Year 7 Religious Studies Contents

Year 7 Religious Studies Contents 1 2. Who is Jesus - Key Terms 3. Miracles 4. Healing 5. Parables 6. Relevance of Parables today 7. The incarnation 8. Did Jesus Exist 9. Prophets of Old and Modern day 10. Jesus in Judaism and Islam 12. Who are Christians Key Terms 13. The Beatitudes 14. Christian Denominations 15. The Eucharist 16. Jesus’ Baptism 17. The advent wreath / The Nativity 19. Prayer and Worship Key Terms 20. Artefacts 21. Jesus’ teaching on Prayer 22. Pilgrimage 23. Sacraments 24. Festivals and Celebrations 25. Music in worship 27. You are wonderfully made - Key Terms 28. The creation story 29. Scientific theories of Creation 30. Catholic Responses to Scientific Theories 31. Stewardship 32. Human dignity in action 33. Types of Love 35. Sikhism Key Terms Key beliefs 36. The three duties 37. The 10 Guru’s 38. The 5 K’s 39. The 5 vices 40. Celebrations

Transcript of Year 7 Religious Studies Contents

Year 7 Religious Studies



2. Who is Jesus - Key Terms

3. Miracles

4. Healing

5. Parables

6. Relevance of Parables today

7. The incarnation

8. Did Jesus Exist

9. Prophets of Old and Modern day

10. Jesus in Judaism and Islam

12. Who are Christians – Key Terms

13. The Beatitudes

14. Christian Denominations

15. The Eucharist

16. Jesus’ Baptism

17. The advent wreath / The Nativity

19. Prayer and Worship – Key Terms

20. Artefacts

21. Jesus’ teaching on Prayer

22. Pilgrimage

23. Sacraments

24. Festivals and Celebrations

25. Music in worship

27. You are wonderfully made - Key Terms

28. The creation story

29. Scientific theories of Creation

30. Catholic Responses to Scientific Theories

31. Stewardship

32. Human dignity in action

33. Types of Love

35. Sikhism – Key Terms – Key beliefs

36. The three duties

37. The 10 Guru’s

38. The 5 K’s

39. The 5 vices

40. Celebrations

1. Who is Jesus? Jesus

Origin: Hebrew, Yeshua

Meaning: Rescuer


Origin: Hebrew, Rabbinim

Meaning: Master / teacher

Suffering Servant

Origin: Isaiah; poems about servant of YHWH

Meaning: One who will suffer for others


Origin: English, buy back / repurchase

Meaning: Buys back salvation from sin


Origin: Hebrew found in Isaiah

Meaning: God is with us

Prince of peace

Origin: Hebrew Prophecy

Meaning: He has authority over Peace

Alpha and Omega

Origin: Greek alphabet

Meaning: The beginning and end of all things.

Lamb of God

Origin: John the Baptist at baptism of Jesus

Meaning: A replacement of the sacrifice for sin


Key Words Meaning

Incarnation God in flesh

When God takes on a human form in Jesus

Parable A story told by Jesus to teach humans how to


Prophet A person God has chosen

Delivers a message or information to other


Miracle An action or event

Unexplained by human or scientific means

Inspiration To be guided to write what is good and true

The bible is a work of divine inspiration

Teacher A person who passes on knowledge and

wisdom from one generation to the next

Rabbi A Hebrew word used to mean 'teacher'

Used to show respect and authority

Messiah The one that will be sent from God

Will bring redemption and judgement to



2. Who is Jesus?

Nature Miracles

Jesus controls or manipulates items of nature

Jesus understands the deepest working of nature

Jesus is Master of creation

Calming the Storm

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be

still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

Mark 4

Opened the eyes of a blind man

...he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and

put it on the man’s eyes.

“Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” . So the man

went and washed and came home seeing.

John 9

Raised Lazarus

He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” And he who

had died came out.

John 11

Healing Miracles

Involves the restoring of health, mental or physical

Actions are beyond human understanding or ability

Jesus is Master of humans

Raising to Life Miracles

Restoring life to the dead

Jesus understands the deepest working of Nature

Jesus is Master of creation


3. Who is Jesus?

Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida


Jesus is with His disciples

Jesus tells his disciples about needing to die

Disciples are confused

Jesus heals a man of blindness

Jesus needs two attempts to cure the man

The man is confused in his sight after first time


Jesus cures the spiritual blindness of the disciples

The disciples do not understand what Jesus must do

Christians mission is not always clear first time but

understanding will come through Jesus.

The blind man at Bethsaida

Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he

saw everything clearly.

Mark 8

Key Words Meaning

Reconciliation To restore a relationship to original form

To look past actions and into the heart

Forgiveness To move on from an offense

To pardon someone's actions

Metaphor Something symbolic of something else

Word or story that represents a different


Spiritual Something that affects the soul

Not material or physical


4. Who is Jesus?


A story told by Jesus to teach humans how to live

He uses things people know about to explain things

they do not know about


An outward sign of an inward grace

A physical action that shows and invisible work of God

Jesus' life sets example for the sacraments


Something physical that leads Catholics towards God

Jesus opened his mouth and began to teach them

Matthew 5

Jesus is called teacher 45 times across the four gospels


5. Who is Jesus?

Parables are still relevant today

Many of the messages of parables still apply today.

Key themes are:

Showing care

Helping others

Forgiving people

Parables can be easily transformed into modern day


They are not real and so are not restricted by time

They are from God not made up by humans

Parables are not still relevant today

Jesus is not relevant anymore so neither are his


They were written for a certain period of time that we

do not live in anymore

Society lives by different laws now, so we should have

more up to date stories

People should be able to live how they want to, not

guided by a unreal person.


6. Who is Jesus?

Parables are still relevant today

Humanity Divinity




Key Words Meaning

Incarnation God in flesh.

When God takes on a human form in Jesus

Messiah The one that will be sent from God

Will bring redemption and judgement to


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.

He was with God in the beginning.

John 1

..he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man...

The Nicene Creed


7. Who is Jesus?

Did Jesus exist?

His life is written down in four gospel accounts

Josephus accounts for the existence of John the

Baptist and the baptism of Jesus – Criterion of


Most researchers agree the crucifixion is accurate

Not the reason for it or Jesus predicting it – Criterion

of embarrassment.

The governor of Roman Judea between 26AD and

36AD was Pontius Pilate

Pilate crucified Jesus

Biblical accounts say Jesus was killed in this time


Pilate stone

A damaged block of carved limestone with partially intact text.

Mentions Pontius Pilate as prefect from AD 26 to 36.

Discovered at an archaeological site in Caesarea, 1961.


Roman-Jewish Historian

Born 37AD – Died 100AD

His work is the best source of authority of this area of the world

Key Words

Criterion of


An event would embarrass the person who tells it.

When this is high, it adds to the possibility of truth.

Prefect Governor of an area

Person with Authority to rule


8. Who is Jesus?


6 Major Prophets = Long books

12 Minor Prophets = Shorter books

Chosen and called by God

Modern day prophets

Mother Teresa

She was a prophet not so much by what she said.

She didn’t go around preaching

Her life showed God’s love including everybody

Helping the poor

Helping the rejected

Helping those that are cast aside

She went among them

Key Words

Prophet A person God has chosen

Delivers a message or information to

other humans

Prophecy A message that God wants shared

The words spoken by a Prophet


Major Prophets




Minor Prophet examples





9. Who is Jesus?

Jewish view

Do not consider Jesus to be a prophet, the Messiah or

the son of God

There is no single view that Jewish people hold

Jesus was a real person

He was a teacher to the Jewish people

He was crucified for claiming to be their Messiah

He did not rise from the dead

Islamic View

Do not consider Jesus to be the Son of God

Jesus was no more than a man

The Qur'an gives Jesus as a Prophet of significance

He is of virgin birth to Mary

He was not crucified or resurrected

He was important but not the saviour of humankind

He will come back to earth from heaven

Jesus did not die and resurrect

The Jews say, "we killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary,

the messenger of God – but they did not kill him nor crucify

him, only a likeness that appeared to them... . They certainly

did not kill him but God raised him up to himself."

Surah 4: 157-158

Torah teacher

"Thus I was taught by Jesus the Nazarene"

"One of the disciples of Jesus the Nazarene found me"

Babylonian 17a


Year 7 Religious Studies

Contents – Who are Christians


1. Who are Christians?

Key Words

Christian A person who has received Christian Baptism

Follows and models the teaching of Christ

Denomination A branch of a religion

A recognised form of Christianity

Ecumenical A unity of the different Christian churches

Represents several different Christians together

Interfaith A unity of different religions

A recognising of common ground between faiths

Impact Something that is done because of belief

Something that is believed because of teaching

Advent The start of the Christian calendar

A time of preparation for the coming of Christ

Eucharist Christian ceremony where last supper is


The consecration or blessing of bread and wine

The items consumed after consecration

Baptism The Christian sacrament of acceptance to the


The cleansing of sin from a person's soul


Follow teachings and examples of Jesus Christ

Build a friendship with Jesus Christ

Are Baptised in the Christian church

Support and help other people

Strengthen their relationship with God

Anyone who belongs to Jesus Christ is a new person.

The past is forgotten, and everything is new.

2 Corinthians 5:17


2. Who are Christians?

The Beatitudes

Beautiful attitudes to life

Delivered at the Sermon on the Mount

Blessings and rewards

Promotes living a simple lifestyle

A happy Christian life

The Beatitudes

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for

they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of


Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and

falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice

and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the

same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Matthew 5


3. Who are Christians?


Roman Catholic

Church of England

Eastern Orthodox



Salvation Army


Pentecostal and Charismatic

Moments of historical importance

Great Schism split the early church in 1054

Reformation of 1534 – Act of supremacy

Aldersgate Experience of 1738 – Assured of Salvation

Separatists of 1607 – Angered by complexity of the


Causes of difference

Disagreement about the Eucharist

Disagreement about the authority of the Pope

Disagreement about the cause of the Holy Spirit

Role and responsibility of clergy

Role of the sacraments


4. Who are Christians?


Also called;

Mass of the Lord's Supper

Holy Communion

Divine Liturgy

Christians 'celebrate' the Eucharist

A re-presentation of the Last Supper

Prayers and words are a reminder of the Last


Always involves the elements of bread and


The new covenant between humans and God

Frees humans from the slavery of sin

Key Words

Transubstantiation Transformation of the substance of bread and wine

The miracle performed at Catholic Mass

The true and real presence of Jesus Christ

Consubstantiation The bringing together of God and the bread and


The presence of God existing with the bread and


The bread and wine remain

Memorial act A symbolic act remembering Jesus' death

Presence of God no more real than normal

Bread and wine remain untouched

Take, eat, this is my body... Take, drink, this is my blood... Do this in

remembrance of me.


The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life



5. Who are Christians?


Baptism of Jesus

John baptises at the River Jordan

Baptism is symbolic of washing of sins

Jesus is pure and needs no baptism

Jesus purity cleanses the water not himself

Holy Water is given the power to cleanse sins

Sacramental Baptism

Crosses all denominations

Cleanses Original Sin

Welcomes a person into the Church

Opens the path to salvation

Believers Baptism

Cleanses actual sin

Welcomes person into the church

Is performed mostly on adults

Marks a change in the way of life

Is a personal acceptance of Jesus Christ.

As soon as Jesus was baptised, he went up out of

the water.

At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw

the Spirit of God descending like a dove and

alighting on him.

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my

Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Matthew 3 16

6. Who are Christians?

Advent Wreath


Colour of Penance – being sorry for doing wrong

Colour of Royalty – reflecting the kingship of Jesus


Colour of Joy and celebration

A break from penance


Guidance that Christ's life provides

Christ is the light that overcomes darkness


Evergreen leaves show everlasting nature of our life


No beginning and no end to the shape

Signifies the eternal nature of God


Peace of Christ and peace for the world

Hope that comes from Christ and hopes for the world

Joy from knowing Christ and role of sharing joy in the world

Love that we receive from Christ, role of loving others



A messy place unclean and untidy space

Shows our lives are messy and untidy

Jesus still wants to be born into our lives


A place for animals to eat from

Represents Jesus being born as food for the world

Foreshadows the celebration of the Eucharist


Unskilled and unwanted men or outcasts

Invited first to the birth of Christ

Christ is born for the poor, outcast and sinners

Wise Men

Bring gifts to the nativity scene

Gold is valuable – Jesus is a king

Frankincense is Holy – Jesus is a priest

Myrrh, a perfume for the dead – Jesus is a prophet


The animals are calm and un-alarmed by the fuss

Represent creation recognising their creator straight away



Year 7 Religious Studies

Contents – Prayer and Worship

1. Prayer and Worship in Christianity

Key Words Definition

Prayer The raising of the heart and mind to God

Artefact An item made by humans

An item that can be used to help in worship

Pilgrimage A spiritual journey of self-healing or self-development

An opportunity to deepen a relationship with God

Sacrament An outward sign of an inward grace

A ritual that signifies the grace of God being present

Mass Catholic celebration focussed around the Eucharist

The gathering of the community in prayer and worship

Eucharist The real presence of Jesus as spiritual food and drink

The receiving of the Body and Blood of Jesus

Contemporary Something that is current in the modern day

A way of doing something that is informed by the


Traditional Something that is done in the way it always has been

Following a long line of examples set out


Prayer is turning the heart toward God. When

a person prays, they enter into a living

relationship with God.



When we celebrate the liturgy, we are drawn

into the love of God, healed, and transformed.



2. Prayer and Worship in Christianity



The inspired word of God

Contains the life of Jesus

Provides answers and examples for Christians


Reminder of the cross on which Jesus was


The emptiness gives hope of eternal life


Reminder of agony and suffering of Jesus

Reminder of sacrifice of Jesus


Statues of Mary are an aid to concentration

Statues of Saints help reflect on how life is lived


Act as an aid to concentration

Used to connect with a range of senses in prayer

Used to bring hope in times of darkness

Rosary Beads

A cycle of prayers as the beads are passed through

the hands

The beads help concentrationand counting the


Keeps a strong focus through the prayer


3. Prayer and Worship in Christianity

Jesus' teaching on prayer

Keep it simple

Keep it private

Be honest

Focus on your own faults

Focus on other needs

Believe it will be answered

Jesus in Prayer

The Garden of Gethsemane before death

On the cross

When raising Lazarus

Before choosing his Disciples must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to

stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street

corners, that they may be seen by men...

... when you pray, go into your room and shut the door

and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father

who sees in secret will reward you.

Matthew 6

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe

that you receive it, and you will.

Mark 11


4. Prayer and Worship in Christianity



Small town in France

Mary appeared to Bernadette in a vision

Site of 70 miraculous healings

People bathe in the Holy Water

Follow processions of statue of Mary

Place specifically for the sick and aged

Camino de Santiago

A network of pilgrimage routes

Leads to Santiago de Compostela

Shrine of Saint James, Patron Saint of pilgrims

A rite of passage for young men

Encounter humanity at its best along the way

Someone who goes on pilgrimage "prays with their feet" and

experiences with all their senses that their entire life is one

long journey to God.



5. Prayer and Worship in Christianity

Sacraments of Initiation


Washing away of Original Sin

Gateway to all sacraments

Gateway to Salvation

Holy Communion

Receiving of the Body and Blood of Jesus

The real presence of Jesus

The source and summit of faith


The beginning of an adult life in Christ

The awaking of the Holy Spirit

Confirming baptismal promises for oneself

Sacraments of Healing


Confessing your sins to God

Being absolved of all wrongdoing

Atoning for sins that have been made

Anointing of the Sick

Seeking spiritual strength to overcome suffering

Sacraments of Vocation


The joining of male and female

Service to family life

Holy Orders

Accepting God's will to serve Him in all things

Taking up the role of Priest or Bishop


6. Prayer and Worship in Christianity

Festivals and Celebrations


Celebrates the Birth of Jesus Christ

The Nativity shows symbols teaching about Jesus

Gifts are given to mark the gift of Jesus to the world

Big meals shared to show the reconciliation Jesus brings


Celebrated over three days, The Tridium

Maundy Thursday – The Mass of the Lord's supper

Good Friday – The veneration of the cross

Easter Saturday – The Vigil Mass for the resurrection

Celebrates the salvation from Jesus death and resurrection

Holy Days of Obligation

Catholics are obliged to attend mass on six days of the year

Christmas – Birth of Jesus

Epiphany – Arrival of the Magi

Ascension – Jesus returns to heaven

Saints Peter and Paul – Founders of the Church

Assumption – Mary's body returns to heaven

All Saints – A day to celebrate all who are in heaven

Saints Days

Catholics celebrate a variety of Saints

These celebrations change based on where you are

Saints are people who are now in heaven

Each Saint teaches us something different about living well

Some Christians celebrate the Saint they are named after


7. Prayer and Worship in Christianity

Music in worship

Key Words Definition

Psalms Songs found in the Bible

Prayers that Jesus would have sung

Acclamations Phrases to emphasise certain moments of Mass

Summary statements to state a key belief

Hymns Music that teaches a devotion, season or key belief

Music that has gone beyond its time and is still relevant



Music that expresses a feeling or emotion of faith

Relevant to the style of music in modern society

Chant Texts that are set to minimal notes

Easy to pick up

Often sung with no accompaniment

Where words are not enough to praise God,

music comes to our aid.


“Music praises God. Music is well or better

able to praise him than the building of the

church in all its decoration; it is the church’s

greatest ornament.”

Igor Stravinsky



Year 7 Religious Studies

Contents – You are wonderfully made

1. You are wonderfully made

Key Words Definition

Creation ex Nihilo Creation from nothing

God created the universe from nothing

Cosmology A science studying the origin of the universe

The scientific route that led to the Big Bang Theory

Philosophy The study of deep-thinking questions

Study of existence and reality

A theory that acts as a system to guide beliefs and actions

Imago Dei The Image of God

Humans are made in the Image of God

Stewardship The role given by God to humans to take care of creation

Dignity The basic right to love and respect

Dignity comes from the idea of being equally made in the image of God

Argument A reason or a set of reasons given to support an idea or theory

A carefully considered exchange of opposing views

Revelation To make known something that was previously unknown

The way God makes himself known to humans


2. You are wonderfully made

The Creation Story

In the beginning God created the heavens and the

earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness

was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God

was hovering over the waters...

...And God said, “Let the water under the sky be

gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it

was so. God called the dry ground “land,” and the

gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it

was good...

...Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image,

according to our likeness; and let them have dominion

over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and

over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the

earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon

the earth.”

Genesis 1

The Creation Story

Day 1 – God created night and day

Day 2 – God created the heavens

Day 3 – God created land and plants

Day 4 – God created the sun, moon and stars

Day 5 – God created birds and fish

Day 6 – God created living creatures including humans

Day 7 – God rested

What does Genesis reveal?

God made everything that exists

God is omnipotent

Everything that God made was good

Humans were the last creation, but most important


3. You are wonderfully made

Scientific View

Big Bang Theory

The cosmos goes through a superfast inflation

Size of an atom to a grapefruit in less than a second

Post inflation, hot mix of electrons, quarks and particles

Rapidly cools, allows elements to clump into protons and


Particles combine to form atoms, hydrogen and helium

Light can finally shine through the density

Gravity draws hydrogen and helium together, forms clouds

Clouds become galaxies

Smaller clumps of gas collapse and form starts

Galaxies cluster together under gravity

First starts die and spew out heavy elements

Debris from stars form new stars and planets

Scientific View


The scientific theory that all life has evolved from single

cell starting points

Charles Darwin studied birds on the Galapagos islands

Said that animals mutate and adapt to their


Mutations take place

Useful ones are passed from generation to generation

New species of animal evolve

Theory supported by fossil records

Fossils show whole species that have not survived


4. You are wonderfully made

Although it is a different kind of knowledge, faith is

open to the findings and hypotheses of the science


Catholic response

Theology has no scientific authority

Science and theology answer different questions

science provides insight into how things happen

Theology considers why things happen – meaning

Science and religion complement each other

The Big Bang Theory is how the world was created

God was the cause and the meaning behind its


Evolution is the process of how human life came to


Religion provides insight into why it exists and its


'There is no conflict between evolution and the

doctrine of the faith regarding man and his vocation.'

Pope St John Paul II


5. You are wonderfully made


Humans are created by the same God who created

the world and its contents

Humans given the responsibility to look after the world

All things are created by God and all things need to be

cared for

All humans should be looked after, known or unknown

All creatures on earth feel as we do. All creatures

strive for happiness as we do. All creatures on earth

love, suffer, and die as we do, and therefore they are

equally with us works of the almighty Creator – Our

brothers and sisters.

Saint Francis of Assisi

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and

increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule

over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and

over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Genesis 1


6. You are wonderfully made

Human dignity in action

The state of being worthy of honour or respect

All humans have dignity as they are made by


Jesus showed dignity when he washed the feet

of the disciples.



Catholic Agency for Overseas Development

Provide practical help to those in poverty

Develop skills rather than give aid

Speak out for justice on behalf of those who can't

We have confidence in the innate goodness of people

Marys Meals statement of Values

Mary's meals

Believe in education and food for all

Named after Jesus' mother, a family in poverty

Feed in the moment, keep them fed long term

Derby City Mission

Ecumenical group helping Derby poor and homeless

Provide a foodbank service in Derby

Provide a night shelter for homeless

Recognise the dignity of all humans and make it known


7. You are wonderfully made

Types of love


Unconditional Love

The highest form of love

Love of God for man and man for God


Affectionate Love.

Love of one another as brother and sister

Friendship based love


Romanic Love

The love of a marriage or relationship

This is the love that leads to children


Familiar Love

Love like that of a parent and child



Year 7 Religious Studies

Contents – Sikhism

1. Sikhism

Key Words Definition

Guru Means teacher

Guru Nanak The founder of Sikhism

Langar The custom of giving away food

after worship

Gurdwara Sikh place of worship

Guru Granth


The Sikh holy book

The 5 k's Five symbolic items all Sikhs

should wear

Singh A title given to a male Sikh


There is only one God

God is without form, or gender

Everyone has direct access to God

Everyone is equal before God

Living in God and community

Focus lives around their relationship with God.

Relationship is built in community.

Ideal combines action and belief.

Do good deeds as well as meditating on God.

God inside us

God is inside every person

Everyone is capable of change.

God beyond ourselves

Written in the whole of creation

Universe exists because God wills it

It is a portrait of God’s own nature


2. Sikhism

Just as fragrance is in the flower, and reflection is in

the mirror, in just the same way, God is within you.

Guru Nanak

The Three Duties

Nam japna: Pray

Keeping God in mind always

Remembering God through meditation day and night

Kirt Karna: Work

Earning an honest living

God is truth, a Sikh seeks to live honestly

Avoid gambling, begging, alcohol or tobacco

Vand Chhakna: Give

Literally, sharing one's earnings with others

Giving to charity and caring for others

Selflessly serving others,

Income, resources, food, goods


3. Sikhism

10 Gurus

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Founder of Sikhism

Set up a model community at Kartarpur

2. Guru Angad Dev Ji

Established the House of the Guru

Developed the langar

3. Guru Amar Das Ji

Made social reforms to improve the status of women

Promoted equality between all Sikh people by eating


4. Guru Ram Das Ji

Established the city of Amritsar

5. Guru Arjun

Built the Golden Temple of Amritsar

Gathered writings of the previous Gurus and holy people

First Sikh martyr, executed by the Mughal Emperor

6. Guru Hargobind Ji

Designed the Nishan Sahib (Sikh flag)

Wore two swords showing both worldly and spiritual power

Freed fifty-two innocent princes from prison with him

7. Guru Har Rai Ji

Collected rare plants and used them to make medicines

8. Guru Har Krishan Ji

Died serving victims of smallpox at the age of 8

9. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

Died to protect an individual right to worship God

10. Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Created the Khalsa on the Baisakhi of 1699

The first to receive Amrit

Finalised the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Living Guru for Sikhs in



4. Sikhism

The 5 Ks

Items of faith worn by baptised Sikhs

Guru Gobind Singh began this in 1699

Show conviction to God

A constant reminder of their love for Him


Hair is a gift from God

Remains uncut

Covered with a turban to keep it clean

Turban reminds of a focus on God not vanity

All body and facial hair is included


Wooden Comb

Used to maintain hair

Reminder to keep mind and body in a clean and healthy


Reminder of knots in our lives that need 'combing out'


A steel bracelet or bangle worn on the right wrist

Round so has no beginning or end so is eternal like God

Only be made of steel and not from precious metals

Represents equality in the sight of God

Reminds Sikhs to do good deeds and not do wrong.


Standard cotton underwear

Natural, comfortable and dignified to reflect modesty

Reminder to control sexual desire

Normally knee length shorts worn by men and women.

Do not come in different sizes, adjusted to fit by drawstrings


A small sword always carried

Often worn under clothes

Used to protect the weak and needy, and for self-defence

Only be drawn as a last resort and never used in anger


5. Sikhism

The five vices

Five vices that make people self-centred

Actions that build barriers against God

You must overcome these to be on the road to


Soul is a part of God

Soul has been separated from God

Purpose of life is to become one with God


Means Lust.

Control lust and get rid of sexual desires.

Focus your entire energy to become one with



Means Anger.

You're weakest when you are angry

You make poor decisions and get carried away in anger

You should be in control all the time so you can think


One can control anger by meditating on God


Means Greed or Covetousness.

Obsession of worldly possessions, moves people from God


Means Emotional Attachment.

Creates a problem in the path to meet God

Life is temporary, everyone who is born also dies


Means Ego or Pride.

Being in Ego means forgetting God's power and will

As long as you have an ego, you cannot be one with God.39

6. Sikhism

Celebrations – Amrit

Ceremony of initiation to become baptised Sikhs

After this they take new names and wear the 5Ks

Introduced when Guru Gobind Singh founded the Khalsa

Completed when you're old enough to understand the

full commitment

The ceremony

Takes place in a Gurdwara, before the Guru Granth Sahib

Hymns are recited from the Sikh scripture

Prayers are said, and the principles of Sikhism are affirmed

Amrit is a mix of sugar and water stirred with a double-

edged sword.

Candidates drink some of the amrit

It is sprinkled on their eyes and hair.

Each then recites the Mool Mantra

The rules of Sikhism explained

Ends by eating the ceremonial karah parshad.

Parshad is a sweet tasting food which has been blessed.

Celebrations – Diwali

Festival of Light

End of October or early November.

Celebrates the release from prison of the sixth guru

He saved 52 other princes

Emperor was asked to release the Guru and he agreed.

Guru asked that the princes be released also.

Emperor agreed, but only those who could hold onto his cloak

The Guru had a cloak made with 52 pieces of string

Each prince was able to hold onto one string and leave

Sikhs lit the Golden Temple and the way there.

The Festival of Lights

Places are decorated with small oil lamps

The lamps are placed in windows, doors and outside


In India oil lamps are floated across the river Ganges

Diwali is a time for buying and exchanging gifts.