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W c t t J t t r l i € t i e n i i t g J ^ e t p sNUMBER 4,690 NEWARK, N. J„ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 189S.—FOURTEEN PAGES.

First Edition.


SjMidardi Not Y«t Bssdy With Their Answer to the American



A A d M tb i t b*c>tl*tlaai Will t(*t B* SI- ta tM har B n h .u <l«, b«l Ih i t • R*.f tu il t* C«l« lb . P b lllrp lim Halnc Mail*, t h . M . tu n a t lU M WIU Ba K atam d ta A a Twa O a n n a w a la far t l ln a tJM tia . ■acDt.

PARIS, Nov. U.—It h a , b«.n decided ihoro will be *o jolm te u lo m of th« p u r e Commluioiui lo-day. S o cr.itry Hoore, o f lb< United S ta t.a CommlMlon, Kcelvwl from Beerstary Ol«da, of the Spanlih Commlailon, tbla m orninf, b note aay in t th a t tha Spaatah Commlitloiier, had found It Impoailble to prepara ibalr mamoran- dum for praaanlatlon lo-day and a ik lo f If the United Btalea Commtaalanera would ba Incopvrnlanrad It. owing to the lata arrival from Uadrld of eapactad data, the Rpanlarda ahould requeat th a t the next m aallng ba deferred until Wadneaday.

Bacfetary Uoore replied th a t the Ameii- oai> Commlaalonera were quite ready to ac­commodate the Spanlah Commlaalonera la th ia mattar, and I ha Joint aeaalon w as practically defarrsd until W edneiday naxt.

Importance le attached to thia delay. It belOf rcfirdcd ae Indicating th a t the Spanlih Commlaalonera are preparing for a final atand In these negoUaltona, and It m ay now be deflnitely stated that Che Spaniard, here will not sign a treaty of peaca which yields to Spain no more from the Philippine lelands than h a t thus fa r been offered or Indicated by the Amer- Icatle.

Should the U tter eiinounGe th a t the United Slates le only wlllliw to relmburae Spain for her pacific expenditures In the PhtilppljA laUnda, the Spanish Commla- alonere will reply that their misidon U nn- labad. Should tb u occur, it le poaelbls the BpanUrde will aUo auggeit a auapen. alon of the negolUtlona through the ooro- m lH lons.and the resumption of negotia­tions between Madrid and W aiblngton.

This altitude of the Bpanlardi Is eaplaJn- ed by the feet thnt the members of the Spanlah Commlielon have political a l­legiances and permnal responajblltllee to conatltuenclee and the national creditors ut Spain which reairlct them to oertaln I lues, which are as ta r aa the Ministry a t Madrid cares to go.

I t la pointed out th a t It the live Spanish Commissioners here signed ■ trea ty yield­ing the Philippine Islands to tb s United S tates wlthojlt lesMnIng Spaln'a debt In an appreciable degree, they could not re­tu rn hums with the prospect of any polltl- cel future before them, and possibly would be In danger of vlolenes a t the bands of the moba

. t t luc next meeting of tbit commlssione the Americans will learn the dednlie a tti­tude of Spain on any proposition thus ta r made. In e Spaniards, however, In this preseuUilon wilt not declare all negotla- iioiia closed. They will Insist th a t the Buveielgniy uf Spam over the Philippine Islands Is beyond question, but will a n ­nounce Spain's readiness to jHeld that Kivcrelgmy for an adequate equlraleui, and will then Invite negotiations under the Spanlah oonatruollon of the protucol.

i'ne American Commissloiiera may then


communicate their hnal attitude to me Spanleidi, but the Ami 'cd a t a future meeting . _________fully prepared conoluelon of their conten-

but me Americans are expeci- to present a oare

tiun and conditions. Should they 1^ no different from thooe already presented, the time will then have arrived when Spain will declare herself helpleae, though aiead laii, and will aw ait the next step v U p * U v t a SU teii whawved It m ay ba.

T huf Spain will able to ea r to i l e r c red lton that she haa done her utm ost. Hiid th a t the laaue m ust rcat between them and Che United .Ste tea.



B apaeter the la te a tla a e s f a Oeeat gyadl- ea u Net Credited a t W aablagtoa.

The Alleged PramMar.PARIS, Nov. It.—Tb# Qaulole yesterday

aald:"The acquliltlon of the Philippine, for

tw,Dty-flve ye»r* by an tntarnatlonal ,yti- dIcat,, from whichever Power may event­ually acquire them, le a rumor based on lac te of which the Uaulol* will later give Ilie detail,."

Following th i, lead, the Qaiilole and e th er Parle paper, will to-morrow an- nouDG,' th , Kbeme wimewhat on theH lineal

A ayndloate representing ttaO,HU,IIOO oapl- ta l propoeet to take over the commercial reaourcea and advantages of the PhlUp- plnee fo ra term of twenty-five years, pay­ing to th , dominant Power tberMn tin ,- uic,0li0 lor the privilege...U nder the alleged terme of thie achems the dominant Power would adm lnlater the -.iolitlcal end military government of the alandi a t It, own expenie, under the ap-

iwrttoamebt named, while the ayndloate wouiu collect all cuRoma and other reve­n u e . for the term epeollled.

The Mheme Involves giving Spain MTb,- f»,(dtt to u t l i f y any real or imaginary vlalma abe may make aa to the territory. This feature la aald to be baaed on the aaeumpuon that the United S tates will

Power. The remaining tlO,,QOO,tW of this reputed ayndbate would be reeerved ae Ita working capital.

The eponeor of the project la a U r. Toung, laid to be a eon of arlgbam Young, and an attem pt le apparenny made To

(hat the capital of underwrluen.

WABHINOTON, Nov. lA -T he report Jh a t a oommerolal company h a t offered gmOtaOM tor the PhlUppInea le emphatic­ally denied a t the W hite House. The President never heard of tha "Commer- elal IfOmpany of the U n IM States and the FnUlppInei,'' But it la said th a t tom e Belgian naancbri Inlegd to form a eyndl- c a u W try to buy or rent the Island, from

iSlLT LAKB, Utah, Nov. 1A-Th« you _ m an mtnlLondt In the P a r t , dlapafoh In conneotlon with lb , PbHIppln, Island , queRlon 1, undoubtedly John W. Young, I he mil-known promoter and contractor. H e built the Uteh Cenital A llro ad from th ii city to Perk City, Utah, and was prominent In many other U tah enterpriaea. He Is a son of Brigham Young and left th is ally for Burope about algbl year, ago, ■Inca which time but little Is known here Of bla movements.


laeaiRsa* Pr agnoee Rear n a lla Oaasae ■paalarde to Appael la Ma4j,)l.

UANIUA, Nov. I l-A d v lo e i from Iloilo, c a p lu l Of Panay, u y that the Ihsurgem i have oocupted Llnganta, Oton and Pavla, auburbt, and a n dally expectod to attack the town. oTbe Bpanlarda nave abandoned the mote and destroyed the connecting bridges

BuRnaee I , p a ra ly itd in d the inbaU tanta are In a staU of terror. Tha meroaiitlle bousse, of all natlonoUtlM, have MgQed a o lro u lu lik in g the oommander of the United S talia cru ller Charleston to re­main, aa th , Spanish autborttlH are tn-canablt of affording them protection.

I t la r------- ' ‘ ----- ■■ ■iftVt UUl

■TM in a SE«bu, of the Vtujrm# froujt. Am The cablti are cut It 1, ImpostlHa to

^ ------reported also th a t tbe Insurgenfihave taken the whole of the Islaodi of Ns'

and Zebu, of the Vlaayas group. A, cables are out It 1, ImpostlHa to con­

firm the rumor.Oenerol R laa Spanish Oovernor of th t

Id to have declared a peven roer to

Vlaavas, la soli___________days' armistice on November com m unlcite with Madrid, wl

irol to '■I. in

^ ..j------- Ith a view oftranaftriing control to the Am eiioana Major B e lllia i gone to Hollo to aocertaln the foot, of the situation.

Re la te rfen aee Bapeeted.LONDON, Nov. I t - T h e Ttmea, In lU

editorial tM , morning on tha Mlepano- Amerlean eltuBiloiL rm>eata Its convtotton th a t "BO Power y n -a tte m p l to hinder tb e i r a u f« r of the PhlUpHnea, a d d iu thau •Their [Oil cannot be f r m t to Spain, who had praptln lly loit tbe entire archlpeltgo before t he united B ty ea Interfered.*'

TORS ow c o m m t o n ,■ipewMee XipleeleB Oaoeed by HelRm

M aM IlwwIng I n ie a D im p R eeapttde.gw elaim ,tbeOTSwn«<}l RRWO.'

BLDABVI'U, Nov, 14,—An exploeton took Pleee last night I t the N tw JeiM y

dtlng«ere Met.

Oft wag o« ... STif^ tilS’%1S


NOTTAS, CUBA.■even Meediwd Men sT Ihe E ighth Rega-

lar Cavalry Rmbark ea th a M aeliab., T nnb te Ameeg B p u lah daMMry.

SAVANNAH, Oa.. Nov. 14,-The Oov- ernmeot transport M anitoba Bailed for Neuvita,, Cuba, a t Cdl o'clock yesterday morning, carrying Q .neral Carpenter end his headquertere and six troops of the Eighth Regular Cavalry, about 700 men, together with horeet and a large amount of stores and supplies.

The dispatch with which the Uaoltoba was handled excels anything In thIe line since the beginning of Ihe w ar with Spain. The Manitoba arrived from New York at 10 o'clock yealerday morning, and within leae than eighteen hours afte r her arrival she w e, on her way to aea again with the troops and etores aboard, the work of loading having been acoompllshvd within about fifteen hou rs

The ,lx troopi of cavalry arrived here early Salurdey morning, and were on their way to R a with suppllea to la it for lev- eral months within twenty-four hour, after their arrival hare. The Manitoba went down the river drawing twenty-one feet ten Inchei, passing tbe ebb tide with­out difficulty.

WABHINQTON. Nov. lA -A dJutant- Oenerel Corbin recolvtd a dispatch y n - terday announcing th a t Ihe Eighth Cav­alry had Hdled. The regiment wllHbd tbe American geriieon at Puerto Principe and N euvtui.

In this roonectlon an Intereetlog bit of Information has readied tbe W ar Depart­ment, Arrangements have been made by the Spanish authotitlea to send back to Spain the Spanish troops, numbering 4,HO men, upon the e n iv a l of tbe American garrison, i t was sxpeoted th a t they would sail next Tuesday or Wednesday, but an unexpected obstacle haa arisen among tha men themselves.

They are on the verge of mutiny, openly dsdaiing they will not return to Spain until they have received their pay. now fa r In arreara, to r service In Cuba. The mullny extendi not alone to the enlisted men. but to their oOloers. and la directed against the executive offtrlale of the Ma­drid Oovernment on the Island. Some of the men have not lieen paid for nearly a year, and to all of them several months' PM la due.

Tbo situation haa created no particular concern In the minds of the American au ­thorities. as It la not likely aerlourly to altsot Ihe control of that portion of the Island by the American forcei: but It li reallaed that those •.US eoldlen. It they should persist In their refusal to return to Spain, might became dependents whom It would be difficult to care for, end ul­timately, perhaps, a menace to good gov­ernment on the Island.

The Spanleh autfaorUtei expreis no fear of their ability to solve Ihe problem pre­sented, but how they will aolye U, If the men. backed by their afflcera, absolutely refuse to return home without their pay, la not clear.


SpaalBedi RelBaa t s Rmharli « Tiwasports Onless Olvaa Pay-Tragle fesas Ea-

aetod a t Fortw Rloa.KEY WEST, Fla., Nov. 14.—Frlvate re­

ports from Porto Principe and Neuvllss, Cuba, say that T,€0t regular soldiers muti­nied, demanding their pay before em bark­ing for Spain. About 4.0H armed soldiers, the reports say, presented themselves In front o f the palace a t Porto Principe, call­ing on the m ilitary Oovernor. Emilio March, for their overtue pay.

Thereupon Qenerel March drew bis sword and ordered them to disband. The soldiers, however, refused to obey, and lome of them, armed qflth loaded rlflre, threatened the life of General March, who returned bli sword to its scabbard, crying out:

"Do you wish to kill meT Well, kill me."

iTib soldiers. In reply, shouted:•'No. no; we only want our pay before

embarking for Spain."GMeval March then promlaed them limy

would be paid and the eoldlere returned to their quarters peaceaUy,

Tbe steamer Alvava left H avana fbur days ago with iU0,tlU) with which to pay thoee eoldlen who were to embark Imme­diately for Spain.

The cruiser Alfoneo X II. and tbe gun­boats Conde Devenadito and Infanta Isa­bel have proceeded for Nuevltaa to com­pel th s soldiers to em bark, a fter which they will proceed to Olbara, for a like purpose, end will then go to Spain unleee new ordort are received.


W hat tbo Beaavd of Oloiirtister, Masi.. lar O at Tear H a n a lt.

OLOUCBSTER, Mas*., Nov. 11,-The books of the Olouceeter Mutual Fishing Ineuranoe Company of th li city, which will be closed to-morrow, and from which the llet of loaaoe, not only in vessela, but in Uvea of the flihermen running from the city are made up, show th a t during the past year nineteen craft and ninety-two men have been lacrlOced In the bosardOus Industry of Which this city le the leading centre.

In addition to this loee o( life and prop­erty, the summary shows that twenty- five widows and flfty-sli fatherless chil­dren have been left by those who have perished this year. These figures are larg­er than usual.

The nineteen veeselt lo it srere valued a t MS.IS, and carried a tote! Insurance of |N,T&2. Their total tonnage was 1,ST.I7.

For the year IWT the loeees were slxty- Ihree men, leaving live widows and twen­ty-two children: aod eleven vcseeli valueda t m.7H.

The average in n u a l lost for the pest twsnty-ave years has been elxteen vesseli aggregating 1,074.111 tone, valued a t 441,074, and carrying an insurance of 145,471. The annual loss of life ofr the same period haa averaged ten yearly.

•RATBS'g WOURD HAT HOT RR FATAL.Toaag Maw >ho4 by M ist MeeM Leo le

Reeling Oomflai tsMy.NEW B R U N Sm C K . Nov. l i -T h e r e ia

a ohanoe th a t Joseph Rates, twenty-live years old, who was shot Saturday night by pretty Uaele Lee, aged twenty, will survive. After a reetleea night, during which he suffered much pain. Bates dropped Into a restful sleep, and the a t­tending physician uojiretsed the hope th a t he might recover from the effeou of the wound.

T h i ibootlng ocourred In a kitchen over the re iteuran t of Jam ea Callahan, of Burnet street, where both tbe young peo­ple boarded. Ae B ates walked Into the room Mlia Lee picked up a rtSe and plM- tully told Bates th a t ebe would ahoot him. To her eurprlee and horror, tb« weapon was discharged, and Rates fell to the floor, with a bullet wound just over hM hearL The young woman wag placed under arreet, and declared th a t the ehoot- Ing wae acoldentel. I t w as thought a t first th a t Rates would die, and hie ante­mortem su tem en t wae taken, In It he completely eioneratea the young woman.

TTWO VUUOLXg UPkBT.Aoe4d«BM l> In ia g tsw W U eb Ikieaed lev .

a r il M Ho kU ^rtlv le Ja w LTwo aeeldente to vehicles occurred (n

Irvington on Beturday afternoon and in each case those who occupied them were allghtly injured. .

A horse driven by Mrs. P rtda tiek Fowler ta ^ away on Clinton avenue and upeot the earrlage to which It wae attached.

N ear Prospect avenue Idrt. Towle and l i « two children were thrown out and tor a time were buried beneath the vehicle They were raeousd by workmen, who also caught the hprse. Beyond a tew brulaea no one eras injured.

A light w w n , in which were D. R Bweteey, of X lta rty (Mrnera, and oharleg Bweaeey, of thie cTty, was run Into by a heavier wigoo aod upteu

IJie occupant# were throw n to the street a^nd were out la several p lae tao a the body. Their wounds tsere not iMstatH.

TBEHTOR’t t t r r r^CMhT a n t■apply Am Mo Row O m p an y 's P lant to

Sa Tavaad on Toeworcow.TRENTON, Nov, 14.—The people of

T rtnton will have flOy-oent gaa tq-fliot. roer. I t will be furnlabed by Ihe People's Oaa Im pnvem ent C w n p u y , the new oon- e m th a t has been moetlng with sueh for. oUdabls oppoettloa fram the Tromqn Oaa. light Company.

The J ^ n t of tha Poopio'a Qas Improve­ment Oempeny wlU be pu t Mto operntlonIn the afternoon to rinem nr

the etty oSIda vlted gueite

^ k e l . It le'e iHata and a Ian

----- —-J Will be preeciopenleg of Me works.

fbg.M W IPS

■ ' Wn f tiv


About 100 Men Quit Work on A» count of 8 Cut in Priees.


The Mea Who Waat on g lrlk s Ware Em- play«l in tha J . Wise A ■ona’ Faetoty. oa LlUlalaa Avenwe, Which Was Bassatly Purehaaad by a ayadlesto-Tho Btowe- tion la Prlaaa Ranged Aniit Twaaty to Over Fifty Pnr OaoL, Accerdlag la thh Metara of tha Work.

About one hundred employes of ths J. Wlss A Sons' brsnch of the Natlansl ShPsrs Company left iheir benches In ths factory al 11 Littleton avenue this mom- Ing, refusing to work on account of a out In the pricea paid for work In two of tha departments. The withdrawal of the men from the ihop is the result of a meeting held yesierdey at which the fftlers, pol­ishers aiMl ffnlshccs decided to stand by the men In the straightening and grinding de- partm enti, whom the rtducUoa la pricei affecieO.

The employei of tha factory are paid so much per hundred pieces for the various proceieea through which they put the goodi manufectured. and the new tcele of prices to be paid In the future wae an­nounced on Saturday- Then, each man In the stralghunlng and grinding depart- menie, of whom there are fourteen or fif­teen, received a typewritten slip setting forth Ihe new acale of prlcei. From It they learned that to r tome of th i work, upon which they had been reoolvlng thirty, nve cents a hundred, they would In future be paid Itul twenty-five cento, and thot for other work they would be paid but olxty cents where they had been getting 51.Sj. The new scale of prices cut the wages from twenty per cent, to over fifty per cent, on the various ilscs and kinds of work, and Ihli cut the men declared they could not aland. Some men, who had been earning over 115 a week, would, under the new scale, be able to make only about |U) or 511 per week, they clalmod.

In miking ipe m atter over the men de­cided that If they did not Hand by Ihe atrelghteners end grinders they, too, might aoon be forced to accept amtUler prices for their work

So, when the men end boys, about 115 In all, reported a t the factory tbla morning they did not go to work, but stood about at ibeir benches sralllng to see if the old scale would be put Into effect

Then Loula T. Wlsi, (he superintendent, went through the factory aod told tbe men that It waa no place for them to be hang­ing out and that it they d idn 't go to work they would have to quit the premlaes. This the men did. alt but about twenty leavlntf (he place. Of the twenty who re­mained a t work, fifteen were In the black- rinlth shop and the others were scattered In the various departm ents

The men who left the factory want to the hall of J- A. Brown, nearby, and there appointed a committee of three to call on Superintendent Wise and endeavor to ef­fect a aeltlement of the difflcuilies.

The National Shear Company la a com­bination of various cutlery manutaclurere thruughout the United S tates and It pur- rhareit the U ttleton avenue factory from J. tVlas A Sons on September 40 last. TheSrlce paid was 450.000. The retail store of

. Wlss ft Sons on Broad itre e t was not In­cluded 111 the purchase.

Loula T. Wlsa, when seen a t the factory this morning and asked about the dlfflcul- lles with the men, aald th a t he was simply the superintendent of the factory, and had received word from the malo office th a t the work here waa coating too much and must lie done cheaper,

"I had nothing to do but obey orders, and so I put a new scale of prices into effsci to-day. No firm In the country paid bet­ter wages to Its men then did the old firm of J. Wise ft Sons but I have received Imperative orders and have no chotos In the matter. I should Ilka to ftavs Itunderiiood th a t tbe Broad street store has no connection with this businets."

Mr. Wlss then aaW that the oommlttee from the men had called on him, but he refused to say what the outcome of Ihe meeting had been other than tha t he would not deal with any committees, but with the men direct.

" If the men choose to apply here for work Individually I will take them back," ■aid he In conclusion. Mr. Wtaa Intimated th a t he might be willing to compromise on th s new scale of pricea.

The men will hold a meeting thie after, noon a t which a report from the committee of three will be received and future action determined upon.


Herman O. Dretsel, Ordered from tbeUnited Utatee Steamer Xseea to the 7.i

fire a t Manila, Hbeott Rlm- ■elf a t Bsltlmere.

BALTIMORE, Md.. Nov. 14.—Lieutenant Herman Q. Dresaeli of the United States Navy, committed suicide In the Carrolton Hotel, this city, ahortly afte r 1 o'clock this morning, by shooting him ietr In the head. From papers found on his body It le sur- mlted tha t he killed blmaelf because he had been ordered to Manila to Join the United Slates ship Zaflro.

IJeutenant Dreaael. It Is thought, reach­ed th is city some time this m-iruing and repaired to the Carrollton. He did not raffater, but after lingering abnut the lob­by for a short lime repaired to the toilet- room, and locked the door behind ntm.

Almost linffledlatsly thereafter a pistol shot alarmed the emptoyea of the house, and a search rev eaM the fact that Drea- oal was dead. 1 n one of the pockets of his coat waa found an order from Secretary of the Navy Long, dated November If. detaching the unfortunate man from the United Dtates iteam er Essex and ordering him to repair to Ban Fttmolaoo, from which twlnt he was to go to Hong Kong and thence to Manila to Join Ihe Zaflro.

A talegram addreaaed to Lieutenant C. H. Falsa. In W iahlngton, and signed by Ureiaal, which waa aisg on the dead man requested Falea to exchange orders with the writer, and It waa avTdenlly Ihe In­tention of Dreaael to have sent this,

DREYFUS R E m T E D DEAD.A TatogHisa Reeelvad fyou Upper Alsoea

BaM tv Be keaponelble tor theRnmar.

PARIS, Nov. 14.—It was reported here last night th a t Dreyfus was dead. The rum or Is understood to be based upon a mysterious telegram receiver from Col­mar, eap itil of Upper Alsace, tigned by an unknown eorrespondent.

Careful Inqulrise made a t Colmar show tb a l nothing Is known there as to ths death of Dreyfus, end It Is now generally believed th a t the tstegram was uotholng more than a hoax. _ _ _ _ _ _



Tbe OMaf H sdieil OMeer of tbe Fleet A m y CoFpe Before Me Wee I bvm-

llgatlag Commleelon.WABHINQTON, Nov. 14--The W ar In-

veatlgatlng Commission resumed the ex­amination of wltneases to-day, with Dr. R. ■- Huldekoper, Lieutenant-Colonel of Vohinteeri, on ths stind.

He u td that he had occupied the posi- Udn of chief medical officer of the First Army Corps a t Camp Thomas, Chloka- m auga « « . until July M whan ha had gooa to Porto Rico with aanatal Brookt.

FUVOHT WITH A LEPEB.A VwotoFs Allagaft TarrIMs Expselaiaa la

a abeifli Raar W llknbsrrt.PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 14.-P e ta r Hllaft

a rasidani of Ihia city, want hunting laat W «k W adoaiday near Wllkcsbarra. Ha ■lapt In an old aback that night and re- porta having a fearful struggle with an unknown man. A ltar the encounter plecee of the m an's flesh, and a hand, ware found,

Milas waa found by hearby rtsldanu and taken (o a comfonable farmbousa. He

la iw . th e peoide if^dfim In that vtolntty are now Marehliig for Muss’s anUgonltt.

,u—. . . -------- - i~ -Rebaet Maeeap DIat In a CsO.

E U E A ip T H , Nov, li-A ccordlng l o ^ County P h r i ^ B . (he death of RaM T

— 1, w « S ^who M a a tran iw n

tag In a atupor Ir!• aever ‘ "

Muregy, w b l S o ^ r r e d In a mill « ffiJIe*n tadquarfeet yesterday, waa due to alo^" -------------- ------- --

tbetD ^ ||w



Five Weweehnhl iMte Dead lo ihe Vlelellv ed Re alee lltreei-B nittan Lift Rtdaatar" ed by (be Reebleeaneaasf Ihr PniiaiH.-a.Five doge, ell of them houirhold peta

belonging to reetdrnta of Rector atrvet end vicinity, have been polaoiu'd within the la i t e ight days, and tbelr owner# are very analoua to learn who la reiiomilble for Ihe alaughter, There la apparemiy an ef­fort to kill off aome of the other doga In the neighborhood, for polaoned meet has bean found In Rector aireei every day since N ovem ber 5. It waa un that day th a t these canines were polioned. Ona waa a fox WiTiar lielonging lo Coniandt Park­er. Tha anim al had been kept over night In the atabla a t U Keolor atm-l, and when releaaed darted off In the direction of Mr P a rk e r'! bouae, a t U4 llroad »treet, where It was the custom to feed It every day. Boon a f te r the dog got to the house It had a violent fit, and one uf the aervama carried It back to Ihe itatde, where after aaveral convulalona It died.

" I don’t suppose the dog would bring two cents in the market," #aid ytr. P ark­er this m orning, “ but we were very luach

A- more. The personwho did the pobMiilftg ovldeutly took araat rlake, fo r l undereland some of tbe meat wae found In a ih barrels, where U m l^ t tempt eome pereoni who was overhauling the Uarrela lo oook nnd eat li." "

doga killed on November I, both bolonged to peraoni living at 47 Reelor YlriM B Ffiv »a«wiA_ # a. _lor a t ^ t . One a fox terrier, tha prop-I ' i f »'"• the o ih ir Inwhich the terrier sterin was predominantBIA n W P A RJ I A avawi-#ifgsE iJrvuLijnnmni.

” Shirley, Both aa lou la had been let cut of thu house rariy m (he morning, and In aljout half an hour Mrs. S h irley s dog rushed baok Into the house and then etlffened out on the floor. Before any th ing could be done to aid him, h* YV. -^h e other dog went through a alm lUr performance a tew nilnuiea la- " r ; Shirley has u ttordon le tte rwhich she haa not allowed to go out of the house elnce her other dog died,

"Kvery m orning," salii Mrs Shirley "[ have found wlM iied meat on the sidewalk In front of the house, The meat Is covered with a sort of whltlsh-gra}- [Hjwder. I do "Sf why anybtsly should want tokill off the dogs In this nelghimrhood. We have never had any comptuinta from any source about them. " '

H. R, Klngeley. of 7! Front slreel. lost a French poodle on last Monday morning. The dog warn lei out by the maid who was ■weeping theeldrwalk In front of ihe house. I t ecumpered Into Keetor street but came back In o abort time. Soon afte r­ward it ran Into the hoiisc and died Mr Kingsley waa much atiaehed to the ani­mal, which h« had had fur six years

A bmck-Hlid-tHn terrier belonging lo Mra, K. L. S tarrs, of 79 Hector street, died from totting wlauned meat laat tVednes- day mornlnff. Th^ tthimal had Just let out of the house, am) must have found the m eat wUhln a phort dlatatice from hla home, for he waa dead within p ihort lime.

NEW JERSEY TROOPS SOUTH.P anrth R agtm eat 5-an Ornip Mesde fur

Qraesvlll#, tl. C.^Other tonm anda lo Follow—Laat to Laavt T handaj,

CAMP MEADE, MIDDLETOWN. Pa., Nov. K —The Fourth New Jersey left camp Saturday afternoon late, bound for Green­ville, S. C. Hy Thursday of this week the entire Beeond Corps will hare left for the new campa In the South,

Three regtmenta au rted yesterday and three more will go to-day. Ornerti Young and Btiff and the BIgnal Corps will be the laat lo go. The reglaienta leaving yeatef- day were the Second West Virginia.Eighth Pennaylvania and First Rhode Island. A battalion from a regiment not yet desig­nated will slay behind to guard the Gov- em roent property. Serreiary Alger Is ao well pleased with thla location that a por­tion of the troops may return next spring.

The hoapttals have been cleaned out andon Wednesday their equipment will be sent away. The headquariera of the corps will be a t Augusta, Qa. The troona will be scattered tetw een that city, Athens. Oa.;Bummervtile, Columbia and Oreenvlllt,B. C.

The sick soldiers In the city hoxpUali will Join their commands after they are able to leave and have had a thirty-day furlough.__________ .

IN TRX NCSaiONk COURT.Jiulgv P e rt Hear* Fleadliiga, Liatea# to

Trial* aud Paaass Keuteaees.In the Court of Special Seaslon* to-day

Judge F o rt heard pleas In minor offence# Those pleading guilty and who were re- manded for sentence were: Larceny of atx pounds or candy, William Frank. Robert Curuao, Jam ee Curuao and Chartea Stein­er; atrocious assault and battery, Joseph Mtklowltch; larceny of 41. George Nalaon; larceny of a carpet, William H. Jackson; a iiau lt and battery , Chartea Hermes; la r eeny of 474 w orth of Jewelry, George Gor­don: larceny of a watch, Henry Brumley entering and larceny of a watch, Charles Dreich: embcaalment of 4146.%, Thomas Donnelly.

A plea of non vult was entered by Will lam Heddrlcka to two Indictments accus­ing him of obtaining 43.15 under falae pre- lencea from August Richter and of em- betxUng 44.40 from the aame man.

When Frederick Hyer waa arraigned for sentence on a charge of larceny of a horse, Judge Fort told him that he was not only found guilty of stealing this horse . 1 “U • '1 4 f h i le on the a u n o In his own uehair, added perjury to hla other crime.

Aa a result of thla he was aaatenced to the full penally tor hla ertma. lh r « " S a ra in Stale Prison.

5fuekowakl> and Frank Dilak were dlicharged by Judge Fort, They were on trial for several minor offancea. After three wlineiaea had been heard the Judge announced th a t he thought tbe accused were vlcllma of a conipltooy and that, as they had been before the Court several timei l^fora and no ease had been proven he would dlamlsB the preaant ohmge

Theae sentM cea were passed; Jam es ^■arbu, asMUlt and battery, three months In the w n lta n tla r r ; Charla* TV^ion lar- eeny, three m onths fh the penitentiary' Henry Baney and David W altor doeklnr u home, 445 fina;Rudolnh K raft a m u f f and battery , 446 fine; fW lIp " upuI ^ m sault and Im ttery, 415 fine; Thmnaa H w k assault and battary, glo fine' W alter Thurston, „ « u l t andT bttoJy ,' 410 final Aaron Gelb, larceny, th irty dava in tail-William M ickiajohn.aam lirt Z k bMtefy;

ambeiale-penltentlaty; Wlliram ment, sentepea auapanaed; F rahk Popneks’lr,**

j)«ndfa.nflaauU and battery, fliM- iiMii

six months In the penitentiary Ham Mitchell,

ended; Frabl r, 410 fine;

y, aentenoe auapendra' Henry B ru m lr^ la ro en y , six months In the penitent a r y ; cKarlea Preach, u ^ iin y r i i

each cage. W illiam H. and receiving, aentenoe auipendeii- Steiner Jam ea Curuao. f to W t 'C u J u m and VlUJam F rank, ‘ aenwn”luapended; John Seed*. Itrcanv aiehtnnn month! In tha p e n ite n tia l

-------------- - q -----

. JJK; tS.'SR'ifVrV.V.fflsj'.'sr.isiissf a m J ' io'clock, and a num ber of nelghbora turned out and u v e d tha horsea and carria laa and much of tha itock which the bf™ contained. The firemen w a n oalM UMn" but tha building waa a maaa of fU m « whan they reaoliad tha a p o t . ^ ; a ™ ; ! cauiad waa about |l,004i oamaga

Varioua proparty-ownera In Montclair who are o p p o i ^ to a trolley route along Elm itre e t and Orange road In th a t nU™ have employed Jamea* M. T rlm bt, to cam? “ '• i r **’• courts. The claim lamada th a t the oorapany haa botwenu through High itre e t and aoroe# private p r o p e ^ . an^ th a t such a r e rn n h S I id he lalactad ao u to eave the other thorough- faraa for a driveway to Oranga. ^

c h ^ h ? M"(cUlr**‘l7. i? 3'‘’f?om *0'/

a ebargn of em benllng 444 (» ,— M arr Comarich, The woman w a aha save Hll the money for aafafkwptoft dqtiM th t eharffc iwd dtolarofl ftia t thu money and hta goW watch h « l ^ # n « o from him in New fo rk . The aoeuaed prom- Ised to retu rn the money a# seen aa noa- •Ibla, and waa adm itted t o S a i r ^

The forty-fifth annireraary of the Park Methodist Church Buoday-achool of Bloomfield waa ealabraled In ihi- ohumh S a l night. J . J . WeawR, aunarin tond^t of ca lv a ry Chufeh chool of O raM # dallvared an address. The postOT, Ravit 9 ,' Ah'* •hparlntaudani F m3H ^Carl_also mqda jborC addrasali,

™u jl lv a ar P rs t-

Carl also mada aboH_____The Bloomfield Cadet Coro

an antartainm ent In tha Waati b riarlaa Church chapel on ^

n a H en 's Club conaeotM v Congregational Church '

Intod t h e ...................._____ (ollowlng IMat F lnanco, A. C, Rlltoi; O uurds.''W rF llbaon; an teH aln inam , Q, k . Ruaisil' LI- b ra tr.-B . BlotoU. "iiaaaii, m

_Before Ih t Mrontelatr 0« t|M k Club next Friday ^ k t . F f ^ ^ r b Si% a , Qms- v«nor, a f A m barat ColfaiM- wm apeak on ^ F u tu re o f E a re p e f i t f i B S h l of Aa Bagtam .QuaMlon.''^

a a m « i-H a

u n ite r . m y night. Ith theV lra t dalr, baa ap- - of

Hembdn of &n East OrBsgt Soeisty Say One or the Other

Must Come.


Oplntep Bapswaasd that Pretaat Ceadl- tloaa In th e Mnelelpallly Could Hot Be Beilalwd by OonaolMitlon w ith Thla C ity 'O lh sn Oentaed that the H arsh af

• I’ragteM W I;] Maka Baal Oraaga a Pari of Mowarhe

"E aal O range haa the balance of power. II It daclaraa (or th t Greater Orange It will be the O reatar Orange. 1 warn you th a t It you don 't want to beebme 1 part of the G reater Orange you have got to he a part of the G reater Newark . The i»H- tlclani will m aka It ao. Mark my words"

Thla rem ark w as made by Dr. J. M. W Kitchen a t tha meeting of Ihe East Or­anga Town Improvamant Boelety on Sat­urday night a f te r aeveral members had expatiated on the expatiated on Ih t beau­ties and advantages of East Oraaga aa a Ideal d walling place, and had Inilsled that the town m ust m aintain Ita autonomy. The meeting waa largely attended.

At tha form er meeting a committee, con- altlng of E. W. Summerwell and Edward O. Stanley, waa appointed lo report upon the G reater N ewark plan. Ur. Bummer- well a ta trd th a t a t first It had been in­tended to preaent a written report, hut ao little had been found In the movemsnt that It waa not deemed worth while to make a formal report. Tha movement ap­pears lo have no official aanctlon, Mr Summerwell aald. but emanated from an Individual. He added that the matter has not gone ao fa r aa to threaten the auton­omy of Eaat Grange. Nothing can be done without tegiilatlve authority, which. Hr. Summerwell declared, could scarcely be obtained, fo r political conslderallona liav* to ha couiiteo. The speaker went on to say that, though It aeema to be the opinion that In time B ast Orange will alther be taken Into Newark or Joined with Orange, there now aeema to be a fixed deterlmna- tlqn to preM rve the autonomy of th town­ship.

Mr. Stanley followed Hr. Summerwell and gave a ta lk on the Inadequacy of rapid tranali facim ies In New York. After he had spoken for aome lime William Jeffrey! asked w hat bearing the remarks had upon the aublect. Mr. Jeffreys declar­ed th a t the meeling was not to consider the question of an annexation of Bast Or­ange to Newark but the foundatloo there was (or the movement.

Preildent Fortm eyer aald that the lo- clely had m ore than once taken up the subject of oonaolldatton and the m atter had been thoroughly ventilated, but If the subject waa diatasleful It lay with tbe awlely to ih u t off debate. It had come to his ears, he aald. th a t the eoclety had had

. . dlaeuaalon of conaolldatlon.Mr. S tanley then went on to eay that

New Yorker# who w ant tranalt ftcllltle# to get lo their home# muet come to New Jereey. N ew ark la built up, he declared the meadodra are uninhabitable, and therefort, E aat Orange la going to get many New Yorker# becauae it la the Aral atop. He Said tha t East Orange waa unique In having such a large commercial city oa Newark on Ue borders where the Inlervala are oa dlverelfied lhat the de- preoilon of any single line of burineaa would not affect the proaperlty of the d ly . He referred to the facta that Eaat Orange haa no Almihouse, that Ita a t-

'• F . “ 4,4n. of which 414,084 426 la real eatata: lhat It has 4.600 Routehold^ra, on ftirotlm«nt In }u i>uUtc

* '" I t East Orange ahould be merged Into

Newark," Mr. Stanley declareu, "our ■ciTCKyjv Would not so Keiit'rouily suu- portfd Or quMrvlflcc) lo w«l|." ^

Spraklna or the Koat .Orauf^e water lup* ply Mr. btanloy queried that it waa ae food ae N ew trk 'e and coaU no more. Then he took up the queeilon ot elreeti,

“A few yeitra ago." he Hid. ‘*1 think Newark had the worst iioaoible atreelt. Now It h«B a comblniitlon of excellently paved aaphaJl thorcughfirea and about the woree itre e te I have ever oeen. If we were a pert of Newark we would not get fhe repalre we get now."

Large centrea of murUcluat fovernment, Mr. Stanley aald, had nOtVen auceemful. Eaat Orange waa a plaoa of unuiual IntellL gence; In th a t reapect It had often been uotnpared to Urooktlno, Maee., which had Inaleted upon preoerving Iti autonomy, though Boston had often reached out for It. Hr. Btanley aald that through Indiffer­ence East Grange had been ueprlvrd uf representation a t Trenton thla winter and that Indifference might result aomeiimea In Incompetent men being elected to office, but Eaat Orange had not Buffered In that reaped a a yet.

Township Committeeman Crlppin suld that Eaat Orange li not In a paslilon where It wishes annexation. The inople at the F ifth Ward are against It. "They hare come In contact with the muddy Ktrret which Newark gives ua on our border#," he aald, "they have Been the little attention paid to streets, aldcwalka and llghla on our liordera." He went on to say th a t East Orange hsH fifty-three mtlea of stree ts and Ihlrty-aeven are ma­cadamised. The aum u( 436,1410 Is annually appropriated for atreet repair#. The Im­provements have been paid (or ra|ildly, so th st taxes hsve been high.

"W e’re a very nh-e rich plum," Jlr, Crlp- pen declared, "lying between two places whoss IndsbtedntBH Is higher Iji pmimr- tlon th a t ours. It would be very nice for Newark to get some of our taxes and tlx up Us mudholes. Perhapa sonic specu­lator w ants to ailvertlse his pioperty a t being In N ew ark and thinks It would nring a higher price. I believe It will he wortn more If It la In East Orange."

William Jeffreys tuid Unit Ihe reusun he waa opposed to annexuibin wus on the exclao queatlon. It was the boiiei of East Orange th a t It would nol ulluw n ri.itouii on every- corner or In the vicinity uf property where people opposed It. A look through Newark would show thut the exeiM ques­tion would not be improvid fur "free llcenae and flee rum rule there."

"If we go aw ay with no rrlilclsm of the adm inistration uf Enst Urnnge, ' said Jo ­seph W. Btover, "we may hr cniiildered as a m utual admiration sucU-ly. 1 am aot prepared to fuver annexallun lu Newark, but If there could be uunUm n( the Or­anges we could establish a city------ "

' l a th a t the subject under discussion?" Interrupted George It. Hiirtey.

"W e'fl see If you're patient," retorted P reildent Fortmeyer.

"The question of the eonsolldatlon of Ihe Orsnges Is logically a part of this proporitlon," contlnueil ilr. Btover. I con­sider we would be better off hy a conaollda- tlon of Ihe Oranges. For one. I believe this society will sign Its death w arrsnt when It refuses to permit any one to dis. CUBS any subject. 1 believe In freedom of Bpeech, W t have been told that we

In.lake Beet Oran threatening It will probably i he added. Therefore Eaet Or

and If the evil la ' come to pasa,

. -------------------- jran g e had het.ter conaolldate with Orange. The taaee ere nol tow, the w ater has been bad. but Is belter ilnce th# Orange W ater Companynock" '** *“*'*’‘*' *’’•

Dr. Kitchen aald he ebjeoied to the re- UvV "" subject, b eu u se It w it defee-

'T h e trouWe with Is I# that we need •?*** **’• doctor. "I‘Testudied thie queeilon of consolidation, hav­

ing nolhlng especially to occupy roy lime, A***. * th a t the question hse ecarce-

ly been touched upon in this society, su tem ents to Ihe contrary notwlthstand- Ing, Every time Ihe m ailer has been brought up H haa been cruehed. There are olhere to be eoneldered beeldea a few In kaal O ra u e . This movement le beck­ed up by nrillmns of capital. Theconsoll- dstlon of the Orangee is a question of sin­gle clvlo Inlereel, hut the Greater Newark

of,s*lf-preeervatlon. Ths people who have favored Ihe Oreetrr Or-

®l»fhdring for the Great sr Newark. They eay they con’l sell their

Oh If hope Is from the huBlneHinen of Newark, who will not come to US now becauae they will not dliataoclole ihelr business from thsir reel.

.I?"*™ ■ ™ "on pertain­ing to Ihe consoUdallon o t Ih# Oranges to the conioUdalTan

with Newark. I don 't favor going to New- -V* JO there le a poasibUlly ofthe Oreater Orange. You have got to de­cide one way or the other. Certain Im- pruvemeiiti are neceoaary which eanont

** t h ' « commllteee remainFata#The society look no vote on Ihe quei--lion.


Ckerlee F n e lleb , ift# Teaog Bfse'e Uem- paatow. a Iftlseaer to Thla CIty-lIe

44ay Be Melesesd...t^herlee Froellch, of 174 Market street, the companion of Jam es Kelly, the young man who was found dead In a freight car St Warerly Iasi Thursday night. Is a prleemcr a t police heidquartera here. H* !■ b^tnf ha)d on a (qchnlctl ckarfH of '■utplclon/' thoufh th t pollct admit that

tht only «vldenc« a f a ln i t him la hti con- flJcifnf ■torlM and th« fact that he wju ■^fn with K tlly a Ihort llm i pnv lou i to th» latter's d«ath.

Pro«Uch, who li alxtoen y ra ri of ago, wai arroitad in Plainflatd on Friday night, and waa brought h irq on Baturday by Ue- ifcilvo Donovan.

On« of tho flrii itoriM tn v o tlg iu d by th« w ai on« to the effect that Froe­llch had been ependlnjr money In PlalnAeld on Friday and Saturday, ftemetnberlnff ihai when Kelly left home he had MO with him and lhat when found h li pocketi were emptied. Ihe police became luepicloui th a t Froellch had robbed Kelly.

Froellch declared th a t the money he h id ■pent In Plainfield had been given him by

fkther. This the j^ io e confirmed yea* teroay,August Froellch. the father, atld that

nil Bon had charge of the hethe houiekeeping given money from Yme of tbla (hat be

arrangementi and was time lo lime. It w as some h ^ probably epent, he added,..The police will allow no one to ms Froe- Jch. They oay he has thrown no new

'Jifnt on the case, and unleee something develop! aoon he will be releaeed. The detectives are still a t work, and one point they arc trying to clear up is where Kelly secured the parte green, which It If fup- po«fd he took with eu ldd tl Intent#


couldn't Improve our water supply by unlt- 1 Newark. I have my floubiB, New- ) a plentiful aupply; East Orange

has not. The evidence of that It on yourIng with Newark, ark haswater bill, primed on thn back, where It ■aya th a t the company r.-aerve# the right lo cut off the water at any lime so far as Ine uae of hps# la concerned, snd by our own experience we know that the com­pany haa exerclaed Ibla right. That tha quality of (he water 1s had, I# unhealthy. Is evidenced by the fact that a great quan­tity o t spring w ster la sold In Kaat Or­ange. I f you doubt It, ask your grocer. That the w ater Is not good for laundry purpoaei la known by everybody. It It too hard. Recently the water has chang. sd. W hether It It better for drinking I can 't any. I don't drink It. Ws don't own our water plant, but we are psylng enor­mously for It. . . -

"Every citlxen Is paying a high tax for the w ater beilde* what he u te t himself, W eare paying $H.OOO to the company and exempt It from taxation, 1 believe we pay tl,4W for Ihe water used for public achools and buildings. Five yetra ago It was pro­posed to buy thla plant, and the comtony set a valuation of half a million ot dollars on It, If It Is Worth that the company ■hould pay about 47,000 1. year In taxes. Bo In addition to the 44,000 we a r t paying the company (or hydranta, we are paying vlr- tually 47,000 in thr exemption from texea, I don’t believe there It a place In the tJnIted Stetea where the tax rate li higher U un It la In East orange. New York'a rate le leee, and B oston 'ils Infinitely leas. I cannot coincide with these gentieioen r«-f ardlng the very tuperlor bletaloga we en- oy. On account of our limited water tup-

ply tbe Ineu ranee compahlee are conila- erih f raising our rale forty per cent.

"IT h a i been Intimated that we have a huBln#ai govarnmaiit. w nlle p u r neigh bow have a political government, U thero la a plaee in the United Biatea which bjta a ppllttaal government excluelvety, it It Eaet Orange. If a m»n d f if l* , '" '" •>fP'Kne By Ihe peculiar workine of hla mind

train with Ihe Deraocratlo party he le dlefranohlaed. If thla len't a complete II- luatration of u x a llo n without repreienta- llon I don 't know where you'll Bnd It.

Committeeman Crlppen aald tha t the w ater oontraol be* I've yaere w would hsve to it# carried out, becauis th# oonlract r*#d#^Baet Oring* Township or^fem m lHM m sn CughoUrM d en l« that

people In the Fourth Ward m nled to to annexed to Newark, A. N. Lockwood knew of only oil* man who wattled annex-**■*’'■“ Iftm b Bald lhat Brooklyn, B titen.

nd 'Weatcheater didn't w snt to to " " hut th w w«r#

ll InttM lftE to;

Legal Tsagle ■■ Acoonat of # Traataetleft In Which Ons of Oeerga W.

Byram'# Cheek# Flgnnd.CompUcatkina have arisen out of one of

the (ransactlona of George W. Byram, Ihe lawyer, of Ek#t Orange, who wea arreetid for depoaillng a forced check (or 415.a0u with Ihe Fidelity T rust Company, and the Chancery Court has been asked to un­ravel the enarl. Ah order was recently granted, restraining Mr*. Madeline Baker and William A, B aker, her husband, from cancelling off th s record a mortgage In their possession and on Nevemtor 41 the Court will to requested to g rant a tempo­rary Injunction with the aame object In view.

The mortgage Is on properly owned by C, C. Thompson In E%bteenth street. East Orange. There aiure originally two raort- gagra on the p ro |» rty . one (or 41,400 and the other for I4,a», the la tte r being held by the L. B. P Itu t e ju te , M rs Thompson wishing to oonsolldoie the lien* against Ihe property, engaged Byram, who Induc­ed M ra Baker lo advance the money necessary lo take up the two mortgages. It being ulideratood th a t she was to get a new mortgage for 46,600. Thla was In March, 1447.

It turn# oul Ihei Byram did pny off the 41,4» mortgage a t th a t time, an;! that he gave William R, Weeka 44,0141 on account of the Plaut e a u te mortgage. What he did with the real of the money Is not known. On October 14 Uat he liepoalltd the forged check w ith the Fidelity Trust Lpmpany, and the some doy gave Mr Week# a certlfiod check on the trust com­pany for 42,256, which amount represeitttd Ine balance dua on thq Fiitut mortfKire, wUb internit. Mr, Wet-k« handed tiip

Ui Byrum, who theroupon luruvJ It over to Mr, Baker,

Mr. W reki di.poaltqd the c^?jc in hli | own hank, and p o u ed It to the credit of the ettate, Then the fonrery waa dliL*ov- ered, and the Fidelity Company begs.* proceedings lo secure Itself against lues In the Iranaaclton. i t aecured ihi- re­straining order and will contend In sup­port of Us petition fo r an liijunrilun. that, •■ th s check given to Weeka was against ■ fraudulent account, opened with a forg­ed check the P U u t mortgage ahould be IfMored to the position It occupied before tivtober M, R o to rt 14. McCarter repre- •®hl* the Fidelity Company.

Weeka, for the P iaut eatate. will

DOOIED TO GO.Folloe OffleiulB Sonnd th« Death Ksall

of the Gftinbijig DeTlee*.


M auufsetaews *f th e Meahlasa fteiiglu lo Meut Ska Lww by *obetltutlsg 4le«sl Dtslua far Get#, kut Iks Itoltw UMumtssIsasrg CoMtuds th a l th# asm b ilag l'•s(■re |g . lets d u st the dam e-If th* tto t ktaftklae# Alw K«4 Rowiavad W Ukla a ■ajsw oU a Tlaw Th«y oad T k str Oeatswis WUl Be Coufisoutad.




contend th a t hq r«c«lv«d th f check Hiid murked the m ortcage mb autlHHi'-rt In gmid fuHh, and t^hat hla cllenU ahould not j«* nfiadp to fluffer. Sklnnor A Ten Kyck. rFi»- rooentlng Mr. and Mivi, Bakt?r, will InaUt th a t Mrne Baker alou acted in goud falih, and th a t she la entitled to a firm-

on the Thompson propi^riy, aiul that tners should not be any other lien on

Mr. Thompson, who la reprv- Bcntod by Corra N. Wininmji. will cont€i>i th a t he should not be made to 'aufier iji.- ®*toc of H ynam 't mlsupprupriatlun uf port of thhe money advanced to pay off v»u oi'igmai m ortgugis, nnd thut M.200 uf the P u n t m ortgage should not remain us an additional Ifen.

"This action may develop Into what we lawyer# call # ‘nie# c#i«.’ ' ' aald Alfred F.

Skinner ft Ten Eyck, to ■ NEWS reporter th is morning. "Mre. Baker's mortgage for 46.500 has been re- c o rd ^ and If the F idelity Company's bill ahould to diemleaed It will, of courts, stand ae the first and only mortgage on the properfy. If, on the contrary, the court holds {net the FHdellty people are en. ytled to ■ lien on Ihe protierly, U may or­der tha t a m ortgage In 'lu favor for 44,400 and one In favor of Mrs. Baker (or 44,400 be made out.

"M ra Baker’s m ortgege would. In euch a caae, represent the amount paid for tha cancellation o f tbe original 41.400 mortgage, and tha 44,000 paid over on account of Ihe 44,400 mortgage, [f the Court takes such aotloB there will then to a queitlon aa to which Hen shall be the first mortgage Mrs. Maker's or the Fidelity's. We ah#ll con­tend in such an event th a t Mrs. Baker Is entitled to have her mortgege recorded firet, aa her money was paid first. I do not know th a t I have ever heard of a case In this S la ts which presented such fea­tures.''

"1 oaonol kpw h of the legal feature# f tha case a t all," said U ia f H, McCarter, iecretary of th# Fidelity Company. "Ali I can s ty I# th s t our fawyere were In­structed to proteol us against loss on so- count of (b* check. 1 presume It the Court takes our view of the case It wilt lie between Mr*. -B iker and Mr. Thomp- oou as to whom *haU ihoulder Ihclosi.''^

M IM PKDD IB IH P O -kBSAIOlr,r n p e r ty Inhoriled fnuia Her Father Turn,

•d Over tA Her.All the properly which had b itn held in

tru st (or Miss C. Victoria Peddle, daugh­ter of Ihe la te John D. Peddle, has been turned over to her, an d la now absolutely In her posteation. Mia# Peddle came of ■ge aeveral week# ago. The property, which she Inherited from her father, amount# to 4I41,<I17.4« in pertonelty aud about 410M4t la realty .

During Hie# Peddle'# minority ehs had two guardians. On# w as Thomas B. Croes- Icy. her i l a t e r t butbartd, who disd In Bootland about two yeara ago. HI# te- oounta were queatloned aiM he w#e de-

6y Judge Depu*. n d e llly T itle and Dei

Chief Hopper, acting under Instruotion# from the Police Commlsaloneri, hae or­dered thel all nickel-ln-the-alot tambllng machines of various kinds m ust go. Sa- looai, cigar slo reaand o ther places wher# tho gambling device# a re tooaud have been commanded to remove them without delay.

Each precinct Captain has been loatrucl- ed to notify all machine orrnere In hla dietrict of the order, and It the obje^ tionable devicet are not taken away with­in a reasonable time Ih ty will to ooa- llscatsd.

T htre haa been a standing order In the pollre department against permlUlng the operation, or even exlatence, of tbe slot machines In this oily, and from time to time diirtng Ihe last year frequent raids have been made and machines confieoalcd. In every case they were devicea whereby a nickel or a penny dropped In might or might not give Ihe player a oertaln eum In return. Bometifflee the return would to large, cases having been known whtra 4T wae won by an outlay of five cents; but ae a rule ihe tnveelor waa the loeer. The machines corralled by Ihe police often contained snug sume of money, and CMet Hopper made It a point to donate tbla money to the Home for the Frlendlesa, BeversI times sums of 111 and 414 hava been #0 given to charily. In th t cellar a t police hradquartere are about fifty con- flacated machinee.

The pollct raids became eo frequent that recently a change wae made. The ma­chine m anufactureri hit on Ihe achemt of giving "checks" or round pieces of metet ss prises, Instead o t money. The cbeoki were redeemable from the proprietor of the place where tbo machine wee located, U either money or trade. When a lirioon- keeper made objections lo having a gam­bling machine In his plaee the agent, to- cordlng to the police, would eay;

"There le no dangtr In this. Why, th* checks prevent that. You simply sell a man some raetsl disks. He puts them In the m tchlne and gate checks o u t"

These arguments Influenced many cigar ■tore and saloon prapnetor* and toon Ihe police were recelvifig aa many oomplaintg as before of the gambling macblnei.

At tha last meeting of the Polios Com- mlsilouers Chief Hopirtr brought the mat­ter up, explaining th a t by means ot

ehecka" the law wee being evaded. There wa# a eoneuUalton of the coramleelonera and a fte r an examination of tbe law It wae decided th a t the giving of "checki" w ai as much gambling a s when a person “ money In ths machine.

Chlet Hopper was ordered to wags war on the machine#, and the Inetructlone to the four Captains fotlowed,

faloon-keeper or d g a r. proprietor In your precinct." sold

"i C e p te in e ," th a t (he ma. Chinee must go. The m atter I* now In ***"**'• ehall hold you responil-

An objection on th* pert of ona Captain wae th a t the order wae unfair Inasmuch ft# It nave the proprietors no time,

'" • “ f he said, " th s maohino*are pul In by some company, and the sa­loon-keeper ought to to allowed Urns to notHy tly owners of the machine to takeixii#vn Qvt>'

The order was th an modified «* lh a t " • '■•eeoiiaWe

'•'* ™*ohlnes removed, H h a t (his 'roaoonable tlraq" ig d t i s f H o p » r would not oax. Th* tA m b tiS marnJnes would aoon dont aw sx with, tnouffh. he tsld.

in act'ordanco wllii th* o rd tr toch Cap« tain to>day i«nt a m in to th« virfoui plaoaii wher* tha machinet were loeited and formal nollre was alven. This will bq done until every proprietor or keeper of a machtne hsk r>aeti officially Informed of the hoard’s edict.

The Police Commlsflouers have beentold that tbu working man was the great loacr by the gamhllng machine*. A Tsrga nhare of hit Week'a tMTtiittMU would on 0at- urday night go Into (he machinee, and butJUtle came out in return.

8omq of the ponce lay th a t a few of th* mai!hlnev give a fair ohanco to win.

Others are ‘hundred to one ahoti.’' Borne. It la said, can be regulated by th r proprir* tor, no that th* player ran win or loafg

the foriner decfdea.Bm.

machlnea m uii go. The _ . alontra say the u m e thing,

according to Chief Hcmp*r, all tho Pcrflce Commtf-

W llUani%hq*rqr waa appointed guardian.ffr Med in th i OrpI

showed tho i the value of thiH ll final oocountlni Court, showed th a t the value or the U te bad Increaqiki ^tlO P during hla oumbency.


M invtlls** Fir* Dsll Iftwide*Thq parade and celebration In honor or

th e new dre bell in BelievDh' will he held ■ * “ ■ -ad* will form

Unc of maroB JorawUI b t thp

non. Main# W1J'41mtU

i h t . Th4> p i in ti and the

lloUnqi. Sutphen,Mm# Jdhn and Mill sireeti. aveniMi and back to the

_ nd lh« pre­cinct Captains have promised to do an In ih d r power to remove the gambling ma­chines.

WAGON HTRlKKi A CAKRIAGIE.Kanaway Acafdsnt la MontelaiT la Whieh

Two Children Are Hurts Two iplrUed horsea attached to a wagon

belonging to th r S tandard Oil Company becarnr frightened In Bloomileld avcnuCi Montclair, on laai Saturday and run away. The wagon collided with a carriage owned by D. P. Whitney, of Bloomfield.

The carriage was being driven by Mr# Whitney's coachman, and contaihrd two of hlB younger children. One of the rear wh«'ela struck the other vehicle with great force, and the coachman was thrown from hlH P4>st. In falling he still retained hla hold ot the linns and managed to bold back his own horses, whclh had also be­came frightened.

The iwo children were thrown to th* strte i also by the JoU, bu t were not seri­ously liijureu. They weru bruiied about Ihelr bodlea and temporarily suffered from shock. In the meanilme the runawsy team was captured by P<rfleeman Perrin.

KUIIT BY AN FJLFLOaiUX.A Dynamite C artrldfe Mangles * Bny's

Fingers and Tbninb In entmntL Patrick O’Brien, fourteen y ean of ogOt

had hla right hand partially manflod a t h li home In Summit on Baturday after­noon by the explotton of a dynamite cart­ridge, with which he was playing. Ths boy h id found th* cartridge, and was amusing hlms«lf hy hammering ll against the itoais wall In the yard.

Suddenly there was a loud report and the boy fell over with a cry of pain. Hla right thumb and severs! of th* fingers of th a t hand had been lacerated by me ex­plosion. ^

Au ambulance vvA# sumrooneo and to rvas taken to Bt. kllchari's Hospital In this city. It waa tald there lu-day that a Joint of the thumb wae amputafftt (0 evolq blood pol*ublba, but (bet the boy would not loee hla tlnaer e . _________

DEATH OF kBHGKANT KLRtH.Coneumiillan Carrie# Uff One of tk# Dealt

Oflioar* ta tbo Fourlb Frecioot. Sergeant Charles Klein, of Ihe Fourth

Precinct, died this morning s t the rtal- dence of his brother. « floulh Twelfth street, of hasty consumption and a com­plication of other disease#.

Sergeant Klein was born In Germany Boptember I, 1444. He came to thli countt/ w hen'flva years of age with his parent#, who look up their re«ldence In thla city.He aerved In the Civil War.

He Jolnvil the ikpIicd force In I ^ and •erved until 1*44 In the Ftret ITScInct, It; 1441 he was appointed a second time anddetailed to •Uh-*lat'on Nn, 1. ■

He was appointed Desk Sergeant a t the Fourth Prsdtiet Btatioii in ta...

On October W lest Sergeant Klein was compelled lo retire from duty.

TWO HEN h u r t ON A TANOBH.■andle-bert Bmk* sad the KIdera Took a

Header-One (erlanaly I a la n d .Two men on a tandem mel with a aerioue

aeoldsnt y#slerday morning In Fiunkllii, near Brookfield avenue, through the (roat handle liar breaking. The man In front gave hll name ■# J. Grim, and aald th a t ba lived in Newark. Ho was thrown to the pavement, and hie head waa badly cut about the left aye. HI# COTtonloii. John Brolth, of Ban Franolaco. C a t. a guest of Hr. Grim, received aerloua brulaes abatst the heed and abouidere. .

Grim was carried Into th* hnu** of L. N. Thatcher, and Smith w ai taken to the home of Ot(o Bluhmo, where he fevtvrt. Dr. Knevitt, of Nutley, dreaaed tha woutd* d t the Injured men, pultUtg three alltcIM under Qrlm’e eye, a f u r which both of the men were sent home,

Voir auil C*ql«r*The w eather ftireeast for Newark tsaR

vicinity le fair to-algkt and Tiitt«K|iI pooler lo-dlgtit. b fW raei* '•ttftift ,'^5: i."

, r

7,Vir/'n U ttK : EVENING NEWS, MONDAY, NOVBMBEB" % J.’. ■ ______ _______ ■■

InUN AND LIVES.I ^ I ^ A M mM Wm H a iM !■ ika A lr* t

I M « Lm M mi tiM -W a n t l« la> r • IM ak* Aim .

’ MW, M«tt Abbott. *1*1, yoorn oH. llrtn* k l Mk H:rTll« Avenu*. w»» Atruck oT a

m t o s a t n t a t a rual rni< o( tpoed Baiur- o u ■ lib t, anil U vn to tail tba itory. S n thAB V’lA. U n . Abbott la aot A u - WpMOly b u it aa a K iu lt ot her a ipan- tM a. Although aha waa hurlert Into th* ak’ * tth terrtnc foreo. aha auatalnad only a (HtAB ano and a fa» alight bru^ea anil datA Mm aarape from Inalaiit' d rain la QenfttdvrMl tnlnctilous.

Urn, Abbou had b ttn In Monlclwf ^wr- iLg tba day. and had Jual ralum fd on a iralB (rom Ihat pli'oa when happened. 8h« alighted a t the » » » ^ I ta tion a t S:Si o’clock ami the Blalform to go to the anuih aide “f tiwaka of ih f analn line. I t araa d a r k ^ tba Ume. and Ip trying t« Pj?* 'V .Mra. Abbott herame confuaed and loat hri

. * j r . S ? h e no t

THE WEEK AT THE TH1ATKE8. AOw York Sboppiag N*wk

BM»<* ’ H imDfiUi F « i la TIM U m *J h m ,” "gohB MaialB’e Am

Variety and Barteaqne.Della Koa, agile, artful and anterulning.lU i» the card a t the Newark Theatre

thia week. Mlaa P o i heraldt her play aa a muglrai comedy, end J« la re a that ahe

way. A awnen oagine w»a j C ^ l a l r irackii a t the time, a r tha wheela and aleatn «hat waa fsg addad to h « confualon. *”****J-»* fj?, l S “ the aouth aide “/ . f e . J f J j S , w Skad la front of the Itek jtta to w n ea S S r t r a l n , whiob wai £ T th a weaibmind l» c k f*

mila train rnnkea n« atou afiw leaving

DfM of Ihe enitn*-- li* ,i?. «!L tI»Sd tb# iniln moTM »i»ng on (hr niJim

like# It better than comic opera herauea aha beUeeaa-U to br more up to date. "The IJllle Hoal" offera ample acope for her varHiilliy, both aa a aingar and an acirtaa. It haa more of a plot than tha aearage plaew of 1 1 1 kind, and the iio ry la con- aecuMvely lold. II daala with the adven- luree of a rollkklog atudent and a gay old mao. fat bar and Ku, each of whom wlahet 10 appear atraighl-laoed to tha other. The father unexpectedly appcari at the aoift dwelling whila the la tte r U rntfrlalnliig a vlvadoua llttH aotraM who play! boya' parta She la at lha lime la L'Ottunte. and to aave the young man frssr. the old men'a Ire atae a t once aeaumaa the role ot hoal. Her womin'a Intuition tella h rr that the father la not by any raeani a woman-huler. She leada him on until her iweetheart and her proapeetive father. In-law aland revealed to each other In their b'uc colora

tn the caat ar* John C. Slavln, K. IC Orahaai, Rugene O’ltaurkc and H»gh rh llvrra. The inuadc la aald to he charmIng and the Inlereat contlnuoua

NelU Bergen, Alice Judeon. Kdmund’ apd U ttle Alfred Klein will all be

wl*h''£e*’ Wolf ' H o ^ r when he greaenla

Adiw I 'o f* S lM p^ ag WdwA N0W Y o i t

© • N e i l l ’ S

Sixth Ave., 20th to 2l»t St., New York City.

A M ost Extraordinary Offering of

Ladies’ Tailor-M ade S u its.To-morrow morning we place on sale another special p u rc h re of Ladies’ High-Class Men- Tailored Suits in box-front and tight-fitting effects. They are nude from this season’s choicest materials, and most of them are lined throughout with heavy Taffeta. We offer them at

O n e - Y ' l i l r c l F ' o r n x e r I P r l o e > » ,

19.98 to 32.00

U m of iM inbit tba* >«• Bwai »*j*«*^'«w#5*w muvh Eweine^ ^ ^rMi4l^, alMuld you m IM *!*w* — -k4Nr. 4MU1Q yw» ■** — g« vw" rI o iw M 21 It iprIiMrfViJktwarn will W mM m M«r uraML mi* b« W 4*y. li*elwJlr« lhi«<1«Ti.InMudlrui Ru«*Aarm. C«M ftABunlLiiid P-iWinn Co.y TO* w

it., f t .®*

a leml-conacloui i.i> witatlll maved along. The rnglneer haa i^iiS i ^ d the arctiSnl, l.ut the train waa go-

Ike pilot and taken Into tba atnOdm iH r a a thtire found that aha h ^ P P a r - ently not b « n d a n g r r o ^ r m i ^ h . vt- w T tlui w ti ffflni tn« vjr-llffiy ind t f t f r h i h td ra*de *n «xaiiU- n?Uoii of htr InjuriM. h« Wbf j llr hiwnf. ihb WMth a n In tM licdffcd Prcclnct M trol wxion. Latbr II *** s*M M n. AWjoU i ■AD iniury w u he*f 1>rokon sfiih* bnd, xl* S m l5 K e « a badly ahakan up. It wag M idaha would reeavar. * * 'i' *!"left aya cauaad her aoma P*'“ . nktln9 ♦•■y. Thl* njorolnj It it m m u aka waa Improving. ______

WOMAH IN MANIAC'S CLUTCHES.B ar iBaaaa■ n . Kaaaar Awoke la H ad

Haabawd Vaaalwg Over Bar With a Xalfb la Ria Bead.

'The C harlatan" at the Newark Theatre In the week Iw-klnnlng Monday evening. Novemlwr » Among the new memberi of the organlMtloii therr la a young woman who la winning iinuaual erfehrlty on ar- coiiiil of her beaulj. l i r r name la Adina ilouvirr. 8hr will act the role of the Grand Iiuchaaa. Thera era three o ther new people with Mr, ilopi>er th li year who have achlrvad prominence outilda of comic Opera. They are Ueurgi W. Bar- hum, Mark Brlca and A rthur Cunning­ham. Mr. Harnum will be remembered for hla fine aiork In "Glorlana" and In other Frohman comedlaa. Mark t r ic e waa for a long time leading man for lha Mo«on Tbaatre Block Company. '‘The ch a ria ta n la proving a Mg auucaaa on lha road,

mu* J a in i" a t lha Columbia.A play Ilka "Hlua Jeana." which la to ba

Droducad a t lha Columbia thIa wtek, never grow l old. It give* wlthoul exaggeration an eltecllve picture of the dalfy Ife of wholaiome country people. The Heoeler clalact, which la In lome raapeeta tha Qualnteat In America, la not overdone, aAd the llooalar ebararter la not ovtrdraw n, In d e ^ the plav la redolent of the region In which It ft wid. Mr. Brlnker u k aa tha part of F frry Ha*cotn, while Uan Boona Ti Interpralw by Kobert Nall. For June Mlaa Una Aball haa been aapaolMly an gaged, Uthar member! ot the atock xtom- pany are Bfall placed, which givta a ia u '. anoa of a aupeilor perfonnanoa.

Paha M artla'a rw ent."

Trimmed Hats..'p KLOOH.

O u r B ig M illinery Show room is o n e o f th e m o st attractive spots in

th e w ho le s to re . It is tilled w ith the cho icest o f designs fo r w alking, d riv -

in g o r ev en in g w ear, both im ported an d f ro m o u r ow n w orkroom . T he prices are u n u su a lly attractive, rang*

ing f ro m

L A D IE S ’ NAVY B L U E S E R G E S U IT S , w ith f ly -fro n t jack e t, ta ilo r- m a d e sk ir t , sk irt and jacket lin ed w ith b lack taffeta,

bo th


Ladies* Capes.

Jackets.•Jd rioor.

6.98 to 20.00.A sp lend id varie ty of C H IL ­


L O W P R IC E S .

The prollfk: pen of iu tto n V^ine, m»- Urially Bieleted hy the tU M carpenter'K

Untrimmed Hats.MAIN yUlOR.

.tch u th . NBWg.

, ............ .. ih t public aneihar aan-tlunal melodrama, ' John M artln’a ■*-

art, haa given la

^ ’p A T ^ S oN, Nov. U .-A uguet Kenner,agwl Btty-ona, altem ptad lo murder hi* wife at t'M e’claok Ihia morning. Had not the woman'a crle* aruuaed other lananU te UB houaa. Kenner would doubtlaaa have BmnWrtfahTi hla purpoaa.

Kakoar la a ahoemakar and tba father of A tgyia family. Fne tevaral waaka ha haa

abUng itrangaly, arguing that hla family wanted to aaaka him appear to bla f tf-n fr much eldar than he really waa. To

nallhbora and cuatomera Kenner con- ttaanlly apoha of h it age. Ha would refer ^tam to the clock. Inalailng that tba dial Anwad thlrtaao inalead of twelve houra, whd OB thia point tha oM man would drawI r t r ------ 10 pro** »>ar ><* o'ttt *

•bortly after midnight Mra. Kenner waa awakanad by a choking aanaallon. Bbe Baw bar buabaad leaning over bar In bwl. .'WM oat hand ba held her throat, while t t the othar ha Knurlahad a long-bladcd" * « o muiit dial" blaaed tha old m u .

M n. Kaosar aucaaadad In looaenlag tala and called for bMp. Her criaa

bar married daughter, who lum

crel," which la lo be played thia weak a t Jacoba'i Theatra. The aecneja laid In theKimberly diamond mlnea of South ACrloa,■ * .................... ^ . ----- ,1 , - ■.................... _ Ihiformahee with happy effect, "John Mar-and John Marlln’a aecret la________ ____ _ . ravtaladtime to aave th i hero and ooncluga I h a ^ r -

T h e la rg est and best assortm ent in N ew Y o rk to choose from . All the n ew sh a p es and colors. A special lo t no w o n sate a t

llo 'i Secret" begina a w eek 'i angagem ent a t Jacoba’i Theatre lo-night.

H atriauB a'. Haw Theatra.The Reilly and Wooda’i C o m p u y will

op ..................................

25c. each,open to-nigbt a t W ahlm ann'sK aw Thaatr*, I'a l Reilly la tha chief tunm akar, and ha

w o rth 9 8 c.

la ably u a lite d by the Da F lU n lia , tbrea Dunbar Blatan, tha Cyolonlo Six,

theBam. Klula and Clara H orton; tha W ta- loni, Frank D. Hryan, tha ala Tatikeo D ^ l a girla, who form a hum an flag; Baker and Raynolda, Baaale lA m b and her troupe of ptrkaninniei In rag-llm a fun. and lha three brothera, M alroat The Dnala. called " ( j t D ino i lo tam atlo n ila ,' la .pw taeular and uniqua.

A choice line of SILK VELVET HATS,

1.10 each.Tha aeati for F rancli 'W Uwn't angage-

— .................... —

_ _ _________ liuglaaiM d aialataBea. Tha old n u n . a tta r be-B r wr mrarpowarad. appeared lo dulot down, iMt b n lu out wMW an hour later. Thia tkma P a tro lm u Berry arrived on the

I In tlBM to prevent tha lunallo from bla furnltura out of tha wln-

flo bad already driven bla family

man! a t Waldmann'a New T baatre5laced on u l a at the box offlci next Mon- ay morning. Mr. Wilson U d hla oom- iny win preaent "The IJ ttIa Corporal"

' ig lha week boglnnlng November S . W.ldnwBD’i Opera Bowaa.

•Tba Night Owls’ Burleaquera" opan at Waldmann'a Opara Houaa to-alght. A number of fealuraa entlraly naw are said to have been added to the company alnci

-------------- - noveltlei

In the Ribbon Dept.MAIN rbOOR.

A sp le n d id asso rtm en t, em b rac in g all th e n ew es t m ate ria ls , a t prices ra n g in g f ro m 1I 3 . 9 8 upw ard .

L A D IE S ’ V E L O U R JA C K E T S , n ew w a lk in g len g th , n eatly braided an d fin ish ed w ith je t, edged w ith b lack a s tra k h a n , fu ll lined w ith e x ­cellen t q u a lity o f fancy sa tin ,


F U L L L E N G T H C A P E S o f ch ev ­io t, choice q u a lity , lined th ro u g h o u t w ith S a tin R h a d am e , co llar a n d f ro n ts edged w ith g en u in e M arten ,


MAIN nOOB.A n excep tional chance — F if ty

pieces o f 2 2 -in ch L y o n s S u n se t P oplins,

69c. yard.w o rth > 1 .50 .

P u re silk an d w ool, tw e n ty o f th e best stree t shades.

UOUBBg r o n IALB—if job xf. loaklB. for X huSrSr ft!? parttuixn.ALTgR W. »AL.TItR. TM B ro^ JW

he,,..I II ream.: lBlb™vrm*uia|__r?“V Bierlh: iw.r Bewrlll. Stxiloa XBd trellw. TBB KBt,I.EIt a Cllxion it., roam M.


W frtAT OHANQB-Sxra bxntaln; iM t '’“.mplat* .—

kou« in «v.>7 Tr.iM nn lib.ry drt.ll in mr wr»n.m. f,,ir*"dmiwt.a: pto. RuxSto: nrtutloxllr l i^J ^ irV ^ M u riiA w e ;. • ' ' 'ixtw.vad' vmiu* IIR.UUU; Will Mtl lur

ifftvlDit town. or onU lintnMIol.ty” wABD A* HfMTfS. M.ln .t„ B ..t Ur m l.. ________

!D FLOOK.A rOHKCIJiHI'Rk torx»lniOTjr B,M« tU.««

flown) for tl-i“Oin hoUBe*, 2Tt N. oth "T-. K“»»'iHiwnl for w-MtiiTi nouRT, * 1 1 .v. .. .«- .viiie; ml impu.; wratiriiail nutlon aniT lurk. l>wn#r. DK. J. U.W.KITCHEN, ui rriNSfi^l M > Knot Omn***, viw

HOI'AK for Mt.; m.HUhly cymrni*: Joirpli it, Innutr. .U I'nluinbtn »r... V.lliburgn, I

roH XALk ar to l*t, t-.tonr brlMf rxetory, i Md L Crxwfurd «■; building » x l» i lot k v 00; oonv.niMlIr loc.twl: t.rm . « .y ; to I.i.

I uCOD H dir. fwl with powv .nd itMm hut.A uauSr BuiRMANN. « m m. j , n . ^

wnr o n lAl.R o n fUBNT-f»rro nni bo w .

Abort Hull autton; 10 rixnni: furnne*: c«- m ^ iS Slllir. o W V . DODD, elk UnxJ j t . NMrnry. ____ ____ ____ ___

L A D IE S ’ V E L O U R JA C K E T S , m en ta ilo re d a n d fin ished , new box f ro n t , f in ished w ith crochet b u tto n s an d lin ed w ith sa tin ,


Gloves.MxlU riorw.

O n sa le to -m o rro w , a special p u r ­ch ase o f L A D IE S ’ F O U R -B U T T O N K ID G L O V E S , ta n , b ro w n , w h ite a n d b lack ,

75c. Pair.

T w o special prices fro m o u r great r ib b o n stock fo r th is w eek:


m i^ t& la morning Kenner ttlll Inxlal- . b li wUe wax trying to add yexrt I kto Ufa. Ha axM tala w ih m uii die be-

laat ataaun. Among Ml

t LcvoiutionB are laM iiva - who ami

w eird.' The burleMua la an original crea-

nounerd a re lha btanlla Malda, "dlreet from tha laland of L uion." T h tir chotean

ta tha laland o t L uion." T heir lerpal- volutlona are labelled "wild and

ba eouM again ba aet aright In the at lha worid. Hta daughter wax in

and tha oM man warned her to ave )ier mother kUled, aa abo would kill

■ all. HO was eommitiod to the county . and will bo aont to th« Morria Plalni ytum.

aw in apKai. OABCIA Uf HATAMA.BM ahod BalhBataaMwallv by tk* CBbaaa

IB th a t City.: HAVANA, Caba, Nov. M.-OaiioraU ~ ' ■aBgmir, LM Uia amt Joae Miguel

Ban b an o t the Cutian delrgalton__nta Crux, arrfvad laat night an

, to WaahlDgWn, They were aceom- by m em ban of their gtaR and

■may Cuban o a c a n , who atoppad a t Ba­tabano. On board tba ataamar ware alio t t a ^jaalafa CoiBniluloiiara with iho body ad Oanaral VAra dal Hey. Xa lha boat

■Mared th* w harf there waa aeon a strong battalion of .Bpanloh troops drawn up aa a guard ot honor tor th e recaption of theCMBOltaAlOIlArft.

The Cubaai a t flrat thought that oomn obJactlOD waa to ba made to Qarola'a Modlitg. Thli, however, N a a marked by no IncldoPt, and he quietly boarded the train a t Batabano, and a t all ita - tlona along tba rout* large crowds ot ■poctatora turned out to sea the Cuban laadar. WItb tha exception of a faw choars ther* were no demonatratlona until tha train atoppod a t Cletiaga, a few milas from Havana. _

There a commute* of ofllcara from MOB-

tlon and olfari ample opportunity to a Urge eaoto. Th* W law lng a ra Included In tha rooter; Mary Clark Van Oaten, 0 . Clayttm Frye. Kva Allen, Bvrlft and Lhaaa, "The Owl Club Trio,’’ W alling, Colllni and W ragUnd: Violet S t Clair, Maxta Txle, Bob fioblnwn, Wiley Hxmtlton,Wiley, Charlaa lU lk, G ertie Keith Agne# Haaay, Violet St. clxlr. May S trahl An­nie gtrahl. Carrl* Arnold. Ada WalUng, Blanch Rose, Loulas W aUon, Ada B rad­ford. Florence W rangler. Maud Harvey, Bditti Harvey, Agnea Jaoquea and Kay Haney,

D O U B L E -F A C E D SATIN B O N , co rd edge, all colors,

4 - i n c h ....................25c. yd,

5 - i n c h ....................35c. y d


AU th e la te s t novelties in FIN E F L O W E R S , F E A T H E R S , AI­G R E T T E S an d M ILLINERY T R IM ­M IN G S o f ev e ry description a t low ­

est p rices.

OtIkHB ■V BM ITH O iaA .As Irlahm aa’a Bepaiod Itauedy Ibr th*

Dread Oia*as*-A lUatUy Waarat .D U B U N . Nov, H .-D oclora all over the

country are much tmpreased with the ro- markabl* cures of rabies egected by Hc- Oovtrn, known throughout the N orth of Ireland aa an Infallible expert In treating this dread dlieaae.

HcQovem llvaa tn tha oounty ot Cavap. He will not allow any Inveatlgatlon of hie euro. Such an Investigation w as proposed a year or two ago by tevaral North of Ire­land dootora.'whn had been struck with lome ot McOovarn'i curea, but ha refuaed all Information.

I t t i certain th a t thcra lx xomethlng In the m tn 'a method. True, one or two of hla numarott* pailentx have died of bydro- phubla. hut 10 have several hundred of P a tteu r’x; and Paeteur never claimed what UcOfvern haa claimed and proved—that hla cure can a t tim ei Uke effect even afte r the Aral xymploma of th is terrible


Two Great Bargains in the

Lamp Dept.2d Floor.


w ith 1 0 - inch decora ted sh ad es, c e n ­tr a l d r a u g h t burners ,

98c. worth_|f^Q U A

L A M P S , best cen tra l-d rau g h t b u rn e rs , th re e d eco ra tions,

2 , 2 5 w o rth g3.sa

A m agnificen t varie ty o f B R A SS a n d O N Y X T A B L E S at U N U S U ­A L L Y L O W PR IC E S.

Special N ovem ber S i l t of

Blankets.B ed S p re a d i an d C o m fo rtab lM .1 , 0 0 0 pa irs o f E A ST E R N W O O L

B L A N K E T S ,T e n -Q u a rte r ,

55c., 89c„ 1.50 to 2.98 Pair.E le v e n -Q u a rte r ,

79c., 98c., I.3S to 3.75 Pair.1 , 5 0 0 P a irs o f C A L IF O R N IA

B L A N K E T S .T e n -Q u a rte r ,

3.25, 3.98, 4.25 to 5.50 Pair.E lev en -Q u arte r.

3.75. 4.50, 5.50 to 7.98 Pair.T w elv e-Q u arte r,

4.50, 5.50, 5.98 to 8.98 Pair.2 5 0 Paire


98c. to 3.98.CRO CHET B E D S P R E A D S .500 o f th e m , choice p a tte rn s an d

w o r th 79c.,

59c. each.750 P a irs E L E V E N -Q U A R T E RQU

S P R E A D S , w o rth 98c. each ,

79c. each.500 S IL K O L IN E C O M F O R T

ABLES, figured both sides and worth > 1.25 ,


'e t i l ' i camp, a t Marianxo, gwalWd hla rivol, and many prominent Cuban ram'gauta of H avana wera alao gaUiarad ibara.

‘among whom ware Frederick Mora. Layla Vidal, Brlgadlar Armando KIvaa and Ca;

Ramon Mandoaa, formarly aide Oanaral Lawton a t Santiago.

- ......................... a fn 1

toOwing to th i dlatirbanca In tha city the

c u b a n i ware Mrongly of tha opinion that uariHa ahculd not rn tar Havana, and It waa ballaved ha would leave tha tra in at Clanaga and go frt Contrary to Ihase imined to enter the — ..........- w ,the o b l ^ of irelng hi* mother. Ha left the train a t Carloa Teroero, the neat aU ' tlon lo the lerm lnui a t Villa Nuava.

Thareia huga crowd awaited hltm and It laa with dtmcullv th a t he wax abN to

oapa. One of th* nrxt to meet lha Oenaral

diaaaao have appeared.I t | i known th a t be treat* by meana of

A aaeret remedy In the form of a drug ur

r b W a r d b d w i t h a o o D im iR rg iT .[aa Who Fauud BWiO Gl-na a Bad Qaartor

tor ills noaaaty. gpKlal Dtapatoh to the NBWB.

PATERSON. Nov. H.-Timothy Whalen, a driver for tha Bechtel Brewing Company of Staten laland. while going over hi* route Saturday morning, found tsflo In cartined chocki hearing the elgnatura of a nrm of local comractort, Whalen *peni tha greatar part o t a day hunting up a member of the firm, and was rewarded hy being given twenty-flve cent* for hie

'^W hiJen examined the coin later and found l< to be a eounterfelt. Whalen In- aiata to-day, and li telling hi* frtenda th a t honeaty I* poor policy.


An AiMHMn lo • P rlioo—9#«r*-H ar'a Prompt AeU(m-M.^o

Aoarror Kocoivod.lory

herb, oilTnlQiiterrd in the pettent'e foo<l. which le «xireB»ely ' ‘B p»run" In quality AOB qtmntJty durtiiK the w reki ot I rra t. n e n t, oud Include* no m ett. AU of It it preiMAred by UcUovern'e own hmndt.

Tnc lecrc t ba* l>een In the UcOovern fan lly for t coneldcrtble Ume, and l« handed down from father to m d , never J^ lng dfarloaed to «ny one elae. It l i eufw fCilM th a t a hufflcl^'otly Urge money con- ildorailon be offerfd by the doc lor* for IlcQovarn’* iccrci.

p]llwwr*hk«d Oiww IlrouKht to Port. N EW YORK. Nov, Il.-O n hoard the

AteamiT Yucaton, whleh -mnrnln|r Ing ana

waa Ferifeclo Lacoate, preaidanl of the Cuban Junta . He waaother membera. Many ladlea were alao preaent, leveral ot whom threw their arma ground Garcia and kliaed him.

Kvantutlly, a fte r conalderabt* dalay, he waa able to reach hla no"**** ond wax driven rapWly Into tha city to lha houoe w btr* bla m othar awaited him.

KlMalah T raa ip o rt H iw ked ,HAVANA, NOV, H ,-T h e Bpanlah tranx-

port I.Jgaxpl went xxhore x t l p clock ihlx morning a t Puntx Boex axvllanex, nexr Otenfuegox, province of Santa Cl^ra,^ and

------- - loawax totxUy loxt. orew ware saved.

All lha members ot tha


Doith Iloe to HyilrophoblM* iKDALlA, Mu.. Nov. 14.>-ThomftR Moore,

■even yc*r» old, «un of K. J. Moore, a member of Company l. g6>i>orul Heiriraent. Mlinouh VolunU'* r*,l* uradcif hydrophobia. The \B*\ wa* hlUen two weekn a^o by a dog which whi supposed to he iiufferlnjK from rablea. A few Imur* before the boy died he s'Ommeneed to bark like a dog and wa* attacked with frequent convul­sion*. He tried to bite hli aitendanta and seemed potseseed of lupcrhum an strength, HI* death was a most agonising one,

theBserow (saxp* ot Tw* ixllor* ftotn Band* of NDlaansn lnlaBderx.

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. IL-Sydney ad- tlcax tell th* tat* of Captain Koblion and 'craw ot the cutter Sea Ohoii. which filled laat Btptamber from Queeniland for the M and of Buke. In the German Bolomun group, South Sea Islands. The survlvuri e H x p ^ and were returned to Queeniland, w hen they related their adveniurea. They slate that before th* crew could make a move when they rexchtd ihe apparently friendly Island In the golomnna. the na­tive! boarded the vetBcl and atucked iliu crew furlouxly.

Th* men aelxed piece* of u-oml, Iron ot anything that could be used for liefenco and a dfspernle conillct followed. Two xallort w tn t down a t tha nret attack and two Solomon Iilandeie were laid out on lb* deck.

Several more boatloads of xrmed natives strived and fell upon the crew, quickly d lS^tchlng *U but three. One man Jumped overboard, swam aahore and was taken prisoner and hla two surviving com­rade* overpowered and lied arlth rope*. C apuin Kohlaon was In Ihe rigging. He waa deaperately wounded by the Siieur- men. He saw that it w as useless to re- main aloft and be potted like a bird In * trap. So he slipped down the stays lo the ■leek, seised an ox* xnd knocked iwo of hli assxllxius down. He wxi soon ovor- come, however, and hi* body rsn through with spear*.

Hla eorpte was thrown over the. side of the iflhooner, Th* native* then started ashor* with their prisoners, uk lii* with them th* bodice of the dealt. The two ’ aplaae prisoners were thrown Into a ftanoa, landed on the besoh and left *n

sand, while the Solomon Islandam srsd a meal of the botUea of theirT***t'hl* grewiome t i k a t wa* being ready * number of warrior* put the oshora and sucooeded in finding a

' liquor. Thtr* war* wild about* of : and In laat than an hour the sn­aky was stupidly drunk, which en-

; two of th* prisoners to esoxpe.

B e ile v llle B rie fs ,An audience, which filled St, Feier's

Hali, nellevllle, ...em bied yesterday af­ternoon for the purpose ot forining a coun. oil of Ihe Ladles' Catholic Benevolent A* soclatlon. Kev, 1*. J. Smith prestdtd. Ad- dreisea were delivered by Jam es P. Thorn ton, Mr* M arls Quinn, Mrs. U, K llene gsn and I. 1. Barri>tt, Mins Annie I,. Brickell waa elected recorder, Fifty mem bars were enrolled. The iiemc of the council will be choeen xnd olliccre InitxUed next Monday night.

The frlenJ* or John N. Klein In llellc. vllle arc arranging for a dcmooatrHtlon, to be held next Friday night, to eeiehrat* hie election to the Assembly,

The Iicllcvllleqijjkorat Roddy will hold Us nrat concert oTThe eca.on Decern tier 22. When Ihe cantata, "The He|ie of the World," snd Tennyson’* "Village Black­smith,'' will be rendered.

A atiigl* tax club will be formed In Mrllevtlle Hxll on Friday night, AddreaSe* will be dcllvrreil by George L. ItuSby, Theodor* W erner and A. J. Auchlerlotile.

............................. arrived thi*from H avans. were rap ta ln Bplll- tlg h t shipwrecked seamen of th*

S . t i f e ' s w S r . i T a ,t".sbuilt mt in rtflilftfrtl 288ton*. ______ *

DENVER, Col., Nov. 1*.-A *p«clAl to Tbe New* from Nogtlr*, Arif., tiiya^

“ Much cfclirmf'ttt fxIk * her« In lytti**- quf^nce of an eplBode which threaten* to rem it In imnmatlonal rompltcatlon*. On Sunday laat J*mr* Trmplr. a conductor on the Nfw Mrilco anil Arlaon* Hallway, wa* attackrtl by *omr M«>fiean*, and on dcfetiiling hlmaelf. »hot one of them, Juan Arvalla, fatally.

Thi* occurred about S,0fM) f^et north of the Internationa] boundary line. LAter he rPturneU to hi* hotel, which I* »outh of the line, and waa arretted by Mexican oAfIctr* on a charge of murder, the law of th e Btat« of Sonora providing for tb« tria l of any iveraon charged with crlin*

ilniu a M.‘xir#n eltiaen, though th« crlm»j may have been committed In a for-


■vld-uee of s ir WlUlam llaTriaM llagsni- Isg th* B aakrnpt rnm ataT 'a O nlrthw -

Hea to tha Oaaasrvstiv* Party.LONDON, Nov. I t —The cxamlnstlon

CASH. Salanae lib mnutblr, buy* *•!Impravvment*: nat*

LIHBRTT HT.. IT—Ptttnl*h*d roa« fee ta* ■ two aentlenvea: private family. f litinKRTT BT,. Ift—Furnlehed room kvepiag* 11.n ; kail room. tl.

R«*l O ra n c aLimCHTY RT.. ta>-r(»rDi*l»e<|

houerttevplne; hall ruoco*.LINPOLN AVB.. .1M. Wood*tde-arunil*hed

root**: tmatrdi board optional. Itw

V a l la b a r g ^

tlARKk^T RT.. UR—Furwrehed front rotmm ■uitabie for ll«ht houaekeepLng; alM eliiil*

rugma. IUARKBT RT.. fflg-PIrrt flat; pkeaaant room;

■team brat: all Impruvrriioiita^ raaeoaabl*. 1

RHAL IBITATB f o r EXCUAHaS*FOR XXOHaNGK-Hoow. s room*: all Im.

ptavemml*; loi im nna; far a tinall farm, lbr_ ___ ___ wlaw d Klh*mw AsUhlkr gji*cr« or oiiu*. oeae the Orongts; Ai WAKD A KOCHIt, S» Main at., BaatM. J. _____________________

pply ta

TD ■XCHANOE-lert* for alore, In sued nalgli- Wnoad- Square, mix tS, Niw*B(ll«a^®w

and altar,WILL uchaiutt bitirabi* lets, tnafor Inpreved erepartT. murtgagsd ....... ........

tbaa so per cent, of It* ralne: must itata loca­tion. Adbrew H., Hoa 81. New* oflloe. SOai

f a r m s f o r b a l b .FABII for lala: 4 aerta; lood houaa and barn;

In village; cliuw to *rbool; nlroty of (rult. Aupir F. UKAN. Hrooluld*. Morria Oounty, N. J. luwf a r m —For tale, iwo-acta farm; bouia, barn

and plenty of fruit; 1* mtloa rroai olty, on p. iC R. Address Farm. ! ■ Jackeon at., a l^ .

MtiLIlRKRT ST., l« -F ro a t houoakMvtnx; ball roonu.

NKW RT., tl-rnrnl*hail front hall room.PLEARANT funilalwd roome to let; all aonron-

lenoas. Call TU Bast Paik sL TSt-Lars* funilabed room for light b o w

koeplng; II a waok. ' " — - ■OmtraL. Box 14,

WAgHINOTOS ST., S»#-Bln*l* rOOOa. fxtnljh- «d. II; front rooma. ______ Bw

nOAHDINO.BANK ST., S t-T he B*rfcal*r-#leam-h*altd

rooma for ^miW mrn; ilngl* room a t H-M parweek, withBOARD AT>•« W LOMBARDY PL.BROAD ST., aW-Roomi, wUli board; a l a o ^

We board, BwBROAD ST.,

board.P4T—Larga front room to lot. with

CENTRB IT.. SA-Larg*. nlcalr furalebed room.largo cloorta, with biiard; gaa, bath. 4 ><

Amerkan family; modarai*. sawCOURT «T..oOttr rooma; good table; all Improvamenta. 1COLUMBIA BT.. g«—AcoommodatlMi ter ladlee

and gwnltmen; all Improvemeotw______■ AST PARK ST.. Ml—Lars* frost room, with

board, tor man nnd wife, or Iwo g e n tle i^ ; hall room, o o n n e c lo d ._______ ww

FARMS TO M B irr.FARM, t acrea. Is NL with privliige of buying;

S-nom hou**: outbuildings In good am dlti«. drees Bo* ISA Creaford. N. J ._________ ^

RBAL BSTATB YFAIITND.BOtlSEi, lot* nnd fenns to

A CO.. IM apriagfield ava,B E T ^

HOVfBS TO LBT.LBBIRABLX s-rooa brick houaa; all Impt*.; IM

Id ave,; bandnoo* iireet: dstlrable (ocaUon; rant moderate. HORAE. .Agaau IM Third are.

OOBLE BT. order, 110.

, a te —Naat bouw, b rooma. 1 ^ He A tI. IM Penn»ylvanla avATtv

HOCBBI~Ta lot. No. BO Union *4., frame hooaa, I reomi. MO month; No. g » H lrt m.. I l y a o

brick houm. all ImprevementA TbAYtD BAT, JR., n o Broad XL. Nawatk,_____________MdBOUSE to let. M North 11th *L; 1

hath; laundry; all ImpfevamenlAt m a t and

M rBODSB-dO l l lh ave.; * nwma and bath. YRKD

T. ItntK, m Markat rt._______________ftv

EAST PARK B-r.. K««a. with board.

10-Douh1* and ernsl*4rEAST PARK ST.. TB-lArga warm non*,

board; ga*; bath.________ _witheiw

CLM BT,. he-ComfortaWo furn1*li with or wltboui board; roaannabla.


FULTON BT., M— FarnJahed n » « t* M- trith board: suiiaWa lor two________________lOw

FULTON *T., 41—Doublt and sUiile raom*: with or without hoard.______________ ^o«w

UAUIRT BT.. 100-Plsaeaat rcama, wlUi boart; isoam heal; tabla hoarA_______________ TBw

HILL BT., IB-Furnl*hod nona, with board; ^improvement*-

UTTLETOH AYE.. MO-DouhIa and *lii*l* nama. with or wlthoat boaid: moisrate te n u :

pit rat* fam ily .___________________ M4ORCHARD

btord;„ BT., 1(0—Plaaaant tom* moderato.

rooma, with*>u

PARK PL., 60-Douhla and stngla nems, with board; also tabla board. _____Sr

HOBEVIU-B AVB., 40-PlaMiat stiigle ttm a with board. Mw

LIBERTY BT., 40-Hous* to let; 14 noma; I m o n T t m e n t * . _________ ________

NORFOl.K BT.. BBB-Hotiea. Its. umuln U atlrUna ot.

(SB—Houa, with B rooms; rmtSOlOXFORD ET„ TO-Sti-nam botisa, 110, la-

qulra L A. r a J E R . BM Bread, room M (Bh

BUMMER AVE.. (O B -P M a u t fiwit room,with hoard. Mr



R09W1LLS. 9T Uyrtl* ftve.^Hott**. f room*, " laq u if IT Myrtle tv**__________itlk. Uw

TWO complet* hooiM* Ho*. tS§ MPd 140 B*ll«- vlll* *v»-. ^OQUUnlng 0 room* mni hath’, flkl*^

•d In iMtor*! wood; wxlli pain tod and paporad; ftrapiaM bo*t*r* and all litiproTODMnUj rant t il. l&ulr* a t U4 BaUavUla ava. Uq

BOAKD-’Wanted.owning pi raaa Board,

LsADY wlahe* boart. MM B«ad and llarte t ■u.! icala kowiit (am*. Boart, Box 44, Nawa

oOca. _____________________ *

TO L IT —i l e * a f c a t . aaar trollay Haaa and Fano, BtatWat • room*; all ImprovaawMUj

lvo-ttor|r brick: qawly daooratad.oJto- r DODDrSii7gk Broad *t

TO LW-OOT o r Town*COTTAOS—Thtoopi ot>ttan,

a(attoB. iDduln 40i Dart*, | 14; naar tro]■▼a., Harriaort

IRTIKOTON^Honae, 11 room*: ooa or two fam-Ula*: *l*etrlo llik tt thrauirkiMit: larira b an ;

%-aon Plot,; rant |ltt: IS ^nata** walk from ear. BBTEIt 4 TO.* 130 SprlagBald ava. B9r


iT O R B i. o m C B i .TORIBIs iTA B LB ls

L O rr t» FAC-BTCe. TO LBTa

tMtnkruptcy proceeding* of EruM t Terah Hootev, Ihe comMuy promoter* wa* aumed thi* momlng.

Sir W inUm Marriott took the *tknd and declared th a t Mr. Hooley'* rtatem ent th a t he had paid the iHtneei (16*000) forIntroducing him (Hooley) to the Carlton Club waa “pure InvenUon and an abomln- abJe lie."

Blr W llilam added that he knew nothing a t the Um* about Ur. Hooley'* aUaged do- nation of fin.GUO (|6q.000) to the Conterva- tlve party fund*, through the Ifarqul* of

Mr. Hootey told him

QROCEAT sto re to Ictl a1*o datura* for m 1#; good l«c*lltr; low rant. InQUira 183 Baak rt.

Abergavenny, ___Afterward that he had riven the

.................. flghllnr fund**’ of th«ty, whlcli. Sir Wiittam M arriott

thour)'8 ni


e x p la ln i^ Had nothing to do irttlh the Cari-

£10.000 for vative

of the Con*er«

*5*enm o may have been committed In Tn couniry, m end* of ’Trmple eni

ton Club.

• trn couniry,Frlem lsof Trmple enMged an attorney,

but the Mexican authorttle* refuaed to ai-

D o s W iS m

low Ihe prisoner to b« seen. United State* Consul J. F. Damsll then a p p ^ e d to the StBln Depanment a t Washington, xnd h a t received ihe following telegram;

The witness also exld he had h*li>ed H r, jlltlcxl snd n nsnda l m a tten ,

, ITS declined romonerxtlon for his servleeK Later, Sir Wllllxm M arriott said Mr, ■ '

Hooley In political snd hnsnclal but had Biw*

LOFT fronting on Bprlngfleld av a ; good plan for oloah mikor or any buabMaa rroulrlw

light, m gprlasBrid atw. Ingulf* apstalni. BTtLOFTS erllh power and oteim htao SB t w -

ranoe M. WA8HIMOTON WllEOM. BHROOKS to let. with power; all Im

w*n llxtiied: No. 14 Boudinot |L SAMUEL W. OEERT. UK Broad inear oa peemlees.

all improremonte; tnqnti* of

____ ____ 4L. or aagi-Tepphone No. #84. Hi

BBCOND Boor of (BB Karhet it.; >uUabP tor oflloe* or llsht manufacturing; good light. -------- Kimt, 2#S Market iL ________ TlvFRED T.

TO RHNT-SnIl* ot vtir a BOO Broad >t.; oomplitely

firnPlMd; niltalil* for corporalcompany or brokcF* ---- '—*lon. Apply room 4


attraotlT* oRoea at nd nhetaatially :sioti. '______ tnmirancs

ImsMBIata poiaae-VI t

Hooley told him In D ««inber,im , th a t he wa* engaged with an Amer,

' ch wwi

TO RBNT-A nlo* *101*; auliabli for butetor and grootr. C., Bog IT, Krwe olBo*. viv

egra"W gihlngion.

Darnall, Consul. Nogales, Mexico.“ Have wIrM legation a t Mexico to de­

le xn lyndlcate. which w ar going to rxlie • n enorm oui loan for Cuba, aad a ild ha (tha w itnesil had been appointed counsel


BlO-tSl m a r k et ST.-pn*. larg* * ^ o « j iB a j lgood im U to tpr'harhan MO aiM m

LOUIS A FELDER, a n Broad a t. room U, Mfwhich wax

mand Immediate release of Temple."HAY, Becrelary o f State.'

to the company's cam m lii , _____ ___a r i f i l Cuba, and I hat hla fat w t t to b*

h o , r ................................... .

We ehall offer on Tues< day.November 15,the very best examples of American production In

Aa yet no word han been received from Ihe ('Hy of .Merlrd, “ .....................prison at Mugtlalana.

Temple is In the

....V-., In view of which Mr. Hooley paid him fl.lIMl (M.OOO) on account.

On cross-examination. Sit William Mar­rio tt adm itted that he had reoalvad a

■ToRBs. o r r i c u , l o f t r f a u - TORIBB, ITARLFIB MTO.. W R rtR D .

ehsck for iiO.OOO from Mr. Hoolar, whichth* Con.


Household Goods.B L A N K E T 8 - t O O p a i r s P u r e

W b l t e W o o l B l a n k e t s , f u l l n1c« , w o r t b * 6 , 0 0 p a t f i

Special, $ 4 i0 per pair.

■■miiall I tem s.Tlw Ladles’ Aid Society uf the .Mrlh-

cdlst Rpltcopal Church of Summit will Ive a .upper In Ihe church parlor* onPP'huriday iiighL Dr. and Mra. N. H. Chs«elUQiigh, of tha

Hotel Heechwood. Bummit, will celebrate lha lUtleth annlveraxG’ of their wedding on November M.

Ouslave AmMnbk, of Bummli, returned from Kurop* on the iteam er Fuarat Hla- marcli last Saturday,

The fullDWlng olTlcera have been elect- oil by the Summit building and Loan As- itcclailoii; Prealdent, Ilciiry L, Fleraon; vice-president, J. F. Chamberialti; treas­urer, J. F, Haas; secrelarjc William 8. I’oiter: counsel, Atwood L. De, Coster; dt-

R E D S P R E A D S —ilS d o ie i i lu l l HlE€ Honeycom b Spreiulg, Mnr- nelllCB pHtterna.our *1.XA Krade.

Special, 89c.C O M V O B T A B L E 8 —TO E l d e r -

d o w n C o B ilo r tH b le B , S u te o n C o v . c r e d , f t i l l u l i e , w o r t h * 0 . 0 0 e w i i .

Special, $3.75 each. |


rcctorl, W. K. Itodesu, John N. Cady, At­wood L. Dc Cosier Slid John W. llughea

ProfesBor W. F. Ferguion, president of th , Hseksttstown IniTUute, preached In

•AEMBEIIESIMIIIIINENU8. ,4 m Nst! A* the luliAsomBst, and others, ar*

lEvltsd ts call Oh any dyutgUt snd gat fro* • Rial botUa of Kemp'S Balaam for tbs

and L u n g s.'t remsdy ibal Is guar- ' I t * c u n aad rsllwv* all Chronlq oml

, thEBbR ABtlHEa. Bnmsbltls and : _ B rlM N ia M lB # .

the Bummli M. B. Church yesterday morn­ing.

Mardeiwr K ills HImsSif.HILWAUKBB, WIs., Nov, M .-A sjioolal

to The Bsntlnul from Manitowoc, Wl* sny»: "Brnat U esim ann, who waa arrsit. ed for the brutal double murder of Mr. ant Mrs. John Dahl*, a t HIshicolt, tieur Two Itlvsra, on Novsmbar B, and ploowd In lall a t Manitowoc for aafe-keeptng, w«s yes­terday found dead In his ce ll having token hie own life by hun^ng. Before taking hlg llto Msiamann made a eonteaston.

8 |i o o t a l V id u e g I n L a c e C u r fit lint.n O O pR lrB o t IV liltO I r i s h P o i n t

C 'u r ta tu B , f u l l w i d t h a m t Il 'v y d n . In l o n x t b .

U98. $5.25 and $6.50 pairW o r th * 4 .7 S ,« O .S O to S N .O O p u i r

:tO O p n i r s o t E n ib r o l d t f r r d M iia. I t n C iir tB lu B ,

A t $1.50 and $2.00 pair,l l e f f i i l a r p r i c e $ 2 . 0 0 t o $ i t , 0 0 p r

W ii Tlwl I'p at VvBkw W«r.

NEW YORK, Nov. 14.—Th* ■tekni ykcht Varuna »rrivod thia morning from Boutb- ampton, Ociolier 21. via Uordeaui and Funchal MuiUlra. w!ih her own*r, tiidKent HlyglTta and ffiir Kur>*r*. Th* V anink |* ft New York almojtt a year ago lo r an ek- trndrtl ctuIph In tiuropean water*. A t th* outbreak of the war with Spain th i V'aruna waa lU Venice, where *he retnalD’

ceeiailoii of huatllltle*.Fine weiith**r was experienced up to No­

vember Iff, when a iitronK **l« wa* *n countereii from the wpit veennip to north we«t an>{ nortli, Diirlnir the *tQrm the >aruna behaved splcndliTly and proved kfl admirable m-a l(oat. Accompanying Mr. HlgiflnR ari‘ Colton. Wood, A rthur

The Varuna will anchor ofT SUplHon. Sfaivn ]iland.

he handed to repre**ntatlv*i of ________■ervailve pgrty. Mr. Hooley believed thi* would M cura him a Baron«toy a t th* Jubtleo* but he wa* Itifom ed thgt he eouM

P a r ta g tha not hav* U, and the check wa* returned to him.

FACTORY nmee wanted of l .« »wtth email amcMint of '

carpenter ehop of aan Box M, Nawa oOc«.

ae* warned of l.ttM d O W f e ^ imnant ot powsr, or wrtl Usmto» of Bsius *ls*. A. C. i otOca. »lw

SHALL sten. In quiet locsiliy, for roUllou*.non-bolatiroua meetliig*; ststs tsnn*. r . B.,

888 New i t _____________ « *

ROONfi ABM RLATB TO LBT.Kwlghts e f lA bar to M wl.

CHICAGO, Nov. 14.—The twenty-secondannual oasembly of the Knights of tgibor will meat her* to-morrow. Delegate* or.■rh

A NICE flgi of 4 rooms; rss i I*. Jsoltss. « # Bigii It., oor. AcoSsnur, ___________ * *

rived in large numbers to-day. a prallmlnary meeting of tn* Boi ■ ■ ^

ere was___ . . _ . Executiveard to arrange the programme.

A FLAT of four rooma Ml I resBA Mi Jinltor, H E*esx a t


BERGEN BT,, 40S-Flat t* lif. all iBWrovw mint*, rent IIA Ineum of lanUraea *1#

umxnio g. Assar. ■USSY 0. WlKTSXa ----broad BT.. 4BB-

Tod floor; I largo rooma; M. Me


CAUDtCN BT., 4k-Thr*i nic* room* co floor, |8; ff jiir* rooTiw on top floor, wRn gtr-

r*t, watar* M.uXfloorfla t—Cautral.hou*t, to td t t i i i ; ...........

Improvamfqta: hoatod: halla tlihtad: IM- Apply H Jam** tu

flat, fn ' bath. fur*4*k*d

i*famli;third ___ —T room* and bathroom;riii

private family, .h « -™.AMresr Board, Bm 44. Maws olfc*.

In’ (DirisUan yoong man la In violnliy of BaU Faifc at.- (Bv

I and Inaid, llano; alata prie*; rsftra

Boa BS. Nsets olM a

by Igdrio*a, Ad-


WANTED-By a young man, two oeaMoUna room* with board; locatton muM b sesn tn l;

bath and other Improvomenta: *tats tevSia Ad-, dress Dewty, Bog B , Mswi odloa . q

C86BX COUNTY PARK COMMIWION-Pru- iKMaU Cor rradlBa tb« middle dlvlalon of

tirmneh Broc* raxk. VewErk, N. J.IM M prapoaaU for the abov* wort, lad o r^

with tb* abovetuis. alsp with the name M the r pnrgoai making th t anas, and toe rr«*ontiil«B, wlU be iw*)v*d at to* of

Ire of the E m u Doling r t r k Ogenmlmlon, BOOBroad itreot. N.wark, N. J-j™ twtaly-IMrd day of Novamhor, I ^ ,X S s„ * ^ ’ mlailon will b* la asmlon from * to S ;» P. «■ of that date, to noelvt, propoaal*. whkh wiltnot bo rocolTed at any other time w plsM. __

Blddin a n nquirad to state la ' pooala under oato, thato aam u aad mldenoe; the namro of all persons laiotjaiea with them theretn; and If no othar ptraon be so

otWlin l.n«Hk UBRSVUJ, ■asaa •• .•■* -- .lolerntrtq ihwThe propu^ murt ha verlfled by ^ oath, mTh« propuMl I----- — --------wrUlnr, of th* parly rartin* nKh m , that tIU «*Tvral laatCwr* thertla *tai*d a n la all napocti tru*. v*ru£SSmmoet b* mad**^y%.^?h*^S5^*i%t™ ^f* lDt«r**t«d

JBacili propoaal aball ba aoooopaalrt by tim. —------ _A A^ fr*ihojdr“ *-•aimacnt, 1* wrimig, of two fr*ahoM*r* In th* county of Baa*x* U t* o< H*w Jamy,^ with__ _MmwK* gyv«w" Mw g-ww mvgvq . laeatbalr raapectlv* plaori of boalnaw or yvMMicte to tba *mMt that IC .tk* eontmet te awarttd toth* paraon maklo* Uv* proM al they will, ea U« M b* ao a w a n ^ -__ in ao ^for Ita faithful parfotwiaBo*; *Ad i —■bMl omit or rafua* to_M*etn« Ih* jaiMi io*rwlU pay to tha Koaax County Park Commleeloii

~ ~ dln*r*noa batwaon tb* auai I* whl*k n*that

._,an inay '• Whort tb*

• * y _______ ____ _ --would b* antitlad on It* coin^etlcin aAd wklch tba Ki*«x County Park Coflinuaalon h* obllxad to say to Ch* ptnon to #hoB Qotttn^ may m awardad at aky ifli i i fli t i t v other irttiDff; tk* antouat Ifi *aob oa**^l* m caloulatod upon tb* •rttmntwd PBKWt «f work by wklah th* bite w* UrtadT Tte^ abort BMQilooad fbali h* aoeo«paal*d by m* oath at in writing, of aaah o f , ^Kroon* rtfBini th* t e a * , that m I* a

Mer I n ^ a county m BaMt. and 1* worth th* amount of tha Mcnrtty r*qnT«d for th* «wb-

plaUoii of th* ooDtn^ a* aUtad In th* pro- pooala. ovar and abovi ail nli tebt* of «v*ry hatur*. and oviw and abova hla tUblitUa* '

'* auratr or otharwl**; that ha haa^ m atlf aa aurtty intention to ' rha adequacy ’•rad wlU b*^irk Comnil**M»e

arwloa; tJwtjM haa ^ar*<l____ _ In W h . and with *a

} axaevta tha bond raauJrad b r uw. icy aerf nBciaAer of tlM oaoitntr of- be tetarnlnad by tba Saaaai O m ty

Tba amount oC MMirlty roQUIfte fa ivanty thouoand jkMlaip.

N. a -T h a priiaa tnnat ba wriitafl In tb* pro-poaali wtfi b* ooarttetad aa InfonMl vbIcr do not ooQtain Mdi for all lt*m« oalM for la thaaa ipaclflcathMia or which contain bid* for Itam* not oallad for tlMrtiii. Parmiarton will not ba ■Ivan for tha withdrawal of u y bid, nnd tha Baht 1* txprwniy raaarvad by tha Bipa* O t«iy perk Commlatlon to raiaci any or *11 blda whiefa It may daatt prajndtctal to tha pnbUo In. teraata"l^tea prioa* ar* to eovar tha ftumlahiu of

ad th* nec****ry raatarlal* and labor, and tha. . necaeeiry raatarlal* and labor, . _ .. parfomaiM* of all tha work aa a rt forth in thaipablfloatlM aad farm of agm iM fit harato an* naxadg and tha coaptation of th* intir* work.

aatlmata of tha work to l_ dona, *M br which tha bid* will b* Uatad. la

Tha•* (oHowa:

BalitnaBalitnn and draining.1UQ.O0Q anue y * ^ . •xcavaUpn of aarth.JoO flunio ynrtii, axoavatioti of rock.N, Be—Aa th* abbva mantlonrt

epphaimata ooty. bldtera nra raqulrad to iub-. . . . ----- unjjp jkt f “


lluMih of ('wtowekl (Jlllln*.YOrtK, Nov. 14.-~Coloii*l Ja itite

!e As«iH(af>t yuurUTmnater-Qrnnrnl. l nlird Rtuit-M Army, iTlecl nuddmly yeaUr- r "J <j'»vmior'« iMUimi. Ho wn* born on ijuiy 8. iS4i3. Mill] rwfivod hla appointm ent from \\ iiMhiUKUm without having guae UirouRh thf .iitiUHry HOhrtrmy. Ho had

FLAT—To lal. aaeond-atory flnti • room* trad tetbj cfnlmtly located; 130 par raontb.ee*4U, MVSSMHIir ft

qutra iOY Broad *t is;mit their propoaaiacoRditlena, whltA ___a part of avary propoaal

Blddi -Blddan tnuat

upon Uk* f(^3owlitg aipfMied ■hall apply to and baocen* )po*nl roo*lvad.

fl a t tc lat with quirt Janitor. 400

iBpravateantatBtrgan rt.


aiutnliuulon of tba ‘l l & W of (tie PI and Pt such oiher meaBi aa toj4

ttaemaalna byweek.

,.F NtW YoliK. YI.AT (e let: four roemg; waiter. lOa Baldwin *t.

ptaeaw apd iamll' ,iataiv*nr*r wnlmua nee aaseri fkat Ikti* wax BUS anv mltuBiIerttandlng In raford to tog oalxro

aa to 4h* aevsegar *4 tha EUBtaseFsand ehalt not at any llms aRer tto r- -------- - - Tiplalt

fkiof so eatlmata, dtstnito or oomplalii of *soh

(ItiH ttv ll ritord, unU a lte r the war •erved iiiTiler tlem^rul Hitckcr In the Chief gunrtortniiHti'r'* ilepnrlment a t W nshlng'

Choice Building Lots,Mown nnd km ^l

O A Wrtfcly Ppyinentae

PLAT to lai: 4 room*; Plan*. PHir Jmraai.

alt IraproTiraant*. MTO*

or npiouni of work to ba don*. ^

F^UR roopiR; all Ircprovamonta; 18. loth rt.. near flprlnxOald gva.

6U South1

ion nniJ HfiPrwKrd In Oregon. Idaho nnd lowii. Mh wiiH npnoint**d 01 ' " "maator uf the nppo1nt**d tihlpf Quarter*

Department of MJaaourlttbom Jftnunry. I>>ii4. and about four yrnr*

mailE Quartermaaiar-Onnrrnl In

At Drmore8ieoii*tiie*Hllltof>s,NBAU MXWARK.

jyarhiiigi,;ti ,ni,| wa« iJien tranaferred to Governor'* Inli.nrt,

Call or write lor CImtUara Hapt and Ftea Eatlnod Tlckou,

Fiwwsh Eaval PrsgesatsaaLONDON, Nov. 14.—The Dally H all Bay*

this morning th a t tha French naval eonaiructlon programme for IBM loeludea two battlMhipe of 14,r- _ - .Wfl tons each, w ith very M w erful orfnamant snd pruteotlon; Iwo rruleers of 4,dOB ton* each, two large tor-. ■__ J — .mJI an«is.m.1xbust doBlrbyOrt nhd eleileh torpedo

Orohar la Obtoato. CHICAGO, Nov.. I4.-R lch*rd____ _____ , ____ . _ Croker,

the Tammany leadar, 1* In Chicago vl»- lllrg friend*. As fa r as can be learned Mr. c rokcF s v lilt to th is otty bo* no pollilcal slgnlfloanof.

1 , 0 0 0 H n iiip teB o t E c r u I r U l i P o i n t C u r tR ln i i , tF o n i 1 1 - 2 t o 4 y iU . I n I n n e t lL

Price 50Cm 75c. $1.25 to $ 100 each.

C o B t C rom $ 1 . 0 0 t o $ t O , 0 0 t o010^(44,

T0 plocen E m b ro id e re d HIiih. Ilna fo r Etagh e n d W indow D ra p - e r j f ,

iSc. arid 2Sc, yard;w o r th from S95o. to 40o.

Knd of Ih* .Matrh-parkert’ Blrlka.I'ABaAlf Niiv, 14.—The striking em-

hl")'''" lu Uie t'onlineniHl Mutch Factory, which I* pomnilh'd hy (he Gouid Intoresta. lire ugHiti ttt wc.rk iimler the reducoil scale of wug,.*. It will permit them to make, they *uy, friim foriy-(lv* to flfty oeni* aIf" .

l a e M A R K 6 T S T R E E T .Open Monday and YBarsdsy Rvaalagi.

duy, A but 1 this mornin'ii1.... - I'cfuHa to accept th li ret*,but nearly ail the women relum ed to work

How to Qet Rich.

IN ROBOVILLE-Tbre* rooma, with all Im- OMVemnil*, exeem btUi, aT yO ia r mtoth;

•tore adjotiUag If diilrad. JOHN th TOPPIN, 4*4 Orango * t, oor. flh oL BM

r atnv—, — ----- -------------- ,Tlw roregnlnx eotlmato betas wptvali I* ool to bo bold go entttitns tno coo

tu any claim for e ilra tlms In the eon . tloq of tbo work, nor to any olsin for damage*. If Iho quantity ot worti ohould p m o to be gioat-

li h en eetlmatM. u d th* Baoei

only, tor ■

imato cooirac- eonple-

itaolon npiwNy reoarvee tha Mr diralnlehing the Hid quaii-

UINOWOBTH BT., T -yvur largo rooma and puiry. Inquire filB WuhlngWC *1. ___

LEMON BT„ B l-girst and HStmd Boon, largi nona, IIA

MONTaOHERY BT.. BB-Bta roome; new home; ilumbvmUef; rtMCMb)*. Tov

quviUty <$r ar I$« tbah 1i County n iik CommU Igbl of laort«$ln* or 4.ItWa. a.* If) Ha opinion bcooma natmtan. Bltear* will ba raqulrafl in cornplat* lK« afttira

work ta tba **il$f*G|tflk of tha l**ax O m ty r&rk Comralirtoo. aad In *ubrt*ntt*l «a«oHuiCf with Uia apdcIflotUoft* hartuniO' *n**iad and the Diana tbaratn iwfaitad to. No axtrm. aoiwwi- ifttlott barted th* amount payabia for tha aevaral clftaaa* of -work bafor* anumhimtoa. whuk tbtU ba hoiuRlIy performad. ■hall b* dua or pnytbla

Work*forth* anUra 1

F u l l l tn « o f R enaiB B A iice L m « C u r tR li iB a n d B e d H p re a d u a t

D A K O A lI ir P B I C E H .

Broadway WITNew York.


y*r NmokeleOt Powder.• ***■' 'A—A train-load ofalcuhol billed to Japan h a i been aent

J . ““ i* *1 **1* m anufactureor smokeleis gunpowder. There were elev- " L b a r r e l b each, or M,teu gallon*, Hu’rntly an order was rscelved

tof s 'urge supply of spirits lobe ship- l»d to Great Ilrititln.

Ba panetual. for ponotualilf Is lb* ttMindsUon of euccesi,' Slid otM of to t item ng *too« to iu«- M sX foritBM is on* of o o ^ , N i ^haeplng WBlcbs*- th sy are truly woodetful pen fSoSM W b ^ e r In ntekei. E lrtr, gold i Im or tolldgidd cssH tosy a n all guantuaed by

Will On Around Ih* World.' 14.—After llw *x-

PlriUon of hi* term as Ooveroor In Janu- Qo'trrnor Adams will sta rt on a

He wtjl visit first Island* and

ak-- as ,, WWIJ4J. no Whll TlOli HIM-Mi Bbd Phlllnpln* Island* an;.McdltorroSin

4'olora.lo Troops lo L tsvs Mswita.It.—Governor

’’toelved a {clcgriitn from Ad- I'orliln to the affect thot

the Vclunteer regiments now dolnw duly

FRANK HOLT & COw a t c h m a k e r s

a n d t r u s t w o r t h y j e w e l l e r s ,

4 MtflJ St, Xituk, 1. 3.tl'ewMBBMdJnt

i lM b c t^ rx A smeJioida_______ ____

__ niseUoiM lor tocH now, torSBSlIdepaell will leimiw your


I'ltMga I naslTedsl ongsrslM (oriili


regiments now doing duly are to be ordered home i

*» the troopg now an route fo r jthV Igtsnds reach th e n to tulie ibsly iBaoB,

NEW BT.,l i t i S " '®RuUdiBK, «

14CI—Uaoteoina A*t: 8d ■nta; naw houa*. Jlnaulra ABRA- Dfl^rU rt»m 003* c M u Bpit'?] uiMrt and wMbloflton ata. kit

BIMara an n ^ k U y notlflrt tb*4 tha M ax ODUBty Park Cummuaioii ravarva* ih*to datarmlna maitolM *b*

_ rlihttka timva and pi*oa* far codiw flfoaaovOng Uia work, and Uiftt Df telay on tha viiola or any

P}$fiHlN8 AVK.. t03, naar atn ton av*.—To ^ lat, to adulla tely, a naw aaocHMiHrtotT flat of 8 rdotns aad batk; all ImpiwtnMnU; rtafltn b**t. inqatf* on prmlaaa. 1

MaUNinainant ar nfiay.en tha vhoia ar any Mrt Inainof. oortaliitirt by tha pracatene* of otbM aontraei*. oannat oonaututa a alilm tor

80UTU lOTH 8T-. BtS-4Pi four alaflint light room*: larga *fo«*t* tnd pla«*ai It will Ml to look t t Ihaoi* • «

^^S5^p5rr*o» or poTiona to whom tha aooti---- a-w ^ roqulrad to att*^Lid commlMhMi, wttb tb* lur*-

youflimiiER AVS.. IttH tavae roomaj bath:

............................... ..... *t,8TJ'Y Malaga A ■ jb,, TT*»flWe ■■MT*try; Impta. i suam hH t: twa-rarauy hoosa. I

SUMMIT BT.. IIB-Four iwma, BT. B4|

BUBBKX AVB.. SOfl-Firat flat to leti « rooroi; all Unprov.miau.

**nol°ffiEltlf**' *** Farry aLt Improvsmao^

BOUTHheVH. ITTH BT., tA4-yn s rpoias. m

V ST*|»EE^vsrr nlst rsoma; rm t M. Inqtrtr* M

-------II to IIBI IsnjtrtH Ml ------------

Hamlitos at. I nice " ' 4 rsoma, gu

4B I

> VOQWU. U K .

im M tham. sad eisosts to*...... ........... .. lv» d a n aflM wrlttos nolle*

that tiM •SIM ha* bHS * * ^ * a to hla ev toalr bifT *nd that the otcirad by him e r l lmhav* been approved try tha CMniBlssUmi aad In bsM of fsllnre or nsgleet *o to do, ha or limy will be eraisidtnd ea .heivlsg abandenad It, lad thi eiip— th* work will bs re-let. or theesesS* awmusd to another bidder. ' ”

ipoelltoatloe*. blank fpme of pn farW r IwNcmatlMi. oOo be ohUliied tlcu, and plant tor the work Inapaolad gLih* o i r H o f t o a ^ e M ^ t o ^ ^



niEOEAKnc a n u i fiuineasor to Oaawbstl |


, 'if

i m M ^ tt.
















I S . '

“r f r ^ f i i T, -fJ - - 0 »• V • . ' ^ ' .V - * *. !^-‘ . - iv ' ■ • . ■■'.< ‘ . : • ■.- . , 'A. .i^--^. : , ;'■ •'•- " ' ■ '


u .D B A T V ^

ALHpMD-#a4,*rir, m NoimahirZWIItUta Alnuaf. . i . 4 H r**n.R .l« tln t u t i M m k. lU s ,IBsm u l OM.-

W n at Norlhin LoAn No. t l . #7 M A. M.. * n Irvlinl to MIMd h). ruMifl on T im iiy . . 1 1 P. M., from DM rM ltoo., Ha. t t lr v lu i in M . A’«id.ld., N .m « . la- UnoMt .c n im M * i CaMtwy.

BARTH—On ftaturiUsr. Wov.niM' 11. IIW, Unr- nr, . f t Dl ia« l*t> Philip nnd LonlM Bonk.

Il!Cl>»* a!!l!*fr»nd.' ar. rwe^fnH r Inrtl.* CO •iiM d hU f«n m l on '^w4>r, H o w b o r if . at i p. H.. fro* rwldRiM of hi.Mra Rotmi KonKhtalitl. No. W Avon plao*. fa l .m w i Ta Woodlaai C.i».J«Tr (p n .at.) at th« coa»«l«M « iho family,

BAJtROWB-On th . IHh liurtaat, at th . naj'- •Itu* rwMrao., Bl •.wnUt a » « i» , K w York CllJ. N.mo Hay. dauftitir M ChariM K. and Ch^^v*» V. B a m m a « ^ W r i ^

P u im I at th. m ndparm u' itmMJiij. . 4M Ocmnin * « « N.wark, Noilot of futwnJ hMoaflor. <

CXMTBLU>-On No«ml»r W., 1*«.foat.lln <00* Hurphyl. widow of HirUn

RM tl*a^ and friwd. a n mapwlftilly tivn .4 to attmd til. Iua.ral from th. M .U « « of W itiur. Hra Do“n»l>lL No. l « l iCo1i l « HT»r OB Tuwiday, th»JB1b_i™t.. al R;VI A. H.. to M. Pitrtem'i Churrh. where

' “ 111 b« for

m w L P W A r n u M iA i iM *

« Hi«b of BMuUm will b« offered for ih« rtpoM of her muI. u u n se a t In the Cm m U it of the Holr 9»0a!«nro.

CARRA<lHKR'>On Noveaber 11 , 18M. JhttM. Uloved husboDd of BlltAbetb Cem ther rnoe OorauMi)

ItcinttvM «i)d friendei ileo Teunkui’ Awodh' or B«lievlll*rk. S.. V f invited to et- the funei^ from hie hue reeloei>ce.

tlOA, Of BeliovUlo,tend the funeral ........... .Mill itroel. TWIlfvIlle. V, J., on TueteilVk 18th Init.. It I A. M.. thence to i t . Peter'e Church, where n HUrli Mnen of Requiem will he offered for the rtpoot of hi# eonl. Inter* ntent In Peter* e Cemetery.

CAHllX^On Hovenber 11 1BIM. Mery, beloved wifi of Pntrtclt Cehill.

Iteintivee end fiicndi of the Aeeenneil ere In­vited to Attend the funtrel from her Intt retidence. No, Wt Kenueon u m t. on Tuee- dir. the t(Hh Ui#t.. i t 1 A. H.. to nt. Jnmee'e Church, where a HIch Man# ef Requiem will be offered fiw the rtpoee of her eoui. Inter* ment In ^ Cemetery of the Holy Hepttlohre

COX-KNi the 18th Lnitant, Phoebe, wlft of the late Jaiqpi M. Cox, i«ed $4 yeark.

Puneral eervloe# at the reeldenoe of her dnuffhter, Mr*. Oreffory. US Broad atreet. on Tueeday. November Iff, IMM, at S:M P. U. ^ latlvee and frlendi are kindly Invited. In- tirmenl at Palrmiwint Cemetery.

GRANE-Cn November 11. IRM. Pranfe B. Crane, ion of SuMn and the late Jacob W. Crane,

■elitlvea and Dlenda are Invited to atterid thefuneral nervloee at hie lata home. No. M Bouth Tenth «treet. Roaevllle, on Tueaday. Novambtr Ih. at U A. M. Inlarmant in Roeedale Oametery at Um ooqvcnlenoa of the family.

IX>LAN-*Oik Friday, Novambar 11, Jamee C.. beloved huebaM tUt EllMbeth Dolan, afftd

m r e . .Relatlvee and frlende, alao tha manbera of

jamay City Lodae No. U l. Brotharhood of lUllroad *mlnmen, are Invited to attend the funeral from hi# late rcoldenco,. No. Ml Court elreetp on Tueeday. November 18. at

A. M.. to Bl. Prldjrrt'i Church. Inter­ment In the Cemetery of the Holy Bepulehra.

TAtTRCAT-On November 11 IRM. at New Jer* aey Home far Dliabled Boldlcra, BImeon Fauroat. late Company D. Twenly-el*hih new Jeraey Volunteer Inrantry. affod 8

Funeral aervlcee i t home ohapel, Tueeday. November 15, at } P. U. Interment BoMterr Ploi,' Falrmount Cemetery.

HBMNIG*-~On Bundar. November 18. IBML l^ r le e beloved child of EmeOt and Catheiitie m nnlf. axed It dayi.

FuMral took place from parenti' reatdenee. No. ifT Comlnerce ilrmi. thin afterwoon, at 1 o*elork.

HIOOONB—On Maday, November 11 1B01 Nat­alie. only child of Joaeph E. and Joanna r. Htdinna Jnet Towniey).

FuMral private.JSMNlNOi-On November It. IfNM. Patrlek

W.. hueband of the late Ann Jm n iu i.Relatlvee and frlendi of th* famitr are lUndiy

Invilad to attend the funeral from hi# late ruetdence. Na t Oratme place, on Tueeday. November I5. at p A. l i , to Bt. Palrlck'e Cathedral, w hm a Klph Kaea of Requiem will be offered for the repooe of hta eouk Iniarmetit In the Cemetery of the Holy •epalchr*.

VXAT1NQ—0.» th' 18th limt., Samuel, eon of Bamtiel afti Rcm* Keailnt. ai«d d week#.

Funeral evr\lc«* at th* parent#* revidence, 88 ReyooUla aveniM. Karrlaon, N. J., Tuea­day. November 18. 18H, at 8 P. M. Rela- tlvau'and frtenda are kindly Invited. Inter­ment at Falrmount Cemetery*

XLMIN—On Monday. November U. Charlee Klein, Ueutenanl of PoUre of the Fourth Prectoct, at the reeldenoe of hi# brother. No, 48 South Twelfth atreet.

Notice of funeral hereafter,lA FR A N C IB-^ November 18, 1888, William

H.. younjreet child of WiUlem H. and Itirla J. Lefrtncla. aimd I rear 10 month# 38 day#.

Relatlvee and friend# an reepectfully invited to attend ihe funeral from u« parent#* re#1> dence. No. 883 New itrcet, on Tueeday, the I5th loot., at 8:80 P. If. latermtnt In Cem­etery of the Holy Bepulchrt.

miAUER-On Sunday, November II. ISBB. at til# late retldence. No. in Bomcreei atreet, William P. uni*r. a ^ TT year# S montha.

Notlee of funeral hereafter.MeCORHICK-On the llth Inet., Janie#, be-

toved hueband of Mariaret McCormick <nee Ktenaa).

RelaNvaa Crlend# are Invltad to attend the funeral ho«n hi# l#t« reeldeBCf, No. m Qrant avenue. Ba#t Newark Borcoah. on Wedneeday, in h ln#t., at I A. H.. to the Church of the Holy Croat, where a Solemn Klab Mae# of Requiem will be offered for the repeee of hi# eoul. Interment In the

_C eM iry of the Holy Sepulchre,New Torfc Irteh World pleaee copy.

MearNNIBB-Novembet 14. t » 8, at hla late r%lden«e, IT Sevmith avenue. Charlea M<>- (Hnalaa,

Nottoe of fBDeral hereafter.^NMClt^Lr-On the 18th b u t, Alvin* Preckil,

*5h^laery»cee at the retMetic* of her eon- Ih-law. Martin Jacofaaon, 8M ferlimSeld

SvMU*, Oh Tumday. November IfiTlBw, at F< M R elatlw and frleodi are kindly

lavlUd, Interment at Ftfmount Oametery. ^ORMS—On the 14th Instant, John O., hua-

haad of Dcalre Stormy Ut hla 78th year. Funerai acnrlcea will be held at the reeldenoe

of hla aranddaufhUr, Mr«. Oeort* W. Peer, 14 HlfWand avenue. ICeamy, cm Wednet- tey. October 18, at 8 A M, Relatlvee andat Keyport N. J. family.

)tfully at the coareBlenc# of the

WinBMEN—On Sunday. November 18, 1888, Helena Wetomen. th* beloved wife of Joeei^

^Wtlamen, u * d Q1 yvam T month# 5 day# ' Relatlvee and friend* are kindly invited to

attend the funeral fervlce# on Wedneeday, November Id. at 8 A. M. ibarp. from her late realdeact. No. 383 Walnut atreel. eornar Baadford #r— - -- - —

I# of ___repoe* or her #oul.

aadford atreet. to Bt. Maiy# Church, where Mae# of Rfouiatn will be offered for th#

ipoe* or her eoul. Interment in Bt. Mary'* Cemetery.

Kov#mb*r 12. 1888, l^mnd#r R^a^ive^ a x ^ Td veaia._ and friend*, alao W, C. T. u „ ar# in-

yltaa lo attend th* funeral nervlo*# at hi# ^ e ^hom*. No. lOT Mechanic atreet, on Tueaday. November 15. at 3:80 P, M. Inter* ment in Mt. PlMnant Otmetl^ at (he nm* venlenoe of the family.

Saturday. Novtmbvr IS. . 1B88. , uwry, only daui^ter of Mary

2 S X wUaon, iie d 18month# 18 day#.FiMeralwnrtce T u ^ y . November 18, at 3 P.

M., from 114. Clinton street, Jeriey City. Intennent at ounvenlepce w iVe family.

* MABONIC NgTlCa-'ni# members of N im h ^ No. M, r . and A, M..

I l W are hereby notified to attend the apeelal / ▼ \ communication Oil# evtniac at T;80

e’olomi: alao to-morrow (Tutoday). tteMff th# funeral of Brother Wlfllam Almond. Memberi of^atiter ladim ota Invited to meet

V X O B K fA K S R I,

r i m E n A L ^ r ^ ^ ^ ’lirwAliBROOHK*1* MfARKl^ 4t .. NEWARK, N, / .

Tlie Undertakl:

^ Ed___________

F. Itu iltr will rtoMla wlih « . H 4



TELEPHONE NO. UH-L•^••■-.■jyNNEB. undirlAkAr And m bwlwg.

H a lU C ll»m m . TtNohvM IBMa. BTr


DwIkDtn n d I fu n tH ta n n ol A X T Itn c HONDKENTB. HAUIOLBUMB


' ORa HITB. HARBLB a n d tIOHB,n o AND n< s n u jiv iL L B a v b ..

OWDOAII* Ealiwiwt W Mt PHWMIlt

M n - r i i d u niflit, M wmd BprlnwIUld -kd Hlllbuin, kkkdlt Awd dMk- hound: opottod

n -ok -Bd whiUi (ontMl orookodj bUck had U a hood, Howard 1C ntunod, 10 Honburc fl> aowU M T-In Bollovlll.

olToor w r ' ' la. rindor^Tl & l u i t i ^

IflB T -n rtward; o CoMor optnlfL dAck btnwA,whRA WA( OA tpA lll ObAti ItAUlAr ' OOllfl

2 1 * wmA. HENRT COOLIDOB. U Horn.WB At, BAAt OfABAl. 1Nfw ThAAtrA « fc l-

Rm ^ " iS i l * )-'*Ya #ur ooillr.nwwArt flvtn « rMumod lo boo oflloo ot ib^

^ ^ S 5^d5‘TCUS-,8n5r,;yl

B O nC a..T vR B alw w t aBwwHIstaN l a thw B B W t BBAt la v a r la b lT b« law l a aEwaBw*.

Ha a a o a a a la w il l Ha awwaaB t a r a a a h .

He aB v a rilA w w a a l w ill Ha raaa lw a* aw ar Ik a t a l a a k a s a aaaaB t tfcaaa o a a l h r aa lh arliH iE B B aaU .

A a a w a ra t a aEw artlB aaiaatw a r a k a » t f a r tw o w aa lia a a « a r a t k a a Ha> A iroraB . I t a a f a l h a r E U p a a ltia a Ia dlwalraH th a a ^ a a a h a a U h a a a tlB a * .

AOBNTB w u ttd lot (hr U»M: no monuli; no e**-'"!?'* ■ mlir. Coll at Bl Rank *■ ,7.;

or BA K M . ,21];AOEHTi wantrd for th»^wlmwr W. M. PAWLEY CO.. IT " '“ ‘" g j

AOGNT wantrd to procun jlocAUmlrt aoaa« a- mtnlA CIciDAat. B « «B, Niwi o«c«. ■

AOENTB-mood oppoMonlty. TiIa V montlni, tut. Matkot At. _____*

A.-A.—DrlTATi. clArta. ofllcA (?T„lAtA. coarhinen luatul mtn. t« .; malt holp (TAA to ADiplDytn. M Cadar at.. T»>-ATTENTION, HKN-IT-B#

work takaa you Jo EuroUA. IMjlIiplBa “youClinton it., New Tork

A GOOD huiillAA oian to "ry* .cfliL 'P it!'- on* with food r*fer*nci# only. Ad6re*e Lom peiant, Hkra ST, New# ofllc*. *A MAN WanlAd to boko wamw. Call at M Now

• I . _______ *

A OOOD dlnnor waiter. 6 MulbAiry at.BOY wantAd. about II yAort old. In iw^,**'**?

offlro: muat bt oC rood t» tM ^ a d d ^ . ^ allltna to inakr WtneAif wntrallyuaidul, oat livina In OranrA or Bait bly by latter only, to V. W. VTOBWIB. o-Pur •Ite Rrlok Cburon Donat. Boat Ofanat. H. a ___I

®?7-bSSP‘:id*dJf *iirfRellavllla.

BOY wanted In tailor nore: hrln* raterwioe. N. PALLANT, ilV Oran«t aL_________________ J

BOTH wanted to dalltrar papam APO'Y **** “ i INI Market a t . ___________

BOY-Colored boy, M to 1*. wanitd. M fpnna-SV* 1

BOT wuntad t« w#lt on Ubte. S88 Pl»b* __ *BUFFERB and . .

around men nted rear 48 Green it.■•''siLm®

but 4ll> Work#

BUTCHER winlad for atote and ord#ra: mied w##rea lo rlxhl m«a. 44 John »l , Ballivllw. I

RUTCHER-Firet-clue butcher wwt*d; work. R(>TH ff CO.. 411 and 51 M#rkit *t. 1

BOOTBL.ACK wanted; fli^HInrSi^Coeliiiintaa Hotel, barber ahop. II- BiNQOT. 1

BARHER-Flnt-cIaea barber wanted- 388 Mar­ket m . 1

COOK—Tounit mao wanted: order cook in oya- ter and cl^p houa*. 2W Plane #t. I

COATIIAKEH-Wantad. food ooatmaker at M. READYB, South Ofanfe, ' I

DRrooiBT wanted; Junior: one ipeakhif Oer- man preferred; etat* mlatT- Hantet 8t..

48. New# office.________ ________________DROP and prcM hand# wanted on allver aov*I

tie*. W. B- KERR ik, CO..Hlyh ata-

cor, Oranie and

JEWELRY finlabtrs watiled. COURVQIBIER, WILCOX MPO. CO.. 6th av*. and iMh it.,

^y^___________________ y vMAN wanted with Mm* experience to mil dU-

Infeotant Addreaa Manufacturera Box M, N ew office.____________________ 68vRELIABLE aitfnt# can make 335 weekly; earn-

pie#. ♦*. McOEE, 448 Broad ■(. < 1SALRBMAN wanted to carry lln# of fileycl*

b*Ila. do<w bell#, electric pqah buUofkia etc., on oommiatloo. Hardware Rpeolalty Co.. M He- ebanlc at. 1SHOES—Wanted, edf# #ett^ aleo edge trim­

mer 01} men* I da* nboe*. H. M. W., Box 85, N*wa oflic*. „ 17vTAILORS wanted’ two sood ooatmaker#. N.

PALLANT. m b M W - t _____ T«WTWO AnM-cla#a ocaimakarp and two bwahelmen.

385 Warren at. 44wWANTED—Taunt man who underetend# oook

Ing and walUnc; muat be feoerally ueafui. 40 South Clinton at., Eait Oruffe. 1WANTBD-Offke boy, (Umut 18 year# old, liv>

Ins within 8 block#. Call • A M. or 7 P. M., i t i Spruce at.; Aral belt 1WANTED-Ioe cream maker; must be aU round

man. Addreaa A. B. C.. Box 48. Newa office.T8w

WANTED at emee aaouple of Ar*t-cla#e m*4a1 oomJee mikera, 175 Bcimont a ^ 1

WAITBR-^l«an. wUllnt waiter. Reataurant. 34 Main el.. Beat Oraoke. SSw

TOUNQ MAN wanted, who underatand# takini car* of horsN; to deliver order# and b* ten-

«rally n#*fut In butcher atom. WM. EBLS, 867 Mulberry #L 1TOUNQ MAN. experienced la the xrooery I

neaa. wanted. 94*38 Centra et.. Oraai*.H80 PER month and txpenam paid ealeemsn . on eljrara; expeileuc* uanacetary ’ steady po- attlon J»Mra] oStro BAaiTT D R oi. Phlfit^- phla, n . 5 ^

H B L F W A N TB D -F BIIA IJB S.A CARBFUu psinataklhf, middle-wed lady It

dtslred In our bualneaa; on* with iolnoleot executive ability to man### a department* Fort«n^11Tuei

nleulara see anperlntcndent, room T. Globe illdlns. Broad and Mechanic at#,, an*r 8: ~

adty.A.—90 houaeworkers, |J4 to tSO; waltrfase#,

eooka, alao Oerman or IToteatanL oookp. nura- e# and waltreeae#; yowna xlrl#; houaawnrkeni for Summit W . wanted. 78 Omtre at., Oranfc.lA,—A.—Cook for hotel, alao reataurani eonh;

girl# for ehamberwork, walUnx: parlor maldi, houieworhera, ftrli for More#, ofAc##, factories, rsalauranta, etc., etc. 36 Ceder et. 1A P P R B N n cl wanted; paid while leamlnfi

with good aewer. Call to-night. MRS, WRIQHT, 88 North Muon ar#., liaiM Orange. 1AN eaay place In a B#t (or a neat competent

woman: mual aooli and acw; goM reference vrgmrvd. B. M.. Ros 38. New# <^oe, 1A PROTESTANT nurae, houaeworkera. cooks to w ah and Iron. u h l^ lN , slo MaS MVOe^

A REFINED alrl wanted fay una^slrApply Kb Clinton aviuaewlnf.work

COOK—Wanted, a Proteatam girl to oook anddAU'V:oSI“ 'p!.?’W w : 3 f i ^ ' ' ' f i tCOOK ml.il loumtrwg WMlUB , | i m Brou] U. 1DRKS6MAKERB w n M , • ] » w nad , |r l at « Bouth ClIntoB E m T S aim , N ."BXPERtBNCRD oporatoni wuilod on lodlu'

j^ a n rH r . I»n« ^ ttoah^iiM kw o u d S;. M m wanto^ (o woi* In fadanr. An>|r wTb, umpio, Auurloan Undorfmnnnt Co., MB

e r r a n d (irl wontod ImmodiEMy (or d n a -wokaT, 6SBI4 Hloh ot, ,

FOR ««ural bouMwafK III (knllT o{ u m , • , r»ll»blo ilrl or woaitni alto i o tr l 'u

baby. TTi t. N inttm ib H., noar A r ln rnEa#t Oraaga.OTHT* for all tmnPhoo ol kotiMwork; ell, u d eoniHry; lodKo rupr i loa. i n Miikti i 1OIRL v u to d lo wall on tabi* u d do kltchon

wot*. M i MulbofTY rt.. Mioow. 1 ( 5aSNBRAL HOUaBWORK-HIddIwod m m -

Bn; OomiMi-AmoHcu profund. * AlluiUoTtr

HOVHEWORE—Prototlut olrt _houwurork In wiBir family; ______

lood nrubor OBd Inoor. «T M llir PaTkl WIT, ForoBt Hill.


w u M tormuM bo

^Tk- • t r

drm ; rctoMBCM. W N o^ S etsm ., iS L o y ^

HpWWWOBK-FIW^Hi. youic (iri for m ,

moffllinr. »M m n « m i ara, t ^ ^ r .MOU8BWORK—ifanttd, Qwrman girl for mw..m l bouMwort in C tMPfoelktoo (ood tomo. T1 aSS h w ,*"* ^HOUEBWoRK—Wtnt«4 B youn* whiu w oim

MOUMUTORK-Wrtiod. two « ___wort: Momor*. Apply ^rodny Jatnaa #t.

■■ #7irROUSEWQR K-Watttad,

h m m m o n i so vaataia a t S b

Ik* or irrolB?^ a

H RLP W A H T W f-r S e A U B S .UorSBWfHAK -GIH (or genara)

good wagea. KS North TUi M.houaework:

HOVSEWORK-Wanled, yo«ag girt for Hrht hooeawork. 48 Roaevllle ave. 1

HO!!RB\v o r k —Girl weni«U (or general honae- work. * i^y_6TIJIlak_ei. 1

IF a good iervant girl wanta to hava « n od ^bUi^ »ln can And it at U iPridce at. MRS. REIDKH. on third Soot. IlvNTRUE (child two y*an old): mual be tiaat and

willlnw to aaalat with ebamberwork an t wait­ing: Pr>rteatanU Call or addreaa 66 North IXih et.. East OrmAge. l6w

MURBE—Wanted, oompatent girl (or* chllilrtn'a nura* (over 18 yaari); refereno*# raauirsd.

^ 1 n-ieeday morning. 18T Heller Parkway. Foreal hill 1NUHBR—WaAied. M it, rMlabla nurae girl, whe

ren (ur«il*h gu^ refereneea and W f** elate a $\n*\ home. Addreaa Home. B o t ^ , N*w# office. 1

ritarf on C008Wl*ELL Aunderwear end Infanu'

lUR-LTEh ro ., W hth a ^ ____OPERA TOR ~Kxp*rl*ncad operator wanted on

power sewing maohin*. f Ailing ai.i third tiaot rear. iSALKBWOM AN—Wanted, experienced aa1*b-

wiiruan in dr>-gocid*. fant-y gooda and under­wear. MRR. IU7(IGB, aw Main it., Eaal Or­ange. ISEVERAL flrU wanted for light work. E. J<

llRCXiKS a CO., 5th ave. and'North I8th at. jWANTED—Kxi>erleneed hand burti1ih*ra on

gilt metal work. The Art Metal Work#, lIS to IS) N, J. R. R. #vs.___________________TWANTRtv-Aitprvnilce# and Improver* on cbH- ilren’a c^wti and dr*##*a, MR9. RUOOB. 588

■ Ka»t Ofang*. ____________ tWANT ED-A woman lo waah dlihva til raa-

tauraiit. 353 Market #U tWANTED—A half grown glri; light homie- jeork. SA William at. ______WANTED-Girl to help in kitchen in boarding*

htiuee 54 Bank it. 1WAITHEHB-Cleun. neat waltraea; muat be

willing to mak* hen»M( uieful. Reataurani. 14Main M.. F.Mt f^nge^_________________WOMAN wanted not over 45 year# of^age. to

cook and waih (or amail family* 16 Miller

EMPLOYMB<irT WAKTVD^MAUOBoA TOCNO a Korney dealrai poaltlOB with aom*

commercial bouae. Addreaa Attorney, Box 85. New# office. 1A TOTING MAN. 18 T

aa office aaalitani at., Orangv.

/ear# olAdealrea a jpo#itloa AddrteaWM. K., 75 Forait

IlitTLKH-Hmart young man w«nu altuatlon a# butler; one who underatind# hla bualnaaa. Ad-

drea# Butler. l>oi 8b. Kewa ofllo*. ________ IDITCHER want# ptarei flnt-elaaa man; ref­

erence [f required. Addreaa Butobtr, Bos 41. NtW# tjffU*#. 68wHARKERPER Wintl #Uuat1on: of late with

Itutler House. Addreaa Barkeeper. 888 Hun­terdon M. 1UA RTF. N’DER—Young German waal* altuatlon ^a# bartender or luxchman. inquire 11 Ferr|

RAKER-Young man aa third band on bread.UKRR-Young tnhn at thir B. a n d e k bo N, Broofcdale,

BOY aaj want# work, any kind.■ i.

971 Bm Ui 9th 1

COACHMAN wanta poaltlon; goad reTerenoe#;itaadv. *ober man. 314 Riobmond a t . Plain-

flew. _______________________liltCOLORED man wanta employment ; oa* ogra far

horse# and farm. II King a t _____ 1MArHi.NlST-'Oood latbe hand wanta poaitton.

585 Bouth ITlh a t 1TRA^'FLUNG taleaman detlraa to connect

bimaaK with an eaubltahad manuracturmg Arm. whera smbltton and abllUy will »how prontable future; ADeen year# In novaitlea. Addreaa pToBtablt. Box 68. News ofSos. 58?YOUNG MAN dealraa position with prlvats

family; car* for hiH*ea and oow, and generally uaeful. Addreaa Obliging, Box 83. News office. ]Yot'NG MAN want* Work at anything; under-

atand# cars at liorae^ Addrera Willing, Box 53, Newa office. 1YOUNG MAN wtNld Ilk* a poettlon a# clerk.

packer nr driver; raferenoea. AddrsM Clerk, 98 Livingston #t-_______ ITwYOtfNO MAN Od) wants wcwk on gsntlainan's

Place Inquire L, C. VOELCKER. UR Uttle- ton ave. 1

BNPLOYM Bjrr W ANTBin-lilBHALEI.COOK—Cokesd girt want* place aa oook in

■mair family: oome home nlghta, FANNIE AUrrON, 84 Camfleld at. 1DAY'B W'OAK-Woman wanted for d a /s

work from Tuesday to ^ d a y . MARY LEWIB, 8M Main #t, Ea«t Orange.____ 1DAY'S WORK—Young colored woman srant#

work by th* day. AONEB GRAY. 83 Arlln#- tOB at. tDAY'S W'OHK—German vroman want# wash­

ing. Ironing and houaecleaafng. 101 Koiiuth■t. ________ 5TwPAT’S WORK wanted by oolorad* woman. T.

POTTER. 34 CamAeld it. ____ 1FABMIONABLE dn

gagemeota. AddrsGIRL wlihcs situation at upatalra work.

88 Pennlngtoa et.

Mcnaker deilre# more en- i U , Box 80, NtW# ofllct.l


HOUSEKEEPER would Uk* a posltkm In pri­vate family, or would do upatafra work; rs-

liable and honeat. Call thra* daya, 87 Auatln •i. IHOUSEWORK—Middle-aged colored woman

want# general houaework or cooking: famUy refermice: sleep ^ m*. RAT, II Wood at. 1HOUSEWORK—Young woman want# •Itnatlon

upstair# work and waiting or light houaework. Addraa# Willing. Box 8T. N«w# office. 1fioOTBWORK-airl n o would like a pooKInn

to take care of children or light houaework. Cal] 10 HamlttoD at.. Kani»oa, N. J. 1HOrSR'WPRK—Young woman want# altuatlon

a# Mtmatrea* or to do home night#. 378 lath

general houiework; go ave. 1

HOUSEWORK—Colored woman went# ellua.tlofi aa cook, or lo do genera] housework; good

reference 3f Veeey at. 1HOUBEWORK-WItbout washing; good plain

cook %nd t>ak«r; referencei American. Boa 14, BelievDIe. N. L______ 1HOVBKW’ORK—A strong Polish xlri want# to

do general housework; can apeak Engilah. 10 Madlmn #t. ?HOUAEWORK—A colored glli want# a place;

lirit^ lau laundress ert housework. 10 R -venih ave______________________ 1HOUBEWORK-Oerman girl want# place at

general bouaawork: refarinoea 443 South liMh ei., 52vHOUBEW'URK—Woman wattta place at hou#*-

work or plain cooking. 6 Fifth ave. 1LAUNDRESS—Oerman woman want# family

waihiag. Hunterdon gt., (Irat ffo<>r. 3HwLADIES wishing good ratlabl# gin# call Sn3

Main at. Orange,______« ___ 9pMITRSB—Competent woman want# situation a#

nurae for Invalid or hcaiatketper for amail damlly; city referanca. St Ann at. 1IIUIISE—Girl (14) wanta place to mind baby.

883 Ac#d»my at. 23wNURiB wlahea angagemsQla; |1 per day. Call

8M Broad at. (I3vw e a k -m in d e d patient* and Imbecile* taken■■ ■' . . * * . - . nurse;

T. New#__________ 85uWOMAN deelra* poaltlon, housework or hoUM-

kaaper; city or oountry. 241 Belmom av#., raar; no card#. T6v

Mre of and boarded by profesalonnl nurae hixheet rafertnoe. Addfegi T^rsa. Box “ oAca.

WOMAN want# wort In famlty: three or four days a w*ek; «leep home. CaJI at 194 Winiam

M.. raar. asw

WOMAN want# WMhte lo take hom*. - Mitt. J. H. STARKEr South Orange. N

Address' J, 1

WASHING and Immlng wahicd to take home _ov go out* 4th floor. 848 Prince it. _ 1WASHING—Oermaa woman waaia to lake

washing horn#. 360 Bank at ____ Wv- ______woman eranta washing by

15 King « . « iWABHING and Ironing to t#k* home, ler a t ITT Mlt-


■MPLOYMMNT WAKTMD^IIALIO AND•___ __________________

ai^ wife (German) want* employment: city or country: man *# cook; woman to do

r a t m bouHWOrt. mRB. HCUdRTA. tlT R ut flat ot.. Mow York. » .

WAMTSO.OLD O0IJ>, oiWtr. brokoo 1—*'T'

----- ‘ ■ ■ riieM ciih price#near Clay.

4imcotBt, rellai. and carlo#: hlgheil

PaldM VE^IBR'B, r 6 B m d at.*

WAKTBO- Light machinery or parts to build; fa e llli^ (OP mod#l experlnwnUl and

SoewnrlL PAJUUB&A( , 71 Hamilton at 9A*-A,—A.-OMls* cast-off olothlnt: I pay M

cent# ra a dollar mora than any d#al#r In the oRy. 1. MADAN8KT. W Commerce atRDIBON pfaemograph wanted In exchungefor

fine Mason A Hamlin parlor organ. Addtwf* ™woffraph. Box »T, N#w# offloe.ORGCMR'B Icabox wanted: cheap for rash.i d P s 5 . ; £ :


lb UAR-‘•i

IKX*, TABL*-W «nu4. Up bO);. pw ‘ If- • P«J ttlitfc fe l l , Bpmi M. W»in oWo*. '


HO. la t* 4l *4«liSFI, tM w


m n o t A «uc MONTIW TERU- Anr or all O-oaruopppiu,

(XU.EMA&Ri:Yi9l(AL.lU'«INKapP P^OLLEa*.CompI

3 ^ 'Uiifui aao b

typewrit- ' on easy

• T S - n known that Coleman ColUga ji ih* I &

«a.T T , ar c . . n : , toIUj* ,na “J f "S-

fa lr ^ a «ne^lty F. H. DaUGLAi, »1 Mar- m^near Vullwrry a t, formenv of Is New i t

aweapere asid^iawa mswarai aewlng ma-

O w BUhiH't, WawtiV. N. J.

■ D i n i B t l O P PO B TD inTIB I.t. 'Chaao* aeldom offersd; Dually’# OqiUeetldw- err and ic* eraam builwma at 689 Hroad it.;

ntSDllahad 81 yaan; for MM: pcloa Mw; urma Ruchnwry and^tool# fiw

MUSICAL iMtruminta. iportlog Goud#,.0*inet Toya etc.

reed'wbit pur g^ u at#* and ot eSoot. xveAiBg •ehont cnmmsnee* 8#8tSI ,3>'Urn

rrt say

L C. MORTON. PvniMa.

-jy o f ^ i__ At I* (aSiiH;^TOLWa n ' Freeflent

WMIFB COLLBO^Newarh'i greatest gchool. fH Brnad n .. Newark. 537 aiudrat# duriaa

FINK eray«Q partralt^wa ropy trom #m 1I . . . email picture# t*L when yeu can go lo a firat-ie artist. We copv In cri '

a r *

Pictarva don’t ,

Ment# to be oqdIpli# aed jpep»nsll___________

s '7 n ri3 & s ;iU ‘f V “ *‘-

are not IncluBed ic itM faeuKv.Cemoara Mr iwhfol with oihm ' tiiKlon r»a*

MMihla. M a t i ^ f # ol quesilnnsM# character reoeM : ala |«nre aehool rooms nth to k « Broad at.: xfill lirtted and vrotlutH. finished atudenu cheerfulIv and auccewirully **#ist*d to noaltlona without rharte; atudenis enter #t an? tlm*: offto* always open. Send for catsloeiM.

,TNO MACHINKS vxchettged or ranalred; or# you buy MU or eem] poatal e*ro: you Mve dollar* by geuliur ffgurea Irom th*

ebabi# Singer agent: all make# of •W'ond-

-1 » * .------ -------or visit the ootlege.THE NEWARK fBMlNART-Mlsi M’hitmor#'# _ ^ r d t j w and Day School tot Okrls. 981 and 8Bt Broad et., Newark. N. J .: thoruush and ntp- greMlv# methorte: library. Isbcrtinry. xymna* ■jura: Primiry and ^nderenruri penartmeaii. CertiBcate admit# lo W*U<wi#y. Rcoptn# Thure- day. Saniambar 39. (Circular#,

srwtnobefore v

•III Mveohl-raliabi* Singer agent: an make# or •W'ond-

M- D. SHKA4dl W##hUigtofi Bt. ________ 1BUOD RROTHERB w try a full lint at gubA

bunting clothing, *tc., at price# to #uU all: l o a ^ B^Ua. 40d. box up: gam* laws fr**, 286 Bylngfleld ava., pppoalt* R^mont. Uk

MINTON, mason and hullden; rurnarra and oW mo*^ found#Unti#;waU*

rtpalrad and rtoewalka 0a#gcd. 23 W Kinney at


WILSON FARRtiNn Awivlit* U#t(«r. Thorough nreparattoii fir any cnlkg# or #clen*

UAc eehoot. or for builti###. Prltaary Deiimi- ment Calalogti* on apnlioatinn.PRIVATE Normal Kindergarten -flS Hsrrlion ^et,. E #« Orang*: ■tudint* jirerared to b* kln- dcrgarltiere; Indor^d by Wm Hirria U. I. ^mmltalnner of Fdnreitfm; Mrr Kraui-UnBl*

T. Whralock. Th*

n r i i r n n i T T ^ R T L A N D la d d e r s ,^11 U 4 ' ^ flolda, Flaxpnl*# andPuU«y Pel«a. 98 Plan* at. T«ltphi>n« 3 8 6 5. I l lTHE LlttDINO WpJHS* TAILOR AND BR~

UMxWHr. p . NKISB. 84 Bank ii., between Broad and lU lfay. pyJOHN H. STAHL, furniture and liaggag* «x>

pteas; hlaniM ramovad. 54 Muntigmery lU; telanhoa# 8138,

i t n t i I 'N b tR H iij,. ilh Bl'*IMES« CRANOEO AND HKHf>VAUI.MIHR TOWNSFNTi-e Bppirpllnpp; «n.1 Rpiy Brhool

for Glrla 54 Park nl., reoveni Tu**d#y, Sup- tember 27; thoroueh prei^ratlon for collea*: primary and acadeinie dcpirlmtnls; «p*^al cotira#*. Circular on #ppl1r#Tlqa.

NEW Jersey • fur Komoaopathlc rhannar;

iruad; allver^fobt signquartir#

tfsatmenii----------- ---------- ¥. head-

.11 hotnneapatblc mrilklnea andremoved tu 1 N«w It., near----------

THE NORWOOD SCHOOL, 21 Walnul at.;primary, academic and rollete (irepariioty

dtpanmants: oartlAcate admit# tn Pmifh Coll»g» khd th* Woman** Colirgr of Raltimor*. f ixPRIVATE inalrurltun in n.-llrg#. w>ll'*ie prppar-

atorr and arademie etudiefi. nt 3] Mi Plpawnt ava.. «r at the hum* of th# aiudent; terms mnd- arat*. I. D. HILLMAN Vh, l>. ig

W ALL P A F S a AND rA PK H It.ihU M G .

ADAMS Brooklya and New York Wallpautr Store, 19 Spfingflald AV*.; now la tha tlm e^r

reasonable work dona; w* paper aiv falr-alaadtootn fL.y 13 aM up: kaleumlning. Inaid* aud outalda; painting also don* at (h* cheapest prloaa. paper sold at coat prlc* anild*llvir*<i(re«


85 CRNTHU HT. » qHHR. A DR CHATEAT:n EUX, sehocl sad kla- danrartan. 83 Clinton ava sqfMISS ISABEL MERRY.

1. 19 Loraehool. ombardy #t. kindergarten

Mw«lc*PROF, GUfl. ALTNER. teacher nf viclla.

mandolin and guitar; inainictor of ih* Pat- arson* Paaaalo and Hackensack Mandolin (?luba, ha# opened ■ muclc atudio at bl Clinton it. 8tii- dio open Tueaday and Friday. i t lMISB VON SETFRIKD will reaum# leasona la

vocal culture for the aesson of '06 and '99; •tudlo. 1196 Broad at.; voice* may be Irlgd by •pedal appointment* 7Bh

of r b a m , give us a (rial, and convinoe your­self; a lf ouf work guaranteed, malt orders and talephon* oalla promptly attended to; w* have a larger and cM oer atocJi of wallpaper than any other ators la the olty; don’t mlaUk* the num­ber—It le tt.


PEK STORIK>Wa carry th* largeM aud choioaai wallMCkr stock In Ih# ally, and the cheapsat Place to do your work: luch *4 for papering a room II and up; paintiax in and outalda. kelaomlning. ato.: alao give 30 day#' time to rasponalbla parti*#; aa Inni #■ 1 keep ray ators I never went bankrupt, and all my cuatomar# ar* all aallsffed, and I hope all the new customers will be aatlsflsd: wa hang pipei at 15c. per roll. M. ROTUOUIE. 66 Bprlnffteld av#.

A .^ iaud e Trrvlyn. llcrntlaie of the Collega <»t Vlollalati. win rvrrive uuplla. begtontra and

advauced; tartna. ISu Falrmount av#, "

A GREAT OFFER—Why hava your papering and painting do*# by ih* big firtni and pay

for thalr big expenaa. when w* are ready to da ymir work by charging for naterlal and labor only 7 No axtri pmifta. a# w# do the work

• * larante* Srat-clMa workman-MISS S. CHRISTINE Ma« CAl.L-Voke cul­

ture; singing, fitudln. IPlia Ittoamffeld av*.. Newart. N. J kiuBANJO, mandolin, guitar, sith^r and violin In-

■traction. A. J. WEIDT. TS James i t 83q


—TKACHKRS OF D A N n so - Claeeea at Calanihv Hall, 6Gl Krusd at., New­

ark, every Tuaeday evening, 7:3u m 11.PklVATE LESSUNH a apvclalty. xlvrn only at

tb* DaVl# Schell of DaaclBK, M5S Itruuul at. Will# and two-atep guarani red In *1# private ItMona. Call or «ddr#M for information, clr- rtilar#. etc., of claaa or private letema, at the Davla School of Dajirlng. A copipeirnl lady aaalaunl engaged. N53 Urnad at., Newark. ' iwalte C. R. R. Station. ttw

ourselvea and guarantee Srat-clara workman- ship; give ui ■ iHal and you will save maar a dollar: send ua a pnaUi and wa will caU with samplea and furnish estimate# cheerfully. Union (?o-eptratlvf Wall Paper Stmw, 948 War­ren at* near Norfolk sL* J. LEVY, mtnajjer

1 0 for a aaatal card to aall <and glv* aetimat* * for paper-hanging wilt sax# you many a dollar; giwat aaaortmaat of the Utaet effect# in wallpaper; wa make to order all alsa* of aiore ahad#« and ptotura frajssa, at auch lew pries* to aatonlab you* _ _

m r tN A BLAIT, 196-lM ipringfiald av#*

TOt'R room naeda rapaparlitg or poaalbly palni' tiig: wa bave th* stock and ui* neohaniGi

to do your work properly; Inside or oulaldci ourPricce' are as low a# any; try ua; aatimatai cheerfuUr given* SCHMIDT A tTOPPKR. ^ South Orange av*



PBRFBCT glide waUi and two-aiep guaranteed or money refunded:|gcpts. |S.bO; ladita. IS;

private lessoa# 181 Boaffleld #t. 1gWITH my ilmpla and easy maihod I guaraAie*

waJta and two-atop* ladl«a 13; fcntreincn, II. 96 nberty a t ___________ 941

SliortliikBd « h d Typavrgltlaff*SHORTHAND. Typewriting School of Young

Women^a Chrtatlan Asao.. 104 Court at.; tarm* Doderato. Applyat aehool. 9 to 13 A. M.. or to principal. I. C. KENNEDY* 85 Wright at* 85h

L *BK ««gea.BERLITZ School of Language; French. Ger­

man,Spanlah,by native leachcn; Tuaa.and Sat. av'gi. ] clsaiea at popalar prleca. t l CLIbtoft av#.

___________ IffNaadfng and Writing.

READING and writing taught. Teacher, Box E, New# office. Orange.________________ 1

PKftSOflAL.Wa n t e d , a bom# for an orphan boy (age 14);

will work for hi# board and clolhrs for thewinter; is good worker. Willing and honest* Ap |M|r i t 81 E«at Park at., East Orang*. 73wWOULD Ilk* an elderly* rcAnad lady for oum-

pr.ny'a rake; good borne; object malrlM>ny; Qarniao. Call Kfl Chariton et.______ _ 74wDON'T forget the shuPlcboard match to-nlghi

at JOHN NICHOLSON’S Half-way KouS l South Orange ave.. Vatlaburgh. 1REFINED widow <S2) wish## to raeel ger ln-

mati of mcana: object matrimony. RUTli, Box 86. Nawi offloe* 1LADT wishes to 0ot>y, translate or teach Brail

■yslam for blind. Brail, Box. 40, New# office, 1A c o m p l e t e rceter of Company H can be

seen at KRAMPERTB. 84 Wallace at. 1WANTSD-A young

Box 46. New# offlGa.baby lo board* Bab;iby,

MvBmgtwwna Fwraonwi.


Extracting frao wban toatb are ordared. BRIDGE WORK, 88 PER TOOTH- BRIPQS WORIC. 88 PER TOtFrU*

I do ray own bridge work, and guarantaa R to b* the beat,

GOLD AND SILVER FILUNQS at tbe towsst price# oonslstent with the uaa of lb* pureat matarlala and sclrntlfla workmaMhlii.

80U D GOLD CROWNi |9. Extracting, with gas or local aaaaaibatio, 6O0. :

extracting, without g ^ 25o* SoisBtlfio dental surgery a specially. Teeth sia4a without p>xi«a at the lowaat poaafbla prloaa.


(On* docw abova Snyder'a). itt98Ulim*nta made by malL Opan avaalnga*

time* bout*; 8 A. 8L to T p . M*i Boadaya 9 A, M* tO_18_Mi

caVa r r h a n d c o u m c tm sDA moAoni. e f f ^ v * nn id F : Imm^

■*' W ______ ______________htt: L«wl( Rrp,.. f a m . WS OrtH(* i t . ; C r»»tul*n*m; Pond'* N i i« o r m V o u ih!.''^okt,;i convlneaa. 8f4d bjr ttolsbauw. Broad tad Mar-Drug Co., and landing dragglata.A FREE examination of eyas during Nayambcr

without charge: regular prioa. Ml parfaci ilaaaas guaraniMM or m pay.

Expert optlolaaBUT DRUG CO*

oursdInmedl-•t« rtllef OBd p*rmuMD( oUN n i n n u ^ ;

Mir. bomo Bold b r ^ U ^ N TDRUQ CO . <g? B w J rt._______

all elvll and at mod'

DIVORCES proourtd spaadlhr; #11 , criminal law bii#in#aa undartaSan

erate chargM; adylo* ( r e ^ f m trouble, ad- dress kraraedlaiely Law Company, Box 10, New#offlor.__________________ 3|y

HaMBERGER’S Pile Driver oure# iggravated ; ^ e i of Itohlng, B l^ U u r » |gS . T ^ d t S i

Pile#* and Flwula wrad whtrs dootora tolled; it'a the b*H » anyth* At all druggifta*^* W--------------- ------------ ----- - 6nMA8SAGE-Alp<^ and

intomnla andInsomnia and ganwml jr a tS lw a^

LADIR^,-ConfldMlidt tn atfim t for %ioiina*- ntnt o i m ; tw m tr ' ln ,«*.*■ um rlonu ;doo-

Ion In nttnidMo*: ^IMron id o a M 1U « Oln- ton grA OAT lonUL W, M., 5 > » id t»r >*«. f tp

ROOD'S ,snftr atoros* W-MtHMWfA sot, M , MO Wooh-1.1,1^ M. I oMltd n o w x MrtfM :low rtm . FR ao lm C K HOOD, Im K a *S«FELT hall pn m d In m » titl Hinpoi! aob'i

u d ladlM' alMooo • MMokUr, p FljvPAT- rIcIC t u HoMor at.. m «f o u ^ b lM n . Ht

M198 CAHRIB WEIMB^ formerly of 84 Park pi., 1# treating oonu* bunlotit aMtogroWliiK

nail# at bar parU>ra*lB Aeadatoy #T ^ ^ 74*COUGH and cold# pnaltivaly'ourad bv 'W*v»p

OERKAN midwife conflatauat gvi).. n*»r CUfion gyp. IM Mil

' f«H

L M A L R O n o s s ,

In tiu omo* of (k* Soortunr dWHi'. OB Iht g*oo|.d fair at gnd ittljf neordtd ll» Ooantir of “

tho i<

R * X o g tn at i w -, Be U known that «ib*ortl^ haa dui^


Th* Ognuur C M M -r IwroMr Mn

— m» ni

__ _ uaettortihaa gg fou

M lally Ir the gihm dialing In " ------__ Caatofia,' _ ____£Si^i2i"M d h5wli7R s s f . ' t i s s

Wlilok II

UM, l»gg«

t | bean dla- ; Yalvular, 1 |

■ t3*

-^MAISOM FRANCATBE- Flrat-claaa papar-hanglttg* painting aad dae-

bratlng dons at raaaotisDie prioa#; aatimstaa furnished fret: lu U ord«ts promptly attended to. KlflflLOW * KOEOBL, 105 WtUam at. 65rII.T5 UP win paoer a room, with nioegllt paper

and hanging included; pamUng. gralnlaf, kal- somlnfng; the loweei prices in tna city; all workEuarantead. Can or send for aampl^

I R* ROGOW * CO., n i s a a k at



900 HEAD o r KORB . _ m t l i ’S HEAL) COM


490, 49T and 590 Broad at„ Newark* N. J* THE LARGEST HALE NABLB In NEW . JERSEY.Extra Large and A tln cllw Aucllcn Sal* of over

— 309 HEAD OF HORBEB----On TlTKiDAT. Nov. 15, lirtHl, at 10 e'clork A. K

This sale will Include an extra On* asaortment o( Srat-claM horasa. among them are trotters, pacers, c' ba, dngle drivers, coach, ooupe, fam­ily. bualneaa, fami. Jaraey chunk#, express, grocery. In fact br>rnea of all deacriptlon#. Special mention la made of a number of extra heavy gray draoght h>ir**e, welghlnf frnm 1,500 lo 1 ,7(10. Tbea* nories are oonelgntd to u* from large Weaten ahlpperi lo be suld to th* blgbeai bidder.

Special mention Is mad# of on* carload of Illi­nois horse# coiilgned by W. J. llurrougha, to be ■old at 8 o'clock sharp. Among (hem are work­ers. troitera and pacera. F its of them can beat

to 13A head of nrst-ctaas hnrsta always on hand at private sale or axchang*- All hor#*a sold »a two days' trial, and If not a# r*pr#«ented purchase money cbearfuMy refonded. Horae#, wagons and iharnaaa sold on oommlaelon at auction or private sale. ^

Regular auction aaJea every Tuaeday and Frl-n .tflephon* Ids-ns. HOY * FOX. ProdO.

JOB. B. HOY. Auctlon*gr.J. B. HORRHoV*. BglMliigg.

KEPT continually on hand flrit-cla|M driver#, builiiaaa aad heavy draught

hone#, tor aale at lowaat market Price#: t ^ l change.

BprlngUeld av*. a_______ _Mq____ M. i5BCHER._ Prop. Tel. 9 m ._BtttMliES, eurrsya. trap*, runabouts, butobtr.

baker, grocer, farm, milk, carpenter and Plumber#* wagon# for aale; price# low and trnn# eaay. THOB, ATCKASON. 447 Central av*. 80h

>ea; trial given: for sale . . nge. TIm CUy Lln# ial# Btahlet, *. and 3 lit it.

HORSES wintered, 15 tn 815; rl«g#nt ^ jmjla ■nd pasture fields; best care given, GEORGE

T. DAY, Clinton pi.. Newark, aquara frura irol- ley: al#q_ dealer Jn_ fine hnrara. *4nHORflB—Young, sound, well-broken. Mjllih

horee. tn flnaat condliJon; cheap If *utd #t once. Address Ownt*r. Box 4. New# office, 7lvFINE black hotwe. 15,3 hand# high: «ll tha

gait# tor saddle horse, and fine roadsier. L#n be seen at atable, 12JI Halsey at.____ 86<lOOOD mare, aultahle for butcher, ot

baker, for sale; ila<> well-tralnej gwii. har­ness and cart. oT Mnrlun at, __ ArvHORBES-A bargain: 4 blx work h'<rgi-i:

light harness: 3 lhr»»-8prliig wagon*.Hotel, Harriaon ave., Kearny __HORBE blankets; beat variety f-»r road and

■cable* and at popular prlcra. GBDHGK R'M.- BAUD. 303 Market at. 80vFOR SALE at a aarrlflce. 1*r«3«vn m#rf; 15.1

hand# high, and sound: luitshic f>}r «ny pur- poie. 74 Ch««tnu( ei. i»wHORSES—Three good hora»s; lull itir Imimes#:

cheap; three biigglei: pharion, liurnraB- Feed Store, luo Lock it. 1THE '98 rhlcago cilrning mfli hln# rrdiicad to

18.75. OEOnOE H oV luri). Knl* Mgent. m Market at. »ivWAOON-For sale. flrai'ClSHH i lsifrirm ipring

Mrp«ti(aria wagira cheap. Ir^ulrf k Bummil #L__________________________ _______HORSE hlankPlH artd rut- s f.»r mir ai whole­

sale. PRICE A LAWRVINCK. nn Market #1.I7w

HORSES, wagon#, harnn# Manhall at - • •

_ull all bualneaaea. re«v Columbia Th'vair#. i3l

HORSE BLANKETS of all kind#. BANISTER A POLLARD. 2W-209 Market ^ 83d

FDR SALE-^'arriage and alclNh: damaged by flr«, brilninswlcE at. __1

HORSE—Gw»d honw for hsIc cheHp. A|n»ly OOr, Park pi. and (.'anal a i . ___________ *

FOR BAIJC-One erurk cheap. 57 Morton at

■ iM ffi>od phaeton;23v

H oragai C w prlggea. Etc.» W'awted* HORNE, wagon and sei of liarnaM ^ SiJlbd on

easy lerhxi. Addreaa Insiairnent, Pox S3, Nawa office. ______ I8LB1GH-Cutt*r warned: must be In good oofl-

Altton. Addr*#« (’ash. i(oa 3<J. New# uflloa,. 1


NOTICE la hereby given thal tbe rommlaalaOiTi htreinfure apimini#*] hv thv Mayoi of the oily

M! Newark, to mak* an estimate und_Bi»*aain*nt upon; all the owners of ail the lande and rMU estate In the cHy of Newark, peculiarly bene­fited by any Local Improvement In the said city. In proportion as nearly aa may be to the advaa-

*taga each was deem^ to have acquired, have ^node an Mtimat* and assetsnisnt of benenta conlen^ utHtn all ih« nwnera of all the land# and real estate In the d ir of Newark peculiarly henefited by each nf th* following Impruvemenu In said city, namely;

Th# rtpavlng ofCOURT BTREKT,

from Brood street (0 Waablngton itreel.The paving of ^HUDSON fJTRBKT.

from Orange itr*«i in Sus**x avenu*. conatruciion of ihr #«wer In

SKVF-NTH AVENUE.from Wehater aireet 10 High street, and th* cooatructlen of the sewer In

NEW STREET.from Hoyt street to T^k street, and have ftiod thalr rept ri* of aald assesainenta for beneflta m th* o«b* of Ihe CJtvk nf the Clrcolt Court of the ooimtv of Eaaex. and that the Jtidg# of igidMONDAirfVHN 31ST DAY OF NOVBltRER* lliSe. at ten o otock In ihr foranoon, lit tha Cir­cuit Court room at (ha Ciwithoua# iB th* diy of ftowark. as (ht nine and Plan* of hearing u y oblaclloni that may he made to the said aaasaa menta*

riatad Noveifibtf 14, IfiSR. _FREDERICK T. JOHNSON,

87w ____________ City Altornty.

OFFICE OF CITY CLBRK-Kewark, N* J., Nov. II, 168K

Report of Intermanta For the week endlpx November II, 1889;

Ha% U i boyi. IT; wurnan, 16: glria, IL Total, SI. .

Ages—One year and under, IT; between 1 ohd9 years, 3; 3 and 6 r*ar*« 3; 5 and 10 yaara, 4: 15 and 80 year*. 8 ; 90 and 80 ytara, 5: 80 and 40 yaara. 8140 and 90 yaare, 9: 60 and 9Q paara. 9; 90 and TO yatra 9; 70 and W years. 4; 90 and ovar, 5. - . . *

Ptaaaae* Aptmlaiy. 3; at^eotula ^ImoOr tl Wonehltla eapmary. I; olrrboalx lltor, 1; ooo-

^ *M)VQigk)iu.l: dUtoia* toamua,tover, ■oarlet, 1 ;

: heart dl|.'

_ __ 1: manipglmanlngltla, cwrebro-aplnal.

Union at.aonfiioikinrir).

tay; all moeaeary mach aimacturUig k* araain

HUHERT BOOTH^ CUnuiwa. atariois--..re; oppoette railroad dtpot; no M. m m itactdad bargain. Hu­l l rilntoat at. 1


A. -|T8 hurt aawa. atariofivry, cigar and eon- teviionery atorej . . . . .wnaitKia, real r

HERT bo o th . ‘

P M B u k

lalilai ac4 baafneoa « iADTrn ^toal at* f t tr 1

A n iL L art tottcharis ffxtaraa* ia tiM IMM^ordar. tor aale ehaap. I ■umoUt at 11?

5 f r i f i*St)M5MnU

nloa ; cash

mil*A. M*at and ragetabt* markrt*■land; big bttalRioa: also excellent ______

and vifsiable market to let. HUBERT UOOl H M nitit.ei at. JA-—CiHiifecilonary and elg#r atotei very daairi

abt« nelghborhnod: 8 raoou; ooroer •tore; well ------- . . . . i HUBERT BOOTH. SJ

A. -('urner grocery store with 9 rooma; axeal*l » 0* K '

»CPuonnaul. _____ ________ ________

adviiacea mada dn aanilta' ■alas of all klnda- Hffmanta and outalda agii

•titckedi prU*- UTi. CUntun at.

C»WS. «>WS,^CuWl-StUI they aoma: will Hv# Noveraber 15, 40 hand of choice *r ra and aprintara* whink ara ' -

** *b# l«we*i market prices. p W lS B atabUa^ « # Blghteanth ave.

to ( r ^ Mto to

■Ices, at OCS

ifni hwaUon: low rani; price I85( Hl’KeHT IkxVt H. HBCilnloB it.

*0(6 aoun. 1

CASH PAID few all kind# of atora* and mer­chandise. olethlTur. grooeH*#. ■ho«a, hardware,

[gnry geoBa. ORliU. iW B u t n u M., MtF Vorli, Til. IT5-p. ___________________ tljOOOD milk roul* for u l* . «lth inod koru and

harneae, inrlurllng new milk wagrai; (uad only two days Inquire SBILER BROS., whole- sal* milk (Waleia, 318-374 Plane »t., or Tfi5 Bprihgfl*ld ave. _____________________ 79v

_........, at^e, „cheap. Inquire M3 Rai

iTBAW. BTa98 71 Neablii at., near Orang* aL

Jtoitloa; bO raon railroad track to bring la loou. aavtag oartai*: a.avaior machinery to handle and etoan all

Kain: no aolloltara, ixccpt tilepbon*. mall aid ir iraatnMnt. Low •xp*ns*a enable vu W Mkia low prloaa. Newer* T*L 8M, N. Y. and NTT


GAS fixtures for sal*; new. aacond-hand. braok> •ta; pnrcatila*; all hlmla of glnbra, will aen ' ------ ------- - iJAWMON.Inquire H

QC^n givxtery atfro, with fixtures, for aal*...............■'*nk at.

very cheap. ___ .. ........... .•prlngfiald ava„ la d»lte#(*'a*n rtrt*.GREAT Ra Ko a INI-G mGREAT RAROAINI-Gm (Ixturra, faraek*ta

■k>baa, Walabach lamM. a lc ^ ^ n e w aiorai laltai daalgn*; open evening#. 75 Prino* rt.llwHAVING th* finest iprlng of pur* aritar In the

State, wish to negodaie with tarty to Intro­duce It la firat-cMi# trad* orty. Addraa* nnxpunxsM'f'iMweL. W/,* uia TTihnrt ■■■■Bergen County Pure Spring Water COko ORArH(iPMONK».-For #aM, twa grtohopbwaa8hw Vhix 58. Midland Park W J with bio^a, reproducer# and half ooaaa new........ .......... rscorda, Bala. Bqx 46. N#wa office, 1JEWELRY Miop for salt; all tnola. iasoh1n*ry.

■af*^ He.; cheap If sold at onoe. Jtwalrr,Bu# 95, N«wa ojfic*. TTsMILK ROUTE and dairy tor sals: 19 h#ad of

n. J. tWTILrsttler hora* and wagonx Si'huyiar av*.. Kearny.MILK ROUTB wanted,

.rt. News uffica.Addr#si Cash.


1MtliK ROUTE wanted. Address Milk, Box 9.

nrus uAce. fwOU)-EBTAULI8KRD saloon tor #s1* cheap:

reason for selling. sIckBesa, Addres* H. £ , bux 84. Naara offloe _____ MvSALOON (or aato obaapi an Main at.. Orsng*;

■hilnx a nice bualneia; all glass trade and *>iumi-bnsrd; resRoq tor selling pthir busine##. Addrera g#|pua, Uox D, New* ofew, Orann- 15Al*OON-^Far sale, one ai tbe beet sainons in

kiiwer part of olty. on account of other bust- nr*iw this I# a rare chance. Ir ‘ - - -Kill' HAUER. “HAU 97 Morton ft.

Inquire of Ron- 2tv

8ALOON fof tm aoeount of slckn###, for lihO i-a#a; nornir store; rant only II5 per

m^tb^ Saiooo^ Pox 47. News oAb*. i

THB vipr boot figyinc VHiMy itarg In HokivIII, for ggl*. swtnk lo Ihg 4 « lli of fht oworr:

n-gr K. R. giulon; prlo* Woo cgg)i. Coil i i ,M Oronj , « . ____________ ]WANTBt>—A HYt num, wlUi U. to U k, in-

lM«H In g Bov,UY.lh-' rrll, ■” ilDit. dniM Morolly. Hog W. Nowg olllc*.WRLb-R«TABI.I«HBn »roo*ry builnm

KAUOBRaBR-f Pti, Drlvor i t oil <tro«it«gi step (hat tarribl* Itehing: tfT*a mstoat ralMs

euraa blind, bleeding, proirtwag p il^ tSo, vgHTDROUrTBRS for aale. 10| r * r r r j t t .^ ^LADIES* kid iboas, laoed or buttca. 8| : ladlea*

Uibiboaa. ti.i5; ladles' kla shw »all.U; ladlag' ffn* kid shoea 8L40: ladia#' ■hDae, TTlkt men’s laoed aho^ 11; man's fine •boas. 91.15:

Ka'a buff »>sif ahoaa, iLMi man's snamsi thtr »ho*a. 91.59; men'* patent laatbar shesa*

iis;yiiiiara* iidLUMliER-^Sacond-baad well-asaacned lambto

fur sal*, laoulra M JOHN B. DAT« lUtoA General ISlsctrlc^C^. Harrtaoa. N, J. ih rn e w Ho m e lewlng machine tor aale, 89;

cabinet linger iwwUig giacbia* tor aaM, WiHcax E Olbha aewlhg machlot for sale*118 Arlinfion st.NEW btiichsr fixture# and stoeh tor ■*.- ..

Call between I ana 8 Tuesday. M Buouato av* _________ ’ IFtyiNfiONOORA

aX xTnc I ta


bu#ln*#a fur





Bll >00 BROAD rr„ NBWARK, N. J.


tTATE H B ..^ ,TBB B D IM ^ V i^ .. oor S K T u i' HaImt IL A, O. PETIT, Mgr,} opfn avenlaga a a l ir i

Paterarai branch. ITT M am K ^ Mw■AFE-Fnr aale, on* la m Marvin aato; io«

engine lath*. 19-lnoh awing; la firat-elaai seo-dltlon; will b# eold rhsapTor cub* AddRig iaj#. Box 8k. News offlc#. MvBPIaENDID, n#w

cheap. Addreaat r a v e l l in g ' ^ aad aalthals

now closing out et retail mw ton't mis* (Kaae Mg hargalaa. rork avx

fur cap*: full alee; tor loto Itorgeln. Box 89, News oAm .1

htls: a Bm lat atolaueB bfMw fiali laa. Can S Itow

U SEWING htachlneij all aek w i wertoatal to do g o ^ M w ^ : 14 to ta |3T*Wt wertUy Mf*

aenla. 99 Maraat e t , i bHowowhalff Owwffa awE rffrttltM F *..

ltOOK rtovee. |3M ; parlor atorto. |l,9M loungM- 11.5(1: extanilon tsbiae, f t other

hltur^alw oarpets, very ebeag. B t Plane stiaeer Marhel. 9TY

TO LOAN, repayable In eaay monthly Insuimenta: totareat aa low aa 9 par oaot.; to

pay uff or inoraasa nwrtgagea; to nay lii-tarest, wai*r ratsa; to maae tmprovemeau on ^ p erty ; to atop foreelaaurs procaadlngs: to buy a hum# of your own aalactloa: wa also Iom on second mortgagaa: Intttwat 6 par oant.r ea l t y lo an a n d t it l e CO.. 994 B rou at — -______ Blr

FURKITUAE-For Mia, in* lot 1all ilaee, Brus**}#, moqustt* ax^

qp: parlor 83 ap:Jl8» Maw Ro mmachine, II; hairaek, *a,wi Hk, yard; rtkloth. tW. 1 let 00 ainvea Ii. 39 wm kia at* BOu BtmI.

woo.ooo TO LOAN-HORTQAQ* a t ■ PBH

L pkhb CARBruEZ* '^piiki^AiSfD. * ^ 'CHARLEB TKIQK,


FOR SALE-80 stovM: oooft and baaUng 1 11 up; 35 carpaia. ill r'— —

plURh parlor suit. 118;■awing machine. 85, 98F or SALB--AatlQue mahegaay baad-ptol

furniture, alf klntoj artkile* mgdf_ tq •

oooft and baaUng rtpreo,

; william « ,

furniture, alf kinds: artlde* made tq firtt-claae repsirtng. 0 . IhARL 875 High

"8SD cook stoT* for aale, range*

II. BO Main at.

LARGE pet stove and pipe far sal*; all jq«b> Cjlele. RMqDONAU). nor. Jamas and f t ?




LOANS negotleted on real estate. not«s, bonds, Inauraace polleiae and all kinds of parautito


fi«ldi at*.ONE

for sale.roahogany boreal and partar North 9lh II*


PRIVATE BALE -Oah exteaakm dinlag Jelllil make; also haadatHM ahklra.

W„ Boi 8 Newt oflloa.■J3g

property without removal.

Ptotrsl broker, rotnralasloner of Deads. Notary uhito. rcotn fi. 191 Market st.. Newark, N. J,

LOANS wffotlated un_ .... and all kind# or peri

pruparty, without removal. C. J. tiROWN._ . _ afgotlated on real MUIa, aoiaa. boiida,building loan stock* and all kind# of personal

general broker, ooromlialoatr of daeto and nut­ary publlo. room 10. 191 Martlet at* 98#8800.000 TO LOAN on bond and mortgage In

«am* to #u1t at 5 par oenl., without hoaua. Bb. WARD 8. BLACK, Counsailor. 614 PrudentialTMONEY TO

GAGE ON ..................................87* E. B. BOND A CO., T9i BROAD IT.


STOVES-A few m*r« stova# lafli a#w oa U yea a bargain: large lot of nto# a id SMU hand rurnitura will be aoM ^ g

tt ’The Old Rtllable, i l l Halsey a t r lU d ia iqlldlag,

STOVE—Squara parlor atov* tkeap; elfghtly ua*d. # (Sratral

s p e c ia l m l e - j81.dS: lounge,

atuvpp, bniaa#|i, frightfully low

WRMfeM. j e w a u r . a t « .

- aT ch W pp L V qff: Iaddrw room 53, ork: all gooto gwaraatis a . ' f f t

IB OOO .TO LOAN mcftmig^ other«raa11*r hmattBS*. BflLTEH W. BAlTncR, 740

B r o ^ ^ . _________ 44uMONEY TO ^ A N w band aad mortgage




procured for partlei wiahlng to borrow on houto- hold furnttur*. Pkxnoa. organa, hor#*#. cartiagt*. wagons, eta., without removal from poasasslua ot owner* Btrictir coafideoilal dsellog# guar- entaed. You will rtoelve th# moii*y within a few boars aftsr making application for it

Loans may be carried for six months or a y#ar on tbs moothly-paymem plan.

Our charges are reasonable, and If you will call and Invrotlgate our plao be(ors seourlng toan eisfwher*. you will And It greatly tixyour aJvantage,


«4d Broad It.*Opposite Foitofllaa. Newark, N. J.

first place w« buy tb* highest gradi can buy. Than w* are careful to

and that nuf ..... ... ._» Itfcving itur yard. Prloaa ]av-


^ OUB TEHMB ARE EAST.W* will procure loaaa In sum# of tlu and up-

rard (or you from tolvata parties, on house­hold furnltura. Ptoaodk hatoas. cirrlsg##, neiun* or other tieraooaT proparty in uta, without re­moval; also on etortUto tooelpt*.

To ha returnsd la easy Mvrncnta. with prlvl lege of one yearia tim*. If desired. Our condl- tlDoa ar* tb* moat favorable yet offered to the public, and term* tha lowaeL All trenesctlcnr ara itrictly prlvata. It oosta you nothing to con suit Ui In ranwd to a loan. W# era slwsipi willing to agplalii (ha iartni and cunditluoi. #o t t t i any on* ean fully underatand them. Our omraa^ara ootvanlatilly located, and are #0 #r- rangad that paillei eaa be wetted on quickly and privataly,

Tm lou a ar* rraotad tb* day appikstino is mad*. It will oar you to aonsult ua b*fo''# oh- w nln g a loan alaawhar*. InformaMon cheer. fjUlY ran., No toirgaa units# loan li mad**. t h e PEOPLE’S l^A N * nROKERAOE CO

1S4 Hartlit a t. tnlfd flMr; taka alevatur.

STKINWAY square, |12S, » monthly; Em« turmer prica 1400. 8390. |7 mWbly: W<

8125. 85 monthly; (nr*« r>r«sn#, 830 aad Rfl munthly; (Yilrkaring upright, formar prlo* : 1875. 8M monthly; rant#, O tn to: allowed If chiaed. S. A. WARD, 6W Broad.

DO YOU WANT MONETt-Having oompleted arrasgemante with a party

who hsj Bociito to loan at the lagti rate of Inttoaat. n a n praperfd lo piece loan# (rum ltd upward on hooeahold goods, piano#, organ#, ate., rte. Money eaa be had earn# day a# ap­plied for.

Loam nude In niBabeth. Orange and ell sub­urban tovni,

SECURITY LOAN CO..— . Room ia Spingmrn Building,TiEs elevator* 188 Market su



Mo. 19 CEDAR 8T., adjoining Pea Hlva.


MONEY toetoan on hou c m a s and peraonal pi

w ™ s jKM^bty daelt

iTH duf r e m o v a l .usahold furnltura* plaso*,

'icoparir without ramoval;. unit wiih; can oak* rapaJ* lent#; builnre* confidanllaJ.

ean at., naar Broad.MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE hold-

Ing parmiiMt pMltlop# with reipunslm* con- eeraa. upon thalr own asm##, without securiiy;

paynenti. T O U fA N .lto Washington it*•asy891 u p w a r d kmned on furnltura; no ramovali

pranwti ^ v a te . rellttle: low totas; easy rw* ’’’“a tUQNBT louoB oa kawHhoM koed*. otc. ituUik, OoyiHW . l«Titic»et gt.. oor. Btrelay.

LOAHB W a XTHD.H.H0 WAHTBD on tapiovwj cl(y,jiroi)or)Tj SO

M o tn t y*lB*t(o«, W. J,, Bog 11, fl.iA of- flm _______ ___ jBv


RBWARDnoo R1(ok g, man in fait to OUrt, gnd MO FAY III)

o«M . I* Mr oAm fot MTvoag dibllllT. •inoturt, mil uriagry tronblM vgrloooglr, Inoomplgi# dg- vglotmtot, UBOgiunil dlBehgrg.i. bloM o w n , trUBlioM, rod noM, orgiyilc wtakgM, «» lc Mog, loM vtiolltg, inpgtM gwmonr, 'nili oinr

to hwn. ABA HEDl-

UPRIGHT mahegany ptaSei |l49t all Improvemtolsi slightly used!

rents 1844 P*r month. FRANK^LTN. nlanns. Fulton sto 8 doara from Peddle Church.

WHITK OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Prk- R und term# hatter than any other hoasa,

MATItrfillFK A AON. factory wararoona eov. High and Sprlngllelil av*. ________ 1

! W lo r g an , In good cratdlllon* Qlt

12 monthly.DIONYSIUS.

581 Broad at,. NewarkEAftT RENTS.

t2. to. 84 month; hargsln# In organs and mVikTtn. MATHrSHCK k SON. OOT. High aM H|-rlngfl*ld a v * . ________________ \1,1 MONTHLY rant until paid buys i fo<

41 VVIAHNER'S. Kiulrei, 13 monthly; 81.fW mrimhiy. (HI liroad at,. Newark.

a good ptaaoorgigsg

GRAND RAROATN.Kin* iilano, only $5 dnwn; 15 month. MATS-

I'gliKK A BON.cor. High and Springfield ava.lBEAUTIFUL Knabe jplann, 8155; 16 inonlhly;

iMirlght hargftlti#; fun-ell# iquaras. 145 lo 889. WlSKNER, 611 Broad it., open evSBlngi.PUNO^nceutlful new Everett upright piano;

Addreaemust be sold at once: easy term*. S tu r ^ , Itoi 33. New* olllo#.________UPRIGHT 7^ wUv#

ordsr 1 year; 180. ery st.

8w, stool and Scxrf; k*pi In hlEHMAN* 90 Moiitgom-

90vOHO. COLON4 38 Dank It. (Hinds's music ste^ .

Tuning repairing, pollibing. ____891PIANO—Large nquare piano; bergsia to qukli

buyar. I l l Uechanlo at.|89-#auare piano, In good order. i> ifo--- - --goDtgomery st.

_ _ *|wREEHMi^

UPRIGHT piano; Mil for tTO: In good oondltl^ 7* Barbara ti. ______ m

PIANO-M down, (1 week. 96 SprlncfleM m I

BlOYCLBBgTHE new list pries

; tandimodels; tandatai, now buy good

__ for (h* nrioi ..going to fnros mstters

I, 8TB: i whrt

fUmblsra Is Ml tor aHibiTar------.. that means thal any oa*

laeYi ol worid-wid*(ion for ,(h* nrioe of ehjH^ wheels:


at mlghiy lojw uric##, Pricee FEATRER8TONB9 later

irlth good wbMM of IDEAU and

NEWARK CYCLE CO., k and U OsotraJ aue*

B leya lM W M iaff.BICYCLE-Wantad. modal filearas

whesl, for tJJ, Mtrarni, M imamma

gppoimitwm i eonaultgHog hw ,DH. MOLMjtri BWOlBf, i *H , .Bd polllln . g u M ^ i ir a M l* ■•MMlwHlAg. AdArrtglM ■outh Ith II. ! c , la BmTtii am 6 ,0 .4 gt.i #« BinggHi.! Bflat H i oont bg moll. __ »m

<H». OwrtBoiM*). CTiA ft f fof m«4lgU» gajji.Mg ALL dtgggggg m tlM gi tht Ttti A n. Fognu-

111ACHHiBEY FO B «ALIt.S o iL S f ir ' 'B N o iN M r ^ ^BnioB*il*cki. Tgokg, W««ng gn4 V M llU lu

----- ■ - lilCHAAL, B*lD*fJ,vllio.^ J, • i K


ROOMS I Afm m S^Mkar tTg CAIW

e j E E R . ^ __________

” tloN a DtiTANca TiLCPKom t ir aTnr g *niall lln* t4. mi Iho Wbbi m b*. «m 8 ‘

g » —n


T r i,* W T lttn •■F^llgig.

* ^ O l"f^ T ^ ' r ^ i n g f l j g r j y ’M.’' T - r


TRIMMER E, C. iT n X W m Ut TRIMMER A CO. Both TMephoses No, II4» ^

b e s t la r g e UCHIGH No. 3 NUT OOAJe (well •oraanadl at to-50 per ton.

Hast Lehigh egg. stove and oheetoiit, at lewasl market nricea.

tl BARRELS dry kindling wood, $3.Give ua a trial order. WE CAN BUlT YOU

WITH COAL AND WOOD.^Office: Cor. N. J. R R. ave, and Lafayette e tTHB pr*p#ra(Jon roal receives has everythlag

tn do with it# value. Every piece of slal* or parllcl* of dirt Is so tnueh waited mociay*

Ouf ruatomar# do not waste money, la the■ ______ ‘. w .

fror from slat*, and that mir maa_ seraea ItthoruUfhly befor* I a#t.

No. 3 nut, 88.60: stove or nut, i wuh No. 3 nut. H.iA. P TOOKET i,Rioomfleld avs.; leu Plan* it. i ya. .. ,Pauaio ave., Kiritson. Tel.. Harrison. 19BEAT Lehigh coal at k»w*st market ____

Our Bpecial—Htov* or nut mliOd with Mo. _ nut cost. 84 par ton. H. A C. H, JERGLAMAK. to Fr*Llnghuy#an tv*. TSl. tMlF. M


S S a £ ’S F i » J i s ;

GRAND B. and L. AsMlatkm lag and alaotlon of offwere ot.

vemW 14, at M llarliet si. The 'wtu to otonad a u sJuras m


■MbY. B W I ^ aUMDAiVa.Iin PibliiUU Cwp*i|tauOt7 HARXBT STRBBT,


t r . .m iM Ib M r paX'** !****^M, lU nttM , K.•iMMr,

M i'.ii

■ fmr,Wh M

DiM'i » i i ' » r MTfcw !■

n « U • Haa, an t* .jU T artlaM nn K a f haa«a .(W ariK , Ta

Lat, Par *Bla, ParaaMl. aat., aM aaae a waX. katMalMrfalaaa tfeaataa m m U m * Im m *


■ B . T O O M U l AKD TRB OlUNCSt- voK M nir.

Araont lha iotlaa that will darolva vpoD Oowamor-alrct Vaorhffa wRI ha tba ■PpoIntiDtnt ol a Chaacallor to aucdaad Chaneallar McOlll.

Tba Cbancrllorahlp It tha bait r if t wlth- la tba Oubanialoria] prarogailra. Tha

ofllca la truljf a blah ona, and the dutlaa wbaa adabuatalr dlmh^rtad. call for tha raraot itfta of taamlwt, the f ln x l da- valopOMlit of tba jtKticlal temparamant, and tbU rare and drllcata aanae of rtxtat •ad aqultr which work for Juatlca and which ara aaiwntlaj to public coRlldaiKa in tha tn ta irttr .and authority of tba ro u rla Men capable of n e a tth f the mul­tifold requlraaienta of tha Chancellonhlp are not numcroua. Men ara many who, In their boneet vanity and orarraachinf ambition, Imactna themaelvaa to ba by aatural ( If ta the sracea of education and tba acquirement! of experienoa, fully qM l- Wad for tha larccit aerrloa tn thia high ofBea. In all too many oaaaa th li la a datawloo; the happy dream of auto-ago- tigm which frequently ctrriea men of madlBCri aualltiea into plicaa for which tJMy are lU flt. That Oovemor Yoorheca tgUl aoon And blmaalt beaought by a Boora of men of thta characlar, anxleai tp auodbad Chancellor licOUl, la a tael th a t aiparlence will Impraaa upon the In- ianaing Chlat Executive.

Qoyemor-eleot Voorhera la a lawyer of . IdCf* practice. W hat la au equally happy

qtppnmalanoa in the preacnt m atter la that ha la a man or altalra. Ha ahould maka am mlatakc In appointing a Chancallor. If ba aboold leal tha great need of keeping tha pulloiary a i fa r removed aa poaaHile from the auapicton of polltica ha would •aoa find hltnaalf In cloae aympathy wttit

' tba beat aantlmenii^ of the people of New ; Jaraay. Keep tba jildleUry wide apart

to r tba too Inilatent Indueneei of poll* , Uea. Let ua have Jndgea appointed ba- : aatrna a t their charaoler, their laarnlng,

ib e ir judicial temperament nnd their fcaowledga of the law and all will ba well.

No doubt H r. Voorheaa wilt find It no aaay tank to dlacorer a auocaaaor to Obaacetlor Mcaill. I t may tvan ba that

- < the Oovemar-elect m ar find hlmaelt aX lna himaalf why he ahould permit the Slate to

‘ )aaa tha aarvtoee of Chancellor McOlIl. It ba ahould ha unable to dnd a batlar man ta r tba place, and It In the name Of good Eoeommant and In Iba totereat of tha tam e a f tha New J tn a y oourti, ha ahould oon- atade to keep Hr. Ueflllt In tha ofllca ha bga flllrd 00 well and graced witb auch Mamlng, who would complain, nave, par- hapa: tha acore ol aaptranti for tba place and the polittolana behind tbtmT

proiocola within tba Umita of which na­tional awrndtnaafai of taw, conforming to a uniform prxrtlca, would proceed. PraaMaat McKinley he« appointed i> com- mlaiion of emlnemt JurlaU and patent »*- perti to examine thv whole ground from the Amorlcaii xtandpolnt end recommend th e exert form of Congreaalonal laglila- tlon. The report will be preMiHed to Con- great In I>acambar, and prompt acqulea- oanca tn cryatallixing the aubjaci m atter Into ita lu te la expeolad.

A removal of orylng pcrveraltlea of tor- algnpatent law will go far In baopflilng the American Uiventora, who, more than thoaa of any other nation, ara beneflled by Ju it lawa. The ganlua of thla ouunlry h a , run ao powerfully In tha diractlon of praett- eai tnventlan that tha Amciioan name haa reamed i t t moat gtorloua honor, tn Im­proving thla branch of tha world'a macb- anlam of progreai, A good International atandard la probably more to tha advan­tage of the American th a ik f any other In­ventor. So. however ahort the new lighta granted fall of abeolute equity, they can­not fall to prove of radloal uicfulneai. The Anal altling of the American rnmmla- ■ton will be a t W aehingtnn on November lb » th a t.'ie will not ba tong befOra ttq daflnita rebammendatlona will bn made known.

Perbapn H r. Cleveland', peculiar de­light In .hooting rabb lu grow , out at tha fact th a t William Jennlnga iiryan ante to much alora by the hare'a hind foot aa a tallaman of luck.

T m WA1HB w m - l ’l TBOTWniUM.Im porlant and encouraging to tha city la

lit of lha ault brought In the nanm piltaard of Healib agalnat John For-

• f g to c k b o ^ who waa aonienoed ay by Juatica Little, of Newton, to

Ana and noala tor m aintaining a 'Ikutaance gnd lourca of pollution to a gM ara which emptlea Into tha Oak Ridge

^bdaarvolr, Alao ha waa aentnneed to pay 4<k additional Ana of tiO for each day that tba nu litnca aball continue unabated. 'The autt waa dealgnad to teat the power

of the Board of H ealth, under tha a c t of u n , to protect the w ater aupply, Tha re- autt m eani th a t other like proaecutlona can be InitUuted and aucceaatuUy main­tained. Forgeraon kept a pig pen near the raceway of a mill itream tributary to tba Oak Rldga rcaervoir, and he refuaed to remove the nutaanoa, olatmtng th a t the pttfa had an acre of ground to roam over and only ale In the pen. The avtdeno. of pollution of the atream waa not the laia conolualva. There haa been talk of ap­pealing tha caaa, but unleas tha farm er baa a marked ambition tor enriching lawyer! he will probably concluda to re­move hla pig pen a t once. T hat will ba a good deal the leia expensive and troubia- aome oourae for him to puraua

There are a number of other caeea of the earn# kind In which proeeoutlon will now be Instituted, Farm ers, Ilka other people, • r e of verted dtapoaltlona and mtnda. Borne men who were polluting the N ewark w ater aupply wben notlAed of the nu laencn th a t they were creating prompt ly abated them. Othere preferred to be ob- a tlaa te about It. Fines and ooata and ecn- ttnulng penaltica of tM a day for maintain­ing nulaancea will InAuenoo them to a dlf. ferent kind of policy.

The purity of tbs city water aupply must be protected. The law ^ as thay stand, promlaa to be adequate to that end, and If l>raoeedlagt be pushed now with unrelent­ing vigor. It ahould be poiilble to learn If any additional leglalatlon on the subject ta needed and to obtain It a t the next xeaalon if It is aeeesaary.


Tbs naoat interesting fM lure at the ban­quet given to Oeneral Miles a t the W al­dorf-Astoria, New York, woe tha Aary and downright speech which Colonel ^Rooae- vail mods on behalf of the Regular Army. No m ilitary oflicer, no m atter how high tn rank, could have ventured to make luoh remerke. But they came with peculiar grace from the eoldter-civllian who hai juat been elected Governar of lha S tate of New York. Ona of the leeaona of tha lata war la th a t our R egulir Army ahould ba kept up to lha blgheat pitch of working elBclency In all Ua departm unu. Colonel Rooaevalt took occasion nt the Mllaa ban­quet to aluoldata thla fact w ith ringing empbasla, and lo exprefa h it anxiety last a auecaaalon of coming events should dull tha iDtaraat of Congreaa and tha paopta In thla Important subject. He called to mind tha fact th a t the Regular Army, which fought ont the Santiago campaign from atari to flnlah, and waa thus ao promi­nently brought before public attention, had alw ayi, In Iti previous eiperlencaq, oon- alstlng of obacura Indian Aghtlng, shown lha same pailent and m atter-of-ract valor, squat to every oocaaton, g reat o f tmalL

Then ba went on to any: "A fter thta I hope we’d have a Urge enough arm y, end th a t we'll give them enough money to meet their needs, and once e re a r , or a n y way once in two yeere, 1 hope th a t w ell gather th a t army, say II,W of them, a t San Antonio, send them on to th e eoaat, put them on tranaporla, take them over to Cuba or aomewhere else, aud dleembark them, and In th a t way we will give to the Q u arle rm siltr 'i D epartm ent and lo the Commlaiary Departm ent tha actual tm ln Ing ao much naafled. and you wont have the complaints tn time of w ar which we have ju st egperlenced. NOr will you havf to call upon the uncomplaining valor of th e llua oOlcera lo make good those da- feeta of the ataff due solely to the fact that tha people would not aland by the army."

Thane commania cut cloae lo the hone of tru th . The magnlAcmt Oghtlng qualities of the line brought Into startling contrast the Inadequacy of the ataff work of the army. Thia waa leas on account of the de feet of the individual than of the friction and lack of unison, coming from Intx- parlence and from a bad ayilem which la the wom-out survival of the past.

Colonal Roaaevall'a glancing ahota at arm y organisation. Informal aa they were, go straight to the bull's-eye. They awaken a keen reeponae In tha mind of every In- lalUgent and pubUe-apIrited man. The time has paaaed when a large, well- dlactpUned, thoroughly equipped army, keyed to the highest point of efhciency and ready for jn i t in t mobitliatton. can be looked on. even by the moat uncompromis­ing M end of paact, a t a threat to liberty o r condemned aa an Inviting tool to be used In tha proaacuUon of dhngrroua na­tional ambition. The position Into' which th e Current of destiny has awept the na­tion. Imperatively demands such an army aa Colonel Roosevvh had In hla mind's aye while making hit fervid remarks. The ormter m ight have gone sllll further In dleouaslng the all-lmportatit ir li t lo n which the R egular Army occuplei ae a model and object lasson In the organlxutlon of the N stienal Guard, The co-o|>eratlon of the two mtlltary branchrs In yearly practice •n d In arm y manoeuvree on an extensive ica la la a subject which haa been suAi- clantly dlecuased by mitliary men lo maka its tmmenaa Importance nianlteat lo thoae who have given etudy to auch mattera. Ai Governor of the Slate of New York It will be within Colonel Roosevelt's province and power to help work out the practical de­velopment of,th la very Interesting prob­lem.

sn o tty and halpfu tnen which la pleasing and beautiful In apontancoua acts of kind­ness like—for Inatsnrr—tha gathering at Thanksglvlnf supplies for poor tarollles by aoma of the achooli Itt th is city—has to ba carried Into acitemea for attempted building of battleehtpa, piwaantx to the Natlonnl Government and erection of sta tues and tombs In Franca.

Thera la no question bu t that Arthur Foe haa the call on Author Poa a t this writing.

Tha Love Lorn Otrla' une-itp- la the name of a club organised a t Stuart, la., wRh tha avowed object of hissing all won heroes that come their way.

The report preaented by a Jersey City Health Inspector relative to the prevalenee of diphtheria and aosrlet fever among the pupils of one of the Jefttey City public Bchoola la a aarloua Indictment of lha Board of Education of tffat city. Accord- big to the Inspector the alarming condt- Uoo reported Is due entirely to the un­sanitary oonditlon of tha school. Tha cel­lar, he daclsrea, la lower than the sewer, and tha w ater bocks up and Aooda tha cellar and boiler p it with foul and atog- nam water, tha odor from which par- maatas tha entire aohool, carrying with it tha Beads of dlaeaaa. For auch a condi­tion aa thla tbara la no excuse, and In pormltllng It the Hoard of Education shows a negligence which can scarcely ba termed other than criminal. It la a atranga bOfflmentary, too, on the public school aya- tern of Jersey City, that there abould be thirty-four oaaaa of acarlet fever and diphtheria In one school, without the taet'a receiving official cognisance by tha board until It had been nutlAed by the Health Inspector. I t would seem ai though the principal of the school and the CtlySu- parlntendenl ought to have reallied the necoaaUy tor ofltclal action, and have brought tha m atter to lha board's atten­tion. Hastaurea have now been taken lo improve lha achool'a sanitary condition, hut th a t It ahould ever have been per­mitted to become a disease breeder and death trap can be accounted for only on the theory of gross negligence on the part of those In authority.

Tammany wagered rocney, lo lha ex­tent of half a million or more dollar^ la now fattening Republican wallets.

A ratigtous sect In Rumla, which rafuaea to pay ta le s on coiiaclentloua grounds, conietr.plaiea emigration to tba United Slates in a body. Ua m tm bari probably expect to effect an amalgamation with the Standard CHI T ru s t


. . . . . the Tjown IThe traditional beggar on horseback

m ust gallop to the rear and make place for the profaiolonal mendicant who ridea In a cab and stays a t the beat hotel the Arid of operatloo aATordl. The up-to-date beg. gar dtsplaya a neat dexterity In reach­ing for the bounty of the opulent that wax never dreamed of by the onclenl forerun­ner of the guild;"Who aat a t the gale, ask­ing alma. The modern beggar l | the result of evoluthm, evolution which has minced noney-ra litng for charitable purposes to a aolenoe, and delegated the work lo ex­port*, exparia who pocket ihelr "raka-ofr* with th e nonehalenca of a real estate J’Uiker deducting! hta eommfaalon. New

, “ ***• headquarlere of professional , wHcltora, and they Infest every city of Imporlano* in America. ' Newark, o f ' cooraa. Is a m ark for these energetic pan. handlera.

The aebam t. In brief. Is thla: The prufea- aioiial aollcltor, usually a woman, arrange* with soma society, preferably a hospital w itto u t endowmant, to ralaa money for It, ano ra n lra c u to turn lu all collecllon* Ic *“ * Indead, It la usually re-

th a t donor* make checks payable *“**Rutlon'a Finance Committee

through Ua chairm an. T hui far the acheiue , ly legitimate, and lo Its Anlah it1* '•®['“ ‘«h'lY »«>• But an Iron-claJ con- liM t la Hgnad, by which the Inititutlon r f . 1 1 oollaolor llfty per cent, 0 1 u i the ntonay brought In. in effect, thla

osreem eiu between a pro-oikl a reputable society,

(T, . Ki agreee to pay the lal-tar a big royalty to r the use of ft* turn*.

**®I»lo who give the money suppose th a t all of it la to go to the char-

P“” ued when downright money i . contemplated,

p o t h e r raathiX savora last of mendicancy on Itt fw a, but the dUtlhotlon. 1— It i T,, wiiBiinvuwji rar*fi particu lar difference, eitherSoom2 The 'profeii-

•*“ * ooclety or mstltu-

The grounding of the itsam er Cymric lo New York Harbor Is only one of many Indlcatlona th a t the w ater there Is becom­ing more and more ahallow each year. There ha* never been any ayatematlc and sclantlAc attem pt to dredge the moat Im­portant of American harbors, and develop Ua value to the fullest extent. That a t­tempt la Imperatively needed. It la well for tba Chamber of Commerce to inveallgale the reason for the comparative decadence Of New York as a port of export as com­pared with other growing cittea. But It t* suit more Important to bring inAuence to bear on Congrest to take up the ques­tion of the Improvement of New York Harbor, aa a m atter of naUonal Impor­tance. Falling that,N ew York Itself ahould atland to It,

It may not be generally known but Della Fox, who appears stIhs Newark T heatre th is week,la a photographer, and not. properly sprak- Ing, an am ataur photographer a t that. She la a St. Louis girl, and aa she oncetion is of machinery incident to pICmAkInr. nhntM ntHk ■

perhaps, of that grace her greateat ebarma.

I f this thing kMpa up Hobeon wtll or­ganise a crew to Mow up the MerryiAnack.

Is It Improper to coll the Oyster Trust which has been formed In Counectlcut, a shelt game?

INTKUMATtONAL FATBSTBinUTLAW.American, inventor* know by a dismal

exparlenoe w hat obatacle* they m ust cn- countartnsacurlngaclB lm to their Inteilei'- tu a l property In tb s Old World, more par­ticularly on tha Continent. Patent regula- tlo n i there, ao fa r aa the foreign claimant II concernad, are burdened with tha moat cumbernome realriettona, and hidden snaga below the apparent equity of language tlflwatan to betray bla righia tn the moat Unsxpacted fashion. In nearly every case, too, judicial conatructlon of tbeae laws, where there aeema to be an open queallon ha* baan ruthlessly agalnat the foreign Inventor. Sir Henry Bcaaemer, tlia great steel Inventor, fully aware of thraa things, refuaed to apply for pntenta In France and Germany. From the United S tates alone, outalde of hie own cDunlry, did he receive any conilderabta emclu- tnenta.

B eiscm er'i experience boa been repeated for tbe most part In th a t of other In- vantora. The same spirit, too, la general in tta application to tradrm arke, and the wbolaaote brigandage along thla line Is well undaratood th ymmmerclal and menu tacturlng circlea B ut tome aantlment of International conscience haa been grad natty struggling to the lop. I t found an aarllar outlet In the Internallonal copy right treaty, though the provlaions of th a t treaty ware aomewbat narrow and tainted with Inalnoarity. I t la now working It* Way toward bettering patent-right ocn

: dlUaiw, and all tha European natlona of : sn y Importahoa. except Germany, Aua " tria-H ungary and Russia, ah a rt In thla I pm l and beneAonU movement.

i t b«gan under the P arti convantlon in IML The agreement* of the con wage Anally formulated In April,.

, and a Anal conlarence wa«

A good many Democratic newspapfr* which loyally kept quiet on ihe iiiliject till a fter the election are saying some plain worda about the nnliirc and the ex­tent of boas rule In their party.

OOLUECTIONS IN PUBLIC kCHOOI.H.Superintendent Emerson, of Ihs tluffalo

publtd achoola, has had the courage unit pluck to apeak plainly In regard to a prac­tice that Anda too much encouragement In a good many eltlra, particularly in New­ark. It la that of cillliig upon Bchoul i.hll- dren to contribute fund* for all so rli of charitable and alleged palrloUc purpoaca. Profsaaor Emerson u y s i

Within a few months 1 h a ^ been re­quested to Iske collections tn the schools for the Cuban relief, a library for the erulaer Buffalo, Sheldon Memorial, to bujld a battleship lo take ihe place of the Maine to be called the American Hoy, lobuild another ballteahlp ro lie known as the American Girl, to raise fund* for a national peno* jubilee, and finally to build a sta tus for Lafayette. I determined long ago to enforce a salutary ordlnanoa al­ready enacted, which forbids the collec­tion of money In the public achoola. My experience ahowa th a t the only aafe way la to refuse to take money from children for any purpose, no m atter how worthy. The publlo achoola preaant auch an ef­fective and ready method of begging money, auch a ready-made canvassing agency, th a t thla method of getting a project before tha people and obtaining their money In return would always aug- geat Itaclf to designing men and women.

The chief objection to the practitu la th a t poor children are humiliated by not giving or are persuaded to give where they are not able. The second objection la that •very such movement In the ichools dla- tract* the attention of the children from their itudlea. For thla reason It la our duty to keep out of the achoola not only advertisers, adveniureni and fakir*, but also well-meaning patriotic people who And In the schools the easiest channel for the carrying out of their particular Scbeia^ I think that our ordlnanora ought *1*0 to prohibit voting oonlaat*. auch aa are aometimea o* tried on by newapapera, for prliea. I have known gome of our public ecboola to be torn up and distracted for weeks on account of the rivalry exlattng among certain school* as to which ahould make th* beat showlcg to ■tcure tbe priae,

Th* good judgaaent and good senso which speak tn thaae rem arks a n perfect' ly plain. All people oonnacted with the public eohoola reoUie them, B ut with each new call for th* children’* money for some presumably good purpose, they lack th e oournge to taka the stand that P rofetsar Emerson has taken In Buffalo,

The next Benata o f Maw Jersey wtk baan exceptionally strong body. Ua Ihe Re­publican tide wlU be Pitney, of Horrisi Btukn, of Cumberlaiod; Johnson, of Ber­gen; Croat, of Uhlan; Reed, of Bomeiwct; Ketcham, of Eaaei; Bmtth, of O ceu, and Fruivcia, of Uonmuutb, all men of long legislative experience, and several of ac­knowledged ability and skill In debate. Among the Domocruti will be found Mc­Dermott, of Hudson; Van Cieef, of Mid­dlesex, and M artin, of Bussex. all well quolllled to look a fte r the Interests of tha minority uad able to hold their own In ar­gument or parliam entary Anesec. In the House neither party can make auch a abowlng of proved and recognlud ability.

sands from year's end to year's end. By- tne-b ■ ................................- . -

Governor-elect Rooeevelt says hli ad- mlnlstratton will be a s clean as u hound's tooth'. This ta probably an liitimatton that he Intends to go on the trail of caual thieve*.

The free silver and found money organs of the S tate Democracy ure cheerfully ac­cusing anch other of respontiblllty tor the p arty 's defeat.

Tha experience of Rochester and other New York cities w ith voting machines seams to have been satisfactory. In Rocheater, a city o f 113,OIM Inhabitants, Ihe en tire vote w as tabulated and made public jua t thlrty-aeven minutes after the polla closed, while In other elites of i much sm eller population^ the count was not Anlahed until a f te r midnight. The vot Ing machine ta expenalve a t Ihe start, but each year saves a large outlay In print­ing tickets, paying elcctlou officers and renting voting booths. I t never gets drunk nor Indulges In unseemly wrangles with votera; It cannot be ebrrupted; It makes no mtstakea and It provides the absolute secrecy *0 much desired,_______

Jerry Stmpaon announcei that he la cut of poutloa. The votera a t his diairtet seem to be o f the aama opinion,

According to a New York magaxine, Joseph Letier.gpent to acquire theability lo writ* an article on ■'Wheat Dis­tribution," for th a t rtpoaltory of human wisdom. I t did not need Mr, Letter's a r­ticle nor hi* experience to assure tbe world th a t no m an, can hold up th* price of wheal with one hand, while he la unload, tng It bk th e mUllona of bushels with the other. There hav* been six great a t­tempts to do thta on a huge aoale wtthin a genarathm, L.elter's being the ccloaaus of all, and each proved a quicksand tor tha apeeulator’a feat.

A* usual a good m any people who lay very low during th a campaign are up and after offloea alnc* th e vloiory.

.Ji.I * young fellow In New York, ibo rge Jacobs, "who had a

Tha South Orange Township Committee ta to be commended for Its evident deter­mination to compsl the North Jersey Traetton Company to tulAt to the tatter the c'ondltloni of Its franchise contract with the township. T hat oonlracl waa made In good faith an || the corporation had It* eyes open to th* advantages to be gaiincd and ought tb be able and willing to fullll Its promtsea,

^ n illa r hut effective way of'm aking him-llBI

Dudley Dean daclare* th a t one reason to r the defeat waa th a t the Yale team played like school boys. Of what la the Yal* team oompoaed. If not of achoot bofal

I in m . p liM i d M lM ib « |« iid h UM^svil g n w * w fl « tp lrtt of g«*i.

Lord KUohener.the Egyptian Sirdar,pro- pcacd.to eatabllah a college a t Khartoum for the education of the oona of the Arab ehleta. Now General "Joe" Wheoler wants to have an agrangement made for tbe free education of young Cuban* In ihe United B tatea It la quite dealrablp to annex Cuba Intellectually If not polUlcaUy, but why not establish these free achoola In Cuba Inatcad of In the United BtalasT

AI last Uoe't Raven la tclipsei] tn ulsrity, by Foe'g run.

• la I '••vs.nag. wtlj Lpj IJjAK

“ '■*i'“ !*‘loni«*amnn-about- h'*'',?'' theatrical man-

1 1 would go t.o a box office \ i v i.™ P w*'*" •*'® treasurer. Buying:twS 1 wwtt to tw at

” f “ "'**" the theatre, but to come,

any one presenting my card^ ? l rm ™ . I'llThen, with conslder-

■‘’’iv't® '"" 'h t. he would tell aUnfortunately, he

‘’Pd a matinee, but oa he waat ‘ght with the m anager he would

V " * ; ; *"'* "h* vould take somethe girl would present hi*

» ? t* and occupy Ihioccupyfellow that ever happened.'

hem, fullyari m-r seaiithat he was the graataiit youiig■ TWhianajI

IliiyBl l lo n rg e rs .Fram the Ban Francisco Chronicle.

'"®“'her* of Queen Victoria’* wandering German rela-

tive* Of high degree vlall London andBuckingham Pal-

lu ii like ‘"yhallon,’’ they pay t^elr board lei T """"O h folk in a irat-claa* ho-Hill DrfiVAnlffi thA riraav*.*.,.ls>« l«e<«'*'1.1- ' j » ura(’*Di»M no-havlni sovereign lady fromjM n"* •®“ tottoh company, and mkksa K-P.** pleasant fo r tb* paJae* ser-lna«MO' *— — ------'“"'penoenc* lb give* some rla iid *■ hht wholly aopre-heV relun'S*!"' •* Qu»»a early In course ®h *"'• •conomicaiMrin of tanno t luslly cotn-

«nrihlWfih me„7 ' ov.--


Open Aaturdars Dll lA

The Best Things To Be Said

JACOBS' THEATRa jlY edniiiay aw l SaWtflay S | ( l o

Win. ctldec's Ppeemcular lYadnuikai,

JO H N M A R T IN 'S S E C R E TWITH r ra a s e i T cakt.

Heat Week ~ A Grip of SteeL

about this great Piano buninesa are what vlsiton tell us—thinga that, of coune, we've always known, but which, stated in the language of strangers, are given additional force,

A New York Piano man came here last week. It was his first visit, and this is what he said : " I tell you what it is, I have been, I guess, in all the principal Piano stores of every prominent city in the Union, but East or West I have never entered one that carries such au immense stock as yon do, I have heard it said in the trade generally that yours was probably the biggegt bouse in the East, but, frankly, I had no idea Newark could SHpport such an establishment as this."

rocKn iiirnee g n a n n.CMMaiHUIlt CWK/iM

ON sn m *.£

I w iw E s.T u ea jH m ,! aHnaWkEn-


W IlD M IM 'S N E W T N E n R EW aablaglaa Staeet, New Market At.

BANDSOHEefr THEATRE IN TBS STATE Newark's Hom* of EeAnod VaodavUl*.

REULT k WOOD’S BIO SHOW.Evtry act a puttiT* nnvtity, 4'>8ee Frank n . '

Bryan a* Teddy Roosavelt. and La lianoe Imaa, cuuionkl.

Neat Week—K.W. WUIIaaaa'a Own Oe.


tiAn »n Jie.-Trr^'' . ■wwiriy or inBiuu-^n tw tu n m eiu for the pup-

EuTh ?•, They agree to fur-*U * th» ''.™ il* hnoeeaary, and tn meet

e^**’*'**** ' “®*d*nt to the enterialn- of !•>* grow Pro- I“ T *m aga usually amount.

fk**5£^ *>wcUm** aeven-ierttha, ofA fter the deal-la made

W|“ '{« town properly blUed the com mu- fo XNacni with urofeaalonal

!h2tS*I . They are careful lo concealchfcr»ci«r ■.nd pm ctkally every

^UTf*.***^ * ticket believes that theP fo fP led to her work by purely

™otlvea; that ahe ta con- n ^ e d offictally with the Institution which anf] affocla lo rapraaent, and that every 1- . ^ i ^ l r i b u t r t goea to make easier the IM of some unfortunate fellow-creature. Often a s much oa Av* o t ten llinea there g u ly price la paid fo r ticket*, and the collectOT praapera accordingly.

ofIn Chicago th is form of hold-up be- cam* BO much o t a nuisance three yearsago th a t a bureau w as organised by the ------------------------------- [*rnii Impoetilon.busineaa men to guard aga This bureau keep* llself Informed as ac­curately u poaalble as to the mavemen;a of all Bollcitora and sends out a circular

Larger than any in Greater New York, five times larger than any other in this State—is a record that tells its own tale.

We sell more Pianos in New Jersey than all the many small stores put together, simply because we make it impossible for you to buy elsewhere without wasting money.

We hav^ only the Beit that America produces, and we sell on a rrjJOfRifr/g profit—not the foolish "legiti­m ate" profit that small dealers cling to so well— because they have lo.

We don’t simply say these things. They ore glar­ing facts that are patent to any who are interested enough to look around and inquire.

| i o down, $6 monthly ig *11 we need for a first-class new Upright.

WMk «f Kov«mtMir 14.

FI^T j t i m e s I jARGEU STOCK O F P I A N O S ' n i A N A N Y OTHBB HOUSE IN T U B S T A T i:

657.659 BROAD ST.

HattnoM Tossday, Tkoraday and Sataaday.

Frid IsvIidillMsSSiSNext W trt:-‘*Tha Qlod HgatT Co.

N E W A R K t h e a t r e .E v u y K vaslag, H atlae* ■•Iniday.

DDIA fOX. I f O M t .Next Weak—Hoyi'a " A SCnwgar ta H. V.*

KRUEGER AUDITORlUll. Tnoeday, Nevemlier la th , 1S9B,

« E oaE , h h a m r o c k a n d T H im .K A Jlu lra l Talk on the Ballad* of Englaad,

Ireland and hootUsd. by theR ov. T h o m a s P . M cL ouchU n, 8 . T . L,

Aoataled hr Cfaonu of to Voloea Lactui* to b*. gin at S a'ekwk. Adaliaioii, ate.; Baa e***L Wa,

iSSOCtiTIOl HiLL, CliDtOB StTMLSecond Entfrislmnent on the Cguna

Wednesday Bvesleg, November IS. ISOO. Annual Conoart by the ravorit*

fUrreERS COUEfiE BLEE u< MMDBUI CLUBSTvo eholw ooQoertt in om . CbSloitioiLp fttid

collate ffluila Real oollefe bora i& ffOWiia UMlDOttWbOBM*.

AdnlMkmt wltlk ebolee r m rreJ tmk. Me*YOUiS HEM’S CHRISTUM USOCUTION.

LdasMS In reninaaalua EtaoMtary aao AcU

vancad Book-kaeplng, OennaS, Maacgiiffay, riFit Aid to tlM lojuielL

aU B*M la asenela-

letter every Monday morning giving cil'- tb ta such Information aa It ha* rolleciedduring the previous weak. If a aubacrlber la asked for a donation In the name ofcharity, and haa no n p o r t on th a t partlcu- laa case, he notlAes th* luperlntctidcm and an Investigation la made.

By thus meeting ayatematlc beggary with ayatematlc Inquiry the buelneas com­munity known wher* its money will go In case at reaponae to any appeaL

said to the writer, her earliest recqllec- “ '■ _ Icftjre-

>g. "Fox pb sign th a t met her eye a t every corner Inher native town while ehe w as growing up along In the—but, perhaps. It te beat not to any juat how long ago ahe quit "growing up." The Fox referred to waa her father, gnd he taugh t her how to make pictures an well ae how lo at- tlludlntae for them. This la the secret,

which la one of

"The la te Colonel W aring will probably go Into history a s the man who reduced street cleaning lo a aclence, and as tbe father of a profeaston that offers one ot the beet of flelds to young men ot the ireaent day." The speaker waa John H. koberti, of Boaton, a civil engineer, who

le now In Newark In the Interest ot a patent right. “ If I were not on the shady aide uf Arty," he continued, "1 would take un sanitary engineering exclusively my- aett. American cittea are only beginning to reallxa the importance of adequate drain­age and rleaoly condition* generally, andyeara have done much lo atlr munlcltwl aulhorttlei up on the aubjecc. The Hta-


does a greater amount of harm than wilful intention and is no more excusable.Neglect to protect yourfamily through Life Insur-'®

VnA>ance is very poor business.


Chelee EBtaitBlantim Hall.

Open afletnoaiia aad avail- Inga OaopaMot InMruo- lon, hatha and fcloyola

rooao. All for Five DoHan a year.CWU M ta OUNTGN HT.-Dey wr NIgbt.

Liooleain27c.ydInlaid Liooleoai.

Oilcloth 17c. ydRUGS.

Window Shades, Etc.

penctr « « «



Bfiinsrica,UMUR A. WARR VtawPrasIdaot. rORRgff:^ P. DRTDEH, asemttiy.

Iiano-Amertcsn W ar waa won a t the cost of Isome hundreds of lives, but Improper euiltatlon mesne the aacrlAce of thou-

by, do you know th a t next to Colonel W aring th* beat authority on sewer build­ing th a t this country haa had for yeara Is a woman—a fragile, dellcata little creature, hot much tilgher than a tall m an's knee? She ta Mrs. Richards, who o cc^ lea a choir In the Boston Institute of Technology, and who atanda a t the head of her profession."

F or M anyJ'Th^rc In noihing more interectlng to me

than, the nccanlonul examination of an old polltlual almanac, one printed before the war.'* nald Clarence Weight, whom the NEWS man met delving Into referencu works at the Free Library. ComparEktlvely few perHuiis go to a puhllc library purely for reference, and conversKlIon In an un­dertone Is TioRietlmcH poHtilble between such. “Ati almanac recalls curious and forgotten tnH s much more startlingly than thp reperusal uf history does,’* con­tinued Mr. Wright. ‘'Now, how many of ua old fellows do you suppose recollect clearly thru there were alaves In New Jersey as r<i*ently rs liiSO. less than half a century uiro. or only thirteen years be­fore gentTJii k-manolpatlon took place in response to PrcMldent Lincoln's proclama­tion? A iluilstieal work which I have Just laid d<iwii^Ebnwa me th a t there were In IMO JuM b"?! iirgro slaves In New Jersey, and ten yvars Inter there were 236." The reporter belni; xumewhut Incrcdbloui In- vesllgaieU himp<'lf and found th a t while th* VFKM Hubstantlally correct.

Things not mentioned! and for lowest prices go to Petty’s.A “lOc. cake of Castile Soap and Turkish W ash

C loth for lO c.Pinkham’s Compound. . . 68(! Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic, 3 5 cLithia Tablets ............... ! 0 cChocolate Soda................. 5 cPure Cod Liver Oi l . . . , 25 c

Paine’s Celery Com p. Aromatic Tooth Wash. Bland’s Iron Pills, lo o , Almond Meal . . . . Borax, pure, lb. , , .

. 6 8 o

. 2 0 c

. 2 5 o

. 2 5 c

. 1 0 c

We buy lor oeth and wU lor coib, thui u»ke a (aving s t bulh enda to diTid* with YOO. Onr apeeialttes a nDlamGiuU, F tn c J a w e l iv ,

W a tc h « i t a d a o c k s .

SCHELLER,Tks K ^ lsU s JswsUer*

2 8 6 - ^ A E A B K B T s t .—2 8 6Near P e a u . Dope*.

anlclee purohtud now will b* eat aaldeand need not be paid lor tUI txo. U,


the bomlmt-u nf 1S.V» were boya held oa ap- pr*’nt''-’''" uriiler llie Htaie a r t of April U, R7^.,whlrh iilidllflhvd slavery. At Ihe time

U rn s828

Hi 81.

of the AMlsMtiuri t'umpromiie In I8tt th«rs woro Rtlll i.fi&l hutoHn chuttrlB In the Com- tnonwf*tihfi. imt heiw«>rn ih iu date tund IkJU th« riuinbpr dM'lltit'd to 2,254.

P E T T Y ’STwo Drug Stores

T e t . 9 1 4 , N ew ark , N . J . P S W Y i B e P « te U p PreM riptlM U.


i SeotReceiptsandLeasesPOCKET MAP AND STREET flUIDE

T l1 8 8 .R

o r TH E c m OF NBWABK. TlW only UP-TO-DATE

Mag Pnbllaliad.

TheW.lI.ShortsCo.;;“JuHt ililrty-iivf y e a n ago to-d4y

nptamp* H Confftlerttte prisoner of war**' suld Wurreii (j. ||a|«>, of Hudson County, to R NKUS rpport.T UBt Baturdsy. "No* I dill not belong to a New Jersey regi- mom but eiillftUHi In UWo. I was on ro u tin g duty during iho fall of l«a. and

u w t w w w i i t i w t i w w i e w w i ^ ^

mounnjf duty during Ihe fall of IMS, and Iw'ore iluyllght, November H i and

elghly Odd irejupera with me were aur- ■'rlaeil by u Ittle town , greatly superior force a t a

railed Maryville, and w*r* compelled to •iirreiider, No, I fltd not suffer great ly, not reaching a mflltary priion. An eichauge was soon effeclM n my cuee ami I got bark to Ihe Federal

line* with a beticr knowledge of condl- lloni among the rebel* than Ih a d ever had before. I knew then that the Confed-

“ liopeleat battle.t , f nearly aa many

Blanch Union people living in th a t acetton aa there were Beceislonleia, and that, fur-

’ '.’’'i” '*'‘'1' not '«Ud- mouthed In tlielr nrofee«lon* they did not “Onienl their eympathlci. Very

**• xnd 1 re-..’’e ' " i ' 1‘erm lued to dine on* t ^ “ '•'’elpti although It waa known

invitation to m*BOIely berauae i waa a Union man,“J,"* “„l>ri»oner. There aat dowq

B elvf.Jld!’’ '*• • neighbor woman,fhfn ‘ Ml invtielf, whoee huaband wa*

In tile Confederate army, •'?*' Indulged in an animateii

W hen tb e U te o ita te r, ^ n to n Seldl, geleoted th e "W IH S N E B " Q rand PU nu to support auoh a r tla ti •* M aterna in d F licber, he forged g t t ro n g lin k in tb a now len g th y chain o t fatnout arUkta w ho h » « on ly oatbutlaM lo pralae for the W ISS- N K B P IA N O .

PiAgo BaanailM-Tha AM thing w* do with a pia*oa»

P tlB tm , gte tlanaix sad Law Elaali Pnhilakara,

M7-MBR0U ST.. HEff««, R. J.

AKS. WIUIAIi flautOSMmiT VITR W. K A » g , MMmR

VaDolactnrer Dl FurfianDiBli;ST N E W 8T.. NEWABK, N. J.Mo* P u n (loMd OigN ■•< CidlilHMaa

painw ith __________ „non in our Eaohangg Iwith SOB* IRy oOd ntaaos

~ ' i R o m

Mpolar Kteia tad Naakwaor EsyaiMaa, Ha**( Ipopalii priaad E ia la nmapleiL |•riM tk • latp**ii«s «t ifea**iat*twtsdbi

linn i! 'h* of aeoea-u tll ' **’' reluttvo flghtlng qual-Itlee of the ofipaBliig forces. Furtherightlng qual-

....... «.-e-n»..n turcea. FurtherSouth 1 auppoBB such a thing might hav* ^mil It wa* not only poa-

,1 and notorious In Tennes-

611 Broad St., N e w a r k ._______W SlW »W *1IW llW qW il> lgH tW W l^^

HAlNk, - > E lUnTRlMWAT, • E n « HTKOK, • - • E1«R

Rg M uK TH tT .

Has «ti K omi nndwd i b t l M

AHanpaMogaad aokiag g |* tt t M r dUMiiM • tpaalalEt i

e • T H i i t o • •


Um t t Ir e • > * M lnlBK M ortar to r tk *E a p e a w r’a N«vv F a la e * a t V iobh*.

From tb* Philadelphia Freaa.Th* women of Philadelphia, aurroundnl

hy every luxury—yea, and the women whom the world here m ight call poor— oan hardly reaUae the misery and degrada- llon th a t some women suffer In one of the eltlag of ContlDomal Buropo. Well may the 'American wom an b* thankful th a t h«r lot has b««a oast on th is aide of th* Water.

On tb* o ther aid* ot, th* tumbling oc«tn th e n la a oHy, th* oapllal o l a orumbling dynasty, th* home of the Hapiburga. That o ltr I* Vienna. Bm peror Franx Joa«ph U tha t«pr«*enutlve o t l u Imperial pow er- and to hi* everlaatlng aham* b* the atory of the bulldinff o l hi* new twlao*.

It will he a m agnificent structure whan It la flnlahod. No * * P « w will he spared to make it an appropriate haWlaflon for royalty, a ^ the Emperor, It he oan And comfort in hi*of wimith, wtll IM w lta jed with comfort,

111* eteganoa la dearly bought. Tor the A ustrian women, not the men, are mixing th* m o rta r fo r the palao*. Day by day they toll up th* long Inoilnea, bearing on Ihelr head* ^ e R eavy tuba of mortar. They recelv* r o r » cento a day. and they m ust be up and doing before aunrlse. oauoe an Emporor’a Mlae.o la building. Thay liar* » f*w minute*' reeplta a t 8 o'clock, whan thay have Ihelr meagra meui of black brgnd and sausage, and than thay bw ln the ir work again, which oontlnuea, w l^ two henra' Intermission a t noon, un-

Aa^yoang flN s they begin the tabor by • j ig tg tiM ih a men—bringing Uialr toole and hear, u d o le o r ln g up after the men are tnroilijiiTTner w ear a. short akin, a Iw a t wiKK. ho aiodklnga and low ahoea. Ilk*

DUng.raen—hna, strong cbatdng gnd

m U i t i tr r .

m ortar. Tboy a n soldlars. B ut thay ara not working. Let the women do Itaat.

So, over there in Vienna the women are building Into the Imranalent atone* all their fleeting woei. Woman of America, do you fancy th a t th* Bmperar will real well In hie polaoef I think not.

MatchlessUgbl:;T k e L it t le T h ln g a G re a t M an D*.

[From Jerome’* "Second Thoughts of an

AMi y«nr M ends w he saa n arhat U eeatt and

h«w ttwyTlke Ik

Id it Fellow."]the 1_______

great m en.. I like to think th a t flhakea-I like to hear stories of the Ilttlanesf of

peare w as fond of hla glaa*. I even clingto the tale of tha t dlsgraoeful flnal orgy with friend Ben Jonaon, Possibly thaB tory'inty not be I hop* \I wai*1 like to tblDk of him Ai tHMcbtr, a i t 11- lag* ne'er do well, denounced by the local gram m ar school maatar, preaohad a t by the local j . F. of the pM od. I Ilk* to


__ - ___reflect th a t Cromwell had • w art bn hi*no**. T he'thought m u e s n * more eon- Jeptwl with my own featureR. i i - - . I Ilka, tOIhink th a t he puts aweati upon the chairs, ta m finely dreaaed ladle* spoil thair frocks; to tell myself Ihgt be roered with

■KIN AND SCALP DISEASU, nervow al- (aeHcns and blood dliorden, no nuMer Imai •hatotoe* or of how long Muidlng, t n ■tw< cmafnlly nnd pemancntly euied. JOHN U, WOODBURY, I3T West rid ititet, New Yoik.

^ u g h te r a t the silly jest, like any Mm i - K™ Arrjr with hla bank hojldar f ’ ‘ dirty water, I like to re td thatthrew bacon a t hie wife and oeoaaletia nude hlinaeir highly ridtculoug over amnOiMyance* that would have been smiled n.L • ,mnn of well-balanced mtnu7



think of the fifty tpoHah things a week I do and aay to myielf, "i, too, .am a llto raryman,"

A soil fraeh of lea

Mew S a i f lo r P a lm s .

’• te r

oil composed of three p a r u of gqed / • ■ to te loam and on* part SMiu

••«> '.w an-w tud tpi^. lor oaJw*.

qdently anoogh to ka«p iS* aeil i 1st It h* haI the 'Whole 'hi

CMuE*. purify and beautlly the f o>ld* ftom ttaalf hatUng aiel curailv* o n fli* bail known and mnat alicctiva i ^Vga for all dtioiden ol tliu .kUi ana

10 el*, fer Beautr Rook and reoaln I l.liEIFfKEp sad oieam Irva

quantity to molaten me hut do not keep the soil • leave It until the mirtaee

r Or I

! liidn a i i l l ifully. I t need* hardly to ha i w j tw will h a n q i ^




^ rl


up tc the t clerk had 1 Cour year, beln, founi'f ' tion the 8 not 1 a i ha


I t I*PtvAn

this tion oil ic tatne haa r mantengirbuildpoa*InvolInvolacoreman]thisthatIt* Bvaloi w air

Thl In tt not ll the steal to st up t upon houai gum< nolae run 1 Thta


Itengtr neat, be *1olain out t the I Kuro Inver

Thlf leavr *■per d pukw eetahm am boata trtc 1 vatoi to t* pedia upon wUlt all ai dron tha o him I




■ U H m 'imimK

rrantoi Vlewi i i Regard to Hen Likely to Be Named by Voorheea

c t................. ................ .Ih i o n o H tnUtg o a ^ u c U d e n tln lr bT (h« c itriu . n * *xe«ptli»u to th li rut* a n Btata CampCrollrr HuoOck, Btat* T n a i- urM Swain. 0*n«ral DoanaftrL Q<n«r«l

CHANCEUoa a ’a iu 'f iucceiion.

u rn awmiai* vacuTimi s.Btnrkfr. Buprami* Court Clerk Rlkar and cuitodlan Boonall. B ut du iins tbaentnina artmlnlalratlon U will ba ra i 'a f tin r for tha Btata Dfflclala to ba more In arldenoa a t thair poaia.

It la varr probable th a t Btala Banklnc and Inauranca Commlaalonar B a ttla w n m term t ip l r e i In UOO, will ba namW aa hla own luocaaaor, but there la conaldarabla doubt aa to taa raappolutment of B u te Bohool Suprrintandant B axter, S tate Road Comiataalooer Budd, Btala Prtaon fluper-

■ Andaraon and Btala r u lo iT

If a Bapubllsaa Ba Hanaad II la T1kea«ht dadge r m nad Bwinwaa Oearl dnatlaa CaUlna B ax Ba Oaaaldarad-TlM Baaax C a u itr ITeiaaatiaraMp-B r— klla Mi p h j a F arerlla far t in Meat Bepablleea Waailnatlen Iba BeTaawar.

vlior B, J, Inepaelor W ard.Reimbllcanb M ajor Andamoa, however, waa Mttarly oppoacd to VoorheM a nom- Inatton, Road Commlaalonar B idd haa

•vMlil la the KVBNINO NEWSTRENTON, Nov. 14,-W htla Oovemor-

alaci Voorheea wlU not have ao many ap- polniinanta aa did Governor O rlxta durlnx hla brief reign in tha axaru, tiva chair, ha wUl be able to ahake acme very cholca fru it from the political plum traa. Tba chief appointment th a t will fall to the lot of Mr. Voorheea will be that of a head of the Channary Court to auo- ceed Chancellor Alexander T. HcOUl, whoee term axpirea during the tecond year of U r. Voerheea'a Incumbency of the Q ubernatartal oflice. Chancellor UcGIU will then have rounded out four­teen y e a n in the poilllon. The place la the higheat Judicial one In the State, It beltik the preroratlve of tha Chancellor to praalda over tha Court of Bh'rora and Appeala, which la the court of laat re­to rt In New Jeraey. He la alao Ordinary of the J^erofatlvc Court, which h a a n all appeala In caaea f rom tha Orphan a' dourta and dlapoaat of th a more Im portant will cacae In tha State. He la a member of the Court of Pardona, which. In addition to the Chancellor, comprlaee the Governor and Lay Judge# of the Court of B rron and Appeal!. In addition to thia, the Chancellor haa tha appointment of live Vtce-Chancellora, each of whom Hrvea aeven yrare. a t a la lary of M.OW per an­num. The Chancellor alao aerrea taven yeara and hla la tary la tha lam a aa that of the Governor, 110,000.

I t will readily be seen th a t the berth la no ordinary one, and there la conald- erabla apeculatlon aa to who will be named by Governor Voorheea when tha time cornea. Some of the wlaeaorea are of the opinion that Judge J. F ranklin Fort, of Rtaex County, may have a chanca of ae- curing the oBlco.

Of oourae, tha appointment of Judge Port to the Chancery bench would take him out of the Gubernatorial raca three y tara hence, but It la doubtful If he could make the nomination then. Became of the good work In Eaeex, It la generally conced­ed tha t the Gubernatorial nomination will go to a Republican from th a t county In IWl, and there la a unanimity of feeling in the varloua counties th a t th a t Rapubllcan will be Frenklln Murphy,

" I t Mr. Murphy will be a candldata, tald Beoator Stokea this morning, "he will have the aupport of South Jeraey. The Republicans of New Jersey owe him much, an a 1, for one, would like to be able to gat out and huatla for btm,"

Another name th a t la being coupled with the Chancellorship la that of Supre.me Court Justice Gilbert Collins, of Hudson County. Should be ba named aa Chaneetlor It la probable that Judge Fort will be nam ed to succeed him aa a Buprema Court Juetlce.

i t la very probable th a t the present Vice- chancallora would be reappointed, who­ever might be named ae ChanceRor.- Three are Republlcani—Pitney, Em ery and Grey. Reed and Steveni, tha Democratic Vice- Chancellors, are two of the hardest work­ing Judges In the Btate. The New Jersey bench Is kept free from politics and it Is not a t all likely that Repubileant would be choaen lo succeed either Reed or Btevens.

In ca ie of the acceeslon of Judge Fort to the Chancery or Supreme Court bench. It la probable th a t Chandler W. KIker or Jam es E. Howell would aucceed him aa County Judge of Essex. It Is thought that one or the other of these gentlemen will be named to succeed Elvin W. Crane as. Prosecutor of Essex County. Another name mentioned In cennecllon with the Esaex Proeecutorship la that of Francla J. Bwayie, who la regard­ed aa one of the strong Republican lawyers of Newark. H e took anespecially active part In the campaign Just cloced. I t la not believed here that there l i any chanca of the.appolnlm em e going to John A. Miller. The name ofMajor Lenta has been mentioned by some of bis ardent followen, but It Is not ■rrlouily regarded by those who arc near the throne. Major Lema. aa la well known, waa never an enthusiastic Voorheea nuui, and. In fact,-up im ttt the tIa iF ihe nomina­tion waa made, he was a rikarous oppo­nent of the Voorhees boom. Governor Voorheee la not tbe kind of man to hold any personal spite, however, and he will unquestionably r e a i^ in t Major Lenta to the S tate Board of Taxation.

During the next Gubernatorial term, ex- ^ n a to r Licwla A, Thompson's term as clerk of the Court of Chaoceiv will expire, and, it Is very probable th a t Senator E, C. Btokes, of Cumberland, will be named as bis successor. Clerk Tnompeon h is never left a stone unturned to thw art Voorhees'a progress In the field of politics, and will not expect a reappointment a t the Gover­nor-elect's hands. On the other hand. Sen­a to r Btokes has l ^ n Voorheews chief lleu- Isnant, Ha kept the Voorheea boom afloat alt aummer long, while Voorheea himself waa giving all hli time to tbe New Jersey volunteers. For the past eight years Btokes and Voorhees have been like brolh- e r i la tha Legislature. They were or the aa^ e lemjMnmente.^ Tho^ fought their

flea hand-ln-bihd, a n ^ a f te r atrug, ■ling against heavy odds to r years, came out vlotoiious, when In September Voor- hnoa waa made the Republican candidate I®'' y ’Y.*™®''- r* wa» as much a victory for Btokes as for Voorhees.

U is theK fore the most na tu ra l thing In the world to assume th a t Btokea will ■uoceed Thompson as Clerk In the Court o f Chancery. Btokes Is not a millionaire by any m e a w He haa a desire to become a member of the Bar of New Jersey, but up to the pM ient haa not felt th a t he had the time to give to the atudy neccisary. At clerk in a l* n k at Millville he has not had a princely Income, but as Clerk In the C,ourt o f Chancery he would get tS.OOO a year. He Is fltted for the place, being of a aystemaUc turn, and would be found a t his post every day. This, In Itself la of much Importance, as It la the Inten­tion of Governor-elect Voorheea lo be at the S tate Houie ilx days every week and not merely for a few hours on Tuesday, as has baen tbe oustom.

Thla cuitom of coming to the Btate


A DtBTttL LITTLE ENGINE.I t Is a KeNM oe Oil Motor u d I t w ill

Plobably Be ManuAictured In Newark. An effort Is being made to eatabllsh In

this city a manufaotory for the produc­tion of the Capltalne motor. I t Is a coal oil motor, and the Inventor la Emil CWpl- talite. a celebrated German engtneef, who h a i devoted eighteen years to m e develop, m in t of the petroleumenglne. Afour-horse cngtns Warn Installsd last week lo the new buitdlog a t 11V& Beaver itree t, to r the pur- poeg of showing ail callers tha principle Involved. Tha englnB was viewed liy scores of InqUleluve people, including many of the moet Ingsnioue meohanlce in thie city, and the invariable verdlut wea th a t it waa a winner and a wonder. While It! works a n encased In a neat Iron en- vtlope, there are blue p rin ts upon the w ait show ing the working d eta ils

Tba proposition Is lo found a company In this city to build the engines. It Is not Intended to enter Into oompetltlon with the builders of big Corliss engines, or steam sn ^ n e s of any cleea. The Idee te to eupiply cheap englnea to do any work up to ten-boraq power, to be operated upon boats, horseteea curriages, lu private houses and iioall factory lofta. The ar­gument l i th a t the engines are clean, nolaeleta and odorlcae, and th a t they will run w ithout attention for a day or mort. This m etns th a t there Is no shovelling of ashes, no great eoneumptluu of water, no worry about boiler exploaloos and no wrangle with the engineer.

It w hardly necenary to deeortbe tbe engine, except to aay th a t U Is smalt arid neat. In relation to lie efllcleucy. It may be laid that the people In ie rW '^ do not

li been f la re dolelm a s much tor H ae hasrwvna AMnEgMiMr. nvui.flhcii^

nklln Institute, or the experts In who hays Investigated Capitalne's

running In o n e power


out by tbe Btevens Institute, a t Hoboken: the m n — — '— -Europe invention.

inie little engine which la .Beaver street develops four-hot , ___of MMrgy a t a cost of twentjr-four cents psr day of ten hours. I t Is there for tits puSMSs af Interesting N sw ark oapital and s ttaW aM w a plant In this city for the manuCaeture « | oil engines for ninalng boats,, horHlM s oarrlagis, lio latrd elec­tric Ughtlng p lantt, private pumping, ele­vators and o thsr ihlaga requiring from ona to ten horse power of energy, and pedlally when th a t power Is 1q be e a lM upon a t Irregular Intervals, ‘r h s eoglne wUlba tx f lti t to r .fo r le v e ra l waakaa>h>

the eamaaiiy heee, — ----------him M a fo r i .

Met. Wlaaiaw'a SIMSM M BUMlst.

T W 5 t* fw n i i ' l t e g

M B d ^ g w a r t FaBMOf

l^ e NOVlOCBEK 14bThe Largest Dry and Fancy Goode Bouse in New Jem y.

THE BEE HIVE.Truthful Advertising Will Always SeU Honest Goods,

Alt Of theta ofltolala are

been more or less troubleaomt In, hU gal­lery” plays to the farmers, and Factory lospector W ard w as a personal a ^ l n t - ment of Governor Griggs. Mr, W ard baa paid llttls a llen tlon to theofllca and doubt- lete does not expect a reappointment. School Buperintendent B a ile r wee a personal appointm ent of Govrraor QrtggA and It ia-poselbie ihef ihle berth wl 1 g ^ o former Senator Hoffman, of Atlantic, who bos always been Interested to school erork.

It Is probable th a t Governor Voorhooa will appoint Colonel Alex C. Ollphant to succeed either U r. Gibbs or (Wneral Bpan- cer on the S tate Board of Aasoaaors. Colonel O llphant haa been of very great aislatance to Governor Voorheea, serving ae m ilitary aide, during the past aum m sr The remaining memners of the Btate Board of Assessors will no doubt be reappoIntM, os will also C harles C. Black as a member of the Btate Board of Taxation. Both boards are bl-partlaan. „

The only memM ra of the Supreme Court whose term s expire during Governor Voor- heei's Incumbency are Justices Depus end l.lpplncott, and no doubt both will be m- lurned. The court now stands five Repub­licans and four Democrats and aa Justice Depue Is a Republican and Justice Llppln- cott a Democrat, both are preltv certain of reappointment. Republican luccejaora win no doubt he namM for Circuit Court Judges Child and Miller, and Republlcana are sure to he named to eucooed the pres­ent Democratic County Judges In Cumber- Iknd, ijRrcer, Monmouth and Bomaiset, all of whoee term s expire within tbe next three years. Republican eucceeeors will tiso certainly be named for the p r w n t Democratic Proeecutore of Cumberland, Essex, Bergen, BurUn^on, Camden. 8a- lem and Bcmsraet oountlee.

The preernt members of the State Pnaon Board. S tale Board of Riparian Commls- ilonera and S ta te Board of Arbitration are pretty .certain o f reappointment.


TIee-ChawieUor B w d’e Opialoa to toeT e s a tn B abbar Gampoay Ckao-DIreo-

tore HeM rasely EMpMSlhla.TRENTON. Nov, 14,-Vioe-ChanceI.

lor Read filed an opinion Saturday In w h ich , ha bolds th a t ei-M ayor Frank A. HAgowan, while president of Ihe Trenton Rubber Company, overdrew hla account to the extent of s t leaet |UO,000.In (he sam e opinion tha Vice-Chancellor holds w m iarn P. Hayes, now Warden of the S tate Hospital for the Iniane, a t T ren­ton, and form erly tn a a u re r of the T n n - ton Rubber Company, legtlly liable tor M.ein of thie overdraft. Allen Magowan. the ex-Mayor*e father, le held to bo legally reeponelble for lU.MO.n of hla lo n 'l over­drafts.

The responsibility of Hayes and thh eld­er Magowan la baaed on the fact th a t they were directors of the Trenton Rubber Company, and th a t they either knew, or ought to have known, th a t the ex-Mayor was using tbe com pany's funds for hli own benefit. T hat they aro not held responsi­ble for a larger sum la becausa under tbe taw directors of a company are respoeiilble only to the owners o f the corporation for permitting funds to be misused, eacept In those cases where they know the ooinpany to be Inioivcnt.

The bill waa filed by former VIce-Chan. celtor John T. Bird, as receiver of the company. The allegation was that Mayor Magowan overdraw hla aoeount Cor a much larger sum than th a t found by the Vice-Chancellor, and rulaed Ihe company, hie father and Hayet, a s fellow-directors, permitting him to do so wltnout attem pt­ing to check him. In hie opinion the Vlte- Choocoller eaye:

"The corpcratloD waa ofgaiilisd In ISH, when F ra n k A. Magowan, WlUlam P, Hayea and one Alpaugh were elected di­rectors. Mr. Alpaugn died In IML. when Allen Magowan waa eknted in hie place a director, a s well aa vice-prealdent L ater William P. Hayea waa elected treasurer. These three cantlnued ae dlrectora u p ' to August L I8K, When tbe company went Into the hands of a receiver. On Septem­ber M, ina, the receiver was dtscbargrd and the com pany continued builnees until the appointm ent of the present receiver.

"The first queotion la tn regard to the liability o f F ra n k A Magowan. He own­ed substantially, all the stock In the «w- poratlon, and controlled the business. H* freely used the checks and notes of tbe company to pay his personal debts, aod the only perplexity is In limiting the amount of hts abstractions. Tbe two soorces of InformatloD In evidence ore the books of the com pany and the checks and notes of the company now In the bands of the receiver," .

From th is evidence the Vice-Chancellor deduces th a t Magowan overdrew hla ac­count to tbe am ount named. Regarding the liability of H ayes and Allen Magowan, the V lce^hanoellor says th a t while they were nominally dirvctora of tha conwra- tion they only acted as employes of F rank A, Magowan. H ayes's function was that of a book-keeper merely. He acted as a mere servant of the prealdent, Allen Ma-f owan was superintendent of the manu- scturlng part of tbe business, and never

bad any anowledga of the condition of the finances. The Vice-Chancellor continues:

"In regard to the duty which Ur. Hayes and Allen Magowan owed to the corpo­ration Itself, the former was grossly and tbe la tter In a degree negltoent The whole, affair was aubstontlally the private buM- ness of F rank A. Magowan under a oor- porate guise. As a m atter of tact, he never paid for hla stoob. He was permitted by Ihe o ther directors to run the buslneae aa he pleased. H e was concerned In other corporations, and tbe lunde of e tch were u n u to keep up tbe credit of the pthera a t bis own ‘ will. The ' dlreotort placed no checks upon his actlonk but permitted him to carry the buelnesa along In the reckleee manner which these accounts Indicate. Now, while F rank A Magowan le an- swerable for th e funda of tMa company which he applied to hts own pereonal uaei,Ihe other olrectore are reeponelble tor their negligence In permitting him to do ■0,"

The Vice-Chancellor holde that dlreo. to rt of a corporation are agents of the owners of the corporation and reeponelble to them, bu t th a t they are not agents of, or responsible to, the creditors of the eorpo ration, except when the corporation bo cornea Insolvent. Then a new duty Inter- vensw^that of preserving the property for the distribution of tbe aaaets to the cr«L Itora. Applying th is principle of law and holding th a t tn e company was Inaolvent during tbe period between the lime It waa taken out of tbe hands of John D. Rue, the first receiver, and placed In the hands of the present receiver, the Vice-Chancellor finds Mr. H ayea and Alien Magowan to be reiponsible to the credlton lo the lum a given above.


AaeUwv AUagwd Kieh MHhe-lBeisaea of P itoa of ImwL

COLUMBUS, 0 „ Nov, H,—A epeolat to The Dlipatoh from Canal Dover, a , loyai

"Another dlecovery of goM J i announced In the Malvern distric t near here. The la t­est find Is a t Augusta, a few mllse north of Malvern, where M. O. Lsyda b a i dte- covered on hla farm a n ora which he ololms to be richer th an the Malvern product. A Urge number o f people vlalted the new find yaeierdigr am) many exprees sonfl- denoe th a t Mr. Leydk has at[uck a g M thing. ,

"Bpedmene will be aeeared a t once. The e» dlecovery has Increased the gold fever and fel haa also caused the price of land to take a IT,

Biggest Before Xmas Bargain Time,MARVELLOUS Bargains because of the superfine quality of the merchandise. Multitudes of sound, seasonable

economies that recommend themselves to the most conservative judgment—to the most critical taste. Opportunities in prices that no previous “ Get-ready-for-Xmas ” sale here has been able to offer you. Not able in print to show you half the bargain-wonders this^ale specially creates. Money in your pocket to COME, and COME AT ONCE.

A Great Group of Gilt=Edged Bargain Chances.Oil Cloth—Floor Oil Cloto, new patterns, good 'wearing grade, regular 35c. square yard, I Q p


Skirting—Extra heavy skirt pat­terns, full length, better than any elsewhere, regular 35c., ' JQ/y special................................

PillOWCISing—[,500 y*irfa 45 in. Bleached Pillowcasing, good Z - quality, IOC. value, special. . U C

Flannel—Heavy Canton Flannel, and brown, 15c

goods in remnants, special

Ladlet' Handker’fs — Swiss em­broidered, scalloped and hem­stitched, with Irish hand embroid­ery inside the hem, dainty ^ j6}c

bleached and brown, 15c. lOcBlankets —10-4, 11-4 long soft napped Blanket, white, gray and fane;, good many bath and wrap­per kinds among them ,|i.35 to f j .40 pair value , . . .

Pocketbooks -G enuine Seal and Real Alligator Combination Pock­etbooks, and grain leather, some with double nickel frame and in­side pull dap, all fancy col- ored leather, reg. 48c., at

Men’s Shirts — Ribbed, natural wool color, with heavy wool fleec­ing, drawers to match, manufac­tured to sell for fi.oo, spec- C ^ /v ial sale price......................O m C

Men’s Shirts —Laundered, made of fine soft muslin, 3-ply bosom, reinforced fronts, felled seams, faced sleeves, gathered yoke, dou­ble stitched, patent a-piece C A - neckband, special.............. O U C

Men’s Night Shirts —Heavy out­ing flannel, pretty styles and good strong tw il i t muslin, white and blue and red trimmed, set on col­lars, pearl buttons, pocket front, felled seams, gathered yokes, 52 and 53 inches long, regu- ^ A ^ Ur 48c. goods, special. , . . O x V

fine cloths, values loc., a t .

Fancy Jacquards-one great lotin beautiful figures and scrolls, in an extreme assortment of patterns, varying in effect from the tiniest natte to the showiest, all P A - «gr-7Sc-.88c., 98c. goods at O V C

Crepe Drapery—Gold tinted, Per­sian patterns, figured and ^ striped, regular 10c. yard, at U C

Figured Cretonnes-Foreign anddomestic grhde, light aud medium grounds, value 15c. lo 20c. A .* yard, at....................................V C

Fancy Taffetas and Taffeta Bro­cades, for street and evening wear, good value at 75c., to close

Black Qros Grain and Taffeta Brocades, 21 and 24 inch, scroll and figured effect, 75c. and P A ^ 89c. value, to close at , . O x C

Ladies’ Vests—white ribbed it iassorted styles, pants to match, some with yoke ^nds, these have never been sold less than P A _ 75c., a special chance a t . i /U C

Flanelette Waists—i n navy,white, pin stripe, polka dot or Fancy Plaids, self collar 'J A — plait back ............................ O V C

Petticoats —silk umbrella and Spanish styles, 3 to 8 cords, good widths, 20 colors, rustling i F A taffeta, $6.00 value..........T a u i r

Silver —sterling Silver Mounted Manicure and Toilet Pieces, Shoe Hooks, Buttoners, Erasers, Seali, etc., Darners, 39c. and 50c. ^ A „ most places, each .................m x C

Stamped Trays— H e m stitched, pure linen, good quality, cheap at the regular price of asc., 1 A - special now a t . . . 1 . , iV C

Head Rests—Double covered with figured tlnael drapery, doth trim­med with silk tasaela, worth 29c. each, for thia week special

Pcrcalines—36-in., in brown, fast black, tbe best, regular 8c. Scgrade, special for ,

Sateen—36-in., very fine Sateens, in alt the light, medium and dark shades, including black, \ A „ regular 20c., a t ................ I 4 v

Flannel Drawee—c b i 1 d r e n ’ s good quality Canton FlanneliDraw- ers, 3 , 4, 6, 8 years, worth \ y „ 25c., a t . ..................................I L L

Rugs—Moquatte, 26x54, baitquai- ity, new Fall patterns, re g -I i Q ular 1.89 each, now a t . . l a ^ x

Veiling —Sewing Silk, very best quality, all silk, black, white, cream, gray, regular 33c | A yard, a t ..............................| ^ L

Eider Down—Heavy Cotton, for children’s cloaka, ladies' d r t^ s , soft and warm, I3)«c., spe­cial. 7JcF la n o e !-rCream, very heavy, for skirting and underwear make, 35c. valu(, special. IO C

Corsets—I.oo Sitkaline Corsets, 50 doz. fancy color Silkaline Cor­sets, new French effect, made to sell at t.oo, guaranteed perfect f it . . . . . . .

Watches—U dies Solid Silver Chatelane Watches, opien face, dear dial, daintily chasM,'^ ^ i good timers, reg. value 3.00


Ladies Hose—Fast black cotton, medium and heavy weight, extra lengths, with double solea, heels and toes, our regular 35c. ' I d — quality, fo r.............. ... .

All Linen Canvas — The regular laXc, a good many stores ask 14c. yard for it spedal at O C

Crinoline — PUln and dmeked, white, brown, gray and Uack, ^ regular loc., spedal for.. . , i C

Curtaining—Swiss,36 inches wide, sheer quality, figures and _ stripes, valuo i3>sc. yard, at f 2C

Men's Handker'fs—Hemstitched,stripe bordned, fine doths, not quite perfect,but still you'd hardly know why not, values 8c. i - and 9c., all a t . . . . . . . 4 C

Music —New pieces of well known snd late publications, October and Novembn issue, published at Q . 50c., here regular 3ic. . . . x C

Wrappers — Season’s accumula­tion of two manufacturera, gar- mente that could not go Into regu­lar lines on account 01 some slight defect or shading in doth , hfany arc absolutely perfect “ aomples,” 100 dozen in all, the very brat quality of flannelette the market produces, neat patterns, many elaborately trimmM, wide skirts. They would sell in a regular way from fi.50 to $3.00, all 86cZephyr Worsted —B «t imported,2, 4 and 8 fold, all colors, sold usually at 5c. lap, Tuesday only, quantity restricted . ,Note Pl|Mr—Quire Boxes Pape- terie, Whiting's brat, don't match exactly, in nice boxes, worth A _ 25c. Rnd 35c., all at . . . . V C

3 Boxes tor 2Bc.

Ribbon Special-^^ros Grain No. 1, very best grade, also plain or picot edge, tame price as the ic. grade but much better quality,color assortment not quite complete; regular 3c. yard, special | A - now 10 yaid piece. . . . . l U C

Fancy Weavea-in great assoit*ment of styles, pretty mixtures,

Elain and fancy cheviots, stripes, oudet, diagonab, serges, all have

been selling from 48c. to — 59c. yard, at..........................J o C

A Rare Lot of foreign fabrics in- duding 50 inch Scotch cheviots of a lew colorings worth $2.00 yard, 40 inch self colored bayadere im beautiful shadings |i.o o quality, 40 inch changeable granites, gi.oo> quality, 53 inch camel hair 'T C /v ch’ks 1.35 q'lty, all down to f U v

KIk Walata—Two great lots: ex­cellent quality of Taffeta Silk, fin­ished with 33 vertical tucks, divid­ed with hemstitching, cuffs and collar tucked to m at^ , all lined, regular 4.85—and stripes, checks, plain colors, desirabte gmrmentn that have sold up to |8.oo,

Ruff Senrfs—Rich new designs and colors, dainty stripes, plaids and polka dots, figures and many novelties, finest styles and leading'makes, regular 48c., spe- 39cLiBdics' fllOVC8-“-Four*battoa anti ^ o -d a tp kid, embroidered bucks,, in tan, gold brown and black, aai good as most |i ,o o gloves elsewhere, for.......................U V vMen’s Socks—Seamless cotton ta fast bbek and tan, and also in mixed, each style plain and mixed,, the best make of its kind, our regular 13c. grade, spec­ial a t . . . . . . . lOc

Great Lamp Sacrifice.Handibine Brass and Onyx Lamps to dost out.Betides this 3S per cent, off all other

Tjsmpt, eren from thote already marked to half TtJae.

4.00 Lamps for6.00 Lamps for8.00 Lamps for 2.9810.00 Lamps for 3.75

ExtraordinaryLinen Selling. . .

BLEACHED BHEET8-WXM blsBah«L m y ht*Tj no4y-taafi« lUiMa ragular Sto.. •vw'l.asonxto, nguliT Ma, .p»elal....,.............HX9U beautUrhefi, tegular Ue., ipwlal...__ S4aSUM, baautitebefi, legulirMa., ipecla].^,...JM« tlxw. iMDuttlotaM), iggularHa., .psulal.... ...aOe

BAMTABY BIBD'SEY'E - Tb* LM >)A tnafit, 23 Inehn wlda regular Me, A v Qipevlol........... ..

LIKEN TOW EU-UsU Hook Tovib, Taluislaiut., i|Mvial..... .................................g_Wise, ealue lOfl, ipectal..... ...................3»Ml, ealne l» t. itw ial...,,..... .................. {Jc

EXTKA FINK TOWELH-Riua h ta - l tm ItItohed Towel., DMnwark and tanci]r and plain wtilia bonl«a .pedal.... e * V .

HEAVY CHASM—A Yetr brarg abtorb' ✓ eiU, .plebdid for roller end beth. Taint Sc., Q Q

Alio contlDuatioo ol our great TbauAtrlrlnf Unen Special.

The Greatest Money-MakingBAT(ENBLIRa BRAIOS-Extra flae

quaUty, all llneo, Batteaburg rw U Itraldi, all widths, 86 yards to A I ^ piece, tbe piece........................... g* a v

DARNING COTTON-.Smith 4 AneeU'i black D uulag Cotton, A o f on ball!, the ball a t......................

SHOE LACB5~0ne yard long, Xf ood quality tubular Shoe Loom, f l C

lack, duaen in bunch, a t................

HOOKS ANDEYBS-Kxtragoodqnnl- ity apring Hooka and Eyei, blaek rw J and white, two doaon on cord, at A o f the card.....................................

SPOOL SILK—SO yards of the 1 fatnooa Beldlng make of Spool F n C 811k, black and an colon, apool.

DRESSING PINS—Good qual- Ity American Dieealng Pins, full A q C oonnt, all alaea, the paper a t . . . .

HAIR PINS—Aiiorted styles of Cabi­net Hair Pins, containing 100 alaorted hair plna, the n Cbox a t............................................

SILVER T H IM B LES-Star- Uog ailTer, plain band, all sizes, 11 IQ* to go this week at, each ,„ ......... *

LAP BOARDS — Dnstm aker't Ijip Boards, these boards are all yery -n P finely finished and ponshed,with yard measure, regular 48c.. . . . .

KNEE PROTECTORS-Boys’, j i made of fine quality Jersey cloth, I A Q ail one piece, r ^ . aSc., the pair.. * * *

Notion Time. Tempting Toilet Article Prices.DRESS STEELS — The oele- A

bratod M ystic Dress Steels, la all sizes, ttie dozen at.-i....................... *

HOOK EYE TA PE-V ery good /a quality of Hook and Eye Taiie, In y C black, white aud gray, the yard ... ^ *

ELASTIC WEB—8uper Lisle n f Klastlc Web, J^-lm-h wide, black - a y C and white, at the yard................ ^

MOURNING P 1 N S-O ood quality, sixty pins one paper, with bright and dull heads, at tlie pai>er.........................................

BATTENBURGTHREAD-Uat. -w tenhurg 'ITtread, all nuralFri, in AQ white, from to 400, at llic hull..

riACHINE OIL—Best quality 1 two oz, bottle sperm sewing ma- chine oil, put up for US, the iKrt..

AITMONIA—Extra choice (juftlity,don’t confound it with the usual a Sc. grade, our regular high teat 6c. AC . qiiallty, special bottle a t....... .

TOOTH BRUSHES—Assorted styles of handles, best bristles, regular value 18c., this week, special a t.........................................

HAIR BRUSHE5-Solld one wood back, pare bristle, French

■ JltitlM'J' y

‘3 k


make, wurlh'76c. each, (or this .‘i U C week, a t.....................................

WITCH HAZEL—Good qu llty , one pint bottles, regular price 19c., g i the bottle, to go for Oils week, 1 4 ^

TRIPLICATE niRRORS - Mikel- plated frame and chain, to hang «r | A stand, reg. prices most places | v C 25o., this week each here........... 1 X V


HOYT’S COLOGNE — The genulno Hoyt Cktlogne aud tlu> lOe. size, m to go thia week, special use bottles / Cfor..................... ..................... ■ ^

TOILET SOAP—Pure milled .lapan, Lily, (Hive, Glycerine and others,sVakea lo box, also new Vlolette, 4 cakes to box, each worth 15c.the liox.......................................

TOILET PAPER—Perforated rolli,

week,the roll.............................................

PETROLEUM JELLY—In tubes, (orchapiml hands, face and lips, war- rsuted a good article, regular prioe6c., special this week a t................

LAUNDRY SO A P-'llie very beab quality and largo cakes, uiually ^ sold I t 5c., case of hundred cakes 2.8S, per cako................... ........... *

good jiaper, g o ^ size roll, at regu-' lar price 6o,, special this w

YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the Rrand bargain offerings in Newark’s Greatest Cloak and Suit Sale,


■ ta t Foarlag Bcglaa laaetatog W hite Chil- d m io a Ja fw g Cltr ScbiKii.

■iwUI lo th* BVBNINa NBwa.JB R aU T CITY, Nov. li-M U a Dally

Fearing, colored, who was appointed a public aohool teacher by the Board of Bd- ueotlon in l i a r last, began teacblng this morning In new Bohool No. IB. There has been more dlscusalon over the appointment o f Milt- Fearing than over any other teacher In Jeraey City. Since tbe day of her appointm ent rumore of d lisstlsfartlen on tba p a rt of the parents whoee ohlldrenIrIU come under her care hava been heard,

t waa said th a t the Board of Education would be petitioned to change her ap­pointm ent and plaoe her In charge of a oloaa tn tha school a t Harrlaon and Monti- oeilo avenues, which ta In the heart of the negro olatrlct, end ia attended almost ex- oiuelvely by colored cblldren. If such a m ore has neen m ^ e , the Board of Kdu- oatlon 'has paid no attention to It., Dr. John J.* Broderick, w to Is directed

the Lafayette eecllon, in whichI price 0

fabuioua Jump, ao th a t tt c«n ba netthef bought nor leased. In case the assay allows sumclent gold. H r. Leyda will a t oncepurchase m achinery to work the mine."

Try a small Uns od. « the W tat page, and aei It It para

OapSaln R andelph Send.^U B X lN G 'roN . Ky., Nov. I t -C ra ta lu Peyton Randolph, ona of the most Moml- nent ofllcers o f the Seventh Infantry Urn. muncs). died yoeterday a t Bt. JoswiWa Hospital in th is otty of tyubold (even H s wss tw tnty-flve ysors of age and oom* monded Company IC H e o o m a ^ a ™ . famous old Randolph family, » t n rg ln liL •1 ? I* * g roduats of Virginia M l U t a ^ ^ atitutc. F o r teveral years previous to his


___SUHl_____ . eto.. li e _relleVm Uw child Resn i nowMb^siJ^k -irwa;

Vol-. . represents saswietalsd with Q, a t thjg.city.

f i r ellhTT}

Btindard Oil Company a t Baltimore,

OhhMaa TaUev ■hot.'''

1 m r-^ —Tet Dag,^aslwtla llm C h ln w aaT lu ^ I ar, w S jigM SatJto ia .nhE ^, eap^ Thia to the phlrtl t«

chool No. U le located. Is agalnat such a change. He ooneldere Mist Feering one o f the neat teachers In the city, and does net believe th a t her color should be any barrier to her earning her living aa the in- atruotor of children. Mlsa Fearing was g raduated from the Jersey City Training Bebool y ith honors. __________

■wBlIawed Im nU aum la a O rugitoia.PATERSON, Nov. K -J o h n Wlloon. rol-

ored, attem pted to commit euiclde a t Dr. B rltion 'a drugstore about U.’IO lost night. WUaoo, who works a t Ihe State H ouM accompanied by hja brother, atuered tha Plaoo, and John m iao n a s k ^ w Britton lo sell him two ounoea of iaudanuni. No sooner bad the doctor handed tbe man ^ e drug than W ilton piooed the vial to hie lint and drained l u oontenta The drug- ~lat struck the polion out of the m a n s -.anda, while the brother ran from th# ■tore, Two poUoe oQcets held the negro while the dniggtat quickly mixed an anti­dote. This, however, tbe would-be sulotde refused to drink until the two omcer* th i^ iim e d to tie him while

a stomach pump op him. After .Wlh

almllarIn the suit of union 1

used a stomach pump op him. a r ie r tvii- ann took ih e jm lx tu re os was hurTliwy

. . ^ ----- ^ drivsn to St. • jirsno ls 's Ho,spllaL A ftertrsgady of a oonaldsreble dlW wIty the physloltns got

tbsir patien t to vpialt, and this morning 'I t to be out of danger.

kTATE gMHDAY-BCHOOI, W ORHRmf,Hew Jersey Assoolatlsa ta Oetobtat# l u

FortM b A anlversaiy This Weah.Aneriol to tha aVHNINO NRWS.

PATKRSON, Nov, 11.—The triennial convetitlon of the New Jeraey Sunday- aohool AssoclatloD, which w ill 'm e e t In- the Market Street MethodUt Episcopal Churcli to-morrow evening, will m ark tbe fortieth tnnlvereary of the founding of tbe organisation, and l u offloers are preparing to make the moat of the occealon. T he ao- •oclatlon embraces all the Buoday-ochiocaa of the State, of all denominatlona. I t has an aoxlllary aioociatlon In every oounty with various townehip and dlstriot aaaoct- atlone, primary unions and o ther tom w of local work. The S tate oonvenUon coiulMa of the VartouB S tate offloerR together w ith ten delegatee elected by each of the ootm- ly canvsnllona.'‘About two hundred reg­ular delegates, w ith hundreds of v l i l t o ^ are expected a t thto meeUng, Among the eminent apeekera who are to tak e p a rt will be Rbv. Dr. A. F . BohaufBer, o f New York; Her. Dr. Contellua W oeintln, of Brooklyn: Rev. Dr. A. H. B r o d f ^ of Montclair- Marion LawmHoR O.; Mre. J ^ e o d b r id g o B o m e a .o f N o * : ark; Rev. Dr, Forreat E. Dager and Rev Dr J j Wilbur C haotnai; S T h u iS S lJ to L am) Rev. Dr. J. h. H urlbut, o f N g* York’ wjfc will apeak id tha order ngmeiL Be: aides thesR various confereeee# a ^ j u - euisloni o f Importance a re to he held

The reporta of the varloua effloera and com i^ttesa will show a high s la te k f effl- clency In the organisation, mid a smount of g o ^ acoompllshsd fo r the Sun­day-schools during th* past 'throe y w n

— wrtllberSin;The home <ed by B ecreury 8 tu U s ." ; i r th ? S .n : vcmlon will cotistdtr the beat m eani foe comtpulng and expanding its work on th is lm u (» ^ C lln*. A apecSl o U ^ t e e w in bring fn_a plan for the eatr*-'—


•• ttt t to OeidA" Dree epertBesd sow

BT. _ dssignsi of %w v

■ iWjiptowi to W rtUi'r. ’-Mo., Mipr. toatiu

he woe t hought i______________

Tehdstosds K ill a Child. riUBBHQUPj.Nov. U .-M ary. the four- ' ptd dAwHilte of Joseph Murphy, of

id f to m the effecU of , ju a f lV Id a y night.

‘ ) o f her unole. P I. during theher

The P e m

m tre MusiRpg tne Itje oou ■he iff

A fu r Ihe’ dI 111 and h e r i

c o m m ^ ^ and e i^ n d ln g l— ig In a plan foi __tU ndard ayatero of g rtu i all Bunday-fohoola, whlcl, mi win discuee and probably ac t i

Mrs. Alpp*> F au lt, of l i m dent of the S tate iM m asTY make a report of the a t Asburir Pork and __ eayenteen primary unt wllt,bWeny tell wbaA.1'General le e fe ttry (or the work aa aevening, and oil T hu___ _trao iu re t's report and tb a : mgndatlona of the Bxe and Other commlttsea L. dlaoiiwied, end the plan new three yearn datermh

The now o S cert will T h ^ a y afteraooii, a t i ^ ha^raod from ooi whan the peaventloit

n s tn« rteom " snoLttM

- M

o ther offlerrs are: Vlec-preiil«lPiitii, C, B. Partone, Rrv, Dr. I. F. Urokuw. W olur M. Patton : Ireaeurer, Henry M. Dawson; re­cording uwretor}-, Rev. James 8, Young; asaletont tw crdlns secretary, H. E. Elm- merman; chairman of the Executive Com. mlltee, Joseph D. Doty; home department secretary. Rev. Louie D. Htultx; general seoreUry, Rev, S. Morris Kergusson.

BURNED TO DKATB ON A LIOHTBRFatal R ip lo tlea of a la m p la (be Cabin of

tb* J . R. Manniag.Boerlal to the EVENING NHtVS.

JERSEY CITY, Nov. H .-T he exploelon Of an oil lamp In the cabin of tha steam lighter J. 11. Manning, which was lying a t Pennsylvania Hallrood Pier I Iasi night, teeulied fatally to ths only peraoo aboard the boat.

Tha explosion occurred shortly afte r midnight. Tha cabin wee soon In a blase. The flames shot out of the windows ami were eeen by the crew isof dther boau and those on the shore. The boats In the vicinity of the burning lighter blew their .whlettee lo warn the flreboaU and the local Are deportment. The Pennsylvania Kallroad flrs luge and several engines of tbe Jersey City Deponment responded The flames were quickly extinguish^. When the fire was out the police of ths Gregory Street Station examlnad the boat. On tbe floor of the cabin they found tbe body of a man who waS' apparent- iy forty-nve years old, and who was five feet ten Inches tail. H e waa llght-complexloned and Wore a atrlped abirt, light trousers, overalle, no shoes. I t was evident that he waa the engineer of the lighter, and had remtoned aboard to guard It over B un d ay ^h e body waa eent to Bpeerio morgue, 'Oiiore nothing upon It to lead to Its Identiflca- tton,

COLORED MAH MOBBED. sr-'bTaken Ont of Ja il and Bentea-Uader

Sheriire Proteetton^BBIYHOUR. Ind„ Nov. JA -Loat night a

m aiked and armed mob took out of Jail John Baird, a colored Demoerstlo atump speaker, who had been Imprisoned on the charge of abtalnlhf money by false pre-

Once outside the mob beat hint with ■ticks, pounded him over th s head with pevolveti and ordered him to leave town iUb OtUMi*

Inatead of obeying the order he went to the Prosecuting AUorney and Sheriff for protection. H alf an hour la ter he a i^ m - panled th* Sheriff and posse in seaich for members of the mob, , , -

I t is not known whether or "b t M ult upon him was inspired by political ipitfc __________ —

OhJseted to CRtoefa Labor. VANCOUVWL B, C.. Nov. 14.—The mtn-

a«li TOMoyed in tCe vlrinlty of Bllverton have roundM op all th* UblnoM lahororshave rvimaao op au n " .—..Rr « » varloua campe and shipped SW the .d iatrto t The H o M o ^n i

t te tglilga to China by tb a

them ins are


HANNA ON REVKHUE.T hs Okie ienalo r In Favor of Too and

Oeffbo Toa.CLEVELAND, O,, Nov, IA—In an Inter­

view loat night Senator H anna said the tariff would have to be revised to meet existing conditions.

"The war revenue m easure,'' he said,miMt be revleed, bu t we will keep many

of the original featuree of the law simply becauto it It now necessary. Under the old tariff law we are not getting very much revenue itoCaute we arc exporting Inateed of Importing, and tom ethlng m uit be done to meet theeo new oondltlona.

We muet have a now revenue meas­ure, be oontlnuedi "Bo for ss I am oon- ceriied I favor putting a du ty on le* and eoffto. The revenues for the support of tb e Oowerwwwnt must bo ridaod In oowie way and the indlreot la the best way so- cording to my Mot.

' Whan tbe people do not realise that they a re iwylAg a tax there la no com­plaint. Still It will be iitceaaary to retain some of the featuree of the w ar revenue mejuiure. The tax la now on the people and In tom e Inataneei it la the proper method of taaaihm ."

Hearty Gave Hla LUe to r a Dog.TRENTON. Nov. lA -John Kocoht, Who

Uvea on Bellevue avenus. waa etn ick by a trMn on the BeIvtdere-DeUwara division Of tho Pennsylvania Railroad yeMsrday a t nw spM t atresL Hta ahun waa frao- lured and he was taken to B t I^anc lF s Hoeptta), where ho le said to be doing well, although tlxty-one years o f age,. Knepbt waa walkjng on the rallraad in th h it dog, an intelligent spaniel, of which ha wea vary fond, A train came along and tho Bog did not reallto the danger aa hla owner did. 'rtie animal got on th e track and the m atter taw th a t he would be killed. He lock a deaserate obanoe to save th e anim al and waa « ru o k on th e head by the train. The dog w as killed. Kneobi'a skull waa fractured, and tho operation known aa trephining waa performed.

Death of ■ewry V. BwUey.PATERSON, Nov. lA -H en ry V. Butler;

died a t hta home, 2U Broadway, Friday evening, having been 111 only one day. The deceased waa flfty-ilx Jrearie oM, and a son of tha late Henry V. Butter. He laavea a wife and three aduU ohUdnm. The ton, Henry V, Butler, J r „ ta an en­sign hi the navy: he w as on the Olympia In the battle of Manila Bay on H ay 1 las t and ha It sUH with AdWlrol Dewey'e squadron. Mary, th# elder dau itite r, was recantly m arrlsd to a son of Admiral Oharordl, Boncroft Ohem nll, in th is city, and la now a resident of B a it Orange, Mias Jn llk Butler, th s younger daughtor. lives nos|s. Ths widow Is a daughter of the laje JUstloe Joseph B. Bradley, of the United Btotaa Bupresae Coutl ,

L stq M tato as ■ o a tres l.M O N J H E ^ .N o v . |A -T h ^ n e w ^ ^ -

‘-"A h’i r i S f e_i M v tt {M hot dJfttfi*

due to tito Ulnega o(_I<ord■


TP.lIRMRtZKD BY TRAMPB.df WiidhlD|:tons W urran Cdiidtyg

Ann TtaemM*lveiw-R«wnnl fur Miir<]*r«rt.Sijri iNl to th# RVV^NINU NICWr*.

WAaniNOTON, V. j ., Nov. K -T h d tramp nufHftticd tiai hdcprtio lo gencriU Itp thl# L’lty th^ t the cUi«enii d^fe not rrtlru m nlKht wlthGut tAkinfr extra precau- Uiins. Many of them are havtnfr tb«}f rtaUtf'Ticre fitted with burglar alarms, and nearly every male member with arevolver under hla pillow or a fu n a t the head of hla h ^ DuHnjf ihe paat WMlu many houtea have been entered ami women have b»Mm lerrorlxud by ln<** aolent trampa^

Thu cruel murder of Jacob ^rwlne« a peaceable did man, on Sunday ntiibt of la it week, haa brought the ciilsena to a full aenae of the dumfer, and there la aomo talk of itartln ff a petltfon u> h« preacruud »i tba next moetinir of the foinmon Coun­cil, aakinf for an orrltnatici! compttlUoftram pa to work If caught upon the atreeiw of the borough. The Oomnion Council a t Ita laat m eeting offered a reward of t3D0for the arreat and conviction of the mur- derera of firwlne, and decided to appcdnc an extra m an to do police duty. I t ia ex­pected th a t the county will ofTar a liberal reward, In addition to that which the Common Council haa off«rcHl.

Dainty Coatfor Baby,

$ ^ 0 0 .

flnt, whiMs kfiMielatlL IlMd and waiOrt. iqaara lilBiMttf witli pJtiilngotiailnrtafcaaBad


QkntfBtinR iiov tmicli of ft known ss\ty le* ' esn lie {tut gren tubr-thinn, by tkoge—* n jw M tIuMc onlT—-who Inuike the ootfi tIn|F of children their hottnegs.

6 o -6 a W e ir t S t

iTftW Am C EV E^riK O M O N D A Y , N O t |!H S |!3 a t i K<'''

.1*'* , '• - * -

I I f i aThis week we will endeavor to make all who will call upon us realize more fully than ever what an extraordinarily large

assortment we carry and that our prices are extraordinarily low. You cannot help but realize that you can get more and better for your money, than can be had elsewhere.


Iron Bedsteads.ALL «Z b) AT ONI PRICK.

H,«Tr l met lie« p u m n .iw ;illn*rM j.n H b » toetK. ThteuuMl on tb rn n eJ. I. firieUjf lIn ttiM »»1 m biked r t f t O oA »bich fiM. $0^ j t . y o

Spring Beds.B rtcil)' tAf'njf'BrtKl woTen wire, 4 ctom

r«bl«i, pxtrt imrd Hdod ftitlthMl frvin»,ilrtdly At tor crimfvrt ati<1 durability, tith tr fur weioden or ijcHliteadi.


Our $12 Bed is a beauty• m) (RquMtlj bouithi by peop4« wtko lni«i»d«dID p a r^ M u ill'bm i ont.

tHir Piack TUamotid Hfirlnf, Dili vraek, any

MATTRESSES.Alwt»« bur them of lb. nwkw. Ihtn fou know

wbu )Tou nn Ki'UtuK. (or th«r («n l«U )ma.W h y P a y M o re T h a n

1.69 lor « i Kiwlilor M .im at 1 All (or A Mill'd .M.ttmaf il.ilA (ora llu.k H tU iw !,.<M) (nr* lluik and I'otUiii Hattraat n.lHI for a (oium Mallit* dllod with Colton ta

vhite a. mow. lulb. welihl, made In two {SrUT 6.7A»-lh Hair Maitiwn'.' ao.lHl (lira tu-lb IMnt Aouth American Lod(

llnlr Maltn'W Ke*U lar iiriM OOt-ta

PILLOWS.Wf carry a larfe )ln« of thtt* In ilock and aUo

maha them In erder, fllied wiita f«ath«t% at from la^e . lo A3c. por fiound

Renovating.Pillow and lied Pealh.n muTaled by new

Ueais inoew, Ac. per pound.

FEATHERS.We pride oureelvei for the good usim

we have gained upuu reliable, pure andeweet smelling lealheri.Chickea............... . l« S oMixed................... . 8 S oDuck.....................Qeesc (best).......... . 8 8 o

Chiffonoleres.Bolld anilqua oak. n lame deep drawin, bnui

b inD lno , earred tom penal itile.. baa Anbb, ■iy!« and la made aqually u well u the W klad. Our price 8.46.

A beautlbil rlrlcty In nek. mthofinr and blid'Mye maple, n'u are eonOdaDt we bar taert Tatua. In all iradea.


Dining Tables.Extra heavy wik) antique celt, S e t tn hmry

l e ^ IbotWHrfill imirtwd. p a to. ^ rather with bolt, end 1. eitm ^ | ^MivnK..

The $8.00 Tableta our iloek H u loi (■!•§ ■•$ A loof. til tolld otk, kDMtltuI lagi tad worth tltOd

Sideboards.Polld enilque oek. French bevel ahepeil (lene,

l.m allend 1 lim* drtwer, 1 drawer la pluah lined, dnulila Cupluenl, caat b ru t Ulmmlnet, very handanmcly carved and dnlftaed. Ipeclel,

0 .08.And Itnm hen we to up. ihowlat dO pattenia.

and the bu t on. at

fhO .O O .

CHINA CLOSETS.Ilennllfitl to behold. O ar buyer thow *

ed Kitotl tHtUi In le'.eeitni Koode for thti dnpArtment. A very aliowy and com-lih'-tp line. Anxlnui to have yon eee then). .VII iirlcei from

6 .0 0 to 5 0 .0 0 .9 .7 5A very |ii(‘Uy one for.

(.'OHIO and Sen It.

Chamber Suits.rtm the 3-pler« Suit we ere

■elllD^ for

a ^ . o o .If thle don’t iileaee—then look at

onr other*.

PARLOR SUITS.In theae w e lead. We have tlie erand-

Mt and moel complete line of ParlorSuite tn tiie 'State. It you're lusnrloua We can |[lve youluiury, and tha ta ta very •mall lum. Por example, a 3-piece Ma- honny Parlor NiilL, hnndiomely Inlaid back, hand-rubbed ami hlftbly poUahed and covered In allk daniaak, a refculirtdO.OO aul^ to Introduce It 25.00we will aell It for.

Combinations.CasesDesks and Book

Combined.In all the latiat color, and ilylaa, lotid unan

oak. laratalupad Franeh mirrur. t.hclvta.■bapwl Klaw door, thrs* dmwara. caat btawtrlmmlnfi bird .-•» maplt, back hand-carved, tubbad and polubed.

i i . e s .

Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleum s.

tvniliah Ltnoleumi, 4 ydt. wMe, at, per arjoareyard... i / u C

29cDo You Need Carpets?

It wilt pay you to vialt our liarpet Department. We keep only tlie klnda that a n beat and aate lo racummend.

Axmlaiiera, |1 .K value, made,laid and lined, at, per 1.07^

Stlneoa'i Tapestry Brnaaela. which a n the beat carpets of the kindnm nufa^red, iiwvtal at, 72kpar yard.

Extra super all-wool beat quality Ingrain Oarpeia, 63o._ andTOo. value, at, per yard.

Thpeatry finieuii, extra » (k ^ good quality, at, por yard.. O t I .

Ollclolba. the 3So. kind, at, per yarn............ ..............

Wilton Mate, size 3<i In.x |IS In., $3.18 quality, at, enoh

AzmlniterHuga, 37ln.x69 f A A In., $3.78 value, at................£ .V U

Wa taka aapectal palaa la w aai-Hring and cu tting carpata, a U „ to that you doa’t hava to pay ta r awra than i t abaoluM y aacaa* aary to covor y o a r tloora.

None but expert layen employed.

Couches.We have Couches in all cov­

erings. Prices run from 4.98up. Special tufted all-bnir up­holstery,spring head and edge and ftoliii oak frame, 14.9 8 .

Complete aiaortmrnt of lA'ither Couehea from 111.00 up.

Desks.Line of Desks in all de-

s ig iu and alt woods. Special in Roll Top, full panelled, sold quarter oak, 50-inch, at 19 ,9 8 .

LadJaa* Daaka-.SpeolM In Birds- eye Maple, at 0 .0 8 .

Book Cases.Complete Hue of Book Caaei. A

Special at U .30 , Bolld A. 0 ., panelled back aud doubled glaii doors. .V wither Spedal — Solid quartered oak, drawer at bottom, at 1 2 ,9 8 , Still oue mon. This one le solid oak, without door or drawer and the price Is 3 ,0 8 ,

J . C . S I c C U R D Y & C O .The Popular Up-to-Date Furniture House,

Fna Dallvarlu Evarywhara.

Stoves and Ranges.O u r No. 0 0 9 A r t P a r lo r

S tove—The Internal constructionIs arranged wlUi double rear lluee,

mIIpdescending and paialng ground a deflaotlng plate la the base, and up again at the hack to the pipe con­nection, utilizing the heat that would otherwise go up the chimney, the Are pot Is round, large itnd heavily cu t, h u slialcing, slicing snd draw centre grate, heavy nlek- eled cabinet base, large nickel side- rails, top is full nkAeled and has handsome bronze um, side and front of this stove are fall iwelled and rear has kettle attachment. Im­possible to purchase anywhere hut at our place for leas than $16.00. Harked In our booement In plain figures.

1 1 . 6 5 .

O u r V ic to r ia R a n g e bonnd to be a leader, has extra heavy castings, exceptional large oven and fire box, u h pan Is anoloaed, preventlug duit from eaoaptng, broiling and side door, with mlM Ughu, nicke'. band at top, heavy cabinet base, kicker to o ^ n oven door and nickel tea kettle ihelvea, marked In plain fig- | W* A /V urea tn our bue. M Mmeat“Charter Oak-A to be de­pended upon range, description of

■ ■ ' blithe VIcUirla fill this range, only H Is so t so large and heavy, good baker and ittniatlve ^ range at an attrsoilfe / price........... ..................... a e a v

Onr 8 Cylinder Stove polished and ready to put up ........................... 1.48




cart to let them sm me eopr them. I'U try It some otbar day. It 'i what they canetlquatt*. T hat's the beat way I can ex­plain I t "

It mar iiava been pre etlqaette, thle sharp bit of praellce. but In

profeealonil pride or

■ a w a N ew - B l t l a s " O ra a a d le e a S e W - ^ e Beet C alehee M ade

O ver K o e k r B ettoaa.Frew tbe Ntw York Mall end Eaprtae.

“Oot the ran ie , W ll l f "Looke like It, BL" I" le e the welnut tree on the tailir'"T ee; eiandi about weet-northweit." "And the church steeple eou-eeuweeir' "To the d o t No mletake about t h a t ”

- heade Ladomue'a e o tio ie r ': due vreet"V h t to be nearly over It now.

B und by to let go when I a ln t out. now, ateedyl Let her rip. Nowl

NoWt Bully boy. Right over the middle ofJ t "

T h a t ■■ how the profecitonal flaberman along the Jersey eoeat nadi h ti favorite "b iting '' grounA The latter may be tw en­ty or more fathotna deep, and a doien or more mUea oft shore, but, with the aid of such landm arks aa trees, ataeplai and baaob cottages, lying In various dlrectlone a lo n e the strand, these crack turfm en eel- dam make t mlateke In "picking up" the ground sought off shore. I r a no easy Job th is finding of some particularly good fiah- iBg ground th a t has no mark on the chart, and la only fixed In the mind of fiahermen by study of dlatancei from tbs shore,

f t te a well-known toot that fish m uit t>a sought. They wlU not,, aa a rule, esm e to ihe fisherman, be the latter profesalonnl

other walks of life It would be called a trick of the trade, t t ' i done all along the beach. Here's sno ther trick of the trsde that s surf man s t B elm sr taught this Isndlubberly reporter. There's a schooner called the Emily B. tha t lakea city folk from Asbury Park offahore to flan. She was anchored ten miles offahore this par- Iteulsr morning over a newly found ground, and there were half a doien or more aurfboets cluttered about her. The b U lu waa (Irit clata. but preaently one of tha Dig fishing atearaboali from tha Bat- Ury waa alghted heading down the beach. There waa an Interchange of converaatlon on Che part of the profeulona] fiahermen, but they suddenly pulled up anchors as If one man and began rowing about.

Tbe schooner weighed her bower alto snd under her headtalle snd malnaalla reached off ahore. N aturally the ama- teuri wanted to know why a shift ahould be made, especially aa iFie airlkee were unusually lively, ' ‘T h a t's the Hal Cors- ts r coming down." said one of the fisher, men In a half whiaper, aa It those on the ■teimboat could hear him, although she waa fully two mllea away. “W t nave a good ground here, and we don 't want her plloii lo find the ranges. She'll keep to tha eoulhward and we'll eircle around un­til ihe gets out of the way. That's how we save our bacon."

And thay did save it, too. The steam­boat kept to the southward for some little

or am ateur. Sea fish, aa well a i lake fish, like rocky bottom, and It la over th is kindof bottom th a t the beet catches are mode. I t la no eaay task to locate a rocky bed along the Jeriey coast, and even with ranges or landmarka one It not alw ays cer­tain to find It on another day's Itahlng trip. Tbe ranges are manipulated this way:

An ordinary aurfboat, such as the m a­jority of Ihe Jeraey flahermen use, the beach line that looks ao whits and exten- rtv s close Inshore resembles a w hits thread

distance and finally, being unable to gOt the rengea, or w haloyrr ground her pilotshad In view, name about again and stood to the iiortnward, finally anchoring off liOng Branch. She had no sooner done so when the flablng achooner and surfboats, after a mental and ocular struKKle with rangea, were l«ck In their orlglnulwiLii -rniiHCB, wvjw i>«u:ik iii Liicir uiiMuinlpoaltlonH, with their amateurs llatalng like mischief. The •teamboat pilots may not know of this intle trick of the trade. They may prohl by It If they liear it tn mind next season.

BL'OKBVBl AND n i l R lllU T taM .

a t a dlatanca of. say, fifteen miles from ih t land, w hen the fiahermen discqvsr | new ground a t or about that dlatanca offshore.they generally pick three m arks on land, ana north, one south and tha third dlrsctly to the weatward. Uy bringing these three m arks to s convergence the happy hunting ground Is located.

As s rule these llahertnen are a Ml ssUlsh whan new grounds are dlacovercA They eonceal the fact as long as possible from one another, for business reaaona princi­pally, for there Is a ripe eompeCltlon among tb s s i beaoheombers, and it la only by play­ing ‘posium and keaplng a waather ayeopen th a t one learns what his rival tome, am imaa knows.

A short time ggo a Malt and Bxpresa ro-p o r ttr was off one of these surf boa Is eigh­teen m ilei off ehore from Barnegat. Tha fltharm an In charge of the tiny cra ft waa heading for a rocky bottom as far offahore ks he dared to go wtihoot compass snd provisions. When within a mils or so of lb s ground snuthsr fishermen end his htlp-fir were seen a t anchor. They were haul-j.--._ --... .—

A B ish o p 'W ho T k lo k a I ts P oun il a G ars fo r tk r N a lad y .

rro m the Wsahlngiun Star."My expurlence with the horse cheat-

nu t as a cure for rhemnatlsm," said a N tW 'T ork Bishop, who la attending the convention, "was all on the side of the horas chestnut, and It has hem the lame with a number of person* to whom 1 reC- ommendsd Jt, 1 had often heard of the valu# of the horse .lustiiu t, but had never fried it myself ontll ilortng the first term of President (.'levHand. 1 wasspending the d.ty at the White House ami Just before dinner with th ‘

Ing up whacking big could throw out. and 1

a a globass as f a i t as they

sltogethsr they seent- glorlous time. A tlsr the*d to be having ...........

two boat! had separated sufficiently toperm it a private conversation, the profrs- ilonal In cltarge of the first mentioned craft said Co h li Ihlpmate:

"Did you mark I tt""Tea, answered the other. “The pier’s

to th e weatwsrd, the life-saving ststfon IsIp the northward and the cotlsge of that old crank Is to Ihe southward."

T h a t 's the way I made Itj" replied thea BtMW V asixj g lufiuw; n , III*first speaker. All this seemed like so much O rssk to one of the amateurs in the boatwho bsgsn to s tk queslloni.

'T h a t a .a h«w.ground," said the fisher-new grouni.man. “ We didn't know that it existed.Tea, they are cstchlna lota of hsh.

■ go buck and try It* We to Im lta ti people

don't I Uks

o buck and try It? WriT, i d :^ n « ‘ i t Itu it i ilo not

1 PECUUKH HEMEDf.■ontsthlng Abost the New lllscovary Ikv

Oartag nyspepsla.

The Rav. R. I. Bell, a highly esteemed ssdnlster residing in Weedsport, Cayuga County, N. ¥., In a recent letter writes as follows: ‘T here h sj never been anything th a t I have taken that lias relieved the Dyspepsia from which I have suffered for ten years except the new remedy oillcd fitua rt'a Dytpepsla Tablets, since taking them I bave had no dlstreae a t all a fte r sa ting and again after long year can sleep wrall." Rev, y. 1. Bell. Weedepori, N. t . , form erly Idalls, Col.

a tu a r t;i Dyspepsia Tablets is a rim ark- able remedy, not only because It Is a cer­tain cure for alt forms of Indigestion, but bsoaviss It seems to act aa thoroughly In

ohroolc oases of dyspspsla u well sadn BsZij mild Bllacks of ■ indigestion or blliousnssi.

'.v-Aporson hssdylpepsla simply because th s “tCh U overworked^ it wentfe li %

■ -"****( ’'• • • ‘•hie remedy to digeit th s K : Bast! ‘‘ **'*

S S c^ a r *'•* of thisRo m ilter how weak or

»*ES.h'SrM'] b,

; ......... I'rcsldenl took■ walk In the grounds Immediatelyj outh of lUe Kxccutive .Manrlon. It was

uring the first week of Uctober. Passing near a chestnut tree, I picked up twn or three handsome buekeyiB.

"The Bresident noiicetl my action and remarked. These nuts, they say, will cure rlicumatlsm. and many lu.uple down this way have great faith In them.' I answered that 1 had oficii heard of their value In that connection, but that mv purpose In gathering iheni was to give fliem to some . hlldren who I knew would appreciate them, from the fact that they grew In the White House grounds At Ihe lime I was suffering from a rheumatic attack. Which, though mild In comparison with some I had had, was suificlent to re­mind me that 1 was not free from psin On the suggestion of the I'resldent 1 pick- ed up some more and [mi them In my pockets.

■'ll was a week or more before I re-

"IBggPO O L o r INFAMY."

A le x a n d ria , R g y p t, a a a P Is Id of Op- r r a l lo n a fo r A a a re b ta t i .

From tha London Mall.In unearthing the conspiracy to aasssaln-

ste th s Kaiser, Colonel Harrington Bey, commandente of Ihe A leiandia police, and Major Treves, chief of the detective de­partm ent. have achlsvsd the credit of de- ttroylng s schema aa formldabls In Its organisation as Its alm s were dlsbpllcal.

Alexandria Is tbs cesspool of cosmopoli­tan villainy, where are gathered the scum of Southern Europe and the rsktngs of the Levant. There Is s very large proportion of Ita llan i, and among them Is a goup of most dangerous snsrchlsta, who IhoughI to pass unobserved among Ibeir country men, for they arrived quietly from time to lime, singly or In two or three. But, as Invariably, all of them gravitated to the local anarchist randesvuus. which, as us­ual, was a low Italian wine shop, and, as customary, one among them was an In­former. ilarTtngton Bey was thus able to follow every Hep until the time was ripe to make a swoop.

Many further arrests a re likely. The leader of the gang is I'go Parrlnl, the keeper of the cafe. He attem pted a dea perale attack on th.- Italian consul when brought before him for the purpose of being Indicted, and It was with difficulty that he woe overpowered.

The conduct of the affair le a curious Illustration of the cumpllcationi of the capliolaltons. The discovery of the plot Is entirely due to the efficiency of English


B at O tb r rw ia * ac a W a l te r th e C boe- la w W a s Not a aw eeesa.

Prom tbe Chicago TImes-Herald."Apropoe of Indians os w aiters," said

the social travelling man, "1 dare is y the students from Indian collegea will do first rale, but I have In mind a time when It wse tried In Nebraska In s small town on the Mtisouri bottoms, and In a way th a t waa not altogether satisfactory to tbe guests who were waited on."

"W ere you one of them F ' asked the representative of a piano house.

"No; but I was at the little river tavern where U was tried. The girl w aiters had all left for a new big hotel th a t waa lo be opened In the next town, and the landlord had to do the waiting nlmaelf, and then he thought of the Indians a t the reserva­tion and went and hired four of them. They didn't get around until breakfast was over the next day—an Indian doesn't have any Idea of time—and there was only one man who hadn't eatan. He was a drummer for a New York clothing house and the biggeit growler In blxlsen counties,

" 'You take his order, Jlm ,‘ said Ihe landlord to the man whom he had been drilling. ‘Put this hill of fare under hli

edmlnlairallon of the Egyptian jiollce, but the police authority enued with the dis­covery. The crimlnala lielng Itallun sub- Jecta, their arrests could only be made by tba Italian consul, to whom the subse­quent conduct of tbe enilre m atter was passed. He has Impounded all documents, and It r s t i i entirely with him how or whether the many [mporinat ctues they contain are to be followed.

Having neither vxperlence In nor the machinery for criminal Invesrigatloti, the coniul has referred the entire m atter to tb s tu lb o riti tf a t Rome. Meanwhile ths police on the spot, though their efficiency and falrnesa are guaranteed by the Eng­lish adm lnlstratlnn, can only sit by.


turned to Albany, but by the time I got there my rheumatism had dlsappeerctrsave all ths nuts away except two, which I carried for acme moqihs, otm In each troussrs' pocket. Since then I have Itever gone a day without a hone chnstnut in my pocket, getting a fresh supply each year from a clerical friend who resides here. Physicians have told me that the virtue In them la from the sulphur they contain, and that the aulphur is ahsorhed Into the system."


Soma of Those Who lla i e t'uine to theF rn n ^ lB G o ia m e n r a n d In d n a try ,

From The Review of Reviews.Mile. Yetta Blase Lte Hury wrllci very

pleasantly concerning "Krimoh women In French Industry." Bhe selects tour who sre types of the modern P'rench women who are to the front In Industry and com­merce In France,

The first place she naturally assigns to Mme, Bouclcaiil, who wuh the virtual founder of the great wholesalo house of Bon Marche. A fter the death of her hus­band she undertook Ihe direction of the whole concern, and It was under her man­agement that the annual huilncsi am ouni. eo to f»j,il«),tiOu and the annual profit to flOO.Utt}.

The second Is Caroline Reboux, known

T h a C o rp a e a l’s B s p la n a f lo n R r s s g h t N w ra tv aaesa t r a m H is C olonel,

From ths W sshlngton Post.A Corporal In one of the regiments down

a t CMckamauga P ark had become en­tangled with a difficulty and as a result of It, sdded to an accumulation of similar such, be was called to appear before the Colonel of the regiment,

"Corporal Jenkins,” said that officer, severely, "you a r t a fine aoldler and a sen­sible man, and you ought to conduct your­self differently."

"f was drunk, sir," explained the Cor­poral, very contritely.

T hat Is no sxcusc. Don t you knowthat It Is wrong to get drunkT"

“Yes, sir," adm itted the Corporal, with­out cavil,

"Then why do you do It?" "I can’t help It, sir.""Yes, you can," Inalsled the Colonel. "A

man can help doing anything If he puts his mind to ti."

The Corpotal stood up straigh t and la- luted.

“Beggln' your pardon, air," he said, "biu do you think when I beard th a t Vncle Hum h id got Into a scrap wdlh them dirty.cliaretle-amokln' apannyards and was sA ln ' his boys lo taka a hand with him lo lick 'em off Ihe face of the earth, thatI could help dropping everything right there and giwbWn' up a ju n and tskln' -hold with the old man and the other beys?bay, Coionsi, do you think a man about my ilie could help d o in 'Ju st what I dons sit' bein’ right hare ready when he says thebein’ rightword?" , . .

The Colonel veaa stum ped for an Instant. Then he got up and took the Corporal’* hand.

Uhe queen of milliners, who eniplbvi ICO eh of harworkwomen, Every season escb ..........

slxisen ippromlces and workers Is givsn a week to Invent a nsw bonnet, Jime. Reboux has been appolntad to represent Parisian commerce a t the exposlllon of llOfi. Hef third example Is Hme. Barnet who is Buprenie In ih s world of featlisrs snd her fourth Mme. Dumas, who deals In wall paper*.

I t Is nolshlt tha t In all thsaa coasa thsaa lomsn have eatabllahsd the principle of

a partnership of prollla frith their leading hands. Mine. Reboux, for Instance, d r vldes one-half the total profits with thehead cashier, the torewoman, Ihe direct real of Ihs workroom, and the head man- ager. Allle, De Bury lays atreaa on tha fact that hone of these women were driven to business by amliUloli hut by s desire to provide for their relatives, snd she in­sists upon "th* order, clearness, ami pre­cision with which escb of the above-men. tloned wnmen can, a t u moment's notice, find the wlshed-for model, lay her band on the needed pallt-rn. The second point which interests and edifies the visitor Is the inflnits tenderness which leain* -tn s su b a ts from t.ha su tlrs stafr. i t

Tlet out of this," he said, hurriedly;‘ If you over get drunk again

r tt In the guardhouse and the w ar la over."

Uvl OUl VI $J*fiBi II* ■■■Ml iiujririJiy'gel out, and If you over get drunk agil I'll have you —‘ '■ --------------- —

B ulbs.t h i s w e e k w6 will sell* HyaclBtli Bulbf ol guper-

fin* mixture, double and cintle, for $3.SO per 100.

All B u lb s s h o u l d b e p l s n t s d n o w , a s th o g r o u n d I s l lh s ly to f r o o io S t s n y t in to ,

H^lest soma Crocus, Tulips, Ixlee, Anemonee, Snowdrops, Crown Imperials and Qrape Hyacinths now and they will g iv t you great pleaeurt in tha ta t ly epringtlmc.

Havkst *L

Hn ? g '3gar M R 3 t j E R R H * » r » «

noie, fftve him a glBM ot w&ier, untl may ine Igord have merc^ on your «ouL'

indlane are not u Blow u they eeem^und this was one of the wickedest bucks Oti the reBcrvstloD. He m unafed to get the orili*r ail right and carried It In, *nd served It. and then, towel on grtn. hi stood s i the back of the guest's chair, as he had tieen liintructed lo do. But the drummer was ugly snd swore a btg round of ORtiui th a t he would h tve no Indian in his.

"At that the grim ststue a t his hack whl()}jE'U uut a savage dirk from tais store of ac^'outrementi and. holding It over the head of the grumhlinK guest, ne Mid. with Goneipu-m Indian brevity, accentuated by A ('hot'iuw ew fsr word. 'You eat.'

"And i‘ut he did, fivsh and fowl, not daring to move a muscle, while the arm of fate held the murderouB-looklng knlfs within an Inch of his visage. And It wai not umil hf* had eaten everything In flight tm i Ills dilemma was discovered and ht was rsicued In a ite te verging on

"ThRi fjMrtU-ulsr guest was never again heard to cumidain, hut the tria l of tn* dlanB .18 waltern ended then and Ihers,their methudH tieing uulte too original, or aboriginal, for practical application,^'


InlerpN iIng HpeiUoiena B r o a g k t B n«krroiii tUv \o r i l i by a T rw v a lU ra

From the VhilHilulphla Liedger*At the regiilnr meeting of the Delaware

Valley ornlthoingtfsi {''lub. a t the Acad­emy of Natural Krlchoen. K, A. Mclihenny, of lozouiftisriL WMB |jrt lent^ and gav« a most Interesurig Informal talk on his recent trip to I'olht Harrow, Alaska.

Mr. Mfilhenny was Impreised some years ago vitii ihe lack of specim eni and data n lmlve to binls of Northern Alaeka, and determined to explore the reglou with Ihe ohjeri of maklfig s complete blologt- eal survey of thi? inosi northern point of uur continent.

Thai hiB umlprtaklng was eminently successful \% evliicHl by the magniftoeot collecllonh whit h Ut brought back with him; not only arc they rem arkable for their cotiuih*tf»neaB. but from the great beamy of the Bt^'clmpna which have Men [irepared with palnsiuklng eare* and sur*imsa any Umt have ever been brought from Ihe Arctic realoni-um me Arctic rcgliona,

Mr. \k llhcnny r-jcTubUed a selection from nl( birds, yiid cunimented entertainingly on the more ronsplcuoui apeclM, lUaer iiuckK of various apscies were found In ihouHaiirii, nTvl are represented In all atuKts of growth, Bnow owlp, tho«4 rare vUUojs whi.’h uccaalonally'come to Ui in Bi'vi'T*- wmtvrs, ii9 was able to study "athomr,' ,i$iij secured eggs and young from ! lundra, when the birdshfgiii to lay with Ihe teniperature fa r be­low Etro.V rosy gull waa also ob­tained, the bird which hmnsen. . . — ...... saw fa r upon the Arctic Ocean and of which the memlwri of the ill-fated Jeanetio ekpedr*rion obtained ip*clm»ui north o( Slbsrla. The rreiill* (jf S i r . ...................Ihe rcsiiiis of 5j[. Mcilhenny'a expii^ltion when workeil up will form one of tne m oilyaluahlo C(jntril>uiionfl lo A rctic soology tnal naB yet apjHfared,

l>lKr<»l HAUl^G TIFIl.

E n a ll.i , i ia i iw a i ' Uffiolala A a x lo a a to H at* ih* i 'r a v t i r e A k allak eff.

From Ih* Lcmrlon TIintVx.It wss siatHl yrstfrday by several ofll-

rlals ot railway rontpanlea having ter­mini In 111* nieiropolls that th* queltloo 01 th« Upplnu ot porter* had hetn engag- Ing tn* iitierittqn of itio napeotiv* gancral managers,

**■ briitlsd withn ihi „ '"*"»"«:>> »» the travelling

rather than dlacourag-

each ( f t ' i h * ^ **'• 0 'eacn Of the railway companies there was

s F a • " « '".’. . i r“ “ l - lT . . - ” T” ■»t ilSii'oo“ i3 ;SS

desired It to b» known did not, a* had hath

*1. menp lane into eonaldera.

rou?M n s? n The manager* were, of ***re that at many or th*I..*L a S « *v*ri*». at


How Id eg s o f Amwsetuewt C kn iige from C h ild h o o d to M o tu rlty .

From Popular Science Monthly.Different w riters on psychology, par*

tlcuiarly James, have advanced the Idea that plays are genetic. We are fam iliar with the thought th a t tbe body, in reach­ing the adult stage, must briefly rehearoe the history of the race. The body s ta rts from a ilngie cell, and with groater or less f&tlhfulnesa travels the road to adult life that the race has travelled, t do not know of any scheme of physical tro in ^ g that has been deliberately founded upon thlf conoeption of the genetic paychology.

U appears lo be not only iruA th a t th f body rehearses the life of the race; It ap­pears to be true th a t tbe mind must do sc also, and that the plays of children are tbfl rehearsal of the octlvltlei of the race dur*Ing forgotten age#—not necessarily the-^rfr— - — -X-.— .— s-serfsime activities, but activities Involv­ing the tam e bodily and mental qualities. Putting it exactly, play Is the oniogenetlc rehearoai of the phylogenetic leries

It could hot be true that our oavsgeancestors BhouUl have depended for thd livellbood upon such a gome as "one old cat," that boya pla^ during later child'‘ ' ‘ ' It IS true th st their lives de-hoM, butpended upon the quick-sense Judgments, the ability to strike with rapidity andvigor, the accurate muscular co-ordina* tlona. the eplrlt of Indlviduallfltic compeiU lion that characterises tbe child play dur­ing this period. Many of the plays of adolescence, on the other hand, certaintyrepresent thn identical occupations of ourfar-removed ancestors, and the ptsy of adult life when fuldtling moil perfectly the conditions of the play, expresses Itself In these elcnieuLary furm i; hunting. Ash­ing, soiling, swimming, mountain oUmblng and th* like.

WhF ihauld there b* tun In onnnactlon with plaF? We are accustomed to asso­ciate pleasure, uartly a t least, with ths discharge of the highest tunctlon of which the Individual is then capable. I believe that upon this ground the tun ofSlay can be explained. I t rtpreeente the

eeply (ouDdqd functions of tha race. Dur­ing may the child axperlenoes the deep saTlaiactlon of living ihrough and sa t '- '- Ing tbese eletnental; racial runctiona.

Plays are prokresalve, and that Which la ihe g rea te it fun a t 'one period Is not the greatsat fun a t another, bwauae the life Itself I* progreulvc, and, while play Is In­teresting to adults, normslly developed In- dlvldusli ehould find their chief enjoy­ment not in play, but In th* discharge of the higher functlona of pressnt-dsy living.

a l l P A K l'H O F JB K S B T .

Honey will be raised by Perth Amboy friends of Jam es L. Tooker, the game warden, Indicted to r murder a t Paterson, lo aid In his defence.

The body o t Mies LIdta Byre, of Phils- who drowned herielf a t Atlanllcdelphit,

c ity oh gaturday, w as claimed yeeterday by John Holland, a relative, from Cuchranvllle, Chester County, Pa.

"Uncle Jo h a" Pierson, the venerable ex Freeholder, of Cllquoester _ County, cele-b ran d the ninetv-thtrd tnnlvereary of hie birth yesterday. Mr. Pierson on Tuesdayfast east his asventy-aecand fail election vol*.

Jacob L. Van Busklrk, the Democratwho was elected Sheriff of Bereen County on Tuesday last, although the Republicans elected th* rest o f their ticket by aboutelected r -- -------TO plurality, will be eworn In to-momiw by Judge Kabriskle.

While the Qlbbitown powder works are to be lighted by eleetrfolty, none of the Ugh It will be Inside of a building. Window* are being made In the aide* of Ine different houses, and Ihe light will shine through these with rellectore.

John Krieger w ss wheeling down Wayhe sv tn u a Paterson, about i o’clock Fast night, when his handlebar broke, ahd ne wa* thrown Heavily to the ground. He was removed to th* Qsnsral Hospital Ina n m a to ss s ta le , suffering from frlghlful wounds on the n e e and need, ana It la (eared h* Is tfiternally Injured.(eared

Matthew Itap lsto n , ten years old, of TO Plftssnth street, Jeraey City, was p tn ln g through the Erie Railroad freight yard a t Tbiriasnth stree t on Saturday night, when a drilling (m ight train sm tred the yard. H* sttsm ptsd to Jump on th* train, but slIpOM and (ril under on* of the cars. The wheels passed over his legs at tbs ankles, severing both (eat.

Ja m u MoNee, th irty year* old, of BOS Qrovs i l r s t t . Jersey City, -----____________ Ity, was shavinghimsalt yeatsrday when tha ra io r alippsd and out a Bev*re_ga*h In bis neck. He was taken to St. r ra n o ls’s Hospital. The wound la not ssrloua. The polfce thought MoNs* m ight have tried to commit sut- olde, and Dslsotlv* Clark wa* detailed on the oai* A fter a full Investigstiqn he re­ported th a t tha affair w » an accident.

Cornelius I. B lauvelt died on Saturdayat his hnm* In Haokeoaack, In his Hvsnty. fourth year, H* w as for a Um* In thtNew York Cnatom-bouie, and for three years wa* clerk of th s Bergen County Board ot Chosen FTSsholdsre, Before the RtlwIUon he was a Captain In th* Blghth Nsw York I^ s h ln g to n Orays. sndsubisquetitly Chief of fltaff tor aeneral j , M. VIvlaD, with rank of LleutenanUColansl.

A rthur H. Baker, fitty-ssvsn ysara old, of W sshawken H sights, who for manyyears wa* assistan t court atsnpgrsphsr of Ihs Osneral Sssalons Court, Jeresy City, died ot heart disease on Saturday aftsr- noeq while bicycling on the Hudson bo^i*.v*r3 I n ’odiipahy w ith hi* wife* ___ _they rsaohsd W est New York thev dis­mounted t n A W n 10 walk up a hlff lead-


Ing to O nttsnburg. Mr, I " Y f lsa A ^ ^ hill when he

Baker wss'TOlf and■taggsrad

Ura Lesrrtt, the wife of Rev. Dr. D. R. Lowria^astdr cf th* Market Street HalhodmBplahspal Church, Paterson, died SaHffday slior sn limeas lasting ilirougb asverat .months. Heart failure wai m* esuas. The fun*ra1 eervlcse will be held at Market Street Church to-mor- rpF aflirtW Ji e ‘ ' f The j ^ J d t a g

e warm trlgithe J ittiigiiMi SM tw . will IMI da*


A nserlpaa F a rm e ra A ble t a K eep P ace W ith Im p ro v e sn e a te .

From The Iron Age,Our advantage in respect to cbespness

In food comes, of course, from the factthat we produce It, Inetead of having to

■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ifr' ■Import It, aa It done by every Induetrlai country In Europe. Even with the re­moval of the dutlei on articles of food the European consumer has lo pay ahigher cost a* comiwred with the pricea In the country o f production, due toocean trelghta. Insurance, ccmmlHlons and profits. Nor Is our prs-eminenoa In this respect likely lo come to an end. Henceforth, no m atter what Improve- m eats a r i mads In sgrlcultursl scleoce abrosd, our own farm ers may be ex­pected to match them, and to do even betier.

To offset the prospective opening to III-


loffl of new rofflonfle aa Siberia, we have Idlfi landi waiting to come Into cultivation a i ro«t as the irrigation Byitemi In the farWewt are e i te n d ^ . Nor 1* it tn tbe new* flta lei alone that an increase In our agri-cultui^t production Ifl to be expectod, in ....................... ' ‘ iliur ‘MasflachuflettSj where agriculture hse been pracllaed longer than eleewfaere in


th 1« GOuntry. the BiaU cen«uiei for fifty j^esri paat nave vhown a ateady advancen the total eitltnated value of cropi, In

spite of the gradually declining price* of agricultural products. By reason of proved methodB the average yield per acr« of all crops has Increased largely, so that the farmers' proflta have Increaied.

Doubtless similar condillons e ils t In most of the other States. Then, too, ths American farmer Is able readily to adjuat himsrlf to (’hanging conditions, ss may be seen in "the cotton belt.*' Five per

XT* the Autumn Idn, indlt’i {uR (h« Idet (a pick them I'rom our stock of up-to-dxU lod seasontble footwev. Wet Feet tte t free ticket to sickness, which Is ccrtiin to retch you on a quick trip. GonI hnith irsveb indry shoes. Our Fell Footwear fiHi everv re­quirement u excluders of dampness xin Im-

cent, cotton la reported to be yielding a prom. Instead of bringing the planlera lo

" - freely plantai

improved their business methods.

penetrable lortificxtlons m lnst nuzl The niih quality and unequalled durability of our dry fool shoes make them very cheap at such prices u we oiler:

ruin, as once wna prralcted freely, wbloh' I dU'

npreCheap, wholesome food enables our

SPECIALS THIS WEEK.working cUbsps lo b« batter fad than in any other country, which can hardly foil to rcBult In the natter phyiloal and men­ial condition of those who ara sntrustad with every grade Of productlva labor. I t It only rensonahla that undar such favor­ably conditions ths productlva power of the laborer should ba anhsneed^ anabling him in asm hlghar wo-gas than workari In the same Industrias abroad, which, m turn, anablaa him the batter lo supply nis table,

If wa now consider how largely *** tension of our export trade. In the Una of m&nursctures, depends upon putting the cost of production as low or lower than In competing countries, t is connection with an advanced condliton of ^ ric u ttu re —in giving us lower-priced foodi better (eg

U diu' Pattnt Leather Lace ^ Mannish toe last, the $J shoes ofother stores...

Men's Enamel Lace, waterprooflined, alngle, doubleor cork sole. J ) l l l l worth 16, every pair fuaranteed.. ’

Men'i Box Calf and Tan, Winter Ruiita, double and linkle sole, bulldof iaat,

3.00, 3.50, 5.00.Chlldren’t Box Calf, 1

Lacc and Button........ I .O d a U d l . / O

workers and more efficient labor—I* not »o remote as It may have setmad at first

*"""■’" “ •1.50x11(12.00LAce ind Button..

thought. □uya' Calf Lace SCBuut Sta-aes......... 1.75x0(12.00


C tre n n a la a e e * GwAer W h to k I t W m CoaspswcA,

From Ihe Saturday Evening Poit.Beethoven'* famous eompodtloh, th*

"Moonlight Sonata,” la *ald to have b»on composed under the following circum­stances :

On* evening, as Beethoven and a friend

Sm Show Windows for StjriM tn d Prkss.

were hurrying through th* *tro*t* of Bonn, y heard the fam iliar notes of Ihe Bonsla

In F, Somelhlng In the musician's touchA. A EISELE

attracted the atienllon of Beethoven, and he stopped and listened. Suddenly the mu;lie stopped, and tha deinalrldg w o r^ of ths musician came Co them through ths open window; "Oh, If 1 oould but hear some really good mualolan play this won­derful piece r and th* word* ondad In a •nb.

Broad nod Acadamj Sts.,OFF. potrorncB.

"Let Ui go In," said Beethnvsn, They 'vnt.red and found the ----------- —------ _____ the player a younggirl, poor and blind. Beethoven sa t down

■ ■ rd and play*n a* h*at tbe okl harpsiohprd . . had never played nofore, HI* U*l*n<rswere spellbound, "Tell u»," they b egg^ ,'w hoare you?" For answ er b* playwl th*

opening bar* In tha Sonata In F . " I t laBeethoven!" they eNclalmed In awe and admiration.

Suddenly the candle flickered **d went out. Betthovsn eeated playing and bowed hti head upon hi* hand, Hla m end thr*w open the ihu iters; a flood of b**utlful moonlight *nt*r*d the room. It» tran i-


In Stiver Plate Is handstHne in de- ^gn and best in qualit>—it is ex*' elusive with us, and to introduce more generally

figuring light touchid up the poor old In­strument and reatsd upon the noble figure

" ------

Slid I "Llileit'! ' I 'w l i r improvl** a ■onita

we offer complete line at

bowed before' lt '” 'fiS ' proLund *11*00* wa* broken «t last by th* muilclan, whoto the moonlight." Then was orehled tb li wonderful Sonata, twglnnlng In a u d , Un­der movement, the embodiment In sound of Ihe gentle moonlight tranifigurlng and

lorlfylng the dark earth.Suddenly the musto c«aied, and with a


T<* Spoao*. t«galarJl.gL fon.lLfl doeV iitn rrw ....|L ^

Barry l ^ s , rsgllyia tor.... - ILf* U do*Oysur Iw ka ng. Saw. For, J{ do*CISMB Ladlsareg. fiM. for.......Wo. isohOrovy lAdl«, Hg JH*., lor*...... t to *aeb

-------‘-T.................. f is i* ■

brief farewell Beethoven hurritd home to put upon paper this famou* eompoaltlon.

Tk* SpAwlel wt Mlw Boat,From Outing,

To lee ths spsnl«l a t hla bast h« should be taken to Ihs haunt* o t the w ater fowl. In the salt marehte, ih* lake* and itream*

m far.......AiY.'____for..... Il.weach

■l.«0; for...,.....tuioeaoh_____ . r**. TSe., Mr....106 eteh[ AnoiiA r«g, M6, rqr.,..'.....tS6 «noii . « Knit**, rag. <06, (or.....Ate. s*oh '

of the B6»t, and In th* pralrl* itough* of the West, fi* 1* indsM a gvsat little dM.

-------- wrfqnfikri

m a « n , S f 9 S p g e ttu n , lik M to trtatiHgtouU otmt to tUmamfrate to w «*rv suooM fuf to U (n troaf- tng d^Smdt oewe*.

HI* stumpy leg* ma; i • J.Wiss& Sons,when It come* _ _________loo, la a hardy fellow, ready lo tie* on. weather ahd cold water when tver MStto. Ae a retriever from water b* I* matt 66* etrabl*, while hi* Inlellh^oe and form make him the beet of Oqg* (or the duoklng skiff. Of oouiwe, tbe IrMi wwur ipantel Is eioludsd from all reftrenoea to short legs and eiumsln*sf: a goed nisei- men ot this dog appear* to be quit* Eeas- t«gg«d. The Irishman I* also very aotiv* and full ot dash. The ohlat vale Irleh spaniel to th* •portsmAfi l|. trtever. He 1* a wonny ' mou* dog or th* ' weather T* too eevare, . ere too difficult for hiaL th* core, a very


*uileft the to ( rtdl

B doe a d

■ to I to 1 mol an litti «yc nea dar In I g*a anr







■' ; ® s

f wlmrntr, end to all IniI .......................Irlever. HI* oily oOwt

ooU water, whll* a F

- » i-

*5'**t--'V V ^ j y ' , ^ r


I ' n . l * n r r« lv * A 4h» F a b |l« UkIII T h e i r ■■«■■■« A r r l r r a .

from the C hlerro Raeord,Thty wHumid lo lliftr o( th* uiua] or-

ItotaUeui IndllTerenct one to the other Ikat eren the expeiienod rlerke ot the kudltorlua Hotel w e n eoiiipletely decelv- Id.

The elerhi knew, of eo u ree ,'th a t they Mold not have tieeiv m arried lonv-they ■rare too youthful—bni eaitmatee on the length of lime th a t they had been united raried from one to three yeare.

He bad occaalooal aUaancea and when ha returned he eeemed glad to ere hie wife ind aha had a welcoming amlle for him, lot nalthtr looked aa If they were etemly, mily repraaalug an almoat overwhelming l ^ r a to embrace. He w ai entirely aelt- poaaeaaed when he reglatered; he elgned ■■and wife" >«llhuut a sw oud'a heallutiuii. Ihe wore gowne and glewea th a t evidently tad been worn a t le a n once o r twice be­fore. Moreover, they were both of a rather •oelable dlipoilllon and evinced no iiar- tlcular dealre to avoid making acqualnt- incea AU th li the c lerk t obaerved within twenty houra that elapaed before the :runk came, and they Uaied thereupon the iheorlaa which they tormeiL

The trunk wee e turpriee. Ttie eipreea- man who brought It wae eo weak with aughier that he could herdly put It down.though It wae neither large nor heavy.

■ . dde u fh t h ir com,

by the arm. "Oet on to That, will you!" he

A young man who w ai paaalng euddenly goticed It. a n d jh e n caug^nt h lr companionixrlatmed. and, leaning down to examine a cloier, emote hie thigh and whooped.

A errioue looking biiilnetg man aew the little Oblong box with Iron cornera and oanda, and the emlle that Inetanlly over- ■pread hie countenance iaeted for four alocke.

There w et quite a crowd aurroundlng tht expreaeman and hta charge by the lime the porter got out with h tl truck, and that worthy grinned until he ehowdd every ta ih lng white tooth In hie head.

"T hal'i le it erboul the m eanei' trick I ever leen, he ob»erve<l to the eapreea- man. "B ut," he added, "ef 1 handle It right It wouldn' ■‘prlae me e t there wee bait a dollah In It fo’ me."

Bo taying, he trundled the trunk rapidly elf to the baggage-room and concealed It behind a large eample caae.

He had to lell Ihe clerk about It, never- Iheleei, and the clerk went In to have a look at It, and then came out and told Ihe pretty ’young woman who takes In Ihe ceih. M e went back to her books after she bed leen the trunk and croae footed four columns eo th a t they entirely dis­proved Ihe reeulte of her prevloue calcult- iloni. She would have told her asalitant but the clerk frowned a negative and ■hook hla head.

"T hat’e w orts than fllllng an umbrellaIth rice," t l ...............................

the register,"W hat It?" laked the man a t the ipeek-

Ing tube.'^Never you mind.” iaid the clerk.When Ihe young man lo whom the trunk

wae eonelgned came In the porter, whe was on the watch, waylaid him aad took Mm Into the baggage- mom and moved the sample case to one aide and turned on an electric light.

On the top of Ihe trunk wsx palmed a blood-red heart crossed with two spoons, and underneath the legend:Thia Trunk Is Donated by th e Friends of

MR. AND MRS. ----- \In Honor of Their Recent Marriage.Then came this couplet;This aly pair. In thoughtless bliss.Llttls tnoug' I 'Iwould come to tlile.Beneath th s lock;

Ju s t Wed.Mollle and lAbule. Who Are TheyT

Married a t ----------- Yesterday.On one elde;She'a a bride and he's a groom.Show them to the bridal room.On ths ether;Blessings on th is happy twainAnd send them safely home again.The back was ornamented w ith pink Cu­

pids and eoaebuda.Five minutes afterw ard th e porter put a lawl over the trunk and took It upalalrs.

When he came down Into the offlec hetook a dollar out o t h li pocket and, held it up to the admiring view of the clerk, who had a box of perfectoa stowed away under the counter.


One Quarter the Money

Vou w ould tm net fo r g new Hilt o f olo thw w ould clean tw o o f yonr old iiUtg.

H aven 't you an old coat o r lu l t In the closet—too good to give aw ay, too soiled to w e a r t

IVe’d like to ih o w you how m uch Hfe sre can p u t lu to It a t aniall coat.

Hillier & Ca.

T h e B a jo y m e a te a a d D le ro m fo rta o f W h e e lla g l a T h a t C o a a try .

From The Pall Mall Oasettc.Of cAiree, nearly all the cyclists tb sl

one sees In France, like nearly all Ihe people In the hotels, are English. We have got ao used lo the phenomenon th a t we scarcely notice It, but sometimes It oc­curs to one lo reflect what would be the average Uriton'i feellnga It be arrived, say, a t Clifton Hampden and found the Barley Mow occupied by several parties' of French men and women, criticising all who were not French at the top of their voices, and ordering the waiters about as If the place belonged to them. One a l » refloots th a t It Is extraordinarily nice o t any nation to keep the roads In such perfection as they a tta in , for example, In Normandy, entirely for the convenience of pneeing aileni. However, here and there a stray example of the native cycllat is to be eesa, and h li cuetome and costume In-

ftmAMment, etpecfftlly, perbAp*> th« CdiUlDlAv

Fniichi ro«4« ar* broad, lonff» white and ClartQi, the eun of France ii hot, yet every

hlmaeU by preference In a ^ a c k Jeraey. Thia may be done from mo- tlyea of actfhomy, hut the rem it la that, while the Brltlah cycllat variea from duely

French rival naver fatU In ^ubblneai, and often attaina to poaltlve dlrtlheaa. The knlckerbockera worn are calculated to enhance thia Impreaflon, They baff ahapeleiBly down to the middle of the calf. In the atocklDga the Irreprei^

U rtana, which anecta oB French people, b reak i out In cbecka of the moit itartU ny pattern , Occaalon* ally a rfcrudeacence of the same ezhlblta ItH lf on the back of the jeraeyv A_TLi color ia aometlmea In*1* a’ ! ^ by a large, looae garter worn like an anklet, a lltUa way above thetop Of the boot. The headgear varlaa, but tha t moat affected U a large beret, worn

ofver one ear. which m aket the vividly M. Roi-

■ '’Cadeta de Qascogne.'* A t the cy- oiiaU alouch in toward the tab le t In troopa ope li irreaiatibly reminded of Cyrano’i dtaorderly oc^panlona. There ia, however

gaMonade, about your Gallio rider. T ew m achltiei In France

gtvea nnea high opImcMi of their Hdera* tem erity ' D ui^fter aome daya 1 began to notice that a Frenchman on a hill was always walk- infr-w hsther down or up, Certainly they b « e cause to be frightened, for the moil •rojnary elopes are studded with placards -r Deeoenti Rapide," "Tour.Tant Danger- eu i, and the like. Coasting Is a luxury left entirely lo the foreigner, and, to do the authorltlea justice, no steps are taken

enforoe the laws which limit the rate of riding to eight mllee an hour.

B uf It the French cyclist Is a gentle and downtrodden parson, the "autom ablllii" I, a different character. W hether laws exist to Kgulate hie pace or not, no one seemt to know; but the commoneet ra ta of loco­motion ranges :rom fltteen to tw enty miles •n ,>iour. I t Is trye. th ey blow a horn with little Intermission and warn the unhappy aycllst or foot paseengcr to climb up the nearest bank. But the horn la In Itself a danger wnloh scaraa horses and paralyses lo aoma Instancea the human nerves. The gentlemen who make use of these convey- snees dlstlngiiTsh themeelves by the yacht- tn* Yap, I t V a i ■done on the occasion -of i cslenrattd parads In Londoa Ths associa­tion of Idsas la not obvious till you hsva been oo bosrd one of the machines, when the TlbrattOB, the sickening smell of oil and kindred phenomena suggests beyond any potalblUly o t inIsMka the saloon of a ■tMmer. But apart from these public nulsanoek which are comparatively rare in country places, the Briton cannot do IwUer than go to France for hla cycling; the best roads In the world are maintained th e n for the use of himself and ble com­panions. H s has scared every one else off them. .

"O n iE k T A L " TALE*.

A B a ir li o f Vielgwr ■ to r lra le r v e d I 'p by ■ C h le a g u F a p e r .

From the Chicago Daily Mall.Une day as the grand Titter was riding

abroad lo show himself to b li lubjerte and listen lo any complaints a peasant fell doern liefore him and cried out;

"O great and powerful ruler of the world, tike pity on my forlorn condition!’’

"1 don’t see anything wrong with your coiidillan," replied the great man, aa he looked the fellow over, 'THdat And a bot­tle of horse medicine on the highway and drink it down for rare old portT’

"Why, 1 ache and sign and suffer, O ruler, because 1 am poor lit purse."

"Oh, th a l’i U, chT W ant lo be a Roths­child, do yoiif"

'.'It It so pleasss your Mighty Hlghuess." "Well, I'll lend you down a cartload of

ducale and en ter your name upon my list of nabobs. I’m alw sys ready lo g rant any llltlr favors to my subjects, you know."

Next day a ea rl drawn by two asies and loaded up with gold appeared liefora the peusam 's hut. The money had not yet been unloaded when hla wife planned tor jewelry and a wardrobe, and a b lu tr quar­rel wax the result. Then cam e the peaa- an t’s fa th tr, m othsr, brothers and aiaters and demanded portions, and these were followed by the Ilghtning-rod man, the sewing machine agent, the windmill man and various others who had somsthlng to sell. Then came neighbors who wanted to borrow, and afte r them a band of rob­bers. The peasant had not had the treas­ure In hla poesestlon over twelve bohrs when he went to ths grand vliler and aald:

"O thou wise ana kind-hearted ruler, take back thy ducaU and leave me as wfnre. I though I could run a sideshow, but 1 And I am m istaken."

'But you owe me (00 scudi as ta x e a ' replied the great man, "and aa you have not paid I’ll give orders lo my executioner to whack you 100 whacks on ths sole ot each foot.’'

And a week later, aa the peasant was able to hobble to hie door and alt In ths sun he said to hla wife:

"Now, then. I've got back roy appe­tite for rye coffee and oombread, and If there la any more Rothschild's buet- nees around th is hu t you'll dance lo the music yourself!"

TH E CADI’S ADVICB.The Cadi wae giving audience In hie

hall one afternoon when a young girl knelt a t hta feet and cried out:

‘ O friend of the people and boas ot the universe, tru th Is mighty and m ust prevail, but though I seek for tru th J cannot And tt."

"And w hat do you w ant with tru th , O “ alden?’ kindly aeked the great man.

I wouldet know, O Cadi, whether I am handsome and attractive. I have aeked my parema and they only reply: 'Ah-uin!' 1 have asked my friends and thsy turn from the question. I have no lack of eacorts, aud yet none of them proposes marriage. Have I a fair share o t good looks, or Is It my face th a t stops th e town clock every lime I pass the City H all?’’

'0 maiden," aald the Cadi, a fter sc ra tch ­ing his e«r for awhile, “tru th la. Indeed, mighty and m ust prevail, but a t the aame time truth la a Jewel hidden a t the bdl- tom ot a deep well. Not having time to descend and hunt for It to-day. I m ust oh- •erye in regard to your beautjr. your beauxend eo fortii-------"

"W hat, O Cadi?""Well, If I were In your place I ’d s ta r t In

to learn shorthand and typewriting, eo us lu be able to support a hueband."

NOT A BORN PHILOSOPHER.A eage o t great renown was sitting In

hie cave One evening when a w ayfarer came along and put down hla bundle and began:

*'0 sage, I have travelled from Waueeon on purpose to greet thee as the greatest philosopher of the age and to ask a great favor

"W hat dost thou sigh fo rF ’ asked the sage, as he tossed aside the turkey bonehe had been gnawing a t and wiped Angers on his hair.

"1 would be a philosopher, O sage." "W hat Is your oocupailon?""1 conduct a grocery busine 'T h ere Is philosophy In

business."philosophy In working off

green waterm elons and soft cucumbers," smiled the renowned.

‘But not the philosophy th a t another generation oan bring up to prove my claim to renown. Those things you apeak of rather belong In the buelness and are ac­quired without thought or etudy."

"Well, I don't know about your being a philosopher,’’ said the old map ■■ he opened a bottle of beer wllb a great pop, "It seema to me th a t as a grocer you have got a oretty soft thing. Still, we m ight see how you could pan out."

“Thanks, O sage. Qlve me e Ission and let UB see now It pans out. Bpiel away!"

"Very well. You see that object on the ground before you? W hat Is It?'

"An old h st, O sage.""W hat Is bidden beneath IIF ’"1 do not know.""Then kick IL”The man from Wauaeon drew back his

light toot to send th a t old hat Aylng, but It didn’t fly. A t the end of a q u an er of an hour, when he had pulled hie toe out ■gain, the sage asked :^'W_el1, d ld it And out w hat was under the

"I didst, b’gosh!”"W as It a fea ther bedF'"Not by a jugful. I t waa a ten-poond

atone, and there was no soft side to It, either. Do you think I’ll ever make a Dhtloeonher?’’phlloeopber?

"Not on your life, my boy! The begin­ning of all philosophy Is to know w hat’s under an old hat In the road before you


A ble t a ia S a e a e e W a m e a M ur# Mba- lly T h a a Men.

From the 1-oitilun Chronicle.• hbve had a further Interview srilh

Dr. Ri ns Fotelel on the aubjsot of bVp- uotlsm In France, sccordlng lo Uie teaching of the Bajpetrleru Fchool. The oixitor told m» that II would bn Impo-- sibir to Induce lomnambullem In an un­willing pjBlcnt, Women are much more ■‘■•tly hypnotlaed than men because the m ajority of them suffer either from hys­teria or iteureethcnln. In (he case of man an averuge of three In ten are hyslertcal.

When H female patient has been hyp­notised It Is quite eaey to mskn her he- Uevs that she Is In a gardett full of sing­ing binle, a o j Jur faco turtle upward and reflecu ull the pleasure ll gives her. If a smiill pttor of wood Is given lo her Hud Ihn doi’lur irlls her It la a serpone she will drop ll srith horror and sta rt back In fenr. Bile will obey Ihe doctor In all minor muiters, hut immefllutely he eug- i n t e Sipnethliig lu which her natural Ju­st incl or educe lion objects she refueea to obey. It the doctor perslait In this order she la generally seised with a violent ner­vous aliack. Ae e rule, ll le noticed Ihnt afte r huvItiK been hypnotised once or twice a patient lies a great liking fur the doctor who hypnullxcd her. The extent to whiell this goes has been frequently remarked In the case of palleiils who refuied to ent for icverul days, l l has then to lie tuund out who lust hypnotlaed her. and he le asked to put her Into a sonmanihullstlo ■laic. He then orders th a t she m ust sa t a t a certubi hour after she wskes up. In every Instance she obeys.

1 asked the doctor If he thought a pa­tient could be Induced by the hypuollal tu w rite n uill 111 a certain pmwun'a favor. He WUB of the opinion tha t th is would be quite pusslhie If the eublMi was hyslsrl- cul and had l«, n several times under Uie Influnicr of tl.c hyimotlser. Hm If he was her meilkiil atieiidant end ehe was 111 there would lie ubsoluteiy no need to use hypnotism, li is ft well-known fact (hat people neiirly iiiwayi desire to leave money HI her lu I heir doctor or soma old eer- v in t. It Is because they appreciate acts of loving attenilun and kindness more when lying on a sick bed than a t any other time. French law has foreseen this, and wisely forbids the doctor who attended a deceased peraun during a lest Illness to become heir lo the relate. A little souvenir le alt th a t he le allowed to accept.

I have also seen Dr. Korner, a well known consolilnx phyelclan In Parla. Although he studied a t the flalpetrlere, he does not entirely agree with lie leach­ing 00 hypnotism. He practically rvpre- te n li the lialf-wey school between 8al- petrlerc and Nancy. Dr. Korner does not think that Ihe paitent was enllrsly under the hypnotic Influence In the Inilance which I mentioned on Monday, where Ini



Y a b b g O lr l’s E a lrM rA la B ry A leep.w a lk iB g B a p e r le M s .

fro th the Lexington (Ky.) I-eadet.From Olive Hill, C arter CAunty, eemes

the atory ot a meet rem arkable case of •amaambsUsm. A lew nlgblg ago Btoma, the fourteen-ysar-old daughter of Cap­tain and M n. Brooke. Ilvtng on a farm a mile east of Olive Hllf, a f te r having An- kdied her atudlae for Ihe next day, lay law n on tha bed to rest, but did not In­tend to go to altep. Bhe prem ptly went to deep. The rest of th# family, thinking •ha bad retired for the night, did Ilkewlee.

About 1( o’clock Em m a aroee, put on her maoklntosh and, cg rry liit her shota in her hand, left ths houi|e, unobtervad. In a deep ilaep. She went to the Clnolnnatl and <>hla track, near the house, end ita rted w s t. Bhe walked rapidly and was aeen

no one until ■ she petted Aden, seven ■ lies emH her sta rting point, whera ths night opsiator noticed her, but did not (peak, to her. The gIrFa eyae were wMi

*** W thlng In her ap- to lu d lu u th a t She did not know

■he WM doing. She walked about mllee fu rther ee itw erd before she

t Inwn entitrd by the oOrtUoa of her feet, Bhe wee teieiC but

prompUy.reveriod her couree,Mjenwhlje her e b e ^ bed been

floM, end her perents w a n telegrapl in beUi dtreotlona from ffllyt HUl F . . „ the Adtn operator It e r u Ieai%M that a g lr ia n e tm n n a B b m a ’a^dmwHptlon fcal p a i ^ eM w erd. > Ju p d o a r was swmnid

myialf. F or instance, which end of a 'm ule does a man h it A nt on a dark n l ih t r '

"But 1 never knew before that e mule had two ends! Frletid, thou bast hot onlyenteriatned me wlsaly and well, but taught me th a t flattery may evsh bM et Ig ­norance.’’


A C e l# red W e a e a a YFh# H m e g C # # g a « t« r a a d C h ie f u f Pwlloe.

From the a t. L>ouie Dispatch.M n. A lextnder. a welt-lnowa colored

woman, m ld ln g la Chicago, t r e a t s the .paMongera on the Iren Uountaln road last night to a sam ple of Chfeago grit She in tlited on riding In the eleeper. and the conductor reilated. She p u re b sM two brrthe one for herself and one fSFiTtillS d es tin y for Chicago to take a poMtlon secured by her the agent aooepling H,

^ e a a a d e r had been v M H u Hot Springe for health, and with her eom- MAlon boarded the tra in a t lU lvern . A ^ When the passengert d tsc o v S J ih e r pTS:

In Uia M r a f te r the train i t a ^ pnteat^ to ^oduotor N agla/^

aaieeeed. on the somiiany 'for"*pempMpla to ride In tha af^pe'"—"—-• *- —-

had Snot im i I R«

i i l e u ^ e r to reu ra ,^b a t i illijed, on tije groiiad u ia t

ting colored

i r a . hS ii i t

---- ..kveww yvwifdV W rlQSM ra Alexander deolioed

Ing M e had - the oondnoi the streu

U ttle

SUUXV UO«lia«<]


subject attempted to commit murder, yet knew that the w wuon was harmlese. Thia was demonstreted by Qllea de la ToureUeIII some of hla marvellous experlroenle. There are three etagee In hypnotlam— catalepsy, tegarthy and eomnainbullam. In iho third stage the subject Is eatlrely under the InAucnce of Ihe hypnollier.

During one experiment a patient was lold to poison one of the doctors. She put what she supposed wae poison Into a glam and aeked him lo drink, iS]

W O R K o r THE ih lA h K .

F r ln i l l lv o T ## la a # d W ra p n a e M ad* by t h e Iw aaalsa o f A sylaw e.

From the H artford Courant.Dr. E. A. Down. Of this city. In hla oAl-

, lul kLapacliy ae a memher of the State Board of Chartllea, vlefte periodically the various Insana asylums of ihc man-, and he has had an oi)|iortunHy that lew men have uf Studying Insanity In all |i>. o c pvcIA

In Ihe couris of his vlsltatlona h.t bsa galbsred one of the most unique rol- lectlons th a t was ever got lugciher. It conslsta of a iiuinlwr of priniUlvr tools m anufactured by me Inmates of Inaatis liietitutlona fur purposes of es.'aiw or do- fenc* o r attack . Many Insane |ft,:.piu arc poaaefond of the delusion that they, uro the object of some apcrlal pereei;utioii, and in order to protect ihcmselvi agnliist ibvlr auppoead persecutor or In order lo be prepared to a ttack him a in n ihry uhssoa to meet him, they work In w end and prepare for th c m e e lc iso n ic very unique weaponi. More ooiimiunly their efforts are expended lu making loola fur purpoeea of escape. The matirlslH which they have a t hand for IhU purpose IjcIiik very limited, they are cunipilhd t,.- usu w hatever they can And, and the greatest Ingenuity la often eierulsr.t by men that lo the casual observer would sesm quite Inoompetenl. Dr. Dawn's coljccilun of these primitive weeiwns stnl tools is qu.tc comprehensive lu Its line, an.l eai h srtl- els In it carries with It a ihrllUug story of cccape or aUeiuptcJ escape.

There la a screw driver made from a tpupQ which a patient at an opiuiluini moment smuggled to his rwm irom ths dining table. lie look, ofl the spoon just above the bowl and uiidcr rov.r „r the noise which um 'elic.l si U rn ,g ro u n d down the bandit on his Hone window.nil until II assumed the forni of j screw d r iv e r W ith this hr r,moved iln, serrwe which held the slat ni ihr siUr uf his window and made his i » api, to this man­ner, T h li man wo« s hsim i,-- paticjit. who was troubled with ri-currcni allai-ks of excitem ent and who took pliusurr ut such tim es in wltnesiing the fright which5e Ineplrod In thesu who thought him

engarouaThe next article In the collection Is an

Improvised dogger aud ■h.ith, ths dagger m ade from a nail with a p ice ef rag for a handle and a sheath piedr from s cblckeii bone. The weapon was found on the pereon of the maker nii.l was tsken bafore he had lime to complete the dagger by AUng down the point on the null.

A nother Improvised wesinin Is a dirk made from a long nail with the end well sharpened and a rag wrapped nround the o ther end to serve ta a handle. This in­strum en t waa os ahsrp ss an onjlnary knlfs and woubl he a forinldulitr wcaiiun In the hands of s cruiy man.

Perhaps the most unique arllcle In the collection Is a key made from a piece uf orange peel. This appaieiiLly liainileas tool w as made by g female patient and wae discovered before she had an oppor­tun ity to test Its efllcleiicy. The prison ofllclala found on trlsl that this key made from dried orange peel would itnioc’k read­ily alm ost any old and worn lu k.

The doctor rtes also e key made from

k, saying hot thatthe weather was so exceedingly :

■he waa aure he m utt be thirsty. He re­fused once or twice, but ehe perHsted. At laai be conaented, but requeued her to drink Arst. Thia ehe pretended to do. but did not wet her lips. He then drank from the glaae and fell bark aa It dead. She had ebtolutely no rtm orie, ywt flnnly believed she bad committed murder. In another experiment the patient was given a plMol, and told to kill a certain house surgeon. As soon as he came Into the room shn llred point blank a t him.

Dr. Korner bellevee that the patient must flrii have a grudge against the supposed victim. As tong as Ihe germ of spite or dislike Is there the hypnotlser can Increase It In the mind of the subject until he or she Armly belifvet tn the necea- ■tty of rommltllng murder. Dr, Korner’s Opinion on the question whether a pa­tient could be hypnotlaed Into writing a will li Identical with the view expressed by Dr. Potelet. ___________


woo<1 snd one made from wood and a piece of orange pud, and iithcrx made from Ihe handle ot u blacking box. from a sm all staple, etc., all of which will un­lock Old locks with mure or leas ease. Sorcwdrlvera seem lo lie Die Instrument which the Inmetee consider nioit useful, and there are several strange varlellee Of th li tool In the doctor's collection. They ■re m ade from nails, button-hooka, sprlnga, from the heels of a woman’s shoe and heel plates siol clothes hooks.

All Iiee to th e C raae o f P h l la le l l i l s fo r M a k la g C a llc« tto aa .

From lomdon Truth.My reference recently lo the forgeries

of "Samoa Expruss" stampe has brought me several Interesting communications. J. \V. Palmer repeats ble statem ent that, though the stamps to which he referred are forgerlea, the postmarks are genuine, and this Is practically borne out by Measrs. WhItAeld, King A Co., of Ipewicb, appears from the la tter Arm's oommunlca- tlon th a t the stamps In question were Aral Issued some twenty years ago by an Indi­vidual who started a postoracs a t Samoa ■a a private commercial venture.

When this enterprise was abandoned, In Hta, my correapondents bought from the proprietor hie stock of "Samoa Ex- presa's stampe, together with the litho­graphic stones from which they were printed, and. aome yeare later, consider­able numbere o t the atampa wer« reprinl- ed for eale to eollectora. The original ■tones, however, have been destroyed.

Many sets of thsae twprlnted stampswere purchaaed by the proprietor of the present poetofllca In Bamoa. which la run under a conceaslOn from King Mallstoa.Thia gentleman. It aeema, hod constant applications for them from collectnrs, and os his paDons preferred to have can­celled stamps, he obligingly placed the olllclal postmark upon them. So great, Indeed, was the demand for the "Satnoa Express" stamps th a t forgeries were placed on the m arket by a Qerman dealer, and some of these—evidently the examples mentioned by Mr. Palmer—alsq received the official postmark at Apia.

There are apparently, therefore, three classes of "Samoa Expreaa'a stamps—(1) those which were Issued In Samoa and passed In the ordinary way through the boelolAce; (ft those which were reprinted from the o rl^n s l stones tor coUccIcrs and cancelled with the official postmark mere­ly to add to their value, .and (3) those which are forgeries, but which also b iarthe genuine official postmark. To many

pie the whole story will, I dare say, a aurpriilng revelation of Ihe extent 1 developments of the philatelic hual-

neas, ae well as ef the metno<la on which

people the whole story wilt, I dare say, latton o f ..................

and deveic

kick It, and you were a dismal failure. Just head back Tor Wauseon and your grocery business, and If you oontinue to give Afteen ounces to the pound and three pecks and a h a lt to the bushel you’ll get rlgh and die happy. Toaa aebs yet? Well, try some of my witch haael a t flfty cents a l|otlle.’’

, AN HONEST KAN.One dsy Ihe Sultan escaped from hie

courtiers and (tru ck a gait for the coun­try, determined to find a man who would give him the tru th devoid of all flattery Coming upon a traveller who waa resting In the shade of a tree, th t great man be­gan;

” Oh, friend, I am looking for one who baa no Aaltery on hla longue."

"Then you've run up agin th a righ t mam old hoaa!" waa th s blunt reply "Old Jim Sweetaer has no ‘latsea on the end of hla tongue to r man or woman. W hat wouldat thou?".

"W hilst I am nigh flfty yearn old. I am told every hour In th s day th a t 1 don 't look ■ day over th irty ."

"Thso they He like thleveal When you were yet flfty rods off 1 look you fo r an Did baytsed o t sevemy. You are a tough old caxs, and y ou bet you show It."

"Mx adm irers would have me th lhk I am all-wlat,” continued the Sultan, os he swallowed hU cud of gum.

"Well, it don’t look like It to me. You sa t plumb down on a humtila bee and In ■bout ft m inute or more ha'll tlv a you a Ho. A wine man don’t flop down without

looking over the grass.""They would have It th a t I always up­

hold the tru th ,"1®** I*®’ '*“ • * tin pwl-dler I d be on my guard agalnat th a t fogy

face of youra, I nellhva you d aell a aheei>- pelt with a gaah in it aa q u Ic fiaV w lD k ! Anirihlng more they etuff you with?"

"They tell me." mueed the Snltan. " th a t I km the g reateat of earth ."

"B o ih r 'jx o la lm e d tha traveller, "W hy. I know o t flfty different men who oan give you all sorts of pointers. Ferbaps i oan

pottofllcee are conducted In some p a n t of the world.

T H E W O R L D 'S I N D U 8 T R 1 F,S.

The prcaperlty of the copper mining In- d u itry In Lake Superior la a t the present time a t Its hlgheet development. In the Houghton dlelrlct on Portage Lakr, In which are centred the Calumet and llecia,Mutney and Tamarack, J r„ mlnae, varloui companlee are employing upward of mooti men, oa agalnat l,QW 1o UM. Calumet, which la the town having the largeat pep- ulsUon, already boasla of to,000 Inhabi­tan ts, conetltutlng It the second largeat mining town In the Cnlted Btatee. with not over one or two rivele In the worM.The productive Increase In the output of copper, and Ita relatively high price In Ihe m arkste of the world, have doiiblni the value of the mining property during the last four yeari, being valued a t preaent a t meats, the fabulous price o7 jSO.DU.OOO.

Ninety-five per cent, of all the tooth- plcke made In the Dntted Stales ere form­ed from while b l r ^ timber In Franklin County Ualne, and fe t scarcely more hlan a hundred pereone are employol In the In­dustry In th a t State. Outside of the pine T ree State, the principal factorlea arc In Pennsvlvaiua, M ugachuaetts and Western New York, Maple and poplar nre aume- tlmea used In the manuriicture of Ameri­can toothpicks, but white birch Is the standard tunber In all the factorlea.

T h e value of the 'cotton cloths lold hy the United States to China lo UkT amount­ed to Dearly |T,B0l),(ni), or nearly one-half the entire valuation ot the cotton clolhs sent abroad by the United Su tes. The ex­port of keroeene oil from this country lo the Kiddle Kingdom has more than trebled In value during the paet ten yeare; In 18»7 It amounted to |4,HO,aOO. Ths expcrit of our wheat flour lo China reached a value In la n o f M,«0,«I0, and our exports of chemicala. dyes, eth., were appraised a t an ■ddtilonal million.

During tha lakt two years a marked im prpvenidit has been noticed In tbe gen. oral Iron and steel irudee of Italy. Prices have been decidedly hatter last year than in the year before, while activity In m arly all departm ents appears to have lieen quite sa tlan te to ry ; several rolling mills have been buUt, others have been altered and Improved, in order to be able to increase th s output.

Numbers ot orders* for locomotives and rolUng stock In the vsrious Australian colonial nave recently beeii lost to Eng­lish tenderers on sccount qt the newmliy of quick dispatch: several orders hsv* gone to America, aithough the price has b « n higher than English tenders, solely be- oause delivery can he effected In cohsjj; trab ly ehorter lime than In Ihe latter oases.

Tha m anufacture of straw la one of the moat ImpoKant Induetriei of Oermany, giving thonaanda meana of auppori-

Twanlr-flve years 'ago the United BUtea PTMUced seventy per cent, of, the co ltw of the world; to-day ghe produces elghty- flve per cent, of the world’s cotton.

,The peanut orep


Tmmv ixltUv Antiuiil Thill Cal« P ra n k s In i 'e n trn i I'nrke

From th# New York TltTM-ii.M&Qy talk of tha ituplUUy t t sg u lr r r l i , '

hut J csiTi* Across one In Cemr&l Pnrk which tl a i clever and provident a UUte: creature a i any 1 ever knew, i have had m any pquirrel pets there who kntw' me, but this one on very ihori a^*qiialntaQcA | became unuausJiy friendly und easy In hla' matmera. The fln t day 1 saw nim ha oame and aat In front of mt, lookliijf up Into tny f a n in the moet tifaeinx way, ■of course, expecting a nut. 1 had some ■heU’> 4>d pecan nuts in my pocket, which i made a movement to get, and the mUiuie he heard the rattling of the paper he waa on my Up with a bound. Itecomlng Im^ l>atleni a t my delay tn getting them, he put his head in and pulled (he paper out with hie teeth.

1 placed the package before him and he ate to hlA heart'a conleul, varying the monotony occailunally by jumping down and chaiing his hungry luothere who w anted eome of Ihe nuta, too. ile la a flrat-claaa boas, by the w'ay, end as greedy a lUlle fellow aa ever tivi'd, besides belna quite an epicure. How he msule away with ao many rich nuta Is a myxiery, but he never left one. Every day he had a good meal of pecan nuts until tny store wae exhauAted, when 1 concluded to buy aome poAnuu. aa otbert did who were in ibe habit of feeding them.

Mr, Squirrel met me ae usual, and I gave him a ahellvd peanut. Me looked at me, then a t the nut, actually atuck up hla noae, gave a look of dlaguat, and ran aw ay. 1 really didn't underataitd then w hat U meant, but concluded aome one had been feeding him and be waan't hun­gry. After a little be came back. I offer­ed another nut, which he t(»uk in hla mouth, apat It out. then eat quiftly blink­ing hia vyee, wldently making up hla mUbd to do something. When he decided, the fun began# h e atuck bis noat? In ray coat pocketa, ran up my arms, crawled on my walet, emelltd of all the buttons. ei(en looked on top of my hai. 1 waa won­dering w here he'd go next, when, to my amaaemirnt, he tried to look Into my mouth. That waa going too far, 1 «x<® poatulated, and he bisat a retraat. U then dawned on me liiat he wanted a pecan nut.

I left the bench where I had been sit­ting and went up on a rock aome dUtanca away, to watch aome beautiful birds—(nii- grajiUe) Jn about half an hour 1 felt a careaalng Utlla touch on my back, and, looking around, aaw Runnle b ^ g ln g again, hla eyes aaylhg, “Fleaae, give me a pecan nut Instead of thoae old p e a n u ts ," but. alaa! t had none. 1 ventured another peanut, w^hlch he took very reluctantly , turned It over aa they always do when you give them a whole nut. looked aa if ha thought 'tla horrid, but i'll bury It for a rainy day, which he did, Rack he cam^, and X gave him another. Thia h s also burled, aa he did many o then , F inally he tried to take two, which hs labored hard to do. but they were too large, and after mucb wearlneea and discourage- m eat, he took one and dleappeared from the ecene. The next day 1 took both klnde of null, for 1 wanted to see If refusing the ueunuta wa« accidental, or if b« really pre­ferred the paean. I gave him a peanut first, which he absolutely refused, 1 then let him smell ot the paper of shalled pecan iiuLa, H a was wild with delight, and, pouncing on the bag, burrowed aa they do for nuts they bury, and Id g second waa hatiiiK and smacking his Upt, bis tyvu 4-Kpreasing, "1 tell you, 'ura'a goodr* The funny part of It Is, ha Will aat peanuts from others, and is glad to gat them , but he knuwa as well as can be who feeds


m the QOi

I t .V>uls

ifor th s present yaaf will h»n*lY of 4,0|S,£o,<IOO bushelSu ,Mdat ?f th*»If grown IPnw fof aw lG eo i^ ik *^*^ ''***.* artkrt In making It to some extent. the w ar tha peanut crop barely aggregated m ort than tOO.QOO bushels.

At KswoaKIs-onr’i^ a s ihllffiulMs^ anfl •a iln ss ra aw now vsrjr full the to n o a n bulMlnf oB ■nd T s w l iJ Y * l a w t »«

f w ^ l n t N 4 & ^ a r « w i t h o u t eaoepi

f lv i - -__ ^ __^ I,


HaA MarA L aek fraax ih a T l a a Ha F i r s t Mat F e te ■ la taae .

From the Cltlcago Inter-Ocaao."1 iujipon- j/uu've never heard Dow Onr-

eyad Jiihng.^n wax buoAooed," aald Fete StmcOe, In the BInraum Huuaa, at KHnaes f i ty . 111., o th rr doy, " I t wae no fault of mine th a t 1 rhouUI croai Johnsnn'a trail ■ s oftvn ea I (lid. Iq (out. 1 trlrd, eaveral llnire, to avoid laoutlao him. hut some- th ln s alwaya ha|>|iened to throw us lo- (L'theT. I met Johnson for the tlret time down In Soiuira. I rude uti to a lU tk 'duty ' smIouii to .e t a drink, when l heard uuaelnit and yelllnil th a t luxceelrd a tlib l on the Inatde. 1 kut off my vsyuai< and started to aea tlie tun. There waa John­son, whuM niinie 1 did not know ihrn. favlui: tlie Mexlvaii proprietor. Suddenly the Moaloaa llreil. Juliniuii did the Humv ih in i; then there woe a eUenor. 'I'hey w ire a lunx time letlUiK the hullci out uf Johnaoii'e hrud, l i e qol well, with uiir rye uuni,. I t was more than u jvur be- lure I m et him oiatn. T h u Uinr It w ue in Ualvestuu. 1 Was out In u II||I<, iHiiit, with a puny uf trU-nda, when u wiuull ciimv up. We had tt hard lime ut It, tml, with the bravest offoris. we wiqe inuklnf for safely when w« lisuid u aliuut In tlio w sie r alm ost under ihu boat. It was a blic Job, Uul ws tnanoA'd lu |>ut about and (e t hold uf the etruiciiler. He lunded ill tlio bullum uf our buitl with u thud that almost drove the wind out ot him tor keeue. Wo turned him over. It was Diie- syro Juiiusua, He remembirrd me,

" Demins ese,’ ho wlu»p.,red, after he aut uMhorr, 'didn’t I ear you laet dow n In Chihuahua, or Sunura. ur sunH whiTe','

"I reminded him of Ihe eiruumatan.ee lu rroundlna our l»et nieetlTii;. He looked a i me suspiciously.

" ’Fuiuiy.' he g ru n t'd "In a month 1 waa in Han Aiitone. Juai

tor luuk, I though I’d try the raurn, I went tu ts a poolroom. The Ural muii 1 xaw wui Juhnaon. He Was standing by Ihe side ot a blarkbuard trying to du boalneas with the crowd. I worked my way to the (rout and caught Johnson’s ons eye. There wax a tell to one shot on the board, and 1 wauled It, I had no oilier reason lor m aking the bet. 1 just wanted that tiorae becausa 1 wanted It. Jolmaou did not ap­pear to be happy when ha saw me com­ing, I asked him shout himerlf and got my ticket. Ae I moved off 1 noticed that Jonnson appeared to he relieved. Bo far there had bean no trouble. This whi In the middle of the afternoon. As eoun aa Iho roc* was over 1 want to cash my rjteck. I could see that Johnaun waa ■waarlng lo beat the band, as I worked my way up to hla aland. Me had nir money oil ready. 1 tried lo exehaiia.' pleaeantrlei, but Johnson would not huv,. II.


’■ ’Oo 'way,' he grunted. 'You may b ' .11 right, but I'm busy.’

"I laughed and went back to my hotel.

bw. W'hat I want lo know Is this, ere you guliig on that train?' 1 said th a t I was.

’’ ‘W hat will you lake to stay a t home?’ be aeked.

"I lold 1.......... .. -. ---------- ---------------oleaded with me, He told me that he had

'I told him that ll was not noeelble.IIeftleaded with me, He told me that he had m purtant buelneae In Dalles. I Inalsterl

him Iho pecan, and ao refusal an Invita­tion to dliio unless hs can have ble favorite

S aid to b a O aa o f th a H ea t 'V la faaa a n d I n n o n I s f F lttoea.

From The Favorite Magailne,In F o rt Said Itself there la little w hat­

ever to see, except diverM forma of vice and wlckedneea. I t Is probably tb s most thoroughly Immoral and vicious placo ou the face of th s esrtb . But passengers a re more or laaa bound to go ashore, fo r It la here th a t tha steamers taka on oool. The ship Is soon black with flna coal dust, and, as every porthole and door la ctoasd below, the pJaoe la decidedly dirty and hot, and generally uncomfortable.

Thu only araueement on land la donkey riding. There l l an old Arab In P o rt Said who looka aa though he were gleepad tn oil and aoot, bu t who proudly Intorma you; "My name, air? John Fer-r-rgu-aon, of Olosgow _^f OIxuow, mind ya.''^ H e owns ■lx donkeys, of which ha la extrem elyf reud. H e le a cute Individual and vary

m url a t datactlng a t a glance the par- ticular nationality of any person ha seas ■pproacblng. H e sets a n a n c lra sB Gam­ing along: "QuI, out, monaleur, treg bon tree bon, m aster wont a donkay ride? My donkey t r * bon donkey, go v e ^ fa it . Which donkey master l l k a s ^ t l ^ l a ons name Napoleon, this one Victor Hugo, and this ons Coloneeal Enterprise." H a par- auadaa tbe Frenchman to try the powera of Colonial Kntenirise, w h lc b ^ y lha way ware rem arkaU y feeble, and then tu rn s to m eet a Harman, aaylng;

"All roy donkeys,, name afte r Oarmany. very gu t country, Oenruiay. N ot sam e m d irty Frenchm an. M atter w ant a ride? This d o n l ^ B lsm aro t ^ th a t one the Em peror Wtlllam.” I t the traveller la an I t^ la n ha haa OaribKdl, and If by I f rm and sp B o c h ^ re m h liM the visitor to be an Kngllahnfbn ha bows profoundly and requests th a t for a shining an hour you will be Kaaawl to make k r . Gladstone, Queen y lo torig or Mrs. I-angiry tro l around the equare.

Tha journey through the flues Canal la monotonoua In the extrame, tor tjia ship movea very ilowly, and on gliher eVda la a wide axpanse of aanay flegart, whoaa rear, ftd ila ie la trylm on thw ara, Tha canal widens out at the Bitter loiltas, aoroaa whose northern and tha IsrSalttlah eUMran made ttaalr miraculous paaeaga. i t than narrows again, and praiarwaa Ita luuntar- Htlng appaaranoa right to tha and. Th* ■taahaari atop tn tha Gulf of flueg for a few houn and taka In malb, And aoma- limea a few paesangarA but an oMb goal ■abora bara, a* the town ot flue* is levaral ^ ta s diauuot. The groarK b S a iS ir « tha oUmata and of lha langitty or the eountrlea lying e u t of thU aUqt bavo bean wall eunmad up In one of KlpUag's eangs, where ha puts .Into tha m oufh^ Tommy Atkina tha words:flhtp m s aomawhars east of

m a r e the bast Is like ttW here tbera a in 't no T a n ____

And a duui o u ra il • lUteg.o u t of the Gulf of Bus*, u d w* iwsch theSS? Is-

F o llo tv a d lltm 1# a I 'ah U ntil lh a F an n d • P u llcam an ,

Prom the New York Mall and Kiprcaa.A Chicago woman, who has the bump ot

observation largely developed, found It Of m atchless value In osplurliig a burglar last Monday. Monday l« bargain day In Chicago, just as II is In New York, so a f te r Mrs. Nordairuni had aeen her hus­band off to business ehii locked up her llt- t l t house on Washington Boulevard, and want downtown ahopping. While riding home on a trolley car. several houni later, m m an rode past on a bicycle pMnted a wacullar color—a color, in fact, which Mwk Kordstrum waa sure no bicycle In Chicago but her husband's poaaeaaad. Quick as a Rash aha stopped the car, hailed a P**^ Ing cab and gave the driver orders to fol­low the cyclist while she kept a lookout**She sold aha rode blocks bafore she found one. Perhaps Ihe burglar cyclist knsw‘I- •— ‘----- - — A “ "'vioM •!**their hftttiUf And av#Io m Ihem. At awr ra te the «haiw had IajiI«4 for a mil# be*

A ludden eiorm oam« up while the Wt- tlnx w ai on for the la it race. Thr only ■tend that w m blown down wa« Johti- Aoti'i. At dinner th a t night I iaw Juhn* ton come into the dining-room. Mf did not ■## m# At flrit. He had orderrd eoup and w ai waiting for tt, looking around the dinlnV'room tne whlUg when he caughl lig h t of me. He got up with a jerk aaii atarted for th# door. The waller wae on h li blind ilde with a tray full of food, i)«rt of which WM Johnson'! loup. The heavy ilu ff fell on one lid# and atn iek ih« door, but Johnson got th# aoup all over hli ahouldera and ih lri front.

" I t WAI exactly a year afte r that 1 went to a poolroom In Gaivaalon looking for h long ihot. Now, I'm teJllog th« truth when 1 My that I do not know a h o w from a bale of hay. 1 only know th a t by shu tting my ryea to lU of tha Important facta In the cai# I'm mighty good a t pick­ing wlnnera. This time 1 had heard of a horae called Dandy Hex. l l w ai Bo to 1, and 1 went after It. Une-Ryed Johnson waa aelllng, When he law me he changed color-^from red to white. TU take Dandy Rex ' I laid, 'm worth.’

* ''No, yOu wont,' Johnion returned. Ills partner, who waa standing by, looked on curiously. 1 preiaed Johnson to do bust- neas, but he anook h it head, 'Not on yuur life.' he went on. Ha waa In an awkward poaitlon.

" 'T hat'a ail right, Johnson/ I said. *lt'a none of your bualucM 1( i Joa#.'

"There wah nothing for him to do but hand down the tlckat He dropped It Into my hand, and wbeti he took my money he didn't hold It for an Instant# H e waa afraid th a t It wae infected In aome way. 1 looked about the place for a while and went back to the beach, where 1 ordered supper a t on# of the tables on th« vev randa overlooking the gulf. I w as get­ting along pretty well when on# of the boys cam# up, all out of breath.

" ‘Be# hvrt!,' he yelled, ‘Dandy Rex haa won. You're Us&OQ ahead.'

"I felt rather saharued of U Iwfore the large oompany of diners, but I msri- aged to live through it and get In with my winning ticket. Poor Johnson count­ed out my money without a word. J felt like laying Homethlng, but there waa noth­ing to euy. 'Thank you' would have seemed foolish under the ctrcumatsricei, fo r Johnaon could not hare aald 'You're welcome' to aavt hie aoul. Bo f went aw ay without a worn.

"A t ^ o'clock the next morning 1 got Into the 'bus to go to my train, in a minute Johnion g o tln , too. He wan iltUng with hla blind eye on my aide, and It was not until After the vehicle was under way th a t ha recognised my presence. He looked a t me for a long Um#—an uncom­fortable lime for me—before he epoke. Then deliberstely and with much earneaU o#As, he said:

if I live to get out of thia wagon I'm to take that 8:30 train for DhUas#

Tww l» 4 H llir« w t G ir ls L lv la a U k «^Hoboew** J a s t ( M lh a R sp #rl#aw « .

(C<HT«8pondeiic# g f the 8t. Xo>uuJs Post* Dlapatch.)

For three dity- rsaklenti o f Uuncle, Ind.. have notloed two rather comely young women grho have visited rear doora In ■4‘arch o f fnud lo •jxil# Ihe same i f Lha vet­eran hobu plya hta vocation. The women have hern using a lug fire in the woodF ^long th<> HIk Four Railroad, Juat west of thv cliy , on which lo bull cofTe# Jn a n ia ^ uid ':?midy totnaio cun. and when (he p u n - D ispuch reprr”«'mhtU>- callvd un them he found a.meui about ntidy.

One o f (ha women conam ied to talk. Bhe atate^l ihat they resMixl lu Ohio when at home, but refused to divulge place of rrsideru’c uf their pareiiia

"W# Imv# r ^ d a great amount o f nov- '•Is." she said, "adveDturas of young wuin- i‘u, and one day ten wcfk>« ago decided to tii|(>' to Hir road m d HCi the :i<lghta of thv Wtirld without niutiey or a iHlscacue.

" \ \ r Iluvc had Uiouauiids of offarg lu w»rk In klU'hons, but h>iv> tUidined.

“ We du nut ulm la walk tnvu h ^nd gel over (ho country riding In Uts i irs or mi ibi- front t-nd o f p^wwnx 'r tralin*. alw ays U'ing curefiil thul our ■klrta du not entch Niud throw us tind«‘r iho (rsl*j. We un* now. louring the Indians aua end will noon continue west (a 6 l. l#oUI«. where w«? heiV# relnilvi'N. W>- hvoiti Qien M all times, ,md uftfu hav# scary ex|M*rleimes in doing ku. O iiT we were folluwe«t out of Marlon. O., Htid to get aw ay fr im three inom who were fulhjwing us look refuge In a farmhouse with somu good old peoph’. iind alayed thi-re two u igh ls and one diiy. Tliie Is ih«

slifUer We huVe found.'They slated thu< they hiid u i-oiiridentlnl

girl frJciui At homo, to wbivm (luy oooa- eloiiully wrote, and (hat she m -eived a leUnr from them dated s4 Yorktown. and Ihut an answer would awsU ihem ut Million when they arrived tht-re, When Ihe retniricr asked fur their right rmmes, ihc om* U ln g litiervlewed laughed aloud and tio other nmlled for the nmt time diirmv the converaallon, but ihai wsa adl. ex* cj 1*1 ehe mated that they could be refsrnd lo UK Hmlth, Joiisa or Brown, snd that thry would leavi' kluncU forthwith. The u|ipejiruni‘(> of neither o f th# girls would aiiliuct udmiratlon. but thsy are InieMI- Kciii and well educsted, and the evlilenre®: uf rellrruient were very perceptible, nhiiW- liig that (heir prcaetit p^ U luo In life, whi; uiii' sMunied.

In ih# course nf the remarks the one Ihut did the talking stated that after or- riving In Ht. Ixuuls they would IfCglii rom- plllng Ihi'ir #xtw>rlfiic#s for puhllostlon In A ntiigMtlne. Ksch uf the women hmks to Ih> nhout tw enty years cdd. wslghlng nver Iti'i piUJUds Uoth are derided brunettes, with dark br^twa eyeSt and they could be lukei) for slstem .

riik T R H COI R T iH ir .

Itow * \r r y m id *A srl#t A#1 V pd#r tk # InineM C# o t th e t ir a a d F o is lo n .

Prom the Ijondon Mall.There comes a Um# In th# history #f

every knight o f the barrow when his heart is loftened and subdued by the power of lhi> tender passion. H# loses Interest In ■port, and no longer ffndi satlsfactlofi la pummelling hla **moka."

Jr hlR passion la o f moderata dlmenslona It tUidi an outici In "trealJng." He takes hli adorsd one down the W hitechapel road Anil buys her sponge cake, ginger b#«r, ap­ples, hanatiAs. chocolate, milk aconea, Ice cream, and anything else ah# may have a faiiry for.

When her appetite la gone and ah# can ral no more they turn to shooting gaUerief, Kdisoii i phonograph and cocoanut ahiea, which exist permanently In thia neighbor­hood. and conclude the evening by drop­ping In at A mualc hall.

Hut If hiN love be very deep these tblnga are forgutten. Ginger beer and three sbols A penny can no longer aatlafy the cravings of hla hesri. Hral Tova lA by far a cheaperAffair.

Under th# Influence of tha grand passion ‘Arry and Arrlet wander down dark turn­ings together, he with his arm twined lov­ingly around her neck, until they raaoh an open ■pA(>e whereon acme phtlanthropio society hai planied garden aeats. Her# they Sit very close together In on# com er of the seat—there la another couple In th t other corner-gASIng silently a t tb# stars until H Is lime to go home.

And provided no other and bigger eoatar comes along shd demandN ihe girl, aecom# PAbyIng hli req u m with th# threat of a *'baah on ih# iaw," the m arrlM s w ill Iw celebrated In a very short tlmp. They don't believe Jn long engagements In the R a il End. H« will propoa# and th e accept, even though he It only eighteen y«*Ars o f a g t and rejolcea tn a salary of alxtscn shllllnga a week.

• m r . v n i r m , i m m T i iB i r r B . irrcL

that hla fears were foolish, but he would nut be convinced. When I got on the train 1 left Johnson ttandlng moodily oa the platform. A trunk truck cam# along on bis blind side and gave him a jolt that kept him in t>e(l for a wefk,"


Kfory o f Ih # R e cen t H il lin g o f a Mcr- g r a n t hy l l i i URIerr#

From the London Chronicle.A corretpondtDt atnUn ue the following

tranalatlon from a Oerman paper of the recent killing of a Sergeant by hit urTto r. Count Stolberg-Wernlgcrode:

"Th# following particulars arc nuw available of (he exploit of Count Hml- b#ri.W #rnlg#rode. Cnpieln of nic n f - teetirh Keglinent of Khlaiit in Susrburg, AlBaoe, who cut down Scrgcam Hteln- hardt. of hla regiment. meinliarJi waa Q uarterm aater, and whs ordered off lo forage. The soldiers rngagi'd In ouiklng forgot, In ibe SergeanCji ahsenre. in In­sert the rubber rings In the ('owr» of the pots, In coDsequeiicu of which (hr food got spoiled# Captain Count i^iolhctg call­ed Btelnbardt to acccmni fur ihi?i. The Sergeant excused hlme^df Irum blumo on account of his enforctd abaciu c.

"L a te r Ob the Captain renem-d Ills r#-f>roach#a and lold tTicliihuriU was the oweat cur and the gruaimt blackgimnl In the rei^ment. BtelnhariU answen-d that he did not think ho deicrvcd to be called that- On thia Count Btolherg gave him a box on the car that inadu him reel over ag a ln it Lh« wagon. Btelnhardt said to two Of hla commdes; 'You hhw how I waa ■truck.' Count Btolberg InirtiKllalely drew hi* sword and Jlnu gave Bivlnhunli a cut In bis leg and then a thrust on the left Bid# of nil head. Hielnhardt fell down unconscious. (Another account udds how BteJniiardt, on first coming lo, tried to atop thtt blood with hla hundkercblcf and to stand a t 'Alteiiflon' till he fell uricnnsfioua again)# He was taken to Hugi nau, where li# dl«d without recovering conaclouenesi- Th# funeral look place wUh full military honors, according to th e 'll. N ' (Hadiache Nachrlchten), which domonatraleH th a t BieJnhardt'a Jnnoc«’iice la recogiiUcd even officially.

"The parish prlclt. In his Iuftnrii oration, before the whole bony of offlrers, flenoune­rd the se t perpetrated hy Htolberx as one of tbs most brutal vlolmro. The father of tbe m uriered in»n, lilmaclf ft veieraii, wearinx rordala for ihe lamuttlgns of ISM, un; and 1*70-71, looked a« If lie would sink


ThR Queen of BeautyTO LECTURE.

NINE MEN• u t of tMi w h o f iv e tb e •u b fe e t e l U fe l e i i i f en ce tb e cerefn l e tu d jr It d e se rv e s In su re w ith th e n u tiM l B enefit o t Newaric In p re fe ren ce to a n y o th e r com p an y , S tep h en S . D sy , O lit . A fo n t, No. 776 B roM 5 t r e e t .

IHcIntyre & Wardwell,■ n a ts a



B n o c li Office, 8M B road S t

Dlr«i Prtropi ffIras io H#w Turk, Chloan l*hilad#]pills and Ws*iiiagt#ik

IvlSphoiMK gide Both rompoolos.

Aaatta. tMOO.OOh.OO. lurplua. fr0s00l.gg

FranklinSavings Institution,

Stfl S r o a d S tr e e t.JOHN M, OW INNiLL, Ps h Um i .H I I.MAM n . LYR. V lea-m ehleat. MKHKITT O. PRIIKINR SiwnSwr.

D*p«al(a mads ht ibs W of any ommiIi iSM inivrtit from tbs Ut of iKai ■Mill.^ MANAQgJtBiOsorx# Lans Kuwln If.DnuglAaWilliam H. U#. J. Ward w S S nilt'John P. (^dlrslf. Edward It, Crons,John M. Owlantll, Hrnnaii IjAldbA^J ’,A. Lshkuschsr, Wm# fslrll*.K d«rd j^CoakUa, Htury M. Dort^gis

POST & FLAGG,Meiulieii 01 Utr New York Moek E ie h av s

Mills Ralldlan, New York. m itA N O H O F ff /O S r

774 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. A U.FBED L. DEXII3, Resld«DtPirtM£

Telenhofti 1(1"rrlTSM Wire lo New Y or^U toH n FhUsdsliSu

end 11.1

btablMedima TetefAoaeDhO. F. CONLON.

624 anil 6 3 s P ru d e n tla J B iilkU nf.


Yntcht or Hold tor CaUior oa Maqfla. Pilrate wliee oonoeMlnf erltn oamepoeCsail

lo Mew York, nilaflelptila sod Chlesfo.

laTestmeotSkLocalSecoritidsB ank e n d IIU um iK e B tocke

B o u flit a n d Sold .


SO O B r o M i N ew ftrlK , N . J .

fl■■g■wn•r I 'u v rfS fo r Tnklrs#PYdm llArpt'r’s Haxar.

The pr#i#iu fancy for th# us* Of lac# m ats upon (lOllahtKf tahlra has caused a (Jnmand for whol# covers of this dfllcAt# and beautiful material. A lady who chanced to have a number of Ins lacs squares, formerly sold lu various slsea for tldlsa. m ats and oihsr purposes, mode a vsry handsome cover by simply tewing thsm logether In rows and then adding a border of the some kind of lacs, at>OQt two and a half inches wide, put straigh t along the four aidee and allgntly full In the eor- Dcrs# The aquarea are four Inches. Lined with pink, and a cut glass vase holding long stemmed pink rosea upon It, (he table It covsrefl a ttracted many eye*. Aru^Xher rover, of aquarea of ('luiiy lace, h i# a band of linen two tnchea wide separating CHitr# and border, A third showed fqumrea of lac# alternating with nouarea of sheer llnm cambric hemstttcheq of the asms ■lie. This also had a band of (he plain material aeperatlng the centre from tho iare edge, which matched the squares,

W.B.SIITB&CO.Bankers and Brokers,

V t > * B r U U C t H t M O t eDirect wires to New York, PhUaflelphla s a l

Chkafu Mock KirhanceaTRLKPUONR f lli .

W M . L U f N A L L E N f t C O ., srooK mmoffmfta,

■to n ro to M., Newark. M BrwWlwax, R. Y. INat'l Wale Bank BuUdinit. I

Buy siMj tell Blocks Hoods and O n iaos New Tork Eaebanxee and Cbloaso pMid o ' either (or oaih <w on maixin. FriTats,New VuTk, PhUedsIphte sod Chlcefo. T VQONewark. Teli'iiauDO UM flroiuL New York.


Locai In v e s tio e iitS e ca ritid s ,760 BROAD STREET.

PRICE. McCORMiCK i CO.ii?srcelis'!ScrJdV.x*“'

7 4 0 llroudl Bt., Newark, N .J . WILLIAM F. MUTH, rUflflt«r.

Y iclujlie wIrse-New Yurk, Cbicefq Fhlls. dclgihle aud Wuhlnxioa.


RELIABLH INYEBTMENT.Ingulrln ullcIlrO uoftHraliic well-paxlao.

comutveilv# Investment: eecurltx tb# b#^Addrwe P. 0. Box SH. N#w York. tSs



NEWARK THEATRENext Tnesda)', Nov. 15,


Wf u«e the meet Improved method known to ths world. It 1. enllrelj paloleei And the mee who dll the work ere iklUul. They are Ihe hail and muit experienced dcQtltl# hereahouta

Sets of Testh from $3 up.BxttacUnk, tSo.: Bxttactin*, palM***

Gold Kill., fll up.; Alloy Fill* from M e.« ISe4 Gold Crowns, flSi Metinum Crowns •S-MN

ttundayi • A. M. to U H.

h a S k :sD E N T A L A S S O C I A T IO N ,

If eW# Cor# Broad A Mark«ii*ta>. Nsworke Jf .#•

Into the grave of hla I'on for sorrow aiul p ^ n . The son hod supportod the old pan" •toner from hta pay. Couut StoIbiTg haa bssn arrested atul Ukeu to Uu> military prison in dtrosburg. U Is said that he hai already killed on orderly of Ills.

A y#ar a go a Lleiilcnaiil Von Rriiae- write, In K arlin ihf, pursiicrl, cul llown and kilted a ctvlllen who had buni|ird axalnet hie chair a t a cafe. He »»* eentem ed to two yeare’ elmple Impijeutiincnl, o( which ibe ftSaiperor r#mltt(‘«l vlKht#‘!n monthn,


iSre ii* wan of blue aind biwas ^iove In. . .4ue uimiukJ wi lu* *»iwibar Butpleltmi tp him wbi

„ OHin OI UIUC are sw-ro■iiht. Then the hackm sh sliwcd up the S to a little, whils tha laof beckoned to tbe mtalon of the law, hjUngY her autplcimie to him whns hs rode alon# on tb s carrlace step.II \ftm ahvirp . 1 1 1 . .

The oycllit wss p o tio n * a l e l e u ^ way and was soon overtaken and collarro. In addition to Hr. Nordainun’e bicycle, MU worth of jewelry *4* cealed shout JUm, sll'Of which Mrs. H o r^ ■trum IdentlflM a* here. Of pouree, the

T h p In cen tlv p o tL o v p “ ltfl In* M n e n c 6 In H um an A ffa irs .

Madams Vkic's Jllustiated and Demon- ktrated Leoitire will be divided

Into Four Fhrts, follow*;First I’art: Artlitlu C'lseekal Potlo i—

All* Kxhtl.ltiun of Ursoi—YALE HEACTY Uemuostrated.

Hecond Fart: Loctnro—’‘BF.AIJTY.’’ Tlilrd I’a r t : Pbyelosl Culture sod Hy-

gtenlu Kzeratees of the YALE SYH-tf-m - a n e x h i b i t i o n o fBBAUTY.

Fourth t ’art: Informnl IteoDption aud Talk.

A Grand Musical Programme.TiOKrrt OOMPLiMiaTARY.

. 'rickeu for Mms, Yale’s J.,eciare can now be hsd by cilllp j (or them at the Toilet HepsrtoieDt at

HAHNE & C0.’5.Tlokeui and l.eotun ft’ee lu every par­

ticular. Secure your *«sts early, as thuuModt wilt be turned seray.

YALE SOUVENIRS.Every lady attudlng Mme. Yale’s

Lsoture will reoelys Hme. Yale’i new tNXMt Oh ’'Health. Grace and Beauty,” alM a dainty toilet artlole.

Ladles, you sre oonUaily Invited to sttsnd Mme. Ysle’i l.«ctur«. Kindly bs •estod promptly at a iSO-Rsssrved seat! will not bs lisld attar that tins. Poors open at S.-OOP, M. EnUrtatn- aentPWnsMifloat at 1:80 sharp. AOrasd



H ares eed Weaoa Cow**' noo n , Shoe*) Ooaie.

Ladies' and Qenti* Mackintoshes.

D. F .^ E I K E .854 Brand Stree®

OppcsIM City Itad.

#1.00w m » -e« # .r your Dmbrolle with Mill O lorto-elllohed, Up|wd ouS kemneod with silk, ribs varnlebed, MW w in . a*w forrolo, a«w tseeel-M l eieee. Head as a postal w d aiKl W.TI oall tor aud dUUeae work firwe of ebarae,

Owk-of-towa palxoae may b a n Deer brellae oorered wbUe thsy are la tow s eheppluf.

GARD INOR’S.8 Acailpaiy SL, Nflwark, N, is

M l««thfl f o r r i a h .The nallvee of K otllar a rs In the |U M

of dlxalna every summer In the i n banks of the Verfel River for flab, whlol they dia out by hundreds, ju st as they would potstOM.. The tnud lum p, mm brMien opr or ten Inrlalive, and ------ ------- . .moved from Ita euppoeedly native *]—the water. In the dry bed of i African rivers a sim ilar practloe la

tpen and the Rsh, perhaiw eliiit irbea lone, will always w Inuafl Id often frisky ae If ll juct rw ■otn Its euppoeedly native iter. In the dry bed of •

African rivers a sim ilar practloe la pursued. A kind ot mud fleh huricewhite the bottom le still motel, a s -----

aus there all the suntmar, w ak laf pwf



f Sale Lasts All the W eek!

6RAND ANTICIPATION SALE!Canned Goods.In thh deptrtment we carry an

enormous line, eveiythinj that you want at prices that are Itmi. IVt gmanitt our canned goods,

■n»« extra Jersey Toimtoei are creatluf astir In this d^partmeni, nwrlnf very list Solid packed d«p red tomatoea, f i .15 per docen, Sa.a5 per ciae.

Mmtacote >raey towaloB, S t can, 95c.doien, t i . S 5 c a s e .

Our new White Ubel Tomatoes are here, and ta usuaJ they are extra fancy. I3 t can, ft.SO per doien.

White Label Com U here; new, sweet and aumy t j t can, ft .60 doien.

Taney Maine Corn, s i t can, ti .is doien,U lS ca ie .

Fancy "White LabeF' Baby Utrna, new foixit, aoc. can, tXlS doien.

‘ t t e LabeF' extra selected Lima Beans, i j t can. >1.65 dotea

h n ^ Bahlmore Limas, lOt an , ft.to doten, >X05 cast

•White Ubel" Extra selected Strinf Beans, 15c. can, >1.75 dozen.

Fttcy New York Sate Strlnfa Beans, to t an , >1.10 doe., >105 per cast

•White Ubel" Soccotash, It has the Green Limu, 15c. can, >t.7S dozen.

Hooey Dew Succotash, t j t can, >1.40liritn t% 6i o a t

Early CUntoa Sweet Peu, t5 t an , >t.75doKCn.

Early Stratford Sweet Peas, t} t can, >1.45 doeen.

Fritter Corn, • White Ubel" meka ddic- ioua F r i t t^ 15c. can, >t.75 dona

CaUfomta HKb Grade Aspanfus, 34t can, f l .65 (kHClk

•White Ubel" Extra Aaparifui, 35c. can, >4.00 dozen.

* White U bel" Asptrafva Tips, jo t an , >5.35 doaen.

Roinaln's Oyster Bay Asparafua, JOt can, >3.50 doaen.

Oneida Aaparacui Tips, 35c. can, >390 doiea

Army and Navy Baked Beans, plain or tomato sauce, 9c. ftASS doiea

Armotir'a Baked Beana, In tomato auce, I4 t can, >1.60 dozen.

Try White Ubel Sufir Beets, 15c can, |t»7S down*

W l^ Ubet Spinach, ijc. on, |i.7S dot

Canned Fish one of the finest n - _ , articles in this de-Department ojrtment is At-


lantk Coast Lobster, packed in paper lined tins, 28c. per tin.

Banlaiii Shrimp, tarje cans, 19c.Butiarla Shrimp, anall cans, 1 1c. McGowan’i Salmon, 1 ib. fiats, 17c Stwlrnp in tomato mace, 1 5t can.Imported Kippered Herrlnf, 14c. can. Imported Herrlnf, In tomilo auce, I4 t

can.Sousad MadtereL a Ib. tins, 34t Swaad Mackerel, 1 Ib. itois, I4 t Devttlcd Cabs, hufe ana, jot; small cans,

I f t t 1 box ahelli with each can.Sardine Putt and Anchovy Paste, In tins,

15c‘" M MaditreLno heads, no trils, 9Sc per


50 For a J-!b box of French As­sorted GlaceFRUIT.

These g oods have just arrived from France, and are a great bargain. Re­member, Mb. box for t.;o.ninceJTeat We make a specialty of Atmore’s Famous Mince Meat, in $ lb. wooden pails, SQc.

Brick's MInct Mat. 5 Ib. pails, 59c. Atniore't Mince, >« fsL flaat )ari, 95c. Mrs. Hardcastle's celebrated Enfilab Mince

Meat, 4t. jars, 90c.; 3 qt jars, >t.60. New Enffauid Mince Mat, 9C. per paper. New Enfland Pumpkin, 9c per paper.

AH the Fixings peoptefor Your make

tnince Kiesthe fdlowing goods and prices should appeal:

White Ubel Seeded Raisins. t3c paper. White Ubel Cloned Cumnta, loc. paper. Fancy Imrorted Sultana Ralalns, tSc. lb. Fancy 5 WwnCalllurnia Loose Muscatel

Raisins, toe per Ib.Fancy Imported 5 Cr. Loom Muscatel

Raisins 15c. per lb.Extn Urye 6 Cr. Imported Loose Musca­

tel Ratlins 33c. Ib.Fancy Corsican Citron 33c. Ib.Cross* & Blickweirs Fancy Lemon or

Oranfe Pal In t Ib. boxes 23c.Fancy Laife Uyer FIfs 38c. Ib.Fancy Larfe Pulled Fifs 33c IhFancy Fard Data lOc. Ib.Fancy Large CaHfomia Pruna l i e Ibq 5

lbs. for 50cFancy Larfe French Pruna iSc Ib.Fancy Moorpark Apricots 19c. Ib.Fancy Evaporated Peacha 35c Ib.Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Petrs aOC lb;Fancy Evaporated Raspberries tSc Ib.Fancy Dried Pitted CherrIa tSc. tb.Mandarin Cryitallizcd Glnfer, the fineat

Ghifer obtainable, l-lb. Bat. joc

English Plum Puddings.castle’s dings.

We have the agency f o ragency f o r Mrs, Ha r d -

Famous English Plum Pud- They are “ home made,"

which telb the story. Packed in 1 Ib., Ibi, ) lb. and 4 lb. tins—) 2c lb.Just received a lar|e lot of Curtice Bros.’

Plum Puddhsfs under the "Blue UbeP' brand, 1 lb. cans 3Qc, 3 llx ans 37C, 3 Ib. cans SSC. We recommend them.

Richardson & Robbins's Plum Puddlnys ts 23c, 31 39c, 3S 63c, 4s 79c

CocoanutMacaroons.baked, in 20c. box.


J u s t received a fresh lot of t h e finest Maaroons, pound boxes, only

Per barrel for any one of the f o l l o w i n g b r a n d s or Flour. 59c. a 24H bag,


Pride of the Family Flour.Washburn’s Gold Medal Flour.Wonder or Columbia Flour.Hyfeia Mlllinf Co.’s Famous Entire What,

taTi bifi, 39c.White Ubel Prepared Flour, I3c, paper. While Ubel Prepared Buckwheat, 13c.

The ^alAon Century Panake Flour, 9c paper.

Aunt Jemima Panake Flour, 9c paper.

Our Cereai >3 replete with the Departmentwe call particular attention, viz.;

"White UbeF' Oats, so good we (ave It our label, tac. paper, >i.4o doz.

Hofnby’i Oats, 12c paper.Quaker Oata, toc paper.Srilumacker's RollMWiiat, tic. paper.Schumacker’a Cracked What, t i c paper. Whatena, 30c. paper,Cereallne, lac paper.Peltijohn, 10c. paper.Royal What, tic. paper.Vitos, lac. paper.Germa, i j c paper.Flaked Rice, I2c paper.Rostum, 19c. piper.Cram of What, I3c paper.While Ubel Hominy, s-lb. packages, I8c

paper.ded What Biscuit, to t paper.

CotooBI Flaked Oats, Wheat mw Rye, lOcpaper,

Cranose Flakes, 13C. paper.Ralston’s Breakfast Food, t i c paper.

S u g a r l! one of the indispensable things. You get here only

•t the ■Amerian Sugarthe product ol Refining Co,

Fine Granulated, in 7-lb; baf^ 36c In 35-lbi bats, >1.37.In 100-lb bifs, >5-07.

Moiassea Nbw refined Molasses, packed in quart cans.

Quart cans, I4c.3-quart cans, 37cGallon cans, 53c. This Is something new.

New Mapie Just received a spec- Syrup. shipment under

the famous White Label brand. Made from the pure Rock Maple Sap.

•White Ubel" Maple Syrup, gallon cans,*1.15.

"While Ubel" Maple Syrup, ^ gallon ans, 6SC

“White Ubel” Maple Syrup, quart cans,35C.

“White UbeF' Maple Syrup, bottles, 30c. Maple Sufar, 13c. Ib.White Clover Hooey, tSc. box.Buckwheat Honey, I6c box.

cents per pound for our Finest CreameryBUTTER.

Fancy C. F. & pound prints, 30c. S h ^ le u PhUadcIphla Butter, 50c Ib.Phlladelphii E. D. Butter. 43c. lb.

Cheese We carry in this Department department the fin-

imported Domestic Qeese obtainable.

est and

Finest Full Cram Cheese, 13c Ib.Finest Old English Cheese, 18c. lb. finest Imported Swiss Cheese, 29c Hx There Is onlv one Roquefort Ch«se Im­

ported that Is worthy of the name, and that Is Soclete des Roquefort Our price, 39c lb., Is a low one.

Fr«h Importation of Van Rossem's Edam Cheese In foil, 9Sc each.

Robert Norton’s Famous Pinapple Cheese, 43c. eich; large size, 79c

Millar's Royal Paruon Clwese, In porce­lain jars, club size, 9c.; small, 2lcq medium, 40c.

McLaren’s Canadian Cheese, In porcelain jvs. club, 9t; small, 2ic.j medium,

Imported Camembert, 37c Olives and We are in receipt of Olive o n ^ importationipo i

of Olive Oil from Lafon Freres, Bwdeaux. This oil is from the first pressings of ripe olives. We have it in bottles.

Quarts, S9C, and pints, 33c rant


ancy Queen Olives, in full pint bottles, at 2Sc.,>i.90doL

Finest ManzanUlo Baby Olive, large bot­tle , 9c. ttch.

Do you know what Plm O le are 7 11 not, you should try them. They are dellc- toui. Euby lire, I7 tj a p ti, 27c: pts., 43C.

Cocktail Olives, 3?cWe have a few of those Fancy Sardines in y*

tins which we will sell at 9c. box, or 3 for 25c. This b a great bargain.

A fine lot of Boneless Sardina Ut large boxes, at a jc , or >375 dozen

We have lately obtained from an importer a great bargain In Imported Sardines In glass jars. The regular price has been so t per jar. We will seliat 30t They are spiced, trutited or in tomato.

Royans a la Bordelatse, 15c an .Royans a la Vatel I8 t an.

Champagne Nothing quite so old-fashioned as

Cider Oder at Thanks-Moft’s Carbonated Ckfer.l doz. qts. >3.35;

per case, a doz. pts., >2.95.Jericho CUmpigne Cider, 1 do t qts.

$A.7^White Ubel Unfermented Grape Juice,

qts, 45c, pts. 2SC.J 1 doz. qts. >5.00, 1 dot Pts. >X75.

cents per tb. for the Famous


No half hams at thb price.Van Deusen’s We have

taken theHams, Bacon,Lard and SausageNewark for Van Deuren’s famous Pork specialties.

Van Deusen’s Famous Hams, 13c Ib.Van Deusen’s Famous Bacon, 13c Ik Van Deusen’s Famous Sausage tSc. IK Van Deusen’s Pure Leaf Lard, 3 IK palls,

30c; 5 IK palls, 4Sc; to IK pails, 95c. Ferris Bacon, 14c. IK Armour’s Sliced Ham, 23c can.Armour’s Sliced Bacon, ts. 32c.; ’,'s. I4c

Canned Meat Department

Nothing in the department but the finest goods.

Armoui’s Corned Beef, is, tic,Armoi r’s Corned Beef, 3s. 19c Armour’s Roast Beef, 3C, 23c Armour’s Lunch Longues, 34c.Armour’s Ox Tongues. 2s, 75c Armour's Ox Tongues, 3s, >t.oa Curtice Boned Chicken, 37c Curtice Boned Turkey, 37c Curtice Boned Ham, at^s, 7 Sc Imported Frankfurters, 6 in tin, 35c Armour’s Vienna Sausage and Sauer Kraut,

loc pet can.White Label Pressed Beef, 3s, 23c.Gatlatine of Boar’s Head, 3s, 32c Imported Game Pates of Czicken, Quail or

Partridge, 29c.WaldcB-f Potted Ham or Tongue, l8c a a Waldorf Potted Chicken and Turkey, 33c

can.Game RlUettes, 30c jar.Plain Rilleltes, 25c. jar.Truffled Rillettes, 30c. jar.


We are direct im­porters of t h e s e goods and canname you low prices.

French Brussels Sprouts, 1 Sc an .French Haricot Verts, I7c can.French Macedoines, 19c. a n .French Artlchanls, 45c. a a French Mushrooms, 32c an.French Flageolets, aoe. an.French Peas, Moyens, 12c. an.French Peas, Tres Fins, tr e can.French Peas, Extra Fins, 20e. can.

Our Fruit is replete with only Department thing. We would call particular attention to some extra fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, large and'firm, 12 c. qt

A fresh shipment of fancy thin skin Indian River Oranges, hrge size only 60c. doz.

Very fine Jim ila Oranges.

Cents per Ib. for our famousJAVA and MOCHA

COFFEE!Nothing better or purer for more

money. Our reputation back of every pound!

Finest Old Gov’t Java, 32c. IK Finest Arabian Mocha, 38c. IK Finest Cucuta Maraaibo, 35c IK Fancy Vienna Coffee, 30c. lb.Fancy Cafe Noir Coffee, 35c.

T e a We still h a v e D e p a r tm e n t goods bought be­fore the advance of loc. per lb. duty.

All our SOc. Tas 43c. IK; in 5-IK boxes, >3.ia

Ail our 60c. Teas S3c. Ib.; In S-IK boxes, >2.60.

All our SOc Teas 73c IK; In 5-lb. boxa, >3-50.

All our >1.00 Teas, 90c. Ib; in 5-lb. boxa,>4 .35 .

Orange Pekoe Ta, reguKr price >14X1, this s ^ 90c IK

The "Kandy" brand India Ceylon T a Is winning many friends, r^-lb lead foil packages at 35c., 35c and 50c. package.


We are in receipt of new goods in this line.


puge Mayetta,

Finest Princess Paper Shell 28c. IK

Fancy Engibh Walnuts, iScIb.

Large Texas Pcans, 18c Ib.Large Hazel Nuts, tSc IK Jumbo Brazil Nuts, tSc IK Fancy Selected Mixed Nuts, l8 c IK Slwlled Pecans, in boxes, 30c box.Shelled English Walnuts, In boxes, 30C box. Shelled Hickory Nuts, In boxes, 30c box. Stuffed Arabian Dates, 35c box. buffed French Prunes, 30c. box.

Suffed Sultana Figs, 40c box.in “ ■ ■arge Jordan Almonds, 45c IK

Large Valencia Shelled Almonds, 35c IK Mre. Harris’s Fancy Salted Almonds, 50c.

box.Mrs. Harris’s Fancy Salted Pecans, 40c. box.

Brand ied Peaches

The Finest Brandy Peaches prepared are made by Mrs . Mc-

Deady, of Buffalo. We have them. Large bottles, $1 .50.

Belmont Brandied Pochu, Qts. 98c. Belmont Brandied Peaches, 1 ‘j Pts. 79c Mrs, Fritz's Brandy Paches, >U5 Qt Jar. Rob Roy Imported Scotch Jams, all varie­

ties, aoc Jar; >3.35 doz.Imported Maraschino CherrIa, 70c. Bot Mrs. Fritz's Home Made Jellia, all varie­

ties, 23c Glass.Imported Barleduc Jelly, 35c Jar. Imported Barleduc Strawberria, 35c

W io e a n d l i q u o r D e p a r t m e i i t

Wioe and Liquor Department

High Grade.

E v e r t i n glisaepartment

atlon of quart bottlu, >l.oa


1 5 0II

Fancy Imported We make a Clarets and

White W ln«ment, eminently fit to grace the table of the most fastidious.

perPaullKc (claret), per case, qts., >6.74;case, 2 doz. ps., >7.74.

J. Lafon’s Pontet Canet, per case, qts, >11.74; per ose pts, >IZ74.

J. Lafon’s St. Julien, per case, qts, >7.74;per case, 2 doz. pts., >8.74.

J. Lafon’s Medoc, per case, qts., >6,34; per case, 3 doz. pts., >7.34.

White Wines

By EWEN MACPHBR50N.Charlie Cantel preferred to w ilk home

from hie olBee th a t eveninc. Aa a rule he rode home on hie wheel, and h it home arai In th a t very plcaeant, thoufta new, houee with the l a n e garden up ara ted by a wall and btndtom e Iron ralUnie rrom the atreet, a good w ay out on the principal reeldence thoroughfare. This particular •venlng In the fall he wne rathyr late; meet of the homeward bound had reached their deetlnatloni, $u ChatHe'e walk 1n the duek wae lonely.

Hie way In waa through the Iron wicket With the One ecrollwurk on either aide. The gate faitened with a ipring latch and opened from the outilde with a latch key, like a etreet door. When he had gone up the brick path he would And the dooe of the houee Itarlf unlocked. That waa the cuiUim of the family.

Af he put hie latch key Into the w tdiet he wondered whether hie m other wae heeping eupper waiting for him. Then he turned the key, puehed the Iron gate and w ai etartled by a eudden exclamation.

"Ohl I t ’i you!"The voice cam* from behind one of the

brick pillar* of the gale, and It made Charlie lump.

"W bo'i thatT" he eald, trying to make out the ebadowy flgore,

" I t’i me," cam e the imenllthtenlng an- awer In a meO; voloe.'T oouldn’t get the la tch undone. I t wae open. I mean. It alippad."

He oould no t eee her face, and tha ita te - nen ta , “ I t 'a you," and "I t 'e me," told him nothing, o f tbemeelvee; but he recogalaed the vmce a t the aecond epeaking.

"H ite BaxbyT’••raa.""W hy didn 't they come down with you

and le t you outT Or, wont you atay to auppert"

"They don't know. I haven't bean In the houee. Fleaaa let me out."

No man could realet the pathetic tone of aa traa ty in tbia laet requeet. Charlie fait lim ply obliged to waive hoepltable ouatosaa and o|)en the gate. Ae he etood tlMM VoUtely bowing, Hlae Saxby ehot out In to the daaerted elrcet ae a bird dice from an opea cage.

Charlla antared the houee jnet a i tha fgmUy were collecting for eupper. The f in t peraon ha m et wae hie eliter, and tha flrft word! he eald to her were, “ Chrieria, w hat la ihe m atter with Hln- Ole SaxbyT'

"I didn't know there wae anything tha a tta r with her. How do you mean? m

body or a a t a u rlit aye you tajklnji^ aboutT I mean

Bltie eccentrtcT'___ le—U getting . ___"U atta r of m n to n ," aald Chrleela In her

b ritk tray , pulling her brother along with her Into toe dining-room. "Borne eay eha alwaye has been a good deal eccentric.W haf'eahe been'dolng now f'

Bomehow Cbr " -Ought opt to anewer th li queatlon. 80 he la f i , "Oh,_______ _ nothing.

It he had only known, that was about a s Ul-ohosen aa answer tor hta purpose as he could have made.

Chrlaalc waa quits shrewd enough to gueae th a t fomethtng ley behind her Erother'a auddrn, abrupt queallon and hie equally sudden dropping of the aublect he had begun on—the eubject of Minnie ■■xuy. Alia, she wae much too shrew t

■cem to be anxloui to find out whatt£e 'aom eth lng wee. But she made up her mind on th a t point before ebe had uir.folded her napkin, and a t the lame time eha m edt up her mind to get a t the secret by either of two ways—Minnie or Charlie—elltaer would do,

A smile. That, ChtieeSe retolved, wouldbe a very etieoilve Implement to 'unlock the eecrig. Ohrtetle had sevonr emilee,

Cantel thought he

end laying w lthtn herielf; "He has told her all about It,

"1 don 't know w hat you'll think of me," »e eald. "Did he tell you?""Tell m sT ' eald Chrleele, taking note of

the blush and Inlensiryliig her all.know Ing imlle. "Tell me whal? Her Who la h e l”

“ Oh, I ran hardly look you In the fact, Cbrtsele."

"W hy, dearr*"Becaune— *'Then there was a eltencr. Minnie came

very near to finding out that her frlcml waa utterly without a clue and m ight be kept In the dark Juil as long aa ahe Minnie, choir. But Chrliale aoon saw th is danger and aahl, ju it to helpm it the knowing effect of thr amlle, "I met him ju st ae be oam r Into the house "

"flood gracious! And he went and told you everything r

’!• A'?’?; ••'-knowing amllr. '1 didn 't th ink— '................._ , ------ Minnlr kxwin.now, illm iu , whal harm m

''H a rm r ' eald Minnlr Indignantly. "I ahpuld tblnk not. 1 would hove rung the

or couri#a only— ""Only w hitT" CnriHnif> pm in, fik^iina

thAt now Bho WAS rotnin; elOM to I tie ae- erst.

If X"pfily 1 didn't see any ntn'eatiiiy. had thought you vApecied me to— •

Here the running lnvei«l»aior feU it wlao to turn her face ailUe, Enowing that the powerful emlU must inomentarUy Ijp ^ I ng way to an expre»loii of ijiank Iw- wiWerment. W bat on earth could the girl mean i>y "If 1 had thousht you pactod me to?" Where did Bhe. Chrieale.eartVftm In 4n dh& ekitdlMa,.. *ctome In In the thrilling love inyeteryt" '

*‘l didn't expect yon io. doar. ' she thougnt it aafe to any. And then nott i- Ihen. notfeeling It »0 fe to carry on the InveaMgu- IJon any fu rther In timt dlreruon hint then, Hhe klaiied her friend and went her

And poor Minnie stood ntlll for u mo­ment, lrreaolui4i. The next moment ahe Memed 10 tak e her courage in both nanoe and ran after the other r lrl calling. "Chrlaale! Come back Jiiat a mihuje!

in H n o w r aalil Chrliale. with that deep amlle more In evidence than

- J " ’ Minnie.Did heT I dldn t weni him to know th a t I cared.

"Oh, but h r dose know!"Minnie Ituehed scarlet."Vou might have snared yourself the

trouble of try ing to keep it from him my dear," ch/lit*re went ofi, laughing ou” :

* i f " “ • “9 " ' OK. • <•«"’» c a r e -I don't. There!" And M l» Biixby ru t (he tntervlew short.

Cantel'a e lite r rrally had very little Intorm alton to go up<in. If you look a t It from the ordinary (I elective point of view; but from the point of view of a 9“}ck-wltted girl, who wae also an In­quisitive alit^er. ebe had abundant m ate, rial to r fu rther rMaatxih.

I aaw Minnie Bex by to^Jay," she eald to her brother th a t evening.

H o w Is sheT" said Charlie."Oh, very well. Only r s lh r r - ra th r r

anxious.""W hat Is she anxious about?" aald

Charlie hl^mself still wondering why Mias Baiby had acted ao atrangely about the>ysimple m atter of opening a"ga'rden gate"

’Well.''_ a i d Chrlsile" wfth^ an b ir of

all peculiar to brnw it and la fascinating aa n little red mouth' and lemarkably White teeth could make them. So ahe eatMted the particular ernlle that ahoulif extort a eoBfCsalon from oUc of these two consplralon. For people who tried to keep from Chrlsslit Cantel a secret con. earning the happlneaa of ner favortte brother were of course conapiratorx. And ibe i n s sure th a t this secret—about Min­gle W ib y - -------------m o ld nai )]t eoDoern .

W ith Jh n t Mlected smile Chrlailo met

extreme discretion, " t think—of course It's only an opinion. I think she's unxioiie about you."

"About me?"Cbrlaale only nodded wisely.

about my meeting - 5 r Charlie went on. beginning to feel J i m ' ' '? ’ / ' 'J® anx liiv aK)Ut him of a •»'Iy whom h* had long admired a t a disitnee and regarded ae somewhat un- appnarhab le by nature.

' My dear Charlie," aald his sister, "you don t expect a girl to tell everythtiiB, do you? even to an Intimate friendt"

Charlie wae more puxxled than ever. But i»ce e.. - i.eiimily ---------nothing to say.

— ------ ------ - . eveonce^ more hi baffled his wily tteter by

............... " ■ ■ rht ‘ ‘ ■holding hta longue when be had

y, u jgirl with whom any youth lurnlly fall In levs—mus: rerta tn . rii Charlie 's happimaa.

Thle converaallon look place In the p a r­lor afte r eupper. Charlie se t allent for Bome minutes a f te r the last dark aaytng of h e alater. Presently he began to amlle to

fj. •’“ looked e l hie watoh ahd said, "Hanged If 1 don't."And, very much to Chrtsile’a dlaappolnt-

Sient, he got up and walked out of the ouae.

ill B ixby .bright and early next morn- linii t waa not a chance meeting, but very

and easily secured, seeing tliat___ knew exactly a t what hour Min-

ra alnglng Icason ended T u ee tiy i and ignaaita.

a BglUa aa of one who knows all a in fzottl whom It Is uselese to

1 1 1 an, ■anything, t tw y colli

Poor Minnie apetd, blushing

Not th a t Chrleele could not gucii where he wee going to.

Chrlssre had her way of getting a t a m yitery, and her brother had hta. HU waa lees lub tts, hut he waa just as per- leverlng ae hie alater. end the thought th a t H m nir Bexliy waa anxious about him •purred him to exert himself to find out Why she ihould he anxious. Thut wae why he eat (or over an hour In H ln Bax- by's parlor th a t ovantog waiting (or a

third person to take himself out of thew e ^ Curloueljn _ enough, Miss Saxby•eemed to uee an her arte—chiefly muelcsl —to Induce the third person to prolong hi* vliU,

But a t last tbU third peraon did go, and Minnie began to be noticembly ill s t ease In the presence of her remslnlog vtaltor,

"I was welting for him to go," aald Charlie.

Minnie smiled a forced, nervous smile. "I wanted to ask you eomethlng. Cbrla­

ale esys you are anxious.At this Miss Baxby suddenly looked mofe

than snxioue—she looked frightened "W hat did ahe tell youT’"She aald ahe met you, and— " "And you had told her alt about meet­

ing me, and I—Oh, Mr. Camel, t ’m afraid you'll think me a very silly girl, but I d idn 't wsnt her to know about that."

"W hy not? Vou had JUei come out of the house, end couldn't open the gate. W hat about I l f

"B ut I hadn't been to the house. I told you eo,"

'Vou hadn't? I-qpk here, Mlsa Saxby,my atotcr Is trying to mystify both of us.. -------- . . . . .. . ..t never told her about meeting you.

"YOU didn’t? Then what did you tell her?"

"W hen 1 went Into the house t only asked her what was the m atter with you, and then 1 thought—It suddenly struck m s aa rather a queer sort at thing to say, and I turned It off some how. Now, let's understand each other. Jum tell me how you got mixed up vrlth that gate lest n ig h t/ '

'T wanted to apeak to Chiitsle aboutsomething. And the gate was unfai-

tened and f went In without ringing. Then, before I got to the house 1 changed mymind and turned back, and while ] was bungling wttta the latch It ellpped and locked me In."

"B ut whet made you turn b a c k f "I thought better of It—what 1 had

m eant to ask her.""W as It anything to do with m e f A silence followetl Minnie looking ex­

tremely embarraased."Come now," eald Charlie, Io relieve the

awkwardness, "we might as well under­stand each other and fool Chrlsslp,m ightn’t w e f

It suddenly struck Minnie In the sameway.

ft waa awfully foolish of m t," ehe said, ilr"I waa going to ask her If you had really

given that book to Jessie KIrke."■Book?'

"The one I gave you a t Easter. And It ■eemed such a foottah question that Iturned back without going Into th r house

■ rT giv'Of course I d idn 't give your book to Miss KIrke. DItl you care ao m uchr'

"She has one Juat like It, you know, t■ ■■ ‘ mfc ‘ ■■ " “didn't look tnalde It.'"B ut yon would have cared f After that m atlera moved fast.But, although Chrlaalc did not flr.d out

the tru th about that meeting a t the gate unit .Minnie chose to tell her. months af- terward, she always tnalsted th a t her(Chrlarte's) diplomacy had been crowned with aucceta.

A small builnsse esa be well advertised In ttat cIssBifled Ida on ttw Wabt usee.

U se A cre o f L o n d o n C ity,From the' London Chronicle.

There waa offered by auction yeeterday afternoon a t Tokenhouse Yard, by Mreare. Baker A Sous, the lease for eighty years ol "coneldentbiy over on# acre" at ground, producing a rental of ItLOOO a year, In the fery heart of tha city. This remarkable acre was offered by order of the Bridge House Estetes Committee of the corpora­tion. It comprlirs Nos. 101 to tlS, Inclu­sive, London Wnll; Albion Halj; three

• “ ........ ‘ ................ Finnremlees In West etrecL M to 44 In Fln- bury Circus, and 1 to 4 Circus place. The whole site was offered In one lot. The auc­tion-room wae crowded with gentlemen when the auctioneer ascended the rostrum.The auctioneer eald It was absolutely the ttneat site In the city of temdon, and theia r ie s t area ever submitted to public i-om- petTtlon, He elllm ated the value a t Ts.

foot, nr £17,000 a year. In answer to........................... te -

payable, but no .corporation would g rant mom lhan onequeatloni, it waa stated that there was a tithe payable, but no lend lax, and thelease. Biddings began a t {t<),000, and aloW‘ ly rose to 115,000; tn e ^ with i little more17 IVI1V W gAMsOWi aegwiss, ttisss ■ ssaxac SHUI qcoaxing, the price offered rose to £l6.40o, £16,500, £10,000, £16,700, £11*10, £16,1100 and IITrOWl a year, a t which the hammer fell. The purenater wee stated lo be Ludwig Neumann, of 'Throgmorton Oreei.

The Passaic Woollen Company,

AMERICANS IN CHINA.Y xw kee l ln te rp r la e W il l Bmllg a

U rex t B n l l n M Bp th e Y aiag- lec-KIXsig V a lley .

A party of American surveyors are now on the way to Hoog Kong. When they arriv e they will lay out a railroad atralght Into the heart of Chine. A fter the route l» surveyed a small army of American cotietructors will at once begin to lay the rails.

While the road Is to be built wUh Amer­ican capital, the ownership will rest nom­inally with a Chinese company, for the Imperial laws do not allow of foreign own­ership. The Chinese Oovernment le to Issue bonds to secure the American syndi­cate, and the arrangement la th a t for farty-hve years the syndicate Is to have twenty per cent, of the proflts, the rest

Chlneee company.Thle Is the most Important railroad con-

China haa ever granted lo foretgn- erA That speaka well for American en­terprise, considering how much plotting

boats go up once a year, end a single boat will take along as muchms 1260,0110 to pay the natives for the cocooiia. Along theriver flourish a Ilght-flngerKl aeniry known as "c re e k pirates." They hide Increeks with their armed boats and pounce down upon natives.

W ith the American railroad completed It would not be long before a regular line of river steam ers would be plying up and down the waters of the Ysng*tse-Klang, carrying steam navigation Into the heart of China and to the borders of Tibet. It was only Lset June that China opened her rlvere to foreign craft, so the Held la vir­gin. tn eplte of the fact that for many years little public Interest has been taken in the Cnlted States In the Chinese traflic, our volume of trade with that country Is second only to that of Great Britain, and Is fifteen per epnt. of that of the whole world with the Flowery Kingdom.

The Oermatis, French and Rueaisns talk much about their commercial Inter­ests In China. Ae a m atter of fact, the export! from the United S tates to China are more in value and In volume, than those sent to that empire by all the conttnental nations of Europe together piua Husela'e Asiatic possessions. In UDT forty per cent, of all the cotton cloth exported from the United States found a m arket InChina.

All this great trade has groem up un­noticed and without the possession by America o f a single port In the Orient to ac t a* a base of operations (or oommerolal campaigns. How enormous the coramer- clsl Interests of this country In China will become when the American railway ta built and Manila Is our receiving and dle- trlbutlng depot tor all the Aslan coast and tha Islands thereof can easily be seen. The Bockefellers, Levi P. Morton ex-Ben- a to r Brice and other big capItaUete aremembera of the ■yndicite. I t le expectrd .......... ...................... a will beth a t the coet of building the roa> about t»>,«00,<l«l.

W h e re I t F e ld to B e Blek.Beys the Hawesvllle, (Ky.) Plain.Beys the Hawesvllle, (Ky.) Plain-

dealer? Ae far aa heard from this countyhas produced so mammoth pumpkins, ab­normal aweet potatoes or freaks of any kind, but a poor man (ell alck last week.and word waa given oi)t that he was short on rattone, and the next morning his back yard waa filled with cabbages, pumpkins, sweet and Irish potatoes and a two-gallon Jug of whiskey. He sold his find to the


a i r E ilm e e d M onaoa, Ik e H rltle h Am> b e a a a d e r a t F a r ia .

a. Edmund Monson, the British Am. baaaador a t Faria, through whom all the diplomatic bluffing concerning Fashoda haa been conducted, ti a tall, dignified gentleman who has been tn the service of the Foreign Office for many yeara and has more than ones been In the storm centre of Intemattonal strife.

During the stirring times Just before our Civil War, Sir Edmund wss sent to Washington as secretary of what was then the British Legsllon. He w ss In New Or­leans when Fort Sumter fell, and aaw much of the four years' struggle. He wss

Montiagent of Great Britain In Montenegro In the troublous years that followad tns ac- ceaslon of Nicholas Petrovltch. He waa Conaul-Oeneral at Petth when Francis Joseph was called "the young Emperor King." It was there that friendly regard began which hie Imperial MiUeety showed when he asked the Foreign Offlee to esnd air Edmund as Ambassador to Vienna.

Sir Edmund was a t Montevideo as Con- sul-fleneral when the empire of Braalt

dug of whiakey. He sold hla find to theE rocer, paid h it doctor's bill, and will

cep the liquor to treat hie friends. HeSayi he hopes he will never know another

■ elln-----day of wenneee."

W O M A N ’8 W O R K .


e?y ••>* Flow-11 J ' i “ 'U’v ™td la to con-

Klsn* ‘•’® Yang-lee-klM • '“> “ on* K oni- Hof t h ^ ,»outhern tertnlnua

whl?l,^ •’" " Of plannednf openfng the

this * o rld than willthrough t h ® ? " . f a U f O a d . Runnln*

oopuloue valley of m[tnlcstlf,B” ’''n t" * ( * *"'o oom-neou e a •••board IM,«»,(»I>lie . y t y ? h ^ " ’& s n ^ e s ‘’^ * * " *” • 'Ite^rf of rhm 'l '1 ''', " " " • V to thesenw in 'L t n . ' f f m u i a l e on the

Mre. R. B. Caldwell la the Republtrsn candidate for trea iu re r pf Lewis County, Mo. In in t she was nominated for offleo In opposition to her husband, but de- olined.

M argaret J . Rvani, of Mlnnesolt. who Is the flrel woman to be elected a member of the American Board of Foreign Mli- atone, waa for iwenty-flve year* a t the head of tha wom en'i-departm ent In Carl-

• ton Collage.The women aludente In (he Art Institute

of C htcetb now carve In marble the fig- urea they previously modellad In clay.

Mrs. Ella Qrant, a flt. Louis widow, succesatnily conducts a trucking bualtieta.

A num ber of Chicago society women are, devoted to hunting and a re expert In Using the shotgun and rlfie.

•phlera th a t Work fbr Fay,We ell know th a t oerlaln apeclsi of ante

employ ae elavee emaller Inaerti of their own kind. Othere keep aphldee to milk as we do o o n . But, perhaps, the moet astonishing discovery of kll Is the Istest one, th a t there la In Australia a green am which, though very clever In the buildingof ite neat, appears to considsr It an lrk~

‘ id so(or tt. A wnall

Is, therefore, trained to act as a servantsome duty, and ao employa another Insect to do tbia work for it, A nail epMerIn all things. The green ants pay the spi­ders for their labora In a coin tbat theyenjoy^ I t is by giving them to eat *

.............. . ....................... ..........s p a t-able arrangem ent for all. man Included, aation of the Innumerable little eggs th a t

>ef agres-Ihey (the ante) lay. This Is a moefotherwise the green ante would rival the rebblta In overrunning Auitralla.


EnflAORDINARYITwo weeks of tre*

Biendous O v e r coat sellinE bai m a d e deep rnroad* In our stock and only bro­ken sizes retnain. These will be cleared out at ridiculously low pricres to make room for

Fine Overcoats•tf eiFk—"sav,

threatened to overlap the republic of Pkra-tY--------- . . . -----(I,,guay and Uruguay. He w as one of the ,7L 6'P'omaU with whom ATexander IIL laid S l id e hla shynen. T hat potentate be­came well acquainted with him a t Copen-

JUST RECEIVED Iwhich we h en divided Into three M l

------- VTwes m iej assaas _w vwjrwaaHe paid Kim the (TM t compU

ment of a«kltiir the F o ro l^ Oince to* Milda.s.-.ia UL inu r ureum 'UniN?e lu n n uhim u Ambaaaador lo R u u ja , but Sir Ed­mund preferred Vienna Id Bt. n te r ib u rg . The friends of his youth were In the for­mer capital, and the salary was (1,000 a year more. The Brtttah B m b aay In the Faubourg Ht. Honor# m ust alwaye he of •mffeet to Frenchman, for It wee there

Slron>, Durable and Wefi Medt Ovtraiata,

I S w C S O wJUnwhenlLM;

"V"""**! kv a* 4 wllt.lIggjQle KUa H W-SB talwFwthat Napoleon's sleler, Prlnceai Paulina, h ff her salon. Napoleon's conqueror, the

I t Is claimed that Chicago women lead the world for beautiful needlework.

V napoleon a conqueror, meiron imke, recommended the purohaee of the m lace a t a cost of t24,t0()-a emaU sum •".view of the present value of tho prop­erty, The palace conaliti of a front and

kekn a.111 1 . . i..... ipfifiinaJi OH ih teaf lo ai m iiJ 'J ’'”!!* 'll* •’’* "F in lan d nenr- Amerlc.m 1"' .'•'’•""•d to become the great

« the_ F a r R-eet.MnnllR l. mi mM "L F a r w est or less (h cT .u i''’" f ’'''*?' f'®™ Kong, "low trump ihipr even for

Mle* Anna Morgan hns supplied to the women of Chicago a long-felt want. She haa a d d ^ to her new school of expression In the Fine Arte Building a gymnaaluni which 'Will give them opportunity of phyilqal culture never poneeeod before.. Mrs, Frederick E. Pareons, a Hew York society woman, has beoome a profeeitonal shopper. She ohargex her customers noth- Ing, but receives a commission from the atorea where the purchases a re made.

Mies Grace Espy Patton who baa been Buperintendeni of Public Initruellon and ex-ofllclo State Librarian of Colorado for

two iide wings, m the rigi are the C oniuri oflioea 'The

;ht of .Which— - .I..J ■ uinoea m o i la te apsri-

are gorgeously deoorated, aud are full of souvenlra of Napoleon.

t h e d r a o o ii r t r .

Ax tn a e e t W h ie h fie liM I te V f r • th e YVIxg.

Front Charabera'i' Journal.No one could (all to be struck with the

singularly perfect adaptation q t the In* !rhi * •iruoture to a life of aerial piracy... . . will not run s tr a irb t fm m oupennienoeni oi m o iic insiruellon and

fi?l '™ n H» flret p o ri. 'b u t wl™ •<'®<Hclo Btate Librarian of Colorado (or The four “wlnga are*la.rge''iLn7 in’ proMr-X m ' ''S,'®'' »•'• make Hi l i ig th "••"Ij: • FJIL »>•« achieved an enviable tion to their welghL iM rS lS u tS etrohg,

™i¥ch.'1e"'thl ^ m « t ! u .by .a w pnderfunr « -rial d ty Iff Somite'''nn l i lo L r '* "®"<r Kong ta eatablleh School libraries, extend the klii-of cnuV.e coast, hut near It. a n d la, centre o f *"**,. British commerciat PaclfTc. ' of thebe*'Iln the"m.V j''* American road willwho?nVir o!>pofiite Hone: Korui"acflttvYor h o i f f i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' harbor and every S by V t S ^ e t t ’!'.**." 5!.e“ t.Port

derurten system and tu liuri^uce manualirnlr '“ ---- *■“ '* ** ■

e'” "upPYriea oy a wonaarruiiy a r ­ranged network of slender rtbe, which give


ed hv Ame.ir •'•eat port domlnat-a c r™ V ' " J b e n c e . I t will be Just

^ f’’®" Victoria, the portwill form « erf .•'■HVf- •"<* ’V"” « trade. Anglo-Saxon centre of

vnllcy of which

O A rth a lr pradurilaiia tor Mia tn quibtl- t|« i ts lo lt TaUorip litor»ke«pan

iiimI Frivato VMmliKat.Our «tock CDiwlRti 4sf Plain an<l Kan^y

<?OUmiCl> imrt WOVBN ttT vrvn . or v.Smii woixhii, and «ull«h)i> tor \VOH&r '0and < tilLDRISN'H WJffTBFt an BUHMKII WBAR. aim HHMNANTH. HAMPiTe BNM Oflit NHW riiCfKH, iuJiabU for c I ™ JUllii.

lor^BABtlFfa m u s . foot f S i l rtnity

will be L''* vnllcy of whichAmisi'ifton wpwifng of thae^xXr?3U7.i,'';,"Ti{!;,r’rd'fl'oV»’'t*o?S;r eh vn I iL Kmplre. In thist Ion whUffl I . ’' •‘h a busy popula- from Practically abut off

K lin g the')*.!.''* IS."’" *hp Yang-lae- prevalli' fn, ",>"'F®rm Industry m ost JuSw It'll. v.A''' ’?*'•'■ P*r‘ nf river of McooB. '• n »taUon for the saletliich are npUeoted by boat*

from fhaaghaL The

trauilng In the schoolt of her Btate,Mrs. F ^ n le Bchwedler Bamea, president

of the M others'. Congress of New York City, le bringing up her ohlldren on theorlea. Their echooltng Is of the netuse of applied education. Sweetmeata, tee, coffee and cake are profcribed, and their food le of Ihe plainest and moat wholaaome itind. One of her children, a boy of eight, le oapeiMe of preparing a meat to r the whole family.

M is . Fanny Crosby, the blind hymn maker, haa composed a flag hymn to r the- Chrlatian Fteg B itenilon Boctetjr. The Idea of a distinctirely Christian flag wea suggested about a year . ago by Mrs. Charles C. Overton superintendent of the Brighton Chapel a t Coney Iiland.

Mle* Jeaephina Preston Peabody. Boi- ton’s new woman poet, le ra g a rd n there •a a eroopeettve "Jorlght end shining right" In the realm of poetry.

Ura. JH*nehe 'Wlico* Bernee, of Cbjcago. ’ho b g |[w ..a ^ e j_ lw e been IdentIflM irith

Us t^brjll

ai.l'* «ws’fvva». WA agciipMer riu«« WI**'*b« neceeeanr rigidity to the thin, perent membrane fo m in g Itf baila.

The ntuecles by which the Wlnge moved are m aiitve and M w trfu l and • 0 ,••ranged among themeelvet (fiat ^ Im a l la,capable of iteerlng Ite ooi m lg h f 'e n t^ '^ '’* wmob_any

Ib'» power H le largely aided, by a marvellout keenneu or A h t , fqr. In ad* fliiioti to tha two great, gorgeouely oolored compound eyes wnloh mafca op so much ef • " • .b a d , the faaect poeacnea three im ell-

----- making flva eyes In all.a rukan Is aelsad and da*

, , ------ u of powerful, ibarplyJr—III

rine * e t w Over eMtabeanUfuIlytal lored,

S w d o .Kleewbatetuni

High grade Oea»om HedeOvenoeMibeMtriuRiingi,

1 0 . 0 0 .S is where tU.ao;

MEN’S SUITS.HeB’iButlBeM lulls

ofMiytMaUe nxMei* lals a»d"DaT;r tip" make, wotth I7.IM;

rine All-wool iutliL ten dlUonnt 1 1*1*1 ,,


e . e n .

Boys' Blue Chin- ehiUa Beeltn, tlatp ■BlkHroMlar.irlmgMd vrllh mohair btraW, leg. prtoelLtA now

i . a « .

Toolhi’ OtenoOs, 14 k) M yean, flea neterlali aud weU made, valt^ 17.001

“i . O C R .

Hen's Bata, all tha leading abapet and eSonT iraaMe B.U vaiot,

O S o *

Beil's HamooeasL ebtxted Darbror fA

1 . 4 0 . .

« n l up th’a river

, 'ysa, IIer 'ilm pV ' eyes, iq*i The prey when overU youred by means of toothed Jiw a

nnlrntd which Uvea such an tc ti ' l*fr .neturally requlrei a very perte braathing epparetua and thia la amp

■ on ef holes oat tha at* open .Into all eU t

of 'tim eyate'iii.' 'The’ alr*'li'

epccitl mumlee,"Vliai'a the secisi qf batem'.litgoNM' twBHit

0 ; O T H I E R S

provided by a system ............. .....................of the bodjf which otMn Into an eUhMVta network of air tubes, sunpiylng eve«r WTl

'Stem. The air h thaee t i M ^


QLOVES AND UMBRE|^l|i| . South N il«l iii|M


/ f \

We want you to visit us this week, and anticipate your THANKSGIVING WANTS. We will demonstrate that it will be worth your while to call, If only to inspect our enormous line of FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES, suit­

able for all your wants. Don’t put it off until next week; then our store will be crowded and you will be rushed for time. Come this week and anticipate.

We make a sjxdalty in this depart­ment of pure goods only for the table and medicinal uses.

mttiisc is absolutely

Rock and ^ e , a pure medicinti prepar- Rye and Rock Candy, In full

A Fine BtandyJ>ort Wine, a special Im- InvaildLdid* FullportatloB (jood

quart bottles, 75c-A Fancy Old Wma Sherry, our own Im­

portation, full quart boitia, 7$c.A Fine White Tokay Wine, In full quirt

bottles, 7StA Fine Royal Tokay Wine, In full quart

bottles, 75cper lallon for our Fine CiUfor- nia Port, Sherry, AneellcA, Mua- a te l or Sweet Catawba Wine. No d u n e for demljcdm.SOc. quart

We have on hand an old lot of Barton & GueatleFs Medoc. This la i bargain! 1 dozen quarts, >4.98.

Cluster Brand ZinfandeL quarts, >3.74 doz. Ouster Brand Table CJaret.qta., >3.74 doz, California Burgundy, quarts, >4.50 doL Red Cross St. JuHen, quarts, >4-50 doz Cluster Brand Graves, quarts, >4.50 doc. Cluster Brand Haul Sauternes, qtL, >5.50

doz.Cluster Brand Rialing, >4.oo doL White Label Unfermented Grape Juice;

quarts, 45c pints, 3JC.

F. Dumeiirs Vin de Graves, per dozen, qts., 6.74; per 2 dozen, pints, 7.74. ’

F. Dumeztrs Sauternes, per dozen qta, 7.74; per 3 dozen plntL&74.

A. W. 8t S. Preigtiac, per dozen qts., 8.74;per a dozen pints, 9-74.

J. Lifon's Chat de ^ re tte , per dozen qts., 12.74 ; per 2 dozen piL, 13.74.

Urbana Wine ( ^ ’s Gold Sal Extra Dry Champagne, 1 dozen qti, 1174; 3 dozen piL, 13.74.

1 '



IIM . IT IH l(

„ fT ir^ --;!' ’ -^ -

J j c r o M € w c n i M . mmm is OF lACE WAK

IN NOITB CAROLINA.I W. B n t n . »®w la H « r T ork C llj,

n * 4 t» Marlklk aM W u O w > pallad la B arry Kortk.

NEW YORK. N or. l t . - a « o r i* W. .Brown, o( Ihli city, a colored man, on* of tb* lu fferon durtbc iha race r lo u in tke Carollnai, arrived bera yaatii'day n o m - In t from Norfolk, Va.. wbere be w ai locked up by tbe autborltlei to mvo him Irom death a t the bande of Infuriated white men.

Brown waa In Wlimlncton, N. C., duiina the ntoit violent of the recent o u tb ro k e there, and Indeed w u In th a t city from the beflmilnc cf active meaeureo aaalnnt the nayroee. Hla face w u atlll ewollen from the effecla at a b u tln y he received from Virginia whitee, and hla clothing wee blooditalned, for, once he had an oppor­tunity to leave Norfolk and eafa conduct to 'a train w u afforded him, he fled w ith­out aecklna a change of clothing or aur- ■Icel aealatanoe.

"When ell the white tnea carry rISea and ahoiguna" he eald, "end when tbe negroea have no opportunity to eummon outalde aid, and no ohanue of aocurlng It even U they could eak for It, I don't eae what hope there 1e. Tbe negroee-^men, women and children—by hundred! are ileeplng In the wooda

"In moat Inatancee the kUllnge reaultad from the refuial of well-to-do colored prop, erty-ownera to leave ibelr homei and be- longliige when ordered out of town, never to reluro. When 1 left Wilmington, on Friday mornljig, there w u talk to the ef­fect that tbe houeu of all colored tolka without exception would be eearched. I don't know what wilt be the outcome, l fear the woran 1 do not deny that the colored men there are uaually well to do, and, having property, have been very In- d ^ n d e n t. '^

He teya that he believu be w u a la lak ena Norfolk for Manly, the editor of the Wilmington Record, whoee oflenetve a r­ticle In reference to the white women of tboee Htatea I* credited with turning the Ul-fiellng of the whitee toward the blacke Into open violence.

"1 went to Wilmington two monthe ago to vielt frlendi," he eald, "Soon a fte r 1 arrived Manly'a article concerning the white women of North and South Carolina remilied In a notice being eeot to him to leave town before k o’clock the next m orn­ing. He bad already been forced to move hla Dflice out of F rln c eu elfleet. and had reopened It In Sam aritan Hall, a building erected by the colored fulki In South Seventh aireet with their own hard-earned money.

"He paid no attention to th a t notice, and a t > o'clock the next morning the whitee Were everywhere, rlflee In hand. How dea- perate wai the work which followed you can Judge from the fact th a t a f te r they aet fire to The Record oflioe. they kept the firemen back by threatening them with gunt and tiring over U itlr beade u a bluff.

"The Fire Chief, however, drove righ t through the mob. I t w u too la te then. Building and contente were burned. I t waa then th a t the white men. In groupa of flve or alx, armed with rtflea, began to guard the aireet coraera. Every c o lo r^ peraon who paaaed w u atopped by the cry : ‘Hold up your handa! All were aurohed, and even pocketknlvea were taken away, the owner being told th a t he Could recover hla properly afte r the tro u ­ble aubalded.

"Then the killing began, and the reign of terro r waa complete. I t waa in Brooklyn— th a t la, the north aide of the city, a c ro u tbe railroad. The colored men there a re a rough tot and realeted when the whitee held them up with guni. Three negroea were ahot and killed In the etreet. and two white men were eenoualy hurt,

" 1 have raid th a t many colored men ofSroperty were unwilling, in eplie of the

anger th a t they ran, th lu v e their poa- xeaaTone, the fru it oflen o t long Uvea of tn- duatry. The death of Peam an, a colored owner of real eatate, w u an Inataoce of th la He waa ordered out of town a fte r be had been beaten and ImpHaoned. and waa told never to return. He e taned away, but before he went far he became maddened gy the thought th a t he w u driven fromwhatever . . _ _____warm reception. H e w u ahot dead In the at n e t.

"Other k lllln n and the a u rw d e r of the Mayor and police and other city offleeVe followed. Un Thursday night more thaui toe colored petwona slept In the wooda. fearing they would be s la u h le re d If they remained In their homes. 'Tney were ta lk ­ing about driving out all the colored preachers when 1 left.

"They nearly kUIed me. I le ft 'Wil­mington on Friday morning, went to Naw- bern, N. C., by raU and thence by boat to N om ik , Aa I Was a stranger, I In­quired the way to the postoffloe, wishing to buy a stamp. I entered tbe poatolDee and bought a stamp, u y in g nothing to any one.

"Aa 1 turned from the au m p window four or flvs white men ateppra up and aum unded me. 'Where are you rromT' they u k ed . Wlthoi •wnmington.’ They

A Chemist’s reason for tisinsGeveland’s Baking Powder

It’s made of pure ingredients only, and is properly compounded.

Judged by the eame laws of morality. In support of the claim th a t he had been mla- conairued be r u d the folloaring from the edllorial In question;

"The editors pour forth volleys of aaper- alona against all n eg ro u heoau e of the few who may be guilty. If the papers and ■peakera of th t other race would condrmn the commlaalon of crime, because it la crime and not try to make It appear that tbe negroes were the only criminals, they would And their atrongest alllee In the Intelligent negroea themaelvm, and to­gether the whltai and blacka would root the evil out of both raoea."

"Flaming m utlla tlo u of ttali article, Mr, Manley continued, "were published all through the South, and I was charged with slandering the virtue of white wom­en. Such a thought never entered my head."

Aaked about tbe Wilmington ricta, Ur. Hanley said th a t he preferred to tell the story over hla sifnatu re and should do so aoortly.

"The deatrueUon of The Record offlee,' he said, "caused great personal lose. The building and llitu rea were fully Insured, but not against mobs. Uy father and mother and three hrothera were left be- hind. 1 have heard nothing from them, but prciume ttaey got away eafely. My future la undecided. I do not know whether or not I ehall go back to North Carolina."

Editor Manley la quite a hero In the colored district. Ha waa Invited tq addreHt a meeting a t Bethel MetboiAlst Bplacopal Church last night, but declined. He vrillprobably remain here for several daya

It la understood th a t ba is raising _ fund to 'pay a Arm of law yen whom he will employ to repreaent him before the President and the IJepartment ot Justice.

STOOD ERECT ON THE CSOSAYoung Stecple-elfiaber Perfttmia a Darlag

Feat a t Saton RaD Oallsge.Louts Yorrk, o t this city, who la known

as a ateeple climber, p t^orm ed an un­usual teat a t Beton Hall College Saturday afternoon by standing upon the top o t tbe cross which surm ounts tbe tower on one of the buildings. The croea la seven feet In height and la 14S feet from tbe ground The roof of the building la ninety-flve feet from the ground and tbe tower Itself la flfty feet In height. Yoerk has a contract to fix the gutters on ths root from which the tower extends, to do some slate work and to paint and ^ Id the big croea.

Before Yoerk ascended tbe building Sat­urday a number of the atudents got abuut him and told him th a t they did not be­lieve he had courage enough to climb up to the cross. Ths students knew the young man did not lack any courage In this re­spect, but they wanted him to do the act then and there, and In order to have him do ao they preteodad to have doubts as to hla pluck. Tha diplomatic tactics em-« by the Setonlana Were auccesaful,

ler one or two "darea" the climber Btarted on bis trip skyward, never falter­ing for a moment till he reached the erase, upon which he stood. Just aa content ua If he were on terra Anna.

When Hr. Yoerk reached the top of thecroea the collegians gave him three rous­ing cheers, and the young man was made to feel like s hero. He expects to gild thecross to-morrow.


I property, and vowed he would return , a tever the coal. Well, they gave him a

they aaked. Without thinking, I replied w nm ington.’ They failed me an off' Blve name and aald.town In a hurry.' they sprang upon me, knocked me

ml kicked me In the face, "

railed me an offen. 'You get out Of thle

Before 1 could speak I down

and kicked me In the face. No policeman w u to be seen, 1 w u likely to be killed. One kind white man Interfered and theyla up.

‘'Although there were th irty peraona about tbe place, no one would tell who my aoaallanta were, when a policeman Anally arrived, and the poetoince clerks, who were aaked about the nsaautt, spoke aa If they had never heard of such a thing, much less witnessed It, The policeman took me to the station and locked me upio keep me from being beaten again or [tiled. ,"After I had been there for six hours the

Tlnlted Stales Iilstrict-A ttarney, Mr. W hits, called to see ma. He aw ed me to stay In town until my u sa lla n is oould be found and to appear against them, asked If ray expenses would be paid, but hs said the beet thing he could do wan to look me up u a witness. Tha Jail was full of smallpox, so I refused to stay. They sent a policeman to escort ms to the boat and I came away. The Mayor of Norfolk w u very kind to me.

" 1 don't know what the colored folks will do. Every colored man who voted ths Republican ticket w u dlecharged by hie •mpioyer the next day. Many a ^ o arlshed to vote were afraid to do eo becauee they had wives and families to support and copld not afford to lose their work. But now. 1 think, the plan is to ^ v e no work to a negro. When the race feeling extends u f i r u Norfolk, and an Inoffensive n a n Is nearlr killed there, you can judge w hat It Is like In Carolina, where the w hltei rule with rifles and kill men In the Streeli, 1 don't believe the S tate G uanl Win do anything, either."

EUITOR MANLEY IN NEW JE R tB Y ,Colored H as , Bald Respoaslhla fhr IRe

Base War, Explains tha Troable,A8 BURY PARK. Nov. 14.-A lec Manley,

the editor o t Wilmington, N. C„ whose edltortsl waa perhaps the chief cause of the riots In that city, la with hla brother, tu-law, Rev. I. N. ones, p u to r of the |Mored Methodist obunih In West Asbury

■The wRale troubls a t Wilmington,” he gaM to a correspondent, ”WM caused by the mlscoMtructlon of an article in my paper. E xtracts from this editorial have appeared In Northern nearspapera. The perl, hotyever, th a t ahowt my Innocenoe o t any intended dltrespect to o r slander o f the white people h a i been studiously Ignored.”

His purpose h w teen, he* said, m srsly to ^ p w th a t whites and blacks should be

F u r sJP'or Children.

CoUftrettci—Clusters— Btoles—Hnfik, and Sets,

in W o o E U s f a r t —c o r - Vcct f t f l c i i a d tliiwMa m A h t M i l o r c i i i U t c a o t « l t $ f e a —

Carriage ILobes.S a c h A o o n ^ l u t a w M rtm c a t o l

Ma oiilr ^ loiuid AtT A t Um

B St,l> H d W a a e d iis i .

,f .s<s fsssd

A SympaUwlle Speetsior Pays a Mother's Flna Bsesoee nf the V aasg O nu.

The three young children of Mr. and Mrs, Jam es McKenna, of JH4 Clay aireet, were mute but eloquent pleaders in the Second Precinct Police Court yesterday aa the parents were about to be lacked up for being drunk and disorderly. They had been brought Into court by a policeman and it took Judge Lam bert but a few min. u te i to conclude tha t they were guilty. He Aned each IS.

They were unable to pay the Anea and were'being taken back to eella when the three chUdren were brought Into the court. This light touched tbe heartl of several who were there, and especially that of Samuel Wilton, of Summer avenue. Mr, Wilton aaked Judge Lam bert to reduce Mrs, McKenna's flne to tLSO.

"I will pay the flne In that caae,'' he said, "so (hsi ths mother msy go home snd tske care ot her children.''


Father Flemlag, « f Orsage, W in e P o n a ie to Kh p Their Chlldrea Away freas

ttw etinaalita R enp tteas and PaitSse.At all the masses In St, John 's Catholic

Church. Orange, yeelerday, the rector, Rev. Hugh P, Fleming, warned parents to keep their children, especially young girls, off the etreets s t night. F ather Fleming spoke briefly on this sufajeot ro­omily, but yesterday hs gave parents a plain talk on the bringing up of their chil­dren.

F ather Fleming denounced the Indiffer­ence of some parents in perm itting young girls to b« on the etreet a t night. Then he said that a certain club of Irresponilble young men had arranged to hold a ball ^ n lg h t for the beneflt of the club. F ather Fleming denounced this club for allowing young girls from fourteen to seventeen yeara of age at Ibelr receptions without an escort or a relative. He hsd heard from the police, he said, th a t the eonduct of that Claes at other balli or aoolal par- tlea given by the club waa unbecoming and vulgar. The priest callsd on tbs po­lice to stop young girls from going to ths place, and If necessary to hold them a t ih# station-house and telephons to him.

fa th e r Fleming dsclarsd th a t hs would isko all responithlllty and that young glrla would be kept off tha straeta and away rrorn theae dancing parties, no m atter who stood In ths way.

The police hold ihe opinion th a t unleai *"* young girls complained of act in a dls- ?™orly manner or unless somebody pre- fwe charges against them, they are power- 1^ to In ler fere, no m atter bow many dances young girls may attend.

Is generally admitted In Orange, how- 'n a l when Father Fleming M arts out

to tight what he believes to be an evil, he has n way of doing thing! w h l^ uauallyhas considerable - 'ret.

M lllbarw awd gprlBcRwIR.-I— gospel sorvicrs, to be con-

oXotY nlghffor a week, w as opened F lrit Preabyierisn Church, Sprlng-

neld' laet night. The Interior of the Mlflce wee decorated with palms and flowers. Tha rervlce Was conducted by Rsv. R. P. D.Ti.mV' the pastor. Rev,Will am Hoppough,

Policeman Thomas Hawkins and Jesse Kills, of Mlllburn, left this morning for a *oek B hunting near Lake Hopatcong.

St. Rose’s Council, Catholic Benevtdent I-eglon, of Mlllburn. held a public meeting In 8 1 . Rote's Hall yesterday afternoon. Addresses were made by members ot the

I''®™ Nearark and Trenton.The Mlllburn Townihlp Committee will

meet to-nighl.The Springfield Baae Ball Club will hold

a reception and dance in the Town Hall on Friday night, December L

The member! of Frederick Hogsl'a Bible Clare, of tbe Springfield Methodlet Church, are arranging for a mualcal and literary en trnainm eni to be given Wednesday night, November H. In the auditorium of the Springfield Town HOll.

Rev, Daniel F , McCarthy, paator of Bt. Rose’s Cathollo Church. H lllburn, an­nounced yesterday morning that the parish assesamem of tBO for the new Cathedral fund had bean collected.

Bt. Btcphen'i Episoopal Church, Mllt- burn, held a large congregation laal night, when Rev. Dr. WUIIam Balnsford, rector Of Bt. Oeorge'a Eplecopal Church. New York City, preached a sermon. Special music was given by tbe Bible class orches­tra and John W. M irihall, Jr„ of Brook­lyn. sang a lolo.

A hunting party, conalatlng of Joaeph Bryan, Leon Ruben, P eter Helael and Prank Kohlbrecker, of Bprlngfleld, return­ed from Whltehouse, Hunterdon County, Saturday where they had spent three days, bringing Mxty-lour rabbita with them.


- 1898

New York, Nov. 1 4 , 1898.— Once more Madison Square Garden will blaae with social luminaries at tbe opening to-day of the aimaal horse show, at which blue-blood equines will claim admiring atten­tion and piiyes. This year'a list of entries it unusually large.

HnusiiAlly large crowds of boyara will flock to our blue-blood bargains in winter comforts. The 8o^»lIsd “spcBial" prices elsewhere are higher than our regular prices,


SW b Floor, West.

M ala Floor, M lddlf SeLllon.

Fu r Trimmings. StfMf Dress Fabric Valoes

Judge Lambert complied and Mrs. Mc­Kenna departed with her young onea Mc­Kenna round no one to plead for him and he waa locked up.

Y. M. C. A. Notes.The Educational Work Committee of tha

Y. M. C. A. hae arranged for a course of studlei which will be taught during the winter and spring.

Association Hall was crowded last Tues day night whUe the election returns were !«fng read by Oeorge H. Muller and Pro­feasor Gllday, The visitors were enter­tained by Sklvlnglon and Held and A. K. Craig, and an orchestra furnished music. Members of the physical department gave an exhibition under the direction of Pro­fessor Bmith,

The Rutgers College Glee Club, assisted by the members of the Mandolin Club will give a concert Wednesday night In Aiao- clntlon Halt. Tbe students will wear gowns and "m ortar boarde.” Mr. Fisher will recite.

Tbe Youths' Social Bible Claoa mceta on Thursday nighta. The leaiana a n ae- lected from the life of C hrlit and are taught by the secretary. Mr. Scott olio teaches a class on Saturday afternooni. At ih e same hour Percy U. Long eonducts a class for the study Of lessons on prayer These classes are well attended.

A Thanksgivmg servloe for hoya will be held on Friday afternoon a t 4 ;u o'clock R«v, Alexander Maegeorge, paator 'of the North Bapllat Church, of this city, will speak on "OpportunHtei for Thankaglv-

‘Ji** •s.rvlos the b o n will turn In their aeif-drnlal money, which will be donated to a fund for purchaaing f o ^ and coal for the-worthy ptwr of Newark

The next quarterly meeting of the Young Men'a Christian Assoclalton will be held on Saturday night, November IB. when re- porte of the committaea will be read and

................................. 'Sscisl time"memberi will be elected. A __will follow the busIncM sesiion.

Secretary Cossene will teach the lesson at the meeting of the Converaattonal Bible Clasa next Friday night, and on Saturday night the Oiee d u b wifl hold Its regulair

The o l ^ In "Fliwt Aid to the Injured" te n w hard al work. Dr. Rogers and Mr. Smith, the instructors, are ideased with the progi-M which has been mad* by ths pap ila Diplomas will be awarded thle month. A new d a ss will be etarted In J 8Jiuiry.

The opening gymnasium social hour will be held on November IS. An IntereMlne progremme wmsiellhf of gymnasUce and ^ r tb -p ro v ^ ln g games Is to n g trrahged. Prefessor Sinltn will be In charge.

The Loader Corpa haa been form- ^ by the Inrtruotor. B ^ t a l exsrcisee for Junter^tea'Jerii will be held every T h u p -“V o S r * l f r a ^ a v e presented to the boys and raeit in their employ ticket* entitllne j^e^holder* to alt the p r iv l l e ^ of I h e T

ifh* workers' training class** will hold their usual aesHon on Bundar mornina "ChrlMf* Convenatlon wllhl^^lSSihibft Inouirer," will b* the them*: Tto YtSt* FePows' Bible C lw wBt meet at I o'clMk ^ the seselon wHl be followed by the

er* trill fffiiLAoioi. o r of H irOf H ill'S treet M. P

deliver an addreew. The'Y .

Chariea tumbler-

ch e itra will play.P, Chureh. will

M. C. A, Or-

^ p s a wont Ksnu. eeaiuU the NEWS Ye Let

Baeklag RMge Bad N early.

f to io i.

In d e n t n s In the ItverBreen ■SnjMsrf' 8* B o a k l n w ^ S T i conducting rin1v*rserv|o*s In n s fS h f ! tsrfu ohUTcb at AUrllng. rreeey-

Week of Piayei- Opened e t H u Y. M. Ck A, Bishop Potter to L eetun oa Charity-

Other Happeetage,Service* of a week of prayer were be­

gun yesterday a t tbe Orange Young Men'a Christian Association, the leader being R, O. Leypoldt, first assistant leader a t Camp Dudley. This afternoon Chariea T. Kll- borne, president of the Orange Association, was the leader. Those who will be In charge o f the servloe* tha remainder ot the week are; To-morrow, J. B. Carpenter, Jr., secretary boys' department, central branch, Brooklyn; Wednesday. John J. Davey, secretary beys’ departm ent. West fMdebrsaeh, NewYorfc; TburadaPrW lUrod V . PVye, secretary New Brunswick As­sociation; Friday, WiUard Bmith. eocre- Wry Orange Aesoclitlon; Saturday. L. H Mount, Harlem branch. New York: Sun­day, OeiH-ge 0 . Peek, leader cf Camp Dud- ley.

Carroll Norton will lecture a t Union Hall, Orange, to-night, on "Christian Science, W hat I t Is, W hat I t le Not, W hat It IJoee." The lecture will be under the aUBplcea of the F irs t Church of Christ, E ast Orange.

Meetings In the Interest of Hampton In- stltu te will be held to-morrow night a t T rinity Congregational Church, H arriion etreet, E aat Orange, and on Thursday night a t the HlUsld* Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. H. B. Friaaell, the principal of the school, wilt speak, aa will Miss Laura Titus, of Norfolk, Va., a graduate engaged In missionary work among the negroM, and Miss Anna Dawson, of Fort Berthold, N. D.. who 1* working among the Inillans. The Hampton Quartette will sing.

Bishop Henry C, Potter, of New York, will lecture under the auspices of the Or­ange Bureau of Associated Charllics In Mualc Hall on Wednesday nlghl on "The

Bssetnsnt, South Aisle.

Best Lamps,Best snd largest assortment of

Lamps and Lamp Fixtures in New Jersey. The lamp for a wedding or Christm s present is here, with all other kindsof lamps,atsmall prices.

■About Gsa I’ortiiblcs—you twn hsre them lilted up in suit vour own taste, either Welshach or Araand or plilu huriier, to wll;

Bmee I’ortabU' IVdsbach, b a m e r and tubing, 2 .8 J.

Brass Portable Argnrid, burner and tubing, 1,80.

Wslibucli Burners st 59c„ 69c- 79c. and I.2S.

The New Jiuio sewing and reading lamp, with wlilio siiade, for 1.48.

Broad snd New Strwis.

How off for

?v/ e


an 70H Towelif

If your linen closet needs re­plenishing, es­pecially the tow­el end, c o m e here and look over our stock— the largest in the State, Prices begin at 3c. snd

run eleven more times up to l . t 5 each.

Glass and Silver Towelling,8c. to 15c. yard.

White and Brown Kitchen Towelling, Sc. to I Sc. yard.

Huck snd Datnuk ToweUlsg,11 Uc, to 28c. yard.

Gloss and Tea Cloths, t,S0 to 2,28 dozen.

Itoller Towels, leidy for use,2Ic. and 28c. each.

Price marks in e v e r y instance should be gauged by other stores’ values. We sell o u r Trimmings on a narrow mar­gin of profit, de­pending upon tbe increased selling to make up the 'difference—a fact

that helps you to•aving and brings us bigger trade.


Inch Nutria, 39c.1 Inch Nutria, 69c.

Inch Bwandown, 38c.1 Inch Swandown, 39c.Imt. Chinchilla, 35c. to 89c. liut. Bear, 79c.Bear, 3.98.Alstks SshIcL, Inch, 49c. to

98c.BIsck Astrakhan, 1 Inch, 69c. White 'llilbet, 1 loch, 68e, Block Thibet, 1 Inch, 75c. Mink, 1 Inch, 1.78. l*eralan Lamb, I Inch, 1.39, White Angora, 39c.Block Angora, 39c.Brown Opoosum, ^ In., 39c. Alto a choice oasortmeut ot

Btone Marten, Hkunk, Seal and other deelrable and fashionable fur triniBioga.

TbsnksKlvIog SNpptles.

H AH N E & CO.

All Day Tuesday.

Bargain Counter No. 3Sensitioaal Underwear Selling.

Ladles' roderweor, 39c., reg- nlar price 48c.—Fine grade Bal- briggan Ribbed Vesu or PsnU, French bonds, with a lott downy fleecing, richly trimmed.

Children’s Cnderwcor, 39c., worth 60c.—Natural Wool 'Vest* or Ponta, In all sizes.

Main Floor, North Alile.

Look in at our Dress Goods, Silk and Velvet De­partments when- ,ever you please Jand you’ll see there the reason for the enjoyment of our immense trad e . Scarcely a pattern, weave or coloring, sin

gle, double or triple tone, but is found here at popular price.

At 1 Sc. Yarn.AIGWool M ix tE ru , three-

tone effccti, la neat designs, 16 new Fait coInriUga, the exact copy o( Imported goods at 60c. yard.

At SiOc. Yard.Safin BorlMr, three-tone col-

oringi, SH-Inch wide, neat de­signs, good. Arm cloth, mode to retail at 48v. yard.

At 6?ic. Yard.PlannsIntUs, 100 choice

lirintingo, In stripes, flgureo and checks. They or considered gWHlvslue at 8>{o. yard. 160 pieces in this tut.

Visit onr an ice ry Dapartawnt.

Tue5day All Day.

Bargain Counter No. 5Best Values la Town.Ladles’ Cashmere Hote, 89c,,

value 60c.—Fast black, eott, heavy stocklDga, with doubleio Ih .

Chlldren'i Hoee, 17e.. worth 36c.—Fast block, ribbed worsted I lore, double knees, merino heels and toei.

Men’s Bocks, 19c., regular 16c, goods—Fine grade merino, In gray, ton or black, good, oub- stsntlal goods.


Lines that cannot be duplicated in full will be cloned out at prices far below our regnlar figures. The goods are first-class, the patterns this season’s. 'IVe can sell these carpets to better advantage later on, but not in as many yards aa a customer might want, hence thla sale. Dealers in "sandwich" num­bers and "auction angela” court other methods. In addition to the following, we have many rich bar­gains in other carpeti.

Fir* patterns of SavfMnarto Csrpsts, this season’s ityloo, the par oioellsnce ot eorpsu for parlors, usual price 1.40, for I .IS y a rd , t a w e d , la id oad lln sd , com p le te .

5 m H b ’s B e s t A -xm lnsterCarpets, u n attractive patum s, this seosou’s styles, lufuble tor parlors and dining rooms, nsnal uric* 1.06 for 90c. yard, sewed. Heed ted laid, complete.

Sm ith's Saxony AxmlnstorCarpots, six ot this sesson'i bright patterns to elioose from, sulbible (or any pert of tbs house, usual price 1.00, for 88c. yard, sow td, llaod end laid, complete.

Vslvet Carpets, live lovoly patterns, suitable for halls and ttelti, usual price 1.00, for 88c. ysrd, sawed, lined end laM, complete.

Body Bnueols CaspoU, verybest quality, full 6 frame, regte lor price lJU, for I.OQ yard, sowed, Hood and UM, corn* plate.

Tapaetn B m a e e l e c arpet, va­riety of pet- terni, three que l lt les , suitable, for perlore end other rooms, regular priot aflo., 780. and

68c. tor 88c., 68c. M d 78c. yard! aewad lined end laid, complete.

Bssement, East End.

Thanksgiving Dinner Sets.130 pieces Bnglish Porcelain Dinner Sets, best gooila, 11,98 . 113 pieces China Dinner Sets, warranted first quality, 1A.4 9 .

Man’s Clothlag at

H A H N E & CO.

C harity th a t Drgradra."An organ rrcitai 1

Joh'n's Cnurrh, OrangAn organ rrcjtal will b« glvrn at Si

on Tburailay night willium

—. ......uMM. BM.t.i., aaalate.lby Milton H. Grurt, violinist; John B,gram, Q. C. Btelnr, H ra E. F. Mahrr and----- ----- . . .

jo n n 's t.'nurrn urange, on Thuradi by Profpsaor F. C. L. Behrtlnrr, K. Mulligan and Wrnbam Bmith,

tea Lottie ElvrraoiL sntoteta.la

— ------ jig fCommon Councir

T h r Eaat OtUnga *^w nahip CommIUee Wll meet lo-iiignt, aa will the Orange

The th ird ot the se riri of unlverallj- e» jenskm lectures by Rev. Dr. James J' BlXRa will he given In the Y. M. C. A. Hall t ^ i i g e , tu -n l^ t. "ThH tl luhjecl will he

^ n n ln g a o f Modern LIfa."The Younx People's finlon of the North

O ran fe Baptist Church, Orange, will meet tO-fflorrow night, when the aurilert for dla- cuaslon will be "Reaping What We Bow."

The New England Boclety ot the Oranges will meet Saturday night.

The Peerlesa Athteflo Club of Oranxe will hold Its ninth snnual ball In Peerleu Hall, a North Centre etreet, Orange, tO' tUghl.

A fter brief funerel service* yeaterday the body of th* late Rev. Dr. Luke Hitch­cock, who died In Bast Orange on Balur- d ty , waa removed to Chicago, where the Interm ent will be tnade. Dr. Hitchcock dlod a t th e residence of hi* daughter, Mrs. A rcher Brown, In Munn avenue. He was bom a t Lebanon, N. Y.. In IflZ and a t the age of th irty moved to Chicago, where he twoamr actively Interested In the work of the Metbodlat Bplacopal Chnroh. He later went to Clnrinnatl. where he hecame a publtehar of netlgtous worksi When he r e t l r ^ from th a t buslneaea he returned to Chicago and continued hi* pastoral work until foiling health forced him to atop. At the time of hi* death he was a member of the Rock River oCnference. In addition to Mr*. Brown, he Is survived by ano ther ^ tig h te r , the wife of Bishop Oharfs# HTFcwler. of the M eth^lst Epls- oopal Churoh. The funeral sarvlcs* were o o n d u tt^ by Rrv, Henry A. Huchtel. pas­to r of Calvary Metbodlat Church, E ii t Or-

iJ fw b e n of Campanlrs H and I, Second R aglm rnt,. New .Trrary Volunteer* who d M n to be transferred to the Fourth R sglm eat can be occonimodaled a t the a ^ q r y In William atreet. Orange, to-

le n ib e n of Con

ORANOB ADYBRTIiEMBETS.LWS SAMFLEg Uteat drslgaa la wallpapsr at

factotr Brioaa; send POftel for tempi** sad *w

P ip f h tn u r , C^tuubl* iL* W. iohBLACK «hUd'i miUtnt, 6c. p«lr; fMt bj*ok

■tooklnKm. Ao. p*ir; m«a'« An« mitpcnMtv, Wlj tMAVY worUdf ftove* orlol &4irs tm 'P b*BV7 unitirww, »c . N»w

8tor9, Mttw *l.r Otah#*. ■croU wtirt cof. CfU*-____ bmt«r. iNM «jrc9. no

U «hnt YOU tret «t CAiH DAIRT ■ f o i l . «or, M»Wi nail P*rk atB*Wp tall th« oalr jMioiM ]

AwifM : onir ptr stove, A tlirfiit r S o m

lOlM No. 1 nut m l In th* ton; burut In nay ____ 44v

FAu:. stelss la bate at aUSTWR »!•» «ad B .m liM a te st.. West Uraago______

XET oar taiIT taisqai No. t aut soal: aaly la w ptr Trl, trST AUmK A SONS. 4Sv

E ^ ^ C ^ ^ tlr e valoulidng a vprctelty a t F U ^lI rsTk ah. OtOBt*.

L J r ,

top pase 8. cafd

|linpt at*

H a r rU to w a M atters.Some time during Baturduy a snrakthlef

a ltered Bt, Bartholomew'r tlchooi, on ihe outeklrti of MorrUtown, and state a qusn- Uly s t wearing aptwrel.

Thp sequel to th* trial of M artha Coatl- more and her daughter for cuAductlng a disorderly house In Morristown last wash was the arreat Saturday of Charles P it. Unger one of tbe witnesses, who bad te t- tlfled for the defence that he was the hus­band of M artba CastUnore. District-At­torney Mllla caused Ihe warrant to be Is- sued for PIttInger, who has been catamlt- ted to tlir Morris County Jail.

Hr*. William Fltaslmmons, through her counael E. J . Cooper, of Dover ha* made application to the Court of Chancery to secure a divorce from her hutbaud on •tatu iory groundt. Tbe case will be given a hearing oefbra Chancellor HcGIII Janu­ary T.

The Ladlea’ Auxiliary of the Morristown Y. M. C. A. will hold a fair In the Y. M. C. A. Hell Wedneeday afternoon and even­ing, Irecember 14.

The Morristown Independent Guards will hold an enlerlalnm ent and dance In the old Masonic H all to-morrow night.

A concert will be held In th* lecture-room ot the Morristown M. E. Church to-night by Ihe Crcella Bradford trio.

Winslow U. Brown has been selected as delegate to represent Roxltlcua Lodge, 1 . U. O. F„ of Morrlalown, s t the annual meeting ot the Grand l.adjre a t Trenlun, to be held November 18 and 17.

Luther K ountie, the well-known banker of New York, ha* closed hi* sanitarium on the Mendham road. Only one coa- valescent soldier, was left, and he has been transferred to Memorial HqapUtI In Mo{. rlsiown.

A new electric light plant has been estab­lished In Morristown. Uacar BabUtl, own. er of Ihe Rabbitt Building, la supplying merchsntS In Ih* vicinity with light gen­erated by the plant In his building.

1C you weal rm a a ocasutt th* NEWS To Let

W estE o M aw # CsUHifopg.A dog, ijhlleved to have been mad, want

Ihrougn Weatfleld Saturday, biting all tbe dugs I t came acroa*. Half a dosen are known to have been bitten. A couple of men etarted out to shoot the animat. They traced It to Scotch Plalne. where It bit a ilog belongtng to John M nali. Ttaen they loet ell trace of It. All o t the doga known to have been bitten h a w been killed or arc chained.

Rev. Dr. Rufua S. Qraan oooupled the pulpit of the Westfield Congregational Church yaiterday, Rav. N, W. Cadwell being In Bt. t.oute on a v is it

The Westfleld Chat* C lub 'hs* reorgan- lied sdth Dr. R. S. Orssn as presldsnt Tha club meela evsiy o ther Monday night for play at tho residence of S r, Green.

The Republicans of Cranford have or­ganised a social club, and will keep up a permanent organisation, with rooms for reading and social affalro.

Th* Holly S treet School a t Cranford hae been closed on M w unt of water in the cellar putting out th* (urnoM Hr*, making It Impossible to properly best the house.

■The Cranford Township ^ m m ltte e wUl hold A to-nlgiit.

There have bssn Important chaogts In the name* of station* on Ih* Lsfaigh Val­ley Railroad. M g lw n In the new Time to- Me that went Into effecl m te rd a y . H o m t avenue la now Townlay, South Cranford Cranford and Lyons Farm s Etbiabstb,




Th* real esta te transfer, recorded In tb* Register's olBw Saturday and rsported by the Fldeltty T rust Company wsrei

NEWARK.Geo, a Ffreundichuh et ux to Na­

than Imvle, t * South s t SKI w frAvenue F, BxlM......... .....................

Edwd Marks to Nathan Levte, s s South st Xn w fr Avenue F, tOxlM..

Jaa. E. Howell (msMerl to John 8 . PergusDD snd al. s I Central av 140e fr High at. 16x10*............................

Jacob Peter et ux to Howard W. Hayes, n t Alpine st and w a lot 11 190 w t r Freltnghuysen av,l«tel26 .................................................. 2,IW

Geo. H. Trtvett et ux to Wm. Lock­hart et ux, w s Bo. 11th st lEO a fr1 1 th av, 6l) il« .................................. !.*«)

Morris Rachlln e t ux to BamI Belter, undlv to part e ■ prince at iS a frMorngomery st, »*!(».................... 1

Jam es F, H arris to John Ursv, e s Parker s t Iffi ■ fr Uloomtteld av,19*»1 .................................................... 1

Busan A. Howarth to John W. Ilo- warth, release of dower s s Com­merce st n e cor .Michael O'Connor 1

TOWNSHIPS.M’llliam Savage ei ux to Mtrgiirci

Schott, Orange, n a Mechanic si I.Mw fr Essex av. axUti......................... 1

Aaron P, Mitchell, d«Mi, by cxrs, (o Dtonlalo Costa, Hast Orange, c s Thompson st M n c fr n a Jobn T.Rockwell, 16x69.................................. an

Oeoj'ge L, Mitchell, deed, by e ra . to Dlonlslo Coslu, Eaat urunae. e s Thompson at M n e fr n a JuliuT. Rockwell, 11x69...........................

Thomas A, Murphy tn Wllllain K,Stanley asat of corurui I............ .

William E. Stanley lo Knn llm.- Wil­helm, asst of axrcerueiii........... .

Thomas A. Murphy et u . Wtlltem E. Stanley, E ast Orange, a a Will­iam st H e fr Tliompaini at, :>iiluo.,

William E. Stanley tu k-tm'llMi' VVlI-he]m,)i OrAHKi'. niJiD............. .

AddtMn jjCly and nl. tniriit'i-u, lo Chart«t PettUh 11 , l''i':jukim^ w a P u ia ic Rlv^r III Hill’ Humui'lH anna ................. .......

The Kfllevllie H urul L akhu ut iht* Batluvllie Wheelm>'n, UhIUviIIi-, h e eor Wathlnirien av mi l At'udfnivi t , 40x100..............................................

C yrui K. i.'aprun iix lu Aiirum jj. CroM, Monlcltitt' tiiii] Vt'roiia, oor Wm. Corliy arid .il un lup ofthe rneuntain w e Tjik rJ, .......

The Llndilr^y Manor UimI anri [m- provemeht Company to IP'rthoid W achter, South f>jun*:i’, w n (.’lin- ton at 436 n fr AblHK*-r (>l. 'iSiflulJ..

AnxellcA B. Father lo JiiHoph J. I ^ ra h , Orange, ii w cur New Eng­land terrace and Jalncoin av .........

Anson A, Voorheen et u \ to WilliamM. Davenport, Vt-roiia, u e eor Brookdale av and Hmiriet av, Siixlll.

Anion A. VoorliPHH vl ux laN, Buih, Verona, v k liroukdalt; av60 n e fr Sunael av. .rUxii]................

Frederick Maurer vt ux to William Thomion, I5»l»1 OrauK'% « N Maple av 7l i fr N^w he. 40x126...*


* A8 Iba «i& of tba M An Lliihi"

Get to Know Us.If yoa don't wsnt htrdwsre to-day, you Will to-morn>w.

You wont find another store in this hig town that puta you in closer touch with "everything in hsrdware " —jobbers’ prices, too t

Electric Balt Ontflt tbe ISe.-W-OO u n - 4Se. tor the "Rival” Ash 61lt*r-73e.ally-wet or dry tatteiy, 60 ft. wire, usually. Best yet mad*, gtmug, dust push button bell, itapin and alL W a'n Rcnl, 6te any baml. hot tb* llawy all electecal suppUte tind.

"Th* Bartholdi Ineaiulmoant (MS Im p ”-1Se. ro |« g l that sr* book It up with our name and warrant.

The C. S. Reckless Hardware Store,851 BROAD ST., OPPOSITE CENTRAL DEPOT.






m GRMII-OI THTGMIII-OIAsk your xroesr to-4av to sbow you a BaoktM

of OBAIN-O, the new food driak that tekis tb* stao* of ooffea. Tb* chlldrea may drink It with, out lalurr » well aa the sdun. AU who try it Itks It. ORAIN-O has that rtofa s n l brow a of Hooha o» Java, but H la Bade trim pure xnlBA hod Ih* coMt delicate steasob reerivds It without duttste. (4 tbe trie* e( eogea Uo. “ 0 » ote. per oeckag*. Said by all grooiis.

I. JUtnum 4 €o.D R E SS Q 0 0 D 5 D E M T .

A tATfg vsristy Of Pteht S tsp ls P b M e s , r i f l l s i . W h lp o g rd s , D n p M t a r t s , S a iN l*H9S B lto c ts , I k . F s rW S « f |M , g lc . C 9 « p M s U m s «4 ‘Tailor O te v lo U s a f l Hi— w piM T sU er w ix tN n u .PWu VnnfiM i C M 48 In c h e s w M g, W ta t s r s h nSns .

M .2 5 P w Ym 4R iU M s « tM M it .7 S .

c o n t r a c t s AWARDED,The tallowing cunirecis have been f*-

OOrded a t th* Iteurtbuuii’:Theodore It. t'urlfc, i.wiier, with Jam**

tom b, contractor. 16.40c. rarpn iler. Park atreei, Montclair. N. J : Hcnsim. Brock way • Alfred T. Taylor. arcliHecta,

Oeorge Carlton Corns iiajk, owner, .with Jamea P. itenhrouk, conlractnr, Wkl. pain t­ing, Voae avenue, South llraiige. N. J .; Stephenaon A Greene, architects.

Ge.irge Curlloii ComstiH-k, owner, with Harrison A Walker, contractors. tl.8ffi, plumbing, etc., Vose avetiuc. South Or­ange, N. J .; Stephenson A Greene, archi­tects.

The Belleville Wheelmen, owners, with OMrge W, W hsrton. contractor, MM, ma- eon, soulheaet corner of Washington avs- nue and Academy street, Bellevlile, N. J.

Charles Petlth and Anna Marla Petith, owners, with David Machette, conirsetor.16.000, mason, carpenter, plumbing, paint, ing, tinning, etc., eiwt side a t HIver coad, Avondale, N. J.; U 8 . W arren,,architect.

■oB<h O raag e ffateo.The South Orange Card Club, composei: f the younger aodety Mt at Boutn O r n te, will meet a t Mrs, George W, Bram-

halt's residence In Centre street, FrI-^V he'w ee* of prayer for young men will be obeerved In the South Orange H. E. Church this w »k . „ ,,

Rsv, Dr, Behr. of Beton Hall College, preached the sermon In Our to d y ot Bar- rows Church, South Orange, a t th* lOJO o’e to k masa yesterday.

A meeting of the South Orange ’Vlllag* Board of A uttee* will be held next Mon­day mghL_________

Window Olas* Vsetorte* ReenmA .PITTSBURO, Nov. 14.—Window glss*

foctorlea, with a cspaclty of about 1 .1« potA started work to-day. and nearly Hl- M man and boys sr* earning ihslr firstmoney In over halt a year, the totalnum ber of about 1 ,»» pots controlled by the American Olsa* Company, only about MD w«r* operated before the agreement w as raachrd yesterday. The remaining Idle p o u will be In complete working or­der e tr ly thle week.

FSIl friWM a Tmte t* IMalh.SOUTH

arm and left leg ~. an haul la ter la

lE S T LEHIGH G M l , 8 3 . 5 0 P g T wF o r Beat I-arge Lelilifh No, 2 X iit, well ocreened.

B e st lA ililg li B igs, Htove and N ut at IX 1W K 8T M A IC K E T P R IC E S , E L E V E N B » rp e lB K liid l1n irW ood,«2. H icko ry fo r U ra te F ires.

S. TRIMMER I CO..B to U e ^ k a n r e , ^ 0 L afeyctteSteeri.

X K Y YTH P O R O O A I ^ A J V O ' W 0 0 1 > *ro tto l er Mall Orilert Kecelve Prom pt Attention.


■ •o w lo n a n d V ta ta l i r .Th* annual report of the treasurer of

th* Morris County Children's Home. 1u- caled a t Ponlppaiiy , shows the rFccIpt* for th* past year to be Jg.6il.61, and Ihe disbursement* M.IUT.S), 'The treasurer of the Board o t Lady Managers of th r In- IllluUon reports th a t the iwlance In her hands test year amounted lo |l368.3>; the reoelpts for the year were g721.II, and the am ount eubecribad gl.<i79,18, making a total of 16,111,67. Th* loLal dlsbureementaSmounted to t t f t l t n , leaving a balance on

and of 61,121)4. Andrew L.

tor rnree yeari, ana w m aru w , u u iie r rur ona year, to nil the unexplred term ot the lato Isaac L, Condlt, ot parslppiny. •

The Board of Education of the Boon Ion Public Botaooi has secured Mis* Helen Brown, of Lapeer, Mich., as teacher In Che primary departm ent, to till the vacancy caused by the refignatlon of Miss Mary Mac Fall. Hiss Brown commenced teach­ing th is morning.

The hid* tor remodelling the L ith ro p mansion in BM nton. recentJV purnhasod aa a home for In* disabled flfeinen of New Jers ty , will be opened on Tuesday. It Is thought th a t about IM.OOO will be spent in making Ibe alterations. The flrst bids, opened on October 11, were all rejseted.

F s u k l l w a a d K a tlo r .Tbe members of the Nutley Golf Club

held a progressive euchre party a t the clubhouse, on Tennle place, Saturday night. About forty memberi participated In tbe gamear Mr*. Adrian 11, Larkin won f ln l prise for women, a handaom* stiver paper cutter. Hr. Larkin was the winner of th* first prise for mem a ellver cork­screw. M ra CMnrad H. R sy won second prte* for women, a fancy calendar.

V. B. ntarke, of HIghfleld lane, who has been visiting rrisnds a t Fsrinlngton, N. H „ ha* returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joo* M arta 'Vasques, of Rio Janeiro, Brasil, formerly residents of Nutlsy, are TMCIng H r. and Hr*. Joseph Keane, of Maple place, Nutlsy.

A ip to a l meeting of the Franklin Town­ship Cummltle* win be held a t the P ark Hall Building, on Cheatnut street, to- n lfh t.

The member* of Avondale Hope Com­pany No, 1 will participate In the cere­monies and pared* attending the hanging of th* new nr* belt Jn BellavlUe Wednes­day nIghL_______ ___

F n o i th* SalssweaBaa’* SMa.Tiyllie U itp r of Ih* NBWS.

Sir—Well, the elaas of woman th a t we m ight tsitn loTmenters a n really torment* to -aalcawomsn. F irs t they s ta r t out for w hat t h v m ight call a real g o ^ Urns In tho storss. Two or Itares go tn khd oall for a h a t orelook. Tboy all look a t il and try It on. Now. In th is w ay: "Ain’t It a dream r ' ,How qo I lo o k r ' ''M aud, you tiy It on,"

" ~ — -jn," Tho otheewould tlko It.” got mothor to

you." 'T ak o It If you Ilk# It.” oayi one, "but don't you think beet to w ait and se t w hat kind Mary g o t f After looking a t all they leave, after telling you they are dellgHled with your g o o ^ , and will ooll ogoJo. The next Interview the itrM aaioawoman baa la with the floor- Wklket', who w ants to know why ths ladtsa was* not suited. I t .................plararq, oiok am id

■ " m

TO CATCH THE EYEIt eiiy enough if irou know how. We tutve mart

ceubek 111 our itook ofPaints, Oils, Varnlshas, Brushes,

Raady>inlxed Pninta,than 111 tbs bsie bsl I club* In America. W* gel sttenliou and keep It, uot becaueo we pleste, prolli snd brueOt every cuitomer, Imt srsry. thing we sell Is guaranteed to give saUiIactEo.

J.J.H0CKENJOS&C0.6Jtelnt. o il end Color ISealers,

S29 BiaU STREET, • • REWIJK, R, J,

1* 11 you, If A soteowoofian's would find out

i l ondwot lako

‘ V : .

the ghastly terror of con­sumption stares aman in of

the HOREHOUNDfacewhoneg-l and i


lects a cold* TilRS :

It's so simple to get ild of a t . . . Ihnsl trouble by HeM's Hoewyojlbound and Ter. by dniggists.

Acte Ute Battle.

niMts Tooihecbe Drops cun In aaa S

A sonU bwtn***

N E W A B K E V E N l N a

'i;'-?v 'V*'t : .': .P>y7¥«tii

MONDAV, N O V BJIEEn J4. 1868.

iiBf Aboat the Meklnx ofi M tib l t OowEi for Everyday Wear. |

t lOUl C0l,ORt IRE NOT O fllM lu '

p iM 4 ( io a d i a r r i iv r k a t 'a a « 6 <u Be l la a a I m l a r a b l a fu r O rifln a rr 6^U B r.»Jarkrta f lu tll u a Ih r P laa •4 I b r But: I 'a iil W Itli a f r i r BaAI> •a f la a a ^ V u a a a f i lr la ' llal> i W krlk> a r la ir« a iir k m all, t i l i l r la k i In I 'n in r aa«l T r l a t« r 4 t t ilk IniBicnne tU k b u a Bewn.

PASUI, Kar. S. lt m int in fnnk ly ran- fWMiI (fiat »k)ur iorrr»(wml«nt Hlirn to i r i l u klMut ll)« null' -ihool Imlm* who. a t ih li r««Hii, look ml u ttra rllv r wlih thrlr blifflu ry rj and aton'tlik rhr.-ki louHifU bv ttir fjM lt air. T'lpy nijiij ihrmH'lv>'« aa, ikr'arow lut alil*. Hini l rorai'i. In Hi'li anibutlaani, that 1 am uronti ii|i. iiml o.i r mara | am a lliila «lrl aolna «> p' hi.Dl "Dowil Boulh, " >’■>. ttoiiia I an all In (hr parka and aharc thrii i;!>‘ ninl Hu ll" hl«>- Partalau ,'hlldmi talk Hki innaiilni with M fh Ihnil rolri'n.

ichool tlinr irh a tra ihrm ■ <ily and for 'aav tra l hoiira ihry ran i>iny oiii-of-Hoora. fb a lr drritaa ara latirfu l In tin rairrm r.

Tliia It u huiy araaoii for mothrra who hava to art achool aliln rrady tor lUr wlalrr, If lha poa'na at Ihia tlmii a r t artU rhoirn. aa far aa malarial koaa, ami In drain) not loo alahoratr, Ihrrr will ba M aMkalon for aomplalnt from n.otbtra about Ihr worry and raprn t* of d rta tln i iroaiif firla.

A praolioal Enilith woman who arndt Ihrra wall iroomrd fltlo lu achoul rvery n a rn la t fiv ta aomt auuh vaiuabit hlnii la Diotbrra about draaiint flrla.

Ftrat of all fhr makaa It a rulr to avoid buylna amaoth tiirfarrd maifrlala for atkoM laama: a broken rhark. or t tn p r th a t )• hardly dlacrrnablr, ur rvrn a ht(•eotch plaid ia cboaru luttaad of a aolld oolar.

Than aht a{way> buyi rnough m atrrlal a arcond pair af airrvoa. wfor a wcond pair af airrvoa. which arr

oftrn called Into trrvica brforr thi- gown baa h a t tbrae or lour meirthi' wrar.

Aa aeon aa brr glrla hava arrivrd from acbool lhay don a pratly apron of darkaaU ie or alpaca that la mado altractlv r

liehrtribban bowi and fancy atlliihra ofbtallk.ION Of___ th rir glrla hava on Ihrlr drrat-

IM tablr a boltlr of deanaing fluid with a gbobg* attachrd, ao ihai ihry havr nwax- OMMTor th t illgh irti g rraa r t[iul on IhrlrE rna. With ihrar aa a foundation ahr»--- - ---- ‘ ... . . . . . . . . . . . .„ a n u a a to d r r ti har lltilr dnckllngt to iNJi IDl»_iWMa_ Thay liava arvrrai prrtly

novtl frocka. t Aa aa tranrly aimpir achool gown waa tiad a of Cheviot In two abadra of mlxni m y Wuta. Thr akirt titled Hoar ovi-r {bo b M tn d th r fulnrto a t Ihr hark waa a ia lM Into Ibr walatband In four amall bimnaiiplng plalia.

ptaak both aeama of ih r apron It waa trnaiBiid with narrow dark bin* pa««i" flU tftm r that turned In rounding cornera bb&Mlowrd thr hollom of iht i l l r l .

Tbo roraage waa a hloua* with a box t i l | t th t mldillc lhal hookrd lo Ihr

'fhrr* dark blur illk frora hut. a e r « th r plan. It oprnrd ov.

b V a* dark blue niotrr hoi^rrrit by amall ■‘*~“~l.of iba aamr. On each aid* of tin;

ora wrrr double rowt of the paaar. la that axtriidrd from lha r rv rri

I narrow moln; ceinturr. The alrrvra Achtviol w rrr rioar Biiing and hr||

over th t hand. Blur m nlrt waafor Ihr tall airtight collar.

rfo f n rirm wa;lei for a young g ir lborate, IL waa m adr of rough ciolb In dark gray, ehot wiili

_ j iklrt wte doer lUlbig over thr hlpa ' bBd a t the back the fuliivaa.waa galheml— --- • - "Jpi,V ie too waBfband. 1l waa Irlm m nl ■Mbod lh a battowi with narrow Mat foMa

• M W rtf i . jBpIre arranged m

r ObirrOMfatBf bM A bM n back and war

■ ai lb# flknit to give lha r tle jl

' l l


down" look of a too alrmlrr Bgurr. OUvr g rrrn cumrl'e hair waa thr m aterial choarn. T hr akirt waa <|ultr full rm und lha boltom ami waa irlnimnl will, th rri rowa of narrow dark grrrii aoutache caught up Into rounded acatlopa tn d a t ­tached with olive buttonr.

The ca rtaa r waa a blouac opening over a narrow dark green velvet vrat th a lwaa gathered. It had abort round Itaanure, cut away a t the front and I rimmed at

MnaoiI of tba cknh d ra p ^ and croaatd >' of the heliotro)>e molrr tad

. down Into the rrinturc. Four eta» tolde of Ihr h«llotrope moire

errangM m curved tbiee from the I of the bolero to thr under erm leame.

arrow alaahed rrv rrt of thr metre ex- and the back uf ib« bifh atand

the iama tMdre. A nareaa Mmrwrriamdgad tha. tn r r e aucrlBUia brat of hrlbctropr

w ill tone __ _ . boiuua ofJAraro edoao Ititfog

'tnobaB di, ■' young-achooi glrla ihia Win. I of lEem built

the lop with three rowa of the aoutache. b li rowa of the hrahl. laid In hunrhaa of ihrre. to'gan a t the under arm xeama and a ltn ird up to the edgea of the vrol. where they were held with Itic olive hul- tena. There rowa of the braid trim m ed a imlnled (trap of the clo'h that hooked acroui the lower edge of the vrat.

The aleevea were cloae lUtlng and were mounlnt hy (qu art epaulell* of cloth trimmed with the aoulachc. The high airalaht collar ww( of green velvet.

A very ilm plr achoul gown for a girl of Hfleen wa» of dark blue whip cord. The ak in tllteil cloie over the hlp« ami waa withotit rtilnea* at ihe watiilhand. A rather ctliigllig effect waa given by Ihe akirt being cut with rather itra tg h l front and aide gorea. The front aeama were airapped.

The rorxage waa a IdottHe of whl|>corJ bald wkh a narrow black molie cein­turr. It waa garnlahed with two broad box p la in a t thc hack and front act quite wide apart.

Theae were gathereik and fattened to Ihr rein ture with aihali eqtiarr cot ateel btirklea and rxteudrd beyond three Ini'hce. Tha fraa l o f the enraagr waa cu t V naoh- rd, ami U faaiMied ov ir th t left pkitt In a point TkUl •»(!> Die pUBa WtM Bmoned In narrow dtlack xqultobe th « t TsrBitKi a ahamrock ai the point. The V and high •iralg llt collar were of the blaek molrr. T hr aleevea wer* rioaa lllilng and wgre llnlahrd a t the hand with braid.

Young glrla' w inter hata. whether large or email, ara vi'ry bright In color and arc itlm nird with Immenae holra m bright­er riblion

AX «ltU KMlI.iail I. tVDB.kHK.

Woollen mlllona, 1 hear, will eerve tn- atead of k id kkivea tor achool glrla. They

atv aof Ikem bul

it. with a few modlScailoni.on the llneo

.. trifle longer than laai yearia Ona that wax very iaunty waa

ae of dark rad cloth.a atralghi front and a plain back

1 tba undar-arn lagma curved a trifle, front fattened over to the left tilde

.^awblr-breiited fu h lo n and waa orna- . . tn to a with two largo c ry tu l huUona. D ark b lu t moira faced tha rounding lao-

gnd cellgr.Tha 'iletraa dere chMe lilting and long

the hand th a t ahoweu

are nartalol* vary nrelty Ihia year, woven In alt tk* b n ah t pltidg 1 4 1 1 1 0 iC 'c^h ciani.

*i i h a f i ik o n w is . .

T l/gb t tn e la g .Beyond Ihy fact chat a amall watat la

aa out of date aa hoopa. and la very ugly.■Ight-tarlng daatruya Ihe contour of tlx butt, and hipa, and la rutnoua to me com

with « tpring a t - ____ _the m olrr facing. Thr edgat of th* Jacket war* flnfihed with a double row of dark

-hima Mill* Viiu tm g bg»iiwt|» ttf iigv^«xl9R. U tn» d li4>iUv« ornhit e«ii not h*ve room lo pfrforno th^lr functloni dyip^wilx-«ne or the wont ihinf# llfih It h tjr to—entuet. Th^n follow tht' nd tioo#. wsiery ey»i and hloichy complexion, j r ft woman la Inrllned to be aiout. larlhs her wftlft mokei the hipa roll nvay In

•ihelfOfke anti u&eveil luinpa, for the ne»h driven from orit* part of the body muii wok ihOlhor,. The watai of the Venue MadH, that accepted model of feminine lovallueaa, la twanty-lwo Inrhei, thouah ah* la Juat a tiiHe above five feet in

T h e AhMowI llospU al mf Mi* f 'ruaa N rar ih r t'liy of WlMehealer.

N o l by any meana few* In number^ a l­though for the moai v%n unknown lu the rrnerat public, are ihe apola tn Englaivl w here the i'lialnma atMl ohaervatlona of far-off daya are ailll fomlly cherlahed. One of 'the mo«r Interettinc of Iheae la Ih f undent ho«p>ial of Hi. (*roaa. which la iltu a ted u mile to the. aouih of the rity of Wlnoheaier.

Thla eharlu lile Inatllution w ai founded Ifi lllki hy Hliihop Henry de Hlola. K lii| Itcpheiyc hHir-lirother. and waa (ntnnded to entirely aupport Ihlrtean IndlfeM old men and to xlve a dinner dally to lOO oih* I era« Uui the next Hlahop of Wlnchtaler provided for the f<ertlnv of inolhar ino p03r men< and In llto Cardinal Beaufort, who then held the aee, added (o the hoipltal another foundation, I'alletl the Almahouae of Noble i ’overty, and provided ll with an Income luffldent fur the malnirnanoe of tw o prleaia, thirty-five brothera and Hire* alatera. Aa time went abuaea crept In and the rwetiuev were mtauppropriaied till about th» middle of Ihia century, when the charity commleaioftera inter­fered, nuya the Chtcaio Pally Newa. They made provialun for Ine realdenee of thir­teen brothera of the original foundation and four of the latter, and for out-pen- alona In IFeii of the dally dlnnera to (he Ml poor men. Now. the revenue It ao muen greater that ten additional realdenti will ihortty be admlrted.

Henry tl* Hlola committed hla foundalion to' the keepliic of the KnJtfhli Ho*-.Ff r

hlua allk ttltch lnf.A pratty lltUe model for a alender girl

waa made with abort round baaquea that rellfvea very much the ''a tralghi up and

pltalera of JeruiaFem, and from them la derived the dlitlnctlve drcii* of the brothera who tinloy hla bounty. It con- atala of a long black gown, with a ailrer i?roaa on the left hreaat. On the death of t brother the oro*e la laid upon hla wiTIn, from which li la removed at (he irave, and In du« ooiirae la handed to hla aucceaaor. Tht Brothera of Noble Pov­erty wear a cloak of dark red cloth, upon ■bH'h la an embroidered badge, in olner rriyecta there la no differcnco between ^ a iwo ordera.

Kucii brother haa a weekly allowance of teu ahUllnfa and four cooked dinner*, a loaf of bread evtry morning, a bouae I with a large garden at the oaek. fuel i and extra fare on certain feaitvaia. or “gaudy daya." aa thry_are called. Thea*’ am OhHatmaa Day. Beater. Candlemai. Wbitaunday and All Mima. And the extra farv conalata of a “Benjamln'a meai' of roaat beef, baked plum pudding and mlnoft plea carefully made aocordlng to an old rvelp*. Formerly the featal menu Included “Judaa'a top/' that la, allctf* of bread boiled In b ^ r and sweet­ened with honey. All the corporate cooking Is carried on In the ancient kitch­en, the baking being done In a brick

th ffr elehteen-thch walsta, hut the girl of th f period, even If ahe la dainty enough “ to step upon a Illy leaf and not bend It," never aUowa her wale» mcaauremenl to fall below twemy-iwo Int-he*.

oven heated by fagota and the roasting In front of the original fireplace. Ihemeat being fixed In a cradle resting on 'Mogs“ and turned bv a amoke-Jack. Here, Juat before etch gaudy day," re­volves ami frisalea a Joint large enough to g ir t bvo pounds to every brother.

S K a s e s t t ^

About One-Third Off onF in e L a c e C u rta in s.

A nother stirring specu l sale of en ­tirely new window draperies heglnnini; lo -m orrow , T uesday, m orning. All o u r hrolten lots of

Irish Point, N ottingham ,Brussels, Scotch and French Lace, Hurtled Bobbinet and Muslin

C urtains are included in th is selling. O ne, tw o, three and four pa irs of a kind— just enough of each for one or tw o room s and p lenty fo r the odd

w indow s about the house.All are curtains of real w orth, culled from o ur regular fast

telling lines, The prices are cut just about one-third.N ottingham .

75t 1 piir kinrt . ■J5C. i pair kind,. SiJiS a pair kind. laS u a pair kind.

French and Scotch,

Irish Point.Rj.SOi pxir kind. . ............... S2.S0K 7 5 a p t lr klivJ................... $3.3816.00 a ptlf kind................. $4.5Urr-soapatrk ind.................... $8.38$8,001 pair k i n d . . . . ......... $6.38$9.50lptlrkSnd.................. $6.88$ ia jo a pair kind................. $7.03fu .a s a p a ir kind................. $8.S0$15,001 pair kind..................$10.88

O n e Lot Figured Muslin C urtains with plain m uslin ru ffle s --n o belter curtains ever offered at one dollar a pa ir— price during this sale only . . . . O vJ C O n e Lot Ruffled Muslin C u r t s i n s - $1,25 kind . , IW e

S I . S 5


t U S

$j.Soa pair kind. $4,as a pair kind.

'$ 5.50 a pair kind fd a s a pair kind.

O n e Lot Ruffled Muslin C urtains— $1.75 kind

Iron B ed s Brass T rimmed.

In troductory prices will he m ark ed on all ou r Iron Beds b ^ ir in in g Tuesday m o rn in g and continuing all week. W e want all Newark to k n o w that we have added an a ttractive line of popular- priced Iron Beds, nicely tr im m ed in brass, and we m ake these special prices to com m and your immediate :ittention.

You need have no doubts as to the quality of the lieds we sell. T h ey are up to the well know n W , V. Snyder & Co, standard.

Iron B*dt with hijii brad and foot—full l-lndi post 9 5 ^ c i i t brass Irlmmlnfj—$5.50 kind, a t............... ................

Iron Beds, with hleh hnd and (oot—rxtension ftxit rail—1- inch posU—brass rail on brad and foot—never less than $ 5 , 8 5$7 elsewhere—her* at.

Iron Beds, with hiph head and foot—extension swell < / ; 7C fool—1-Inch posts—food value at $8.50............................. "YOa'

Iron Bads with extra hifh head and exteaslon foot ralI-8 inch brass rail on head and foot—excelleni value at $9.75 6 0—special a t.......................................................................... f >-special 1

Iron Beds with extra heavy brass work—14 brass spindles— fancy b rus head and foot —extension foot rail—worth $ 9 , 5 0$ t i 50—a t...

Iron Beds with extra hifh held—extension foot rail—missive brass trimininfs—2 ',.'lnch cu t brass mounts and balls 7 5-an $lg.SUfrade a t . .

T h a n k sg iv in g D in n e rw a reNewark's Most Noteworthy Collection#

T his c ity does not contain a more interesting gathering of w orthy Dinner Sets th an will be seen by all who take the tim e to step into our newly re ­m odelled Basement salesroom.

T he artistic shapes and tasty decorations will appeal to y o u r sense of the b eau tifu l; the prices will be encouraging to the econom ical.

A num ber of Chas. Field H aviland French C hina D inner Sets have just been taken ft om the casks. T hey are fjeautics. Decor­ations are in spray and border effects— in p ink, blue and green. This is how they 'll se ll:tot piece Sets

$24(45tot piece Sets

5 3 4 . 9 5

i t$ piece Sets


n 6 . « « » 1 9 , » 5 » 2 4 . «

Salt of T hanb jiiV ln f T ab le Linens N ow in Pro(ress.

laoxo XND CEDxa s n .

■•ATF.RNOVN l•RtBA(:V .Vtl)l.m,KD.

Kiiwllali To«ii Thvvatrn* lo OalAo Ih* J r ra * , < Ity a* a Clrpaa Plaoo,

From till' Ni‘« Vai k Fi eii. V I’ateraoti. N. J.. lias for many year* held

the rHi'oril an linlnx ihr m l thiiif In elr- CUR towns, paced ur uRpaced. It achieved Ihl* illRiljiciinn IM lu I'iirly Uuy* throughllR femitiu-, inirnSnjt lnt#r#it In th il *rt-iiual day of duvi when the ckphant WWk- t%l arciuml ami th« hand henn to yUya anti thf rifnall hoyx near tno monkey*' iciM wi re WHiinfl to keep away—ftchtevod

T #aaN#waM#a eaBMH.kTR TIUM.MKIJ FUFaE OF €H.\K(iK,

Par Taa$4$y.tVowfletoe Ufa, i«M .




: that appear here daily—and vanish like lightning- I as soon as the price peeps out in the papers.

Madam— Be prompt to-morrow morning ifi you want to share in the following:

C O fT lt,JntMl ahaur,

rab, worth wl'nO R 8FT 8-aood quality,

rhlla oruud wear, laLADlbJS' HOfiK—Fin.' Slaoo oottau

black atorkingi, double aolei, hixh apllcrd henla, reiular I5c. value.

15m O llT mnnONB-Klxht colora,

vlaht -lattenia. right widtiix and rUtW rrieei.

CHH.DnEN'BBONNETB-Ben«alf*l Ilk. r«d, xornat. aray. while andothe. colora. handaomriv trimmed with lace '

15c. yd.and fur. worth fl.Nt, ipecial.

KbAit pure (Ilk tuTelita, xirlpea. plalda,

1b. Jo. I Inclira aide, worth TJ.-.9 8

22c. yd.ChansRubk

i) and n, uiun

I8c. yd.Chonaeahle (Ilk. IH tm n** wide, No.

to ond (0, uaiinl 4$c. vatu*.

A COAT BFKCIAL, - loidlea' flna black keravy lallor-made coala. doubt* . atitchod. alrap avama, ( rowa alltchinc around hot tom. iilald lUk Untnaa, now aleevea. perfeolly fluliiy, our irandanl ltd coat, Tuoaday for,

I>ou1il*-fanaJ aalln ribbon, all pqr* allk. worth I0e.. t Inrhea wide.

7 . 9 8Honest Purs The fu rrie r w ho supplies us with furs

know s his business; he is h o n est; all his skins a r t properly cureJ anti l ir e s s ^ . We

have handled and sold his entire ou tpu t fo r a num ber o f years and can depend on all hiS furs to retain their lustre and giVe good service and wear.

SKA I, (HAPKa-ElocIrlelaitn Ittied. uolti Iflmmrd with H• a

_________ ___ OaiM',tnti'd Feralau lamb yoke.

8m Italla and 4 head*, value

» . s oKI.KCTKIC BKAt.l'AFK, with polm-

; « l t'rralan iamb yok*, Iona tab frama, made with n tatla and 3 heads, refuiar value llJ.Sd.

F1:R ItOAB-lmItatlon Bton* Marten Roaa. with t hcadi and ( Uiie, worth

Klertrio Brat, with t tail* awl 1 lieadx.

r . « oImttBilon ItUrk liable. I tatla and 1


a TO 4 I*. M. BPKCIAL. Tuesday at- ternooM. ladle.' yood Sluatln Nlyhl-Sowna, with rluater of tucka, wide rut-

e. uniy 1 to any one cuatomer.

u e % G n e a o l x .t TO 4 P, M., ffORd qu*1ity Pure Linen

U*m*iU Towel!, frln*ed. «olore<l bor­der!, rvfiuJxr Ik*.. 2 10 * t’U!tomer,


BEAL L'OLLAKRTTKS. alactrlc aoal, made with Penlan lamb yoke. ( tatla, aailn lined, regular 16.91 value.

CHINCHILLA TRTMMKD E L E C -<TRIC BEAL c o l l a r e t t e , aamr col- lar irlla elxrwhere at tJ.90, hera, xpoclal 'at

MtLLINERV-Vour Thtiikafivliig Hut or Uonnet, If you want 11 to wear . that retlned tlntshed look If you want > It to xult your fate and show It up ' In all Itt beauty—we are expert mlllln- ' era of many yeara' experience, and ' have more farllltlee than othert lo ault ‘ you and your purae.

At 4.98We !how you « cboio* Obllec- , lloM of Velvet Trimmed Hxi* fur even*Itif or *tre*t W4-'«r th*i would coit you i■ria " *"tvria* the money anywhere else.

BASH BROS., 775 Broad.

123 piece Sets

$69,«New York houses wHl is k y o u ju st about 25 per cent, m ore

lor these high grade wares than we ask you .O th e r French makes here include th e Theo. Haviland and

Poiiyat in beautiful decorations in blue, pink , green and lavender — in 101 piece sets priced at

G erm an C hina Sets o f lOI pieces— form erly $ 1 4 .5 0 - a t litD.B.Y. O thers a t « 1 0 . S O , * 1 8 . 9 5 and 8 1 9 . 9 5 .

Porcelain Sets of 1 )0 pieces^—fo u r colors to select from — very handsome decorations— while th ey last—* 1 1 . 0 5 . >

T know a lady who wiif troubled with what her doctors termedIntestinal indigestion. Her last doctor had her pursue the Salisbury treatment, which consist* of eating only beef and bread dried in theoven and drinking all the hot water she could. I have seen her in t^e office where .she is employed walk along with a glass filled with waterBteaminor hot. The Salisbury treatment did give her some relief apd she persisted in it for three months. It was then that she was inducedto try Kipans Tabules, and now she finds that there are many eaubtei (chicken for insUnce) which she was not allowed to eat at first which she can now eat without distress. She says Ripans Tabules seem to counteract the acidity of her stomach. Their effect upon her has been wonderful and the relief she gets is as much as she eVer experienced with th e Salisbury treatment, and she can now choose from a roort liberal bill of fare.

*nif«iorft ro! rtVR cnm. TWAlp**ri!i f( Me iri «hrt**i 0 ~'OMtAWT. Kft. !*§!»£•*

Ten Cent Candy!K alaer 'x O tlt to Hlx l.ltlle D aqgh trr. From the Boaton llerxifl.

That wax a xweet praaent the butntltmi Kxlaer haU twalting the return of his only daughter. Prince** Vlctarf* I,oiil*e. to Fotadam, the other day,'and It mutt ha •aid *0 Indulgent a father I* to be oom- memlcd by American pnrenta. The little :lrl I* the apple of her father'* vye—even

Look for our specialtiw oo the TEN CENTS a pound coanter. All good, wholesome candy—our own make.Lowney's Chocolates, 6oc, pound.

^1*1 I* the apple or ner fxiner t vye—even ’ he doein'l think much of the eex In gen­

eral—and thl( lateit offering to hi* Idol

It. In ehmi. In the ],rimi;viil jperlod Of Ihe "p;iB-rl|ia" i-livu*. That iiohillty hath.II*

wa* a iittle donkey etrrlage and a p*tr of gr*y moke*. Tho *nlmal* are being driven every day In the new palace ground*, *0 ** to bo reidy for thelv baby m litreu , who Juit now I* only allowed lo

157 Market Street 677 Broad Street

oliHxuilone wur m-ver morn clearly felt Ilian 111 ihi ixep uf Pat.reon »no Ita unique honor: for though lu later year* thr effoi ia of ih« cltlien) of Paler»on to live up to I’u'lr tetalillihed repulatlen broughi i!o«u on their rtevoteu head* every eon nf oiHlckl nllrrrnl In their ef­fort* 10 roiici-mrnic their attention on llirrc ring* and an elevated platform all at orof-io vdy noihlng of ihe alrain at- tenUuni on reiidlug the prea* agent'* ad-

S ey know every Inch of the drive*. To pleiee th* eye of tht* wUed Prtncr»*chen, the lUlte c*rrl**e. which la ii apeHe* of doll-itke wagonette, le flUed with ill lo rti a t xayly colored ptoture* ind erimion vel­vet eeatl. A white whip «nd white harneaa with red roeette* llnt«h off Ihe emart equinig*. »*•* u*. H'* line to be a Prin­ce** »oin» kind of Prlneeaie*, when theyare young >°it ‘en jtrl

them and give lum p; of auger, unlll Inch of the dri'

Jevliveii-yeL ui,.y ,tood bravely to their ai lf-»ppo!nipd ia«k, iiotwUhitaiidhig the


TO CALL.if they m ake a fuss and splu tler about getting in to the wash tub on Saturday night. T hey would appreciate the convenience o f a nice hathrooni just as well as ttve g row n-up folks. If y o u haven’t one in your house, call and see the m odels we have fitted up at our store. It will do you g o b d ; _____

iHct iti5t iIh'v lA'prc frowlivg andlh»t-uR ilnvy Bdiniiti'il Kmong ihf^m»«lVM “U W9H Htl awful hOTF.

Fnt PaiFiMJii. N, J.. lia* rrtrived _ Rhoek; »iiu )t not wl*e at pr*i*nt to inotiHon wUhlii the hearing of ono of lU cltjgpn* ()i$; $niiij«ri of an Aufilo-Afiifrloan ulhartcc. Tlic i-ahlF! havi* brou|ht (« lh*lr earn from «vvr r**ur the aRtoundltiK n*w*Ihnt au Kfiglldh manufftCturlng town, Bol­ton, 111 Lancatihlr#, Lo h* explfiit, ha* hudthe timerlty 10 ih* UK* againatthfir oily uiirt iip hpiuvR rf.’ord. -A* the Korv riiuR, when Harnum*! Circui ai- rlv8d In Hoiion the oth<‘r d*) the fiuWfy hantlH for a "day oil" lo iee iheaho*'. Ami, u|K»n bring feruaril thI* fHVOr, they urompHy Kruch and w*nt off to pom lUeir •iiiifingii Into Ui« Up oi! ihe u!iuie fircu* man,

The tiarrailve goe* on lo relate that tti'coraingiy ‘ IniMlntiii wa* praetkaliy ai 2, etundiHlI except In the citvua tenta/* Tnl* phraic la «o partleulariy the pi*op-

that lU Inhabitant* ar^ juatlfied In proieatlng ugalnat It* uan In conneotlpn with nuch an "unlftiowfi" a* Holton, Laiicanhlre. And they take imaU comfort In th« Muggritlon that ihe Eng­lish corremioTnIrnt who cabled UiU har- rowing tafr- uf rivalry waa probably a Paieraoiilan himself. Meanwhile ibeA*’iJO‘Amerlcau alUancfi la a gore |$o1nt I*! “ '^1 if olrout m anagarhd" f unliooked daya on gTi hanas, It

wlie^for him to p,ftch hi* ItjOUthiIn P»ter*on. For the people are acjtlfiig

!•>' >1 Opportunity to ahow M M K Lam.feaihlr*. that In th* m a f-----# - -**-ju* town-wheii cm

T.—ll 1* only oDg


200$202 ms f i m t u


m m

H A V t Y O U S t S N T H I W O M A N * * N E W § 4 . 0 0 S H O E 7

Coaiem bench m rk . Had* on. g lo it th a t Sqnsf to gny h i |b f n d * wbmsn’slioaS,, ksffif;

) of Wii*t hid and with frea ta t auW 'tvssypsh warranted. CsP

: l 8 , , A N i . V - n •

e ip y S t^ J

S p e c i a l « « P o r k ,Krem Ak I tc a im .« .................. .l ^ r e s s l k w s t k o u l d e r * .. . . . . . . .r v o l tX M l > M r l cA d T e n t a i n i A m n K e .................I v l t t lc M c stA m n jy re ......... .W s a tn lc e E l I B n o O M .........n o l o i c r x f X ........ ... OM....................... -a a o lo i c iA C S g w t k O i e a A l e .

■A» t a k m e a t m a r n ^

fD isj

li F l u


lyla Iof hi buili wool couk ararS

; ll

. 'll i:u '.lo iJ7JURu. ' .*:'' "

/ii* # A » K BV BinN e ira w S f^ iio N ^ Y . No v e m b e r m , is 98.

THE SiU. UK flin .f D w p , M t S ttlo a B HMirwrmt In

' t k n H u u n b C ^ H i t v i .

H it t t U T L O n FOR M H IM IN .

P ta tC w M Alwm r* A m tm w tW h im Urn n B * i • M « k l , w * A f » » e e ie « lT t t » W b AMU- $mip mrnw HI* W r i t la * * i mmmrn a a i

m r s a t t M l x T b * r a U lB W v M • • I r *hm BaM * t l l to W * rtt .

h« W-,b«nt I n__ __

"OniM ■ f ta m r d h* . . . .h« oottM not MO th s ohUt - —— ^Bequalptane*, Juat w tf n* war* ttMlar • o a f MUsattoB to Imt.

"tfpo* MM ooMilga >t jao w -ih tn « u B aoBchtnt IttiWP tow ird th* frant, i i ^ M ^ m l a r ■>!*• u id t y f R n toh « the w b ^ loe tw < with 1 wI 1«m Io»I

ReliaUe A D J U S H I E N T S A L E RellaUeMerchaiidise . . . o r X lIB . . . Mercbaadlie

For Lcm Far ItnTban Cost D a w o t r a u s s t o c K Thn Cott

985-687 BROAD STREET, Rl WEST PARK STREETrootpo for Ibo n o d wortJ I

c t l u r ' M in u lV * ’

ononlionr u MMM u

T ro a Tbo U to ta r r D i(M t lowiiOl L. Clomopi, It, Boaoidlna to Cbp-

Irhi 9 n rtlio , o poUwllc Ofuro-UM victim of hloowB w tto M bMtcw. HO|lotooUtim bualD«m of mU rto« fmt lor tho wotrU, uwt would do •iDWH pnrtldBC to ovoid It If ho could. S o t bo ooanot. Naluro toH oot hlo work for bhn, oad deopitt hlmaelf ho boa to MfCarai IL

N r. im irtba waa with Iforfc lo tha lot- t r r 't u lk lo c trip arouad tha world, and undartakaa in Tbo Pall MaU Maoaalno ta ravoal thio aarioui aid# of the bumoriat'a cbaroMar. Ha battna with an Inoldaot th a t aohlbila on* of tha paaalilaa th a t hu­mor hrtaca. ■ H r. Ctamana on hla reoaot taw , vIHtad lha famoua "Towara of M- laooa" In India, and ana af tha p a r tr daalr- ad to Biaka a anap-ahot of tha aocna, but parmliaion waa paramptorlly rafuaad. Thia prIvUasa hod alwapa baaa aocqrdad to atbar IravalllMi partloa, and Mr. • tn r tb a analoaalp aakad why It Mould ba danlad tbaai. A Paraaa friaod praaani raplled Without h rtlta tloa i "T har a n afraid Mark Twain wanta tha pIctjM for tba purpoaa of maklnp tun of tba n w a r a ' '

fianaath tba foam of fnn and fancy, Mr. Smytba naauraa na, tbara la In Hr. Olaaa- aa'a nalnra a owrraat of daap and anH aa- ttva tb o ifh t ; and tbara ara abundant prooff In "A CennacUout Tankaa a t tba Court of Klnb A rtbur" and "Pudd'nhaad Wllaon,” th a t tb< W iittr haa qutta aa Anna f ra ts of to n a of tha pntbund p ra t-----of Ufa aa m any of tha •pedallaia 1 Aaothar avldanoa af tba raal aarloui of hla cbaractar la lha tact that, am oni bta hooka, hla own prafartnea U for ‘T ba Prlnea and tba Paupar" and “fonn nt ^^"^w W gll^am oartnfoly not the fnvoiitt

PundanM nlaSr, lha aa tbar of "Tha In- noeanta Abraad'’ appaari to ba a la d a u aa- vant who haa baan aoduoad from tba patha of U fk MTioiiaBaaa by tba fatal oaeoa of tha ridkiuloua. Tbit viaw, aaya Mr. Bnytha, la furikar ahawn in ' tha wav- knowB dataatatlen Mark Twain boa al- wayalM d for lha f r lv ^ ty and m b n ^ y of the Pranch character and In tha liomada ba boa poU to lha aarlawaaaaa and aoUdlly of tho uarm ana Ha baa a ourloua c lu tton . oua llta riry ai ‘ . . . . . .hooka ntr ba raada

______ , ^ WUent waa talUp* Mr.Clemana of lha Htlia c rM u rP a oaUfl

of a diffarcnoo of a j ^ o n natween b her p aren u aa lo lha p

.ooalbla iln a Aa ft happi.------- . . ...waa riwht: wberaupo Mr. O em eni Inalated

—.ween l. . precise number cned the child

then and there, before the banquet, upon being alloired to write a ahorl w ta to hla unknown h ttlc tm n d . givinit bar hla aignad daolanUon th a t bar otatam aat waa eorraot—th a t tbara wore only Hi alua, and atj tba exparta In tba panitantlarlea of--------------- ■ ‘ bam abU lo Hivaot any

ihia axoaadlng lovo nf

much antoU o|^

oada*?rewBlng only, anA ntra n g a 'io an Thackeray. OoUamltb and Addl-

h t navar could expand a minute. Hla

ana Ha naa a ourloua giutton- appeilta for nearly all Einda at I iwoka of poatnr. Of the paaia

iiy, and, ntranga to

tba world bad not mara. TUa taalt, ibla axcaadlng imm nf ahlldran. la a vary Juat Index to tba wndla eharaoter of Mark Twato, who In r tn t many raapecta haa tba heart and dlwoof- tlon of a little ebltd.r a ^ E ^ ^ b la U u b S iif^ ^MOnga, but one of bln Jataat A em fa an unconadoua place of aalf-porin itu ra . where the author aaya of a ebaroettr, 'aa Wba a iw u a ao good kind, and moony, and aboant- minded and lovable.' That la the real Mark Twain, who. Is ble Inna of the young and koMc aarlouinani of hla eharac- le r,d o ae ly reoemblaa tba author af ‘AHct In w ondertand.' "


S e n o r d a lh o w th e W e a k e r t a x t t n a d a a g m a ll C hannn n f B a in s ,tw v n #

W knw C a n g h l l a a D laantne. ^"Women nnd children Orat" la one of

tba oldaat tradltlona of tha aaa. I t la nn eider of Ihinga unhreraally racofffiltad by offlcari and Hllora, and the ship Captain who rafuaad to obaarva auoh a rule would meat with tmmadlata and watl-merUad dlograoa.

Many ara (ha atorlaa of martaa dlaw tara which lall of lha beralaM of o a c a m giM men who remained with their finking ofalp until every woman and cblld waa aafaly away, tom e timaa luch dIacipUna and courage coat thaoa noble man tbatr llvaa and ooma llmaa not. If they do i death, they go down proudly consoloua of having done their duty.

But there are eaasa where tba rule of "woman and chlldran drat" baa not been carried out. There a re some dark pagei bi the hletory of maHne dlaaetera where one can read bow lha weaker aax were

CorMtg.Aa UMvIad lotof mdoa oonak,

made by one of lha leading man- ufaeturen, all dan , aclaally worth ISc.. a l t price

•’4 ^ ) O b

CofMt COVMt.kada of nod quaitty mnatla,

they an well dniabed, lha kind nually mid for lOc., « la pciaa

^ O b

U n d tr tk I rU .Konhlmln paWliviala. hiU an

•oiimoiit of laimt Myim and aMpaa, Bannel lined and lufflw lined with eanvaa, legntor yiloia fl.A mil ptica

Carrtac* Covwn.Caitlogc Ooven of Rna whUo

ihMpakin, laiga aka poahat , lined Unoothonl, beautiful a i liT b our •a la ^ c a

a . 4 Q .K ntt U B d t r w w .

Bibbed Unloa HUa — flees#. liaad-they a n parlsclly made and well llnlibed, usually teld ftac 76c.

Cloak and SuitDepartment.

To be able to ourchONe a yanueot, eipeolallT eueb faandaome, gtjltgh, well* made yarnMnta lor lew than Iteogtto make them, at rack • time aa thU; Juxt when they are moat In demand gliould make It neoea- tnry tbr >oa to take advantayc of tliU op> Rortunlty.

will alma outenr aaUn lotof VakHiraod k vnu)h Q w B toM ln. loBg, worm at.....7 o « 7 C B

i i l s T i i i E

208 to 216 ^riiiKfieid Avenue.

A o o t t a l R D o m M a k in g S a le .S t o c k m u s t b e r e d u c e d , c o u s e q i e n t l y p r i c t s w i l l

r e d u c e d , a s w e m u s t h a v e r o o m f o r d i s p l a y i n g o u r I s f f a

s t o c k o f h o l i d a y g o o d s .

Beavy M«M DmM , ina yarUa nbl*. iam‘ wUlai la oanir b ^ -sspTjsrJKpM

TaMa Paddlac-t i mli lnr Table Padding. Uw iry W qnalliy^M Incbw wide, nolly aeid forM iisrrM A a la

A ha olOTaaRalala pbavluto, NoTelUei and sUb-tnlehadHobalr. tfl p n a i f M aiam inonta tia n t M a iiW

(kUdma'a Long Ooaa In bniodeloih and two taasd Panas, HI lha Mwmt ttylsi, with aylUh coltan, bold c r rlbboB lilniMd,alam fmtn » lo i yean. U oith^R ^ A ?BlH ......- ......— .......... .. .............................." 4 r n l 7 l ! »

UMnwIljfp iM a ^ r a id ,

UBn TowglHag,PUM all lUnallamalarToiitl-

Mg, nUba with n d bonlau oiu, ally fold lor Me. per yank aala p ik a par laafl,

O e#

n n a Impoitad Cla oat Jet and itlk apn aik radlnaai, worth Ir

H. yj and 30 Inchat loai, Idnunad with qua Hoed thiwifhourwith heavUat n Macs lo Haou

A U u E u .Vud wMa blanched

_______ ____ eipai________________natural taxte has been debauched by uewa- papar reading. Ms drltghta to pore over even a dull nawapaper, and wtit ploh up one In prafam ica to any bool..

But to r all this ba la by ntf means lo- dlBtfont tn oarvlng draftamanablp In lat- tara. H a now apanda a great deal of Urns ravlatng bia manuscript. Ha wrote "Tba Innoccmx Abroad" In two m ontha aver- u ln g i,0M words per day. "Wolloartag tba E q u a t o r a book about tba same slaa, re­quired eight montha. beildes the Uma oc- cupltd In making natoa Mr, gmytbe aaya;

‘'D uring the Inceplltm of a work, Mr. CItmanx llv a a a Ufa of aacatic aaclualon, scorning alt axerclae aod recreation. He

I goes lute ble study a t about f In lha morn- iim, aod wlU not k av a h k manuscript till toward l la tha evening. During the tmerval, the only nouriibment ,he allowe htmoelf la tobacco, which, roughly apeak- l<W, ha anokea all day. Tha conaUtutiaa Which tolarataa this ahum k the puxile of pkyilolana, for although the pulse and tem pem ture nre commonly auiploloaaly nlmormnl. Mr. CIcratna anjoya tolerably robust tMalih. The book fln lan^ and dla- p a ls h ^ to tba pobltaher, Iti author pm - ceada to fornat K aa a i r i l y aa paoalble. and oflUnarUy auooaada. Lockhart relataa how, whan ‘The Bride of lom m ennoor’ waa pUead for tha Oral tine , In Ite oom- p M t abape. >• A rott'a handa Ua antbor old not racoUoct one elngla IncldnnA ohar- aclar or oonVTrsatlon: and a n in , Thack­eray atatea th a t when once Woking over some back numbera of 'Pendennie,' he came upon 'a paaaags which I bad utterly taiwottan aa If I had never written It,' But a ir W alter dictated T h a Brld7*% a lima whan ba was In great physical u ln , and tba composition of 'Pan' woe Ipter- m ptad to a savare lllnaaa.

"Mr. (Banmna forgata the laMdanta and paaaanaa In bta b o ^ with provoking and InaxpllcaMa regularity, A « Inatanpa of tkla ha reeonta la hla (Kant volubih. I t w u a t hla Brat raadibg ta Malbourna. wbaa tbe boys In the gaSery ahoutad out, aa soon aa he appeared on the atage,^ ‘la to dead, M a rk f Tha author failed to ^ e e t to Incident referred to until some hours a ttar. Again In tha aaraa chy a lady ntoed him to Include In hla programme the elory

For the life of Mm be

^ Vud wMe biaachail Mndlii. Y l ira avea Lbiaad, mat aofi flikWa ^ good quaUH, mgular prioe to. ^ epedal, yard

O 4 i o .

im plecm of Bod, tPhlta and Sloe BiinUog lor dnpaar ngd aQ HtTkitIc pgqinaaa can not ba intobt lor law thaw to , apadil.

Bopp’ W m b U .Boyi’ WalsW in flannsla and

petcaka, praCty pattenu and nant cSecta, aaonllyaoM forSto each, akp itce

Stuttgarter Underwear.A b n k m lot of this standard brand of undaO'

w a r tor men ami women, Shiru, Druwan, Veatd gnd PanU. Early comers wll) probably And their l lu . They biwuitiatly sold4or H 1.75Wl.T>p«rKhnneot,aaleprice

H o s i e r y D e p tl a c o m p o t a d o ( a m o o t c a r e l u l l y o e lc c te d ■ to o k o t lA H lIeg*, M liu ieg ' a u t i C b l l d r e n ’s P U N n a n d f r a n o y H o ik . A n y t h i n g y o n m a y h a v e A A iiio y f o r t n i n c h g o o tU e n n b e b o a g h t h e r e t o r le a a t h a n I t c o g t t t o tm - p iy r t o r m a k e t ta e m .

lA dkyM ncklagi-A beauUhil line o( opeuwwt Ihk b(^_Maek with fancy toys, actually wonli He.,

F ra n e h P l u n g l .Puia all wool luoda. In dota

Wrlpaa and Bguiaa guarantacd huuooloa. usually sotl lot Ho. par yard, m k prica

B ld i r f o w iu . Bdardoaras In cbeclu.Wool

asMt chi ______

woitb s to , ank price■lalda and plain eoiatik ittttabit m e i i n iv r i qomu, tic.,

lUgnkwtg...Koyal Ema cnutonla Wool BlaolisM, im slia, all law aolor tnedsa UMially loM lor MW p u pale, aok prim

3 . 4 T .


aflact, uaaato aol/to% c!!^Sa prior.?... l « oChOdnn'a FlaJn Klbbed Caibniere Uoee, US' w ■

nally mid lor Me., mla prim ...» .._~_ .................I g c w O

Ladlaa' Malauni Vool Haas, in all a la a pri w taw H .,.,. Mot fooda, anally told lor 3to, i t k prioe_____ M S c S O

llenk Heavy OoUco Half Base, donbla k Ih w Ww . . . aod high ipiload htcia wnrtb tto , utla price......... 1 « 7 0

Dragg Oeodg.All cur Imported novaltlas, this

eann's lapcrtaSlMia la two- toned poMliw, vriouw and ko- quant eulUnga la a laega variaiy d sh ad se in d H y k a iuwae ptlea no. lo Me., aak prioe, yard.

S U h i.Mack Bmonda inttn, loM da-

Wgto wanrnnted j a m silk, ex- edlaat quality ai 7 9 ^ sraelol

of tha yanow dog.- recall thecould

th a t at tlonli

talhteat outlloa of waa only a tta r men-

t h » l» ° t£ a rsquoal to Ms wife th a t he w ^ to m liid sd of tha Incident tn -Pudd'n- h e ^ Wlwon,' tb a la l t t t book he had pub- llabed.

‘T h e Udev sqnandared by Mr. Clemens upon the construction of hla atnlencss la largely It* awn reward; and his e iper- iaoeas tsntlfy to tba fallibility of erltl- clom In even amualng measure. Upon no work h u ka lavished more care than upon Joan of Are,* which la the result ot seven re a r t ' labor. Aa tba narrative purports to ba from tha pen of Le Bievr de Conte, P W and aecrtlary to Joan, a atmpla- Mnded, uncultured country squire. Hr. damana*a objtot waa lo throw o i h k ununl ..••J’le. and aWeot ,o n t o t stmiite, oiratghtforW ard unadornM Eugltab. Tba d tv am n ea of opinions, even among laad- tng cm les, upon hla lllaeary style boa toen so b m le a s ly Irretoncllable that It la not aurprialw th a t during twenly-flva yaara no bpc* haa bean sent, with Clamana’a pem ission. '/o r eavlaw.*

J t o r k Twain's style there m ust baeaaaaiUy ba tdUferant opinions. Uore- ovtr, bta p t r f ^ a n c e a are unanuaL H a u t o e pnaa-w rlte r p n ta b ly a t his wore! In T h e ^ o c e n t s .% o a d ; ' at hla beat In T ba Prteoa a ^ the F aupar and 'Huck TlnB.' Nor la he IhsenaTble of bta falllnga In this raapacL One avaning, a t a dinner

In & h o re , a gentleman remarked, . through

and I

k f t to battle aa beat they could for placet In the overcrowded lifeboats or were beaten away from the Ufa ra fts by brutalSilloca or forsaken on aocna sinking ahip,

ut such cases, happily, are rare. Shipwrecks where women are neglected

are nowadays untally oaaei o t coulrioni and eudden accldenta. where a panic ariaet the paaeengeri and the weaker anas ara trampled under foot In the mad rush for tbe lifeboats or thoae nrracka where there la no Urns for eonaldtratlon, and the olllcera have no opportunity to axerclae their authority.

Interest in tbe question aa to the tre a t­m ent whlon women tn ahlpwrecke reoalve haa been aroused by the sinking of the Mohegan and the fact th a t a small pro­portion of tha women were saved from the wreck. Mias Katherine B. Noble, of Bal­timore, Who Was one of the tew eurvtvore of this leirlMs wreck, taoa told the story of her experienoe,'and a thrilling tala It la.

When the Mohegan crashed on tbe rocks oft tbe Llxord, la tie Noble was aelf-poa-teesed enough to eelae a life preearver and ru th on deck. B ut betara the Ufeboati

rad the vassal turned partly uga wave swept completely •ck. T to plucky Baltimore raalt by cUngltig to a dtek-

could ba lowered the vassal turned partly over, and a huge wave swept completely acrom tka deck. ~ ‘ "Elrl saved heraalt -----.

ouaa, aiM when tba Wave sw aM M at at- tem ptsf to eUmb Ihto tba rIggWg. -Hlaa Noble’s elothtng, wklcb by thia lima waa soaked with water, Imptoed bar move- nwnta, eo she ellppad gO her shtwn and her outer eklrt. ^

“I w ai oUnglng to a kbieb with one a t tbe oflloere,’’ said H k e Noble bi da-

iriaiBciiblng her exparnuca.NobU

"vriisa an Im-


n innocanta Abroad’' the other day.waa turprlaed to diMovar a glaring

F In ,g ram m ar.' 'If you only found rtpijnd Mr. ciemena, 'yon ware for-

T to iaat tiaia t tookad a t It, to . . my raeroory of a paaaaga, I diacov-

^ ac o iw ' Btri tbera Ta o n a le a tn ra In Mmk T m ln ’a written page th a t nMrita notlotj be haa never found It needful to step ahtalde the covers of an English dte- th M an to expraaa bla tboughta. Ha I never b M auTltjr of that parade of aru tWD whleh lliida expramlon tn tba use •taraatypad fa n ig a quotatlona that, Car from im prorlng lh a aantanoa Into w b l^ they are raiporfad, dabaia It aa a spaedmen of goto Ibigllah. In thia raapact hla style M d d lc tlto although p o a f l^ , oa Mr. lA to ava/L purely Amartcaa, a n not un- w onhv to tmltatloD by many i m , a s f ir . Iw n i^ & iiM f. VMdagala tbatr pnre Bng-pnre Bng-

. --------- jm t qumaiiuvia,q n T n A T t b S a

riar a good deal of .................1 talk on the Tattar*a p

Jim c_______ ...tug |wme, 'Is Mqrk

■M TuLw A g o g ^ apefood deal o I the Tattar*a I with whenMark Twain ........................

4n I samambor tha to ltor nf ^ leading

evening n nnd artar aerioua tal

Jaal ot TatantM M lir------------, the Tattar*a p a r t said to aion M end wlth_whom be waa wmlk-

■ I never lerlnuaT'p a to r aakliig Mr. Clainaat whether------not oartain paaauaa In hla

h d s a r l r ware not mtanded to ba groat erltla and t t o lournal-to funny. Tha

M wara allkai.__|to lon th a t I n 'a l lsht.

rttai tha bui

! g rea t critic and the journal poaaaaato with the sa in t sui ------ ” aifc T w tm aaya or

.tlon ta ever pran- Parsta , a«d a

:r, Q jahM ^a firstX

keep afioat l was onvsn ag au u t a pta a n d seised It d a m l r t n ^ .

"Ip the rush and roar «< tha aeati th e ft came to m e conatanUy th e ate o f a woman who waa m acuto after t BUha foundered some yrora ago. She hod been for five boura In tha .water, and the thought of bar long atruggla, wMcb.andto tn rencua, gave me freak opnraga. I n lu u . to that plank In tba wavea for thras bcuMi Than a Ufaboat came along, and 1 waa


Leas p ic tn re a g M T h a n O tfear Onntl'- n e n ta l f le a p a r to .

Prom tho PsII Mall Qaaette.i t la well for Portugal than one travela

first through Bpiln; the diecomtorta of the la tter making thoae of tbe former sink Into Inalgnlflcance. Tbe moment one la over tbe frontier the dUterence la felt. Tbe change In the type Of face la also seen a t once. Tbe ra lb e r ugly fehturaa, to Bkin eo dark aa to auggast Moortsk or. African blood, the thlclo Upa and lovely soft black eyes are dlatlnctly Portuguese. They make a ra th er plain ensemble, but It la chancterlatic and Intereatlug.

Llabdk Itself, although pooaeaslng a mag­nificent bay, does not bear comparison for natural beauty with Genoa or Napleii, but It baa Its points, and greet ones For a seaport It Is clean. I have penetrated In­to the poorest and oldest quarters, and have found that there la no street, no m at­ter bow short., narrow or poor, where a lady canoot go w ithout eomfort. Naples, aa we all know, has much to learn lo this reapect. And 1 cannot see th a t Uabon loses muob, If any, of Its plctureaqueoeis because ot Its cleanliness. The houses ot the lower classes are moeriy tiled outride In the softest o f colors, w lu e o th en are whitewashed In blue, pink or green, giv­ing tbe quarter an a ir of gayety and a well-to-do aspect th a t Is vary attractive.

Ot actual pressing poverty one sees noth­ing. Poor there ara, and beggars, but of tbe worst kind of w ant 1 have seen noth. Ing, and I do not believe It exiate lo any great extent. The prisona. however, have Inmates; ot th a t I hod ocular evidence. In going along a atrost I h to rd a laugh, and apme one eaytng, "Tea, yea,” with a atroUg foreign acoanL On Invaallgatlon It provid ta be a wom aa babind a barred arlndow, who waved her hand and smiled, aod than went on w ith h er aonvereatlon with a Mend in tha atraat. However, there aannot be m any o lleadan , for theC ilice icem to bare bu t llttla to do. The

ttar wave a faualneaallka a ir about them, ■mail aa a rule, but s tu rdy and rigorous and axtremely polite.

D atli one gets accuatooMd to It pnrtu- gal la a tnoet eailstyliig pWea from a finanolBl point nf view, but than one's pockets are atutfed w ith banknotea Toogive y su r banker fS and raoalve In return notaa, targe and emalL am ounting to I3.H< ra ta One's hotel t M ^ u r a A y la analo m lp g document on tba fUea of It. For tn a U m ; Hot to tb , M rola: ahave. b»

bnakfaat, HO rota; l u n ^ l H» rela; rale; d r lu a , M orals; room,

M—ralat total, (,030 re it~ which meansploksd up."


Lninng m e w ™ »,.•ohIUer In tha EngUrii abanari tw aa tr- th n a year* tgO|. w t . oua wuamn W m. aavto, although forty-thraa man aaMpadallv a I t seems a lameutabla and yet a i i ^ . culler oatudflanoa th a t only on# woman, tM ■hoold to to toon aava^ from tba n - pant w rack '


ncuimoad hgro 1------------ ------------- --

; wrack of tba ataamar Bourgogua o sa r nd.

saw tb s big bun to a fbU loom In___ ■ ■ Mra, Oaaaa. uia rthe dlaastar, "and alm aat tmme

to tog," said ] f the dlaastar,bare came a trsmandona oi.

ataamablp oaraanad over aa bar ali t t o wavwx waabad In apd fw apt


barolne &

of t to d l a a i t ^ to a ra ft on tba i« K . * a h t t J

H er busbato

waabad ovar- M to tba rpft,


fiSStbaw ata r. and boCbSeated tim a btoors they waro vaaoUad._ f o t Buch caM f a s ttoaa are a j ^ t k m a l , W m an , .1 a n ils, » M v a a t aoafirst emu'In caaas

T b slv D«wwlb B ar* B a p l« l a Taatb T b M ta AAb U b.

t to PblladelpU a tosiger. j T b s Rngsr n a lb to tb s Kutiutn special grow ./n o n rapidly. In cbOdren th in In Oduits,. and tba grow th hs oloweat witb tba aged. Botb tn childhood andaca-tbey grow faatar In aummer ilian tn vrlater. In one toatanea a nail th a t, required 131 days to tensw V In w inter ranowad In aummar In axacuy U | dgyc Durlfig both seasons tha patient upon whom tm a exvarlment w u M ^ anjeyad normal health . Tbe malhod Af teaHog ibis groartb w as In each in- iU J M the aam a^ T Iu aaft iaaa pared oleae u d allgbily I f t ’ w d t t o ^ h T and


C b la a g e B n d e a v e re re D ls lr lb n la Tbeea le H e e p lla la a n d SInms.

B o w tb e W o rk la C a rted Oa.I t seemi one of life's little Ironies that

Chicago, known unto Its enemies as "the city of wlckeduaaa, pork and wind," should be the home o t the largest flower tnlulon tn the Ijmtad Statea. Thlp {ondillcn of p ltg im .'ltow rvcr.jh Dot .-vtllAqut Ite p lu s- an t ithoughta. I r i s In the itu ins and the hoapltole of a great city th a t flowert, eug- g u tlv e to stmaklne and open aklea and exhaling tbs' perfomed sw ee tn au of pure a ir and Indolent breeaes, are moat wel­come and most longed for.

Tbe present gigantic proportions of the work done by the Chloago Hewer m lulon la due to the Young People's Society of Chrlitlan Endeavor. The different mem­bers of th is society In tlllnots, Iowa, Mich­igan, Wisconsin and Indiana co-oparate In supplying the bulk of thb flowers diatrtli- uted by th is active m lulon. Tbe railroads

p iiTM B im m T M now B M ,

and the railway m r o u ooropaMat oarry the baaketa and b o m to f l o w e r i f i u ' of


P e e a l ia r H e g a la l tn a a W h ic h O avarn F la y r r a a a d A odleneca .

Prom The UramaUc Nawa,In no other oonntry but Cuba la the

presence of the public tolerated In the theatres during raheareola. Cllmatle con- alderatlons of couraa explain why reheam- tla are called a t T A U., but no Cuban 1 aver spoko to could give any reason why. In Havana, tha public ahould be permitted to attend rehearoale free of charge.

Tha law d o u not allow a negro to appear on tbe Cuban stage, with the result that tho Spanish actors are extremely probd, kpd If applause Is withheld are prone to Wax extremely wroth. As white women la Cuba would think It derogatory to ap- p u r aa supers, ibe law which regulates the theatre li so fa r relaxed aa to allow black women lo a p p u r on the stage. But the male negroea, except as keeepers when quadrupeds are introduced, are stern ty prohibited. In tha ilock playi which con­tain charaetere untulted for white per- forenere palmed m u la tto u are loleratto.

As every town In Cuba has lu dramatic censor, and ail t h s u gentlemen have their awn views m to how a work should be t r u tM , a play rendered eulteble for Ha­vana frequenuy re q u tm a completely dtf- ftren t aupervlrion for, say BanilSKO, N eedlen to u y , a ll ptaye that have under-Rone a doubla oenwrahlp are quite uee-

ae for p reun ta tton . The authorities, not sven the oeneora being able to cope with eartbquaku , are careful mainly because they ore fond o t attending the theatres themHlvee, to see th a t no ilres occur.

Every theatre during a performance has upward of fifty black Iximberoa or firemen ready to extlngulab outbreaka. The pit In the Cuban thaatraa la reservto for white gentlemen, ami the first tier, which la only ralsad about a foot, so that conversation may be Indulged in, for white women. As Cuban women, when vlalting the theatre, love to sport as many rlngi as thetr nn- geri will bold, they do not wear gloves, u o s t women of position bring their at­tendants w ith them, but these poor iinfor- tunatea are oot parm lttad to aharc In the fun, for they ara eompalled to alt on the poor baWnd tb a ir mUtressai.

Tha tinkling of a ball outside during the perfonnancels tho rignal for the play to atop to enable all present, actors Included, to kneel down and cross themaeivcs. The tinkling ball means th a t a procession of priests is passing to administer the holy aacrameDt to a dying man.

charge, and every T natday home of the society In u>« AthsM aum

morning tha..... ... . . . j Athaoaaum

Building la tranatorm ad Into a groat odor-“ 1 tHatla beautiful I n t to floral woriA

Ae fast aa m e ilow an coma In the bou- lueta ara pkckad In — - - -


qu . _the luoea flowaro

g ^ T T a l l, . coma r

lU and tables. Ip. the e |i for - her.

iben to tbs

- M rd o r two FUMMme than one

eangltt to r J ^ a« i- ------ ^ i^ d , (

ganaro ll aangars t b a f aeaman a tM t k r the M tn children finiU"

Ktotr with t^e length im o re e a i* --

- otB aa*fin fkc n iM ia fingar the

Thuswe._ nJlli MNUttl Of tn#ItijUie Opgtn thMti



3«'a .1 . , • -f .■ I

a i r S S r i M r a B ^

" la , ..’Jl* .I*?

( to Angara on either aids of , — -w—. --Aiar tha period a t renewal Is

a to m eqaal and slower. I t la even more •Mw Uk tto^^ttft^flngar, and the tlowsA

tbe same flngera on the dtf- , it will to found that the

left hand Ungers require about longer to ressaw than thoae ot nd*

^ Icular t t o grow th of the nalli P OBd baard are governed by tha lUiiihM o t growliig m ore rapidly

A k a n ln w ista rT't ----------- —

Mr to lv a M b y ChlUUcar (aw tunny oaow an a wall-

to Chisago racalvad In ax- a r t:' la t to moat diluted pot-

iwnUkTy oiuuL*' na of evolution began with to Itfa an d flrbw U gbri and It a t loat ragenaratad Into

I r-p fowM waa io alow that i t o S ^ . M r t to maa kMw

' laaaot, (BMathtoa I t l i m 'r e n r

t to


( w m a a r iy p ^ S

r c J T . v v ;

oriea and irii

Where lha; task Bomtan antire.Bonatly believing reclpteul'e bal la very mack morethrown In by an axL _

Many o n the 'MMuant gaapa of admiration iw th a fiowar xirix'bncity hoapltals

In the winter t to re a re M any more tm,tlenta in tb r boapltala a M t h e “ ” -—COlduring ICfarlatian Bnaeavoraro i tore anotbar year baa gaagad'to Mva a gMenhouaa of tbair ownTiFmat an adA q o ^ lapply nan b* grotag por the wtntar mgntba . —

During tba tnnnlay if'ear tha variaiy of t t o hat ooma p c m lto in '

teoua ro tei, to lhous Dloeaoma with hof phlox al

a t earitributea , and delioactaa, pai

IC h r ia l rIng and i u a a Urn*..H i . -

N w o r n a 1I t la a fact iHtM '

trntb, navartbalam, Kiot, ' lah obtained pOMaHlM i t L back as tlip RpanlniBa - to 'R r iF d Mcaatand th a t they acHi Intarast In th a t M NNF i r e not y«t eonqMrua. U nih their mind they atill ap ' tty a foanJali Oovti ta r, oa often aa theaonnm t to Btltiah Ids Gevarnar, and M vsr aata foot tn C


( to

N ervonn Toning W om ca Given In - a t rn o t io M ( o r T hia Oecaslon.

From tha Cbloaga Chronicle.Confldanoa and repose are two attrl-

butaa much to be desired by the girl who la lo act In tbe trying role of brideamald. N et many young women ar^ posaciscd Of tbe requisite nerve, end when called upon to face the ordeal they display their totiolency.

Of couraa every girl hopes lo be a bridae- mald at lao tt once In her life end wlsbea to oarry off t to part with grace, dignity and e c la t Bhs Wiibea to enter the church fend walk alowty up the alile with a man- p tr th a t shall win golden opinions from fell aorta o f paopls. Bhs wlshse to step graoefully out ot tbe way of the bride Inian the party turns from tha i l l t r , to mooBga to r train wall, to polal her toes p roper^ and to carry her bouquet, Toaca g w or prayarbtok In tbe moat artlitlc

Bo many have fallen short ot all thia thatb clavar and brUllant New York woiMn,

ft. Blaanor Ueorgen. director of a dra- tnatlc oohool, baa underuki'n to Inatruot oaolaty wotneo in tha requlremenla ot th is difficult sliuatkm.

jK n. Oeorgen atudlea her pupil well be­fore bagtonlng tba lessons, Ferbapi oh# reau rk a the oarvoustiess of the avoraga hlgbairung American girl, The nervous, hefea ta tha vary first oMtacle to be over­come, The teacher Inalets that tbe pupil shall learn to stand well. A woman ofS hkm m u it aland on the cantra of the

It and raeting Ibc weight upon one Coot, vinM ihA oth9r frto for Actioti. T h t ioU.vlng the other frre for aelloh. The eol

dlar B ted a etlflly and squarely on both feat. I t ta tha ailltodo of ationUon and absaliBoa, So doe* lha eervant. But the ■oelatr araman, never. The pupil la Uught to h m the arm s tn lex, lapoKful uiU<’

s s - M t h ^ r e i - r S . " ^ER M nlirSol ubtU the to h o W w ^ eon- ttra lifid m cry, ‘‘Hold! Enough)" Next t t o teachaa them to walk In fancy up lha a U e of a onrsfdad church to the atraliudf tha wedding march. The ................................ fh heel down ll

iraventlng a rolling, wig-

H NolUngbam Laos Curtains, (y a rd s I long, p retty palterna,

66c. Pair#fee. r ia l s W hite Demvt Flannel, ex­

tra heavy an a .io n g nap,

51c. Yard.He. new Outing Flannela, In light

and dark oolon, tx i ra taaavy,

6ac. Y ard setc. Live Oaaaa Featberi, warranted


12ic. Lb.Oc. DAd apreikdia « r tra «|m tnd

vtlfhL coDtr* «nd none i ly for

lommedcoDtro «nd u«e,

63c.R.M W hite Blankets, l U slaa, ex tra

heavy, wUb blut, pink and red bordara,

1.19 Pair.AlULtnon Tm >Dd Kltchon

roweltlng, IS InchM ivldop

9c. Yard.lie, All-Wool ImdIaF Clotb, M Inchaa

wide, extra heavy, and In all the new. ' eolore.

21c. Yard.

Bast quality F M aeto r'a KnMtiqi Tarn. In all poUf* n” *) Mock, par K lb-

18c.Bait quality F la ltc h ti 's Cream WUta

■axony Wool, ovary hank put up tn tiaiue paper,

4c.CORBET BALE-Ladlea- while and

gray, full boned, nil aliaa, goad Jann and well made, value (Be., w bllt they lari.

25c.5,(03 yards fine Wtalta Embroidery, In

aaaorted widths and patterna, value up to IM., cheioa

5c. Yard.Children's Toques, In all ootorA tfenoy

Btripe borders, while they laat, value 8c., tor

19c.Ladlaa' very fine W hite Bwloa Bm-

broldered Handkarohlefi, beautiful pallerns, value up lo Re,, wblla they laal,

9c. Each..,10e,, F.xtjta Heavy U n­bleached Cotton F unnel, long nap, (3 Inch ti wide, for '

Bic.Yard.ComfortAblti fstrm it*# ind weight, nfiM wfCh belt White wttddlng,

2.26.(c. Oenuine Amoakeog

Apron Gingham, in blue, brown and green cbeekA feat coloft warranted

4c. Yardnilo. Men's Fleaoa Lined

> th irls and Drawart. arllb overlook seams, ex tra Ilna

' quality, each

39c.tl.W Uan'a AU-WW

Bwaatara, in black and nivy, with eamblnatlon strito*.

1 . 0 0 .

Children's Reefer Jack- sta. In amorted atylaa, rixea « to H years, nicely trimmed, value up lo ILM,f.oa Each,

Ladles' All-wool Beaver Clolh Jackata, an odd lot, neatly made up and cheap for (felt,

1.08.Ladles' F ine Fur Neck

ColUrettao, In while and gray Krimmar, allk lined, value U H ,

1.89.Mlssaa' All-wool Beaver

Cloth Jackals, navy blue, value M.M,

black and ' lailor-made.

2.29. No. I All-allk Douhla- faeed Batin Ribbon, cord­ed edge, In all lha new shadat, tha regu lar Ue. value,

6 C a Y t t f d a0p« Knilus Tilt 9.

LodlM' W hite Blbhad V esta long alcsvaa fsney (rimmed and taped nack, Be. value,

16c.Ladka' F ast Black Flna

C ubm ura niovaa, llsaaa lined, all atoes, value Ba.,

9c. Pair,Infants' Hand Knit

Woollen Ja ek e ta In p rrity aaaorted ooiora, value Bc-,

16o. Each., Ladles' Flaa Black Ita l­ian Cfcth U n d e ^ lr ta , with deep om bnlle ruf­fle, with 1 oerda and lined Ihrougltsut, value R.H,


The following firAt-clJiAs grocers sell and guaranteeit. Price no more than the Just as good."

_______ _ ___ pupiltaught t i eat Moh heel down Ki.nna ^ t b lha ether, thus preventing a rolltag, wig­gling g a tt . which la inexpresathty vulgar,

II' I a ’ ' - 'g .r r y (a r (ha

^ • " T 3 5 S .‘"n^r* K lS to rg S ; KInatructlona to pay no altanflon

I , loahtug a t the prograaa oTlha Mly 'UBBro!

dug atoi«atloaiiy.'~Tha doctor L r io n o ^ , and toally

£ a prograaa1 an alteration, The

___ , on. and navar Uttadis doctor raised bla voice.

tto, a to you MOW who m U stnightai

Jim to r a mU' oorrowfully,

_____ M htok,jute, and a h a l ^ aialalm to, ' Puir

iloM pratUT, rm 'ao fry fog ya," and M sB M ir to th hla w o r t t ________

(■ ■ M B B R B fle a sg B S S S B lS S B e s B

CASTOR IA' i W l M R R S i O U U n R .


F. J, Hull Aaron W ard A Bons, Ml Broad Bt.W, E. Taylor, W Broad SL J. H. B. VOgt, m Broad 81.Hanry Hoie, Cor. Green and Mulberry Sts.B. Kallsnbacta.Cor, Balmont and ITth Avea ktguaroa A Uunn. U1 W aihlng(on Bt.R. P. Pullln, 180 Orange Bt.Lewli Beach, IM Qranga Bt.Bamual Olblan, 4M Jk a ftM Bt,L. R. Hickena, M BlqoMflelij Are. Gaotga R. W eber SB f lh e e b th A va J , I I ieh lost. 75 wlUlam B(.M. Donnelly, NB Bank B tC, Sehoomaktr, V erona and Bummtr Avea J o to U a rg , Jr., n W avariy PI.ChM iSf’lOeran, iid fSTmoiar AVfi.G M in W. MiU«r. IV TIiomAi I t .

0 > » i ^ n U 5 o A v aJj .L-^aaa,^,174 Blxteanth Are.John H. Muller, Fourth Ava, and Broad H(. Johii B . Muller, H Pennsylvania Ave. PhUjpX*F*I> I * Tlohenor Bt.M. proeh, (M Bprinrliald Ava. i | . i \ K rum w itoa A i m , 71 tprinxneld Av. H. Greamn, (H r. HIsih Bt. and EIgth A va D eaa W ard A Cm. W Plana B t .

ONANOB.B. L. W tllloraa B i U a 'k 'i pi.B axter B roa , i t P a rk B iB. M. Hadgaa A Co,, Talley Read.F. M. Brodaaam', Valley Road.

BA »r OBANOK.Smith A BalU ntlna, ( a Main Bt.

feODTB OBANOK.II. L. plaraou,

niVlNOTON.John W. W abar.R. J . BUUwaU,

r « E C W i % . X t K .Co., Cor, High St. tod Central Ave., jo b b era '

Doremua Bros., JTI Broad B i W. w. Lyon A Co. j m Muioerry 8 iB. D. Munn, (41 W ashington Bt.J. Nortbrup, l«7 W aahlngton Bt. iE. B, Bhawgar, (05 Orange Bt. ]C. O. Wolfe, Gray and Oraoaa Sts.George AL'kermaa, M BloomneM AVA Wm. Bock A Bons, lB-141 Hagaalna a i . J. Krcager, )M Llltlatoo A va 'J. Uc.Mahon, m Bonk B t Cbarlas Bommer A Bom Mt f lf la e a tb A va B. H. Blttenbouse, 11 Pacific B i Lculi Brelnlng, US B a ie la r B i Hsnry McOce, Ipt TIctaanor S i ■losepn Julius. II Bymmar A va pennia J. Ryan, M High t i - <w. H, Evagetl, n s WaahfngtOii St.Hertnsn Kuasy, M Bprlngflald Ava. * Georga W. l la l ia IM MoWbqrtar B t A. c. IKTOY A Co., Btllavllla A ra a id

Oriental B t L. Fiwy, UO W ait B tj . m k toe Newark Bt.H, illracb A Bon, UO Paolflc Bt. - Wm. Frampton A Bnna, 10( Bcttovllla Avv F . W. Bmllh, 171 High B i P. ScherrerA Bon, BI Bellavlla A vaRtehsrd Barreff J. K. Marker. M

*1 qixth avenue. Htoamlleld Ave.

BARBffeON.Frank Ma8orl», 4t( N orth Fifth S i James Carte, n l Marth Fourth B i

KEfeRNT.N. Kernedy. wrJohn Cunnisou. ReuliCk Bros.

BtAMHnriKLD,J. W. Baldwin Droa R. T. Cadmus.


RELLETIU-B.Chas. Townsend, (^1 Washington A va




h Bof A Barf motto tor o n ry-doy imp. fiilt burotag tbo eaatllo ot botb ooA U bodpottcy. H to m m m botii Apw moay pooph iriwBto A«rf ton oraootllMaty, h i tbo m ottor o f ibooo, for nom pto, «A «Ff0 t b im ^ Kom rkoow tbo dotigbt o u t oxquTolie coirifbrf of propor HMog ihooo, w* eoB odd moob to tbo bopphmoa ot moo oad womoaklod U tbay wUt eooH to Pirr gipri Affrf «M sBp m (A«f m (A«/r> JiMf.

The New Shoefor Men,

$ 5 . 0 0

Ptr Pair.A aeb Qtlf and

S m o t OU < ^ ( n , Ctotf

L M d , binffli

and DodNti &otm.

. \

The New Shoefor Women,


IhUtonand LaeeCulhMft,K id tm dDullOtM*m .

................‘ m l_ tb O ie b a p d m t t k o i b o b o M d b t ^ ^ ^

•V r

>’m t T K THIRD • W 0 C

Asmuamc.f a t pN vartd l» !••*« th t

" aaM li. I d our ! « ■ « id B tsam pta* iBToIvtnc

« M i , w eb t* ttai fot-

itu d r «{ tb» word! known M •nd adverb*.

AD adJvellTe t* * word uwd W M tUr'lomodlfr the n»Dnln( of • nioi*, m :-

OM n en walk tdowly.W bat lore* ripe opplr*.Wk painted the door while.

Ah 'adverb 1* a word ucotl to m odlfr the nean lna of another word. Adr-dTb* uauall}' anewer the quettlon "W henT' ‘'H ow f" or “WhereT" *•:

__Bt allow* a trade dlieount ofL,a b a it per om t. and an addl- f | | —"■* of eao-half per oent, i t atnouBl i t a eaah w it th t n to f W blchltlMLlA

Old n o n walk elowlr.T h t boye etm * hoene eeiterdty.

■ ■ I attentively.The people Itotenrd aitemlvt^Many adverb* arc formed by addinc It to ▼

adJaciTvea, aa; Sweet, aweetly; quick,quickly; faithful, fa lth ^ lly ; kind, k i n d l y ; ____________ _______________eorreoi, correctly; an ilou i, anatouily.

'■------------------------ ■ - ------ 7h*nB.

5 7 - 9 0

J^.0i>'30 2 .03

ed in form to alanity dllTerence of dear**, aa; Sweet, *weeter, eweeieet; old, oldtr, oldeat; loap. lonaer, lonpcet: rich, richer, nchcet; well, belter, beat; badly, wore*, w orit.

ThI* eh tn ae la called eoiaparlaDn, be* laaa* It I* mad* ui* of when pereona or

th ln ta a n compared, aa:ThI* road la lonaer than that ona My katda iharper than youra Tour parenlB are richer than mine.

C o w ^ iiao n ti eonietlniea denoted In the w ort by the additloR of the le l t t r i er or eat

^ / / - 0 3 - a 7

, ..................... . .........td b y ________tha Word! more or moat, a t : Btrona, • tro n ta a a tra n n a t; happy, happier, hap- pltat^-Jbaaiitlfbl, more beautll^l, moat b ^ i i M I ; ' quickly, more quickly, moat

Adlec'tivea and adeerha cf one eyllable■ a i l '

UTHIA' H E m c iiE S i There’s Na Doubt

TRIAL t l Z t , 10 CTS.

•O LD RV ALL ORUOalSTS. tt ABOUT r r - W s Xivs y o u mON (o r y o u r m o ii ty tkA u s a y o « o oIm o a • M th . L ook St thodo G K B J A X B A « Q A l ? « i » ■

X n e a t aao<.uaivfLT a* .I TUE STOffiUlUKER CHEMICM. CO. ♦I BALTIMORE. MD.

BreitM Strai|[bt loti the Choked Up ud Dissised' Air TobeSy C m Deates, Catar^ aad firmebi- tis, aad Catarrhal Coasiaptieo, So Coainei aid So Fatal la This Climate.

\ A10 think and a c t more Intelllaentlr: la ehon, which arlll H t you thlnklny for voutaelf. One book which will make you hlnk la worth a h u n d r^ which limply

eupply ibought. The or ■ ■ '— objeet of readlos le not ipeclally to

eupply Information, but nuher lo build character. W a t o to echool, not that w* may recelva the n eceu try Iralnln* to meet (raduatlon cxamlnatione, but that we may reoelve tha neceeeary tralnlnp to meet the

M .

in*dllBeultle* of active" life. The lucceeaful echool diHwt'l tra in ue to make the moil wa can out of the world, but W make the moat w* can out of ourMlvea. The hMki which are really valualite are tboec which *lv* u t Iniplratlon rather than informa­tion; thoi* which make u t think for our- eelvet ra ther than eupply ui with the

___Illy add *T and eat aad ad iec tlvn and■dverfia or more than ona iyllable nauai-ly prefla more and m oil.'

Boom adjcotlve* and

U i a iw dent will notio* that twelva and a ,k p i | *0 - oant. of a nam btr la equltmtent I p M a -e l^ h o t tha Bit i r . Ttl»b to t*BP twelve and a half p w oeat. of MMJI

_____ ___ adeerha denoteoomparlaon by th e iiae of entirely dUTerem word*, as: Bad, worta, woret; food, better, h « t ; much or many, more, moet; well, better, beet.

t ^ twelve jaB itrW dJT *lal>t aad c i t aa a mpaU t o A ■ ^ ^ j t lP o t iB B ^ O M R IL S IM I t* hill

When two or mora adjecllve* a r t uaod noun care muat be taken in their

Ihia and that, have

il^a 'tiM D at amoaaL M K IL B ut tkaea

iL of a aqinbar w*

witharrangem ent.

Two adleolivi plural fa rm a

Um th« Moond form of comparlMo when two thing’* are rompared and the iblrd Form when tnore than two thinc* are com­pared. aa

. of a !

.nBfwwi.Ha la tha betlar (not b*it> of fba two.

tha alaaa ir (not eldaail of aiyJennla la two akitcra.

B t careful not to uaa er or eat and moraor BHiat w ith th* aame adleottve,

healthier location, m m or moat w

oannot be

i^lm pS' look a t *0 -

H a took th* moat pleaaanteft roule, Chooae apt tdverfia and adjecilvea: do

i p b i u e f i n r j o J r p a r otaL.ont

par a a n t nava

not uaa them needlcnly; avoid auch a t ra- I Idea or ta a n e ra t* IL and dopeat th* Idea or ta a n e ra t* IL and do not

ua* adlectlvea for aovarba or adverb* for tdjectlvaa.

Pnelle* Baeretee*.Correct the error* In th* following;

.............................. iim .TBit (lower la biauilfuller than ybL. B trab I* the agraablMt of the three.This la th e dellghlfuleBl v ll ta n wc have vlalted. A_ I lihe thee* kind m apple*.Hi didn't do nothin*. A I raturiied back

7, Tnu muat raad moreharedittlnet. ary did her work vary g u ^ .


W -37A 3 7

I. C tn i* la th* eldtal of my two alatar*. It. Whiob la the eldeal. William or BdwInT11. Bh* I* alw ayt w tla tn a r th an her bretbH . U, He la tha amuaingeat. boy I

.of th* tbra*ever aaw. U. Tb* youngar olt i t t e n la tH* prelUer. It. W Uch of the**K o h « k i la tha baatT U. u u r boy* dU

t play fair. H. Charles toon becameiseead ih f ppmdar. IT. My fk t te r tpaiMu alow, l l Bh* alwaya appeara very a n i-■dil;^ U. T te m u dm h la ^ w k vary good, n ! HeS WUII# spoke up prompt. 1 ________

bsved very bad. n * la the eldw of

had not hardly a m lauta to apart, a n ’t Improving muoh, I don 't think.

WUIIa tpofa up promjit, n . lo h n hat

aavaa b ro tben . of two alatera.

M. 8 h* was tlM youngeat

■O O kJC BBPIN O .We contlnu* th li week our study of the

foundation prlaolplea of doubi* entry. Un­clear underatanding of

par o e n t we tab . .. .I* Is aim pltt than ty-flv* ati_eutU ii|^o6e a s t HB.M

• f 1 a.B iMoautt thetb s a a ball o*bl Now to

gne per CM t oc It; la M-tl and one-quar- TIm tuU daslautl ta

______^ leave* a net amountBtodent win now aolv* th*

III we baea a veiraaonreea. ..........ment A nal _____ . . . ______any cooeer*. H will be almoet uaaiean for u t to .ad ran p s to a proper understanding

m a very clear underatanolng or lUMIltfea, loaaea, giunt, Inveat-

I worth, etc., In their relation tou t to advanps to a proper understanding of debit and credit. Thli knowledge can b t gained baat through the actual work of solving problem* The following are Bubmittad for tb it week'e leaton;

1 , Blown ha* no capital a t the bcgln-. .. . .ning of Ih* year, and he owes MM. He .Ina during the year yi.MDD and, loae*

n il realgalnalULM.th* year.

1 Ir

F ind ! real worth a t the close ofnventory merahandtie on hand Janii■ --------- -------- the yeai

old duringary L tAWAM. Bought during the year marehaadla* coating Bold durini

T merobandlt* tor H.TK.tL Invan.

apeoial oath dla- r aent. upon a bill of

tng tAMt.th* year merobandfte for ______ ____tory of merchandlf* an hand December 11 g m U . ITod th* gain or loaa oti merchan'

se t Bowunt of IhtDb allowB a ragular ditcouni a b a ir per cauL and a a ^ l t l

tUaoaoot of one-quarter; what _ aat racelpta If his g roat ta l t i

fOr « iM W n la r yreak am ount to I7M.MT A A m arahant allow* a regular dlacounl

Of twagty.flya pwr oem. and a apaolat addl- om m l discount o f cna-balf per canL; wbat

b* h it nat raoelptB II hi* grot* aalee

3 9 S / 1 . 5 7A p ^ l m l a r eroek am ount to M,MLUT A aBoma ragu lar ouatomera aant twenty-Sva, two and ona-half

rone-half per cen t.'o ff and oecaatm ai , t tn n ty , t a d flv* per cent, oil: find d C o a f

* d ^ B f t y par cam. to tb* coat of each article to ^ b it net retail priiM. To a parttcu ter ouatomer ha throw* off ona- n a lf per cam. from hit aa t re tail prie*. I t th e cuatanMr buy* ala aitlclca w hat I*

™ «t < 'th* dealer'* prafli on th* ^*T~A Daduet tha faUawIn* dlaeouau aad add :---------------pour

1 two and one-halt aarcebL at.1 oae-baU par eaaC

I OBc-quarler per ceuL I ohe par cent.'

I. Haw much dOH a merchant who la unable to take advantage of a oaMTala- omint of cns-balf par oani. loaa on an ao-

* 7 7 / ; 9 , . 0 7 : ,^ fr< ^u cc< i

oount of M,2«J*T. lA If merohaaita arho bay fa i.oaah

aaiva a apeclat oaab dlsoount *( Mm p e r« n t . .how much on th* dollar pan they uadaraaU m endunta who buy oa tS r* . ooa-aldertag that retail prices a r t forty par o e n t Id advance of coat p r iM T

1 1 Find the nal amount Uttar dadnotlag t m and one-hall and o o t-quartar par cent.

# 7 7 ( f V ' 0 7

7 -V 5 2 - 7 2from n,l

11. W hat u tha difleranoa uaon a ju ren aaa the groaa amount of w b lA la SAfW ha-twaoB a dlacount of twelve and ooa-halt par oeu t end a dlaoount of ten and two and one-halt per cent.!

If ZCI-diT:)

In onr night actiool work In arittamatle m muat not forget th* boys and gtrle whofind thrmaelvaa too ta c k w * ^ t* dp th* commercial arithmetic axarciBCa. w c ad­vise all Bubh to do th* "Baay ProblcmB" which they will And In the N ight BchoolCourse, fieginntng Abundant bint* will

with___________ II be

anaw ert aad aolutlonaihla Itaaon,

givao and th* th e Dior* dlffi-

In The

H ole—If we add the merchandlac pur- ebased to the merobandiM on hand we have ir.MAn the "vott" elde of our buai- neot. I t we add th* money received for niirahandlae aotd to th* value of the mer- SPknd.lMi. rraa ln ln g uneold, w» havewegi.eewi .aaa. ace MIUC IgA UUF DUBI-neee. The dtflereno* In thie initaneo li amate. ab._. i..__ _____b.._ . • —-

cult problema will bo 5 ubllahcd N B lr t on Saturday.

' n .H ; how many boafca a t____I on Baturds]1. A boy haa W.I.. ____. .

}1^ cents oaoh oaa ta* buy an d hav* I oeatf left.

pouada o f taa a t M Tee St H oaa ti and

,714.01 the "produced" aide of our bust dlflt

Han It coet.A Coada on band at the beginning of■ MMCU. __Hi.. I::

>VV—■ ■ eav vaeiaaa sruvm tea MIM JIIMI«I1C« |g Kbw auM ih t buiineii produced more

tan It coat.A Oooda on band at the beginning of

the year valued at n,n«.M: good* bought during the year coating tt.JUj.JD; good* aold2 ?Vi!f iP * .h»Sd

I pare]__ ... ,>ak not*; how raosh ohang*

ahould b« raturaodTi h i ^ b i AOD Ohi


A A farm er ntlxo* M buibala o f o a tj w ortn n oante a^buotael wttn oD b i^ e l* of

u u riw in* year ror goods on handa t t » cloa* of the year valued a t l3.4M.fO. Find the gain o r loee.

A A m erchant Inreela n,4m In buelneta jM u a ry 1, when he ha* no llafallltlea. At the end of Uie year he has retourcee

p e a t erorth M oents a buahM; And the value of a buthela of the rau tu r* .

A A boy can d« a pise* o f work in II days and hi* father oaa do the work In I days. If heth w alk a t it together how long will It tak a t« do th* workT

A Mow many acraa a re there In a road rods wide and a rail* and a q u arte r tongT

A W hat will It coat to excavate a cellar II feet long, M feat wtd* and < feet deep at U oenta a cubic yard!

W,M4 .and HabiHllra-tAwi. “« n d ‘'hr(r‘J i«gain during

th* gain e r lee*.A Real eatate ownM a t the beginning of

the year valued a t SAttO; b o u A t during r te year real aatate coating M J40; hum

1. X horae. buggy aad ham*** eeat |U l; th e herae and b u g n ooat H tl and the hen*

ff'*'**' «*»* «ma«aic Vh UIIIhouiea oD property a t a coal

rind th* coat of e*eh.’ _5» a « wile* par I will it gr: go lb a tec-

and h tm c i t tH7.A If a railway train

hour, how many yard* ondT . _

0. I bought M 'p a in of boota for MJA W hat muat he tha aelUng price par pair in order to gain M oent* on each pair of bootaf

U. A boy hag a little clock th a t Uoki tw je* A anond. How many " tick In fne month of If arch T ^

11. DIvtd* H4 among A. B and <1 In auch a w a ^ ih a t it A bad • 8 abau have ""

lA A boy arter giving aw ay l-( of h it p o e n t money to on* friand and l-l of the remainder to another ha* * o«nta left. How much had ha a t ftratt

"''"■V— gr* eejrek vy aaa _flurh it Ih t y e tr m l t t u t t tor t l M one hom e vuued a t II.EIO burned; received In-

[ ea.ew; Of M4M; for tAMol

tolduuuir vaium av *i,Dw ournco; received In- m rance «.■«#; Vidue of all real estate owned a t the oloae of the year tIAW. Find the gain or loaa for the year.

-iJiS 'V U !"** anawera to the extr- aafuMay*'*” PuWlahed on

BRIEF T A LK TB THE C U S S .Aha** Bsadiag-

You «mn't afford at your age to give much Una* to atory-readlngi th a t i t , lo■ FAbMe-.Mmm44inmr aawAidevla — _ _ e...Btory-raading which almply amueca o icreata you.. Biory-raadlnt ‘baarto iu ., ,the lam e rjilatjon to education, th a t doe# to work,. I t lan^t harmful It theui.r» .u i»n I ram iiu i It me atoiyle good and If the reading do«a not use up tiro* which you m ight fust aa wall tpenS mora prelltabiy. You muat remember.

C O R IteC T B N 0 L I5 H .We have already had two tcaaon* In cor.

n o t Bnglhih. Tha Brat pointed out aorae error* In th* ua* of t*na« forma and the Moohd told ua aM ut tha common mlalake* In cate formA ihall now mak* a brief

— . - prelUabiy. ________________how*v*r,. that mer* Inter**! la v a lu tl


a t a ^ mora o toar^ /w h tc '6 vrilu tr a t i 'y o u

neweve^ m at m m interaat la valutlta*. ” he.readlwj^hlch_willjr**lly oount It th*n ad ln g ....... .facu ltlw which

ich will ionirov* your n«o t* l fcl-K _ n i fc-i--------to undST-

h t , I . H . J iA iiS i o t Tayforvllle, Ind ., w r lta t; J o twinn H o fT i M sh E x tn e t I t a . bulk ier and

iViqTttlM .tfaat i t tm oquiU ed; especigUy for poorly M»#iMriBMdlds.'’

.M b i t E x t r a c t

___________ or Morse; on* great « ! -dler, euch a* Alexander th* Great or Na- polaqn. It la not neceaeary that the live* b* Ideal. In fact. It la rather better that they are not.- They ahould be IIvm, how- avar, from which you can gather th* spirit of a larger and truer Ilf* (or your- grlf. Too w ill hear more about thi# *ub- Ject later.

Only $22.

F o r o n e o f U ie te

R o c k e r t , i n o a k o r

n u W - a n y f in ­

i s h e d . c o b b le r

s e a t o r in p lu a h ( a l l

c o lo r s ) , o n ly

T batpsapl* a n b a la g e a ra d *TC atarrh, Chronk BroochlUa and O a tan k a l Consumption, and' cured perraaneaUy, la not a m attar of aurpria* te tho** who have Invaitlgated th* treatraant ot Advanoad Homoeopathy, aa pracUatd by Doctor BaL lentlDA They know It la th t only trea t­ment th a t can retch and haal th* Cataiv rhal eondltkoi and lo n n a tg la tk* dagptr altuatlona

HandioaM Failer goH* npholitarcd MffMbMn|kwr or plush. bttuUful anlsh (rsrffi

r s t f y - n ^ e thought of others. To the be­at oner such bpoke era usually not very

$1.98.________ To read them means work.

If you haven't raad many book* yoji areiR tvlalalng.advised lo hcglii with Wography. 8 e li^ 111* biographic* of six or eight of tb*

Th* Itigml notk of Parlor lulktesrshaw a.O vstm itylas, from BSOO down b> U A7S.

Over 500 Rockers of All Xinils.B P E O X A L IHT

world'* graaleat men: for inetance, one g rsa t statesm an anrh u Llnroln or Qlad- •lona: onr great author euch a* ncott orHugo; on* m a t Inventor or sclenilit such aa W alt or Davy i


TRlMMtWQV FOR TBK BECILgatlsr OsUar* *r Hatla sad tu k tbst A rt

h'oveltiva la Their Wty.Ona of many pretty new neck notknt

I* a sailor collar of satin or utfet*. silk- lined and variously elaborated. Th* end* of th* collar are lengthened to meet about at th* buet line, or a* far down ta the belL Such a collar It lo be worn over the thouldtr* of a low neck gown, turning a full rtgalla dinner dreaa Into a modest m il* affair ra lu b lv fur t tfclnck retklv- ing In one's own house.

Th* opening in front can h« regulated ta laat* and Ihe callar may droop or not at tb* hack. The end* may b« faxtened elope together, making a point, or the callar may h* fastened higher up each tide and tha enda allowed to hang tree, guch an affair of whit* aatln thickly strewn with gold tupngle* and edged with a fluffy ruche w rhlffon la aa p n tty aa can be for wear with atmoat any light dreti. The aame thing In black It equally pretty and, ptrhap*, mora varloutly useful. It may be worn ov0 a high neck dreaa, loo, lend­ing «lab«ral*B*Bt te It for tpeclal ooea- tkns.

Another novelty In tb* asttor collar way

W e h a v e S to v e fl f ro m

P a r lo r M o r r is C h a ir s .$1.70 Up.

H e r e i t a f in e se lf- f e e d e r P a r l o r S to v e , n i c k e l t r im m e d , r e g ­u l a r $ 8 s to v e a t

$ 6 . 7 5 .AU atyle* and alsaa.

Morrfa CBalr, cn ib- ioDi M ally iiphM- itprcd in valour, oak or m abogflay (ramg^ only

$5.75.$ee Our Chairs Beforo ton Buy.

Baay T»ra ia of Oradit t* Kvary On*. Bl*v*4*r I* K n ry Fleer. O p « till 7 1 aatan tay 10

S llS -lS aO Adlcarlcet j^taq Bfewv'cax’kem rtA N O H H O U S K S t

I2I-I25 Newaiic Aveone 1136 n«in Street J 78-84 Myrtle Avenae*iBiaiT a r t | riSiBaoiL I u o o u .th.

It put In thi* ptetura, and counied more aa a thouldtr than a a a throat deooratlon.II wai tquar* In front and back, eup- plied epaulcttt flnlsb a t the thouldtr* and was heavy ecru lac*. I t was the hand- GOLDDUST



somety deoiwated portion of a jacket ot odd cut. Milch aatln-raced doth was It* maiciial, which wss laid In aide pleat*below Ihe edU at Its basque having liml lar ireatm enl. Lrfioie front* opened overI box-plalted vest that was ornamented with buttona, and that had a atock col­lar to match. Black aatln ribbon belied the garment, which Waa picturesque and qulta removed from convenilonalliy

Uray glorea a n In for a eeeond aeaaon ot faahli[onnblencsa. Very dark gray, ao dariq they teem black unleaa pul beildcth a t color, are again the right thing whan a dark glov* It wanted, Du”ItA color, and tight mode that la _ ____putty or oyater color are among the

u]| fawn.

Bocaplad shade* for winter. Whit* for dreaa o f the church, calling and atteriioon kind, M a* correct aa evsr,

A WaMou ‘W ltlio a t K*rv*s.Tbs Chinam an can writ* all day, he can

work all day, h« oan aland for a whole day In one poatUon, weaving, hammering goto, or cutting Ivory, without ones being a t­tacked by n e r ro u a n u a This pecullarllr maka* Itta lf apparen t early In youth. The Chinaman oan b ta r any kind of bodily txarcla*. Sport and play a nto him unneceatary labor. He can Bleep anyw here and In any poaltlon

mid thundarlng machine*, deafening J ohlldren pr the wranglenolaaa the cry o f

• f grown p e i^ lt : on the ground. In bed or on a chair, in hla own Innocent way tb*Chinaman I t almoai i^sybarlt*.

M U S I C A L M E N T IO N .

In Boliigna. Italy , the aetson will be• li giwjtgpaaa. *«ma,py aaigy WtU DCopened op Novem ber i with Wagner'* "U oettantacm m eiunc," under direction ot ICduardc W a l t .

Heinrich VogL th* great Wagnerian finger, haa compoied an opera, "Der Frem dllag," th* book of which haa beet written by F elix Dahn. Tha flrit par.- formance will very likely take place next tpriag a t th* C ourt Thaatr* a t Munich.

King HuraberL of Italy, ha t bestowed upon ointepiM Vardt the collar ot the or­der of th* "AnnulBlato." The Italian Oovemment haa approved of lh« nMUraor-pboala of ^ MUan Conaervatory. I t willnow ha called "Inatltu to Ol ............I t will b* remembered that Vardt waa r»-

Inatltuto Oluaepp* Verdi_____ - At Verdi Waa n.

luted admlaalon to the Institution wtaloh itnow to bear h i t turn*.

Th* youthful wisiat oompoter, Feroal, of Venloe, luus had auoh wonderful succeatwtih h it tbra* oratorioa. "Tht Pateion," "Th* T nuitflguratlon," "The Returrcctlon Ot Laaarua," th a t he I t writing, a fourth. “Th* Holy Bapulobra and th* Iteaurreciion o t Christ." H t la only twenty-llv* y ean of age and entered Ih* prieethood t y*art ago.

VF ran Coalma W agnea h a t engaged a

Fro nob barlto a t, U . Rentud, to ting th* part of Am fortaa in Geyreutb next lum- mar. This 1* Ihe l in t time that anyoneof French natloaaU ty baa been tngaged to Bing In Bayreuth. I t -------------------------. ....... ......... ............ would ##*m to Indi­cate that p a rtita n line* arc no mor* drawn ao oloaely In a r t aa heretofore.

VH M cagnl't new Japanaa* opart, ‘'Iris,"

will be on* of tb* noveltlea of ihe Milan opera sea*on. In the third act Irie, a gclaha, commlie aulntda by Jumping tram a window. Inasm uch as Japanese houses

tiM no wladows, th*tev* only os>« *tory no window*, i death of Irlg win be a decided ralraol*.

I t I* a fact w orthy "bt remambrance that Mm*. M tt l never created a pert In anyn p era jh a t has kept the attge. She ertated th* chief part In (Tanimgnaa "Bameralda; or. Nostra D tm a dl rajrtxl," 8l. ValKx- 5HTF’ I***: I" "HateUa,'’ by Cohen, London,

* ■“ .liieta;" In "0*1.•a D tm a dl Pajrtxl,'

_____: In "BateUa," byT?eMM. a r a v h ^ of “La* Glue........... ......

^ Frinee Ponlatowekl. U71. and In m albo riaM ^"O ahrt* lta ,“ m Boaton, vomh«F t t , ISn.

VClaraDc* BMdy, the rtmowned Amerioan

otgiuilaL will ^ \ f r a i n ] S i S < m r j E ^ t1)o XtilMf WUhvlin dvr Qfowi',^ t _^

U t, EdOr'ft uw r will extendtram January 1 to I b y L

Olaoomo Fucclai'a lavo ritt raoraattrfi! Itto go a-gurmlng aarly la tb« morning for wild f o ^ Thj* (a how ho ha* b « n Iteht- enlM hla labor# on 'TosieaTwililoh {* oJ.c o r in g him a t hla country leaL T o m

K arl Itehnelder. vnoran baritone, now In hla nlnaty-ilfth year, raceotly a tn x a t a feauvai glvan to him atlK m lcJiiiiP And It Is BBid th a t he aang in rem artu M good vole*, too.

VCardinal Lenganleux, ArohUl

Rhelmt, haa handed to ThaodiXMfor muelotl ------ --dill

: muekml iottlnir, a Larin poem, jrielua qui dlllgu Fr*ncoii.’r Tha

jlllon J i in ten iM to be eung In the d rtl of RhSw * during tlM part o t th* e a n ts ^ r y _ _ _ __Baptlam a f C loviA K Inc oAg)i* F n u i iu |^dial o fB iiS w * during tb e m n b V w f f i l

part o t th* e a p tc ^ ry cejabratjon or Ui*

w im n m o f W l*g, W h o la to M nrry t t n e r s (v ilb F ls s ln a .

Prlnc* tvuilam of Wind, whom Queen Wllhelmlna of Holland ha* picket^ out for a husband, 1s a good-Iouklng young man of twenly-two, an o ffrer In the Prusalan Army and the second son o( the Prince of Wied and Princes* Marie of Holland. He le a cousin of Queen Wllhelmlna.

In making Ihla choice Wllhelmlna h a t not made what the court gossip* would call "a good m atch,” but possibly she Innke a t Ihe question from a differeut


tttndpotnt. ghe Is credited w ith declar­ing, “ I witl marry the m an I lov* or dl* an old mnid." Bo ehe Is pralmbly going to marry Prince William for th e same rsa- son that other young women m arry—for love. The young people know eeoh other v*ry Well, for the Prince h a i bean ofteo a t th* Court of The H agua Aa childran thay played logetbw, ana alnoe they havegrown up th e j^ ^v e been Intim ate friead*.

r llllaiB WH not on* of the the royal nuitohnai

ee. H e waa reel family

Yet prlnc* ten Princes <ten Princes Whom the rojrxl niAtohnaakerf picked out * 1 eligible*. H e w as reckoned M too obscure. HI* family It an old andrupected one, however, lacking only In nuw cf and rich esiataa

, euccessful eultor le on exlrems-to!'’' / M very evident. Aa Prino#

of WIed he would have attrac ted Ultl# *!•lentlon In ^ ro p o a n court.olrel**: a* tb* consort of Queen W ilh e w n a h* will b i

I" til* kingdom of H ^and . Only the Qneen b*r*«lf will take mecedimee ot him. and hla placs will be beside her a t all conrt and o ther offlolat ommonlee, He will ehar* h0 Inoome, and hit childran wilt Inherit her throos.tam e iin_* wor^ hs will

Prlnds Albert oi o n of Queen VIei

^ n o t

10™, h* will occupy in Holland the f., leL *?’*’!; *’’** W oo* A l b ^ oeoaeMin England as cpneort of Queen Tlctorta.

On the othw hand, h« will oerUlnlK‘j«. i;;‘sritad‘"„i°?*o>'*;T'’a t I* a m atter tor future de- S t o J)>oj»*lilo ii of Prino* WUUtm o< Mnfii-a !Li“ "’’J 't* more acceptable In 2 /rn*thL '■ eohneoted by bloodthehoui* of Orange.•nm™ ??.”'* Coneorf’e poelUon vrill bo a

miomalouf ona.S m A lthoofh h tS H im V »cconf r im t in tba ktiuraom,

t « l au thority . In tbla ra- So.^T*” uPhnary Mernib, * - -

“ ore Important, he may mak* hlmi.------------

w n S s i a n ' S ’dig"*®"” - -


O rig in • ( th n F ln g n e .Hormah profeaaor has ra-

eantijr l,ran"iny’i ! ? i i ^ irigln 'o f■ dlaoovered a prevl-uiaaoverea a previ- " ^ “own centra from wbliA It enta-

the plague hav* been known; on* tn China; miiJlt .Hunan, a atoond in

I*’’! *^*rd near ^eoea, tn 2.** '"•-ha«i«I M on* ol th* mo«

**•* Itumenee num-fiVAimVi.-.. “'J!,.''"® v iiii IOC nwy oiiy oi MOBhmmed, Th* newly dlaoofwed pentna;HtanaloflS i*» r*^'*^*^ 1? th« Int*rl3r ^"•Vf*®"* on the eaef _

*"'"cato tSat 'ih# am __^uato, « « that the ^ eource of

' dicos

coaat. pi tM t the ^ A

I* f HIM,

iSii^* srd’t a r ^ J S ^ aHmkW *« ettSSd


H ta n ta u d a r d * f E x c e l l r a r * R ose W ith E a c h Sew M a rria g e .

From the Washington gtar.I w as tiding along the road leading

acroai H u rrin n e flap. In the Pine moun­tain range, thinking of the peculiar people who lived In thee* fast nesses, when I waa startled by a voice up the hillside calling to me to come up and give somebody a lift, I had no Idea who owned the voice, but whoever It was was In trouble, and I re­sponded and found a man of sixty or more caught by the foot under a fallen tree and unable lo get away. He w asn 't hurt, and I soon had him on his feet, and he tneleted on my stopping further down th* mous- ta tn and taking dinner with him. Me lived In a well-kept cabin with hie daugh­ter, and after dinner we sa t in the shade of a tree In the yard and ba told ma about hlmeelf.

"A ir you raarriedT* he arised, a fte r be told me be was a wldowsr.

"No, but I hope to be some dey," I an- iw ered, quit* sincerely.

"You ought to be; every man ought to be; A man th a t ain 't ain’t showin' a right feelln' to ’rde what the Lord'* done fer him, th e r a in 't nothin’ cm th e fece uv Ood'a green eerth that 1* A patebln ' to a woman, I don’t keer wtiat kind she Is.’’

’’Toii’re hale end hearty y*L" I eald. "And I don 't see why you don’t lake eome

your own sdvlee.’’Don't crowd the mourners, q ils te r/’ he

o t your own sdvlee.'ml

•aid. waving his hand a s If warding off myt tlack . "Don’t you crowd tb* mournera.

'm flggerln' on sever'l tbla vary minute, and 1 a in 't quit* shore yit which one to pick. I 'v e bran married four times, andevery tim* my nolloos uv women has got BO much higher that I 'll be denied ef I don’t k inder look forrard to loein’ a wifeJlet te r th* catisfactlun uv glttlii' another

The idea we* eo entirely new that I waa overcome by tt. v

Do you “ hoasekeep” ?II do-yoH'll not he slow to aptrecuU* ihH

that Mils Dotb-hoasefqrnlshjsgs store ; bptluiasetniDlriitnie-lhat has no side Unest

M "moosaBd tod oue''^d<parUa*ata OoU-ee*,

T H E PAM tH JS n iL L B R

OIL HEATER.TTnfUy 10. apaclal a t

$3.98.Om bUBdiwl

Parior Lamps,I r t m t a m e r and iw u d

vrortta |I .S 9 | novr

B A T E O O A L l Um Uw LbttnfvreU

|aiaUA sh Sieve.

No d a k . LHtl* labor, f i l l y o f tidem M

P » l l « *

The qld-(aihlon*d mtSiod of try ing toI tinreach ih* Bronchial Tube* by givllig m*dl-

eln* Internally falltd. Tb* old-faahloned method of trying to reach tb* choked up Buetachlan liibe* leading from th e Throat to the middle Ear, of trying to reach th* Bronchial Tubea and Lungs, by apraying the Noee and Throat vra* wera* than tall-u ra

Tb* tprey only reached the membranea of Ihe Noe* and Throat, and aolutlone ueed In tb* apray by tom* docton oon-talned Irritating drug* that. Inatatd of haaling and toothing, fed th* flames of tb*diaees*

R*Md w im t p A tk t t i t tMjr m gBridffff t i u w o n d er o t n lM U n u tb e tn ttw m m i # r th» M t t t t r P hyate ltm p n ir U ta ,

The treetroent of Advanced Homoeopathy reachei every tor* epot from tb* onfloo of the Note to tb* Inhermoet rsceoeii of the middle Ear, to the deepeat p a rt and tinieit cell o t th* Luagt. i t cerrtea pealing and health, aoothea, quieta and ourea tb*

HARRY J . THteSMT, dale, Weel Oraagt, eared af


raembranet in th* B ustacblas Tubes, Head. Throat. QlottlA Bronnhtal ffhibei aad Lunge, with He genlaL gratefuL health-prMucIng glow, till th* aor* places lo ts their sorsneas; ih t choked up end BwoUen Eustechtan Tube* a re freed o t the obelruetion and hearisg la reetered; the stuffed up Nostril* a n opened to th* tree passage of air; the dry Throat bt- oome* moist and natural; the Voica lo * « Its husky, rasping character; tb* dropping tn the Throat oeaaes; the IrritatioB ,* gone, the sore spots along th* Bronchial ^ b e a and In the Lung tisauca are healed, the Chest no longer feeli recked and bruited, the Cough h a t dlatppeared and the Chest expands naturally again.


SHE HAD CONSDMPTION.H'luu dtsMss Mot began is Us JVoss and

Throat has jpamtd th§ Vbeol Cards, down the IVInti))ipe and along Ue Bronchial IVbea tt makn Hi ynol odmitee <nto the (tisues of (he Lungs and {nrodes (hs LunpesGs, wherett settles doKw to /eed upon Ihese dekeote (issues; toon an ulcer resutta enUnpintc Iheeenondthenaencttv Is/ormed, which gstw* lorgsr and lorptr, unleai eheohed, un(tt (he siistue tMcomss wnm oidand deoUensuea This (s the hignry e /U s east em- jorflir of cotes of Oonesispthni so common and fatal <11 this eKmaie.

HRA J A i. HCTBRFAN, IF C ntm at,, ollyi " I coughed day. and night. I ralaad g r ta t quanlltle* o t cbtety matter, 1 waa pyte- tlcally helplett; could not look a t ta r my children nor any ot my faouaebold dull**.

"For two yeara I waa uttdar tha cMw ot two phyticlant, but their medlolaaa failed to rollsrvc me. Finally my huaband oalled In a celebrated lung speclaUaL H e exam ­ined me and shook hla head, saying:

" ‘Yen have Gesaaniptlesia* aura a t aay- bady la Hu Warld ever bad, H adlelaa will d o y a a n g e a d . T akauaw riablagIbadaad ahealkO. seat aad your iifk may ba yea. laagedaw hila .’

“My husband urged th a t 1 gu to Doctor Ballantlne. Th* treatm ent took bold Uk* magic. .1 began to Improv* from th t flrat. In lea* than two months 1 waa a.aound, well woman. My aongh a a* entirely gone, I could sleep eoundly and a ll traoea of w M l the other doctors said were sure, un-

''F®* Conaumptlon dleappeared. , My huaband Inalatt th a t DoctW' Bal- lentln* reaoued m t from a contumptlva'a grave, and 1 agree with him.”


COLD RIGHT SWEITS.LXWlfl EBBBT, Xoobl Back avsnae,

Pleaaantdate, W eet Orange, N. J .: ‘1 relied a t mai**i of yelloiriah n a t t v from my chest, A constant ehtftlng pain In my lungs always gave me g reat dle- treee, and often I thought my h ea rt waa affected.

*T beoaiDi very nervous. 1 ooull not aletp nigtati. Almost nightly m y night clotbing and the bed w e n w rln k a g wet with the sw eat that ooaed ou t In g n a t drop* from iny p o m ,

had lieesiai pnotlsaU y geed Ho iie tb lag when 1 b y s a D eet ar ■ellenri a**i m int n m a t Lsak' a f wandahsiawt, basawaa I csalda 's ra ia la ibsd aw my i*aMn*k, the reaklsig aasmh agd the etkli|aallag a lg b t •w a a tsb a d M la sa ln a lm sa ta p ttlb ile eae dRlaa.

" 1 felt tncouragtd tram tb* very begin­ning of th* IraatmenL Doctor BaUentIn* hae tuiflUod avety promM* be mad* when be took soy earn. Mir sough la bo mora; I can eaL anytU ng «IU> a n tisb ; i ■loep to a a d ^ ’aigb ia a l th no ■kw* tarrlb li ew iata: 1 bav«” r*|Mdik*d lost fleeb and

awd 1 g l ^ ^foel Ilk* ahealli



IRTO HIS DQF ERRS.Th* marBsIliiiisIraate i is I f s rPsafbiM t sMsd )

saw uttbaoid* and bagoad douM laeadt Ihajj;/ rastoratisa i f hsarlag to gawM auiakoiddad' gswap ua iaaahsod ; U* hap4aa4ad ^ RfM ts4L.iskea ON the ssaMi o n meded to tMa tbshsrRaaa<g hole* ead heppg Aaadg Kh.

# . m , WABD, Tetley Raad, OgaaR*. N. I l l y e a n I had euSerad w ith lay itsaa bad tbraaL I hardly knew w bat I t waa to braatb* tbrough my no**, M r tb iRai Rfl* alw ayi filled w ith d ro p n tim a f G M lJB Slter from my noatrila. 1 bgfl fl o m M th a t tailed me a t tlmaa m M tbflt V H H s a t dlatreaelni, I fait dull and Mg able all tb* time, Dootor Ballentbie O M pleteU oaiad n y trauM b Wb* afei m rapid ^ o o ^ s t My 1 ^ i T eH af a* a biav* agqj[p m

BARRY J . YIM BUrr, f lr i is i le s a a d Fruit*, tn , a t and tN Main atraet. OnuigakM. J .: "Doctor BaUantln* baa parfbetlyi raatond my loat haarlng, and by ao dotng hla treatm ent has I s tp ln d n tw anergy, new ambition Into 4 y Ufa.

“My treubla began leveral year* ado. t caught a cold which refnaed to get walL I t w asn't long until my noa* baooaw very tora. Bometlmat I blew out g reat obonka of m attw tram my ooetrils, W h a t i couldn’t blow out I InvolunUrity n u l le d bark IMo my tkresd.

“My tk roat waa to tora aad aw enaa th a t trhea I M ed to apeak peopla oouMa’v u nden taad me. 1 aumaged to a tte a d to buelaeat, however, u U l 1 b e a m * hard ofl hearing,

» / m u aa RrntttmiMm’i k t a tm r watch Ueh mt alihar aar, i h a i earn* ataatfy to ha aaktag paapla ta rapaa* h a ta n lca a U aaiantam i.

Ih Ih* itor* tble waa very smtagrraaMaff and praetieally uafltted me to a ttand tee builneit, Cuatom ert bad to ib o n t ataiaeb' Id my car* before 1 eouM eatch w hat tb e y wanted, and even then 1 aiad* frequeni; mtetakee w ith th s tr ordeia.

'After trying everything la vain, I wattk te Doctor Balltatlo*. My bead la clear,. My tor* and iwoUaa th roat It h talad . I oan speak a* web aa I ever ooald.

"M at whak pleas** so* m ae te faB I s t M 1*0* hear os w an es aver I did. fw h a a H a ' ta h a a r all aaaveraatla*, ta ha aeUoatdaiR tboeadlasrasalag aoltaa la say h a a i, le, Isu*

great Haeelag,"


COMMON SYM PTOM .Tb* stmaiM sgsipieis wWsh R seer 4n ee*

dsaes with Ostorrhai mgmw* Is th* ssMgb-' brsaWag hohd. Dag aad MeW tbs aasRA W oteagsopea; dartag deep lh te i# itv r« i* ra t sa hs can ha heard o l OUST fhi haasa J> bodsosis' (he gm ah 4b s s tsd , and whsa OR smnl “ Cbrav*H a'’4ispafes*,4( aosMdi H H -o o M w d ,-" 4*i othrraprds th in « a* n toaaats ta th* eofes.Ibera ti ttbeaw a pngtaif dteharps Aam ihM

sMtHMIBdseoatwanlsrdiHsa tats Ih* Qamt to caus* rhsMnj.

W ILU A H ROfld, MT City: "For tarslv* yaara I aavor fcnawi w hat It was to brsotba tkraugb my aoa- trtlA They war* eonatantly atoppad nff and frequently Itched aad b u a o d a a tll t b . torment w ss alm ost unbaarabla,

"O reat quantltlet ot phltgsi g a tb e n d t a my th roat every tim t I lay down and a L most choked me. My bom dleebarged vary, froety. The ellghteel expoeura oaueed ff freeh cold, when ray vote* would be aN fected and I could toareeiy speak ao u to be underatood.

•• / h a i t r f a i ta a a y a i th a Caiatwh n m a i le a a a a a h a t tha i n g a la iaa , h a t a o o e o f th a m H i a tam p a r tk H e i g o a i .

" I went to Doctor Ballentin* a t th* re­quest of frteoda who knew o t osae* juaU like min* th a t he had cured. l a a very) •hort time my ooetrils were epexed up. The BCcnmulMlOB of phlegm In m y th ro a t leasened. Tb* Improvemest wa* ateady until now I feet belter than I bava to t year*. I don’t catch cold Uk* I oM d to* My head and th roat a n clear. Th* beno. lit I have received from Doctor Balloo- tlno’s treatm ent hae thorougbly ooovtM a4 me th a t It ourea Catarrh.'*

' iroCMaoii to terrtUg m tn m m aa dfseoas H (hcffloeuieh. ThesufW haaiiopsoetatnlFM , /o r at IMi period, when every > w t Mi boUBI should bi a t rsiC the brola iMI ratM tH para Hong oeSiM, and the rstuk is horrihi* dreaaw and nlgMisar A and bg dog he tiaspi the dreoau i f Ih* nl0ht with Mt epis opeiL

ARYHtTB WARD,«T Wtlttaae BL|(Mm w *VM. J .: "U ndw Dootor B a ll tn t lu ’a t reat ! m eat I have gained eleven potiad* M Wright aad am la be llsr health th an t have been In fo r tbre* y tata .

“My trouble waa mainly w ith n y atone* ach. I had no appetite for any k tod oZ food. When I did *a^ Jh * food aaemad to lodge Ifl my cheet or to lay Uk* a load U my etomaeb. Even a. plao* of broad filia l m a up a t Gmt*. Foul gaa aoouraulaMd IM

my itenacB and 'wat very naoMUlag ag '1 ktloIitd .U Wh

r i fa it weak aad ta ta t a t lack a t nour* M HfNn, MR T Mold UM e a t l a lw aya b |« .tg )« U rM a t* in my m o u th , I benamg h e q w d W 1 w uM n't eletp. W hen a t lae*

Fhout (or hoar* I B ond .RV ■iU.Viilh.Mnr to bav* my tieop fluad « « |g

S - b ^ a n sRoelltBt ap p o ttia MR perftcUy. 1 1 eiaep «*m Mf

' S r d tn l i t raM abad rmMf *



Q«nBuretDU«lTVathpeitd«dJ. m malm nance rlvc4 year, fimou

Hrg teo ia well I seteei Into I du:i* of Iht terms work onlna count ttPhln be la.

"Bo thi* o unit* ttcabi osvali a s thi not 0 matei provt terlal aourci senati llihm plied music campcampchandrtagei?ulr*<

arria numb tlatln;


h ta hi to ta lol the ried 0 d en t plele years, each ' facllll I t res much each ' of th p ragr provli

"H i to pis fence added

H* I grcee Baked conie< of thi tome detmn The f< Inter*

“Foi been I for te deteri qulrev nearly florae had I theaeplaptr potelh rast ei and * was c

"IIsmoke for n Lhat I empto the tit were i munlt

Oeiu has (u Ui% In ern » battle perlen the 0] allenci a rn u i the r7our m the nh ceatfu h«tter been I and I ■erv#< ped b

Tlb« i



Th* has IA uatrW tahThia I in the P'ayvi and I lion I S tate atept vltalK

Aoc( chans lion Changreppai Tow n a t VI with t will b Bible f i l l b new I ever,.' tre a t.

b!ally I and 1 the p voritsi Itle r 1 Hengr piled n hill been i

Thit Minis! fere 1*1 and I JosepI one cl life, a he re Agrtci the M



The Offic* wera I ■and t at Un a c t Is bandit farmei ih tm t the m t t o u t

Thetakenoletrli“holdfound Into t sacks

The were I likely.

\Ph*outhe ro

Ther rode I Oourtl horseshutIdiT hour 1hour 1 ton* tl

■evemen n la te r 1 Btoltn arouui?rfiT,the wl tarm si llmtwr

Largtime II 1* hsUl band. wlth.tl lost I) ih(w n lima, I ara pa

■ r-'i

r II

OF T H i l O l l l B .Kepoit of tha OUaf of tho

of Ordotnee.Bureta


I i ia t c»iii4 r f m l u i t r iii* lu a k a r im

l••f•Ua■•TTIlU U a fa ra m a t Will IUcl|in)> ta la—Aa |aw a t'anaty** Vault Laaltd. Tha Cralaar B ulh la Siaablatl by Dpil(a> F aihar Ih a l b} Aaii^Tlia LaU ar'i bulplAti

Oantval D. W. fU ilf i ', eblaf o( the Buraau of l>rdnati(.-e, hua made hla an ­nual raport to the Secretary o( War, a t tVaahlnctoli. It ahowa th a t thara vaa ex- pended ilurliin Ibe dacnl year eiinliis dime dJ. iW , r.SW.TK. and th a t there atlll n - malna of the appiuprlatlona for tha Urd- nanca Bureau ll9.ni.SU. Thia |um ia de­rived from the approprUtloiia for the naeal year, which were made for war pur|K»aa, amountlnit to in.SOt.aM.

H e |a rd ln t the eriulpuirm of t.ne volun- leen^ Uta Ucnaral th lokt It would be ua wen to havn the Covemmant equip them, natead of their bringing their ritato orma Into the aervlee, aayliig th a t it eould he dona »a qukkly, owing tq the oonditlon of the arm i of S tate troopa. He apeaha In lerma of pralto of the m anner In which work haa lieen nerformod a t araenala and ordnance factoiiaa In the ruah to imt the oountry on a footing for the war with •pgln. Aa to the egulpinent of an army, he aaya;

"Bo long aa tha principal dependence In thia oeuncry in time of war la a large vol- nnlrer lorc», newly leylad, tl la Imprue tlcabla to keep on hand largo auppllca of cavalry' artillery and horao •qulpniciita. aa tbelW In the courae of a few yeari will not only deteriorate, but will have to t>e m atarlally modlflad to keep pace with Im- urewamantf. The major pari of auoh ma terlal can, by taking gdran tage of the re< aourcaa of the Rock faUnd and othar ar dcngta and the numtroua urlvata eatab- llahmenta capable of producing It. be lup. piled aa rapfiily aa troopa can be raleed, muatered Into eervlce. and prepared for oEinpaigna. Thera ihould, howavar, he on hand fleld and itegeriagea and?uliw4 for

a ■

. — artillery with ear- portion of tha harneaa re-

[Uo,oui men. Such guni and carrlagea cannot be turned out In large numbera onll) abnnt alx montha aftlpr Ini- tlatlng the work."

It\>r equtpptng an arm y with a aupply of amall arme he ihinka there ahould lie a aupply of IW.W on hand of any n ew ^ ra tSlid tha a ru n a l t ahould be kept In a oon-

Itlon ro ae to produce l.{0(i a day. An.. - * - Produce l.M(i a day. An feature of the report It lhal

which tre a u of ooatt drtenoe.The O e n era riay ir"The aliuatlon la very timple. A plan

haa been adopted for providing a complete •oaat defence. With the preaent larllltlsi of tha department thU work can Iw cai- rled on cconamlcatly and In the moat effl- clent manner In xueh a way t i to com­plete the preeent plan In about aeven yeara. Batloiatea ought to he auhmitled each year for ao much of the work aa the facllKlea for Ita producilon will permit. I t reatt with Congreaa to determine how much of the work can he provldi'd for each year conalalently with ine rraourcea of the country. But the work cannot progrtaa taater than the appropriutlona provide for.

"It la probable that there muat lie added to plana and eatlmatea for the coaat de- fetme aomt provlalon for the defence of added pooaeaaiono."

Ha calla attention to Ihe fact that Con- greea haa never appropriated what waa aaked for powder and projeetilea, and In conaequedee the aupply a t the lieglnning of tha w ar waa Inadequate, and he ^vea •ome IneUncea of the work done by the detmrtipent to make good the denefency. The following atatem rni aa to powder la of Interaot:

"Por atveral yeara thio department had been egperlmentlng on unokeloaa powderi for aeacoaat guna and had completed the determination of tha apoclflcattona and re- q u lren en ti for the amokeleoa powder# far nearly all. the oeicoaat guna and mortara. Some of Ihe powder m anufaciurera who had been engaged In the producilon of (hear experimental powdrra had amall plafUa for their production. I t waa Im- poaalblt. however, to produce the iiowdera raat enough to meet the emergency, I.<ler, and aa fact aa ponlblr, the manufacture waa changed to amokeleat uowdert.

" f t abouM be ataled, however, that amokeleat powder only waa manutactuned for Seld and atege artillery. The tact Uiat the fleld and alegc arlUlery waa to be employed waa not determined until about the time that war waa declared, and there were no funda available for procuring am ­munition for theee guna before that time,"

Oeneral Plagler'a report aaya the war haa rarnlihed no opportunity for determin­ing by eipartenee the eir«-t of our mod­ern aeacoaat arnum en t agalnat modern baltleahipa. Tbe reporla of the ex­perience gained, however, lend to confirm the opinion th a t lire from ahipa cannot alienee the fire or lerloualy cripple the arm am ent of our modem batlerjea; that the ahiM could not wlthatand the fire of our modem batterlea, and that, therefore, the ahipa cannot attack the batterlea euc- ceaafully. W hether ahlpo can run by the batterlea without too groat Hak haa not been thqwn. ThIa will depend on the akill and rapidity with which tbe guna are aerved, providing the ahipa are not atop- ped by the mlnea.

RAI»ED TO AMRAUADOK,The Auatrlau l«gatlow ’t R aak to Re In-

•rMaad-AinaelexVrm Koetpracate.Tha Slat* Deparlm eht a t W aihlngtoh

haa reoelved a formal notification that Aualrla la about to ralae Ita legation In W'tahltigton to the rank of an Embaaay. Thia Qovernmept la Invited to co-operate In the goodwill and frlendahlp thua dla- p la y r i by the Bmperor Francis Joseph and to elevate Ihe H ii l t^ S tatra Lega­tion a t V^lenna to a almtlar rank. The S late Department will immediately take atepa to comply with the courteous In­vitation of the A ustrian Oovernment.

According to the highest authority the change of rgnk In the Amerlcftn Legs- tton a t \ lenha will not neceaallate a change In. the personnel of the preaent

P®" Charlemagne Ftilladelphla, now th* Minister

* 1 1 1 probably be promoted w th hla office. The entire corps a t Vienna will be advanced a grade, and It la pot- rible th a t mora lecretarlea and attachea will be sent to lend greater dignity to the new oatabllahment. This Increase, how­ever, will have to be authortied by Con- grcaa. '

A ustria-H ungary, there1, a change. An Amliaaaador of roy­

alty holda a place of extrem e Intimacy, and la Invariabty lelecled from among the personal adherenta and marked fa-

tile r from AuBlrta-Hungary fi the Baron Hengrlmuller, and aa he haa already tp - FJ 'K leave of atwence, ItM hinted Ihet hla aucceasor haa already been aelected.

This la a tid to be Ihe preeent Auatrlnn Mlnlaler to Swilxerland, Count K. d» Kuel- feratela, former Minister of the Interior •nn a well-known favorite of Francla Joseph. Coimi Kuelferateln I* considered on* of the ablest men In Austrian public life, and during hla term In the chamber he rendered conepiruoua aervlee to tha A giicullurallat party, then In conflict with the Mlnlatry.


RORRKU.Tsbeti by Thee* Men a t

C harltan, la .The vau lts of Ihe County Treaaurer’a

offic* of Lucai County, Ia„ a t Charitan, were robbed ph Saturday of le v e ^ l thou- •Rnd dollars In cath and a large quantity of United S tates bondt. Th* oognty will

IK"bandtti. for the bonds belonged mostly to form ers and bualneag men. who had placed them In tha vault* for aate-ke*pliig. Alt of

belongs U the county, n,nia in sliver dollars having been c a r r l^ “ ’Hi*' IW robbers,

"1 *" “ "r*aa> ahA ll>» money waaa * a y .In three Mg bag a i t araa ?,!*•,fli' the intention o f the rotaben to ,P®m ujp' Ihf T raaiurer’* office, hut they

P®“ f m oney Into

.Treaaurer aaxs .the vaultsiTwIL**?**'**!!*®^’**^ •"'* ar«D>s un-Hkely, ainea the doort were standing wide

F l’fh ih* olerka returned from luncheon. aM th is la known to have be»n

“ S* Not a aeratch tlS r Jlio^I-®" *“ ^®®'* ®'" wlhAow*. and

” ®l •u>®W“ tor an hour •■JJT It had occurred,men In tho band. They

^ u r t h S ^ *"• ^ ® '‘ '’®®f ®f ‘I’*SSi 'V“3™ 'f'“ “1“ ®* * £ ? v i« r •*“ “ * th * Courthouae,


Ituiber eouth. ' ' w Farri tneLarge peaaea have b e e n '™ . .—


irW A R K EVRK1N(& KBWS, MONDAY,^ --------------■ ■ a up to thei l t e l i e n e ’J to

NOVEMBER 14. 1898.

* map JMI t« cyrad. 1* pttr •(T ^rpr w«tkn«w. MilHJMrttft a*Vf}oi>iii#ot. Urn* bfteli.


aji4 VO PAY <m............ . o tinale

ioorapl»i«______ _________ ____ . drain*. *U

r*«ulu of ri UirtkttM, uTiaaiural ivavullar ta tnffi/Yoit v . . . —

n w r if* i m fb in any ottwf ipM Ullit. AaA M ic u tt 'A t IN tT ltiiT M iw a u i ty i i )

Ika OMAMUE ST., r e w a HK. H<uiri-g la 10 A. M.: 1 tq 1 sod f to * f ■ *!■

4 youihral »rrMr*. bio I. all ptUianr dJiiaiBg.il diarhan**' Talata «pfn. Uoit for e«rf

blood KMlion, aoru*. . «irioiur« and all

. .Jar ftjr all dli®aia* e«rt aat b*r6re tr«a<>

m onay on d tposlL but conslderabU m oney

ly wh_. ----- - iT h e T roaau rer'i bondsm en

E G B O E SF SO IT H B G A EOpinions on tbe Orest Contest Ba

tween Princeton and Yale.


Tbay Kxpect a gig | h u» ValarjevcB Kefoie Rgg| Hglualag-CflBlt*ts *a Other Font Hill FI'Id t-O caalp a f lb* Golf, ra-.Malar Taylar l.owsra W orld's Iteoordi—ttowllng sud Other Sports.

hM been Jeiioaltcd In the bai rphbent got only w hst had rxN

Ilk, and th ,- ...... .. . . . .Mien laken In

that morning. '__ _______have offerMl to secure th* county If th , money tl not returned

heeii tampered with, and a bag' waa found aluffed In a

'J ilK n U A R U t U H iy g A L O .

Mrmlwra of tli* Crow *ald to M tfs Ho*a , HoapooslU*.

Notwithstanding tbe unusual anercry sought to be maintained by th* Court of Inquiry now on hoard the cruiser Buffalo, a t New York, Invvatliatlii* the ahling of the warthip. I'liough ha* leaked out to w arram the Ipcllef that her condi­tion was not Uur to accident. Iiul to de- ■Igii, A man who la In a petition la knew the tru th , hill tiis icvclult<’ii of whoa* name would work hint great Injury, tella thia aiuri':

"The Injury Ip th* machinery of ih* Iluffalp waa dlacovvied laal Monday, and raported to Commander Hemphill. H* Iram editifly held a contultatlon with tha hetda of the vsrlaua departm tata on ship­board.

"Tha crulaar was than half way bo- tween Heaton and Newport, and It waa decided to put Into tlilt port. Aa toon aa iht- Buffalo cast anchor here an examina­tion of the machinery waa made and an appalling eonrtlllou revealed. There waa avldence th a t the asa valve had

aallora 'ditty_______ . one of the eon-

denaera, tendering It praatletlly uaele**.‘T here 1* no doubt that the ertiiaer had

a narrow caeape a t act. and there la rea­son to hellsve th a t the ■iisaatlafacIlDn nt tha ortw had much to do with the alleged accident."

------ *-#—SHOT m s FATUKH, KILLED HIMSCLF,A San R*bah*d, ttria tla tea-H sItw l Till

n i l b ln Waa Aalaay.H arry Luts, a youth of tlghteen yeara,

fired two bullets Into the head of hla. father, Morris J. Luts, a t Reading, Pa., I yesterday, to d thao c u t hla own throat with a Bhoemaker'i knife,■ Ths father Is lying perhaps mortally woundpd In a ho*-1 pital and the aon Is a ro 6 »e. He expired soon after h it orlme waa committed.

The ttie tn p ted murder and tha suicide occurred In the l i t t it gjioeiaakor ahsp of Morris J. Luts, Ml Rim ttrT*C ghortly a f ­ter I o’olock. There ■eemg to have been but a alight quarrel between the father and ten . and apparently the young man fired the firel detdiy shot ■ a t his father while the la tte r aiepi.

The fa ther and aon made their home In the shop. It being a amall room, divided Into two by a partition, Th* ton cam* home about 10 o'clock In aa tnuixioated condition, it la allrgnd, for Which the father look him to teak. Th* father then lay down on a lounge, which lerved as hli bed. and the son threw himaelf on hla cm not more than three feet from his filhe r. About ten mlmiies after t o'clock lbs aon got up, and, procuring a "bulldog" ptetol which he bad hid away, he stood over his fa lb tr and sent a bullet through hla head, n hen the fa ther attempted to rite a sec­ond bullet was aent through hla mouth, and. ceming out near th* left ear, M gM 111 the old Bian’a bed.

W ith the hlood alreamlng from hit wounds, the father ran to the office of Dr. g. H. F ra n ti, near the com er of Ninth and Elm street!, ami sank unconscious near Ihe tiep. where he was found liy the police, who were attracted by hla cries for the doctor.

When the father was ptioed In the am- bulanee and the police weoi to get the ton, he waa round In a pool of blooil on the floor with the knife by his side. 'The revolver waa found on the father’s work bench. The father has a wife and two smalt childn-n living In Lebanon. Pa,


Many we: * ih* ''post mortema" Indulgad In >est*rday and to-day by those tmhual*,. eats who aaw the ITInceion-Yale game on Satunlay. There were "Ifa” and ''b u tt , '' and It wt* am .u l that all th# pre'Urtion# made before the- gami> hy tnosa who claimed to know ihc alruug and weak points of both cit vena were set a t naught. It waa said that Princeton had a sirongsr line than Vah-. ami that Yale'a bneka

cr Hunaiii ?*''*' A* a m atter qf fact. Tale’srce.n l dla' i Provi'il to Ic,- lully aa Strong a . old

Nassau's .x:C|,i at n,c orida. but Valo'a hacka were weak in oalchtng p im u, gnd their fiiniiillMa roat oM Ell Ilia gam*. Princeton's light endi played with g diifh that ha* xeldoni been eeaii on any foot hull belli, aiKl 1* waa th ty who won the gnme and kept tti* la ic backi from gain­ing groiiriil .ifter they had caught the long puiit* of Wheeler an'i Ayara On the other hand the men who lay iMtck nf PrlrtceUH)'* line to nail kicks often 'lodged the Vale

ften .ra l Oouiai Fear* ('ubin Annexation.M nauiaenl ta Hpsntsh War Vielinti.

—Captain W arren, an American, who haa been with General Maximo Gomel fo rh ifarly two years, haa arrived a t San­tiago. According, to hla siateineni General Gomes wijt . pp , |qqgar hay*. .Am*rlcani About hliQg and li fiMtitif rid of them t i fast a t poaalbIS. He tak e t the tam e course In the case of Cutiana suspected of favoring annexation to the Vailed Staiee. The result Is th a t some of the beat men who were long attached to his Immediate staff are not now with him.

—There haa been organlied a t West Point an tasoclatlon of olllreri of the Reg­ular Army, ronsistlng of both graduates and non-graduates of Ihe Military Acad- emy, having for Its purpose the erection of a suitable memorial to the officera and enllstsd men of the Regular Army who were killed In battle, or who died of wounda received or dieease contracted while In active aervlee In the field agalnat the enemy during the recent war.

—Thomas Greenwood Kershaw, leader of Christian Science Church of Tacoma, died of acute rneuraonla on BsHirday, as the result of his refusal to receive medical treatm ent. He waa a man of the higheat education and intslllgence. and until Idtn- tifying himself with Christian toleiice waa one of Ihe most aettv* and aucceisful busi­ness men of Tacoma.

—Ijt Is understood that assurances have been given to the Administration a t Wash. Ingion by the German Government lhal the visit o f Emperor William of Germany to Spain la entirely devoid of ofltcla] char- acte.r or significance.

—Edward y.ola, a reetdent of Kansas CHy. and a cousin M Bmll* Zola, thh champion of Dreyfus, nays that the re­port th a t the French author la coming to this country shortly la untrue.

—The at earner Wolcott, from Copper TUvsr, Alaaka, brought n tw t to Reattle of the drowning of a young woman named Croaaou and a man named Tanfceraon, in Controller Bay, on October i. Th«y were rowing from the mouth of the Chllkal River to K akay Island, and their boat cap- slacd, The body of th* woman was reoov- ered. On It was found 1111,000, She for- merly lived In Hlnneapolli. W ith h tr sls- la r the ran a dance hall In Controller Hay,

-S ta n le y Reckwlth, aged twenly-lbrec yeara. was killed yesterday while bunting In the woods near Taunton, Mai*. Whits stooping over to pick up a rabbit which he bad abot hla gun waa dlachargcd, and he iwcelved the charge In his head,

—The Rev. Thomas Cummings Hall, son of ths 1st* Rev. Dq John Hall, Ocdnnled the pulpit of the Fifth Avenue Preaby-

would be a meeting i Wednesday evening

there ingregatlon on olork tor th t

o p e ^ te with the committee appointed by the tetalon to recommend a aucceaapr to

terlan Church yeaterday morning, i t waa announced from the pulpit lh a l *'

be a meeting of the cong >aday evening a t k o'olc

purpoee of appointing a committee to co------ ate with the committee a |

tetalon to recommend a a , „ ____Dr. John Hall. While a niimbfr of the congregation ar* tllll In favor of calling to the putpU Ihe Rev, Dr. MoConnell, of the Regent Square Presbyterian Church of LondoH, notwithstanding his reported disinclination and the fact that he la In the Orient In connection with missionary mattera, others, who teemed jo Im Im prest ed WilH the Rev. Thomas C. H all’s ser­mon yesterday, exprsaaed the hope that he would be chosen to lucecefl hIs father.


The I l l la o la awil lad ltiw a L in e N ana T R ro a g h th * D allS iaR .

From th* Chleiffii Tribune.The B u t* Une Uvarn in tba north«r«*t

part of Hammond enjoys the peculiar dla. tUictlon of b*lng half In Indiana and hall In ininoti. In UI3 the east aaotlon was erected by Mrt. Robert Werlay, and rented ■■ • During IIB3 th* w**t eectlon

*'®'' * 1 ‘® eA**™! over IntoIllinois about twenty-five fiSt. T h t second and third floors era used aa a liuteL There ar* two en iratw et to tha aaloon on tho ground floor, on* from tbe S tate of llllnol* the o ther and front one from Indiana' Plummer stree t runs In front of the tav ­ern. The location of J be (iruclure withaeterence to the two S ut«* It such that th* im aginary Bt«t» - '■ •**through tha building.

— _ tlB ut* lin t tuna Olagonaity

ThI* pM utlar fta tu r* of the tw o .« ti|ee

Arthur Poe. W hoie Hun Won For ITloceton.

end* and g»lnird much ground before being laoISed. They aJfo eatigfu with ■ lur*- nesa which teiightrd their, aupporiara.

On lashing th« bull, Yale made twice gs much grouml as Princeton, hut when tbe crucisl ifsts came tb* Orange and Hlack ■Inc held uml prevented Yale'a backs trots crofting the line,

Poe's iisinc will go down In foot ball his­tory, togfthrr with his illuatrloua family of foot ball players. K a Is the fifth who has played the gam* a t Princeton, amt his nlncl)-five-yard rup ranks with that of Isimtr. who won th* game from Vale In A* an old Y |le grailuat<vrrm a|krd this morning' "th o se I’oei have bam * troulilesoihe lot to US. J wonder hq)K m*nj more there are."

Yale men conaider th a t Yale haa iibeo- lulely no excuaa for bring whippod, an'l Ihe gam* will go dgwn In foot ball history aa something tha t Yale do«a not lilts to dlieust. It was not until Ysl* lo s t the hall after oarrylng It for slaty yard*, when there was lea* than flyf mfiwt'es df 'play left, that tha Yale coachea adm itted that Chamberlin's men were whipped. I 'p to Ihia Point they were certain that Vale would win. Their confideRbe wm* by no mrana us great a t that of tha U arvarJ roaches who sCw the game.

The Prlnoeton eltven brake training Bat " ly llttle

' mmOBafull of tonj pinyt. but slacMei


ih rir limit.__ to a He;

yaae*.points fn the gam*

Gambridgii on Butur- Iw th e C rim son tram

a*d liriaiaiil lii'llvldnal irfl Hhownl e disld.il her brJlUant ehowln.

Bgaintt I*eBSM-IVBnlt. Harvard plaveS praclIctU r her tirana*at line, with the eg. cepiton of right Isckle. where IlHiignton was missed. Bath llu rn rti ami Juffray wera tried a t centi'*. Flnefcc ulayeil 'a uoor tam * a t quarter Imck. Dining ih* Tflral half Bawin played a hrilllam gum,', and made one run of fifty yarde. ihrotiih M arly the wfi*!* '>'«m. Hrf,wnW'orrt on a bloekwl ^ e k . from which W ashburn wreured the h tll, and lu lh e j It over . Th* Ilne-iip:'H arvard . Position. Ill own

D«H *n 'l................HiiriiiiyCoqhrans . ^ iFarlayJDonald......

(Eaton)Boal............B urnett......


....L «rt tack le...........L eft guard ............... Centro .........

■ liapgood

.. .W heeler ...ChtK bro

B urden.J. L aw ran ce.. ...........Melendy______- ...R ight tackle..............HineheiiRlehanlM ii........Right end.......... ....... [{,,».

(HallowclliFlnoka.............Qiuirter back........... p rn it

I Bawin)Bawin............ Left half Iwc'x . . .WaBlibiirnIR. I.awr*iieeiW airen .........UIgm hiilf bark ..Rich*rdaniiR. I-awrenea...... Full Iteek____ U'lieaLBrayton) a .iu e

Touehdiiwna—W arren. Boni « \y„ ,h -burn. Goali from toui.-hdowns- lluriiett J Lawrence, Hlchardaon. I’mntre—J ■* Rockwell, .M. 1. T. Hef.-rei -H w 'W aters. B. A. A, Time—Twemv-niiniiic halvea

Th* date of the HBryiird-YaU. fisshmiin gumc Is In douhl, as ihe inunnger of the Till* tfara lijocked the iirepBrailim* by un. nounctiig th a t tho coiueat could nut he played a t New Haven next Hoiurdnv nnJ uakiag th a t It he changed to Cambridge.

FeaaeylTsala N urprltti the Iniliana. More than 13,Of® ipecltio rs nied m r of

Franklin Flrld, Philadelphia. ..n Baturday a t the close qf the Pcnnsylvanla-Carllele Indian *am*, which the Red and lltue won by the deqlalvr ioore of M to J, This was the largeel scor* made against the Indisiia since they have bacom* a faetur In college fool ball, Th* game In a nr.ra»un< re­deemed tha Peiinsylvanlain In the minds of their admlrere for thrlr iin*xii*cted d*. feat by H arvard. The Prnnsylvanla eleven played a t they have not don* hefore thia •oAion,

The ronleal was oi«' lhal will hr long remembered hy those who saw It i t *'sone of the beat played, cleanest and hard­est fought seen an Franklin F|i>|il ihis les- m ii.__^ere w « eao|c fumbling, but It was


- r , ■ ■-------- V "■* Off day,as Pennsylvanta found IItil* dlffiniliy In

a* tcarc^yly nri'" fa u lts

00 small the man for any

The Indians apparemi

Ml, . ■ .*® i'oHi'cd, and llllant p it y i am p tly atoned In this retiieci.

had an off da- - , , ----- - V ------- -'I* dlffiniliymaking gains through ihrir fine, and nin- nlng twenty-three polnte In tli* first half. Ths Indian lnek* were siow In g*l- tlng Into plays, and their esntrs men pray­ed too far apart, making II iKiitlble for the Bed and Blue to oprn up large hol*i. The llne-up:

Pennsylvania. Posltlone. indlaas-McMahon ........Lrfi *ml................... RogersReugsnberg ...L eft tsekie.......... | | pierce

...........L C flguird .......... WheelockOs'crfield ..............Centre,..................Smithyfecraoken .. .Right guafd...............Scott

illrdw ater)Carnetl .......... Right tiicklr. ” ■“H rd grs ...............R ight e n d ...UardltIner ........t ju in e r back.Coomha ........].efi half lu rk .

B. Pierce .krchiqueltc...... Hudson

(Itohfrts)...... Seneca

IWIId).......... Miller

M etoaen

urday night. Palmer, the pluckypnysical

and.is the only man Id poor physical condi­tion as a reault of the haitle with Yale. He received a eevere blow on the head, but It la not expected to leave any per­manent Injury. Contrary to the ouatom of years, the captain for Ih t 'N team was not chosen after the game. The men who were In the game ar* *nG tkd, ta riecl lllllebrand’s succeseor, hut they were oo exb tuiled by thrlr desparalq ex___ _______________- ....... Jesin ratoeriton that It Wat d*eldtd to po iiH n* the

■Om* later, dale. Tn* «xa*t time Jiaa norihakn dciermlaed, htK i t geproliahte th a t It wUI M some dgg next week.

I t Is a foregone conclusion th a t the cap­taincy will again be tendered to illlle- brand, but popular opinion saye that he will not accept th* honor for a second term, on the ground lhal hr h is already given hla best efforle to tbe team, and prefers to give aome other member of the trium phant rlevin a chance. Th choice Ilea between Edward*. IMS; Booth, 1900, and Geer. '99, for the la tter will return to Princeton for postgraduate work next year.

Princeton ended her fact ball campaign by having fewer points scored » a ln s t her than any of the big teams. West Point was the only teem able to reduce IheTigers' clean record,

w h a t tbe leading_ college leame have done In Ihe way of point scoring is shown by the following tables

PIllN rETO N .Prinevton... ......... 21 LrlilKb ................. 0Princeton... ......... 12 Steven* ................. 0Princeton... ......... u2 Fran kiln, M arihall 0P rinceton... ......... J tL sfavette ............ 0Princeton.,. ......... SOAnnSDolls ............ IIPrinceton... ......... C Cornell ................. uPrinceton... ......... 21 Maryland A. ('. . bPrinceton...Princeton...

......... 5Penni)’lvanla Blair fl......... 23 Brown .................. 6


......... It Virginia ........................ uWext P o in t........... .’l

P rinceton... ......... fl Yale ...................... 0T otal......... ..........2« T o u t.....................

YALE.Y sle............ ......... I* Trinity ................. 0Yale............ ......... SWealeyan ............ 0Y sle............ ......... 21 Amherst ............... 0Y alf............ ......... 2S William B ............. uY sle............ ......... flNewton ................ bY sle............ ......... 22 Brown ................... 6

......... l«Indians ................. 5

......... lOWext P o in t........... UT a le ...,...... ......... lorntcago A. A— 0Ysle.............. ......... 0 Princeton ............ 6

T olsl....* . ......... ilfl Total................... 17HARVARD.

H a rv a rd ... ......... llW llllamii .............. 0H arv ard .... ......... IS Bewdoln .............. 6H arv ard .,., ......... SlDortmoulh .......... 0H arv ard ..,. ......... .iSAmhcrxl ............... 3H A rvard,.., ......... 22 West p o in t............ 0H arv ard .... ......... 22Newtowne ............ UH arv ard .,,.H arvard .:..

.......... nChJcago .................ItlndLsns .................


H arv ard .... .......... lOPennsylvanlu ...... iiH arv ard .... . . . . . . . 17Brown .................. 0

Total........ ......... 210 T ota l.:................. 1&

Gutland ......Right half backKolwell ............. Fuli back...

Touchdowni—McCracken t Harr I, Gar­diner. Uowls from louehilowns—Ouiland S. Goal from placfmeni—Wheelock. I'm - plre and referee—W. II. Forhln, of Yale. Time—Ihlrty-flve-mlnuti! hsive*.

O trnril Crfired s t w il l .Carngjl ran dp a soore of -IT to 0 against

Lafayette, a t Itiiae*. on Baturday, with iltil* difficulty, Cornell'* team work and faet, snappy puylng stood out In contrast to the work of the KattonlaTis. Krom .thr

Inning of the gamA. Cornell had littlebeglitrou


gP e n n sy lv a n ia .......... tiF ra n k lin . M arshall innsylvanli......... eouettysburg ............. '

nnsy lv in la........ MPennsylraiiia Slate innaylvtn la........ MMansfleld ................ '

P e n n sy lv a n ia .......... U B row n ........................ ln n n sy jv a n ia ........ MVIrglnla .................. 'P e n n a y lv a n la ...........lO L cn lgh ....................... 'Pennsylvania,....... IT Wesleyan ...............'P e n n iy iv a n fa .......... S L a f iy e l l e ................. 'P a n n sy lv a n ia .......... jK h lc ig o U n lV e r s liy .UF e n n sy lv a m a . - - -P en n sy lv a n ia .T otal...........

Cornell...........C orn ell..............Cornell.......gorntU

'o rae ll.,.,,..C o r n e ll . . , , . . .C orn ell..........C ora*U .„„,.co uk ii,.; , , . ,C orn ell..........Cornell...... .' T o ta l........

.... 0Harvard ...... kiIndians ...

......3M Total.......CORNELU . . . . E B y ra cu te , . . . . nCcilgaie ... . . . . 41 Hamilton . ..... HTrltilty ......... EByraouae ........ & Indiana ... . . . n n u ffu lo . . . . . . . 0 Princeton .. . . (Oherlln ... . . . . llWllUatna .


”” Tolal..

rouble lu AdvAtirInf the hAli throiifb thk- uoU c, Aiid Z^rt H tlf Hack llo r.

rlMD tDAQt »oinf phcnDmenal aaUih ■raund the 'I-afAyfltc was unAbI? to holdHerklnn. Cornell fuU back, who plAyrd An unuHually atrong AAme, eonaldeHns U WM hl» Drat ftkmv of tha iM fon, The iTne-'^?/ornell, Position, Lafay*1 te,Duvall.................Left end................. RutterWyvtll............. Irffl tic k le .......... CtialmersReed..................I-eft guard ........... Bachman

to . Young)C a l d w e l l C e n t r a ....,.Ros*BbergerLuoder.............Right guai-d.............HeilmanBweetland....... Right tscklr. ..M cDermottOrlmshaw......... Right end................ Wilton

(HogailJ (Kleuer)Yountr (C.Li,.4]uarier hack.........Beat iC.)M o rri» * n .,,...^ f t hall Iwck........... CarterM Intfiof........mglil naif back...........Knight

IFrled)Perkins.................Full back..........Heckthan

Touchdtfwn*-Morrison 1 , J'erkina 9. *1 Infleo^ iw ri tlaiid. Goala from totich- ^ w n r-x ro u n g 7. Referee—Mr. Lang. Yale. UrapIre^Hr. Mosaom, Amherst. Time— Thirty-minute and tw eniy-m lnuis halves.

Nsithar TUsra Csnlil tNwrt.The game of foot ball lietween the St,

Aloyslis eleven and the Paterson A. O. a t Wledenmayer's Park yesterday a fte r­noon resulted In a tie. neither team lielng able to score. Tho visitors bad Bomewhac the bettor of the argum ent, but atrong defensive work by the looal team kept them from crossing Bt. Atoyslus's goal line.

O'Brien's work ol tackle for the visitors was a feature as waa Murphy's line p lung­ing. Devine, Lee and H art old good work tor 31. Aloyaluf. Summary:

St. Aloyalus. Poalllon. Paterson A. C.Provost............... irfti end.....................KalisLawson................Left tackle.............O'BrienHpieh, Mrlnlyre.LsAft KQArd-...a.s..Swrt!'nyN utty................. Centre ................W illiamsFreem in .........Right g u ard ..............MunsonH art................ P lfltt u e k le ....................CarrMcLmuf him...... lUflllt-wsil..........MulbollandIligglnB....... Left half back..............H ew ittDevine..........Right half back.......... MurphyLce- -v............ Quarter back..........SheppardTremel...................Full back...............fiwens

Time of halves—Twenty-five minutes. Referee—Jam es Atkinson, I’m plre—M. F. Smith.

t.o«sl Q rjd tn n N*l*a.It Is altogether probaW* (ho t the Now-

aik and Kiverride A. C. will nwet on the former* foot bait field again on T hanks­giving Day. Notices wer* sant ou t by the Newark-club’s Foot Ball Com m ittee yea-s*l*jl(sV #FS*- On. ______ _ _a_>. . * .

. (Tamer, «u* of Its former mem-Eiigene V.beta,

Oa th * itaw llB g Alley*.The Rerkler* Club rolled two prncllr*

C iqo* on A d a m s s a lley s ■ •tu rd ay n lg lii. Ofes:

Tt-LAJI A. TEA M B.W sek en hu th , .111 I fiiz io g ler .......... II* n *

i.r. iH K raltler .........1 )i lU1'). .tin FlarIn ......... lOT t tId" iM iD r, Sebopfor 1(U l i t

Nei'k Frrnttel Blind .. . .

Totals . IM n i l T ota ls . . » l UT

to in * la o t t h a t m em - ‘ fiJS •E m itte d to nd th e R lv * (* ld « m en anould n e t b s ch arged

terday tor pnteilce to-morrow a lg lu a t * D cluck til preparallon for the -eonteet Twenty-four csndldatea are flow trying for plucaa un the Newark team . Rlventdi- objected (umewhal to the foot t h a t mem- hers Of the Newark A, ‘th* n n i* s free, «nd Hay that they nleo anould n e t ndmlsslon. (t Is theaghl th a t t: ence* will be amicably arranged, feaelble way. It la ggroed, la to charge every one. except lbs p lnyen a n d offleiare admission to tho gume*.

The Orang* A. C, wlH play th e K nlcktr- bocker A. 0, again nwit Bnturduy. “ leiims pinyed to a tl* on election when licit her eleven «or“ *

The A rlingtw A, A. led th e n e n

Aeacolqlion ii



teamIttuny «

defeated Hie Now Park*Park, Raat Newark, on goals to t.

The Sacred Henri* defeated' Ihe Angry A, C,, SO to 0, a t Bloomfield yeaterday a f ­ternoon.

Th* Invincible* won from th* Orlenlale " In one ha lf on Baiur-nn the "meadows"

ds^^aflernoon ^ the scors qfThe Lafovettei defntted the Comets *t

lomg Island City yesterday afternoon. The score waa 17 to 5.

The E a tt End 1 C. playtd th* E ic ris lo r P C. yeslM-day. No scoring w as done,

Bv a a f l " ® ( , ' * >» Beton HallCollege ball eleven won an exciting the Stale CMJhge team , at

afternoon. N tarlygame from nelon Hall, B iturday l.bOO people wltneaiod the n in e .

0 * lS a g oa N earby O M irtai.The second round In th e h a n d ica p com -

p ellllpn o f th e Gl*n R idge Oedt C lub m em - e*rs for the laaao B n e d e W M v e r C up w n prayed S aturday aftern oon . N q cgrdg w are Kept, th e K orin g M lh g d one b y h o le t ann Ihe Kandhmp* b rin g fly a t r o k n n r hoF* H. R. K elly an d Kl?k B row n t lJ d a S d w U i play S a t u r ^ y . w h e n th e th irdround w ill a l io be p la y ^ , P Igyer* w ith h a n d lca p a a n r ra a u lt i. fo lte w t ^ '

B roughton, te r a te h , b ea t ffid- w ard N. B riitoL i f by up; J . W . S t e w K , aeratch, beat C. 8 . Sherm an . 1, by II u n ’ Robart L. Job natoge. t ^ a t H eolt J l^ S , 13, by 1 up: H. R. K e lly , *, an d K irk Brow n, I , (ted; C lar*no* H a c e .X h # « t ’&

- ____ , H. Siandlali, « by 1 up: Dr, J . ’S . W iiionBr*wm 9*0res A g iln s t H ervard. ^

The hopei of the Harvard aiippoftcra i ' pi' r u p - ftSS^f**' celved a wetback on Saturday l**t by Ih*. K*!l'y Id by 1 un *■ " * * ^- - *h'. n ? ! r h r Brawl!'*' ThS j®® final* 'for thc®'chanm*n champidh-lied ui? the fleld by _Brown. <*«n ware HAturd'-


tavern glvca It a n « * l precedent not en­joyed by other phiaea of He ch ir tc lri '. it I* pointed out to stranger* aa one of the right* of interest In Hammond, blot a few stop there while passing juat to imbllM a ftex* of li*er aniH indergo the sSaotlo* rnetdent to tbe novelty of tha p l ^ . At one point In the saloon a peraoti may starill III II1lnola_and drink * beer from rail “rii™ Jer In Indiana. ThI* la done •very day by hundred* with guito *nd coam ent. ' ’

Aiiolhar fpatiir* o( this b*r I* the *r- ra iig rm fn t.p f the itot m a^tne*. Theoe

.w ic e * ar* flltatd j m inwiify^wkllawllig ov*t the Indiana low u *t«« them,

lliu ** gr* S I _______whers (net* hi p*iO,

In Hiingt* they’ are fi*ra M t ja oparalril,

W w le^ j^ b .r^ trimigh,

low IS a top Ihetn, under th* (Min, u d To p tey .tliem JiT '.........iDdlamJ ** ** “ ‘ '’*** ™.Again. Dili who boi brski

Ik* j lM N S M ffiWik t r qfi »h».

- ......... .'low to th* Crimson. ** It w*« con.fldenlty expected that the Ells would

I down the Tlger*,am1 *o tile foot bull cb*tn- i plofiablp would hen* on (he reeull.-if the ! Hor', »rfl-Y»ic game. It w ii also thought

th a t If Talc defeated Princeton the eosch** of (he DarIt Blue would rest on their osr* and (he Crimson'* eh*ne« for * (urprioe similar to that tp tung on Penn- lylvsnl* would be greatly increased.

Every man on the Harvard eleven I* fit -th a t t r t in to-day and nlny the game of Ha Ilf*. The Ann. who le f t the gamo agaln it Bfown were all anxtou* to con- tm w . but C lptain Dibble* said, “come out," and tb i t wttiwl It. If th* team o*n g r i through until Thursday without any n w fc a twBry they will n* * 1)1* lo Y M la t New Haven on Saturday Intact


the law of


Doctor BillsQ * ^ J No doctor ever lived

who couU give you

thw fiijeietter’s Stomjcti flUfers CM t t t a t y aie^ ^ (ie»ier'$, cure

b t t s .

trounds gt I'ltlnlleld, and reaiV) ted In C W . F l i k ^ t l n g H, M.'Shep*ril by J i j | . a ^ I to *0 . T^e Iioxt event on the qourai will he the mixed fourvarorii foe th e OtlbcrimoVnm" "" ^

The llfhatham Golf Club 1 1 1 week with ra* fclli

F reri’lrnt. Russell H'test week

riilent.William 'r. Hunt: secretary, “ *■ Fredt -fi-'hoiio*B oyl^ tresBiirev, Dr.


and wlU Day.

CoBoeralag the O yaim i,"U aJoF' Taylor lowered - Ih*

world’* record Saturdoiy by f s **«ood a t th# W codw''-

SjfVn?*diSt(iril«of i ocoond alt In the i m in w s i mad* tn L i. scettSd low ir iksk th* ] lor»; the francinggw,

nlaei) ■ l•r*:

l«nt, k A.um,lUm.

i f C ]

Ail* th* of

The Juhnslon A Murphy Bowling Chib (he fo llow in g arorci at U o errs S a i-nwd

urdsy night:TEAM A.

773 70T EA M B.


Ihlacl .......Schroeder Momper ..

T o ta ls ,. . . *

Peterr ......Brown ...,,Dow# .........Dimmer .. Kodaii .'....Dick ...........lllch aff . . .

Totals .........................G lm hrtnui A and R teams put up the

fallowing game a t Doerr's Saturday night: TEAM A. . TEAM B.

Dlcm ................. . LMKuerht ............... 137Hiibsr ...... .......if* Pfeifer ................... i mErntbcrger ........ .................H 'Strcle ...........I n k u n le r .......................... IMRellihard ........... I tl'fcb la tter HITtuw tld .............. IB Vogirr ................. ]«|Stockel ................U> U orrsth ................m

.1 . W *• r'* luttrloaJth

I if! "" notkxh to Himii.

i*^**Jjw Jair (wW lu <.iUi,K,=. iSio mtaakm tu IHU^

teUUll a ju P,

m iu w

Total ................. Sse! Total ......... . HfflB ow lu g MIHaaltMi at I'w m i I,

The undergraduates a t Cornell have beensurprised during Ihc test few days to learn that ihn Athletic Council Is tarry ing or negotlaltons with Yale and llarvaril. TookIng to th* arrangem ent of next year's ert-w rocea. Cbrncll thl* year Is again placed In a delloat* posIHon, and th* eolu- tlun of tho aquatic problem will be nearly aa difficult a* It was t**i year. In fad . ths probism Is *o complex that th*r* Is nol a member *f the Athletic Council to­day who can tell wh«i race* Cornell will row, nor where she wIM raw them. It is learned On good authority that Cornell will firet have to decide whether or not rim will row two rare*, and It Is this preliminary question that has been de- baled.

It Is »afs Is s ty th s l neither Csnisin Fisher or Cosoh Courtney Is In favor of rnw lnt more Ihsii one 'varsity race, it will not be lurprlslng. however. If Cornell should be forced to do the aside thing that th s did test year.

It esn be S lid on high suthnrliy thsi the

The last oa whioh this she- b made hsa sems new In tu n i which have nsrer btfur* taani In- ccriKirtieU In t Issl. and iheo* saw iMlais have teen sludled usi wUh Ibe Mss of living Hit eearer lbs srsatest tmoiiDi of romtort (sepecltl- It St the TON* sad lU lX of the teoi).

Boys’ Shoes from $1.25 Up.


S H D E r ~

Cornell Is working for Intarsfts of tncimn regatta. She was the Issdtng factor of Ihc orgsnlxstlon of the Inlercolleslaip Rowing Assoclstlon, and will do ill Inher power to Induce Ysl* tn d Harvard tn come Into Ihe tim e r tg s t ts with Penn- ty lv tn ls and Columbit.

J___________-EJ.JUJgiHf J - . "

■ . t * i..m " i i * * * * * * * * * 4'* * » H i * 4 t


ro R


196 Market Street*OPF. NKWABK TMEATRB,

ricn'i «nd W o R W i't CuA tom W o rk s Spw lshy.

* “ MTCt <lay. ^W.|q 'b --^ f*i MTC* nay.

“ I ' f ............................... ...fS f* g Ar-rlnm.

.nS-oSi, a ' l U T « * . . ® s g ' ^ i

' i F l f l“P »» ' (ke *«(h.

ginit htm

.Turk iig nitsburw. ' If. mnrne

kveUM p,


O U R ID l Y

8 T A V S e v i l E D . +

26 Cuili >t AH Bn| Slant tr k; M . |J U D 8 0 K D R U G C O . , j

4S« BROAD SI BEET, Newark, N .J , 1

B L R IIO tiA T R 't K A T teS fle

Stop That Cough tD r . i V l a n d e v i l l e ’s

C o u g h S y r u pW IL L D U IT .

ItltihcdftEATgkTOUPsNit (X>UaiI Ct'HE on KARTII. U 111 cue* In 34 houra Nsvetislhtn eiirt COrUHl, COMW. THROAT anil

ilLKLINO tn th t

KkTATK OF ROHliHT K. WRHNER. DK- CBA*SI>-P«r«inm lu tlm urder ol Kilwanl

W. JftcliEim. Rurtoftiu^ ih« rovnty of E m i, Vhli lUr no ihe Buplli-Eilon nf thf tundt r-fflRntd «dfnlniilr«tor of nn4lc« tati«rf>bk‘ vlvtn to ibe orMUiDn of Kid d^CMiKU tn ^xlUbit lo Ih* BUtMKrll)«r. tutdvr (i«ih or tfflnn i' linn, (hrlr ukliiit MAd 'dtfMiidi HfHitui eti«ie of ulUi drcM wf wlitilh nlnn munthii from ihlE diUe, or ih ^ will Ut f 'KVPr hsiTNl frtmi proflf>('iitlnir or r«tYjv«rinf tb« mttw AfHinii tht «ulwrlb«r.

Novfmb«r 11. 1801ADOLPH r WEHKER.

KSTATCOP UA HftlVIa K(IOEN»i'Ht:WlLLKR.DECKAHElKvl'urnUDt to lh« ord»r of HSdwttij

W. JftckEnri. iturronato of tho LNtuntjr of Kwoc. thii d iy mod*, on tho oupMcailmi of ihe tifi* doriltnH *kdmlnf«irainr or Fakd dKeaaod, notiro Il hereby kItiii to the ereclltoro of Mid docekwij to eRhlblt to Iht •■tnkcnkri r. kindtr utib or ar* flrraaUoii. ihtlr cltlmt imd Atinandi unliwt the ciluti of Milf deyftkiod within nln« moniht from thl« dRi», or they wilt be forever barrvd from nrtwoouilnti v rtvoverliiR tho iim t lirotnit tha mbarrther.

October » . 18M.__________ AAMAKD-gCHMOU*.

5$TAT£ OP IfAUY A. KHfUY. DI|i'l!iA9|£Ji~ Purauanl to the urdar of Udward w . ^nckai/n.

flkuroKit* of the (HMinty of Kenx. tliia tiny modi', on the aiiolk-jttkuo of the undfrNljined Mecutor of u ld iliH aiaed. notice Ut Harchy jrivan to the cMditorn of mid docouedi* exhibit to the eub* wriber. ondtr ijpth M> ■mrmatkin. their elaltmt omi demand* axatnit the eritate uf Mid rie- cElBied wKhiii nine moiiihi frdW; tiili dati, ur <h«y will bo forever barred fMAk nruMoutknji or raLUYorltiE ih« Mine ttnfnit uie lubarrlbor.

October 17. IttiS.«J THOMAy S.JASTO ^^NOTJCK OF BfTTLEMBNT-Notlce la beraby

Kivrb Iimt tlic (loouiiikta bf the eubacrlber*. ex- temore of t?harloUe A. Coe, deceaaed. will be Kudiltd and itmied by iho iiurruimi* and rc- iwTiAd for Mttlement lo the OrphAne' Cuurt of the county of Rmcx, on Friday, iha iwenty*flfih dtv of Ktevember next.

pAied October IMX.THtWrJOHli; C*Ol«s RTKPliRN H. PLItM.

211 UAHCl'ki U WAHIi.NOTinS OF HKTTl*l?ilKNT--No<lce ta h^nbf

xiven that the Acooumf of ihe aubacriber, *Tuate( un(lpr the will of M'»aee Ward. deei-AEmt for ihe Newark tiruhan Axyltetn AMiK'iailon, will be Audited and Etalrii by thu Huirojialc And r<-' twined fur actllemant to the OrpiiAn*' Court uf the fountv of Kaaax, nil FriilAy tha twenty-flfih (lav ftf November noxl.

Dated October 2D, 10118- ___________ MAnrcg D. WARP.

NOTICF OF BKTrLKMENT-Notlce Ja htrfljy •Ivan that the accouma the auhai'i ILier. ud-

mtiilalrhtor. with the will annexed, of KAttni-l II, Oardner, deccAaed, will lir audited uiid EUiled by I ha Aurroiuic arul rttKiri»l fur aeiiiF. weiu In the Onjhina' Court of the uHiJiiiy '‘f KMfiL on Friday, tha eleventh day of XpYcmUti ■ext.

Dated Oct. T. 1000-' KTKPHFN J. MKKKDH ^ red M rk F. CU.ld, Prtwtor, WiyNOTICK OF 8ETTIaFM15NT-NotFe Ifi lieieby

tlven that tbe Accouhta of the aulwiriber, ea* ai'ulor of Henry Ijcwli, decexaeiJ. Kill he audiUil and iiAted by the HurtuxAte add rei>i!rtpd n<r aeillemeiu to the OrpJiaiiH* Court of the cDuniy of Kaaex. on Friday, the eJevcoth day ot vemiwr next,

Dnted October 0, 1898,JOPFIMI HE.VBLEa

Michael T. Barrett. Proctor. ®#f

c onrsiirMi»xionr,I ’ r lp e i lS c . B o t t l e .

Fur sale at ril drug sioras usd at

The C. D. MandevilleDrug Company,

410 Mulberry StreetCoiumted wltli Hug driit star* Is * cnMuHsUon

rooui, wh*H) Pr, llandovllle ixin bo cunaulmd nit til dUr*M* KKKkUF ClIAktIK. *p*olsl sUsie tloo given to OLD t'llRO.NlU DHEAkEd,trie cars psai tbe BOOK. gtec-


Anthracli* coal uiwo rscluslv*!]', insurin* riHalioeia aad rgmlwi. Tlnwltbi* la egret tx io te rl. Him;

Train, lesve llrotfl aail I'erry etreet tiitlmiii Per Plslanel'l. a:ia. 7:Sn, «:U&. s:**. V:Ud. lUKKl A. At.: 13:1(1, I:|1A. l:Jq. x:«l. X:sa. 4 :ln,

i;ln, lOiin.

_,«tlbl4l« ~ Achea t

Veetlbii.' 'K rli;''

'”.a '

• u S te v a ' sail t:4 t A. TC

d.|ra *• ««'■•o s ; t e iJir'SL

*• **■Per Rnwlilni.. N, Y.-Atl ,hr„™h ,r ,i„ ,


8:lfk. »

'r .^ .f;jn,|I1 :JH:'


P. u .

*■*'**•l l :0 i . tl:54 A. tS ‘M 1:10 t5:04. &:44. 0:91, b:34 e j! ! !« Ti**',*

ft]U. 0 it». a, ^fte^r JO


4-Mi. 0 :tM, n;£t. y.ii, 7 :^ . 1011:2A K M. bunOeya. T.»e 1 1 :4 A.MO. r .ii, 4:0(1. 'r:lU. 0;W. F. M.

4:02. 4;*o. :0L 11 :B P.

Ti.ti: m H r io :4 f v 311:10 end ItiiT hiiiht, IvnAty. if:M, 'itJM

f!iii 1 : 4 W |

Fuc Homervllte, at 0:1! A. U .\ 12:10. iHiQ, I'M)

TiJ». 0 . . . . .......3:40. I:J15,_4:02,

bifo. 10 •M. Btkjidava. 1.1&; ft:0p. lOdA A. M iHA. T:3U. f M . lb i t t P. "

1:K>. 4:40.lltjrh wldat. ------------- -

Itrtiice SmiiDh and Tmli# HtHidea, (Ntfioeetlnc for. JTur atatkina to Ho

atatloBB -III HtAfa ______ ______lAAiiDtkx. 0:U A. M. 14:40, txcwnt Cheater) to Otrman Valley and t.*b««t*r> P. M. Bundaya a : ln F. M. taPlandera).

For alaiioni oa lialu lint Naw Jrrary C«atr«J 1,)lvi8lDitJ>. IfiMlon. tiwihl4>bMn er»d AliaotoWn. T;ao, UriKi. with Huffrl Harlorcar. A. M. it2:lo. to JCaaton). iBuffat Parlor Car. 4:40, toKaetom, A id (T:1A. to Kaaiuni F. M., aundtya (7:1.1 A. M., to Kaaiohl. lilb, 3:8ft K M.

Vor MttHcii Chunli. 7:W. h:iS A. M. |w ith BoDfft Parlor Car). I;:i5 fpiiffat Parlor F- M. ftufiilaya, 1:10, h'.ra P. M.

'tri. ft:4.V Paitii^ and AcruBton, t>:nd


Legaura M. 8 r a « . cnmidalnatn. tiiid Jiwekh J, Klmtaland ri ala.. de/andantH. On ilnu) decree fnr Mle uf pyt^mlaea In partition.

Fly virtue of a final dwree. to m<» dirjj'fp'l. tr- lutd out of the Court of Cliftov' ry or New Jer- My. 1 will exiKjye to aa|B at public vendue on Toaadiy the ajxtli day. of Dei*r?itfr. hundred tnd nlneiv-elrli)t. t i (he hour of iku a'clwh in tbe aftarnnon^of m M ilav. tl Ibo Courthouae In tha city of Newark. In ihevooniy of Kaaex. ill thnt certain irat-l or i^rcel of land and uremlwa lituaie. lyltm end Jj* j*'* townahlP of BellavUto. couniy of Kp» « anii State of New Jeraty, botmile<i and deavrlbed ae foUnwt. lo-wll.: . , i, ^ MAM lhat tract of iand-In Hie nelxbborhoM of Rnrln* Oarden. wbhhvWaa oonvcjeflto milUm Dow bv Henry Klni»land. Jr., end Marj, hla wife, by rtfftd b^ftflni diiie AupJM nlnetrtnih, elahiaen hundred and ibirty. bounded ^ thanorth ald« by land formerly l>elori(rJttf to An- Ihfinr Brown and Stephen Sargeni. weattrlj by Iftnd of th» filA le of the

liaaed: eoutrierly by land of the Uie <,,jrd. daoeaaed. and eneierly tcAdlnR from jamei Hmwn to iN et«Hie ■ohooUt;

tniiss a l »w ln* Oar4«i; aimlilnIMhad. b* tht sam* mor» or le« . telns Hi* teni*

® ilH i wmv.rad to 111* sari J"''" ^bv Jorosilah Klngstand by drad dst*.! Mifrb iwtotr-flxM l^ .v'*ii',t*!li, V SllT-tlirM, anil r e c e n t for BoHX (fouaiv. nosj MU. lol* and liu.rral In dow.r of ih* defondjint, AllMlito Analln. tn said n r™ ii« . •"'I also tb* inctiontt rlsbi of duww rf ili» driratl-Klnwaland. In the undivided one^half iwrt of Mid pretnlrer. loffether with all and tingular, the heradhotiienie And appuriermncM iv the on id prfin!F*e iiewnulnir. or in anywlat flDjwr* lalninr ^

D .,.d ,Special Maater in

. . ,dehtla1 Rutldlnt. >Skinner ft Ten Byck. «-»llHlurr,

.. ................. jinoenr.prudemlal Rutldlnt. New;fh. N. J.. _ d.-,..-ia—. fiu.-ftr) 08a

IN CHAHCRHY OF KKSS' Alfr«f)T. »voa niMi tho Clerinan*AiMrliian JAittK uf

virtu*‘ of an order of the Court of ChaDjer/ of New Jeriev. made on the iay of * •L*’ herexf/, in 0 oauae wlwreln Ot*ofir* Tutili'. anrvlvldkc execittur ami uualec under the laet wm IS «!Urlw i. Merhrrrt. t-oniplalnant, onrt you and uthera ure ilefrnJanta. to appear and Ideeil. demur or Mbawer 10 the CfunplalneMt'e b/n. on l i '7 kM?Jintlatr next, or the aaW btU u HI be taboli u** eonfexeeii aanlfiet you,. , ,

The Mid bill i i filed In foreoloao n morldage

T. IvM. erd vou, tbe e"‘d The Oerwjen'.tnerlrtn Bftjkb of Brpohlrn are made defm tda^ IwuftUee y ^ D w n eald lande ut aome nert thereof.

November 2. WllW-

I flT.ftO) Ko. t4R Hfnad

JfWHPH N.^Tli'-TTLE., pljrttnr (or rompletnaiii. trnad etreet. Newark, N. J.

iBBTti's Hudielit init IndlftsUoi CmIl th« only ramwljr on tho nmrEet that will cure nverj' form of Hwtdiiche In 8 to 10 iiitnntet, correct Indtgeiilon. itlmu- lut« rti* nervei sntl bnlld up the ijgtein. Jtiboold be In «Tory home end every tUTcUgni' grIpMcli. At ill Hrtigeitte. M euro*, aiv.

« t J I v T A r C Alar UMIuglk* lips ri‘J,«»'»f.l'“.■rice go*. PARIAN U «I0S , E t sh it w tbe skin, (rira

u m r i k Md W TH -wwmtedW tfluvT

Bed Hank enlyl A. M,: IKtt P. M FOR LAKEWOOD.1 :^ 4:40 P. H. dundaya. Pi;h.'V

Bamncat 4.f t P

Park and BarTieaai,. M. rtunae>a. JO:oa

For WIlMeiiAite.A. . ...... _ .

Pot Kanbuir. Ijewliburv and Wll1h|m«)ioit Via Pmudaliihit. h i« A. )!■: 1J0S. 7:35.11:25 P. M, Sunday, ftsilft P. U.

KKWAKX AND KUZABETM BRANCH Trelna leave Btt»d mr#e< Hiatlon far KMxa“ bcUi and RoMtIe ai 5;ia. 0:50, 7;M. h:u5 (K:nH.

HJlaabalbport uniyi. 0:03. Otr<. )():<)•'>. I0l45. 11:.15 A. M.; tSrlO. l:h.V I:ftfi. 1:40.4:tri. 4rVI. ftrlH 5:23, ft:4.V 0:ttJ tT:AV io K)iu< hrth). 8110. b:i>A, 10:(A, Il:i5 P. M. Hundayi, 7:15. 0:00. ]];ftO A. U.i Mti, S:«(j, 4:o:i.3:02. A'ftS. 0:.3O. fiU. ft:15. b;Uft. 10:23 F. M. PKBTH AMIIOV. IjOHO BRANCH. OCK.4N

nRDVb. KTC.Krtf Trenilrv and rartaret. 0:1". U:0S. Id-.ori A. M.: 1:38. .'' U . 5:45, 0;1«. 0;ri5 V. H. dun- da va. 0:05 A. M.: 4:05 F. U.

8cwaren. al d;lS. ft:tKl, lOiUft. Il:h5 A.M i 0;:LV 4:IRr, 4i40, 5:45. 0:19. U:X5 P. U.

kitrfteya. 9;(k5. 10:00 Ae M .: 4:01* F- H.Bdryiilrm Reach. 0:01. 10:00 A. M. : 1:00. 1:35.

6:10, t»:.l5 V. U. tfundaya. 0:00 A. U.For F^rth AibIm-jv. 0:lif, 0:5H. lk:W. lOilfi, 11:3.’

A. If.: f:5H. ZX*. 4:01. 4:40, 5:45. «lil9. U:U3 P. M. HUdaya. 0:05. 10:00 A. M .: 4:05 P. H.

Fur Allanth- Hlichlinda. vl« Matawan. h:.')8. 11:15 A. II.: 1:5ft. 4:40. ft:4A. 0:10 P* H, bun- dava. k:0n A. M.; 4:05 P. M.

Pnr Freehold. ftJA 1 |: |0 A. U.; 1.3ft. 4:40, 5:45 P. M.

For Red Hank. 1*onft Hnnrb. Ocean Drove, eh-, (0tl5. lu Hea airi, only). II tCi A. Mrt:50. tn Red Rank only). 4Hlft, 4:40. ii:)0 p. M 0iindajr«, except to OC40tl Qrwve. 0;O5 (10:05 to . . . . ly) '

FO• ::t8 A. " ‘ ■A. M.

Toma River. ...A. U .i J;50.

A. M.For A tlintle City, Vlneleid end Brldfeion.


From Broad and Fern* ftirret Rtelinne At S:;*n. ft;50. e:M. 5:40, 7:INi. 7:20. 7:40. 9:0U, h:2U. «:40. 0.W. 0 l» \ 0:4»i. IOtHo. 10:40. ll:0n.ll:»0 A. M.: 1I;M M.i I7:U. I:iin, 1:S0. 3:ISi. a:*l. a.'OO. * ;» , 1 :0(1, liJd. Si(l3, »;W. S:M. B:«l. « : » , ti:1ii, i-M . T:I0, T:HI, T ;» . *:iW, Si:NS. loins. 11:20 1'. H .: l!:in . 12:10 nixbl. HuaOars. n:IKI. 7:1X1. S:no, m w . IIMX1, 11:0) A. M.; 12:00 M.: t:0«. 1:20. 2i00, Siisi. 4:uo. H:isi. aiiM. T:IX). S;l». 0:1X1, innio, ll:0O. t t m r . M. (12:10 A. M., raoent Uomtava).

I*eaivt New l i At ftifia. 6 'HifiU. 0:00 M.ii*, Mjg11:50 A. M.: 12;fRt H.; 12-Ak 1:50, 2:00,£:W. 0100, 8 :00, 5:00. di0t>. 4^3, S:10 , 5 : ^ 6:5ft. 5:511, 0:00. ft:Z5. rt-46, T:IM. 7:20. f:45. ft:»l. ft:50. 1O;0b, 11:15 1t:0O K m. fiundere, 4:00, T:00. fiioo. 10:«|. 1 l:m A. i i . : 13:nn m .; I:0». 2 m 3:no. 4:00 3‘IN». fi:M. 0:30. 7:0U. 8;1W. 0:00. 10;IH). u .m 12:0b P. M.

lamv* New Yuri, Ih'oi WUlixhxll alr**l. s i 7:111, T:M. 1:22. n:.VI. H:M. t(;2n. 10:1X1. 10:12. ID;*,!. tl;;iO. il:ill A. M,; 12:22. llOO. 1 ;2», 1:4.2. 2:22. 2:lie, 2:M. 2:22. jl:h«. 4:2,2, 4:.2.2. 2:22. 5:2.2.0:10, HiSl, «:22. Ti20. SJO. *;l*, fliM. 10 :6 , 11:4(1 r . M. flunnsrs, T;oS. 1 :22. X;M. HIMJII A. M.; lJ;noM .: « : » . 1:42. 2:00. 2:22, 4:52. (1:00. (1;24 7:22. 2:12 S;62, 10:22 P. M,™J5i J .'llW lP ltD fH I*- JIAl/tiMORK AMP

WAnHINOTON. aOTAL. i .imkIfor TrMlon u i* PWliOtlnhls,

J0;(15 (fsuept Tr«U'*»1 a 1. . l*s**Dt TrtnIopI Oun^tvs, B:M. 10.02 A. M.: 1:(0. 4:02. IXi2. 2:25

'For Hslilawr* ton Wsxhlnalnn. 10:02.ll:.'m A, M,; t;02. »;22. 11I12 2SM. 5:4.5. II:«V2-vf*K

Fur nfxllxn'xiss. N'#f Oriraaf arid all poiots Jouth. vj* Rli.asiwloal, Vall«i- IJ.ir, St ;.:(14 I'. M. Uus'lavs. 2212 l<. II.

For tk'lcrt*. b i t g i i* rh*rka •I'wolat as* to- csiUin. tln'*tabl*x, rati i t Hrnail MlrpM Hialloii, nr St Ih* c itv 'rirS«i Oglrr, |ga Markn itrw '.

Rtiubeth obty*■ye,

few Bftmawtek. 0;4A,and s m P, K.

ft:«. 10:44 A. H.:7 end ft:aP , M.i J fM, 10 :JB* f lx » A.


- rv.rvi nm. *I.-WIS. 7:00• tftO BTif) n :«0 A. M-- j5;»0. l: |n

."i.'S’o 'M t i i : ' -• W:44 A,I:l«. n .m 4:IM. 5 ;« . iJOl. T.-OT end ft;4fl p. and 10:10 elaht, on ftyqdeye, 1O;10. nr00 A U., 3:42 and P:5ft P. M.

Fnr Kaet MJIMoae. 7:00 A. M.; » :I0 . e^ei >nd 5:10 p. II.. daily, eacept J uode,For XInKrtnn am) Rockcv HR). 7:«V2 a . m

4:30 P, N,, daily, teceet ftunday,Fnr PhRilpebure. Keeton and BeieMer*.fJ.JiA * ^ M.IIJ «.«« fee U ■■■«.•■«

P. M.V .and t:M P

f t . '

m .lIMiPBirujig, fu Burn ,A, M . and 9:94, 0:fT P. M

For r.*mfaerlvMle. 1:35. and 0:97 P. N. ftun^y. fl:^ P -

For FiemlniRon, 11:20 A- M., dally, rxrent muidey.

For Fraahnld. rftrmlnffdele.

hdey.7:34 A. M.. end

fiiHiAar.3:10, 0:14

‘ Yaahnld. Armlnffdele. Hm 0 Irench. via Unmitouih Jnnetln . 51. r 4:50 P. M. wrek'daya. Fi |y. 5:W J'. M. w rek-doi.

Jjontf Branch.li:3W A. il .r i ............. - ____ - -. -hoU only. 5:fW J’. M. wrefc dayf.

^UC A Va NiCW YORK FOR NEWARK Frura Wett Twmlr*th1rd fttreet ftiailAM

7:yo, ft:20, 0:5<l Jb;50 A. M.; 11:10. 11:00.I ,1 -Rri A 'Mt i> i l and 11:05 nfpht ^

or Free-

0 : 10., . .. *,*.„„**. 1:00, 0:50. 4:00. 6:5b |>. M.. and 11:05 nfpht wreh- A»\m. Bundave. 6:10. 6:30. 0;5»A. tf-: 4:30. ft:M P, U.< and 13'U5 nifflil.--------- — ■ s. ------- 6 :nd.

. 0:15... .w, II.«w A, ■■,; 13:10,

l:3«._jl:1()i_ai»,_ r«»^ 8:r

_____________________ - _______ _ __11:00> dev irnlnE. ,*..1 f n:b(i. Him A. Ml., iB,--’3:00. 2:45. 5:30. 4:00. 4;W. itiiH, diw. fiinif, 0:45. 7:00. 7:00. T:4ft, Vm 3:80. 9:00. 0:00. 10:l5. tl:bO P. il . and 13:10 nirht.

For further InformfttlMi ate tlmeteblee, tn He liad at Ihe iFket ofiieea. Tlrketa fur ell ertinta on ilir Fmnaylvanle RallMad end eonMcthwe. and Kerihi. arcllotui end lUMteaRe cbeeki ftt the rfimimnv'E nlHr«». No. 740 Rriiad atrret, or et Hrktrt 4>fRi-r at Mark*t Fireet fitatlnn.J. R. HrTC|IINH(JN, J. B. WOOD.

Ornerel Manaeer. fl* *re| Faaaenief Ae<mt.

M., and 19 i» mffiii.Fmm Denhmaaae and r^rtlendt atreeia.

4.30, fl:3b 7:30. 7:40, 0:10. S :» , 0:SO.|b:tO. 10:40. 11:00, 11:40 A. M .; 1;Ub. 1:30. 1:50. 3:10. 3;0O. i m

.■iClk), 4:(4l. 4:10. 4:44). 4:50, 5:011, ft:fa. R :» 5:40 0:10. ft;30. ft;4b. 7:00. frftO. 0;]0lb:)5. 1 1 :06, t1;V>F U .. and 12:10 n liht.H-.r ir.i*v. ejn, j):i». 0 :45. lo m

. “ ------- If ;eh, 1:00

wr Iplit frem foot of Liberty etreet-* ;ft». 6 :.in, 0:45. 7!i5. 7:5.1 i:lA.6 ;]0, fl:9b. 10 :00, 10:15, ifliairi.

t:'s2,‘ s'iM' 4 xa :M. (1:2,-. h. M.

Telfljibone 30,J. t r OLDH4TBFN.

<leni fio^rimenrt^t. U. «>. P4LDWIN. Den. Aemt.


Are You Qolns to Hurope ?.


Cannxt LIm . Kovlh I te n n s a I.IotJ , n im - bura-A»i*ri*an, Hn1l*iHl-Anw*l«i.

F rtn vb L ius SScI A lten -litel* L in*, kULB AOEN'rS FOB AECNIKD CABISf

T ic K im OK t h et t ta s rd Lta*, YVklM Stev LIm , Kritewl- Amsrivf. rraitrii f.lsi* nnA Alts* *4*1* l.ln*.

AgHiiii InrTlinx. Oaok S km sad til OossKrlot Nmomxsi, Drsfri tnd Lsttan ol ursdll si JUmori kst**, lu n lin Moiwj BoMhtsnd ftiM, natporU Isnind. OBNUHAf. IITMUltASVB


- 2SX>. 5:12. 1:42. *:»*.


fl-4N A. M. dally Cftundev. T:lft A. M.) for t2aet(»n and Intermediate iietKme,

H;47 A. V dally for Wllkea-Baira, BeruitM, Uhera. tlenava. Hoennatar. Rulralo. NlaM re Fall* Hfitl the Writ, and i<rinr}pal local pofnta, Dlnlne Car and t'halr Car lo Buffalo.

J3;2K r. H. daily, eirent lunday,

"6LAGK DIAMOND EXPRESS."arrtvea RuFalo, 0:55 P. M. Pullmen Veallbule |Jey I'nfi hea ant! Parlor f’ewi, Dlnlne Per ear* vtr'’. MfliUla a la carte. I'onnacta et Ruffftto m|ih thjoufli elerivrra to Driroll and Chlcteo,

t:») y. 31. dally fflr Faelmi. Weurh Phunk. Wlikee-llarre. Hurthlr*. Plttavm tnd f^ \ hranchH. t'heir I'ar lu EaiioR ueept Falurdey and Pvmdav,

4:34 P, M-. dellv, rtrepl Bonder, for Wllkee- Berre. Fliteion. fiiTanton end TTrlncIpel Inter meihatc eietlnne. riMineeia for i l l poInLaJa oa»l reabin*. ridlfnan HuFaf Parlor Car to Wllkaa* Barre.

0i4T rweek-daral F. M, (Bundeya. |;46l for Kleeinri and IntvranedlMt iiitfen t. Bundeyi to Mau( h ^bunk.

0:07 P- M. dallr, a«<'ent Bundar. for Kaetow and brincipal intermediate pcMnia.

7:30 F. U, delU, for RuFaln, Nlaeare Felle and ah polnla IVeat, Pullman Hleeper Veitt* Huled train N«w York to Phicaeo. Hleeneri te RtifTelo and Turentch p in laf Car New rork to Eaiion.

f t i» P. M.only at Bouth - .. ........... ....... ........... ......... ......Mauch Chunk. Bayre, Oefleve. Horbeater, Rata* Vie. BulTaip and Tcrronlo. Pullmae Bhinar fee Huneio. None but Rleepme Car Paaatnferi eerrled. No biireace carried.

B:0ll p. M. daily, for lUiaca. Oeittve. Ra«hae' erj RtiFalp. Niatare_Fella an4 all bointe Weet.

dally, cyetpt Rundir. alMpImr 1 J^InReld. Raaten, RethfemHn.

ter. RtiFalo. Niatara Fella and all pointed Pilhman Bleeper to fThlcaio,

AHdlfioira) local trelna deij>'. axrepi Aundey,M.-., - ......for fbnith Plainfield. Bound Brook and Uiitri dlalF pelnia leave at foilowar Weeh'daya.A. M.; 2:3F. 4.4«. d;U R M. ftundaya.

Tickets and Pullman aocommodarlonii at Ftnn* avivenia Heilrosd Depot and 7mD'M(h Hrm4 •(rcet.

B Y R N Et « - m 8 0 0 BriMMt B t ,. N « w n r k


[ to at«6wee*

A N C H O R L I N E -rn m K*w vorii ram itrir <•*

OLAaiWW, vis UONUONOeftRY,rtW a-riB.ik ssljiuwsj ■



KriW.tltK AND HATKRM.N. . , LrsT* KxFsr*. fur Patxr**, u:IJ. 7:42 1:44,

IU;22 A. It.-. I22H. 111:42, 2:2V. 2:41. 4:22. j:22 , 2:2«. 0:22. 11:57. sius. IU5tI T. M.. inV IX:» A. U. fli|>i2a^i. «:!» A. M., 1:IUI, 2:f«. 7:ll*. 2:24

L*sv* Itetariua far N**irX, 2:41. * :ti. riifl.' 7;x2. 7:.Yi, s;34. 0;ix). 1h;1[, ll^X) A. B.;

K.U.1. rotiK ,Leave Newark, fltitl. d:ft. T:3». f'l?*

«;im IDW A. if-; 2:04. 0:01. «:2*.J.«av« N .k ¥ w * (Hhamter; iltraO.

Xoff. 0:51. I iyw A. U.j hl;ip, 1:10,2 :00. 2 :2 1 . I i r Ktinneye, lt:W P. Mi(.'otmectlRft tialna Fare s i f^ **'*

f IQia ii-.nffiinirai™ w.w, *«wili? ^0 A. H-: 1:UI. 2:i2- « :» . I:W. Iritiu

t t e S

jNpreee iMvea wewarw. mivt r , m . 0)ea-

’* ll* .'^ tu rdsr 1ir if 'b ^ a T iralB.


Tr ‘ -iia

Menftay In l- ajjtaer^andj

W ilt m * Jmir and Cooiar.


Xafandad M A R K E T f t H A L S E T S T a



or S^oar




The Greatest Sale of All!Nothing Anywhere to Approach It.

Another week of price cutting, of bargain* beyond compare, of the largest crowd* this store ha* ever held. Holiday goods, growing more and more aggressive every hour, and irainloads of them coming at a rate that is driving us to the verge of despair. Where we are to put them is a problem that would puatic wiser heads than ours, but with a total disregard for the enormous losses Involved we’ve driven the knive deeper than ever, without fear or favor, and will positively clear the way during the next few days. Thousands of dollars’ worth oi stock forced out last week, but weather conditions were against us and another week of terrific price cutting is absolutely necessary.

No telephone or malt orders will be filled from the foliowing.

Rooffl Makings Sale of Black Dress 6oods.

NOVELTY BUlTINOa In numb»rl«W choice (0 Inchei wiiif—(u lu b lefor sem ret,' ektrte enil full m ile— ■^CBdid b tM k » .^ pl«Mc_ a ll told——epeci

n|ipurunaud toaell tor Wo, per yard Ml room-maklna sale | to e lo a e ............................. I^«V .

BLACK PO PU N 8--U Inchaa w id e- a ll pure wool-beautifully flnlahed blaeka - in etecant fabric for coetumoa and ■klrta-enoet etoraa aek ILW per yard—apeclal rooro-makln* eala

BI.ACK HENRI ETTAB-W Inehae wM e-heaTy Carman m ake-a ll wool— dottble warp-aplenditl illk Snlih—(or ■eoeral all around *oud wear li'e one

.......................................... allof the boat fabrlca in i^e to retail fors S n s r . f ” ”: i.ooRm b lak ing Sale of


■aM tar OOWNB-Blderdown Flan-

Dowiu, In a vaHaty of pretty -Mother H ubbard yokae-ro ll.

eellara adced with fancy b ra ld * -I tnoka on y o k a a -la n e ' elM vaa-

and w ldth-^n itaad atlo a th ____ ___i-aiaklna aale p rk a

CHILDREN'S D RA W B m i-B Iaached Canton Flannel D raw ara-aom e knlok.C *o*l**wl o W MUinV ■IlMIKw

__ stylee—oihera with daap hem__ buttonholea-taped tf im e ejTti

tram I to U yeara-apeolaltaom -m aklnt o l a price.

CHILD'S NIONT D R A W ER S- Bleached Canton Flanaal NIaht D raw .

' pair.-

■eama—wan’oom -maklna

" 35c

Room Raking Sale of Mes’s Fomisfaings.

WARM fILOVRS for men and boya- an nsiorted lot of knitted and Scotch aoodi of an excellent quality In black and color*—laid rryularly for 2 5 CMe.—aale prlrr apcclal..

UNDRRWKAR-Made of extra heavy fleeco lined etork—ehlrte with ribbedbottom e-pearl button*—overlock eekme—drawera fully aueeeted—rea. Me. per O j^ e b t — room-maklna eale 2 9 C

UNDERWMAR-Strlctly a l l - w o o l fleece lined ehlrte and drawera to match—llaht ahadee—well made aarmenta with pearl button*-reau lar T»c.—room-maklna Bale price epec- lal 48c

FLANNEL BH IRTS-M anufacturer'a aamplea. In blue and colore—alnale or double-hreaeted—acme with Soublt back*—felled eeama *nd pearl button* —refUlar all over pHee |1 to R . M - r o o m - m a k l n a aalaprice

Room Making Sale of Window Goods.

BABH HUBLIN-FIne Sheer fabrfoa. heavily embroidered bordera—well-fill- ed oentrea—edaea a llth tly o u r le d ^ u r reaular Sc. kind—durtna the room- m aklna dale, whila th a rtaat

FISH NET-M to U Inchaa wideflaured and etrlped—tom eth laa entirely new—the reaular all-ovar p n ea from J6c, to Me. per yard—roodn- | K fmakina Hie apeclaf*^. f 5 C

WINDOW BHADEB-Uade bf the beet arade at Lonedalt Holland. In an aaeoriAient of aoft, pretty color In#*— beet epling roller*—reaular tie . 3but the room-maklna nala prica

Room Making Sale of Colored Dress Goods.

NOVKLTV SUITlNOfl - 14 Inchi^l «ld«-<^trlcUy all wool-a dQ««n or mor« handioine coluiinca In fancy n i m chffck cfr«ct»-rift piece* in the lot—for children'* dr#**** and Udiei' ieparMe •kliie—Inetend of Sc. per yard— room*iDalclag tale price i|»e- I8 cclal

QRANITE BIIITINOB In an aeeort-,ment of elea*nt ihad ta—every thread wool and full 4i Inch.* wide—worth He.G r yard—thirty piocee In thi* lot and

Ina a fabric much in demand for full *ulta th* will not laat icng at the■pectal room-maklna *ale COf.price ...........................................

BROADCLOTHB-Very flne aenulne twill back all-wool e lo th a-u Inch.*

Room Making Sale of Mnsiinwear.

opening Days in Our Plaything Department.

Free—Yarlck, American's Greatest Magician and Entertainer-Free.aad July Show* which tamndl away crowd* hiet week i

iik fn g Sale of Moslfns.

trNBLBACHED MlW LINft-Mtnche* Wide—flne close weave of clean clear corwn—arorth ic. per yard—room- m aklna aale price apeclat aa ^ l | .Iona aa lot laata .................

b l e a c h e d UCSLIN S of excep­tionally heavy q u B llty -^ ’incirea w ide^ worth from Ic. to *c. per yard—room-a-i »v. ^ « iu —ruwiii'*'m H t ^ apeclal aa ^3^ ,

tooffl Making Sate of Lices and Nets.

BLACK LACBB—Thoaa heavy elTeeta tk from t to *-lnch width*—part of a recent lar*e purchase, and aooda that wore made to sell for lOo. yard—during this ipactal aale a s long *• 3 ^they laat .............................

DRAPERY NBITft-HaitiJaoroe flaur­ed La Toica N eta -H Inchaa wide— thoroughly new, taxhtonable goods— aotually wortb S»c. per yard, but the ro ra -m ak in a a sk price ape-cU

Room Making Sale of Blankets.

FLEECED BLANKETS of an extraheavy quality -fu ll I H wide and welanlng flv* Iba.—handaome border*— ■old evanrwhere up lo 11.711 per p a lr -

n-mskina sale price spec- |roomolal

PART WOOL BLANKETS—11-1^ white, red, blue and pink Imnlera—the kind uaually told for U.98 per p a ir - extraordinary room-inaklna a a l e ^ rlc t aa long aa thia lot ^ | 3

Room Making Sale ofFloor Rags.

exceplionatty . n ’” '" ." '’i'.T'.'J!'* J*xT»—regular K H -th ta aale S S .4B -and alae* A c t —

•ale* *ri ^ room-maklna ^


BMYKNA R y a 8 - “lm perlal" quality —acknowledged to be without a peer-peer—-acknowledged to b ■lie* • ft.xl> ft;—aold ragularly forW 49-th l* *ale_SW .»t»-*n3 sIh b 7.C*}0.S-regutar |Z).t»-room-raak- I I iO Ing aale price...... .. ..................... A l.W

Room Making Sale ofLinings.

NUBIAN LININO—F*«t b ltck wr- calin^—«ofl and bird flniih for iklrtariU UftrU nillin TOf K lrt

w*]*t Ihi ng-as Inch** wide-goodi hat regulurly for 10c. p t r a i « — — -------. A lur *vu. j » r

rard-room -m aklng aale price..

• atrtped allk-flnlehed akirt lining*—36 I none* wide— ■light ruatle-goodi that aell In the reg- u lar way for lIHe, per y a r d - o * - room-maklng aale prica,. . . . . . .

Room Making Sale of Oil Cloths.

BAMPSON'8 qiLn.O TH B -N um ber1-flon* better iiid sold a!) over for Tifte40r.-room-making Bate prke..

loom lbliD { Sale ef Men’s and Boys’ Hals.

BpYB' OOLK CAP8, made of hum- 7 deilgned clolhie-Borae

......TT*e#*aa aoiain XftC, 10 IOCeach—room-making aale prlo*;

chase from —,bnjwn hla?!!tl.OO IpHca

Room Making Sale of. Domestics.

price apeclal.,

OINGHAMB—-Amoakeag apron glng- ham i—their name Impllea their good-neaa^all atylee—worth «c. goodyard—room-making aale apec-' a n -'ta tlal

Room Making Sale of Mattresses.

-.-ei^?J'SH:V®r.'''i*-‘ .w i v e . ! a. .hip-m«nt of VL pipcf* of InfeJd Llnot«>umr markrii to »eU rptfuUrly (or iLaiprice I QQ —roora-makinc oal* price........


■ l i ^ k a r cry tta l g l is » - a u r bo ttom - cut a t aklea^verjF one perfeet-reeular lOe kind>H3nljr Ji to a cuitomer ta 1*. ie... _ . j ItjCW'l -..area '•arap am »W m VUMlQilir-raoni-mciklng *ale price,...

TOILET PAPER—Large roll* of good .4uallty paper—regular nil over 6c. kin —room-niaking aale price *pe-quallty paper—regular nli over 6c. Sind -room -m aking aale price ape- d a l aa long a* lot laata..........

d e c o r a t e d PLATBS-Brenkraatand dinner alaea—Trenlon porceUIn. underglaae pattern—acallopetl edg e- some allghtly Imperfect ‘ ■cracked — regular — making aale price............

. but none room- jj j .

wide—a larwa ahowltig of new and itapla ibadea Including automollne, rad. olive, myrtle, wold brown and na-..............Il.rtlonal blues—big tl.H valuea— O O r room-making aal* price apcclat

GOWNS mada of atrong muatlnw- Hubbard y o k e a -l Inaertlona of ftna em- brolderlet—I clustera of tuck*—rufllea around necki and alMvea—full langth and width — nicely made — regularly Worth i#c. each—room-making K l . - late price......................................... GVL

DRAW ERS mada o f llaaonvllle mua- Ilna-Ombralla atyla with daap flounce, of line embroidery and clu stan of S flne(laclam. .a#nla,a .a,.....—Wu.aa , a.a .ia.-w -..aa*. vauwra J SI*M VdUEkVrM Vt D HCetucko-yok* b aod -corefu llr alitchM i- bargolTui one-thiird mora toi the aala price,

B K ^1^*“Flncat combrlea and! idui-llna-Ombrelle a trl« * -p n ttlly trimmed with Inaertlona and niJIlea wi flne iacea...........wawaam »IIU d lUUCM VM I|(|C IBCe«or embroidery—az tra bottom rufllea—■ hit—maB aaaaiiw am. ___.*-a a—w. vmwa« UVlkUO] TUPneO—ahlrred yolfe b a n d i - ^ yards w lde- w r th II. ty—aala prica ape- | | p

A n o ta te lM f s l r v l^ on our Knot a(Ut floor. China, Japna. Germujr, Swltwrland, and In ihortatmoit — »y dou trr In tbs world hai contribntod K* tioota to oor matohlMt anywhere oolleotlon of ontoao. beaniifuL Innnv MdprKitloaltors. A ram lnl of aatloat In the doll »octlon-lf there's a tnlailne It's our buyer'i o«ralohL lad there *re pfctarr hooka for the tiny toti ualote. It U hardly oeoeaiary to Hiure our natron* that price* a n aalow f* ^ ooMlitMitly be made, and better lelectioni are poiifble now ihan nearer Chrlitma*, when a»*ortment» ate

AnnooiKMe an enUre change of proj«mnie. Iti* clever feat* of illght-of-hend end Unehter-proTokinir Punchk will uonilnoe to be the talk of the city, ^

cru*h hata--p*rt of "th'.'t i ‘S :i‘t“'p*ur- . ■ •ho 161»*■*« VII/—rfirpiaii D|Bca

INDIGO PRINTB-Bluea, SImpaon mourning and brown calicoes of the very beat quality-w orth from Sc. to »c. par yart-room -m aklng aale

COTTON M ATTREBBEB-Purewhlle selected cotton—w arranted not to get lumpy — regular 7.« — very special room-making sale gprice

HAIR IfATTRBBSEB—Pure while curled hair—weigh tu pounde—2S dif­ferent tickingw-lnalead of 26.00 |y ^

l’i» ey« to cost and went down into the basement with the same nd utter recklessness that has marked hi* movements all over the *tore.

CUPS A N D S A D C B R S-rinely deco­rated—tow flat ibapee—underglaae green apray pattern—a few of them have trifling Imperfactlona—regular lOc per pair—while they laet aale c „ price ipaclal................................ GV

LARGE SIZE JV OB-Of white Tren­ton porcelain—straigh t or fanoy sh a p e - beat quality—perfect good*—regularly worth 19C, aaph—room-making i n ~ sale price... .7 :..................... . lU C

kettM—ewinolM haudle.-.be.t good, wurraiiied- chuloool nuua-•SapSee* I*-. »nd We.-rtKini-niakliig

FOOTED FRUIT BOW LB-Clear, beautiful Imitation cut glaaa bowla-^ smootta poltahad adgea—iquare ahapea- apIendln^viGue a t the regular 2 5 g

^T A B L E LAUPk-linlid and decorated h*»e and dome-atiadm oaooraieil to match—compicic with burner ami cbiniiiay— {)&/. regular gl.ni aach-toom-waklng aolv ]wlca............... ..... .. " o C


-------- ... , . . . . v aasb jx-Quim.«•€.—room-tnakinfl i*la price*.

nortti Hts pel'«b-roo»'r*kt™ aali 2.98


L Bamberger & Co., Market and Halsey Streets. Il*LANU o r l.l'BOI*.

IB E a a a t i r a l s a i l F e r t i le C o a n try Ae- w aeglag l a a 'I 'r iiv e lle r’a A o ean a t.Bo little I* known of the Interior of

miUBOn that the extended anaouni of a J la lt to the central region of the laland BIT a coireipondent of the London Time* la « f apaetal interest a t present, while the (k ta of the Fhlllpplnea Is atlll In the bal-

feet; “A bright sun waa ahlnlng and th* aky waa aa aoft and clear a* In mldaummer In England. The tem perature, moreover.WMH wan* awaiawa. .aa. ..—-_r.. . i. a. . '— --- . - . . . f . . . .. a w* Wf aasuiwnwa* not more oppreaaive than an average w ann August day In the midland* and the

'h.HJ'er'ai cXaracter’ga^ “liUe Ruggeatipn of the Iropice. Immense broadm . Na .-1-1___ __ a

m u n a i sold her* thUurday alW'n who cai^ flaa the b lQ «( and beet aloa* atoek lu lowa

this roomyextensiontable.

A fair, honest $io table. Full size, sol­id oak, high polish. 5 iifbh fluted leg& Good enough for the fattest Thanksgiving turkey.other laUts aa low as MBk

for swell front $28 sideboard.

A s bright and new and striking a sideboard as yon will find in all the store. Liberal swell front, large French bevelled plate mir­ror, piano polished, solid oak.Otbar boards *a low aa |k7k

98c —our$ 1.25 oak dining chair.

High back, brace arm, solid oak. Whether one or twelve, it’s 98c. apiece."The Rntlsad Range " narver went back on•.as,iitar**’"»’”“ “

Amos H. Van Horn,L IM IT E D .

7 3Kota tba flat nooM *^Amoa^

MARKET ST.,N *w PkHM 5 t . , N flw ark.

cash ot Credit. vta* Dellvarlea. Low Frioaa

ELECTRICiR sta lla tio n Co.;!

Bells, l.lfihU, Motors, Dyno- < 1 11 mos. Telephones, etc.

FlrstrcUss work at reasonable , I prices. Write for estimates.

224 Market 8t. ’

CITY ADVEBTlSEMBITTioL tlilrdFHmJC NOTfCB-K^rdl&anco ordored to

r sdlnt.ihr und«rslan*d, h«r»b)r certify that tM

foito'wlQff lYTilJintnce w«* read a tecoBo Urn* at a mr«UnN <>f Ih f)oard of Ftreet anfl W*(tr CoOi' mi>Hi)on«rB, h«id NoT«ni>er 10, 18M, and flair ordtTFd to % third reading;

An nrdlnsoce ro proTtfle for ttM oofltUllStkm (H I. pipe srwer In

UHTCn a v e n u b ,from rnmeMa itrstl to Chapel strMt, to b« OdV' tinueil throufh Chapel ftreet for a dtstaiMa of about HiMi fFFi South of Lister aveona; tbit Mwer to Its used for house sewsr« QqITi tsolud- Ing ill rtiff or surface water, oofl to M daht InchM In diameter Also that a p4p« NWOf •hall be constructed In

^ LIUTUR AVENUB, from Cornells street to Chs|>el a tm t, whieb 1* to ^ used fur surface dratnag* onlF, OBd to b*elghieerv Inches In dlsBieitr.Toi ‘ ............'ogellier with all the appurtenttidm to csininlete the respective sewer*.

Bectlon ;l--ThBl ImmeiUatrly upon the oomple* Mon of flui'h public work nr Improvement, the (Jerk of the huard, In onnjunctloii with th* I'^gltieer und General fluperinlendent of Worfi* of (he IxHvnl. shall prepare and filirnM all nerewary ststcmenls^ tnapa, speclflcathnii aed

Hoard nf Street and Water _ _city of .Newark, certify the ■same’to the


Ciri' charifi' »nd''ili'w « the ;fut*. and th* or-ul.tlfliM or thf Hoard of Bfreel and Water Com- IhlSi'n N»»»''k* appllaaw*

“ I- *■Pr..l.l,.nr ?• HWWaOK,o' Wsma

WILLIAM B. GRBATHEAD.___ CJw-k of the Dooffl.8Tv

hy irl'iii* Neerartt. Undw ottdnf amend fhe charter of the cUy

Itaiarfi r* "• - 'clly -

u -wJ K m 'i’S ■w‘*rt*B*B0*e nneaaanreblect (Uertlo. ar* i

Gentriti Huperlntendent ot WorlUi,



JBjfl opportunity of making the vlalt woo ■“ • w w n ln * of th* ManlU-Dovupan ItalL

which oitend* tome US railei into th* lliw w ai cut by the Inaur-

a 'f** not repaired until“ f j j * tpuw b*r L when ft pfrm lt waa P * * . ww\° ®*Wo*n«ra Afulnalflo, Becrc-

“f*voiullo»iiry covcrn>outhorliftl the repair*

u i^ tr the condition that

rlr" - . »ropi«. loimcnte nroaoHce Add* of a rich, *oft urneo thlmniored like y ouh | corn In the warm aunlkirht and the rounded form* of mango tree*, ao- centuatlng with their don**, dark foliage the lighter m auea of the cultivatedorwmiaaaB swmua kSi .1_—________ .aMound; g«ve all the appMrattca of a pleasant farming country In Snalamd, Tho mountalna alone, and particularly the long extinct volcano Arayat, which rise* from the plain a •clltiU7 ,.itiilated qona, dlaUrb- ed Ine Impraairi^ of a home landncape. so seen from the mstance *t least."

The flrat th i r l of the rulTTia* through..V aeei.* »••••'» Va tllV I UfJ WH» UirOUgnrlce.proilucUig district, the second~ -eam.asvw, *as* HVMUUUthrough a s u a r ^ n e countr)- and the lost

of iwlma, cotteo and. g^l- -«■«.-* A»iv vuauiiion inai

Including the Bpanlah. onvayed to polnu la paasaailon

T lm « rt writer-I convey.-^ VI OQy«rnin*nu aub AtiBU'a w m «r

the ^ tllu d a o f th* Ina«ii«tta't<)w7 imlMn f o i ^ W { ^ they bow

ile**lnu»tmrwdrilf n if

1 ,“ ’’ " 7 charming, u u r return Journey to li|«ntla " hathe f*T nilnd the convietlon ilfuitn* part* of Luoon wo have oeen wmi** av

beautiful and fertile, po*- tesslnp an orderly, peoce-tovInE' tx>uui&

development um flr u^pfoSl the cllniftie w it

'• ^ ^5r.,r-oV'.rna’la'*^^ll'inSi SonfifiiiS! h ' Si" "fS* “! aoolloaaim.r,o mrrd''foVVhS*’ ? ''"’* "to i*j| .plrliunu.. vlneu,, meli',lo-ib?‘ •“ '•tefor* mibltoEwi')UanlUl'i Raaldeoe*.I-Aihrlii' "T fa t- SCO Plan* at..........so Fair a t

’■ 'J William at............gam* piaoi

L 1. WIJfDlLL,---------------- *htv Oleifc '

y H«ll, Nov. lu,Hat of ihg nsmaa rt*|.

.. -Imat* tor aopllatIUniB ar potiuoiu —antio* of lloan***'

ar brawtd Uqtwn, icDordhig to law.

thaf^aStTVn eW e‘d* M r i t 'a . J S fOTE5enu"n*‘Th*®J[nrt r* hrancho* fr^m the iKirihem provlncee wouldweaUh* of toe^risSaa"*'’'’™'’*'*'’'

W h en I t le g ib U W e tt in g P m a .I t 1* said o f George Curion, the new

m vernor-Q eneral of India, that hi* hand- IHcflbl* a t one pc-

w K j s ; ; s ; % oho* JlS aiMUKCd


fso^Ru ^ gIHUE,atrtel.

Iho faults o f their reapeciivV ralationa iGMe ie tte rt into

ttv JAbthe wrong m v a 'lc f i! m ” w*.’ « S u t '”w "-“vwr^^ • profound apolovy to tiia relative Mm” S^J3K**!2?a**** foTwwiojt noi« from

w*? a word Of your four Pdfloflg but flUiid you wont o o n iitio n ev

i mnlst toners.



filh«r (]»i« i«r(a1iilnR to such publ'lc ' w ^ ■-'iuroYrm»;ii( hti>I the iiresldent of the bo*

id Mill I’krk shall ibereuiKin. on behalf of th*v'ummliMloiMia th*

......... -a —« same to the Oom’mim _!.*'?* Naworli, To orderitIhst snirt I'l'mition Council may thereaxter pro* c*pd til mak« and coiieol th* preper ae**“ mnit fur ih« cost and eir]ienie of such put work riMmprovement a* may now or berSk be rwjulMtl by law.

3 - ^ Mbllo work or Improvex •hall M mml* stia completed under ih# vu ‘''■Wlon of the Epaipeer or Xc

inl nf sir..(M and Water <>mmia*lon*ra of Ihe der' Knri a«. 189t. lo or-plpc ■e«6? ji? «on*irucUori oi a teft'hHh

Always the busiest store, because our

prices are al> ways low er.


n O B B K EISO, 161,163,165 Market Street.

Should your purchases

prove uusatis- factory, we refund the

money without questioo.

Our Great Sale TuesdayW ill be remembered as one of the events of the season. In addition to the adver­

tised list, special arrangements have been made in various departments to throw

out certain lines, which are in many cases evqn cheaper than these.

JACKETS AND CAPES.Drummers' Samples.

Purchase Extraordinary.H lfh (r a d e gatnpie irarnient*. b etter than

regular stock. A thousand garm ents b o u fh t by u* a t one-third rcffular price*. On sale a t 9 o’clock Tueiiday.

L O T 1 —Lidifl*’ Sainpls Jsokets tad Capes, In bMvy cloth and boiicle, doien* ol diflkrent styles, all

.Isld ont on Ue s ^ i a l counter. All these gsrments sr* liandsoniely llopd, most of the Jacket* tailor- msda with d irt sleeve* and box front; the Capet are all full sweep and very handaomely trlin’d with ftir,bml^ •tC- Your choice of tbli wonderful lot, which are worth W.W to «6.7S e«u;h............... ........................ 2 .9 8

Sample Jacket* and Capes, The Cape* mode of maf-t .............................................................. . _

Jacket* with (Ilk

Rarment In till*»llk velvet col ls» , strap seams, etc., not s garment In tills a lot worth less than $7.00 and many of them worth np to " J Q . S w $9.fi0each, Tuesday............. ............................................. .

DRESS SKIRTS.l l i e w onderlbt Skirt Sale contlnueB tintll all

are sold. H undreds of them to se lec t from , and all w orth th ree tim es the price.

LodlM ’ Tailor-m ade D r e s s S k f r t s In novelty c lo th so d p la in m lx tdres, well lined and velvet ■ ■ bonnd, fo il w idth , w orth fro m $1.15 to $S.7S each, w hile th e y l a s t . . ........................... / w w

Satin and Silk Skirts—lad lM ’ P lain S atin and P1(jnred Bilk and Satin SktrU, very rich qaallty and hand­som e dealana, s ty lish ly mode and full w idth, heat qoallty percallne lln in e and bonnd w ith be*t qnsl- Ity velvet b in d ln f, wopld be a decided b o rg d n a t $S JH) each, special for Tnetday

u*Uf m m


Very rich quality S a t in 'W a is ts , In Blade, Navy, Cerise, Myrtle, New Bine, and In fact all the popular shading*—28 tuck* In front, 8 tuck* back, nicely l ln ^ and boned—actual value of these waist* $8.00 each—a limited lot on isle to-morrow a t . .

Thotuundi of Flannelotte W aists, for ladlet, In check*, itripe*, dots, pisid* and fancy mlxtuTM—worth $5o. each—special for Tuesday............................................

2 .9 84 9 c

Children’s Reefers.Five hundred Girls’ R eefers on Sale To-morrow. A

broken assortm ent o f h igh grade goods a t less than cost o f ma­terial. Odds and ends o f prom inent manufaclurers* stock.

G irls ’ K e e le r s —Made op in latest stylet, all wool materlala, ot heavy chevlat mlitare*, plain broadcloths, etc., handsomely trimmed, with and without collarette*, beet qaallty braiding, buttons, etc., real value ot this lot Is from $2.60 to $4.60 each. One big lot on special table Tuesday................................................. 1.48Hosiery aod Underwear.T h e O re s t S pecia l Sole Contlmiss

T u e sd a y .MEN’S, LADIES' AND C H IL­

DREN'S HOSIERY. tO*t black, tan,

Grand Bargalo OUerinss oiD ress H oods, S ilk s a n d L la iB g s.

Unprecedented Price Cutting.

tray , brown and mixture*, worth from Ifc. to 26c. pair. Tuee- Q l . day ................................................. 3*U

MEN'S UNDERW EAR—Shlrta or Drawer*, heavy fleece-lined, ex tra heavy weight*, rtrictly perfect good* ■nd worth Tie. to tSe. per gar- 6 Q |iment, Tueiday a t ..................... a i l i l

LADIES' UNDERWEAR—Veite or Pants, all wool, broken ■■■ortnient ■Ixei, formerly selling a t SLOO Fflf,garment, half price....................... UUb

CHILDREN'S U N D E R W K A R -VMti, Pant* or Drawers, pur* natural

pool, Australian stock, all slses, worthLOO to tl.S0 each, e f lnTuesday ............ ............................ 3UC

MEN'S SHIRTS—Made from goodHusUn, all-linen bosoma reinforced

OKIfront and hack, broken assortm ent ■Isea. worth 60c. each, closing e i r .out a t.............. a 9C

BOYS' SWEATERS—Strictly all- wool, plain and striped, all color*, red, black, navy, etc,, w ortb fl.G D ( ^ each, Tueaaay'a aale.................... Oww

MEN'S SW EA TER S-Every thread wool, all colors, full fashioned,pure ___ _____ __ ,

would be good value a t ILT6 98cNIGHT OOW NB-Ladlea' Outing

Flannel Night Gowns, hsndeomety trimmed, tucked yoke*, large assort­m ent stripes, full bodies, *3 Incheslong, wortb ll.OO each, Tues- 49cdaySATEEN BK IR TS-Ladles’ tost black

Sateen Petticoats, all lengths and ex­tra full widthe, worth ll.ffi ( .Q meach

M IS C B L L A N B 0tl5

Tuesday Bargains.RIBBONS-Odds and ends, all-silk

moire, satin and gros grain rib j C - bona, value 10c., 12c. ana 16c. yard Ub

All-silk u f le ta ribbons, black and co lo rs ,! Inches wide, worth ae . IGnyard, Tuesday a t ........................... |£ b

CORSETS—Ladles' flne lean corsets, medium and long waists, white or drab, heavily boned and wortb »c. G Q . pair, apeclal tor Tuesday............ A d b

made, worth 60c.yoke29cbands, well

aaeh ...........................................COaBBT COVKKS-Ladles' corset

covert good m uilln, overlock Qn team s, ell slsee. wortb Itc. each. Ob

h a n d k e r c h i e f s — Ladles' flne hemetltohed handfcerchlefe. some 'With* ^ .. ____ .1. a.. ieiAa ^1ners, worth 10c. to U lic.'ei;ch...,’ q f p Inca edge* and embroidered oor- u u b

t8-lnch Storm Serge*, Henrietta*, F tn cy Mixtures, every concelv*d>le shade to select from, euperlor finishand WBight, regular selling price iQ j, from 20c. to tOc. yd., Tueiday, yd lUQ

Silk effect Plaids, double width, va- tlons, Matelaaaarioue color comblnati

and Armur* weaves, colors war- Q - ranted, Tuesday only, yd........... j | J

Novslty Dresa W sar, such s i Velour. Baucis and Venetian weaves, all naw ehodlngs, w and W Inches wide, would be cheap a t 3»c. yard, Tuesday, 2 ^ 0yard

Black Goods Special—!! and Kl-lnch fto rm fcrges, H enrletlaa and FancyMohair Lustres, silk flntshed, full ee- leetloa of patterns, rsgulor selling value 20c. and Me. yard, Tu**-day

Full 20 Inches wide Satin. In all col­or*. Including evening shodta of pink, Wue, lavender, Nile green, old rose, JfalB and national blue; also black, white and cream; these goods have been selUog a t *c. and 6!c. yard, n n .apeclal Tuesday............................. J g C

Black Satin Duchetse, 20 In, wide, good heavy weave, with ex tra gloat

Kid Glove Sale.Glove* for

Ladlea,Olovei for

Men,Gloves for

Boyg, Gloree for

G irls,A LL AT

I^dte*’ Real Kid Glovee, in red, tanand bro-wti, two claipa embroriered

M w 'a F u r Top Calfskin Olovea, lam be wool lined, patent claepa, red. brown and tan, all eliet, worth ZO ,. » c . pair ........................ ................ 4 5 C

Boy*' Kid and Mocha F u r Top Gloves, all colors, patent clasps Z O « and worth T6c. pair............... T Z . 4 5 0

Gtola Real Kid Gloves, 4-button claiir and lace, broken aaeort- i Q a ment sliea, worth Me. pair......... * 5 b

Girls' KM Gloves, with fur top*. In ■II the tall shadet, worth ISc, ZQq

Basement BargainsW e se ll a ll kJnfle of H oiu*fur<

R U b ta g fo o tU cb eap e r th a n o e y - b o d y oU o, a iid o u r b u e m e n t s or* tb o ro fo ro o lw ay a b u sy ,

OolvanlaedWater Palle, full 10 quart slie, regnUr ISc. quality, not over one to a onatomer,

lie.Stamped Tin Dlipanu worth a s o b , special for 'Tuee. 111. day .................................................. lUG

Stamped Tih Tea Kettles, flat bot- B ^d three quarts, worth |Q qtoms.

Ue. saoh.Oral Wish Bollcta with 2 tids,

bandlsi and eover, Sat msislllcl boMom, full slsa regtdlr 49 esnt

F S U —100 elotkas i4n* given awsy with etch ol tbme boUen Tuesday only. 29c

Decorated Table Lamps, solid foot. Inge, complete with burner, chimneyand wick, and decorated shadeo, n g u la r price D.M each, ipeclal Q A . Tuesday .................................... . f lJQ

lioeos, HasliflSykets, Etc.

B lu-

T u e td o y ’s B o rfo lo i o r* s im p ly w o n d e rfu l. T h ese p r ic e s te ll th e s to r y .

Comfortables.Full double bed ilae Comfortable,

w hite cotton flUed, straight stitched, well made, regular price tl,t6,special Tuesday......

Comfortables.Fine quality Figured Satin* covered

and Uned, pure white cotton fllled, fancy stitched Comfortables, formerijcojicy iiiicnec uomiortaoies, formerly telling a t tl.W, special Tues- i nA day ....................... I . j£5

■uuu iirivy weave, with ex tra gloiaT S l ' l r ' . 6 9 c. quality Lining Cambric, A t*

Beet QualUy Plain SllssU 7 8 «Vlalst Lining, In all colors........

quiiliy Fancy Black A3aBack Waist L in ing .,.,................. gaC

Best quality M-lnch B ustls r s *Skirt Lining, black and colora.. 3 * 0

lU n ch French A l*H air Cloth...... r . r , .......... / I Q

Towels.Full Bleached Fringed Towvla, large

■lae, ex tra heavy qualily, erorih C « Ic., special tor 'Tuesday................ 3C

Towels,E x tra large else Brown Towels,

heavy fringe, Tuesday spe- O a'*•< ............................ ................. . a OC

Table Damask.tS-tnch full bleached Table Damaak,

In handiom e new pattem a, regu- I f la la r price tic., l^eaday ................. Ig C

MliceUauoono Toosdoy Borialiu,LA C ES-ljirge easortm ent lacst,

Torchon, Velenclennea. Chantilly and cotton Insertion*, 1 to 4 lachei wide and worth We. to 15c. yard, Tue*day g g

K M im om E H lH sltrine 'esn ibH e em- brolderlFi, open and cloeed edge*. 2 to 4 Inches wide and worth lOo, lol6c.yard .......... ..................................... 3 C

SILK VEILING—Pure silk veiling, fancy meahes and chenlll* dot*. *11 col­ors and worth 19c. y*rd, Tusaday C « •pecla ............................................ 3C

HATS—Ladles' and MIsase' flne felt hats, In vary latest ahapa* and all eol-

F E A T H E R ^R sa l oatrtoh feathsra. each black and w orth 26c. I l i .

V M B R B i^.A ^L adies' and gentle­men B umbrellas, of good quality, B rit­ts nnic cloth, steel rods, Immenso aa- aortment bandlsi, w orth Sc, saoh. hot o v » ona to a customer, A h |,Tuesday

Towelling.B est quality 11-Inch plain Cotton

Towelling, in blue and red border, regu lar plica lb„ speolot Tuea- 2*Qday

Domet Flannel.27-lticb W hite Domet Flannel, ex tra

heavy weight, regular price So. A8j, yard, special Tuesday.................. 3 * 6

Canton Flannel.Heavy weight wide width Unbleach-

en Canton Flannel, regular price f c and *c, yard, special Tties- 3ic

Blankets.W hite BlankelA extra, heavy

w ith r ^ , blue or tancjr Mrder*.w orth T6c. pair, special Tuesdaynso

Blankets.Whits California Kaakats. U-4 ilsa.

In blua and red border, that nave been selUng at M.7I, special Tuss- A 5Q day I «i*.„ aiVw

The Coerke Company, 159 to 165 Market Street.

t i p p e d a NAVAL O FFIC ER .

B a t N aw th e N leh a l W IU Be F r e n r v - M a a .a F a n l l r T a lla w a n .

From th* New Orleans Tlmes-Democrat.'A n oflleer o t the navy, who shall be

nameless, In dsftrsnce to hla extrame mod. eaty, exhibited a eurloui trinket Ih the cor. rldor of the 8L Charles last evening, ft was a flve-cent coin around which a nar. row to ld hoop had been welded. On the hoop was the legend, "Requlum Donum," in sm all,'black, enamelled leUetA

"1 am galng to give U .to my wife for look," said Ita posarssor. "The story Is thlat I was a t the Key W est docks ons day white th* row w as still In progress, helping w ith some repairs on tho torpedo boat Porter, when three ladles put In an ■ppearanqe, sa fe r to see the sights, They wsf* wsMthy Sostonlane, and as they had the naosasary credentials 1 volunteered to show them around.

” 1 m ust have baen a pretty diarepulable. looking Indlvlaual, for I had .Iust crawled out a t tk* engine-room, and my old blue bltwaa and canvas tro u ssrt were a mass of *6 aisdgrim *, but there was no time to fix WK an8 I proceeded to my duties as

eluded to keep the nickel In the family heart, affection, piety and ilmpl* eouraga a* a sort of talisman, A jew eller a t Jack- and beauty around her to the very ai<L eonvllle put on ths band.'' Bhe paaaaa much of her time In th s I sa t


____ _____ting ___ ____Ih a o aboard aO auxiliary erulaer, explain.. TT- -------------------------- j-----

briaf.ed ike wprklnga of the guns, ehowed them

WhlUhead torpedo, and, In briaf, leftn q t | | l ^ o ^ ln lf re a t unewn.

thV'^BMMMfthat tSsr g

e tour Was flnslly completed that they take a oup of lea at

lu u s , rou

____ euppoelng, of course,deretood my rank flrom ea- ilutatlon* aa we made the hay leohsd shocked and ta l­i ' a n afraid,’ Mid on* of

roidd hardly ha '’ liwaatiOB, A tl

Haw tba W rilte T aaeU nglr g p ^ a t Hie P arsa t’a Laet D aya

Our dear and good old m other la no more; she went from u a gently and oalm- ly. write* Carlyl* to hi* eister In the A t­lantic, and died a t la s t ra lhar unexpaoled- ly to the watchera, so suffdin w as It, without struggls or seeming pain of any kind. Ty* had to think "H er autterings are ovw; and she hot fought her light well and nobly: and os for us—w* ar* left her* Slone; and the soul th a t never ceased to love us since w* cam* Into th* world Is

t* God, her m aker and ours."This la the heavy nawa I lena you, dear

•'■ter Jen d nobody can spare you th* sor­row aUd tea ri It will ocoaston. jrwr abova

wcelfa tn a kind of swept used to waken frith a ■ffllle" (at Jean dstwrlbed It to

left anel, and h a t left a sacred remerabranc* n th ail of ua conaolatory In our n a tu ia l


BlAMeff n A ll * a H la W ife .A Dutchm an sti

■at dow» a tdlaappaarwl down hie o a p a c lt_ ...... .........fora ns looked up. Then when a friend

■ lilra ' '

iman staggered Into a m Iooh. B s a t a table. 0tx xlaaaee of beer

ed down h it Mpacloua th roet be-ventured to aek him w bat w as the m atterha■ replied;

"Oh, ,nry wife h e t provoked me. B y ik tl ■ ‘ ' ■It’a awful, and to think th a t 1 drank elx

glaaaea o f beer. Think what th a t woman na* ooat me."______ ___________

a jeer and a half past, out dMf ■»n vislblv falling taat aw*»

her In August gone - tfferin---------

had bee: I sawwaakneti and suffering*

1*31ful to me; and it teem* w* ehouM over meet , d 'th in g a flh* had n o . nor afterward, but tbe springii i

o w e d faster, and waa’Ooaatai>i.j. m* ^ t much rise from th*-b*d: fh* Mary and Jaan altam atidy to way* ever E * r - to t t* ry i t7

-tlaae' ’!S2

W a lk l» t h s ■ •ash lB * .When the work ot tbe busy woman will

permit her to travel berriwo mllea in th* aanabtne. she ehould eurety awk* the meet at aach A prioeltM advantage, for bene- • a k d v the breathing of plenty of oxirgan g a t tha rarctar exmclee of muacla aiwAt ailp thBif tonahlnl la a lonlo for mlM, kM lf and boidy, which nO woman, aiok orwaff, can afford to deiplee, Th* aaolaty

baa a llttlif U i w ho baa a little more leeway In a t' rangliig her tim*, should walk each nuttn

dlrsotly afte r breakfaet, gsd not Baa— r «two mllat, ^ s b u B *nam c

JiTd" "rNMI —T. a.(Mary not being i fy Jean boa earn',.K d done a work

aunfut. In to


IOThere , m ontbi ne t mu


been no I

N '





0 thth

p.the) Cob of t fror Con thal 11 I dnn th* ba a ril Bps mae

Be con com th li prs(

In It t Spa a fli ma) Bps:pea<thabeeilean

a tUnJ Bp* Phil ■loo labe th* ■Ion ml*< tlon

Tt ed I Spa: legli com of t llnei Mad

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At tbe tudt mad pres Ron sovi lata: nouiSOTCand“SScomBpai ed ■ full) lion dlRi ths Spal •lea

■ of U Til

cred and and



■Ttw odica:uall:fact! the I

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A . te l IrMopin*ing(I0u,0l

Ur the I polllpolllr*iMport wou. nuei

Th 009,01 ctiU Thli *s*u be I1100,1bo rr

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tha tm ially Prci clal th* : Bell cal*“iSimancomqueith* H* I thi*pro*H* : this Bind of hi

ta i l






NUMBER 4,690

Third Edition.


Spaniards Not Tot Boadr With Their Answer to the American



A M l t f thmi NcfotlstiaiM Will Ba AUlaiM har B n k a it 0 « , ba t th a t UpM a Ba- Ibaal ta Oada th a rhU ipplaaa Balag NaSa, t b a l b t i a n a t i H a a Will Ba B a b n aS ta tha T ira Ctaiaram aala far Ittraal ■attta>

FARIB, Not. I1 .- I t b u baan dscUae thcra Trill ba do Joint laatlona of the Peace Commlulcina to-dar. Secretary Uoore, of tha United Statea Commlaaloi), raoalvad from Secretary Ojeda, ot the Spanlab Commlealcti, thia m ornlni, a note laylDB th a t the Spanlab Commleelonen bad found It linpoaalble to prepare their memoran- d u n for preaantatlon to-day and aak ln( If the United Statea Commlaalonere would ba InconTenienced It, owlnj; to the late arrival from Madrid of eapocted daU , tba Bpanlarda ahould requeet th a t tbo next meelind be deterred until Wedneaday.

Secretary Moore replied th a t the Amerl- canCamnitealonenwere quite reedy to ac­commodate th r s p a n i ih Comraleslonert In thIa matter, and the Joint eceilon waa practically diferrad until Wedoeeday next.

Importance la attached to thia delay. It belRf retarded aa Indloatlnt th a t tha Spauiab Oommltalonar* are p rep arln t tor a tlnal etand In tbaaa oeiotlatlODa, and It may now ba definitely s u te d th a t the Bpanlarda here will not a ltn a trea ty ot peace wtalqh ylalda to Spain no more from iba Pfaillpplna lalanda than baa th u s far bean offered or Indloatad by tha Atnar- Icana

Should tha la tte r announce th a t tba United Statea la only wllUnt to relmburae Spain tor bar pacino expchditurai In tba Philippine lalanda, tha Spanlab Commla- alonera will reply th a t their mlaalon ta fin. lahad. Should tbla occur, It la poaalbla th i Bpanlarda will alao aupgaat a auapeu. aion of tbo necotlatlona through the oom- mlaatona and the raaumptlon o t nogotla- tlona between Madrid and Waablngton.

Thia attitude o t tbo Bpanlarda la explain­ed by the tac t th a t the membera o f tbo Spanlab Conunlaalon hava pclltlcjd al- leglancea and peraona] reaponalbUlUea to

. conatlluenciaa and the national crsdltora of Spain which reatrlet them to certain lines, which are taa fa r aa tba Mlniatry a l Madrid ca re t to go.

i t la pointed out th a t If tha five Spanlab Commlaalonen here algned a trea ty yield­ing the Philippine lalanda to tha United States w ithout letaening Spain 's debt In an appreciable degree, tbey could no t re­turn borne with the proepeot o t any politi­cal future before them, and poaalbly would be In danger of violence a l th e haiHla of tba moba.

At the n«Bt m eeting of tha oommlaalons the Amertoana wUl learn the defInUe a tti­tude of Spain on any propoaltloa thua ta r mada. The Bpanlarda, however, in thia preaanlaUon wlU not declare all n ^ o tla - tloue cloaed. They will Inalat th a t the •overelgnty of Spam over the Philippine Islands la beyond queatloa bu t will an­nounce Bpaln'a readiness to yield th a t sovereignty fo r an adequate equlvaMnt,dpanlsl

^ e .and will then tnvUe ncgoUatlona ^ d e r the

'ah Donstruotlon o t tha proto%A.I American Commlatlonera m ay th en

communicate their Anal attitude to the Spanlardi, but the Americana are expect­ed a t a future meeUng to preien t a care­fully prepared conelualon of their oontea- Iton end conditions. Should they be no dlRcrenl from tboae already presented, the time will then have arrived whenSpain will declare h a n e lt belpleaa, though aieadtaat, and will aw ait the next ate]

■ of the United S tates, w hatever It m ay b aThns Spain will be able to eay to her

credltora th a t she has done b ar ntm oat. and th a t the leaue m ust rest between ibem

ted S tatand the U nits


TTAKT AMJCBIOAKI t o o o k t b o l .

N E W A R K , N . J ., M O N D A Y , N O V EM BER 14. 1898 .~F O U R T E E N PA G ES.


VvnRjiB 0* DnMatg Oriete* tnm tlw ta l tM itw iM v Km m tm

i n *1 SUaiiU, Him*n if •! B»ltln«r*.

BALTIMORE;. Ud.. Nov. K -U « q t« n 4 n t Herman G. DreiMl, of tho Unitod B u tM Navy, com m ttttd iu ld d a In tha CarroUton Hotale thta oUy, ahortly after 1 o'clock thta roomlQt. by abootln i hlmMlf In tho hood. Prom p o p tn found on hla body It la tur< mlaeO th a t ha kUlod hlmatU becauaa ho had boon ordered to Uantlo to loin tho Umied flialea ah!p Sloflro,

Ltautanani Draaaol, It la thought, rooeh- «d thia city ao n a tlma thia m<>rijing «nd repaired to tha CorroUtOA He did not ragliter, but a f te r lUigerlng at>out tha lob­by for a abort time repaired to Um toUet* room, and locked the door behind Dim.

Almoot Immedlattiy theraaftor a platol ahot alarmed the employea of the houae, and a loarch revoakd tha fact tha t Drea- ael waa dead. In one of tho pocketa of hla coat waa fouDd an order from flocrotary of the Navy Loag. dated November 11, detaching the unfo^unate roan from th United A atea aUamor Saaex and ordoflni him to repair to i a n Franeiaco, from whic,. - lint he waa to go to Kong Kong and

.ence to Manila to join the Zadro.A telegram addretaed to Lieutenant C.

H. F a ^ , In W aehlngtoa, and algned by Dreeiei, which waa alao on the dead man roqueated Faloa to axebange ordora wlti Ibe writer, and It waa evTdently tho in tentlon of Droaael to have aent thia,

WASHINGTON, Nov. l i-N e w a of tha aoiclde came to the Navy Department In a telegram from Commodore McNair. The department offlclala feol quite blamelMa In tha m attar and tha lulcloe la attributed to melancholia. For aome tlma the officer haa been importuning the departm ent to relieve him rrom duty on the Eeaex. He w ai on the Puritan during the war. The department w a t dlipoiwd To grant hie re- queat and had been ca tting about to eecurc a place for him. __________



The chler Hedleel OUeav t t the T in t Army Corpe BMMa IBe W ar lavea-

tlgBlIag QamaMeslaa-WABHINQTON, Nov. I t - T b e W ar In-

veetlgatliig Cummlialon rMumed the ax- amtnatlon of wlinessea to-day, w ith Dr. R. 8. Uuldekoper, Ueulanant-Colonel ot Volunteer), on the stand.,.H a u id tb tt he had occupied the poal- tlon ot chief medical offleer o f the f i r s t Army Corpe a t Camp Thomas, Chlcka- m auga l^ rk , until July S , when he had •ouc to. Porio Rico with Oieneral Brooke.

l>r. Hmdekoper u ld th a t with a few unlniM rlant eacepiloni the medical sup. plica for the Porto Rican expedition had Men ample. Al Newport Newa ba hea

orders that the alck man ba ellml- nated from ihe command, but ha found th a t the order had been evaded and sick men taken aboard.

Thia waa eapeclilly trua of tha Third IlUnolt Regimen I, whose surgeon. Dr. Hutdekoper said, had peralstad from the s ta r t In breaking the iplrit, If not the le t­ter. ot the law. The ra im e n t bad left •lok «t every town that It bad vtslted. He ■kio •h»t when the commend ataried to Porto Rico, GcheraJ Brooke had exercised hla prerogative to demand tha filling of a requIilOoB, which had been refused by Ibe Deputy Burgroneqenoral, but In re­sponse to a queitlon he said he did aot know why the Qeneral had not exerclaidChlrSmmauga^* *" •uppHoa a t

Replying to a question from Qenaral tfi# witneie said th a t Deputy Bur-

gMn-Oeneral Hartiuff had refuaed to sup­ply dlalnfectanti tor the camp a t Chlcka- mauga, laying (hat to do ao would be oon- tra ry to army regulatlona.

Colonel Huldekoper relum ed frequontly during hla leatlmeoy lo hla dlfflcuTtlea In securing nurtea. He said ba bad once se­cured an approach to tha ntceaaary num­ber through an arbitrary order from Oen-

1 Brooke, and whenetl

STATE L O l A TAI CASE.Appeal of tbo Singtr Gojnpany Agalist Its Assessment SmtolBed.


New New Beriay Kwet Betere A bantSM ,. ggO tc Ike Oerparatlea-AaellMT Trial G m alad la the Salt Agalaat Csagraee- lU B Laadaaaligsr-V lrtery for Um Haad- a rd OtJ Oiwipesy Over Ike Vnltad tia taa r tp e M ae Oompeay I'alan label Law iW iiarad te Ba Ceaelltnlleaal-Tfce New­a rk H al Xakeee fSMaluod la Tkeir few taaU ea Agalaat WMley A Craae.

oral whenethia ordar was la-

NEW JERSEY TROOPS SOOTH. mmt. foTmemM™ orth.sued the Colonels bad inatated on aupply- Ing the wont man they bad In tbeir regl-

fbrIfearth Begim eal Left Camp MeadeOrtauvUla, S. O tkar Oemntaade te

PeUaw-Laet te Leeve T kandey.CAMP HBADE, MIDDLBTOWN, Pa.,

Nov. U.—The Fourth New JetM y left camp Saturday afternoon lata, bound for Qraen- vllle, S. C. By T huriday of tbla week the entire Second Corps will have left for the new cam pi In the South.

Threo reglmenta started yeaterdey and three more will gu to-day. Qeiteral Toung and atalt and (he Signal Corpa will ba tha last to go. The reglmenta Iwvlng yester­day wars tbe Second Weet V irginia,Eighth Pennaylvanla and F irs t Bhode laliuid. A battalion from a regiment not yet desig­nated will stay behind to guard tbe Oov- em m ent property. Secretary Alger la ao well pleased with this location that a por­tion of the troop! m ay return next ipring.

The hoepltxla have been eleened out and on Wednesday their equipment will bo sent away. Tbe headquartera of the eorps will " a t Augnata. Oa. Tbe troopa will be

itte red between th a t city, A tn eu , Oa.i SummervUli, Coluiabla and OreenvUIe, 8. C.

Tbe sick aoldltra In the olty hoepltata will Join (heir commands after they are able to leave and have bad a thirty-day lurlaugb.^___________


„ ---- --------------------- p ltal corpa.One waa an epileptic and another a con­firmed drunkard,

Yei the men who bad given him the poorest nuraea were generally tbe first to make complaint of lack of attention. Tbe witneaa aaaerted that the alck In Porto Rico had had good attention, ooDtradlotlng the auertlon of Colonel M a ru u a th a t there had been negtlfeiioa.

‘T h e Second and Third Division hospi­ta ls were," he said, In reply to a question, "alw ays clean and well o rd en d .” Both In- etuutlons were well built, bu t ttkey hadauRered throughout to r proper a ttend­ance. There waa n tvar a su O d sn t number of hospital corpa men. On tb e o ther hand, the Fltat Dlvlaion Hoepllal was not ao wellof hoapltel coriconducted, for lack of dliclpllna due to the proipect of removal. H e bad repeated­ly called attention to tha lack of nursea, and about the first of July th ers waa an Increaae of hospital oorpa men In rssponae to hla repreaentatlona

"They were hospital corps man and th a supply was nevsr equal to tbe demand. Reverting to tha quaatlon o t tentage. Dr. Huldekoper said he knew of h li own knowledge that the surplus tsn tage a t tha reserve hospital waa turned over to th e division hospitals and th a t ten ts bad ^ n held there to the detriment of other boa- PlUtiSe

"However, he stated th a t there were always unoccsupled tents a t the

Bpeotal Dtapalch to tha NXWATRENTON. Nov, U .-The Court ot E r­

rors and Appsals did not begin to deliver opinions until nearly 1 o'clock thia after­noon. All the membera of the court were preaeot except Justice Oummere and Judge Krueger. The members of tbe oourt v e re In conference ill day having adopted a rule under which all opinions a ra read In conference, and. It nuceswiry m ^lfled , before Ihe vote la taken openly.

Ah im portant declalon waa given in favor ot tbe Singer Manufacturing Company In tha m atte r o t the levying of a franchise

Aa.ea.ore.About tN,000 Is Involved. The Singer Com. pony claimed an exemption under Its ohsrter. The State Board of Aeteeaors claimed th a t they had a right to levy a franchise tax. The matter has twice been through tha Supreme Court and Court ot E rrors, In both oases declalona being given against the Slate.

The S tate will now be forced to return to the company nearly tdti.OW collected for taxes In fa tm rr years. Three or four years ago th e corpurstlon determined to reelst payment, and the m atter was cer- tlorarled to the Supreme Court. The ground taken by the company was th a t the provlaiona of Its charter exempted It from the payment of certain forma of taxes.

Another declalon announced waa by Ju s­tice Depue, and orders a reargunient In the case of Congressman Henry C. Doudens- lager against the Woodbury H elghu Land Company, m tbe Chancery Court and the C ourt of E rrors declxloni have been given agalnet Congressman Loudenalsgvr. hold­ing him liable for some tX,lWD to certain shareholders In the company. Congress­man Loudsnslager Is represented by A tto r. ney-<l«nsril Urey, and It was on the la t­ter 's motion that the Court of E rro rs agreed to rehear the oase.

A decleloD was given sgalnst the United Btatss Pipe Line Company, which company has been making such a allfl fight against the Standard Oil Company In New Jeriey . The m atter decided to-day waa a w rit of error to the Warren Circuit Court Involv­ing the construction of a deed of the Dela­ware, Lackawanna and Weiiern Railroad

X c*<i,d‘.T£.nTTrecamp In ganeralSe said th a t aome of tha “ P l M " Company will now aban-slnka were sxcaislvely filthy. Some of th e i^ were never In proper condition.

Die for th a t oondl-"Who was reipoosl' _ tIonT" asked Dr. Conner.

'T h e ofilcera of tbe reglniant,' respondedA Telegram Beeelved tVeea Upper fi'rn-"

SaM to Be BeepewilMe Ikr thaH u a e r.

PARIS, Nov. H —I t was reported here last night th a t Dreyfus w ss dead. Tbe rumor Is understood to be based upon mysterious telegram received tn»n Col­mar, oapital of Upper Alsace, signed by an unknown correspondent

Careful Inquiries made a t Colmar show that nothing la known there a s to the death ot Dreyfus, and It Is now generally believed tha t th e telegram was nothing more than a hoax. __________


Dr. Huldekoper."Did not the oommaudlsg Qoueral hava

a duly to perform In th a t connection T' the . luoner continued. Tha reply to th is

question was not sstlsfsctory and Dr. Con­ner insisted upon knowing w hether any­thing had ever been dona by tbe com-

idlng Oenaral to secure the punleh- f reglnientsl oRIcers who had

mammemfused to obey orders Cor the proper poOo- Ing of the csm M but Dr. Huldekoper de- chared that be knew o t no tnelance of the

B epertaf the I s ta a tto a e a f a Great Syadl- eale Net Ckadltad a t W aaklattoB ,

The Alleged PeetDotar.PARIS, Nov. 11— The Qaulota yesterday

■aid:'T be aoqulsltlon of the PhlUppInaa for

twenty-five years by an Internatliuial syn . dlcats, from whiehsTer Pow sr m ay avent- ually acqulrs tham. Is a rum or based on (acts of which the Gaulols wUJ. la te r give the detalla"

FoUowlng th is lead, the Qaulola and other Farts papsrs will to-morrow an- nounct ths achems goiBewliat on the ta Itosi:

A syndloate npresen tlog t1Mi,<IIIO,000 capi­ta l proposes to tak s ovsr th s oommtrcUl rssoaross and advantages o f the Philip­pines for s term of twaoty-fiva years, pay- ■ng to tbe oom lnant Power therelii MH,- Wu,OW for the prlvUigA

Under the alleged Tenna o t th is sebem s the dominant Power avould adm inister the political and m ilitary government of the Islands a t III own axpenss, under th s ap- poruoomdnt named, wblla the syndlcaio would (OUeot a ll oustoms and o ther reve- OMs for the term specified.

■ae scheme tnvolvas giving Spain WS.- OM,tW to ssttafy any real o r tm sglnsry claims she may m ake a s to the tarritary . This feature Is said to b s based on tbo M um puon th a t the United BUtes wlU

Power, The remaining lUO.OW.OOO of tbls r e p u te syndicate would be reserved as l u working capital._ J h s the project Is a Mr.Toung, said to ba a son of B ngham Toung. and an attem pt la apparently made to


ally denied a t tbs W hite House. The President n tv e r beard of th s "Commer­cial Company o t the United States and the Phlllpptnea,'* B ut It is said th a t some Bclgtan flnanolsrs Intend to form a syndl- oate^to try to buy or ren t tba Islands from

%ALT LAKE. UtalL Nov. lA—The young man mentlonsq la th s P aris dispatch In conneotlon with th s FhlUppIne Islands question Is undoubtedly JM n W. Toung, the well-known promoter and oentractor. He buUt ths U tsb Central RaUroad from this city to P ark City, U tah, and waa prominent In m a w other U tah enterprises, He Is a son of BHgbam Toung and left th is olty to r Europe about s igh t years ago. since which ttm s but little Is kaown hers of bla movimenja.

H airU la a OrttleH OesdIUaa and Hla Al- Isgsd Asaallam Bold.

Hwdd to the BTXHlNa NEWg.ELUSABBTH, Nov. lA -A desperate af­

fray took place la s t night betwsen a le t of PclaM ers a t a ohrlstonlng bMd at &T F irst itre st, E llaabsthport Clubs and bot­tles were freely used. Louis Morris was ■ 0 badly out about the head and face th a t It Is (eared be may die. The Injured man was taken to tho Alexlaa Hospital, where his depoalUos was taken this morn­ing by Police L leutenaut Peters and an Interpreter. Cbarlea KInike, the alleged assellaot of Morris, Was arrested and held to aw ait tha resu lt o t his victim 's In­juries.

Several others were cut and bruited In the battle, but their tn ju rlei were slight,

TONS OF OOPPBB LOST.B spentive E x p lu la a Ossswt k r Mmica

Metsl Flew tag Io ta a Damp Beeeptssle, gpHltl to the BVXNlNa NEWS.

BTiTZABETH, Nov. lA—An explosion took place last night a t ths New Jersey Capper Extraction Works, located oo Btateo tilan d Sound, In Linden Township. Much demsge waa done and tons of malted

prosecution of any oSence of th is kind.Colooel Huldekoper said he had suc-

oeeded In getting tuppUee only by being first on hand, as the medical depot was run In a very parsimonious manner. There w as not only a great scarcity of Important drugs, such as quinine and epium, but a disposition on tbe part of the purveyor not to give out what there was.

Responding to a reqeust from ex-Oover- Dor Beaver, Dr. Huldekoper detailed the paitlBUtare of bis education a s a phyilolan, giving also his eiperlsnoe In silDtary iSr- vice. •

He said be bad graduated aa a lAystBian from the University of Psnnsyfvaola la ISIA and afterw ard had atudled mUeh In P alis , Berlin and other European eapltals, and had had considerable exMrtanoe In hospitals and In general practice.

B e went to Europe a second time on the recommendation of Dr. Mayes Agnew, who desired to establish a veterinary hoepltat

A fter returning to this country he went to New Tork and was engaged largely In th e manufacture of toxlnes, only practle-Ing medicine for charity.

B e had been a surgeon In the P en u n l- vanla ^'atlonal_ Guard from lt?1 to lUl,being Brigade Burgeon most of the time, covering the Homeatead strlke i and Johnstown flood.



copper ore were lo s t 'The exploilon waa caused

a wneltlng furnace, which molten metal to flow Into

by a leak In alhiwed themoiceu m eu i lo now mio a damp rteap-

tacle underneath. The fire which followed w s) put out by the apparatus Id tbe works Owing to there being no fire box In tbe vicinity, the E lU a b ra departm ent oouldoat be notified until the controL f in was under

laaa ig aa i F ragreai Near I la tla Oausea gpaaU nlf So Appeal ta Madrid.

MANILA, Nov. lA-Advlo«s from RoUo, capital of Panay, say th a t tha losurgents have odcuplid Llnganls, Oton and n v l a , suburbs, and are dally expected to attack the town, Tha Bpanlarda hava abandoned the mote and destroyed the oonneotlag oar. bridges.

Business Is paralysedaad th a in h au tan ta a n In a elala o t tarror. The m arcantlla housM, of all natlonalltlaa, hava algnM a

^asking the oommandar of tha to ra-

autborUlsa a n In-

CATBOLIO PBBlATi^ DEAD.Tba Arehblahep of Ongan, wtUlsm B,

Qrasa, faddeoly fineoamba ta Sleknaaa.BALTIMORE, Nov. lA-WUUam HIcUey

Qrosa, Archbishop of Oregon, Roman Cathotia Church, died a t S t Joseph's Boa- pltal this morning In th is city of heart dla-"SIS.

Arehblahop Oroaa tmmt to thia city to attend a celebration a t St, Charlei College. BUJeott City, Md., and waa taken alek on November A since which time he haa bean confined to hla bed In St. Joseph's Hoapltal. I t thought until th is morning th a t hla oondltlon was Improving and th a t he would reoover, but, a sudden change (or the worie resulted In hla death.

BMPBBOB WILLIAM ON TBB WAT.Tba Imperial Taahl Habauaalltra » - -----

OrMe-Gettlag Dlapetebee,CANKA, Island s f Crate, Nov. lA—Tha

German Imperial yacht Hobanmilarn paaied CraUn w atars a t a o'clock th is inomlnf)

The dispatch boat H arta antstad Snda

V irnTm!”a Hasraw Baespa frem O aatb.

thlrty-fiva yaaro Old. a i X S d on th i ^ n i r a l l^ ljro sd aa a brakeman, was in the act of putting on k braka th is inorm ^ as the train was paaslng the C a n tn l RallTMd Station h n a The train auddaiilr tyolm in two, right whara BouUy w m aUndlng, and the ahook threw him off the

The whMja poaaad ovar h l a ^

T o u g Man ■hot by Miss M ails Laa Net Ltfcely to BecDver.

Seeclel Dlipttcit to th* NEWANEW BRUNSWICK, Nov. lA -There la

alight chance that Joseph Bates, twenty- five y e a n aid, who was shot Saturday night by pretty Haale Lee, aged twenty, will survive. After a realleas night, during which he suffered much psln, B a teP i phy­sician entertains bu t Uttla hops of bla p a tien t's recovery.

The shooting occurred In a kitchen over tbe restaurant of Jam es Callahan, of B uniat streelt whMe both the young peo­ple boarded. Aa Bates walked Into tha room Mlaa Lae picked up a rlfia and play­fu lly told Batei th a t abe would shoot him. To her surprise end horror, the Weapon wa* dlscbargad. and Bates tell to tha fioor, with a bullet wound Juat over bla h e a r t The young woman waa placed und«r arrest, and declared th a t the ihoot- Ing waa accidental. B ates's ante-mortem alatom ent was taken. In It he oomptetriy exonerates the young woman.

I f Bates die) It I) likely th a t the girl will have to itand tria l In spite of the statem ent ot Bites, a s lhare are rumors of Jealousy on the g irl's part, which may hava lad lo a quarrel. She t i on ths verge o t Insanity, She has eaten nothing since the tragedy, and moans and weeps con­tinually.


don Its efforts to get to the seaboard tbrough New Jersey, and will pipe lie oil to Ptafladelphla sod transport It from ttasre by rail.

T bs dadflon of Ihe lower court granting a noniult In the suit of WUion j! H aver against the Central Railroad is se t aside )md a new tria l granted. Haver had soma words with a brakeman on one of the Central Railroad trans over the payment of f a n . L ater tbe conductor esrae through and H aver paid hli (are to him. A fter this H aver was most violently assaulted by th e brakeman, and on proof ot th is the lower court granted a nonsuit on the ground that the railroad company waa not liable. Judge Depue says this was plainly arroneoui, and a new trial la or­dered.

Tha deetalCD of the Essex Court In the case of John H. Day against Jam es Dono­hue Is sfllrmed.

Tbe Judgment of the Essex Court Is affirmed lo the case of the Belleville Stone Company vs. Ann Combden, admlntstrix ot Robert Combden, deceased.

The decision of the Hudson Court In the oasa of tbe Bergen County Traotlon Com­pany against Alexander F, B llu la unao- imoualy reversed.

In the case of Frederick W. Behmala repraaanUng the Newark Hat m akers’ As- aoctatlon, sgalnst Edwin Woolley and Frederick R. Crane, trading aa partners, tbe decree of the Chancery Court against the Kstm skerst Association Is reversed. The association b ro u ^ t suit lo the Chan­cery Court to h tv a Woolley A Crane en­joined from using a label rimllar to the union label.

A demurer to the MU wee sustained in Chanaery on Jhe ground tb a t the legisla­tion In reference to labels was unconstltu- tlonaL The Court of E rrors holds the legislation to bs eonatltuttonal and sus­tains the poatlon of the New Mat Makers' Aaaoclatlon.

Tbe verdict of noneult given In ^ a H ud­son C ourt In the case of Marie Mahuken against the Monmouth County Board ot FVeeboldara Is reversed, and a naw trial orderad.

Mm. Mahuken. who Uvea In Hudson County, was injured s t s drawbridge at Seabright while attem pting to alight from her bicycte.

She sued the county (o r damagea, and a non-iult was allowed, on tbe ground th a t she by her negligence, contributed to the accident. The Court of Errora holds this w as a queatlon for tha Jury, sad a nsw tria l Is ordered,

jircniar asking tb s oommandar UttUsd -S taus tieulaai Chsrieston main, as the SBautaE i ' '____SBautah____________oapabls of affornaa- ih tm protsoUon.

It la f s p e iM i 5 s th a t tha tnaurgenta hava taksh th q aboie of tha lalanda of Na-Kos and £abu, o t tha Vhiayaa group. As

a oablaa are out U la ImuosalSla to t firm tha rumor.

Oeneral Rlosi Spanlab O avarnar « I tha Vltsyaa, la asM. to hava ieelarod a aaveii days armlstlca on November i. In order to rommunloate with Madrid, with k view ot trentferrtng control te tbe Amertoana, Major Bell tuts goue te Hollo to aaoirtatn the fao ti o t the situation.

r, Tns wnoeui paaaad ovar hla h a » £ •bltlBglt ao th a t It had to ba a m p u to t^ tha m iaabath Oanaral HoaptiM. Ha

■ “ ’«*JL»oa*P wound, u d ^ o toh lng was to re from ona aids of Wa body Ha haa a fam ily and Uvaa a t H a i ^

They Xaaape tha Tssait W ith Plandsr Tkhaa (Vem a CaaalbetL

IHspetoh lo the NEWS.NEW BRUNSWICK, Nov. 14,-Rlver

thieves last jilght stripped the eanslboat of Captain James Meyers, which was ly­ing near tha outtat lock In tha river. Tha robbary was committed while the Captain and craw, w en absent on a visit to town, and avorythiag portabta of value waa tak- an, A handaoma aloop yacht tironty-flve fast tong, balonglnk to Captain Michael W hite, was also stolen. The stoop, towing a rowboat stolen from the csnalbost, waa seen n a p Bayrevllle th is morning and tha o ^ a r haa gone In pursuit.

I f th s thieving oonunues It Is likely that a bnatman's committee will be formed, ■Imllar to that orginlxed In Perth Amboy a num ber qt years ago, which put a stop to river thleh'Gig by shaottog three or four of tba thtaves.


ton Junction.

w a n t p e c k n t b a x jb a t I o n .t h s D isuutg a t ipaalah i w t a a a a Snkwiia-

tsd to kh» Uu)«a BagsaLMADRID, Nov. lA—Aragon haa now

Joined with tba oGier provtasSs-of Spain In demanding tb a daoaatfaUkatlou of the

-O o v an u an i, on wbtoh snbJael a C ata­lonian WAiriMairad ta audlanoaby_ uniiBtMBt H ag K t AM ay.

The AtagtffiUiJU, m ptaaantlog th i l r da-mauda pm i sat ..............-of AmartoXtaldad of Eutspa, Bkv* ob iita ra taS '

that'tha aMad by tha

from tha maps."

" A u g lo ^ x ixona_;onaSpajB

Oolenal Bllta Bash from MsTana,MEW TpBK , N « . M.-Among the paa-

teagera who arrlvad to ^ a y par Ward U na Bleamer Tucatan from H a v ^ ^ cm ! onal 1. H. ,B|laai_of the Subsistence De-


H i v u ^ M aU D U and Cardanai. ajid & t whtQ ha laft tba coimmlialoD axuaAt^sFii IlnDfi tbla wnrlt Nltblh tan a y s ! ^ “ '**

teatad the Bedlwad SabtasrlM SsaLW «H IN O T D N , Nov. M—Tha m a m L r.

of the Naval Inapeotlon Board s Tm S ? turned to WaahinVton frSSrjSew Toffc w h irt they m ads a t a t last tha Holland aubm arlna h e a t The iStinrt of the board Is now In la nnSaratood th a t It w B l C f i r i ^ u y “

K alghta sT L th s r la U m .CmCAOO, W-Ht. M ^ ^ h a iwanty^wioud

Knighta of L abor h ar= J was



Maarly All of tha MM Bmpleyae ■* Marl- Iwn Oa Gat.

MARLBORO, Masa, Nov. lA-Oia joint exsoutlva council of tha Boot and Shoe W orkeri' unions a t noon ordered out tba t iM dmployee In Sevan factories. The 8. H . Howe Company, Rice A Hutchine and J . A. Frye A Co. are tbe Anna affected.

PMOtlcally all the union men and women In tbe (aotorlet Involved ttruck lu cbedl- anae te the order of the council. As soon aa tha employes left the factory they as- aemblad a t union Hall, where a mass- m eeting WM held. Tits Btrikers manifest­ed a Blent determination to resist the al- taek on tha union in every legiiimata way Doaalble.

T he (aetorlea ware running this after- lUiHi, but with only a few employes.

-------------- -------------------Anivsd oa T naspaoi Obdam.

_N E W TORK, Nov. 14.-The United B ta ta traniport Obdam arrived to-day ' San Juan and Ponce, Porto Bloo. and

rith w rw ty -tw o .cq n v a le a ^ l^

after Elmer

__ _______ _____ deeojuiiaoLdleri and OlVUIsna Ttatre

on board, the day luvmnber ID,

annual asam b ly will meat hsps lo-morrow, rivsd.in Isrga nnm btra '

Mm b t a

Unary > arvangs i

ta ^ a r . of rti,


■dll . Is trf w Aim* n tg iN ia L

f w o l

m '

o f ths n ^ t a l Corns of the ral HMmtal. dlad of oon- waa buried a t sea. H ath-

taa at Bllay, Kan, The o fC . D. jaoob,

T a S t W a h SJbdam arlll anohfi BUtaSara to dooC

la tO g d a k A u m

•ta .Hsv.

W . «

w. a T. a. coNvamoN.Bapeit a f KrailThasher M .W ssh Am*

teldJsis aad la llsra-T ka IHsawaatoa Begardlag tba Taingla.

ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 14.—A t tha W. C. T. U. meeting to-day Mrs. E lla M. Thacher, of New Jersey, presented her le- pert as superintendent o t wprh am ong aol- diers and asllora. Including a sum m ary of the canteen work In the aoldlari' homes throughout th s country. She Intarapsrsad her summary with InoldahU and tUuatra- tlons of the work.

The noldlera and aallorl' d^ iartm an t banner was awarded to the Pennaylvanla delegation. Mrs, Thaohar Introduoad roao- lutlons against the canteen, which were unanimously adapted,

J *K *r H aary Someraet.dated October H, UH, waa read by the secretary, expresafng a dealro fox psaca aa a monument to Mlaa WUIard, aimingtor naactful outoome of all controvartlas frankly giving tba o p h ilo i^o t Mlaa WU- lard on the temple. Misa WlUard feared

' ‘he tempie was too v a s t .^ d jr Henry Bomarast

the plan of the temple was too vast. A t her request Lady Henry Bomoraot had consulted w ith M rs Caras In order to plead letth Mrs. Cares to abandon bsr undenaking.

Lady H rtiry f e i ^ the fight fo r the *“• flrganliatlon H iss

Willard had done so muon to tauUd uo. She beliavsd tho temple arouid a fa r BtanA aa a memgrtal to w hat woman had wrought even though It w m not owned by th s W, C. T. U.

Hra. Caras asked to r tha reading of n letter w ritten by Lady Henry In JuneT In which aha advooatad making tlia tamula a memorial to Mlaa Willard, bu t Ihe let­ter not being accamdblt, and tbe devo- tional hour having a ^ v e d , tha m alb laid over.

The opMnenta of the temple ware Jubi­lant over having a c o r^ two polntaT The le lle t frodf U ^ H a o r y ?hSother was the ^ p o n e m e n t of tbe report on the m lla rd National T ta p e ran o a Has- pltal unUl afte r the ret»rto on the o t ^ a ffilia te InleraatA T h e ^ p o o t a M t utm oppMed by (rienda of tha temple, bu t tba motion to p o a ^ n a w m oarrleS by a tsrb- Ihlrdi vote, 'fhe geueral‘ated -------- ■in itt

ted during the noon h o u r 'a '^ ^ t^ M re u - phlel enUUeA "Tem pli Q ueaU ou A n,

•" •atqchlam form, whol^-hliitorjr of tn« —ueatlokn A na^erl » h l) im form, the

, . . • temple, aiMwering allthe points made by ths M ^ d i o f* the temple. I t created a good m s I ' "■Ion among delegatse, bring of dlaeiia-

I very pungen t

SasUago H saltk 1‘epait.W A SH m aTO N , NOV. « ,-T h a W ar Da-

pirtm enc has received the following*" S a n tla ^ « oSiiB. Hnv u .

"Adjutanl-Oeparal, W ia h ln g i^ i **• "Sanitary report Novembag u —Total

qtsamar Cnwawall on 0ro ,

whteh arrived h art o r OalvMton, bound forlaUEo on firs by tha dtafflargiB gat Baifei,

th a t tha vcisal may ra itlfi (or* the fire li eitinguufigg.

K r. Fesk Celle r a UWt IMdv.



Thsme W ha Win Have Chaega of Them • w o n to as O erhs-W hsro Use tto-

tloaa A n LoaUed.The sixteen new aub-poelal aim Iona wilt

be opened to-morrow morning tor tha ta le of itam pa, money orders and postal nolaa and tha rtflataring of mall m atter, Tbe Bub-atatloni are located as (ollosn:

Jacob Belaler'a drugatora. Orange atraat and RoeavlUa arsoue.

Oeorga W, W ard's stationary ttora , U Pennsylvania avenue.

Charles B. Dunesn’a stationary a ton . Elm and Pacific ilraeti.

P fto r J. Goodman’s stationary atorc, n i H arriion avenue, Harrison.

, Albert Beburr's drugstore, BellevUle ava. nua and Oriental street.

F rank H. Meeker’s drugatora. Central avenue and Norfolk itraet.

John Braunig'a drugatora, ITD Springfield avenue.

H t a Annia H eC onntirt drugatora. ll Bow try Btraet,

Harm an W ellePt drugatora. W ashington and Elwood avanuea.

Albert H. Msigt'a dragslort, in Bloom­field avenue.

Taylor A Hendtraon'a drugstore. Ml Broad atraet.

David J . Bldwarda'a drugatore. South Or­ange even us and South Seventh s tre e t

Frederick B. Lewis's itationery atora, Clinton avenue and Eighteenth afree t

Jam es N. Cummlngau drugstore, Clin­ton and Badger avenuea.

Mrs. Emily Bloomar's stationary store, XU Ferry street.

John T. Wolfa'a atatlonery ilora, Mor­ion and W est straats,

Tbe proprletoia of the esreral stores were ■worn in to-day by the Paitm aater aa clerks In ebarga of the raapeotlve atatlona. The first four kutlona have been open ■Inc* the etUbllshment of sub-atailona two y e a n ago. They are known raapectivrjy aa atatlona A, H, C and D.

Postm aatcr Bragaw la o t tha opinion that ^ rM latry department a t the general

ifflce snoula be ‘ ‘poatoSice should be kept open longer (or the transncllon of buslnasa and will order (he window kept open until T P. M„ In- ■tead of A M It now la.

On account of tha leek of sufficient ap­propriation the Postm aster h ss been obliged to lay off tbs eight clerks who were M polnled last August. T heF ara : Samuel Bschm ann, Max Ern, Edgar H. Ehman, Jatnea T. Flsnsgsn. Henry Hellmann, WUltsm Jewell. Henry R, L sderer snd Jules L. Moriau. Thsy will ha put back on the suliatituts Hat.

Mr. Bragaw la hopeful, however, of be­ing able to induce the departm ent s t W ashington to provids for retaining the eight clerks through a oonttngsncy appro-pflatlon.

NOVA CAESABSa CHAPTEE MEETS.Danghtova a t lbs AnwrloaB Eevolatloa

Trasaaw Bsatnee* aad llaaalva FvlaMit.Membera ot the Nova Caesarea Chapter,

D aughters o t the American Revolution, m at thia afternoon In tha Woman’s Chib- houee, IT Centre street, Mrs. Charles BorcberUng, chapter regent, presided, whil# offloera and members of tha Beard ot Management received gueata and aaalatad with the meeting.

Tha Nominating Committee n p o rto d on namea o t and ldataa (or officers to bs elected In January, and Hra. David A. Depue made a report on tha w ar fund. She told of the work of the "daughtari" a t Camp Voorbeee, Sea OIrt, and said that 1300 waa expended for the hoepital there, bealdei the dlitrihutlona of food, medicine and garmeotA After other Items o t bust- neas were dlmnsed of. tea waa served In the tea-room, which w h prettily deoorated to r tha oocaalon.

Those who shtertalned were Mra. Depua M rs Borcherllng, Mra. Charles B. Tard- ley, M ta O w e Trusdell M n. William Shlppen, of New Tork; Mrs, William H. Tracey, of Hoboken: Mra. Joseph D. Bedio, o t J*r«*y City; Mrs. CorOandt Parker, Mrs. Alexandar T. Moaui M ta L urana Runyon, Mra. Henry F. SU rr, HIsa Jo- saphlne L. BaldwIn^^Mra. Lyman Whitney. Allan, Mrs. Jam es P. RiuilDg. Mrs. F n ^ -

Jo«*Ph J. Tucker, M ra William L. H a « n Mrs. W arren N. Trua- dell, Mrs. Samuel Clark, H lii Helen L Ntoholi and Mra. Abram Cooper.

ASKED TO OOMPT.AIN OF B IIU K L F .H ealth OMaer CtuodleT tka Eeelpleat of

AaopTiiMM Camf»omfaaUtt«eHealth Offiter Chandler received a le tte r

marked "Pereonal" by mali thia momlna. I t wae alKiied "Seventh itreeC* and a t ­tacked Mr. Chandkr for alleged Inef­ficiency, In vubtUnce the leetar atated th a t Mr, Chandler had ahdWn extrem e parU allty In two diphtheria caeee on Seventh etreetp Intlmatlna tha t uoine one frlendUy to Mr. Chandler wee able to have th d r housee removed from quarantine looner than Home other peraon. The epleUe stated that It was noi Mr. Chandler's first offence; thot hs was wholly Inoompetent as a health officer, and the sender ventured the hope th a t Mr. Chandler would lo u no lime in presenting the m atte r to tbe Board of Health.

"I would like to know who sent the let- ter," aald the Health Officer, '*lf only to ask whether 1 was capected to oompuin of myself to the board. It ii ra th er tiard to afilc a man to Impeach faimaelf In that way."

The letter. Mr, Chandler sold, was evi- dently w ritten by wime one who had a diphtheria case in tbe house and whose csrd w as not removed as promptly a« he thought It ihould he.

GEORQX BLACK'arblENDA VhKNOWXFallas Unable ta liaBFa Where a Mea Wha

Died Here Varmerly Resided.Qeorga Black, sfxty-two yean of aff«s

who w as found unoODSclous a t the Centre stree t depot of tbe Penney!vanla Railroad on November 1, died a t the City Hoapltal yesterday. When found. B lick 'i skull was fractured snd be was eufferlnc with con­sumption. Death cniutd from tbe disease^ hastened by hli Injurlef, which were sus­tained by Black falUnr from a moving freight car. His addrees wae given as 117 M arket streat. but a l that lonatlon yester­day It was said no one knew him.

Black said he had a brother living a t 7IS W est Side avenue, Jereey City, but In­quiry yesterday by the poiloe authorities of th a t city brougth out the fact that there Is no bouse a t the address given.


A a r ie t Fraaltok, tka T eaag M aa'a Os ••■ laa , a F rlsasm la Tkla C II^M a

May Be lelM aea,Chartea Froettok. of n i M arket atrMl,

the companion of Jemea Kelly, tha young man who waa found dead In a freight car a t Waverly iM t Thursday night. Is a prisonsr a t polica baadquartara htra. Ha la being bald on a technical oliarga of "ausplolon," though the pottos admit th a t the only evtdanoa against him ta bis oon- filctlng itoilaa and lha faot that ba w m ■sen with Kally a short Um* pravtona to th* I itte r-i dasth.

Proslich, who Is slxtssn year* of aga, WM arraated In Plainfield on F ritey nlM t, and was brought her* on Saturday byD a- teotlva Donovan.

One of lha first atoriea InvaiUgatsd by tbe polios waa ona to the sRset that Fraa- llch had baan spending monty In Plalnflsld on Friday and Saturday. Ramsmbsring that when Kslly left home ha bad MS with him and th a t whan found his poefcsis srara empllad, tha polios bacama auaplcloua that Froellch had rubbed Kelly.

Froellcb declared th a t tha monay he had ■pant in Plainfield bad given him by his father. This tba polioe oonttimsd yaa- tarday.

A ufu it Frosllch, (ha hla son had charge of arrangements and was givtn monay from tlma to lime. I t waa aoma ot th is that ha had probably spent, ha added.,,‘Tha polica wUi allow no ona to see Froa- llch. They say n t hM throw n no new light on tha oaaa, and unlaaa aomathlng deveiotu soon hs will ba raleaied. Tha detectives are itlll a t work, and one w ta t they are trying to olaar up la wtasro Rallysecured Ihe peris green, which It la aup- poaed ha took srlth aulcldal InianL


AarUto• m a t Oemmlsslener Hewaua

iH ow ta Ara Dalag Well Vs CtreatosSsnaea,

“Tha Board ot Worka ta walchtog tba asphalt paving contractors very oioaaly with a view to aaalng th a t they do not violsta their eontraeta In any way or that they do not unnecessarily delay the work." •aid President Hewaon to a NEW S report­er this morning. "Aa m a ita n aland wa cannot intertsra with them unItM tbey ubatidon work on one Job for Ian oon- ■erutlve daya. Unleta they do tbla wa bav now power to abrogate thair cootraoia. Thus a company can laavaon# atraet alone (or Dine days a t a tlma If 11 doaa work on tha tenth day.

"Work la now In prograsa on fifty-alx or fifly-savan out of the fitty-nlna airasta, which ara lo ba paved, and tha proapecti are that all will be completed arllbln the time le t by Ihe con tracu , unless w tathar should Interfere. Tha srork ta really going along quite rapidly, whan a ll tba oiroum- ■tancas a n taken to to cooHdaratlon. When ths eontraeta were let, tbe com­panies which, by bidding low, had aerared Ihe paving, were not aoequatoly aqulppeo with men, material or machinea. Now these wants hav* been eupplled, and the Jobs can be pushed rapidly to oomplation.'’

The concerns of wnicn oompialni baa been made are Ihe Newark Pavlag and Coiutructlon Company, tba Dundoiuild Company and (he A lcatrsa AqibaJt Pav. Ing Company. Tbe Newark C ^ p a n y , It la aald. made arrangem enta las t Weak with tha Barber Asphalt Company to aseum s a p a rt of the (orm ir'a unllnlsned eontraeta, but (or aome reason rrCuaad a t the laat om m tnt to sign an agreement. Both the Newark Company and the New Jersey Asphalt Company worked all yesterday, the former laying asphalt on Sixth avenue and tbe latter making repairs mi North Seventh, Mslsey and N orth CansJ strasta.

THESE PAETNEBS FELL OUT.Troahle la Ihe New Jersey P u l s rinmpaay

Involve* lloiH t'onsasU st.A split hM occurred In the New Jersey

Pants Company, ot t t Springfield avenue, and a w ar belwaan conitablaa, who rep­resent the partners, Bamual MarguUaa and' Alfred Poplk. haa reaulled. Tha buslnasa of the firm waa begun oa November 1. UnrgaUea, It la aatd, turnlahad tha ma­chinery and m aterial, and Poptk |EE ol

'w orking capluL |Poplk tritk p art o l tala m onar aays ha

purchased a horse and wagon In bis own nssge. Lm ( Saturdsy morning he drove the rig to the store end left It slandlng near the curb. He was about to go upstairs, when he says be saw bis p srtn sr run from a nearby store and Jump In the wagon. Poplk tollowed, and M argullai Is said 10 havs told him th a t he bad sold tbs outfit a week previous to a man named Weuarsky, on Morton street.

Both drove to tbe First Precinct Station to hare ths trouble settled. There they were referred to the District Courts, The partners left th s horse and wagon a t a stab la

Poplk In the afternoon. It It said, told tha business to H. Frieman, also of M Springfield avenue, Ha then .rent upstairs. It is said, and dlaoharged all tbe employes, telling them tbe business had been sold.

Constable Finger and Special Officer Qoldla were then aant to guard the prop­erty by the new owner. Meanwhile Mar- guiles hired Constable Htgble and several apeclal officers (0 look out (or his Inler- ests. Going to tbe firm 's place ot bualncaa Saturday night, Htobie and hta men de­manded admlssioa, but were refused. Hlg- bla withdrew hla men when showed a lint of sale by Friaman. He autloned ona man a t the door, however, to see that no goods should ba romoved until a settle­m ent of the difficulty ahould be effected,



Beae od Ceremony Perfornisd to J e la Tw gelher Mr. and Hr*. Fomseboo.

HOBOKEN, Nov. H.-To put an end U to the question to whether their (orra- s r m arriage ceremony wsa s legal one, Mra, Mary Valentine Yule BIsm II, the divorced wife of Eugene N. Olsaell, of New York, and Joseph Louis Fornactaon, of Naw York, were again murrled this ■ftarnoon by Recorder Stanlon In this

A fter the ceremony Mr. and H ri. nacbon returned to New York.

■ays H ta. U ritoBH chased Him With m Am and th a t H er BM bend Bit II ln>.

Mrs. Angelica Dejlanne and hes hus­band, Nicola, of 11 H oyt street, were ar­rested and token to lha Second rreclnct Court to-day, chargad wllh assault by Antonio Manso, who boarded with them, Mango daclarea ha waa chased by the wife with an axa, and th a t th s husband bit him savetaly In lha thumb,

Tba complainant allagaa th a t he desired to change hla boarding place, and that the Dajlannaa daolarad th a t ha ahould not

’'• 'cn he tried to take hla olothaa aw ay the couple locked him Inthey did Jianna wl.of tha a x e _____ ___

f®*" '"wf'Y- He aayV aa lie ataira lha husband

out of hta thumb.

PRICE TWO= = ^ = = a = 9 W * B

G D W I E N m i l Ti

Aboat 100 H oa Quit Work oa I p oout of a Got in PricM,

oaiia io av mtional ihiar coaPAar.

IB s M M W ha W eal ■■ lUrlka Wese b w played to th a d . Wlaa A •ane’ Factaty, aa LUUMaw A n a M , Whieh Waa Beemtoy F a iakaaad by a •yadlaato-Tba E a d » tlaa ta Fvlaas Eaagad f ra * Tsreaty to Osag F IR / F a t OsbL, Aoeatdikg to tba Natoro mt th a W arh.

About ona hundred amplcyea of ttia J. W in A Sons' branch of the NatUmal Bhaara Company left their benches In lha factory a t U Llttlaton avenue thia morn­ing, rofuitng to work on account ot a gut to tha prices paid (or work to two o r th a departmanta. Tha withdrawal of the Mem tram tbe ahop la tba result of a mactlng held yaatarday a t which tho fittue, pol- tahara and finishers decided to stood by Um man In tha atralghtenlng and grinding de- partraanto, whom tba (A uction In prices aflacltd,

Tha smployaa of tha factory are paid m much par bundred places for tha various prooaaaea through which (bay put tha goods m anufactured, and tha naw aeale of prices to ba paid In ibe fu turs waa ap- nounoad on Saturday. Thao, edch man Ik the atralghtanlng and grinding depart- menla, of whom thara are lourtasn or nr- teen, raealved a typawrittau slip salting forth tha sew scale of prioaa. F ro * It they learned that for aom* of the work, upon which they had been rsoeiving thirty- five een u a bundred, tbey would In future be paid but tn n ty -B v s cents, and tha t tor other work they srould be paid but sixty cents where they had been getting sl.IL Tbs nsw seals of prices cut tha wages from twenty per eauL to ovar fiftr per cant, on tha various stiaa and klmJ* of work, and this out tha man dcclarad they could not stand. Soma men, who had baan earning over tU a week, would, uodar tha naw acala, ba able t" maka only about W or t u par weak, they ctaJnwd.

In talking the m atter over the men de- aided th a t If they did not stand by tha atrhlghteneti and grindrra they, too. might soon ba foroasl to accept im a to r prieca for thair work.

Bo, when the m rn aiid boys, about IS to all, reported a t (ha (aotory tbla moraliiN Ibey did not go to work, but stood about at their benches araltlng to sss 11 ths old seals would be put Into effect

Then Louis T. 'Wlis, tha superintendent, went Ihrouf h the faotory and told Iba men thxt It wfu no pixet for th e n to bo h x u * Ing out and th a t If they didn't go to work •“*1 would have tu quit tha premlaca. This the man did, all bu t.about twenty leaving tbe place. Or tbe twenty who re- raalned a t work, fiftoea were In tbo blaek- smltb shop andrihe othors were ooattered l l too vxriouB doportmooUL

,P®P .•*'® '•* ' H*® f“ tonr w est to the UUI of J. A. Brown, nearby, and tocra Mpolnted a comralttca ot throe to eall on Superintendent Wlaa and endeavor to ef- fset a ta tlem en t of the dlffleulUei....The National Shear Oumpany le a oom- Mnailon of various cuUery manutoeturors throughout tha United B to ta and It pur- chaacd the U tile ton avrnue factory from J . Wloa A Sons qu S rotrm ber K t a t . Tbe

t* i '> - • * •« ,« £ The ratoll atoro of • , w laa A Sons on Broad s tn a t was not In­cluded In the purebaee..JLoulo T. Wloo, when seen a t the factory th li morning and Mked about tlm dlSIcul- I t a wllh the men. laid th a t he w h simply the auperinlendcnt of the factory, and had received word from the main offire th a t tbe work here wM ooatlng too much and m ust be done chesprr. ^

" I had nothing to do but obey orders, andf® i '"HJ' "5 * “?**• ®* PHosa Into M eet to-day. No firm to the country paid bat­ter w a ^ to Its men than - -

unlry paid-------------did lha old flpih

Bona, but I have rveeivcd in para tiva urdera. and hava no choM to lha m a ttn . I ahould like to have it underalood th a t the Broad street store has no oonnepUou with tbla buatoaa*.’'. Mr. Wlaa then Aakr that tha orinmitoM from tim men had nalMd on him. b u iT a : rrfuaed to aay w hat th* outcome of Hm meeting had been other than that h* would not deal with any Hm m lttaaa but with tba men direct.

" I f the men chooee to applr here (or work Individually I will taka them back," ■aid be In concUirion, Mr. Wlea Intimated that ha might be willing to compromlaa on the new scale of prices.

The men will hold s meeting this after, noon s t whteh a repurt from tits eummlttre ot three will he received snd futurs action determined upon.


Oramb a a Ju ry , and her husband bald In (IWl



K c a ra y an d .tr l to g to a .J, B. Peck, ot W Beach street. Arlington,

died Saturday night a t hit home a tta r a abort lllnees. H r was soventy years ot

■ ‘ of Atand had been a rssldent rltngtoD He leaves a widowfor a number of years. . . ..

and one aoii. The funeral services will bs oonductsd a t tha residence to-morrow af- ternoon by the Rev. John Hutchinson, pastor of ths Arlington Presbyterian Church. 'The body will be token to Long Island for Interment

"Uoaecn Realities" will be the subject ot a lecture to be delivered to tbs Knox Pres- byterlan Chapel, Kearny, on Wedoesday night by Rev. H. K. Dellneer.

Andrew Peter Holmark died on Saturday night a t hit home. Smith and William streets, Belleville. He was well known In Harriaon and Kosmy, where he had been In bualneaa for years. The funeral look Place tbla utleriioon from Christ Episcopal Church. Harrison. . . „

Jam es McCormick, of 2D Grant avanut, Baat Newurk, died yesterday afternoon, a f te r a abort lllnees, Hta funeral will take place on Wednesday morning from the Church of the Holy Cross, Harrison.

Tha realdents ot Arlington who use the Haw York and Greenwood Lake Railroad ■re complxlnlng because ths depot Is not ofisned In the early morning, obliging them to stand outside while waiting for ti

T hetw A roN esily IM C k U d n a Gwi Full BaHlIta.

Aocording to figure* a t the Board of Ed- ueatton rooma. m ohildren are now attand- Ing aehool during halt-day teaalana. At South Eighth S treet tber* era IM, a t Bruce Street HI, a t MUler S treet 71, a t Bltoabeih Avtfiux 78 xnd x t Hxwthomfl' 118.^ I i tehool hM had hal7-dxy wailonc ftlnce Nov«iab«r to f ^ until 1 11to_ ni_

and It ta expectedto use the old High nthool building (or *«m* o f th e g n n u M r elaaaea.

There i* no way of reducing tbe number p u | ^ Oh h a lM a y aesaion. It w m laid, lUl kottar achgpl facllltlea are aacured. * nfN High Bcbool la expectad^K M

re a d r by December 1 t h a t ------

■ay they twve sent notice fact to the company, but that no hiThey

trains, of ths

iced hMbeen paid to It.' , . „

The Indoor quoit clubs of Harrison, K u rn y and Bast Newark ara to organlie an *aaoalatlon to he known os tbe Weat Hudson Quoit Lragus^_________

A LaMars an lha llton and ■trip**. George B. Loud, oommandtr of th* U.

B. Hancock Post No. » . G. A, IL, o t New 'Y ork City, will lecture on 'Htoro ^ d Btrlpea" a t the DeGroot « . B. Chu% ,, South Otange end Ultleton avenues, un Waduewlay night.

Mr. Loud was formerly editor of the Home and Country Msgssln# and h l a ^ n fo r four year* a lecturer for tho New York City of Education,______

F e d g a w a t Air Lees of a FIsgsr. <Qtold In ths Bsoond D istrict C ourf a i i n t d a Judgment for IKE to fa- l ^ p h 'Krisan tgalnst M. Oould

< ^ ,H m u 7 « ® tu n ra of h irngsa

hloh waa an t off r to e to g r a ira ia l

■OLD P F IB BA MUSOK.Oa»W SkMty Baaaaa by Twa Maa W baa

■ a Said B a Had Na Mauay.Daniel Skelly, who la employed a t tha

A tha A Illingworth Steel Worka, H arri­son, WM aocottad by two men srho ^ mandad money while ha w m oroaalng tha railroad traoka a t South Fourth atraat las t night, Ha had Juat left tha worka and was on his way to hla hom a

Skally told tha men th a t he had no money, wbaraupon tbey knocked him down and baat _ him, Ha wa# discovered in a ■arol-conacltma oondltlon shortly at- tr tw ard and tokan to a d ^ to r 'a offloe, where hta wouitoi ware draaaad. Ha waa

the b i d and faoa, where ba said tha man had k iw ed him.

Baasder Accused o f Laraawy.Alexander H untsr, tw enty-thrae years

* B*nlt arraa tid byDaiectiva Long this raOndng on a cluirge of grand larceny. Mrs. Addle Alrode, who • » n « A brordlng-hooM a t t* Bank sweat, says i h ^ H unter engagad ■ room room her and during her abaanca from noma eoa M y took Ik). H unter w as hatd at pottos ha^quarta ra ,

No Uae Has Identified the Body Foand to <b* Caaal oa fistorday.

The body of the woman which waa found In the ranul, near the New street brtdgi* on last Saturday afternoon by Wllllan* Lovrjoy, of 4g Susaex avenue, and Leonard Upke, of IW Academy street, has not yet been Identified, It lies a t Mullln'a morgue. In WMhlngton atreet, unclaimed.

The dead woman, m told In the NEWS on Saturday, was apparently about tarty- five years old. When her b r iy was found It hud the appearance of having been In the water about eight hours. Tbe wosniit wae clad In very poor olothet, and her frrt W7>re cncMcd In a pair of man's heavy gaiters. She had on a cheap round felt nut. in a pocket of her dress there were found sixteen cents and a pair of rosary beads. About her neck were a pair of ocapulara. Indicating th a t the oteeased was a Catholic.

County Phyilolan Waahlngton yeiterday examined the body and found that thera were lut wounds on ll and nothing to rn- dlcsle violence. Several Jtersons called a t the morgue yesterday aud lo-dsy, but after looking at the body declared they could not Identify U.

•CF.S FOR UOMHISliIONfi.Judge kcbsllt Olslnis E l ,1100 h r Week as

sn JigenI for a Fnrasce Compsay.Judas Herman Schalk, of the Beeond

Criminal Court, sued the Hawley Down- Draft Furnace Company for B.IOO com­missions, before Judge Childs, in the Cir- cull Court to-dsy. 'The plaintiff claimed tbat while aotlng as agent tor the fur­nace company about a year ago, be sold eight tu rn ices to tba Jacob Ruppert'a Brewing Company, of New York, (or which he declared he was to receive a commlnion of fifteen per cent., or ^ In all. He also sold four furnaces to the Lister Agricultural Chemical Company, of thia city, ha claims, on commluloD of ten per cent., earning IW .

William It, Guild appeared (or Judge Sohalk, and Cowles t Hawley for ths defendant company. *riic case It still on.

U ym want rooms, consult Uis MBWn To U t

F air •■<! Cooler,’” .•'*1.*^ *®®®“ »‘ f®'' Nowsrk and Vicinity l l fxir tO'-nlirfic «tul Tueidxv:

cooler brtalc weti «lnd«,

C I T Y S ^ W S N O T E S .

p a rly for the benefit of the sol- ^tara «U af fund will be given to-morrow w ( ta ™ n a t 1*1 o'clock Jn Lincoln Post roooiA

Th% th»ft of X bxby cxrrixfe telonxltui to X l in s §tonji, from in from of T r» tr

vxo reportod to the poRco to-fUy*Oaorga A. Qgyer and Chariaa B. Halth,

of Aabury Park, conducted tko meetinga at tha Newark Rescue Home, 14 Spring ■treat, yaatentay afternoon and tost n'ghi,

Edward Pouter, of Ml West Kinney Street, reported to the po11» that his ovsr. coat, valued s t tXO, was atolsn on Satur­day night while hs was attending an enter- tolnmcnt a t a hall on Fifteenth avenue.

T lu Cominlttas on R oadt.and Aaaeaa- meJ-iS ut Li:e uuaifi 111 c I'etiioitleiv met thia afCaraoen. Routine business necessary for the eompletion of the work of the year WM trauMOted and bills amounting to a few hundred doUara were ordereu peiu.

Rev. TtaomM R. IfcLoughlln, of Itae Church of the Tnnafigurstlon, New Tork City, will deliver a ieciura a t the Krueger Auditorium to-morrow night. Hla subject will be "Tbe Ballada of Nnulaml, Ireland and Scotland." Father McLoughlln alna* various aalaoUona th Illustrate hla ad- dress. Ha will ha a sm ied by a chorus a t fifty VDloaa

Adolf R oadtr will address the Bduca- t t o ^ Aaaoctotlon aud the Teaakara' Guild

w m Ga A nuad lha WaaW.DENVER,

piratlaa o ■ry next,tour aroand tha work . the Hatealtiui and FhlL wilt return through Ind! M adkam aaB.

EH, Col. Nov, JL —Aftac, the a»- of hta tarm m Govaroor in Janit- , Govem er Adams wlU s ta rt on •

d T H a trill visit lira] h liM ina litanda aM

nmtmfc'rXassMfiE Mmmmmm,T„ HMliJiABfillMfia V ^

I5i e5S8B*

onW sdnaM tijf ntoht In the leatim -room of the N orth Raforraed Church, Tha oh* jlo t of lha m M llnt to to bring to * f f ita t t aleaaban and Um param s aad-----------. . . . — .jijg iuWaot I

tatarraUUoB iTito E r t t pubUq aatertainm ant i

Young Maa’a Alllanoa of t ... laa Churoh drawanauAienoa| tJ^ e h j l l ^ jao torOHmottr ■

- - g M Sfit* ,tlogg IaoiM

- . . a

was I

| i i i » W d iS e y id thtDetUi Xn«U ci tk« Qsablng D«t1om.


m “M icr ' triTCK w iu not wonk.

■ a n f i iM n n af Ih* HaeklM* kaaclit W K m « tha Lw» b r li lw m a tla f M**M UUki IV<r r«lBi ba t tlw FoUm OoaiaiUttaaan Canatada Ibat tba QaoibUaff Faatara Ka- I tU Ja a tth a a n a a I f ttw alot Maahlaaa Ara Nat S a n a ra d W lthla a B aw nabla T la « T b a ; aad Thair Caataata ItUl Ba Oaaloaalad.

CbSaf Hcppcr, ac tlu f uiiiltr Inttrucllcna from tha Polina OamislialoBan, baa or-dtr*4 th a t atl ulokcl-tn-tba4lat (im blln« H cb tn aa of vuloua klnda n u a t go. Na- loM a cigar itoraa and otbar plaoea wbara „tba gambling iJaaioaa arc locatad baaa btMfl cnmmandcU to ramova tham wuboui 'Mojr-

Baeb pnK;lntft CajHalR hai baan Inalruol- ad to notify all machine owncra In lila dtairlcl of thi- order, and It tha ob]ao> Uonublc devicca arc not uken away with­in a reaauuablr tinia they will ba ebn-Woi-atag,

Thora haa been a atandlog order In tba polloa dcpartmi'Dt agalnat perm itting tba operation, or (Van atlitaneo, of tha alot maotalnta In tbia city, aod from ilpaa to lima durlitg tha laat year fraqutnt ralda hava been mada and maobinta oonflacatad. In avery caaa tbay wera dcvleaa wharaby a niokel or a penny dropped In might or Bilgbl not give the player a cartaln lum In return, flamctlmca tha raturn would ba langt. riFra haring bean known whara IT waa won by an nailay of Bva canlA but aa a rula tfaa Inreator waa tha loier. Tba nachlnaa corralled by (ba police often contalnad anug auma of maiiay, and CMaf Hopper mada It a point to donate ihla menay to tha Home to r tba Priendleaa. ■araral timaa auma of |U and 111 hare baan ao giren to charity. In tha oallar a t polkta betdiiuarlara are about S tly oon­flacatad machinaa.

Tba police rahta baeama ao fraqnant th a t rooently a ohanga waa made. Tba ma- ehina m anutacturera hit on tha aebamt of • m a g "ohecka" or round plecea of metal an prtaaa, initaad of money. The cbecka were redeemable from tha proprietor of tba placd where the tnacbinc waa located, In olttaer money or trade. When a aalnon- kaapar made objtclloiii to having a gam- bUng mactalne In hla place the agent, ao- eordlng to tha polloa, would aay:

•There la no danger In tb la Why, tha obaeka prarenl that. You almply aall a ■ a n Boma matat dlaki, Ha puta them In U a marbine aad gate cheoka out,"

f h a i t argumenta Influenced many cigar atdra and laloon proprietora and loon iba poUoa were receiving ae many eomplalnta aa before or the gambling machinee.

At the leei meeting of the Police Com- nlaahiBan Chief Hopper brought the m at­te r up, explaining that b r maana e t ~cbeeka'' the law waa being evaded. There Wae a oonaulitUon of tba commiaaionera, and after an eumlnailOD of the law It waa daoUed that the giving of "cheoka" • a a aa much gambling aa when a peraon

“ “ ■■1 a piece of money In the machine.

Plea HaotahotA iw u Deed la the VKIaiif •r XeBtor m reeb-llonian LIfle Kadanier- ed by tha lUoklaaaBeaa of the Polaenert, Five dogi, all of them boiiiehold peli,

belenelng to raaldenta of R relor atraet and vicinity, bava been polaoned within tba laat eight day^ and Uielr owaara arc very enxloue to learn who la raaponalbla for tha alaughler. T hart la apparently an ef­fort to kill 0# noma of the other doge In tha neighborhood, te r peiaoaed meat hai been found In Hector alroel every day aluca November 1 I t waa on that day (hat three caninea wera polioned. One waa a fox terrier belonging to Corilandl Park­er. The animal had been kept over hlght In the liable a t It Hector aireel. and whi n releaeed darted off In the direction of Hr. Parker'i houae, a t He Hroad atreel, wfaurt It waa the cuatom to feed It every day. Boon after (he dog got to the bouie It bed a violent lit, and one of the airvante oarrtad It back to tba atable, where alter leveral convulalona It died.

“I don’t auppoee the dog would bring two eenli In (be m arket," eatd Hr. P ark­er thie morning, "but wa were very much atlacbed to It aa It had be-'n In the fem- ■ly for eight yoara or more. The pereon Who did the poleonliig evidently look great rtaaa, for 1 underatand aume of the nieal w ai found In a th barrele, where It might tempt come pereon who waa overnauUng the barrala to cot* and ra t It,”

The other doge killed on November t, both belonged to pereone living a t H Bee. tor alreal. One, a fox terrier, wee the prop, arty of Haiaon Uieelr, amt the other, In which the terrier atrxtii wea predominant, belonged to H n . J. A. a. ^ ilrley . Kolb ammxli had been lot out of the hnuac early in the morning, and In about half an hour Mra. Bhlrlay'a dog ruahed (jack Into the bouaa and (hen itiRaned out on the floor. U ifort anything could be done to aid him. he waa dead, 't he other dog want through a um llar perfurmanm- a few minuiee fa-

Hra, Bhlrley haa a (Jordon le tte rter.

C ucf Hopper waa ordered to wage war aa t ^ nucbiuea, and the Inalrueuooa to IM faur CaptalBi followed.

"Notify every aaloon-kaaper or olgar. — proprietor in your precinct," lald

Ifca Chief to the C ap(a ina ,'" tlu t the a a - CblnM muet go. The mgtter a now In | w r bamli, and 1 ihall hold you raaponai-

An oojartlon on (ha part of ana Captain Waa that tha order waa unfair Inaamuch

,aa It gave the proprtetore no time.. ■!• many c a e ia" he lald, "tha BMChlnei 0w put la by eomc coapany, and tha ea- M a ^ o e p a r ought to ba a llo w ^ ila a to AMQr tba Dwnara of (ba aaeb ina la takaa ^ o u t . "

Tho order waa then modifled a that (be woprietora were given "a reiaonable r a a r to have tba m ach lna removed, V h a t th li “reaeontbla time" la Chief H oiner would not » y . The gambling aaonlnaa would aooo ba done geray with, tbongb, he a id .

In accordance with the order each Cap­tain to-day len t a inan to (he varloue ptaoia whert the machinee were located and formal notice wax given. Tbla will be wooe until every proprietor or keeper of a machine haa haen olhcially Informed of

which ahe haa not allowed to go out of the houee tinea her other dog dletT

"kivery morning," aalu U ri.U ri. Bhlrley. '"Ihave found poleoned meal on the aidrwalk

the houlic. The meat la covenin front of iwith a lo rt of whltleh-gray powder. 1 not kjiow why anybody ahould want m

io*kUl olt the doge In thIe neighborhood. We have never had any eomplalnta from any Bource about them."

M. R. Klngelcy, of n FYont atraet. to il a l^ tn c h poodle on laat Monday morning.—. . . . . . ,i(j -The dog wae let nut by the maid who waa aw iepini the aldewalk In front of thehouae. i t ccamperrd Into R w tor etreet. but cuna back In a abort time. Boon aftor-

■ ■ 1. Mr.ward It ran Into the huuae and died. _ Klngaley waa much attached to the an i­mal, which he had had fur eix yeara

A blBck-and-Un terrier belonging to H n . K. E. Hurra, of ta Hector atreet, diadfrom eating nolaoned meat laat Wednaa-

' [.Thedey morning. The animal had juat been let out of the houie, and m uit have fbund the meat within a abort dlatance from lila home, for ha waa dead within a ahurt time.

A MUDDLE OVER A NOETQAGE.Legal TMaU an Aaaaaal a f a Traaeoettox

la Wklek Ooa of Qaarga W. Byram'a Ckacke PlgatoA.

Compllcatlona hava a ilic n out of one of the tranaacUeni of Qaorga W. Byram, the lawyer, of Eaat Orange, who was arretted to r depositing a forged cheek for tU.lW with (he Fidelity T rust Company, and tha Chancery Court has bsaa aakad to ua- ravel tha anarl. An order, w as raoently granted, raatralnlng H n . Madeline Baker and William A. Baker, bar huahand, from cancelling oR the record a mortgage In ttaelr poeieeston and on November t t tha Court will be raquestsd to g ran t a tempo­rary injunction with tha lam a objeei In view.

Tha mortgaga la on property owned by C, C. Ttaompaao In E ighteen lb atraet, Eaat Orange. There were originally two mort­gagee on (tai property, ana for H.H0 and the other (or H.IM, tha la tte r being held by the L. S. P lau i aau ta . M rs Thompeon, wlfhlng ID oontolldata th a llane agultut- ------ -------urtthe g r ^ e r ^ ,^ e ^ g e d ByraaL whoThdue-ed advance the money

mortgagee, ft

tba bg»d 'a adlcL^ ^ a , P o lM CommlMioneni^ have been


being understood that aha waa to get a new mcrt^ijaga to r U.Ma. Tbla waa InM^^rch, tWi____ .tutn* ant that Byram did pay oR theII.MO raijrtgage a t that time, and th a t he

Will'*® R- Weeks U.d6o on account of the Plaut e ita te mortgage. What be did with the r te t of the money le noi known. On October H laet ne uepojlied the forged chw k with the Fidelity 'f ru it

day gave Hr.Company, and the t a m e _, ______Weeke a j e l l i e d check on the truet com

that ^ e working man Wte the by the gambling machines. A

r of hU week's aarningi would on Bataam bllhi m tc h le u .' a Mr. W «ka depoiiUed the check In bla.‘I?.™. - J W * « • » tank, and paaacd it to the credit of

pany tor A H , wtokb •m ount r«prflionud lht^boUr»c« QUO on tho F lout rnorisoce. with tQioroit. Hr. Weoko h o n M ibo mcMTlgAco to Uyrtm, who ihcrtupon turnod It OTiE to Utv Boker.

•h t KG Uilo thv.nkMchiiiOM, ooid but “ l i In twturn.

j pollot W u f»w o f th f . -. a rait- c.hftfic« to win.I a r t ”huPi]r<rj (0 »hota." Soma

•W. can b« rk«giiUt*d fiy ih* propric* ao ih i l ihc prtytr n n win o t Tom ,

as lha rormcr decider.But according to Chief Hopper, all the

machinee jnuet go. The Police Commie-lUoncra aay tha eame fhing, and the pre- a l ^ t Captains hava promlaed to do all in their power to remove the gambling mx- Ohliict. •

the aerate. Then tJ<e forgery waa dlacov- arad, and the Fidelity Company begaS prooeedlnga to lecure Iteelt against foea In the traniiactlon. It eecured the re- etralollig order and will contend iu aup- port of ill petition for an Injunction that, »*,the f-heik given to Mfeeke was against a fraudulent account, opened with a forg- ed ch*-.L the P laut mortgage ahould he restored to the poiltlon It o ccup l^ before October M. H o W t H. McCarter repre- ico ti the Fidelity Company.

Hr. Weeks, for the I’laut eeiaie. will contend thet he received the check and

IIN8 PED D IE IN PO'<-K-.e|ON.^ r k e d the mortgage aa aatletlMl In guud faith, and (faai hla cUoata ahould not Pe

Weaparty Inbarlled froia Mar Father T am ­ed Over te Her.

All the properly whFh hud iifen held In trust for U lat C. y ctoria j’cddla, daugh­ter of the lata J-.iin U Peddle, hae been turned over to ner. and le now abaolutely In bar pos>> .sion. Mias Peddle came of age savers I w e 'k s ago. The properly which (he Inherited from her father amaur.ti to |in,w7.H In personalty aud about In really.

Curing M ill Peddit'a minority iha had two guardiana. One waa T bonai B. Croaa- Ivy, her atitePa husband, who died In Scotland about two yeira ago. H it ac- counu ware queatlonad and ha was de­

mode to suffer. Skinner A Ten Eyok, rep- rceeniliig Mr. and Mra, Baker, will Insist th a t Mrs. Bilker also acted In good falt.h, and that she la entitled to a H.SOD nret nMrtgage on the Thompeon propewty, and tba I thera ahould not be any other lien ou tha same. Hr. Thompson, who is repre­sented by C u m N. Wtlltaina, will contend that he should not be made to suiter bc- CBUM of IJymm’a mleapproprlntlon ofpart of the money advunced to pay oR

------- -------------- - - - f i xthe original mortgagee, and th a t fl.im of tbe Plaut mortgage ehould not remain as anjiddltlonal lien.

we‘Tbla action may dtvalop Into what wa lawyciT call a 'nice case,' said Alfred F.

posed t a Judge Deput.The Fidelity Title and Deposit Company

m n u a d U a aatata while the aacaunie efMr, CroMley were being examined hy tha 5;Omt, aiid after he had been deposed Wllllstn Seheerar wm appotnied guardian. Hie final accounting, flM In the Urphane'g"es«feAa «evMias .-g a Pa — a ■ H a ,T.

Skinner, of Skinner A Ten Eyck, to a NEWS reporter tbla morning, "Mrs. BakePi mortgage for |t.3M baa been re- carded and If the Fidelity Company's bill should be dlemlaeed It will, of course, stand aa the first and only mortgage on

■■ the contrary , the is areen-

the property. If, on the co n tn Oeurt holds th a t the FIdsliiy bm^ tilled to a Uen on the property, ft

nut iinai accounting, nied In the Urphi Court, showed that the value of the ei- ta le had Increased IHl.tM during bla in­cumbency.

____ _______ . , . ___ m iy or­der that a mortgage In Its favor tor C.1M and one In favor o fM ra. H ik e r tor tS.3u« bemade out.

'Mrs. BakePa m ortgaga would. In lurha case, repreaent the am ount paid for thecancellation of tbe original tUMh morlgagc,. . . . . . . . .

WAGON STRIKEg A CABRIAQR.Rnnaway AeoMaat In H n id a l r la Which

Twa ChlM na Ara H un.Two Iplrltsd horeee attached to a wagon

belonging to the Slindard Oil Company became (rigblened In Bloomfield avenue, MontclaU-, on laet Saturday and ran aw&y. Tbe wagon collided with a carriage owned by D. P. Whitney, of Bloomfield.

The carriage waa being driven by Mr. Whltney's soactaraan, and contained two of hla younger children. One of the rear wbeele struck (ha other veh^le with great fo n t, and the coachman was thrown from hla seal. In falling he still retained hla bold of the llnea and managed to hold tack bla own horiei, which had also be­came frightened.

The two children were throw n to the street also by the Jolt, but were not i«H- ouijy Injured. They wore bruited about thair bodlee and temporarily auRered from ahoek. In the meantime the runaway team was captured by Policeman Perrin.

and the 12,000 paid over on acoount of . 14,810 morigagcj I t the C ourt takes luch action there will (ben be a question aa to which Uen shall In the flvit mortgage. Mrs. H akar'i or tho Fidelity '!. W e ahall con­tend in such an event th a t Mra. Baker Is entitled to have her m ortgage recorded ftrel, ae her money won paid first. I do not know that t have ever heard of a ease in Ih li S tate which presented luch fea­tures."

■T canni't apeak of the legal feature* f the case at all." said C aur ft. ,Mc(’art«r aecretary of tha Fidelity Company, "All 1 can aay la th a t our lawyers were hi'■truclfd to protect u i against lose on ac count of. the check. I preeume If theCourt takes our view of the case It will He between Mra, Baker and Mr. Thomp- son aa to whr.Ri shall shoulder the lots.'


TWO VEH1GLE4 UPARr.Aocldeate la Irviagtoa WhIeh (laeeeil H«v-

evjl to Ha tlllghitv In |nred,Two accldenU to vehtclee oconrred In

Irvington on Saturday afternoon and In each cate those who occupied them were •lightly Injured,

A horse driven by Mra, Frederick Fowler ran away on CUnlon avenue and upset the rarrlage to which It was attached.

Near Proaptet avenuo Mrs. Towle and her (wo children were (brown out and tor a time were burled beneath the vehicle. ‘ITiey were rescued by workmen, who also naught (he' horse. Beyond a few bruises no one was Injured.

A light wagon, inA light wagon, In which ware D. B. Hwegaey, of Llberiy Curnara, and Charles Sweasey, of this city, waa run Into by aheavier wagon and upeec.

Tha occupants were thrown to the atreet and were cut In ta w ra l places on tba body. Their wounds were not leHous.

HVUT BY AN KEPLOilU.N.A Dyaamlfe Cartridge Mangtes w B ^ 'e

Fiugere and l-huinh In aammlt.Patrick O'Brien, fourteen years of age,

had bbi right hand partially mangled a t hie home In Biimmll on Saturday aftar- tioen by thu exploalsn of a dynamite ca rt­ridge, with wh.eh he waa playing. 'The boy had found the uariridge, and was amusing himself by hammering It against the stone wail Id the yard.

Huddenly there was n loud report and tlie boy felt over with a cry of pain. Hla fight,thum b and ecveral of the Angers of that hand had beon lacemled by tha ex- ploelon.

AJi ambulance was aummoiied and he -* taken u 8t. Mlchael'i Hospital in

!•;>»»■(((■ It waa said there to-day that a fhv thumb was ampiitatad to avoid

but that the boy wouldDgtra


THEHONEUESTMIIIIIIIlIWAmAA wgU M U a kAodspmtat. and othari, are iDvlttd tg ahil Ob any draggltt m d get free A t i ^ l botUa ot Kemp*# Balaam for th«

..fiNHAABd liWBgB, a ramady tbgt |g guar- 1 td'dHiii la d raltava all Chiwak an>l

■ h AitbaiA BraxehJtla ghd F ries So. gad 1 ^ '

MAodlei-lMV Bmke a rd the Riders Took a Haader-Oiw rerloualy Iijn rad .

Two men on a land<-m m et with a serious accident yesterday morning |n Franklin, near Urooklleld avenue, through the front handlebar breaking- The men In front gave hla name aa J. OrUn, and said that he lived In Newark. He was thrown to the pavement, and hie head was badly cut about the left eye. H li companion, John flinllh, of h n Francisco, Cal., a guest of Mr. arlm . rooetved eerloui bruises about the head and ah ^ ld ers .

(Jrim was earned Into the house of L. N, Thatcher, and Bmlth was taken to the home of Otto Blulirae, where he revived. Dr. KnevUI, Of Nutley. riroaaed the woundsof the Injured men, putting three etliches under Orira'e eye, a fte r which both of themen were sent home.

DEATH OF BEROEANT KLEIN.Coueumptlaa Carriee VIT One o f the Oeek

o n ce rs In Iha Fourth Pnvlnot.Sergeant Charles Klein, of the Fourth

Proclnoi, died iblc morning a t the reil- denca of bla brother, 40 South Twelfth street of haaly cunaumptlon and a com­plication of other dlseaiea.

Sergeant Klein w ai born In Oermany September 2, IMS. He came to this countrywhen 9ve yeara of age with bla parenta,

" ill ’who took up their residence In tbla city. He served In the Civil War,

He joined the police force In Ut2, and i j ry td until U » In the FIrat Precinct. In W he wae appointed a ecoond time end detailed to sub-ststloc No. 1 .

He waa appointed Desk Sergeant ai the Fourth Precinct Siailnn In IWi.

On October Id laet Sergeant Klein waa compelled to retire from duty.

I h iw III In tvne Fnaitly.Three mem here of the family of Charlei

B. McDowell, of 40 I’.owland atreet, arc lying 111 with duihlherla. Mrs. McDowell was stricken about a week ago, and shortly after M argarst, her six-year-old daugh. trr.^ developed the diaease. Then Helen,aged twenty, was taken III with It. Thr Hoard of Health, following the usual plan, has quaramloed the houae, and a clus-' watch la being kept to prevent the ipread of the disease.

Fi-d o f Ike H aleh-p-ckere' Strike. PABBAtl', Nov. I4 .-T h f striking em-

ployes a t UiG Contliienlul Mutch Fnetory. which ta contrulbd by the (Jould tntcresla.uf wagoa. It will pr.imll them to make, they iay . from toriy-ftvc to fifty cents a day. A Taw altll refuse to aocnpt this rate, but nearly all tha woman re iu rnn l to work this tnom ibl.

Sixth Ave., 20th to 21st S t . New York City.

A Most Extraordinary Offering of

Ladies’ Tailor-M ade Su its.To-morrow morning we place on sale another special purchase of Ladies’ Higli-Class Men Tailored Suits in box-front and tight-fitting effects. They are made from this season’s choicest materials, and mo.st of them are lined throughout with heavy Taffeta. We^offer them at

O n e - ^ l i l r d ' T l x a n . F ' o r m e r P r i o e a ,

19.98 to 32.00Trimmed Hats,

■;i) n o fiii.

O u r Big Millinery Showroom is one of the m ost attractive spots in the whole store. It is tilled with the clioicest of designs for walking, driv­ing or evening wear, both imported and from oiir own wcM'krooni. The prices are unu.sually attractive, rang- ing from

6.98 to 20.00.A splendid variety of CH IL­


Untrimmed Hats.UAIN lOOOR.

The largest and best assortment in New York to choose from . All the new shapes and colors. A special lot now on sale at

25c. each.worth 98c.

A choice line of SILK VELVET HATS,

1.10 each.

In the Ribbon Dept.main floob.

Two ^Kcial prices from our great ribbon stock fo r this week;

D O U B LE-FA C ED SATIN BON, cord edge, all colon,

4 - i n c h .............. 2 jc . yd.5- i n c h .............. 35c. yd.


All the latest novelties in FINE FL O W E R S, F E A T H E R S , AI­G R E T TE S and MILLINERY TRIM ­MINGS o f every description a t low­est prices.


LA D IES ' NAVY BLUE SERGE SU ITS, w ith fly-front jacket, tailor- m ade skirt, skirt and jacket both lined with black taffeta,


Jackets.2d FIom.

A splendid assortm ent, embracingcall th e newest m aterials, a t prices

ranging from ^ 3.98 upw ard.

LADIES’ V E L O U R JA C K ETS, new walking length , neatly braided and tinlshea w ith je t, edged with black astrakhan , full lined with ex­cellent quality of fancy satin ,

3 0 . 0 0

L A D IES’ V E L O U R JA CKETS, men tailored and finished, new box fron t, finished w ith crochet buttons and lined with satin,


Gloves.Mkiu Floor.

O n sale to -m orrow , a special pur-. . « P'chase of LADIES’ F O U R -B U T T O N KID G L O V ES, tan , brow n, white and black,

75c. Pair.Two Great Barg^alns In the

Lamp Dept.M Flon.


with 10-inch decorated shades, cen­tral draught burners,

9 8 c , * o r tb >C75.

SQ U A T -SH A PE D D E C O R A T E D LAMPS, best central d raugh t burners,

QU Ai f r s ,

three decorations,

2.25 w o rth t3-50(

A magnificent variety o f BRASS and ONYX TA B LES at UN USU -

Ladies' Capes.n> FLOOR.

FULL LEN G TH C A PE S o f chev­iot, choice quality , lined th roughout with Satin Rhadam e, cellar and fronts edged with genuine Mgrten,


MAIN FLOOR.An exceptional chance — Fifty

pieces of 22-inch Lyons Sunset Poplins,

69c. yard., worth l i . s a

Pune silk and wool, tw enty erf th ebest street shades.


Special November Sale of

Blankets,Bed 5preada BiMt ComfortakiBi.1,000 pairs o f EASTERN W O O L

BLANKETS,T en-Q uarter,

55c., 89c.. 1.50 to 198 Pilr.Eleven-Q uarter,

79c., 98c.. 1.35 to 175 Pair.t,500 Pairs o f CALIFO RNIA

BLANKETS.T en-Q uarter,

3.25, 3.98, 425 to 5.50 Pair.Eleven-Quarter.

3.75, 4.50, 5.50 to 7.98 Pair.Twelve-Quarter,

4.50. 5.50, 5.98 to 8.98 Pair.250 Pairs


98c. to 3.98.CROCHET BED SPREADS.500 of them , choice patterns and

worth 79C.,59c. each.

7 5 0 Pairs ELEVEN-QU ARTER SPREADS, w orth 98c. each,

79c. each.500 SILKO LIN E C O M FO R T -

ABLES, figured both sides and worth $1.25,

98c. each.ALLY L O W PRICES.


for H I. HaaMty. fbUH'l.l D im tck to Ul. NRWB.

FATEHflON, Nov. 14.-T im othy Whalen, a driver for tha Bechtel B rev in . Company of B itten Island, while solnc over hla route Saturday tnornlni, found |M In n rtltled cbecka beartn . the alsnatura of a Arm of local contractors. Wbalan apant the irea te r part of a day h u n tln . up a member of the llrnn, and waa rcw trd td by being (iven twenty-live cante (or bU trouble.

Whalen examined the coin later and found It to be a oounterfell. W halen In* atita to-dsy, end le t .l l in t hie fiienda, ibqt koneaty le poor policy.

■htperveekwl Crew B naR ht to Fart.NRW YORK, Nov. I4.-On board tha

Yucatdn, which arrived thismorntnir from Havana, were Captain Bplll- ing and eight ahlpwrecked_ seamen of the

Atetaovle ihow tra Rapeclod to Ha Rapeelal ly HrlUloatTUa aad TcHaorrow NlgRU.Ne w b r u n b w ic k , n o v . h . - to-

hlght and to-morrow night a re tha times tu watch the eky for meteors or shooting atari, A more than usual Interaai a t- tachea to the recurrence of tha November thowera thia year, wrllea R. W. *Printlaa, proteiecr of astronomy. Kutgera College, because It Is expected tba t the earth will encounter the more Or leas numerous van­guards or skirmish line of th e great swarm which assaulta our akiea every thirty-three yoara.

In July. IM4, the Royal Aatronomloal Boclety of lymdon latuvil a circular pro- Ptacd by Dr. O. Jobnatane Stoney, "In- vUJng !he ftttsnUon of iuiti*OBOin<ri iQ th« (fTenl Nuvemk)«r twArm of m o tion , of which the moat Improoalva dlaplaya

T B A O lSIK d IN A FAMILY.A flalalde iha Laat Fatality Among (ho

BoUatolna.PITT8BUHQ, Nov, 14,-Edward Balt-

iteln, bnxhey of Beriha Bellatein, who killed her mother and attempted to kill bcrtelf six weeks ago, added anotbar chapter to the tragedy which surrounds the family by killing himself last night on (he grave of his mother.

tibi body was found a t 7 o'clock tbla morning, cold and atilf, and bvaMe It was a note which Indicated that he had com­mitted aulcLde, There were bo marks of violence on the remalna, and tha Infarenca was that Brllsteln took poison and then lay down to die on the grave of bmmotber.

The Bellatein family waa quite wealthyand occupied a promihent poalUon iti <laV‘ man aocfcl clrclea on tha North aide. A

Norwagtan" barkentlna Alphelm. which ni aahwent aihore on the Jard inei Bank en Oc­

tober I during a strong aouiheriv gala and became a total wreck. The Alphelm waa built a t Swansea In IMh and registered Ml tons.

We shatt offer on Tues> day,November IS .the very best examples of American production in

Household Goods.

^11 become due In U9V and 1»», but of vralcli forerunners may be expected about

Hovooiber In tha presant tiiftHij <tfv4j two aubiequc'nt yeurt,*

In order lo g«l a vivid Idea’h f the teal httiMre (If Hie swarm, as eitabllsbed al-we mull?'lnl modern aolenire,we muai inuaioe a loose cluster of smali,fimwf l'•'■l*'=•*s. m any miles a p ^

' ST " ''•'‘4 about tlXl,«KI milea m “"i* b’'''''’ Ihan 50o,iiuu,ooo mile* l o ^

aM is*'nc.T '’l'' the eartha t Ih . - jrrT point .to th# planet Uranua miles « (i'Tknce of 3,(HM)l»,a»xrci(!i ' rllc i,, membara iha

“I®* ♦’P'PX th irty-threa ^rhii I ' ’“ 'b Intersocta tha earth 'shc5 It It "'o oocupy Novem-Ih It. “ "t» ib r earth,reach,'. I hr" "bout the aun,n.rliv l'"ln'( It enepuntera ordl-of (he "traggltng membara

I t ,( ' ('ll Itirobildcrable number,uu t how Ihe RWKim proper Is bearing down ii|.oii II. .... . . 1..- fT —‘“.-O”" " ':?

jlltla over a year ago. J , F. Bellatein, tbaf a r ------ - - .......................ithar of the family, died after an lllnest of a few hou™ 8tx weeks ago y tittrilay morning Bertha ahot her m ^ a r . t o death and Inidcted four wounds with aSwvolver on bereelf. She la itu i living, but can- nut recover, hei phystclana aaf;

Witbln twenty-four houra after her a t­tempt to kill heraelt, David Belch, an old man who lived with the famllr, laid him- talf on the Fori Wayna tracks hi lower Allegheny, in trout of an approaching tram and was killed. Now his brother haa added to ihe list of trogadlae by lak- Ing hla own life.

Fraaoh Naval Ptwgva— la,LONDON, Nov, 14—The Dally Hall save

(hla morning that the French naval con- atntctlon p m ra m m e for UM Include, two battleahlpa of t4.IM0 tone each, with very powerful jum nm ent and protection; two oruloera of 4,000 tone each, two targe tor­pedo boat deetroyera and eleven torpedo

iiiicleii.’ (. „ ’ “."'i Trr fb b * Ihe “ al® flWlnv iS?,''",'*’''’ *“ •“ * *" ‘heifo ‘ben ba InObUOH|tw> oarl nf llm AmKik UaiS WlaBLANKET8-100 palrti 1‘iire

WlJltd Wool BlaitkeU, full fllee, woFth f 6,(M> pair.

Special, H50 per pair.

oplJOMiie iiart of Us orbit. But the?en?re ib»1' *«>•>' ‘h*of i!?' ‘ t ravel l ing a t then r o c P M i n n * second. tba proiesslon will require more than two

IM lavlUe't Ffvw Ball Panda,The parade and celebration In honor of

T l! In Belleville will be held Wedneaday night. The parade will form a t Belleville Hall and the line of marchwill t a through Holroea. Bulphen Jorale mob Main, RUlIlam, John and Mill streets

Washington avenue and tack lo (ha

BKD gPKKAUH-iSa doien Id II gixti Hoiipycouik Hprendn, Mar- NPlIleB pHttprng.oiir griitte.

Special, 89c.

years to tias« a given point.*'.h<n In Jfovem biT^JIM


M bii™ '. ‘■"’■•'I reaches tha oritwaimlvhiv D r" '"“ S bhtiqualy through the■ions there win Ih, an astaundtnA rain of

I'roliahly for about r i ^ houra."

unisio a. asaiT. RABVT Qr WIHTI18,

( : O M F O I l T A B L E 8 - 7 5 I J i t lc r - d o w n C o n i tn r ta b lO B . S a to o n (h iv - e r e d , f u l l nIz f , w o r t h 9 J1 -0 0 r a i 'l i .

Special, S3.75 each.


of 1823 and llhtt.bb' ■ compact cluster,

the ‘'' '“"'n out and extended alonglilt Inside irack. ao to

o K v r ,1. ' I b* ‘ ' ‘"b 'O'**■ oibcra.'ag behind. Thus,


hanaqbhx fo r nkw jkrbkv for

.1 .......... in'" wi4JtriH isv D<uSv* If?"’ rentiiAfniTiff c#rt-fur) Appar^nlly rtiverifnfrha s . wi 7 , eq^piira'iri ijf rr\craariH

can L I hack In time. Wacomnici • ' '".•F once have been more roni|,»c Ihan |i t , at preienl.

( AMliIllIjuK Mass.. NfivBpoclal Valuph In I..acp Oiirtaliui.

fJOO imlra o l W hite Irluli Point CiirtiituN. lull width and 13)6 Xdi*. ill length,

$3.98, $5.25 and $6.50 pairW o r i l l « 4 . 7 0 , 9 0 . 0 0 t u f M.OO p a ir

CV.re , *’'OV. H.~AlthOUgh1“ observe the meianre

Choice Building Lots,liiu, - i . t , . " 1" ’" ’"vrye m e me,ante I "J*hl. Ihe unfortunate w eather pre- veiiiert even „ glimpse of them . I t (hr

S 2 Dawn and rniallWaatheow J ra*.i..sf.vy ug ^lipuu. ,*42 . m .,7 an willw rSl *trv ” out the Pl»n§ for th f olj. on Tore 'wPtatM

Weekly Payumbu.

A t D e in (n 'ea t* o ii 'tf ie * H ill(o p s ,NKAH NEWARK.

t h ie v e s C A ta ilT IN KLIZAItlCTII. rtOO p n i r g o i E m b r o l l l c r e d MitH- Tinker Hubtad a 'K « lil« n w and a UoTBse-

llc stole fram Her F.mplayar.Ic ihe ev en in g NBwr.

^ 0 ''' H—Jam es O’Neal, a Irv 'to!,”*.,’ naught here to-day

fh h* *n3 Decker, afterthief 1 ! , ^ ' . ' of Mrs, Eva Davis. The IniV^o ‘('■'■'‘ated, had a aeaukln uape Mr. * ''ie h he wok fromHe?.;. eV i’ " '■.'•Idpiice, and atao aoMa ar- inrteis “le IbJ''<''ry in hla packet.. He 'waa

TElfe “ i '’'', oboniy Jail,Thercua Bmlth. S'Xiccn 1

0x11 or wriW lor Cimutan. Haia and Free RtUroad Tlcksta

l i u C u r t a f i i i t ,At $1.56 and $2.00 pair.

ReKUlBr price f 3 .0 0 to $ 3 .0 0 pr

1 ,000 .SmnpIcB (it Ecru Irigh Point CiirtntaH, ft-oin 11 -2 to ■1 ydh. in leuKlh.

Price 50c„ 75c. $1,25 to $3.00 each,

( ‘oHt I'rom Ijtt.OO to aiO.OO to iiiR k e .

7 0 picoPK K m h r n l d p r e t l M im - ItnH i b r HANh H u d W in d o w U m p . e r j ’,

I5c. and 23c. yard;W o r th I r o n i 2 0 o . t o 4 0 o ,

Full lino of ReiiAt.ihBnce Lace Ciirtiilng and Bed Hpreadnat^

• B A l t O A l N P K I C C H .

BroadwayNew York,



ISa M ARKET STREET.Open Menday and Thnnday Kveataga.

How to Get Rich.Ba puaeMiaL Inr punolualllv Is tha tMindaCon

. Dosm. and one u( (ha riciipliig otai and lormaa ta ana of Ilolt'iol

arresicl V o l" w .tfh ' TJ3denrll Mi'pu '•™llh'a real.

lig itAM to auc- '• forrvM time

h«- iiK ? "" iJbinesilc, Bhe aun(esa«| iho *”d said that she had paa'xW) inmmn 1 1" ‘' ' " " ‘fh. The p riaonn waa commliicij IQ ewali. trlAl,

For miiakeleiHi Fowdef*aDniSi^'hiViil'" train-load of^^bohol bUlrt to J ^ n has been pent

J.*, * III he ijj.e m anufacture

keapiat wawbe* T h « srv irulv wooderlnl pec farmigi f te th a 'in ulokel, stivar, goid IIM or KilH triH mats they i n all pitTamaed by

FR A N K H O L T & COa.w a t c h m a k e r s


8 AHdwj SI, l«nrk, 1.1

A WKLUBUILsT MOUtK !■ more deelrable tiuiii tbe other li heed ao much nMlrliur, Md r a oon r rMdIIX ■h(niL4 *0 M r e ; tHe Uz ae «e offer on MM e t . near farfmrnelo ev*., ereKuereiieed llrM-ciMe la erery oertlouler; theee

ftuete will be eolH oa eeey tereH: caa be eeM aay day, inciudiiur Itioden. Call Staadmrd

Land a ^ |4u|ldlM Co., TOt tprlnaMd ava., or 7M Broad at.. 2d Hoot. t ta

.......... ........ ....... .. ...............flfhome nr for inveeiment. call for partkulara.


hoaee; IIbaUnoe IIA meatbly, bujra rnomi: ImDruveaNintat teata

ijle tTitlea aad timonth; War R of^ jli ____TCli KELLER. S ainloe M.


AT ORANaB-Rire bargain; moat atmplela houae la every detail la the Oraageei baautl-

fully dtocraled; plot ^lelloaUy Im-pnvwl; value oAcaO: will eall (or 114,MO; oeruer leavlaa tova- Address ar sail Imiasalste- 1y. WARD A BOCHB. M U a la a t, Eaat ^ nags. %

E aat O nm m *»A FORECIdOfl!7RB barttln: oaly ttsttO (Sl.OOD

^^uee, STT N. t in at., Roae-rllle; ell Mphelt pirennau nearralirnail iiaUna and park- Owatr, DR. J. | | . W.KITCHEN, IH iToepecI rt., Eaet Oraii«e. U «

Yslle^esEfciHOURS ealej Moethly pairaMD^: Joaepb a tlaqiilrt nneom; Jntt, VaUebwib.

FO B iA L B OB TO LUT.FOR SALE or te lets l••tol7 briek faeiary, •

and L Crawford at.: bulidiTur WilOO: lot Mi eobvenlemiy loeaiH: term* -----too, eobventemiy loraiH: term* j a v : te Yet,

ave.FOR BALE OH RKNT-Farm aad ho«Ms *ear

Hhert Hllla Btattoo; 10 rooma; rumaM: oa* mealed ctUar. UEO- F. DODD, tlb Bread at., Hewarti-_____________________________ f n

BEAL BITA TB FOB n C H A N O B .FOR EXCHANaE'Uottite I roomej all te -

proTemesia: kU lOtAlTO; for a amall farm, lb arrea or more, near tha OraaFea. Apaly tow .y iD A noCHB, H i Bain iLs Eaat Oru|«^

TO KXCHANQB-Lola for etore, In food nalfti- borjiood. Square, Box 4X Neira oAoa. Bw

WILL exQbaitn deelraWe kttM, free and daar. tor Improved prepay, nartiaaed far

lhatt M IMF tloa. Addreae

Ml property. nartKaired peat, of lie Value: mui ■nB, t a II. Neire ot

muat eu u esaF A lllI I FO B iA tH ,

FARM for eale: 4 acreei rood hauae aad barti}to arhool: plenty of fruU. Brookaldes ■orm Oouaty*

In vlllaerfi rbwe to arhool; Apply F. DEAN( “K. J.FARlt-For tala, . _ ___ ___

aad p^bntr of fruit. Id mllaeF. B, R. ■■twe-aert fena: bouea, baia

from efty* oa Addreae Faraiq las Jaokaoa aL, e y ^

F A B N iT O BMIIT.FARM, i arrea, to let. wUh prtvlltfe of buyti

Aroom houae; MtlHiUdtnca in food aoodltl Addreae Box S4B, Craaford. B. J.

BBAL E iT A T B W AllTEDaHODSU, Mia and rarma to ezobaice. BBTER

A CO.s IM Sprlajiilleld^ayav Tff

HOUiKB TO liNTpJ-CSIRABLE (broom brick boaae- all Uapta.: ISO

Sd ave-: hendaotne itreet; dtelirahit kwatlon; rtat nkodaraia HORSE. Aieau IM Third ava.

OOBLE 6T., M^^Neat honaa. 5 roomii flat order, |10. HBATHi IM PmnayiTeala ava.T3v

ttOUiSB—Ta m. No, M DnlOfi M.. Iraaot hOttae, A reotaa, tSO month; Na tT5 Blvh a i .^ rooma.

hrWk houae, all improreaemar DAYtD KATs JR.. ilO Broad it., Newarit » iHorSE to let. 88 North lUh e t; T roomt and

bath; Utindry; ell Improvereenti. MrUOUSK^AQ Iflih a v i.; d roomi and bath. FRED

r KIRK, m Harhft it.UBERT7 8T.. 40-Houat to let: H toohm: all

ImproTfiBtflti. 1NORFOLK BT.. 26d-Ko«af. wtUt I rooou: teat

t l^ Iiwulre H mirllna e t MeOXFORD AT., 1»-Slx-roo« houae. IIA la<

qutre L. A. FELDER. W Broad, room II MhROREVILLR. IT Myrtle tva-Houee.

tlA Inquire IT Myrtle ave.• rooma,llw

TWO complete homf«a Noe. 118 and 140 BeUe* vine ave.. conuininf f rooma end bath: fintah-

ed in natural wood: walla palntad and paperedflrepiaca haatere and all impniveoseata; rant

Xacudre at IM BelltvlUe ave. 81qTO LET—41 Emamt i t . hear troUey Uoea aid

Ftna. Rtadoa. 8 rooma; all linproveiiMatp;neo-atory brtch; newly decoraledr " tPtt________ o k a r. DODD. Sia Broad at.

TO l b t *-o i;t o f t o w n .COTTAOB—7-room eoUeae. lU j near troUay,

•latHm. Inquire «oe Davia ave.. EarrlaotL TdIRTINOTON—Hoaoe. Jl rooma: one or two fan-

lliee; electric llih ti throuahout; tarfd barn :re plot: rent IIP: 11 mlnulta* Wa" ' BBTXS * CO., lio gpringlleM ava

alk fromB»r


OHOCERT STORE to Let: aleo Axtvraa for eale; vood loeallty: low rent. Inquire MS & ak et,

T2uLOFT froatlna on Sprlnirfelil are,; food pleoe

for t'kiak mUttr or any baalJMM iwqaHnf llaht. IM SprUiifleJd ave., toquire upatalra. 5TrLOFTi with

reooe «i. vpower end atcam heav -----------------------oBOW.WASHINGTON WILWW

4« Law-

ROOMS to let well lifhted:

iAMUBL W. OEERT,__________near on premlMa. Telerihooa No. tU.

with power: all Improvementi: No. 34 Boudlnot ft. X&qnira of JEI^RT. ,7M B ro i|.f ts or

SECOND Root of 388 Market wt,\ aUtable for^ T , w ‘'*iYvFR

very attractive oflloet at pM ly and aub^ntlaBy

TO RENT-Rulia of vei 90p Broad at.: eompk„«,

fumlehed: luiuble for onrporttloo. inanrmce eompany or broker'e ww: Imnadtete alow- Apply room 4.TO RENT—A nice alore; aultable for butcher

P.A4] RTocar. a . Boa IT. Newa oOee. 91 vHaR K ^ ^ . - j O n e l i ^ e^ ofte aniajt

itMd: jro^ location tor barberi w and TaOUIB A, FELDBa lOfltBfOld aL. room I t

•T O B E I, OFFtOESw L O F T i. FAL* TD R lB le fT .iE L M . BTOwt WANTBIL

FAfTORT apaoa wnntad of l.Uno aqiuure with amall amount of power* or well V

rarpenier ehop of aaiiM a l^Brra SS, Nrwe efSci.


SMALL itore. In quiet locality, for rtllfl<Aie, nun-r>nliii*potfi meetlnn: etau ternta. F. R.* San New at. ^ T5w


' NtCE flat of 4 m nia: Hlkh et., cor. Araoemy.


A FLAT of four rouma» I Janitor. I t E tfti et* k rioM Ml t i l ^

QBHIIEN 9T.. 408-Flat to lit: all Inpvcrvi- menti. rent ||8 . in i i ln Of ianllrtn. 81p

BROAD 8T-. 48»- J w floor; a la rtt roonii: tt>CAMDEN ST., ' '

A IJGHT, pleaianl room: ceniral: tl-Sli i private family. 19 Warren p n

CENTRAL AVI,, UL-Larfe front room m d hall room: mofiln« water, laiiira oloaeu: Sret-

cloaa board. Mv

CDMKERCt ar.. m -T w e neatly fumlihed. fronl roome; aaltabk for two tentlemM.FURaVlSKSD lanre froii moai: aultable tor two -• •s ilg !”*": eloale f<»ma: ctaam beat:ta ih .^ M Ram at,, wear New, t nFERKT ST. m

nlfht or week,-Furnlibed rooma, by da;%

HAUNT NT.. Sa-N(M I llant hoiieekeepbif: |1.M up,rooma fnniUhed f ^_____________ ___ __________Mw

HAIABT fT..y^ilT—Neatly furalihed emnli (root rooma ^ 54LIRERTT RT.e 3T—Fumlehed room (or m i e l

two yentiemen; private famlty, siwUBERTT ST.. M-pPnmlabed

kcaplnr II.M: hall room. |1, room Ibr 1

Lh ie r t t ST., 1(7—Purnilhed noma: boitaekeeblnfi; hall roema.

UNCOLN AVI.. Me. WoAdalde-rbmiahad rooma; haatad; board optkniL liw

MARKET ST.e Ild-Famialed (ront 1 aulUble for llyhl houeekeeplne; liao

rooma.MARKET BT.e^lSt-FIrm tat: pteaaMt vnomj

ataam heat; i l l linpfovimema; raaaooable. 1HULBERRT ST.. liS-Frant

boueekaeplnir; htU rooma.MEW RT., 8t-Fumlahed front hall room.PEASANT (urpiehed rooaie to let; alt loaverH

Call TO Eaat Park nLItncfeROOM


T4k. ..w . Laff* fumlehed room for Rfbt henoe- keepinj;: U 1 week. Addrtm Ontmt, Boa 84,omce.

WASHINGTON 8T.. ad. It: front room#.

M8 i kiylt rooma, (imi«h- M v

BOABPINOaBANK r r . . 21-The . ,

toquui for yrntlemen: alnak week, with t a r d .BOARD ATIds m LOMBABDT FL.BROAD BT.. 488-Rooma, wUh bgirdl ahm •«-

bla board. ttwBROAD 8T.. MT—Lerfi front room to let, w ill

boird, 88vCXNTRE HT.. M-Larie, nicely fnraliriied roem,

lanre eloeete. with i)Mrd: aaa. hath. Amertcmn family: modemte.COURT BT.* II—AkMve (rant room for two;

ether rooma: nod table: aU Improvemenu. l i tCOLUMDIA BT.* M-Araommedatlon for tadlea

and cemiemen; all InprortmaiU- MwA6T PARK BT.. SB—tirve (root raom, withA6T P . _board, for man and erlfi or t» e 1

bait room* competed.'BL With QIMMI;nw

■AST PARK BT-. rooma. with board.

It-Dcmble Aid Hi

EAST PARK BT.. T8—lAnre wirm romni* with boaM: Jtaa; bath, * 41w

ELM BT., 84—Comfortable furntahnl with or without board; reaaonable.

mme^FULTON BTe. m — Puntlthed room l« Ml, with

board; juluble for two* >8wFTLTQN BT.. 41-TXmbla Htd •Inyle roome;

with or wltliout board- MwHALSET BT.. 108—Pleaiattt roowaa, with board:

■team heat: table board. T3wMILL ST*. Ik-Farniahed reoms, wUh beard: all

improvemenia. 4vAVE, 300-Double aid ffiite

rooma, with of without board; raoderite ternm;LITTLETON

rooma, with private flmlly*ORCHARD BT„ IM-Fltaeenc

board: lem a moderate.PARK PL.. 58-Double end «tn«lf

board; a ln iib lt board*with

8rROfEVILLB AVE* 48-P)eaaa]it Mifle loom.

with board. M v■UMMBR AVE..

board.89B—Pleaaaot front roem* with

BOARD wanted by (^uietlan ym ut man In private family, la victnhy of Eaat Park

Addma Board, Boa 44. Neer« ofBep-___ U*vBOARD-Winted, room and board, by

ownlna piano; etalt prt^; referewoei. diwaa Board. Boi 83. Neere olfloe.


LADT wlehee board, noar Broad ami Market rie.; auta loweet term#. Board, Boat 44. Newa

ofhoe. 1WANTBD-By a yoany man, two

rooma with board; lo^tlon muet fa# oeiitn bath and other imj^vementi: eute tenm Ad> drena Dewey, Box 52* Newa oOoa. &


fioaili for iredlns tbe middle dlrMoa o( Branch Brook Fark/NewarX M. J.

SwiW propoaala for the abova work, Mdenad elth the ebove title, alao with the name of the lereon or pereone maklRf the eeme. and the

ia tf of prawntatlon, will fae reoalrid at the Soe of the Eeaex County Park Commleahm, MB

■imi* 4WWWBJ.K, Jl. «., fvtwenty-third day of Novemtief, IMS. TM eom- aleelon will Im Id Mukm from 8 to M 9.P. H,of'Yhat date, io rooelve {WOgoMU whieb willnot fae reeved at any otbar time or plae*.

Bidden are renulr^ to atate ta their pro- wth, their aamea and ^laoei oftheir aamei uid ala

feeldehce; the naniee of all ptreoae bteraeaed:poeal*. under oath,with them therein; and if no other pertoa be l Intereeted, they aball dlittaetly atate the (bet.

Tbe propoeal tno«r be rtrlSed hy the oath* In ‘ Ina. of the party metiUit mmh propoaal,

the aeveral matUr ’that uera therelii elated at« Inall rtaiwcta true. When more thaa onejMreon ...................... ■ tlM verlfleattonie lotereaied Ul the propoaal, i.«g« wwaucmi mnat ba made by all the partM letweated.

Kaoh ^wpoaal ahall beoooaMle'lDjv^thim ^ two

eepecilve plaoea% .......................... ...........to the eseot that If tha ooBtract be awarded toooutity of Eaaex,


__ , Thau 1 New /eraey. withtheir feepecil^ placet ol buetaeia or raafdenoe,the pereon inaklnf the prupoaal they will, on ita

--------amrded. beoome boaad aa hte Miwtlea^ '^ te (aithlul peifcmanee a ^ that M ho■hall omit or nfuM to exeoaU tba aama* they will pay to the Eaetx Cnanty Park Oowimbmton

dllTerenof between the eum le which heany dli- H U ^ __ _ _ _ _,jh tbe Emei Park

be obliged U) pay to the peraen 10 whom thobe eatttied

which tbe Ernes C<wiHa iPletiM aid that

Oommlaalon mapcontract may bo awarded at aay aubaeqaapt jwr other letUna: the amount Ir each eaae to pecalcolatod apiba the eetlmate^ anieuac of work• • ■ ihTb................ -by which the btdi are taeted. The ooaeent above mentioned ■hall be accompaaled by the oath or affintiacion, la w m iif, of each M the peraona alMlnc the aaata that he le a Feo- boldar In the coaaiy «( Eeaez* and ie worth the aruuuul at the eeonrlty (ar tbe aom-

■tated tot red’* oofitnoi ae over aad ^ove all

aruuuul . . plrtlon of the poMla. over ai-- -ittttre. aad over aid abo< all, Birety or othmwiaa;r Id

wMomia “ ' -


Momta the bond iwourod by taw, and tufflcleiMry of tM eecanty oN determlaod by the Eaatt Oouaty

amount of eeckylty required le tweaty thouaandjdoUani.

H- B.—The price nu i( ta written In Uw pn - _[pnal. ea4 else stated In tifurea, aad tul pro- potal* win ta enaaldend as Inranial which da not coattln bMa (w all Itaiu esUail h r la U m .ponal. -----pro-

whlch da•peclllcatlaaa, nr which ew ltia Md* h r IInot ciUad h r therein, glin ■ ......Iren ter the wUhdrawaldght la i tpreealy reaarved In lOiiil CoMUatiea lo (•]*<{ anpl>aiW a which It (areata.

oanlalB Md* h r I tain. raraUeedca will act ta »1 of a j j Md, aad tta ed In tlH i t a u OaoBtr

-------- J.. 4»-T ht» nice rccni on ftretret.";'.,?;, V m* « '«*> * » r . with gmr-

FLAT-Cenlral, honae, * '.....bird floor flat, ta B>(am1l!lo adoUa; T roome and bathroom; u

« ? A “**lp5*/a'j.a!S'Jt.gt-JT-To let.. .. ..........-tacond-etesT Sett • roema

iwaladt UP pea looirttolr# oST Brand M.n.AT to lai with «H Impraveniantai 111.

quire faniior. 4M Beraea el.HIMT lo 'lir '- "••• ,w rr%. auHr rvuMa,

waiter Wi Baldwin at.four mata: p la m and duigrtK

*0 let I 4 rooM i all laapreveaHala I t Fleni, near Jamei. V

’'f ty p hontsi all lniprav.n»atai ■. * 2 ! L ■ a r t n x f l c l d ava.

enhlc .nnUTeor nvalhsi i lo yard*. atMvallaa of »

... Ja tta obave Mentiita f awaatmet l .armnalnul. calx, bMd*t* aM.raauTtM la eah-

a pari of m r y propoesi reoeived.Blddere muet ealli^ ihemaelvea by pemonal

■umlBailoa ef the loqatlmi of the prepnmJ wwriL, l i d by eweli other meant aa Hiey imy jMwferY aa 16 iht aocuracy of iha Ihilnaerp eaejmate. and ahall art at vur time after the auheiifioii of an eerimate* dwpute or eomplahi ef eiah etatement or cellmate lar aaeert that litre win l y mleundfraia^diM Ik.retari to the u t i f o r aipcAtot p( wont (a hi doio.TM (oretoiriK eeilmaie betotf apppaadmui

only, ta art to be held aa enHtllu t i l eQ«timo< tor to any elatm for astra Um to tbe ooapl*-

IM RQBRviixif-Three rooma. with all Ijm-

™ .po ta* *(■■ car- Ttb il. _________ MIdVMOWOHTH *T,, T-Ftal

("Wire u a WashlintiMrit.ir tarfo rooiw

( .E ^ N BT.. ll-r ir * t aod large noaia, 1(4, flaon,

*'” N ™ » ls n T ST., M -glx ttaoisi MW hoiuai ..dunUuvsllaf; twncnalila, tta

.i*il~HatatoiM f la tr id itoori ailtanae. Ineolm^LBwl-»IA_uun< .. room so t ^vdU

end Weehingtaa atg*'E?**i,***i **> "••V ClloWn ave—To_lel. to odulte cnlv. a new . i . r r a*, taa • “*■ aaocItaHiMiT liat r iJ..'?®''!! taiHj all Improvemenu;taat Inqulfi on prsmiaea

nn ci™ gunpowder. T here ware ejev. aStaM »f*D'-flve harrele eoeh, or i l ,M

tu "o ?r« n rrrtev r

We odriee H ^ a g fataetkin lor »eia imw, t e (taMitailW ABtaJldepotli will a taua feurCtfSiSf

Caloriilo 'I ra»ps la lUHVC H twlla._ DENVER, Cpl,, Nov. 14.—OovernorAft.m. h .l «ov, WVBrnorUitlm *»>*«r*m I 'o n t Ad-•Corbitt to (he effect thet h^h’i'li’JffeL A tatpw ta now dolDg dutg

: KiiHAij)c w ^ m D|« & isin (KE Iw n n a i .Ic iic iu it taiilved t) o4 w


K . '9e troupe now an route Mr ith» iiianda re«cb t h t n to tkalr piao*. I f

Ft utofurtuebiMnd <

Charge.NtaWi Tta M.

suM urr if,, isi-Eour rcemx H.

gdd—Wtml det lo lot: all ijinprovafftting.

■mawwaptataewCte•miTiihouae. HTB IT., 4 H -n v e reelM. «l

* £ S•PoelellT ootlbd that cmnnutlea naarvia . tha tlmea aod placea pvaatullag tta wMh, oeq that ar drior. on Ita whole or lav coeasioned bp the pratwdiinee ec - eaaaoi ewiutute a aloira tor

ta lo whom tta »sitract h* nduirta to aiteeid at

ealS'mmmlitaoii.'with Tho euTw. ^hjr hjm or thoim aad ftacetaSr* dare after wi

has taen twerded ta i__auret|to,olIvr.d hjr hira'd ta (he ruoimleetai; aegleet ee to da ta i

- will ta ro-l .aeoUter hlddn,

. blank fort tija, ran ta

a for the wt H fw r of tta w uread street, COUNTT PAfj A. CHUl

™Hh*et” '’ "'** It. tMWlIt f |g

. __4 larttMpeM !8 till

'%,WILU^kM FT.. I tort. -iS!- .5 A idJ i hwirt“ » g ^ jfl to l it ; ianiti— fl» ^fleraon m., 4 Ui

I Ifimlttoii 1 Perry at., 4 1


■i:-: ww m q c e :Bw w BWF C8-C

llth Id

T v "





> A Y . N O V E M B E R 1 4 . 1 8 0 8 .

It.b C A T n w

4LU0Nl>-*tMOT», la K«W illi.* A Im M flir t 14 y g n ____

W.I.IIVM and rrkMi.. t m i* l OH*-b«n ttf N o^«m t,nilti i C i L rT Md M. M . »rv l«vU*cl to AikMM hl« fm w il ••

Wiipwl At Filrviovnt C«mti*ry.BAitTH-(>n RAtMrdijr, KnvMAvr 11, I'M. M»r-

IT, AOT of ih« itif PhlUn Aftd tMlM bfthh. AM B ymfd.

nilAtlvOT and rrlivita an rAApAtifwlly imriM 10 atiimd hla fuiMrtl <mi TMMAr, Novtmbtt ]B. at 3 P. II.. trooi rwlflOMA or h1i tLAtor. Ilrt. ^ b t r t Kurnchtfikcl, No. U Avoa plAc*. lBtAra«ni In WoiidUnA Co«AiArj (prfVAlA) At tho <«ftVf»l«no» of Um fAmiir.

IAKHOWS^Ob tBo IBOt iBkotAnt. Al U t m i- tnio' mllone*. 11 • •M tb a m m . « •» Tiwt CUf. NolllA Mat. dAAflitof of CTiartoo H. And Uortnidc V. JlArrowt Ac«d 10 m n ^

n i iM l At th# iM dpoM tV rMMofi^. 4UOraikto M m t Nowarfc. HoUoo of funtnl horto/ior

COrriLLO-On NovAiHbtr 11. 1M0.CootaffA (AM Murvhr). irWlow of IwntACWkoHo- .1 . .RotoitTM oM frtonlf afa roip^fully lavlttd to Attona th* fun«rol from tho lAAWonv* of

a r r r i i ^ «h.Vi A M.. to fU. n t r lo r i ChurUt. whoro n Hirh Ham of RoqultDi will bt offtrol for ih* r»oM of btr aoui. lAtAnDont In tbo Omottry of iho Hotr feptilolnw.

CAlUlA<lHBR-4>fl NovAaibor It. ikoi. JAfnoA. bflovod huabADd of SUOAbttb CArrAcK«r (no* OoitnAA)

RtlAUVM frlaoda. Alu V*t*rAAi AoaocIa* tlon, of bllrym o. N. J.. Art knUtAd to ai> t«ad tho funonit from hla lAti roaldoncA. Hill otrMt. fiollcvllk. N. J.. Oil TuAodAy. IBth IntC.. At 1 A. If., thonco to Bt. PotAf't rhuri-h. vlMFi a Hiah Ham of fUquWim will bo oiifrod fur tho ropOA* of hli AOikU Inttt- m«ni In Bt. Poior'i CMWourir.

CAHIlil^On Nnyombor 11 IM . Hory, bolovod w lfo^ Patrlrk Cihlll

' RolAtIvM And frfondt of tho doooAood Art to* rltod to Attend tho funortl from hor lAto rooldoDco, No. W perauioo Atroot, on Tuoo* ditt, tho Idlh loot.. At 1 A. M.. to S t JAmoo K ChDooh, whorr a Hlah Mam of neqoltm will bo offorod tor th* re pom of her Mol. !ntor> moot In tho Coiw«t*tT of ib# Holy Btpulohro.

COX-On tho 13th Iniunt, Photbo, wlfo of tho l*to JAni*o H. CoE M y t w

Paneral otrvtcoo i tho rooldonoo of bor douchtor, Hrw. Otwfory. }48 UroAd otroAt, on Tioodny. I4ovomh«r IB, IBW, At 3;S0 P. H. Roittlvoo And frtendA An hindly taivktod. to> ternwnt at Pairmount Comotory.

CR A K E-^ Novembor IS. IBB. Prank B. Cran*. ■on of tiuMa and th* Into Jacob W. Cran*.

R*litly«i And fiiandi aro Invltod la attend tha funoral ■orrloaa at bl« lata bonw. No. B4 Booth Tenth alraot, AootvIUa, on Toooday Noyotnbor Ifi. at 11 A. H. Int*rm«ni it RoAodalo rtm ottry nl tha convtnltnoA of tb< family.

DOLAN—On Prlday, Novambor II. Jtmoa C., baloTod hitaband of XlltAbcrth Dolan, afyo AB rAAra.

HalaiWao and frlondi. tJao tho nomban of Jtnoy City Lodm Ho. lit. Brotherhood of lUllroad Trainman, aro inidted to attend tbo fuaoril from hla lato iwaldanea. No. w Ccart f tm t, on TuMay. Novembtr II. at fej4B Ai H . to 8l Drldcft*i Church. Intor^ manl m tho Comotory of the Huly B^ulehro.

at New Jer-______ , __ era, Blmoon

Company D. Twenly'*ljrhth YclanUer Infantry^ trod i

i*AtIROAT--On Noeembor 11 IhflA. aer Home for Dioabled Bordti fAiroat. lato New Jetaoy yeaTO.

PtiDoral lorviroi at home chapeU Taeaday. November 15. at 9 F. H. InteFmeni BoldlarV Plot, ralrmount Cemotory.

HENNIQ-Ori Banday. Noveiabor U, I M CharWo w,, beloved child of Emoot m Catborlne HennUr, aarod U dayi.

Puneral took plaeo nm i paroati* roiMoQieo, No. 1ST Conmeroo airoot thlo aftomooa. at 1 o^elock.

HldOONB-On Sunday. Nmrembtr 11 ISBI. Nat. alia, only obild of Jnooph £. and loaana r . Hlinwne (n«o Towaloy).

PtmortT private.JtNNINOB—On November 12. 1MB, PalHck

W., hueband of the lato Ann Jonnlasa.Aelallvoo end friend* of the family are kindly

Invited to attend th* funeral from hla lau reitdtQce.t No. B Oranjte place, on TdeiKlay, Novembw 1&, at 0 A. U., to Bt. Patrlck^a Cathadral. wlmra a U>«h Ham of R ^ulen wlH be ottered tar the ropooe oi hie aoul. Intormotst in the COMatery of tb# Holy Bepuktaro.

XBATTNO—On Iho 18(h InoU Bamuel. 90n of Bamuel and Rooe Xaatlnf; aged 4 wooka.

PMneral MrvtcM at tbo parenlf’ roaldenca. 18 AaTnoMo avenue. HarrlapB, N. J-. TutA* day, Novembor 15. 1MB. at B P. H. Rcla< tivoo and frloDd* are kindly tnvltod. Inier> mont at Palroaotint Cemotory,

ELH1N—On Monday. Novembor 14. ChaRee Kloln. Lieutenant of Polio* of^the Fourth Froctnot, at tb* reildonc* of hitvvtker. No. 4d South Twelfth atrect.

Notleo of funeral hereafter.U PRA N riS-O n November IS. IMS. William

R.. youngoot child of WlUlera H. and Haria J, Lefranol*. amd 1 year lO nwatha SB dara.

Relativoo and friend* are roepactfulty Invited to attend th* funoral from tho partoU^ roal dear*. No, S5S New atreet. oa Tuoaday, tba ISth tnat.. at S:8o p. M. laloniHnit In Ceiii> •tery of tba Bapulchre,

m U 4CR -0e Sunday. November 18. IBM. At hit late realdoDco. No. 1BT BomenMt eirMV William P. Hiller, aged T7 yotri S aonthA.

Notice of funeral beroaftor.HeCORHlCIt-On Ui* lith init.. JAmea, bo-

tmed huMmnd of Hargaroi HeCotmick tSo*R^Alfveo and frlenda are Invited to attend th*

funoral from hi* late reoMonco, No. S5S Grant Avontw, Etat Newark B orop^ on WedneodAy. 16th 1n*t., at B A. M., to the C^uveh of the Holy Croat, where a Solemn High Hate of Requiem will be <rfr*rod tor Uu repooo of hla aoul. IntaroMoi In the Onwtary of the Holy Sepulchre.

New Tork trioh World ploaae copy.MeOINNIBS—November 14, 1MB, at hi* lat*

rmldenc*. 17 Srranth avooua, Charie* Mo-flltinlM.Nolle* of funonU beroanor.

P R B rarL -O n the Uth toot.. Alvlne Preekel.rttnorarUrylceo a t tko^noldoneo ot h t §tmln>Jaw*

avoauo,H ^ lo Jaooboon.^ ---------_ fB4 iprtotfleld

Novamber IB. IBM, at % P. 1C. ,]|i^llvoa and. friend* aro ktndly

IB, IIliTtMT l u i n i i u iT K im S m t

#TOKl£®—On th* 14th L u tu t, John O., huo- h u d ot DMtn Btarmi. in hit TWh w»r.

VtiBtral ttrr lc tt will bt hiM t i th* rtaMms* ^ hit nu d iU n fh ttr . l ln . Oioiiti W. P»«. 14 EM Itntl nTMiuc, Kinrnr, on Wt4ni»- a«T, Octofew IS. nt t A. M. Rtintivc* t* i (rltBOt t n rtBptetfiillT Intltad. Inttmwat nl K trm tt, Ni 3; ( t tM oonnalnot at th* tn*Uir.

■inidtr. Novtinbtr tb* btl^vwd wifeWtllMMI, a n d s'l

Tl*lttln* taS friti Ultnd th* tm m . „N »r*m ^ IS t t a A. M, ihu lu* raddciict, ifo. MS Wttani < tandford tliwtt, to R T M u ri C

H P^ -------- ----------------- t month* B dayaRolAtlvM and friend* are kindly lavlted to

attend tbo ^ ^o ra i aorvlooa on Wedneaday, ■'* -» • s aharp, from her

hint atreot, eotnor- . ____ JiiaiT'* CTiuroh, whora

of Roquiom win b* Qlforod for tho repooo of bar aoul Interment In Bt Harr'a Cotnotory.

S t i t t in i am frlMidt. Alto W. C, T. B., ata In- ^!«d to Attmd tht tuAtnl MrTlotA At hi* lAlt hOAht, Na. lOT hlAcjiAtilo t tn t t . on tMAdw. r)s< r« i^ U. At tdO P. H. U iat. lAtAt Ib M t PiStAnl C*iB*ttqr At tht m -

*f IhA tAtollr.SAHirtAr. KowAibw IS IMS.

Ndvambor IB. at S F, H„ from 114 Cllaton itraet. Jonoy City. IntoroMiit a t Aonyonteano of t)w fimny.

Aft hindiy noilflid to Attmd th* ipteiAloommuBloAilaD thl* tmilAA At T:Wo'clock LAlf) to-morrow (VuNdAr), Ih*

A- A-wmi, * !» ivEUurr

IBih in*t.. at 1 P. M., for ibo Lm the ninerai of Srethor Hembor* of *later lodgaa ai _

**■ ’w- u.KUMHai*. BtorAtAir.

mmoAt ot aIIaM- WiniAin Almond.

Invittd to

V K O B H TA lC m t.

guAranteo tin t our oDarm ^ bA u roa-Mnable a* Any other hooH In tho city. < ]T«s f e T r i i r " ‘r j i s ? c * j ^ ‘o!nSii ^

S SaUaa

’ will rtiiiAla with « i . . N a


foe lira tm »by by *a — trltncad fonorAl 4H-

finAgor.BOI MROAD Wr*

ARdaa *xp*] a White. Mi


SOI a so A p K ._ ro lu n m L T w it « ir a a . o r u b t . Hr TEUtraOHK NO. HM-I.

IS SKINNER. nnd*riAk*r And tabAlBAr.---------- ------ “ ‘ ‘ I JH4A. n iNA. n< CIlBIOII AVS TllAphOM :


BAlAhUatAd UHl DAAUnwn And MAHA(AAtAr*n al

tM n w n c MONuiaufTS NsuKn.Nt»sB AND aXNKiUU. OnURKRT WORK.

- m -oranttb , m aro lx and stohr . m AND n * n u , K V i u j i a y e ..

OtboaIi* EatrABAA to M t PIaaaabi C*»AiArr.

DOST AND POOMD.tipBT-rrISAV nlfhl, bAtWAi* SprturltAjd asI

jj» hwA- Ik tw W U fttWMS to lU ai

IhA M m Al A. N. oikilIrrlllA.

lO n fM nwAiSi A OaH at avuml dArk hMin.


NOTIUH 'liM A lA B t •AtwM M wR t a thw K R W t MBAt tS T B rla b lr V« pmiA fwr !■ uStrswrA.

Kw aweawwtA w ill Ka • b* bw*I fwrAweb.

>A ■STAFliAAMAAt W ill BA FAAAIWAA •TA r thw lAlAphABA AAOApI IhAAA AAlAt b r M lbA rtBA d HRAWtA.

A BA WAFA tA ASTArtlAABAAbtA »*A kARl (aA tWA WAAkA AWtl BFA tkA » Aa- AtrwFAA. I t aWF alhA r AUBAAttlan Ia AaaI faA IkA aH aa AhoAU bA ba IIR aA.

tanlty. or n-n P.AOKNTB*


woAd«rf«t V«lArr■ t optftr-A o ^ n tc u f no rW'n»'l'*ifAll At 51 flAhk It., (foro M ,» A,

wABlid for th* "IWir' WAlhcr; A luraW S. PAw LeV TO., n ltnlb*JJJ

AOENT winltd to srocor* *nSA«*jmnjA c it o ^ Bo* **.JtAW* »*_«■______*

AOENTS-^nd opportunltr. TA»AdA» M o n lw Ml, MArkAt At. _________

A.~A.-Drir*n, elAifci. o«o* l i i .tor*, coachmen u**f«l »#«. ow-j PI*«.

fro* to etnployor*. ’s r ? : d r . i . . ’^ i f f l i 5 s ‘ ^

ATTENTION, HBN-jT.BO *nd to» work take* you to iSirope. Shipping gmo^ fl aititob at,. Naw York.A GOOD hurtling man to one with g >od roference* ohiy. Addroao Oom- petont, Bog 27, New* olbce. ____*A HAN WABtAd to bAk* WAfflAA. CAll At H N»W

mt. I

A GOOD dinner waiter, fi Hulborry ot.DOT wanted, about IT yoan *"/f*L^****»1 ollloii muet b* of good porpon^ addrjoa. and willing to make hixnaolf jnwwHy u a ^ l i llvlr\g In Orimg* or Sa*t wkngoOrang*..............UK i»U. -alto Brick Churoh Depot _________•OT-W aated. a good ■trotig hoy to t ^ a care

of hoiw* and drive. Meat HarX*L 04 John■t^ HenovlU*. *BOT wanted to tailor *100*1 bring roftroaoo. N.

p a l l a n t . m o r a w *1. ;BOTB wanted to deliver paper*. Apply rwm IB J « 8 _ ^ r ^ at. __________ *MOT-Cdored boy. I t to It, wanted. M Bprlng*

lield avo._________________ fBOT wanted to wait on table.

M TOPNG itiornoy deolroo poolllna wit coramerrlat houi*. Addroao Attorney, ‘

N*w* ofllcr.

I Plano a t 1BUFFERB and poltohera w a n ^ : wmo BH- around meo need apply. O. K. Mating WorluL roar 48 ^reen ■<.. q jd aniUh Hall. ^Bl'TCHER want*d for atore and ,f«>d

wagoa to fight man. 44 jnka at.. PoUevHle. 1RliTOHiCA-riraC-claM butcher WMtodi a ^ d v

work, ROTH A c5!7 « and 61 Mark*t H. 1BOOTBLACK wahtad;

Hotfl. barber ahop, K.Brat-rlaaa. Coatlnontal - BINGER- 1

BARBBfl-FlrH'OlaM harbor waatad, SSS Hat; ket at. __ *

COOK—Toung man wanted; order eook In oya- tor and c b ^ houoa. MB ptane gt. 1

ooatmakar at H.COATMAKBR—Waatad, good RBADT'B. South Oimtiti.

DRl'OOTST waaled; funlor: on* ipeaktnf man preferred: alata laJafy. Market St.

4t. Now* aitoo.i 0«f*- E ‘

DROP kad proM hapda wanted oa ollvar Bovel-W. B. ----- ---tie*,

lliah ata.KERR A CO., cor. Orango and

1JBWELRT flnlahere wanted. CQURVOlftlRH,

WILCOX UFO. CO.. Bth art, and ]»Ui ot.. dty ________________ T4tHAN wanted with Mme eiporlonoe to dla-

Infcclant. Addreoo H anu^iurer, Box M, Kewa offleo. BBvRKLtAHLB agento caa cnako OO wackly: aam-

plea, U. McGElC. 4M Broad o t IBAIMMAH wanted to carry lino of bleycle

boUi. door belli, *lKtUajna*n buttoiu, ttoAt.commlMton.obaalG a t

n||B, ■•KSSfR UURP VWSLUWHi VAl-.i IWHardware Bf^lalty Co,, 80 k t-

BB—Wanted, edg* aotter. alao odg* trlm- r on mon'a Ba« abooa. gf. H. W., Boa 48. I cBto*. ITv

TAILOR! wanted: tw« good oeatBakora. PALLANT, 4T« Orange ot

TWO Brat*«liao oeatmakare aoi two buabolmen. SM Warrop it. 44w

WANTED—Touag man who anderatanda cook­ing and waiting; muot b* generally nooful. 40

Bottth ClialuMi at,, BaaC Orunga. IWANTMD—OQIr* boy, ^xnit IB yoara old. liv­

ing wlUkla a bloeka. Call 8 A. H, or 7 P. U . 13B Bpnioa a t ; Bret boll. 1WANTED—leo cream nakori mu*4 b* aJI-round

man. AddroM A. h. C., Bes 48, Now* oOev.T«w

WANTED at one* a ccHiplo of fIrat-otaM motai i n Bolmoat ave. ]onmlea makera.

WAITER—Cloaii. wlllliig waltK. 14 Main at., Eaat Orango,


TOt'NCI HAN wanted, who undofuiandi t ^ n g car* of horaoo; to deliver erdero and be gen-

orally uaoful In butcher atore. WH. EBUE. tBT HulbeiTT a t jTOUNO MAN, oxperltnced to th* grooery bwal* noa*, waniod. S4-S8 Centro ot* Ohiag*. 1HOD PER month and oupenaeo paid aaleaman

on cigar*: oxporlonco tumeoeemryr ktaady po* H ^ n ^ b a ra l offar. BAILEY BROi.

r a i s F w iMOCBEWORK-CHfl ftw m o ra l

good wagM. 1U8 North Tih at.HOCBEWORK-Wautod, yoiMg gtrt ror light

houKwofh. 4V R o a o v ll to ^ a e a _________IIIOUHEWORK-Oirl wanted for general houa* wofk Apply 871 High at. _IF a good aervant (rtii itonto to have a aoed

CBB And It at m Piinoo a t HR!. RE] HER. on third floor. UvNUMB ichlld two v*ara eld): mu*l be neat and

wllltog to BMiii wuh ehambKwork and wall- lag; Protcetaat Call or addroM M North IBth a t. Ean Orange, igwNUR8B—Wanted, oompatim girt for ohUdron'a «n;'r*£ (ov*r U yean*); rvfereocoo roq uliwd.

T^eday motulag. 1ST H#1k Partneay^

NURSE—Wanted, neat, rollablo nurue girl, whorRfk rurnlkh mnj A —luiwE-wanted. neat, rollablo n«i can furnlih good rof^rrenco* and

date a gtH>d homo, Addr*aa Hoi New* iilflc*win appro*

Box ■"

OPSRATnR8-Evp*ri*ncod oporaiora « i IndM* inranlg* waar. COOgW'ELL A BOULTER W>. m 8 th _ * ^ _____________ ^

^^RATOR-Exporlenood operator wanted oa ■Inter power Mwlng mncnlno. 7 Ailing ot,

third Boor roar. 1tALESWOMAN—Wanted, oaportencod m 1o*~

Woman In dD'goudo, fancy gooda and under* roar, UBS. BUGOE. 148 Main Eaat Or* ng*. Iangf

•EVer a l |irl* wanted for light work. E J*HRikjKB a CO., Bth m , an<rNorth l>ih at. 1

WANTED—Eiperlenced band buml*horo on . McUl Worha, ISBto 12t> N. J. R n . ave. ________WANTED—A pprenUce* and improvora on chll-

dron e coati and drMaeo. MRS. nUOQE. BM Main et,. Kaet Orange, _____ 1WANTEr^A woman to waab dlaboo In roa-^tauTant. 252 Market at. 1WANTED—A half grown girl;

work, 28 William ot.ligbt houao*

WANTED^iirl to help In kltclMa iD boarding* houM. 54 Bank *t. t

WArriiKUB-cifan. neat waltraaa: rauat bo willing tn make hefoHr ueoru], Rofftanrant. S4

Main it., Kaei Orangv. • 48wWnMAN wanted not over 45 year* of ago. to

cook and waah for email family, » Ulilef •t- 48w


H R LP W A N T B D -rB M A LB f.A CAREFtrL. twlnitiktng, middia-ag»d lady 1*

doaltwd In our buatneao; one with tulllCfOni txneutlvo ability to manage a dopartSMDt. For MPtfeular* aee eupetintendent. room 7. Globe j^ ldlD f. Broad and Uechanlc >U.. aftK 8:an Tutoday. 1

A.—» booMworkm. Il4 to tSO: waltroaooo.oooka aino Gorman or ProtooUut cooka, nuri-

0* and w aJtrew : v o m glrti} houaowockorofor Suiamlt, tSO, wcntedTlB Cantre at., O raya.IA,—-A.—Oot* for hotel, aim roatmurant cook; girl* for ebambmork. waiting: parlor maldn,

boupoWorkora, girl* for atore*. <^c«a, faetortea, reotauraatn, etc., etc. S6 (Mar at. 1APPRENTICE waatod:

with good tower, WRIOUf. M North Hunn av*.

: paid while loamlng:CM to-nlgbt. MRR.

AN oa*r place In a flat for g noat. compttent woman: n»u*t cook ^ d itw; good roftfonce required, A H„ Box M. Nawa oBo*. ]

A PROm TANT nuno, waab

ang*.^^/Ifi-bgwoworkerg. eocAa to

and troa. LARKIN, MO Mata gt.. Or-

A RBPTNED girl wanted for light upolatr* work an^ oowlng. Apply iOS ClBton avoT 1

COOK-Wantod. a Protootant'gin to cook aad aaalM with Irontog in a private K ia i^ Ad-

droM cook. Box lA Newi M m T rOOOK and laundiew wanted M 1081 Biead el, l

88 South 'EXPERIENCED oporal

underwear, band out! lehora wanted to work 1_ aamplo, Ajnofiein Uhd«mmi*at‘

Jtote wanted on ladJeo*

S S ? a E : |

e x p e r ie n c e d bandf wanted on etibW ehainW. H. !. A CQ„ SM Mulberry i t iSm

TOR (tiMntl tuiMnorl. la fu a tl, at tS r f .«11»W. . in Of w o m ii7 3 i i r . ^ r i ' t!

7,13 S ts '' *■ *'‘“****’‘**‘ A » '* r

aiRl>-o,iM n] hooMwetk; O w n u <r O w n u - A r e ^ c : WM44 US No. » C ))«« i»d?n :.

Ea*t Grajua.OIRLS fo,

oouaHr; In^oi wtpplo iw , do ktto^wnork.

BOUSBVORX-W.iiM. womu for .o n m i lw_„ tn u trpUIn

N O inW ^R X -PratM U nt Urt w u M for to .taw f fAmUr: nuot b,

t r HilloF porlt-s r .

I«i4 m k . VMhor wut iRmor. MF, T om t Hill.

Mm *: n A rtoJii. ISil i f o S E ^ H b , Romlllo, Mw

HOU!EWORK<«-Flr*|>claM young girl' foe wm oral bo^w orki two In family-referMusmiS

guired, c S i f m m B t o l P . ^ f i S f t S y A

momliis, m GltloioB h S T S ,.m aitioioBH o u n w o M - w i

« n l boHowiirii . W nolAto* IMd IWIIM,

for tos-9M Wilo


la «M: * lw

i S i ,K

" g p i ' f ’i i ’v a i i U SfQr»F

p s ? ? 5 s a i a s , a s r ‘a j

'"S o T a j

A Y01WQ MAN. 18 year* old. dofli aa nffl 'e luteiant Addreae wH. K.

■L, Orangea a pooltt

tiro r^

BUTUKH-Rmart young man waotn Htuatkm u butler, nne who underetand* hi* buelnOM. Ad-

droM ilutler, llox Sk, aw a oWr?e. 1ZUTCHRR want* place; flrat-claae maA; ref-

ereiu’i If required. Addreaa Butoher. Eh)X 41, New* odlce. 65wnATlKKKPKR want* eltuatloa; of late with

Tiutler Houie. Addroo* Barkneper, 8H Hun­terdon It. 1RARTKNDER-Yflurui Gennan w anu eltuation ^ai barimder or lunchman. Inquire 11 Ferrer

E. ANDEK:fsiung nznm v. Broobdale,

RDY <131 want! work, any kind* 171 iouth Bth •t. 1

COACHMAN want* poeltloa: gOOd reference*;■teadr. aober man. 2M Rlohftioiid tl„ Plain-

field. I80COLORED man wanu emplorreent hor*p* and farm. JS King *1.

can ear* for

MAnilNlRT-Gnod lathe hand wants poalUoa. BH fioutb ITth a t 1

TRAVELLING aaleeman deslroa to connect blmMlf with an eatabllahed manufarturlng

firm, where ambition and ability will *how profltaM* future: flftten year* In novettlea Addrro* Proflubla. Box 88. Nawa oBIce. BSvYOITNO MAN detin* poaliion with private

family; care ‘ " * --------^ ---- —" ----------useful. Addrei

: care for horoes and oow. and generally I Obliging, Box SS. New* pOce. 1

YOT'NO MAN w u ti wmIc at anTtbhig: «&der- ttanda care of honea, Addreea Wllunt, Box

M, New* offlee* 1YOUNG MAN would like a position as clerk,

packer or drIvK; referaAcaa. Addroao Clerk, W Llvlnntop gt _ ^ iTwYOUNG MAN <S1) wants work on gentletnan'a

Place. Inquire L. C. VOELCKER, US Uttlv- ton ave, _______ ___ ____ i

B H P L O m B IfT W ANTBD^PBM ALBB.COOK—Tolorod girl wants place ai

•mall family; come home nlghta ALSTON. 24 Camfleld *t.

oook In FANNIE

1DAY'S WORK—Woman wanted for day's

work from Tueaday to Friday. HART LEWIB, 8M Main it.. East O r a y . 1DAY'S WORK—Toung colored woman want*

•roik Of th* day. AGNES GRAY, 32 Arling­ton at. 1DAY'S WORK—Oerman woman want* waah-

ing. ironing aad bouaeoleantug* 103 Knigathi t __________ _________ ______________DAY'S WORK waited by aetored woman. T.

POTTER* 24 ‘ramfleld e t 1Fa sh io n a ble draumaker dnlrea more en-

gagtmtnto. Addroo* I*. Box 80. Newe oAce.la m L withe* eltuattoa a t upetalre wortt CaJl

M Penalngton s t tHOUSBREEFER wmAd Ilk* a position tn pri-

vat* family, or would do ttpsfalrs work; re­liable and hooMt. Call three days, 8T Auatia i t 1UOUBEW0RK-Middl#-aged aslored womin

wants general housework or cooking; family referen^; aleep hoipe. RAY. 11 Wood s t IHCUbA tORK—Touag woman warns altaatlon

npelajr* work and waiting «r Hght housework. Addree* Willing. Box 87, News offloe. 1HOUSEWORK—Girl fl4) would like a poeltton

to take care ot children or Hght housework. Call 1(1 UantlUon s t. Harrtaon, N. J. 1HOVSEWORK-

as aeamstreisborne nigbte.

Yottng woman wants eltuation fflTlHh g*Mral taouaework; grn

HOT^BEWORK-Colored woman want* sltua' ttoa a* cook, or to do general housrwoiic good

referenc* 27 Veaer at___________ 1HOUSEWORK—Without washing; gnod plain

cook ond baker; refeiwnce: American. Box 14. BellovlIN. N. J. 1HOUSEWORK—A atrong Polish girl want* to

do general housework; can neak Englii^r 10 HadlBCBi s t 1HOUSEWORK—A colored girl want* a pUcei

flrat-olass laundrM or housaw^k- 18 Seventh av* 1HOUBEWORK-HSennan girl want*

'ortt* refaiaiieeAgoMral bou«*wi s t

place at 442 Bauth tilth

32vHOUSEWORK—W'oman warns place at houee-

work or plain cooking* 8 Fifth ave. ILAUNDHEflA—Germaa woman want* family

WMblng, 2MH Huntardou st-» flrat floor. HhwLa d ie s wlehlng good reliable girls call 3X1

Main st .* Orange* 8pHUA8E—Competent woman wants *itumt1nn aa

nune for Invalid or housekeeper for Hmail family; city reference. 87 Aaa a t 1NURBE-43irl r!G

Academy it.wants place to mind baby.

25wCall82vN j^ E ^ ^ ib H engagemaata; t l par day.

WEAK-MINDED patlenta and Imbeciles taken , care of and boarded by profesalonaL nuree: hj^Tu^ iprcrence. Addreaa Nurec, Box TT, N ^«

WOMAN doalrea poaltlou, housework or houeo- kesper; city or country. 241 Belmont ave..

rear; no pardi. 78vWOHAN ____ ____ ..._daya a week: ateep botno- at*, raar.

anti work in family; three or four . . . williamASw

WQI'OMAN want* washing to take home. A MML J. H. 8TARKE7 floulb Orange. K

Addree* J. 1

WABHrao and IrcAing want or go out 4th floor, §46 Ptii

ited to take home me* at. 1

WABR1N&—Genaaa woman wania to lake je a h liig home, aw Bank a t *_________ iWyWA8RINQ—Colored womao wanta washing by

the day* l | King gt____________________ 1WAafHNG and Ironing to taka home. ITT Mil-ter a t l


MAN and wife (German) want* employment: 4lCr nr oonnirr; m.n ■■ cook: woinari tn do

n a o rd tnuHvom. Has. KHUHTa . « n Kwt. *1»( »L, N t« torii. 6*¥

ta h M la . tH r a f t A I K MOMTjW TKItM-e o u a tJ

All h ^ iiitn gwijeei ihortband an 9g, BMBlah kraacbea. ate. Paymei

Ihit CoIjmM Co!l*»» 1. th* lanNM UM tchooU and bj ta rn mld. th* Sin w d am ^o f l» A h ’.'S“ •-fiioo of tiu aatHtry^TflH or odl for rminr* Journal, and

wail our ftHKh Ih .Bd nlh*n i>* of th* 3w*l. W H ina o a S cnmiHaw* •.■g. lo UM

H. roLKKAN I. C. HOKTOK. fwiman.

WQODK CpLIJM*-K*»arl;'* Brrtlu.t Sobo^L t i t Braad •!., H««ark. Ml .tuJrnt. durina

(h* « ar. r*ouU »^. I, Wood, L. I. Tucktt. k A. ra n b u L t* . w. r . Mrit*. r . w. 0 *110. Fh*r. t . ■ IlHabawnr. w. J. Tralnir. Kmm* f t turem wmt olflca aaalatanti

COLLSGE.and typewrit-

Faymenii on eaiy

■n got ihotuM In the faculty. Coflipare oar school with othero

SKisblf fooelvi' Broad

rw m r kikw wa«.i uuivf-w; lUMIog raa- ■w.,. no aiadenta af oueetlonabu character

six large aohool room* hTi) m hT8 Irosd a t : wall lighted and vrntlleteii; finiahH

atoaenle cbeerfullv and adecoMruHv aciiitied toaiudcnta enter at any

■“ d for catalogue,

EUBIlfBSB EGTKWUTMft o n m i ^ i ^ i ^ n K r A i R c a ,

<Mll*d for ^ ;l*h|;*rvd fro*._ HsW l J,

Mt*8TCAL Jnatmmenta. •portlnf Goods. Game* T ort vto- mkS* doliiii, it.ig up; lOlura, U.Tp up;

alrlngi for all iM trum 'm t; t*> P ^ r i^ e lOeplalty. f. H, DOPGLAA Ml M»f*

at., near Mufbetry at., formerly m Ifl wi

poiUkiaa without charge, tliiasi oAe* alwav* opa«.*e vielt lb*_oolls_tF e NEWARK ilM|NART-Mift« WhTiniore^

Boarding aad D*y fchooi (or Olrla, M] and flfli Broad at*. Newark. N. i . : thorough and pro-S ^m ethods: ll^anr, laboratory, gvmna-

primary and Klngrrsarten I>partnienit [cat* adalto ta Wallraley, Reopena Thiiri- day. Bewtember I8. Clrculare.

nckr Muibetry at^formerly o( IB New a tFINE crayon DoccrAlts-wo copy trom smaU

pKlures-doa'i give your atnall pioturee to ageniB to be copied, wHm you oea go to a ftrst* ciaia ittd reaiKfoeihl* artfit. We ropy in crayon,

■ sw m a MACHINM M oh.nnd nr r*i«ir«): ■b?l<»re you buy call or aend jH >etal card; you

“ 'w dollera fag getting figure* from Hie ^J-Mlablc Singer agent; *11 makei of aeron^

Hand;,» up. H. D. BHEA. 4m Waahlagioa a t |lull line ot guBA

' BUlt all: free, m



WiUtON FARRAND.' Aaanriatr Mailer. Thorough preporntlrm for any ixiUege or acien- tifle achonl, or for bualn***. Primary TVriiaii- aieiit CalalogiM on anpltcatlon.PRIVATE Normal

s t Baft OrangeJ Xindcrgarlen 05 Ilarrlioa

--------r - r - ' r tw n t^ rfp a re d be kin*Aeigartner*: Imlnreed by Wm Harrle. U. fi. Coti^lislonar of Rducatlnn; Mme Kraiia-Roe]- fe. P r Wm. Maron. CTuii. T. VTieelibck Tba MTBBEIt UNDERRITJ*. mHUH TOWKflFND'8 BoordlriK and T>»t School

tot Glrja, B4 Park pi., raowni Tuesday, fl«p< I ember 2T: thoroueh preparailon f-ir college; primary aad academic d^partmema; apeclai couraeg. (nrcular on appUcatiiw.TH* NOnwoGD BCM<y)L. 21 WiilTut^ar:

primary, arsdemic and collect i>rar*aralory departinenta; certificate admlli \f> fimiih College and the Wiwnan'i Coiirgp of nn1i;m<>re, Mb

PRIVATE Inatniotlon In CKlIrcr. cotlrge prep*r* story and academic aludles, nt 2] Vlt Plrasant

iw ., or at the home of ihc itudeni, termi m>Ml- ^ tt. i* D. lULT.MAN. T'h. n ___ u


_________^ 88 CENTRE FT. pSqMME. A D l C'HATEAUNEUX M h e^u d kln- dergarleft. H Clintoo ava fofMISS IBABEL MERRY, ktodirgaTteii in i ecbool. 12 Lombardy at.

Mmoto.PROF. GUI. ALTNEH, teacher nf violin,

mandolin and guitar: Inairu 'uir of the Fat- ertOP. Pamalc and Mickrnjack Mandolin Clubi, has opaned g muilc itudin et 51 Clinton al. fiiu- dlo open Tuesday and Friday. 8tiMIBB VON BEYriUED will reiume leuMa~in

vooA) ruUurt for the aeaBun of 'Uh artd 'W; ■tudio, 1198 nroail at.; voices may be triad hy apeclai appolnim e n t . _________ T8hA.-Clauda Trevlim. llceoliate of iht College ot

Vlollnlata. will receive puplli, beginners and advanced; teriMe 128 Falrmount a ^ , !•»MIBB f. CHRISTINE MirtiAM^Vnlc* cul-

ture: Binging. Studio* IWa lUoomfleJd av*., Newark, N. J._____ piuRANJO. mandolin, suitor, xither and violin In-

itmctloii. A J. WBIDT. 73 Jam** et. 82q

Dmaclng*t n t GEO. DAVIB AND MKfi. tlKLF.N DAVIS,

-TEACHERS OP DANriNtl- Ciaasae at Calanihr Hall. 861 llroad a t , New-

ark, every TUMdey evcnlnc. T:»i i<< II.PRIVATE LEBBON0 a nieciaily, given imly at

the Davla Bchonl of Dancing. A'i8 Hroad a t Walt* and two-aten guaranteed in ftli private Iteaona ('all or addreea for Irtfnrmatlon, elr- culara, etc., of claaa or privale leason*, at the Davli BcKonl of Dancing. A coni|i*ieni lady aastatant engaged. H5S llroad at. Newark. ooeltc C. R. II. StaUan. 4BW



Pe r f e c t glide waits and iwo-etep guaraoteed or money refunded; gent*. |2.tM: ladlaa, | l :

private leaeon*. It l BhelTlald >t. tgWITH hay almpl* axtd aa*y tneibod 1 cuarantee

waits and two-atep; ladi*i» 12; fentiemen, IS. 8B Liberty a t __ _______ •*>

filiOFlliga! mm€ TypewrUtw^*8HORTMAND, Typewriting School of Young

Wamen'a Christian Asao.. tl>4 Court a t ; t*rms Moderate Apply at aehool. 8 lo 12 A. H.. or to priDOloal. L C. KENNEDY. 80 Wright s t 88h

LWWfwAKCBoBERLITZ School of Languagra; Freiiob, Qor-

maa.Bpaniati.by native tcachera; Tuea.and f a t ey'ge,; claM*f at popular pricea, 52 Cllaton av*.

Fewdlog and Writing*RJOADINO and writing taught. Teacher, Dox II

News oflloe, Orange.___________________ 1

PBRUONAL.WANTED, a home for an orphan boy (age 14):

will work for hi* board and clothe* for the winter; I* guod worker, willing and hoiieat Ap- ply at 81 East Park * t, Eaat Orange. T2wi i ^ L D Rke an elderly, refined lady (or oom*

poay'a rake; gop6 boroa; objaet matrimony: Gennan. Call 802 OiafltOM at__________ T4wDON'T forget the BbuSlebonrd match to-night

at JOHN NICHOLBOITB Half-way Houee. South Orange ave.. Vallaburgfa. _ tREFINED widow (81) wlabea to Tnoet gentle-

- ■ R r -nun of meana: object matrimony. Box M, New* once. UTI^

LADY wlahaa tn copy, tranilaie or teach Brail •yateiB for blind. Brail. Boa 40, News offlee. 1

A COMPLETE rooter of Company H can be »een at KKAMPERTa, 84 Waliaoe at* 1

In board. Bab;'Sli

W AftTBO.OLD OOtA. illvtf, hnfem tawtlrr. *ump*.A 151.74>m

or p-fl* tnilMj ,XMrlnicaE.I .nd n Huitllion M. n d

'WAKTftD—Utlit mwdilnarF a, tiW £M lU tS«tw qw4*l «• n* woffc, pa b k iir » T a , » __________

0 « l . ' out-oft clotMnf: I nay *0 H nu on . dulgy mow tn»n .M a«.l*r is th*

•dtj. J. MACAHliKT. M Cooirn**** *l d«Ftiavetnpb w .n i^ In nioh.nF* i

u « i * H.tniln porlor or*.n, Aodrj lib, Box n . H«*» ofllo*. ________ !

ftROCKR'B lotbox «b»P fo* OMb,■M PSSm n' nowi-iUnd^

■ A rftt-T M ■nlH. lidf* *nd nidliuD .ta*: MM. wlM ,.A «nM T«ot Cm¥. 8o» » .

raOL TA B iat-W .nm , to b»r OF b)i» 1 pool ypol. Box W, k*w» o ttc . >

O R H Itn A K IM ftJIP H nU U R ftftf.^^

r pattern* to maaMra i Ftnae a t. naay New.

*l( (S S ui'imS!'’

WANTED—A young baby Box 46, New* oRtoe.

Bwatawaa PwmwwRl*BEIT TEETH* |I 0 -

^BBBT TEETH. 118-Bxtraellag free when teeth are ordered*


1 do mr own bridge work, and guaraatea It to be th* bast

GOLD AND SILVER PILUNO! at the loweet prloog ctmalatent with the na« o( the purest oiaierlM andi«t*ntiflo wertpaanshlp.

SOLID GOLD CROWN. |B* Extracting, with gaa or tocai anseelbaUo. BOc.:

extracting. wlUoul gaa, xBo. Balentlflo daotal Bunrery a apeolalty* Teeth mad* wltheat plates at the loweet poaaiblg M bta


(One doer above Inyder'i). AflpahrtgwUa mada by mall. Open evenlnga '

omce huurai 8 A M* to 8 P. K. 1 iandaya 9 A. M* to II Mj______________

c a ta rrh a nd c o u >8 c u r e d .A modern. aRectIvi remedy; glvsa Immediate

brnefli; Pond's Nasal cream; OO* ate, pgckag* ronviticai- Bold by Holahauei’. Broad and Mar­ket ; Lffwla Bros.. Bayre, 68fl Orangt et*; CTOecent I >fu g Co., and lead log druggieti. 42 uA FREE exanInaUoa of eyaa during November

without ohatart: regular prtoe* l a ; parfect

-------------- DRUG CO.KxpeH

Ate reUel aad peronaaeat oim g u a ren M : a b y ^ K ic i c V rDRUG CO. 827 Broad e t ________

DIVORCE! flrocured Bpeedjhr; all dvl] criminal law bualneai liiiideitoJbea at :

arate chargea. advice frae. If In trouble, jrcaa Immediately Law Company, " olfice.

aad mod-

____ ad-Box 10* News 8tv

WOMEN who dealre beautiful kalr and lln*

lUi the beet on earth. At aU diugitotg. IB er> £

MAflSAOB-Aloohol inaoinnia and

polntmenta block above

LADIES—Confidential treatment for aonAne- m*nt esaee] twentyHlve yaanf rntparlmoe ;d«^

Clin- ave* 79p

mem iMPavei iwmtore In attandanoa; too ave. oar ■outta.

iy-flve yaarW ganartaiMt m

BOOD'tl . f t r WanhogHM, 101, |d|L tIO WMb-iDMon *t.t ■•■1*4 n o w ; unforniM rT tM i.;!ow niw . ynaPE iticK hooo.FEI.T h.t* prMMd la b*w fu l A u w i .m b ' .


aBRtlAN mldwltai .**■■ BWir ClIttM oonflaMMai < ■v*. n e

LKSAli f t o n e w .*0 A U . WHOM IT MAT c

w,Itfcnomi thw lb. aulwo In IM ono* of tba tK rxU r Jww/. on th* »m«M Ma j m 4 jJbIf T * m ^ In Ibi o«^, Ih* ConntF gif ■«.*■, In Ih* ft w Jer-

of New ___Dlaee of buelaaaa at oUy. oeunty and State o f l iiigiLged In the miauraotit

firtUlnt^ tn wedMail g j^laTiyTn tIu pianuntoturm dealing la ^aetertaT^ a v for asdhnllatlag f« ' etofUMbf amdMwel* or L botuea. boxM and g(1^ i ------bf itotoML MaSa

jlpaJ In iK j t It la N IJ I^

findgtloa,•% Al.

n ■

nuo n nROTHBiu e r t r ____ _hurglln* *ts4bgn(. Mo., *i p rim go

i“*?**.*"!*ft HI*- box «ii; nga* t.g*i Sl>rlgg.ll*ld *gr*^^poo.tt* BMmoggt.MJNToN. mggvgn .gi.l bull.l.t: fgimitm

r.p.1i*j u 4 ■hUnJk. fl*.f*d. lit w. K|gggg*y «_ 71*

.............................po b tl a n d tAmicRV.

THE LEADING LADIKH' NElft. “modeller. I). __Droad and Halaey.

TAILOR AND HE* 84 Hank at., between

kvilOHN M. BTAHL* fernlMire and bAggage ax*

iireu; fila i^ ramoved. Bl Hnotgumery a t; lelciihotie 8128* ^

NEW Jeraer Komoenpathic Plkannacr* head­quarter* fur all homaeopathlc medlclnce and

treatmema hae rernovi^ lo T New at.Broad; allvtr globe aign. hear

n r


ADAWB Rrooklyn and New Turk WalU«;>erStar*. 88 Springfield ave*; now la tb* time for

reaenoahle work dona; we paper any falr^lied loom ftr t l and up; kalaumlnliig. toald* and outalda; paintlim alao done ut Ihe ch7Hi|«al prirea. paper aoM at ooet prtoe anddpllverwi free or chart** give ue a (rial, and ooavinre yuur- aelf: all our work guaranteed, mail order* and telriiboai* oall* procaptly attanded to; we hav* a largar and choicer ttoek of wallpaper than any other store In fber elty; doa't mistake ihe num­ber—it la 88

Telepbotia'KNaa. L* KATZ. Prop.THE FAIR ADAMB BROOKLYN WAl.Lr.i-

PER BTORE^We earry the largeet and choleeet wallpapar atock la the oily, and the rhaapoft plao* to do yuur work; such a* for papering a room $2 and up; paigtlng In and outside, kalanmlnlng. eto.: also glva 80 dayft’ lime to reepMulbla bartlea; as long a* 1 krrp my atore 1 never went bankrupt, and all my ruBlomeni are all aatlefled* and I hnpr all the new customer* will be *gtlafied: we hang psp 'r et IBo. per roll. M* ROTHOUBE, 88 SpMDgfii'ld av*.A GREAT OFFER-Why _

the htg

ren e t, near Norfolk et*.

your |>A|i«rini 111

_____ ____ haveand painting dub* by the htg Arm* and pay

for their big expenae. when we are reedy to do yoor work by ehaijrlng for material and labor only? No extra proQta, iai w* do (hr work oiirtaiv** aiid guarantee flrot-claM workman- ship; give u* a trial and you will wv* many a dollar: sand a* a poetat and we will call with •amplei ami furnlah eetlmatee cheerfully. ITnlon Co>opara|lve Wall P y e^ 243 War*

Mh1 0 for a postal card to oall and glva •sllmat* * for paper-Naaglng will lav t you many a

dollar; great aaaortUMetgpf tha laleat elTecla In wallpaper: we mak* to ordm all tiaee of atore Bbadea and plctura franMM* at soch low pncee to aaioalah you.dig 188- ave.TOUR room needs reptperlng or pgaglbty point*

big: w* have tb* stock and tha meehanica to do your work properly: Inelde or outside; our pticea ar* a* low aa any; try ua; aaitmatea cheerfully ertvaa. SCHMIDT A 8TOFPER. U South Orange av* 4fik

-MA ISON FRANCA IBB- Ftrft-elaaa paner-banglng, painting and dec­

orating dune all reasonable prlcee: eotlmatre furnished freei mall orderi bromMiy attendrii to. KI8SLOW A KOEGEL. IM vinillam M. AVII 7B UP will paper a room, with i

and banging included; painUog. eomining; Ihe low**l price* in the ... guaraniaod. Cell or tend for Mmpln Be R. ROOOW A GO*. » Baah ft.

Ptoe lUt paper graining, ka)> city; all work




4US, 4U7 and nSti Broad at., Newark, N. J. THE LARGEST BALE ^ABLB IN NEW

jekhky .Extra Large and Attractive Auction Sale of over

- ‘m HEAD OF HURBE8----On TUEHDAY. Nov. 16. JHPH. al 1fto'clock A. M.

This sate will Include an extra fine aaaortment of flrat*claaa tuirsH. among them are trotters,Bioen, cnbe, itngla drivers. Cuach, ooupe, (atn-

y, bualneaa, farm. Jerney chunka* eipreea, grocery. In fact horave t>f all daacrlptiona.

Bpeclal mention la made nf a number of extra heavy gray draught hnraei, welghhtf from 1 ,Boi> to I.T ift. Thee* horses are cofulxned to ua rrom large Weatera ahippera to be aold (O' th« hlghaet bidder.

Bpaclal mgntloa la ma le of one carload of Illi­nois htMieaBunalgned by W, J. Hurrouihi, to be sold at S o'MOCk sharp. Among them are work- e i^ troUtra and pacers. Five of them oaa beat

loi) to it5 bead of flrat-claea boraaa always en hand at private sale or exchange. All horeea ■old on (wo days' trial, end If sot aa repreaanted purchxac money cheerfully refunded. Horses, WM<ma and hirneaiL sold on oommlaaioo at auction or prlvaie saw.

Regular auetion aalea every Tueeday and Frl*Tefeptione 188-778. HOT * FOX. Propi.

JOB. B, HOT. AUOttnneer.J. B. MOREHOL'K Balseman.

KEPT cominutOly on hand, flrat-oliM drivers, bualneai asd heavy draught

aoraes. for aal* at ioweal market piicn; trial g m n i for sale or ax- change. The City tine Bale Blable*,

Bnrlngfietd ave* and 21at at.Hq M. BTECHER. Prop. Tei. 979a.BUQQIEB. eurreye, trap*, vunabouts. butobar.

bakir. grocer, (arm. milk. oarpeBtor andolumberF wagonafor aale; orlcea low and tern* eaay. THO!. AlR^KAy^N, ------------------, 447 Central ave. 80hHGRBEB wintered* 18 to flh; elegant stalU

and Mature flelda; beet rare given. GEORGE T. DAT. Clinton pi.. Newark, square from trol­ley :^*o_dtal*^1n_flh« h o r ^ .__________ 24hHORBB-Toung. ioumL well-broken, aiyllah

horae. In flnaet oondlUon; cheap ir eold *1 once* AddressJJWttVr. Box 4._J4ewa oBlre. TlvFINE black horse, 16.2 hands high; all Ih*

gaita for laddle bora*', and fine roaditer (.an be seep at stable. 128 lUlaey at _ 38qGOOD mare. aultaWe tor butcher, grocer nr

baker, for aaleialsn well-trained goat, har- neea and cart. 87 Morton at, JDv

»V!& O PFO H Y raaV IH ftA.-Cherwe aalfiom eibradr Daelly’a

err and tat ertagi bMtoeaa. at 48! eaiabllahad m yeaoii fur oale: prtee " -y ; all bsaaourymanufacturing toe' oreai HUBERT IkSoTH* M ClhUftO It.

aonfseUgdg■fUMd ftL

.. file: price tSoTTenM maeblpery and tonlg for

and oonfKtIOMr).

buy* news, etacienery- rtgar and con feriloaery aHertj eppoelt* railroad depot ljm

o ^ i^ t l ^ ; rent Rtoet deetwd barrun. RU-B xm i. M Cllllto! M*

A.- Meat and veweUbla market: nice little ■land; big bualneea; alto exeelleat otMi jM t

^dvtgeiable market to let. HUBERT86 tnintcia at. _ 1

Coafectlonery and olgsr alort; very deelr- able nalghhortoMXl; I roams: ooroer atorei well

[•k*gT. oH c JITt IIUBKRT BOOTH. "atockad* priceLlinhiD at.A*—Taroer grocery store with f roaoM] ainnl*

lent lucatlim, low rent: prlrt ISfiP, if a ^ aoun. HI'RRRT HOOTtt. 88 dtotoa »t* 1IA8H P a id rnr all kinda of atore* aad owr-

chandiae. alothlng, grooerlea. ahoaa. hardware, fanx'v gi«da GRIEK W East m b at., NewYork, Tel. 978-79. TilGtkiD milk route for sale, with good brawe and

I. Including new milk wagun. used daw tnquire SEILER R R «.. whole­

sale milk dealan, 8T2-274 Plane at., or THharn^M,

only twn Wbqia.Bprlftgfleld ave,OfNlD

cheap.-E *

grocery vtore, Inquire IK8 Ran

Ith flxturee, ik at. Tl'!

HA\ INO th* finest eprlng of pure water In (be dtaie, wish.to negciiate with party to latre-

dure It to firat-claea trade only- Aildreea Bergen Oouniv Pure Hprini Water Oa,

w ___Park- N J-JEWELRY ahop for tale: all toola, nachiaery, lafM, etc.: cheap If sold at unoe. Jewelry, Box 8 B ^ N e» a^ c t,___ n*UILK RulfTB and dairy for aale; 18 head of

oatile; borae and wagons. R. J, 8M1TH,Bcbuvler iv a . Keanay. I8pm ilk r o u t e wanted.

.74. News o«ce.MllJC wanted*

News uRIoe.


Addraaa Milk* Box i,

0l4)-fC8TAni.l8HED mOoob reason tor lelllng, alckasia.

Box M. News oOWe*for salt cheap I Addreaa hT r ,

B4VbAL(k)N for aala cheap; an Main *t„ Orange; jhtog e nice hualnra*; *11 giaao trade an<{

toumebtiard, reason for aalllai other buainea*. Addreaa Baloon. Box IJ, New* office. Orange, ]BAl.rjoK For m )o, one of tb» beat saloon* inluwer---- ■ . . .


pan of oily, on account of othar bual this I* a rare chance, inaulrare chance.

87 Morton at*nqulre o( Iloii-

Uv8AU>ON for *aJe, un ai'oount of eickneea. for

tt&ft cash, corner store; rent only SIB per ttinnih, Halodw. Ban 4T. News ofltee. ]8AUk)N for aale: ArM-claJs*

I'rudrhMal UuUdlng. 11 Dank ft-, qpp.

THE van beat paying variety In Roseville fur Mte. uwing to ihe death uf the owucr:

iirar H. It. Halloa; prio* HUO eaak. Call at 4IM Orange at. JWASTED—A live man, wHh 86, in Uka in­

terest In a novelty th«t ‘■**11* r »ight. AtI di-vaa Novelty. Bog 48. Newi Dfltoa* __ ]W ELL*KU?TABLI8HKD grocery

■ale. with itock and flxturw* ii I10WDKN. 17* Oliver at.

tmalaeae (lu* bqulre of MlU,


MOHTUAUM4, ■ T O .-ftftA t, M4TAT1.

1100,000. AT ITVft PKH CftNT., TO LOAN ON BOND a n d HORTOAOE.

IN ii'M i o r a.ooo a nd u pw a rd b . ib c d r -ITT MOOT yC iTRICTLT (JILT-EDa*D, AP- I'UCATIUNI NOT r u m CtAM WUJ. NOT UE CONSIDERED.


______ *00 BROAD gr.. NEWARK, N. J.^ loan , i*p*]rmbl* iB *U)' nuaUiIr llulilro.gggi: lBl*n*t «■ law ■■ • p*. s*nt; to

l*y oB or IncTHB* mortcamg to par lax**, In- grmt, witor n U t: to auk* lHic*«v*Bg*BC« « property; to atop foreoloaure proceeding*: to bgix ■ h-wiM o( yogir o« b *bI*cUbb; • • «too kiui OB Hcoiiil tncXi^am; In lin it S p*r c*g>t. REALTY LOAN AND TTTLft CO.. MM B in d it. _______________ MrBOO.UOO TO LOAN-







AT 0 I'Ell CENT.NO noNiTi.


__ m a r k e t a n d WABHINOTON BW.loans wgntltlMl an raal Mlat*. notM, beagl*,

irgsginae* tM-Url*. and al] kino* ot patwogw Bf0i)«tr Wlrtoui nfBogrnl. p, c. EOWaRO*. nggeral bruktt, g'cigtinglnloo*r ot Dooai. K°Urr Pubili!, roogn B. 101 Mirlui i t.. N*w»rk, N. TLOANB iwfallagtd on **■! tsu ti, aotn, bonila,

I loan •loidu ind all kind! of Mm-nil a J. BROWN,

bulIdlBd loan •loidu and all klndi ot proiiorgy, whhout ragggsvil. _ _■*n*r*I bmkrr, rognmlii.1o.ign ot 1..t1a .nd not' ■rjf iigibllo. Riom 10. Ikl Marlctt lU_______*>•HOO.ODP TO UIAN en bond *nd aortxtd* tn

•gjgn* lo *ult •( S par <g«nt., wlUiogit bonvit. ED. WARD B. BLACK. Ceunnllgir. 014 FrgidrmliU.MONET TO IA5AN ON ROND AND MORT-

OAQS ON CITT PROPERTY,Me E. E. BOND ft CO.. T8l BROAD BT.td.0«0 TO LOAM » ■nnllar uug ' Broad at.MONEY TO LOAN <m bond and mortgage

JOHN FflAWCla CAHILL. 8M Bread e t

H0R8EB-A bargain; 4 big work horaei; 2 «ata light hameaa; 2 threr-anrlng wagoni. Lodi

Hotrt, Harrlaen ave.* Kearn y . ___ IHORBH blankets; beat variety f-ir roe.1 and

stable, and at popular pritc*. OLuHOE tt<>1 - BAUD, aoa Market * t.__________f o r s a l e at a aacrifire. brown irmre; IS.l

hand* high, and sound, siiltahlr f<>r ft»y pur­pose. 74 Cheatnm at. 39wHOHflE!—Three good hone-*, euU any l■u» lne*ft

rhaap; three bugglas, pbeetun: harnei». Feed 8tor*. 100 LMk al. 1THE '98 Cbica;

88-TB. GBO^ Market al­

to clipping ma«’hlre rpfiui'cd tom B o u iu ru . »>i# sK-nt. an

WAOON-For eat*. flrat-claM plftif-irm spring carpenter's wagon chpip- Inquire if tiutnmlt

•t.House bUnkrt* and rohr* r ir rtilr’ at wlmla-

■ato PRICE A LAWUK.Nt'K, 2211 itorkut *t,27wHOR8R8, wagonn. haruraa nu» nil huftlneofte*.

Marehall at., rear Columbia ‘riH'atre, 111UORfiE DLANKETfl of all klndn.

4 POLLARD. 'i0d-20b Market at.DANIBTER

83dFOR SALE-CarrlHie nnd Hl*'iffh: damaged by

fiiBrunswIck at. 1fire.HORfiB-Good h nrae tor aale cheap.

Park pi. and Canal tt.Apply oor

FOR SALE—<>na trunk; eltrj gnod cheap. BT Morton at.


MBraagp C grringeg- Ktc.* W antafl. HORBE. wagon and net «»f hnmrtt want^“ - ‘— 'dlaaxy tarmt once*

Addrtie InitnlindHil. B»i ifl* New*

flLEIOK—Oultor wanted, mum bo In oob- dlllort. Addeeva Cash, |Iqv >0. Newt f.fliee, 1


NOTICE It hereby given lhal the oommisaloners beretnfore appofnlH by Ihe Mayor of the city

ot Newark, la make an tetlmato and *ii*i*lBecit upon all the owiiera uf all the land* Miid real •aiate in (he city of Newark pecMliarly ben*- Bled by any local ImptovtrDem in the eUd city. In proportion aa nearly an ntay l>e |o the adv**- lig r each was deemed to have acquired* have bum* an eatlmaie and aeeeMHmi'nt of beneflto oonferrrKl U[>oh all the owner* of ail the landa and real eetaie la th« cliv »f Newark peculiarly bentiUed by each of (he folluwlng ImprovemenU In saM elty. namely:

The repaving ofCOURT flTriRET,from Broad itreet to Waablngton utreeL

I f ™ STREET, from Orange street to Huaaex avanua.

The c£i«iatructlf»n of the rower In BEVRNTH AVEaNUE.

from Wabttar xirvet to High atreet and tb* eoftgtrnctlftn of iho jewer tn

NEW STREET.from Hoyt atreet to l40>.-k Rtrcet. and have filed tnMr report* of aald aa*r«*rn*nta tor benefito In the office of the Clerk of tha Circuit Court of the nouhty of Reaei. and thiU th* Judge of eald Court hae fixedMpNDAV. THE 2lflT DAY OF KOVKMnEtt. U9K aJt ten o'clock In tha toreaooa. Iir (h« Clr- eult Court room at the Oourthoui* In tht cliy of Itowark. ii 'th e tlm* and place of hearing any bbiectlone (hai may be mede to the eald aeeaea- mente.

DntH November 14, IfiAH.FRBDIWCK T. JOHNSON*

City Attorney.



procured for parties wlablai to borrow oo bouet- hold furnltura, plinog. organa, hoyaea, oaniagex. wagona, ein.. without removal from pneeaeeion of owner* Btrlotly eonfidentlal denllnge guar- amaed. You will rtMlve lb* money within * few bonra after making ippUcatlon for U.

LoiAi may bo enjTlad for *ix montba or * year tm tb* meathly-ptymcnt plam g

Our qhargw are raasonable, and If you will oall and Inveellgite our plan before oeeunng loan elaawbere, yon wUl Rod U greatly ip your iivaniii* .

NEW JERSEY LOAN 00..740 Braid et.,

Newark, N- J.Oppoelte Uoatofflon,




m eet rfLESfilNU

. TERUfl ARE EAST. ~i iunu of tlO and up-Wa win procure 1m m

Wira^for you froni flfivit* parties on bouee- holfl furniture. pIm m boreae, oarrlngvs. wniuoa or other peraou] property in use. without r#*

* --------- ------- f ^ lp u .-------TU*elreil. Our rondl-

aiovil; also on ,___ , ..............To be returned tn easy M j^eeti, with privi-

lag* of one yeirta ttma, If doilreil. Our rondl tloiig are th* moot favorable yet offered to thepublto, and !■: tha loweat. All iranaaciluot

It oeete you noth:are eirlrtly private, suit m in regard to A loan. W* ar*~ alwiyeE g to eiplala tb* terme and ooedlrton*. so

toy one onn fully vnderfUnd ihcm. Our are oonvenlently loraM. and are eo ar- ramrod 1 ^ 1 partlaa ana ^ waited on quickly

1m loans ay* granted tb* day appHratinn la mad*. It will par you to eoneult ua before ob- Ulplng a lo u alitwher*. Intormailun cheer-i n t i f B W i ? B ' '& jf" '™

AM Market a t . thirdr Jk RRnKERAGE CD. I floor; (aka elevator-

DO YOU WANT MONETT-Having oomplated Aigangementa with a party

who baa monay to Man at the legal rate uf Iftiaraat- W* are prcMred to place loans from 110 upward on hcuaabold good*, planot. oriana, etc., eu. Honey can be had aama day aa ap­plied for.

Loan* mada U» Ellubach, Orange and all aub- urban tnwna,BECOIUTY LOAN CO..

„ ^ . Room A iplngarn BulldlhfliT»fc« «l«T»tg)T. IM HMliM »t.



HO. 10 CEDAit BT,. ■Bloligtii. Bm HIv*.IXHX.


CIV, IV OT,. aaioii

MONET to loan 041 lumtehoid rurnlture. piano*.ptrional pipparly without removali

W tia* htmrobly droit with; can make rtpey*h T11a J ¥ in 1" 1 Q' lAffratlal.I Green at., naar Rroao-MONET LOANED BAIaRIED PEOPLE hold­

ing parroanent poantone with rctponalbla eon- eeraa. upco (heir owe natnee, without security; easy m fm n u . TOLMAN. 28H Wtehlngion ab8MI UFWARp tooaad on fwtnilure; no teiaoval.

prcmvlx pnvaiat raUable; low raua: eoay rw-P i s r a B a s t j : ” ^ * "’" UMONET louM g ohMO aiiB -MoSOOVERN. IttM

I bogiMhoM (igml., tt&i aulcX,------- - .......... ■ - r. Uo-

L O ftlll WAXTIID.

floe.y; noewB cf-



For • BUB n fitll <0 « r* . iM NO FAT till cun4.1, our OFt.r (or mrrgnu aAlUgy, .grlotur., ■I) uDoAry iraublat, Y|ri«K4l*. Incgmplii* te- -alopBiMiL giiinttunU fuotg.rim blcvd pgAmi, -mpUmA iM ngM4. ornnlo waakoM, g-wi

™-.:^vl**lKYrimpiIn^Bi.igiory^VlWilltY, IBIM

khwd ^

o m c f t OF CITT CLERK-- „N*g*u1i, N. S„ Hot. U, UM.

R*porl or lm*rni*»l» j <Tor th* ir*-k ag tllgik Hg>v*gnb-r II. lIBBt'

M*ig, M; boYA IT: vouini, IB; (lrl», IV Toul,^ W.

Y**r u d uadar, II: b a i . ^ I •nd B ^ r a , 1 : 1 and e ymiu, I;(S tuid 10 y*m 4:10 *iid ao YHn. t : 10 *nd 10 r n n , muI 40 pt*r», 1 :40 tud M yn n , *; W-Afld w Y4un, f : « lUld TO m n . B; TO «(M BO im « , 4i BVj**Bl«Mi!»»-Apgipl*xY. 1: ■t*l*g)t»kM pulinim. l: hnUKhUlA MipnUrY. 1; oIrijtoM* llvw, !; *«i-- (Mtloig.brkln.r: gxmvulNogga.X: dUbat*. giHlUu.,11 dt|iktk*rl*. 1: •mbolMgi), 1| torot. MrMt. I)

. 14 rn ), IM Qnito. rt., A. M.. I-8iudB4rp. M.

IKWnA-rHRR.loi IUU«r i t ; .SMiM- —» « . ol th . Mrvogi. ■pnm. Mlig tgid jlfi. M l* jad f*m*h gaHikngMHi:

to I t A. M.: f t o 0 R M,i olhn- hour. glni.DI: ooniultotlnu Fitm. BT.

ANNOVNCCMEHTB, »1«dlwQ f S K ? H y s i M b r . r o

r mnmmm

^ yULL sat betpher'i flat urea, order, for sale chrop, l lu n a ilt i

j s T o i i s s r

C ^ B , m w ft t-OWB-Btni th*Y wtll r*.Nogrttoter IB. M k4ul cd eaaieo trwft

g»w» *Bd Mrlni.n, whlrh *ra for imI* or 1 ^ SJIS*. 'Jy* lx—* m»g4wt ^ n « , -u o iSDhWiB H .(kblM, 44B Elxhlwnlh »v.. 4v

B.l.P.jiL.N.B h T B . h i* ai P»tonmt*. te a klTW lallM.DRAIN HAT. BTRAW, ETC.

BUI Naablii i t , a w Or»x». atL a rn itorg-bouM: cHinl Jocktlon: no r.a li

tnek to tolgw lig xogg£; w-lak M ru n ...-■ tor uucbgnv. u haiidl* aad clwn *|^ ^18: ao anUcittMTa. eicept (altphoae. mail an i1— rtiwnaea enable jgi to nuuraloir i^oee. Tel. lU .

Newark Tel. ttl,I enable jw m moka■ 51;

OABMitur*. for ul«: n.*, M0«nd-k«nd: krmck- tto. norublw; all kind* at (kilH.: will Mil

.'I- 0*VID*ON. JOB Bprin<B.|g| ■*•, !■ daHoatHWn muiu. g «ORBAT BAIttlAlNft.-Ou (litunB bMi-kit*.

Bl-itiM, W»lrt*oh Mngsi*. «o. *r Mw itorai UtMi dMlBM; -UM av « lu (i^U l-riiic. •i.lBwaHAPliOPBONEB-Fgir HlB twgi tnakaulH M

HAMBBRaBR'l Pile l>rtT*r at an dreggietoi atop that tarrtble Itohlng; glrw matani relM

curei blind, bleeding, protruding pUea. 8Bc. kw«YDROMErElta for wUa. KB Ptfrir a t ^ e t ; ^LADIS!*

ktd fin*

BHMr ftwramfln* aboae*IM rt.,

Ll-MIIER—Bnond'btnd w.ll4-uigMd lumbM For lAl.. lixpulra of.JOHN ft M T , S u m

U.gMlmt BiMtrlo Co,, ItllT l*^ N. J. MwNEW HOME HWInc m thlM For Mlo, W: full

rubtitot Blngor Mwlok maobiM fggr .ul*, lfi: wiik-ox * uibbo Mwln« mitoblH For h i . , M, Its Ariindigui at. tNEW bulob.r dxlun. and ouok for Mlo otwaa.

t'alt b.lWf*« I aad 8 TuaBdar, BB BuwiBMr _______ 1

fiio n o o r a ph b LIRKm £L

THE EDI^oJh A *^. ^ ^ a n V Halaey OL A. O. PETIT. Mgr.; open eventoga e n « 0 u^cl^,_ Peteraon bruuh, 277 Miikat at mo!AFE—Fur aale, on* large MorvLa

engine lathe, 18-loQh awing; la flrat- dlttow: will be eold ehean fur eaah. iafe. Box i i News office.BP^NDID. new fur rape; full flat; fee ■ale ^ e a n . Addrero Ilantain. « « iR Ktwa oawa,l

t r a v e l l in g hoge and aatobela; a fine let ore now eteeing out at retell mueb balew oosa;

mlro them big bargalna. CwU II New Tork av<ik ira•8 8EWINO machlero; alt rnakes: warranted iw

rawing; R K ip m-BO: weekly w - mMte. di Marketjrt. T fcU*mnwR«i4 Oowds gnA n a n a l t a n .

COOK atevee |8.M; parinr ttoveo. 11.88;lounge*. tl-W; extenaton tablea, ^ other fwg-

nlture. oira oarpeta, very cheap. M Plana at.,81vnear Maaket.

Fl.RNITURB—F«r eale. fine let mUflt eorpeta all Mae*. Bruaeeta, mouuatie and Ingrain, i f lln n^ior atovea, •’* "»• w .. . . . wb. .up; paric

maebin*...................... — ___lie, yard: oilclolh, 18c.; let cheap cook atovea, tS- ...........

eta, mcuusta. . . m »-bb-oo—, •• ** rawtn#rack. K.IDi aew ran carpet.

• • > fur--------IK: hitrack.

Olh, ILw., MW, IMOMl88 william *L, near Kwad.

irnitnrengFOR HALE—H alcive*: cook and heating atevao,

18 up; 2A earpete, all elfei. fine cnlnn. M api pl%iah porker suit. Ilfi; trardrobe. |I.I8; ttnRar rawing (norhlne, 80. ^ William ft._____ ^ tFOR iAUD-'Aqtiane moAearanr hand-pcilabed

foralturw all klada: artlcm mada to ardor; i -otam rapairing. D. KARL. ITB High at 8!aGWD oDOk atevo for lola, t t » 9 Main at*.

Onuiga. 1LARGE pot Move and Plp* for i

piMe. h THdXlNAU). Jan Oatd ata.


ONE onllque mohogoiqr bureo* and parlor itovf fer sale, 2kJfortb ith et. tPRIVATE lALE-CM exteaalca. dining tobtof

JeJllff tnake; also Mndaome sbalrt. AMraan W„ Box i Mea^ cOoei , i tw•TOVBi-A few more Khvea Wti aa* a* It yen

?gS.‘.b * a iT 5 fflu lY R .l'a U ' S •“ .!Tbe Old ReUabla. 191I 'u i X .

------- •Mria**.Halaar iL, M i l .

BTOVB—Bouan parlor rtov4 for ■ ohMp: alfcbilr iiatd. B Contnl ogru.

i k

•PEfllAL BALB-PlaM, HB: oll-bMilav mbto, BIBB; ipuun. I l .» | oook. OYllador aigSpS ■tuv*^ briuo.1,, r*A and tairaln oaruot

tnxbtruUY low prlg t^^M aikM i tW R tahM . JB oraIrp. ftla ,


T rira w p ifa ra nnE tnpRlfnm.* ^ - b ^ r a ftf typewrlten for *aU *r font. ,

wOLFART g. room IB, 191 Markat al. t t r •TYPEWRITER! rented; all kloda: weekly ermowuly; at B O ^^N 'g . R

i . TRIMMER. K C. rTREMnKkI. TRIMMER 4 CO. Both TeltpiKHMe No. WU.

REST LARGE LEHIGH No. 2 NUT GOAL rwell eereened) at tl-BD oer ton.

Beet Lebigb agg, ateve and oheaiaii, at towael markat prleea

II BARREL! dry kindling wood, tl.Give ua a trial ordar. WE CAJt EUIT YOU

WITH COAL AND WOOD.Office; Cor. N. J. R, R ave, a ^ Im farM t*^

THE preparation ooai reoelvea has everyUilag to do with It* value. Every piece of aliua ar

paniole of dJrt la au nueb wasted gicmey.Our eua(',im*ra do net waste mraiay. Ia thw

finae place w« buy the hlghrat grade that moocy can buy. Than we ore careful to sea that It’s (rer fruin alata, and that uur men wireeA U thoroughly before leaving our yard. Pytees )•««

It.No. 2 nut. 8S.B0;

with No. I nut. M.il BlogfiiflaKl ave.; 189 Plane at.: f*.^,P***elg ave.. Harrieon. Trt.. Harrnon. i n .

8.B0 ; atov4» nr nuL H.TBi mined , M.iB P TOOHBT * 8 0W |.iJfI.; 189 Plane e t.^ a rd ,

BE8T Lehigh coal at lowaat market pHeei, Our 8peclaK8(ov» or aujt mixed with Ha. 1

nut coal. 84 per Um. H. 4 C. Tt. JEROLAMATT M f-tollnithuraM agro. T«l. IM ir._________M

FIAHOB AHD DftOAKB.bTElNWAT aquarv. 88 mcnlhl/: EaieraoB,

former price MOO. |Wu, n montnly; Weber, Il2a. IB monthly: three organa, 120 and P munthhr; Uhii-keiing upright, tonoer price 8fiw, I27B, 19 inonihly; rent% tf to 88; •Hewed If por- ' laed. fl. A- WARD, 889 Broad. S4t

UPRIGHT mahogany piabo. H4«: 0)1 Improvemanti: allghtly ura^i

rent* tt-M per month, FRANK- UN. piano*. Fultoo at*, i doer* from Peddle Church.

WHITE OR BEND FOR CATAldfKlUE. Prices and term* heftrr than any clher howae,

MATHUHIIEIC4 taotory wareroum* oof. High and Hprlngflcld a v e . ______ I

I organ , In good condition, 138; 89 monlhly,

DIOKtBUJt.MI Broad al-. Newark.

KA8Y RENT!.82. P'1, 84 month; bargalna In organa and

aquarra. MATHUSHEK 4 HON. oor. Hlgta and ftprIngfirtJ ave.____ ________________ iI'l MONTHLY rent until paid buy* a good ptowo at wrBBNRH'fl; aquam, |2 tnonihly; orgoiiSu tl.W mtmthly. Qll llroad at., Newark.

GRAND BARGAIN ___Fine utono, only El down, lfi month, HATH- t'HIlEK 4 flON.cor High and dpringfieid ave.I

r raUTIFIIL Knsbe ^ann, HAS; |A moniblyi uprlgtit bargain*: fuil-alte equarea. M'l to IRL

WIBHNER. dll Broad au, t^ n evening*. ^PlANiV-UeautIful new Everett upright ploau;

muar be sold at onre- euy terms. Addreea BiQrage. Hftx 33. Nawi nffire. BwUPRIGHT TU Actavt; aUnl nnd acRrf- kept la

uTOer 1 year; Ibft. HIKiillAN. 8u Huntiiutn- ary aL ___OBO. COLON. 29 Ttonk •(, fHinds'* musle

Tuning repajrtog. iwlUblng. _ 9flJPIANO«-l^jC* square piano, bargain td qQk^

puyeiy Us Mecha^c at. , 47wtflO-'-Bawore piondt In good order- RIRHMAN,

89 Hentgomerir at. « 98vUPRIGHT Plana: tall for 87U; In good rondltlqii*

79 Rgrbara a t - ___________________ tflwPIANO—tl djown* II week, tlfi Bjirlngfleid ave. t

MlUYIJLBt.THE sew list prlee ot Uamblera le 848 for oU

i ^ a i f : tandems, ITB; that means tlmi amy ewe can n^w buy good wheel* u( world-wide reputa­tion tor the price of thoddy wheefa; w* are gemg to force mattara In KW9 with good wheelf at mtghiy low prirM. Prleea ot IDEAL! and FBATllERaTONEB later.

NEWARK CYCLE Ca*9 and U Central

mimjMoo W«at«4LBICTCLE-Wanted. '98 mudel glrorn* Iftfiy*#

wheel, tor IW. fiforne, Boa 86, New* offioe.l


gmpkwiaok*. Tanka, jfeatinr?, R. SOLEa I; CO., 18TM. Hi

eL 801: N- Y. and N* J* m

fevafi dla-BlbNVX Wt - - -U iM ft 1: fractur. ikulL It

": naan, offuntc. li haart, grui-uiar, . b m (i Rgaranugu. 1: manhifltH tu' rTx: «l«ibi*llU, oar*bi»«plnaI, i ; ■

4t *U u* . tl paralyala. BaMnl.I, iMUwaiiula. II; ngauuMBlu, B; M


. at 1(ftALL ffiaageaa treated at the 7di Aee. Pharaa^lendoBoa

iHttIni aud v*W|Im U . - ^ . M a . ^ 4 b l j f ^

ftNaiNM-PItr kal., k-KltxIt *n«(«i B M 1ftIneK f a « i t g»hS; boll--, ft J t MICHAEL. narBataarfllt, N, I. atM

‘ ' w |

iMUEL J. ^ C ^ A ^ROOM!

s a .

DlftTANCa TftLCPMONft H aVrr •«MkU Ha* Bft «■ d a WaOl Bk«ft I

f »ftiifttiA i. m a n m M .

9 m PibUsUii G iip in ,' it»4lf MARKET STREET,

mWAMm, ir. i ,MM— in —* !<■»

• r IM— « rW u M , f t




Amonc tk« dull** t t i t will davslv* tipw O<w«fnor-*l«t Voorh«* will b* lb« •molntiMat of o Chajvcdlor to loccwd Cbibccllor HaOlH.

Tho ChbBMlIonhlp ll the beet »lfl with- IB tb* OuberMtottBl prerofotlvt. The CAM bi truly A bleb one, end the dutleit erben Bdcquctelr dlecbaiied, nil for the rereot (Uta of lecniln*. tbe flneel de- vMoiMeut of the li^mpeniment,BOd that rare and delloate tenie of right and equity whleh work for Ju|tlc# and wrhtch ar* eaaentlal to puhlln conddence In the Integrtty and authority of the coerta Men capable of mrrtlni the mul­tifold requlrententi of the Channllorihlp are not numtroua. Hen are many who, 1b their bonaat vanity and oTerreaching — bttloii, Imarlna themaelvee to be by aataral alfta, the graeea of education and tiw aeqobwmeata of tiperience, fully qual- lAad for the larceat lervkia In thia high oAce. 1b all too many eaaei thin li a dalualoo; the happy dream of auto-ego- U— which froquently carriea mrn of nadloera qualltleo Into placee tor which they are ill lit. That Oovernor Toorheea wlU aoon Bnd htmeelf beaought by a Basra of Bien of tbli character, ailaloue to aBcoeed Chancellor MoOtlt, la a fact that eaponeece will Impr— upon the In- seoMag Chief Baecutlve.

Oevenor-eleet VoorheM is a laifyer of large practise. What la an equally happy •IretUBataaM In the present matter la that he la a man of affalra, Ha ahould make M mtatake In appointing a Chancellor. If be abouU feel the great need'of keeping the Indtoiary as far removed as poatible ft— the enephdon of polltloa he would •aaa tad btmaelr In clone eympathy with the h— aeatlmeote of the people of New

Keep the judiciary widt apart tbe too iBiieteal Inllueneea of poll-

Let ui have Judges appointed be­ef their character, tiAir leamlng. Judicial temperament and thetr

kaswtedge of the law and all will be well.Me doubt Mr, Voorbeee will find It no

egay tank ta dlacover b aucoamor to fJhBBoaHor UcOlll. it Buy even be that the Qovernor-elect Bihy find hlmaelt aaklna ftiftgtil why be ahould permit the State to I— the aervteea of Chancellor MrOIII. It he ahould be unable to dnd a hatter man tor the place, and If In the name of good •eMnuHiit and In tbe Intereat of the fame Ot the New Jersey courts, he should eon- aliillt to hasp Mr. HoOlll In the ofBo* he h«a Ulad no well and graced with such Itimhii who would csmplala, eave, par- hape; ths Been ot aaplranta tor Vio plaoa Bad tha poUtlolans behind tbemt

pmooola wllhln the Umtts ot wUeh bb> ttonal amondmenla of law. cenfennlngto a uniform practice, would proceed. Preeldent McKinley has eppotalod a oeM- mUelon of eminent Juried end palent ea- perti to eiamlBe the whole ground from Iho American standpoint nnd racommend the eaact form of Congreailonal legHls- tloB. The report will ha presented to Oon-

aas in December, and prompt aoqulea- osaee In etrettmaing tha aubjaot matter into Btalute le fxpecled.

A removal of crying perverallita of for- elgnpatant Inw will go tar In bcnellUng the Ainertoen Invrnlore, who. more then those of any other nation, arc brneflled by Just laws. The genius of thte country ha* run >0 powerfully In the direction of practi­cal Invention that the American noma has reaped Its most glorious honors In Im­proving this branch of tho world's mech­anism of progress. A good Interna lionnl standard la probably more to the advan­tage of the American than ot any othrr In- venlor. Bo, however short the new tights granted fall of absolula equity, they can­not fall to prove of radical uaetulneia. Tha final sitting of ths American Cominla- ■lon will be at Washington on November a , so that It will not be tong before Us dafinlie recentmendatlons wilt be made known.

Perhaps Mr. Clsveland'a pscullar da- llght In ahooilng rsbblta grows oUt ot tha tact that William Jennings Bryan seta ao morh tlors by tbe hare’s hind toot as a lallaman of luck.

trealtr aad halpfulMaa whlah la plaaalag and btaotUBi In aponunaoua acts ot kind, n— like—for laataaoe-the gathering of Tbanfedglvlng twppllfs for poor famlllee by eomo of the Mhoola In this city—bai to be carried Into ach— ea for attempted building of battleahtpa, preetnie to the National Governm*nt and erection of atatues and t— ba in rranea.

There Is no question but that Arthur Poe hsa the call on Author Poe at this writing.

The Love Lorn GlrlW Line-up la the name of a club organlied at Stuart, la., with thr avowed object of kissing all war heroes that oome their way.

WATMK gOi>n.Thl PBOTWniOII. ttw pnr^t asto enoburaglng to tha dty U

: of tha suit brought In the name I ec BteUth Against John Fur-

i40 tMeakholm, who was sentanoed ' tg Jmitlea UtUe, of Newton, to

> a One and ooata tor maInlaJning a and aourco ot pollution to a

'gitaam which cmpllea Into the Oak Ridge , MBSrvoir. Also he was aentenoed te pay

M additional line of tW for each day that tfeB nuisance chall continue unabated,

’ fk * eult was dealghed to teat Iba power ot the Board ot Health, ander tbe ect of M0, to protect the water supply. The re­sult meeJsa that other like proiccutlonl

'eaa ba Instituted and succeeafully main­tained, Fotgereon kept a pig Jien near the rweeway of a raUl atream tributary to the Oak Ridge reeervolr, and ha refused to remove the nulsanoe, claiming that tha piga had an acre of ground to roam over and only ata In the pan, Tbe evidence ot polluUoB of the itieem wae not the leas conolusIVA There baa been talk of ap- pealing the case, but unless the farmer baa a marked ambition for enriching lawyers he will probably conclude to re­move hla pig pen at oner. That wlU be a good deal the leas expenaivo and trouble­some course for him to pursue.

Thera are a number of other caasa ot tha name kind In which prosecution WlU now ba Instituted. Farmars, Ilka olhor peopla, aro of varied dlaposttlona and ralnda Some men who were polluting the Newark water supply whom notlfled of tbe hulsences that they were creating prompt­ly abated them, others preferred to be ob­stinate about It. Fine* and ooeta aad oon- ttnulng penaltlea of m a day tor maintain­ing nuisances wilt Influence them to a dif­ferent kind of policy. '

Tbe purity of the olty water supply most be protecM. The tawa as they stand, promlae to be adequate to that and, and If proeoadlnga ba puehed now with unrclent'

' ing vigor. It ehould ba possible to learn If any additional legislation oo the subject la natdad aad to obtain tt at the next session U It Is neaeaaary.


Ths moat Inlerttting feature of the ban­quet given to Ueneral Mllee at the Wal- dorf-Aalorla. New York, wee I he flery and downright speech which Colonel Roose­velt made on behalf ot the Regular Army. No mlllltry oflker, no matter bow high In rank, could have ventured to maka such remarks But they cams with peculiar grace from the loldler-clvllian who hat Juit been elected Governor of the State ot New York. One of the Itaaont of the Into war It thsi our Regular Army should be kept up to the highest pilch ot working eAcIrncy In stl Us ilrpart menta. Colonel Roosevelt took occsston at the Miles ban­quet to elucidate Ihla tact with ringing emphaala, and to expreta hla anxiaty last a aucceaalon of coming even la ahould dull the Intereat ot Congreu and the peopla In this Imporianl subjsct, Ht oslled to mind ths fact that the Regular Army, whloh fought out the tUniiago campaign from stirt to flnieh, and was thus so promi­nently brought before public attention, had always In 11* previous experiencoi, con­sisting of obscure Indian flghtlng, shown the aam* patient and matter-of-fsot valor, equal to every occasion, great or amalL

Then he went on to asy: “After this I hope we'll have a large enough army, and that we’ll give them enough money to meet their needs, and ones a year, or any. way ones In tero years, I bops that we'll gether that army, lay ILMf of them, at Ban Antonio, eend them oo te the coast, put them on tranaporta, taka them over to Cuba or somewhera else, and dieetnbark them, and In that way wa will gtva to the Quartennatter'a Department aad to the Commltaary Department tha sotual train­ing BO much netdad, and you wont have the cemplalnti In time of war which wa havt Just experienced. Nor wrlU you have to call upon iht uncotnplalning valor of the line oArere to make good those de. tecta of tbe stall du* solely to the feet that the peopla would not stand by tbe army."

These comments cut oloae to the bone ot truth. The magnificent righting quallttea of the line brought Into itartllng contrast th* Inadequicy ot the staff work of the ermy. 'This we* less oo eccount ot the de­fect of the Individual than of the friction and lack of unleca, coming from Inex- perttnee end from a had eyetetn which la lha worn-out survival ot tha past.

ColoDsI BooaevaU'a glancing thola at army arganlaation. Informal as they were, go atretght to the bulTe-tye. They aweken a keen rivpanse In Iht mind of every In telllgent and publlc-eptrltcd men. Tbe time has paised when a large, well, disciplined, thoroughly equipped array, keyed to the highest point of sAclency and ready tor iMtant moblltxatlon, can be looked on, even by the moat uncompromis­ing friend of peace, as a threat to liberty or condemned aa an Inviting tool to be usefP In the proaecution of dangerous na­tional ambition. The pMltlon Into which the eurrent ot destiny has swept the na­tion, Imperatively demands such an army at Colonsl RoosevtU had in hts mind’s aye while making hit fervid remarks. The orator might have gone still further In discussing tha all-lmponant relation which tha Regular Army occupies aa a model and objact leaaon In the orgenlullon of the National Ouitiil- The co-operaUon of ths two military branches In yearly prsctlce and In trmy msneeuvres on an exirnilrt scale la a subject which has been luRI clently discussed by mllliary men to make Ra Immense Importance manlfstt to these wSio have given study (o such matters. As Governor of the Stair of New York ft wilt ba Vlthln Colonel Hooerveii'a province and power 10 help work out the practical de­velopment of Ihls very Intereeting prob­lem.

The report presented by a Jersey City Hesllh Inspector relsllve to the prevslence of diphtheria and scarlet fet'cr among ths pupil* ot on* of Ih* Jersey City public ■chools I* a seiious indictment ot th* Bosrd ot Bducatlon of tITat city. Accord­ing to the Inspactor the alermlng condi­tion reported Is due entirely to the un- lanltary condition of th* school. Th* cel­lar, he declare*, la lower than the eewer, and ths water backs up and floods th* cellar and boiler pit with fool and stag­nant watar, tha odor from which per­meates th* enllra school, carrying with ll tha seoda ot dlaeasa. For tuch a condi­tion as this thera la no-excuse, and In permluing It th* Board of Education ■hows a negHgenca which can scarcely be termed other than crimlnil. It Is a sirang* oomiBentary, too, on ths public school sys- tsm of Jersey City, that there should be thirty-four case* ot scarlet fever and dlphiherls In one school, without Ih* fact's receiving oAcIst cognisance by the board unlit It had bern noilfled by the Haalth Inspector, It would seem is though tht principal of th* school and the Cliy Su­perintendent ought to have realised ibe neoosslly for oAclal action, and have brought th* matter to the board’s atten­tion. Measures hsvs now been taken to Improve th* school'e sanitary condition but that It should ever have been per­mitted to become a dleeas* breeder and deathtrap can be accounted for only on th* theory of gross negligence on the part of thoa* In tuthority.

Th# traditional beggar on horsabtek must gallop to th* rear and make place for the profeaelosal mendicant who rides In

cab and.tUys at ths best hotel Ih* field of operation afford*. Ths up-to-date beg­gar dleplaya a neat dexterity In reach­ing for lb* bounty of Ihe opulent thet wae nevar dreamed of by (he ancient forerun- tier of Iba guild, who u t at Ihe gate, tak­ing alma. The modern beggar Is ths result 01! svblullon, avoluilon which has reduced mo nay-raising lor chart la bl* purposes to a scltnoa, and delegated th* work to ex- P*l’to. ekpart* who packet Ibelr "rake-olT' with the bonohaltnce of a reil estate broker dadlKUng hi* commletlon. New

^ headquarter* of profeielonsl wllcltora, and they infest every city of Importsnct In America, Newark, of course, la a nark for these encrgcllc pan- handlrr*.

Tb* st^hems. In brief, Is ihls: The profes- sloitol solicitor, usually a woman, arrangea with eome OMlaiy, preferably a hoeplial wiGioul eodoWmem, to rat** money tor It, and ramraoto to turn In all collcetlane to *“• *’'^**d, It ll usually re-

k . ** make checks payabitto tho Institution’* Finance Commutes through Its chairman, Thui far the scheme ^ aotua ly togltlmate, and to Its finish It is iKbiilcally ^ But an Iron-clad con-

***"*l. by which the IniUlpilon P*Y th* oollector fifty per cenl.

of all the money brought In. la elfect, this rontraet I* an agreement between a pro- teasional teggar and a reputable society, oy Which tho former tgree* lo pay tha lat. tor a big royalty for th* ui* of lie name.eua»'^I*!k ‘I** , ^bo give the money tuppoe* that all of R Is to go lo th* char-

•oT/'u 'f. when downrightmoney I* contemplali.d.

Iher method aavori less of mendicancy <llsllnctlon car-

f; PoHlculir dlfren nce, elUier*“ '■“•“h*- The profei- tini! some society or Injiltu.

iJSi'ne •“■W'talnment for Ihe pur-?if ‘•'*’",1 necessary, and lo meetllLk, e£?***"*** Incident lo th* enieriain- 'm kf P*fC»nt*ge of Ih* groe* pro- ,Thl* percentage usually amount* fk. j sumetlme* seven-temha, of

-Afler Ihe deal It made properly billed the commu- w‘>b ProfBStlonal !k They are careful lo concealtheir true character and practically every

purctaaer of a ticket believe* inal Ihe )■ prompted to her work by purely pWlanthroplo mollvcs; that tbs It con-

Tammany wagered money, to th* ex- tint ot half a mllUon or mors doUarg is now fittsnlag Republican wallets.

netted offlctally with the Initltu’tron'whTch •he aSecta to represent, andAhat

A rellgtous sect in Ruael*. which refuses to pay laxca on consclsnitous grounds, Gonteir.plateB emigration to th* United Slate* lo a body, ft* mambort probably expect to effect en amalgamation witb the standard Oil Truti.

Tb* grounding ot th* ateamer Cymrio In Naw York Harbor is only on* ot many Indlcatlaiit that th* wator there la beoom. log more and mow* abollow each year. There has never beeo any eyetematic and aelantinc attempt to dredge tb* meet Im­portant of American harbor*, and develop Its value to tbe fullest extent. That at­tempt la Imperxttvely needed. It Is well tor th* Chamber of Commeroe to Invcellgals tb* reason for th* comporallv* decadence of New York at a port ot export xe com- pxred with other growing cltle*. But It le still mar* Importxnt to bring Influence to bear on Congresi to take up th* ques- llott of th* Improvement ot New York Harbor, a* a matter of national Impor- lance. Falling that,New York tleelf ibould attend 10 tu

URKMMATIOMAL PATENT BIGHT LAW, Amertoan Inventor* know by a Astnal

•xperltno* what ubitaoles they must en- oountertnaecurlngaclalm to their liilelicc. lual property In the Old World, more par- tlnUlarly on Ihe Continent. Batent regula. tlQM there, ao far aa the foreign claimant la concerned, ar* burdened with the moat oumberaome raatrictlona, and hidden anuga baiow the apparent equity of language threaten to betray hla rlabia In the, must Slgexpected fashion. In nearly evsry case, too. Judicial oonatructlon of theee law*, wbere there aaema to be an open quegtlon, has been ruthlessly agalnnt Ihe foreign

’ tovoBtor. Btr ilMry Ueeusner, the gheat ateoi Inventor, fully aware of these thliigB, retuaed to apply for pataiita in

A good many Democratic newspapers which loyally kept quiet on the subject till after the election are saying acme plain words about the nature and the ex­tent of boss rule In ibelf party.

France and'' (!lermany. jfroth the -UnRed Btata* alonei, outside ot hla own country Ad he reoelva any oonslderable emolu- menta.

Beasemer's experience ha* been repeated (or th* moat part In that of other In- venlor*. Th* asm* ipliit, too, 1* gentral to It* appIlCBtlon to trademark*, and the wbotoaalo-bylgandaga along thl* line le well undaritood lo commercial and manu- facturlng olralea. But some sentiment ot Intern attonal conacience ha* been grad- Bsliy struggling to th* top. It found an oariter outlat In tho International copy- glght traaty, though the provision* of that taefcy War* somewhat narrow and tainted

Vlrtth inalneerity. it l* now working It*Wgy toward b*ttertng patent-iiglit cont ittlOBA and all tb* Buropean'nations ot

latpnrineo, kioept OetmaRy, Aui- >ry and Rusala, share to this

movement.uiutor the Paris conventton In

ipL ^it» ag^rgananu of ths eon- ‘iMA* Dually formulatedy^ April. IMnd.and a final eontarenc* was |tMMd ¥ 4siM*d til*

COLLECTION* IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.Buperinlendent Emenon, of the Bulfalo

public school*, ha* had the courage and pluck lo speak plainly In regard lo a prac­tice that finds too much encouragement m a good miny elites, particularly in New­ark, It I* that of calling upon echool chl|. dren lo contribute fund* for all aorte of ahsrliable and alleged patriotic purpMes, Profeeaor Emerson ggye;

Within a few month* I have been re­quested to teke collections In the echools for the Cuban relief, ■ library for the cruiser llulfalo, Bhehion Memorial, lo build a batlleahlp to take the place at (ht Maine lo be celled Ihe Amcrlcim Boy, to build another battlenhip to be known as the American Girl, to raise funds for e nuilonal pence Jubilee, and Ithally to build a sUlut for Lafayette. I determined long ago to enforce a salutary ordinance al­ready enacted, which forbids the 'eoUec. tion of monay In th* public sohcol*. My experience show* that lh« only aaf* way la to refuM to uke money from children fur eny purpose, no matter how worlby, The public school* prceent such an ef. fecltve and ready methorl of begging money, such a roady-itiada canvassing agency, that thl* method ot getting * projcul before Ihe people and obtaining their money in reiurn would always «ug- ge*t Itself to dealgning men and women.

The chl*( obJeclIoD to the practice I* that poor children are humllleted by not giving or ere persuaded to give where they arc not able. The second objection Is that every *uch movement In the echqDl* dis­tracts the attention of tho children fi'nm, their studies. For this reason R Is our duty to kesVi out of the schools not only advertUers, adventurer* and fakirs, but alio well-meaning patriotic peofte who And In tbe echool* the eselret channel tor tho oarrytUf out of their particulaf

It thIa thing keeps up Hobaan will or- gonla* a crew to blow up tbe Merrysmack,

1* It Improper to call the Oyster Trust which baa been farmed in CoauscUcut, a shell gamer •

Tbe next Wnatt og Naw Jeraoy will b* an eieepttonalty strong body. On tlie Re- publtoan side will be Pitney, of Horria Blokes, ot Cumbftfand; Johnson, of Bar- gen; Croaa, of t&don; Reed, of Boawraet Ketcham.'ot Essog; Bmlth, of Ocean, and Franelo, ot Monnoonth, all men ot long legialatlve exferlsncs, and several of oc knowledged ability and akUl In debate. Among th* lOaSBoerata will b* found Mo Ueraott, of Hudson: Van Cleef, ot Mid Aeaex, and Martin, ot Bubbcx, all well qualified to look aftor the loieresM of the minority end able to bold their own In ar­gument or parliamentary flneaia In tbe House nelltarr parlyBean maka such showing of proved and recognised ability

Governor-eleot Roosevelt says tala ad ministration will b* a* clean as a hound tooth. This Is probably an Inttmallon that b* Intend* to go on tb* trail of canal tbiavea.

Tb* free tllver and sound money organ* ot the Btata Democracy ar* cheerfully ac. ouslng each other of reaponsIbURy for the pariy'B defeat.

Ths axpariencs of Rochester and other New York cities with voting machlnei seema to have been satisfactory. Roc(e*ter, a city of U3,<X)0 Inhabltente. |h* cntlro vote was tabulated and made public Just tblrty-aeven minute* after tbs polls closed, while in other ciUea of much smaller population th* count was not llnlebed until after midnight. The vot­ing machine I* *x|Wnslv* at the alert, but each yaar uvea a larg* outlay In print. Ing tlcketa, paring alectton oAcer* end renting votlnf booths. It never gets drunk nor IndulgM lb unaoemly wrangle* with voter*; It cannot be corrupted; It make* no mlitake* and It pvovidts th* abaolut* ■ccreoj ao much daalred,______

Jtny Blmpoon altnounea* that h* 1* out of polltloa. Th* volart of hla dlairlct acem to be of the oam^ (pinion,

According to a Now York megailns. Joieph l-*lt*r apant to acquire theability to wrtU an artlcl* on "Wheat DU- tributloa," for that repoaltory ot human wisdom, tt dkl not need Mr. Lelter'e ar­ticle nor hi* eiperteno* to aasura tbe world that no man can hold up the price of wheat with one hand, whtia he 1* unload Ing It by tho mllllona of bushel* with the other. Thor* have boon six great tempt* to do thl* on a hug* scale wllhln a generation. Leltei'* being the coIursui of all, and each proved a quicksand fur the speculator'* feat-

O f r r r * *

o i h e V o w n0 * * * <

^ lla r contributed woe* to mak* easier the 1.1- of ootne unfortunate felloN-creature. Often oa mud] aa llv* or ten ttmea theegular prio* Is paid for tickets, and the olleclor proqMra aocordlngly.In Chicago thl* form ot hold-up be-

cam* *0 much of a nuisance three yearsego that a bureau was organised by the---------- — ...............buMn^ men to guard egarnst Imposition, Thl* bureau keero lt*«lt IntormM a* ac- oorately oa possible a* to, the movemen;* of all eotleltora, end sands out a circular letter every Monday morning giving cll ent* such Information as It has collecteiduring the previous week. It a su^rlber Is aakr” 'ed for a donation In the name of charity, and baa no report on that partlcu- las casa, h* noUfle* tbe iuperintsndeni end an Invaatlgatlon le made.

By thus meeting systematic beggary with ayetematlc Inquiry th* business com­munity knows where It* money will In case ot rcsponio to any appesL

It may not be generally known, but Della Fox, who xppear* al

Newark Theatre thl* week.theli a photograph**, and not, properly speak­ing, an amateur phutograober at that. She Is a Et. Louis girl, and aa she onct said to th* writer, her earllast recollec­tion I* of machinery Incident to picture- making. "Fox photos ere the best' was a

that met hesign that met her eye at every corner In her native town while ihe was growing up along In the—bm. perhaps, It Is beet not to say Just how long ago she quit "growing up." 'The Fox referred to wae her father, and he taught her bow to make picturee e* well e* bow to at­titudinise for them, 'This Is the secret, perhaps, of that grace which is one qf her gre*--- " -----' greatest charms.

'The late Colonel Wtrlng will probably go Into history as thr man who reduced street cleaning to e science, and os the fathar of a protrenlon that offer* one of the beet of flelde to young men of the reeeut day." The speaker was John M. Labttti, of Boston, a civil engineer, who

I* now In Newark In the Interest ofpatent right. "If I were not on the shady side of Any,” he continued. "I Would takeup sanllary engineering exclualrely my-

eltle* ar* only beginning lo portanoe of adequate drain­age and cleanly oondltlone generally, and

self. American cit

our technical school* wllhln th* put ten years have don* nuefa to etlr munlolinl aulhorltle* up on the subject. The Hls-pono-Amaclran War was won at tbe out of some hBndrede o...................of lives, but Improper sanitation means the lacrlflce ot thou­sand* from year’s end to year’s end. By- the-by, do you know that next to Colonel Waring tbe best authority on sewer build­ing that this country hu had for years la a woman—a fragile, delicate little creature, not much nigber than a tall man's knee? She Is Mrs. Richards, Who occupies a chair In the Boeton Institute -ot Technology, end who stands at th* head ct her profession."

"There Is nothing more Interesting to me than the occaslonst examination of an old political almanac, one printed before Ihe war." said Clarence Wright, whom the NEVl'B man met delving into referenceworks at I he Free Library. Comperatlvcly few persons go to a public library purelylor reference, and conveysatlun In an un­dertone Is somellmra possible between such. "An almanac recalls curious and forgotten facts much mure startlingly than the reperusal ot hlstoiy does," con­tinued Mr. Wright. "Now, how many of US old fellows do you suppose recollect cleariy that there were sieves In New Jersey as recently as ISSe. less than halt a century ugo, or only thirteen yean be­fore general emancipation took place In response to President Lincoln's proclama­tion? A statistical work which I have Juat laid down shows me that there were In IMO Just 9?l negro slaves In New Jersey, and len yenra Taler there were tM." Th* reporter being somewhat Increduloua In­vestigated himself and found that while Iho gemlenuu! was substantially correct, the bomimen of lS6(t were boy* heldme uonomen oi iSMt were noy* held as ap­prentices under the Stale act of April It, IMS, which abolished slavery. At th* timeot the Missouri Compromise In ISil there were atilt T.K," human chattel* In lha Com- monwenlth. but between that dot* and l#3l> the number declined to (.!&L

"Just thlrty-nve year* ago to-day 1 became a Confederate prisoner of war,said Warren ti. Ilale'.'o? Hudson'’c*unly, to a NEWS reporter lss_t_ Saturday. "No,I did not belong to a New Jersey regl. men! but enlijied In Ohio. I was onKouting duty during the fait of IHt, and Jbst before daylight, November IL I andeighty 000 iroO|jers with me were sur­prised by a greatly superior force at a little town rall,.d Maryville, and wer* compelled to surrender. No, I did not SHlTer greatly . . •sillier greatly, not reaching a mllltaiY prison. All excliange was soon elfooUd n my case and I got back to tb* Federal lines wlih tt better knowledge of condi­tions emoiig the rebels then 1 hod ever hod before. | knew then that the Confed­erates were lighting a hopelese bXltl*. I round that there were nearly as many stanch Union people living In that oeotlon

As usual a good many people who lay very low during the campaign are up and after oAces since the victory.

Th* South Orange Township Committee I* to be commended fur tti evident deter- mlnstion to compel th* North Jersey Traction Company to fulfil to the letter th* condUlon* of He franchise cotitract with the township. That contract was made In good fsKh and the corponilton had III eyes open to the advantage* to bo gained and ought to b* able and willing to tulfll Its promises.

Dudley Dssn decloras that on* reason for the defeat was that the Yxis team

toh.m".‘ "? " ;i i ln r \h r t ou7 «"ool boys. Of wb.t I. th.ought ebio to prohibit voting eoDiagig, suoh as are sometimes carried on kR newspsper*. for prises. I hav* knowb some ot our pubUo achoals to be torn up and distnuited for week* on account of tb* rivalry existing among certain echool* a* to which ahould maka the beet showing to secure the prise.

The good Judgment and good sense which apeak In thee* remarke ere perfect­ly plain. All people oonnectq) with the public Bchoola realise them. But with each new chU tor the children’s money for Boiae presumably good purpose, they lock tbs courage to take th* stand the! Professor Emerson has taken In Biiflalo, and so til* ovu grows and g aplrll of ten-

Yol* team composed, It not of school :fcoye?

Lord Kitchener,the Egyptian Blrdar,pro­posed to eilabttsh a oollegs at Khartoum Jor the education of iho eons ot the Arab cbleta. Now aeneral ' "Joe" Wheeler wants to have on arrangement made for the free education ot young Cubans in tb* United Btateg It 1* quit* desirable to annex Cub* intelleclueUy If not poUlteally, but why not establish these free schools In Cuba Instead of In Ihe United BtatesT

as there were Hpeesslonlste, and that, fur- inermore whiti' they wore not loud­mouthed In their jirofessicn* they did not

''Onceal their sympalblei. Very little coneiralnl was pul on me, end I re- ineriiber Ihoi, I was permitted to dine on* . a ’', e ^ “ (Toctor although It wx* known

cxiendeij tho Invitation to m* solely beemise ; was a Union man, as IIB was, anil u jirlsoner. There sa t down 1® u neighbor womau,a guest like niyfieli whose husband Wa* men n snldier In the Confederate arm y, ane and ilie hosi indulged lu an animated rtlM’UBsloti, not ns to the right of eecos- sloji, but (le lo (h,. relative j i l t in g qual-

.(.“f ’ '*■ “I'l'Oshig forces. F urther Houth 1 Biiiipose Kill'll a thing might have been liniiosslble. but ll was not only poe- riblr, but geiiernl and nolcrloue In TennWr

® In New York,"J ! . , . J t K ' O b i , *'who 2>ftd ap^nuiiar nut (rftj'Hivi' wuy of miKinc btm-ffiviiiK nimmslf u foiiutR.tlotiiiffan)aii-jibouU ittwii wIiOM favor at] th« ihftatrtcsil mtn- Rkerrt courtHl, I ii% would kq to a box ofllc«

trfftiurer. sarlnf: »Vw IManti. 1 #ftiu to tieukt

***^* ]ii the theatre, butjan l auy jum niicn tiipy wliH lo come; I h?afte gjvH any unn prwnJliif my card iin ^ ^ ^ l ” of your brst, I'M Then, with consider-

no doubt, hr would tfU &'hai ll (frPBt play w ai on a t ‘ ® plat-e. Unfortunatelyp b«yerxil.l ! e V (I lUl lU UfttMd J p Uft

V f i ? mailnfo, but t i h# wa#wUh thy manafer he would fr[ ® and ihe coukl Uke tom#liasf, and ihe covM Uke ume UatiT iii« gir] would pfeirni htiAAH* * . esiu nasp nwMmt *s*M

I •<'ut* and occupy them, fullyconvlnred thet he wt* the greatest youngfeti .K I*!* greatest youngfellow that ever happened.’"

R oyal U oarder*.T'lc Ban Frnnoleqo Chronicle,

w hen meinbera ot Queen Vk-torlx's lamlly or nny wandering Oermaie r«io- neTfn.®' *'*''*' ‘ '’g™ vliU London and apartmem* In Bucklnghsm PaJ- fnJi iiK '"Ylltttlon " they pay ttelr board !ei**TM* folk In a flrat-otai* ho-Ksolr.- sovereign lady (romiMnef-*"® company, and mokes pleasant for ths palace **r-

loilipondeno* It gi™ soma ritttVJi gOMte 1* not wholly appre- 01 th* Queen eor^ In

hetermtned on ihl* economical

Optn Botoidayi till ta

T h e B e s t T h i n g s T o B e S a i d

ibout this great Piano buiiness are what vislton tell iiB-~things that, of course, we^ve always known, but Vbich, stated in tha Iangtiay|^of strangers, ore given additional forca.

A New York Piano man came here lost week- It was his first visit, and tb it is what be said : " I tell you what it it, I have been, I guess, in all the principal Piano stores of every prominent city in the Union, but" East or West I have never entered one that carries such an immense stock as you do. I have heard it said in the trade generally that yours was probably the biggest house in the East, but, frankly, 1 had no idea Newark could support such an eitabllshment oa this."

Larger than any in Greater New York, five times larger than any other in this State-~is a record that tells its own tale.

We sell more Pianos in New Jersey than all the many small stores put together, simply because we make it impossible for you to buy elsewhere without wasting money.

We have only the Best that America groducea, and we sell on a rrosinaft/s profit—not the foolish "legiti­mate" profit that amall dealers cling to so well— because they have to. *

We don’t limply jqv these things. They are glar­ing facts that are patent to any who are interested enough to look around and inquire.

$10 dqwn, $6 monthly is all we need for a first-class new Upright



N e g l e c tdoes a greater amount of harm than wilful intention and is no more excusable. Neglect to p ro tect. your family through Life In su r-® ^ .. ance is very poor business.




WRITE . . .

T H E P R U D E N T l A L ' i T i X

JACOte'THEAl __ ___W WsOwiiSaq aad Eai'aeSa, U t t oWn. OaldsF* apaiiMiailai’ PmdueUoa.


Hsxl W nk-A Grip of a*eai.


'50>9t«s10*20'j i w p c e g r u t t ^



HAHjmumST TUEATRB IK TICS StlTK, NfWirk'i Hobm of R«iMd VkOfSerUI*.

BUT 1 WOOD’S BIfi Slow.Iveiy set a poiltlT* noveltr. awseeFioakD. Brran •* Teddp Boceevelt, and La Peace luMr.Next Week—B.W. W lUloaii'* Owa Oa.

W A L d m a n n ' SWMk lfOT««ib*r 14*Tewday, Thnraday and S»l«Fd*f,

“ wvlBwililitlWsSSSSSNext WMk-><Th« Qlad Homi'' Co.

NEWARK THEATRE■T«fT ■'MBlagp H#Ua#« Rktiivdar.

DELLA FOX. I 'lo H ie * • • •W«wk— ** A A# X* T***


A. Miulfm] T&lk on BAlladi of tOflMMl, IratMul nnd KooU#nd. by Utit

Rev. Thomas P. McLougblla. 5. T. L,Alilitod by Cbonn Of N) Voiott. Loottuo to b#*

f la MS o'clock. AdndBifoa, SSc.; Rca, itoota, Nto.

A S S O C IiTIO l H i L L , ClistOD S trw LEOcotid Intertolnment on the Covm.

WodooMdny S vobIb i 'i NoTombor Xb« ItMiiAnntuU Conoert by th* Avorlto

RUTIERS GOLUaE 8LEE ssi iM OOUN GtUBSTwo choice cuncorii in OD# CD]l«t«aoQ|ekiid

coltog* muila H«#l ooUec# boyi In iqwm tad mortorbotrdt.

AdDoliitoo, with choke irOUNt HEN'S CHRISTIAN AltOCUTION,

tar; sodAd- StoMgnptaL

Claiiei In Fenmanshtp Bamtatarf sodAd- voDctd Bookkespliig, darmoa Flist Aid to lb* Itoured.

Chela* EelarialaoMnU M*M ta A**oeto- tkw HolLGysuasiDin bityctorooox AU for Fife DofUiv t yi#r. cau M1# OlatNTON #T.-.Ztor «r Klghl.


Inlaid Linoleain.

Oikloth 17c. ydRUGS,

Window Shades, Etc.

N i i c e r599 B R O A D S T .OFT. TEIKITY CBDEOH.

JORN F. DRYPEY. msUeuX ECGAK a WAkfl, 'id V. Fnx tad Cunsoek LESLIE D. ward. VIoe-PreMdeat YOBSEST Y. DRYOBY. See*

For ManyThings not mentioned and for lowest prices go to Petty’s.

A 10c. cake of Castile Soap and Turkish W ash C loth for 10c.Pinkham’s Compound. . . 6 8 c Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic, 3 5 oLithia Tablets............................ 2 0 cCbocolate Soda........................... 5 oPure Cod Liver O i l . . . . 2 5 c

Paine’s Celery Comp . Aromatic Tooth Wash. Bland’s Iron Pills, l o o . Almond Meal . . . . Borax, pure, lb. . . .

6 8 c2 0 c2 5 o2 5 oiO o



PETTY’STwo Drug Stores

Tel. 914y Newark, N. J.P B X i r V t H e P e t e U p P r e s e r l e t l e B a .

T ln r . #

P I W 0 .When tha lato msater, Anton Setdl, Klected

tbe ‘'WIHfiNBR" Grand Piano to support such artiita ts Materna and Fiuher, he forged a itrong link In the now lengthy chain ot famous artists who have only enthoslastlo praise for the WISS- NKE PIANO.

6II Broad St., Newark.

Pugo Bxaaxixa—Tb* HnUthing we do with a plinoso-- ■ - . -----------

vltb pomeflltr odd risen ~ Koauunow InourExcbsngt HAINII, . ■ •10SSTBINWAT, • .ITO KTECK, . . - aidsCHICKERINO. - *100 »TUME BBOe., - - BlSdas m o n t h l y .


C.rrYlxV NIxl.E Mortar for Ih* Msaporor's New Palace at Vleaaa.

From tho Philadelphia Fress. a Th* women of Pblludelphta, eurrounded

hr every )uxury-yss, end the women whom tb* world hero might call poor- eon bardlY realise tbe misery and degrada­tion that some women suffer In one of th* cities of ConUbental Europe. Well may the American womnn be thankful that her lot has been cast on this sldo of ths water.'

On Ihe other tide ot the tumbling ocean Iher* 1* a olty. th* capital ot a crumbling dynasty, the home of the Mupaburgb. That city I* Vienna. Bmpercr Frans Joseph 1* th* represenlatWe ot It* IraperlaJ powsr- and to Ills sverloatlug slittm* bs th* story Of the building of hla new palad*.

It wlU be a mognlflcent structure when It 1* flnlahsd. No expense will ba spared to make it *? appropriate lubltottoa for royalty, and tbe ffimperor, It he con findcontort In his lonely old ega In th* pomp will be satiated with oomtorLreoitb, will be

la atagone* Istor tl

ot _Hi*AttltfilB wemwi ■*»•> juvia, w uiiJiinHitw mortar for the palace. Day by day they toll up Iho long Inclines, bearing on thalr booW th* heavy tube of mortar.Mtt«. __ —-■*-* — -- ■Fa, ■al'to AAevPm ra rOra'a.

dearly bought, tor the not the men, are mixing

They loSSv* fwty.centi a day. and they muat ba up and doing before sunrise, be- oauae an Bmperor'* palac* la building. Thiy hav* a faw minutes’ respite at I. a . — k AftraXa rail s.ra k n rail* nr, ra. ra.ra-- ra-. -.— 1when they have their meagre maul

Lhnod and mu*age, and than they' ' T again, which continue*. Intermission at noon, un-

mortor. They ar* soldiers, But they or*not working. Let the women do that.

• itier* In Vienna th* women areBo, over___ ____ ______bulldiito Into the' intramiient atones all their fleeting wo«*. Women of America, do you fancy that the Emperor wUl rest well in hli palace? 1 think not.

Tk* Lltlt* .'Thlnga Great Meai Da.[From Jerome’s "Becond Thought* of aji

Idle Feltow."!I like to hear etorlea of th* Ilttlenes* of

great men. f ilka to think that Bhakes- peare was fond ot his gloss. I even cling to ^ s tele o( that dligroostul final orgr with friend Ben Jonson. Possibly the lory may not he true, but i hep* It was,

I like to think of him as poooher, os vil­lage ne’er do welt, denounce by the local

med atgrammar echool mister, preach The local J, P. of the period, relitct that Cromwell had a wx

by— ...... had a wart onpoet. The thought makee ms mor* con

i'pled with my own teaturca I Ilka, to think that h* puts sweets upon th* choirs, :o see finely Sreased ladlas spoil Uielr rocks; to tell myself that b* roared with

lauahter at th* ellly Jest, llko any i u t tt? , **t*’ •>'* “ hit hollilay aqtor" "djriy w ifa^ i lik* fo read tl


" w t t M . .n d , I-tt ** ®* the llfty foolish things a weak 1 do

msB fftolf. "I, too, an a IftsriUTNow Bpii to r Palaoo-

We buy tor osah orifl nil lor eaSh, thu make s asTlat st both and* to dIride with YOU. Our spocritUoi anDlamoiMU, Floe Jgwelry,

Watchaa and Ctocka, .

S C H E L L E R ,tb«

286-M ARKET 8T.-2 8 6M««r FraBSa

ArtlelM purehMed now iriW Mtu 1d6j#iuj PvA eol b« p#id tor till Ito#. 24,


:: leitSeceliitsaiiilLeases!POCKET MAP AND


Yb* omr CF-TO-DATN MopFakUslMd.

" T h e W .l i .S h a r t s C o .Frlotere, Wotlwora aed Iraw Blaak Fwktlikar*,

I 47-M9 M 0U IT ., NEWARK, 1. 1, -

H R S . f a i U H B H Urpimu,T v m w. B. oxwitt M unim

lanaheiiinriil furEaniieii&•7 NBW ST., NSWABK, N. J.no* Ytux Ooaia Oopn aril tOollanlM, sti

popoMi prlSH and Nsekwoar NoTOlItta Oaii Vmo( pofolortricad Viials eoasrieM, sad W0| iBritsIb* issiisetlo. oi ihas* Iwwasiad hi frit

ABatorairitif aad asauag Far doraiaBM * toadalri


b f t f t ♦ » ♦ • ♦ » 0

: :M a tc h le s s U g h t:jUtf yawr Maadt wk* ttas

tt -wkat U *0*0* aad how tkay Uk* It.

lemiiEieiaiiGLigiitflDiiPoiirGi]. ^MARKET and |EAVER STS.

f t 6

KIN AND BCALF DI8EAiE8. nereori Ot- feoiloH sod blood dlM darx no miHar Inn wh^catiM ot of how long Minding, on no- amstuliy end parmansatly ourad. JOHN H, WOODBURY, u; Wsettki itiyai NSW Ycefc.

Mlo o d b ^ iFtciilCmn

IIhWooibny'iFickl fiotii 0|;iagaia, puriti and baoutlly tbs Mia, sad 4Bd* fiMi ihslr heating and vuroilve fropeiltai ate the best kaoirn add moat ellactlet geeew- tteri' lor *11 dlaorden of tho >kla lUd MmW eft, for Beoutr Book and iwMl** BMP*



i *

! t



tMIt 1toApaor€f• PJ





Ath<C oiCoiIthtiJus


Ii to it I JuCoi0Q1beVnn iitheY tiedUwtfpdo la I to Ida#0Deerthewai#n<tloiIdCIVoC.D]urnthe


prenotnoi#toten#nwavolBtoertMIbaiFilloulbMforlori Jautofbya IupthedeliafCO'ie 'ifou U Itioithenoi



TrutoB Viewf in Hngud to Men Likelj to Be N&med by Voorheei.


I f « EcvBMtMM K* M>m 4 I t I t T hw ish t Jade* F * rt u d Im r in H C*urt Jnalle* OtUlM I b J B* 0 M tl4 * tw l-n « K u tx OHmty FU M M atanhlv-Jhw ikllB l l« i- p h r ■ fkTBTlt* Btr tiM N u t lU p ^b lltH N w ttiw ti t i f u GvnnMr*

H ^ l t l t« ths XVKNINO NKWaTRENTON. Nov. I t-W b llo Qovernor-

t i t c t Voorhaw irUI not hiv< to mony Mp- poliUmcnto did Uovtmor O rlu odurinc talf brief rel«ti In the «xeou- tivo choir, bo will b» oblo to th ik o tom* v try chohm fru it from th* poUtlcol plum t r « . Ttao chief oppolatment tb e t will toll to the lot of Ifr. V o o rh tu will bo tbot o f o bead of the Chancery Court to tue- cred Choneellor A lexondtr T. McOIII. whoeo term expirea d urine the eecond year of Mr. Voorhcee'e Incumbency of the (RlberoatarUI office Chancellor McOlIl will Ihen have rounded out four­teen yeare In the poeltlon. The place 1* the hl(hcat Judlolal one In the Slate, It bolDC the prerocative of the Chancellor to preilde over the Court of Errora and Appealf, which la the court of Iw t re- aorl In New Jeeeey. He la alao O rd iu ry o f I ha Prerocative Court, wtali;h b e a n all appeale In caaeafrom the O rphani' eourte and dlepoeea of the more Imporient will oaaee In lha State, l ie la a member of the Court of Pardone, wbich. In addition to the Chencellor, comprleee the Governor and Lay Judeea of the Court of Errora and Appeale. In addition to Ihle, the Chancellor h a i the appotntmenl of bve Vlce-Chanoellora, each of whom aetvea aevea yeara, a t a M lary of 0,000 per an ­num. Tha Chancellor aleo aervaa eeven yeara and hie ta la ry la tha aama aa that e f the Oovarnor, 1 10 ,000.

I t will raadlly be eeen ^ h a t the berth le no ordinary one. and there le coneld- erabla epeuulallon aa to who will be named by Governor Voorheea when the time coRiee. Some of the w lieacrei are of the opinion th a t Ju d fe J. Franklin Fort, of Etaex County, may have a chanct of ic- curlng the office.

Of couraa, the appointment of Judge F o rt to the Chancery bench would teke him out of the Qubem atortal race three yeare hence, but it la doubtful If ha could make the nomination then. Becauae of the good work in Eeaei, It It generally conced­ed th a t the Gubernatorial nomination will go to a Republican from th a t county In IM , and there U a unanimity of feeling In the varlona oountlea that, that Republican will be F ranklin Murphy.

" If U r. Murphy will be a candidate," aeld Senator Stokea Ibta morning, "ha will have the auppori of South Jereey. The Republlcane c t New Jereey owe him much, and I, tor one, would Ilka to be able to get out and buatle tor him.''

Another name th a t la being coupled with tha Cbancellorehtp le th a t of Supreme Court Juetlce Gilbert Colllna, of Hudion County, Should he be named aa Chancellor It le probable that Judge Fort will be nam ed to eucceed him a t a Supreme Court Juatloc.

I t li very probable th a t thepraaent Vtoe- Cbancellora would be reappointed, who­ever might be named aa Chancellor. Three ere Republlcane—Pltney, Emery and Grey. Heed and Stevani, the Democratic Vlce- Chancellon, a re two of the bardeat work­ing Judgea in the Stale. The New Jereey bench le kept free from poUtIca and It la not a t all ukely th a t Republlcana would

either Reed orbe choeen to eucceed Btevena.

In oaae o f the acceailon of Judge F ort to the Chancery or Supreme Court bench. It le probable th a t Chandler W. Biker or Jam ce E. Howell would eucceed him aa County Judge of Eseex. I t le theught that on# or the o ther of three gentlemen will be named to eucceed EIvtn W, Crane aa I ’roaecutor of E aaei County. Another name mentioned In oonnectlon with the Eaeex Proiocutorihin la that of Francta J. Swayaa, who la regard­ed as one of the etrong Repubilesn law yer! oI Newark. He took ancepeclally active part In tha campaign }uit closed. I t la not behoved here that there t i any chaaca ol. tha appointm ent' going to John A Hiller. The name ofMajor Lenta baa been mentioned by gome.of hie ardent followers,.but It la not terloualy regarded by thoae who ere near the throne. M ajor Lenta, aa le well known, was never an en thu ila iun Voorheea man, aniL In fact, np until tha time the nomlne- tlon was m ade, he wew A- vlgoroua oppo- iitn t of the Voorheea boom. Govemor Voorheea la ao t the kind of man to hold any pcraonal ap lu , howevtr, and ha will unqoestlonak^ reappoint Major L e n u to the S ta ts B o a ^ of Taxation.

During the next Gubernatorial term, ex- Benator Lewie A. Thompaon'e term ae clerk of the Court of Chaneeiy will expire, and It t t very probable th a t Senator £ . C. Stokea. of Cumberland, will be named aa hla aucceaaor. C lerk Thompeon hae never le ft a etone unturned to thw art Voorheea’a progreaa In the Held of polltlca, and will not expect a reappointm ent a t the Qover- nor-elect'e bands. On the other hand, Sen. a to r Stokea hea been V oorheei'i chief lieu, tenant. He kept the Voorhee* boom afloatwas giving a ll ttm a to the New Jereey volunleeri. F o r the past eight yeare Stokea and Voorheea have been like broth.era In the Leglalature. They were of the lam e tem peram enta They fought their tectlaa hand-ln-hand, and. after etrug- flin g a n ln e t heavy oddi tor yeara, .came c u t victorious when In September Voor- haee wax mada the Republican candidate for Govemor. I t waa ea much a vlolory fo r Stokea aa for Voorheea.

I t le Ihem tore the moat natural thing •“ to assum e th a t Stokes will•u o c e ^ Tbompaon aa Cleik in the Court of Chancery, siokee la not a mllUonaire hy any m eana Ha haa a desire to become a member o f the B ar of New Jereey. but up to ibe preecnt baa not felt Biat be had the time to give to the itudy necessary, As clsrk In a l i n k a t Millville he baa not 5,“ ' ? '•*««“ > bu t M Clerk In theCourt of Chancery he would get |t,0M a year. H a la fitted tor the p ^ o * oelna of a eyatematlc turn, and would he found a t Ma post every day. This, In Itself te of much Importsnce, ae It le the Inten­tion of Governor-elect Voorheea to be at the S tate Houae elx dav i every week and not merely to r a few n o u n on Ihieaday. aa baa been th e custom.

This custom of coming to tha S tate


A U 8 * n < l l L I i m e ER 6IN E.I t le a Kereeeae Oil M eter aad R WIU

PrilMiUy Be M aB elhfaand la Newark.An a lla rt Is being made to eatablteh In

th is oily a m auuU otory for the produc­tion Of tha Capltatna motor, i t Is a oeal oil motor, and the Inventor le Emil Cept- ta ln a a celetiratad German engineer, who has devoted eighteen years to lha dsvsiop.m ent of the petroleum engine. Afaur-horse engine waa fnitalled last week in the new bunding a t tiU Baavar itrec t, for tlM pur. Boao or ihowliig all callers the piinolple Invotvad. Tha engine was viewed by Bcorsi of Induleltive people, Inoludlng many of the moat Ingemoue mechanics In th is city, and tha Invariablt verdict waa th a t tt waa a w inner and a wonder. While Its works a re encased In a neat Iron an- velope, there apa blue prints upon the wall showing the working details.

Tha prepoaltlon le to found a company la this city to build the enginea. I t la not Intended to enter Into competition iHtb the builders of big Corllee englnee, or ateam enginea of any otass. Tha Idea la to supply cheap engines to do any woiE up to ten -h o rn power, to be operated upon boats, horseleis earriigea, in ju lv a te Boueei and small factory lofts. The ar- gum stit Is th a t tha enginea ara olaan, bdlialaaa and odoricu, anffi th a t they will run wltbojut a ttention for a day or more. Thia means th a t there Is no eboveUIng of ashaa, no g roat consumption of watar, no worry about botlar exploalons and no w raiu ta with tha englnsar.

I t le hardly naceesary to desoribo the engine, except to ta y th a t It Is small and ncal. In relation to Its effiolenoy. It may be said th a t tha peopla Intarestod do not claim as m uch fo r It as has been flgursd out to the Stevens Institu te, a t Hoboken; the F rank lin Institute, o r the experts in Kurops who bbvo investigated Capltalns’a Invention.

The little engine which te running In Besver stree t develops tour-horss power of energy a t a coat of twenty-tour oenta per day of ten hours. I t Is tb srs for ths pnrpgse o f In lsrm tlng Nswark capital and aatabllihlng a p lan t In this city for the aianiifaofurt of oH engines for runningboo ts horasleesi cw irlagst. Isolated elec tiio fighting plante, private pumping, ele­vators and o tnar thlnga requiring m one to ten b o n e power of energy, aud es-

I to bepeelally wbafi th a t** IffNTilar ln ? « ^ U . T h i'an g in a

will ba on eim bltlon for seyaral weeks and all a re tn tited to Ism aot ft. H r. Q. Wat­

e r Is caliad

WlblSf . ’o .SaodMa g byrue (or afl-----W* M ekUdijk. fttk. e* teemtat. wlml

KaT'iK^"* ^ njBsdy. »

Banaa s a Ik tsd ay a Is m t o M S s a to tb s GovMMr by any maaiia. T ks baad at naarty eeerr dapartm snt falls to appear a t tha State HooM mote than ones a waek, Um ofltoae being conducted entirely by ths clerks The exceptions to this rule ere S tate Comptroller Haneock, S tate Treae- urer Swain, General Donnelly, General Stryker, Supreme Court Clerk W ker and Custodian Bonnell. But during tha ooming administration It will ba ncccaaary for th s S tata offlclala to ba mors In evtdenoe a t their poets. „ . .

II Is very probable Ikat S tate Banking and Insurance Ccmmixeloner B attle whooa term expiree In IIW. will be n im m ax his own luccesecr, but there Is oontldersble doubt ax to the reappointment of Slate School Superintendent Baxter, S tate Hoad Commleatoner Rudd, S tata Prison Super­visor E. J. Andeiwon and Bl*l» Factory Inapactor Ward. All of theaa ofllclala are Republicans Major Anderson, however, woe bitterly opposed to Voorhees i nom­ination, Road Commlsataner Rudd haa been mors or leas troublesome m hie gal­lery" plays to the fermori, and Factory Inapector W ard wax a p a rao n a lam o ln t- ment of Governor G riggs Mr, haeK id llltla altenUon to uia office and doubt-

la does not expect a reappointment. School Superintendent ***J**,*‘’ •personal appolntmen' of Qoveimor Griggs, and It Is possible th a t this berth will go to former Senator Hofiman. of A tlantic, who has always been Interested In school vmrk.

It Is probable th a t Governor \ao rh eee will appoint Colonel Alex C. Ollphant to eucceed either Mr. Olbbi or General Spen­cer on the State Board of Axeeeoors Colonel oilphant has Jjeen of very g rea t aselstance to Governor V oorhe«. serving aa military aide, during the past lum m er. The remaining members of the S ta te Board of Asaeexora will n<x doubt bo reap p o in t^ , as will also Chariot C. Black as a mem ber of the State Board ol Taxation. Both bosrde are bl-parttsan. _ _

The only membere of the Supreme Court whose tr im i expire during Governor Voor- haee'a Incumbency are J usiIcm Dopue and LIppIncott, and no doubt both will bo re­turned. The court now standi five Repub­licans xnd four Democrats and aa J tu tice Depua Is a Republican and Justloa Llppin- cott a Democrat, both are p retty certain of reappointment. RenubUcaji iujweeeon b ill no doubt be natned for Circuit Court JudgM Child and Miller, end Republicans are sure to be named to eucceed the p n e - ont Democratic County Judges In Cumber, land, Mercer, Monmouth end Somerset, all ol whose term s expire within the next three yeare. Hepubllcsn iucceaxori will alto certainly be named for the orw ent Democratic Proeecutors of Cumberland. Essex, Bergen. Burlington, C im den. Sa­lem and Somerset oounllea

The present membere of rhe S ta t t Priepn Board, State Board of R iparian Commis­sioners and State Board of A rbitration are pretty oertain of reappointmant.


Tlxe-Ohaseeller Bead’s OgiBlow la the • TVeatoa Rubber Compauj Ceae-DIree-

tore Held Partly BMponelMa.TRENTON, Nov. n,~VIo#-Chaneel-

lor Reed filed en opinion Saturday In which he holds th a t ex-Mayor Frank A. Uagowan, while president of tha Trenton Rubber Company, overdrew hie account lo the extent of a t least IUO.OOO. In the same opinion the Vloe-Chancellor holds William P. Hayee, now W arden of the S tate H osplul to r the Insane, a t T ren­ton, and formerly treasurer o f the T ren­ton Rubber Company, legally liable for tt,«00 of Ihle overdgalt. Allen Hegowan, the eX'Wayor'a father. Is held to be legally responelbis for IU,IW.«T of his son 's ovsr- drafts. '

Ths responslbmiy of H syss and th s aM- ar Magowan la based on the fact th a t they we(* directors of the Trenton Rubber Company, and th a t they either know, or ought to have known, th a t the cit-Mayor waa uitng the company's funds to r bis own benefit. That they a re not held responei- ble tor a larger sum la bacauae under the law directors of a company are reiponslbte only to the owners of tbs corporation for permitting funds lo be mitueed, except in those cseee where they know tbe company to be Insolvent.

The bill w ai filed by form er Viea-Chan- eeUor John T. Bird, ae rMSlver of the company. Tha allegation was th a t ex- Mayor Hegowan overdrew hla oooount for a much larger sum th an th a t found by the Vloe-Cbantollur, and mined the company, hla father and Hayes, i s fellow-directors, permitting him to do so w ithout attem pt­ing to check him. In hie opinion the Vlce- Cbanoellar eeyi;

"Tha corporation was organised la tSW, whrti P rank A. Uagowan, William P. Hayea and one Alpaugb wera elected di­rectors. Mr. Alpaugh died In in ! , when Allen Hegowan w as elected In bis place a dlrecior, a i well a t vloi-presldenl. L ste r William P, Hayea was elected treasurer. These three conllnuod aa directors up to August I, m e, when the company went Into the hands of a receiver. On Septem­ber M, UH, the receiver waa dlscharsed and the company continued business until tbs appointment of the present receiver,

"The l in t qtteitlon la In regard to the liability of P rank A. Magowan. H a own­ed substantially all tbe slock la the cor­poration, aad controlled tbe b u e in n t. He ireely used tha checks end notes of thecompany to pay hla personal debts, and the only pcrptexliy Is In lim iting the amount of his sbstractlons. The twosources of Information In evidsneo are the booki of the corapiny and the cheoki and notes of tha company now In tha hands of the receiver."

Prom th li evidence the VIee-Chancellor deducci tha t Uagowan overdrew bis ac­count to the amount named. Regarding tbs liability of Hayes and Allan Magowan, the Vice-Chancellor aayi th a t while they were nominally directors of the corpora­tion they only acted a s employes of F rank A, Uagowan. H ayes's function w as th a t of a book-keepar merely. He acted as a mere servant of the p rw d en t. Allen U a­gowan was superintendent of tbe menu- factaiing part of the buelness and never had any knowledge of the condition of the flnancce. The Vice-Chancellor conllnuea;

" in regard to the duty which Mr, Hayee and Allen Magowan oaed lo tha oorpo- ratlon Itself, the former wee grossly and the la tter In a degree negligent. The whole affair was eubotanttally the private bual- nees of Frank A. Uagowan under a cor­porals guise. AS a m atter of fact, he never paid for h it atock. He waa perm itted by the other d lrecton to run the buelnese ae he p ltu ed . He waa concerned in other carporstioni, end the fuade of each were usemto keep up the credit of the others a t hla own will. The dlreotors plaoed no checks upon hie actions, but perm itted him to carry the buslneea along in the rackleea manner which theee accounts Indicate, Now, while F rank A. U agowan Is an ­swerable for the fundi of tills company which he applied to bis own personal usoa tbe other olrectors are reeponalble for their negligence In perm itting him to do so."

The Vlce-Chencsllor holds th a t direc­tors of a corporation a r t agen ti of tha owners of tbe corporation and reaponilbla to them, but th a t they are not agents of, or reeponslble to, the creditors of th s oonio- ratlon, except when the o o r^ ra tlo n be­comes Insolvent. Then a new duly Inter- v en ss-th a t of ptsaervlng the property forthe distrtbuKon of the assa ti to the ored‘ Itore. Applying th is principle of Uw anf. holding th a t the company Waa Idkolventduring tbe period between the time It was taken out of the band! of John D. Rue, the first receiver, and placed In the hands of the present receiver, the V le « -C h a n ^ o r finds H r, Hayee and Allan Magowan to be reaponilbla to tbe creditort In the sums given abOTA

HOLD IN OHIO,Aaothar ADagsd Rlah Krlke-Iaeroaso of

PrIas of laad .COLUMBUS, Ot, Nov. 14.—A special to

Thp Dlspatoh from C an ti Dover, O., tayg:“Another dlecorery of gold I t announced

In the Malvern d lstriet near here. The 1st. eat find le a t Augusta, a few miles north o( Malvern, w hert Id. O. Leyds' haa die- eovtred oh hla farm an oro which he olaims to be richer than tbe Melvem product. A large number of people vlalted the new find yasterday and many express oonfl- dehce th a t Ur, Leyda haa s truck a g o ^

'^Seclm eni will ba a ita re d a t once. Tha ,dlinoverv has Inoreaoed tbe goM fever and h u aleo cauied tha w lcs of Ultd to take a fabulous jump, so th a t It can ba neither bought nor leased. In case the assay shows sufficient gold, Mr. Leyda will a t onoa purchase machinery to work the mine,"

Try a email line ad. oo the V ent paxa to* see If It nan.________ _

Ospmia Nandadph Dead,LEXINGTON. Ky;, kov. IL -C ap ta ta

Peyton Randolph, ons of tha moat promt, nent offioare of the Seventh Infan try munesj, died yeaterday a t St, Joseph'a Hoepitol la th is city of typhoid fever, H a was twenty-five yM rs of age and eom-S ‘m”o ^ t < S d W ’5’= H e . o « . , , « m . , n .and i . - a , f a « ‘o'’fVl?Sl«fi; S f l l X ^aulute, f o r several y e a n p r e T t o u ^ onllitnienl he waa o o n n ^ e d theStondard Oil Cwmiaiiy a t BHtimora,

dffilasss T a t e th a t ,-RA N J/RANCIBOO, Cal., Nov. IL—Chunw

etnRtor nature whtoh h u ew uR E I ^ th * In the last two tneoito, a i lW n g tiw S . ■ujti of A fMud te lv o in uafosaiH ! noa* uttikQa tA llo rioci^a V atifflllaa QUArlBTi

^:^Y, NOVEBCBlR 1C 189&

The fltm That Has

Made Nterark Fimmit

TAe Largett Dry and Fancy Goodt House in New Jersey.

THE BEE HIVE.Truthful A(^ertising Will Always Sell Honest Goods.

Tha f f s r t '


Biggest Before Xmas Bargain Time.MARVELLOUS Bjirgains because of the superfine quality of the merchandise. Multitudes of sound, seasonable i

economies that recommend themselves to the most conservative judgment—to the most critical taste. Opportunities in i prices that no previous Get-ready-for-Xmas" sale here has been able to offer you. Not able in print to show you half* the bargain-wonders this sale specially creates. Money in your pocket to COME, and COME AT ONCE

A Great Group of Gilt=Edged Bargain Chances.Oil Cloth —Floor Oil Cloto, aew patterns, good wearing grade,regular 25c. square yard, 19cat

Skirting-Extra heavy skirt pat­terns, full length, better than any elsewhere, regular 35c., 'T f tr ' special...................................m / L

PillowCRSing—1,500 yards 45 in. Bleached Pillowcaaing, |[ood Z - quality, loc. value, special. , U U

Flinnel—Heavy Canton Flannel, bleached and brown, 15c. | A ^ goods in remnants, s p e c if . 1 U v

Blankets—10-4, 11-4 long soft napped Blanket, white, gray and fancy, good many bath and wrap­per kinds among them .f 1.35 Q Q ^ toI1 .40paiti^lue . . . .V O L

Pockethooks — Jenuine Seal and Real Alligator Combination Fock- etbooks, and grain leather, some with double nickel frame and in­side pull flap, all fancy col- ored leather, reg. 48c., at O x C '

Men’ s Shirts — Ribbed, natural wool color, with heavy wool fleec­ing, drawers to match, manufac­tured to sell for $1,00, spec- C ^ /v ial sale price.........................i J m C

Men’s Shirts —Laundered, made of fine soft muslin, 3-ply bosom, reinforced fronts, felled seams, faced sleeves, gathered yoke, dou­ble stitched, patent a-piece C neckband, special.............O U v

Men’s Night Shirts —Heavy out­ing flannel, pretty styles and good strong twilled muslin, white and blue and red trimmed, set on col­lars, peart buttons, pocket front, felled seams, gathered yokes, 53and 53 inches long, regn- 39clar 48c. goods, special.

Lidles’ Kandker’ fs - Swiss em- broidered, scalloped aud hem­stitched, with Irish hand embroid­ery inside the hem, dainty fine cloths, values loc., a t . U2C

Fancy Jacquards-one great lotin beautiful figures and scrolls, in an e;ktreme assortment of patterns, varying in effect from the tiniest natte to the showiest, all PA/v reg. 75c., 88c., 98c. goods at U V C

Crepe Drapery-Gold tinted. Per-sian patterns, figured and xT _ striped, regular loc, yard, at OCFip re d Cretonnes—Foreign anddomestic grade, light and medium grounds, value 15c. to 20c. A _ yard, at................................

Fancy Taffetas and Taffeta Bro­cades, for street and evening wear, good value at 75c., to close

Black Bros Grain and Taffeu Brocades, at and 24 inch, scroll and figured effect, 75c. and CA/v 89c. value, to close at . . O V C

Ladles’ Vests—white ribbed inassorted styles, pants to match, some with yoke bands, these have never been sold less than C A — 75c., a special chance a t . d v C

Flanetette Waists—i n n a v y ,white, pin stripe, polka dot or Fancy Plaids, self collar ^ A — plait back.........................u V C

Petticoats—Silk umbrella and Spanish styles, 3 t& 8 cords, good widths, 30 colors, rustling A F A taffeta, $6.00 value..........4 a O U

Silver —sterling Silver Mounted Manicure aud Toilet Pieces, Shoe Hooks, Buttoners, Erasers, Seals, etc.. Darners, 39c. and 50c. most places, each . , . . , L t 7 ^

Stamped Trays — H em stitched, pure linen, good quality, cheap at the regular price of 35c., | A special now a t . . . ! . . IV C

(lead Rests—Double covered with figured rinsel drapery, cloth trim- med with silk tassels, worth 39c. each, for this week special 1 1 - at . .................................. L l C

Percalines—36-in., in brown, fast black, the best, regular 8c. F grade, apecial fo r.............. u C

Sateen—36-in., very fine Sateens, in all the light, medium and dark shades, including black, | i ^ regular aoc., a t ............... I t C

Flannel Drawers—c h 11 d r e n ’ sgood quality Canton Flannel iDraw era, a, 4, 6, 8 yeara, worth | 'J 35c., a L .............................

Rugs—Moqnette, 36x54, best qual­ity, new Fall patterns, reg- | iA ular 1.89 each, now a t . . l a 4 V

Veiling —Sewing Silk, very best quality, all silk, black, white, cream, gray, regular 33c | i yard, at ...........................

Eider Down—Heavy Cotton, lor children’s cloaks, ladies’ dresses, soft and warm, laHc., s p e - 'T l - cial.........................................I 2C

Flannel—Cream, very heavy, for skirting and underwear | Z . make, 35c. valne, apecial. l u C

Corset^—1.00 Silkaline Corsets, 50 doz. fancy color Silkaline Cor­sets, new French effect, made to sell at 1.00, guaranteed F i — perfect f i t ..........................v a v

Watches—Ladies Solid Silver Chatelane Watches, open face, dear dial, daintily c h a s ^ ,1 1 4 good timers, reg. valne 3.00


Ladies’ Hose—Fast black cotton, medium and heavy weight, extra lengths, with double soles, heels and toea, our regular 35c. 1 i - quality, for

All Linen C a n v a s -T h e regular12ISC, a good many stores Q ask i4c.yard for it special at O C

Crinoline — plain and checked, white, brown, gray and black, regular loc., special for..

Curtaining—Swiss,36 inches wide, sheer quality, figures and I I — stripes, value i3l»c. yard, at i 2v

Men’ s Handker’ fs—Hemstitched,stripe bordered, fine cloths, not quite perfect,but still you'd jjardly know why not, valne^Sc. i _ a n d 9 c .,a l la t .......................t W

Music —New pieces of well known and late publications, October and November issue, published s t A ^ 50c., here regultr 3ic. . . . Y C

Wrappers — Season's accemnla- tion of two manufacturers, gar­ments that could not go Into regu­lar lines on tccoixnt of some slight defect or shading in cloth. Many are absolutely perfect “samples," 100 dozen in all, the very b « t quality of flannelette the market produces, nett patterns, many elaborately trim m ^, wide skirts. They would sell in a regular way from f t ,50 to $3.00, all a t .......................................

Zephyr Worsted —Best imported, 3, 4 and 8 fold, all colors, sold usually at 5c. lap, Tuesday l l — only, quantity restricted . .Note Paper—Quire Boxes Pape- terie, Wbitieg’a best, don’t match exactly, in nice boxes, worth Q - 35c. and 35c., all a t . . . . V v

3 Boxes lor 25c.


Great Lamp Sacrifice.tlaad so m o B rass an d O n y x L n i ^

to d o s e oH t.Beildei th is 25 per cen t, oft a ll o ther

Lamps, even from those a lready m arked to h a ll value.

4.00 Lamps for 1.486.00 Lamps for 2.2J8.00 Lamps for 2.9810.00 Lamps for 3.75

ExtraordinaryLinen Selling. . .

BliESCHEO BUSITS—WxN bleeobed, rmy btaTr nad| made ta«ti, malar S0e„ •faa’LaJe eixfo, recoltr aOe„ speolal-...— .n..— 481Coigo, hemsUtcNai, rtguiartsc., treda].... ..A isBUM, hcmitllehid, m o lar Ha, rptelal........ ssoUxMt huuHtobaU, neulartee., ipwlal,._-..4ea

BAVTTARY BIBD'S-KYS-Tba bSM 'SA mad*, 22 Inebes wide rtfular Md. O 7 C•pedal____

Ribbon S pccitl-C ros Grain No. I, very best gnde, also plain or picot edge, same price as the ic. grade but much better quality,color assortment not quite complete; regular 3c. yard, special | A ^ now 10 yard piece. . . . . l U v '

Fancy W e a ve §-In great aaaort-raent of styles, pretty mixtures, plain and fancy cheviots, stripes, oQuelea, diagonali, serges, all have been selling from 48c to 1 0 — S9 C. yard, at......................... O O C

A Rare Lot of foreign fabrics in­cluding 50 inch Scotch cheviots of • few colorings worth fa.oo yard, 40 inch self colored bayadere in beautiful shadings I1.00 quality, 40 inch changeable granites, fi.oo ' qnality, 52 inch camel hair — ch’kf i.35q'lty, alldownto f u C

Silk WalltS—Two great lots; ex­cellent quality of Taffeta Silk, fin­ished with 32 vertical tucks, divid­ed with hemstitching, cuffs and collar tucked to match, all lined, regular 14,85—and stripes, chocks, plain colors, desirable garments that have sold up to fS.oo, 1 f a •11 a t ..........................................t i e d V

Puff S c a rit— Rich new designsand colors, dainty stripes, plaids and polka dots, fignres and many novelties, finest styles and leadingmakes, regular 48c., ipe- 39cLadies’ Glovafr—Four-button and two-clasp kid, embroidered backs, in tan, gold brown and black, as' good as moat f i.oo glovea / ^ A - elsewhere, for....................... 0 / CMen’s Socka-Seam lesa cotton la fast black and tan, and also in mixed, each style plain and mixed, the best make of its kind, our regular 13c. grade, spec- lOc

UNXN TOWKLS-UiSt HoaX ToweE, valwsm Sw,' ? a io ? i i iL 'i i^ iB r ,T rL !! r ^ .» i « . valu. la t , e p ^ __ ________

EXTRA r iN I TOWEU-Hnek ha».•tiwliad ToiralA oBtmwatk and kiaiiiailJ ISaer and plain wMi. boideia •j>teM._

HEAVY CRASH—A veir h ea^ itomS enl, epleafild ka mUer and toUi, valae la , Q ^ r

mAlw> ooQtinuMloD of oar great TbaakaflrlDt U m d 9pMf«L

The Greatest Money-Making Notion Time. Tempting Toilet Article Prices.DRESSINQ P IN S—Goodqaal-

Itjr American Dreulng Pins, lull A o Q cooot, all «ize«, the paper at.... * *

H AIR PINS— Aaaortod itrlea of Cabi­net Hair rins, containing 1 1 —siaorted hair pini, the .‘l o f ’box at..............................

S ILVER TH IM BLES — Star- | iY - ling altver, plain band, all sixes, 11 IP to go thli week at, each.......... ■ v

LAP BOARDS — Dretamaker'4 lApBqarda, tbeie boards are all very 1 F _ fliiolr flniBhed and pollihed,with yard measure, regular 4Bc......

KNEE PROTBCrORS-Boys’, | J made ot fine quality Jersey cloth, I AC all one piece, reg, 25c., the pair..

BATTENBURO BRA IDS-Extra line quality, all linen, Battenborg /% * Bralda, all wldtbi, 56 ytnds t o / I P piece, tbe piece..................

DARNING COTTON-Smlth Angell'i black Darning Cotton, A « P on balls, the ball at...............a N *v

SHOE LACES— One yard long, Z good quality tubular Shoe Uoea, f l P black, dozen lo bnnob, at......... v w

HOOKS AND B Y E S—Extragood qual­ity apring Hooka and Eyea, black and white, two dozen on oard, at / . o C the card...... .......... ...........

SPOOL S IL K — 50 yards of tbe m],faniuua Beldtng make of Spool / o P Silk, black and all colore, spool.

D R ESS STEELS - Hie cele- , rat^ Haleitic Dreia Steela, In all lies, the dozen at..................

HOOK EYE TAPE-Very goodquality ol Hook and Eye Tape, In U P black, white and gray, the yard...

ELAST IC W EB-Snper Male ^Elaitic Web, J<-lnch wide, black ^ 2 Cand white, at the yard...........

MOURNING P I N S-Good quality, sixty pIna on a paper, with bright and diill heads, at tbe paper....................... .

BATTENBURO THREAD-B»t- J tenburg Thread, all numbers, in / P white, from 20 to 400, st tha ball..

HACHINE O ll^U eit qasllty two oz. bottle sperm sewing tna- A g P chine oil, purnp for us, the bot.,


3 k

AflM O N IA— Extra choice quality, don’t confound It with the usnal J Sc, grade, our regular high test 6o, A C qusVity, special tottle at...........

TOOTH SRUSHES-Assorted styles ol handles, b«t bristles, regular Q value 15c., this week, a Pspecial at..... . .................... *

H A IR BRU SH ES—Solid one piece wood back, pure bristle, French 1 A _ make, worth T8o. each, lor this . IV C week, at.............. * ..........

VVITCH H A ZEL— Good, quality, one pint bottles, regular price 10c., ( J ^ the bottle, to go for this week, at*.*.,,

TRIPLICATE niRRORS - Xlchel- platod fmiDoandohaln, tobangor|/\ atand, reg. prioea most places I v P S5o., this w e^ each here.......

H O VTS CO LOG NE-The gennlao Hoyt Cologne end the 10c. size, F to go Ibis week, special use bottles / Pfor................................... • ^

TOILET 50A P -lh ire milled Japan, Lily, Olive, Glycerine and otheri,S cakes to box, also new Vlolette, 4 | A cakes to box, each worth 16o. 11 IPthebox...... ...................

TO ILET PAPER-Ferforated rolla,. good paper, good size roll, at regu-^ lar price 5c., apeoisf thffi week, ^ P

PETROLEUM J E L L Y -In tubes, fort ctispped hands, face and 1 ^ war- i ; rtiit^ a good article, regnkr price 5c., apecial thie wedi at........... v w r

LAUNDRY SO AP—The very hesS< quality and large cakes, usually ■old st 5c., case of hundrM cakes 2.85, per cake......................

YOUR'SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the grand bargain offerings in Newark’s Greatest Cloak and Suit Sale.



dren la a J e t te f City Befcaal.StMctal te the WKNING NEWS.

JERBEY CITY, Nov. 1 4 .-H ln D alir Fearing, eolored, wbo w as appointed a Public school teacher h r the Board or Ed. uohtlon In May last, hegan teaching this morning In new Sehool No. U. There hae been more dlsoutslon over the appointment ot Miss Fearing than over any other teacher In Jereey City. Since tbe day of her appointment rumore of dlesatlitactlon on the part of the paren ti whose children will come under her cere have been heard. I t w ai Skid th a t the Board of Educationwould be petitioned to change her ap- polntmant and place her la obarge of a class In the echool a t H arrtaon and Montl-oello avenues, which is in ibe heart ot ths negro dlitrict, end la attended almoat ez- cluilvely to colored children. If such a Osova hae been m tde, tbe Board ot Edu- iMUtoa j i u paid no attantlon to It,' Dr, Jonn J, Broderick, who le director from the Lafayette section. In which School No, If ie located, [S agalnet tuch a ohangA He ooneldere Mins Fearing ons of the best teachers In the city, and does net balteve that bar color should be any barrier to her earning her living ea the In. ctructor of children. Mine Fearing waa graduated from the Jereey City Training School with honors. _

* Swallewad Laadanara la a Dragttor*.FATE1R80N, Nov, lA -Jo h n Wilson, col­

ored, attempted to com m it lUlcide a t Dr. Britton'S drugstoro about U:IS last n igh t Wilson, who w oriu a t th e Btute House, aocompanted by hla brother, t n t e m the place, and John Wilson aeltcd Dr, Britton to aell him two ounoei of laudanum. No eooner had the doctor handed the man the drug than Wilson placed the rial to hla Il|is and drained Its oontentc. The drug, glet atruck the poison out of the m ane hands, while the brother ran from tha store. Two police offleore held the negro while the drugglet quickly mixed an aiiti- do ta Thle. however, the would-be suicide refused to drink UntU the two officere ihreatesked to Ue hJza’’wWlo Dr Bruton uied a itomacfa pump on b ln . A fter Wil­ton took the m ixture ba, was hu rrirtly driven to St. F ra p d a ’i Hqepltal. After conaldtrabla difficulty the pbyilolans got their patient to vomit, and .th in morning be was thought to be out of danger.

New Jereey Aseaetetlna to Oelebnto Ite Fortlelh Aaalvertaiy This Week.

Itw ltl to the EVBNINa NBWl.PA'IffilltSON, Nov. ' l l —The triennial

convention of the New Jersey Bundoy- school AtcoclaUon, which will meet In tbe Moiket Btreet Uethodlet Eptaoopai Church to-morrow evaning, wlU mark tha fortlath annlveraatr of tha founding of the crganliatlcn, aad Itt oOlMrs ara preparing to make tha moat of tha oooaalon. ■Tha aa- eoclatlon enbracas all tbe Bnoday-achoole of the Btate, of aU danomlnattonA It has u auxiliary aosoolatlon to avery county, with various lovrnsblp and dlitriot ostocU atlona prtmanr unlou and other forms of liKal worL Tm Btate oofiventtan conslets

Btote officere, together with ten delegatto elect^ hr each w tha coun. ty oonventiani. About two hundrtd iw- ular delegate with hnndrsdx of vuitm, are eneeled at this meettog. Arnwg the omlntol sp^arajvho ara to take ™rt will ba Rev. Dr, A, F, Bchatlfflev of New

C®™''8«!s WoalfkillV of Brooklyn; Rev. Dr, A. H. Brodfotd ofv>.. «nL ii. vYQoqonaM B ai.S '. D a « F a n d l iw .

1 Fhlladelt Uew t — ,

laa aeaw vaim UftJSlSdeldee those, various eonfereneet and’ dw-

Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, of and Rev. Dr, J. L. H uribuL __ who will apeak In th e order named'■luce insBA Tanoue oonierene,. cuHlonx of i m p ^ n o e ara to to told.'

The reporu o t the various o% » h and com m lttM wiU show a ^ t o f f s u t o t o Jffl.cfenoy In tha^organtm tIon“ and a vM t

P atton ; treasurer, Henry M, Dsw*on; re. cording secretary, Rev, Jemoa 0. Young; am istant recording secretary. H. E. Zim­merman: chairman of (he Executive Com- mittee, Joieph D. Doty; home department eecreury , itev. Louis D. Stults; general aecfctary. Rev. B. Morris Fergueson.

BUBNB D TO DEATH ON A LIOHTBBlA tal Exploeton of e Lamp In tbe Cabla eg

Ibe J . B. Manning, aoeetel lo thi BVBNisa Nlfwu ' rJERBEY CITY. Nov. 14.-The exploeloo of an oil lamp In the cabin of tbe ateam llghler j . H. Manning, which w ai tying a t Penneylvanla Railroad Pier 8 last night, resulted fatally to the only person aboard tbe boat. , , ,,The eiploilon occurred ehortly after midnight. The cabin waa aeon In a blase;The flames shot out of the windows and were seen by the crews of other boats and those on the shore. The boats In the vicinity of the burning lighter blew their whistles to warn the flrelxmts snd ths local fire department. The Pennaylvania ItaUroad fire toga and several engines of the Jersey City Depariment responded.The flames were quickly ex nguljbed.When the Are wsi out the poflee o f the Gregory Street Station examined the btot.On tbe floor of the cabin they found the b ^ y of a man who was apparent­ly forty-flvs years old. snd who was five feet ten inobea He w ss UghtHnmpteilonsd and wore a Striped ehlrt, light trousers .u.™ „ .u w «BhOH. It was a‘Sd b id r o ^ m ^ HosplUl. w here h

ftsa Mffinllflriffiw 1 his dog, an I n ^ l g t

vemfon will opaeider lha to r t maani'^for eonUnulng and e x u d i n g Its wbrkOT this l i ^ r t a n T line. A ir o e W comiqlttoa wlU bring In s plan for the ea ttb llsM en t of a

a ,0 ••’•ffiuffi toPUoable to

ith, prasl-BCtl. Willlosis.hetd

-T— and tha.....

mefaf ftocrotary I S n i w i L’adiiMSi


wilt dtacusa and probabty Mrs. Alonso P ettit, o f MR

dent of tha Stmta I^riiBaiT ' make a report of the so m a — a t AMiury Park a i ^ other seventeen —Ptlmery wilt briefly fell whA CHnefal Bocrotary for the work aa ievening, and ontreaaurer'a rSnori — . ww mendallona of the Ezaontive and other oonm lttsaa vriO todlscutted, and t h a -----» a t tbrae y s ira da

J T S ’fnid'-.whan tb« DSWT



ITS baan doing.» r tU5Y n m m t

vffiwua recom- ju li te a ■roughly for tha

KDOftm lO BUVrU 44 wmiesjwa . •••• «waa sent to Speer’s morgue. There WM nothing upon It to lead to Its Idenllflca- tlon. _____


Psaasytvaols Towu'i ResUenta Snffiir a Heavy Doubla Last.

CANONBBURO, Pa„ Nov. 11—ThlX toem was visited tbli morning t o a furl- ou i lira which, before It oould to gotten under contro l wiped out fully a th ird of tbe buBlneit portion, two of toe principal hotale. many dwellingj and did damaga eeUmattd e l | 1»,«I0. No Itvei were loet a a f a r an can to aieerlalned.

n a saotlOD devaiiated Inoluded Wuat Pike rtroel and Jeffereon avenue. The flarana were flrst discovered In the dwell­ing house at Reed WTUlMi. All theSuette at the hotels and the peto lj In lha

walling bouits saved eome of thetr valuf-During the progress of the fire ihlavea

raapM a rich harvest In the w est end ot the town. After the Are a doxto or ■’amlHoa found their hoinee tora Jovm on to tir arrtvel, elmoet everything portahia beloft earried away.

HANNA ON HETENPE.I k a O U s gaaator la Favor of Taa and

Coffto Tax.CLEVELAND, O., Nov. I4 .-In an Inter­

view las t n ight flenator H anna lald the tariff would have to to revised to meet ez litln g conditions.

"The w ar revenue measure," he eald, ’’m uet be revised, bu t we wlU keep many of the original features of the law elmply baoauaa It la now neoeaeary. Under the old tariff law we are now getting T*ry much revenue bacauee wa ara exporting Instead Of Importing, and something m utt be done to meat theaa new condltlope.

" w a m ust have a nsw revenue meas­ure,’’ha contlnuad. “So ta r os I am con- esruad 1 favor putting a duty on toa and ooSaa. The revenuee tor the support ot the Government m ust be raised In some way and tbe Indirect i i toe best way so- cording to my Idea.

"W hen the people do not reallw that they a re paying a tax toera Is no com­plaint, BlDl It will be neoeitary to retain ■onto o t the faaturea of the w ar revenue measure. The tax la now on toe peopla and In aoma Inetancea It la tha proper method of taxation ,’’

Nearly Chin B l l LHS Her a Dag,, TRENTON, Nov. lA -John Knechl, who lives on Ballavue avenue, waa struck by a tra in on the Belvldere-Drlaware divtilon ot toa Pennaylvania Railroad yeaterday a t Prospect atreet. Hla skull w as frac­tured and ba waa taken to St. F ra n c li 'i HoepiUI, w here ha la said to to doing wall, a lthough iflxty-one years of age. K necht w as walkm g.on the railroad with hie dog, an Intelllgenf spaniel, ot which h t w hs vary fond. A tram came along andthe dog did no t realise the danger ax hla ownar did. The animal got on toe track and tha m aalor saw th a t he would be killed. He took a daaperate chance to save the anim al and waa ■truck on the head by the train . The dog was killed. K ntcht'eK' uU waa fractured, and tha operation

own aa trephining wax partonuad.

D eath a t Hewty T , Baltor,PATBiRION, Nov. U .-H onry V. Butler

d ltd a t b ll home, t u Broadway, Friday evening, having been III only one day. Tha deceased w as Hfty-itx raa re old, and a eon o t th e late Henry v , Buller. He teavea a w in and three adult ehlldren, Tbe eon, H enry V. Butler, Jr., It an en­sign lo the navy: he was on the Olympia In tha battle o f Manila Bay on May 1 las t snd to lx still with AdmIrsJ Dewey's squadron. Mary, the elder daughter, was recently m arried to a son of Admiral G h a r a w Bonoroft Oharardl, in this oily, and la now a raaldant o t E ast OrangA M in Ju lia B utlar, toa youngar daughter.

, The widow i t a daughTer of

TERRORIZED BY TBAMPB.Itlioee of W aahlngtaa, W arren Oemtye Arm Thtinatlvee-Hewsrd Ser Mardorera.

Srrrltl to tbe EVENINO NBWA WASHINGTON, N. J„ Nov. I t - T h l f

tramp nuleonca has beooma to general Uf this city th a t the olttxene dare not retlrw a t night w ithout taking extra preoau- tione. Many of them are having tbelF rasidencea fitted with burglar a la rm s afl4 nearly every male member eleepa with w revolver under hla pillow or a gun ap toe bead of bis bed. During the past fawf weeks many houses have besn entared: and women have been terrorised by In^ aolent tramps.

Tha cruel m urder of Jacob ErwtoA M peaceable old man, on Sunday night o f last week, hoe brought the clllsens to %full lease of the danger, and there It somW talk of sta rting a petition to be presented a t the next meeting of I he Common Couiv- olt, asking for an ordlnanra cumpelltnF, tram ps to work If caught upon the etreeto* of the borough. The Common Council a b Ite las t m eeting offered a reward of OHr for the arre st and conviction of the m ur^ derere of Erwlne, and decided to appoInGI an extra m an to do police duty. I t It ex-' parted tha t the county will offer a llberak reward, In addition to that which tow Common Council haa offered.

Dainty Coat for Baby,

$ 5 , 0 0 .

rise, ebtta Sgurrtihitk, llaiSsaSwiSMiAesiiisg' U|W feller irUnneSaMplettltfetiMMNSkaiaid'lUklnM.

qVei hbm e.''j% e vridow' le a daughter of lU o S trg tfn o ' l i o v tn u c fi o f rhe tata JuaU at Joaepli B. Bradley, of the ■. oa^^Wtwfe" c a n Im a * 1 'Unitsd S ta ta e iu p re m e Court. “ EIR»Wn BS j K f W ^ M

os M oainaL l i—Tha now Gov-

Ia>rd UInto, hla b e n Tiotorday

StaanaMp Bcote- ' did not dleam-

even bzlir-tfiifiA by time those onlf—rtrbolinAke the tiaF of children their (x illA c il,

This week we will endeavor to make all who will call upon us realize more fully than ever w hat an extraordinarily large assortment we carry and that our prices are extraordinarily low. You cannot help but realize that

you can get more and better for your money, than can be had elsewhere.


Iron Bedsteads.ALL AT OKE PRICE

RwTf 1 Inch Inn pllinn. In'!* Ollln* rnli. m m u kiwhi. TIm tnum l nn tttM bcdt !•

jl)W«la« NMl U tihN.d 2«1,h!l.rX -in

Our $12 Bed U a beauty•ad tMqumdjr bnuiAi br Pnnp>* *»<> 10Mu<J«t In puitf UH an ill-ln a on*.

Spring Beds.wrietlr »ll Mrmpwwl wown win, 4 a tm

(ilm hud wood (Inlihwl fnmn.trli'tly At for romlart and dnisUlltjr, .Uhar tor wobdan or Iron brd.tawli

l . U S .Our Black Dtaiu.md V in e, thli WMk, aor

MATTRESSES.Alwari bur them ol Ihe malM'. thaa roo know

abat rou an frttlna, tor thcr caa tall roa,IV V m j m o r e T h a n

l,m for ail Eicrlilor Hatlranf • aa for a MUed Miitnaat l.«A fora Iliuli Maurawf a.ao fora IliHkai.l I'utton Mallmaf a.DO for a Uiitun Maitna. (Iliad with ooUoo aa

whil* a. ■im«. 4iv1b. walahi, uada la two partap a.rt40.1l'. Hair M aum f M .oofora tu-lh Pure -.Ath Amaiioaa Lone

Hair UaurtK' Itwfular price EB Oft

PILLOWS.W« ctrry % IftTiru line of ihoM Ib itock u d Bho

nftkfl them to order, flllud with TMthtn i l ICDiB 14^0. .10 63c. per puUDd.

Renovating.Mlloirtnd Bed Tpuihen TinoT»l«d by »ew

lieinii prooc»> per poui l.

F E A T H E R S .Wa pride onnelvM for the food nsnie

we have xalned upon reliable, pure todiwAAi iiDtlUtsf iM theri.

Chicken............... . I S OMixed.................... . 8S 0Duck,................... 4 S oGeese (best). . . . . . . . . . . . . . O B o

Chiffonnieres.MM aatlqiia oak, S laita daap drawara htaai

trtnailiita, carrad lopi |»iial iMa, h a Dniib, atyta and la nude aaiialty a wall a tba H kind. Our iwloa a.4n.

A bauUful rarlaty In Mk. mahogany and biid'aeya mapla. We an eonOdent wa hara lha bat yalua lu all g n d a

Diniog Tables.EkM bMTV tolid Mtique n«k. B eitrft h firy

: U$L UtorDOfniy QuUbeC pul li> m S m wWi M b »Bdli cKtn J / Q

T h e $ 8 .0 0 T a b l elaaraoaklaaarnrlaardfk. toaf, all aolld oak,

bautifai lap and worth tlxra

Sid^oards.Mid antiqua n u . Prmch bard ibapad flam.

3 tniall and ,1 larg. drawar, I diawar b ploahlined, ibmbla cupboard, rait braae trimialaim .try handaomaly earrtd and Bulahad. Ipatlal,

e .O B *ibd ffoas h«n « • fu up» ilu v lig 10 {NUtonk

Bbd the beat onu At

e a o . o o .

C H IN A C LO SETS.Heaatiful to behold. Our buyer ih ow -

« l f[(>od laate In aeleotloa (fooda lor tbia di'iMrtiuetil. A w ry eliowy and ooin-plnu- lino. Aoxioua to ha?e yon aea them. All prloal from

6 . 0 0 t o 5 0 . 0 0 .9 . 7 5A very pirtty one for.

Come and See It.

Chamber Suits.See the 3-piece Mult we are

yelling tor

S 4 . 0 0 .If th li don't p leu e—then look at

our otfaera.

P A R L O R S U I T S .the gn of I’aeat and moat com plete line o f I’arlor

Hulta In the 8 u te . It you're laxurloui we can give yon luxury, and that at a very im a|l ntm. For example, t 3-plece Ma­hogany I’arlor Suit, haudiomely Inlaid back, hand-rubbed and highly poUahed and covered In lUk damaak, a tegular $40,00 ault, to Introdoca II A A we will aell It for ....................... 6 0 . u U

Combinations.Desk« and Book


Inall tbelataeteohiii and itylei, aolM qnae ' nak. larga ihapad French mirror, 4 thalTaa,

•bapad' glaaa door, thraa diawari. caai hnili IrlmmiRii, Urd'eaya maple, hack hand.eamd, rubhad and poHahad. Bpatoal

i i . e s .

Carpets, Ruga, Oilcloths and Linoleums.Do You Need Carpets?

It w ill pay you to vUlt our Carpet ttMDt. Wa kaep only the

that art beat and talk tu

A m laaM rt, $1JS teld aM llaad, at,

valna, road%

* * 1 . 0 7 iI * '■

A ^ n ’a ' b p t f ^ B natala , which M O a bagt oarpeia o t tha kind MMHtnoturad, apadalp p ry a rd ........ ...........7 2 i C

l;M ia aupar all-wool beat duality M ^ n Carpeta, SBe. and

- r C n ln a , at, par yard— u f B lr

59c. valna, at, par yard ..

tapaitiT Bmaaala, antra M gBatlty, at, par yard.

English Llpolenma, 4 yda. CC/.y a r d .. . O tP V


wida, at, par iqaara

Ollelotby, the SSo. at, per yard..........

Wllum Mitf, tlze Se In.z f IS In., U -U quality, at, eoah


AxmlniUf Rngt, ITIn.xSS •% A A in., $3.70 value, at.................. * e U U

W a takaaapacial padan !■ aMW*artag and cu ttin g carpadn, n tc ., a . that y M don 't hnvn t a pagr far ■ a m than la a N a lu ta ly nacaa aary to covar y o u r floqra.

Hone but expert la y a n eiqployad.

Couches.We have Couebesin all cov-

erioga. Pricea run from 4.98 up. Special tufted all-hair up- holaterj,spring head and edge and solid oak frame, 14 .9 8 .

Complete aeaortnent o t Leather Couohm from 2 1 . 0 0 up.

Desks.Line of Desks in all de­

signs and all wooda. Special in Roll Top, full panelled, sold fjuarter oak, 50-inch, at

U d ia s ' Danka-^SpeoIal In Blrda- aya Maple, s i 3 . 0 8 .

Book Cases.Complete line ot Book Cases. A

S|ieda1 at 6.30., Solid A. 0., panalled back and doubled glsu door*. Another % rda l - Solid qaartered osk, drawer at bottom, at 12.08, Still ane more. Thti one 11 solid oak, witbont door or drawer tnA the price la 3.08,

J . C . M c C U R D Y & CO.-The Popular Up-to-Date Furniture House,

Free Dalivsriaa • E veryw b sra ,

Stoves and Ranges.< lu r No. 9 0 S A r t P n rlo r

Stove—The Interna) eonytmetton la arranged with double rear duet, dMoending and paaaing around a daflacUng plate In the naie, and np again at tha hack to tha pipe coo- M otion, ntlUxInf the bMt that would otherwlaa go up the chimney, tha Are pot te round, large s m heavily east, baa ahaklng, siloing and draw centra grate, bMvy nick-•led cabinet beie, ^rga nickel stde-

................OcV • ■rallt, top la full nickeled and hat bandaome bronM urn, tide and front ot this stove are full swelled and rear hat kettle attaohment. Im- poasible to purchase anywhere but at our place tor leu than $16.00. Marked In our tMument in plain Ugnrea,

1 1 . 6 5 .

O u r V ic to ria Kaogo bound to be a hmder, baa extra heavy oaatlnga, exoeptlonal large ovan and me box, u h pan la enuloaed,Ervventing dust from escaping, rolling and slda door, with mica

lights, nickel band at tpp, heavy cabinet base, kicker to o^n oven door and nickal tea kettla ihelvaa, marked In plain ftg. a ■ A A urea In our base- M yment.

“C h a rte r O ak -— A to ba de­pended upon range, description of the Victoria (Its ibu range, only ItIs not so large and heavy, good baker aad attriotire IW m a range at an attractive / / Aprice....................... ■

Oar 8 Cylinder Stove | i A polished sind ready toput np


■•A as aa Barbaih aw Tmeaaevte ivaa ya j- tiw c to Saew Ba-

a i rwrta rviM la*.. r ia ,. Nov, 14.—P rtvaU ra-

Porto Prieclpt and Nauvttaa. that T.M TSfular voldlara tnutl-

iha Spaolab tu tbm iU at M aand back toSpain tba Bpanlab troopa, aumbarina S.M nsn, upon tta. arrival of. tba Am«icanaaewsa, M|n#u eaaw wi i t m va EW au3«tsi,9Uaa rr iu n . i t waa axpeotad th a t llia r would •all aaxt Tuasdap or W ednsadap, but an unsxp.ctad obstaola haa artsaa amoDf tbaman ibamsatvML

Thop a r t on tha vrraa of m ullnp, oprnip daclartoa. tbsp will not m u m to npaln until tb .p hava rMalvad Ibslr pap, now ta r Id arrears, for asrvlea tn Cuba. Tba mutiny axtanda not alona to tb t anllaled man, Enit to their offleera, and l i directed a ia ln s t tha axecuUva ofllcUla of tha kla- dnd Oovernm.m on tha Island. Some ot

kamr that l.m Tscular oowiiara mmi- -^Moadtag thslr pap bafora embark.

About E M anaad aaSdlaei, jUP._tnlaBtaA thnmaaltna in fpiAaeo ar Parto Prtardpa, oalt-

lIUIlaiT OovamoT, BmlUo

drew hto im ta dlabaad. Ttae

K, m n aad to otwp. and a m il with leadfd liflaa,

!!■ of OorwraJ M arcb. who U a aword to Ita foabbard, crpltig

the man hava not been paid for naarip a

to kin «•? W all kill

. . ta rapir, abootad: wa oblp want our pap bafora forspaia."

Iban paswdaid tbam tbwp aod tba addlasa ratumed to |>660Mbty«

AtV6VR ]aft B a t s u Sour Viltb hlM N wttb wWch to pap

Wtai wart ta atabask IsaaM-

cTulaar Alfonao XIL and tha uno-_____ Condo IPavabadtta and In tauM laa-I h ta hnva proteadad for N u a v ltu to unoi- ; n ta tb a a a ld tm to aaibark, a t ta r wbicb : m m w in pmoaed la CM hare, fo r a llko

pana, aad will then go to Spain unlM t r a tda ta a n raoeivad.


f l n w taw M n d Man a t tba B IgbA B afn - foe CUwalrp Embark a a tba MaaHaba.

— ■ dM w g Ipaalib M UIaty.lAVAJfNAR, Oa., Nov, U —Tba Oov

arwaaawt transport Uanltotia. aaltad for IMnrttM, Cube, at IJS o'clock paatardep ■arwing, eanplng Oenaral Carpaotar and Itfa haaiiouartara and itx troopa of tha ■Ightb Eagvlar Cavalrp, about t t t man taaatbar with hoisaa and a larga amount o f atoraa and auppltaa.

Tha diapalcb wrilb wtalcb tba Manitoba waa bandiad aaeala anpthlng In tbta llaa

I bagUiBing of tha war wltb Spain. Tha Maallatia arrived from New Torb at

paar, and to alt of them lavcral moat pap ta dua.

Tba altuatton haa oraaUd no parttcular tn iKe r • ' * ' - 'I tbc ralnda ot tha .Amariiian au

_____ aa It la not UbMp aarlanalp ti:eot tba contnl of that portloo o f tbooam .

|OTttlaalilaad Ibp tba ^ t i i c a n forccsi butrMlUad (hat thoaa l.tw s t r id im shouM paralat In ibair ra fu aaf to return

ut It Is If thep

to Spain, might baeauta dapaudenla whom It would ba dlSlcult to oara for, and ut- Umatelp, parbaps, • menaca to good gov- orament on tba totand.

Tha Spanish autboritlaa axpreaa no fsarof IbNr abtlltp to solva the ^ b le m p m

itad, but bow they will n, baefcad bp tbtlr oflloara,

rafnaa to ratum homa without tbetr pap.man. oflioar

It. If tbo •baolutelp

la not clear.

Cbiwp Hamllfon Naaslp D aaarM ,UEXINOTON, Xp., Nov. It-T h a

Twalftb Now Tork Beidmeni lafi Sundap Qu,, where tha new camp

_______ , Jrtg ed e , Bccoud DIvltlan, laloaalad.. Ifia Third MtoataaliM laavts to­day tor iba'South, and then there no regiment left at Camp Hamllto

elU balo'rMraent left at Camp Hamilton . . , r. 'The two negro regtmanta havt their

eamp a tra n mllea from the encampment of the white troopa. Tha Tenth Immune* alao go to-dap. and the Seventh Immune, on Tuaadap. Tq-morrow Oeneral Sanger will break up olvlaton baadquartera and with hla .ta lf leave for Macon, Qa. Only a few alck a n left lu the hospital a t Camp HasnUtoB, and as «>on as cnep are well •noBgh to b . moved Iba boaplial will be antlrelp broken up.


M Welook psatardap morning, and within laaa than olghtaan bou:ITS after bar arrival

waa 0 0 bar wap to ana agalu wttb tba traeua and atoraa aboard, the work € t toadug having baen aocompllrtad WtcMa about Dftaan bourn.

Tka nix troopa of oavairp arrlvad ham aailp Saturdap morning, and warn on thalr

to ana iritb suppUea to laat for atv- maotba within twtntp-four hoursmty-l_ -------

after tbstr arrival bora. Tea Mknltoba warst fawn Iba river drawing twsntp-ons ■ a t tan Inobaa pasalng tba ebb tide wlth- aat dtSteultp.

WASHINOTOH, Nov. ti-A d Ju U n t- Oaaatal Corbtn raoalvad a dispatch pas- tardap announcing that tbe Ehgbtb Cav­alry bad aaltad. The regiment will ba tht Awarloan garrlaon at Puerto Frioolpa and Neovltaa.

In tbit oonnaetton an Intereatlng bit ot tafOnnatton has reached the W arueparl- ■ ant. Arrangemtott bare btan made bp

A PECULUi) REMEDY.; Abawt tba Maw O laaoraiy fb t

Oaslag Upapapata.Tha Rev. F. I. Bell, a highly citaanM

auninlar maMlng in Weddsport, Capuga County, M. y ., lb a raenni latter writes as M lawa; **rbam lua never baen anytUng that I hava taken tbat bag lellavad tbo DyapapMn M m which l hava auffarad for IWt yaara axoept tha naw remndp aaltad ■isarPa Dyapepala Tablata. Blnca taking them I have kad bo dlairna at all after aailng and again altar loog paar can alaap wall." Bev. F. I. Bell. Weadaport, N. Y., tormarip Idalta. Col

Stuart't Upapepala Tablata (a a ramark- able lamedp, not only becaube It la a car-

kanauaa it saoma to not • • thoroughly In t v ’b ld ahrotiifl caaaa of dyspepala aa well aa la K .* '-ta fll auaoks of Indlgesttoo or biUousneas,

>.BMm haa dyapapsta lim ply baoeuie thala overworited, tU It wanta to a vegatabli mmody to dlgaat tha thus give It tha much naedad

Rg tba aaomt of tha luccoia o f th isNo tte r how weak or

8 W d W . t, worka or not,

ig tvan not only to »n4 narva

hie sg ltnd lJ medl. ~M f t f a i i ta ]

troubuf onii beTOSS, ''t..**'*uNtoll., stU 10

aa Uiai bs


Tha maSarhaaca. tisatad by Iba Matlnona nraapa baen ta Ba Bver-DUIamIty

la k a l.lag M aiep.HAVANA. Nov. IS, via Key W csl Nov,

lA—The dlsturlMUicrt here »eem to be over. Xvorytbing la quiet and regular Spanlih troopa am patrolling the oliy.

Tba SpaiUih Oevernmem yesterday ot- ferad tba market here 14X.IXIC, a t three day a on London, In order to apply ihe proeaedi to the payment of the troopa Two Spanish bankers look but thatomlgn houses refused to touch ih . paper unless flrst tdvlsed th a t the neceaiarp funds had been dcpuslU dln London banks to meet Ihe drafts.

The paper la being orrered a t one or two nolnla below commerrlal ratea, auowiug now tar Spain’s credit le Impaired.

It Is reported th a t (orly-nve ringicadsrs nnd the chtef promotem of the mutiny have been arrested and Imprisoned In M orn Castle, but It Is und.rsUioO that none of them will be oourt-marilalled

A battalion of the Orden Publico waa shipped this morning on board tbe rissm er Alicante with Its ofllcere. There wa* no Dppoirtllon made, and all waa qutai hers, Regulsr troops w sk autfooed along the• im sli Itsdlng from the P la n d . Arms* to the wharf. The.y were under the eom-msml of Ucnsral Arolas. Prevtoii* to he. fog M back fo their quarter* the troops dtllled on the Plasa de Armas btfore a*n- »ml Solano, Captaln-Oeimrat ■ Blanco'* chief of itaS .

For Mm* time past ih* uprising of cIm trooM In regard to the non-r« top i of u m s pay im; been feared. Not only Is ibajy aeV owing for month* and yearn, but. w haim more, tb« reserve pay of the euldiem, ibnir **U4*V* “*•* •i’Nr MiNcnnent,which were looked upon by (hem as

tala Ramon Itendosa. formerly aids la Oentral Lawton a t BanUigo.

Owing 10 tbe dlaturbanea In ib* city theCubana were ilraag ty of tba optnlon tbat Oarcia should not entar H avana, and It waa believed he would leave tbe train a tClenaga and to from there to H aiianao. Contmry to tneaa --------- "rained to

to tbea* eapeciatlona. h . deter- fo ter tbe city, principally with

1 ot seainc b li mother. He leftthe object ot seainc Bis tbe train at Carlos Tercero. Iba next ata-tlqa to Ihe terminus a t Villa Nueva,

' era a him* crowd awaited him, 1____with dlmcully tb a t he wa* able to es­

cape, On* of the flmi to meet the Oeneral wa* Perfecto Laroata, president ot theCuban Junta. He waa presented to tbe otbsr membsn. Many ladlee were alsopresent, several of whom threw their arms around Qarcla and Uaaad him.

BveaUaUy, after eonalderabta daisy, be wee able to laacb bis carriaga and wasdriven rapidly Into tbe Oi* houee

AXOMa OAMKIBAU.Marmw Bieapa a t Two n allan frem Sb*

Baade a f (M a a e n Islander*.SAN rRANOiaCO, Nov. K -«ydn*y ad-

vtcea tall tha fata of Captain Kohlson and crew ot tb* cutter Sea Ohoat, which sailed last 8*plsmb*r from Queanaland for tha Island of Bukc, In tha Oarnan Solomon group, Boutb Bm Iflanda. Ttae survlvom •acapad and warn mtumed to Quewialand, where they related thalr advaniurat. They state that befotm tha emw could make a move when they reached the apparently friendly leland in lb* Salomons, the na­tives boarded tbe vaeaet and attaokad tha oraw furlouilj.


Mrs- Beaner Awoke to Find B er Imbsm R u b«H i Leanlag Oeer Her VVttk

a Rnito la Bla Bawl.Speela] Dteuteb to th* NEWA

FAirERBON, Nov. l i —August Kenner,aged ttfty-one, attempted to murder his wife at Z;kl o'clock this morning. Had not the woman's cries aroused otbsr tenants In the house, Kenner would doubtleaa have accomplished his purpose.

Kenner le a shoemaker and the father ot a larga ramlly. For laveral weeks ha hap baen atrtlng strangely, arguing' that bla

DtarialiwsrfromHashlag onof Baperfistkat tba Crulsar Hae Temperad With.

WABNINOTON, Nov. H.-The Itrst Intt- matlon that there haa been anything like an organised conspiracy to prsvent Ihe •alllag of the crew ot the BuSalo reached U>* Navy Department ihrougb the newe- papera, and it muit be aald, the olllclala give very little credence to this story.

Tbty say that it ts frequently the oats when a vessel la hurried away from the n e w yard after hasty reptin, as was the

Tbs man sailed plaoaa of wood, iron or lUlf

wbsra his mothar awaited :

Spanish Tnamtort Wrask ad.HAVANA. Nov. 11—Ths Spanish trans­

port Lsgasui want aabore at t o'clock this morning at Punia Boqa Oavllancs, nearClentuegoi, province of Santa C lan , and------------- lo ■ ' ------------ ‘was totally [oat. All th* membara ol tbs craw were saved.

CURBS BYDBOPBOUIA.An Iriskmaa's Uapalsd n sm idy fur tka

prssd IWssass A FsmOy SsmsADUBLIN, Nov. 14,—Doctors alt over th*

country are much Impreeeed with th* re­markable cures of rabies effected by Ho- Qovim, known Ihrougbout tbe vNortb of Ireland aa an Infalltbla expert In treating this dread dlaeasa.

McOovern Uvea In the county of Cavan. Ha wilt not allow any Investigation ot hla cure, Bucb an InvasUgatlon waa proposed a year or two ago by aeveral North ot Ire- laiX dooiors, who bad been struck with fOBW of MoQovsm's ourcs, but bs refutad all laformalton.

It la aarialn that there ta something In Ih* mao’s method. True, on* or two of hla oumaroua pattema hava died of hydro- pbobla, but ao have several hundred of Pasteur'a: and Fsslaur never claimed what McOovem haa claimed and proved—ubathis mirs can at times take effect even

r Thtafter tha grsi tymptoraa of this terrible dieeaaa have Appaarad.

It la known that he treat* by means ot a secret remedy In the form of a drug orherb, admlnlittrcd lo tbe patlent’e food, which la extremely "Spartan" in quality and quantity during the weeke of iFeat-

ao meal. All ot It la 'ern'a. own handa.

___ _____ _ tha UcOovirnfamily for a ooaalderable time, and Is handad down from father to son, never

ment, and Includet ao mea prepared by HcOovern'a ot

The aaorat baa baan in

being dlsoloaed to anx one else. Il Is sug gcaled that a aulllclrntly large money con-slderatlon ba offered by the dootors for McOovero'a aecreb

Ila.Wi Dwa ta Uydrophobla. BCDALIA. Ho., Nov, 14.—Thomas Moore,

sevsn ysara_oi5i. sen o|^^K j. ^Mgo»,_*member of Company t, facomi Beyl ment, Missouri Voluntaarkia daadof hydropbobl*.The lad waa bitten two weeks ago by

■ “ rlidog which was auppoaad to be suffering from rableg. A few hours before th* boy died h* commanoed to bark like a dog and was •tlaeliM with frequent convui- slons. He triad to kite bla afiendanta ands-emed ^ a esa a d of superhuman strength. Hli death waa a moat agonising ona.

Wesoas'e Baabssaa tXinvgsd by FIra,

<tred,Jui¥* been appropriuted, dr stoien aa by the (lovernmani, wbtekthe men say,

I.endi a deaf ear to their proteeta and re-fusee to return the hanl-earned eavlnge of th* men.

What araoupl this rsasrve pay reaebes i| la impoaslbls 10 eitim als among the many rmimuits on ths Island, but li ta known that U aggregates mtlijana Thbi la iba ^ 1 queetlon which ha* h*en prro:pltatlng riote, aaiialng mutiny hers and tmpMIMthe men tolneuhordlnsifon at Nucvltaa, and which may yet give rise to funhsF widespread dlelurlisncea 4t> lbs Island,


Bsssivad RatkaalaatlcuUlv by tfes rnkaai In thsi City.

HAVANA, Cuba, Nov. U.-OanaAua Oarolx, BaitguUy, Lanuia and Joaa Miguel Oomsi, msmbers of lha Cuban fatsgatfon from Santa Crus, arrived laat » ih t en routs lo Waabingtoa. They war* acoom-

curs for nil forms at tndinnntinn hii4 PShled by tnsntbers of thSlf Staff and ^ but, many Cuban offiotra, who stoptNid at Ba-

the Spanish CommlMloncra with tha body of Ostieral Vara del Ray, A i ths host neared tha wharf ibara waa aeau a strong battalion of Epanlah troopa drawn up a i a guard ot honor for tba raoaptlon ot tbe oonimlealonars.

Ths Cubans at drat thought that lome objacuon wia to be mad* to aarcht'a landtag. Tbla, bowsvsr, waa marked by no looldeot, knd ha quietly boardad tha train at Batabano, knd at ail ata- Itona along lbs routa large crowda of iprrtatora turned out to see tha Cuban leader. With the nceptlon of a fsw chcare there war* no drmonetrallona until tbi train stopped at Clenaga, a few miles from Havana,

Thsrt a ccmmlttsa of offleera from Uen- •oal'a camp, at Marianao, awaited hla ar­rival, alM tiatiy prominent Cuban real- dshti of Havana wars aiao gathered iherr,

^ ’'•‘•bNok Mora, Lsyir VlfaL B niadltr Armandd r Iv m and Cap-

____ ____ . b'Ue waa discov­ered this morning In the Women's Ei - ehungA H Broad ytrast. The fbiniea sproed to the music and blcrcla itpre of B. W.

floor. The Blisiibelh

anything that could ba uied tor dtfanoa and a desperate oonfltct followed. Two ssilora went down at the flrst attack and two Bolcmon tsiaodsra were laid out on tha deck.

Several more boatloads ot irrosd M ilves arrived and fell upon th* Crew, quickly dispatching all but throe.. On* man jumped overboard, swam ashore and wss uken prisoner and bla two surviving com- ridas overpowered and Ufd With ropes. Captain Kohlson was In tha rigging. Ha was dsaperately wounded by tb* apear- men. He saw that It was uaelesa to ra- matn aloft and ba potted Ilka a tdrd In a trap. So he allpped down the lUya to the deck, leiied an ax* and knocked two of bis asMlIants down. He was soon over­come, however, and his body ran through with spears.

His corpse w ss thrown ovsr tha aide of the sehooner. Th* native* than started ashore with their prisoner*. laUng with thsin the bodies of the dead. The two hapless prisoners were thrown Into a canoe, landed on tbs bMcb and left on tha sand, whtia the Solomon lalandari prepared a meal ot tba bodlsi of tbalr OOmradea.

While this grswsome feast was being made ready a number of warriors put tha vamel ashore and succeeded tn flnding • ks(J of liquor. Thera wart wild ihouia of delight ind In less than an hour tha an- tM party was stupidly drunk, which an- •bled two or the prisonert'to aaonpa.

family wanted to make blm apnar to bla tlly 1trianda much oldar than ha rsally was. To

hla neighbors and cuatomsrs Ksnnet con- Unualiy spoke of his age. He would refer them to tba clock, Inalatlng that tbe dial ihuvwd thirteen Instead of twelve hours, and on this point the old man would draw deductloni to prove that he was still a young man.

Shortly after midnight Urs, Kenner wa* awakened by a choking senaation. Bbe saw bar husband Isanlng over bar In bed. With ona band ba held her tbroat. while In the ottaar he flouriahed a long-bladsd bread knlta

"You must dtst" hliaad tha old man.Mrs. Kenner auooeedcd In loosening hla

n a w yard after baity repiln, aa waa the Buffalo, tblnga go wrong to such an ex­tent as to eadte in aome raindi that acme evU-mlnded persona are reaponilbla.

Tha finding of aoma imail article! be­longing to 1 x 110** tnsld* of the oondtnser ig not Itsalf a tact unexplaliiable except upon (he theory of conapiracy to damage tha ahls. Such things nav* oftsn beenship. Such things .Incloasd In bolters and cyllodtri by care- leas workman.

Tb* bad condition of tbs valves wbicb haa baen referred to • • evidence of tam­pering I* also explalnabls by the fact that the machinery of Ihe Buffalo suffered very much not only from neglect, hutfrom bad handling as will during the sev­eral year* *h* lay at anohor to Braaillan



grasp, and callsd tor bsljx Her cries aroused her married daughter, who sum- monsd ataiatanoe. Tha old man. after be-monsd ataistanoe. log overpowered, appaared to quiet down, but broke out anew an bour Mtar. Tbla time Patrolman Berry arrived on the acena In time to prevent tbe lunatic from throwing hla furniture out of tb* win­dow. He had already driven hti family out-of-doors. _

In oOuK this morning Kanner tUll Insist-

Was Ttwl Bp at Taatoa Daring Uta War.

NEW* YORK, Nov. H -T ha ataam yacht Vanina arrived tbla morning from South­ampton, October Zl, via Bordeaux and Funchal Madeira, with her owner, Eugene Htgglna and four gucata. Ttae Varuna left New York almoat a year ago tor an ex­tended cruise In European waters. At th*

are tha Autumn, idea, and It's )uit tbe idea to pick them from our stock 6f up-to-fate and' seuonabie footwear. Wet feri are 1 free ticket to sickneas, which b certain to reach you on a quick trip. GoNi health traveb is dry shoes. Our Fall footwear fills evtnr re­quirement as excluders of dampnesi and Im- peneimble lortlfications against mud. The ligh quality and unequalled durability of our

dry foot shoes nuke them very cheap at such prkes u we offer:

ed'that hla wife waa t r y lu to add years ................ ” ■* w ifi must die be-

outbreak of the war with BpaiO th4 Varuna waa at Ventes, where aha rfaialn-

to hla Ufa He said h i s ------------------fora ha eculd again ba set aright In tha • y « of tha world. Hla daughter waa In court, and ths old msji wamad ber to have her mother kilted, aa the would kill ttaam kll. Ha w«* committed to tha county JaU and srtll be sent to tba Morris n a ln s Asylum.

fa until the cessation ot taosUlltlaa.,Fine weather was experienofa up to No-

5PECIALS THIS WEEK.vsmber 111, when a strong gala was an- oountered from the_wesi veering to nortb-waet and north. During tb* atorm th* Varuna behaved aplendldly and pnvad^an

Ladles' Patent Lcitbar Lace ty P A Mwnbh toe tut, the f; shoes ofother stores.. •

admirable sea boat Aocompaarlng Mr. Hlggln* are Mesers. Cotton. Wood, Arthur and D(. Mitchell. The Varuna Wilt anohor

Men’s Enamel Lace, araterproof g A A lined, ahif la, double or cork sole,

on BUpItton, Btalen Island.


Whst the B.mrU of Oleanater, Maea., (•« Oaw l>nr ItwTMUft.

GLOUCESTER, Maea., Nov. 14.-Tba books of Ihe Qlouceatar Mutual Fishing Insurance Cumpany of this city, which will be elasec to-morrow, and from whfoh the Hit of losses, not only In veaaele, but In live* of the ilshermen running from tha city are made up, show tbat during tha pa*l yesr nineteen craft and ninety-two men nave l«en secrlflced In tha haaardoui Industry of which this city is tha leading centre.

in addition to this loss of life and prop­erty, thu summary shows that twcniy-i

Bla Olatar-la-lsw Biplraa and A Coroner's Jury Is Invsstlfotlag.

gpselsl to the EVENING NXWg.ELIZABETH, Nov, I t —A Coronar'a Jury

baa btan empanalled In lbs eaic of Mrs. Michael Ctorysr, of this city, who died Sat­urday ulgbl as a result of having been beaten by her brother-in-law, John Dwyer, ten days ago. An autopsy waa performed 0 0 th* body at tbe Bllaabath Oeneral Hos- p |u l paaterday afternoon. .T b a jury will vlaw the body to-day ana take an ad­journment until Wednesday, when the in­quest will be held. . . . . ,

The womans slayer la looked up tn a cell at police beadquarteri.

Croker la Obleit*-CHICAGO, Nov. 14.-Richard Croker,

the Temmahy leader, la In Ctatoago vta- Itfog friends. At far a t can ba teamed

worth $6, iver]i pair |uinntttiL.Man’s Box Coif and Tut. Wintar Russia,

double and siD|lc tola, bulldof last,3.00, 3.50, 5.00.

Mr. Croker*! vliit to tbit oltjr tuu no twllticnt iifnlAcanco. ,J?lX;.^:^.’l.35mdl.75Lace

ALL PART8 OF JBB8HT. I . 5 0 a i i i 2 . 0 0sill be ralitd by Partb Amboy

of James L Tofaer, tba gameMoney

friends c . _____ _ --------- — _ -----warden, indicted for msrdar at Fatsraun, to aid In hi* deftno*.

1.751042.00The body of Mist Lldta Byra. of Ftalla-

delptala, who d.rowned hersaif at AttantleCity on Saturday, was olalmed yesterday by John Hollaiia, a rslatlyt, from Cooh-

5m 38ow Window* tat Stylo* aadPri***.

^ ......... «ssiw»TW kUibk LUrvaSAdr'lflve willow, and nfty-tlx falherlesa ohil- dren hwve been fofi by thoaa who have perished this year. These flgure* era ifag- •r than unu&L

The nineteen vrsseii fost war# valued at S ' i l i ' 'atried a total Inauranoa ot SayB. Their total tunnage waa l,Sn.ff.tbrel m.n J ’’* Slkty-three me^ |„ v ,n , j y , wldowt afa Mran-


WaatUald AW* O n n tv r* .believed to have been jnad, wentA dot. believed to have been mad, went

through Waatfleld Baturday, biting all tba dogs it cam* aqrosa. Haft a doien art known to have been bitten. A coupla of msn started out to shoot tbe aqlmal. They

I valued

^ 'o fa It'to Bfatoh Ploina, wber* It bit a doa belonglna to John Marsh. Then they lea! all trace of It. All of th* d- ’

atf",® ‘ "Faso snnual le«i for the past

doss knownto hava bfan bittan hava been killed or ire

nvtlly, Chester County, Pa,"Uncle John" Flcrtnn, Iba venarabta ax-

Freeholder ot Olouceater County, cele­brated ttae nlnety-lhtrd annlvaiaan ot bla birth yaiterday. Ur. Iff arson on T last oast bis aavanty-tscond tall s vole,

Jacob L. Van BusUrk, the Damoerkt who woe elected Bhsriff of Bergen County on Tuesday laat, althougk tb* Republicans

inT.;,!,, bV. loea tor tn* pasitwenty-rtve years has been lixtaen vaaaala

f'rstg, on th* upper floor.annum foss u n ,„ for the « u ie ^ ? « hal averaged ten yearly,

cboinfa.Rav. Dr, Rufus 8. Grten occupltd th* DUlPlt of tbs Wsstflsld Cowregxttonsl Church laatyrday. R e v ^ ^ W . Csdwell

TOO pluraliur, srlll ba aworn In by Judge Zabrlskie.


A , A . E I S E L E

Broad and Academy Sts.,bAs^rnsrtt___

The Wiatfleld Chess Club has reorgan- ad with Dr. R. B. Green ai preeldent. The

While the Olbbstown powdar work# era to be lighted by electricity, non* of tha tights will be Inalde ot a building. Windawa are being mad* In tht aidea of tha dlllareni


Fir* Defartmanl waa prom ptly'at the Miene, but the akchange waa badly gutted before tb* flames snra ciUngulahed. Mrs.c iu n g u li________O alg's Sleek was aonaUavably damaged, ffrtnotpaliy by watsr.

ffell tram a T isla ta Death.•fJtrril MpRWALK, Cann., Nov. 14 .—

'Aamaa MeWlntan, o f H i^ ok e Mass.. rsH from a frstgbt train at Eaat Norwalk ahwal mMntgbt lost night while riding on (ba Kumparl, KIs la ff arm and left leg were ant off and he died an hour later In lha Marwalk Hospital.

Hsrkentlns John Haisley Wraskillibarkantina John

frnm latn I'hlladfiphla, Captalo HolsUfa f S»Pt»mb*r « . for Foo-

oan*;.f ’ ’' ‘■k ked on Prataa Baaf,


club msata evarr other Monday night for ■ — ■Soenc# of Dr, Green.

f^ a RepuiiFeana of Cranford have or­ganised a •octal qlub, and will keep up a permanant arfaiusaijon, with roonta for raadlng and teclal affislra.

The Hotly Btreat - - -eloead on a*,, , .

h i tumaca fire, makingbaen efeuiad on account of water In tht catlar putting out tba tumaca fire, mtkiii It ImpMSlbla tp pfofarly heat the house.

Tha Orantord Township Commltte* wl

houses, and ttae light will shine threugh the** with retlectort,

John Krisgsr was wheeling down Wayn* avenue, Paturaon, about a o'clock Mat night, when hla handlsbar bruka, aod ' waa thrown heavily to tba ground. 1. was removed lo the General Hoapitat I a oomatoae stats, suffertng from trigntp

1 ha


Bulbs.THIS WEEK w* will *«ll * Hyaclotli BhIB* ot lUper-

ftaa mixtur*, 4oub|* and alugla, lor 13.80 per | 04k

Muriltivr Bills H lnsalf.14-~A spaoial

Manliowoo, wla., 15 fV- Metsmann, who was arraat-M for the brutal doubj* murder of Mr. aad R iJ-.i S'*’’'*' •* Hisblooti. near Two

r'h'fjtnhsr 5, and pSw>^ in jail for laft-kaapln*. waa

'i?" hf« by ban^ng, :fa/nra la k ln g i life Mteamonn made m conftaaKm.

a oomatoae state, sullertag from frightful wound* on the taoa and^estd, and It ia feared he ta Internally Injured.,

Matthew SupIttoB, tenyetr* old, of M Fifteenth *lre*t, Jtraty City, w u pasala# through the Erl* Railroad fralffM ^Tblrieetith street on Saturday nigh' i drilling freight trttta enteradfhiHe attempted to jump on the tral slipped and fell under ene ot the con.r f ;


In Silver Plate ia handK»ne in de­sign and best in qualit>>-it is ez- dusive w ith us, and to Introduce m ore generally

Oir Lincols Patteni

i *

wheel! paued over his lag* at tha onklao, ■avarlng both test,

James McNet, old, ot os absvl

P m i m A € 0.

having taoor sIlppM

da waa

prove Streai, Jersey *Cfty, 1himaelf yesterday when th* t ___p d cut a levara gash In U f neck. Ha fuken to 81. FniDoli’a HioapUilr Tfa wound la not serfoua. Tha peilM tbOugbt

laa might have trisd tb oammlt aul- . and Detactlva Clark wa* detallad on

tb* caaa After a full InvsaUgatlH ha » •

'tte offer comptet« line atf)P»llAL PRieBS rOR TBIB WIKK,








A awhfro

r Th boj xhiOUInoithiOfih$bidd«i





All B.ulli* ahould b* pluntpil now, Btatho (round Ib ilholy to frooio Bt uny timo.

PiBBt »om* CntMi. Tulip*, ixU*, Amiuoiws. Snowdrop*, Ciown lmp*rl*l« «ad Qrap* Hyaduth* uow u d tbty wUI (iv* you (ftat ploaaur* In tb* •arly •prlngtlm*.

783 Broad St. Markst FV

dessph JiBsiasa IlL. NOV.. M.-H

dress 00005 DEFT.Comellua I. Blsuvalt dlad on Eatunlar

;< h_i,\hoins In Hackeiiaacli, la hla 1 ' '

nount'ed dennit'ely by Hanagar Ktaowlek Theatre last nigfo!

Jefferson had canorilad b is ** ***** Iheatiw on aocount rf

M. i - v * Pf*,»entM from aPiwaring ““‘‘I joatatday It waa ax- ‘*'«i he would appear during the

®5lnkle" *' ” ‘ rowyal «f "RIP Van

yfarj. H* was fo7 o’ t im a * l^ t£ a far ‘

Cettow Mllla Raopm.Now H.-Thi oottou

have bathwillSS Ih* Thomdnts company, and E, I.'i.'ll* **peeted Will ba running In full L with sot haim, cpanHi In on* r ***, *®-**>y and tha event was notafl by

•• *"• hajrjnnlng of a *ro. Tha mlUi h*ve twsh •nut down for two years,

rn«tdAal MeHInltr Will Att»Ad. NEW Nov, \ i unpflgtAlly

not PrtAJdAni wiSAJinuAl W moaI of iwt

r ii rr»AKi#*£* annual b

wnofwfiifct li^iMViU *— ^— * the bABqmt.

A Uri* w l*ty of plAlu SUpl* PabrlH, Ifapll**, WblpowM Dr*p doPari*. Sal^ Pactd Effacta, Im* pgriijl Sariwi. Me. t am$l0 $ Uim of Tailor ClFrtMil *Ed Hoinoapun TbAft. Rilxtur**. pjidB Vipfabin doth, 4S IugIiib vld*. Wluttf

Naw Yorh t^atom-houaa, aad far thraaS« r o was clerk of tha aa ii au Counnr

o ird of choaan Fraaholdan. Batara M

: SStfS^T'm ih a ta F S f* M w to

Hebelltpn he w ss a Captain tn tha Eighth Tork ^^shiiifton G rua, and was

SMuently Chief of BUff & O s m ^ T H.. Vivian, with rank of JUauteiuuit-

4M Mcoeairuf Ad <1 fa fnaNfa g r a f f ^ t M M s ,


A rthur

yskr0L Faa aaaltunt ooari a (iiil|i aiitag ra Iba uentral SMsIona Court, " difa of heart dlaeai* on n o ^ while bloyoltng on 1

J .W IS S & S o n s ,X s a d h ( 8 ^ l ^ ' "

If,25: ; Mrtiltod fron I I .7S.

yard inthey, raaol._ ___moubtad and began Ing to Q'“ ' “ fly.***. iSfS't.'Fk?.,

tMBBl i ( fafauM ttn isp ,N m HAiOZmial, JMpa*

Mw. L o ^ e , the wfi^ a*j

dlsd Baturday attar thraugh several '"

tba uiiDto. 1



I t l t d S liQ ATeniw,T O *«.

TV '

n M i P E P i L T O m i D i

Thru Xmi, Utaly Ofttoitli of W it ■logtoa, N.OnCUl t t Usltad States

Attorney-OeueraTi Otfioe.


A ItalM CWti i l M f —T. CkUf a tP«llM Md tupH lB lnA w t af Olt} Onito Tall Thair H a n and Will Ba Olaaa a Hwitia( - Bifarlaa Bai a t O tana W.B n v a -K illla r Maaly'a Tala-TDIuuiB’i iB lanlaw .

N E W A B K E V i^ ja N a "ji(Sin>AY , N O V E M B E ll 14. 1898

One Quarter the Money

Y « i would tiwBit for a i« w la it of cloUiM would olOH (WO f t YfUf old •uH*.

iJavfn't you u fid oeut e< luU In the clofet—too goodato g lr f away, too aolUd to woarf

Wa d Uks to ahow too how much lit* wa oan put Into It at ainall coat.

Hillier & Co.,

WABWINOTON. Noa. ll.-Y liraa of the WllDilagton. N. C„ refuaeei have arrived In WanhlngtoB and to-day cahed at the UapartnieDt of Juatloa and an appointment for a cuofaraaea with the oinclala waa mad. Xur thif alternoon. The rtfuacei are B. H. Bunnlng, United State. Commlmlon. er and Juatlca of pio Prana: John K. llol- tnn. Chief of Pollc., and C. tl. Ullbert. Suptrintandem of City Carla

Aneordtna to their atatemcntt. all were u lfed without Warrant and MCortM to tha railroad atatlon by an artned and Jeer- Int mob. who abouted all aorta of loaulta after tbam aa they marched alenf. “White nlaaen" appeared to tie the laait of tha InautUnc namat with which tha erowda ■reeled them at avrry itep.

Once on tha railroad, they ware tfld In forcible lantuare that If they aver asaln aat foot In Wtlmlnjrton they would be .hot on light. When tbair train arrived at Newberna It waa boarded, they lay, by former Vayor KUIa and a lawyer named Uuyon, and they were Informed that It would not be aate for them to. remain there any leogth of time, and eo they took tha llrtt beat to Norfolk.

Brown, a negro from Wltmlntlon, who did not leave at tha lame time with them, they had ainca heard, waa tet upon by a crowd and terribly baatea In the Norfolk elty poatolBoe. At other point! they were warnad not to atop.

Tha three men are at preaent ataylng at a amill hotal on Penniylvanla avenue, but what they will do or where they will go from here la a larloua queatluo with them.

• They aay they dare not return to their bomee In Wllmingioo. aa they feel certain tha threata of Ika mob Would ba carried out, and they would b* .hot. They pirad not guilty to every oharge made agalnat, them, and Inalat that they were run out of the Bute for the alngla reaton that they were Repulillcana and refuaed at tha bidding of an Irreaponalble mob to aurren- der their right of franchlee.

STORY OF A VICTM.(fearge W. Brawn, Now lo Naw Tarh Oiy,

Vlad tm Narfalh aad Wae Bam. pallad to Harry Nanh.

NBW YORK. Nov. ti-O eorga W. Brown, of thia city, a colored man, one of the euffertra during the race rioti In the Carollnai, arrlvad here ye.terday morn­ing from Norfolk, Va.. where ha waa locked up by tbe authorlliee to aava him from death at tha taanda of Infuriated white man.

Brown waa In WUmlngton, N. C.. during the moat violent of the recent outbreak, ihire, and Indeed w ai U that city from the beginning of active meaiurea agalnat tbe negroea Hla face waa . 1 1 1 1 awollen from the eKecU of a beating ha reealved from Virginia whltea, and hti clothing waa bloodiUtned, for, once he had an oppor­tunity to leave Norfolk and aafe conduct to a train waa altorded him, he Bad with­out Heklng a ebaaga of clothing or eur- glcal asalatanca

"When all the white man carry riflea and ahoiguna,’' ha aaid, "and when the ncgroai have no opportunity to lummon ouielde aid, and no ehanca of lecuring a evtn If they could aik tor it, 1 don t aa. what hope there ta Tht negroea—men, women and children—by nunareda are altepnig In tot wood!

“In moat Inaiancea tha kllltngi rtauUed from the refuaai ef waL-lo-oo omoreu prop- criy-owucra in leave their name* auu ba- longlDgi when ordered out of town, never to return. When t left wUmingion, on a rlday morning, there waa la.h to the el- icci ihai tbe noueaa of all ooiored foUu without cxcapiton would oe aearebad. I don-t know what wUI be the outcome. 1 tear the worat. I-do oat deny that the colored men there gr* uaueliy waU u do, and, having property, have bean vary In- uepenutnt.^

He aaya that be believe, he wa. mlitakcn In Noriolk for Manly, the editor of me Vtllmingion ttecora, whose oflenalve ar­ticle In reierence u, the white women of thoee Statei la credited With turning the Ul-feeling of me whites toward the biacka into open vtolenee,

“ 1 went to Wilmington two mumha ago to vl.lt friend.,'' he ..Id . "Soon after 1 arrived Maniy'a article cuncemtiig the white women of North and South Carolina m ulled Id a notice being Hot to him to leave town before t o'clock tbe neat morn­ing. He had already been forced to move tala oIBce out of PHneeH .treei, and had m prnw l It In Bainarltun Uall, a building erectwl by the colored folk. In South Seventh iiraet with their own hard-earned mouey.

"He paid no alienilon to that iwUoe. and at a o’clock the next morning the whites were everywhere, rides In band. How drt- perau waa tha Work which followed you can judge from the fact that after they set flr* to The Record offlee, they kept tbe Srem«t baok by threatening tnera with ~iaa and Bring over their bead, aa a

Iff, •T he Fire Chief, however, drove right

through the mob. It waa too late then, nulldrng and contents were burned. It was then that the white men. In groups of five or Bln, armed with began to guard the street cornere. Every colored penon who paued waa .topped by the cryi 'Hold up your hand.!' All were acarched, and even pocketkiilvea were taken away, the owner being told I hat he could recover hla property after the trou­ble aubalded. '

'Than tha killing began, and the reign of terror waa complete. It waa In Brooklyn—

aeroio- - ___ - - ___ -jare are a

rough lot had tealMod whan the whltea held them dp with guna. Three negroce were ehot end killed In the street, and two whlta men were aerloualy hurt.

“I have aaid that mnny colored men of In aplto of the leave tbeir iiew-

..... ................ .......I of long Ilvee of In-duatry. The death of Peaman, a ooiored otwer of reel estete, w a. an liiitanc. of ihle. He wae ordered out of town after he had been beaten and Imprisoned, and waa told nevar to return. Ha started away, bu before he. Went ta t he became ma(ld<

that I., tbe nortli side of the city, the railroad, The colored men inei

propwty were unwilling, d a n w that they ran, lo seetTona, the fruit often of


by tbe thought th a t he wae driven fnem hla property, aau vowed he would return, whatever tn t ooat. Well, they gave him a ^ r m reoaptlon. He waa shot dead In' the

, I and the eum n d er o f the nice and other elty oStoern Tbuniday' night more than

. . . ______ pei'Bona iTapt I n the woods.fearing they would ba slaughtered If they remained In thair homes. They ware talk­ing about drivnig out all tbe ooiored iireoi'her. when 1 left. „

'T h e y t t i u i y klUed mm l left WU- mliiatoii on Vrlday Riomlng, Went to New- U m , N. C„ by ran and thaaea by beat to Norfolk. A t I w ai a ilran g tr, 1 In- qubed the way to tne poatofDce, wtshlng to buy a atamp. I entered th . po .tonce aud bought 4 ttanip, saying ninMng te any oue,

“AS 1 lurnad from tlie aiamp window', four or live whlto mad wepped up ana surroundMl me. ‘Wbara ant you fro m fth*y kiked. H'lthoul thinking, I reptlad ‘Wilmington.' They " • alve aamu and eajd,

Ml o lUt of tuld at


oallod me 'You get oui

town bi a hurry.’ Before l oou t W sprang upon me, knocked me .. and klokod me in the bue. Mo poUoemaji waa to ba oeeii, I waa tlkely lo he killed. One kind Whit, man Interfered and they let up. ^

"Afthhough there tbliW peiwoniabout the uiace, no one would tell who my aaealUntt were, when a Mlloaman nnally arrSrad, and tna. M to n c e elatke, wbe Were Ml9 a about ih t aieault, s ^ E at tf they had uever himri of a thtnih Aneh lewr -wltniwiaa It. The polloamaa

t o i t e itirion and lock*) me up >rin« htatea again o l

gaat ajMlleeman tWj

SeVemrhad wlv

had Mgn there for itx hottia the—— Nelrlol-Attoruer, Mr.

_ M me. He eelied aaftawtt wriR mr aeMUante oenii

emlnat them. 1 wW h . ^ , hot

lU) do w a r u — I jiU waa fuo , atgjr. They I me uTIm hoar

yor of HerfsHi*R»

question dlBcuaeed. In an Interview yei- lerday he lalkod freely af the riots In Phoenix and WUmlnglon.

•The Phoenix riot." aaid the Senator, "was an outbreak auoh aa I. Habit to oc­cur In any community thickly populated by negroea In any Southern State. Race antagonlam, which has eilated rtnci the dawn of history and wUl oentlnua to ex­ist while the world laate, la at Iha bottom Of It. lo thu partlouUr oaaa It grew out of a greed for oAce on the part of a white Rtoutkllcao.

■ V h ttb fr ih« T olb irli w t m Ud« un ­der IfiKtrucilpni from th# IUpub[lc*ii N*- ilonU CnmmUte«. or w hethtr th w wer* Acltvv pOJltlCBliSr DMAOM Of lh« d t t l ^ tO m atn tttn th rlr rnBueaco with ihA Q BifM , t», of courAtf, m«re conjecture. In c o e there w u no poulble hope or rol- heri helnfr elected under the new Cooell* tutloD In the 8t«te*. which le In every re- epect i in lle r (o tbet of MlHlMtupl* with minor differenoee which ere Implyve- m enti, and which hee bMn iu iU loed uy tbe United Bietei Supreme Court.

In the further oourM of thle talk be Aid

0091 0 ? eOTERNWQ CUBA.v k a t It I . Vnasr gpaaleh Rwlo-Tlie B w w

•mlM that Hill He PaeslUe Cade.AmericHM riwleetioa.

WASHINGTON, Nov. H .-o m eetl Of the C u ^ Military Commtaalon who bava made a careful examination of Cuban flnancaa have Mnt a report lo Waahlnglnn showing tha recslpu and cxpenillturss of the Island under Spanish rut* ind a lw timate. of what will occur* when thr Vnltad Slates take control of the Island.

Among th* principal Items of receipts for the year UM er . tha following; From taxes on real eiiate, Income tax. liquor llcenaee and other Internal revenue taxes, |S,U1 AW: Import, and export dutle* and othar In- oome from the cu.toro-hou#». *1 1 ,708.000; stamp paper and atampa of . 1 1 kinds, tbH0.au; from loturl*., IIJOOJOO; Mia. of efiecu of the Slate, M*,0W; from othw

I1,'5J0.00«; making a total ofThe vxpenu-i are glveo aa followa; For

the goycrimieiit of the Island under lhasnihoririf of the Govetuor-^n*nil, *1 1 ,

For the local government (AutonO' follow.: General obllgtllonA

HO.tUO.mliU, a. ______tIH,«io; Deiiartment ef OraM. ■juitto* »'"l,^vornineni, il.eaiM*; l)epartm«nt of th . Treaiiury, Departmaat of Pub-Hc, In.tructlon. 1147.01]: Department Of

---------- - |lo*,l7ll| m iking a total Sf»1«.374,<J«.

It le e.ilmatml ibat upon the aa.umpUon of Control or Cuba by the CnItM BtalM thr following expenMS now Incurred uach year under hpknlih rovtrrlgnly wilt c m m , "•"’•‘'f. civil, mllliary aud other penaiona,

retired list of the army and navy, ll.U.KI,l; luu-reil and amocltsatlon of Hit deliti created In 10 2 , DM and UW. lU.lM.- IN; for expciisei of Mllliary Oovaroor.

I^h ltc Work and Communloaliona, {: 8**i ^ p a rtm c n i of A gricullur., Ind' and Commerce, making a tot

'One thing la aa certain u anything he certain—the white men Inearthly can

the South will not submit to negro control of ihelr polttlca, local, Slate or national. Tht crime of aMSult or bnila! murder, such aa that of Mn. Atkinaon, wUI mmt punlahment, aure and awlft.

'The negro mual takr a tubordinata place, and he will be treated with oon- ■Ideratlon and klndneia In propiwtlon aa he la peacsablt and well behaved and makes friends of hla whit* neighbor*. Tht dlaframhlicment of the Ignoraht In South Carolliia by CoaatlUillon and lawful meth­od. ha* worked no Injury, but to a MneBt In many reapstla, Inturlng peac* and g iM order, and, as far ta patalble, a ctatatlon of angry race fMllM. ... . .

'The outbreak at Phoenix would not and could not have ooourred but for the lead­er, hip and Inspiration of designing and MlBsn while men. Left to hlmtclT. the negro care, nothing about pollltoi, for hto experience in Ihto Sttt* haa aiiown him that It la a hot Iron, and alway* burn* him whenever h. touche. It.'

AON, ivr ot MUiiary uQvvraoFMapu the permanent military eatabllahment of the tolund, composed of Spanish forcu, as well aa material for war. Mt-penaea of ihc naval ettabll.hnient In tht Island, tl.ioa.in; aubaldy paid the C m - panle TranHllantU-a of Spain, *4Tl.tK; sMarlet of the llovernor-Oenaral and other olllclala and olllcer., tSW.OOO; making a to­tal reduction of

An Hem of txpeiiN for the Government of Cuba under the Governor-General to derignated for ihe maintenance of th*

Rt>*TOH MANUIY IN BMW gMBSRr.Ctolared Man, Held ttaipeaalble tar th .

Kao* War, ■ialel>* th . Trouble.A8 BCRT p a r k . Nov, 11—Alw Manley,

the edlter of Wilmington, N. C„ whoH editorial wa* perhaps the chief caoM of Ihe riota In that city, to with hto brothar. In-law. Rev. I. N. OHM, paator of the colored Methodist church In Weal ASbury Park.

'T h . whol. trouble at Wilmington,*’ he aaid to a correipondent, “was cauMd by the mlaeonitrncttbn of an article In my paper. Extraote from thla editorial have appaartd In Northern nawapaaetn, Tbe part, howevor, that showa my innocence of any Intended dtoraapect to or alandei of tbe whit* peopto haa baco tindlouily Ignored.''

Hto porpoae has been, be said merely to ahow that white* and biacka should ba Judged by Ihe um * laws of morality. In Support of th . claim that h* had baea mlt- conatrued h* read the followlag front the editorial In question!

'The edllora poor forth eoltoye of asper- ■loni agalnat all negro** heeauae o f-tV few who may be guilty. U the u p en V n d ■peakars of the othar ract would condemn In* commtosl.n of crime, twcausc It to crime and uot try to make It appear that lb* negroea were the only criminals, they would And their .tronga.t alltoa In tbe Intelllgont negroes tinronivta, end to­gether the whltea and blacks would root the iv ll out of both raeea"

•"Flaming mutilation, at this artPIe." Hr. Hanley continued, "were published all through Ihe South, and 1 wa* charged with slandering ih* virtue of while wom- en. Such a thought never entered my •head.”

Aaked about the ’Wilmington rlola, Ur, Manley aaid that he preferred to tell the ■tory over hit lignatore and should do so iDortly.

"The destruction of Th. Record oBIce." h* Mid, ”a.u*ed great personal loas. The

Uuardia Civil, who are employed as a po­lk'* force III the luhnrban and riirat oto- trtets, which umounta to B,N6,n i. TheseBgurt.'are conildered Intereetlng by olB- ciMi here. ■■ showing that tht burden, of taxation upon tba peopt. of Cuba can bo larxety reduced under a form of gov­ernment Independent of Spain.

HOOLEY WANTED A BABONKECI.Evidenoo of Sir WlUlant Harriett BaFerd-

tag Ihe Baakrapt Prometav'. Caalrlba- tlDo lo the CaawrvaUro Forty.

LONDON. Nov. I t —Th* examination In bankruptcy proceedlnga of Ernest T.rab Mooley, (lie company promotar, was re­lumed I hi. mornlpg.

Sir Wlltlam Uarriotl took tb* stand and declared that Hr. Hooley'a olatement that he had paid tht wltnasi U,<W GAWD) tor Introducing him (Hootoyt to the Cartton Club wa. “pure InvtnUoo and an abomin­able He."

Sir William added that he knew nothing t t the time about Mr. Hooloy's alleged do- nallot] of fto,0Hl (IfC.KB) to the Conserva­tive party funds, through the Marquis ofAbergaveiinr, though Mr. Kooley toM him afterward that he had gtvan th* Marquis no.ON for "nghting funito" of tha Contcr- vatlve party, w b l^ . Sir William Harriot 1 explained, had nothing to do with ta t Carl­ton Club.

Th* wllne*. alto Mid h* bad helped Hr. Hooley In polltloa] and flnanelal matUi*. but bad always declined remuneration for hi. scrvicea Later, Sir WlUtom Harrioit Mid Mr. Hooley told him In Dcosraber, 18M. that he waa engaged vrith an Amer­ican syndlrai* which was going to ralM an enormoua loan for Cuba, and raid he(thr wiueat) had been ippolntad couniel to tha compiny't oommlHlon, which wa* to vtilt Cuba, and that hto let wax to be

building and flxiuret were fully Insured.against mob*. My father and

*r and three brothers were left be­hind, I have heard nothing from toem,motherbut presume they got away u te ly . My future 1* undecided. I do not know whether or not I ahal] go hack to North Carolina.''

Editor Manley Is qoltc • hero In thecolored district He was Invited to address a meeting at Bethel Methodtot EptocoptI Church last night, but declined. He willprobably remain hare tor aeveral days

It I. underttood that he la raletng a fund lo pay a flrgi of lawyers whom he will employ to repreaent him before the President and tha Department of Justice,

SHOT A MBaHO WORKMAN.A BrIeUayer Aiatallad br Tbre* White

M t.-lla y Die.NEW YORK, Nor. l i -N tg r o raeld.nta

In Weal Twenty-aeventh Mreel and vicin­ity are stirred over the aboollng of a negro bricklayer, which, they charge, was due to racial prejudice. It hi probable that lb* victim, Joseph Schell, will die. He was taken to the boipltal with a bullet In hto head md the men concerned In tha shooting have escaped.

Schell waa at work a* usual at I o'clock this raornlng on the Bat building tbat la going up at ST West Twenty-Hvanth Mreet, when three young while men came along and got Into a hMted argument with him. Interest of onlookers ^ t m e acute when the four men became looked together lo a tcuSle, which bad continued only a few momenta when oe* of the three white men drew a revolver and Bred, The ooiored man tell to ih* sidewalk and hto thrie aSMilaiito fled, w

Roundsman Peter A. Brlal, of the West Twenty-seventh Street Button, waa at­tracted to the K .ne by th* piatol ihot, and waa theca Juii in Urn* te see th* fugttivea turn the corner. He and other cltliena gave chase, but Ih* men enaped.

People of th* bam* n e t t t tbe wounded man, Hvliu* In th* neighborhood in which he workefT daclare that Ihe white work­men In th* building have been oppoaed td hi. employment and hav* wenteif him to quit.

In alt about twenty-Bv* men ire at Work on the new building and Schell w u jjie only negro among the brloklayera. On* other negro wea employed at a hod-eatrier. He la .tn i at work.------ e ——

COLOIUD MAR MORBKO.TSkaa Out ef gall and Baata. Oader

MwriFt PrrtMtIea.SEYMOUR. Ind., Nev. U .-Laat nlght a

maaked and armed mob took out of jail Jobn Baird, a colored DeroocraHo alump ■peakcr, who had bun Imprttonad on tba charge of obtaining monay by ftto* pra- tenCH.

Once outside The mob beat him with ■ticlu pounded him over the head with revolver, snd ordered him to leav* town at once.

Instead of obeying th* order he went to th* PrOMCutlng Attorney and Sbaelft for proiactlon. Half an hour later be aecom- panted tba Bherin and posm la eeaTch tor member* of the mob.

It la not known whathw or not the aa- sault upon him. waa Inwlred by political Spile. _______ _

O utb *r Mr*. Mary K, Lafi. '

* 'S W * J X 6 W ^ l'? v “ 7t‘5 5 r a Mary IL Lute, widow of Captain John B. Luta, died this morning at her residence on Jaquea stru t, a g ^ uyentj^two yu m . M m Lut. waa momlnent In Oerman-Amarioan clr-ridast Ml), John A. tmlh, a vattran «f tha Civil War, hat lived In Newark for many yeart. Her only daughur. M m Carl Fein' Inger, to a noteu p t a a r a i ^ uprano a to now with ber husbtM in'ring a aerj ooncerta in Gevmany.

..................... .......................Ilekart M nm y Dtottn a CaR.

SLIkABETH. Nov. It-Aoeordtng to th« County Phy.lclan, the death of Robert Murray, which oeotirred lo a cell at polled t e d q u a r t ^ ytstaiitoy, wax due lo alco-m ju ^ th , w*a (Blind W ng In a alupor l North Broad atreet. Ho nevar regalBeu oqnBloutneH. Hto name was amtartaln-

To Ftad Mnyi. txa* MuMlaa-CAPE MAT, Nov. l i - A t a ru eat - m

■W of (he Baud M C ta M BWAerg of t k ^ w S t


Beak Ei*ershB>|ufea Falla.

roo-«w-;—'Vv,;c.' .X -

no.om In view cf which Mr. Hooley paid him tl.nio (tl,M0) on account

On cross-examination, Sir WllUara Mar­riott admitted that he had rocalved a check for fHLW from Mr. Hooley. which he handed to repreuntatlvu of the Con- urvatlve party. Mr. Hooley believed ihto would secure him a Baronetcy at tha Jubilee, but ht was Informad that h* could not have It. and ih* check wai returned to him.

During Sir William Marriott's examina­tion Mr. Hooley mad* * aoen* end threat­ened to pitch the witness out of the box. While Sir O eoru Lewta, Q. C„ wax croea- examlnlng sir William the w itaeu eeveral tlm u got angry and refuaed to aniwsr queatlona put to him,

TWRNTT-NtHE TEARS OLB.W uU agton E. of F- Oslebratat Its Aaal-

varury la t ilth Fnabytertaa Cbnrrti. Wesfalngton Lodge No. *L Kotghta of

Pythias, oelebmted He twenty-ninth an­niversary M tbe Sixth PrsabytetUn Ohorcb tost night. Tht knighta In full uaifomn marchwt to the church and the opening ode waa sung from th* ritual a t tb* order, while throughout the urrtce th* mualo wa* Miected appropriate te the oeculon. Aev- Devto W.'Lusk preached the acrinon from the text, “Jemia Wept.” The mlnla- ter ahowed. how Christ was a man of u r - rovrs and Hto oomlng Into Ihto world proved the great aympalby of God for human natun.

‘It Is plain lo us,” u id the preacher, “that the Important man In this world to-day It hs who conttdsrs the problems of life seriously. The toiler has no place, tor this to a world of wrrow and not the grratett philosopher can eaoapo hit share.”

A brief blitory of the Knight* of Pythlaa, their origin and purpou, wa* glvan, and the clergyman complimented Ihemembers present as b e lu part of a body

■ . id . ' ■ • ■ ■ •ator Imn the

y of every ______answered by tha lodgt meipbcrs. A cloa.

organised for twace, friendthlp, help lo the irogrtuton of faith in a 8 u- Faat Qmnd Commander Dr.preme Being.

w . C. lllckcock put the question:to th* duty of ever

e quutlon: "What knlgnt?" and it wa.

Ing ode wai *ung and iwnedlctloii pro­nounced. _________ _______

TREK'TOH'g FIFIT-CRNT OAE■apply from th* New Oempaay'. FUat to

Be Taraed on To-msrrow.TRENTON, Nov. U.—Th* people of

Trenton will have flfty-cant gt* to-mor- ruw. It will be turntohed by th* people's Qaa Improvement Company, the new con­cern that hat been meeting wHh awh for- ntlduble opposition from th* Trenton Gus- llghl Company.

Th* pitot of the People's Gas Improve- m tnt Compioy will b* put Into operation in tbe afternoon to-morrow. Tbs new gra will be turned on t t I o'olook by Mayor Welling G. Blckel. It to expected that all th* city ofllcloli and a large number of In­vited guasta wilt he present at thi. formal opening of the works. A handiome Amer. lean flag wlU he swung to the breese and'udge H r - — * - ................. -

a(rl(JudgeHoiiert B. 'WooSrutt will deliver a petrlollc addNis.

OIULD DRINK* CARBOLIC ACID.Little Kmme Acker Kaeond pstH tslon of

tb* Botlte When Left Alone.Special Diinatch to th* HEWS

PATERSON, Nov. U.~Emma Acker, tour years of age, drank a quantity of car- boUo acid thli noon and will die. Th* ohtld'a mother left th* room to go to the cellar, leaving the Util* one alone in th* kitchen.

A bottle of oarhollo sold stood on the mantelpiee*. The child climbed on a ohalr aad ■eeuted th* bottl*. Her acroama alarrotd her mother, who, on entering the room, found Emma writhing In pain. Fhy- ■Iclana were called In alia ordered p e eblld't removal to the General Hospital.

The little girl'a faihcr was kilted last Fourth Of July while trying to catch a trata on the Susquehanna Railroad.

FODUUT WITH A LEPER.A Kaater’a AUsgail Tervlbl* Esperlene. In

a gbssk Hear WtlkesBirro.PHILADELPHIA, Nov. R -P e w r MllM.

a residant of tbit city, went hunting last week Wedottday near Wllkeabarre. He slept In an eld thaok that night and re­port* baring a (earful rtrnggle with an unknown man. After th* encounter pleOM af th* man'a flesh, end a hend. were found.

MUea waa found by nearby resident* and taken to a eorafortablc farmhouee. Hs was eo prostrated that a doctor was aenl tor. YYhen Mile* rtcovered h* showed th* phyalclan th* hand and th* pieces of fleih. The latter said they had come Ho'?,,; leper, Th* people realdlng In that vicinity art now trarchlng (or Mltoa'a anugonist.

If n o wiai rsoms. eoaauit U» NEWS T* lat


SB OOVRT.Haedlaee, Lltleaa •*

Two Cheek, la Otopot..The auH brought by Mr., Jam*. B^M^

E arn agilnaijohn A. GIBord ta rert’TJJ; over th* trial of which O o r Y ,* " ‘'l* nd Dtotrlot Court dl*«ra;rt toat w «k.

wW be rrtrtR on W *dnai*y beforo J u ^ . Qwld aad a new Jury. Mr*i.HcCullum. w & li tb# widow qf Jame* B- MoCultum. a harstaboar aad Uvaiyman, leek i lo ^ aoioimt of a blH (or work <*0 De^Y bOdhaag, ChaoBoy O. Parker, who repre- S iB g t% f:” ouaF^, pjoduoed otBc^tod

Fad th* rnopef, in* in have til* inder**-

“ T»nt MoCulliSB'i


In the Co net ef B p e^ l iaulona to-deyJedg* keoYI pleas In minor offence*. noM.plaadl&E guilty end who were n - nunded fer Mntenc* were; Larceny of all pounds o( candy, William Frank, Robert Curiiso, JamM Curuao tad Charlt. Stein­er; atrocious acUuH and tiattery. Josr|,h MIklowIteh; larceny of R, George Nelson; larceny of a carpet, William II. Jarkun; assault and battery, Charles Holmes; lar­ceny of IN worth of Jewelry, George Gor­don; larceny of * watch, Henry Brumley aotaring and larceny of a watch, Charles Drefcbr etnbeaatohient of tuc.ii, Thomas Donnelly.

A plea of non vult wra entered by Will­iam Heddiicha to two Indlolments accus­ing him of obtaining n.U under fato* pre- tsnoM from August Richter and of em- bcsallng *l >d from tho tame man.

When Frederick tjyer was arraigned for eriuanot on e charge of larceny uf a borae, Judge Fort told him ih .i hr wet not only touud guUty of Healing tin, horse but he had, whilt on the stand in his own behalf, added perjury to hla other crime.

Aa a reauH of this be waa aemenced lo the full penally tor hto crlm*. three tears in BUIt Prison.

Francis TUekowskI and Frank Dtlak wars diecharged by Judgt Fort. They were or trial for tevtrti minor offences Afttr tbrta wltnatsw had been heard ihe Judge announoed that bt Ihoughi the accuaed were viottms of a oantplracy and that as tiny had been before Ihc t'nurt several timra before and no c*H had Iwcn uroveii be would dlamloa the present char.e '

The** aentenCM were p**«iii; j ,m ea fcarbo. a iu u H and battery, thi,-, m onihl In Ih* M nlteiitlary; Charles Walmn lar­ceny, three munihs In the penH enlltry Henry I ’aney and Daniel Walter dockln. a h o « , *K flat; Rudolph Kraf , and battary, tto Bne; Chilli, l ! u p |" i ^ , : n u U and battery. tJS Bne; 'Thoina# Rock a m u l t and battery. |w fine; WaUw 'Thurat™, aarauH and battery, |iu Bn7 Aaron Oelb, larceny, thirty days in jail' WlllUm MickJeJohn. tttau fi and hTttery' ala momha In . the PettHentlarv' WlJltom Mitchell, em la-tili^ei,i , I i ' lenc* siiapended; Frank I'(idu.>|i hs. H u ll and battery. *lu line Ruitolnh Milter and Joseph Kruple, i.rrony ten tera* suapendej: Joseph MIklevltch' iiM u ft •nd bntwry. 426 flof; O forie NfltoDi^ Uii^njr, itinlence BUip^ndM:

momhi In thoi^uuMiumrjr; WIIUkiq Hed'>

d ^ k a false protentM and cmbnalemintfhFM mnntha in fTim __

Fars., Seal OostB, London !>;•,

•110.00 and $145.00.

Persian Lamb Coat,—Leipzig Dye, •125.00.

Alaska Sable Stole, w ith seven tails,—storm collsr,•25.00.

JtmImvIIs lOa vwiljr I ■Einieiio#Henry Brumley,lercrny, six u penitentiary; Charlet Preich, months In Ihe penlientlary: v d ^ k a tala* proleneiif and

“ ““ if,?...'" I«nltentlaiy on " “""n H .lickion. laroeny and recelTlng, rantenc* suspended - chariei

Biel tier, James Curuao, Hohert Curuso and william Frank, larceny, sentence suipended; John Seeds, larceny, eighteen months In the penitentiary,


ThrM Stelee ea Trolley Cirs Malurday Mlglit—Two Men Sent lo Jell,

Thrro ca ie i of pocket picking were re- ported to the pollc* yesterday. The thefts wers o f watches and were all committed shortly after 1 1 o'clock Saturday night Two men auapecled of having taken a watch from a fourth party on election night were committed In the Fourth Pre- clDcl Court to-day.

John Stahlin, of East Oran*e, boarded a oar at tb* Market Street Depot Saturday night, and when he went to consult hi. gold timepiece he dtoenvered H wa. gone. Shortly before be h.d been squeeted un­comfortably clooe to the ralllog by a ■tranger, who w u Hi an apparent hurry to get oft the oar.

Conrad Rich, of D Avon place, wo. going home on a Bprlngfleld avenue car. when he mlraed hi. watch, which was of silver. It bad been token from Ida vest pocket.

While LemrI. Htrtung. of » Seventh ave­nue, wa* going to KoHvIlle on a car be felt a tug ut hit watch a . the vehlol* reachad Broad and Fulton streeit. Before be could tee what tbe matter was a nun alighted, and when Hr. Hartung felt for hit timepiece It was gone.

Joueph Connor, forty-two year, old, of M Boyden itreel, and John Wtlllamion, nineteen yur* old, who said he bad no heme, were the men oommltied In the Fourth Precinct Polloe Court. Thro were aecuMd by William Htina, of *57 cTamden atreat.

Heine and lb* prisoner, had tom . drink, together In a saloon at *77 Bprlngfleld ave­nue on elecllon night, and shortly after they left Uelna mtoaed bi* watch. Connor and Williamson were erreeted on Sprlng- fltkl avenue yeetesday by Policemen Uotanert and Martin. Lrat olgbt Heins picked them out of a crowd of a doian men and IdentlHed them as hto eompan- Iona of Tueaday night. Both men dented the theft,

RELIGIOU. HOLIDHHBilAJeha Rabertto., th* looteh rrHCh.r,

Fatal. Oat a Metabl* Esampl*.A rix-deyF KTTice wa. begun by John

Rabertnn, the well-known Seotch preach­er, at th* M ^ o tia l I^ b yter ia n Church yeeterdiy. There wit. a choir of thirty voice* In honor of the otcaalon. and k v - eral toloa Were tung. Her. Ford C. Ott- nuu) Introduced Ur Robertaoii, who pref­aced hla sermon by telling how he had met Mr. Ottmsn at New College. Edin­burgh. ten yean ago. Three year, ago the two men met agqjn In Scotland.

Ur. Robertson took for hli text the thir taenth verae of tha twelfth chapter of tbe lecond book of Samuel, wbluh talli how David eonfened to th* Liord that be had sinned agalnat Nathan. Then tb* prraoher drew an eloquent picture of tha dettruc- tlon of the great Tay bridge In Scotland, on account of one girdtr, which, though sound to outward appearances, was hol­low,

"There are souls Ilk* that girder," Ur. Robertson added. "On the outaldc they appear solid, bat at heart ihey ore hollow, havtDg no thought (or rm etim llon, no communion with God. Like David, the pealm-singlng Xing, they go on blasphem- Ing Jehovah, Umugh they appear to be re- tlgloue. Davtd aged more In on* year of am than In twenty before, in hi. pralm written aft.rwerd be tell, how day and night God laid his bond upon him so he had no peac*."

In the afternoon Mr. Roberteon praached to men at Aaaoctotlon Hall, and latt night spoke again at the Memorial Church, lie

..................... Preabytertaii

COLLARETTES. Chinchilla,—with stornt vol* lar.

•38 .00 and $55.00

Mink with ten tails,—atoriu collar and tabs,


Skunk with tlx tallH imd tYvo heads, storm collar,

•14.50.Eleetrlo Seal, nine Inches deep, storm collar,


BOA8.Htone M arten,with six tails, —four paws,

• 14.50Mink, with cluster of twelve tails,

• 13.50hknnk, with cluster of eight taiis,

• 10.00MCFFS.

Fernlan Lamb, •5.00A80.50Skunk M ink. . H t o n e stripes .

•5.50 •0 .50 and ib-SO M a r t e n two ................ 112.50

Blue Fox Muff ijnd Animal Scarf, • 10.00 Kuch.

James McCreery & Co.,Twenty>third Street,

New York.


iTgb level.: to above

Bst.raay't Osla* allghlly Inpeleed by as Attack «B Sagar Steaka gpselsl he-

caiitto* #.aei'-Qee«B«l#Be.NEW YORK, Nov. H .-Th* fealore tt

Ih* oiMnlng on th* Slock Exchange waa tb* .Im ulU nw u. rale, of larg . block, of Sugar at price* ranging down from U5 to 1*4, followed by a further drop almcat Im­mediately of a point. In th* Atohlaon pre­ferred there were u lra of *,M .harts it price* ranging from D to 4L agalnat Btl- urday’t price of W%. Other stocks showed Hnalt change, etther way, and In many c a n s th en w en no changra from Batur- day.

Vlolanc manlpulallon of Bugar and To- baseo drove (bun down t*( and 1 point*. mpeaUTtoy. T h . genanl ttot was very mixed, but showed a Night downward tendency for th* leading ihareA Man- hattao, Biscuit, R anu* City, PIttaburg and Gulf, and.Chicago and Allan were marked exception., and gained from I to A Near U o'clock good buying of Ihe Qrtngera advanced them to the hT|Other tharea generally Improved Saturday's level. D eollnn lo Atchloon latuea were the feature of the market. ’

The market later wa* onaM* to wlth- •tand lha sharp break In Bugar, which fell below n il Evidence of .upport waa noted In ppota, but the general tone waa carter and a tew apeciti alack* luffered ae- verely. Th* Ortngara wer. again used aa a lever to iteany the market toward midday, but tbe m ponot waa very feeble, outside of Bugar, wnicb crotrad UL Buy­ing of Atchtoon toeues were on a heavy Kale, th* adjuatmenta rising to 74th.

Tht anncuncemetil at Ihe advance la I ^ e of the p iq u e t r ^ e d Sugar to Ign*. The stock waa quite feverish. There was evidence of a movement In low priced rail­road stock.. Texai and Pacific, Kantaa and Texa., St. Louis Bouthwtatern pre­ferred, St. Lout* and Ban Franctoco wennd preferred and Flint and Pers Marquette rose from a fraciton to tto per cant, Th* genera] market held aboot Arm,

The low-priced apeclaltles wer* the lead­er. In the afternoon trading. Round amounts of various ihand* with Spirit* prel _________trem* * polnta Manhattan w u well tun- ported and coariderable ateadlnew orroaTl- ed In th* atandard .tecka

Th* range of to-day', prien for tb* mor. active stock, of the New York market. 1. given below. Tbe quoi.llon* show the

various properttei .changM eterred rising an ex-

opening and eloalug and tha blgheat and lowest prlc*. reached by th* rocutitle* ltoted._Th* quotation. *r* from the New

i-MIgh-Low-Cloi- est. ciL


Dpok- ____ - _will preach at the First Church this aftarnocn.

IIOTR CLAIMED TBE eAHK UtVICEVDiipnt* Orov Faailleaa la a Navelty Com-

pway Urtllad by Oaptsl. Daly.What threatened to ■>« trouble over a

buetnew ccmpIteaUon at the warerooma of tht B. U . Roche Novelty Company, at It Mechanic street, tb li morning, waa tet- (led, temporarily at least, by diplomacy. Th* dtfferenoa of opinion was the rotmit of Theodor* Reavet'a attempt to take poeaea- elon of the ptooe as maaagar and aecre- Itry. Ht* right lo do ** Wat dtoputed by J. Randolph Woodruff, oounaal for B. M. Roche, who for a ytar or mor* ba* been acting In the poeltlona elalmad by Reevea.

Frank U. McDerrolt, counsel for How­ard and Herbert SImpeoo, of New York, tllrKlore of tb* oompany, oentendad that Roche had been depoacd, and that Reevea had been eppolnled te tuooeed Um. The lawyer aleq declared that Ur. W oodniS bad no authority to tot aa ooubaid In tha cate.

Reeve, arrivwl at tb* plao* at T e ’clock thl. “OrtHgL n to *al£ and when Mr. Woodruff got tb.r* al » e'elook be or­dered Reevat out. ^ o Uttor wont, but returned with Mr. UcDoim lt A poUce- Oitn wao ealiM In lo prtvant a broaoh of the peas*, and Anally u it lawyata and Hr. Resvet went to th* F lfit P roolnetl^ llct Elation. The m tUtr m a talkad over, andwhich he did, and Rooha remalna In obarra

York Eschange, and arO reported to th* NEW S th ro u ^ Wlllltra t-lnn Allan A Co., stock brokers, *10 Broad street, fltale Bank Bulldlns, thla city.

American Sp ttila .,.. liw Amer. Spfrlta, n r ,., . *>%Amer, Cotton (Ml,,., *1%Amer. Cotton Oil, p r titoAmer. Sugar.......fSM*4Amer, Sugar, p r .„ . lllW Amer. Tobacco Co., 1H7,Atch. ............. U%B. A O....................... « i \Bay State O at.......... F iBrook. Hap. T ransit etti » «->Chera. A Ohio.......... DU SW ZS’l•Chicago G u ........... lUOUi 10e% 105';,Chi. A N. W............. m IK IHC„ B. A Q ., . . . ......... n«u I lrti ItoHC. , C.. C. A S t. L .,. . 42to 4JHChi., Mu. A St. Paul m s 111% iD'a Chi., R, 1. A P ac ,... WTO IWlti Chi. G reat Weatarn. 15 IM 15 Del. A H ud........ . IFA WitD. , L. A W....................... 142 142 112Gen. E lK trlo ............. 12% 52Ilia C ent..................111% Ui% 111Louie. A N te h .. . . . . ao% Oil, mwMan. Elevated.......... »3% K% mMo. Pecifle............... I5W M%Mo., K. A T ........... 11% 11% Il>Mo.. K. A T„ nr...... 35 31%NallonHl Lead......... 35% H.V'l 35SNational lA«d, p r... 111% lIJ'l, 113%N. J. C entral.......... m »1 HaN, T. C entral...........117% 117% 117N. Y., L. E. A W ,„ . 13% 13% 13%II. 8. Rubber........... 42% 43% 42%U. g Rubber, p r ... . 105 HU l«l%Nor. P a c .. . ........ . 42% 43% 41%Nor. Pac.. p r - ........ 7«% 7«Ji 7j%Ont. A W eelarn...... 15% ,D%Pullm an ............... 19?!3i, A^Reidlng.".'.’ toltSouthern .................. 0%gouthern, p r ....... . 3h

I. P. A Omaha....... 5.'>Terni, A Iron .... .11%Texas Paclllc........... 14%Union PaelBc.......... KU. S. Leather, p r... ®t%Waboah, p r .. . . . . . . . . 2 ^Wealern Union........Wheeling ................ 3%Wheeling, n r . . , . ...... 17%Pennarivania . . . . . . . 117%Mat. Bt. Ry. Co.... I8‘Con. O a f .............. IH4Atcli., p r . . . ...........4ltfl2Union Pacifle, p r... is Hawaiian Sugar.... Sa


at prewnL


WtU-bnowa Expert MeeAt.le a a d lavwqtar Paiaei Away at KM Meae*.

Lywnder Wright, Br, died U turday night at hto home, 107 Meehanlo street. In hi* M v.m y-.lith year, Mr. Wright w u an expert mecbento up to ten year* ago, whan he bMeme bU nl He oama to this city In mg, and soon afterward waa sMoctoted In burtnew with Ctertoe B smith at th* corner of Marttot aad Alllns ■treoti. V

He waa well known eg an IwriBtor, and made many valuable Impgpviiingnt* In connKtlon with .team e n t ia iq u d .team launchea Mr. Wright leavta two aoa* and on* daughter.^I. tb* owner of the mioblM m SC gt ii Alllna alro .t. , “etrtet

.’ha (unrtal will afternoon from tht tw m .nt will b* In Mt.

FDtINO A O iU LSit iWfrV.

Mato laS iat 3M * ro w ii5 r5 i|ilS |w i« i>—■- ' la«Mr »* F rA leM fO ik ^ M w ia

Tb* body of a mala ‘ ' w i. eupposed to hat found In the rear qf nu* bV Pollefin ts 1.'Praolimt, lUfterttor i

aJolan WatklMtair ‘anovOdf FWOf.

Tkg totts* bald Mi ,I tWi <





Furntohed by Alfred L.DennIa, itre.1. reeldanl partner oi Port A Ftoj*. member, of N. l ^cr^h s.^^k^Bx^M^^^^

bis. rat. «it. Ing. (3 13% M 3%73% 74%*«’4 85%



Amer. Spirit. 6h..At., T. A B. F. sdj*Al„ T. A S , F, 4i..Che*. A Ohio 4%a ChM. A Ohio Ihghl., R. r.

en. A R.U A N. un 4*......Mo„ K. A T. Idt.M0 .. K. A T. 4».,..,. »lv, N, i , Centrrt o. 5... 113%BnL A Wert. 4t....... I<>3

nt. A Wert, f t ......O re»n Short Line.. IWJf P. A R. g. m, to ...... Kftlllo Grde. A Wm I 4t *0« (ton An, A A, P- I*- 7j/4 K L.. K W. Irtt,... »% Bt. L„ 8 . W, 2dt..,. 35%S o u t h s Ry. i t ...... \ mTex. Pnc. lete.........T « , Pac. (da.Union Pac. Irtt to*..Wabath deha..........Wabaxb Ida.............


105% l»% 105%tl%ill*1%



ioi>tM *8% »i01% *1 % n%

QKleama Graf a aad Pravlalaa M arket.^ f»Uowln(L,t*l>to^J'»f .W* tahr

Rtee* to ^ tb i '^ iS g o • 'r f

firig. *ei. eel.YtTieat.Nav..

Dec.. *7





Jftllv V I k*l«4aNev..........

Jan............ 4H i tn

EefUed ta Raverto a Oteittoa.The United

aeavletedand gentanced to be bane™ ...» raeria l In Norjolk, Va. for the mur5*Jr o* tm mate ef rfa Olive Ipecker. Chltf Jue-

. had not been jit Id not haelni Diet at tm trW t tw* watk* am

anMuno* ‘<lu


RELEASE DEMANDED.An Amerlen la a Mealoiia P r ite .- la ert -

tary U.y'a PreiApt AeUon-lA Aaiwer Seeelvad,

DENVER, Col., Nov. U .-A apKlal to The Newt from Nogalei, Aria., tayi:

"Much excitemant extol* her* In oonie- quenc* of an epieoda wtalcb thraalant to retuU In International rompUcallont. On Sunday latt Jamea Teropla, a eonduetor on th* New Mexico and Artoona R.llway, waa attacked by tom* Mesicant, and on defending himtelf, shot on* of them, Juan Arvalto, tatally.

Thla occurred about 1,000 feet north of the Internallonal boundary Una Later he returned to hli bottl, which la loulb of Ihe line, and was arrettad by Mixlcan ofllcert cn a chan* of murder, the law of Ihe Btat* of Sonora providing far tha trial of any perMn ebarged with orlmt agalntl a Mexican cltlaen, though the crime may hava been oommlllad in a for­eign country.

Frleudi of Ttmpl* engaged an attorney, but the Mexican authorliit* refurad to u - tow the prtooner to he teen. Unlttd Statei Contul J. F. Darnell then applatod to the State Department at Wathfngloo, and hat received th* following telegram:

"Waanlngton."Darnall, Contul, Nogalat, Mtxioo.

"Have wired legation al Mexico to da-mend Immediate relraa* of Tempi*,-"HAT,

prison at Mogdatona.

Secretary ol l»**li rec Templa

At yet no word ha* been received from th* Clly ot Mexloo.

Statered (I

It In tb*

NEW YORK'S Hnn«K bKOW.DUMany EarrUe m U •Se.iMW (•

tribntert te tbe P r i» HlaMrt.NEW YORK, Nov, 14.-Tbe fourteenth

annual Horae Show opened at t o'clock thla morning In the Madlun Square Otrden. The damp weather waa not conducive to enthuilasm, and tb* early attendance waa not up to the average.

There era ilgna that the abow thla tesH n will be even more attractive and tuoceaiful than that of 4ast year. There or* 1I4 cUaae* to m Judged, and th* winner, will divide *M.Mb In prltra

Hladew Ql.a* gbe orlee ReHua*.PITTSBURG, Nov. l4.-Window glsaa

(actorlea with a oapacliy ot about I,up pole, atarted work to-day, and nearly w,- niO men and boy. are earning their flrii money In over half a ytar. ut the total number of about LMO poll oaotrolled by the American Olaa* Company, only about 500 were operated before the agreement wa* retched yesterday. Tba remaining Idle pota will b* In complete working or'■ thla —der early week.


The Queen of BeautyTO LECTURE.

ttita m• B c c i u T m , l E T w n q u W V t 4 :nrait' Yk<

N IN E M E NAMt o( tan who gfva tlM aubfict of Lllo Insar* anco Uio cartfsl gtntfy It dosarvM Inture wltb tlie niitual Baotfit ol Nawark l« prafereasa ta anjr othar company, Staphan S. Day, OisL AtdRt. No. 776 Brood Atreat.

iHclntyre & Wardweil,



. irrocK K x^A . PRODOCI n c

... . COTTON gxci_,,_ CiUCAGO board GtTEAOE

finneb Office, 8M Broad StDirect private W |nt to Naw Tort. OUoagx

FhItodelphto and Weebtoglaa.

Tilepheaa OIS. Beth Oempaatot.

otHta ii.iae.oano*, •nrstua

FranklinSavings Institution,

h i s B r a M d S t r e e t .JOHN M. OWINNELL. ProeMeal. W1I.LIAM H. LEE. —- M EHHirr G. PEHKISA ■iw eli.rt

Deiwelle by th* td el tay meaU OlM ot«r«Mi n m tb* Itl 6t ihki

M. OwInntU L«bkv«h«r,


HtrWn BoffKi.

HANAaEBiicaw ii 1C. I i Wtra “h*rm»n wL____wvTriarJta.llMlT Me WMBtll

POST & FLAGG,kenbenot tbe Ntw York atoek Esehaaga

NUU nalldlug. New Tetfe. m /tA N O H O FFfO H r


T.leptuin. 15'Privau m n lo New Yar^^Otoaia rutodrtptot

r a d ii I

IrtehllihwlMm TelreteuM*

O. F. CONLON.674 ami 67S Frudantlsl BnlMInf.S T O C K S , B O lSriD S

GRAIN AND COTTON.Hflughl or Hold lor Ouh or cn HerYik

Privatt wiru eonneellnt wltn oDraaiindeali le Hew YorL Phlladuipbla end Ckleego.

laTestineits,LocilSecnritio]tianic and inaumnea StoeJu

Bonglit and Sold.JOS. M. BYRNE « C a.

IB LB I'M O N X H A 3800 Brotod NAYrArb. if. J .

W.aSMITH&CO. SLIP’SBanfcers and Brokers,

B j r o a c l S t r m m t .DimA wtr« t» Ktw York,

^Icico Mock SJtehutiLIB LB fH O JfB ttB .

WM. LINK ALLKK * GO.,ST O C K • n o K C f t a ,

• to Rrawd M„ Nawark. M Broadway, N. T. (Ntl'l Stew Bank BuUdlng |

Buy rad tell Btooka BoM4 sad ' _York FxetaansM sod CUeaiw f e e t d ^ ; ellhar forneeh or « matglm Nrw York, Phlladelpbit and Chleagat 1020 .Newark. Teiepbaiw INM BnM

J.S. R IP P EL— d e a l e r . IN— >

Local Investoieat Secorlties,760 BROAD STREET.

PRICE, McCORMICK I CO.u__I Nvw York mock Eichasg*.

I Chicago board of Treda740 BroGtl 8%, Kewnrk,K. J .

WILLIAM F. MUTH, rtonagor,Kioluslfe wlrtft-'Kcw

ddl(4it$$iid W«sklfucti>iLT$LK1*H0MB ItlTa

BNT.HELIABIsB mVESTHI JiMvirlts ■oUdtsd ooMfrnmt oonwmiiv* InvMifiiwti muHtr

AddrsMi P, Oe Bos tt4. Ntw Tork

MSIHS ValeW ILL l e c t u r e AT THE

NEWARK THEATRENext Toesday, Nov. 15,

IT 2:30 IN TNE IFTENNOON.- • U B J E C O T i -

T h a tiwantiva of L o v a » lta ln« f III a n c a in Humin Aflairg.

MtdsiiM Yola'f n iu atisteil and UemoQ’ Itratqd Lecture w ill bo dtrldfld

Into Four Parte, ai fallow *:F im Part! A n litlo Cluelulil Potlog—

An £xblb ltloa o f Grace—Y AL.K BEAUTY Demonttirnttol.

.SerondPort: ItoCture~'*BEAUTY.« Tblrd P art: I’hyelcal Culiure and Iljr-

Etebto Exerolobi o f the YAI.E SYd- I 'E M -A N E X H i B i T i O N O F BEAUTY.

Fourth Fort I la to n a a l Bcoeptlon and Talk.

A Grand Musical Progfamme.TfOKITI eOMPLIfdlNTAtoY.Tloketa for Mme. Y ile ’i Lectaro can

now be had by cslUnjj for them at tlie Toilet Departmeut at

HAHNE & CO.’S.Tkiknu mill ItoOture free lu every par-

tlquiar. Heoare year eeau oarljf, sa thouMUNli w ill be toroed awsy.

YALE SOUVENIRS.Hhwy lady tU en d tn i Ifnic. Y o lr i

L am irt w ill iwooItb. Mum- Yalo'i now book 0 0 “ Ifanitli, Groeo and Beauty,” also L d iliity toUK artlcla.

UdiiK yon ore ootdblly invltad to ittgndlfuh Yala^ U eam Kindly ba w flM tn m tU tT ■» s«gMirlirw>t ISi hiU iltir ttotthii*. jM stB apsKTiSk « 4 B ^ M. EaHMstn.


We i«* thr met Improved malhod k»ww letM world. It I* rniliaty palnleM. And *h* m*. wha du 111* work are rklllul. They are th* hwt tod mo.teip4riviioeddeatl.lt hereaboula

£eti of Taath from |3 up.Filrtrtlns. SSe-t ExtracUn*. yalattea SOwi

OoM rill*, a t up,; Alloy m il Irom Me. to May Gold frowna M l Platinum Cmwaa M.M

Duadoy. * A, M. to 1* M

H A m e SDENTAL a s s o c ia t io n ,

N.W.Oer. Broad a Market SI*.. N*wuh,N>l.


Water Bsillee, hyriaget. BorM aad Wagoa Cevarw

Hoot*. Nhoei, Coats,

Ladies’ and Gents' Mackintosbes.

B.F.SEGELKE,854 Broad Street

Optmlto City Had.

^ 1 . 0 0Will rwrovwr year Ifrobrella wltb M b Gloria—atllchad, tipprti aad braimed with tnk, rtb. varaltbad, aow wUe, aew tarrole, UW laatel—an alia.. Head u a poital aard aad wadi erll far awd datlver work (M* af ehaigWi

Oat-ar-t*wn peKrou may have ffnr brelto. oovatwd wblla tlwy aiw to towa akepptof.

GARDI NOR’S,a Acwlmiy Si., Ngwork. N. 4*;

D lgw lag (o r Ftoh.Tba nattvra o l KoUtar art ta tM

brok ii opan A nd th* wr lea bmhea Iqnr ~ aUve. OM qCtaa moHfwfvarti t tS H

W l -Ih*. b M fm jtt.]

This week we wid endeavor to make all who will call upon us realize more fully than ever what an extraordinarily large assortment we carry and that our prices are extraordinarily low. You cannot help but realize that

you can get more and better for your money, than can be had elsewhere. *


Iron Bedsteads.ILL n iM AT OKt miCB.

BWTT ! Inch Iwn pdtw.. W f. Jilin* inK HM M N knola. Tb. tnuw l an U m *Ivl) !•• a u $ twi )» tninO O O O^ iiT* i»oo |i“- ^ , y o

Our $12 Bed I5 a beauty■at (miiNntl. bmirh. iir p n p l. wtui iBitwlat to put£«w *a nll-tnp oM.

Spring Beds.ntrlctly ft!l tnnp«fed wow i «irt, 4

(ikiiiaL c i tn hi'iT)'. hard wood dDlahed Irsnc^ birletly A1 for ramton iml d«r«blUtr, «lU*r iMvruodbnor iron

Our Blirk Dlniniiiiil Sp'ln*. »ilt m«k, u jr •la* 4 . 4 8 .

MATTRESSES.A ln ra Uir tbrni ol tb . twkw, tbM ya« know

itEw )rou * » r-tUut, ft* tt»T cna toll jnoa. DWhj P a y m o re T h a n

I.M farnn Kxn’l.ior HMIt m T I M bir. MUal Uittnnir |.*Aft)rnllu>k lUUntor4.00 tor A IM.k nii't UHton kUUtaiTB.oo lor • (.'uiuiii Maiim. DIM «lih eatton w

wbito u .now. «vtl>. W«l*ht. mad* In t*o portor •.IS kkll'. H.lr .'kattmar40.00 fora iOlft Punr 'ftAth Amvloa* Loo(

Hair M iuno ? Ktoolar prK* MO.«lk

PILLOWS.W* carri' a luvo line of thsH In etock and alao

make them to arder, Ailed with taaihm at Inm 14^.. toSSe. per pound.

Renovating. 'Ptllo* and Bed Foaihen tanoratod by new

to ts prooea. So. per puaipL

FEATHERS.Wa pride oaraaltraa for the good name

wa have g*lnad upon rallahle, pure and•wMi flmelUDf fMther*.Chicken............... . m oMixed................... . O S oDuck.....................QecM (best).......... . 0 « o

Chiffoonieres.Solid antliiu* oak. S larta dstp dnwara beam

briamlniA cairod toa pasal iMta, baa Onhh, ftyle and If node asuallp aa v tll aa Uu t> klnL O ttrp rlo aS ^

A beauUfnl rarickjr In oak. n tbo ian r andblnl'e.era nupla. Wa ara oDDSdeol wa ha.a tba baei ealuM In all in d ea

Dining Tables.Xatra baan wIM anttouanak. k .a tm htaer

3 .7 5The $8.00 Tableta oor etoat la a anrpriet-d ft. loBf. aU eolU oak, baoutUbl Ian aad eroitb | l k n

Sideboards.Mid anlkiut nab. P im h baTal tlwpad flaat.

Siiuailaiid 1 laria dmwtr, I d m m r Is plaah lined, dim bit cupboard, imet braai trlDmlrifii, n r r hasdauaely oarred aud Snlabed. Spaclal,

e . 0 8 .And fraa her* wa to up. ahoviiic IS paUama,

aud (betaatonaat

8 0 . 0 0 .

CHINA CL08ET&Beautiful to bebold. O ur b u y er show -

ad ic« ih1 l u i e In aeleotlDe ifoodi to r thU dcparlraoDt. A very aliuwy and oom-plelp Hoc. A n ilo u i to have you them. All prioaa from

6 . 0 0 t o 5 0 . 0 0 .9 . 7 5

A Tory pretty ona for. Come and See It.

Chamber Suits.See Ibe S-plec« Mult we are

aelllDK tor

2 4 . 0 0 .I f th is d n a 't p leaH ^ th eu look a t

our oUiera.

PARLOR SUITS.We bare ttie m nd-

of I*arlorIn theea we lead,

eat and moat complete Hue Suite In the State. If you're luzurioui we can j[lve y ou luiury, and that at a very ■maU auin. For example, a S pleoe Ma-bonny Parlor Suit, haudiomely Inlaid tki», banthrubbad and b'j|[hly poUtbadand copared In silk damask, a reipilar •40.00 lul^ to Introduce it 2 ^ Q Qwe wilt sell It for.

Combinations.Desks and Book


In all Iba lataet oolon aad ilylea eoild «Ba^................. .. . . . .,1,^____ nak, large abaped Pmneh minor, t ihai ...tbapad '^ito diwr, Uitse dnwan. cast bnaelilminloil. Urd'f.ei« maple, back baad^anad. nibbad aad poltihA ipeeti l

u . e s .

Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleum s.Do You Need Carpets?

ft win pay you to ktslt our Carpet D^kHtUMpt. W» luep only tb« Uadi that iiu baat asd ufa to

EDglltb Uoaleumi, 4 yda. wida, at, per Miaireyard... U u C

29cOllclotbk, the SSc. U, par yard..........

Talas, made,

r I.07iAxM ltatan, S lJ d

ftU and lin ^ at, yard..................

SttanoB’fTqtoatry BniaaaU. which M tha bMt oarpeta of tba kind ■ anutwtnrad, ipacial at,

Wilton VaU, lire 36 In.z | 2 g18 In., t i . l i quality, at, ett^

AsmlniterKuiit, IT In.att ' in., SATt Talua, at............

yard.l l M inptr all-woot beat quality

h fn U Oarpeta, Ho. and C ? ! / . Tte.TtliM, at, paryard.... Q l S C

fapaatry BmaHli, extra good qaaiky. at, per yard. 59c

Wn take Mpaclal patan hi Hftng u d cutting carputa, ate., •a that yaa doa’t bava to pay tar ■ ora tbaa la atoalutaly aacaa •ary to oovar yaw Itoatm.

Kone but expert layert eiiployad.

Couches.Wa have Couebeain all cov-

eringa. Pricea ntn from 4.98 up. Special tufted all-hair up­holstery,springhead and edge and solid oak frame, 14 .0 8 .

Complete SHortmeiit of Leather Couohee from 21 .00 up.

Desks.Line of Desha in all de­

signs and all woods. Special in Roll Top, full panelled, •old quarter oak, styinch, at 1 9 .9 8 .

LMNaa' Dasha— S ^ l a l Id Blrda- •ye Maple, at S.98,

Book Cases.Complete lloa of Book OaaM. A

Special at 0.30.. Solid A. 0., paatlled tmek and doubled glaae doori. Another «|tocial — Solid quartered oak, drawer at bottom, at 12.08, Still one more. Tht* oae la aoltd oak, without door or drawer and the price la 3.08,

J. C. McCURDY & CO.The Popular Up«to-Date Furniture House,

Free DMIvariaa / • Every whara.

Stoves and R anges.O u r No. OOfl A r t P a rlo r

Stove—The internal conltmcllunIt arranged with double rear fluea,

ling and paaalur around a deflecting plate In the Mae, and apagain at the hack to the pipe oon- neotlon, oUUiing the beat that would otberwiaa go npthe chimaey, the Are pot ii round, large a ^ heavily .oaat, haa ahaUng, tlloing and draw centra grate, heavy niqk-•Ud cabinet bate, large nickel ilde-

................ il«k< ‘ralli, top It full aickeled and hat tatndiome brouae ura, aide and front of Uita atove are fall kweilod and tear haa kettle attachment. !m- poatlble to purehaM anywhere but at onr place for lean than •18.00. Marked In our baaament in plain flgarei,

1 1 . 6 5 .

O u r V lcto rto B ituge bound to be a leader, baa extra heavy oaatinga, exceptional laige oven and Are box, aah pan la encloaed,Sreventtnf dnat from eaoaping, rolling and tide door, with mica

Ughta, nickel band at top, heavy cabinet baM, kicker to o^n oven door and nickal tea kettle thelvai, marked in plain Ax- A F A A urea In onr baio- ment .............

“ C h a rte r O a k "— A to be de­pended uimn range, detcrlpilon of the Victoria Ate Uut raoge, only It la not ao large and heavy, good baker and aUnotlve range at an attraoUve / Q

Our 8 Cylinder Stove | j Q pollabed aod ready toput up


itaB iabaeli a a T n a a n a r la I Uleaa fa y -T n f to taaaa Kb- WtoS at faet* rH nela..

J W IST. ria.. Nov. U ,-Prtvala ra- tram Porto Piinclpt and Nauvltaa, aav that T.WO retalar eotdlarB mutl-

dtarandina their pay before embark* f tr to a la Aboat 4.W ariaad M ldUn.

eeta any. Stabented tbaeoaelvaa M t tba palaea ar Porto Prmotpa. eall-

tht MUItarr Oovernor, XmlUo ' ovardua pay. ^

~ MiIi m drew Me (a dftband. Tba

ad te ober, and '‘Ibiem. ariuad wttb leaded rUIea, ■4 the life of OenaraJ Uarob, who I hla award to Ita icabbard, crylnf

tba Ipantob auUioritM ta aand back to ta in Ramon Uendoaa, to nnerir aU a ta Brain the tpanlah troopa, aam bertna Oenerai Lawton a t Baatlaco. man, upon the arrival of the American O w ini to the dlalurbanoe m the city the •am aon , u waa expected th a t they would ^ ---------- ------- - ............. *■-*— — *


ta il next Tuaeday or Wedneaday, but an unexpected obataclo haa arlaau amonx th tman theinaatvtL

They are on the verxe of mutiny, openly declarin f .they will net re tu rn to Spain

Cubana were alron*ly of the opinion tbat O arela ihould not enter Havana, and It waa believed he would leave tbe train a t

until they hav* rtcelvad their itoy, now fa r In artvart, for terv lo t In Cuba. T h t ■nutlny extend, not alone to the enllated men, but to their ofllcert, and i t directed a a a ln it the ctecuUve oinclala of the Ua- drld Oovernmant on the laland. Borne of the mao have not been paid tor nearly a year, and to all of them leveral monthe'

to due.e attuattoo kaa oraaud no pariloolar

C iena* , and lo from there to U arlanao. Contrary to thaae cxpactatloniL b t daler-

' ed to enter tbe city, principally with object of aealnc bla mother. He left train a t Carlo* Ttveero, tba naxt ata-

thetbetlon to the termlnua a t Villa NuevA

There a bu ja crowd awaited him, and It ■ dlfto ■ ■ ■waa wli^ dllSBuIty that he wa* able to ee*

cape. One of ' ' ' . -the Orel lo meet the Oenerai waa Perfecto Laroale, prealdent of the

TheC uM n JuntA He waa preaented to the o ther m em bera Uany [adlei were olio

oeaeern In the mlnda ol the Antorlcan au. tborlUtA aa It la not likely aerloualy to affeot the control of th a t portion of the

preeent, aeveral of whom tbrew Itaetr anna around Oarela and khaed him.

Bvantuatly, after eonelderable delay, he wae eble t i teach hte ca rrta te and waa

yuq wlah to kill n a f Well, kill

, eoldlerB. in reply, ahoutad;^iTOfa, ao; wa only want our pay bafora

(or MpoHi **] Uareh than proailawN tbaa they

kka paid aad the eoidlan returned to Htoto gaSHan peaceably.

toM alaam er Alvava left H avana foov Stiya ago with tiiiMxn with which to pay thaae r n tu m « b o Were ta aM bafk tmma- atoeety for flpalA

A a crulaer Alfonie XU. and the su n - b aa ls Conde Devchadlto and In fan ta laa- kal bava proceeded tor N u ev ltu to oom-

the iMdIera to ambark, a l te r which ib ap wUl praoaed to Olbara, for a Ilka SM pcaa, and trill th ta go to Spain untaoe haw ordara ara reoelved.


•*«M a a n d ie d Mea ef the B lsb lh Baar*- la r Qavelry Embark ea tba MaaMatm.

T toaU e Amaaa ipaalah la ldtory.

laland by tha American forcea; but it ll _____ ______ , ______ru llaad that thoaa M » lo ld lm If they where hie mother awaited ehouU peretat In tbalr refuaaj to return

Narraw haaa|M a f T » aallare tn m the Haade a f Meleawa leUadere,

BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. li-S y d n e y ad* v k e i tcU the fate of Captain Kohlion and crew of the cutter Sea Ohoel, which ealled la it September from Qneenetand for the letaod of Buka, In tbe Oetman Sotomon •roup. South Sea Iptaode. The aurvlvore aeoeped end were returned to Queenaland, where they related their adrenturet. They • ta le th a t before the crew could make a m ore whan they reached the apparently friendly tiland In the BolomoDA the na* l lv « boarded the vaaael and atU ckad tbe orew furloualy.

The man etiaed pleoea of wood. Iron or

H ie. E eaaer Avrabe ta Find Her laaaae H u b aad L caalap O w Hav With

a S a lto la Hto Head.SpedeJplBHlch to the NXWA

RBUN, Nov. 11—Aufuat Kenner,

drlvea rapidly Into the city to the houae “ ' ■ him.

anything that could be uted to r defence

to Spain, m lfht become dependente whom II would be dUScult to eare for, and ul­timately, perhapa, a a itnact to ssod lov* ernm ent on tha Iitand.

The Spanlah eutborltlee exp re ti no fear

Bpaalih Tieweport Wreafead.HAVANA Nov. H —The Spanlah trane-

' te It I o'clock ihiiof their ehlllly to eolve the problem pre* eentad, but hew they will eolve It. if the men, heched by their offleera ebaolutely

port Leiaxpl went mornfn* at Punia OavUanet, nearCtenluegoa, province 0 4 Santa .CUra,_ and

refuel to return home wlthoul their pay, ■-------o lf--

w ei totally foet. All the membera of the crew were eaveA

la not oleer. CDBBS ByOHOFSOHlA.Oemp H enttlaa MeaHy P eieHe*.

LEXINCTOH, Ky., Nov, It-T h a Twelfth New York Retiment left SundayS r Am*floua, Ca., where the new camp

the Seeand Brigade, Second DIvlilon, la loeated. The Third Mir ' 'loeated. 'riie Third MiHtiatppI leavte to­day tor the Seulh, and then there will beBO regiment left at Camp Hamilton prop, er. The two negro reglmente have theircamp eeven milea from the encampmentmp I . - .of toe white troopa. The te n th immunee alao go to-diur, and the Seventh Immunee on TiMaday. To-raorrow Oenerai Banger w ill h a a k up dlvlalon headquirtere and with bla atalf leave tor Hicon, Qa Only a few took are l i f t in the hoipltal a t Camp Ham ilton, and a i eoon le they are<well •notigit to be moved tbe boepiUl will be•ntlrcly braken up.

SPANISH VOLUNTEERS aUIET.Xlto IMitukaaaee Canted by the ■ a lla ea i

ftewpe Seem le U« Uver-Dttoaalty le Balifaf Mouy,

Aa litohm aa’e Bopatod Bemedy tor tba Dread Dteeaie A yamSy Siiiret.

D C B U N , Nov. M.-Doctore ell over the country are much tmpreeecd with the re* markable curee of rablee effected by Ho* Oovern, known throughout the •North of Ireland aa an InfiUlbte expert In treating ihla dread d lan n .

UcCovern llvee In tha county ol Cavan. He wUt not allow any Inveatlgatlon of hla uurA Such an InveeUgallon waa propoaed a year or two ago by aeveral North of Irt- laod dootore, who had been atruck with tome of Moaovera:i onrea, but ha refuted ell Information.

It la oertaln that there la eonielhlng In tbe man’e method. True, one or two of hie numerou* patlenti have died of hydro* phoblA hut ao have eeveral hundred of Paaltur'a; and Paetaur never claimed what McQovern haa claimed end proved—that hie ettra can a t ttmaa take effect even after Ibe Sret aymptomi of thle terrible

and a deeparata conOlct followed. Two •aUora went down at the ftret at tack and two Solcmon lelandm were laid out on the deck

Several more boxtloade of armed nettvee arrived and tell upon tha crew, quickly dlapatchlng all but three. One men Jumped overboard, iwam aihore and wae taken prleoner and hla two eurvlvlng com* radei overpowered and tied with ropet. Captain Kohlion waa In the rifting. He waa deeperately wounded by the ipear* men. He aaw that tt wae uaclete to re­main aloft and be potted like a bird lo a trap. So he illpped down the etaye to the deck. Mixed in xxe and knocked two of hie xeeatlinti down. He wxt eoon over­come, however, end hie body ran through with epeart.

Hla corpte waa thrown over the aide of the ichooner. The nttlvee then itarted

PATEHIaged Sfty-one, attempted to murder hie wife at 1:H o'clock thle morning. Red not the woman'e orlee aruueed other teoante In the houae, Kenner wonld doubtleia have looompllahed hla purpoee.

Kenner le a ahoemaker and the father of a large family. For Mveral weeka he haa bMO aotlog xtranftly, arguing that bli family wantad to roaka him appear to bla frtanda much oldw than he r e u y waA To hla titoghbora and cuatomert Kenner con- Unuahr apoke of hla age. Me would refer tbem to the clonk, InilaUnf that tba dial ahowed thirteen IMtead of twelve houra, and on thta point tbe old man would draw deductlone to prove tbat he waa atilt a young man.

Shortly after midnight Hra. Kenner wet awekened by a choking senaatlon. She aaw her huaband laanlng over haf In bed. With one hand he held her tbrtfat, while In the other he fiouriabed a long-bladad bread knif a

"Tou muat dial" hlaaed tha old man.HrA Kenner auoceedcd In looaenlng hla


MatoalwurtoemWathlos en of Bepeftothal the Ctotoaev Waa Tampered With.

WA8 HINOTON. Nov. 14.—The drat Inti- matlOD that there hae been anything Ilka an organtaed conaplracy to prevent the tailing of the crew of the Buffalo reached the Navy Department through tbe ntwe- paperA and It muat be amid, tha offlclalt glvt very tittle credence lo thia atory.

They lay that It li frequently the oaae when a veaael It hurrltd away from tbanavy yard after batty repalra, aa waa tha Buftalo, Iblngt go wrong to luch an ex­tent aa to extote in tome mlnda that tomeevil-minded peraoni are reiponalble.

- ................................... ell I ■ ■Tbe finding of acme amall article! be. longing to aallura hitode of the oondenierto not Itielt a tact unexplainable except upon tbe theory of conipFraoy to damage_____ ______ - jnapli ___the ebly. Such thinga nava often been Incloaed In botten and cylinder! by care-leaa workmen.

The bad condition of the valvea arhlch baa been referred to nt evidence of tam- pertn* la aleo explainable by Ibe tact that ( the machinery of the Buffalo tuffered very much not only from ntglect, but from bad handling at well during the aev. eral yean eha lay at anchor lo Braatllan watera


frtip , AEkd w iled (or hel& Her cries aroused her married dauabter, who sum* mooed aiidatanoe. The old man. after be-Inf overoowered, appeared to quiet down, but brofie out anew an hour later. Thia

....................... ' Bd

^rt^nen, taUi^ withthem the bedlea or the dead. The twohapless prisoners were thrown Into a ^noe* landed op ^ c h and_ len ontha aande while the Bolomop Iil^dera prepared a meal of tbe bodies of thslr comrades.

WhUe this rrewsoms feast was betnf

time Patrolman Berry arrived on the icane In time to prevent the tunatlo from throwing hit furniture out of the win­dow. He had already drlvan hla family out-ot-doora.

In court thia morning Kanntr atlll InaUt-

W ii Tied Dp at Tewlee Datoat the Wat.

NBMfTORK. Nov. 14.—The Bleam yacht Varuna arrived thta morning from South­ampton, October H, via Bordaaux and Funchal Uadeira, with her owner, Eugene Hlgglna and four gueata. Tne Varuna left New York almoet a year ago for an eg- Itnded crulie In European watan. At tha

ve the Autunm ktea, and tt*t Jut the Ida to pick them from our itock 6f up-to-date and ' leasonabk footwear. Wet feet are a tree ticket to sickneu, which ii ceitals to roch you on a quick trip. Goad betltb triveb Iddry shoea. Our Fafl footwear fttis ewy re-

• and Im-qulrement as excludera of dimpneai i penetrable lortlAatlons agalnit mud. Tbe nl(h quality and unequalled durability of our dry foot aboea make them very cheap at such pricca as we offen

ad'that hla wife waa trying to add yeara .................................... r i f t ..................

tlra party w'ta aTupldly'drunkf whtoh aa ablad two of the pnaonen-to aaoapA

te hta Ufa. He aald hla wife muat die be­fore ha could again he aet artghl In the eyei of the world. Hla daughter waa In court, and the old man warned bar to have her mother killed, a i ahe would kill them alL He waa commlttad to the county jail aad will ba cent to the Horrla Plalna Aaylum.

outbreak of the war with Bpalq th4 Varuna waa at Venice, where ahe rwialn- ed until tha ceaaatlon of hoitllltlcA.

Fine weather waa eiperlanctd up to No­vember Id, when a airong gale waa an- eountered from the weat v*enog to north-


weat and north. During Lie toorm tba Varuna behaved aplendidiy and proved^an

Ladiesf Pitent Lexth«r lACe ^ F A Manniih toe lait, the BJ ihoet of .4 A l l othdT j to m .................................... W b v v

admirable aea boat AocomMOy Mr.Hlrrlna are Metara, Cotton, Wood Arthur and Dr. HItchtot. Tht Y aPfU wm loobor off Stapleton, Staten laland.

Men'i EiutnielUtce, waterproof F Hned, tongle, double or cork sole,

SAVANNAH, Oa„ Nov. K -T lia Oov oramtnt tranaport Manitoba aallad for Meuvllaa, Cuba, at i j o o’clock yeatarday Btiwnlng, carrying Oenerai Carpaular o"d kla baatoudetera and aix troopa of the Btghth Regular Cavalry, about NS man, togetbar with hoiaaa and a Ut f amount of ataraa and aupplim.

Tht dlipatch with which the Manitoba waa handlad axoela anything In thia Una Mtua tha bagUinlng of the war with Spain. Tha Manitoba arrived tram New York at It o'clock yaiUrday mornlBg, and wlthtn MW than alghteen houra after her arrival aba waa on har way to w a agate with tba troopa and atoraa aboard, tha work a t loading haring bran acoompitihad Wlthtn about fiftean houra.

Tha a ll troopa of cavalry arrived here aatly Saturday morning, aod ware on their way to tea with auppUea to la it for aev- oral raontht within tw ai^-four houra •ftar their arrival hera. 'nie Manitoba want down tha river drawing twaniy-ona (aat tan teehta, patting tha abb tide with­out difficulty.

WASHINOTON, Nov. 14.-AdJuUnl- Oeoerai Corbin received a diapatch yaa-terday annaunclng that the Eighth Cav-

■ d, Thairy had aallad. Tht regiment wilt be the Agaarlcan garrlion at Fuerto Frlnolpa and NaurltM.

Sn thia eonnactlon an teierealln* bit cl armatlan hat reached iba War Depart

mant, ArrangeinenH bava been made'by


Baaitohlng A lm l tha New Oleeoforf fiM Owlag DyawpatA

tlM Bav. F. I. Bell, a highly eetcamad ■Inlatar ratodlng te Wcedaport, Cayuga OoHOty, N, T., te a rocant laltar wrttaa aa (oUawa: "There hae never been anythina tbat I bava takan tbat baa rellavad the DyaptpdlA tram which 1 have auSerad tor tan yaan axcept tha ntw remady called •tuart’a Dyapeptia Tablet*, Blnoa taking them I hart had aa diatreea at all after eating and again a f l t i long year can alaep well." Rev, r . 1. BcU, Watdaport, N . Y„ formerly IdallA Col.

Bluarfa Dyepewla Tablet! 4« a ramark- a U t remedy, not only becauM It la a car- tala cu n for all forma of Indlgaallem, but kaeauaa It aeema to mot aa thoroughly te •id ohroolo oaaet of dyapepria a* well a t te to ld ttiaoka of ladlgettlon or blllouaneaa,

F**OB baa dyipeptoa aim ply baoauaa the " ' le overwarked, all tt wanU la a

vegarUble ratntdy to digoat the thui g irt It tba much naedad

acorat of the luccaaa o f thta dy. No m atter bow weak o r

I --#» *MP»«to> worka Of not.“ ••*an not only tg

tok te .aaonr ntean and n eivt

HAVANA. Nov. U, vta Key Weet, Nov. 14.—The dIaturbancH here eeetn to be over, Svarythlng la quiet and regular Spanlah troop* are patrolling the city.

T^a Spanlih Oovernment yeitcrday of­fered tbe market here I4B.OOO, at three dayA on London, In order to apply the procetde to the payment of the troopa Two Spanlah bankera took 1120,UOO. but the foreign houie* rtfueed lo touch the paper unleta firat advieed that the tiFceeenry fund! had been depuilled In London bankt lo meet the dratta.

The paper It being offered at one or two poima, below commernial raue, ihowteg bow tar Spain’! credit 1* impaired.

It la reported that forty-flve rlng]eadera and the chief promoter, of the mutiny have been arreated and Itnprleoned In Morro Caetle, but tt la underetood tbat none of them will be court-marilalled.

A battalion of the Orden Publico waa •hipped thle morning on boqrd the ateam- er Alicante with Ita otneera. There waa no ^poeUlon made, and all waa quiet here Regular ircwpe were atatloned along the

dlaeate bavc-appeand.a ll known That Bc treat* by meane of

a aecrat remedy In the form of a di


a ll knownaecrat remedy In the form of a drug

herb, aamlnlatered In the pallent’a food, which la extremely ’’Spartan" In quality and quantity during the weeks of tFeai- ment, and tecludei no meat. All of it la prrparM by Modovern’t own handA

The awerat baa baan in tha Mcaovernhanded down from father to eon, never being diacloaed to any one elae. It ta lug. geited that a guffldently large money con. ■ideratton be offered by tha doulora for llcOoverh'a ircrei.

itreele leading from the Plaia de Arma. to the wharf. They were under the com­mand of actieral Arolae. Prevloue tn he-

back ‘o their quariere the troope defiled on the Plaxa de Arma* before Hen-era! Solans Captaln-aeneral Illanco'a abler of ataff, s

For Mine llme^paet ihe uprlelng of the truoM In regard to the nnn-recelpi of their pay ha* been feared. Not only le their pay owing tor montha and years, hut, what li mora, the reaerve u y 9 ? m . euldlen, thtlr » r in * i alnoe tlm date of their enlistment, which were looked upon by ihem na la- cred. have been approprluted, or alolen. aa tha men any, by the Government, which lend! a deaf ear to their proteat. .nH . . .

Detth Dew le BydrophoblA8 EDALIA. Mo,, Nov. H -Thqm ea Moore,

eeven yearn old. ton of E. J. Moore, amember of Company I, Second Regiment, MliaouriVolunteera,!* deed of hydrophobia.The lad wa* bitten two week* a«a by. . . ------. . . ... ------

___ ____________ .'real■ion*. Ha triad to Wte hi* aEtendania and •earned poueiacd of euperhuman atrength. H li dtalta waa a m F t agonUIng one.

W hat tha Hreord of Qleaceatar, MotA, Iwr Vesr hvTssls.

OLOrCESTEH, Mae*., Nov. 14-T he TOoks o( the mouccflsr MutusI FlshlnfInsursncs Compsny of this cltyg whlob will he closDil to-morrow* snd from which ths Ust of losBoo, not only In tcsssIs* bttt In Mvtes of thr ftshermen runmnf from tbs city sre matle up, show that durloy ths past year nineteen crsfl snd nlnsty-two men hsve been sscrlflcsd In the hiM tdous Industry of which this city Is ths lesdlnf Mntre.

In addition to this loss of U(« and prop* erty* the summary shows ih»i twsnty-. nve wlOowo and ftfty.six fstherlets oWl- dren have be -n left by thoss who Juiv« perished this ys«r. These flfures Aft lAiT- •r than usun].

The nlntiteen vraaeli loit wart Valued at S ’S ' carried a total Inauranot of •6^ 762. Their total tonnsfs was three 1®T the lo im wart atxty-

alcven veaaala valued

■to Uatat-la-taw B xplne aad a Gwmer’e dnry la tnvaitlgailng.

Spaclal to the EVENING NEW*.ELlZJtBETH, Nov. 14.—A Coroner'a lury

haa baan empanelled In Ihe caat of Mr*. Michael Ifer^r, of tbi* city, who died Sat­urday night a* a retult of having been beaten by her brother-in-law, John Dwyer, ten daya ago. An autopay waa performed on tbe body at the BlliabeCh Oenerai Hoa- pltal gaaterday afternoon. The jury will view tha body to-day ana take an ad­journment until Wedneeday, when the In- queat will be held. , , .

The woinan a (layer li locked up In a oell at police headquarter*.

Cnilwr la C htottACHICAOO. Nov. t4.-Rlchard Croker,

the Tammany leader, la In Chicago via- Itlng frtendA Aa tar aa can ba learned Ur. CrokeFi vlelt to thia olty baa ao political ■Ignlficanca.

worth |d | *v«ry jwlf (uxfMUtd~Mta'i Box Ctir xiKl Tin. Wtotfr Riwh,

doubk UKl tiofie lolt, buUdof hst,

3.00. 3.90, 5.00.Uc«

ChUdren-iBoxCxlf, I l e s n i l t 7 5 ic«and Button...... Iewi/S1H1 l• l v

A L L P A R T S O F J R B B S T , uS'r'er.™; 1.50to2.00Money will ba railed by Perth Amboy

Iriendi of Jamea L, Toakar. tba game warden. Indicted tor maraer at Patenoa,

W aatB w Id Awd O raa fo rd .believed to have been mad, went

Wnmaa'a Bxah*e*e U iia.ged by Fire.a't D s,m '

lo** for the paat

A doc. believed to have been mad, went throuin ’Weatfield Saturday, biting all the dog* It came aoroax Half a duen are known to have been bitten. A couple of men tu tted out to tboot the aolnnal. They traced It te Seoteh Plaint, where it bit a do* belongliia te John Uarah. Then they teat all traoe oUt> All of the doge known to have bean blTtai ehalaea.

to aid In hli defenoe.The body of Mlaa Lidta Byre, of FUla-

dtlphla, who drowned heraaft at Atlantia City on Saturday, waa olalraed yeeterday by John Hollind, a ratetive, from Cooh- ranvilly. Cheeter County. Pa.

"Uncle John" PIrraon, Iba venarabla e i- Freeholder of Gloucttler County, eele-

C:'s.2f..!*ffl.7SMd2.005dd 3how WliHtews for Stylm asd


braled the ninety-third annlvtiaaiy of bla birth yeeterday. Ur. Pltreon on Tueaday laat call hla atvtnty-Hcond tall elaottonvote.

Jacob L. Van- - Buekirk. the Damoent.'Then they *»" »l*eted BhaiTff o f Beteen County doge known an Tueeday laat, although the Repul " killed or ara *l*oted the real of thetr ticket byI tan bava baap


____________ _____ - . e waa dlacov-cred Uila monllng id the Woman’* Ex- I'hangA H Broad rtraat. The flnmca ^rvad to the muilo anil bloyele atore of B. W.

the upper floor. The Bllaabelhrrn li, on

•i.nuai loaa lor tne paei twenty.fiye yvare haa baen alxteen veatell agcreguti,,* 1.W4.1S toD V vateri

«erTgei?” n"Vearly?" "*• “ ■"* ’**’ *^ ^

Rev Dr, Rutua B. Green ooaupled the pulpit Of the WMteeld Covregatlonal Chunib yeatfyday. Rev. N. W. Cadwell

1W piurallte, will'fa* aworn In toGnorrow by Judge Zabiitotl*.

Churob yeateydi

Fire Department wae promplly at the noene, but tha exchange wae badly gutted before the OaaM* ware exUngulahed; Hra. Crafg’a atock waa eonaldorably damaged,

barkentln* John Battoey W nA ad.

principally by water..borkenOaa Job*

from '■“'iriphla. CaptalB HOlabuCr*h.?L 1 ''® Srptembor m, for Foo-

a deaf ear to their proteate ’end re- tuaee to return the hard-earned aavln** of ths pisn.

What amount Ihl" ra*e/ve pay rracbea It la Impoaelble to eatltnal* among thr many ^ im e n le on the laland, but it la knownthat It aggregatea mmion* Thle u the real queatlon which hae been preolpllatln*• Mi HUDPbtwij wgaivii rin-n ijBPn preoipitstins rlota, oaiielng mutiny here and impelltei the men to Ineuhordlnallon at Nuevltia and which may yet give rle« to further widrapread dleturbancea te the liUnd.

OKNBBAL OAHCIA IM HAVANA.’Beaelnd KalhuajaalloaUv by the Cnkaa*

la Ibet Oily,HAVANA. CubA Nov. M .-aent& la

Oarela, BanguUy, Lanuia end Joaa Mtgual aomex, membera of the Cuba* delegaUon from Santa Crua, arrived teat night en route lo Waahington, They w en aocom- panled by member* of their eU S and many Cuban officer*, who etoppod * 1 Ba­tabano. On board the etaamer war* alia the Spanlah CommlHlonera with the body of Oenerai vara del Ray. Aa the boat nearml tba wharf there wae awn * ttrang battalion of Spanlah troope qrawn up a* a guard of honor for the noeptlon o l th* oommlailonera.

Tha Cubattt at firat thought that tome objection waa to b* mad* to Oarcla'i landing, Tfa!«, however, wa* marked by DO tealdenl, aud he quietly boarded the train al Batabano, and t t all ita- tlona along tbe route large erowda ol apectatora turned out to *ee the Cuban leader. WUh Hit rgcepllon of a few oheere there were no drmonetrailont ufitll the train itupped at Cienagt, a few milea from HavantI v l l J wBteTHIW,

There a commlitee of omcert from Men- OMl'a oatnp. at Marianao, awaited hi* ar-Wito* ■ VPOfF* FtotermtHBU, ■wq.yg.TU nis *r-MvaL and totfiy prominent Cuban iwto- dnU* of Havana w en alao gathered therr.

"'■•‘*•1*5)! Mora, Leyti vu ij. Brintogr itetonte Rival and Cap-

r* a from a T n la te Death.SOUTH NORWALK, Conn., Nov. 14,-.

'homa* MoWIntara, of Holyoke, Man., (ell from a Irright train at Beat Norwalk

from Slngaporo Bepi o**n wrac. part of H clueter

rocks, In the

a-r-pi by 4X4 UOJ 00, AwT F 4 #

i t e n T J ’o,^’’ Vl';‘r"*cr?w*’ w ^ T l v Mhave been landed at SlngaporA

___jula on a.vl*ltregtSeld Chat* ^ a b hae reorgan-

lied wtUi Or, R. A Green prealdent. The riub Mteta evat? other Monday night tor play at tha ratodanoe of Dr. Oraen.

To* Republican* of Cranford have or- gtnlaed a a w « l elub, and will keep up a nennantnt orgabi*s*ten, with roomi tor ^ d lt ig and tooltl aStlra.

Th* Hmlg S tree t School ^ t Cranford hae

While Ihe Gibbatown powder work* ar* " thted by electrfclty. none of

_ U be Inetd* ol a butldtei are being made In tht aide* of c houeei, and thr light win thin* tbraugb

to be li light*

- _ tbe WIndewt

ly, none Itidteg. W. - ^

of in* different

Bmd ud Amdiiiir Sts.,OFF. FOdTOVnOU.

theee with refieetorA ii,>R »A A »»A A A A >tM R A O —John Krtegar waa wheeling down Wa:

avtaue, Patunon, .to u t f o.’clock

beenit top

on account of water In the

about midnight Iwri night while riding on th* buinparl. Hie left arm and left tegwere cut off and he died an hour later in th* Norwalk Hoeplul.

hiub • wooden veiMl,eJf wo I**'" “ ¥>• Bk* reriaw r.

-5"** a w n ^ by Captton Pj ^ ^ 8 hrph»rd, who formerly oommanded

The <

w putting out the tuynaea fl» , making it Tmooaalbl* to properly heat the houae.

“ "aaan fq p d Committee willen Important ohangot te ttioaa on Ihe Lehigh Val-

night, when hit hamUebar brokt, and Jh* waa thrown heavily to the grouod. H* wti removed lo the Oentral Hoapllal ID

lord Townahlp eetlng to-night.

_________ itv* b a w lmpoi _ , . ,the naroa* or atatioa* O" lha Lehigh Val. ley M ir o ta , a* given In the new time ta.

a comttoe* *lata. Bufferwound! on the tact a n _ _____feared he la Internally Injured,

Matthew Btapletan ten year* old, of Mto^atinew Stapleton, ten year* wd, of BE roteentb etreet, Jertay City, waa paaaing* through the Erl* Railroad fraMfnt yard A Thirteenth atreet on Saturday night, wuto

Bulbs.■ fi

Murderer K ||U Htmeair.14.—A apatoal

Manitowoc, WIa . •W - ffnet Ueeemann, who wa* arraat-

iK that went Inte effect yejterday. Morrli avenue te now Townley, South Cranford ~ iforfl and Lroni Farm* Eltgabeib.Cranfi

, — ......... .......light, whajidrilling freight in to entered tht y en ,

Hc attempted to jump on the tralA but •lipped and fell under one of th* ear*. tVie

In Silver Pkte is huidsoflid in de­s ip and best in aualit>—iU Is ex- cWve with us, tnd to introduce more generallj

wheel* paued over hit ten at tb* ankltA•averlng both feat.

doubie inutdar of Mr. and Mra. John Behle, at Mlihlcott, near Two

Jamti McN*«, thirty year* old, of W Grove *tr*«t. Jereey City, wae tbaving himeelf yeiterday when the raaor allpped and cut a levertjitah te hiii neek. He wa

'THIS WBBK Wd will agll * Myidatb Bulba of aupar-

flsa mlxtura, doubfa and iliiKle, tor 13.80 |wr 100.

B(V7o. : «« S "" '" ' **>*nmoit, near two iV »'®''»nHier d and ptaoad te jaU

for aafa-keaplng. waa yaa- ***• ***[ haViBg ttoMD

Mf* wTeMmoJ”' liangina. Bifar* u i in g b l t iir« Meftimflnn made r confetalom.

Uken to .. I® hli neok. He waiSt. nwooia’a HotPluL Tb« It aerioui. The neite* thought1.3U tittA n it «d . S S S c i i H ’

te r ^1, - A#«Aa. .a *..11 ■—

All Bulbs Should bo ptontod now, BSttho ground It ilkdiy to frooio St sny timo.

Pldst aomo Cncua, TuUpa, IxIaS) AMmoaos. Snowdropa, Crown Impdrialt u d Orapa Hynclntiu n o * u d thsy will givo you f ru t ptauura In tbs u r iy gpringtinig.

■ ariiet ft.

Joeeph Jiffertea lU.VOHK, Nov. 14,—It wa* *B-

Kaot -


, . commit >ui------------- .-Jteotlvt Clark waa datalltd onthe caa* After i full InvaaUfatlqn b* ra- ported that th* ajiair waa m aootaeal.

CofiMlIui I. Bteuvalt died on Saturdayat hli bona te Hackenaaok, In fourth, y*arj H* wa* lor a tl

a V-. g ggV, Xu W . IH — ITManager JCaowtea

?hat Thaatra but nlafiit•f*ff«rioD had c a n n e d hto

thaatra on aooount at •Ii ' L 1?®,."'** P™vent*d from appearing vbfIl.Yteteiday It waa **.

would appear dipreeent WlInkle.

J:'—"Y «<“■«.l"Uter»»y u waa ea- h tt ,h* would appear during tha week te a revival of "Rip v an

Catte* Hin* ______U.-Tha aoiton

S f Vh‘e » A X *T4

Dated by

A l A ^ vu loty of PIdIn Stopio Pabrlca, PopHM, W b^etoO i: DrspdoParU, frt la Facsd Effocta. Im« pggitflsrgw . otc.

L lu d of TsUor C tiinM d u d Homoapnn tVMd s»bd"f»»- M rig Vtodtian Cloth, 48

*ldo, Wlntor

New York Cuatom-bouae, and forhte aevanty- tUB* In ta* I for thraa

ear* wM olerk of tht ’Bergen'County of Cboeen FreehsIdeA Befere th*card

Reheliten he wae a Captain In the Eighth Row Tork Vteahtegton O r ^ , an™ erai ffhw quently ChW of Staff for Gteiitral J. M-, Vivian, with r u k fit U ^ a n a a t . CotqncL «

we oiler complete Une at - srzciAL P«icw,!o* TB» wiei,

flOUB ITZHS:Tea flpoone. r tg u lv II.M> fon.{l.lt> H doa Table spoona,Berry Iftwkfc resliM J K doaOyitir Fork* rvg. -•'•jW >{ d «Crata Itolm . t e - etosbQravy iJiJtei. ng-Jfr /?'•—" ip tadlee, rag. lot...... taeb- „ -------’.gotaoh

,*«ashlAdlee, rag. ter..... -K U

v w J ia a tru a k r i ter...,fe etehSS&YSSk'SiM-r.isSl;IfMoni, B y* HAn fo

MK* to rtomontoriito Aofg wny iHootHiul h$ittH freoA toy oaidA

J.Wiss&Sons,Arthur M,Bakar fifiy-itvan y*i

of Wcehawten HelghH, who .hr year* waa aialatant eouht atafiAghA

^ttena Qourt, Japm ated of. heart dlaem o* itetui noon while bteyoring on tha HUi vard In company wtih S I* wl

ta n old. yaw JatotFt MMteg HiTti aiora 781 BROAD AT.

(h i ^ ena me event waa Doiaa ay iSJre te th* baainning of aSh?.(* *te. Th* mni* bar* baan; 9mil flown (or two yMMe

^f^***»t WcKUi1*t WiU M AMviid.NJBW Yo r k , kdv, la unoAflunY

wifiMnusl b tm qw of the

*4ftorney OCTf?S|Mom« otntr mijinlMr i . trtioi flftji R^mviU lh« bViqtjflte .i-r i y, Lfi',®

P®''from 11,78.

Ud sixth ifiDBI,SUVEK^atw 'Vdek,

fieuht*d and b ^ n g to Ou"fWd2fd.'

' JMtodh ad CWeml <HIIUa

Hr*, I-owrte, th* wife a t 1 Lowrie. paator of th t Melhootet Cpijoupal died ia tu rd a r a lta r an through aeveral month waa rn*... .* oauaA Th*..tqpibe hoM at Market Aural


A 1



row afternoew »t 1 o’C


IUiiillAFFBiI.TO T86 A B lM T ii.

Tkm Mm , U t« lj Offtelali of WU-mingtoD, N. 0,(kU It Dnttad StetM

AttonM -QoneraTi Offloe.


A IhilUd Matw C« » » UH«iwt. ChUf af rallM aad aapKlalM^Mi af O tti Cut* Tall Th«lr IMar; u d Will >• Oln* ■ H u rlu - liU 'laM M af Oaarfa W.Biaw axEdllor M aalj’a T ala-T llla taa 'i la tan law .

One Quarter the Money

Yon would t |c B d for i uaw ttiU of eiotliM W H ld otM a tw o of yau r ubl n iH t.

lla T rn 't jrwi u old coat <>t »>«* 'n th a c lo ir t—too r » d to |lT e »w»y, too fo lM ito w wrlf

W e'd Uka to *how too how much Ufa « a oan pu t Into t t a t auiaU


WAIHINOTON, Not. U .^hrat of Iha WIImlBftoB. N. C„ retuaea* hay* arrivad In Wtahlnatos and uMay called at the Dapartment of Juatkoa and an appointment tor a cunfaraaoa wllh the ofllclalt waa mad* Jor thla aftarnoan. The ratufce* are R. H. Bunnlna, United Htatea Ctnamlaalon- er and JutUca o( Uif Peace; John R. Uol. tan. rhle( of PoUca. and C, H. Ulltiert, Superlnterdent of City Carta

Accordlna to tpelr atatementt, all were aelaed without Warrant and aacortad to tha rttlroid aUtlon by an armed and Jeer- ln| mob. who abouted all aoita of Inaulta afler thtm aa they marched alonj. "Whitt nitcera" appaarad to be the luat of tha InaulUnf nanu with which tha crowda treated them at tvery atap.

Once on the taUniad, they were t*1d In forcible lantuatr that If thay avtr atain u t foot In Wllmlntton they would be abot on aitht- When Ibeir tridn arneed at Newberne It waa boardtd. they uy, by former Wayor Rllla and a lawyar named Ouyoh, and they were Informed that It would not be n t* for them to. remain there any Irntlh of time, and ao they took tha itrat beat to Norfolk.

Brown, a netra from Wllmlntton, who did not Iwva at tha lama time witb tham, thay had ainoa heard, waa aet upon by a crowd and larribly bmtea In tb* Norfolk city poatolRoa. At otber point* thay war* warnad not to atop.

The three men era at preaent atiyini at a amall hot*! on Pennayleanla avenue, but what they will do or whft* they will to from her* It a urloua queatloa wiili them.

• They u y they dare not return to their homra In Wllmlntton, aa they feel certain tha threafa of the mob ilould be carrfed out, end they would be ehol. T'hey plead not tuUiy to every oharte medo atalnat, them, and Inalat that they were run out of the State for tb* elngle reaaoii that they were Republic*ne and refuaed at the blddint of an Irrupooalble mob to auiteo- dar their ritht of franchiM.

— ■-*— —

STORY OF A VlOriM.Oeevi* W. Brew*, Now In New Ifark City,

Wlmd I* MnrMk and W u Cem- pellad tn H nrry North,

NEW YORK. Nov. H-Oeori* W. Brown, of Ihla city, a colored man, oha of the auSerara during the race rtota In the Carollnu, arrived bere yeaterday morn- Inf from Norfolk, Va.. where be waa locked up by the autborltlea to uve him from death at the handa of Infuriated white men.

Brown waa In Wllmlntton, N, C,, durint the moat violent of I be recent outbreeka tbtre, and Indeed waa In that city from the bcflnnint of acUv* maaaure* atalnai the neirou. Hla face waa itUl awoUen from the anecta of a bn tln t ha received from Vlrflnla white*, and hi* clothlot waa bloodatained, for, once be bad an oppor­tunity to iHV* Norfolk and taf* conduct to a train waa afforded him. he fled with­out aecklot a chant* of olottalnt or lur- tlcal aulatanc*.

"When all the white men urry rifle* and aholfuna” be aald, "and whan the netrou have no opportunity to aummon outalde aid, and no chanc* at accurlng It aven If tuey could aak Cor it, I don't aat what hop* there la. Th* netroea—men, women and children—by nuneredi arc alvepmt In the wood*

"In moat Inatancea the kllUnia ruuUad from lb* refuMi *< wel.-iv-oo oworeo prop- erty-owuert to luv* their nomee anu be- lontlnt* when ordered out of town, never 10 return. When f left Wllmmtton, on hrloay mornint, there wan taA to the ef­fect that the noutaa of all colored foUia without exception would M acarched. I don't know whet will be th* outcome. 1 tear the worai. I-to nat-deny that the coiortd men there are oaualiy well to do, and, barinf property, btv* been ytry In- uepeouant,'^

He aayi that be believe* he waa mlaiaken In Noriolk for ilanly, the udiior of tne Wlimintion Hecorn, whoae oflenaive ar­ticle In reteraoce lu me wntte women of thou State* la credited brim tlrnlng the lll-feallnt of me while* toward (b* biack* into open violence.

"1 Want to Wllmlntton two muniha oto iqvlalt friend*," he aald, "floon after 1 arrived Uamy'a artlci* concamliit the white women of North and Buuih Carolina reeulied In a nolle* belnt *ent ui him to leave town before t o'clock the next mom- Inf. He had already been forced to move hie office out of Prlncuu atreoi. and had reopened It In BamaYltan Uall, a bulldlnt erected by the colored folka in South Hvvemh street with tnclr own hard-earned rnouey.

"He paid no aiiemlun to lliat notice, and at II o'clock the next momint th* white* were everywhere, rules In band. Muw dea-

qutiilon diacutaed. In an Inlarv^* ' laMay h* talkad freely e t the Hnl* In Phoenix and W llmlntton.

■The Phoenix riot." uM the Brnalor. "wa* an outbreak auoh u 1* liable to oc­cur In any community tbickly populated by netroea In any Southern State. R a u antatonlem , which h u exiated since the dawn of history end will oonlliiu* U> *x- Ut while the world U eu. It a t th* bottom of It, In th is partlouUr cnee It trew out of a treed for oflice on tbo p art of a whit* Republlcein. ,,

"Wheiher th* Tolbert* were a e tln t un- der litetructlon* from the Bepubjtoan Ne- llonal CommlUee, or whether tlmy were eellvr politically b ^ u a e of th* desire to metmain their Influence with the niti^ou. Is, of courae, mere coujectur*. 10 ellhef c a u there wa* no poaalble hop* of Tol­bert being vieeted under the new Lomtl- lutlon In th* Stele, which le In vvery re­spect sim ilar to that of H luluIppI, with minor dlfferencu which are Improve­ments, and which has been sustained By th* United B utee Supreme C ourt

In the -further course of tb it talk heeaM:"One thing le a* ceruUn aa en y th ln t e tn h ly can be certain—th* whits men In the South will not tubm tt to negro control of their pclltlcs, local. Slat* or natlonel. The crime of a n a u lt or brutal murder, such a i that of Ut*. Atkinson, will meet puntehmeni, sure and swift.

■The negro must take a subordinate plaoe, and he will be treated with con- •Ideratlop and klndnee* In prop«l;lpn a* be 1* peaceable and well behaved and makes friends of hi* white oelfhbpr*. The dlifram hlaemem of the Itnoraht lit Soum Carolina by Uonatltiiilon and la,wtul iseth- odo has worked no Injury, but I* a benefitIn mahv raffiivMln ItkatiHn* iVAItCM AIM fOOu

>, a eesnatloDof angry race feeUru|. .

"The outbreak e t A oenIx would not and could not have oocurred but for the lead­ership and Inspiration of dealtolM and selflah while men. Left lo himeelf, the n r tro care* no th tn i about pollllce, for hi* experitne* In this State has shown him that It Is a hot Iron, and alwaya burn* him whenever he touche* It."

EDITOR MANUCT Of MRW SRRfRT.Colored K en , Held Reepaaslbte te r the

Baa* W ar, Espials* tha Treehte.ABBURT PARK. Nov, I t-A liC M anlty.

th* editor of Wllralngtati, N. C., wbos* editorial was perhtp* th* chief cause of th* lioia In th a t city, le with his brother- in-law, Rev. I. N. Qllea, pester of the colored Hetbodlet church In West Aabury Park.

"Th* whole trouble a t VllmHifton," he aald to a oorreipondent, "waa caueed by the intaconetruoUbn of an article In my paper. E x trao lt from this editorial have appeared In Northern newepaper*. The p an , fcpeeever, that ebowe my tonooeuce of any intended disrespect to or slander of the whit* people bee been etudlously Ig n o r^ ."

HI* p u nos* ha* been, he laid , merely to ehow th a t whiten and black* should be Judged by the same law* of morality. In support of the claim th a t be had beea mta- construed be read tb* fotlowlsf from the editorial lo queetloo:

'T h e editors pour forth votleya of aaper- aLon* agalnat all negro** beeaua* of.th* (aw who m ay be tuflty. If th* o sp e rtan d epeakera of th* other race would condemn the commiaslan of crime, bccaue* It I* crime and uot try to m tka It appoar that the negroea were tb* only crlmlnala, they would lltid their strongeet aUlta In the Imelllgem netroee themselvea and to- te ih e r tha whiles and blacki would root the evil out of both raeea"

."Flam ing m uttu ttons of Ihli a rtH e ." Ur. U anley continued, "were publlahrd all through the South, and I we* obarged with aUnderIng the vlnu* of white worn, en. iu c h a thought never entered heed,"

myAsked about the Wilmington riots, Ur.

‘d that he preferred lo tell hi* signature and

_ th* ■houtd do

Manley seld that be ito ry over ‘ '■o •boftly.

"The deatruction of Tbs Record office, he laid, "oeueed great pereoRal loe*. Thebuilding and nxlure* ware fully Iniured,hut not ......................................

hind. I have heard nothing from but presume they got away safely. Uy future la undecided. I do not know whether or not I eball go back to North Carolina." ,

Editor U anley la quite a hero In the colored dlatHcL He w u Invited to addreae a meeting a t Bethel Methodtet Epleciopal Church l u t night, but declined. He will probably remain hare for aevaral daya

I t la nnderatood th a t he la raising a fund to pay a firm of laeryera whom he will employ to repreaent him before the Prealdent and the Department of Justice.


peraka w u th* work wnlob followed you dge from tb* fact th a t a fte r t . . .

aet lire to Th* Record offloe, they kept th* .................... thi


A Bfleklayer Ateanllad by Three While M ei-U ey Die,

NEW t ORK, Nov. K —Negro rteldenba In W eit Twenty-aeventh v tn e t and vicin­ity are attired over the ehootlng of a negro bricklayer, which, they charge, waa dua to racial prejudice. It If probable that th* victim, Joseph Schell, will die. He w ai taken to the hospital with a bullet In hla head and the men ooncerned In the ehootlng have eecaped.

Schell wee a t work u usual a t t o'olook this ipornlng ^ t h e flat building th a t la

cy_ jcna nrlih

irtng over thU r hwda u a .fltemen back by thfeaientiig«u u and Or:

luff,"Hi* Fire Chief, however, drove right

ihrough th* mhb. I t w u too l e u then, lu lldug and conteota were burned. I t

w u then th a t th* white men, in groujm of nv« or a ll, armed w ith itjlM, began iq guard the street corner*. ESvery coloredperson who p u se d waa stopped by the cry: ‘Hold up your hands!' All were searched, and even pocketknive* weretaken away, the owner being told th a t he could recover hla properly u tter the trou­ble aubalded.

"Than tha kUllng began, and th* reign of terror w u complete, I t was In Brooklyn— th a t la, th* north aide of the city, acroaa th* railroad. Th* colored men there u n a

m ltena

rough' lot and rtalated when the white* held them op with guns. Three negro** war* ahot ana kitted In the atreet, ana two

loual] ‘w j^ t^m m wjiro terloualy hurt.

»rop«rty wereoangar th a t tboy ran , to lagva their paa- aeaalona, the fruit often of long Hvea of In-

th a t m any colored men of property were unwilling, In spit* of the oanger th a t they ran , to legva their

was there Just In time to see the fum tlvet turn the corner. He and other cftli gave chae^ but the men escaped.

People of th* hatne rse* u th* wounded man, living In the neighborhood in which he worked, declare th a t the whit* work­men In th* building have e p p o ^ t6 hla employment and hav t wantM him to quit.

In all about twemy-flv* men are a t wailr on the new building and flchall waa tha only negro among tha biicklayert. On* other negro waa employed aa a hod-owner. He li atn i a t work.

duatry, Tho death of Pearaun, a colored owner of real estate, was an instance of thfe. He was ordered out of town afte r he hud been beaten and linprlaoned, and w u told naver to return. H e atarted away, put befere k* ite n t tyV be became maddeugd. - »en t f a t by tha thought tiuit he waa flpivan from hla p roptriy , ang vo "

ttever the “ ‘ "whatevervowed be,would return.

a ebet. Well, they gsv* him a oh. H e wa* sho t dead In- the

kJlUnga gild tha au m n d e r of the Uayor and polio* end ether city officere followed. On T burndw night tnort than UO cetored Btraoni elept I n th* woods. fcfiTing they would be elaw htered If they remained in thU r home*. They were talk­ing about driving out a ll ihe oolorad prenchers when 1 left,^ "Thay > I early killed me. I left 'VVII- tiiluatod on Friday morning, went to New- tarn , N. C.', by n O and thenot by bent ts Norfolk. A* 1 waa a stranger, I In- qulied tn* way to the postofflee, wishing to buy a eieinp. 1 entered the poetoffle* eud bought » rtam p, saying nathlhg to eny ouc.

"A t 1 turned from Uie alamp window, four o r live white mod eteppod ua and aurroundsd me. ‘W here ere you from f

OOST OF eOTZRNINO CUBA.W hat b la Under hyaalah R n te -T ta Rama-

•m laa that (VIII Be Poulh ia Cadan AuoriiWB P v e M tlu .

WAPHINitTON, Nov, It.-uolcar* of th* Cuban unitary OonmUssion who have made a careful I'xamlnallun nf Cuban flnari-#a have rent ,i tvpuri to Wuhliiglon Khi.iwlng the receipts and csiiiadiiurw of the Island under Spanish rule and alco ee- Umalts of what will i»'cur" whan thv United Stats* lake control of the Island,

Among tht prtnetpal Itemaof reoelpts for Ihe year IF t are the foltoeringi From texea on rent estate, income tax, liquor llcenecs and other Internal revenuo taxes, M,lUAui>: Importa and export dutlea and other In­come from Ihe cuatom-houera, IH.TCG.OOM; stamp piuer and stamps of all kinds, R.Me.rO; from lotleiiss, i-«lea ofelTfrU of Ihe State, from other

tl.UC.aW; making a total of tS.-•u^WsThe eM}>fn»t‘M iflvta M follow*: Vwr

the jioyernnufiu of thi IsUitd under th# oI the Uovernor<Qen«rAl, PI. *oo,WJ. Kof ihf local (ovrrnnfollow#: Qoneral - .

Department of Ord< , Juattrx

IP iloaM ootrkTe

i i j l l .M ; D ^ r t i M n t of . ne.TO ; D«p«rUM«t Of Pub-tha Trcaaury

■■ ■ lieor Tl

------- . -W.JT4.W.

Uo liisiructlon, (Ifl.MJ; Public Work and C Ml; Department of

ofDepartment lUo ‘

w , ^k-|MM(inen( oi ‘ A#rlcuUur«, --------- r.and_roinmerr,.. 1 1 ( ^ 17*; making a to u t oflab ile Work and C um m unloaU w , Ihilll.------------ . - Induitry,

It Is estim ttm l lhal uimn th t assumption of control of Cuba by the United S u te a the lollowlng expenau now lncurrr„l each year untirr Mpsnith euvcrflgnlj' Will coue,{namely, civil, nnlltiary and otber pensions.

rctir<^ list of the arm y and navy, l.tjOSM; liitcrott and smoctlaatlon of th*

qe^htt created In Ittl, UM ^ M k IW.tll.- Iffi: for cxpciiset of U lllu ry Oovernora end the permunent military aatabllahnwai of the Island, composed of Spanish fo rcu , M well u material for war, *x-K nses of the naval eatabllahm tnl tn tha

and, |l,t(n,M : aubeldy naiid tha C n » panic T rsn u lla n itra of B ^ la , IITUUi ■alarlea of the novernor-Osnaral ana nSher officials and officers, ttw.uiril: nsaklam A t»- tal reduction of

An Item of expense for the OfTevnmeBt of Cuba under the aovernor-aeaefal is d ftlg iitird for the m aintenance a t the Ouardla Civil, who nr* employed u a lice force In the suburban and rural im - iriots, which am ounts to ttURTfl H iteS flaures ere consider^ Intereatlng by offi­cials here, s i showing lhal th t burden* of u x stlo n upon th* peopi* ef Cube oan he lergely reduced under a form of gov­ernment Independent of Spain,

HOOLEY WANTED A BARONETOT.Evidenm of s ir WlUlaet U errie tt Regavd-

log the Beskvept Peem eter'e Oenirlbs- tlen to the Censervstiv* Fncty.

LONDON, Nov. U .-T ha txam lnalJoa In bankruptcy proceedings of Ernest Terah Hooley, Ihe company promoter, wee re­sumed this mornipg.

Sir WUlIsm M arriott took th* stand and declared that Mr. Maoley'i statem ent that he had paid tha wltnesa <1,(0(I (K.IIW) for Introducing him <Hool*y) to the Carlton Club was "pure tnvantlon and an abomin­able lie."

Sir B'llllam added th a t he knew nothing a t the time ebout Ur. Hooley'* alleged do­nation of UO.OW (in.eilP) to the conserva­tive party funds, through th* Marquis of Abergat eiiny, though Mr, Hooley told him afterward that he had given tb* Marqula

nJa" '

cm y, tore* monina in the penlunllary: H a iry fa jm y and Daniel Walter, d o c k li

Rudolph Kraft, assault Phlljjp I’uplla, as-

, Tht

n b o m , M 'n n o . and u t t s r y , Maault and battary , U t fine

■ and battery,ueaault Th'

no,on for “flghting funda" of the Conatr- ty , which.vativ* party,

explained, ' ton Club.

. . . , , Sir Wnitem Marriottexplained, had nothing to do with Ch* Carl-

___ MBIV ■.Ullf IHffiUJCVIeralnst mobs. My father and

m other and three brothers were left bo-them.

Th* witness also said he bad helped Mr. M ool^ In political and flnancial m atters, hut had alweya declined rtm uneretlon for his scrvlcea ^ t e r , Btr WlUIxm MarHott said Mr, Hooley told him In Deoember, list, that he waa engaged with an Amer­ican syndicate, which eras going to rats* an enormous loan for Cuba, and sold he (the wUneas) had been appointed counsel to the com panya oommlialon, which was to visit Cubs, and th a t h it fee waa to be UO,OOJ, In view of which Mr. Hooley paid him tl.Offi (M.MO) on account.

On croat-examlnatlon. Sir William Mar­riott admitted th a t he bad recelvad a cheek for flu,M) from Mr. Hoolty, which he handed to repreientaltves of the Con­servative party. Mr. Hooley believed this would secure him a Baronetcy a t the Jubilee, but he wa* Informed that ha could not have It, and th* check was returned to him.

During Sir William M arrtatt’s cxemlna- tton Mr. Hooley made a loeDt and threat­ened to pilch (he witnee* out of th* box. W'hlle Sir George Levri*. Q. C„ wa* eroea- examlnlng Sir WllUam the wltneae eeveral tlmea got angry and refused to answer questions put to him.


W nshlsgton K, e f P. Oelebmtos II* a » ^ lfc. (IWffi


vsreary le f Ixth Pnehytortoii Chnteh. W ashington Lodge Mo. C, Knigtau of

Pythias, celebrated it* twenty-ninth an- a lv en ary m th* Sixth Preebytertan Ohoroh last night. The knlghta in full uaifonn, marched to the church and th* opening ode waa sung from the rtlual of the order, while throughout the service the muslo was selected appropriate to the occasion. Rev. D aria W. Luak preached the sermon from the text, "Jeeus W ept." The minis­ter showed how Chrlal waa a man Of aor- rowa and Hi* coming Into thI* world proved the g reat sym pathy of Cod for human nature.

“I t Is plain to us," aald the preacher, that the im portant man In tbi* world

to-day la h* who consldera the problems of life seriously. The Jester has no place, for this Is a world or sorrow and not th* greatest philosopher can esoapt his share."

A brief history of the Knights of Pythias, their origin and purpose, was given, end the clergyman oompllmented the member* present a s belim part of a body organised for peace, triendsblp, help (o the poor and the progresalon of milh In a Su-

go in g 'u p St W W att Twenty-seventh street, when three young whit* men cat along and got Into a heated argume with him. in te n e t of onlookers beemm* acute when the four men became lo c k ^ together In a touOle, which had oontlnued only a few momenta when on* of the three white men drew a revolver and Bred The colored man tell to th* atdewalk and hla three asoaUante fled.

Roundamatt Peter A, Bflal, of the W est Twenty-seventh Street Station, was a t­tracted to the scent by th* pletol ehot, end

P ast Grand Commander Dr, W. C. Hlckcock put the question: "W hat l i the duty Of every knightT" end it waa answered by the lodge members. A clos­ing ode w et sung and benediction pro­nounced.

Bobertaon, th* SevUli m s e b e r , ywint* Ont a HetoU* Eism pl*.

A ■IX'day*' service was btgun by John Robertaon, the well-known Scotch preach­er, g t the M m orla l I^vsbyterian Church yesterday. T ie rs was a choir of th ir ty voices In honor of th* oecaslon, and h v - eral aoloa were sung. Rev. Ford C. Utt- man Introduced H r Robertson, who pref­aced his sermon by telling how he bad met Mr. Oilman a t New Collfgs, Edin­burgh, ten years ago. T h rrt years ago the two men met again in Scotland.

Hr. Robertaon took tor hla text the thir­teenth verse of the twelfth chapter of the second book of Samuel, which telli how David cortfeiied to the Lord that be had ■Inned agalnat Matban. Then Ihe preaoher drew an eloquent picture of tb* destruc­tion of the great Tay bridge In Scotland, on account of on* girder, which, though sound to outw ard appearance^ * a a hol­low,

"There are eouls Uks that girder," Mr. Robertson added. "On the outside they appear solid, but a t heart they era hollow, having no thought tor regeneralton, no communion with God. Like David, the

their aekin, '^ 'Um lngtou.' Thay

W ithout thinking, 1 repUeil .' Thay callod tne an oRon>

Siva name and said, 'You get out of thla town tn n hurry.' Befort 1 could apeak they eprang upon me, knodaed me dowa a n d kloktd me In th t face. N e paUoeman was to ba neen. I waa UkstyTo h rk lllea . One hind Whit* man Interfered aad t h ^ let up. ‘ '

"Although there were about the pine*, nq gas aasa llan ta ' -----

u *L_ . „ ,shqnt. t

L'OLDBED MAN MOBBED.ta k e n O at a f JaU end btatew-Under

Sheriffs Protoettoa,BEYUOUR, Ind.. Nev. H .-L aa t night a

masked and armed mob took out of Jail John Baird, a colored Democratic stump speaker, who had been Imprltoned on the eb trg s of obtaining money by felee are- tenee*. .

Ono* outside Ybe mob beet him with Btlcki, pounded him over lb* bead with revolver* end ordered him to leave town at once.

Instead of obeying the order be went te th* Proaecutlng Attorney and Sharlff fov protection. H alf an hour later be accom- p an M tho Bherttf and pose* la search tor member* of the mob.

I t 1 1 not known whether or not the aa- sault upon him. wee loepirsd 1^ pollUeal ■pits. ____

D eith e f M rt, M**y E. Lafa, '

Mary *.L u tt, widow of Captain John B. Luta, d M this morning a t her residence on Jauuro street, aged o*yenty-two yeare. Mr*. Luis wee m omlneni In Germen-AinirlQaa d r - olss In K lljm ^th for amny year*. Her

TRENTON’S FIFTT-CENT O di.Swpply fromi the New Oempsey'e F lsat to

Be Tam ed c« T e-m am w .TRENTON, Nov, H,—Th* people of

Trenton will have flltyrcent gse to-mor­row, I t will be turnlahed by the People's Oaa Improvement Company, the new con­cern th a t has been meeting with such for­midable oppoaltlon from tha Trenton Gee. light Company.

The plant of the Fsopla's Gse Improve­m ent Company will ba put Into operation In the afternoon to-morrow. The new goa will be turned on a t 1 o'clsok by Mayor Welllbg O. Stckel. I t ta expected that all tb s city offlclolt and a large number of In- viled gusste will be present a t this formal opening of the works, A handsome Amer. lean f l u will he swung to the breese and Judge Robert B. Woodruff will deliver a patrlollc addres*. ______ _


psalDi-aIngint King, they go on Uaaphem- Ing Jehovab, though they appear to t» rt- Ugloua. David aged more In on* year of eln than In twenty before, in h it petlni written afterw ard be telle how day and night God laid hla hand upon him to he had no pm ea."

In ih* afternoon H r. Robertaon preached to men a t Aaaoclation Hall, and last night spoke again a t the Memorial Church, lie will preach a t tbe F irst Preabytorlan Church this afternoon.


LIMI* Biaiti* Aeks* keeuntl Pesastslse ef the Itollle W bea Left Alans,

flpaclsl Dispatch to tbs NEW*.PATERSON, Nov, I t-E m m a Acker,

four year* ef age, drank ■ quantity of car- bollo acid ihle noon and will die. Tbe child'* m other left the room to go to the cellar, leaving the little one alone In tb* kitchen.

A bottle of earbolio sold etood on the mantslptao*. The child climbed on a chair and atoured tha battle. Her ecreamt alannad her mother, who, on entering th* room, found Emm a writhing lo pain. Fby- tlblana war* called In and ordered the child'a nunev tl le th* Genera] Hoapital.

Th* little girl'* father was killed last Fourth of Ju ly while trying to catch a train on th* Suequehanna Rallraad,


H er only daughtae. Mi*, (jM r * . HInser* I# # not#a pi ^ now w ith h«r ttiul Mmcart# In Oennnay.



Nebevt M attay M u t k a QML^ELIZA BETH , Nov. lt-A { i« B d ta t lo the ^ n t y Phyelctan, the (Igatb of Robert M urray, wMoh aaenm dM l ff ten a t psltot

ten I f t l l lr r had baefl there faMtat bran

t o t* * n a tr io t.£ « * n i* r , galM *6 get H*. to aelted "mi.BBtn ffiFaH aB anta qauH

- l a S r S e S ^ ^

. I t o Mgyqr f ( N irfollw hat tha

v e ry ^ tH d a te i^ ii t ^ a r


H dquartm ysaterday, was ^ e ^ o 'a S w ! 'Murray- Rbr ' “■ -

th . waa &UI_____ Bread atreteBBeetousnhe*- H l a __ _ad thMiMdi p ap a ra je tn d in hla i w as abqnt th irty eld. ■

To t o d (Rp* M*y^ Tffi'-iiiriiihMa P A r a * t 4 | , Nov.

U d of tb* Board USaa nffiliefa *-v e y tw AaamMi

A ffiaatsv's Alleged TerrIbI* Experleaoa le a flhsak Near Wilkesbirr*.

P H IL A D E IJ’HIA, Nov. M .-Pet«r Hliei, a resident of thla city, went huhtlng last week YYedneaday near WUkesbarre. He slept in an old thaok that oigbt and re- perta having a tearfu l etniggle with an unknown man. A fter the encounter piece* ef the aun 'B Sesh, end e hand, were found.

MUaRWBs found by nearby raildenta and takan ' to a comfortable farmhouee. He

,vraa so aroalrated th a t a doctor wae sent 'tor. Y rten Miles recovered he showed the P b y i l^ n the hand and the plecei otfleeh. X M la t te r aaln they itad come from a iep tr, Th* people residing In that vldhily gfS aaw a a a ro & g for Miles a antagonlat

If yen want teems, soasult th* NEVfi Te Iwi

' a hi

Tww Oioek* ia Diapat*. •,T ha lu ll J*®**®;, “ *;

W h » ? y w .

h o r a t a h ^ ^ l M ^ ^ n , aetke to re o o j^a . - - S..S. ---------- lo

iS S S lT U r^ OUIted, produced ctnceiled iT lne )

to I

j moBty Hum, bowfvcT)

' riitilioy,_ the mofiey h*.v* th ^ n j

but. MoC.mliut a a t lT t r a t the

Jam ie — gtring^eaebi „■ hegate .ft

JI* e ^ prodwI M ff'htm So ea.

'vftefffc la iom m te/ hoT

Dispute Over Peelilons le a Nevelty Oem- peay hetltod by Osptst* Dcly.

W het tbreatened to be trouble over a bualneea complltetlon a t tha warerooms of the B. H. Roche Novelty Company, a t H Mechanic a ttest, th is morning, w as eet- tied, tem porarily t l leaat, by diplomacy. The dlffenpce of opinion waa the reault e t Theodore Heeves'i attem pt to taka poaaea- Sion of the place a* m anager end aecre- tsiy . Hla right to do so waa disputed by J, Randolph Woodruff, oounaol to r E. H. Roche, who for a year or more he* been acting In the poiltlona claimed by Reeves.

F rank H. McDermlt, eounatl tor How­ard and H erbert Blmpeoi). of New York, directors of the company, contended th a t Roche had been denoaed, and tha t Reeves had been appolnlea ta suoa*^ ' Th*

---------------------- --------- IrufflOrily to to t aa oouniel tn the

lawyer also dtclarad th a t Mr. Woodruff■ ■ a u th r - " - ------------------- ■ ‘ ■

clock H r.

ba or- but

had no case.

Reevea arrived a t tha ptaoa i thla morning, It i t tapL and Woodruff got thar* a t If a'ol dered Reoval Out. Tha la tte i returned with Mr. MoDemUL A pbilc*. man wa* eallsil In to prevent a breach of the peace, and f ln ^ y tha law yeri and Mr. R eevu w ent to the F tn t Precinct FoUc* etatlon. The nw tter We* Ulked over, and

to withdraw.hich he ditf, end Roche tam alni In charge at present.

HtCURITIRB, IffVBgTffiffiE'N. V M iflag*. Lletoo* 1s

In th* C etu l of flpedal Betelons to-day Jadgs F a r t beard pirns in nUnor offnoes. 'n o M piseiltag guilty and who were rs- a a a d e d for aentence were: Larceny of eti pound* of oandy, w illiam Frank, Robert Ouruao, Jam s* O urteo and Charlca Btrln- er. atroctous aeasuli and L-atlery, Joseph HIklowBob: liroeuy a t II, George Neleon; larceny of a carpet, WUllam II. Jsekson; uxeault and battery. Charles Holmes; lar­ceny of fW arerth of Jewelry. George Gor­don; larceny of a watch, Henry Brumley; entering and larceny of a watch, Charles DreA’h r embcsslement of OK.M. Thomas Donnelly.

A plesi of non vult wa* entered by Will- lam Hrddrii'fca to two tndlotment* accu*. Inq him of obtaining t t lS under fsla* pre­tences from August Richter and of em- betsUng f t s<l from tho same man.

When Frederick H ytr was arriigned for eentenci: OB M charge of larceny of a horse, Judge Fort told him thai pe ,vg, not only touiiil guUiy of aieellng iiiu norsr

local g ^T n m v u riA 'u liS S : I** » t. ow',1bUgatlona behalf, added perjury to hit other crime.

• A* a reeplt of this be wta sentenced tothe full ponolty to r hit crlma, three year* in Btat* PrUon.

Francta Yuekowskl and Frank Dslak srer* discharged by Judge Fort. They were o r tria l for u v e ra l minor oflencea After three w ltsso ite had b*eu heard the Judge announced th a t he thought the accused were vtoUms of s oonsplrscy and that, s t they had been before the Court severel limes before snd no esse had hern urovtii be would ditralsa the present chsigr '

Thi se aenlences were pasei-d: JamesfcarPo, asM uli and battery, three months In th* M nltenllory; Charles Wsltun lar- ocoy. tore* months In Ihe penlienllarv-

, fleal CofttB,- -London Djo,#110.00 and #145.00.

Persian Lamb Cost,—Leipzig Dye, #125.00.

Alaska Sable Stole, w ith soven tails,—storm collar,#25.00.

IMflilq; fhllip PupUa^us^

Ine, Thomas Rock - . . . no flne; W alter

l u r a l ^ oateull end battery, «o Aaron Oelb, larceny, thirty days tn Jalt- WUllam Mioklejohn. assault and battVry’ ito m onths In the pehltentiarv' WllUam Mltohell, emi-culement * ^ - teiwe miapended; Frank Pouuek as- sfo," toiltery llu flne, ^ludolt-hHiller and Joeeph Kruple, itrevny aeatenoe suspended; Joeeph MlklevUch a iM u lt and battery, fa flne; George Naleon, la iteny , eentence suspended; Henry B p m le jO a r c e n s ix month* In th4 ponltenliary- Charles fTesch, larceny, etx m w th a In tb s penitentiary; Willism Hed- fu tS*- •to'wsslemem,

ea» °°^ ii< lrn . ‘u* (J^AtonUary on each ease. William H. Jackson. larceny u d r e o e ty ^ , iim enc* suVoAed; Charles

Curuso, Robert Curuso #Di| Fri#nk, Itrcgny.■uBpendfld; John Bc*ii larceny. eifhle«n m onths In th* penitentiary.

lETEB A L T H E rra OF WATCHES.Throe Btolea ea Trollsy C m ateecday

N lghl-Tw * Msa Seat to <fsil.Thro* cases of pocket picking were re-

ported to the police yesterday, Th* ihefii were of watches and were ill committed shortly a f te r 11 o'clock Saturday night, Two men auapected of having u k tn a w atch from a fourth p in y on Tlocilon night were comialtted In the Fourth P re­cinct CfHlrt to-day.

John Stahlln, of East Orange, boarded a oar a t the Market Street Depot Saturday night, and when be went to consult hla gold Umeplece he discovered It was gone. Shortly before he had been iqueeied un- oomtortaMy cloee to the rolling by a Btranger, who waa In on apparent hurry to get off the sor.

Conrad Rich, of D Avon place, waa going heme on a Springfleld avenue car. when lie mlaaed hla watch, which was of stiver. I t had bean token from hU vest pocket;

W hile Lewis Hortung, of 18 Seventh ave­nue, waa going to Kooevllle on a car h* felt a tug a t hla watch aa the veblol* reached Broad and Fulton atreeia. Before be could see w hat the matter woi a man alighted, and when Mr. Hanung felt to r hie timepiece It w u gone.

Joeeph Connor, forty-two y e u t old, of H Boyden etreet, and John Wllllainaon, nineteen y e a n old, who said he had no home, were the men committed In the Fourth Precinct PoUce Court. They were BCcuesd by WllUam Ualnx, of K? Cfamden atreet.

Heine and th* priaoosrs bad soon* drinks together In a oaloon a t in Springfield eve- nue on election night, snd shortly after they left Uelna missed his watch. Connor and WlUlamson were arrested on Spring- Held avenue yesterday by Policemen Mohnert and Marlin. lA at night Heins picked them out of a crowd of a dotan men and Identlfled them u his compan­ions of 'Tueaday night. Both men denied Ui* th e f t

COLLARETTES. CbinehUla,—with storm col­lar.

#38.00 and #65.00Mink with ten tails,—storm collar and tabs,

#28.00Hkunk with six tails ami Uto heads, storm collar,

#14.50.Electric Beal, nine inches deep, Btorm collar,



Htone Marten,with six tails, —four paws,

#14.50Mink, with cluster of twelve tails,

#13.50Skunk, with cluster of elsht tails,

# 10.00

MUFF8.Fersian Lamb, #5.O0A#0.50Bkutik . .............. #5.50Mink . . .#0.50 and #8.50 B t o i i e M a r t e n ,—two stri|>es.....................#12.50

N IN E M E NMtof t#1lwlM|lygtlH tubfta of Ufa loBiir- aoc* Uh cargM gtudy It dasarvag Imutb wHhth* riutiMl BgBBfU ofNgwark In prtfgrwneo to any oUior compoRy. SttpkoB S. Day, Olat. Altnt, No. 776 Brood 5trwt.

IHcIatjre & Wardwell,



OTOOIt KXgnANOK raoDiToi n o x A m x OOTTON U C B A m i


Brancb Office, 8M Broad SLIHieci IMvai* w ins m New Turk, Oblsagx

rhllsdeiphla and WaMUagtoa

Trlepbe** Olg, Seth Oeeapwile*.

asssu. ti.un.iMo.oa, •uraite, MKatRSR

Blue Fox 3!nff and Animal Scarf, #10.00 Each.

James iUcCreery & Co.,Twenty-third Street,

New York,

FranklinSavings Institutioa

b i s B r o a d s t r e e t .JOHN M, 0W1.NNELL, r vealdewt. H U L /A H H. LEE, Tiee-rnaUawL HEKRITT G. PRHKIHR gsevstasr.

Dteoills msdt by (he M a( aay meaUi *me laiwest fram tb* 1st of that laswa.

Opsra* Laae.Wllllsn H. U *

. C.iBIrtll,

STRENOTH OF THE MARKET,gstun lay 's Osin* Nlglltly Im ralrod by sn

Attaeh « • flogoe Weeka Spsetal be- eulU e* geWte-Uuate ltoes.

NEW YORK. NQV. IL -T b* feature at the opening pn th* Stock Exchange was th* almultanoou* h Ih a t large blocks of Sugar a t prices ranglog down from IB to IM, followed by * further drop almost Im- medlalely of a point. In tbe Atchison pre- fsrred there were salee of R M shares at price* ranging from fl to il, against Bst- u rday 's price of «%. O lhsr stocks showed small change* either way, and In many casta th e n were no change* from Satur­day.

VIolsnt m aalpulatlon of Sugar and To­bacco drove them down Mt and I polnta, raapsoUvSIy. Tbe general list was very mlxsd, but showed a slight downward tendency for tb* leading aharea. Uan- bnltan . Biscuit, K ansas City, P ittsburg and Gulf, a n d , Chicago and Alton were


Saturday’s level. Dcaltiigs issue! were th t feature or the m arket. *

The m arket later waa unable to with­stand the sharp break In Sugar, which fell below IIR Evidence of eupport Was neled In spots, but tb* general too* was asoler and a few apecial atocka suffered se­verely. Th* G rangen wera again uaed a s a lever to steady the m arket toward midday, but the resMnae Waa very treble, putald* of Sugar, which c ran ed ID. Buy­ing of Atchison laauee were on a heavy scale, th* adjustm ent* rising to n ib

Th* announcement of th* advance In ^ c * of the product raised Sugar to la i i . Tha stock waa quite feverish. There ws* evidence of s novem snt In low priced rail- road stock*, 'rex ss and Pacifle, K an ia i and Texas St. Louis Southwestern pre­ferred, St. Louis snd San Frtnclseo second preferred and Flint and Per* Marquette rose from a fraction to l)b per cant. Tha

lid s '

RELEASE DEMANDED.J ih IM * M#il«a# ^rt#oa-##<

tu y Hay's P n i6 r t AoUan-lA Answer Ksealvsd,

DENVER, Col., Nov. U .-A SpSolal Ths New* from Nogalss, Arte., Bays:

"Murb sxclirm ent exist* bsr* In oonss- quence of sn spUod* which tbrealsns to result tn Internstlonal compllcsttons. On Sunday last Jam es Temple, a eonductor on the New Mexico and Ariaona Railway, was attacked by some Mexicans, and on defending himself, shot on* at thsm , Juan Arrslte, talslly.

This occurred ahoui LON feel north of th* Inlernailonal boundary Un*. Later be returned lo his hotel, which la aoulb of Ihe line, and waa a rrea tsd by Hixioan officers on a charge of m urder, lb* ItW of the S ttt* of flonora providing to r the trial of any psreon charg td with erim* against a MaxIcan cltlsen, though Iks crime may have been oommIUsd in a for­eign country.

Friends of Tcmpls engagad an attorney, but the Mexican suihontle* rsfused to al­low tbe prlauner to ba seen. Unltad B tstet Consul J. F. Uarnall then appealed lo the Slat* Dtpariment a t W ashlnglon, and has rectlved th t totlowlng tsIeiTsm;

"W asnlngton.

John P, vomrsii. Jolm U OvlnnskW v tn lf t^ rh i 'l* .Herbert Biwxa

RANAORRil Edwin : 1. Wsri

Htsrv M. Deremsa

"Darnall, Consul, Nogalsf "Have wired legation a

m ind Immedlata rsleate ol"HAT, Secretary oi

Aa yet no word h as been received from the City of Mexico. Temple 1* In th* prison a t Hstdalaim.

Mcaloo. Mexico to ds- Teraple,

of 01*1*.’

POST & FLAGG,Lsnihsmd ibeNtw York otimk kxsbsgga

MUto Nnlldlag, Nsw York.mmANOH OFF tom t

7 7 4 B R O A D S T . . N E W A R K , N . J . U i F R E D L D B I I I S , f i t i l t a t P i r t l i r .

Tslenhtioe I8tm ta u Wirt to Nsi^Yort^Ubkmik PkUkMpki*

ktlshHitisd IMS TsItphoteUf.

O. F, CON LON.bU gild 631 PrudontlgJ ftulMlng.


pnotbt or NoM lor Caehof on Mstgl*. M vtte wins oonnestlng wtW soeestsctelsali

te Hew York, Phllodet^ia sod Cbloiigo.

InrestneotSiLocalSecsrkioiItink gild luurgRCg StoUU

BoGtht gRd Sold.JOS. Me BYRNE A C a .

1 e l b i 'Ho h e n t .8 0 0 B ro iM l M t., l ig W R r k . IT. J .



general market he]The low-|Mlc*d tpacIslU n war* the lesd-

about firm.■ i te wen

trading.era In the afternoon trading. Round amount* of various properties changed hands, with Bplrll* preferred rielng an ex- trem e 1 polnta. M anhattan wa* well aui^ portefl and eonilflerable a tcad ln sa prevail­ed In the standard stocks.

The ran t* of to-day’s p ricu for tbe more active stocks of tb s Nsw York m srhsii is given below. Th* Quoisilons show :h*

Mawy Entries u i l SM.OOO totrlbnted t* ike Prise W lnasrt.

NEW YORK, Nov. I t - T h e fourteenth annual H one Show opened a t I o'clock thla morning In the Madison Squars Garden, The damp weather w as not conducive to enthuslaam, and th* early attendance waa not up to the average.

There ar* ilgns th a t th* show this esassn will be even more attractive and auoeeaalul than that of dost year. T h e n a n lit claase* to be Judged, snd tb s winner* wtU divide MLOOb in p r t* ^

W.B.SiITfl4C0.2JL5!SSl£Bankers and Brokers,

T 0 . 4 B r o c k e t B t r o o t sDirect Wlrsi m New York, PhUadelpblB aafl

ChMago Mook EachangteIBLRI-UOME aTg.

npcnlng and eloatpg and tb* blgheit and lowest prices raaebsd by th* aecuritls* lilted. The quotatlone tr* from th* NewYork Exchange, and a r t reportad to th* NEW S through William l-lnn Allen A Co., stock brokers, tlO Broad atreet. S tate Bonk Building, this city.

Oocri-HIgb-Low-Clos- n g . esL * '

American Sp irits .... IlK Amer. Spirits, o r . . . . 11% JS%Amer, Cotton OU..., S% It Amer. Cotton Oil, p r lt% KidAmer. Sugar .DlkUt I2bAmer. Sugar, p r . . , . IHH 111%Amer. T obago Co.. U«%Atcb........................... 1B% 11%U. A O....................... «8% 1»Bay Btat* Gas.......... Ui HiBrook. Hap. T ransit csti ffiCheax. A Ohio.......... 2JU " "•Chlcego Ga*........... 1«H4Chi. A N, W,........ 135C.. B. A Q .................. 119%C.. C.. C. A 8 L L .. . . «%Cbt., Mil. A St. P aul 111%Chi., R. L A P a n .... Uflii Chi. Groat W eitarn. ISDel. A H u d .. . . . . . . . . »»%D„ L A W ...........W!Gen. Bleotrio............. 82%III*. C ent.................. 111%lAiUte. A N ash ........Han. R le v * ^ . . . . . , . U%Mo. Paclflc.X...........Mo., K, A T ........... 11%

Window Glass Wma orlse ttosamo,PITTSBURG, Nov. M.-Wtndow glass

factorlea, with a oopacliy of about i,u» pots, started work to-day, and nearly 10,- OW men and boys are sarntng their first money In over halt a year, o f the total number of about 1,MS pote oontrolled by the American Glaas Company, only about ton wero operated befor* th* agreement w u reached yeettrday. T h t remaining Idle pota will be In complete working or­der early ihl* week.


i l k Rrmd at., Newark. 06 Broadway, N. T, (Nat'l Sttla Bank BoUdli^l

Buy and isll Waoka AomM and O w lasaYork K xchan^ tad W sM * Searff e< T w e F s^ i either for cash or on aaigta. rnvtM W— ’New York, rhUailalrhla and Cbloiaga lUJi ' ' " ' ipbono lass flUDOfl,KUO Newark Teiep


(Tetl-kaown Expert Maskswte aeg lavsw ter Pssewi Away a t Mia Mama,

Lysaader W right, Br„ died Saturday night a t b it horn*. IW Msehanlo atroat, In hi* seventy-sixth ysar. Mr, W right waa an expert mechanic up to tan y*« n ago, when he became bUDd. Ms oobm to this olty In u n , and toon .a tto rw u d w u u to c ta ted In bualneta w fft a jg r i ta B. Smith a t th* conw r of M u ta t u f l Ailing ttrsSta.

Hs wta well known ag ta Uteaktior,. and mad* many valuable’ iffiPWtigento In oonnsctlop with stsAm tnfeLMa giifl steam

Th* funeral will taka aftak' ' attarnoon from th* lar"^— ‘ '

n ib * in Ml ;







The Queen Of BeautyTO LECTURE.

112% 113%107% iotJ


Local Inrestmeot Secoritiej,760 BROAD STREET.

PRICE, McCORMICK £ CO.J New York Stock ExoMUtg*,

Ketuben jchlosgo board of Trade7 4 0 l l r o B i l 8 L , K e w a r k , N . J .

WILLIAM P. MUTH, nsRaxw. Yxclwlfs wlree-Nsw York, Chloagq Mint,

delphlaaud WaihiogtoaTaLRPHONR IklT .


Ul> (1%3 ^n%

Mo.; K. A T„ p r....... 31% STiNatlonnl L ean ........ 35% KViNational Lead. p r ... 113% 113% N. J. C e n tra l........ 89 91N. T. Central........... in% H7%N. Y., L. B. A W,U. B. Rubber......U, 8 Rubber, pr.Nor. P a r ...............Nor, Pac^ pr

RELIABLB INVESTMENT. . tnoulrln sollinM oobetnilng wvll-PI oonserrstlet InvsstitMnti eseurlty th*

ACdisei P. 0, B a f tl. New York.

. H 8\ 89




11)51% 71%

15% 139

nur* f c . , ................Ont. A W eatsrn....... 15L . _Pullm an ...................139 13;i% 13»

te . 5* 51! SS o u th e rn .............. 9% 9% 9%Southern, p r............ 3s .19% JJBt. P . A 6m *ha....... kf, tv. HTenn. C, A Iro n ,,,. 31% 31'i 31Texas Paolflc........... 11%Union Paclllc........... 35U. 8. Leather, p r... 68% _Wabaah, p r,-.......... 21% ^Western Union........ *3% 91Wheeling ................. 3% 3%Wheeling, p r ........ 17% J’’Ptnnaylvani* ’....... UT% UTt*MeL et. Ry. C o..,. Iff Con. G a s .. . . . . . . . . . . . 181 IffAtch., p i ................111(12 «%Union Ptciflo, p r ... 69 69%Mawattan S ugar.... 59



15% 11% 35% 31%-■ 68%



F rie s • ! Bond*.FurnUhed by Alfred L.Den^^e, HI Broad

slreeL resident partner ot Poet A Flagf. m em ber, of New


tsn n en t will

FOVMD AMale la te a t D te e s v s t^ l i f |

teller • • F r “ "T h t body of t n»>*3

waa auppoied to h av t l fottfid In tb e roar o f n . 4 nun by fo lloem th J Prootaoi, jrstofilgy ito tc r ilf l. ........^

Mim s’s f l h a A l

fttteP hSM.

Amer. Spirit* le ...A t, T. A 8. r . sdj*.•At, T. A 8. F. 11..Cbe«. A Ohio 1%8.. 88% Che*. A Ohio 6i. .. 117 Chi., R, L A P S * d. 1(b%W A R . 0 .............. 98%

A N. un 1*...........S o ., K, A T. Sdt.... «%Mo.. K. A T. la . .. . . . 91%N. i . CsntrsJ c. 6*.. 113%O n t A West, te ........ MOut. A W est 6*...... ,Oregon Short Line.. lW/«P. A R. g. m. te ........ 83%BIO Ord* A West 1* fflj. San An, A A. P. te .. f i t L., i W, 1*1*....Bt. L.. e. w . 2d s....Bouth«n Ry. 5*...... MlTex. Pac. is le ... . . . . tWjTlsx. Pac. J d x w Ualon Pso. l*M »6«.. im W abash deb*-....." Jfj'Wabosb i l l . . . . ........ 91!


106% 1»% 1M%


m yKB<


T5% ii“toil

li^ lOlliM* «%

CtRlMlgeGrAie awA F ro v l i to a M a rk s t.

' a « « § ■ » «OnaD-Hlgh-Liiw-Cloa-

jng. eSt est. log.

grtoiA a iFsnlop, broker.

‘Vhsat.Nov......'■ Dec......" M sy....i

Corn, Nov^ = : iii- i i

RegMsd to Eevofto ■ I»*ol*l*".Nov. K “ Tho Oniled

Ssy alBidrABHIHOTO^Btgtei Supreme Ci'ouri to-diy I rmed the

iM aT t^ n u a t^ o f t& tower court and denicAfWb-to John Anderaon,

tha 1

s n d t e n t s S ^ co le lunged after



NEWARK THEATRENext Tuesday, Nov. 15,

tT 2:30 IN THE IFTERNOOH.- • u e i E C O ' r t -

T b e Incflotlvt ofLov6»M slB 11H g n c 6 In Human Atfalrg.

MadaoMi VtlB 'i ULuatiatod and Uemon- ttntbd iMturq will be divided

Into fV»r Phrtt, H follows:First Part! Artistic Clattlcat Poilng-v

An kibtbItloD of (irsos— YALK UEAUTT Demooatrattet,

Hamnd Fart: lA ctu fe -'‘BEAUTV.” 'rblrd Part: I'hyslcal Ciilturo and Ily-

glenlo Kxeroitaa of the YAT.E SVS- 1 'E ll— AN K X H I B I T I O N O F BEAU l'Y .

Fourth Fart: Infornigl fieoeptlon and Talk.

A Grand Musical Pregramroe.TIOKITt QOMPUMINTANY.'neketa for Mme. Yala’i Jjecture can

DOW be had hy calling for tJiein gt the Toilet Department at

HAMNE A CO.'S.TIukew uiiu Laotur* free lu every pap

thnilar. Beoare yonr seat* early, a* tbouatnilt wtit be tnmeii away.

YALE SOUVENIRS.Kvery lady flUendlag Mme. Yald’i

Lertm will reottri Mme. Yale’i ww b ra sn “Health. Qraoe and Beauty," nlflo h d«iiLty loU ttA rtldfl.

' “ tpfl cradtally InvlPed ft^gleqteffte Kindly be

in neaei vedf- - m ' l lm -

' 7 ^


W* n«* the tonst Improved method known tolhs world. Il Is iniirily paUnlsu. And tbs msn wh* do llie work srs iklllol. Thef st* Ih* bast aa i mastcxpsrlsneod dentbts hereabouta

Set* of Teeth from $3 up.Kilntrtlsk. Bfle.1 Ritmclink. palolste M*d

Cold rule. S I Up.; Alloy FlIU Inm 06*. lo ISsJ Gold tiowna M i Ptetinum Ciowna W A t

buodayi < A. M. to 13 3L

d e n t a l a e w o c ia t io n ,N-W.Cer. Broad A Market Ha.. Nawarh, F Jt


W ater BoUlet, Syringe*. Horse sad Wegos Oavere,

Boats. nhoM, Costs.

Udies’ sad Qents'MackiDlosbe& ,

D. F. SEGELKE,854 Broad Btreell

Opfuslt* Cltf HaU.

#1.00WtU rowsnr yoor Crahialla with flflk GIvvto-smshad, Uppsd and hamasA with lUk, ribs varnlsksdi ■#« wins. »tw Itrrul*.MW tau*l-*n llss*. **M as* iwsmleanl aM wall «U toe and daUnf wsrk toss of akarg*.

UuW*f.towa poteOM n a y bar* Une- brrlli* ooveead wblle Gray are to tow* ahegytog.

GARDI NOR’S,• Acadamy St.. Newirks Jk.,

OlRfflBR (o r Ftok.Tb* BSUve* of KotUar t r * In f t

of digging every M nim sr tn bank* s t tM Vsrgel tU vsf (o f fl Ihey dig out by taandnoi, Jwai wontd patitOM. fh * mt>4 tn broksx opsa wul ura- flan, flerfcqi w ten Inohs* tong; wlB q j l r n r g l allw . ^ qMsn iT tg-nnvsd from Ite sup '

R 4 2 .

H t k i W N k !IriB Lasts Jill the M i



We want you to visit us this week, and anticipate ypur THANKSQIVINQ WANTS. We will demonstrate that it will be worth your while to call, if only to inspect our enormous line of FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES, suit-

i for all your wants Don’t put it off until next week; then our store will be crowded and you will be rushed for time. Come this week and anticipate.

O u in e d G o o d s.departm ent we carry »n line, everything that you

__ _ I t prices th a t are hm. iret our canned goods.- " - t t o E Bitra ieney Tomstoe* are crtttlni

, l itW Iith is d^ivttMnl. nirivlni very - t a t Solid packed deep red tometoei,

’ fl.iSpedOKB. ISJlSperc^Meniaeiilt Jersey Tonotoet, 8c. can, 9S&

dOKfl, ft.SJ per caie.Om new White Label Tontloei are here, . tad aa aaeal they arc ic tr i fancy, t i c

aa.fi.SO pw dotfD .. VWU Label com ta here; new, tweet and

enuny, 15c. can, lifiOdoeen.. fm a Maine Coen, ttc . o n , fl.a s dozen,

lUSOMt.fm S "WhHe LabeP’ Biby Umai, new jRMdt, aoc. can, l i a s d o i ^ .

•w hite LhbaT' eaUi itlccted Lima Baant,. iSC CM, >t.<5 dotin.Bae* taklMt LbMa, toe. can, |i.to■ w Sta U bel" Extra Sheeted Strini

■iMi tsc. can, ft.TS dozen.’ taw York Stete Strtnea BctM, toe.

For a Mb box of French As­sorted Glacft

F R U IT .

Per barrel for any one of the f 0 1 l o w i n “ b r a n d s o Flour. 59c. for a bajf.

T hese goods have just arrived from France, aiid are a great lorgain. Re- 1 m em ber, 5-lb. box f « 1.50. |ni nee Heat W e m ake a specialty o f A tm ore’s Fam ous Mince Meat, in S lb . wooden pails, 59r.

Brick’* Mince Meat, i lb. ptile, S9C. Mmore’i Mince, gal tle» ]m , Wc. Mra. Hardcaitle'i celehrated EnilUh Mince

Pride of the Family Flour.Wajhbum’l Gold Medal Flour.Wonder or Columbi* Flour.Hyiela Milling Co.’» Famoui Entire Wheat,

ta k bax. 39c.WhUe Label Prepared Flour, tic. ptper. Whit# Labe! Prepared BuckwheaL 13c

cents per pound for our Finest CreameryB U T T E R .

cents per lb. for the Famous


C ents per lb. for our famousJA V A U d MOCHA

COFFEE!Wine and Liquor


Fkncy C F. C pound prlnti, 3<K. Sharp leu nibdclphla Butter, 50c. lb.Philadelphia E. D. Butter. Cac. lb.

Cheese W e c an y m this

Th^KIiton Century Panake Flour, 9c.

Dep.rtn.entD om estic Cheese obtainable.

No haU ham s at th is price.Van Deusen’s We have Hams, Bacon,

ptplfertunt Jemima Pancake Flour, 9c. paper.

Meat, at. jtn . pocj 2 4. Jan, f t .SO. taw Engiind V ...... .............

lie, TWrj m H** J"'**Mince Meat, 9c. per paper,

taw Eniland Pumpkin. 9c. per paper.AH the Fixings

for Your ®M t« r . . d Im m i n c eMince Pies

, 11 .10 dM., n o s per caae. iLaM"Sucx«)«atb.tt_ ,tt hastfatOrttn

UWM, 1JC. can. |I.7J doian. Ih m I mw Swaotaab, tjc. can, |i.4o

liS J eaaa.SwMl Paa, tfc. can, ft.FI

f S M tad Svvet Peai, t jc. cau, fl.^S

Corn, " White Ubd.” maka dalic- Frltuin, tsc. can, |l.7J do«n.

Htgii Grade A*pan(ua, ate can.

Extra Asparagut, 3jc. can.1151: « Ai pangui TIpa, 30c. can,

' ^ r t e r Bay Aiparagua. JOc. can,A M infw TIpa, ISC. can, 1x 90

d n y ind ttary Baked SSmio auca, 9C., |tX)S domplain or

' A M tar 'a Baana, In to n d o mucc, i 4C.caa It.eo dozan.

‘ VwM e Ubcl Sugw Beets, tSC ca..,1,T$ dOCCIt) U b d Spbwch, 15c. can, li.7S dot.

F i s h O n e of the finest articles In this de-

i r t m e n t p jr tin e n t b At*

the follow ing goods and prices should ap p ea l:

White Label Seeded RalJin*. tie. paper.White Ubel Cleaned Cumirta, lOc. paw. Fancy Imported Suhirn R^tlw, tic. Ih. Fancy S Q-ownCaltfurnla Loom Muaotel

Loose M uacatelRiislm, 10c. per th.

Fancy Imported 5 Cr.Raisins ijc. per lb.

Extra Lirge 6 O'. Imported Loose Musca­tel Rilstns aac. lb.

Fancy Corsican Citron 23c. lb Oosse 8c BlackwelFs Fancy Lemon or

Orange Peel In 1 lb boxes aat Fancy Large Uytr Figs 38c. lbFancy Large Pulled Figs 33c. Ih Pincy Faro I___ _ Ditestoc, lbFancy LMft California Pnmaa tic. lb; }

Iba. for JOC.Fancy Larga French PruoM I8c lb Fancy Moorpark Apricots t9c. lb Fincy Evaporated Ptachis 3]c. lb Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pturs 30c. lb. Fancy Evaporated Raspberries l8ci Ib Fkncy Dried Pitted Clwrles 18c. lb Mandarin Crystalllzea Gli«ar, tbf finest

Ctnger oMsinable, 1-lb Bal. Soc-

Our Cereal u_ . * leading articles mDepartitient jqwe call particular attention, viz,:

"White LabeF’ Oats, so good we gave It our labeLiac. paper, |i.40(toi.

Honiby’a Oats, tac paper.Quaker Oalt, toe. piper.Scbumacker’s RollecI Wheal, lie. paper. Schumacker’i Cracked Wheal, tic. paper. Whettena, aoc. paper.C e re ^ , 13c. paper.Petlljobn, 10c. paper.Royal Wheat. 11c. paper. <Vitos, I3c. paper.Cermet, 13c. paper.FUkad Rice. tac. paper.Postum, 19c. paper.Cream of Whrat, I3e. ptper.White Ubel Hominy, S-lb. packages, tSc

ShracSed Wheal Biscuit, toe. paper.■ - ■ ■ and Rv

Finest FuU Cream Cheese. 13c. lb.Finest OU Enfllah Cheese, 18c lb.Finest Imported Swlu Cheese, 39c. IbThere Is only o m Roquefort Cheese Im­

ported thsf Is worthy of the name, and that is Soclelt das R o ^ o r t Our price, 39c. Ib.tss low ona.

Fresh Importstloa of Van Roaiem's Edam Chaese in foO, 9Jc eacb

Robert. Nortofl's Fimout Pineapple Cheese, 43c. each; large size, 79c.

Mllbr’s R o y s lib n ^ Cheese, In porce­lain Jars, club size, 9c.; tmalL 31C4 medium, 40c.

McLaren's Canadian Cheese, In porcelain Jars, club, 9c.; small, 31c.; medium, 40c.

Imported Camembetl, 37c.O l i v M a n d W e are in receipt o f

O l i v e o nLafon Freres, Bordeaux. T his oil isfrom the first pressings o f ripe d ives.W e have it in bottles.

Urd and SausageNewark for Van D euren’s fam ous Pork specialties.

Van Deusen’s Famoui Haras, 13c. Ib Van Deuien's Famous Bacon. 13c. Ib Van Deusen’i Famotia Sausage 18c. lb Van Dciucn'i Pun Laaf Lard, 3 Ib palls,

30C4 5 Ib ptlb, 48cu to Its ptlli, 9JC. Ferris Bacon, 14a Ib Armour’s Sliced Ham, 33c. eaa Armour’s Sliced Bacon, la. 33c4 K>-

Canned Meat Department

Colonial Flaked Oats, Wheat and Rye, lOcQuartSi 59c*, and ftInU. 33c. Ftncy O

EngUshPlum Puddings.

CoMt Lobster, packed in 1-lb. I 'I n e d tins, 28c. per tin .

I shrimp, Itfit cans, 19c.I Sirimp, small cans, tic. u ’sSidmon, t Ibfliti,t7e.

■ 4n tomato aaiict, 1 Sc-can.I Kippered Harring, I4C. an.

Herrl^ in tomato tauoa, I4c

[MacfcerfL3lb.tln.34c IMaffcanLl ft'tlaa.iAc

Cnba, tage can, 30t| i">tU cans,iSfci 1 boa riwUs with each can.

IliiBii Pasta and Anchovy Paste, in tins,' V tsc> Slit MwEkereL no heads, no tails, 9Bc per


W e have th e agem y f o r Mrs. H a r d *

castie’s Fam ous English P lum P u d ­dings. They are “ hom e m ade," wh&h tells the story. Packed in 1 Ih., 2 l b . , } ilk and 4 In. tins— 32c lb.

Just received a lar|e bt of Curtice Bros.' Plum Puddings undtr the "Blue Label’’ brand, I Ib cans aoc, a Ib esns 37c. 3 Ib. cam Jjc. We recommend them,

Richardson 8; Robbins's Plum Puddings IS 33C, as 39c, 3s eac, 4s 79C

C o e o a n u t J u s t received ak r o o n s .

baked , in one po u n d .b o x es, only 20c. box.

piper.Granose Fhkes. I3c. paper.Ralston's Breskfast Food, t ic paper.

N othing in the d ep artm en t but th e finest goods.

Armours Corned Beef, 11, tic.Armo..r's Corned Beef. 3s, I9c Armours Roast Beef, 3c, 33c Armour's Lunch Longues, 34e.Armour's Oa Tongues, as, 7Sc.Armour's Oa Tongues, 34. |t.oa Curtice Boned Cbicken,37C Curtice Boned Turkey, 37C Curtice Boned Ham, aj^s, 7Jc Imiwrted Frankfurters. 6 in tin. 3JC Armours Vienna Sausage and Sauer Kraut,

Nothing better o r purer for m ore m oney. O u r reputation back o f every pound I

Finest Old Gov’l Java, 33c. Ib Finest Arabian Mocha, 3Sc Ib Finest Cueutt Msracalbo, 3jc lb Fancy Vienna Coltae, 30c. lb Fancy Ode Nolr Coffee, 35u-

W e Still h a v e D e p a r t m e n t goods bought be- fo re the advance of 10c. per lb. duty,

Ah our JOC Teas 4jc lb; in J-lb boxes, 13.10

Ah our 60C. Teas J3c. *4 J« 5-lb boxes,|3.fia

A U o u r 80C Teu 7Jft Ibi la J-lb boass. 13. JO.

All our |l .00Teas, 90fc Ib4 in S-lb boasi, I4.3J.

Orange PekoeTeA regulir priceMAXktbis salepoclb

TheriUndy" brand India G«k« Tea Is wliinlngidlnyfriehds. M-fc Mckagesl 3JC, 3Jc and jOc

W e m ake a specialty in th is depart* m en t of pu re goods c ^ y f w the table and m edicinal uses.

Everything • In is d e p a r t

Wine u d Liquor Departmeiit

High G rade.Rook and Rye, a pure inedlcli^ prepar,

this departm ent is a b s o lu te ly

5ugar Is one or the indispensable things. You get here only

th e product o t the American Sugar Refining Co.

Fine Granulated, In 7-lb bsgs. 3&In 3J-lb. baga. I t .37.In lOO-lb bap, IJ07.

Molasses New refined Molasses, packed in quart a n s ,

^uirt cans, I4c 3-quart cans, 27cGallon cans, iJc, This is wmeihlag new.

New Maple Ju st received a s p a - « v r i m ifci shipm ent under

the famous W hite U b e l brand. Made from the pure Rock Maple Sap.

“White Label" Maple Syrup, gallon ans, ft.ij.

White Label"‘Maple Syrup, gallon ans,6 jc

'WhHe Uber Maple Syrup, quart cans, ije.

'ancy Queen CHWes, In full pint bottles, it |2«90 4oz.

Finest MsiuanlBo Baby Olives, krge bot- tlra, 9c. acb

Do you know what Plm CHas ara I II not, you should try them. They art delic­ious. Baby atit, t7C4 M l»i* V u pis., 43c.

CocktalKRIvcs, 37cW e have a few of thosedaraines

tins w hich we will sell a t 9c. box, o r 3fo r 25c. This is a great baigain.

A fine lot of Boneless Sardloes In large boxes, at aje,, or gX7j dozen.

We have imely obtained from an tmportef 1 great bargain la Imported Sardines in glass jan. The regular price hu been JOC per Jar. We will sell at 30c They r e spiced, truffled or In tomato.

Royans a la Bordebise, t je an.Royans a la VateL I8c can.

C h a m p a e n e N othing quite so 0 1 d-fashioned as

Cider O d e r a t T hanks-

WhHe £abel Fmwd Beef, 3s, 33r.CalUtine of Bor’s Head, 3i, 33c Imported Game Fates of C .lcken, Quail or

Partridge, 39c.Waldorl Potted Ham or Tongue, iBc can. Waldorf Potted Chicken and Turkey, 33t



lead foil jOc package.

W t arc in receipt o f new goods m th is line.

cu*Game RIBettes, 30c Jar. Plain Rillettcs, 25c. Jar. Truffled Rllletta, 30c Jar.


“Whitt LxbeF’ Maj b Syrup, bottles, 30c,Maple Sugar, t j c I White Clover Honey. I8c boa. Buckwheat Honey, I6c box.

W e are direct im ­porters o f t h e s e goods and can name y o u low prices.

French Brussels Sprouts. i Jc can.French Haricot Verts, t7tc«L French Macedoines. 19c. an .French Artlchiots, 4jc. on.Freodi Mushrooms, aic. a a French Flageolets, 30c- can.French Peas, Moyens, 13c. can.French Peas, Tres Fins, 17c. on.French Peas, Extra Fins, 30c. can.

Mott's Carbonated Cider, t doz. qts. 8X3L per case, 3 doe. pts., tiPS-

Jerlcbo Champagne Cider, i doz. qts, 84.75.-

White Label Unfermented Grape Jirtce, ats. 4JC, pts. 3JC.; I doz. qtS. 8$d», I

■ P.75.oz. pts. I

Our Fruit is replete with only Depertment ' 3call particular a tten tion to some extra fancy O ip e C od C ranberries, large and firm, 12c q t

A fresh shipment of fancy thin skha Indlin River Oranges, large size, only 60c. doz.

Very fine Jasnala O ^ c i .

Finest Princess Ptper Shell Almonds, 38c. Ib '

Fancy EngHih Walouls, pure Miytttei,

Large Texas Pecans, 186 Ib Large Hazel Nuts, I8c.lb Jumbo Brazil Nids, ijc. Ib Fancy Selected MUtd Nuts, 18c. Ib Shelled Peani, in boxes, JOe. box.Shelled English Walnuts,In boxes, 30c. ^ Shelled Hickory Nuts, In boxes, 300 box. Stuffed Arabian Dates, ajc. box.Stuffed French Prunes, 30C. box.Stuffed Suktnt Figs. 40c. box.Large Jordan Almonds, 4jc lb

re Vilencla Shelled Aknoods, Jjc. Ib

sad ^ e , . ,atkM of i^c and Rock Candy, In full quart bottH 8i-oa

A Fine Blandy Port Wine, a speclil Im- poitalloa Good feu lovajldi. Full quart bottles, 7jc.

A Fancy C»d Palmi Sherry, our own Im- paetWQo, full quart bottle*, 7jc.

A Fine Whitt Tokay Wine, In full quart bottkib 7$c*

A Fine Royal Tokay WIna, lo full quart bottlen, 7JC.

per gtUoii for our Ftne Csllfor- nli Port Sherra, Angelica, Mus­catel or Sweet Catawba Wine. No charge for demijohn.JOc quart

We have on band an old lot of Barton 8c ‘ Guestler's Medoc Thit la a bargain)1 dozeii quarts, 84.98.

ChiattT Brand Zinfandel, quarts, 83.74 doz.Ouster Brand Table Claret, qtx, 83.74 doz.California Burgundy, quarts, 84.J0 doz.Red Cross Si. Jullen. quarts, 84.JO doz.Cluster Brand Graves, quarts, 84.JO doi.Ouster Brand Haut Sauttmes, qts., 85-50

doz.Cluster Brand Rtaliog, 84J»doz.White Label Unfermented Grape JuIca

quarts, 4JC4 pints, 35c.

1 5 0I I

Hanis's Fancy Salted Abnonds, 50c.

Fancy imported W e m ake x Clarets and ^

White Wines

box.Mrs. Harris’s Fancy Salted Pecani, 40c. box.

Brandled The Peaches P w ch es prepared are

m ade by M r s . Mc- C r u d y , o f Buffalo. W e have them . Large bottles, 8 t.5 0 .

Behnont Brindled Peaches, Qts. 98c. Belmont Brandled Peicbes, Pts. 79c. Mri. Frilz’i Brandy Paches, 8t.aS QL Jsr- Rob Roy bnported Scotch Jims, iD varie­

ties, aoc. Jar; 83.35 dor- imported Maraicblno Cbtrriei, 70c. Bot Mrs. Fritz’s Home Made Jellies, all virtt-

ties, 33c. Glass.Imported Barleduc Jelly, 3$c. Jar. Imported Beulcduc Strawberrleg, 3SC.

of goods in th is depart­

m en t, cm jnentl); fit to grace the tabic of ^ m ost fastidious.

FauUlic (claret), per case. qIIh 86.74; per esse, 3 doz. pU., 87.74. ,

J. Ltfon’s Pontet Canet, per caae, qts, 811.74; par case pts., 81174,

J. Lafon's St. JuHen. per cssa, qts, 87-7 par case, 3 doz. pts, 88.74.

J. Lafon’s Madoc,pfT case, qts, 8834; per cast, 3 doc pis., 87.34.

White Wines F. D um ezirs Via de G raves, per dozen, qts., 6 .7 4 ; pet 2 dozen, (nnts, 7-74.

F. Dumaiirs Sauternes. per down qta, 7.74; per 3 dozen pints, 874.

A. W. 8t S Preignac. per dozen qU., 874;per 3 dozen pints, 9-74.

J. Lafon's Out da Barrette, per dozen qta, tZ74: per 3 dozen pti., IJ.74.

Urtana Wine Ox’s Gold Seal Extra Dry Cheunpagne, 1 dozen qU, 1174; 3 dozen pts., 13.74.



Charlia (tentu pratarrad to walls homa Ct«» MD MBaa that avUnlax. Aa a rate bt M daW ttO M hte whaal, *nd h it bona waa ■I that vaaif planannt, though now, boua* * t lh th* Urgu guzdan atpurated by c wall — • hondtoOM Iron ralUngi from tho

*. * good way out oa tht princiMl Wwaa thoroughfaro. Thte parOouUr

plug In tb* ran be w*« rather tete; u ot the homeward bound had raaohro

deatlnntloni, to CharUa'a walk In ib a duak waa lonaly.

Hla vray ta waa thnugb the troa w low t agna Iha Itaa aeroUwork on olthar alda.

toMand laying within btmlfi "Ha ha* bar all about tt.""I don't know wh*t you'll think ot me." aha a»ld. ‘TOd he tell youT’"TeU mer' eaid Chriivlv, feUng note of the blueh and InteoaUyInz her all-kTiow. Ing amlle. ‘Tell me whet! HeT Who 1* her’“Oh, 1 cen hardly look you in the taoe, Chriaale.''

"Why, detrr*"Baonuie— ”Then there wa* a alienee. Ulnnle came very near to Dndlng out that her trlenil waa utterly vrtthout a clue and might he

the dark lu*t at long ae ihe, choae. But Chrt**te aoou aaw‘ ................haip.Oht the

- met him

third peraon to take hlmaell out ot tta way. Curlouelv enough, llli* B**by eeemed to uee all her *n»-cblefly murioal .......................... ■ --ylong■to induce the b it viilli

third p€nob to proioof

But~at laet thte third pereon did go, and■ -------Uc« -----Minnie begen to be noticeably 111 irt e ^

111 tbo preMneo her remalnLog vultor.WM waltlbf for hi9Q to cOi" »*ld

Charlie. ^Minnie »mlled a forced, nervou* emile, '*1 wmnted to you eontetiilDg, ChrUv-

•te tbye you bro «nxLoiM/'


AtT^te laiM eiiby euddenly looked more - jrtgTghmned.

nger and ikld, juet to l

the brick path be would And the door ef the houie Itielf unlocked. That waa the ouatom of the family.

Aa ba put hte latch hay Into the wicket he wondered whether hte mother w*e keeping aupper valtlng for him. Then he turaed the hey, puehed the troa gate and Waa etartled by a andden exclamation.

"Ohl U’a you!"The voice eame from behind one of the

brick pillara of the gate, and It made"Who'a thair* he aald, trylb* to nmfce

put the ihadowy flgure.‘•It’a me," came the unenUghWnlng an- rer In a dieek votoa."! oouWn t got the

It waa open. 1 mean. It

knowing effect ot the amlle, "I n luea aa ha came Into the bonaa.". "Oood grtnioue! And he went a


awerlatch uitdotw.**He^uld not ae* her tM , menu, "it** yon," and "It a me, told him nothing. Of themaelveai but he reoognlied the vole* at th* aecond apeaklng.

"Mia* saxbyr’"Yai."“Why didn't they come down with you

and lot you out! Or, vront you »t*y BlUrtMirt*'^T hey don’t know. I haven't been the houiei. noiaa let me out."

No man could raatat the pathetic tone of entraity ta thle U»t requeit. Chart 0 felt almply obUged to waive h ^ t t ^ ouatcmi and open the gate. Aa he atoed thera poUlely bowing, Mlta 8a*by rtrt out Into the deaerted atreot aa a Wrd die* from an open oag*. . . . . . . t .Charlie entered the houae Just aa the family were coUectlng for auppet. The flr*t peraon he met wae bli etator. and th* nrat word* he iaW ‘5,';*?'.,,^,';*' "Chrteil*. what 1* the matter with Hm”*"l*5id^r knew there w»* anything tha

alter with her. How do you m ei^ minatter wltL — — mind, bMy or aetattY" W ^ a r* you talking about! I man la ahe^o abe getting a uttlc eccentrloT

“Matter of ojptnton," »ald Ohrliel* In'her brick way. psifitng ber brother elong with her Into tiia dtnlng-reOtti. ''Borne *ay e Elwaye ite* been a good deal eccentric, wiml'i ehe been doing nowf - -,aw Charlte Cantel thought

and loMyou” tvairttlngf „ _ _Again the deep, all-knovrlng amlle.

•'1 didn't think— " Ulnnle began."Oh. com# now, Ulnnle, what harm wa*

th t r ^ ’"Harmr aald Minnie Indignantly. "I ahould think not. I would have rung the bell, of oouree, only— ""Only what!" Chriaale put In, feeling that now fhe waa comtni cloaa to the m- oret."Only I didn’t aee any neceialty. If I bad thought you expected me to— "

the cunning Inyeittgator felt It _ turn her faoe ailde, Enowliu; that

the powerful imlla muat momentertly be giving way to an exprtialon ot blank be- wlldermant. What on earth could th* girl mean by "iTl had thought you ex- pect^ me to!" Where did ant, Chriaale, oome In In the thrilling love myateryw'

"1 didn't expect you to. dear," ahe thought 11 cate to lay. And then, not feeimg It aate to carry on the Inveatlga- llon any fufthar In thet direction Juit then, ahe klaied her friend and went her WRYeAnd poor Minnie atood atlU for a mo- raent, ureaalute. The next moment ahe ■eetned to take her courage In both hands and ran after the other girl, oalllng, "Chriaale I Come back Juat a mlnulet" _"What te It now!" aald Chriaale, with that deep euiHe more In evidence than ever."Wont you MU me!*' eatd Mtenta "Did he! 1 didn't want blm to know that I csinnIi'*"Oh, but he doe* khowl"

Minnie fluahed acerlet."You might have apared youratlf tba trouble of trying to keep It from him, my douT." Chrlane went on, laughing oot-"^^Ttien tell roe at once. Oh. I don’t o a r^ I don't. There!” And Ulaa Baxby cut the Interview abort

than anxloua—ah* looked "Whet dW ehe tell your*"Bhe laid ahe met yon. and—"And you had told her all about meet.

Ing me, and 1-Oh, Mr. Cantel. Cm ^rald you^ Zhink me a vary allly girl, but I didn't want her to know about that’ "Why not! You had juat com* out of the houae, and couldn't open the gate. What about I tr’ .“But I hadn't been to th* houM, I told’ *Tcu‘ hadn’t! Look here, Mlai Baxby, my alater te trying to myatlfy both of ui. I never told her about meeting you."

"You didn't! Then what did you tell bcrY**"When I went Into the boui* I only uked bar what waa the matter with you, and then I thought—It auddenly atruok me aa rather a queer bolt of thing to aay, and I turned It off aomehow. Now, let i underatend each other Juet tell me how you*got mixed up with that gate laet nteht.~I wanted


Yankee Bnterprtee Will BalM » Great ItetllranA Dp tke Tang-

tie-Ktang Talley.A party of American anrveyora are now

on th* way to Hong Kong. When they arrive they will lay out a railroad itralf ht Into th* heart of China. After th* route te aurvayed a email army of American conitructori will at once begin to lay the ralli.

While tha road la to be built with Amar- lean capital, tha ownenhip will net nom­inally with a Chlneee company, (or tb* imperial law* do not allow of foraign own- erahlp. The Chlneee Oorernment te to laeue bonde to eecure the American lyndl- cate, and the arrangement tt that for forty-five yeara the eyndloata la to have twenty per cent ef the predta, the reel going to tba Chin*** company.

Thi* le the moat Important railroad MO- oeaelon China haa ever granted to foreign- are. That epeeke well for American en- tarpriee, coneldtrlnt how much plotting

boat* CO up once a yeari _will ttlu along a* much ae *M,0» to payI boat BRlTAtirB BFOKBSMAN.

the native* for ibe.cocoona Along river flouriah a llghl-flng*^ known aa "creek plratea" They hid* In c i e ^ vmb their armed boat! and pounce down upon natlvee. . . . . . . .With Hi* American railroad cooiplried It would not be long before a rvgtilor lineof river ateamera would be ptylng up • down the water* of th* Tang-tie-lMng.carrying ateam navigation Into the heart of cfhlna and to the, bontera of T l^ . . Itwaa only teat June that China opened her riven in foreign craft, ac the field la rir-

to apeak to Chriaale about And the gate waa unfaa--.MAinathina. Ann m e gate waa uu

t e ^ a n d f vront In without rinring, Thm , - fot to the hom e I olianged

nflS!**n^nrn*d hack, and while Imy.......... waa

allpped andbungling vrith Ih* latch It***"nS what mad* you turn bach!"

"t thought better of It—what I had*•*W8**?t Syriilng to do with m*Y'

A fiSlowSl, Minnie looking *x-alMnoe foUowoJL ‘T tST. S^--'U!fthY!te, to'reltev. th.

and foot Ohtinteretand _eaoh Uthar ™ir’'rodd*nly atruok Minnie In th* aem*

Mt wa* awfully, fpolleh of me." ah* eald.ou had really trke.'*

___ fpoL___'I wai going te aflt -her If

given that book to Jeeel*"The^^e' I gave you at Eaeter. And It

■•of.cou«. •»lltfeO KIrtcOrHm otif j usrn«:« , YOU know. 1

• “ * It.**

Charlie Canwr* atater really had very little InformntlOB.to go upon, ,lf you teo^

n:om^*itel*^o^ipingjr thTa qutetton. Bo*^he^Ld°onlS^hno*n. that ^ »hout aa“ iu4:b«"n an «*wer (or bli putpoae•■cKtate“ w«’' “a“ J*'»hrewd enough to

fhat MomothlniT bohlna. boft;i.m.r'“ ;u d " n ^ b l l

■■ auddeo dropping of the on—thiequally

ha had Baxby. to

begun on—u AuH>i abe wai im to be anxlou

_ auMectle rubject of Minnie

I much too ahrawl ■ to find out what

Ey SPtwo wiya-jArale or Charlte...--------■ f‘iS irT h .T ch ri.W o reaclved, would hC a very elfeollv* Implement to unlock ihe awM. cmlaal* had aevcral »m « . M pacuhaf to heroelf, and aa Naalnetlug aa^ jpllttte red mootfi M W teeth could make

----- the hanpbMit of oer favwllj• o fw ra* oooaplr^iork And

at It from th* ordinary deteoitve point view; but from the point of view of . quick-witted girl, wbo^wae iHao an In-Sjliltivo BlMtoft MOO hftd kbund&nt inMtow

*1 for further reeearoh. ^"I aaw Minnie Baxby to-day," ahe aald

to her brother that evening,"How 1* aher* Mid Charlie."Oh, very well. Only rather—rather

anxloue." .."What la aha onxloua aboutT’ eald Charlie, himaelt itW wondering vrhy Mle* Baxby had acted *0 atrangely about the ilmpfe matter of opening a garden gat*.

“Well," eald Chrieele, with an air of extrema dlecretlon, "1 tWnk-of courie tt'a only an opinion. 1 think ahe’a nnxloiu about you."

" S M ' ^ y ^ v e o a r ^ rS i f a^tfiiiK'SBtSte d id '» t find out

the t r a t h ^ u t that negtln* at tha gate unit terwai (Chriawith ancoaaa.

1 ^n n l* ohoi* to tell her. mpntha af- w M A* alway* Jnrtatrt that h#i d i^ e ) d^lumaoy had been crowned

A naan limineer can te n i l advwtleed la U t e l i J I a ada t e ite Want paa*.



gin. In Ipu* of the f*ct that tor many yten little public Intereet haa been taken bi the United State* In the Chinei* traffic, our volume of trade with that country te aecond only te that of Great Britain, and la fifteen per cent, of that ot tb* whole world with th# Flowery KlngdonuTb* Oormana, French and Rueelana talk much about their commercial inter- eeta In China. Aa a matter ot taoL the export! from the United Btatea to China ar* mare In value and In volume than Hum* eent to that empire by all the conti­nental nation* of But™ t c « e ^ plui Ruaeta'a Aalatic poeaecelonB. in lltT forty oer cent of all the cotton cloth exported h ^ tfe* United State* found a market In ChtOK-AH thte groat trad* haa^rown up un- ■oUead *M without the *pa*ae«lon by liS rloa™ * alnWport inW O rite t to atot aa a baae ot operaitona for eommaratal oampalgn*. How anormooa th* comnw- etal Imereate ot thle country In China will baootn* when the Amortoaa, raUwM I* built and Manila te our receiving and dis­tributing depot for all th* Aalan ooaat and tb* teiande thereof can eaaHy h* Mn. 'rte Rookefellera, Levi P. Morton, ix^ten- ntor Brio* and other big captiallateare member* of th* lyndlcate. It 1* eiproted th a t't^ eo rt^ f b id ing tb* roadwlll

Sir HtewaA tb* ■rlHab Aw-baaeador at Part*.

B. Edmund Honaon. tb* Britlab Am- baiM dor a t Faria, through whom all the oiplomsUo bluffing ooncernlng Fteihoda haa been conducted, te a UU, dignified gentleman who ha* been In the aarvlec of the Foreign Offloe for many year*, and ha* more than 000# been In the atonn centra of internaUarual atrife.

During tha atlrripg tim ei Just before our OIvU W ar, BIr Edmund waa sent to W ashington a s secraMry of w hat wa* then tb* British L m U o n . He was In Nsw Or- leans when F o rt Sumter felt, and eaw much of the tour yeartf ctraggr*. He wae agent ot Great Britain In Montenegro In the troubleue year# th a t followed the ao- cession of Nlehote* Petrovlteb. He w uSOniul-Oeneral a t Feetta when Franote

oaeph wa* called "tb* young Emperor K ing." I t wa* there th a t friendly n g a rd beiuui which hte Imperial U ^ s t y showed when he asked the Foreign OOo* to asod BIr G round aa Ambasaauor te Vlannm

Blr Edmund wa* a t UontevUeo u Coi^ •ul-General when the onpir* o t Braalt

P fld e n th a t W « k ter Fey.W* all know that oemln specte* of anU

employ aa slavea smaller In^i* of thjir own kind. Other# keep abides to milk as «* do cow*. But, C*™?*. ,!b* aatentebing qiaeovery of a 1 te th* latari there te In Auatrall* a green aulon*, that there te In Auatrall* a which, though very clever In the buildiM of It# neat, apoMn to conrider ft an Ira- ■omt duly, and *0 employs another Injacl to do thte work (or tt. A amall spidel le, therefore, trained te act a* a Mfranf in all thing*. The green ante pay tbe spl.

r teelr labors In a coin that they........................ - -------- .t a per-m* thatder* for their tebors In a coin enjoy. It te by giving them to 1 tion of the innumerable littleihey IlhaVntsj tey^ Thtote_*able arrangement for all, man j - .. otherwise the green ants would, rival the rabbit* In ovaminnlng Auatrall*.

Wkesw I t Tidd t« Ba Blek.Bay* th* HavreavHIe, Otr.) Ptein-

daaltr: As far as heard m m tmi county has produced no mammoth pumpkins, ab- normiM Sweat potetoet or freaks of anykind, but “ -------------------- ------■and word on rations, am

la] sweet poiatoet or iresxs 01 any but a poor man fell elck last week,

tm i was given out that be was short itlon*. and tb* next morning his beck

yud wa* 'fUled with cabbages, pumpkins, aweat and Irish potatoes and a two-gallpn teg^nf whteksy. He sold hte find to the cTOcer, paid hte doctor*# bOi. and will taep th* liquor to treat hi* friends. HeV 7..._waBasmw IcAnw BtiAfiKmiv■an b* hone* ha will never know another day of wwine**."

W O M A 1 T 8 W O R K .

ROimi nr Till .4MKl:iC4X KSaROAtl I!

Oa* Aers *f Lendoa City.From the London Chronicle,

Thero waa oStnd by auction yesterday aftarnoon at Tokenhoua# Yard, by Hesari. Bakar Ik Bona, the leas* for eighty Fsara of “caasidcrabty over one nor*” of ground, praduUng a rental of GACM a year. In the very heart ot the olty. Thte remarkable acre waa offered by order of the Bridge Moum Eatetea Committee of th* oorpora- tion. it ooropi^** No*. J}*’ ilvt tendon WiJl; AlWcm Hui. three premiss* In West street SI to « in An­bury Circus, and I to 4 Circus place. The wh^s alt* wa*tlon-room wa* crowded with gentlemen when the auctioneer escended the rottrum. The auctioneer said It wa* abeoluteW the finest Bite In the oTty of Itondcn.^and the lai

"About mo!" . . .Cnrtsils only nodded vrteely.

her!'Did ah* "tell you about my _ ■■■ Charlie want on, heglnnrng to

meetlniSatiered at the ahxtfty'nEout him of young lady whom he had long admired at a dlnuance and regarded ea somewhat un­approachable by nature.

'^ y dear Charlie,'' aald hte slater, "yeadon't' expect a girl to tell everything, do

to an Intimate friend!

_ __ eourae ooosplraioraif n r* Ural this aecrfl-anoutiw7 a girt with whom any youth isfarally fall lDi<ra Charite-n

lot*—must rertUn-(bat aeieeted 'mfle Chrtesle metBaxby bright and early next morn-

wa* Mt a chance mealing, but very and eaeUy secured, seeing that knew exaotly *t what Iwur Mln- lesaon snded Tuesdays and

rgsit area ever subraltted to public com- peWon. H*.*jUftnat*d the. value^at Te.In answer toauesHona'lt'^nte stele^hat there waa ^tb* payable, but no lend tax, and th* cornoriitwil WVUld SfkBt tnore thMlirJS a * to f « , & n R n, t h a ^tUe^mpr*PIL WlU _____xtrarams... as.m aragw- JU&nA TM* tO £l«r«0j.IlkW trodflillooo a year, at which the hammer fell. Th* puronaeer wa* elated to be Ludwig Neumann, of Throgmorton street.

fbe European government* have done to gain commcnnal sscendency In tb* Flow­ery Kingdom. The new road te to con­nect Hankow, far up on the Tiuig-l Klang, with Canton and Hong Kong.also eenneete with the southern tenmau*

raUroed fromor ine proiiosed Belgian Peking lo Hankow.

Notlitng has ever been don* or plapaed which will do more toward epening the Interior of China te the world thin this American built railroad. Bunnlu through the fertile and populoua valley or the Yana-tie-Kteng, It wlfl put Into CO% munlcallon with Tit* aeaboaid U9.p«,6e»

puloua valley ‘ put Into corn-people, a popijiaiion‘nearly tvirtc* a*'targe tejhat of the United Btatea.

Not only will thte railway ptero* to th*. , „ ..................... -niand

........... .............. .. „ — ■* the greatAmaricnn trade m art of th* F a r Tveet.

.VVM4 IIMV ItUtITta/ — ----nenrt of CMna, but t t i term lntto on the eca.wlll be the port* on th* m ainland n rot to Manila, cfeatlncd to becoms theMaiUia la #00 mile* away from'Hong Kong,

■ ly r stM inlBf, even foror lexe than three da; slow tramp ahlps.

The railroad will not run atralgbt fromHankow to Canton, Ite Brot portTbut will follow n route whiah will make Tu lengthatout BOO mile*. Canton, th* flrat p«rt atirhtch It will touch, !* th* gnat obmmer otal city cf Bcuthern China, w ng Kong te an telacd off the ooaat, but near Tt, and te, of ronrae, the great British eeranierclucentre of trad* on the wsat oo*»t of the Pacific.

you! even — --------- - i--,-- „ ,Cherltc waa more pussled than ever. But once more h* baffled hi* wily sister by timely "°*'**J* ’*'■ *’•"n i^onv^satlcn took plac* In the pat lot after supper. Chirlle sat silsnt for some minutes after the Iwt dark saying of hte oteter, Presently ba bsgan to tmUe to ^ e e l f . Then he looked at hte watch and ■aid. “Hanged If I don't,"And, very much to ChrisM* * dtespMitit- ment, he got up and walked out of th*

rtet'that Chrtesle couM not guess where" • o W S S A s rmyiKry, ftno n*r -------was lar* subtls, but he wa* Just a# p*j severing as nt* "IsW. »"4 (ho tbmmhf that imut* Baxby was anxlou* about mn apurrod turn to aavrt himself to And on| w h y rte^ o u ld be snxioua. That wai why he aat tor over an hour In Hiss Bax-', ^ a im m tfcat avenlng wattinf tor a

- way of at.*brother ha“ hTe, Hte

The Passaic Woollen Company,

The terminal of the AmerloaB w*d, will be on th* mainland opposite Hong. Kongwhere are an excellent harbor and avery facility for building a g rea t port dom laat- ed by American Influence, I t will be lust

__________ the Republicantreasu re r of Lewis County,Mrs. R. B. CatdvreU te

sfo“ "f:'!iff;h*'*:5i”.i;i£iTbai.d fo*«»«In 'oMiMlUOD to her husband, but de- clInoB.

M argaret J . B v a n a ,^ M in n ^ ls , who J* the grot sroman to be eleette ---------. . . ----- ------pf fgj a roerotMr

th* American Board o t Foreign Mis- Iona was to r twenty-flvo years a t th*

■ - ^------- aen's d(department in Carl-jcad ot tha women' too Colteg*.

The women atudenls In the Art Institute of C h to w BOW carve 1« marble the tig. ures they prevlouely modelled In clay.

Mrs. E lla G rant, a St. Louis widow, ■uccestfully rtHiduete a trucMiig business.

A num ber b t Chicago ooolsty women are devoted te hunting and a re expert In using in* shotgun and rifle.

I t to olslmsd th a t Ctaloasp women lead tb* world to r beautiful needlework.

HISS Alma Morgan baa supplied to the women of Chicago a loog-felt want. SheIma added to her new school of expression In the n n o A rts Building a gymnasium

' ' ' vrill give tbsm opportunity otW bSffH vvaoe ' --------- - l - T ---- ——^ y s lc a i culture never poaeeased before.

Hr*. FMflerlck E . Faraons, a New York ■oclety woman, bate become a proteeslonal shopper. Bh* charge* her customer* noth­ing, nut receives a commission from the a tona wharo th e purchase* are made.

was Gaoled on thee W 2 ^ h ‘S 3 % fV ";iM % « ssdergaitrainli

acre** a small bay from Victoria, th* port of the Island of Hong Kong, nnfl vrttn It


Oflbr th a ir predneUoai fbr sal* In qbaatl- tles I* suit Tailors, Morakeop*'*

and Private FSrallias.Our alooS Bonslstk n( I'lain and Fancy

coMtttflDAnilWHAR. Alri UUl NHW PIL

Ask for B.AI Passaic. M. 1,

PLBjXNDa3r*l sirsst.

will form a great Anglo^xon eenu* of trade.Til* Yang-tee-Klang, the valley o f which

M il bs developed by the opening of the Americsn road, b a* Jte a e u r" " — “explored reoeeecf of oe* over a couns lU v the heart of th* Chinee* rich VBjIty, teeming e ro r tien. which h t* been prai from the rest of ih* worU are produced many arttolsa lllsntlon Has need.

It la along the bank* of _ Klanjr. that the ellkwoiyn IbpreviliB, On the lower every little village la k ' ot cocoons, which bent Up the river

Mr*, of the City, L theories, of

■yftem and to Introduo* manual hg 'in ^ schools ot her State,

It Behwadler Barnes, preeldsnt larW Congrstx of N tw York

.g u p ' h t r chlidr . sehoollnir te of tha lueatlon. Bwest;

on nstur*

tea.prcacribsiT?^ tasir and most wnoteaom*

EXTRIOMliURTITwo week! o f tr e -

m o ad o tiB Overcott gelUiiE hgg m g d 0 deep F tirogds i n o o f BtcK^ a n d only b ro ­ken lizea teatin. Theoewin b e c le i t r c d o u t Bt r id ic t t lo iu ly lo w p r ic e s to m a k e ro o m fo r

ih rsattned to overlap the republic of F eja- fuay and Uruguay,. Ho was ono.of tbs few dlplomeU vrtth whom Ahocaiidtr W . laid aald* hte nhynega, T h a t potentgta am* well acquainted with him a t

amer capital ear more.

^ a t Copen- ,t oompli;

' isnd‘ Ed-

_____. Atertburg.yotttb vrar* in the tor- h t tolSOT was [ie|»4flh lim b M fr Hi th*

.liraya be ofInterest lo Frenchroeii, for It wt* there tha t Napoleon’s stater. Prince** B t“ <i".K her her eolon. Napoleon'* conqueiw, tba Iron Duke, reoommended tb* purchae* of ths palace ax a coot of sStaU w m .In view ■ " ............... .... .J -v.arty.two aide wings, ...» — . .are th* Consul's offlesa 'Th* otete *Jp»^ ment* are gorgeously daoaraUd, and a r t full of souvenirs of Napolson.

JUST RECfilVBDIwitich wt iMYt divfcM into tfcr*«

.p iThs frienda a t hte

and I_ _ _ _ _ _ 'Th* 1 . . . . . .'aubiwvq 8L Honoro must ^li

SlroiMi DaniWf ind Wdl Mkde Ovweoati,

a . s O aItesirtitmlMIt

ew of the present value of . t h e ^ * ^ Th* palao* oonslsU of a front >1“

aide wings, In tiH ligh t ot w him


Meed.8 . 0 0 .ffisawbwanxoA

Hadt OvfHoati, test trimmlBis,

10.00.Xlsawhan tU-ffli

■IHEN’S s u i t s .THffi miAaOg FLY.

Aa Inaoet W h lek Bsrtaao Ita P ra r * »(ho 'W la ..

From Cbambera'a Journal. . ..No ona oouM fall to bo atruok' With. M alngultrly ptrtaot ada^tttfi. aect'a atruotur* to a Ilf* o'Th* tour wings ar* large i

isasGfM s ^ iS k .

to their welglrt. S u b .1* supported by

children.preparing a meal

a hoy of e lf tat, ------ for tb*


Croghy, th* blind hymn id a flag hymn to r tb*

__;tena1sD Boclety. Th*itively Cbrtetlsn n ig waa ; a year ago by Mra.

OrvWtott. su p e rln M d sP of the ‘ a t Coney teteitd._ Fraston Fesbedy. Bos- m poet, te rogarded there

_,Jv* '‘bright 8B'd shining rwUm ot poetry. g'WUoDX

' Chteago Matcrnliy lU h‘ .............. .

ranged netaraefc ot flender th* necaaoary rigidity to parent membrane forming

Th* m uselei by wW<‘ moved are piaaaivs and •0 a m animatvrtth a n ___might envy.

’n thte power It te te; rvtiloue keenneia of >n te th t two great,

ooropound eye* which the head, to* Inaoct poi

ttreo are maaalv* and powartui arranged among themaklv**

dmat If oapable of siaeriag It tb an u tternng aoennoy w So* MF-,1fliil


er "rimple" eyea, tn*l The prey wmn oveetq

ntjum* of

VlMA]k»Ol Soils, lea 4Ban..ttyi*s,

4 . 0 0 .

i >

Fine Overcoats

_______ 1st,eacb HM worth at ISMCffiSXn;

Yoffita OvqtMite 14 to 30 ysMI, IM DtlariaU asB wellMda valisiPAq

tasliltetesittotl-. ateaula D w t e c ^ ^

Itm .A

. prey v venrtd bytoothed wwy. ' ~ -r

An antmfl which Ilhtg ndlt tb lift naturally ~biealhlng ap provided hy . of tha body which t , netirorh of air tube*, i of toa.syMem. Tb* iArinsaiJ

, , .1 - . - . . -------------- . . . -------


B.'.4 ■


U r fiMTEE KBViei

Hemb^n of u l a i t O m gt Soeittjr Btf One or the Othv

Mnit Gone.


ffffmimm Expressed that Fmeat OaadtM « s l> tk e M«nlel|Mdltjr Ossld Met Be B sttsi'sil b j OssselMeUea W ith This C ttr-IM w n Oeatsed th a t the M snh at P reeress Wiil Make East O taape a r a n a t Me«arfc-t>Dnipan«eat Betweea W slar, Bhaeta sad leh ea t h jeteau .

“ Baal O ran fs h a t the baJanot of pewtr. I f It daolarea (or tb t Q retter O rasie It krill be the Qreater Oranse. I v a rn you th a t If you don 't want to betoma a part o r the O raatar Oranye you hare lOt to be m part of tha Q reater Newark. Tba poll* tlclana will make It ao. H ark my words.''

Thia rem ark waa made by Dr, J, U. Vf, Rltotaea a t the meatlnc or the Edat Or- boge Town ImprdTement Bodety on Bat- u r ^ night afte r te v e ra r membert had expatiated on the beauties and ed v aa ta tae of B a it Oranga - aa an Ideal derailing place, end had Intlstad lha l tha town muat maintain Hi autonomy, Tha naatlD g waa largely attended.

At the form er meeting a ooromlttee, con- elating of £ . K. Bummerwell and Enward O, Stanley, area appointed to report upon the G reater Newark plan. Mr. Summer- wall atated th a t a t ant It bad been In­tended to present a written report, but to I lttlt bad baen found In tha morcmant th a t It waa not deemed worth while to M aki a formal report. The movement ap­pears to h a re no ofHclat lanctlon, itr. *>H»n>*'’wall aald, but emanated from an individual. He added th a t the m atter haa n o t gone to fa r aa to threaten the auton­omy of E ast Orange. Nothing can be done w itnout legltlatlve authority, which, Hr. Efunttiariaell declared, could scarcely b« obtained, for ^ u t lc a l conalderatlona nave to bo couiiteO, The speaker went on to •ay that, though It teem s to be the opinion Jhat In lime I t e t Orange will either be t ^ e n Into Newark or Joined with Orange, there now leeme to be a llaed determ ina­tion to praaerva the autonomy of the townihlp,

Mr, Stanley fallowed Mr. Summerwelt E "“ „gave * talk on the inadeiiuacy of kapld tranalt fad litle t In New York. After

had aMken for some time William Jeffreys asked w hat bearing the remarka t a d upon the aubjecl. Mr. A tf» y e deeler- M th a t the m atting was not to considsr th e guettton of an annexation of East Or- M ge to Newark but the foundation there Was for the movement.

/ _.*7'**5.***P* Portm eyar said that the ao- " • J f ta d more than once taken up th e o b je c t of oonaolldatlon and the m atter had been thoroughly ventilated, but If the m b j « t wax diattaieful it lay with tho f e i s t y to ahut off debate. I t had come to M aara. he laid, that the aoclety had bad too much dlacueatoa of consolidation.

Mr, Stanley then went on to aay that N ew Torkera who want trpnaU facllltiat w get to their homes rauit come to New Jersey. Newark la built up, ha declared, tb* meadows are uninhabitable, and. W erefore, E ast Oranga la going to get g a n y New Yorkers becauaa It la tha Brat sis**' f^*!**?** Orange wasw lq u a In having auob a large commercial pity aa N tw arh on Ha borders where the Intaraata a re ao dIreralOod that the de-Sreaalon of any single line of business

rould not affect the prosperity of the ^ y . H e referred to the facta th a t East Orange haa no Almshouse, th a t Ha aa-

valuation la fU,Ut,tn, of which

taigbaaipPif,"If E ast Orange should be merged Into

N e w ^ k ." Mr, «U nley dactarel, "our Mbcola would not be so generouily aun- t>orlad or aunervlaed so w ell"

: of t ‘ "Bpaakhm of the Eaat Orange water lup- Mr, Btanley asserted that It waa aa

kood aa N ew ark 's and otWa no mors. Then M took up the qgeaUon of streets.

‘ A few yaara ago.' he said. "I think N ew ark bad the worst possible alreets. Now It haa a oombinatlon of aieellently M vad asphalt thoroughfares and about the worM streets I bawe avar seen. If ne M r s a u r t of Newark we wouhf not get the repairs we get now."

a t a r g e ccBtraa of nunjQlMl govefnnient, r. fHanley said, had notoeen aucceaaful, lat Orange was a place of unusual Intelli.

genoe; in th a t reipect It had often been compared to Brooklln^ Matf.. which hadInsisted upon preiervlng Its autonomy, ahough Boston h ad often reached out for It. Mr. Stanley laid that through iDdtffer- snee S ect Orange had been oeprived of representation at Trenton this winter and th a t Indifference might result sometime* in Incompetent men being elected to otBoe, b u t B ast Orange had not suffered In that respect a t yat.

Township Commltteetnan Crlpptn said th a t Eaat Orange la not In a poalttOB w bera It wtahe* annexation, Tba people of the F ifth W ard are against It. "They lisvo come In contact with the muddy stree t whloh Newark gives us on our borders,''be said, "they have seen the little atttenllon th a t li paid to street), ildewslka and lights on our borders." He went on to say th a t E ast Orange has nfiy-three miles of s tree it and thirty-seven are ma- cadaralied. The sum of |% m la annually appropriated fbr street tepairs. The Im-

rovem enti have been palo for rapidly, ao bat taxes have been high."W a're a very nice rich plum," Mr. Crip-

pen declared, "tying between two ptaoea whose Indebtedness la hlghariln propor- *“ ■ t l u t ours. I t would be very nice for

ew ark to get aoma of cur taxes and tlx ip Ita mudholea Perhaps some apecu-

la to r wanta to advertise hia property aa being in Newark and tb ln b It .would bring a higher price. 1 helieveIt will be worth more If It la In E ast Orange."

William Jeffreya aald thai the reaaon be waa opposed to annexation waa on the sxelae question. I t waa the boaet of Baet Orange th a t It would not allow a saloon on ovary corner o r In the vicinity of property where people opposed It. A look through N ew ark would snow that the excise ques­tion would not be Improved to r "free Ucenae and free rum rule there."

" l i wk go aw ay with no critiolsBi of the gdmlBlatraUon of E ast Orange," said Jo- geph W. Stover, "we may be considered aa a m utual admiration aoclety. I am .not prepared to favor annexation to Newark, ou t If there could be a union of the Or- angea we could aatabliah a cliIntel

igea we could eatahllah a c l» ------l a th a t the subject under a lscusslon f erropted Oeerge B. Darley. w e 'u see If you're pstleni. retorted

of th li I con-


PreeldaBt Forlmeyer,"The question of the coniolldatlon of

the Oranges la logically a part * — prapoaltloB," u n tln aed H r. Stover.Mder wa would be better off by a coj tlon of tha Orangea. For one, { believe this aoclety wilt sign Ita death w arrant 'wben It refuaca to permit any one to dla- euas any subject. I believe In fraedom of apeach. Wa have been told t t a t wa oouldD't Improve our water supply unit, tug w ith Newark. I have my doubta. New­a rk haa a plentiful supply; Eaat Orange baa n o t Tba evidence of th a t la on your w ater bill, jpriated on the back, where It laya th a t the company reaervaa tba right to out off tha w ater a t any time no far aa tha uae of hose Is concerned, and by our own experience we know that the com­pany haa eierc liad this right. That tha Bnallty of the water la bad; l i unhealthy, la tvtaenced by tha fac t th a t a great qtian.

H F S T . C O ,

FursFf**" C h ild r e n .

C Q l l a r e ^ t — C l t u t t e r a ' -8 tot«i—MtifEB, and Sets,

l a E l l th c f a d i l a u l i k i u n —cor- fCBt B t r ln a a tf p n j ^ t b s p c t i i i d a iM tio c c h iM m i o f 4II ggea— a l n

B a ^ Cajrriage Robes.So^ ft eomiilctE awoitacBt of

f e f e w id f tt

WfWmm fU m i dftfl ftt th e

W M ag< fi«M gaB dM .

•BtHftaNM lM iEIg

A Chemist's reason b r mlngfOevelaxid's Baking Powder;—

It's made of pure ingredients onlv, and is properly oompounc^.

tity a t aprlng w ater ti sold In Eaat Or­ange. I f you doubt It, aftt your g ro u r. Thai the w ater le not good (or laundry

On account of our limited water eup- the Ineuranoc ^m panlea are ooneld-

purpotee le known by everybody. It la too hard. Recently the water haa ohang. ed. W hether It la better for drinking I can't aay. 1 io n 't drink H. We doh't own our w eter plent. but we are paying eaor- moualy for It.

"Every d tlaen le paying a nl^h tax tor the water beildea wbat he uaee hiraielf. We are paying tli.H0 to the company and exempt It from taxation. 1 belleva wa pay thtOO tor the w ater used (or public schools and buildings, r iv e yaara ago H waa pro­posed to buy this plani, and the company ■el a valuation of h a lf a mlUtim of dollars on It. If It la worth that tha company should pay about t7 M a ykar In taaaa. Bo In addition to tha H,M0 wa are paying the company (or hydranta, wa are M yiog vir­tually r.MO In the axemptloa from uuiea. 1 don't believe there la a placa In tha United S tates whara tba tax r a u la higher than It la In Eaat Orange. New York's rata la leas, and B otton 'a la Infinitely ISae. I cannot coincide with theea gentlemen re-J;ardlng the very euperlor blesalnga wp en- oy. On account of our limited w at

ply the Ineuranoc compantaa are erlng raising our ra ta (brly per cent.

"It ha i been Intimated tha t we have a buelneee government, while our neighbors have a political government. If tb tre li a place In the United States which h u a political government exclusively. It l i Bast Orange. If a man drlfta here and hap- pena by the peculiar woralngs of hla mind to train with tha Democratic party be la disfranchised. If this len’t a oomplete 11- luairailon of taxation without rapraaenta tlon I don't know where you'll find It."

Committeeman Crlppen aald th a t tha water contract has flva yaara to run, and would have to be carried out, because the contract taada B ast Orange Township or "Ua successor."

Commlltaeman Oughaltrse denied that people In the Fourth W ard wanted to ba annexed to Newark. A. N. Lockwood knew of only one man wbo wanted annex­ation.

Hugh Lam b aald tb i t Brooklyn. Staten laland and W eiichettar didn't want to be annexed to New York, but they were gobbled up. If Newark li ' take East Orange In. and - threatening It will probably oome to paae, he added. Therefore Eaat Orange had bet­ter coneolldale witb Orange, ^ h e taxes ara not low, tbe w ater baa bean bad, but la batter alnce tbe Orange W ater Company began to take Ita supply from tha Pequan- nock.

Dr. EHehen said he objected to Ute re­port on tbe subject, bcoabse It wae defec­tive.

'The trouble w ith ua la that we need Information," aald tha doctor. "I've studied this queetion of oonsoUdallon. hav­ing nothing eapeclally to occupy my time, and I aaaert th a t the queatlon haa acarce- ly been touched upon In this aDOtety. ■tatementa to tba contrary notwHhatanu- ing. Every time the m atter haa been brought up It haa bean cruahad. There are others to b* considered bealdas a few In Eaat Orange, This m ovem ^t la back­ed up by mllirona of eapilat. 'The oonioll- datlon of the Orangea te ■ qnestlon of aln- gle civic Interaat, bu t the Qreater Newark la a queatton of aelf-preaervatlon. The people who have favored tbe Qreater Or­ange are now clamoring for the Q reiler Newerh. They eay they can 't eell their property, and their only hope la from the bualneaa men of Newark, who will not come to us now beeauae they will not dlaaaeodate their business from their resi­dence. There le not one ream n pertaln- Itqt to the coeisnlldatlon of the Oranges but what pertalna to tbe with Newark. I don 't favor


I M n. Mary Abbatt Waa Hariad la th a A ir at { the EeaavlU* station aad la a d a d aa lha I PUoi_W arat la jaey a Eeohaa Arm-

Mrs. Mary Abbott, a lily yaara old. living a t MA Myrile avanua, waa atruok by a train going a t a taa t ra ta of apaad S atur­day night, and Uvea to tell tba story. More than this. Ura. Abbott la not dan- garously hurt a s a reault of her expael- ■noe. Although aha waa hurled Into tba ulr wHb lerrlAc force, aba auatainad only a broken arm and a few slight brulaaa and cuts. Her escape from Inaiant death la considered m iraculoua

M ra Abbott had been In Montclair dur­ing the day, and bad Juat rslurnad oa a train from th a t place whan tba accident hapiiened. She alighted a t the Boaavlllt Btatlon a t iiU o'clock and atartad aeroaa th r platform to go to the south side of tha iracka of tlie main line. It waa dark a t the time, and In try ing lo pick bar oouf*e Hr*. Abbott became contuied and lost bar way. A switch engine wsa passing on tba Montclair tracks a t tba time, and tha noise of the wbeelc and ateam th a t waa aaoap- Ing added to her confusion. Instead of go­ing to the south aide of the track aha walked In front of the H ackeltslown ea- preaa train , whloh waa thundering aloag on the westbound trsok a t top speed.

This train m akes no aton after leaving Newark until It gata to Summit. I t haa two enginaa to pull It up the bill a t NaaMtt ■treet. After arriving a t tha top of lha hill one of Che engines la awttcnad to a aiding

M o n d / v h '


e n in jg 0 .

but they wars la Intending to d If tbe evil la

ing to tne coeiaolidatlon of the Orangi but what pertains to tbe conaolMailt with Newark. I don 't favor going lo New­ark so long aa there Is a powMItty oflb* --■-------------- —- • . . . Vcld«Ee"

the O rm ter Orange. You have got to ds- -Ide one way or the other. Certain Im- rovements a r t neceaaary which cannot e secured It these commit tees remain

separate .''The society took no vole on tha ques­


Y- M. C. A- NMes.The Educattonal W ork Committee of the

T. M. c. A. has arranged for a course of aludlea which writ be taught during the winter and spring.

Asaoclatlon Hall was crowded last Tuei- day night while tha election relum a were being read by Qeorga H. Muller and Fro- feaeor Oilday. Tho vlsliora were enter­tained by SiHvIngtoD and Held and A. K.Crate, and an orchestra fumlehed raueic,

nboi eah

feasor Smith.Members of the physical department gave an exhibition under tbe direction of Pro-

The Rutgers College Qlet Club assisted by the members of the Mandolin club, will give a concert Wednesday night In Asiio- elation Hall. The sludenu will wear gowna and "mortar boarda" Hr. Fisher will recite.

The Youthe' Social Bible Clase meeta on Thursday nlghta. The lessons are a«- lecled from the life of Christ and are taught by the secretary. Mr. Scott alio teaches a claaa on Saturday aftemoone. At the same hour Percy H. Long conducts a class for tbe study of leaSona an prayer. These claaaea are well attended.

A 'Thankaglvlng service for boys will be held on Friday afternoon nt o'clock. Rev. Alexander Haegeorge, ptatsr of the North Baptist Church, of thli city, will speak on "Opportunltlea for Thankaglv- jng. At this serrlce the boys will turn In their aelf-dentel money, which will be donated to a fund for purchasing food and coal (or the worthy poor of Newark

The twxt quarteiiy meeting of the Young Men’) Christie Aaeoctatlon will be held on Saturday night, November a, when re­ports of the commltleaa will be read and members will be elected. A "aocisl time" will fol'ow the basineas session,

Secretary C ox«na irill teach tha lewun at the meeting of the Converaatlonal Bible Claae next Friday night, and on Batuiday night the QIm (Sob will hold Its regular eemlon with F rank E. Goode at tho piano.

The olsH in "FH at to the In ju re d " Is now hard a t work. Dr. Rogers and U r Smith, the In stn ic to n . ara maaaed with the p rag re n which haa been mads by the pup lU F Diplomas will bo aw arded thia month. A new claan will be atarted In January.

Tha opening gymnaalum toclal hour will be held on November M, An Interanting pr^amme OTnalallng of gymnastlci and mlrth-provoklng gnmea la being arranasd Professor Smith will be In e h a rg e ^ ^ ^ ’

The Boys' ^adcr Corps has been form- ^ by the Inatructor. Sde^al Saeroteea for Junior leaders will be held every Thun- day afternoon,Jfour Brmi have presented to the hove and men In their employ tickets entIUlna

riie^boMers to all the privileges of t t a TThe ^aorhera' training claaaea will hold

their usual aeaalon o n 'B u ^ m W w "Chriifa Convention with n Teachabfa Inquirer,’' will be the theme. Tha Yoke Fenowi’ Bible Clssa will meet at f o'dock *!!? -*'** *<U J * followed by theprayer and pmlae aerWee. At the men's

«t 4 o'clock ProfMtor ChariM Wold, of Brmktyn wai play the tumbler? onlcon and Mra. N C. futHe. the sm m aingtf, will sing aoloa. Rev. t, R Dvau' wmer of Hill Btreetif.' p. Church will deliver an addreaa. Tha T. U. C A. Or chenira will play, '

Two New laewpwintlasir.Articles of Incorporation of "The Abbev

Kffervesoeht Salt Dompanyv w en r e o o ^ ‘Jf * Clerk'a oIBce to3 ay inSe

a ^ o r l i e d capital la n,0».pw, d t ^ d into

a .w ,r 'a v s ." . i3 &

5lOTWMnt*eaHr‘“ “"'*J. Arthur Hilton. John D. Utaon and

Thomas J. Bull, all of Bast Orlnn have recorded with the County Clwk a iertifl? pats of organisation of the Union Special-

S'jfffi'Ksa.'ES'ca'i"where it will mnufsoture envelopini oloatng and atem^og nmohlnea, eU. *

MsUtawa ncwla Ns* Qallly.John MkUtaMjplanM net guilty to a

............... oomtobar tHn tha Thirdap-

•■n-x-eJO W8 •^ Ird dla-

day, and waapaar tor

glaterad OP Oetobar Mfi i___r®L Wnrd aa living at

y**Id'^htaj by tkb Grand Jpry,_and when ha appealed to vote SS. wagAmaisd by C onM ^Tta553$7 Ka w u than n la a ^ u n d a !^ baU to ptaad to ^ y . Bill wat fnStehad b^hom aa F, lUttluwa. of Ul BouS

and the train moves along on tbe main track.

The pilot of lha forward angina ntruck Mr*. Ebbott. and threw her up and for­ward. The neat Instant aha waa thrown back on top of tha pilot and lay thera In a teml-conacloua condition, white tbe train ■till moved along. Tha englnter had wlt- naaard the accident, but tbe train waa go­ing a t luch a rata th a t It took aome time to slop H. W han It xraa Anally brought to a atandalUl Mrs. Abbott waa lifted from the pilot and taken Into the atatlon. It *'■■ there found that aha had appar­ently not baen dangerously Injured.

Dr. Tltua was summoned from the Vi­cinity and afte r he had mads ao exami­nation of her Injuries, he ordered bar tobe removed to her home, flha waa taken there In the Second Precinot patrol L ater It waa said th a t Mrs. Abbot e*t Injury was her broken arm. though the waa badly ahakan up, It waa

there In the Second Precinot patrol wagon.■ tbboil'a n s a t -

wae her broken arm. and, al-aald she would recover. A out over her left eye caueed bar aoma pain, but she WM reeling eaay. Thla rooming It xraa aald ■he waa Improvliig.


A gyiapatbatte Spaeiate r Faya a M etkar's r ia e Haeawse e f Ike T eaag Oaea.

Thr tbrae young children of Mr. and Mrs. Jaroei McKenna, of E ll Clay ilraet, ware mule but eloquent pleaders In the Second Precinct Police Court yeeterday aa the parenta were about to be looked up (or being drunk ' and dteorderiy. Thay bad been brought Into court by a ptStoaoun and It took Judga Lam bert but a few min- utee to concluda th a t thay wera guilty. Ha Anfd each H.

They were unable to pay tho Ansa and were being' taken back to oella when the three children were brought Into the court. This sight touchad tha hearU of sevaral who were there, and eepeotally th a t of Bimuel W ilton, of Bummor avenue. Mr. Wilton axked Judge Lambert to reduce Mr*. McKenna’S Ana to KKI.

“1 wlU pay tbe Ane In th a t caae." he ■aid, "ao th a t tba m other may go borne andtake care of her chlldrea.'

Judge Lam bert compiled and Mrs. Mc­Kenna departed w ith her yooiig onea. Mc­Kenna found no one to plead for him and he waa locked up.

GATHERED IN THE ORANGES.Week of P rayer Opened a t tha T. M. C. A.

Bishop P a tte r to Laetaie oa Charltv- o th a r BaptMalaga.

Service) o f a week of prayer were be­gun yeeterday a t th e Oranga Young Hen'.. Cbrlatlan Aaaoolallon, the leader being R. G. Leypoldt, Arit aaatetant lender a t Camp Dudley. This aftam ooo Charles T. Kll- borne, president of tbe Orange Auoctatlon, waa the leeuler. Thoee who will be In charge of tbe aervicea tha remainder of tbe week a re : To-morrow, J. B. Carpenter, Jr., secretary boys’ department, central branch. Brooklyn; Wednesday, John J. Davey, aa e n ta ry boys' department. West Bide branch. New York; Thuriday, Wlltrod W. Frye, aacretary New Brunswick Aa- aoctetion; F riday, W illard Smith, secre­tary Orange Aaaoctetlon; Saturday, L. R. Mount. H arlem branch. New York; Sun­day, OMrga G. Peck. leader of Camp Dud­ley.

Carroll Norton will iectnre a t Union Hall, Orange, to-ulght. on "Cbriatlan Science, W hat I t la. W hat I t la Not. W hat II Does." The lecture irill be under the auapicee of tbe F l r i t Church of Christ, Baet Orangiv

Meetings In tbe Interest of Hampton In ­stitu te will be held to-morrow night et T rinity Congregational Church, Harrison street. Eaat Orange, and on Thursday night a t the Hlllalde Preabytertan Church. Rev. Dr. H. B. Frlasell, the principal of the schooL will speak, aa will Miss Laura TUu* of Norfolk, Va., a graduate engaged In mlealonary work among the negroes, and Mlea Anna Dawson, of Fort Bcrihold, N. D., who IS working among the Indiana, The Ham pton Q uartette w ill ilng.

Bishop I len ry C. Potter, of New York, will lecture under the autplees of the Or­ange Bureau of Aaaoclaiad Charities In Music Hall on Wednesday night en "The Charity th a t Degrades."

An organ recital will be given at St. John 's Cnurch, Orange, on Thursday night by Profeasor F . C. L. Bcbralner. william

— m, O. C. Steins, Mrs. B. F. Maher and Lottie ElveraoUt W olita,

Irangawill m e e t to-nigfit, aa will the Orange


The E ast Orange i'ownahip Committee i l l meet to -n te r'

Common Council.The third of the aariet of unlverilty ex­

tension lectures by Rev. Dr. Jame* F. Rtgg* win be given In the Y. M. C. A. Hall. Orange, to -n l^ L H it aubject will be "The

Innings of Modern Life."ic Young People's Union of the North.. . . . - - -


Tbe New England Society of the Orangea

Orange Uaptiat Church, Orange, will meet to-morrow night, when the aubject for dla- cuaalon will be "Reaping W hat We Bow."

* ¥ h ? M r ' » h r . ' l ! 5 ‘-Ctub Of orange will bold Ita ninth annual ball In Peerleiia Hall, 11 North Centra street, Orange, to- • 'If '''- . -JAfter brief funeral aervicea yeaterday the body of the late Rev, Dr. Luke Hitch­cock, who died In Eaat Orange on Batur day, waa removed to Chicago, where the I n t ^ e n t will be made. ^ r . Hitchcock

sited at the reatdence of hi* daughter. Mr*. Archer Broavn. In Munn avenue. He waa horn a t Lebanon. N. Y„ In ISIS and at the age of thirty moved to Chicago, where he became actively interested In the work of the Methodtet Eplacopal Church. Ho later arent to Cincinnati, where he tiecame a publtehtr of rellgloua works When he tetlred from that bualneaa he returned to Chicago and continued hla paatorai work until falling hsalth forced him to atop. At tho lime of hla death h" waa a member of the Rook) River Conference. In addition to Kra. Broavti. he la aunnvM by another daughter, the wife of I*^hop CharlM H. Fowler, of the Methodiat Epie- 00pm Church. The funeral aervlcai were ccnducled by Rev, Hennr A, Buohtel,.lor of Calvary Methcdlat Church. Eaat Or-* ^ tn b e ra of Conwanlea M and I, Second Remment. New Je r^ y Voluhleera. a^o rtnrire la he transferred to the Fourth Regiment can be accommodated at the krmory In William street. Orange, to- nlght.

l.OOU SAMPLES lateet dnlgna In wxllpapw al factory prist*: send poatal tor aamplaj and »

psp*r-hangar, Columbia a t. W. Oixng*.

BLACK ohild'a nltteiia. So. M r; (aat Waok atoekiiun. so. pair: man a An* *o*pm d^

IBo ------------- -■ --------------------r m S V hS lvT ^orW ir xiovoi ojJSltwna pair: men’* h**vyimd«nr*»r. Silo. Nra

•'ork Bargain glore. M M*ln *•■. Or*ng*, ■oxthweit cor. Ontpo.BEST buttw. b « l <gx*.BvifA UllaaMra iPMMa EfUgmo aaee

•tic**. 1* »h*t ym s»t at CASH BTORE. cor. Mala and Parti *laWX **11 tk* only rau ln * Np. 1 fkflt OMi ta Uk«

burM In nny _________ H i

f a l l aq iia In. b*l* i t ADATIN'A ILS* *■« Il.Tg I« M*ft » t. W«»t Uraag* ______

« | f a i | S i I I P $TniiEVin,N.j,^ ‘M f •dv*rtl»*ill*nt top p*g* 8.


N ew Y o rk , N o v . 14, ig g s ,— O n c e m o re M sd iso n S q u a re G arden w ill b la se w ith soc ial lum in aries a t th e o p e n in g to -d ay o l th e a n n u a l h o rse sh o w , a t w h ich blue-blood e q u in e s w ill c la im ad m irin g a tte n ­tio n a n d p rizes . T h is y e a r’s lis t o f e n tr ie s is u n u su a lly large.

DniUQftUj l&rgs crowds of bayen wlU flock to onr blue-blood bargains iB winter oomforts. The so-called "ipeoltl” prices elsewhere are blgW than our regular prices.

Basomtht, South Alito.

Best Lamps.B eat a n d la rg e s t assortm ent of

L a m p s a n d L a m p F ix tu re s in N ew Je rse y . T h e la m p for a w edding o r C h r is tin a s p re se n t is h e re , w ith a ll o th e r k in d so f tam ps, a t sm all p rice s.

About Oas I'ortabloa—you ran have them flUod up in »u’lt your own Uite, either Welsbach or A m n d or plain burner, to w it;

ursM rortahle WeliUcIi,' burner and tubing, Z.S J.

Braai Portable .Vrgiod, burner and tubing, 1.86.

Welibach Burneri at 59c., 69c., 79c. and I.2S.

The New Juno sewing and rending lamp, with white ilude, for 1.48.

Broad and New Street*.

How are you off for Towels? If y o u r lin en closet needs re ­p len ish in g , e s­pecially th e tow ­el end, c o m e h ere an d look o v er our s tock— th e larg est in tb e S tate. P rices beg in a t 3 c . a n d

r u n e le v en m ore tim es up to 1 *1 S e ac h .

Olaia and Silver Towelling,Sc. to IBc. yard.

White and Brown Kltobeu Towelling, Sc. to I Sc. yard.

Hock and Dtmaak Towelling,I l^c. to 25c. yard.

Olaas and Tea Clolhi, 1,50 to 2.28 dozen.

Holler Towel*, ready lor use,21c, and 25c. each.

Main Floor, Middle Section.

Fur Trimmings.P ric e m a rk s in

e v e r y in s tan c e sh o u ld b e g a u g e d by o th e r s to re s ' v a lu e s . W e sell o u r T r im m in g s o n a n a rro w m a r­g in of p ro fit, de­p e n d in g u p o n th e in c re a sed se llin g to m a k e u p th e d iffe ren ce— a fact th a t h e lp s y o u to

s a y in g a n d b r in g s u s b ig g e r trad e ,Lj Inch Nutria, 39c.1 Inch Nutria, 69c.

Inch Swandown, 2Sc.1 looh Swandown, S9c.Im L Chinchilla, 3$c. to S9c.Imt. Bear, 79c.Bear, 3.98.Alaaka .Sable, lari’, 49c. to

98c.Black Aatrakban, 1 Inch, 69c. White Thibet, 1 Inch, 68c.Black Thibet, 1 Inch, 75c.Mink, 1 inch, 1.75.Tertian Lamb, 1 luch, 1,39.While Angora, 29c.Black Angora, 39c.Brown Oposaum, ) ( In., 29c.Alao a cbotoa aaaortment of

Stone Marten, Skunk, Seal and other deatrable and fashionable fur trimmings.

Thankaitvlag Awpftllea.


A ll . Day Tuesday.

Bargain Counter No. 3Sensational Underwear Selling.

Ledtaa’ Underwear, 39c., rag- olar price 4Sc.—Fine grade Bal- briggan KIbbed Veita o r Panta, Fraoch bandt, with a soft downy fleecing, rk b ly trimmed.

Chlldren’i Underwear, 39c ., worth iOc.—Natural Wool Vesta or Pants, In all time.

Main Floor, North Alile.

Strong Dress Fabric YaloesL o o k ill a t o u r

D re w G oods, SUk a n d V 'e lvet D e­p a r tm e n ts w h e n ­e v e r y o u p lease land y o u ’ll t e e

h e re th e reaso n Tor th e e n jo y m en t of o u r im m ense t r a d e . S ca rce ly a p a tte rn , w eave o r c o lo r in g , s in ­

g le , d o u b le o r t r ip le to n e , b u t Is Found h e re a t p o p u la r p rice .

At Ifto. Yard.All'W ooi JHIxtiirM, thrs»'

tons efibota, In neat detigiis, IS new Fall oolnringa, the exact copy of Imported goodt at 60c. yaid.

At 29v. Yard.Safin Barbar, thraa-tone col­

orings, 38-lDob wide, neat de­sign*, good, Arm cloth, made to retail at 48c. yard.

At Yard.Flaanalattaj. 100 choice

printings, lu iiripes, figures and checka. They ar considered good riloe at 81x0. yard. 150 pieces in thla lot.

van otir Qrocary D^wriitMEt.

Tuesday All Day,Bargain Counter No. 5

Best V ilu e * in Town.lAdiet' Cnahinere Roaa, 39c.,

value 60c.— Fast blnok, soft, heavy itocklDg^ with double ■ole*.

Children's Hose, 17c., worth atic.—Ihat blsok, ribbed worstad lluoa, double knees, merino heel* and toei.

Man'i Socks, 19c„ regular Me. goods—Fine grade merioo. In

, gray, tan or black, good, sub- itautlal goods.

Basement, Esat Nnd.

Thanksgiving Dinner Sets.130 p ieces E n g lish P o rc e la in D in n e r S e ts , best g o o d s, 1 1 . 9 8 . 113 p ieces C h in a D in n e r S e ts , w a rra n te d first q u a li ty , 1 6 . 4 9 .

Main Fleer, Weat.


L in e s th a t c an n o t b e d u p lic a te d in ful l w ill be c losed o u t a t p r ie w far be low o u r r e g u la r fig u res . T h e goods a re firat-cTasa, th e p a tte m a th is s e ts o n ’E W e c a n aell th w e c a rp e ts to b e tte r a d v a n ta g e la te r on, b u t n o t in a s m a n y y a rd s aa a cu s to m er m ig h t w a n t, h e n c e th is u l e . D ea le rs in " s a n d w ic h ” num * bera a n d ” a u c tio n a n g e ls ” c o tu t o th e r m eth o d s. I n a d d it io n to th e fo llow ing, w e h a v e m a n y r ic h b t i* ' g a in i in o th e r c a rp e ts ,

FIvs pattanit of SevoEBarie Carpets, thla aeaaoa’s stylss, the psr excellonce of carpet* for parlors, utnal pries 1.40, for 1.15 yard, aswad, laift aal lined, complete.

5mlUi*t Bwt AxmlnaterCarpets, ten aUracUra petums, tilt) leaaon'a atyles, solMble for

llnlniparlor) and dining room a, ustal jirlM 1.05 for 90c. yard, sewed, lined and laid, compieie.

Smith’s Saxoey AxmlMtsr Carpets, • - ■ ■bright pa

aeeaoa’s. . six of t i l l s ______„ t patterns to choose fnias,

•ultahle for any part of the houae, uitul price 1.00, for M e. yard, sewed, Heed end laid, complete.

Velvet Carpets, flvs lovely pattaras, suitable for halli SM •Uirs, Kiiul price 1.00, for Sfe. yard, sawtd, lined and laid, complete.

Body Bniasels Carpets, very best quality, full 6 frame, ngm Ur price, IJ5, for t.OO yard.sawed, Hnsd plete.

aad laM, conpi

TapaetnS r a s a a l aCarpet, vn- riety of pate teras, thrst qua l i t ie s , anitable, for parlors aad other reoma, regular priM « 6 o .,r5 c .aB d

B5c. for 55c., 6 lc and 75c. yard; sewed llaed aad laid, complete.

Msa's Ctothlag at Small P r i e e f r i ?


THE WEEK AT THE THEATRES.Dulla Fax la "T h a U tU a H * * t , ''B lu a

J*aaa,” " J o h x E a r t la 's haerat," Vartetf aad Barlasqaa.

Delia Fox, asrlla, artful and entartalnlnc, will be the cant a t the New*rk Theatn this week. Mlaa Fox herald* her play ■■ a mualcal comedy, and declare* that tha Itkea It better than comic opera becaaa* ihe believe* It lo be more up to date. "Tba Little Hm I” offer* ampls scope for her versatiuty, both ■■ a singer and on aetreaa. It has more of a plot than tbe average piece of It* kind, and the story la oon- srcuUvely'told. I t deala with the adven­tures of a rollicking student and a gay old man, father and aon each of whom wlxbee to appear atratght-teced to the other. The father uncxpeotedly amwora at the aon'a dwelling while the tatter la eiitertalBlng a vlvacloua tittle actrw* who plage boya'^parta. She la at Ihe lime In costume, and to save the young man from th* old man's Ire she a t once aaaumea the rola of ho«t Her woman'! Intuition tella her that the father la not by any mean* a woman-hater, Bhe lead* him on until her sweetheart and her prospective father- in-law stand revealed to each otbar In their true color*. W

In the c(*t are John C. Btavin, R. E Graham, Eugene O'Rourke and Hugh Chilvera The mualc la aald to be charm­ing and the Interrat concinuoua

ella Bergen, Alice Judaon, Edmund Stanley and u t t lc Alfred Klein will all be with De Wolf Hopper when he l^arn ta "The Charlatan" at the Newark Theatre In the week beginning Monday evening, November a. Among the new members of the organisation there la a young woman who la winning unusual Miebrlty on ac-

; of her beauty. Her name la Adine Bouvler. tUl* will act tb* role of the Grand Ducheaa. Thera era three other new people with Ur. Hopper thla year x'ho haVe aohleved promlnenea ouUlda of comic opera. Thay are George W. Bar- num, Mark Price and Arthur Cunning­ham. Mr. Barnam will be remembared for hla fine work In "Qlariana" and In other Frohman comedies. Hark Price waa for a long time leading man for the Boston Theatre Btook Company. "Tbe Charlatan" la proving a big auccaaa on the road.

" Bln* J a sa a " a t iha M um M a.A Jplajr lUi* ''Blue Jeani," which la to be

produced at the Columbia thla week, never growa old. I t give* without exaggeration an cffectiva picture of the dally life of wholesome country people. The Hooker dialect, which la In aome reapeeta - the qualnteat In America, la not ovardone, and the Hooaler character la not overdrawn indeed, the play la redolent of the region In which U A laid. Mr. Brinkor takeathe part of Parry RatKarn, whUa Ben Boone [a inlerarelri by Robert NelL. For June iMlas Una Abell haa been eapeclally en­gaged, Other mambert of the atoclt com­pany are well placed, wbloh glvra aiaur- ance of ■ euperlor ptrfonaanct.

The prolific pen of flutton Vane, ma­terially aaslataa by tha ataga oarpetuer'a art. baa given to lha jpuUto anoular aen- sitlonal melodrama, ^John UarUn’a Be-

f *S •’'•zed thla Week at Jacobs's Thealr*. Tha aeena M laid In the Kimberly diamond m in ra r t to u ih Afttea and John Martln'a socrat te w a ^ e d In time to save t ta hero and oonotuda tbe per. (orreanoe with happy eSaoL "John liar- lln'a Beoraf' begins ■ weak's angageuent at Jacobs's Theatre to-nlghL ™

IValduauw’* Mow Thaotio.Tha Reilly and W oods's______ _tfil at Waiamann'aNiiSWearra;to-nlgfil i t Waiantenn'fN*w¥lF»a?ra

la ably aaMated_ t a t h * ^ ' Flll'mlm'' ta res Dunbar Bittors, the CyoKnlo Bam, K Ittis and Clara Morton; tba 1

Bryan, '

tha SIX,

tba Wra­th* e ll Yankeelone, Frank D. ______ . . . , . . . . . .

Jd''!?' • 'iBiaAn flag;Baker and Raynrida. Baaata Lam Fand her trinipo Of plelumtnnlH In ra g tim e fum and the thr** b r ^ a n i . Mmtoaa, The T'ri®, ®*1M La Dance Internationale,'' la apectacular aad uniqae,

The seat* for F ran rta WUaon’a antaxa ment a t W aldmann'a New Theatra t r i l l^ placad on l a l t m ’he box oftm naxt Hon Say mormng. Mr. W tam i and hla cmn {•oy ’rill praaant "The U ttla C o r p S during tha weak haclnnlng Novmnlwr S

WaldinxkB** Opara ■"*^1


T o u g Xt aapla ctlmher Poribrma a Dorlag Foat a* getoa Hall CaUaga,

Laiula Yoork, of th is City, who lx knowit a* ■ steepit climber, performed an uo- uaual (ext a t Seton Hall Cotlege Baturday ■fterooon by standing upon th* top of the erota which aurraOunts the tower on on* of tha buildings. Tbe croaa la aoven feet In height and la M6 feel from tha ground. The roof of the building la ntnaty-flve fast from the ground and tbe tower Itself la fifty feet In height Yoerk haa a contract to fix th* gutters on the root from whloh the tower extends, to do some alats irork and to point and gild the big croaa.

Before Yoerk ascended the building Bat­urday a number of the atudetita got about him and told him th a t they did not be­lleva be had courage anougb to climb up to tha crons. The atudenti knew the young man did not lack any courage In thla re­spect, but they wanted him to do the act then and there, and In order lo have him do ao they pretended to have doubts as to hla pluck. The diplomatic tactics am- ployed by the Betontana were successful, for a f te r one o r two "dares" the climber started on hla trip skyward, never falter­ing tor a moment till he reached the cross, i ^ n which he stood, Just as content oa If he were on terra firms.

Whan Mr. Yoerk reached the top of thacross the colleriana gave him three rous­ing eheera, and tho young man waa mad* to tael like a hero, lie expect* to gild thecross to-morrow.



The real catal* tranafrra recorded in tb* Regtater'a oflics Saturday and reported by the FldMIty T rust Company were:

NEWARK.Gao. C. Pfreundachuh et u i to Na­

than Levla, a a South at WO w frAvenue F, tSxlOt...............................

Edwd Marks to Nathan, [.a-vls. a a South al IIS w (r Avenue F. toilM.. 1

Jaa. E. Howsll tmaeier) to John S. Ferguson and al, a a Central av HOe fr High at, E x iw ............................ t.WO

Jacob Peter et ux to Howard W. Hayea, n a Alpine at and w a lot U IH w fr Frellnghuyaeii av,w o x ia .................................................. t.™

Goo. H. Trivett e t u i to Wro. Lock­h a rt et U I , w a So. llih i t IW a frI lth av. WxlW ................................... l.tOO

Morris Raohlln at u i to Baml Selfer, undlv Vi p a n e « Prince at SiS a frMontgomery at, fSxtoo..................... I

Jam es F . Harris to John Gray e a P arker at ISt a fr Bloomfield av.MxK ..................................................... 1

Susan A. Howarth to John W, Ho- w arth, release of dower a a Com- marc* at n e cor Michael O Connor 1

TOWNSHIPS.William Savage et u* to M argaret

Schott, Orange, n a Mechanic at lUw f t Eaaai av, 21xW.......................... 1

Aaron P. Mitchell, deed, by exrs, to pionlelo Costa, East Orange, e aThampaon at « n e fr n a John T. __R o sw ell, tSxOI.................................. H t

George L. Mitchell, deed, by exri, to DIonlalo Costa, East Urange,* a riiompaon at M n e fr n a JohnT. Rockwell, Ux®............. ........... Ho

Thoma* A. Murphy to William E. Stanley, oast of contract.. . . . . . . . . . . 1

William E. Stanley to Emellne WII-halm, east of agreement................. 1

Thomas A. Murphy et u i to William E. Stanley, East Orange, a a Will­iam at W a fr Thompior at, WxlOO,, 1

wnilaro E. Siaitley to Emelina WII-btlm, Eaat Orange, w tne................... 1

Addison Ely and al, Iruateea, to Charles Pettith et ux. Franklin, w ■ Paxxalc River In line SamuelH a n n a .............................................. *.SW

The Belleville B and L Aaao to the Beltevllle Wheelman, Belleville, a e cor WaBhlOgton av and Acadsmykt, to x iw ................................. 1

Cyrui K. Capron at ux to AbramL, Cross, Montclair and V trona, cor. Wat. Corby and al on top ofthe mauntatn w • Tjpk rd, t a .......... I

The Ltndaley Manor lAnd and Im­provement Company to Berthotd W achter, South Orange, w i Clin­ton at 4B n fr Ablnger pi, ExlW .. IW

AngalTca B. F ib er to Joseph J, M ^ h . Orange, n w cor New Eng­land terrace and Lincoln a y ......... I,W0

Anson A. Voorheaa et ug to WilliamM, Davenport, Verona, n e cor Brookdale av and Sunaet av; SOxllL ttd

Anson A. Voorhees et ux to BrneatN, Buah, Verona, e a Brookdale avIII a a f r Sunset ar, CDxUI................. 160

Fradcrick Maurer ei ux to Wtltlam Thomson, B ait Orange, w a N Mapl* a r Tl a tr New at. 4lhcUI.... 1

CONTRACTS AWARDED.The foUpirlng coptraota bav* baon ra-

eordad a t the Courlhouie;ITiaodore R. Carter, owner, with Jam es

Lamb, oontraclor, |6,*W, qarpentar. F ark atraat, MonlcIML^N. J,; M tfo n , Brock

■A tthaSItaalthaEad AnUgbL" •

Qet to Know Us.I f y o u d o n ’t w s n t h s rd w a re to -d ay , y o u w ill to -m o rn n r .

Y o u w o n t f in d a n o th e r s to re in th is h ig tow n th a t p o ta y o n h i c lo se r to u c h w ith ‘'e v e r y th in g in h a r d w a r e ’’— jo b b e rg ’ p rices, to o I

Beolrio Bell Ooifit tor T8*.-K .« qaa- 4tfc far lb* “H lra l'^^h Mfl«t--7^ally-wet or dry battel?. » " t a twcally. Bert yet mad* Slmng, d M puih button, bell, staples and all. Wa re pruof, fits any barrel, Koi tha fitmay ftU etrcbricii

•*Tb4 BwtholdJ Inottidiweftt G u Ltmp‘'—Tttc*food tbM Wi isuk II up with onr oAtoG und wvtUBt

The C. S* Reckless Hardware Store,851 B R O A D 8T „ O P P O S IT E C E N T R A L D E P O T .

T n n u H t

tr**t, Montclair,J4. J.; Bamon, Biw ..'■y ft Alfred T. Taylor, a r^ lae t* .

Oaorg* Carlton Comatock, owner, with James r . B*nbrook. contraotar, WO.jMint- Iw , Voaa avenue, South Oranga, N. J.; Bitphanion A Greene, arohlteota.

G s e w Carlton Oomaloek, owner, wlta Harrison ft walker, contractor*, U-W plumhlag. *t£., Voao av*niw. Bouth Or- a ^ g , KT J,; Btephtnion A Orfen*. arehl-

BESUEHIGH GOAL, $ 3 . 5 0 Per TonFor B est Lnrge Lehigh No. IS Niit, well screened.

B est Lehigb E fftt Stove nnd Nut at IjOWKST M ARK ET PRICES. ELEVEN BnrreU Kindling Wood, W . Hickory lor G rate F lre i.

S. TRIMMER ft COB , t h T j h j ^ » r a . J g j j g y Ijg jjfQ gJ

M iCorH«T

T « Y 13MI i r O K C O A L , A I V O " W O O O .roatal *r Hall Ord«ra ttaralx* Prom pt AttanttoUi


Pathar FUm lag. s f Oraage, W araa P analato K*ap Tb*le C h lld n a Away froin

Q aratlm ahla RaeaptiDas aad Varttaa.At all Ihe m asaw In Bl. John 's Oathollc

Church, Orange, yeatrrday, the rector, Kdv. Hugh F. Fleming, warned parent* to krap th d r ohildren, eipeclally young girl*, off th* atraeta a t night. Father Fleming spoke briefly on th is subject ra- eently, but yeaterday he gar* parenta a plain ta lk on tba bringing up of their chil­dren.

F ather Fleming denounced the Indlffar- •noe of aome parent* In perm itting young girla to ba on th* stree t a t night. Then he said that a certain club of Irrnponalhl* young men had arranged to hold a ball to-night for th* bentllt of the club. Father Fleming denounced this club to r allowing young girls from fourteen Itf aevenleen ydara of age a t their raoeptlona without an escort or a ralatlve. H* had beard from the police, he said, th a t the conduct of thaL claae a t o ther balli or aoclat par. tie* given by the olub wae unbecoming and vulgar. The p r in t celled on the po­lice to stop young girle from going to the place, and If oaoaaaary to hold them a t the ■tatlon-houae and telephone to him.

F ather Flem ing declared th a t he would taka all reaponalblllty and th a t young girls would be kept off the streets and away from theae dancing parties, no m atter who stood In the way.

The police hold the opinion th a t unless the young girl* complained ef act In ■ die. orderly manner or unlaea somebody pre­terit chxrgea agalnai them they are power- leaa to interfere, no m atte r how many---------------------- ' ------------- ,d.

Orange, bow-. . — ------ ---------- -- laming atarta outto fight w hat h* ballevaa to be an evil, he

danom young glrfa may attend.I t la generally adm itted In Or

aver, th a t when F ather Flemlnito fight w hat he ballevea to be ...........haa a way of doing things which usually haa oanaldarable effect.

Fvaaw Sha fUtawoman’* Bid*.To Iks Bdllor at th* KEW8.

Str—W«tl, th* olaax of women th a t we might term tnrraentera are raelly turroema to lalexwomen. F irs t they s ta r t out for What thay m ight coll a r ra l good time In tha atorea- Two or tbrae go in and call tor a hatorotooh. They all look a t It and try it on. Now, In thla w ay: “A in 't it a dream?" "How do I lOeRT' "M aud, you try 11 on." "K atie, now, you try it oil" The other ■ays; “Don't belleva John would Ilk* I t" ‘"Buppoea y o « .w a lt and get mother lit

n* ) ^ you.” *<]»■ It If you like It," 'I one, ' ’b n t d o n 't you think beat to

. . J - - . g jn ffh ta iy g o t f After Mayw a lte r telling you v itti your goods, and

a sx t n tarv law the 1* « ie i th* flocr-

lO axr why th* la- f t a l l you. If *m-

■ — ^omaoaout

10 CATCH THE EYElaeuy enough if you know how. W* her*

entenea lu our atuck ofPaints, Oils, VgrnlthoA, Bf ih Iim ,

i{M3y*m lx*d PdinU.than *11 the haia hall idulis lu Ainertca. We gal ■Urntldii and beep It, not Iccxuw w* pireae; profit and bcoeltt every cictomer but every- thins wo k II If guamnteed to give aatlaUcllom

J. J. HOCKENJOS & Ca..I'alnt, Oil and C*ler Dratera,

(29 BROAD STREET, ■ • NEWAH, 1 .1

»aYi —wait and MM looklug


the ghastly terror^ of con­sumption IWU*®stares a HONEYman in ^

the HORENOUNDface who neg lects a cold.

tl'*t*iiMpl«Mgat rid at a foagh




wmi ^ o t th i > tk lnK ol

i f » w u for S r o r y it j Woar.


.-a — •* rk w lu 4* n*1 ^ OarrlakkbU to* Ofklaar,

iitoWiiiiMliM* ■•lit oa tb* l*laB «f lha Bba Cm , With a Fair MadI*

|v- MtiMto-TbBBa airla ' Hat*, Whalk< law** ar Itoall, All Briaht la l ^ ^ a a aaB TrIaiiaeB With lanaaaaa

BIbbaa Bam .

PABa, KoT. L-It miMt bt rrtnkir oon-0m m 4 liia t ra o r o*rr*a|!*tiA*nt llkri te Bril* about Iha lltlle a>lu»l iadti, who,

I Maaoa, look m> a t t n e t in with ihatr •tra* *ad (lowloc chrtk i loiirhca t i a a t , air. Tlwy in jo r lh»m*elvM

__ aai frown up, and ooccI am a Hi no f in aoln* to aohool . Jaatta," For hour* I m b a t In th* a fd fharo ib rir f la t and 'h rlr play,

ahlldrtn talk llk« man>ln with fbrttt trolvM.

liana roltaar* lham aarly and forhour* thry can play ont^ol-doora.

I ar* laattful In th* axtrrmr.la a bu*r aaaaon for niothari who

ta n a to f* l aohool f irli raady tor tbr p i l l t a r . If *■ - -th* fow ni at thU tlm* arc

_^.^N**a. a* far aa m airrial fnaa and : B | jhi l f ii not too tlahorala, th«r* will b* ,'lb l titriTlTr for complaint from mother*

Iba worry and aanna* of drtaain t flrif.

Ml B,%otte*l Eofllali woman who aandiHb m **II grotaard f lr ti to achool every

f | r a none eueh valunblo klnte ■a abaui dreaBn* firle,

: of all elM makea It a ral* to aroid aw dlt h aurfaood w aU rlali for

| 0<w m ; a broken check, or otrlpe hardly dlioeraaU t, or even a U t plaU B cboaoa Uuittad of a lolid

b aha (Iway* buy* tBouih n a t aewsd pair of iltevM, wbl^

oM*4 into oorvloo boWN llw aitorlal


fllBoo or (our nunUta’ wear.I aa^ber tM a lutv* arrirw i from

0 of ■ ■Iff doB a^ pretty apron of dark atoaca th a t la atad* attraeU r*

wn bowt and tanoy lUtoh** of


la t tath* all. W ith

**, ftrl* ha** OB thair dr***- illlo o( olaanalsf fluid with a ad, a* that (hey have no ox- dlahtoat frea te i p « on their

thede a j a tountollen ah* «** bar little duS ltH fi to

TlMF have eevrral pretty

down" look of a too Blender flture, Olive freen cemel'a hair wai ih* aoaterlal choaon. Th* aklrt wa* oulte full around tb* bottom and wa* irimmed with three row* ol narrow dark freen aoutacho eaiifb t up Into rounded tcallop* and *t- tnehed w ith olive button*.

r diBtnla icdiool tow n wea M fa Iw * Aade* of mlard

^ titled olaa* overI aad th* fulneat a t the back wa* I Ba* waM band In (*ur anal] - I ^ ltlh

Ih^doam* of (h* apron It wai

The o o ra a n waa a b loun ape nine over a narrow dark preen velvet yeet tha tw ar fathered . It had abort round baaouea,

------ — ■ '-m e o 'th* top with Ihra* row , af tb* ,outarh*. Six row* of the hrald.of three, b*f*n a t the under arm aeanu and aW toN up to the edaoa of voat, w h ev a^ ey wee* held wltn tk* oilv* but- tona. Three row* of the braid trimmed a

laid In bunch** inder arm aeanu

__. - of the a p r t............... —wHb narrow dark bin* paaao-

.fh a t W rfad In iwondlaf coraera eyed the bottom of the aklrt,

fO raaft wa*t^!|^ middle

hlouee with a box

v o n H l iu aaine. On each oito of the F* were double row* of (be poaee-

. . (hot extended from t i* rover* I parcow BiDir* celatur*. Th* aloevt*

okovioi were clop* S ttto f aad h*i! lb* haodT Btae i h '

pointed o tl^p of th* ololh tk ||t hooked

over iMir* woo(or th* tall B t r a ^ f aottar, fo r a younf th T a f ftfleoa waa

tbonit*. It _______Olpth In dark pray.waa made of'Mufb

; a m withUInffuln: w at cloee IK (Inf over |he hip*

I h i Ik* haok la* fulneoi waa n th a re d th* waiatband. t( v pp .lrhp ined

bo tattowi with narrow bnia folda hellotropo raotra arraafod la

to * a a r .h * ^ .W r e .? s r iK S ;’* had a plain back and wa*

frontv«.*:.r.i cloth draped ppd n o ea

hdlbmp* molt* ai own kito the dtintor*. Four I fokU of ^ ----------______________ th* helietMar b u lr ,

arrap fcd In curved Hnee from the. M BM 'tk* lioletfi te the under a m

Honow aU ahtd revet* of the moire ex-I arnuud the heck of the blah atand.' ar of the aame n o ln . i u r fo w

aaaeroenterW Odikd'i ‘ —rhe eelntoV* WM f t _ tied la Ih* bpiSPd* rcachtnf to tb*



acroa* (he lower edge of the veiThe alM vet were cloi* (Ullnt and were

mounted hy equere rnaulett* of cloth tiimmod w llh the oputache. The hlfh e tra ifh l ooliar wa* of xreen velvet

A very ilmple echooT tow n for a girl of fifteen wa* of dark nlue whip eord. The aklrt fitted oloio over th* hfp* and waa artthout fulneaa a t the waiatband. A n lb * r oHnalna effeet wa* atven by th* aktrt beln i cut with ra ther etralpht front end eld* fore*. The froat aoam* were *1 rapped.

The eoriaga waa P blouH of whipcord held wtth a narrow black moire celn- ture. II waa larn lahed with two brood box BlPil* At Ike hwek and front ael quit* w ldr apart.

The** were xathcred and (aatenri the relntura w ith arnaU aquare cut al , buckle* end extended h*yond thto* tnclMW. The front of the co ria te waa cut v nrek- M. and It faalened over th* left plait In a point. Tbia apd t|ic plalla were outlined In narrow black ■aa(*,lie..tbA|. (ofmed a •ham rodt M fh r paint. T h e V and b ^ h airalght coHar F ere of- the hlaok moare. The ala aye* were clwc fit tin* and were flniehai a t t h | hand with braid.

Younp girle’ winter hata, whether large or email, a are trimmed fr_rtbhmt.

WMltcn mitten firad of kid flove are crrtaln ly very pretty ....n ................................. klda of the Scotch ciane.

fered, w ye (he leaao Dally New*. They d thAiOOde provision for tn* realnenr* of thlr- pt*M fern brother* of the ortfinal foundation

are very bright In color and ed with immrnee bowa of brtfkt-

lUen mlttqpa, T hear, will nerve In- for echool f Irla They

this yeer. wovenIi j II the b ilfh l plalil


Hayond, .(hd .fact that arnmll walat t*

One Ihet

o u t •a few MdlSoBtloiiA f a r Ibaa U at year*

waa very JauiiiF was' d a ^ r e d cloth.

front wa.............. ..... ov«. ......... ....

In douhic-brcaatrd faenlon and wa* on**-

i had a alfalght hrtth lb* undar-arn, Twe tre a t faalened

........... „ ............ and a plain b tekundar-arm aeami curved a trlle .

' .................................1 ^ 1pVer to th* leftwith two large oryaul buitong,

IMrfc blur mOlrc faced the roundinf tap-.atentadola and collar.

The itavca were cIo,e tittloa and lana ‘ “ ■— ■ th* hand that ehowrdwHh a aphna at the moire facing,

were finithtd With a double row of dark blue alOi etltchina.A pre tty little model for a Blonder girl

wa* made w ith short round basque* that (OHoyep very much the “etrelght up and

a* oat. of date ga hpop*. and U very ugly, ilalil-UrIni deatr^a.the contour of thn buet and hljia, gml (a mlnou* tn |ne «un------------ • ' --------------- n i


I«1IU fUUUIUIIf the dlgaatlve o r n n i ran ..

■“ perfom their function*. ■ the ■ '

ilex Ion.have room to dysuepila—one of th* w on t thing* firth Ht hepi lb—enapra. Then follow the red nate, w atery eyee and blotrhy complexion.

wDRian la inolintd to be alout, lacing walat make* the hip* roll away In

elf-Uk« and uneven lumpi, tor the neah one part of the body must

*r. The wilat of the Venux d* accepted model of feminine

icaa, la twenty-two Innhea, ihoufh

noBc,If*her 'ahelf _ driven fromSTeiicirW'k^VPl^c Re*i *

......... .. - , ..... ... „gljual a Itille above five feet 1

light. Our araiidmammas beaitrd of thelV elahteen-iiioh waleia, but (ho girl of te r prrTod. evrn If ah* la dtinly enough "to step upon a Uly Irat and not brnd It,*' never alloara her wale* meaaurrment to fall below twenty-two Inches.

AB OLD BAGLIfU L.khnHARK.Th* Aarleat Heapllol af ,1. t'eoea

Near th* rity af Wlaehtetor.Not by any mesne few In number, al­

though foe the ipoet pari unknown to Iho general public, are the epotl In hlngtand wbrre the cuttomi and obaervatloni of far-olT dayn are *1111 fondly cherished. One of the meet Inlrrreting of thee* le the ancleiu hoepltaj of Bt. Croeo. which le situated a mile to the aoulh of the clly of Wlneheiter,

This chfrfiable Institution erai founded In IIM by RDhop Henry d* Hlol*. King Stephen's half-broihrr, and wa* Intended to eullraly auppert thirteen Indigent old men and to give a dinner dally to IDO oth­er*. But the next Hlahop of Wlncheaier provided for Ih , tieding of snoth,r 100 po^r men, and in l« i C*riHn,il Beaufort, who then held th t eee, added to the honpllal another foundation, called th* Almthouso of Noble Poverty, and provided It wllh en Income sufllclent for the ipalntenenco of two prteeti, thirty-five brothers and throe etitera. Aa time went ahuees crept In and tb* revenues were mteappiopriated tin about tha middle of thl* e«nturr. when' (he charity commlationera Inier-

Chleago Dal

and four of the latter, and tor om-pen- siona In lieu of the dally dinner* to the MO poor men. Now the revenue le so much greater that ten additional rcaldcntB will shortly be admitted.

Henry de Biol* committed hi* founda­tion to the beeping of the Kiilghie Ho»- pltalere of Jerusalem, and from them le derived the dlsllnctlve drete of the

il* 1tD ts of a long bjark gowi ernes on the left breast. On the death o( a brother the cross la laid upon hi* ooRIn. from which It 1* removed at the grave, and In due course le heiiiled to hla tucoeaaor. Th* Brolhera of Noble Pov­erty wear a cloak of dark red cloth, upon which I* an aigbretdered bodge. In olhe roapecta there t* no dllference between the two orders.

Each brother ha* a werhiy allowanc* four cooked dof ten dhltllngo and four cooked dinner,.

a loaf of braad every morning, a hauae with a largo garden a t Iho hack. 'and extra

jrlsima*Whitsunday __extra fare conriita mesa" of roast beef.

Henjamln'a___________baked plum pudding

and mince pie* carefully — " ------ ^—. made according F i ^ e r t y , the feat^to an old recipe. _______

menu Included "JudaWs eoa," that lit, allcei of bread balled In beer and sweet­ened with henoy. AH Ihe corponte cooking le aartieq on Ih (he ancient kitch­en, the baking being done In a brick oven heated by fagofe apd the rogatjug In front of the origlntl fireplace, the meat being fixed In a cradle reeling on "dogs" and tueaed by a ,mokc-Tack. Here, Just before each ''gaudy day," re­volves and friaalea a Joint large enough

■ oth*-to ^vo five pound* to ivery tarothar.


r . ... ■ VM |D 14TTLB UAIDB

About One-Third Off onFine Lace Curtains.

Another stirring: special sale o f en­tirely new window draperies b efin n in t to-morrow, Tuesday, m orning. AH our broken lots of

Irish Point, Nottinghiin,Brussels, Scotch and French Lace, Rutiled Bobbinet and Muslin

Curtains are included in this selling. One, two, three and four pairs o f a kind— enough of each for one or two rooms and plenty for the odd

windows about the house.All are curtains of real worth, culled from our regular fast

telling lines. The prices are cut just about one-third.

Irish Point. Nottingham.fl.JOl pair kind................... $2.SOK.fjapair kind................... JJ.35>6,00 a pair kind................. $4.Sftrrsoapairklnd....................$S.3SfSDO a pair kind.............. S6.2SfStSOapgirkind................. $6.85$IQl$0i pair kind................ $7.65$li.aSapalrkiDd.........$8.50ftS-OOfipalr k ind ..........$10.85

7je. a pair kind ........................... $0c9 SC. a pair kind..................... 6S«1 1 .8s a pair kind.....................$1.28

........ $1.7$5150 a pair kind...........

F r e n c h a n d S c o t c h .$j.snapalr kind..................1} .$0H a; a pair kind.................... $3.3555-50 a pair kind....................M .I856.35, pair kind....................$4,7$

O ne Lot Figured Muslin Curtains with plain m uslin ruffles— no better curtains ever offered at onedollar a pair— price during this sale only O ne Lot Ruffled Muslin Curtains—f t . 2$ kind . . O A c O ne Lot Ruffled Muslin Curtains— f t . 7S k i nd. . S l . S f l

Lon BeHs ^ d .Introductory jprii

be mailed on all <Beds beginning

rices will our IronTuesday

morning and em tinuing allweek. W e want all Newark to know that we have added an attractive line o f popular- priced iron Beds, nicely trimmed brass, and we make these special prices to command your immediate attention.

mYou need have no doubts as to the ouality of the beds we

sell. They are up to the well known W . V. Snyder & Co,standard-

—ctstIron Beds with high hod and fool—full 1-Inch post OC bmstrlminlafs—53.50kind. a t . . . . . ....................Iron Beds, with high head and foot—exlenaion foot rail—1 -

tach poitb—brass ralt on head and foot—never leu than ^$7 elsewhere—here at.

Iron Beds, with high bead and foot—extension swell t / 1 7 c foot—i-Indi posts—good value at $8.50.......................

Iroa Beds with extra high head tnd extension foot rail-?. Inch bm i rail on head and foot—excellent value at 59.75 '—^wciel a t . . . . . ...............................................................

I rail-?*:$ 7 , « S

Iron Beds with extra lieavy brass work—14 brass spindles— fancy brass head and foot—extension foot rail—worth $ 9 , 5 0513.50-xt.

Iron Beds with extra high head—extension foot rail—masiire brass trlnuninEs^3’«'tnch cast bra» mounts and balls $ 1 4 ,7 5-an $tS.SO grade at.

ThanksgivingDinnerwareN ew ark's Most Noteworthy Collection.

* 1 6 ,0 0 5 1 9 ,9 5 1 2 4 , 9 5

Genuin Chinj Sets of 101 pieces—formerly gl4.50 Others at »10,0O , f lS .O S and I1O .B0.

1IROAD A N D 4 C C P A II 9 T S .


EmvIIrN Tomi Tlir«nlrn» t9 OmH o tUf JrrKrr i'(U nm m ru««*

Frojr Ihf Mew York Preaa PaieraoiT, N, J., h&« for many yenn held

Iho record aa Iwlng the rual th iiif in clr* lifted «r unpaced. It aobieved

thia dlBUnciuiii In ha early dayt through lus genuine, horning liitereHt In th a t an-iiuai day of dayi when the eUphmu w|Ut-

,wrqunU and the band began lo ptay, , — ............. -ttfan 10 play.amt the imall boyi n«gr the monseye lent wpre wartird lo keep awey-'-achliVfld Ir, In flhori, In ibe primsvm period or th# piip-ping' circus. That nabnlty hath Ita

obiigtiloni va# never morethan m the tune of Paterson and unique honor; for though In Satar year* the etrorie of the citixon* of Faterton to live U|i to thilr eatatilahad reoutallon bi'uughi down on ihelr devoted head* every eorl of oiiiloal ailment In their ef- fprte IQ ooiinentrat* Ihelr attention on three iliign and an elevated platform all at onee-(o my nothing of the atrain a t­tendant on reading the preta agent'i ad- jeetlvu-j-K tiiey (toad bravely to thatr «tl(-apiM>lnteil task, notwlthetandlng th i fai'l that th«r wer* growing blaa* *fio thai-a* they admitted alDonr tbsmaalva* - I t wnii an awful Iwre.

But Palorioii N. J„ ha* received a ehoeh; and a j* not wla* at praient to meniinn within the hearing of one of It* eltlacni the luhject of an Anglo-Amarioan hlllanee. The eahlea have brought to thair Mr* from over ana* the aatounding new* Ihat an Lrigllah manufacturing town. Bal­lon, In Uiu'aah)r*. to be iipflclt, ha* had I t (0 enter tb* llata against their city and Ite beloved neord. Aa th* atory fuga, when Barnutp'a CIreue arrIvlJ In Holuin tiio other day Si» fhcl

ked lor a "day or And, upon ‘ ‘

_ . .0....... being rtfuead .—

• hey protnpUy atruek and went pour Ihelr ehllftnga Into ta t lap of tuta clrcui man.

hands aekei •how. favor, off tothe a*tuta clrcui mati.

The narrative goea on


This city does not coutain t more interesting gatherinf of worthy Dinner Sets than will be seen by all who take the time to step into our new ly re­modelled Basement salesroom.

The artistic shapes and tasty decorations wilt appeal to your sense of the beautiful 1 the prices will be encouraging to the economical.

A number of Chas. Field HavHahd French C h b a Dinner Sets have just k e n taken fiom the casks. They are beauties. Decor­ations are in spray and border effects— in pink, blue and green. This is how they’ll sell;tot piece Sets tot piece Sets 1I4 piece Sets 123 piece Sets

$ 2 4 e « $ 3 4 . ’ 5 $ 5 9 e ’ 5 $ 6 9 . 9 5

New York houses will ask you just about 2S per cent, morefor these high grade wares than we ask you.

Other French makes here include the Theo. Haviland andPouyat in beautiful decorations in blue, pink, green and lavender —In 101 piece sets priced at

- a t

Porcelain Sets of 130 pieces—four colors to select from — very handsome decorations—while they last— • 1 1 .00.

Sale of T h a n b g iv in f T abic Linens N ow in P ro fre s i,


’ f*onm*»r tSik. IBM.

m‘Valuesthat appear here daily—and vanish like lightning- as soon as the price peeps out in the papers.

Madam—Be prompt to-morrow morning if ; you want to share in the following:

COUTIL CORBETS-Good quality, good ihape, good wear. In wnlt* or drab, warth file..

RiailT RIHBONB-RIght oolori, right paiteiD*. right widtna gnd right price*.

15c. yd.All pure ellk taffeta*. Btrlpew plalda,

Ne. W. 1 Inchei wide, worth He.

22c. yd.Changeable 11111,415 Inch** wide, Na

W and H. UBual lac. value.

I8c. yd.Double-faced eatin ribbon, *11 pur*

allk. worth He., 4 Inchta wlda.

LADllEfl' H 0 8 B -F ln * K aro ootton tilack atocklnga, doubt* aolea, btgb ipHced heela, regular He. value.

1 5

-UILpRKN'SlIONNK'rB-Beiunleeo I Ic, red, garnet, gray, white ana other ' lore, handaomery irimmnd with lac* <

C llll•Ilk, recolori, _____ _____ _and fur. worth n .n , epeclal.

9 8A COAT NFECIAL - LadleT (In*

blaek heraey tallor-niad* eoat*. doubi* . •tltched, strap aeam*. * row* ititc h in t•tltchel. strap a e a iu a row* ititc h in t around bottam. plaid allk lining a paw ileevee, perfsefly fitting, our atandard tU coal, Tuetday tor,

7 . 9 8

Honest Furs The furrier who supplies us with furs knows his business; he b h on est; all h b skins are properly cured and dress^ . W e '

have handled and sold his entire output for a number o f y e a n and can depend on all b b furs to retain their lustre and give good service and w e a r .;

BEAL CAFBN-Bleetrio B«al Cap #alln llnpd, pointpd r#nM*n Umb ycHC_. U|nnned wllb 14 tallv tn d 4 h ttd i , v«lu«

d, pom wUn 14

T,: SEAL C O L ^ R B T T C a , electric aeal, mad* with Peralan lamib yMe, ( U ll* aatln lined, regular M.H value.

& o O a, RLECTRIO BRAL CAPE, Wtth potnt- , ed f^ralan lemb yoke, long tab fronie. , mad* with t (all* and t heada, regular

value IttW , ELEC-

FUR nO A B -lm llatlon 1101)* Marten ' ■ ■ " ^ a telle, worth

T r Ic |1EAL COLLaY._____ , __lar lette eliewhera a t U.KI. here, apwilal at

’CHILLA TRIMMED ------------ARKTTE, eam* opU

Boa* with I head* anda.». i « e s

Electric Beal, with ( tatla and t head*,

1 2 . 0 0imitation Black Bable, I tall* and 3

head*.$ 2 . 0 8

M ILLINERY-Y our Hal q r^B ^nrli. ir you want

Thankaglvlng ant It t* waar

that refined fltilehrd look, If you want Il to null your face and ahow It up

I TO 4 P. M. BPECIAL. Tuesday af. ternoon, ladle*' *ood_ MualUi _Nlghl-

In all 111 beauty—wr a n expert mllUn- ere of many yean’ experience, and havt mare factlltD* than othera to lult you and your pura*.

lernoon, xtom mum-t' ewna, with p luateraf tucki, wide ruL

e. only I to any on t cuatomer.

J 2 0 o . e a e t i . .I TO 4 P. M.. good quality Pur* Linen

Damatk Towel*, mnged, catered bor­der!. regular Uc., 1 to a cualomel'.

At 4.9811

W* (how you a choice oallto- tlon of Velvet Trimmed tiat* (or e.«o. Uig or atreci wear that would coat you twice th. money anywhere else.

BASH BROS., 775 Broad.A«*

I know a lady who was troubled with what her doctor! termetl Intestinal indigeation. Her laat doctor had her pursue the Baliebury treatment, which consiste of eating only beef and bread dried in tha oven and drinking all the hot water she could. I have seen her in the office where she ia employed walk along with a glaia tilted with waterttetmio'v hot. The ^tisbury treatment did mvc her some relief and

ithe ■ '■he persisted in it for three montha. It was then that she was inducedto try Ripani Tabules, and now |hefinds that there are many eatables {chicken for instance) which she was not allowed to eat at firit whid\she can now eat without distreai. Sht says Ripans Tabules seem to

The " - - -counteract the acidity of her stomach. Their effect upon her has been wonderful and the relief she gets ia as much as she ever eaperjenced with the Saliibuiy treatment, and she can now choose from a mora Uhcrsl bill of fare.

ICaila*'* 4(1(4 ( . 444* M ttle Paagfctrr.Frofn the Bolton Harald.

That was » sweet prceent the bumtloui Katier had awaltlne tha return of bit only Saulhter, Prinoeu Victoria Loula*. to Potadam, the other day, and It muet lie aal<4 ao Indulgent a falner le (o be coin-

» n la The little athcr'i aye—even — »** In gen-

tp hliTdol

mended by Aipertoan p*» girt II th# apple of tiei' fat ff h* doeen't think much o( eral-anJ thl* lateii offering wa* a iUlle.doniir!!

mokei.s r * : every day. th

the sex In . ng to hie . asrrtag* and a pair of

. . . . . . . __ new , ___ground!, eo as to bo ready for their baby



mlatryee, who fuet now Is oiily allowed to pet tfieah *iH give lumps of sugar, until they know evsry Kjoh of « e drive*. To tyi of tnlijoelted Prlnoeaichen

srriage. wBich Is a apecte* oi WSgonnte, Is fiUsd with all lorti

of aa^y oolored nioturri and crimson vel . ^ whit# whip and whit* hern— oaellea finlah off the sni

squfpAf*'- nisse 01. it'* fine to be a Prin-


hey know SV* 7 moa th* eye of tnli Ittls ki w

«**.''sOfoe kind of Mpoesaea,

vet _with iiart

are 1 I tender1when they

to rsla ts th a tstaSririlit Y?* pr*otl«ally_ i tJL.'t'odstiU except In th* otrou* tan li."

Ibl* phmio le ao partlouiarly tha prop-*'■**'' **1»4 "■ iphsbltsnts are Ju.tifled In proteeting a g w s t Ua ui* in

cpnneotlph with *ucfi an "unknown" aa Bolton, I^ncaibire. And they taka atnall f.op'tori In the suggeatjon thal th# tiD$f VnL‘'S’ ' fV^dAsnt who «bl*d ihfi bar- ro^ng tafe of rivalry wa* probably a Ps'rrson'sn hlmaelf. Maaawhll* th* i« Rl®'.*'?,*''*®*'' slliano* It a tor* print in that oily. And, It t r y olrou* tntnagtr

.a n opportuiiUy ^ _toihlre. fh ti In th* m atter of baing a elr«,

s:*j.i“t 7 W i; " o n r o r s ?

. N A V I Y O U t l E N T H l W O M A N 'S N E W $ 4 . 0 0 S H O E 7

Ohmam twaab work. Mad* on a last Asd Bis- Equal to any bl|k|fa$tW6MSii>boot, M»8o

I of tew t kH *1)4 with frastsat opta, Evstypsir warrantad. CgP

r S f A .A .E M B I e K , i A M t a j r S t m ,

Ten Cent Candy!lAKtk for our sptHjiaUles on tha TEN CENTS a pound conatar, AH good, wholesoma candy—our own mak«. .Lownsy'i ChoeolatCi, doc. pound.

157 Market Streetm Broad Street.

DON’T BLAME THE CHILDRENB v e B V B o c v iN Y ir s iy

TO SA L L .If they make a fuss and splutter about getting into the wash tub o ir Saturday night. They would appreciate the CMvenien^ce o f a m aU-.ll.r../.« 1.7 . . U.all ev the wmivti.im ffdks. if VDU havCn t 086 abathroom j i ^ as well as the grown-up folks. If y®h haven’t ope In your house, call and see the models we have fitted up at w atofw


It will do you good.



lyta I of Mltmatlwoal00(44


tea r, leoa* •d to paim ptivtotbasaaxtt

’VVAff'. .


2 1 ^

F 're to ts . H c k a n a s ........... .F g-eto ia M ta o ta ld e w to .C v o lu f l t P o r l E ..............A d e n t M a u a i a i c e •••■Iv lfk lw ffilcavatoai

4 0*ai«a4t4ii*Btq


. Of BU Bsr

•myt oo'i I tiT* pnol Conri WUat

Anotl of M M* b Piiac Asc." of th

Furvasttb*BinythoowS Y Sbe haortlMof otia ll boofatoy, Iam b aatur papsr•VMlooaDBatdlffartar*.revMInoocagingquimeoplaiClemifoaa 1fog, Itia u Intan btmaeli^ic^Of ph; tamp) abnor



tlto t i

.J k'' '.'t-'.’i

L f t n i m m a t a . m m f a F ........................ ................................................ .. » e wa r K m o l C t o i : | . f i 8 E S 8 l l ..................................................................... .. W s ..i E k P i o i g x x n ............................................................................................a o l o v n a , ' ............. .«a4*o.< '

H . H O ] ' -^ffiTAt MBAT3 u ; u i t > # 3 i


LT. jfo n m jM '.H ^ ' i^’ t M : '





Platfar A lw ay a A w w aA W k a a ■ • JTIb As m Ih r lc k t, T * m « aaA P m * l * ■!■ A *dl.*M *' ■ « w W a W v t t l i v ! • Om M ' « * i* k l r P * r « * t t M - 1 % * n u i * « T * B Omlr th * ■ •■ ( * t a n W * tk .

h» _b*Bt L .__ ^

••Oft** «R . k* a*uU M l toqutlalM M ,

> oWitth

*o-, rttt*I to la-

.. U 4 I'OC.lila

h tt

If__________»0«—tiMf* Wtt * ,

•p toward IlM froal. _ for b t r iMtT* and **ttier the whol* l e o t t r e .______ ________reclM for the aeoral r*c«M***Mt> of *>>• world bjF «ln-TUrl**tlon. • ‘

withdeaooe Dt; to


lIveroiL'JuM J C ha tir llaBia), Clemi . * >*•lena of tb* UfU*

tb* baapiM ata wa* tellliyt eraatara^a

tba P a u M r '^ ___ ______wblcb atw eartafnljr M t tba farorltaa

Proaa Th* U tanu7 DIfaaLSaaaoal U Clauatia, la, aooordlD* to Car-

Ipt* Bmytb*, a i«tb*tla flipiiw-Ui* Tlotlm of U* own wit and bomer, H* dataita tba bnatnaa* of niabtng tan for tba world; and Would do alnuat an7thlng to avoid It If ha oould. But ba oaniiot Natura laid out hla wotfe for him, and daaptu btmaalf ba baa to partorm IL

Ifr. ta rtb a waa with Hark In lb* lab tar'* tolklnr trip around tb* world, and UDdartabaa In 'Tb* Pull Halt itaaraHn* to Twraal thla tarloua aid* of th* humorlafa ohanotar. Ha bacln* with an Incident that aihlblta oa* of tb* panaltlaa that bU' ■tor brlBci' Kr- Clemona, on hla raoant tour, vMtad tb* famoua •Tower* of SI IcBO ’ m India, and on* of tb* party dailr. od to atalt* a anap-ahot of tb* aean*. but parmMon waa paramptarlly rafuaad, Thla prlvUag* had alwaya baen aooordad to other travalUnt partlaa, and Hr. Smyth* atmoualy aabad why. It abould h* dantad tbant. A Para** tnand praaant r*pU*d without baaltatlon: ••Th*y ar* a f i ^ Hark Twain want* tb* ptotur* for tb* purpoa*

. o( maklns fun of tb* Towar*.'Beneath tb* foam of fim and fanoy. Hr.

Smyth* aa*ur** ua, tbar* I* In Hr. Clam. an'* natura a currant of daap and aun**- tlT* thought; and tbara ar* abundant proefa in ••A ConnaoUe^ Tank** at th* Court of King Arthur" and '•Pudd^nhead Wllaon." that tb* wrttar baa quit* aa Srm ngnap of aoma of tb* profound proU*nu o r Ilf* a* many of tb* apaclaltat* hav*. An*th*r *vld*iiaa of th* naJ aartounna* of W* obaraet*r la tb* fact tbat, among bl* boobi, hit own prafercnoa la for ’Tt Prlnot and tba Paup*r* and "Joai AM ” which a of th* public.

PuDdamintally, tb* author of '•Tba In* noetnti Abroad" appoari to ba a ledat* ta, vant wbo baa b**n aaduoad from tb* path* of high nriouanaa* by the fatal ten** of: tb* rldlculoua. Tbia vlaw, aay* Hr. Bmytbe, la furthar abown in th* wall* known detaatatlon Hark Twain baa al- w a y t ^ for tb* frivolity and lubrlclly of tb* Pnnch otaaractar nod In th* bomag* be bat paid to tb* larloumeB* and aolldlty ortb* (Jarman* He bao a ourlou* glutton- oua lltatauy appatu* tor Marly all kind* of book* azcept book* of poetry. Of tb* po«u 1m raada Browning only, and, itrange to M r, on Tfaaokeray, (Joldiraltn and Addl- aon b* n*vtr could azpend a mlnuta HI* natural taal* hat baen debauehad by new*. pap*r readlag. M* delight* to port ovar *v*n a dull newapaper, and wtu pick up on* In Brtl*T*noc to any book.

But for all thla b* u by ao mtani In- dlSarant to Mrving oranamanahlp In lat- tara. H* now apenda a great deal of time revtftaig bla BBannaorlpt. H* wrota 'Tb* Innocent* Abroad" In taro month*, arar- aglag S.OM word* p«r day. "FoUowlnf tba Equator," a book about th* cam* tl«, r*- qidrad etgbt month*, baalde* Uit time oc-

■■ Bmytbe aay«: a work, Ht.

aacetlc teclualon, aoornlng all axerela* and racraailon. H« gota info bl* itudy at about t In th* morn­ing, and will not laav* hla rnanuaermt tia toward T In th* aivanlng. During tb* Intaaral, tb* only nautiabnant ba allowB blmaelf la tobacco, which, roughly apeok- log, b* amok** an day. Th* conatltution which tolaraioa thla abut* 1* th* puial* of phyutdana, for although tb* pulaa and taraparature are commonly ' ' abnormal. Hr. CItmana < 'robuit health. Tb# book i________patched to the publUher, It* author pro­ceed* to fonnt It a* apeedlly aa poaafbla, •nd ordlnatljy aoSeaeda. l«okbarf ralatea bow, wbaa The Brld* of Lummanaa

and of a dlfferanoa of oplnlan twlwaao and bar parecti aa to tb* praela* number of poaalbT* *lna. A* It happened tb* child waa right; whtraupn H r. CMmaM Inatalcd then and thara, bafor* th* baaquat, upon being allowed to writ* a iboid not* to bta unknown llltla frtand, giving her hla algned daclaraUM tb a t b ar atataaiae t waa corraet—th a t thara war* only W iln t, andan lb* axparta In th* penltanttartaa of

I* w o ^ had not baan abl* to Invant any mor*. ThU tra it, thla axcaadlog lov* of shlldran, la a very ]uat Index toTb* whol* chatmetar of H ark Twain, who In v a n many raapact* b a t th* M a rt and dltpoaf- tlon of a lltu* obild.

"Tbor* la, of coarao. m uck autobtog- raphy la hla publltbod writing*, but Tn on* of hla lateat th a n la an uaconaeloua place of aalf-portraKura, urbar* tb* author

I. aaya of a eharactar, 'n* waa alaraya ao good aud kind, and moony, and abaant- mlndad and lavabl*.' T h a t la th* real H ark Twain, who, oung and baoc aar

;*r, cloaely rcaamblirtftx 1 mwtmy I WW.In wondariand.'

rho, In bl* ter* of tb* aarlouanaaa o r hla oharac- obl** th* autbo* of 'AUc*

w orn AND SUPWESOKS.B o o o v d a g h o w th * W a o k o v Sox B tnada

> Bnaall Chawo* of Belwg *av»* Whoa Oaaght Ua • DUaataa,

"Wonaan and obUdren Srat" la ooa of th* oldaat tradition* a t th* aaa. It 1* an' order of thingi unlvaraally raeognltad by oAc«ri and aallor*, and the atalp Captain wbo rafuaad to obaarv* aocb a rul* arontd B»*t with Immadlat* and waU-marlted dlagraoa.

Hany art tb* atorla* of maitna dlautar* which tall *f th* herotmn of offloar* and man wbo ramalnad with tbair atnUng ahlp until' every woman and child waa aalaly away. Soma time* auch dlaolplln* and ooutagt ooat that* noble men tbair llvai and tom* lime* not. If they do moot death, tbty go down proudly oonaoloa* at having don* tbotr duty.

But tboro nro oaaaa whoro th* rul* of 'woman and obUdtaa Brat" baa not baan

carriad out, Thera ar* *om* dark peg** In tb* talatory of marin* dlaaaUra where oa* can read how tb* weaker tax war*

RdWHe iD Jom rr sale RellaMeMcfchMogMi ‘ * . , Q K TTH® . . , Mercbudlse

For U » For LessT h u Cost DavKi Mraus stock J b u Coot


An aamriad lot otHtbso ooitali, m ^ * by on# o( Ik* lobdlng m u - alacM nti, all i Ik ^ actually ’w cib Ho., lalo prio*

COTBBt COVBfB.Mad* ol good qualllr maellm

they t n wdl dnltb*^ tb* kind ttioally told hw Us., ad* |al«*

S o .U ndanklrtg .

KovalUat la patUi •omMOt ot lauat itylatrtpM danoal lined a m _____bnM with oanraa, ragular pdorn H Jb laltptio* '

CsiTlBgB Covgn.Otniag* OoTO* at Bn* whti*

dwapatin. laix* Ua* poakat, lined tbmughaut, baaullM U tk ^ o u r mlaprlc*

quirao etgni monina, paane* cu p M la m a k lu notaa, H r. I

"During th* tncaptloo of Clamant llvaa a Ilf* of aao*

-wo* placad to r tM Brut time, in It* ooo- • t* ahapa. In Soott'a bandk Ita author

not racollaet on* alngl* In d d an t ebar- ' dn. Thack-

plet* ahapa, did not raool actar or oonvaraatlon; and aray atataa tb a t whan o aont* back number* of

1 again, Ttai 0* KO«bg (

-~ w . 'Pendannu,' uccam e upon 'a paaaag* which I had ntteriy forgotten a t If I bad n are r written It.' B u t Btr W xitar dictated T h e Bride' a t a ttm* wban h* wa* to g roat phytical pain, and tb* eompoaltloa of 'P an ' wa* Inter-

I Mm

ih^bla booK*wUh provoking and ' ' ~ Ao Inatance ot

lat«id voluma It

K flit U B d a n r a s r . ... Dalon flatH — Bata*-lined .|b*r am parlaetly mod* aad n ^ Bnlahad, uaually n ld katSo.. ^

M tu H a s.Taid wide blaaobad HnUln.

nrBL aran (bread, real loft lalih , **•3 ^ c .

BantlnK- •IW claeet of Sad. HUM and

Blue Buntlag for dmpaiy and all tairioUc purpoaaa oea not ba Douxhi lor low th*ata.ipanitli

B oyg’ W algU .Boy*' Walati In flannall and

ptrcaJot, pretty pattarat and naat eBecU, uaoaUy acid lorSta each, wleprto*

Cloak and SuitDepartment.

T o h t s to le U> p u r c h a s e s K a r m e n t . e a p M is U y g u c h b s t l ( lx A h ) ^ g ty U g h , w e l l , m s d e ( s r m e n t a l o r l e s i t h a n I t c o s t t o m a k e t h e m , S t s u c h s t i m e a s t h U , J u i t w h e n t h e y s r e m o s t I n d e m s n d B h o m d m a k e I t n e c e g . ' a s r r I b r y o n t o t a k e s d r a n t a g e o f t h l a op> p a r t B i i l t y .

RnahOW MI) lo » lm ^!aw

H o b a i i a ? S £ s ! ? ? i J ! ; i M £ Wpuo*-------------------------— ..................... ..... 0 * 0 0

Chlldf*n;i Loat Ooas in hmadeloth and t»o-b»adsssr-iiMaP'H II.. MW . . w . . . . M M . w t . M , a h w ^S p

1 Cbpt, t7 ^ io Incbai loag, tilnmad with * j3 5 u a Unad Ihivuglmof xrHb baartaath n u m ■n.oumsaoo,

PtnaliBpofOad •a t 1*1 and aOk a Ulk ndbatar, woath ml* |Bla*>....

Stuttgarter Underwear.A broken lo t o f th li itandard brand of undoiw

w aar to r mon u d women, Shlru, D n w o n , V eati nnd P i s t i . B a rly oom cri will probably find th rfr all*. Tboy a n uatially lo ld (or -H — —l.T S to l.T Sporgarm en t,M lep rlc* M

Hosiery Deptla Oompoaed of a most carefully se lected staek ot IdMileo', Mlgges’ and C h ild ren 's P la in and F an o y H ose, Anything you m ay h a re a ihnoy fo r In such goods can be bon gh t h ere fo r less than It coots to <»»t- p o rt o r m ak e them .

V— , beautiful Un* ol opanwork lU*bltak vtlb fancy topa, actually wenh Mo.,

ChlMna'i raoey Boat, In Iba new ptald m ^ __aSaol, naaaUy ifU bw be., ml* prlo* ZZZ I C b O

Childreo‘1 Plain Slfabtd OMhmera Boh, t » w oany t^ f c a n o . . ml* ptloa..„........ l O O

faatfBod*,Ladha' Batatal Wool Bo**, In all alM, »*. —

unally acid for He., mte prl«.....„.„ S 0 I S OMaak Bmvy Dottco Half Bote, doable iolm w w -w__

and tal|h igliead beek worth itc., lat* prica...»>,. X v f O

TaMoUnta.Hmay SaUn D a n ^ iw o yaida wtd*. par* whHa. la many baad. maM pattaiaa, uaoaUy aoU far t l .« par yard,aal* txteapar yaiC

O Q o .Tablo Padding.

XxmMar Tabia raddlng. the

piiOA par yard.

, U sbh TowoHIng.toSwOK U(M Isn a la r Towel-

ftjfc with rad boner, uau- Hhi m H lor uo. par yard, ml* H M , par raid,

F fo a c h P k a a o l .

B ldB fdow sB .Wool Bdordowao la obeoba

{Hbli aad plain oalam mnabla h r ofaudnaVooam, mbm us., worth asi^ mto prteo

B laskB ts .Boval Bom

BlaakoH. lUboidma uwuuy 1 per pair, ml* prim

O U l j ^ Woo.oolor

■or noo

8 . 4 T .Dtsbb O e s d t .

All onr Importod aovaltlm, thla • m m 'i MpoettUoat, In two. tooM p tM oa valom and )ao- q u t^ auiUngn In a larga aariacy of M a te aadtlylaa. formaa prim n*. to SSo., aal* prim, raid.

Allkn.Iiom de m ta , Mmtda-

te ia . wanaatod j n i a aUk. ax. aallmi quauiy a t 7Ioi7 ipaelal

rusted iiy a 0___ _____'wr, Clamau fortata th* iDddeota and

paaiaam In hi* book* with provoking and Inoxpneablo rofularity, Ao Inatance otird* la hU lal

Brat r d id lw y* In tb* gaOE

IB JMjioUM*. Ewy aboutotf oat.

th la h* tooorda la waa a t hla Wbaa tn*M (oon * 1 h* n o p au ad on tb* h* dead, H a r k f Th* au th o r failed th e ln«ld*m tw fam d to until aoraa Hour* uftor. Again la the aum* city a lady aiked him to tnoloda In hla programm* tb* itory M th* yellow dog. T or the m e of him he could not recau th* falnteat outline of tb a t atoiy, and It w u only aftar men- Uonlng t u raqnaat to h li wife tb a t be 'waa ramloded of the Incident tn 'Pudd'n- ^Md^WUion,' tba la taat bock be had pub-

"Tb* labor aqnandered by Mr. Clemena upon th* ooaatrueUan o t hi* aenlence* It largely It* own rew ard; and hU exper- lenem tm tity to the falHblllty ot ctitl- dam In *v«a am oalag meaaure. Upon no wofk baa bo lavt*b«d m ore ear* than upon 'Joan of Arc,* which la th* raault of aeven

‘ the 1______ __ . . . - , i a o f L i e Bleur de Conte,

PAgo Abd aeoratarv to J oad, a elmple-

Finn.* Nor i* b* Inoauiibl* of

Worn tb* p*a of Le Bleur de I retar

--------- , „ ._ tu r a d country *00...:.ClemaiM'i object waa to throw oft hla oauial atylA and airaet one of ilmplc, ntcAlghtfcrward unadonMd Englkh. Th* Mvernpo* of oplnlana. even among load- toc ontloo, upon bl* literary atyl* ha* boon ao bm lom ly IrroooncUable that It I* not aurpm lB glbat during twoniy-flv* year* no ha* b*«i ■wit. with Clemani'* permimlon. Tor review.'

'•Upon J u r k Twain'* atyl* there muet neoeemriiy b* dllftrent opUiIonu^ ”

, bl* petformanc** are unequal *•.* proao-writer yaobnUy A tp * woth In

. b«*i In . and ‘Hack

-------- ---------- ------ bta falllngiIn tbli n n e o t Ona ovonlng, *t a dinner BSnU® '» Bontlm an remarked,'Oh. Hr. Cleraena 1 wa* glancing through "Tb* Innocent* Afemd''^ th* d h er day, aad wa* nirprlaad to dtaeovor a glaring arror In gramnwr.' H you only found OM,’ replied Hr. Clemona, *you war* for­tunate. 'Tha la jt Hm* 1 look^ a t It, to rafiwM my maraary of a paaoagu i diioov. •rad »(»r**,' But tbeea i* on* (eature In HaiSt 1>aln'» writtan pag* th*T raartta notlo*; h* baa ntver found it naedful to atan outald* th* cover* of an Enguiti dto- UouaiT to expr*** hi* thought*. He h u nevwr b**n gtuUy a t th a t panidt ot *1 - tloa wlilch Inda axpraaalon la th* um of atanotyped forefini quotation* tbat, far t ro a Improving th* aantenc* into wblcb they a n J m j^ td , d a l ^ It a* a ^ i r a e a • f goM Bngllih. In thla reim ct bla al pna diction, although potalbly, aa :

avan, purrljr AnMrIcaB, ay* not lui- of Imitation by many wbo, a a jlr ,

■■ ■ ■ (u n k lag -

laft to battle aa b««t they oould for place* In the overcrowded llfhboit* or were beaten away from tb* life rafta by brutal aallora or forsaken on aoraa alnklng ahlp. But fueb ca*ra, happily, ar* rare.

Btiipwreck* where women are neglected are nowadaya uaually caae* ot coIUalona and audden accident!, w hen a panic

liiea th* pamenger* and tb* weaker on** ar* trampled under foot In the tnad ru*h for the llfebcAta or tho** wrecki w ban there la no time for oonalderatlon, ■nd th* ofllcer* have no opportunity to exerelae their authority,

Interaat In the queatlon aa to tb* treat­ment which women In ahlpwrack* receive ha* ba«u aroused by the alnklng ot the Mohegan and the fact that a amatl pro­portion ot th* women wero saved from the wredc. Him Katherine B. Noble, of Bal­timore, who wa* one of the few aurvtvore of thla terrible wreck, haa told the atory ot her experience, and a thiilUng tale It la.

When the Hohegan e m b ed on the rocki oft the Dlxard, Hla* Noble waa self-poa- seated enough to aelxe a life preaarver and rush on deck. But before the Uteboaia could be lowered the veasel turned partly over, and a huge wave awept com[' ' aoroaa the deck, The plucky tirt aBred hartm by _ _ _ louae, and when the wave awept past at- tem ted to oUmb Into the rigging. Hlaa NobV* clothing, whieta by tbia time waa ■oaked irlth water, impM*d bar raova- menta, ao tb* altppM oS bar ahoea and ber outer iklrt.

"I waa cltngtng to a batch with on* of the ofllcen,'" said Utaa NobI* In de­scribing her experltno*, "when an im- menae wave awept down 00 tb* ibis and caniad me overboard. In my atruggiea to keep afloat 1 wa* diivso *galnat a pUnk aad telaed U deapalilDgly.

"In th* ruah and roar of tb* amter* then* cam* to me coostantty tb* atory ot a woman wbo w m raacuad aftar th* Elb* foundered toms year* ago. Bh* had boon for flv* bourn In the water, and th* tbought/if her long leruggi*. whkb ended In raecu*. gave ma frwh ooorag*. 1 clung to that plank In the wave* for tore* hour*. Than a lifeboat cam* along, and ~ picked up."

The atory of tba Mb* wblcb Him Ndbl* found *0 auatalning wa* the ease of Him Anna Bu*ck*r, tb* only woman who aur- TlvM that itupendcua dtaaater to tba nl- tatad North Oanaan Lloyd ataam m p.

During the wreck of the /twamiblp SohlUir In th* En|Uab obannel twenty-

* Plucky Baltimore clinging to a dack-


Leaa P leturaegw e Tbaai Othoa Owatl.■ • ■ ta l SeAWorta.

FTom the Pall Hall Oaiett*.It la well for Portugal than on* trAvala

Brat through Spain; the diacomforta of ■ be latter making those ot tb* fanner aink into Inalgnincanee. The moment one la over the frontlar the difference la fiH. The change In the type of faoa is aim aeen a t oncA The rather ugly feature*, to akin ao dark aa to auggett Hooriab or Afrloan blood, the thick Up* and lovely •oft black eyes are dlaUnctly Poctugueaa, They make a-ra ther plam ensemblA bat It I* characterlatlc and Uitereatlng.

Lisbon Itaelf, although posBesaing a mag- nlfloent bay, does not bear comparison for natural beauty with Genoa or Naples, but It haa It* poiPt*, and great one* Jo r a aea« rt It u clean. I have penetrated In­to the pooreet and oldest quarters, and hav* found that there la no afreet, no mat­ter how short,, narrow or poor, where a lady cannot go without comfort. Naples, a* we all know, has much to laam in this r«q>cct And I cannot ace that lAebon loeea much, U any, of Ita plctureaqueoeaa h^auae of lU cleanllneu. Tho houtea of th* lower olaaiea are moatly tiled outside In the softest of color*, wDll* othera are whltewaataed In blue, pink or green, giv­ing the quarter an air of gayety and a w«l-to-do eepeot that 1* very attracUve.

Of actual preaalng poverty one aee* noth­ing. Poor there are, and beggars, but ot the worst kind of want I have aeen noth­ing, and 1 do not believe It exists to any great extent The priaoni, bowever, have Inmates; of that I had ocular evldenoe. In n ln g along a street I beard a laugh, anif some on* saying, "Tea, yes." with a ationg foreign accent. On inveatlgatlon It proved to be a woman behind a barred window, who waved her band and amlled, and than went on with her eonvarsatton wttb A frtand In tho atraik. However, ther* cannot be many dOaiiden, for th* police teem to have but Utile to do, 'n * latter have a buslnaaalUEe air about them, small a* a rule, but sturdy aiut vtgoroua and extremely pidite.

UnUI one gata aocaatooMd to It Portu­gal U a most Utlsfylng Iflaoe from a Bnanolal point of vlaw, but then one's PMlmtA are kaMtuot**. Tcugtvo your bankerU *M receive In return notaa, large and sm all amounting to l%U() refa One's hotel bill fur a day li an alarming document on tb* face of It. For Inatance; Hot batb, BSl Ada; tbava, flD n l t i braaktaat, S70 reta; hmph, 1,0W rets; dlnnar. !,«» rela; drtnki wTrets; room, ^ W ^ e la ; to ta l #.l»® rela-whleh nwans



OM eago BaA pavorers Dtatribat* Tkaai la H oapltal* aud llam a.

H ow th* W ork I* Carted Oa.I t seem* one of life'* little Iroole* th a t

Chicago, known unto Ita enamlea aa "tbs city ol wlckednesa pork and wind," should bo the bomb of tba largest flower mission in th* United S tate* Thla condlUon of affair*, howivar, 1* not without Ita pleas­an t thought*. I t Is In the slums and tha hosplIalB of a great city th a t flowera, lug- geallve of sunafalne and open skies and exhaling the perfumed *weetnas* of pur* e tr and Indolent breeses, are mo*t w*1- come and moat longed tor.

The preaent gigantic propofttona ot th* work done by th* Chiesgo flower mission Is due to tlje Toung People’s Society of Christian Endeavor. The different mem' bets of thla society tn Itllnola, lows, Hlch. Igan, Wisconsin and Indiana co-operate In ■upplying the bulk of the flowers distrib­uted by th is ac tiv t mlasloo. The railroad*

M d diction, although poi L aiw avara, purrlF AnMrlci erociny ,of Imitation by m ai, . l-auig nlmtelf, varlegAt* tbeir pi UBb arlth backnayed qootatlona.

“Mattbaw ArpcI' ------« a « te f with Ml aud sAar a goo.•arlou* talk on tb* oommon (rtynd Ing homa,

three < yaari ago, but otw woman was mvad, ^ I h o u ^ torty -th rsa man aaotoad a ll* * I t aaemi a lamantabla and yet a p*. ouUar cdnoldenc* that only on* woman, loo. abould bav* bean aaved from th* re-

Again ICap* paperthara not oarlain paasagaa In bis

__ j not utanded toorltlo and Uit joumaL

work* which o lea ib ^ * g reat t

_japoaaet* „I th a t Ik all U a rh Twain aaya orithar' — ----------

Ukapoaaeaaed ylthjth^^aam* aut-1 humorou* Istantlon !■ *vtr pn*-------------- ‘"p ^ l a a k and a

r. Cfamana'i a m 1, ITom tha mo-

oent wiwok of tb* iteAmar Booigogn* n*arI W * MABd.~ ' t saw th* hull o t a. ahlp loom in

fbm" m id Mi*. L a Caaaa, th * hem n* b* diaaater, “ and alm ost tanmadlaWy* oAm* A lr*m*nd<— ---- —

___ manip cananad o v e r ______ _____ _tb* WAV** w m e d In and awatn-acaa* *( tb* pAaaengen a n lo a t th* Iron ataneblimi of tMBMaataUp. T b * la it that Ir*««<ntiM of th* d H s ittr Itaelf wa* th a t t toek h ^ of a ra ft on th* deck and waa w aabc lovar. WAid by a bW wav*. I b*U on to tk* t a f l lawever, and^then loat my **aa*a"

H*r nuaband leaped ov*rh*apd and MUght b*rt Juat a* A a w u - H l te n g ' tha water, and both floated about for 1

I* bafor* they war* raauuad.^ u t iueh e**es *a the** u * «xo*pti<mil.

Woman, u a rut*, slw ay* raotlv* a t at* irs t oonildtrattim, and It aeam* to I s onlyn oaaaa of general — '------------ -----------

ttn g tr* th*ra*am « a b m by the old tndlUcin,“--- ' *ism*fl*

T h ai* G ro w tii Horw M aplB Iw T a a th T hoai Iw AdLwIla,

TkUat tb* Phlladelptda Ledger.Tb* flng*r nail* of the human taeolat

groH mor* rapidly In children than In adult*, and tb* growth la alowiMt with the need. Both In childhood and tg t they grow faiMr In nunmer tham'ln winter. In one Initmoee n nail tbat rAiulred JH days to rtnaw in winter r*n«w*d In eummer in •i(aatly lU days. During both *«*aoni th* patient upon whom tbia Experiment wa* fliAd* enjoyed normal beattb. Th* method of teaUng this growth waa In each In- * t | ^ tb* asm*.

Tb* nail waa parsd close and illghtly nctAed at the quick. Both the rlAt and left band were atudled, wllb the raault that U a growth of tb* flngar nail* la more K M oatlt* right band than on the leftOn* teullarfty of tbe growth of Anger tela, la addition to tboa* atated, hi that the period of renewal differ* proportion- Maly with tn* length of tbe Anger*. Thus It Is more rapid In th* middle Angara than My oUa In the Angara on either tide .of IM mlddig S o^r th* period ot renewal I*

eqttal and alowar. It la avan mor* alow In tb* litti* linger, and tb* alowart ofjUMn lb* thumb.

the same Angara on tbe dit-

DUIlUBUTllHI r a i piow bbs

and th* rHIway azpraa* companta* carry the baakata and box** of flowera fra* of chsrg*. and avary Tuesday morning tba home of the aoclaty In th* A th M u u m Building la transfcnriied Into aous greanhr— ----- * ■la beautiful

sM - .tto r up, the


PeoallA F H ag w la llo a * W h ich O w vcnt P lA yeaa a e g A aB laac**.

From Th* D ram atic Newi,In no o ther country but Cub* la the

preaence of tb* pubtto tolaratad In tb* theatra# during rehearaala. cUmatle oeo- alderationa o t oours* explain why rehear*- al* are catted a t 7 A. M., but no Cuban I ever apoke to oould give any reason why In Havana, tb a public should b t permitted to attend rehaarsa lt free of charge.

Th* law doe* not allow * negro to appear on Ihe Cuban atage, with tbe result tb a t tbe ffpanlab aetora a n extremely proud, and It appUua* la withheld ar* prone to wax u tre m e ly wroth, A* whU* wumeo In Cuba wopld think It derogatory to ap- p ra r aa aupera. th* law whiab rw ulataa th e theatre la *o (hr relaxed aa to allow black women to appear on the atage. But the male negroei, except as keeepers when quadruped* ar* introduoed.l a re eternly prohibited. In th* itock plays wbich con­tain e b a rse te n unaulted lor white per- fonnera painted mulatto** are tolerated.

A* every town In Cuba ha* it* dram atic censor, and all the** gooUemcn bav* ib*lr own view* a* to how a work Mould be treated, a play rendered euJuble to r H a­vana fn q u astly require* * oonipletely dlf- ier*Dt lupftrvUfon for, m / SantitBO- Needla*! to say, a ll playa tb a t have under- m n e a double censorablp a n quite use- leea for piaaentatloo. Th* authorltlea, not even the cenaort being A la to cope with earthquake*, a re careful mainly bw ause th e r a re fond of attending tbe theatraa theraaelvea, to aee that no nrea occur.

Every theatre during a performance boa upward of flfty black oomwroa 'or tlremcn ready to oxUngulah outbreaka. The pit In the Cuban theatrea 1* raaerved for whit* gentlemen, and the flrat tier, which la only ralaad about a foot, ao that convermtlon may be Indulged In, for whit* women. Aa Cuban women, when vlmtlng the theatre, love to sport aa many ring* a t tbetr Bn- gera will bold, they do not waar gloves, Hoat wcnnan ot position bring tbeir at- te n d A ti w ith them, but tbaa* poor unfor­tunates a n not perm itted to ihare In the fun, for. they are eorapelled to alt on tb* eoot twblnd the ir mlatressee.

The Unkirng of a Mil outelds during Ihe p erfo rm A ce la tbe signal for the play to stop to enable a ll prsaent, adore Included, to kneel down and erase thsmselvee. The tinkling bell meana tb a t a procawdon ot prtestt la ptaelng to adminlater lb* boly aacram ant to a dying man.

208 to 216 Spriagfield Avenue.

Annual Room Making-Sale.Stock must be reduced, consequently prices will be

reduced, ss we must have room for digplayiuK our Wge stock of holiday goods.

H Nottlnghate Late Curtatni, t ymrde long, pretty patitroa

6 6 c . P a ir .k.^Platn Whit* Domat Flaonal ax-

tra heavy and long nap,

5 ic . Y a rd .Ito, naw Outlag Flannala in UgM

and dark color*, ax lra heavy,

6*c. Yard.^ •C j LIv* Oats* Fsatbara, w arrantad

'■ 'l 2 i c . L b .F««d]r W ttM p

6 3 c .

1.19 Pair.uvlp. An-LlD*n Fas* and Kltohan

TowaUlDK 11 bM M inda,

9c. Yard.■a. A ll -W te _____

wida, ex tra naavy, aad eat oolora,

2lc. Yard.M toebas th* saw -

Bast quality Flataehai'a KnttUag Tarn, In all oolort and black, par jg lb.

18c.Beat quality F M ao h tr 't Cream .WMIa

Saxony W ool tvary hank pu t op Is ttastt* paper.

4c.COSSET aALB-UtdlaaP w hite «ad

gray, full boned, sO elxea good Jeea and wall fluidt, valu* He., whUt thoy laat.

25c.MtB yard* aa* Wbtta Embnitdary, w

Asaortsd widths and paxtaraA valo* up to ISA, eholo*

5c. Yard.Chlldren'e T aqaea In all oolow, fMoy

•tripe borders, while they last, vaIu* Wo., for

19c.lisdlea' vary An* W bit* Hwte* l a -

hratderad Handkerahtef*; btAutlful pettarna, valua up to E&, whU* thag laat,

9c. Each.Me. E iStn

bleached Cotton FlAanel, wag nsp, a Inobee wide,for

H e a n Un- Flan

6ac. Yard„ l l « ExtraComfortabie,and

nn* Satean a x tn Ha* flUad wttb

best wbAa^mddlog,2.26.

Ic. Oenuhii Smo*k«*g Apron Olngham, in btua, brow* and graan obaeka, fast colorn, warranted

4c. Yard.WOL Hen's Tleeo* LHied

Shirts aad D raw sra with overlook erame, ex tra dne quality, etch

39c.S .» Hen's AU-w«

Sweattrt, in bHok and navy, with combbuUm stripes,

1 . 0 0 .

t o ---------sau rA jr*CUIdrea’a Reefer Jaek-

•ted atylea era, nioeiy up to HJf,

1.00 Each.L*d»^ ^ w o o l B«*nr Cloth JaakeU, an '

mad* up and Jd lot, obtap

dl*** Fm* Pur Ntek irattaa, la wblu and ^ y Krlauasr, silk lined,

U dl**' p ta i Btaok Fin*

ss:s,ir5'H2L‘:':aiM”ss: 9c. Pair.

Infant*' B and K H t

16c. Each.. I»Al-lan Clotb UndsreklrtA, Jl0> drap o m b n d ls r a ^ Ih, aritb f nerd* aad Ub M throughout, valu* t i n ,

98c.,N o , i AU-allk D oubte

Badii Ribbon, 00^ *d edgt. In a lt th e n*w t e d r a tb* ragttlM U a

8c. Yard..A AiAA. i i a * * * * * * AAA w A A iA H * . --------- ir ir r n ^ i v i i w u i - r u u !

■Ur wtorlLMI,


1.80.HI****' AU-wnol B*av«r

Cloth Jaaksti, blaek and navy U t e lailor-aMda vA luatU I,


O p a S n i l u i T l i l i

W hit* W bbtd y e e u , long e la^ ea rfa n ey triaimad and tapM — Wo. value, naoh.


The following first-cIsM grocers sell and guarantee It* Price no more than the ** Just as good.”

p n a t W A R K .F. J. Hull k Co, Cor. H igh St. and Central Ava. Jobbera ‘ TK

Aaron Ward A Sons, HI Broad St, Doremua Bros., m Broad Bt. FW. E. Taylor. f « Broad S t W. W. Lyon A Co,. M Hiuneyry I

P-„D. Munn, « l \ i y a * h l n ^ Bl J. Northrup, IB WushlOgten Bl.E. a. Sbawgtr, 606 Orange BL (T. G, Wolf*, Grey and Orange Ste,Oforgv Ackerman, a Ulooraflald AvA W m Book A Sons, IW-IU M agadu* at.J. Kro*ger, Littleton Ava J. McMahon, m Bank S t Charlse Sonunar A Bon, Ml F t

J . H. B. V ogt to Broad B t Kanry Hoaa, Cor. Qraon and Mulberry S ta S. KsItenbech.Cor, Belmont and ITth A vea Figueroa A Munn, 40 Washington S t R. P, PuUln, UO Orango Bt.Lewis Beach, IN Orange S t Bamuel GlbUn, 4M l l a i f e t Bt.Ih I t Jllukene, H Bloomfield Ave. Q e p m R. W eber E | rtfteen tb Ave. J / U Schloii, n WlllUai S t HLlponnclIy. n ^ B M k S t

A And Summer Atba Averly PL

I e r a n , L . _ . wT Hllltr, 71 Robrechlj AH

J(rt A (7

r Ava,■e B tSt.

.Ill* A va_____ Av«.irtb A v a aud Broad S t

John H. M u llw rtl P e m t^ v a n l* A va ^ T tehenpr.B t



daiQ# 1 1 m a iro rm e d into & f m t odor.

As fast aa thaflow en 00ms in tbe bou- uete a n i^ekad^b mprStt boaktU and

tmak ioniL. an entlro d*

where they

I da llsti tbi

______ s ti_______Is very much m ora w ^ t n e than one

•onally A t a t l ' t k V M t e , bellertn* that a bowguat^rw recipient's hand with a kfiid ;

Her* ar* than p«r- mamDera

Med Into tbe word Or two

Many a n Ih* alequanTutU e orlai ai

cllv hoeplUla vlettlng iS i M uSara,

retuga than during tbe tu cordlngly the value of floral during tlia dark month* «f

It will ba found that tba hand Angara nqu lre about

longer to renew t b u those ofn ia r the growth of the nalte baani ar* govecned by the A of growlag more rapidly

th a n la wintar.______

S a ien ee b y C U ld ra n .A taw funny anawert a well- o r a t Cbleago received tn ex-

” l» the moat dUutad por- in tary can a l" o f avolutlon began with life and grew higher and At laat ragantratad Into

tg arotaat waa^ao akw i t e __ a A e y nor th* men knewA b M tlt, '~

‘ A lilBy Insect, aomatim**'* ----- ^ I t 1 * * 0 very

teen by * tele- dleeseee are M ntaj paaraU k* the head


r, U dig tha dark monthii

Christian B ndaavoranolC hm aoelhO M b fore ahotber year baa p w m T ao hava gresnhoua* ot tbair own, m th a t an a d tg .o n S .r "^ ito tS

During tbe year tb* vartel that come pouring geoue roeea hotSoi bloseORw oan be fith hollyhnor tatox end9 make u t _____

Besides its flowera trlto tes at oartatn sndda lt log and

H erroua T ow n* W ossen Olvea In* a t n t e t lo u to r T h is Oeeaaloa,

From tbe Cbtoego Chroulcl*.Confldence and repoae are two a ttri-

butee much to be deeind by the girl who ie to ac t In tbe trying role of bridesmaid. Not many young women ar* posteeaed of tbe requisite nerve, end when osUled upon to face tbe ordeal they dtaplsy their defioleney.

Of oouras every girl hope* to be a brldes- mald At lasat ones In her life and wlabea to carry off th e p a rt with graca dignity and eclaL Shpw lihe* to enter the ebarota and w alk slowly Up tbe aisle with a man­ner tb a t aball win golden opinion* iro n a ll sort* o f people. She wUhee to step gracefully ou t of the way of lb* bride when tbe party turn* from the altar, to manage her train w ell to point her to**

and to oarry her bouquet, ToaoA-.

H. i , KrurawleSa A SprlngilaM At . H, Oreawm, Cor. R lg t i l t . and H g tb A va Dean. W ard A C a . IT Flan* SL

OHAHOR.B. L. W iniam a SL Mark'* PL B axter B roa, E P erk SL S. H , Bedgee A Co,, Talley R oad F . H. B rSaaaer, VaBay Road.

e a s t ORAHEE.BaHh A Ballanttne, M Main RL


iR im raTO N ,John W . Weber.B. J . Stinw all

___ ________ „ ■pwas, kmw ^V€l IS. II. Rlttenhouae, n iW flo SL Louie Brelntng, IM Barclay SL Henry MeOea, l « TichaaMr BL Joseph Julius, n Sumraor A va Dannli J . Ryan, H High SL W. H. EVeretL *19 W ashington St.HermanJCusay JH Barlnlefleld Ava.G a o m w . llslm , in H Tw hortar BL A - ^ S to r a y A Co, BaliavlUa A va anglL. iFny, U« W att BL J. J. Otian. M Newark SI.H, H ^ h A Son, lU Paolflo BL

' * Baiieviue t e a F . W, Smith, if l fifirti m ,P, f c U r m A to l l f c ftellavila A va Riehard Barrett. A qtgth avanua J. H, Harkay, MB Blo*mflaId A va

HABRIflON.F rank HeSorlay, till.N orth PTftb BL

Ml N arth Fourth B tJama* Carta,CRASmi

N. Kannady.John. CunnlaiRalok Broa

nuHHnnRi.D.J . w , BaHwtx B rea R. T. C a te u a


HRIXRVILLR. 'Cbea Townsend, a t Waablngton Ava


prayarbook in the moat artistlo

with hollybooln M(T*i phlox and m arigolda to make upE,00onraai

•itoAOteat pAi ad C hrtatB w

Hav** flTSA'ngIt la A fact little kiiqirak'

truth, navarthalerm. Rvit; lib obUlnad posaeteoH e#oH back a* ihM, tha BpooIaM I contend tbat ttaay Miu havf a Intaraet In tb a t mighty ' aro pot yet eoaqattOd. , their mind thay lAlii ity a Ipanlah Ghnw tar, a t often a* tb* cDUrM, th* Britisb < me Governor, and nevof cell foot in tie enomaUy dee*

tar d i a d ^ toNUa-te . . the pomp baitUiig hla due soienBUy hi* ‘ od ., ^ ,

proparly ■lick or fashion.

to many hav* fallen abort of all thla tbat a olavtr and brilliant New York woman, Ura, BHeanor Oeorgtn, director of a dra- matlo acbool baa undoruken to Inetruot aooleiy women in the requirement* of tb n difficult altuation.

U ia Cleorgea atudlas her p ^ ll wall bo- fort begmorng tbe leeeon*. Perbape aba remark* tbe narvouanen of tba avarag* hlghstrung Amarkan girl. Tha narvoua- naaa la the very first obatecle to M over- coma The taaobar tnalata that tha pupil •ball learn to stand well A woman of fashion must stand on the ndiltn of tbe toot and reatlng the weight upon one foot, tearing the other free for acuon. The aol- dlor efaod* stiffly and squarely en both feat, I t 1* the attitude ot attention and obadlanca to doe* the larvant. But th* ■oclety aromao, never. The pupil 1* taught to hold tho arms tn lax, repoaoful attl- tudea Bom* young women ngrar know

■ with th '



I f iio ( A t e t f R w np t o r g m F -d R jf M e .

w hat to do with their handa (xmtlnually Jerking and vorklim then;, playing with their ring* or toying Fan or parasol until ibo toholder J* eon. • t r a i n e d ^ cry, "Holdl Enough!'' Next aba taachai them to w * » J n fancy up the ■Isle of a orowdad church to tho itra lna

- be wedding inansb. The pupil M ht t* aet aaoh heel down In line wttb

tbe 'o ther, thmi preventing x rw ing, wig- Iftog gait, wblcb la Inexpreeelhly vulgar.

______________ ____ TBto b a n tla g th e c ta 4 fe Mt b o th g a t eto b m ip o lk v , to to M r v a / to M b o w m M oj p o o p h b o rro w troab to Mod a o tH r utodiMMMty. l a t b t m m ittr o t stoowa, to r o x o m p h , MtMoygo tb ro a g b l i f t Mod OMVMrkaow tb o d t l l i b t Mod g x g v to fto e e m tb r t o t p m p o r tU tlo g ibooM. Wm 4j/ui o d d m uch to tbM togM /ttg is o t toMO m ad o o a u m U a d I f ibMp wU t cornu to omr M ton Mad g H MbooM A o t M t l u i r to o t

Sorry tor »k* Dootor.0, 1 , Tuke, payohologiat^ one*

la u |te b le experlenea, wawengegwl In the to r’s aeylum

loglaL one* had a . A Btetlxh lapOTer'round* of th* doo- llnburgh, and ra-

The New Shoefor Men, $5.00

otivad Inatructlona to i» y ,no attention wkktavor to th* remark* of t to patient who noticed him. Bom* Uttla tlma after. Dr. Tuka, looking a l th* program of to* watlL nUdly •uggeatad an altorallen. ^ w nruiati dug ataadlty on. and never lifted hie bead, TOe dootor r a j te hi* volpe, tha man dug anargtUcMly. ^ doctor t te a a ta n ^ t lo r m ^ and f l n w tlJR-SSf"

_ lut*. and miaklBg■wrowfatly, eiolalmad, “P u t

itoaa pratur, Tm iony tor ya." and aaS ilr with ht* work.

The New Shoefor Womefl,

$4.00Per Pair.

SkiobO alfcu OUOrta

Oaif Xto'd, AAvto

and Do*ibl« Mm.

Per Pair.Sotionaad lAoeCad^ekin,JR d onifJM lOxideK id.

g t e r JtoMg A M M ktp t t* AMA toiR

iteee = F * ?

m mWBBK.



w4 OMUlT to

IMj m • « rtt prepared (« iMvt Um« l ‘tWd<'dlliMmt». In our ton

bad BO oxampki InTslTins ' dtaaovnu, tucb u Uu (ol-

alloirf a t ta te dlirsmit o( a l» l ( por o«]|t and an addl- M o fo o t of oDO-balf por cML id a m a iit of a r irh tale the

M Whlek H ttfU L

I o 3 - 2 0

_J T ^ 0

If, O S ' 3 0

1 . 0 3

f J i 0 3 - X JvlU nottoo that twolot and L at a anasM la equiTahoi of Iba BBBtbor. Then to

aad a half por cent of HtLlO t ifb l and f a ta l • rotalt I0.H.

Ifctt MBomt from the bill .wnount, ifllM. But thoro

jt f la o su t of OBO'balf por Mow. dolaaraod laat wotk

t of a numbor w* <a tad to taka one 0 oat aC taro dooU. of p u r la H « e -M B T o n u bo

orltcd. Am- K r *'!• sbA fltmpir

ft* ttoir wok M kB>

a d ^ j c ' |b a wotda knownla a word uaod

itanlnf of a nano, a i: m lk alowljr.

io rlpo appliK ad tbo door w hlta

An a d r ^ la a word naail to n o d lfr tha m oasla t of anotlior w ort. A drorta utuall^y anowor tito auratlon ■'WhanT' HowT or ■ TV iw rtr-ai:

Old aoon walk tlowlp.topa oaoo borne peatardap,

Tha paopio llatonod attonllrclp.Ifanp adrerbo ar* formed bp adding Ir to

adiectivra, an ;. Bwoot, awortlv; dujfk, oulcklp: faithful, falthhillp; kind, kfndtp; rorrocL oorrooUpi anitooa, anxloualp.

Manp a d f ^ l r a a and adrorha are eiiang- I m form to aignitp dUtoronco of dogreo,

aa: flwcot, aweotor, aweoteati old older, oldoat; long, longer, longeal; Pton, rlohat richeat; well, biStar, baot; badly, woraa, WottL .

Hita changa la railed ooraparlaon, bo- ranae it la a a d a uto o f whan pertona ar tb M a a n - ofunparad, aat

Thla m irt la longer than I bat one.Mp knlfa la aharper than yourn.Your parent* ara licbar tban m ine

ConmartMf t i aom rtlinet denoted In tba .reed IV tha addltloa of tbo latlero r r or eat

and It la iontU m aa denoted b i praflgtBg le WiWi .Y tert nr/^ moat, id : B tr tU . irongur, ntron^aat; happy. ha()>lir, h>p>


ntronga •autltui, —

guleglp,^ a a tr heautltulj mo'i«‘’ £Mn*tl^V raoirt baautlfalj more quickly, noat

Adiwitpeo and adre utually add ar lad tat adverba of more thanly pnAk lM>re and moat

fotna ad|a

and adverba of one lyllabla and ad ^ tlv aa and one ayllaUe Mtial*

___ ileotirea and a d v o ^ danotoeompaiiaon bp tha uea of antirely dllTerent worti. ea; Bail, worae, w ont; good, btttor,

a t; much or many, more, moat; wall, belter, boat ,■

wbon two or more ediaotlreg ara w ad In tbalr

arrangemantTwo adleotlvea, tbia and th a t haro

plural forma,Uaa the oaoond form of comparlaoo whan

two tbinga are compared end the tb M



iHEIDiCHESTMiAi. • iz c . to e-ra.

■O LP PV ALL P R U a a iP T P .

nan i ciai.veivtLV arTHE tTDUHMEH CHEIUAL CO.


to think____ and aotabort, whteb wlU

more Intelllgaotlp; la lat you thinking for

youraelf. Una book which will tnika you think ti Worth, n hundred Which aimply auMuy thought

objMt of roadteg la not apaolally to aupply Information, but rather to buildrharartrr. We go lo arhool, not that wemay racolra the neoeamry training to meat graduntlon axaminatlont, but that wt may

re tha naotaaary training to mart tba duneultlei of aetlvt life. The auoaeaafujichoal doean't train ua to make the moat we can out of tha world, but to make the moat wo nan out of ouraelrta. The boob whiob ara raally raluable are thote whloagive na Ibaplrathm rather tban intorroa-tl< “ .............................. ............loiii tboee which make ue think for our- ■ahraa tuthar than tupply ua with tba raady-anada thought of othtra. To tha ba- glnlMr auch bo o n ara uauallp not vary Mitjwlaliiliii To rand them mean# work.

I f you b a rtn 't read many booke you ara to begin with blognphy. Select

m o ^o g rap h lee of ilx or eight of tba wnrM'a graalaat men: for Inatance, one ■paM tta tn m a n auch a* Lincoln or uled>

ono great author eiich aa Scott orona graat Inventor or aclentlat auch

'a tt or M vy Aiaauch as .

form whan Hora than two thtngi ara eoa-"***"' *^"' b t ta r (npt bant) af tha twe.

i.aWe* < ■T K ^ a lJaBrdt ,1a

■narata mul- a m u

________ tha.oR iet <nqt aXg)/! ofturn alaiefa.

B4 aardfut not to uoe or o r aat an d Xi or moat with the sam e ediecUve, as;

A more baaltblw loeatloa oamtot toand.

, or Honw; one great aot_______________axander the Qreat or Na-p o l a ^ I t U not naraaaary tha t the Uvea U* t iw L In fact. It la ra ther batter th a t tbgy ara not. They should be llvee, bow- awor. from which you can gather tha P o t of a l a n e r and truep Ills tor your- ■atf. T on wUl bear more about this eub- Iw t latar.

BUMXivo* r a n r a s nbce.

Ha took tb a moat piNMabtoat raulA ~ a aM advarna and adjaoilvaa; do

tb B i naadlatriy; avoid sank n ra- I Mas or axaagerata I t and M M Mitvaa to r aovarba or advarM a r

OaOars af fatla and Mlk t b t A n I tm tila a la 'fbale Way.

Ona of rnanf pratty new neck notions

a Ull af tm J i oant„orparoant,ona

fm oo a t hare

Cbooss not H a .peat tha __uaa adjacdtvi

" B U m r

la a aaltor cOHar of latln or taffeta, allk- Ub m amd vailoualy alaborstad. Tha ends

Correct t b erron In tbe fidlowingsThle Sower Ig bqautIfuDw t h u t------•erah % tha agreabltat a( IM tU i la tl|a d^ ta ltu

b nIdn’t do BoUlIng.

______ didIs the aMeat la tba aldeat.

la always B. Be la

U. T baietara la t b i^ t la r . two b oob la t b beatT

fair: U.popular.

._ ab alwaysdy. U. Thonuu

Ik » b d not b r t t yA. H a Isn’t Improving

oka up BH. Y flib apok- b h a n d very taskaavdnM tw a

brotbra. H. k b

of Hm oollar a n langlhancd to meot a b u t ir t> p a b u st Uaa, o r aa fa r down aa the

Such a oollar la to b worn over tbs low neck gown, tu rn llg a

dlifner drgw tnia a.m qdaat Utpg A h d r oulubla tof f o 'clsck itfa lv -

ona’s own b u s t .opaning In front ran b ragulatad toag< th«.col|ar may droop og oat at^ — - ■ --------- ]


No DoubtA tO U T r r ~ W # givg you rto rg for yo«f moASy tk g « m y i «M th . L m k a t t l i g « O K G A T B A K O A I W R H

Only $22.la ish n iro r i -only..™

opholitaredIdnlshtranM $22

T b iMgail ik m of Farlot Suita eear ibwn. OmMMylm, kOB •sspdow n to •it-TS.

Parlor, We have Stoves from

$1.70 Up.*Here is a fine lelf-

feeder Parlor Stove, nickel trimmed, reg­ular ^ ktove kt

$6.75.AU s ty le t and iliM .

I sa y T « m a a f OWAH ka V m y Oaa.

For one of Uikse

Rockers, in oak or

aikhog- any fin­ished, ’

cobbler seat or in plush (all

colon), only

. $ 1. 9 8 ,

Owr SOO ItGCkns of Ml Mods.B FE C iA i, n r

Morris Chairs.Morrie Chair, cuih-

loiit neatly uphol- itered In velour, oak or maliogany frame, only$5.75.See Our Chairs Bsfori Ybb Bu|.

Xlavalor to k n r r n e a r . Ope* tUl TI ’ IS

h k I k C M e f Dp a ri M » m < C H l i M k i i t C i t n r i i aal I n i c U -

C l h R l I l l H i i l f l l i k So C i H H u 4 i i T k b C t t n i d i

Tbalpawpit arabrtag t a n k o f HbAMaCatarrh, Cbronlo BrtNwbltH asS Calankal Consumption, and ound parmanantly, la not a mattar of tnrpriM to tb a a w b bavi Invaallgatad tha traatmaal of AdvaMik Homoaopalhy, a t praetlaad by Daetor Bb> lantliiA They know It la tba ta tr ttaab- mant ( b t ean rtaob and baal t b Oatar- r b l oondttlona and aorentae la t b daapar altuaUonA

The old-fashioned meUisd of trytos to reieh tba Bronchial Tubaa by giving madt- c l b Internally fa lM . T b Otd-taSWdbd method of trying to reaok t b chobd up Suateehlan Tubes loading from t b Throat to tha ralddlt Bar, of trying to roaeh t b Bronohlsl T uba and Longa, by tptaylag tha NoM and Throat w s i worM than taU- ura.

T b tprky only raaeliad th t tnankhtasea of t b Noas and Throat, and iaintiaw used In l b spray by soma doeton oon- Ulned tiritatlng drugt t b t . Instaad of haiulng and soothuig. f*d t b QainM of t b diaaaaa

Jttwf wAaf ^dUnrti t v n ttn tta i Ifeg wwiHrsf rv/Hftksf (As frMfMHf «f tkt Matttr PVtMam pimrMu.

T b treat mant of AJennaad Haw aaopathy raaebaa ovary tora spot from t b oaikb aft b Now to tba InnaruMst raeieaaa of | b middia Bar, to l b deapott part and tiniest cell of tba I-uBgi. It oarrlas haakng and baalth, soothaa, qalau sad euraa tha

W T N K B R I I T On o n T K m o i K B

llT D m S K tfa M L"■---------‘ -Tf-iitninT

sow ake agii i i aadbigM nAMHoa tf kurkig ft powif wnakoadbl

g tMawnSood; Ua kiHnalag i f Uph Ml, ■ aw *k iba a w * ara w adrt to w b Sta b k a g i V b M aM aanw ftonky Ufa

Tha saAs may b faktenod thar. making n point, or tha collar ' b fu ien ed b ig b r up aaeb aide and

th a andn nltowad to hang fraa. Such an a m i r of whlto satin thlckty atrgwn with

ipanglaa nnd rdgad with a Sufty of ihtifoa la aa preKy a* oan b for ertlh almoat any light drasa. Tka

m b thing t i bUok la aqnally pratty and, p a rb p a , mors vaiiouily useful. I t may b arorti oVfr a bIgH neck dreta, too;' land­ing e ta b n la m a i to It for apMlal ooaa-

121■125jN ^ j^ r^ v e o ite e |mmAHOH HOUSK3 !

136 Htln Street, 178*^ Myrtle ArefliMb rAm iM I gSOOKLYK


BOOKeXfiBPDM.Wo.eouUnna tl |la Waal

foundattos p thia ptaa of tu wa bara a v o y claar ni

Another novelty In the sailor eoHar way la po t In this pictura, and oonntrt more aa a ahouldsr than aa a throat dacoratlon. I t w as aouara In froat and back, aup- plUd apauletta Rnlah a t the ehouldera and w as baavy scru lace. I t was t b hand-

of the IT. UB- idlng of

not w orth, ate.. In tnm r relation to

fo r oaat. wo tub- ■ Is ntmplor than

'■4vt and euttina ol oent. o T m n la fc.B.

___ I of tk lt l ib u e a thethan a b a ll oant. Kow to

se n t of It;1 ono-quar-

^ deolmal to_______leevw a net amnuntgtodent w tu b w aotva t b ilerae:

allows a special oaab dl». " ^ r o en t upon a bill of

manta, na t w orth, ate., in —_ any aossam . « will b alm ost u ^ a a a for ua t e ^ ^ a s s a ta a prspar n a d e r^ n d lo g of daW and e r s d it Thla fcnowledgt nan b « n w d bast through t b aotuar work of solving problems. Tha toUowIng are

imlttod 'a o h n i t t r t to r this w ash's laason:L Smrwn has no ospital a t tha bagln

nlng of tha y w r, ana b owes IM,

I «m n m cmji uhb\. m ont ^

SiuHi lS n l \ la is a \V o r th at the oloit ofnv v*rr» fpw,tl.lU.to and to

aa t A i ^ n t of U a^ a regular discount

par oan t and a apaclat ' oao-quarter; what

I If blaraoalpta If bla groaa aalaa week amount to tT.MLto? allows a reguUur discount

ar oant, and a special addl- »f one-half par o en t; what rcocipte It hla groaa aalea

fa itlo u ta r waak am ount to to.40.UT lo b b r allows rsgular cuatomera a

. I t of twanty-flva, twu and one-half nna-halt par cent. oB and occasional

— ^JjitW an ty and llva per cent, oB; Bnd tb d i m i s a e a . l n oat racelpta upon a soele fb w n g g g B ao aB t of whUh la t l iw .

IL d d u a r bnya certain goods a t OU ait. Ha

1 fnvrntory m trebndlao on hand Janu­ary 1, tAMAto. Bought durtne Tha year

* b ta a costing ILIM.tr. SoldmanKandtaa c o ^ g S t b year m erebndba tor l^ % U .toey of mercbandlaa on haiid DboeniheT C, g r U Vlnd tha gain or loaa on mtrehan-

grasa, loss tarshty par gan' ---------------- “ Bt toUty par (M t to the coat of aach

I to got n i eat rsull price, m---- lar be ----- — "throws cn^

bU "net rttaU ^ o k |Iartlelea wbnt

aaleTdlioouBta agd

two and oaa-balf peroant lalf par oentLWAi lass ona-haTf par oes

LIUto taan ona-quarter per oen t I ona par can t

li How muob doaa a m erebant wbo to ttgahla Is taka b v a n ta g e o f a oalh dis-oouBt of oant leas M M «n-oouQt of A M to r

r o ­ll), If merchant! who buy f o r ___e o ^ a MoolaT «a*h 4aoount of Bro.f«r

todering t b t retail ■prtoea aro forty pdt se n t In advance of coat priessf

I t tolnd the n*l amount after deduotlni | e ^ a n d ^ e -b lt and ob-Qiiartsr w r eani

p i .w b t to tb s dlBtosone tmon aMrabaws tba gross smavnt of wmeh la p,fM ba- twaen a dlaeount of twelva and on^half per oant. and a discount of ten and and DD«-baU per centT


iB.osr nighi . we>aauat not forgot

school work In artthmetlo t the boys and gtrw am

■ to do I. wat bAnd tbnuictvos tao bekward .

commercial artthmetlo exerolaee. q|s« all neb to do tbe "Easy Prbbli, which they wilt flnd In the HtobI kol Course, beginning with thfa toeaon. Abundant bints will bo given end the

id aolutlone of the mors dUB- tna will be published In Tbs

on Baturdar, flit;L A b y baa i how many b o o b a t

Z S tta ^ r '^ aaoh 'iiao b b u y 'an d bava- la f t 1 A groeer

cents. I poun^ U w r t) i of augar.

aold U pounds of taa a t Ififfaiunda of coRae a t to cants andgar. TbepUTohaiwrkaBda Bota', b w much obange

lOOTb r a i d b retu riv .. .w U i M bwbUpoaa w orth to oonta a bushel; flnd tiu of to biiaheto o f tha ro litu n ,

L A boy can do a pleca of work In U day* and bla f a t b r oan dp the * - - ’ * both work a t u tog

ft tak e to do t b wort

he value

£ ‘n?>fll noirL How OMiy ftorei tro tb«r«

iS .S S tiT ’iu W a fi'f

1 roada jjWe and a m ils and a quarter long^

. w b t will It east to cxcevate a calls, feet long, M feet wide and f trot deep at

I A borae,, t b h s n a andand harnaaa tu i

i I f a r a u w t . ---------^hour Bow many yards wl

and b n e i i ooet HNi ' .nil iS l the hotoseo a t__ ___________

nd the coat of each.railway train tt miles per

■ mil It go In a gac-


_ { . I b o g h t It pairs of boots for flU. w h a t must b ths sailing prloa per pair in

qr to gain K cants on each pair or..:sTIf, A b y bM a llttla clock that ticki

^d.^ How-many tlmea will It loatb of MarobT1 awonjf A. H end C In auch a

had to B than b v a to andMLA boy after glvlb awoy^M of hla p o w t money to oo.t ffTend end 1-1 of the

romalndar to another hai 4 eentt I ' How much bad he at firatv left.

CORRECT BNOLISH.Wo have alrsrty b d two leaeons In eor-

" in. The flrat pointed out someTSet pngllah. ' l b flrat errors In U a liac of tei

I to ld ia eo M 1forma and t b

________ J US a b u t the common mlalakHIn daae fona*. We shall now maka a brief

i 5 U ( o i - ^ S ‘

3 * ? 8 / 1 . 5 7

GOLD ■ABKT g . v n o u r r , w a i— f dais, Wsst Oessgs, ss isd sd OslaivM

■ABBT S . VtXOKirr, Oaawelss a a l rtults, HA M sad a t Hala strsst. O n a tkN. g.t "Dootsr B aU saU b ba* parfssttg Nstsfsd aiy tost bartag, tad by as dotog bis troatataat tma Inaptnd aaw aaatvr,

aw ambitloa Into aiy Bf*.‘Tfy troubls bagaa aavatol yaa n ago- I

Oasght a cold whleb rsfuasd to gat walL U waaa't long until a y aoaa bseoaa vary

. komstta a 1 H sw su t graat shuata St mattsr from a v assttlto. WhsI t couldaT btow oat I iavolantarar snuBsd b e k IBU my thrasL

'Tly throat w w as aero sad swallta that wbwt I trlsd to ppaak pespis eeulda't uiMerstaad mt. I maaagad to attaad ts btttlDosA b w a rtr , until 1 bsoams hard s t h sa r i^

•• t w m t gg dtogff p— W f k a a r to v m fc R i M kf t h h t r ta n I Iw d ggg> tftMtirft ktmtUag pmpit t t raptat

U n tmmM mtitntmfLTo t b ators this w m vary sab rw gg ing

sad proetloalty uaflttad gas t s a ttsa l ts batoasaa CuMoaiaw had to a b a t a la ss t In a y tars hgfara I eosM saWh what thoy wflatad. sad avaa than I a a d s trogssM a tiia k ss with tbtor etdsts.

■Aftar tiyhig svw ythlag la vela. I wont to Dootor Ballsattao. Hy b a d 1* clear. Hy aero sad swtdMn throat to hsalsd. 1 can apeak w wsM as I aver s s a l l

Ba* akat glaataa am sMMdagaD totoak t a n b a a a a w s l la a a v s s ld l i . TatoOMa

aar all aasiaaisaMsB, t s M rotoasskaf IS i l i ti litoag Balsas M saylwad, lt ,la - I. s groat k ill toll i "

DUSTm am b n n tt tn th s B uttaohlan Tabss, Hasd, Throat. Qlattto. B rsachlal Tutiaa and Lungs, with Ita genial, gratatul. haatth-produolng glow, tm t b s t n placas loss t b i r aoraaaai; t b ebsksd t9 and swollen Euatacblan Tabes a re tn a d of tha obatrueUon and hearing tarosto rad ; tha ituBcd up Noatrlto a n opaaad to t b frea pasaaga of air; t b dry Throat comas moist and n a tu ia lt t b Votes loata



*Hag hatk. A to oak wMtokto atoalM i tot open,■ dartap Bmp titoakFirof e w * to

heesabalM rgtolasirflto haroe. JattodasM i flto ipiaiM i a r u m , end w kkaktow w i-Ctoa-

Ita bufby, raiptng charbttr; t b dropping In the Throat oeaaea; tha Irrttatten la goat.

CCoatO/Jll ciit.

f U l l S . b H

b«iow th« o o lls r (ti b«sqii« hsvtnic )%r trestm ea t. Loose fronts opened orer

box-plAltod T «it Uist w st ornsmented w ith butlonia sthI that had a stock coU lar to m atch. Biaok satin ribbon belted (he g an ttrn t, whioh was pictureai|u« and Quito rsm ovM from ooDventlonsJUjr,

G ray floves ar« In for a second aeaion of fa«iuonabUii6M. Very dark rray , so d a rk Umy seem black unless put bestdq th a t a n

^ P r o d u c e d

whan a dark glove la wanted. fawn; lea aater, and ItghI mode that la a pale

■hadtiT for winter, drew id tha ebnnm, oallini kind, to aa co m et « • aver.

# 7 7 / > V 0 71 ^ 5 1 - l Z

* 26 /. 35',< ^ G d in .

A X a t b a W lth o a t B srvea .T b Chinam an oan .writs all day, he caa

w srii af I day, he can Hand for a whela day la o a t pomtion, waaving, hammering gold, o r outU ag roory, w ithout oaoa b e l^ a t­tacked b y aorvouaaeM. Thla peculiarity m akM I M f apparoat aariy In youth, T h t ChtaiHaaa eaa baar any kind of bodily sgsToUa. kport and ppty ara to him u n n ecsttary l a b r . Ha ean •leep anyw haro and In any poaltfon -a m id thandertng machines, deafening netots, t b e r r of e U l ^ n or (he w nng la of iTowu p s m a i on tha ground, in bed or on a chair. l a hla own mnocent way the ;hu iam aa la alBKWt a Bybarita.

M ole~It wa add the m ercb n d ln pur- ohaart to t b m erobndlaa ou hand we h a re t7,ltLTI th^ "coat** aide of our bualnaaa. l i we add the money received fof marchandlae sold to the value of tha mer­chandise Tvmatning unsold, we have to.Tti.Cd the "produced" side of our bual-‘im..............................nigs. Tba difference In thla instance la agala broauao the boelneaa produced more {nan It coat

L Oooda on hand a t th t hegtnnlnK ofihe year valuad a t itocda boughtiurjng t b year ouatlng H,as.filj gooda aold

uuring the yaar for to,SM.lS; goads on hand a t the close of the ye Find tha gain or loaa., L A m e re b n t Invaate to.lto In buaintai January L ■baa ha has no IlablltUei. At

la “ “ — ' *■■■i h* io a of thft year hs has rssouroui ».»t and J la ^ U e a toiMl Find b h net

gain during t b yaar.L C k ^ ijim band a t the beginning

bought aurTn,of the

-----4|t thegoods told durtn;

year to.MLM; yaar costingtha yaar for —, ----- , ------ ...tha cloaa of the yaar valued a t twt.15. Find Hit gain or lota.

t Beal aatate owned a t the beginning of the year valued a t tU,Ui: bought durtn; the year real e a u te coating U.SIO; bull houaet on propbrty a t a ooet of k4M; aoldduring t b year real estate for M,5M; oneT W t t ' J S Cowaad,at the oIom o^|^the yeartha gain or loaa for the year.

real a ita tatu,to0. Find

K ote-IQ nta and antwera to the exer- ctaea of these letaoni will be publlahed oa Saturday.


Tou can’t e ffo rt a t your age to giva that It. to

ftbTO-roadlb, Wklob limply atnuaea or tn- tertoW y e ^ , k to ry -reb ln g beare abooding. bssrs Sm uttb« isn^ rslGtjon to eduostlon timta... A- ,a a_ .. e ^ . .. .

flms'whlch ^ o u 'ro l^ 'ju i t 'S s wsIb'spsSST r- — -----

I t b d If t b reading doea not uto ttjproAtably. 'You' muaT ramembr.

lowBver, that mare intereel la valueleas!' “'■“t hi 'hareading whiph will improva your menta

fncuiuea. which will help gotr-Aq under- ttaad mare e l i ^ y , which will train you

iiider and NourisherDr. T. If. Joboa, of TayloorlUe, Ind., writes i

'* af iflnn MoK's MaU Extract la a builder and nottitihat that is unequalied; gapedally for poorly QOtMslHd mnaOidf."

I Kkl4

Miait Extract"'rrto'

somely decorated portion of a Jacket of ■■ " “ ‘ tatln-r - ■Black __________ ______roaierial, which wwa laid In aide pleats

i-facrd cloth was Its

William ol WIed, Who Is to Marry ttoeea WUhelmtaa.

Prince William of Wied, whobi Queen Wllhelmlna of Holland baa picked out for

husbuDd, la a good-loakinii young man of twenty-two, an o n ce r In the P ru u la n Army and the arcond eon of the Prince of Wied and Prlnceeu Marie of Holland, He la a cousin of Queen Wllhelmlna.

Jn making this choice Wllhelmlna has pot made what the court goHlps would call "a good m atch,'’ bu t puaalbly she looks at the queatlon from n different

oyster ootor are thaamong____ I for winter. White for

th a obunA , palling and aflarnoon


n b r S with Wag;under dlraction ofOoatterdMmiadgung,^’

Eduardo vttaia., - V

H H arich V a i t t b ^ gragt ^ngar. h e r » l t i F re n ^ i; w ritten

saaaoawith W;

rUl b rner'a

slngar. — **- ofahn . . ___ __

formanoa 'will vqry Uktly take place next '— ~hsatn at Mualoh.

WagaerUh opera, "Her

hloh hat keen T b flnt per-

■priag a t l b O t ^ Th K ing H a r n b c t o f 'l ta ly .,h M ^ o w a d

upon a u p a g g p V artl the ow lw of t,b .o r-’ ^'^rotanulglato,* The liaiian

it litiW Ptr*” of the mettmor- phoato of tbvXMiB Ooiuarvatory, tt wll w ) W b .o a lw a ^ ^ B ti j Io . Glimpi ...........

__now to b a r

_ _____ _ VerdL’*___ that VerSt Was ro-to tha lutltutlon which ta

%•T b yaw thtul grtaat oompoaeri Peroal, of Venloa, b aa had auch w o n d ^ l aucceaa w ith hla t h r b oratorloa. ' T b Pagaion," ' T b 'TranaflgurattaD." ‘T h e Reaurrecllon of Laaarua " Itoat he la w fttlng a fourth.

of aga and i ^ a r H I t h aOl

r t a n a k t o

twaaty-flva ycart prtaatbood two

Fraa Coalnia freaoh b riton* .F r o n d -_______

part of Amfortaa mer. T kb 11 t b of Fronohlaatloiia slug In B ty rtu th . eaU th a t p an ia a a 00 oluady tn a r t m

_.u/h next sum- lata th a t anyone

igrt towyroitlnp

■ b a ban angai- would asam to tndlbtoa are no m on drownancp ■

U asoagafs new Jaiwill b one of thegsMlL eomjn; winddffr. Jnaamuel

crstoton.art, "Irta,"

. - [ the Ull Irt act Iria,opera aeaaoa, In -j-.-,.—, - . x- • ----- -oils auiqldg hy Jumping from a

non a a Japan*** houinlS fa”o W w iT

leh aaS ? d i IM wlndowtL the

Bflracla.IWidad IIt ta a fact worthy of rtmamDrafloe that Hma. Patti aayar qraatod a______ part hi an’

opera that hag kept t b Haga (he enatei t b b l e f part la CaM!|jma>,,''tom*ralda or, Nostra Dams d l^ r t l l . ' ' Bi. Petwa - * VCohep. Liondon.

vetabarIRUtol,a a rsb q EMf, W r m w r ^ Amarican

nroian^ Oab-m.‘ If M. on i f ia J W 5 r t o t o lm der OrolM ,r. M ay 's AfMtoRtn vUl axtand om Ju tu ry I tolMF L

[nSTt and In I Boston. No-

avorltk roeraation to

Qoovtnr MGt,

now I•jid ifood *

sung Ilf the l I eomln



the acre apota along th* Bronchial Tubas and In tha Lung tlasusi a n healed, t b Cheat no longer teela racked and brutoad, tbe Cough bae disappeared and tha CbesI expands naturally again.

rw ar* kWro to no rmmmm toflto wtoa litonto ahatoit a profba dtoilt)»i Nam kto

lauliaartardsMi tola Ha (krot* igjltototo





■tandpoint. She Is oredited arith dtolari- Ing, "1 will marry the m an I love o r dla an old mold." So aha to p ro b b ly fotodt to marry Prloce Wllltom for tbo asm s ttop- son that other young women m arry—dor love. The ‘ ' . ..love. The young iieople k b w each o tb r r w Well, for the Prince hat b e n Often a t the Court of The Hagtoe. Aa ^U w en they playtd tugethor, and since they b v e frown u|) they have been Intimate trteodl.

YetPrlitui Wllltom was not one of Uie Ian Prince, whom ths royal matef picked out aa ellstUea. fla w u iaa too obacure. H it family to a n ____jaepaciitd one. however, laokiag only in*

uance and rich Miaten.That th^eucceaaful su itor to ab exM m e-

..................<X bicky man la very evIdeliL Aa Pri of^WlMl he would have attraoted Uttlat a r " — ’■— ■ — - -•«Jh H i

temlon In Kuropuafl court'o irclaa; t a of Queen 'W llhaimlna ha will•onaort

he Brat .. . . n_ -- gantlemaa In the glngdom. ol

otlnnd. Only the Queen h e n e lt will tlprooedenci o'f hlm,''i;nd"hTi" pto«" w m ^ oeelde her at all court and o ther oH olu oeromonlea. He will nharo bar taoome, and hli children wlU Inherit her thm se. In a word, he will uccupy la Holland the same poaliion th a t Prince Albmt e o e W e t.

" consort of Queen Vlgtaria. .On the other hand, he will e r r t ^ '

a rr-ai kihg.'He m ar bo M l'l^ 'i6 laM ttonwrrt or he may even be ealtod king-5®°'"“ '''™ *'** hi a m atter to r fu tu re da-

i. The poaitton of Prfttce WUHam of will be all t b more acow tabla 1

,nd bem iae he to oonneotain rr Skm ^ tiS ot Orange.to e Prince Conaort'a position will ba a romwbat anomalob one, Altboufb ha k'Uf.fT* 'he aecond rank In tbe kliigdoin, he Trill have no reaj aathorlty. In th to *tve no real aathorU y. In this re- ■Wf'. *0 ordinary ilem hm ' of f t r l l a g j ^*91 be miiro Important. _ .tMtIul he may make Mmaelf an bnpoftant

'luaea Vic-If he la Vgrr ■ n bnpoj“ ‘


s ta n d a rd of R xccU rnce Rose W ith Mach kew M arriag e .

From the Washington Star.I waa riding along the road leading

aeroiia Hurricane Gap, In the Pine liloun- taln range, thinking of the peculiar people who Ilvrd In th e n rastneasea. When I waa ■tartled by a voice up tbe hlllMde calling Io me to come up and give somebody a lift, I 'had no Idea who owned the voice, but whoever It wa» was tn trouble, and I re- apondrd and found a man of sixty or more caught by the foot under a fallen tree and unable to gel away. He wasn’t hlirt, and I soon had him on hla feet, and ha Inatoted on my stopping further doirn the moun­tain and t ^ n g dinner with him. Me lived In a well-kept cabin with bto daugh­ter, and after dinner we aat In the Sbada of a tree In tha yard and bo told m« aboot blmaelf.

Air you marrtedP* be sA ed, after ha toM ma ha waa a widower-

*1(0, but I hope to be aome day," I aa- gwerad, quite alncerely.

You ought to be; every man ought to be; a man that ain't ain't ibewtn’ a r l ^ t eeltn' to 'rta what the Lord'e don* tar ilm, thar ain’t nothin' on the face nv

Ood'a green earth that to a patchln' to a womaa, I don't xeer what hind aha to. ’

'Yoirre hate and hearty yat, ’ I said, don't take some

iriieii dttiaw toot hwM to th* Mem omi ntroot hm poewd th* Poeol Oonia dom the Windpipe and along the BroneMot Ikhto, to moJtn toe flndl adeome tolo (he ttoMW of ihe Imnai <mi tiundai the Lung eeila taharett atotiea down to/ted u|mi th*M dsHeoia ttomw; Mon on ulcer retidto, eottogtolo theeeU and than a taattg to/onaed, which grom loroer and torver, unieie cheeked, until the agiCem beeama tenrn out and dmthciuuca Thte to the htocryo/thaaotoi Jority of ta m a f Oonsuniptlon meonunonond fatal to Ihto ciiiBato.

I don't see why you i own advlo*,''*<wrt I d

of pour t -------- ...."Don’t eroird the roaurnera, m io tar^ ha

gald, waving hla hand a s If w arding off my attack , “pon 't you crowd th e m ournera

■ Brin’ -----------■■ ------------

MIU, gAB. McTMRIIAII. Tfl Cnneat., eltyt "I coughed day and nlghL I ratotd groat quantities of cbeeay mattsr. 1 was prto- tloalty bslpleai; could not look after my children nor any of my housghold dutlea,

"For two yean I m a nadar tba oar* at tars physletoia, but their awdloina* taltod to roUeve raa Finally my btiahaad oaliad ta a oalebraled lung spaolabat M t *xam- inad me and ehook hla head, aaylato;

'Tea have CensmapWaia a* *•>•!# aaqa- bady la the weeM e n v had. dayeaM gaod. lahaaaaitohlagflladand ahsaiat* n a t sad yegia iMk naay ka'ltoa- laauied a arhO*.'

"My husband utiged th a t I f a to Dootor Ballentin*. Tht troataMBt took bold Hkt mtgle. I bagaa to la s tin g fiw i t ie flnt. Id leas tbaa two rnoath* I waa a iOaad, wall wamao. Uy oaaM was aattMly^ana,

■ ” ------- of

W UXIAH kOflk; H T Oamkem itoa tholty; "For twahr* years 1 aovor knew what tt was to braatb* tbrench lay ao»- trUa Tbey wars- ooestonlly ttopped up and fraqaantty Itohad aat biuwad antfl the tormont iras slawat aabaarohla,

"Groat quantlttoa of pblaCK gatharod la my throat every Urn* 1 lay dowa and aL moat obokad ma. Mr none dtoetaatftd very freaty. Tha tUgbtast e^ioaan oanaad a fresh COM, when my votoa irotai ba at- feetad and 1 could soaroMy gpaak so ai to ba understood.

• • t M t r M t t tm r t t t i n C g d u r l itm td itt oa ta lt at fks tttitt, bat atat a t tktm M mm a pattitit at goad.

"I want to Doctor Balleatla* at tbs ro- quaat of friandi who knew of easts Just Ilka min* that bt bad enrod. la a vsty abort ttoM my noetrilt tran opsjad ap. Tb* aoctnaultolen of ^lagm ta aty throat letoantd. Tbt Imprevemaat wss sUtdy until now I faal batter tbaa I have tsr yeata. 1 dea't oatob ooM Ilka 1 Baai to, My head and tkroat a n olaar. the bans- lit 1 have Noetvad from Dootor BaUon- tiaVs troatmant baa tboreogbly eoatoMtk ma that It ouno Catanb."



I'm flggeriii’ on aevri-l this v « T minute,and l"aln 't quite ahon ylt wbteb pna to )l3u I'T* been married four tunw. and

oould aietp louadly and su- Oat tr falling


wbat the other doctors aaM • ~ ilUng signs of C onium ptuo

"Hy bdtband liwlida tlto tSvary th a t my notlona uv woman has got to much higher that I'll '

• ■ ■ • --------- r ia m y----------- ------ . ..„ ____ higher that I'll be darned et i

don't kinder look fotrert to lotin’ a irif* 'at far tb* aatlafsotlon uv gtnm' anothar

tentlns rearai gray*, and j agra*

yaChtogto to lerHMg dhtototoag at dtoosit ti mrnmmii lUmgmmtmmfmutmtt, f » * th a p tH B t ,a im m a t tm * t i **> * tta toroid ts it raih to* bnto MB raaMag pgr- n«o acNsa, and III* nroU to horototo < sM atifltowii isad hv dtp ho shst% <tot dream i f th* toiM wkb kto ifto a

Tbo Idea vna lo entirely new that I vraa ovaghom* by it. ^ _


D o you “ honsekeep” ? m r jr h t s w m t s .uH not be flow to tp||TraM Uttoomtitalngi tior* t lili noth-

> toiluiaKfUrolaUo^ hat no flde Unei, '^Seuoaad aad obaf^acpatimnla {hll-ee*.TH B FAM OUS n iL L B R

O I L H E A T E R ,UitutUr M, tpocinl at

$3.98.Om Iwittnd

»ijgM Inm r sitd ftmwl .gteM, VfNl. ***

x j n r u MBXW. toNi Flaaiaotdal*, Wost^ Orsam. If. J.) " i rolted great mtroes et yaUowtob ■ attarfrom my chest A aonstaat itoKitato flsia In Biy Innga always gavs ms grSft Wo- tr*M, and ettan I tbougM n F M sr I '■** ttoeetad,

I baoani* vsrr narveus. 1 ssfdd BOt •leap nlghta. Almost nIghBJ' OF b llht clothing and th* bad wars wrbtglng wat with the Bwaat that oosad oat tn g n a t drops from aty pores,

I had baeoma bnaStoallp _ leg wtwa I bagaa Beetoe Bsltowllaw'B

L td! of nonitol eeulda’t ratals load oa raeklag eoagh aad tha airaats had left m* la diUOB,

1 fell aaocuir*i*d (n a a tbs p m t kikla- nlng of th* trastmsafc Dsgtas Ratttoitbto has fuiRitod sveiy ppsTOtos ka toadswhen h* took my ossa. XF JooflXl i t an

A m r a WABDiM WtlUsaa towdoi s n nN. J . 1 "Dndar Dootor Baitoaiiafa tn a t . Dient I bav* galead alavaa pottad* ki iraigbt aad am In batter haalth tbaa | bare bsaa In for thras ysars.

"My trouble Teas mainly with m r atsto. aob. 1 bad ns appatlts to f say kind s f food. When I did oat, tbs food sosmsd to I s ^ I t air ebast ar to lay Ukt a load la m yitokiteb. Bran a piass of broad kttod m s ap at tlmss. Font gap aoeumutatod la

twro; I can tat a n y ^ l^sleep soundly nights awaata; I htv* n ■tra^gth, aad all li

Ut aattib

d tU Ip > abMild

Origin a t th e Piagros,..Aif (torman profeaaor bad Pl*jeantly bean InyeatlgaUng tha ortiUl bUliiH-, and hdt dlscOVetM.s ptmOAWy unknown mhIpw fPtonm totoAbkeA IIaatM.

SA V E O O A L i V CTm tb« LefflngweU

fiatootA sh sieve.

- 'N o t e s t . LItolt labor.: riNrtffUtoto**

PERM M ENlFftO M C m i

I to lt vary nausssR sg a t

d. M. WARB. TUtogN. J.i "For ysen 1 tab \

Lfsiat a t l a d k M aifiir. F^kstod ask s a t I klwaito

„„ ito toy aoHtb. I bssskit (jiiMda’t stoop, Wksa at R«t

$1.87.bos* and throat. 1

to btiMtl

2“*Ji “"hnown cenlra from v^iob It em Elcrowfor* tbrs* chief eentr

*J5J*tuo have been known; one In L{he province of Hunan, a a

, »nd th* third naarThe last-iuuBrt to on* of tb*

droaded on a eeou n to ftb t Im&uanM auflt* tor of pllgritna who visit tits holy g

<^v»r*dof diaease le lUuati Atrloa. b t. sropfeni on ihi^ait


" t * studlee Indloafa ; aation of ibe orw n o f t fflCiS"' 22? too l,.- Africa are . _outbreak of dlt«wa monkayi art attaotod '

littd FtbttoM

w u to b ru tb * „ throat w w Blwars Ifoul amttar (rimi eough that gglasd ; wwtaaMtUttrtaataiabto aU tha tltoto

■eltar at *-1 stdrikn* I

for bagowl dtkad kjb' bays my X *s| Mo^

ta n axsatlaat sppstRto ^ Fr M t ( s ^ . ' -i'iKtkwto




Mphtliene r nlreoMlfTiMk Df.Artof

" f .





fOBttQdWM<mol f*r that «qip tbe I wpr< mun

Ot bt* 1 irut «rn b ttll

a«m T\ arm( tb*' ( our 1 ih» I




bulidii hour son* t

fiave man V la ta r ; alpun artnmi


MONDAY, K O V E M B E K 1 4 , liSU tf.

• W * lo . iM r limit

■ * « 1 ‘T«ra _____

Brvw« aMiMd• T S tT " ' ' ' * ' *•• f«nn»r i

I i

of tbo Chief of the Buwm of Ordiumoe.


Tkat CoMtiT la BalM th* ICaak af Ita lagatlaa-T kU O aabnm aa t Win aa ta -k a law a Oaaalir’i Vaall Loolad, Tka Cralaa, Hankla D laabM k)' O talpi. r a tk t r IkM b j boa-T ka LaWar'a baUlda.

Qanaral D. W. F1a«l*r, ekta( o t tha Bureau o l Ordnance, haa made bli an nnal report to the Becretarjr o( War, a t W aihlnston. I t ih o w i th a t there area e l ‘ pended durtns the llacel year endlnp June Ik tIM, t?,H8,7K, end th a t there etiU re- Bialne ot the appm prlatlona for the Ord­nance Bureau tU .T»,at. Thia aum U de­rived from the appropriations ter the decal year, which were.m ade for war purpoaee am ountlns to tlLMM.lKt.

Retarding tha etjulpment of tha volun- teere, the Ocnerel thlnke It would be us well to hsvs ihs Oovem m ent oquip them, Dsiead of their brinntnt their State arme Into the service, saying th a t It could be done ss quickly, owing to the condition of the arm s of S tate troope. He ipesk i In temne of praise of the m anner In which work haa been perforrasd a t arae'niUs and ordnance factories In the rush to put the oountry on a footing for the «rar with Spain. As to the equipment of an army, ha aaysi, "So long as the prinulpal dependonoa In thle counTry in time of w ar le a larga vol-

rorce, newly levied, It la Imprao- tKable to h»jp on hand largo aupplles of cavalry, artillery and horao equlpmente, a s tlieiK In the oourao of a few yaari will hot only deteriorate, but will have to b« materially m i^iacd to keep pace with Im- provatnenti. TIU m ajor part of such ma­larial can, by takl^

REWARDfor ft BHift «r* flit to euro, ftod WO PAT lUl

OplAlons o& tlu Great Conteit Be­tween Princetoi and Tale.

or ft BHift w* fait to euro, ftod WO PAT II, ii our olfar far BftnraiiM falbUWy. o rru l

MlMiitfuft, l*oo— * ■took, w t w S k 4n l>to^ wAoon. •or**.

:Ho(urt mid «ltiftiBft l«ok,

or FMthrul •rriiiftll IRlBftfV dbraldlBcHmM. Tl

\'if|•rri>r«. b\dlftMMft, ftl


. --------- ,, _ _____dmioi,rwilw oi"ruiXiaBB. _ _ _ _

unniiural Thta o|far for oil dl«ooculMir to iMB. for tmm o o t l t i ^ IW< Ri*m. (In ipm 1cm than «iy otkrrwRodtlWt. AOA MKUlt’Ala I^H T lT tT K iBlUli U ytiJ

IM OHANUK NT., WKWARKetA 10 A. M.: t to a ftnd ft to » P. M.


, ___ polnta _agalBsl H arvard a t Carahrldgi- day a n e m se a . while the ltid

agaln it Pemuylvanla. praoitcally hor atrongeai tine, with i rcpilon of right tackle,

•be game on Satur-

-j . - , . t-'rlmaon teammade eaveotaea paints. The genie waafull of lo w raas y d iTimanl Imlivldual playe. but lu rv a rd ahowril a i|< ,ud. Idai-taicaa afte r her brUliunt showing

H aim rit iilavrd Ine. with the ea.

. .. wher<’ Hiiuahtnnwaa miaaed. Both llu rn ru anil Juirray

monay nn depoalt. but canslderwhla money■ ■ 1 In ..............................

They Kapaet a Big llnew la the Tele W aw a Before Moat aatarday-ttealaata oa Other root Hall f 'lrld e -O attIp of tho GsIfaiwMaJor Taylor Lowers World’s Besorda-Bowllng ond O lh tr Bpotis.

wore tried a t centre. Klnckc played a a « r sam e a t quarter back, lUirlug the drel half Itawln played a hrltllaiii aam r aad mado oni' n i ‘ '

ta rly tho wl Dorrd on u f'aohhurn

vnf‘1''. through whole Brown team. Urown blocked kSek. from ured Ihe bull,

bed been depoatted In the bank, and the robbora got only w hat had been taken In m at morning. The T re ie u r tr 'e bonoamrn h ive offered to secure the county If the money le not returned.

king advantage of the re-•n , by I _ ....... ........... ........equrcee of the Rock Island and other ar-Uabmenia oapabla of producing It, be lun . piled aa rapidly ak troops can be r a l ^ , m u s t e ^ into service, and prepared tor oampaigni. There ahould, howevar, be on hand 8eld and alefs’ artillery, wUn oar- riagea and a portion a t I ha harneaa re­quired for NXCam men, luoh gnna and carrlaget eannot bo lum ad out In large numbers until about sla months afte r Ini­tiating the work.”

equipping an arm y with a supply of loiell arms he thinks there ehoutd be a supply of 100.000 on hand of any new arm and the arsenate should be kept in a oon- diuon ap as to produoe iw o a day. An Interaatfng feature ot th# report la that which treats of coast dafance.

The Oeneral aaye:‘T ha eltuallon la very simple. A plan

Baa been adopted tor providing a compicie coast deftnea. w ith the present (acllltlee of the department thin work can be oir- rlad on cconomh aily and In the most elll- etent manner In such a way as to eein- plete the preaent plan In about seven yaara. klMImatea Ought to ba submitted

,*• w u '* *“ » work aa tha facilities for Ita production will permit. I t rests with C'apfreaa to datefnilne bow

. wr oonalathe country.

much of tha work can be provided for ^ h ^ y a a r o y a liien lly w ith the retourccaprogi-taa faster But the work cannot

than the appropriatlontprovide tor."It la prolmble that there muei be added

ta plana and asitinatci for the coast de­fence somr provlelon for the defence ot added pooeenlene."

He otila allentlon to the fact that Con- grraa haa never appropriated what was aakrd for powder aod projectiles and h oonsequenca the aupbly a t tho beginning Of the war wag Inadequate, and be gives aome Initapoeaiof the work done by the uspnfin 'fP l IP make good the drfloleney. The foliowftig ste trm eS t aa to powder la ot Iniereat:

"For several yeari this department had been eaperlmenting on amokelasi powders for aaaooaat guns and had completed the dalermlnallon of tho specMcatlona and re- qulramama for the smokelewi powdara for nearly all the aeaeqaat guns and piortara, M me e l the powder m anufacturera who had been engaged In tne pri^uctian of •hva* eaperlm rntat powdeiw had uBall

t v their production. I t w a e ita - poaelhle, hewever, to produee the powdere faei enough Iq meet the emergency. latter, and aa teat aa poaalhle, the manufacture

1 changed

1UB DISAHLEO BIIFFALW.Iftm bara ef fbo Ceww Said Iq Have Bm b

Keepanilbla.Notwithstanding the unusual secrecy

sought tu be m alhtitned by the Court of Inquiry now on board the crulaar Buffalo, a t Naw Turk, Investigating the recent dis­abling of the warahlp, enough haa loakad out to w arrant tha ballef th a t her conrtt- tlon was not due to accident, but to de- aJan. A man who la In a position to know the tru th , but the revelalloRNot whose name would work him great Injury, talla this atory;

"Tha injury to thb machinery of the Buffalo was discovered last Honday, and reported to Commander Hemphill. Hi- Immediately held a- consultation with the

ot the various departm ents on ahlp-'T he cruiser waa then half way he-

tween Boston and Newport, and It waa decided to put Into this port. As soon aa the Buffalo cast anchor here an axamtna- tloh of tha m achinery waa mads and an appalling condition ravealeq. Thera waa evidenco tha t the aea valva had bean tampered wltln and n sallor'a 'ditty bag' was found etuffeo In one ot the con- denaera, rendering It practically ueelees

'There la no doubt th a t tha oruleer had a narrow aocapo a t sea, and there le rea­son 10 believe th a t the disaatlefactlon of the qrew had moeh to do w ith thu alleged tec Mend."

Many were llie "peat m arltm a” Indulged in yeilerday and to-day by Ihoee enthuel- aale who saw the Prlncetoii-Vwle game on

“' ^ ‘■re were "Ite" and "huia." and It waa agreed th a t all tha predictlana made before tlie game by those who claimed to know the ilrong and weak points of bolh ok vena were aet a t naught. I t waa said th a t Princeton bad • atronger line than Tale, and th a t Tale's luu-ka were aupcrlor, A sa m atter of fact. Talu'a line proved to be fully an strong aa old Nassau's except a t the emta, but Tale's h ^ k a were weak In catching punta, and tiveir fumbling coal old Eli the game. Princeton's light enda played with a d.ish that has seldom been seen on any fool ball flcld, and H waa they who won tha game and kepi the Tale backs from gain­ing ground after they had raught the long punts ot Wheeler and Ayara. On the other hend the men who lay liack o t Prlncelon’a line to nail kleks often dodged the Yale

■I,efl guard. .... Centre .

over. Tho llne-up:Harvnrd. PosHItm.

Coohrnne.............Left end(Farley)


B w l.........B urnett........

tJaffruy)Burden.........J. I,dwrence.Richardson..


IHawIntBawin............l,e ft ha lt back

(R. LawrenoelW arren.........Right half imekK. I-awrence...... Full back.

which amt rushed It


liefi tuekle...........Hapgimu

guard, hi inekli'

..R Icht ...Rrghi — Klght end....(Quarter tnek.

......Wheeler..... t’hcsliro— . Hetendy..... Bheehiin.......... Hunt......... Ih-nttWashburn

Rli'hnMiKin ....... Hates

Oa the BawHng Allays.The Reckleaa Club rolled Iwo practice

ganoM on Adams's alleys Saturday night.

TKAM A. W arkenhulh. IMHeck ............ ISPrentael ...... looBlind ............. IS

TKAM B.iMiZIegler ......... i|gIS KrAller . . . |H l l f l ^ r i n

TotalsIM lA, Sehopfer 101!

m Olj Totals , MT

made the following scoroa a t B M rr \ Bat. urday night:TEAM A.

Dllael ............................ lOfBchroeder ........Momper ............ ii',Stack ............................... j nQ tt .................................... M


SHOT S i t FATHEB, KILLED HIMAKLr.A dsn Sabakad, SatwUaUa-WsItsd

Bla Bliw Was Aalaep.H arry Luta, a youth of eighteen years,

flred (we bullata into tho head of his la ther Morris J. Lula, a t Rasding, Pa., yesterday, and then out Ma Own throat with a thoem akeF i knifa. The father la lying perhaps mnetally wounded In a hos­pital and the son U • corpao. H e expired soon after hla crime waa eommitted.

Tha attem pted m urder and the sulclda accurred In the little ehootnakar shop of lio rr li J, Luta, MJ Elm street, shortly af­ter I o'clock. There seems to have been but a alight guarral btiwoan the fathar

whlla tha la tte r ilepl.Tho,^father and son made their home in

lall^oom, divided

IjtrayloniTouendowna—W'urreii, Ii.,;,) • u - .-p

burn. Goals from louchdown.i l!urm-ii J Imwroncc, Rlchardaun. I 'm iilre-J s ’ Rockwell, M. I, T W'iuiWei*' *" '■'"'■‘"I'-n'Ir.ute

HarifarJ-Ynl.. fn-ahman game la in doubt, ac ih(- munuarr of the Tale team blocknl th r pr"|.„, r t *,,» |"i I'L" nounclne riuH th . oop tm coulq played n l New Ifuveii nest Mmunbiv ueking that It he t.-hniigid In I'nmbrkitte ”

reaasy lvaala Nurprisri Ibsln<llane.More than la.OhO aitectalois nm ,.r

Franklin Field. Philadelphia n,i H a ,u V v a t the cloee of the Penney Indian game which the Refi ami itln,. "on by tha doclalvo aoore of » to j Th la the largeai a e o r e ^ d e agalnsi the Indiana?!!?:* '» ''lo r In collolcfoot ball' The game lit u m>aiure re­deemed the Pcnnaylvaniana in me niinda of their adm lreri for their iii 'a feat by H arvard The IVnn.yrvanm eleven played a t they have not doiir before thlafl NNon.

The doiiteat was one that will be long remembered hy those who saw It It one of the heat played. rli-an«at and hard, eat fought aotu on Franklin hieW son. There was some fumbling, but It was so small aa scarcely tu b« nmlcod. oHd the many brilliant ptayi a ip ^ ly Atoned )r any m ulta In this resi>eci ^ •'*nod The Indiana apiarenily had an off da

Totals .

Patera ... Hrown ... r»owo .... Itemmer Roclau ...I>ick ......Ulrhoff .

Tolala .

771TEAM B.


7H i nGambrinus A and B tgama pul up the

following game a t Doerr'a Baiurilay rig h t:

P lsm .............. ■., IH Kuerht .H uber .............. .,163 Ffelfer .ICriisbtrgai- . . . , Ul KugrI ..Strela . . . . . . . t . . .Ratnhani ........ .. UUKuUtr

.. IfVSi'hlattrrTauwald ........... .. IKjVafflri ..fftockel ............ .. l a Morraih

Tolal .............. , ,1 5 | Total .

the shop. It M n g a Into two by a partlllon.homa a b o u t ................eondltlon

The son camet lA 0 cloak In an Intoxlcgted

. - -'..R la alleged, for which thefalhw took him to taakT The father then lay dowm on a launge, which aarvod i t hla bed, M d the aon threw hlmaelc on hla cot not more than three feet from hla father. Atmut ten minutae after t o'clock tho aon

father *>'.•through h it head.W hen the father gitem ptad to riM a aae,

bullet was gent through hla •jng out near tha le t

war- » poaall , .nged to amakelesa powdera.

it should be stated, however.


wr%l5? fSs!fr r.nnnis'onisi'SfE. H. F raata, s e a r tha ooraar otAIIntli and Elm alreeti. and sank UnMnialoua gaar the step, wheia he waa found by the police who were attracted by hla crisa for the floclore

J When the father was placed In the am- ulance and the police went to gat the son,

found In a pool of blood on the lloor with tha knifa by hja ild a The revolvtr waa found on the fatheria work bench. Th* father hi living 'In ^ 'U 'lw n ^ ***** children

------ stated, however, thatm o k r lw powder only waa maaufacturad

alega artillery. The fact that the l)ma and riege arliUery was to be em pm nd w al ~ ' ■ '

I lime that Vtha I"V* ■*ya wo* 'u uenot detormlned until ghaut

: war was declared, and tharawere no funds available for procuring am­munition for these guns l>eforc that tltne,"

Oeneral FtagleFa report aaya the war has f ^ la h e d no eppartun ltr for deiernln- Ing hy aaperieuoa tha effsal of our •vn aeacoaat arm am ent agalnat modern bgttleshlpa. Tha reports of the ea-K rtence gained, however, lawl to confirm

e opinion th a t Are from shlpe cannot ^ e n c e tha t o or sorioitriy crippla the

lent of OUT modern bnltertra; tnat lips eould not w ilhaund tha Ore o(

<mr modern batteries. an<j that, therefore, the ahtpa cannot a ttack the batterlea auc- ----- ‘ulfy. ■■ ■ -

armanpthe ahli

................ W hether ships can Tup by theM tte r ln without too gyeag risk ha* not been shown, ThI* will depend on the eklll and A pU liy with which the guns areaeryqd, providing the ahipe am net etop- p td by tha mlnaa.

-------a-------K A ltEO TO AMBAIAADOR.

The Auatrlan Iag a t|o a 'a Rank to Be Ia>emaaod-rAmarlu w in BMlpreeate-

Tha Rtate Departm ent a t Washington ha* racelved a forma) notlfloatlon that A ustria la about to raise Its legation in Waahlngton to the rank of an Embaaay, ThI* Government la Invited to co-operate In the goodwill and friendship tbps dls- playtd by the Emperor F rancli Jaeeph and to elevate the H alted Ita tao lo c a ­tion a t 'Vienna to a sim ilar rank. The Btate Department will immedlataly take •tepa to comply with the courteous In- vltaltoa of tha A ustrian Oovemment.

^oao fd ln f to the h ighest, authority the Change of rank In the American Lega­tion a t Vienna will not neceailtate*^t

■snnei of tha present I P“**- Cfiarieraagne lolphta, i»w the Minister

Z\,r.'C71“'Zi pvobabty be prom oMW th hla olliee. The entire corps a t Vienna will be advanced a grade, and it la noa-

C i . r t ‘o '?h i

e j r i V W » V a ' ’« % » T i ' s c :• a**' a

p « , w S i . ; ; « r a i S i>R*,.PffApnal adharentg and marked fa*

of sovereign, 'fh* present HIO' trie r from AualriB-HLinggry Is ibe"F

. . . a t Vienna change In |h i peng repreaenlalton a t fha Tower, of fniHodelph a t Vienna, will pra

M o u m a RHW g H H IC P i.

Oearrel Gomes Fears IhilMia Aaaaxatlan.K onam enl t* kpaalah W ar Vletlma.

-C gptaln Wgrren, an American, who haa been with General Maalmo Gomes for nearly two years, haa arrived a t ^ n - tlago. According to U i ita tsm en t Qencral Goipea will no longer have Americana about him, and la ca tting rid qf them as faet aa poeslble. Ho takes tho aarat couraa in the oago of Cubans augpaetad of tavorific annexation to tbo Unttad Btataa Tha result la th a t aoma of the beat man who ware long attached to hla iwmedtale Btafl are not now with him.

—There hag been organlaed a t West Point an asaoclatlon ot officers of tho Reg­ular Army, conalatlng of both graduatea and nan-gnduatee of the Military Acad­emy, having for l u purpoaa the erection of a suitable memorial to tho offloeri and rn)lgted men of the R egular Army who wero killed In battle,^ of who dltd of w ounv recrtvod or diaaaae e o n in e ir i while In aollve sarvloa In the field against the enemy during the recent war.

—Thomas Greenwood Kershaw, leader ot Chrletlan Sclonce Church of Tacoma died of acute pneumonia on Baturday, aa the result of his refusal to reoelve medical treatment. He waa a man ef the highest education and Irttalltganca, and um illden- tlfylnc himeelf w ith H r i a i l u a r ia » e w m one of the most active and auacessful busi­ness men ot Tacoma.

—It is luideratood th a t aaauranoes have J? the Administration a t Waah-

German ^ g n i m e n l Ibat the visit of Emperor W IIIlM of Germany to Spgln Is eiiUrsly devoid of official char­acter or algnlftcanfe-

- B d w a r f Zola, a resident of Kanaa* City, and a epuain of Emile Z ofi: th l ch w p lo n of Dreyfus, aaya th a t the re­port (ha t the French au thor It coming to this oountry ahorUy la untrue. *

-T^Fbe ateamei Wolcott, from

Arthur Poe. Whose Hun Won For Princeton.

enda and sained much ground before being tackled. They alao tau g h t with a aura- nose which delighted their aupportera.

Gn ruahliig the ball. Tale made twice aa much ground aa P rlncetaa. but when the cructal teste came the Orange and Black line htid and prevented T aie 'i backa from croaeipg the line.

Poe's name will go down In foot ball hla- tory, together with h ts llluatrloui tamUy of foot ball playera. Ho la the fifth who hat played tho game a t Princeton, and hie nlneiy-five-yard run ranks with that ot Lamar, who won the game from Tole In UM. Aa an old Tale graduate remarked this morning: "Thoae Poes have been a troubleaamc lot to ua. I wonder how many more there are."

Tata men eoaalder th a t Tala haa abso- lutaly no exouae far being whipped, and the game will go down In foot ball htaTOry ae something th a t Tate does not like to dlM u*' It w as not until Tale lost tha ball after carry ing It for ataty yarda. when there was ^ five m lnutra of play left, that tha Tale coaebra adm itted [hat Chambcrlin'a men were whipped. Up to this point they .w ere certain tha t Yale would win. TBrir oontldODce waa by no means aa g reat a s th a t of the Harvard crochet who aaw the game.

The Princeton eitvoa broke training Bat­urday night. Palm er, tha plueiw lltlla end, la the only m an In poor pbyilrol condi­tion a t a result o t tne battle * lth Tala. He received a severe blow on the bead, but It la not agpected to leava any per­manent inJurfC CantrarT ta tbS custom

yeara, the captain for the w team > not chosen after the game. The men ) were In the gam e are entitled to

elect HUIebrand'e ausoeator, but they w art so exhausted by their desperate ex­ertion that It was decided to p o s ^ n o the

for anyI'-iMiT "sa in Off day.

a t Pennaylvanlt found lltite diniruliv In making gutne through their fine and run"half. The Indian rocks wrr» alow In get- ^ g Into plays, and their centre wen play-

" ^ s s lb l i f i r ■rro ^Ina-up^ up large holes.

Pennaylvanle. Positions,McMahon ........Left end........H e i^ n b e rg ...I,,eft tackle...

..L eftguartl.............Centre........Hlghlguopd..

C arnett ......... Right tackle...Hedges .............Right end...Gardiner ........Quarterback

Haro Overffeld . HoCracken

Indiana, Hogora

• H. Pierce . Wheslock.........Smith

.. . . Bcgtt‘" V i d e

Coo IT be

Outland Fotwell .

...... Left half bark.

.....Right half h s 'k...........Full bark.......

Archlquatte....... Hudson

(RoTOriai....... Seneca

(Wild),,, .Miller

McloxenTeuohtow nt-M cC racken J, Hare 1. G ar­diner. Goals from touchdowna-Oullapd S. Goal from placemeni-Wbeelork. Um­pire and referea-W . H. Corbin, of 'Tale.


choice until

lenwImuMerT'and ae"li5*liaa alfea'

I t hlntM ihpt hla BucOataoE haa already

the B ai adyaron

leave of aba*n'«r^t1 1 niotFd that b*cn selected-

This ta Mlnialer faralem,and a aell-known fa'varite of Francis

K n 'IfFralrin la considered one of the ablest men In Austrian public life, and during h it term In the chamber

This ta aald to Ire the preaent Austrian *0 Bwllfitriand, (Jount K, de Kuel-

aralelil, former u rn la ter of the Interior

aervlot to the en In oonfiict with

<»WRTT TBEAIBKT r o b b e d .Over RSJMO Take* hg Three Men at

Dharltant Ta,The roplia of tho County Traaturer'a

office of Lucaa County, la ,, a t Charltan, were robbed pn Baturday ofaevera t thou- ajnd dollan tn cash and a large quantity « United B tatfi hands. The oonntw will

ftCW by tha work of the w ndlta, fqr the bosida belonged moeily to

end bualneaa men. who had placedthem In the vaults for aafe-keeplnt. All Of & ™ "in"*? * * ^ . ‘ W ‘h*eOdhty,

W V r o l l b i U * ‘’* ’'*'’*'Tlia man utad borgea, aod it

takieii away In tb tt« Mg k E7*P iBianOon m r t i j

and w tgi s I mF aaillo.1 iiffi Cotinly T feftiuffr u v n

likely, ainoe the doors were atandliw widt ? l * l ffn*n the ( to k o rolurpea from

away'Sy'iliV'rpIltliK* I*"*|ba money A tt ba ta . I t was

T nt Cotinly T fe n u f tr u v r th t vtuU i— I u em s un-

opm tw han the, o H r k i % * t r , ^ , CluBcfipon, AW thta la teo w n to fmve heart ^ a custom i n a long Hme. Npt a Seratoh ffa* ffiM* •”* doors or wludows, and 11)0 raboar^ was not known for an hour

PtM,Qda ^ i yif o r the

the, Mil


looft or wludovB, and.. i- v. -a - - ' i " h ----- .If |t had o . ^ r r ^ . here ware three men in the b |

rods,horses up to iha ro«k dS ^ouae and one of them

rnlle the othera wqlksd Into the no. I lia neon

.use tew per-pereono r o i n e m r o r t i W i " ? ; ^

Itfi in0Qtj

r |w i


Alaska, brought news to B sa ttK ^ t irowntng of a young woman named

^roisop and a man named T anleraon In Controller Bay, on October I ThM^wer^e rowing from the mquth of the Ckllkal R lvarlo Kakay la l . id , and thair b ^ t i S : alaed. The body of tbe woman was rec.oi>«*S ' Bhe fnr-m erif lived In Minneapalls. W ith her alt- ro^r^aha ran a dance hall In Controller

-d lan ley Baoliwlib, a /ad tw anu .th ree l e n ^ while hunting

unton, Mata, W h|S up a rabbit which

yegri. waa killed yeeb In the woods near Ta ttooplng over to pick he haiTahqt hla gun w ai dlachafitad7anii he racelved tho charge In hla head '

—The Rev. Thomaa Cummings Ha of the late IJev. Dr. John Hall

Avenue Homing.

ulpit th a t there

kll, aon icupled Tafty- U was

the puiptt of tbe Fifth tcrian Churoh yeaterday mornlm announced from the pulpit would be a meeting ef ifia oenj W ednteday evening a t I * '0 1 piirpoae of gpi^lniniB a aomma'tee"to oo-pperate wit; the HMian Dr. John Ii

larogitioi i i ^ for

n on the

le eommlUet appointed byn • Fucceroor to Hall. Whjte a .num ber of the

fact th a tdlaincllnat/^on and the fa the Orient In connection mattcro. othera, who leenr ed with the Rev, ThomL. moti yeaterday, eapreaaed the hope he Would be Choaen to au cce^ hla riither,


with miaaloroty « l with ih V f.v V 'lh T n r .y ,? :” K '^ * * * -

dome later uale. The exact time has not bean deiarmlned, but It la probable th a t it win be some day next week.

I t ta a foregone cooclutton th a t the cap­taincy will again be tendered to HUte- brand, but popular opinion saya th a t he will not accept the honor for a aeoond term, on the ground th a t he baa already given hit beet efforts to the team, and prefers to give aome other member of the trium phant eleven a chance,. Th choice lleq jMtween Edwarde, ISOQ; Booth, IWO, and Geer, ’(b, for the la tte r will return to Princeton to r postgraduate work next year.

Princeton ended her foot ball campaign by having f w e r polnta scored against her than any oI the Mg teams. W rot Point was the only team able to reduce the T ln ra ' olean record.

W hat the leading college tram s hdve dene In the way of point tooring la shown by the following tablea:

PRINCETON.Princeton............... n Lehigh .................... ftPrinceton.............. . UBttvena .......... . . .uPHhaetan................ SI Franklin, Marthall. UPrinceton............... JlIjB fayrtte .............. 0Princeton......... . WAnnapolla ............. liPrinceton............ . Sflornell ..................0P r nceton............... M U aryland a , c ...... ftPrinceton............... fiPeanaylvanla State ft^riaceton............ . MBrown ....rinceton............... U V lrftn la ..tin ce to n .,............ sw e a t Poln

Ime—thlrty-flve-mlnuta htlven.Coraell rteored at Will.

Cornell ran up a score of « to n against f* 1 <!!■<», on Baturday. with

little diffieuliy. (Mmell'a team srork and fo a t^n ap p y ptayliig itood out In contrast ro tbe work of the Eaatonlans. From the beginning of the game, Cornell had Utile trouble in advancing the ball through the vitUo:a' tackle, and I.,eft Half H act Mor- rtaen mad * aoma phenoBOeiisl gains OMund tha anda. L afsyetts was uaahle ta hold Perkliif, theCoroeil full back, who Played an unSsually strong game,' i-onslderliig it was hla first game of the leaeon. The iTnt-

Lalayetle.. . .R u t te r

...... litetRowing Mitualinn a« ('orurll.

The undergradiistea a t rornci! have hern surprised during the last few dsya to learn th a t the Athlalli; GaunulJ I* carrying on negotlatlnns with Ydie and MarvanI fook lug to the arrangem ent ot next year'* crew races. Cornell this year Is aualn placed la a dFlIcate iwslilon. amt the aulu- llon of tha aquatic problem trill be nearly a i difficult as It was last year. In fart the problem la so complex that there lii not a member of tbe Athletle Council to­day who oan tell w hat races Cornell will row, nor where she wfii row them. It la

.*2 au thortiy tha t Cornell will Aral have to decide whether or not •he will row two paces, and It Is this jiKUmlnary queatlon that haa been de-

la safe to roy tha t neither Captain Flaher ar Coach Courtney la In favor ot rowing more than one 'varalty race, It will not be surprising, however. If Cornell ahould be fereed to do the same thing (hat ah* did last year.

I t can be aald on high authority Hist Cornall i t working for tits Inlareaia of an onen re g a tu . Bhe was the leading factor of the to a n la a llo n of the Intercollsglate Rowing Aiaootatlon, and will do all tn bar power to Induoe Yale and Harvard to come Into tha tam e rro*>U with Penn- aylvaala and Columhia.

The Itit en which this ihoe G mads has seam new festurrs which luivs never he lm been In- corporfttej iQ i liuit. ind iIeim ptw pofatft biv# hwi studied «at with ike Mea of aWkw tbs weeper ika areelsii smeuet ef eemfort (Mgeelsl- Ir St th* TOIta sniJ BALL of the (ool|.

J U n i M A R

oil A‘S**,'**T-*‘* a«los to amoL

4 -.* ''S .» K ^ « -F c a S S »

a . ' s r r t f r ®■ w 1!‘*

tfak t-T'nrtiJ

A, UIredllfiffib



• T A V a C V f t B O .

: I 2 | Cn R II Ml 1011 I t m R kr U I .

J ; J U D 8 0 N D R U G C O .g•! U ffR R Q A D nR B JtT .R sw ark .lf.A . i ■ W e 'E'# I » ♦ » < >« 1 1 M » f I I i m l

Boys’ Shoes from n .2 5 U i.__________* E«*s Slid Ohio III

SHERIOan 3 m ith I

~ ^ S H D E |>‘OKMEN.



196 Market S tree tttpp . Ne w a r k t b e a t r k .

n t n ' i and W oniM 'B CuAtom W a i t • S p aeW ty .

ijai, •StfreC dd;*?*?:fay Kaftsemt daUr.emphlA Aakevllla

W 'aJS fflr;Him

f .RS'”' , Hr for laliwar.

PR. F - f f v . % 1 *!a t p r liTwlex!


up:Cornell. Position.

Duvall............ ...Irffl end ........Wfy" ‘............................................. OhalmTri” r a ? 'y o u r o r ’*^*‘ •"■*"*..........Caldw ell......Centre


c a ia w e ii.......Centre ...................Kounl>ergerL u e d e r .^ .......................fu « rd ......... H e ilm a n

Y o u i^ ^ ' ) . . . .Qbarter bark.........*MeeTi'i^.jMorrison.........Left half back................CarterWindsor........ R ight half bark............

.Touchdow ns—Morrlaon 1. Perkins I W indsor iwectlaniL Goals from touch-

Rofaree-M r. Lang. Tale, to ip fra—Mr. Moaeom,' Amherst. Ylaii Thirty-m inute and twetily-pilnuift Bglv

Noltker Taam CeaM heeiT..Tbo game o f foot ball batween tho SL

Aji’yolua eleven and the Paterton A, C. a t tv ledenmaysr'a P ark. yesterday after­noon resulted In a lie, neither team being able to score. The vlallora had oomewhat the belter o f the argument, but strong defenalre work by the looal team kepi flfte” ' '■“•ring St, Aloyslus'a goat

O'BrIen'a work at tackle for the vlattora waa a fu tu r e as waa Murphy's Una plunx-

^**7t ijld good work for St. Aloytlua. Summary:

Bl, Aioyalui. Poejtlon. Paterson A. C.Provost.................L eft o n d . ....... Kane^ w w n ^ .„ . . . Irffi tackle............... O'BrienBoaeh, llc lm yre .L eft guard.............. Sweeny

JB 'nceton............ . I YalePoint.


Ya e ....................Ta a ....................Yale....................

TaTa a......................

...Mt Total..............YALE.

. . U Trinity ............,. SW saleyan ........ HAm herat ........... s tw m iam a .......... (N ew ton ............ fit Brawn .............. Ill Indiana ............ lo w est Point. .. .. lOChIcago .A. A.. .. OPriacoton ......

T o ta l...................lie T pU l..............HARVARD.

H srvard ................. n w im a m d ........H arvard............ . »Row<loln ........H a rv a rd .,,............ H D srtm oulh ....H afvard ................ UAmheratH krvard................. K W est Pol


Point... iUNewlowne ....IftChIcago .........II Indiana .........10 Pennsylvania 17 Brown ...........

H arvard..

Harvard ........a rvard ........

Tolal...................m T o ia l....: ..............NUNIVEBBITT OF PENNSYLVANIA,

Tannaylvnnla........ I t Franklin, Marshall 0MGottyiburg ............. 0UPannaylvania Stale 0ftOUananeld .............. 0UBrown ...... 0U Virginia ................ 0

^ a r i* * " ......■ -^J|bt"S/uaro.V.V.V.'.^^^cLaughVlhV.\,.;^ht‘ end.

H<gflna........jL eft half back.......... H ew ittP'vTnc..........R ight h a lt back..........MurphyijM "---.......... Q uarlar hack...........Bhoppard. T r c m e l . . . F u l l b a ^ ................. < ^ene

Time of halvoa—Twei)iy-flve minutes Bmlth*'^” ^*'"** b’m plra-M , Fi

Local G rldlran Notaa.y probable th a t tho N»w-

iirk und Rivaralta A, 0, will r o u t pn the f''rm er's foot ball field again an TlSinhs- Klvlng Day. NoHros were sent o q t ^ the Newark. Club's p . u (lom irU ltuV es- terday for pracllco to-morrow night a t l o c loA In preparation for t k i tmntroi Twenty.four oand d a lu aro new try ing

™ Newaro lu r ^ R lr o r o id f o b je c ts aomewbat to tha fact t h a t ^ m - ijers o t th* Newark A. C. a n ad m lu id lo the games fra* and tSa W varSde m « say that lk«y also should n « | udmIthftloD* I t 1ft th o u fn t tliRtence« will 1>« amloftbly «pr«nff«i ffTHulblB wfty. it J. Rjrfed. i» to oW irti

nl ■by Ibit 1

ROBHMT K. WgHNBIL UK rsuam m tht usdtr of IMwsrd

lUen-eats of the sounty at Bswai,•IgnnTi'lm^iiiim'If

the L'rsillUits ol said deoeuad lo eahlbU to the •ubecritxr. uniter oath or afllrma- tlon. their c]alini< sn't dipisn'U against tha........ srHl daini .. .fR»m "f sam drosossil wlthBi aino nwalhi .___this data, or Ihsr wMl b# forssor rorrsd fistm Proascutlng or raeoverin* the same sgamit fto

S to p T h a t C o u g h I

Dr. Mandeville’s Cough Syrup

W I t l s D O I T .Nf>|heaaEATlMTGlUFtnrt COURH CURE

onkARTit. n tlloun InH hoanv Merer fails UOtWi TICKUNU in the

TilKUaT and

F f Il'e JIS c . B o t t l e ,For sale at all drug itons ami at

The C. D. HandevilteDrug Companyt

410 Mulberry Street.Coaniclod with the dni* Hors Ua ronsullatbia

I W , where Dr. Maronrills nan ba aoMaliod oa alldbeastwI'IlKEuI' CIIAHIIK. P p e ^ atten-tinaalswiiloOUl tlHHOMH; UlftEASEl, trie capi lau tbe IKHIk, Kipp-


subRcrllMr.November 1 1 . 50w imh


bl te tile uriJer of iBa^uiEilTATftUK OAnitlBl.,.pKC'kAftiEU- PqUSii \v Jbrkbi*b. "thU day made, an Uir RjipHi'RlIoi) of thie un dmiftiiMt .Eiiinlnlitrfttar oMlRi.i 4mwmJ. arKlo* U cIVfB lo the crrdltom of Mid dereARedto RshUiit lo eutMicrn>fr. under tieth or ef* Anvetioi}. iheir cUlmR und demindR ftcnhwi th* saislt of saM wlihlp nin* iffonihsfrom this (Isle, or fhsy adu u forever barredtro"*ahwrnl*r"* “ •»« sailnst

nciuW- 31, iMt.F*l ________ ABllANn_PcmiOLl-E|TAT|1 <iy iu R V A. ItlKBT. DK I^EAsi|7 o.f.SSS?'*' . 'V ” «Aer of jedMId W.. Jsekoan, Hunroats ot tro cponi* of e h TO, un ihe uf Mtd derfilKon _•I'rlber, under tuu)i t»r

1 the ia tli« urf Mtd deceftRetl, ntfllef Ia Ii 'filKon nf Mid deenewTlo

tfcift fa r nmdp; IfBM ftft«tJUIf»r

iKTehy fttven lo the Ibit lo thf fub*


RM within nine monlhii Oi|r fat*.cRftRftd within nine monlhii rrimi thli fat* they wU1 be fprfvcr lMiT*d frem nrufttcuilnc

tht Jim® ftitlnel Ih* •ufaicrtti*r. October U* IMis_________________ THtyiiAA J.JdlNTOTT.

latt® A. I’pft- iteceftitK' ^.. ..4ted by t^ d u r r u n u

--- ■eriii_________ ______ .ihft county of UiMJt. on Frlfay. ihi twenty-llftliftudiiftd end iliited by ported for eelllefnenl lo '

ffivfh thftt the ftroounlR dIThe Mberri ^ ilto n lit <'lisrtattf A. epA, decefttedv wUI he

tfa durrofttp ftnd rew jn® OrnhiTia' t*uuit of

day Af November nfal. X>A(*d October HO.


NOTICK OK HHTTLEMBKT-'Noilc® l« hereby ftiven (hit the accuunti of the fubecrlber,

*rufti*« unfar tlu will AMIomr WArd. fae*«A*d. for the NewArk T^nhin Aiyluin ARRitctAtlnn, will be Audltid ftnd italed by the durroftAle Rml re* Ported for Aetdement to the Orphih®' Court of the rounev of KRaem. on Krlfay (he twenty Afih iIav nr November nfttt-

Dftlea October 23. 1«UH.HARrijft L. WAFin.


TrotItv efTriitCiCHTHALa NAlMdJAD OK

Anthrftrlt* CMl HAffl ei; cieftnUnea® anj comfort. 1 CMnWr 4. ]|W>:.fe ’7ll?n'fi:,a"'Tfl,rT:S."I:Jl"1}:fii*'rro11:23 I Hundft)*. T:I«1, li:U3. llifa A.

Iiau. U;i>0. 10:2,1 V. '1:10. 2:45. 4rt)fi. iFtwgoinrrvllls at 0;lft. J:*i,'a;aa. «:W. iOHB

A. M.: I:M| 3:40. fti-VB, 4:113. 4:40.e;04. Ii;4.V, «;|u, T:1S. » :» , 1U:II6, IHSrt P.U. rtundarx t i l l . g:0ft, lusA a . U .s 1 :10. 3:4«. 4:llL li;U. f:3U. V:W, IU:p P. M.

r w Flsmlnslon. 1:»l. STuS A. M.KunUtys, CUft P. M. rtmnerUftft fur

P. U _ uitdftyi, 4:«0 P.Kfa Rtfttiun® to H\ith Iirld®*, rtmnerUftft fur

Atfttlifiya im Hlfth Hddire HniweVi And UikA llo* wtfonft. A. If. i4i4«. r^i'enl iTw iirl

VAllAy und (.'litfleri 1*. If. Humlay* (1:10 P. li. tu rlandeiftje For RiHtlofiA un Jdiin line New .ItrHey OntnU

uIvlRione, Baak» . DrUilebrin And AUmiown, 7:%. 0:0,1, wllh pufTet Jfarlor rir . A. M- lo Kaeton). l;ilA iButfet Ptrlor Onr. 4:40. to Mutoni. A:4R (flAV 1® Kuflnni P. M., JIupAftye

A. U.. io flastont. 1:1(1, TijU P. ITt ForHBMvb Chimk, T;sn, A. U. rwfth Rnr

At riirlor Dir). I.-M fUutTrt Parlor c«r|, fi:49 M. autirtajs: l:t!l. t:IS V fa.

F«r W nilesharr,. I'muim ami gcrsalm. »:0I . M.: Iil» P. HFor sunbur). Ma ltbum ■N't Wllllamaport I'hlla4i|0b|t. s:a( A. U,; I:U. I:l«. II:1|A ]>.

________ ___________

IM , 4:40.

, ff*P-13;4I. 0:40. TJ

Acr.>mi . For TYsi rtjM. ft:aiv e s ta l*

S pS ■ ■ ' * *JFsrk,js. J e a l j l r l T l t t i S :

e- *•'

FOR tilSW TftRKs **»1l*:?1. «;Sa. f *:la. S:3i. tln:mi. io;ao. IliU)

f I M S fS K ' s a a tt ’l l i fS liM in i

34F< EllMhfth i»bIv. •eek-iliva. f e V S ' l L E T ’ jj* '4:10. ftiftp. f.;3. «;M.

13 IT i| !5#WIL®■unror, a ;4 P .a M ra

F . M .

rt.'M. Sfla. in; f t

F ifTri alah*:TO' 3'ffi-.rtLW. fl'ljl. tdff ana P:4I P, iL i u ' t l

hoo.taya, I0 ;lrt, f 1 :*) A. fa ,niKki weeltHlftva. And tl:r*a pa Ambtihm, 3 -

ftn Sunitsyx )0:IX Tl'aft a .■nu II I* nishi.M., rt;4S and n;(W p. Hif"*!:'',?'- *<■: »»•'*sn,| ii:W p. M,. rta'ii. eieow rtumtay.

J i ? n'a.kr Illil. 7:01*. N4*1 r. W.. itslly, esi en' HuBdir For l-hitMushurV. Knslon and 14#Ivld*r#, fijRI.

r i : » * . fa . and 3:34. 0;H P. II. luailsy. oilT

........ . *»Ti> HJJXAHKTH HRANCU,Trains l*sv* SrosiT BlrMt Hlalton tor KII:

ro»h and Rosslle si “ " ..... " ......... ' '^llsBhetncort ont^).

maOslottllw iB K '* ]~ leAve 1

HtmlliA, .Er? 1 2 ® 1:0fl. ■ i :35. 1:53.' 3 a:3T*.

■:»». - - HtrUI.

S:lKl fA:M. - J0:4i,

np <The mofttI t w r n u , ift to e\

j ro ; Pi«F*ra aiid offltne AftiOMi,iiig| A .« . will Dlay tha Knlckcr-

A. c , again next Baturday. Th* oiaotion day.

try . . -ailmiBalan to the gsmea.

The Omng* A. <c.to a


rS p I l lin p la awd l a d l a g a L la a R a a a T h ro u g h th o B a lM lu g ,

From tho Chicago Trlbunr,The Btqla line tavern In Iha tunhw aai

hart of H am im nd eniaya thp wecullar dla- nnetton of nring half Di Inotana and halt! m l l t l n Q l a . . . l n ^ i h . roal a ^ u o n wa

[, Robert_W erny. tni* the was)

araettd by Mrs.L Robert Werlay. and reiii* oqn, During i m the w Jit

y her ao as to —___ Jl twenty-flva

and third ffoon are uaed aa a ho’te'l.'Thtra

aa a aaliwas addfd b; I f •F»r Into

feat. Tha secondIlllnohi aboul tw enty-flvr and third flooro aro uaed ir e two entronoea to the saloon on to u n d ffaor.ona from th* Blato of ril i the other and front ana from 7 Plurolror itre e t runs In ft

the inoli,

nar itra e t runs In front of th?*?r?; arn. Tne location pf ihe atructuro with refartnee to the two B tatei l! |S i^ the Imaginary f ta ta ‘ 'ih^ jigh Iha building.

that agfinally

PMullar featura of the tw o -B u tn

a n s i jia ri.T s s e s .ttrTriop thare ^ f l c naaaing Just t o ^ U t u f at e n " ?

» int In Uit w teon a p e ^ n m y g u n J


Pannaylvanla.Pattpsyivanla ......Pannaylvanla........Pannaylvanla........PeBBaylvanIa........Panfisylvonta........Pennaylvxpja........ran rsy lv an ia ........^cnpaylvanUt.......Panni;Penni


UI..ehlgh .......17 Wesleyan ............... ftB Lafayette ............... 0H ^ lc a g o Unlverelty. IIOHarvard .................10

U lndlans iT o ta l. , . . . , . , . . T o ta l..................... M

CORNELL..... Bilyracuao ............. 0, . . , BColgate ................. ^

it Hamilton ......... o.... ITTrlnlty ................ <1.... WByracuie ......... .... o. . . . B lndlana .................. 0. . . . nBuffalo ................... 0

X-"'-.... .............. oprlnoeton ............ 6C ornalL ,................ ftOberlln ................. •>Cornril.................... HW lhlams ............... hCornell....... ........... iT Lafayette ............. o



ornell...... .Cornell...,,Cornell......OarMit......Cornell.. Cornell..

Beet Newark, on la tu rdayT y iS

hockArteiimi plHye<t t when nMlner Afevfn ftoom ,I ' ■Park,gcula tn I..The S. 'ered Henrta defaaled tha A narv A. C., 30 to 1, a t Blflomfield y e s te rd a y ^ /:trriioon, u |.

The Invinolbira won from the Orlentala on the “ meotlowa''’ tn one half on '’‘H-‘‘^t*''noon hy tho score # 1 x -gThe -*-•------ ■

flatur-The t.*rayettca dafaarod' the*Co'mata at

lojiig Island City yaaterday aflemo'nn Tha score was 17 lo ft. m eThe Beet End F, C. played tha EaoalairtT-

P C. yrslerday. No scoring w K “ona By a ^ r e of i t ta » I h o * f ie lo n \a l t

^?£***» * o n an agoltlnggam* from tha Btsi* (Vniii-r " fBy a acoro of It

Coilage foot from

Gal lo g ea Reality Oearoaa.The accond round In tha handlo**

peiltlon of the Glen Ridge Golf Cluff *** btra ror the laeao Snedeir -■’*----------mem-

Bver Cup was

per hot*.

Total . . . ...... ,..,.S30 Tolal........ Krewu roesaa Agolaal Harvard.

Tha hopes of th a H arvard aupportera re. calved a aathaok on Baturday last by tho way In which Ihe ''Itonew ai!'’ rii*h line w ai walled up tho field by Brown. The vletorir of Fiinopton ever Yale woe an­other blow to the Crimson, aa It waa oan- ndenUy expeotad th a t Ins Ells would down the Tlgera.and ao the foot ball cnam- plonahlp would hang on the reiuli of the H arvard-'rjl* game. It waa alto thought th a t if 'Tale dafeatad Princeton the eoachea of the Dark B lur would rest on thelp oare and the Cfimaon'i ebanera for a turpriae afmllar to ih a t a e runa on Fenn- aylvaitla would ba M f t v •'■‘ roased,

Bvary man on thdARDward alavait la fit li? tn jp -d a y aSd play tha ja m a of... . . - ;fi^ ‘^ .S * ih ''i ''^ e ;t’’'tirr game

ogalM l Brown wera all onxioua to can- Imite, hut Captain Dlbbtas aald, "Cowia «st,n and th a t aattlad II. I t the team can

«:uroday *t«>out afi S J a W ^ 'l^ ^ e S lBaturday Intact g i . i r ^ ’r i d y ‘f'^r p l ^

- d. I t the team can gat' through uiittl T tiunday without any iarteua Injury they will Tala a t Hew Haven on

kept the sc o rf^ bring done h*i5 ®u'*£* f i* " V • H o k i _p"tay” 'o % '? r » r k l i % a T ' ; ' i , * r ,round wilt alao be plarod, handlcajia and resit I la, f ^ o w ; * ‘w ^ if. B ^ i a S r S f t i n u p 'Y " ; i•cffttch, beat d. 1 * Ih*— ^

' J r ‘

NQTIPF o r (IliTTLKMENT-NotIC* It fi*ieny fiven tfiftt ihl AcocHintR iif ih* ■ubAi-ritiTt. mU*

minlRtrfttbr. wllh tk* «>MI of fainunJif. OAron*rs ilAceAMd. will b* Aurlitefl htuJ RtAlAd by th* fturroRitf Ami rfportTri fi.r miuus m*nl (u lb* OrjjbAlu' t'uurl uf lh« cuikiiv uI Kh**x. do Frldsy. thA tl*vvtiih fay of NuvembeiiK t s d Oot. t ISOK.

HTKrilFK J. MKKKUfl Fr*d»f1rk F, QuJd. Frociur.____________

NOTICJQ o r HlCTTLEUKNT-NuUrt (r bfifby |[lv*tf) ihAt the Accounift nf (he fiiibarrtb i, vft>

Acutor of N*nry ]*AAriR, tl c*ftRRd. will bp RiiiiJirr] ftBd »tftt*4 by Ih* SiirruvNt® Hnn rs(iuru*d fur M|(!*m*nt t® th® OrnbArti* roiirt ih* pounty of Km«x, on Friday. th« clcventli day uf Nu* vbwibfr n*Kt.

Patrd Octobar 8, IIM.jopFPH ni-;aVriLJ':R.

Ifichftcl T, BArr*tt. Pnvior. lOf


^oiioriL Ms ?(aaa. cumpItiTiRiu, and J.KlnicRlftnd «t Alt., (lefcndanti. Ou Aqr) deur®*for RAlA bi «rnlAu In bArlHIun.

By virtu* of A nnftl dwryfa. tu m* ilirn-tpn. la* AU*d out Of thk rourt of OhaacFry of N*w J*r- acy, I wilt typOR* (n wle at puhUc vrnduA on Tutaday tha Hlaih fay of lieuHinlM r. alRblraA hundrati ami nlnrtys*lfthl. hi ih* htuir of iwo o'clock In Ihe afttrncx^p of lald day. at the CteunhouM in tht city NAwark. in Ilia njunly Of Kami, all that carriln trad or iwrc*] of IaaiI AIM] pr*fflia*t Rltnat*. f.vlnK imd brln® m tna (ownihlp of county of Er«** unUMtit* of N«w J«r««y. (H>UTxi*ti and dracriiml a#roilOWA. (O-Wil.s . g *

All that (rad of iRhd in (li« nelitbUorjhpod of Gard*n, which wad t‘unvTVc<l tG^HIiam

Dow by Henry KlnftRland. Jr., ftntl Mary, hla wife, by d»«d bearinit dat* Auauit ninetHniH. flffhtfan h u n d ^ and ihlrty, biHinfad on ih» north tldla ny land fiffmerly twlunftlna lo An­thony BfJWft and aitnhtn Sanr^m. weatarly by Und of ih* fatal® of the ]a(R Anihony Ruiftfa, dfORofad: eoutherty by land of thu lat* ( alnirinj

Tjftl **n an<■IlcaWtl:.T5 A, a. .............. .......... .........

4:08. 4 : k ftW- ItW. S:lU 1* Elioft' fath). 3:10, 0:3.1. lOtOA. U:25 P. M. dundayn, Trl3. 8:03. 10:05, l l : » A. U.; Iilo. 4:05.niw. Rjw, ran. t-a>. ana. Oioi. io:»i p. k*PKRTfl AMBOY. RftANl-U OOiCAN

QROyH. RTC.For Tr*rol*v and Corttret. 4:15. 0:03. 10 :(ifl A. II.; ];U. 3'35, ftiiT 0:10. 9:35 V. U. Hun- d » a , 0:Ufl A. H.; 4;0 |> . M,, fawaren. at 4:10, ilfl. Oiffl. 10:0.1. 11:33 A.U i:M. i;aa. 4:aa.%r45: ■ - - -BundftyR, - •:M. 1:20. 41#. fi:43. S.-lo. 11:83 t*. M-lunfayR, 9:(A, l(l:» A. V .; 4:03 fV M- ^Vnion Reach. JloB, lO;CtA A. ll. . l;U , B:5i. .'To. P. a . 9;ia A. M.Par Perth Amboys i ju . %-M. U:(l3.1u;tt3, H:.1i5 A. If.; I W. n-.Mn. i ’M. 4:40. A;45. tt:|?». 0 :ui

P. M. Hunfay®. 0:08. Ib0)3 A. M.; 4:05 I'. N Kr»f Atlantic lllfthlandR. v)n Maiawan. k:5H,

11 :M A. U.\ 1:M. 4:49, B:4I, 0:19 f*. U. Suii- dil^i. frOfi A. NT: 4:01 F. M.

■fchuJd. 8;flf!. fl:38 A. U.: 1:58. 4;«.day®. fr(

For Frc<3:4D P. M.

For Rffid Hank, taoni Brab'h. t)ra*f> nrftv*. »|r. to faa Girt uaty|>, 8:88, l l ; r i A. IIrl:58. to R*il Hank Mly). 4sb, 4:40. 0:t0 p. II. Hundaya. eacapi tu tVean (Jrnv*. hiiW (10:(fri to Rro8;3*^A. M,; DM, 4rt« p" fi, Itun'lsvs. 111:11

Tims nivsr, Ranagat Psrk ana Hsrnraai. M.: lixa. lilb K ff. gumlsys. licoj

tiamls cue, Vliielanil an'l Briilation.

rt:ai. auKt. «;S(I,rt:40. 3 :» 0;3tf. thIiV I0:«l, I0;W, 1P:4|I, Ill'S'.

lirT*!.'!'! fa,: 13i». fTllO, ' ‘

l i t AND HEW TiiRli «n^ Htreft Siatlob®'-\t 20, f;40. 8;rai. 8;^.11:80 At Ma a . w ro r ffig. ■ ■•4>fsr gm .. a * i-iiF , 3 lan j, i .sHf, 8:1® ^

If,: DoS. i:nn, aiort. tioo. 4;«>, B:wi, rtiki. reo, ajIM. 3:00. 111:00. 11:00. 13:00 P. fa. (13:40 A. U.. CftcRfit ifonfayil.

I ^ y * 3Jaw York Irotn foot of Llbcriv itr®Rl—

U M A. M-iJOlOn H.: I3rwl. l:tm. I:lrt, f:')0,

|'ir*mt^^'»n''svr'l '9,.ths .'uG Jihp g.leml hr Jsr*ml«l) Klnaslsiirl Or d s f '. March twsniv-slahth, alithtr'"i hun'lrt'l niT*Jhrs». ,!""l .rro”ril*l Oij'k

up I G, i t by ' ite r •fea Dayton, g,

llaon, . by ( , jnton,

heat T.

be tfie mixed foufaotnaa'foV’ t ^ a i i h a r i

Tha Chathajlat * '

William t . Hunt; Mat'Bnyla; treaauror. fSr. ,Jp.i Gresna CommIUet,

Tha Chatham Golf Club wag organlaed last weak wUh the fallnw lS. ” Fm U lfn t. RuftMli H lnm 8B ;% 5f.a iSS£?t* W l U m 't- Hunt:

doctor BillsC A O / A f t i l No doctor ever lived

who could five you ihetter iN idifat (or (ever and tg\» thi® Hoitotttr'i S h ^ h Btuen, C«( 8 itnyRN dleiM deikr'i, cure yoonilf Mf doctor Mlh,

t n .

Georg* H. Kiritpatrlok, Ha gOverncra, Ihe otfirera am mUtee and Thomaa w . w

; t t r t - k ^ a Wlub-a links are '

^ S :ard

Usnearalag iim THaMill."M ajor'' Taylor l o a m i tk a

w o rrf i racord B aturdavT lf a second e t J h a W o r ^ * ' ’ phja. H a a l n law# . . ..Sjd, and B tw lo t, ekG of a sacaN off In t h i s mile w u made la L |. aacon^ IrnffM than tho j

m «ire tha of liadal-

'■ a..- ..................ih*fatal® of tht ]a(fl Anihony

dMROOAd: «ou(h*rty by Iftttd of thu lat* ( .Ward, de**At*d, and «a«(*r]y by th« cruH rrwi: loadlnir from Jam*» Hrown in th* «r>ne Rchool* hotiM At Bvrlfa Garden; duntalnJu od* tor* uf tand. ba iha wun* m<>r« or )«Ml (leinir th® moia' — .....• •- ft- Ktnf*-

iMd dprad........... ^ . larad aita

....y-thrfa. nnd f*cordfr) Jii tii^k N-8 nf Daada for ERffitft County, imk* 8tQ. Inclutllnir th* n~ (at* and Iniare-at tn dower pf (b» defAfidani. Afalina AmUn. In Raid i>r*ml«N, anti inoiudlnjf •lio ih* (nehiMl* rurhi af dower of (1m d«fan<1* aiK. jUnt® Ktnftilahd. wij’e i»f *a d /oRAph j Klftftifan*), In (he undW|d*.l ont'h®RAtd nmrnla' k, lofrathfr with ill atu ih« her*dliam*n(R and vuppwrlenanc*# to

ofrcjitlf uiart mq i(nfi|lBr*

............... . ..... ........ nca# to tn*RAtd premiMs helonftipa, or in enyviia appar- (alnlnic. ^

Ostsd K,v™roj^7^l«*^, .Bpoclal Mniter In Chancery,

PrudfiiJial BulWtna. Nawerk. N. j, gklnnsr * Tw Evek. MlellcrS. (>U,40t gka

IM CHANCERY OF KKW JEH»EY-To AltKil T. Ism *nd ths 0*in<an-Anisrlc»B Dank ul

*^^:*vri5us of an order ot Ihs Court of Chsncory ot NSW Jsnuy. mid- o» ih«,i1sy of 'li* 'Isto hareof. in s «uo« whtroln (Icorg* F, Tuiilo. •urvlvtag oiocutur sod Irustco under tho tsii will ot cKsrIos ft. Moflmtt, Is (vutmlaloaot, and you *sd miisrs are ds(si"Diili, yoo att roouirnd lo apbenr and ' ' — *J plead, demur nr anewer to tit* r^mifalnant'w bill, on nr Iwfnrt ihird.fay ofJan:oonr

ijiATjr naat, Of Ih*ifMMd R Ad mat yon.

aid bill wilt M (ftkan ith e said um it filed to rqrsoli>»M monaaga

Xlvsia ro trts New York rsHuin Works to deorg* F. 'futile. sgKUlnr ss •(cretald. ilttoil April ■ ■ sighison h'lpdrod snfl jitnatr'ihrss,

........of Nesfsrfc: •*'

3;|». Jilio, B:m . 4;3ii. 4;Kt.rt:lli. rt:ll)i. ,V3s:10 "8 2 !10 :00. 1 1 :00. 12:00 p. H • Wb1l*hi]l Rlreet. at1 0 ^ . U;aO. A, If-: tiilft. 1;(8) |;fr». ] >45. *:|s. 3:»0, 8'»8. BiM, 4:88. qjo. 5:.VV

isi: m 4#*-ii,trtS.-rti h

0:1 tO:AB,U 7*^'7.Al\iNS.—fo:oo"a!


f o r Tronfnn end Phtladslphrs, flilS, aitw. 0:' lirtft (o^epl Tr ■ ■ • - s- - -(*kc*p(^undsys. t:Si, Ift:(R g. j).; );(o, ,;is^onj. liihl, n:4,1 . T:*. H : » P .' fa:

M . 10:1111 A. fa.: 1:10. ndh. g](rj, ii:Upsl'lni'sre an'l TVoshlng'-m, Sinrt. llifl*. G :« A. fa 1 1:3’. niV,. a;(u. ft;4rt. 11:311

f - Nj . Hundsys, htlOS, Itiffi A. fa : 1:lil, Bil». 0:110 I*, fa,F'lr CtiattjniK**. Nsw Orlosns ind all oolnt*

Boulh, Ha Rlieuoudosh Valley l,lite. ol S;04 P. fa. Sundays. rtUff P. fa.

''.‘‘.•‘ris. lisggsge checks, slooping car hP £! « l l B r ^ fitreer SiVtoftTsIsntilnoM'’' ™ Barket slrsef

B, P. RAl.iywiN. fl®R, pnpfrlntindeQt. 0«n PaHKnn?*r AaenteSl.i)3d..f U ....... i i_.ji|]Lj]Hi ■

■Od 8;27 r . M. Hm Knf rVininRioTi. ll

fatly. Mtinday, For FetalMiiil. fti- M<nft liruni'h. via 11 :W A. W. t 4:?bt P. hold only. BrliR r M

M.. mid l:M p. M.ailnwdal*. ^ dirt and

iif»u(h jupctlnne 7:88. wrek-daya. ror Fy*n-....... . --- WRCk-d^,

, UfAVK NKW YORK rn if NKWARK. Eram Wa ii Tw'ntv-tbii’d fiiraet Stadnn, dtlO, 7:2n. 8 i?»>. 8:18 Pli.Vl.A. 1 8 :TO. 1 >:». ’ ’.. . ...... I ;i(i:

niftitl wnfa- A. M.: 4:50. «:r>ll


................... ....... M-auVi. 4-Mi. B;St> 7*. M.. and fay«. KundRVfa 8:111.9:80,9:P. H.. and 12'0A nifthi.

FfoiH IWnbrnfMR and rortlandt alrnela. ____8:20. (VSn 0:W. T:30. T:4p. 8:M 0;(0,0:40. 10.10. li»:40. 11:00 11:40 A. M.: Jtj"- lljW, l:«0. l:Sa liM. 8:10. 8:80. -5:60. 4:(i0. 4!lll; 4 ;^ 4:BfT ftlOO. B:W 5:40. 5 TW, T;l610:18 lf:6o. li'50 P. U.. andJ2:lfi niafit.■lav irtin^ Orh, 8:«), 0:00. pAft, wfin.

11:50 A. M-; 12dtf> noon: ]«;80, 1:00,2:n0. 2:4.5. H:Vl. 4:00. 4:80. 5'-0(». S:!.V 4:4IL i:M 0:13. 7:<Ja T:80. 7;4A. NdiO. ft:|0. 8;go, 8:8(ri0:U. 11:0(1 P. M.. and I3:l« nlwbtr

F'fr fvither infurtsaKob Me llmaiablaa. ta ba had Rl ihff tiCkM Ttrkata for all ftamt®nn (he HermRylVanld TlRlIroad and nonMatlMB. and IwnhR. WlowLapd haurfM* ohaak® m tharnmriWiv ■ rttlr**. atrfK. Of tfticket ''(Pf* m Market Hlraat StiMno.J n HT'TrMTVHON. J. R, WftOD,

Gr<n''ra) Manaver- _ Oatural PaaMnyar Aoant.


q:lM A. M. dally fHunday. f:1 Fftetrin and lnl«rn*dlft|« fUtiPtii.

k.4T A U duly Iny WUkoa-Rarrw lihaoa. iJtiievt. RorhfRirr.KmIIi and ibe WeM. and Dinlnx I'ar und Thair Car |n fiuj

12:88 I*. H. daily, fioept 8iiitliay.

A. M.1 for


•BUCK DUH08D 8XPREI&"M. Pftllmui Vj‘Hnmj

>ne»'(* A -with tbroiivO alHptn (■• Datroit ®04 Cbintfo-

HrrIyfR HuOaln, 0:65 p ....... . .Day ilHai-hra ami Farlnr Oira. T>inmjr ( vice. M*A|e a |a carte. Tonperi* pt

1 'rki \r u dally fnr Kaaton. Mavah rhunka K'llkca-iiarni. Hcraninp, Piltnioft mnd faftl

lion elwfpt Saturday

iT P iN f H I F i .

T. i v J i I V n d ^ y o u 1** *",Ba«k fif ara mad* deftno

iOfiEPH N, TtriTJhB.SollcIt'M' for Cnmpiaiitast.

2W (fl'M) N'l. 7M Broad ilreel,-------- "I1I.IIII i"wii"iiui uuL..Liiitmi.jma

lujOB’i Hufube 1B<I lodllutloB Cirtl Uie pbIj’ remedy un the fftaikeC timt xHll cure every form of Hegdimbe In S lo 10 mlnntea, oorreot liidlKeatlou, itimu* late [be nenro* and bolld up tha ajrateni.

J t ahould bo In every liome and every tnrellera ' fripatok, At all Dnigflfttfi, SO cum , Stu.

rwanaow.. . hpffjar.

Are You QolltV to Europe 7i

"OLR A G E rre m n k m a r r f o rTfaR fl^LR BE r^ykT^PAW H Tli'ltfaTS*b»x»g Lias. Norih O ariiua L iard, Ham-

im r^ a m rlro n . * a lltsd -a iM riss ,Tro*ek Mas and gUta-gtoia Lias-

lutfaD a o f i m i i o B n a w g f ic fa i r r a OH vaiji

bruni'hfff, ■ Thair Tar tu EaeD ap() dunitav. ^

■t:! r M .'dally. «Rc*n( Hiinday. fqr TYHkawt Hurr*. (hitaiMn, Hcranlnn and oHpolpal liu*y> lUftfllat* mtloni. rnpnaf]|i frr ftll iminta In ooihl rcftiiuii' Pullman Hutfol Puriui- Car tp WlUpa»t Harr®,

5:47 (Wffek"davR> P. M. fRundayi. ii4B) fo* Guatun and Iniermailiut® itatiuris l|«fi|Uin ta Vaiich Chunk.

**rt"rta». fos faMtsoand (irinclkui Inlirnttaftlale ("dnia.*u''i*.,r (U n A t f ” ll?'ir„!.^n ? l l S ^btilcd train New York to f^hlraao. Hi«Rn*rf jjMffojn aod Turcnlft- lJi|M|®f Tif Maw Tfarh tf

B;2r p . k . dHiJy. eictfii Hupday, fttwHng only at Bnuth Plalnfald, Khfaton. M hPm Sbi! MRUioh '"'hunk, ftayr*. tlrKrvft, RrK‘tkaaa8r. U ta - vlu. Buffalo and Torunl'>, Pnllman Hlatpar fof Huffalii. N'Uit iHit eire-ilpx Csf fagHMara carried. No biia|rajia carrfeid.

B:M----- --- • - - 'ter ^Pmii

AddltLoAffil tnoal Iratne datlv. ascapt SonSAVa Sir rkwth Plalnfald. I^und Ani^ k m lufaflwal dill* tmlnl* leuva m fofloaR: wetk-dftyft i f l j l A. M.: 8:U. 4:48. 8:96 P. M. amfanL t l : ^

Tlokat® and Pultman accorntnudatkiM ol Panftit •ylvanht RaJIroad DoikH and rSMM 1h 3 R(r*«t.

8:5(1 r . If ' daily, for IpMira. Gcnatra, RfMAafty r Biitrahi. N ia o ra FujU la d all M k la W m ullman tlaciwr tn ^ i r u t u . ~



NEWARK AND PATRRttON.LeavW sNtwarft, lor FiiarRon. d:14, it4E

8147. f i E j : *| 6 ;V8 A- J2;b4. hl:45. BitITfa* diMi, ff.ir itum. w-tn p . n ..II. Surjfay*. 9:38 4 , M,; J:38. 8: and lb:nri>. M,

IxOftVR Pfttariun for Newark, 0isi:4g.


Agents ter Thos.. (hi

a LIniI Alisa

« U faAlUIH


blfa gtsr {.latatsdGsilcA

lan. Diwfu im I

>lna* iiwltwiid> Ion State fsiMs

00(1 And ftll Oonalwlaa in o( (tTwqlt JsowM

»»•« BYRNE» 0 0 OffHfat a t . , N p w f i r k


IIUDilsys. T:3H. I«:M. 1U:I)3 A. M,: i l t a:un. IU:40 P. fa.

NEWARK .IHD NEW YORK,I.«sre Newark. 0:10. a:4V. T:3«. IM

rt:47. U;3H. lO'IU. Il:te rt. fa.: 1N3. i ASiiSI: ^

|uu'iays**li:W A f a . f l i i . ili{i,'o:9o. illCo^necilnc tralna leave o® follMU nay Eaaraa® Uavaa Mewata. 9:41 A- M.

eago Bxprsst Isaves Nr*Y^r!atteii.Jlm«.

. . .

(rote, i m , ^ ^

AftOftlOlt U k C l-Ftaw N*W York rsmla'ls te*

Q U i ^ W j v l t U m U O N D B a R Y , r«hta-R f.M ayenfing i* sisaast*.

f IMsult tka MBWt TO M

o n te m of tha af AewexaMeIf* anal MA t . Cltg Rx.la unaila


M O N P A 1

m im m m m m

W *m ih»f V»~m 0rr0m W it t 9 » ^ t r mnd C m i* r,





J f t m a f

« r 9t0mr

9f0M 1f

e i G E R


The Greatest Sale of All!Nothing Anywhere to Approach It.

A kio ther w eek of p rice c n tt in g , of b a rg a in s b e y o n d co m p are , of th e la rg e s t c ro w d s th is store b a s 'e v e r h e ld . H o lid ay goods, g ro w in g m o re a n d m o re ag g ress iv e e v e ry h o u r , a n d U aiu toads of th e m c o in in g a t a ra te th a t is d r iv in g ua to th e v e rg e of desp a ir. W h e re w e a re to p u t them is ap ro b lem th a t w ould p n i i l e w ise r h e a d s th a n o n r t , b u t w ith a to ta l d is re g a rd fo r th e enorm ous lo s M

.tniT*n r ti* V n iv e d w n e r t l i a n * v « r w i th n n t fo a r n r f a v o r a n d w ill positive ly c lc a f th ein v o lv e d w e ’ve d riv en th e k n iv e d e e p e r th a n e v e r , w ith o u t fear o r favor, w a y d u r in g th e n e x t few d a y s . T h o u s a n d s of d o lla r s ’ w o rth of s to ck forced o u t la s t w eek, b u t w e a th e r <condition i w ere a g a in s t u s s n d a n o th e r w e e k of te rrific p rice c u tt in g is ab so lu te ly necessary.

N o t e k p h o n e o r m a l l o r d e r s w i l l b e f i l l e d f r o m t h e f o l l o w i n g .

Room M i n g Sile of Black Dress Roods.

WOVBLTT i u r m i o s id nDmb.rl.M' ' I d n isn a —<* Inchr. w la*-..itlU bl.

• r n r 4I 2 i c


s k in . .Dd tall n i t f — d b lu k o -S I p in w all tola— pitrcbMH toMU torWo, p*r

. , . .1 nwm-inaklD« lOM ' pdM to cloo ................................

B1.ACK P O P L IN B -tt liwbM wW o- oll p u r . wool—beaatltullir Snlthwl h li i i lr . l« s .m fabrlo for oM tum .. ■ad ak irt» -m olt . t o m o ik SLH p*r yarS' ss»cm ro o m -m ik laan l.— .............................. » ww

ICK H H N R IH TTA S-* Ineh*. .hM . 7 Q .m m n m ok.—on wool—

Jp jtC Kws^O—oplondtd tllk an la^ fo r

lo o ii la k ia g Sale of Flaiuelwear.

-ftT.Anm a r a o w m -C id e rd o w n Flon-

nWMt* OowBo, IB a TOrtoty of p ro ilr ■trlS«»-SlDtti.r Hubbard yokM -ron- Ins a d lo n odsoS with toney braids— S . S » d u on y o k o » 4 trn i Im t w - ftdl tsM th and w M tb - ^ t .a d of

^SU ^-ijioro-eaklne ool. prioo ............

C W U m iW S D IU W CIiS-B laaokod S loD uI D raw nw -oom . knlck-

otytew -oth.r* with dw p h im ~^tilx bu tton l> ol»-upw l so a n u -o lsnjSSm 1 t6 U y « r e - .p « i a l | 2 J ckodts atoklPk u<* prk>*

L irS NIGHT D RA W BRS-__ Canton Plonnsl NIsbt Drawluttwwd baok>—tapM laaiDs well

PST pair,

1 to It ywiw—room^BOkln* p rM thro* p a in to r n o r 3 5 c

Ro o d Making Sale of Men’s Fnmisliliigs.

WARM GLOVEfl to r m .n and b o y s- an ooMrlrd lot of kn ttl.d and droich (oo d . of an r ip rllrn t quality In blackand cojon—Kid ri.||u1arly for 2 5 CWo.—M l. p rir. apKti

U NDKRW EA R-M ad. of r itra h e a v y flMC. Ilnwl a io rk -« h lri. with ribbed bottomo—pearl huttoii*—ovrrlock leam i —draw w i fully g iuK ied—res. Uc. perlortnent — room-maklnc u le 29c

UKDRKWRAH-StrIttly a i t • w o « I lined elilrts and d n w in td niftteh

—Ucht ■hadM-'We!} mad* f irm e n tsItn , ■

roQm*ma)clnff w l« price 4 8 cwItTi pearl button .—regular 7»c,—

l•raak^.t i l ................................................

PXANNBL 8H1 R T B -U tn u fo c tu r.i 'l ■amplii.. In blue and color.—stn c l. or doubl.*breuted—aom . with doubt, boelu—feSwl .m m . and pearl bu tton i —rw ulor all ovm p iip . | l to I I . W - r o o m - m a k l n c M l. AOr* price ......................................... .

Room Making Sale of Window Roods.

flABH MUBLlN^Flba ib o tr ftbrte*. haavlly •mbroldartd burders—well-flU

Room Making Sale of Colored Dress Roods.

this roomyextensiontable.

NOVBLTT BtllTlNaB - « iDChe* wide—.trk tly all w ool-a doien or iw re handsome rolorlnai In fabry cheek efferle—fi lufere. In the lot—for chU dren'. d re tw . and ladle.' K p .ra te ■klrto—Initrad of » •. P«r y . H - room .m .klng Mle price »pe- l o cd a ] ........... ............... ..................

ORANITR SlIIT lN tm In in M Krl- m .n t of eleiranl .hmleii-every thrMd wool and full « Inchet wide—worth Me, per yard—thirty piece. In th l. lot and b tfa s * fftbilc much In d^m^nd for full lu l t i the will not Iw t long t t the epi<lwl room'BCftkinv Mle C Q rp rtce ................................................

BROAtKTLOTHB-Very One ffenulne tw ill b*ch ell-wool clothiMlI Inchee

A fair, honest $io table. Full size, sol­id oak, high polish. 5 inch fluted lega Good enough for the fattest Thanksgiving turkey.other tabta H low a. lu s .

f o r s w e l l f r o n t

$ 2 8 s i d e b o a r d .

wide—ft uirfe ihowln^ of saw tndtael

i«»room -m oklnt m I . price .prrlal

■topla ihnile . Includinr aulomollne, red, olive, myrtle, gold brown and na- t t o w bluei—blf iT.S valiiei— Q P t.

Room Making Sale of Mostinwear.

GOWNS modi of Wronp muilln Hubbard yoke»-f InMitton. of fln. em-

«) M n irw e ^ e e f illch tly curlid—our n c u la r >c. kind—durtac ih t room.ra ik in f Mle, while th«y 1 5 c

PISH NBT-M to a InohM w lde-Apurwl and itrlped—oom ethlnc tn tire ly D.w—the recular all-over pnee fromMe. to Me. per yard—roon-

lo l,...................maklny sale a'poclot................... . f CWINDOW BHADtSfl-UodO Of th«

belt trad e of L oo ida l. Holland. In an aowrlm ent of ooft, p retty wrtorlnf.— t a t j^rin t joU e^^rM ularR o. 35 cbut theroon-raak lnc oole prto#

brolderi.^-4 cIuM rn of t u ^ . —ruSlei around neeki and ileeveo-flll len tthand width — nicely modi — refulorlyW ^ b Me. each—room-moklnt 3 9 coal* price.

DRAWERS made of UaJunvUte m ui- tino—Umbrelle ity le with doep flouncei of line embroidery and clu .U r. of 1 tine tnck i—yoke bond—carefully ititcbed— b o rta ln i one-third more than A Q r the H ie price............................. t r i /

SKIRTS—FIneet cim brici and mui-llno—Umbrelle ity le .—pnltlly trlmniwl with In u rtlo n . and ruflie. , r line lacHor em broidery-extra bottom rultleo— ih lrred yoke bond.—1% yard , wid.— w orth ILW -m I* price ape- ' elol ............................................... 1.19

h>';MOpening Days in Our Plaything Department.A o tte rU llM d litnrlM ia on onr g m t aflh fioor. Chino, J tp a n , O o n n in r , SwItxorUnd, to d In ih o rt alm w t

Vm j eo n n try in Um worM b o * fo au ib tu ed lU quota to oor m atohloH anyw here oolleotlon o f unique, beautiful, tunny A c t r a l n l o f ntU oM In the doll oectlon—U there*! a gome m lailng It'a o n r buyer'i overalth t,

.............................. I t la h a rd ly neceOMry to o u n re our p a tro u U ia l pricei i r e lo io w^•gyHmy cMi ooiuHiienuT DO mono, ooa Doner aoievuaoa kte poiilble HOW then uesrer ChHtti

A s bright and new and striking a sideboard as you will find in alt the store.^ Liberal swell front, large French bevelled plate mir­ror, piano polished, solid oak.Other booidl M low 1 1 WlISl

i tm ii , when tiiortm entf are


ere 01* pMnie boidu for the tiny tote galore.^lil•y e«i eoiudetently be made, and better eeloctloae are poiilble now

' ably broken.F r e e — Y a r i c k , A m e r i c a n ’ s G r e a t e s t M a g i c i a n a n d E n t e r t a i n e r — F r e e .

Awwmbbm an entfre dtange of programme. Hli clever feata of illght-of-band and langbtePiwnvoklDg Punch :• and Judy ihowa which turned away ennrda hwt week will continue to be the telk of the city.

lik iflg Sale of I i s l i i i

^ P H B U A C S M D H U S U N S -H lnch if wide a n . d o e . w w ve of e ln n gIm t DOtton—erorth Cc. per y ird —rooah. nieklna M le price ipeotal e t ‘1 ^lo u r BO to t la o u ....................... "W c

BUDACH'XD m rs U N S of exeep-tlonaily h o av r quality—M InchM wide—

' a (0. to eo, p .r yard-room -worth frora lo. to eo, p . r ___K klng H ie prlea-w iK lal u

a me It laa te .......................... 3Sc

loom Making Sale of Laces and Nets.

B U C K LACEB—T h o « hM vy eltecta In from t to h-lnch wtdthi—p art of a n c e n t larcv purchaie, and aaodi th a t w ere mode U> le ll to r Uc. yard-durtna th li ipM lal Mle 01 Iona i i vthey l i l t ............. ........................

D R A PERT NETS-Hondaom e drur- ad IM Tomom Neto—is loch .i wide— thoniuahly new , tu h lo n ib le aoodw- lo tually w orth Wo. per yard, but the roem -m oklna H ie price ipe- |O r> olal ................ .......................

Room Making Sale of Blankets.

rUDECBID BLANKETS of u i ex tra U oarr quaUty—full U-4 wId. and wolxDlna Bve Ibo.—handwim. hordere— ■old .v .ry w h « iroom'o l^ . .

.v .ryw hM e up to tt-TS p .r p a ir -i-moklna m le price ipeo.

pair—r 2 o

PA R T WOOL B LA N K B T8-U -<- vrhlte, red, blue end pink border*—the kind uuuolty .old for tt-W per pair— extraordinary room-moklna . a l e jprtee oa Iona o i tb ll ..“ ‘ 3 . 1 5

Making Sale of Floor Rugs.

WILTOM R tro l^ A n ezoftptlttUftlly fin* ftuortmftnf—iiftM anxT ^rm fftr

iiiU iISM nxU^:ulftr roon-mftlilnii 3.49

iai'* price..SMYRNA RTTGS-''laiperial‘> quality

1aed to be w '^ ‘ ----- ‘Mle* t f t x l l f t .^ o ld rei

acknowledia n .« - th l i H ie tXT.UH-en U tl-reau U r tlT.ta—room-mik-Ina m le p rise .,,.

jpeito be without a ___

'aulirly for Id Hi m T.ex


Room Making Sale of Linings.

NUBIAN L IN IN G -F ia t black per- coIlne-K ft and hard flnlih for tk lrtand w nl.t linlna-.......................irl;:hat KlI rcaularly _____rard—room-moklna Hie prioe..

Inche. wldo—foodifor lOc. per

SKIRT LINING—Fancy itrlped allk- flnlahiid .k lr t flntna*—S6 Inchm wide— rilafat ru itle—aoode that .ell In the reg- u lar way for i t y . per yard—

life price......... “ iLroom-miklna M l

Room Making Sale of Oil Cloths.

SAMPSON’S OILCI/>THS-Numb«r 1—non. belter and oold all over for tOc. jer yird--our r ^ u l i r (Oc,— 3 4 ( ;room-moklna sole price.

LINOLEUMS—Juet received a »hlp- m rm of B plocei of Inlaid Llnnleunti, marked to .ell regularly for II.» per yard—room-maalna u U price ............................... 7. .......... t . o o

Room Making Sale of Men’s and Boys’ Hats, i

BpTS* GOLF Oa f s , made of num- b e rlen neatly deManed cloU im om e all wool—no raw . mi ul na— otrona

'(b from lie. lo a c . 1 f t - m l . prle*. lO V

llninaa—wnrti_____each—room-making 1

MEN 8 HATB and BoyF ilp lnei and eruMi hato—pdrt of t l i t great pur- choM from M. Goodman of IK and IW Summit otrect, th is city—Pen lan black brown or — u... - ----- ■brown or m y -M p u J a r blacko-unually t ^ ^ t o » d » each. Special u l* J g g

Room Making Sate of Domestics.

INDIGO PB IN TS-B luei. SImpeon m oum lna and brown callcoce of the very t a t quality—worth from 6c. to te . par yard—room-making u l« v a „p r ic a p K ia a . . . . ........................... Gafc

QIN O H A M S-A nM keag hamo—thetr name ImpHci neHe-oll ity la i—worth

■pron glng- Inelr good-

Ic.I^ rd —room-making iate ipec-"

Room Making Sale of Mattresses.

COTTON MATTRUBSEB-Pure white lelected cotton—warranted not toget lum py — regular 7,(6 — very i ^ l o l room-making H ie ^

MATTREBSEB-Pnre ha ir—weigh 40 pounde-

llck lng.—Inlteod of !6.0UH A IR

ebried hair- ferent lleklt .—room -m akbif n i t price

white pounde-2S dlf-


ROOM MAKING BASEMENT BARGAINS.T h e p r ic e -c u ttin g m a n s h u t h ia eyes to co st a n d w e n t dow n in to th e b a se m e n t w ith th e sam e

d e te m in s t io n a n d u t te r re c k le s sn e ss th a t h a s m a rk e d h i i m o v em en ts a l l o v e r t h s s to re .TABLE TUM BLEItS-Futl family

llaw -clear c ry i t il g lu e —ator bo tto m - cut a t aide.—every one perfeot—re tv U r Ic. kind—only 13 to a cuitom .r —eoom-maklng m le price......... l i e

TOILET P A P E R -L ii qualitybtol

irae roll! of , tty p a n ^ r e g u la r i l l over ic. kind tn-m aklne ea l. price ip«- 3 - u long H lot loota.......... OV

DECORATED PLA TEB -B rm kfH t and dinner .lu e -T ren to n pom taln , n aderg liia pattern—ecilloped edge— lome Bllghtly imperfect, but non. •rooked — regular to, — room-m aking h ) . pric*.

CUPS AND SAUCERS-FInely dino- rated—low flat ihipeii—imderglaic green .p ra y pattern—a few of themgreen .p ra y .have trifling Im perfM tloni-regular 10c per p a ir—whild they la .t aaieprice ip ec lll. 5c

LARGE SIZE JU OB-Of white Tren­ton poroelaln-etralght or fancy ih ip e— beat quality—perfM t goodn—regularly w orth Uc. H c h —room-miklng■lie price.

FRUIT BOW I.B-€lear.FOOTED' ______ _______beautiful Imitation cut g la n Iwvrliamooth poUahed edge.—iquarc ■hape.— ^ le itd ld value a t the regular xlc.—room-making H ie price...

KICEELEU TEA KEnLES-Seavy nlcktl plated flat bottom koUltf—enamelled handlee-bui good. w om nlK —cholceolbum*

rT orlilM . loU regularly i t 40c. and OOc.-nioni-iDaklng 3 9 ^■ato price...... ..

TABLE LAMPS—Tinted and decorated bue and doote-ehadet dooonuad to natob-ooaplele with bumm and chimney- a& r> togultr |1.40 u o h —roonvmaklng «Ie pclc. ......... ........ w oo .

SK'Tll-io pliv^t-dalntjr flower de.lgii.-rlm. club- oraiely decomucl wip. gold—fancy .hape.—beit guodt- worui 84.40 iwt w t- room-fligktug wto prtca................... 2.98

98c ~ o u r $ 1 . 2 5 o a k

d l a l n s c h a i r .

High back, brace arm, solid oak. Whether otte or twelve, it’s 98c. apiece.“The Porlliad Kang." o ta rw m it bock on■ oookym—TbukiglvlDgwoakl b . ftmng. without It. hrif.

Amos H. Van Horn,L I M I T E D .

73 Hot. tta. flat nom. ‘MARKET ST.,Ndsr PtaM 5t., Nwwark.

Otdi m Cndlt, Fi h UMIwrim.Low Fries.

: ELECTRIC IInstallation Co.

D yna-Belle, Llflbt!, Motora, mo«, Tilephones, eb:.

FlrfL claif work a t reaionable prlcei. Write to r estlm atM .

224 Market StCITY A D V B ItT lB B H B Jm .

PUULU: N(.iTlCB-H)rdlnBac« ord«r«d to a tbtrd reading. iWe, th« utirt«relKn«d. hereby certtfr that tba j

folinwIiiK orJlnenoa wa« read a eecoad time at a | meeting uf the lioard of Btreet and Water Cota-mtmbinera. held K o rm ^r 10, IM , and dolf I onlerH 10 a riilrtl readingreadina;

An urd^nani'4 to provide for.tb* ooaatniotloft | oi « pllie eewprjD 'LJBTER AVENUE.from Cornelia atreet to Cbepel iireat, to b# i.._ , tinned ibriiugh Oiepel etreet for a dtataftot about hu9 fuet Kouth of litte r aventM; tbll I newer to be uted for houM newaga only, ezoltttt* | tnir all rnfir tir nurfaoe water, anil to M aigbt | lorhen In dlemeter. Alio tbat a plpa tower | •hall be cuustrucied In

MKTKR AVENUE,from rnrneUi ntreul lo (.'hapel ■irart. wWeb U to be ueed t»r lurfaee Iralnaga onqr, nad to be

DINNKR gUTfl-a haiidmme deenralloM-lU pteoc Including Ksup tiuven—ilKt quality Trenton yorcclafn—dower g"-' -luitert.-lnilcK t of the ngu lir 1 1 1 * and lULW-mom.making u l . price...

dower und border1 0 .9 8

L Bamberger & Co., Market and Halsey Streets, |

•Ifhleen Inuhei in dIaiTketer,T o i.....................'oeetber with all the appurtenaiMMe to Rimplet* the fe«t>ectlT# newari.

ftectiwn U- Th4tt Immedlateljr upcm tba tomple* tP>n of aucb iriihllc wurk or ImprovemeBt. the Clerk of tb« bua.rd, !n runjunettos wHb. tba Rnalneer and Urnaral Ku[terint»nden| Of uf the Doni’d, ihall vrrpwra and niU’tMl nil nereeNarv ataiemfl'nii, mapa, apeotfloaitonB and other data pertAlnlna to auob publlo work or Improvement, and the preaidant of tba h^fd and paid clerk «hal1 ihereuMn. on behalf of tM Unnrd of iftreel and Water fotnirUakoftera of the city of .Vewiiik, wrllfy the *am» to the Coni'itinn Counrll Ilf the city of NewarlL In oi^V ihtti BaldJ.iirmiinn councll tnay thertoTtor pro-- -- 1 • ,........ —-..V.. tnay _____ceed ti) make and follecl the p roper____twnt ffir the coat and expenw of rack publlo work or Improvement ai may now or hereafter be renulred »)>■ Uw.

iliin Jl—Bald puhiio work or improveweiit ■] comploteii under tkt

Pert . .rhali be nin><vl.lon or in.rirril.inV^lhs'BnjrnHr or AeSag Kpi(1iwt.r an.l I hr Ornml !UHtlnttnd.nt MWork. <it Ihr H...^ Ijt siirfri and W at« , __mlaalnn*-ia. umir<]linr to the jMvIilona of the c ly rhartrr Uw. of th. AVt., and tb . or- djn.nifi Ilf ihf cliy nnd bylawi, rulo. and rog- uUilona Ilf th. n..«rrt .,f Rirr.t and Water Ooiii. mla.lon*r» or i6f diy of Nawatk, lypIklaM. Inefeio,

Hrit’Hnn 4-That thl* ordinance ahaU take feci ]min*iilate|yHwc-iri-my s Tflli<jlK)RE C. HEWflON, Prealdent of u,« Hoard of gtreet and Water CoinnilPi '-TieriI7V WlLUAM C, OHEATHEAD,

Clerk of the BoeBoard.-Board of fltreat andm^ICK CiK I.VITNTION'

Viaier t‘iimm1ss|.Jiii.|-a.Riven (Hat It le the In-tenil .n of the i^ard .-.f gt,r»et and Walar Com-

mlaeli.n'erB ..f Hie eUy of Knwarll. under and by \iriun i-r i tf-vN(.na of the act entitled '*An

the rharter of the elty \h fwf, SRd toe

nV-‘.Li r S ' i the art rreatltift the jiiianl Ilf fl.reel ruiil V ateriVinmlfl^lcinerf of the liJi' a 'M'hfnved Uaruh Wtl. to or*cojiiiruciioft of a ten*laok

d'j., • -if * A.Jd/A.iititk*'*-' iJ

F a.i . PI’MMIT PLACE,Summit atreet.

i . •Pi'urt.nanca. nm am ry...f.’i 'iL 'rT '" ' “* tharato. are to-fMlealed *.t |»rr-aHU thele rthfi-.............................the ofhf'eliiluBtnnr

oHjectlone In wUiyr at ■'T ihe Hoard of Street and Water C ^ -'•‘ before I he rKpIrailoP of flye

ny dhurtinn of the Boerd of Ptreet and W atif• - * i>r Mie riijr f,t Newanc.C'tTmillsRlni|i.|]iN’vwiirk, -S .T, Nin-enibW n,’'jlai5!'

anr F'- McLa u o h l iN,_____Genera I Kuperimendetit of Wofka.

‘ i r i a a m L ' t C X C B S COM- UlBUlUNEns uy 'IHK CITV OP NgWAUK.

ISLAND o r LtIXON.S. B w M tlfa l aw S F w rtllc C to a a t.r Ao- MkdJWB 40 m T tw T*tlw .'a Anaunwt.So U ttl. I . known of tho Intorlor o(

Luiod th a t the extondad aocount of a riolt to tbo control ru lo n of the Inland bjy k eoTTHiKmd.iit of tb« London Times la a t HMClal In te m t a t p rnen t, whim th . t t a of t h . Fblllpplnci U itill In th . bo]-

fH t: "A bright lun waa shining and tha iky w ii os ooft and c |.a r os In m idsumm.r In England. T h . tum p.ratur*. moreover, woi not more opprcMlva than an average w a rn Augnit day In the midland, and the landseap* In general character gov. Hula .uggH tlon of the troploa. Immtnae broadrtp. fleldi of a rich, oeft green .hlmmcred

young corn In the warm nunllght and rounded forma of mango tr««a, oo-

T li. opportunity of making tha vlnlt was ilMTKMnlng of ibe MuHla-Dagupan Rall- irgy. wUeh exi.bda K m . UI Biles Into th . Inttrior. T h . tin . wo* out by the Inour- g m ti tool May and w u not rip ilred until about Septamlwr 1 , whtn a parmlt was gyiktad to Baldomwa Agulnaldo, Snoro- tiiry at W ar of tb . "ravolutlonary govern- H5>1 ,p f j to . phlllpploH,” u he atylH Mri*»Ju. Tji« order authoHxM iM twpalr- ■■ o t t h . Hb. , "under the condition that ■0 f o r ^ trooM, Including tb* Bpanlib,

th li O ov.rnm .nL '' 'The T lm H 'i w ritw

Ilk.the _ _____ __ ___ _centuatltig with their d.iiie, dark fo'H.g. tha tighter m iH « . of in* cultivated ground, gave all tb . appearance of a

C .stlllan grace and are quite charming „ Our raturn Journey to Manila," he ."ys

only flxed ln our mind the conviction lhat the p a r ii of Luw n w« have seen were e t . traordln.H ly beautiful and fertile, nos- •H slng an orderly, peace-loving poijuln- tlon, capable of development under a nroo er goyernment; th a t the climate w ia

f,"'* h«althfu1 ; that the w-nnder! surface and variety of

*l***li?i* 'n*'’* U Pusslbl* lo enlargi-the list of igrlcu ltu ral products Indeflnrtely. andthat Wl»k BM —

Th- s Hall. Not. H. I MfiJSnSs of tppUtonu torviiSftn. IM i**'''* J'i AUplItoUotii Of tomiooxrnrnsbi'^hl^i? vaiLli ot btow«4 IWtiMro.pubiiibod tcoerdiM to Uw..Ham*. Rtoldtoof.

l^oAkftnt firm ing oounti^ In KngUnd, Tho‘ fly ‘ ■

..........* i^ lr i t

SM gDrlngfl.Id ergra St.a¥t.,|aiM plaot

extinct volcano A rayat. vhleh rises from the nliln a solitary, Isolated cone, dlcturb- ed the ImpreHlon of a boqie landecape, os

n?S£n#'i?* '? k hianehei from thep re.en t line, the norihern provlnoes would .enormously to the wealth of the Islands."

WENniSLI. PrsildHl.'*11. ClwK

ms plaoe .gann piles ilooe

L. f.

seen from tho d iilin ce a t least."The f lm third of the run was through

- riec-prodnelng d litriet, the aeoondthrough a sugar-cane country and the la it a tropical dlstrlCi of palms, coffee and3thar t r t H Tbe p e iH n t of the Interior Is

eocribed as induatrioui and D ugil and

w lap . im H f w riiertk* order todlm tH In a algnlftoant j r the auKaS* of ik i Insatgants tow.||H SaUBlMj-k— PKi>».a-w ^ 0. —_.*.Sl . .. k. . _

ki«n lntelUgencc~ of the ildodly

AoMripan foraH whoB they bow - ta lc g e In the toisa aad lu sub-

".Ml, , ■

' \

:S S }lS T a y % % S 3 i!t^ v ^ l

with tbe quick.Orient, Tbe ■women ore deol____ ____ .sod diWM In nictureeque ftehlon, while the men in the neld often wear only a breech •loth and , th o » In the villages lo o n t r o u im oM Bmple Jackets of white cot- toB, TM neralo ore deicribed u nolobly claon-CBM alw ays bathing and waatala?' —and ewH the bbitgars ere dean. The sTSv-

tn* woBM b iv t a to u w ofpl* ■ of I

W k m Ilte tg lb le W r ll lB - P a id .I t la H id of George Curson, the hew

Governor-General of India, that hie hand, w riting 'beH m e quite Illegible a t one pe- r i « o f hie Oxford career. At this time he wrote two letteri, one to ■ relative, one lo a chum trith whom he always jl ic u u e d the f iu l t i of their respeoUv# relations, and acoldsDtolly pu t theH letter* Into Ih* wrong .nv.Jope*., He w h about lo write a profound apology to hli relative when he reoelved tbs folwwlng note from blm: ■'Con I read a word o f your four pages. Mir gUH* you wan* — you young raacat,’’ tncIos«•om t "till,"

iur,. S-. .. 1. - : JOT ^ Ih* .city of. Ntot-

THE fnllowintr Um Uoitto ' 'Hid ai>prov(„ „

ill's to ckSjan t”*’An nrnlniiiiofi (■> up^

fromAdopied ffSP

WsflM of th'.‘ laws’t^^nSi ibltshed by ilt l . '

If II) iEMM..^ r t i . d r » < i ' - - i s s r '5SS'w.M

tvn.UAM X. OSApprov.e Nnv.i

Uv JAU:i W a eouB,Moiwr,

n m e mcnoy, was a hand- e taS T a ** o ta r l lj i* to tbisiasstose ads. on the West g tak

t » . ' r - ‘r ^ p i i w T s m i i m ' - •.'sA . . . ' .

A l w i y f t h e

t o s i e t t t t o r c ,

b e c a u s e o u r

p r i c e s a r e a l>

w a y s l o w e r

t h a o

e l s e w h e r e . 159,161,163,166 Market Street.

Should yoar purchaaes

prove aaaatiaT* factory, we refund the

money without question.

Our Great Sale TuesdayW i l l be remembered as one o f the events of the season. In addition to the adver­tised list, special arrangements have been made in various departments to throw- out certain lines, which are iu many cases even cheaper than these.

JACKETS AND CAPES.D r u m m e r s * Samples.

Purchase Extraordinary.H l ( h g r w l e o ji tn p le g a r i n e i i t s , b e t t e r t h a n

r e f u l a r t t i i o k . A t l io u s a n O g a r i u e n t o b o u g h t b y D t a t o n e - t h l r i l r e g u l a r p r l c e a O n u t l e a t U o ’c l o c k T u e g d a y .

L O T 1—liodlei' Sample Jackets and CapM, In heavy cloth and boucle, doiens of dlflhrent itylas, all laid ont on big ipecial counier, All thOM gom enti ■re handsoQieljr lined, nioet of the Jecketi tallor- mede, with dart aleerm and box front; the Capet are all full tweep and very Jiiindsomely trlm'd with fur, brMd, etc. Your choice of this wonderful lot, b b B B b b which are worth Si.U to t6 .7 t y ^each.

IA)T U—ladles' 8ample Jockeu lud Capes. The Cnpes made of hiag-nlllreot quality silk pluah, handsomely llneil with plain or chnngMble tU k; olio very heavy quality Kersey, Brosilulotli or Bouclo Capet, 'riw Jacket!

> l ie ............................................... .................................are the lieit quality cloth, nude up In tbe very Lulett style, lined with tllk, illk vrivet collort, t tr s p eeaiiio, etc., not a tenrinent lu 'th li ^ b B B b b lot worth lest than 17.00 snd many of them worth up to♦8.50 eitch, 'Fueiday,

DRESS SKIRTS.T h e w o n d e r f u l H k ir t S a le c o n t tn a e n u n t i l n il

a r e o o ld . H u n d r e d s o f t h e m t o s e l e c t tlro m , a n d a l l w o r t h t h r e e titncN t b e p r ic e .

7 9 cladlee* Tailor-made D re * a B k l r t s In novelty cloth

end plain m ixlarei, well lined and velvet bound, full width, worth from 11.18 to #3.78 each, while they l u t .............................

B a t in a n d B ilk B k ir tii^ T ad le i' Plain Bitln and Flfcurod B ilksod Satin Skirts, very rich quality and hond- lofne d e tirn t, tty llib ly mode and full width, beet quality peTcallM lining and bound with beat qual­ity velvet binding, would be a decided bergala a t ♦8.80 etch, special forTaetday

K id G lo v e S a le .GIotm fo r

Jadtoe,Glores for

Men,Glovet for

DoyaGloves for

Oirio,a l l a t

LadlH ' R m I Kid Olovei, In red, tan and brawn, two cIo hw embroidered becks, and worth Av. pair, i n . Tuesday ........... .............................. 4 9 C

Men's F u r Top Calfskin Qlovto, lamb's wool lined, patent d u p e , red, brawn and u n , all alses, worth i Q a ■o. pair .......................................... 4 9 6

Boys’ Xld and H eeb s F ur Top Gloves, all colora, patent cloapa i Q — and worth Ttc. pair........................ w 3 Q

Girls' Real Kid Glow s, 4-button cimip and lace, broken eoaort- J Q n ment ahwa, worth No, pa ir..........w3 U

OtrU’ Kid Glovet, with fur top all tb* ta ll ihedH , w orth Tie, p a i r ...................................................


I, M jrt

2 .9 8Very rich qaaltty B a U n W a l t t s , la BIpck, X tvy, Cerise, Myrtle, New

Blue, and In fact all th e popular abodlngt—38 tuoka in front, 8 tacks bock, nicely lIsM and boned—actual value of these waitti 88.00 each—a limited lot on sole to-morrow a t . .

Thontands of F lB n u c lc t te W iU sts , Ipr lad le i, ia a B B ohei'kt, i t r i p ^ d o t^ pUlds and fkioy mixtnree—worth 86c.each—special for Toetday.

Children’s Reefers.Five hnudred OIrls’ Recfhrs on Sale To-morrow, A

broken aanortment o f h igh grade good* a t le st than cost o f ma­terial. OfIdR and endu o f prominent m anufbeturers’ itock .

OlrlB’ R e e fe ra —Mode up in latett stylea, ell wool lutertoli, ot heavy chevlut mixtareo, plain broodelotlM, etc., handsomely Dimmed, with end withont collarettes, beet quality bimidiDf, buttons, etc., real value of this lot la from ♦3.80 to 84.60 each. One big lot on tpeclol table Tueedsy................................................. 1.48Hosiery and Und^w ear.Tbe Oreot Speciai Sale C onttniiM


DREN’S HOSIERY, fast black, toe, gray, brown and mixture*, WMth from ISc, to toe. pair, Tue*- 0 1 q

MEN'S UNDER W E A R -B hlrto or Drawer*, heavy fleecerllnrt. extra hH vy welghti. itrlc tly perfect good, and worth ISc. to Me. per gar- a Q .ment. Tuesday a t ........................ O flu

LADIES’ UNDERW EAR—Vh U or P sn la all WOOL broken M o m e n t riiee, formerly telling a t » . « C lin

.gormcat. ha lf price........................ 3UUCHILDREN'S U N. D B R W B A R -

Vetto, Panta or D raw er!, pure natural wool, Auetrallan stock, alt aloM. worth 1.(0 to tI.EO HCh, CQa'ibietday .........................

MEN'S BHIRTB-M ade from good Muilln, all-linen bosom a reinforced front and back, broken uso rtm en t tliH , worth 6Dc. each, d o sing q C -out a t ................................................ aOi*BOYS' BWEATERS-Strietty lU-

wool. plain and striped, a ll coiMt, r ^ .wool, p a in anu airipm ,black, navy, etc., w orth 0-48 O Q -H cb, Tuetday’s H ie ..................... Owb

MEN’S B W E A T E R S-E vetr thread pur* wool, ell colors, full h in tm e d , would be good value a t D.>° QDp

n i g h t G O W N S ^ M to F ,Outlng Flannel Night G ow sa handsomely trimmed, tucked yokra, largo oHort- ment Olripee, full bodlee, i n c t a long, vforth tl.OO u c h , Tuet- AQrday

SATEEN B K IR TS-Lodl*^ fast btockSateen Pelticoati, a ll length* and ex­tra . full w ldthi, w orth (I.M CQiieach

MISCeU.ANE(MJ5T u e s d a y B a r g a i n s .

HIBBONB-Oddx and end*, all-elllt moire. H lln and gros g rain rib- F - b o n * , value 10c.,Ho. and 16c. yard 3 |j

All-iUk taffoU ribbon* Mack and color*, i Inch** wide, w orth 11c. i q .ycinl.'Tuetday a t ........ ................... I t l i

CORSETS-Ladle*' floe Jean consett, medium and long wai*}*. w h lte^ r drab, heavily boned and w orth Me. n n .pair, ipeclal for T ueedsy............

D R A W K B S-LsdlH ' Canton flannel drawers, blHOhed, handeomely trim- m r i with tooe and cam bric ruffl^r, yoke tmndt, well made, w orth ajc. AQo

* ro B 8 OT c b v E R B -L a d te a ' coreet mvera, gohd m uilln. .overlook 6 « m m a all alHS, w orth JSc. each. OGtoBWUf •** P»»v»D4 -vave*.. —

M A N D K EH C H IB FS-L adlee fln* h e ta tltch ad handkerchief*. Mme with ^»r» , w orth uto. *o Q lpl i r a td g H and embroidered cor- i] tb

C n U B ir u li I M i s olDrags Qo4ida, ADks and L ln lsgs.

Unprecedented Price Cutting.

Basement BargainsW s aall oH k lods e t IlMiMfMr-

nU blng goods ebespor tb o a ssy * bogy olM, and o w bosoBMEta a r t thoroforo s h ra y a boajr.

GalvanisedWater Falla, full 10 quart ■Im, ragutar ISc- quality, not over ona to a cuiunur.

Uo.Stamped Tin Diapons, worth e a o h , apeplal (or Tue*- lOoday

Stomped Tin Too Kettlee, flat bot-t a u ^ ^ l d thTM quarto, w orth lOc

ovM W oihBoairaw itki rido, >hudloaaodeovar, flat metolllo bottom, r ^ sIb , ngulor 4t ooot

FltSiL-lW o lo tta ito* g lv n sway with each of Umm fectlati Toonay only.

Docoratod Table iBmpo, Ingi, complete with bum er.and wick, and deooraud regular prloe tLM each, Tueoday .........................

3g-lncb Storm Bergeo, Henrietta*, Fancy M liturea, every oonoehratal* shade to n ie c t from, eupertor Bnlohend Wright, regular |0 Qfrom Itc. to Vo. ]

Silk effect Plaldi, double width, vo- rioue color oomblnatlona, MateiOH*and Armur* wravee, oolori war- r t i |ranted, Tueeday only, yd ........... 9 b

Novelty D ru e Wear, ouch u 'Velour, Boucle and Venetian w h v m , ell new •hadlnge, K and 40 inche* wide, would be cheap a t 3tc. yard, Tueeday, 25eyard

Black Ooodi Bpeolal—t t and 4^lncb Storm Bergeo, H e o rle ttu and___ ___ . _____ _ FancyMohair L u itre i, oUk flnlabed, full h - lectlon of patterns, regular oelling value lOc. and 3So. yard, Tue*- i Ga

Full Id Inches wide Batin.’ in an cot- ora, Including evening ehadH of pink, blue, lavender, Nile green, old roeo, Yale and national blue; also b l i ^ , white and erram ; th e n gtwdt havs been Htllng a t ttc, and 6(0 . yard, o Qaspecial Tueoday........................... . ^ g b

Black Satin Ducheow, 30 In. wide,good heavy weave, with ex tra flo ie flnlih. good value a t He., tpeclsl C r t*Tueeday .............................. D gU

Ity U nlng Cambric, 4 1 a........................ I»l»

Jlty Plain BUh Is 4 ( a ig. In alt colora........ ( h J

Beat quality U nlng Cambric,In alt colora.....

Best quality Waist Lining, '

B«tt quality Fancy Block ASaBack Waist Lining................. g4U

Best quality M-Inch R uitle FSa Bkirt Unlng, black and co lo n ,. 94U

Beil quality Hair C loth,.,:. l(-tnch French 2ic Mltcellanaaut Tveodsy BaygalM.U C E S —Large asm rtm ent Io ch ,

Torchon, ValenolennH, Chantilly and cotton Inoertlona, 1 to 4 InehH wide and worth 10c. to Uc. yard, Tuoidayat ..................... ........................ . Sc

EM HROIDERIBS-Fhie cambric em­broideries. open and closed edgesi 3 to 4 Inches wide and w orth 10c. to Uo. C ayard ............................. ................... ODSILK V E IL IN G -Purs illk vstllng,

fancy tneehH and cbetiUla dots, alt col­ors and worth Uo. yard, T u ttday E n■pedal ................. ........................... g b

HATS—Ladles’ and MtiaiM’ An* felt hats, In very late«l shapH and alt col- ora, regular p ric t Ho. each, spsq- A F hlal for Tueadky............................* cD w

P E A T H E R B -R ul ostrich high lustre black and wortheach ................................

U U im E IJ,A S -L adtc«’ and genlls- men's umbrelloa, of good quality, B rit- tannlc cloth, stM l rods, Immsnia os- aoriroent * “ * —not over Tuetdiy

■■r”i8cnd genlls- Allty, B rlt-

__ ___ _____ . imsnia os-handtes, worth He. mmh.

r ona to a cuitom ar. 3 Qa

LiBeaSy lusliosy BIbb- ketSy Etc.

TMWtfBr't BsrgtiBS a n sim p ly w aaderfuL Thaa* p rk a s taU th asUtry,

C o m f o r t a b l e s .Full doubls bed atoa Comfottable,

white cotton flUed, s tra ig h t aUtchad,well, nude, ^ u l o r prtce (LX, 89g■psdsl Tusodoy..

C o m f o r t a b l e s .Fine quality F igured Batlne covered

and lined, pure white cotton lllled. fancy stltebed ComfortablM, form er oelling a t tLM, epeeUI Tueo- ’ ~ day ...........................................


t . 2 9

T o w e l s .Full BlHcbad Fringed Towel*, large

■lu, ex tra h H n quelUy, w orth F a le„ tpeclsl for Tuesday................ g f i

T o w e l s .E x tra large e ln Brown Towels,

he iv y fringe,. Tueoday e p ^clol

T a b l e D a m a s k .0-tncb full bleached Told* D am aik,

jn hendeome n » ^ t e r n e , regu- | 0 qi s r price Itc., Tueoday..

T o w e l l l n f i ; .B rat quality U-Incta plain Cotton

Towelling, In blue and rad border, regular piloa ic., ipeclal Tueo- 2 : 0day

D o m e t F l a n n e l .IT-lnch W hite Domet FlenneL ex tra

prloe Ic.liMvy weight, regular ptiM Be. 0 *Airftrdy tpftCiftI l^lftMftJs.sst.ay....... d 4 ||

C a n t o n F l a n n e l .H H vy weight wide width Unbleoch-

en Canton FlanosL regular prloe ^ and Ic. yard, spec 3 : 0

B l a n k e t s .W hite Blenketf, ex tra heavy

with red, blue or fsney b o i ' ' worth n c . pair, opeolal Tui

B l a n k e t s .

lavy wetohL


W hite Colllornls Blankets. 11-4 otoa. In bine and ted border, th a t nave bran •elllng a t 13.76. aptelal Tnio- 2 g gd«F

The Goerke Company, 159 to 165 Market Street.

t i f f e d a n a v a l D P F IC B ll.

U s t N ew tk e N ie lte l W il l Be P re a e rv . • a s e « P a w l l r T a l l a u s n .

From tha New O rleani TlmM-Democrat.AO omciT of Oto navy, who .hall be

nam elHt, in dsfsrence lo h it extrsm e mod- esly oxSblted a ourlous trinke t In the cor­ridor of the 81. C harlH U st evening. It was a flve-Hnt coin around which a nar­row gold hoop hod been welded. On the hoop was the legond, "R equiura Donum," in imalL black, enamelled letter*.

“I am going to glv* It to my wife for luck." H id 4U po**eaeor. "The story le th li; I w as a t th* Key W eet docks one

eluded to keep tha nlokei In tha f | a* a to rt of telltm an. A Jeweller a t ,I'*■onvtUe put on the band.'’


Hew tb* W rilsr Teswhlngly Ipefc* a t Ml* P aren t's L ast Deyt.

Our d « r and good old m other I i no more; ihe went from uo, ganily and u lm - ly, writes Carlyle tq hie lis te r In th* At­lantic, and died a t l u t , ra ther nnexpeoted. ly to the w alcberi, eo sudden waa ILwithout struggle o r aMmlntr pain of any kind. We hod to think auffarlnga

dav 'wbll* tha tow w u still In pragrera, hslp ln j with pqm t rsp o lr i on the torpedo boat Porter, when three ladle* pu t In anappHraB*a»'aq§af to see th e s ig h ta Theywere wiHttiylmiatOfllani, and as they hoo were v

are over: and shs has fought her fight w tll and nobly; and u lo r u e -w s a r t l i f t h a rt Slone; and the soul th a t never oeosed to love ua Since w i oinie Into th* world It gone to God, her m skar and out*.’’

"I mug looUngT

It o f t

p y ii(innign~r craJautlala I v o lun tu red to ihow th tw s p ra tty dlsraputable-

— ' for I had juat crawled ..-M ont, and my old blue igi tro u ie rt Wera a m ail

.0, but there w u no tints •rooH ded lo my dalle* a t

’ * wa*. Tbe Tlttlora srerr and, a t they liudltto

I', snt wore upwud oL ng ths round*. I took lllai

,Thlt Ii the heavy nsw f I sand you, i ■ littr; and nobody can spare you the row and t e a n It will oocoalon. For ol a yesr and a bolt p u t , our dsor 00 h w been vltibly falilng t u t awtWi

gone a- — her In August , — .WHknH! and ouSeringi w w t q iu to^m - ful to me; and It seemed uncsiralq whwltFwe ehoulij aver meetof things Bhe>ad nonor I f ter word, bu t th* i worn out, there w u no i t r . Within th* last six monttto tlm <

I g u is iu a ry o n i ls t r , axpltU i-i W ^ s guns, (how sa them tap ed o , and, in brisC, isft

ostded footer, and w u eon ttaa t; ilig 'i not much riie front the bad; oh

and J n n olternatiuitocap.

sra i lihatly eompleted I they take a oup of i u atkmmv m wuj|i vo tag

suppotong. of oMih . ,_.jod my rank tm s lo- tottoail u wo iB IIq ths r iffOftK

/ I

,i. 'ten

and ilm p l^M g ry g ih s t i l ' affsotton, .piety and itmphand W u ty oroiwd nar to th i ' . ___She paoMd MUen of her time in the lu t weeks in a kind of Nssp; used to woken "with a Bmlle’’ ( u J u n desorlbed It to me), and h u left a Herod remerabranoe with all o l u eonoolatory In our natural grief. ,

■ lB U e« I t A ll a n R to W tle .A Dutchman ttiggered Info a saloon. He

Mt down qt a tabTA Six glaoMi of boer 'Kappeared down bis oapamoua thrust bo-fora*’f i7 'li» k td 'up : The'n when . . ventured to a*k him w hst w u the m attgr


he— , J y wife hes provoked me. .

It'e aw M . and to. think th a t I drank sixM r 'iloMH olf t a r . Think what that womanAI 00ft me^:________________


Wallc|iB the Snnshlas.' When th e work of tbe busy woman wilt permit bgp to travel her two mtlH in tbe •uaahto*, oh* should surely make the moR of n o h a priceloH advantage, tor Sgtol U the brqaUilng of plenty of i ESI titg n g u l i r exerclie ol muiel* oiiy UmA sunihine i i a tonic tog

-iritort a a a body, whieb no sromMIs WW, ooa afford to desplH. Th*

h U a little mcra iMWgr " rlqs hor time, ehould w E k iM l

w e e tly after b r n k f u t , a M U .Bljrifq mllci. The busy '

~ *’* c«rM con p lsq to amp when she l( M l '. n o ehould nefgg; eer, trith Ing sboa l


K i r '* ' ’’ r ' ■i

lirf-' ■ '■ - ). .it' ■,

'hSMI■ f 1' *yT0 1
