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Show, L.4.

• Once ago. in. as in "asl }'(~ ars . till' mEW Exhihit at the An nu a l I\ FL·CIO Un io n Inilustries SIIow .\' :1\;, ~I ar attraction this year i ll Lm Angeles. C tlifnrnia . .spun­sofcd by the Union Label and Sen-icc Trad c~ Depart ­ment , Ih is )'c:l r's 3!!nl Annual Show drc,.· Iwndrt'ds of thous;mds o f Sou thern C;d ifurnia \' i s i lOr~ to the Los Angeles COIu 'cll tion Ccul er. Ma y 12- 17. 19i8.

I)urposc of the Union Ind ustries Show is 10 display the nt,my ex(ellent lICn'iccs and producl!i produced h)' union Illclll hcTS ;lIld tile cOIllI':.nics for \\'h ich the) ',ork . The IIJ EW Exhibit was :. co lo rful displ:.}' of II~EW

made c lCC:: lric:a l :'ppli:lI1ccs and scr\'kcs performed by o ur memhers.

The co lo r pholOg: r a phs 0 11 this IMgC and addit ion:d ,)ilolOb'Taphs and SIOt r bcgili ll i ll J,; o n paj.;C 3 of Ihi i i~suc of Ihe Jourllal slww all aspect .. of Ihe (H EW Union InduSlrics Show Exh ibil .

A highli!:hl 0' ,h.' III~W ~~hilJi , al ,I ,.. Union Ind "~lri.'S Shu .. ' i. Ihe "'iuJwII ~r .. a "illl major :II'I,l i:<II """5 on tI ;' I)I~). T ho"5" II\EW· mad., kil.-h .. n 1I I'I,l iall"'" .... .,. .. giH'1I :110"11)' in . ".-.ia\ dr .... illJ.:s .~ ... h n ighl 0' III .. 1110"'" ,\ (omph-. t' lis, of " 'inm'n i. "ri"h·d on pag .. " 0' .his iofu .. 0 ' ,h .. j oumnl.

1';lIn""',1 in front of Ih.· I n EW Exhi llil .:.r", l ..t. 10 d):lIl, IIlI ... r· IIlHion:.1 H. .·III" .... " , .. : .. in Clmll'"5 Wal .... ·r. IIIEW I)irnl or 0' I'ur· "ha .• inl: llori.. from an. III1 ..... n:Hion,,1 Sl""(r ... , ary R ~IJlh ,\ . L"i!:un, l,u"r":lI;nnal St'(. lrl~rl · Enll'ri!u" J~I'ph I). K .. "nan, H. ttir~-d ;\1 (, ,,, , I~r of Loul II Jot· K"nln ... rl;,,!;, I.R . ",1.(' Vi.,oll . and I.H. . lIill '\'nlldl .

Thili i~ a .icw of ,h.' IIIEW.",:O(I" ",.""( ld, .. 1 11 1'1'11::"'"", ,h :;l l 'H'rr gh'rll a"'~y In dr .... lng. during thr )1>0 .. ·.

Jlug .. em"'&! li"'r Ihis onr .i .... ·n! III .. InEW E'hilli! ::mtl p",nid. p;I1.-d In Ih.· rr"" tI ... "in"", for cll'(. lriul applianccs. On .. of ,I,,· tln"'inl:_ U. .1>0"-0 und., .... .. , .




Volume 77, No. 7 July, 1978

FEr:tTLir:tES IBEW Exhibit Outstanding Attraction at 1978 Union

Industries Show Held in los Angeles. California

10th District Progress Meeting. Chicago, illinoIS

6th District Progress Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

2nd District Progress Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts

7th District Progress Meeting, South Padre Island, Texas

18EW 1978 1st District Progress Meetings

8th District Progress Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado

1978 18EW National Telephone Conference

18EW Founders' Scholarships for 1978

Special Notice to Press Secretaries

DEPA~TIVIENTS Editorial Comment

Research and Education-The Nation's Recurrent Problem-Inflation

With the ladies

Safety Tips

l ocal lines

Death Claims

ollll COVEll

















Shades of summer are depicted on this month's Journal front COlier With boats gent ly at anchor. Inside thiS issue are reports in photographs and articles of selleral ISEW District Progress Meetings. Also reported on are the winners of the 1978 I BEW Founders' Scholarships.


.. 'tiNTED ON UNION ", ... OE

....... ER

POS'M,t,STER : ChlRlle 01 -od •• » ~I.d. on Form 3579 ''''auld b ... nl 10 Inl.rnlhonlr B.olilerhood 01 Eleclflul Work., •• 1 ,25 Flrl •• nlll S",,'. H W, Washingron. O.C 2OD05 Publ"hed monll'tr end .. ~onlJ.crl'" pallille peld I' Wuhlngron. 0 C. Subo.c"plion prieu Unilld S,., ... nO C.nadl. n per y ... In Id"ance. P"n,ed In U S.A. 'hi. JOURNAL will nol I>e held ,,, 10' "IWI exp.essed by eo" .. ponden,s. Tile II rsl 01 IIch monlh II closing dll •. All copy mull be In au' " ends on a. bele" 1111. lime. Paid edve" "'1\9 nOI '~C.p"d Publoc.lion No 2'~02.


CHARLES H. PILLARD 1,,/lM.//onel p •• " den' 1125 lSlh S1 .. H.W. Wllhlng,on. D.C. 20005 RALPH .... LEIGO N Irrr""lIlp".1 S.c .... ". 1125 15,,, SI., N.W. W""'nglon. D.C. 20005 HARRY VA N ARSOALE, J R. Intern.,lonll r lluu.a. ,58·11 Jewel Avenue Flulhll\9. N If. 11365

VICE PRESIDENTS Fl," OIl,UC', K. O. ROSE Sulll .A, '5 SIIIpp'rd A~e. EUI W,II_crll., M2N 5lfl Second OI,rrlc" JOHN E. FLYNN 12' Ofl'lc. Praze Bu,Idlng 22'0 Fo,be. ROed Brlln,,", Manlchus.tls 02,,, Thl,d Ollllle,. JOH N J. BARRY 222 Mameroneck Avenue While PI'in •. Hew Yo,k 10605 Founh DIII,ie,. B. G. WILLIAMSON nl0 Rndinll Raid Amb"llwn Exeeutl •• Bldll· Sui .. 9 Clnclnnltl. 01110 (5237 Flllh O,,,,,~,. DAN H. WATERS No.2 MOlloplu Ouve Sull. 113 BI'lIIlnghlm. AI. 3S209 Si~'h DIIl"cI. T. E. MALONE Commerce Piau Th'N. Suit. 570 2015 Spring: Raid O.k B.ook. lI"noIl 6052' Sevenlh OII"'CI, RAYMOND O. DUKE 2701 Avenue E. EISI Suite '12 A,lInglon. Teus 76011 Eighth OIIUlct. LAWRENCE C. FARNAN sune 26'C 2.(60 W.II 26,h A~I !>enve'. Cololldo 11021'

NInth Oillriel. W. L VINSON 1700 Soulh EI Cimino R.,I BOlli Squ" •• Suile 301 San Milia. C.1I10m'e 9"02 Ten,h or,,,,c'. ANDREW M. RIPP O'Ha" Ollie. Building 1. Suite '00 10-400 W HIgllln. Ro.d ROiemon,. IIllnol. &0018

Ele.enl" Ditl.ic, . JACK f. MOO RE 300 Sou," Jellerlon. Su. le 300 SO"ngli.'d. Mluo\l,l 65806 Twellih D.,lrlcl, M. A. WILLIAMS F .. n~lIn Building. Suite 5,5 Chlll.nooge. ',", 37'11

INTERNIiTloNRl EXECllTIVE CollNCll WUUY I . TAYLOR C/O.I,m." E.<KUU ... Wee' . Suit. 201 2(21 P'ocIllctlon D,lve Indl.n.paUI. IneIlanl .a2(J Fit .. OIllriCI. RALPH HALLORAN cia Locat 139. IBEW S08 COllege A"enue Elmlil. Ne'" Yo,k 1'901 Second DISI,lcI, JAMES F. MULLONEY 152 Clinion SI .eol Millboro. M .... chusell. 0,752 Third DI",lc'. HOWARD O. GE ORGE 38381 Berhhl" Hili. 0.1 •• Willoughby. Ohio "09~ Fou,'" Dillric,. HARRY BEXLEY SOl Pulll.m 51 • SW Anlnll.,. 30312 flllh O,,'rI~'. ROBERT MISSEY Sl50 EI.ubelh Ave S, loul •• ,"" uourl &.3110 S,.th Dlilric,. THOMAS H. PURSLEY '523 A.lnue Pb Ollvellon. T .... 77!i50 Se~.nlh OI.lIle,. S. R. McC ANN !>30 Conlll C0511 Blvd. p,.lunl Hili. Celrlo,nla 9~523 Elghrh OIIl.lcl. H. H. FULTON ,3<1 Sou,h lieroid SltUI Thunder B.y. Ontatlo. Canld.

A Time for Reflection, Rededication

• July 1 a nd Jul y 4 a rc two most impo n ant days that arc recogni zed in Canada ~md the United Siales as times for ci ti zens of both de moc rati c nalio n .... 10 ce lebrate respecti vely Dominio n Day in Ca nada and Independe nce Day in the United Sltlles.

These days rightl y so have been ~c t as ide as na lio nal hoJidnys. when all ci ti zens can rededica te themselves to the princ iples which have made these two greilt na tions stalwart s of libert y, justice. and dcmocr,lcy througho llt the world .

Today in the world . people can c<ls ily forge l the .... acrifi ces and dedicated commitment of our fo rcf:lIhers which bro ught abo ut the freedoms that we now enjoy :lI1d take for granted. These freedoms alone should be enough to overcome the apathy and the complacency that affect and take o ver some people like a di sease as they try to destroy anything tha t is good fo r the people as a whole .

The vast majori ty o f o ur citi zens nre inhe rentl y good o f hea rt and !\ pirit nnd try to be pa ri of socie ty that thinks and acts in a pos itive­progress ive manne r. These good c itile ns ta ke personal pride in o ur na tiom,' institu tio ns. mora l c harac te r. tr~I(..Iition ... and thl'Y ~\rl' a cons' rm:tivl.' pa rt o f the traditional spirit o f loyalt y and pat riotism o ur foundin g fath l'r .. ~n v i sionl'd .

No other place in the world C<"lI1 peo ple come <"Ind go as they wish, speak e ithe r in praise o r cri ticism, ha ve the right to cicc I o r defea t rep re­senta tives o f gove rnment. and if Ihcychoo<.;c, 10

belo ng 10 Ihe re li g io n 0 1" Iheir choice.

2 I IlEW Jou,",,1

One o f our mo~ t cheri .. hed rig ht 'i o n the o rl h American cOll ti nent i'i Ihe ri ghl of a per!->o ll by law. if they ~o choose, to belong 10 a labor unio n and bargain coll ec ti vely for the b(: ltcnncnt o f themselves (lnd the ir fnmilics. Th is specific right has la id the fo undatio n fo r workers o n the Nor th Amer ican continent to hel p bring ;:t bout the h ighes t st;1 ndard o f li\ ing o f any peoples in the wo rl d.

As unio n members today . we sho uld pledge o urselves o n these hi stori c da ys to 'i lri ve \0 bett er o urselves. o ur unio n, a nd Ollr na tions. We <; ho uld <1 11 pfily that Dom inio n Day and Independe nce Day :.I lw:.I Ys be celebrated in Nort h Ame rica as inspiring examples of the dCl11ocr.lIic way o f li fe :.I nd proof tha i when people unil c toge ther in a spirit of Bro therhood a bett er way of life for <"I II ca n be attained.

Sho rtly a h er the turn o f the centu ry. when IBE W members in the Un ited Sia le, "nd Ca n<tda mutuall y jo ined t o~e the r ill an " Inte rn ationfl l Brolherhood ," they pledged to !-> Ir; \~ for a betler wa y o f life fo r elec tri ca l worke rs and their fa mili e~ eve rywhere.

Today, we sho uld all pl ed~e o ur"clvcs a ll

the .. c hi ~ l or ic days to continue , uc h mean in!,!ful a nd wonhwhilc ideal .. that ;n, pi rcd our forc­fath ers a nd the pio nee rs o f o ur unio n.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I·

I· • • • • •

IBEW Exhibit Outstanding Attraction

at 1978 Union Industries Show Held in LosAnge1e~


This IS a front view of the IBEW Exhibit at the recent Afl·CIO Union-Industries Show In los Angeles, Cahfornla. Shown are some of the IBEW-made electr ical appliances on display which were given away to Show VIsi tors In daily d raWings.

• Lilerall y hundrcd~ of thousands of Soulhern Catirarllla r~idents willlc~scd the excellence and depth of lin ion-made goods and se rvices available in the United States at this year's 33rJ AFL­C IO Union- Industries Show held in Los Angeles. May 12- 17.

The !BEW Exhibit featured the products and services of our mem­bers: a variety of small electrica l ap­pliances. major appliances in a kitchen display area, a color television SCI,

neon lube bend mg. cook\\arc. musical instrumcnts, fh:lUres, construction, and utility work.

The small and major electrical appli­ances were given a\\a) in frec dra\\ing'> throughout the six-day sho\\ . A list of major appliance \\inners is printed at the end of this article.

The Union- Industries ShO\\ is in· tended to displa) the mall) excellent product~ and sen'ice~ produced b} union mcmber' and the com panic, for which they ''vor\.., and il is one of

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • July , 1918 I 3

,::; INTER\' Thil Booth Spensor.d Iy



n " 40

47 543

946 1710

1139 1154

2293 2295

These are the host Southern California IBEW local umons that sponsored the lBEW bhlblt.

CrowdS such as thiS visited the ISEW exhibit to view the umon ·made appliances and services and to part icipate in free draWings for electrical appliances made by IBEW members.

labor's best opportunities to show the public the prevai ling almosphe ro.: of cooperation th aI is characteristic of most labor-manage ment relations.

Participation records were sct by un ions and compan ies in the Los Angeles Show with mo re than 600 boot hs occupied by exhibitors. Spon­sor of the Show is the AFL-CIO Union Labe l and Service Trades De­p<ll'illl l:nt , uf wl!idl Tnil:lI1aliunal Scc­retary- Emeritu'i Joseph D. Keenan is President.

Winne r!. or IBEW-Made EIeClric,,1 Appl iances

Wh l. lpool Trll i h Comp~cIO' jo~n C<>hlc., 9 e f ounla'n Mano. O .. ve G.eensboro, North Carolln"

Weillng house F.uut M"""n Adams 1102 1 s. Mlnhau"n PI"u Los AnS.,lel, C"lIforn,.

Ge ne •• ' EIKl rie Dls hwashe. I.. P. Wh ' l nel ISO Wes l 12 Ih SI,e.,1 Los Angeili. C"I,fo.nil

Glne.a l Electd" Ranle Ma"" Elen~ Gonules l30 W. 39110 510",,1 Los Anaeles. C:ohlorn,a

Whirlpool Retrl.l"to. A. fo. l77S Valleyll"nk Ro"d Las Angoln. Cal ifornia

Wlilinghoul . Wash •• S Sievers 12749 K,II"da .. SII"I N. Hollywood. Call1o.n,,,

Weslln,house Dry •• M Allramov,u 3419 Kaliin Seach, Calo lorn ..

Gen •• ,,1 Ollhwnh .. I. On,..;oll 12746 Hlmlln N Hollywood. C:oI"ornl'

Zenith T. V. JOhn Wa l"III. ln 11873 Kalh!ann Streel .... ke V,ew e"aces. C"llforn,.

Gen ... , Elect ric Mk ro-wa v. Oven W,lIIe MeN"I . 2549 Thurman Avenue LOs AnReles, Call1o,nla

4 I IIEW Journol

j .

IBEW DIrector of Purchasing DoriS Froman. left . and International RepresentatIve Cha rles Walker. ri llh !. are pictured with the wmners of the Westmghouse Freezer, Marilin Adams and hiS Sister, reSidents o f Los Angeles.


This is a side view o f t he IBEW Exhibit shoWlnll the kitchen area which displayed various majOr appliances. It was a popular display for the thousandS of homemakers VISiting the show.

Ninth DIstrict Vice PreSident W. L. Vmson and M,s. Vinson are Pictured tounng the ISEW Exhibi t at the Un ion Industnes Show.

1978 IBEW Exhibitors

at the Union Industries Show


local 11 Journeyman Glass Blower George '04l1y"



CBS Musical Instru ments

local 11 Apprentice Glass Blower GreR llewellyn






10th District Progress Meeting Chicago.


• I he 1<)7H l enth O.\lr icl f> rogrc~~

M eeting W;I\ held lit the O' H.m.! Inn, 1),:, P1,linc\, 11111101\, on April 15 and 26. 197K

Vice I' rc\ldcnl Andrew M Rlpp (lflCllCd the mccling. C\h:nding 01 cor· l,h,11 \Iock(.me W the delegate, fr("lm ;ICroV' thl' ljmlcd S[,lle\ ,lIlu Canada. He IIHr,llluccd h,\ ,.,.IT ami c .. lled upon the dc!cg:tlion 10 inlruliu,'c lhcm\chc\ Vil.:c Prc~idl'ru Kipp rC~lllncd his 111-IroduClilllh \11 the Inlcrn;llilul.iI om­ccr\ :In,l gU":\h p.lrtidp'l l ing HI the prog(;lIll :1Ilt! \ ;,ilor, attcnding the conrcrcnn', concl\ldllll; with the in­IHldllCIH'Ul IIf the I..C}IltIIC ,pc,lker. In­

Icrn.ui(lI1<l1 "rC\,dl' nl (,h,lrle, II 1'11-l.1rd, who II." gr ...... t.:d h\ a \1.lI1l.1ing (walto n .

P(c~l!.knt Pillard. In hi, rcmark~ [0 the ddcg<llillll. IOIl(;hed on ,ollle of the mutl!.!1 prnhkm\ f:lein1! our greal na­lion :lnd all of org:mi/ed l;thor. I Ie ,trc".:d thi .. " ,I (;UII\Cntllln }e,1I for thc m EW and II i\ a nl;lller of prime i!l1J'1'Orl;lt\ct." tlMt uclCJ:~;ltcs from Ihe 1Iariou~ local ul1lon~ til the C"ll ll\Cn­lion <in.: nominated ;HId ~ I ~et~d in ac­cord,lIlce 1Idth thl' in\trllction\ received frulll the IntcfI1;.1tional Ollicc, accord­ing to the lUI W con~tilution and 10c;11 union h}I.I\\',

l ie ad\i,~d Ihal lk"Plt~ sOllie 10 .... of memhcr~hlp in 1975 and 1976, 1::;lin .. were made in 1977, ;lnd Ihe m EW rem;lil1'. thc largest ctcctrica l union in Ihe world and the 'il'COnll I:lrge\\ anmate or the AFL-C IO I-Iow­e\er. the electric;ll IOdu .. try i~ still .. uffering from the economic rccl'Ssion in t hi~ country nnd CIIIl,llb !lnd there arc Ihou~and~ of JO EW memhcrs in evcry branch o r Ihe Urotherhood un-

6 I lllEW Jou.nol

emplo)cd /\ hhoUllh the C!;\\\ I nlll­rcud, fcp-or\e\! ;1 deele;"c ill 11,,: ovt!r­all emphl}lllelll (If ~ 57 percent in ]antlaf) 197K, ;1\ comparcd wil h Ihe \tat i .. tie .. of J:lIl1l.1r) 1977, and 111 ~pite of the recent coal ,nikc which call~ed 'iome of ollr member, 10 he furloughed at \Miou<; location'i. l'rc,idel1\ Pillard reported there W.I'i ,111 (l\crall gcnerul i nere;l~ in I BFW memhcr~hip nnu cmploymcllI in the r;lilro;lu Ulllm;h lind W;I\ optimi~lie ;Ihou[ the cmploymcnt picture 011 Ihe r"iIW;td, and hopefulh loot..ed for\\;lr.1 to conlinucd improve ment.

I' re~idcn[ 1'111;trJ ci ted thc <,i~lIi'io.:allt contribution \'fl!;lI1i/eU lahor m,lllc in [h.: ekction of I' re'idcnt ('arter ;Iml n Dellll'Cf;ttic C'O llWe .... lie cmplwtically

Tenth District '/tce PreSident Andrew M. RIPP, who chaued the meeting of Ihe Brotherhood's Railroad Branch, IS shown dehverlng hiS remarks 10 the delegates

Left to right, a re Internat ional President Charles H. Pillard, International Secre tary I{alpn A Lelgon a l the podi um. and Tenth Dlst llc t V, .. ~ Preslde,lt Andrew M. Ripp. Secretary Leigon has just finished hiS remar ks to the Tenth Distr ict delega tes

Shown rn the above photographs are overall views of delegates to the Tenth District Progress Meetrng The delegates hliOtened attentIVely as PreSident Pillard touched on many Issues facrng the IBEW Railroad BranCh and all 01 organized labor.

International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale IS shown as he addressed the delegates Seated IS International Representative Pal McEntee.

\',I,e.l that I"hor dOl!\ nnt :lgree wi,h politjcian~ who prop,)\e 10 cure infl,.­lion by uncmployment. Reducing un­cmploymen1 j~ the re;ll key to fighting II1l1a,ion, ;1011 Ihe IB I W Jom, 'he AFI -CIO in \Upport of 'he Humphr",}, Hawkins full employment bilL

Pre~idenl P,l1urd Ihen commente,1 on the national ncgOliation~ with the r.ulroads. citing Ihe unforlunah_' e'­periencc that unions on thc railroad) arc confronted with in allcmplmg 10

negolia,e under controlled condilion~

and e"pre\~ed his hope Iha, unions ('Il

thc railroad~ 'Would be ahle to nego­li;ue agreemenls like ewryonc cl\e_ lie thcn ~poke on 'he current negolf,I' lions in Canada. giving a comprehen-

~;;~;;;7.;;;;:;;;;;;;:'O;;;;;;~d!.~,.~g~'"";'~~Shown IS the semol gen representing the Chicago and North Western

Internahonal off,cers who attended the Tenth O,stnct Progress Meehna, left to lIaht, are IEC Members Harry Bexley and Robert M,ssey. tEC Chairman Wesley Taylor, Inter national PreSident Charles H. Pittard, and Tenth District Vice PreSident Andrew M_ Ripp.


si\e repor1 of Ihe \t;II,,, of Ihc nego­ri .• titll"_ conchlllm~ th,lI ;,fler ;.11 Ih.:­!ri,lI ... ;md IrlhuIH'lon, Ihe ncgoliH,or~

were fllced wilh they finally re:lehcd a onc-)--e.lf contr.lel which W;l\ pre~en1l~

in the h,lml\ of rhe Can,l(II;ln local union ... for r,IIifie<lllon.

Pn.',it!ent PillHnl lhen ~po".: on Ihe impMI.lllce of lilt 1;IOOr !.;IW Rl'form bill lie .... arned of II fierce fight on this bill. cillng Ihal anti-IaOOr force ... \uch as Ihe alional AW.I..:i.uion of ~I.lml­facturers a~ well .1\ larg.:- and small husine\\e\ were pouring unlimited funds inlo thi~ figh!. Defe'll of the hill wOIII.1 he a C,II,I\If(lphc fill (lrg;lni7ed lahor ;lIId .• gain Prc,idenl P,II,lfd a~ked for Ihe ~lIpporl of ollr 10e;11 union member,hip, Iheir f:lInill':, and friends in wrilinl: [heir \cn;ltor, in \UppOrl of Sen:lle Bill S. 2467. Hc [h.lIl]..ed [he delegatc:; for the tremcndoll\ r.:~ponse 10 the earlier reque~ts for lellers bill urged them to continue If organized labor is 10 3chie\c equal it) under the law of Ihe 1:lIld.

I)re~ident Pillard tommcnled on the gralifying rc\pon,e from Ihe local union~ for Ihe gric\ance 111;11111<1" ,ha, were reprinted by Ihe 1t1lernational Office as a result of Ihe nllmeroll~ re­quesl~ received from the S)\lem Coun­cils and loe;ll unions following the Grievance H::andling Worl..~hop held at the la_I Progress ~ I eeling_ To dale o\"er 800 booklet~ h:He been furni\hcd the System Coullcil~ and local unjon~ at co~L He fmther advj<;ed [hat with the as'ii~1:l!ICe of our Clnadi;m General Ch;lirmen F For/Icy and W. Rcdhead, togclher wilh Iral1~I:lljol1~ by Interna­lional Rcpre'icnt!llive T hivierge. Vice Pre"ident R ipp'~ omce was able [0

prepare separate grie\'anee manuals in French and English.

Upon reqlle~t of the local~. Repre­sent:ltive~ have been conducting the IBEW Leadership Training Course for the purpose of a\5i~ting local union oflicers. President Pillard r~porled that 30 classes have been held 10 dale with 142 participant<; recciving Certif­iCille:; of C<,mplction

Of primary concern to the 10lh Dis­trict i~ Ihe need 10 rc\i~e and amend

cO/tfilllll'd on page 8

Ju ty. 19 78 I 7


Ihe Cla,~if1e:llion of Wor ... Klllcs, All Ihe union .. allilialed with the Ra il"""IY Emplo)c\' Department rcached agree­menl on Cla~ilkalion of Work Rule~ lor tcn.lln r"ilroads and appro\al WI)) gr.lIlIed III .. ervc Seclion (I Notice .. on Ihe tIl\'ol\'eu eMrich.

In clo .. ing Presidcnl P, llanl ~poke on our problems with At-.1TRAK .1111.1 CON RA il , a~ well a~ Ihe e .. lahl"h­menl of V IA Rail in Canad,,. noting Ihe invi~ ih l c line ~epar;tling [he U.S, lUlU Canada ami poiming 0111 tlMl ",h,lt OCCUh on (lIle ~ide of th..: horder eventuall) o..:cur, on [he other

Wes!c) I Tllylor. Ch.lirm.Ul of Ih..: Intern'llion.11 r 'CCull\(! (".luncll. w." Ihen introduced by Vice Prc"id .. nt

Ripp and he "po"'e o n the h.lllIlling given appc,It... pension :II'pIiC,!lion\. and other fllnctions of the Exccutive COllnci l.

Vice President Ripp introduced In­ternational ~~retary Ralph A I.cigon. "ho "'" .lh(1 gr..:..:ted ..... \(flll) Secre, tary Leigon rcporled on the lcgi,lali\ e aelivities (If Ihe Internalional. ciling the high priorit) of Ihe I ahor I "w Re­form hill and Ihe Inleroation,11"s in­\oh'cmcnl in Iegi~lalion eo\cring li­nanei;l] a .... i~t;lOcC to ConR.lil and r.lil­ro'llI ~afeIY. Included in hi, n.'l,ort \\.I~ ' Ial iqic~ covaing rililro:llI .Iccid..:nt~ which inere,l~ed in 1977 hy 27 per­cen l L ... igon ~Irc .. ~d Ihc illl­PMt.lIlCC of Jurticipillion h) ;111 loc .. 1 IIlli,m, .III,IIBE\\, [111,;11111<:1' III Ih..: ",I COI' l collcc[ion,. Wh,l..: thc foc~ of 1.lhor <lrc fully Illohiliz .... d il willl,,"'c 100 pcrc,'nl c(){lpcr,llion from (III of our 10c,11 IInilln~ 1(1 rc~i"l IllI!

all.ld.., uf tlw IInion-hu_ICh un our

Delegates and guests from the Railroad on Ihl'! flrf;.t nlly 01 thl' Proglcsf;. Meeting,

Branch are shown enlOylng Ihe luncheon h(>ld

uniom We IlIU_t e'lrr~ our fi1!hl 10 thc Joh ,iIC_ [h,' 1101,li-:,11 ,1rcn.l, Ihe p..'I1~

.Ind incr..:.hc our clT()rt~ "ith ;til rn..:m­Ix:rs to p.lrtieip.lle in CO Pl on .1 full lillie hui). h(lpefull) IhnlU1!h lOPE ehec ... ·ofT

Fnllo .... ing Inlern.lllon_11 o;e.:r"' I eigon\ .lddr..:".1 I1l1\li,,' \1,1' ,hlll\n to

Shown With the members of the Tenth Dlstnct staff are the twn Canadian System Counc,1 chairmen. PIctured, fron i row, left to nght. are Internatlon31 Representatives Rolland Thlvlp.rf p.. FdwiHn McDermott, Tenth Dlstnct Vice President Andrew M RlpP, International Representat ive Edward P. McEntee. Slanding. left to nghl, are Interna tlonal Representat ive Leo Wl snlski. System CounCil 34 Chai rman Walter Redhead, Sys tern Council 33 Chairman E Forzely, and International Representative Russell Homlak.

• I llEw Jov.llol

Ih..: ,lde)!.lle, ... IlUlle.] Klghl \\ lilt!, "hi.h t!r.lphi".III} IIl'Pldl-.] Ih.' .,dlll­IIC' III the ,lIui-I.lhor fllr.;l.', .LIIli \1,1'

"dl re.;ei\eu h) Ihl' ddeg.lle,_ pHllllpt· II1g lin,' ,tcleg.lle III r,·qll""1 permi"u'n Ul 1.lh· tip .1 " COI'l ,·,IIi.· .. · li,1ll I hi, Yo." d,lne ,111,1 .1 Itll.11 <II SIS(, \1.1" Illro,'U o\er II' ').·.:rel.IT} l ..:ig'lI1

Inleril.III(lI1.Li I ~eclltil(': C\ILLIl.:iltll.1I1 Jl.lrn Il c\lq of Ih.: hlllnh Di .. trh.: t 11.1\ Illlrl'lI,lu..:..:d h} Vic..: I'r..:~;del1l RIPP .1I1l1 h,' ,po!.e hrielh on Ihe unport.tncc 111(01'1 C(llllrihlltiOlh .1' well:l" men­li'lnlll~ '!lme ,If hi' ,"periene..:, "illl the r,IIITO'ld m..:mh ... r.hip in hi, Dj~tricl.

\ I..:e Pre'l.knl i{ il"P ne'l IIltrm.luc..:d hllh Dl'lri<.:r COlln .. ilm.m i{lIh..:rt \li"e) .111,1 Fir,1 Di,llict Coun..:ilrn.1I1 i{;llph 1I .llIor'lI1 BOlh lLlUI1l:ilrnell hricf1y :rJ,Jr ... "ed Ihe dekg:llion .lI1d c~pr..:~ .. c,1 their "ppr..:ci;llion for the w;rrm r .... eeplion the\ had rccci\ .... ,1.

-I hc mec[ing II .l~ .ldJourncd fill .1 lum:henn ho,led hy ~lr. Robert Broh)n o f Ih..: Phil.,ddphia ''' .... firm (If Uroh) 11 .,nll Forccno for the dcl .... !!at ... ~ ,Iml thdr 1.ldie, Mr, Hnlh\11 !opo"'c (In Ihe r eder,,1 rmplo)c .. ' I i'lhili" Act, .. Ife,,;ni; Ihe importan.:c of geUini; ,111 Ihe filch for cI.lin'" to he pr.lpcrly h.mdlc.! hy comp..:t<.!nt coun'e!.

The uelcg;ucs were then .shown the

cOntillll~tI 011 pall~ 31


• The 33rd Progress Meeling of the Sixth District was held al the Marc Plaza HOlel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on April 28 and 29. Approximately 400 regis tered delegates and guests attended the Progress Meeting which was presided over by International Vice President T. E. Ma­Ione. Bu~iness Manager hmes Kruse of LOC3 1 494 welcomed the delegates to Mi lwaukee and introduced Mayor Pobier. who add ressed the delegates and again welcomed them 10 Ihe City of Milwaukee. Mayor Maie r spoke of the accomplish­mcnl\ o f his admin i\tTill ion. which in­cluded his Slalcmcnl that he has ap­pointed more men and women to varioll~ boards of [he ci ty from the rank~ of organized labor than any other mayor in any previous administrntion.

Busincss Managcr Krusc thcn intro­duced Joh n W. Schmidt. Presidcnt of thc Wisconsin State AFL-ClO, who ~po~c of Ihc many problems with rome of alIT

rnternalronal Secretary Ralph A. lelgon reported on the actJllllles of the Secre­ta ry's Office and IBEW COPE.

International PreSident Cha rles H. PIllard dehllers hi s Informatille keynote address to the delegates,

ckcted official~, whom we supported and who ~hould now bc mude accountable for .. orne of thcir :lclions row:lrd labor.

Vice I' n:!>ident Malone then intH'!­duced Ihe officer; and cue~ls al Ii'll.' he;ad lable, which included Intcrnational Presi­dent Pillard. who aud res\cd the delegatcs concerning many ~uble.; t ~ affccting their intere,ts a~ IIJE\V member,. He urged Ihe deleg.lles 10 be particularly ca reful in th is Con\'ention year in the proper method of electing J.::Ieg'l!e~ 10 the [mernationll l Convention, which only requires that Ihc local unions comply with thc provi~ion~

of their own local IInion hylaw~ and thc IBEW Constitution. Hc fUrlher advi \cd that thc IBEW I~ ~111l Ii'll.' union of prog · rc ~\. dc\pite Ii'll.' m;II1Y ;ld\"erl i~ilC' facing thc labor mo\emcnt . He is vcr} conc.:rned with the high unemplO)'lllenl 51 ill preva­lenl 111 the countr) Pre~idcnt Pilh.rd rCIter.Lted pre\ioU\ ~talement~ th:lt .... 1.'

must hold the elected omcial~ in W3\ h­mglOn for Iheir campaign promi~e, to organi7e labor


InternatIOnal Vice President T, E, Malone preSided over the SllLIh Dist ric t Progress Meeting

Prc.ident Pillard al~o repor ted on the continued ad'>cr\e impact of imported foreign product~ upon the jobs of OliT member;. He adlliscd thaI America needs a new foreign uade policy and that with­Ollt 11. \1,(.' will not be able to combat Ihc 10" of Joh,. In Ihh rega rd, he \l.en! on to ~a)' that thc II1EW ha~ endo rsed Pre~ident Cartcr\ plan 10 put energy managemenl under one office of admin­i,lrntjon . I·k added th at there is a need for Ihe continued development of nuclear ptant~ and the development of nuclear energy '>Ouree~ to off,e! thc 11:It ion\ en­ergy shortages.

President Pillard repoTled on contract !iCtllemenl~ within Ihe BrOlherhood dur­Ing Ihe p,l~t )ear and on thc actiVities of Ihc varjou~ deparlmenl~ of the Int erna­tional Oflice With rc~pcct to organizing,

("l1/lrilill/,(1 (11/ pm:r If)

July , 1971 , 9

The Manufacturmg Workshop was well attended by delegates representmg the Sixth District manufactUfing local Unions_

International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale spoke on changes affecting the labor movement and the need to prepare fo r these changes

hc ~1;I1~d Ihat org.miling h:l~ to he the number One priMit)' of the mEw and the loc;11 unions arc the \..ey W org:Hlizing ~Ind mll'l lin thei r I()h~ in thi .. lield Presi­dcnt l' illMd liiso ad\i~NI the memhers on [he I .:loor Reform Ac!. He :Idvised [hllt ,hi, i':1 figh t we hll\e [0 win :Ind [hat the re:l l le'l will he coming lip shortly_

Inte"",lionnl Secre[,lr} Rnlph Leigon "":IS thcli intrOOllced 10 the delcgll[eS_ SeCre[l") I eigon r ... ported on Ihe aClivi­ti ... ~ of Ih~ s..-crc t ary·~ ollice_ He ndvi,ed of the in'I.III;ltion of 11 new fire proof \aull. which h.I\ heen inst:llied in Ihe Inlerna­[ional Ollice for ~af ... \..ceping (If all vital r.:cor.I, .• md [he e\p;m,ion of other ollice~ Ih.1 1 come under hi, jllri~die t ion. Il l' al~o reported on the in\c'tmenIS of the IB EW 1ll1d .I<lvi,ed Ihe delcgales concerning N"ookkcering pro.:c.lllrc, wlthill ~ome

loc:II union~_ He ad\ iwJ Ih3t hi, office could he of ;",j,t.lI1ce tn localunil'll' "ilh pecll li." hoo\..J...eeping problem, 11111.1 Ihat compliteriZ3[ion might he the IIltimntc ;lnswer

Secret.lf) Leigon ad\ i\ed th:1I Ihe local IlIliono; mil" continue 10 he polil ieally in­\"I'ed III the elcctlOn of Clllldld:IIC' from their di~tricK A rc.11 threat to our lin iOns. i~ Ih.,. ne"l) e~labthhed ··Council on ~

Union f ree En\ ironmenl:- whieh i~ a proollct nf Ihc N.lIillllJI Mllllulaetmers A"oci;lti(ln, I-Ic :I!-O informed the dele­g.lh''I nn IIllIon·hu~ting con\uh:lnt~ who h,,, ... ~et lip ,hop throughout thc coun!r) :lnJ hll\e heen 1!elllllj! :t trcmeJ1\t(lll~ re­"p,1n,c fmlll empl(l).:r~ and flgh[ wing. ;Inti-unillil organilati.,"\. T heir nlll) aim i, [0 IIIrn hac\.. Ihe doc\.. on .111 of Ihe f.lin .. Ih,11 I'loor h." nude o,cr Ihc }ears

Intem.llional Tre;,,"rer I-Iarr}' Van A"d.tle wa, iOlrodll.:e.1 ;lIlJ 'poke on Ihe eh.1Ogc, alTecting Ihc lahor mO\Clllen[ in the 1':I't .lIld Ihe need 10 undcr\ and prepar... for tho\l~ ch:mges which will come in [he fu[ure_ lie slaled Ihat Prog­re,s M eetin£~ .1re educa[iolul rorllm~

10 I IltW Jov.nol

Pictured above are the delegates 10 the Utility Workshop studymg informatIVe material used dunng the session Picture:! below the delegates to the Construct ion Workshop listen attentively to one 01 the panelists

.1Ilt! infnrl1l.11I(ln g;llIleu ,h"tlld he 1;I\..en h.leI.. [0 Ihe memhcr,hlp

Vice Prc,ident M.l lone then illtnxluced Gen... Ka\.II, Regional Dlreelor of Ihe "ational Ilcelrical COlilraclor; A\\oci:l­tion. l- Ir. K.I\.l1 ,po\..e nn the non-union cont"le[or ~i l tlation ami :ldvj, ... d Iha[ this h;" been :t thorn in the ,ide of NEeA a~ well as the IInions. lie reported liloit Ihc 51:>.[h Dhtriet wa\ in h~tler control of [hc \\,ork si[uatlon than other'S. Ho"c'er. he warned Ihal to keep the ~illl a [ion , 1;lhle_ manpower mll,t be \..cpt available whic h

"oukl r ... quire Ihe training or mcmbc" to h;lIldle the new nurke[ prodllet~, :lnu also. require [hc N r CA Chapter, to wor\.. [0-

w.lrd imprm ing Ihe inuge of the Eleetri· C;I] ConstrucTIon Induslry in general,

InT('rn:l[ional Vice Pre.i,lenl Jack \ 1oorc of [he F1cyenth District informed the deIcB:lle~ of ,ome of the problem~

within his DI\trict. including <,Ome SIIe:­

ce ... ~r\ll org3nillng (;lmpalgO\_ 11c advi,cd Ihe delegates th3[ Ihe " Kight-to-Work" Commill ec has targeTed Mi\souri ns ils

prime cand id.lte 10 initiate a law.

Inlernational Executive Council Chair· man Wesley Taylor also addre~sed the delegates concerning the activities of his office. He specifically reported on dis· ability pension applications and the need for the local unions to include all the pertinent information with dis.1bilit} pen· sion requests sent to the IEC for con· sideration.

International Executive Council mem­h~r~ Robert MI~~}. Dutch Halloran. and Jamej Mulloney al\O addre~sed the dele· gates and rcported on ,arious subjects of interests from their DistricL<;. T he dele· gate~ were abo privileged to hear the brief remarks of Rex Fran,way. former International E.'~eellli\e Council Chair­man.

Vice President Malone then introduced MOIr), I-l 00rrigan. a member of I.ocal 2047 . SI. Paul, Minnesota. who was a recipient of the 19711 Founder,' Scholar\hlp Award. Also introduced with Sister Har· rigan wa!> Businc!>S Manager Witall ( ,loba of Local 20·.0. Vice Pre,ident 1\1<Ilone also introduced n:tired International Repre~enlatives Cliff Wetchen and Jack

international President Charles are shown greetUlg Mayor Maler the delegates to the city.

/ IEC Member Robert Missey addressed the delegates and reported on lIanous subrecls concerning the duties of the lEe

left to right, are Vice President Malone, who introduced Mary Harrigan, center, a mem o ber of Local 2047. who is a reci pient of the 1978 IBEW Founders' Scholarship Award, and also pictured on the ri gll! is Witali Globa, bUSiness manager of Local 2047 .

WlsconsUl. who welcomed

Hood. Also introduced was Robert Say· klly, Business Manager of Local 979. in Escanaba. Michigan. who has recently been eJected Mayor of that cit).

Don Sabin. Assislant to International President Piltard. was introduced and ad· viscd Ihe delegate~ in con nection with Ihe proper procedures 10 be used ror the election of officers. Brot her Sabin's re­port included detailed instOiclions con­cerning proper notifications. campaign literature and the duties of the election judge and the Election Committee and the necc.'~II} in adhering to the local \In;ol1 !lyla" s Brothcr Sabin tben an· swercd questions.

Dlreclor Ed LegOln of tbe Bylaws Dc· Junine", also mad(' a very informati~'e

address concerning the ac tivities of his department and advised the delegates with respect to cerlain portions of the local union bylaws. as well as procedure required to amend .~uch bylaws. BrOlher Leg;m made a point by point ana lysis of most of the standard bylaw provisions and explained their meani ng as well as their applica tIOn.

The S:tturda} ses~ion wa~ given over completely to workshops or sem inars con­ducted by members of the Sixth District staff. Three separate workshops were convened primarily to discliss problcm~

in Manufacturing. ConSlruction. and Util· ities. This complctcd Ihe agenda of the 33 rd Sixth District Progrcss r.,·!eeting.

July . 1978 I 11

2nd District Boston .

• 1 he Sc~llml Di,tm:t I'w~n:\' Mectlng .... ,1\ held III U(~lUn. MJ\\.Jchu\cth. 1\1 ;1) 2, J. 'IIlU 4. 1'J7H. AUcnd"nce reached more Ih,1O 225 ddcg.III.'S from Nc.... rngl,lIlu li)\;<l1 tll1Wlh.

' I he lir,' gener.!1 m.:c\mg \\.1\ opened hy Vil:c l 'rc\ldclH John F . n) nil who'l! rcm;lr~\ "ere nl(h\ intcrc\[inj! ,!IlU in · fnrnwti\c_ J k J!"vc rl.'C\1)P11\iol1 \(I the tm,! Inc.lh III th.: Un\tnn ,tfl',l :111(.1 InlW­

Juccd UtI,me" \tUlagcr i\ki\'I.Hlu\ of lIe"l) dlMtcrcJ 10\: .. 1 12 .' "hn led thc pledge of ;lllcgl.'"!,:C. I IX"r 12' h." Jim,· urC\nln fllr clccnic;11 I1l;1l1l1cII,lncc v.nrk c('\crlllg cml'ln)cc\ ,If the CtI!11mnll­\\<:,illh of i\1.1"'H;hu\cll\ ;llld 'eYer;11 "ther I"colti(m~.

Arter hficf addrc"c\ 11) Intern,llion.1i r'CCU11\C (\111111:11 mCl1lhcr J,IIIl!!' Mill · lone) (If I ('1\;<11 I ~05. ;I!lllll\ gIlC\" Dllh:h .-1 .IIIM.ln. II C rncmn.:r .• Ind \\.:' 1 .1~lm.

II (" (h.llnn,lIl. Inrcrll,Itultl.ll I'r .:",].:nt Ch.lrl.:\ 1'1I!.lrd .... ," IIllrudlll.:.:,1 ,mu

tnternallonal Presl(lent Charles H. Pillard In hiS remarks cOllered a Wide range 01 subjects concernlng the affairs 01 the Brotherhood

IEC Member James F, Mulloney. bUSiness manager of Local 1505, spoke to Ihe dele· gates on IEC matters Seated. lell to right. are IS EW Member John O'Malley. regional director 01 tile AFLCIO; International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, International Secte tary Ralph A Lelgon. International PreSiden t Charles H. Ptllard. IEC Member Mullaney. at the podIUm, IEC Chairman Wesley Taylor, and IEC Member Ralph Halloran

12 I llnw Jo,,'''ol


Second Dlstnct International Vice Presl dent John E Flynn IS shown addressmg the delegates He spoke on specific mat ters afiectmJl; New EnJtland local unions

.... MIllI) IAdC(lrlleU by the Jclcg.itcs. I're\lllelli l'lIl.1rd g.IVC:t compr.:hclhi\'c

repoft of thc m[w .. Ialth In ,.11 of thc \"nou, ,lcpOirtmO:llh. ~taliflg Ih,1I in ,pile of 10">0:' .... c havc 'u~t;tincd 1x-C'llhC of IltIeltlplo)ltlcnt IUlJ thc ~Iowdown of hu;IJlllg, Ihe J HEW j, 1!."'llIllg Ollld re· m,lim Ihc I rlrg~1 union o( elcelneal "'lIl th,' .... (lrld lie 'lrc~~l'd the illl­port,m"'C tlf continued cfforh on the or­gOlni/lllg fmlli. unplor;"g Ihc locals to ).,ecp up thc fight ;tg;ufl:-.I Ihc open \hop 1;0nlr'I\.: lur\ ,mil the non·unton empln)cr.. .. , "II licllh or I BI W mlcrt'\1

"rc"dcnl P.IIMd c\;.pr.:\~CU ~Cflot" can· cern CI\cr Ihe 1o,,> 01 Johs Ih;lt ..... c havc ..11 \Ilfh:red .. md pointed 0111 Ihal New

Fngl'1l1u llit' hccn pOlrti~tll'lrI)' h,mJ hit hut ... lid th;1l much of (Jur prohlem " drrectl} tr.lCe;lhlc to chc.lp fl'rCI!!11 1111-porI, tIc cxprc, .. ell Cll11 llOe"cc III Ihc IUlure of OUi Ilrg.lI1l/all"n ,Inu predlcleu Ih,11 wc ~h;rll (jvcrell1llC Ihc~c oo,t,II:Ic, <J) v.c ,111'.,1)' h;l\'c in our hl'l\ll") of IIcOIrl) \)0 )c;lr,.

Prc)idcnl 1)III;lr(/ wcnt l'lt to e~pl;linlhe required proCC')C' of 1l00ming ucleg;l1c\ to OUI" fonhcllrlllllg (\lrllenll\1l1, emph;llil illg Ihe ~Iriel rule, \\hleh mu\! he fotlll ..... ed it Itx;al unron delcg.IIC, .,re It' he ,calcd.

John 0 M.llle\ ...... ho " 11\"'" I{cglllll;d Dl rnll,r of Ihe AI-t -( 10. W,I\ nC'1 In ltn· duccd. hilt hc , ...... cll I..nn .... n 10 m,ln) of tllli IHE\V loc.,h. haHn!,! ~.'rlll: (rtlill I'llf

1;lrgc Loc.11 1 'iO'i ;t, 11' f", Illcr Pre,idl'llt ;\'I r O\l.llIn urge,llhe dclcg.tle, 1(1 1,:,111

tlllllC Ihcil elTort .. {Ill hehall of Ihc 1 .lhor Rch'II11 hill no ..... helnrc the S<:!'l;Ite. nh· \en'"g that (lUI .llo ..... ed encmle, ~Ilch J\ the .... . llion,,1 Hight to-W,'rl.. Org'II1I1.IIII'Il h,rle ,ulla"cd ,I Ilind (If ten illilliun doll,I'" v.hkh h;I'> been carm.lrl..ed f,'r the dl·· ,lrllCIlOn of thc l'lhor mOlemelll Mr. O·M.III.::\ ,Iduel! th;11 II i, I..n" .... n th'lI t .... o of our Nc ..... I ngl;rnl! ,I,lle' hJve hCl'n targeted h) Ih" hO'lile group a\ prime

Above Overall view 01 delegates from the Second District tocal unions who particIpa ted In the Sec· ond D,strrct Progress meetmg are shown ltstemng 10 IEC Chairman Wesley Taylor Olher International offi cers a re seated at the head table .

Spot'> for conversion to "open shop" statcs. "Ollly the people. with the of thcir union leadership, can Mem Ihi!. in­vasion," he said.

The afternoon ~Slon began ..... l1h In­ternaliona l Secrctary Ralph L eigon'~ re­marl..~ on thc multiple function) of his onicc. II c ~taled that many modcrniza­tron~ h,lve been underlaken .... hlch ....,ill re­sult ill beller proce\\in[!. o( local union reporh .1Ild Jccountillg. Of ~pccial intcrcsI lCO the limlnei,ll ~ccrctarie~ ha ~ heen the imprnvement in "HIm around" time for gelling report ,heeh h;lel.. without delay. IIc ga\'e 11\ ;111 up-to-date report of Ihe va riOlI\ (und) under hi) control.

Intern,lttllmll Trelr\UfCr Van Arsdale. ~pc:lking [{l the delegates. descrihed many innovative progr;um for prcogrc~, which could be unplcmcllted ..... hen the delegates returned home. He ~tre\~c tl that our pride H\ union memher, ,h"Uld be communi­c;lIed 10 the public. rc\uliing in J beller IIndehtandrng of the trade union movc­ment.

John (';111;lhHIl. CO PE Dlrer.:tllr. I\'I.IS­\;rChmeth Slate 1 aoor Council. gave a ~pifllcd Illll.. nn Ihe need for conlnbu­lion~. p;lrlicularl) during the~c tr)lng eco­nomic IUlle\ Willi:Ull Clear). Prc\idenl. Massachu~ells Stall' I ahor COllncil. ad­dr~')Cd the delcgate, on the need to­lenge Iho\(' cotJ.,trucIIOnl\t envlronmental­i\h who;.e Ill"dlfccted efTort) ;Ire re,ulim,£ III lo\s of work opportulHlY for c("m~true­lion\ I-Ie aho ~po l.. e on legi~l:rtive mal1cn. both here and rn Wa~hlllgton

DUring the dinner Wedne.;,d;\) evening. Ihe film " !lubert Ihlrnphrcy" w;r\ ~ho .... n.

("ominl/nl 011 {Jogl" 80

Below On the left is Edward Lep· kowskl. bus,ness manager of local 256. center IS the Rev Mortimer H Gavill. S.J., cha plain Massachu· setts Labor GUild, and John O'Malley. regIOnal di rector of the AFL·CIO, shown In diSCUSSion durrng a break In the progress meeting

Juty. 19 78 I 13

7th District South

• The annual Seventh Di~lrict Prosrc~~ ~'l cctjng WilS held May 7-10, 197M, :I I Ihc Iklhia Mar Resort on SoUl h Pad re bland, T exas. Even though adverse weather cancelled <I plnnncd (hhing trip. thc record number of delegates' spirits was not dampened. DclcgiltC~, ol1icers, and guests enjoyed an indoor I lawaiian lua u prior \0 the openi ng sc~~ion.

T he opening sc~sjo l1 W.1S called to order by 13\1 ~ j nc~s Manager Rid. Du:gcl of I ,'eal 27K Corplis Christi. Texas. T he i!1Yllc;l l ion was given b~' Inlcru:lIi(lnal Represe ntati ve Oill T uder. Inter­national Vice Prc~jdcnl Raymond Du "c then introduced thc Intcrn;l \ional omccr, ilild guests.

In his rcma r" s 10 Ihc delegates. Vice Prc~jdcnl Duke "'aled Ihm tlllcmp lo~mcni and inna [ion arc ~till it problem. Work ha, improved in the Seventh Di ... [r ict over fa\t yea r. A dbtrict mem ­bcn.hip report shows a gain of 539 since la~t }ear and a gain of 5.930 o\cr the I;"t five years. Twenty-nine locab ha\e lo~t mem bcr.. and 4l have gained. He advised Ihe delegates to \\rite their senators in .'>upport of the Labor Law Reform bill S. 2467. He 1>1:Ited th.11 the Scventh Di~trict collec[ed onh 12 cen" p..:r membcr last year for CO PE ,lI1d challenged the 45 full time bu ... i­ness managers in Iheir efforts [0 raise thei r COPE contribUlion~.

In hi ... remark~ on the non-un ion clement in the eon~trucl ion

industry, Vice PresidcnI Duke reporltd Ihal from bnuary through June, 1977, there was $285.244.85K in 10[;11 wagc~ paid to Electrical Worke r.'> in the Sevenl h Dis t rict and $lfiO.024.127 wenl tel non·union wod,men. There were 39, I 05 con~tructjon electrician.., in the ,ame period and 24.97,'1 were nonunion . The need to o rg:mize ... hould be clear 10 a ll. On .'> :l nd Irends. he ~l:i1cd Ihal the number ,md lengt h of strikes have grown :lnd a

View of delegates represent ing Seventh Distric t local unions shown dur ing general sessions.

14 ! taEW J ovlnot

Meeting! Island. Texas I

Left to right. International Secretary Ralph A Lelgon and Inter national PreSident Charles H Pil lard. are shown being greeted by Rick Diegel. busmess manager of local 278. and Seventh District International Vice PreSident Raymond G Duke

Left to r ight, are International President Pillard. Sixth District IEC Member Thomas H. Pursley. International Vice President Raymond G. Duke. and Texas AFL·CIO President Harry Hubbard

major cause o f these s trikes is manage­ments' insistence to get back the " right to manage" their operations. Most of these so-called rights are take-awa}'5 that have been negotiated in the past and have noth­ing to do with their rights to manage.

On com plel ion of his opening address. Vice Presiden t Duke inlrod uced Interna­tional Pre::.ident Charles H. Pillard. Pre::.i­dent Pillard stressed the imporlance of the proper !Hocedure for electing deleg~les to our 31::.t IU EW Convention. He sta ted Ih:lI. 'Ilthough the IBEW had gained in membership in 1977, organizing wa~ ,. Iill our number one Job. Nationwide orga­nized labor is the minority. Only one in five "orl ers i~ unionized. The new,. media ha::. done a public relations job on u,..

Pictured IS an overall view of detegates as they lislen attentively to the reports of the Internallonal officers. All branches of the Brotherhood were represented at the meeting.

The Outstanding Inside Apprenticeship Award is presented to Terry Sterling. local 27 1. by PreSident PIllard.

The Outstanding Outside Apprentice Richard Harrell. l ocal 611. receives hiS award from PreSident Pillard.

Their fa vorite words are "big labor." Don' t dwell on how strong you are, dwell on how weal yOU are; get the message out 10 our people. Many lBEW members lIrc unemployed. Statistics don't properl~ reflect the true unemployment figurcs . Eight percent of the workers are not car­ried because they havc uscd up their un­employment benefits. Young people who have never had a job are not carried in the stlltistics. Four million ne" jobs 3rc ncedcd for each of the next four ycars. Unemplo)"cd people pay no taxes or buy goods. We support the Humphrey­Hawkins bill on unemployment. [t is im­perative that all branches of the IIlEW take interest in the construction induslry because they are the barometer. We need a new foreign trade program. Look at the junk dumped on you from other coun­tries We strongly support nuclear. coal, and breeder reactor plants. Write your <icnators and representatives on breeder reactors. Presi<lent Pillard. in his message. co\cred C IR , projeci agreements, and the new building and trades nuclear agree­ment. On labor reform he said the House li ... ed up to their commilment . \Ve arc halfway there. President Carter will tllke

;1 ~t;Hld with lb. Write your ~c nators and urge them to vote for labor reform.

International Represenative Rex Dut­ton introduced Terry Sterling and his wife. Marie. Terry Sterling is the Out ­::.ta nding Inside Sevent h Dis trict Appren­tice from Local 271 in Wichita, Kan~as.

Field representative Jacl Gooden intro­duced Richard Harrell and his wife, Perua Lynn. Hurrell is the Outstanding Outsidc Seventh District Apprcntice from Local 611. Albuquerque. Nc~ l\.'lexico. Pre~ idcnt Pi llard made the prescntation of plaques to the Olltstanding Il rother~.

Lunch for the men was ho~ted by Local 278. The ladies' luncheon was ac­companied by a guitllr player and singer. A style show by Pam Waller of Scotts· dale Resort was held and modeling was done by some of the delegates' wives. Norman Rocl\\oell prints \\-ere presented 10 atl of the ladies.

The afternoon session "as called to order and Burl Springer of Southwestern Puhlic Service of Amarillo. Texas. ad­dressed the delegales. Southwestcrn coven 45,000 square miles and services O\'er a million customers. M f. Springer and his warm rcm,lTks rega rding lhc cooperation

betwe~n the IB EW :lnd LOCHI 602 will be long remembered by the onkers. dele­gates. and guests attending the Progres<, Meeting. He stated thai "We treat our people right and they treat us right and our cu~tomcrs are the beneficiaries of our common bond." He fUriher stated that their company is in\esling In nuclear prower production.

International Secretary Ralph Leigon. in his remarks. co\'ered the International Oflke Records Department and the Inter­national ('on\ention. On COPE he st rc,.sed the need for pa) roll check·off. He

conrif/ll ed 011 page 30

One of the highlights of the Progress Meetmg was the Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian dancers.

Juty. 197. I 1$

IBEW 19781st District Progress Meetings

Pi.,g,,,,, .':::;~~,:;,~~~,:held In Edmonton. Alberta. Shown above IS a group photograph of the dele· ,t Meeting.

• The Fir,,! District Progro.:\~ M":CtHlg .. for ItJ7S \Icn! hdd in Alberta, Onlario, and New Brunswick. The Wc!>tcrn Meeting was held in Edmonton. April 26. 27. ,md 2M. the delegates from Central Canada a!>scmbled in Toronto for a meeting on May [0. II anJ 12. IBEW roc;.l ullion, in Eastern Canada assembled in Moncton. New Brunswic:I.. May 24, 25 and 26.

Irncrnational officcf!> in attendance at al1thrcc meeting;. were International President Charles Pill:IHI, International Secretary R31ph Leigon. lEe Chairman WC!>lc)' Taylor. :Lnd International Vice Prc!>idcnl K. G. Rose. International Trc:lsurcr H:Hry Van Ar~dalc, Jr.. wa~ in attend:IIlCC at tho:

first District International Vice President K. G. Rose chaired three provincial meetings and IS pictured above addressmg the delegates

Central and Eastern Meetings; l Ee member for the Eighth District Canada Herb Fulton abo aHcndcd the Ea~tcm ,1I1d Central Meelings. Director or [he lournal Department Robert MeAI",cc altendcd all mecting~. IEC member for the First District Ralph "Dutch" Halloran alt~'ndcd the Western

'01'''"'''0",' ~:'::~~,;.,~:~ i and International EKec' 0'''"''' a the delegates at all three Canadian

16 I [lEW l

Western Provinces Edmonton, Alberta

Pictured are delegates shown at the Construction Workshop Delegates to the Utility Workshop are shown listening atten­tively.

Shown partlclpatmg m the Telephone Branch Workshop are, left to right, International Representatives Percy Schlotzhauer, Oon lounds. lena Kress. and Assistant Busmess Manager Helstem of Local 348. and Vice President Ken Rose.

View of delegates attendmg general sessions of the Progress Meeting

The 1978 First Diurict Progress Meet­ings 311 followed the same formal, open­ing with the general session the first h31f day, followed by workshops in which the delegates from the vuriou5 bmnches of the Brotherhood discussed their mutual problems and concerns and rcported back to the concluding general session on the last day.

Brother Nei l Goudriaan. bu~iness man· ager, Local 424 in Edmonton, Alberta, welcomed the delegates 10 the Western meeting. City Alderman R. billet wel­comed the Atlantic Rcgion delegates to the city of Moncion. Brother Lloyd French, business manager. Local I SSS. welcomed the delegates on behalf of the New Brunswick lo::als and wi~hed them success in their meetings.

Stewart Card representing the ECA of New Brumwick 31sa spoke to the dele­gates attending the Eastern Meeting.

During the WeSlern Meeting. Vice President Rose, in appreciation of the er­forls on behtllf of the !DEW tlnd the members of their respective local unions. requested the delegates to rise for a moment of silence for deceased Busi­ness Managers Le~ Crampton from Local 344 and David J illings of Local 1007. In appreciation for their service to the IBEW, its members, and the trade un ion

Delegates are pictured partlclpatmg In the Manufactunng Work­shop SeSSions.

movement in general, Brother N. Goud­riaan presented suitably inscribed plaques bearing an outline of the Province of Al­berta to President Pillard. Secretary Leigon, Wes Taylor. lEe member Dutch Halloran. and Vice President Ken Rose.

At the conclusion of Ihe Western Meet­ing the delegates were invited to attend and join in with Local 424 in cclcbmling its SOth anniversary 3S a chtlrtered local union of the IBEW. During the dinner and dance to honour this occasion 3 eh3r­ler member of the local, Brother Jimmy Forman, spoke to the 800 people in at­tendance at the dinner, and W3S presenled with a SO-year pin and scroll by Vice President Ken Rosc.

President Pillard. in reportin(! to the delegates at all three meetings, informed them that "despite the reeessionary limes.

Busmess Manager Nell Goudrtaan 01 Locat 424 IS shown welcommg the delegates to Edmonton . local 424 IS celebrating its flltleth anniversary thiS year.

July, 1978 I 17

1st District Progress Meeting

the Central ProVinces Meetmg.

Seated at the head table, left to right, are International Secretary Ralph A. lelgon, International President Charles H . Pillard, and at the podium addressing the delegates, First District International Vice PreSident Ken Rose.

1 a I IBEW Jou,no l

Left: Seated, left to right, are lEe Chairman Wesley I. Taylor and lEe Eighth District Member Herb ful­Ion .

Addressrng the delegates at one 01 the variOUS workshops he attended IS Inter­national Treasurer Harry Van ArSdale. Seated at the table, left to flsht, are D. Gamforth, local 2228, and International Representative Lena Kress.

the IIl EW is still united, nnd progress is ~tjlJ being madc. Some losses in member· ship occurred in 1975 and 1976: how­ever, in 1977, membership gains were made and thc lU I \V rcmains :II Ihi~ time the largest electrical union in thc world and I!> the second large~1 union ,lfliliated with the AFL-C IO and in the top 10 with the CLC."

President Pillard .... cnt on to say that "organized labour in both Canada and the United State .. races the sa me trials, tribulations and problems brought :tbou! by those pc""on, \.\ ho would li~e to scc the eollecme bargaining sy~!em de­~tro)ed . Ho .... evcr. despite all the eco­nomic problem!> that are brought :tbout by these rcccs!>ionary times, your Inter-

Pict u red IS Ihe Conslructlon Agreement. Managers R. Terslgnl, Local 804; L, Popovich, Local 1687; and T. Moffat, Local 586. Standmg, left to right, are Busmess Managers W. Hardy, Local 353, F Collins, Local 530; R. HilI. Local 894; and IR J. Mcinnis.

Shown at the Utility WorkShOp ale, left to right, L. Cox, busi· ness manager of Local 636; A. Robarts, of Local 636; and IR Jack King.

are delegates in attendance at I

national still rcm,lin~ a po .... crful and IC:ldlllg ~truCHlrc III all of org:lI1i/Cd 101-hOIl( in both of our greal COlllltriCl>."'

I' r('~iJeni Pillilrd .... cnl on to Male ",hal the 8 rotherhood's Canadian opera­tion ami aIT:lir, as allmini\tercd b)" Vice Pre,idcnt Rose has cSI:l bli~hed the IBEW ,I' one of the foremost labour org,miza­tion~ in Canada. O,'C( Ihe past four )cau wc have .. een a sleady growlh in our Canadian membership and this was nol easy during the timcs of economic chao~ with controls and government ami bu ~incss policies creating the highest un-

The Manulacturlng Blanch Workshop was Bttended by sis ter and brother delegates Irom the Central Provrnces.

Central Provinces Toronto, Ontario

Pictured are attentive delegates during the general session.

July . 1978 I 19

1st District Progress Meeting

The third of three First D.slnct Progress Meetmgs was held in Moncton, N B. Shown above IS a group photograph of the delegates and officers who attended the Eastern Provinces Meeting.

Shown addressing the delegates '5 International PreSident Charles H. Pi llard . Seated. left to righi, are Vice PreSident Ken Rose and Internahonal Representatll,le Percy Schlotzhauer.

Shown at the podium addreSSing the Eastern PrOVinces Dele­ga tes IS Internatronal Secretary Ralph A. Leigen. Seated, left to fight, ale International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale and Inter· national PreSident Charles H. Pillard.

lEe Member Herbert Fullon, bUSiness manager of local 339, is shown making hiS report to the delegates.

20 I I!lEW Journal

employment rale in Cnnadi,H\ hi~lOry." P r~~id ent PiJl aru ~;.itl "Ihe incre(l~e in mcmber,hip. the g.lin\ made and the unit) establbhed within the I BEW rencet the dedication lind work of Vice Pre.."idenl R o~e and hi~ determination to make the m EW the hesl union in Canada."

Pr.:~ident Pillard remarked Ih'll "proh­ably Ihe ,ingle fa ctor Ih:11 contrihuted the most to c~tah li~hing new unity wilhin the ISEW in CanJua h the fact then: i\ nnw a nalion,11 forum, Ihe All Cnn:HI.l Prog­re~~ "'·Ieeling which enables all mEW Joenls from 1I1i Provinces to meet to­gelher to dhcuss your mUlual problems."

In hi~ r.:nl.lrk, PrC~illent Pillard said Ihal hc W;I<; confident thaI "under the leader, hip of Vice Pre~ident Ro~e, along with the as~istance of his ~Ialr. and wilh

your continued ~upport . Ollr union can playa major rolc in guiuing the destinics, not only of ollr IBEW rncmhe~, hut we can al~o m,.ke a great contrihution to the Can'l(.Iian trude union movement ;1, a whole." H ~ :t'\ured all of the dekg:lte~ 111.11 Vice Prc~idenl Rose :md hi~ ,t:ifT and all the staJf of the International Onice arc ready to :I\\i'l the melllber~ of the Fir~t District. President PilJ:HfJ thanked :111 the leaders of all the locals fo r their ~upport and cooperation given to Vice T're~ide llt Ro'e. to the IBEW, :IIH.I to Ihe Ir:!!.!..: union movcment in gener:11 re~lIll­

ing in the mEW heing the m()q resp.:ct.:d Union in Can:.da."

At the meeting in Torollto. Pre~ident

]}III:Hd congratulated 1.0::::11 (,36 for ~pcarhcading Iho.: drive fo r Linemen's

CIty 01 Moncton Alderman Ray Jalilet IS delegates to the cI ty. Seated IS Internal lonal H. PIllard.

Delegates are pictured attending the Paper Mill Workshop_

Certificalion in Ihe Province of Ontario. Even though this mailer had not been finalized to the sntisfaction of the lB EW members in Onl •• rio. he urged the local to con tinue their fight until victor), was achieved. Pre5ident Pillard olso congrat ulated Local 636 for their efforts in amal­gamating Ulilit)' locals in the province to form a stronger, more viable operation for util ity workers in Ontario.

President Pillard lauded the 13 con­struction locals in the province and thei r business managers for concluding the first

cOnlilllled on puge 29

Above and belOW are views of delegates BS they attended the

general session.

Eastern Provinces Moncton, N.B.

Internahonal Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, left foreground, IS shown With the delegates who ollended thp Construction Workshop.

J uly , 1978 I 21

8th District Colorado

Meeting Colorado

, C. IS shown making his report to the delegates who attended the 1978 Eighth District Progress Meeting.

• D<.!~pjtc the prohlcm~ of flooded nwds. due to an unmual amount of spri ng rain in some part" of the Eighth District. Ihe ddq~,'h':~ b.ll l n.:rcu ill I,u be lIumbc~ hcl\)w spcct;\cular I' il..c\ Pc:, k in Colorado Spring~. Color:ldo, for the 33rd Eighth D'~lfIct Progrc\s Mecllng.

Jack Kcrridge, busi ness manager of Local 11 3. chairm:ln pro tempore, called the meeting to order

lJu')in~s Manager Kcrridgc introduced P3~lor TimOlh} L. Gr3')~ingcr. who sa"c the in vocation.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Uob Legino. bu)jnc~, manager of Local 68 and prc~idcnl of the Colorado Stale Conference of Electrical Wo rkers,

Vice Ma)or Dick Dodge .... deomed Ihe delcg:ues 10 Colorado Spring~. The gavel Wl'~ Ihen turned ova 10 Ihe permancnt chairman. Vice President Lawrence C.

. dt shown dehllerlng hiS re marks to t he delegates. Sealed at t he head l able. to of Manufact u ring Thomas Hickman, Elellenth DIStllCI Vice President Jack Internalionai Secretary Ralph A. lelgon, Internat ional Vice PreSident farnan. lEe I Wesley Taylor. IEC Member Bob Missey, Regional F!epresentatille 01 Ihe Departm ent 01 labor John Mrozek, and Colorado l abor CounCil PreSident Norman Pledger, WIIO is a member of the ISEW.

" I 18fW Journol

Farn:m. Vice I're~id..!nl FllrnMl the delegale\ for their alll:ndallCC :mJ lll1 noullcc<! hl\ plca~ure in hrl\inJ; the Inter· ,w lional omce~ pre~cnt anti able \0 at· tend the entire program of aClivilil'~.

After int roducing the head table :md rcured Vice Pre!;ilient S. E. Thomploon. Vice Pfe~ldent Farnan called on Norman Pled{!er. prc.\ident of the ('olon,dn SI:t te AFL-C IO :tnd an m EW member of Local

113. to addre~~ the delegates. Br01her John Mro"lel. Department of

Labor. also addre~sed Ihe ddegale~.

Mrozel is the former preside llt of the Denve r Area Feder(llion of Labor.

Vice Presidenl Farnan introduced Ihe local unioll omce~ of Ihe Eighth DI~lrict

who have ~ervcd diligently on commi ll ees throughout Ihe Urolhe rhood. They nft.! as follow~:

International "'resldent Pillard spoke 10 Ihe delegates on numerous matters pertaining 10 the progress o f the Bro l herhood.

N(IIiO/1(I/ j oill/ A p(lI'i'llIiceI/rifl olld l'fIlillillG COII/mil/i'i' Robert Grinstead. bu~ines) manager.

Local 12. CO/illcil Oil ' l1d,,5/r;al Ri'ltlfiOlIf

J.ld. Anderson, hU\lness manager. Local 35-1, and

Jon \Vallers. bll~ine,~ manager. Local -1-19

1\ (liiOlla{ 1:..1,·('tl'l('al COtIi' (Illd ,\/tlmitlfdf Commilll't' \\' II1)ton Cope. hu~me,\ manager,

Local 291. and CMI Il:ler. hu~m",\, m.Ul;'lger.

LOC·114.19. LlN L CQ

LoLUs Felice. blhlllC" man,lger, Loca l 57.

LAM/'AC S/I'I'rillg Commiu('('

John M C;'ldcr~. bll~inc\, rllHllager, Local I ll.

:1;;;"",,;,~"~,;;t~,O~"~';;'!;;;';;;;;~ Ralph A leigon addressed the delegates on t he various duties o f the Internationa l Secreta ry's Office,

OI'II'K(/t1' to 1Jil'llitial , 1 F L -CIO COIII·t"lItiol1

M:.rtha PrC!>ton, pre~ident-hu,ine)) manager, L()(,',II 2300.

Nil' St(lIl' LillI' jOlllt A pp,nlli('n/lip lIIul T'fllllillg COllllllill/'t'

" eter Lomh'lrdolli. hu,inc)) m.magcr, Local 532.

f'orman Urown. a~~i)t .. nt hu\inc\s manager. Loeal 'i7.

Donald Shaput/\. a""t:1I1I hu~in~\ m'lnager. Loe'll III.

Ed Appleby. bU\lIle" rll.II1:lger. I oc.11 .l22.

J .1CI.. Hughe\, .. "i\t.lnt bll'lIlc~, IIw/);1ger. Local -1<1. :111(1

J;ln W,lhc", bll\Hle\) m;lnager, Local 449.

After a ) Ianding (lva lion, I' rcsidelll 1" "Md c,lptured the attention of Ihe dele gates wllh hi) :Hldre~, concerni ng the aCllvi l i~ of Ihe Brotherhood. II i) ~peedl concerned Labor Law Reform. inf1:l tiol1. tax ill~tice, and reducllon of unemplo)'­mcnl. as well as a eomprchen~ive rcpon of the lolalUS of the Brotherhood. l ie cau­tioned the delegates on the continued need to appl) pre~loure 10 senators 011

Labor ~w Reform. lie received a warm round of apptlUsc "hen he assured the dcleg;IIe~ Ihal he will be a candidate for reelection as Inlernnt ional I)rcloident of the IUEW.

The annual ladies lu ncheon was held on Thursday lind e:lch of the ladies re­cClved a favor made hy Roberta Farman. A and turquoise jewelry demon­~Ir.llion followed Ihe luncheon " hich de­lighted the ladies. Following IUlieh. Inter-

ThiS is an overa ll v iew of the delegat es to the Eight h Oist rlct Progress Meet ing.

nauon:11 SceretM} Ralph teigon spol..c on the Importance of conducting local unioll eh:ctions in conformity "ith the Jaw for tho~e " ho will be delegates tn the Inte r­nationa l Convention. li e also told Ihe delegatcs of the m,IIIY dutie) of the In­tern.llion:!! Sccf\~tar)"~ onke. Sccrclary I eigon m:ldc ~I rcpnrt on [he fighth 1l1'­Iricl ('O PE cClIltrlbutions and ~tated he "i~hed the) could he increa~ed lie ~,.id Ihat Lil :l h lell Ihe DI~lricl in m cnn­Inbullon per memher. Inlern:lIion,11 Council ('h.lirrI1Jn Wc,l" l. '('ll\lor ";J~ inlrouuccd '!!Id addre\~ed Ihe deleg.ltilltl ahnul Ihe dlule~ " f the Intertllliional r, ­cCllli\e ('oullcil. ),ICI. Moore. Intcnw til"lI;11 \'ice I'r"idcl1l. II [h Ol'trict, ;Ind f{\,hcrt r-.1 1~\l'), F lflh OI~lricl. Inten"l­tion,11 Excculive Council memher. ~poke [0 [he de1cg.llcS,

( 'Ollfil1Hl.'d 011 P(lE:C 80

International Executive CounCil Chairman Wesley Taylor spoke on t he activities and responSibili t ies of the IEC.

Juty. 197' I 23

Strown at the Natlo;ra l Tel.:phone Conference are, left to light , Second Di stric t Vice President John Flynn, Thi rd Distr ict Vice Presl ' dent John Barry. fi fth Distr ict Vice PreSident Dan Waters, Sixth District Vice PreSident T. L Malone, E.ghth Dlstroct Vice President L C farnan, Nrnth O'S\IIC\ Vice I'resldent W L Vrnson. and International PreSident Charles H Pilla rd


• I hc 22nu annll,ll 1111 W Telephone Conferencc Wit, held :11 thc S:rn Diego 1I IIIt'n Iioid . ":.,111 Diei!.o. C llif"rIlw. Aprrl 4. ~,mrd 6, IIJ7S. Afl er II " e!com· IIlg .. peech hy Vice Pre,ldenl Vjn~oll.

I'rc\lllr.!nl 1'11I" rd 'ro~e 10 the delq:;rte,. cmph,l,uing the eUect the economic re· ce"jll ll hit, had (111 (lur c(lunlry. and our

DJn~c lo r of IBEW Telephone De~art ment

Robert A. Nickey chai red the Con ference.

tdcphl'n~' lIIemhcr. 111 p"rlll'ubr. lie puillied nut th,1I "e Hllend to ~eep prc,s· IIlg Ihe I' n.:\ldent :rnd the Congre,~ for :IClilln nl'w III tl1l\ ,c"inn ,Ill Ihe bMIC.~ "f )1111,. mfl.llnm. energ~, 1:1\ JII~ticc.

hc:rllh need" "nd the nece~,ar} amend · m..:nh \(l the 1;11)('r I,,", Ihal ,Ire '0 h.,dly ne..:dcd. I' r..:,idelll l' ill .Lrd congr;I IUI ,'Ted Ihe TCC· I Nq;CJII,lllng Committee ('In Iheir r..:celll 'lIcee"ful ncgoli<ltion~ "ith AT&T. "nd :rho reporled 011 Ihe recelltly l:nll1 pleted pelhion ncgoti:rlion~ with M id· C(ln1Hle11l T c!cphullc Coqx)f;lIioll and TCC·6. The ,"lporl,,"(;e of ",I, ' lIe~\Cd hy (Jur IlIlcrnationJI I)re~i·

dcnl. \00 ho poinlcd OUI Ih,lI the 1I3I: W had. ,n thc 1.1\1 )C;Ir, "on nine of the 11 N I RU c1eclion, they "" ere in voheJ in nn Telcphone properll..:,. I-Ie COllgr .. lu· 1;lted the loc;rI, f(l( Iheir wor~ in Ihi, ,I re". 1;Iul pointed out thm much morc need, 10 he done_

Director Roh":rI A. Nic~cy g,I\C .1 re· [1<)rl o n Ihe "cllvllir:' (If the Telephone Dep.lrtmcnt the P,I't year. and ;r ho pre· ,ent cd the report (In rccent legal devel·

opmenl!>. Signifieanl deei~lons o f the NLRB and the Federal Courts that can "fleet ollr telephone local!> were c'" pl;lined, \\ith :r 'I lin mary of the,e dcci· ,ion being di~lrrhutcd 10 Ihe delegatcs.

IEC Ch:linn:1n We,le~ I. T ,I}lor e'" lended greeti ng' of Ihe lEe memhcrs (0

the delegatcs. and pointed out Ihat he would be :I\;III "hl e during the conference ,lIId looked rnrw;rrd 10 \'i\lllllg "ilh Ihe dc1cg:lte~ .

Intcrnalion:rI Rcpre,enrati ve George Smilh c't(pl:lIllcd Ihe report~ pul out hy the T elephone Departlllent. c\pcei;llIy in the area or eonll,lCI 'e"lelllcn". arbilra· lion ~ul1lm,lrie,. and holdillt,: elllllpan)' cont r;lct compan~on~.

Oill' uf Ihe highlighl~ of the conference "a~ .. p,mel ll"ell"ion 011 the \ubjeci "Compelition in the Telephone Indu,tr),." P,rncli..l, "('re ~Ir Richard l ong, Pal>t Prc,jdenl (I f N(lrth American Telephone I\ ~,ociall\ln. :rnd r't(cclltivc Vice Presi· dent or I I'~ Telephone Sy,tems. Inc" H (lu~lon . TC"I\. and "Ir. ' ee W. Schmid t.

(OIllillllt'd UI/ fllIJ.:1' 78

Pictured In the foreground are officers of Local 1944 and other delegates to the Nationa l Telt!phone Conference.

Shown are delegates representing Local 165 among other dele· ga tes at t he National Telephone Conference.

24 I IIEW Journ"t

PartIcipating in the National Telephone Conference are, left to right, International Representative George Smith, Eleventh District Vice President Jack Moore, Twelfth District VIce President M. A. Wllhams, IEC Chairman Wesley Taylor. IEC Members Ralph Hallo· ran, James Mulloney. Howard George. Robert Missey. and Jack McCann.

The above photographs show an overall vIew o f delegates attending the 1978 ISEW NatIonal Telephone Conference. The delegates were furnished current up·to·date information on the tele·communlcatlons field that will enable them to more effectively serve the members of the telephone branch .

July. 1978 I 1S

For1978 • Five mEw members have been selected as winners of the mEW Founders' Scholarship for 1978.1 he), are William J. Burd.lcy, J:lmc~ E. Grace, 1I.Iary ~1. t-I artl,g:w, Rohert \y,

Myers, and Ronald S. Raymond. The scholar~hl ps honor thl! wiremen

and lineme n who org:lnizcd the li ller­national Brotherhood of Electric.11 Workers in 1891 :1I1d arc awa rded nn­nuntl y, on a COm l)cli li vc basis, to quali. fied IIlcmbcr\ from all branches o f the IB EW. E.1ch scholar,hip i~ worth $2.500 per )car for up to four rears of under· graduate StlllJy or until a bachclor'~ degree is alt.lined. ",hichcvcr comes firS!. One scholarship is a .... :.rdcd for c;lch 25 qualified llpplicanh or major fraction thereof The .... UlIlCh ;1rI;~ ~c1cctcd

by the Scholar~hip C;,'ll'ctinn Committee. an independent committee composed of rl'cognized academic. professional. and indu~try repre~ent:ltiye~.

The rnemher~ of the 1978 committee were ReI[ Reed. Vice Pre~idenl. 1 ahor Rel;uiom. t\ merican Telephone :lnd Telegraph. [l Ridge. New Jerscy: Da yid R. l3IoOf.lw. nrth. Assistant Director. L:lhor Relations and Research Center. UniYcr,ily of Mas~achllsellS al Amherst; and F:l ther David Boileau. prore~sor. I n~litutc of Il uman Relations, Loyola UnivehllY, New Orlean~.

T he Intern:ltional omcers arc proud of Ihe Jnllual mEW Founders' Scholar­ship J)rogrllnl. 1 hey join the O1her memhers of Ihe IIl EW in congl,llul"ling the J978 \\ inner\ and wi~hing them successful college objectives and pro­ks~ion:,1 career,.

Willi,lIn J . llurd,ley. n member of 1 o::al 553. Raleigh. North Cltro-lina. \\ill continue 10 matriculolle in accounting at North Carolina A & T

26 I IIEW Jo urn,,!

lll1 apprentice :lIld has been an active member of his local union . serving on various comm ittees. Brother l\.'lyers scrve~ as a scou tmaster; his hobbies arc theatrical lighting and sound, photog­mphy. and bad. packing.

Ronald S. Raymond will major in vocational education at Sa'l Jo"e State Univen.ity. He ha~ ~crved as an appren­tice instructor for his local union. No. 332. San Jose. California. and is a member of the local's JATC Selection Committee. Brother Raymond is active in community. school. church, 4-1'1. and Lillie l e:lgue activities. He is the f:lther of four.

The Scholar,hip Selection Commillee, .... hich ~elect' the .... inners. considers each applic;1I11 on the basis of his Scholastic Aptitude Te)t record. transcript of records for any cOllegc-level work

International officers meet with members of the Scholarship Selection Committee prior to selection of the founders' Scholarship wmners, Lett to fight, father David Boileau. Professor. Institute of Human Relations, Loyola University; David R. Bloodsworth, Assistant Director. Labor Relations and Research Center, UniverSity of Massachusetts; International PreSident Charles H. PIllard; Re~ Reed. Vice PreSident. Labor Relations, Amencan Telephone and Telegraph; and International Secretary Ralph A. Lelion.

already completed and / or high school work. wntten eio\ay on " How the Founder,' Schol;'hhip~ Will Benefilthe Brotherhood and the Electrical Industry," a personal rt~~umC. letters of recom­mendation. and other e\'idence of ma­!luity, inlliative. ability and leadership potential.

Stale UnivenilY al Greensboro, Nonh Carolina. He maintained an "A" average throughout his apprenticcship training and has been an active IDEW member. Brolher 8urel..Je} has ~rvcd in various elected local union positions and cur­rently servcs his local as press secretary. He ha~ also been active on the political scene. His hobbies arc politics. furniture­refinishing, and cabinet-making.

James E. Grace of Local 915, T ampa, Florida, will pursue a bachelor's degree in electric:.1 engineering at the University of Soulh Florida. He W:IS a N:uional Merit Scholarship finn list in high school and was chosen otllst:lnding apprentice during each of his fOll( apprenticeship years, having maintained a 99.9 perccnt average. Brolher Grace and his wife. Sara, have two sons. Michael, 10. and Scott. 6. He is active in community services. the Cub Scouts. and Little League b:l5eb.11I and football.

Mary I\'\' 1·larrigan. local 2047.51. Paul . MlIlnesota. will major in labor studies at the Univenity of Minnesota, which she attended. Sister Harrigan has been active in local union affairs and presently serves on the Safety Commillee. She has contributed her time to community services and 10 polit­ical :lctivities at the city, stllle. and national levels. She has aho traveled extensively.

Robert W. Myers of 1.0c:II 212, Cincinnati. Ohio, i~ working toward a bachelor's degree in electrical/computcr engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MassachusellS. He maintained a 92. 185 percent averagc :IS

The commIttee begins Its deliberations.

International officers and representatives supply the committee members With the records and papers Vital to their deliberations. left to fight. f ather BOileau; Interna· tiona l Representat ..... e Yvonne L. Coleman; International PreSident Pillard; Robert B. Wood. Director. Department of Research and Education, Marcus L. lOftiS, Admlnlstra· tive ASSistant to the International PreSident; Mr. Bloodsworth (seated); Anthony J . Sal amone. ASSistant to the Internationa l President; Internatlona! Secretary Leigon; Robert A. Nickey. Director, Telephone Department; and Mr. Reed.

J uly, 1978 I 27


1978 ISEW Scholarship Winners

11£\1 rO",,<k,', Sdlohrs~tp DrPtr~l "f ""surch Ind [dilen,,,,, Int.mlUOfIoII Broth,mood of Electr'ce, \Ior~ers illS 15th SUMt, N.W. IInhlngtOl'I, O.t. HIOO5

De., Str .I'l0l trother:

PII~sentln8 an ISEW founders' Scholarship certificate to Brother Wilham J BUfCkley, Local 553,01 Raleigh, N.C. center, are local 553 BUSiness Manager J . Muchuron, left. and Twelfth District Vice President M. A. Williams, right

It Ii .IUI g~H pride, suhf.elton •• nd IPPl"ttl.Uon tftU I wrhe tIIh l.lter to 1'0" t~. AI: or De_, 2., 1911, I h • .." ..,11 .. ltII 1011' '''"tnt P.Uerlte ud ',.port. ~lettd Cile deg_ progr .. In .... tdo I .. as etlrolled Ind h ... bHfo lW.l"d!d I BKI1elor of Archlt.enure Deg_ frOll tile UnI~I"II~ of Tun n ""'tin.

~ to no_I proceulnq deity!. r n .... ~Qt Yet te(el'ffil VIe eth.1 dlpl_ 10 ... the. thin hold Uoh letter 'IIY IO"lIer, I nttd for .n ofltelll I,tter r.- the School of Architect ..... so tl!H)'O" _'gilt be IIOtH!ed. T~lt letter h ..,closed. Sho.ld yo~ roqu'", s~u.jng tIIl~ tIIit plene let _ ~..a. or cantl,t tile i~hool dl ... cUy. Also en­c losed II tile ~rl"" repo r t f..,. '" rtnll s_ster Ind It 1rw;ludn tile rt .... 1 grlOe poin t ".erlge ..oder · ' .... litl .... ~T "0"". - Tnt 'Ont'nutO IIII'IIO.t IncI "",ollroge_nt .mlell,.o. 1M til, rlne offl~'1"$ IncI ..... ", of 0.. BrotJoerMOd bestoooeo """" ooe l11o"d ooe to "'O,..,trlte 01'1 school ttld Um ' "lpH No""",' on '" dig .... I tndel.-orH to uphold tile MpH iU<'ICIlrdS In laucHI"", Jun II the _ars of 0., 1B[W hi .. ,. lobor 100 111 oUIII, 1<1MKtl: of ,«Ietl. 1 ""YI! r f''''9't tIIH tile f..od$ for t~h schal.rshlp were It,,," throY\lh ~Itd ttld so-etl.$ cII"'Jfroos wort. " 1 "IS det,twlned to SN thll tile reilltU of tIIef. effo,ts OOOtIIIII be ,_tiling llW1 '"'\thl u~. ,I,f<ll fn.

Ikn 01'11, Ii I tee'pl'nt 0' the iCllOI,,,.,,I,, Dill 11$0 1$ • ~er of tile 11£11, 1 ..... t to e_ tilt a"lcers _ "'we I ........ ged tht I'l"09r.-ulll I .... nhttr It "lUI f,lmesl...ct Pl"OIIPtnlis. ~ short e.operl~e "fUl IU .... f. IllS CoI"'t __ 1 thin95, _, UI. Is tile fKt thU fet, If In, atll,r, scllolinhl", It 0. • ...... " ....... u. 1 .. ,1 .'" so 91'''' ....... 1' ' .... 111 IncI so flulDl, tile 1'"'9'. It 1 .... 1' I (rwdtt to tht 'rotlle_ ,,11<1 Iu oftl,,". 1 .. 11"'71 q~.tlt to .nfo .. PHIIle _ I". InterHteiI _I t.IroIs _ .... , .. tiler "IMKU of Of'9Inlrelll I •• ""'eII rl",l, fI .... tIIe!r "', to tI\f pOlIlI, ttll'O\09I ....... 1 _II ... ~teo. A1U\oug11 tile prlncl.,.1 .... ~e of tile sdlol''''~lp P"'9'" h ttl. _'''''_ftt of 11(11_", h 1100 90ft. 1_ ... , 1111 .... 1""'''9 ~ preHlgo of u.. .... tIIe .............. r.s PO~.II .. of _IIKI 1ft ,O(:lel,y.

1 1I1Id ...... S1 ",,. 10 ellK. Ulli IIUtr. 1'-- of .... """'b .... t)'

""Ie~ -'gilt be IdeqUlU to e..,rHO '" t/lInh. An6 1 ~ of ....... 1 to lin f .... I1,'o ... lI) III ~, _ helped. Iluln I 1""9 .""""t go,,,, I eM 0<11, $I, thot I III llroW "Dof ,ncI Ih'"n to be , SOIill Plrt of so u ..... '",<111. IIr _ dlp'_ 1101<15 1\0 ft'9fltr """HI .... of rHl>Kt IJ,~ .. yell"" ticket ""Id "IS: 'Jo~_)'IIIn 111._ •• _r. lntemHI_1 .... t/It~ or [Iectrlu' IIorhr.·


28 I 18EW Journal

James E. Grace, local 915. Tam pa, florida

Mary M. Harrigan, local 2047, St. Paul, MinneSola.

Robert W. Myers, l ocal 212, C,O' Clnna h , and hiS Wile, Kathy.

Ronald S. Raymond, l ocal 332, San Jose. Cali fornia.


Pro\ !ncia1 Wirelllcfl'~ Agreement nego­tiated under 0 111 22 in the " rovince of Ontario.

DUring the Atlantic Region Meeting President Pillard congrallllalcd the Ilapcr Mill local unions for their leadership in coordinating trade bargaining in the paper mill indu~lry. Prc.,idcn l ", liard also praised Loca l 1620 and Austi n T horne for their eITorts in cndc.lvollring to obtain the Gull [,land !rJIl .. mi"ion line work.

In addrcs,ing all three Progrc~ .. Meet· ings Inlcrn:lI ionaJ Sccrclrlry I.eignn l>pol.c 10 the dc1cgalc~ on the h i~lory of the WEW in Canada.

Remarking ahout the uncmplo} Olcnl problem in both coun l ric~. Urolher Leigon said, " Here we have no differences ex­cept in degree. This i~ II fund:lmcn[;11 challenge. For your ~ociel)'. like ours. is ba~ed upon private enterprise on the one hand :uld politIcal dcmocrac) on Ihe other. The que~tiol\ wc both face is whether such a socielY ean provide jobs for a ll . Thc plain fact i~ ullles~ a socicty. any socicty. can providc u!>cful. rewarding work for its pcople. it h:t~ Lli1cd. You and I. and thc w:ly of life wc repre~cnL ca n­not afford 10 (;Ii l" "We know thaI in Ihc U.S. we can put people to work by meet­ing needs thaI ough t to he mel :lIlyway. and I am surc thc samc thing applics up here."

Continuing. hllern<ltlOn:11 Secretary Leigon said ••. ) am quile concerned about Ihe increasing number o f :lItack~ on col­lective bargaining. While ,ome criticism of eollectivc ba rg:lini ng come .. from tho~e who simply w;ml to puni .. h or rcslrict labour. therc is a growing body of c ri ­ticism which I sincercly believe ~tcms [rom a lack of undef<;tnmljng. They seem to view collecti\e bargaining U~ the source of indu .. tria l confl ict. rather than a WilY

o f rcsolving it ." I-Ic continued. "The fun ction of collective hargaining i .. to resolvc di .. pute;,. and it i .. highly \ucces~­ful. again, as thc record of 95 percent sllcce~~fll l settlemcnt\ III 1977 indIca tes:' "Collective bargaining has had a long and . sometjme~ painful evolution. II has not yet reached perfeclion I)ut it i~ reach­ing maturity and It ha~ proved its worth:' Continumg Brother Lcigon Slated. " I be­lie\'e that collective bargaining ha~ done morc than any ot hcr single force to bring law and justice to mdu~trial lifc. Out in secking an even grealcr degree o f indu .. -tria l pe3CC. wc must be elltrcmciy C;tu­tjous of the theoric. which incl udc an ever i ncrea~ i ng amoUiU of governmcnt intervention in the bargaining proces ... ..

intern:ltional Sec rc tary t eigon con-

eluded his remarks hy outl ining the re­quirements of the IB EW Constitution for the qualification and election of dcieg31es to the International Convenlion.

International Vice President Ken Rose reported 10 the delegates 3( thc three meetings on the progress made over the pa'it year in thc First District.

Vice President Rose continued hi~ re­port. commenting on a wide variet) of suhjects important to 311 memht.·r~ in thc First District. particularly Ihe ~itll.lIJ(ln

\\lIh thc building lTade~ in Briti,h Colum · bia. Ontario. and Alberta :md the \ery hig h inciden t of unemployment ill the Atlantic pro\·inces. I-Ie abo informcd the delegates th!!t the Canadian confcrence of building trade' \\ould be hcld in Jul y. 1978 and rcqlle~ted :111 bui ld ing t r.ldc, and local union!> to gIve f ilII 'lIpP(lrt at this meeling.

In his remarks to the delegates at thc Central Mecting. Vice President Rose strongly urgcd the Government of On­tario 10 "stop pla )'ing games wilh the lives of ~orkers in the province. and to enact Oill 70. the new Occupationa l He31th and 53felY Act:' Further. hc said , the "s3fety legislation should place the onus on emplo),ers 10 prove :111 emplo)ee IYrong if that employee invoked a scction of the act by refusing to do work which. in the cmploycc's mind was unsa fe." Also. the Vice P resident said. "t he act should providc for Safety Committces. regardless of Ihe size or number of pcrsons cm­ploycd in the plant."

Vice Presidem Rose commented on the retrogressive legislation entilled Bill C-2tt. a bill governing colt...'Cthe bargaining for go~ernmcnt employees 3nd it .. !Xl .... ihle overall effects on governmenl emplo)ct!' He urged :111 delegates to rcturn to thdr local unions and show thc l eader~h ip

required to have thcir locals become more .. eriously and activcly involve.! in safety programs for thcir melllher~

Vice Pre,id..::nt Rosc thankcd the NO some (lcleg:1\e~ from the IIlFW who ;It ­Icndcd the CLC Convention and urged :111 delegates. all local unions. who could possibly be in attcndance to hc at the 1980 C LC Convention to "cxpre\\ their views 3ntl 10 help meld thc CI C into :1 more viable opera tion which wi ll havc Ihc efleci o f improving comlitions for all worl ers in Canada:'

Vice President Rose thanked the IIIFW dclegales 10 the CLC Convention fnr thcir support ; hc was proud ( 0 be Vice President for such a group o f dellic.lted tradc unionists.

Reporting on the membehhip in thc Firs t District Vice President Ro~e indi­cated the First Dis tric t mcmbership has grown by over 5000 n..:w members since 1973 ; thc Vice President said Ihe incrcase in mcmbers look on an even greater signiric:mce when the chaot ic flu ctuation in Ihe electr ical industry W'IS viewed in

Ihut period of time. Continuing hi, re­port on Fir.;t District affairs. Vice Presi­dent Rose reported that hc anticipated a campaign would he undcrtaken to or-1;3ni/e cleric..!1 emplo)ees of the Alhl'rta Gu ... crnment r clephonc S)~tcm and Ihat ..... ith the help of our local unions thi ~ tUlle nMtter wnuld re;lch a ~1I~ce,~ · ful eonelu\ion I-\c further indicaled that .1 c;ullp.tig'l in the Pro\incl" nf ,",cwfollnd­ \.Iilh th..:: .1\_i.t3nce of I l'.:;11 16;!O \\;h in the Oiling. ;1 cilmp;lign whi"h would sce ;mother 1000 add itiOll.l 1 elcc­trical \.Inrler, mg,lni/cll. Furthcr. we hull heen :Jpprn.tchcd hy ~e\'er;11 (,th..::r gf()lIP~ r..::qLlc~tin!! n<"j'[;tnCC in hC"::"l1ling orsani/ed ami the\e propo~iti(>n, \\cr..:: prelcntly under revicw. Commcnting on the sad plight of indll,tr)' in the coun try. particularly the electrical manufacturing i ndu~try. Vice Pre~idel\t Rosc ~ I a ted. "Our trade h;d.ln..::e f(lr 1977 ~ho\h 01 deficit of 1.5 bill ion dol hiTS. Our factory ship­ments tOI.11 41'1 hil1ion. ~Iur import .. were 2.25 hIli ion and (Iur e\pam wcre 717 million:' "Wh;\I thc .. e figures prove i~ tha t we arc. in ·1.'Ifcct. imlKlTling ;1 sr"::;lt de.d 1Il0rc for tlur ll(lll1e~lic marlet and. at the s.une time. OIIT manuf:lcluring capl' hllity i, \lIch Ihat \\C C;1l1nOI slipply th.1I dome~tic m.lrkel: · COInm..::nt ing further in thi .. m.tllcr. hc ,.Iid "if \\C .10 not im­prOlc ulir dOlllc"lic IIlMkct C:lp.lhlllt)". w..:: arc [neing the de.tfllclion of th..:: elec­tr iC:11 manufw:llIring h:I'e in (':111;ld;I'-'

Vice Prc.ldcn l R.),e 'tre,~ed thc \ it.ll imporl:lIl~e of thc g.:ncT;11 agreemcnl on tariff 1T.lde~ ne!.!otiation .. being condllctcd in Geneva. Continuing. Vice President ROllC said. " It is 1111fortllnate that more people in thi!. cOllntry. including g(H'crn­ment~. do not ;lpprcciate the <;eriou .. effect the<;c ncgotiation~ will have on the CUla­d i:1Il worker. I \\onder ho\\ many here rea lile tl1;11 these negotiations :Ire "0 "eri· ous thrlt hy the ,>Irokc of the pcn 40.000 joh, can be donc aW:IY with in this coun­try."

Chairman for the IEC Brother Wes T a)'lor attended all meetings and ~pokc to thc dcleg;lIc\ on thc Hctivitie\ of the lEe. Orol her T;I}lor indicatcd that Ihe duties of the Irc wcre to as~b t thc Internati('IMI Presidcnt in performnnce of his o,l1ies. as well a~ thc (IDpTOV;t 1 or :1 11 t)pe!> of pen­,ion, for I/II- W memhc ..... Hrot her ' (';1),10; al'><l urged :III dclegatC'i prc~cnE 10 follow Ihc Con\tilUlion to thc leiter III the mat­ler of charges and appeals: if thaI was done. there \\ould he no po~~ihilit)" of appcah being delllcd or not being dl'alt wit h because of untimcliness. Brother Ta)lor al\o informed the dclcgate~ Ihat the lEe acted as the Crcdential Commit­t ee~ for the Inte rna tiona l Convention; he urged the dcleg:lte, to ell~urc thaI the eleclion of delegatc!> to the International Convention \\;I ~ done in accordance \\ith thc con~ t itution .1Ild bylaws.

comilll/cd 011 page 30 Ju t, . t918 , 29

FIRST DISTRICT COIlfillflC(I/,.O/ll page 29

ll rother Herb Fulton, l Ee member for the Eighth District, an endcd the Centra l and Eastern Meetings. spo!..c \0 the dele­gates. and att ended the va rious workshops :It each of Ihe meetings. I nlcrn:l!ffll1:l1 TreaSlifer Harry V,HI Ar..dak •• Hended the Central Meeting in T oronto a nd the Easte rn Meeting in 1\-10nclon. New Bruns­WIck. Brother Van Ar..d,lic p,Lrlicipalcd wit h the delega le, al v:.riOlls worbhops at both of I hc~c meetings .Ind lef t hi~ lI~u:l 1 food for thought wi th the members. l ie rem inded Ille ddc£dIC:' of their dulies and obligations as onkers of loca l unions to ~crve Ihe mcmbcr~. to continue to strive for improvement o f thei r condi tions and benefits and \0 con~cqllcnll}' 1lI:.kc their local unions grow into a force to be reckoned .... ith in thcir p:lniclila r com· munity.

T he various workshops were busy. well atlended ~c~~ion', wilh all of thc delegalc, in atlcndance part icipa ting in the disctl~­

~ion on Ihc m:HlY. many itcms.

The secrehuy for each of the work­shops reponed back 10 thc general session on the third day and it W:IS evident .h:iI the most vi tal problems regardless of the i)l alleh o f thc llro lherhood were common 10 :il l sections of the counlry. T he m,llI;:r of unemployment and loss of jobs, partic· u lar ly in the manufacturing ind ust ry and Ihe comba ting and regrouping the loss of members h ip by organizi ng, was vcry Ihoroughl y d iscussed in the manu factur­ing work~ hops ac ross thc country. T he manufacluring workshor~ a lso delved into how 10 comb .. , runaway !.hops. T he m a nufacturing workshops heartily en­d orsed the CLC policy for GAIT.

T he workshops fo r nearly all branches o f Ihe Brothe rhood also endo rsed t he C LC policy regarding alcohol <lnd drug abu~e in the wo rk place. The worksho ps also di~cussed organi7ing mel hods and le<.:h­niques a~ well a:. the use of Ihe union kibeI.

T he construction worksho ps ind ica led their plc;l ~ure Ih:1I heal l h and wel fare re· ciprocol agreements had now been signed by all local unions and were looking for­..... a rd 10 full country ...... ide reciprocation for pension plan~. The con~truc tion dele­gates also disctl~scd the probknts inlloilled in hailing sellkments to juri~dictiona l di~­pll1CS from the National Joint Board. and felt th.H a quiclcr method of obtaining decbions regarding .... or\,. jllTi~diction had to be obtained. AnOlher problem di~·

cussed in const ruc tion worbhops was t he matte r of taxation 011 living ,lllow­(lIlees and the grellt variance in the in ter· pretation of the lax laws in this regard. It was fel l that some action was required

30 I IBew Jou.not

to have thi~ m:lller rectified. T he tele. phone members d ur ing their workshops rcviewed the com mon pr:lc t i~e by the v.tei· ous compa nie~ in the lI~e of ca~ual em· ployees and also safclY and prop<:<r ap­prellticC!>hlP training .... a~ :.1-.0 rClliclNed in the various wor\"shops.

T he ut ility worbhop~ revie\\ed a wid e rangc of problems, one, hearing signifi­cance to ;1 11 members ..... :1\ the matter ,)f prcs~ure:. being ;Ipplied b) \I:lriOIl~ po .... a authorities for bare-handing high lIoltage Ime\ ..... hile ali\e. COrllnict ~enlcment~

were also relliewed in the va rious work· shop~ a~ wcrc ~;Ifcty practi~c~ (lll varioo.,

SEVENTH DISTRICT {"OIl/inlier! from P(lgc 15

~t:lted thaI only 37 p..:r~~cn l of local~ col ­lected money and the average .... :.J~ t6.7 ccnt~ per mcmber in thc I BEW.

[Ee Chairman W..:~ Taylor abo ad­dre~~ed the delegates and his rcmarl, werc well recdved.

A mill entitled ··Right Wing Machin..:· · by the AFL-C IO conclud..:d the fir.-t da~ of Ihe Progress Meeling.

On the second day of the meeting. lEe member Tom Pursley .. ddrc,~cd the delc­ga tes and his remarks ..... ere well recdved. Brother I' u rslcy reDre~ent' Arka n~a~ of the 12th Dht r ict, Loubi .. n:1 of Ihe F ifth Dbtricl and all of the $cvenl h Dhtriel, except K:IIlSliS.

International Tre;lsurer Harry Van Arsdale, (illother well recciv..:d ~pe .. l cr, made his comments to Ihe delcg;ltes.

Other ~pcn\"ers included Willi:lIll ·· M ickey'· McGuire, NECA SOllthern Re-

IItililY properties. The matter nf arhit ra· t ion. part icularly a o ne-ma n a rbit ra tion boa rd as o pposed 10 a th reC-111<1 n a rbi t ra­tion board WilS revic ..... ed and the con'en­sus W:I~ that the local unions had to m:lle a judgement. dep.:nliing on the technical aspecls of a ca~e as 10 .... heth<:<r a three­m;1Il trihonal ~h()old hc lhed.

The Pul p and Paper 1\·l ill delegatcs in thei r worbhop revie ..... ed the b:lfgaining HI date in tho: p,lDer mill imtll~lry :1' .... ell as the :.uccess of the coontin:lted Hade h .. rgainlllg hy 1 IlE\V local IIlli{)n~. They al:.o re\' iewed the meth()d~ for tr;lining 01 apprentice, in the plants.

1!iun;11 director. :md H:lrr) H uhbard. pre,­"Jent of the Te:\as A Ft-C IO.

W. 1. Uuuwinc of Iludwine Service FJectric "a~ ,hort on ~reeeh. hili put hi~ Illone} .... here hi~ mouth j, hy contrihuting $600 doll;lT~ to the IB EW COPF Fund. c:\ceedin~ the amollnt of S.~I'O contrihulcd C;lrlicr ill the d:ly hy deleg;lte\ 10 lhe Pro grc~s Mecting.

T he rcn\;linder of the (by w .. ~ .. pent in worhhops for the IItilily. tclephone, maintenanc..:, manufacturing <lml con­struction hr .. nche:. of Ihe trade.

A reception. dinner, :lIld wo:slcrn dane..: rounded out the day.

T he third ami fin:.1 d,IY II I the P I\)gre~\

Meeting was u:.ed for a Financial Sccn: laries School conducled by Marl [\crt of the IntCTlwtion;lf Ollice. Il rothcr E\ert covered Ihe m;JIlY are;IS of imporl;H1cC 10

financial secretaries. The P rogress Meeting WH'. conchilled

an d rcpresentative~ frolll SpcTfy-Univ;lc dcmun\t r;J[c,,1 tllei l lJUsillc\s computer ~}'~. terns to inlcrcsled delegates.

International Representative L. M. Fisher Dies

The Srolherhood was saddened upnn learning nf the sudden death of Inter national Represen tative lOrenlO M. fisher on june 6. 1978. Brother rlsher was 0010 on Seplember 26, 1917. In Blrming ham. Alabama. He was Imllated Inlo locat 505, Mobile, Alatlama. on Aplil 5, 1942. and represented the tocal as II shop sleward and was a delegate to the Mobile Cenlral labor CounCil Brother Fisher transler.ed Inlo local 1315 and sef'led as

businus manager during 1948 and 1949 and was inslrumental in the chartering of locat 1629, Childersburg, AlabHrna, i .. 1950. He >elvef.l as president (acting business manager) of local 1629 until he was appninled as an Inlemallonal Repres.enlalive on Augusl 16, 1957. Assigned to Ihe fiflh DistricI slaff, Brother Fisher became well ~nown throughoul Ihe Fifth District and the ISEW for his dedicalion as a tlade unionist and for his fine abili ly while servicing various ISEW branches and especia lly pa per mill local unions. His loyally and devotion to Ihe IS EW will be grea tly missed. The enlire Brolherhood e~· tends sincere sympathy 10 his wife. Gladys. Ihe rest of his family, and friends.

10th District cOlllillun/from Pll L!(! 8

film entitled "If you don't work Sun­dJy. don', come in on Monday:' which depicts the history of the labor IlIO"C­menl in this country.

The next speaker introduced by Vice President Ripp was Mr. C. J. Chamberlain, L lhor member of the l{ 'lilroad KClircmcnt BOilrd. who g;IVC :I comprehensive acto.try report 011

the re tirement ,y~lcm. s\:lting that 7.700 IIJ EW It:l i r cc~ arc currentl y re­ceiving pcn,jons, of which 3.200 re­ceive the supplemental an nuity, and 4.300 ~pouscs arc receivi ng lInnuilics. The average amoun t of the retired cl11pl0)cc'lo pcn"on I~ $600 Jod for spouses and survivors, $300. Mr. Chamberlain's c"ccUlive assi,uull, Mr. Elml Banjavic. W:h then called upon and he explained thc implementations of the 1974 amendments to the Act and conducted a 1i ... c1y open discu~~ion period.

T he next ~pe;lkcr WilS Jame\ E. Yo~ t , President of the N: :lilwa y Em· plo}c~· DcparTment. who ~poke on the st ru,·tu re of the Depo rtment , pointing out the involvement of the Depa rt . mcnt·s Exccutive Council in formulat ­ing policy, noting Vice Pre ~i ll e nl N:ipp ·~

contribu tions. Brother YOSt advised of the educa·

tional program." commenting on the fine participation fr om the officen lind mer11ber~ of the 10th Dis tric t in these program~. He then "poke briefly 011 the wage\ and rules movement. expressi ng his hope for an 3~reement .... ithin the next month. Brother Yost eoncludeu hi\ address with the auvice that a Section 6 Noticc W;l~ in prep.uutlon to re\'ise the Supplemental Sid;ne~s

AJ!reement which expired J UTle 30. The second \Cs~ion of Ihe Progress

Meeting W3~ called to order wit h Vice President Ripp introducing Interna­tional T reasurer Harry Van Ar~d,I1c . In hi~ talk he reviewed the prohkms in New York Cily, ~ tres~ed the im­portance of continuing educa tion fo r union leaden and union memher~ in general, and concluded hi~ :tddress urging all of the 10th Di\lricl lncal unions to become mo re concerned with thc growth of the labor movement.

The next speaker inlroduced by Vice President Ripp was Mr. Ray r-.l anning, Vice President of The T raveler" who informed the delegatcs Ihat bool.lets de~cflbing the GA 231 1 I policy were being reprinted to include the im­proved benefits sec ured in meetings with the orga nizations during the month of Febru:l ry.

Vice President Ripp then pre~ented M r. Donald Sundstrom, Senior Ac-

count Executive from AETNA. who brought the deleg:lte5 up to date on t ile status of the denl3l insurance pro-1;ram negoli:lted by the unions and management. He :ldvised that though the plan is relatively new 4,.500 claims h:lve be;:n handled with 390 com­pla ints received of which the majorit y were sa ti ~ factoril y resolved.

The next speaker was Mr. Ed Ridge. Vice President of Provident Insurance. which administers the supplemental ~ieknes5 policy. He arranged for in­fornwliona l kits to be di ~tributed to the delegates :Hld introduced his (lsso· c iutes who would be ;wllilable for per~onal contact at the conclusion of the meeting. Mr. Ridge reminded the de1c1;ates about the necessity of prop· erly completing the yellow cluim form ~o tha t prompt certification by both the R;J ilroad Reti rement Board and Ihe carrier could be obtained in order to ;I\'erl delay in payment of claims.

Vice President Ripp then preJ.ented General Chairman E. Forzley o f Sys. tem Council 33, who repofted on the ~cope of operation of Ihe railroads in Canada. Brot her Forzley noted the ~imi la rity of the unemployment prob· Icm~ in Canada. which is almos t iden· tical to the 8 perce nt unemployment figure in the States, further stating that Ihe Canadian Government lacks the ability to move positively on the mailer of unemployment. He a lso pointed out thai while the Anti · lnfiation Act con­trolled the rnte of wage increa~es, it could nOI control prices :lnd imports into Canada lllld this proved to be unfair to the railroad membership. Urother Forzley highlighted the vllrious pension plam in effect in Canada and the make·up of the rail road pension. He then gave a full and deta iled rc· port on the cu rren t negoti:llions :lnd in his clo~ing rcm:lfks dealt with the ~t;!bli,>hment of V IA Rail :c; a Crown Corponltion for handling rail pa,scn­ger ~erY i ce in Calwda, noting Ihut VIA i, to Canadn what AMT RA K is to the United State".

The nc\t glle,t introduced by Vice I} re~iden t Ripp wa~ M r. Ruben Levin, Editor o f LA OOR who spol. e on thc import ll ncc of the railroad membership ~uhseribing to the newspaper whieh give., them the only true report of what is occurring in the ra ilroad in· dustry on the I:lbor forces. He noted the mEW is one o f the ownen of LABOR ami urged every local union to con~ider a 100 percent subscription for it~ membership.

Vice President Ripp then called upon Inlernational Representative 1·lomiak to report on thc problem~ and complica lion~ we a rc faccd with in our struggle 10 get an equitable agree·

ment with the Staten Island Rapid Transit Operating Authori ty. Brolher Homiak rela ted the road blocks we·ve run into, including ou r involvement wilh Ihe New York State T a}' lor ACI and our handling of leg:lI ramifications a ll the way to the Supreme COtirt. stat· ing our frustrlllions in dealing with the politician~ in the c ily and ~tate of New York ill ou r efforts 10 obtain equity for our members on that prop· erty.

Vice Preside nt Ripp then proceeded to give his detailed report on the status of the nlltional ne!lOlintion~, noting Ihal this is Ihe first time in history that all railroad union contrac ts te rminated al the same time. He reported that Ihe IB EW, togelher with the RLEA , con­ducted common j ~~ue negotiations col-1cctiliely up 10 the point when the m EW and cerla in olher af1iliates of the RLEA iovol.ed medi:ltion. Since Ihal time extensi\ c meetings ha ... e been held each weel with the M ediation Board :lnd the ca rr iers, with little progress being made resu lt ing from the ca rriers' po~ition of de:l1ing with the whole pack3ge onl y. Vice President Ripp advised that just prior to the opening of the I) rogress Meeting sey­eml other unions had invoked medi­at ion. We arc currently going forward with our mediation efforts for an equi­tnhle settle ment bllt he inform ed thc delegates he was nOt optimistic thai an agreement would be rcached with· out first e)(haUsling all the provisions of thc Railway Labor Act. due to the carriers· fa ilure to make an equitable wage and frin ge benefits offer.

Hc then clabor:lted on the s tatus of the Classification of Worl. Rules and the importance of getting Ihem ap­proved fo r serving on the carriers. Vice Pre~ident Ripp then poi nted out that y,h i1c there was apparently some imprO\'ement~ in the m:lller of con­tracting ou t of work it still is 3n issue of primary imporlance. The dclegates were informed by Vice President Ripp thai the tr:lining progra ms fo r Repre­sen talive~ afe con tinuing and noted his pl an ~ (or griev:lnce handling work· ~hoP'i to be held at the local le\'cI. He re·empha~ i/ed Ihe open door policy of hi~ oniee for nil loca l IInion~ and opened the meetlllg for questions and an~wers.

Interna tional Representa tive r-.fcEn­tcc wa~ called upon and ~ Ire~scd Ihe continuing necd for org:lni1.ational cf­forlS at the local and S}stem Council levels.

Vice Pre~ident Ripp resumed the eh:lir and adjourned the 1978 Progress Mcetins·

J .. l~ , 1918 I 31



Total Unemployment R~te •

Industrial P,oduction


6.1 {May, 1978)


M onth Aco Year "aD

6 .0 7.1

141.0(e) 136.1 Index· (April, 1978) (1967=100)

Seasonally adjusted Producer (e) Estimated Price 207.9 206.4 195.2

I Fo.merly Whol,sa'. P,k .. Inde. Indu 1 (May, 1978) (I967=lOO) So ... rces: BlS. u.s. ~~r1ment 01 labo.

Board 01 Gove.non. Fade .. 1 Reserve System

The Nation 's Recurrent Problem-Inflation The United Siales is being swirled into

a new inflation spi ral brought about by rapidly-rising prices. especially food prices. and high interest niles. The na­tion's economic outlook is being over­shadowed by this new round of inflation. and the worker's purchasing power is being further eroded . The Carter admin­ist ration has recently revised its projected inflation rate of six percent for 1978 to belween 6.75 and seven percent.

April C PI

The Consumer Price Index (CP I) for April , the most recently-availab[e index as this article was being prepared. showed an increase equal 10 the March CP I in­crease. Across the board, prices in April were 6 .6 percent higher than a year ago. The April rise provided a compound an­nual inflation rate of 9.5 percent for the three months ended in April. If the Apnl rale alone were figured on a yearly basis. the infla tion rate would be 9.6 percent. dangerously close to doub[e-digil inna­lion again.

Food Prices

Sharply-rising food prices have pro­vided the major thrust to the increasing innation rate. Retail prices in April rose at a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of almost 10 percent. primarily because of the high prices for beef and other food items. Beef prices jumped by 6.4 percent in April , just a shade below the record of 6.5 percent set in May, 1975. and accounted for more than one-third of the rise in food costs. The revised cpr. inci­dentally. now shows a smaller ponion of expenses allocated for food.

There have also been recent, larger­than-usual increases in the prices of fresh vegetables. poultry, pork. sugar and sweets, fats and oil products, and dairy products. The increase has been noted as well in the cost of restaurant meals and snacks.

32 J IIEW Joumol

Other Cost Rises

The inflation spiral is building up also from rises in doctors and dentists' fees. medical care costs. clothing and footwear prices. the fuel cost of utilities. and home ownership costs. notably financing, taxes. insurance. and home maintenance and repair services.



Grocery prices (9.1 percent increase over the past year). medical care costs (8.3 percent increase). housing (7.9 per­cent increase). and fuel (7.3 percent in· crease) are the four expense groups that consistently account for the overall rise in consumer prices. Price increases in Ihese four areas are largely independent of labor COSts. However. price increases






REfERENCE lASE. U.s. AVUAGf 1967 = 100

Appa,el He<>IIh All lie ... & T",n.po<' 8. h~-..,., .. ,~, Co ... b,ned , .... Hou,ing Upk«p lo'ion 'e<>lion

April 1978 191 .3 205 .6 201 .0 1592 181 2 183 .0 March 1978 189.8 203.6 199.5 158.4 179.7 181 .9 February 1978 188.3 201.3 197. 8 156.8 179.4 180.9 January 1978 186.9 198.2 196.7 155.9 179.3 179.6 December 1977 186.1 196.3 195.7 158.2 178.8 178.5 November 1977 1854 195 .6 194.6 158 .5 178.7 177.9 October 1977 184.5 194.4 193.6 157.2 178 .6 177. 1 September 1977 184.0 194.5 192.7 156.2 178.5 176.1 August 1977 183.3 195.2 191.4 154.8 178.9 174 .7 Ju[y 1977 182 .6 194.6 190.5 153. 4 179.3 174.1

April 1977 179 .6 190.0 1861 152 3 176 .8 1714 Apri[ 1976 168 2 April 1975 158.6 April 1974 143 .9 April 1973 130.7 Apri[ 1972 124 .3

NOH. Conlume, Prit. Ind ... 10' oil ite ... , 1"C,eo.ed 1.5 inde. point> du,ing the po.t ... ont", 0' 0 .1 pc«ent. Thi, equoll.,d On onnuol '0'. of in<teo.e 01 9 .6 pcrtent 112 X 0.11. Th. ,nue<>le ;n C~ du,ing the po.t yeo, woo 11.7 point .... 6 5'14

Pet<ent increo.e between ,,",0 dole, i, coltuloled by .ub.',o(';ng Ihe inde~ numbe, for the eotll,... dol. ''0'" Ihol I ... Ihe 101 •• 0101. ond by d1vidlng Ih. te ... 11 by the i"d.~ nu",b., , ... the e<>rlie, da'e. then mulliply;ng by 100.

ElAMPIE. The p.,iod 01 Aptil 1977 '0 Ap,iI 1918; 191.3 _ 119.6 = 11.1 poinl<; 11.1 divided by 119.6 = .065 X 100 = 6'%


APRil, 1978 Inde~ Heolth & hueo· Dote All Item. Teon,por. Pe .... onol tion & Month Year Combined , .... Hou'ing Clothing tatian Care hading

April 1978 171.2 200 .4 171 .3 143 .2 159.8 163.3 145.8 March 1978 170.8 197.0 171.4 1.:17.2 160.5 163.3 1.:16.1 February 1978 168 .9 19.:1.3 169.6 1.:15.3 158.9 161..:1 1.:15.7 January 1978 167.8 193.0 168.6 144. 1 157.4 160.3 145.6 December 1977 167 .2 191 .5 167.8 145.5 156.7 160.0 145.4 November 1977 106.1 188.4 167.3 1.:1.:1.9 156.4 159.7 1.:15.6 October 1977 165.0 186.9 166.6 1.:1.:1.7 153.9 158 . .:1 1.:15.6 September 1977 163.4 184.3 16.:1.3 1.:13 .3 15.:1.5 157.0 14.:1.2 August 1977 162.5 183.9 163.2 1.:11.8 153.3 156.7 1.:13 .9 April 1977 157.9 174.7 159.1 139.5 152.7 152.7 140.7 April 1976 146.8 April 1975 134.8 Apri l 197.:1 121,4 Apri l 1973 11 0 ,4 April 1972 103.6

NOTE, Canado', Can,ume, P.iu Inde- for 011 item. inueo.ed 0.4 inde. poin" during the la. t month or 0.2 percent. Thi. equolt.d on onnuol eore of increo.e 01 2.4 percent [12 X 0.2). The in(reo.e during rhe pa.t yeo, ,.,.0. 13.3 poinh 0< ' .4 percen!. Percent increa •• between two dole, i, calculoled by .ublracting Ihe inde. nu",ber lor the eorlie. dote Ito", lhol for Ihe lote. dole and by di~iding Ihe r .... 1t by the inde~ n .. ",be' fa. Ihe ell.lier dote, rhen m .. ltiplying by 100.

EXAMPLE, for Ihe period 01 Ap ril 19n to April 1978, 171.2 _ 157.9 = lJ.J di~ided by 157.9 = .084 X 100 = e.4%.





REfERENCE &ASE, U.S. AVERAGE 1967 = 100 Apporel

All ite"" • Tran.par. Medical Manlh ,~, Combined , .... Upkeep lal ian Core

April 1978 191,4 207 .1 198. 1 158. 1 181.3 2 15.6 March 1978 189.7 203 .9 196.7 156.0 180.0 214 .3 February 1978 188.4 201.8 195.0 154.5 179.5 213 .2 January 1978 187. 1 199.0 193.8 155.4 179.1 211.2 December 1977 186.1 196.3 192.4 158.2 178.8 209 .3 November 1977 , 85.4 195.6 191.4 158.5 178.7 208 . 1 October 1977 184 .5 19.:1 . .:1 190 . .:1 157.2 178.2 207.2 September 1977 184.0 194.5 189.5 156.2 178.5 206 .3 August 1977 183.3 195.2 188.3 154.8 178.9 204.9 July 1977 182.6 19.:1 .6 187 . .:1 , 53.4 179.3 203.5 April 1977 179.6 190.9 186.7 152.3 176.8 199. 1 April 1976 168 .2 April 1975 158.6 April 197.:1 143.9 April 1973 130.7 Apri l 1972 124.3

NOTE, Con.umer P, ice Ind .. f", all ilem. iMrea.ed 1.7 inde. points duting Ihe past mon.h, or 0.9 percenl. Thi. equalled on annual ,al. of in"C<:I.e of 10.8 percent [12 X 0.9). The increa.e in CPI during Ihe pa.t yea, was 11.8 painh ()( 6.6% . Percent in"eo.e between Iwa dote. i. colculoled by .ubrracting ' he indeo numb.r for Ihe eorlier dole from Ihor fa, the 1<ller dol. and by dividinS Ihe re .ult by the ind .. number 10' Ihe .orlier dal". Ihen mul'iplyinS by 100.

UAMPLf, for the period of 1977 10 April 19781 191.4 _ 179.6 = 11.8 index painhi 11.8 di~ided by 179.6 = .066 X 100 = 6.6% .

are. as the AFL·ClO Executive Council points oul, "[he principal economic facl of life which governs the wage levels unions must seek.. "

PUr-chasing Power

Price increases have been keeping the worker's purchasing power below the 1972 level fo r some lime now. Over Ihe lasl five years, price increases have in­creased by 46.2 percent, while wages have been held 10 a 40.7 percent increase. As a result, workers are able to buy less today than they were able to buy five years ago. Real buying power is down by $7 .00 a week from five years ago. Wage increases in 1977 were the smallest since 1973. The increasing ralC of in flat ion will mean that there will be an additional falloff in consumer spending.

Interest Rates

Invariably, the Federal Reserve Board chooses to fight mflation by raising inter· est rates. which it recentl y did. and slow· ing down the supply of money. Invari· ably. the Fed's action speeds up Ihe rate o f inflation. Higher interest rates mean tha I the cost o f money is going up. Since the transaction of al[ goods and services involves money. higher inlerest rates in· crease the prices of everything that con· sumers buy. In o rder to have economic growth. the nation needs to have interest rates lowered and to have credit ade· quately avai lable.

Administration Policy

The Carter ad ministration is concerned about the upturn in the rate of inflation. The President has decided to reduce the size of his proposed tax cU1~from S25 billion to S I5-billion-in an effon to help fight inflation. He is continuing his effons to reach full employment as a way of cu rtailing inflation. He has proposed a deceleration policy of getting corporate executives to freeze their pay~which

would amount to nothing more than a token show and would do nothing in the fight against inflation-and of limiti ng wage increases to less than the average of the past two years. As usual. it is the middle- and law·income Americans who will suffer the most from high prices. high interest rates. and moderation of wage demands.

Organized labor is strongly opposed to wage controls and wage guidelines. which interfere with the accepted and fair standard of collective bargaining. Wage inc reases are the workers' means to try to catch up with the increase in the cost of living. Cost·of-living cla uses in collec­tive bargaining agreements cover only a portion of price increases. Wage increases do not Start the inflation cycle. and all efforts at es tablish ing controls or guide·

continued an p"Be 78

J"ly, 1978 I 3J

WIT'" Y"'E LJlDIES The First First Lady

• Martha Dandridge rose from an ob­scure girl to become one of the best known women in American history. Her picture, which shows hcr as a plump litlle lady wearing a frilly cap, is a companion to that of her husband, George Washing­ton, in millions of classrooms across the country. A devoted wife, she spent win­ters with Washington when he was Gen­eral of thc Army and was by his side during his years as President. She won the hearts and udmiration of all who mel hcr, both in private and public life .

Martha, thc eldest child of Colonel John and Frances Jones Dandridge. was born on June 2. 1732. in New Kent County, Virginia. not very far from Wil· liamsburg. Her father was a landowner. and she was descended. on her mother's side, from a long line of scholars and ministers.

Martha had lillie formal education. but was trained in the social graces and do­mestic accomplishments. She also did needlepoint and played the spinel. Small of stature, with light brown hair and hazel eyes, she grew into an alt ractive young woman who became the belle of Williamsburg society.

At the age of 17, Martha married Daniel Parke Custis, a wealthy planter, 20 years her senior. They lived in ''The White House" on the banks of the York River. Their first two children died in infancy. but then clime II son Joh n Parke, and a few years later a daughter Martha.

After 10 years of happily married life, Daniel Parke Custis died, leaving his young widow with more than 17.000 acres of tobacco land and tenant f:lrms, fisheries, 150 slaves, the horne, and 30,000 pounds sterling.

During the next year, a friend of Col­onel George Washington asked him whether he wanted to meet the most beautiful and wealthy widow in the county. Washington, who was in love, at the time, with Sally Elirfax, ,I married woman. replied in the a!lirmative. Of the meeting with Martha, the friend said WaShington "was charmed-nay spell­bound-by the beauty of her pcrson and the fascinating manners ami good sense of the young widow."

In the spri ng of 1758, Martha and Washington became engaged and Wash­ington wrote to her from Cumberland the following July : " ... Since that happy hour when we made our pledge to each other. my thoughts have been continu­ously going to you as another Sclf. ... "

34 I tHEW Journat

The couple was married in Martha's home in January o f the following year. and a few months later. Washington took Martha and her two children to Mount Vernon, an estate inherited from Wash­ington's brother Lawrence.

Washington was a good father. refer­ring to young Mnnh,l and John as "the children." never "Mrs. Washington's chil­dren," and a good husband, having had John inocu lated for small pox without Martha'5 knowledge, to nvoid anxiety on her part. The stale of the children's health was M;lTthu's only worry in an otherwise happy marriHge.

WaShington oversaw the farm. and Martha directed a large sta rT of house· hold se rvants. Much cloth was spun at Mount Vernon, and :It one time she had 16 spinning wheels in operation. In spite of endless daily dulies, the couple found time to entertain lavishly and be enter­tained by their many friends.

J]ut a dark cloud hovered over the home. Seve rllecn-yeur-old Martha, who had always been delicate, ~uddenly be­came ill and died in W:lshington's :lrms.

Some month~ I:lter, young John married Eleanor Calvert. Washington attended the wedding, but Martha. still mourning her dHughter's death. wrote a moving note to her new daughter-in-law: "God took from Me a Daughter when June Roses were blooming- He h:ls now given me another daughter, about her Age when Winter winds are blowing. to warm my heart again. "

There was an air of di~eontenlment growing throughout the Colonies, and Washington spe nt a great deal of time in Williamsburg, conferring with the new governor. Then in Septembcr. 1774. he was off to attend the General Congress in Philadelphia. Edmund Pendleton, stay­ing the night at Mount Vernon before Washington's departure. said of Martha: "I was much pleased with Mrs. Washing­ton and her spirit. She secmed rendy to make any sacrifice and was cheerful though I know she felt anxious. She talked like a Spartan mother to her son on going to b,wle. ' 1 hope you will all stand tirm-J know George will,' she said."

From Philadelphia in 1775, Wa~hing­Ion wrote to Marthn, "It h(ls been deter­mined in Congress thllt the whole army raised for the defence of the American cause shall be pul under my Care.. J should enjoy' more real happiness in one month with you at home than ... if my stay were seven times seven .... "

Thm ended private life for Martha Washington. As the wife of the Com­mander-in -Chief of the Continen tal

Army, she would become a public figure. At the "invitation" of Washingt .... n, Martha, who had never been more than 20 miles from home. would travel hun­dreds of miles to spend winters with her husband at his headquarters. Summers she would spend at Mount Vernon. su­perintend ing the plantation.

Along with her son. daughter-in-law, and a maid, Marth a set out. in a chariot drawn by four horses, for Cambridge. Massachusetts. Outside Phi1:ldelphia, a military group joined them and escorted them into the city. where Martha was entertained during a few days' rest.

Martha reached Cambridge in late De­cember and settled down in Craigie House, a fine old mansion, where Wash­ington had his offiee in one of the rooms. A charming and hospitable hostess. Marth:l entertained many prominent peo­ple during that winter. One guest. Mercy Warren, wrote of her: '" I will tell you I think the Complacency of her manners speaks at once the benevolence of her heart. and her nffability. Candor. and gentleness qllll!ify her to so ft en the hours of private or to sweeten the cares of the Hero. and smooth the rugged path of War .... "

As the wife of General Washington. Martha might easily have dressed in finery. But when her cnrriage pulled in at Washington's Morristown. New Jersey. headquarters, she was mistaken for the maid-so plainly was she dressed, in keeping with the somber mood of the time- until Washington greeted her warmry. On another occasion. some Morristown ladies called on Martha at headquarters and were embarrassed by their fine attire when they found Martha, known by then as Lady Washington, wearing an apron and mending clothes. One woman said, " Her gracious and cheerful manners delighted us all."

When Martha was at Valley Forge dur­ing that tragic winter of 1778. one ob­server said. '" I never in my life knew a woman so busy from eilrly morning until late at night as was Lady Washington, providing comfort for the sick soldiers."

In 1781. death was 10 take Martha's only surviving child. J'lck. who suc­cumbed to '"camp fever." Martha and Jack's wife were at his bedside when he died. Washington rode from Yorktown to be with them . The Washingtons adopted the two youngest ot Eleanor's and Jack's fOUf children . Eleanor Parke '"Nellie" Custis and George Wa~hinglon Parke Custi~.

Only a few days later. Martha had to put her grief aside to ride north with Washington, for the victory celebration.


r--------------------------------------I I I

: Delicious Salads I

S1IIad StHnS I 2 tablespoons temon julee 1 eanE. loupe, b,lI,

Fruil Salad

1 cup Ifnh pine'CPla cubes I cup wnh..:! lIul ad st"wb.ffI" 8 Dune'" Chedd .. el\ .. ",e. cut In strips Honey-nul druslng

Line II shallow salad bowl wi lh greens Peel avorado and CUI in lengthwise strips: sprinkle with lemon juice. Combine cantaloupe. pineapple, and berries and fill bowl. Garnish with cheese and avocado. Se:vc with dressing. M.I~ei six servings.

!loney-tim l/reHillX: Mix one cup mayonnaise. [WO labl~poom honey, and two tablespoons slivered almond~.

l~rOle" Strawberry Dessert Salad

envelope unlrevored 8"'.rln Can (lJ'/. DUrn:es) plnUJ;lpl" IIdbill. "ndralned

I tablespoon lemon lulce ~ 'easpoon •• ch u tend I'ound 8,n8'" 2 "br"spoons tlon.,.

I plnl ~' .. wlHrrl ••. sliced 'h cup lIeav~ cream. wh,pped 'h cup ma~o"na,se Sal .. d a'''''''' Wllole 5tr .. wbe' .. es Watercress loptlonll)

Soflen gehuin in one-fourth cup water and dissolve over hOI Wilter. Add pineapple and syrup, lemon juice, s:lh, ginger and honey and ml>; well. Add sliced strawberries and chill until slightly thickened Mix cream :lnd mayon­na,se and fold into frUII mixture. Pour inlo 9" .. 5" .. 3" 10il! pan (pan .... ," be about half full) and freeze until firm. Turn out on board and slice in eight 10

10 slices. For each serving, put two slices on greens. Garnish With whole straw­berries, and watercress. If desired, If salad is frozen solid. let stand at room temperature about one-half hour after slicing. Makes four or fiv(, servings.

Mixed Bta n Salad

% pOulld ar •• n bel"l. cut in ('h.,neh PIeces alld cook.d

I can (l pOulld) .. Ch ',dn.~ beanl. whitt kidne~ bola"'. alld clllCk peas. d.ain.-d

( CUP I;r>el~ chopped O<I,on l .. tK celer~ coar"l~ CI'IOpped

'I. cup chopped ~rsle~ 2 clOllea al<UC, ,..,o,ed t tuspoon nit '10 cup clde, vl"~ar V. cup nlad oil fr""I~ aroulld pepper 10 Int~ If-lluca cups (optio"alj

Combine all ingredients except lelluce, CO\'er and chill se\'eral hours. Remo\e garlic befon.: serving Serve heaped In lelluce cups. if desired. Makes si>; ~rvmgs.

French_SI) Ie Potato Salad

5 medium pOllta.1 l tabllsPOO"S c,dlr VlnlBlr 6 tablespOOnl ulad 011 'h teaspoon sail

FreslllY IIround papper 10 la5l. l lable5pOO"' .. eh chopped par.icy

a"d B'nn onion

Cook unpecled potlltoeS until tender. Dram and let stand at room h:mpern­ture until cool enough to handle. Combine vinegar. oil, salt. and pepper. Add parsley and green onion. Peel potatoe!> and cut in thin slice.'I; make sh:lllow lay­ers in mIXing bowl. sprink ling each with some of dressing. Let Sland :In hour or so at room temperature. tossing once or twice very carefu lly so potatoes do not crumble. Serve at room temperature. fI.'lakes SIX servings.

6 cupS lorn sal.d II'""' (rom.i"_. BOliO". b'bb. >Clbar. 1111",,")

'h r.-d onion, ehoppad ~ cuP each slivared bollad h.m ,"d

SW'II ehe ... : r.dllh ,liea, '"d pitted oUva.

Chef s Salad

I cup e.cll h.lved cherry .nd Illced e.uhll:"els

l h.rd-cookPd e1il5. IIllved V'"I'II'elle d,e15'"a

Arrange greens in large bowl and sprinkle with red onion. Arrange ham and cheese slivers, radish slices. olives, cherry tomatoes. cauliflorets and egg halves in rows on greens. At the table. toss with dressing and serve al once. Makes six servings.

Villlligrl!u(' llre,lrillg: Combine one-half cup salad oil. one-fourth cup wine vinegar. one-half tC:lspoon French-style prepared mustard. one-hair te:t~poon 5<111 and freshly ground pepper to t:ISle.

L _____________________________________ _

The fighting had ended, but official peflce was still tWO years away, which meant two more years before the couple could return to Mount Vernon. On Christmas Eve in 17S3, there was great celebrating among the st.'rv:t nts when the couple fi­nally came home to Mount Vernon .

The Washingtons. with the two grand­children. settled down at Mount Vernon, expccting to enjoy the peace they well earned. But there was the constant enter­taining of statesmen, diplomats. soldiers. native and foreign inventors, painters, etc., who constantly visited them. Among the distinguished visitor~ was the Marquis de Lafayette.

Their time at Mount Vernon was of short duration. for in 1789. Washington was unanimously elected President by the Eleetoral College. Martha did not accom­pany him to New York City. the capital. but went some weeks Inter. accompanied by her two grandchildren. She was feted along the way. at every stop.

The uncomplaining Martha had th is 10

say as First Lady: "I live a very dull life here and know nothing thai passes in the town ... I never goc to any public place ... indeed I think I am more like a prisoner than anr.hing elsc.

During Washington's second term, in Philadelphia. Martha seemed to enjoy herself more. as she was among old friends_ The Washingtons allended balls and entertained in their home.

After Washington refused a third term. he and Martha were finally able to retire to Mount Vernon. M:trtha wrote a friend that she was "again fairly settled down to the pleasant dUlies of an old-fashioned Virginia Housekeeper, steady as a clock, busy as a bee. and cheerful as a cricket."

Only two years later, Washington rode over his farm for several hours, in spite of snow, rain. and sleet. and became chilled. He contracted quincy and. two days later, after much blood lelling. he died, Manha accepted his death with pious resignation. saying she would soon follow him.

She moved to a small attic room over­looking Washington's grave. where she spent much time. She WIIS surrounded by her grandchildren and great grandchil­dren. and people who visited her said she remained her old cheerful self.

M:trlha died two years later, in May, IS02. after a two-week illness. The fol­lowing appeared in the Washington Fed­eralist: " Died. at Mount Vernon. on Saturday evening, the 22d ultimo. Mrs. \-Inrtha Washington, widow of the latc illustrious General George Washington. To those amiable and Christian virtues, which adorn the female character. she lidded dignity of mnnner~. superiori ty of under~tanding. :t mind intelligent and ele· vated. The silence of respectful grief is our best eulogy."

J uly. 1978 I l.5

SJ:lFETY TIPS for you and yourfamily

Special Hazards From Summer Heat

• Summer brings a special hazard which can't be eliminated-the scorching rays uf u hut sun! The hazard i, overexposure -gelling too much sun.

Whether a person works outdoors or indoors, the haza rd of absorbing exccs­sive heat is present. whenever he per­'iplre .. profuo;ely. -I he danger he .. 10 the loss of snit in his body. A man working against a hOI furnace has the Slime prob­lem as a worker exposed directly 10 the blistering sun. The problem. however. ca n be minimized by compensati ng for Ihi'! salt- by replacing at lca~1 part of what he lo~~ through po.!r~plration.

NUl llm1 bud) IClupcralurc i~ 98.6° F . Nature has a way of m:linlaining that balnnce up 10 a certain point. Beyond lhl1l poinl, we ofrrn haVe 10 knl! a h:md.

Heat control of the body, as we all know, is accompli~hed throuHh perspira­tion. As perspiration leave!> the pores of the body, it evaporates and carries off heat. In hot weather, when the body re­quires a lot of cooling, we perspire more than we do in cooler weather. Of CQurse. when we perspire. we lose salt, which is eSSential 10 many functions of the body. Normally, we get cnough snit to supply the body's needs from the salt we put on our foods. But in the summertime. or when we work around furnaces or in other hot places. we have to supply our bodie!l wilh sal! in larger doses. That's when we help nature OUI by taking sev­c ... 1 -.alt tahlc!!> WIth d ll "l1~ of ""aler.

Some of Ihe signs that lell us our bod­ies haven', gal enough salt arc slomach cr:tmps. a feeling of exhJustion. dim· ncss, faintness, and finally, collapse. Sun­slroke (or heal stroke) resul l ~ from any hot or humid condition under which Ihe body loses its ability 10 cool it~t'M.

The only method of conlrol is to re­duce the temperature of our ~urroundings or to mcrease the ablhty 01 the body to cool itself so that the body temperature does not rise. Working under normal con­ditions on a hot day. a worker who per­spires freely ean lose as much as 30 grams of salt. Replacement of salt through food eaten averages much less than 20 grams, sometimes as little as 10. T Im ~a l t loss may lead to a ,a ll deficiency

36 I II EW J o ... no\

whic h causes fatigue. usually re~ult i ng in stom;.ch cramps and heat exhaustion.

According to how much you pe .... pire. it i~ alhi .... h1c to take from four to six ~alt lahlet~ each day. They can'l h Jrt you: the body throws off (in perspi ra tion) all it doesn't need . A wo rd of caution. how­ever, is issued to those under II doctor's care, If you have been in~tructed nOt to usc large quantities of salt. please follow your doctor's orders.

Salt tllblet~ arc like a lot of other things today: mllny improvcment~ have been made. Ju~t as you can't compare the heavy clodhopper safelY shoe of 10 years ago wilh tvJIlY'~ liglltwcight ~ufd)' ~hOt:, neil her can you compare loday's sail pill with one sold 10 YCllrs ago.

Some workers used to suffer namea when taking the old-~tyle salt pills, the re~ult of 100 much salt high in the ~tomaeh. Modern salt pills arc coated. and the CO;'l\HI!! is unaffected b)' digest ive

juices other than intest inal ones. Delayed disrolving virtually eliminates nausea.

New salt pills contain de:uro~c. which also supplies energy in combating fatigue caused by working in hot temperatures.

Here arc several hot weather tips: I. Drink plenty of waler. When you per·

spire, you lose water. and if you don't replenish the body's slore. body lem' per:tture goes up. Drink plenty of water, but 110/ ice water.

2. Wear loose, cool clothing that allows ai r to circulate and perspiration to evaporate. Don't go uncovered.

3. Go easy on heavy foods. such as ~tan:hcs, rllt~. II1cat~. ,"lll bread. T hese arc heat producers. and we don't need them in the summertim e.

Take a tip in hot weather from the cow, which doesn't have to be led to a salt block to replenish the salt lou from its hody. Ta~e the huzard of ~urnmer heat wit h a smin of ~a lt .

r-== ::=:::::'1

\ ~ ,

-. ..:....=~~

~ --'A /- '-II "




All C.aft, Rally Fo. IBEW Picket Line 1 .. 11, 2, ST. 1,0llIS. \ 1O.- Therc wcrc ul'l"wd· m:lldy 3'0 union m:mbcn repre~nlinll all un,un cr~fls who re~pccled rhe picket line 01 1'1. I.eona,d Wood, Missouri. involving $60,000,000 wurlh of "ork. Enollsh c~n ROr be SlUt! for lhe cooperation received from all clDfl,. Th~nk you BrOlher. (IUIH Ille 1I1EW,

On AI'''' IS. 1978. Tre3~Ulct John Onnnch 1'3'scd gYoay_ John WIiS iniliJled Jarlllory 22, 1917. In L"cal ::1 and h.ld held olftce as pfe~i. dem, Uea'lIler, and Execu!!,c Hoard member. Juhn \O,.,~ D dco.lic~lcd unKm man and h" scr~' i~ "ill be rnr.>eil. Our condolences to his family_

Al rhe .eillliar Illttlin, of May 8, 1918. nomi. nalion~ for all oni<;ers Dnd de~,alc' 10 rht 10"\\ CUll\cnuon "cre held and ballOls counted un June Il Voting W3~ done by m3iktl ballOl only,

At thl\ 'Mllln, both construction .,,«ments, \"~" ... uri V,llley and St LOIIII ChJl'ler a,rce­ment~ ... ,I! bot opc'n plu\ u.riou~ ItEA _Irce· _nto_

I he,r " plo.....,ntl) a 'I,on~ elI'"1 rm I "~lIght

!tI .... "," If", It,,) la .. h('f~ In \1"\01'" whICh .. ""Id rnla,l a ,-'''''lIIl1fional amend_nl If ,h" f311s Ih\" "II~h,1U ,,'nrL" Ifor le,q )lrollp ... ,11 Ily III "Iltillll c"UIIIIIl ""nnlure' I" h.ll~t "'lIf on Ihe N",cmht:r hnU"I,

Our wIlrk lliclllrc i< Vtry good li t lhi~ limc. We will be IIhle lu pl;llt '1UnlC Imveler~ hut il "uuld he bC~1 lU (l,1l bdOlc muLrnll U Irlp 111

I MOl'lrn H ~'>IlO1(. It S

Line Duty

..... a'~ I .... '''~ I~~h' U ..... Fl. L."' .... d UtN>d . \10" ~'e I " ... l 1 . .\1. ' oul,. 1I •• mh • • , " \\hlr.," ~ ... ~' ... " ,"'"" ... , " 0, ,,, WI,II"",'h. " I)~.~ " \' .r .. mon.

O' h .. ~ .. "'~III. 110. line MI"e " U hll'I" 11 M' .n~ 1! ",ln~,"' 1I. 1" ... n,"II •• \'unll( ' b~d,,\ durlnK Ih. n, .. nlh ot Ap.lI ,

Construction Division Ratifies Contract

1.1 '. l. NEW YONK. N .Y.- Mtn 14 months und 44 negoli~ting meet'"", tile tomtrutlion dlVi~ion membtr\ r;'lified " ~w tont ratl at the reltulal monlhly m/.'tUllg "n Moy II O'er tile mnny monlh. of fullie;lininll. long p3~1 our conuactu ,I cJ~~dlone <1111 ~Ontr"CI ul'"ed July I. 1971-I., ... al 3 d,d nOl .. ani 10 ImpU5e Ihe ec"nomlC hard,h,p of II o!tile on OUr memr,.,rs and the olher buildm!! lr.ldeo and Ihercfore a.reed ro worl .. ithout a cOntracl long past the ~~I'IIaljon dJle. " mally, 0" March 27, 1978. Ihe IIlCmhc .... h,p "OIed 10 ,0 on ~Irt~e_

Since 1939. t oeal 1 has had, as part o f itJ agreemenl. n work·\harinll plnn, ami an im­portanl demand in thi\ ""nlratl whi<:h II". bil­lerly op~ by lhe management NCIIOl.aling Commillec. 11M In upda,;n, of thi~ plan dcsilncd 1o trutc wme move_nl on thc unempk:>,-_nl roll5 .. hlCh hayc rcmained slagnanl for over thrte yca~. The EnlCrgency \\ orl Sharinl Plan 1'f<)f1r.lm allows uch cmploycr ~op 10 havc a ba\it lIork force defined I~ follow\7 The basie wnrk force i~ ~"C" "A" ratcd men plu. one out of th'~ addilional "A" ralcd _n tmplo~. I'orell\(n. ~ubfOlcman. ancJ tobbing men do nOI COunl al':"in51 the ba~c ... ork forcc_ Mcn $0

de'liMnarcd arc oblil13led to lake a conlinuOIl< fllrl"lIgh as prescribed durin, each 12-mol1l11 period ,

The f"rlough pt:riod fronl June I. 1978. to M ~y 11. 1979, 'i1l~11 be eighl .. ceko The fmloll sh pro~ram is fl rlliblc in Ihat a. Ihe unemploymenl dcnea'C.. rhe lenSlh of the furlnugh al'" de· cru'Cs. Men ... ho arc nOI dt'<'lnatcd as basic work forcc shall work for a firm ror a period no, to e.i;ffd 26 ,,·ecks. Aftu 26 ... ceks of rmplo)·mc:m. he 1hall he lerminaled and returned 10 lhe Fmployment Departmenl for lca'~ln­mcnl This I'lan §/tall be ~uSpc'nded if the avcr· Ige number of u~m)llo)ed is belo ... ~OO men for thc )lTC.·ccding threc·munlh period.

Orher Jams Ire an increase. or one dollar a day 1010 Ihe Addilional ~cu"ty Benefil Fund, dlcclI'c May 4, 1978. :\lid a &I·cent.anhour "'d~e increa~ on July 1. 1978. and an add.lIonal flO·~ents-an·huur on July I. 1979.

The uplration da le of the ncw a,reemenl is June I I . 1980

Register and Vote Aga inst 'R ight-to-Work' Legislation

1..1 1. 4. ST. I.011IS. ,\10. -A fcw '''lIt5 h!f.O in thi~ ,",~Iion of the Jmmw/ Ihe prc" 'terclary of Local I here in 51 Lou" me"lioned ,hal M,~..oun has bet'n larilclcd ~, a key ~lDre for Ihc '·ri!lhl-Io· ... ork ·· mo"cmem In a reeent rc· 1''''' lIu\1ne15 "bnagcr I',\ul Waltner '>IrH)Cd the IdCI 'ht All our Local 4 membe~ dlOuld work f", Ihe defeal of (he "nJht-lo-work'" (fOT Ie<.\) d,i~e in l\!i\SOuri Geographi<::lll)' our ~Iale is ~uffoundcd by .. ,,!·tO-.. "(Ir .... ~Ial~ and at .his JIt"nl '1 ~"" lihly tht the i,"uc may be a rderendum m the: No~emhcr el«liol\$. There· fnre, il I) imperari'·c Ihal all 0l'ponenl5 of lhe: "lIlIhl-lo-wo.k·· is.~1>C ( .. hKh -lInulo.l ,nclude e'ery bh.:lling pcr<><m. union or lithe",',,,,) Drc rel''''' cred '0 ... ·mk a"cJ to "O/r all~msl Ihe ··­wm"" leglslation_

The Nellolinling COmm'l1eC' hnve becn picked for conlmct talks tl"'l Will com" up th IS ye", "I "-MOX. KSI), and KTVI IIc'd Jilc w toke ,his oppo,lunily 10 w~kon'e Ihe f" lIo"'""1I

~ .. bar,aimnl unil employees: KMOX. Paul Grll"dhnuscr; KS D-TV. AI Aman". Mac McCoy. Chuck Leltoi, and Jcrry Kleiman,,; KTVI-TV, Lenny Ooudn Qnd M ~rc An,oniri~; and Tech· nisonic Siudio,. IknJamin lI ilhen

Ikst wrshu 10 pli fOT D feal nice 5ummer! l 'UNIt: AcuuINo. I'.S


1 .• ".1 11. IHlre lt. 'l Id •.•• " ....... ' .IMe> D~.011 . :411· .., .... 111, 1. 75'" ... h .... " .""" tll .. h II .... fot .u ttld •• 1'1"." I .... b,I •• I. Ibt SI. I'atrkk·, J)"J' p • ......c •.

Ca,,, tJ" \I. \ hnw •. ".u.h'fr of 8,,,ln,,, \h", •••• M<\lallw,. ""n Ih~ h .... "r n' h. h" n~" ... d Mold of ft.ln _"d "III ... 1.11 ",~. rh~ Starr or \' .. hI .. " '"r on. Jt ....

Miners Strike Yields Focus on Alternate Energy

I_ l '. 17. Iln-1I0IT. 'IICII. TI'tc C(>.QI stllke I\.;I~ ended. and the ulihllC\ h~"e rtlurned 10 n<lrm~L "per.III!" Thc mlfle" «rumly h~." 10 he: .dnured fllr lhe:" delerm,ndltOn. The cfloTl~. fin~n"al k",..,... and hard,h'l'" !\C'tr toe rr,uuped by 'lOme Ilf Ihe Ino.l",dual, .. ho I'~T­IIC1 I'JICd: hUI Ihe,r dett",,,nanon and losses ~';1fI ""d .. ,II benetlt the hfe ~tyle of nlt'n ... ho r"ullw in Ihc" r"m~lcjX,


It I, ,,-Ith d~~11 r~."'1 Ih~1 .... r.po r1 Ih~ du ll, nf "ur Hpar1.d B'<>Iiot r a"d ,orn idul '" .... , I<,ul, I .... . ''' .. r:. Yp\hmp. '''~ IM' .d III Lot _I IU', o~~. 1M"" , Cal.. "" J .. I,. I. I.sJ. he In"" ..... d 10 1 ...... 1 H, U~" .. II . \II ....... r .. d '" .Iu PR"M.I. I, ... ~I_ 40"1, ....... b .. ~ ...... , .. a"~~rr.

Slnln ~uch 15 Ihc m"1C'~' are C<KII)' 10 em­ploy('t"<, "mplo)'c' •. and Ih" ~ner31 publit. The elc~1rica ! ",dll<tr)' had Ihe fore,ighl 10 nnlidpnlC ~uch ~onl\ich and Oll!Onilcd Ihe Council of In­,11I~I.ial Kcblio". back In lhe 19105 10 avoid n"ll), ,,"o,l 'Ioppa~n, Th~ local hi, bcnellied by ~ubm,n,"~ our proMem' 10 CouTM;il for equ'l­dhle !>Qlnlia", lllal plO~'<k' ha.mony, p,oo;~roly. and .Io"lh for OUI iodu,uv.

While .. e S,1 ~nd admuc Ihe ikle'mtnalion of 0111 Boolhe,s. ,I ,hould hoc uf ,Ome bcllC'lh 10 u~ and our ,uece,<;or~ if we rcalilc Ihe imp(lllanCC of illllial",)! :111 adequ31e energy prOll,am T he to-I IU Edt~on cn~lOme" for ~hc'nale fucl dnr "')I Ihe 'tri~c ... ,11 nppr<l~inl~re $50.000,000

We ~~n rcad,l), S«' Ihat onadequate, ollHlmcd ~n('falong faeililic. CQ'l1 Ihe con~lImft In ,,~o,­"il~nl Jmounl TIle' new for ~n adequale I'nellY r,oJ.~m Ihat would p((wide f()f allernlle cn­",ltl \oOIItcn i\ a""arenl A jOint droft h)' labor und m,ona~cment ""oulll be beneficial 10 !>olh and IIlllnmtcl)' Ihe COII'"mer ",,,ulll be provulc,! with II morc ec"nomieal nn!! 't"ble energy ,upply,

On ,\p.i! 22. 197ft. Ihe Donovan C"n'lIltdJou Company 'I'On!.Orcd a ~~fel)' b3nqllct al the unl(">n hall for all Ibc.. employcc' and lheir .... ,,~ for .. ()tlmg one yur without a d"ahlong oRJur),. Thjji i~ Ihe Ii"t lim" 10 our In .. '''ledge Ihat any trihurl' hn~ hccn ~ivcn 10 Ih" mcmbeO$ emploYl'd h)' Ihe 1111101)' ~onlla'IOO$. We h~p~1I H) hchnl' th~ i<. II jlood way to 5a) ··lh'lIIk. fello .. ~" for n Joh .. ell done:

LtX~l 17 hal al""an been amon~ Ihc 1e,,,le .... in promulillil ,afety. III 1966, our mcmhcN en­dured Ihe fir,t <;nike in IIUI hislory 10 mull' IIU. \afeIV .u~ cnllllilCmal Wl' ha"l' e~tabl"hed .I<'Inl C,,':"panl·Union Safelv Cornmill~ to up­date allli cnforer IIIne ,ub an.! lOur mtmbrr<i ha'c the ri~hl 10 "01' any rob they'", ... ",~ing un f'll 'ftI/rll'. Our ml'nl!>c" lIa'e nOI ~bu'led Ihc~ ,ight< nnd Oil many ')oCcasiono. joh, thM Ihey helie'e nre quellionahlc arc brou~ht 10 the limon', ,melliion P"'" 10 Kelting 10 the I)OUl! .... hcre the job has to be ~Iopped, When Ihis happen'. a h",inn'i reprelCnlallYC and Ihe luper­ontendent or his a<;si~t"nl .. ,II jlo oot on Ihe job ... /110 ,I, .. e' ...... nnd il will be n,rcrd upon hy nil conc"med ... 'ha l is the ~3rC w3y 10 DpPIOilCh I .... ,.,.

We all a,.ee Ih31 the n,,1 t .. ·o SI"JI'S III COIn­halon!! accidem, a,e fjr<1 10 "rrcOll:ni/c Ih" h~/­",d" Ihen II) "I.lle 1"~(.lUllOtmry m<:a)Ulc,."

The DellOi! Edi'Wn1 Company ,,1,0 ha, !>cell ,c"o~ailn1!! il< emplo)'c." for Olllsiandlll)l illhie,'c­mtnb in ,af~ty. W,lh all lhoc banqllct, thai ""c"e ~lIendcd, ",e',e Itllin, 10 be "hea"y WI'I'O,lcrs:' K«p UI' the jl:ood ... .,rL, f"l1",,~. and .... c·1I 'hd 10 the u lad bani'

II I 15EW Jo ....... 1

Science fair

8 _Joo,. Ib1 PlI., of I ""at U . 0. ..... ""cb< •• ha< • .. _ •• I.' c ....... " 1M ~I..,lri .. '): ~I. d"Plrr . " ... ,. I-J n ......... ~.I ....... ~' .. ibll .. t.: .... lfidIJ l .. tJ ... II""~" In a "" ...... t bi •.

Member's Daughte r Enters Science Fair Lt . 22, 0\1,\11,\ . ..... : RR._Mt,\ Maty l ynne I',ILIS i" \ho,",n ..... ,th her ~'"Cnth ,rade ~ienc~ fan d~pla)' declarlllil " rll'ctricil), Unhmited~" Mary I.ynnc l'i Ihe daut:hlcr of Brolher Ra), Pllu,. Rav helped h~ dall.hlt, acqui,e the Items for the di<pl~y ~nd ~I""I helped ''''Ole ~'",mhhn, of Ihe di,pI8),. hUI her mother 1<111.1 me Ihat the lIcm$ di<plnyc(1 as well :1' Ihe ""Iitlen rCIl<),IS on the ilem~, had all he~n It'ca.ehe,1 und thc reports compo'>t"d lIy her daughter. In lhe di<play. she has ,ho .. n rll"l:u..:ny i~ gene:,alc<l hy olher 01 ene.,)' lIehem","', Ii~hl, hUI. ml>tioo. f,ic­hon, .nd fl''''~lIrc). but lhen ,n the ... nllen reo porls, W lin, cwl"",~<1 lIre ~J.d"I~~."" uf usin, Ihf"W: forms of cncr~)' 10 male clc~lIkilY hecau~ ell"l:troo;al cnelllY ha~ w m:tny ad~anlagt~ to Ih" consurntr, and" Ie" harmful to lhe en,i,onm<:nl

I que.lioned Ma'y al>oul 'ome of Ihe thinll~ in her di,play. and \he had a ,cady and concct all<""c, for IIle Although he r efT'''I' IIld nol earn Ilc r r."t pl:Kr .• he did ,ec",,"c nn huno':lblc men· 1100 :I"'":I.d, 0 .. , ~"nlllalUl;lIl(>n, tt' Ma,y Ilnne. Ind to her J'lrrnl', Mr. anJ M .... Ihy I'dn~

ROBin 0 Jl(I:.V) .... pS

n,lo C.,allhk I) t'I,la) Pan.1 .... 'n'I" lt.d b)' 1.0.,.1 16, \\ ~,hln. t .. n .... c.. m~m""" , ... \I,,,"~ ,' I'm~l1t ~1'I.m' 1I!>I,ion ,,' " .. ,Ic. Saf~ C"mpu,·. \\allH'· /'>.J .. .. lb. \\ ~II .. Itord , ...... ) \I""k,,1 C ... I ...

Work Crew

• " ",In ,,1 ... 11. S,'I_~ I"" OM 1110 Job .k .... ,Iatll.,. 1110 T."'"ft C_U)or S1" .... ...,11 10 rfJ.1 art ",.hI~ Olin. Kill {.,~"t . 8ill OllU. II ... , S.h .. ·"rt, .• nd appunt'.p " HUll' "~mp.

"rotl< ... "lit G,~~ ti ""d .\t.b .. OllU III lb .... "It,,1 l", r"l.

Multi·Craft Agreement May Yield Full Employment

I_ I !. 26. n \SIII-':CTO' , D.C. · The .. ·ot k sit· uallon III Waloh,n@IOIl. I) C. h:l~ ,mrroYw 11-though .. e a", ~IIII fa, f,om full "mrl"y"",,,I, W. hl>pe th:ll Ih;" ~mmcr, .. (\11 the help o f lhe Mull,Traft AgreCIllenl ..... e w,1I hoc ahle 10 ha~" rull employment nl!l"n. We \<IOIlld hke to "X· pre<s OUt appr(ciat,un l<l all 01 our Sl~IC' locu1. .... ho h'e been Jood cn<>n~h 10 g,~c us a hclpII1, hanu on employing <;omt of our n~mhcls.

1I1 0Ihe, ~, by lhe \line you ha~c 'ccell'ed Ih" Dtlidl', ... c hope IIIPt lhe picnic" .. ,11 hoc finaliled at \l at.hall Hall I'atk a,mn Ihi. )Uf. , .. <1 )'e:ll. \<IC h~" appro~lmately 2, ~OO pwple in al1endancc and. mo<;l enjOyable hme WlI;!; had hy aU

Al our May 12. unIon m<:elinj!.. the followinl,t Hrolhe" ,ccei~cd Ihelr \O-~u. IIIEW pin§: Fulton W M,.tl'IoNI. ~f (" ~r;trl ) ; Sam MaIlUk. Ed­wn,d J. \Ic"h~nl, and Kilymond II . ~1e!lcr p2 ycm~): T illY II . M t l ~nI OJ yean); N.obcrt \1lro and lIanty J . \lurh'~1 1'2 )<'3'$); Norman ~J!I:Itka (l) )'"an); \\,lIi:1m G '1C\\lOn, 1'3ul I'. rc"J.O)'. JO§.Cph K PM'r ~f. and hancili J. Sl1nl (l! yr:ar~); Lo,,"cl1 "Ilra ...... r and Chtslel A. TUlne' pI years); \\,Iham M N. "lhelfOid (32 y~ar~); Wil1i~m II We,ll1loreland (ll yeal~)

Our eonl!t3lulal,on. j!.(J 10 Ihe~ I1 lothe'~ on their lonland f'''lhf,,1 ",,,...:e lu the I1lrw .

WAm' '', 11 .\1.

60- dnd 50-Year Pins Presented by local 41 I .. t !. 41 , RUFI' ALO, N.V.-Qn April 14. the n l1'~r" of Locol 41 1I~ lhcred at Ihe F.~<'i:uli~c 1>.1010r Inn. Chceltownl.lp, New YOl k. with tlt,nilC,. Chark. Ad,ian. NOlman J. IJew:. Art I \I_lhe . and Clarence E. Schneider and Ihei' ... "C\ 10 honor lhem fOI 5c:rvice in the LREW. B'olhe" I I H ,...~r"'laff Dnd (ic(lrle SlelD­mueller ,",~re unable 10 alknd and !lIDlhe. C. W. Il ieber paucd away ,hortly berore Ihe occ:anion.

II rolher Charlie Adrian "'as presenled wilb a ciialion. pin. and a ,ift ror 60 yut$ of ~.~ice on

60· Year Member

the IHEW Thll "'15 the lint lillY the local prc­Knltd • aold (lid ""Ih I,""ripuon ~ honO.inl the .ttlplC'nl and Brothe. Adrian "'II, the vcry finl 10 IK(I\'C this lifL lie "' ... 'CIY proud to be the lil'lil recipient and vcry (,clled about !ho"'ina the nrd 10 hIS fellow !(I"en a, the .tl Retirees Oub. I In$ plewnt • few )lUI" 1.&0 ... hen Chuhc "'1\ honOlcu rOt' ~r~Ke and I laId of • I,ule pllyef he uid e~r)' day on the .... y \0 ,",'ort. Well Charloc, II loo~s IS if the Imd hurd you b«IU!< you're !hll here Ind )'00 l()(1l henef than lTlQ!!i1. We11"," Ch. rhe IPIn ",hen he Iec.C"1"i hI!; 6S-~lr pon

All ~hlht:, NaIrn Ik,l" and aarcr\<."C SchlK'i· def _Ie honofed with cllahons. piM, Ind girt.s for ~O )'tar, of *,,'VII:C. All )pokc of the ,oad t;1TlC$ they hall In the trade Ind the many happy mfmoritoi 11it)' CAlry with them. The unique par t of th is I~ thl Art M.the "U I member of the De~lh M ~r(h nn D.llnn dunn, War!!.! '''''al 11 1·1e ... a~ c8pl ur~d h)' tM: Jopane\e Hnd ..elvcd fOIlT yca,., In D Japa~'>e plrHln Cllmp II I' laid me that the thlnll thai ~epi him ,o;n~ "'~, his abllily to laullh In Ihe fa<e of adve'~IIY. In addi. lion. tIM: day he .etrred, he wn on hi\ "'lIY iOUlh when hIS "'Ifl' Mltrcled I \Hoke. Ihal afkc lcd he. huhh. bUI Ih" ,cml,klbJe, man neve. losl h~ "<'n'le of humor III, .... Ifc .... ~ ",ilh him on Ihlli da)' 10 help him entoy h~ m'~lone and ,he aho '" a reml,hble ... oman.

Clarence Schneilkr .... 1' .n elcurieian for I Ionl rime in '41 III' Ihen heenne an C\lImJ!01 fO/ Robeltson ElectrIC and lemlrned wllh them unlit Ihey ""cnl OUI of bU11n~~, eNo fault of h,~ bccau'\e he "U one of lhe 001) III' "'~nl 10 "'ork fa. Aa.on EIccIlK: afl~' lhal unul the dJy he .ellfed CI~ren~ WJ\ one "r the bnl unIOn men in hIS field lie .l .... ys p.omoted the USl:

of umon ,ooeh lod malcnll .n" onl), "' or~ed ... ·l1h union pwple

No.m lIelli, .ffcclK'lnalcly ~IlOWn a$ Ihe "Cop­per Kin''" " 'IS I liule ovc .... helmed It the II. tention Ind lOt a hule Io<.t ror ... ord!., lie "'as grlteful for thc m~ny happy yUr<;. Ihe friend. ships. Ihe good mnc,. the ~ift~. hI' ,000 health and eJped~Hy the roppr;, I'm jU)t kidding folks, Norm hi'" (T,nlnhUled Dbundanll), to our p'ca. lie has ",",en a'II"e in youth a,tly,t,\', ~nd con:.c:n·~. lion prOllruOl' In I'rie Counly and ha, ~ hear! as big an anyarle che. II I' Ii lill lI~s h" ~hichn fo .m and ~ ecps lI"sy e .. cry duy. Hnd Ih"I"' p.ohahl), why he ond hi, wife look ~o helillhy, '10 Clarence and Charlie, Arl, No.m. nlld lhclr lo vely wivcs. we .... ish conlimlcd iood hcahh and hope they

~njoyed themselves as much .... e enjoyed havinl Ihem hert.

To Ihe Orolhcrs who cOIl ld nOI aUe .. d, .... e "'ish Y"" inod health and hlppine~~ In" <onprltulate each of you. 810lher G. Sle'llmucile •. con~ralu· lauons for .sO )'ean of Kr"KC, We hope 10 see yoo back ,n the yca'" to .e~elve your Pins etc., in penon. Your pins Will be far .... ded to )'00 alonA with )'our citalion,. ~ift\. and bco;l ",~h" from every tncmbcr of 1.01;.1 41


Older Than the ISEW

RrOlh.. ~·r.nk G, ... " I. f,,", month. 01., rhn lite 18 EW. H ... h •• «,Iou hI. " .Ju, pi" f.., .. 8., 1"," ,\III".'" 8 0b ,..n" . "d ,", ... Id,,,, 11111 WIlIIII' 01 1.0('.' .6. ~unJo. , \\ .....

Trans;t of the Future

",10 " 11,111 - ............ 111 .. S'.UN- t. r .. r. II .. ~ Mlreoll, k'M 10 • __ •• , I ..... ,111.,. _I or rllt ............. ", ... 11 lot •• 11, Ilk' b, "\,,,..,. nb I, I", o~ , .... u'u r..,I~, I. rM ... 1011.

Appren tice Program on Target; Trolley System Gets Facelift I.t '. 46. St: A'n 'l r., WASil To \IUr, off Ihi, monlh. l"m 1I1.d ro 'Dy Iha l Wuhinglon is still the <Jnly stale "',Ihool • dual apprentK:e.hlp pfogral11. We pruve" I<J Ihe I cdcral lIute~u of ApplclllKe· ,hip TraininB Ihal there wa~ .. 1.1 .. eed ftlr a dual in Itu' 'tlile beelU"\\' lhe nr.tinll p.o­".am .... D~ (lpcn to 311 proaum', hulh union Ind non·unron pro,"IdlO, the Plc\'I,hn~ .... ,1' scale "as t. ken IOta -.:nlu .. , ThIS w., nol I iimpk mallCt. 1\ 11 requITed lhe: hi. in. of .ttorney,; to ,ep.~nl the 'ide <Jf the uniun Intere~t<.. 110 ..... e'cr. the common !>Cn'le 'C'luh of the§t heannes ~hould prov,de I oa«e fOl p.otr •• m, In Ihis "ale 10 lhe fUlure We hl\e httn dUe'Ctly .uacked on our Ipp.fnlienhtp plo~ram hy the ~ .. ') medii to Ih,s a.n ""h n;rt (lUI It« pc'"inin, I<J lhe r"ndirl$ of Ihe pIU\l.Dm It '«<1m hIli ""~lne'>S cannot lolelate a .tllMlnlbk ,tanda.d erf hY11\ll fOI rhe .... or~i .. ' class.

The N.I,onal Ot:-eanic: anti AtrnO'lphe:,ic: Ad. mini~tration\ Re,ionll "eadqu.llet~ '" ',ullle has bee .. delayed by II lehl D )UI b)' le,al problem, .. "h enyironmental ,mrad \Ialellll.~" for the ploposfd blse .1 ':>and Pornt. SJ4 milliOn has bee .. derenI'd al Ihi~ lime un.,1 the Niue IS §tilled, I look forwlrd 10 _'~lnM an in~ide art'cle on this subic<t rn the fulurc.

My main toPIC Ih,~ month i. Ihe Mellu Sy'!cm of lhe "realI" ~atr1e a.ea MellO <Ihnds rur the Municipaliiy of Merr(!pohtnt! ~al1lc. In 1972 Metro "'a, ""thori/ed In ope,,' le a puhli~ rn3" tran«l ')"tem for KIOII ("(>unty, Met"l pur. chased the puhhc (~callle T n' "'<1 SY~lcm) httd priva te (Mctropoliian T' Rn~il Co.p.) sy .. em~ pnd bcijan h,,~ service for Kinll CUllitty in JAnUar y. 1973. Frnm a sy, tem of 300 elewk \tolleys

the World War II cra, the Seaule neel has d ... lndled to its presenl Iii/.(: uf 3!1 huses <J" 32 miles of overhead .... un In Ihe area. Federal Ind local funds o f 5316 m,UIOG tie bernl spenl 10 .ehabllitale Ihe ')'Siem Ind allK) exp~nd ,I to I IOlal of 32 route miles.

!.oClI 17 IS dom, the overhead work while Local 46 will d<J feeder work Ind the 26 new (eCerrll'r stat ions which will eliminale much of tnc OHrhud feeder elbles which have ex.isted in the past. All overhead "'irn IIId swi lch~ will be leplaced wrlh new equipment. The new ,,-stem ~hoold be complete by June 1!11!1. 10!1 new trolkybuscs will rcpllce thc ~!1 old buses now in U!iC. The new busn will cn!,), 4S pl§SCnaeD each, hive whcclchlrr [irts, '·chopper" control on .c· cclerator for smooth control, .nd will cost SIlS,. 400 elch BUilder or the new buses is A.M Gene •• !. When completed, Seattle will hlYe tire most modern eled • .,.; ~y,tcm ill the U .. ited SIIII'S. Contraclors un the job .1 this time Dre Amelco Ele'Cl/ic Co" Wnteol~t Uectric Co., Ind Tyee COnsl.uctlOn Co.

AI out April (knernl Meelinl, 291-23·, 30-. JS·. 40.., 45., 50.., and 6()..year pill ... ere h~nded UUI to the members. We all w,sh 1 hellrty eon· ,rarulPlio .. s 10 thoo;e membcl'$ receiYlOll Ihcm.

I .. our Maline Unit. the 413' Frigale Shields ."i'ICd in Sell1le al Todd Shipyard) for a 10 millio .. doll.r o~erhlul. Tile \isler ship. G'IY, is tllle in Seplember fo. oyelt..,,1 ... hich tlk" about I year. 80lh ~h,Pi- .. ere built at ToJd!. In 1970-71

Abo urcnd w ... "lulalions 10 our basketball unit. Ihe SUllie Sonks fot a job well done this yelr.

T il nUl month Srr'l!lN ANousoN. P.5.

Power Plant Workers

\I .... hnln l mll"I, ,, •• II" cr... "0,.1111 On ptlIIIP . , riot " ald .. l" I'o"~r l 'lalll . L"'I ", ,Irhl ••• lort'man O\lu Ibm .... l .•• ",,.1 11, ... nI I arrJ IIro.ohurs. . nd K~n Gta,l nf I ...... r SI. Sprl" ........ III.

fr ' Clnul ... tnr ~n .... ' u ..... 0.~1 ....... olor .r , .... \\ 1IOd MI. ~r Po"cr SI.,lnn. I ,"" .to ,,,h ..... I ."J \1111"",,. "nl, Joh_n, Ro" t.OC'~hart, .... t. ... I' FJ"",.

Power Plant Operations Described in Letter 1 .. l I. !'i l . SI'IUNGf' IEU >. IU .. -To 1001C<Joe O<Jt u"oc;nlcd .... ,Ih po .... er prlXlucl,on. a powel pl~nt ntH)' 'iCem "~e :on ""c,ome ne~lUre filled .... ith

Jul~ . 1978 I 39

Ice Storm

,\tcumul"llon "f I.e Ih . 1 uu;. d d~",a~< In C<nlr~1 I illnuls.

inlriguo. and mystery. wilh stockq thnt rcel our 10 the <kyo sea. of coa l rhnl would <wnllow nny­one who ,cntured OUI on them. Ihe Sleady hum Ihat is heartl from lhe building. whnle'cr il "~. (Q PfOdu~c clt'llicily. The litkes lind (l'erell' lion~l f»cililies which Ihe public enjoys in Ihe ,hadow of Ihli! f'O"CI pl;ol1l. tho<c I1wmmolh stations wherc lhe elcl'trie;ty is producer!. i~ aboul all lhat ;, ~nuwn In " juurneymlOn Imentall. I he I,,)wo.r I'I:HlI r< a wml'k~ 01 "lr"cUlres. machine.y ;Ind a'iS"Ci"le,j C<I'lilltllCt>l for ~cncraling electric power. Our ]Irulh­ers and Si-rers bool to ~1I1'Jlly ollr need< when we Hip " switch 10 light nn,\ hCnl our homes. Ihe pl:Kc.~ where we wOlk. and In the ur.c of aU the modern con,enicner< thai we hn,c. become 5<1 aecuslomed 10. We III t oe"l 31 nrc Ilroud of our members' pclform~nces altd the profes.~i()n:,1 mlUlnU in which Ih"y "1~rll1C the power S1alions willi ill 0111 juri'llkl;I"I. Al Ille presenl time LOCHI 51 memt>e" of Illi nois I'o"~. Company operate and main!:lin POW(>l ,Intiu!!. al n "ldwin. Wood IInvnlw. Iknncp'n. Ilml Vermillion. wilh ;( nuclear slll!ion IIndcr COIISI'"clinll m ClmlOn, IIlino;,

At Ihese plnnl' "'" ml'mhe .. , IInl,,"'1 lire cn.d. op"fnlc Ihe m~~$ i'c '~rnl)(\r, In,1 d""~,,, ti'e locomuti,'e'i lInd lllg hl)[(I'. :nul III lin'~'i II <h",d when Ihe ,illlation I"c<c.ibe< il The ull'eell member< operale the hoiler,. III,hille~ nnd ~cllc.n­lors . thl' pnmp' nir ~omprr"nr'. lind the II<h removal system. They mi~ and tonlml Ihe 'l":",tily IlIld qualilY or COlli , Ihe <llllllity and quantity of Steam pt<)duccd. nlonll wilh Ihe umOllnl of c]cc lridly ~cncralcd. Some "f "'" member- 31 lhe'c ,tation< ~cr'ke. maintAin. ~ru! repair all the equipnlCm nece,,,,,y to " po .... er plnnr. They nrc Ihe IIllchin"h. weid · ers. elcc l rrcian'. and conlrol and ms!!"ml'nl mcn. Oll r membero CAll Icp.,i. th ... ImA ile<t pump or Ihe large'l I:omp.c~'or. lhl' smallC<1 mnlUl (Or Ihe gene.IIIO,. 1m exlen.ion ellld I)r I' CUIII p"l~r. These nminlcnallcr IIro!hcr'i II1I1! Si,lc.~ l,,-,rfo.n, m",ullclinn wn,1: '" wrll 'l~ plrY<'llI~IIVe maintcn~lIcc. t'ollhle shoOI a' Ilr<lhkm' nri-e. and ma~c II'e ItCCC"ltry .epairs e,en ,f III~y mil'! """,,,facture the part~ 10 r'omplcl(: the jn" NOl 10 be forllOllelt arc rhe cml)loyc~' wh,' kel'p the power plnnls clenn. Thl< 'S ~e.y ImllOrlll"l becausc of Ihe delicate IllItllre of some equip·

40 I IBEW Jou,nol

otlC,,1 UII" instlulTICntS. 0000.1 hOIl,ekeepinll pre­venl~ ucci<ienl$ Pl1d Ihe spfelY of our memberl i~ Illwtl~( nUlIIbr: r one.

At Ihe p.Cl\cnt linle work for 0111 construc­tion memlle('!; i& good. Hopeflllly we will he ~~ I c 10 tichicve filII employment for pll our OUlsulc eOfl'itrue ti on mcmbel~. We are in desperate nced of journeyman liltemen. Many jobll nf~ 1101 be­ing filled ~nd olher jobs nre not Sl altm ~ hce all~e of Ihe shorIng!' of journeyman lincmen

There nre mnny wnys n member elllt help h;~ or he' IIniOll. AI! 100 of len ,I I, easier 10 crilicize Ihnn 10 do thinl!'J thnl will supp"rl yuur 10.:::11. Aecome !In USSCI 10 your locnl: SIII'IIOII ;1. lelhi a hund 10 your Il rolher nrrd S;lter union rnem hc~, Unile,] we ,ulIlil Stron~.

DoM K IHMA. I'.S .

50· Year Pin Awarded To Brother Compton

LV. 66. 1I0USTON. ·I";X. ·AI our re~ulnr mcelin~ in March. " 50·year pin wn. I.rcsented 10 relired IlrOlher A, M. Compton hy retire,! bmlncss mnllllilel. )oe: 1' 1'1"""-"1 A ",,,,,lie. or retired Uwlhe.--. ~rc in nlltl1l!anee. amon~ whom W~IC Il rolher J"hn I ol'cle~ •• u "O· Y~lIr pin Itolde. nnd IIrO(he.' Boh Brown. C, A. Koch. and IIcrmnn ')wuync. 50-Yl'm pin It,..h!CN Our Ih;mks 10 lltolhcr R~lph nomDir whn wao our llhnln~r"phc •.

", of lh\~ Inne. we Ille in ne~"!j;rli,,ns wilh Ihe lI "u~l"n I I~hlilll! 1111<1 Power CmllllllllY, ilolh I,;utle< retncluhcr Ihe 109 · 1!~y ~Irik~ "e hn<l m 1?16. IIOIJefully. by thr lime Ihi~ ~how. up in Ihe Jorlf",,'. wr will hn'c completed ncgOliali"Il' and II fair 'lCt(lcmenl for bolh p~rtie. will hpI'c Ocell Irachel!,

On April ~. the Annual JATC COllleSt w~~ held he.e III IlmNon wilh LOCII! 66 hdn~ Ihe h,"1 C"n~'I'IIIII'lions to nil Ih,' apprcII!i~c. who ('o",pelcd In tim contest. We cerla inly wi~h 10 conlllnlllhic ll rulhcr Richnrd Hnrrell nf Local 611 who Wll~ the winllcr. All of lhe,,: npprenlice. lI'e llIl II,-.:t In Ihe Brolhe,hood

Our cO'''huCli''11 work I. ~ood III Ihi< lillie :"1(1 h"rcfully will cuntinue. It i, ~II dl,IIIhulion .... ork and no l)~c!!jmc. If any lI'ulhcr< IIIe 0111 nf work. ~",. ,,~ n cull

I'olil,c. III Tcxa~ :lIe I!elllng hUI lind hcn,y "I Ihi, limc. Our 'c~I.,mr. flr lnlter M:'r~hl flr ,rck. h.,' "".~ed h"lri III ~cllill~ ,,01 1II('lIlh~", 1I·l(i,. lered. Now, 11r"lhe". il\ ~""I n,·'I'on.ibilily 10 ~,'Ic,

"I Ihl', lillie. I {Je,,1 (,(1 " cundl,elinl( ,,·,,'.1 All! Cl""c~_ IIwlhcf R", AI"'liJn " "U' 111 · ,lIuLiO. [,nil thc Incml>c.,hip celtalnly "WC' lit;, limtlwr a "lh:lI\~ YOII." l ie hn' ntlcndc,1 " I11l1l1 bcr ,,( d",-.c, on I,,~ ,'WII 1'1It~ "ml j, "ell

50 Years

1."'01 b6. II l>u,lon. T .... lH'1"'''U~d a 50-I'" pin tl> IIro llot'. A. M. C"",plun. I..'" 10 'I~h! ~r< 0,,'111< Md..,.n ... to,dll'~ "".'~') I •• d,.d 1>",1 .... ,,' m"n. aM". lut .· PI'~"U"; A. M. Cumplonl C."" .~ I~<I~o. 1' ...... '" '""IAfi!; ,,,a,,au': "nd .:.n,,,1 1..,10 ....... 1. <ltnt.

011>., "'llnd I.nul 6~ mt"""''' In ""endan.<.

1I1\1'Ul'la~ltly. n"1 nnly i, he qu"hfied. bUI "he 4'Hllifrcd III "II ph;I'c, uf tiN aid 1<;lininll. "'!r~t Clue, :tbmll yuur ' Our Ih :I11~' 10 you. R\I<<<'tl.

SI"nm,c W'lght. IOU' CI('d'l Utli'''1 mnnager. .eporl, lhat \lur C,cd'i Unl011 I' d"rn~ ¥uud. We do cII'Ul'ra~c o"r 111'l11hc", to j(>rn and mnkc '''C "f 011' Crcdil Unloll; II '0; fur YOllr lrcncfil. 1(', I' m"I~ly "hy al) Our mem""'r, do nOI I,.lllidl'ale. " 1\ IlCr,c"t di~idl'IH! h:1< been paid " ' rlIi -I"lno"lly ..... hich is "''''e lh:11l the b"nk'~ IIIlc.,·,1 " 1'''1Il Call 11C mad. ron,id.rably

,----------------------------------------I , , I Address CHANGED?

I Brothers and Sisters, we I want you to have your I JOURNAL! When you I have a change of ad· t dress, please let us I know. Be sure to In­I clude your old address

and please don't forget to 1111 In L. U. and Card No. This Information will be helpful In checking and keeping our rec­ords straight.

It you have changed local unions, we must have number. 0' both.

NAME .....•.••.•....•.......


Clly Slale Zl~ Cede


CARD NO ••••..........................•.••••......


Clly Zl~ C1)de


Mail la· Circulation Department In ternational Brolherhood af Elettrical Workers 1125 15tb Street, N.W .. W~sh ittgtDR, D. C. 200115

.. --------------------- ------------______ 1

cheapt' r ar rile Credi t Union than anywhere else. In addnion ro th;" each member receives free insurance. So, for you UrOlhen and S i~ltn who are nor members. IOhy nor rake advantalle of the Credo! Umon Plyroll dc:ductlOns a.e aOllllhle fOI I I00mon I.I.hlm, and Po.'c, Company em­"lo)'rtS and OUI ~OnSllu~l;on memben.

E. II "GI 1<,.' SI UIoel', B M.

Silver Anniversary

Ille . Ihe. . u ........ ) 01 lilt I'I .... t.lui ~·ed .... 1 C.t dM lokHo 0' I.ot_ ' 68, l>eno ••. Colo .. .... . n II) .. t mb .. , . nd Ih.l. I. mlll..,. Sbo .. n M.e llrotllt . J IN CIl.., " ",,01 hi. I. mllJ'.

I\. I ItIb. , .4M ... ht .. tU I" . d~olhtt. CI""). , .",101", t~t ,"~t io," of .. 'II.· ....

Credit Un ion's 25th Anniversary Ce lebrated

1 .. lI. ~. IH-: N ... . ·W, COl.O. On MMch I~. 1978. our ElectrlCll I ederal CredIt Union ccl~brated Its slt-'er nnn,,'ersar),. wllh Il~ annual drnner. m('('lIna. II rOlhl.'r Martrn "Many" Neimc, called Ihe merlin!! 10 order follolO'ln8 what IOa~ dc ..crrbed D, an "f,Uitude ndjU'lmrnl hou," Ind a ,call) Jloot! hIP 'lfln;n 'lcaL dinncr wllh nil of Ihe tnmmln.,. Secrctary Auh,cy Kmllht I(':.d the mlnutc, of II ,t )'ea.\ mcelm_ and IOuh p<n IIr hDnd trocd lu ~cep up "'nIh all of rhe htJ"nt'\\ lhat foliolOed Mepom of the Irl.'a~Urer. Chul~ Denn .... Dnd I~ C.edll COmmUtee ~)' All Hunter follo .. 'Cd. sholOlOl lhe conholled _,olOth of 0111 C.edl! Ullion 1I ,01he, "tnny ~lIIl~ap 'eported on the ..:tl>tllCi of .he ">lIpe,..,Wlry Commill('1' Th", YUI', Nomlnallnlt Committee Chairman Rob IIocld. lhe help o( hIS daulIhter Cindy', pooi,er., p.o~ided the "",mbe,, " 'ho Illended ~n ampk ch.'ICe fOl ek(llOn of office~ for both the Board of I)i,rc:.or\ as well IK tbe CfC'd,t CommlttC('. llrother Cccll Newtl1 .... \ .C('~ted to the 801,d. JOIned h)' 8101her~ John ~kCkI · an<l and Gordon IlimnIC'. "r()\her~ Jerry Lrb­",n. Ca'le. Tid_II. and 100 Smrth .. -.:re elecled 10 lhe Crtdll Commlltce. and I)~n Co.Le,y. R~lph Shult,. I .an~ ShIpman. Ind Jim l,eJOllie' were el«ted 10 WIVt D~ Ilternal~ 0'31OlnJ5 (0. door pri~1 folklwed. IOllh Iht follov.inJ ,e<lIl ... Gt'ald G,b<Ion. \'1 I \1 dock r~dlO; Ann~ I)J',\, cllttk,y ~I; Harr), fK:holtl. Tele· ln\ta ~fatoo: Ca1l'"loera; Ted 'cl-on. rockct ealcublor: Mdla lIarr, U", 'oD~le ClOd 1'01. ThO$.(' memhtr~ who nrt linde, the aJt of 12 yCJtS 3.e clr~lhlc for " d.n ... 1011 vf ,~,OO .hare~ from the I co Frcem~n Memorial. Thi~ year'~ w;nne •• 8rC [)onns Ca,pet. 1,.m;c Cvllin,. Mobert Cha\(', Chnsllan Htllchinwn. I'enny Carllon, nnd Cmill Iloctel.

All ref>Orl~ show th RI Ihc Credil Union iJ conlinuinll !O IIrow, wilh an increase in both ~hnre

accounts 3$ well as memocnhip. It is unknown to lhls repolter just whal Ihe numocr of memo hers ~, bUI currrnl ISSCt\ of the c.edit ,unIon atc now <I~e. One other .Iem, 11 S not jll" our C,edil Union anymo", ei ther! It 'l been upandcd to eo~er Loc81 1823 memocrs 100--1 fl. cry rll,m lhe day tha I Ihi, or,anizallOn 10-" JUSt s'lnm~. Anolher item belli , formu illed ~I the presenl ttme i:s a I11Inl. or !iChollTShip pro, .. m, for mrmbcrs of Ihe Credi. Uniofl ... ho a,e IdwIOCIII, their educarion in schook of hi,he. learnm,. More on this procrlm as il sel~ ,011 ina:

Aftn 2S yurs. our Credit Union " still Iro ... rn" sliII prOtlidinl • scrYKe 10 ou, mcm­bcnh,p Are yoo a member? A.e In of lhe ,,",mllen or ),our houwbold mcmbe,,~ If not, Ihrte is still ume to join. All II takt'\ " the Ji~1 \hl,e. C()'llinl a Jive·dolln hIli Ind the lillnl fC('.

B,othe, Mall), NeilTl(";, past pre-idenl. elecled nOI to !.eC'k rcclrc:llon Ihis year after "'erwlIl, tht membcr;hip of Ihe Credit Unton for the pi" 10 01 12 yea ... A tip of Ihe hard hal, MI.lly. ror u job _II dOIlr . • nd Oil' Ihank.

Wilh the comlOll- of ~prin/C he'e 10 the f)(on'er area. wo,k s.CC'IOS 10 have pICked up ~omc, hut 31 the time of Ihis repoll. we do hove local men on lho: boo~~

SigninJ off for Ihi< month: ~ )'ou 31 tile I{ocn l union mCl.'tinJ5. That", ",here it', happening. Brother.

JOII"- M. lIuUIl. Ja. 1'05.


T~.~ l!I~mbt .. 01 Lout 11. ~ItIt ~. .... ~.. • .. h<lplnl 10 InAn u.~ pkbl lin" ' 0 ' tM 1\.11'0 M ... <hu ic". "ho ha.'~ bet. on 'lrt ~. I" •• ,nt .

Members Reject Offer From Utility Company

1.1'. 77. S.: ,,·' T LF.. WASil . On AI,,,1 12. \\Q'hll1~IOn ""niN PO"'cr CUnr!)any fllCmocr< te­}Celed • Conlpany offel by a '0Il.' of .!7~ l.lln.1 In,1 176 fot, NolO it is hid to the Irarpinrnll table ~a.a.n.

OthC'r ulrlnlC<i th,ougholll ihe !.tale .tiC mnllllU-10, In Ilrll-olra'e, 'iuttle Cil) Li,lhl ,ceenll), had aboul ~OO em­

"Iu)~ off ill. Cln'l hlamr lho:m. lhe olrer I~ CII)' made IO'QUld turn an).lIl"·~ ~Iuma.;h

Illl"e !o«ni! to be a dcronne intent of 111 lhe ullhtlt"l 10 make Ihell M/lot.allofl\ ,,~ lun~. npco~"e and dIfficult as l'O\ .. bk.

0111 I.ocal 77 memben a.e 11111 hcl"rn. the AUla \trc:hanr.n, .. ho havc been on 'tll~e f<lr I yeu. by maSi!; plC~elln, al AIle)' Chevrolet Aut(l "kaler each 53ll1rd3),. A "lClu.e of Ihem dOlO' Ih .. " lhml " v..,IOn. Qlhe, unIOn' aIr ""101 11K­\3me Ihin, only DI d,ff<"cnt car deak". uf ,Q\HW

Th ..... lhe ~lIId of eoop<.ahon latro. need. Anythnrll Ikl,imenlal to <Inc lahO! l<"'UP " JlUrnl< 10 telkel on uth", union oll.'mhc"

PuhllC Lmploye .... arc 'u.c la~tnl1 rt un Ihe ..:hm. 1 .•• t yu, lhe wOler~ 10 s"alllc a"p",~(" ~ ~harl(' dr!ln~e ",hieh IO'ill 31m<1't thmrn:l1e "", ('!\')I Scr~iee, Now 11M: rC~fwl wuw""",",,,1 " I.yrn~ to do Ih ... ~ame throw. The)' h<llh cRIl n u nrcrrt ~yStelll and we have JII" h:u! all (xlllnple Ilf Ihei, ,Ic:llnilion or mell!.

" Sen il ic Cily U ghl ,uperviso' .e.ipncd when he IO'as IIISlrllClcd by Ollr recently elected mayor

to hlle 1100 of the mayor'~ camral!!.n workers in plnee of two Olher D"plieant' Ihat rhe SIIpt'rvisor fel! wfre more qu.lif .... d 1 hCIc:fv,c. delinlllOn of mcr>I-"a person .. hI) ~ul'porled Ih~ candidate: who won the elecllOn,"

SUN SOwu<, P.S.

Credit Union Meeting

I'!( h.~d ...... ( .... .... "I.",,~ 01 us ""'~ r ...... Ihe d . ... I..." ... 1eI ItI , .......... 1 Loul n. 'orfoll<. " ... CfC'dlt L"Io. _I .... lAft 10 n.h, ate 1)0""'" " ........... \II . IIH I s ... Ie>. S • • o"'. Mllnllr . SINO ... II .~" •• CI •• 1o. Ikd",,", II . ... C.,lk ...... S.m •• ' G,.). 1' ''\ p"'tu t<'6-.:rI 1'11 ....... 1111 •• ... h ,,1"Mr dona .. d Ihei . .. I,," ina' ro Robb) I)unn ."d III. f.mItJ.

HMt \lCU" lind C~.rlt' " t mh ... _ n. 10 be 1) luSt'd " Ith . 11 t~. lood lood ••• 11. C.('dh Unl .. n _I ••.


"db " tadqu . . ... "' ••• \ _ ..... 111 ., 10 'M wri-' •• ~r" 01 lho- ... n ...... "' ...... II) I .... '" ", 'un .... "-"' .. _ ..... "'. Company Thanh Members For J ob Well Done 1 .1 . "0. " ) HFOI "' . ' ,\ . I h;mh. 11. I' ruley h'l the hl~h ,,)mlllimcnt yu .. P31d 00. un,nn and Ih,· JlrUlht:", IOh" put ,n the lone 'ita' ('emcnl jvh for )'''u. \\c In 1,ocal 110 ""crt ~l;0(1 the Job ,,"en! ,,' "'ell alld IO't w"h )'OU " )pec<iy !Cllllll to '''" lilt". local 80 Ih"n~' l ie.), La'kin~, whu WH'

July, 1978 I 4 1


the atntrt.1 foceml" Ind hllles "Sl;", ~ o." J.HII1. who represenled the union .. lhe JOb 5Ie .... ard . and. of course, III the Brolhtn .. ho had I hand /II makin, Ihis job one " 'e •• e proud of.

Wlll'n Ih", Wi"" Ok JUU U'''YlllM II to,,,ud .buul the compliment 10 the II rotheli of Lotll SO, he stlted, "PraISe ~ ... onde., fDr I penon'. KII5C

of helnn .. " He,,, i:. th" lli l<">1 ull the oil rdiller)'. Gov",uO()l'"

Dalton hl$ come oul In sltona support thlt it be built, Ih iol he told to Ihe Army Corps of En­gineers.

Con,rMulations 10 Ihe fall 0'111 in, Orolhers ... ho hue rClired and calkd it qui,, ; Ol~ I.. Shumalc. John W. Wheatley Ind Robe,t It . McGhee. Whal can .. ~ Ily fe1l15. ClICCp t wc'lI nl lSS 5«'n, you on lhe job. bul we 'lI Ilw8" rem('mhc;r Ihn« II~~ W()Tkin, loltcthcr Ind 1M many Ihings each one of you conlributed to our indu<lty. We at Locil 10 wish you Ihc bt:s t and God's watchful care oycr you in your rcllfcment yelrs.

(herhcurd one o f the Ict,,'ff' tcHin, another: "My inlcresl ioI in lhe fu lu re beclUse I 1m ,oing 10 spend thc lest o f m)' I1 fe thcrc."

Say. did YOU _ote in lhe councilmDlic elCl;tion for the ci ly you live in1 I 'UTe hope you did. Vale. it', Ihe life line 10 democrncy.

Our hUII~ go ou t 10 the fmmiliCli of those BrOlhen who fen victim to the fall of Ihe scaf­foldinll in We\ 1 Vi rginio

It is with dt()p rcgrel Iha. we report Ihe dealh of two Il rot he f~; Gamel WUII<lnfJ. who W"~ em· ployed in ~or~ iD Ind M . C. Carroll, relired. formerly emplo),ed b)' Todd Flecllie.

II was .ood 10 ~ lIrolher Jake Cullifer al liM: last union nlttung, You may temembf,r Ihal Jake h.d , f.lI on the job many monlM '1I0 and hd mlny injulies,

Those on our sick fis t a.c the followin ~ Brolhe,,: Bobby Dunn i'I ,n p../orfolk ~ner.11 1I0Sptl,L Sam \lolky Ind Je_1I Babr. re­eu~nllltn. at home aller In opetllion; Tommy Driskill rKu~lIhnl II home; Frank ~ble)'. re' eupc:rluna I I home We wish ,11 of them • ~po-t"dy !KOYCry

SafelY Corner A Jack k onc of liM: e""lol pieces of equ'pmenl 10 operlle in lhe construc tion indl15ry. So e~~y. in fuel. IhM ,I I, uflen fOllOl1en how dangerO\,~ ft jack can he if il is u,,=d in· eOlrKlly. Fvery yur mlny workC'1 get ~riou,ly injuled he<:AII'c Ihey u\(: jacks c arcl es~ly. wilhoUI following Ihe ,afel), precaulion' necessary 10 let Ihe jnck do Ihe joll il is d~i8ned 10 do.

Word 10 Ihe Wi\(" n rrnll'll' ~Ir fti t in Ihe nlc. and nlrruw i~ Ihe WRY, wh,ch leD '\e11l unto life, Rnd few Ihere he Ihnt lind ;1 <;, Motlhew 7:14.

J I) 1101 tOMON. Ja . P.S

Local 89 Involved In Organizing Campaign

I..U. It. SEA1Tf f., WASII.-I.ocal 89 ~eei>'ed cerlioc.ilon from Ihe N I RH on June 17. 1977.10 aCI as Ihe lia',Don,nll Aifnl for the 38 emplo)'~ at Wh,dbcy I cit-phone Conlpany The empl'J1~' lefu~d 10 mee l with the loci l 10 bar"lin I n aj!lff­menl unl,1 ""'plembC'r 9. 1977. When ba'gaining finally began. lhe emplvye. conlinued 10 drall hiol fecI pnd ..... ould not all,ee 10 3ny,hlO,.

On Fcbrulry 21. 1978, Loci l 89 filed .n Unfair Laho. Praclice Cha.JC .... ,th lhe I.abor IJ.o,ard and lhe employ~ .. 'alked oft" 1M job. To th;" dale no allrecmenl h •• hccn reach«! and III<:- ~mplnyttc'i Irc 51ill han.,", 10 thelc,

!' ''Iu'ed r. lhe 'illt~e lIudquDlien which is locatcd adjacenl to lhe phone company. The em­plo)~ .'~ plfMul uf lhelr Strl~e IIcadqua!lcn and o( Ihe 20 X 28 fOOl )t"ke )'lIn lhey patnted When lhe enlployer, In cx·con who did IHne al Mcp../cil Idan<.l Federal I'emlenllury (or loll fr~ud. looiu Oul of h" orrlCe wmdow. Ih,s silln t< aU he c~n ICe.

41 I UUW In,,,nnl


Dinner-Dance Held Amid Bad Wor~ing Conditions

I_I '. IOl, 1'\n"HSON, 1'o'J .-On f ehm~r) 11, ... ·e had nul annual dlnnc-,-da'Ke at lhe W~t· mount CountlY Club. \\1"1 l'alCl'oOfI Alan S<hell, llon 8'ady. and TonI II DI\ .. ~'e un lho.- Dlnnel' Dance ("ommmet., ("OnllralUlall"n' Uloul<.l be ,""en 10 them fm pc,-..c:'tunll and haV.nll lhe Iffail In '1'11(' vi the 11.,<.1 lome "u' I.,",'al 'co pe'll'n('lnll- Itop"'ull) Ilener Ilnle_ WIll \h,nc on our ncol dmnc.·daJl<e Ind Ihal II .. ,II he held du,ins a f"lI_cmpluymenl """k h .... 1m In lhe ,arne 'ein ter', hope that ""Ih lhe lelUIn or .. a,m "'Mlher ..... 10',11 .J.o h."e I ,cllJln or II1ftn) lOll!. in our lelll lo,y.

AhhouJih event' suvcrnmk uur economic out· look somelimes >erm 100 larae bnd di~lanl fur 10' 10 9fJcei thert nle )omc Ihlnll-' we call do 10

lid ... oor$<l:!ve,. Some of Ill. obvioul 001 oflrn overloo~td "lIY~ Ihal we tan help I~ by sup' po,lIna Ind e'ICn campa'ltnin, for plo-union e~nd,datn I nd by J>LIrchasm, American and uninn made products, It mi",hl take a lillIe CJI"I effort .nd y(!;, ma}be c.en I shalll bil more moncy. ntlt ir unKln workers don' l SlIppor t o ther union~ .. 110 <.10 yoo think " 'illl BrOt;OCIi. il is lime for I Idurn 10 Ihe union idealism o f lhe pasl It is time to be a union man bt<"IU'lC yUlI I>chcvc In unIonism Ind .... hal it Sllnds ror 1101 )U'I for the doll~r~ per hour, It is time 10 rc· memhcr Ihal unKln~ nOI only mean Ihe concrete fa~l, "f hourly .... a"'" and wo.kinS condiliom but also Ihe abslract idn or a blulhe,hood working losctht, for lhe common ,oad We ~hould wp­poll all unoollS whe~\'Cr ... Ilene,'er. pnd ho .. 'eve.

[10 .... 11 COUUIII. PS_

Vigiltlnce Will Win labor's Fight 1 .. lI. 11)4. ROSTON, M,\ SS.- 1·he rccent c:<' ~hang( of C(lnlracl proposals w;lh lhe MBTA nnce DMaon hrinJl.~ home Ihe lealo~alion Iho t Of,.· ni/ed labor Iq in an uphill bailie. Somc c:<. amplC'l arc lhe olTer or a Ihree percenl w~gc inncJ'oC coupled w,lh a seven percent reduc tion in I~ work Inrcc

Our fl~ht is _not onl)' w;lh Ihe company. Ihere Dre cerlain ~I,He KnalOrs IhM would ieltislote our in,p",'ial bindinlt arbitralinn Dway. A rccenl "",il '~'''P" jlln (oordin~ted hy Ihe MBTA La bor Council AII·CIO W3i aimed 3t defealing ~nale Bill 954

On II Ii~hler nOI(' ... ~ e ~lend a .... ish ror long and harpy «"ltrtmenl~ to JI"I';I'rh Shil'.rr~ nar­cnee Lenord. Tom McClellan, and Charles C3'~ic_

After • ~Iow qarl Ind a lonll ... inlcr. the Maine hi-line is movln, right alonJl. Ind lhe lI rolhe .... I.e ~lImll _ o.crtime.

After hi, e'lendo:d ,nne' .... "-e D.e ahd to have 8 1(11,"" B,11 81111 back on lhe job_

It('memhcr • union', ~tren,'h ~ m ,IS solid.r. Ity See)OO m Ihe union m~lin ..

Brll ~"TTll t ... S, P.s.


T .. o '-., 'M. T . ... p • • n •.. _ ... ~,. s .... s .. ". _d llou. \1......... LIIIII) \lar .... "'.. prIM 10 .. ~n.ln. In 'h~ \I .... h .. f 1);_, ".t~ ·,.·T"""

Two Members J oin Wal~·a·Thon; Telephone J ourneymen Needed I_ I . 101. TA\WA, f1_A. HCl;enlly lhe March of D,1TlC'i W m,le .... ~lk-a,lhon .. as held in Tampa and IWO of OUr )oonll Iidy memhcrs (rom UIIIII) Ma,kCllnl! .nd Duelopmcnl Com­pany an~mpled 10 m.lke lhe 20 mile I~k_ Sorty 10 .a) the)' d,dn'l mille lho:: ~"Ult: IIi ......... 1 tl~y d,d compltle 11 6 m,te<! beforc •• v;nl! inlO lhe I"ol,,'e", an" 'elY "'ttl aeh,nll r~1 PIwIO en· d,,-ed .how<; 'iu\ftn and Donna herore Ihe w311o; ocf~n I only .... ,h _ crould have takcn a p~lure after il was over.

Work in our Communications Construclion Unil i, rully hoom ''' 11- We could use al leaS! 60 journeyman Ielephone c:,ble WIker' and 2S

;ou rn~yman telephone Insta l1ef$ today, if we had them availab le. Assistanl Il usiness Manager Ray Causey IS conductma II Tdephone Cable Splicing School at the union h:ln with clas!iC~ bema held daily Monday through Saturday be· ginnina ~t II~OO I.m. lind also on T hurJday eve· ning. Anyone mterested should \;ontact Brolher Causey I t thr union office.

Nrgotiations Ind organiulion Ire Ihe mam topics of disc:us~ion In our office la tdy. We hS\'e sill agreemen ts tha I expi re April 30. 1978. so BUSiness \Iarrager Rowland Ind Assistlnt n usi· ncu \tDnager !lob !kngler are in negotia lions dally. We Ire hopmg 10 ha\'e each a8reement scllied before therr upira tion dale wilh Ihe only exception he ln, our ulillt)' a.reemenl. Srothrr Rowlarrd feels we ~re 80inll 10 ha,c a long hoI wmmu al Tuo. The ."tf-men\'! wllh an Ap. il 30 nplratron date are TampJ Ship Re· pair. Monllumery Ward's Applr~nce DcpartllXnl, Asplundh T ree E~pell Company. r\e'Hic Ma chmery s;c,rvice, [1«Hie Corrlrols I)ivr.ion. and Tampa El«ttk Comparry.

We are 01'00 commcncinll nelotiations .. ith our two newly (JrGanited groups. II lother lleng' ler al l' ullman lIoh . Inc. Dnd !lrother Rowbnd WIth tm: Direclors al w n A Television SI81ion.

We will report mOle nc~ 1 month on the prOIl­.tsS in ea~h of Ihese aJlreement~ ond 11)' 10 keep YOIl up'lodale on whal IS hDppenin,. 111 <)UI loca l union in Ihe fuulfe

II K SA~', ItS.

Dinner Complet ion Ceremony Honors New J ourneymen I •. U. 110, ~". l'At Tl. ~ II Nl' . Ou. new ,,",urne)· men .. ho comrkled IMir tr,"nlng dUling lhe p",1 )(.11. 10000ther ""l1h lheir blllM, ..-e.e hon· ored at a comblnalion dlnnef--c()mplehOn cere-­mony ~I the 1 oc~1 110 lIall on \tmeh 10, 1978.

Also pr_nl ""Ih the,r I.dln "'"1:re Mr. ~.y-


flrolh~r ~-~U~ S4 ~lI" , M. 1' .. ' JATC _ "'h ........ 11· IU, I. \10 .... " 1'~~"'IIf I .. I .... 0. . . .... M. "'~II " .... "'. 1:.1 StIa,,' '''''' lp 10 Slt 'f nll1 . ... " •• roc! p .. . ... ~ !\1~_ L .... IIUR both r>f .. h"m ar. p ..... pp • • lll ln , hlp " .1 ,,_ en .t St . 1' . .. 1 T ... "" .... I \·..., .. ""'''1 In, IIt., •.

mond ODI·oll. Admioimalive Oire~lIIr, St. I'aul Tcehnicnl Vocallonal Instilule; om,er, of local 110 Dnd Minnesota (SL Paul Ch.II'I.rI NI CA; membt'" of tm: J ATC and cyrlllfl~ ..... hnol in­$trUCI<)I"5.

Il usiness Manager hml'$ CUIf.ln -.erl·ed n~ M:bicr of Cc-remomcs. The principal Dlldre\\ was given by M r. oWe SI. Ge<)r~. a 1000ai news· paper cotumni~L

Prcsenlahorl of ce'lificate« of comllle-lion ",·a\ made by \It I'cler Rics. I're'ilknl. SI I'DUI NEeA F..alh nc-w journe)man "'J\ al\oO pre· !oCnted " 'llh a clamp-on ammeln h)' JATC mc-m· be" Bruce Campbdl and John Slkkink

The .wald of Ihe annual Charle<; ~ Ihell Scholarship Memorial wa~ made rceen tly 1(' t .. o $Iudcnl~ in lhe rre_apprenlicro<hip pro.ram .1 the SI I',.ul Technical Vocmional Insmute. They arc ')Ie'c Thill <)f 4616 011er I.ake ~oad, "h,te !kat !.ake. Minnesola. and I'.'I"'~ \kLILlJlhlln of 748 Tatum Slreet. 51. Paul. \l1II1lC"-OID

Named in honor of Brolher IIICII who ~f\ed as busine,~ mann~cr from 19H III 19'8 and contrrbuted mu~h III Ihe rro!!Il"'\ IIf l.ocal 110, Ihe awa.d is in Ihe am(Jllnl l,f ~CI dull.", monrhl)' for the du.ati<)o of Ihe- 'CJI OfTclr.i III hilth school /lralhrate< 00 Ihe bJ,i, "f aplill"le, lhal' DCle-l. and linandal need. Iht" \cholar5hlil ca",c~ ~ ,,,pula~ion requiring ,atidaclnry acad~mi~

plrogr .... ' June I. our contracl .... "h Ihe lo.;al e-On"3.; 100$

a'-SOCiation expire<. ....olhing eonnele has come forth 3~ of Ihi~ "'·Iilln/l. We haoe finally rtlurned 10 full enrpJoynlol"nt. II hJ, been a kan Ihree and one-half )'ens in lhe SI l'Jul ;lIra.

ThO§C of U" fTllm I neal 110 "'ho ha'e had to §tt~ wo<k oul,ide (lUI jurisdi..IIOII .. "h 10 Ih3n~ our Sl>lel lneal. that pfO\ ided u, wnh JOM In particular. "'-e .... nl 10 Ihan~ our ~i,tfO l(lI;ak in \ tmnro«Jla. ~I :!"'~. Dululh. I Ileal !9~. \1mne­apal". loc:rrl 294, IIlbbing. and 1 (aC"11 949. Ro· ehc<;tel. '\'''e l>ure Ihat _ d~y "e ""ll toe able 10 relurn ltoe maoy favors you hl~r done fM U\

We ""iII be h<)lding loc:al eI«IIOn~ Ihl~ yea. m J une. All 1"".1 110 Orothe" lind SKle" rr· member Ihal II i~ our righl ~nd dul} 10 ~Ole.

Dc sure lind ha¥c yoor dUC'l ur 1<) Ible-. f he.e IS a '"Huy Arner;'."a·· bill b<-forr Ilk \ll1lne ... )\~ Slale LC/lislalUre Ihi., .\Ie~sion. It·, ahout lime \OC try 10 rUI an end 10 exporting OUr ioIl~ I have en;oyed wlltin, Ihis ",po". I hore eO'er}<)ne rn;Oled .cadin, it. Until ~11 lime. remember, be uni(ln, buy uoion.

Jon", ~ IlrFIII •. P 5 JOEl 08n~.IlII., I' \

Local III Represented At Construction Conference 1_" . ' '' . Ilt::":Vt: W. COI.O.-On Allril I~ un" 15. 197~. Uu~rncs, Manage. John \tulle" .rnd his a,"lS lant, f)<)nald Shaput". alonll \Ollh 1: .. 1.CUI· I"c lk>ard memher J(lhn B:><:a and Denni, Mille-r,

N ... · J .. urne)nl"" "'~n>b"l " f I,oral 110. St. 1'. ,,1 , MInn., " 'ho ""rr hll" orrd al oonll' l.lI"n tt •• ",onlu "" Jlbn:h 10, 1978. Mr. Illc lurrd ,,'Ih fUI .. llon"lr~'.

At Meeting

'" It.. ,," UO ) Co""", I" rf ", ... 11"" in I>'" " ., Colo .• ''''. I .. Ii. hl ..... . hlhlh Oh l rlr1 H r. P ... . ldr RI I.:"" t 'a,tlMn and 1'.~,Id, "' C .... ald KI,.. .nII M ..... ,"' ... !c ••• "" , l1:r ro ld rl1l .... of Loral 11 1. lJ. n ••• , C .. Io.

.Uended Ihe C"n,lruclion Conference in Wa.h· InI(IOII. I) C

The fOUl nwn h,,,1 a 'cr~' prooll"li\'e mnfer· ence and hrou!'hl ha,k <'()me wry IntCIe«11II1I ,nformal ion "hi~h they acquired from ..eoeral key "pcl~e", ",dud",g the 1>I~ilknl uf Ihr IUr\\. Ch~rlc' PllIa.d.

Al [)enlel. Col",ado, on April 21. 19111.10-eal III hcld II' I'olr..:y CommlllC(" merllnjl. ;\1 Ihe Co<mopolrtan lIute! It was 3 beaullful day in Colorado, an" 28 of the 14 unit .... ere fe-rIC­<;fnled al Ihe Policy CommJIIC"C" IIXClln,. Thi\ indrcd wa~ (l'f\C: (lf the- MI meeling<o cO'er hel" by the Il-cal\ Pol",y CommiuC"C"'. Tnc, fa<."1 Ihal Inc, "'-elllhel '" d, mec and lhe- meetm, .... l~ Mid on a Sundl) .• ho"'~ II>l" dedication of lhe ~m­ber; ",ho gnr UII tm:ir Sunday al hollX 1<) IIclp ~I tl>l" ,uioJc:l1I't, for our local

Alon, ",Ih Ihe many IIXml>c-", or lhe loc;)1 ..ho al1en"ed. Il>l"rc "'ere -.c~e'31 F\«Ullve Roard membc" and ofti.:e" F.idllh Dim;';t 'ntema· lional Vicc Pr .... ,dcnl,," Farnan ,.lIe I mo-I ,"formalin: 'rc«h .MII Ihc InlernaIJOn~r~ ra,l. lind I IO(>~ ~. ttl( fUIUle "It 1001. 200 )'tIlA 10 f;C1 I law Ihdl rroleC1J Ihe ",orke. on lhe job," saId T",",e. Ilbor liaison fOl OSIIA US Depa.lment of I ahor. 3~ he Ikli,eted his ye.y imprro<~ .. t <rc«h abotll ~afety. ~nd ttoe I.w i< n<)1 pclf«1 hy ;rny llIeans. he said. bUI II is impro"in~ each ,ca.

lJu<ine'. \ lbnall"r J<)hn Meadcr< Ihen 'D~e a fine plro<cntali.m on Illc lin~nci,,' stDtu. of our local union and painled II 1100<1 financially S(lund "iclure ill the mind, of hi$ Iller! audit-nee. Mr Meader~ ,,,i,1 ,h-11 Ih-e membership h-1d increMed hy 31>0111 2~O new men1be.~ brinllin~ ,he nllm· bel of memlle", in Local III 1<) abou l ~,II00 He aho Ihdnked ;111 the member .... ho joined him 31 tm: CO'nlOJ><llil3n HNel for makin, the I'oli.:y Commlllec llIeetin!, I !!real ~ucct5s. John \tude" h;,. rn,pi'ed ,lie mcmberr.hip. and has h'OIIjlhl the loc:~l I lonll ""ay in a shOll tIme ,ince he 113' httn h,,"nro<..< man3j:C"r.

Ge.ald Kinll, p.c<.ldenl of OUI local. Iho had on the a~cndJ pnolhcor memMr of mFW. Ch~IIe« De\tmrlin. . 1:lle rerr~n1:lIi~e. who ur~ed 1111 the mtmbcfS 1<) tN inyohed in lhe eleclion procn'

Remember' auy Amc,ic3n and union·made rr(ld"CI< and ptolr.:1 your jobl

f)ELFIS<) \lO:-'-OYA. P.s

Top Apprentice Wins Ron J ones Memorial Trophy I .. l ', 120, 1.01"001", O:-."T.-At ollr Morch. t978 lIleelinlt of l oeal 1"20. "'·c presented ollr Annual Run J nlle~ Memorial Trophy. Thi! award i~ KIvell e~ch yeal 10 the t<)p arprclltice of Ihe yen!. \\ e ale r.uud 10 ann<)uncc th;~ yeD'" IC­ciplenl I~ :1 fourth lerm apprentice by the name of i\t i<: hoe l IICIUlc,soll. Honourable Kllcs t. included Mrs. ROil Jone,. who presented the Award on

July , 1978 I 43


' ~fl I " ,.,.", .... ".. HUll JIl,",' . ... 'dln. th~ Non J ...... M~m"tl . 1 TWill!, h. '<If! . I,prurk~ of 1 • .,... 1 no, Lund"" . 0", .. \! k h .. 1 " tnol'" ....... l,b ".I.I.~ J ~n~ ill" Jim f lo""" . "d "'bon lul .... d In the bark ~ .. IJch~lr or hN Inlt h,,~hmul. I'Mrick Jcnkin~ and Jim I i.her (CIII1I1I\IOI' i\~'OI:I:lIion), and Alhc" Ireland (I (~al 1101 All tCI"C'oCnlinjl Ihe "!'pren­Ilcc.h,I' COll"(11. tJ .. ,Ille 10 an~nd were l ocal no', E.k Schcvomhcc al1<' II ruce Camphel1 alw n" the Council

Sworn In

I. .... , U~. " ... ,,,. ell,. ' I".. ' .. "i",,, m ......... . N l<h~rol " S ..... h) ~ ... 'n .... , laM b ... ~ . .. bw .. ·. , 1' .... 1· 1k .. 1 . ... "" \ " .. 11.01,.., r. I~III. , .. \Om, ,,' tho S6 »p. p"'nliu .... "no In ~I , ... \,,,11 U ..... 11,,".

Kansas City Chosen As Progress Mee ting Site 1 .. 11. 124. KANSAS ('IT\ ', MO. Jack MHO' •• Ekvcnlh [)""M:I ! nlNnnUn!1.d "i.e I'rc"dcnt. hu. ",1c~I~d ... . H"U. Cit)". \1,,,,,,,,,. ~, Ih~ 'lie or Ihe I k'Clllh n,q"~1 I'I('jHe,~ Mcellllil The meelm~ .. ,II he licit! al Ihe Ihdi ... .,11 Muehtehach 1I00el "n Ma)" 1M. 19. ant' ~O. 1<)7!!. All uf Ihe Kan~a, ("IY i<>eal lI"itHK a,l' h>(llinl,l (o, .. ~,d '" hO\IIII~ lhe mcrlml( Ih~ yea, a~ " i. al"a)" IIIfo'mal"·~ an,1 hd"ful I .. IhO'oC.' l'al1lC'l'allll~

The ma/OI Mile ~"nf",nhn~ all ,.f boor 'n ,toe ~ I Dle of "' "......,,,i " lhe ,,~hIIO .. utk mm'rmfnl I hc r"op"ncnl, of ri~hI,lo· .. o'" arc cur'enlly ,rYlll, 10 a.qu"c ell"u~1I .illllallllt"> ro .. "nil III" "<!.Ie I" a \"'e of lhe l>O:"I'1e "f \1 """",. Om ~'i;ulC tu all lhe Iaho"'n~ PWl'1c: of M"o,oot! ;. II{)I 10 ~'~n any peIU.on. \\c mu~' cmleavno \0 u'C ~II nUl IO<J!."CC'I III ,'dcal III" mll.r....,nl "e had ~f> al'prrnn"C"< ,Wuln III 0' lhe 1"",11 un>(ln mttlmll on I;!, 19111. Out (·on~131U Iation' allil hr., .. "hr<. itt. ru all ltoc-;c line )""n~

~" I l'ICal 1~4 held dccliun "f office", ,\n June ~.

1<)711, I hope all mcml!c,.. c \ crci<ril IlIclI ri~1I1 10 VO le (or ,lIc candulale. o f ' heu choK-r

IIn.'e a lIood ~ummer,

44 I I8kW Jo",n.,1

Officers Attend Utility Conference I_ V. 1;&1, PITTSBURGII, PA.- TIoe ollken (If our local union a"ended Ihe UtihlY Confercnce .1 Cheny lI ill, Ne ... Jervy, in March of Ihd yur This conference is jusl one of se~cl1l1 scmina" held by lhe Inlernation:r.1 to disc,," mum.1 J'fOO kms. Sinu rlQl all of OUI membert a1lend kx:.1 umon InC'CUnJ!5, II 101 is misseil hear in, .hour male,ial eovcred III such conferences. So, come 10 001 mttlinJei and be informed!

Ilave yoo nOllCed, lI rolhert amI S"len., 0010' umon workcr, are under a1lac:t: hv many IClJmen l.< of ltOCict)" lalely? The bencti" ("u\;h l for III Ihe pas t and ru""d by all S()Cict) on some form lie ~ Iowly being dts lrO)'ed by Ih~ '''lIh lI.t~ uf un cmp:oymtnl cllused in pall Ill' multmDluJIlul COni

pmllts who move Ihcil fliClOr~ 10 Coonlrid wllh chcap labor, or who reiocalc in Sla in fralcr ni/lnK wllh the ·',,~h'.h.· .. 'or ~'" prinCiple, or I"hhy h\;mn" Ihe I ah", Reform hill so Illal J I', Slc'eo. and lIIh,'" like them can CO"~I\lCntly ~".Inlc the I~ .... ,thu'J1 runis llmcn1.

~I,II, other melll".t- arc belli!; lI'oed l,ain)1 "n,,,,,, .. h",h ale ,,,h'crsi.·c 10 Ille b""Lbo"" of Unlon~, ('oiliractor~ arc nu .. hiddlllll on cvc, y­day mllmcnanee o( plam •• "olk .. lIkh hft' al • .. ay. hec:n pelformed by Ihe 1'1' "1 mlllluenancc (lew. Thc\<' Il'l'<'" of contrad. nil! only ;':OI'~Idi/" lhe I()/><; of umon I:hOlher~ in lbe plan'. bu l 1'1,1 "o"'n Ilt,uhcn 31.13in,1 e~~h olhcr. Thc<oe Iypes of ~onll:ll.II)f~ ale c'cry .. hclc 3ml Ihty VII: for lI,ce"I'ncc inlO ctlmpan~ wldy for lbe !lUrpost' ('I( laklllp. oor jot><;.

In 'ummary. mO'oI of 1M hcnefih foolIIII for by our fllOlMI'$ 111 lhe pa'i PIC uln.lan lly al lacked by b'lI buson.". •• law finn, ,n cI'mph,mcc .. Il h hIll. hU\ln"" •• conBre-s.mrn, and a lal~e 'C_' menl of the puhlic who hke IU ""Wid I II ilh Ihal befall Ihe nnlion 10 "Illose I',,"er ful union •. '"

,\ frcl 3 '''n~ .. illler we all tool (orwllrd 10 'I"'"~ ~nd ;, J"Y''''~ 'umn,,'r ... i,h 11 nluch needed >:lCal'On 1I"""ful1),. eve.y onc P'Oll'Ce-; , .. fely. No one "Jnl> I" hale a '~c3Iion matted hy In a~ci..rcn l

To all OUI mcmher~ ill DI home Of m h""P'I~I~, a 'flCCdy and eoml'l~lc rc,ove . y

'VIl I,,,, J 11<)("'1, 1'<; ,

Ice Storm

Area Suffers Severe Ice Storm 1 .. 11. I~b, IIU:,ATlIR, 11.1.. f .u.ler \'oetkend tn ('tn lrat Iliino'S will nOI won be fOlliollcn, Good 1'"d8), 'Iarled off w"h slt!el and fitc/l ull tllln , ~ecomllanlcd hy wlllds IlU'''"1I up ' 0 ~O mll h, lI y I",C nflcilloon. lice lim!>!; and po\'o'c r line.

Ice Storm

CIo", up of am o •• ' o r Itt on YIlt", dl .lrlbto,lo. ,,-hrJ[an 10 ~uccumb to Ihe Ircmc'ndous wci,hl of lhe ICe The: fOUf main distribulion litlC'l o;cr~in, lhe: I)(oClln. "'erc ~,erly dam.gI:'d , 'C"Iultinl! m 10lal hladout'i of Ihe cit)' and CoonlY,

I'ower OI,u~es 13njlCd f'om a few hoo~ 10 '<;CvCfui da~. Th~ union "ffiec was .. ,,1I0nl po.....:r for th e dan, Somt oullyonll urea~ arc still .. ,tll"", power three .. eel< afici 1M ~Iorm, due 10 Ihe lIundred-; o( mile. of downcd di\l rihu lion line'.

Oul ~,nctle IhanL. 10 ou, mc:mMr\ .. ho IMi, I11ne :.nd ~k'"' III hookln, up cn>cr~­en~y IlXncla lo~ . ,"" nUI~ in~ hoTnl'5, fire ~Ia'ion', ... alu planlS, communily ,hct lers, ell'" and al<o 10 Iht- hund rcd, of h.olht-. linemen .. 110 wooled Plounilthe dock undcr "cry hua.d· O,IS condi"on~ '0 repair Ihe damaJ!C.

II rolhel SIC"C Fi<hn. Shenff of Mlleon ('oonIY, d,d a Ircmendoos IOh of cl>ordmallnll tl\(: dfor1~ nr lhe Maton (OI,nl' Fme'l'cney ~rv",es and 1)!'a~ler Aj:enq durini! 9nd afici ,he ~ ,orm Conllialuialio"" 10 SlIell« l i.her and ~1I Ihe Maff fOf ,heir concern and dcdi~ation 10 Ihc ci liUM o f \ lncI.n COlln!y.

0. .. local umun h prC'lCnlly rCOIBu ni/inll .. la~k force of VOlnnlC1:" 10 work w'lh II\(: variou. ('OUIII)' Emrll'ency Service.; an,1 Oi.a~lcr Agencie<l IhtuUllhoul <lu ' area. If Yill! ",",Id h\:c 10 P31 -t!cirate in Ihi< worlh,,'hile c~u'c and hue nOI aheady done .... pk3'<;C 1'0111:1('1 me: al you r ear­hl:'\l convenlcnce,

'Ihe Macon ConOly <;hc.;tl'~ office is nQ ... tllu il' rcd "'1111 Telephone Tek,ype ('"mmunica­lion. m -Y) .. hkh aid the deaf lind ",he. handi­I"aprcd Iler;.on .... ho nc-ed cnlCr~rn:y 1I~'i~ . "ncc. The porlahlc machlllc " a converled Iclellraph Unli equipped ";Ih a cool'ler. in which the lelc­r llont' .Ke"er ... plal:cd "T'ho« ",i.hin!! 10 CO"" munic:r.le .i3 TrY mu,1 aM have. ,imil •• unil 'n their hornr. Tht'n by ~imply di3hn~ 0124.1'00 ~n I Iypin~ lheir ~~~, il " lecci~cd and I'.mted n"l '" Ih .. Sbelitr~ olf>cc. Thu, olfuinr lhe de.f and OIM' handicapped cilium. dir«1 line tlf communica tIOn

ne TTY un,' "3' made JIO'$ihle h), dona ' iom fwm Ih,..., laool tl'll:aoi7a"vn" Ille Mllcon County I)cprllY "htlOW, l 'nlon I .ocal 1!l.901, ,he l)cra,ur 1;1I"ldinl' and Con~lru~l,on T'adC'l Council, .nd 'he n.,,·ulu. T mdrs 311<1 l abor Aw:mbly.

Ilorc/ully we ~Bn ll'" Ihr"",h Ille Tornado ,~~"", ... ilhou, any major diffienhic~, 11 m ~lIould ~ di,a~le. arise, I"m confideR! Ihc 1I f()lher~ ~nd <;i . ,el' ,n Ihc labor OIovcmcm will slep forward I n lendcr a~.i< llI ncc to Ihose in nced

huy Ko ' II I I. , A5sr. n ,M

On the Job

... "" .. . h"""l ... ~lId .... Ihlu,~ ..... ~" to '!,: ~ I . lk"l h~ .... J .... ~ I ~ .... ' .. d 11111 f' rt .... h .

Sh .... " 'n (,'' '" "r Ihe C" ... ", '" )r>b w, r . Idl 10 rlJt t,r . h,,,th. , , I . rr) 1 ... "«1.: . I.M« , I.~(I"''' . MIU 1I ~.m"n , n " " 1\, . ,01. , . Mod Mil .. h ~lIt) .

Many Residential Jobs Available in Loc,,1 150 I_ I . ISO, n A t ".'G,\ .... 11.1.- Ho~'n .... , M~n. a,:.:' "1,·ha~1 \\l(len dl'oCII~-.c,' al the )(,ond meel m~ .n \plll. tilt Im",,,t30,,' or mlonl1ll1 the ,,,,,,,1 I h",<, " 11011.".,111)' ,n lI .othe" 10 "OIl ,m huu,,", Ph'J"'" In Ihl~ loc~1 ~, l'oeIl ~, olhe" III lite .'''.IllI.)'. II) 1101 he"" ~hlc I" ohlmn .h,,,...,,, 1<1 ""Il re"dcntlal. .. c ."l tlte slroo)l: JI<""hlhly of the (Onltado.,· mallmnll lhe Joh "',Ih Ihell 01'0" f",.·e._ If " 'c (annOI cr)n '·lIIee lI"'Ihc", I" lIy '(';ldenl131 "o,k " 'Iltm 4M houI' ilf,e. Ih., ,,,nt.a,,o. hll\ re'lIlC"td "",n, he ~3n I"",~ ':lIhcr IQUrncymen from olher Ioca" 01 men ,,11 Ihe IIr~ I , Iltelcby fOldn~ II, to 1t'~~ out y,hnc I"let, Th" ha~ btc:ome a ve,y 'lCriott, ,jtua""". "It"h .. c (:tnllOI IIfford tu Ie' hal'Pl'n "WIlle". "lta<.c !tell' I" pruenl lit" oc~UI,ellCc Whell )'(111 arc a,~ctl 1(1 ~<l 001 on 1\ hoo'lIIa ,ab, don', 11Irn It dt)y,n ' ry II. )'0" rna)' lind out you "hot'

The repnn <>n the A I I C IO l.ea;",IMIYc CQII­ftren~e "n, ~"en ~I lhc IIllIon mtt:lInll or A,'II' 19. M,d· ,~ .. n him IIf Hubc:rl Hllmph . ey·~ la,' ~",'C'h (111 Ihe ll.t>in moyement. M" L .. ·a~ It<) In'­p,e,..ed b)' 1\ lha l he I~ Irying to oh lllln n copy. ... hkh ... ill be ,1\0"''' afte . one or the rulu re mee tlng\. While In Wa~llI nl:lOn. Mic k hnd Ihc Ol'llOr lonll), to 11111. with ~nll1 or~ l'er~y lind

Slc'enson. Both Senators a.reed 01\ ont point : the Imporlance or our beconllllJ lIl~ol,cd In ISSUe'S ptrt.mml to [h .. lobor movement The .... ay \0 b«ome active IS \0 .n lle your ~n. tors 01 local politicians and lell the-m wl!.etl1t', you .uppal! or arc againsl th .. rrnpc>"anl Ill •• nc" Ihal Ire happen_ IDa aU aloul\d Ollr local and the' counny. Nt;>.' lime )'00 hear of an e.en! lha' you Ire In ravor of or OP~. Wflte yool pohti<:al leaden and C~l'rc:ss your OplIllon§.

We ale gomg to ha"c I ~lcwald'5 seminar some· l im~ in Ihe fu tu re. A rc p.cs.entatlvc from Ihe I O. w,lI leach Ihe class. I\ny" ...... l"ICI~H:d III lilt ~minar pk35e contact MK~ a\ Ihe office.

The piClu'd this month arc of Ihe Greenl.c .. housing proittl on I ,hrrl),y,11(' off Route 21. T he toll starled in I!H2 and I~ <lUt 10 be: comrlcled in J une of 1979. T hel" DIC DpprOl imal .. ly 4D Mn~lc-ramily d"~lIinl'~ II I would like 10 lhank 1I ,0Im" I any I ubc:ck for I.\.: ill& Ihe pic tuln pnd '«UlIIII! Ihe mformaltOO on Gr«n· ,,~

Work i5 g<)Oll a~ of 1111> wl ump Th~lc al~ plenty of hOIl<inl- Jobs I\'al'~hle nO .. 3nd comml­up '" tile months ahead S"nIC uf them lIe 'h~h land G,O"C and 1I 1llhlan,1 ('1I"e on ROllle 81 jusl south of AI"n~lnn I kl~h" Hoad: Bnd Villa, hy the Lake. Th \ \ 111"" ("cen Knlln,. ulld StrDl hmoor (iro"c. all "r ... h,dl Dlt in Ihe Vcrn"" II I1Is areD.

Residen l i~1 WOI;" \('enl' I" hc dominalinH t he DICB. and ho!,<, flllly th~ I h,,'h~,.... of r oe DI I ~O ... ill be prominent 011 thc<.c l"Oll'CI<. T he ,,",on mec lings this monlh Blc UII JIII~ , and 19. Sc:~ yQU there'

TllnMA~ \lono .... I' 'i

Sports Awards Presented To AIl·Star Team LI . 16'. JEWS.; \ crr. , ... J . At QU, 'eaula' ~lInr: ()f1 Ap'il 6. 1978, SPOIl. Commill~ Sln( POPJI. l'U"idcnl Thoma-< Mr~' cil,na, and Uu~i~~ "ana~. IInwa.d r 'ichie •. Jr • p.eo;cnled ltoe membe" of OOr all-na. ""h ball I .. am y,'ith learn ia,~el' in re~Ott:nilion of tht-ir fine ~rforma,";c and ''',rt .... ,p3t ion al the IOF W Soflball TOI,rnan,...,n l be l,1 In Cincin nnu. OhIO. laSI '"mmer


~ IIO'" ... .... d' ... .., "..,~"tfll 10 11, • • U·" • • ""'I" .U In.,, .... rI t~ gU ·'I ~' bo .. llnt In .. 0( 1, .... 1 1&4, Irr'~) a l) , N .J.

Team jp,let~ ..-cre a lso presented to Ihe mem· her) o( the ulI ·' lar bowling tc am thai will pa rt id. pme ,n the II ILW ·I ollrnamenl. 10 he lIeld m Dettol l th" cominj1. summcr.

"' r ..... tlll T. NAGr r. I' .S.

Retirees Dinner·Dance Held at Local 165 1 .• 1 . 165, UIIC AGO, ILL.-The annual retire· men l d ,nne.-dancc thIS )e3 r was a wper wcctss ... ,\h all .ell..,.". and members danein .. ntin .. Dnd hav"" fun wa) into lhe "'Iee hours of the mOllllna. al the Sab.e Room In lI i1:kol")' 11iI1I. IIImo~

COl" ... mnen wcre- \I IIY Perkins. S~ .... I \I ,IInlen ItICt'. fi", prire Qf a ('00 Snlnl!' Oond: Ch3tmJ'1>l' U~lhc. , Sup Ma.ntenance. iooeCond "mc of II 1 100 'ia'ingS Ik>nd; Cha,loHe Wa~h· IIIllton, W,h lI.I on F rames .• hird of a $100 S~"nll-' n,,,nd; ,,,,d Ronald ~'Dtin. He". M ain. ten,mee. founh pli~c of II 5100 SavlnllS Iiond.

LAw~ F:';CE I' OIUll, JI.S.

Pin Presentation

h .. nr . ...... , .... I .. . !,:hl ... ~ Tb.",u" . S~ .. art . " .. ,I " olft . h"U" .,-"~ •• 'h.y Z."all. ~'", ..... Ii .... u , J u hn,,1e O .. ·~ n. Kr l11 "I.~ "'. , I'i"'. S ..... han. ~; .. Ia I "" •• " "d l ·b ... d . .. , It .. nbo .. l< ~l . h...,k re, .. , I .... r ~ ;m"". F~"d " .. '''~. C .u,~. II,,) , \I ,!!rr Wlt ... n, I"<fJ Smith. ~' •. C riI ,. , """I)on~ld . ",ud. T, .. du II, t:~ I' a'", ... E~ .. · .. ,d S .. ·. """' . I"bn ~l k ",,~' . a nd ","., • .' ..... .

July , 191 8 I 45

Brothers Sutton And Hicks Mourned by l ocal 175 L . 175, CIIATTANOOGA. TI!:'Io:"l_WeU, the only way that I can m,!i6 OM month ymhou t repoTllll1 a member's iii nOI to write a oolumn for a month,

SInce my l:Kt column we hue had two of our BrOlhe~ d~_ L D , Sutton, Sr" ditd February 19, 19111. and lIenry Ihcu died April 2, 19111, These. t...-o Brother'! .. ill be mlSWd and the 10· cal', dH~t sympathy ,on ()OJt to their familits.

11. W . " 1..0" Wh..el Hixon is up Ind about aner an opc' ration , I thmk he flni~hed up the job at UuU Run at Knoxville fo r Fischbach and Moore.

·Ilte Inte<t "White II ~'" at WallS Oar i~ Boh Wright ConJ!,raluhuions !lob on your Ilromolion.

Our member~ at Midlbnd Ro<~ I']anl in Athens. Tenne~sce, 3re ~t ill oot on strike.

I ~m VUY Mlrrv to repon thut one of ou r membcn. James Corneliu~ i~ in ~riou~ condi tion afler about p lS,foot fall where he landed in the rebar Sleel on his he~d and shou lde".

I .... ould like !O con,ralu late the elee lricians on Ihe WailS lia r Job woo conlnbu ted $1,(1)8 to Ihe Robert A. Cha~ fam ily. Roberl Ch~ WD~ killed in an aU lomobile accident on February II, 1918,

11M:: Ikldld ju'" lit C0l'pc'.hill .5 eullin, back. They have eul another crew out

The member5 II U_ S. Pille have accepted their 13reemen!. So cOf1i'alUrl1ion~ 10 Ed IIarvey and Bill Lo...-rry Ind the reu of the U, S Pi]'lt NeAotialinA Commillee.

AlleJheny Eleelrk al.o had a layolf at Bo­water.

I am al'lO very sorry 10 rtport lhe death of two Areat f, iend ~. M~rllue,ite Il urne ttl' nnd lloyd Wi lson, business manal!n or t ocal 1t46. Our deepest ~ympmhy JotS out 10 famil ies

OM,tTS r ])UNNI"'(;, 1',5_

Stewards School

" I Ih •• I .... rd.~ o,c,hool , __ . " b) I ..... ~I 116, 1,,11~1 ,

III., art ... n 1<> . lp:bl Ga.y II a"". n . nd J ... ~ U ........ .. rd ....... 101. 1>1 .. pr . .... ,,",,!> .. : G~ .... t' rll r, h .. )I.t~. ... ~n ............. .s.:"Ul ,, 1I1 ... n .• ,,~I'l a Mf .. pu_,.n,,'I!>· • .

4 1> I IIEW JeurnDI

Local 17 b Holds First Stewa rds School I_U. 116. JOUt:T, 1I. I __ For Ihl' 'ery rilli!' in the hIS tory of toeal 116. ou, bus.1ICS$ m.n· a~r Gene Fritz, do!ocided 10 h)'1" I "e ... ald ~hool. lie .nd hl~ aM~tllfltll eondu~~d tile d~S$C$. Our ri lll 5tSSion slaried i"Io'l'tmbi'r 4, 1971, and was rn:.ld at Ihe l-:1l', Club, Kout~ I·S~ and 52, Joliet , IllinOl'l, then e'cry fl r5t ThurJ· dJy of each month therea fter. Our llit ooc W3$

held April 6. I91B. unlil ... ·e resume apln In the fall . The purpose 01 IhlJ ",a5 10 faml'luil/e our members wllh our .,r..ements, byla ... ·'. Const"u, tion t nd whate'er other queS\lons Ihey nI~y ha.e had in mind ~'tDininl to Ihe job, elc. We were ,.ry much pk.<.ed wi th th mlendan,. 3nd hope \0 S('e all 311<1 mure of o ur nICl11bc'J at om >oCnion! In Ihe fall. It wn, .• ~IC." ~d~~nt~ge 10 a ll ",ilo att ended the\C SClo~lon,

Our $ympalhy "ces 0111 10 John Vi'lCllm. one of oll r membeR who!,e d~u~hler Ic-cenl ly pOMoCd a .. '11Y.

I Will close wilh our .Io¥an of A mOre in· formed n>ember,hip mll~cs for D MtonSC' loca l. Altend 1111 meellOp.

I I .. ,' M !.tlr, I' .S.

New Laws Might Help Union Electricians 1..l t. 177, JA CI\SON \' ILI E • •.• ,\ , I'or lhe past the )u.... the t- le".ic Autho"ty Uoard h:t< been $teadlly lean,", nun union II' feelinp In Iht direction have been evident for some tilTlC before the .ctu~ 1 awardinll of anI,· union eonlracb ~Iartet/ Control or Ille JEA hp1 ht'Cn vOlet! 10 be chnnlt'd from Ihe I)lIval Counly s!ate Icltislalive dclegalion 10 Ihe local e ilY cOIlOcil "lIh members nf !he hoard tepre. scnlmi,c of each o f the >of,'en :o<; hool dililricl', Perh, .. this Is :1 slep in lhe rillht dhection 10 tel cit)' eleC lric work bad compktcly union, Kcep hop'"l1 and contact Ih~ mllk,"" future JEA appoinlmenl~ 10 chOO<e arpoinlcC1o oticnled IInion,,·,~e_

I'olt"c~ in thi~ ei!y pnd ~ t alc arc Illadunlly ... arminl. The ItO.'tlnor Ind mJyor .re nOI eli llible by lenure 13w 10 $eel; reeleclion 10 IhOJC OffiCd, hence for celtain MW facr< thele. 1\ nceded snd hoptflllly wdeome chanj!e WIll re 'li lt . Your atlention it d irec ted to Ih05Cl eMdi· datu aspirinA to bolh sl"e und city offices, and !here lire many, t ool; them over thoro",h ly :I n.1 ~Iee . lh~ who art friend, o f o,~anlle.1 labor. This ;. nnt any en~y In~~ bUI ~! hR"e at 'IOme!ime 0' other been in Ihe hmelipht \0 WnTe nlenl and you un jlldltC acco"llngl~ Then Ihere will be u slate .r~olnmfnd,d hy ~'" eral IInions to nid you in yOllr choi«\, It is hoped you will npprove IIf this list of eandi tln tc~, tnlk anti Vote fur Ih(m eleclion day,

Two rctirI:'Cs allll onc aClive member, nil jonr · neY11l~n linemen, Sl.ddened Ihe loc~1 in April wiTh their tl3ssin~ Brothe" nyron I· Mills nnd J 1/ " Jnhnnie" J lIh n~n .. -e re formel l.ocal 9~2, h chonville , membe .. before Iheir I.a.ciin<t eanl4 were ~ceeptcd by I oeol 177 pr ior to rellltmcnl in 1%8·69 .• c,pccl;vely BIOlher h me< II " Jim" Gordon became a member of I.ocil 485, ('olum hill, Soulh ('arolinl, 1951. and h!'l lIavdcr w30 ~,~e"led hy l ocal 171 in 1900 lie 1"R, ... d '11(1. • lenly at the a~ of 41. Sym"~thy ;. nlfnlkd h)' the memhcrViip 10 lhe- families and Io"tt/ ont' of Ihew Rrolhe ..

Rrrum uf the Panama Caual In Panama br thi< COUntry hr the year 2000 hi. Aiciletl hom Ihno;e nppo$Cd m~ny \'OCile!ou~ rc:mnh No nM "'':lnltd 10 !ICC it SO. bUI .. <lnac Ih~1 AlII of all Ih~! h~~ been ... ritlen and said for Ihe paol <oC',·tr~1 yea .. on lhe m~Her nOI Ollt: l"C'f!lon hlL~ rc:/tisICled eno .. ~h concern 10 "otuntrer hi< nr his son'~ life to ~o down Ihere 10 defend the eQn~1 a~ ~ Uniled Sinle. JIfl''I"i\ion sholiid lhe ocea_ion nri5c, Ufe, lilJc!tly, pu",u;1 of hnpl'inw ami ptlS.,"~iol\ lIuamnleed by n l'onl!ilUtion n r~ lIuaranlee. on l~ to Ihe e~tcnt Iht people whom it ~lIarnntee~ them 10 arc willing 10 ,~c rifiee

C. EMUIIV l:I)W~KI)~ , I' .S.

Golf league Looking For Takers 1 .1 . 1111 , I'TIC'\ , N. l '.- Local 181 ~po05Ored lhe' IAtcl~l\y bo""itnll '",,,nament Ihis )Ur. We all hlJ a 1l00d IImt. I "-",,Id like to Ihank 311 lhe lI~tale locab .. ho allended

'1 he ~ulf leallie hu JOlIcn under .. ~y q;ain th" yUI, P.M,tknt of tnc ,ol t Iralue D Pat CO'>lello. lhe- IIr:r;urc:t ~ Tony Drcondo. and Inc 'tetela'y " llu ~11"IoCS5 \lana",r " en WiI1i3n~. A elle'anee CommiU..e WJS St'l op (On!!'lllnJ of II"'then Ch3r1M Collver, Ed Gormley. Chuclr Paul. Pat CO'tlello, and Dennl~ K!eheny. rhe Ilolf leallue woulJ lil;e 10 >oCt up " inler·local 10Ulna· ment slA"la. 10 the OM Ihe ho .. 1ing \callue has. H any upslale "x~1 u.~ Inle.<"!oted. plea'<C eontlKt 01" h""ne" man3~cr. Ken \\',lIiams.

Again I .... "'Id IIle to brin" up the suhjcct of fn'c l~n Jloom flood"'i: Ihis country_ lIatd as ;1 .s to he-1i~vc, Ihc 1I." QI)'mrlC Team has made a J:t p~ne'<C cal IhcII official CM You wnuld Ihul l Ihat .. ,lh Ihr numlx' nf Ametican can lhere a,e Ih~t Ihey could and should ha.'c chosen a car m!de in lheir o .. n "" .. nlly, A\ this ralt "',Ih the UIII"uIII uf trDde !;oinl to foreign m31l;et~. tht "flielal Umled "itatM 1'0<13&C "lamp " ',11 read. " Ma,1e In hpan"

DE ...... IS A. BKI Itl '"'v, p.s

Credit Union Affair

Tr.II' " N" .. , ."" I.ou l " I • • : •. ~ •• " . " • • ~., e rrol l. \In'". JI ,,~"", 1_ J, " Ih .. <h" D<>a~""" ) ..... II.on I~ t. .~" .. ",.nt .... ~~ '" 110. I." c...-dil .......... f.lIne .

L . J. n"~~"~rI )' " nd ht. ",[fr. Sff" •.

Local 191 Holds Credit Union Meeting I..l . 191 , ~: \ "KE'IT, W"~ II .-Local 191 htld ," 8nnual e.ed" unIOn umncl·mtttinl on ~hrch 4 1 he meclln~ .. a~ "'ell ~tlentkd by T1CaTly ::!OO "lc",I",,~ ~"J ""ts ... s ... ..,11 as special ,u!;!oll> . f he nedlt union "3' formed by OIne members

1M 19W .. "h a lulal ~al'''ol of S45. as tach of .he n,,~ OOuJlht one S~,OO !JIare. They had 10 "hmrnw ~'OO" '" m~h lhell lint I~nt Th3t "'1~ In 19~9. and," the en~ulllJ 19 )'Cars, lhe memhc .. h,p has J,o ... n 10 7J::! ~nd is sull Arow. In8_ I he on',,'al Sol' dorb~ hu ",o,,'n 10 belter I~an a nlll!ton and II quartN dolbrs "nth OKt a nllt!tun ,n lo~n' No m~tte ... ·hal you buy. ir you huy un ~tc,hl. )'t'" ""'onl In a ~.edlt uOlOn where )"'" o .. n muncy can hi: ,,'or~lnJl for you as .... ell u, '"lClnl II leady ...,nree nf 1():I.11S at ~mall inte TC'SI.

fhe C" C"I11~ w~, ~lso the IImC for a ~ur pr ist re tiremcnt pa,'Y lor t .J . "B"lch'" DouJherty whO hd heen Ihe treasurer since the forming of Ihe credil IInion Butch gave Irc-cly of his lime and d lurt and e~c n silnrcd 9 spale bedroom in his

home :as "office" f<)J thc Jood of his Orothe'l II ts "'ife. s.:cna. "as equaUy hono.ed fo. "put. trng up" "tth the e:ura (OOt uafilc Ind oddball hootS rhlr her home enduted

Afrer an Implc dlnnc. and nle for lhe 5pttial oc~:asion, I shorl buslI1cSS mct'11Il1I "'as ~Id Ind [hen [he hlllllO: of lhe e'enlll" "'as spent rn danclIlg. EVC'n lhe botnd ~ local 191 boys. Ind ~ho,,~d Iher u-.Jld I'lay as "ell 1$ [hey coold

Stewards School

Flower Arranger

'W ladl ...

Local 204 Holds Steward' s School Lt . 2(l..l, CU )A H H \"I n~. L\ . I ,,,.,1 ~I,",

proo;n[cd a -.le"'3.d\ .... h ... "1 on """~h III. 1978. "h..:h III 'IC"J .. r, allended "'lh therr ""·N. A "a,nrn~ ",,,,,vn was held Iv. the 'te'" I.d<. .ndud.n~. 'h01w to he ~ Il""d "'ttllC'o-~. -'pult­IlCal In.olvtnll,nt," Wmkmen''i ComllCn""on. an.l ,afcIY· I'a<l of lhe t.aontnK "'J\ Il-"en hy M. Ma.\; S."'th. ('enle, "f I aM, and 'I3na~emo:nl. Un .... "",) of lo"~ I'd Itke to ~a) a ~Ical b.~ thanl yo" [0 all the IJlolhc~ wllo allcndc:d and ale trying 10 .mp",ve the 1'''31 by larn,",: mOle kno .. ·lcdgc.

While Ihe school wa, IOon~ on. the w,ve, and girl friends "ere learn'ng i,bvUI flower Ilfmn,:' ing. and I beheve hayinll a !tood I"ne. Gals. Oll!

local Ihanks yOtl for JIVing us youl hu,bamb and boyfriend, for On<: day.

The DultlC' Arnold [ncTJY Cenler i\ sllut dO"'n (or refuehng and our ITK'n Ire ,,(uklnll Su(, l~n· hour Jays Ind will eonlinue Ih" Ih'OU8h ~hul·

do"'n. Sofh conlfaclS ,,·~.e 'lCukJ this fall, The mljor

chanllCS ""~'f a lon, lerm lIKlIbilily plln. double time plus elllh l houR ro, shill "'Ol~er$ on hoIida)'S.

Wilh t~ summer season ahead of 11\. I hope to 'I« all Brothers and SisteR at union mtttinp_

WAHl!; L B I ~I.IN(lS. r.s

Three Locals J ointly Hold Seminar on New Code L V. 215. 1'01 G IIK n-I'Sn :. N.V.-Greetings Local ~IS. Employmc:1lI on OOH area has not been ':00(/, After ~ 1 .. '0·)'e3. dday. lhe South l1 ills Mall project has stamd_ Also. I~ multi·story Sh<:ra ton "0m. Inn proj~ct i< e~pected to com· mence shorlly.

On April I~, Inrw I."culs 6ll. MOl>. 21~. und NFCA Iponsorcd a day lonl: NBtionu l Elec· Irica l Code Seminar. al Ihe Hf,liday Inn. Ne .... · burgh. Ne .... York. Allhou~h aUcndn!1ce wos di~appOinting. (the roa~t hecf and ham huffet .... as dcl~iou, and plcmifll1) the seminar WM inform.· ti,'c and kno"lcdreabte. The 191M edition of the National Electrical Code ha\ dOl"n~ or .adically new ,cllublions Dnd chan!!"s in old re~uIDti()m co"erinll the .... idC<;1 range uf e>eryday eleclrical <ktails invohed in the basic "i"n. of 1111 buildlnjt\

A year·looll study of the nudca ... .ute OIlCI'. tions II Ihe i!overnmc:nfs military I'lutonium pro· doction plant al lIanford. W.~hin~lOn. has '-'OIl· eluded there K no ,ignificant radillion hal3rd nor h:as t~.e heen durin!! tlx 10 )C3R of orerltion Th;.; conclusion "3-'\ reaclxd oJc-«l'ite the fl<:l thlt mole than 40;0.000 pllons of h'~h level ",dlO­acli .. e _ISles haVC' lealed from 20 of lhe un<kr· "round stora,e lanu over lhe ~nn

1l>e rkl'af!ment of Ene'IIY and the Coun<.:il on En'tron_ntal Quali!y jointly requC'ited the ~!Udy.

A terminal .... a~te fff'(t"iitor" Ihe reporl .«:om· ~nded. could bot bUilt ei[lIc. in b~'\;I1t <c:.eral hundred fect hen~ath the rellion at H anfmd or nen at the end of a lunnel dUll into the Ralile ,,,~le Hm~

ROAHl f. C,vpu, ,~o. """

Athletic Association Needs Support of Membership L V. 237, NI AGAHA FAI , I ~'i, N.Y.-TI'e w<>rk picture i~ '!eady (no call for men) a' an local people arc wo.king., Snme Ira"cling n.mhcrs from Ruchcsler and Utica are Icarninl\ wha t D ca,oon plant is all ",bolll .. It can't he thaI di rt~." "1\ mal" your ,h0C5 shine," "Wh~t do they do "'Ih all that carbon?" "You haYe four mole plant. hle [his in 10 ... n .... • The<;e Dre a few uf the comrroo:nlS,

The loo;:ar, athletIC a,,-'>OCilllion is in bad lime< now due to mo:mbers nol ""nllnlll tn 1'>0:-11' out. O! <a)'in~ lher .. ,II and lhen (kline n('>thmg. We need mo.e JIC(ll'k II the mcel,n~ 'W) "'e can find oot .. hal [he mtmbe .. ""nl and .. in 'IIPl'''''­If .. e ha~c uc:u .. io"-~ 10 oo'IChJII (If (".,tball came' .. ~ nttd 10 lnow ho" manv "ill Ittend

The >ulls for [1'>0:- new hall a.e Jllin\l up at ~~th SlIcel and Pone Avenue The rcncral con toad"r '\;lid It ... ,n I'C ,\one m '\"ltIrn

The local medical c>pe.t- ha>e finally ~uIIl'" al:y 'lC1",.ated ScUll)' I IIllo>n and h'" (""Iunc. ',d hnlo ..... 1;; They Irc hoth doing fine. "ick went 10 Weydman Flcclr1c.

I hea.d Ihat G.c~p. '-errilln lurned D hreakcr on al Ihe lIul"hy Inn lu~"cn J"'I ", ~ ~IC~"'" fore "artcd ~nd rho",h l he "'as Iwinl: to I':e l p"e"ed fur ar'<On He "as I"o"cn innocent.

11 ,11 Shannon decided that 11"0 yeB'~ at liar. r,,,,,, RJdiator "'J< Inng cnoUllh 'I) h(' VOh,"l~cI('rI to 110 10 '1ahona! Carbon-hc's nOl .... ell.

1 heard aboul lin apllnmenl Joh <>n ~1L lltoIY

JO-Year Pins

Natp. II-or~m ..-uh·'" lois .,ta. I IIE" Mnk-.. pl . f ro_ ' .Iv_lunat Nt1M"~alhr A I 'tlnctleo­:u I.... ~ ""ual b ..... ...-t. I. bxLcrou.r ate Ju.,. S1 ... dl,~. 'k~ pft~id"'l. " nd L)icl S_~"am. po-ul-­dU I. of Loul1J1, ' '''-''''~ Falls . .... V.

K.,~.t ~allcd ~I"rph)' \lanor. !Jot> Oa.kwn met I~ <k,cI"pt'. at I"",,h,

·\n"t/ler fhothc. ,n I>u<inc:" is the P.ince Vince 1',uJ Pal",'e no" ."",n al I''''e and 66th ">\feet n..: ~I Italran d"h he h3'< is lhe l>armaid

The IIlINe,t>· 11.,,,hnl': Tournamenl .. ali held ,n l'tica un April 2'1 The fou. local membc~ Ihal atlemkd I.e !klnic Smocham. Smokey hnu.h. SIeve Zamhoui. and Jim Te",:berry. nJ~C: Herr""r ,c<'e,yed an a"ard frum tht la.t t"",namenl '" Ilulbin fur h,~b Ih.~ Jan,..., With h3mhcap

ThaI". all fot now Stt yo" the thild Th"l~d3Y uf ea~h IlInnlh 31 Ihc OCAW fo. union meeting,.

J", T fl.'HFIRY, I'.S.

July . 1978 I 47

Con struction

l .... eo " ............ ' .. nlluo "' ... m . ..... or.' _. on ".n~' ho ... d .

Full Employment Is The Story in Duluth I..U. 142. n UI, r '-ll . MINN. Thc.e slill h,,~e hccn nu furtht. development' In the COntraCI ncg"ll~ t '''n~.

A, thiS u' l icie i< hc:inl! prepared. we alc enjoy· inlt fun employmen' ""'Ihin our Jul ..... oct.on.

Well und<.'r c"'~'t'UUI()n " the I "h SUl'e.iur 1'ln7~. rhe oc""p~"'-y vf th" COmplc\ .... ill be 90 per,enl "dn"uI<tlDllYe oflin .... with sc"efal m;I)ur retaile r. plus un C~ll[tll e>labl"hmenl.

Just llalherinll mumentum I~ ,he two·year

-4 8 I IIHW Journol

Northwest Paper COmpany Project. Involved will be cx,..-nsive 'cm<>deling an ... a new bo,lel.

Lookinll 10 ,he fulu re. Duluth i~ one of sev· eral propo.<ed s,tes for I new Piper mill UI'an· sion.

Travele ... are welcome. bo t as alwP)1 call tile business manager first.

LESl.I l! B. "SNlKII" U UOt<, P.S.

'Free World's Largest Submarine ' Under Construction I •• U. 261. GROTON. CONN.-TIlt mem~IS of Local 261 and the people 11 ElectrIC Bo~t have. over th.e past years. seen mlny history.making e,·en.t~ III the field of ma"ne conslrue tion. Sub­mal1nes of all sizes and shape~ have been de. siS"ed and tonstlucted ,n this sh,pyard alan" the Thames River. We now have under construe. lion the "free world 's largesl 'UbmDrine" ev~r to be built. This in i!Self will be one of our largest achievements.

The submarine O/'io, the firs, of Ihe Triden, clas.<, had its keel plate laid in April of 1976. In April of 19,8 the submarine O/'io was ready 10 be moved into its pre. lnunch pasi lion. blJI this time it would not be moved hy Ihe eonven· tional walel way. i, would be moved o,'er land. T his gigan,ic submarine is S60 feel lortl!. and weighs 12.4% tOrts: moving this ~ubmarine over land will be eQuivalenl 10 moving D fivc-~t ory building. ~.OOO luxury C3rs. or 10.000 compael ca1"$. The part of this article ,hM will be hard to ~Iieve is that it only ,ook 46'h. horsepower to do the job: the move covered 532 feel. lWO 90-degree turns were performed. and the rate of Iravel wa, 1 ... ·0 feet per minu,e. the wurce of PO ... 'Cr was 93. half horSl'pOwer elcctrK: motors and Ihe electric mOlars _re Icared down 10 • slaggering 5.241 to 1. (For eomparison, first gear ,:I an automobile has a leduction of 30 to I.) 11le whole operalion took about eilhl and one·half hours,

I'm nol saying this ",p, a Local 261 projec t: ,his waS D shipyard effort mnd many members of our Metal Trades Council ... ere involYed. The "'hole crew worked in dlXC harmony. eKh doing their as.illTM:d task in ,he professional manner expected of Ihem. We of [ocal 261 arc proud of our mcmbcr~ who ,ook pari in thi. history·making event and ~e of the people nrc a' folio"'''; IInrnld Vincen t. Ken GemlN'l, Ralph Ciarlone. George King. Ken " ucr,. Don Lemanski. Leon Wikox. Oon Barber. Morri. Bobi~ ~ . Frank St~nford. Ray Siembah, Fd ~I ens· Icy. Ed LUlher. John Muir. Rob Burrous, Gary 11 all. Albert Banks. Albert flarlow, Jame~ Dc ~brco. ~! elvin Rngers. nnd Arl Mador.

There .... ere many other !)Caple in our local who .... ere pari of Ih is project. bul ,he deadline for this article made it impossible 10 wa;t for the complete listing or rictures of thi~ openlion.

Tllo"u.s J. M{'Govp. ... ~, .. .s.

Brother Bidd ulph Mourned ; Annuity Fund Presented

I..U, Z62 . 1'1.,uI'i.--n :u ) , I'iJ . 11;' wilh ~d· n~ ,hat .... e relKlfI on Ihe death or llert 8id· ,luIph fMafch 16, 1978). We ulend our con· oolcnces 10 his widow, Mary. and hi. fom ch,l'hen Rert. al""a)'~ 3n 8th"e local mcm~r. <c .. cd twO term~ as R~ordinj!. Sccretaty nnd ''''0 term~ un the F~ccu . h·r Boanl

A ~peciar mC'Cling .... as held (m 1\-hrch 22. tlI1S. If> acquaint Our membership .... i'h an an· nuity Mr. Frc.1 Reimer. I' ru dential'~ "orlheoost rcl"e<cn'a t;v .... gave 3 m"'t informative and p'e­ei..:: ,,,;n" on annllily fun<1in~_ ll rOlheT"<. (h, nOI lei thi, annuity idea jll~1 fade awny bc..-auo;c i, '-Cern> 10 be H mO'l t worthwhik ",hlll ;on ,0 our rx-llsion pl~n,

A~ of this .... ,i tinG (May, 1978), we are work· ;ug undCI an c~lel1sion of our old coniract. Due to aO impassc hc twecn our Ncgoli8tion Com mi llee and the contrac to rs, we have pNi tioned

At Work

.. .. u l ! 61 . t ·I ~l n ""' ld. NJ" n .. mbr " . mtl l .. )~d b) S. M , ~; t...,t<k. Mah .. ~). N.J.. ro. I h~ Am.rican C)·anamld Job in B' ld .... · al~ •• ar~, k ..... lln~ loft t l)

rht"' ; t)an AI .... br""k. and Cltm Baltonl ; . (and ln.: Chhrll .. S. •• MI ~. ,,. ,, ... .In'kl. C .. I l\1adda· I"n •. Ch urk t .• ,n "~" ... " nd Jo hn 0""'.

A n . ... "'an.f .... , ... I"" Mnit ., A..,. rk_ C).n.omid ee. t, I. _. lOr "' ....... 1 " , oj ... I ' In 1M mu ItID,lIIlo" dol-I" " m. It If"".I. d _rmlta'lo n ... d upa.,-,ton pro· .<:om ", ... tH fO .... 3rd al Ih. ~omp~n ) '~ 1, .... p' <>duci ...... ~nic rM mlral. w·mplt~ In Rri". . .. alu To .. "· .~ I p.

Ihe Council on Indl"ttial Relations in Wash. "'~I"" lor a h~""nl' which wil! be held durini\ t~e th,nl w~ck uf May. In a subM!qucnt mtide. I hope 10 'c!,<lI1 ~uod ne"".

C0l1l<t :"uI31,on~ 10 Mr. and Mrs. nob Lopa on the bll'th of their baby gill. Rachacl Mac. on Apill 4. 197~: nlso. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Huber on Ihe binh of their b:,by boy, Jan Michael. on AI'"I 10. 1978,

The JA'IC has informed the memben thDt

Iheir rCllltar mee linp have been moved 10 the fourth Tlle~ay o f the month. Alt Ippliunb for Ipprenucesh,p mllst hftve , ' Idllited from hIGh school Dnd be I' yUIS of ~,e.

IJ rothcn, if .ome ... here alonl Ihe line YOll h:"'en'l been infOlmed, le I me lelt you no .... You. death be~fil~ from Ihe I nltrnallOn~rJ I \~ II A fund hl$ been mc, el!led 10 $1.600 1'1 of Jln ll_ al)' I. 191~ _

On Jobs

Sbo ... prlo. 10 hllIl". Ih~ )oto "I~, Iff •• " .1,10', . r. B", 'h'n 'oil" .s,", . .. ~ . ..t .... rd 11 . " 1 M, C""IH'II , and J im Planla.lo h uf ....... 1 169. Tnnlon, i'I/.J .

Brol-. Old, Sh. ne _IN! _,.prel, lo. C, 1_", •• • IIt ll ..... I." 01 Ihe 1.". lIaU .. , . of 110. bno • • • "" In, pl pl •• iHI ' •.

So ..... of " .. " .. mnnln, I'" JotI . ,t, I." I. ,1. 101 • • be ... ~,lnl ~""r.' 0' t; .... r. I Ca .. , I . ... ,Io" . .... 8",.h.u John Shr, ..... ,~".nl lt .. I .... 11. 11 • •. fo r._ man 8111 h",nn, I lnl l'la .. ta,"'h. Ut I Th<, .. ,.>. an .. f)k~ ~""r.

Spotlight on Sho!lrp Electric Corporation ,_. U. 269, TlHt1"TON. N .J.-T hollih Ihe Sharp Elc<: t'ic Corporation lou been in existence for m any ~CIl"", il is ju'!t he re In lhcl lasl 1"'0 or th rce yemrs IhBI lheir prC'SCnce h ~, been fel! in

Oil' :IIU Their ba-c of opc-rauon~ " '" (;.hh, boro •• n Ihcl Ikrlm. Soulh lIea_ Th.y Irc In>or.·ed in all facels of ell'Ctricll conmuction in Ihe commNeial. induSlrial. anti mlllllliionn i fields Indudinl power hne Ul st.l!latron,

Among Iheir mOSI f«,cnl complttNl Inslall ;,· tiofls on our ,uri>diction are lhe u sl \\ rnd",. MunicIpal !lulld"'g Ind law F.nfolccmCni De­partment m lhe I hghl5tov.-n SKior Ind Ihe ~w C,1lhoun Strcel district fi,ehou\.t for Ihcl City of Trrnlon .n center city. Currcnll~. lhey arc In

'<lh·ed mld ... ay in the ck<;:I"ca l mSI.lllallon of • la,p b,-\e,e l addilion to IIIe Malo(ln..: Nunln. 1I0me and Chanty FoundatIOn in ""r"n,lon. New Jersey. The ~w comtru~"on. SII nth"che,1 "CIY lightly between ex;';tin, fac'1iIlH. \\ill ulli. maldy prm-ide an adJl1lon~1 110 palient ~,I~ Incorporated In Ihe new b",ld1ll11 WIll be ,ts muh,dcpa.tmcnl clinic. induding denial. oplom elry. Dnd cmt'lj:ency t reatmenl rooms. The fleW facilily will be ~ompktcly ai.<ondrtioncd \\·, Ih the most modern ur--Io·dale equipment I nd een tral ~hll1cd \\'Ilrr planL Of nulr i~ Ihe new uilla modtrn food f'I.para lion department. \\hich ... iII. wocn finished, sllpplant Ihe now exislifl]l. dietalY department and dining 3rc~~ and Ihe ('omplex firr:: and safet~ sl'~tems as mandRied hy eu rrenl SIDle la .. -s.

The heart of the electrical Inslallall0n in Ihe U million o "crall con,Huelion fiGure. i. Ihe l.OOO-amp m~in distribution 5"" i\chllnr !leing fed wilh 12 parDllel three -inch confh. it., of .. hich 10 are beinll llIih~d ellCasing SOO MCM fceller cablc-s Dispc-rsed rhroughoul lhe bUlldin" Ire ::!~ branch lif-htrn, Ind puwer panel' srl~inll I ..... clcellical nttds of lhe lif-htinj:, ~I,ice equIp , menl, and en~ironmental <Y~lelm. All elC'ct,ical main and subsystems h; .. e been en,ineered ""h ful"re upansion in mlnd_ OV'~'"'l lhe company's opera lion'! ",Ih,n

our Irca is Sha.p'$ F--,-,cu li~e .ice president and field liai$On. M •. J ohn MUlphy. r ,ior II> hi. currcnt allilialion " ' ilh Ihe Sharp l' lecl,ie COl' poration in 1912. Mr Murphy 3CICd in ~ ~lIl'tr­,isory .... apacily .. ·jth the now defullCt Rurlinjl.ton Eleclric Company for ~'rral year". 'iincr ;"in. in, Sharp Eleclric, ~ broud>1 Wilh him nol only inwaluible nperirnce ,n rlec trical i""lalll_ lIOns bul has in~lilled a ~w 'ilility Into lhei' operalioll'l.

Currenlly manning Ihe job f"r I 0(:.11 ~f>9 ~'e "rolher~ RIll hn",n forem.,". l"urnnmen liner)' McConnell. De ll Thoma •• John Shf~da. Dick Slone. and Jim J>l anl3rich, anfl :,ppren!ice C . Lester Hdl~r Jr, Apprentice H eI'el i~ en· rolled in his firSI year wilh the loc~1 mnl ~~, di.played him<elf in an nemplary fa.hio n. pnr· IIClllml~ in his pipe-bending I~hnique. It. very :.ppa.enr J ATC firsl -ye~ r le;K~er. Ih"lhcr Ken LI,,·lor. is doing much beuer Ihan Hn !I,elare tnt> In preparing hi. charl1C~ for "hat i< lalcr c'f'CCtcd of Ih.m

.\, 11A1I .... IN" I' "

District Champ

" .... ~. Tr n y St",lh", "p"'Nnrln , I ..... ~I Z7I . " ·I.h. lu. " . no .• " 0" bo'h I .... "'a n ... SI. le . ' 1 ......... , A p· p ..... k"hlp C .... .. .. and I h~ 1)1,,,1<1 ('OMI"" .

Terry Sterling Wins District Contest L.U, 271. WICH ITA, KANS __ 1t all started aboul fOllr Yfurs allO. Terry R. Slrrllng ...... olle of

~SO .. ho ~ppl~d for the 2Q ekelrical appren-1":e<>I,,p oremnJ;' bein, offued b), thc Wieh'ta JOint Apr'cnlic.ship anJ TrainIng CommHlee. lie lOa, 1Ifl' of Ih"'e tleclcd tu ,13rl ., hl~ ontDn! uppro~lmalc ly fou r ~,ar~ of on·lhe­luh If.UIl"l!:. undcr the dire'ct ,u,,~!~i>ion of II

J"U!'lC')man ""cm.,n. phl5 attend,nll nigh l Khool on ek.;tl".d Iheol)'.codc and con<lfu .. ·lion, In


I >elY ele.:uocil applenticc i.< •• peat.dly .,alu. Iltd d .. lln, .hell .pp •• nticl-Ship_ Journeyman ~kc1l,,'~n' ~nd In man)' on the lOb c'·alualion repo,l.. Thor repor" 1Il .. -JUde many quatuin ~"ch I' produ~""n. allllllde. mcchanKJI IIbiJ­IIY. eh: In,lIl1(to" ~nd In semi-annual .cpurls ..hl<h ",dllde IIr~d ..... nllendanee record.: the tnnlnll l1 n: .... lccled TnlY as Ihe OutSlandlM. Ap­pr tnll,e "f Ihr 197~ Wi .. hi,,! gra""~ling d."'. "ftl'l ~ Ihnloul;h IHIC'" of ~II hi, rC~OId.

ThI C'C .. eel ' l."e on Mnrch 2S. Terl)' repre­.... WI<~.ID III lhe K DII'I3< St31c El«lrical Apl'rent"t,hlp Conte<;1 Outsland"'j: npprentie.s frOfT! Topc-l~. lI ulchinson. and Wichi ta were in Ihal con.~'t The ,I,.le COI1le<;t was held II lhe TI~inlllll Centtr in Wichita. During the firs l pa rt of 110M conle~t. the e/Jnlt'l;Innl5 .. we pre-enled ... Ih fOUl tOllll'1rcaled eontrol hook'lIps thai Ih.y "c,e Icqullcd 10 complete .. ilh nClua l compo­l1enl~_ The 1:1'1 Pilfl of thnl conlCSI ... a~ a wri tten IC'l "f I Ie,' Ide,,. !'h"IIIY ,,,ut Ihe N""flnal [lcc­l"e,,1 C"Je Afler cheddnll "n of the h(){ll -up~ an,l 1O"lIell \(·,1'. 'I eory "a, de..-Ja lc,t 1101' .. in­nel Ind lhe Knn'D~ Stalc Champ!

T h ... al1u",cd Terry 10 repreo;ent Kansa'l in Ihe I)"UI(I COnle-t ... hoch "')< held in San Anlonio. Ten. un Ap,,1 I, 1978. Oul<Ianding ek,lrical ap­prentl<.T< I."m 1M ,I " ... of AII,ona_ ' e .. \I",,,.J_ Oltahuma. TUa<. InJ Kan,a< " 'ere ra.tlCipant' III IhJI ('(\Itt ..... 1. The rorm~I of Ihe D"lIict Con­IC'I " mh"o,lI lhe ,~mc ~, .he Knn ... 1' Siale Con le,I, e"'Ct'l Ih,lt Ihc 4"c'li"n~ are ".ore ,hnicuh nnd lhe hool-lI1" 8rC harder (llle comp3lin~ pro ,",'JlIIC "IIY I" IIIlnOI k~.'ue 1,1,) I AI Ihe (n,I "f lhe ,,>111 ... 1. ' I crr) If ... m ... . m"') "," flc .. 1.l!~,t lhe .. rnncr and lhe I)"u iet ('hamr! Jlld~ III lhe conl\"it'. rerr_nt;n!! W",hilll.

.. ,·Ie II J 1'10 ,11.1". J r .. !I"an n .. ,IJ. an,1 \\,1 h.,m J 'kh".('('

l1te 0 ,,111<1 Con.C'<t is I~ high a. onc can 10 l'CIIY 'ilelhn, h .r. won n all lie ha. ~'nrled ~n,1 ,lUd,cd 'cry hard, and c>cr}one In the WilCh ll .t ore,l ;, (\!renldy prmlJ nf lum. Terry " ... 1 h" lo.-ely wife. Mary, who W:I< h"l one of " ~f(\II" f,nM1 W,dlil:' 10 ~o 10 Sal~ Antonio, re~n'. I,) ~hccr him un. wnc "cry nn~luu. to ~et

hu .. l 1<1 W,<.II<I., "",I reunite ",ilh Ihcir ,13u"hle ', Jcnlll fcr_

Teny h~~ .IheDJy reC'('i~cd IWO a ... ard plaques. One fur pMII '1I.Ihn~ in Ihe K ~n'J' COnl~I , pnd (>lie for partkipJlin~ in the Dislricl Con­IC,I l ie ",11 't(el~e the Kln'\lt~ "John Jenner" A\\ ~ "l ' I Ihc Kan'JS Comrlelion Certmonit'! I" be hel" til Topda. Kan~~'. lie and Mary will nllcnd Ihe Inleln;rllonaJ Il rOlhcrhood of rt«'IrK:11 W",~e" rro",'e~~ Mcelinjl al Soulh Padre. rc,~~. wllCre hc will rceei>'c the O""ict "John

Jenner" A\\ a,,1. T hey WIll also altcnd Ihe Na, I;onal I I«"il.:al ('"nlla~lo" " ,,,vrc,, \icell"): in Colorado 'iprin~' Cutor3d ..

The W ... h,I:II Ilrelr ic:rr l J uinl ApP'enlic.,hip ~",I Tr.llnlnll C0mmillce i, jntntly 'pon..ored by t"c Internall>ul Ilr"'~rhood of [lectr ocal Worl­er,. I Ill-al 211. ~nd lhe KllI .... ;t<; Ch~l'ler of the N,.II()n~1 r l«",,~1 C,'nlrldor" A<<o<:iailOn. It 15

I~ le\,,11 "f I~ir ~umhined effO.h anJ moniC'< Ihal ItIC With" " I kdrieat App.enti .. e,hip i, upt.·rnlinll 10d.I)

KI NNI '" 1 S'II OR. D ,.

Local 276 Holds Old-Timers Party 1 .. 1'. 216. SII'F1UO ..... WIS __ AI our fellular nlC'elin, of ~ I uy 4. I.oc:al 276 presenled service

Service Pins

HC'("lpl,'nh " r 40,)n r pin •. , " ..... " . r a' r, I ...... Ir l. In ,1'~I , " ... I"r" II"", ".rd~III , F. • .,n. I.indbrl1l .. .... CI",~",,~ II ~,",' ,

p,n, In h""", of ," ~hl'Ibk m~mbcl1. D,,~ctJy ahCI .. ~,ll' an old II~.~ rany .. as ~Id. and a lun .. hton .. a, .cued. The food was Jllcpared and ~"cd II) "ur ,<nel;lll)'. J".lnne O'Uflen. an,1 Sharon I'~"" Membl: ..... ho "'"\:'e pl~nt Ind .cct"td r'IT' Indude' Uoothe. 1.1'0 Dutbcy-4' }ca,~. Uwthe.\ l1~m ".edah!. Oa.tnee lIuber. and Eoha .. l lndbc.C-"O ),u.); B.u,hers Kobrn Ol".,n. F II R"ha.d.,on, A.nold Russ. Ind \ hllln 1I11l-H ) .. ~ ... nw,~rs \\.Il,Dm Wehr.. \\ .)ne Aho. •. Cbn" (ti.I". lind Ch.1o Scmbo,)l;i-10 }"ar.; and Reuben II rdic. (!d J ohnson. l ud .. i. 1( 000h. \ern W~"h. rdrar I'.erce, and Ray L I dj!Clle- !~ }ellr,. An tnJuyablc c'eninl v.:n had h)' all, and 1"" ~Unltrarlllahun. '0 .~ and all nn'mhc,. ,ect'VIIlIl .-:r¥IU Pill'

On ~ '~,hlt. l1ute, L<x:nl ::16 mourn~ Ihc paloS' lUg "f .h,cc Icwed II rOlhel'. T hey arC Geor~e I a.",n. \\ ,11 •• 1111 Me)'" •. an,' t arl Gcc-.c: .. , T l>t:y ... !l1 h.! )""e rrn'r.nh,',~" by "II ... hn ~np ... ' Ih"m (JII' d"CI""1 .ynll'.llhy ~,I(" 'HII IU thcII f:In" I ... ",

W,lh "It. cut\tra~ 1 l.p JUIle I. "ur NC~"limi"lI Co"""itlcc i, hard ;tI work. Ott the Cornrn.tlcc Ihi, yen 'tie 1I,";ne" M a",,~cr J ,,,"C~ l' icll;C, 1),," 'I IIl'pll1l'\, 1 ' ~LlI Tln"qlli'l. :11,<1 D"n Moen Gnod \Ul~, ~enllrnlcn

The "n.~ ""I"""n " I"~ltrlj: up ~"mc .. hul, hUI ,;"nlt!lU~' h) find 'I"ne of our tTtemhel'\ IrlWChn~ I ," ~ ,I y '<'nle 01 OUt "~Ie. loca., a.c 'lIn r.ll",,, u" "u. ,Ia<l

Ihmhc" ;",,1 \"Ifl'. "'c nnN ma~e c.c,y dr",1 In ",-,y "ilIOn n'~11c I'rOOttCIS Ind IIn,on '<''',CC, Wt '~n'l e'I'Cd Ollie. Iho.hc.hood<. I" .... ) "'" """ .. ,', If ... e dun', '"ppo.1 Ihrm_

Our 'c~lIIJI 1Il<'~II"~' a.c ,,,II the- fi',1 Thill' da) of lhe nl<"'lh ..... ~ ~., ... lhe.c

KO~IRI J. GAul"'(;ln'< 1'\

T ..... o Contracts Settle Before Deadline 1..1 • 2111 , \\" 1 ~ Itl 011. f" . BUlh \\ ~INI"" 3n,1 \1;&"'111 (-lIy I,ea,' I1Ctl0lt3Ilnll 'ums hue hned up M" ,·unl'~'I'. a , ... u )";0' for Waler1<)(J ,nd I Ih, ec-)flIr fur ,\1;&"111 C. ly, and bolh have bttn ;&1'1'10,(,1 hy Ihe b" ... y. Til,s ~ Ihe lir-.I lime .m"e I ha~c been ~ memhc. uf lhe local .ha\ ... ·c have had an a,.temC"1 '-tilled n monlh or mOle in ao/vancc of coni rat'! dalc _ l or Ihe mosl ra.l. membeD fed ... c cnmc a .... ay ... il h fatl ly decenl conl.nelS • nml .... c dId n,)t havc ' 1;> ~o II;>

so I IBEW J" .. ,""I

Negotiating Meeting


""Ii< (II( ;lnd ha,,, ,hem lale a"ay half "f ... ha, '.iC

d"ln', a,l; fur rn Iht filS! "bce' Of COU'IC. Ih" "nl! .dlrnll;>n on lhe C IR

1 ~c ne,ohahnJ: IUms fur bolh Waltll<lo and Ma",n ("ory dcsc.~t 1 round 0 1 applau",,_ 1hty , P/~i,ltnl B.ll Aldrich, \ ICe Prni~n l Don Ila,,~r. Ilu"~ "ana~. llon I rO'>I. IlrOlhe" J"h" Glle, II<!bert Hermln. Rose. B.'rKi or \\ale.l ..... and \13 .... n Clly Il rmhers Ronnoe GIIY. Ro,tl Il unl, Dan Ikcnen. anJ Cra" CI •• 1.; \\dl <I,~'

AI I"" ImK: .. c "'ISh 10 If\OlnilC antJ Ihanl '''0 \\alf,loo fi.emen. Da't \\,de"h<lm and l arry Md .... 'nney. alunr. ... /lh to'" I IIIda ~,u\e (n,le. loJ ... a) ... ho teache. Il:':hil: I ,fe " lI a",'le)t In'''IUle or T""hnol~y in Walf/loo, for Ihe 1"'0 IIIrH-hour <.'1'1( Cla~-.n I~Y condu<led 101 Iht nK:n ~nd u numhc. or .he ""¥C'S of LOCII 288. Illty 11,,1 a fi,..., Job. ""ere ... ell recc'~fd by Ihe la'jlt htln<ltll of partK'ipanl>, Commenls .... e'c ,hm ,I ... n~ a n,O', ... 'o/ thwhlle It~jlllllll . W. al.o e~lcnd Ihank~ to lhe Waterloo !'i re Dtp~rlmenl "'''0 ~cl l)(' d 10 mnkc this IrDininl IlO"sihle .

Alon\! th is linc, we also lhan~ " resilient 11 m Aldr ic h, I;> ltr "man in Ited Cros\" who al", IPIIllh l nnolhcr class for itS . Thnnk yl;>U. !lilll

" " Ih nelol.allom now closed, ()IJr oosiness m:lI1alltr. Dun F,O'\,. ) houlll have I ~ItGh, brea lhe. unhl fall .. hen negoh3hons ""iII come up for I n~pendrnce C.esco Ind !'oswillt RECs. Wr hOI'" lhc" fOil",," 1I'iII follow lhoe format or the Waterloo-Mason Cily ~rt:ls.

App.enlK'f inlcn.ew dall'S III Watcrloo we.e SCI fo.- toby 2S nd 26, Ind also cornin. up "'ill hc In ,n,haloon on bolh ~."as for IoOI11t new Il'pr"ntice mcmberl;h'JI!i.

II fin~lIy bellini '0 lool lilt ~nmtTter in 10"''3. Ind J'ocnoc ,i~ ... -ilI be he.e 500<1, The Muon Cny area is planninIJ lhelr annual I'k:mc. I ...... ;· honally ""Ion hy appfenlm. \\ r "" abo con· ~ilkrrn, such 3n :lCII¥;IY for Ihe Wa .c.loo .rn I>«IU'< Ih" Iype Qf Id.Uly ~UI' do ... ·n on II lot of work In~olved III cauyin, OUI •• ocial 1"0-tt,am, All 100 uftcn the same f>Cl;>ple cnd up dornit Ihe ""olk.

In tohwn Cily. laSt monlh, 1I.0Ih ... Rnymond D. Illlck .... enl Inll;> !el'fC'nenl Ra y heSan hilt memher,h;p HI 1941 an,1 ha' been ICIIVC all ,hl<lu~h Ihe yea.s. The fcllo .... ~ un h~ I~~I Jnb hll<l a ltulc "atty 10 bunch his .... ap up of so m~I1Y y~nr. or .... urk. Many a younger m~n cnvin hi~ h.d lor lel<,urc here Qn'

I hn>'e t1 'rQIll Ihe ll \l';nc<~ Agenl Ihnl both ou, a.e,,~ arc IIl1c'c'led In A jnUTll<'ynHUI ""c, 'IlCn. AI lea'i SIX a.e needed nO .... , bUI befo.c the ~umml" "Q'-er .... e "ill p,,,bnbly net'd more Ih .. n Ihal m'lIIhcr. Anyone sct:~inl! .... o,~ In Ih,§ area can F"'e Local 288 a eall

II)' Itwo lime Ihos ,,<!eS 10 p,e<s, tohy nominatiml5 1m dec\,on of Om," ... ill he made; clrelion ""u,s in J"ne, and new offrcer~ Ire ill5l llled In

July_ W e hoi"C fQr I llO<l<l lurnOUI Ind eandida lC:S 101 ollict rqual 10 Iho-e "C hn,'" had thlough lheyur-.

11111 !JonES, I'_~

Work and Play


I ....... lW. IIlbbh",. \ Ii .... B_"'~ Car:r 1I~1MI.IrJo..o '.n", ""~IJ, \ 11 ........ b ...... ~~ _ of U6 5<01 ........ of 1'1 "1>0 lIaI1~ , he 10''-1 .. ,_. M ulto .... 10 St . 1· ~.1. \,, ___ • 5" .. 110 ......

OSHA Stands For Safety 1.. (1. 2\14. IIIIIIU ,"G, \11:-;:-' . ' \ 5 of Ih,\ ... "unL: ,lie IlCIlOlb,il;>M a .~ to Iheir finn! ~I~er' brl .... rrn I;>ur I<>cul alld NECA,

Wo.k in our jU'isdiclion is slowing down as U.S. Sleel's I'IJIII in Mt. Iron. Minnesota, is ... i,, <l lnS up. The Coha~5rl I'o ... 'cr I' lalll has<l up a fe .... of tbe mcn laid off.

At Work

nom Id. I n ti~~' flro.het ntd Dtl", .. II . L",,~t fortman and ""'lhrr Mikt " unde. 1.000al I U. 0" 'he U.S. S'~tl·. Minn.,.. }ob In MI. Ir.,n. Minn.

I",n. Miu.

Reml'mbl"r th .• t OSII A'S m;»!Iion is 10 a~SUIC a._ 1M as "",sible f,'ery wo,kmg mnn and WOlllan III Ihe na! ion s:l fc and heallhful "or);ing comli· lions and 10 prese"" ollr human resources. We h",'<: to wor k logc t her 10 ,,",:our"ge our em· ployers amI fellow employees to reduce hazards in Our wurk artas and start or impro"e nisling $"fely and health programs.

Cungr:ullb!iol1$ a rc u!ended 10 BrOlhel Dale Leinonen and hiS "";fe on !hcir la lc51 addition 10 Iheir family. n baby boy born laSl April. Il'olher Dale is ;n o ur loca l Unil 294-1 RF..A.

T he follo"ing new apprcntic~ were sworn in April into Otll loca l. On Apl il 29 in Bemidji, Minn~'SOta. Loca l 294.2 SWnicy lIagen from Clearbrook., Minnesota. and Alan H entges from m ackd u, );. M inneSOla. O n April 1 7. in H ihbing Loe,,1 294. J. Beddoe from Grund Rapids. M inne­><.Ila. W .ll . Behrens fronl Gilbert. M inne,ota. K. Urandl from lI ibbinl\. M lIlnC'Wia. T.A. Johnson from Chisholm. Mlllne<Ola. 8 . I-kNama,a f,om Solway, MinneSOla. C. O::lin fro m La Port~. MinnCWla, P. Palipoyich frum H ibbing. Minne­sota. Good Iud 10 Ihf'Se mosl welcome B.olhen.

Here i~ how 10 be a COI'E VII' Volunleer In r ol;I ;C$.

I. Be inlerCSled in polilics. i~suc<:, c3m"".III:1'. 1. lie concerned with m:.king our ,y'lem ""'~

fM wo,~in~ people and Ihdr families. J. Be willing 10 vol"nteer for COI'E nCli,'ili~<

" few ho urs a week and more d"r;nll election l>e,io.h if yuu C:"I SI':"" Ihe time .

4. LeI your A I' L_C IO Cenlr'al Counc,l COI'E kn uw you "',,m 10 be a V II'.

5 _ I.e. you, local union Cope Comrn;!!ee knn,. 1\ :11><.1_

Unlil ne'l m"nlh l"OI<"l:t .,ur un;"n and all Uni(UlS by chedin" fur Ihe uni"n !.,bl"ls and 'mile. Y"" " ill ,...., I",w cunlag;o", il ;~.

h_ I LN.O' LAlillr. I'.S.

Retired Brother Welch Highlighted 1..1 ' . 195. U1"1'1 _.: HOCK. AKK.- In kecrUlIl " ' i,h our eonlin uing pracliee o f I'aying Iribule 10 our relired Bro lhers "ho "ere among Ihose "ho helped pioneer our industry and del'clop our heritage. lhis month we will fealure Brolher Tom lee Welch o f Searcy. A rbnsas.

T om wa$ born M arch 18, 1906, in lhe small


, 11'0,10 .. To m 1.« " .. eh . .. 100 "3' ln ll i(ll<d in.o I ... cal 2~S. Utile Ho<~ . Ar~ .. 1946 and ... Ired I" 1974.

On the Job

\o\ irtman ~",pIoJ td by HrOlQr E ..... n c CO"'P3nl 3't

I ft>lallin~ 1"" ~ke" "'a( .. .. rk ., .. lht Aidt.scatt 1Ii~ .

Rb~ lor Ih~ t lM, I,. In SOO.h .. · .. ' Ul!lt Ro< k. Ldt '0 ,i~h! . fronl roW U~ W.)~ L.,,·I •• Wa rde ll Mt~k'.

lob . 1< .. ".d- flllI IUc h~ rd. Charlts Ho,,·an ; h"Ck ""':,an_ Hobb1 1I0 .. ~n . Ho n ~·ulm.·r. Jim " " ..... and I)on HI,,~~ .. ld .

I.crt 10 rl~ hl ~ .. f.,,,',,,an-n ick lIu rd. n and hI, ere .. : Tum Hla. )", CharI .. G.~"n . J)"" H"d~tr_" and C Ol' Sp ann a ... ' '''I' lo,-~d hI l)on \\ " 'on f:l .... 'ric Co. <loin" .he r.mod. 1in~ job un .h. old n unb"r Ju nior 1I 1~ ~ Sf_I.

" t m'otn .·", .. ~".d Il) C IUId C ... 1 ..... rl. Co. "' ... "or~ ''''' on .ht :oddHit,,, lu Ih S55 S.",,(, Co",· pan) ,<,.' ,., . i~ I~. I.on. "' .. a rt H .. w rl " "It., r. IbrT) " a,,~ n. Hot"," F."' .... ,: f.".< "",,,.... Clinl Thorn"" 'Ii", M e\l inn. Hill I.,K'). and lIa,,) M"'h~ ....

f .• rnllnl' commllni!)' Or We>1 P OilU. A,bn"". 10-cc,led m Whil e C""nly_ I lc complelcd his clcmen_ I'''y ~nd h,gh ""hool educ:u;"n nl W""I I'omt and m"rri~ti h .. p'<'Ily Childhood s"·("Clhe"rt. F..5s;c. on Oclober 19. 19:6. Ihulhe. Welch bl"1I •• n hi. cle<:­lIi,·al ea.~cr in 1915 "hen hc "cm 10 "urk fut Ihe M.~i,si"I'i R"Ct Fuel Company in hi, homt 10" n. I Ie bec:lI11e " mtmber o f Ih .. local union In 1946.

T om wo' ~ed mOSI of Ihe m3jor defense jobs III Arbns~s tlllr;ng \Vo tld W:lr II . m~k ing use of

his electrical lr.lioing 10 SUPlX' rt his ~ounlry's "af effort_ He h~s pr~c\lc~d his trade all across Ihe United Slales ~nd rcmed in 1974.

Tom Hid F..s,;e celebrated Iheir SOlh wedding "nniYN'~ ry in 1976 and arc "Iready pb"ning thei r n C~1 ~O years IOgether. They nr" ",!Icb,,,,ing Lheir retirement through acti,'C panicip,uion in such tlObbies as fi shing (shc', the beller I"hcrm~n o f Ihe ' ..... 0), gardening. and tr:l\-cling. T hey be· long 10 " "'eelly Kook Club "long .... illl 16 other cou"lc~ and afe ~CII.'e In church :lnd ei'-;e 3tT~irs.

T om nod E.~,ic ha'" One d"uJ;:hlcr nod '''0 '>Un, and some wonde,ful Ilr~ndchih.lrcn.

"' he other day. Tnm _,upP<"<l by the loc,,] union office and n' I "'<luire.! about his IIran<lc hildrcn. he 10ld me: ·':.unny Imy, I enJuy my g,amkhol· ,\o<:n ," "'Lleh. if 1 h,,,1 10 d" ""cr ng"in. I he· IrC\C 1 ,.,,,,Id ha"" t he gra nd~hil,rren first,"

I' ,,,,uknl ){ O}"C ~lc'''lIrt It." ,,,,,,ounced (he annu" I,>ea! uninn I' i,;n,e " ill b<: J uly 19. 1978 ,I( UUrfl' I' .• rk. 1' .• "lIon No. I. in North I iuk jot""k. A,~.'n"1~.

\C"i",- pro) ",It b.: ~"",d"d ' 0 nremb<:r~ "ilh ~I) )e"'" or mUle IIlcn)be,)hip in Ihe IBEW.

Th NC "ill be fn"tI~h food I,) feed an ~,"IY :111(1 Ihe ,id," ;n Ihe ~mll"'-'ment park for Ihe ~"Idic~ ",II b<: ''''''ide.! by ,hc lue.,1 un;"n.

If Y"" He inl<'rc, lcti ;n ,e""ng On Ihe I'ienie Conuu itlee. "ontacl Royce Slcwa,t.

I I .oY!! I{, LH"UI. TJ.~1.

Employment Disperses Members; Three Safety Awards W on 1 .. 1 . .lOI , T.: X.\Io.; ,\ " .\. Tt:X.- lIdlo 10 311 I IIE\\' mcmber$ ""ery,,'hne. Ou, mcmhNs :nC '" d;'per;.c,1 Ih .. 1 Ihi, m ... dia i< lhe only me"n" uf commllnka tioll . "" ,, ~ h:,v~ n" loc~1 "cw, hlllle!!".

r ile "ur'" it) <)1'1' n.~" " sli ll good. ",ilt. :1 brge ~hoppi"l: mall II) I" O,,'C>S. Lunc St"r SI~cI l!'o"'inl!. and Iht hig. jub al Illlern:ttion"J »"per Coml'"n) ... indinl! do wn "here abou l 250 mcm· be" h~"c he"n " O"~Ul~ fm .,hmll I"·,, ~e:trs. A few SChool i<>b-. alonl! "ilh ,hop employmenl l!n'" in~ h", ~ crl Otl~ "Il('rnployrnem 10 almosl nil. We h~,c had aimul 100 lr:l>'clinl! Urolh<'rs w.,r~In): "nh us on lile I':lPC~ mill. b,,1 ,,·c·rc bac k tlown 10 m",lly home t>oy< no .... 1I0"'",'ef. ,,'e "'<'Ie " lad 10 bc of some a",iSlance "hile " C c<)'II,1,

\V ilh nu, fllll ' Iimc busine," mana):cr. Ed Nn<! •• ami ,,,·,,t,,,1I. "me, "Gooh" She,,.,,,,. :llonl: w,lh Ihe I>('<t ",ereta,), around. our juris­diet;"" " bein" "''' iced bl"ucr for bolh oo~ Rl('mbc" and .he ,'onlractor'. Aho. we Ih;nk our app.emo..'c p rOilr"m '" ""conoi 10 none. and I"e-.: y""ng ",..,n h"'e pH)\eoJ them",I ... ·, 10 be " ~rc"l prodUel o f p'Oilress and eraflm3n~hip.

I ex:l l 101 ,..~, reccmly p,--c..cmcti wllh J bc~u.

lifll l lIol'hi<" ,n " .. "fely ",,'3rd, prugra.a al In ­le,nalional I' .• per. We recc"·,,,1 une fnr 200.000 ",re m:ln-ho"" ;l nd 1"'0 for 400.000 s:lfe 1Il""­hOIIl' wilho,,1 a 1",HiTlic ""cidem. The", ,, (·,e prc-cnlcd In U'" Incal union h)' SoUlhern H cc­Irieal nnd l',(>etillmg COIl' .. " ",b<;idi" ry of 1.1' . 1I""ne" /l.fanajlcr Ne"d, was Ollt of lo wn when Ihe ,,"ard, "c'" pre"'nl~d. ,.., "Goob" and .. ... "lIy .. "We on Ihe rccci,·in" line. Sorry we "c,c un:ohlc 10 ohl.,in ,,,ilahle phOlo~raph$ of IhC'oC IIophie ... ~, "c think Ihey're somelhin!:. 10 he proud of'

I~t ,."Ill" 1<> CH,)"nc. h""" 10 ,<,,' y"u ,,>on ;11 ,hc ,e~\lt .. ' mcelinl'.

W . A. " Silt I'" S U'-'_ IVU'. !' .S.

Two-Year Pact Settled; lBEW Jackets Ordered I_L .• 107. C I \II I1:HI"\,,,n. \In.- Local 307 h" .. "1'",,<1 a ne'" ."o.year eonlr.l<'t and our Neg",i:>ling Con"lII11ec is 10 be commended fo r a"",, ,..ell done. Cc>n, i,lerin ~ the work s.11I31;On.

July , 1978 I SI

"uh ... l)Ou, 10 mtn On ,~ hench. lhey dId a real fine lob

"" rmbcl~ ".11 tie d'SIIIJymll Ihe colors of 1.0· cal 307 ,,~ Ihey ~POII Iheil jalkelS wilh Ihe 1111 W ""'I!"'a :lIId I QuI l07 on lhe bad . All ou, I h Olhel~ can " ca. these 13ckelS proudly.

The loe-al softball leAm ha\ ol'C'ncd the su· !;On hy SploUUI, ''''0 pmn ,n lhe" leallue. Mean· ", h,l ... m ... mbel" tlf I~ 1)o",1onll 1e.ISue IIle abolJl 10 clo .... ltoc-U W3!;On

L",,~I 101 .u \JddeOC'd hy lhe II~~IC duth of 8 ,oltoc-r Jl IIi Ounlap 11111 wu "! 1115 mulor,)"" h.~ f,,,m "Q'" ont "''1:nml! .. hen he 'Ill"" In lIulomob.l .. and lion .. iU .. d ' V .. a.e all ~o.njl h' mM 11011 ami offcr our symp:l1hy 10 hK famlly_

1'" lIuI". 1' <;

Nominations. Election Scheduled for l ocal 309 I..l '. J09. e HIII i'S\' '' .I.·, III . · Wilh nom,· na tion\ for lotal uninn ollke .. <ehed" led for May IS lItu l ek.II"n .... hcd,,'!:.l ,n Junc. Ih" yrar lIe~ome~ r'l'C'ci;llly ,i~nir'~~IlI POli ticnlly for Loc"l 109. 0,,, 1',,11, will be <> I'f" from n noon \(> 10 I' m nn Montloy. Junf \

<;<>m~ .pace .ho"ld he: ~.~en here for an edi­I",,~I .. " .... "~I'On on ,hoe ~alue ~nd .mpmtnnce "f .. ,c.,,'m~ Ollr "fhl 10 'ole M .... I commenl' on Ih" ''''I, .. n"h,hly '" nm -.ot:lCly .. auld he 'ed"n,lanl LI'I ", {"",id",, Ihen thK food fOI Ih""rhl Why a'e the ... \.0 many ",,~hHO wo,l<w ,'.1It" lIow can ,"'h cnmp,,"" ~, J P Slh .. n~. "'lIh a 101"llv anl,·lalN'1 'IIl",lu, .. , \ulviv .. ~

\\ .. '" l(l<l nrc ~eel''"l1 I "';'I.M"I f)f on .... na'e h,ll N67 A, "'e all ~"ow. Ihi~ hill i. ~\I,enlCh "n.,.-,,'am 'n Inh",

'1 he I 11ItlUinllltnt ('OmmlllCC'. afler a <low ",HI , hi~ yOI. h,,, ... "n ... 1 m"mtntum. A "e.MY II .... ]" ..... II(,ItI On AI'II! 1\ .nd Ihe 16 .. oul'~ .. h" l''''I''''r.'I~d lh ... he,J 1'1.",,111\ on Ih .... ~enL 111(, c"mmilltC'. nH ... ,,,I\c:d hy la.k of f'la"lCi-I,-,"on. h,,' '" hed"ltd • danct for J une 10 ,,"OW Ml'mrhi~ .• local h~nd hilled a. ' ,he fin .. S! In C(,unl'y Mud." ""II p.o~,d .. the musK- T ick· .. " (u. ,h .. ,bn, .. a.~ \I:'.~O I~I .·, .. ,,,k C."" .. d.,,,,n, 1I '<llht". und he cll'er l,,,n .. ,1

A hltKkl hnn~ " ... h .. M II I Ihe u"'on h"n Sal .. " I.,y. AI'1I1 I, .. nde. ' ht ,!"c~li"n of Il lOlhc, M, Le I),lhe' S"ly j"ur ,1.inO" " ,'Ie ,eco"lc,1 TtnI:U"'~ tI. lle for Iii,· n .. ~' hlt"Kl dll"f It S" I ""tny, N"'fml>CI 18

1 he .. orc,ufn ,n lOQ !lH' 'c!thnl! 1n10 n morc ~Iahle .. ""~ "1"RI~"1 \\nrk (no Ihr linemen. OO,,'<,\ .. r. "'ral~ 11K- I ':'~" KC 'I",m Ih:,1 h,1 Splln~rlChl . tlhn,,,, and ""'OI'n,lInl1 alen< in la IC M al~h dill p",,,ok- .. '''~ f.1I n\;my o( ou, uncmrillyrd W .... "h I" Ih.,n l 1 (>cIII, 19l and SlIm IIM.- "01 1< a",' f", IIICII h"'I', I,diIY

Sl~na!nlt~ nle I'>c:,ng I"el''''ed fo , 11K: .e<.ently ,ell led ( .. ,It> C"I'I"'" .,,"'t.,'~1 NC~"\I"""n< ~'e I~",n""'~ f.lI 'he dnlli ..... n' wo, ~ '"g fo , Ihf Clly 01 \ \ alerloo. Illlnnl,. nn,l un Ih .. malelial h~ndle" ~I" .... n,

A le .... "'nd,"" "Ih.,nl >,,,,' I" J"hn I ,,",'nllc>I. ",he> ~r"'d I' I'll:" ...... 'fl "y f, .. lhe- 1';>\1 <;e'cn ),.~.. 11'''lhe, J"hn h., .... ,.," Ih" 'ocill f", m~n)' )t.", ,n ,alII"'" e,pa"IIC" •• n-Iud,", col· 1.,h"r~I"," un I .... «Imp, •• ,I"'n "f I .... h,,'my of 1 '1< .• 1 ,IN 1he h,,'my ht .. ,h. hy ,he ".,y. 3r .. n"IoII :I •• "I.,hk- :1\ Ih~ 100ai U'"I'n "n .. c 1m "q)() rer C('JrY Onu' ~I'a'n. Ih.,"\ YOll. lholh ... I "f tnl~en

A< I h~ fI~W I'tr~~ .... ocl"'y. I I.m m~k,"J! my ",If nv,,,l,,hk , .. you f," nllV n ...... III"', :lI lklc,. 1",1II,e'. ('JI ,·.t"I"'., ' tun"nen" ,ha l ylll' m'l'hI "'"h h' ~e '" Ill" 1'"1>1o"", ,,,n l'lc~ .... ' led It...., In It."e " "' ..... ,.,):<' ,,, 'he ,,'hc .. '" ' .. lel'h" .... me n' 6 U·l44 '718

K .. n",,,,toc-. '" rn .• ~e l un ",e II f IV'" l'ul,'i, •• 1 1IO"'e,'

D AY 'n SoRGI . ,' S

5 2 , IBEW Jo"",,ol

First Aid


" 00.1 ' Irllala 11_"" ... 1."'~lg _ _ 110-. LaN, \\ . ""''''' ... _ Ih Ol ..... "."n "_ ••. , ... ,,_.; .. ''''' b o.l ....,.,jooo ... 110 .. ioott ....

Fi r~1 Aid Classes Given; Member Received Internship

1..1 1. JI7. III IN·IINlnn;,\, . W. VA. "'"" ... "'" 1,"1 "lCtli"g .. ·c have hlld cla",,. on fil" ~,d ~"e" lIy t,,'n ", .. ml'>c:" ,,' "II' I,,('al un"", .. ho a'I: <l" .. hficd h ''''''''"0'' IlIolh.... Il oh!>y Kerntr ~nd I'clc \ ''''I:hn, ht.lh Juu,ne)men ,,' I 'Ie"l l17, Th,~ .. 'Ill 'l":tltly ,Iw'<;e mfn 1m fil< 1 ~"I "nllel Ihe new . tllu l,lIom {o.tlln; ,ohs.

\' e a,t hopelul thaI mOle .. l~",,, can lie 1:'''''' In lhe- !>Ca. fuhlle so WI: can ~C I u ma"y ne w men q"ahfied ~~ J>O~<;b!t

w e are all<O " Iea>;(',' Ih~ 1 HIOl hel W F " W:,h "

Moole . ". selccled a~ Ont of six interns for the Wesl V III'," ia D<:p~nmfn t o f Labor 's 1978 T rade Un ion Inle rn5hip ProSra m. lie was chosen by ;1 !kk .... h u n Comm1\lee on Ihe hasis of in for_ mallon pro~,ded by 6S Ippl icants with ,eSMd 10 lahar and communi ty ;Iwa lvement. Thill 1"0-g,am .. ~s origina l .. d by W r..1 Vil J inia CQmmis· sioOCI of Labo, "I~phen L. Cook.

" rolher Moo.e i5 .Iso a delflatc 10 lhe local D'~IIK-I I.abol CouOC'il fo' .hieh he .'1lI 'K .. ntly elec lcd vice ,,,e.,iden!..

CUUIS II 1I ~"nlo~, p<;

Real Giver

H<ulI.~, John " ""PllU dll nat U hI , Itllh plnl <I' Mo • ..a . • hin l 'hr 1.11"" 3<19. ,\Ila,"I . t ·IM .. hlo<ld b.nk • tot.] <I' I" .MI "'n>~

Brother Koeppen Donates 14 Gallons of Blood

1 •. 1 . 3~9, '11 ,\\11 , FI.A. OUI ,,'pnl/.mon is I.nlly dqlC'ndtfll UllOn ,·ol1lnl.llY help from its memhe" on oukl 10 plmlde 111 of lhe scr,icel ..·C .. ,,'" and n....,tI Our or~anilalion i, 'cry fm."n,II~ '" Ihal "C ha.c m~(I' ", ... mhe" .. ho .,c .. ,,~ •. , \II ~i'e Ihrll I,,"e nil" C(lfl~V (Of 'hc hcl1~lmtnl .,f Iht n ruthcrh .... d

Ollcn tlnu:', we I~le IhC'ot" '\Cn,u', fur 11.~nl .. 11 and f.,,1 'n ".~'''' (>. {urn"ltm""1 Iho .... pe.<;oo, .... ,.,.-..... 'blc It" my 1'10:1'" ... II) ""er on ~h3lf IIf lhe enlile 1 ..... 11 IInion. a 'l'C'c,al thank }OU 10 an ()I.'''t.'n'',n~ ,(>111"""1\(>1 tlf hi-- 11m ... entli'Y, :tnd hlund, ". "U' n",mlle,,-

II rolht:, John KOC'I'f'(n. "ho .. chntrman of 11K: 1 (Kill 149 m"nd II ,,"~. h:" ~,cm"lofied Ihe wo,d h'<>lhclllood, hy "m~on~ (lih~cn11y fo, 01" blnod han~. "",I donal in)! blond 3' "lIen n, llO"iblc .

",""' , ,,1 ""r~' ;'vn Brnlhrr Kocm}cn visiled the Joho I l1i"lI 1I1{IOd II .IIlk ... hc,c 011. blood is 'hm·,I. rm lhe I'U'P''''o; (I f {h,"3Iill~ 10 Ihe l ocnl M'I an-l1Iml T hi_ w". a <pec inl occD<ion, n. it h"",·'hl hi-- IMal ,I"nal ion' '" fOll"<'<'n ~allons.

If ca,h "r I" "oul,1 Iry In (oll"w the example lIr Umlher "'utl'""n. I,('''in~ lhe local "henever ~nd "hN.'~' "t c~n. Ihe perpetua l'On of n"r 1l ",'h~,h'~MI .. .,1I1d h. ,..~'''Ct'

III "n.,r~ W KI tn. V f· L. ke JATC Hold, Completion Ceremony 1..1 '. 3!4, S\I 'r I .\"' •• C IT" . I 'TA II-lht Salt 1 ~~f rled'K~1 Ju,nt Apl'Il'nl,ce"'ip and Train. mt: Commll' .... h~1d 'l~ e.>ftlr'CI."n \'f.em,"', 'ial U.d.IY, \I ~.c!> ~\ 1918, II ,h~ L ,1I1e Amclk., Il ulel lor I~ 11."'U~hnlt arr ... nli'e\

I ynn II" ... ~h~Hn'~n .. f 'hf JATC. WJ' m~<le. lIf ,e'.mon~' f". lhe evcninl,

W,'}Ilr "- \\ell' •• ' menlt>c, lIf Ihe 1:<'"lInill''''' , ... d an ompl"),, .. Ilf W:".'I~h fleeluc, ~aw the """c,II,,,n

('(a,k Cll<hlll~ inll(),·c<l Ihe keynole ,,,,,,l~l. J.,y Net"",. I"",,,lcll' uf lIl.,h Tech. u" d ( "n"rr \I . Net",n I""n'td ntll 'he ~d ,.,",.I~'" "f 'rehn ... ,l 11."'''n~ :Ind a<l"",d Ihe IU:odudt ..... I .. "f,'1' ,n learn,nll Then lie m .. nlioned hr ".1~ Irw'"I' ,,,,,I ",'d hllw mu.h he will Ini" Ihe .. hnlc",mc 1I' ...... ial.<)n uf ,h .. Muden\'J.

A ,pee;,,' a" a,1I lUI ' 00 I'C'rCCnl allcndanct 10. fou, yed',! "'a~ I'Ir~nl(d 10 Slrphen 1_ YalC'O by J",."h K Lamor~~uA , I'Ile;id .. nl o f Loca l .lS4.

I hen ~ '>cHlCC 10 In<III$IIY i\wuld wnl pre·


App •• n1i<c ~n"u .'." of 1.0 .. ' J5.1. S.'I Llh CU,. UI~h .••• ~ hO"'n .. 1110 110.1. Inl"I". 011, • • ,0,. t' I," , .... , I. fl 10 ,I , hl. I re IrIIlnln. 011"'('10' L. Clllrk CM_''''''~. DUM ... Pl rkln . !'tll."", Florin. Tomlll' R. Keams. . a" Robin Ii . T.ft: H...,,,d ro .. , ,,_1Ie Smil" fI .... '·~II. 1), , '101 L. Co." F. ...... t:. Clllo. oJ, I.rr, I). Robinso •• 0 •• 10:1 I" Mot! •• Itd D" 'ld V. John",,, ; .blrd ro'" .;. 0-1 C. Dn n. Un .... L. J)omm. Cahl .. L. 1I0ward. B, • • • L lIandl,). AI .. K. " .... rwn. and S'.I,h .. I,. \ '111,...


I'~bf, SmUh a., .... '.11 If lbe ' <!ol """'U 10 bnG"'. an d . ... ,lrlan In t-.I 354.

~nl.d 10 1..~li. T . Miller. a mrmber of l ocal 354. by Marvin I I. Teuscher. r.«.et~1}' of the JATe.

rr~nl~l ions of d iplomas to Ihe honored glad. U~les "cre m3de by Don Tufl. Intermountain Chapler manfi~er. NECA. :lnd J ack Andcrson. bu~in""s man3~er. Loca] 354.

ThNe were 16 ~rnd"~I< •• including Ihe firSI Wom3n ever to" n juurncyn>"1i eleclrici"" from l ocal 3S4. Phocbe S. Ucrllv311,

IlorlOled gucsl~ "cre Vincent A. I'earson. Inlernalional Rep'cscnt"ti.c. ,,,,, I mOlhen nnd f~lhcr<; of Ihe gladllu t tll.ll lIl,prelllicc~.

1 hc Committce i~ COtll!r~lllllllt~d on n cornple· tion ceremony well done.

THOMAS W IlL'sfl" .... ~. 1'.5

Credit Union Undertakes Construction of New Building L.U. ]57. LAS VEGAS, NEV.-Tht 1jo3fd of f)i reCIOT$ would like 10 IIl~nk t"Cl}'one for the sopport yoo l.ave Iti,·tn your Eltetrknl Credit Uniotl. As n result of Ihis support we h3\'c SrOWtl and adva nced 10 a point IhM we 3re in the con· slruclion ~tage of n tleW bllildins.


.. pori.

Your 8 0ard of Dlreclors and SHIfT are VCty enlhU!iCd o"er Ihe added servicrs Ihis new burrdrn& ....,11 be able 10 provide.

G'ound breaking ... 35 February 23. 1918, w"h complellon d81e of appro~im3lely J Utlt. ]978.

T he ]ocalion o f Ihe new building will be di· reclly aCfO"OS Ihe strCel from Ihe IUEW hall :lnd our presem I""alion ..

T he building .. ill conlain four leller 513Iion\. :. drive·up window and loan inle"',ewing areal. plus plenly of lobby area ( which I'm wle you "ill ag.ce is desperately nccdcd) .

We have pUI " ]01 of pianning into Ihis new bu rl dmN for you. Ihe members. to have a credit un,on Ihal .... '" be able to give yoo any M'r";cc lhal is withm our power and a ered il union Ihal you ean be proud of. Everyone Iha1 .. 'e ha"e d,)oCu~d this "'ilh has been VCI}' posil;"e aboUI our ncw buildin,.

The Las Vegas E]rctrical Fedem] Cr .. d,1 Un,on held their 261h annua l meeling on February 24. 1978.91 Ihe la~ Vegas Hilton UOlel. The sildo"n prtme lib dinne, "35 sc:rvrd 10 150 m~mb(,r~ in allendanc •.

E!ectlon of officer~ was hdd and we "oold ]ikt 10 ,",ekomc incumbenls Euris "Chuck" GllmcJ, Wilh~m Murrell. and Roy R. Smith for anolher lerm on Ihe Board o f Direclors. The members nlw re·eJec led Kirby Sianley and wekomtd Nkl H cmcwkis 10 Ihe Credil Commillee.

We woold like 10 lake this "Pllo1\"ni1y 10

thonk all Ihe cont rac tors " 'ho conlriblltd door prizes 10 the annual meeting.

The winnen ond eontributions were: Alana Kindl- $lO ,ift certifica le from [)eSC" Construc· tion; Dorothy Joseph-SlS ~hare deposi t from IOEW local 3S7: Rou Wood-SIS share deposit from Empire Eleel ric: Cal 1'0Iler-$20 share deposit from Bonaberg.Whilnry Electric; AI New­berl}'- S25 share de posil from H inkell Electric; lyle 0 3110n-$IO share de pos it from All Elcclric; Mal}' ROWetll Warner-S25 share deposil f rom Gifford EI .. clric; R",en' nry O~1IOn-$2S . hare deposit fronl lIinkdl Electric; and Will iam Moorc -$ 10 ~h llre dC1'O'1l from AIlC Electric.

Consr alul ll iions. IIcnjamin V, Yates is Ihe happy "mn~r ur the lI a,,~ji3n trip for IWO.

Wlntler of Ihe M rcfo·wa,c oven was Julius DOI~n.

Th .. c"enin, dosed wilh n dance from 9 p.m. 10 I a.m. 10 Ihe ]"'e mo\,c of "Rim nnd Ihe Reb(,I." Fun ... ". had by :til "ho allcnded.

M IK£ 51""'£1. 1' .5.

Local Scenes

1."'1 10 . .. ht ..... lklo, " WOOdy" W _rull". t:..-• .,.· Ihe Buard: Mr'<. "nod, .. «: M .... I'alm~ .... ; Roy .. ahnet ..... .... ,hal ra,u: MR. ""<o~: Ia<k " il· ,0<, F.ue .. tl~t Boanl : Mrs. Hona Walla ......... 'a'): Ja ...... \hlla<~ •• hl ... . ......... .

Member Honored For Environmental Work I.. U. J6J. NEW CITY, N.Y,-One of nu. memo he". Au~jc C~h'mi< ("of Reynolds Aluminum rc· ceived ~J1eCiil l rccn~lIit,on a~ a New y o, k Siale All ied IIcyer!o~e Itl(luSHic' Fmployecs Environ· metlw l Wor k I'ot'ce (NYSAlIiLEWF) member for ht< .~crlllioll,,1 cfforts and lime S~nl on enYirunmenlnl Cdllc31;on dllring 1977. Th~ NVSAIII I P""F i~ an Ml,inn'LaUOn nf men 311d "umen ,,'ho .. o.k In Ih~ 5(lfl drink. beer and e<lnlninel Indu~lrie'. "ho gel logtlher brcause of nn "Hernl In p,olecltng nnd le~rnrng aboul Ihe ..n..,ronmen!.

Anolher "nillhl ~I Ihe r)ces" is 11011111 10 be held hy Iht Clambake Comm"r« al Ihe unien hall 'n J Utl~ 10 help bUild UJI the ct,mbake fund 10 m~ke tI,,< )·~:"·s clJmbake a. loot!. ,f nUl better Ihell 1a~1 ye~r·$. 1I 0~ to see )'011 all Ihere )nitlin& in Ill .. fon and I!9m .. ,


J"ly . 1978 I 53

After Long Struggle Employment Picks Up 1 .. lI. 36.1 , HOC ...... ·O IU) . IU __ I.ocal 364 is on ,ts "ay up IinDlIy. Arter w"~ral )e3r$ of un· ~nlplu)ment 3nd 3 blea);: fUI"re, "t tDn 'ICe IogllI at the tnd of the tunn~L llool ont is ~!tu and "e'lI be luring boo);: 11"0 ~horlly. By.on pn"'erhulI'I(' iJ ~t3r1inJ; 10 gear up and 5e'eral Ulht, jub~ of prelly good ~ilC Dre ~Iarling 10 ~om~ OUI (If Ihe ~.ound. So, il loo);:s good for .evcr;!' year>. 10 come.

We <,tubl our conl,,"CI lucally whi~h "iii jlO inlO dlcet Ihe fir<'1 of June. 1t.~ ~ Ihree.year cuntt:ICI wilh " higher Ihnn cO<,I·of I"'ing ,ncrcase. and wc al\" p,,1 ,urne moncy (Ow~,.d. onr loc~1 r>en,i,)" plan. w~ di<ln'l lo'~ nny eon<l,!i{ln or benefil' Ih;. lillie, in facl we it.lined ~on,e. " Inybe Ihc [1('n(IIII",,, i, 'Iatling 10 "'ing Ihe olher way. II' r.,r ;1' n~~"I;.l1;on'. are .... on,erned. I w"uld li);:c h' Ihan);: 10111 r,chen. I).,na 1)(,;17. WeS1C!n lI,e"lel. ;lnd <;COII Uani'h. for 3 jut> dune well

l.(le.oI 1M ha~ a ,low p,leh ha",h.!ll leam Ihi. ,en,un. mnna~cd by Terry <;,,,ilh. lerry "ould l;nhcl not 1,,11, nbool Ihe "on·lo.e ,~cord n, yel, bue !>3i<l. Ihe le~m i~ i"'plO'ing ""h e~ch ""me. RO!1N John~on h~ld his annual h,);:ee »te for Ihe yuwh Iram' ,pon~ored b)' t ocal 364 ROller ha~ done a line job for Ihe lu,1 \C"e,al year,,­~nd I'm ~ure Ihis }e.1t .... '11 be no c,eeption

A ... p, <j(\C~'IANO. PS,

Mont. Carlo Night

C"llo~rr.' ~",wnd a R13~"Ja.I< lall ... al rhf " "onl,. Carl,," ~r~. It'll ,,, .I~h'. Hili Rla." ... II. S~II, [,n,l . lIa 'r C"'n~"I. lIo"b [rn .. . l"~n Ch. l,rbn . Ooarll. ~rn ," a"d In f",nl II.", Cron.ttl '" 1.0 .. 1 JIlt. I o .. I"IU •• " ,.

l'ro,; ,I"I11 11 ,,,,") '· ~nC I.3'·. "p<' r~Un~ llo r Ch .. ol,·,,· I ... o~ '".r. ""I, .. " b,' Ml~ . (;.r.".

Athletic and Rod olnd Gun Clubs Host Events 1 .1' .. \(,9. I OI IS , ' ILl ~: . ... , . ·I hc \ I "nl~ <.arlo 1'''1 un I" Ihe ,\rhleuc Cluh ..... " ., ,,"."hrn~ ·"c· n"" Ihe ,.,""" ""a' e"',, I>cllci Ih.111 ~nt""I'.'leri. AIt"r 'Ol\i"",,, Ihc .... 01'>1 "inter un rce(l,d fOl Ibr. "".". ""'''I pe"l.te "('IC ;,II""ktl Iheir fi,.,1 1)",""""1111 ttl .emure 1),,1 fur .,.,rn~ NlI""~m mC'1I i\",1 cnICtla""n~ il ..... " I ,,,m Ihei. H"u· I~!lc \\ Ilcci; h. Ihe Ch"c~ · i\ I uc~ ",,~e; ttl the Ik,'I .'1 hc,Dc.,k, I"hlc,; 10 Ihe !th"" 1> .. , .... n laMe; I" Ihe 1Il.ldl."~ I"hk, .,,,,llhe 1."",11 169 'e"ion .. f rhe "1("" I Of fh e \(, .... " .. 1·.,lmn, "ere gi"en h"",h.·,!, "I ""Ib" ,,, " h, ,,,,y Muncy·· '" C'· ,h.m~c lu' " '1",,11 'l""nllly "f Ihe "'.,1 Ihmg '"

54 I ISEW JO\l.nol

Mont. Carlo Night

I."fl ." "Kill .,,. J Im S ..... "t •• h • • nd 11111 S<h .. rJ<~. hard, 1,,.,,ld ln2 I~' .. ,.u ..... lor Ih. Jr. Krnludy I)orl,) .

1. .. 11 10 .lt~1 Drf Mlckk .nd Ro nnl .. I ... rl .. orU,,~ Ill" t ... ~r ~n" hO I "ot oonu.,lon.

Ihey cnlercd Ihe g'"11b ler's p;"ad,<,t. Th,s ~no ..... cd e"tryone 10 he onc of Ihe "hlih r oller~." I rom oh'oen''''g some of our local ia<lles In Itcl'un '" Ihe 13bks. I fcel ~~fc in ~~\"ng Ihey ocfillllcly ,,'Cle n,,1 t)('ginncr<;. Our Alh kllc Club nlcn,\)er~

.... ·OI~ "cry hurd "II year Ion!!. ami ollr parl,eip~· nun "I .he" f"nelion~ Ic •• hem know Ihal ..... e apfl'C'CMle ,"HI ~UPllort their efTorl'

rh~ Lural J6Y Kod and vun Llub h.l~ $I.rrlcd ,." .... lIh a h;1I1". A 12 Ilaoge Rem"'Slon ~hOIItUn ..;u rnflkd oil. The lucky ..... inr>er "·DS B,.,.her Bill Mueneh Thc Club's lirsl annoal spr",. fi,hing WU,nC)' ..... D~ held al Roush RlVcr. \\endy Fofttsl 1001< Ialge'l b;,~\ 3"'ard wilh a ..... hoppong 7 pound 2 ounce la'gc'"oUlh. A 101;,1 of 112~'" pounds of b,,, ..... err (.",gIIl by Ihe S4 par\l<ipa lmg IllCm­bel~. l'ir<l PIl/C money .... ent 10 11II1 Krrme.; 5ccol1(1 prlle 10 0 ,11 O"an; and Ih .. d P'"f 10 Tom lIumphroh mid Ron Cebf,. The Club j, glO .... inll rapidly "'Ih 61 members. Bili llid .. ell i~ pre'i<lenl: SIeve Sil"m~n. vice P'C,i<lCllI; Dnrrell II crry. sec­rel.l'y; nn!! t om Uidwtll, trcn""tr The Club·~ rc~ul,\I merti", nighl is Ihe \ecoml Monday "'''nIh. A '1'r"1'1111>(11 i. held Ihe We\I"c~d~y fol· I .. ,,·init Ihe lIIon lhly meeliog.

Come '''" ~rld l!:~1 in.·nileJ in Ihe l'le:)1 ""ion ad"",,", y,>o "'ill meel !;<.'mc re,,1 fine !'Corle Ihere, SI."I wilh Ihe 'Cllubr rm:CI"'1I On the f"u"h Mm);t;,y uf the ",,,nth

O"'1I1r7nrllll I'"


Sulll,'. n Untmtn , art Id l 10 ri. h! A. \) .. Kel .. ,., Korr ). and J . . \1 . "h p" Sulll • .", parI of • 'ORR IIn~ " , S>1U han.' .... hn a .. ", . ",bt!nI " f I.o(al ~8~, T .. ~r k.n •• Ark .

Brother 'J ap' Sullivan Leaves Heritage to Local 38b L.U. 3116, TEXAM ... ANA. ARK.-A boul )8 ye~r~ alto a younl man slaHed wOI1.:'nl for I r.. Meyers IrY"'lI 10 feed a YOlln; and .10 .... "'8 bm,ly Uller he ,,·orlcd a~ righl of .... ·uy forcm~n. Ihen ,n 1946, he "ent re~1 craq and ,I'~rped un a pair of hooh, :ond Ihal "·'IS Ihe b<.·S"lntng of " long 3nd rewMd'ns .... areer. nOI ()Illy f(lr h""""lf bUI 10 Ihe peorle he worked ""h ~s "cll, lie "arreJ out '" 01,11 loc~1 .... hen il "as Y"""11 I.nd IrYlll~ 10 ~",'·"·e. helped man)' of (lur local Brolher~ tr)';nll 10 learn Ihe 1T;I<le. In ~aw you·1 ituc.o\C<l .... ho ""'e arc lal~inlt nhulIl. it is Flrmh"r J . M "Jal''' Sulli"an. Y1:l>, Il oul"," J~ I' ha, rClIfe" ~n(1 i~ enjoying life as nl .. "y~, I>ul n' Il rolit"1 hp "ollid 113"C il he Idl Ihree rille )'Ollllg \>1'" 10 I~lc up .. here he lefl off, BI("hcr Kerry .. ho i. :1 f"reman for L E 1\1<')"'r, ,r:"I~11 climhing "I 1964 T he s~me year n ,,'thel Kelsey ",aTl~d wnh So'ulh"C,lcrn Elecl",: l'u\ler C()()P. Ihen 111 19B ll ro.her A. D . 'I~rled 0,,1 wilh L E. Mc)'crs ~I Ihe pre'>Cnl he is ,,"h S"epcu.

!" 'e h~d Ihe "Ica,ure of pole·b"ddyin~ ,,'Ih Brolher A I) ono he is Ihe bcl,1, I al>o he~r

from Iho<,t .... ho ha>'c worled ""h Ihe olhers Ihal it runs m Ihe fnmily. Alone l ime we had ,,~ Sullj"nn, ""OIkml oul of 386. Su )"U C3n sec .... hy Ihe n~">c of Sulh'an is D line n:""e in our local. AI-.o. you Ihm);: of "neman "Mon y"u henr il .

g'olhe' MD'~m \\ oodrulf and nly.elf alltnded Ihe 12110 I)"lricl$l> Meelmg III I 'lilt Rock, i\r);:ans,,'. in March. It Ning my fim one. l .... a5 re31 imprc"ed wllh our Inlcrnllinn:11 Oflken. They a,e " ,·try dediemcd buneh of m~n 10 our enu'e.


Local 388 Gets New Address L U. 3RR. S'T""":NS I·O I." • .rr. W IS. We hod 0 good one·d;IY ~now Morm b~1 .... ·cd. but hnnS III there IhinllS shoulo be dmerenl >O\>n. (Jlr M ~n Winter wa~ rUlllo.ed 10 ha"( sh" .... n hi s I O. rrceipl lind $i~ncd Ill.: referral bool~ al OUI h;lll. So Ihe ife on our lalt<; should be mellmJ; soon Our hardy Local 388 ice Ii~hcrn>cn ale being ad~iso:o to Ica~e Ihe ear. home and h"n,l Iheor bo31!>,

We h3~C found II fl('W home fur our monthly mct'lmp al laM, The eorreel aodrt">5 i~ 701 2nd SI'rtl North, Sle>eOS Point. The meelin, still 1 3le~ plllee on Ihe fir~1 n",rsda), of each month. 7:30 p.m. ShMp. For I)JnPOinring Ihe e~ 'el ,efel­en .... e Ionc\ of our IOC31ion I '''Il:eSI 0 call 10 Ihe bu,ine.~ oflke-(71~) l4!·2696-bc made, Tmvellcr~ nrc 01"':1)'11 welcome. Jlnl Ah le" is our bu~'ne~~ m:.n"IIOI ~nd Bob Williarn~ ,~ h,~ ~<~il· tanl.

The Nr~oli~ti"l1 Com",illCC 10, .. SIMI~11 meet­"'g wilh Ihe conlraclors' reprel;Cntat ives and we will know Ihe rC<.Ilh\. fim,1 rh nl i, in Ihr month of M 3)',

Anyone hc"e"nll Ihe plOpagand., Ihnt .... c nrc .Ia.·cs to " The IJj H Labo. Bosso:s" should nll~nd ..... me nf our h"d)' ~~lln~. Thev p'e a IIfem rx~mJlle of frrr Americans ell'rc~,n8 Iheir orin· ,On. fur Ihe bellcrmenl of Ihe union

\\e ha.'e )0'1 compieled son>c "OluntMY schoo!_ "'.Il-Sle .. ~rds Tra,""" Cla"5eS, bf,&inn;n~ and ~d vanced, Cia.", ..... ·rre .... onduc.ed by Ihe Uni>'cr<;ily of Wi~n"n Anne~ S)'5lcm. ano should be of value in .... ombalin; lhe of Inbo' laws on Ihe bools by Ollf iudiciary. Wh"n il gCI$ oo .... n 10 the o!tIY·lIr!try. Ia~ are paucd RnoJ i"IC'I"~I~J in rn~o. of Ihose ,,·,th Ihe grealesl mllscle 0' CioOI. So il " 0)1)' ;ob 10 deveiop Ihe ~ame ano Mill be in Ihe Amencao 1t3dilion of fnir I>lay and hom'IY. l llat's ",elly h~rd ..... h~n Ihe nil" pOnenl plays, "nQ holds barred ." The lime mDy be coming sooner Ihan upecled where Ihe LDbor Mo'e">c"l may rcward Ihcir pohucnl f"ends for 3 job poorly donI' by entering I~C :lrena Ihcm­selves.

We hHe • man planning to run for governor in this fine pivotal state of \\ .soonsin-a man who believes the "'3"e of his future rides ,,<th the " R. ghl 10 Work" and A 8 C OOn!r:lClOtS. lie ~ not afra.d of .. -ithout funds and at the present lime doesn't ~tm 10 " ':'"1 Mmc Cam_ paign fund. as Ihi$ .... ould hnul the monies he could expend d u.inll hi s campailn. So SUPl"Ort COPE Dnd leI's put him OUI to paSllllc '

Keep wOlkinll, keep informed, and keep lhe failh!

Al.u~ Mebe ... ". P S.

At Work

lIo..-ud a •• k •• ""',"'orl m"~' .udr . , MI,. ob ll­"al~d by JtI Vi« P.~.I,",nl I!. L . n"nl"n and Muo.dlJljl S,~,,'ary JOt Saok.

Bu .. ror1.

The lIollJ .. -ood LIM ..... "(lrkl.,. 0" Ed" ro lIuch bl~nd tn>1alli"" • lJ KV II ....

Scribe Reports Action And Attitudes of Local I •. U. 398, CIl AIt I. E!o~I·ON. S.C.- In la~t n1<lnlh's arlicle I tnCntioned that the South Carolina A I'I.· C IO had emlorso:d cetlain politica l cand jdute! in UpComing Slate and fedeml elcctions. At tllis

lime our local has nol endOr$ed o. oommilled 10 an)' candldale.

Due to F. 0 Morillo bein~ rromoled 10 superviloOr in the Charleslon SI,b"ation crew. he has resigncd hili posilion on the E!tceulive Board and as subStllllOn ste"ard. II rotller J O. M ahafe), .... as appointed U Sleward and ll rother E. W. !looker from tilt Walterboro Line crew was ap· pointed 10 Ihe E(ccuti"e 1I0ard. II F. Grooms is the new steward at Ihe SumnN:n;ile T and 0 and II. N. Dougles is the new ,te .. a.d al Ihe Charleston G arage. C. E. Bro" nlcc is Ihe ncw 398 COPE Chairman. C. " Clark, • meter I"l'adn m Beaufort, was obligated al Ihe March 9 dist';CI I1"tftling..

Our local finall), recei,ed Ihe proper 31'PIiC1I;On forms for the IBEW L;fe-5avrnl A"atll J D Fisk ... a • • ecommend in December. 1916. AI", R. W. G oodwin. R. N . J ones, B. S. 11311, and J . C. Drew ha"e been .ecommended for the special a ... ard.

With Ollt contract negoliation. bnrei)' behind \1<, W~ arc undergoing an inner strullille for the elections of local offictls. Thcn U ("OI11I;1CI W:Ille ScJlc COn1miw:c will be appoin1cd fllr the Oclu­ber nCIlOliations. I believe thNe .. ill be a few new faces.

TIle IIJEW Steward School i~ set for Ma), S and 6 at the Dorchester MOIOr 1.otIJl;c.

I forgot to menlion that cusloma"l)' tile office. of presiden1. businrss managcr. Irusuru. financi~1 and recording 5Ccretario:. come from the Char1«· Ion membe"'hip and Ille offICe of ~jce pre~ ilknl comes from tile D i.ltricl membe"hil'. lI ut )'OU the 398 ,'Ot«5 will m3le Ihe choice.

Our local prc<ident, Ronnie KO\tcr. want. 10 remind our Im'mbers of thc IREW ("on'lilUliun: Article XXVII . §cclion I, I'art n.

On April n, I ~isited ";Ih 398 Brolhe", em­ployed al Ihe Accabee Substation and took I few l~iClUrt'S of them. Next I Slopped b)' the Chrles· Ion Garage 10 53)' ,",Uo Ind find ()lI1 the results of their (<<lent ste" .. rd eleclion. And on the ";I),

b3ck to m)' office I visited "nh lhe Ashle), Phosphate Linc crew iMlall;n, po .. er lines 10 I ne .. shopping ccnler,

I hope that these: anicl« that I ... ,ite .. ,II in. spire more of you to anend the 'Il«ttnj!:'.

FlED L S'UfU, P.s.


B" b endl .. f«om ",I. 10". 1' •• 1" ,"" M~p ..... n.

auendanl ,,110 beco~s pregnant and is unable '0 pel form all of the job dUI;n will be do .. n· Iraded 10 II lo .. e. rated clauificalion. such as e'clk duues. l/o""C'-er, 11 the lime of deli"ery and the sn .. -«I: mater",l), period. the h,gher nile of pa)' .. ould be paid, and if al the fnd of Ihe SIX "eel: pe.iod. fmplo),«s return 10 "o.k, tht)' " 'ollid be placed in the high .. r:ll~d job.

If ,here', no union label--don'l bu), il. I'm loin& to anend a one day COl'];; confer­

enee ,,;,h COPE D ireclor J oe Nobn, Tuesday, Apr;1 4. rn Ch;ca,o. \,,11 ha\e more aboul 11 11('\1 month

I see "hcre thc AFL·CIO "ill cnoow • chir al lhe Uni'f'sit)' of Mrn,",~a's H uben II lIumrhlc)' In,",itue for Jlublic arlairs to honor the memo.), of a btlo~cd friend o f Ame.;ca·~ ' .... ltle~ and 10 help trarn tomorro .. ··s leader<. Thl"> ;,; pJr· Ital rcpayment rOf all Ihal lIubert lIumrhrf)' diJ for hIS nal,on and trade union mo\Cmenl

A hllk onformation to all you ,elircJ member •. As ),ou prubabl), lnow. as of Jan""t)' l. 1978, the denial C~f'CnSC was c~tcndcd to you ,,",I your eligible dependent s. The compan)' "ill 1'3)' the premiums for thi. new CO\er3~c. If Y"u h.O\( nol retei"ed )'our dent:,1 booklel or h:l\~ an), ques,ions. call your benc'fit rel're-senl~li\c. w~s lulking 10 Del 810"n. b'hrness nMna!;.cI.

and he !!lid lh~1 1II111<);s nell .. ;11 ubse"e Mon· dJ),. Ma)' 291h as Mcmor;JI O ay. the feJ~r;'l1 holidJ)'. I hope you h3"c this 1e11f' b)' lhen,

One of the main problems ,,'e are h:n in!/. "ro\lnd the sl3te is""upe"iloO's doing cnft work. Th;~ c~n nOt be toletaled. An)'time you !;<'I: 0"" dl';ng i' . get ;n tuuch .. ith )'ou, il~" .ltd. We nrc 1000;nl1-enuullh work. J uSI look 3rOllnd rou and ,~c "ho has been rtpl3ced.

Well, lill .. e mc<'1 JII3;n-311cnd your IIntl meet · ;nl" and ~et ;n'-ohed

JOSHH P. ItOlll[.IIA'I. J> ,S

Blood Drive

I_Ii.. or I.nul J9t. I,on!.-o&. "''''wrl Park. N.J . B ... lhu E • • I "lIIbm. S,..ln~lIf!d. 111. Hob ha~ MI"~ ,b.,hd for donallo". ht ld m~nl olli..... In Loral J9t.

Springfield Struck By Severe Ice Storm LU. 399. SPIUNGnn. f), ILI_ 1.''1 "enl Ih.ough Srrrnglidd on Ih;s Good rrida~ ~ nd .. hI an ice Slorm.. he .. -orled in qUlle II few. but thi'; i'; .IIe " 'o,,, t "vt e,en 'iCCn I ~no ... )'00 PNple from Sprinllfle1d. DeC:l1ur. and Chamra'iln "ill t1(""U fO'l;et il. \'it .. ,II prob~bl)' h~\e mort on il nt ... t momh. II}, Ihe .ilm' y,n, rr~d thl'. you'lI I'rOO:lbl), w;,h we had !-Ome ice

GI"d 10 lIear lhe Coal Mont" ~HIlt i, (wer, onl)' hope Ihey got musl of "lIat the)' .. "nl~d. What you rca.1 in ,he pape"', h>oL. ,,, .. d_ Y .. u ha'e In read the floe p,in, to r.nd out t1<e ntlt)'. i:"uy,

As )UU all l now. we ha\e ;I nc'W ,uod'e in our conlr~ct thi' yea r. You no ... ha.e rn 19111 nn e.\eUSoCd wo,k d,,), wilh ra)' and an neu",d "mk d~)' .... ilhoUl pa)'. He sUfe and w~c ad.antajle of Ihem,

Due 10 Ihe Supreme Coun rulrn~ , il ha< been detnmirn:d Ihat il is permil;.,ible for the· ran), to fllllow this practice: E~ample-A f"'nle

Hard Work Yields Successful Second Blood Drive

I,. l l. 400. ASBL' ItY PARK, N .J.-Due to the ~UCCC~ o f our ~cond 3nnu~1 8 100d Rank dll'c. all mcrllbers and Ihel. bmilies ~ re again eligible r.,r cmergen .... y blood for the cominl year. Con. ~"llIll"totln. I" ch31rman Hed Ilor""r. B,uec

Ju ly , 197' I 55


C."."" h ,u m~mt ... " .... , ..... IJIII ..... " K~d" II .. , ..... 1I .""c 1I ~ 1I ... u • • ' .. " JOM " " 'M'. h )u So l ,..". J" I,n 'ri"". "'K .. t;'~ It,,~,d mrmM, ,u M .. , '.d .... • ,HI ,'n,'01" ... lIi ll I'~""~,,titr .. I.h Rlood Ih,,~ ~~II.

1l,,1I{"I1~c'. ~n<1 J"hn S~i,.u for Ih,';' un( ~ffu.I' 1"".,,,1 Ih,. ""'Ih)' ~".,I Th" I"","CI ",~"I,~ , "'."') ItI,,,,, "f \lu.l J '''I. arr"n~cmcnt' IIW,( t:>~ "' .. Ie "'Ih Ihe "-I"Il"'''"lh ("'''''''y 11I" .. d lI .ml 1\ "",.d,1e ,'''''" "11,1 1'1.!<·c 11"'" I>c U" Ihe .h,y :,pl'''''~.1 NII ,i"'''''nl un..t pe""nnc) arc mon'ct '" .",,1 ..-1 ,,]'_ i ~ II",. ,,' ~l""'" lloc'e ,. 110.· 111.111<" ,'f "I'I"'''''''.,I,·ly HII lcl"'I'hun{' ,,,II, hi be 111;11,," ,,, "tld";",, I" Ihe "",ict, Ih:>I "e'c '~III "01 1"lh,,,,,,!; Ill(' h'll d •• ), Ih,",~ i, .d""y, II,. II"", "'Ih,,~. "'''''''~ Ihe "'1''',IIIIeIiI ",,1 ... ,,1 ('c.,n­i,,~ up Ihe :ole.' . A"olhc' t:>,~ 11,' 111 " Ihe 1'III.h." . III" '''1.1 .... ·nin!: HI' hr f .... 'hll.·' (,,,. c"lke •• ".mlle I""" .1"""". "1<' The t"llllutilee .,1", I'"""te, l1''','p'''I.II,,,n fnt ;In),,oe ... h" II.·CU, II AI",. ,f t", " 1I1l' '(·" ... ,n ""' ~.""'''I d,"'alc. ;on) "H:'''I>c. "f ~"III folllnl) .. ,II he ,'CCCI'IC.!

N"\I III"c )"" ,ee ke,1 ." 11"..-(" ur J uhn .. h) n", 1I1l"\1I"" Ih.1I )"" ~f11"~cu,c (h,· t"h Ihe" .IIe II) ",~ I" .1" ,,,,II Ih.,1 ),'" ",II "" II,,·,,· 11,',1 >,';u_

n "t )"" ~I"''' .h ... Ihc.~ .tte h.llf a "ull."n eh,l-01"·,, ""'l''''l' f",m \C'~n ') "a" "Id and "I' """1,,,11 III l.::~n ,,,,,,,, "'h""I, I., 1t",,,.I. ,un h} Ihe J"" c,nltWIl1. '" ;"Id,\,,,n tI, 2.tH! ulh,·. '1'"1(' """"I, Iha! "". ',K,,,,,,n·.1 hy '-,1""'" !I.lIle lin"",,' A '1""1, ",h,~,1 IH"'~ " "~ ,I.,}" "mt ., ~h,III al h:ml, ,,",,1 he' ;, "f lugh ,~h",,1 "'ph,""",c "I'e' Th" 1""gr.II" i, nl'"nll j,,1J, :ond win ""'n incl",le 1'111 .,1 ,,11''''_ The.e i, }"U' :.n"'e. I" 1I ""i;.·, 111",,1'''' ,u,"",·,·.

Jill ~I II"" . I'"

Negotiating Committee

Mr n' .... " of 'h .. 1'>~~o'j"'l ... Cllmmjll~r or I . nul 41~ . Ch~,., .. ~. " )" .• 'tf, ,,, .I~ ht .... ~ Joh ... """',. U lln t •• U. 1I ~. U" Wan,. C IM)' M"",~. N"b." \ j" ln •.• nd John Ood,il,l nl i.

S6 I 18fW Jou.n"t

Building Corporation

I/"ndl .. o C".p",~rlun. "" ••• d . I. rr 10 O~k·. Mel "eVa). 1"' . lIk M""",,'. Tom Donl"'u, S •••• ""~"'"ro b

End of Negotiations in Sight; Wor~ Scene Slows Somewhat L.ll. 41 5. CIIE\' ).: ,,"!'iI';, "'·O.- lIy (he time Ihi, arllde , .. 'n pllnl we shou!" he fin;,hed with nel!ollal'On" I w"h I (Quid forc<'J'1 the outcome of on, eHo." ~nd prI'" Ih~ "~IIII~. The cotlltlln· lee Iho> ,-e;II h~~ I'UI 'n many hon.\ und ha~ had """"'IOU, "I('etllll:-\. I' ,,, ha" Ihe pm,ltge 10 N on Ihe /'.CI>III""(1n Cumullllec Ih" ami I ,,",ould He 10 Ihol1~ Ihe le,\ u( Ihe COmm,lI"e (ur ~n""'nl: me tll 'ie,"e wllh thent, We haw I'UI ("nh a 1l'~~1 .te .• 1 o f elfo.t un" 1101(', I al<;o ~. 1I~'e .h,· 1'0'1 CA half of (he tlC~o(i.lliuns ha§ c,mdu':le" .hern\Cl,es comn ..... ml •• bly Ihi, }'car. The'e i~ ,,<> ".IY "f ~nu .... 'n!l u" .... Ihe tinal OUI. ,'ume bUI I ,I" kno .... thul bOlh IJhor m,d 111an.'ge· lIIen( 111'", -0,,,,,, .(, IIn,ler-Iand t.,,,h u'her' pmhl""",

The \lu,k '" ''''''11 has .,Iu".·" "lin" ;U Ihe nre,em IIlIle. h"t Ihlllg~ ~ho"ld Illck "I' "",On. ThinlJ,s "p North are quile busy Ihough; in (act. "",c',,, hc,'" h' place '''!)Ie I'~'cl"'y Ilmlhcr, "I' Ihere .he;,,:: pa~1 monlhs. The work on Ihe R,ye. I'o .... u p,oiecI " also growing in !lIUme'U"1I1

Ano.h". J""jecI or IIIINe'l In (hc 1<1(",1 mem­he .... II.;ghl be .he 'enU'Jtion of un' o"n union h.IIL I llfilC Ihe membe .... 0 ~lIend Ihe nc\! rocelm~ •• n" ,he,!, "UI (he teIllQI.khn~

JOII~ Ornll~IN". I'S,

Water Treatment Plant Goes Union I..l. 429. 'A'iIl' II U :. ·I~ i"'. ·AI Ih" wrll

Ill): Ilr,)lhe" ... c h,,,,, ~OOUI «.I "hlc·h",J,eu 11K'"

""I IIr ..-n,l 11\ Ihe m"ldle of '1"111~ ~n,1 "c \Ccrn ", h,"e the .... u'l "m. "e"lher :HId m~letiJ I ,hurl.,~c, h.<l e ~~PI Ih~ ,,:oil, d,'''n, A new wa.e, It,'"",,,,nl 1'1"nl h." 11'" h<"Cn "'t til .1 IInilln con· (r.lelur "nd thut S46.()(I(l.flW llrojec. ~holiid be ,1;1I1"'~'''' }'"'' .t ... 1 Ih i" Th~ V;IIlIl"lhil, 11"'1",.01 job ha~ bcen Jllu~lIeu by n ~.ccl ~hu(\''1lC which h,,' held "I' ,I.,h "(Irk ru, lhe 1""1 """,,h 'I h" I''''jcci I' ... hcd" lcd lU 1"" ~II ''',,'lIh,

Tull.,h""..,\ MI\. tAil!) J M Jllh h_I\ ICI mru ""!~"'" ;11 11t~...e1l1 "n,( Ihe J"h h .... nnl h",l"n .'" ( .... t .... "'c h",1 h"pc" lI .lllwllle N". cle ... l' l..m ... m.I"II''''"''1> '''''\11111 2~O "" . ., ~I r·e..cnt

I would hke to Gi"e spec;~1 .hank< 10 all ou' "len.he" "h" ~"I,,"I .... rcd f", p'r~el ,tuly (e • emly ,n ",nlC IIf our twuhled ~I ..... Th~ klnJ:er Ihe", I"<hl' 1.1'1. Iht nlUre dllhcull II ex,comc~ tu lie. >"Iumn", ,mIl ~["'Ie lOr ~"'" h.tle ,h" .... n l!.e.,1 tlcd..-.,,,,,n

We I, ... c .,1 1 •• ,,1 .l ,Ivlen "'f",II¢,~ vII tl,c ~"l nnd d""hled I ... t. ~nd "c ""h .' 'I>celly rceo>'c,y til hedd.e ·I ,.,v". 11,11 Slo:<:k. l 'reu,lo. 1'~J;e. J oe Sml1h. Ch."hc Alt"\ .. ju. J I . Rul.'nd. Waller ">herm.,n. G.I McClea,en. Ihymund 1'.,,;11. o..,n McCo",. J"hn Yuu",. Perry II Kelly. Audrey Cuntrcll, :'1111 Fudlc Willi~m,. I l(flo'" Ihere a'e olhers. bUi Ih~o;c hllve been Ihe mu~. se,;uu, and "e h(lpe ;.11 w,1I be back "ilh '" ,\hll'.

hMI.S " !)OO'lS" SMII I1. !' .S.

Wor~ Scene Good For Southeastern Wisconsin

I..t t •. 1l0. RAeIX).:, WIS.-I\ is May HIHI wo' l. looks 10001 for men in 5(Julhe3slern Wiscons,". We have SI. Lulo:" lIospilal. Coun.y 1311, and Johnson's Wu job$ looklnl good. nuw. The Kenosha Po ... er I'lam shoul" make "'olk '" IhiJ Ut8 ,DOd lor Ihe ne~1 1"'0 )'cars.

In Our 5ecOn" ~nnual apprenlice'ioumc)'m~n ba~ktlb~1I ~ame. Ihe BPflrtll1icu a'cnged I.'~I year's I()';s. The ;,ppr~n(icC$ were led by Ihe Kor· 111)1 of t~tty Smetana. Ihe ball handling of Grel I killing. and .he rcboundllljJ (If Dill An"rew$. J,mmy Ihe Greek w;]~ con eel in ~)inlJ" "'The ClIb, by 10" as the apprenlice. won by ! I. The pC(lple whu came tu w;,,~h ,ecmed 10 hnve II re;oI 1:00<1 IlnlC, Th~ kid, l"I1Jflyrd rhr"in~ afler Ihe game.

I Ile IllIl"I e'enlS spOI1'<Ore" by our local Ihe ba.kt(b~1l lurnoul "liS <mall. J"m btg;nninl to feci most of Local 410 m(mbc,~ are ~lich in the ""'u "h~" il ~UII)C~ ttl any union funclion., It is Ihe 'Jme ~o membtr5 .... ho lire m>'oheu anu Ihe ~me 100 "'hu ... an( ~11 Ihe hencfi.s bUI none of .he wOlk.

I'm dirfcting Ihi$ (emarl!: IU )'UU membt'i "ho a'e IIIWl1)'\ 100 busy. elc,. to aHend a I.oeal 430 f"nClion, A union is anI)' liS $lrUI1I liS ils n~m' be~. For yuu "shup life~." in case. you fO'IOI. Local 410 union mo:<:1inli~ D,e hel" Ihe fourth lhu'~""Y o f Ihe munlh, I h<)1\(' 10 ~ som¢ new f.l"~.

Conglalulalions .0 new tourneymen G.e • lI elulll~ an" Jeff W .. ue_

Sic~ Plan Viewed As Controversial

MI~1 Scl1l.0. P.S.

1..11. 459. JOHNSTOWN, PA.- Rcccnt :tllcmpt~ 10 cornp(OIu;se Ihe I'eneke sick lta.e plnn inlQ a .",hle and concilialory conll01 prognl111 I,,"e fl1I)1le" mto eonlroye,\y btl .... o:<:n I'cnnsylv~nia Ilcc"ic C(lmpan), Ihe loeM union and SY~Iem C(lun~i l . We fin" il ",fficult lu comprumise .he lanlluage in (he Aglfcmem wnh the Company's unilalefal pOlicy. 0' nlfmornn"um 10 the Com· pany ~upc,,,jS()r§. We dt) llJl'CC Ih31 ou, sick leave plan is one ba)e" on U~tc. We fccl Ihe abu!iO'S lIrt minimal and cannOI concede puni,h;n. all o f Ihe emplu)"~ for Ihe aCIS u( a re ..... The pOlic), prC\:lpil."Cd by Ihe C,)I1'I'any C'ipo");C~ such a I.hil"""phy In .. /J .. rt_ tht Cllmpany is auemptmv: (0 force Ihe non'3b"~r 10 pohee Ihell U,o.he.s who may ahu>o:: (hf pro~islon. or Ihe pfoll,nm. Wi.hou t " oubt. Ihe Sid leave program will be 11 p,ime subject ((If u,\<:u"'~;OI1 III 1?7? ncgoli . ;"I""~

I .... 'ml 10 call ymll 3I1C""OIl 'u Article VI. ~e.jlln l til. p"lIe 211 of the Agreement. T he Cump,",y h;l~ IHo):rul1lcll a ha , d ncKt: ~nd e~ · e"'I)I~ry puni .. h,ncnt rur Ihe "hm<"r

l(eCCIlI 3\1('"'I>lS by L'OI1~.e~ 10 chmil1;llc the e. eml'liul1. for paid )ulldl"~ e"lI lu have lin a"· Ve('>(; c/Jetl 011 our I11f~1 el .• ",e. I I i. 10 ~ lhal Ihe "'Ihrec m",,,nj" lunch h"s been e\eml,li· lied ;'. :, ncc"",,,,,y ClCml'll"n fu, [lU' con~'e~S' men

lhe Gubern~lo.;,,1 eJecl,,)n has brou~hl Olrl ;>

h"" <;I f candidalCS on I'enn,y"·~nia. II wOllld be "dl 1<;1 ,emember (h", "e wnliin labor have 'elY fe .... ftien"~ 31 'he Inl' "_:1m", .. Ih .. ph,lol\{lPh), and ,e~-ord< of Ihe cnrnlldalCS ,cry ca,cfllily .

'1 he mi,nomer "'~'i!hH.,...Work" Comm;Uee is e>er acti>e in !,Ulwi( or Ihei, l!0;>1<. The "'Onl Go.ernot 3nu (eprt«nl.u"f. em,I" be 1r:II"c to I~lou. ""OIC L"bor'" ,,,'" ~'>1e d""" coum \ole'

r>C'Jll1t " "nlfi~.1 ..... ul hy membf" "r ... "m~'1. rec~m l1el!OllalfOnS wllh I'enclcc w~re dlUkult The COml'any al1empled III bypass t .... o uf Ihe lilli' (lllCn ,.cm,.

rhe Coml'any mll)' ha>" been IOQkina ahead to Ihe 1979 negUll~lion~ .... hen Ihe contraci .... ill \I(' Ollen for full ncgo(iation. If MclrOf1<)li tllll b!iwn "qloli"lioll$ nnd u GI'U innucn~c i, an

indica lion of 3 t.end, then I can only en"islon a " ery dimcuh f;oncract negotiation in 1979.

Negotia tions wi thin our "nilS are progressing 3t a very dimc"lt rate and we are anticipating prob­lems in resolving lhe unit negoliations.

A long and happy relirernenl to Brother Woodrow " Red" M~tlhe ..... s from our West ing-house Unit.

T he first union meeting will be held in our ne ..... union hall on J une I. 1978. The old ha ll hDS been sold. The timing ""'S perfect due to the need for additional funds 10 complete the reno­'a(ions 10 au. building.

With Ihe pleasantry of summer upon us, we would urge yuu to ..... ork and vacalion ufely.

WtLLIA M D. P~RSIl", V.P.(P.S.

Officers and Committee Members Named L.U. 461. AURORA. ILL -E\"<'.y three )'ear5

lhe month of July lal;,os on a spe<:ial meaning 10 Ihe members o f Local 461. It marks Ihe in513113-lion of new omeers and bo3rd memlxrs. and the appointmenl of commin..., members. II also marks Ihe dcpauure of the previous omeers and board members and f;ommill«mcn who ha,e given so much of their lime to sce Ihat the local un ion is run properly. T he members who will be compleling thcir term but nOI necessarily dcpart ­ing arc 8S follows: Presiden t Ricllatd M usich, Vice I'resident "hke" Winn, Treasurer George Weiland, Financial Secretary and Business Man· ager John Marion. Recording &crelary Michel I'oull;es. T he Exef;utive Board membC'rs arc John Marion, Richard r.1asich, "hke" Winn. Del Kluber, Ron Albrrghl, Kolxrt Boyd. l'orm Ols.on, and Jerry &hindclbeclt. The &amining Board members are Bill St~wart. Lon Wmkle, Mara Ray. and Reed Kel.!ie. The V~calion

1l0Hd members arc John Marion, Richard "bsieh, J im Sla?witz, " Ja ke" Winn. and G eorge Weiland. T he II calth and Welfare Commillee members are John Marion, Richard M~,ich, Weiland. and Vern Schramer. The Pen_ sion COmm,lIee nlI.'mbers are John Marion. Richard Masicll, Maro Ray. Michael Foulles. and Hlrry Alexander. The .ergtant at arms i< Ron Albright. The regis,rar is John Thomas. The dele­gJte 10 the Aurora T rades and bbor A»rmbly arc Geor~c Weiland and John Marion. The Ap· prenticeshrp Comminee members a.c J ohn Marion, Richard Masich and Del Kluber. T he press secretary i~ "lichael Foulkes. Meml:>crs serving on the Negotiating Committee over the la<;t lhree years a'C John "hrion, Richard Masid. I' aul Goldsboro. John Thomas, Curt Morcfield, Mictl3el Foulkes. Juhn Elleby, Jim Messmer, R...,d Kcldic, and Norm Ols')O.


Graduation Dinner Held; Work Slowing Up I,U. 466. C IIARLESTON, W.VA,_Bu~y leems 10 be the word "s the summer sen,on bcgins. There are ~arious acti"ilies and business rneetings, including the 1978 Nalional Conf"rence of Ihe Building and Conslruction T rades, AFL.-CIO, and the Second Quarter West Virginia EiC<:lrical Worlers and Borderlim. AffrlrJtes meeting.

\Ve arc happy to annuunce another graduating ,",ass of 12 apprentice. The graduation dinner wa. held April 29, 1978, al the lIeart of Tu ..... n MOIor Inn. 1I0pefully. we "ill ha"e picture< for Ihe nc~t issue of Ihe It"",,,,/

The Negotialing Commill{'e fur this year, chaired by Brother Jam~s MOr(un, b w(',king now on a new agreement. and it makes mC feel "ery gooJ to be able tu work beside su~h hard_ workinG Brolh~rs as the'c.

Work in our jurisdiclion seems 10 be ,Io ... ing ;U,I a bit, bill II should pid up before long. ,'s you know. som~limes iI's h~rd to predict con­struclion work.

I lopefully, by Ihc ne~1 publicalion, our Local 466 softball learn will have gouen on Ihe ball and 01I 10 a really good season.


Local 48J Members

Sh",,'n, lofl 10 ri ~ I'I . .r. Ton. Fort m.n. Rntt an Galnn. John lloov,r , .nd John Roy.r. of Lou l 481 . I ndi3n3poti~ , Ind •• durlnl Cnn,lrucUon W~.k .

Local 481 Observes Construction Work I .. U. -tS I. INDlANAPOI,IS. IND.-The " 'cek of Apnl 24 10 April 27 of 1978 ... as declared ConS!ruclion Week by Mayor WilIhm liudnut. Con<;ltU'lion Week was desig ned and developed to e~plnin 10 Ihe public [he skills and duties of the respectivc cr~fts: also 10 explain the pUf]'o~e

of the lOP notCh program, ..... hich i. de~igned 10 bring Ihe various skilled crafts and manngement togclhcr in a combined elTort to impro,·c lhe construction induslry.

We salute Ihe local unions. building trades. f;;ly officials. and managem.-nt in making Ihis a successful endeavor. \\'e cspecially eXlend our Ilradi tudc to the following members "ho donnled [he" llme and lalents for lhe local unron's I:>oo,h' John Hoover, chairman of the Booth Commillee, John Royer, J im O'Mara, Tom Foremltn, Roll~n G3lean. Bob Brook... J im Tay_ lor. Bob Fodge, Roccr Lally. Dennis Wilson. Jim T homas. Fran Storms, John Searcy, Chnrly Thrash, De,,'cy Marshall. Jim Chesron, and Bob Monlgomery. Updaling lhe Ma"h bo)o;ol1 situ-3tion, we are happy 10 announCi: thai the lime and clTon of our membC'rs brought about a complete $Uf;f;CSS. "13 .. h has becn using union labor and Il usincss Mannger Willianl Corns u­lend. 10 our member< a "fry wMm thank you.


Scribe Writes of Brother Ze ilik's C hildren I .. U_ 438. nRIIlCEI'ORT, C ONN.-Brower Michael kilik. a member of local 488. rccently prest'nted me wilh a 1:>001; called "Astronomy the E'olving Universe.- This ma"'elous S29-page volume ..... as wriuen by his son, Dr. Michael leilik 11 . Br<>ther leilik knew of my intense inter~st in astronomy. so his gift "'iII be an nccllcnt reference for me and my wife. as " 'e <eareh Ihe Slimmer skies in the dnr kness of our Y:lfd, pin-poinling the vnrious conS\ell mions. It is an ~dmi'Jble work by which one C3n under· Sl3nd the mysteries of lhc hc',,"en,. To compile such a masterpiece is a feal of greal magnItude It takes 3 gigantic elIort. much study. and a gr~at talent on the pari of Ihe author.

1I0"'e"er 31 the "ery oUlsct. such al1ribU1C"S muSt I>f' taught. nurtured and rJliently encOtJraged. wilh lo~ing care, and much saclifice. in order to be developed. Much <>f the eredn for thi. mu~t inevitably go t" Margarel and Michael z,,;lik. Ihe rarents of Michael II and l' .. mcb. their daughter. The z"iliks, a I.ocnl 4~8 family. h:oye always done their l' tmo.1 to provide fur their children a happy home and a whole.ome en,irnnll"K'nt. and they ha\"e e<>n<tantly in~l;lIcd In them the 10"e of God. values of education, re­,poct for work. and responsibilities of good f;,ti­zenshrp. In Ihcse lasks they ha"c been mosl .uc­cessfu!. because bolh of their olIspring fulfilled Ihe .. dreams to lhe nth degrer.

BOIh Pamela and M,ehacl I I "ere honor graduates of Bunnell lligh School. Siratford, Connecticut. Pamela's goal in li fe was 10 become

a good tncher, to dedicate her life 10 Ihe beuer­men t of those under her tUleiage. to leach them 10 constantly improve their me nIa l and physica l well-being. She furt hered hcr education at Ihe University of Connecticut, . eceh'ing a It A. degree in E nglish and sociology, Then she wen t 10 !lOSIOn University and Lesley College, receiy· ing a tcacher's certificale. She also worked a, ~arious assignments lhroughout her college )·cars. always bellering her skills and adding to her e~perience, until 100hy she is a seasoned pro­fessional leaching 31 K illian Senior High School. Miami, Florida. She is happily married 10 Dr. W,lIiam Lobel, a dcntis! .

Michael II showed great aptitude. al Ihe age of 8, ,owHd nS!Tonomy and scienf;e. So ~Il through his primary and secondary terms of siudies, he conslantly developed his knowled\ie of "stron­omy. He had thai disti",, ! personality which set him apart from all others in his cla.s. and as Ihe result of thai lrait. hc w,,~ al"'ays ~ candidate for spedal re,ognilion. He appreciated the v~lues. of educalion. and hc studicd drligently. forc'er adding 10 and impru' ing Ihe total sum of his 110lent5. Afler finishing hi~h school, he " 'ent 10 Princeton Unrversity, obtaining an A.B. in physics. " 'ith honors, in 1968. Ne~t he obtained an M.A. degrCi: in aSTronomy, with honors, at Ha,,'ard in 1969, He s1lldicd ~s " predoctor"1 fellow at the Smithsonian Astrophysic~1 Observ. ato ry, as a research studcnt willl Or~. G. G. Fazio, R. Noyes, and D . K leinm"n. "nd was a rescarch assistanl 10 I'rof,-ssor Dolg3,.,,0.

In 1975. he obtained his Ph,D, degree in astronomy. wi,h honors, 31 Harvard Uni,ersity. He laught astronomy in Southern Conn"ticlll Stale Collcge. and Harvard Uni'·ersity. lie ... ·3~ an astronomy consultant. re"jewer of ,,"ronomy manuscripts. and special "d"isor to computcr gencrated "stronomy tilms al the HOUSIOn ~'I,f1rn Co. lI is kno,,'1cdge of Gnman qualifies. him \{\ be n computer programer in Forlain phologr:,phy. I' rcscnl ly he is an ""i,tant prof""or in ,,, . tronom)" al Ihe Uniyer<ily of Ne ..... Mexico. ami also Q member of the faculty Scnate. li e tcad,e< a,lronomy anr.! at<n run< a cOTfe<pondence eour,e in the s;rme subject. ]l i~ ,-oal in life hn< al,,"ay~ been 'a rmpart 10 Ihc ger>eTal puhlic in simple term5. the my,lefles of the sky, To thc-<e end. he has devotcd much limc '0 lecture on radio. lele,·ision. and in colleges of Ne" ~tc~ico. Con­nectkul. and Massachuscn •. In hIS b"d span of Jl ycars. the crcdil' thai he earned. and Ihe honors thai he recei"ed ar~ incredible. Space doc. nOl permit me to li~t Ihern all. llo"·l·"Cf, this young man, whor;e rOO1~ have <prurl~ from all W EW family, is dc.tined to becurne one of the greal sc;cnti,t. of our country.

SHPllrN J. TlI'NI'.nr. p.S

Travelers Needed; Golf Tourney Set

I.I !, 498, Tk,\VERSt; CITY, MIC n .-Greetings from Local 49~. T hing. nre going ~rel't a< of righl now. We ha'e I,lenty of work wilh all our ","'Ople eml'l<)lCd and \Om,' tr."clcf' in lh,' arca al,o. The ,,"or~ picture look. gnod fut Ihe f;ommg )'car and "e could use ~ome Im'ele r~ in thc ,,'ea.

In July the golf learn of Tom Co ... an. ("hallie \·3jd.,. Gary V~j''''' and )"ou .... truly "rll :oHempl to defend Iheir ,ucce .. Ihal they had in I3st ycar\ outr0ll held 31 "'.chaywe Golf Coursc rn Gay· lord. Michig~n. Also ,,"0,'](1 like 10 ment,on th"l Brothe. Tom Cowan "a. Ihe bog sho ... l,", w:oll<­ing away wilh Ihe l ... w nct Bophy ('orry abuuI Ih:01 AI) , Con~r:olUla(ion< T urn. you lleller do il g~in th;, )"c:or . AI,u planning on attending ",.~ Illolher.. Kober! John" .. n. JeffY I'"dchki. Chud Rob,"""n, Brll V~n I' pr"', Tom W~alher­holt. and AI \\,Ilelle. T his )'ca" lUu,"amenl "ill be held 31 Spring I. ake Country ("tub and " ' ill be put on by l.ocal 58

I " 'ould Irke to ! "k~ th" Ot'llOrlUnrl) tr'

Jul y, 1978 I 51

"cleo",,, a ll Illo\.e IllllI htl'" beCtlillC Ilew mem­ber •. Rkllard W. Il ,o,,·n. l~ Roy 1 . G lubb. ' I erry W. lI udson. I runk J I uay. Richnrd A, I' tiler. Randal R, R~nbr'l!. Koben ) ScIlOllltl~y. J ,,, lI~ul A. Sel.lrr. \\ III1Jm I) Se'lon. \I"h~el ) . Shoo:mJkrr. ~nd K<>bC'1I lJ \\ mdK,lel,

nt~1 .. i.bC'. 10 Clln",d 5"oog.~~~ and AlIlI,d \\ ,1"'11\ on Ihei. 'e~el11,

Sincere 5)'mpalh,e~ a.e coo'fled 10 Ihe fan,ily of J uhn L " Ked" \IIn,h, a charier mcmhc ... ho Of'~,"~lCd lhe loc~1 8n,1 bre3mc Ihe I""al'. 1i"1 btl""",,, m:>n~",' In 1949 ... ho .!tC'.! I eh.uJry 7. l'H'. JI lhe ale of 7l

\'''1 1111 Zn ..... I',S

Attendance at Mee tings Brings Respect to Union

I_t l. 500. SAN " .... 10'10. 1'1' '1: , ".lI) h~'e IIruhahly heard of Ihe le.m "body COllnl" \\ell 1l '''lhc.~, .. e h,nt ju,1 Ih"l .11 YUill \ 1.,y "",un Il\CCI'n~. \\ c '.1 ..... "h",li.·," Ih" l "C h ... 1 ""I ... ·'·n in )'c,"~ "",I Ihlll I, c ~ "clly "hal I """I ~()(l " ccd, in O!.!~r I .. ~CI Ihe Ir'l'ru r1 Iln,'"e, If yuu "t,.t p.II1 u( Ihc .. b .... ly c,,",m" L"CI' ,h",,_ Inlllll' Dnd h,IO&: u"nlhel IIIle "'Ih ),,", OK " 0'"

"l'e.IL",!; .. f ho.he •• "C h.,d fUIII "hlill ,lc.1 ,n M"y, '1 hey ","e /\,nnhl (,hnf. 1),"111 \\ IOdhuN, " film I\eh"el"-', ~."I 'lc~cn G",y

'ullluner i, hele ~nd "h," d"c\ II I"'n~~

fi'I""~ """","ne"'" I he \\ ilt ('luI'! h.l.! "ne un AI,,,I ~ I , .11 Am"I,,,1 I a~ .. _ '-,e,c,.11 1I .. ,lllel' ,,~,c "mnt!' in the fvllv .. in\: ~~IClWI(", L,lI,MI III,,,L 1I~~.,)c--'o(' "',mm""., IJ.II .... I \\h'le OJ"" \I"h,,..1 ... ..,1'11' l,ullC'l L'lfi.h·"lIhur .... h ..... " !kit hudl", "crt .. ,," I'!) Mild)' 1'.I""k ~nd )"e ("ud!... In 1"1.,1 1I fi.hclI"en ,h" .. ('.! and h,,,1 ~ ~'C"I IOIIIC_

1 ."I"de ('h,h h~d a I""rnamc'u "n A"III 21. "I." ul I ah \I .'lh .. , l' II,e "IOnN\ .. c.c: I Ic''''i'''l ~."",rd 'I"nl:<'"),,hn Gill'; bi~ ('3I,K'cha.d 1I"um,,,,": h'g '1IIn~N 1I .. ",.Je,.y Il ulnlC'\, l hcre "." a"" ..... ,u,n"UI ~'h' ., ...... lin .....

It ... ·enlly C I'<; r ..... ntcd -.lfrt)' a"M.1 10 ,I, cmll"'YCr'>_ A. yo" Lnuw .... k,y I~Lr-. I"" fl.IOmy un Ih~ joh ""U lII"y ntl, Ln" ... II. hut I oc~1 '(~) 11;1. n ".,fe ' )' t'unlllllllce "hi. 1l mc~" .. "h (I" .. \"fely COOl"i""I"" horn lime Ii' tlille 10 ,I"cu" \,lIi,n" ~3fcl)' I(>I"~". If )011 llt'1:.t 3"i,l­'III,-c '" Ih" IIrU ,'"nl.,(t (Ia}t"n ' .,.uh at J,'ne. ,\\CnllC, Dun I "Lc",,,hl "I I ... r",le or J"n I'cdc. "I n cely_

Nn/'c,'/, )''''' .1" nl11 "el il. ",," rd'" ". Ih,nk "h""1 11'

Upcoming Contract Being Discussed at Meetings

1 .1'. S!2, 1"'\\111 '(II, 1\1 ,\SS. A. ,,( I'.(";~.

I,m • .'. ,,,,I ~I"y """'III'~ h,,,1 nul )<'1 I"·",, hdd /\t _'I" IJ,t mt'Clm" "I'dl 17. il .. ~. 'h"e,1 thai "'" .... ';.1 1",',"1011. /II.,) I~. "0111,1 he 3 n"uf\Cd n,,',.-I"'1l ..tile 10 ,Ilc .uh}t·, I of 0", up>-.,n""1! CI'nll,oo.l II ,~ ~ ,e'l""rntC'n' of ,he 1,>1;.1'. '" .... ~II L"" .... " h.He e\e.~ memhe, nullrled of a m"chn~ Ih,It ""II. f". u ... ,Ie un nn\ ""P"<I:1nl "'.Itt,·,~ cun,c",,,,&: Ihe I .... al .",h "' "",,-,,,d. l" .. 1 Ihe II l e T h" " ""ne I" II"~ ca.h and t"'CI) mCOlhN "f 1 .>C.'al ~22 n chall"c In no. ,'nl~ ""~ on "" h ,mrortam maur". huI II) \""" h,. ul'lI1l<'"', tllhel f"1 0' lI~ml).t IUlh mal_ 1('" II " htle IhJI I """,Id h~f 10 menllOn nUl I1nl) OU, n,,"fled mCC llnr', "ul all 0'" nk'elln~. ~Ic .ml'",I.IIIt I" )''''' and I"e loc~1

I he n'· .. · 197~ Nall''''JI r !eCHlcal ('"de hool. "'~ ""I "hi 3"",1" lI lc " I nt,,, h), clc,lllc,,1 '''1'1'1), 'IIIIe, I 'lf Iho\l: Ihal 'lit nn"" ',,re, Ih~re nrc many ''''1'",,,,,,1 ,hn'Wt~ 'n the nr ... e",le Ih. 1 ,,,,,I" .a.e Y"" and Ihe eO"",'('101 1IInc. ",one),. IIl1d 1'I""hly cmha' .n"ment 10 t h~ I"col IO"I~C' h'r if Y"" In.Lieci Ih" JOh " "hnUI h"t 1 " ~ lng

s. I IBEW Jou,nol

a fe ..... l1Iin lll es to "b' U5h 1111." In my Ol' inion. an nl"' lo--da le code boot Is 8 " ,;.c, In,c~tlOc lII.

T he job pic lure n o( laIC April has ~I a)'ed

about Ihe SlII11e .. II hilS on the past " llh I

fe w ill ou. B.oil ...... 'VII" boxt 10 .. otL on roc w JObs "hlle an equa l numbel of II .Ollle" hI'e been leI 10 1.()fO olhcr iub-o th:>1 hJ'e c~u&:hl "p or ale nnlin, complellon A few new ;obs are ,,,II on II~~' Imd Ilu~[,,"y uI~cled 10 b.eJk _O(ln_ I t. II. hnPl" .hal by the tunc th'~ article i. being read that the local ha~ Ihe Of" "".Iumly 10 pl3ft " ,ood numbel of II rolhclS un ",.roc long lerm ;..tK.

In pa'''11I-, allow I11e 10 ~nlion Ih:>1 lile Rcd C,()I.\ 1l100d Bank '" al .. a~ in netd (If ,1"nOIS, T hO'><' mcmbe.5 nOI fam,har "llh Ihe don<'l pro­Ilr;\m, a,k noonl il a. Ihe nC~1 n,('tt,nll or call mc (or lhe nC'a'''3'~ IIlfonn:lllon_

I) A "GU,,·"(jl"IIMII. I'S

Scribe Wins Founders' Scholarship 1 .1 SSJ, RAU: IG II . N.C.-On A""I J~, 19711. I ".f' ",[u, ,, ,",] by Il1 lcrnnr{Ilna l 1'111 ;,1" .h"1 I "',,, <lne of Ihe fi,c rncmrn:ls SCll'C I~ d 10 'ecciye Ihc lU I W Founder,' Schola'sh1"s, I ... "uld IIkc to lale 'hIS I)lIporlun ll Y ,0 .. ~"Ins my DIII're"3-",," Iv all Ih~ "'ho hel~d me In my clio" 10 ohl.lIl1 Oil<' of Ihe ",hula .... ",,,,, T hty n ... hmf':li

I ,,t .. a,d. loca l Ilnion p.e"dcnl, (01 hl~ Icner .o( .cetllnmtndatiun; Ihe mcmbc:l$ of Ihe 1'~ecut1~e n.,."d " hll cmtoN:d Ihe t/fOrl ; my " ,(e, who d,d m'''1 of the tYllinll; J3m"" M",,,hi(()n. hll,l­nc--. m"n~llCr of ,he lo • .'al ... ho .oo~ . pc,"!)n.l ""e.e-.I In me; lind all of lhe m .. mhe:" "bo .. "hed me .. ell

\\ ,Ihool lhe ..... Pro.1 of all Ihew ~"pk, , "ollid nOI h:>'e been slJ('cn,(ul My ,,~n~l .h.,nh to r:,ch of lotI

WillIAM ) nlICKI[Y. " S.



1 " I,,,, ud buRth ,,( n~" . ... dual" .. all ,,, .II .... ~ 'h~

""tid. 1 ... 11 10 rl ahl • • ~ K~n"e'h A, " ."d. Jr .. '11~" ... 1 .'\a ........ , er.'. t·n . .... l'h"m •• I aFI. Ir, ~ d .. ~.d I J\OlI ...... ~I. [l~ .. , 1 ftu.~h .. lI ...... \ltl'" J"I" • ..oa. me .. ~" of 1 ...... . 1 S57. ll"",j" ... , \1 k h.

J ou rn eymen Welcomed To local 557 LI . 557, 5\(;I:'\A \\ , \H <.'II .-We have I 11C'W ,wup of ,n OUI local l hey 10· "ulie I"olhe .... Kcn 1)3"d, Jr .. M,Le ,\I~"lien, (""'1 I O\ltr. Tom 1 11 1Ior. I'd I y~,",L'. 1l.,,,)1 lIu,Lhd • ..tI. ~".! Vh! ,or John...,., Con. Il,I.n13,,,,n •. men' We look f". many 1l00IJ Ihllll!' ["'m ,he"" fine ~op!e

On ~ 1<"5 hallPY note "'r offe, wndolcncr~ 10 Ihe ( .... ulre, of ,ht (ol1o""'rl Ilrorhe,\ M"ha,d I ).nfllnr, hmn vpltmbC'r 2 1921 I""lalrd AUIl,"t I'. 19~ ~. d,t.! Au,u\, II, 1977; Thoma' A I'",,,c. ho.n SeplcmbC'r II. 1920. m,toJ led '0-\emhe. 2!1. 1955, die.! AIII!UI I 16. 1977. CillO. 1'-ohlc. hO'11 r chlnal), I ~, 1897, inl llUlcd 1:Inu­H'y 10, 1942, di~.! I ~h.uar)' 7. 197~; Jnme\ G Smith. horn Ja llua'~ I, 1~91, IOI"uled I cmher 16, 1941. d,~d A pIII 2. 19711,

\\ r ,hanll he fJ""hC' nn,1 hiend. o f 'ht .... " .... " fill .hd. yra.s of )UI'PUr l to our loc~ ' union. Wh,le onl)' a momenl o f ~ ,I .. nce is o ffie iull y 00' ,..,"~.!. """'1 h.,/'II')' ''' .. mo' .... rc mftln

CAltL 1'111 . 1' .5.

Scribe Stresses COPE Suppor t I..U. ~7. l'ORll_ANI>, 1UF~-1 would lite 10 st .. 1 oft Ihos mo, .. h by ul,in, all membrn 10 ~IlPpOl l COI'I:. The COPE 01l!~ni1a ' ion i~ OUI ~a," of sho""ing SUIIP<>II '0 (3ndld~le. fu~ol­:lblc 10 0 ' 1l3mlCd laOOt YOUI 1" 0 dollan ,s only B ,mall amou" l. bu , \1,e31Iy nceded I .. I'lf" ftll Ihc UIl"" wr bC'1",'c 10

The l\I,.n", A rL-CIO " currently d',I1,,",u.· mf: 'IK ~tl\ affiud I .. all J'l'TSOnal eheel. wnl '0 e.m.!,.!aln. 11>e sl;"Le,s say, "Th .. I'aymenl made ~"bk by ullIOn boor - I Ih.nL ,h" '" • ", ...... .. ~y '0 .13ft sho",n) oor ~lrrnllih ' Ot a lun~ t,me organi;r.,d laoot 10 Ma,n<: sa. hJ,L and Ilul "olh,nl!-. We a.t nnW th.calened hy "II (n~olub1c lc;islaliol1 from IIl:ht lo-... o,k 1.'''' 10 the ~\,ble defca l o f bill 2467. Ihe Labor I nw Rcfmm hIli Wf must :tel now and ~onttnlle

to lkl '0 lei our et«tcd offi~iak. lllQ" how "e feel

Wurk in onr jn,iwiclion i~ p,elty I'00t1 "l1h ~II IIl00her~ wOlkin!;. nn.! n fcw tra'ek" a"o .. ",lina_ T he,e arc QUIte II (rw JOM eo",inll out fill hid and hOl1<'f"l1y Ihi, h >ll cmploYl11ell! 10',11 e"nt","e

Ne;", •• II,,,,,' p'c ~1t1l ~OlOll on and by the limc yilt' Itad Ih.. "e .hollid h~\c reachect 3 new a,rccfll('nl

Our locui h .... ddc"" ... loy Ih,: ,e(fnl dealh o( II .o.her Wil"~ " "kill, ll rolhcr r "kon Wl\' a Ii"e man u"d ..... ,11 be ,'cally nllso;ccl hy 311. Wc scnd our clccl"I"l eo"doiencC!> 10 hl\ family

T he _nnu,1 loc31 picnic "',II be hd.! lhe ~at u,dny Ifle. 1.300. Oay_ lIo~ 10 <tt' r\-r<)'One lhere

That'll aooul il for IhK month. Let's alltnd .hO'><' unIOn rnte .. n~. don'l leI JU!;t • (c" "". eide .. hat ,ot" on. ~ 10 lhe rntcunl! mnd "OKC YIIIII omnlon

II rNJ'" N . H. " ';


Sh .... " '''"I''M • <abl~ .nl1dn~ <Ia_," of 1 ... <.1 ~89. hn,.k., N. , ' .. Id. '0 ,I_ht • • r~ n . R""" ... 1' •• \ J,,"n C ... . .. h" .... '~d .~ In"n",' "'' n . C .. ~b) , a"d Il, '\Unl~rL

Cable Splicing Class Held by Local 589 1..11. 5119. J ,\)\IA ICA. N .Y.-Aceoml'~n)'in, this a,"d~ .~ ~ /'I,.ll"t 01 M o( W erew belli&: ,~"~h l uhle'I'!lcing al .he \lOI"S Pa.L d~,,­nx,," the COll .... C "as lhe fi"'l of ", l .nd Ind ,,1t' I'UI IUffthel by 0111 o,,'n p'('-.I""nl. John Ca'~I~no .... 110 .11-0 st"cd .~ on~llu"n' l 'h .. ..~, .I ,I. ,,(ek CO"'"" .nd all I'~"'-'..t .. ,Ih "", Inll ""Iut'

0,,, gel1('1~1 .h.""",rn. J J IIJ\c. ;",,1 I" t" .!enl John Callgiano ha"r Iftl"""d from ,hc 10lh I)"UI<1 I"o~'",s Mcttu', ,n Chica!<o Ind IC ro" .. d II .. -a. il!la", i hu~ ~, ... r .. " .. Ilh • p,o· t".m rul IOtt,he, hy our fO(»o.t ahlt' l"'c.n3 uon~l V,er I'.e".!tnl Andy RIIIP .nd h,~ ,1.111 l h~n~' .,a,n. Andy. fo, the: oPf'Il.llln,ly )'010

atl'u,.! all Ou r Brolhers 10 Irarn mutC o( ,,'h •• t ""'On"111 " ul1 ahcnll

Our healt h ~l1 d sa(~ l y ploblem. a ~"'11 R '~ If..o "" n, ond t l~rt i~ no help from ,he ca. lie, 10 SOIU loO"'" We do have p )\IanallentC'n l. 1 nIKJ. Safe lY Council . ... h,ch 11M: cartie r, 011 its 11111 1 is flul lO, to ha.'e regu lar mon lhly mcc linlS. Wc plC'tn. many 1I.0blcmJ lo ut tI,~,~ &,,' , cry fe '" al1empt~ flom the ca. rier 10 eHm i n~l e ,h .. m

Ho",~o'er, we no" arc officially covered by OSHA regulalions and we inlend 10 use ils stn ices.

Allendanee III our monlhly m«lings i$ on the: rise. Our younger people are be,innin, 10 sho .. 50rne inlere~1 u 10 " 'hal k~P5 thc:ir bread bUI' Itred. Keep il up, fellowJ.. A union is only as wong :IS you " 'anl 10 mike it and lhe lilend. ance al meelings is lhe Insl you nn do 10 ~ow suppQrl for Ihose who are oonllOually ""or~ing 10 your behalf.

The u;reul;o'e Hoarll "Qled to ha"e Asher Led"'g<: fill lit< seal "Icaled by !'ele Keenan and "'as appro. cd by lhe 10 . CongralUlmiQns, Asherl


Scribe's Son a Doctor; Election Scheduled I .. U. 595. OAKLAND. CAI-- /low r:lS1 lime g()('l " 'hen you're having fun. Wealher lL1rned fair 50 "'e could Slarl those klna awa'ied house and garden chQru. Seem~ lhe mQre YQU dQ. the more Ihat needs be done. Sure eOlild have u'\Cd 50me help from my w n. ~"ke. Cannol cQmplain IhQUgh. he h~s been a"'fully bu.y. Ju'l got word he aradu31ed from A rmy Special Forc~ Medical School. "My SQn, Ihe Doclor."

Local S9S .. ·m holll nQm,"~I'Qns al Ihe May mceling. Eleclion Qf Qflice.s will be by mail baliols Ihi. lime. Oallot s will be labulaled June 24. 1978. I will be able 10 report nQminecs' ;lames for the jol""U/ neXI monlh .

Speaking of banQI', municipal eleeliQns will he held June 4. 1978. You can see IlK're is a )Iigh! lull bet ... ·een .clivil~. I"m Iffl " 'il h 11K' f~Jjn~ Qf Ihe "calm befQre Ihe slorm." NOI Ill al irs all Ihal calm Dcbale cenlers around Ihe hn·is·Gann !'ropelly Tax Iniliali,'e It advocaln lhe rollback Qf P'~r!Y appraisals 10 lhe pie· 1976 'nels . ·ilh II propeTly IU Iimil of I per· cenl of fair mar~tl vllue. I 1m !Qld Ihi~ will r~ull in about S7 billion IQU of ... ~tnlJC' 10 the ~WIC.

111c Slale L .. gisl:l1i ... counler .. d "i,1! ,he Behr r ro.,.,rl), Tax Reliff 8,11 It p.owidrs for a 10-percenl 'Cd,oclion of pr~'IY IJ\~ and liberal , .... 5 crellil. Th~ are jusl Ih .. "Beh,' faels. I 5310' an arlicle in my hQmelown paper which rcporl~ a''C'sed YalualiQns are 30 perC1:nl higher now Ihan la S! )·ca •. From an erslwhitc gardener', viewpoint. I Qnly "'anl 10 and prune Ihe "I,ce of gO'·C!lLmcnl.'· ' l1'e Behr bill jusl " n eh."ty nif)< n 1"'11 or two. while }3,,·is·G'lnn i< an ue i.boLlI 10 cuI dQwn Ihal . Like Sam used 10 say. ' "I'm just a simple CQUnlry bwyer:' all I 5C"C' is Ihe bollQm tine. No mailer hQW il all comes QUI. I slill pay.

Speakinll of paying, h"e you nOliced j!a'oOline prien lalely? A nc:"" arlicle Sialed thaI Chevron Oil has mO" ed I lI;anl on,hore d.illmll plalform frmn the Isle of Skye In Scolland 10 the No. lh Sea. The 6OO.000-IOn .ia K described as "Ihe'l obj«1 eO'er 10 mQVe on lhe face of ItI<: tanh." You'~e heard aboul unlucky pmhle.~ gQing 10 Las Vcgas 10 "vi,il lheir mmk'Y:' I'll h3~e 10 go IQ Ihe "'o.lh Sn 10 vi,il mine.

A' you. pr .. 's !.("c.el~'y I will he happy 10 h .. ar from any S9S m fmme. S9S member Any hil Qf news andQ, hlack and ... hil .. 1l1000'y pic· IIIC!< wi,h pe'1IOn~ and 1,lace' il .... nl'rktl on hack .. ill be ... dcon" Ma,l 10 t ocal S9S. IHEW. allcnlion l'rc'iS Secrelary. 1918 G.owe SI.eel. Oakbnd. California 9461~. r lca<e ioclu"c yQur relUrn add.c\< in CII<C I fl('cd 10 COnl3C1 )'ou w,n h30e belle ..... w. and ,;.,;,,,. ne~1 momh Hang in ,he . ... and keep ,he failh.

10"" 1 .... ~ .. ()"'.1' ..

Steak Sta9 Hailed A Success 1_0. 60 1. C HA i\tf'A IGN·UR IIA NA. 11.1.. ·Our local union sicak Slag was held Ihis spring and il WaS anothe r succe.s org:!ni .... d by n ,olher "T iny"' lI alberSiadl Rnd hi s crew. When il comes 10 cooking slea ~ ., Ihis IIUY knows hi. bu<jnc~

Steak Sta g

... hieh 8rolher Tommy lI amme .. smilh "',11 .ouch for. Apin. thanks 10 Tiny and his t.ew for anQI""r fiM stag!

BrOlher Gene Lynch h:l:S taken II Ita.e of 3~nce frmn lhe Universily Qf IIhnoi$ 10 fulfill lhe job of aMI ani busineM managtr in lhe Champ:aipl·Urb3n3 .~a Qf our jurisdiction. Gene is '~ry actio'e in ciYic and !ontl IIffain and i$ more Ihan jusl a Brolher 10 rnt'lIl Qf IH.

We'll all miss him as ""ording ~relDry. lIe's done a lenilic job in Ihal posiliQn fm Iht past 18 yurs.

Bmlhe. Bill Bbnd "'as inyol"cd in all aulO­Iruck collision Ihis winler. AI Ihe lime Qf this IeUe •• he's doing :I. whQle 101 bener. bLlI he sure had u, ... or ried fQr a while.

!l rolher !lob R u.sell has nQW relired fmnl rh e Un1>·,,«ily or Illinois nfler 30 years Qf st,,·ice. H oot a good lime 31 Chapel Acr .... n ob.

1'111' LIP O. NlcuOI ~s. I'.S.

Union and Management Si9n Favorable Contract I_U. 60S. JA C KSON. MISS,-Our local union ha., now comf'leled ,he Mgolialing of an· mfnl ""ilh NECA. .. hich CQ"~rs oul$ide lin~ .nd ,uh!.131i<lns wilhin OUT jllt~iClion, for :anQlher yea ... ndin" May 31. 1979.

To Quole lhe bt"i"" .. m3naJ:('t. - Things .. "t're con,iderably differenl Ih is )'Car. NeJoli"ion< " 'el,, Qn a yery high plane and Ihe ~Im(l';phe.e was Jood. W e reached a lentali,'e a~recmenl in one day:'

The wnJ:(' in.crea-c C"lahlished .. a~ 6.S perCtnl for'·men. And Ihen. Qf COUT<.C". all o lhc:. .. a,,,, arc based on Ihal Qf journeymen. 'flt(, ne .. hou,ly rule<; for gfneral foremen K SI0.9'; foremen and wor~ing f()femen SIO"'; jourfl('Y' man li""men S9.93: heavy equipment olk'r3!Qr ~991; .. inch 1rUC~ o",,<:aIO' $844; ,.<oundmen S6.0~: all Ihe differenl SlfpS Qf al'Prcn lice<; r31~ 3fe Ii(,d 10 Ihal of jourlM.')'l.13n linemen on a P<'r .. enIJj!I: b;tSis

The employers agrC"Cd 10 p.o.' ide cmplQyee~ ",Ih adequale and sare pa.Linjt f3C1lillC:s III lhe,r e<; hcadqua.lcrs. And 10 pro';'1c em· ployees wilh . ubber boo .. and olher rubber pro. ICclive c10lhing when req"ired IQ .. ork in d'IChc~ and plnce< whne waler .. xiSI<.

The Negolialing CQmmil1ees ... ere for the union. ]:orne. SI"an, 100"rnalion.1 Rcpn:"ntaliyc;

C. E. Shaff .. r, business manager; K. L ShQ""S. usisllnl bu~iness manager; C. E. }Qhn50n. A. L Chllk. and J. P. " I'erlr." JQhn50n, 60S; and for Ihe emrloyen, Ibrold C. Weir. chapl"r man· Iger. NECA; and Carl Adams. The L E. Myers (;Qmpany.

We appreciale. more Ihan "'Qrds can leU. Iht Change Qf IUlludn bet.-een lhe I\>"O p3rlics in. wohed in this IlCBOli:lliQn. During lhe pasl f .... year$, IhingS ha .. e nOl been gQing 50 ... eU. And Ihan!.. he~.en. ma)be "f ha.r luroed Ihe C"'fI(' •• and Ihat il " 'ilI be belt ... fQr a .. hile now

Any ... ay. " 'f arc happy 10 unhesilalingly (Qm· mend lit< CQmmillCe members on bolh sides of the lable for Ihei r work in bringing abo, .. Ihi~ imp.o,·emenl in ,eblions. as il appears nQ ... .

And ... e shall ic>ok forward IQ a happy and lasunc jl:ood relalionship belw~n Ihe union IIn(\ lhe empIQ)'eTJ fOf many years ahead.

J . W. RU!>Srt I. r .,>

Ne90tiations Are Key Business of Local 607 I~U. 6(11, SIIA' IOK IN. PA.-N~golbl;on seems 10 be 11K' big word around Local 607 Iheo;c' dnn. The Negolialing Commiuee has il~ hanll~ filII allemp!ing 10 lIraw up II seulcmenl ... e can an I,,'e wilh. Our II .A. mcmbership :11 United Cable i~ also at the b3TJ::aininB I~ble ... orking on 1\

pensiQn plan Ihal tits Ihis day and a!,!e !loth ("ommillen seem 10 be on rocky road •. bul I'm sure they .... ,11 come up "'ilh flood I>adalle.

Willi lhe comine of Ihe SUmmer mQnlh .... e sec: the ,,'Qr k 5ilU~liQn pickina up from lelTiblc 10 just poor. As if lhe nQn·union ~i1Ualion .... ~n·1 bad enough. " 'e now find one Qf our jobs being lied up in 11M:- Slale l..egisla,ure O'o'f r land .ighlS. While: anolhe, is in lhe Health Deparl­~nl ove, .. hilI I p,i"3Ic ;n<1ilulion is ""rmilled 10 build. Anyway. " 'e hope the siluali<ln soon imp.~, !IO 111 the members can relum 10 ,,·ork.

A committee has Men fQr"Tlled and is now hnd al .. o.k p.eparinlt fQr 11M:- c .. lebralion Qf our SOlh anniwN$3ry. Delails IIrt in(Qmrlelc al lhe pm· enl lime bUI 1 .. ·m allempl IQ repo.1 Qn lhem a. Ihc:y develop.

Our local wa< reeeOl ly ~adden .. d by Ihe nr .... Qf the IClS.-~ of !l rO lh .. r JO$('ph G raham on hn· uary 17. 1978. Srorhe! G raham .... 1< a rc';rcd chartered member and ... as li .. ;ng in Vienna. Vir· ginia.

1/01'( 10 <ee everyonc al our nexl union meN· in~. Remember. unionism is our lio''': buy nnd II'" union made producI' .

M'CIlArL J . S!",c~v~r,ro. r.s

Films for COPE Pro9rams Should Get More Support 1_11. 63 1. l''f:WBURGIf, N .Y.-A fihnC'd rrn· tnlalion for Qrganizcd labor's COPE pro,ram ..D~ ,hn .. n :11 QUr April mNlinj!.. This IYPC of ]llmnQlion should Bain nlQre <urporl. allhough ~ome Qr our mcmbers may conlinue 10 hQld back. I hn"e been lhe cQllcclor and Ihe cnUre· ICC (or a numbe' Qf fund drive<; and hn'~ found ollr men 10 be generous in m""1 ca<cs. bul en· counlCTtd consi<krable r~i"lanc .. 10 any polilicDI endeaVOr< And I .. -ander .... hy? I' .. rhap" our bbnr leader< should <kvole more allention 10 lhei, app'oxh in Ihis arfa. The COPE film is a !load sla.l. bUI il ob"iously is 100 upen~i"e 10 be u",d in (Yery .. ffOrl. SliII. lhe re mu~1 be II

..·ay IQ lICI II poinl across in a .horl pa.agr3rh

.alhe. Ihan a f"n page of sl~li<lics. Simply dccbrin,. Ihal a candidale Qr a bill before Ihe 1c:1l.I\lalure is JOOd for bbnr and deo;e,vC'! our 'IIrpo'l is no 10n,CI effccl,ve. The day or uniQn membe.\ blmdly following Iheir leaders h~s IQn,. ~ince l"a ... ~d. IF a tau.., has mer;l. ;1 shouldn'l be 100 d,lncult IQ lell us ... hy nnd leI LI~ dfcidr on npprop"alc nc,ion.

July , 1918 I S9

We ~rc oflen IIq,:cd to ,",'nte our Icgi,I~lor" se"~il1)\ Iheir 'UI'l'un of a bi ll berore Ihem, M~I1Y of '" kill'!.' Ihe union tneeting wilh j:ood IIIICIII,on, of w,iling nnd ,t ,'nd, IhNe, When ,",'I.' ~ct holTI<' , ,",e lose ,m, J;u)'~ address, c.ln·t find n ,t.,tnp. cn\clntw;,. Or wh~lncl. I ur 3 small mlc,tmcnl, f1'I)It(~"h. ball 'flO"' t I~n,. and nil reotll",n! ",f"om:ll'"" CII.,ld b..: r'nl',ded nt union mectinll' for lhe members' prompt action,

III II", ,·,,\tldIlCl1l·d "1'1.'. I d'",ht if ""yunc ,,111 nCIll:'II~ ddilc, the "Ir,bor VOle," " h,· IInion man f"I1","" curtellt Clentl in the n('w'papers and on I Valid I,")\ely m,,~cs hI< u .... " J",lgtnems,

l'cr-.o" :l11}, I .e .... llt an}nne Icttmll m., how I ,h""I<I "01.,. hIlI I ,",.n I"len 10 "nother al~Um.,nl :I,ul nHer m}' lie'" fill ~ol1",der,,"on, ,Vhell ""I1,' .. ne f"endlv In l;tb", " IOn Ibe banOI, I '''''3Ih 'l'PI"'" IUI1l, If Ih., ehoi,'c i< poor. I d"n'l c",t any """' rm 'h'" on·II;e. It all arncnd· nll;IIt or 1''''I""ili,m i, "n lilt' h'llInl. II haoJ ''''Ii<"l lx' "'"I\'n III Inn~II"n' I C.1n und~"IDnd 1" I "",, '1 n,,,, r", Ih ;>1 ~ilhcI 1 do feci Ih;)t ,I I d., ""I Ic1!,"cr and ' n!,', I lo<oe m} li~hl

1<> Ixd "h""1 ''''''~ k~;-'lal,on, an,l ,",hile I~r~ "", ',me~ "h"n I rC~'~1 b..:;nll p."tly rC'>I'O""hle I, .. th,' ,'lcX'I'"11 tor n '-~noJ,d"lc ,,110 lurn, oul 1U he " ll"\'ey. I "ill apprc';;llc Ihe UPflOtIltnily In 11"", my ",y,


Purchase of Recreational Property Suggested 1 .\ . (.JI>. 'l()Il:O~rO. O~'-I . Iltllu therc' Ye~,

h,"e " "n cnt ' y f",m Lne,,1 6:1(" We ret wme C""IIt,I."Ill' ah"u! Ihe lack <If ('ml,l<h.II1 conlenl '" thc },,"""'/. 'I he PIC~~ '>t'ClCin'y ,lnoJ other, kd Ih" ;< an ullf.,ir C,ilid_m. 0' ,he }ollnlal I"'"!' Ih,,,"e 1"lIe,;cnled hy ("nlfin,,!in!! 1,,,.,1 un,on, "he,hc. ,hey a.e C'II.1d,an Of AfT\('f. .... l1I. <;" h,-'e i, ,,'me C,n,,,ti.m enn!enl, I hope "II II", ("IIl."ltall 11>",,1, ",II mn~( II a I"'inl 10 IH"''';II' ''''' ",nnlhl-

II 11", 11I'~rI \1I~~t\lcoJ lhnl Loxnl 616 ~hollill b"y "on,,' rrc,cal",n." propcrly for il~ mcmlK'rs "",I """,i"m'" I he m,,,, "1m h'" '1X'mheaded Ih.; ,,'nillle ;, 1I,,,'h,, , I ClIne I I~rr (Illm K in!!~I On,

I ,,,nc ~""'" .. f '"U ae""" of 1.'lId "hi h ,~ '''''''"nd",1 I" b~e,; ,I al", h." "';'me "land, .",,1 Ih,,'" Iluk, "f ,h,'n-line_ II " id",,1 f"r C"nIl>­"'~_ huntin~ , ami l1<hll1~, A, I '''"C 'ay<, "T he ~,,,.d I ""I 1>111) 1'111 ", mudl lan,l "n thi, ea"h r,,"1 he " ""I "I,,~,n~ "ny 111<'1<" ,,' we lJe"c' hll~ ,,,·r,,,~ ,he' 1""'" )\l''- 0111 of ran!!,'" 1 0(111.' i, n'n'h!<'II"~ r",nul1l' :1 C'''"'I'~''J ""h ,har~­h"h,..", n>enlh"r, IIf I.oca l f,1{, halinll fir\l ,h'"K" a, II><.' ,h."c~ An)'""" IIIIere,'e.1 ,hol,ld j:I\C him :t ,'nil II I f,1'-~~6·7'4L

In "rh ... ''''''', (;'n~d .• h:" fin"lIy "'::Cn Ihe .. ",I "r Ih.., Ann Inlh"nn 11""[11 '1 hI'> ",ck ... , J:",e'""'cnt 1''''1'',,,,, ha, c'lI'>1 nil, mC'l1lhcr~ ,kntl~, II ,I"""" hI.' n""I }l •• ,I ' ()'II1)\ I" once "~,'in r","Ill" I h~ r,,·c ,'"lk,IIH' hm~nining p,oc, ~""'Ih .. ,II "lIlpl(1),e",

AI ,h~ lill~ "f ""Iin)l. ",II I~il" " y employCC"'i a'c h,,,,,,~ I""hkm, n~I'OIt:'IIn~ a ,'"nl'3I:1 w,lh Ih,' tallK'" , ....... r '0;;31 ftlft :II", h3' r ... l .... ay mernh"" ·I hc·y n'e anil,,,'e,! "'Ih \)",t<'10 ("null· ul 7 :"'" !,y,,,,,,, ('""".il 'l alld :11" 1nc3Ie,! 111 M T hl'IIl"', ()1I1,,,,,'

",' I"II)! f"r ,,1>11'

line Construction Pl ans July Picnic 1 .. 11. 1>511. ~ ' I ' I)FmiU. Oll l·:.-Wel!. here il " 'p"ng "~:II" hull' li me Ilits "hen yuu',e havinG fun!

Th",,,, al<' "',,(1) """'~ fullll{HC .n Mil :" C'Ie,)'unc " I"ft'''''''!! ror ele,I,uII of olliec,'. rmd Ihl' p'en't " ""hi """m" ,he cor,",r, , ool~ .. ~c ,mulhe, rc'DI II ....... picnie l'ornin" up ,n J llly.

60 I IBEW Jou ,n .. 1

Lumber Job

C .. ndult .,...~ , In" AlI~d b) R'''''b,o" nf l.n<At ~S, and '''AHI~n,

J he I",,· c'Ul"ruet ,on h :Ol1d~ :lI e !lIlHinj: il nil Ib" )'<':11' :t"d 'c,lIly goill., all uu t. I',om rep"'" I "UI at Ihc h"l I ' ~ec\lli\'c lIo:"d mccllllj:, "cht '''k' a.e d'''"g rattly welt tmt you can slitt huy one, 1 he !'K:nlC Ih,~ yC~1 ,~ on J uly 22 at Ihe (',Iy I'u,~ III H'O"n~vIIlC. Oregon (Ilro .... n~ I'illc i, apPllnirn3tdy 2~ m'~ nllith or F,,~c,",),

Worl " 'lin hl/tding up real j:ood III tbe local :t",;, (' If ,,"ernen The en""ollmenl,,!i'I,. h"w. 1.'1'<", h,IIc 111,11111):<,<1 10 ha>c Ihe SOO line q" Ikil fur ~"(\Ih", 1() ,'a~, Thi, hn' Ih", "mjcel 1>I:t bac" ~h"ul ,w" Ihree yc,,,, '"'''' anti ha~ 'f~ny pili :t ~n, k '" Ihe wor~ "',,,,"on for lhe con· '''uellon hne h.",d<. N~ .. "",,,aOCe eo,eraj!(' for .... "emen " 1I0W

,n effecl ",ul Ihe bookl,'" \h,,"I<I be out ~n ulillining the bencro,<.

During Iht P~S I severnl mOll lh •. ,he folio .... •

ing member$ ha"e relired (ro m the trade and nre on IIlEW penSion, We ex lend beSI wis hes 10 all of Ihem for many y~an of goot.! hea lth Ind happtn<'U; lIanns Meier, J oe Pula nuk. J, C. Donnelly, Joe Kupp. ROISS Conll,r. Geor!:e Weber. George Yd l, Myron Abbou, En-in u""i<;, J . M. Pyles, Gerald Anderson. Calley Amacker, l.cst~r Samuelson, Nelson Smith. John l'hippS. and Russe l Messe r.

Don' ( rnr£f'1 In nltrond yaur unit rn~c.inlt'.

ll AKoln Kttv". 1' ,5,

Number Two Bowling Team Comes in Second I.. U. 666. IIIC II\IONIl. VA . (:nn~ra'"I.tI,,>n, 10 !.o<:al (if,!)', "umm, (WI) howling Ic~m, Our num· ber t .... o team .... as in se~ond pbce rOf tbe ,~a,. It heM on 10 M:cond rloee for bOlh hn JI'\>S In the Un:t,;c;ol Elo .... hng !.e:'llile at Al.oIea 1I0wl. The learn mcmbe,.,. Brolh~rs W~)ne Kelley. ron. 13111C 1I0,",lc$. 1 0m Do .... man. Donald l'hilhJl5. Don Sykrs, Slliali Guyton, and Chuck Anderson. bo"'lcd thi~ ~lCtnry Pfr~i.trnt Wllyne Siallard WII$

on hand 31 lh.e league's bOlilluel to feeeil'c Ihe second·place ~I"'IISOrs' lrophy /<.kmbers of Ihe learn recei.,td individlla l Irophies ror Iheir achiel'emenl,

Congnwlnliol15 a'e DIs.o e~lcnded to Ollr nllm· bef one team which ('DOle in fifth ploct_ I cam members 'A'ef., Brother Hob IlolChell, Nick Geor~iad:tS. Billy Wyall. I' d Park.,r, licrnnrd McNamara. pnd Bill 801l0n. IhOlhcr Tom 110 .... • man is 10 be congr311llnlCd on receiling n belt bllc~le (Of Ihe mos, improved !<VC'3~~ fu, the M'a~OIl, J nrn ~ure all Ihe bow!e'~ cnjoyed the fellowship Ihey had M Azalea thi< past bowlina ~3$On.

A ... ·old on (afcly-Sarety i'i ~Ieryonc'~ reo sflOusibihly, Summer ma"eo: thi~ r~pon~ihilifY billJlCr in !oC:\'c tJI war.;. Ch,ldren are OUI of school and !Il'Cm to be cvery,,'he.e. Some sta1 by Ihem<el.C'S due 10 pnrents "'orit:ing, Adult< ~o OUI mnre oflen 10 more pl~CC5, lite "r;ver" heing n big fnvort .r Warmer wcather rc,ulls ill people wtarning It" clolhing, nIa"ill!! Ihcm Ie .. padded :II1d ulIf"ing mo.t skin,

Acei<knt~ mle a~ Ihe fOtlt,h enu<e cOnl,ibut ing to <k~lh~ in Ihe <Ia'e of Virginia, The (01. lo,",ing inf(>lmalioo obl~irICd f,om Iht <laiC nf V"lIin;3 ,h<ltlld .,.,II'e 3~ n good ~ntcly reminder , Thc-<e r,~UII, ... aro b~'<Cd nil 1976's rep('lrI of .lcolh. in Ihe ~IIIlC of VirGlllla: moWr ,'~l!idf'­I,O~'l. J()I) .... Cre under Ihe 3~e or 19: deml"r hy .J"'~"""!.'_ 174, 61 .... erc under 19 ye3r\ of lIlIe: J''''«111/",:"- 123. 10 "''''e und.,. 19 years old; /u/lr--4ll, Ih.,.e "cre 149 dC~lhs of per$Ons 5~ IIl1d Oler: ""'<-194. 98 of Ihc-;e "ere Ol'Ct 5S ycar old; nrfl(>('u/io,,-8S. 28 nf Ihesc " 'erc under 19 yen" oloJ; ",ro''''5-'2. 19 .... ~fe under a~ 19: I'lrrtrlc """rl/t-I9, 17 (If Ihe<;( h(o twttn the a~r~ of " 10 44. The~c arc only p3ft IIf Ihc re,idcnlilll accidental IIc',lIh< which totaled 'lJR~, I! en>embcr, <alely Ii", " ' hc 11ft Y"U "lit ",ay hI: your 0,,""" i,;t lrue q,lIemC'"

I! OI'I~I n I hCKSO". P S.

Retiring Busi ness Manager O 'Connor Praised I..lJ. 675. t :UZA IWTII , N,J ._ Kelirin!! hll,il1~5' nmn:1~cr. John J_ O'Connor wa. honored wllh a Ic'~;monial dmntr·dancc gJ~e" by Local 675. at I ·Affaire. Roule 22. 1> loonI:IIII,idc. l'IIc .... Jero;cy. Ol'ef 500 peo"l., came "ul 10 honor John The ~lIe". included Chr!e. M~rci3nle. " IC'Siden! of Ihe SIDIC AI 1.('10, Third f),,(riet Vice l 'Ie~i· denl John J , U,nty, In'ernl"iUl1nl lI.ep,e~ntllli'c. lI. ohert l)unle:,,·y mill Cornut ' l a~c nnd lliEW h,,,ine,, mnlll, ~er~ fro", ,I""ughoul 1he Mn le. Fh,,,b..:lh l1 udding Tr"d"" COllneil mcmbet$. l'II l·CA ollie", I, on a Sla'e ~1Il1 local le,e l, Mosl ,ml1"rl,II11 "mon~ Ihe gues" "'ne John's family, dose fllend, alld local l1 rOlhcr~ " 'ho ~hDred in Ih,s tribule.

Aflco "II e~ecllen l dinncr. RCI" ~"''''ulivc t.hl . the w J. RIII;lIdo of Ihe 12lh Congrec.sionnl I);s·

Honored Retiree

Inlc ... *lion:ll R~"I.lh·~ Hobo" nunkuf. Thin! DI"rl~1 \ 'Iu P.~ldul , <>hd J . BlIn7 k,,_. nil. In. bIlSIDtu· man"" •• ", Lou l 675. £ Ihabtn •• N.J .. John J . O'Connor and p'~~nt B",,;n~$J Man"~n N~lI P . Bo,lo II r ~hI.

trict. ln lernationat Viee r' resident John J . Barry and Robe. t Byrn~, NECA Chapler Manager paid tribute 10 Jolin for his many dedicated ye3rs of servia 10 Ihe communily. local union, and the dt"Clrical induslry.

The surprise of the uenins W:II ~ hysteric.1 monologue of Ir ish iok~ by Local 615'1 new manager. Neil P. Boyle. Thd talent o f Brotl1cr Bo)1e has been ,,·ell concealed and CI~ as a plcasafll surprise for all.

Urother O·Connor has been a member of Local 675 for 40 )ears and served 28 years al an officer. Afler se rvins 19 years on the E~«:u. ti,·(' Board (10 yean as chairman). two yeurs IS president. and eigh t years lIS businCM mannge" I am certain Brother O·Connor will find il diffi· cult to adju~1 to reti remen t. which after such a dislinguished Cafecr is well dC5Crvcd. I nm also certain John's friends, family. and members of Local 675 wish him a happy. henllhy relire' menl and that on every day of his ,etirement he will, "have a nice day."

RonllRT K NUOS(N, 1'.s.

Scribe Relates Achievements Of Local 697 L.U. 697, CARY AND "AMMOND. 11'1'0.- 1 would like to thank Brother "nr"~y lIampsten (or the inspirat ion o( this month's Drticle. " If you don·t blow your o"·n hom, no one el1e wilL" Brother 11 Dmpsl~n. you're right. 1f, time that the olher Brothers Dnd locals of the I HEW be told of ihe aehievements of Local 697. To say the leasl. I am proud that I belong to 691. The local has done a lot for Ihe communit ies in the area. and 697 i5 nOI just another hall to work OUI of. n.c, b.othe.hood and (r",ndship o( the local is quite evidenl

One o( the bes t thinp done, in my opinion. is the dforl PUI out by the Christma5 Committee. Each ChrislmM members of the local go OUI and visit the widows of all our deceased members that are still in the areD. Not only is til " done on the Brothers' own time. Ihey are also I~k;ns time awny from Iheir own families 10 share some joy with others. Our hats are off to those Il rothers who participate in these types of function5 in order to pr.-serve the Brotherhood.

The loca! has abo gone 1$ far as pUllina o n benefit dances for some of the Bralhe" who have been unable to wo rk for lona periods of tIme due 10 sickness or injury. Brotherhood? Yes, 'He have brotherhood.

I hue heard many Iccounts of how .. ·ell our Brather~ have bttn tre~ led by various members of other locals while troveling. 1 .m sure thlt lhis has been tl1c .tsult of the fricndlineM Rnd training of our local. Local 697 has .lways treated other traveling members in the manner that .... e oUlSelvC"S would lite to be treated in leturn. Local 697 has dellnite!y been a fine local and, wilh the help of the Brothers. it will con· tlAue 10 be 115 Rrea!, if not a.tDte •• than it has been in the pa51.

JAMrs T . DICII:1N50I". P.S

Retirement Dinner

A nU.~m~nl dlnnu .... h~ld tn. Mffll~ Po~ ot Lnt_1 702, W U I .. ·.ank'o.! , Ill.

, S .. nu nt tI., ,.Il •• mcn! dlnnn.

1 •• r, t .. rla hl ...., M~ 1'I0b T .... ~. Rob ToU~~ •• John CU n •• MJ"~ PH. and Mo .... " M« I, d l. b loll m~n"u, C .. ,..,. I I T.kph<>,.., .

Sister Poe Retires After Nearly 38 Years I_V. 102. WEST FRAN"FORT. 11..L.-Myrtle Poc, service lepre.';('nlllli,·c for tile GerKral Tet~· phonc Company. retired April 28. 1918, after selVlnS n~arly 38 )'carl with [he firm. Miss "oc be¥an her c:.reer M .n operator ,,"h the tele· phone company after Labor 1)3Y in 1940. lit II rate of 25 ccnts per hour. Positions she has held ~,e ~lIpe ... i,or. ~!!iSl an t cashier, and service representa tive.

In 1944, lhe employees were orRllnilcd by 1. O. 10n($. the business mannger of our local (rom 1945 throu~h 1962. Myrtle served on every

Negotia1ing Commillee from the firSI through the preKnt aGreemenl. She also assisted with r«Cfl t orallnizing efforts in the Robinson com· munity.

She recalled many changes in the telephone durin, Iler career, wch as the old magneto sys· lem and common ballery changing to dia l servo it:e .... here cuslomen dia l their own numbers.

n er pians for Ihe fu ture are rdualion, some u'''eling. tennis, and generally having the lime 10 do whal she wants to, when she .. ·ants 10.



Sh te. WIII[~ D . Phillip, 01 \.MIl 71l. Chk-a~o, 111 .. loft, ... 1\0 "'~~1I111 nllred. I •• ho .. ·n .. 'lIh Mr. and M ... William P .. ~ ... I.

Phone in News Items. Request of Scribe I .. U. 71l, CHIC .... CO, ILL.-We congratulate Brother George Arendt. CTA Skokie shop. on his marrialle lut No~mbt"r to the former " ry'lyna Kandull. Mnny happy years 10 you both. We fead about this marriage in the CTA Transil Nc"-s. bllt. membe'$, thi<! is the long way around to leI ne" "S of local hpppcningS ..... gain "C remind you to phone lhe local office wilh your new!' items.

Si~tcr Willie D. I'hillips. a member of Local 7D. employed al the GTE Automatic Elect.ic plllnt in Northlake, retired DccembC'r 11. 1977. with 2 1 years of service. Sister Phillips worked In mllny departments at GTE lind was well kno"'n by mllny Si~ters lind llrothers. She is relUlning 10 her home town, I' incy F1at~. TcnneSKc. and "'ill reside with her sister on a farm . She lookl for. ",ard to the kisurely cOlln"y life. doing the p l ea~nnt ,hores of gardening and lawn care a_' well as the really fun nctivilie. such as /i,hinll nnd boating. HIIPpy days to you. Sistcr Ph illip'. NC~Oliations continne with Ch;c3!(0 Tran~it

Autho.ity and wilh the Chicago Metropoli tan Switchboard Association with meetinGS usually schednled weekly. The arbit.ation hearing on the Bally contrac t has been held and now Ihe parties are waitinR fo. Ihe decision to be handed dawn. The$<': m«:t;np and grievance meet;nJ;S keep Bus;. nm Manager IIlIrty W~a .. er and his staff '·~ry bu,y.

Lillian Augu't. longtime m~mber of l ocal 71] and a formrr steward for many yea .... "av'cd away suddenly 0<1 April 15 as reported 10 the local otr"e by her $On, Robert S,st~r August has been r~li.ed for se~era l yea., now but memhct< from Bally will remember Lillian. and w~ all utt<ld our nmpMhy 10 her family.

I.AUU NAaooIClo:. I'.S.

Last Call For Grandfathering Made L.U. 723, FORT L .... UDERDAI.E, FLA.-This month bdnp us an abundance of ;mpUrtant items to ICPO'!. and (o.emesl, j. the up· coming elcetion. It ilo 10 be hel<.I the fiN Monday in June. 81 the hall For all Ihe IIrothers who

J~lr . 1918 I 61

Methane Gas Job

A,>",,'mlre 1'<,., Ilw~u or Loc:~1 718. Fl. I. ~u"<"

d",., . ' , •. , 3' .. ork t1 .. the m'I"~ne ••• .1<'" In


1.,,"nlr I.~'"

, • • ,ue un ,lie road. _,bloelltCe banOl~ art n,a,tnblc "ml'l)' by ... rulng Ul Ihe clt("lion )Udl'<' "nd I~ que_lin!' one.

\Villl the ,ccent cuum)' ordinance j!.o~ .. "unll "'"merman IiccIl'ir)1' now heing sakI')' cofurced. no'''e I~ hClchy given Ihat Ihe deadhne r'~l I',nnd (".he",,!, .tll ,ull e,,' Io .:en<(', j, M~y 31 No mort arphCa t' '''h (or g"ndfnlh~,inll: will hi: (.cccpted after lhnt dale . If y.H' don', ha"c you, "PI>lie"­lion on by (h:.l lim.:' you .. ill he ''''1,,;'~d II) .uke Ihe C()umy Journeyman', E~"mina l ion. Nfl t JU"P­

,ums' Cuun,y-wlde cnfor("nlCnl uf ,I", ,,,[,,,, ... , .... <jllllemclll »«'11011 of the hcen""t: ael hepn on All'" 15. and has pm' en n~lf '-ery btoncflcial.

1>2 I !H EW Journ,,1

County inspt'cto rs enforcing Ihe ordinance have turned up mnny non-union 1hop, empl OY ing Ihru to JOI" "helpers" for every so-c~ lI ed "journey­man" licensed Of nof. Their vigorou, enfo rcemenl of Ihe I. ", hu redu"",d Ihis sorr~ silualion 10 lhe point Iha l I ~ab c:onlraClor il hpving a hard lime findi n, 1i~nscd personnel a nd pay,"! dea rly for the on~ ~ doe, have . Thl~ 5"U3[ion can do nolhmg bUI help Ihe uni<m posllion

Work in Ihe area is i",,),"~in ~ olowly bUI steadlly. Work i~ beint: bid at a f'''ler pace Ihan al any time in Iht p:.51 fuur ur fhe ye:,,~. Wotk ",ould im prove sign jfi c~mly if evc r~une conncelcd ",ith Ihe airport sillmlion would quit ~!Udying Ihe issue as Ihey·,·e been doin!: for Ihe la$1 genera_ tion :lnd lIet off thcir cOliccli'·e a~j\('~ and do :;O~lhlnl!.

Also. wOl k",isc. lames I' . D riscoll . Inc. has. as of th is "'"tml!. a Ix-ncr Ihan even ,hOI PI I project cons,stlng of poSSibly up to 1.000 homes. Thi~ shou ld hdp ollr hard I"C,,,,d R .... ;deOl ial Uni l somcwhm.

We wi , h 10 Inke Ih" 0l'porlliluly 10 mourn Ihe dcalh of Urolhcl Harold W YOllnl! and al,o 10 ""h s speedy .C(:overy 10 II 'Olhe r I)ick Cas~idy "ho os .e, a vc.y '>trim" ncck opernll()n

You may rememl>er me lellin~ )"01' 10 blame ao;.\~lanl bU',nl:c'i~ mana~er. J ohn SQmert for lhe lack of piclu.K in 18~1 monlh', Q".dc. W<'11 here Ihey a.c! lkner laiC Ihen nne. The plclu,n welc III ken at Ihc methnne ,:a\ eorwe"ion planl job in I'ompano. being done by JnmcI P. Dris. coli. Inc.

I ARY COPI'OI ... . 1'.5.

Scribe Urges Members To Write to Senators 1..U_ 756. I)A YTONA B1' ACII. F"I . A.-A~ to lhi~ dalc. Mny 7. lhe Uniled Slal~' Senate h~~ not vOI.:d on Ihe I ahor Law Rc("'m bill. S. 2467, AI Ihi\ poim lhe snli·union force. havc conceded Ihal Ihc bill mighl pus. $0 thc)' ptan a lenglhy filioo<lcr in o rde r to " ·:lIer do .... n Ihe bill ,,·,Ih amendment,. Thi' j.; about a' h~d as having ;1 vOlcd dO .... I\. ThtrC is no /(,-1 In~ II II Isn·1 effective.

Then come. Ihe word Ihal Flori,la's IWO sena· 10". LawlOn Chiles nnd Richlrd Slone. I'l3n on. al Ihi, ... ·lIlin ~. voling pl:lBinSI Ihe bill It seems da mn slran~e how a few years in Wa'hin~lon as a U'lil ed Stutc, -.cnalor can chnn l!e a n'8n's line of Ihinkin~ Tin. II e.lpcci8lly so wl1 h RIC hard 510ne. our JunIOr senalor When he Wll5 tfecled a f~'"

yea,", SI(O. he flutly matk lhe 'Ialemenl. in I'rsIse M Ihe Stale AJ--l ·CIO. thaI if II hadn'l been for Ille union Vale. he wouldn't have wonl

Lawlon Chllt~. on Ihe olhe. hnnd. hal said Ihal. althou,:h he will nOI VOle for Ihe Reform hill. he w(OlIlrl vnte fnr r!nll""-a ~ I np nn nU dcbate nnd hringin ~ il 10 a VOle on Ihc $cnale floor . n,i~ i, no oonsolmion I'rile for us. bUI lahor doc:. have 3. chance Cahoul ~n.~O) if thne j<; no lilibusle.

Th. I_abor I ~'" Rdmm bill cUloId he: votcd on before Ihis al'~a ... in lhe Jmml<ll Filher way i, ;§ impol1am 10 let Ih~ IWO fello .... ' know how you feel aboul Iherr ~Ole. and I for one. plan 10. If On<: or holh of Ihem vOle ag~inM Ihe bill. it is .... orth remembcr,"~ when Ihey eomt up for rc · eleclion. We could give Ihem CDu<;t: 10 regrel a ncgalive aelion if Ihey go Ihal way.

On I~ locars work scene. we hhe had spo· radic hiring ,.,nh ~mc of Ihe Capc contractors­nolhing th ~1 ",.11 de~n 110" loc, ... " . loy ,,,,y nJfcluo$.

Local 7S6 I~t anolher ~mber rcCt'ntly. Duffy Thomp\On passed away al a hoe.pllal in Tampa "hc.e he wa' 10 undergo open-heart "OI~ery. We offer 01" "ncerc condolence, II) hi~ family.

LOUIS 11 1001"("00:;1:. I'.S.

Nine New Members Acce pted; Meeting Attendance Poor LU. 772. COLUI\IRIA, S.C._ AI ou r lasl rt8-ula r mceh"l on May II . 1974, Ihe following men "·ere accepled inlo membe(~hlp' h mes Gibson.

T ruman Price. J oseph Smilh. Sody Cree l, !lomer Rose. David Youn, . G eorge leltOver. Tony POlts. and Mic hael Coo~r. Wh ile every e ffor t IS being made 10 gel new members. we do nOI as yel have 100 percent of ,II el igib le 1'C'0ple.

Although lire summer monlhs a rc a difficul t lime to leI a good lurnOU I al mcelinll-'l . lhe pas l few meetings have nol had the altcndlnce they should. Wilh a local or al mos t 1.000 memo bers. il is • dis~ r.ce 10 hive only 20 Or ) 0 memo bers sho'" up for R meetlnJ!:. This is D problem which must be cOllecled as our streng th is ga uged by our parlicipallon in all union Ilffnirs. We art wOlking on a SOlulion. bUI would be jnlercsted in prublc"" ~"d .... 1"lions olher local' have fa~d along Ihnc line'

GEO~Ge S~H1I1. P.s.


Wa.k I,· Itl prORru, on I.... FB.\f s.,hool Job at Ch~'~Mun N~ .. ' Shlp)·.rd. Tho conlr1lrl". t, ayq Can\l~tlo" Comn.oy. 001 or A.bUr1I . Mr. It· • • ....... ....... pU1 10 .. ·or~ ro •• ( .. trol .... ~ub"'1Ud b, Lotat '76. Clta,'OJlOOl. S,C.)


Ship "hlp """00" 10. """,pDI ... 'Ht" .. 1lI1 ... I~.II .. tlu R.

Interested Observer

Loc<!J1 776 Holds Election L.U. 776, CHARl.ESTON, S.C.- By Ihe time you lc~d th is. Local 716 .... ill have held il~ elec· lion. as many of our ~i~{er locals acrQS$ Ihe counl ry have .

We would like to Uprl:55 our Ihanh ror ~II elecled persons and volunleer~ concernlnll lhe businesslike manner in which lhe elecllon wn handled,

Le I uJ ta ke Ihis lime 10 wish OUr ~wly ~Ieclcd omcial~ the ""~I of luck in Ihcir new Or old

offices, as ~ he case rna)' be. We know lhese men will do their jobs to Ihe be~t o f their abilitiei; " 'ith ~he forces waging bault against us and tht oppoSition to union labor and lui!l.tdes, these ~n surel)' hne their jobs cu t OU t for them. so len give them all our full coo~r1~ion Ind backins.

We have mlde good prog.ess In union affairs aDd business rccen,I)', by the efforlS of good leadership within the Iotal. We know these nc .. 'ly elec ted officers Ind 'epresen tatives ""ill continue Ihis tOl'nd.

Under their leadership. " 'e It prrscn t hl'e a jourMyman wc1dinl school In prog.ns ~ hat has b«n in session for app rO:timatdy threc momhs. wi th two months remaining. It has b«n of much benefits 10 the 20 ~ople in luendance; on com· pINion of Ihis SChool a cable splicing cou~ is now being ser iously talked aboul.

Sehools such as these .re of much benefi, to u, all, due to ,heir abilit)' 10 make us beller jour­neymen and enable us to be mote competitlvc in this day of anti·union IUUU~ and sen· timent.

The work situation Ol'mains much the )amc. but with some prospects; wi th the help of our siMer locals who helped so m~h th,oul/-hout the win te r. we will manage. As I said, ma),be we can return the favor to our sister local. If Ihe need Irises.

As summer gets hOlier, mayhc Ihe "'ark <cene wi ll wnrm up alSo.

lloll MeDow£LL. 1'.5.

Scribe G ives Vi ews

On Various Subiects

L.U. 106, EI.LENVILI.£. N.Y.-We ,,-ish 8.01""r Ronald and Donn. Mcirop many bless· inlts for the" son. born May 3, 1978_ The proud Irandfa ll\(,r is BrOlhe, Robtn Metrop. l1lc ,'ClI Ifandfalhe, WlIS Ihe laIc Broll\(,r Gu~ Me.rop

Brother William MU/phy is con¥a~inl': from flom an injured ~houlder,

The National Safety Couneil says thaI of the l .S million on-IM-;ob injurie<. "30 Jl(rcrnl "~re c~t·stom"",h Irca~; IS 10 the fingu'\ InJ IS to the k~: 10 to the armo; I tolal of ~S percent to lile hnnds. fHI, head. and eye,: and S percenl 10 Ihe IIXS." Are lOU Ihln~ing 53fcI),' The con· struc tion industr), ~no ... >; Ihe danlltr of 1l,be;1,!'<. The federal guvcrnn",,,, is finlilly admi!!ln ': Ihe f:tet publ,cly. A cancer ~1crt c~mpaign from the Department of Ile:.l lh. Ed'''~lion mu! Welf"re is now in effect for plJ physicians

A $late un;ve"ity has ~ppuintcd a r.l:Lr~i'l sociali,l 10 be chairman of their Deparlment uf Go~ernmcnt and Polilics. T he l:txpaycr will now sub5id;7,c the teachin!.'< of un ·Americani,m to Iheir children , Many Americans ,",·c<: r thei. American dolbf5 in fareilln-produced p.OdUdS Why do not the same Americln<; Inve,t their dollars in forcilln farmland' Ow~r~hlp of land is Il" 'a15 a good InvCStrnenl Several countries hue ~&iS1ation '0 prevent foreIgn cu.len, from owning lheir farml3nd. Tltc US. ha. few rf"; lric. t;on, barring fOieign pos~,ion of farmland. b there none in Washin"ton 10 plevent the talc. over o f our nali'-e wil by foreign interC',.?

Is this the C~~lS tence theme of the prt'SCnl Adminislra tion? 11 !lCcm< Iha l the olhel " -Ill sign a SA LT Tr~3ly 10 pacify Con"re'\.o_ It ... ill do .., on its o .. n Itrm~ "" Ihat U may conimue its armS p'ogram unde ltttcd_ The I'o,'crnn",n! in Wa.~hinl!ton .. ill live .to wa.m ,ef1cction and false hope of detenle. The othe, ,i,k " 'ill illclellse their arms superio,ily. enab ling .t 10 fo rce lhe mili­larily unprepared U.". 10 lhe "':111 Shaoc.. of Pearl Harbor'

11 is a fact that the clanUc<1"'cd In'ulv('mc:nl by tl\(, f-HI ~nd CIA "'as nOI a maneuver of ulterior nalurc. hut to the best .mcre'ts of II\(, nation. The AdmlnlSfratlOn K di.cct.t01l a politICal campai"n on the prC tC~1 of ",vC<:lIi:l1t,nll ac""I ..... sub'cr<i"e to the U.S. Thi$ is conu adictory to and incompatible " 'ith Ihe thcory of Ol'eralion' by Ihe OSS in World War 1[, who<c effort on activi ties proo u,ed accomplishment. un,,, rp:ts-ed. Withou t liCcuri ty agcnts. how will our country discover whal the world nc ighbou are con tcm_ p[ali nl':_ "The past l' dend. hury Ihe pa~1. " I"

1904. the New York Stale Appelbte Division ruled: " Fa"ori tism in [he perform.nce of judicial duties consti tules corruplK)n as disMtrous io III coru;equcnce .s if the judicial oIf,eu r«ei"ed and was moved by a bribe." Mr. Carter is luilty of offcriq fedcr.1 projeoc:q to states ",Itueby their liCna tors would vote favorably upon the Panama Canal T reaty. The senaton Ire luilly o f accepting sueh bribes. \Vhcrc were the senators from the Northeast, slttpmg~ The)' did vote ac· cording to lhe wishes of the Presidenl. hul, Ihey relinquished the righ ts of Ihe Northeasl 10 re loin Ihe fe w remaining milltary bases. Wake up. NotlheMt! This is the year for another change in Wash inglon-good. bad, or indIfferent. but a change!

Our favorile Congressman Malt Mel1 ul':h ~ay'. "I f we " 'ant our lo~ernmenl 10 be more re'pon. sive to our n<"eds, Citizens and Iheil repreloCnla· ti,-es must form an cffecllve part~r,hlp. The 5~CCSS of OUr <!Cmo<,:rKY depends upon ho'" IICti,'cly we participate and ncrcist; our riil-hts as fr", people. rights for whICh our forefathers fough t bla~ely 200 yenrs ago." In cs-encr, Mr Carin, the Prcsldency ha5 many lepl pO,,-c'$. L.nrn to ulilile t""m 10 safeguard these Uniled States of America!

Lou I)UftlNn, 1'.5.

Local 827 Settled In Temporary H eadquarters

I •. li, 8%7, N EWARK. N J ._ The staIT of this local has 5ellled do..-n in our lempo,ar), quar ler<; rollowing the recenl fire which .. -red~d havoc in OUr former headquarters building. While ..-~ are slill cramped for .pact. 111 of OUI " 'ork is bei:l8 prQ<;essed currentl)' and "'C arc up 10 date on mOSI of our commitmenls.

Wo,k has been completed on • new computel room in our pr1'sent quarters. as .. ell IS a room for filing and record storalC'_ It is c~peclcd thaI lhe computer .. ill soon be back on Itne , thu~ relieving some of the pressure<:.

For the remarkable eomcb3ck .. e ha"e made arter d~5~er strud. "'e "'oul<l he lemi~. If " 'e did not give Ihanb to Orolher Charlc\ Marci3nt~ , l'r<'Sident of New Je~y AFl ·CIO. for Ihe a"i<I' ance he gave in helping U~ to get rcc<:lahl,)hed, and to the brother members of the JlII·W who helped 10 wire our . new qua,.,en. Then help waS of grcut assiSlance to uS ill Ihis em,,!gen,--y. ,\11(1. of course __ we thank Ollr o .. n member' (or thell palll'nce an(1 active help IU ~"ll"\g the J"b "r rebuilding done.

Our office uaff drscrvo:s special recoSn;tion for the job Ihey did, unde r the most trymg and dIfficul t cilnlmstaoces, as " 'ell as the conllnUlRg lob presently being done.

Commilltc . ·olk has bcl:n completed for OIl' fjr51 InnulI bo" 'ling ,ournament and otl\(,r " 'OIK is under .... y for the third annual softball lourna. menL .. -hieh has pro~cd so sucrn5ful durinB lhe pas t sc"erll years.


Rush of N ew J obs

Not T " king Place

L U, 1040, GENEVA , N.V,- We are into the IJme of year tha I usually bnngs on a rush of new Jobs coming out of the ground. This is nOI takmg place this yelr. It may be: due in pat! 10 the ba..! . 'eather of the " 'inter p:l'it; also olher fac· tors. W,th oellOllations just around the corner, it dOC$ not paint a "ery bright piclure. I'oltli· cians arc (ontmuously blaming the ullions for inflJlion and uhorhng us 10 chance OIlr "'3YS.

There .5 bu t one basic cause for infla lion: polllldans spending public resources that do not e)l.i". Ily simply pflnling mOrC money to pa)' off pOlttlcal promises tha t ought never to ha,-e been made in Ihe firsl place. they are destro)'lng the value of American money and confidence in the American gO"ernmeot, he,e and throughout the world.

We Ihc union peol'le have bill one "'ay to eITeCI;"e!y fight illnalion; ciCCI J fisc~lly respon· sible gO"ernmcnl

II is m)' sad duty to repo't the pas~ing of Mrs. John Romer. "lfe of John and mothe, of Ed...:.r'!. "Recall fondly the happrness ('Of lhe pasl and 11 will llndle Ihe joys of the: fUlu'e.~ The k)cal c~tends .ts ~ymp.athy to family and frienJs.

l1lc local is makIn, preparations 10 celeb ... ,e il5 60th Innlvers:try later in 1918. There arc ",me challer members still Ii,illl. RQbc,rt Dram __ ble and Roy lI0bs0n. Ro) W3$ gi'~n credit 3~ 3

chrter member as he was sen-illg in WOIld War I. More on the plans 13ter on. 110'" nbout com· in, OLlt 10 a few m~tin~ this ~mmCr an..! hell' LIS make our party a good onc_ Remember. if you arc not :I pall of Ihe §Ohllion. )-,'II're I'atl of lhe problem.

IIc~ 1 wi<hc~ and reg~r..!~ to "n. WilLIAM II . Gnnr •. I'.S.

1----------------------------------------I I I


Address CHANGED? Brothers and Sisters, we want you to have your JOURNAl! When you have a change of ad­dress, please let us know__ Be su re to in­clude your old address and please don't forget to l iII In L U. and Card No. This information will be helpful in checking and keeping our rec­ords straight.

If you have changed local unIons, we must have numbers of both.

NAME .•• ____ ••••.... ............•......•..••...•••••

NEW ADDRESS ••..•••. ...••••.•••••...•••..

..... c:.;. ............... 's;~t~ ............. iip• ~~ •••

PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO __ .. __ . .. .... . ..... . . .. ... .


OLD ADDRESS •.•..•••••• __ •• ____ •.•..••.••••••..•••••

..... . C'-If' .............. 's;~t; ............. i;p' C«I~ .. .

FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER ..•.•• __ •••..••••••••

Mail h · eiru/alion Department International Btetlltrhn d of Electrical Wo~ers 1125 15th Street, N.W., WashinztDn, D. C. 200115 L ______________________________________ _

J uly . 1978 I 63


1>11 .... " .<~ .. ~ .. "II· ~"II .II"II 'lU< . ... "uH~<~ ,,"II """'. 01 u.., l.rh.rS .. ho .... m<m""'n ", Lou' 1152. o .. lo.h ""d ., UlJd". \11.'-\.

Business Manager Attends Two Progress Meetings Ll '. 1152. eOH Il'TII ANI) n 1' ''1.0, MISS.­I IU" ~ol h.,~1. " ()m ' ... ·0 ()f Ih. ~" l'rO!!IC'S5 \lectin!!" .he ' If(h and I ... clf.h l)i.I,io;rs. H ,c,'m, Iha. all of Ihc KCI'IC,cn';lII'c_ and I~ V,(C " H·,,,le'''' Itll lIli UUI I" h~"c a mrellng fnr ;,11 (1f IIIC" ~~CUI' 'u ,cally lei .heir h(lir .1" ... " J hc one '" II."UII Kougc. ,,>OlIsored by IIm,h"r I)"" W"'c,, ;,nd h" HCl'rc--;entallw,. .... ,. Irl.~ ~""'Il 10 11 nUI'enl"", "f .ome 'ype. arid (h" .... , h,,,inc" 011>11('1'("" in I oui""na ~'C

''''llClh'''Jl 1',(';" Ihl· u"e ;" l illie l{uCk "" " ~ ,.·,,1 CIII,,).,hle 1' '''I;'c" MccllnJ; 'I'''''",'cd by Vice 1',,·.,,1",,1 \\',n,.ur" nnd h" KCl"'rc~n , all"C'i.

\\ h,lc DI .he I ,f.h O"t.;" I'IIII;IC" Mceling ""Ill' "f "". rmc I ntUn3l1nn~1 of Ike'" ... keJ ~ t" h'''e (<llkc ... ,(h them. '1 hey commented on h" ... lun" ,,,. h~d ",utc,1 fUT "ork In our area. h m"l.e' me fcci 'e,,1 I!oot! lU'" they ... ere """"'-1111"<1 II\<"y r,,·n knrw ,I h,," h"rn ,omr 4~ """nil •. Ail.ltn. ,h.!I1k, II, Vice I'rt",lcn" D"n W"it'" 1,,,,1 \\ ,11,"'11'. anti II, II fone tl rolh<·, ~nd ~cflll<'miln. Ch:,rlc, II 1' ,lInl,1.

II h", hcnl "'me lime .onCC I hrrve h;,d nn "I'I""t""il) U' ... /HC ,um~thinll lloo<J fnr Ihe I'H·". I a., ",un,h "'c h~1I 3 r~cmd ''' 'en<l''ltCe ~I ",II H-~"I." meelrnl'. \\',Ih lhe new 3pprcnlicc--; "'e h~" l~l re,,,rn. I','-""Cnr

""If), ,.h",,, Ih,· tlda)' uf ,1". ,.,il~·up. h"t lOt h"'e h.It' ;, p'uhlcm "ilh our 1,1"'I",,'1'phcr ,,,,,1 nc,,' rtl"ur. \\ c h.I<1 "hn", 10 ~pnrcnltcc. ,,,,,,,,,,.,1; nl)' "'" ... :" m"o"" Ihcnl, -I hey "re 'e~tI)· In ~" ' 1lI1t (I"·,, ,ecomj·)'c:rr dn', in AIIIl'I'I

'>"'("r "~'It " .... ellnll .... ,. h;I\c h.,11 " " Ic"k "f I!,,, .. I I,,~I. '1 he,e ... ,,, the """,nd·hlcDl.inll cere· m"nr f(>. "u, ' d.l(l'" ('"rcd ro.:ucl,·", Power I'lant II" '''1'1"'<.-..:,1 too h;"" 11K" ,;"","'1 "cnerat· ,n" <'an",,'y "f 3111 tw" "'a,,,,,, in Ihe "nlld. ,,'me 1.7~O uWl';' .... '"' 'Ihe), ",e ;.lrcady di",u"_ rn" ,nnc",",I' In r"", '''''t, At I"C"-'" "c h",'e I~ A"'"''''')'''.''' W""men ,'" III" "'''ICC! l,nd :,re ".\1"" ""II " (""II 'my II~y '''HI fro'" ""w nil uo11il (h,· jut> i, til ii, 1'1-.,,1.

I """Id Irle ,<> d(>'>C loy Il'ltin!l ~II of the ",~"I 1>"",,,.,, ",.''' .. ~~,~ 11"u""I"",1 11o~ ~uu'll'"i I.nn ... · how milch I al'l'reC;;'I" the" heln '" h'"<'I" ,nl! .,," pC"l'le ... ,,,l"'Jl '",~e I h:,,~ I>e~n in nlh,'e_ \\h"n "'" .ca,1 Ih" 1 h"l'1-· I ... ,11 h;"e a ~.III f.lf ""n~ 'n~"c ,nell I N me .,,'we ;III uf Ihe aL'~nh "h" hu,c ~ CPI !1m m,·ml't(l" ... ;(h 1''')'' ,he"h (h,,, 'hn ... ill ho.' ~<It"'~ <all- Ih~ "" \1 ""'''I,,,i n A.:' Ihllt i, my C n h.,n.lle_

W",l I",,~, ,eal ",,'m;'on~ for 'he nn1 10 ~"':O,," Oil p,r,,'11i I h.,'-" ",nrc '" "orl. in nur ,,,,,,,Ii,T,,'" Ih'''' "~l" hr.·fUlc. A, 'Oml a' it ~Cl' I(lltnll I!r. .... , )'ou ,,~cnl~ wvn't have 10 call nK". rn Ix· ""''''1' ,n '!I, ",me hdl'. 1 ;m, I<>ol in" for· " ard In ..-e,njl. nil "f '"'' nt the In lcrrmlion"l r",,,cnt,nn ,n Atl.,ntM: Ci.~ . ,",cw )cr<t:y.

JOI II I'.AN~$, U.M.

6 4 I IIEW Jo","ol

Brother Duhon Resigns As Business Manager LV. 86 1, LAKE CIIARLES. LA.- T hc regular monthl~ nlC"ellng of l ocal 86 1 was held Mo)' 1, 1978, wllh a lurJ;C number o f OUI local memo hen in allcndaltCe. We would li ke 10 .hank so man), o f OUI members for lurnina OU I fOI Ih is mee.inl and wo"ld lilc 10 SU&&e<;t that tllC"y hep Ul' the llood ol lendollcc.

A stand"'K ovalion was III~en UU lincSii Mun· ager Harlan Duhon whcn he addressed the memo h(,,,h,l"'. Urother Duhon reviewed his pas t record 'I' an oliicer oml hu.ine'>lt manager of our local. HlIflan hn~ a vel)' lood !«ord wilh Local 861. Ihe IIJEW. and orBaniled labor in general. He ha. been I Iremcndous asse l to U5 in the pasl ~,iJ ... e knl)w he w,1I be again in the fUlUte. U,other II ~rID n Duhon .~ilned hi5 office as bU'In~ manager II I a 51leciolly called mcc ling of Ih<! fuecul;ve UODld Immcdintdy following th~ !'rneml m~rlinll

we will ml" 1I ~ t1 ~n's lude .... h;p for a lime. Our ""so·e,,"~d" ,~qem of justice ha. taken him f,,,m u~ for ;, ... hilc . The)' took hi. booy. bUI Ihere is nl) wu)' the)' will evcr 13ke hi. hcart lind ~p"il hom Ih i~ l()Cul nor hom organ' bhm. III0lher D"hon led u, th,Ou8" whal we fccl ... ~, a "ny hard ne!;Otialion, Ihc'<C laSI few ".'Ch We Marred with OUI bach to the wall and he ~ul 'I' "IT IIr" wnll mild ",o~illl: I he ld.

On MondllY. May I . 197R. Team"er pick­Ch un 1110-;' joh~ rn the nrca ..... c were hacked in n ",,,ncr wh"n 'hc conrr~etor~ ",~dc wh~t they c:.llcd ,he;r '0" lind nnlll offer. Allain lI,other Duh"n came through lind ItOt '" ou( of the CO,ItC, ~nd movinl1 ahcad. We .... ound "I"' nellO­I,on' (,fI' Iy In lhe afternoon wilh wh~ I we ron· <tiler n 1'01'1/1 p3ch~c th~1 "'c .. an ~nd will rec­ommend 10 Ihe memhcr<hil"'. Al;nin we say thank yoo. lI arian. for nnolher ;ob ~H done. A. )OU '~ill )0" ,W;lm Ihe It(un but drownt'd in a We wi<h ynu ;'nd lOUt fllmily well Takc cate :rnd hur ry h"ck

Wc wi,h 10 c~lcn,I our .yml'II,hy 10 Iholher Johnny Mo'" alhanl) "m' hi~ r"",ily in Ihc ",,' of hI< mnlhN ,eecnlly.

Brother Lambed Becomes New President 1..1 1. 116!1. RAI."I1i\IOlU-:, MO.- AI our re~uhr mcc ' onll nn AI',il ~. 197K. I'rc,i(lcnl niH Ander. "''' I'".lllneli U' ",c.hle"l uf "'" 1U<. ~1. I - I~ w31 repial'c,l hy AI~rI I.amhcrt. our vice nre,iden' . AI Ihe I '("(:ul,VC 1\(>3rd mce ' ;nll twO ,,'cek< laler. K". nl Z;,",I;"ki " ." eleeted "iet pre<iden!. lie too l Ihe oalh of "like AI our ffr"IHt mN'"linc on May 3. 1978.

1 ... ·n,,'d I;~c ' 0 IhHnl. AnrhollY. J r .. ."In of 0f'Cnllor Jo<.t:ph Amhony. Sr .. who look ... unde.fu l plClUrc--; at (Jur pa rty on February II . 1971\ Jo-eph An.hon~. Sr .• will ret ire in $ep.

Nicole ......... '!"-.'"""'!

MM Nkol~ 5'''1 Hoi ..... , .Ito .. ·~ "" .... It 1I1~ .rand. IIlIu~h' ~, of Br01ho: .... 11 ;\h l. " au ' Kkh!l" I. • .,.. 865, lI a1.lmore, Md.

Icmlx r, after 21 ycnrs of deditated srrvite to the railroad. E~cryone. especially members. who IItiended our parly in Februar~ is thinking about having ano the r parly in October or Noycmber. Anyone caring 10 atlend Ihe ne. , party, please eonlact OuT loeal chairman, Carl Szuba. Cur .. Bay Coal Picl. DoJrimolc, Maryland 21226, 01 Alber. Lamber!. our pl~ldenl.

E'ery ollera lor and el«tritian ... ho "'lIS fu r· loue~d b«RlI'\e of thf cool miners· 5lrike is ba~k to work at Ihe Curtis 81\)' Coal and Ore Piers. Uusiness is !;000 ~ t both I"'ien and all our Brothers hOIle it ... ill remain Ih~1 woy .

Dcllllty·Shcriff Carl Szuba wu given an award on being selected lIS " Police Officer of the Year"' 1977. for the Anne Arundel Coonl), Sheriff De­partment.

A!; eO'eryone knows. inna ,loll is lhe number one problem in the United S'II 'es today. Fuud prices and all eommodit~ arc priced OUt of th is world.

Whal we- pay for g(K}ds far e.ceeds whl we earn. I believe if Ihe government would put price cnntrols on food. commodilie~. and man_ "factured products. il would help inflolion 10 come down and 811 0w our W3gCS 10 gn up 10 competc wllh inflDtion, Unlil Ihis is done ... nges ... ill never k«p UI"' wilh pi icC!.

1 urge all of nur mcmbc", to nllend our l()Cal union mcelinp. After 111 there would not be fI strong union wilhout its mcmbel~.

I urge all mcmbe" 10 "'"Ie to our srnatOn for pa'<Salle of the l.~bor Reform bill 5-2467. Anli · l ~hnr lohbyiq~ nrc "'orking hnrd 10 defeat Ihi. hill . Wo,kiull people who wnnt ' 0 be orgo­nl led shoul" 1r .1\'C thnt riG ht anll nnl be coerced by anyone.

I'~IJ L 0 , RK"ltl'TTs. P.S.

Philadelphia Naval Shipyard To Rebuild USS Saratoga LV. 902, Pll l1 .AOEI.I'IIIA, PA.- In the <X10-ber. 1911 i~suc of the Jm,",,,,I. I rCf"IOTted Ihal the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard wa. ricked for rehuilding the USS SUra/"!I' on the strc n~th of an inf"r0>3' ;on rde3~e from the Phi1Mltlphi~ Coon· ~'e"ion3 1 dek:gfllion. dared Tu~a)', May 24. 1911. S;ltCe then IU mo,-, have been boune;n!; ul' find down tike • )0-),0. Thiol mon.h ,,~ had .he joh, Neu mOllth we didn'l hve the job. Now i. Can be told. Vice President MOllda1e isroued a <Intement Friday. April 14. 1978. Dnnvuncing .hat lhe carrier SllfQlIIRU wilt be cominll into the I'hiladclnhia Naval Sh,pyard for rehuihlin l ""der Ihe SEr wl,crch), Ihe life upedancy nf (he ~hip would he ;nerea<t:d by IS yelr<.

In OUT IOCDI daily new<paller. TI.t E"tII/orR B"I/nin. dctai1~ wefe given out 1I~ to lhe impaci on .he I()CJ I economy. A release from M"nrl91t'~ officr ~bo ..... lhe N.val Shipylrd workrorce or 6.973 growing by '42 Ihiol year. 180 neXI ~ar. 790 in fiscal yen 1980. and ) 6S in fisca l ~ar 1981. 11lese in direc t inle'eu in Ihe new jobs wer. the union leader$ M the shipyard. Mr. John

Bergen. presld~nt of the Philadelphia Melal T.ades Council. sl~ tcd Ihat " 'hen the Sam/og" W35 In the shipya rd in 1969. s.he .. as in bad 5hl1/"1'. and she j~ probably ... · now. M r. Geor&e J. Wilenl. presidenl of Local 902. $8id . " It's a shol in tile arm for II ]Ot o f fellows. both loung lind old. It me~ns long-Ierm employmenl ,n one IOCa lion. ~nd should be ,000 for bolh mor..le nnd production. Capta in Gerald R. Jone·s. ~hipy:"d commander. staled that bc t .... «n no w :md Ihe lime when Ihe carrier arrives in Ihe .hipy,,,,1 in Orlnnc r o f 1980. Ihe yard would cnnt!l1l1C with advance 1'18nning. pbnnin~. dc,ign , and long"ilntte malerial procnremenl •• n thn l Ihey wlluhl be prepared well in advance of Ihe . hip·' a rrival. This Will ~ the biggest job under­taken at I~ shipyald since the last ,hip w~' buill bac~ in 1971.

I would like to .eaffirm a 5IlItemenl I made in Ihe October. 1977 issue of Ihe } be. (3U'<C Il applle-< now n~ II did Ihen:

We. the membcl~ of Local !Kl2. leprC"$Cnting all of tile electrica l and eleetroni~ employee-< in ~II 01 tile ":lIioo, \ho1'5 Ihroughout Ihe ,hip· ~'o rd. and through Our affili ation I'.-ilh Ihe I'hila· delphia Met,,1 Trod~ Council. AFL-CIO. pled~e our utmosl 10 I'r\Wide the NlIvy Department with llIe hu t ai rcrMt tarrier .~build;nll pro<:r~m eyn -at Ihe IQwe<t JIO"' ihle eO"\1. We fuHy intend 10 show the men who 1<11 to sea by Na.'y ship~. Iha l the wok proYi<.led ill the I' hiladelphia N:l ynl <;hil'y".d i. dcptn'! ~hlc. reliablc. an<l of the fin. e.j ayai lahle anywherc in Ihe world-bar nonc. We fully intem! 10 m~ ke them ~lad Ih" t they th:1l Ihe W"'~ pfOyidrd ;n the I'hii adelphi:1 Naval Shipy:m' We did it hefore. and W'e e~n do it D~9in .

On ~4. 25. ~"d 26. 19711. ddej!.M("< of I oc~1 !Kl! " lIended the East Coa't Districl Cnn_ "cntion of the Metal T rndn Department of I"e A rt -CIO. whkh WD~ held in Wa,hinglnn. 0 C. Whil\! there they made il a point to .. 311 of our Con,'e«ional reprt'<enlali\'es. 10 pcr<onalJy th~n~ them for Iheir elforl< in 'U(CC"'i,rul1~ ob­lain inR the wOlk on the USS S~ratoga

11 i$ with dccl' <.O" OW Ihal I rcpo.t the dc,,,h. of two of our " rolhers. Brother I.collDrd Baldino <"ccumhl:d 10 :I IlIn~ illneo;s on Aprit I. 19711, " rothe r Floyd II . Caldwell . whn hod !>ten workin ~ In Toneka . K an~as. died ,uddenly in ear ly Aprtl 197M. Our deeJIC"t ~ympathy i~ C ~ · tendCl1 to Ihci r WilloM. We in Local 901 "ill min them.

AI VIN II . 'i"~l'IRO. B \1 ,


ll ron,., J~ro.n e nae •• l.<tn l 949. Au."ln. Minn .• I~ ~I,o .. 'n rfff h'ln. lhe hl t h." •• .-.rd _I.e" b, the Am.rl<~" lI~d C ... s,;. I.dt to ,I~ht arc Brolh., Ba.r; Ro.~. lIrllltoo n • • hatrn •• n 0' S.'", P.o~'.m. of Ihe t' ruhorn Counl y O"pler or lhe Am.nun lied Crn .. , . nd Orrlo" R .. t ...... ~olunlee, In,Ins(Clor .. hn laudll '''''me Ihe CI'R I .... hn t" ••.

Local 949 in Need Of Journeyman Wiremen LU. ,-I,. AUSTIN, MINN.- It has been some Ii",., $i.",., Lu.. ul 949 Ita~ 1 ... .1 "n ", 1 ... 1., '" tl.~ }ollmal. Since Ihnt 'ime Henry 1. nell hns ' e­signed his J>05it ion as business man~ger and ae· cepted a po!Iilion wi!h the Federal Medial ion Se",ice. I[e Will certainly bfo mis.'lCd by the Inea l and we wish him every sl!eee~~ in his new " ~ n""~ .

New Members

N ... nwmh .. r~ ,"nrl,lo,,",, bl ·rcl. promtM ... "V "r lIoch.Slu •. \lInn .• fl.", . 0 ... Idl I .. rlJhl , .r. 1>011 Con,u.n'. Wanda W~lh' p,, ~, and "'Alhy "' ... " .... ; , ... ""d '0'" Cl .... , lIob«U. J ..... , J .... hrk . C ... . "llItn ~. r. and R DC .... WI""h: Ihlrd ..... , 0110 .\le)e,_ J .. n., '·u .. it" •• "d "' nn Summ: ' .... rth "''': C ... ", Srh.....,du. S ..... '" I ... h.n. J " hn ~r •• mM.. 1 ~n ""'hn .• nd Jim R Mm .... '

1i"'lne", Rep.r,entJII>e R I " noh" '\ nd.·.,,," .. a' u"poonted to fill the "'I~~pued lelm

On Ap.;1 II the highe'l a .. ard I;l\cn hy the Al1le,""on Nahonal Red C'<M " 3' p"",,"led hI II rOl~r Jelorne Hac ... journeynlan IlIlrman .. ,th I nlc"I~'e 1'II\\'er Company. "tben I ca. MUll"\("' '''!il. for ~!fk.." Dnd humon UC1l0n luken ... hrn he H''''C ea.dia~ pulmon~ry rt'llu.~citntion to 8 hea .1 ~tI~(~ yiclUTl and ,a,'cd Ill, hl~ The ,'C' 1I0'''IC ,~ ,,~ncd by Jimmy C"ricr. I'I C",klll "f 11t~ Unite\! SWtc'. und I'rall~ St~nl(Jll. ,'hwll11an <lr the AmNican Nalional Red Cros<,

Our ~onj:,atolalions arc ,,'tended III II mth ... t lI ac r ,

We ""i ,h to .... elcome ,nl<1 I~C Urolhelhun:! Fhe menlhe" .. ho a.e emplo~ed Ily Irlcplomplc, Cable '1 V ()f Roehr'le'. M,nn""oln, TIt;, ¥.ou l' "0, 'Ceenlly organi>'Cd ~nd ,~ [)QW "''''~lIll! undcl a labo, aj:TeCmcnl.

PrC'icnt]y mil of our ""emen lI'e "olkin~ lind. mt lhe writmll of th i~ 31liclc. " 'c a,e m nc..:d of mOlC ;0",no.·ym3n "'"emen.

Our dt-ePCSI ~ympalhy " u lcndcd ~I Ihl' t'me to the family of B.other Edward Ua~e. whn "a~ kitled III lin aUlomobile ~eci<k-nt "hlle on h" ... ·ny 10 work, II rOlher Ila~c' W3' " loumeymal! "'"c· man tmployed 1n Roehrsler

I "VI.'" I 5IrR ... . I''i

Ceremony Held For Graduating Apprentices Lll. 968. I' ARKERSBURG, W."A. We proudly held ~r~duallon ce'CmOllle< for 21 Ilrnd· ualin, apprent ices. A reception ~nd <ocia i hOllr Wll~ held an hour prior 10 Ih~ d",ncr allo" 'lnll II>c: new Ilrllduatc~ an opportunity 10 f!'1 a~qua'ntcd ... ·uh Ihe vt5uing d'lllltlar;",;.

Uu<mc<s Manager lIiII Me", .. a< ,n eharll" "f lite"aliu" cc'~n'unM.-"" ,,,,rJ "'t.uJu~cd all U~ IUI""I< who m lurn commenlcJ nn llIe npl'lcn · lic""h,p p.o~ram.

Dt5l1nllubhl'd Il"""" allendinll .... e.e I'",h"" hurl Mnynr AI Smilh nnd wif~: Mr "!lI1 M,<; Ben Skeen. llure3u of Apptentice,h,p IIIIlI T rain ing; The Re. erentl PreSion Smith and Wife: f\1r . Slnn!cy lI 0'0 tl er. nlt{)rney~ Mr. J oe V:II""~. "Inte Apprcn l ice~lu p Dirc.lor anll hi. " ire: Intern" t'onnl Repre<enta l;ve, F , E, " Hutt" · CI.ltk. nnd Ruhl:rt I'nrkcl

Member< of the Apprenlkc,hill ("omll"ttc~ atlcndinj; ... nh Iheir wive' wc'e: M, Ikn'~r Uln;, ( BInI( Flee Coni .... Inc.1. Mr, Mllni, (Ea'tcrn !' & f.leClnlJlie Co .. Inc, ). ~Ir , Glen Em.i.k. M r. William Me,"", ( lI u"n~, MOil' ;'ll~r and I ;n ane;~ 1 Secrelary). J im 0.11O<on. (Pr("<., denl). and Mr. C R Mellen,y (Mellen.y I lec lriel

In)"ueIOI'< and Ihe" "·"e, anend"'g .. ere M. and M ~, Robert l'al1on. Mr, Ind M., IIM"ld Wamsley. and Mr. and M .~ Ed. R,ffle

TI .e f"lIu .. ·",,,, um"'r, ur "-""~I 9611 ~tlc".t",J .. ,. Ih the .. WIV"":

J im Domon. p'c,iden!: J . D. T homp'o". ,,~e pl e~idenl lind assis tan t businc '<-i manawer: G , I Conner, rccordin~ secre tory; E~c,UI'~c Iloot d memher. !' red !'IIIWeN. IInrold lI offlll:,n . ~ ."I


I,u ,~ nlin. ~,"du"lIon .. .,,,Iflu.,, 10 ZI . rad .. alln~ . ,' ..... nll<<:.' of Loul 968. I' " r~."bur •. W. 'a., are 1i ... I"" .. .'\hn"~n "lI1i~ nt •. M • •• fl.,,,., 1I1~ 1 • . .1« lrI ... and .ro"ri • • '. Cln~ . Inl .. r" •• lunal II ppr"",nla'h· • .

l)tn,' •• lIlat. I"."nlln~ lI~nd ) lIobf. l, "I." <ttltr. . ...1 • • 113nd) • • ,.". f",," I1I"" "n Ih. \\ ttl",,' hlund I", .. ,." h""" jub bmu~ "1 hi , 11m" ~ .... ~ lu II,~ ~Inn ... . II , .' ''1'1"".011)" ""I II and I·r.,,,d,·,,, J'm Unl ,,,n Inl'''uu,.d ,I, .. I, ... '.ntallon I" " 'Iurn I"" I>oo~ r .. und b) lilt .. .,11,,,,, . (II "., all In r"' __ H.)n"" h.d a bt. 1>u~ h).

... cldll ..... at . rad .. a'.J ar •. I.fl lu . I.hl . Cre, Go .... CI .... " Par .... ~ • • :I/l: ..... M .. tt ln,. lIob III.h"h. lIandY Roherl<. D~.rr ll J ... ~ln •• J (In Min', I .• rt) 'brlln. and \1 ~.~ II" .....

Cui (",lIin: E>.am",in~ Uo~,,, mtmh"I' C <:. Wh,!I~y. Ted W~llver. A V lillie. (;r,·~,,,)' [) Go,e. ~nd Ruf". Clinc,

Se"'cr~1 .emar~' left by Ihl' nfl,·, dum," '!>Ccche . .... e.c: St~n Ito,tlcr. " y ",,',~ neH" 'Ceu a wne Ih~1 the fellow Ihal did n !:Iu .1:,)", "",l ,ouldn't find a Job .. ,Ih ~ ,,,nl'at'W'. he ~el' Ih~

n:,"l~. h.·~ a good 1:"" U"'/ dur> a ~,"", "'''. lour name .. ,11 follow you ... hclheo }"u',e a ~noJ " 'orker Of a ~oof.olf:· II~ lIl..., 'em~,ll'd he had found the apprcnloc .... ,n l oca l '1611 .. ell ",,,ned and dj~,plin.ed,

Joe Valhna. Slale A"p'cn"e~'h'p I)u ... I'lt. ~, p.e~,cd "Ihe COSI of educat,,11( an apt'.enltl'e 'hrou~h h,s ent;,e ", "'enl f,om <'H.()()(l II' an infla led $60.000. The 1'1e'''I<:al I nd(j'\I~ hII-' doubled III bSI 40 yea" The I rOIll""~ t'roJ:lam has beeon~ more comph,alcd JII<1 IJcoCOIt>C .. c·rr in StatN:: Cnntrol. II', n.'1 tlllle ", "u" a,lvanCi"ll.

July . t978 I /IS

Ihe pro~ram e,panl!' nnd I>(-,"m~ ~,e~ler hy lhc yeur."

Ik' n ~ ~ ~c'" 1I"' eau of Apprrn u,e~hlll nml Trilining, a<.hi .c., " There', nIl more ,',''<101/1 "'""

II~J'II""1 ,, 'Jrtm n l The w'vr~ arC I " be eom­mended because Ihe Ilp plcnlKe mll ~1 allcnd "ne and 1"'0 n,~hl' a "'cc~ In school and do ~ lot of home," ork. The cont ,ael",_ a.e duc re'peci fUl Iheir dfOfI~ In ""pporllnl lhe pro~r:tm.H l ie 91'0 'ela led, "Now rha l yo""e tx-come a ~radu3un~ apl"Cnll(c. you become a JO"rncyman and hell' your apprcnllee-whe,e,cr yOIl ~()-h""e'rr you Imv~I-~omeone I' I. avcilng "llh you"

Imer-oa lional Rcplc.;cnlall'c< II rOlhef"l I (1,L1~ " ,,,1 KobNI I" " ~ cr ,po ~c ;0 II'w wu"h e~rnc~'in£ Iheir ap" ,eci3Iion for l he inv il alion f," Iht ,:rad"al inn tli""",

lIob l'allon and I d Rime, in-truclOI' fOI Ihe Appreollce.h,p "wl'loIm "ele ,nllooll,e,1 and comphmenled ,'''y I"~hly for Ihei. dnol.nn 10 lhe 1,)c31 "ni"n and Ihe AI'P"'nhec-<h,p I'",~,am

lI alo/t! Wam.ley. "ho ",,,cd n.any )t,>~r' Ita<hln~ 10 Ihe P'''~ ' '''''. " as Inl,o~lu"c<1 ~11I1 'OnH,,~,,\f~,J for hl\ nlJnv yt~" uf r a'l '4:I\'"e,

1I ,,'lhcr 111 11 :\ 1c~~. f F Clork . and Den,,, 1I1(,ir plc -cn lcd Ct tl lfi"O IC' or Com"", ,, ,,,, I" I II~ (0110" 11111: Charlc~ 10 , A, no ht. John Bell, JI'" W nl Dir, [ Ma, k no"e,. Ge"'~~ I ll ro"n. J"hll Cl ine, Wade l. En",,;~, G ,cl'flry 0 Gore, [)~,,~11 F Jcn~'n', l arry M ' l ~rllO. F r roll,tI,n., J ... G MtChad Par ker, Clef'en C i'M.nn" ' I D K<.'<'l. Roben G. II. lChJI<l~. J ~n>("' 1- R'I'I", Ran. d~1I J R"hc,,,, ,"an~e J R<1lh"cll. II llty R ~milh. J"hn I) T II",hlc. ~ml Cha'lt .... r AmlN "'n.

1l1 "lhcr /l Ilt ro lc,", h"<II1(:" rnan;lgc., was MII'''' <If (' c,emunl<." [(,,,I '·UI1.Jllc!cd Ihe ~ere­"nHlIe •. U, mher :\11:<." ,'ommcll1cd on Ihe ,adll~" Ih,'1 une uf Ih~ J;J,ld"at,·,. jJ ,ull'cr Ch",I,', AII_ dC!"In, Jr. p",.,...d a"ay, Ikecmtx, 12. 1977, AI Ihe a~e of l~. 1 he alldicrn;:c ill 1I11l'~ reque' l 'Iood 10 ~,Icn<'c for "nC mlmlle In mem",)' of OUI dC"e~'cd rrJduarcd n,c",I-ooI., and Ihen Ct'ndmlcd rhe meClinr

"~nl l ... " 1'0J, R~d

J""5 K l.OVIIl, 1'5

Local 969 Apprent ices Honord at Dinner 1 .11. '(i'. GItAX n J Ul"CTIOS, COI,O.- The \\('I~rn !llop.- J onli ApplcnlKe TlIlIn,"~ Com_ millee held iI' ~nnu~1 ~pprcntice,hip dinner al Ihe


tlur a'r II I o,h .. '1 0 .. ,\'~"I"<"<I •• • "d t .... ,.,. ' r "bJ, II~.I" ... :-Ian..., .. Hi~L lI ~rr, ud In.rl n.II""al \ j<~ I· .. ,~I~n! I ~ "'t"<~ I ~<n~n.

Cafe C~'~'J" 11' h""M II IOlhcl' M~, Ar,htbc'luc, Dave lIendllch, r~lI)' /l Id,. l)~!t Tdl"", ... ;,,,,1 J~"y l O"t, l lle ~Iadllalin)! flpIHcnl'~C'.

I ollo" ing d,n ner. Apprcn ll~e~hl p [) i l c~lOr lIoh Wdlboln inU'lIIUl,'cd Ihe hollu,cd ~lIC' I , Inlerna_ lional Vl<.~ I'''''",denl l aw.ener I aln3n, ..... ho ~a'c adVICe and rn..ouragemcnl 10 Ihe ltradualinl app""I",,,' on lhen role;. on oor ,ndu'''Y.

tl usinns Man31cr Rick Baer and Inlt rmoumain Cha"ler NI ('A M~nage. Don Tafl pr"""nlcd Ihe ~radualln~ aPr, ,,nllC!.':'; ""h Ihclr "crlllicales of Complcllon. ~nd U"d H COlln)!, Apprcnllct<h,p Commillet ch:lllman, prc~Oled II ro.her Terry lI r<:ks "'lIh the Ot'''t3nd in~ Apprenl , ~e, h ip A ..... a ld.

LOI:aJ 969 nll'uln< Ihe 1':1"111)1 of Urother J ,m Il all Il rollltr lI ull "a, an ~<'Ii'e m(mher and "'ill No m,,~tl hy ~It ,,'h .. ~ncw hnn.

MtrtlAiI i'IIM ..... I' .S.


.. ~ "


Senator Works Against Labor L V, 99S, BATON ROUG E, LA.-Senatar Curl T. Cunis, Repu blicun (' 0m Minden, Nd"u,~~, .­as busy as hell sa ltei ljnll fund~, a n II nahanwide basis, for Ihe NatIOnal " R iil h l' lo-Wor~" Commit. lte. In rhe silt lell er< I hAYe here before me, all 5i,ned by "Conniv;ns Carl:' he has f'C'rjured him· loCI / on man: Ihan (III(' count. Ife lie< ",hen hc Ml&&t:'>1S Ih31 your (.m,ly', ~afelY. !he "mcric~n way of li fe. your JOb. busincss. and )0'" ,laIC llnd local lues arc all in jeopardy if Ihe cur~ of or~3n"ed labor h3\'C Iheir way III Ihe 951h Cong l e~s,

I ~now dam "cll thai Ihi'> o;cnalor " 'l~ nOI clcelcd by b",inr;, people alone. nOI In his pa!! of Nebfa~ka' Then he ;; abo GUilty of b,eaeh of p l(lmi~e. If he " orh an behalf or Ihc 7'lal lonll " Righ l ,Io-Work" Comm,llee, ,,·ho claims an al­mO'oI lOlal bu';nC'>~ [Xople membership, Whal ahout the "'o,kin" folks who " otcd fOT this Kn~lor~ I feel Irkc hell w"llII,: lhis "3y ahall l I ienalor. bul he de,crwe, !I' Ih. ICHer i~ one of an alarnmt. l aws art IICcn""y to force the em· ploycr~ 10 main ta on a dc~e ", ~ I andard of h,in~ nnd <Mc wo rki ng con<l,l lon$ ror Iheir employee., COt1CCII\'C barga!",ng i~ Our< by law' Doe' 11', the foCnotOl kno w th;"~ The QhernM;H W eo!lt'Cllve barlainong is governm~nl standards, relllllJtions. and lole,,'cno;on' 00 you Ihink Ihal Ih:-. 10'" ma ker would aid u\ on Oflani1rd labol If QUI wajtC'\, ~afe ly, and ... ·ell·belO& " 'efC in lhe: hands IIf hi> ~jnd~ If }'<lit d id lIul ", ~il a ~~, <.l 10 )UUr rc prescnlal;ve f'C'ItainlOS 10 S.246J, Ihen you may u " 'el1 h3,e Knl Carl T Curl ;" B ~l1c ~ blt en'" dona tion, for Ihis i. f ~ DC lly why h ~ i, .oli("illl( fund ~ in our Slnle rill hl 11 0W' G o pcdlllc ill the 5ahnra, Cal l, you 'll do beu er'

It .... ,11 lake a 101 o ( money 10 ~c, .he " It '~ht· Io-Work" for u <s Law repealed. h n', your li ve lihood wonh a $1 0 a year membcr<hip in PIC? AnyoM d C"< i'IOIL a PIC card can I'Cnd mc SIO Ind 1"(1 ma,1 lheem (loc. Lan', ma ke II .ny easltr,

An efforl is be ing made at Ih,s time 10 aid Ihe Brol hers in nted , You ca n i:C I f"n pa.t icubn from 10hn Sa;a, Pele Portero, Or yours trul l',

Brother Fra nl. Goodman, who hu been retued fot some time. wu in tOllch ,tcently. This Ihotl><'r was the recipient o f the U rc .Savinr. A,,·ard. In Ihe lc:comp'inyin8 pic lu'e he is _hown with his lovely wife, K_tie. M.s. Goodman pa_d a" 'ar 1"'0 years Igo_ VISit F. lnk ,f YOll're OUI his .... y.

11011' n n I la,,· coonl . 11 h~ bl~~rn"". lhen go 10 OIl' Capi tol a"d decide Ihll S6.200 • year coosti lule) a dr«nl rncome for 111 llot- peo· pie. I tunl it like'! a M~ptCi31 " ~rnd o r pel'>On 10 do this!

11 ,\ • pothole recen tl) Man' how many Pl'ople cOllld be pul to "'ork filhn_ ," ,~ le",b!e 10rITKntors of ITKn'

If all the hOI .ft hlo .. rn~ out of \\a,hrnl";>n were harnessed. our ener,y CI!!IIS " 'oold be \DIved.

We had 14J 8ro1t;e.~ mi"l;rnll al oor 41h .clul3r mte linJ.

Suppor! II><' boycott -heh1.y u~lon Srt )00 ~\I month

I',,, ,\I~(Attr<O. I'~

Retirement Party Held For Four Members L.U. 1014. M~;n"·ORO. MASSo- AI a recen t social ga lhcrrnll DIICnded by mcmbe,~. !!U'''' '<. lI"d .... ·;VC5. four mcmbe" of ollr local recci>cd <oc,vile pi," upon their 'e ti ,ement They arc lJ ,olhc" Walter A. Brown. Carl J . Cerrone. and Joseph A. Onu>'ian i. all chalter membef'l Wllh 10 yeD". a"d B.other Theodore [).;mi're .... llh 10 )rar< The-.e men rep,e5Cn t over 100 )car~ of ~"ict 10 Gcn cuI EleClric In the St.VlO;C Shop

I.ocal 1014 IS ptoud 10 have ~u~h mll\landlnlll members and Il'Dlcf,,1 IU be able to pre...,nl 10 Ihem pins. walche<. and lIifl' 0" hehalf of the loca l.

The rour men,bc" rc,",e,,'cd IeIiC" of COl1f'aW' Intion~ r.orn the ,o>< of MD~~ad'u~ t ". U.S 'icna ~ o. Edwa." Kennedy. and Ihe ma,.or~ of tlo(oir le'Pl"ctive cil~

There "erc mw 1'0 }:ur\{' at 1h~ rr~.ll T he Relil ement Comm.Ilt'C. ton'I'otinp of Ilr"l~cr" lIar1"". O"nmarD1l1. 1I<·~arty. 1I:o,dy. I c" " . I'cl"...,. und Wrll,. " ~ " be: <'''mmentlcd fur d"in~ l.n e\Cellel11 Joh

rl1 ..... ~11 I' \\ III ", CII~~'N .• 1"' '( 1111

Officers, Committee Members

~ ......... ~ _~ 01 t"~ ..... l«Itll oIIM: ........ ..-• • mtt _.~..,,, of u.~ I."ul Illl IIU \0\ hd .... 1 Crrdil Lillo" of CIok ..... III. S","rd • ..." ." .... "" . :He 1 __ 01., • ,PQlo/'.' _"'00 el Cff'dU C_.IU .... , .. '" Spo ..... I". I"'~M. 1kI .... el UI ........... ; . Ita G .. ~rIo. I,n,.",.., . _II el 1>1.....,"' ... : ...... i .. , ' . ..-.;N." .. 101 ..... , .. , ..... ",,_ 1 .... _,..,. II"., • ., 01 ..... ''' ... : J ..... A ...... ..... '""' ... C",dh C-... W .... ; Ja .. ;~ \I ..c"'.J .. "'""a'J. S. ...... hoM, C __ ill ... , ""d I". G." .... "'. "' .... " ... . 11._ 01 ", 111,...,' ......

Federal Credit Union Elects Officers l" U. '031 . CIII C"GO. II.I_-March 17. 1978 marLcd II'M.· end "I a 'une"f,,1 11", )<"rr an,1 11M;: bt~rn",nll o f a h"lIhl f"""e for Ihc 1 ''''01 10JI tIIEW I cdenlt Crcd tl Uruon. 11"." ""~ uf Local 10J I', .eafll'!>HUiun of ," dcll,eDI.on 10 nit mcmbe~. Locul lOll lIu,inc,~ Matlll ~cr l{khmd Dca<on IImt !,'Ollra", l'(M)rdlnU IUr Terry AI'Plc­~a l c ~uecc,~ fu!l y charlered Ihe Local 1031 tIIEW Federal C'ed,1 Uniun Ut! Mllteh 17. 1977 Wilh ,,,,Iide' e,,,,"I,,h~d ."ul I''''.:c,h,,·c, ,e l . l oc,d

lOll entered the world u f finllnee fl .. AUCII), onc year la ler. Wh31 beller a ift and VOle of coofidence Ihan 10 be rcc1tcted by ),OUI fellow c redit union me.mbers Ind quoled hy the lII inoi. Credil Union League IS "h.vina the polcn ti~ 1 \0 become I gianl among c.edit union,."

TlIc off~11i .nd slaff of ' "IICI I 101 1 con,ratu-1.1e lhe Local 10) I IIICW !'edtr.1 Cled. t Union Boald of Oncctors and COmmlllee mcmhel$ Thlnl ),OU for you. dedication 111 bflnRinl )OUI ercd. t union the WC'CC$' il enJO)\ And. Ihank you. each Ind every ~m~,. for )·'''If

>Ole of confidc~_ UnanirnotlSly reelected 10 tIM;: I.ocal 1011 IIlrw

Fede .. 1 Credu Unioro Boald of O"ecIOl~ lie Prcsodcnt Pal Spoh"holtz, Vice Pr""idcnl Vuo Armando. T rea'\4Jrtr R'II GU1lollrdo, Av,,,lan t T rcnure, Lorflline PlOlro"'~~I. lind 'i«retQlY Torn Griswold. 10 tIM;: Cred •• Committee lire Ch,,· man C1cv-e13nd OOl tch. Jt"u~ Av,I~. Joann Ad­kin\, Dorolhy F~~iIO, Ind Jtnnic Kal .... l1

Reappornted to lhe S"Pl', .. isor), Comm.tlee Ife" Tcrry Appleftate. 'lecrcmry Junine Me­Ca.lhy. 3nd R.eharrl [ )eD\.(1fI

TII .. Y AI',.nurl . " 0;;


1I_1tn \t . II. 11.0". ~ .. ~... IoI. ~a'" ~ ... I" B,," .... , 1I.lIard a"" .,/0._ ..... In pln'~ /0. .... " I'" had """'I .. . "1",,, _I 01 u,. ... .

Local t 042 Honors Retiring Brothers L.U. 1041. SAN"·ORD. FLA.-Srother Ben F_ Bullard relired as of March ) 1. 1978. Urother Ben .. as " If ' member from Ihe limc t.hc local orlanittd in 1941. unlil January 17. '950. "hen he ehlnged to wA" membership.

B,olher Hen enlt§ led in the US. "'3.y Sea­bee«. July 31. 1942. IIc 5Crvcd "r:th the 441h Nllul COII'otrUCl1On fbl1ahon in the Soulh PI' elf"" for 20 monlhs. lhen for eishl monlhs ~tate­.. de. anrJ .. "s dJl.eha.~d October 17. 19~5_ Ben lIls.o 5Clvcd In lhe ach.·c Rl'!iC'o'e fo. :n yC3rs Dnd relired from the Rr:scrvcs in 1973. al lhe PI)arade E-8.

B.othe'l Ikn complelcd the COUt'$(' in Eltetric Mcter Engln«.mg and was in ch"lllC of the mele .. ng opera lion in Sanford d,wict unlll re­lIIemcnl. B.other !kn has 5Cr .. ed hIS 1oc31 ,,-ell ; he 50erved as recordrng ~'Clary for eighl )eaT'S, and lIS a dele~"te 10 the Con>'c"lion held in Chic;ll!o 'H and Cleveland '58.

II rulher Ikn al.w ba~ St'ncd hi~ co",",ul1i~ y "ell ;I, a ,egulnr blood donor 10 lIM;: Red Cross. He ha~ dona ted 54 pint~ or blood Ihu~ far and is two pints shy or leVen g;l 110"s. and still givin,. ll rolher Hen is a membel of S~nford Lodge 62, I &AM. and D member of Cenlral IIJpt isl Church. Sanford. !lorida.

It IS vc.y hard 10 ,,-rite about wmcone .... ·ho " mOl""' t MId d()('<n'l lile 10 talk abolH .. hal hc has done for his Brolhe1'5 of Local 1041 a"d hi' community. bUI I knnw Ihal OUr local and Ihe IIlI' \\' ha>e had 3 good unioo mcmhe. and you " 111, "ilh It< . .... ish him a lo"g ami happy reli relTKnl.

MHch 10. 1978. our elncn local. of S),tem Couneil votetl 10 ratify an offer from '-P &: 1 Co. Thcre were impro>'emcn t~ on Medical In· ~Imrnce I' lan and >'aca tion for 2S )'C3'~' i\C"'ice; ;01<0 early reliremenl ror ~f'\on. born bet .. een hnuary I , 1914. and Dccembu 31 , 1916 The money .. as 8.1 percenl for Ihe firsl yeaf and 8 percen l in Ihe :\Ccond )'Nr: thaI " ill pul our linemcn al $9:45. starling November t. 19711, The Nelllotialing Committee had a hard job lh~ yur with Ihe company for fi>'c monlhs. T hey would "01 move. 11lcn Ihe company wanled 10 t l1 ~ e oltr sick time. away but found nU l we are II 101 ~mDrtcr thnn Ihey 1!3 .. e u~ c,etli . for hein" We rejected lllat offer. A grea~ job wa~ done by Ihe NeJolia1ing Commiltee: C. O. IIRr' tuntt. Local 1066; W. A. Ge<elke. I.ocal 820; A. J Jordan. Local 1042: L J. SpTin!!. Local JS9; and lIusi "e~~ MnnDl!er Jim Nil!"!

Since my la\t article we have had somc changes in S:mford. Brother M. H. Brn .... ·n is now a i\C"'iceman A; B.other< E. T Maiuk Dnd It E Brown have made il back afler Ihe biJ roll hack "'e had about 18 momh. ago Brolhl'r G I' "l1)'n and Brothl'r Sam Culverhou<;c are he.e lI~ Irn ..... en f, om the Daytona !kxh arel; aho from the Daytona !kach area is Brother TOllY Feu,y, a winch lrock <)JlC'1Iolor

lIy the IrrM Ihis lIrticle ,otS to print . .... -e "'ill hDoe eke!ed new offiurs for OUr lont .. ill le"".1 r~ult, in M~t lIrUcle

,,"'ILl 1M., T "To"~ VA":' rTA. P <;

Vote Against Organiling Bell Aerospace In l l. 111 6. T UCSON. ARIZ.-lieU Aerospace of o;;'crr .• V"la had 'I~ .. O\e Ibc cnd <If April. E'·cn Ihough "e had 2S inlenl pledlll~. Ihe .. Ole was :!b to '6 a~ain't orlllanilin/ll. WCSI Coast Labor Rc1mlOtlS TIIn a dirly and unde.handed cam"aign; Includong e3rl0(l0< allacking Ihe union. This is no~ D new .lory hU I it cmph~5i7<:' !he gul1i bi lity n f "cople.

1'.c\Cnlly n lisitlC$s I>hnagcr Slruck and Presi· lien! G~Unj:her nre nrg~ni7in~ wi~h T rico Electric.

July , 1978 I ~7


A d~lId" • • poIllK" ~lB"'" • . ., .... Id al H...,I S~lIIe-1IlJ"." •• Badil ...... Itfl to rlpl, ""' Ptarl Bell, tolar, 1\1Area.rt c: ... k. Oorlllhl lI anllll, Ilaul Sdtlt.,u. 1\otldl., Ethin3l"a. Fred. n.o",_", ud 1\ollldr.d /\I u.l"u.; K1Ir.d: HI~n~,", Wal"~. tolead"., lI:Ol.' Roll , 1\b""" L"'''SOd, And VU~ Rl an. Ph" ,o ~ub· ... I!lfd by Loul 111 6, TUfl<)n. Arl •.

and mecllng "'nh Tuc50n Gas & Electric Com· pany on the pension and al>o On Safety Manuel.

Welcome. new membc .... " rances Genun, and Marilyn J. Hart SI. " ielle of Tucson Gas Electric.

Auorncy Stan Lubin of Phocni~ came to Tutson Apr,l 8 tu hol<l n ~em'nar at the hall on er'rvnncr • . 1nrt nrhitratioo. The seminar wu most informative and well presen ted. In lllend­anC(: were Delores II cL~t of Local 3 19, OPEIU, lI iJ1 Oase of Asplundh. Alice Breazeale. Miehllcl "linelobe, a nd Waller "Idn of G . E. Ind some of the T G & I! 5Ie .... . d'. It ... as unfortuMle that more slcw~rds WCR: not in aUcndanee. II cerlainly would have hclpc<l 10 make the job easier.

Jim llulse of G. E. had fOO l surgery reccnlly. Jim, we wish you Ihe be~r of luck. Uur prayen are wilh you Ihal all will 10 well .

Con,r;J.lulalions 10 John Mainero. who hn 10 yeal"5 with G . E John hM served on every Negotiatine Committee since they orltanized.

Congl'lltul31ions 10 IIrolher David A. Thorpe: of Tucson Gas & Elcctric_ Brother Thorpe re· ceived his journeyman certificate. GrC~I ,n gS to ret,red Bro ther Floyd Hues lon of

MBrunn, Nominat,ons of ollieers at the May meelin lt 'Nere B.,siness Manager Struck. l' ru'· denl Gallagher. Recording Secrctary Milne. 811 unopposed ; lR:aSurer: Bona~ia and Rainey: Ex· ecut,ve Board 3t large' Vounl and Spiros; Ad· mlllJSlrahon' Koch: Elec:ttlc "", ,,a rtmelll Jk )CI and Saville: Gas D<'partmcnt; Schrader: I'o ... er Pro<.luction: Boone and Orenduff. The election ~ in June and Ihe election judge will be George Friend nnd tellers. Ron Rice nnd Jean John'on. Sure hope everyone VOles.

Three Attend Utility Conference


Ih U. 1125, IH NGIfAMTON, N.Y.- Pre,ident J~ph 1,"",,;,,111. Vi~c " ruidcnt hd Humphrey. and Chuck Eldred. Secrelary for System Cuuncil U-1, attended Ihe 1"ird DIstrict Ulil ity Con· fercnco held in Cherry 11111. New Jersey. in March.

Complete and preci'IC repor ts ... -ere gIven al oor regular union meering in AptiL Ikndi rs gained from allending the'IC se<sions are wdl wo rth the inv~tment. The cAchoogc of Vollage Glov'nr. f:nnrl, rion" Safety. und H~ndlin~ lIe~vy Equ'pmtnt. Power I'l ~nt Steam Pipe Inspect ions are advan lageous in the preve!1t,on of further rupture, Rnd dea ths.

Irene IIarr's. Linda Ilend?el. Dana Howe. Sonia VCIc1. and Kar~n "udec re~ived th~ obli. gat 'on into lhe Brotherhood at our Apri l mee t· in ..

68 I lUW Jovr",,1

Mark your calendar and draw .. b'lI It..t ~iJc lt around tht first Wednesday of every month just as a reminder-union meet,ng-7 :)0 p.m.- John­son C,ty Amer,can Legion_

JOliN B UCHEI', p ,S,


Sr"ln~rln.e I~ ChMn'p at~n. Ill.. ror • CI .. ~ A e"'htbatl Chan'l'lnn,MI'.

Business Manllger Attends Broadcasting Convention L. U. 1220, CHICAGO. ILL- In ,\pII1 , 1918. our bus;nc>s mannger, Nonn~n F. RUllen ~lIcnded the lBEw-cns 'luarlcriy meeting in Las Vegas. Nevada. where the latest In broad~~s"ng ~qu;P­menl was ~rng displD)'ed al lhe NA.B. cOn· ven t'on.

The local will be u""u;ug llcjfotia tlons with W1VO-1V , Rockfo rd, Illinois, Md WIl D~I ·AM­FM·T V in Chicago in !he upeoming months. The local would like 10 wekome aU o f the summer relief Engineers working at Ihe various radio

and tde-mion stations under Local 1220 juri .. dicrion,

T he pictures this month, a~ompany ing the article, are of the UI.S.A. Baskctball Tourna­menl, cour lcsy of Don I lall.

Many members of this uoion SCC m motivated 10 attendlna meoctings only when a decision affecl­ina their paycheck is vOlCd on. The subject of lowerina union dues for part·time employ~ "'ul~'''a 24 houl"5 a wcek or less is curreotly bein& voted on, and Ihe dec is ion will be known at the- ne~1 Tegular union meeting.

In clos ,ng, the people are the union and they can make it as strong as they wish. So. support your local union stcwards and representatives.


Local 1238 Wins Arbitration Case I..U. 113g, WILMINGTON, DEL.- In Ihe Mny \.ssue 1 reported un the case of Brother Leon Hende rson. who was accused of theft by Del­marva Power. As reporle<l, we took this case 10 lhe AIrM:rican Arbit rat,on ASSOCia tion. The fol· lowing is a synopsis of Arbitrator Morrison Ihnds.1 ker's IlllinE

Concern,ng Ihe quantum o f required proof, the arbitralor observed Ihe following: In gener,l Ihe rule of preponderance of the evidence or some s,milar standard in de~id,ng fa ct iSlues before them, including Issues presented by uHli­nary di$c,pline and discharge cases. But the arbitrarot also no ted thl t 8 his,her degree or proof frequently is requircd ... here Ihe alleled misconduct is of a kind recosnizcd and punished by Ihe criminal law. II seems reasonable and proper 10 hold that alleged misconduct of a kind which carries Ihe sligma of general soc ial di.s­nl'proval, PS well as disnpproyal under accep led canon& of planl dise,pl,ne, should be clenrly nnd convincingly cstablished by Ihe evideoce. Rea· sonable doubts raised by the proof mean that lhe employer will al limes be required. ror " 'ont o f !lUfficient proof. to withhold o r resc ind disci. pUnary actiun wlridl il) fact m~y be full y de­served, but this kind of result is inherent in nny civilized sys tem of jusliC(:.

In faci. arbitrators have often recosn'7.ed tha t proof btyQnd a reasonable doub t should be reo quired .... here the al1eged offense involv~ an el~menl of moral turpilude or CTiminal intenl Moreover .... here the offense is of Ihis type man· agement may be required 10 prove, by a hilh d~,rt!C of proof. both the commission of the ar t and Ihe ~xistence of criminal intent_

In short. there DR: a number o f troublesome mailers about Ihi , case that, in the view of the arbitrator. add up 10 u reasonable doubt aboul Brother Henderson's guil t The company did nOI prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Brother '-tenderson was guillY_ The verdict in Ih is (:lise must be the Scotti$h one of "not proven"

The company hiled to prove its Ci!SC Anfl it ~ therefore ruled IhDI there was no ju.t eaul!e f01 the suspension o f Mr. Leon Henderson. He shill be paid for the five week. los l wage'< durin& the period of the ~uspen~ion and shal1 have full ,enlority r'ght. rc:;lurc..t .

G~O~G1! F. TtNU~n.lI, P.S,

Membe r's Son Wins Scholarship Contest I. .U. 1!45. WALNU1" CREE", tAI~_toca l 1245's 1978 Competr tlve ScholarshIp COnle,t at­tr~eted In overwhelm,ng numoor of ap plIcations from Quali fied competitors. Jerry A_ Hale. a 11_ year·old scnior h,gh !\Chool muknr, .... ho attends Lompoc: Senior High Schoo! in Cal'fornia ..... as desi,loated the victor by rhe !lCho1a~h ip Judge. Ncy .. ..t .. State Senator Mary Goilek.

Jerry i5 the son of OrOlher Wuc\ G. lIale, ... ho is a lineman e mployed by Pacific Gas Ind Elc<:· IrK: Company in CoUt Valley Divis'on. Brother Hale was ,n,t,ated by the local in June. 196 ~ ~nd

Hale Family

" .... b~J) .or Ihr Iblt' "'mll", W •• , I . J,rr, . Cr, • . and C .. ,n ." "' .... n .. ~ h II .. ,..,,,, " . ,, _ . Il<'a n Cor". or L ...... ' ':~5 . \\:01 ... , c • ..,,,. c.t. Ju" .. .... Ih .. 191R C .. ,..,..liIi" S<ho' ~,."111 C ..... " ••

has mnim:,;n"d ('0111111""11' nK:n1h .. ·,.h,,, _II'''' liln! d31",

When Bu,;n,,'" Mana~cl !)can cur.", ,Wlllied J erry of his $l:lcchon. he C"ended ;nviI31,on< 10 Jnry and hi. pafen" 10 ~lIcnd ;1 '1>c'i~1 /I'klud pr~nlol;on ceremony III Iht '""at\ "",' rcp" 1301)" scheduled Ad,·;\.Ory Cou" .. ;1 nlcclinJ;. Con. sequently. !II Ihe ~l3y Adv;",,,y CUI'''''' meelml: on May 6. 197R. nll,it>C~, ,\IJrhl):cr Cufn. on behalf of Lo.:al 124~', I-X"""II\{" lIoard. "n,ce", and mcmhc ... awarded Jerry an cl1g'~H'd pl,"I"C In a"'coHbncc ",Ih tile ,'onl,',1 ~",ddinc'. lhe S2.000 j:lllnt in aid "'Ill he 1I,lmuu'tctcd ""N a f",,,-)'tar fX'""d In Ille "rn","n of S~OO reT )eo.

"Would tht r quol Klt'ht- Arncndrn ... n ,\/Trel Arnrrican Working Lifc '!" wa~ till' ~""Y topie ,clected by the unio" for ,I, 10th Ann"al COin. pclit i.c $cho]a,,!>ip Co!nc,1. '1l1e ..-]ool:",hip j",I!,c, Nc.,,,(]:! Sio le Sc"oLUr MMy G njad, 1I~'ed her .election of ktry', ,'''"y on hi' ""I'tandonl( ,tbi lily 10 apply lo~i"tI leD'oon ill hi~ il1tc'l"tl"· lion "f thc suhjrcl Scm.tor Gojnt:k ,pc,ihcnl1y 1101ed thai JCff)" aPl'toacll 10 the ~lIhjc,t "n' maWlt ""d di~nitk'l: he idrnlified th~ maJur "rl;umcnt~ and objcdion" analYl,d thtm C31f· f"lly, and rationally di"'l"loed tl!C)o;C al~"rnen1' and objeCTions, I io"lly. ~na!or Goj"d com· mented tl!at Jerry's ~mmm",. ,pelli"~. allli ,ttlI<" lI1re were all ncrJlcnl, which demonStrale.! it;, kno"'led~ about lite importance of 3n meta II prcselllation and lit3t he ca'cd enollgh '0 'ren,1 the time and dluII to do " completc c:udlll jOn

F,ed Urown. hOI" (klohc r ~". I~M~. (li,',1 In April. 191~ A tClitc,] member of I ocal ]1 "~, Brothu Uro"n "::1$ initiared hy I 0.:31 I~~. h'_~leJ in Canada. on NO"cmber 21. 191~ rt e uan,f~!led his I11o(:mbe",hip 10 tocal 12~S on June III. 19~ I. remainin~ ac';"c until hi\ rctllCmenl in f>1a,d . 1955. Urother Il ,o"n "a~ formctly cmph,),'u lIy P3cHic G3S 3nd Elecl." Company In til<- Slock· Ion Division a~ a li""man_ Unt.1 hi' relitcmenl. he maintaillCd lin "A" mcmht'!~hip In lilt' "n'on and prior to p~"m!l he wa .. tcccl .. in!! ~n IR EW pen\ion the I ntc'n~tl(lnat

t ocal 1:4~ " -:05 pbnmn~ 10 a"a,d U,olhe. Brown a 5p<'Cml honor",y .... r .. l('c D"a.U In !L"'o~, ninon of h" many lears <)f meml'C.,h,l' 60 )'ears-in the UlOthc,hOU<l m ,,< ~ l ny AU'"'"r) COllncil meetin!,- lin(ottun3lely, II lulhcr 1I,,, .. n, .. ho had hcen in tclnl"'cty j!oud he~1th 31 Ih Qj!C of 89. pa,'Nl pliO! 10 Iht p.c,,",ntal,on ~cre"'''ny T he 3"ant " .• ~ nc.-crlhcle" prc...:nlcd ", hi. fam;ly_

Our dccl'c';J condolen~c~ ale l"lcndcd 1" h .. family and m~ny f,icnd~.

II i~ "ilh "eat <;<,,-row lhm I reI"'" Ihc dc,l[h of Orother Anlonio Thoma •. nn 1 ~-yc(lr·uld j!en­ctal con'!'"cl;on "pPlcnl"c lo"c,man tholher 'I honm< fdJ nl'proAlmMcly 11 feC I onto n rody hillside al Unit 12 "O"\I lucl"," 51lC on Apli! 14. 191~ . Ilc died Ihe rnl1"win~ Wcdnc"J(,~ (Ii SI J"';"'ph', IJ r"piml in San /'r ond...:"

T hc drc.u,,~t:,".e< ~~l!tO\lnding Ihe ~c~idcl11 ate being invcsti~Jled hy Ihe loca l unon.

D E~AI'< CO I'E' R. 11 .1\'1.

On Jab

Thr ..... "f tl .... M. Ulb. m . Loul 11,,('. S"wu>*. "1 .\ ' .• pult. In ..,It 11 .... ~nd 'l aU .... .. n Ih l ,n'd . W .....

" " .. n If ... }uti.

Ib". ln. bt ll , '''' Ih . 1.".d·n •• · I'u"u lin t .I" b. In .",... )" .. ""n ' t .... ,,,.nl,, lho r ..... , "r Ihr I"" Ii .... • ,,'u "" II.~ .1""""". 111.) ~r' J .. l1n \I"""'n< und S",,,,, \tu'E' I" .

... 1 .. ·• ,, ~ 'I"" ~ I and [la •• \ ·.n .... h.a. o n 765 ' I"",' lu .. I. \1 ." . ... N.Y. n "" an .. ... 1 ... tI, . ....... p ....... but. Il llt' ~.r"'f barn.',,,,, h.ln~ ' \I> .. r1m. n •• d .. lIh .. hll, .t.~I~ bl .. l!IJI up hi'll ,.


Work Scene Looks Good For Syracuse Local 1..11. 1:4\1, Sl'RAC l ISf:, N.Y.- Our "o'~ r"'· ture I()<)~, J!uud for Ih" ,,"11m,'1 1'1':"", I he ]VII' all hc~"" tU I'~II u" men :ond 1'", 1,)0.; .• 1 h", "ery nc~r fiLii cml'luynwul :01 Ihi' wne _

T he ?6~ ·K V hnc. l,re >;<;hc.l"lcd 10 I.., C"m' p1ctcd this f(. n, bUl due to many IIufOlC)Ccn cir· cumstance<, lhe cc'n,uuc,;"t! is ~umewhat behind schedule. \ -IOS I uf the ",,"f,,' C"'Cn CIn.llln,mnn·," have been col"cd hy OI""lIclion;'I~ ,,,in~ ddo)

ing lactics. eos ling us aU more for electrical ratC1l in Ihe lon, run , bUI t doub t Ihat Ihey are smarr fnough 10 realize i,.

There will be a job in Pleasan t Valley. New Yor\;, star,ing uJl somelimf in late summer "hich $hO<lld keep somf of om members wo, king "heo Ihey have fin i§hed "" ,th lh~ 16~ KV. l ine~.

Our dI.$1"bu' ion " 'o,k slill con~isN entirely of jobs le t OUt f'om municll'al j)O"er companies and RochC!iter Gas aod Eln: ' ,ic. T hese job!; ioctUlk rebuilds at l.,ke P13Cid. plaltsburg. She,burne, Walkms Glcn. KlChmondvllle, and Friend,hlp. It's fort una le for uS that the,t "'f many m"nicipals in New York State so Ihat " 'C a,t gel!>ng the mUl,h.""elkd dktribulion .. ork for OUr ~ppren· Iic-es SO tll<-Y can '01' OUI 3~ jo!rrncJmcn_

Safe'y d"cclor 11011 I anptry and 'afclY ~ul"'r' ';-.or ]Iob "huttct attendrd r. I DuPont'. 11I3,t· .nj; anu F:_,plosi.,C!i Safely s<-minar in ,\Ihany. New YOlk. petlaining to the m3nuf:H;t"te :lnd safe Storagc and II""' of dynamite , Thc~ feci it "'"3' very u<dul beC3use now ,hey C3n kn,,"!cul'c, anly discuss si l',allons "ilh 0"" Local ,249 tlln". mIte mcn concer",n!! Ihe ,nfe \1«' ~nd ,Ior:ll;e of dynomilC_ Although Ihere arc "cry fe .... · dynamite In\'n on ou, I<><;al. lhe une, " 'I' do ha'-e 3rc the velY be.t. Dnd ~s is llue "ilh Ihe he,t. ,hcy "anI to <tny "p "uh ,he ne,,· rnannfaetll"nj! mClhod. and ,~fcIY pteCOuIIOI" concerning Iheit uade

Dick F"lIon and lion I ~nrlfy h3,e illq fini,hed I!nl<hl1~ fir.t aid and ('11K da"e~ in \t.l"rn:l. New y",~. for memhc". \la, din!! llrulhe". and ;mere,tcd local re,ide,,"

U"h "hUller is hnldiI1g c1""c' (or al'prc!\li<:t~ on <;a""d;jy~ :It the ""iun hOIl. T hey lIu;ld. Icar d""n, :wtl ,ch,, ;ld a d"I")'1,,tion line in lhe 101 b<:hlnd Ihe hall <c"eral t"nc, cach ~~I"l1nrt. T h;, s"mmer h no djflclcnl. and " ,II! lhc equil'menl I' romio;cd hy M'fl1e c"ntmClO!<, even nu"c a,l· v:onced pla,· tlc .. 1 Ira ; " "'~ ,-a i' be a<:c""'plo,hc,1 on wcc~end,.

I want 10 p-cr,onal ly ,ha" . II"cc conlraclO'" O'Connell Elc<'lric. T, D. Uro'~. Inc_. and I' lim;· ano C"MlnlCtion Comp:"'y (or Sl'nl"OI ;"!! Loc:!1 1 ~49 bowlll'j! learn' 10 n~ylon. Ollio. in June Wilen a COn1r~Clor ptlI$. OUI the moncy '0 '1'\""'" a team. we. lhe bowlet<, apPlcchlC it. ~nd it', 01'0 ~nother indication thaI employer~ and "r~a· ni'ed lahot aren't al"a)' lIille! cncmic',

LeI's prOleI" om h'clill""d: wnrk ,afdy: h,,)' union: r.~ht "t>o<uII"inni,t"

KlrIEA~D Fl'l ~o,"" I'S

Brother DePalma Resigns As Financial Secretary 1. .11. 1298, ~ IORR ISTOWN, NJ.- DlOther MIChael A Dc I'~lma of ",,~ 10,;nl h3' 'ullmillcd hl< Ic,il;nalion n Ilnan"ial ,,-,e,eI3ty ellen,.. .. Ap,il I lie h3s ",, ,hi, loc~1 m~ny )car< of <.e!\ icf a. both financia l <.eerelary and pa'l ihop sU:"a,d It i~ a loss '0 the otr,,'CI" ,nnL< •• im:c we (O<Ild al"8)'l1 depend on MIke to he ,udy for rhO'ie audiK anu he 81"'ay\ \cpt Ihe ,('('ont- up 100 petcent T he local reII'd him ., a dinner allended lIy Ihe I',e ... nl om.Cr'i am' p,e,,",nlc" him willi a pl~'I"e ro. hi' lonj! and faithful ,c""," F,om all of ,,~ .. e ~-:1y 3g.,in ,,'ell d"ne,

!l rntller Ken D) htrn hn' hcen apl'<'m,cd II~ the r ,ecntlve !loar" tu fill thi< .-acanry "m,1 Ihe June election We ap[lrc,iate Ken '!cpl"n~ In f<1f ,hi, period mH' hope he "II! r"n fm a full term,

At th" lime we lend 10 f"'1-~1 Ihc '"n!cr ~Iorm~, nu ' .. e hud "'" ,lIare: "c IhaoL Ih~ men ftom olhn ',,,'nl~ .. ho j!:I'C ,,, .111 ,h"i,,~ Ih~

.. "uer, Thankfully. we only had nne malUl :oni· de"I, "h;,n n"'lhe. II . ]',:111 ("I" 1'11'1 3thl t",·ei.~J !Illude' on a 1'·"lc j,'II. 11"1 he i< 1I".k un tlw )"to

K'·n\cmll('t. fclluw, a"d ~ol', "hl'n """Ill'" tIl ,:or,·I),. u:nl<:mh<'r "'ho "C hal'e al h",,, .. ,Icpcnd. ;nj: !In '" WotL ,,,(ety :",,1 eni,,} the ,,,,"Iller_

DO,",A' D G T RI 1<:11. K.S

J"I'I' . 19 78 f b9


Label Show


h"c~.1 I'''< ~ On ~ I'I'I") ~I Ih. I ,,'ton ... ~" Sh"" in ~~h .h ",}.

Shop Steward Seminar Held In Salisbury 1 .11. 1.107. S-\ I. I"IIIIH. 1\111. On '-hy 6. 1<)7~. 1 ''''.,1 1\(17 h"loI ., ..,Ii"" "I~".II" "'~''''''~I "I "", ,'Ih,',' ill ""I .h,,,, I h~ 11""'1,,," ", el1l'" "'Ih .'11 Intln,h,,,,,,,, "I "II Iii,' ,Id~-,,,,," PI"""n!

LI>o"I' 1 "~"'lk"l OIJml ~III" ,11"'"",',1 II( I" '[llI""I'oIIIl"" ,of .1 ~h"I' '1~"'''10i lie ""dl",1 "" Ih. ""'''''I.",~,· ,.f ~ '''· ... ;''.1 "'I'I""I"'~ In ne ... n"'lnl>('" Ih,' "hlt".III"'" II.., IIIl \\ h~, I" Ihem ;111.1 Ih~ "h!')!~lh"h Ihq h ~I'<' I .. Ih,' 1111,\\ I ht") ,h(."ld "I,,, ,Ia) '~I~ In""I"" "'Ih Ihe 1,,1""';1 li,'n .• 1 ('"",1""""". ),,,,,, 1 I'oyl" ... ". ,,0.1 Ih" ,'"nil''''' h,',':11"" II", ,I,' '',,,,, " III<" , II ,," wh" """I """,,'1 (Ill" 'I"c-I""" "f (h,· ""'"01"'"I,,p II i< ai,,, Ihe ,hnp " .... ",,1'> "·'J'"""IIII"., hi hclp I"'!"'~ ,,,f'·I~. "I"'h' " .. II Ihe «lmp;I'"

Ih,· "h.""~,,, ....-"',," '1."led "n ""h ~ I~I""1 h,lIn 1, .. ,,1 \'K'< I·, .... "kn! (i<",I'< While "n lhe

70 I IIEW Jo".n.,1

pro)!rc's of Ihc S •• fcly COnilmlleC r,n3neinl Sec. rclulY Robel I I\1I1'1ll1y ~nd Blolhrr J tllY l'eflY g;lve ~ I'epol'\ on Ihe new pole · lop rc~(ue mc(ho<l t.l be "dopled by Ihe company. Uoh Dnd J~rry "en! 10 Florid" and "'~r~ Hl'lIned III Ihi' pr Oo;C· dure hy Flol ida POWN ~nd I.I"hl Company. "hlCh dC"doped Ihi. 'c-.eue melhod A slide pie· 'f"nlnllnn "nd film ""H.'h uplnmrd rhf re",ue, "ere ~hown.

l oca l IrcnS\UH nml ~hnu(llan of Ihe G,,~,.,nce COmmi((ee. Challc' lIu d). e,plalne(1 1(1 Ihe ,Ie"nr", what" nl'l;C"",Y on Ihe ~r"'V;UI~e f",," 10 Iws{ help Ihe Comm,ttcc p,oce,-' (hc " .. c,a,,..c A lepo" "'" "I", ~Ivcn (In Ihe ~IICV"nCC' "e hhe in p'O~ICSS,

T ... " mcmbe" f'orn 1",;;11 2:01 '" G,et'n ... "od. DcI"" Me. j!",e a hllCf 'CP"'I on Ihen 'I"~C "h,.;1i IS umler ... ay III lin' ",,',"~, \\t' ""hed Ihem h,,,~ nlul "nc,ed 0", ~UPI'UI1.

I he mCClln~ emkd ",tl' """""t'TlI' f",rn 1I1e dcl<l'nt«

On,c "cain Ihl' )c;u. 1 ,,,,,1 1.107 1',,,I"'IP"I1'" ,n lhee anllual l'n,,,n I ahd '>ho" al Ihc '>nh,hul) (',vic CCllIer. Th" year', .1>0 ... ' "'3\ Ihe hl~,,-e'l )'et, We ar~ ho""r,,1 il "nl ~nnlinue lu gJO" ta,h ycar

AI o"r rC~lIln, rnelll"""h,p m<'elml' In AfllIl. we n,(~ pll'" Ih, c~ lie'" rHeml'o,'r" " .• ltlCl" A K A,p~va ~~. John II. \\,,,,, ~,,. "n" Jame~ 1 IIll,hdc"

011 ~ I ~) 6. 1918. "e "ele ~"ddcne-<1 h) Ihf dellih of Il rolhel SINlal G,egoljl. ~leri,,1 "J\

~"i'I~"1 IAI~i,,,'" t,,~,,~~e, ur 1 ",~l 24 a,,<l l'le" d~nl of Ihe Delma .. a Celll,~l 1 3bor Council. I k mn<1c '1I<"'y conlliholioO'< III Ihe lalmr mo'~menl 011 Ihe Ea,lel" Shore of ~l:try1an". Wc "<luld lih' "' lake Ihi_ OI1l''''"''"t)· tn c~lrn<l "lOr ,h'cp, e.1 ')IllP3Ihy 10 hi_ falllll~ nn<l frien,k We fed pmonl 10 Iw allfe I" 'ny he "n' a f,ien,! of Ihi­locnL

l'nlll IIC\I Ilmc, '~"C lot>«. hmll Impol1', r I) S~A~~S. r S

Brother Grothouse Appointed Recording Secretary I..t '. u .n. CIi'iCINNATI. OHIO- T he r~enl'

lI\e Hoard "PflO.m<d ' h"lhel II:J)m"ntJ I j'OI h'''''e 10 II<C unc'riJed lelm of recordin)! "':"Ie· ID'y. lI e .cpl:len !l tmhet Hrounsreen. "ho re,j~ncd {rom Ihal "mo'c 011 ~tnlCh ,11 IQ1R

l' r~, .. lcnl !I("rlier l Il lIfford h,,, pilI mnny ,om· miuee< In(O actlun 'UKe hc', l1<:en m ofliee, The 1.llf,1 1"0 were Ihe lnlClbidll itt~ (If !'""cr l'lnm, Ctlmmil1~ amI Ihe "en,"", C"mmil1~ rtlJ Ihe local

\\Uh otlt I'rcH'iI! ,UIIII"" ("'!lnin)! III ,\plil, 1979. 1 m w'e all cnmrnlllee, ",11 be '" !.<"""". w"'kln~ for all or ,,, J ut dn"n )'01" i,'en~ an" rc~u'nmcnd"I;"n, ami ~"c Ihem 1(1 Ihe ;'ppro· l"i:Ol~ ",'mmiltec ('h;IIIIII:l1I <II (ho nt\1 rt'~uh,r


I'm hapI') til r~l'Q1L Ihal UIICltd;ln,c ~I Ih,· 1~'1 1,,0 rc];ula. mct'IUI~' h", ,ho"n :I m~I~C" "l· cre3'C, I hoI'" Ihal Ih" I' IItt: \lall "r "onl.n",,1 In(;,eJ'C' in Ihe <umnWr

I h~ N I Kll declon~oI til .ul. 'II !I'e ,,,,c <If rhe plcnoi-.c "",d"",i, J"h, I he ""'c .... ~nl !II Ih~

'I I RU p"r",1 '" \\'1"h""'((1II, n,r A!It" (~ue

e,",,,delari,," Ite Una'd .on,lonk,!

\\'~ "I''''C ..-"It Ih~ .... "Ic"ri"", "f Ih~ "",U,,, hcl~"'. (h31 Ih< " .... e '''"d",~ ltoc I'anlt" " (hal <.If ... or~ )<_ignmc:nl ~nd nm an ambi~UJ1) "illl ,~,,,,,el to I~C rcpre .... ·nIJI'un of Ihc emplo}ce

.. "",c~ "(' ha~c eonduded I~a! lhc I"UC' In Ih~ ,·",e arc nOI Ponl":"~ hdme Il,e n ,,,,,d ttl

Itll' J"""~edln,,, IlIc'c " nn I'oa,i, on ..-hi, h I" IC"'''' J""dKIo<'" l>e,,,ton~' n,hil';llion

"We CllrKl"de Ih," ... ~ "0 nOI h~.,c (10,' (Huh",. ,I ), In Ihls (I'''''<'edllll1 w d~lelmllle Ihe "<I'~ :" "~nn>enl llo'UC' !>(N,I hy Ih< C3<e.""

Mme on Ihl' (~'C In fllhllC i"!lc'. T l" 0'1.' AI\'. I' .S

Submit Suggestions For Pension Fund , Says Scribe LV. 1359. C III CAGO. II. L.- For yea" your umon has ~cn Ktkinl 10 nego( iale a pension plan Iha, would ma~e lIS annuuatU members fffl jusllfied fill thd l yeart of f~i lhful M'n'ice. In the lasl nel1oliations Ihty ... ·ere ablt 10 lIet Ihe fOm (l~ny to retenl. and allow 3n A"'Om~lic Widow's I'ension ",i lh cerl~in specifk bencfilS. I he comp~ny SIRles Ihey designale a pal lion of

}Ullt eatninJ;~ 10 Ihe fUlld On your behalf and I h~t Ih<), are rr;pon'lb1c fOI Ihe admini.lmlion of lis b.-ncfir;, and ~a\l<e of Ihis. our wishes 3re 'il~nc~d If )011 ""uld look al 3 '''lCkhold. cr<' repoli. yr." "nul<l <ce "hom Ihe I",,,,ioll hcncfils.

w e nlll,1 h",'c ~ <llungcr voice. ' ''"r IIfc-cn l omc'cr> JrC dOUlN a ~OIl"lIcn,lablc Joh. bill lhey nced your ,ulIl,,"1 "1", ~UI"i'l): (,.11 )u .. , union " mCNlng ""llh the comp3ny 10 " i;ell.... )'our I"'n<lon, Your omecr~ Ire mlereslc<l in ),Ollr par· lic,palion You and I h,",'e unlil Augu_t J. 1978, 10 ~\lbmil ,"'''litO "'JU:~'llUf" on how thi<> plan ean be bc:nefici~l to yoo and )Ollr fellow mlm· ~r,. Yout 10000al ... dcomes y,)ut idea" Wrile Ih"m lip now ~n" ~" h",it them to your o rl"teer<; of the loc,tI , Remcmber it's your "ninn an<l your (ulllt e Don'l leI Ih" opportunily 110 by.

110"" inlereslcd nrc you in coming home 10 your Imed onr;? A~ we look about '" "e see an un~re act or \il""lion "II<I ""1 to uur'-Ci.'c'. " IIow stupid can Ihal lillY 01 gal I!el"" " Old you e'er Ihink Ihal'~ "hal people are sayin!! Dbo"l YO\l~" SafelY is 3 nfver--eod;ng job; "e ca,,'t afford 10 nllow ollr~lve. 10 become so complae· enl a. 10 Ihink Ihal il "can' l happen 10 me." Yo" can'( do YOIII family Ot lOIl,"clr allY 1:00<1 Iyinl- in " hospilal bed or in a coffin m a mnrlu · ary. The)' arc as depen<:!cnl Ul'Qn lUll fnr love Imd m3(cri~1 "cc.1s a, you are upon Ihem To your fnmily you Me nu mber une, Why nOI <lay thJI ,,·ny. by beinl ~afe, all Ihc "ay"

It"< fin all y cominJlI Good "ole" vacnlion dAY~. When f.,milic, b<IIIM n".king pb", f,'r Ihe g'~"1 oUldoo"-lhe ~hadc of {OIC<1 (rce'. a ,,'nd1inJ; campfire. Ihe 'men of good food. all lw;ng to· ward a lime of Im'l'hIN and rcal joy. 11 m "" ill )'0'" "3cal;"n ht- 0"n1 SpOiled by an Im.afe act. II npp~ timr; 3t~ the re,,,11 of Ihinkin!! ~afClr Rnd ar:ling safely T unc up Ihal enginc. infble I ho~ I"e'. hirch up Ihal Imilcr. fa'I,,, Iho~ 'cntbeh •. ami away Wt ~n In n(llor~ AnK'tic~'< rl(tntici

J~"r' KO II B~"" l' ~


ROI"r'~nlln~ Ih .. ,~ dhl;lon., CIIk~~o No,lI, . Chl<"." C .. "'r~l. and Ch"'.110 Soulh ~I Ih~lr 1 .. 1 l'rI~a)' ",«I· In.; "" .. 1000allo~. nnlol<l< IIollday 'n ~. S'."dl"~ Idr 10 rl~hI • •• ~ 1'" ,,1.,,1 "lIu l'ou,," , Vlu 1',,.,,1· d~nl J. C .. ""~II , ."" t: •• noll," lJ~<T<'r • • ) Joha ~.I,..

Contract 1mprovements To Be Voted On LU. \l67. C ItICAG O. II. L.-Wi>h;,, ~ e.'eryone a uft ~nd h.ppy l ourlh of Jill y. anti w,lh Ihis III mind. bc eaulious and c~rd,,1 obscl\'inl this holiday.

A blicr wmmary of Ihe genua) " 31t HlCrtase and olhc.'r conlraCl impro" fm'nr~ " 'hkh ... m he VOle" hy m~iI b;tllol ftn<l counle" on Apri l 26.

Retirement Porty

Lrfl 10 . 11:101 .... C Ia.t ..... MolI~. No •• 01 ..... c_ C.rtdt l • • no! c~ Qun l, III • ,,,U", .. eftl Patll' of Lonl 1.)(,1. e M ..... III.

Lrf' 10 ,I~hl ~"' I ... ~ S hf"M . G ...... ~ G~ ld~ l • • " d Ge ..... O' Ill> I ...... I .... P. " ,.

Lrfl , • • ~~ .... II .......... Jot " ..... . _ ~Ioltf " .... 11... Cltl .... s....,It: 11_10... Loto.. Min _ .. ",."""d , CIt.~ So.flt : . .. d """_ I"", ibNlJ. f'Kul b I ..... .,.rftd 10 u.S.I. Comp . .. , •• • ......... _ do ...... ,

1978 ..... hi ... h a,~ ~ublC~' 10 '~I'rICJlion hy lhe: UntOn mem~l~h ,p. " a! rolloW'!' ma.imum rate: SS.21 and umkl oncru-.e J4 trnlS. <S.24_S.9J oncrease 39 CCnIS. SB.OS·H.72 Ulcreuso: 60 tenl •. SS.7J-9,46 Ulclcao;e 71 cerll ,. "nu $9 47 ami 0_ .. , tncrca~ 7~ cen l'. Olher conl'''':1 improvemen ts arc ~ Dcnml Plan ,mplementeu no tilter Ih,. n July I . 1978, ,Ielu il , 10 be wOI l e,1 UU I wilhon 3.0 dUYI. Th,s w"~e Ulc r",,~ ' ni,c~ the ' truig hl IIIne aVNalle mit I" SS.886, Ion" ti!~1 eI"" U' jourrlcyman ra te mo. es 10 $10.06. Thc " CW CH'W leader rale is 5 10.66. Co~t of Ihe Oenl,,1 I' lun 10 Ihe company is $700.000 31111 51 n1l110n rur hOS PIHl1 m'I"o'·emcn l~. T he "JI'l'Cmrnl j, 10 be e:at .. nded Otl(: yea •. 1 .... m"'''I'''1I Ma"h l l . 19110. W'lh 3 r~opcn tnll fo. Ihe I>('IWI,al,on ur ,h:on~ .... .n w:01Ie r31CS on March 11. 1979,

Congralula lions are c~lCnded 10 lI .olher, Dm'&la~ F, ~ eys. A'lhu. RDn~ tn. Ind I)on Cole. man. rrom Chk .. ,o .5o:"' lh undeIF.ound. on t ..... ir p.omouon~ 10 cable ~rhe~.s. I" omoled 10 ,Ie" Inde. ~ul><la"on con~""c'.on. COnl!llltuldtoon< 10 Brolhe. John Kruc on h" ad'~n<"t'mcn l tn "~bn.l. .. ,

Crlcb.a .. n~ c<Wtll'any .. nn"ef<;.' ..... conJ('~IU­I:!.lion. 10 lhe follo .... tnJ( .. IIh l() )'e~" Ir~n'''''.rta­non mechanIC ... 1311 Pah •• July 12. 19~1I: 'Uhli ll­tion coO'\lruclion ... ew le:ade" Mallin lIenniJ(3n. July 19. 19411 and Roy Sl}'m.n'~,. July ~6, 19411, undr'J!..ound CAble: c.e .. kadc .... j,; .. hn Schmltlt. July I. 19411. and Ray l hunbcrJ, July I. 1948. c;oble in~l'eCI". 11.11 lI unt. J uly 12. 19~8; cahk splice. T I·ol l . l uly 19. 1948; "nd"l llro,,,,u p.orCCI,onmen 11,11 1"0111 •. J uly 12. 1948. Iln,1 M ,,·h:.d G'llhd lo. J uly 28. 1948, o • .,.he .. d ~""Ull man No.m Olw n. J ull' IJ. 19411. o.".he .. d new leade. J ohn Kloli. J ury 21. ' 948: o,,, . hcad supply­mDn u roy LlI lledL. J uly 15. 1948: or;: nior slock. men Wallc . Wajda. J uly 8. 1948. Georlle Kernr. luly I. 1948. and Gtc jlory Milneek. July 12. 1948. With 2S years: underground el,ble splicer Willie

Robinson. J uly 7. 1953: li nd o,·c.hcad linemln $pCCial Kenneth I.3 I'orlc. J uly O . 19S1,

Spe.-iar mcnllon or eonl.alul.lIonli ror conI p.ny ~ntOrilY to: Purchasinl Dcparlme'n l ~nlo r 1lockm. n Dill 8o~ee. M.tch 2, 1934. 44 yeus; princip.l mechanic oftke I pph.OoCa lIarl'}' O rr. December 21, 1934. 4) ycar~; lU~buon con­nruclion ere .. rcadt. Zcon Sluk. Februa.y 1. 19)4. 44 years: Ind elcellacl l rncc:hanic JUb~ ll. lion Earl Oahlke. Aucus l 28. 19).1. 44 yn".

P.e· 1914 IIc:rvice Innu.13n15. ~ t lhe lime of 'el,reme'nt .. ho elllC!cd malita l Innuit~n l bent/ltJ Ind Ire p.~-dccea5oed by I~i. ,pouse ... ill hne their up .... 'd adju11menl on lhe .. ptn,,"n IItnc fi ... ,f nor done. rle~se ronl~el )"ltr Inreln1-I lQn~ 1 R er'C'lenID l i_e'~ om"r

Thi, ;. ,U~I a btir.'f \ummJll' "f II'r ApIII 19,h EJ(Kul"e Boa. d mt'ellnl relalu,", D ~a'in" "Ian: .... ; pelcenl Intcrest leu ,,~ pr'CC nI hln· dhlll!. plyroll dedue lion. minimum 17.00 pcl "ieck or $1 4.00 PC ' payday. 'IDlcnl~nl ;,,, ... d evel'}' three ml)nlh5: portion~ cannot be withdr . .. n. ir wilhdrawi nl!. toml ~moun t has 10 be d. awn ou t. (annOI ree nte r plnn (or ~ minimum or C)n~ }Ur; Jnlcr~t not lu~b!c lill wilhd rn wnl: rully in\lIfed I ;, tin ~ Iwo 5urvi~o". More de t l. lI~ will he mlliled 10 enc h company i 'Hl i~ ld ll~ l .

COn~rftl lll l1! ion. nrc e Xlenu~d 1(\ II m ther O . Fil/uclon. Ilppoinled by ,cerc t bn llor 10 'enc u ~.el a .y or ,he P:aecuth'r Hoa, d

The nCllol;D, .. d ,ml"o,'emcn" on the '~<I pe. nod and JlO!' lcd \hi ft <ebrdu lc. h,'c het-n nll,fied lind wi ll be PUI ;nlo rlfecl M~rch ::!<I. 197/1. Ne~ lhe Excelll"'e 1I0~rd

Carl Pelcr;on submiTlCd Ihe namn or ne .. memo be" fo, admilllltlCC into l oeal IlT'l7, mM,on carried br Brolher. Rat"h Gon/a)C/ Ind Wrndc:tI Jo~

In do<;nJ, • lhot.,hl 10 rc:mcmhel' Much of lhe lon.oUo ..... o r Ame. ic. I~I< in lhe hanTk or us locby We mu<1 be eon«lncd ~I:oou l lhe liberty. !he jtKli(C' .• nd lhe orportunliv nr oor o .. n pO!<lC'rily Amfracl hi' many mc~"" r(lf many ('IC'('P1e Can America Ihe MaUl.r,,1 loda., become Amuica the hoc~uliful 10010"0" ir r'~ry~ in America l<>mnrro .. ~ j'I\! lile ''''' lodav~ lIa't :1 happy rou.lh of Jul\'

RI("II R\'R'~ p<;

Delegates Elected To International Conve nt ion I .. Tl. 1377. CI ICV"I. ANO. 0 1110 l h~ Inle,· n;lli"l1al ('"nvcnli,'n. II hich will b~ '" Alla"li, ('ily. OcI"I",r 2 Ihw,,"h 0 ,'1"",·. r,. " ill h.",· 10 "cle~" tr. '~l'.c,cnr i"l1 I "c." 1 17~ T h,· 1'''',idrl1l ,'ml""1 m"naccr lIill -r,"e I" " ,·k~"I.·, •• ~ i, ',.lIcII in Ihe h'Cnr . hyl.I"", .m" Ihe ri~hl dde ~.IIC' llle ckcl~d

Ar Ihe I'Cb'H'''y 211. 197~, ""'",he"h,1' lU",·IUl)t. nLl,n,nllllon. lI'e fr held fOI dl'lr~,lIr' 1., Ihe 1"lr, n,'lkln.,1 C"n'·rnll"n. 'ic'rnr .. rn ",rn,hr" IIC,,· n"muMlcd H.,ll'h Cnrr,1>('11o. Juhn ", .",.10". H." mond Z,carell,. AIMn I'~nne!l~, C.1I1 1 1.lIr. "'""""ltf Mon~th.n". S"n,l~ P, .... ·,I.·II ... H"y \"!CII. 'I'''I1Y ('0"30. \1 llr Am"hl. I I~nl \''''''''''11". 1" 'ul ",~.~. P~"I Turne •. AII""I ('hlll'l"" ".llph ("""'1>('. M ~IY I (III Klaoch .ond 1)"".,1<1 \\ 1('«

I"c-- ...... nr I .~n" <;11I~t1 apl""ntr,1 .1 " .. I~,· 1 .,,1 \I"«".an. 3n.1 f .. ,,, Irllc". Jtle I ,,( II,!.! .• II .n,,,L .. I.<"d C"'~/. J .. Ann "'''Ik.

Rrp • ......,n"nl\ I oc~1 P71 ~I Ihr I nlrln~tlOl1al (·,'n~enr. 'l1.ore P ..... "knl I •• n~ ",I" "I. II,,,,,,,·,, M ~n,'~r' (" ",,><,n (·;111'11>('11 •. J"hn """"""". I( Ill'h ("~q"n"'h. Alhocft (,h"I'I'~. I(,,~ \I,klt. 1t,' .. 'I1" .... Z ... "dh. ('a" I '.l1e. r .. ny ('"".111. ~nd i'."~'I"e \'<ln~,·h"'<I. ('"na •. II"I .• ""n, I .. ,h~ t!nled ddr· J.II .... The ""''''''''I ""h Ihe nm.h h,~h .... 1 ",I,·, "." AI""n "'~"ncll.l. "h" ",II -.('h, ." .,lIr,n.,I,· 11.-1(jI ... ( hi Ihr ('"n'rn, ... n

All Ihe ""'''''''',, ... ",,1,1 I,~,· '" Ih""L Ihe 1,,,1,,,·. 1 .. ,,1 Sl"'~"'''' Idle" J,,,, I ur. \I ,t,I., II.,n",lv. I rcd (",,'re/. ) u Ann f- 1,lIcI. und "n"e ~u l, 1 ,1 1'''I''''c allli I{ ,,,cma'y I loa.,n "n ,he bcuuli(u l juh 1>1 I,.~.m" , nG 1" .. 1 h.u"lh"lI IIIl' ~k'!'''11 ,," M ,,,~h 12. 1 97~

It I{o, f-Iu , II. I' .S.


11 .. .. 11 ... ""llh, ... , __ " ... 0 .... a. \I .... ~ -I . t lt 10. • •

.nmr.". Itr, , .. . illhl ... r 110 .. 1I~i1 . . .. 11 til r"''''' .. ,~ 1 ,,' I "ul I ...... 1I ~ .. n ....... la.

T"".n~"" ,,' .. ".Lrr>. ,' a""'''~ ' ... r, I" ,i~ lll . .. r II",k'" UU .. noR. \I a.,n" ~nlul . An \I .~I" . anll J im .. .. ~ h l ... JoI .... : ", hi."" ~·.II '. ~ II l)an"' I ...... . lih' ri I\hll ............. 11<1 " hltm ....

11111'''' It IIU un. lIPS

'''','' '' . , , .... ,' HC l ·" . 'n", iR So . 1.0< •• , • • It I ~ oi . .... . .. r II .. " h i ... \\ .... r .. I nc ...... . n t l II hi' ....... Jim J " .... ,. _rod J lnl ~m i ••.

I' , ..... I" .... " ,ho .. n . rlt . , .... m .... nll~hl "" ... 1.

local 1379 Scribe Reports On Bowling Activities I_I . !l19. 1),\ l ' I-"'I'ORT. 1 '\

"" .. ltIllI I"".namen" h.~h"~'!lr.1 :10.11 ......... fm local 1179 nrc",he ... ~nd .. ",., !hoc 1''''' " .... plc ," ",,'nl'" lI"'Ihr ... Hun Ii,,,,, and rd ()':h ..... ,L, lin"hrd 1i"1 .nd Ihlt.1 ,n II><' !~Ih ann,,~1 ''"~''', 1, .. "na~"1 hocld ('" "'OIl~, .. at ·\"'o~· .. 1J~ .. cn· ".,,1 \\-",h lI;"n', ":01 .... "f ~l~. 1'Kl. ~4~. and ~4~ jln~ hun .I .... ,~I,h ..,.It', .. { 91~. ~ new "" .. name'nl h'~h II" hanult~p <;core or 9'l'l .. as ;.1", 101'" Ilru,i>r:-r Ilcbo ... ,L, al". ho>lkd >lell >I"h an ~~~ ",.al.h ...,.ic_. and 9\\ ... "h h,ttllli· cal' T""rll~mcnl ,'ha"man for It." c .. CIII >I~' n ,b !'.ilf. >11th ",he, 11 ... ;01 m.'mb.,,~ 3"<.1 "i.c, IICI". "'II malt lin: une d"y r_~'" ;I hil-! ""·cc .. ,. lIelr· '"II OUI "e.C 1I '''lh~., l"ll 'in'ilh. net Whamr •. ami Jim J"ne ... :on" "',~e, <;h",i Wh,tmer :on,1 " hi!lcy ... ,If

JuIV. 1978 I 71

The Brotherhood team from the Alcoa league joined 5everlll other teams on a we.:kend bowlin8 tri p to St. Louis for lhe 1978 ABC Tournament. T he IlIEW entry lefl all records intac t, but en· joyed the outing, Seve ral of the bowlers' wives made the trip including Bev Angerer, Sheri Whit_ mer. Cathy Jones. and Edith Smilh.

To cap 011 Ihe season II moonlight bowt was held ror the elec trical mallllenlirKe group at Alcoa. The mi~ed couple handicap tourney ran into the wee hOllrs but all hnd II good lime. Win· ning coupl C!! were AI and Elaine l)crauw and Ed and Ann Ocbowski .

110" Fun. pS.

Members Given Luncheon For Good Work L.U. t402. t' llTSB URCIl . I·".-Sin~e April's JOIlrIlIIl. tha condition, DS mtnl;oned in Ihul issue have changed for the beller for ul BI Ih .. I' iu$' burgh plant of Midland R0S5. Local 1402 thanks Midland Ross.

On April III, man.sement provided a luncheon for the workers at our planl. which wDJ in ap­precia tion for our good work during Ihe lasl year, The company made ~ protit.

1)nn Cr~rdnn . of Ollr local. under· went surge ry 00 April 22. We wish you a ~peedy recovery. Dan.

Welcome back. Bill F l"1lRch and George New. ton. afler your tilT!<' off for $ur!t<:ry and an acci· dent. Good luck.

The 24th annua! dinner o f Ihe NAACP was held on May 4. BeUy Jefferies and Don Ford were the gucSI5 of Midland ROl\s at the evenl. Some elMS!

We wish 10 npress OUr s~rnpDlhy 10 Ihe fol· low;ng: Don Ladc-sic. Vincent Mulgrew, and Mr. Duvall. on the I05S of loved ones.

A bit of poetry fr om Sheldon; "Each morning look back upon your work of ycslerday and Ihen Ity to beat il loda~."

God bl~s~ you all, MH Il I!.RG<;BIIN. p .S.

Local 1413 in Negotiations With Toledo Edison I,.U. 141l, TOLEDO. OIIIo-As of May I. 1978, Ihe unton and the Toledo Edison Company are ~till involved wilh Ilcgolialions, The Negoli· ating Commince members are David J. T illett. F..daar L. Irick. and Robert D. Barcil. AI present, rome progress i5 beina made. but thele is slilI much more ... ork ahead for the Commiutt, We will report more at a laler date.

The lasl of April , Davis fles.'IC was shut down fOT ncce~,n .y mainlenance and BdJU.~lme nl !,

On M"~ 4, 1978. Bro thcr George W. Geringer. was scriou!l~ injured in an auto Rccident. 11 .. SIlS­I~incd fivo broken ri bs. a broken collor bone. and D eollapsed lung. H~ ... a$ in the inlensivc carc unit for a ... «k al Toledo 1I05p;181. We all hope George will ha\'e a speedy reco~<'fy.

Among Ihe June high school graduale, is Laora Lynn Gcrrnger. from Roy C. Sillr! lI igh School. Toledo. She is president of The Nalional Honor Stx:iety. Start Chapter. She i, also D member of the Amorosa and Peris Clubs. Laura, who is the daughlel of George and Shirley hD5 won a ~cholarship to Toledo Unh·e~ily.

Anothcr llraduate is Susan Streighl. from Whitmer lI ifh School. W"~hinMlnn Township. Slf s~ n completed high school in three years' lime and plans 10 ancnd college Ihis fllll. She i. the daughl", of Ch3rles ~nd JOYce Sl reight

To ~Il of Ihose celebratina a bil1hday o r anni· '·e r53TY. many happy relurns to all.

GIWo-LO J. OOEE. I'.s.

72 I I!EW Jo .. , n,,1

Sw orn In

M~m""ni .. , 1.«., 1455 . .!i l. L.o~ I., 1\10 .. .or", . .. ·om In10 oftl<~ .t ...... u l ....,efin ... IMI.UI .... "f\k« I. Prulftn. t,,·I .. 0.. <1>10' , .. ho ro .. I1 .. ~~. 10 K .... ,h. Ioccal 11$ ... : ~,o~'h. Hoard ",ombo •. Ldl 10 rl.-h' I re U".ld -r" h . ...... n • • \00 p~ldr"': H.y lIoW. ldor. " .... nk J . Konn). K .... " Hkks, and " nnalwe' Wood.ln ... t:noull •• "". rd m<mb.tII, .nd HI.h rd Rodo .. bul'l! . .. onrd l" ...... ef .. ry; bu. k ro .. : Po .... y 1')'110._, Holph ",'0.1. ". and Non Kol .. 1 .... E ..... uth. JIoard mom""'" Do .. Ru,~~. bu.I" .. i " 'O"alOr; Corl J . """,. t;u .. .. · II •• Kn".d .... "''''' . , eart J. " . .... od)' . ........... : .nd Mlk. D •• III". p."ldrnl.


ll rot .... Hol ~IIold " R.y'" n otrolde ... .. p ... ~nl~d llle Si1 ~~. B .. ~~. A .. '.rd b1 .ho HOf .seo,," n( Ameri ••.

Brother Hoffelder Rece ives Silver Beaver Award L.U. 1455, ST. I,OUlS, MO._ Drother Re inhold "" Rny" UolTe!der, an fuecutrv .. Boord member of Local 14SS. has bc<'n presented Ihe Silve r O: a"er Award by the Ilo~ ScOUIS of Amer1cl, The Award was preo;entcd to Brolher Hoffrlttl'r hy Ihe Na­tional Courl of Honor. Boy SCOUIS of ArnI'rica. and Ihe SI. Louis Area Council of the USA. wllh the approval o f th .. E~ecut ive Iloard of the Na­lional Council. It is one of the h;lIhe~t awards Ih:1I can t", made 10 a Scout leader,

Brother lIoffeldeT, who b<'g:m scouling in 1953 "s a comm;1\ec member o f Cub I'ack 249 Dt Mason School. is employed 8t Unron Elccltic Cornl'arry. II" "a~ 1le<'n a member of Local 1455 for more than )0 years. Ifo serv .. d as commiuee charrman. was a member of Boy Scout Troop 249, and 1~ler became a post commrtte .. member. 1-1 1' hM rOm( Scout Leader and PrQllrc~s Review Tr~ inina and '5 a p:m recipienl of Ihe AIlOw_ head 1I0nor . Ii'll' Scomer's Key. and Ihe Com· mirosioner'S Award of Mel'i!.

Brolher 1I0ff<'lder is a rnl'mber of the Coup lt'.~ Club of MI Tabor Uniled L hurch of Chrj~t and h~5 held several officl'S in the club. He has de· voted much time to youth wOIk in his church.

OftlCcra of Local 145S were sworn," al cOle· moniu on 21. 1978. al Painte rs, where the loc ,I union bolds i1< membershrp mcellng~.

[)QN !lUU: I', B M .

Lac,,1 1459 Mourns Passing Of Brother Oietmeyer LU. 145'. EVANSTON, tLL.- Loeal 1459 mou,n! Ih .. passIng of Brother John D, Oictmeye,.

II rS with a grCJt dc~1 of sJdness Ihol once again I am tepof\rn~ to you on Iho pa.~~inl of one of our B'olh .. rs. Brother John D. Dietmeyer. a line­man at the northwe~t area. passed away on April 26. 1975. due 10 an unforlunnlc D~cldent.

Oeut h i~ ulwa ys hard to acceJl\, bOI when il cla ims the life of one as )'oung ns Brother Dietme~er. II i, thai much harder 10 IICcept. The rnl'mo.~ of II rolher Dietmeyer will live on for a long time 10 eome. Ihrough all who knew him. for he was \!uly ~ fill<' I;n,,,u,an and I ple~}u re to be wilh. The local offers il5 d~pest sympathy to the family o f BrOl her Dietm~yer.

In other local ne ..... s, we would )rkc to report that on AI"" 27 ,,,,,.I 28 II,e Inte,nMional held its Si~lh District Progress Meeling in Milwnukee, Wisconsin, The m«ling was alleoded by BrOlher~ l..,cI.: ..... ood. McG.ady, lI al '·e~n. and Kukla. The $peakers at the PfOifMS Met-ting stre~'It'rl Ih~ im­porlance of knOYomg Our political canUrUJles. and where Ihey Mand on labor. We would a~k our m~mt",<li 10 support Ihe Labor Reform hill. and to ltel OUI :o nd VOle come ele'lion lime. I would like to rtmind our members thai when they have an accidenl. Ihey m",1 till OUI nn accldenl rcport. The aCf;ident report is an rmpo'Wnt p,ece of paper, C$petially Yo'hen you get 1010 a "Oikman's comp"nsallon LI~i,,,.

The reporl ,. ror your protecllon, ;.n l1 rf you Cln. make a f;0PY of it. Yoo should also keop thc people "ho arc on your Workman', Compensa· t ion Comm'tlee ;nrOfUlcd a. 10 the ~t.'"I~ of your acciden t. We h",'e people both in Ihe Northbrook area and the Moont Prospect area on Ihe com· mi tte: who will be ,lad to help )'011 "ilh any prohlem )'OU may ha'·e.

\\e hope our members all h~.e u nree summer. and a ""f~ vaeaUnn.

PArklCK J Mr Guo\'. P.S.

Voting Is Important. Says Scribe L U. 1461, W" UKEGAN, ILL.- The defini tIOn of Ihe word ""ole," a5 told by Ihe MerrlJm W~b~lcr D,ctionary is' vote, A choice or ol'rnion of 11 person VT body of persons eXl're<sed u~ually by a ballot, spoken word, Or raised hand: a150, Ihe ballot, " ord. or Gesture ".;ed 10 expre~~ u choice or opinion

Another definition " 1'·11 look al i~ Ihm of Ihe " 'o,d a(l~lhy; up~thy; lad: of ~mo"on. lack 01 rmorest, mdift .. rence,

When Ihe 1"0 "ords combrne lhey form o .. e one of th .. mml harmful condilions that could e'er e~r~1 rn any srtoation. uniofl or non·uninn This pa-r M ~lch Ill inois sulfelcd one of the mosl chronic ca~e, of voler ~palhy Ihat has ever been e ~pcrienccd In the statc's history. In Ihe plimary .. Icclion, held Ihis pas' March. only 2S perc .. nt 01 till' re!liSlNed vO' ers bothered to turn OUI al th .. polls and vote. only 16 perCenl 01 th .. regr.te r<'<! vot"l"1 in ou. local,. counly.

What hD~ Ihis to do "ith un,on bus,n"5lI~ Well . it'. li~~ 11,,~. wheu ,t's lime for cont.~et renewol

'U' ~II (" lilt 1" ... 11, k!', 11.>1 rUIWd h> "'I .. • \\e mUSI all unuenlund llln. '" o. de. 10 lIa." a ~l rOIlI. dkcl"e UllInn "e mU'1 lu, n UIII Ihe "Ole. ReltMd "'" " r h"" )"" ...... h II> '"IC. Ihe "'Ie n~lf nn,' ""I,nll n ..o'e Ihe 'mpOrl~nl 1.,elO'~ The chOIce" ou". ~nd ,I .. ,11 alway, rtmaln "Ut, 1"h,\ " "H~ "I Ihe k ... IUllC:~ Ih .... we t.on ,e.llly 'o",e 01.11 ovm,,,n un ,mpO,',lIll mallt" .. hoch "III "fJ«:1 e ... eh and e,'ery"nl: ul u, '" a 1I,lIe,elll ..... , You mu't an.:!l"t lhe: "P'''lnS ).>u hJve. Ihm~ ut .. h ... 1 " bt-I Il'I Ii.e un,,'n. ~ unl) fu, l~ lime heml: bUi I." the: I<'n. (l,dule: Ihml uf .. h;,.', bnl 1<11 }' •• " Remembe., n",.. Y"" h .... e .. hJIl<l ,n ).,UI " .. n I<I1",e If .. e I"t III' ... ".te I,n Jnl '''1M.'. .. e n" Ion~' ""'e I,,, .. h ,I .. r ... on1. IeI', IIt .. * nUl " .. n fulure

11>t ,.,>c." "I I <I,: ,114M .. ,.J1 h' ~""nll ,''" >),n,pJ'hy 11> Ihr .. ,fe ... nd I.,"ul) ul '''ulhr' Amhon)' t>."n4k~lc" .. h" Itcenll) I'..o,,,,,u ..... a)

I"n", unt,nlelv "calh h ... , """"d ,,. .111, ... nll .. e ",II r,'.nt, m,,, I", " ... lIn,h ..on., ""lIt"I.muon. ""'1' " .. " '" .... ~ Il .. "hrr Ilw,t ",:1 ,11 .. ,,, ,~m."n J ,,"u ,n. "' he,"" I ... I"n,

Do,..QIIN,.. " .,

At Meeting

\I ~" .. , _ ",1>0 .. ,


Decision Rules Against Local 1470 I..U. ,.no. Kt:A RN Y, N.J,_A polenually p.e.. e de"'· ... tUn!'- d .... ·i,"'n I"t Ihe !lb. .. m".tmcnl ,,~. .tnd(',td <'>n M.'V 1. 19111. "t,,,n<' mIl 1".c~ 1 "111"n III :l C"'''I c,« h~d I>c<:'n pt'n.IIIl" ~, ~n "uIFro"th 01 .I\r 1974 n .• liun.,1 'Hilt o.p,n,1 lhe IkI1 ')"Icm

The ;..,.~ ..... , "I .111 rn~"Itt. rml""'t,1 h' lhe \\'("II(.n nee .. ic Comvan' .. h" ....... JI(IlI',I1~ 1I1,tllrd h) ... ',.,.. ""Ln,'''n pr'""" .. I",n h~ enle'e,1 I~ Compan", v .. 'prll) d".in£ lilt .... 'i~<'". "n,1 ..hilr d,i"int h,'me r."m ~ e .• mpm~ "'I' ,n tht ""c'n<! M";"mam, ,,'''''' ti~hl "n'lI I,.e. "uf fNt".' he~'1 ~II:1<~ .. h,t.; "n lhe ",.,,' .,"" d,e,t

AIIN , .. " .. ttL~ .,1 hCMinr' .md IIelihe .... ""n .he c., .... ".'~ ""I. l'no"n nlemk-" .• nll uffkf'~ ... "l Ihr ~l.Ind 'I' 4kren>t "r .,," ',,<,," l1Ie ('n

,,~,-, "i"o" ,I;UI~hltr. ~nd ... rh .. "u.m "h" '·a.1 ""'c, eum,,,,," .h ... (nl;lIIc:t' .• 1"" Ic,ulk" 0". """)[",,V d,,1 " ,,,.,,,;( job ,n h,. ",mm.II"'" I" the ,UfI. but ,n "\If "p,nj"n. Ih( II'" "," nUl ,h;hhC' •. ,lt "n th~ f.,<". 11>t "'" ,n (,,,,,11,,,,'n ... ""ded Ih" 1,'.limit' ~271.~OO

1'01"". III hmd,,~hl ... t h" .... hc.,r,1 Ih.1I Ihl' (',,~. ,hu,,11I h ... (' b.:en d~ddtd by •• j,,"!,e in,'e.lIt IIr ~ jUlY ur th'" " 'CHleme .. I .' ""hi h,I\e het'n ""lite n ut .h~n. he'''- coul" Ih,' 1,'c .• 1 '(11 Ie "" W">Clh,n~ Ih.1I the ,,"ion ..-,,~ n"t 'tll""""hle f,,,' SII. "hele II" ..-e ~" ffllm herc" Th.,' i< .ht '~71.S00 qu"""m'

\\" inten" '" "1'1"1( J Ihe •• ,,,,': Ihe de.",,,,, ,. "'"y .,111 and ,<>nlf,,,' t., 1.,cl. IImel.II'·" h' 1111'"'' • ltli".) ur unIOn re'<p<'n"b,lol"

Ou. I"cal ... a~ 'he ';111 m Ih" 1'''1 I ('""nCtI I" on,t"ule S II'I' A, ul tl,,~ .. rollll~."e h ... t ""'1"11' 600 nlembers .. ho qU311fy unlkr th" "I.m I WI.I­n.uiull " j!;"~n .. ,,,h n",mbe •. '1\ 1:'''Up. h) Ihr (,"'''" .• ny. n, w ... h~1 b .. nelil~ he i, rnlUled u> un"er S 'I'P The 1,;':III.e ,IruelOJre '" "'C'''"Y " .t)t.I~h ')c,'c<a ' job, havt mO"cd ",,'- ,IIIe I" "I.", n,nll In prc"iot" ),e3" 8 ul. l"J"er II .,,, .h",,,,, "ill '>OOn be e"mvleted 3nd Ih" ",II ,i,~ u~ 3 ,hOI m Ihe arm

The p,tlur,,' y"u _te he.e ,ur ,.f "". I .• I II",,'n ml'e1lntt .. here nuny memhe" .. ,.,1:' m ~1I~I1",,"ll' .• "d ... ~I 00 ,100(" intt .... ,""" ".11 ""'"'''''''' Iw ... b.~e mJIO.II' Thi< IIill hdr Iht 1.1('." III Iht, I" 'nlh, ahr~(!

DoT 7l'U. P C;

Membership Drive Results In 27 New Members L.U. 1483. O.\lAII ". l'iEnR.-We·,e IMd; Re· n",,,,bC"' l .ne'" UM'~ Wc'w heen ""h""1 " .e· IX"'I:" for . ..."trJI "te3d .. ~. bUI \I,' al<' "ill "Ii'e "ell. tUlU re.jdin, ,n 0 1l1JhJ

n,e ,eport". canm)! hanille Ih" Ih"'IIIII 1., •.• 1, " "UI p" .... idenl R,eh~.d 1"01 ... "0. "p"',,1I1c.1 II" G .... ~ J "' ada,) and P"I 8 .t"II.III- ," k! Ihc Inl'\\ "".Id lnll'" "hal "'e a.e up 10.

Our bie 1Ir"'!o lu, Ihi, a"ie'e ;, Our lI",mher,hl,' drllc. "hi~h laSlell '''" momh. and '('oulttd in H "" .. "",mbe'" H".II In htl~"c' \\ cli. «.unl Ihem R lI )de. 5 itlll"li. T 1'I)n'Jlc. (' .... h"tt. G 'itc"h,m. 1 \\00<1. R P ... rL •. r ('h .. ,,,.ln. \I "(M"". /II Ekl~. '" '''''In. J Zrlle!." ","'~d \ 1 S<;hm,dl. K IIattem ,nn. \\ Bu~d. M e .... ,". G "-"lIa,),. J 8.unncr.' BJumh.l<:~. [) ("hn,' e"",n. L JoI·n'lun. G Thuma~. L C"Im. " 'i«ley. G Rh'nch~II. D Dou,hell' ....,t. '"'' d.dn'I be"""" u..,II,d )l'U~ 'VII h .. d hi «.unllhen.: ",,11. m~!bt no .. un "'11 ",~I t.,~" ,.u ... ,',,' ... , fa"

,'I V'" 1;0" molllhl,' ~""' ... .. t hrill "n elet· ""n I" !.t'lecl Bmlhe" III ICI'.l ...... 1II '" "I the 'Ilh D"mel P.Oi:J"~~ /II t1:IIII~. he:11I m '''In ... ~ ('iIY. M''oWuri. "n M"v 18. 19. anll ro TIw Iuely de.,I, a.e ple.idem. Did., NulJnd; "« I',c,,<kn'. Gelle Kope<:k)" and E~e(,uIIH 11o ... d mrmJ>.c:t' ]),el Wiman ,mil l.eon Klolt

In t!')5lng. "e .. "uld IIlc to, nlcnll ''", cun N'JI"bl,"ns In one of nu' ,It ... llt". \\.I}n~ M II1i k" •• "'h" ... ill be "'DHI~d ' uly ~ I Th~ C"U· pic ",II be 1l""cY""IOIl'"M al Ihe Nt,,,,,,,,. AIIIlY it ~'e ,' e O"..c In Fre l1",nl. Neb.u,k" .

r ""e ru. :", ' ''~ euld un'Ol1 bloc. G HY 1. KADAVV . 1'.5.

P" T\uel: BIHINAN. [' .5 .

Shopping Mall

1_101< .... ~ .. of , .... \ .. t .... ~ \' ~n ~ ...... I"" C~nl ... r. ''''' ",. hollrl"'" '" 1 ...... 1 I!". \ .. ~ .. ,j~. Ga.


r~ 1 ... 1. 11 It 'lull\>, c.~ .. '" , ,,* \UC"<,~ \I~ U S ho p . ,,' .... C.III. , •

I ." , ,, .I~ I" . r. '1, .. . " t'"~,, S<-h .... ioI ... T~lm :od"~

IIMlml<'. I . II ... ~I' ~' ~ ' " J"hn .... n. "nd ,\ rblc- Thoma, .

I ell u . . .. ,,, . 'r e rr. ld Ik nn ;,. I·.~ .. " .:odo" ,. u ll \\ hit ... , ~m l'h.

Scribe Re ports On Golf Tournamen t 1_11. 15". \ l G t ' STA. Go\ .-Tht "ealhe ... 3\ kk~nl perl,.,;1 ,nd lhe <~I''''CII}·p."le'' .. '" ... ~ III " .'dlllum .. f 'U'I'<'''''' a, Ga.y f'l~)'er "arne ~h If,. 11~ on .. "h a ,...,."d coq,,"lin~ 64 ror lhe fin~I •• ",n' .nt! ~ ~11 ",t Ihe I",nn.",,,,nl I .... ,n h" '''"U \1.011,'''' r.tle hc,~ ,n II>c 1'." .... n (II} or \U~".I' .. "h II un.,... p.or, ~n.J lI"n th" ""'~lcU , .• lel f" •• he tlo.,11 II ...... ~."'b.,'''in~ lhe p,"e ~nu ~.""n .. lllr """I "'~"'~")U' .,,'II! In Ih.· .. 'rld <If 1:"lf

1).fen.lonll .h""'I'"m, T"", \\" ..... >11. lIuben G,ten. ;on..! Rod fun..,.h .• tJ"l\n~ ,n heh,,,d .. "h 10 ,,,,II-"t, I,,,!rd I" hnu,e enht. lhe I1lh 0. IlIlh h"k "h'eh """Id hHC ,e,,,lted ,n the M.""·,, II". ",IJ"n de,IIh ""'I·ulT ;ond cI>mp"lIed II",m I" , II:" 1,,, .,· ... 'y I,C f,,, -.cetlnd "I"cr

Ktfcllcd I" Ih" 42nd CI ... ,i, hI "url ""h cm, I"h",~,."" "1.',,, I tIC II 1~79 n ",'bcr, Shc'''U<Kl "'eU~. t... CI1 " 111"1' M"",(. J"ni,,, I!, .... ",I. lJ,,,lie " ,,,,,,,,ell, J"hl1 I .II,hll1~. J ( J"h",,,,,. Le.", II ,,, •. ",," Ih" H'" f"'ll",."e ,c[,,,rIC.

J" tr , 19 18 I 13

Our rel~l,on,h'r ... i,h CII<; ha, cnrJurerJ. "'c' Ihc ~ta". in a mU'1 fralernal ~nrJ re ... ",J'n~ IItnrJ ;In<l. horefult),. Ihi, shalt cont'nue th,ough I h~ el1'lllnj! yea,'

'rh~n~' 10 the COOI'("'I,"" of Dro'her G«rr,e I'Mlkr. ,hull ~IC";I.d. Local 121~. Nt ... Yorl Ne ... Yo'~ I am ab!t. lh;~ )N'. 10 ~ubmll Ihc 0 ........ ' "f ,I>c" rel!ubr CBS 1«"oic'.10~ fo, Ihi\ e,'cm f"'IIl IIIrw R3dio an<l T\ loc.l, OUI of Ne" York Ch'C;lIl'O. Ph,t~.lctl'hl~. 11(11)"'00<1. ;10<1 Nt" Odt.ln,. Ikdica.ed n ,mh.,,., ... ho are .,1,<) ''''''CO.,lc,! wil ll cns 10 11,(" 1',c'cnl~li,," of . '~Ii"n f",,,, Ih., r;;"[IC,· lIowl. the I'l l I . an,t NII A It i, ",v p'e '''''e. th,o,,):h Ihi' ~",de. 10 b"n~ ""Ie ;10<1 ,1o,IIOC' "'cogn"",n 10 Ihe follo ..... 'n_ n ."lh.:r, f""" "", '· r ""nr "c .. ·· f,om c ne; ...... "h ",IC ... h" .... <le' .. ""n an<l c~pcrll"" Ih~ I'le~nla, ""'''. ,h,,,,,·., Ihl' ,,",d.a ... oul<lO·1 bt ",,,,;hle " ndl, T 1l, I .110. C O-Ooofll". R. Ibnf ... "I, G I;.t",,~,.,~. r Amb .. ",,,i. R PINeo",l. A 1',101'1'1. I' Kenl. T \)\111. II Donle~. It 81HW' A I '''CIO. A O •. ,moo"'. J MUIl'h)'. r McSl'l'don. (, \) ,.I~'" ) M'('.'l1hy. A n .c",m. ami (I f c"'" ..... ,hilI' "e"'.I,d Nacdc' 1 01 LI1cal IQ9. I ,~" 11I.IOh. fdlu"", fo, ,lie ~'''''''''i;'I'''n ,n Ihe plc,.·m ,1'''0 " I ~ Job "'cll dooe

Al ""r rellul." nlCC'IO!: nl~hl uf AI'"I 2-'. UII,i· IIC" \l _m.l~el SclI"""der. 1I,,\mp In,1 ,el1lrncd Itum ,hf 1111 \\ ,ebcd"kd e""'I.uel",'n O·nrf,· en~r_ 10 ~"n,.rn~I1"n ""h ,he llull'hnlL amI Con­,1.UCI,,,n T"utc, t r""I~hnn .Inol Jub, ('.mfe'fnef. ."l>nn1l1·<1 1<> ,n" n.c"' .... "hll' ~ m'''' .1t1;.lk .... "'''"I'I~I'', .10,1 C('mT',ehe,,';'r ,tf'O" uf III" ,tr)' ""I""1.,nl .,n,ll"r"''''JI1'f Infel,n, """'11 ".1' I>c"hl ~I Illf Ih.II1 Mellcn,·' 1I0Iclln \\~,h'n~'on, Of: .. I>c~mnmll AI"II I~ and I'rOi!lr ... ~m. Ih,ou1'h 1M enhre "c.·l "I \1'011 16. 19711. ","h P ' .... 'd'nl ~nd ,\,,"'.101 1I""nc" \I ~n '1'fr Sp~'~r J"hn .... n qUIte .,I'<J} 1."I"'n~ 01""'0 Ihr fUll un th" rnd dIllIn, Ih" lie, II' "r'~

i\ bllef "",tI""II. In d",,,.~_ lel."".· 1(1 ollr 1'1(,<'01 \lur~ '111l,111"'0; C I 8 1.lun. 1( ... lumhu, 1\"",1".") ,h"' ,n)l tI"wn; Mllic. F leclric (Cun' I,m·nl." C.rn) e,lmplele; L)n~h l'leclric. ('onl;' "~"I,.r C,n) ~ ,'Ie",. (Aullu,rn M~I!). I n~lt-tt .It "IIIhl'<, .• nd I'~\"'n rtrelllc. IRr~enc. MJII), SI, ( .. \ 1I.1,·hy ~nd M~Ounald [kerr",. L C r rn\t. 1\ ,\ 11''''/'11.,11, AI,,,h [kc,,,,. IS c.: \~ttcy 'J.r:"~;e O,'pO"o~l): and J W, O»)()fI EkcI,IC II -'ohon \ "II"f NuckJr Po ... c,h",,~ ,0 DUlle ("'UOI). ~nd on"dem~lty ... e a,e a_"u,ed llIne ",nd'II"n, ;[1 Ihc po"elhou~e 'halt Increa<,t eon· ,,,Ie •.• bl) ",,10 Ih" I""'rl~ uf Ihe I'r,mt flfcHle \,HIH."·' h' July I. 1978

Thl·,e ;ne nl' ,"~nllrr~ al I ,,~.,1 IS79. unly /",'o.h "c 1I."elfl mt"1.

GlI<1l 8.u<t::s. I' .S


I <lui I ~~.l. 1'~1 ."h ~. " I~ .. ",, ~I n """ ",t "brahM.n " " '~. 'I t mur'.1 ""a.d. A<c~,~ l n. Ib A"~rd . I.fl lU . ljo:lI, • • r t rOM SUM"""". "'~<C'.'I of III·CCtt J. 1r t. "",,,,,,. , ,....,~ .. . "',,1 ISU I Or., 1n \ltC. II. ,.... .. .. p'a'" •• p ...... , ... h. .., I ...... ' 5U. II_I 'hllu... t.l •• "I ... , o.,p:kl_. , ............ 'ht of ' ...-al 15U. f.-- D. " . ,'Iani .... <t .... 1 . .. ,. .. of 11 ... _ ".1" . ... P"prr C..-p . .. ral ll ~ a. '01 '''c' . .. ·d . .. G . ... lI.rfra,d . "d 'b .... h "hll' .. 1111 "",~ .d "') ho.d .. " 'hi ' ...... Iod .

Local 1583 Wins Mazer Memorial Award I .. ' . I5U. " ALATKA. FI.A.- I.oul 1581 1111$ .,~ "" ",," ,lor Ah.;,h.101 M.llel \Icmurr~ ' A ... "d

74 I IBfW Jlly, .. ,,1

f"r h~';nll Ihe .rt~le'l ....,.ccn'''~t U, 1')'"C,p~, lI"n '" Iht 11l .. "'on Eml'luyre\ Ch~,il~ble Con· lIibulron~ FunrJ dri'e. Ju~t complfled. The aW3,d "'J~ 1i"1 I"en .n 1%7 and i, II~~ btcn won by Ihe IB£ \\ f"en \e~, ~in"f lhal lime: t~cep, in 1968

The r und i, adnnn;"rred h,· a ~'OUT' of e .... plo}~ ... ho elCCl new orr .. e", uch yea, and cIln..olrdJlf all fuod d""f\ ,lIal ha'e b«n in e''''40ce 1'''''' ,0 ,,\- e\-IJhlr,lImenl

!JulinG Ihe I~ yca.~ of e""en.e " h.,~ p.,,,t Ill" mu,e lh.II1 ~'OO.OOO 10 ", ,"e,"btr allc"cle~ . "hrch ,,,,;IIIItc ,hc follo ... lOl\: nuy Sco"'~. Girt SeOUl,. YMCA. USO . Ned Cm". Vilal Or~"TI~. lJlood BJn~. SJ1~JlIon A,my. Mu,cuL" Dy.HO· I'hy. Cy,IIc hl"o, ... B'A,Ue Fouo<lAl ion. H~J" I undo \knl~1 Hut, II. \ 1""h uf Di,"",. <; •• ~k Cell AnemIa, and .. ar;O\.K locil tommuTllly 1"0,­"1\ aTld '~II rndea"ors

I ""JI I~Jll " 'e .. p"·,,d I.f .h P~""'I'JI ... 'n 10 ,h" ... ""h"hlk ""'ltt' ~nd II, tndea'·u".

Jof' [MilSON. I'a,~

Mary Merrick Retires From Local 1698 L.( . '698. TO\\SO:-':. I\In .--S'~lcr MalY Mer. .,,~ ,,~, une,1 uf hon<lt ~I a l"n~lIcun held In hu ",,"01 a •• he ,ch,cd on M.uch 11. 1978 A chrc~ ,,~~ al'" "r~o;rnlrd 10 hfr f'Onl ,he I'~dl. I\I J')" h.I\ """0 cmpluycd m I ~wn l' ld,llt:<. ComI'Jo),. I n~ 'n TimonIum. I\I p,yl~nd. "nee (kccTl.bc,. 1961 \\"r~ITlIl ""Ih MMY hdO br~o II rulplusufe. \\ e "n.-e,cl\ ".",t w ""h hr. ~It ,lie bt ... ,n Ihe d~" ahud EnJOY )oulwlf, \I ~r)' You h~" tc"~JOI)' e~,onl il

'739 Personalities

IBEW Guardian Its Membership

11r " lh~, 11 010 Waa ..... 0' Lo,., ".)t. 1Iani<". 0 .... " "'. ",.l1li ..... _ ... "'" . "''''' _ • •• Ii) , . "' .... .

1I ... ,h •• "'.onk Wir. 'PO"~

• I ...... ", 1''''''" .. hlrh II. II .... I .. . "".16 .. 10 "M"'h~. lI) d, ... " 11 0 "m ...... , ..... '0. Ih. \l kldl~ t·3" .


t.l'. 1739. BARRIE. OJ"ro'T.-I.<x:!1 17J9 i~ U!I\'e and "cit. ~o HI~o I~ the ltIFW as iI [l eces· ,ary ami enk,enl 1<101 :11,,1 1I,,-,,d,,,n of 11< lOem· bcr<hll' T h .. r,I~' h,,~ be~ome 'cas,,,",,wl), e1e," du"olt 0", reeem enlry ,OIl) T'. IWIOct''' Ide: bal,ain­on. The d.eJm cllrld of poh"cl~Tls and bus,ne<,<;o men. 'he prO.lOtc .... ,dc eonef'" ... a, I'u\Md uron u, p,emllurel),. l'lllhoul \Umeten' lime: 10 p, 't'lOI'e ,he ~a~t <I,nc.cll<.C\ uf ,und,lIons and I'rublelTh fJclO, . nrJl~idu~1 ,ulI,diUion~. Onn: d"'ill ,he IUrw h.:as .1I0"n I h~ 1 II hI; nol only ,rrrnll,h hUI II .. IlI'>O ,nlelll,cnl and adaplable

Unlr~c wnre of Ihe OIhfl build,", IIad .... IhM >ccm 10 1I,,,e m.ltk Iillk- I', lfnn. 1M clec· a,C bIn""" "ound and >cuin, rKa"'"I .... , Our .epre~nla'i'" on 1M 9 MB, .. nrn, Crn,[Kil ..-ere "cli I' ,el'a,ed 10 nree, Ihe coolraclors. Thcy already had nltme:rous "'frrrnp. They lea rned Ihe ··new ,"les." They " "dIed Illem 10 su 1I0w Ihey coul<\ " or t fur u. DS ... e ll as aga lns, Us. They comnHlnIC.Il.d " i,h .hd, COllOI.'I'3 ' IS from


IIr",_. M Ir~ ~...... """ 1ift; ' II;nr lo ut"" , • • "10) nbI~ rI.

Ih~ " ~II"\I' 1 ..... ,1, In he''''''f .I .... "C of In.t"'ld",,1 p'ublcm> ~",I crrlllm'I.IIlce, And pr.II.,1"> mo~1 ,mpollunl. Ihe)""e ~ho ... n;, ",Ihngntu and ~bih.y III ... or~ "'lI'e,lIfr H~ a !C3m Thcfe m!)' be 11 ··bunch" of cunl!~cto,.,. bu. , he,e is no, • buntll of k>cah The" 'S only ,lie "n,on-lhe Ime" naln>o.11 Ilrmh .. hoorJ of FI""lc~1 WorkerJ,

AhhoUllh al Ih,s wlllln~ Ihc ,rsull, of our fiN pro~rnce· .... 'de ba'III1,nin, ~'e TlOI kno .... n, I do ~nuw '" a'e ,0 !,'uml'<'lcnl .IOd loyal hdnd, Good luck. fdIJ'.

'-'>eal 1119 " fO,"'TlJle 'n 1I~'e "1 •. lhe, 1k.1I .> , me:mber of II, [,"umt Ro,:ud Ahboulh ~" mo<k)ly ma~u .me."r""" r .. , lin all,.k wme ... hJI u3 ... lltr~lIn,. anb ,s n,,1 1I.~"~nl ,0 'ru~ II" mind al uUI IJoa,d ",,",lrn~1 1Mb 1 3~" ~ ~"UU\ commoo e;(n>e al'p,o~ch to local m"lte,~ Nol ra"ly rufflcd or c~c'led. n ub " dc(rn"dy " . Irprn<l ahlr ""CI III Ihe IUCJI uml IU Ihe mClllbr.s he ,cpre.cnl\. Ao avid ""uluurSlllan. ]Job i. OOt of Ihose few mcn "ho can .Iill travel m,le," wllh [Kllhrr ca. nur ru~d A cun4:li' nliou, aTld Cuml'C'len, JOu'n<:)m~o. 6,rb .~ III. 1)'1lt "I 'u, ... h .. '''C\ ,he uTl'''n J IIUQd TI~me:

S 'L1. CUMl". I'S

25-Year Club

In 'ht.e '''0 ,,""ur~f. mon,". " "' 1,,,,,01 "91 . W~u · .;o~ . \\1 •. and Ih.l. " lOu." ..... 'h" "" MI ,h. di n .... 0' I"~ .... . , .• 1$.\ .. , Clull.

Eleven Receive Diplomas; C lub Dinner Held LV. 1791. WAUSAU, WIS.- February 25, 1978, "'J, an impo.tanl da'e for Ardeo Fellbaum. p'ni­dfnl of LOC:J I 1791. ij 'OIhe, JoeUbaum. ,IOTII "",h 100,11" l,adualC'l Ihc SChool of "'O, ~ tn. recelvnl Ihei r diplomas 3. ,he \\' au~au L:obo,'le,

Gue" 'l'C'a ~ r'$ "'c,e Con,rC'»man O~'r Obey and O Wlgh. Oa~is. ,h. d, d llu,or o f ,he North Crn". 1 T« hnka l " .. Ii lul • . n il:), ,"ve WI ~ few "'uIII, un ,he Impoll ance uf educil lion

Brolher Fellbaum "<as alw honored along "ilh n n'embers ~nd Iheir spouse~ ~I Ihe 25·Yc~r Club. The dinner .... as held at Ihe Ih'''md J ohn· son in Waus.~u. All members "ho .. ·orhd at Marathon EIe<:lric for Ihe VaSt 25 ycars reccj.·cd gold .... ,cho:"". Cong.a!UblOons 10 lOU all

O"NtI!L J . RIEDUEil. P S.

More Orders and Changeovers Give Extra Work L..U. 11176. PLVMOUfll . IND.- II ,~ rcally .mp(Ksibk 10 plu~ e.c.y,)ne. bUI it i< ,)ur <k<i.c 10 do Ihe bc<;1 " ·e can Sonw o f lilt memb.".~ would r:ltber ha"e a ,hon newslcncl more oflcn. than 10 have :I longc' one 11,,« or fou, limee, a ye~r. DurinJ March and Al',il .. c h~d 22 ntW meen and ninc 'chirn. Wc alc "·orkinlt ninc hours :I. d~y and fivc or c" ht hmr"" un Sa! as each indi. idoal chO(>'A,"$. Mort o,dc'~ and changc­overs hao'c l"'cn u< lilt e~lf1I .. m~

\\ e 10'\1 D )"ounl: on'on mcmocr Icccnlly. "hen Richard Rienholl look a 1'O'l1ion "ilh thc com· pany as :I. super" ... " li e h.,s been wnh u. ,ince 11176. $la rt'"':: h a pro<lUCllun "OI~C'. Ol'lc , ia l handlc, . fu,~ li ft Or~r.""r. Wc a,e \Orry lu 10"" )'OU as a mcmbe, . RI(~. hUI Ica l h.,PI'Y 10 .\«

lOU make Iho. ad.anttnlcm 0", rong'~lLLlatinn< and btSI .. is~c< for lhe: fulorc

It "as ,c.,lIy ,rc~' 10 ""<' '" m .. "y mcmhe" a, ,he ~Iinc a,:;arn Ihk monlh NunllnJlion, for officels "~IC held and by lhe IIInc )00 '" Ih~ 10

I'"nl the cl«uon "'rll be a IhmJl, of Ihc I'a'i A h.,l'po .,nd ..:Ife hohd .. ) 10 nil


Local Has Steady Employment , Celebrates 20th Anniversary I_U. lOOS. PIIII Ant:LPIIIA. PA. [I ha~ bttn o;onw lime: iJru;:c nur hlC .. 1 unroll \ubmrt t....! an :l.nicle 10 lhe }"'''''',' anJ "e hope Ihi, .. ill he Ihc <tart of U'~'f<' r'«!"cnl um-< on 'hc futur~

Our "'OIL~r n[('mber- JI l' r"l:rr.~ I ij!htill~ ComN"Y h~oc been blc,>Cd .. rth .tcady cmpl..,y­ment cllrrcnlly numbe,in,. o;ome R60 mcmbe~ . .... h ICh os a srj!nrficant rnl."rC.ll~ ooer Ih~ lime 1.,.1 ),(,a'. A_ 10. Ihe ,mmeedialC hrtUle. "'e ar .. told Ihal 'I I,",~, Jood .1(0<1',1 .. Ihe ~otr",nl l'~"n,,""~ un ,,·rtamt rc~

The Prall"·" trllhlln~ C""'I'.m) 1~."lrt., r, ,h .. I.llte" pr,,,luce, 01 Irllhlrnll Ihlmc, ,n Ihe .. ",I<I

Otrr [ocal """,n c .. leh •• lled rto. 1fllh OI"1Ii"·'5.1I), Ihrs I'ast N"vcnln"r ,,",I II"r .. ·"rUn! 3\l,ccmcn! ... ilh Ihis COO'l'an),. "h .. ·n ('u"'I'.lre<l .. rlh .,ny ,'Ihe. ,n Ihc lighlrnl: fi\lurr.· .nd,,,,,o .. ",,1,1 he f .. untl 10 be one of the oc'y bnl rn Ihe 1111 W \Inny "r oor oldcr member- .. rll cell."nl)' .. ne.1 '" llor: tn.1ny .mpro ... "",m, mad.., "'C' lhe )e.lf" Ihruut:h Ihe cn" ... ,,( <kd,~a . cd un"," "flico.'. "u,h r.l,1 and I',c-.en! . :lnd n",,1 ''''I''''' mlly 'he '''.'1'',,1 "I "m mcnlhcr.hrl'

I "ould h~~,cn ,,, ... Id Ih~1 Ih" .I.\("> n,'1 me.'" Ih~1 .. r a'C .. ·.""I'k .. ,', ,.""r",d '" IIllcnJ I" ,land ,1111 "rrh .c~ .. ,d I.' th,· ,,,,,,, .. e, \\ .. ",II conlmu" '0 I'.e' .. f"r f",,""r ''''p'"'en,,,nl' '"~ Ihc fU'Llrc and n" du,,"1 '''''' Jl.a,n .... ,II hc m,,,lc

Unl"nunalci) ... ' '" n""1 11m,,,,,. '''"','' ""'''' he" II'" ,he .. ~ ,, ~, h, .... ~ "I U'"~""'~ ,h,·ir 1,,, ... ,1 ,,,,,.,n "n,e,·,,, .,n,1 Ih,. ,. "lLl'le ",·:~"m .. 1'",. "d .. ,1 II •• rn 'he n.llure uf .. ""'tr,,~, ... · ,·LlII,·"m 0 "1 ,.,,1 '" •. 1). I"., "flc" I[ In,,!> ,,'" , .. h,: ,,", ,tILlct"f (11I1n"" ",I" .. h "" ... , ""lhu,1' ","'c ,h.,,, • ""',, .. 0.]"",,,,,. ,I"""", .,,,,1 I"~tr",, I""",·,·" "flo n· .. lI"d ""''''''''r.

The "",,1 "''',,'' ,h,,,,I" "'~.'" "'~clh,·,",·" .m" unlly "r 1""1"'''''. nul rill""'" ,II "",ul'l"," "f Ih." ''''''''pIc. T h ... " ,,,'" ""u,n .",,1 )"" ." ., m .. n,· n.,r "",,' ,h",c In Ih .. · '~'I""",b'''I'C\ .,tt"d'c,1 ,,, Ihn ' ",~"'I"",.h'f'

Ib'hcr Ih .• " C"I,."c ~"'" 'll h~crs. ,,11("[ ,hem buggc§lions and alternutives so Ih", Ihey may belle, o;crvc ~"" '" ,e"chrnll "", lor un" h.,J'C· 1"lly att :,ininll Ihe ~,,,'I we :. 11 ""C~ "hkh. I " m ,ure. nlU', be Ihe 1»:,1 I"""hle ".'I'c'. "'md;".

.,nd "OI l ing condi'ior" "e c~n aeh,tL'c 1"!lClhel a~ Ir"e Bro lhc" ~nd SiIICr< <I f Lncn l 100~

'><'e )·011 al 'he nr:M m('(""nl! I(occo 1. COl.H'O. II \1

On Strike

Snn<- of 1M L. .. .,., IOU. S,no<" ......... . , ... 'Iri~. '" ,IIc C........, IlIo.d, n •• _ planl of SHoot.,.... c., ,.1 mum" ...... nI In';ll~ III. pl"n' ~II~' ... ,,~ .. hI'" ",,11 ... -,"".n ,h. " J.;~ .. ijn ••



Ldl I" nPI • .., J .. _ ·r aJ .... : c., H.!m"' ... . "' ••• •• of tIM "'_; .. ;.~ C_.ltlft _ .~Irl 'I~"_d,

_ Or" ....... ....,.,\dra' of ...... '" ~: H.,... .. G."I· _' • • ~ pA"'IioI ... I . .... Jo ....... HaJ_ ....

fluaard K o*h • . _ .. nI, ... ""n ..... ' .. ( b ....... t. . 1. ... , 1M ,II, rn ••• ~."' .... of C.-... lI inod ...

Local 2084 Now On Strike I .. l . 2011-1. S,R \ ClSt:. '\., . I llecu.c S."'''· ,I." '\1"'[ 1 l'IllI. Ih,· ,h,e,··,,· u " ''".,,'' 1><..,,,, .... ,, (" r""'" 11 ",.1. "",I I ...... ,t ~U~4 .. ",1,'<1

n,~ ,.,,,fi~."r"n mcc'ml' \\." h..-l,l .,j 1,· M,,)m' ('""lIclte In Syran,,,,,. N~" Y .. r~.~' 1-00 p.m. Un-1."",,'.oIdy. !h,· ,,",el"l'e ""',,1 , .lcr~", ") Ih,· .. "m \\ " n<l' .,(ccp'cd h) Ih,' '''''''''. rn.,,·.nl. ,h,' "l''' 1""1" ..... ,1 m,"",d "" Lle"cd ." ,," emh,,, "''''''1' prupo",1 by 'he "'C'lL ..... " "r Loc:.1 20~J rile ",<,r"bcr.. 'Ie·"· ,h"de,1 I", "h.Lt 'he c. '""'.,,," "." "illr"l1 to .. ltcr'

h., 1",,,n,,,,1 j"c'c,"w Ihe c()mp.IL'~ "lk,c<I 7 .~

r..-rcc,,' fOI ,h .. · li,,1 yc:rr. ('.5 ""reem !h.· ",c"n,1 and Ihird )C'lfS. Th~ pc"~ion I'I"n .. ~~ SM.OO lur Ihe

fir-I year. S9.00 fOI Ihe "".:ond )·car. and $10 'he Ihrrd )"~"I During !he fa<! COnl'''''1 Ihc pen· "On 1'18" .... a~ S7.00 pcr ~'car. A holiday "'a< offcr .. d ~"c , Iht third )"CM of cOlplo'-mell' N" cha"l'C 'n vn.ation limc

~l~mbcr~ of ,he Nc~o'inlinJ! (,"",,,,,,ill('<". "hich c.'''';'I....! of Rohcu Dc !', .... ,. I' .. n!: Guy H .... n ... n'l. ch.ef ~Ieward: S'anley CI~.L. chi.-f ,,~ ... ~ .. I: H,chMd Hoi..,)'. chid <lc ... ard: ami John N<>lh''')k'. h"",ne<;, man~~('I. I'rojlO"Cd Ihe ("no .. · ;nll' 20 perc"'m ,,,,,Ica..,. in pcr .. ,n,,1 "'arcs fOl Ih~ "nc-ocar c"muc, C"'I_(\f.lio·in~ all"wantt "f 1 ,cn' pe' 1 incr~a .... in Ihc C'''h"n,cr Pricc Ind~, .. nh no ··,·ap-; from ~7 10 <;] ~ incrc.'';C p." "e~ , In rc-n.,on rbn: 12 Itl 1< daY' off ,"', 'c." "n h"hdal~; 0"" )C." -.eni""" "-o"ld include 10 ,b,', ,>II; fj, .. }'cal~ .... n"'rily. l~ .I ..... ; 10 'C."". 2n .I ,n, 2n .cars. J~ d.,)"" ."her 1'''.1' ..... ,1- in· eh"led "'.'1''' iml'ro'c~nIS "" group ,n"rr~",e

-I h .. • ,',"c"n"" ,'f Ihe o"le ... " PB8 ,,, 16 in f.,\()/ ILl., ,triL.., Ill' 'he C,,,,,,c II rnd, Union CllIp["Ol"(",;

C""r>\(' II rn<l, Coml'"n' h." ,h,,"'n J record 1',,·li' ,m .. Ihe qc, "f ,h .. "" .. ric f." COC' I' 'l".LI,cr ,Imlnl! ,hi, [1.,.1 )'CJ'

\\ h"t"< 1" 01 .. · ,,,I,,,,,,<irng r. ,h~ fa,'1 ,h~1 ,he ,.In.), IOcum~ of Chris J . \\ il!'ng. chairman. chid \·,cc,,',,~ .. ffi,· .. r .. ond ,Ir,ccu" .. f C,ou", II ,nds. .11""""" .IOn""lI, 1(1 '.1711.290 " nd hI' re"rcrncnl i:>t""dil, ,un,;" of ~48_66!I Paul A " ,unner. I" .... "'COI .10.1 ""1'cCI'" ,.1 C,,,,,'" Ilond,. eJrns ... ~~\_~O~ per )e .. , .• n<l up"n rctircOlenl "ou[d ctl "M4_'!~ PO:' Oc." I dr' I· II ,'" ..... o",e r,c"llenl ." .. 1 ~tncl.,' .".,n.ll'",·C"n>l,m""n M .. lcroals Pro­.It"·,, I)",,,, .. ,,,. m'~ .... "11 1.9112 ,nnu .. llo ~nJ

.. ""hi rCI"e ,'n "~z..019 pt, "ar \11 ""cellll.

.'0<1 ,.lIk .. ,. ~, a ""up ~"n".""!'; "r ~9 pt,son~ CII" ~1_9140Sf, "'" IC.II ~nJlhe ..... Iimated ,,·"'c· nK'" b.nt/il. ~'\'n"'J "f ~'~1_R4\ pc, 'c."

,,, 'Clm, ha'~ )~I becn ,,·~chr:d be,,,«,, ("".u,.: Ilm,l, (",'m[l~n' •• nJ Ihe "no"n m"mbe~ Th. ~<.) .... ,.1 " "",I, "' '''1'1'''"'"1' ,,'" L.K .• I 21'84 "lIh h"I'" Ih .• , 'h" .1,,1, ",II h,: ,,,~c<-.....tLlI ,JOC to


\I, .. , ... 'rAn ........ m.liuIo '0 • ''';lcI,.!>o",d ._lDbl, pl~n' . r",," r'~" n' G~ ... "'I .:10."10. S311 u~~d .... C;o.[ •• 1,,"""1, "",.... I" I'ORI ..r -. of 'IL"', ."II.h· "'.~,d ......... ,. .. .... 1 ""'. IrII , .. n .. h' . arc 11 .. 11 C,.,,~,. I .. , J~""". JxL 'ih..,,,. Cn/t: C .. ~,Ii"". J"II" " .. Co<mK~: .....,0"" .... " B ... uk, Hr"H. 11.1 .. PolI .. d .. Hich. ,d A~' ... Ju C •• ., . .... h, Rodd • ..., •. G .. nc c..., •. Au .. T uoIor" ,hOld , .... : Tcd Jar ..... " . H_" .-11;,. Ku s.-.. ". A".... Ibnb. ' . 11, C~lh,lr . \I , .. lu "~. lI.rd, S;J.nd""",~, I ..... h , ,,.,, 'bJ_ '~'''''''. Spa"", Boronb •• Si .. , .. hi1l., . Ji .. 01 ... . J " .... w"..",. Larry 1.20".,... Bill 1; ...... '1_: Mlh ''''' : J'fT, ,_" • • : ... an~~1 T,*It'· ~""LI .. J .... c~ 0." .... C'<'I:OI', L~ ........ To .. 0 ·, .,.1. lot ....... ~ull"". M .... M'od , ~LIC'. " all .. \Ibl: ~h'h ...'''' 1 ~"iR \lah ... . bm .. fl", ....... ..... I . .., \ ""' .... , " n .. ~' .... ~"<k>i,,. I ...... ' P.", . wm ... J .... " "",. I"o~ 1I .. "~nd ..... _ d H~, MaIM; ''';C ... ''''' lei, '" ,,,,hI: Mill ,\U"'p.-.I I ...... Iwno; b .. l1om: LuI.. \\IIl'~n".

11'''''''' ."hm' " "d bJ I. .. ul lUI. O~~I~nd. C ....

Convention Delegates To Be Elected L U. 211111. SIllU:V.~I)ORT. LA.-Nonun3Iions I,,, rhe "I",,," '; n~ Ime",.,,,,,,,.,1 C"nl'C"I'On IO'NC

h..-l,1 .,1 Ihe 1<",,'[ lI"r .. " h:oll Ih" m .. n,h. Thrn) ".,,"c' ",,·rc pl.,(' .. ·d '" nomrn.llio" for ,h ~ n;nc

July . 1978 I 7S


dt!eg~le po!>ilion. 311mI'd 10 Loot 2188 Compu· leri,ed countinr: of balloll will be u'ioed for Ihe 1lr<1 lime in Ihi~ ele,l;on The mmpuler ord m~,I·,n b;ll1ol~ ",II 'I'«'" .he COUn!! n. pro<ns an,1 a~~urc ~"ur.lCY ,ince Ihe ca.ds will be key· rlln,hcd and co"mcd Ih.ce l ime, 111 arn.e 3. In ••• t- Th. ~ new p"k:cd",e "ill ,i'e lo.~I§ .he ,~n'c dny ~nd be of I con,idemh'c "",ne)' 'Hinl" Inlhe lenl

Vi,"c Pr~iden. Grol,C <;C.lIlt'l1 n'cc"ed wOld Ih~1 her 'IOn. \\ ~IIJ~ I 5<:"1IIell, 11 . ha. been tleeled oulSlandinr: 5(nalOr in Ihe Studenl Council ~. I _Iir »",l II igh 5<chool for 1977.78. TIle 18· )e.IT·old '>1'0;0, "a~ "1..0 clceled 10 Ihe N"lional lI "nnl Sociely for Ihe ,rcond 5I r~i~hl )e~1 W~II.lCe h"~ ,,1'0 won ml!l1e,OIl'l nwa,d. ;n ntl lind I"ech~nical dr.l ..... mll (On l t~I' held in .he fla\! _ V""C I' rc,idenl SCJIIeIl "I", h.l~ nnlliher son, ('h,i.wrhN Sca.lclL. nml one daughler. Vicki !karlell. who hJ"e h«n cICCII'd In §cn.'e on .he SI"denl Council for Ihe nc~1 oehool yC3' Vicki "." ,,1<00 elcdeJ 10 Ihe ","lUnal lIonor ~'Clel~ Ih •• 'eM ~nd a< rle,idem of 'he "in Club 1lr\1 )'1':11_ 1.0< .• 1 2188 I~~C<O Ib" Ol'l'I(IrlllOiI" 10 e,,,, e"""lalr Ihr rrnl,,1 mmhl" "nIl hl'l hard'''fIr~m~ "nd InIlU'"ioll~ "In, ;lntl .1.III .. l1te. rOl .he aceom I'h,h"'~nl' Ihey I';!'t m.lde

10m ... 0 " lOCI:. r Iii.

Brother Politi Mourned; Three Members Retire 1~ ( . 2218, POI;GIIKF.frSIE:, N.Y.-Oul deep· e'l ')rnpalhy II> Ihe r~mtly "f l'tlCI I'ohll. Local 2~18 member who .IIcd ,,",hknly on M~"h 2B. 19JH l'cI~ ,.lined Cenlr.d II lld!>Oll In 1951 n. a ~"",n"rn~n. In 19~2 he Jlrolrno;.td 10 optr.lllng ~Ic," 2 C and Ihdl '.line )~'" to I>~rJI"'1I dcr~ I C In 195~ he hc«nnc the OIIC/Jlm8 [)cp.mment '~(Ial ckr~ l ie bc:eamc .he 'pc'ciat ~'CI~ '" C01'unl<'. &r"er' In 1969 where he Il'm;"ned umil 1976 when I c became Ihe ,J't'CI,,1 .'''I'.anl In Iht A(CUllnlln~ DCl'dl!mCnl. II I.' wa, " 11.'11"" "h .. ",I' :.1"" " le~<.Iy wnh 3 ,n"le it01I " J"kr ""11 I ,"" '''r~ hr \lill ht ~alliv nll~c<.l ,,,,Ii f .. ntllv remembe:rrd hy Ih".,... "f US "h.1 ~ncw h,m

A '1 .... ",,1 C .. "gl~lul.l"nn, I<> 1'Ir.ident· Qu Ine" \1 .. n 'I:el J uhn Bllm ,.n<.l h" ",fe. JJOC, ~''''l .. I.ecal 2~18 OTICnNx,. vn lhe hnth 01 Ihell wn, M,~h.x'i nomas II ~ nude h" arrear .. nc· I>n AI'nl ~Il. "c,~b,"g '" ", elJhl pound, III' .' Ihe rlctute of be.llth .inJ ne'llIe, }"hn n." Jd"'" h;.., ~IVIJI",d 11,,,"'"111 "n,e M"h .. el', dchUI

\\c ",uIIIJ al'" lI~c I" WOHI.tlllldle Ihe I"Uo" lilt; membel~ "hu rellre,1 re<.,nll, \\ ,I",n I.d­wMd" I·,el)" Sadler, ,m<1 Rulb OlwlI 0 1',1 ""he-. 10 alt of )0"

JU)I a remmder 0111 I1ICClln~' Jle h'd "'I Ihe !oeCornl Thur"",,) uf e."h munth lIoj'C 1\, 'c. }uu the.e


Stewards Apprec iation Banquet Held I . t . 2222, 1I0Sltl1'o . \1 ,\ " .... Ihe ItX~1 c\ I'fC"<..eJ ,I' ~r3tllUdc 'n I':., .It"a.d, II a 1:>"n<lllcl. kid In Ihe" honor un \1 ,ly ~ I he ufb" ",~, "ell ~lIc"J~,j ~"J .. &.II~ lime ... ~~ hall by all '" Dt tend:lncc:.

Inlcrnallonal \ .. c l'le,uknt John !"f)-nn Ind All P~"y, ,hairm"" "f 1"1.' Nall"",,1 Rell Co"nc,1. ,1/-"'"","11 I",. aCII~IIIC\ 01 Ihe honored ':UCSlS, Ihe 'I~"ard,. al lhe ,,"hel 'If lhe resli~lloe\. It ".1. po;nlcl1 001 hy tbe ,peaLc" thM lhe ~Ie ... ard " .. ' the Il"r 1",1' of defen'" til any union and lhe 111<)<01 Impu,l"nl ",d"Klual '" the labor movemenl Uu"nc'" \bnal!rr Kiln M .... LJou,.1I loas lml)le,~d lhe ~tf"" and ably added • ~pKe of humor 1(1

lhe procceJmM=". Th IO<::l.1e of [he f"""~III~' "" I'recpoll Ibll ,

thc home of l ocal 101, the hou~e Ihl Oon Ikrry h"ill

The admlnlSlra"on uf Ihe lo<~1 UniOn 1$ in full 3ceurd wilh Ihe >jlCah" in allcflIlantt In respeCI

76 I IIEW J .. urnol

10 lhe imporlance of lhe $!e .... ,d to the o'ilnin. IIOtI -rlIc .dmlnllillaUOn ... ould .1", like 10 .dd Ihal. wliboul the dedic.llon of thc..e fOOL soldiers uf Ilk: laL>u, ,,,(>vement, Ihe IInlon could not e.lll)1. The businCS5 mlnlaer .nd Ibe bu~ines5 l/lCnts of the loc~l would like 10 publici)' Ihank lhese dedi· ealed IInion slcwal(h fOI their tfrOrlS in Iliempl' Inl In mnkt IIfl' I "li lt mo,t " 'ollh livina for tile memben. of the u"ian by 1l'1t1r elfo,b.

\\'111 tAM J. COl:GHL'N, P S

Appreciation Banquet

I ...... t UH, J\II\ION. "M .... ~Id a .. ~ ... rd , I",,'H'I. I ii". ba ...... '. <; ...... 1 . Iffl I" ,"'''t ..... y ...... 11 1". CoII$!~II., .1,. , ... ,IeI •• ll Klcu .... \\ . l.or .... 'II . ..... ~o'";..,,: K_aIII J . \I.DoII!"'I, boo,I..,.. "' ........ : Jo".~ . "1, •• , 1.1 ..... 1 ..... 1 \ Iu .. ~ ...... ; JolI. F. \l aM ... ,. ",,, ... 1.1 ..... ,fl .. '; .... " .111_ , . C.I ..... , . ......... .

1 .. 11 In 'I~hl al~ 1.<lrl1ll..., B~nn am' I)onna l:I~trr, nlll<. ',all : NII""ld J . M •• , ,., .... II. hl"I"" .. m."~"' ; """ ".,/ ... tb)~'. o llt« ' tMII .

President Reports News Of local 2252 LL'. 2252. ItOII.V\\OOO. CAL. I"~ bc:en a 10"& lime ~mc~ an DrilCle: ha~ betn In tllC ·· t oeal I lne<, and .... e m," Ihem A 101 ho, hapP<'"ed Siller fl'" II" arurte made Ihc nc~ We hJ'e Ihre<: new molhel\, Con&l1Itulalion'l 10 I)ehh,e Strldbnd I.nd he, new J.lliahler. 10 II cleon \\.-omad. nnd hel d~ullhln. aflt! to 10" \lei" anJ her '\On

CUllIloknces ..,t t\lcndeJ 10 Rulh S.lmlO\On, "ho 1000t ber blOlhel In a tt~lI.ic lIC(i.leonl, and to i\rkne, "ho 10,( her wn :.fter a boUI ",th e~nccr.

I'or ,omelhll11l nn Ihe b"~hl~r ~ide .... ·e hu~e M"y.lcll Oweul:, nIHI her ".te,- ..... ho look 11", rilice for ""uhle~ 8t Ih~II howhl1l1 10UIIIIII1Icl1l I he tro"llI.,.. Ate hemnfful Maytldl'~ 'i1' lel WH<

'luulcd a~ ''')11111, "That', Imhan JiO"t, for YOII," Our IOCdl (-elrh'J led II' 10lh ~nn"el'Dly '"

Hollywood Members

\I ~", ... " of I. .. n l U52 . lioltJ"ood. ~·ta .. "."dl" •. .,e ""~ ... C""I, .Id A .. n ,\I ~II trlo.; ... 1.11, h"~ I' .,k~r . .. d V"I. ConI.

Siandl". I.. K.lhlt "0 .. 11 .. d 'I • • , IIt .... u: ..... ~d . b"fl noll!l • •

SII"'U" .... \Ia)dell (hftot., IICI!) O..-eol •. \1a0"J:' Knk, and nUllt \b, h"'e" .... 1«1: " ario n Bu,he,. tic"" nOU' ~le',. and Kulh n.n .... .

AI'nl, 19J~_ I urn plu~d 10 be: Ihe ",c"denl of our local on Ib Dnnll" .... ary. \\e h3\C come a lon, ".lY and h.'e had a 101 or balll« III 10 yur ... h • mdll,·, uf fAI ... ~ art: ll,11 h."ng ballla.

AI ou. Afl,,1 me~"n" I ... ~\ able: '0 pre'<tnl 10'ycar Pin, to .be rono"'n~ memlx,~- Jalll'l lk;lI1y. "",,"la 1k~lIy, M .lt)' HI ~nllCr. \cronica Ihown. ~lafJon UII~hcy, Agne:>; Ca~~id}. A/lene Coob. Yol~ Coni. lI c1en Doughle.y, Julia GuellM:fJ. Delore...: lIa,an. Claudia 1I0U". Irene 1I0Ime<. Wilioe Mac hrnes. M:UJl:c Kwk. liar · roel ~13"'iell, Ann Medcrr05. I.oill Melt'. Kathy Monn. Maydtll ()o,ctob. Iktty Oiceola, Charlcs I'crl')'. June l'lr~er. Dottie Phillips, Oror,ia 1'llfIce. Do,,\ 5<:h,'dfer. Pal Spc'nce. RUlh W.lII· I:lCe, alld C"'~ Cur~,,11

We hn,·c four ch~rlc, members .,,11 With us, They are M ~ydc ll ()5.:eola, Oeorgia I'rince. Duri~ Schaeffel, lU1 tl Charles Perry.

AI "Ur Tr im Tr~c PI.1nl WI' ~on~ra\ll13Ie Thcle<la AllOnll . ,,·he ,~ a new mOlher. Hcr son "'J~ burn In lktembr,-alm"'l for Chri~tmas.

Well. I m"'1 'illY I'm sony 10 'itt that all my soundm, olf aboul buyill!! umon and " Made in lbe USA·' lheq pa<t }"ealS p,obably lell on deaf (315 I ha'c one tompen;.atooll Ihough. il dldn'l happen ,n my family. al leas! 11 ShU gelS OTIC down evelY time I see a union member go Ollt and tluy I Dnl!llln or a Hondo 0' ,,'hale,'e. lurn~ him on When lheir jobs aTe ,n Jcopardy bccall~ • I"anl " mo';o*, OVe~a~. Ibcy ct)'_ Alt you tntoYI'" you r Japa~ lelc~ision ~I' W~n unnl ltlos1: 1lloducts ha'e 10 be rfpJued

Did YOll .... "Ie you, eongrrssman and lell him how you feel' I ltOi <0 uP'C'1 one day I ~I do .. n Dnd Wlote 10 Pl'e<litienl Cane. The leply come none ethel Ih ln Secrelal')' of labor Ma,· Shall AI ICDS! Olher P,esiden.,.' ,,,,,lin I.dmC

fr om ' ht Pre~idenH Ihemsclve<, We are bu~y al bOlh "tanlS e~ce pi III Ihe

Solderlnll DtparlmeOI. Ordtrs Dre a lwDYS down d""nll Ihc ~ummer. Our planl ""ent eOml'Ulcr and Ihe emrloyeu Dre ,oint; hel""lC.k. We feel as

,f we nre working :,1 Ihe Flotilla Smle lloo pilal nnl\ex , c,f1'I!c inlly al ~hipping lime. Thank good· nes, ,,'e Bre so bu,y.

1 "ill I'y 10 I:CI anolber ., I,ele in real soon. In Ihe meanlln>e. enjoy 'he nke wnrm wealher; ir YOlJ Dre IrD'·elinll. Inke care nml. mO'i I of ~11. en;oy

Machines Replace Members' Jobs L U, 1326, I\IOJ",TI't: I.I f. H, l 'T , - Autom.,lion. ~ I Ofe m.u:hine, arc $chtuuleu to rl:place nur iob~ :.~ Ihe Elctlro"ic SWItchin8 Sy"em ( ESS) training ~C" into full force in the New Fngl:'nli Telephone Com"uny hc re m Vennonl Our "coplc h.,,-c been doi ng OiU'llInd;nll work in Mlh Ihe pre·'crcening nnd the ,cho\)1 il."lf. i\O ,hey 10',11 pruh.lbly nOI be hut! b)' Ihe ,1 iff 'I"ali. fl,n~ Ie" •. "h,ch, in ~ome :lIca<, h"~e forced r>eol'le Oil' 1<> o,her omcc~-In ""ne ""':,nce_' !He"nin!! " 1\\nG·di~mnce mo,e!

,\unll ,tl l), Ihe VC"nOIll Slnle I ill .. " C",mcil. " ' I -CIO. "ne r ~ J. lm". e rn" ScI",l"r~hip Aw,u<l, In ,,,n • .11111 dall l/hle" o f memllel< aJiili· alcd "ilh Ihe Coundt. I"olldcd Ih 1<1 Ihe ~lude nl ,. n 8rudu:<I,n8 oenior 10iuS ,'II 10 Ill' red"ed eunepc The'e awnnJ. ;"e h'''cd un fin.Ln~i,,1 conloib,Hion< ,ecei'cd frOnl ,he nmH,J!ed 1,}Cab, Thi~ )e~ r 16 1l'~ du""nJ \Cn;o" f,om IInion fnnl'''c~ f,om "II eornc r~ of the 'InIC look pmt '" Iht ~"ny·t yt>~ C~~nI. We Ille I'ka\Cd to .eporl ,h.1I \Ceon<l 1,1"ee in Ihi. yr,"" ,,,,,,,d •• S~OO, "ellt It! F,in Sweenc\ .. uf 10<:.01 21"::6 n>el1ll>er )IIn ""eeney (1'011 n',tinll Technici.III, While Hiler) rrin nllcnd~ T hclrOld Ac~demy.

Th,n~' I""l 1l00d III Vnnwnl, .n che WEW ... r",,, to ur~.,nile ,ht Commr.eiJI Ikparlmcnl "f ,he NI" C"mp.,ny_ We "re be:III~ ~";,t"d h)' hUern,)tiun.,1 lI.e"'C'ent;lli'~ Knru Muhey_

111 T r"mc. Ihe PiPS con'cr.j"n " r~'1 ~p­r,o.,ch,"~: ,h~ de"i,ion. h~~" to be: mJde, and fm ""ne. 'h" .~ ~ 'cry dimcult In,1. Some of ehc o!'Cr"e",., •• ,ehcr Ih~n 11'O,-,nll, nrc conoider­"'Il ~~rly fClIremc"" know,"~ f,,11 ,,-ell ,he)' will h,"e h' 'lIpl'ien,crll Ihe'r incomc In n emnplc,ely "l'''' ficl,1 uf ",uk' T,) th<><e ie'~ furlUnnlc onC5 "ho "ill be I,'i<l off, 1I""nc" Hcpre'ICnta ,ive t I r"flk) I!ulh l)(Oinin~tr, " m.lkln~ Ihem "warc .. r "".,,' "r Ihe henerll~ IIV"i ll,hlr 10 Ihem: I.e .• le,minllli,," I"Y: ,e'led IKnlion (if you h.we 10 }"~.,, ~: nCI er~,!olcd \Cr~"e ";Ih Ihe COnlr ~ny .,f'er Ihe aile " f ~~): IUlu,etl vllc"liun; IInemploy­,, 'ell! bend,!,: :ond \11'1' !JIHkr (ll,u lofic,"i"M 1i'le,1 '" Arlkle 14 of the e," ltr ll'"

)IIly i, I""h"hly the wa'l11e'l n",,,th .,f Ihe )"~~r I ... "uhln' t I'''''d Inu r", it"l ~,'n'C to Vennonl and 'Clllc in, wi lh I1,;<ny 'I'nr" "Ilh, at w'"r r.n~erlil'"

\1 "~I(l " \I n,' 1 0""~, 1'<;

No lost-Time Accident In One Million Hours of Work I_U. 13JII, A I.RF."AHI. E, N.C,- O ne "ull ion hou" w,lhoUI II I""t.lime ~tti<lenl! I clluw mem­heN. we h.I\C ~ ,klory to Ile p,oull or It "3$ Ol1ly IhlOulth our ~ff"'ts 3nd e",dlll "011; !ha' "e a~hie"ed ,hi~ 11'1."

Thi' "~II>')' i_ .~~!ly u m;It,IU~ 'n "I" "OI k: Ihe h"a"Y machinery. ai, prr~\lIre. and hOI rnold~ and ac"l, "C h,l\"c to "<1tk around iI,e "cry (I,,,,\:c.o,,, We h'''e a ri8h' II> ,I,,"d up nud be 1.,11 Ileea",<, "'C nr" " 'ell inlu our WClln" millinn I ..!I"w memhcr" nren', we f,"'la't;~~

11 ."" ~ r. "~ry h"~ been called dl''''n 'c'y "n· e'l'<·clc.lly. Our prc~idcnl, Tom Keener, had to h."c l'Inc'j:cncy f,,, 3 ",p,urfd IIP,,,,,ndix ~nd 11,,,1 C""'I'he"I,,,n< ,h('1 h"ve rcolllle" in ano,her opermi"n, "i,h Ihrec ,,,ure schc,lulc,' T"111 m3Y he ",J! ,,( "'''rk for mo,c ,hnn Iii week<_ We cer l,,,,,l y mi', him nnd wi'h hi", w" lI ,

Onre I'~;" " . cO I1 \: r","l3li()n ~ to '" r .. r o"r onc mi'lI"n h'H'" "i,houl a 1",1 lime :,ecideni.

J, <; . I'r ,"n, I' <;.

Retirees Day

T~ Mdlru'l C'~b of 1 ...... 1 }.If. ~II . .. I. fll • ., h~1d M ~II ... u 0., . ' t~ C .. lbl.u," M"'~I ""'k. LotI II, . 1_hI .r~ Ihr ~.,....,', o .. n~ ... rh ~ Jnc'~." AI I'''R~' " .. <1, fillt Ulland .... 01 ...... , Ih.h, .

local 349 Retirees Hold Nominations ME' llHt: t:S t'I , l ' U OF 1..1 , J J9 , \11 ,\\11 , H ,,\ , T he tetiree, helel Illeir re.",L" monlhl), mee"n~. We hael Ihe nominUliOl1s ror (lm~e,~ ~lr. Joe S"hino "':IS the sp-o n ~or of Ihe I; lub whcn il WIW

fuuncd two yeJ'S ago. T he mcelinll w~, IlIrned ,)ler ,,) Mr , S"bin" when nlll"inu,imh bc~un . Th~ follo";n~ n1~nlber~ "'N~ num; "" ,,,d :

Ib rr), 1)~ lh )', p,e,iden l; C~I,in <;Wne, ~ice· pre,idem: ~I ax II. OSl'nbblt , rcco,di"l1 ~enelar)' an<l I<l·",,,rer: r'fclI ,ive 8on,-d, AI '- ren,dorf, tl aro ld Green, Vern tlo!dcr. I co !'dlen, Mnn ny I'erel. lien Mnrk ~. Art l 0R-jl.weilcr: ~crKCn nt al ann'. Iti ll tl edi\cpa lh ~nd U,a John'on

n ru,her o;~bino did a pre"l job ,unn,nll Ih~


Joll. T.J '" 01 I oul 11l1, .'!. I .• u ... rd . ... , 1'1 _ .. I, .hr M~llr .... nf Ih. ""nlh.

Retirees Hold St, Patrick's Day Picnic H I-:'I'IHn~ .. C I.UB OF I .. l ), 7211, 1"'1'. 1,i\trIWI(. nAI. f, FI.A.- We d;d nOI l' ara(le ,low" Rr(lad· "'''Y. h,,! ,h\' (uj,,, " 51. I',u,ick', I) ,,). I'il'nie u"dcr ,ho<c lof, y "ustrali:m pineo III \1 lIema· d.'l1l·' picm' ~",,'nd'. It "II< cu ld :' ml ... ""Iy, hul comfortnble OfiN mo' ,"~ to ,he \U'1II)' ,i,]l' of Ihe eh!"'h

It """ A pcdc.·, ,(1111111 fn' erlch,al"'l1 5! I',,"i,~', b'rthd"y. f", "t "e,C ,",mc H, n\ll God .mol nnlurc II '"'' g,>nd 10 ,« <.<) ,,'nny (If )'ou ,n lI,eel1

A~"," Ihe l"d,cI oI,d ,I ~oud JI,I>, "',,' "~ cn­I")'cd all Ihu'C llond,C' (rolll Ihcn I.uchc," A ~reco;, 1 ,han~\ ,0 Bro,hc r ) enmnll' alld h" I,,'cly ".fe for hn~"'11 Ihe cuJi,-,<, rc"dy "hen we ..,"'cd

Wt d,' "," L""" "ho b ,o,,~hl ,he hili' ,"er· ~'.IIn UIHI h .. e , I,,~~, bll' (he), hn 'he <P'" "i,h (h'l ~"',\ of "r't1ht·, A l!"CJt b'lI Ih"nl' tu III ,,,,, 1.,.1"" fu, Ih""o ""n:'rfful f.",,1 Ua,-, ,',00

'.-hl, \j ~ "un. Df 11,. Df lhe ••• C!uh.



It a .. , h.,, ~ ,,>" t. ,I>. n ... • ~, . ..... mhrr Df Ih .. Mtfl r.., . Cruh.

"bly "'" h'!'e ""t,~e,1 the I'''''' ,c .. el.l'} -, 1,1\( 1M fi"" fu.-"I< Th;.n~ )011. Re'cre'hl n",~e_ I'!c,,~ conIC 10 Uti, ne~1 dmne,

AI>!!I ... ". our month ,0 ciCCI ;lIhl 11,,1,,11 "n;. ecr~. ' I ho", m""lled "ere Brolhers I r,"'~ 11 ."per, pr",i<lenl; 11 ,11 Aman, nce I'rc"den,: I) ,"-e (" "c ~er, "h" w,1I rem" in J. ""erct'''}"-''l'.'''''CI: :'n<l Ed Jcnnin ll~, the ~er/!:e" nl ;" ill ""

Y"III 1"ccllliv( 11",,,,1 will c" ,,, i, , or 1I ,,'lhCI' J,"""'" I,,,rne,,. II ,me", IlJl rn~lI, an,1 \\ "hlbley. l're,,,bll Ilu'l>er "<IS reckc'c '\ '" 'he 11,,,,,.,1 " f T rnSlec, uf h" ch", eh

AI"):11 Uti, mcelln\: ".r. Luc,d "128 U:dc, M ~'n­ber. ('"n\llmlce Ch,UIl,,"n Rk hard 1\1.,,,,.lI1cll, 1t 1C ~ , "t knllw " wao )'"u ,ha, /!:'" ,he ,how (III 'ht f",Ht, ~n<l l"" ,hould b<' ,,,ou<l of )""f I,,,hy, fur ,I ;~ a hUlle ",e,'e". \\ here cI\C ~ullid )\", filld ~ ~I"b lhal has o, cr 90 percen t Ilf ,I, I1lCI1l

be,.. nllr",lin~ nil 1I1cCling,~ The ~h,h ,,,II di,hand for 'he "",uncr, afle,

Ib~ M ~y n~cl,nl_ Our nnl mee,in" " i ll he hel<l !II SeI'lemhe, lI al<lIy anlOR!: "ay' in I 1.",d.1 in Ihe "''''' .... ' \\ " h " C ",mId I><: "ith ).",

O"I~"'1l1l I' ,e"dcnl John "ScullY" T.'ll", ,~ Ihe« of Ihe Moruh. Allhulll/h J"h" " ~alled !ko.'"Y, hc Wd$ born in ~hnche"el. I nil I~nd. and lit the "Iote o f 14 begnn h" al'I"~'lllCc' ~hip III SCOII,lIld AI Ihe <;calc of :1 "h.llonll " "eek AI Ihal I,me a ,hillin, ,,~, ~alued :" 2~ Hruo Of c"urse he n.o'cd 11110 hi ' ;o",ne)mnn\ hu",c, ,,,,,I h" du"e, mclu,lcd ho,""'hol<1 ,-hurl" /" 'cc ea,-h "eek he pullcd ~ '"o·"h~el C'ltl O't< ~,>hhle· ,"me ,Uert, tu tld,,,"'r m;ole",,1 and h" l"Utne)'· man ,oot~

ScUll), I'!I! UP ""h II for 'w" Ie,,,,, lhen he "m a"dY. un IInlhmkable Ih ing 10 do " , lh,,! Inne lie Ihen c;II' Qh, :0 <low b"", '" (;011.'.1., :md rur ,hc ne~1 fi,'C ycours he dro,t " d,,~ ,c"m "nd <le(1 thr"I,gh the " udsun lI"y I. re., dc"_crlllil ""oil ,u U"lp"" I"mha and mining '"~''', "fl,'" enc""",erinW '~1111>e','IIIre, ,,( f, I "c~,,·c, hel"" IC"'. fI ,· 1111' ., ... ny IIIl."", l<'a"hJn~ ,he Un, led Sial", "I ,,~" 2 1 I k fm~ul 10 go b.lCk ,m,] wh.·" he cn li'le<l ul Ihe :U,II), d,II'; "S World W"r II. he "," n:Il"fnh/Cd. !li".·c commg 10 I.o<:al ns lu,,,d,e lion, ~~,,,,y hu. fuunded lhe Il .. ",,-ard (",Hull), CO /'I' The firbl tlll>e 1.(><:3 1 728 "~, 1l1O I'e.ccm In ptllchu''''1 COI' I: lI,ke, •.

li e .. :" I. chartcr lIIember of !he (""lUll), C"n, 11,,1 1 .. ,Mr Un,on Dnd "'as a Bovcrnmcn,al ~1'11O,"­ICC I" Iht n"l Crnuul Electric Exam""nB n".ml

flemll I Ih"fly Sc<1i'mpn (h,oughutl' h .~ hfe. h~ ha~ been nb'e 1<) do u.lcn,,,-c 1I~\"ChnS_ I''''n IM'W he .. un ~·nallon ,uor ,III" "ill he' ~unc Ihree monlh.

In 'h" ,n'et"e" lI 'OIher Tayl." ,,"" Ih,1! ,r "'c ,n.d nOlhll', el'le to be ,"'e '0 ,ay Iha, ,Ilt lIo;" ,~ Ihe be,t c""nu)" III 'he ,",0"<1_ :on(\ Ih~I the,e "nt1lhlll~ d..., hlr it

'>mec hc:Jt"," rn& I~" 'I"r),. I h~,c I'''' Ic~'ned ,h." rcwed mcmbo:. l larold Yo"n~ h,,' I,-,,'-C:,I """) lie ",)0 101 cd hy c'cr)"<.>ne "nd "t' In,," he h:" lI"ne 11' U bette. "orld

II. lI\h, Y"llr hI" 1 f~1I .cali/C ""'Il'"h"I. ,', I ~''''w hu" (ml'lv "'l wurld ""~n",d when I h.'",d "f Ihe p,""n~ " f y""r h,,'h.'n<l. It ... ,11 he 'c'y h,,,\1 f, .. I" "'h" ~nrw hm' ... ·cll '0 ,,,' "hll. ,'''I hi'l'. hili "C c;tn hc ~I" d II wa\ IllII 1'""I"~l' h' h"'-e .ullle III ~,,,llU,, ,t> lung (,~ "e d,d "'Ih ," "",,,!c,,,,1 " Ill'r"", ," ),o"r h"'h ,'ml \\ 1.' will "Iw ,v, rC"''''''hrr h" k,ml"." ~",I 1I'"''h'''''

SA" III{W INS, I' 'i.

July . 1978 I 77

Research and Education ("fllII/IIUf!l! from pUl!r 33

lines .... ill f .. il to curb inlhtion. because high priee~ ,ne :he prim:uy cau~ of in· fl.uion. Pricc .. have not come down, even \.\ hen ...... £e~ ha\'e come down in many indU',trie~. Current soaring prices give credence to the belief that big busincss i" delihcratel) raising prices in anticipa. tion of a controls program.

The Pre.'>idenfs ctTorts to curb inflation "'III fail if he docs not focus on thl.' pri­m.IT} C,I\I"e~ of Inflation- the high cost~ nf (()(kj. fuel. hou~ing. :'Ind medical care • lnd high intere~t rates.

Infliltion .... ill not be reduced IIntil AmeTic'l ;lehieve.'> an expanding. full­.·mplo}ed econom). t-. l illions of unem­pill) ell t\!1Icric;m~ arc not producing

Telephone CmuiulII'tllmlll P(I{!f" 24

(h<llrm,1Il of th.: TeiccnmlllunIC;ltJ(llh In­Ju~tr) T."l I nrce. and A~~i~tanl Vice I'r.:,,<.I':1I1 J{<llc\ <In<.l T.tri fh. GTE Ser\­f~e (nrpnr:lll"tl. St;l!nfonJ. C(lIlllectlclit. A lter ~';ldl Iwd nwdc an initial prc~cfl1:t-




Because the November

1978 issue of the Journa'

will be devoted to coverage

of the IBEW Convention , no

" Loca l Lines" letters will

be printed in that issue.

Press Secretaries, do not

send any letters to " local

Lines" between August 16

and September 15, 1978

for inclusion in the Novem­

ber issue.

78 I .SEW Jo" , n,,1

good~ and services; the lo~s of thei r in­come and purchasing powcr lowers the nation's economy and puts a further strain on government funds provided by the taxes of thc employed. Industrial op­erations in America arc using only 83 pcn:ent of current capacity. Full produc­tion. along with full employment. is needed to produce a ba lanced economy that will cu rb inflationary trends.

The AFLC 10 call~ for the admillistra­tion 10 help fight inflation b) immediately reducing interest rate~. continuing to em­phasize job-cre:lling programs. establish­ing resen'es and e"l(pofl controls on agri­culluml commodities and other raw rna· terial~. continuing 10 regulate natu ral gas. enacting a hospital eO~1 containment pro­gram. and rolling h;lck Ihe Social Security la\.

tlOn. the) re!>pomled 10 que\tions from the dclcg:arc~ III 'fllendance. resulting in .1 livel). IIltere!!otmg. ;l1ld e~lremely in­fnrtll;ltne ses~lon.

The 'oCeond dOl} eOIl!!o"ted of .... ork­~hops ...... ith thc Trallic Work.'>hop being ~'haired by Internation:fl R cpr~enlatives Kar;l t\'l ll lve) :tnd J o~cp h Sparks: the Qllhide 1'1;1111 Work~hop by International j{ eprcsenta t ive~ E. M. Scali and H. W. Gurley: the IIl.'>ide PlatH Workshop by IllIcrnaliolial Reprc,cll talives Mike Price .1l1l.l Bob Mcl n ni~: and the Commercial. ACC()lIntfllg. Clerie;l l. :md Directory Ad­vcrti,ing \Vorl,hop h\ Intern:lIional Rep­re,enl;ftl\ c\ Lfrry Kell:tri~ ;lIld Don


Full emplowment---An employment level which provIdes lob opportumhes at reasonable oc· cupatlonal levels, pay, and longevtty for all who want employment and are willing and able 10 work

Monew supply- The amount of money In Ihe economw Nauowly defined. money supply conSISts of currency and demand depOSIts .

Purchasing power- The ability of the dollar 10 purchase goods and services In relation to the changing pllce level.

Mahoney Each of these .... orkshops pre· pared a rcpon which was submitted to the conference on the third dar.

The third da) also had a report on ~'ffcty hy Inremarional Representative George Smith. The nece~sity of investi­gating !!oeriou~ and fat:ll :leeidcnl.'> :tnd sending in the accident reports to the International Oflice was e ~ plained. It W:f~ " I ~o pointed out that locnl union~ ~hould insist o n P;frt y status in OSHA cases. and fo il (IW th rough on all appeals of OS HA citation ... Repor" from varioll' local union,. and question, from dele­gate .. 10 the Telephone staff filled out the third da)

Official IBEW lineman's Tie Tac

Union-made of solid metal in a gold ·colored f inish. Price is $ 1.00 each, which includes postage and shipping.

.. " .. " .. , .. -, .. " .. , ... .. ... _ ...... _ .... -................................ _ ...... _ ...... .. .. , .. , ............. . INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD Of ELECTRICAL WORKERS 11 25 15th St reet. N.W. Washington. D.C. 20005

Enclosed find my check (or Money Order) for $ for lineman Tie Tacs at $1.00 each. Total amount enclosed $ ___ _



City _ __ State

Local No. _ _ _______ Card No. _______ _

lOClI , , , , , • " " " " " .. " " " " " .. " " '" '" '" '" ".

'" '" '" '" no

'" '" '" '" '" ". '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ". '" '" '" ". '" '" '" '" '" m m

'" '" '" .. , ... '" '" '" '" ". '" '" ". '" '" '" .. , '" '" '" '" '"

II\IIVIEIVIDRII=IM Prayer for Our Deceased Members

Fmher ill lIeal'ell, ll.'i 11'(' rellect 011 Ihe foss of Ollr Brothers ami S;\Iers li\led hen'. It'l liS call 10 1II;lId tlte

J/(/f)PY //IOII/ell/f lI'e ,l/wre(III';lh ,helll alld take from these lIIi'mories joy mul i"(mfUrte to beller lhe reSI of ollr days.

LeI liS lIot despair in mil loul's Jor 1\'(' /..11011', Flltlter, '''(1/ YOII "tII'e gral/led ol/r 100'eli olles elt'''ml peace. YOII II'lJIch ol'er ,hem IIl/1i{ Wi' (Ire (If! joilled ill YOllr Safl'(l/ioll.


F';Od,ich, c. J. Wehner. l. L. C.,,,llo, P. L. f.",II, W. WI,tl, R. C. G, .... , J. r . Klenek, R. (. No",., J. t. R,enm"n. H. And.,son, R. L ,., .... G B, C.,ne,. P. H. Oro.I, 0 •. Am,..,ello. J. S hl.mln. l. M Cun",nKhlrn, l. t. Coldwell, C T loper, M N. Meor., O. C. Vlulhn. C. S to.,y. W. l. McCo,m ,ok. W. l Coopt'. J L CoI,,"II. £. E. McDn,"I. M l. We lls. B. L, Domb, .... 'k,. l Manu.o. J. A founMI. D, A Dn..". D. l Wood, H. (. Yost. J. J Aollnd, A. W Re.d, 0 f . Pedd •. £. O. D.d'ele'. M. I Skl,"ulis. J. A Blu'i, •. E. E. P.e'orek. W. J. lemlna. A. C. O'.nn ••. H. A. O.hl. ~. V. P~I •. J. J. Abrahim. Ir .. M. [, MeClbe. r . J. Thrupp. I. W. Strech •• A. W. 8,ddul!)h. B [ Wilt ••• P. H. Couthti ... T W A.ift. G, O. Nol.n. A. ( locklon. r C ... pt,. Ir .. f . W (dmon. C. A C •• p,no. G McConn, r M,IIIt. Sr. J l 80 .. m ... B. W LIChonCI. R M M.rto ... O. l. B.~mheld. J. A loh.",,,. S E. Day. I 0 SM""t!. C [ Bunnell. H. f Lock.lI. It .. I W Muh' .... '. I. B. Humph"y. l. R AOl.11. I. A HOiHil, R. C '" ... lIi. I . M Hod,". I. W R'n l. (. V . Thurmln. O. H Fulton. £. T. Albt.t, C I BII.d.C. R. Ounn. T E.


$1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.&00.00 1.600.00

350.00 1.60000 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600 00 1,400.00 1.600 00 1.600 00 1.600.00 1.40000 1.600.00 1.60000 1.600.00 1.60000 1.600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.100.00 1.60000 1.600,00

166.67 1.600,00 1.600,00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600,00

200.00 1.600,00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.60000 1.600.00 1.60000 1.60000 1.60000

:::gggg 1.60000 1.600 00 1.600 00

16666 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.400.00 1.600.00 1,60000 1.600 00 1.600.00 1,066.66 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1,400,00 1,600.00 1.600.00

EWBA Death Claims Paid in April. 1978 locil ... ... '00 no no ." ." ." '" '" '" '" 1186 ILk 1393

"" 1~19 , 0.(56) 1.0.(llO 10,(191) 1.0.(718) PI"s.(1I Ptns,(1) Ptn,.(I) Plns.(IJ PI .. ,.(I) '"ns,(l) P"".i2) Pon'·lll Pt"s,(3) P.n'.(3) Pen,.(l) Pon'.(l) I',ns.(3) P"'.ll) PIM.W PI.'.(l) PM •. (3) Plnlm P.n •. (1) P •• ,.(3j PlnS,()) P.n,.(3) P.n •. (3) 1'0".(3) P,n •. (5) Ptn,.(Sj Pins (6) P.n •. (61 Pon •. (6) 1' .... (8) Pon •. (9) Pt.s (9) P..,. (\ II PI .. HII) PI .... (11) Pen. (II) P.n. (\ I) Ptn.(1l) Pe.',OI) P",s,(lll Ptn,(261 P'''1(261 'In.(21) P .... (31) Pin. (18) 'o".UB) I""'.(IS) Pus.(IS) Pon'.(IS) P .... (4S) P .... (18) P •••. «(9) P ... (51) P.n'.(58) P.n..(58) Pln,,(58) P.n •. (68) Plns .(68)

Scott. H W G ... il, I. E. Hlmmo.d. J, N. Wh" e. R. E. Scott. D. G Butt •• A. C. Ftlnk, R. A Wllh •. Ir .. T. G. Cook. C. E. M ..... W. I . HIfIY, B. L • ... M •• S. R. Hlrashldl, A. • .... llpa. Jr.. J W YOIIP. C. l. 8.,nhlrl. £. O. ("" .. hold. II. M.

O ....... 'no. J. I Colllhl". II. f Co ..... W. II. Ku ...... M.

Gall. A. T. Hon. L A. M,selldH. W. D. R,cklrd. L J loyl .... R. L H~II . H. Zumwlit. r. E. 8.mbch. I. Blum ... S. r 0.110 ..... J. J. lIol.n. P. D. K,rch. A. Kuhl,n. W. P ~ou. A Pel 1o,. D. D. P .. nlk. S. Pow.,. J. P. Rose. H. Rouo. H. B. Rut>en>ttin. M. SClnlon. J. J. SI<w.,!. J. W.It,,,to •. A. H. Will ilm •. P. M. Dlon.,. E. R. Sho.d. W. G. Mcta"lhlon. A. S Slndo ... H. A. WlrI,.ld, W f Schill;ol, R I loh" •. I . F ~Iom~. I . A. B'~kney. A, H. C.IH, C. M. l ..... rey. R H. Mlloney. W. E M«I,or. II J A ..... W. l. lomko. A. I Wh,ttou<k. A L­B' ...... A L PHd. M. 0 01 .... W. D. Bor,quost, II E. IlmH. R. KUIMr. A. ,. GOUld. W. B. H,lk"t. A. HuOo'I. J. A. Wood •• r I Holltnd. G. [ N,uml •. R. FOller. O. C. Blou,h. H. O. H.II. C. W. McNeill. C. A ClOy ... n. F. J. M.~r. E. R,


1.400.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600,00 1.600.00 J.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.333.l4 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.400.00 1.400,00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.400.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.60000 1.600.00 1.600.00 l.600.00 1.100.00 1.600.00 UOO.OO 1.600.00 I.MO.OO 1.400.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.100.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.100.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.400.00 1.60000 1.400 .00 1.400,00 1.600,00 1.60000 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.400.00 1.600.00 1.60000 1.600.00 \.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.400.00 1.60000 1.600.00 \.600,00 1.600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00

Loci l Su'noml

1', •• (16) p~.I.(l1) Plnl.(11) Ponl-(l1) Pon, (71) Pon •. 1B4) Pon,.(S') ~ns.(8-4) 'onl.(8-4) P,n •. (SI) Pons,(86) Pcn',IOI) Plr'.19B) P .... ,(lOl) Pt •• (lOSI ~".(112) P.".(I1S) ~n.(l16) PI •• (1U) Pin. (121) P",. U22) P'",,(22) Pen,,(22) Ptn',(lZ41 Pf~ •. (21) P .... (lZ.) P<n •. (J2~) Ponl,(\lS) Pln •. 02S) P.~ •. (125) Pln •. (llO) Pen. (131) 1'0.1,(1]4) Pons (131) P" •• (llI) P.n •. (l31) Pe"slll4) P,n •. (l34) Plns.034) Ptnl,(l3 () Penl.(1ll) Pen.,(lH) P.n.,1I60) Pt",.(160) P"'.(l6l) P,n,.(164) Pen •. (1661 P .. ,.(I75) p." •. un) P.ns,IIS0) Pen,.1I94) 1',,,,(209) POnJ.(209) Pe.,,(ZI2) ~"'(213) 1'1" •. (213) po ... ·all) Po" •. C2]() Pon •. (211) P,n,(2111 Pin. (225) P ... ,(2ll) Pe,,",(l4S) P,.,,(Z4S) P .... 12IS) P ••• ,(258) P"',(25B) P"'.(263) Po ••. IVO) P,n'.IUI) P ••• (216) " •• ,,(216) Penl.I21B) P.ns.(280) Pen,,(291) Pon,.(292) Pon'.1292) Plnl .(300)

LundQulll, R. E. A.nold. II P. Ay ... , A II Job;n. II W. Rullnlf. M. A HO"lfd. (. W. S',m~". W. H. Smllh. II H, W,lblrr. l R Wdlolm •• R t.tone, J. Wh"'nlto". H C Marl,,". W E Ron. R. O. M<Qu."". J. A N,ohol •• A C Cion. I. f.,,,, C. H SCr .... 'n •. I I W,U,.m$Oll, L- M Altlnblch, A. l Cu",. S. G. o,n ...... C M. AlbtfH II 8,ocMIt. A 8 CamlfOn, 0 l H ........ l f Morlo.d. W O. S .... bert. E. l StHI. R G SI, PH. A, I. Andl''''n, W A Bonn. A. Bo ... Io. , . J. Byl. W C .. ,d. H fl~I"'i, II . B, Hlltr •• S. II , Hllon. L A, Ilcob.o •. E, A, MtC.o,. T. ~1.ln., l. B Situbin , M II Hu't. S I Schnoidor, (L NYQ,tn, A, V Mnodol. Ir. C Ilin •• H. M ",ck., H. A M·II •• B £ Coli, ... 8 " ... D. H Bo.,. H. E Blu". F Bo"on. M C CI •• "Olh. B S M~'I'ne.u. f, 81.'cb. C A fol"s. l. P Nonk. I, S P,lon. l McCIfI",. G A Sultonn. I n ...... [. l Mob •. M. P SI>O'II<II'. II L B.~,brook. J E Hlfh." II C f.uhlull. R J HIIY". [ Bo"h. l S GOtH,I. ( Mo,"". W Mort'n. L [ McCo i". L B. Co.t. C II , Go ldIn. C. E, Om.nn. A, C (I I. , J. E.


1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1,60000 1,600,00 1.600.00 \.60000 1.600,00 1.60000 1.60000 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.100.00 1.600.00 1.60000 1.100.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.60000 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600.00

:::gggg 1.600.00 1.60000

l :f&8:gg 1,600.00 l.60000 1.600.00 1,600,00 1.400.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.60000 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.600 00 \.600,00 1.60000 1.60000 1.60000 1.60000 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.100.00 1.600.00 \, 400.00 1.&0000 1.S00,00 1.S0000 1.600.00 1.40000 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.100.00 1.60000 1.600.00 1.60000 1.60000 1.60000 1.600.00 1.60000 1.60000 1.100.00 1.(0000 1.600.00 1.600,00


P,ns,(302) Pon '.(109) Pen. (JOg) Pens.(309) P.n •. (JI1) P.n,.(323) Plns.(32l) PI ... un) Pon •. (ln) Pon •. Un) Plnl.iHO) Pon •. (l42) P •••. (351) Pon •• IlSl) Pen'.(lS1J .... ,(36&) Pu •. (36S) P .... (l15) pU'.(3a) Pln •. (319) PI.I.U9B) ""' •. (401) Po.s,(103) Pon •. (UO) Pen •. (44I) 'uI,(U9) 1' •• ,,('65) Pons.(174) Pon,.(4") P.".(1141 Pon,.(414) P •• , (411) P.n'.(Ha) Pln,.((99) P.".(499) P •••. (501) Plnl.(505) P.ns.(508) I',ns.(508) hnl,(S08) Ponl.(5!1) Plnl.(~21) Pln'.iSl81 P.",.(S42) PI ••. (546) 1' •• ,,(541) P,n •. (55U 1',,,,(551) Po ••. (558) I'on •. (569) P •• '.(569) Po"1.(569) Po.'.151S) PO.I.{~81) 1'0",,15911 Po ••. (~9~) Pons (61l1 Pe"'.(SIS) P.n. (611) 1', .. ,,(611) "'.'.(631) P.n •. 1646) P.n'.(654) P,.s,(6s.c1 P.n •. (659) P.n, 1615) P.n •. (616) P ..... (61S) hns,(681) P.n.(683) 1'1.,,(684) Pln •. (689) P,n,,(6951 Po ••. (101) Pen'.(lll) Pon •. (116)

S,I •• , A, R. fjllds. l. II. Clmer ... R. Mrl ln •• F. Poln!on, A. L W'lson. J. H. Cippelll,i, L C. Chlmber<, T. R. S'mP,on. C. V, ~I'. W. A. M.". H. M. "' .. woll. R. O. ~,dJI'. A. f. W,I.m~". L. r. Honn,ni. A. W. F.ilf. G. Nu.~hJ. E. M. HI",e ... H. D . C,lben. B. W. fahle,. A. W. ShoU.nbt,lO. t Cope. C. D. {idso", O. A. MOYI'. L E. W,lso". S. O ..... ln, I. A PolI.rd. G. D R·u. C. CIIIY. l. B. BI~.r. l. H Colhn,. R. I RUth. C B Roo,. L O. G,II .. ,. ... P. A. Hu,d. J. M, Hill" •• , G. A. PIOKI. II. I. H.mgln. J. J. hnn, C. A. elfle,. W. B. I. E. Podg"l. O. C. Scctt. C, M. hnkfo'd. W. l. Summ.n. W. A. Almlhu •. W. A. M.I •• M. R. ti.lhd.,. A. W. U"n,. F. G C.ou$<. C. I. Sm,th. 1<.. J. R 8ullo". E. A.". r. v. Co,d ... o. I . A. Wilson. l. A.d. E J. Cu.n_. W. G Hlh". W. Knupllf. M. f.eemln. C. ( Clfpento •. It l M .. d. J F. Sleel •. J. H L'"",o>mbe, R. C. RoMrt",n. R C McNllly. J. Ol,<n. A. G Shul". H. R. lIoll ... IY. W. ( O,bo'nl. H R. Molnlo,h. C. G. Ollenb.oh ... L II IIeed. H. McQu.en. H R. Lund, E. C. G.bhl,t. A. M< Co llum. C, I Condon. M, T. 8""in. W. F,


1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.400.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.400.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.100.00 1.100.00 1.600,00 1.400,00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 l.600.oo 1,600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.400.00

466.61 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1,600,00 1,600,00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.60000 1.60000 1.600,00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600.00 1.60000 1,050 00 1.600.00 1.600.00 1.600,00 1.600,00

J uly. 1918 I 79

"'., Sura_ .... " .... , h'u .... -" .... , SU'I._ _ ..

"''' S ........ _ ..

1'1",.(116' Cl .... H. W 1.600.00 ' .... (92.) IItdJ." A. H 1.600,00 1' .... (I D.) """ ... C , 1,600.00 'HI.(I,O.) 101.1.,., Ci , 1.&00.00

","" ,(7 16, "'ulh." J. G 1.400.00 h"". (9)21 Mdb.RI. r. R 980.00 ""nl.II,D., As~br. W \,600.00 hi. (I 0.1 Mid>tl, J 0 1.600.00 1' ..... (117) OohttT" r A l.6OO.OO ' .... (t40) 5, .. ." l . C 1.600.00 PH •. tlD.) lilth ... A 0 1.600.00 1"'''11 0,1 101 ,1",. l • UOO.OO p,"I.(nl) $,"-. 0. H 1.600.00 1' .... (949) o .. it, 0 • 1.600.00 1' ..... (1.0,' '_hl/d, ,.. H. 1.600.00 l',nl,(I.O.! Mu"hnl ~, ,. 1.600.00 1".1.(1 44) M.uern, • 1.600.00 1"" •. /949) Skel., H. 0 1.600.00 P ..... II.D) 8.oob. C O. 1.600.00 1".1.(1.0. Mu"" M. J 1,600.00 ,.no,a. a) O'DonntU, l. O. 1.600.00 1'1 •• . /9S31 1' ........ E. N. 1.600.00 P'R'.II.D.) 6,op/ly. A, L 1.600.00 P,nl.II,O,) Hoy •• •• L , 3~.OI I'lnl .(151) 0' 101011.,. , , 1.600.00 I'lnl.{96S) Mo ,u.d, H , 1.600_00 Plal .II .D_) H,O'JI". O. 0 1.400.00 P'.I.II,O) HI'''''''''' W • 1.600.00 '""".(1&0) A.p. E. UOO.OO Pln'.19M) D •• I,n,. S. A 1.600.00 Pln,.(I.O.) Burton. V , 1.600.00 Pln,.(IOI Dld~I". " , 1.600.00 Pln, .(710) W~ltobock, J". J, 1,600.00 P,nl(1024) C.bll. W. III . 1.&0000 PUI.(I.O.) C ... n, 0 , MO.OO Pln,.(1.0 .) Polw",". I. M 1.600.00 1'..".(116) limb. H. [ 1.600.00 P,nl ,( I09I) ,,,u'. 0 • 1.600.00 h .... (1.0.) C~,,",,,,,,. W , 1.600.00 h., (1.0) Pork'nl. 0 , 1.600.00 Plnl(116) Plnn. T. J. 1.600.00 PIRI ,I]IlS) Blrt' .... J. C, 1.600.00 '"011.11.0.) O.lbo •• , l S ].60000 PIRI,(I,O.) PIIINIOII, C • 1.&0000 Plnl.(191) PIIIC II"". C. 1.600.00 1',.1,(1]5]1 W,lk". f. A 1.600.00 '"ftl ,(I,O I O •• h.,. W ].600,00 Plnl.U,O.\ P.uIH. C , 1.&00.00 Plnl.(194 ) fl .. no., N. II . ].' 00.00 1'",".(1206 C'lIIlIbIli. L o. 1.600.00 Plftl ,U 0.) O .... ld" •• W • 1.600,00 1'"," {I 0,) IIjul.D \.600.00 Plnl.(799) '" . •• ,. 1.600.00 P' ... (l2U Bt, I •• J. W 1.400.00 '"nl,CI,O.1 h ... " • • 1.600.00 Pen,.(lD,) lIupe. C , 1.&00.00 PUI,(1]6) MO'lIn, H. B. 1,600.00 1',.,.(1245) COI'n,w'J ' L " 1.600.00 Pent II 0.) f".~". R. H 1.600.00 Pu, /1.0.) Son"I ... , , 1.600.00 P,nl.(817) M"' P~1. B. 1.400.00 1',., (IZIS) [1'1'1., •• N \.400.00 Pin, (1,0.) e,I'I". J C 1.600.00 P'n,.( I ,D.) S(h.ood .. , A 1.600.00 Plnl,(1l6) S"ydl', r. M 1.600.00 1', •• . (1245) fOfnno. A. 1.600.00 Pln,.Il,D,1 HI":7.' I W I,HItI 00 Pln,.(I.D,1 S",lIh, C W 1.600.00 Plnl.(831) Cllhclrt. O. [ . 1.&00.00 PI", .UlI6) Lumpkin. N. L 1.&00,00 PI",.{1,O.) Ht" MIn. E. M 1.600.00 P,n,.II.O.! S'"II. C, L 1.600.00 P'.I,(8461 Bhdlll",. •• , 1.600.00 Plnl.II326) SoIIU. [ ,. 1.&0000 1'1'1.(1,0,) Hlun. ,. o. 1.600.00 1".1.(1.0 . SlI'Wlrt, C. C 1.600.00 Pln'.18S6) [,.nl. W. M ].600.00 PI"" .(13~l) 8,,",n. M. ( 1.60000 Pon"Il,O,) Hindi. II , 1.400.00 Plnl.(1.o.) Stu"t. W , 1,600.00 hn,.116S) lidon. C. r 1.600.00 P,nl.(l393) Co,." H C 1.600,00 Pin, (I ,D,) HolI.,. C 1.600.00 ""',11.0,) ' " ollf. , , 1,600.00 1'","(812) Stoll. £. J 1,600.00 1' ... ,(1393) 1'1' .... C C UOOOO 1' •• 1,(1.0,) ..... • 1.600.00 ....... {lOI v."" •. C , 1.600.00 1' .... (8891 f .. ,W , 1.600.00 'ta •. nun 0 .. " ..... III

, 1.400.00 Plu.(lD.} X ..... , 1'1' , 1.600.00 p .. ,IlO,) V",.,. X , 1.400,00 ....... Im) H,I","n. [ • I,GOO.OO 1'''1,(15041) ,""II ... C , I.GOOOO pOM.(lo) l.'R'RI.'. C , 1.600.00 ''''" II D.) l"" ........ ~ , , 1.600.00 ..... Ilm) Vi_RI. W , I .GOO.OO ....... 05"11 ',,,n, •. R , 1,600 00 "","II 0) L .. ' .... C 1.60000 '''''.f1Gll Cod ... II. I I.GOO.OO ...... (1555) "' ...... 0 C 1.60000 pOM(lDI Lin., 0 M I.GOO,OO lOUI '.,..,..ab "59,010.01 , ... (lJU) HI" ..... r X 1.400,00 "",.lUn) '.1 ........ l , I.GOO.OO ...... n,o.) ... l ....... • T. I.GOO .OO PtfII.(lJ16) 8 . S 1.600.00 ,.",.(2111) Holi • • w 1.]00 00 1'.". (10.1 IlcX' ...... ( C 1.600.00

International Brotherhood of Ele<iri,al Workers-Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report IBEW PENSION ELECTRICAL WORKERS BENEFIT fUND BENEfIT ASSOCIAT ION







SECOND DISTRICT ('OITfiIilICC/ from page J j Delegates and their guests reported Ih:11 they were deeply moved by Ihis pre~el1la ­

tion, Thursday was devoted 10 work~hop\

for delegates from ou r Conslruction. Utility and Telephone. t.1<InufaclUring. and Service Branches.

The workshop~ were welt :!"cnded :lIId in addition 10 Vicc President FI)'nn and the o ther Interna llonal omce~ participat. ing in each. Ihe ConSlruction workshop invi tcd K. Maddox of NEBF and Phit DWyer of NECA who delivered remarb conccrning Iheir Individual area~ of c~ pcrtbe.

Following their separate meet,"g~.

Utility. Telcphone. and Manufacturing sessions mergcd to hcar a gucst speaker. M r. Luke Ma nni ng of the Socia l Security BO:lrd. Mr. Manning gave an informalive i n~ight inlo change~ bei ng made in thc law and ex plaincd many of Ihe bcnelih now provided under the Ael which arc of real value to our members. The topic generated a serie~ of qucstions and M r Manning proved to be a master in provid· ing definitive answer!;. The delegalcs .... ere urged to assist Iheir members in ~ecuring thei r righls und cr Ihis Act.

80 I lSEW Jou'nol

1 122,701.38 1 661 ,270.01

1 1,609,207.73 17,118.23661

EIGHTH DISTRICT ('O/II;lwed from P"Nt' 2J

The honorable and popular Govcrnor Richard D. Lamm told the delegalion hi ~ feeling' about uncmployment lind Ihe progr:1I11 he hope~ to achieve in thc grenl Sia le of Colorado to overcome this prob­lem. Governor Lamm received enthusi­nstic applause at the conclusion of hi ~ )pcl't h.

i(elircd Vice Presidclll $, [ Thomp· )on 'poke of the cnjoymcnt he h:l\ had \ince retiring, He also 8<1\C )cver:tl hu· morous anecdotes of what he h:1\ encoun­lered in his !nLVeiS.

Friday wa~ comprised of workshops conductcd on Construc tion. M:ullIf:lclur· ing. <lnd OSHA. These were once again enjoyed by Ihe deleg<lte~. Director of I\'lanufacturing Tom Hickm<ln <lnd Direc­lor of Con~lruction Kim PMker provided the leadership in thosc .... ork~hop' Fri­day's activities .... cre capped off hy a de· lighlful We~tern. type banquel and cock­t,lil party. The cocklJl1 pany wa~ hosted by Ihe Colorado Slate Conference uf Electrical Worker\. \Vcs tern music wa~ provided lhroughout the evening. Many

of Ihose In atlendancc. lhough nOI accus­tomed to riding horses. were attired in lradilional western costumes. JC:lns. bools, and hab.

The Salurda) \cssion was called to or­der at 9'00 a m. II was reporled that 5579 was collected for CO PF.

A rcport was made by Lloyd Osborn. direelor. Wyoming CET A. and former bu~jness manager of Local 415. Charl~ Dc Moulin. (ormer presidcnl

of Local 6X. Slate legi,lator fo r the past 12 yea rs and now a candidate for the Colorado Senate, addressed thc delegalion.

A demonstra tion by Sperry Univac on )malt business com puters wa\ presellled 10 Ihc delegates.

Vice Presidcnt Farnan concluded the Progre~s fI.'leeling and once agulIl 1.'.'(­

pre~ed his appreciation for Ihe cooper­alion and assistance he has received from all of the local unions in Ihe Eighlh Dis­trict. He wished Ihe delegatcs a safe trip home amI told them of his anllcipation of seeing Ihose who will be !Lllending Ihe Inlcrnation:11 Convention in AII!lIllic CiIY.

SI-lD~T cl~cLlITS From Done to Do

Yesterday, I voiced appreciation And what I've said before )'11

say again. You were and shall remain my

inspiration, My fortune or my c hallenge now

and then. Today let's say I 'm rushing in

and Qut The sounds and signs I make

don't fllways fit. Worrisome details lie all about.

I might as well just fold my arms and sit.

Tomorrow is a hope-may never come.

So c rowded with the things that ought to be

All my dreams and fantasies in one Extra vaga nt and charmed


H. S. Mile" Ret ired member 01 Loul 292 Mi""u pol is, Mi nn.

Tomorrow Is Upon Us The fun and noise,

Oh , the smiles that they bring. Th e laugh ter and sights

As the ocean birds si ng. The sand and the sun

The moon and its waves Cannot compare to

The memories we save. The time we were running

and swimming all free. The night on the town

with you beside me. The good and the bad

Like yesterday's fuss. The tear of memories

When tomorrow comes upon us. The fun and the noise,

Th e moon and the waves, Are all like a tear

Wh ich our memory saves. Are all worth a million

Yes, even the fuss. They will not be sold

Tomorrow is upon us.

Nell Rhodes Son o f Carolyn Rhod U Loca l 485. Columbia. S.C.

Extra Extra Evcn though he won't admit it,

I can attest to th '.! fact He was proud from his ha t

to hi s shoes. For there he was a-grinnin'

Like a C hes hire cat On the front page of the T ipp

City News. There was his face

Right in the spot Usually reserved for presidents

and ki ngs And for pictures of tornadoes,

Automobile wrecks, fires, an d other importa nt things.

But. th a,'s my dad,

And he's just as important as the President and kings you sec;

We need the heads of state to make the laws of the land

And they need my dad for thei r electricity.

God put each of us here to do a job.

Each with a vcry special purpose.

And I think deep down inside Just once in our lives we wish

everyone would take notice.

Well, one way to do it I ~ to get your pictures in the


Like my dad and that other guy. Even if it's just for local town

folk to enjoy

And not sent out by the UPI.

M"'5ha Etholt h le. of Paul E. Bol~lns. S •. Me m be. of local 8 2. Daylon. Ot>lo

My World Sun-scorched waters

and windswept sands

Make my world a beautiful land .

Wh ispe ring winds and skys of bl ue

Are the world I wish to share with you.

Ke~ln E. Benet> Member of Loca l 441 Santa Ana. Cal .

Summer Heat

When tiger lilies bloom across the land.

And red hibiscus open at tbe dawn.

I know Ihe hcat of su mmer is at hand,

And tend with lovi ng care, the trees and lawn.

The purple clematis is full of bloom

And live fo rever, green beneath the trees.

When ti ck le grass and dandelion loom

Th ey fl ourish in the heat of summer breeze .

Small boys and girls go dashing on thei r way,

With swimming suits and shouts of merry glee.

They do not mind the heat of summer day,

And always take the time to wave at me.

A happy time of year fo r youth, lind those.

Who bloom with heat, beside the sum mer rose.

VI'lIlnla Blakemore Moody Wile of OwlSht L. Moody Local 412 Kanus City. Mo.

Wedding Day Combi ned they will become

Th e fo ur seasons. Spring

She brings to him a sweet softness, a quiet time.

Summer He brings to he r a rich

blushness, a brilJance of color.

Fall Together they must I:!am 10

Share the gold of wealth The brown of despair.

Winter Together they'll know

Th at thru winter"S bleakness, Their roots have combined and

grown strong. That they can be assu red of a new

spring greeness.

Da rlene CI • • k Wlf , of Ea,l W. CI ~ 'k. S •• Local 986, No .wa lk. Ohio

• Thousands of l ives are lost each year because people are thrown against windshields or out of car doors by the impact of crashes. You r chances of being killed in an accident are five times grea ter if you are thrown from the vehicle. Your seat bell will help keE'p you in the ca r. • Contrary to popular noti on, seat belts offer great protection at moderate speedS. More than half of the accidents causing injury or death involve speeds 01 less than 40 miles an hour. Your seat belt can prevent or lessen injury in an accident and may save your lile. • Many people mistakenly believe that they don 't need seat bells because they drive mostly in their own communities and seldom lake long trips. But the ligures show that two out of three traffic deaths


occur within 25 miles of home. Your seat belt can protect you in town as well as on the highway. • Less than one per cent 01 all injury-producing accidents involve lire or submersion to any deg ree. Contrary to widely held beliefs, seat bells grea tly improve your chances 01 surviving even such an accident. A seat belt can be unfastened in an instant with one hand. Your seat bell can increase your chances of remaining conscious, so you can get clear 01 a submerged or burning car.

