Year 8 French Booklet Spring 1 - Ark Victoria Academy

1 Year 8 French Booklet Spring 1 In this booklet, there are three units of work. Each unit is split into two lessons. You should complete one lesson per week, either in school or at home. After each unit, there is a quiz which you must complete online. This quiz will test the previous two weeks’ work Week 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1: Mon caractère Week 2 Lesson 2: On se dit tout Week 3 Unit 2 Lesson 3: Ce qu’on a fait hier Week 4 Lesson 4: Quelle musique écoutes-tu? Week 5 Unit 3 Lesson 5: Mon style Week 6 Lesson 6: De quoi es-tu fan? Extra Culture corner: Pâques Guidance: Remember to protect yourself when accessing online websites. You can get support with: (online dictionary) You will have different stages of lessons reviewing vocabulary and practicing this vocabulary. You will be able to practise in various ways: Practise pronunciation- online (type the word down and click “read”, the computer will read it to you. Can be done from a smart phone. Learn and test yourself (look-write-check) Online tasks- only if you have access (via computer or mobile) Reading tasks (answers will be provided later so that you can check your answers) Guided writing tasks (answers will not be provided)

Transcript of Year 8 French Booklet Spring 1 - Ark Victoria Academy


Year 8 French Booklet

Spring 1

In this booklet, there are three units of work.

Each unit is split into two lessons. You should complete one lesson per week,

either in school or at home.

After each unit, there is a quiz which you must complete online. This quiz will

test the previous two weeks’ work

Week 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1: Mon caractère Week 2 Lesson 2: On se dit tout Week 3 Unit 2 Lesson 3: Ce qu’on a fait hier Week 4 Lesson 4: Quelle musique écoutes-tu?

Week 5 Unit 3 Lesson 5: Mon style

Week 6 Lesson 6: De quoi es-tu fan? Extra Culture corner: Pâques


Remember to protect yourself when accessing online websites.

You can get support with: (online dictionary) You will have different stages of lessons reviewing vocabulary and practicing this vocabulary. You will be

able to practise in various ways:

• Practise pronunciation- online (type the word down

and click “read”, the computer will read it to you. Can be done from a smart phone.

• Learn and test yourself (look-write-check)

• Online tasks- only if you have access (via computer or mobile)

• Reading tasks (answers will be provided later so that you can check your answers)

• Guided writing tasks (answers will not be provided)





UNIT1- Lesson One : Mon caractère (My personality)

Learning objective: To describe your personality and someone else’s Do now: Translate into English

1. J’ai visité la Tour Eiffel - 2. C’était génial - 3. Hier, j’ai pris le bus - 4. J’ai trouvé ça horrible - 5. J’ai vu la Joconde -

Genius task: Translate into French: ‘We went to Paris by train, I think that* it was interesting .’ *I think that=je pense que ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Key Grammar / Vocabulary

Practise saying the phrases

in French and English until

you can say them without



Reading Comprehension: Lis ’interview

Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks- Vrai (V) ou Faux (F) (True or False)

1. Noah is 15 years old. ………..

2. He lives in Marseille. …………

3. He is kind and intelligent. ……………

4. He is also lazy. …………..

5. Noah is very selfish. …………

6. He is not very patient. ………….

7. He speaks French and Spanish. ……………

8. He spends hours listening to music with his friends. ………….

9. His best friend is not very optimistic. …………….

10. His best friend likes R’n’B. …………….


Key Grammar:

Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks- Write the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

Ce soir, je vais sortir et je vais porter une chemise (noir) …noire……. , un jean (bleu) ……………….., une écharpe (vert) ……………………….. et un chapeau (marron) …………………….. . Ma copine Céline, qui est très (gentil) …………………………. , va venir avec moi. Elle va porter une jupe (bleu) ………………….. , un tee-shirt (rose) ………………………. et des bottes (gris) ………………………. . Ca va être super!.

Extended writing task: (25 mins) Write a paragraph about yourself and about your best friend. Use the table below as well as the vocabulary provided at the beginning of the lesson.

Your extended writing : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


UNIT 1- Lesson Two : On se dit tout (We tell each other everything)

Learning objective: To use reflexive verbs to talk about relationships Do now: - translate into English

1. Je suis débrouillarde- 2. Je ne suis pas du tout égoïste - 3. Je pense que je suis optimiste - 4. Ma meilleure amie est drôle- 5. Mon meilleur ami n’est pas casse-pieds-

Genius task: Translate into French: ‘I think that I am curious but my best friend thinks that I am not pessimistic at all.’ Key Vocabulary

Reading Comprehension: Texts 1-5 gives a general statement about people’s relationships and texts a-e are in English and give an example for each of the statements. Match up the statement to the example. Exemple: 1-b (in text 1, it is mentioned “ma demi-soeur” which means my step-sister, implying that they don’t have the same dad/mum.

Practise saying the phrases

in French and English until

you can say them without


a- Every day we play football together and we have a

laugh. Yesterday, we played for three hours.

b- We exchange secrets and swap clothes. When we

bicker, we make up very quickly after. We don’t have the

same dad, but it’s not important.

c- We argue all the time because he is nasty and annoying.

d- We go out together, we go to the cinema or in town.

Last year, we went together on holidays. It was great. In

general, we get on very well.

e- He doesn’t do anything at home and on top of this, he

takes my stuff. He is annoying.


Key Grammar

With reflexive verbs, you need an extra part: a reflexive pronoun. Reflexive verbs are often actions you do to yourself or to one another. Je me douche – I have a shower (I shower myself) Tu t’habilles* – you get (yourself) dressed Il / Elle se prepare – he/she gets (him/herself) ready *If the verb begins with a vowel or a silent “h”, you need to use an apostrophe. Here are all the reflexive pronouns: Je me fâche – I get (myself) angry Tu te lève - You get (yourself) up Il/Elle se lave – he/she washes (him/herself) Nous nous amusons – we have a laugh (with each other) Vous vous disputez - you (all) argue (with one another) Ils/elles se chamaillent – they squabble (with one another)

Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks Circle the correct version of each verb.

Extended writing task: (25 mins)- Translate the following paragraph into 1) English 2) Challenge: French 1) Je ne m’entends pas bien avec mon frère car il est très méchant. On se dispute tout le temps. Il pense que je suis arrogante mais je suis tout sauf ça. Je pense qu’il est égoïste et casse-pieds. De plus, il se fâche pour rien. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2) CHALLENGE I get on well with my mum because she is very kind. We rarely argue because we tell each other everything. I love my mum. Yesterday, we went to town and we did shopping together. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


End of Unit 1 Quiz 1) Select the correct spelling ‘annoying’:

a) cassepieds b) casse-pieds c) cassez les pieds

2) Translate ‘on se confie des secrets’ a) she tells us secrets b) we trust in secrets c) we tell each other secrets 3) Translate ‘On passe des heures à bavarder’ a) I spend hours chatting b) we spend hours chatting c) we spend hours reading 4) Translate ‘we quarrel’ a) on se chamaille b) je me chamaille c) elle se chamaille 5) Complete: ‘Elle n’est pas …’ a) arrogant b) arrogante c) arrogantes 6) Translate ‘I have fun with my friends’ a) je m’amuse bien avec mes amis b) je t’amuse bien avec mes amis c) je s’amuse bien avec mes amis 7) Which of these adjectives is negative? a) rigolote b) sympa c) casse-pieds 8) ‘se chamailler’ is a reflexive verb a) TRUE b) FALSE 9) Complete: ‘elles …… disputent’ a) se b) me c) s’ 10) ‘je ne suis pas du tout fâchée’ means ‘I’m not annoying at all’ a) TRUE b) FALSE

11) Translate ‘my best friend’ (girl): d) mon meilleure amie e) ma meilleure amie f) mon amie meilleure

12) Choose: ‘tu …… entends bien avec ta mère?’ a) t’ b) te c) tu 13) Translate ‘je pense que je suis optimiste’ a) you think I’m optimistic b) I think I am pessimistic c) I think I am optimistic 14) Choose the correct spelling a) se chamayer b) se chamaillez c) se chamailler 15) Translate ‘se dire’ a) to tell each other b) to say c) to tell me 16) Translate ‘you (all) argue’ a) tu te dispute b) vous vous disputer c) vous vous disputez 17) Translate: ‘Quels sont tes défauts?’ a) what are your qualities? b) what are your flaws? c) what are his flaws? 18) ‘débrouillarde’ means ‘resourceful’ a) TRUE b) FALSE 19) Complete the ending: ‘elles s’entend…….’ a) ez b) ent c) ons 20) ‘Mon frère est paresseux’ means ‘my brother is hardworking’ a) TRUE b) FALSE


UNIT2- Lesson Three : Ce qu’on a fait hier (What we did yesterday)

Learning objective: To use the perfect tense to state what you did with your friend. Do now: Translate into English

1. Je me dispute toujours avec mon petit frère –

2. On se dit tout - 3. Ma soeur est paresseuse mais sympa –

4. On se chamaille - 5. Je ne m’entends pas du tout avec mon frère –

Genius task: Translate into French: ‘I get on well with my mum because we tell each other secrets’ .’

Key Grammar / Vocabulary

C- Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait hier ?

What have you done yesterday?

1 j’ai bu I drank

2 on a bu one/we drank

3 j’ai fait I did

4 on a fait one/we did

5 j’ai pris I took

6 on a pris one/we took

7 j’ai vu I saw

8 on a vu one/we saw

9 je suis allé(e) I went (f)

10 je suis parti(e) I left (f)

11 je suis arrivé(e) I arrived (f)

12 j’ai trouvé ça I found that

13 je suis resté(e) I stayed (f)

14 je suis sorti (e) I went out (f)

Reading Comprehension- Read the texts: Sophie: Hier, avec ma meilleure amie Natacha, on est allées au cinéma et après on a mangé une pizza. On s’est bien amusées car elle est super rigolote. Florent: Hier, j’ai pris le bus et j’ai rencontré mon meilleur ami Alex. On ne se dispute jamais et on se dit tout. On a bu un coca et on a passé des heures à parler de tout et de rien*. Laëtitia: Je m’entends super bien avec ma soeur Karine car elle est toujours optimiste. On se chamaille de temps en temps mais on s’adore. Hier, on est allées à la galerie commerciale et on a acheté des vêtements et des bonbons. Puis on a vu une comédie romantique au cinéma. J’ai trouvé ça très amusant mais ma soeur n’a pas aimé. *about everything and nothing

Practise saying the phrases in

French and English until you can

say them without looking.


Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks- True (T) or False (F)? Challenge: correct the false statement by replacing the wrong part. Ex: Natacha is a boy – F – girl

1) Natacha is Sophie’s sister. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2) Natacha is very funny. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) Sophie and Natacha went to the cinema after eating pizza. …………………………………………. 4) Florent and Alex never argue. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 5) Yesterday, Florent took the underground. …………………………………………………………………. 6) Florent and Alex talked for a long time. ……………………………………………………………………. 7) Laëtitia gets on well with Karine. …………………………………………………………………………….. 8) They quarrel all the time. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9) Yesterday they bought clothes and cakes. …………………………………………………………………. 10) Karine loved the romantic comedy. ………………………………………………………………………….


!!!! all reflexive verbs will need être in the perfect tense. Ex: Je me suis disputé(e) avec.. Nous nous sommes disputé(e)s avec.. Tu t’es disputé(e) avec.. Vous vous êtes disputé(e)s avec.. Il/elle/on s’est disputé(e) avec.. Ils/elles se sont disputé(e)s avec..

Key Grammar activity: Present (Pr) or Past tense (Pa)?

1) Je joue au foot. ………….. 2) Je suis tombée. ………….. 3) J’ai pris des photos. ………….. 4) Je regarde la télé. ………….

Put the verbs in brackets in the perfect tense : Hier, j’ai ………………………….. (regarder) la télé, c’était vraiment super. Ensuite, moi et ma famille avons ………………………….. (écouter) de la musique, surtout Rihanna. Puis, je suis ………………………….. (aller) chez ma grand-mère. Avant de me coucher, j’ai ………………………….. (surfer) sur internet sur mon iPad et j’ai ………………………….. (répondre) à des emails avec mes copains. C’est tout!


Extended writing task: Following the model of the reading above, write a paragraph stating what you did yesterday with your best friend/family relative.

Your extended writing task:


UNIT2- Lesson Four : Quelle musique écoutes-tu? (what music do you listen to ?)

Learning objective: To use weather structures to state when you do a sport

Do now: Translate into English

1) On a pris le bus- …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) Hier, on s’est disputés – …………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) On a mangé une pizza – ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) Je me suis bien amusé - ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5) Ils ont joué au foot- …………………………………………………………………………….

Genius task: translate into French: ‘I saw my best friend and we went to the cinema.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Key Grammar / Vocabulary-

Reading Comprehension Read the text below

Practise saying the phrases in French and English

until you can say them without looking.


Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks: Find the expressions in the text 1) I listen to a bit of everything. …………………………………………………………………………………… 2) It makes us want to dance. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 3) My favourite male singer is. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4) We like the words. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5) I love her song. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6) It makes me happy. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7) We are fans of. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8) I love the tunes. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Key Grammar: The irregular verb VENIR (to come round/over) You have to learn it by heart Je viens – I come/I’m coming Tu viens – you come/you’re coming Il/elle/on vient – he/she/one comes/is coming Nous venons – we come/are coming Vous venez – you (all) come/are coming Ils/elles viennent – they come/are coming Key Activity: Read the text. Identify the 3 correct statements

x e.g: For Valentin, music is a form of expression a) Valentin listens to music, especially at the weekend b) Valentin and his friends like the same type of music c) Valentin doesn’t like rap d) Valentin plays in a band with his friends e) Valentin listens to a lot of different artists f) When Valentin is unhappy, he listens to music

Strategy: When tackling this type of task, pretend it’s a True or False activity. !!! to ensure you have the right answers, find evidence in the text. Even if you find an example done for you, you still need to find the 3 correct statements.


Extended writing task: (25 mins)

What music do you listen to? Write a paragraph.

Your extended writing task:


End of Unit 2 Quiz 1) Translate ‘we quarrelled’:

a) On s’est chamaillé b) On a chamaillé c) On s’est bien entendu

2) Translate ‘we saw’ a) on est vus b) on a vu c) on est venus 3) Translate ‘on a bu’ a) I drank b) he drank c) we drank 4) Translate ‘yesterday’ a) heir b) hier c) ayer 5) Translate ‘ca me donne envie de dormir’ a) it makes me want to laugh b) it makes me want to cry c) it makes me want to sleep 6) Translate ‘I downloaded some songs’ a) j’ai téléchargé des photos b) j’ai téléchargé des chansons c) j’ai écouté des chansons 7) Complete ‘ça me donne ………………. de’ a) enviens b) envier c) envie 8) With the verb ‘aller’, you must use the auxiliary ‘être’ a) TRUE b) FALSE 9) Complete: ‘je me ……. disputé avec ma soeur’ a) suis b) ai c) me 10) ‘J’écoute un peu de tout’ means ‘I listen to everyone’ a) TRUE b) FALSE

11) Select the correct spelling: d) Les chorégrafies e) Les chorégraphies f) Les korégraphies

12) Choose: ‘nous ………… sommes chamaillées’ a) vous b) nous c) me 13) Translate ‘j’aime les paroles’ a) I like the speeches b) I like the discussions c) I like the lyrics 14) Choose the correct spelling a) mélodies b) melodies c) miladies

15) Translate ‘I hate Beyoncé’s music’ a) je déteste Beyoncé musique b) je déteste la musique a Beyoncé c) je déteste la musique de Beyoncé 16) Translate ‘quand je suis triste’ a) when I’m sad b) when I’m happy c) when I’m tired 17) Translate: ‘it makes me happy’ a) ça me rend joyeux b) ça me fait joyeux c) ça me donne envie joyeux 18) ‘J’ai téléchargé une de ses chansons’ means ‘I translated all of her songs’ a) TRUE b) FALSE 19) what is the past participle of: ‘répondre’? a) -é b) -i c) -u 20) ‘Ma soeur et moi, on s’est fâchées hier’ means ‘my sister and I were angry yesterday’ a) TRUE b) FALSE


UNIT3- Lesson Five : Mon style (My style)

Learning objective: To use the near future to state what you are going to do and wear.

Do now: Translate the following into English 1- J’écoute un peu de tout-

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2- J’adore la musique classique, ça me donne envie de dormir-

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3- J’adore les paroles de la chanson. –

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- La musique de Ed Sheeren me rend triste -

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Genius task : translate into French : « Yesterday, I went to the cinema with my sister. We saw a romantic comedy » ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Key Grammar / Vocabulary

Reading Comprehension- read the texts

Practise saying the phrases in French and English

until you can say them without looking.


Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks- for each of the 3 young people, draw what they wear OR if you write it down.

Talia Renaud Nicolette


To say what you are going to do, you use the Near Future. Follow these 3 steps 1-Choose your subject (who does the action)

2-use the correct present form of the verb ‘aller’ (to go)

3-use the infinitive of your main verb

Je Tu

Il/Elle/On Nous Vous


vais vas va

allons allez vont

regarder (to watch/look) aller (to go) manger (to eat) écouter (to listen) lire (to read) écouter (to listen) attendre (to wait) porter (to wear)


Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks- Choose the correct verbs to complete the text.

Ce weekend, 1. …je vais faire…. du shopping avec mes copines et le soir, 2. ……………… …………………………. au restaurant. 3. ………………………………………………. du karate parce que mes copines adorent ça. Le dimanche, 4. ……………………………………………..un spectacle au théâtre avec ma famille. 5. …………………………………………… une robe bleu turquoise. 6. ………………………………. …………………………… je crois. Et vous, qu’est-ce que 7. …………………………………………………….. ? nous allons manger ; on va s’amuser; vous allez faire; on va faire; je vais porter; je vais faire; je vais voir. Challenge: translate the paragraph into French:

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Extended writing task: (25 mins)

Describe your style, what you are going to do and what you are going to wear this weekend

Your extended writing task:



UNIT3- Lesson Six : De quoi es-tu fan ? (What are you a fan of ?)

Learning objective: To use the past, the present and the future to talk about your passions. Do now: Translate the following expressions into English

1. Normalement je porte une jupe bleue-


2. Il porte un pantalon noir et une chemise blanche-


3. Ce weekend, je vais porter un tee-shirt. –


4. Ce weekend, je vais aller à un mariage-


Genius task : translate into French : « Normally, I wear a black skirt and a red shirt but this

weekend, I’m going to ride a mountain bike so* I’m going to wear a tracksuit and my trainers. »



*so - alors

Key Grammar / Vocabulary

Practise saying the phrases in French and

English until you can say them without



Reading Comprehension- read the text

Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks- Find the error in each statement Ex: Clarissa is funny and silly. ……intelligent……………

1. Clarissa reads magazines about video games. ……………………………………………………………. 2. She watches football games on the computer. …………………………………………………………… 3. She often quarrels with Rémy. ………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Auxerre won the football game. ………………………………………………………………………………. 5. This weekend, she is going to watch an international game on TV. …………………………………

Key Grammar:


Key activities/ comprehension questions/ tasks- Read the text above again and write down the verbs in the correct column

Passé composé Présent Futur

Extended writing task: (25 mins)

Your extended writing: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




What makes a good sentence?

➢ Give details ➢ Use various connectives

(et, mais, cependant, parce que…)

➢ Use intensifiers (très, assez, un peu, vraiment)

➢ Make it interesting.









End of Unit 3 Quiz

1) Select the correct spelling for ‘really’: a) vrament b) vraimant c) vraiment

2) Translate ‘I wear a white T-shirt’ a) je porte un blanc tee-shirt b) je porte un tee-shirt blanc c) je porte un tee-shirt blanche 3) choose ‘une chemise’ a) bleue turquoise b) bleue turquoises c) bleu turquoise 4) Translate ‘Comme d’hab’ a) as usual b) normally c) like a habit 5) Translate ‘I’m going to wear’ a) je vais porté b) je vais porter c) j’ai porté 6) Translate ‘la semaine dernière’ a) last week b) next week c) every week 7) Complete the phrase ‘………….. le temps’ a) tous b) tout c) toute 8) ‘ils vont faire’means ‘he is going to do’ a) TRUE b) FALSE 9) Complete : ‘nous allons regard…….’ a) er b) é c) ons 10) ‘j’ai un style décontracté means ‘I have a stressed style’ a) TRUE b) FALSE

11) Select the correct spelling for ‘usually’: d) d’habitude e) dhabitude f) d’habitud

12) Choose: ‘elles ………… écouter musique’ a) ont b) vont c) sont 13) Translate ‘partout’ a) everyday b) wherever c) everywhere 14) Translate ‘chocolate brown’ a) chocolat marron b) marron au chocolat c) marron chocolat 15) Translate ‘j’ai dansé’ a) I dance b) I danced c) I’m going to dance 16) Translate ‘you (all) are going to wear’ a) vous allez danser b) vous dansez c) vous avez dansé 17) Translate: ‘it’s ugly’ a) c’est mouche b) c’est much c) c’est moche 18) ‘il a porté un pantalon’ means ‘she wore trousers’ a) TRUE b) FALSE 19) Complete : ‘il ……… porter un jean’ a) vont b) vas c) va 20) ‘Le weekend dernier, nous allons regarder un match’ is a correct sentence a) TRUE b) FALSE


La Fête de Pâques by Delphine, age: 12 years

1. The French word for Easter is Pâques. To wish someone a 'Happy Easter' you can say Joyeuses Pâques or Bonnes Pâques. 2. If a baby is born around Easter-time, then the name chosen for the baby might be Pascal, meaning 'belonging to Easter'. My little sister was born on Easter Day and that is why she is called Pascale! 3. Just before Easter, there is the fasting period of Lent - le Carême. Le Carême is a way of saying 'forty days'. The first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday - le Mercredi des Cendres. During le Carême people prepare for Holy Week - la Semaine Sainte.

4. The first day of la Semaine Sainte is Palm Sunday - le Dimanche des Rameaux. The word rameaux means 'branches'. This is the day when we remember the story of how Jésus rode into Jérusalem and the people greeted Him by laying palm leaves on the ground for Him to walk on. On this day we carry little bunches of green branches - rameaux - to church so that the priest will bless them. The branches can be made from palm leaves, olive trees, laurel, rosemary. It all depends upon the plants that are easy to find in the area where you live.

In my family, Maman cuts little branches from the laurel bushes in our garden and we carry those to church. There are some very artistic people who make wonderful braids and shapes with palm leaves. These are called les palmes tressées. Palm Sunday is also known as Pâques Fleuries, meaning 'Easter in blossom', because of all the lovely plants and leaves.

5. During la Semaine Sainte, there are des processions in many towns. We have the processions in order to commemorate the death of Jésus and the events leading up to La Crucifixion. The most well-known processions take place on Good Friday - le Vendredi Saint. This is the day when the Crucifixion of Jesus is commemorated. A procession that takes place on this day is called le Chemin de Croix - the words mean 'the Way of the Cross.' Lots of families go to church during Holy Week. In French, the church is l'église.


6. Le Jeudi Saint - Holy Thursday - is the day when we think about la Cène - the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples. On the evening of le Jeudi Saint something very strange and special happens! All the church bells in France fly away to Rome! C'est bizarre! These flying bells are known as les cloches volantes.

Question: How do the bells do this? Réponse: The grown-ups tell the children that wings suddenly appear on the bells. Question: Why do the bells do this? Réponse: The grown-ups say that the bells fly to Rome to visit the Pope - le Pape. During their visit, they are blessed by le Pape and collect chocolate goodies to give to French children. This means that all the church bells in France remain silent! No bells are heard because they have all flown away to Rome.

The bells fly back to France early in the morning of Easter Day!

This happy day is le Dimanche de Pâques. As the Easter bells - les cloches de Pâques - fly back, they drop

chocolate goodies into the gardens of the French towns.

7. Some French children prepare nests in their gardens and houses. The nests - les nids - are for the Easter bunny who will fill them with chocolate eggs when he arrives during the night. My little sister leaves out carrots for the bunny in case he is hungry.

He is called le lapin de Pâques or le lièvre de Pâques.


8. When we wake up on Easter Day - le Dimanche de Pâques - usually someone will call out - Les cloches sont passées! - meaning that the bells have visited. The children have great fun finding the hidden goodies left in the nests by le lièvre de Pâques or scattered by les cloches de Pâques - the Easter bells! This egg hunt is called la chasse aux œufs. Les cloches sonnent à nouveau! The church bells ring again because they have returned from Rome and are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus! - la Résurrection de Jésus!

9. There is another traditional game that French children play at Easter. It is a game of 'catch' but instead of a ball we use raw eggs! It is called le lancer d'œufs. We throw and catch - un œuf cru -a raw egg - between partners until someone drops it. That person will be le perdant - the loser and will be 'out' - éliminé. Voici la règle du jeu: Here are the rules of the game: 1. Les enfants forment deux rangées qui se font face. The children stand in two lines facing each other. 2. Chaque enfant d'un côté lance un oeuf cru à son partenaire d'en face. Each child on one side throws a raw egg to their partner opposite. 3. Les enfants qui cassent un œuf sont éliminés. The children who break an egg are 'out.' 4. Le jeu se répète jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste qu'un œuf intact. The game is repeated until there is only one egg intact. 5. Ces deux partenaires gagnent la partie! These two partners win the game! 6. L’œuf intact est considéré l'œuf vainqueur et il apporte la bonne fortune. The intact egg is considered the winning egg and it brings good fortune.

10. There is something else that is very important in France at Easter. It just so happens that April Fools Day, on 1st. April, occurs around the time of Easter. On this day, French children play a trick on as many adults as possible by sticking paper fish onto the grown-ups' backs and running away. Every time that we manage to trick a grown-up, we run away shouting - Poisson d'avril! - meaning 'April fish!'

11. In France, April fish are also an Easter symbol and that is why you will find chocolate fish in the shops too!


un poisson en chocolat

12. The shops where you buy the chocolate goodies are called les confiseries. You can also buy them in shops specialising in chocolate called les chocolateries. The traditional Easter chocolate shapes are: les cloches - bells, les œufs - the eggs, les lapins - bunnies. My favourite type of shop is la chocolaterie. J'adore le chocolat.

13. Apart from all the chocolate, what else do we eat at Easter time? On Good Friday - le Vendredi Saint - in my family we do not eat meat. Instead, it is the tradition to eat le poisson - fish. All my friends do the same thing too. We avoid eating meat on this day because we are thinking about la Crucifixion and les souffrances de Jésus sur la Croix - the suffering of Jesus on the Cross. A meat-free meal is called un repas maigre. On Easter Day - le Dimanche de Pâques - traditionally we eat lamb: l'agneau. The special Easter dinner of lamb is called l'agneau pascal. Leg of lamb is le gigot d'agneau. There are also lots of vegetables: les légumes. One of the most popular vegetables at Easter is asparagus - l'asperge. 14. Depending upon the area of France where you live, there are various traditional Easter cakes.

In the area called Vendée, there is la gâche de Pâques. It is a very rich bread mixture, like an oval-shaped brioche - containing bread flour, sugar, milk, yeast, butter and eggs.

In the area of Alsace, there is a sponge cake in the shape of a lamb. This cake is called le lamala.

On the French island of Corsica - la Corse - there is a cake in the shape of une


couronne - a crown. The cake is called le cacavellu. There are hard boiled eggs sitting on top and a pastry cross on top of each egg.

In the area of Charente there is an Easter triangular biscuit called la cornuelle. It has a hole in the middle. There is also a pastry version, filled with cream.

In Provence there is a sweet Easter pie called la couve. The pastry decoration on the top symbolises chicks - des poussins - and eggs - des œufs. The whole pie represents a hen's nest - un nid de poule. 15. Le Lundi de Pâques, c'est l’occasion de faire un pique-nique en famille! - On Easter Monday, it is the time to have a picnic with your family in a park or in the countryside. It is a lovely way in which to welcome le printemps - the spring. Easter Monday is also known as la Pâquette - meaning 'the little Easter.' There is a tradition to eat omelette on this day. In the town of Bessières, in the south of France, there is a festival on Easter Monday where a giant omelette is cooked. It is prepared with fifteen thousand eggs in a frying pan that is four metres wide. It is organised and cooked by a group of people called la confrérie de l'omelette géante.


16. Here is an Easter rhyme about hens laying eggs: C'est la poule grise

Qui pond dans l'église. C'est la poule noire

Qui pond dans le tiroir. C'est la poule blanche

Qui pond sur la planche.

Here is an Easter joke about a hen laying eggs: Question: La poule dit trois nombres quand elle pond un œuf. Lesquels?

Réponse: Sept. Un. Neuf. (Sounds like 'C'est un oeuf!')

17. An Interesting Fact: There are some very important relics to be found in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. The cathedral is called la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. These relics belong to the story of Easter and The Crucifixion of Jesus. Les reliques sont: The relics are: 1. La Sainte Couronne d'épines. The Holy Crown of Thorns. This is the crown of thorns worn by Jesus during His Crucifixion. 2. Le fragment du Bois de la Croix. This is a fragment of wood from The Holy Cross. 3. Le Clou. This relic is a nail from The Holy Cross. Below is a photo of La Sainte Couronne d'épines. It is protected inside a round, glass reliquary.


Je vous souhaite de très joyeuses Pâques!

La Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris:

Sad news: In 2019, there was a devastating fire at the

cathedral. We thank the brave firefighters and hope that

the beautiful, ancient building with its important relics and art

can be restored.

Choisis la bonne réponse! 1. How do you say 'Easter' in French? A. Paquet B. Pâques C. Papillon -------------------------------- 2. Easter is in which season? A. le printemps B. l'hiver C. l'été -------------------------------- 3. What is it? - un œuf de Pâques A. an Easter egg. B. an Easter bunny C. an Easter card ----------------------------------- 4. What is it? - le lièvre de Pâques A. the Easter parade B. the Easter bunny C. the Easter dinner ---------------------------------- 5. According to the French tradition, where do all the church bells fly to, at Easter? A. Rome B. Paris C. Madrid --------------------------------- 6. What is the name of the 'flying church bells'? A. les oiseaux volants B. le vol-au-vent C. les cloches volantes ---------------------------------- 7. How do you say 'an April fool's trick' in French? A. un poisson d'avril


B. un lapin d'avril C. un cheval d'avril -------------------------------- 8. How do you say 'Easter Sunday' in French? A. le Dimanche des Rameaux B. le Dimanche de Pâques C. le Dimanche du Chocolat --------------------------------- 9. How do you say 'an egg hunt' in French? A. une chasse aux œufs B. un panier d'œufs C. une coquille d'œuf -------------------------------- 10. In France, the traditional meat to eat on Easter Sunday is lamb. How do you say 'the lamb' in French? A. l'agneau B. l'anneau C. l'année ------------------------------- 11. One of the following words does not belong to Easter. Which one is it? A. lapin B. bateau C. œuf -------------------------------- 12. How do you say ‘a nest' in French? A. un nœud B. un nez C. un nid -------------------------------- 13. Where do you have to go to buy Easter eggs? A. à la charcuterie B. à la confiserie C. à la gare --------------------------------- 14. What is it? - un panier d'œufs A. a basket of eggs B. a box of eggs C. a sack of eggs FIN