The Votive Pyramid of Visoko, Bosnia as a Celestial Portal interpreted Through Energy Photography...

The Votive Pyramid of Visoko, Bosnia as a Celestial Portal interpreted Through Energy Photography and Dogon/Egyptian Mythology by Judith Mann © 2015 Judith Mann, All Rights Reserved If you are thirsty, the river comes to you.”--Sat Prem Introduction The intent of this paper is to investigate the connection between the Visoko Bosnia votive pyramid and other Old Europe votive pyramids from the same era to the Bosnian Pyramids/Ravne Tunnels, as well as to explore, through significant energy photo captures, the relevance of the creation myth of the Dogon people of Mali, Africa applied to these votives. Photo energy captures of the votive pyramids by Julia Lincoln have revealed a path of cosmic interaction which are shared with corresponding interpretations where possible. These interpretations include an emerging theme of connection of the Visoko votive pyramid with the Mayan Popul Vuh legends of the Hero Twins, which came as a complete surprise for the author. Video captures focus on the pulsing morphic energy fields that affect the votive images or are affected by the votive images. According to Dr. Semir Osmanagic, the Maya, as light-beings, first arrived on Earth in 3113 b.c. and left in 2012 a.d. 1 , possibly leaving behind a small contingency of the greater Mayan population, wise people with the ability to keep their knowledge vibrant. This timeframe parallels that of the Dogon, who as myth-carriers, continue to keep their cosmology alive through rituals. Have the Maya from space accomplished their mission to bring the vibration of lesser developed planets, such as our Earth, into harmony with the greater cosmos, or is this an on-going plan? Are the Bosnian Pyramids and Ravne Tunnels part of this cosmic plan as their energies and those of the votive pyramids seem to imply? This study builds upon the research of Old Europe votive pyramids by Nenad M. Djurdjevic and a query into the quantum aspects of Dogon cosmology by Laird Scranton, both independent researchers. 1 Osmanagic, Dr. Semir, The World of the Maya

Transcript of The Votive Pyramid of Visoko, Bosnia as a Celestial Portal interpreted Through Energy Photography...

The Votive Pyramid of Visoko, Bosnia as a Celestial Portal interpreted Through Energy Photography and Dogon/Egyptian Mythology

by Judith Mann© 2015 Judith Mann, All Rights Reserved

“If you are thirsty, the river comes to you.”--Sat Prem


The intent of this paper is to investigate the connection between the Visoko Bosnia votive pyramid and other Old Europe votive pyramids from the same era to the Bosnian Pyramids/Ravne Tunnels, as well as to explore, through significant energy photo captures, the relevance of the creation myth of the Dogon people of Mali, Africa applied to these votives.

Photo energy captures of the votive pyramids by Julia Lincoln have revealed a path of cosmic interaction which are shared with corresponding interpretations where possible. These interpretations include an emerging theme of connection of the Visoko votive pyramid with the Mayan Popul Vuh legends of the Hero Twins, which came as a complete surprise for the author. Video captures focus on the pulsing morphic energy fields that affect the votive images or are affected by the votive images.

According to Dr. Semir Osmanagic, the Maya, as light-beings, first arrived on Earth in 3113 b.c. and left in 2012 a.d.1, possibly leaving behind a small contingency of the greater Mayan population, wise people with the ability to keep their knowledge vibrant. This timeframe parallels that of the Dogon, who as myth-carriers, continue to keep their cosmology alive through rituals. Have the Maya from space accomplished their mission to bring the vibration of lesser developed planets, such as our Earth, into harmony with the greater cosmos, or is this an on-going plan? Are the Bosnian Pyramids and Ravne Tunnels part of this cosmic plan as their energies and those of the votive pyramids seem to imply?

This study builds upon the research of Old Europe votive pyramids by Nenad M. Djurdjevic and a query into the quantum aspects of Dogon cosmology by Laird Scranton, both independent researchers.

1 Osmanagic, Dr. Semir, The World of the Maya

Votive Pyramids of Old Europe

Visoko Votive Pyramid Exterior Unfiltered Credit: F-MU.S.EU.M

In the Neolithic settlement of Donje Moštre, Visoko, Bosnia, a hollow clay votive pyramid, small enough to fit in the palm of man's hand, was found by German archaeologists in 2008. The votive pyramid dates back to the 5th millennium b.c., which means that it predates by several millennia Egyptian pyramid votives and the oldest Egyptian pyramids as well as earlier Dogon knowledge of sacred pyramid's symbolism2.

According to independent researcher, Nenad M. Djurdjevic, the Visoko votive pyramid is one of three Old Europe Votive pyramids unearthed so far3. Visoko is within the radius of what archaeologist Dr. Marija Gimbutas labeled "Old Europe". This culture dates roughly to 6500-3500 b.c. Many believe that it inspired other cultures, including Egypt, ancient Sumer, Babylonia and Assyria.4 Old European cultures were some of the oldest and most advanced of prehistory, carrying high states of consciousness.

The five levels of the votive pyramid correspond to the different manifestations of the created universe, from its highest to its lowest point, a common theme in ancient pyramid building5. The votive is inscribed with a zigzag inverted triangle motif, a symbol related to water as well as vertical parallel lines which may refer to flowing water. The zigzag pattern is also the Egyptian letter "Nun," the name of the androgynous creation goddess whose form is the serpent.

Inger Arnes, a respected Norwegian seer, suggested that the drawings/patterns shown on the surface of each votive indicate the type of energy carried and how many dimensions are available. The patterns may also identify a particular larger pyramid to which the votive is linked.6

So, it is possible that the Visoko inscriptions can be symbolically associated with the underground labyrinth of Ravne, with its meandering pure water streams, ancient artifacts, and powerful energy fields.

2 Griaule, Marcel, Conversations with Ogotemmeli, Oxford University Press 19703 Djurdjevic, Nenad M. Old European Votive Pyramids: The Power of Evidence! 20094 Coppins, Philip, Unearthing Europe's Oldest Pyramid Complex , Nexus Magazine Vol. 16 No.15 Old European Votive Pyramids: The Power of Evidence! 20096 Private email to author 5/2015

Slatino Votive Pyramid Credit: F-MU.S.EU.M.

The second votive pyramid was discovered in the village of Slatino, Bulgaria (once ancient Thrace) by archeologist Nikolov Bogdan in 1974. From a culture dating approximately to 4800 b.c., this hollow and truncated votive pyramid, like the other Old European votive pyramids, is formed from brown-reddish clay with some mineral adulterants. It is inscribed with symbols, incised lines and points on four sides to indicate the four directions.

Tisza Votive Pyramid Credit: K. Konya/M. Djordjevic Tisza Votive Pyramid Detail

The last of the trio, the Tisza clay votive pyramid from the 5th millennium b.c., was unearthed at Kökénydomb, Hódmezövásárhely, southeastern Hungary, probably during a 1929 excavation.

Decorated on all four sides, its stair motif prefigures the stairs of the Dogon celestial earth votive, which shall be discussed later. A side of this votive pyramid displays an ascending basket-weave pattern symbolizing the motion of water and the primordial 'Word', the foundation of spiritual and religious life. The weave is divided into two parts by a parallel pattern that might symbolize a celestial waterway. At the bottom is a division between left and right with an emerging face that may represent

the birth of a water divinity7 or 'Nommo', through a pyramid formed by the division.

A common theme of pyramid cultures is that the pyramid is a celestial portal, linking the Underworld, Earth and the Heavens. For the Dogon, the structure is called 'The Granary of the Master of Pure Earth”.

The Dogon Background

Before we examine the Dogon celestial earth votive or granary, we need to know who the Dogon are along with a very brief synopsis of their cosmology.

The Dogon are an ancient people, first encountered in Egypt at about 3400 b.c., roughly the same time as the beginning of the First Dynasty of Egypt and the construction of the pyramids at Giza. At some point, they emigrated to Libya, finally settling in West Africa, and carrying a remarkable understanding of heavenly bodies and their movements and a well-developed cosmology. The Dogon continue to perform ceremonial homage to a race of fish-people come to bring global civilizing methods, who landed from the stars eons ago in a spinning device.

The Dogon called these benevolent twin beings “Nommo”, which translates into “to make one drink”, possibly because they could not meet with humans unless they kept the scaly parts of their lower bodies immersed in water. A philosophical interpretation might be “to urge one to imbibe of knowledge; to learn”. It is of note that an underground lake of pure water exists in the Ravne Tunnels and that its megaliths are seated over water.

Independent researcher, Laird Scranton, says “The Dogon are of particular interest because they survive to this day as a cohesive society, still seemingly observant of some of the most ancient traditions and still able to express those traditions in coherent, modern terms. the Dogon define and discuss these traditions using words and symbols that bear a close resemblance to those from the same remote period of Egyptian antiquity. Their myths accurately describe what they profess to describe—the structure of matter and the creative forces and elements that comprise it. The many compelling aspects of Dogon life that recall those of ancient cultures suggest that we might view the Dogon as a kind of modern remnant of a very ancient tradition, almost as a living artifact of times long past.”8

A Segment of The Dogon Creation Myth

The Nommo, acting on behalf of Amma the creator, planned to initiate projects to improve and redeem mankind, but they were concerned about the effect of contact between spiritual beings such as them-selves and people of flesh and blood.

After their transformation into Nommo, the eight ancestors were taken to the celestial region with the eldest Nommo pair to learn the skills of civilization. Later, each was given one of the eight grains of heaven. When they breached a ban to visit each other and became 'impure', they returned to live with men again, bringing with them their newly learned skills and the celestial grains9. Until that time, people on earth had lived in holes dug in the soil. Then they noticed the shape of the

7 Gimbutas, Marija, The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, University of California Press 1982

8 Scranton, Laird, Sacred Symbols of the Dogon, Inner Traditions 20079 Djurdjevic, Nenad M., “The "grains of heaven" correspond to "Azu Igwe" (Fish/Food from Heaven) in Igbo creation myth ...” June 2015

anthill, which they found to be much better for habitation than their earthen holes. The anthill was a rudimentary image of the system which was to come down to them in the form of a celestial granary representing the new system of the world.

The form of the Visoko Votive Pyramid re-surfaces two thousand years after its creation with the myth of the Dogon sacred granary shaped with celestial mud over an upside down woven basket.10

Brought down to earth by the first ancestor, this sacred granary is round at the bottom, square and flat at the top (with an inscribed circle, much like the Visoko and Slatino votive pyramids) and wider at the bottom than the top. Stairways with ten steps are located on the middle of each of the four sides, facing towards the cardinal points of north, south, east, and west. The door of the granary opens to the north at the sixth step and is like a mouth leading to the belly of the world. 11.

Symbolically, the round base represents the sun. The square roof represents the sky. A circle in the center of the roof represents the moon.12 The rise of each step is male; the tread is female. The combined total of forty steps (eighty males and females) represents the offspring of the eight ancestors. Each stairway is associated with a constellation or planet and a group of creatures. The ten steps up each side of the granary represent different family orders of the animal and plant kingdoms. The whole of the exterior is viewed as an outstretched female body.13

The spindle and zig-zag water symbol emerging through the top of the granary may be explained in quantum terms as an event cone, formed when light stored in a black hole is emitted after an event horizon forms14, and as a conduit for piezoelectric energy if one considers the Bosnian Pyramids/Ravne Tunnels as a prototype.

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Credit: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

Dogon Granary Credit: Marcel Griaule

10 Griaule, Marcel, Conversations with Ogotemmeli, Oxford University Press 197011 Ibid 12 Djurdjevic, Nenad M., “In Africa the sacred union between the circle and the square is rigorously symbolic, summarizing the fundamental relationship between the spiritual world and the human terrestrial condition.” June 201513 Griaule, Marcel, Conversations with Ogotemmeli, Oxford University Press 197014 Mann, Judith,

Inside, the granary is divided into eight compartments, four above and four below on two levels, each containing one seed which were to be introduced to human use. The compartments also represent the eight principal organs of the Spirit of Water, comparable to the organs of humans with an addition of a gizzard because the Spirit has the speed of birds. The 'Ground plan', expressed as cross in a circle, is a sacred symbol with several levels of knowledge held by other African peoples, including ancient Igbo.

Interior of Dogon Granary – Compartments 1-4 & window at the 6th step of the North stair

Advancing along the timeline, we arrive at the religious use of the votive pyramid in ancient Egypt where it served as a gift to the gods. According to Nenad Djurdjevic, there is a close correspondence between the Egyptian words TEI, a "gift," and TAU, a "hill." One of the most important idioms referring to human construction in pyramid cultures was the metaphor of the hill15, perhaps a collective memory beyond time and space of the Dogon anthill-granary and the earlier Bosnian 'hill-pyramid'.

Egyptian Votive Pyramid

15 Djurdjevic, Nenad M. Old European Votive Pyramids: The Power of Evidence! 2009

A clay votive from Sumer that depicts an amphibious deity clutching a snake in each hand, echos the Dogon myth of the half-human, half-fish Nommo, possibly passed from Egypt to Sumer.

Sumerian Amphibian Goddess with Snakes

The shape of the crown of the later Assyrian King Ashurbanipal (668 BC – 627 BC) seems to repeat the form of the Dogon granary or truncated pyramid without the steps but including the spindle, and introduces a solar motif around the lower band.

Assyrian King Ashurbanipal

Energy Captures of the Votive Pyramids

The energy captures presented in this paper, both photos and videos, are often shown within a greater surrounding energy field, the frequency streams of which are constantly moving and morphing, affected by and affecting the votives in a quantum mode.

The first energy scans of the Visoko votive pyramid in May, 2015, by Julia Lincoln16 indicate powerful interior energy though the pyramid is hollow.

Energy Capture Visoko Votive Exterior Filter#1 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Energy Capture Visoko Votive Exterior Filter#2 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Filter#2 shows the powerful energy field the pyramid rests upon. Could it be that the truncated triangular form of the pyramid 'trapped' this high energy?

16 Mann, Judith, Assessing The Egg-Shaped Block Of The Ravne Tunnels With Dogon/Egyptian Cosmology, Quantum Theory And Energy Photo Imaging

Because the interior of the Visoko Votive was photographed, it is possible to evaluate the energy from this vantage point.

Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior Unfiltered

The mottled surface of the hollow votive interior suggests a number of shapes, but without definition.

Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior Energy Capture #1 Credit: Julia Lincoln

The filters show the energy of the interior of the Visoko votive to be in flux. Read much like a Rorschach Test by the author and Julia Lincoln, the votive interior reveals images forming, lively orange and red on the top right and blue suggesting a celestial realm surrounded by healing green on the bottom left.

Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior Energy Capture #2 Credit: Julia Lincoln

In the author's interpretation, an energetic hill has formed in the upper right half surrounded by green plasma that had appeared in the lower half and a blue figure with a tail is forming in the lower half.

Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior Energy Capture #3 Credit: Julia Lincoln

The hill in the upper half of the votive interior is now outlined in a band of electric green. A mermaid is defined by the white outline. She wears an Egyptian crown and carries a crook under one arm and a tablet in front. Above her is another figure identified as one of the Mayan Hero Twins17.


Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior Energy Capture #4 Credit: Julia Lincoln

The interior of the hill has cleared of most of its 'mist', possibly revealing a standing figure facing right. In the left half outlined in white, the mermaid has morphed into three figures positioned as might appear on a frieze. The figure in the center appears to to be a tailed female. To her right is a Mesoamerican Hero Twin. To her left is a figure in a subservient pose. This interpretation seems to span cultures thousands of miles and millenniums apart, connected through a universal civilization.

Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior & Exterior Energy Capture #1 Credit: Julia Lincoln

When photographing the interior and exterior of the Visoko votive through a particular filter, Julia Lincoln remarked that the white area on the right of Capture #1 foretells “...where I keep seeing something that is trying to manifest.” This interpretation of the energy field behind the pyramid images might be described as a quantum phenomena.

Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior & Exterior Visoko Votive Pyramid Interior & Exterior Energy Field Capture #2 Credit: Julia Lincoln Energy Field Capture #3 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Lincoln stated,”it is quite curious that the vortex seemed to split in half into two other vortexes or dimensions, which supports my thoughts on it having two different internal functions.” According to Carl Jung, when two patterns occur where one had been, it is a signal that an archetypical idea is approaching the threshold of consciousness.18 This seems to apply to the grey energy field behind the votive.

The following captures reflect the rapid movement of a morphing set of images that Lincoln and Mann had not encountered before. This new level of communication through the energy photos appears open to interpretation through the Dogon creation myth and quantum theory.

Visoko Votive Pyramid & Energy Field #1 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Applying the Rorschach technique, we see a tailed and robed female facing right, holding a snake-like rod and a green fish tail. The "snake-like" rod connected to the left sphere is also seen as the energetic reflection of human polytene chromosomes, visible on African and Aboriginal Australian artifacts.19

18 Von Franz, Marie-Louise, On Divination and Synchronicity, Inner City Books, 198019 Djurdjevic, Nenad M, private m.facebook, 2015

Visoko Votive Pyramid & Energy Field #2 Credit: Julia Lincoln Visoko Votive Cutaway

In Energy Field #2, we see an animal form descending, suggesting the Dogon myth of the Jackal coming down towards Earth from the celestial regions20. A beak-nosed entity on the left acts as a ledge for the descent and also expressing duality. The two embossed spheres have now morphed into quantum symbols of matter and anti-matter, light and dark. The cutaway of the Visoko votive seems to reveal the sacrifice of Lebe, the oldest Dogon ancestor.21 Sacrifice for the Dogon represents the re-distribution of life energy.

Visoko Votive Pyramid & Energy Field #3 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Energy Field #3 pairs the Visoko votive on top with the Slatino votive on the bottom. A yellow entity on the left holds a fish tail. Behind the Visoko votive, an electric green figure, interpreted as a water spirit ancestor, is attempting to climb down but has not stepped on the Slatino votive as yet. The water chevrons on the Slatino votive can be seen pointing down towards the Earth.

20 Griaule, Marcel, Conversations with Ogotemmeli, Oxford University Press 197021 Ibid

Visoko Votive Pyramid & Energy Field #4 Credit: Julia Lincoln

In the left of Energy Field #4 the yellow field evolves into a bird's head. Next to it is a green snake descending, and to the snake's right, a bird skull. Inside the Visoko votive, a green figure lies on its stomach – the Dogon resurrected ancestor returned to the celestial realms? The descending snake and bird heads – Quetzalcoatl, Kulkulcan or Votan, the Mayan bringers of civilization?

Visoko Votive Pyramid & Energy Field #5 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Starting from the top left of Energy Field #5, the Visoko votive has morphed into a face. Below, a woman-faced snake reaches out. An ancestor with flexible limbs steps down on the Slatino votive carrying a dog, as on the right, a lion, thought of as a leader by the Dogon, watches from a sphere that is emerging from a transparent rectangle. Half hidden by the sphere is the head of a jackal.

Mayan HeroTwin

Visoko Votive Pyramid & Energy Field #6 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Energy Field #6 reveals the Visoko votive transformed into an upper-face mask with a kneeling figure, perhaps one of the Hero Twins where a nose would be located. Below the mask is a bird in flight. The zig-zag green line represents a tide of celestial water and in quantum terms, the light and dark spheres on a straight line represent matter and anti-matter.

Stepping back from these details, the green energy field also seems to form a profile with an open mouth. The 'Word' of the Dogon? In the open mouth is a hint of two emerging figures – Dogon or Mayan twins? Or are they one and the same?

Tisza Votive Pyramid & Energy Field #1 Credit: Julia Lincoln

Indigo and red undulating spheres constitute the energy field for the truncated Tisza Votive Pyramid. The dynamic votive radiates light from within, which reaches its upper surface. The totality is a newly revealed subject, open for Lincoln and Mann to further investigate through energy photography.


The photo captures of the votive pyramids taken at the labs of Julia Lincoln verify the energetic state of Old Europe votive pyramids, which in turn gives credence to the strong possibility of the Bosnian Pyramids/Ravne Tunnels being one of the bases for a parent global civilization dating back to between 7,000 b.c.-20,000 b.c.

When applied to the energy photos presented in this paper, the Dogon legends appear to be cosmologically connected to the Old Europe votive pyramids and the Bosnian Pyramids/Ravne Tunnels. The possibility of a Mayan connection through the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanqu, and Quetzalcoatl, Kulkulcan and Votan the Mayan bringers of civilization, was also revealed through interpretations of the energy scans.

Appendix I – Energy Photography22

As stated in Assessing The Frequencies of Bosnian Pyramid/ Ravne Tunnel Stones and Artifacts With Energy Photo Imaging, Julia Lincoln uses the following system in her Energy Imaging Lab, set up as a controlled environment for consistency in experiments.

Lincoln employs the Oldfield New Energy Vision Field Camera for researching subtle-energy fields. This is an advanced system to visualize an energy field matrix in real-time.23

It works on the principle that when a photon of light travels through a subject's energy field it is very subtly altered by the energy it has passed through. These changes allows an indirect view of the energy field of a subject by observation of the light interference patterns that this interaction creates.

Appendix II - Videos

The following are short videos taken by Julia Lincoln of the Visoko votive pyramid and the Slatino votive pyramid energy fields with observations offered by Lincoln. Their colors can be interpreted using the Spectrum Chart of Colors Associated With Energy Fields in Appendix III.

The top image is the exterior of the Visoko votive pyramid. In the center is the Slatino votive pyramid. The bottom image is the interior of the Visoko votive pyramid.

Votive Pyramids 1

In the first video are wide streams of green in different shades, which is quite unusual with avery peculiar jump from green to mauve. In a normal spectrum, green seems to go to blue then purple. However, there appear to be some minute shades of blue which appear and then disappear very quickly.

22 Mann, Judith & Lincoln, Julia Assessing The Frequencies of Bosnian Pyramid/ Ravne Tunnel Stones and Artifacts With Energy Photo Imaging,

Votive Pyramids 2

The middle Slatino pyramid has very active and intensive energy, observed in earlier photos. Its purpose may be very different from the Visoko votive pyramid when viewed through this filter.

Votive Pyramids 3

The votive pyramid images seem to link through the transmission of healing green energy.

Votive Pyramids 4

With another filter, a very intense pattern of energy connects the top and middle pyramid.

Votive Pyramids 5

The muddy green band in the energy field might indicate a detoxification or cleansing process. Bright green healing and harmonic energy seems to surround the votive images as the "toxins" are being pushed outward through the dynamic orange field into the muddy green band.

Votive Pyramids 6

This video capture seems to support the posit laid out for Votive Pyramids 5.”

Votive Pyramids 7

The energy from the top two might be directed to the third pyramid, but not fully determined by Lincoln.

Tisza Pyramid 1

According to Julia Lincoln, the energy of the Tisza Votive Pyramid and its field is quite powerful, enough to merit its own video captures.

Tisza Pyramid 3

The filter used for this video isolates the field energy by color, so that only one stream is visible. This stream appears possibly as a vertical undulating snake form.

Tisza Pyramid 4

The filter used also isolates the field energy so that only one definite stream is visible. However the outer red energy indicates a dynamic aspect of the field.

Appendix III – Spectrum Chart of Colors Associated With Energy Fields

When light travels as waves of energy it is with different frequency lengths depending upon its color and measured as the distance between the top of one wave and the top of the next.

Wave Length of Colors Chart: Randy Russell

This chart shows the lengths of the waves of different colors of light. Purple and blue light waves have short wavelengths which vibrate quickly. Red light has a longer wavelength, which vibrates more slowly. This difference is based on the fact that short wavelengths carry more energy than ones with long wavelengths. Brief interpretations of the colors revealed through the imaging systems:

Red - life energy, regeneration or earth energy

Orange – vitality

Yellow – intelligence

Green - harmony, healing

Blue - teachings from a higher level of consciousness

Magenta – higher consciousness

Purple – energy fields beyond our comprehension

White - all-encompassing light


Berlitx, Charles, Atlantis The Eighth Continent, Fawcett Books, 1985

Coppins, Philip, Unearthing Europe's Oldest Pyramid Complex , Nexus Magazine Vol. 16 No.1

Djurdjevic, Nenad M. Old European Votive Pyramids: The Power of Evidence! 2009

Griaule, Marcel, Conversations with Ogotemmeli, Oxford University Press 1970

Gimbutas, Marija, The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, University of California Press 1982

Mann, Judith & Lincoln, Julia Assessing The Frequencies of Bosnian Pyramid/ Ravne Tunnel Stones and Artifacts With Energy Photo Imaging,

Mann, Judith, Assessing The Egg-Shaped Block Of The Ravne Tunnels With Dogon/Egyptian Cosmology, Quantum Theory And Energy Photo Imaging

Scranton, Laird, The Science of the Dogon: Decoding the African Mystery Tradition. Inner Traditions/Bear & Company 2002

Von Franz, Marie-Louise, On Divination and Synchronicity, Inner City Books, 1980