, wwr NEW I .l '2 llR'1 - SllO ..

iit:~;;;~~i-'14-~--~~:,._- I BR, 2 BA, le""" )'Ud. _._,, -- ..... - t<I' - .l ._.., ti .. ;:._,.;:..;,::.:;.,:.:.:;.,( •. -~ .,._ ~ FamUy only. SZIO/mo. · - · 1415. fH 1111 U4 E. lllii.. OI, 54HU1. · _ -"~ ,,.,, -~ * ~. 131·1%71 • IXOUlllTI GARDIN NICE J br dpls. Qaltt. - · • Danell.... ! Br-$m mo. Drive by 7125 Pool. l BR. Condo. mD/mo. bJ prtte1. 1 MQ!t owr )D.

1,,e ~~· ~",.nt Pl. C.M. Cl.JI f7J..mlarl0-JM.l NoprttJ.•tan..

e1t;Oft 915-949 HOLLAND llus. Sales G-3S38. WALK to - • Newty I BR .... 1125 - :1li

I lf,;l !TII °'"- 01 tu--O!ll ~'i'~~u~ ~~~J;',.:~1n ~.=\,:,:.'"' 4

_llr...t!!J FOR"'"'iiOJ. 'B•l·B••Cii .. -. ... CaD OwIIOll2 BR. Sl'fO IO bMd<. 111-lO - - -~950,HO ~:g._=•=:•::c"-·_'_·_lodl9 ___ ...,_· - ~~m,,npic. llllll/ ~?°4~:..,;._-

' I I

• . ..



Are You Letting Cash

S~ip Through Your Hands

See If You Have Any - - - -- -· Of-These Th~n;s · 1 ------



Will Se~I Fast! 1. ·-2. Oulter

3. """cm. 4, lltclric Sow 5. CMMre 6. W-7 Oo....._rt Metor I . ~·....,.. s.t • . C..xh 1~. rt...l...t II . ......... r_ 12. """""Trudi U , _..., Mocfllnt 14. s • ..-... IS. Mochlno Tools 16. Dl•liw-17. "-11. C1Mn C""-19. Golf Cort 10 . ........... 21. St_C_ 22. Dlnotle ... 23 .... .., ..... 24.lewt .... ... 25. w- .. .. 26.P-27. Suli-o 21. Clocli

29. lllcyd•

30. Tt-•ltw 31. lier Stools 32. Encyclop1~la

"· v ....... a-34, TNPlul fish 35. Hot -od !•UIPlft'l 36. Piie Calllnot 37. Golf Ch .. 31. Stwllnt sn-39. lllctorl.,. MllTIM' 40. llod ...... Sot 41 . Slldo ,,,,,_

42. Uwn ·-43. Pool THI• 44. Tlret 45. Pline 46. fur Cott 47. Dr­... u_,, 49. Htne

.:.JO. .Al-

51. °""' 52. lxarcydo 53 ..........

54. •1-55. Hlth Choir 56. Coinl

57. Electric Troln 51. Kitten 59. Cla1alc Aul9 60. Cofht Tobie 61-. Molo<cydo 62. A.-.llon 63. Ski• 64. rv Stt 65. Worlc-66. !>I..- w-67. o.Kart 61. 1-69. Camplnt Trolltr

70. Antlquo '""""'"' 11. r.,,. ._.. 72. S.llbell 73. Sporls Cir 74. Mottren""''"' 75. lnltoerd s, ...... 76.Shotvun n . S1&Wlt 71. Dirt 0-7'. Punchlnt ... IO. Ill.., C• ....... 11.Dru!M 12. Riffe Q , Dttli 14. ICUIA 0...

11ieM or •llY oltNr alllnl ttilngs •o•d tile 11o­

can be l•u,.d Into casll wltll a


So • • •

Don't Just Sit Yhere! DIAL DIR!CT


' •


' • •


I~ I ,,,. ___ ... _ .. _ .. _-__,t~· I .__ .. ,,,- 1191 [ ,,,._ .. ,,, ... I~ I ............. -..... -·~---. -~ ... ...,,., ..... .__

AplL Fum. 360 i Apt. Unfurn. 1...:..------- 365 A['.• · '!,~!_u~-- 365 ~pt. Unlur n . ~ Apt. Unl urn. '65 V~t~-~-~tols ••• 4~ ~~- eds) 550 Car~ Service Poln tlnt A · - ·------ - - trW •· Bir n... , ., do bl JOl!N S Carpet l Upbolol•l'Y raporha- -nt;!;;.lntl~--· I

N ... h mt> -uon. UClll • , .... - YQWlC a rJ. ct c;;i.: Drl·Shampoo tree Sci:>tcb- 1- · -·· ,;,..::.

Cost• Mesa r ••i•r•I C.neral !!:'°"~~-- ~ l,'1.1.l', Mo \<'r.1 2bdrm . 111~ ~. ,ell I.Aken care of. AI cuard (Soll ReltidanUll. ~11 -·V. prlct!t cash Onl.);1 1

Casa d;-o;o · 1 ALL tn'ILl'MFS i'All before You rt'n Custom d~. fenturln" : Q Sp11,ck>us ldtchrn ~·It h ln·

direct 11ghti~ • SeparolC! din 1 e Home-like 1tora,ge • Pli vate patloa e CIOM!d earagc w/ JtOraie • r.tarble pullman e King·!iZ Bdrms C Pool • ~'' • sur­

rounded with plush land· scaping. Adult living at lb but

LARGE 1 BR $190 No Ptts

365 W. Wilso"I 642.1971 WEEKLY-MONTHLY

E xecu tive Suites 2080 Ne wport Blvd.

Cos t• Met• 641·2611

STUDIOS lo I BR'S e FREE Linens e FREE Utill tle1 • Full Kitchen e 1-leated Pool • Laundry Facll itie. • TV &: maid scrv Avail • Phone Servlct-

El Puerto Mesa I BR' s - $130 lo UP

Furnished Apt1. All Utllltlos Pa id

Pool & Recreation 1959 Maple Ave., CM Al!IO caray,es tor rent \YANT PRIVACY '?'!'

llere' s the llJ'ISWC!r f o r $159/rno. 2 Br. on cul-de-uc w/2 entries &: balmny. All elec. w/radlant hC'At . CloSt'd gar w/stont..'"e. I. n d r v. f.aci.l . Adults, IYl J)r'IS . 644-0ml or 5'57-3372. * $27.50 WEEK lo UP t; Studio & 1 ·nt Apts • TV & Maid Srrvk:e • v1 .i • Phone Servlct-llld Pool • O!.Udren &: Pet 1ectlor:

2376 NP.,., port Blvd., Cr..1 54S-9Th5 or 64!>-3967 $100 month &: up.

HOLIDAlf PLAZA DELUXE S~clous .1 BR turn apt. $135. J(ea!ed Pool. Ample parkini::. Adult11, no pet!!;,

1965 Pon1u .n /1Vl' , C.M UNIQUE Oppty for mature Gent. L~ Bed ~ittlng rm, kit, bath. Priv en tr., Refs, req 'd. fl-25. rno Utila pd.. Eastside. 54S-6355.

* $25 PER w"'E"=E~K~* l Up. Pool &r makt service. YJ tchens avail. Motel Tahiti , wrner Harbor &: Vlcto: ia.

1 BR. rum. 2 lot. closets. queen size bed, priv dress­ing nn. >ctra ll'Jil: rooms, encl ear w/atoraa;e. Adults only, no p.ta. 1035 Fuller ton, C. M .

$125. MO deluxe mobUe home w/ oompletely furn . Adult.II • no pet1, htd pool, 4 Sea!IOn11 A1oblle Estates, 2359 Newport, 548-6.132

LARGE Bachelor, turn. Util pd. $140/mo, .._ dcp. Nr. trwy &: ahopplna:. 99!l El Camino, Apt ] , C r.1 . 546--0451 . Furn. Bach. & 1 Br. Ex· coptlona Uy nice. 2110 Newport Blvd., C. M .

--;\ttr•ctlve 2 B r. Htcl Pool. Adi.:lts, "'O pets Unfant ok 1 St$. 642-9520.

* SHADY ELMS - POOL * • Adults Poolside $140 up • Children next block 177 E. 22nd St., CM 642-3645 1 BR, Si ll & $140. 2 BR, ms. s1Poo1. Ideal 1or bachekmJ. 1993 Church St. 543--9633.

!'funtington BMch

LaOUINTA HERMOSA Spanish Country Estate Llv­

Lng & Spacious Apt1. Ter· raced pool; sunken ga1 BBQ. Unbelievable 1.Jvlng -Only I BR. FURN. $115 2 BR. FURN. $215

2 BR. Studl .. Unl. $205 AU.. UTlLlTIES PAID

Adults No peta

(4 blks S. of San Olqo Frwy on Beach, l blk W. on HoH to 16211 Park~Kle Lane.>

{714) 847~1

1145 • 116.5

El COl<~O . A A P IS . !=tom $145

.,jjeSl:iB.AU 21 ' .J 1'001.1, ' Bat..1 ~ ~ Dcdiwn1, 2 ~

"A" K OWNER ~ IQo;. k)nate. l grey tml, 1 ~'\ll(':f1' • l\ll l'J)lor Ddm.1 $50, acc. cewnc ,. " NEWPORT Rontols to 5 ha ro 4 30 · j' '~' ~i 11<.. "" 11 brlihi•Mn & 10 minute ~ l 0 · · t" · Qua 11 t y

APA!t™"NTS ----- .':f.,~· c. ti.fesa Ve~. blt .. 1"'' Jor \lhllt c,•.rpct··., n1alerlals, Expert work i; HAVE apt. want l or 2 a-trI1 ~ • ',evta Cr., C.M. 5el21M. Saw )'OW' monl)' by. aavll'\I: In.:!. No wailJn&. 194-Sl.Ol,

Oii fM bay to 111\iU'e. Beach area. AU FOUND 2 doss bolh female . me extra trip1. Will clean l-"M2~-C~79-';'.,-,,,,-c,.----I & 2 aedroonu J Bedrooin. 2 batn $225

Lwt .

11 prtvUeeiea. 5'0--3911'. 1 rJmillr to Colden Retriev· livlnc rm., dlnlnc nn. I: No Wa.ath~ Dishwasher · Shag Carpeting · Walk in Clo ..

ets, Forced Air Heat · Exln Large R••>ms · Beautiful Game Room • Heated Pool · 881.j' .. Enclosed Garages. Quiet surroundings and close to shopping. <Nr Harbor & Hamlllon St)

Adult L iv ing. No Pots.

Bea.tlllul n(..'W apu. w/ pvt palkl11, a:arage, pool, apa. Lush garden aeU!ns, Adult•, no pet.s. ISl F.. 2111t, C.M.

646-11666 D•l"\a Point

eri::2. llT.:'~ttrv~ ov· ler, other limllar to curb' hall SJ.5, Any rm. $1.50, * WALPAPER * mo ooo'"\..illl ; "/'" Olliff Rontol 440 nctrt .. er with <oddbh / -ii SID- Chair 15, 15 yn. Wbm ,.,., call "M•c" m'-~ pools

7 'i~'itt·-'tw,_?'·

0_ U b Kil black che1t, Call ~137. e.q1. LI what counti, nol 548-l#t 646-lnt

..... , l ~ "'n· ~ $pace ava a le ...,.,, If f 11 .. caniet method I do work m.yeelt I ;;;f!';;o.,.,,,......,..,.,-..:.;:::::: nls court.

1• Pllll mllea of mo. Will provide furniture your am~ 1 Ouil oot & Good rd. 5ll-010L · lST CL.ASS palnllne, decor-

blcyde traus, puttinr. 1huf· at $5 mo. Answering aervlce ~Uo unusoo Alllao tmas C C atlna paperhan&inR, bn1ah

2077 Char le St., Costa Meoo 642-4470 LARGE 2 BR, ocean vSew apt., aundeck, w/w cpt, gar. 1190 mo. 250Sl · LI Cre:Qa, Apt. A. Te I .

nebo&rd, croquet. Junior 1'1 available. 222 1'"orest Ave., MJ..432ln ctaU24!1 tot ii t!'t 1ment, encrete roller ind apraj. fnt . ext., h'om $174.50 monthJy; ajio 1 La&una Beach. 4)4-9466. all aboui. j~ · e r PATIOS.PLANTERS rree est. Eve. Sf6.5283 or and 2·bedtoom plan1 and DESK apaee available $50 . ~. Malcom. - --- -


2-11~ •town hOults. Eire· mo. WU! provide furniture BLACK male cat w/whlte AU O>nc_rele work. Brick. PAINTING A PAPERING, lrlc k tchent, private pa ~, at" mo Answ&ring .ervlce oollat, very rrtendbit .S ~s slumP1tone wk. 89i1·3533. 19 yrs in Harbor area Lie

E •• t Bluff or baloonle1, cupclina, drn· availabl~. 11875 Beach BlYd . t 'r~~t, foun<f MO . In 1-'ATJOS. walks, drives. Snw. A: b0nc1ed. Ref's iurn. 494-'84!1. DELUXE I & 2 BKl>RllOMS

Fur n ithed & Unf11rn lJhed ---------·I pcrles. Subtcrr11.nean park- Hunttngton Beach. 6f2.4321, · · 18

· break, remove & rel)l.ol-e 60-2356. l·ia: with elevators. Optk>nal FNO. new inlCfiptk>n concrete MS-8668'~!~0.~m~:::liiiiffi~ro<iniinj;:J;j;ei Heated Pool - Garages - Shag Ca<petlng

Dishwasher - All Utilities P1id. • DELUXE e maid l(>r'Ylce. Just north of 6SO Sq rt, 1 o!fice suite, bitocal 11:luaea on Mar- - ' ·,:; ' INT &: EXT palntJll&', paper

3 BR, 2 BA Apt fur leue. Falhk>n Ialand at Jamboree crpt/drps. Utll pd. Ott It ~rite Or. oU 5th Ave .. CUSTOM ~ WO~ hanginz, natural WOO d lncld spac. master suite din and San Joaquin Hills Road. pr)mc. Corntt Harbor & OlP,.. fi15-3539. Drlvea. W...........-. pata. finishing MS-7905. Adults Only · No Poh

241 A-edo St,. Costa Mon nn &: dbl garage: auto a;:r Telephone (n4) 644-1900 Adams. $250 mo. ~. BASSETT hound, rtruck by pool dtcka. Don. 60-8514. PR.OF. P&lntina, a1lo roofs,

opener avail. Pool &: for rental ln!onnallon PLUSH 1mall 3-4rlfl.ce auite, car - Edinger & Gothard_ Chllcl C.N ' accot11. cell. lnter/exttt. - - -· Recreation area. Newport Center. 644-8814 or Took to v1 ~ - la OK! CiiJW>-.ltO . We/Ins:. Free ett. 845-5UIL VILLA MARSE I LLES

SPACIOUS I lo 1 BEDROOM APT. 865 A:i: w~. NB Apt i., XLNT642-3073bl.dg "-3

H: 540-8478 11121 you're aw~a d':.rr:~~ 'WALLPAPER HUNG Furnished lo Unfurnished r,

1 Fur n . or Unfurn. 370 . • .ru.o.,....,,, Owtt GER~IAN Slort Hair Polnt- By )'O\lnl crandmother with Carl Rebko &tS-2449

Adult L iv ing WILLIA~T'lRs co. Corona d1I Mir ~cz:i>~e ~~{ oond. ~· Femal~, 45~ mo. old. Vic. ref, trana. 64U'l91. INT. A Exler. Accoua. ceil-WEU. designed 2 BR. 2 Ba. ' M~ -.:: unset BeJ~ Contractor ln;p apra.yed. Llc., Ins. Oishwasher color coordinated appliances .

Plush shag carpet · mirro1·ed wardrube door• indirect lighting in kitchen . breakfaS! bar · huge private fenced patio plush landsc·a~ 1ng Bar·be-Quea · la rge heated pools & lanai Air conditioning. 3101 So. Bristol St .. Santo Ano 557-1200

2 Car gar. PIO Month on SPACIOUS 2 BR.. beam Bus iness Rental 445 . Local refs. 6G ~. Oiuck. yearly lease. 644-7423. I ttil's., pool , So. of llwy. ;;;.;;;;::.;:;;;;....:;.::;;;::;;.._.:.:.:1SMAU. dark brown dog JAQ\: Taulane • Repair PROF. painter, Mnest work,

$18.1 MonrJ• , Adu!Li , no J>f'l i<. AVAILABLE Feb. ht. CdM. ~/~ collar. Short hair. remod., addlt. 3'.> yrs. "'J>. rtt5. Uc/Ins. Int/UL tree !:!2ntlngton Beach Broker 644-4848. 2550 gq. ft. oorner atore, 105 ::7 • Uc'd. My Way Co. 547-0036. est. Refs. 548-2759.

' 'Weed It & R1'11p" ~· ft. dlli;play windows, 40 Very tiny smokey gray male .)rafting _P la:.ler, Patch, R a_p•_lr From tn:Mtlt'C!I to tnuh u . facing Coast Hwy., 65 ft. kit ten. Vic. Meiw. Verde. _.__.._.. _____ _


turn them lr•to cuh ~Ide street & garden, park· 557-4605 U/21 PLANS-Houeea, R e m o d a, • PATCH PLA!n'ER?NG CAU. DAILY P!l.oT U\$• 40c gq. ft . Also office Lost 555 Room Addttk>ns. $50 up. All types. Free eatlmates

CLASSll"IED 64.2-M'lS 11u1te, 650 sq. tt. 3Sc. Rented 567--0626. Evet. 557--9695. Cail 540-682S MANAGING AGENT

l Apts. fUf"n . 360 Apt. Unfurn.


w/atore or separately. C. REWARD $100 no questio g El I I W. Masters, Re a I to r ", asked, lost Nov 9, ~c ecfr c:• Plumbing

_!173--4120. B u s h a rd/ Adams, H.B. ELECTRICAL, I i c e n s e d , o,..1-01 •••• ~ • ~.50 ~--~-----

365 Cosio Mon VILLA YORBA -- "THE FACTORY" has 2 !BISMARK) I t, . blk ........ ..._~ "' '

Sp•CIOUS m n oooe, bonded. Small Jobe, maint. Sewer line to 100' _ S1S ,.. openings In the Mall rang- & tan, male, oollRr. & repa.lrt, 548-5203. * ~m *

Luxury apt1. lng from $80. mo. ldeaJ for (MAX) Akita, looks like ' °"""'7=""'-"''-"=- -- I·~=~=:==~==-=-~~ w port Be•ch Costa M111

OCEANFRONT lBR, furn I ;;;j;ii;;;ii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 842-9622

apt Pouible yrty, tor ln-format lo n call 544-2625164&-83>.!

\V \Tr.nrr.nvr mbirilor 1 or 2 adults. $135/mo, util pal<l. wtnte:r. DA y i; ho re .'r :uler :'; rk. fi7S-~7:.

28R apt, 3 house• - from beRch. S210fmo. 39th St. 675-2025 aft 7 pm.

4 br, 2 Ba on beach. $325/mo. Avail thru June '73. 645-0245, M7·9726 Bob.

San Ju•n C•pi1tr•no

RENT : New 2 BR. pool, f1•rrr, $220. Unfurn, $200. Wtr pd. Casa de Caiji11trana, 32105 Pa.<:e0 <:uolln11, fQC. 49.".-7Q7S or 213:894-1.lZL

A pt . U nfurn . 365 --· ·~---

UNIQUE Laguna Castle Apl. Wide ocean views, acres of prdena. Oollf' to beach & shopping. 2 BR .. 2 Ba.: lgc. rms. &: storage. Custon1 w a I !papers, chandellen;, mosaic tile, 11huttera. $450 Ptfo. partlall,y tum. Mature adulll only. Also avail. IOOll. other lwcury apta. $250 to $650 mo. By app't. only 49H653. .

B•W... lsl1nd

VERY .attrat=. 1 Br. upper Yearly. 1 mJture adult or couple only, no pets. $185 + ulil. 673-1503.

Balbo• Poninsul• -WALK T.0, BEACH

New 2 BR. I% bu + extras, Patio. Gas -paid, $200 up. Call Mgr., 615-0744.

$185. NEWER 2 BR, 2 bath,

....... '"""· bit Ins. Adulta. Dec 1st, 3U "A", 213-257-9792 ew1.

1 Br & den, new crpUdrpa, atOYe & refri&. Yriy. No pets. 642-3519.

Corone d1I M.r

2 BR, 2 BA, upstaln, , downstalrl. attrac a p I .

Swcdlsh fple:. $250. &\4-4610 days : 673-1607 aft 6.

PRIVATE 1 Br., l Ba Apt. $185 yrty. Avail Dec. 1st. - · • GREAT VIEW-2 BR. •

""'''· blll111, sundecl<J. pool $210 up. 644-6344, ~.

Coste Mesa

HARBOR GRIDlS Fur nished & tJnfu r n lsh9d

From $130 to $215 mo

ilach e tora e I Bdrms

2 Bdrms e 3 Bdrms

l\o'J or 2 Full Baths

Muter size bedrooms w/ high beam ceUings, large llving roon1 \v / io;a .~ or wood burning - lirepluce. Convenient laundry af(:a

off kitchen. Enclosed pa­tios. 2 swi111n1lng pools, sauna . l'fcrt'."\! lon fa •·ih­' ics. ~"uri ! ) guard. ;'; IJ ;>1: ~ .

I BR.·- Sl23 2 BR. - $144 3 BR. - $164

For Adu1ta only small retail shops. Antique Genn Shep, fawn w/blnck c;.rdenlng PLUMBING REPAIR l Or 2 Bedrooms shop, Candy shop wanted. mask. Choke I: flea collan. BOB'S GARJ'>ENil'.JG No job too amaU

Shll.C carpels. bulltlns 425 30th St., Newport Beach. 80'rn DOGS ON MEDICA. I LANDSC".APCNG * 642-3128 * Pool, en,·I. ,urages 673-9606. TION . 557~; aft 6, RPsktrncinl & Co..,r.ier.:lal COLE PLUMBING

Stvp Jiy z ,11 t.:.dC!a Ave On 'ICE w/stor"" 962-4854. ,_._, 21 ""1161 ! · \Y "' Call 64

• r: ::.Cl .....,.e garage Irvlne lnt'lusln&I hr . sel'\ll l'e. .....,..

$l3' A MO . J JI

1 attached. St.all shwr, retrlg, LONC. nuffy h"- lrecl kitty Complt'x~ . / Alt II

· ::·10:-, $<60 • e:r ;:iantll <! iJ· t'Olld. 1652 Newporl beW.. and orani:te. An!\•/C!r-: 557---4299 after 5pm. •flWing • r • >nl Sp,ac. ~ BP. in 4 • p I ex • l,;lvd, C.M. S48-97fi6, Eves to t6e name or " P\.lnle. " L'RONT .~. lawn ··-·. 110 Alte r at•·-- ~2 •• ~• .,cver:u ·avail. ,\LL EX· fi..l :.10v'1 Jfai; wh\lr. ne:n oolln.r nn. r 3'-' ...,.. .vo.,.._., -TilAS. Pool, rec b"" .. Ktd11 STO. Strayed In the Eastbluff mu, back yds alao, weeding, Scat, ac.:urate. 2l years exp. \~clcome . Fron1 $139. See RE 694 West 19th St., area. cn11rt heArtbrokPn? yd cln up, tree trimming, I t>.lbf. 17371 Keel~n " B". 1 Costa Mesa, Key at 824 W. Please call 644-2788 hauling. Free eat. Let tbe T.l;..•;;.... _ _ _ _ .,.-- -·I blk \V. of &ach ~vd. off COM~ANY 19!h St.. C~I. $145 mo. · professionaJs do it. 962-8612. KITCHEN, Bat"· •. Entries. S

nco 54s-t990 SMALL Dachshund, male. "" later. '100""7510 or 847·COO. REALTORS ~-~------1 Blk w/tan markings. 16 ROTOTlUJNG, New leaves, CUstom work at rea.:mable

WALK TO BEACH SINCE 1944 FOR U!ue Cll 1500 sq tt ~old named "Schnuppl". sprinklers, trees &: shrubs rates. Glen. 548-7263. New I & 2 Bf, cpt/drp, 673-4400 ~tores, C-4 Zone. Car Hunt· 1'c no. 546. vie F ·V. ~removed. Yd. cleanup. dswshr, !rpl. 316 16th. ' '"""~!'l"~!"'!'l"~""'" !~,11°.".9 & Adams, HB ~~! ~7053. · _ .9;;1'1='·;;129'"7".'=~-~--847-3957. - - 1· ~ ..... · JA0ANESE j THE EXCITING FOR LEASE "l al SIBERfAN Husky. male,.k>at. ~ Garde n er . """°'''*"

$140, 2 br, bltns, crpt/drps, PALM MESA APTS ...,. • -centr vie. or Indianapolis & Comple.ti- YafdwOrlt -8.nd -frplc. Laund fnci l & r<> nv"lrl. • location. 1865-67 Park Ave., Delaware, H.B. Reward. Cleanup. Free est. &12-3102.1 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii C

-..- r.1INUTES TO NP'!'. sat. c M 1750 sq ft AU or part "'"" L''l'm ""°3~· 11 pl &: 1 sm. child Ok. No l·'UR: ". Ol ! U"fFt.JTI.N. PH:. S46-88ll AGT. . J.W"V.)'" or '11Xr".....,!00

• EXP. Hawaiian Garde'l<?r. Job Wanted, fem11le 702 pets. 842--4004. Uni>cllcv.J.bly lar~e apt!!; , CORNE , LOsr: Blk &: Tan Fem Shep, Complete ~n 'e r v . ----------=-'-'-"'-' I

Q.EAN 2 BR. 2 BA, $Z15 mo. .iu::e: pool, Jacuz-1 clcc ~ b!t. w/ 000

[t b~dg $250M/ •1 w: O\te to ha~ pups. Vic. 16th ~alanl, ~ 4676. 00·1337 ..• .• i;Ll help 11.t home'? We



Gas lncld. P>iv patlo, elec 1 .s, ~UBi: crpl,'! , Urps, s:i.una \V l9th St· eost:i°M: &: 'Ne1vport, C.M. GTh-7856. • EXP. Ja~~ G!U'!lcoor. lUtVt! 1\11.ies, Nu r 1es1 Models Open 10 tll 7 pm gar door. 2 l 7 3 2 S. t'•C· Adul ts, ao pels. 642-3490 ' esa FF.M. Irish Settrr pUPP'", By monthly' job, SB. CM, . Joili.cklt!~"l> , CouipruUons, 2700 PiterlOft W•y, tM

1 "B'=roo=kb= ""='·-=541).3278.===---- SINGLES From $150 Vic: 25th SI., NB, RE· Laguna area. 548-.9479. i·lunwuu1.ken;, .up Job n, 2 Br, 4-plex, nr park/ocean, 1 BEDRM. 1'"'rom $160 Industrial Rent•I 450 WARD?! Pleaaecall675-8324 * CALL -Us Flnt! M7~-e;s=.'"'·==__,,........,,.~

nr H•rbor Blvd & bl 2 BEDRM. fl'Om $180 EXPERIENCED bea .. _. __ tna. gar, quiet. No pets. Unfum Apia Avail From 110 SO WEST C M Cleanup, r.1aint. Reuonable UU<.:USJ•

Adams $150 nw. 582-L557. • • • Call 646-6SS2 would like position as recep.

LARGE 2 ..__. 10 SlS LESS. h1 1 Uruts op 1350 ft I I~ . tionlst in busy shop. Xlnt ucuroom J bath. You're rlgtlt, they're under· - pro.,;. sq. · killructioft rm' G e neral S.rv1c:11 manicurist. Pref. 4 day v.1t.

Xlnt loc. Only $13.i Ph : pticed! 1561 Pttesa Dr. 3 Phue power. Lr g . . ,...,.... 842-1418/Eve 842-£400 a.KR. (5 blks from Newport Blvd.) overhead rear door. Front I~------~-; HAND y MAN - And Y's Avail now. Call 83G-t138

LRG 1 Br. w/patio. in quiet 1 __ 77:;546-~-;:,,,.--- ofc. Plenty of par~. $16Sj l J'i.taintenance Serv. Carpen- Help W•nted, M & F 710

DELUXE 4-plex. Cpl or 1 sngl adlt, no LA MANCHA mo. 645-2'l84 or 642-2938. Schools & ~4umb, elec. 494-5749, ACCI'S REX:V. CLERK, with APARTMENTS pets. $120/mo. 842-4549 Brand New Delux Units M·l under construction, 3.3l2 instructions 57S ~ llectio rot 1

HUGE 2 BR 2 BA •·t Rent now for """'" - n· sq ft, 12' doors, otticea, back H•ul inn m .~ ... ~· J an u a Air Cone!· fii>l c'11 • 3 Swim· ' ' uc uxe .,__ """ yard. See at 765 Newtoo GUITAR L&SSONS ··• gystm. uvlill! location.

- ~·-1

al poolside apt nr. beach. $165. strucUon allowance or 1 w ,.__ Mrs Wood 833-2977 ming .-vu._ • I- e lh Spa · ~ Florida. 536-3976. mo's ~ rent. 1 BR, 1 BR n,,."!' ~ ......... ta mesa. avail Folk, Jazz, Rock. Music SKIPLOADER & dUmP truck ' ' Tennla Courts · Game and It den, 2 BR's & 3 BR's. a..n:;,.;. un. theory Call Steve 875-6076 work. Concrete, asphalt, AIDES, exper. preferred, all BUliard. Room. Irvine From $155. Dllkwshr, encl Owner 5&-092'J · · sawing, brellklng. 846-IDO shifts, full time&: part time.

1 BR. From $160 gar, 8w1m•g pool. BBQ's 1300 Sq. Ft. M-1 space YARD cl Beverly Manor Con-1 BR. &: Den 1''rom $185 BE the first to OCCUflY this Pets acceptable w/front office. lrg. rear I llJl\'1 ' garage earrups. vale!ICCnt H:oapltal, 244.52 MEDITERRANEAN

1"0',w. :.':R .. P',,·BvAreCoa"r"°y·A'!!..r. 642·JJOl 1;a $<.'Ott Pl., C.M. door, $177/mo. 3 phase. 1240 Swvtlea ..,.,.,... ReDr!~s '!:d''1ngdtrt94•7_.!.'2· Via Estrada, Laguna. HWs. ~~ ... u Logan St. Day8 646-503.t _ ·~ .. ., ' ... - ' .wuu. AN - Oceanvlew home - lo

VILLAGE ~/"/.A,,. 2r-:· A/C. ~1-W.S EXTRA! •- LARGl1.!' 11 &: 2,!lr- Eves, 646--0681. YARD & Garage Cleanup. Laguna Beach need8 mature ;rw- un . .uvm ....,, urn. .uvm .,........ Free est 1 d•- Call 1 2400 llarbor Blvd. , C.M. I"° n-frl .>O<N SQ. IT M-1, 2 offires, ilabysltti- . ......--· ive-1n hu ,Del' ·cper I cook.

(714) 557·802'J ~!!~.-Be.;.:a;;,ch;;____ cl~~. s;tr 'Pci~ftc! ~~: large rear doors. Crpts, set - •• ., Hanytimel, 548-5031. Eves & wknda tree to enjoy RENTAL Ol'"rICE SPECTACULAR view,

2 &:

3 Mature adulll, infant ok. up far lab. $415. mo. 15 Year Old Bay Will Babysit OUSK l,.nlng the beach. Pvt llv. rm. &:

OPEN 10 AM to 6 PM BDRM 2 bath. Blk to beach. \Valk tu llhoppiJli. 1881 64&{i()33 days, 646-0681 eve. In Your Rome. Exper., hr. + gd pay. Wkdya, NEW-From $280. p b .. Monrovia. 641)..4267. Rentals w nt-..a •Lli reliable. Even Ing s &: Dedicated Cl••nlng 557-8811, c; v e 11 /wk n d s

Time To Step Up 494-3383 & <194-2l39. :;:..,=~ a - - Weekends. Balboa Wand, * \l/E oo F.VERYT!IING • 499-3957. 'lour apartment in a f~reuch ~~~1~7B~~ HAVE CABIN , , • Corona de\ Mar, Ealltbluff Ref!!. Free C!st. 646--E!I APr - A!St Mgr &: Maint. Counll)' Garden - yet ucar 2 e!t~~~ul~~~;~.N= CALL; 64&-381S WILL RENT? area.

575-5691. Pa inting & ~auple: ~ ··ur "" Unhs. In

thopping and activities. mo. 494-8C8 Huntl ...... on BH"c'~h"--- I need a cabin in. the San Carpet Service P•perl\angfng ~ta Mesa. 557~--Impeccably man a 8 e d , ,._, Bernardino are_a for two STEAM Way ol Costa Mesa .... - .. - - Assembly T rainffl ='· i:~~•e2 ~;11~ ~_!~~de days at Thanksgiving. Help "Ste:am Wa:!J" _ the finest lnt1~lor·Ext1rlor lmmedi•t• Pl• ciment patio, pil1Urt'·book kitchen. DELUXE 2 & 3 Br., 2 Ba., LaQulnt• Hirmota ~~- ceway,.bralti.sho'l'hanufd kqMnbe ..,.th& name In carpet It uptibl11terY Ca~tom work i.JlllTS.U, S~. Top U$. Perm.&: temporary.

Fi I •ocl ~·. $160 up. Rental 2 Bdrm Split Level Studio, u.... 1 Ing -••t t t pnce on apts/ vacanc1es, All Shifta. ·

rep are and other p\USt's. Ofc., 0 -m; 1ttace Ave.. 1~' BA. 2 acres beautiful a reuonable rate ~untain c_ean .....,.... 0

CO&ll Free Color Consulting &: p p S NO FEES From $195. aduJI Sl'Ction. M6-I034. park .11 k e surround.lop. retteat. Ph. Mike, 675-1527

557-112.1. Est., Won't ht= underbid • • • THE VENOOME N rt B h Sunken pool, BBQ's, 1parkJ. alter 6. ~ arpent1r Refer., U c. Bonded, 11.J. Pac if ic

1wpo llC I Sroanlsh I . ••2 1845 AnAheim Avenue ng houae o u n ta 1 n • · WANTED TO RENT Big MINOR home rep a Ir 1 . .,... -6005. P1rsonn1I S.rvic:es Call Mn. Pt:ill!ps 540-0781 WHERE Town ae Living. Bear cabin far C1uiatmas p ·umblng . carpentry . APT. Int. Painting, Carpet lli No. Tower NEWLY DECORATED CONGENIALITY 22 s°R~· s~:ti~ s':f Fu;~, weekend· I Fri/Sat/Sun painting . tile. CaU 540-5560. shampoo, cleaninJil:. Reta. Union Bank Square

S.•utiful Grounds PREVAILS ALL UTI nites) Must sleep 8 com· Ins. 642-7009. C.-ange, Calli. UTIES PAID lortably. 4 adults, 4 , PAINTlNG H t cl 547 6446

ID Mlnutes to Ocean Ocean vle1v, superb houae Adults, No Pell children. Call SSI-4lll. Vacancies cost money. Rent - onee • ean, • Cloae to bus line &: storea. security, apartments de· 16211 Parkside Lane your boulle, aiit.. store g1.111.ranteed work. Llcen11ed Allk for Rachel May

Ga.s lle:at & Stove. Water. •lgned with a Master's <TI41 847-5441 W~bo: Eldermiddl~ c p ~ b\cll{., etc. thru a OallylPilol & insllftd. 675-5740. ASST. CUSTOMER ~RV. Garage Air C I s · • touch, exclusive club with (4 blk11. S. ot San Diego Frwy wumcs me w- e agcu Clas:;iiflrd Ad . Sell !tile tems _.

P I R'

1, one· , _wim B lq A on n-ch 1 blk W llolt cple, In Huntngtn Sch. Rm, now! Call 642 5678 Now? Sell Idle 11,.m- . , . 1!42-fJ671! MEN 20 & UP

~~ tnci~d~~., ...... wic1ry ~~ fo~maf~=-ns~a:t:: to F;'kaide t.ane.l· on Brd & care. 5-15-1494. ii;ii;~~~~iiiiiii~iii;ii~r';;;;'~;;i;iiiiiil PART~TIME EVES. l.ARGE I Bft. · $140. of the South Coast's finest SSL * CtlRIST~IAS HELP

2 BR. lt60, 11651175 oportmoot oommunity. BRAND NEW I I~ *,---*---*---*------~*,. ! * START NOW Hacienda de Mesa l&droom/"u<l'°' from $195. QUO VADIS Ill ........, 100 W. Wilson No. l C.ltt 2 Bedroom from $295. Luxury Garden Apta.- $112 PER WEEK

P Models open 9 A.i'ot til dlllk. Ba I G In hlri t •rk·Lllce Surrounding che or, 1 l 2 BR's. row g co. n"' nea men

QurET DELuxE 1.135 •• m; Parsonais 530 Trader's Parad1·se for '"''o""' ,.,..;ce ••pt. ~ l 3 BR APl'S. ~ Hid Pool·Jacuzzl·Sauna.. No. exper, needed. Start Pvt . Patios * Ji ld. Poola Re .ttaUon Room A More! * llINDU SPJRITUAUITT * $1.12 Per Wk. Nr Shop'I * Adults Onl)' AOu\t~ Only . No Pets ~I this ad change )OOr CAI.J... DAlLY

BRING IN THIS AO & whole outlook on life lor the 11·nes LH 7


Martinique Apts. ON THE BLUFFS ASK ABOUT FREE bell" Pref"'"°"" advice AVON REPRESENTATIVES


Bachelor It 1 BR, peUos, BACHELOR, 1 & 2 Br frpl c's, prlv. garage• · w/lw-n. •val!. IIe1ted pool . Dtvkled btlth & kil.11 ol $12> k up. adults. ~ ~·· Rec hall , pool & ,,.A oOol tables, auns. bt'ltM. I ~~'="'"°"'="St".=-~-'="°"'=~­Stt for )o'Ol.lncll 17301 * SHADY El.MS - POOL * Keet.on Ln. (1 blk W. ot • Adu!ta Poolside Sl«l up

1m Slnta Ana Ave .. c .M. AT NEWPORT DECEMBER RENT I on Ille. Lie. Readings dally. EARN MONEY Mar. Apt. UJ 646-SM2 l899'J Florida St. 847.9448 10 AM-10 PM. 01:-9136. t1• mes For new car payments, * DELUXE 2 BR. I BA •Pl. F'rom Newport Blvd .• tum al (\\ blk. \V. of G11.rfield 4JZ-~. IJ2 No. E l ca,. I I Olrllltmas prnent., College . w/· -ts, d-•. b

11 1 ", , Ho!lpllal Rood tl block Real , San Clemen1e. cosB. Vaca t Ion 1 In ~... ... bo p .

1. "-·· H and. Bearh Blvd.} - - February. Call now for

11tor11.11:e. carport, "ve ac11c ........,,1 wylto OCE FRO 2 ORIGINAL NeWpOrt area d II details. MG-7041 .

llt'ach, 1 bllc N. of Sla~r) . • Chlldrtn nt'Xt block 84).'1848 In E. 2'.lnd St .. CM 642-:JW

utC. 2 Br. beam ct'il.I crptl LARGE 2 bdnn. 1'19 pa. lh"I dt'PI. bltn d-whr, di$ . ino crpl., blt·ln• .• fl'pl c. , Pftlk> A ulll pd. Adull~. 00 pet11. lnclolll'd ~ur . 6.'W Hamilton, Nr. ll011pll1d . Avail Nov. 19. 6f.5.6J.15. 66-8321 or 548·1941 $210/mo. 176i6 Cn.meron. 3 Br 842-6192 • 2. Ba triplex, cpl/Orp,

· qutec. Adlla, no pf' 1 ·1 . BACHELOR apt. Ck>M' W $200/mo. 2281 Fordh"m. bMch A 1h0pptnrr. $100/mo. Bus. 616-1689, Rt.a. 646--<4!m Gu A. water pd. 547-5667. 2 BR ~ -d I kit he _ ,....:cn, ... .,,,gcn,

j lN~oo;•;"""!;;rt~l~•;s;c~h;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I htrJe yard, adult• $~85 mo .. ~- an 6 pm, 64)-()gSf. e 2 BR. Lo\l.-er-$1to e

Shu cpt, drps, Bl. No pr.ts Nr. ftarbor Otntrr. 540--4'84. e DELUXE I BR. Clooo to So: C.C..t Centtr. Adults, no !""'- 11111/mo. !o\7-WS.

NE\Y 1 t- 2 BR'• lrom $110 to $190. Nr. beftch It thoP'K· 114 E. 20th, CM. S1Hl17.

• BR. 2 be., 2 ..,. encl park'I'· W/lnd'ry avail now.

! BR, 2 ,,.__ St'l'I to oce&r1 • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • $2"0

3BR.2Ba •• •• •• •••• • • -) BR, 1 Ba • .. • Ulll pd 11111 2 BR. 1 0., Ptnln • ,., . S250

'W• Have Winter Jtenblla .. Wlll Taite s .......

MIO Ocranfrontt Avail. c.w.: m·31!13

associated llk' ~·II'', M[ l\LT OR

' '

* $U1 2 BR. Upptt, cpta, drpl, eit"°"-· Older Adulll

ref. '1Hl~5 t'\lt'I. l ..S 1 1 BR. $50, W'..l .", rrJri". ~I. AduJU, ,., ptt~ (i42.9fSZ

W!ln"EIW 8R,"I BA. Ii bUr I 8R wtlb """''"""" 1135. ., ..,..., $2111/mo. CaD Ill s-flt. IM9 Wal'-, eo-. 1..:.;-;.,::""-"· ~~--­

octAH F"ROllT: 1 Rn1 Apt, DELtllCE ,..,._.., & 2 Br rtfrta. - mo. tncl Utlfs.. •ptl. Poo1. Dntir. M ul lll.

.Yf1l. fD.UC!, !DI & 20lb St. '6-111!1.

' "

patkl. $165/mo. adult11. SEE entrance. 900 Cagney Lane, AN NT, BR, up- club devoted aolely to tennis 0 ars EVES or SUN., 67f. C Newport B •ach, ca. 921.ifiO. per, shq carpeb, garage, players. lnltlal ntiembershlp BABYSJTIIER aft aohool. CENTER ST. Ph : ARI: TelCJJh<>ne: t714J ~0030 1 ~$300~.~mo~.~642-~~3443.~~--~ $Ul0, monthly dues $10.l'-------------------'1 Ma,y ltw-in. Prfte1: mature MS-116:>1. SEJ\CLIFF Aianor Apt.s.. 2 [' Leuon1 & Pto Shop. Call I woman. Co n t a c t Mr.

BRAND NEW Ao u LT BR. $164. Pool, Crp111, drpl, ]~ 673-5nt, 24 hours, 7 days. VlBRATING rtellnlng c:tu-. TRADE $3500 fqU\ty ln Its Coleman. 847.....(359 aft 8prn. AP'l'S. bl1ns, garb. dl.flpl. 1525 lt..talt ,IJ PROBLEM Pregnancy. O>n- Llke new, or marble top mobile hen>• 24.'C60 In adult BABtsl'M'ER - Lovl"-' lad).'

2 Br. Free tn. Pool. Placentia Ave. Aak about ~------' tldent. 1 y n1 p 8 th et 1 c coffee th\, for "Vegetable" Santa Ana Park, for real to cett fcfr l thlld 3 GarnReti. 1111!1 ~tonrovla, So. our dl!ICOUnl. 548~2682. ••••••••••I pnignancy oounsellng, Abor· JulcC!r or f7 r.statc, lat, auto, or smaller days/wk, CdM. 67S--2ll3ll of 19th, \V. or Ptacenlla BALBOA Bill' aub. Lux tlon &r adoptlnns ref. AP· Gll-8886 trlr. etc. 646-2586. BARTENDER, pmferabl MH627 Bayfront 1 Br. ·A p 1. Rooms 400 CARE. 642-4436. tfAVE $87 M equity In 6 1-IAVE clear land by Red· older. Delert location. ~

Dt..1..IDCE 2 Br .. l ~ &. Larae deduclion on Jona; ROOMS $ll wle up w/klt. PAl.M '- CARO READINGS hou11e11 and 2 duplexes in dine, $17,000. By Santa Cruz shift + food &r: lodging, CtU Sludk> on cJl!Hd-end •lmtl . """""'''°'645--0339~07."°"~-~- $27.50 "'k uri aptt. 2376 Put, pl"tllJrt A future. Oranae. Want proj- $3$00, By Lanc:uter ~- n4:49'1-1.lB8 tor ln~. ~~p.:,;1 J.°11Cf\l1~1:: N~;~~~>IBbluC:-=~ ~~ B 1 v d . CM. ~~~ ~: ~~~~ °lT~: ect or 1oc~~ 10 develop ~~~;i1;~P· N~Ul~'-"·~P No pet.II. ~9·71M . 2-J or 4 Br Avail. Yearly. S'nJDENT room for 2 men SWINGING SINGLES 19'10 ISLANDER MOTOR \700DED lot, Lakt Otte· In lt~ountAtn Valley

Sl•to/Up ~c: 2 Br, It 3 Br, ;cm-..9"":=-'-:11'-"'B:Ckrc.- ,_~--- VU of UCI, Kitch privl, ~ Call J im. 2 to 8 p.m. HOr.tE, \Ht than ll,IXXJ ml. ory, nuimbenhip l.nd'd. All With or without fobowtnr I* BA. pool, ct>l/drp, bltna, 2 BR, I Blk to Ocean, new to apprec.. 593Jt. ---~~=='----!$1900 Trade f pick utll, F / C. $8000 value. GW'.ra.ntee It CommlMlon =· 1996 Maple, No. I llhaa. 1'\ovt, pAint. $250. fSAO!. apta.-$75""u~lll~lnc-. COUPLES PARTIES van ~r boat f; up, TRADE for N.B. P"'Pl:rt)' Can F« Appointment 13. )'fly- Utll8 pd. 67'3.-<l7ll. lit A last mo rent req. Stu- Call Phil, 2 to 8 P .M. ~ or 6l3-0230 aft. 6 or ff Owntt-Bkr. m.ow. MJ..7705

** B&Aurtrut. I • 2 BR. New 2 Ar. :r BA. frpl.c, dent pref No ptlt. ~ 539-3.144 llAVE cbannlnl p;k. home BEAUTY Ope: I O:lntemporary Garden A~t&. $250. )'tA~. 216--n.i St. . ALCXlHOUCS Anol'l)'mOUI. Rl VICT'ORVILLE Imp. In Rancho ~. want =rAnfAAA ~lor, '"

Pat~ ~~ • Gwd ....,... 415 ---- r 4 .... -1 - -~,. Lot - Great poteotlal. 90x ' .. -.,._. + rtimm. n u.,. -· c.. . S 55-- * ... ,,...."" or.r1si ... wi• Newport atta condo or p. r"ll or p/llnM Sito. Call LARGE 2 Br. 2 Ba apt. S'JZ, P .O. Box 122:1. Cott• Mea. 14 wtalle)'. $2,500 eq. for Arnall ~tAl uni'--. Approx. &44 ..an40. '

2 BR.. HJO ~ ~lllnn. mo. O\Ud &: pel ok. YOUR hantlwrlUn,- rnftll conOO-cablh., hR, car, boat, $2).000 equity to wcrk wtlh. BEAt.mCIAN i:XP'D enclolld front A back patio. Newport Shores. 66-9419 * Prlv•te Room * Ptttonal11)'-Voc:., ccmpaL CMnptT or f? 562-m.1 aft 3 Bkr. '15-7%.15 FUii time l~I tW'I Awl!. Die.. t.t. m E. 18th OCEANFRONT t br. rp&c. tot C2rtltled ~t 54CMtt15;" $21S5 ,(DJ N. 'l\lttln, S Ac., 'TI MOTTO GUDI, tllo&lle Sandcrab &SCll 11. B.

!!:.:..£."M. 6«2-l!m. dlx duplex. unfum, )Tty, A.m:bula!iii'Y !Ady ot Man SOCr11 Clubl m hU&I! hnmt. Trade $250.000 Olp, wtndlhld, OR 1927 tn- BF.AtiTY °"' -tuu Ume 2 BDRM,

1 ea. atO\oe le S3"B. Mione &e-2964 Good. nutrllloua Food. tqt)I tor mlld lnmm1 prop. dlan 101 Scout, ttt1torr<'I ~l\mpoo rtrt. Apply 1610 W

ntfrig, c:rp4i 1. drps. Pvt NT.W Mlwui l BR".'--:3 '°'bu,~ Nie:. , cheerful •llnOIClht•tt. .,~, , YO! ''~"' 1 1· arty. Prl.n onl,y. Bkr. Tl'Att& Fi'tr ple:kup, . va., "" ,,.,,•'1 11\WllJ' N.B, ' 1tarap_~ kldl OK. $190. frplc & extras. pr. adJ. * Call MS·41'11 * 547-6469 boot. 645-118"8 an.oro "' t; BnATlt ' .. :Tl'Mr.""' Ml--UIJll • wat<'r. Yrly. 673·ml. DISCOVER r --Anr. Down . 2'' Luknl r.1•·,.•rotr•'- "' ' .. -; • • ,...., !PAIRm-.N

1 Br w/deft, wwt t.r, 2 Ba. Sa o C lomen.t..- D ISCOVERY 'fr., t;; 'F , F''B, Mbrmla, "1tn11lkc! ·~•I • " ' ~ --.. 'i """"'' """· M,...tutnt..,., Mlllt

• 2 8 BAY .. ~·oows •• 1:1 .:.ll Dl'NCI~ tn1 IT' r- •. dur l i !11tk>M ror 1/0 or s lln•·A .,,rf ti'"n., wntrrmm. boat

r. "lLI' , --------- Prt • lovsl 2 B 7'1 8 r. •1 ~ .. 1 , f'V"llllr vard Mui t ~- • "pl.

- W Bay St CM 1180 2 BR f ......... v. 1 r. llfll '' m•n lo~ In No••·••''''' 0 'B. Bmkt'r. &11·1881 or 5 dr1,·1 l'J.': , ,,,_, a. ~ • ...,, · .. · . ... , new pant, ... ._ w/r.v. -110 . .. , ...... co• "'' E - -1 "" ~ """ B'··~• &l&--007J. I baJ 0c ..- ~ '" •r I"' 'YllOY p .,., \lea. f,_."'' . for 5 buckt y , _,.,..I · Ci!•· l"On)' . :ean vltw, , ., e.:ent c• rt A Any •t· -~ · • .... · I • • 2'114 fifWll(lli nr. beach l •bop'r. llT tondant oervl<'<I r • • • d • S.ll the 00! otull. 8t'1' the * * * * '* * Bl•'ll. ~.D. eT.1-6&\4. '~" -""'~'::.:::;~·:._ _____ , !,,...!· !_!d~U~.'-------iiiill••iiii••lliiiilll••iiillll·· .. ··.ial~O~usl!!!!;llod!!!!!~M~1~.:.=::. ~M2-5Cll~!!j \\111nt 1ui 11'llU ll11 , . . 642~ Al•"""-, Apl 'A'. ol~ ~-_... ft


' I I II I

PILOT·AOVERTISEA • DAll.V PILO r - .--20.1m ,--~~~ ·1~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~

J[f [ llll1 1 T , , , ,... .., ... , .... ~ ..... l[H] 1~'~;;;--" .... ;;;'~-;;;;;-~'lll1~ 1 :L;;; ... ";;;;:'*":-:;:"·~~~llll]~. ,~ l.__;;-";;''*"-";;""~llll1~•J:1!m' ~·-··_ .. ~]~~· ~I!- 1~ ,~··-··~1

e Wonted, M ,l I' 71! lfflp W1ntod, M l p 710 ~olf Wonted, M l p 710 ~~le Woni.d, M l P 710 '!!!_Wonted,~ & P 710 Holp W1ntod, M & I' 710 Fumlturo 110 Pl•- /Ortono 126 TV, Rodlo, HIFI,

BoolckMCr OOMPANJON J-louaekeeper EXEC Secfttary be JANlTORS ror • t •ad y SALES 7' GREEN cruahed velvtt ORGAN HOBBY Stereo P6 P/ c

Foo Pi $ ~~~r~e-lflbr;~ old;r1~ ~!_'ll~n~ .. ~~~~; Kf!~":.ri i';i°s:a,,.;~ &Jl MULTI OPE RATORS ::f.h 2 °!!,,:'0~bl~~ FISHER • • • Rete.ll ·~.'.' .. ' t o JSO mature v.'Oman ~/re~~. ~1J,on11bt1ttt1• O>llep ex· CJeary, <213) 686-$380.. Must be experienced, 2nd ACE .IS AN ASSET tor $2'J!li. Call M?.-i. Don't bey ·~ < can until PRICE IS RIGHT · nrurtn" ex~r. helpful. Reply to Clautned Ad per w/aome bu si ness JOBS th1tt. REFRJG, $25. Black Hon)' you can play . Non-pla)'el"I Pretty mUAle tor a.. hoU. F / C ' atmta l p A L. No. 349 Dalty Pilot, PO Box backfroond. Cd EnQ:ll&h a URGENTLY NEEDED We need a aood malun! dealt. Sl!. Small atta nia;, welcome to atte:nd !tee "''Olil: day•. FISllER KX-90 ltf'l't'O

. ''. ''' '· · • · '' $700 1560, Coat& Mesa SD. requlrement. Typing, 90 .. Secretaries Appl:y ln Person Pf!l'!IOll 0-to )TS ot qe. new, $n M.lae. ilew. lhojlL Far loformallon 1t1.mpllrler Cpower OJ!b). «t Otwtructlon bacit&row>d. CONS T w Pm """"' Sb.~ 90 w.p.m e v-·-• o--oon Newport Beach Co. with 644-2788. Contact : Tom Dieterich ,. .• ,.,"'IS 11 L 14 P a L w/Job ""'""· TRUC IQN MGR 1~tin.n1 ;,.~ i • r.;;~,,i;i ~.. MARTEC INC mony """"'"· HENREDON P Ad full 642-Wt mon. k.'i:dnc.. :;.":;;, M n1tl:.

RUTH RYAN AGENCY Lara:e apt developer needs ability to work w/~le ta e Bill~ Clerk Typist ' • Good ~ 4: a weekly cash .m.e ~ 6an ~·toUd CHst Mutlc Service concentr1c but I: treble I 11931 Stach, IIB 841-9617 proven heavy. Send Retwne helpful. Locatton City of Irvine 54G-44S> 1577 Pl11c.ntl11 Ave. bonu1 Pan. Walnut. ~ $ 4 2 5 Nrwport Blvd. at Harbor rnnrc:. Ineludt'S walnut cab-1193 Newport, CM 646-48M & Salary requlremenll to Oranie· Jn chuae of 2 ofcs. NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO Newport h 11ch W~ have re_ple with UI over 645-8Sf9, . Colla Mesa lnet. Orla. COit $150, kill

BOOKKE EPER P . O. Box4876, Irvllle. Sa1 co mrnen1urate TempoTemporaryllelp 12 .Yl'B enjo)'worklna;ln *I 05 fut tor S7S. Ph. Miki' COOK BROILER w/i.bility (n-t) 547~196 <No Phone Calla Pleue) the k>ca1 area. KING •lze Ortho mattttss A p AN i.ORGANS* ~1527 altf'r 5:30,

Modem olflce in lrvint • ~ • · JUNIOR Sa.lelnml: 10.1). Please phone for a n box sprtriga - new condiUon ltammond WWiltur many Compltx atta. ExJ>andlns With ireat txper. in ~food Exper. 1n allver IOlde~ Eam s.»$«> per week get· ~ ()ppor E

1 lntervlew. Wied leu than 3 weelu $215. olhen. ~seuon a:Peci&la. RECOND. t•'•. SAW -

CO. netdl lharp pl. Great operation.. Call OM?f red, srpall atalnleN st e e Ung new CUJlomfl'll for- the ~ ... MIF m ! ....._ oy er Ctll alter 6:00 581H>996. modtl close-outs. Piano a: Color - 111ter'!O. f'rorn SJ9 chance to advance. Salary to 7141644-1700. subusemblle1 &:: thin wall DAD..Y PILOT, n-1111 not a 644-021 2 **•Sola a matchine low Ora:an rtnt&b.. Money &1v· Frl.nk Schroth 1V Strvtoe $650. Fee Paid. Alto Fee tubing, Exper. ln Induction newspa~ route and doH seat never UAed Both Sl60 ln& bil'la.lns are here rt&:bt 26 Years &37 W. t9th St. PolltioN. Call Jan Page, COUPLE-Age 40 + to brazlne deAlm:I but not Mt Include coUectln& or NURSES AIDES usuiilly bome, 96&-mo. · now at : Co8ta Mna 543-3386 5«).6005, Coastal Pe..,.nne! MANAGE well-maintalnod, ...,n. Pie.., apply- t!ellverin&. Tran"'°"atloo i. Exper . .,.rd. SALESMAN W Di-• " • C'w Apncy, 2790 Harbor Blvd all adult build\.na in Orange Culton Induatrlet provkMd. We work four 11untinaton Beach • . EXEC1J11VE conference •ize I ~• MUSIC I! r CM. ' County, Excellent tenanta:. 1644 Whittler Aw., CM hours after 8Choo1 and 8 on Convalescent Hospltal ~agnetlc Sign!._ Every bu.s- desk, walnut w/formJca top s:>uth Cout PlaJa 540-2830 I ' ,, , i~~·';;BOO;;;;;"K'°K"E"'"E'"P"E°'R.-- Saiaey 213+ ~111~~ 642-2400 Saturday. We haw openingl l88ll Florida, H.B. :iJ": =m~Tt.~er- $50. ~1"..35 *PIANOS~RGANS , ,... 111 V.

: .. ~.. Equal Oppor. Empk>yer fOr Fountain Valley It South 347.3515 0th lll MOVING. hot.a.e tull or --Able to letup COIJI aecountl"R Huntl,.rort Beach areu 00. . program, er llne1 OK. furniture incl Mon. Coins 01.1t For BUlinf'u .\ ~ure1. For 1 or 2 CPLE-over 26 rnana.p: 30 Fee Paid ly. You mllll: be out of ~.~...,!:"3 f/~e. B.X.L. lnduatne1, Inc. thru Fri 640-iJ: Bnt quality • prices • Rf'\/, 3 Lines, 2 Thnes, $2.00 mo• then perm. p/time. units, CM, apt + &alary. Foreman ICbool by S PM to - p/us.1ot: . ....... ,....-r. Pref d. lTI4l 979-4755 . . wai-Steinway·Baldwin, etc. $3.75 hr. 530-3333 or 213· J93..8S89 R bbe I I tJ S18K participate Ell:perle~ • litesa Vf'rde Convalescent \VOOOARD 'Nl'Otlght iron Player Pi.ano. A: Rolla

RUTH RYAN AGENCY ' . d".- Ir P ':_,cs to boy1 gt~n pr i 0 r1 t y~ Hosp, 661 Center St, CM. SALES-APT. dining set, 48" marble eor. Rentala ...... . We 9 .. v.Sell COCK·A·POO, male, neu· 1'1931 Beach. HB 847-9617 DATA PROCESSING :1;'~~~ ~:fu!~P f~ 968-9641. ~. RENTALS fee tbls, f'U&', misc, 673--3772. Dally 10-& &; U..~ ~~~dten~~ts, lovt• 1193 Newport, CM 64&4M EAM OP&RATOR General Ledger Acct $700 Keypun~h OFFICE rlrl needed by iocal Allrnctive girls with 1p- Gllr• S.le 812 FIEl..O'S PIANOS Bookkeeper Receptionist to $425 ~ automobile paint shop. lilust pealing aaJet p 0 te nt I a I . Costa Mesa (n41 64S-3250 We need ont Aulomotlve 11~ y Ct'ed[t Clerk to $3'7?1 All Shilts. Full & p/lime. have pod driving record. Pleoae send resume to Rt'n- RUMMAGE Sale. Ilov. 3rd A PRIVATE PARTY WANTS I ]~

-------Bookkeeper with maehlne - ean exper. Unit re- Typist. Tem......,.....,, To $3 hr. Apply O.C. Accent Stripes, tal Dept., P . 0. Box 1810, 4th. 9:00-4:30. St John'• TO BUY PIANO FOR - ... - ~ ---rlence. Sf'nd -·me lo cording equipment. 088 col· 9 .......... ,,,ha l..-3000 1450 •- .. -~-# """ - ~A,.,, nStti~.9hmsc. Way, Costa Mesa, Nf'wport Beach, Cal 92663. 01urcb, CM. ,. • ._... r\ ......... ' '""'" later, reproducer no. 514 , .... ..._ uvuio:: ~.... .., ~

Box 501 c/o Daily PUot, 330 sorter 083, Need knowledge Prod. Scheduler to $800 Anaheim 533-2322 PART TIME SALESLADY fur Je'Welry Household Goods 114 e 135-2%18 e ·--------1 West Bay Street, Costa c · wiring. Maint. Mechanic Open NI~:VER A f"EE I TEMPO atore, References, ttq'd . k .C. Bay baby graM . Ideal Mesa, CaW. 92626. Keypunch, 2nd 1hft Open Tempo Temporary Help GROCERY Costa Mean, 548-3402. WANTED) Condo. or HOUie for .mou. mwdc student, C•h 152

Bookkeeper For Appointment Executive Secretary $650 SHELF STOCKER SF.cRETARY fer larae perfect diamond $350/otfer. 548--0337 - --- - ---- 1 w need tomoti Ce Secretary $liOO Experienced only. Apps. and cuh. Wrltf' Classified PERSIAN k l 1t~ru1. Cf A rf'f ., i:.,kkeeper

0Sc~u rl'lun';! Contact erol Smith Free &: Fl . Position• KEYPUNCH Mon-Tues only. Lucci Df'U, UNION BANK Ad No. 565, Dally Pilot, Hamn\Olld Chord f\rgan, good &hot.I, ~t. lines, all a)lon. to Box 501," c/o Daily Pilot, NEWPORT 8911 Adami at M.agnol.ia, Hu a unique opportunity for P.O. Box 1500, Costa Me• , cond. $100. or best otfer SiS ' up. 3.'ll West Bay Street, Costa AVCO Personnel Agency H. B. Ask for Mr. Rufus. an Calli. 92626 ~2556 or 54.S-<16SS. * 892-2970 * M.,., Call!. 92626. Financial S.rvlco 133 Donr Dr., N.B. PICTUREEx ~· ~ EXEC. SECRETARY Miscollo_.. 111 Sporting Goods 130 Dogs 154

Bookkeeper 642 3170 store. p. seu.o.o..,., matting, Must have good appearance.

We need one Automotive 644-5800 ~ D11y & $'!ting Shift :~· 81~art. or f It i me. XIPLEASn't typElngA ply~ sh! skPelll1. USED ~ lt~b!~, I 4~~X: · ~ * ... a.., 19AKloC P~ Bookkeeper with DMV ex- F.quaJ. Oppor, Employer Flnence Co, Girl Available Now - · P n t'llOn POOL TABLE t:iderw .... ~W~:"'".!:..t llte 1 ~=-----~--perience. Send resume to 6 Mo's actual work ex ........ on PORTER WANTED To Teresa Walas ~·1 ...,.,. AFGHAN puppln. beautiful Box SOI, c/o Dally Pilot, Secretary to do cen'l ofc ..... Must be exper . F/ tlme. See 610 NNe•wportwportCeBe~~h Dr. Brun• wt ck profetaional Incl. ~er moYea. rroo. Reda w-Blll mull. Low, low 330 West Bay Street, Costa: DELIVERY of DA l LY work ln new Costa Mesa. ofc. either a keypunch, keytape Penonnel Manager ...... model, oUlcla.1 •lze, com· IJT5.-21&;. prices. 60-9899

1 Mesa, Calif. 9262&. PIWT, SUNDAY INLY, to be able to take over or key disc device. Balboii Bay c'lub Equal Oppor. Employer plete with lour cuea, balll. SKIS, Hart Stand. Xlnt cond. YORKSHIRE ~ AKC,

BOOKKEEPING-lite, penn. ::; ~~e:'"stat':; ~ ~;e ~~T-f· c~C: Intervws Morr-Wed 9 am-12 1221 W, C011st Hwy, NB = rack, ~e 1~10~ rack , ~~i 3lj '~ ~~Look shots, 2~ mo., 1 mal&, 1 polition in teltaurant offiee. Wagon or Vati. Contact Mr. W~ber, coilect 12131 870-1782: p --• 1 E ..,..11 • 1F/C Constr Free $800 cowrSold ·1 ce ent •'--- ~· 111' · female. 837-Q&l. Apply in penon only, 630 H Seel 330 w t Ba PACIFIC Mtn'UAL Uf'Qlal ng x,..... or • Sec' Engrng I-Tee $700 or more ..... , .._,, 8 Lido Parle Dr., N.B. S ~ ey, es Y FOOD Manaaer Asst. Penn. 700 Newport C.enler Dr 2 yn. recent experience. • Acc~a Degreed Free Sl2K Quick sale $%iO f Ir m . TV, Rlldlo, HIFI, ,,,,,,:- ~C. P~P~- l~e~

CAPABLE &: c.onscie.. tlous t. , Mesa. 0 .C.1.R. $3 hr. Call 838-1103 Newport Beach Send cover letter ' resume • Per11nl Degreed Free S13K 644-4188 even Io g I or Stereo 136 black, reuonable. 66-47&2. 0...tal Receptionist before noon. . to Classlf1ed Ad No 444, e 2 Indus En'""' Free SIOK_.., ·~~ndl~."-=~~==~!;;;;::;:;:;:::::;::7:;:::-:;;;;:_ • ~"°"'"""'===--;:="'·

clerk typist needeil by N.B. A I 2 I D·"· Pllo p 0 Box ·= ·~·· s ~ EVERY ·-1·· • RCA TV In "BL\)£ PRINTER. »--1~ Builder/Developer. Mu ll t t eut yrsexper.waome FULL charge bookkeeper, LAUNDRESS&: Ha ekpg ~ t · · ........,, Liz Reinder'sAgency CRAM LETS ~,. .. ,. uo ...... ,..; haw good skills &: wlll- ~~alb a c k i~ u n d le receivable, ·payable &: Comb. Ful.ltime. M e• a Costa Mesa. 92626. 4500 Campu.: Dr. • stock on ale aow at Orange Mod 46, ~ter. l yr ingneu to perform varied RuTH ~YAN AGENCY payroll. 89H315. Verde Conv. H 0 s p 11 al. Rell I Eitetli Saltt ~2118 Newport Beach Co unt Y' • I a r I" • t old '500. • $46-4650

.- ...... Xlol working 11931 Be ch HB MH1617 Gal Frld•y to $650 548-0585. FREE - ANSWERS ~"'::::!:. r~ li AKC, ""~"· conditions &: benefits. Call 1793 Nera' ' m 646-4854 Ground noor oppor. in ex- LVN or RN, e~nlng &. night SECRETARY, de.YI. f/time. ¥!'" .lt!'Vice on ·all tets. 90 $l25 55l-4'1tl4 645-0060 for appt. hNi panding wi:!ll estab · ·lnirime · 5hiltl~- fu11-time-&-part--tiine. -- ~ ~ - " Reg's gd skills.. ,Pt>nonnel Mallet - Gripe - Dra11.·I - Dfly ciuh or term• to J6 c~·;· ·~~.~ -· ,:_

--:- CASHIER-;-pltlme· Apply-S &- OESIG · · TS MAN -area- co. -Woril: ---f~r' good Beverly M---a no r Con· license Tr11lning. ' Dept., .Hoag.Jlosp.,_ N.B. - Pastry _ -ARE -\\fE mo. Pf'lofl -1,.--:than the. ~~ ~~ppKm_, A Shoes, 333 E. 17th St., Must hav_e subdlvillion exper. natured boss ln lovely new valeacenl Hospital, 24452 Limited Time Only SEWING _ Opr, Single nee- Age and qlnj: : we never dlacOunten with our own All &hota. t.fUit Co lO . Costa Mesa. Good references essential. offlce1. Top be n e f Its - Via Estrada. La&una Hilla. famous licenae course oow die mach. Steady work. Al90 realize It, of COW'S4!, but quality ~ ABC Color quall!W!d home. 6'15-&'.lU.

CHEMICAL Operator &: Top SU. l.Dng Tenn Asalgn. Abigail Abbot Penonnel MAID will train, approx XI available thru Tarbell Com· buttonhole mach. l 7 3 3 among the! thlng1 that aren'I TV 9021 Atlanta, Huntlncton SEC. chn P-UJ. wood deak• L.aborato ..... T,.,..hni"; .... for ment. Agency, DI W. Warner, hr per week, Ivanhoe Motel pany. Appllcant1 fully ~ Monrovia, C.M. 645-1529 what they ued to be ARE Beach 968--3329. $3)..SO, ator cab $411. ar7 W.

... '"- ..__., Irvine M0-4' i0 Suite 209 s. A. 557-£122. m 1m~·-~ ...... lo .~. CM ~- ·- ·-small chemical m an uf . Anaheim 533-2322 ' -5260. ..,...-.,=uponqwu.i cat n. SHEET metal mechanic, Y.'E. SYLVAN1A2S"coaorco~. ~ · ... ...,.".,..• .,.._, plant. Re q' 1 dedicat'?n, NEVER A .FEE AT TEMPO <Hn'I Ofc Trne $425 MAINTENANCE MAN New or experienced llAles exp'd Machinist C m 111 STEREO: J973 Gamud full Wan", $329. Crt8t Eltt- Don't flvt! up tbe lhtp! chem. knO'wledge, J»eting Tempo Tempdrary Help U you're good w/ figures tbis Must be f&mlliar w/ plwnb- peoplf'. Opening• availsble. operator), exp'd. Job shop Quadnl.aonlc l)'Stemized, tronica, Im Harbor Blvd., "Llat '' It in clamtf'ied, Sblp challenges. c.aJDilE1 mer well known Irvine area co. I I tr1 I & ' I Complete training program. experience. S p ace-Te k auto ctwwft-, AM/FM CM, 1t&-9381. to SIJDre Ramltll to-5871. Leenerta, 64.HIOH, 829 W. bESIGNER or.draftsman.· wtlltrainintheiraccounting i!!~~.8tot~fex,.~~:S: Future management oppor- Indu.strles., 1922 Placentia, MPX recei v er Air •••••••••••• 17th SI, C.M. l~~ape. Xln t oppor. Will dept. Friendly relaxed at- See Penonnel Manager, tunlties. Call Mr. Sloan at Costa Mesa. 1uspen1lon ipeaken.; tape • •••••• ••

train. 54&-!282. mosphere I pretty offices. Balboll Bay Club m.5440. R SHOE Salelman t 1 t Im e. deck plus ln Jacki. Wu left Clerical Dict11phone Typist Xln't benefits. Abigail Alr 1221 W. Co.est Hwy, NB TA BELL xln't oppor. Chance for id· unclaimed. Still trand ne. .--"""-IC--"""""'•""'....-;

$550 bot Pernmel Agency,. 2.1> vancement. Exper pret'd, In bax A IUll'· Now $97. or

Temporary Work

U You Are A · e Socrotory e Typist e -Bookk-r e Rocoptlonist • Ole. Beginner

Come See U1 At Fuhlon Islen<l's Only

Temporary Help Service In-8:30-11:30 AM Only

P. P. S. Pacific Personnel


500 N•wport Ctr Dr, NB (5ulto 9501


Also In Orange 547-6446

& Fullerton 170-1133


Purchasing or mat't control exptt. helpful. 60 w.p.m. elec, typeWrlter. Must have top clerical skills.

Call For Appl Industrial Relations

(714) 494-9401


Strong backJI'Ound in die- Yf· Wamer, Suite 209, S.A. MAN to make deliverin, full REAL TORS but not nee. Apply s & A 1mall paymtll. Credit dept. taphone typmg w/llte filing 557--6121. time, Tide Office Supply, dwes, 3l1E.17th St., CM 1_893--050-;-=lo-·====- ,--• !!£""ral olc duties. GENERAL OFFICE 3ll5 Newport Blvd., N. B. R.E. =Exp'd. F.V. 01· soucrroas ""'ted for * AUCTION *

RUITH RYAN AC.ENCY st t 1 lice. High commission spilt. Smart·•- 1 SIUd'- Ca 11 r o n g a c c o u n n g M uJ ct·-- Equity •• ~1·ctpal~n No ~ - 0 1 .. >' - lt"-17931 Beach, HB 847-9817 background for 1 girl office. an a ... ...,.. _. • "" · 538-0392. ,. .... .. ... .. 1793 Newport.CM 646-41154 accurate typing &:: filing broker competition. Stan- ====---~ • Appll&nces

w/good phone man n er, Progressive ,manufacturing dard R.E. Call Lee, VttERINARY uslataot for Auctioni Friday, 7:30 p.m. DINNER COOK Start SllO wk. company, x1n t working 000• 83.l-8700. animal =tat, N.B. Will· Windy's Auction S.m

e BLU~~HIN e RUTH RYAN AGl!NCY dlllon. Flil><• b•mellts. Receptionist ~cy, du.:'.'~~~ :m->11 N.....,., CM -Lido NB t'i'9n Beech, HB 847-98)7 Immediate OpenJ.nei For. h ! II $400. Send reaume to Behind Tony's BIA~ t.!at 'I 3355 Via , 1793 Newport, CM 646-4854 Day or nla t , u or part .....

DISHWASHER for AM AUTOMATIC SCREW time, no exp neceiS&I')', We Clasatfled ad no. 537 Daily OAK dnk, Judan cbalr, e~ houri. Apply In pef'llOn, General Office $450 MACHINE train, no typing, no Pilot, P.O. Box. 1500, Costa typewriter, copW!', stenottt· Snack Shop No. 9, 3444 E. Good typing. Locel shorthand, etc. Apply In Mesa, Calif. ' te dlctaUn,a: mach. Couch A: , __ H CdM An ~, .. , Call Lorralne OPERATORS person a'.'t,,:ft. or ev• at WAITRESS, EXPER. chair, cotfff table, k'·- " ~I wy, ' ~- \'~~· - -w I ~H NB ·~ oportunlty emplo)'er . •J;AJ• ... uu:• ~...,... Cl ,.. wy, · Must be over ZL No Phone bed, box IPf'P I mattr, bar

DRIU. 0 p e rat 0 r , ex· ~eW!':l\n 4&.~B Setup &: operate Acme- Re:.ptlonlst to $550 Calla. Apply In penon, Suri stools, coklr 1V. evn perienced & trainee to 645-277D Gridley 6 Spindle or Brown Talk to cu1tomen &: as5lat & Sirloin, 5830 W. Cout =67H"="''"'~·,...---,---operatol' NC drill mach for & Sharpe. Alil/f' ." AIR. lite typlnp: .\ Hwy .. Newport Sch. EXTRA lerge avocado grftn printed ctrcult boards. Nlte1 GIRL - Attr./petsonable, RUingH RYAN AGENCY WAITRESSES day 1 h t ft three door Ken m o r r only. Apply 17795 Sky Park over 2'1, for pleasant, en- Apply In Pen!IOn IT only. Apply in prnon, 5-7 "SUpennarll-et" ttb':lgera· Cir, Unit K. Irvine. joyable work a1 hostess on 17931 Beach, HB 847--0017 eves, Tues thru Thurs. 630 tor. Excellent condlUon.



DUTIES' Run EDP service desk. Check jobs In & out of operations area for oom· pletenesa. Perfonn t a p e librarian functions . Balance control tot.all & update pro­duction mob control card.

EPERIENCE: 1-2 Yn. prior control clerk exper. in DOS and OS en­vlronml'flt &: knowledge ol language. QI.hen need not apply.

commercial yacht. Airline STA~FAST INC. 1793 Ne,i,,port, CM ~ Lido Parle Dt'. N.B. ~.t'.10. c 11 l-l 979-5321 expf'r. pref., but not 926 Lyon St. RELIEF Cook: Full time. WAJTR~ES & WAITERS ~5451 afler 4orweetrt:ndl. necessary. $fiOO A-lo. pill!, Sant11 Anll call Mon lhru F'rl 7:30 to 3 ovt.'I' 2'1. Cocktails & Jo ......... . KITCHEN c ab In el 1 &:: starting salary for rla:ht PM •1 v -•- •- -. " esa e1uc \.,Unv. A1.8) Busboya, dlshwMh- ronnlca counfn t t!.P 1 . penon. l\fASTER Tailor le Tallores& l!ospltal. 661 Center St, rn1, & kitchen help. No £xp. Harden Eilterpriln, 81.; W.

979--0534 For app'I. wanted to work In f 'ashkin C.M. 548-5585. N~. Neat appear· 18th SL, c.o.ta Me 1 a, *°lrl Frld11y $520 Island-NwpL Call ( 71 4 I RN. 3-11, f/ time OR. RN all ance, Apply betwn 1 I Jl=..,."="°'"42.='==...,.-=--="° Busy 1 flrl arc. Some know'l 826-6440. shi~. 1/ Ume ICU. PacUlcla 1617 Weatcllff Dr, Newport PARAKEET A: Cage SJS. ?f..~. na. Lea1'9 Construe.. MOTEL Maids Needed Will Ho1pltal, 1S792 Dela,vare. .Beach. Kina: hdb:! $15. Conee 1; end uuu train. Apply In pe'r'llon only, Hunt. Sch. 842--00lJ . WerehouM Supervisor tah!et:, Mt $.15. Dlnette, S

Helen Schaffer Coirta Mesa lnn. 3 2 O 5 SALES higr. Au'!. needed Crowin&: corp. in health ca~ chrl SA Xlnt, a:ood quaJ. Pel'IOnnE'I Agency Harbor Blvd, CM. Immed. Prev. sales exp. field has position ror exper. ~19.

SUi~~pus Drive5s~rn -at•lliii-"!l11 ·•r ,. pref. Comm + l'"Pf'Me!ll- performance oriented in. IN~v"A1.ID"=°"·s~1sr=AI~R~.c~u=o=E~1. 1

Contact Rocky Loving, f!\lt!! . d lvldual w/rap\d promotion Uke new. Colt $1000 · Alk· GIRL FRIDAY Da1"ly p01101 54>-8115 "''"'"'! lo ma" .. er . 1.,. $500. Call ""' !ltlvla

Program manager need~ SALES LADIES ex· Admlniltrall\'t back&round .,itdys, 642-1636.

~t d~~!.alt.o~ ~l~ar~~ ~~hes Ln ~: ~~~~& helpful. fTI4), 871""5400. POOL. Tablet _ F'rel&hl

~Lite 1h Salal"U to $65(1. Cl ofi d ~- n-•- ~9 damaged. All m. $49 to ., OSSI e at <N•"''' ~ry. ~ . WATCHMAN 1199 . Ch • l•tm 11 Ja.n Pa,;e, 540-6055, 19th St C M ' ~ -Coastal PenJonnel Agency, · · ' Short houri, p/ tlme Ley-A-\\!11 . .......__ 2790 Harbor Blvd,, CM. A good want ad la a good L,_ 5 AM·IO::O AM POO.~~L~T~ablo;-,-,-<>dl~.-.... ~,-, 1

' -~'!"""'""'""'~"!'~'!!'!!I vestment. PerD1nel OUICC! lq s - W1ll Girl Full/ P/ tlmo i: THE BROAOWAY Am ' type. - · MUlt have cash register ex- Help Wented, M & F 71 Help WentM, M & F 710 deltvt'I' free . Ph: SJ6-1102. per I; good references. \Vork 47 Flltblon Ill.arid * 1 = bdct -is. nft

Nt11.·port lkach blk ~ c la

M'C.\1~?7'.·5Ad75 •ms JOIN A COMPANY ON THE MOYE! Eqt>al Oppor. Em"""" -"'°""-=":=;· lll"':·=· -,.,'"c::·-=~=-""-1 _. WHO WANTS 'f'O ~·= COIN COLLrrMON

Apply ~12 Mon-Wed PACIFIC MtrruAL

700 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach HARDWARE Sales Oerk, DRIVE A CAB! *~~.


, .... 1111nw_. • ..,.. C.H Miry - ..w.n, ut DI

SlllllllllllCJ StriP" Clldclly T-IM

'8 .. 11lt ""''!!!l"'!!~:!<'l~-'!!!I~ I mature, stable per.on, must = ESCROW haw pleasant dl6pos1Uon.

CHOOSE your hours, 'lml1l =~~~-~---1 for )'OUl'll'!lf, be your awn NEW • PhUm met rvct _.. _...L boa Men or .,'Ofn,.n. Can be $8$. New • Sot.a bed $8$. 9""1'U Sht"ll k;r\'e to ~ "* Good knowled1e of

SECRETARY hardware, plumbing, elec· ~I~~ handicapped. VII, Ki1W .,_ bed 116. 5.1&-llOI. 5aU 10~-:IO~ thio .... ty <••al .,.i -One of the taate1t growina: trtcal &: ~. :i;:'d. Apply

llrm.!1 oilers ouL!tandina op- 1 t H w~-1 Equal Oppor Employer n penon; o · · • '5" · portunlly to train 1!..,.. becomeCall Co., 1J6 Rocherler St., o.ta

A large progressive Industrial elec­tronic broad·llne d!Jtributor pmenlly located In Glendale Is moving to a new modern !acillty In Irvine in December. Positions ore avoilable in the following

n.ot · ~ 2l 10 'm, II.IP- ~NACE Cl.rrlf'r f' A r.., 41" -' Smart far IChoot. tnw:I, p&ement your lnoome. Orlw NtiYer ~ 100 mj eTu: ltt'-"i..,.. tttMI.,.. _ __. , r-....iw1 Cl09l b'om • cab II hn or mott 1 ~ • • .,,.. •l'C· ........ Apply In~· Yl'llow c.b St:l5. 55l....f704 SUMMING STRIPD • ftf!Clc down ot wantf'd lft 2 an ottlcer . Start ..--. M~.

CLERK TYPIST Helo• H.,..,, 540-6055, For the outgoing figure ())uta1 ~rsonnel ~· H 0 US KEEPER , tem­ml™"lt lndlv. A n 1 we r 2790 Harbor mw.. . :,.~~~"':;::

ru+H ~A~'~o~~l ~sc:.°!2F!~~~R... - · 17931 Beach, HB O'l•-v• opportunity lor tbe gal wbo HOUSEKEEPER. 8:30 to 1793 Newport, CM 6t&-C8M hu had curmrt onlcen 5 • 4:30, 5 days week, tU~ cani CLERK • TYPIST. Sale. • per. Start $'l'OO + . Fee PtJd. of 7 yr old boy ln AM. C.11 Order Delk, put time. Alto Fee PoAIUons. Oa11 1,.:.*;:,.,:l!ll6.;,;:;:==~-~"' L)'ONm Productklnt, Inc. Jean Brown. 5 4 O - 6 0 5 5 , HOUSEKEEPER wanttd, S

P . O. Box 122$ Ooutal Pttlonnel Aatncy, days wed(, 11-4. Some bit· LACUNA BEACH 21'90 Harbor Blvd .. 0(. byaitllng req. CaU btl. 8

494--0747 EXECl1TIVE Nm>S ~~ or.1!1_ P._.2·· ~~ CLERKS - l\Jll l p/Um<. ADMINISTRATIVE ~~ Co<M>n!enoe '""""' ·-· ASSISTANT JIUQt. 8ch art.I. Phone Matun • orpnbtd, thtnlt

53&-Jm. for - · lt!!I-. Coe t ExceileDI typj'1, olmple

0 S bookk••plna . Oood t•f<l>l'att manner. -hackpound IO tndudt a .



"""'ln­*1 Aft. o. LICulota Loo.- llllt.

(Al !he El ,.... oil ...... a.o. -.r>

-- - .Ad-· l'ubll...... M--rtnc Oo'~and=.

BUI' EXP 'll'Olml llOREl CALI. OEO. aJU.INS n..-~ 1or.,,.

n.<t1'oo"""1tn Adhnlw SaJtsma.n to PIK ~2 ....... IOl<-50 - Madi Oprs. I0 '5.00 F/C llltlqor/P A L lo !lllO

lo 11111 !Mon.

- ·!!'i- . a&nl 1SSC Girl ,,_,.., lo ISIO ,ICIW' TrairmJ t)lpe to -IBM~_.,.,.,.. IO M1I Cen'I l"ltl~ •P to Siii • £ 11th (1111 IMN) C.M.


- ... 41111'llllloll!llTDATlo NI II adl Don't dllaJ • • ...a..,_


·w..., ~ • Roop" F'rGm lrNmftl IO tr&* ---­CAI.I. DAILY PllDr

11 !' I


• lnslct. Phone Sales • Switchboard Openitor • Secretary -• Typists • Exp•clltOI' • Order Rn.n • Co-ctor All9mbl• • Qmllty C011trol lrnpKtor •Fa.ct.Ii • PwdlalhMJ Ci.rti

I•~ .. wlll bo i., .,,.._ I only W•- fAM l 71'M °" T....ioy & Wedrt111d1y. Newemtllr 21 & 22 et 1M Al..,..tor Inn, 11700 -..;-rthur­IMl. 1""1e.

CMI Dool -- 1etw .. Appelfttuamt

- MeftiMy, Hew wftk1r l :IOAM a - Fw

(714) 133-2779

Co., 11& E. 16th SI ., Calta TWO U-tl-6 m\ld t: ,,_..,.. ttwy ,._..down Ow flptt lo cokn. llu daublt ~ Mesa. f'd truck tlrts A: 'Nhla S40 ~. rnalu!' )QI kd: ""-n and live- rtt. on .._ crodMt. I·

Two U..16-6 mud a: ...,.,. 1 ... ....... ., __ .. 1 .:Mid '""~ .aft :a.u ~. YARl>-bo)I to c\can A main. tins RO ea t• 50.Sl 1 ... ._1 ""! ... _:.._!1.. KtEN ll ·m'IC Cl:JlfTlll Win bot.LI. Ml.Ill be OYt't 1-*. · • ' mlar loo. ZIC- _....._,. U&I tor etdl pa"""' • add c~n-ait wi no lone halr, Musiul IMt"""*'tl 122 block. ttnll 10r .eta pdf'rft tor CllU Gt&-«61. Prtnwd Pettf'f'n 9ftl: 1'T.W Md and --.....__.._1 •landl

-- - -- · - - GIVI A P INOER H•ll """' tn1t. 1214. "'" Atr ·.....-~ POR CHRISTMAS tel» 111;, »~. s"' "" ~.~ - ....

I( 9r.. ) Hatd to rind ff'MllW ... - . t buet J7) Wn 1 lll yatda. 'lllfl!lfb ttt men• 8lnd ta . V """' anall body clual<al &4ttrl1. AI ... - .. DAILY 'miiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim;iiii;l cu! mr. Rni.h wtth ::""•::! ~ P1LOT. 1(1\ N11dl1 •ilh

, ~ liCUJpcurN ntad\lN! hNdl. P'- -hn'n llOr ~. Dool Ill. Old ~ Appllanca1 112 New •l ol Au1u1 tl n11 ::U~..:c*',..:..i tlatlift· SlaUDn. f'J"' Y"'- Jlf.Y.

•• 7

-'-'------- ·~ SIN'Tltw for STO. 1 ..,..._ lblnklw UIOll. ~...,.. Al* www. NORGE E1cc DrYtl' as. Pb. Milct. m-1m an. $: J). ~ wUI tak9 °"'" 'te ~:Li: 'all';;· ...,,. warn. PA dl')'el' m. CE COMPLETE Ludwic dnun ... or l'WIGN. 5tNI .., • """ •uto wuhtt m, C£ port. _. otith rymbtll •Dd ICand. Mariu Mllrtil\, tht DAILY Oociif'. ~ de. d1~h...-..hl'r '30. GIMm. • Ma.lee offer eftet 5 pion. Pll.Df +12, Paltmt Ottit-. •:::::--Mn · 1 r ...._ Ot:llv. MT-«W or ~ ~nu. m VI-. - SI.. Pl.w Buie. ilnc)' ~ ......

&\'TRA1atteaYOC9dof;l'Mft UMPET. <Ml ll•dlo Ycft. H.Y. - u:1M Print ...,._, 11.,_ J door K•nmort modtl *"htltw•nlmulH Jf&m. AMY-- wtt1' ...,... ~ 111111t "SUp.omuu1ttt" rwb1stn· UR ~. $lB. •un. llP, MD ud 1"1..11 ......,. ~ p6dWta! hf· Int. t-:Xttllt'nl condition~ ~ ll'ftll. ll.00 ~.w.6Ql•fttr4orc:x»rN tt\un"4. Sl it. Falk SE't MORE Qu ll':ll 0 ,., ........ ... wttkcnd.. rutta.r. J30, l.IMt ,,..., P"UMoN t.nd tt.... on. _ "'°" lban a &ifta -

W ~ • ~ltlt- h'Glft eur SIA Ronf oshen/ Oryon '""'h'"/ CW• .... All ,. 1 1 .._ - •

S1 Wit. ""'1 malni. •-"" l2A ! OlllY let. SIA o • .,,_UID * = l!<STAl<f SE'\flll(l llOOK II ...., ... - • '9e. e t>IRIW~ "Jhln. ICM MODPl.. 44 C:OPttR W .,..JI. ..,..,. __,. ao.D011iow. ._. .. n ,.,.. ~·-4111·-. 1

....... ~·· ~ a ..... Xltot """" - ...... r I 11 I 0 N '°'· .W d . .. lO: R. C:. t"eley ' ~les. =A..~ H A o I ::- ... 1 • 11 ...... 110. l YR 11""'"· drl A ... 11).lllllO. luhfoo. JI ........ - t ....L Lo ....... .. mt' !'ii;;/~ IU llton'I """ .. - ... I

Ken"'""' •'11.W'f, Pt- I . , - I ' l• t, ~ "'lfl ~ .. .....,... .,_ • "!F..2.~~ .... '..=~J'l7~r·~-= .. ._-... - ., ____ ... -- -

• " • . .

ff DAILY l'ILOT ' I ............ I~ I "·· - J[i] [ - ... - J§l I -·- l§J I --- ,.-..... §J I --

A ____ . i_m.._ ..... _n_ ... __ 970_ , ~A; •. ; .. ~, ~1~;!;!!!;~~~970~A~_,~ ... ;·~~~~970~ ""'"" u.... ,_2'!9'...._ _____ 1_54_ 1Cycl1t, BlkH, ·- Xoot*'9 92S Ft-et to lovin&' hOme!!l

2Cock.._ 1 male 2'1ii~ )'f'L old, l Fem. llii yn,. old. REAl.J... Y GOOD W/IODS A N D CREAT COMPANY. Sm!. does 112 lbs.) All shots. Good trlcndl to each other &. can not Atparate. ?a1ovlng CR.llSt'& our loss of the Jov.

Ing ""''· • s,n.5607 • GREAT Dane pupa lntttna· dona! Champ. blood' lines. AKC rea:. $100. 962-5495 aft

" COCKER Spaniels, AKC. I black U mos., l choc 10 mos. males, $100 e a . 630-«)25,

MIN. Schnauzer puppies, 8 wk&.. reseNe now for Christmas, $150 ea. 630-4025. AKC Dobennans 1 wks, M&F. Reds & Blacks, Shov.• quality. Shots, ears crop(X'd, tenns, 642-1152.

*PUG PUPPIES* ARC Reg. 11 wks old, shots. 494.19n.

SHOP early for Christmas. Tay poodle puppies, A.KC, 1 male, 2 fem. 642-3US.

Pedigree Afghan Pups $100 832,JIG38

J-IOBIE CAT 14' Xlnt cond. $S50.

538-6310 (Orange) 24' Shark w/ trlr, jib, gcnoa, maln sall, spinnaker, anchor ·& line. $3000. 67f>..3616.

Columbia Zl. 1970, $1695. Clean & fast. 1t1aln I jib. Tenns. 675-6675

KITE, No. 893, Excel cond $600. Term1. 304 S , Baytront, Bal Isle, 6T:>-fi675.

'72 AQUARlUS 23' sloop w/'72 9~ HP P. ng. Loaded w/extnu'. $4800. 543-ll.31

·n Coronado 27 Inboard, like nu, used under 60 hn. Slip avail . 640-rno.

&ooh, Speed & Ski 911

20 Fl Sell Ray 200 series. 1 year new. 445 Cl Oldsmobile pack-a-jct engine. Equippecl for fishing & water skiing. Fully equipPf'd t a n d o m trailer . This oulfH is likr new. Original cost $9al0. Sacrltice $5000. P h o n e 83<><482.

MUST sell 16' Runabout, nu, reblt John9on 75 ~er usedl $650/ beat of­fer thla \l'ttk. 645-6434.

MUST aell 14' Ski b>at & Trailer.

531-2164, 548-899:>

'-~ )~

WOW! ' 70 DODGE, V. Spd., (MlS)


Ton, 4

'62 FORD V•n, 3 Spd., (G61835)

$895 'S9 FORD, 4 Ton Stake Auto. Trans. , (9435)

$895 '63 DODGE, School Bus V-8, 4 Spd., 24 Pau.

$2195 • '67 DATSUN Pickup, 4 Spd., !XCA228)

$795 '63 o/• Ton Ford Pickup 3 Spd., Air, V-8, (Nl2· 710}

$1098 '69 FORD 'f• Ton, Spd., (9435}

$1595 '64 FORD V. Ton, 3 Spd., ( N5259t)

Cempors. S.le/ Rent 920 5695 '67 ECONOLINE VAN

CAMPER. A! C Elec Jrlg ., bed, only 42,000. Xlnl. $21 75. ~ or 543-7729.

SHEU.S for Import tlhOrthc.'11 & .S' truckll. CU!!!On1 •ht>ll~. caboven. 1.-t:csa CatnPl't Sales, Z36 llarbor. C.M. 646-«I02. SLIDE In camper sleeper.

. IN$ULA1'l'll l29S

MJ-23()1 PICK Up Can1per Bltllt to order, 13 avail. 89H5$.

Shelli, opllons

'63 FORD, t;, Ton Long BM, Auto. Tr•ns., (4'-919K)

$995 '67 INTERNATIONAL Tr•vtllall, t Pass., Auto. Tr•ns., (9435)

$895 . "'4te .. ?N-..

465 E. 17th. CMta Mesa -Cy<ln, Blk" '69 CHEVY % ton heoY)' duty

1_k_oo_,_.,_•...,.. ___ 925_ plck·up, 3lO cnain., PIS, 1171 u~. ~ SL - lie P/B, wooden Md, side

QIJI-- - LllOt. nt tl'lckt for lona: material. mtdHJoo ~ on .. S pm. Sl8tl0. 862-2381 IMl-2W.

1 ,;,===:;;.....,.,....~--- '69 % 1 lnte~1 ptckup '70 250 SUzukl, does not run, w/10' cab o/camper. Fully ta111. npaiftd 1175. or best equip. Sacril. I IT so .

- · - MMm. YAMAHA 3fiO Eltduro, '10 roR0=~250=-%~T~on-P-.U-.-.-ll' Lo ml. Clean. ~. cab tMr camper. llu 4 apd

8J'J.$'l9I • ~ v.a enclne, Good ·n YAMAHA 3fiO Enduro'. oond. 11300 S'IMS75. x .. C<lfld, SIOO or best oller. 'Ill 'FORD P. UP. v.a. 4 l!iil-&G-BI tet1y ........... Rimi ..U. SR!O. Pvt P<1

-..... - - - - ~ 963-1152. - - ..... "" ,;;;;;"'""""'"""""-=''----,, ~1111""-Pnl\y--'~~Pl~n.~w"""'-·--- Need a "Pad"? Place an ad!

' ' I

AHa Romeo

NO\\' ON DJSPLA Y Sales Service Parts Body Shop



$57.56 Loaded. ROTARY J)O\VCred. 36 mo. + T & L. f'or resp. rty. Trades cons. • '72 ROTARY'S

"Demo Sale" 10 TO CHOOSE

" BIGGEST SAVINGS" " &-rvi,.e is the rll fference" HUNTINGTON BEACH

. MAZDA 173.11 Beach Blvd .

842-6666 Lease Mgr. Mr. Fry '69 VW Bug - Xlnt cond. Car cover, chains, 45,CXKI m1 . $1195/ofr. 675-5942 eves.

'68 Bug, reblt engine & new headers, xlnt cond.

lofu1t sell. $650. 540-4013 '69 Red Bus, chrome rims,

xlnt cond. , xtru. Must sell. $1300. 5IJ-.4013


$695· '67 CAMERO V-8 Tr•ns, (VINl17)



~ ..... 465 E. 17th, ~leaa



'67 Chev Bel-air 4 dr Sed. MH, 4 id· tires. $.175. Call 531-7788.

'tiO Chev Impala. Good l'\ln­ning condition. Make otkr, 645'0.'!59.

'10 EL Camino 350. Air, PS/PB, Make otter. Call John, 89J..1162.

Lllco to trade! Dur Trader'• CLASSIFIED ADS A . ..,.., want Id u a a<>t>d in- For that item .,,.,.,. l50; lry vestment. the ~Ml Pincher.


::"•m::::':;..="=5 .. ='°'=,~=·-'..!..~======='-===!t4=2=·=5=6=7=8= _ A-. lmponed 970 j\utoo, 1...,ortec1 970



'• vw ·-·-· 'U VW FASTUCI - .... •1• . '8 O!llPER ... - . ..i.. '1791 '70 YW IUS ...... ..... *1791 '70 VW OAllPIR •.• ., ..... •1• '71 vw • ... ~·· 121•

eu LttoU Toyota-Volvo

,.,,. • 1 -• \

• r-·-"'"" Ueill "° ~ Ullil "° 1 CttQIOLET FOID


1964 Falcon 'R8nchero, Good transP,2rtation, New tires, 14l5,8'H89o.

'63 Rar;\blei .AmetjC&Jl, .good transpOrtaUon car. $350. 6(>.8931, •



'72 CLEARANCE ---------NEW DATSUN 1200

Z·DR. SEDAN SttndtNI tq11ip1T1•nt l11e l11dt1 ht•I•' · d•frolt•,, whit .. wt ll ti'''· l.u111p1r 911• rd1, loe•in9 9•• t1nl. 4-lpHd, t ll 1ynnehro trtn1. I ll'ILICh 111111r1 int:IMdi119 ower lO 111ilt1 ptr 111111111, St ri1I # '4Z2,4t.

C~RANCE Slt02& "RICE . ~

+ TAX & UC. ---------, DATSUN 510

~ '!l•lnM wltti • ..._tle trt111., AM r1dl1, 11f.ty ftMt cfiM ~•k••· tlRtM 11•11, IM111ty ~c••t 11th, wfHt. well *''"' t- 111il••1• •••~urtiw1 ur. S.tlt l •J44tJ I.



+TAX & UC.


' I


isirano .

'*' * . - - .. ~ ..

VOL 65,; NO. 325, .3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES . . . ... --



N.Y. 81•±•


·Fire in Littered Honae Yields FortUne· ' ·-

MIAMI (UPI) - When Otto Macon WU Judlell -ia!Jy ineompelent last year wr '. netgbborl eomplalned of the node .,,.;n he toot · 0.. bis driveway, autboritsea coWd fiDd no relallves to care for bbn._ :

So, ·the •year-old rqplcter was sent to a •""!DI ho!ne and his Junk·littered ~ wu left aballdoned and unguarded. · <Mr ·::lk -.i, _....,,.. " children

sneu.o;rJnto the llillue,:jit candles. and . -;

-Da1.s of 'l;error

started a fire. · Fireman dousing the blaze stumbled

across 135,000 cash in addUlon to jewei. and securitie1. .

Macon's. court-appointed attorney said · e would ast a county judge today what to do with a hidden h9ard of valuables.

"It's g~ing to be very interesting to.see how many people·PQI> up now clabnlng to be his relatives," said attorney Mark Buchbinder.


• Youngsters Beat, . .

Rape Woman,8Lf PIULADELPlllA (APi - An 114-year·

old widow Jiving on the 16th floor of a north Pblladelpbia public-housing project

Sailor Accused . Of Car Assault

' . ' I

. In 'Calpistr$Jp ~ of .... d!i 'Willi • deadlY

,..a~ irere fil~ agalnot a )'OW1' Navy man ~Ing, the weekend stiortly alter of. llcers al)eged he attempied to nn, down a San Juan ~pistraoo service station at­tendant.

Orange CoWJty Sheriffs offi~ aaid attendant -Charles Howard Hufferd, 24, .told them be was oo duty at the station at 27401 Oretega Highway when two men attempted to remove a number of tires M display at the premises.

Hulferd s a I d he loroed the men to drop the Urea and then tried to stop their veblcle from leaving. He Identified .Georoe-Szilage-W.-11,- ol USS·Bancodt, Los Alamltoo. Naval Air Station, as the diiver of the car.

Deputiet said Sz1lqe attempied to nm down Hufferd who received a glancing blow from the vehicle. The attendant was not seriously hurt in the Impact.

Szilage a!Jo facea cherget ol petty theft. Ills companion bas not been booked pending further lnvO.Ugation DI the in­cident.

Helen Beamer . . - .

Rites Scliecluled Funerll ·services wlll be oonducted

Tuesday in Whittler for Mrs. Helen M. Beamer, 15, of San Clemente. Mrs. Beamer died Friday in San Clemente.

She }ived at 221 Avenkl• Del Mar. Tbe rites will be held at 1 p.m. in

Hil!Jide Church In Role Hills. Memorial Park.

Mn. Beimer leavn a son. 'G. A. Wa.uon df Fullerton; a daughter, Mn. Nala Wray Bilava of Westminster; 1· sister, Harriet Coppin£er, and a grand30!1.

Frtends who wish ·may' make memorial contributions to · American C 1 11: c e r Research.

No Holiday for_ Trash City tnsli pletujl wlll taU place oo

Thanklgtving, Chriltm11 and New Year's Day for t- ~ ~t~ realdenll wbote regular prl>qe - day lafla oo such bllldl1l,·Qty M-er Kenneth Carr bU' imlOUoced.

QUICK PROFITS -ON 2IYD CA.LI; ~ Thing• move qulcklJ with DAILY pfLOT cluatfled want ods. llo(e the ~loWln& ad' ,

COi'I s 'sa. 2 BA. !nll. ,.,.. tined streel 1n Wisldlll. 1llS ·

+ depolit. UJMIUX.

On !be - coU, the - .... rtnted and the new - ......i Ill.

Move tn oomo quiet proltts of your own by catllng a DAILY PILOT - · Dial direct 1424f71.

I • J

is recovering from five days of terror during which she was beaten with a br~ick, stripped, raped, toitured, . burned and robbed of her savings by four youths, !>'>lice saJo.

The widow, with no kJ'own relatives, wa$ so bruised and covered with welts and frighteoed that she ate nothing dur· Ing ·the ordeal. u· _.. polite llld,' wbett the lour

yo•ths - aged 10, 1~ ll and 13 - knock· ; t C .,. Sunday "'-the door of her . . . !I• the ~ ~ Proj­

ect .it>i Wed If they ~·;,,., ..... rand.

Reoognlzlng the voices . . youtha whom police said she knew (One lived nm door; another had delivered . h er groceries), tbe"ll-foot·l, lJ$.fOUnd wmnan opened the door and permitted them to enter.

But, police said, the youths im­mediately ransacked drawers, ripped open a mattress and demanded money.

They found ...,. money, tQOli the only key·slle bad to the door ud -tened to

-kill-her·tl-sbe·told·- -t their ifl. trusi!lll, the vii:tlm told pOl(tie.

On Monday, ~vestlptors A~ the youths used the key to enter the aparl· ment, anc1 ·agam ranuded the room for money. And they .... u1tec1 aDd raped the woman, police aakl.

On Tuesday, the youths forced their way Into the apartment, raped the woman and burned her lD the chest with an electric comb and matches.

The youths· returned Wedneaclay and TI.ursday anci committed similar attacks.

• A social worker found the apartment In sbamblea duriDi a vlalt Friday, poflce said.

The worker said the woman told her the youths took all her money, about $221. 'Ibe woman had no telephone and was afraJd to leave ·the apartment betauoe lhe feared bell1( locked out without her key.

The youtha were charged w I t h burglary, robbery, rape, vandalism, In­decent assault and aggravated ma.ult and battery. •

Burglars Take Rare Antiques · Rare antiques and silverware were

stolen during the weekend from a Dana Point home by burgbn who may have been dlllutbed while loading their loot.

Deputiel aatd the lntruden - Into the ol Marjorie V. Kincaid, 7', of 33172 Valeaala Platt, by prying open a bedr--· hlvatlptGn believe the elderly mi· - may - dlllurbed (he lntruden u Ille rtlta bed home from shopping. Many of her _..,. lll!I silver .....,.. llcl, coUected °"' m1DY ytars had been lakl out by the l>ufElan prior to bel"I bundl· ed up. they alil.

Mta. IOncald Illa nlued the mlahlc ant1qom Ill • •

Macon was arrested for a hea1th law violation In September, 1971, after neighbors complained aboul the stacks ol junk In his yard and the smell of rotting vegetables he c o 11 e c t e d from supermarket trash pU...

What really shocked the neighbors into action, though, was Macon's habit of tak· ing sbpwera tn his driveway in daylight hours, starK:llng naked as he sprayed himself with collected rainwater. A judge

Mm.ting llp

ruled him mentally incompetent. Macon's frugality extended beyond the

use of rainwater. His frame house in Miami'• southwest area was without electricity. He used candles instead.

On Friday evening, neightxlrbood youngsters exploring the house lit son1e of the candles they found. A fire started and was soon raging ·through the house.

Firemen put out the names and then

checked through the hoo5e for remaining embers.

They found bwldles of blllJ from 11 to SIOO stacked In a closet and the attic. plus jewelry and stock cerlillcatao, bonds a."Jd bank books - all In Macon's name.

Firemerl tpenl afl night counting bags of colm and' bundles of money, then an­nounced they had come up with $3$,000 in coins and usable bills plus another $2,500 too badly damaged by Oalil(S to be negotiable.

Wt 'P 1 1

Vietnam veteran and rancher J im Brunotte, 25, climbs on his horse Can.can with a bit more diffi­culty than the average cow boy. Brunotte, who breeds ,and trains horses 9n bis 3,000-acre Colo-

rado ranch, lost both legs, a btnd and an eye in com­bat. He was named Colorado Handicapped Maa:.>I 1973. .

Kissi,.,ger, Red Officials Meet

At Secret Site PARIS (UPI) - Henry A. Kissinger

and North Vietnamese negotiators met at the leCl'el location today (or what could be the final round of talks to end the Vietnam war. Indication.! Were that the talks would last several days at least.

'Mte Viet Cong marked the occuion with an angry outburst against Pres;dent Nixon and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. It demanded there be no change In the CUJTtmt draft of the peact accord.

"We want lctlon, not. words," delega­tion spokesman Ly Van Sau said.

He again denounced Thieu as an obstacle to peace and said : hHe must resign, and the agreement mU!l bt 1lgn:­ed as it stands."

The Viet Cong statement aid : " Remarks of the U.S. govenuntnt that it wantl to bulkl an ' and hononb1e peace for all nations' are only a bluff."

Viet 0.,. offlciall dtterlbed their ltatement as 1n offklal pronouncemmt

(See PEACE, Pqe ll



• ,I

Supreme Court Declines

To Review Paddling Case WASlllNGTON !UPI) - The .. U.S.

SUpreme Court declined loday to con· sider whether the paddling of a public school student without his parents' permission 111 unconstitutional "cruel and

l riternal Ailment Hits FBl's Gra·y;


Operatiori Set WASHINGTON IUPIJ - The Justice

Department uld today F'Bf Director L. Patrick Gray had been stricken al htJ home In Connecticut wit h an Intestinal obstruction and would undergo surgery la1tr In the day.

A spoke1uru1in for tht dtpartmt:nt aa\d Gra)', 56, who hut history of abdominal troublt:s, bec•me 01 11 hil home In Slon­lnl!IOl'I on Sundly.

llr wu tlktn 10 1.awrtnl't Mt.moriAI ll°'pltal In Ntw Lofldon for olio<rvatlon ind dorM>n decided late $1nday 1n OIJO'a!lon -~ be neceswy.

A spoknman for tht: department said ht cHd not know bow terious Gr1y'1 con­dition .....

GtO)' WU sprndtnc the ·- In Stont"'""' pttor to a acheduled Sooday nl bl fpttdl In Boston, wblcll wu ""°"Ii.ct.

The YB! chief. who toot - ovtr the burtau 1fler J . EdJtar ll<Klver diil!d thl1 y•ar. 11<1 had probl<ms with abdominal pAln llnco he auffettd a rupeuttd · ap­pendi• while tn the Novy during Wo!1cl War 0 Ind Wll u111J>'e to &« prompt lrtllmtnL

• '

unusual punishment." \\'lthout comment, the court refused to

bear an appeal from 1 Dlll.u. Ttt. father and ton who iolt. lhtir chlllqe of the practtc. tn lower federal courts.

In other ldk>n.1. the court : -Ruled unanimously that compultr

program syslemJ art not pal.tnttble u~rtttnt law bot •~r recom-­m that Con,,_ look II the 1ech­nolOt1ical pniblems in the blUlon-dol!ar industry. -ot~mluft! an appeal by New Orleans

D!Jtrtct Altomey Jim Oan1aon from lower court rutlnp ~ hbn from further proaecutlon ol bualnetomln Clay L. Shaw.

Garrison w1nt1 lo proeecute Shaw on chlrgea of perjury stemming tnwn Gtr· rtaon'a tnvt1tlgatl0n ol the John F. K.,.. nedy 118811ln1tlon.

- R.tfuted ti) vacate 111 ordtr ltlytnc • "'•er fedtr1I court rullng lhlt Coo­nec:t~'t 1ntllborUnn lc.w ~ un­ronllhution.11.

Al the - ol atate -tits. the tSee oooaT, ,... II

l\larine Hitchhiker

Killed 011 Freeway A hili!ltll1'1lfC ,:amp - Marine

- tmick "1 a car and klllod w1J ..,. day '"' the Slllta """ ,_y _ ... link with the p..ieo o ..... ~. Iha C.IWomla kta!lny Pit"" l'fOOrltd.

11tomu R. '#.,.,... I&, dlo<f lnotamtJ whtn hit bJ a car driw.• "1 Dr. Jf!fT'J I!. Cl ..U. JI, ol Slota Am. Q-ooka and bl5 wire Lima, 11, '"" tmled for m1nor tnjuria 11 tllt Orin~ County Mt<l!Qt C.,,.., and .... Id lie - 11111 died.

r .

Fire Chief Lawrence Ken11e7 .W • unknown amount of 1dditioul billa WM e\'identlY destroyed. when ftre gutted tbe attic.

Buchbinder said be searcbed tbl lalll shortly after being appointed Mlcoo'I guardian, but mis!ed the IM>ard of wb, jewelry and documents. •

" I'm sure be knew It wu lbete and probably worried about it," Buchbinder said. "He ke~ saying he wanted to 10 home."

School Bond

Issue Tied .

To. Frop.osal By JOHN VAL TERZA

Of .. Dllltr' , .. llllff

Capistrano Unified School District trustees tonight will consic!er blending a new bond Issue with a public vote qn the

conll'Overs1al all-year·s.chool pr:oposals in a special election early next year.

1be trustee actiont tonight were scheduled on an addendum to lhr ~Jar

agenda prepared late last week. (See related story on Page 3) .

. fl tbe hoard al"" to placinc the 411-LI · pr0gram up lo a vote It 'would mNll lhat their Jong-pnallaad ·dedlloa , t b I I December on lmplemtntlng id·,Ul'­IChool would watt until the electorate Ml spokal.

The proflram, while Wlnnln& IOtlle aup­port in the d!Jtrlct , bas erupted Into a fulJ.blown controversy with pa re n t groupo actively oppoalng the keepln1 o1 youngaten in school on 1 12-mooth bait with three-week v1catklns at regular t. tervals. ·

The surprise dec.IJion to place tbe two major WU.a on the agenda lA>lltsht ap­parenUy came from Trul&et! President RDherl Hunt and the D t a I r I c l AdminlalratJon.

It callt for trustees to eomider lettin1 up a bond lllue iestabltabln& the dollar amount u "'11) IDcl tndudlnc the 411-11

vote in an eledloa lor Fob. • · At pment; - the dtaUicl ta at the

midway point in ~ aeriea al lnlormattoaal meetings being he~ In many - to expbin the 411-15 """"""' and poll parer.ti' views ol lhe klea.

Although no one wlll yet reVMI the running tabula!Qw ol atraw voc.s talo!tl at the meetlnp, -1tlon bas -lfevue at w eastoaa

The opponents are repn1mt.ed bt tbl Concerned Par.nta' Commlttee for •LI. A spok...... for the l'""P alta U I pandllt 1t eac:b lnformatkll Mllll"

In """"' ....U admilllalnltors llld trulleea have IUQ<lted that a bond -vi·oukt flCC f1Uure unMll the IChool cam-­puses were filled 10 lbelr uJ1tmate.

And • ll·ye•r ldml, thly added. woi.aJd convince voten thet the clJatrtct Ml tap. ped aU avatl1ble ........... before ..... to the electorate to leek tut.borluUoa for --· The ne<t Jevttal Jf'ln. Mm!nllln-hlYI' Jald, ahlpe up ir'llO 8 critlt wtth pup.1 growth far elCN!ltoc the - ·· cap<clty for bulldln( new -

The d!Jtrlct'a tut bond - _.. In 111&$ ohortly 1htr unlflcotton. 'llW'tioc­torate luis apprG:vtd 1evual O¥tn'ldt ilat<I . .

Jn the mosc rectnl. vown CMt • tS.. ADOF.NOOM, hp II

' t: .... ,


I .... ........ I

It 'll be IUllll1 throuP ,_,, I and a tad .. ....., ...... or- . ance Cout. with bmctt. ........

1 l11ttl ..,_ • rtJinl to " ....... . Ovtrntgbl Ion up<Nd II U. 1 bl&h... '

IN81DS 198-'Y ' 11.- H ...... la '""°"""'':

plaoalfiQ ... ,.imo.a, - ... • cweult o. tllt •"'-nd toNIUI of 1

'"' 0 C'... fllwt. S.t t1or}. Nj/f $;"

~ j~~ :- . : r.t.::- tr. ......... • l ....... - . -!!-..... -·, • w ,...... ... ,, ......... ... ........... ...,. .... . .... I • tt


2 Ex-CdM


Arrested Newport Beach detectives waded

through hip-deep snow to a cabin at Big Bear Lake Saturday lo arrest·rwo youths suspected of setting off a pipe bomb Thursday n1oming at Corona del Mar tfigh Scbool.

GleM Leslie Barneson. 18, of 2140 E. Balboa Blvd._and Paul .Berithart, 17, of 2527 Bam boo St. . both former studen~ at the school today are facing felony charges of detonating an explosive devlce causing property damage.

Barneson who will be arraigned this afternoon in Harbor Judicial District Court is being held on $25,Wl ball in Newport Beach and Bernhart has been booked into Orange County Juvenile Hall pending a hearing on the same charges.

Police said they are sWI not sure what the motive was for the early morning bombing which blew ou~ windows in the ofnce of Assistant Principal Betty Townsend.

"They had been fooling around with some smaller bombs which they told us they set oil in the Upper Bay," said detective Sam Amburgey, one of the of­ficers who made the arrest at Big Bear.

Amburgey said the bomb was ap­parently made of a six-inch length of galvanized pipe stuffed with gun powder.

He said investigators found a supply of gunpowder and pieces of pipe and other materials in the garage at the one suspects' home.

" We had several teams of delectives working on this one," Amburgey said. "They talked to a lot of people before we got our leads."

Bameson is a graduate or Corona del Mar High School and Amburgey said Bernhart was kicked out of the school last year and is now registered at McNally Continuation School.

The bombing offense carries a minimum penalty of five years in state prison for an adult. Amburgey said it

- was-not cleat' today-whether-the juvenile suspect would face a similar pcnaJty.

Man Sentenced; Recruited Boys As Homosexuals

MINEOLA, N.Y. (UPI ) - George W. Brehm, a wealthy father who pleaded guilty to taking part in a nationwide ring lhal recn&ited boys and teughl them !\otMseoual practices, bas been sen· tenced to 10 yean in jail.

The Long lsalnd salesman had his

~0,000 bail revoked. He waa lnlled

artier this II10lllh alter the district al· mey's office charged he was p~par\ng

to Oee the country. Detectives said they lf&W provis!Ons being loaded aboard Brehm'• 1100,000 three-masted yacht.

Brehm, 49, is a father of three and an office equipment salesman. At the time of bis arrest in May, he was serving as an tmpaid athleUc recruiter for Columbia Unlversity.

Brehm pleaded guilty_ last monih to ty;o charges of first-degree sodomy.

Ji'ro11tP .. eJ

PEACE .•. by the Viet Cong Provisional Revolu­tionary Go·.'emment "and therefore im· portant."

Their attitude raised the possibility \bat the Viet -O>ng feared Haooi may ' concessior.s during the talks which begar.. at an undisclosed place somewhere Jn the Paris area.

Kissinger ordered his special U.S. Air Force pla11t to a base in West Germany, Indicating his stay will likely last several jlays. . .. r Nixon's chit! security adviser then ioppcd out of the U.S. Embassy ~bidence in a white Mert•!lies and drcve ~tly off for his meeting with Hanoi .btgotlators Le Due Tho and Xuan ·Thuy. .,

DAILY PILOT I TM or... CMll CM.fl'( l'ILOT, w!lll whldt I It (ll'n'llll,... llMI NIW\0 Prttt, It 111111•11~ .. I rN Ot ..... CN•I l'lltlllthll'lt C-r. S.... 1 r11t H ll..,._ l <t "'*'ltfltt• MMHI' ll'1tf\lll'I I ,,....,.,, IOt C•ll "'-· H......,. •tldl ,

H1111!111111M •Mdl/ ,_..llln V.ii.y, L1111111 l t..c;l'I, lntlM/Saililltloldl ..... kn (~II/

I ~II JoHll c;.,.fllr...... I\ tlftt lt '"-/ ! .allltfl It Ml ........ 111...,dl't't IN !.Yndl~.

I TM pr l!\{jpej tlllH'-""" It II )lO Wtll I h't' &lrMt,. C•la Mtw, CiMltnlll , tl'&)4..

I laMri H. Wt14 I l'rttMMl!I .... l'uOO~

.. J11ll • • C11tl1v Vk • l',...\9ilftl _, G4ntf1I Ml/llOff

lh•m• • x .. .. n .....

• , I

. SQpap l'ot111d

Po¥.e~ Seeking· ·'CQfill,ty Doctor'

.. ~

··• ' EURE~ Nev. (APl~J·A wirrant is

oof! for the· arm! -ol .leari-Paul Sinistre efta this small town in central Nevada is qalq without a doctor. • SorQellme In Jul7, sto!stre arrival In Eureb. pmart.d bis 'v~ lllate basl<:'scfence certJllcate. &lid.Ml.Up' lllop. In a COlllty ol 141 l>d>ple, be, - ap­polctod county ISoctor at all aiU\ilal salary

County Commission Chairm'n Charles Vaccaro thought' well ot Slnia:tre.

"He helped 'em all that went to him. Ho knew his slull"

Would Eure'• lu\ve lletn better olf II Sinistre h¥( not aJTlved here?

Safe Thef.t . .. ..

A·i ·Sc1iiiol

'Covered' · .

The •1.400 burglary ·or the safe at San Clemente High School three weeks ago will be covefed by insurance if records substantiate the loss, CaplslraOO Unified -School District asslstailt superintendent Sam Chicas reported.

o! H OM ' • • '• -· ~· -··. ~ -Until lilt week, Sinlstre~llcecf. 1s a ~!";.id .~ix c0inm>p1>.i:•i· c:an.~. Ute diititCi ittp:piey'S' office receiffd Its firlll ~tiOit;:~ t1Je. cJoc. tor was not all be:said' lre -.s. ·

"There are a lot of town people who feel that way," says llfrs. Joan Shangle. the county clerk "But he was very well thought o( by the townspeople as a doctor and as a person."

At first there was some quesUon whether the Eunds. student money ac­cumulated since· tbe st~t o{i he school year, '!AUld be ~~ ; · _ ~ ....

OAll'I' PILOT Stiff l'tlll9

J'hanksgiving Donations ' Checking the cans of food deposited in one of bo:tes set up in bank.s and savings and loans offices in San Clement~ by the ,Women '.s Di­vi sion of the Chamber of Commerce are Fern Dickson (with Monique), Mjcki Wolle (standing) and Cecilia Fiantaco. Food will ~~ basketed \Vednesday and distributed to needy families f.o r Thanksg1v1ng Thurs­day. Cash contributions are being requested to buy turkeys and other perishables.

2 V niversities Take Holiday

. Both of Orange County's lUilversttles -'Cal State Fullerton .... and UC Irvine - will abut d$ Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Libraries at UCI will observe special holiday hours o .. Friday and Saturday, b11t will be closed on Thursday and Sunday. The CSF library will be closed throughout the four-da; weekend.

The only public even scheduled at UCI during the holiday is a perfonnance by the P r a g u e Chamber Orchestra set for 8 p.m. Saturday in Crawford Hall . Tickets are $2 :~

Marijuana Plane Crashes; Pilot Burns to Death

SHOW LOW. Ariz. (AP) - A pilot ap­parently ferrying an estimated ton of marijuana from Mexico was fatally burned when his plane crashed into a hillside and caught fire near here, Nava­jo County .sheriff's deputies said.

The twin-engine plane nown by John Coates, 39, of Patagonia, Ariz., was trying to land at an isolated strip near Show Low Saturday night when Jt crash· ed. deputies said.

Sheriff Lyle Jenkins said four men ar­rived before deputies and pulled Coates from the burning wreckage. They were stopped at roadblocks and booked for in­vestigation of conspiracy to smuggle marijuana.

Coates, burned over 80 percent or bis body, was taken from the car of one of the men to the Show Low hospital. 11e died two hours later.

The sheriff ldentiofied the four in custody a.s Joe Romo, 18, and Frank Rorr:eri, %3. both of Tucson. and William Garn:. 22, and Reynold Huseby, 25. both or Denver.

Deputies said !he plane and most of its cargo were destroyed but enough mari­juana was recovered to be used as evidence.

The ont-ton figure was estimated vi!)ually by deputies on the scene , Jenkins said.

Fro111 Page 1

ADDENDUM • • • landsllde of yes votes 10 continue the district's present override.

But trustees and other school .officials have insisted that bonds nre a far dlf· ferent proposal.

If the election indeed Is set for early next year, twa:third., or tho$e voling v.·ould have to Cast yes vote• for a bond issue to pa91.

Fron• Page l


Blast Hurts Six Boys; 3 Serious

Three of six Santa Ana boys injured Sunday in a swamp gas explosion are in serious condition today in the Orange County Medical Center.

The boys, all teenagers on a bicycle ride in Orange, were exploring a stonn drain when one ignited a cigarette lighter and the gas exploded, Orange Fire Department officials said.

Rick, 14, has second degree b1.1rns on his arms and face: Tom Little, 14 . has burns on one arm and his face. and Tim McGinnis. 11 , suffered first degree bums on his face.

The olher three boys escaped with singed hair and eyebrows.



Ashman said he has been told by con­fidants of presidentia l aide Henry A. Kissinger that Kissinger will resi gn to become head of the Rockefeller Jo'oun.­dation.

The sourees of his Information, Ashman said Sunday In an Interview on \VSO-TV, were "several close friends and rclalivts '>f Kissinger In New York and Washington." .

Appgring Jn connection with the Eastern release of hia book. " Kissinger : The Adventures of Sup e r - K ra u l ,' ' Alhman said Kissinger's resignation will come following the appointment of a new secretary of state.

Raft Tragedy Cycle Daredevil Kin Drowiis

BUTTE. ~font. CUP1) - 1be father·ln-law of mo1orcycle daredevil Evel IWl!nl -drowned when a ru&ber nil camtn& hJm, Knievel and Knievel'• two ION calfll>ed.

THE vtCJ'll\I WAS John C. Bork, 63, Butte. who was swept away by the s~lrt currtnt momenLS after ht pushed Knlevel'1 10-yeaMld soo, Robbie, onto 1 loll at mldotrHm In tho awll~y llowlns Mt\llaon River.

Knievrl •ted O>e olher boy, Kelly, lt, brlrabbln& his jacket t.o keep him lrom IDJo& undlr. _

• TUE FOUR WERE duck hunllng aboard the J.3.loot rail whto the <n1ll

atruck • Joc ... d capslud. - •


Re had made a '!illPYP cuncer:ning .the date he filed an appll<;allon: • .

As Deputy Dist. Alty. llYloll BUyeu relates, hi.s office and the cikully '!!om· missioners began an lnvestlgaUon Into the doctor"s credenUals. Laol week, a day before charges of p r a c t i c i n g medicine without a license and obtaining money and property under. ( a I s e pretenses were filed against him, Sinistre skipped town.

There is a considerable file on Sinistre a· the oHice of the American Medical Association in Chicago. He has ap­parently attempted to practice without a liceme in Alaska. and the papen that were presented to the Nevada Basic Science Board have the official seal of Indiana on them.

Also, AMA records show he attended · the Palmer School of Chriopectic in Davenport, Iowa, from March ·through December, 1971, but received no ·degree.

Although olllcJals are qreed · that Sinllllre should llOI be allo11'ed lo practice withciut a license for 'feat. Uui.t someone may be nlistre>llcl by. him, It wou{d prob­ably be dilflcult <O'Oollvln<e'the people of Eurtka that they are liefter. off without their doelol' ihan the1'-wm with Jilm.

Eureka had been wltho<it a doctor from the beginning ol this year until ~tre arrived. · It is some ·75 miles from. the town to Ely, and the nearest doctor.


I i i I I

. Now al··· '-•

Sheriff's deputies note that he often went on ambulance calls.

Although he has a warrant out for Sinistre, Bilyeu comments that matiy people in the town "don't care if he's a doctor. They've got to have JOmebody."

Bilyeu adds• that "obviously, too, he has some medical background." One source says that Sinistre had been a medical corpsman in the Army.

"We have found no evidence of malpractice yet," the assistant district attorney continues, but that "does not mean it might not happen in the fµ.ture."

Atty. Gen. Robert List says that the AMA infonned him that the Indiana certificate Sinistre presented in Nevada is a fraud.

Al one point, Sinistre contacted the of­fice of U.S. Sen. Alan Bible, because be was unable to dispense drugs without a license. An aide to Bible saJd that all the oUice tried to do was expedite Sinistre's application with the Federal Bureau of Narctitics and Dangerous Drugs. The ap­plication was approved.

Scbools don't usual))l'.keep. lllat:.much cash. tin campl/!!.1t II l>onnallf deposited in baU:l~ntS' · 1

• ~ .• '

The .rRord . .. reoraolclOi-41 still , being investigated by San Cle~ ~1who report litUe signifieet~jn the case · .. '1· · •• ~ blvglars look t~ -~: ~s

from 'tchool shop areas. abd Jbm .. brpke inta>,Jdministratlon office!l' ~ IQd 'j.Dto lhe safe. . ..

Chicas said the safe would cost mi to replace and that vandalism to. th& 'build-ings will cost $llXI. ' ... ,..:

The district insurance corrtpaayJs still workblg on the case. Chicai Uid the district ~Cy does cover the Jois 8s'Jong as up.lo-date. records and rece.lpts iUstily reimbursement.

About 90 percent of the money came from fund-grais)ng activities of San Clemente High students and the re­mainder from similar events held by Dana Hills High shldents attending classes at the same campus.

Princess A1ine In Hot Water . LONDON (UPl)-Prt:.~c?SS Anne

is · in trouble again today, this time over 4 foxhunt. .

..We can confirm that 'Princess Anne has been b unting re­cently," a spokesman at Buck­ingham Palace said.

The only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II reportedly joined t be foxhuot while visiting northern England.

It was no criminal offense, but the Royal Family has avoided hunts since an outcry against the sport by animal protection groups and con­servationists.

At, last!, b,ro~p. sear, grill with cool Microwave cooking i



from $349 Litton Mlcro·Browner• exclusfve

with Litton microwave ovens.




Litton's exclusive. Micro-Browner'" Steak Grill



Now you can use your LIUon microwave oven for 95% of your everyday cooking -without the use ot your convenlional broiler or griddle. With the Litton Micr6-Browner, you'll have light, golden brown pancakes and Fre11ch toast, crisp •hash browns, seared steaks ana chops,- fo~s with resulls never-before possible in a microwave oV! n.

terior • Largest interior of any counter-top micfOo.. wave oven. Ask for a demonstration and taste the diflerence the Litton Micro-Browner makes In 1 microwiYe oven.

tt.n1 111;.., tin M. l 1H. .. It.JI. s.t. , ,, ... 4.

Your microwave oven and kitchen ·remain COOi , yet you enjoy the appetizing appeal ol,conv<111ilan· rn ally broiled foods. The LIUon Micro-Blownerpi!- -· · LITliON vides the capability for browning, oe1ting, grlll"1g, • , _ .and trying - during microwave cooking.

Lillon's ·exckislve Mlcro·Browner )Olns 'lhese tt · · • - • other Litton microwave even flrsls: • . Pushbutton Li on;: Microwave Ovens: automatic defrost • Bright, .easy-claart•tcrylfo in- No_,ykno-.Mo,. •ti:outtaic1owe¥tcOOklfllthMUUon.HoDocsy.

a.o'w Prices are, raisedebewhere!


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\ )



' .. '

IO DAILYPILOT SC Mond1y, •- 20. 19n

Manager ~igration Seen COMPLETE NEW YORK STOCK UST ~ew YORK cuP11-ire11ow111g .,,

f; ti Oii 1M H..,. Yor~ 110<-• \ lldwl'll• !

·Economy Optimism Prompts Young t,o Move On w.:;,·,: ... ~ .. --~"·ij; ~~1~~! fil~~i -~ ift u u ·~ ~ 161 - lo )kld0t11 Ill(

By JOHN CUNNIFF workers whom they wanted to an attempt to seek a fulJer ~~«11,1 ·~ j' 1, 13i, f~~l\, ~:ilf~71 1 U

"' • 11t1""' •uiyu stay. Sortie of these 'talented ll!e. MOt,-,,1

,,'4 1 : J~ Je J\'.,. ~ ~~~~J; NEW YORK Th I I I the! r A«n -.;p •1 uv. 11 11 - • .,. ,

- e volun- poop e os r sense ,o "Alter elgh: to 10 years with A1tn.t ' ·" •U nh 1 ., ""+ ~ ...!:A.~ t

· dlr-1· ·d J n1 Ti.. . MtN 1 flf t 1 '9v. """ s,1.+ (• , ... ary egress1on rate among """ ion. sa1 en ngs. 11.iy a company there 1s a great •~rre co 1• n ,,.,1 ,,,,_\I ,..,.. 4.»cl . "· "'° ~ed th d '· th ,. •11<• ," ·~ • ~!+ (, II«~· MQf managers in tu~ir 30s has ex"""' e \X. ten ency 1ur en. to sum- " r P[d .20o s. u w•11 u 1 "-''" ·"' ' beeo 11hooting upward since Many ol the&e managers are marize theh match or : 1~co,~S1~ 1'1 11"°' 11111 11

'1t . : :n 11: t'· fir f h 'd h now movi"" on, said Jennintr" · •·h 'th th .ii:-111 1. 1&1 J~ altt ,J~1 \ II c~ >t:~ ·~ st o t e )·ear, sa1 t e "'ft "o m1sma'+ w1 e corporate •1~0·• 1.10 11 \!,~ 1•111 1•···- 1. C11etPi1 , O."

: proressor. Optimism prevails, who maintains 41 listening world. They sometimee feel :l:a:' • ~i~ r1,~, 1 -·~ 1~ 1-r 101~ . c111 Eli1 iOd

t · 1 Tb I 1·: ,~, 1 ... J: Jll'~ ~ i·~ C.111 M/h,.· Cp · and tj)e young mobiles are pos s 1n corporal ons. e r they . have ove.rinvested in ~~ .il! 3 :ft. u~ ~ I: •M1tc11 111 , changlng jubs agau.. employment was never rein. career but underlnvested int~'\~ ::1 1{J 2~v. ~ ~~\:.- 1, ~:r:ru~

Jt Is nothing unexpected. forced by the company, be ,; file." · . "ion LIJ ,14 " """ 33111 lf'-1+' 11.otkF . ..c.

J ch id Tb -"'t told -'-· Tbo ho ' · ,_ A ••n ·~ I02 '~ 9 •'4- \? ~~\! ~'" USt as water urns when the Sa · ey ~'r1:.11 Ul!{PJ Se. \Ii can mal.GJ t ~· a 1J'llo 11\AI 11~ II. llrs Cr 8111 kettle is heated, so also do the were :wanted. ~. ) themselves now tend~go, ., ~ o;'

1 111 ~1;, 1 1• · · c~ '°

spirited, talented y 0 u n g . ~ . • l ..... · ~enninP. o~r~ " ,Y are . 1 ) mt 41a u~+.~ hiYll'.:' ' I managers begin to move about -~ EAS~ 't'pEJR ~i:nent · "i • ·.· • ,

/ rebelling agairJS• * ~·11ey.t~1~ j1 bl lli: l!i1U f~~·2.lf1 when the economy gets hot. It Js the, faCt ~· opporliWtles ~ life, agaihst wh~t is caned .Ui ~li;r~Js i fi! Mit ~1'+ ~ !~cF: 1'.tJ•'·

is predictablE. . ~f ag~ m st. &t::au~ '°' the flNiNCE 'five to lline' routine.'' .or ut ~r•k!d~ ... , · tJ2 r !;i: ~;- ~ ~i;~ Eugent: Jenpings, who has. agar1e~ ct birth rates and working until 9 p.m. 1ben :t'wl9dt~ H, if·" :W.\t ,__, 1~11· '-1.

spent his adult life - he's a economic growth, middle-age · others leave at 5. 1t1 •eti .!Otl i&t u~ 1!Yt ,m,_ ~• ltr.:~1,, ,a b' ' •• oh. n '"'-' ( A rAUIO .411 7S ni-. !l t~ 111.'t- ~ 1d11tl'' 2 ~·911 1t on the fa r side of 40 - stu- managers are 1n gron .. 16 ~ Aloto• Pt .32 ll ino uv.; n'lt+ i• 11v ' "" ' 52

d y i n g executive mbbility, mand. There are openings for titudes, also rev ea! a tendency ' 'THE UNI CNS gave the ~=Su 11.: 11 1W.' ,ill' i!t tt I~ I~~ pi"''\

maintains thpt this group is .tho$e in their late 30s to mid· for managers to move to blue collar worker the idea of~~ ,jg 1~ }Al; ~j'·' ~1"t ~ !~e~'°:?: the avant.garde of j o b 40s. 1 socially oriented jobs. · a fuller life," said Jennings, t,.. ft~, ~~ 591 ::v. :r' ,W>,,2 t• '-"' 0 11 • .e changers, and tf.bat younger J~s monito~lng points. In addition, Jenn ings "but nobody speah tor the ~.Uriil\ 3·~ ,..ll '1£~,· 1 1 tt,~t1~ ~


1·nl and older executiv~s· · will '-;wbhlch~are voluntarily manned believes that jounS. and mid- ov~rworked e·x e e lot ti v,e. f: tia.f '".;& 14 1or. ~ 1~ \; IOor011 .s2 follow their lea.!.~ ' ' . ' y <COrporate p e r s 0 n n e I dle-a'ke managers todiy are There.fort, he cdncludcs, they ~ ·~~I 2;'lo lff na 1m 1m+ ~ l?!;"J;,, :fl

''' '\' -,...managers .111d ot1*rs with a restless to change the·ir are s p eaki ng. up for~~r~ 2'.li ,!1 ;r"" ~~ 4 1+ ~• .i/[b :~:' "THIS GROUP is vital to feel f~r chaDClng ,worker at· c~reers, not just their jobs, in themselves. 1";

1 t,,, 'l'~ 1.i 1J ~ 'l~ i.+ ~ ::i:~ 1 .~

understarlding bus i 11,-e s s~ ; :,;"&, 1 ~·3~ - 1p ~tt:- .lfr• 1 ++:.; .a111w1 enf economics," he said. "They m"" \·., 1

• ~• ~ ~ *1!n 1·..:

h h b·u h I n· L ~ r,",,,, vi .. , "" ~ ' 1± ~~ ColoP pf ] v, ave t e most mo I ty, t e n 19•• uear ADtitTer .'3 21 I ~?lI + ,; ro11w.1k .s. greatest capacit;· to be op- · A 0u. 1 .1e11 •• o ~ ,~ ... •, co1nn R1t110

A011I pt .Ma jl ll'h \'" ~\i + •o Col P'"" .ll timistic. They are a good AmEI•-~ 1.«1 3 s 30\~ 1P4 ·~ ·~ ~ ~olon• •I si i

barometer of Optimism. When J. s· 1 B k G d ~ e!:.PO~ l~11lo \"1 1

#. 11'>;. i; c:::n~


betting on the future ." ~ 11~ 1~, ··~~ 21~1 if"' 1~!: ~..= ·~ ~ f Pr~·~ F I t t h

. • AGl'lpt t'.eo ~ , \,._" .. a,, i.•1

they move it meanspeopleare Im emons ' rea s roun . . ~~~~·,j;l,• oll ll~ m: IJ~+'' i~:i:· .. ··\'\ or at eas wo years t JS • »o1,1 .4Dll 1 ~ !\!"+ "" 111 P1c111'" A Homl 1.11 7j 1l 11 11 + i'I olS Oh 1.14

group, which is usually· the AmHoJp .n 1 " ' " + v. O!llb e t f t h . b F M' d ' c I Am Inv ,)(Id n t ¥1 11"4 11\lo '" SOI\/ . .i mos ree o c ange JO s, was B A MKlld .12 101 , '2VJ ""~to ..... st !If ' .to

!rust ted " I I ll'g d. or erce es enz ·omp ex A Medic.or~ 4!S t 1ru 1l '- 1'1 mwECI 1.:IG ra . n e ' ence IC· AM111cir 1..0 , , l!'MI 31'" 31 '" . ~Ed or 1

lated that they watch their - ~ •• "!'.!; m .r.: .m .m. ' c:li~. \·\\ nests.' ' They were unable to Am Se•• .n 1 ~ 1&"" 1no 11•··- •• CetnwEd w,,

AmShlp .609- ' ' ".1! '2tli 1tllo- ·~ C...,Ell ewi hasten their careers by job A smelt 1.20 1~1 i;v; 11 n

1•+ ~• )~'ff. 011 •1

changes. By CARL CARSTENSEN late model top of the line "between 70 and 75 new cars :~sti: :!& ,ii ~J,,, fl~ ~r~.i. t·, ~' '.~2 Of 1M 01lly P llol St•ft th Am~1Gllf ''~ 12 64'4 63\fJ "' + 14 CGmDIJlr Sci But there is more than op- domestic used cars flus a fu ll per mon ." ""'t'rtn .51 1l1 ;?~ ~ ff';': · ~, COfTIO\lt sa11

timism and ambitio1. involved Ground has been broken and line or resale Mercedes'. Kraft :~r~rJ·~ ~ •i v. '1 ' • •rr.t '" >:1 1 1~ in executive churning, which said they'll carry about 65 us- * * * :~w:1~ .-:1 12~ 1f 1· 1r~ 12"' + i\ Conr•cc ·.Iii) construction is now underway AW!, pr 111. i.So 11:,; 1',"1 16'~ v, ~:U~od i:t•0

, still isn't as intense as it was for Jim Slemons' Mercedes- ~ c~s. The)'.'' 11 .also put. a Chevrolet zone sales for ~~/'ill' 11.~\ ~ ~~ 11~ \t;,t ~a11•E.s 111 .s in prerecession days but may -ilffiOUS!ne service In operation October in the Los Angeles ::=~ .~ ~~ :~ j~ J~+ ~ crniF:' ,:::,s

. be double the rat~ of 1900 and Benz dealership in Newport between the dealership and area totaled 13,501 new .. cars AMF in i.ot 25' 5:m s1•• 5J?'o-t \ :. >:;; ~11~, 4;~ · 1970 ~ Beach '··ated 1·n the Emkay Fash1·~ - Island for customers Amt1e '° n n•• :nc-. l2'111+ "'~·- L~ ,.

• • l.N\,O ..,. · and trucks helping the PS~ AMP inc :u. J 11 J1~ 111 ~• 111>.>- 1v. cM.Nc"\ ~ • Between 1965 and 1968. sao'd Development C p m pan y ' s leaving their car for service. Coa t Re · all · AtnpeoP .:11 '4 1'11. 1v. 1· ~ +·~ c_,,. Pw· 2 s g1on set an inPtx · Cp 31s ~ 1\io , ,,. _,,.. c:onP o1 ~ , , Jennings, who is a professor Newport Place, the new Jack Young, bu s ine ss sales record, M. J. ~~-.. •• ,",.,•P 2s 14 ~4 u-. +r. ~·on Pot ''i

M C des d I h. ·

9 e .. .,.. a lt 30tt Ht'i JD\\+~ Pot'"

.at Michigan State University, , ere ea ers 1p 1 x - manager and development Schumacher mana"er "''•rof 2.6s 2 • l'tl ~1vi 43\.\1+ 4' on11A1r 'Ln ' peeled to A ·11 1973 ' 5 ' DI' .611 ' ' ''• tV. ' \i . .n C•n t.60 an author and business con· open pr1 • · engineer for the new project reported today . Ams•td 2 . .io • •w. ., .... u t,_"' ~11C•no1 ' '"

It t . r. . Im 14 th r· d that Ith h Amt.I /fl .20 53 6\lo ' ' " 6li. ''' on (OHet su an, many c omp an 1 es \,Nvermg a os acres, e con irme a o u g Anteon 12d 1» 1~ 1•·~ 1t•.r. cooJ)I' 111 recruited more talent than $J,000,000 facility will have Slemons is now the largest ZONE PAS&ENGE·R car A11Ct1or Ho • 24 2fv. n"' 29 +~ oni1 COfo 1

sales for the 'month totaled .•.,M~,,' ,·."'• n,, !~ .!~ .!"'l-~ '.', ',,',• "", . .:; they needed. Then came the over 14,000 square feet of Mercedes dealer in the U.S.. 1c 101J - ~Y• ... .. r.: 11 ·1 .,,,

recession. service area and be more than the span should become even 9,865, up from 8..002 in Oct:Ober' ::liJ ~ :~ J;(.., , J;"' :;,,... ~ ~t}~~1

twice the size of the existing greater with completion of the tasf year. Last month's· car t::,.<>1• .1~ 1~ 2~ 2:4-: 14Jt.!l? l:i!'&!/•'~ ''THEY DISCOYERED that Santa Ana st-Ore. I! will also new store. sales-were 5,271 . ,Truck 'sales ~~~ 'f1' · · ~ l: rr' :~. Ftrf~6~~·

loo many of the people they become part of a future 20 tt~!_aled 3,h636;-versus 2,168Lafof :~~~ l~o 1t41 4~C'1,tt~~v.+~ r~"'11~ l. had hired were not of the pro- · acre auto CQmplex. SLEMONS, WHO is a native •ie mont a year ago, st Aic•t•N .1 4 11 1:n• 13'!t ~ ~~- Ind

01 Newport Beach and has month's truck ~. sales totaled :=~~ ~1 12 g~ = nt.+l~ ~=~J"lj per caliber. They were forced 1 884 Arctic EMo 4C ~ """' mi-"" rOOCi'Tr U'ld to counsel out a lot of young TJIE AGENCY will employ been a · Mercedes-Benz dealer ' · ArlJ 1'$ 1.16 111 ~ ~ 2•+ -. ~::"' ... ~ and middle-age manager_s," about 65 person~ 'and be able for the last - 13 years said , Calendar yeaQ to date sales ~~.P"iJ.' J ! ?Et~.,r:~ eOPWS11 1.a. To be "counseled out" is to be to completely ·service 80- cars '' I've wanted to move to in the zone area total 94,llOO :s::r.s11 2. 1 ~ 15 r"~ ~ +: ~~1:. 1~il laid off gently. daily. A new insid~tsisle Newpor.,t Beach for the past 4 new car and truck deliveries, ~ft!Cf ·~ iflti ~ 9 \~,-it f::'Bl3'°i

In reducing their staffs, ' showroom will dlspla)( 12 new years because most of our compared to 8i.',504 . fPf ~tbe )!,rmsl 1.'° ,'.~ "•1_: , ... c:-, .... 'h C~, 1.11 cars with another. 75 vebicles customers come from t~A January th............ O e f o b er :~1~'°9.!r 11 · .. .... r,91111 Fl ·'~ , however, many companies '"' ... ""6'' · 11tdii'"' 20 ,..,. :it"11 L · · · croct..- 1 u

·i · 1 on display. beach area but these decisions period in •1971. • ~ll!Opl' J:c 1P, ?m ~ ,1~ +111 ~:; j,• fa! ed 19 reass~e competen Bill K f I take t1'me." Chevrolet sales 1- • ·- AaMC a • .., ::n Jlif 1 1Vo r: c " . . ra t, agency genera p ·n ,._ ... 'DA ' "' un:i ,.. OryG 111 11 ~ nv. s~ _.,.?.Cl Df 1.20

PERSONAL manager, sajd· the new Coastal area resi dent s r!!_Ctoobec ~~ ncgllJon during~:~ ir~ 3;\i. ~ .. ..M,.. :· · c~ncr;., dealership ·wm specialize in purchase .nearly 50 percent of · \.]\; r set an a time one A1111- .4llD 11 11 ' '~ ·1•r1+ 14 r:ts co :~ mo th h' b Ith to ala I AtlcMI 1210 u 22~ 2t~ n _ ,. t:vllln1n ,,.




all Metcedes' sold in Orange n 1g w t 0 A)IClyE 1 "° ., 23\il mil '1\\ ' rvmtm .llM County. 39,710 cars and trucks. The :it: .. l(::r3J ,m ~~ ~ ~t1_ ~~~-- cw~

record October performance Atltc pt 2.eo •l s~ ~ s1v;+ ,.. C1Wt1..wr A Slemons is pasi president of . A!l"t l\Drl . , ~ 11 131\/0 111116+1\'J l':vtlO!•H 1in

the Orange County Motor Car sutrp~ssedM the! previous h!gh :~O'•ic.'~I' .s1 • 1mo' 'lilt ··· ~~~Mi~ se 1n ay 972 when salts A111om o. • u " · " ~+ "~

Dealers Association and cur- totaled 39,378 for the ten :::"' t:': ll? 1' "' 1 1nt: ~ 2:~Wf c: rently serves as chairman of western states in the region. . :m~cr· 2~1 ]j ft: ,.J~,, II4:.?+ ,..» ~:ri.::<1 .,,: .:.~ the Southern Ca l i fornia Tb - A d 37 1> .. .1"'1 Mercedes-Benz dealer counicl. e Los Angeles ' ?.One ·fu. 2~ ·, 1~ E. fl !t ... ~ R:~ ~ ~],4

eludes 71 Chevrolet ,de&lers ·µi 4~&1'" 1!i 1 "' 1:11 , \'I .., R:rnntn 3 ;.

IN S, ·~A the greater Los Angeles -~ A .i :u\lo "" . , • """"'" .u iu'11 ANA the ... ~.... llE 11 - o.yPLt 1J!1

.1 dealership has ha n d I e d Mw .1-ll I: ~ ~1 it~ . ., ~~lw ·1A1 ;,r r!ri '.iJ'. n >3+\!ir,..IPLJll

ftUnterolJS other import fines p Ge · n•rOll .111 ' • ,I U+ 'II> D.i Mnt I but will be exclusive Mercedes - eps: ts Rl'IG~·~ 1~1? !l.o 1 fl ... ~l~t ~ ;;;:;::•· ,.;~ ' in- Newport 8e'a1ch:-The ·first -

11 - 18~-1~ 1J - ~ 5 _,!.a = ' 1& month rSlemons took on· the '

1 .. ,•~,.%, • .'/" t~ 3J~ 301'1 ~ 'i ~-~~llf·Gl

835-3305 . Merced'1 line he managed to Rheing· ol.d ~~v."~ ll ~2~~ tt~ ~~~~ · 1 ~1111111~11111111111111!!!1111111~:::::::::::::::::::::1 sell 3 oew cars, last year he :'~'% .. · 14~1 "~ lfli .{" ti ~1~ n.~:~n i';

' MY""'-1 average<; Over 50 per . month ., ;;~CR ,I] " ll* 31 v v.- \;, e°' '«

4111 S.. S•"''' l"e, S111i. A.Ill

Now Pl~st11"c Cream ~ and projections for (973 are Stock Offer tir!J.5 ~ t~ i~ if~.~ .. ';:~::~ '" ••• tlll! F d R II NEW ' YORK (,;) _Ii:!~ ·.~ ~! !llL lf.{ ~~·~ • :":fii1

'nventi"on,r:''ftrArtifi1,.:~1 Teeth or eca Pepsico lnc. says it received Ill:~~ :.I' ...... 11: .. ,," .. ii=~ • ..,; • rv "Kl ·I 1 more thQ;n 2.4 million shares IK~O ·~ ' "14 4' \.'J .. ~+ ~.. ti•• ~

Altificials" ..... !~!'!!.'• ' ~~~;~ revolutioniz:edduitUn! To Involve of Rheingold Corp. common ~"~ 'll ft; rn~ ff\~~ 1S ~ D n.Ulf• 9'flln' It lett you bite harder, chew bet· stock, approa:imately 76 per. H ~ J f~"" ~ f1V1 lf~ .l::l

Now.rorthellrsttime.!ICienceotfena tu. eal more naturally. F1xori1':"-T cent of the common shares ~H't ·~ 21.l if•, ~ ~~1~ :~li :r: 11everbefore-formsanelasticmem· Dentures that lit are es5ential lo 40 000 c t 1111 Df J ni· fl 71 1 "' • 1>1astic cream that hold• ~ttltt:I a1 lasta for houn. Resists moi!ture. outstanding, as a resuJt of ita ~0

f . .o 41° ~ ~ ~:a_: ~: "'::.,.'~ brane that llt/(IJ llo/4 Jlltm lo lllt heal th. See your denli5t regularly , ' ars ender offer. ... co 1.10 1 ~ - tt~· !! ,,n ' •uitural 1i,111eJ of y1111 r n1au111. It's a Gtt enr·to-\19e F1xooENTDentur• Tbe company sai~ aJI shares := iYl 111,, ~.,, lfl ~ 1l '- 11

{.,. · ~ unique discovery called F1x00Es~ Adhet;ive Cre;ia. , DETROIT (AP ) _ Ford proper!>; tenderei will be ae- . 1~ 1~ 41'

1 4.. '"' 1 ~ < 1~

1000 .,.autiful Stic:k-on





Penonallled • Stylish • · Efflc:lent

Order For Younoll or a Frl....t

M•y be u,ed on envelopes. es return •ddre•• lebels. Also very h•ndy *•• identlficetion lebels for merkin9 person•I it~s 1uch es boob, record1, photoir etc. lebels 1fick on gl•ll end mey be used for mertrin9 home cenned fffd item&. All libel• •tt ptint.d with 'tylish Vo9ue type on fine quelity white-91.1m1ned p•per.



~ (

Motor Co. is recalling more cepted. Originally the Oct. 2S ~1 Rj Dl.J ns [~ ~ II ~ than 40.000 1973-model cars offer, which "erpJred Jut 1.~ rl! 111 ~ 1 ial i \.'I ,. , 1.•

and trucks which may need Thursday, was for 1.8 million r~ai,,,1 ~ !m l'~ .• : I·~ I:""~ \:!~._ corrections to avoid braking shares, or 5!,,,-perchent of the ,rts: ij~n ~"'.'-. " loss or fuel leakage. common, at .... a s are. ,,.rno c ·'° •• - it · '

The Federal Trade Com· ~ c1,.;"' · U - " I Ford said it would recall in mission announced an agree- fo7M" 1?i . .! ~" I:'~+,, :i ·

the United States 11 ,725 1973· ment with Pepsico, under m,,'.. i1•~ fl1 ,!f 't"' 'tft--. 1111 ~•1Jl: model cars equipped with 429· which the COffil'lln) promised 'ltd J·'4 h ft" 1!,,. rsc• ,::, ~ 4V engines and 31.660 l!r12· not to take ·any steps to -~ ·~ •; '1•'• iii" '1iu,_ ~ =: .,, )'? model Econollne trucks to find assume or exercl~ actual ~1r.~- :~ i!t1 i~: if~ I ' " st 11: some 2.600 vehicles which may control of Rheingold before 'It~ J.:, ~ 8i? t! ,,..,_. •1 =:HI,/ need the corrections. Dec, 4. and not to talte such ~'oiHo":l\ ] ,f~ . ;~ g'a t ~ ~ ·~

Also affected are 945 cara stepa afttr Dec. 4 without gtv. /'\IC .J l, "t ;~ .c>Y<• A;;:.

d 2 "7 I "·I C d d I I 10 d d rUllCt 1,ij I f ''! '' an ,..., rucl!.o'I .1 ana a an ng at east ays a vsnce ~""""' cr.i .s o~ ,,. .. 14 l~oc~1 .r: 114 cars and 857 trucks In ex· written notice. ~~ :it ll tt S ~" ·Air port marketl. I~ addition, the commi .. IO<I .:,~ ~ ·~ ~ " 1~"',.i!\

About 2,540 of the F;conoline said Pepsico agrttd not ~ ·. m ' • It I~ l:J trucks have Improperly routed take •111 1\epl to cha.nge lhe ~· ~ 1 1~ V: i:t! it ::tftc .r~ front brake hoses. Ford $&id, corporate structure, board of ":f~I,:' 1 ~ a~ ft... 1 =a lft •t' \\'hiCh rub against the front director! Of mlnagen}tnt of. z:r;w. 1 e: '° ' fl.~ .,_~ .M:ltOA,;!

su;r,ns:,;;:1 ::~g~ause ~ J\helngold ~r.,. Dt<. j. i~ 11, ~~ f.l ~ mJ! ~ ~l3 ho" 10 ru?hlr<, tead1ng to • A areement Set in.:!. : "!: •11:: ·~ .• ~l:r.:o~"' los~ of frOl'lt •hetl bra.kine " '"·..,..... c~. ··.ii~ l ~ "•" , ~,, :;111~, '~ and increuQCI s topping A " -- b r~.,: ,... 1 · • distance. l .:rout west ~~~~ ll ~~ • ~ '"oil r-

oe lbe 429-4V Ford5 and S_,_.... Ml., '- -

Mercurys being r • c a 11 e d . Grtat SouthWUI Co<JJ. Sllld g .. ~ f' !: 1 : JJ:::;,1:- •1 about 65 are ~tcd of bav· a~t hu been re•chfd l'1 1 l it , li:E .._ Ing cerburetor fuel le1ka:ge on atU.telatnt of a JUit bnlUPl ~-<r. ~ ' ~""": " which could l'elUlt In dtlaytd r I r f • • starting, Ford .. id. a#ainlt It by four o " .....,. ' i ~ ~ .~ ,~ t

0 lctrJ. C:.,,.,, I I ~ ,,: .:;:."("' The company said the Thi 11u1aUon lntolvesr~"' r: t~• "':::•z li'!

possibility of tM fumes bt.inR clahns against 1he company ~~ ~.,. ! "~''"""' iii ignited "11 utrf.mcly rem~. by Angus C. Wytme Jr .. • i~ "'" ' :;J., ~ . . ~ it W°'11d rtqUlrt tbe former Cre~t dir ':'.:Pr 1 " " .. ~,..:~ .. • prtstnce ~ a spark from ter and ct11ef n:ecuth·e of. .-, ~- C• I ~ .. • ...... 1.• IOmt 11nrel111ed malfuoctlon 1n fleer : 1wtlliam C. Baker, • ~ ,~,:,.. ~ I)~ ' 'I'-'•.-. • o o m b l n 1 t I o n Y"ith fuel former Great Snuthwtst d1rec- flt• • ·~ s '- • ~· ""'""' ,::

.. Vlp()rl." tnr and prt1idtnt ; and WUU1m ~ '1' 1 ' : , · - :tEr~ ~ IMpecUon and nettssary 0 Ka~ and 11.t... Clldwdl. EE 1'1i 1 r.:: ~ ::; ;:=.:~,-.

corrtietions will be provided hy tonner o!Ottrs of Grat t.i 1~ 11 '' ,,,.. ·"' ._.._,. • dulen at no «111t to Southwest ar r.t:icco Realty ~:;,' :£ j 11~ t;:! ~'" ft - := ,.'; CUJtomen. ford 1ald. c(I l=:-.:.. - ,t tr.; lft. n. - t. ;;:;::,, ~

" .

··- .. ' •

Mondiy, NMmbtt' 20, 1971.

Two Men, Claim Plane Ot,ersold, S~ Hughes AiroJeSt Sch09l Closes FRESNO CAP) -Qu«ll of

the Valley Academy, faced with a decllnin11 enrollment and financial pn>bitDll, will CiOH ill doo!$ after aradll'I' tton ceremonies • uext June .

Waitress Baccarat Specialist

PHOENIX, AriL iAPi -Two Sedona, Ariz. men who con(ended they were refused pasuge on a Hughes Ainrest flight last month because the

plane had been oversold have filed a $7S.000 damage suit.

William Sleinbach a n d James SUsa. in the U.S. District Court suit, charged

they had confirmed reserva· tions on a Sept. 24 flight from Las Vegas , to Phoenix, but after purchasing their Uckets were denied permission to

"' t

board at the gate. The men Slid they were told

by airline officials at the g1te that lhey were late Ind . Ille ,,iane was IUll.

The alrllne accepted their tua:ase at the Ucket counter and it left oo the pl1ne without them, they added.


LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP ) -A blonde forn1cr cockta il waitress ad vised by her physi­cian to Ond a sit-do\\'?\ job has become the first y,•oman bac­carat dealer on the Las Vegas Strip.

Shirley Brancucci , a divorc­ed mother of fou r. ages 7 to 22, had never dealt cards until she enrolled in a Las Vegas dealing school .

e newwa to cook"Picture Perfect~ " l"ril just a natural-born

baccarat dealer ." she boasts.

HER TUTOH . Matt Paratore . agrees.

" She did an excellent job.'" he says.

" \Vhcn I was training her. I told her from the very begin­ning that she cou ldn't just be .. an average dealer because she's a woman and 1 didn't want people to get the wrong idea that because she's a woman she got a baccarat job."

Although b a cc a ra I is simpler to play 1han other "·agerlng games. 1t is con­sidered !he most prestigious because lhe slakes are often higher

"V..' EUROPE. only the \'Cry 1-1·eallhy play b a cc a r a I . ' ' Paratore said. "H's the king of the card games because the most money that is bet at one particular time is bet in bac­carat.

"There's so much money in­volved. the dealers have to have a little more on the ball ."

Mrs. Brancucci says she decided to switch )obs after her doctor said getting off her feet might alleviate a back problem.

She lost a bid to ~ the first woman baccarat dealer in this gambling town by about two months to Dorothy Stevens, a 27-year-old Briton. who worka for the downto'>''n Union Plaza llotel. ~1rs . Brancucci works for the Stardust Hotel.

These days, Dad, tre easier to allow them 1hln to tell them. Air Cellfomla haa )uat the Ucket. With Air Cal's new "S0-26 Club" you can tum Saturday Into a Fun Excundon Day, For example, you can depart Orange County Airport at 3:15 p.m. and arrive at Ontario Airport 15 mlnutes later.

You centakaa loOk around, or catch a flight straight back.

Either way, It'll be a first in their lifetime. And a weekend they'll never target.

$5.40 round trtp which is h81f the regular adult fare (regal'dlesa of age). Thanks to Air Callfomla'a unique weekend ''50-28 Club" , l!ytng ha• never been cheeper. Md l<Jda ,,..,. -­lllppllt.


• •


Right now. Standard Stations and almost all 'Chevron Dea.lers are making available a collection of 90 .. Dinner is Served" Menu-Recipe cards-a remarkable new way to help make your cooking J easier and more .exciting.

On the front of each 'Card is a tempting, full·color photograph of a main ,di sh. You cook to match . the pictures. 90 different main dishes. Like Stuffed Baked Bass, Beef Rouladen, Swedish Meat Balls and Broiled Chicken with Herbs.

On the back of each card is the main dish recil>e. suggested \ide dishes, plus a convenient cooking schedule. so everything gels on the table at the same time-pi?ing hot. ·

You get a pack of I 0 different cards-every week-for just I 9f· '' plus tax. with any gasoline purchase. And you can also pick up two index cards,

·a, handy filing box and card srand for just 29<'' plus tax, with no purchase necessary. · · Start your collection of .. Dinner is Served" Menu­

' •Recipe cards and start cooking _ pi~~ure perfect.

*Offer; including prices, may vary at participatins Chevron Dealers.

...... :----- --..u.· .... ::- ..... ~- ..... ' -... ... _ .,. .. _ ,,;:'::--•... --..... . ........ .... _

·~-- " ,, ........ :: ::;:---':-=:::·--- .:..----...... :-:,..~ · -:::;""""- ... -·---:::: .... ·!~-..:.. "':.:.::-"=.::.:: --. .;,'<• .• _, "'::;,• ..... ,_ ............... -... ...... . ..:-;:: ... -":"---· ~ ... .. " .:::::---..... .. _-..... ~...... ....... --~·-- --~ -.. .. ";':., .... -.,~

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-· . ~ ..

s...19~it At S d Stations

ostall Chevron D


Chevron ers

Offer iocluding prices may vary at participating Chevroo Dealers


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; ... ., ' ! ''

·'..' ' . .- ' " . ~


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, .

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~ • L •

Mar~et Regroups;,: •

Trading Moderate NEW YORK~P) -Tho 1!ock market, whk:h moved to

hi~c new~ h•I ts last week, paused to regroup today, leavilll the mar et little cha:f;ed for :the seuion.

T11dlng w11 moderately ve. . '

"From a tecbnlcal P<>oltlon," 1Jld Monto Gonion. cllrt<1or' of research !or 111e Dreyf111 Corp,, ''the market ran ~h a lol of 1t....,U. and volume ,....Uy and ~ 1 little ... hauiled er~ topping the 110jlll , mor~ on the Dow."

Gordon eeld ·it w .. technically \leslrablo !or the market · · toOCllUOUda~

nhe market never moves up in better of( to, regroup," he sakl.

~.:.' ,.::'':~ .... ... . ~ ........... I l l' , , , ,. . ...... ., ... , '*"' ... . ..... ., ........... . ~ .. .................... .

' I

I llralght line. lt'1 ·

., • '


.... .,. ·- 20. 1m:_ _ _,s~c,_ __ :;DA11.;:::;~~""='"'r_1_1_ ~





Top Drivers Seek

Outboard Crown Mercury Marine has entered

a 14-man team that looms as its best faetory bid yet in the 165,000 Outboard World Cham­p~nship at Lake Havasu next weekend.

Mercury 1.1arine d r i v e r s were winners of seven of the first eight Outboard World Championships.

Headed by Billy Seebold, St. Louis, Mo.; Bob Hering, Oshkosh, Wisc., and Renato Molinari, Como, Italy, its hot drivers, the squad includes four foreign pilots. two-time Havasu winner Harold Els, Topeka, Kan . and diminutive Reggie Fountain. Tarboro. N .C., second last year behind Bill Sirois, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

EIS AND FOUNJ'AIN are newcomers to the Mercury factory team, having com­peted as independents - Eis for the full eight years of the race, and Fountain for the first time in 1971.

Others on the team are Don Pruett, St. Petersburg, Fla .: Bill Petty, Wapakoneta , Ohio: . Gary Peacock, 1.!iami, Fla. : Duane Berhauer, Elm Grove, Wisc., driving with h i s brother, Dennis: J e r r y Simison, Fergus Fairs, !.1inn.; Cees Van Der Veldon, Boxtel. Holland, and Bob Spaulding and Tom Percival of


Get Rules

On Safet)·


Ipswich and Norfolk, England. Both Van Der Veldon and

the British duo are described. as formidable driven. The Hollander won Europe's single engine championship this year while Spaulding and Percival \Vere second in the Parris Six· llour Encluro and won the Windermere. England, three· hour marathon.

ALL WILL BE DRIVING European Pt1olinari tWlnels with 2()1}.plus h o r s e p o w e r ~lercury Twister II engines. Four of the pilots. Seebold, Hering, Pt-tolinari and Pruett, v.•ill be aboard new picklefork designs - said to be the fastest tunnels on the water.

Seebold captured three ma· jor races this yetr and set a new closed course 5--mile mark in the ·'S" ' Class of 85.633 miles per hour at Pt1iami.

Hering took three more, in­cluding paring v.·ith ~tolinari to v.·in the Paris race.

FOUNTAIN ESTABLISHED two world records and won

rn- an ·effort to insure the- three titles --at-the American·· safety of r e c re a t i o n a I Power Boat Association Na· boallnen, the Coast Guard has tionals at Miami. issued safety s tan d a rd s " We consider this t be directed to boat and equip- greatest factqry lineup we've ment manufactUTers, it was put together," commented annoWlced at Coast Guard Jim r..terten, team manager Headquarters in Washington for Mercury. " \Ve think we recently. will make it eight out of nine

The regulations. w h i c h in the Pepsi.COia Outboard became effective Nov. I. re- \Vo rid Championship. quir.! the manufacturer to af· fix on the vessel information concerning the weight capaci­ty and the number of people that the boat is equipped to

·.carry. Also required is in­:iormation concerning t h e maximum size of the outboard ·'TnOl.or that the boat can safely handle.


Sequoya Win Title ..

Also Included in the new Barry ,..ber's cheerio from safety standards are regula­tions that supplemerit the · Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Federal Boat Safety Act of won the PHRF divi.sion in 1971 regarding safety defects Saturday's final race o f of boats and ce rtain Voyagers Yacht Club's associated equipment. The law Massey Series. requires the manufacturer to Winner in the Mldget Ocean

.. repair or correct at his sole Racing Fleet division was Jim cost and expense any failure Moore's Sequoya from South ·to oom.ply with a Coast Guard Shore Sailing Club. Standard, or any defect which Both yachts were a I s o creates a substantial risk of overall winners In the seven injury to the public. race series.

Results of Saturday's race: Rear Adm. Austin C. PHRF - (1) Cheerio, Barry

Wagner, Chief of the Coast Faber, BCYC; (2 l Nikki Il, Guard's Office of Boating John Kinkel. VYC. ( 3 ) Safety commented, "all of our Windchild, Lee Annstrong, new regulations are aimed at VYC: (4) Chasquie, Debbis reducing the rate of accidents, Coate. BCYC. injuries and deaths among MORF - ( l) Sequoya, J im America's boatmen. We feel Moore. SSSC: 121 Bebo Ill, that by establishing minimwn Bob Darnell, VYC, (3) Viking, safety construction standards Dan Pike, VYC for the manufacturers or boats ----- - ----1 and associated equipment, and by lMuring as much as poss!· ble that boats are free from hazardous defects; the boat­man can be better assured that his c r af t bas been engineered with great tentlon to safety technok>sr."

Sunday is

F'llll&Ar in the l1J.jjijijl!1)i

S.. - to IM-• Y"' mlod aod body wltll Rojo aod ~ T...,. l_,..w I

Oft ly th• Y09• Ce11ter c0flll•l11e1 the M11efih of the twe ar11a1l119 1y1ttl'll1 of Yet•· RAJA for ril• r11lllCI, HATHA for tho body. RAJA YOC.A, like MOtlt, lrt.lpoi yell dt,tlop ye11r powert of C:Dll · c:e11ti-111tie11 111114 ow111r11111e11. HATHA YO~A help1 to q11 lckly bu1141 • ho•ltfller, more •i90,eu1 \,My. Th••• two gr••* Yog •t jol11•d .... .... , . ,. th• peri' .... lllfnbl11otlo11 for .... w ..... ,11 11111111 111 11'1 WOtnOlt ef lll lt'( tf•• M.I ., Acc•u1ttt11t, N•wpert h•c.h, 1•141, ' 'Thit i1 tft• fittt tlM• l'we Mn etilfto rtil•• I• twe YM''-.. H. 0,. E1111Mer, l11u11• l•tch, t•Y' " I 1100, twe he.n 1 ... 1M feel MHer. ' It J ,, lett lulltler, H.,,:,.n hKh, t•yt , "M.f• 01ttr9y, I'"' fl t"t'Ot tlrfll 11•• t 11'1 c..-~otlM 11 1111•ch l1111~M ... M. G., Hou1twlfe, ,,.,. ... , ••'It

' " I weti't Ii" wlttio11t Tot• · r .. t•l11N ioY •"' i111tt r pooc•." \.., ... _ ..... ,,_~& ••h..._ ........ ~ .... .... ...... , ........... , .................. "--;i1l'·r~·~ONSTRAftON -

TOMOttROW. 'IVIS. AT I P.M. I ... c ..... ttert M.t T......a.y . ..... 21.

•• 1 ,..... Yo.A CUITll. 441 L 17tll St,



UN;.8/IOOK llAlllJWARI-" t

Excluslvell No-stick fry pan



24 ' inch x 48 lnc,h. · · · ·


• Ma~e.of'smoot~ particle board-precisioij cuf

• Cooks, serves, cleans eas\ly-detachable heating control unit.

to ~11 t1ght-36· in~~es high. . . · : . • ·and:easy assen:ib!i-full'l inch thick tap;

•Genuine porcelain on aluminum-even heat distribution : NO "hot spots."

• EaS1ly converts .ta o .30-inch high desk by-trimming end boards.

• Bakes, simmers and fries-does everything_ your stove does in less space!

• Extra large size

REG. $9.99 SAVE $2.SO/ ·

and high-domed · lid makes this your most versatile cooking appliance! REG. $18.99


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Lea·de·rs ·of Laguna School IJecall Drive Ripped BJ JAClt CHAPPELL

Of .. O.lt7 '""" ., ...

An organization called "FAC'rl" work­ing qalnst the ·recall' of Laguna Beach school trustees G<lrald Linke and Patricia Gillette has branded recall organlzera: '!diuldents" and accused them of dlsnipting school meeting,..

1be allegations are contaloed in Jl1erature DOW being distributed by the group as Part of an anti-recall effort whJ~h Will also Include petition signing

Surprise Move

and meettogs, according to Theresa Yale Eagles.

Mn. Eagles is the ocly person to have admitted membership ln the organiza­tion, and she bas refused to reveal the names of any other members.

Tlie charges of FACTS literature state that the only good reasons for recall of the school trustees would b e malleasance, misfeasance o r non­rea.sance, and "Pat Gillette and Gerald Linke are not guilty." the flyers state.

Cuba Will -Try 3 U.S. Hijackers

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Cuban goverilment bas notified the United States that it will try three hijackers who f0rced a Southern Airways jet with 31 passengers aboard to land in Q.iba 'Nov. 12.

In reporting this today' state Depart. ment press officer CJarlea W. Bray also aald tha CUban goVl!l'lllDl!llt bas =pond­ed favorably to tha U.1. llroilatloo "to

Officers Follow

Noses, Arrest 5 on Pot Counts

Two Laguna Beach narcotics officers, taking time out to pick up a dinoer sandwich, followed their noses to a residence instead and arrested five persons Friday and clalm'ed to have selz· ed a half kilo of marijuana. ·

Officers Robert Romaine and John Saporito were en route tC'I a downtown Laguna eatery when the scent of burning marijuana wafted past them, Det. Sgt. Neil Purcell said today.

'I11e officers sniffed their way to a residence at 385 2nd st., and rounded up those inside.

Arrested were Mary A. Hoffman, 28 ; Pamela Wainwright, 26,: Gerald L. Kitson, 21; and Alexander Kabbaz, 22, all &ting the 2nd street address as a ,residence, Purcell said. Franklin A.

aucl, 33, of New York was also ar· led.

All were booked on SU!lpiciOn of km of marijuana and possession

marijuana for sale.

ardware Store

ashed by Car driver attempting to tum ilr

arrow alley along Beach Street in wn Laguna Beach, m!Med the en.

bit the of a hardware 1tore , injuring berzell early Saturday

Evelyn Marie Patrick, 39, of 2795 Hills Drive, Laguna Beach was ofter emergency trtatment for

injury 11 South Coast Community

·Id ollic<n tbat she bad been at· to enter the alley, but doesu't

hat b.ppened. ~e to the included chipped concrete and



engc:ge in discussions which might lead to an agreement" on bow to handle hi-­jackers.

The Cuban reply, through the Swiss Embassy, reached Washington over the weekend and said that the Q.iban govern-· ment is ''prepared to begin discussions SOOD tlqlcb tha ~ offices of U,. · Swill government," Bray announced. :. If< aaJd,.Jn response to 8 question, that :a..·Cubanl pl.,..... i ,,ertaln date but added that 1bero wu no .,..ment yet on - tha ta1b tluoagb the Swiss, the

· power whlch represent& U.S. interests in Cuba, would start.

The United States, Bray said, dispatch­ed on Saturday its official request to Cuba to extradite the hijackers of most recent cases: one involving an Eastern Airlines plane hijacked on Oct. 29 by four armed men, and the other involving the Soul.hem Airways plane less than two weeks later.

The two American notes requested the extradition of the hijackers in both cases, Bray repo'rted. He said that · they were sent to Havana "in advance of complete dOcumentaUon," me 4 n i n g without waiting for the Completim of extensive legal paperwork required by extraditioo. treaties.

The request for 'extradition of the hi· jackers of the Eastern Air Lines plane "listed murder, attempt to murder, and assault with the intent to murder as the charges, in addition to IUCb federal charges as aircraft piracy and lddnaping.

Thti note concerning the Southern Airways plane listed only federal charges of air piracy, but reserved the right to supplement it with further federal and state charges.

There was no reply yet to the two re­quests, but "the CUban gove11UJ1ent r.ns notified us oCficially after ou;,· requests reached them that the Southern Airways hijackers could not be returned because they would be tried in CUba on certain charges including extortion," Bray s.iid .

Laguna Reading

Scores Show

Students at Top Preliminary reading test scores show

that Laguna Beach first, second and third graden will again be ranked in the loJ.1 five pertent of studenu in California.

"The scores show our reading program ls moving ahead well ," commented Dr. Robert Reeves, .. 1stant superintendent of ~tructklll. " We are very satisfied."

Scores show thlt the median acore for ~ Beacb fint graders rankl In the top nine - <0mt>1red to norms relealed by llll!hon of the ttstln1 pn> gram. Theae """'11 ue bliher than the ltlte't. 'l1le local mediln 11COre II tven hlat>er - compored l(alnlt ltlte .......

The med! .. - : .... _.. falls In the top %1 ....- - _,..i aplllll tha tat - Tiii dllr.i grade medlm II Ill tlll top • ,.._ - · """'*"" to the -"Our Ont .... lo ...... 11 ....... .., .. ....,., ..

- - 1'e --·bl llld - ............. ti ....... 11 iiiil 1 «:" ,.':.":\'·'W:O Ille -.uva llllllaJ ,_ ... ·-· hi .. tha !Int .. -.--loilolpltll ...... ti .....

"There is a recall group who have been disrupting meetings and creating disunity among school persoomel, parent. and student.. They are unconcerned with spendlno your tu dollars, nor do they have any form of fiscal responsibility.

"We must not allow dissidents to recall · honest, dedicated school trustees for no good reasons," the literature

Mrs. Eagles said during an interview that irustees Gillette and Linke bad al-

tended at least one of the FACI'S meeUngs.

14They came, not to speak but just casually," she said.

Mn. Eagles declined to idenUCy of· ficer1 in the FACTS organization. She said that during the last meeting, "about 20" persons •!tended.

Mn. Eagles said the printing of FACTS literature was donated, but refused to say who donated the printing.

FAc:I'S meetings have been held for


about once a week for a month, she said. She said that tha memberabtp Included some young people with cblldree.

She said that neither ber organization nor the two trustees consider the anti· recall effort any kind of campaign.

"They are duly elected board members and we do not consider them can­didates," ~trs . Eagles said in response to a question concerning filing of campaign financial statements with the county Registrar of Voters.

Mrs. Eagles in a prepared statement

compared the recall of former City Cotm-­cilman Ed Lorr to the actions pending against Linke and Mrs. Gillette.

"The real darcer or unjust recalls is that no competent or responsible penoo, in the future, would be a candidate to serve their community because or laT that they and their families could at any time be a target ror character assassins to ruin their lives - as in the recent shamerul recall of Laguna's erflcient city councilman who told us the truth," she said.

·ac oar

Queen .Kathfl B~ . ,' I ' ~ ·' .

Kathy Keon, llaguna Beach High Sc~l leniqr, was crowned homecoming queen of the 19'!2. football season Friday night. The queen reigned ovtt a win­ning game u the football team defeated Dana Hill.5

Hiih Schoof21-7. ~'""Robin Camp, Terri Edwards, Debbie Newtoa, Gwen Joblison, Haneczka Ctemysz.CRrnickowaki, Dtbbie Vin Deusen and Arunee Klilalumbon.

Four Youngsters Torture, Rape Widow Aged 84

PinLADELPHlA (AP) - An 114-yeat­old widow living on the 16th noor of a north Plliladelphla public-housing project Is recovertna from five days of terror during which ahe was . beaten with a broomstick, stripped, raped. tortured, burned and robbed of her tsvings by four yotit!w, Police aal•.

The widOw, with no kroJm relatives, was ao bruised and covered with welts and frl&btened that she ate nothing dur· Ing the ordeal.

It be1an, police sald, when the four youths - aged 10, II , IS Ind 13 - knoCk· ed ..... t ago SundaJ "' the door of her •Jl!lrlment In the Falrhill llousinc Pro~ ect and aaked K they could nm an er­rand.

R<oocntztng the volCH youths wborn· police aald Ille knew (one lived nut door; another bad delivered h e r groceriel) , the ~fooM , 125-fO<Jnd :woman opened the door and per1ilillcd them to enter.

But , potl<e •Id, the youths im­medl1tely r11111Cked drawen, ripped open 1 mattttsa and demanded money.

'111ey round ..,... money, toot the only key·lhe bid to the door and thre•l<ned to


Diamond Saw Blades

Stolen . in L!lguna ~...,. .... ...,.. ........... .

""'*"'"lbtlltmlOO, ..... , • ..., . don't ..,. - fonn . .,., - ii 11. t .. dlolnord lltiPOd __ ..._.11 ___ ,_._...lite ln1--Sltw*1· Tiii ..._ 11111 • - - ·- al .... ._ied talieo - • ltnldan. - -•tloo ..., - Drive and-A-

Supreme Court Declines

To Review Paddling Case WASHINGTON (UPI) - The U.S.

Supreme Court declined today to con­sider whether the paddling ol 1 public school student without hit parentJ' permission is unconstitutional "cruel and unu,..I punilbment ." ·

Without eomment. the court rdused to hear an · appeal ftom 1 Dlllu, Tex, father and'°" who loot their ehall•na• ol tha practice In lower federal C01orts.

In oilier actionl. tha court; -Ruled ............ , that computtt

- ll)'lleml .... not l"'tentlbto under ptttent law but strongly recom­m<nded tbat C.0.,- look It the led> noloflcal problenil In the blllkxHlollar lnduotry. I ~ •n 1-1 by Now OrteaOI

Dlllrlct Attorney Jim Gllfrllon from lower court ndqs barring him from fUrtber ..-ion of busineuman Oly L Shlw.

GnrilOn waots to prooecull Shlw °"-'

Laguna Cliurcli To · Offer Music

A ...... 1lol-Wfllbl..,_ted dorillc aa "E...U. ol Soq" 11 ' p.m. • ......., at U. Comm11nlty:· """'71«1m OJurdl, 4U ,_ Avt., '-8-ll. .

l"eatll"td .... .,.. Jane WU-. mmo;· ~ a.tlilf. buttonl ; and w .. u,. bltt1lndl. - and director.

Oc ' 1 lt*•J art -.. .,._ fol: - _. . , 1) • .-. - .. triOI ... .. lr.t 1f1 f . .. the pntp"am .....1..,. 1111 - ·· o-ool Clillr. A •tM rtllilt flt Lf

charges of perjur:y stemmlna from 01r­riloft's lnV!SUg11ion of tbe John F. Ke~ nedy uaassination.

....J\efUsed to VKate ltJ order staying a lrwer federal court ruling thlt Con­necUcut's , 1nt1aborti0n lAw II un-

• t•••tltutlonal. • ' At the request of stalf IUthoritJel. the court Oii Ocl. 1' allowod tha llw to stay on the boob 1"'tll all •!Jllfall procedum are completed.

In the - punllhment - · lower fedenl courts ruled that 1ny - oo the - ol poddJinc - lm..-ly Interfere with ltltl ud loCll li:llool --,,,. we ns lnltllted In U.S. Dlstrtcl Court In DoJlu by Mlll'llllll Win and biJ '°"· ,.,,... *•rt:, 11•1mt Suptrlft-

tendtnt Nolln - · 'l1le -n filed with the coun did not stale whether the youth had tulfered cor-­por1I punishment.

Dlstrtct Judge W.11. Tlytor. who dellt with tha c0mpl1tnt, uld .. - -ed the ponbllm<nt - ·-111 ..... mlnlllcnd by hlttlnc tha •- on bis builoeb one« -eral timOI wt!h • pood. dto. '"""" ......... - -111-( ... ClOtlllT, ..... II

Laguna Beach Traah

Collection Friday - LoltlN Beadl ttoOlt - -111

IChio!alod lot ,,,,....,. 'l1llobcl'""­wlll Ill c:oUeded ,IWQ. f'rtdoy's trub will Ill pkled ., .. _,. °" Qr1stmu ... - y.,·, llQo. - .... _nts .. - ~ -will bo Ill llldt--.


Rap Laguna


Of "" °""' tl'lt-f s.., The existing Laguna Bench Board of

Education majority "is steeped in the horse and buggy tradlllonal S)'Stem" a statement released by the Committee to Elect ~11chne l Sagar and Lucille Whitaker charges.

Sa&ar and Mn. Whitaker are can­didates Jn Ille Dec. 5 school recall elec­tion against Trustees Patricia OilJeUe and Gerald l.Jntce.

iccancudatea Sagar and Whiuker,•• IC· cording to convnltt~ Chairman Jack Randall, " have rrequently mentioned although they are running mates in the elect1on, they will express themselves in­dividually when elected to the board.

" Both ftel that the present three.mem­ber rontrolled ma}orlty have damaged the school system and have crealM an atmosphere of suspicion and diltrust throughout lhe schools and the admlnls­trallon."

The ma)Orily bloc is made up of Unkc. Mni. Giilette and Board President Wiiliam 'lbomu. 1bey were elected lO the beard In April of tV'lt.

"Unilateral actk>ns by the majorfty have broken down the normal lines or eommunlcatlom bmreen the board, the admlnlttratloo and the C01M1unlty," Ralldall's 1tatement.contenda.

Randnll, 1395 Skyline Drive , Wit a member of the Educalioool Priorities Study Committee, commissioned by the board last summer to report on the cur· rent educaUonal system In Laguna Beach.

The EPSC rtpOrt concluded com­munications and finances were the lv.-o most serlous concerns in lhe 1ehoot 1y1tem.

Jotnlnc Randall on the Committee to Elect Sagar and Whitaker Is Mn. Bernice Miller. sec.retary : Mra. BeMle Kawaratanl, treaJUrer, and the can­didates thtm~lves.

" We formed !he commlttet for no othtr purpose than lo tl"eci Sagar and " anti we owt pol1Ucal allqiance to no one," Randall 11tated.

"We do owe our wholehearted aupport to the education of our childmi who at· t<nd the$0 - ind delerv< to be rducatcd for tomorrow in a space ace educational envlronmml

"The present IC'hool board majority Is stttped tn the 'hone and .._. trldl­Uonal l)'ltem that is .u out ofltt"P with today's educalion u the ablcul la wt&h

!Sot El>IJCA'n(h~ . ..... ll

..... _ . ==- ~ - .... s=-..... ~ -- . - .. :r ----- J


--~ It - . -- . _._ . - -............. , , ...... . - . - . ----- .



\ I




2 Ex-CdM Sttfdl Tonight F ... ~·I

~apo -D~~tripi·.~-~·· Tr-US tees


Students ... ... . -··

·to Join Issmi!~ :=--~ Arrested Newport Beach dttt'Cll\'~ \vaded

through hip.deep snow to a cabin at Big Bear Lake Saturday to nrrtst t'l'"O youths suspected of setting of[ a pipe bomb Thursday n1oming al Corona dcl High School.

GleM Leslie Bames<ln. l&. ol 1140 £.. Balboa Blvd. and Paul Bernbart. l1. d.. 2527 Bamboo St, both f~r ~ts st the school today att fd.xl..¥ charges or detonalinl aa upk&ff ~"" causing property damage.

Barneson 'i\'bo will be ~ thi.1 afternoon in Harbor Oistrii.'1 Court is being bckt oo S::S.llOO bail m Ne~·port Beach and Be.mb.att W b«n booked into Orange County Juvtnile Hall pending a bearing oo the same dwgn.

Police said they are still nlll sure Wat the motive was for the earty monU!Jg bombing which blew out wiodows in tht office of Assistant Principal Be<ty Townsend.

"They had been fooling around wilh some smaller bombs whkh they told us they set off In the Upper Bav," said detecti\'e Sam Amburgey. one Of the of. Heers who made the arrest at Bi.g

Amburgey sald tbe bomb was ~ parently made of a sil·tncb leagtb of galvanized pipe stuffed with gun p>Wder.

He said investigators found a supply of gunpo...,·der and pieces of pipe and other materials in the garage at the one suspects· home.

"We had several teams of detectives \lo·orking on this one:' Amburgey said. "They talked to a lot of people bdort "'e got our leads."

Barneson is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and Amburgey said

ro TALK AT CHURCH Ea: ... ctor Al• n Young

Lecture Slated By Alan Young

Former actor Alan Young will deliver a lecture on Christian Science at I o'clock tonight at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Laguna Beach. 635 High Ori\'e.

)' oung's lecture is titled "Can You Simply Trust." and will be open to the public at no charge. Personal experience, underslanding of God and everyday prob­lems will be discussed in the presen­tation.

Young, \\'ho began Christian Science lecwring in 1!'11. was formerly the star of ''Mr. Ed," aod "The Alan Young Show.''

By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. ~ "*" llflff

C.plstrano Unified Scbool D~trict tru&leta lonlgbt will eonsk!er-blendlng a ne.w band issue wilh a publlc .. vote on the controversial alt-yeaNcllool proposl\Ja In a speCjal election ear& next ')'ear. ·

The trustee actions t6Dight were scheduled on an addendum to the regular agenda prepared late last week. (See related slory on Page 3).

If the board agrees to placing the 4&-lS program up to a vote it would mean that their long.promised de(:ision t b i s December on implementing all-year-­school would wait until the ele(:torate bas spoken.

The program, while winning some sup­port in the district, has erupted into a full·blown controversy with pa r e n t groups actively opposing the keeping of

·youngsters in school on a 12-month basis with three-week vacations at regular in· tervaJs.

The surprise decision to place the two mlijor issues on the agenda tonight a~ parently came from Trustee President Robert Hurst and the D i st r i c t Administration.

It calls for trustees to consider setting up a bond l~stablishing the dollar amOWlt as well ) 'ind including the 45-15 vote in an election for Feb. 20.

At present, the district is at the mid'i'l·ay point in a series of informational meetings being held in many schools to explain the 45-IS concept and poll parer.ts' views of the idea.

Bernhart was kicked 001 -of the scbooI Man Sentenced·, last year and is now registered · at

\ldcNally Continuation School.


COURT •.. . . - _n.. _ bombing. ou.nse_ carries a . .. R-ec· ·-rm· _ • &-~.J- _80_ ys _

minimum penalty of five yean in st8te ~ prison for an adult. Amburgey said it

the punishmiiil .... has been admbtlstered with a tenni.t shoe," he added.

was not clear today whether the juvenile suspect would race a .1m11ar penalty. As Homosexuals Tht Wares said thb practice in th~ j

Dallas Independent School D ts t r I c r deprives both children and parents of "fundamental liberties" and b .. cruel and unusual punishment~ 1n violation of the Constitution. Internal Ailment

.Hit,s FBI's Gray; Operation Set

.· WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Justice , llepartment said today rnr Direcior L. Patrick Gray had been stricken at his home in Connecticut with a.a intestinal

.,obstruction and would undergo aurgery , ater in the day. 1 A spokesman for the department .said Gray, 56, who has a history of abdominal troubles, became ill at his home In Ston­ington on Sunday.

He was taken to Lawrence Memorial Hospital In New London for observation and doctors decided late Sunday an 'operaUon would be necessary.

A spokesman for the department said he did not know how serious Gray's con­dition was.

Gray was apendlng the weekend in Stonington prior to a scheduled Sunday night speech in Boston, which was cancelled.

The FBI chief, who took over the bureau after J . Edgar Hoover died this year, hu bad problems with abdomlnal

. pain since he suffered a ruptured a~ pendll while In the Navy during World War II and was unable to get prompt treatment.

l\fissing-man Jury Set JUNEAU, Alaska (U PI) - A special

jury may be called Into session in tv'> weeks to detennine U Alaska Rep. Nick

; Begich, who disappeared in a light plane , l Oct. 16 with House majority leader l~ale : ~Boggs , should be pre.sumed dead. Beglch, .. ~a Democrat and Alaska's lone represen· : l tative won re-election Nov. 5 despite ~ i being missing.

-:: .-------------., . , ,, ., ., .. -. •• ••


DAILY PILOT :: Tl'le or.,.. C.0.1t O...ILY ~ILOT, wttlt Midi : : h '°"'*"""' !tit N .... ~,.._ It Ml ... .., • • ltM Or.-... C-tt hblltll"- '*"""""· ,.,.. •• ,.,. edl!iw. .,.. JIUlllllflllf. .....,.., """""' :: , , l'r11ity, fW C..I• MtN, NIWlllWt htdt, • • Hllllllftt'-t iktdl1'MMMlll V•lltor, UfuM : : lleKji, ll"f...,.s.ddl-.0. Miii Sait C""'-"" : • SM! Jlllll C.•lltr- A , 1,.,.i. ,...~ ": 9d!lloft h MlhMll S•N'11m tl'ld Swodt ya. '• Tl'lt prlrlc:IJrtl llVbiWllnt ,._"' h • I UO W.' :· .. .. ., llrect, C-1• M-. C-lllonllt. n... :: lok rt N. w,.4 • ""'""" • lld ,,..,,... : .: J eck It. cwt • .,

vie.~·_. o.i.r.1 ~ .. : • TA."' •• Ko .. M .. ..,,., • • l1i , • ·- ·• A. M111,hl111 • • • ....... Ml.

• • Cll• rlH H. Lo.. llc.aier4 ' · Hill :: ......... ,.......,. .'"'"' :: ---,• 221 For0tt A...,.,, . • ,• M•lll1t ;..u,..,,, P.O. In 6M. t Jtll .. --

• I,

MINEOLA, N.Y. (UPI) - George W. Brehm, a wealthy father who pleaded guilty to toking part In a nationwide ring that recruited boys and taught them homooexual practices, has been sen· B k W k ' tenced to 10 yeans In jail. a ery or ers

The Long 1"'1nd salesman had his 110,000 hail revoked. He was jailed strik· ~ Expected earlier this monlh after the district at· _ _ tomey's pf!lce clllritd he waa proparlng • • , , I• Dee the country. "Detectfve9 said they T s· . .d. E. saw provisions being loaded aboard 0 pr ea as t Brehm's $100,~ yacht. l

BreblJ\ tt, is, I falller o~ Ulree llld II •, 00& ANGJiLlll (A~I.,,. TW $-bby, off1c:e eqWpment salesman. At UM; time bakery workers in Western states still Is of bis arrest in May, he was servmg as , an unpaid alhlet\c recruiter for Columbia expected to spread eutward across the University. country, but no new bakeriet 'are likely

Brehm pleaded guilty last month to be hit before Thanksgiving, according to two charges of first-degree sodomy. a union spokesman.

William Dahn, Nassau district at· Joseph Kane, vlce president and chief tomey, said Brehm was one c.f 15 negoUator for the Bakery and Con· members of a nationwide homosexual fectionery Workers UnM>n, AFlrCIO, said ring which "schooled" boys 9 to 17 years talks are not planned in the strike, old b1 "sexually deviant practices." which brui idled about 6,000 workers In

Police still are seeking two alleged Cali!omia, Oregon, Utah, Washington members of the ring, and two others are and Colorado. awaiting trial. 'lbe Wlion wants consecutive, rather

tha!i split, days off; but management

4 Laguna Beach Children Hailed

Four Laguna Beach children have received awards for their book mark desi&ns in a contest during the Children's Book Week at the Laguna Beach County Library.

Branch wiMer was Jean Mancuso who drew a giraffe and used the phrase "try it, you'll like it." Iler book mark wUI be printed by the County Library System and distributed at the Laguna branch. She was given two books as prizes.

Honorable mentions went to Leslie Mengason, Gena Kranli, and David Aubuchon who each received a book and gift nertificates.

Resort Founder Grossinger Dies

GROSSINGER, N.Y. !UPI) - Jennie Groulncer, co-founder and hoste3.9 of the world femous Groaainger'1 resert in the C.ttldlll. died .. ,1y today . She wa• 80.

A spokesman for the 1.200 acre resort .!lald Mrt. Grosslnger, who had been wldo~ for el1ht years, succuinbed ln her sleep of a cerebral stroke.

Mrs. Gros.singer founded the resort with her late busbtnd lo 1914. From a single, It crew to a baronial holdlnc twice the •I•~ of the ptlnclpallty of Montco, with Jts OWJ;I pogt offlct . pollce and fire de~rtmen1 , and luxury accommod.IUons which accottunodated the r1ch. mighty and famous lrom lrOlllld

_the world.

Marine Hitchhiker

Killed OD Freeway A hit~ .:amp P<Mldon Morine

wu ltruCI< by a...,. and killed •rty Sun­diy on the Sant• Ano Frttway mnntttor link with Ille Garden Grove Fneway, the C.!Uom!a lilll!wa,y Patrol rt()Orted.

'lllomn R. "W111Ttn, 22 died lllltljl!Jy when bU b1 a..,. drlv..1 by Dr. Jmy C. Clooks, :M, of Santa Ana. Crooks and h!J •lie Lama, 31 , were treated for mlnor ln)urltt at the Oranae County Medical c.nw and ..i.ned. He wu not died .


says that would keep bakery companies Crom delivering fresh goods.

A federal-court judge denied an in­junction against the strike last Tuesday, and Kane bad said the union would spread the strike nationwide , affecting half the bread production in the country.

School Official Held in Sia ying

WALNUT CREEK (AP) - A Diablo Valley College administrator has been booked for investigation pf murder in the beating death or his wife, police have reported.

A complaJnt charging Robert Lindsey, 46, in the slaying of Catherine Lindsey, 63, was filed In Walnut Creek Municipal Court .

The coroner's office said Lindsey, di~tor of the college's special 1tudent services, reported finding hi! wife un­conscious ln their Walnut Cree~ home Nov. 6.

Laguna Church School

Slates Rummage Sale The "home-made, hand-made. hand­

me-down" sale of St. Catherine St. Nicholas School will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 2 at the Laguna Beae!ll Woman '1 Club. 286 St. Anns Drive.

A coupon for a contest to win a Christmas lrff will be given with tacb purclu111e or $1 or more and a fr-ff cQffee or pun~ will be available.


CALLS IT QUITS Anaheim Hlah School football

coach Clare VanHoortbeke, the 'jmost •IMlng" coach In Or111ge County hlllt 11e1lo9I d rd.,, II ..tlr-1.n& at the conclusion of lhit ytar'1 fOOlboll 1eason.

.YanHoortbtlce's Colonist team ha just been .. 1ected f"' • CIF p!Qorr berth. He hu c:oached on tbe Anaheim c1mpu1 for 23 rcuoo1. Ste details ln today's Sportl oectlon, Pace :n.

' •. -; ; -r ~· -·- · ... . ... .. I . ... , .. •· -

Although ·Ill! """· wBCi< the runnlntl tobulattans Of straw \iot ... taken at the meetings, oppo&l.Uon bas. been severe c1t some ~as.

The opponenta are represented by Ute Concetoed Pareota' Commlllee ~ 4&-15. A llJO!iesman for tlie IP"!IP el!O )s a paneli.t at eadt Wormaliell ~

In l'e<.'<Ill ~ admtiUS!rators and tn1stees have sqggested that a bond issue Would face failure an1ea the .ecllool .cam· puses were filled to thelr ttltunate:

And all-year school, ther. .~. would convince voters that tbe .~hll tap­ped all available ......,... bOIOi'O Colng to the~".!~torate· to eeek au~ for new UUlJWt.

The next several rears, ~rators have said, shape up into a crWs ':With pup:; growth far e:a:ceeding the district's captcity for building new schools.

The district's last bond election passed in 1965 shortly after willication. The.'elec­torate Ms approved several override issues.

In the most recent, voters cast a landslide of yes votes to continue the district's present override.

But trustees and other school officials have insisted that bonds are a far dif~ ferent propostl .

If the ele(:tion indeed .is aet· for early next ye~r , two-thirds of those voting woold have to cast yes Votes for a bond issue to pass.

Theodore Seavey Service. T~--~• . .. . . ·~ ~ ~ servieet for .TIJeodote iioweU

Seavey of ~-~• ·:10..year­Orauge County ·resident;1[ill,,~ace Tuesday k. Newport BeaC!i.' ·;it~" died Thursday at 74. -" ~· ·

Mr. Seavey resided at 32751 Seven Drive, Laguna Niguel. Before coming to this ·area, he was a vice-president of Fluor . COrporation, a large petroleum firm. .

J>r;ivate . services will ~ at 3' ·p.m. at Pacific View Memorial J>ark. .Buiial will follow at Pacific View.

Survivors are two sisters, "Nancy L. Seavey of the home address; Mn. Effie M. Simony of Laguna Beach; a ni~. )Ins. Betty Crosier of Tniuca take and a ·cotllia. Ethel GOcle ol Tomutl!e.


"''T ....... IRA Cltlel Held

Sean Macstiofain, alle~edly a 'brain' behind the Irish Re­publican Army, was arrested Sunday by British soldiers. His arrest sparked rioting in Bel· fast w h e re 1,000 Northern Catholics clashed with troops.

From Page J

EDUCATION • • • the computer," Randall 's statement asserted.

Release of the statement precedes a bulk mailing Tuesday of brochures de­nouncing the actions of Linke and Mrs. Gillette since they have held office. Ran· dall also said he has written 300 letters to prominent members of the community asking their support of the recall action.

A four-page brOchure m&lled taSt week • b)'. the committee tocusea o n backgr~unds of Sagar 3nd M t s . \Vhit3ker, aDd tlieii' vieWsO n the present -board majority.

"The majority of the board today is negative, uot positive," Sagar states, ad­ding " ... we need on the school board reasonable, logical people wt.;> have the best interests of the kids at heart, pe-riod .''

"We must return to constructive, hannonious leadership and b a v e members on the boartt wno will be responsive to lhe needs and. wishes of the community," Mn. Whitaker aaid in the brochure.

Expenditure of $1,000 to continue mem· bership in Schools ftlr Sound Finance will be oonslde~ by trw:tees of the Laguna Beach Unified SthooJ District Tuesday night. .

Schools for Sound Finance ts a col· lection of school districts fighting any at-­tempt by the state legislature to impose a statewide propert,y tax to fund public education.

Imposition of such a tax..SV members argue, ·would 1J¥:11! leil molJOtll> local scboo1l and .. ~ tell.lit , in ·massive Mabal:C probliml ... ,.. - - •

mLBUSD Jo~ SSVit ~eor'-119 and aullldrilOa :.. a~'"" • t... ._.•;;.,_ In

. t"'.".-~ ~ .. . Y'!' "''VY." m~bersbi,ps rfees;:--The~ district recetYed all but~ ~ bee•• QMow s.SFo.expenses. ~ ·t :_

Also slated for the 7:80-ll.m. -Ung at the Education Cenler, $50. Blumont Stree~ are the followl111-ltems:

-/; review or ••Consuftr. EoonOmrcs•• and "BuSlness Math," twJi'.ooulw to be offered at Laguna Beach High School startint;. !n J8nuary. •. · ..

-Coosid,eration of a coUtot! C!f'•tady for the educa.ble mentally retarded ,ll'Olflm.

- Approval of a rubella immwiliation cllnlc to be held Dec. 12 under the direc>­tion of Laguna Beach physician Thaddeus Jones. '

From Pagel

TERROR •.. kill her if she told anyone about their In­trusion. the victim, told •polk:e.

On 'Monday, Investigators said the youths used the key to enter the apart­ment, and again ransa~~ the roc:>t:q for mone)(, And they assauhld' aJid'rapod lbe woman; police~said.

On Tuesday:, the youths forced their way Into the apartment, . raped the woman and burned her lll the chest with an electric comb and matches.

The youths returned Wednesday and Tt.ursday an6 committed similar attacks. A social worker found the apartment in shambles during a visit Friday, police said.

1be worker said the woman told her the yootm look all her money, 1boul $229. The woman had !\O telephone and was afraid to leave the apartment because she feared being locked out without her key.

. .. .

' " '



from $349 litlon Micro·Brownerrm exclusive

with Litton microwave ovens. I

Litton's exclusive Micro-Browner'" Steak Grill I


Now you can use your Litton microwave oven for 95% of your everyday cooking - without the use cf your conventional broiler or griddle. With the Litton Micrd-Browner, you 'll have llght, golden brown pancakes and French toast, crisp hash browns, seared sieaks and chops - fOOds .with resulls never before possible in a mlcrowl've oVen.

terior · • Lprgest interior of any micro. wave oven. Ask for a demonstration and taste the difference the Litton Micro-Browner makes In a microwave Oven.

' ' MMni: ............ l 1Jt • l :Jt. ht. l 1Jt .. 4.

Your microwave oven and kitchen remain .. co.ol , yet you enjoy the appetizing appeel ol conV.oll3n- rn ally broiled roods , The Litlon Micro·Browniif RJO· LITlON vides the capability tor browning, searing, ~~lllng , · - ._ • .and frying - during microwave c()Qklng. • .:. .

Lillon's exclusi-e .·Micro-Browner joint these other Litlon microwave oven Ii slsl • Pu~ton Litton Microwave Ovens automatic de:frost • Bright, ea ~cto•n ~ In· Not1«11kMW'll'*"lbout~o•1Yttoe>' lnatt1enU110t1.~ .

Low P • s •re ltOi-n here, rallfCI elsewhere!

m MIMllll OI' ... CALIFOllNIA'S LAllOl lT


POWIR 0, 110 stOll lS "I , It A?Jt•Af9

..._ •. ··-1115 NEWPORT BLVD. Downtown Cata Mesa - Plln 548-7711 DAY C.&JlH

WITH~ .... Cll tn

......... ,

I •







N.Y. Stoeks

. ' . ' . v91:. '65; NO. 32.5, 3 ~ECTIO.NS; 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALll'ORNIA . . . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1972 TEN CENTS

' -

1low-n Center Arts Complex Hinted • Ill Talks

. -

. . -

. • ' I '

M.,,,.dtlfl V-p·

creation of a regional arts complex "either on university land" or in Town

: Center proper on land· owned br the l<vloe•Company.· ·

The founding 'cl!ancellor of UC! ooted the focus of William Pereira's campus plm Ii towanl'Town Center.

Location' OI a ftDe arb complex ad­Ja""1t lo the campua"would extend the regional interest in the university and the-Town Center,~ ~,aes~. ,

Su<h a reglonal empbasl! baa been forwai:ded by ' the city In 113 general policy• Pis adopted for Town Ceoter. Thole goals-were·lnlttated by !lie lrvllle Company,and revtaed and .. ~ 3' clilcoqloo before the cify_ planplng

commi&sion ln recent ·mqriths. flblle the .Jong-range fine art. goals of

the community -e part of Sllnday'a meeting, roore Immediate planntng for the May city ·arts featlval drew coun­cilmen, school board members, and others to the campus.

Lou Fridhandler-and George Knowles, chainnen of the aria feattval st~ ~ttee, outlined a number of possibilities those iz}W,elted in working on the festival ·were ;aiked to mull prior' to a workshop seSlkio' silt' for 7:30 p.m. Nov. 29 in Rancho San Joaquin Intermediate 'Sebool. . .

Knowles noted it ls likely the arts ~festival organization will incorpofate as a

non-profit Institution. SUbcommlttees of volunteers will be

set up as. specific assignments become known.

Among community groups offering their talents to provide performing aru progrBJ.DS during the festival were the Peorod-Plastino Dance Compaiiy of UCI, Irvine Community Theater and the schoo! district whose students may offer choral concerts and musical presen· ta lions.

Other suggestions to be explored further are :

-Launching of an lrvine film festival possibly involving theate~ and com­muru1y cablevision screenings.

-Provision of a series of rock concerts involving Irvine groups and perhaps a battle of the bands.

-A festival ball. - Display of Irvine Company planning

materials representing the • ' u r b a n sculpture" being created by the land developer.

-Setting a round of church music events and chamber cor.certs.

-Provision of arts and crafts displays and demonstrations and exploration of children's arts.

Planning commissior. chairman Wayne Qark said the n.atun. of Sunday's meeting was "social," intended to ac-­quaint various art interests in the city

with one another. The forthcoming won: shop session . he said, will mart the ~ ginning of actual plaruiing for the May event. -

UCJ and lhe city's schools are espected lo be lhe prime location for the ff:ltlval which is being limed to take advant.aa:e of the usual spring offerings of arts and cultural events such as have been held at UCJ and at University HJgh School.

Among those participating Sunday were Councilmen Henry Quigley and

· Gabrielle Pryor, Irvine school trustees Sharon Sircello and Nonnan Ginsburg, Clark and James Penrod of the UCI dance departmenL

Hi jack Trial Due Cuba Says 3 lJ.S~ Pirares.To Be Trie~

-· ' WASHINGTON (A:Pl ~ The Cuban _ ...g.ove~t _ has !lotlfi~ the .. Unite'.!

States that U will try three hijackers who forced a Southern Airways jet with 31 pasi1e11&era aboard to land in Cuba Nov. 12.

He-sa id, in response to a question: tl'l"llt..., waiting for the completion of extensive t~ •. ~utJ.ans .Pro~ a .~rtaj.o: d~!e_ ~t ,J14ial~perwQI.1i nm.~irW by_ ~~tradl!ioq added that there was no arreement yet treaties.

ID ttportiog this loday, State Depart· ment press officer Charles W. Bray also said the OJban goverr.ment has respond­ed favorab1y to the U.S. invitation " to engi:ge in discus!ions which might lead to an agreeme.nt'' on bow to handle hi­jackers.

The Cuban reply, through the Swiss Embassy, reached Washington over the weeteod and said that the Cuban govern­ment ii "prepared to begin

- Jl!rmh Utt :tlllod = ~ the ............ "'ltrayi' ; (

Ex-CdM Stucknts Nabbed in Cabin In School Blnst

on when the talks through the SwiM, the The request for extradition of the hi-power which represents U.S. interests in jackers of the Eastern Air Unes plane Cuba, would start. listed murder, attempt to murder, Ind

The United States, Bray said, dispatch- assault with the ~~ent to murder as the ed on Saturday its official request to charges, in . add1lio~ to such. '~ral Cuba to extradite the hijackers or most charges a!I aU"CTaft piracy and kidnapmg. recent ca.sea: one involving an Eastern T1k note concerning lhe Southern Airlines plane hijacked on Oct. 29 by lour Airways plane listed onJy federal chargt!I armed men, and the other involving the of atr piracy, but reserved the right to Southern Airway.. plane lea than two supplement it with further federal and weeks later. state charges.

The two American notes requested the There was no reply yet to -the two re-extradltk>n ol lhe hijackers In both cases, quests, but " the Cuban government (,os Bray reported. He Nici that they wt re notified us ornclally after OU." requests

;.f.001. to Havana "in Monce ol complde reached lhem that the Southern Alrw1y1 do" ·-." m 1 a a In r wltllMol !See !WACK, Pap ZI

Supreme Court Declines

To Review Paddling Case WASHINGTON (UPI) - The U.S. penni..uion is unconstitutional "cruel and

unU5Ual punl..shmenl"

Vi!tnam veter~ and rancher. Jimd'.lrunott~ 25, clunbs on his·horse1Can.Can with a '\lit more. dlffi· culty ·u,.m tlie •'!<rage c ow p o y. Jlr:lnotte; who

breeds and trains horse&.on.hls.. 3,000·acre Colo­rado ranch, lost both'legs,· a hand and \an eye in com­bat. He is Colorado. Handlcap'plid '~an of 1973.

Newport Beach detectives waded through hip-deep snow tc. a cabin at Big Bear Lake Saturday to arrest two youths suspected of aetUng otr a pipe bomb Thuraday morning at Corona del Mar IIlgh School.

Supreme Court declined today to con­skier whether the paddling of a public achool atudes'I wlthool hi! parent.'

University High

Chorus to Sing In Switzerland

Wit.hoot rommtnt. the court rtfUJed to I-ear an appeal from a Dallu, Tes. fathe r and son who Jost their challqe or the practtce In Sower federal COLtrta.


~our Yonngste~~: l'orture,

Rape 84-y~ar-old Woman 1 . ' • :I • - .:,.. • PHILADELPIIlA (AP) - An ·at-year- youtlls Ule<I tJie 11.y lb enter tbe apart-oli widow llving on, the. 16th floor of a ment, and lfaln ransacked the room 10< ~h Pbiladelpbia puhlic.liouslng project money. And the)' aaaulted and raped the reco~~· from frve days of terror womin, pOUce.tiid.

. be On Tuelday, the 1'IGlho - their w • ,... beateo with a way Into tfie apartmen~ raped the hroomst!ck, l:tripped, raped. tortured, woman· and burned' her >11 the chest with ~ lt\(l;robbed of her savings by four an. electric comb and matches. yoU!hs, police aaio. · The youtha returned Wedneoday and ·~ The _widow, with !W> krown relatives, Tl.ursday an6 committed similar attack!. wu '°· lii;ulaed and oovered with welts A oocW wu-ter found ·the apartment In

· and frliht<ned· that abe ate nothlnr; dur- · sbamblOI during a Frldayv. -'""" Ing the cnlOal. . ' " aald ' . • ,......., ,, It be(an, poll« aid, when the lour .· : ·

.. ,..lhl - ·aged 10, II, 12 and 'U - knock· od' a week ago Slmday .on the door of her aparllllenl ·In the· Falrl1ill'l""oslng Pro)- Ser.vice Station

~ <111 ..i _.- JI lheJ caild' nm an .,.; ~ ~ . ~

. .. R«qnidrw the voic.. • : • .. boni Customer Held ·<P>llce aid , she lmew ,(- llwid. nut - · · 4POr: 8D9tber , bad.1 , ~ b er

~~i::'~'~nd~ ln~Assault Try ...... '

But, · police llid, the JQUtlls tm- a.a- of uau11 and battery we,. Ill> 8edlattly r11RCted · *"~'· rt.,..s eel aplmt an Anaheim man during the

a ftllltftll·and c!m••.W - · WMbnd illartly alter be allegedly at­Y fOUJJd - l1IOllel', toot the only t""""1 the - at a Million Viejo

Ille had to the dc!or IDd tlnotmed to - -her f abo told - ---- ~ CGuaty SberUl'a oflkon Aid loo, tbe- told ,...,,_ Cla- .,._ 11'11edman, Ill, kfen.

Mllday, Jnvoauptais aald tJie Ullod - F.dward Novall, ti, u the

UlCK · PRQFITS WN 2ND CALL • 'Tblnp movo 'l"fckly with DAILY

PILOT 'diiatfled nnt a& - die l~~:BR, I BA, 1111. ~·

lined' - In Wiald!IL .. + depolilt. 'm-IDL '·

On ......... 1111, the .......

rtttted ... Ille---· <Move II - .,a5 ..,,nta ti.,_ -:t-~T P1LOT ........ lllll


IW • =·9'rl bis .glaaet and at­tem!MI to -. lllm aflOr a fncu ,,_ .. _.. .. llllL • • ' Fnct• llld - reMed to pay

- ..llli ..... - llled at ..... u.. .. ••ta,. - Ho llld -·- lllm .... lrlod lo -t 1111

lloplllol - ., !£! ..... !lit ~ ................ . cipm '1lllde el rt' .., II Nuo.rt w .

• _, Jrhtrs h ••• '••d, ,,,, ...... 1\: ........ _. ......... 51 ............ .c

•b' 2

p' 7'11 ...... - • ........... ,,, 2 .. .., lll7i .. -

ill *tr ... s.-rp"' .... -- . ..,.4

lnt.etrwl Ailment

. Hits f BP.s €ray; Operation Set

.WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Justice llepartm<ni uld today FBI Director L. Patrlclt Gny had been stricken at Ilia home In C4nnectlcut with an Intestinal obltrucUon and would untlergo surgery later In the .i,y.

A opotaman for the department said Gray, 5', who baa a hJstory of abdominal troublet, became ill at bis home ifl Ston­~ on·Sunday.

He wu taken to Lawrence Memorlal HoijNI In New London ·i.r observation ""'1 ~ decided late Sunday an Qperatton woold be neceuary.

A spokesman for the department aald be did not tnow bow seriou& Gray's con­dJOon was.

Gletm Leslie Barneson, 18, or 2140 E. Balboa Blvd. and Paul Bern.hart, 17, of 2527 Bamboo St. , both fonner students at the achoo! today are facing felony charges of detonating an exploelve device caustng property damage.

Barneaon who will be arraigned afternoon ln Harbor Judicial District Court Is being held on $25,000 ball In Newport Beach and Bernhart ha1 been booked bito Orange County Juvenile Hall pendq a hearing on the same charges.

PoUce uld they &rt still not sure what the motive was for the early morning bomblnc which blew out windows in the office ot Alllatant Principal Betty Townaend.

"They had been fooling around with aome 1111alltr bomb.9 which they told u1 they set off . In the Upper Bay," aald detect.Ive Sim Amburgey, one of the of­ficen who made the arrest at Big Bear.

Amburgey Ald the Qoqlb was ap­parentty made of a abt-lncll leogth ol galvanJJCd pipe 1tulfed with gun powder.

He aald lnvesUgators found a suppJy of guopowder and plece1 of pipe and Oiher materlala in the g1rage 11 the one


Fifty chorus 1tudenta at University High School in Irvine have been Invited to participate next summer In the first Youth Musicale in Genev1, Switz«land .

The student 1lngers will arrive in Munich. Gennany, July 10 and 1n Gtntva one week later. Several ptrformances wW be given durin1 the two-week tour. lncluding a finale with all mwic11t participants July 22.

Jack L. Coleman. mmic education Clirector or the Walt Dbtney Musi< Com· )any, Invited the Uni chorui. He II ordlnatlna U.S. t!fort.s and will conduct the July i2 Clnate.

The event II ·~ by Swlaaalr and World Vista Toon. •

Daniel Trevino II director of the high achoo! ohorus. Some Unlvtttlty ttudeni. and partnta are orp~1 campaign lo l'llJe runes. to tend the ·a1 group to SwllJ<rland.

Pipeline Reaction Sought lrvi11~ Waler District Plnns 9.5-mile Project

Public - to the Irvine Raocb Water Dlltrlct (!Rll'D) pin lo la>''• '"' milt plpellae !nm Its San Dfero Crttll reclamotlon plant - 10 Riis = ~.l"' a-r.o1r wUI he ""f" ,,,. lair1>""' bwlltd - to ..

.. w11 .. - 1-~ ... lht pro­,_ "land ouUall" project at I meetfnl let for 7:• p.m., _, In 1lancbo s.n = Sdlool, 4I11 .. ~::::::· ~ -P' t • TmJ a •1clM• ol ts) 1' .. $ n'd ..'I ~ ~·1111111· , ......... .. till .. £1 I • ... .... [ ..... ..

I l"I, _.., die '""" of

:t:'~=-..: :=.:to': -"f'Jlnia) wh•• bnplctl 1rt .... -~1!11 .... _.., "'"""' .....

temporary," Dr. Tcny ....... "S.-.1 •rch<olopoil altet ""•

btel .ldmtlOed oear the reclomatlon plaat and oear Rllttl""1aile R<s<TYolr. II

Saddleback Trusteetl •

To.Study Bond Sales Al - lor tht IWI' '*"1Jt

lldloo!Dtotrictto..U-wlllbl .... I j lmftlli II f :ll o'tlnc:ll a Loi Alllllll 9 I ........ Sdlool Iii £! Toro bJ ""291hdt Vallq Uoifled Sdlool Dlolrlcl 11& ' 111

U9dlr - of • --Ullillcllllo ohdlla 1111 -. !lit ....... !loo -.-~--·-of ......... lcllto ..... -. .. ... .., ..... __ tt .. •• .._...,.S.liam_A_ •

.. ----

In other actions, the court : -Ruled unanlmou.Iy that computer

program systenu are not patentable under present law but strongly recom· mended that Congreu loot at the tech­nological problemt: lo the bUllor:Hlollar Industry. -Disml~ an appeal by New Orleans

District Attorney Jim Garrllon from lower court rulings barring him from further proteCUtJon or buslneaman Clly L. Shlw.

GarrlJon wants to prosecute Shaw on charaes or perjury stemming from Gar­rboo '1 lnveillgatJon of the Jobn F. K.,,. nedy ususlnatlon.

- R<fu&ed lo vacate lte order i11yfnc i

..-wer federal rourt nding that Con­ncctkut'1 antiabortion l:lw I.I un­ronstltu1Jon1I.

Al the requtll of ttate authorities, 1110 coun on Oct. It allowed the law to Aly on the hookl until all appeals procedures •re compldtd. .

In the itl1ool ,....,,_ .-, loftr fedenl couru ruled that any declllon on the - ol Plddllnl -wi!'r.,..11 interfere with state- and ldlool oper1tkml.

,,,. CHe WU lnltiaied In U.S. Dlotrict C4<lr1 In Dl!llas by M.vaball Ware ... 1111

!See OOllllT, ..... ll

L& -... ' ... ...-. t i -- n...... • ~ ..J :S!J' "' 0 : ~ . -- .. :--..... ': =-- ,, =-. __ ,. __ . ,_ •h _.._ .. ........... -- . ... .


% DAit V PILDT IS MMU:r, Men..., 20, 1972

• R~i Tr~_g~y Cycle ·Daredevil Kiri Dro~~

Peace Talk Under Way~~:-tendlot 1folln -. K · · 'IM.= nw !'fth tbe.alU!'I did not

_iss~~ger in Par~; Possible Last Ro!''!_d ~ ~=:i&-~d:: BITITE. Mool (UPI) - The rathff.ln-law-cif motcre,ole dll'ldevD Evtl Knievel c1rp,....i wliM • rubber tall •IITYll!l l\im, Kn\r'el llld.JOOevel's two

I PARIS (UPI) - Henry A. Killinger w!lh .. ...,,,-outburst aga!MtPrtlldtnt- ' )la-iail~ 'l'tiliiru-·"'"- th lht..oinplolllrald~vldliclabowe<l and North Vietnamese negotiators met at N1xtJn and -South Vietnamese Prettdtnt obstacle to peate and ~: "He ri\qlt tht ~ •P ''u""811Y ad· the l!ecret location today for what could Nguyen Van Thieu. It demanded there bt resign , and the o.greemenf must be sign- mlnlst.ertd by hlt11Pg Uie atuftnt on his

.be the flnal round of talks to end the no changt In the cWTt:nt draft of the ea 111 it stand.3." ,. buttocU pae or aeveraJ ~~With¥ pad·

oons capsfi.ed. :: ,. __ ·

mE VICTIM WAS John C. Bork, e3, Butte, who was swept away by the swift current moments alter be puahed Knievel'• 10-year~ld soo. RobbJe, onto a log at m1dstream In the 11wlftly Oowtna: Madl8ori River. ·

Vietnam war. lndlcatioru were that the peace accord. ' The Viet Cong it.afement said: dlli. ' · "' i · 1" • h • talks Would last Mveral daya at least. . "We want action, not words." delega· "Remarks of the U.S. government that tt "There:have aJso been DCldents VI ere • The Viet Cong marked the occasion t1on spokesman Ly Van Sau said. wants to build an 'equitable and ISonOrable tha pun~ment has' been adminlstered

Knievel saved the other boy, Kelly, 12, by grab~ln& bls jacbt to keep him from going under.

:Queen Takes Brief Stroll;

Move Shatters Tradition WNOON (UPI ) - Amid the pomp ol

trumpet fanfares , ringing church bells and flutterlna Union Jacks that bas marked the Brttlsh Empire f(lr centuries, Queen Elizabeth II today celebrated the 25th annlvenary of her marriage to Prince Philip with a rare stroll through the center of London.

The brief w1li: among her subjects was tbe first by a ttlanlnl BritiJh monazclJ for hw1dreds of years.

The royal silver annlverury celebra­tion lasted for 13 hours. It began with a !!IOlemn "Service of Thanksgiving" at Westminster Abbey and dosed with a ball at Buckingham Palace.

During a .visit to the Barbican. a hous­ing and arts center behind S i r Christopher Wren's famed St. Paul's Cathedral, lbe Queen moved away from her family to a crush of Londoners pre~ ed against police barricades.

Her walk was so unusual that the English had to borrow an Australian slang word to describe it. a "walkout." But it waa less a mingling than PQt of the royal procession.

Although the Queen has mingled with crowds on trips to Canada and Australia and qnly several weeks a_go- I n Yugoslavia, her h.81f-infle walkt008y w8.s the first in her reign. and for centuries before, by a British monarch ln Britain itaelf.

Elizabeth wore a min k·t rimmed aquamarine silk dress and a matching &t with an ostrich plume, designed by Norman lfartnell who also designed her weddinc dress.

The Queen chatted about three minutes

2 Universities ri:ake Holiday

Both or Orange County's universities - Cal State Fullerton and UC Irvine - wlll ahul dclMl Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Libraries at UCI will observe special holiday ho)lrS o .. Friday and Saturday, hut will be clooed on Thursday and Sunday. The CSF library will be closed throughout the four-Oa; week.end.

'l1'le only public even scheduled al UC! during the holiday Is a performance by the P r a I u e Chamber Orchestra set for 8 p.m. Saturday ln Crawford Hall. Tickets

'"' 11.

From Pqe I

ARRESTS •.. suipecta' home.

• "9/e had eeveral teams of detectives trf'orklng on this one," Amburgey said. "They talked to a lot of people before we 1ot our leads." · Bameson is a graduate: of Corona del Mar High School and Amburgey said Bernhart waa kicked out of the school lut year and Is now · a~

: McNally Continuation School. J : The bombing offense carries a • oUnlmum penalty of five years in state ·; tr1aon for an adult. Amburgey said It -; !"U not clear today whether the juvenile : !llllpect would race a similar penalty. !i-------------. 1

s )

) ,

' ' • , ' ' ' I • . ' • . • I l ~­



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v.•ith those pushed against the barriers, mostly small children gaily waving flags. Detectives watched from rooftops.

The day was m'.lch like the one In 1947 when the then Princess Elizabeth was married in the abbey to Royal Navy Lt. Philip Mountbalten, her handsome, Greek-born third c..'Ousin.

Thousands turned out today ln the chill November breeze along the route of the royal procession. School children were given a day's holiday and poured into the center of London to join tens of thousands who lined t h e streets four deep. and hung out of windows.

The royal family rode in open car­riages, escorted by three troops of the Household cavalry.

The weather was mostly sunny. but a sudden drizZle at one point prompted Queen Mother Elizabeth to raise a transparent umbrella . 1he crowd cheered.

The ceremonial cavalry guard of more than 100 riders was resplendent in red jackets with gold breastplates and gold tasseled helmets on jet black mounts. Eight blue<.oated mounted police also accompanied-the procession.

Scotland Yard, in accordance with the royal · wish, kept - its security- ar­rangements in a low profile. Nearly the entire 800-man London city police .force turned out.

Planners R"Cview Irvine General Plan Document

The 114 pages of the Irvine policy plan will be turned onti by one t•ight u plan-. .. nmg commissioners continued their review or the base document or the city general plsn.

Commissioners will hear reactions to the draft prepared by planning con.­sullant Ed Haworth during a special session vubllc hearing called for 7:30 p.m. in city ball.

Among the formalized reactions to the policy dra(l were those of the Irvine Company presented to commissioners Thursday. Expecting the discussion of the poWls made by the land develo~r to be time consuming, the commiuion set tonight's meeting to allow time to ex­plore the areas of disagreement.

Open spact and hillside development policies are expected to be the prime areas of concern.

A completed draft of the pollcle1 will be forwarded by the commission to the city council where similar public hear­ings are o.pected befort: the interim policy pla:i is adopted ns the city's plan­ning guide.

l\tarine Hitchhiker

Killed on Freeway A hitchhiking :amp Pendleton P.tirine

\vas struck by a car and kUled early Sun­day oo lhe 'Santa Ana Freeway COMector link with the Garden Grove Freeway, the CafUomla Hlahway Patrol reported.

Thomas R. Warren, 22 , died Instantly v.·hen hit ~ya car drive.1 by Dr. Jerry C. Ct ooks, 34, of Santa Ana. Crooks and his wife Lama, 31, were treated for mtnor injuries at the Orange County Medical Center and released. He was not cited.

From Pa9e I

HIJACK ... '

hijacker• could not be returned because they would be tried ln CUba on certain charges including extortion," Bray st1ld.

The AdmlnlstrnHon, he added, hopes that 1be: Cllban step to try the hijacker! " will scrve to deter others ln the American hijacking l'Ommunlty who may t e contemplating hijacking,"

Bray aald , mpondina: to questions, that lbe Cuban notification that the three involvtd · In the Sou them Alrw1y1 hi· jacking .. Kl be tried In a Cuban co>rt doe• not ntet1S&rily mean a rt)ecUon of tt" ·tl .S. request for e1tradltlon. lie 11id there are 1 number of preccdcnll when a country triel crtmlnall and extradites them later to 1 country which requests extredftlon.

On lhe utorUon charge, Bray aald be u- that the thrtt Southern Airways hijackers, who for<ed their plane to J1nd twice In H1'ltlla, e1torttd fuel durlnJ their flnl landln3.

AIU'JOUCI the Unlttd State• l'Ontlnue1 to lnslll m extradition, olfldall aid that the CUiian cloclllon to try the men 11 IJJ ocoordmoe With the long·•tantllilg J.S. poOitlcri 'thit the l'Olllllry whchl hijocke11 land ha1 two altem1Uve1: It either try the lltJacbrl locolly or 11tr1dlt• them.

II ...... wtth a tennis shoe," he added.

peace for a nations' are ~ 1 bluff." • Thti Warn uld this practice tn the Viet Cong olficials detCribed their ~11 •• •·~pendent School o 11k1 ct

ototement as an omcW,-prollq!lnttmeilt' d.;,.1;.. );th cbildren a"'1 patelits ol by the Viet "Cong Provis~ ~ "!undame!llal Ubfrtlet'' ~ 11 ·~el ~=.·?°":emment "and therefore tm- and unuswt1 punilt\mt'Dt"·jn violation of

Their attitude raised the possibWty the Constitution. · tha~ the Viet Cong feared Haooi may make concessions during the talks wblcb begat. at an undisclosed place aomewbere in tbe Paris area.

KlS!lng" ordered h~ special U.S. AJr Force plane to a base in West Germany, indicating his stay will likely last several days.

Mission V~ejo ,

y' ule necoration Contest Slated Nixon's chief security adviser then

slipped out ol the U.S. Emba"Y residence in a white Merc•!c.ies and drove swiftly off for his meeting with Hanoi Mission Viejo residents are invited to negotiators Le Due Tho and Xuan Thuy. decorate their homes to one of four

Newsmen watching the North Viet· themes for the annual Christmas Home namese !leadquarters saw no sign of any or the negotiators. But a Hanoi Decoration Contest, part of the com­spokesman said : "The talks are taking munity's "Five Nignts or Christmas" place today as scheduled." program.

Officials at the American Embassy The decoration contest is ro-sponsored residence said the U.S. nesotiating team by the Mission Viejo Activities Com-was back at the residence by 4:30 p.m. m.ittee and the Mission Viejo Elks Club. There v.·as no indication precisely bow First and second place awards will be long the first talks session lasted, but presented in each of fCH4' categories; best Kissinger left the :esidence soon after 10 Santa theme, best cre$Uve theme, best a.m. rellg1ous theme and best Mi!aion Viejo

lnform<d sources said Tuesday's theme (Mezlcll>Spanisb heritage). session would be an afternoon meeting. A grand prize winner, will be selected

Kissing~r made it clear on his arrival from the four CattgoflSI.. in Paris !ate Sunday that he would stay Award& loclude ca&b. Pl'quel-and color as long as necessary in the expeclation photoe· bf winnth. . · ..:.. , the talks could bring the war to a rapid The 1971 grand pris8 1ient 'to tlia Oiuck end. Reader family Mm Cbrllanta Drive

He told newsmen at OrJy airport: "The for the fourth Y;u_ Iii a tpW. ' Presiden.t has sent ~e here Lor what he -Judiiul will tit.from Die: ·Jl'tp.(>ec. 18 hopes,.w1il be the fmaJ phase ol tbe,,.. · and winners wilfbe announced "Dec.17 at gotlations-to end the---War m Indochina. - - -a· ceremony in -La Pai Plkll:· - -

"My ~structlons. ar~ to stay for as Prfrreglstratlon is required. Ind can be Jong as l~ Is useful .. . if our Nort~ Viet- made by calling chairman ;Jerry Hibbard namese ~.terlocutors come. here m the at 586-0ZZ2 or 837-9519 before Dec. 12. same sp1T1t of understandtng and fle1· ibility which characterized our meetings in October, a rapid settlement of the war is probable."

From Page 1

IMPACT ... San Diego Creek location would be necessary to achieve the~ s4me capacity.

Either way, ,lhe Une ~' the reserv.elr Jocated north of lhe city limits is needed to allow reuse of the reclaimed waler.

A& for air quality related to. increutd development of the Irvine area, Terry concludes there will be 76 percent im­provement by the year 1990 and about 32.6 percent by 1973, "eve11 if all the pro­jected developments take place."

Terry's predictions are based on pc.pulatlons of areas within the IRWD totalling 50,000 in 1975 and ~.118 in 199S.

All of the new city of· Irvine falb within the IRWD which generally includes the bulk ol the Irvine Ranch e1cept for atrtage in Newport Beach a n d agricultural lands north of Irvine Lake and the l..A>mas de Santiago Mountains ridgeline which is also the bourub of the 53 ,000 acre "spliere of influence" claimed by the new city.

Program Pushed For Valley Teens

Seventh and elgbJb~graders In the Sad­dlebaci: Valley Jfe. being asked to help develop a junfor high program at the Saddleback YMCA in El Toro.

Proifam dlrtctor Stete Young, said hi.a 1dea1 for the new activities include skiing, beach outings, sports and service projects.

"Do you just sit around and dream of things you want to do and not do anything about It?" he asked area junior hlgh students. "With the help of the YMCA you can made It happen."

Young said interested students can call him at the Y, at 830-"22 er come to hi1 office at 23331 El Toro Road, room 217.

Pair Rescued at Sea SANTA CRUZ (AP ) - A man and a

woman were rescued at aea by belicopter after drifting In wet suits for more than two hours off Ano Nuevo l!land near here, the Coast Cuard aaya. A spokesman said George Von Gwlden, 42; and Marcia Bock, 24, bot~. of San Jose, bad been div­ing off the Island Sunday wttb a third 1"!"'0. Donald l11318ard'of Santa Clara.

N.. ·:.J&· ,~ . vW a••••

THE FOUR WERE duck hunlin& aboard the 13-foot raft when the craft struck a log and capllzed.

Lido (;ondomlnlum

County Carp•r~~ ~t,s - . . . - . . .

Term in Bomb Thr-e.iit •

By TOM BARLEY Of ... DlllY , .... Sttn

A young carpenter accused in 1on

earlier oranae Oounty &lperlor Court trial of plaMlng the destructlor. of a Lido Isle condomlnlum today plead~ guilty to lesser charges.

Judge William P.turray accepted the plea of Wayne Francia Nettleton to charges of soliciting a commlasloo of a crime aod redU<ed the allegotlolll to misdemeanor level.

_... .

young female housekeePV emploYed by Nettleton aod his l'OOdna.\11' "aClually suggeoted the plan to ljle carpenlei:.

Sbe la'ter llecame a paid lnvelUgalor for the~!'• office. ' ...

Psychic to Give Viejo Program

He sentenced NetUeton, 21, Santa Ana, Parerits WlthOut Partners will present to :SO day• In Oranae County Jail and a progrlm' by psychic Joan Mathews at a placed him on two years probation.

Nettleton had been acbeduled Ii face "'"'ting beginning ot 7,30 p.m. Friday ;t his se<Olld trlal today on aU.1atlo111 "that the )lisllon Viejo GoU Club. he warned the south Cout Construction "Man; :rho Search, for Selr' Is the Company of COsta Mesa last Feb. 18 that topic. Mrs. Mathews' avocation ls the he wou14_ blow up a lS ~on con- e~dy of the occult. Nonmembera are dominium at Lafayette Avenue and Part welcome to attend meeUna;s. Lldo.U he"dld not re«lv~ J5()0,0ll!l._ Ti. meeting' place la located lltBr the

Nettleton, who worked on the con- - -oso-eiftOllh'ilan -Diego Freeway. The struction 1lte was arrested by two program beginning at 8:30 p.m. is sheriff's investigators. p~ by an hour get-together.

They claimed the young carpenter Futther lnfonnaUon Is available by hired them In the belief that Ibey were calling !9H089 or tf/'1.119. the "two Mafia types" be needed to build two electronic bombs.

'Ibey said Nettleton told them he plan­ned to explode one OOmb as a warnina: in the elevator shalt U the builders did not immediately comply with the demands.

The jury, who llitened to the allega· Uons Iller locked al II to 1 In favor of acquittal. Nettleton Was ordere. · to face a new trial.

It WU argued in bill defense thal the


3 Boys Saved; I Dies ' MONCURE, N.C. (UP!) - T b re 1

'.' tired and glassy-eyed" boys were rescued Sunday from the swirling waters of the rafn..swollen Cape Fear river where they clung throu&h the ni&ht to Jaued rocks and buahes after their canoe capsized. A fourth youth drowned.

/it last! brown, sear, .grill with cool Microwave cooking


from $349 · Litton Micro-Bta,tnef"' exclu$IVI

with Litton microwave qWns-. 1

Saddlehaek Y Classes Sl~ted

Litton's exclusive Micro-Browner™ Steak Grill l!oil


lttral1Qn is otlll befn1 taken at the Saddfeback '?alley YMCA lo El Toro for the first series of special lnterett classes, scheduled to start soon At the Y service center on Orange Avenue. .

Youth programs a,.. model building. klndergym. crafts for kids. tumhllng, guitar and a boUday day camp durirll Chrtsunas vacat.100.

Adult cJasses are fitness findera, ef­le<tlve paronthood, YO&•· too mile run for your life. cake decoraOon and holiday cr•llS. Babysitting 11 availlble during ill adult progra.mi.

F'or further tnfonnatlon, contld. the Y llt &»9522.

Plane Crash Probed ELKTON, Ky. (UPll - Federal of. '

!ld1l1 today begin gatherlna the plecel of a twbwn&lnt charter plane that <rashed during the wetkend kllllt11 11111 pel'ICIN on bolnl. Dr. Raymond Mobry, Southern relllonal nlghl ourgoon for the

, Fedo!ral AVlatlon Adnilnlstration, said the IJJ11t1tJc1tlon would be a long ond di~ ficull .... and It ml&Jlt be ...... b bdtn It Is known wily the plane cruhed."

Now you can use your Litton microwave oven for 95% of your everyday cooking -without the use of )'Our conventional broiler or griddle. With the Litton Mlcrd-Browner, you'll have light, gotden brown pancakes and French, crlap huh browns, seared steaks and chops -foods .with

terlor• Larl)est lnterlor of any counter-lop micro­wave oven. Ask for & ... demonstration and taste the difference the Litton Micro-Browner makes in a mlcrow'ave oven .

"""" ......... M. •Lii .. ls.It. w . laJt .. 4. results never before Possible in a mlcrow"9 oYen.

Your microwave oven and kitctwn remain cool~" · -· .. yet you en/oy the appetizing appeal or coriYenlion- • ' [8 ally broiled foods. Tho Litton M1cro:.s~'p(o-r • _ ·LITlON vides the capabil ity for brownlng;-searlng, gtullng, and frylr;g - during microwave cooking. .

Litton s e>cclusive Micro-Browner }otn1 hse other Litton microwave oven firsts: • Ptlahbunon Litton Microwave Ovens automallc defrost • Brlghl, easy-:oleln aqytla In• ----•-•w ......... ., .. u, ..... - .

Low Prices are bOr• Mre, raised elsewhere! I

90 DAY CASH wmc......,,.. ca1D1T

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1115 NEWPORT BLVD. DlwalnR Cab Mm - l'llOlll 548-naa



Bunthag&on .Beam v ·alley

. I


.. VOL: 66, NO. 325, 3 SECTIONS, 36 ~A&ES . I


Today's Final '

• N.Y. Stoeka


Elementary Districts Pushing for New School ' .

By JOHN ZAILER Of .. IMlr ..........

"To guarantee enough blgb school c~ _.~ for lt cbpd-who ls now 9 yean olil, work on a new high school mllll beciD immedlately." 1'11.......,..t l.s apt to be beaM often

ln11oo '- few monthl as tiie five West ~ o.mty f!lementary s c h o o I dl.strtctl mobilize th support of the Hun- · Ungton Beach Union High School


·on Lagoon


Oflll ........... ~ ...

• An environmental Impact report may be required prio"r to the comptetion of a «llitroYersial prtvattrlagoon, now under

DIW(ct'i February construction hood electl9a.

"We csn•t just Ignore what happem to chllilrm once they gradlllte lrom our sdlcii>ll," says S. A. · Mollell. superin. teftdenl· of Huntington Beach City School I>Wriel. ' ~ ~II ........ ~ iode<iuate high IChool f-. Ito obvtomly a ,._, coocem

to QJ;''.lofollelt aays. The: superlntendmta of tlie Fountain

VaJ!w, Ocean View, Westminster and • t • ' '

Seaf !leech elem>ntary school districts have all made pubUc ex~ or agreement wllh this poall!on.

And at the roqueat o1 the hlgb school dlsttlcl, Ibey are tablt! pnllmlnary steps to run an active ~ Wormation ~ IG ""'!'°'1 ol the 127 milllOn

"Weir< IOint! to ask our prkicipall•to treat .ifus e1ec1iGo as II It -. ooe of QcelUJ. \!if:,y's , cnm dections," ·S!l)'S James .Carvell, sqpertotendelll. ol. tbe . . ' ~

construction µ. HWltington Harbo\ir, • - - ----liunlinj!len.:S.aob Ci~y--Admlnlltr;tlO<---­

David Rowlands wlll aak city councilmen tonight to roqulre the Impact .report before the city Issues bulldi!)g permit>


for no townhouses scheduled to surround the lagoon.

In a memorandum to councilmen. Rowlands says. the U.S. Anny Corps of Eligineen reports it will also require an impact report, ll there l.s sufficient public prot..i to the 3.87-acre lagoon.

Huntington Harbour resident> pro­tested continued construction of the !agQOn la5I w~ ~·use no lnlpacl re­quirement bad been made.

Their protests led the council to issue a cease and desist order on lagoon con­~ until tGUliidll&'J.. •••tN1 ..anm­cilmen will now d«lde II !bet want to allowcomWcllonwull,to- ~ r

it~-= =.111alll0111o~i: water throoihout H1lllliDclon Harbour, II a proposed pumpiila ~m doea not prove u effective as the Huntington Harbour Corporation says It l.s. .

'lbe protesters also say it b not clear who w!U pay. for coalloued maintenance ol U- pumps, and they 4on't want the burdm to fall on homeowners.

Councilmen entered tbe battle last Monday with their stop order on the wort. They also sharply critichod the ci­ty staff for not being able to explain why that area of Huntington Harbour wu ei­ciuded ~ Impact report requirements.

In bls memo to the council, Rowlands sayi the area was excluded because ponnlta for the 1agoon had bem •I> proved prior (on May IS) to the councll's adoption of an Interim envin>nmentaI im-

(See LAGOON, Pare II

Internal Ailment

~its FBI's Gray;

- • f Fred and Adele Astalri, veteran brother and si!ter dance team, help open Uris 'nleater In New .York, Broadway's first new legitimate the­ater" In more !ball 40 yem. 'nleater occupies six-story shell In new 50-stoey offlef'lower. ,

Supreme Court Declines ' '

'f o Review Paddling Case W ASlilNGTON (UPI) - Tbe U.S.

S<Jpreme Court dedloed today to ...,. sider wt*ther the pacldlq of a public school atUilent wtlhout his pa"F'' permission .. UDCOllltitutlonal 11cnJtl and unusuaJ pmlahment."

' Without comment, tbe court refUaed to hear .. appeal fn>m a DaiJai, Tex. father and 1011 who loll tbelr challen1• of

the practlce th lower - -hi oilier actloot, tbe Court: -lluled una-.sly that computer

Pl'll!ID• systems are oot patentable ::=J'eaent law but ltroa&lY .....,.

that Coogresi loot at the tech-nofotiical problems Ill tbe bllliol><lollar ~tr). ~an -1 by New'Clrleans

DlijoiiJI' AttomeJ> -Jbn Gorrlaon from

Ionr' ""'" ~ ~ him -fw1lw ~ of bi1Rne•1man Qay

.L. - · . ' _tG~ nata to ,.._.. .~on cnqt0 of perjllry aternminc' !tom Gar- · fbQa'1 ln...tlptlon ol the J .... F. I<& ljOd)I 1•1alnailoo.

-Refused to vacate lb order staying a Jrwer federal court ruling that Con­necUcut'1 antiabortion law ill un­l'Ollllltullooal.

At tbe nqu1at· of ltate authorities, the court orrOct. 18 allowed the law to stay

•Dn the -. 1mtll all appeals procedures (See COURT, Pa1e l)


OF W ATERBED Living tbe good Ille a stone's

tbrow l1om the llUrl In Newport Bacll can have ill drawb&cks -eapaclally when your surfboard punches' a hole in your waterbed.

llr<nda Trueblood, of 102 E. Bay AYe.,. wu retCUed from an esly­moming mn In her bednJom by oblJclng fU'eDl<ll anned w 11 h boctel.s. Not~ - dlmaeed In the Friday Incident.

' ' ., 0cein ~View School District.

uwe want to do everything we can to help the bigb· <chool di.strict win this ·one," he said.

In an effort to spur the elementary dlflrlcta thto action; higb ~ c b"' o I sUPertatendent\Jtck Roper hru: maae or scl!edulo!I meetings that will allow him to make a penooal address to every elementary pr!Mipal In the high school dbtricl. •

TbJs b in sharp contrast to the high

school district's low-key campaign for its September hond election when the di.strict chose to make the fight alone.

"All of lhe elementary districts have very good succea with their local elec­tions," Roper sakt. "Perhaps it't because they're closer to the people.

"In asking them to make a major ef· fort on our behalf, we're hoping that some of their success will rub off on us," Roper said. .

The high school district bas lost five

straight bond elections dating back to 1967. In its most recent try this Sep-­tember -{he bond received 52 percent of the vote!. but fl percent approval ns Jlffded.

The lowest support in that bond elec­tion came from the Westminster School District, where voters mly cave • per· cent approval. High ICbool officialt ooo­cede that lhis level of 'no' vote coold eu­ily defeat the February bond meamre

tSee DISTiiiers, Page II

Hijack Trial Due Cuba Says 3 U.S. Pirates To Be Tried

WASHINGTON {AP) - The Cuban to an agreement" on how to handle h._ govemmmt bas notified the United jackers. States that It will try three hijackers who The Cuban reply, through the Swiss forced a Southern Airways jet with 31 Embassy, reached Washington over the passengers aboard to land in Cuba Nov. wee.kend and said that the Cuban govern· 12. menl is .. prtpared to begin discussions

In reporting this today, State Depart- soon lhrough the good offices of the ment press offfcer Charles W: Bray also~" S·.viss government," Bray announctd. sa.ldJhe. CuJ>an govgrr.rnentJ!as re11pond· __ .Jl~~~in-~to_i_gl,!esticm. Qlat _ ed "favorably to the U.S. invitation •·10 the Cubans proposed ·a certain date but eng&ge in discussions whic.h might lead added that lhere was no arreement yet

Driv~in Asks Continuance By Councilmen tl.?8 ~tyt?.."111 ~ s,,Jfy .jnc .• de¥elopers of a -i.....nlal · IOU:f.lcr'een drive-In theater, to deby Ute matter mUl Docember.

CooncJlmen IOCelved a letter late Fri­day afternoon from Syuly attorney H. Rodger Howell requesting that they con­tinue a decision on the proposed drive-in theater until more material a n d testimony from experts can be g•lbered.

Howell asked for a continuance to Dec. 5 or Dec. 16.

Syufy hopes to build the theater near the intersection of Warner Avenue and Newhope Street adjaoent to the Santa Ana River.

Howell said in his letter recent con­fusion over litigation in lhe zoning field Is a major concern in further research. He was not available for further comment today.

"I don't know bow much more testimony they can come up with ," said councilman Marvin Adler t o d a y . "Tbey'vt had a month to look Into it."

The drive-in theater permit request was denied by the city Planning Com­mission, and the appeal was delayed In October by the council.

"At thts point, I have mixed emo­tions, '' Councilman George Scott reacted. "Their reasons appear to be detatable, but we have never turned down someone for a conilluance."

Mayor Al Holllnden and Councilman Bernie Svalstad Indicated they were ~ill studying the matter and would wait until Tuesday night to make any decision.

Councilman Ed Just said he would l.&w no ob)ection to the COf)tlnuation.

Jl,Jlt was the only councilman who gave any indication how he would eventually vote en the theater which bu been an Issue ol beal<d debate In the city for rnontho.

"1 •Ill vote for It unleu IOmetbing dr11Uc comet along to change my mind," Just aaJd today.

Some bomeownen In 1he city have .,,. poted drive-in, claiming It wW create

(See DRIVE-IN. Page II

It's Higli Tide

Over Highway That water that swamped the

east side of Pacific Coast Highway in sections of Sunset Beach early today was pushed through Hunting· ton Harbour by one of lbe Jw;;: ~.,. .. ,*.. . .. 11id. . .

Tbe tide of 7.1 loll 1111 .Ibo -durtnr the rualI baur - ahoul 7:40 1.m. - llO!ldla( - 1111 Ille center lane of the heavily lrneled highway at some pointl.

And If you think II WU had today, just wait until tomorrow when the high Ude Is erpecl<d to reach 7.2 feet at 1:23 a.m.

Hospital Aide

Nixed as Juror

In Murder Trial . ., A fl'Omllll who explained lba• ahe was

the dietician for the Oronge County Medical Center pri900 ward In which ac­cused tlller Gig Peters hu been conllned was quickly excused today u jury selec­tion got under way In the teeood Superior Court trial of the Huntington Beach man.

Pele!t, 13, looted up and amlltd from his wheelchair u Judie Kenneth WilliamJ excuted the holpital lechnklan from jury duty in what la expected to be a four-week trial.

Bo!b sides predicted lhil morning that jury aelectk)n will take up al ltut tbret days lhll week before openlo1 lflUl1l01lll are offered.

Pet<ro Is accutled of the murder ol hl.s parenll Olarles Pe<en, 16, and his wife Flora, 54. He hu again pleaJed Innocent by ruson of lnaanlly.

11 l.s alleged that Ult former IKquard stabbed his fatbor tllrotllb the heart In April ol It!! and otraJll)od hll mother ahortly after be arrived al the Lincoln Street borne from a mjourn in 1 San

Dleeo County MM-t --· P<ten. !Ira trial - to a -tlooal

end lut November wt.ft he wu lbot ln the spine hy 1 deputy who prt1>enl<d hit acape durinc a noon hour bruk ln the trial.

on when the talks through L'>e Swlos, the power wtlich representJ U.S. interest.I in Cuba, would start.

1be United Stata, Bray 51id, dlspatch-et! on Saturday ils official requelt to Qiha to extradite the hijadu!n of most recent cases: one involvtng an Ea.stem Alrllna plane hijacked oil Oct. 21 by four armed men, and the other involvlno the SOUOiem Kl.rwafi lane JW- triaif-two-

ISee IUJA~. Pqe ti

2 Ex-CdM High Students Held In Bomb Case

Newport Baacll dti.c:tlvea 1'aded through hij><leep - i. 1 cabin at Bic llurlAke Saturday to arnol two youth&

~ ., aillllll "" i pipe -'l'llir1d.y mot nJnr at Comta del Mar HI;~ School.

GleM Leslie BarnelOll, II, d 11411 E. Balboa Blvd. and Paul Bemhart, 17, d m7 Bamboo St .. both former .-to 11 the ochool today ""' factnc felony chargro of detonating an explootve de­Clllllng property damqe.

Barnesoo who will be arnlgned lhl.s afternoon in Harbor Judklal Dlltrict Court IJ belJ11 beld on Sl5.lllO lloJl In Newport Beach and Bernhart haa been hooked Into Oranp County Juvtnllt Hall pendl11ff a hearlll( OD the 11iM c:hargoo.

Police aaid they ·"" lliU DOI oan -t the motive wu for the earlJ nanlJ1I hombln( whlcb blew out wtndowl In lht office of Alolltanl Principal Betty Towrwend.

.. They had been foollni around wtth some amoller bombo whlcb they told ua they aet off In the Upper Bay... uld detective Sam Amburgey, one of the ol· !leers who made the armt al Big Bear.

Ambur&ey uid the bomb 1'U af> pamiUy made d I "11-tncl! lenJlh ol (alvanlud pipe IW!fed with l\11 powder.

He aald lnvestlpun fOl.lld a tuDPIY o( (wipowder and pieces of pipe and -oiher nuiterlall ln the p.rqe 1t the ON surpects' homf.

.. We had - team& ol -workln1 on this one," Amburgey Aid. .. They tolked to a lot of people hefota .. eot our leads.''

Bamnon II I Ilfaduate d CorGM *' Mor Hl&h School and AmbtqeJ uld Bernhart WU kJcked out fl Illa -1111 year and ii aow "'Mired II McNally Conllauatlon ScbooL

The homblnJ o11- - • mlnlmwn peMJty d five _. • -pri10ft for an -. -c uld K WU not Clear toda)I - ~ IUJpeCI WO<lld face a llmUar _.,.

·slipup!' Diseovered Pet«t docton haft declared that it ii

higllly Wllltety that thett-pallcnl wUI O\'tr

••Ht l8llD. Ora•te

Popular Nevqda Cou1f:ty Phy1ician Wan~d by Police Housing Tracts

Approval Sought

......... fru bo ..., • t,.. 'hlodlJ,

and a tad ··- ..... Qr. - Coal!. wttll - ......

QUIC~ Pl<OFITS ·-.. --ON'-2ND CA.LL - -

~ llev. (AP) - A warrant II ... ,_ llto - ol ,,_.Paul -... Ullo - town IG central N<Yada lo

..... -·-· ......... ""· 9lftlltre ........ ln Bia it ' p ................ .... .. 11l1111 •dllaiM,adlllvp ..... Ill .. _, " .. .,..,.., bo - • ~_,- ... -1A!orJ ., .... -

IJtd ... -. • II! I pradlood • a $'I - OS .......... ......

=~-:.m::~-:= __ ............. -.~ ..... -~·· __ .. .... -. Al °""" ..,. ..,. .-. ... -...... . ..... 'd ...... ....

tltlt ...... •1' 'h+ I

clay bcefaro chm po of p r a c t I cl n s --a-aodobta-- ml PIOf*IY tnler fa 11 e ..-...... fllodqaloot blm, -MlllPid - . 'l'!iere II a ...-111; ll!o • -a . ...... ., .. __ A111c""- Im Qi&! 1p. Be Ma •

=•'!Ar.~ :r.;:.;.-a.: ...... ...... Boilo -...a.n ............... ., .......... -...,,AMA,_...._ M •11•1' .. Palms - " Qil 1111'< II Do._-t, -. - lliftli ..... Poem 'y,un,*• 1e•111...,_ -... •rt .. ....,. 11111

_ ...... _ --.. ,. .. 11oo

-·---11111-­. 11111111os11u thnr••W11C.,.

• '

ablJ bo dllllcult to convince the -" ol - °"" Ibey ... betttr off without --- they were wttll him.

ll:riJl bad been without a doctor '""" Ibo ........ "' llll.s year ..w 6lnlotrt arm.I. n ii - n mllol from Ibo llnlDll&..,~--· ~ O.imlan a-tes v- 1"""'11 ...ii ol - ·

""' ....... a!I tllill - to .......

lie - 1111 - ·" -----""' - bod 1111- bon! _..,,,.,. .. a lot "' - ........ .....

lft! .... ...,, ..... Mn. - ...... . tllt ..._._ -,'But ho - '"" .... tliooICfll tl"' .. towolf"'llli • a -.......... ,. ,,,:::0 ! I = = tloll "' ....,

Illa llCNI, ... l

,...., 1a,.. hourlnJ tracts pcopooed kl "'1ntlapa Harlloor ar< on TUotdaY ..,..., ...... for the HWltlqtoo Beach ~c-ntalan.

One Pl-I II for 1• - on lJ.7 ..... "'"' Pact:lc: c-t ""'""' a.I ..... A-. ~_llet'bour. °"" ii ....... a - ponnJt .. build ll:t ......

'Illa oClotr nquoot - litm IA - cw,. to llulld !JI *"' ,_., - .... 11 """"' • ~ lilMd -.. --· Do<l1I I t 1M1 Ill • ..,.. on boA fl'I~ - .... ., .. •••4 llr .. , .. _El'" ~ l'lfll'lt W .. tli ES I •Mw Pl ' ti dtil ..... .. , ,

- - • diltlc .. " lliald. OnmJPt Ion oqodod In Illa hllll ...

11'11H 'N81'Y H-rd H"91ta fl ..,,.nodlr

p11n.i.., •• ....-, -.....,t .. ti.. llllw,,,. _,Ill •I IQ' ••••fl /loOt. S.• dOft,

"'*'· ..... _ , ='- ': - ... =· : -- . --- . !_..,._ .... - ,..I .... -• •

:.~ = -- . -- ' e;:'!'E .. = - II r.--:.



.. . DAILY PILOT " Pta•Pti1al

HUACK •• , -u lalor • . 'lbe'two AmoriClll - ~the atndltlon of the hijackers In both ...... llr81 _.... "" oal4 Ilia& tboy w ... - It..._ "It..._ 11-i>lete .... _lloa," mean l n, without waltinl for the complelklb o extensive lepl paperwork rtqUired by extradition trullel.

Tbo reque11 f,.. mr:ad!tlon of the hi­Jac:bn or the Eastern Alr Lines plant listed murder, attempt to murder, and assault with the intent to murder as \he charges? tn addition to such 'ede.ral charges as airc:rlll piracy and kidnaplng.

Tho note eonc:emlng the Southern Alrwaya pllDt U.tod only federal charges or air piracy. bot .... .....i the •ight to supplement it with further federal and state charges. ~re was no reply yet to the two re-­

quests. but "the CUban government hns notified us officially after ou:.· requests reached them that the Southem Airways hijackers c:oold nol be returned because they wouJd be tried in CUba on certain cJwie> Including extortion," Bray said.

'nle Adminl.matlon. be added, hopes iliat the CUilan step to"try the hijadters «wUJ 1erve to deter others in lbe American hijacking community who may te contemplating bij1cltlDg.11

Bray said, responding to questions. that the Cuban ootification that the three ln\lolved in the Southern Airways hi­jacking will be tried in a CUban co:.irt does not necessarily mean a rejection of the U.S. request for extradition. He said there are a number ol precedents when a country tries criminals and extradites them 4iter to a country which requests extradition.

Ou the extortion charge, Bray said be understan~ that the three Southern Airways hijackers, who forced their plane to land twice in Havana, extorted fuel during their first landing.

Although the United States continues to insist on extradition, officials said that the CUilan declslon to try the men is in 4ccordance with the long-standing J .S. position that the country where hijackers land bas two altematlves': It must eltbeI"" try the hijackers locally OI° extradite them.

Fl'Olli Pfige l

DRIVE-IN . . . massive traffic problems, bring un· deairable persons into the city and create health problema.

'Jbe drive-ID controversy in Fountain Valley bu raged since March. when councilmen approved the construction of a theater oear Warner Avenue ond Newbope Street.

Homeowntn and admlni!traton of the 'ountain Valley Community Hospital tbich b located next lo .the f~ 1lte ltlllldltd a referendum campaign to p'*" vent t&e construction of the theater.

Councilmen, however, refused Io ll'COgllile the pet!Uona on the grouadJ that an adminlstrative action is not open to referendum.

After suits were filed by bolb sides in Superior Court, Judge Mark Soden ordered the city to rezone the property or ~ll an tt'ectioo lo decide the controversy. , Syufy then applied for the new theater ~ wbldl ii only bl,cb from the flnt I tested location.

Helen Cawthon

f uneral Held I Graveside services were helO. today in La Mirada for Helen M. Cawthon, who hllded In Costa Mesa for 28 years. She

· Wed last Wednesday at age 8.1. : Mrs. Ca~ho~ resided at 2088 Orange )\ve. : Burial followed the morning services al Pllve Lawn Memorial Park. Survivors _,. her hU!band. G<Orge. of the home p~dress; son, Chester Cawthon, of Costa fl'fesa ; daughter, Mn. Vivian Hall of tfunUna:ton Beach; parents, . and Mrs. Byron Peebler of La Mirada; brother!, Gerald Peebler of Tustin and Ned feebler of La Mirada; sisters, Lena Potts of Escondido, Melba Montanelll of Paradise, Frances Osborne of Oregon, betty Mllchtil of Arkansa: and nine ;randchildren.



' I


' •

DAILY l'ILOT I ........

Raft Tragedy Cyc"le Daredevil Kin Drowns

BIJTl'E, Mont (UPI) - 'Ille falbel'-tn-1&1<> o! molorcyele dl...ttev" Evd Knievtl drowned when a rubber raft carrying him, Knievel and Knievel 's two "°"' capsiie<C

THE VICTIM WAS John C. Bork, 63, Butte, who was swept away by the swift CWTent moments after he pushed Kn'evel's 10.year-old son. Robbie, onto a log at tnldstream io the awilUy flowing Madi900 River.

Knievel saved tbt other boy, Kelly, 12, ~Y grabbipg his Jacket lo keep him from going under. (

TUE FOUR WERE duck hunting aboard the 13-loot raft when lbe croft struck a IOg and capolJed. •

- -Lido Condominium

County Carpent,er Get,s


· Their Artistic Effort Will Make Tri p to Nation's Capital In Rt friger1ted Truck By TOM BARLEY ot "" ~"' """' s11n

It was argued in his defense that the young female housekeeper employed by Nettleton and his rOOIJY!¥.les actually suggested the plan to the carpenter.

American Flag Candle Set cot!R'.f~~,,i ­A.. young carpenter accused in on

earlier Ora11111. Oounly superior Court trial of planning the destructioL of a Lido Isle condominium foday pleaded gullty to lesser charges.

Judge Wllllam Murray accepted the

She later became a paid investigator for the Sheriff's office. ·

F rom Pqe J are completed. plea of Wayn'.e Francis NetUeton to

In the school punishment case, lower charges of solicltinc a commlsslon of a federal courts: ruled that any decision on crime and reduced the allegatioru: to the Issue of paddling' would improperly mlJdemeanor level. even If it passt1, heavily in all other

DISTRICTS . • • For Cross-country Trip A S,270 pound candle in the shape of an

American Flag was scheduled to leave Costa Mesa today for Washington, D.C.

The eternal candle - perhaps th~ largest in the world - is destined for the Hiatot'1cal Wax Museum where it will go on permanent display in the lobby.

Jeff Overstreet, 26, and Charlie Straub, ·281-two Costa Mesa magazine~publishers who conceived the Idea a month ago, say they hope President Nixon will accept. the gift personally.

Valley Schools

Adopt Measure

For Emergency The FountaiJt Valley School Board

acted to insure that any child injured on school grounds wllJ receive emergency attention in the event parents cannot be: reached.

The policy, adopted unanimously by trustees, includes children whose parents sptclly that for rellglous reasons they do not want their child givell medication.

"We've always had this pOwer under the state education code ," Superin· tendent Mike Brick explained. "We now have a practical plan for use in emergen· cy situati'JflJ."

The policy will have litUe effect on children whose parent:; give prior permiulon for them to be given emergency medical treatment.

But the new policy specifies that each school pr!aclpal must notify parents who dor:'t want medical attention for their child that emergency treatment will be given anyway if the parent can't be reached.

These parent.s will b. given the chance to provide names of alternates to whose care their child can be entrul!lted in the case of an emergency. But Brick said these people must arrive on the scene of an accident quickly in order to take charfe of an injured child .

"l a child is in obvious need or medical treatment and no one can be reached, we will cd.11 in the police or fire department. and they will be authorized to seek whatevfr ho!!pltalliation or medication Is deemed necessary," Brick said.

Frot11 Pllflfl l

LAGOON .. . pact policy (Oct. 2) .

The calllomla Water Quality Conlrol Board, Santa Ana Region . has set a pu~lc hearina: Nov . 30 on the Huntington Harbour lagoon project.

The corp. or Engineers told Rowland11 It will determine the need for an impact report rouowing that hearing.

Construction or 42 boat slips in Hun· tlngton Hatbou; was also halted by the council last week, but Rowlands' memo makes no reference to that pro}f!ct.


The boat slips, sitting on waterway given to the city, are not connected with the laaooo project. 'nley repment lbe last phue of the mnrina In the Daven· port Chlnntl.

Wlllla Huntlnilon Harbour dedicated the waterway lo the city, tho corporatkln retained euement rlgh~ ror construction Of the marina and related marine shops.

COUnc:ilmtn, meeUn1 at 7:311 p.m., mull alao decide if thty want to turther hold up conotruction of the boat ~ips .

Cutter to 6e Probed JUNEAJJ, Af11b !APl - A Coasl

Gulrd board of Inquiry was scheduled to convene here todly to investigate damage whfcb left tht cutter. J.arv1• powerlest and leaking badly on the bigb .,,. '11Nnday. Viet Adm. Man A.. Wbaleo, Pldllc 1ret1 Coal! Guan! com­mander In San Franclaco, named Rtir Adm. Jostpb J. McCltiland o! SealUe to bead ~ Inquiry.

The wedge-shaped candle was poured interfere with state and local acbool He aenteoced NetUeton, 21, Santa Ana , areas. at TeWlnkle Park with the help of Rick operations. t9 30 daya in Orange County Jail and "l'm personally very much em-Stock, a professional candlemaker from The cue was tniUated in U.S. District placed him an two yeers probation, barrassed by . our district's vote on the Huntington Beach. The paraffin was Court in Dallas by Marshall ware and bis Nettleton bad been acbedaJed to face last bond," says Westminster elementary donated by an oil company. son, Douglas Ware, against SUperin- hia second trial today on allegatkma that Superintendent Bill Dolph.

A 40-foot semi-truck and traileI"", • he warned the South Coast ConatrucUon "I d 't t lo In lb . ., donated by a Texas shipping firm, stood tendent Nolan Estes. ·Company of Coata Mesa last Feb. 18 that on wan see us ~ ~JwOn by this morning to take the candle to I.As The papers filed with the court djd not he· would .. blow up a 18 million ·~ .. ·where we scuttle something tha~ the A.ngel@s where It will be secured (or the state•wJletDer the yOutb bad suffered cor- d.>minium at Lafayette Avenue and Pirk district badly needs and _111. ~ @i!Jg cross-country trip. _ _ poral punlsltment;-- - - Lido ll he~ ~otjeceive-t500;GOO:- --- everythhii-1 can to see- that ouf area

First stop along the way will be at a District Judge W.M. Taylor, wbt> dealt NetUeton, who worked on the con- holds its own," Dolph said. radio station In Anaheim where the can- with lbe complaint said evidence showed · ..,•stnJcUon site, was arrested by two In a recent change of policy, the Foun-d le builders have scheduled shows to the punishment ' was "UStJ4)ly rad· sherlfi's Investigators. tain Valley School District has agreed to help them raise expense monies for the mlnistered by hitting the studeDt on his They claimed the young carpenter soft-pedal its CUITent unification drive trip. buttocks one or several time& with a pad- hired them lD the belief that they were. because it might hurt the bond issue's

Straub said they will also be collecting die. the "two Mafia typea" he needed to build chances. signatures on a letter to the "People of "There have also been incidents where two electronic bombs. "We're still strongly in support of the United States." More than 7 ,000 the punishment has been admlnistered They iaid Nettleton told them he plan· unification," says Superintendent Mike signatures have already been gathered with a teonls · ahoe," be added. ned to explode one !>omb u a warning In Brick, "but people must understand that for the letter which says that the candle Tbtl Wares said tbiJ praatlce in the the elevator shaft if the builders did DOt the most direct way to relieve high represents "Unity, Peace, Freedom and Dallas Independent School D la t r I c t lmIQedlately comply With the demands. school overcrowding is to support the Equality for all Mankind." deprives both children and parent.I qt The jury, who listened to "the allega- bond election.

The refrigerated truck will ~e stops "fundamental Ubertiea" and ·is "cruel tloM later k>cked at 11 to 1 ln favor of "Our district will be doing everything to display the candle in Arizona, Texas, and unusual punishment" in viOlaUon of acquittal. Netµeton Was order& - to face a it can to the voters understand Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia the Con11titutlon. . - - · new trial. this," be said. and Ohio. . -~~---~~~~~~~~~--,-,,-,....-~,.-....,-....,~~~....,..,..-~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~

The candle, which measures a feet by 4 f .... • ., r-• ,., ~t 1 •• • ' ·

feet by 4¥.ii feet, will be presented to MM•M••MM ....... M••••·------------·~!"'-""1..,.,...,._ .. ..,lllllli1 While House officials on Dec. 14. Its gas 1: 1 '

~1~:i7.:1~~m~:.-:~-· k bas"-1'·NDw"'at·•· ~ 1···,., At"·lasr• ... bro· wil-, sear,

"Hopefully, the President will attend

the ceremony but right now that'• juJt •11 •th I guesswork," said s1raub. "The delalls grl Jll COO are kind of hazy but weil pily it by ear after we get there."

Council to He~r

Zoning Reqt1ests

In Huntington Three public hearings. all involving

zone changes, are on the agenda for tonight's Huntington Beach City Council meeting at 7:30.

The first bearing is a ~uest for R-2 (duplex) zoning on .7-of-an-acre along Pacific COast Highway, north of Warner Avenue, near Huntington Harbour. The land is now zoned for highway com· mertlal.

The second zoning request involves a switch from R-5 (office-profeulonal) to M-H (moblle home ) 37 acres west of Beach Boulevard, between Indianapolis and Atlanta Avenues.

That property is already covered with mobile homes which were allowed as a nonconforming use.

The final public hearing is a request for R-2 {duple.1) zoning on 8.3 acres southwest of Delaware Street and Ellis Avenue which is now zoned R-3 (medium density apartments).

This zone change was initiated by the planning commission to make the land confomi lo exbtln1 uses on neighboring parcels.

All three zone changes are supported by the planning commi!slon.

DOCTOR ... Although he baa a wmant out for

Sin~trt , Bilyeu comment.a that many people In the town "don't care if he's a doctor. They've 1ot to havt aomebody."

Bilyeu add.a tblt 11obvlously, too, he has JOme medical bacqround. 11 One oource saya that Slniltte bad been a medi<AI COl"pll!WI in Iba Anny.

"We have found no ewtence of malpractice ye~" the wblallt d!xtrtct att..-ney t'OlltinUfl, b\11 that "dou not mun It ml1hl not happen ln the future,"

Atty. Cen. Robert Lisi say1 thal the AMA Informed him thal tht Indiana cer\!Ocate Slnistre praaented In Nevada b a fraud.

At CM1t point. Slnistrt "°"!acted the of· flee of U.S. Sen. Alan Bible, becaUH be wu unable to dispense drup without a lletn ... An 1ido to Bible sa1a that an the offJCt. tried to do was expedite Stnlltrt's appUeallon with the Federal Bureau o! NarroUCJ and Danaerous °"'I•· The ap-

. plicotlon was approved.




i ~-


Microwave cooking


-from $349 Utton Micro-Browner"' exclusive

with Litton microwave ovens.

.. ' ,

Litton's exclusive Micro-Browner'" Steak Grill

.I I


Now you can use your Llnon microwave oven for terlor • Largest Interior of any counler-top micro- • 95,.o of your everyday cooking - without the use wave oven. Ask for a demonstration and tasie tha JI

of your conventional broller or griddle. With the difference the Litton Micro-Browner makes in a I Litton Mlcrd·Browner, you'll have light, golden microwave oven. br9wn pancakes and French toast, crisp hash ----.,,---,,..-,,-,,..,.~.,.-..,.,,,_---browns, seared steaks end chops - foods .with ""'*1 M-.""' "'· • 1•• .. l :H.

I bef . .. .... • :•• .. 4. I resu ts never ore possible in a microwave oven. Your microwave oven and kitchen remain cool,

yet you enfoy the appetizing appeal 01 conventlon- rn I ally broiled foods. The Litton Mlcro·Browner pro· LITliON I vides the capabilily 1or browning, searing, grilling. I .and lrying - during microwave cooking. .

Litton's exclusive Micro-Browner )of,. these · olher Litton microwave oven tirsts: • Pushti.tton Litton Microwave Ovens automatic defrost • Bright, easy-clean acryflc In- MollodyinowtJt10tt1bowt1ttlcr~cooldn1th111Uuon. Noboclr.

Low rrtces are bol n Hre, raised elsewhere!



• M 1 • , 'lllU- l'OWIR OF 110 STORlS Iii -~ n&W•t Fe• ~.

1115 DORT BLYD. llnn1111 Cab lb - ~~?! .•.•..• J 0

I '


MOl'ld11y, NO¥tmber 20, 1972 H OAJL V PILOT :J

Kissinger,. Reds Boldjng Last Talks?· Thief Got Piece Of Her Action

Them boots were made Cor walk· ing but &0meone else is doing the strolllng- today in topless dancer Geraldine Bums' brown leather boots.

The curvy entertainer's rootware disappeared from her dressing room at Harvey's bar in Anaheim Saturday night white the 24-year"ld entertainer was at the high point cf her torrid number,

Miss Bums and fellow en· tertainers were at a loss to explain the theft.

"Souvenir hunters ," commented an investigator. "You'd be surpris· ed at what some people take."

Court Blast

Arraignment Set Today

Woman, 84, Tortured

By Youths PlllLADELPHIA (AP1 - An SI-year­

old widow living on the 16th floor of a north Philad"1phia publlO>houstng project is r~overing from five days of terror during whlcb she was beaten with a broomstick, stripped, · raped, tortured, burned and robbed of her savings by four youths, pvlice saic.i.

The widow, with DO krown relatives, was so bruised and covered with welts and frightened that she ate nothing dur­ing the ordeal.

It began, police said, when the four youths - aged 10, U, 12 and 13 - knock­ed a week ago Sunday on the door of her apartment in the Fairbill Housing Proj· ect and asked if they coufd fun an er­rand. •

... UJllT.i.Mt.

A man accused or dynamiting a Beaver, Pa ., courthouse was scheduled for arraignment today before a U.S. C<lmmJssloner in Santa Ana.

The man, identified by FBI agents as Thomas Ball, 24, of Weirton, W.Va., was taken into Custody in Garden Grove FTi­day on a fugitive warrant.

Recognizing the voices . . youths whom poUce said she knew (one lived next door ; another bad delivered h e r groceries), the 5-foot-1, 125-~ woman opened the door and pernutted them to enter.

But, police said, tbe youtm im· med.lately ransacked drawen, ripped open a mattres.! and demanded money.

ROYAL FAMILY PORTRAIT-QUEEN ELIZABETH, PRINCE PHILIP CELEBRATE 25 YEARS Children (from left) Ch1rle1, Edw1rd, Andrew ind, Anne G1ther With Parent1

He was the last of six men to be ar­rested in connection with lhe explosion that caused an estimated $500,000 in .damage, according to the FBI.

Among the bombing arr~tees are Ball's two brothers, Ronalp and Robe~, and -three other .Jnen.. w.ho . allegedly ng~ _ ged an alann clock to 35 sticks of dynamite.

There were no injuries in the Sept. 11 explosion.

Both Ronald an..: Robert Ball pleaded guilty to the bombing charges last month. The other three persons are awaiting trial.

Authorities said the blast occurred at the same courthouse where Ronald and Robert Ball were scheduled to stand trial on armed robbery charges.

They found some money, took the on1y key she had to the door and threatened to kill her if she told anyone about their in­trusion, the victim told police.

On Monday, investigators said the youths used the key to enter the apart­ment, and again ransacked the room for

Princess Anne In Hot Water

money. And·they assaulted and raped the .. woman, police said. LONDON (UPl)-Princess Anne - Orr-Tuesday; the youths -forced--their· - - is-in- trouble. again. -today,- this way into the apartment, raped the time over a foxhunt. woman and burned her :m the chest with " We can confirm that Princess an electric comb and matches. Anne has been h u n t i n g re-

The youths returned Wednesday and cently," a spokesman ~ at Buck· TI.ursday aoo committed similar attacks. ingham Palace said. A social worker found the apartment in The only daughter of Queen shambles during a visit Friday, police Elizabeth II reportedly joined the said. foxhunt while vi.siting northern


Blast Hurts Six

Boys; 3 Serious

It · Wa! no criminal offense, but the Royal Family has avoided hunts sinct an outcry against the sport by animal prot~tion groups and con­servationiJts.

Dynamite Seized County to Study

Revenue Funds, ,. . (

Slates Hearing

Three of six Santa Ana boys injured Sunday in a swamp gas explosion are in serious cpnditlon today in the Orange

, • • ~ Mldl):o1 !,:edler ,,:i D!lNVER <AP~ Ameln =II~ , ~ bofi:v 811 1)eelagers· bn a bicycle I<!abo man was '°en to at

Following a public hearing set for Dec. 6 the Orange County Board o f Supervisors will decide how a $9.6 million share of federal money will be spent.

FederaJ revenue sharing will be the subject of a public hearing before the board makes up its mind about how the funds are to be spent.

The County League of Cities, through its president Robert Finnell, Placentia mayor, has urged that the county share some of its $9.6 million with the cities. Twenty-four cities will receive an ad· ditional $9 million.

The new city of Irvine and Yorba Lin­da are not expected tp receive federal sharing funds because they h{lve ooJ been incorporated for the required five years.

The league's proposal got support this week from Supervisor Ralph Clark of Anaheim. He urged joint projects such as local parks.

He agreed with the league's contention that 87 percent of the county's Popu]ation lives in incorporated communities and therefore contribute most to the federal funds which are being distributed .

Tide In orange, Were exploring a storm Stapletolr'lntel'lllllollal Airport here Sun-drain \VheD one ignited a cigarette lightep- • ~ aftMt ~~~ts <11scovertd IO

.and the. gu exploiled, Orange Fii:<! stlcki"of d¥"inil!8,m a bag ~ waa car-. Department o£fictals said. rytng. Off1clals . said , l!oiiat~ Lee m-

Rick WiSneiski, 14, bas aecond degree lngworth, 34, ~14 an wrllncs employe he bl.irns on bis arms and face; Tom IJUle, had--.ll;wi dY.n,amtte . .00 planned to destroy 14, h3S: bums on, ~e· arm and his face. an atrplane. . and Till! M'cGinnls, · U, suffered flrlt degree burns on bis face.

The other three boys escaped with singed hair and eyebrows. PICKEROO ENTJPES

Min . C I . .. ~IJJ.S.T::BEIN EARLY orlty . ompamts _ .. ,.,· . Thanks&ivb:I& . Day contests are in-

Set for SuperVisors du_ded_ i!' lhO ,,, football games Pttot · Pickeroo players are challenged with thli

Orange County supervisors .Wednesday week 11 the pick~for·profit competition will hear a report on hiring and pro- ioe• into its Onal week in the DAILY motio

1n . ~abcUce.mlnocol mpletedloy following PlLOT.

comp am"' y r ty emp es. The State· Fllr Employment Practices The nmrsday games dictate a slight

Commission will detail for supervisors change in rules of the Pickeroo. All en-the results of their survey of county tries must be delivered to DAILY PILOT peraoMel practices. The survey was offices by 8 p.m. on Wednesday or stimulated by complaints of Mexica~ postmarked Wednesday night to be ellgl· American employes that they were not ble for Judging. Complete rules and entry being given fair consideration in hlrlng or blank appear today in sports section. promotions.

Countian Heads •Nation' Republic of Minerva Consists of Two Coral Reefs

The president of the Republic of Minerva (population : zero; elevation at high tide: minus three feet) Is conducting affairs of state and perhaps readying for war from the provisional capital - his living room in Orange.

Morrie C. "Bud" Davis, ita, of 426 E. Washington Ave., has never seen Minerva, two coral reefs lying near the Tropic of Capricorn, but he says he says he plam to visit it 11ext summer. Right now he is concentrating oo averting a war with helghborlng Tonga, which also claims the territory.

Davis uy1 the wort!' will aooo sit up and take notice of the "newest and 1mJllest.,naUon on earth."

Named af!e!'.a Roman pldess, Minerva is toll tt)!la north of Auckllnd, N"' Zealand. • and 1111 mUe.s llOUth al the capital of T ... a.

orange mldent Dav!J II pmldent of 1 company c I l l e d Carlbbean-P1dflc, which wu formed f,.. the specific purpote of establiJhlng a ntW DI· Oon aomewbe!'o.

North Minerva ii a drcular 1tGll 4l\ miles in diameter. South Mtntm. ftlcb is 17 miles 1w11y, ls a con.I outcroppinc In the ~pc of I filU" et;ht, 1blut Sit miles wide and eight mlle1 long. Al tow Ude. the ""'' thru1t three feel lll>oYe the water. At high tide, they dlllpptar.

this Ume, not to be identified," be said, then u:plained why the company was started.

"We flguttd we really couldn't straighten out our own country, so we would start over someplace new," Davis said. "We searched through history books, libraries and nautical charts for anyplace in the world that waa unclai•n· ed.··

Davis said tbe group could find only two unclaimed places, Minerva and Conway Reef off the coast of Australia, which has since betn claimed by Australia .

Minerva ·•IS surveyed by Clf>I. H. M. Denham of the Royal navy In 11154. But the ...,. 1pparenUy we,. undllmed. '

On Jan. 11 ol thla year, two memben ol Carlbbeln-Padlic Enterpri... Md - aewllldl oet ull from FU! for 1 _,_ - - lo the,.., ..

Once lbt1'I, the7 laid dll!n to the ,..,.. In the .- ol the RepubUc ol lllnern and lilied the llfDonln fllil - I )!Old lal'dl of liberty 00 I blue (fOr the ... ) ~ whidl - 4atcned by Dilvll, llut Kina-flu!'- 'IVDoi ol Toop, -al of the 100 nlM 1oop Del.- ' r...... led •n upedltlonlry band ae­companled tiy Tonp poltc. In Jimo and ci«lan!d Toopn IOYtrollJllY over Ille

" We mearclled the roefa thorou&hly." Davla 11)'1.

since 118'7. Minerva LI mlssed by 100 miles."

Dav!J 11ys the a.public of Minerva pl1111 to .,..otiale with the f<lns. "We certainly don't want to go to Wlf over it." Davis W®ld not 11y however, ti be II p1 epattd to p to war ll nemwy.

Dr. Cin> 1.oppo, 46, UCLA prol"'°' of lntemational relationl 11)'1. "If Tona:a '1 boundaries came within 100 miles, Tona• might follow the pre«dtnl let by LaDn nations and other coontrl., dllmlng ber llm!U m.nd beyond her bonlm out into lhe open tea."

Tbt."proltaor 11)'1 it II poutb1< too, that llnce - dllmlilC the ,,. tncfM&llls and DOI ID ailtlnC IOVtn!tlJI nalloa, Toop could mlb I lfililon>allc cut with the U.S . .....,..,..1.

M •an w b If e, C 1 nbbem-Plclflc EnlerJlrlle pllm la lllrt -' 00 I IM­jor landfill Clllttltloa DOii Apr1l

"We bope to dredp ....i In the i_. and bolld I t,OIO-to l.llilMoot-w\dt, Ill-to lHool·blch airface oa wblclt la ioclt1 our country," Davia 11)'1.

Ill 1111 Mloemi C!'Uld botd'11. poput.o· tioo 6fl:50,te0 uslnc Ille ...,...,~ I "al dty" - I tarp oultt lllell "'91 oa pll­lngl - allhOUll> the presidel odmtu that " It - be l'llhlr Qlftipod."

Ualn( ._ coo"allodil -Ion.

Queen Takes Brief Stroll;

Move Shatters Tradition - - - ~ -- -~ --.--·----

LONDON (UPI ) - Amid the pomp of trumpet fanfares, ringing church belts and flutteMna: Union Jacks that has marked the British Empire fvr centuries, Queen Elizabeth II today celebrated the 2Stb anniversary of her marriage to Prince Philip with a rare stroll through the center of London.

11le brief walk among her subjects was the first by a reigning BritiJh monarth for hundreds of years.

The royal silver anniversary celebra­tion lasted for 13 houn:. It began with a soleinn "Service of Tha.1ksgjving" at Westminster Abbey and closed with a

• bell at Bucttnablm Patace. I• During a visit to the Barbican, a hous­

ing and arts centti.• behind S i r Christopher Wren's famed St. Paul's Cathedral, the Queen moved away from her family to a crush of Londoners press· ed against police barricades.

Her walk was so unusual that the English had to borrow an AustraJian slan' word to describe it, a "walkout. " But 1t was less a mingling than part of the royal procession.

Although tbe Queen has mingled with crowds on lriPt to Canada and Australia and only several weeks ago I n Yugoslavia, her half-mil<! walk today was the first in her reign, and for centuries be.fore, by a BritiJh monarch in Britain u .. u.

Elizabeth wore am ink- trimmed aquamarine silk dress and a matching hat with an ostrich plume, designed by Norman Hartnell who also designed her weddlne dress.

The queen chatted about three minutes with those pushed against the barriers, mostly small children gaily waving flags. Detectives watched from rooftops.

The day was m·Jch like the one in 1947 when the then PrinceSJ Elizabeth was

673-5051 Open Wed , 11\ri.1 S un, ......

t lO lo S: JO .... . & , ,..._,

married in the abbey to Royal Navy l.t. Philip f\1ountbatten. her handsome, Gr~k-born third cousin.

Thousands tumed out today in the chill November breeie along the route of the roya l procession . School children were given a day's holiday and poured into the cCnter of London to join tens of thousands who lined t h e streets four . deep, and hung out of "'indows.

The royal family rode in open car­riages. escorted by three lroops of the Household Cavalry.

'the weather "''as mostly sunny. but a sudden drizzle at ooe point prompted Queen Mother Elizabeth lo raise a tfansparent umbrtlla. The cr owd cheered.

The ceremonial cavalry guard of more than 100 riders was resplendent In red jackets with gold breaitplatu and gold taJSeled helmets on jet black mounts. Eight bllHH!Oated mounted police also accompanied the procHsion.

Scotland Yard. in accordance with the royal wish, kept Its seewity ar· rangements in a low profile. Nearly the entire ~man London city police force turned out.

In Westminster Abbty, burial place of England's most famous poeta, 1he Archbl.sbop of Canterl>ury repeated the penonal blessing ol the wedding service 25 yean aio.

1ben came the procesaion to rhe Guildhall In the City of l..oodon for a state lunch and the v•alk alons new elevated walkways that cross London w ... I! to the 1117.S.million Barbican how· ing development.

As for her marriage lo Prince Phlllp. Elizabeth said: " If I am asked loday .... ·hat I think about famlly life after 1.~ yea rs of marrlage, I can •nswer with equal simplicity and conviction. I arn for it. "

we sell: atala monclla, wlnchor,

CJltaM, alllld, woliscycle,


Peace D1·aft


Hit by Cong PARIS (UPI ) - Henry A. Kissingel'

11nd North Vietnamese negotiators met al the secret location today for what could be the linal round or talks to end the Vietnam u·ar. lndication.s .... ·ere that the" talks v.-ould last several days at least .

The first session lasted five and one-. half hours and another meeling was scheduled for Tuesday. No details of the. discussion \\'ere disclosed by either side.

The Viel Cong marked the occasio11 '4'ith an angry outburst against President Nixon and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. It demanded there be no change ir. the current draft of the peace aceord.

" We want action, not \li'ords.' ' delega.· lion spokesman Ly Van Sau said.

He again denounced Thieu as an obstacle to peace and said : " ~le must resign, and the agreement must be sign­co as it stand.;.' ·

The Viet Cong statemenl said: "Remarks of the U.S. government that it wants to build an 'equitable and honorable peace for all nations' are only a bluff.' '

Viet Olng officialJ described their statement as an o[ficial pronouncement by the Viet Cong Provisional Revolu­tionary Go"'emment "and therefore im· portant."

Their attitude raised !he possibility Iha ~ the Viet Cong feared Hanoi may make concessions during the t2lks Which bega1 at an undisclosed place somc"'·here in the Paris area . Kiss ing~r ordered his special U.S . . Alt

Force plaue to a base in West Gtrmarn•. . indi-Cating hls .. stay_.,,.,,ill.llkely Lut..sevcral days.

Nixon's chief security adviser then slipped out of the U.S. Embassy residence in a white Merc·~e1 and dni>A swiftly off for his meeting with Hanoi negotiators Le Due Tho and Xuan Thuy.

Newsmen .... atching the North VM!t· namese '.teadquarters saw fto sign of 8l1Y of the negotiators. But a Hanoi spokesman said: "The tRlks are takina place today as scheduled.' .

Officials at the American Embassy residence said the U.S. nei;otiatlng team ~·as back at the residence by 4:30 p.rn . Kissing~r made it clear on his arriv~

ln Paris •ate Sunday that ~ would sta,y as Jong RS necessary In the ttpr.d.atloo the talks could bring tht war to a rapid end. ' II< lold nowsmm II Orly l!Jpon: '"The

President has sent me here for what hd hopes will be the final phase or I.he ne­gotiations to end the war In Indochina.

2 V­Take Holiday

Both of Orange Co u n fy '1 universities - Cal State liulltrton and UC Irvine - ,,.,·ill shut ddWn Thursday and Friday for tht Thanksgiving holiday.

Ubraries al UCI will oblervc speci:i l holiday hours o .. Friday and Saturday, but wlll be closed on Thunday and Sonday. The CSF librtU')' wlll be closed throua,houl th.e four-da; wetkend.

The only public even ~~uled at UCI during the holiday IJ a performance by the P r a I u e Chamber Qrehc.stra set for I p.m. Sllturday In Cra"•ford llall, Tk:kell are $2.

2120 West Ocean Front

1 Ilk . Wttl

of " .. ,.,, , ,., There al'1! seYen atockhofdera wUb a total tn-l al '250.0CIC' tn the pn>}­ecl,~ Da•ll uJd In .. bltuvt.... ''lb< tiilk o( the money Is from the presldenl ol a ~I firm wbo Wiies, at

_'7~'1 bollldarles of all nda and reels, d'tiihofti and W111m iwwe -speDed oul In n>Jal i>rodlallllont .,..,

Mlnern Pftlbobly wlD hofd I -lltioo o1 from i;,Oll tO IUlll pertOOS, Dl•ll uya. Ht woukl not ettimate, however, bow mocll mooey ClrlbliHn·PodJle

~ OIP'<f• to make thn>liCJ> !lit l~====;:i::===========================;;: , )

' .

f DAILY l'!LOT Mondu, N.,.Olbtr 20. 1972

.Inst ~ C:..sting ,~J

wi'b Tom arpbiae

. -l•::~ .. .,

Bring Back Old 'Frosty' Young

DEW POINTS DEPT - For nearly 60 year:s now, as the chill of \\'inter crept in­to (lur region. the frostbitten ears of Southern Californians have turned toward Pomona to learn how cold it really is.

Pomona has been headquarters loc:a· tion for the United States Fruit Frost Service. From a widespread network of sub-stations, the National W e a t h e r Service people at Pomcina galher temperature readings and make pro­jections on how cold it's going to get ea~h evening.

'Ibis used to be vital stuff here in Orange County back when we bad a lot of oranges instead of housing tracts. If citrus crops freeze, you lose them. brother.

SO VITAL WAS the freezing weather news for orange growers and other agriculturists that the Fruit Frost

Baton Rouge

Inquiry Set

Into Deaths BATON ROUGE, La. (APl - The

state attorney general's office begin.! a full-scale inquiry today Into l a s t Thursday's clash at Southern University in which two students were shot to death.

Atty. Gen. William Guste said late Sunday he had assigned two assistants, one black. one white. to conduct the in­quiry requested by Gov. Edwin Edwards.

GUSTE SAID the investigation would be conducted in secret .

University administrators, meanwhile, were moving quickly to fire faculty members they said had encouraged stu· dent protests, and Edwards was branding as "totally inaccurate" a newspaper story that he had blamed a deputy sberilf !or the deaths.

'Ibe students . Denver A. Smith of New Roads, La., and Leonard Douglas Brown of Gilbert, La., both 20, were struck in the head and shoulders by buckshot es state police and sherifrs deputies scat­tered a crowd gathered ln front o the university's administratio 1 1ng.

The violence climaxed three weeks o( student protests at the nation's lar~est predominantly black college. and led lo the closing of the school at least through the Thanksgiving holidays .

Oops, A Navy-Slip

Cease-fir e Near?

Military Airlift

To Vietnam Ends SAIGON (UPI) - U.S. mllltary

sources sald tonight .the massive U.S. airlift of new equipment to South Viet· nam to beat any cease-fire agreement ban on such war materiel ended. for all pracUcal -purposes, last Fr Id a y. Tbe sources said there are still a rew plancload.5 or equipment en route but the program has been terminated.

Slim Survives

Shivery Slip Into Salmon

MIDDLE FORK OF 'l1IE SALMON RIVER. Idaho (AP) - Amarillo Slim, the gambler who bet $31 ,000 that he could sufv:ive a s ·p down the River of No Return, felf' o the water while trying to retrieve a pa die but was set today to continue the venture.

As much H 500 ton! a day al mllitary equipment h>s been Pourlni Into South Vietnam since Nov. 1 to try to bttt an expected freeze. on shipments brOught about because of a ctase-fire.

EQUIPMENT INCLUDED ltunctreds o1 fighter pla11<$, hellcoj,ters, artillery ipeces, armored personnel carrfers am-munition and spare parts. '

The huge shipment ol supplies brought lll:ajor protests by North Vietnam and the Viet Cong which said they tmperUed the agreement. U.S. military SOOrctS said Hanoi also stepped up Ill shipments of materiel into South Viet­nam in expectation ot a cease-fire.

The United states has carried . put heavy air attacks against such resUpply efforts and apinll Communlat bulldu in the Demilitarized Zone and the ~ Tri area Just to the south. u.s~ '1112 bombers dropped l ,~ tons of explosives on Commuaist positions near Quang Tri City Sunday and today to break up a nine-day .. old shelling attack against South Vietnamese trooJ)6, the U.S. command said.

' FIELD DISPATCHES said the Com·

munists were firing 1,000 shells a day against government positions there. , Service began broadcasting frost wan1- SOUTHERN'S BRANCH at N c w

ings in 1931. The voice of the fruit frost Orleans. the scene of similar campus Almost everything was ship•hape, except for a new member of the service was the late Floyd D. Young. He turmoil in recent weeks, was closed aired the cold nev.·s over radio station through the coming week. too. But ad- USS Sanctuary crew who slipped on a wet gangway. The Sanctuary a

Slim, whose real name is T. A. Preston Jr .. made 14 miles or the 65-mile run Sunday before he was dunked into the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. Un­daunted, Slim planned to do a llttle hun­ting before setting out again today.

A command spokes:mtn said 1he B52s new 14 missions near Quang Tri City in I.he 24-hour period ending at noon. TfM!re are normaUy three planes in each mission and each plane carries about 30 tons of erploslves.

KFI until his retirement in 1956. ininist rators reported the faculty and hospital ship, \Vas recommisisoned at San Francisco Saturday. ' Young delivered the frost warnings in a students there had reached accord on PRESTON, OF Amarillo, Tex., must

low. flat monotone as he tolled off loca· some of the differences separating them. run the Salmon River, bett'er known as tions across the state and how C<>ld it Focus of the attorney general's in· w G v G • , the River.of No Return, ln central Idaho The 852s are guided by radar and drop

their loads in a predotermined target area whereaa fighter bombers can UJe laser.guided and other "smart" bombs.

would get that night. ' vestlgation apparently will be the 30- est erman oters 1ve only with the help ol his guide, Jere He would give you, "Orange Grove , 31: minute-loQg explosion of violence that · Chapman of Boise, or lose a $31,000 bet.

Lemon Grove, 29, Pacoima 26 ; Saugus, left the two students dead. Slim has said the bet was made with 23; Etiwanda. 24 . .. :· You ~led anx· Authorities have said their_ men used . fellow card players - whom he"' didn't iously, ear the old radio, fOt" t~· nothlnt-but tea£,dispe_r~!.udents. -)J- - d r ·L . dsmh '-Win .. identify - . during 8 recent &in rummy MEANWHILE, OFF the coast. of Viet· oringe County points . \Vhen he'd ·give But Edwards. talking wtth newsmi!i"'""" _ r-an t· _,.. an· . e . · · -·- Las...Y.egas,...Nev. n~-&mall ·fiR-~~t-abeed.:-the-you El Toro. 29 and San Juan Capistrano, acknowledJ:?,ed a deputy sheriff might · · · - · - -~ -- ----Joe Batson. an Amarillo advertising 80,00().ton aircraft carrier America but it 28, you could figure it v.·as going to be a have mistakenly {ired live ammunition at · execuUve, said Slim set a target date of was extlnguished before, major three-blanket evening: the crowd. "- Friday - Saturday at the latest - to damage, a llpokesman for the 7th Fleet

MEL BLANC'S famous comic line on BONN (AP) - Willy Brandt. bolstered percent of the vote and replaced the complete the trip. said today. There were no inJuries. the old Jack Benny radio show about. A LOS ANGELES Times report from by his greatest personal e I e ct I 0 n Christian Democrats party. as the largest Slim's progress is checked daily by a The America, stationed off lfie cOut of "Anaheim, Azusa and Cucamonga" "..,.as Baton Rouge that quoted the governor as triumph, had an overwhelming mandate party in the Bundestag for the first time helicopter taking off from the isolated North . Vletnam, has a crew of about a steal from Young's frost warning list. sayinl? '"I have no doubt it was a deputy loday l!J pursue the tension-easing since the West German republic was Flying B Ranch. S,000. Benny himself used a caustic put-down sheriff who fired" brought an angry policies that \\"On him the Nobel Peace fonned in 1949. The Social Democrats \ ' The spokesman said the fire broke out on other comedians when he'd crack. rcsPonse from Edwards. Prize. y;ound up with 230 Bundestag seats, a " IT .WAS A fabulous day - they've in insulation around steam Jines in a "I've heard funn ier stuff than that on the Edwards labeled the sto r y ir· gain or six over the 1969 election. made about 18 or 20 miles," Batson catapult room and was quickly brought frost weming broadcast ." . · respansible and inaccurate. . A RECORD NUiltBER of \Vest reported from the ranch by under control. He said the fire apparently

While Young's warnings of 8 cold night The university's &5-ycar-old president. German voters gave his Socialist-Liberal FOREIGN WNISTER Walter Scheel's radiotelephone. was the "resu1t of spontaneous com-ahead sent most Southern Californians to Dr. c . Leon Netterville. Friday dispatch· coalition 54.3 percent of ·the 37.4 million ';Slim fell out of the raft trying to bustion" and emphasized the ship was the blanket closet, they dispatched citrus ed notices or dismissal to two faculty ballots cast Sunday against 44.8 percent small pivotal Free Democratic Party reach for a paddle, but he said his wet "definitely not" hit by Communist fire . growers into the groves to fire up the members, Including the head of the for the conservative Christi an gained in stature from its alliance with suit worked beautifully. They planned to Repairs will be made by the ship's smudge pots and get wind machines school's physics department, Or. Joseph Democrats. This meant 272 seats for Brandt's Socialists, receiving a surpris- 1 build a fire and do a little bunting to- crew and the America will remain on operating in their orchards. Everybody Johnson. Brandt in the 496-member Bundestag, the ing 8.4 percent of the vote and 42 seats. night.'' "Yankee station," the spokesman said. listened to Floyd D. Young. Reliable sources said the president had lo~·er house of Parllament , a solid mci- I ---'---'---------------~--------------====='--':::::..:!:=.:::::::::.::::~

.(PPARENTLY SOME of the radio fired three or £our other instructors, !®. jority of 48. ~ network brass didn't think much of ~ Nelift"ille declined comment on the Brandt Immediately served notic~ he Young's monotone listings. He came an actlol'I.. plans an unprecedented journey-to -East KFl at 8 p.m. and took from 30 seeoods Johnson called the action "a grotesque Berlin before Christmas lO sign his to three minutes for bis: listing of the and perverted attempt to deflect blame government's- friendship \re&ty with lhe frost warnings, depending on how critical from this massacre . . . Communist German regime. things were. ' "Black people koow whose hands are "I recognize the results of the vote as a

This cut into the start or the Perry bloody" Johnson said. "Let us not for mandate lO carry forth ... the work we Como show and the SJXlnsors wanted KFI the ~ment be confused. t.1r. Netterville started with success in the Jast three to give Young the hook and get him out knows that l have not encouraged disrup- years," Brandt said in a restrained vie· of the way. tion. I simply encouraged him to resign ." tory statement. "The majority confinned

Thus it was when KFI announced that \\'e are on the right course." Young would be canceled. the station was deluged with cards and letters of protest. They put Young back on. He never drop­ped personal comments into his frost readings in the past. But that night. Young closed by saying, "And thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for all those cards and letters ... " You thought there v.·as just a trace of victory in that monologue voice.

YOUNG'S BROADCASTS are contin· ued these days by a meteorologist with a pleasant voice named Dale R. Harris. Ile broadcasts the fruit frost v.·amings over KFI at 7 p.m. and again at 9 p.m. unlc~ delayed " a few minutes by some sports event.

The Fruit Frost Service, however. has come to the end of an era. Its off ices have left Pomona and the old building was tom down . The frost people have found a new home at UC, Riverslde through the efforts of Chancellor f\'lln Hinderaker. who used to be out on our UCI campus.

THAT'S ALL FINE but when the chill hits the air, a Jot of us old coast 1ypes vtill still think of Pomona ind Floyd D. Young. His frost predictions over lhe years proved 00 percent accurate.

You irure can't soy that for too many weather predictors.

Oil Left 'Little Sign' l\10NTICELLO. Utah <AP) - A wild

life biologist for the Bureau or Land ~1anagemcnt says the October oil spill in the San Juan River has left little sign. "!There is not much oll left," Nick Sandberg said Saturday after a tour of the river from Montezuma Creek to Mex· ican Hat in southeastern Utah.


DELIVERY SERVICE Dthwry ol lht Oaily Pilot

"'•lloll•f·l'•+.• '1 II ''" .. ft., llt~• YWJ ... ,., ey S: M e.m., c•U •~t ywr <•PY Wltl It ltt1tt"I le y•u , (•II• l tf leklft Wftf\I l :M , ,m. Stlll,.•Y tilt 'ltl'lt• y: U l'I• 6f ,.., •«tll'I ....... ..,, ., . . '"· , ..... ~., .... ..... . '""'''· t i " '"' a '"'' wl• l>t t r°"""! It ..... ( • Ill.,. ffk ... ""fl' ,, ' ·'"

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TilE l\tAGNITUDE of B r a n d t ' s personal victo'ry, which rivaled that achieved by Konrad Adenauer in 1957, exceeded the coalition's expectations. some stunned palltician.s spoke of a "landslide" that Wo<ild change West Germany's political landscape for years to come. · '

RUMing with a slogan of "Willy Brandt t.fust Remain Chancellor." his Social Democratic party alone received 45.9

. Arizona Senator

Cited by Police PHOENIX .Ariz. (AP) - Sen. Paul

Fannin (R-Arlz.) hes been ordered to ap­pear in Municipal Court Dec. 22 on a charge of drunken driving .

" I do not believe that I have violated the statute as claimed and I have turned this matter over to my attorneys," Fan· nin said when contacted by newsmen. .

Police said Fannin was cited Friday night for alleged drunken driving and a second charge or fa ilure to drive in one lane.

Stormy- Except SE Coast, Snoiv, 'Rain Cover Nortlieast, Mi.divest to Arizo11a

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Orange Coa•t - EDITION

N.Y. Steeb

. VOL'. 65, NP. 325, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES . ?R!<N6~ C:::Ot{NTY• CALIFORNIA MOf':IOAY, NOVEMBER 20,




7 ~foot-plus Tides Flood ·streets • Ill NewporJ

Unlllll&lly high tides e@rlY tbiJ morning and SUnday flooded low·lying 1tttets ends all over Newport Beach and caused ocean waves to wash completely across the beach in some places.

HWe didb't have any real damage to 1peak of, just a lot ol water," said General Services Director Jake Myn­derse. H~ said the tides, which wire about 7.1-

(17& UNIT1)


feet, bacUd up •lt«m dnlns that empty il:to Newport Harbor and poul<d onto the stttetJ.

"We had nuisance flooding all alone Baltioa, lioUlt.trd, In tbe Finley Trad llCl'Oll from City llal1 and In - spot! on Balboa lsland," .Mynclerae aid:

"And In spot.I along Weal NewpOrl's beach. we bad aome coml>lete over-


nisbet ol '11111 Into tbe streets," be ~

..,,..... llld . the lllib - did ' no daJDa&e to l(leek ol to elllllr of tbe Anny Corpsol Enclneen .,.., mYllkll proJ-· ectt ... the belch.

"'l'be1 had a Joi ol equipment down then . .....tine to prot«t the . boles," be said.

M)'Ddene · Aid the · Ude charts •bow

UPPl l NI WPOIT IAY --- -- - - -- -- - - -- - --- --

~. 1•·-· r.oe..·:·--9NC8U'r__..... __


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Map Indicates Irvine • , plllll ·lot ~ men! of the 90-acre Cutaways ~rty between Dover Drive and Upper Newport Ba : -The· proposal, still In its preliminary stages, a<:eo · g to company officials, calls for a hotel, tWo restaurants1 a low·

rise commer&I comi'!)r. -~u, lownbousea an<! ·• public swimmlnr belCh whmo the Ba:rsbnre

• Trailer Part now .atands. ~ting Ltilheran Church would remain. · .

Hospital Aide

Nixed as Juror In Murder Trial

A woman Who explained tba~ she was the dieUcian for the Orange County Medical Center prison ward· in which ac­cused killer Gig Peters has been confined Wu quickly excused today as jury selec-­tion got under way In the second SUperior Court trial of the Huntington Beach man.

Peters, 23, looked up and smiled from his wheelchair as Judge Kenneth Williams e1cused the hospital technician from jury duty In what is expected to be a four-week trial.

Both sides predicted tbiJ morning that JW'Y selection will take up at least three days thl! week before opening arguments are offered.

Peters Is accuoed of lbe morder of bis pattnts Ollrles Peters, 56, and bis wile Flora, 5,4. He baa again pleaded Innocent by reason o.f insanity.

Two Suspect,s Captured

In CdM School Bhist Newport Beocb - waded

lhnlucb hJi>deeP - !< I cabin at Big Bear Lal!e Saturday to lllTeal twe yootbl suspected ol eetttng off a pipe bomb Thursday morning at Corooa del Mar HI,;!: School.

Glenn Lelli• Bameooo, 18, of 1140 E. Balboa Blvd. and Paul Bemharl, 17, of m7 Bamboo St., both former studenll at the ocbool today are facing lelooy chargea of detonating an e1pbtve devk:e causing property damage.

Barneson who will be amlpd thil afternoon In Harbor Jucticlal lllstrlct Court ii being held on 1'5.aot ball In Newport Buch and Bemhart bu been boOted Into OriDp County JllYllllle Hall pending. bearins Oil the lllllO•dlarpl.

Police uld they are .UU not sure what the moUve was for the early momtni bombing whlcb blew out - In lbe office of Assistant Principal Betty Towosend.

"They had been fooling 1roond with

. . - · smaller bombll whlcb they told us tbey let off In the Upper Bay," said dttidlve Sam Ambur(ey, 011e of the of. ·nc.n who made the lllTeal at Big Bear.

AJDbut(ey said the bomb WIS 01>'

pai.nUy made of I llx·inch length of galvanized pipe stuffed with gun powder.

He aid lnvealipton found a supply of gunpoWdu and pieca ol pipe and other materlall In lbe 1arage at the one suspects' home.

"We bad ltVf!l'al teams of detectives work1Dg on tbls one," Amburgey 11kl. '"l'be1 talked to a Joi ol people before we sot our leads."

llarneson II I (l'lduato of Corona del liar mp - and Amburgey lald Bernbort .... tlct<d Ou! ol the -Jut year and II - .. p.....i at McNally CootlnilallCll llcbooll

·'""' bmnbklc Of!... catTiel • minimum penally of Ove ywt In state priloa . for ID ldult. Amburgey lald It WU not clelt today wtlethet !he juv..U. ~-le! face a·lltmlllr penalty.

anatblr hlcb tide - possible bigger the two Newport bas alrudy bad -pndkled r.. Jato torugbt or early tol!IOl'-row. •

"Lal Al!Pl .. lla!l>or expect.I about 7.2 !eel and 11111 Diep about 7.8 so we'll be la ·tbie middle anewbere,'' be said.

..,,..._ aid be bas oever - lbe tides~ than.they have been the past couple ol days.

"TIUa is really unusually high and we

are really lucky the rain went away before tbe9e bit," be said. 11U we bad lhal bony downpoor with the blgb tides, Wll'd have bad real trouble. 11

'!be high Udell coupled with ebilly temperatures kept most w e e k e n d fJelcbloerl home. Lifeguards said 8,000 people came to the beach llllCI only two be pulled from lbe ~ that al'fPll<d with hlah tides arid big surf.

A spokeoman for the Orange County

Harbor Patrol also said there were no bib problems with the tides or boit tnf· fie over the weekend .

"But those tides really have 1 IOOd side " he said. "They come up and Clean out all the debris."

He said the high tides have hem •e­companied by extreme low tides - alto near record negative levels - which causes a rapid and complete fluablnc of the bay.

Hi jack Trial Due -

Cuba Says 3 U.S. Pirates To Be Tried WASHINGTON (AP) - The Cuban

government bas notified the United Stotel that ti will try three hijackers who forced a Southern Airways jet with 31 passengers aboard to land in Cuba Nov. 12.

In reporting tbiJ today, State Depart· ment press officer Charles W. Bray alSO said the Cuban goven.ment has respond­ed favorably to the U.S. invitation •·to engtge ifi discussions which might lead

Carpenter, 21 ,

Pleads Guilty .In Lido Plot

By TOM B.uuiv

.; "'"'· ~~':"'J.l~' '°""' Clf1llDter 1n •n ~ °'""' O>cmty Super!Gr COurt trial of p!Poj•c•the dettructloL of I Udo hie condominium today pleaded cuilll' to lesser charies.

Judge William Murray accepted the plea of Wayne Francis NetUeton to charges of IOUciting a romrnission Of a crime and reduced the allegatiort1 to misdeineanor level.

lfe sentenced Nettleton, 21, Santa Ana, to 30 days In Orange COunty Jail and placed him· on two years probation.

Nettleton had been ,qeduled to laee bis oecood trial today on allegations that be wlrned the South Cout Construction Company of Coata M~sa last Feb. 11 that he woold blow up a 18 milllon ...,. dJminlum at Lafayette Avenue and P1rk Lido il be did not receive '1ICIO,OOO.

Nettleton, who worked on the con­struction site, was arrested by two sherifrs investigators.

They clllnted the young carpenter hired them in the belief that they were the "two Mafia types" be needed to build two electronic bombs.


IJvlnl: the good ure a stone'• tllnril' 11 om the surf In Newport Be.!b can have ill drawblcks -Olpecially •hen your IUrfboard punches • IM>le In your waterlled.

Btenda Trueblood, of 1111 ! . Bay Ave .• wu rescued from an wlr· ""'"""' lwlo In her bedroom by oblltlnc firtmen armed w I t b buckets. Nothlnc '"' d•mqed In the Friday Incident.

to an agreement" on how to handle hi. jackers.

The Cuban reply. through the Sw~s Embassy, reached Washington over the weekend and Bild that the Q.aban govern­men l Is ''.prepared to begin discussions soon through the good offices of the S:vlss government," Bray announced .

He said, in re!p90Se to a question, that the CUban! proposed · a certain date but added · tbat there was no apreynent yel

·on when the talks through the -Swiss, the

Meeting Toniglat '

power which represents U.S. interests in ' Cuba, would atart.

The United Stales, Bray said, dtspltch­ec! on Saturday its official requal to Cuba to extradite the hljaden ol -recent cases: one involving an ~ Alrllnea plane hijacked on Oct. 21 by tour armed men, and the other lnvolvih& the Southern Airway1 plane less than bro

"'Weeks later. The two American notes requested I~

(See IDJ~CK, Pqt II

Newp~rt Studies Plan

For Little Corona Patrol A -1 to put """'" on patrol at

the Corona del Mar Marine Prnerve at U11J1 Corona beach will It - New·

port - ~ - °'"' -tonlPt at 7::111 In city haO. City Manager Robert L. Wynn lald the

ranam would provide instruction on ma. r1ne life to beach vJslton, u well as en-. lordq ' laws against disturbing marine life In tJdal pools.

"People have been doing a grest deal ol dimage to the martne me In the area," Wynn said, ''and if we don't have ....,.n, we don't know bow \oag lbe marine life coultl survive." ~-~

Wynn 6u two proposals that will be before councilmen. Both call foe lbe Call· fonita Department ol Fish and Game and lbe County of Orance to o11are the coot ol the project.

Qo'9 plan would put two ranctn on duty aeven days a week durin& the sum­mer - and on part.time duty darlnc the off..uon. It would cost each 1gency about tll,O a year.

The aecond proposal calls for throe nngen for weekend work durin1 the summer and at other times during the year. Jt would cost each agency about 17 ,llOO annually.

WYM rtresscd that the rangtt program ii meant to be edUCIUonal as well as a ...... of ...... n1n1 the_ ..

''That'• why we're not uklnr foe poll<eo men.u IUC:h." Wynn aald. "About 50 per· cent ol tbclr work ~ be to ldvile people and ,ive talks about cnbo and marine .,.e11t1oa."

He 111d tbey would have tho 1utbor1ty &o dte vlollton, however.

Ml)'<lf llonaltl A. Mcllllls this morning 111d be liked tho - and tndlc•ted he especll COUDcilmeJ to _..., tt.

" I've pt I couplt of qllelllonl. " be Slid. "but -ui11c bl-"

Councilmen othel wilo an faclnc a rather routine •cendl for tonl&ht'• tet­sion, whk=h wat called becluse ot an un­usually heavy Novtmbtr calmdar.

Thty met las! week and will .,..,, again Mlt Monday nlght.

bet of the diy'1 P1ru. Beachel llllCI Rec­r-..tlon Commtss\on, to ton1truct 1pon. menta above atort1 at m Marine Aftmle .. -. blind. .

-Eneetment of I polley rtpnllnc ,... qul...e.ts for "1ocation aalltance to pel'ICllll forced to evacuato <"Ondemned bowling. '

-Schedule 1 public bearln1 Dec. 4.., a ~ to block olf the oortber1J ~ ol Doftr Drive 1t Its lntmectloo with Irvine Avenue.

l1iternal Ailment

Hits FBI's Gray;

Operation Set WASHINGTON iUPf) - The Jllltlce

Department said today FBI Dtrector L Patriclt Gray had been 1trlcllen 1t his home In c.omectJcut wilh an lntatinll obstruction and woukt undergo sursery la1er In the day.

A spoketman for the department .said Gray, 58, who ha11 tustory of 1bdomlnll troubles. became Ill 1t hb home ID si.o. lng10n on Sunday .

He wu taken 10 Lawrence Memorial •IOJpltal In New London for obeervaUon and dodora dttkkd late Sunday 111 operation would be necessary.

A spokuman for the department said he dtd not know how ae~ Gr17'1 coo-' dltion WIS.

Croy waa spendln1 the weeUnd In Stonlna:tc:.t prior .lo a achedulfd SUnda)' night speeeb In S..ton, whlcll w11 cancelled.

The fBl chief, who t.ol< OVtt tho bureau after J. EdgN' Hoover died ttUa y~ar, hu had problems wllh ahdcwnlDAI pain •lnce he suffered a n.ipturtd ap­pcnd\1 while In the Navy dutlnc World \li'ar JI and wa.1 'unable to ret prompt trtalmenl.

It is alleged that lbe former lifeguard stabbed his lather through the heart In April of 1971 and strangled his mother shortly after be arrived at the Lincoln Street home from a soj6urn in a San Diego County desert commune.

Peters, first trial came to a sensational end last November when be wa1 llhot in the spi)le by a deputy who prevented hl1 escape during 1 noon hour break in the trial.

'Slipup~ Diseo'1ered Tht council tonight .. m 1\lo schedule

a public hearing, prlll>lbly for Dec. 4. on propooed llmlll on the number ol ell• that may be kept at any one ra.ldenct In the city.

Petm doclon havt declared tlJll H II lqbly ~ lbat their polieot wtll ever walk apln.


Thine• move quickly with DAILY PILOT c\Ullfied want ads. Noto the lo\Jowlnc .a; -

Co&y 3 Bii, I BA. ~ Tree­llned - Iii Wetlc!Jlt QIS

+ depoott. m·mac. On the - call, the boa Wll

tem.d •""the- - - In. lloft ln -qllldi profits,,,...."""

by ca1Jtnc a DAILY PILOT-· Dial dnct-


Popular Nevada County Phyaician W ani.ed by Police


ably ... 41111cull .......... the --., - tllat tbe7 ... bettor 'off -their - lbao tbe7 -- w1tlJ hJm.

-llodbeenwilboula-fnlm !hi ........,. ol dill year 1111111 SlollVe anfYOtl. II 'is -. 71 mUa from tho

town to 1%.,:::,-- · CouolJ a.on. Clllrlel v ..... .....,....no1-.

"lie .... 'lllf 111 tllol - 10 lllm. .Ht-ill-."

W..W -. lllft - bettor off H Slnlltre had not miv<d hen!

"'l'hert lrl I lot of loWn PIOlllt Who lot! that •• , , .. ·r. Mn. Join SloircJe, the """"1 dert< But be w11 "'l' w.U

......,,. ., by the ......... ·­.... ,... .. lhertll'a ...... - IUI · ·-- ... bOCTOll, ....... , '

An ordinan<e pttpmd by City Aitorn<y Dm>ll O'Neil kave:t Utt mu.tmurn na-1

.... blink but the ......a Ills iodk.tted

that --- bit- - IOd !Ive Cltl ollouJd Jll I mtUdmum. Abo .. tonifllt'• ....... , . -A - by ltolly Pull*!, I...,,,.

l\larine Hitchhiker

Killed on Freeway A llltdJhlkllC .:Omp ....,.. .. Marine

wu lllUdl: by 1 ear and kllltd oarty Son· da7 ... the Slota Anl ,,....., ........ ..

' llnl w1tll lhe °" ... a .... ~ ........ , the Califomil lll&bWIJI Pllrol • Tllomu R. .......... ii. 1-i,

wlJon 1Jit :ii- I car dftvtiJ by flr, htrJ C. Ooob. J4. o1-. AM. 0- and' bis wUe Laroa, Jt, -. llelleil lar mtno. lnjurlM • the Or-. c-, -· C.O!er and .. 1e....i. Re was not dlt<L


....... It'll be - tllroap tlladay,

and I lid WWW ..... !Ill Qr-

1"8• Cooll, with - 141npn .. tum ......., • rillrc IO 7' Inland. OVtm\lbt - ~ kl tho blab ... :

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High Court

By-passes . '

Paddling WASIIlNGTON (UP!l - The U.S.

Supreme Court declintd today to con­sider whether the paddling of a pub!ic school student without his parent!' permiasion is unconstitutional "cruel and 11m1suaJ punishment."

Without commtlll the court refused to hear an appe81 from a Dallas, Te:.: . father and son who lost their challenge of the pracUce in lower federal courts.

In other actions, the court : -Ruled unanimously that computer

program systems are not patentable under present law but strongly recom· mended that Congrtss look at the tech­nological problems ln the bll!IOIH!ollar industry.

-Dismisserl an appeal by New Orleans D!strlct Attorney Jim Garrison from lower court rulings barring him from further prosecution of bu.sinmman Clay L. Shaw.

Garrison wants to prosecute Shaw on charges of perjury stemming from Gar· rison's investigation of the John F. Ken­nedy assassination.

-Refused to vacate Its order staying a kwer federal court ruling that Con­necticut'• antiabortion lllw is un­ronstltutional.

At the request of state authorities, the court on Oct. 16 allowed the law to stay on the books until all appeals procedures are completed.

In the school punishment case. lower federal courts ruled that any decision on the issue of paddling would improperly lnt.rfere with slat. and local school operations.

The case was i!Utiated in U.S. District Court In Dalla• by M""hall Ware and his ICll, Douglas Ware, against Superin· lendent Nolan Eotes.

The papers filed with the court did not state whether the youth had suffered cor· poraJ punishment.

District Judge W.M. Taylor, who dealt with the complaint, said evidence sbowtd the punishment was "U!Ua1ly ad­ministered by hitting the student on his buttocks one or several times with a pad­dle .

"There have also been incidents where the punishment has been administered with a tennis shoe," he added.

Tht: Wares said this practice in the Dallas lndepeodent Scbool D I I t r I c t deprives both children and parents of "fundamental liberties" and is "cruel and unusual punishment" in violation of the Comtitution.

·Bakery Workers'

.Strike Ex~ted ' ,,

To Spread East LOS ANGELES (AP) - The strike by

(bakery workua ln Wett<ro lllltes sllll ii ! apected In llPl<ad eutward ....... the

I ....,try. bat no new bUerlet are Ukety be hit before Thanksgiving, according to a union spokesman. .

l Joseph Kane, vice president and chief ' necotlator for the Bakery and Con­! fectlonery Worters Unloo, AFLOO, said . talb .,. not planned In the strike. • wbicb bu idled about l ,000 worten ln !Calllornla, Oregon, Utab, Washington · and Colorado. I The union wanta comecutive, rather l than split, days off; but manacement : says that would keep bakery companies . fmn delivering fresh goods. ! A federal-court judge denied an Jn. ~ jUnctlon aplnst the strike last Tuesday, . and Kane bad said the unkln would :rpread the strike nationwide, affecting . half I.he bread production in the country.

Hussein in Hospital AMMAN (UP!l - Jordan'• King

Huuein, 37, suffering from fatigue brought on by overwork, entered a

-military hospital in Amman Saturday, :lbe Royal Court 8lUlOWlCed Sunday.



DAILY PILOT 1ht °'9fll9I CMlt Dit.ILY ' !LOT, wMI ..... ........... H_......_._. ..... .. or....~,........._ c.........,.,.... .......... . ,.. ...... llllMC, MM!ltoy ........... .. ,...,. .. C:.te ,,,,... .....,... llMdl, • ...,.... 9WN',_ .. llt V•llt t'. l..-990. l~leMdl ..... Sen c ....... w

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MJ!,.V ,PILOT ~ .....

' 3'J,OOO, Genas l . . .

Littered House I

Yields ·Fortu·ne •

loflAMI (UP!J When Otto Maron was judged mentally Incompetent last year after nelghbo" complallle!I of the nude showers be took on hls driveway, authoriUes could find no relatives to care for b!m.

From Page l

HIJACK ... extradition of the hijackers in both, Bray reported. He said that they seat to Havana " in advance of complete document.alk>ll," m e I D t D I without waiUng for the completion of extensive legal paperwork required by utradltlon treatles. '

So, the 69-yeSN>ld ragpict·er was M:nl to a nursing home and his junk-littered house was left abandoned and unguarded.

Over the weekend, some children sneaked Into the house, lit candles and started a fire.

Firemail dousing the blaze stumbled across '35.000 cash In addition to jewels and securities.

Macon's court-appointed attorney said · e would ask a ~unty judge today what to do with a hidden board of va1uables.

"It's going to be very interesting to see ho"· many people pop up now claiming to be bis relatives," said attorney Mark Buchbinder.

JEFF OVERSTREET (LEFT), CHARLIE STRAUB DISPLAY THEIR PATRIOTIC CANDLE Their Artistic Effort Will Mike Trip to N•tion's Capit• I In Refrfter•ted Truck

'!be request for extradition of the hl­jacken of the East.m Air Lines plane listed murder, attempt to murder, and assault with the intent to murder as lhe charges, ·1n addition to such !ederal charges as ~craft piracy ind kidnaping.

Macon was arrested for a health law vioJatlon ln September, 1971, after nelgbbon complained abou! the stacks of junk in his yard an41he smell of rotting vegetables be ; co 11 e,c t e d from supennarket trash piles.

What really shocked the neighbors intG action, though, was Macon's habit of tak­ing showers 'inJ\l& driveway-in daylight hours, standlnf · naked as he sprayed himself with collected rainwater. A judge ruled him mentally .incqmpetent.


Newport Beacli

Co1npany to Buy San Diego Firrn

American Flag Candle Set For Cross-country Trip

Th~ note concerning the Southern Airways plane listed only federal charge,, of air piracy, but ,...rved the right to supplement it with further federal and state chai-ges. The~ was no reply yet to the two re·

quest«" but "the Cuban government i;as nolilied us officially after Olli' requests reached them that the SOuthem Airwa)'I hijackers could not be returned becawoe they would be. tried ln Olbo 1111 ~ cbarges lncJudlni e:tlortloa," 11ray ,.id.

Macon'• frugality ~erided beyond the use of rainwater. IDs frame house in Miami 's south'l(est area was without electricity. He USed Cilftdles instead.

On Friday evening, neighbOrbood youngsters exploring the house lil some of the candles they f<>uDd. A fire started and - soon raging through the boose. lntelcom Industries of Nev..-port Beach

today announced it bas signed a letter of intent with the Gulf Oil Corporation to purchase the Radiation Technology division of Gulf Energy and Environ­mental Systems of San Diego for cash, Intelcom common stock and a note, all totalling about $5 million.

Radiation Technology .does research. development and testing".'for the nuclear energy industry, and the gove·rnment.

lotelcom's corporate offices are-at 500· Newport Center Drive, Newpon Beach. A br3J1ch office is at 1652 Kaiser Ave., Santa "}.na.

It produces satellite navigation and an­ti-collision systems for supertankers. automated mail handling equipment and other industrial equipmenl

'nle transaction between Intelcam and Gulf is contingent upon Jntelcom's ob­taining the neressary financing and the negotiation of a definitive agreement, ap­proval of boards of directors of both companies and the California Com· missioner of Corporations.


DOctOR1 •••

went on ambulanct calls. Although he has a warrant out for

Slnistre, Bilyeu comments that many people in the town "don't care if he's a doctor. They've got to have somebody."

Bilyeu adds that 0 obviously, too, he has 10me medical background." One source says that Slnistre had been a medical rorpsman In the Army.

"We have found no evidence of malpractice yet," the assistant district attorney continues, but that 0 does not mean it might not happen in the future."

Atty. Gen. Robert List says that the AMA infonned him that the Indiana certificate Slnistre prestnted in Nevada Is • (raud.

At one point, Slniltre contacted the of­fice of U.S. Sen. Alan Bible, becall!e he was unable to dispense druga without a license. An aide to Bible said that all the orOce tried to do Wal expedite Sinlstre's application with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Danil;eroua Drugs. The ap. plication was approved.

Hlsterie Affair

A 5,270 pound candle in the shape of an American Flag was scheduled to leave Costa Mesa today for Washington, D.C.

The eternal caodle - perhaps the largest in the world - Is destined for the Historical Wax Museum where it will go on permanent display in th:'! lobby.

Jeff Overstreet, 26, and Charlie Straub, ta, two Co~ Mesa magazine publishers who conce.ived the-idea a month ·ago, say they hope President Nixon will accept the gif+ personally.

The wedge-shaped candle was poured at TeWinkle Park with the help of Rick Stock, a professional candlemaker from HWJtington Beach. The paraffin was donated by an oil company.

A 40-foot semi.truck and trailer.

·Mrs. Langsdorf,

College Founder's

Mother, Succumbs Julia Tappen Lanplorf, mother of the

founding i>re:!ident Of j Cal11 State ruuer­ton , is d!ad at the age of 97.

Mrs. Langsdorf, a longtime resident of Pasadena, died Thursday at a rest home in Duarte.

Her son, Dr. William Langsdorf of Corona del Mar, was president of Pasa­dena City College from 1950 to 19$9 when he was appointed president of the Ful­lert.oo campus. Dr. Langsdorf is now vice chancellor for academic affairs t>f the California State Unlvenlty and Col­lege system .

Memorial services for Mrs. Langsdorf are scheduled for 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Westminlter Presb)1.erian Church of Pasadena. The family h a s suggested memorial contributions to the church, or to a favorite charity.

In addition to Dr. Langadorf. Mrs . Langsdorf leaves another son, David S.

1 Langsdorf of San Francisco; two daugh­ters, Mrs. George Middleton of Pasadena and Mrs. purt Hubbard of New Jersey; seven irandchildren, and three great. grandchildren.

Fred and Adele AJtalre, •eltran brotber and sister dance team, help open Uris Theater In New York, Broadway's first new leg!Umale the­ater tn more than 40 yetn. Theater occupies six-story shell In new 50-story omce lower.


donated by a Texa• !hipping firm, stood by this morning to take the candle to Los Angeles where it will be secured for lbe cross-country trip.

First stop aloog the way will be at a radio (.ta_lion in Anaheim where the can. die bull!len have scll<duled shows to help them raise eipense monies fer the . trip. .

Strpub said they will also be collecting signatures on a ·1etter to the 'iPeople of the United States." More thm 7 ,000 signatures have already been · gathered for the letter which says that the candJe represents "Unity, Peace, Freedom and Equality for ~l1 Mankind ."

The re(rigerated truck will make stops td display the candle tn Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia and Ohio. .

The candle, which measures 8 feet by 4 feet by .41A fee t, will be presented to White House officiaJs on Dec. 14. Its gas . Oame will be ignited after it has been placed in the museum.

The Admlnlstnllll!i, be added, hopes that the Olbon mp to try the hijackers "will serve to deter , others in the

Firemen put out the names and then checked 'through the house.for remaining embers.

They found bandies of bill! from $1 to 11001 stacked ln a clooet and tbe attic, plus jew~ and stock certlllcates, bonds and bani bookr - all in Macon's name.

Firemen apenf all night counting bags American btJ~ktng commll'!!ty who may of coiM ·and bundles of moqey, then an-te cont.mplating hljactlng. nounced they had come up with $3$ 000 in

Bray said, respvvl1~8 to._qu~Uons-.L --coins.and u:i8ble~bijls plus aMther :$2,500 -~hat the Cuban not1ficatJOn tba.t the ~ too badly damaged -by--namei "to 0e· -~volved i,n the Soutbern Airways hi- nygotiabte. · • Jacking will be tried in a ~ co:.irt Fire Chier Lawrence Kenney said an does not necessarily mean ~ . re1ectlon ?f unknown amount of additional bills was the U.S. request for extradition. He said evidently destroyed when nre gutted the there are a number of precedents when a attic. country tries criminals and ertrad.ites Buchbinder said he searched the house them later to a country which requests shortly after being appointed Macon's extradition. guardian, but missed the hoard of cash,

On the extortion charge, Bray !ald he J"""lry and document!. understands that the·· three Souttieln "I'm· sure he knew It wu there and Airways hijacker!, Who forcecl tbelr probably worried about tt," Buchbtnder plane to land twice in Havana, ei:torted said. "Be kept sa'Ying he wanted to go fuel during their first landing. home."

·~----·-... ~-------------------....... JWI--"'*1---· 1 ~0• . • 1 • .. • . - At!, b,rown·J sear, .-1 iri11· With'vcoor"l'' -. -i icrowave cooking I


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Litto~ exclusive Micro-Browner™ Steak Grill Now you ,can use your Litton microwave oven for tenor • Largest in1erior of any counter-top micro-95%_ of your ev~ryday cooking - without the use wave oven. Ask for a demonstration and taste the" ol your conventional broiler or griddle. With the dif1erence the Litton Micro-Browner makes in a Litlon Mier6-Browner, you 'll have light, golden microwave oven. brown pancakes and French toast. crisp hash ----.,.,--..,,..-,-~..,..,.,....-..... ----browns, seared sieaks and chop&- food1 .with H..-.: 111-...,. M. 1111 .. 1:H. results never before possible in a microw8ve oven. s.. l :Jt .. 4·

Your microwave oven and kitchen\ remain cool, yet you enjoy the appellzlng appeal ol eonvenllon- rn oily broiled foods. The unon Micro-Browner pro- LITliON vidos !he capabilily fe< browning, searing, grilling, .ond frying - during mlC10Wave cooking.

Litton's exclusive Mk:io-Browner Joi,. lheSe other Litton mlcrow._.,, oven 11,.11, • Pue/lbutton Litton · Microwave Ovens lutomatlc defrost • Sright, easy-clean aCf)1k: tft.. .......,~_.~1111ierowwecooklngtnenUtton. Nobodr .

Low _ Prices are bom here, raised elsewhere!

1115 tQPORT BL VD. D11aluln Costa Mesa - Pllane 548· 77


WrTM APPton • C:llOIT



·- _, .. •

Orang~ t';oast EDITION

V9l. ~J.. "!O· 325, 3 SECTION~, 36 PAGES • -

es an - .

: Fond Boosted Mesa Employes' Contribution Up . CQ<$. Mesa city employes have contributed lt6,8'15 lo the SOutbtm orange

County, .Vrti~ . Way-'"°"' than $4,000 than they did last year. THE SUM RAISED at City Hall moves ahead the United Way drive lo

collect $1.3 miUion for the support of local health, welfare · and yoUtb agencies . Jn 1973.

Costa Mesa's per capita contribution of $38.91 exceeds by more than $1 last year's top~ dooor nationwide. That honor belonged to the mwlicipal em­ployea of. Milwaukee.

ABOUT J8I of Costa Mesa's 426 city employers participated in the drive, for 1 total of 91.3 percent ,

Last.~y,ear Costa Mesa city employes gave an average of ~.49.

To Improve Funding

Costa Mesa Council Eyes - . -

--ParK-1 Jistrrot1leductions Members of the Costa r.:esa City C.oun­

cil tonight Wilt consider reducing the city's 16 park districts to sil as a means of improving funding for park con~

structioo. The proposal, recommended by the

pl.annjng department; has been scheduled for public bearing at 8:30 in city council cbambers, 77 Fair Drive.

It is contended by the Planning Com-. missi9n that the consolidation program would allow more potential for park­development sin~ each of the newer districts would have more money and land available for park construction.

The e:xisting districts are considered too small because they do not generate enough park money from fees paid by developer1. In addition, some districts do not contaiil any land suitable for park develoPJneol. ~· -•1ti liie' 'niWurO ii ·a~ bf'tbe

..£0QDCll; !ho larfer d!ttrlCta J1ould be ' ailiwocl .. pool tbr-- of the mialler dlslrlds far "11< dooelopmenl.


- ~ ·­• es cu nom



Pulled Out


Of .. DINr " "" ..... A handicapped woman trapped in a

blazing apartment w" carried through ll!lloke and 11am.. t.. safety Sunday morning by an off-duty Costa Mesa fireman.

Phil Mellott, 30, was credited with sav· Ing the lile of Joyce Weatherly, 4t, who was trapped when the fire broke out about 7:30 a.m. on the second floor of the apartment at 2296 Fountain Way W.est.

Both Mrs. Weatherly and Mellott were treated for minor smoke inhalation at

DA•L.Y PILOT ...., """ Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital sod H.E· CAME ,TO· RE~UE · • nleased. .

~=:~~M~M~-~~''~"'":''~n~Mof~· ~lo~"-~.=::- Mn. Weatberlf's ttto com~ons did - ooi-fareinll! . -·- -

Cliarge . Reducoo; Carpenter Guilty

In Bomb Threat ' By TOM 'B,\RLEY

Of .. Deir ..... ,....

A. young C81'pel!W accuaed ill •• --~ aiJl!l(f,i Suporfsf'~. tnaJ of pla\Wn~ the , ~ctlot. of a Lldo Isle ·~•=rlnhD ...., 1*aded guiltJ to


"Joan Hayden, 62, is in good condition lnday at Costa Mesa M<mOrial Hospital with bums on her head and hinds and Harriet Hayden, 31, Is being treated at Orange County Medical Center for burns on her feet.

Costa Mesa Fire Marshal F.d Lewi.! said the fire started in Harriet Hayden's upstairs bedroom.

" We still don't tnow what the came of the. rll'e was," ~wis llid today, "the cootenta of the room were complet.ely destroyed."

Mellott. a five-year.veteran of the fire deiier1lilall ....... bis ..., bollli .lnm lllrilllll";• :• -.i- .. ......... <luarterti llatloa, When be spolled the

'*'ri:"4'':!.';d!n - bod modi

. ' . • N.Y.Stoeb


• •

ire .. '

Hospital Aide Nixed as Juror In Murder Trial

A woman who explained tha~ she was the dieUclan for the Orange County Medical Center pri!on ward in which ac­cused killer Gig Peters has been confined was quickly excused today as jury selec­tion got under way in the second Superior Court trial of the HunUngton Beach man.

Alld OD tOjl for lnni«ht'I COUDcil meetln( Is the - reodlnc and a'dop­tlon ol two ordlnanceo aimed at helping Costa Mesa' meet ill goal of providhig 2.5 acres of parks for each 1,0001 realdents.

Eaaentlally' the two statutes would r .. quire greater park land at park fee eoi> tributions from apartment developets and raise.Costa Mesa's park fee schedule comparable to those of other Orange Coast citid.

Jod(o William Mum,y actepled the plea of Wayne • Frlhcis Ne- lo charges of!tollcltinl a cammlsslon of a criipe and reduced the · alleptiool lo misdemeanor level

He senteoced Nettleton, 21, Santa Ana, to 30 days in Orange County Jail and placed him on two years probation.

their way out ol lbe resldenc<, but Mn. Weatberlt was trapped Ill an upstaln bedroom.

Mellott ran into the burning apartment fD reach the woman and then decided lo carry her back out through the fire rather than watt for fire trucks to arrive and attempt a rescue through the wilJ. dow.

"He made the riiht choict," Lewis said. 11If he'd waite<f. neither he nor the woman would have survived."

Cuba to Try Hijackers

Airer Last Air Piracy

Peters, 23, looked up and smiled from his wheelchair " Judge Kenneth Williams excused the hospital t«ilnlclan ' from jury duty Jn what Is e:rpeded fD be a foor·-1< tr!aj.

Both sides predicted tbis morning that jury selection will take up at least three days this week before opening arguments are offered.

Peters ls accused of the murder of his parents Charles Peters, 55, and his wife Flora, Sf. He has again pleaded innocent by reason of insanity.

It is alleged that the fonner lifeguard stabbed blo father through the bear! Jn April of 1'71 and strangled his mother shorUy after be arrived at the Lincoln Street home from a 110journ in a San Diego C:Out1ty desert commune.

Peten, first trial came to a sensational end last November when be was shot In the spine by a deputy who prevented his esoape durilig a noon hour break Jn the trial

Pettn doctors have declared that il is hlgtilt unl!aly"tbat their patient will ever walk apln.

QUICK PROFITS -ON 2ND CALL .Thing• move quickly with DAILY

PILOT duslfled want ads: Note the folloWtnc Id:

Cozy S BR, I BA, frpl , Tfee. U.- - ID WllCdltf. llD + depoltl. m ·au.

On Ille ,ll«IOd call, the houae WU • rented and dll - -ntJ moved Jn.

• Move Jn IOme quick pronts of your own by C91Im1 a DAILY PILOT ldvttar. Dial cllrtcl MWm.

M!! Jurr Set JUNEAU, Alab (UPI) - A lpOCill

Jur; 11111 llt Clllld lnlo - In hlb WffU lo~ ~ AWb Rop. Nici< Bt,;dl, who dl_.-.d In a lllbl plane Oct. If wllll - -JoritJ leader Holt Bogl, _ ... ,, .. lied-.~ a Democnt n AINU'• kine rt1M'aat­taU.. - --., Nol>. I de.,u. b<lng mlufnl.

Neither aw:prise nor controversy iS ex· pected during l«light'a citj COUDCil meeting delplte .an ~ long nJne. Pace agenda. VlrtuaOy all Items are .... alderod routine. .

Some debating ~ council members is UMJy lo -occur Tue>day nlght, - · during • 7:111 itudy aession OD q>endln& o( fl.I •niilllon Jn SW'plus funds.

'Councilmen appear dlvtded on whether to use the money for a tax cut or for several · improvement projects, or perhaps both. .

1be ove~ $1.1 million :ngure irlcludes $500,«Kt the city upectl to receive under Federal Revenue Sharing. 'l1le other 11.3 mt1Jioo r.,.- budget · IUrplusel BC· crued over eeveral yean. 1

Trustees Weigh

Ap.pointments Newporl·Mesa Unlrled School District

trustees ar:e expected to ratify 29 a~ polntments lo the Cltlrens Advisory Budget CommJttee when lhey meet Tues· day.

The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. In the Lyceum of Coota Mesa High School.

Nettleton bad been scheduled lo face his second trial today on allegationa that be warned- the South Coast Construction Company of Coota ~esa last Feb. 18 that be -1d blow up I 1& million COll­

dJminium at Lafayette Avenut and Part

LldO if he did not receive ~ Nettleton, wbo worked on con-

strucUoo site, was arrested y two

--~·· • -·· J ~IU s mv .... 006aton. ~

They claimed the young carpenter hired them Jn the belief that they were the "two Malla typea" be needed lo build two electronic bombs.

They uid Nettleton lold them he plan­ned to explode one :ximb as a warning in the elevator abalt tt the builden did not immediately comply with the demands.

Tbe jury, who listened lo the alleg• lions later k>cked at 11 to I ln favor of ac:quittal. Nettleton wu ordere. to face a new trial.

It wa1 argued In hla de!cfl!e that the young female housekeeper employed by Nettleton and his toomflll,ttl actually •uggested ·the ptan lo the carpenter.

Sbe Iller'. became a paid Investigator for the Sberlfro ornce.

Lewla noted that the Intensity of the fire wu sucb tbat Mellott'• jacket was burned. -

The fire marshal said that an open - Jn the room where the lire started allowed IOll\e ol the heal from the fire lo V'!ll itaell outaide the apart. meat. •

110thenvbie, Mellott never would have been able to get to the trapped woman, becaUle be bad to run right by the bum. Ing room."

Damage from the blaze wa1 estimated at $3,000 by firemen.


CALLS IT QUITS Anaheim High School football

coach Clare VanHoorebeke, the "most winning" coach in Orange c.ounty high school circles, Is rttlr· ing 1t the conc!Ullon of thll ye1r'1 football lealOl'I.

VanHoorebek.e'a Colonist team bar jUst been telected for a CIF playoll berth. He bu coachid on lhl Anaheim campu1 for 23 ........ See detall.1 Ill todly'o Sports section, Page 'ti.

WASIUNCTON lAPJ - The Cuban government has notified the United States that U wW try three hijackers who fort<d a Southern Airways jet wilh 31 pusengen: aboard to land ln CUba Nov. 11

In reporting tblo today, State Depart· meot pl'ell ol!!cer Oiarles W. Bray also aak! the CUtian goverr.inent haa respond­ed laYOrBbly lo the U.S. Invitation "to engtge ln discussions which might lead to an agreement" on how to handJe ht· Jacken.

Tbe CUban reply. through the Swlu Embauy, reached Washington over tbe weekend and uld that the CUban govern· nlent Is "prepared to begin dl!CUSslons IOOl1 through the good office> of the S'.Vi11 government," Bray announced.

He aaid, In ,.._.. lo a question, that the CUbans proposed 1 certain date but added that wu no 1preement yet oo - the talks through the Swin, the po'ffr wbkh reprtStnll U.S. loterH11 ln CUba, would start.

The United Stites, Br•)' uid, ditpalcb­~ oo Saturday Its official - to CUba lo ertradlte the hijackera of most recent caaes: ane lnvotrina an F.utcm Alrlinet plsne bljodted on Oct. II by lour 1rmed mtt1. and the olller Involving the Southern Alrwaya pl- lea than two weeks liter. _

The two Amtrlcan notes requetted the The comnllttee is formed annually to

aid the school board members in setting budget priorities for the coming year.

Proposed for membership on the lfn. 73 committee are representaUvel from both citin u well u major civtc and oervlce organizations, IChool district -loye uaociaU.111 and achoo! parent orpnizatlonl.

Paddling Case. Ref u_sed Supreme Court Won't Hear Sclr.ool Spanking Appeal

Band Boost.ers Boosting Buffet ,

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Tho U.S. Supnme Court declined ~ to COJ>

rider wbelhor the paddli111 of • publlc school - without bll parents' pennlam 11 llllCO!'lllt.-J "etutl and .

Mark your calendan now and make llllll1U&I punllhmmt. • JOll' _,,,_ to - the 1m - .,. .... the court rduled to WlllCer llollcto)' bullal llld - - • lppoal ii- • Dallal. Ta. 1-ed 0oc.11oy 111& r....ia HIP . _.,...,..., ... ...,.,.....of 8cbool.BaDd Ill ..... - .......... lo ... llflnl ~ ----- ..... __.. ... ·-~ .. :~ .. ~1::.:=~ :.! ,,.... t 1° , _ ... WI Ill' WUV. WW - "9',...-- .... QJ( .. Ill ' 4 , .. ~SI.op- ... _ ............ _

,,..,..., """" Ill ...... -. 11181 ... ..... *" c - ... u ••• -

I•• "41-:! .. •

1 .... 11, "1 CfOllls Mrl. R. I Jkt' po 11' I - Iii Ult WWe drllor "·Cr••• 2 1 ., ..

Tllo Winlar ~fl lltlns INI- 41 h1! M _. ra.:::.­u I ....... lb& Menrof.e bt- DlllsM e r fi4" '•Jim hm llluMfO!I -...-. ..... - f'!lfllp ....... 11111 .... •

• •

extradition of the bljacken in botb·cises, Bray reported. He gid that they W<re

sent to Havana "in advance of complete documentation," m e • n I n'J wldloul wa.itiq for the completion eltmllYe legal paperwork required by emldltlon tteat!tl. .

The ~ for mradltlon of the IJI. Jaaera ol the Eutem Air Linet ,... listOO murder, 1ttempt to murdtr, Ind assault with tbe lnteot to munler u tho """'*""· .. addition to lllCh 'edonl chaf'(OI .. alrcralt piracy and - ......

Tho oote COIJOO'lllq the SOuthem Alrwaya plane lilted Oilly fedonl•dlar(a of a.1r piracy, but rtaerved the rilht to "'pplement It with further federal llld tlate charlM·


........ tt'U be - ...... -,, •

Md I tad -- ..... Ibo Qr. lftP c..... .. ltillch ' .... tufff arouod • rjAlf loll -0.emlCM ..... ..,....,. ...... hllJI ...

INSIDB. T8D~ 'Y 11.......i H•u ii "flOl'fldlr

plo!lnl1141 • .. ,...rlou, ......., ..... " ... tllt""""""~°' tllt o c c • o floor. SH _,, Po(IC 5. ... _. t ......... .. = tt ...... . . - ........... . =- .... ..,__.. I

0. ==-~ --=:,......,. . ...... 7 • ...... • .... ~1 ........... . ...... _. I ....... t -- .


2 Ex-CdM


Arrested Newport Beach detectives waded

through hip-deep snow tG a cabin at Big Bear Lake Saturday to arrest two youths suspetted of setting off 1 pipe bomb Thursday -momtng at Corona de.I Mar Ill.~ School.

GleM Lulle BarnMOn, 1&, of 2140 E. Jlolboa .Blvd. and Paul Bernhart, 17, of 2527 Bamboo St., both former students at the ochool today "" facing felony charge.s of detonating an explosive device causlng property damage.

Bameson Y.'ho will be arraigned this afternoon in Harbor JudlciaJ District Court is being neJd on '25,000 bail ln Newport Beach and Bernhart haa been boolted Into Orange County Juvenile Hall pendinc I bearing 00 the l8llle charges.

Dolft.V Pn.oT sW ;....., r

mgh· W~te•· Newport Sti-eet.s Flooded

• U1lllSll8lly high tides early this mof1\llla

and Sunday O~ low-lying streets eodl all over Newport Beach and cauted ocean waves to wash completely aet'06s the beach in some placts.

"We dtdn:t have any real dama1e· ~ speak of, juU · IJl.· lot , of water,'' said General Services Director Jake Myn­derse.

He said the tides_, which were about 7.l· feet, backed Up storm drainl that empty Newport Harbor and JlOUred aato tbt streeta. " " ' ~

Rag picker's Home Holds Cash, Jewels

"We 'iiad nillsance flOodlng in along. Balboa Boulevard, in the Finley Tract 8CIWS ~ C!ty;:lfall .. ~ lnJOIJ\l' •polo on Balboi Island," Mynderil! said.

"And to 1pot1 aJoog West Newport's beach, we bad tOme .. complete over· rushes of surf Jn to the streebl," he reported. · ..

Mynderse said the seas did no damage to !P'ak of to, el~ of lbO /,rmy Corps of )!:Jiglneors ll'Oln eacay~t!oo JllOi· ects on tM beach. "~1 ~d a lot of· '!JUlp~ .down

tbefe ... r&g to protecl the bo~s." he Aid.

Mynderse said the tide charts show another high tide ._ possible bigger than th-. two Newport hss already had -predicted for late tonight or early tomor-row. ·

"Los Angeles Harbor eipecti ~bout 7.2 f,.t and San Diego ·about 7.1 so we11 be in the middle aomewbere," be saicL

Mynderse said he has never seen the tides higher than lhey have been the past

Po1J<e llld they .,. atill not IUl'lt what the moUve wu for the early morning bombing which blew out wlndowa In the olflce of Alllatant Principal Betty Townaend. JEFF OVIRSTRIET (LEFT), CHARLIE STRAUB DISPLAY THEIR PATRIOTIC. CANDLE • •

MIAMI (UPI) - When otto Macon was judged mentaUy incompetent last year after neighbor4i: complained of the nude showers be took on his driveway, authorities could find no relaUves to care for him . .

couple of days. ' ,. : "Thia la really unusually high and we

are really lucky the rain . went away before these hit," be ,sail!. "'U "~ had that heavy downp«iui- wllh 'the. hlKb tides, Wl!'d have had real trouble."

"They had been fooling around with ,.... amaller bomhe which they told us they aet off In the Upper Bay," aald detecUve Sam Amburgey, one of the of· fi«ra who made the arrest at Big Bear.

_______ Thal __ r_A_r1_111.c...;lc...:E:.:.;.ffor1 Wifl Miko Trip to Nation's Capital In Rofrlforatod Truck


Ambur(ey aald the bomb WU IP. parenUy made of a m·lnch length of · galvaoiled pipe stuffed with gun powder.

Internal Ailment Hits FBI' s Gray; Operation Set

American Flag Candle Set So, the 69-year-old ragpfcker was seni to a nursing home and his jook-llttered

· house wu lelt abandoned and unguarded. Qver the weekend, aome cblldreu

sneaked Into tho house, Ut candlea and started a rue.

The high tides coupled with chilly temperatures ~ept :mpat J¥ e e t..e n d beachgoers home. ruteguards aald r,ooo people came to the beach and only two hsd to be pulled from the riptide& that apeparod with hilth tldeo and big llW'f.

lie Aid lnveaUpton found I 111ppty of gunpowder and piece.s of pipe and other materlala ln the garage at the one SU!pecta'bome. For Cross-country Trip

Fireman doiJslng the blm! stumbled across 135,llOO, cash In addition to jewe!J and securititt .

A spokesman for the Orange County Harbor Patrol also said there were no bit; problema with lhe tides or boat traf. flc over the weekend.

Helen Cawthon Funeral Held

WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Justice Department said today FBI Director L. A 5.270 pound candle in the shape of an Patrick Gray had been strlc'·- at bl~ American F1ag was scheduled to leave

M:11 ... Costa Mesa today for Washington, D.C. home ln Connecticut with an Intestinal The eternal candle - perhaps the obstructJon and would undergo surgery largest in the world - is destined for the later in the day. Historical Wax Museum where it will go

Grave.side services were held today in A spokesman for the department said on permanent display in th:? lobby. La Mirada for Helen M. Cawthon who Gray, 66, who has a history of abdominal JeU Overst~t. 26, and Charlie Straub, rtslded in Co&ta Mua for 26 ~ She . troubles, became ill at hl.s home· In Ston· 28, two Costa Mesa magazine publishers died last Wednesday at age 13. · 1 lngton on Sunday. who conceived the idea a month ago, say

----.""ll!fCC~r 21J811 Oi'illf~_...._taha to -La""'noo-M-th&~sldem.Ni10n.wi!Hicoept-lhe-Ave. ROM>ital In N~ London for observation gif~ personally.

Burial followed the morning services at and doctors decided late Sunday an The wedge-shaped candle was poured Olive Lawn Memorial Part. Survivors operation would be necessary. at Te Winkle Park with the help of Rick are her husband George of the borne A for the department said Stock, a professional candlemaker from address; aon. ~ea~. of c.o.ta h~ did not know how seriow. Gray's con- Huntington " 1be paraffin was Mesa; daughter, Mn. Vivian Hall of d1tlon was. . . donated by an od c:ompany. . J{untington Beach· parents Mr and Mrs Gray wu spending the weekend 1n A 40-foot senu·truck and trailer, Byron Feebler oi La Miri.da: brothers. Stonington prior to a scheduled Sunday donated by a Texas shipping firm, !lood Gerald Peebler of Tustin 'and Ned night speech in Boston, wh1ch was by th1s morning to take the candle to Los Peebler of La Mlrada · siltm Lena cancelled. Angeles where it will be secured for the Pot.ta of Escondido Men'i. Mon~ of The FBI chief, who took over the cross-country trip. Pantdlle, Frances' Osborne of Oregon bureau aftei: J. F.dgar Hoover died this Finl stop along the way will be at a Betty Mitchell of Artanl&! and rune; year, ~ bid problems with abdominal radio station in Anaheim where the can-grandchildren. pain IUlCe be suffered a ruptured ap- die builders have scheduled shows to


Chamben, City Hall, &:30 p.m. . GOOD GROOMING - OCC Lecture :Series, Estancia High School Forum, 7:30-9:30 p.m.

FACULTY ART SHOW - OCC Gallery, Nov. 13-Dec. a. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. l"onday-Frlday.

DANCE LESSONS - Dept. of Leisure Services offers round dance leuons at WU.On school, 301 w. w111on , 7:30-ta:so p.m. •t.25 per seulon.

UC! LECTURE SERIES - "Theology and Death," IOI Pbyalcal Scleneu, 7-10 p.m. Admllllon $5.30. Serle1 on Orange County Governmeni, " How Do Decision Makers Know What You Want?" 178 HumaniUes Hall, 7-10 p.m. Admiaslon 114.30.


Regular meeting, Costa Mesa Hlgh's ~yceum Theattr. 7:30 p.m.

SQUARE DANCING - C:Ommunity 'ecreatlon Center, Fairgrounds, &-10 , .m. 11.25 pe1 lesson.


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pendiz while in the Navy during World help the_m raise expense monies for the War 0 Md Wll Unable to get prompt trip. . \ lreatmenl Straub said they will also be collecting

Bad Mediclne1

Only Doctor in Town

Skips Out in Scandal EUREKA, Nev. (AP) - A warrant is

out for the arrest or Jean·Paul stal1tre and this small town in central Nevada is again without a doctor.

Sometlme in JuJv, Slnlstre arrived in Eureka, presented· hiJ validated state basic science certificate, and set up shop. In a county of Ma people, he was ap­poir.ted county doctor at an aMual salary of 18,900.

Until last week, Sinistre practiced as a popular and apparently competent physl· c!an. Then, the dlatrlct attorney's office received Its Ont Indication that the doc· tor was not all be said he wu.

Bakery Workers' Strike Expected To Spread East

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The strike by bakery worten ln Western states ltlll Is expected to spread eastward across the country, but no new bakeries are likely be h1t before Thanksgiving . accon!.ln& to a union 1pokesman.

Joseph Kane. vice president and chief negotiator for the Bakery and Con· fectlaoery Workers Union, AFUIO. said talks are not planned in the strike, •thlch hu idled aboot 8,000 worker1 In Callfomla, Creson, Utah, Waslllngton and Colorado.

The wiion want!i consecutive, retber tlw. spltt, days off ; but management says that ....,Id keep bakery companies from deli'"'1ng r .. sh goods.

A federal-court judge denied an in· JunctiOo aplnst !he strike last Tuesday, and Kane had aald the union would spttad tht strike natlonwldt, affectlng half the bread pn>ductloo in the coumry.

Marine Hitchhiker

Killed on Freeway A hltc:hhlki_,. ~mp Ptndleton M1rlne

wu llruck by • car and kllled .. rly su .. day on the Santa Ana Froawoy COl1Jle<1or link with the Garden Grove Freew1y, the C.lllpm}A Hlahway Patrol reported.

Thomas R. Wamn. 21, died IMtanlty when hh :,Y a car drlve.1 by Dr. Jerry C. Ct !A>ks, 34, of Santa Ana. Crookl and hit wife Lama, '31 , were lrt1ted foi minor Injuries at the Orange County Medical Center and reltH«I. lie was not cited .

.. .

He had made a slipup concerning the date he filed an application.

Aa Deputy lmt. Atty. Byron Bilyeu relates, his office and the county com­mlssk>ners began an investigation into the doctor's credentials. Last week, a day before charges of p r a c t i c i n g medicine without a license and obtaln!.ng money and property under f a I 1 e pretenses were filed against hlrn, Slnl.!ltre skipped town. •

There is a considerable file on Slnistre a· the office of the American Medical Association in Chicago. He has a~ parently attempted to practice without a license in Alaska, and the papers that were presented to the Nevada Basic Science Board have the official seal of Indiana on them.

Also, AMA records show he attended the Palmer School of Chriopactlc in Davenport, Iowa, from March through December, Im, but received no degree.

Although offlciala are agreed that Sin.Istre should not be allowed to practice without a license for fear that someooe may be mistreated by him, It would prot>. ably be dUllcult to coovlnce the people of Euroka that they are better off without their doctor than they were with him.

Eurek1 htd bHn without a doctor from the beginning of thl1 year until Slnlttre arrived. It ii ...,.. 75 mUa from lhe town to Ely, and the nea"'st doctor.

County Commbsk>n Oullrman Charles Vaccaro thought w•ll of Slnlslre.

" He helped 'em all that went to him. He knew bit stuff. 1•

Rites Conducted For George Pratt

Print• funeral services have bein held for Geori• H. Pratt of C:O.ll lllell. a 14-year r..tdelrt nl Or...,. C4oo1Y, who died last Wedn<Sday at the• ol IM.

Mr. Pratt, who resided al.Ill W. WllM>n St., wu a put member of the Muonlc Lodge, • member of the Newport Harbor Senior Clllzens Club and o( the Costa M- Fudlsla Club.

Ho realded in Ca!Uornia for ID yean. Services took placo SatUJday at Bell Broadway Chapel In Costa Mell.

Survivors are hil wJfe, Clari, or the home address; aon, Stephen, of Kan!"• : dal13httr1, Mn. Dorothy J, Cavlna of Los An&ele.1 and ~1rs. Louiae Surmon ot Costa Mt:sa .

The family suggesll memorial con· trlbuUons be made to the American Clnoer Socl•ty of Or•lli• County •

Macon's court-appointed attorney said signatures on a letter to the 0 People of ··e would ask a county judge today what the United States." Ji.tore than 71000 to do with a hidden hoard of valuables. signature. have already been gathered "It's going to be very interesting to see

how many people pop up now claiming to for the letter wh1ch says that the candle be his relaUves," said attorney A-iark represents "Unlty, Peace, P)eedom and Buchbinder. Equality for all Mankind." · Macon was. arrested for a health law

The refrigerated truck will make stops violation in September, 1971. after to display the candJe m. Arizona Texas neighbors complained &bout the stacks of

"But those tides really have a good side " he said. "They. come up and clean out all the debris." ·

He said the high tides bSve been ac-­companled by extreme low tides - also near record negative levels - 1 which causes a rapid and corhplete Ouahing of the bay.

Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee 'Georgi~ junk in his yard and the smell of rotting -.- -- - -' - ----wgetabl....- he--eo·l+ee-t-.-d- trom--hu -JoneS' Services

The candle, which nleasures "feet by 4 supermarket truh plles. . . . feel by 41> r .. t will be presented to What really shocked the neighbors into Se f W d d White House offi~iala on Dec. 14. Its gas ~ction, though, w~s M~coo's h~bit of ~k· t Or e DeS ay flame will be Ignited after it has been mg showers In his driveway m daylight I ced · th hours, slsndlng naked as be oprayed Funeral services will he beld Wedn.,.

P a 18 e museum. himself with collected rainwater. A judge day in Coata J.feu for l&-year Oran1e ruled him mentally incompetent. County resident Lou R. Jones who died

Macon's frugality extended beyond the Friday. She was 90 yean old. use of rainwater. His frame house in The Rev. ConstanUno Salios of Costa Hussein in Hospital "liami's southwest area was without Mesa will officiate at services at 10:30

.AMMAN (UPI) - . Jonlali's King electricity. He used candles instead. · · a.m. at Bell BJ'O!ldway Chapel. Burial llu!ISein, 37, suffering from fatigue On Friday evening, neighborhood will follow at Westrnin!ter Memmial brought on by overwork, entered a youngsters exploring the house lit aomt Park. Survivors include a nephew, Nell military hospital1 in Amman Saturday, of the candles they found. A .fire started Brandenburg of Sacramento, three other the Royal Court announced Sunday. and was soon raging through the bouae. nephewi l.nd ooe niece. •


from $349 Litton Mlcro·Brownernt exctusive

with Litton microwave ovens.

' •




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