What does this algorithm print?

Welcome to Computer Science! COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015 Dr. Mircea Agapie Office: SCIENCE 213-C [email protected] 254-968-0792

Transcript of What does this algorithm print?

Welcome to

Computer Science!

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

Dr. Mircea Agapie Office: SCIENCE 213-C [email protected]


Students who have not yet submitted the “Clarity” (a.k.a. Alcohol Edu, a.k.a. Think About It) module will have to do it ASAP – it was due last week!

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

Is your major declared as CS?

You can see this in Degree Works:

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

Is your major declared as CS?

If it is not, please come to my office (SCIENCE 213-C, around the corner) during office hours to fill out the appropriate form.

Dr. Agapie’s office hours Fall 2015:

• Monday 2-4

• Thursday 10-12 and 2-4

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015


• What is Computer Science?

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015


• What is Dr. Agapie’s favorite application in Computer Science?

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016


• Name three other important/popular applications of Computer Science.

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

Algorithm: Multiplication by 4

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

Build the circuit with only two adders!

a 4·aBlack Box

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016


a 2·a 4·a

Academic Expectations and

Time Management

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

College is a full-time job!

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

• College is a full-time job

• A full load is 12 credit hours

How many hours are devoted to each credit hour during a week?

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

• College is a full-time job

• A full load is 12 credit hours

How many hours are devoted to each credit hour during a week?

40 / 12 = 3.33 hrs/CH/week

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

3.3 hrs/CH/week

A typical course (e.g. COSC 1302) has 3 credit hours

10 hrs /course/week

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

10 hrs /course/week

Subtract the 3 lecture hours

7 hrs outside of lecture /course/week(for a 3-CH course)

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

How about a 4-CH course?

Redo the previous calculations!

7 hrs outside of lecture /course/week(for a 3-CH course)

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

• College is a full-time job

• A full load is 12 credit hours

40 / 12 = 3.33 hrs/CH/week

3.33 x 4 = 13.33 hrs/course/week

13.33 – 3 lecture hours = 10.33 ≈

10 hrs outside of lecture /course/week(for a 4-CH course)

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

Conclusion: Nr. of hours outside of lecture / course / week

3 CH course 4 CH course

7 10

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

• Study the material covered from the textbook, along with the notes taken in class.

• Redo the quiz problems.

• Solve the individual work problems assigned for the next class.

• Solve homework problems, if assigned.

• Develop your own “cheat-sheet”.

• For programming classes: Immerse yourself, code, code, code!

What you should do during out-of-lecture time:

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

Assignment: week planner

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

Welcome to

Computer Science!

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

Dr. Mircea Agapie Office: SCIENCE 213-C [email protected]


Students who have not yet submitted the “Clarity” (a.k.a. Alcohol Edu, a.k.a. Think About It) module will have to do it ASAP – it was due last week!

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

Time management conclusion from last time:

3 CH course 4 CH course

7 10

Nr. of hours outside of lecture / course / week

QUIZ: What should we do during individual study time?

• Study the material covered from the textbook, along with the notes taken in class.

• Redo the quiz problems.

• Solve the individual work problems assigned for the next class.

• Solve homework problems, if assigned.

• Develop your own “cheat-sheet”.

• For programming classes: Immerse yourself, code, code, code!

What to do during individual study time:

3 CH course 4 CH course

7 10

How about the labs?

3 CH course 4 CH course

7 10

Usually, 3 CH courses have a 2-hour lab, and 4 CH courses have a 3-hour lab.Calculate the nr. of hours outside of lecture and lab, per week!

3 CH course 4 CH course

5 7

Nr. of hours outside of lecture and lab / course / week

a.k.a. individual study

How about the classes that don’t have labs?

3 CH course 4 CH course

5 7

Nr. of hours outside of lecture and lab / course / week

a.k.a. individual study

If the number of classes with and without labs balance out, simply transfer the lab time from

the latter to the former, and we’re back to:

3 CH course 4 CH course

7 10

Nr. of hours outside of lecture and lab / course / week

a.k.a. individual study

If you have only classes with labs, we have:

3 CH course 4 CH course

5 7

Final conclusion:

3 CH course 4 CH course

5-7 7-10

Nr. of hours outside of lecture and lab / course / week

a.k.a. individual study

The week planner is due next class, Tuesday!

Use the guidelines for individual study that we developed on the previous slides!

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

Handout follows

First homework assignment for this class (10% of your final score):

Assignment: week planner

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2016

How “individual” should be the study in “individual study”?

• Of course it’s possible (even recommended!) to be part of a study group!

• However, use the analogy of an orchestra: each player must also master her/his own instrument!

• After talking and brainstorming and figuring things out with your classmates, there must be a lot of “alone” time, for you to practice, practice, practice.

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

More undergraduate CS

research projects at TSU

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015


COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015


COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015

COSC 1100 Freshman Seminar Fall 2015