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Nutrition Success System


Mannan R. Dattah

April, 2016 © 2016 Mannan Dattah This book is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 License The contents of the book can be shared and adapted with appropriate credit to the author, provision of a link to the license and indication if changes were made. Attribution may be done in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the author endorses you or your use. The contents of the book may not be used for commercial purposes.




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Nutrition Success System

First  of  all,  welcome  to  Knockout  Fight  Club.  You  have  taken  a  great  first  step  in  your  journey  by  joining  Knockout.  Places  like  this,  off  the  radar  and  hardcore  ones,  are  where  champions  are  made  because  there’s  no  bullshit  and  you  straightaway  get  the  real  stuff.  Whether  you  can  handle  it  or  not,  is  up  to  you.      

This  Nutrition  Success  System  is  our  guide  to  you  in  your  fitness.    We  hope  to  cover  every  bit  of  information  that  we  have  covered  with  our  oldest  members.  We  have  compiled  the  most  effective  and  useful  information  and  tips  here.      

There  are  a  few  simple  things  that  you  have  to  do  to  make  sure  that  you  are  successful  in  your  fitness  journey:  

1) You  need  to  make  sure  you  are  eating  the  right  things.  2) You  need  to  make  sure  you  are  exercising  the  right  way.    3) You  need  to  have  the  right  lifestyle  (good  sleep,  good  mood  etc)  

There  is  no  half  way.    If  you  go  half  way  you  get  half  results.    Dive  right  in  and  make  the  commitment  to  look,  feel  and  become  the  best  version  of  your  self!    Yes,  there  are  a  lot  of  details  to  be  discussed  in  each  of  these  categories  but  one  thing  I  can  assure  you  is  that  the  people  who  got  the  maximum  success  are  the  ones  who  followed  these  three  commandments.        

In  our  journey  together  I  will  lay  out  every  single  item  that  you  will  need  to  become  an  embodiment  of  Knockout  Fight  Club’s  values.  If  you  need  to  be  eating  something  I  will  tell  you  exactly  what  it  is,  if  you  need  to  be  exercising  a  certain  way  I  am  going  to  make  sure  that  you  know  what  to  do.    I  will  cover  these  things  and  everything  else  that  I  can  think  of  to  make  sure  that  you  have  all  the  tools  needed  to  get  killer  results.      

There  is  no  one  perfect  way  to  eat  or  exercise  for  fat  loss  or  strength  gain.  This  system  is  a  general  roadmap  for  success  that  I  can  give  you.  A  lot  of  strategies  work,  but  this  one  works  really,  really  well  when  used  diligently.  Eventually  I  will  want  to  create  a  customized  system  for  you  based  on  your  body  type.  

For  now  my  goal  is  to  give  you  the  simplest  and  most  effective  nutrition  plan,  workout  plan,  goal  setting  and  motivation  tools,  so  that  you  get  some  insane  results  and  tell  all  your  friends  how  awesome  our  fight  club  is  :)  




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If  you  are  a  new  member  you  WILL  experience  some  soreness  and  discomfort  during  your  workouts  and  after  your  workouts.    This  is  normal.    Our  goal  is  not  pain,  but  if  we  are  going  to  see  great  results  we  have  to  put  forth  great  effort.  If  you  are  veteran  member  you  already  know  about  the  soreness  after  your  first  workouts  and  have  not  been  scared  off  by  the  soreness.  High  Five  to  you,  you  badass!  We  understand  that  Knockout  Fight  Club  is  not  for  everyone  and  not  everyone  is  suited  for  the  way  we  do  things.    

We  want  the  hardest  working  and  most  dedicated  individuals  in  our  facility.  The  group  camaraderie  and  direct  support  from  trainers  that  you  get  at  Knockout  Fight  Club  is  second  to  none.  It  will  help  you  reach  your  goals  faster  and  develop  the  strength  and  honor  of  a  true  warrior.  Get  to  know  your  fellow  members  and  develop  supportive  relationships  with  them  that  will  help  drive  the  success  of  the  entire  group.  We  will  provide  you  with  all  the  support  you  may  need-­‐  motivation,  education,  equipments,  diet,  home-­‐workouts,  getting  into  tournaments  and  much,  much  more.  

Those  of  you  that  fight  through  the  workouts  and  put  in  your  100%  will  see  success.  It  won’t  be  easy  but  it  will  be  worth  it.  At  the  very  least  you’ll  get  fit,  mentally  sharper,  learn  self-­‐defense  and  have  high  self-­‐esteem.  At  the  highest  levels  there  is  no  limit,  you  can  make  amazing  changes  in  yourself,  become  a  pro  sportsman,  develop  advanced  skills,  become  a  Shaolin  monk  and  disappear  into  a  forest  or  whatever  you  want  to  do.  Seriously,  the  body  is  a  gateway  to  the  wonders  of  the  universe.  That’s  why  things  like  martial  arts  and  yoga  have  been  linked  to  spiritual  enlightenment  for  thousands  of  years.    

On  your  part,  we  only  want  you  to  -­‐  

1) Be  consistent.    You  have  to  show  up  to  get  the  benefits  of  training.    You  can’t  join  and  expect  things  to  change  without  putting  in  the  work.    Show  up  to  as  many  sessions  as  possible  and  make  it  worth  your  while.    The  fight  club  is  open  almost  24-­‐7  so  you  can  even  drop  in  to  do  some  extra  practice  on  your  own  whenever  you  want.  

2) Go  hard  or  go  home.    You  have  to  put  forth  a  great  effort  in  every  training  session.    Don’t  expect  to  show  up  and  half  ass  your  way  though  the  workouts  and  get  something  out  of  them.    You  have  to  train  like  a  beast  and  push  yourself  beyond  your  limits.    If  you  do  this  you  will  always  be  making  progress  towards  your  goal.    I  can  tell  you  that  our  workouts  work  and  most  people  just  looking  for  normal  fitness  wont  even  need  to  do  anymore  than  the  60-­‐90  minutes  of  hard  work  thrice  a  week  to  see  incredible  results.    I  know  this  because  I  do  these  workouts  myself  and  I  have  seen  the  incredible  results  that  literally  hundreds  of  our  members  have  got.    

3) Get  better  every  day.    Don’t  settle  for  doing  the  same  level  of  work  at  each  and  every  session.    It  is  really  easy  to  get  comfortable  and  stick  with  exercises  that  don’t  make  you  a  bit  uncomfortable.    Try  to  move  up  in  your  progressions  of  the  movements  that  we  are  




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doing  each  day  and  work  as  hard  as  you  possibly  can.  That  means  if  you  can  do  10  push  ups  today,  force  yourself  to  do  11  tomorrow,  12  day  after  and  so  on.  It’s  called  progressive  overload.    If  you  aren’t  sweating,  breathing  hard,  and  hopefully  making  a  lot  of  grunting  and  moaning  sounds  during  your  workout  you  might  not  be  working  hard  enough.    (Honestly,  I  don’t  expect  you  to  make  funny  noises,  but  if  it  happens  if  you  are  working  hard  :)    

How  do  we  measure  progress?    

  We  will  be  measuring  your  progress  during  the  assessment  and  reassessment  process  throughout  your  training.    You  should  do  an  assessment  at  least  once  a  month.  Your  coach  will  decide  which  tests  need  to  be  completed  and  recommend  alterations  for  your  program  based  on  your  assessment.  

We  will  be  doing  some  or  all  of  the  following:    Movements  screens,  postural  assessments,  body  fat  tests,  circumference  measurements,  body  weight,  strength  test,  cardio  test  and  skill  test.    

  There  are  numerous  ways  to  measure  progress  with  your  workouts  and  nutrition.    First  and  foremost  are  you  feeling  better?    If  so  that  is  the  first  step.    If  you  feel  better  you  can  work  harder  and  get  even  better  results.    Take  a  look  at  things  like  sleep,  mood,  and  energy  level  during  the  day  to  see  if  you  are  feeling  better  after  doing  your  workouts.      

  If  you  are  a  stickler  for  the  scale  you  should  weigh  yourself  only  once  per  week  on  the  same  day.    I  prefer  Monday  weigh  ins  because  it  makes  you  be  accountable  for  the  weekend.    If  you  have  to  think  about  weighing  in  on  Monday  you  might  not  grab  that  dal  makhni  and  naan  and  a  few  beers  on  Saturday  night.  You  should  also  weigh  in  under  the  same  circumstances  each  and  every  time.  The  best  time  to  weigh  in  is  right  after  waking  and  using  the  restroom  with  the  same  or  no  clothes  on.    Keeping  a  log  is  a  great  way  to  track  progress.  

  There  are  also  some  measurements  that  we  generally  take  to  check  for  progress.    We  measure  the  upper  right  arm,  waist,  belly  button,  hips  and  thigh.    

                             Next  you  can  check  your  clothes!    How  are  your  normal  jeans  or  shirts  fitting?  What  about  your  belt?    Are  you  noticing  clothes  getting  loose  or  your  belt  needing  tightened?      

  Finally,  everyone’s  favorite:  Before  &  after  pictures.    If  you  take  a  good  before  picture  you  will  be  able  to  compare  photos  and  have  a  great  success  story  ready  to  go  when  you  transform  your  body  and  look  great!    To  take  a  good  before  photo  wear  something  that  shows  off  your  faults  and  bad  areas.    You  want  to  take  it  in  as  little  clothing  as  possible.    Most  likely  a  swim  suit  or  something  that  shows  your  stomach.    This  way  you  can  get  an  accurate  assessment.    You  will  want  to  stand  tall  and  look  straight  ahead.    Take  one  photo  from  the  front  and  one  from  the  side.      




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  We  want  life-­‐long  fitness  at  Knockout  Fight  Club  so  if  the  clothes  are  fitting  better  or  more  loosely,  your  measurements  are  headed  in  the  right  direction  and  the  photos  are  showing  changes  I  could  really  care  less  about  what  the  weighing  scale  says.  Sometimes  when  you  start  exercising  and  eating  healthy,  you  burn  fat  but  build  muscle  too  and  that’s  why  there  are  no  changes  in  the  weighing  scale.  The  picture  below  shows  a  slab  of  fat  and  a  slab  of  muscle  of  the  same  weight.    


 So  you  see  even  though  you  might  be  loosing  fat,  the  scale  might  not  reflect  it  and  that  is  nothing  to  worry  about.    

It  is  important  to  know  where  you  are  starting  and  where  you  want  to  go  to  make  great  progress.    These  starting  assessments  are  designed  to  help  you  to  set  a  goal  for  yourself.      

  Many  people  don’t  know  how  to  accurately  set  goals.    If  you  don’t  know  where  you  want  to  go  how  are  you  going  to  know  what  to  do?    Pick  a  goal  or  two  and  make  a  plan  to  get  there.  

  Goals  need  to  be  specific  and  measurable.    They  don’t  have  to  be  a  weight  goal  but  they  should  be  something  that  has  a  set  end  point  for  you.    Such  as  fitting  back  into  my  size  28  jeans  or  losing  3”  off  my  waist.    You  should  also  give  yourself  a  goal  deadline.    When  will  you  accomplish  these  things?    How  long  do  you  think  it  will  take?    If  you  know  you  have  a  deadline  you  will  be  much  more  likely  to  actually  accomplish  the  goal.    

  Use  the  following  to  help  you  set  your  goals:  




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1) I  want  to……    (write  down  your  goal,  what  you  want)  (example:  Lose  5  kgs  and  learn  self-­‐defense)    

2) I  want  to  accomplish  this  by….  (how  long  will  this  take  you)    

3) To  fulfill  my  goal  I  will….  (What  actions  will  you  take  to  reach  your  goal?)

Now  that  you  have  your  goal  make  sure  that  you  know  the  steps  you  are  going  to  take  to  get  to  your  goal.    This  will  be  different  for  everyone  but  we  will  help  you  lay  out  a  basic  plan  in  this  manual.    We  will  lay  out  what  you  need  to  do  for  your  nutrition,  exercise  and  attitude  to  make  sure  that  you  are  on  point  to  meet  your  goals.      

  You  are  probably  at  Knockout  Fight  Club  because  of  the  unique  and  superior  training  that  happens  here.    Along  with  that  there  are  some  other  factors  that  go  into  your  success  and  we  will  cover  them  in  this  manual.    The  basic  things  that  you  need  to  remember  is  making  sure  that  you  attend  each  and  every  workout  that  you  possibly  can  and  you  attack  it  like  a  freakin’  animal!          

  During  your  workouts  we  ask  that  you  challenge  yourself  and  push  yourself  to  new  heights  but  its  also  equally  important  to  enjoy  what  you  are  doing.  Your  fitness  must  be  fun  and  games  for  you,  if  you  make  it  a  burden,  your  subconscious  mind  will  try  to  get  you  to  avoid  it.  Develop  a  taste  for  that  adrenaline  pumping  rush  and  that  sweet  after  workout  soreness.  Keep  the  atmosphere  military  style.  Shout  out  encouraging  words.  Get  drenched  in  sweat.  Fall  in  love  with  the  beastliness  of  things.    

A  great  way  to  enhance  your  experience  is  to  have  a  pre-­‐workout  ritual  i.e.  something  that  you  do  20-­‐30  mins  before  your  training  time  to  get  into  a  charged  mind  state.  Many  pro  body  builders  start  sipping  their  pre-­‐workout  supplements  while  listening  to  their  fav  music.  Many  boxers  like  to  close  their  eyes  and  imagine  winning  the  fight  they  are  training  for.  I  personally  like  to  drink  a  pre-­‐workout  supplement  while  watching  some  hardcore  fitness  videos  on  Youtube.  I  keep  pumping  myself  up,  getting  excited,  and  aggressive.  By  the  time  my  ritual  is  over  and  its  time  to  work  out,  I  am  a  ready  to  explode!  Think  of  this  as  a  mental  warm  up.  You  must  create  your  own  ritual  that  gets  you  in  the  right  state.  






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  First  of  all,  I  want  you  to  know  that  at  Knockout  Fight  Club  we  don’t  like  to  obsess  over  diet  charts.  They  are  necessary  in  some  situations  but  for  general  health  and  fitness  we  have  a  different  approach,  which  is  steadier  and  more  long-­‐term.  This  approach  is  so  amazing  that  you  won’t  feel  burdened  by  any  ‘’diet’’  and  you  will  discover  that  healthy  food  can  be  extremely  tasty  too!  But  before  I  get  into  the  details  I  want  you  to  understand  a  few  things  about  ‘’calories’’.  

Your  body  uses  a  certain  amount  of  calories  (energy)  to  perform  daily  functions  of  sitting,  breathing,  working  (this  is  called  BMR  or  Basal  Metabolic  Rate).  This  varies  from  person  to  person  depending  on  age,  gender,  lifestyle  etc.  Add  to  this  BMR,  the  energy  spent  (calories  burnt)  in  your  workouts  and  you  will  have  your  total  CALORIE  EXPENDITURE.  Now  the  total  amount  of  calories  you  consume  (food  you  eat)  will  be  your  CALORIE  INTAKE.  As  a  depicted  in  the  diagram  above  all  you  need  to  do  is  create  a  caloric  deficit  if  you  want  to  lose  weight,  create  a  caloric  surplus  if  you  want  to  gain  weight  or  balance  the  two  If  you  want  to  maintain  weight.    

How  ever  even  though  counting  calories  is  very  important  especially  for  beginners,  it  isn’t  all  about  counting  calories!  You  can  eat  1200  calories  of  crap  and  still  be  overweight.    You  can  eat  




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2000  calories  of  healthy  food  and  drop  weight  like  you  never  thought  possible.    The  quality  of  the  food  you  are  eating  is  very  important.  

  Depending  on  your  current  eating  habits  we  may  want  to  focus  more  on  quantity  or  quality  in  the  beginning  

Here  are  some  key  pointers  on  how  to  get  started:  

1) Some  people  have  3  big  meals  a  day  and  others  prefer  5-­‐6  small  meals  a  day.  It  doesn’t  really  matter  what  approach  you  take,  as  long  as  you  stick  the  targeted  calories  and  protein,  carb  and  fat  intake.  All  those  things  you  have  heard  people  say  about  how  you  shoudn’t  eat  at  night  or  how  its  much  better  to  have  small  frequent  meals  etc  is  bullshit  and  recent  studies  have  proved  that.  

2) Maintain  a  diet  journal.  Writing  down  and  reviewing  what  you  consume  will  slowly  but  surely  change  your  food  habits.  As  a  part  of  the  Nutrition  Success  System  you  would  have  received  a  ready-­‐made  diet  journal.  All  you  have  to  do  is  take  out  5-­‐mins  a  day  and  fill  in  the  details.  Eventually  when  eating  healthy  comes  naturally  to  you,  there  will  be  no  need  to  regularly  maintain  a  diet  journal  and  you  can  just  come  back  to  it  when  you  feel  you  need  to  give  extra  attention  to  your  diet  (lets  say  you  are  doing  a  specific  training  program  or  working  towards  a  new  goal)  

3) During  your  first  Nutrition  Consultation,  get  your  BMR,  targeted  calories  &  macros  you  need  to  hit  each  day  calculated.  As  mentioned  in  point  1,  you  calories  and  macros  are  what  matter  the  most.    

4) When  wondering  what  is  healthy  and  what  is  not,  follow  this  simple  rule  –  the  closer  it  is  to  mother  nature,  the  better  it  is.  For  example  if  you  take  a  potato  from  the  ground,  just  boil  it  and  eat  it,  its  healthy  but  if  you  send  that  same  potato  to  a  chips  factory  where  it  is  processed  and  processed  and  processed  till  its  no  longer  a  natural  thing  but  rather  a  man  made  product,  its  now  unhealthy.  So  remember  natural  food  is  healthy  food.  Think  lean  protien,  vegetables,  fruits,  nuts  and  whole  grains.    

5) Once  in  a  while  do  a  24  hour  fast!  This  ancient  Indian  ritual  has  big  health  benefits.  Start  doing  a  24-­‐hour  fast  about  once  a  week  or  once  in  two  weeks  (whether  you  want  to  make  it  a  religious  one  or  not  is  up  to  you).  The  rules  of  the  fast  are  simple  -­‐  for  24  hours  you  will  not  eat  anything.  You  can  drink  water  and  2  or  3  low  calorie  drinks  like  fruit  juice,  coffee,  protein  shake  etc.  but  no  solid  food.  So  for  example  you  eat  dinner  at  10pm  Wednesday  night  and  decide  that  your  fast  has  begun.  Now  you  could  have  a  fruit  juice  in  the  morning,  a  protein  shake  in  the  afternoon  and  after  your  workout  in  the  evening  you  can  have  dinner  at  10pm.    

6) I  believe  that  eating  healthy  food  should  be  fun.  One  of  the  best  ways  to  do  that  is  substituting  the  junk  you  like  with  healthy  alternatives.  As  a  part  of  the  Nutrition  Success  System,  we’ll  help  you  substitute  as  many  foods  as  possible  so  that  you  feel  




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like  you  never  miss  out  on  anything.  2  great  examples  of  this  are  –  Hung  Curd  for  Mayonnaise  and  sautéed  Lotus  Stems  for  Chips.  

7) Once  or  twice  a  week,  have  a  cheat  meal.  Eat  whatever  you  want,  drink  whatever  you  want.  You  have  earned  it!  

Remember,  the  easiest  way  to  change  anything  in  life  is  to  go  slow  and  steady.  If  you  drink  1  coke  everyday,  bring  it  down  to  1  every  2  days,  then  1  every  3  days  and  so  on.


  I  like  to  do  meal  planning  in  a  simple  manner.    Once  we  have  figured  out  what  your  daily-­‐targeted  calories  are,  how  much  protein,  carbs  and  fats  you  need  and  what  are  their  recommended  sources  (we  may  also  need  to  see  if  there  are  specific  guidelines  for  your  blood  group),  you  will  then  go  through  the  options  of  meals  listed  in  the  meal  plan  given  below,  pick  the  appropriate  item  and  prepare  the  meal.    You’ll  have  our  support  via  e-­‐mails  and  whatsapp  to  make  the  process  easier  for  you  and  let  you  get  answers  to  any  questions  you  may  have.    

An  important  factor  to  keep  in  mind  is  your  environment  and  the  people  around  you.  If  you  are  cooking  your  own  meals,  you  will  want  to  plan  your  grocery  shopping  and  cooking  intelligently.  If  there  is  a  professional  cook  or  a  family  member  that  cooks  for  you,  it’ll  be  beneficial  to  explain  to  them  everything  in  detail  and  what  role  you  will  need  them  to  play  in  helping  you  achieve  your  goals.    

Next,  remember  this  statement  -­‐  ‘’Out  of  sight  is  out  of  mind’’.    Most  professionals  strictly  believe  in  getting  rid  of  all  unhealthy  food  options  in  your  house  because  you  are  much  more  likely  to  eat  something  bad  if  it  is  easily  available  rather  than  if  you  have  to  go  out  to  the  market  to  get  it.    

A  few  more  tips  for  success:  

1) Plan,  Plan,  Plan,  and  Plan  some  more!!  2) Stock  up  large  batches  of  healthy  items.  3) Eat  slowly.  It’s  scientifically  proven  to  make  you  feel  fuller  sooner.  4) Eat  raw  vegetables.  Get  into  the  habit  of  just  picking  up  a  raw  carrot  or  cucumber,  

washing  it  and  munching  away.  I  don’t  believe  anyone  who  says  raw  vegetables  don’t  taste  good.  

5) Have  a  few  healthy  snack  items  from  the  list  at  work  or  in  the  car  in  case  you  get  in  a  bind!  




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6) Don’t  be  embarrassed  to  tell  people  you  are  on  a  diet.  A  lot  of  my  clients  carry  a  tiffin  to  weddings  and  other  occasions!  You  might  not  want  to  be  that  extreme  but  you  must  learn  to  ignore  what  people  will  think  about  you  if  you  really  want  to  achieve  results.  It  seems  a  like  a  cigarette  smoker  is  more  socially  acceptable  than  someone  who’s  on  a  diet!  

7) Be  more  mindful  and  aware  of  your  choices.  Avoid  eating  just  for  time-­‐pass.  

After  a  few  weeks  you  should  be  pretty  comfortable  with  your  new  way  of  eating  and  you  can  start  to  experiment  on  your  own  with  some  creative  ideas.  The  end  goal  is  to  never  need  to  worry  too  much  about  food  and  naturally,  effortlessly  make  good  choices.    Just  don’t  get  too  crazy  and  start  adding  in  the  items  on  the  “Things  to  Avoid”  list.    Remember,  always  have  a  lean  protein  and  stick  to  mostly  fruits  and  veggies.      

Once  in  a  while  if  you  slip  and  are  not  compliant  with  your  meal  planning  don’t  beat  yourself  up!    Simply  get  back  on  the  wagon  and  start  again  with  the  next  meal.    Starving  yourself  or  punishing  yourself  is  not  a  good  way  to  make  up  for  a  poor  meal  choice.      You  are  allowed  to  have  some  fun  and  live  life,  but  you  have  to  make  a  commitment  to  your  health  and  fat  loss.  On  the  other  hand  some  people  think  if  they  had  a  bad  breakfast,  they  might  as  well  have  bad  lunch  and  dinner  too!  Avoid  this  ‘’all  or  nothing’’  mentality.  If  you  have  had  one  unplanned  bad  meal,  in  the  long  it  wont  make  a  difference  but  if  you  have  5  in  a  row,  then  it  will.  

Follow  the  90%  rule!!!!    Eat  right  90%  of  the  time  and  do  90%  of  your  workouts!    Be  honest  with  yourself  and  finally  put  in  the  effort  it  takes  to  get  lean  and  sexy!        


Start  these  meals  immediately  upon  waking  and  then  eat  every  2-­‐4  hours  follow  (a  total  of  5-­‐6  meals  each  day).    You  should  start  each  day  with  a  multivitamin  for  best  results.    

Meal # When Menu

1 Upon Waking

- 2 glasses of Cold Water - Multivitamin

- Coffee/Tea (without sugar) - Select any Snack

2 Breakfast - Select any Meal




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3 Mid-Morning Snack - Select any Snack

4 Lunch -­‐ Select any Meal -­‐ Multivitamin

5 Evening Snack - Select any Snack

6 Dinner - Select any Meal

Things To Avoid/Reduce to once a week 1. Alcohol 2. Sugary drinks or drinks with calories 3. Refined Grains (White bread, Pasta, White Potatoes, etc.) 4. Processed or packaged foods 5. Refined sugars 6. Fried foods


Note:  Your  Protein  Powder  should  be  mixed  with  water  or  skimmed  milk.  Do  not  use  regular  or  toned  milk.    

Female Servings Male Servings Tips Omelet 1 Full Egg 2 Egg whites ½ cup chopped spinach ½ slice grated slim cheese as seasoning

Omelet 1 Full Egg 4 Egg whites ½ cup chopped spinach 1 slice grated slim cheese as seasoning

Cook with little olive oil. Put spinach on the pan first and the eggs after a min or two.

1 cup Slim yogurt ½ Cup Blueberries 8 almonds chopped

1 ½ Slim yogurt ½ cup Blueberries 15 almonds chopped

Mix the berries and almonds into the yogurt for a great tasting meal.

1 Scoop Protein Shake ½ Banana 2 Tbsp Crushed Walnuts

1 ½ Scoop Protein Shake 1 Small Banana 3 Tbsp Crushed Walnuts

Mix in blender for a Chocolate Banana shake.




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1 cup Oats cooked Indian style with vegetables 1 protein shake

1 ½ cup Oats cooked Indian style with vegetables 1 protein shake

Protein shake is necessary, as oats don’t have enough protein.

1 Roll 1 Home made Kebab ½ Cup Chopped Spinach ½ Cup Chopped Onions

2 Rolls 2 Home made Kebabs 1 Cup Chopped Spinach 1 Cup Chopped Onions

Make a Roll. Season with Lemon and serve with mint sauce (green chutney)

1 Chicken Breast 1 ½ cups Sauté Vegetables 1 Brown Bread

1 ½ Chicken Breast 2 cups Sauté Vegetables 1 Brown Bread

Grill, boil or sauté chicken in very less olive. Do the same with vegetables. Add your own seasons with a healthy dressing/dip. Serve as a platter

2 pieces Cooked chicken 1 Cup sabzi 2 Rotis

½ Cooked Chicken 1 Cup Sabzi 2 Rotis

Normal Indian Food cooked in little olive and less salt

½ Can Light Tuna in Water 1/2 tbsp olive oil 1 cups of mixed vegetables 1 tbsp mustard

1 Can Light Tuna in Water 1 tbsp olive oil 2 cups of mixed vegetables 2 tbsp mustard

This is a cold salad. Mix Tuna and vegetables in a pan. Add a drizzle of olive oil. Shake and dress with mustard.

½ Salmon cooked Indian style 1 Cup sabzi 2 Rotis

1 Salmon cooked Indian style 1 Cup Sabzi/Dal 2 Rotis

Normal Indian Meal made in less olive oil and less salt

Boiled Egg Sandwich 2 Boiled Egg Whites

Boiled Egg Sandwich 2 Boiled Egg Whites

Make a Sandwich with the egg whites and




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2 Whole Wheat Bread 1 Slice Slim Cheese Any 2 Vegetables

2 Whole Wheat Bread 1 Slice Slim Cheese Any 2 Vegetables 1 Boiled Whole Egg to be eaten separately

cheese crumbles. Add any 2 vegetables and seasoning of your choice. You can use little bit of chilli garlic sauce.

¾ cup cooked Brown Rice & 1 ½ cups Chickpeas(white chola) with a small portion of salad

1 cup cooked Brown Rice & 2 cups Chickpeas(white chola) with a small portion of salad

Make it regular Indian style. Add lemon to salad.

Chicken Tikka/Turkey Subway Sandwich with low fat dressing and no salt and pepper

Chicken Tikka/Turkey Subway Sandwich with low fat dressing and no salt and pepper

Going for a salad instead will make it healthier but this is ok too.

Numerous vegetables can be substituted or added into these meals. Almost any green veggie except peas is a good substitute. You may also add items like peppers, mushrooms, etc. There are several other types of meals that can be substituted for these. You can ask your trainer about them in a consultation session or have a list emailed to you. Once you have figured out serving sizes and what a plate should look like feel free to create your own meals. It will probably take 4 weeks or more for you to be able to accurately create and plan your own meals. Maintaining a diet journal really helps


Female Servings Male Servings Tips 1 Full Serving Protein Shake

1 Full Serving Protein Shake

Drink it ice cold!




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1 Small Apple 1 Medium Apple Just eat it! 7 Almonds 7 Walnuts 7 Peanuts

10 Almonds 10 Walnuts 10 Peanuts

Munch away!

Natures Valley Chocolate Natures Valley Chocolate Preferably pre or intra workout

1 Cup Nestle Slim Dahi ¼ Cup Raspberries/Blueberries

1 Cup Nestle Slim Dahi 1/3 Cup Raspberries/Blueberries

Mix together for great snack!

½ portion boiled chicken breast

1 portion boiled chicken breast

Have it when you want to chew on something rubbery

2 Hard Boiled Egg Whites Any low calorie seasoning or sauce

3 Hard Boiled Egg Whites Any low calorie seasoning or sauce

Take out the yolks and replace it your seasoning or thick sauce

Any Fruit Any Fruit Fruits ½ Cup Roasted Channa/Sprout Salad

1 Cup Roasted Channa/Sprout Salad

Season it well with lemon, black salt etc.


Female Servings Male Servings Tips 1 Brown Bread 1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter

1 Brown Bread 2 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter

Place natural peanut butter on bread

1/2 Serving of Chocolate Protein ½ cup of oats ¼ glass of slim or doubled toned milk

1 Serving of Chocolate Protein 1 cup of oats 1/3 glass of slim milk

Mix together for a delicious chocolate pudding

1.5 Shredded Carrots 7 Shredded Almonds 1 Tbsp Honey

2 Shredded Carrots 10 Shredded Almonds 2 Tbsp Honey

Mix the shredded carrot with almonds, add honey and enjoy




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1 Cup of mixed fruits OR ½ cup of dates and raisins

1 Cup of mixed fruits OR ½ cup of dates and raisins

Pretty simple!

½ Bowl of Diet Museli with slim or double toned milk + 7 Raisins

1 Bowl of Diet Museli with slim or double toned milk + 10 Raisins

Mix and serve cold or hot


For  those  of  you  that  have  trouble  picking  healthy  food  or  that  need  an  example  to  get  started  here  are  3  sample  meal  plans.  Use  these  to  get  an  idea  of  what  your  diet  should  look  like  and  eventually  get  your  customized  diet  chart.    


5 Small Meals Female Servings Male Servings

Boiled Eggs - 1 Whole + 3 Whites 1 Brown Bread with 1 TBSP Peanut


Boiled Eggs - 1 Whole + 4 Whites 1 Brown Bread with 1 TBSP Peanut Butter

Fruit Fruit

2 Roti 100 gms Chicken / Paneer / Soya /

White Chole 1 small bowl dal / sabzi


2 Rotis 200 gms Chicken / Paneer / Soya /

White Chole 1 small bowl dal / sabzi


7 Almonds, 7 Walnuts, 7 Peanuts Protein Shake

10 Almonds, 10 Walnuts, 10 Peanuts Protein Shake

100gms of lean chicken

2 Cups Broccoli ½ Medium Sweet Potato

200gms of lean chicken / Fish 2 Cups Broccoli

1 Medium Sweet Potato




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3 Medium Meals + 2 Snacks Female Servings Male Servings

1 Whole Egg + 3 Egg Whites Omlette ½ Red Pepper ¼ Cup Onions

¼ Cup Shredded Cheese

1 Whole Egg + 4 Egg Whites Omlette ½ Red Pepper ¼ Cup Onions

¼ Cup Shredded Cheese

A Fruit

A Fruit

100-150gms of Tuna Fish Sandwich Medium Portion of Vegetables

200-300gms of Tuna Fish Sandwiches Medium Portion of Vegetables

Protein Shake 1 TBSP Natural Peanut Butter

3 almonds, 3 walnuts, 3 peanuts

Protein Shake 1 TBSP Natural Peanut Butter

5 almonds, 5 walnuts, 5 peanuts

Small Portion Brown Rice Home Made Chicken / Soya / Paneer


Medium Portion Brown Rice Home Made Chicken / Soya / Paneer

Salad 3 Big Meals

Female Servings Male Servings

1 Whole Egg + 3 Egg Whites Omlette 3 Brown Breads

Small Portion of Vegetables Fruit

1 Whole Egg + 4 Egg Whites Omlette 3 Brown Breads

Medium Portion of Vegetables Fruit / Fresh Fruit Juice

2 Rotis 100-200gms of Chicken

1 small bowl dal 1 small bowl sabzi


2-3 Rotis 300-400gms of Chicken

1 small bowl dal 1 small bowl sabzi

salad Subway Style Salad + Protein Shake Subway Style Salad + Protein Shake

Note:  Try  to  mix  and  match,  use  substitutes  and  vary  cooking  styles  to  make  your  plan  more  convenient    




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Grocery  Store  Tips:  

The  following  is  what  a  lot  of  your  food  shopping  should  look  like  

Produce  Section-­‐  Fruits  and  Vegetables     Green  Veggies  of  choice:  green  beans,  broccoli,  asparagus,  spinach,  romaine  lettuce,  

cauliflower,  etc.   Unlimited  Veggies  of  choice  (besides  corn,  peas,  beets,  and  potatoes)   Low  GI/Fibrous  Fruits:  mixed  berries,  cherries,  apples,  oranges,  pears,  and  grapefruit   Mixed  Nuts:  Walnuts,  Pecans,  and/or  Almonds  (natural)   Extras:  Avocados  or  guacamole,  natural  salsa,  romaine  lettuce  wraps  for  naked  sandwiches    Lean  Proteins:  Lean  Meats,  Poultry,  Fish,  and  Seafood       Lean  Packaged  Meals  (low  salt,  low  fat  etc.  Not  typical  cold  cuts.)   Raw  Chickens     Skinless,  Boneless  Chicken  Breasts   Lean  Turkey  or  Extra  Lean  Ground  Turkey   Lean  Pork   Fish:  Salmon,  Tuna,  Tilapia,  etc.   Seafood:  Shrimp,  Mussels,  Squid,  Scallops,  etc.      Dairy  Section       Lots  of  Eggs   Slim  /  Double  Toned  Milk  (minimum  consumption)   Slim  Cheese  (extremely  minimum  consumption)    Miscellaneous       100%  Natural  Peanut  Butter/Nut  Butter  (no  sugar  added,  unroasted,  low  in  salt)   Healthy  seasonings  like  oregano,  chilli  flakes  etc   Extra  Virgin  Olive  Oil   Healthy  Salad  Dressings:  Balsamic  Vinaigrette  ,  Mustard  ,  Chilli  Garlic  Sauce     Vinegars:  apple  cider  or  red  wine  (great  for  salads)   Cinnamon  to  add  to  tea/coffee   Lemons  to  add  flavor  to  meats,  salads  etc   Whole  Wheat  Breads,  Pizza  Bases,  Burger  Buns  etc  





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Take  a  look  at  each  of  the  programs  and  figure  out  what  might  work  for  you.      If  you  need  some  flexibility  and  want  to  choose  some  of  your  own  foods,  your  customized  diet  chart  can  include  them.    If  you  are  in  a  hurry  and  need  to  have  a  simple  but  effective  meal  then  any  lean  protein,  with  a  portion  of  veggies  and  a  whole  grain  bread  or  roti  should  be  your  default.  It  is  also  suggested  to  keep  switching  cooking  styles  and  cuisines  to  keep  it  interested.  Same  principles  but  different  methods  of  delivery.  

One  very  important  part  of  this  being  successful  at  changing  your  eating  habits  is  learning  how  to  make  meals  that  are  healthy  as  well  as  tasty!      

 THE  BOTTOM  LINE  :  You  must  keep  in  mind  your  targeted  calories  and  macros.  The  most  important  part  after  that  is  keeping  your  meal  plans  sustainable  i.e.  making  sure  they  are  enjoyable  and  convenient  enough  for  you  to  be  able  to  stick  to  them  for  a  long  time.  Remember  this  is  a  life  style  change.  



  The  world  of  nutritional  supplementation  can  be  confusing.    There  are  so  many  items  to  choose  from  and  all  of  them  claim  to  be  the  very  best.      We  are  going  to  make  things  very  simple  for  you!  You  only  need  a  few  items  to  have  great  success!  

  The  first  thing  that  everyone  in  our  program  should  get  is  a  multivitamin.    That  is  a  basic  item  you  need  to  make  sure  you  are  in  the  best  health  possible.  But  just  your  everyday  over  the  counter  multivitamin  will  not  do,  People  engaging  in  rigorous  physical  activity  need  a  sports  grade  multivitamin.    

  We  are  partnered  with  some  of  the  world’s  leading  companies  to  offer  you  the  best  supplements  that  you  can  find  on  the  market!    They  have  some  very  simple  and  effective  products  that  we  trust.    I  can  promise  you  that  we  use  them  on  a  daily  basis  and  wouldn’t  use  anything  else.    

  The  next  step  that  I  recommend  is  adding  a  simple  protein  shake  post  workouts.      This  will  give  your  body  that  extra  fuel  it  needs  to  re-­‐construct  itself.      This  will  cover  most  of  your  needs  and  is  a  great  way  to  start.  You  can  place  your  order  directly  with  our  gym  manager.  

  Finally,  if  you  decide  to  go  beyond  a  multivitamin  and  a  protein  shake,  you  should  do  so  after  carefully  consulting  with  your  coach  or  the  gym  manager.  All  of  Knockout’s  senior  level  staff  has  the  right  knowledge  and  will  only  offer  you  the  best  advice.    




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  If  after  everything  your  goals  require  a  larger  supplement  stack  then  most  athletes  and  gym  goers  choose  a  combination  of  some  or  all  of  the  following  supplements  

1)  Multivitamin  2)  Protein  3)  Fish  Oil    4)  BCAA    5)  Glutamine  6)  Vitamin  D  


The  right  person’s  guidance  along  with  understanding  your  bodies  unique  needs  is  the  key  to  smart  supplementation.    


We ask that you make sure to get to each session early to get your warm up and pre workout rituals complete and make sure you are ready to go. Once you have learned what the warm up consists of from your coach, you should start doing it the moment you arrive at the fight club. Doesn’t always be dependant on a someone the guide you through every step. The difference between people who see success and those who don’t is that the former take initiative and are capable of working out themselves.

The beginning of the warm up always begins by moving every body part. These are dynamic movements, you don’t go into yoga style slow stretching instead you explore and expand your current range of movement while increasing your heart rate at the same time. You should think of this as a ‘’get ready signal to each body part’’. The time spent on each area is individually dependent. We recommend between 10 and 15 minutes of warm up. If you have trouble with certain areas or “hot spots” you will give more attention to these areas and consult your coach on how to work on them.

Areas to warm up

- Neck - Shoulders - Arms - Chest & Back - Waist - Obliques - Legs - Knees and Ankles




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Shadow/Cardio movements

Once you have stretched and moved every body part as shown in the video, it is time to do a cardio activity and get your heart rate up! Take the skipping rope or start running.


One of the most common questions we get is how many days per week does a person need to workout to get best results.

I am here to tell you that even though working out every day is best, you really don’t need any more than 3 days of training and some active recovery work on the off days to see changes in your body, especially if you are a beginner. Knockout Fight Club has people training two days per week that get great results and those that train six days that get great results. It really comes down to your individual situations and that’s where the full body analysis gives us the clarity we need.

Also as mentioned earlier if your nutrition is on track and targeted towards your goal you are winning the battle. Without nutrition you have to work twice as hard to get any results and even then you might not see any!

With a solid eating plan you can hit the gym and train three to four times a week for optimal results. If you are performing our fast paced, high intensity, full body workouts, you will need the recovery time in between training days and it will only help you in the long run. This will create the metabolic demand (increased burning of calories) that you body needs to get results.

As you become more experienced you will be able to increase the intensity of the workouts and still get results. You don’t always have to add in more time or more days. Only sometimes it might come to a point to see quick results that you have to jump start the body and shock it into fat loss by clocking in an extra workout or two.

How ever If you are training more than three days per week than you have a great advantage, you can blend in combat training days with strength and conditioning days in a very holistic manner. Therefore the decision really comes down to what is sustainable for you. 6 days is ideal but 3 days gets great results too.

We often talk about active recovery on your off days and this term can mean a lot of different things. It first and foremost means REST & RECOVERY!!!! Secondly you should be doing activities to get in some extra movement and you should be helping the recovery process. This could mean intense foam rolling, stretching, a light jog or interval sprint workout, a light bodyweight circuit or other circuit or just a walk or game of basketball. The more active you are the better as long as you are recovering in between workouts.

The time needed to get results really comes down to supportive nutrition and intensity of your workouts. I would say that Knockout Fight Club members do more work than 90% of their likes and.




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We get more done in 45 minutes than the other guy does in 2 hours. It isn’t because we are special it is because of the way our programs are designed and the effort that you put in to it!

Now that you are at a facility that lays down the most efficient path to your goals and there is all the support you can need, I urge you to fully commit to your new lifestyle while at the same time enjoy each and every step of this journey. See you on the matts!

Strength & Honor Mannna R Dattah (Founder & Director, Knockout Group)