Download - 2020 Annual Report - The Leelanau Conservancy


Conserving the Land, Water and Scenic Character of Leelanau County

2020 Annual Report


planning stages. In response to the overwhelming popularity of our trails and a growing interest in more of them, we have plans for new trails at Palmer Woods, Cedar River Preserve, Stites Natural Area and Pat’s Preserve at Lime Lake. We also expect to complete the renovations of the historic farmhouse at the DeYoung Natural Area, which will become a community focal point for conservation stewardship, volunteerism and more. 2021 will also be a major planning year for the Conservancy, including a new comprehensive survey of our members and our community, as well as the work to craft our next multi-year strategic plan.

And, I’d be remiss in failing to mention we’ll be wishing a fond farewell for our long-serving storyteller, Carolyn Faught, who will be retiring this spring. Be sure to read Carolyn’s parting thoughts on page 15, with an essay by former Conservancy board member, and founder and editor-in-chief of Traverse, Northern Michigan’s Magazine Deb Fellows. We love you, Carolyn. Needless to say, we will miss you!

And so, despite all the changes we witnessed in 2020, and the ones to come as well, what strikes me most is how the love of land and water has stayed the same. There has always been something uniquely special about Leelanau that brings us together and reconnects our hearts to the peninsula and to each other. What incomparable gratitude and grace there is in that.

Together, let us continue to strive to keep it this way.

Thomas NelsonExecutive Director

From Your Director

The more things change, the more they remain the same. –Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

W riting in 1848, Karr’s epigram was intended to assert that while things may appear to change outwardly, that which is most meaningful to people remains constant. For more than three decades, we have experienced little change in Leelanau since the Conservancy was founded by an act of profound foresight and grace by Ed and Bobbie Collins. The forests, the clear water, the orchards and fields, and the vibrant villages of Leelanau have thankfully stayed much the same, thanks in no small part to all of you—our Conservancy Family.

Then came 2020. A global pandemic. Tragic loss of life, with families, friends and communities struggling for connection. Businesses closed and jobs lost. Social and political strife not witnessed in a half-century. An urban exodus that continues with no end in sight. And, here in Leelanau, we have not gone unscathed.

Gratefully, 2020 brought welcome news too, thanks to you. News that we’ve been able to deliver over the course of an extraordinarily challenging year. Successfully adding 350 spectacular acres to our Palmer Woods Forest Reserve, now 1070 acres and protecting a five-mile border of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. The generous gifts that gave us the new Stites Natural Area, a stone’s throw from the village of Sutton’s Bay, and Pat’s Preserve on Lime Lake. Both have now been acquired by the Conservancy and have new trails planned or are in progress. Same too for the ridgeline addition to our Cedar River Preserve. Not to be outdone, we completed five private forest and farm conservation projects—now putting us within pit-spitting distance of 200 conservation easements.

All told, together in 2020 we conserved 954 acres of our precious peninsula. We also witnessed dramatically more people than ever enjoying a connection with the Leelanau’s land and water at our 28 natural areas and preserves.

Our plans for 2021? We have four new family farms we’re working to permanently conserve, with several more in the

Cover photo by Sheen Watkins Photography, photo right by Mark Smith, Tom’s photo by

Tristen Roman


Leelanau County is a land of spectacular natural features and amazing farmland. The Leelanau Conservancy is working hard to

protect some of the best of both landscapes. While we have a great story to tell about protecting both of these areas of concern, my focus in this report will be on our efforts to protect farmland.

Leelanau County is home to many types of agriculture, but it is the production of tree fruit and wine grapes for which the peninsula is most recognized. We are blessed with some of the best sites for fruit production in the country. This occurs due to a combination of the climate moderating influence of Lake Michigan, rolling topography that allows spring frosts to flow off the hills into low areas and deep, well drained soils.

The challenge is that the same features that make this area so good for agriculture also make it attractive

for residential development. The result is that the price of farmland is driven up due to the ability to develop housing, making it difficult for the next generation of farmers to afford. This “decoupling” of land value from its potential to generate income from agriculture is commonly found around expanding cities, but does not commonly occur in most farming areas of the country. When farmland is broken into small parcels and sold for development, the resulting fragmentation of the land makes it no longer suitable for commercial agriculture.

The Leelanau Conservancy is partnering with the farming community and others to help address this issue. When property is purchased in the United States it comes with many rights and some limitations. One of those rights is the right to split the land into smaller parcels and to convert the property from agriculture to another use, within the limitations of zoning and other laws. We at the Conservancy work with farmers who wish to see the land remain available for farming into the future.

The tool used by the Conservancy and farmers is a Conservation Easement (CE). The CE is an attachment to the deed that prohibits certain development rights, depending on the particular CE. Other rights remain with the property, i.e., the property remains in private ownership, and the owner can decide whether or not to allow forestry, hunting, etc. The land does not even have to be farmed, but it cannot be developed and therefore remains available for farming.

Board Chair’s Message: Acquiring a CE is often referred to as a purchase of development

rights. In some cases farmers have donated Conservation Easements to the Conservancy, but most often farmers are not in a financial position to do so and therefore need to have some compensation for the CE.

Fortunately, national policy makers have recognized the importance of maintaining highly productive farmland and have developed a program at United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that partners with conservancies and farmers to establish conservation easements. Typically, the USDA provides 50% of the development value, the Conservancy pays up to 25% and the farmer donates approximately 25%. This program is really important to our success because for every $1 the Conservancy invests we get $4 worth of protection.

In 2020, the Leelanau Conservancy partnered with USDA and farmers to protect 500 acres of farmland on five farms. This brings the total to over 5,500 acres of land on 70 Leelanau farms that have been protected either through programs involving USDA assistance or from total donations by farmers.

At this point in time the pressure is increasing to convert land from farming into housing, but at the same time we are seeing ever increasing interest on the part of farmers to partner with the Conservancy to protect their land from future development. We are also blessed with successfully acquiring additional USDA funding for that will allow us to leverage approximately $10 million for farmland protection.

We are making a very significant difference by helping to maintain farmland and assisting the transfer of farms to the next generation. We sincerely appreciate the tremendous financial support of our members and the strong interest of the local farming community.

Together we will help keep Leelanau a land of highly productive farms and amazingly beautiful scenery with an abundance of diverse flora and fauna.

Jim NugentBoard Chair


A s the year came to a close, it was pretty incredible to look back over 2020 and realize that with your help and the dedication of some wonderful landowners, we closed 13 projects, totaling over 954 acres. Some highlights: An unprecedented number of family farms were protected (five) totaling 500 acres—forever available to generations of farmers to come. In addition, we added 350 beautiful acres to the Palmer Woods Forest Reserve. Finally, we created the new natural area, Pat’s Preserve on Lime Lake. Even more amazing, we did it all in a pandemic.

Your support makes all good things possible! Here’s a run-down of what we accomplished, listed by date. We have a tradition of ringing a cowbell in the office on the days projects close. This year we had to do that virtually.

You can read the longer stories about all of these projects on our website.

Walter Jedena Protects 81 Acres of Farmland on French Road

Project Completed 1/30/2020

Just before our office was closed due to Covid-19, we completed a project that had long been in the works, protecting land known locally as the old Fleese farm with a conservation easement.

For years, Walter Jedena had long admired the property on the corner of French and Hohnke Roads. He had driven by it many times, always intrigued by the “bucolic” land: its expansive fields, beautiful barn, the house with long johns waving in the breeze off the front porch, the weathered siding. When the property was listed for sale, he quickly made an offer.

Walter is not a farmer; in fact he has made his living as an investor and developer. But with each and every project he has taken on, says Walter, “the highest and best use of each property is always at the forefront of my thinking. I wish for the land to be used to its greatest potential. The Fleese farm has good fertile land. You could put houses on it and make a few bucks. But the value of the farmland is that it is there in perpetuity.”

The Jedena property contains prime, unique and locally important agricultural soils, and six acres of non-forested wetlands. This land is private and not open to the public. Photo left by Mark Smith


Land Protection Project Roundup


Iconic Boskydel Vineyard Land: 55 Acres Overlooking South Lake Leelanau

Project Completed 4/22/20

The late and legendary Bernie Rink was the first to grow wine grapes commercially in Leelanau, planting a one-acre test plot in 1965. “I doubt if the wine industry would have happened here if not for Bernie,” says vintner and past Conservancy Board Member Larry Mawby. “He generously shared his knowledge with all of us aspiring vintners.”

Before Bernie died in 2017 at age 91, he and his five sons began the process to forever protect their land with a conservation easement. “It was Dad’s idea to protect the land,” says Jim, his oldest son. “Growing up, he had a saying that he repeated many times over the course of our lives. The gist of it was that you should always try to leave the world a better place than you found it.”

Thanks to the Rink family, this ideal grape growing site will forever be available to future farmers. This land is private and not open to the public. Photo top right by Mark Smith

Pat’s Preserve on Lime Lake Completed:25 Acres Added in 2020

Project Completed 5/20/20

The dream to create a new preserve on Lime Lake became a reality in 2020. We began this project in 2019 with a 5.9-acre purchase, and last year we acquired two more parcels (25 acres). The new preserve protects over 1,000 feet of shoreline and helps to ensure the long-term water quality of Lime Lake and the Good Harbor Bay Watershed.

The new preserve is named in memory of Ron Lovasz’s late wife, Pat. “Ron’s significant gift brought the fundraising results over goal,” says Meg Delor, Development Director.

From the new Preserve’s crescent-shaped shore, you can see Sugar Loaf. Wetlands here act like a giant sponge, stemming erosion, trapping pollution, and slowly releasing cleansed water back into the lake.

It is a haven for wildlife; the forest is home to songbirds, red-shouldered hawks and eagles. In the spring-fed stream, brook trout spawn and thrive. Snakes and toads, ducks and otter are also frequently spotted here.

One former owner had wanted to fill wetlands, build a vehicle bridge over the stream and install utility lines underneath it. That would have threatened fragile habitat and created untold disturbance. An ecological catastrophe diverted, thanks to our supporters and caring landowners. Plans for public access here are in the works; stay tuned. Photo middle right by Mark Smith

The Mawby Farm: 152 Acres Near Suttons BayProject Completed 5/22/2020

Ron Mawby’s memories of growing up on a fruit farm just outside of Suttons Bay are poignant. He recalls how the kitchen in their house had a big picture window in it over the sink facing west. “At bloom time out that window was a vista of white. Mom insisted each year that we all come look. I recall being struck by both its beauty and the sense I had that Mom took it as a gift. It was given to us, yet had to be worked for in order for the gift to continue,” says Ron.

Ron and his siblings, Larry Mawby and Joan (Mawby) Dunklow have ensured that the springtime vista, as well as a spectacular view in the other direction—overlooking Power Island and Grand Traverse Bay—will never change. In May, the siblings protected 152 acres with a conservation easement—a tool that keeps the land in private hands, but restricts it from development forever.

Increasing development nearby motivated the family to protect the land. “Everyone wants to come up to Leelanau because it’s so beautiful,” says Joan, who lives near Suttons Bay with her husband, Dave. “But it’s not going to be the same Leelanau we love if everyone develops their land. I want others to be able to experience the beauty and peace that we did growing up here.” This land is private and not open to the public.Photo bottom right by Mark Smith continued on pg 6 5


Porritt Farm:136 Acres along CR 633’s Agricultural Corridor

Project Completed 6/3/20

Greg Porritt has preserved the farm he grew up on that adds to a large block of protected lands along CR 633. It is near the historic Rex Dobson Ruby Ellen farm—the first farm in Leelanau to be permanently protected. Also adjacent or nearby: the Core and Stanek Farms, and orchards owned by the Gregory family. MSU’s Northwest Michigan Horticultural Research Station lies just south.

“This fantastically beautiful farm also preserves a wooded slope that is part of a critical wildlife corridor and helps to protect the water quality of nearby Lake Leelanau,” says Kim Hayes, Director of Farmland and Easement Programs. The land’s proximity to Traverse City and the views put it at high risk for development. “Multiple home sites here would have irreparably altered the high conservation values,” adds Kim.

“Rex Dobson was a huge influence on all of us,” says Greg Porritt. “It got me and my folks thinking about what could happen here. My parents and I were not big talkers. But it was always an implied understanding that the farm should be protected one day (with a conservation easement).” This land is private and not open to the public. Photo left-top by Mark Smith

Heffron Land Protects 30 Acres:Near Pat’s Preserve on Lime Lake

Project Completed 6/29/20

Thanks to unrestricted gifts to our land protection fund, we were able to acquire this ecological gem from the Allan J. Heffron Trust. The acquisition is located at the corner of Narlock and Maple City roads—not adjacent to but near Pat’s Preserve at Lime Lake.

Giant white pines, a rich conifer swamp and diverse wetland habitat nurture a plethora of plants and wildlife—including bears! The Heffron family purchased the land in the late 1980s and offered it for sale to the Conservancy

after learning about the new preserve on Lime Lake. “We knew that it was an important parcel of the watershed,” says Mrs. Heffron. “Our intention was to protect the lake from what could have happened. Our kids all grew up fishing, water skiing and swimming on Lime Lake and we have many cherished memories. If you spend time on Lime Lake you can’t help but realize how unique it is; a hidden gem, really.” This land will eventually be open to the public. Photo middle left by Michael Robinson

Nemeskal Farm: 77 Acres in the Bohemian Valley

Project Completed 8/26/20

See story on page 10. Photo top right by Mark Smith

Dechow Family Protects 30 Acres in the Bohemian Valley with 2nd Donated Conservation Easement

Project Completed 12/28/20

For the second time, Paul Dechow and his wife, Joanne Blum, are conservation heroes. They have donated a conservation easement and protected 30 additional acres adjacent to their 105-acre home and property, on which they donated a conservation easement in 2017.

This project closes a gap between Krumwiede Forest Reserve and their first conservation easement. The 30-acre hardwood forest also lies adjacent to Palmer Woods and the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, adding to a large block of protected lands.

The Dechows purchased the 30 acres from Paul’s sister and her husband, Lynn and Jim McAndrews, wanting to add more hardwood forest to their property.

Paul enjoys collecting wood from downed trees for woodworking projects. As with the first project, Paul says that he and Joanne wanted to “see the land stay the same for future generations.” The Dechow family history in this area runs deep and is detailed in a story on our website written after their first project. (Search Dechow to find it.)

This land is private and not open to the public. Photo bottom left by Leelanau Conservancy staff

continued from pg 5



Palmer Woods Forest Reserve Adds 350 Acres

Project Completed (3 Parcels)8/31/20; 10/1/20 and 12/18/20

In 2020, the Conservancy reached the ambitious goal of raising $3.5 million for a 350-acre addition to Palmer Woods. This stunningly beautiful land will expand the Palmer Woods’ trail system to a projected 40 miles of hiking, cross-country skiing, and mountain biking trails for all to enjoy. It also protects a thriving wildlife corridor and expands Palmer Woods’ border with the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore to five miles.

Creating such a large swath of protected land helps to ensure that groundwater-fed Glen Lake and Good Harbor Bay remain healthy, and allows the northern hardwood forest to continue to mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration.

“We are humbled by the outpouring of community support and love for Palmer Woods,” says Executive Director Tom Nelson. “I’d like to give special thanks for the early and generous support of the Edmund F. & Virginia B. Ball Foundation and the matching challenges from the Carls Foundation and Ron & Marvel Jones.”

Stay tuned for updates on trail development and eventual public access to the new addition. We look forward to sharing this beautiful land with you.

Photo bottom right by Leelanau Conservancy Staff

88 Photo by Mark Smith

The verdict is in: the pandemic drew people outside in 2020. And Leelanau Conservancy’s natural areas were no exception. This year, a record number of visitors enjoyed the Conservancy’s 28 natural areas and preserves. (102,294 people hiked our trails in 2020, as compared to 57,383 in 2019!)

There were nearly three times the amount of visitors to Clay Cliffs, the Conservancy’s most popular natural area, in 2020 compared to 2019. And visitors to Houdek Dunes Natural Area nearly doubled. So did the number of bikers riding at Palmer Woods. In fact, visitor numbers were higher at all of the 12 locations where we have placed trail counters, small devices that record movement.

All year, we kept hearing from you about how essential being in nature was for your physical and mental health during the pandemic. “Peace.” “Just what I needed.” “Less stressed, reset and refresh.” “Like natural Valium.” “Socially-distanced therapy.” These are just some of the benefits you shared with us when we asked in a social media survey how our 28 natural areas helped you cope with life in 2020.

The outdoors was the one place we could go to escape the confines of quarantine, breathe in the fresh air, and—for a moment—feel normal. Whether you loved riding the flow-style mountain bike trails at Palmer Woods, paddling to the Cedar River Preserve, or taking a quiet walk through the cedars at DeYoung Natural Area, it is only because of generous members like you that these lands are open for all to explore, find adventure, and seek solace.

2020: The Year of the Trail


Clay Cli�s Natural Area: 6969W

haleback Natural Area: 9512PW

Mountain Bike East Ridge: 5494


ountain Bike Central Ridge: 3605Palm

er Woods Forest Reserve hiking: 1249

Houdek Dunes Natural Area: 6643DeYoung Upland: 4348DeYoung Elm

wood: 6445

DeYoung Farmstead: 1804

Leelanau ConservancyTrail Use 2019 vs 2020

Clay Cli�s Natural Area: 20726W

haleback Natural Area: 16043PW

Mountain Bike East Ridge: 8693


ountain Bike Central Ridge: 6707Palm

er Woods Forest Reserve hiking: 3662

Houdek Dunes Natural Area: 12473DeYoung Upland: 5778DeYoung Elm

wood: 4045

DeYoung Farmstead: 3584

2019 2020






“The out-of-doors IS ALWAYS OPEN. Being in Leelanau means trails, waterways, bike paths, fresh food,

foraging, birding, hunting, fishing, stargazing, and more. Thanks to the Leelanau Conservancy, access to

natural areas is easy, and in addition to being open during a pandemic, admission is free. Conservancy

properties don’t discriminate and the range of activities is as diverse as the abilities of those who

visit. Sometimes, it is meditative and solitary and sometimes, it is a socially-distanced way to socialize. Nature is “Always Open” and an especially compelling

reason for #whyleelanau.” -Mary L. Cusick

“My life’s greatest treasures are right here. I visited a new, little, publicly-accessible nature-gem with my sons after remote school today. A quick walk from our school and neighborhood.” -Jenee Rowe

“When the pandemic hit,

there was a lot of uncertainty

happening in the world and we didn’t

know what was safe or responsible to do.

So, the ability to safely escape

into nature was

incredibly valuable for both our

mental and physical

health. It also served as a very

important way to

socialize with a friend or family member. As


enter 2021, I knew it would be importan

t to continue

recreating and socializing safely,

so I’ve made the

goal to visit all of the Conserva

ncy natural

areas this winter and spring.”

-Nick Loud

“I had so much fun hiking with my kids at Clay Cliffs this weekend. It’s challenging enough to feel like you’re getting a workout, but easy enough for four-year-olds to navigate on their own. So fun to see the trail through their eyes - they spotted 3 blue butterflies, trillium, chipmunks, and one son correctly identified ramps (where did he learn that??)! I love sharing our special Leelanau gems with my family.” -Jane Debo Price


Just off of County Rd. 669 in the beautiful Bohemian Valley is a dirt road named after the Nemeskal family. From this intersection is one of the most breathtaking views to be found in Leelanau County, especially in the height of fall color. The panorama takes in 74 acres owned by three siblings: Mary Ann, Betty and their late brother, Anthony Nemeskal. The siblings’ love for this place and the extraordinary history of their ancestors dating back to the late 1800s has led them to forever preserve their farm with a conservation easement.

The Leelanau Conservancy has protected other private lands nearby, including most of the adjacent Olsen farm as well as 105 acres owned by the Dechow family. This growing block of conserved lands is great for wildlife, agricultural practices, battling climate change, and ensuring that the beloved views in this part of the Bohemian Valley will never change. Also worth noting: just over the hill to the west lie the Conservancy’s 110-acre Krumwiede and 1070-acre Palmer Woods Forest Reserves.

“We are pleased to have part of our 160-year-old farm become protected and preserved through the Leelanau Conservancy,” says Mary Ann, who worked with the Conservancy on behalf of her siblings. “I think our father would be very happy to know that his childhood home will stay the way it is today.”

Mary Ann’s great-grandparents, Thomas and Katrina Nemeskal, immigrated from the Czech Republic around 1860 and were among the first settlers in the area. The deed to their land was reportedly signed by Abraham Lincoln. After they died, the land passed to their son, Anthony Nemeskal, who, like his parents, ran a sawmill here. The family also operated a subsistence farm in order to feed the lumbermen who lived in a white 12-bedroom house on the property.

To feed all those lumbermen, Anthony hired a cook named Bessie, a widow with two children. He quickly fell in love with her and they married. Together they had four more children, including Mary Ann’s father, Albion, along with Peter, Helen and Ruth.

Mary Ann recalls the stories told by her grandmother Bessie. “The cook stove in the kitchen turned out sourdough hotcakes all day long, with warm batter always at the ready,” says Mary Ann. “They raised hogs for bacon, chickens for eggs, cows for beef and milk. The road from Maple City to Suttons Bay was

Bohemian Valley’s Nemeskal Family Lands

Forever Protected

10 Photo by Mark Smith


better so they went there for provisions in a horse and buggy and to Traverse City only once a year.”

Much of the timber harvested off the land was shipped to Chicago to rebuild after the great fire of 1871, which burned 3.3 square miles of the city and destroyed more than 17,000 buildings. The Nemeskal family also owned seven acres and a dock on Lake Michigan, located a few miles away. Giant logs were loaded on horse-drawn drays and hauled to meet cargo ships that traveled between Leelanau and Chicago. (See photo below, courtesy of Mary Ann Nemeskal.) Mary Ann says that one of the ship’s captains gifted a pair of brass binoculars to the family, now a treasured artifact.

The logging heyday was winding down and came to an end for the Nemeskals after the big white house burned to the ground one windy fall day. The cedar shingles on the roof caught fire and the fire department could not get there in time to save it. “My Aunt Ruth was just a baby, asleep inside,” says Mary Ann. “They grabbed her, the guns and the ammo. Pictures we could have cherished were left behind.”

Mary Ann’s grandfather (Anthony) passed away in 1938. As he was dying, Anthony asked his children who would take over the farm. “No one wanted it,” says Mary Ann,

“but my dad stepped up and I’m grateful that he did.”Soon after Anthony died, Bessie also lost her daughter

Ruth to pneumonia. “My grandmother was so strapped for cash that in order to pay for the two funerals she sold the seven acres on Lake Michigan for $100 an acre,” says Mary Ann. “We are grateful now the national park owns that land.”

Mary Ann and her siblings grew up in nearby Maple City. Her father, Albion, worked as a public utility contractor and her mother, Vera Mary (Shimek) was a school teacher, so although they owned the land, they were not the ones who farmed it. That task fell to Mary Ann’s Uncle Jim (Nemeskal) and Aunt Vicky (Hlavka). Mary Ann and her siblings helped their aunt and uncle during the summer. “I learned how to fix fences; Betty helped to milk cows,” she says.

Eventually Mary Ann and her siblings inherited the property. She says that they all came to the realization that they did not ever want to see the land developed. They were aware that other properties nearby, like the Olsen farm, had been protected. Friends encouraged them to reach out to the Leelanau Conservancy.

“People go up and down this road and they appreciate the beauty but don’t understand what it takes to maintain it,” adds Mary Ann. “The funds we received from the

easement purchase will help to pay the taxes, and if we get into a jam we can sell it.” Five acres that were kept out would support two home sites.

“We could not stand to think of these beautiful hillsides being chopped into 10-acre lots,” explains Mary Ann. “We felt that the thing to do was to keep it in the family and keep it as it is.”

The Nemeskal conservation easement has 46 acres that have been identified by the federal government as having “prime, unique and locally important soils.” Also included is 15 acres of hardwoods, a spring-fed pond, and eight acres of wetlands.

“Anytime you can work with a Leelanau family that has a road named after them, well, that’s very rewarding,” says Matt Heiman, the Conservancy’s Director of Natural Land Protection, who worked with Mary Ann on the project. “Protecting the scenic views of the Bohemian Valley is a high priority and there’s a high diversity of habitat in a small area here. It’s a great thing to protect Leelanau’s family farm heritage.”

How Do Preserved Private Lands Differ from Natural Areas?—See infographic on page 7.

Photo by Mark Smith.


What’s on Tap for Pat’s Preserve at Lime Lake? Staff are working to assess the ecological value of the property and to create a trail plan, with the preserve planned to open to the public in 2022. Photo below of staffer Kim Hayes on shores of Lime Lake by Mark Smith.

Kehl Lake Boardwalk Repaired and RaisedThanks, YouthWork crew, for repairing the Boardwalk at Kehl Lake Natural Area after trees fell and caused damage. (YouthWork provides work-based learning opportunities for youth throughout Michigan). There are many hazard trees in this area due to the Emerald Ash borer. When high winds happen, these stressed or dead trees are quick to fall. Higher than expected water levels also required the observation platform to be raised.

Trail and Infrastructure Planning for Expanded Palmer Woods

Plans are in the works at Palmer Woods—a fantastic four-season recreation destination that got bigger this year thanks to you. We are working with Rock Solid on a comprehensive hiking/mountain biking and cross-country ski trail system that takes in the 350-acre addition. We have also contracted with

Stites Natural Area Opens! 2020 saw the opening of the David and Phyllis Stites Natural Area, within walking distance of the Village of Suttons Bay. We are grateful to Ray and Jan Pezzi for donating this beautiful land for the benefit of wildlife and the Leelanau community. The land had once been slated for development, with up to 60 houses planned. Instead, hikers are now enjoying a beautiful hardwood forest—soon to be full of spring wildflowers.

Fern Garden at Palmer Woods Takes Shape Our work on creating a fern garden at Palmer Woods continues. A small volunteer group from Hagerty Insurance helped to plant ferns collected from around Palmer Woods and also from private land (with permission) where a specific population of two less common ferns grows. They also helped to move limestone rock to create a wall, which will provide a more specific habitat for certain specialized ferns. Former owner of the property, Dr. Daniel Palmer is a fern expert who has written two books. His dream is to showcase the ferns that grow in Michigan on this property and he and his wife, Helen, have made a gift to establish the new fern garden. Land Steward Emily Douglas is overseeing the project.

2020 Stewardship Highlights (all photos by staff unless indicated in caption)


conditions” form located on each natural area page. Staffer Chase Heise, pictured below, removes a tree at Clay Cliffs Natural Area. In 2020, over 150 trees fell across our trails and had to be removed.

Water Monitoring Program Marks 31st YearDespite the challenges of 2020, the Leelanau Conservancy was able to continue lake water monitoring, which occurs on seven county lakes. Special thanks go out to Leelanau Conservancy Founding Executive Director, Brian Price (pictured below), who volunteered his time to sample all of the lakes in 2020. This invaluable data from 1990 to present is shared among local organizations and is available to the public on our website. Unfortunately the stream sampling program was postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic; stay tuned for how you can help in 2021.

DeYoung Farmstead ImprovementsBig progress was made in 2020 on restoring the iconic DeYoung farmhouse. Accomplishments include an exterior paint job, refinishing the original wood floors, windows and doors. A new ADA entrance and patio were also added with special considerations to maintain the historic character of the Circa 1860’s farmhouse. Stay tuned for news on how we plan to use this space in a way that will honor the DeYoung family and benefit our community.

Keeping Trails Safe and ClearOur natural areas saw more usage than ever in the pandemic. Thanks to everyone who reported downed trees via our website “submit trail

Gosling Czubak on a site plan for expanded parking and trailhead infrastructure. Stay tuned for updates!

Cedar River Ridgeline Trail in the WorksOur staff mapped out a great trail along the ridgeline at the new Cedar River Preserve addition and contracted with Child and Family Services’ YouthWork program to help clear the beautiful new path. From this new trail, expect to see gorgeous views of Lake Leelanau as well as an expansive panorama of the Cedar River swamp. As of this writing, plans and permits for a new parking area were underway. Stay tuned for info about a 2021 opening. You’re going to love it.

Next Generation Gets to Know Palmer WoodsWe could show staff cutting back thorny brambles that is a constant task along the Palmer Woods mountain biking trail. But instead we choose to show how your support is engaging future generations in our conservation work. These kids were among three teams of area children who participated in Norte’s youth mountain bike workshops at Palmer Woods this fall. They learned mountain biking skills and enjoyed this beautiful natural area, along with the parents who brought them there.


I first met Carolyn Faught when she walked up the stairs of Traverse, Northern Michigan’s Magazine’s Union Street office late one afternoon, applying for the job of marketing/circulation director. It was over 35 years ago, I was 28, in over my head and in need of help. Carolyn was a year younger and had moved North with her husband Dave, leaving behind a career she had loved. Several hours later, it was dark and we still couldn’t talk fast enough. And we’ve never stopped. And, of course, she got the job.

Anyone who knows Carolyn can absolutely picture that scene because I’m sure you have been just as captivated by her energy, her passion, her incredible openness and that earnestness that just pulls you into her sphere. Carolyn and Dave started out in Cincinnati where she had been a successful buyer for a major department store chain. Dave worked for Procter & Gamble. They had managed to buy a small cottage in Leelanau County and when Dave got an accounting job in Traverse City, they left it all to come North. One idea was to open a bed and breakfast in the century-old house they’d bought. She would have shone at that, of course. But happily, instead, she chose to come to the magazine where she served as the marketing director for several years and then joined the editorial department where she honed what are now her amazing storytelling skills.

I recommended Carolyn for the job in communications at The Leelanau Conservancy. By that time, she had left the magazine to be home with her two sons and begin “a garden,” which we all now know as the incredible Omena Cut Flowers. I had no hesitation in nominating Carolyn for the position as I knew she would bring not just her writing skills, but her integrity, passion, drive and quality of “never having met a stranger,” to

“Voice of the Leelanau Conservancy,” Carolyn Faught, Retires

the work of the Conservancy. I was on the board at that time, new head of what had been called the Membership Committee. We promptly renamed it the Outreach Committee and with Carolyn and an amazing group on that committee, we grew from 13 Sustainers to hundreds, added the Leelanau Preservers program whose tiles can be found on the Village Green, changed the annual meeting to a multi-generational celebration and so much more.

Through it all, and for years beyond, Carolyn’s ability to capture the heart of “conservancy” through her writing, and her uncanny skill of getting people involved has built a membership truly defined, and bound, by passion and commitment. The stories she has shared of farmers and landowners, who have had the vision and courage to protect their land in perpetuity, will live on as testaments to the mission that defines the Conservancy’s work. And her words celebrating and respecting volunteers of every stripe has inspired countless others to join a volunteer effort.

Carolyn and I became instant friends that evening as the streetlights came on. We raised our kids as cousins, shared the joys and traumas that come with a 30+ year friendship, believed in each other through thick and thin and found in the other a matching passion for this place and the need to protect it forever. I count among my life’s blessings that Carolyn is my dear friend and that I played a role in her becoming the voice of our cherished Leelanau Conservancy for so many, for so long. Words have meaning and we can all feel grateful that it has been Carolyn’s words that have honored the people—staff, board, members, volunteers—and the mission of the Conservancy, words that will live on in perpetuity so poignantly and so beautifully. — Deb Fellows, former board member and the founder and editor-in-chief of Traverse, Northern Michigan’s Magazine.



We are pleased to announce some staff changes and promotions:

Chase Heise (top-left) has been promoted to Conservation Easement Program Manager. He joined our staff in 2015 and has excelled as a Land Steward on our Stewardship Team. In his new role, Chase will work with nearly 200 conservation landowner families to facilitate good communications and to ensure that conservation easement agreements are upheld.

Kim Hayes (top-right) did a remarkable job of handling the bulk of the CE Program Manager job in addition to her land protection duties for seven months, stepping in after Yarrow Brown resigned. Kim has been promoted to Farmland & Easement Programs Director to also provide supervisory oversight to the CE Program. Kim is well-suited to these additional duties, having served in a similar land trust role for 15 years in California prior to joining our team.

Chad Jordan (bottom-right) replaces Chase as Property & Trail Maintenance Specialist. Chad brings a wealth of professional experience and knowledge of trail building and maintenance, community outreach, and project management. He has served as Trail Ambassador for TART and president of the Northern Michigan Mountain Bike Association since 2016. He is also a former licensed homebuilder. As a volunteer, Chad has also helped us to choose trail contractors and led trail-maintenance volunteers at Palmer Woods. (see story on page 27).

In August we celebrated Membership Coordinator Gayle Egeler’s (bottom-left) 30th Anniversary with the Leelanau Conservancy. Gayle is our longest-serving staff member ever and has contributed so much to our success. Her attention to all the details that really matter and her great relationships have enhanced our goodwill in the community. Gayle has planned events, worked with volunteers, and stewarded all of our donors with the utmost of care. We are so fortunate that she has been on our team for the last three decades!

A Fond FarewellFrom Carolyn Faught

It has been the honor of my life to tell the stories of the Leelanau Conservancy for the last 20 years, and to be a part of protecting this place that I so dearly love. A place that is woven into the DNA of my two sons, and that has such a tight grip on my own heart. In the process, I have come to know so many incredible people.

My journey with the Conservancy started when I was writing for Traverse, Northern Michigan’s Magazine, and Kehl Lake Natural Area had just been protected. It was 1992, and I stood on the shores of Kehl Lake with Founding Executive Director, Brian Price. With a sweep of his arm, he told me that ¾ of the shoreline would never be developed. I was wowed then and continued to be wowed by each and every project since.

In this fractious world, I am grateful that Leelanau offers all of us an unbreakable bond: our collective love for this incredible place. To me, the Conservancy has never been about just one person; rather it is defined by the sum of its parts—which means each and every one of you. Your generosity and good will has amazed and touched me time and again over the last two decades. Together, we have done great things.

By design, my May 1 retirement coincides with planting season at Omena Cut Flowers. While I may be stepping away from the Conservancy, and joyfully digging in the dirt, I will continue to cherish the Conservancy’s mission, and all of the friends I made along the way.

Staff News


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Richard O. Ristine Heritage SocietyThe Heritage Society recognizes donors who have shared in the mission of the Leelanau Conservancy by making a gift through a will, bequest, trust, annuity, insurance or other planned gift. This important group is helping to ensure the long-term financial capabilities of the Conservancy. If you would like information about this special giving circle or about making a planned gift, contact Leslee Spraggins, Planned Giving Officer.

Anonymous (26)Susan Ager and Larry CoppardBarbara and William AlldredgeChristie L. and Bruce T. AltonDavid and Jacqueline AmosGary and Christine ArmbrechtHarold S. & Jacqueline F. BaaseJ. Sumner & Irene G. BagbyDavid BahrKen & Mary BalcomMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry, Jr.Dr. Nancy Craik Beights & Mr. Stephen Robert BeightsCarl G. & Sara Lynn BennerDale and Joan BlountJim and Laura BrownCamilla J. BuehlerMaria Garcia Bulkley & Peter B. BulkleyMrs. Carol P. BurchfieldChuck and Susan CadyKyle and Betsy CarrMr. William S. CasierDavid M. and Cara V. CassardR. Weston CaughlanRev. and Mrs. Albert A. ChaffeeWilliam J. CharlesworthJim and Kay CharterJohn and Linda CloudMargie CogginsMr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsMarie Eleanor CoppaMr. and Mrs. John G. DaveyMr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. DeibelThe Dennler FamilyKathleen Dinkel and Nancy AndersonCheryl DonakowskiMs. Nancy L. DotloMrs. Karen DoumaJim and Sharon DoyleRoland and Diane DraysonNancy R. and Berkley W. DuckTom and Gretchen DunfeeJack and Leah DunnDavid Edelstein & Jennie BerksonJohn and Gina ErbJonathan Feld and Shelley LongmuirErika and Dennis C. FergusonAnne FiskenEJ and John Fitzpatrick

Courtney M. FontJackson (Jack) Fox & Katrina SchuurMr. and Mrs. Tom H. FoxDr. Pam FrakerMs. Judy L. FrederickDouglas and Susan FreemanRichard M and Silvia S GansGene and Kathy GartheBob and Debbie GilbertBob and Nancy GilesKarin & Clarence GoodleinEnid and Rick GrauerJeff and Susan GreenMr. Richard A. GroutMichael Grover & Nunzio LupoMs. Karen HagueGeorgienne HammerSherrie and Logan HardieMr. William S. HarperMrs. C.L. Harrison, IIIAlison HeinsMr. William R. Hoff & Dr. Julienne HoffRebecca & Kent HoltonJack D. HunterBart and Gail IngrahamJohn and Kathy JahodaBarbara Nelson-Jameson & Lee B. JamesonKay Johnston & Jeff SanbornMr. John H. KattMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererMr. and Mrs. Jack A. KrauseArt & Kim KubertMr. and Mrs. George I. LiljebladSteve and Marcie LindoJudy & Lynn LivingstonKurt and Eleanor LuedtkeDr. R. William LustigDavid and Louise LuttonMarlis MannAnne J. Marszalek & Leonard P. MarszalekDeborah and Steven MartineauLarry MawbyLynn and Jim McAndrewsDan and Susan McDavidRob & Anne MeermansCraig A. and Nancy T. MillerMs. Mimi MullinKaren Mulvahill

Ann and Don MunroThomas NelsonAllen and Ellen NorthcuttMike & Sue O’RiordanChristopher & Lisa PainchaudMr. and Mrs. William D. PeaceJan and Ray PezziJ. Dwight Poffenberger, Jr.Ovide & Cindy PomerleauBobbie PoorRasa PoormanThomas S. PorterJim & Marie PrestonMax and Linda ProffittBill & Julie PumphreyJean and David RedfieldJennifer E. ReidRichard O. Ristine, Jr.Martha and Daniel RogalnyDr. William C. ScharfGary Schultheiss & Barbara RichmanJack and Susan SeamanCathy and Paul SehnertRuss & Marilyn SewellMr. and Mrs. David T. ShelbyMs. Janet ShroyerTeena & Mike ShupertBarbara and Frank SiepkerPaul and Margaret SloanMr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, IIIMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. SteinAvery StierDr. and Mrs. Stephen StrobelDr. Nora SugintasMr. and Mrs. Ben A. Tefertiller, Jr.Brian and Amy TennisMr. Terry TerhuneDana K. ThomasElizabeth Starks ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Ronald TonnebergerBill and Betsy VanWestenBarbara W. VilterPhil and Barb Von VoigtlanderBruce and Betsy WagnerMr. and Mrs. Warren H. WatkinsLarry and Marcia WebbHarry and Susan WibergElizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred WieseNancy and Stuart Winston


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“Nature itself is the best physician.”– Hippocrates

Photo by Sheen Watkins Photography of Teichner Preserve


Imagine spending your 20s living and working on the 46-mile-long island in Lake Superior known as Isle Royale National Park. Imagine boarding a Piper Cub plane flown by an Alaskan bush pilot in the dead of winter, watching wolf packs from the air. The pilot drops you off with your snowshoes and a two-way radio with a promise to come back for you six hours later. You spend the day tracking moose, collecting their frozen urine for analysis.

Or, imagine being in charge of restoring Circa 1855 lighthouses on this rugged and isolated island, far from the civilization that most of us know.

That life belonged to our new Heritage Society members, Lee Jameson and Barbara Nelson-Jameson. (Barbara was the moose tracker, Lee the restoration expert.) The couple spent 40 years working for the National Park Service (NPS) after meeting at the University of Michigan’s school of Natural Resources in 1974. They spent 10 years at Isle Royale, seven in Ohio at Cuyahoga National Park and the remainder at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (SBDNL).

The Jamesons’ passion for the outdoors has informed nearly every decision of their adult lives. That includes a decision to include the Leelanau Conservancy and the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC) in their estate plans. “We are huge advocates for conservation and appreciate these organizations; their work is about everything that we believe in,” says Lee.

Lee’s job as a Facilities Manager & Historic Restoration Specialist ultimately put him in charge of all park buildings, utilities, trails, campgrounds and historic structures at the parks where he served—including Leelanau’s SBDNL. Barbara started out as a seasonal park ranger then earned a master’s degree in natural resources management.

Much of Barbara’s career was centered around providing technical assistance to communities, non-profits and state and local governments as part of a Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program—an offshoot of the park service. She wrote grants and brought stakeholders together on projects such as the Detroit River Walk, the Ohio Erie Canal Tow Path Trail and Leelanau’s Heritage

This is Our Place and Our PeopleTrail. Tom Ulrich, Deputy Superintendent for SLBNL calls the Jamesons a “conservation power couple.”

“Lee kept this park in great shape for literally tens of millions of visitors, as well as for all his colleagues,” says Ulrich. “Barbara too has an admirable legacy. The Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail is just one local example of a much-loved community resource that would not have happened without her leadership.”

Barbara’s expertise and passion for conservation led her to serve for nine years on the Leelanau Conservancy’s Board of Directors, where she chaired its Land Protection Committee. “Providing outdoor recreation opportunities and access to nature is wonderful,” says Barbara, “but land and water conservation is what is really in my heart and why I choose to donate my time and energy to the conservancies.”

She helped to form the Leelanau Conservancy’s science-based land protection planning process. “Barbara is such an amazing and delightful font of information and experience,” says Tom Nelson, Executive Director. “She immediately upped our game when she joined our board. And, Barbara and Lee’s passion for Leelanau—now shared by their daughter Emily—is inspiring.” When Barbara’s board term ended, she joined the GTRLC board.

The Jamesons’ park service story includes Lee’s marriage proposal on South Manitou Island and years of long-distance romance. After a camping honeymoon, Lee dropped Barbara off at the Isle Royale ferry and drove to Nebraska. He was based there for three years working as an historic restoration specialist in the NPS Midwest region. Their time together was limited until he secured a position on Isle Royale, too.

A decade later, they wanted to start a family and transferred to a less rugged locale: Ohio’s Cuyahoga Valley National Park. During that time, daughter, Emily, now 22, was born.

Their goal was always to return to SBDNL where they both started their careers as ‘seasonals.’ That goal was met in 1999, when Lee became SBDNL’s Facilities Manager. Barbara, whose work took her all over Michigan

and Great Lakes region, moved her office to Empire too. “What an amazing place to raise a child,” says Barbara. “Leelanau is such a welcoming community and, my God, it’s just beautiful.”

Emily followed in her parents’ footsteps, attending U of M and earning degrees in environment and statistics. She is applying to graduate programs in freshwater ecology. “Having grown up on the Leelanau Peninsula, I very much support my parents’ contributions to the Conservancy,” says Emily. “They will help to protect the lands and waters that I love, and for future generations.”

The Jamesons live on Omena Bay. Both retired recently and Lee says that “inspired us to get our financial planning act together. Putting the conservancies in our estate plan is all about thinking globally and acting locally. This is our place and these are our people.”

If you would like more information about joining the Heritage Society, please contact Planned Giving Officer, Leslee Spraggins: 231-256-9665 or [email protected].

The Jameson family with new pup Maple, on the hunt for a Christmas tree in 2020.


Founders SocietyThe Founders Society recognizes those donors whose generous and long term support has resulted in cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000 or more to the Leelanau Conservancy.

$1 Million +AnonymousEdmund F. and Virginia B. Ball FoundationThe Carls FoundationMr. and Mrs. William L. Fortune, Sr.Miss Sally ReahardAnn Stack

$500,000 - $999,999AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Frank A. BrackenThe Brookby FoundationRichard and Carolyn ChormannEsperance Family FoundationMrs. Ruth S. FairchildMr. and Mrs. John W. FisherGeorge & Mary Ellen GotshallMr. and Mrs. John H. HoaglandMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. JonesWill and Joan LarsonMr. and Mrs. Eugene C. MillerClarence and Ruth Roy

$250,000 - $499,999Anonymous (2)Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. BallMario Batali and Susi CahnRosemary R. Berardi and Carolyn R. ZaleonMr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsDavid Edelstein & Jennie BerksonMr. and Mrs. William L. Elder

Jeff and Nancy FisherMr. and Mrs. William Y. GardGeorge and Frances Ball FoundationEnid and Rick GrauerThe Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow FoundationJohn T. and Shirley HoaglandMr. and Mrs. Addison IgleheartMariel FoundationThe Oleson FoundationDr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MDRobert J. Trulaske Jr. Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, IIIMs. Martha A. TeichnerMr. and Mrs. Warren H. WatkinsMs. Margaret H. WatkinsJoan and Randy Woods

$100,000 - $249,999Anonymous (8)Andrew V. Kiselius TrustThe Ashken FamilyJennifer Baker and Stephen FishbeinMr. and Mrs. John F. BallMaureen and Emil BrolickAmericana FoundationDavid M. and Cara V. CassardCherry RepublicMr. and Mrs. Howard M. DeanMr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. DeibelMs. Laura L. DeibelDellora A. & Lester J. Norris Foundation

Jeanne and Bill DennlerFrancie and John O. DowningGina and John ErbMrs. Sue FrankMr. and Mrs. John T. HackettMr. William B. HallLake Leelanau Lake AssociationJulie R. Weeks & Walter HoegyFrey FoundationMr. Michael J. KaneMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererRob KurnickMr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George Littell, Jr.Mr. Ron LovaszMr. and Mrs. Steven MartineauLarry Mawby and Lois BahleCraig A. and Nancy T. MillerM22 LLCMr. and Mrs. John D. NorrisMrs. Rose OudemolenJan and Ray PezziPhilip S. Harper FoundationDr. James Rae & Arleen Rakas- Mitchell RaeMs. Catharine P. RobertsMr. and Mrs. Gordon H. RobertsonMr. and Mrs. Marvin C. RorickRotary Charities of Traverse CityWalter and Leslie SchmidMr. and Mrs. Richard ShusterDavid and Sally ViskochilMs. Karen R. ViskochilThe Wadsworth FamilyBruce and Betsy WagnerAndy and Elizabeth WaltersE. Perry and Laurel (Wolfe) Webb

$50,000 - $99,999Anonymous (6)Barbara and Bill AlldredgeAmes Family FoundationAndrew R. and Janet F. Miller FoundationWilliam and Julie BachmanMrs. Martha B. BakerPaul Solli and Kristine BallMr. and Mrs. Robert BiggsMrs. Alexander M. BrackenMr. and Mrs. Ronald D. BrooksColin Gardner FoundationMrs. Jane W. DomkeCheryl DonakowskiMr. Martin M. EaslingMr. and Mrs. Roger EdgleyMr. and Mrs. Bowman F. ElderMr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, IIIMs. Julia M. FlowersDr. Pam FrakerMr. and Mrs. Richard A. FunkeMr. and Mrs. James C. GanterJan Garfinkle and Mike O’DonnellEdward Gergosian & Susan HoekengaMr. and Mrs. Robert GoffDan and Magee GordonJeff and Susan GreenDon and Ann GregoryMr. and Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, IIIThe HomesteadMr. and Mrs. George H. LittellDr. and Mrs. Michael G. LockhartMr. and Mrs. J. Michael LoshMrs. Mary E. LyonsMahogany FoundationAnnabel and Robert MooreMrs. Diantha C. NaftaliMr. and Mrs. Richard D. OliverOrion FoundationMr. and Mrs. Alvin OwsleyPorter Family FoundationThomas S. PorterMax R. and Linda J. ProffittBill & Julie PumphreyMr. John H. RayMr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Reahard, Jr.James and Gwendolyn RichThe Ricord FamilyRollin M. Gerstacker FoundationMary Alice SchaffMs. Anne SchermerhornMr. and Mrs. David T. ShelbyAnne Drackett ThomasJohn and Mary TrisMr. Robert J. Trulaske, Jr.

Mr. George C. WeeksBen and Cindy WeeseMrs. Shirley L. WheatleyElizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred WieseMrs. Nancy P. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Harold G. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Peter WilsonW.K. Kellogg FoundationMichael and Kathleen Wysocki

$25,000 - $49,999Anonymous (18)Porter and Anita AbbottChristie L. and Bruce T. AltonWilliam C. and Vicki AndersonKate and Dan AppelGary and Christine B. ArmbrechtMr. and Mrs. George E. L. BarbeeThe Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Charles BennisonGershon and Suzanne BerksonCaroline F. BradyBroadleaf FoundationDianne Christensen & Roy ChristiansonBarb and George CochranRichard Cooper & Jan TennantMichael and Susan CraigJim and Patty CroomMrs. Treva N. DeJongDole Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael L. DowHayward and Kathy DraperTom and Gretchen DunfeeJoseph FagganFeather FoundationWilliam Fortune, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James W. FrederickBob and Debbie GilbertMrs. Lurah GilbertRobert H. and Nancy M. GilesMr. and Mrs. Norbert W. GitsEllie GoldenMr. and Mrs. John M. GordonThe Gordon J. Hammersley FoundationGrainger Matching Charitable Gifts ProgramGrey GablesCurtis Hall and Susan HousemanMs. Ann HallMr. William S. HarperMolly M. HarrisonSusan and Jack HayesMs. Nancy HoaglandRich and Beth HooverHeather Horton and Roger Parker Mr. and Mrs. David B. HowardHP Foundation

Gifts of Land or Development RightsAlmost 200 individuals and families have made gifts of land or development rights to the Leelanau Conservancy since our founding in 1988. The generosity of these donors allows the Leelanau Conservancy to leverage fundraised dollars to conserve even more of what you love most about Leelanau. The names below reflect donors from 2020. For a list of all land or development rights donors, please visit Leelanau

Drs. Paul Dechow & Joanne BlumJoan DunklowMark & Betsy Fisher

Mrs. Jeannette HuntJ A Woollam FoundationDr. Jeffrey JohnsonThomas C. JonesDavid and Linda KaltenbachThomas and Bridget LamontMr. John LangdonCameron and Edward Lanphier Jeff Later & Betsy DonahueNancy and Bud LieblerFrank and Conchita LockhartMary and Bill LovelessDr. and Mrs. R. William LustigDavid and Louise LuttonMark and Lynne LyonsMr. and Mrs. John C. ManixMr. and Mrs. William F. MarshPatrick McCarthy, MDDr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElroyMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McShaneLuvie and Scott MyersMrs. Gertrude M. OliverDr. and Mr. Nels L. OlsonOmena FundDr. and Mrs. Patrick OrielMr. and Mrs. Denis B. PierceJoshua Pokempner & Gretchen GardnerJune and Jerry PowleyJim and Marie PrestonThe Paul and Katy Rady FamilyMs. Betty V. RhoadesMr. and Mrs. Richard O. RistineKati Rooney & Jim HennesseyChris Rowney and Siobhan CaffertyMs. Carolyn T. RussellMrs. Frances Petty SargentJim and Bonnie ScarlettDr. William C. ScharfDavid and Lisa SchimmelJack and Susan SeamanThe Shelby FamilyBarbara and Frank SiepkerNancy and David SmithMr. and Mrs. John P. SnedekerJim and Beth StephensRichard and Stacie StephensonMrs. Candace K. SutfinMrs. Louise ThomasMr. and Mrs. G. Neil TylerTom Russell Charitable FoundationAnne Miles VaughanMr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. VerdierBarbara W. VilterMr. John B. WatkinsDr. and Mrs. Robert L. WillardWayne and Sharon Workman

Marilyn M. FlaskaWalter JedenaLarry MawbyRon Mawby

Anthony A. NemeskalBetty NemeskalMary Ann NemeskalThe Palmer Family


John G. Porritt TrustThe Suzanne and Bernard Rink FamilyKathleen S. Thoreson


Joined in 2020AnonymousBill Allen & Susan MoriartySara and Rick ArmbrusterAlexander & Jesica BrownLori and Gordon DabneyDennis and Ambrosia DennehyMr. and Mrs. Ross DeyeBill and Wendy ErnzenMadeleine FrancavillaJohn and Ann GallagherDeborah Froeb and Tim GardnerWilliam GeorgePaul and Meredith HenleyKevin KowalkMr. and Mrs. Edward O. Lanphier, IIMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. LeeSteve and Kathy MarkovichEric MaxwellJustin & Bethany MesserNick and Kim MurrayOlson, Bzdok & Howard, PCKyle and Ashley PeczynskiMatt and Sara SatkowiakRick and Donna SimontonRick and Marlee SnowdonDan & Stephanie TresemerTim Werner and Petra von KulajtaJustin Ziemba

Welcome New Sustainers!

Thank you, Sustainer Circle Members, whether you have recently joined or been with us since year one, we are grateful for your participation in this important giving circle. And to all of those members who increased your annual gift this year, thank you! Your annual pledge to support our operations ensures that our long-term goals to conserve Leelanau’s land and water resources can be met. Meet new members Rick and Donna Simonton and hear what inspired them to join.

“We love to explore the world we live in and love via non-traditional modes of transportation…e.g. hiking, biking and cross-country skiing. In addition, we moved here (Suttons Bay) seven years ago and there is still not a week that goes by where Donna or I will tap each other on the arm and say, “Can you believe we live here”? The uniqueness and excitement we have of our lifelong dream of living in this area still has not worn off and hopefully won’t for the rest of our lives.” -Rick and Donna Simonton

The people listed at right joined our Sustainers Circle in 2020. If you would like more information on how to join this giving circle please contact:

Meg Delor, Development Director [email protected]

Right: New Sustainers Rick and

Donna Simonton with their dog,


Trillium photo left, by Mark Smith

“Come to the woods for here is rest.”

– John Muir


2020 DonorsWe strive for accurate record keeping. If your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Meg Delor, Development Director, at 231-256-9665 or [email protected]

* indicates Sustainers Circle Member

Champions ($10,000+) Anonymous (9)Barbara Alldredge*Andrew R. and Janet F. Miller FoundationDan and Kate Appel*Ashken Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.Jennifer Baker and Stephen Fishbein*Kristine Ball and Paul Solli*Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brolick*David M. and Cara V. Cassard*CDM FoundationCherry Republic*Richard and Carolyn Chormann*Jim and Patty Croom *Dellora A. & Lester J. Norris FoundationJeanne and Bill Dennler*Hayward and Kathy Draper*Mr. and Mrs. Roger Edgley*Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball FoundationEsperance Family FoundationDan and Magee Gordon*Enid and Rick Grauer*The Greeney FamilyJohn HollenderHeather Horton & Roger ParkerHP FoundationMr. and Mrs. Addison Igleheart*Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jones*Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ketterer*Mr. and Mrs. Robert KurasRob KurnickCameron and Edward Lanphier *Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael LoshMr. Ron Lovasz

M22 LLC*Mariel FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steven Martineau*Larry Mawby and Lois Bahle*Andrew R. and Janet F. Miller Foundation*John Murphey & Marcie MeditchJim and Jan Norris*Jan and Ray Pezzi*Plante Moran TrustPrologis FoundationMr. John H. Ray*Richard and Carolyn ChormannRobert J. Trulaske Jr. Family FoundationRollin M. Gerstacker FoundationMs. Martha A. TeichnerThe Brookby FoundationThe Carls FoundationThe HomesteadThe Oleson FoundationLarry and Marcia Webb*Joan and Randy Woods*Ms. Kathie Woods

Advocates ($5,000-$9,999)Anonymous (2)Andy and Belinda BelangerFrancie and John O. DowningMrs. Stephany DunfeePete and Anne EardleyGina and John Erb*Ms. Julia M. Flowers*Pamela Fraker*Jan Garfinkle and Mike O’Donnell*Jeff and Susan Green*Green Brick FoundationCurtis Hall and Susan Houseman*Ms. Nancy Hoagland*Dr. Jeffrey Johnson*David and Linda Kaltenbach*Jamie and Paula Jo Kemler*Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kubert*Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Lee*Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. George Littell, Jr.*Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. LockhartDr. and Mrs. Patrick McCarthy*Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure, IIIDr. and Mrs. Thomas NewlandOak River Foundation

Old Trail FoundationMr. and Mrs. Richard D. OliverOliver Family FoundationTom and Martha Phillips*Mr. and Mrs. Max Proffitt*Bill & Julie Pumphrey*Mrs. Lu RorickDr. William C. Scharf*Richard and Stacie StephensonThe Mead Foundation

John and Mary TrisAndy and Elizabeth WaltersMr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins*Justin Ziemba*

Partners ($2,500-$4,999)American Endowment FoundationSara and Rick Armbruster*Bel Lago/French Valley VineyardsMr. and Mrs. Robert Biggs*Mary Beth and Phil CanfieldMarion and Gene CartwrightDianne Christensen and Roy Christianson

Crystal River Outfitters Recreational DistrictCummings Christensen Family FoundationDr. Keith L. Curtis*Dr. Scholl FoundationMary & Joseph DuchiMr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, III*Madeleine Francavilla*Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Freeman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gans*Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa IndiansGrand Traverse Regional Community FoundationGreenleaf TrustMr. and Mrs. Edward W. GreenoMr. and Mrs. Steve Grossmann*Lori GrossnickleHarvey’s FoundationWilliam HodderJoseph and Whitney HuffsmithRobert and Laura Hughes

Todd and Amanda JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Jeff Kane*Lucy L. Lambert*Mike and Lori Lyman*John and Maude MarchMr. and Mrs. Donald K. Marik*Joseph & Leah MosherScott and Luvie Myers*Kenneth NischDr. and Mrs. Patrick Oriel*

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Denis B. Pierce*Laurie RuthJim Schafer*Nancy and Tom Shepherd*Shugart BuildersRick and Donna Simonton*Nancy and David Smith*Mrs. Candace K. Sutfin*Ms. Nancy A. SwiftThe Nancy M. & Victor S. Johnson Jr. FoundationMr. and Mrs. William VanWesten*

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Veneklasen*Barbara W. Vilter*Elizabeth and James Waters*

Benefactors ($1,000-$2,499)Anonymous (2)Porter and Anita Abbott*Accum TechMark and Connie Adamson*Susan Ager & Larry Coppard*Ms. Jane AisenbreyDorothy Stites Alig & Will HigginsMrs. Mary C. Allen*Bill Allen & Susan Moriarty*Charles & Susan AllenChristie L. and Bruce T. Alton*Gary and Christine B. Armbrecht*AYCO Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. David F. BallMr. and Mrs. John F. Ball, Jr.Mary Barber*Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barton*Mary BaughmanJack and Renee BeamDrs. Robert and Nancy Beekman*Dr. Carl BennerMr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Besio*Troy and Melissa Biddix*Jonathan and Julia Birge*Stephen & Patricia Jones BlessmanMr. Brian BloodMr. and Mrs. Robert W. BloomKurt M. Bowden & Nancy Dady*Andrew BowmanAlexander and Sally Bracken*Michael and Joan BrennanMr. and Mrs. Peter W. Brooke*Tom and Marsha Buehler*Camilla Buehler*Kate Bulkley & Ross Biddiscombe*Mrs. Marion BurnsErica ByrneChuck and Susan Cady*Dr. and Mrs. Ronald CaldwellKyle and Betsy Carr*Thomas and Denise Frieder Carr*Cedar Street Charitable FoundationJohn and Anne ChafeeAl Chaffee*Jim and Gwen Chesterfield*John and Liz Clark

“To the attentive eye, each moment of the year has its own beauty, and in the same fields, it beholds, every hour, a picture which was

never seen before, and which shall never be seen again.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson (staff photo)


Don and Marylou Coe*Ms. Sterling H. ColeMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Collins*Michael and Barbara Collins*Mr. and Mrs. E. Neal Cory, II*Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Craig*Dean and Lori CrutchfieldKevin & Sylvia CulpMr. Henry DarlingtonJames and Gayle DavisLaura DealDrs. Paul Dechow & Joanne Blum*Laura L. Deibel*Mrs. Treva N. DeJong*Meg and Rich Delor*Aric & Marie DershemRon and Marion DickelMr. and Mrs. Charles W. DickersonMs. Nancy L. Dotlo*Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dow*Mike and Stephanie DowMr. Hank DowPaula and Bryce DreeszenEugene E. & Elaine C. DrikerMr. and Mrs. Bill DruckerDTE EnergyGretchen Dunfee*Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dye*Jack and Karen Elder*J. Richard Emens & Beatrice E. Wolper*Bill and Mary Fallon*Family of Sally & Dan JohnsonJonathan Feld & Shelley Longmuir*Lance & Lisa FerdenErika and Dennis C. Ferguson*Jennifer Fine, PFNYCMs. Susan J. Finke*Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Fisher*Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Fisher*Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold M. Fisher*Peter and Cassidy FisherMr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick*Mary L. Forster, M.D.*William Fortune, Jr.*Edmund Frank & Eustacia SuJim and Sally Friend*Ms. Jane L. Gale*Carl and Barbara Galeana*Drs. Marc and Linda Gallini*Gene and Kathy Garthe*

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gerben*Sandra Gianturco & William Bradley*Jeffrey and Marcia Gibson*Bob and Debbie Gilbert*Mr. David Giles*Bill and Pat Gillula*Ellie Golden*Lael Goodman & Vikram ShankarMs. Maria Gotsch*Mrs. Christine GreenoMs. Paula GreenoDon and Ann Gregory*Ms. Karen Rubner GrotbergDick Grout*Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. GroverH. Fort Flowers FoundationBruce and Cynthia Hagen*Mike Wooldridge & Charyn HainPat and Linda HannifordAnne Harper and Greg NoblesMolly M. Harrison*Amelia and Matthew HaydenTimothy Hefferon & Leeann Konrad*Scott and Catherine HeiserMary Helmick*David and Betsy Hendricks*John and Christy Hennessey*Mr. and Mrs. David Herr*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiatt*John T. and Shirley Hoagland*Mr. Walter Hoegy*James and Diana Huckle*Mrs. Ann Huffman*Mr. Jack D. Hunter*Bart and Gail IngrahamIngraham Foundation TrustBrian and Jennifer JaffeMr. and Mrs. John Jahoda*Dale & Robin JohnsonPam JohnsonMr. Thomas C. Jones*June 8th Foundation, Inc.Dr. David Kam and Kristi Hameedi*Kari & Fred Barton FoundationTodd and Jean Kennell*Sandra Kilinski and Larry Ganz*Jeffrey & Deborah KilreaSteven and Shira Klein*Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kleiner*Thomas and Mary Ann Knowles*

Kohlberg & Co, LLCMs. Susan KonopMrs. Barbara A. Krause*Jeffrey and Jane KrysinskiJoseph Lada and Gary CozetteMr. and Mrs. John A. Laitala*Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Lake*

Thomas and Bridget Lamont*Harold and Pam LassersDr. and Mrs. Albert LeBlancMr. and Mrs. Henry Lederman*Sean Cronin and Dale Sisson LerschJoe and Kim Leugers*Mark and Lori Leugers and FamilyBud and Nancy Liebler*

Bill and Debbie LipnerMr. Thomas B. Littlewood*Mr. and Mrs. William Loveless, II*David and Louise Lutton*Mark and Lynne Lyons*Leon and Pamela Lysaght*Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Mack*

Bill McCrory & Leslie Maclin*James F. Maher & Emily Barton- MaherK. James Yager & Margaret MaierDavid Walker & Maribeth MaleckiAugie, Kim & Kaia Manrique*Dan and Lynne Mapes-Riordan*Luigi and Carlotta MarescaEric Maxwell*

Mr. & Mrs. Ben D. McCallister, Jr.Mr. Woody McCallyMr. and Mrs. John V. N. McClureDr. and Mrs. William J. McCool*Kate and Halley McDonald*Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McShane*Mr. and Mrs. David L. Michelmore*Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller*Laurence and Melisa Miller*Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert MillerRick and Anne MillerJim and Jeanne Montie*Steve and Kathleen Morency*Paul and Wendy MorseMs. Mimi Mullin*Karen Mulvahill & Dan Malski*Annette and Eric Munson*Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. NaoumLisa and Ted NeildTom Nelson and Stephanie Berger*Benjamin NobisMr. Lawrence J. Noling*Catherine and Robert NoonanConnie Olson*Olson, Bzdok & Howard, PC*Jeannine OuelletteMichael Ouzounian & Trish Rogers*Part D AdvisorsDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pearson*Mr. Jerry R. PearsonPeter and Vicki Alpaugh*Mary and Ben PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Paul PolmanMrs. Bobbie S. Poor*Thomas S. PorterMrs. Kate Potvin*Jim and Marie Preston*Pat and Dan PruisJohn and Wanchalee PutnamPyromationMr. and Mrs. George J. Quarderer*Mimi and Barry RansickMr. and Mrs. David Redfield*Mat and Nancy ReevesMs. Alexis M. Reid*Jennifer ReidDavid Reinisch and Julie Kiefer*Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Ristine, Jr.Brenda RixeyJon and Julianne RobinsonMartha and Dan Rogalny

Kati Rooney & Jim Hennessey*Mr. Roger RosentreterDonald & Stephanie SandersonJim and Bonnie Scarlett*Phil and Kathy Scherer*David and Lisa Schimmel*Gary Schultheiss & Barbara Richman*Duane & Suzzanne SchultzMs. Patricia Sharpnack*R. Kent ShirleyDaniel C. Shoup & Anne Bishop Shoup*Paul Skiem and Beth Brooks*Paul and Margaret Sloan*Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith*Doug and Sally B. Smith*Mr. and Mrs. John P. Snedeker*Jeffrey and Jenny SpaethMr. David L. SpargoJohn and Leslee Spraggins*Ann Stack*Christopher Stack, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Justin A. Stanley, Jr.*Cherrie and William Stege*Jim and Beth Stephens*Chris and Jamie Stephenson*Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stott*Stricof Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. George Strietmann*Bob & Liz SugarMrs. Midge SweetMr. Tom Swift*Mrs. Laura L. Swire*Amy and Brian Tennis*Diana TerrellThe Franci Neely FoundationThe Jerry and Marcia Tubergen FoundationBert and Diane Thomas*Tom’s Food MarketD’Vera G. TopolMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Tubergen*Beth Verhey and Daniel Toole*Visit Up North Vacation RentalsMs. Karen R. Viskochil*Greg Vogt and Claire Eberwein*Bruce and Betsy Wagner*Curt & Kristen WardWaterStoneSheen and David Watkins*

“A walk in nature, walks the soul back home.”

– Mary Davis (staff photo)


Mark and Lisa WeadickBen and Cynthia Weese*Mrs. Elise I. Weisbach*Tim Werner and Petra von Kulajta*Mr. and Mrs. Tim L. WestbayJim and Kathy Westlake*Mary Cusick and David Wible*Fred Wiese*Brian Williams & L. Fisher-Williams*David and Roberta WilliamsRobert T. Wilson & Sandra Smith*Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson*Bill and Rita Witler*Jack and Carol Wixted*Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wollenhaupt*Mrs. Pauline Womac*Phillip & Marcia WrightDouglas and Jennifer WyattMike Young*David and Kenna Zorn*Mr. and Mrs. John Zubik*

$500-$999Anonymous (3)A2M2, LLC*Barbara Abbott and Larry Hauser*Barry and Lynn AdlerThomas and Judy AjaJim and Jan AlbersSuzanne Albrecht & Steve Redding*William and Nancy AllenMary Alvin*David and Jacqueline Amos*William C. and Vicki Anderson*Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Anderson*Ms. Sally S. Appel*Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Armbruster*Jeremiah and Kristi Avery*Ms. Jane T. BabbittIrene G. and J. Sumner Bagby*Randy Baidas and Will ReevesMs. Jane Baker*Peter and Kris Baldo*Mr. Carl H. BallouAndrew Bamford & Tamera Wales*Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barber

Mark and Marilyn BaremanGlenn and Patty Barnes*Mr. and Mrs. Robert BarssGregg Baustian & Jenny PuvogelGinny and Scott Beall*James Bell & Mary Labbe-BellNancy and Joe Belton*Carol BennerMr. and Mrs. John BennettThe Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Bennison*Jill Berkeley & Larry Goldman*Gershon Berkson*Mr. and Mrs. P. James Bernardo*Drs. Lindsay and Mark Bibler*Barbara Bierlein & Tom DillonMr. and Mrs. John B. Biggs, Jr.*Kathleen and John Birney*Dr. and Mrs. Dale M. Blount*Bill and Anne BoersmaMr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Bogley*Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bohmer*Ms. Susan Bomier*Andrew and Yolanda Bone*Carol and Lee A. Bowen*Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. BransonMichael and Sherri BromBryan and Eaton Brown*Alexander & Jesica Brown*Brig and Merrill Buettner*Peter and Maria Garcia Bulkley*Jeff and Debbie Burt*Drs. Nancy Cantor & Steven R. Brechin*Mr. & Mrs. George A. Cantrick, Jr.*Ms. Lucille Capra*Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carlson*Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Carpenter*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. CassadyJohn Chapman & Candance Daley*Karen L. Chase & David Bellizi*Vijay and Ann Chitkara*Mrs. Betty C. Clarke*Dean Manikas & Susan Cocciarelli*Jeanne Cole and Jonathan Ledsky*Mike and Tedi Collier*Mr. Dennis R. CollingMr. and Mrs. William T. Collins, Jr.*Michael Collins & Margaret Grano

Compass Paper Co.Michael and Michelle Connell*Richard Cooper & Jan Tennant*Marie Eleanor Coppa*Romona and Bill CrainMrs. Carolyn L. CraneLori and Gordon Dabney*Mr. Jay Dankovich*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Darland*Judy DarstMark Davis and Mary KranstoverAnnette Deibel*

Tom and Audrey DeVault*Shawn DeVriesMr. and Mrs. Ross Deye*Adele and Page Dinsmore*Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Dixon*Mrs. Karen Douma*William Drozdalski & Linda Janman*Harry and Beth Drucker*Harriet Dunlop*Christopher DunnAndra and Olivia DupontMs. March DyeDavid Edelstein & Jennie Berkson*

Ms. Sherry D. Edwards*Aaron and Jennifer Ellenbogen*Rolf and Claire EmbertsonMrs. Mary Emmett*Tom and Juli ErdmannJoe and Dawn Erhardt*Dr. Claire Ernst & Al BedecarreBill and Wendy Ernzen*Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Fazzoni*Robert and Barbara Featherly*Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fellows*Dr. and Mrs. Neal H. Fellows*

James Fielding*Mr. and Mrs. Russell FincherThe Finnegan Family*Andrew & Daniela FischerMr. and Mrs. James A. Fisher*Mark and Betsy Fisher*Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fleishman*Ms. Nancy FlemingRobert and Gloria Floden*Matt and Courtney M. Font*Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Foster*Drs. Robert Foster & Valarie Miner*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fox*Ms. Judy L. Frederick*

Mrs. Ruth M. French*Donald and Kathryn Frerichs*Nancy Gallagher & Kevin Weber*John and Ann Gallagher*James and Kathy Ganley*Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Gardner*Deborah Froeb and Tim Gardner*Ms. Judith E. Gass*Joseph and Julie Gaus*William and Bertha Gebo*William George*Gianturco Family FoundationJeffrey and Georgia Gietzen*Robert H. and Nancy M. Giles*Dan and Teri GillespieDr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gleffe*Dr. and Mrs. David Gordon*Jerry Gretzinger & Meg Staley*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. GriffithRod and Cathy GroleauMichael Grover and Nunzio Lupo*Mr. Forrest Gunderson*Mr. and Mrs. Christopher HaberMr. Robert L. Hagerman*Mr. Rick Halbert*Mollie and Chuck Hall*Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamilton*Jeff and Ilze Hammersley*Dr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Hanley*Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hanpeter*Deb & Jeff HardcastleMr. and Mrs. Alan E. Hartwick*Judith Case & Karl Hausler*Bev and Dan HeinzMr. Matthew HeissPaul and Meredith Henley*Mark and Beth Henry*Janet HethornGail and Bob Hetler*Rick and Judy Hill*William and Suzanne Hoff*Mrs. Nancy Hollowell*Mr. and Mrs. Kent N. Holton*Beth Hoover*Mr. John H. Hoppin, Jr.*Mr. William HudsonJohn and Kathleen Imboden*Daniel Inman and Catherine LittleMs. Catherine E. Irwin*T. Michael and Joan Jackson*Roberta and Mike Jacobson*

Michael and Kristen JanowiczMrs. Mary E. JellemaMr. and Mrs. Kalin S. Johnson*Mr. David Carroll Johnson*Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. JohnsonAlison Horton and Kathy KaczynskiGeoff and Deborah KammererSumeet KanwarAlan and Teri Kasper*Mr. and Mrs. Mike Keen*Mrs. Janet H. Kelley*Liz Ketterer and Tom Balazs*Ms. Susan Kettering*Nadeen Kieren and Thom GreeneMrs. Susan D. KingDavid Kirby & Martha TopolAlan Kirby & Theresa PleasantsKirkland & Ellis LLPMr. Charles Knapp*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knighton*Kevin Knoop & Cynthia SullivanDan and Michelle KoopRichard Kosinski & Deborah OchsKevin Kowalk*Mr. and Mrs. Jeff KozisekJames and Luanne KrantzMrs. Pat Krause*JB KroppRichard and June Kuiper*Don and Jeanne Kunz*Robert Kurtz and Molly O’TooleMr. and Mrs. Bradley E. LaffreyMr. and Mrs. Stuart Laing*Ms. Susan LambEmily Lange-NovakMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Lanham*Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larkin*William and Barbara LawtonMs. Karen Ledsky*Mr. James W. LeenhoutsMs. Linda LeMieux*Mrs. Nancy H. Liley*Lime Lake AssociationMr. and Mrs. John Ling*Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lininger*Mrs. Kathy LippertMike Litch*Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lockhart*Frank and Conchita Lockhart*Ms. Ruth Lovingood-Finke*Carlos and Susan L. Lowell

2020 Donors Continued* indicates Sustainers Circle Member

“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.”

—John Burroughs (photo: Bert Thomas)


Dr. R. William and Jeri Lustig*Dr. and Mrs. James Lutz*Robert and Lisa MacKayMs. Theresa Maday*Anne H. Magoun*Mr. & Mrs. Themistocles L. Majoros*Ms. Nancy L. Malecki*Marlis Mann and Tom Skinner*Carol and Michael Manty*Judy L. MardigianLisa Jorgensen Markevich*Steve and Kathy Markovich*Ms. Josephine Marquis*Mr. and Mrs. Karl Marsh*Mr. Leonard P. Marszalek*Mr. and Mrs. John G. Martin*Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Martin*Drs. Ann and Conrad Mason*Steve McGraw and Bobi Morey*Mr. and Mrs. Doug McInnis*Mr. and Mrs. Stafford McKay*Timothy McKayMrs. Margaret B. McKinleyMr. and Mrs. Glenn M. McNett*Jeff and Erin McRae*Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mead*Mrs. Mary Ann Meanwell*Dr. Lisa Meils*Gary and Wendy MerkeyJustin & Bethany Messer*Craig A. and Nancy T. Miller*Dr. and Mrs. David W. Miller*Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Miller*David and Catherine Miller*Bob and Marcia Moglia*Patrick Monaghan & Julia AdamsSacha and Jane Montas*Annabel Moore*Casey and Marissa MooreMr. and Mrs. Andrew B. MorrowMr. Robert R. Morse, Jr.*Michael and Theresa Morton*Mr. Steven L. TrulaskeTom and Janet Mug*Mr. and Mrs. Michael Muladore*Ann and Don Munro*Nick and Kim Murray*Gregory and Rhonda Myers*Tania and Carter NeildMark Nesbitt & Sara McVay*

Mrs. Maxi NeugebauerAlexi NeverovichLeonard Niehoff & Lisa Rudgers*Jeffery and Susan Nielson*John and Leslie Nilsson*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas NixonMr. and Mrs. John NoellJim Nugent and Toddy Rieger*Ms. Kiku ObataEdward & Caroline G. Oberndorf*Mrs. Janey OdellMs. Susan P. Oliver*

Kathryn Eckert Omoto*Dr. and Mrs. Mark Orringer*Osteryoung Della Penna FundRon Paczkowski & Judy Talbott*Laura Gits Paine*Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Palmer*Stephen and Elizabeth Palms*Mr. L. Harlan PeckMs. Mary V. Petterson*Donn and Kathleen Piatt*Ellen Pisor*Michael and Nancy Plessner*David and Ann Podeszwa*Thad and Nancy PopaMr. John PrestonTim & Margaret Price

Prism Publications, Inc./Traverse the MagazineJack and Janice Purse*Vance and Catherine Querio*Lori Holstege and David Quimby*Ms. Margaret M. RabenMr. and Mrs. Eric R. Ray*Polly Rea*Doug and Beth Reid*Dr. Raymond E. Reinert*Peachy and John Rentenbach*

Keith Reynaud & Molly DonahueShawn Ricker & Steven Cacossa*Mr. and Mrs. John W. Risk*Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roberts*Carl Robinson & Karen Fujisawa*Mr. and Mrs. Scot C. Roemer*Ms. Melanie A. Rogers*Bill and Kate Rohlfs*Mrs. Sarah F. RolosonMr. Thomas M. Rooks*Michael and Vicki Ross*Kay and Pete Rossiter*Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rossman*Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. RutkowskiDr. and Mrs. Todd H. Ryan*Seth Sadis and Kristen Verhey

Rebecca SambergDebbie and Jeff SambergJoe & Sandy SambergLaura SambergMr. and Mrs. Ross G. Satterwhite*Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schlueter*Thomas & Suzanne SchoenebergerTodd and Sheila Schorer*Ann and Don SchwartzJack and Susan Seaman*Ms. Joan H. Searby*Jim and Cathy Searing*Robert Seeman & Karin JacobsonMrs. Rosalind B. Sell*John and Susan SentellAnne and David Shane*Mary and Bob Shapton*Carrie A. Sharp*J. Donald and Angela SheetsSteven ShermanMr. and Mrs. John A. ShiltsRobert and Linda Shirkey*John Shoaff & Julie Donnell*Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shupert*Barbara and Frank Siepker*Cindy Eppolito & Charles Silver*Marilyn SimmonsMatt and Mona Simoncini*Jim Simons and Shirlee Affhalter*Jeff Smisek & Diana Strassmann*Andy and Marietta Smith*Mr. and Mrs. Alton Smith*Stephen and Sandra Smith*Eric Smith & Elasah Schaff SmithDr. and Mrs. Peter SneedRick and Marlee Snowdon*Mr. and Mrs. John B. Snyder*Daniel Snyder and Ann RichDr. and Mrs. David E. Spathelf*Lance and Ania Spitzner*Ms. Joanne L. Sprouse*Mary Stanley*Darlene Stanley & Harry Zoccoli*Franklin and Hollis Starks*Mike and Marie StearnsMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Stein*Robert Steinhilber & Mary Jo O’Connor*Mrs. Eleanor B. StephensonTerry and Debbie StiemannChuck Stockwell*

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance

that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” —Rachel Carson (photo: Eric Munson)

Don and Tricia Stogsdill*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stricof*Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Summerwill*David Tabolt & Lisa Genesen*Mr. Lee TaftAbbot and Josie Thayer*The Davis Tree Expert CompanyKathy ThomasRichard and Sera Thompson*Paul ThompsonDan and Sue Tobin*Traverse Area Association of RealtorsDan & Stephanie Tresemer*Perry and Mary TreshMs. Kathy M. Tuckerman*Dennis and Kathy Turner*Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Unger*Mr. and Mrs. Bill Valpey*Lee Kremin & Marjolijn Van der VeldeMr. Joseph M. Varley*Mrs. Anne M. Vaughan*Warren and Julie VeltmanLinda and Doug Verellen*Kate Vilter*Mr. Larry Viskochil*Phil and Barb Von Voigtlander*Mr. and Mrs. F. Jon Walter*Julie and Galen WalterMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. WarburtonAndrew and Molly Watkins*Doug and Jackie Watson*Mr. John Weber*David Weisbach and Joan Neal*Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wellman*Nic WeltyRobert and Sheila WentlandDr. and Mrs. R.A. Westphal*Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wille*Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wills*Ms. Jane Wilsher*Terry and Sandy Wilson*Barbara and Eric Winkelman*Nancy and Stuart Winston*Wislow Research AssociatesMr. and Mrs. John Withee*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Witten, II*Mr. Peter C. Wolcott*Mr. and Mrs. James Woodhull, II

Caroline and Edwin Woods*Wayne and Sharon Workman*Lee and Jenny WorkumBruce Young*Marilyn and Gregg Zank*Mr. and Mrs. John J. ZevalkinkMr. M. Richard Zinman*Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zipser, Attny/CPA*Birgit Zipser JorgensenDavid & Kathy ZmyslowskiBill Zolkowski and Susan HawleyLinda and Joel Zylstra

$250-$499Geoff Abbate and Marty EisenbarthMs. Joanie AbbottAmazonSmile FoundationPaul and Melisse AndersonMr. Matt AnhutJames and Rose ArnoldMr. and Mrs. Jim AufderhaarMr. and Mrs. Joel BaillieBaird Foundation, Inc.Kay and Chuck BarnellJean BassettRob and Shelly BatterbeeMr. David S. BattleRon and Jane BeckerDr. and Mrs. Royce L. BeersPaul and Mary Lynn BeldenJamie & Carolyn Doepke BennettMr. Charles W. BinderJames G. and Ann H. BinghamNorman Bistodeau & Andrew MitchellEric & Anne BlanchardDrs. Peter and Eleanor Blitzer*Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. BlountGina and Ron BoeLauren BogueMr. and Mrs. Philip BoriaMr. Jack A. BosgraafVictoria BoyceMrs. Judy BrackenMr. and Mrs. John H. BreniserBrian Zimmerman & AssociatesBrookhaven LTD - Carl BarnesKarla and Scott BrownRick and Tammi Budinger


2020 Donors Continued* indicates Sustainers Circle Member

Ms. Barbara K. BunburySteven and Barbara BursianDr. and Mrs. Paul D. BursteinDenise and Stu ButterfieldJoseph Capuano and Mary SkiverMr. and Mrs. David CarrollMr. William CartmillMr. Chas CathermanJeff CavanaughJ. Preston and Nina Cory ClaytorDrs. Priscilla Cogan & CW DuncanPatrick & Diane ColemanDeborah CollierKara Cook and Michael BenoMs. Jeanne CorbettDr. and Mrs. Vincent CoudenMolly and John CrabbWilliam and Patricia CreanJohn & Barbara CurpheyJoan D’Argo and David KrumlaufAlan & Michelle DavisMr. and Mrs. Carl M. DeFariaLetitia DelanGregory and Lucile DemanskiEugene DiBenedettoKay and Bob DoyleDr. and Mrs. Thomas M. PendergastStephanie and Mark DuckmannHolly and Jeff DunlopBruce and Lynn DunnElizabeth and Mike EaglesJames and Jill EganEric and Marcy ElliottMr. and Mrs. Daniel EzekielDavid and. Kathleen FischhoffMr. and Mrs. Michael J. FisherMr. and Mrs. Jud FisherJorja FleezanisKenneth Floody & Elizabeth FreebairnJames FluehrSarah and Tim FogartyMichael & Mary FoleyRobert and Mary FosterKelsey FoxJoseph Ganley

Mr. and Mrs. David T. GardnerDon & Laurie GardnerMrs. Barbara F. GentileJeff and Julie GerstenbergerJohn Gierak and Dona TraceyMr. and Mrs. Steven J. GoldsteinMr.& Mrs. Philip W. Goodspeed Jr.Allan and Sydell GrantChad and Jennifer GreenwellRobert & Sarah GreveyGTRCF - The Rotary Endowment FundThomas GubackScott HammondMs. Jane HardyGordy and Jeanne HattJoseph HawkinsDr. and Mrs. James H. HilgardJames HinerMr. and Mrs. Robert L. HinkleWes Hough and Marlow FisherBrian HoweRowell and Penny HuesmannMr. Thomas HuntWin and Kyle IrwinMr. James B IsabellMark and Elaine Michener IsraelMr. and Mrs. David JanizekDouglas B Jester & Colleen BarryJay and Betsy JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Richard S. JohnsonMs. Julie D. JohnsonMrs. Marilyn D. JohnstonGary JonasKaren and Charlie KaufmanLawrence KennedyMr. and Mrs. Richard F. KiernanMr. and Mrs. Douglas KohlbeckMr. & Mrs. Bryane E. KowalewskiMr. Walter J. KraimerMargaret KrydaStan and Joy KryderDavid and Judith KurtzMr. and Mrs. Jon M. LaneMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. LangMr. and Mrs. Stephen LaterMr. and Mrs. Robert LavenLeelanau LLC SiladkeMr. and Mrs. David M. LeiserMr. and Mrs. George A. Lemcke

Mrs. Deloris LeppinkAnne Leugers and Elmer LippMr. and Mrs. Lloyd LindnerDavid P. LloydGus and Katie LoJim and Monica LoganMr. and Mrs. Donald W. LystraJohn and Barbara MacDougallLeslie MaloneyKaren and William MartinJean MartinJohn and Janet MattsonDean & Sue MatzJohn and Nannie MaxwellMr. and Mrs. Gary McCauslandScott McDonaldKristi McKenzie & Frank SellgrenAllan and Mary McKissonMr. and Mrs. James P. MeilTheodore MenteleMr. and Mrs. Reed MillerSusan and David MilneBernard and Harriet MitchellGretchen & Tim MizerowskiDonald and Patricia MoltenJulie & Jeff MooreDennis and Linda MorozJohn and Kacia MorrisPaul MortonMRG Race GroupDr. Janet NavarroMr. and Mrs. Ronald N. NicholsMr. and Mrs. David NitschkeMs. Elizabeth OchPat and Marlene O’ConnorRich and Adrianne OdellDale and Sue O’DonnellStephen and Ami OrrKelly and Jeff OrringerMr. and Mrs. Ernest OskinMr. and Mrs. Steven A. OwsleyHeather Paddison and John MuirJohn Parke IIIMr. Wes ParkerMr. William D. Peace*Zoe PearsonKyle and Ashley Peczynski*Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. PerlmanThom and Rachelle PetersMr. Randy Petresh*Ms. Molly Phinny

The Piskor FamilyBrian Farmer & Abigail PohlonskiCindy and Ovide PomerleauMs. Donna PopkeMark and Manie PowellGary & Jen PrescottDr. David and Deborah PruisStephen and Marcie QuaDr. Robert A. Raines, Jr.Larry and Carolyn RawsthorneJennifer and Dave ReynoldsJim RichardsonMs. Patricia RichardsonTerry and Debra RiedingerMs. Carol E. RiggMr. and Mrs. Eppa RixeyMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. RobinsonMrs. Marcia L. RoseMary Cobb and Peter RouseelotJames RoyceMr. David W. SalisburyPerry and Deborah Samson*Cecily & Kurt Sanford & FamilyMatt and Sara Satkowiak*Paul Sauerland & Teri ConeMr. and Mrs. Peter H. SchaffJim and Margaret SchrimpfLisa SebrightKevin and Kathy SeitzHenry Crevensten & Carlin SenterG. Russell & Marilyn SewellMrs. Patricia D. SheaUday & Nandita ShethMs. Patricia ShileyMr. and Mrs. Robert Smart, Jr.Michelle Smith, Joan Chandler and Vici MacleanMs. Deborah SomervilleQuinton and Margaret St. JohnDavid & Cynthia StaderMark StoddardTodd and Janet StonePage StoutlandJason Stringer and Ann TeriaakMs. Kristin StrobelDavid and Karin SummersSuzanne and Richard SwanDavid SwetsSharon SwindellThe W.W. Group, Inc.James Thoburn

Greg ThomasMr. and Mrs. Steve A. TorokMr. Kyle TrevasCarol and Ruben TronoMrs. Katharine W. TurnerTom Ulrich & Lindy KelloggMr. and Mrs. Ken VanElslanderVan’s GarageDavid and Margaret WaltonDr. Lawrence H. and Jamie Warbasse, IIINoreen and Stewart WarrenMs. Tamara L. WeberMr. and Mrs. Edward WellerMr. Max WendellWhite & Liebler ArchitectsMr. and Mrs. Douglas WhitleyNorman and Susan WoerleEric and Dorothy WolffTony & Peggy WoodruffDick and Jane WoolseyMr. and Mrs. John WoomerDavid D. Wright & Julie QuinnDr. Stephen A. WyattMs. Lise C. ZahnKathleen ZelkowitzKathleen ZinkJohn and Sheri Zoeller

$100-$249Anonymous (9)Mr. & Mrs. Weston W. Adams, Jr.Ms. Anne F. AdamsMr. and Mrs. David E. AdamsMr. and Mrs. Robert D. AicherMs. Gloria AlbrechtMr. and Mrs. Gary AldenAlfie Logo GearTom and Nancy AlfieriMr. and Mrs. Robert L. AlflenSharon and Steve AlguireMr. and Mrs. Mark C. AllenDavid AlpersDr. and Mrs. Gordon AmidonMr. William H. AndersonPhil and Bev AndersonEdmund and Ann AndersonSallee and Thomas AndersonChris & Becky AndersonJonathan & Leslie AndersonMr. and Mrs. James P. Andres

Jeffrey Annatoyn & Kathleen CornillieAdam and Mary ArentsCarlos and Lisa E. ArmasMs. Judy ArmstrongPatricia ArnoRenee ArnoldArt’s TavernMr. and Mrs. Louis E. AugMr. and Mrs. Richard AustinErica AustinJohn & Anne AveryMindy Aviles KellyRich and Cassie AxtellLauren and Tom AzoniMr. and Mrs. John G. BachmanTerrance and Sandra BaconMr. Stephen BahlkeMr. David BahrDr. and Mrs. Walter M. BairdPeter and Lauren Bakker-ArkemaRichard and Dana BalanderAllison BalasKathryn S. BalcerskiMs. Sarah BaldwinMrs. Lena A. BallMr. and Mrs. William A. BannaschMr. and Mrs. George E. L. BarbeeMs. Margaret BarberMs. Patricia BardMr. and Mrs. Gary BardenhagenMr. Daniel J. BarnhartMs. Christine BarnowskiMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry, Jr.Neva BartholomewMs. Cheryl BartzAimee and Dino BaskovicGreg and Chris BassettMr. and Mrs. Peter BauerSusan BauerCarol and John BaughmanBrian, Melissa and Stella BavidoPamela BeachCharles & Mary BeardenMr. and Mrs. Dennis J. BeckerMary BeekerMr. and Mrs. John E. BeeskowMr. John BelangerLydia BelangerMs. Marcia BellingerMr. Kenneth Benjamin


Mrs. Rosemary R. BennettMrs. Gill BentleyVicki Berglund & Andy GouldSteven and Christina BergmansMs. Sandra M. BiaginiJon & Janis BibleMrs. Nancy A. BierleyNeal BilletdeauxMr. and Mrs. Lowell O. BirdEdward and Joan BirrellMichael & Linda BirtlesThomas O. Bisbee & Laura A. JohnsonTom and Gwen BischoffDavid Blackmore & Barbara WorlandJanna and Eric BlakelyJon & Deneen BloomKen BloomCarol BlumLawrence & Nancy BluthJanis Bobrin and Mike AllemangMs. Joan C. BockSara and Gordon BolanTim Boland & Laura CoitPaul and Karen BolhuisRobin and David BoligDr. Amy G. BolmerMrs. Sara B. BoothGraydon Booth & Lauri SugermanAshley Borrero & Jennifer FineMr. and Mrs. Dave BortonPeter BottenhornTim and Meagan BottrellMr. John BourbonnaisMr. John BourgaultDebbie BourqueGerry and Kathleen BoylanWill and Margee BrackenJames Bransky & Robin Webb- BranskyMrs. Mary BraytonMr. and Mrs. Robert BrennerBrian and Cathy BrentonMr. Timothy BrickHoward and Mary BridgesMr. and Mrs. Dan BrondykAlfred BrothersMr. and Mrs. Gary G. BrownDr. and Mrs. Gregory S. BrownMrs. Carolyne R. Brown

Jim and Laura BrownChad BrownGreg & Jan BrownJeannie Brown LeonardMr. Paul BruceMichael and Jeanine BrueningDrs. Kersti and Daniel J. BruiningMr. and Mrs. Thomas B. BrushJohn and Susan BryantKen & Mary BuckiusMr. and Mrs. Richard W. BudingerAlice BuffingtonTimothy & Lynnette Fouch BugenskeNancy BujoldPaul and Tanya J. BulthuisMr. and Mrs. Charles J. BumbJane E. BurchfieldWilliam BurgessPhil and Laura BurkEmily Burke and Andrew MooreMichael BurnettMr. and Mrs. Keith W. BurnhamMrs. Avery L. BurnsMr. and Mrs. John P. BurnsChuck and Susan BuxtonJohn & Debra BylMary Cameron DrejzaMrs. Maureen CampbellFrederick and Denise CampbellMr. and Mrs. Michael P. CampoMs. Ellie CanfieldMr. and Mrs. Howard W. Cann, IIIJackie CantalupoJames and Elisa CantwilMr. David G. CardMrs. Susan CarlyonMs. Margaret CarmodyTammy Carpenter & Scott HebertMs. Gayle L. CarpenterRobert Carr & Lydia ArnoldBarb and John CaseMrs. Sally CaseyPhilip Castillo & Susan RundleDr. and Dr. Ceferino CataAndrew Caughey & Shelly NeitzelMs. Kathy CavanaughMr. David CaveraMichael and Kavitha CelentinoMr. and Mrs. David D. CellMarilyn and Ken Cerny

Jim and Linda ChalatJohn and Marsha ChamberlinMr. & Mrs. Stephen C. ChambersJoe and Sybil ChandlerPhi, Caroline and Frank ChandlerGreg and Barbara ChapmanBill and Anne ChatfieldCherry Bay Orchards, Inc.Kurt ChildsMarc and Jenny ChipaultMr. and Mrs. Donald ChristieMr. and Mrs. Frank C. ClarkDavid and Kirsten ClarkJim and Karen ClickDrs. Steven and Molly ClineJohn and Donna ClingermanMr. and Mrs. John M. CloudDotti Clune and Jill HenemyerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. CoffmanMr. and Mrs. Robert CohenRonald and Sally Cole-MischMr. and Mrs. John D. ColemanGrant Cone and Tracey PaddockBob and Toni ConleyMr. William C. ConnellyBill and Linda ConnorMr. and Mrs. Glenn E. CookKarl and Tracy CooperMr. and Mrs. Daniel B. CoteMs. Carol B. CottrellJim and Lynne CowartW. Scott Craig & Carol BawdenMs. Lynne CraneMs. Ellen CraneFrank and Mary CraneJohn and Kitty CranorCharles and Susan CrawfordJon & Debbie CrealCarl and Marilyn CreightonMs. Kathleen J. CrispellDavid & Jane Crowner-FriedmanMr. and Mrs. Alexander CrudenMr. and Mrs. Roger CummingsDoug and Debby CummingsArt CurtisJim and Diana CusserMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. CusterDiane Dabich & George KleiberRichard and Mary DalyMs. Carolyn DanielsonJacob & Phoebe Danziger Photo by Sheen Watkins



2020 Donors Continued* indicates Sustainers Circle Member

George and Maryellen DastonMr. and Mrs. John G. DaveyRobert DavidsonNancy and Tom DaviesMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. DavisRodger and Debbie DavisMs. Catherine M DavisBetsey DavisMr. and Mrs. Dean ConnersMrs. Jeanine W. DeanCindy DeaneMr. James DeatonAnn and Richard DeBoerKim and Jeff DeBosierMs. Haley DeKorneMs. Laura DemanskiMr. R. Garret DemarestPatricia DeMariaMs. Meri DembrowMrs. Michelle DennyJoyce and Michael DerenMr. and Mrs. Robert DeVriesMarsha DiCenzoMrs. Rita M. DickMr. and Mrs. Clark DicksonMr. and Mrs. John F. DiClementeKevin Diels & Jane DamschroderMr. and Mrs. Paul F. DillerMr. and Mrs. William P. DillonKathy DinkelNancy and Bud DockterMr. and Mrs. Larry L. DoddMs. Kathleen DohertyKathleen Dolson and Christopher SpillingDavid & Cynthia DomanchukMrs. Maureen T. DoranMr. and Mrs. Falk DornRobert and Nancy DoughtyBarbara and Barry DoveJennifer and Bill DoyleDon and Kathryn DrabikMr. and Mrs. Joe DresselElissa Driker & Jay ZerwekhMr. and Mrs. Michael DuBrulBob and Rae DumkeDavid and Jennifer Dumoulin

Michael A. DunfeeMichelle DunfeeNancy Hulka and Duane DunlapDrs. Michael and Carrie DunnMr. and Mrs. C.R. DunnMr. & Mrs. James E. Dutmers, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas DutmersMs. Barbara A. DuvallEA Companies, Inc.Theo and Caitlin EarlyCreighton & Sandra EarlyThomas Earwood & Amy RadfordMrs. Nancy EatonMr. Gregory L. EbelMike and Amy EbertMr. and Mrs. Richard EbyTrina EdwardsMrs. Judith M. EgelerMs. Margaret EllibeeLarry EllisonDavid EmblidgeMrs. Carol Y. EmensAlaine Emens and Jackie FieldsGayle EmeryMrs. Lin EmmertRonald & Alice EmmertMr. and Mrs. Vincent EngererElizabeth ErdmannGail and Keith EvansMark and Annette EvansMr. Albert A. EvansTerrance & Patricia EvansMrs. Carol FaberMr. and Mrs. Peter W. FabienMark and Karen FalaheeMrs. Jeanne P. FalbergWilliam & Susan FalesDr. Julie Faller & Robert SchubLaurence and Catherine FallonAlberto & Lydia FarahMr. and Mrs. Hugh A. FarberMs. Diana FaulhaberLinda FayerweatherDr. David S. FeenstraMr. and Mrs. Jack FergusonMr. Mason FerryPete and Julie FinchMr. Harry J. Finke, IVMs. Cathleen C. FisherNancy Fitzgerald & Jerry Agnew

Mary & Pat FitzpatrickMaureen FlahertyDavid Foley & Margaret WillmanPat and John D. FooteMr. Richard W. ForceTom and Chris FordGlenn and Kim FordLou Anne FordRoy FordJeff and Nancy ForrestAllen and Nancy ForsaithMr. Eugene ForsterBen and Judy FowlerJerry & Kathryn FoxMr. Chuck FraenkelFranklin County FCSO Corrections Administration OfficeLaura Franseen & Norman KjomeBrian & Karen FrederickMrs. Nancy P. FreemanJames S. and Judith N. FreemanMs. Susan L. FremontJulie FrenchMs. Ruth FreyMs. Carol FusJames & Rebecca GaebeJames, William & George GaggosCheryl Gain & Brian J. FairbrotherTayler GallaMr. and Mrs. J. Carl GanterMr. and Mrs. Paul D. GardRon and Chris GardhouseStephen Gardner, Jr. & Margot NaceyMr. and Mrs. David GarmanHeidi GarrahyMs. Gloria GarrettGregg and Amy GarrettPhil Garrison and Patricia McGeeMr. and Mrs. Billy R. GarwoodMrs. Lynne I. GauthierStafford and Stephanie GavinMr. and Mrs. Jack GazianoPaul and Teri GelterMike and Missy GettleCourtney & Katie GilbertScott and Erin GilesMr. Ed GillCarl and Marsha GirouxMrs. Frances M. GitsMs. Victoria Rea Gits

Photo by Sheen Watkins28


Charles & Janet Gleason & Leslie GarwoodRichard and Marianne GlosengerMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Goettle, IVBarb and Howard GoldmanVictor and Denice GoldschmidtHeather and Jeff GoliberGood Harbor Family FundDr. and Mrs. James D. GoodspeedMr. Harvey GordonChris and Shannon GordonMrs. Nancy GottschalkGourdie-Fraser, Inc.Ms. Mary GrahamChristopher GrahamMarvin Grahn & Christine HaukeLaurie and Joe GrantMr. and Mrs. David GrauerDavid & Pamela GrayGreat Lakes Sailing CompanyMr. and Mrs. William GreenMrs. Patricia J. GreenJere and Judy GreenArnie & Pat GreenfieldChristopher GreenoRick and Fran GreenupMrs. Linda GregoryMr. and Mrs. Richard GreweKen and Joyce GreywallThe Grisdale FamilyRick and Lynn GrodekMr. and Mrs. James H. GrossRay and Lynn GrossMr. and Mrs. John E. GroteMs. Mary McInally GroverMr. Gerald GruskaMs. Cindy GubaThe Gunzenhaeuser FamilyMr. and Mrs. H. Louis GurthetDale GuseAlan & Janene GuzowskiMr. Charles R. Haberlein, Jr.Carol and Rick HackbarthMs. Daneen HaggardWalter HaglageCharles & Linda HallMr. Craig HamiltonMr. David J. HamiltonStephen HamiltonMs. Georgienne HammerMr. and Mrs. Carl F. Hammond

Mr. Steve HammondLinda HannaGreg & Melissa HannahMrs. Charlotte G. HanpeterCam & Michael HanschkeMr. and Mrs. Douglas A. HansenEdward HargisMr. and Mrs. Dan S. HarknessMr. and Mrs. Paul HarknessMrs. Jo HarmsonMichael HarrellKirk and Liz HarringtonDavid and Marcia HarrisTerry & Nancy HarrisShane and Jerry HarrisonBlaine and Jean HarrisonAnn HartCyndie and Jim HartmannAndrew HartmannMr. and Mrs. Keith HartwellDavid HartwigJohn & Shirley HattonDavid and Susan HaughnKelly and Susan HaunKim HayesMichael and Jeanne HaynesMike and Julie HaysDick and Mary Lou HazletonClark Headrick & Eileen FoleyMr. and Mrs. C. Robert HeatonLynn and Diane HedemanRandall and Molly HeemstraJames & Nancy HeffelJerry and Barbara HeimanJim and Pat HeinzmanKaren HeldtMr. Mark HelfersDennis and Lynne HendricksColleen HendryMrs. Jean G. HengelbrokJames Hengelbrok & Mary HaberlandStephen HennessyJeffrey & Christine HenningHenry Feil Philanthropic LeagueKellie Herbert-FollinMr. John HerbstFred HeslopMr. and Mrs. Steve R. HextCindy & Sue Hiking-FriendsTimothy and Carol Hinckley

Craig and Lindsay HineMr. and Mrs. Warren K. HinschWarren and Suzanne HinschKevin HirschTheresa HitchensMrs. Carolyn B. HobartKara HockingMr. William A. HoffmanBob and Jane HoldemanLloyd and Christeen HoldwickAmanda Holmes and Dan StewartStephen & Christy HolmesKen and Carol HoltMr. and Mrs. Jay HomanFrederick & Kathleen HomerkampMr. and Mrs. Ralph S. HommelHonor BankRebecca L. HoogThomas Hooker and Kristen RabeJ. Stephen and Leslee HooperMichael HopperAndrew and Catherine HorningMrs. Georgina HosmerMr. and Mrs. Michael R. HowardMr. and Mrs. Terrence HoweMr. Gilbert HudsonMichael Huey and Christian Witt- DorringChristopher and Elizabeth HughesMr. and Mrs. James E. HullversonMr. and Mrs. David D. HunterDan and Barb HurlbuttMrs. Mildred HurleyMs. Brenda J. HusbandDr. Douglas B. HutchisonMr. and Mrs. James R. HutchisonTom and Kathy HySteven and Janet HydeChristopher Hyman & Rebecca TrunnellMr. Doug IboldJohn & Judy IchordMs. Katherine IeremiasMrs. Monica InchausteguiDr. and Mrs. Paul IzenbergLary and Sarah JacksonKristen Jahoda and Adam DurstLee Jameson & Barbara Nelson- JamesonMr. John T. Jameson, III

Jan & Jan JamesonMr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Jamieson, Jr.Susan and Jerry JaneckeDr. and Mrs. Albert B. Janko*Mrs. Joan K. JanowskyKathryn JehleMr. and Mrs. Daniel W. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Tom M. JohnsonDoug and Mary Jo JohnsonBob and Karen JohnsonMr. Robert H. JohnsonJames and Elaine JohnsonClifford JohnsonJ. Kay Johnston & Jeff SanbornMs. Louise Coleman JonesKelly and Jason JosephMr. James E. JoyceMr. and Mrs. James H. KabcenellMr. and Mrs. Chad KahlerJoan Kalchik & Michael TenbrockMs. Angela KandlerMs. Emily KanitzChristopher Kantner & Cynthia BurgerJulie Kareck-LopataMr. and Mrs. Robert F. KarnerMr. John H. KattBonnie and Dick KayPaul and Yoka KayeMichael and Mary KedzierskiMs. Grace KeeblePhillip Keeling and JoAnn CarlsonEllen and Jeff KeenMr. & Mrs. Charles H. Kellogg, Jr.Barbara Kelly & Ruth FreyJanet Kelman and David ReinMrs. Nana KennedyMr. and Mrs. Michael E. KenneyRoger KersonJeff and Susan KesslerBlake and Lynda KeyMs. Lynn B. KeyJanet KiesselEdward and Dulce KiesselMs. Carol KindtLaura KingDavid and Jennifer KirchgessnerCatherine N. KleinDan KleinKari KlinskiBruce and Barbara Knapp

Ms. Nancy KnightMr. and Mrs. Paul KochannySandy and Rick KoehlerMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. KohlMr. and Mrs. Konrad D. KohlMrs. Judy KomarekDiana and Michael KooistraLarry and Bonnie KoskelaMrs. Joan H. KrampsMr. and Mrs. Charles KrausMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey KreminGregory & Mary KuntzKaren KurczDave & Linda LagieskiBen LairdJim and Anita LamontDenise and David LampMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LanderPatrick & Cynthia LandryKarel Engstrom & Scott LanktonRobert LaPorte & Harriette LemkeMr. Geoffrey LarcomMr. Deven LarranceTom and Pam LauretoAl & Dana LaursenRick and Kristi LearmanMr. and Mrs. Frederick LeaskeDr. and Mrs. Russell A. LeBlancDr. and Mrs. William J. LeeMr. and Mrs. George LeeKim Lee and Belinda ChouRebecca LeeDavid Leece and Kathy BrewerDan and Karen LegaultMrs. Carol LeGrayLeland MercantileJim Lemire & Denise SamuelsMr. and Mrs. Dan LeppekRod and Dee LertolaMr. and Mrs. Paul T. LeugersThomas and Diane LeugersMr. James LeugersMs. Jennifer LeugersSkip and Liz LeuppConnie LeutloffMrs. Judith LevinBarry Levine & Beverly BeauchampMr. and Mrs. Gene LewisGregory and Jill LewisMs. Ruth A. Lezotte

Mr. Brian LiljebladDavid LimerMr. and Mrs. Ed LindemanJames and Susan LippertLarry and Lorraine LiszewskiNeal Little and Eva FeldmanJenny Littlefield & Peter WilkinsonBarbara LoebigNick and Kathy LomakoJohn LombardiChris and DawnMarie LorentsonStaton and Carol LorenzThe Loseke FamilyBill and Karen LottMr. and Mrs. Philip LoudJudith LovelaceMike and Kathy LubigSteven Luebkeman & Sara Later*Joe LuginskiDouglas and Elaine LunneMr. Joel A. LutzAlec and Sarah MachielsDr. and Mrs. Vincent A. MackeMaria & Robert MackenzieAndrew MadonnaGail MahanMr. and Mrs. Peter S. MaherRay and Penny MalcounAl and Susan MansonPeter and Mary ManteiMs. Lucy W. MarchMark Eidelson and Caryl MarkzonBarry and Debbie MarshMatt and Cindy MarshMr. and Mrs. Robert D. MarthJerry and Martha MartinEric & Christiane MartinLaura MartinMr. Don MartinesMr. and Mrs. Richard J. MashkeKate Mason & Mary Lee MillerBonnie MatthaeusMr. and Mrs. Jerry MayHal and Lisa MaySusan MaybriarMs. Ellen J. MaycockOlivia MaynardTim and Anita McCabeMr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCaldenMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarty


2020 Donors Continued* indicates Sustainers Circle Member

Craig and Lisa McConnellPaul & Sally McConvilleZachary McCourtCarl and Virginia McCoyDan and Susan McDavidDavid and Catherine McDowellMs. Kristen McElligattDr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElroyPaul and Susan McEwenDorothy McGavranFred & Liz McGavranMs. Susan B. McHughMrs. Pauline McIlrathEd McInnis & Patty PayetteMr. and Mrs. John McIntireTim & Aprille McKayHarold and Kanda McKeeBob McKelveyMr. and Mrs. Charles D. McKenna McKessonBill McKinley and Judith BriggsMr. and Mrs. Gary McLeodMr. Campbell McLeodMr. and Mrs. John McLoughlinMr. and Mrs. Bill McMenamyMr. and Mrs. S. Craig McMillanGregory and Marcia McMorrowMrs. Nancy McNamaraPaul and Julie McNeillyMs. Melissa McNierMs. Barbara McNittMs. Gaytha McVayMr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Mead*Philip and Ann MeaseMr. and Mrs. George N. MeekerRob and Anne MeermansGreg and Linda MeideMr. Larry MeierMr. and Mrs. Robert MellenMr. and Mrs. John W. MelstromMr. Randall K. MelvinDavid Mertz and April StuckMr. and Mrs. James P. MeyerMrs. Ann P. MeyersPat and Laura MichaelAmy Middleton & Therese DurkinMr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mileham

Eric and Kimberly MilesCraig & Lin MiliusDr. and Mrs. Keith W. MillerMr. and Mrs. Richard MillerDennis Miller & Daina BriedisMrs. Susan MillerMs. Ann O. MillerGerald and Rita MillerLou & Jenny MillerDiane MillerMr. and Mrs. Robert G. MilneSteven & Sandra MittonRobert and Pamela MolenhouseDavid Monforton and Anne VanderklootDavid L. Monstrey & Katherine HeilConnor MontgomerySteve and Amelia MooreJenn Rae MooreCorey and Sarah MorganKen and Faye MorleyAndrew Morrill and Marie KnoerlMr. and Mrs. Michael D. MorrisGary A. MorrisonMrs. Alison MortonMr. and Mrs. James M. MoskalikG. Michel Mott and L. Kim McManamaHoward and Susan MuellerCaroline MugMr. Glenn MuhrMr. and Mrs. Timothy MulherinMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MulvaneyMr. and Mrs. Dennis MurphyKathryn MurrayKen and Pat MussonDennis and Leigh Ann NaasBrooke A. Nash & Bruce FulfordMr. and Mrs. Terry NaylorMr. Charles NeedhamMr. and Mrs. John D. NehilMrs. Marilyn NellTed and Jennie NelsonNewcomers Club of Traverse CityRobert and Cristine NicholsGregory & Kathryn NicholsNieman MarcusDenny NischMr. Dale NorconkPaul and Christine Norman

Northport PotteryNottinghill Investment Advisors, Ltd.Ms. Cynthia NowakAmy OdgersMaria and Dave O’DonnellCharles and Sara OfenlochJohn OhlroggeMr. and Mrs. James OliverMr. and Mrs. Michael OltersdorfOmena Women’s ClubDr. Robert and Zibby OnealNancy and Bill O’NeillTimothy OntkoOpus Capital Mgt.Mr. and Mrs. William J. OrcuttJane and Pat O’RourkeOryana Food Cooperative, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ostrowski, Jr.Ms. Marie OwenRuss and Jane PackardMr. and Mrs. Christopher C. PainchaudMr. and Mrs. G. Bruce PapeshMary Anne and Bob ParksAlexander Parks & Julie ShanksSheila T. PatonDon and Pat PaulsellMr. and Mrs. Thomas PavelkaMr. and Mrs. William F. PeckMr. and Mrs. Perry PentiukMs. Linda PepplerElmer and Ruth PetermanDr. and Mrs. Nathaniel A. PetersJay and Candace PetersenMr. and Mrs. John J. PetersonMr. Erik PetersonPatricia Petrat & Richard ZahlerTom PfennigChristina PfeuferSally PilcherSteve and Bonnie PlamondonChris PlatzMr. J. Dwight Poffenberger, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. David M. PohlodGerald Levine & Sarah PokempnerRon and Marilyn PokrakJackie PonMr. and Mrs. Stan PonsteinMs. Erin Poor

Glenn and Rasa T. PoormanMr. Joe PovoloMr. and Mrs. James D. PriceMr. Larry PriceGary Pritchard and Chuck NovakJim and Mary PulsiferMrs. Bette M. PuschelJeff and Jane PuvogelTom, Anne, Rachel & Samantha PytelBill and Susannah QuigleyDiana RaddatzRoyce Ragland & Kenneth BloemLeslyn RankBlake Ratcliffe & Sherri Moore- RatcliffeMrs. Charlotte ReadPaul and Phyllis ReboriSteve and Connie ReddicliffeDave RedfieldDaniel Regenold & Kelly AckermanDebra ReichHannah ReimerEllen and John ReisterMs. Laurie G. RemterGregory and Brenda RenerMr. and Mrs. Dewey J. RennekerLydia RevelosTyler & Melissa RheemMr. and Mrs. Ronald G. RhoadsThe Ricord FamilyRob and Marylou RidayMs. Julie RidenourMrs. Louisa RidgwayLawrence & Janet RiggeBill and Coralyn RileyGarry and Pat RingnaldaGary and Anita RisbridgerJerry and Rebecca RisserCharles and Donna RitterMichael & Libby RoboldMs. Joanne RochowMr. and Mrs. Tim C. RodAnn RogersSteve and Sue RohdeChristopher & Mary Lou RohwerMr. and Mrs. E. David RollertDr. and Mrs. Albert D. RollingsMr. Edward RolosonCary Ballinger RolosonMaureen Ronquist & Linda Grissim

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. RootMr. Greg RoseCindy and Ken RosiekMs. Susan F. RossoMike and Laura RothermelMr. and Mrs. Roger W. RowenWalt and Marj RufMr. and Mrs. John RuhrupMr. and Mrs. Donald L. RumelhartRunning Dog StudioMr. James E. Ryan, Jr.Tim and Janet RyanJudith Rycus & Ronald HughesZachary Sakas & Leah Grogan SakasTed and Sally SamplesMr. and Mrs. Erik E. SaxonArthur & Marla ScafeSteve and Sharon ScalesAndy and Susan SchaedelMary SchaeferCharles & Catherine SchaferRichard & Janice SchaferGregory & Pattie SchaferMrs. Mary Elder SchaffMr. and Mrs. John J. SchafferMr. Michael E. ScharpfJim Scherrer & Debra KalchikMrs. Donna L. SchiffFolkert Schmidt & Kathleen SullivanJohn SchmidtMark and Susanne SchneiderMrs. Marilyn M. SchneiderKen and Linette SchneiderBetsy SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Edward D. SchockerJoseph SchoenfeldtMr. and Mrs. Robert ScholzScott D. Schrager & MaryAnne FordBeth Schroeder & Tina MooreMs. Karen SchulteNancy SchwabApril and James SchwaegerleJames Schwantes & Judy ReinhardtMr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. ScottMr. and Mrs. John A. ScottWilliam SeamanMrs. Carla J. Sedgwick & FamilyGlenn Sedgwick

Patricia SeilerDennis SeppanenKara SewardJack Seymour & Margaret Ann CrainKristine ShahmirzaMr. and Mrs. James R. ShannahanElise ShattoMr. and Mrs. Thomas ShaverDuane and Margaret ShawMr. and Mrs. Donald ShawMr. Michael S. SherryPatrick & Susan ShieldsMr. and Mrs. Greg L. ShoffTom and Diane SiebrasseMr. Jack SiemansReid Sikes & Barbara MackeMr. and Mrs. Clint A. SimkoCharles & Melissa SimonSanford & Linda SimonsMr. and Mrs. James R. SitkoMr. William Slater*Ted and Kelly SlaterMs. Anne SlaterMs. Christine SlaterMr. and Mrs. John B. SmartMr. and Mrs. Larry L. SmithMrs. Sharon SmithMrs. Charlotte SmithMrs. Judith D. SmithTom and Beth SmithMr. Greg SmithRandy and Marianne SmithJohn & Sheila SmithBonnie SmithMrs. Betty W. SmykalSharon and Robert SnellMarcia and Joe SojkowskiMrs. Greta SolomonsonMs. Holly SorensenEliot Singer & Suzanne SorkinMr. & Mrs. Robert W. Soutas-LittleEdward SouthardMs. Christine SowCarol and Robert SpalyRebecca SpalyRyan & Nicole SpaydeJane and Gordon C. SpinkDave and Karin SpringerBrad and Jandy SprouseDrs. Beverly & R. Lawrence St. ClairFred and Joyce Stackable


Keller and Mary StaleyDrs. Richard and Linda StanfordBob and Laura StapletonWilliam and Adwoa SteelDr. and Mrs. Michael G. SteichenMs. Catherine W. StephensonLea Ann SterlingDavid and Laurie StevensScott and Ann StewartMr. and Mrs. Phillip StinsonRobert & Kathleen StraitsTom & Carol StrifflerMr. and Mrs. William B. StrubbeSteve & Sarah StrydKathleen and John StuartLillian and Terry StyxDr. and Mrs. Spiridon N. SuciuMr. and Mrs. Gregory SuhajdaKari SulenesMr. Jerry SuraMr. and Mrs. Thomas SutterWayne and Pat SwallowDavid Sweet and Elaine KiharaMary and Bill SwiftMr. and Mrs. Stephen SyrjamakiWilliam Szumanski & Colleen DesantisThe Taglauer CabinMrs. Phyllis L. TakayamaMr. and Mrs. Carl R. TaphouseMr. Shepherd TateMr. and Mrs. William M. TaylorMary TaylorLinda Taylor BoydJohn and Marcia TeichmanMrs. Nancy L. TempleBlake and Maria TempletonThe Happy WomanSara and Nicolas TheisenThomas H. Thibault & Ruth WinterPaul ThielkingDrs. Philip S. Thomas & Henrietta BarnesMr. and Mrs. Jim ThomasMs. Susan M. ThomasBryan & Jill ThompsonMs. Kate ThornhillLeland & Ellen ThorntonMr. Craig TigglemanMike Toal*Edwin S. Tobes & Harriet Bakalar

William and Nikki ToccoMr. and Mrs. Mitchell TomlinsonScott and Mary TompkinsShannon and Chris TorresBeth TownsendMr. and Mrs. Mark TrapchakMr. and Mrs. John E. TropmanMr. and Mrs. Tom TrumbullValerie and Randolph TrumbullMr. and Mrs. Dan TubbsMs. Dori TurnerDaniel and Lisa TurnerDoug and Mary TurnerMr. and Mrs. Gary B. TwomeyRebecca UlepDr. John Ulrich, Ph.D LLCDr. John UlrichMrs. Carole A. UnderwoodUnited Way of Northwest MichiganJohn & Linda ValentineMartha and Tom IwanickiMr. and Mrs. Frans Van LiereScott and Marie Vander LindeDiane VanderPolMr. and Mrs. Michael A. VanRiperDr. and Mrs. Samuel VasiuAndreya VeintimillaRyan Verhey-HenkeBeverly VilloMr. and Mrs. Peter VisserWilliam Vodegel & Jennifer MolonyWilliam and Pamela VredevoogdJohn and Carrie WadasMs. Leslie J. WadsworthMrs. Jean WadsworthMr. Jon F. WadsworthMs. Kathleen M. WagnerGeorge & Cynthia WaldeckWilliam WaldeckMr. and Mrs. John W. WaldropCarl and Dorothy Walker*James WalkerMs. Lorri WalletJohn WallingtonBob and Cyndy WalshJohn and Gina WalshKent and Nancy WaltonJim & Kris WardMr. and Mrs. William J. Warren

Sue Warrick-SmithLynne F. Waskin & James OsweilerMr. and Mrs. Theodore R. WatsonMs. Mary K. WeadockMr. and Mrs. Allen WeaverMichael Weber & Barbara LehmannBrice and Stephanie WeeksSteve and Nancy WegienekRussell and Dolores WelchliStephen and Kathleen WellerMr. and Mrs. John M. WernerThomas and Sandra WertimeTy and Kathy WessellJoan WestMr. and Mrs. Bruce J. WestoverChar Bickel & Steve WetherbeeWhaleback InnMichael WhaleySusan WhaleyMr. Gil WheelerChuck and Janet WhetselMrs. Griselda WhippleStuart and Suzanne WhiteDavid and Nancy WhiteBerton & Marureen WhitedMs. Kathleen WichmanMr. and Mrs. John WicklandMs. Candace WiebenerJohn and Kate WiegandNettie WietheMr. and Mrs. Timothy C. WilcoxMr. and Mrs. Don G. WilcoxDr. and Dr. Michael A. WillettMr. Hugh A. WilleyRick and Arleen WilleyMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. WilliamsThomas and Sarah WilliamsTravis WillisTerri WillsKatherine and Brian WilsonMyra WilsonSue WisneskiSage WodarzPete and Ginna WoessnerJulia WolcottScott and Brigitte WolinMs. Shirley J. WoodardGary and Marilee WoodworthLauris Woolford

Edward and Karen WoolseyZach & Erin WordBenjamin WorlandMs. Carol A. WrightCurt and Cindy WrightJeff and Shirlene WuepperSara Moorhead and Mary WulkeWendy Wygant & Steven DavisMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey WylerJim and Kit WysorFrank and Denise WyzywanyDr. and Mrs. Daniel YamshonJeanne Dolson & Michael YocumFred Young and Julie YoumansYoshie ZiarnoMs. Jeanie ZiebellDaniel and Mary ZiegelerRobert and Gayle ZimmererScot and Elizabeth ZimmermanCatherine ZimmermanKevin ZimmermanPaul and Imogene ZimmermannMr. and Mrs. John C. ZinkDana ZinkDutch Zonderman & Bonny EverettDoug and Pam ZwartRick and Terry Zweering

$60-$99Anonymous (3)Mark & Patricia AdamsMr. Steven AldSarah AlvaradoMr. and Mrs. Philip R. AndrusMr. and Mrs. Larry L. AndrykovichKenneth and Mary BalcomMr. and Mrs. Gerald G. BattleWerner and Barbara BauerAmy Benner and Dominic MaceriJohn and Rebecca BerciniMr. and Mrs. Robert H. BirchMr. and Mrs. James G. BlashillMs. Earlene W. BlevinsBNSF Railway CompanyMrs. Ruby BrachMr. and Mrs. David BradshawMrs. Barbara C. BralyHugh and Catherine BrennemanMs. Mary Jo BrumbaughMrs. Carol P. Burchfield

Dick and Gayle BurdickMrs. Donna D. BurrIrene BurrillMr. Marlin G. BusseyField and Sandy CardenMs. Rosemary CaryThe Casciano FamilyMat and Jessica CashmanMr. and Mrs. Fred CepelaMr. and Mrs. Robert ChapmanRoberta and Allan CohenPeter and Lauren ConnorMr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Cooper, IIMr. and Mrs. Bruce CornellBret and Molly CrimminsConnie DahmMrs. Marti DanielStephen and Consiglia DawsonMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. DayMrs. Barbara M. DeerhakeJoe Defors & Jan RygwelskiEva Delp-Cole & Bobby ColeCharlie DeSando & Ellen GilliganMr. and Mrs. Mark J. DeVirgilioDanielle DiedenMs. Caroline DieterleTim Donaghy and Margy KlesneyJill Dooley and Annette BrownMrs. Nancy D. DownsMr. and Mrs. John DumalaEllen DuperonRussell Dzuba and Karen KirtMr. & Mrs. Robert C. EdmundsonMs. Kathy EganMr. David W. EgelerTracy Egeler and Lynn HermanMr. and Mrs. Roger E. EhleMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Eike, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. J. Kris ErnstDr. and Mrs. James P. FadelyCarolyn and Dave FaughtDeborah Foote FaulknerGeorge Felton & Karen ThomasJerry FitzgeraldJohn and Connie FlynnBob and Sandra FooteMrs. Charlotte FornowskiMs. Mimi GassDeborah Oliver and George GatesMs. Florence B. GerndtMr. and Mrs. John E. Gideon

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas GreenMr. and Mrs. Robert C. GrigereitKevin & Randi GuthardMr. and Mrs. James HamptonE. Jay HansenMs. Gail HastingsHeart of West Michigan United WayMichael and Therese HeinonenMaureen and Jens HenselVera and Salvador HernandezMs. Jeanette HeroldHillside HomesteadLinda HoffsisKathryn HoltfreterLen and Jill HowerMs. Mary HughesIndiana Triumph Car ClubJohn E. JohnsonDouglas and Ann JulienMr. and Mrs. Allen S. JurisKaren KalvelageMr. Jonathan Z. KamholtzJoel KamstraMrs. Jane KeenMr. and Mrs. Scott KellerBrian and Christine KimmerlyBob and Karen KippMr. and Mrs. Russell R. KirtDr. and Mrs. Henry KlughMilton KnightGerald and Ruby KowalskiLaura & Canon KrebehenneRobert and Mary Anna KruchHillary and Kurt KruseMr. Donald W. KulishBrian Lakey & Jennifer GrossDick and Susan LangMs. Marilyn H. LattermanBeth LaValleyJamie and Betty LeandersonJames LenicMr. Martin LeugersJim and Nancy LewisMr. and Mrs. David L. LillieCarol LingmanMs. A. Catherine LookDr. and Mrs. John E. LundMr. and Mrs. E. Thomas MaguireTami MaiselKen & Wanda Maloney and Kari


2020 Donors Continued* indicates Sustainers Circle Member

BabcockScott Mandel & Maureen DyerMr. and Mrs. Dave MantheiMrs. Kathy MarkusKaren C. MartinCarrie MatczynskiJack and Becky McFellinMr. and Mrs. James G. McGovernMurray and Pat McKeanKim McMillanMartin MeulendykeMr. Larry J. MillerMs. Michelle MirasolaMr. and Mrs. Lewis G. GatchPat and Meridith MulcahyMs. Susan MurchieSharon Murphy & Sharon MontonyeGeorgiana Murray & John SandersMs. Cathy NewkirkMarv and Kathie NinnemanMs. Barbara J. NowinskiDr. and Mrs. C. Thomas NuzumMr. and Mrs. Robert E. OvermyerAnna PearsonTerry and Kathleen PennellMr. and Mrs. William D. PerkinsMrs. Elsie PetersonMr. and Mrs. Frank PetrockMary and Lowell PlotkinMs. Nancy PotterMr. Bill PritchardMr. Fred PutnamMichael and Cynthia QuinkertMr. and Mrs. Robert RaceyStephen RamsburghMrs. Dianna ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. James C. RiversMs. Kathleen R. RobertsMr. and Mrs. W. Scott RobertsonMr. and Mrs. William M. Rouse, Jr.Ms. Sarah RutherfordMr. Zachary E. SavasMr. and Mrs. James A. SchabergKent and Maureen ScharffMr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Schaub

Mrs. James SchultzRick and Karen SeefeltMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. SextonTed and Sherry SkinnerDoug and Sherry SlessmanRichard and Patricia SmithMr. and Mrs. Ernest H. SmithMr. and Mrs. Mark R. SmithRoger & Janet SmithWilliam LeFevre SmithMrs. Gretchen K. SproutMrs. Theresa J. Stamos- UnderwoodCarol StarkDavid and Anne SteelMrs. Barbara R. StevensonDavid and Toni StevensonRichard & Cathy StockerJohn and Margie StollerMr. Timothy L. StrawbridgeMr. and Mrs. Daniel D. SweeneyMs. Carolyn SwiftMrs. Virginia A. ThompsonMs. Jean ThomsonJesse & Hilary TienTimberlee Property Owners, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. TrimTru North Landscaping LLCDr. Frances H. TullyMichael TurnerChristine Van HeelTom and Alice Van ZoerenMs. Susan M. VanaelstJohn and Marsha VingsnessRobert & Diana WarrickMs. Tani WatkinsPrice and Jane WattsColt and Debbie WeatherstonMrs. Barbara G. WeberMr. and Mrs. John R. WilliamsJeanie WilliamsBrigid WillisMrs. Marsha J. WirtMrs. Jane WoodDr. John R. WoodsScott & Dolly WrightAndrew YockeyMs. Karen E. ZerrennerMiss Mary Helen ZinkMs. Natalie Zoufal

Under $60Anonymous (8)Jack AbateErnie and Jennifer AbelMr. and Mrs. Werner AdamofskyJeffrey and Susan AdamsDipak Adhikari & Linda SzarkowskiLisa AhernCharles & MeeHyang AilsworthMs. Ronnie AlffArnold and Terrie AllemangAmerican TreeCarlos AmesquitaDean & Pamela AmosMr. and Mrs. Enoch AndersonValerie and Gary AndersonMs. Susan AndersonStephen John AndrieseMrs. Mary Ann ArvoLauren AsherMrs. Gwen BaarstadSteve and Jackie BaaseMs. Barbara BachiBaha’ Is Of Elmwood TownshipJames BalmerMr. and Mrs. David L. BanksSteven & Kathryn BarbeauMr. Allan W. BarbishMr. and Mrs. James V. BardenhagenSteve and Pam BardenhagenJohn and Dorothy BarkerMs. Sharon BarksdaleDoug and Becky BarnacloBob and Maryann BarnesJames and Brenda BarnesJodie BathishMr. Terry BaumannBrian and Riley BeckMr. Stephen & Dr. Nancy BeightsMr. and Mrs. William BellingerMs. Audra BellmoreStephany BembnisterRaymond and Kathleen BennerColleen BennettMrs. Joan BensleySally M. BersotRick BetukerGreg BinsfeldMr. Thomas Birch


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Ethel and Keith BirchlerCindy BlackAlyssa BlakerMr. and Mrs. Paul BlakesleeMr. and Mrs. Timothy BloomquistNorma BlumenschineMrs. Wilamae BockstahlerRick and Kat BodetteMr. Linton BodwinMr. and Mrs. Milton C. Boesel, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John W. BogleyMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BolakJennifer BolanderMr. and Mrs. John C. BollmanMs. Becky BondCharles and Janis BondMary BoothMr. and Mrs. Robert K. BoschDan and Sue BossMr. and Mrs. Jon R. BoultonMr. John B. BowersMs. Barbara BoyerCaroline, Donna and Curt BradenMrs. Helen A.P. BradleySusan BradshawRoger and Denise BratcherBob and Nancy BrickAustin and Lucy BrooksKristin BrooksJames and Laura BrownJeffrey BrownGreg BrownAlly BrownMr. and Mrs. Larry BrubakerMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BruceMr. and Mrs. Ronald BryantAlida BryantJohn and Connie BrzozowskiJeffrey and Christy BuchananMr. John B. BuckhoutJudy BudiCarl and Denise BulatJim and Natalie BurkRon and Jeany BurkhartMorgan BurnsBrendan Burrows & Ann DerrickDavid BurtonMrs. Lois A. BushRobert and Nancy BushMargaret ButerPat & Susan Byorth

Bob and Elizabeth ByrnsGrace Dianne CalderoneTim Calkins and Carol SaltounJill Calvert SoraciGail CampbellAlan CampbellMark CantrellJonathan & Melanie CareyMs. Sydney CarlockDorothy CarlsonEric and Jenny CarpenterFrank and Donna CarricoMr. Jeff CarricoJohn and Hillary CarrollPaul and Susanne CartmanMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. CartwrightMs. Karin CastleWilliam Champion & Beverly PylmanMary Ann and Reuben ChapmanLarry & Shirley ChapmanChapter FI P.E.O. SisterhoodMr. Clyde P. ChardAdam CheslinMr. and Mrs. David ChesterfieldMr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Chimoski, Jr.Gregory and Michelle ChristensenJennifer Ciccone & Charles ValleauMr. and Mrs. Harold W. ClarkGerald & Elizabeth ClarkMichael and Jodi ClayJohn & Susan ClayPhilip ClaypoolWilliam & Delores ClaytonKatie Cleaver & Peter CrabtreeMrs. Sally F. CliffDaniel and Linda ClineClute FamilyLouise CoakleyJoe and Barbara CofferJudy CohenDavid CohenCarey ColburnColdwell Banker Schmidt RealtorsMs. Edith A. ColeRodes E. ColemanMr. and Mrs. Kevin ColemanGigi CollinsPamela CollinsPatricia S. Conklin

Kyle & Elizabeth ConnollyMs. Melissa M. ConroyMr. and Mrs. Albert Cook, IIIJoe & Kathy CooneyCheryl CooperMr. James CooperMichelle CorbettPeggy CoreMrs. Dorothy J. CoulterWilliam and Kristin CrackelMr. Thomas W. CramptonNancy CrawfordMatthew CrawfordLaurel CrillyMr. and Mrs. Robert CullumCharles and Patricia CurmiGarry and Marlene CurtissSuzanne CusumanoMr. and Mrs. William G. CutlerMr. and Mrs. Stephan DanforthMathew and Barbara DansburyAlexandra and Francis DariganDouglas and Rozanne DarlandMr. and Mrs. Howard DatemaDouglas & Valerie DaughertyRobert and Jacqueline DavidsonErin DavidsonMary K. Davis & Martha RamsdellMaribeth De MeesterArlene and Bob DeanRichard & Ruth DeJagerJohn and Maureen J. Delaney- LehmanMs. Dorothy M. DelehantyDennis and Ambrosia Dennehy*Shawn and Patricia DentonHannah DePaulVivian DermyerMs. Margaret A. DetrickMrs. Pam DetweilerMr. and Mrs. Roland DeYoungMr. James DisherTom and Janet DohrDr. and Mrs. Stuart L. DonesonMr. and Mrs. Andrew DotterweichJason and Stephanie DoublesteinMs. Emily DouglasMike and Sue DownsMr. and Mrs. Timothy K. DoyleNathan & Carrie DrierMs. Alice Droeger

Judy DufficyMrs. Bette D. DuggerMrs. Lucille C. DumbrillSandra DunkinMr. and Mrs. Edwin R. DunnCurt Wong and Denise DunnDaniel DuperonKevin DurkinDrs. Claire Duvernoy & Frank BogunMr. and Mrs. Delbert DycheJim and Ann DykstraTerrell and Pat EbrightAndy & Nancy EingAllen & Nanci Einstein & Judie LaBretMr. and Mrs. Howard G. EisenhartSuzanne Elder and WagEvelyn ElsingJason & Betsy EmmertMr. Stephen A. EnkemaKristina EntnerMichael & Karen ErdmanGail EricsonMs. Kathy EvaldsonMs. Sally M. EvaldsonJefferson & Sandra EykeCurtis & Patti FahlbergJoyce and Stephen FalkoMs. Susan Grogan FallerMr. Lee FeeleyPamela FellrathMr. and Mrs. John FergusonMr. Andrew FessendenWarren and Cathy FeytMs. Stephanie J. FiebingAl and Teri FirekMs. Claire FisherKatherine and James N. FisherDave and Jane FisherKathy FisherLinda FitzpatrickMr. and Mrs. Terence R. FlanaganNick and Elaine FleezanisRaymond and Carolyn FleisLee and Jill FoersterMr. and Mrs. Fred C. FordRob & Chris FransMr. and Mrs. Scott FraryMr. and Mrs. James FriisSteve and Paige Futrell

George & Karen GabuzdaAl and Karen GallupMr. and Mrs. Gary J. GallupMr. Robert G. GamalskiAlanna GaravagliaMr. & Mrs. James A. Gardzulis, Jr.Mrs. Darlene GarlandMrs. Jacqueline GazoulPaul and Ruth GeilMr. and Mrs. Gene GentgesMr. and Mrs. Ralph GeraciMarjorie GermanBeverly Gilmore & Roger FoxSusan and Cliff GirardMr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. GirbachGeorge and Pat GizaMr. Gerald GlencerMr. and Mrs. Charles GodboutMr. Richard GolabRichard & Brenda GoldnerMr. and Mrs. Dennis GolecJulie GomezMr. and Mrs. Jay GoodmanMr. and Mrs. Philip W. GoodspeedDr. & Mrs. Franklin L. Gordon, Jr.Sarah Gordon and Martin SaadMs. Diane E. GordonWilliam and Jean GordonRichard Goshorn and Lori KidderLucy GraffMs. Barbara GrahamRandy & Polly GrahamRobert and Lois GrantFrank GrantBridget Greenan and B. Regan PatrickPhilip & Elise GreeneTom and Terry GremelRuth and James GreyWilliam, Anne, Robert & Nancy GribbSteve & Gail GriggBob & Jeanne GrimesMichele GroeneMr. Tom GroganMrs. Barbara L. GrosmarkLinda GuseAllen GutovitzCarole GutteridgePatricia HaberMr. & Mrs. James Hackenberger

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. HacklemanMrs. Darlene HackneyMs. Mary HaganJohn & Lynn HagenbushMs. Karen HagueGeorge HakimKathy HallGloria HalliganMr. Frederick HamblyRobin HamiltonWalt & Peg HamiltonFred & Barbara HamlettMr. John J. HandloserMr. and Mrs. James A. HandsThomas HanemanJean Paul HarangSherrie and Logan HardieMs. Barbara HardyTim and Karol HaringDr. and Mrs. Bruce W. HarltonDavid and Elizabeth HarnadekMr. and Mrs. James R. HarrelsonMr. and Mrs. Michael HartingsDr. and Mrs. Robert H. HartwigMr. and Mrs. Kevin S. HartyMs. Joanne HassJaime HassbergerRobert HauskeDiann HawesKyle HayesMr. and Mrs. Terry HaymsDennis and Eileen HaysMrs. Lucy L. HazlegroveDeborah Hecht and Joseph FalikMr. and Mrs. Gary HechtMrs. Arlene HecklMr. & Mrs. Clarence E. HeeremaMr. and Mrs. Conrad F. HeinsMs. Nancy HeinzmannMelissa HekkemaMr. Paul HendricksBarbara HenshawMarc and Sarah HernandezMr. and Mrs. Charles W. HerwehLiz and Jerry HesselMr. and Mrs. William A. HestonGary & Jenny HetrickJudy Hicks & Eric HespenheideDebby HilerAnne and Tony HillRichard and Elizabeth Hill


Mollie Hilliard and Beth MauldinWayne & Mary HippRudy and Mary Jo HirtMs. Caroline HirthMr. and Mrs. William HischkeBrad HoekzemaKaren HolappaHerb and Jean HoldwickCraig and Pat HolmesSue and Hank Holt, IIIMr. Gregory HolwerdaMr. Adam HoogTom and Patty HopcianSarah HoppMs. Gayla HoxsieMs. Eva M. HuffmanMrs. Kay B. HughesJohn and Jean HumbleMichael & Sarah HumpulaMs. Hilary HuntPaul HutchensRichard Hylwa & Kathryn AllenMike and Carol HypioMr. Jack IngoldMs. Mary Kent IrelandThomas and Lynn IrvineMs. Dianna IvesChristine JackMr. Clifford JacobsJohn JacobsMs. Annie JamesJulia Jamieson SwensonMr. and Mrs. Chet JanikJoel JanikPaul and Barbara JanowieckiMr. and Mrs. William E. JansenJay JasinskiKallie JensenLenore JohansenJennifer and Greg JohnstoneMr. and Mrs. Edgar F. JoppichChad and Heather JordanRichard JorgensenGreg Jorjorian and Marlys ConradDonald & Julianne KageyMrs. Karen S. Kane

2020 Donors Continued* indicates Sustainers Circle Member

Allan and Patricia KapolkaJoan KareckLibby Keenan & David HoustonMike KeglerMarilyn KeigleyJohn and Lana KeithSean KelleyAllison and Alfred KelloggMr. and Mrs. Michael J. KellyDaniel and Diane KellyDiane KennedyMr. Gregory KennyAlisann and Chuck KeplerMr. and Mrs. Rodney KeteyianKettering UniversityMr. Wendell KevwitchMr. and Mrs. Steven W. KilgrenGerald and Michaline KiltsJohn & Nancy KingStacey and Brian KinneyBill and Maria KinzieMr. Richard L. KirbyMs. Karen KiserMr. and Mrs. John A. KishJessica KiteMr. and Mrs. William F. KleinKaren Klix & Kaetlin BreenMr. and Mrs. Bruce KlosnerChristopher and Joan KmotorkaAllison KnappMs. Janice KnepleyJan Koch HolmesKim and Anne KoehlerMr. and Mrs. John G. KoelzerEllen Kohler and Matt CauchyMr. and Mrs. Pete KohrsMr. and Mrs. John KorchMr. and Mrs. John M. KovalMs. Holly KowalskeMr. and Mrs. John G. KrauseBeverly and Heidi KruseRichard & Fern KugelmanMr. Tom KuieckJonathan Kunz and Pam MurphyJan KyffMrs. Nancy KyroEric and Grace LaceyKelsey and Benjamin LaCrossMr. and Mrs. James LaFave

Mark LaffreyTim LahmEdward C. Lake, Jr.Helen LancasterMr. and Mrs. Bruce LanceMr. and Mrs. James P. LandesMary Lou Landry, Peninsula Vacation RentalsMr. and Mrs. Mark F. LangJohn and Joy Lang AndersonMarsha and Martin LanghorstJerald and Beth LaperriereBrooke LarimerMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. LauerCrystal and Andrij I LawrinMr. Rob LawsonWill LawsonKeith and Mary Ann LeakJeremy and Michele LeAndersonMs. Christine LeeMrs. Judie LeeceTina LehmannScott and Jeannine LeslieMr. and Mrs. Terrence LesniewiczMs. Erin LeugersDavid and Kathy LeugersElise LevasseurJames Linn & Kathryn Linn OssianNancy and Victor LisabethJuliana Lisuk & Nicholas PandolfiLittle Garden ClubMr. and Mrs. A. Lynn LivingstonBob and Judy LoberMs. Cheryl LoeselJoan LongDavid LovelandDrs. Scott & Mary Beth K. Lowe*David and Carrie LubanskiTamara LubicShannon LukzMs. Elizabeth LundMs. Erika LundMr. Kirk A. LutzLangdon MacDonaldMs. Barbara MacInnisMrs. Esther M. MackPhil & Kristen MaguranGinny MaloneyFrank and Kathy MalySue ManiloffAl & Odette Manzor

Gene & Susan MapesAnna MarcheseSarah and Paul MarekMrs. Jane W. MarkhamCathy MartinArtie & George MartinMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. MasonJack & Hope MasonAlex and Jane MaximovichBarbara Mayo-JohnsonMr. and Mrs. James McAndrewsKevin & Janet McBrideLisa and Melissa McCarthyCharles and Judith McConnellSteven and Susan McCordMr. Maril McCordMs. Janice M. McCurtiesBruce and Ruth McDonaldJill and Mike McDonnellMs. Kate McElligattSusan McGough-HallMr. and Mrs. John McInnisMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKaneMr. & Mrs. Matthew N. McKenzieEric and Stephanie McLeanMcNeely FamilyTabitha McneilRobert MerrellTammi MessersmithMs. Andria MetrakosRob and Judy MeyerDonna L. MiliusThe Mike Milius FamilyMr. and Mrs. William J. MillerMr. and Mrs. Peter MillerMichael MillerEvelyn and Al MillsteinJosa MondasoKaren and Bob MooreCindy Moore and Eric GouldMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. MoranJenna MorrisKen & Ann MosierPatrick MosleyAdam & Christine MouchMr. and Mrs. Willard L. MudgetSusan Muenzer and Craig NilssonBruce and Jane MullkoffJoe and Dawneanne MunnSarah Muntzing RiggleChris Murdoch

Mr. Cliff MurieJim and Geri MusialMr. and Mrs. Donald H. MyersRonald NashJames & Rose NeibauerMr. John A. NelsonPete NelsonJane Nelson-LowreyRonald NeumannMrs. Beth NeumeierRobert and Chris NewellDavid & Mary NewhouseMrs. Jane NicholsK. Richard NiehoffMr. David B. NobleMr. Will NolingTimothy and Holly NormanDouglas NorthropJudy NymanMs. Majel C. ObataPatrick and Amy L. O’BrienLaurence & Mary Louise O’ConnellRonald O’DellMichael OdrenMrs. Marcia H. OettingMs. Alison OgilvieJoseph Ohren & Sandra BermanGerald OlexseyMr. and Mrs. David D. OlsonSteve Olson and Lynn WilsherMs. Karen OlsonMs. Ann OrwinRobert OsborneRon and Sue OsgoodMs. Margaret A. O’TooleJohn and Leslie PalmerEmily PalmerDeb PalmsTerry & Jean PaquetParadesia Association Inc.Todd ParkinsonMichael and Susan PatrickBrenda PattenMr. Dan PattersonDuane and Judy PaturalskiAnn PeczynskiVictor and Bette PeirceMs. JoAnna PepeMargaret PerrettThomas and Jean Petersen

Martha Phillips*Ms. Abigail PhillipsKathleen PhillipsSharyl PickeringOlivia Pierce-BluhmMr. Hans PijlsSara Pitt Van BurenGerri Erickson Platner and Margaret PlatnerMs. Susan PocklingtonChristopher PolovickBarry and Susan PorterMatthew Posner & Marian KromkowskiMs. Alexia Warburg PostMrs. Patricia PotterMr. and Mrs. Calvin PowellChris and Kathryn PrestonMr. Alfred J. PrizlowMr. and Mrs. Rodger H. PruisHenry PuchRalph PutnamDr. John PutzJulio & Carole PuzzuoliMr. and Mrs. Robert W. QuinnLisette QuintanoJen, Tony and Joe RaabeMr. and Mrs. Mark RaaymakersR. Douglas and Thressa RaceMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. RaganMs. Susan RayMary RaymerDavid and Sally ReevesThomas and Nancy ReichardBob and Kathie ReidyRay and Ginny ReillyMr. and Mrs. James B. ReinckeGordon and Nancy RettieMark and Suzanne ReynoldsDale and Jane RhoadesCynthia and Jim RichJoan RichmondKaren RiegerFrank RiggleDaniel & Helene RimerLarry RisbridgerJim Ristine & Mardi BlackMr. Logan G. RobinsonJean RobnettChuck, Sara and Anne RodeckMr. and Mrs. Dale Rogers


2020 In-Kind Donors

Irene H. Betz TrustBluestem FarmMr. and Mrs. Keith W. BurnhamMr. and Mrs. Charles W. DickersonMs. Judy L. FrederickGene and Kathy GartheKasson Sand and GravelCraig & Annie LangJason Massaroni & Julie DavidsonMs. Mimi MullinMrs. Patricia D. SheaMs. Geraldine SimkinsRon & Nancy SmithPaul WciselDiana WhiteJoan and Randy Woods


Gary & Anne RogersCaryn RogersAndrea RoseElyn RosenthalMr. and Mrs. Charles RowlandBradley and Kathy RoynonMrs. Amy Evans RulloTim & Amy RussellChad Rutledge & Matthew GirardMr. and Mrs. Jay RuzakMs. Elaine SabadyMichael Saggau & Sarah BlanckJoAnn SahsMr. Stuart K. SaintsMrs. Sally SanfieldMr. and Mrs. Robert SawyerMs. Jane M. SaxtonMrs. Johanna E. SchaeferMrs. Janet SchaeferCora SchaeffDick and Carol SchausChristine SchechterJerome ScherrKathleen SchilloRichard Ng and Rosa SchindlerTerry and Jan SchmidtKen and Francesca SchmidtBill and Debbie SchmidtAndy & Amy SchmidtTy & Johanna SchmidtGeorge and Judith SchneiderMatthew and Alyson SchoenfeldtDavid SchonRon & Janelle SchultzJeffrey and Zane SchwaigerBob and Betty ScottThe Sehnert FamilyMs. Joan SeibenickLinda and Jim ShadBarbara ShanahanMs. Margaret ShannonMs. Judie ShararKaren and Chuck SharkeyGuy and Andrea ShawBarnard ShermanTerry ShieldsMary ShimekMrs. Mary A. ShinerCarol and Russ ShipleyMr. John ShoemakerMs. Jean Vilter Short

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. SicaMr. and Mrs. Edward H. SichlerKristi SieckMs. Brita SiepkerMr. and Mrs. Dan SifferlinJesse Simmons & Susan DunlapMr. and Mrs. Peter SimonMr. and Mrs. Richard R. SimondsScott and Jennifer SimonsMrs. Anne SingletonMrs. Julianne SlaterMrs. Margaret L. SmedleyKrista & David SmidlMr. Jon F. SmithWendin SmithJane SmithCassandra and Abigail SmithGary & Phyllis SmithWebb & Patricia SmithMr. and Mrs. Richard M. SnedePeter Solenberger & Dawn ChalkerMr. Charles SommersMs. Sally A. SomselMrs. Martha J. SpeerMs. Marion SpencerBrad and Karen SpencerMr. and Mrs. John E. SpringCarol SquiresMr. Jack St. JohnDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. StandleyMr. Richard StearnsMs. Molly SteckMr. and Mrs. Barry SteinMark and Ann StephensPaul and Suzanne StergarBob and Judee SternbergMs. Carol J. StetterMary SteveJulie StevensMs. Deborah StevensNorman & Susan StewartRon and Diane StierThomas & Nancy StiresMrs. Marian F. StolzN. Jean StombaughMr. and Mrs. Dale B. StoweKelly & Dorothy StradingerCarolyn StrandMr. Thomas StreasickDavid & Valerie Stricker

Cecilia & Steven StrineSteven and Cynthia StrongMr. Marvin StudingerPeter, David and Lenore SuchySherry & Allie SuffetyDr. Nora SugintasBob SunmanEvy and Ross SussmanMrs. Mary W. SutherlandMr. Terrence M. SuttonLynn SuttonSue and Stefan SvenssonMike SwingerJohn and Melanie SypoltMr. and Mrs. David TaghonGloria TaylorStephanie TaylorAnna TaylorRebecca Teahen and Ben PurdyBrenda TerryBecky ThatcherMr. Bruce C. ThelenDon and Kathy ThomasMs. Joyce ThompsonMs. Elizabeth Starks ThompsonNichole ThompsonKathi ThoresonMr. Gary E. ThorntonDavid and Beverly ThrowerJeffrey and Christine TibbitsMs. Christine TideringtonMr. Stephen W. TituskinTim Sparling and Lynne TobinJ. Richard Tobin & Peggy WilsonSonya and Steve TostigeMarlee and Kelly TravisGreg and Margaret TravisElizabeth TravisVicki TrentDoug and Mary Lee TreterMs. Amy H. TumblinBenjamin TuttleLisa and Ben TylerBradford & Ann TylerTed and Patti UlisseBob and Trudy Underhill*Mrs. Marion UnwinMs. Rita ValleyMr. Douglas M. Van ZoerenRebecca VancilDeborah Joy Vander & Joanne

ScherfMr. and Mrs. John D. Van RaalteDr. and Mrs. James P. VarleyMr. and Mrs. Mark VeenstraMs. Angela VerbruggeJim & Katie VieceliRolf and Mari Von WalthausenCarol WaiteMr. Joe WalacavageGunther & Judy WaldeckMr. and Mrs. Donald F. WallCarolyn WallacePriscilla Walmsley and Doug KimbleHope WalradMichael and Jane WardPriscilla WareThomas & Donna WarmanMs. Carol L. WatersMr. and Mrs. David K. Watkins*David WattSharon WawrzyniakMrs. Joyce M. WaytBob and Nancy WebsterMr. and Mrs. James R. WeckenbrockMark and Lee WeickRae Welch and Vicki WelchJohn & Melinda WelchMr. and Mrs. Bruce WestJohn and Ruth WestolMrs. Kit WhalenMrs. Susan L. WheadonMrs. Marilyn G. WheelerNan and Ron WickKevin WickeringMs. Joan WiesenRick Wiles and Maggie DanielsMr. and Mrs. Stephen WilkersonGloria WillerGary and JoAnn WilliamsMs. Kathleen R. WilliamsDr. Donald WillmanMs. Pam WillsieMr. and Mrs. Colby WilsonRick and Barb WilsonMike and Ruthanne WilsonDouglas WingMrs. Shirley WinshipMr. William P. WinslowRachel Winslow

Karen WintersTracy and Jered WittkoppMr. and Mrs. Edward E. WoessnerJim and Judy WojciechowskiDenny and Marilyn WolcottMs. Joan A. WolfAllen and Janice WolfeThomas and Sarah WoodsMatthew and Taya Workum-ByersDaniel and Margaret WorthDiane WorthingtonMr. George WrightJames WrightKathy Wright & Melissa ShermanMr. and Mrs. Wayne WunderlichMs. Wendy Jo WyattMr. and Mrs. Michael W. YeiserJerry and Barbara YoungThe Zak FamilyMr. and Mrs. Laddie ZaludMerilyn Ueno and Doug ZernowDonald and Beth ZiemanMr. and Mrs. Gordon ZimmerMr. and Mrs. David C. ZimmermanMr. and Mrs. Donald L. ZinkCarolyn Zinn and Brad Parsons


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Volunteering in 2020—A Year of Adjustments5



Normally on this page we list all the people who volunteered for the Leelanau Conservancy in the past year. While we did have some limited groups participate in socially distanced activities, and individuals who could work solo, we chose not to list any names this year.

That’s because so many of you wanted to help, but the pandemic got in the way. That goes for our docents who couldn’t lead hikes to wildflower rescuers whose digs were cancelled. Finally, many people filled out volunteer interest forms and it broke our hearts to have to put them off until we can safely hold workbees or invite mailing crews back into our office.

“Despite the pandemic, the energy and the eagerness to help was so wonderful,” says Lindy Kellogg, Events and Volunteer Manager. “We’re asking everyone to hold onto their good intentions because we will need volunteers more than ever in 2021. When it’s safe to gather again, we will be in touch. Our staff has really missed your help!” Stay tuned for news on volunteer opportunities (see Volunteer Connection Box).

Our Thanks To: 1. Our Docents who kept up with meetings and held virtual events—a tour of the DeYoung Natural Area (Dave Amos), a Tree Talk video (Shelley Yeager, pictured) and a Poetry Reading (Sharon Oriel).

2. Wildflower Rescuers who continued to care for and water plants left from last year’s sale, and to plan for the future.

3. Our fantastic AmeriCorps Members, Anne Rodeck and Molly Fava. They were out at our natural areas every day, doing things like maintaining trails and removing invasive species.

4. Yoga instructor Katherine Palms who livestreamed yoga and meditation sessions from our natural areas.

5. Mailing crew volunteers, who worked with Gayle to stuff and fold envelopes in their own homes. (picture from 2019 of Gayle with Treva DeJong. )

6. Volunteer photographers who kept sending in gorgeous photos all year to keep us and our members inspired, like this one from Mark Smith.

7. Masked volunteers who planted hundreds of tree seedlings at Clay Cliffs.

8. Trail Stewards, who walk our natural areas often to report issues like downed trees, and to clear brush and branches from the trails.

9. Everyone who pulled garlic mustard on their own—either at our natural areas or on your own property.

10. Dr. William Scharf, who continued his bird research at Chippewa Run Natural Area, rising early for several weeks to drive out from Traverse City to document birds here. Photo by Lisa Meils.

11. The Palmer Woods Mountain Bike Trail Crew—see story right

Finally, thanks to our board and committee members—who spend many hours meeting over Zoom to continue the Conservany’s work despite the strange times.






One group that was able to eventually meet up and work in a socially distant fashion was the “Palmer Woods Mountain Bike Trail Crew.” Every Tuesday evening from late August through October, up to 10 people showed up to keep the trails safe and clear. “It was a diverse collection of people, from hard-core mountain bikers to people whose kids or grandkids are trail riders, friends at Bike Leelanau, (an area organization whose mission revolves around biking), and some without a bike connection that simply wanted to be outside and help,” says Lindy. Tasks included cutting back brambles that quickly grow along the trail as well as back-breaking work of shoring up the trails with a clay/topsoil mix in places where Palmer Woods’ sandy soils had eroded.

That job entailed taking a pick axe to a pile of clay to break it up, and filling buckets with a clay/topsoil mixture that “looked like crumbled Oreo cookies,” says Lindy. Then, driving the buckets as close as they could to where they were needed. Volunteers then hauled heavy buckets to places along the trail where sand had “puddled up,” creating obstacles for riders. After dumping their loads, they packed the soil in with special tools to prevent future erosion and minimize accidents.

“This is a big job all done with hand tools and it’s an ongoing task,” says Lindy. “Our

Volunteer Spotlight: The Palmer Woods Mountain Bike Trail Crew




small crew got so much work done but we are going to need so many more people given our plans to expand the mountain biking trail system in the future with the new 350-acre addition.”

Lindy will continue to have help from the group’s chief organizer and recruiter, Chad Jordan. Chad was recently hired as our new Property Maintenance Specialist (see page 15). In addition to trail running and surfing, mountain biking is one of Chad’s passions too. Last fall, says Lindy, Chad told her that he had come to look forward to the trail work and maintenance as much as riding.

At the end of the season on a beautiful evening, volunteers gathered for a socially distanced celebration. Ryan Wainwright, a weekly regular, made the medallions pictured and handed them out to his fellow volunteers.

“It was a really special evening,” says Lindy. “Part of our responsibility is upkeep and maintenance. We’re hoping that we will be able to ramp up our volunteer ranks with the help of Bike Leelanau and Norte. Being part of this crew and at Palmer Woods weekly was fantastic – their energy is contagious. There’s a job for everyone. Anyone can participate whether you are in Leelanau just for a week or here year round. You don’t have to be a mountain biker— just someone who enjoys nature and wants to help.”

Meet/contact Lindy Kellogg, Event and Volunteer Manager with any questions: [email protected].

Your Volunteer Connection Learn about various volunteer opportunities and fill out a volunteer interest form online:

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Memorials & HonorariumsWe are grateful to everyone who made a gift to honor or remember a loved one in 2020. Gifts such as these are directed toward the care and maintenance of our natural areas and preserves.

Horace and Bobbie AbbottPorter and Anita Abbott

Matthew AdamsCarlos AmesquitaPatricia ArnoDoug and Becky BarnacloRick BetukerDebbie BourqueJeannie Brown LeonardJudy BudiDavid CohenEva Delp-Cole and Bobby ColeThe Davis Tree Expert CompanyBrian and Karen FrederickGeorge and Karen GabuzdaJames and Rebecca GaebeBob and Jeanne GrimesCam and Michael HanschkeKaren HeldtJames HinerLinda HoffsisIndiana Triumph Car ClubSean KelleyKaren KurczBarbara LoebigLeslie MaloneyDean and Sue MatzTimothy McKayKim McMillanMcNeely FamilyKathryn MurrayLaurence & Mary Louise O’ConnellOpus Capital Mgt.Margaret PerrettChristopher PolovickStephen RamsburghLydia RevelosMary SchaeferUday and Nandita Sheth

Patrick and Susan ShieldsJesse Simmons and Susan DunlapMarilyn SimmonsBonnie SmithEdward SouthardRebecca SpalyMr. and Mrs. Robert SpalyDavid and Valerie StrickerSharon SwindellBeth TownsendBenjamin TuttleSusan WhaleyTony and Peggy WoodruffKathy Wright and Melissa Sherman

Ms. Ronnie AlffMr. and Mrs. Roger W. Rowen

Mrs. June H. AtkinsonMr. William D. Peace

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest D. BaillieMr. and Mrs. Joel Baillie

George BallLena A. BallMr. and Mrs. Emil BrolickMr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsMr. and Mrs. Dean ConnersBret and Molly CrimminsMr. and Mrs. Charles W. DickersonBarbara and Barry DoveGretchen DunfeeDavid Edelstein & Jennie BerksonJ. Richard Emens & Beatrice E. WolperGina and John ErbMs. Judy L. FrederickJeff and Susan GreenMr. and Mrs. Conrad F. HeinsJohn and Joy Lang AndersonMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. LanhamMarlis Mann and Tom SkinnerLarry Mawby and Lois BahleEllen PisorLinda and Jim ShadMrs. Patricia D. SheaWebb and Patricia SmithMrs. Gretchen K. SproutChristopher Stack, MDMr. and Mrs. Dale B. Stowe

Nancy BallouCarlos and Susan L. Lowell

Michael BarberMary Barber

Patrick J. Barry, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry, Jr.Maureen FlahertyAndrew HartmannCyndie and Jim HartmannDiann Hawes

Dr. Jack R. Battisto, Ph.D.Mr. and Mrs. Max Proffitt

Richard BennerAmy Benner and Dominic Maceri

Suzanne BerksonJill Berkeley and Larry Goldman

Jeanne BiedenbachMichael Miller

Larry BirdWilliam D. Peace

C.W. BowersJohn B. Bowers

Mrs. Randy BrownWilliam D. Peace

Katharine BulkleyRosemary R. BennettAlida BryantKarin CastleAnne Harper and Greg NoblesJaney OdellMary Elder SchaffMr. and Mrs. Peter H. SchaffMr. and Mrs. Justin A. Stanley, Jr.

Danny CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Joel BaillieWilliam and Delores ClaytonJulie Kareck-LopataKettering UniversityLangdon MacDonaldPaul and Julie McNeillyCraig and Lin MiliusDonna L. MiliusThe Mike Milius FamilyThomas and Donna Warman

Scott CaseySally CaseyGail and Keith Evans

Jacob ChablerMr. and Mrs. Max Proffitt

John and Ann ChafeeJohn and Anne Chafee

Bob CharltonPatricia D. Shea

Allan ClaypoolJane and Gordon C. Spink

Dennis CoburnStephany BembnisterJoel Janik

Jerry ConroyJames BalmerDon and Kathryn DrabikMr. and Mrs. James FriisMr. and Mrs. David GarmanMr. and Mrs. Charles KrausRichard and Fern KugelmanRobert MerrellMr. and Mrs. Denis B. PierceCharles and Melissa SimonJohn and Linda Valentine

Amy B. CookseyJohn and Debra BylNancy Fitzgerald and Jerry AgnewChristopher and Mary Lou RohwerBarnard ShermanSteven Sherman

Paige CurtisBryan and Eaton BrownDr. Keith L. Curtis

Dorothy DarlingAdam Cheslin

Barry DealMr. and Mrs. Christopher BarberAlan CampbellRichard and Brenda GoldnerAlan and Janene GuzowskiJaime HassbergerLenore JohansenBrian and Christine KimmerlyMark LaffreyMr. and Mrs. William Loveless, IICatherine W. StephensonEleanor B. StephensonN. Jean StombaughLinda Taylor Boyd

Eileen DechowArlene and Bob Dean

Zena Steiger DechowDrs. Paul Dechow and Joanne Blum

Diane P. DeHuffNancy CrawfordCreighton and Sandra EarlyKohlberg and Co, LLC

David DickersonAimee and Dino BaskovicKaren Holappa

William DonahueKeith Reynaud and Molly Donahue

Donald DuffJim and Mary Pulsifer

Thomas DunfeeMr. and Mrs. David L. BanksCarol and Lee A. BowenTom and Marsha BuehlerMr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsPatricia S. ConklinMichael DunfeeMichelle DunfeeStephany DunfeeCarol Y. EmensJ. Richard Emens & Beatrice E. WolperGina and John ErbMr. and Mrs. John FitzpatrickLee and Jill FoersterJeff and Susan GreenMichael Grover and Nunzio LupoMr. and Mrs. Robert M. GroverMr. and Mrs. Dan S. HarknessDavid and Marcia HarrisBob and Jane HoldemanJohn and Jean HumbleMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererJohn and Nancy KingMr. and Mrs. Steven MartineauLarry Mawby and Lois BahleDr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElroyCraig A. and Nancy T. MillerJulie and Jeff MooreTom Nelson and Stephanie BergerDr. and Mrs. Patrick OrielMr. and Mrs. John J. PetersonMolly PhinnyMichael and Nancy PlessnerJennifer and Dave ReynoldsCindy and Ken RosiekMr. and Mrs. Ross G. SatterwhiteDavid SchonMr. and Mrs. Michael ShupertMike ToalBob and Trudy UnderhillKaren R. ViskochilBruce and Betsy WagnerMr. and Mrs. Warren H. WatkinsWayne and Sharon Workman

Joan ElderKate Bulkley and Ross Biddiscombe

Susan EllisonLarry Ellison

Roger FavoriteMr. and Mrs. Stephan Danforth

Susanne Feld KandarianJonathan Feld and Shelley Longmuir

Katie and Larry FitzpatrickMichael and Jane Ward

Sally FosterEllen J. Maycock

Franklin Alan (Bud) FrickGina and John ErbMr. and Mrs. John FitzpatrickBeverly Gilmore and Roger FoxThe Franci Neely FoundationFred and Barbara HamlettMichael Huey & Christian Witt-DorringLaura KingJessica KiteCatherine and Robert NoonanMr. and Mrs. Perry PentiukMr. and Mrs. John P. SnedekerBarbara G. WeberMyra Wilson

Mary M. FugerMary Cameron DrejzaPamela FellrathJohn and Lynn HagenbushJane Nelson-LowreyNieman MarcusLawrence and Janet Rigge

Robert GablerSteven and Christina Bergmans

Jim and Pat GanterPatty Pelizzari

Bill and Nancy GardMr. and Mrs. Samuel Stott

Dr. Karen GilhoolyMr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy

John GoettleMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Goettle, IV

Barbara GordonBarbara AlldredgeLetitia DelanJudith M. EgelerLee FeeleyHeather and Jeff GoliberRandy and Polly GrahamAllen GutovitzCharles and Linda HallGary and Jenny HetrickBrooke LarimerLeon and Pamela LysaghtSarah Muntzing RiggleDr. and Mrs. Patrick OrielSara Pitt Van Buren

MemorialsJanuary 1- December 31, 2020

Gifts were made in memory of the names shown in bold.


Joan RichmondRobert and Kathleen StraitsLeland and Ellen ThorntonGriselda WhipplePeter C. Wolcott

Elizabeth W. GotschMindy Aviles KellyAshley Borrero and Jennifer FineHeide GarrahyColleen HendryChristine JackJudith LovelaceRonald NeumannPFNYCJoseph SchoenfeldtJane SmithMr. and Mrs. John M. Werner

Jack GottschalkMrs. Judith M. Egeler

Vince GrahamMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Lake

Ronnie GreenBarbara Bierlein and Tom Dillon

John GreenoNeva BartholomewSuzanne CusumanoJefferson and Sandra EykeMary and Pat FitzpatrickRoy FordMr. and Mrs. Edward W. GreenoChristine GreenoChristopher GreenoPaula GreenoWilliam HodderKathryn JehlePam JohnsonJoan LongNottinghill Investment Advisors, Ltd.Daniel Regenold and Kelly AckermanKrista and David SmidlGloria Willer

Patricia HagermanRobert L. Hagerman

Chris HalbertNorma BlumenschineMarilyn and Ken CernyMr. and Mrs. John DumalaMr. and Mrs. Roger E. EhleMr. and Mrs. Howard G. EisenhartBarbara KleinJane NicholsMr. and Mrs. Theodore R. WatsonMike and Ruthanne WilsonShirley Winship

Robert HamblinDiane Kennedy

Gregory HancockFolkert Schmidt & Kathleen Sullivan

Jane B. HancockFolkert Schmidt & Kathleen Sullivan

William HancockFolkert Schmidt & Kathleen Sullivan

Louis HartesveltJudith M. Egeler

Carl B. HeadlandCarol and Lee A. BowenMr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsMr. and Mrs. Dan S. HarknessMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. LanhamTom Nelson and Stephanie BergerBrenda Patten

Donald HealyPatricia D. Shea

Wilbert HeinzmannNancy HeinzmannCindy and Sue Hiking-Friends

Elizabeth HeiseTom Nelson and Stephanie Berger

David HinesRosalind B. Sell

Judith HoernerJoe and Sybil ChandlerPhi, Caroline and Frank ChandlerMichelle Smith, Joan Chandler and Vici Maclean

Benjamin HohnkeTom Nelson and Stephanie Berger

Rich HooverMr. and Mrs. Gary E. AndersonSusan BradshawIrene BurrillChapter FI P.E.O. SisterhoodGina and John ErbMr. and Mrs. Gene GentgesJeff and Susan GreenDick and Mary Lou HazletonJames and Nancy HeffelFrederick and Kathleen HomerkampBeth HooverDaniel and Diane KellyMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererKari KlinskiJan Koch Holmes

Jane W. MarkhamKate Mason and Mary Lee MillerJames and Rose NeibauerTom Nelson and Stephanie BergerDr. and Mrs. Patrick OrielChristine SchechterMr. and Mrs. John A. ScottMr. and Mrs. John P. SnedekerBruce and Betsy WagnerMr. and Mrs. Warren H. WatkinsChuck and Janet WhetselGriselda WhippleYoshie Ziarno

Dolores HughesRobert and Laura Hughes

Bart IngrahamPat and Marlene O’Connor

John JamesonJudith M. EgelerMr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins

Daniel H. JamiesonJulia Jamieson Swenson

Kathleen JohnsonPat and Marlene O’Connor

Alice Johnson-ThorntonKen and Mary BuckiusLois A. BushJonathan and Melanie CareyLarry and Shirley ChapmanMarjorie GermanCharles and Janet GleasonLeslie GarwoodWalt and Peg HamiltonCraig and Pat HolmesHelen LancasterRebecca LeeBonnie MatthaeusCaryn RogersRae Welch and Vicky Welch

Walter JohnstonMarilyn D. Johnston

Anita H. JonesFolkert Schmidt & Kathleen Sullivan

Peter N. JorgensonVictoria BoyceConnor Montgomery

Charles KeelingGreg and Linda Meide

Bob KelleyKen Bloom

Jackie KilgrenMr. and Mrs. Steven W. Kilgren

Brian KilinskiSandra Kilinski and Larry Ganz

Katherine KnightNancy Knight

Richard KoenigMarlis Mann and Tom Skinner

Inge KraimerWalter J. Kraimer

Robert KramerDorothy Carlson

Jack KrauseRosemary R. BennettBarbara K. BunburyBernard and Harriet MitchellMarcia H. Oetting

Jeff LamontMr. and Mrs. Philip BoriaJohn and Lana KeithJim and Anita LamontMr. and Mrs. Stephen LaterChris and Kathryn Preston

David (Buck) LavasseurGerald and Michaline Kilts

Curt LeeceDavid Leece and Kathy Brewer

John A. LeugersMark and Lori Leugers and Family

George LiljebladBrian Liljeblad

Richard LippertNettie Wiethe

Kurt LuedtkeEugene E. and Elaine C. Driker

Mary E. LyonsPorter and Anita Abbott

Catherine MarcusA2M2, LLC

Thomas MarkusWin and Kyle IrwinRick and Kristi LearmanBob and Betty Scott

Harriet S. MartinPatricia DeMariaKevin Durkin

Andy and Nancy EingFranklin County FCSO Corrections Administration OfficeSarah HoppSharyl PickeringJoan West

William McIlrathPauline McIlrath

Brigitte MeideGreg and Linda Meide

Richard K. MeilsDr. Lisa Meils

Leon B. MichaelCarol and Lee A. BowenBerton and Marureen Whited

Sonny MillerGerald and Rita Miller

Nancy MondockAllen & Nanci Einstein and Judie LaBret

Adelia Ball MorrisAnn Stack

Si NahraAccum TechJennifer BolanderMargaret ButerJudy CohenPatrick and Diane ColemanMichelle CorbettArnie and Pat GreenfieldJan and Jan JamesonAndrew MadonnaRonald O’DellGerald OlexseySheila T. PatonPart D AdvisorsJackie PonGary and Jen PrescottLeslyn RankKevin and Kathy SeitzBob and Liz SugarDaniel and Mary Ziegeler

Chris NashBrooke A. Nash and Bruce Fulford

Alfred NeugebauerMarlis Mann and Tom SkinnerMaxi Neugebauer

Bah and Fah NeurohrRachel Winslow

Mary Nichols WegandtGina and John Erb

Ann NicholsMarc and Sarah HernandezJim and Mary Pulsifer

Deborah Freeman NixonMat and Jessica CashmanCary Ballinger RolosonEdward RolosonSarah F. Roloson

Lawrence J. NolingStephen A. EnkemaNick and Elaine FleezanisJeff and Susan GreenArtie and George MartinMrs. Carla J. Sedgwick and FamilyGlenn SedgwickAndy and Elizabeth Walters

Leonard (Lennie) O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins

Douglas ParkinsonTodd Parkinson

Joe PearsonAnna PearsonZoe Pearson

David PeckMr. and Mrs. William F. Peck

Patti PillsburyGeorge HakimAlexi Neverovich

Kathy PlacekBret and Molly Crimmins

James PowersCarl and Marilyn Creighton

Larry E. PriceJoan and Randy Woods

William and Shirley PritchardGary Pritchard and Chuck Novak

Angeline R. PruisPat and Dan Pruis

James N. PurseJack and Janice Purse

Jack S. PutnamJohn and Dorothy BarkerMr. and Mrs. John G. DaveyGlenn and Kim FordKaren KalvelageDr. and Mrs. Patrick OrielMr. and Mrs. Ernest Oskin


Memorials & Honorariums cont.Bonnie QuickJudith M. Egeler

Bob and Marianne QuirkJohn and Anne Chafee

Dr. Stuart C. RankinPete and Julie FinchWilliam and Jean GordonMaureen Ronquist & Linda Grissim

Jeanne RansomAnn Rogers

Barbara ReinertDavid Sweet and Elaine Kihara

Marjorie RichardsonPatricia Richardson

Lu RorickMr. and Mrs. James B. Reincke

Ricky RossJeanne P. FalbergMr. and Mrs. James P. LandesRobert and Pamela MolenhouseParadesia Association Inc.Karen RiegerDouglas Wing

Martha RothaugCindy Deane

Justina G. RubnerKaren Rubner Grotberg

Kathleen RymalMark Cantrell

Barbara A. SanderJudith M. Egeler

Rowan SanfordMr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy

Jayne SchaferMark and Patricia AdamsSteven and Kathryn BarbeauJean BassettSusan BauerCharles and Mary BeardenGreg and Jan BrownPatrick and Susan ByorthGrace Dianne CalderoneGail CampbellRichard and Ruth DeJagerMr. and Mrs. Bill DruckerLinda Fitzpatrick

John and Shirley HattonWayne and Mary HippWin and Kyle IrwinKen & Wanda Maloney & Kari BabcockBarbara Mayo-JohnsonKevin and Janet McBrideMichael and Susan PatrickJennifer ReidJean RobnettCharles and Catherine SchaferGregory and Pattie SchaferRichard and Janice SchaferBeth Schroeder and Tina MooreRon and Janelle SchultzRoger and Janet SmithThomas and Nancy StiresSherry and Allie SuffetyDavid SwetsBrenda TerryBradford and Ann TylerDiane VanderPolJim and Kris WardMichael WhaleyDiane Worthington

James SchultzTerrance and Patricia EvansClark Headrick and Eileen FoleyKeith and Mary Ann LeakJoe LuginskiJack and Hope MasonJulio and Carole PuzzuoliTom, Anne, Rachel & Samantha PytelDuane and Suzzanne SchultzMary SteveCecilia and Steven StrineElizabeth Travis

Robert M. SewardDanielle DiedenKara Seward

Mary J. SiddallHayward and Kathy Draper

Ronald SidesAlison MortonPaul Morton

Betty St. JohnJack St. John

Cheryl StearnsMike and Marie Stearns

Robert S. SteelDavid and Anne Steel

John StephensonSuzanne Elder and Wag

Sarah W. StrausMr. and Mrs. John P. Snedeker

John SweetAnne Harper and Greg NoblesJoe and Sandy SambergLaura SambergCandace K. SutfinMidge Sweet

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. TaglauerThe Taglauer Cabin

Lori TallericoGreg and Linda Meide

Robert Stuart TarrEdwin S.Tobes and Harriet Bakalar

Janet TateShepherd Tate

Peter TaylorTom Nelson and Stephanie Berger

Paul ThompsonJane T. Babbitt

Katharine W. TurnerJulia Wolcott

Norman UenoMerilyn Ueno and Doug Zernow

John and Luella VanRaalteGerald and Elizabeth Clark

Catherine VarleyTom Nelson and Stephanie BergerMr. and Mrs. John P. Snedeker

Charles VerschaeveMr. and Mrs. Larry L. Smith

James VonHoltDr. and Mrs. Thomas Newland

Roger WallaceHenry Feil Philanthropic LeagueMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Lang

Joseph WeatherfordMarsha DiCenzoAnn HartSusan McGough-HallKristine ShahmirzaMary Shimek

Hilbert & Antionette WiedenkellerJeanne Dolson and Michael Yocum Kathleen Dolson & Christopher Spilling

Richard F. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson

Karen WintersDavid BurtonKathy FisherSteve and Gail GriggKevin HirschShannon LukzAndrea RoseLynne F. Waskin & James Osweiler

James WirtMarsha J. Wirt

George ZinkKathleen Zink

Beth ZinmanM. Richard Zinman

HonorariumsJanuary 1- December 31, 2020

Gifts were made in honor of the names shown in bold.

Mr. & Mrs. Weston W. Adams, IIIJanet H. Kelley

Donald A’Hearn - 60th BirthdayMichele Groene

Harriette AldSteven Ald

Jessica AlpersDavid Alpers

Adam ArentsMary and Adam Arents

Gwen BaarstadKristi Sieck

Mr. and Mrs. David L. BanksStephanie Taylor

Cathy and Mike BarrieRolf and Claire Embertson

Dr. Rebecca BeachPamela Beach

Sayla Beckman-WeinsteinChristopher Kantner & Cynthia Burger

Andy BelangerDr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MD

Robert BienzNancy Eaton

David Blackmore and Barbara WorlandBenjamin Worland

Leland ‘Mac’ BolakMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bolak

Zack BolakMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bolak

Jim and Mavis BottenhornPeter Bottenhorn

Alexander and Olivia BrolickMr. and Mrs. Emil Brolick

Mary BrowningJudy Dufficy

Rick BryanMr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Sweeney

The Buell FamilyEleanor B. Stephenson

Sadie BurtJeff and Debbie Burt

Nels CarlsonFred Heslop

Gayle L. CarpenterMary E. Jellema

Jim CarrLauren Bogue

Andre CavalcanteMarv and Kathie Ninneman

Melissa H. ChenaultGene and Kathy Garthe

Betty C. ClarkeMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. LangPatty and Paul CobbMary Cobb and Peter Rouseelot

Sterling H. ColeJohn and Barbara MacDougall

Jonathan & Anne-Mason ColmanMildred Hurley

Vicki Cox VogtMr. and Mrs. Gary McCausland

Molly and John CrabbDorothy McGavran

Annette DeibelRandy and Marianne Smith

James C. DeKorneHaley DeKorne

Chuck and Janet DickersonHenry Puch

Stephen DrikerElissa Driker and Jay Zerwekh

The Drinkaus FamilyEleanor B. Stephenson

Andrew DuchiMary Duchi

John Duchi and Emily RobertsMary Duchi

Joseph DuchiMary Duchi

Holly and Jeff DunlopFred Heslop

Gayle E. EgelerMarlis Mann and Tom Skinner

Dave and Cynthia EmbertsonRolf and Claire Embertson

Kyle EmbertsonRolf and Claire Embertson

Ryan and Elizabeth EmbertsonRolf and Claire Embertson

Gina & John Erb - 50th AnniversaryChuck and Susan Cady

Baby FeilerJeff and Debbie Burt

Mr. Harry J. Finke, IVAnne F. Adams

Cathleen C. FisherRick and Marlee Snowdon

Margaret E. GassElizabeth Starks Thompson

Bob GilbertCourtney and Katie GilbertJim and Marie Preston

Enid and Rick GrauerMr. and Mrs. Robert Mellen

Dale GuseLinda Guse


Linda GuseDale Guse

Molly M. HarrisonDonna D. Burr

Jack HayesJim and Katie Vieceli

John and Lynn HeekinWhite and Liebler Architects

Sally and Joe HeekinMildred Hurley

Timothy HefferonAllison Knapp

Mr. & Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, IIIJanet H. Kelley

Chase and Lauren HeiseDr. and Mrs. Patrick Oriel

Craig and Lindsay Hine - 10th AnniversaryDon and Laurie Gardner

Lucy HineCraig and Lindsay Hine

Maggie HineCraig and Lindsay Hine

John HoernerMichelle Smith, Joan Chandler and Vici Maclean

Tim and Diane HoernerMichelle Smith, Joan Chandler and Vici Maclean

Melinda, Maureen and all the Hollands/Campbell crewElissa, Margie & the Driker/Yaker crew

Joe and Terri HoogAdam Hoog

Bill and Annie HostetlerWhite and Liebler Architects

Brian HoweClute Family

Mary E. JellemaGayle L. Carpenter

Jennifer JohnstoneBarbara Shanahan

Jennifer and Greg JohnstoneTammi Messersmith

Nora KamDr. David Kam and Kristi Hameedi

William KandlerAngela Kandler

Libby KeenanLibby Keenan

Christopher KelleyJanet H. Kelley

Alisann and Chuck KeplerMark and Susanne Schneider

Mr. and Mrs. Randall K. KochWhite and Liebler Architects

Thomas and Bridget LamontTimothy Ontko

Michael LamontThomas and Bridget Lamont

Ted and Tali Lanham - 70th AnniversaryMarlis Mann and Tom Skinner

The Latimer FamilyRolf and Claire Embertson

Colt LawtonWilliam and Barbara Lawton

Doreen A. LawtonWilliam and Barbara Lawton

Sue LawtonWilliam and Barbara Lawton

Judie LeeceDavid Leece and Kathy Brewer

Eric LeugersMr. and Mrs. Paul T. Leugers

Martin LeugersMr. and Mrs. Paul T. Leugers

Paul and Ruth LeugersMadeleine Francavilla

Peter LeugersMr. and Mrs. Paul T. Leugers

Lynn and Judy LivingstonLisa and Melissa McCarthy

Jerry LubanskiDavid and Carrie Lubanski

Allen Carr MackeyLauren Bogue

Mr. and Mrs. Themistocles L. MajorosRenee Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. Dave MantheiWilliam LeFevre Smith

Gabriela MartinKaren C. Martin

Karen MartinMr. and Mrs. Pete Kohrs

Dorothy McGavranMolly and John Crabb

Ann McInnisEd McInnis and Patty PayetteMr. and Mrs. John McInnis

Doug McInnisEd McInnis and Patty PayetteMr. and Mrs. John McInnis

John and Amy McIntireLisa Ahern

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. McKenzieSusan Konop

Kristi McKenzie & Frank SellgrenMr. and Mrs. Matthew N. McKenzie

Ken and Louise Cobb MedarisMary Cobb and Peter Rouseelot

Mila and Warren MeeksJohn and Janet Mattson

Dave and Wendy MerrillRolf and Claire Embertson

Andrew Miller and Evan MillerMs. Karen E. Zerrenner

Blayne MurrayMichelle Smith, Joan Chandler and Vici Maclean

Patrick and Patricia NashMr. and Mrs. Max Proffitt

Elizabeth R. NeidhardtPatricia Bard

Tania and Carter NeildWhite and Liebler Architects

Camden Sterling NicholsSterling H. Cole

Leonard Niehoff & Lisa RudgersDeb and Jeff Hardcastle

Eric NinnemanMarv and Kathie Ninneman

Alison OgilvieJohn Wallington

Dr. and Mrs. Patrick OrielTom and Carol Striffler

Mark and Susan OrringerKelly and Jeff Orringer

William PaquetTerry and Jean Paquet Bernadette A. PellandPatricia Bard

Sue PierceOlivia Pierce-Bluhm

Paul and Kim PolmanMr. and Mrs. Paul Polman

Charles and Jenny PoorErin Poor

Kurt and Maria PregitzerChristopher Graham

Brandon and Abagail Quackenboss Karpf WeddingMr. and Mrs. John A. Shilts

Raines CottageDr. Robert A. Raines, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David RedfieldDave Redfield

Erica RogersElissa Driker and Jay Zerwekh

Susan RogersElissa Driker and Jay Zerwekh

Kama RossSharon and Steve AlguireWilliam and Nikki Tocco

Jim and Suzy RoyceRolf and Claire Embertson

Mr. and Mrs. Ross G. SatterwhitePatricia D. Shea

Joanne ScherfMatthew Crawford

Matthew SchoenfeldtAlyson Schoenfeldt

Jack and Susan SeamanWilliam Seaman

Nan and John ShiltsLaura Martin

John SmedleyMargaret L. Smedley

Mike and Dana SniderWhite and Liebler Architects

Riti SobiloSumeet Kanwar

Ann StackChristopher Stack, MD

Mr. Chris Stack, Jr.Christopher Stack, MD

Eleanor B. StephensonSydney Carlock

Richard and Stacie StephensonWhite and Liebler Architects

Zelia Sterling StollSterling H. Cole

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen StrobelMs. Kristin Strobel

Vik and Susan TheissNancy Schwab

Kathy ThomasCarol Fus

Mitch TomlinsonJeanne Tomlinson

Kristen ToyMarv and Kathie Ninneman

Dennis TurnerMichael Turner

Peg TurneyAlison Ogilvie

WilliamSharon Barksdale

James Van SteenhouseWhite and Liebler Architects

A.C. and Melanie VanderKolkMary E. Jellema

Jim and Barb Varley - 50th AnniversaryGina and John Erb

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. WalkerJanet H. Kelley

Taffy WalkerJanet H. Kelley

Nancy WaltonKent Walton

Sarah WarburgAlexia Warburg Post

Jim and Betty WarePriscilla Ware

Carol L. WatersKaren Hague

Len and Margie WeberGloria Albrecht

Rick and Gail WebsterBob and Nancy Webster

Sara J. WeinheimerEugene DiBenedetto

Gavin WibleMary Cusick and David Wible

Leland WibleMary Cusick and David Wible

Matt and Katy WiesenDr. Janet Navarro

David and Roberta WilliamsClifford Johnson

Ethel M. WillsTerri Wills

Pat and Lori WilsonElyn Rosenthal

Peter C. WolcottLauren Asher

Shirley J. WoodardDr. David Kam and Kristi Hameedi

Charles WoodhullMr. and Mrs. James Woodhull, II

Molly WoodhullMr. and Mrs. James Woodhull, II

Robert WoodhullMr. and Mrs. James Woodhull, II

Quinn and Kaitlyn ZerrennerKaren E. Zerrenner

Brian L. ZimmermanLittle Garden Club


Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage

PAIDTraverse City, MI

Permit No. 29

Leelanau Conservancy105 North First StreetP. O. Box 1007Leland, MI 49654231-256-9665 [email protected]

“The earth is what we all have in common.” —Wendell Berry


Edward & Barbara Collins, Founders

Jim Nugent Board ChairLinda Proffitt President

Cammie Buehler Vice PresidentAmy Tennis Vice President

Bill Witler TreasurerAlison Horton Secretary

Gina ErbRick Gans

Kathy GartheSusan Green

Art KubertNick Loud

Pam LysaghtSteve MartineauKaren MulvahillRoger Newton

Mike O’DonnellDavid Schimmel


Executive Director Thomas Nelson

Finance & Administration Kathy Birney Molly Crimmins

Charitable Giving Meg DelorLeslee SpragginsSara MichaelGayle Egeler

Communications Claire Wood Carolyn Faught

Land Protection Matt Heiman Kim Hayes

Stewardship Becky Hill Emily Douglas Chase HeiseChad Jordan

Events and VolunteersLindy Kellogg

AmeriCorps Members Veronica BauerGrace Nagle

All photos by staff except kayakers on the Cedar River

by Ed Ketterer