Unit 11 Technology

Unit 11 Technology Social Media (社交媒體)

Transcript of Unit 11 Technology

Unit 11 Technology Social Media (社交媒體)

Online Businesses I Business Service My Use

Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo

E-mail Sending emails to my friends

Skype Telephone service Calling friends who live abroad 在海外in other countries

Line/ WhatsApp/ WeChat

Text messages & telephone service

Sending text and voice messages to my friends

Online Businesses II Business Service My Use

Agoda Booking hotels Booking hotels for four nights on my trip (一趟)旅行to Bangkok

Amazon Shopping (books, products) Purchasing (purchase/ buy購買)textbooks and videos

Gomaji Shopping (meal coupons (折價卷), trip vouchers(抵用卷), produce農產品, beauty services)

Buying coupons/ vouchers for meals and trips

Vocabulary: Surfing Online

(3) search engines 搜尋引擎 (7)file transfer protocol (ftp) 想要提供一個讓別人與自己的電腦透過網路作檔案上下傳服務的人,他就要安裝FTP Server的軟體

(file文件)(transfer 輸送)

Vocabulary: Surfing Online 2 (8)broadband 寬屏 (9) storage 儲存量 (store (V) 儲存) (12)server 伺服器 (16)bulletin board system (BBS) 電子佈告欄系統 (17)email attachment 附件(attach(V)附上) (18) virus 病毒 (19) spam 垃圾郵件 (21) blog 部落格 (22)hit 點閱次數 (23)cookie 不經使用者(user)認可,由伺服器(server)直接寫入使用者硬碟(hard drive)中的小型文字檔案 (text document)

Vocabulary Exercise (1) What is Mark’s ________ to the

news of his recent promotion? (2) No one should need to put up

with _________.

(3) This morning, Henna received a _________ from her aunt in London.

(4) You should not ________ to be heard.

(5) ________ as soon as possible, if

you would like to come to my birthday party this Friday.

Vocabulary Exercise II (6) Please use _________ ________ to fill out this application form. (7) Usually, my friends often ________ on FB, so I can stay current with

what is happening in their lives. (8) The waiter ________ resentment at being

forced to work extra, unpaid hours on weekends. (9) I’m busy at the moment. Let’s ______ later. (10) The ________ for the United States is U.S.

(2)So,was Facebook the first company to do this?

-NO -How Facebook differs from other social media FB跟其他社交媒體的差異性 -Other Special Features -Easy to use(utilize)

(3) Are there privacy issues with Facebook?

-Accused of privacy violations 被指控侵犯隱私 (多次:repeatedly) -Change default setting to protect privacy 更改原先的設定來保護個人隱私