Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)


Name : Nadya Khairunnisa Adila

NIM : 2014850043







Thesis August 2018 Nadya Khairunnisa Adila (2014850043) THE USE OF WHEEL DECIDE APPLICATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS xvi + 58 pages, 5 tables, 12 appendices


The aims of this research was to investigate whether wheel decide application effective or not to improve students‟ speaking skills. This research conducted on ten grades of students SMA Nurul Hikmah with 43 students as a sample. This research use recount text material in learning activity and collaborative technique as the approach for discussion activity. The method used in the research was quantitative method with quasi experiment and purposive sampling by using pre test and post test score to collecting the data. The data were analyzed by using t-test one group. The result showed that there was a significant difference from pre test score to post test score. The total score in pre test was 2440 with the mean 56.74 while total sore in post test was 3000 with the mean 69.76. The results showed that wheel decide application is effective to improve students speaking skills especially to X grade students of senior high school.

Key word : Collaborative technique, Wheel Decide Application, speaking skills, teaching speaking, recount text.

References 19 (2011-2016)




Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki apakah aplikasi wheel decide efektif atau tidak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelas sepuluh siswa SMA Nurul Hikmah dengan 43 siswa sebagai sampel. Penelitian ini mengunakan materi recount teks di kegiatan belajar dan kolaborasi tehnik sebagai pendekatan disaat kegiatan diskusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan quasi eksperimen dan purposive sampling dengan menggunakan nilai pre-test dan post test untuk mengumpulkan data. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan t-test satu kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari nilai pre-test ke nilai post test. Total nilai dalam pre test adalah 2440 dengan rata-rata 56,74 sementara total nilai dalam post test adalah 3000 dengan rata-rata 69,76. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi wheel decide efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa khususnya siswa kelas X SMA.

Kata Kunci : kolaborasi tehnik, aplikasi wheel decide , kemampuan berbicara, mengajar berbicara, teks recount.

Daftar Pustaka 19 (2011-2016)




Board of examiners of Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that thesis


STUDENTS‟ SPEAKING SKILLS” written by Nadya Khairunnisa Adila

student‟s registration number 2014850043 was examined by the

committees on 11 August 2018. The thesis has been accepted and

declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of “S,Pd”

(S1) in English Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences,

Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta.

Acknowledged by


Dr. Iswan, M,Si.

Board of Examiners Signature Date Ismah, M.Si. Chairperson Zaitun, M.Pd. Secretary Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd. Advisor Dr. Ansharullah, M.Ag. M. Ud. Examiner – 1 Zaitun, M.Pd. Examiner – 2



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

a. Nama : Nadya Khairunnisa Adila

b. Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Tangerang, 12 april 1997

c. Fakultas/ Prodi : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa


d. Nomor Pokok : 2014850043

e. Alamat Rumah : Kp. Gandoang, rt 02 rw 04kecamatan

cileungsi kabupaten bogor

f. No Tlp/ Tlp Hp : 0898-5609-144

g. Judul Skripsi : The use of wheel decide application to

improve students‟ speaking skills

Dengan ini menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa seluruh dokumen atau data yang saya sampaikan dalam skripsi ini adalah benar dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, apabila dikemudian hari ditemuka seluruh atau sebagian dokumen atau data yang teridentifikasi penyimpangan, saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Demikian pakta integritas ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya tanpa ada paksaan dari siapapun, untuk di pergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Jakarta, 11 Agustus 2018 Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan

Nadya Khairunnisa Adila




“ I dedicated my thesis to my beloved parents, family, friends

and people who always by my side that help and support me

in any condition ”



Do what you truly love…..



In the name Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Alhamdulillahirobil’alamin. Praised to Allah SWT, Lord of the world,

who has given mercy,blessing and also health, knowledge, patience, and

strength to the writer so that the writer was able to finish this thesis

entitled: The use of wheel decide application to improve students‟

speaking skills. Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad SAW, His

family, His companion, and his adherence.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her thanks and

gratitude to her beloved parents, Ujat Sudrajat SE and Suryaningsih and

also her beloved sister Qatrunnada Labibah who always given support,

pray, motivation and moral encouragement to finish her study. The writer

also would like to address her gratitude to her thesis advisor, Dr.

Muhamad Sofian Hadi, M.Pd, who has guided, give suggestion and

always supported her along her thesis writing. Her appreciation and

gratitude also go to:

1. Dr Iswan, M,Si, as the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences

Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta.

2. Zaitun, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Department.

3. All lecturers in English Department that cannot be mentioned on by

one for teaching her precious knowledge and giving wonderful study



4. Iik Abdul Kholik, S.S, M.pd as the headmaster of SMA Nurul Hikmah

who has given the writer permission in doing the research.

5. Siti Zubaidah, S. Pd as the English teacher in SMA Nurul Hikmah.

6. Rachma Thalia, Nadia Ulfah, Ainurrafiah as the writer best friends who

always sharing anything and spend most of the time by her side in the

campus life and also given support and sharing knowledge.

7. Imelda Julia, Syifa Nur Anisa, Iin Sutini, Siti Nurlela, Isnawati, Vera

Rachma Agustiningrum , Vivi Vahyuningsih as the writer best friends

who always by her side anytime and anywhere.

8. Sinta Angraeni and Qonita Zakiyah as the witer partner to chasing mr

sofyan and also for spending time together when consult.

9. All friends in Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta especially in English


10. The people that the writer can not mention one by one who have been

give motivation, help, and support for the writer to finish this thesis.

At last, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from perfection.

Therefore, the writer highly appreciated the comments and suggestion

to the improvement of this thesis. Hopefully, this thesis would give

contribution to the another research and can be useful for the readers.

Jakarta, August 2018

The writer,

Nadya Khairunnisa Adila

NIM: 2014850043



ABSTRACT .................................................................................... i

ABSTRAK .................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................... iii

BOARD OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL ............................................. iv

ENDORSEMENT SHEET .................................................................. v

PAKTA INTEGRITAS ........................................................................ vi


DEDICATION .................................................................................... viii

MOTTO .................................................................................... ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................. x

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................. xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1

A. Background of the study ............................................ 1

B. Identification of the problem ...................................... 8

C. Limitation of the problem ........................................... 8

D. Problem of the study .................................................. 9

E. The objective of study ................................................ 9

F. Significances of the study .......................................... 9


CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................. 11

A. The Description of the Theories ................................ 11

1. Speaking skill ............................................... 11

a. The Definition of Speaking Skill ....... 11

b. Speaking Aspect .............................. 12

c. Function of Speaking ....................... 15

d. Types of Speaking ........................... 18

e. Speaking Activities ........................... 21

f. Teaching Speaking .......................... 23

g. Recount in the Teaching of Speaking 24

h. Assessing Speaking ........................ 25

2. Collaborative Technique ........................... 26

a. Definition of Collaborative technique ... 26

b. Characteristic of Collaborative Learning 26

3. Wheel Decide Application ......................... 27

a. The definition of wheel decide

application ....................................... 27

b. The Advantages and Disadvantages of

Wheel Decide Application ................ 29

c. Implementing Wheel Decide Application

in Class ............................................ 30

B. Theoretical Framework ............................................. 32


C. Hypothesis of the Study ............................................. 33

CHAPTER III METHOD AND PROCEDURES .................................... 34

A. Place and time of the research .................................. 34

B. Method of the research .............................................. 34

C. Operation Definition of Variables ............................... 35

D. Population and Sample ............................................. 36

E. Technique of Collecting the Data .............................. 36

F. Technique of analyzing data ...................................... 42

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND INTERPRETATIONS ............................ 45

A. Finding ....................................................................... 45

1. The Description of the Data ................................ 45

2. Data Analysis ....................................................... 48

B. Interpretations ........................................................... 52

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ........................... 54

A. Conclusion ................................................................ 55

B. Suggestions .............................................................. 53

REFERENCES .................................................................................... 57




Table 2.1 Theoretical Framework ...................................................... 32

Table 3.1 Speaking rubric ................................................................ 37

Table 4.1 Students Speaking Skill Scores ........................................ 45

Table 4.2 Diagram of students speaking skills scores ...................... 48

Table 4.3 Statistical table of students‟ pre-test and post-test ............ 48



Appendix 1 : Lesson Plan

Appendix 2 : Text of Pre-test and post test

Appendix 3 : Pre-test and Post test Scores

Appendix 4 : Validation Letter

Appendix 5 : Table of t Distribution

Appendix 6 : Sheet Witnessed Thesis Examination

Appendix 7 : Guide Letter of University

Appendix 8 : Guide Letter of School

Appendix 9 : Documentation

Appendix 10 : Guidance Consultant Letter

Appendix 11 : Bimbingan Pasca Sidang Skripsi

Appendix 11 : Curriculum Vitae




A. Background of the Study

English is one of language that is quite difficult to learn. In

Indonesia as a foreign language, English is learned from elementary

until collage. In learning English itself there are four skills that must be

mastered, I:e. listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among those

skills, speaking is the most important skill required for communication

according to Rocio (2011:22) People need communication when they

want to say something, transmit information or need to speak. They

use language according to their purpose and it is necessary for there

to be speaker and have good speaking skills for effective

communication. Another definition about speaking according to Kusrini

(2012:1) speaking is the process of oral communication involving the

interaction both speaker and listener in sharing information.

So it is also defined that speaking is conveying idea from one

person to other person through the oral. The use of speaking for

students, they can share and exchange the idea they got from book or

other information. Speaking skill also is the act of generating words

that can be understood by listeners. So if someone good in speaking

skill, they will good also in giving information so that will be easily

understood by others. A good speaking skill will lead someone to


provide good information to the other. The statement also mention in


Based on surrah Al-Azhab:

ا قواٱلل وقولوا قولا سديدا ها ٱلذين ءامنوا ٱت أي (70) ي

(71) يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم ومن

ا عظيما ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا يطع للا

The meaning:

70. O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of

appropriate justice. 72. He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins.

And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a

great attainment.

This surrah explain that when you want to speak, then say with

the right word so Allah SWT will [then] amend for you your deeds and

forgive you your sins. So in this surrah allah SWT very advocate

someone to have speaking skills so that when talking, what they

conveyed is the true word and people who hear the information can


Beside that, speaking is also a very important skill because the

first people will judge how well the ability of one's english from

speaking rather than any other language skills because when

someone can speak fleuncy that means they have a lot of vocabulary,

know how used grammar and of course they know how to pronounce.


But many of the students think that speaking is the most difficult skill to

be learned because in speaking students must speak directly so, that

for them it is a scared lesson.

During this time in learning English especially in terms of

speaking, teachers more focus ask students to speak in front of the

class with the method of memorization without understanding more

deeply about what content of the material. Also when choose who

students must come forward, the teacher usually will used to choose

the students they feel can do that. Sometime teacher usually call the

name they just remember. So for other students that‟s feels unfair. As

an example in learning recount text to know the ability of students

speaking skill, the teacher just told the students to retell about the

recount text that they was reading before in front of the class without

telling the students to discuss about the contents and meaning of the

recount text together and also to choose who will come forward firstly

sometimes the teacher will choose the students they know and close

with them.

Especially in the learning process, teachers was not use any

media so in the learning process, students visible not enthusiasm and

the atmosphere becomes very strained. This is inefficient because of

the conventional ways of teacher when teaching the students. From

that situation, students will be difficult to improve their speaking skill so

to achieve the speaking learning objectives will be more difficult.


Moreover, not all students will understand about the learning

material without teacher discuss before and also willing to speak up in

front of the class, because students do not understand what the

content of the text especially when the classroom is strained cause the

teacher does not use any media in learning. Sometimes when the

teacher choose who students come forward, they prepare to choose

students who they know and close without any new innovation. That

makes students not enthusiastic in learning and then students tend to

be silent when teacher asked. Teacher just told the students to

memorize, so when students missed some part what they memorize

they will blank because don't know what next to say.

There the writer found out percentage in learning process of

students especially in speaking skill. There are results of the

percentage: 10% students‟ lack of reading, 20% students‟ lack of

writing, 25% students‟ lack of listening and 45% students‟ lack of

reading. In this percentage the writers know that 45% students are

lack of speaking from the writer experience in 1nd grade of senior high

school the writer found some problems that occur in students

improving their speaking skills. It was found that Most of them

difficulties to speak up in the class cause classroom atmosphere with

the result that, students become quiet and shy when speaking so

when teacher asked who wants to go forward to tell about recount

text, no one of students is willing, they are afraid to make oral


mistakes because they are scare of what they memorize was forget.

Cause teacher just ordered students to memorize and explain in front

of the class but do not give the opportunity for students to discuss

about the material of recount text with their friends.

So that when they missed one sentence they will afraid and

confuse what the next sentence, students lack of self-confidence till

they are not forced to express themselves in front the other people

and the last, teacher not use media in speaking learning so that in

learning activity students quickly feel bored and look not enthusiastic

and so many students who not pay attention. That makes students

difficult to improve their speaking skills.

Therefore to solve the problem and improve students speaking

skill there are several media that can be applied in class and one of

the media is “wheel decide application”. “Wheel decide application”

itself is an application launched on october 2012 According to Wheel

Decide official website in (, Wheel decide is a

game-shaped application with free online spinner tool that alows to

create on digital wheel for dicision making, many of people used this

application for games for spand their time like play truth or dare,

determine something that considered difficult decide what they do with

their friends and many more but Wheel decide application not just can

use for games but also can use for another field like for tools,


education, business, developing and publishing. Here the writer will be

more focus on using wheel decide application in learning English.

In order to apply wheel decide application in teaching English,

the writer choose the recount text as the teaching material and

collaborative technique as the approach for discussion activity. First

the writer divides the students into several groups. The function of

forming the group itself is to place students exchanging opinions on

the recount text material that has been taught with their friends,

questioning each other when there is something they do not know and

also when one member of group come forward and forget about what

he must say, the member who not come forward will help by give a

clue about what he can talk for next.

Second, the writer discusses about recount text and the

example. After that the writer gives the students‟ time to discuss with

the group that has been previously shared to discuss about the

content and meaning of the recount text. Besides, the writer also

provides an opportunity for students to ask about what students do not

know before the writer choose students to tell about recount text by

using “wheel decide application”. so in speaking practice, students not

only memorize the recount text but also know and understand it and

the last writer will use “wheel decide application” for give student 1

question which they must answer to little measure the students ability

about that recount text.


There were 2 previous studies research but different media with

this study. First , Maria (2015) did her research paper entitled

“Improving students‟ speaking skill by using talking stick methode”.

Here the researcher used classroom action research as research

methodology and to collecting data used qualitative and quantitative.

The result of this study showed that talking stick methode can improve

students‟ speaking skill it can be seen from improvments of the

students‟ speaking score from score pre-test until post-test 2.

Another previous study was from Setieya (2015) entitled

“Improving students speaking ability by using talking stick technique”.

Here the researcher used quantitative experimental method as

research methodology and to collecting data used pre-test and post-

test. The result of the study showed that Talking Stick technique

improve students speaking ability and can be used by the teacher in

teaching speaking.

Actually the process of learning talking stick method and wheel

decide application is almost similar. Talking stick itself referring to

Imas kurniasih and berlin sani (2015:82-83) is a method in the learning

process by using a stick, student who gets the stick must answer the

question by the teacher ask. That 2 previous studies research use

talking stick as a media and methode to improve students speaking

skills. But here the writer want to use wheel decide application to

improve students speaking skill.


Based on the above statments, the writer takes the title of this

study as ” The Use of Wheel Decide Application to Improve Students‟

Speaking Skills”.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer find

some problem as:

1) Students difficult to speak up in the class.

2) Students being quite and shy when speaking in teaching learning.

3) Students lack of self-confidence.

4) Students are afraid to making oral mistakes.

5) Students‟ fells unfair when teacher usually choose the students

they know and close to come forward.

6) Teachers not use any media in speaking learning.

C. Limititation of the Study

It is imposible to discuss all problems above. Therefore, the

study focuses on the use of wheel decide application to improve

students‟ speaking skills to class ten in SMA Nurul Hikmah. The writer

uses “wheel decide application” as media in this study.


D. Problem of the study

The writer focuses on the investigation of the effect of wheel

decide application to improve students sepaking skill. So the question

of the research is: “does wheel decide application improve students‟

speaking skills”.

E. The Objective of the Study

This study has an objective to investigate whether Wheel

decide application can be use as media to improve students‟ speaking


F. Significance of the Study

The results of this research have both theoritically and practically:

1. Theoritically

The writer hopes that the result of the research can be

used as information for all people that wheel decide application is

one of media that can use in learning speaking activity to

improve speaking skills.

2. Practically

a. The students

The researcher hope that wheel decide application will

improve students speaking skill, expecially for class tenth in

SMA Nurul Hikmah.


b. The teacher

Through this study, the writer will be able to increase

teaching speaking better and by wheel decide application the

writer can give additional contribution to English teachers to

develop their media to teach English education.

c. The writer

Through this study the writer can be know that there

are many media to improve speaking skil.




A. The Description of the Theories

1. Speaking Skill

a. The Definition of Speaking Skill

Speaking is the most important skill required for

communication because speaking is a speech production that

becomes a part of our daily activities. Speaking does not only

production words but also need a complex though especially

for communication. According to Usha (2016:74)

Communication means sharing meaning from one people to

other until they understand to each other information. This

explanation supported by Channey in Jondeya (2011:14) In

speaking people will sharing meaning by producing and

receiving information through verbal and non-verbal symbol in

variety of context. In speaking, people express their thoughts

through word and talk about perception, feeling and intentions

they want other people to grasp and understand.

There are some definitions of speaking to start with

Nunan in zaki (2014:10) speaking is the productive oral skill

and it consists of producing systematic verbal utterance to

convey meaning. Meanwhile Aljadili (2014:10) said that


Speaking is the process of sharing knowledge, emotions,

needs, opinion or ideas that take place between the speaker

and the listener.

Based on the previous definition, the writer concludes

that speaking is the process of tell something to another

person until they know the information what we talk. Speaking

also the ability to say, to address, to known, to use or be able

to use a given language in the actual communication and

speaking skill also is act of generating words that can be

understood by listeners. A good speaker is clear and

informative in case of delivering information.

b. Speaking Aspect

To have good speaking skills, students must practice

speaking English as often as possible. So that, they are able

to speak English fluently and accurately. Brown also explain in

Lia (2015:12) there are 4 speaking aspect to know the

students speaking skill. As follow:

1) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the sound in familiar way that

make someone able to understand what the speaker

means. For students, Pronunciation is the way to produce

clearly language when they speak. To make a successful

communication, the speakers need to be able to deliver


clear massager for listeners. Here for pronunciation the

students not required have sound like native speakers but

the most important is the listeners can understand what

the speakers talk. Referring to Chen Lin (2014:17) great

pronunciation competence in English is able to make

others understand easily. It is not necessary to speak

English like native but well enough to be understood.

2) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the very important aspects that

support speaking performance to communication.

Vocabulary also can define as a set of lexemes, consisting

single world, compound words and idioms that are

typically used when talking something. To be able to

speak fluently and accurately, speaker should master

enough vocabulary and has capability to use it accurately.

Without having a sufficient vocabulary, someone cannot

communicate effectively or express their ideas in both oral

and written form. Having limited vocabulary is also a

barrier that precludes learners from learning a language.

Another opinion stated by Alqahtani (2015:25)

vocabulary can define as the total number of word that is

needed to communicate ideas and express the speakers‟

meaning. From all that definition, can concluded that


vocabulary is important to speak activity because without

many vocabulary students will difficult to express their idea

and communicate to each other so it is difficult to improve

their speaking skills.

3) Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak

fluently and accurately. Here the students use language

spontaneously and confidently without under pauses

hesitation. That means the speakers does not have to

spend a lot of time to express their message in the

speaking activity. Fluency also refers to how well a

learner communicates meaning rather than how many

mistakes they make in grammar, pronunciation and


4) Accuracy

Accuracy is an ability to produce sentences or

utterance with correct grammar. Accuracy also according

to British council is refers to how correct learners‟ in the

use of the language system. Like use grammar,

pronunciation and vocabulary. Students have good

speaking if when speak up, the grammar that used can be

understood. That‟s mean when students want to speak up

they must arrange correct sentence and use grammar until


the sentence they speak can understood by other. Here

the speakers need to follow the rules of the language such

as grammar and structure to be able to speak accurately.

c. Function of speaking

According to Brown and Yule in Jondeya (2011: 16-17)

there are three functions of speaking:

1) Talk as Interaction

Talk as interaction refers to normally mean by

“conversation” or talk with each other and describes

interaction. Like when people meet someone they

exchange greeting, engage in small talk and recount recent

experience to their friends or daily communication that

interaction with other people. This about interactive

communication which is done spontaneously to try

conveying their massage to other people. Here focus more

on the speakers and how they wish to present them self to

each other.


a) Students telling their friends an amusing weekend

experience and hearing her recount a similar experience

she once had. (Sharing personal recount).

b) A student chatting to her professor while waiting for an



c) Students joking with their friends.

2) Talk as Transaction

Talks as transaction refers to situation where the focus

is on what is said or done. The speaker give massage and

making oneself understood clearly and accurately is the

central focus, rather than the participants and how they

interact socially with each other. So, this talk focuses on the

exchange of information.


a. Classroom group discussions and problem-solving


b. A class activity during which students design a poster

c. Making telephone call to obtain flight information

d. Asking someone for directions on the street

There are two different types of talk as transaction:

(1) Involves situation where the focus is on giving and

receiving information and where the participants focus

primarily on what is said or achieved (e.g., asking

someone for direction) accuracy may not be priority, if

information is successfully communicated or



(2) This transaction that focuses on obtains goods or

services, such as checking into a hotel or ordering

food in restaurant.

For example:

a) The following exchange was observed in a café

b) Describing something

c) Asking for clarification

d) Confirming information

e) Etc.

3) Talk as Performance

Talk that can usefully be distinguished has been called talk

as performance. Talk as performance tends to be in the form of

monolog rather than dialog, often follows a recognizable format

(e.g., a speech of welcome) and is closer to written language

that conversational language. So here the talk we produce by

self and more meaningful statements.


a) The opening of a fall welcome speech given by a university


b) Making sales presentation.

c) Story telling.

d) Class debate activity.

e) Tell the lesson in front of the class


f) Public announcements.

g) Publics Talk.

d. Types of Speaking

There are 6 type of classroom speaking performance

according to Brown in Bahesti, Ali and Atefeh (2016:178):

1) Imitative

Imitative is an effort to imitate what they hear. For

example, students repeat the recorder, learners practice an

intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound.

They are learning to imitate what the speakers speak. This

makes them more aware of the use of language. This

activity can also be listening monologue and they practice

the monologue. This is for focusing on some element of

language form. The activity is usually performed in from of


2) Intensive

The intensive speaking is one step beyond imitative to

include any speaking performance that is designed to

practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of

language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated, or it can

even from part of some pair work activity, where learners

are “going over” certain forms of language.


3) Responsive

Responsive is like students give speech in the

classroom and give reaction, comment when teacher or

their friends ask.


Teacher : How are you today?

Students : Pretty good, thanks, and you?

Teacher : What is the main idea in this text?

Students : The United Nations should have more


In this case, students will be trained to have an

authentic speaking to interaction with each other. Here the

students need to respond when someone ask so their

speaking skill more improve.

4) Transaction (dialogue)

Transaction is carried out for conveying or

exchanging specific information. Here the students make

dialog to communication use their idea and opinion.

Example :

T: What is the main idea in this text?

S: The United Nations should have more authority.

T: More authority than what?

S: Than it does right now.


T: What do you mean?

S: Well, for example, the United Nation should have the

power to force a country like Iraq to destroy its nuclear


T: you don‟t think the United Nation has that power now?

S: Obviously not. Iraq is still manufacturing nuclear bombs.

5) Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal is more for maintaining social

relationships than for transmission of fact and information


Amy : Hi, Bob, how‟s it going?

Boby : Oh, so-so

Amy : Not a great weekend, huh?

Boby : Well, far be it from me to criticize, but I‟m pretty

miffed about last week

Amy : What are you talking about?

Boby : I think you know perfectly what I‟m talking about.

6) Extensive

Extensive is more use for intermediate or advanced

levels. Example for this activity is oral report, summaries or

perhaps oral speeches. In extensive monologue, when

performance students can be prepared what they want to

speak or improve their performance.


e. Speaking Activities

To help students develop their speaking skill, there are

some activities used in the classroom as follows:

1) Discussion

Discussion is probably the most commonly used in the

speaking classroom activity. According to Witherspoon,

Gary and Courtney (2016:15) Teacher use discussion in the

classroom to help students build discussion skills, such as

learning to listen to other, evaluating arguments and

formulating and communicating their own views. There are

many type of discussion like buzz group, instants comment,

formal debates, unplanned discussion and reaching a


2) Role-play

Referring to Kusnierek (2015:81) in role-play, learners are

usually given information about a ‟role‟ (e.g. a person or a

job title) and also teacher can gives information to the

learners such as who they are and what they think or feel.

For example, the teacher can tell the students that “you are

EXO members, you want go to your concert and say thank

to your friend”.


3) Simulation

Simulation is very similar to role-plays but what makes

simulation different than role plays is more elaborate. In

simulation, students can bring items to the class to create

realistic environment. For instance, if students are acting as

a computer seller, they bring computer and demonstrate it

and so on.

4) Storytelling

According to National storytelling network, storytelling is the

interactive art of using words and action reveal the

elements and images of a story while encouraging the

listener's imagination. In storytelling the students must

understand the story and tell the story with their own

language. Other definition from Zaro and Saberi in Anik

(2013:20) Storytelling is an activity which requires a certain

level of information between storyteller and audience and

between individual and listener. So, in storytelling is more

like give information about the story by using sentence and

action with aim the listener can understand and imagine

what the speaker talks.

5) Prepared Talk

This activity allows a student‟s (or group of students) make

a presentation on a topic their own choice. Here the


students not talk spontaneous or oral presentation. The

teachers give opportunities the students to preparation and

rehearse their presentation.

6) Questionnaires

This is an interactive activity. Through this activity the

questionnaires and respondent say something to each

other that related with the information they learn and the

questions prepared before.

7) Information Gap

In information gap, students are supposed to be working in

pairs. One student will have the information that other

doesn‟t know. From that, the students who know the

information will share their information. Here each partner

plays an important role because the task cannot be

completed if the partner does not provide the information

the other need.

f. Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is a process to transfer knowledge from

lecturer to the learner about how to speak and get information

correctly. People speak English for many purposes. One goal of

teaching speaking skill is to communicate efficiently. Learners

should be able to make themselves understood and using their

current proficiency to the fullest.


The success of productive skill (writing and speaking skill)

was depending on the way teacher organize the activities and how

they respond to the students work.

g. Recount in the Teaching of Speaking

Recount has the meaning a story usually tells about

someone‟s experience. So, the focus of the story is about anything

happen to someone. In recount, the story told is an real story or

can said it is not just writer‟s fantasy and also the events or the

story that have occurred is in the past so when telling or retelling

about recount story, the speakers must uses past tense. There are

various example of recount story such as:

1) News reports

2) Police reports

3) Eyewitness account

4) Biography

5) Autobiography

6) Historical books

7) Historical story

8) Journal

9) diary

10) Etc.

In teaching speaking, the writer will use recount story with the

kind of biography to improve students speaking skill. The example


of biography uses for this study is biography of R.A Kartini,

biography of Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, biography of B.J Habibi.

To teach recount in speaking, wheel decide application is

chosen to be applied. Here wheel decide application use in the

classroom to help the students more understand about recount

story , more active in the learning activity and also to choose who

the students must come forward the first until the last.

h. Assessing Speaking

Test is a procedure for measuring ability, knowledge or

performance of someone. Actually in the learning activity, speaking

test is used to test students‟ proficiency. For assessing students

speaking skills, there are some speaking activities can use in the

learning activity, as follow:

a) Discussion

b) Role-play

c) Simulation

d) Storytelling

e) Prepared Talk

f) Questionnaires

g) Information Gap


2. Collaborative Technique

a. Definition of Collaborative technique

Collaborative technique according to Mac Gregor in Laal

(2011:492) is a teaching approach that involves groups of

students working to solve a problem, complete a task or create

a product. Usually, students are working in groups of two or

more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions,

meanings, or creating a produce. Other definition from Dillen in

Ali (2015:1) collaborative technique is a situation in which two

or more people learn or attempt to learn something. In the

research the writer use collaborative technique in the learning

activity when the student discus with their group about recount


b. Characteristic of Collaborative Learning

In the collaborative learning (collaborative approach) have

some characteristic, such as:

1) Students have common goal.

2) Students collect ideas and data.

3) Students exchange their experiences.

4) Students talking to each other to solve common problem


5) Help each other to get good academic achievement.

6) Students prepare their ideas and data.


3. Wheel Decide Application

a. Definition of Wheel Decide Application

Wheel decide is an application launched on October 2012

According to Wheel Decide official website in

( Wheel decide is a free online spinner

tool that allows to create on digital wheel for decisions making,

many of people used this application for games for spend their

time like play truth or dare, decide what they do with their

friends and many more, but Wheel decide application not just

can use for games but also can use for another field as follow:

1) Games

a) Used for fun group games like Catch Phrase, Truth or

Dare, Celebrity, or Cards Against Humanity.

b) Replace lost board game tools like spinners, dice, and

playing cards. Can also use it to build teams and

decide who goes first.

c) Used for organizing a special event like trivia, improve

comedy, or a debate, spin a wheel of categories to

involve the audience more and break the monotony of

a linear experience.

2) Tools

a) Decision of what task to do can be daunting when

there‟s nothing or everything taking priority. Spin a


wheel decide to do list and knock off each task in a

random order.

b) On the stage or in the studio, wheels can introduce

improvisational or random elements into the music,

art, writing, theatre, or improve comedy. Mix the show

up with a wheel decide.

c) Wheel decide as a wise. Let it tell the fortune or use it

to tell others‟ fortune with wheel decide like the Magic

8-Ball, Yes or No, and the Tarot Wheel.

3) Business

a) Used for businesses to administer prize giveaways,

contests, and promotions. Distribute sales incentives,

discounts, or free gifts in style.

b) Write names on slips of paper for donor raffle project

a wheel decide for all to see at the event.

4) Developers and publisher

a) Make engaging experience on the website by

peppering in an embedded wheel or two. Spice it up

even more with customizations like adding the logo.

b) Encourage more activity on the website with a wheel

that reveals extra content, randomly navigates to

other pages, or brings life to a simple list.


5) Education

a) Students‟ selector, write students‟ names in wheel

decide application and find random students in class

to answer question or to present in the class.

b) Choose topics and question randomly.

c) Substitute Flash card to learn about vocabulary or

spelling games.

d) Give group assignment for students.

Here the writer uses wheel decide application for education.

b. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Wheel Decide


1) The Advantage

There are some advantages teaching speaking by using

wheel decide application in the class, as follow:

a) Students more enthusiast, interest and interactive in

learning activity.

b) In class students more active to speaking English.

c) The atmosphere in the class become more fun and not


d) Every students have same chance to forward in the

class because with Wheel decide application, the

selection will fair.


2) The Disadvantages

Besides advantages, wheel decide application also have

some disadvantages in learning activity, as follow:

a) Difficult to use when not enough time because here the

students come forward one by one so in learning

activity need more time to get the aims of the study.

b) When in the class have a lot of students that make less

conducive situation because not all students can

participant in the learning activity and also can make

students busy to talking with their friends. this can make

some noisy sound in the class.

c) Difficult to use in the place that do not have a good

signal because this online application.

c. Implementing Wheel Decide application in class

To implementing wheel decide in class,

1) The writer creates several groups. The function of this group

is to discuss when the writer finishes delivering the material.

2) The writer conveys the subject material will be study, after

completing the material, the writer gives the students a

chance to ask in advance about things they do not

understand in the text.


3) The writer previously told students about wheel decide

application and what will do with that application in learning


4) After that the writer gives time to the group to discuss and

study the subject matter and discuss the problems contained

in the text.

5) After that, the writer asks the students to pay attention

because to choose who will be called by the writer. Here the

writer using wheel decide application.

6) After out whom the name will go forward next student will go

ahead and explain about the material that had be learn

before one by one. To measure students understanding

about that material, the writer give one question for students

answer. Here the question from material that has been


7) Here the writer gives 3 minutes for students talk. When

students cannot answer, members of the group can help by

giving a clue.

8) After most students get a turn, the writer will provide a review

of all student answers and summarize the material together.


B. Theoretical Framework

Table 1: Theoretical framework

In speaking learning, there are various kinds of problems that

hinder students to develop their speaking skills, such problems as

most of student‟s difficulties to speak up in the class, being quiet and

shy when speaking because the students have lack of self-confidents

until afraid to making oral mistakes and the last is the learning activity

is not enthusiastic because teacher not use any media in the class.

That problem makes students difficult to improve their speaking skills.

Speaking skill its self is the ability to say, to address, to make known,

to use or be able to use a given language in the actual

communication. So it is very important for students to improve their

speaking skills. To solve the problem the writer tried to use wheel

decide application. Wheel decide application is a free online spinner

Speaking Skill

Wheel Decide Application

Problem in speaking skill


tool that allows to create on digital wheel for decisions making, here

the writer used wheel decide for select students who will get a turn

forward and also choose what students should do later.

C. Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the theories and relational above the hypothesis will

be formulate as follow:

H0 : Wheel decide application does not improve students‟ speaking


H1 : Wheel decide application improve Students‟ speaking skills.




A. Time and Place of the Study

The writer did the research of this study at SMA Nurul Hikmah

which has A accreditation. Located on JL.Raya Jonggol Km.3 Cibucil

village RT 008/003 Sukamanah jonggol subdistrict, Bogor regency

code post 16830. The research was conducted from october 24th 2017

to February 28th 2018. In this research, the writer will focus on

students‟ speaking skills and the uses of Wheel decide application to

improve students‟ speaking skills.

B. Method of the Study

The method that used by the writer in this study is quantitative

experiment with quasi experiment. In quasi experimental research, the

writer used pre-test , treatment and post-test design.

1. Pre-test

In order to know students ability in speaking. Here the pre-

test given before treatment. The writer will give pre-test to know

the students speaking ability before treatment.


2. Treatment

After giving the pre-test, the writer using wheel decide

application for teaching in the classroom. The writer teaches by

used Wheel decide application.

3. post-test

Post-test. It was given to the students after treatment to

know the students achievment and progress.

C. Operation Definition of Variables

There are two types of variables, either independent variable

or variable X and dependent variable or variable Y.

1. Independent variable or variable X is wheel decide application

Wheel decide application is one of the media that can use

to improve students‟ speaking skills. In wheel decide application,

the teacher decide who will show the first until the last and also to

make students prepare well.

2. Dependent variable or variable Y is Speaking skills

Speaking skills means the students have ability to say, to

address, to make known, to use or be able to use a given

language in the actual communication and can make other people

understood what they said.


D. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research will be done in the 10th

grade at SMA Nurul Hikmah. The total of students in SMA Nurul

Hikmah was 212 students with 6 classes. Here the writer used one

class for research.

2. Sample

The sample will be chosen purposive because in the

research the writer wants to get representative data that matches

with the criteria so that in the chose sample, the writer uses

purposive sampling. Here the teacher will give which class that the

writer can use for research. The writer get class 10 IPA as a

sample in the research. The class consists of 43 students which

have 33 female students and 10 male students.

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

In collecting the data, the writer used some instruments, such us:

1. Observation

In observation, the writer observes with the teacher in 10th grade to

know which class that can be used for research.

2. Data

Before do teaching activity, the writer previously ask some

information about the student from the data that teacher have


before. Like data about student‟s biodata, students speaking score,

students problem in class and many more.

3. Interview

In order to know more information about the students, the writer

interviews the teacher and students. This information used to

completing the data.

4. Test

The writer do pre-test and post test to know about students‟

progress in speaking skill and also know whether wheel decide

application can improve students speaking skill or no.

In order to know students speaking skill here the writer use

speaking rubric from David P. Harris in Arini (2015:26)

Table 3.1

Speaking Rubric

No Criteria Rating



1 Pronunciation 5 Has few traces of foreign


4 Always intelligible, though

one is conscious of a

definite accent.


3 Pronunciation problem

necessities concentrated

listening and occasionally

lead to misunderstanding.

2 Very hard to understand

because of pronunciation

problem, most frequently

be asked to repeat.

1 Pronunciation problem to

serve as to make speech

virtually unintelligible

2 Grammar 5 Make few (if any)

noticeable. Errors of

grammar and word order

4 Occasionally makes

grammatical and or word

orders error that do ot,

however obscure meaning.

3 Make frequent errors of

grammar and word order,


which occasionally

obscure meaning.

2 Grammar and word order

errors make

comprehension difficult,

must often rephrases


1 Error in grammar and word

order. So severe as to

make speech virtually


3 Fluency 5 Speech as fluent and

efforts less as that of

native speaker.

4 Speed of speech seems to

be slightly affected by

language problem.

3 Speed and fluency are

rather strongly affected by

language problem.


2 Usually hesitant, often

forced into silence by

language limitation.

1 Speech is so halting and

fragmentary as to make

conversation virtually


4 Vocabulary 5 Use of vocabulary and

idioms is virtually that of

native speakers.

4 Sometimes uses

inappropriate terms and

must rephrase ideas

because of lexical and


3 Frequently uses the wrong

words conversation

somewhat limited because

of inadequate vocabulary.

2 Misuse of words and very


limited vocabulary makes

comprehension quite


1 Vocabulary limitation so

extreme as to make

conversation virtually


5 Comprehension 5 Appears to understand

everything without


4 Understand nearly

everything at normal speed

although occasionally

repetition may be


3 Understand most of what

is said at slower than

normal speed without


2 Has great difficulty

following what is said. Can


comprehend only “social

conversation” spoken

slowly and with frequently


1 Cannot be said to

understand even simple


Score 5 4 3 2 1

0-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20

Poor Good


good Very good Excellent

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

After collecting the data by using those pre and post tests

above, the writer analyzed the result of the tests by using t-test one

group. The statistical analysis used to analyze the data in this

research was t-test one group which aims to find out the average of

the difference of the data. The data obtained from the pre-test and

post-test scores were calculated by using the formula:


t-test one group

( )

( )

The steps of Paired Sample t-test are as follow:

1. determining MEAN of DIFFERENCE score of 1 and 2

Note: = total of Students‟ gained score of experimental class.

2. Determining DEGREES of FREEDOM (df)


Note: N is all sample of the experiment.

3. Determining VAR

( )

( )



5. Determining tcal or T CALCULATION




A. Findings

1. The Description of the Data

The writer held this study by teaching at (10) tenth grade of

SMA Nurul Hikmah that was done in one class that is X IPA. The

data show in this part were collected from students‟ scores in

speaking pre-test and post-test. The writer used pre-test before

doing the treatment and gave post test after the treatment. The

findings of the research can be describe as follows:

Table 4.1

Students’ Speaking Skill Scores

No Name






1 Abdurrohman 40 60

2 Ade renita 70 80

3 Andi Muhammad Rheza 70 80

4 Angga renaldi 60 80

5 Anisa Putri 60 80

6 Anita Adhia vira Mahrani 70 80


7 Apriyanti 50 60

8 Arleta Caroline Camama 60 70

9 Daffa Aqshal Camama 80 90

10 Desti Rahmawati 40 60

11 Dinda Lestari 40 50

12 Efi Rahmawati 40 60

13 Eliska Lestari 40 50

14 Galang Damar Waskito 60 80

15 Giwin Anisa Putri Yani 50 60

16 Hoerum Nisa 60 70

17 Iis Kholisoh 50 60

18 Mira Andini 50 60

19 Mayang Sekar Mustika 60 80

20 Mediananto Fatani 50 60

21 Muhamad Aldi Khoir 70 80

22 Nati Komalasari 70 80

23 Nursih 70 80

24 Prima Bintang Maulana 90 100

25 Pupu Purnama Sari 50 60

26 Qonita Nisriana 60 80

27 Rima Renjani 50 70

28 Silvia Choerunisa Nur 50 60



29 Siti nurlela 50 60

30 Siti Nurpadlia 50 60

31 Sri Ayu 70 80

32 Sri Rahayu 70 80

33 Susi Apriani 60 70

34 Tasya Yulizar 60 70

35 Tuti Alawiyah 50 70

36 Windi Erica Pratiwi 50 60

37 Wisnu Aji Saputra 60 80

38 Siti Nurlela 50 60

39 Muhammad Ravly 50 70

40 Nuraeni Rizka Maulani 40 60

41 Dinda Oktaviani 50 60

42 Nunik 50 60

43 Ayu navyta 70 80

TOTAL 2440 3000

MEAN 56.74 69.76

The table of students‟ speaking scores showed that students have

various score. In pre-test, the lowest score is 40 and the highest score

is 90 with the explain that 6 students get 40, 16 students get 50, 10

students get 60, 9 students get 70, 1 student get 80 and 1 student get


90 with the total score 2440 and mean 56.74. For post-test, the lowest

score is 50 and the highest score 100 with the explain that 2 students

get 50, 17 students get 60, 7 students get 70, 15 students get 80, 1

student get 80 and 1 student get100 with the total score 3000 and

mean 69.76. Those scores were summarized as in table 4.2.

4.2 diagram of students’ speaking skill scores

2. Data Analysis

Table 4.3

Statistical table of students’ pre and post test

No Pre test



(( )

(( )


1 40 60 20 13 7 49

2 70 80 10 13 -3 9

Total Score








Pre test Posttest

56,74 69,76

Total Score



3 70 80 10 13 -3 9

4 60 80 20 13 7 49

5 60 80 20 13 7 49

6 70 80 10 13 -3 9

7 50 60 10 13 -3 9

8 60 70 10 13 -3 9

9 80 90 10 13 -3 9

10 40 60 20 13 7 49

11 40 50 10 13 -3 9

12 40 60 20 13 7 49

13 40 50 10 13 -3 9

14 60 80 20 13 7 49

15 50 60 10 13 -3 9

16 60 70 10 13 -3 9

17 50 60 10 13 -3 9

18 50 60 10 13 -3 9

19 60 80 20 13 7 49

20 50 60 10 13 -3 9

21 70 80 10 13 -3 9

22 70 80 10 13 -3 9

23 70 80 10 13 -3 9

24 90 100 10 13 -3 9


25 50 60 10 13 -3 9

26 60 80 20 13 7 49

27 50 70 20 13 7 49

28 50 60 10 13 -3 9

29 50 60 10 13 -3 9

30 50 60 10 13 -3 9

31 70 80 10 13 -3 9

32 60 70 10 13 -3 9

33 50 60 10 13 -3 9

34 60 70 10 13 -3 9

35 50 70 20 13 7 49

36 50 60 10 13 -3 9

37 60 80 20 13 7 49

38 50 60 10 13 -3 9

39 50 70 20 13 7 49

40 40 60 20 13 7 49

41 50 60 10 13 -3 9

42 50 60 10 13 -3 9

43 70 80 10 13 -3 9

∑ 56.74 69.76 560 907

The result of table (4.2) indicate that the mean of pre test is 56.74,

mean of post test is 69,76 and the gain score of pre test and post test


is 560. The table showed that the score of students poste test is higher

than students‟ pre-test.

This result the writer calculated based on the steps of the t-test

formula,as follows:

Determine mean of difference score of one and two:

Determining VAR:

( )

(( ) )

( )

Determining standard deviation:

Datermining tcal or T CALCULATION:


Table 4.3

The Result of Hypothesis Test

t-calculation t-table



23.63 2.018 Significant

The calculation above explains that the result of t0 23.63 and ttable with

degrees of freedom (df) obtained 2.018 The significance value of less

than 0,05 and tcalculatin>ttable. In summary, using “wheel decide

application” to improve speaking skills is effective.

B. Interpretation

As the writer mentioned on Chapter II, the writer proposed the

hypothesis as follows:

1. (H0) : wheel decide application does not improve students‟ speaking


2. (H1) : Wheel decide application improve students‟ speaking skills.

In order to prove the hypothesis, the writer has the assumption

as below:

Based on the result of t-test calculation above, 3.65 was

obtained in the degree of freedom (df) 23.63 with the degree of

significance 5%, it gained score 2.018. The result of calculation


revealed tcal (t-calculation) 23.63>tt(t-table) 2.018. Since tcal be higher

than tt score obtained from the result of the calculation, the alternative

hypothesis (H1) was accepted while the null hypothesis (Ho) was


If the result of tcalculatiion is higher than ttable the alternate

hypothesis (H1) is accepted and null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Thus,

the data analysis revealed that there is an improvement on the using

of wheel decide application in teaching speaking skill for ten graders.

can see from post-test scores of students‟ speaking performance after

being treated with wheel decide application were higher than their

scores before the treatment. It can be seen from the students‟ post-

test scores of 69.76 which were higher than their pre-test scores of

56.74, the post-test improvement score is 13.02. The significance

score of students‟ speaking test results was higher than 0.05 showed

that using wheel decide application in 10th grade students of SMA

Nurul Hikmah can improve their speaking skills.




A. Conclusions

Based on the result of research about the use of wheel decide

application to improve students speaking skills, the writer conclude that

wheel decide application improved speaking skills of the students. It

can be seen from the students speaking score between before used

wheel decide application and after used wheel decide application in

learning activity. In score pre-test or before used wheel decide

application in learning activity, the result showed that the mean of the

students was 56.74 and after used wheel decide application in learning

activity, result from the mean of the students in score post-test was

69.74. It means the score of post-test was higher than the score in pre-

test. So it can be conclude that there was a different score to more

better when using wheel decide application in the class

While the result from the data analysis showed that the value of

tcalculation (23.63) was higher than the value of ttable (2.018) at the

significance level 5%. It can be conclude that null hypothesis (H0) was

rejected and alternate hypothesis was accepted (H1). That‟s means

there is significance difference teaching in class by using wheel decide

application and without using wheel decide application. From that

result, showed that the use of wheel decide application to improve


students speaking skills gives significant effect on students speaking

skills in ninth grade students of SMA Nurul Hikmah.

B. Suggestion

Based on the findings of the researcher, several suggestions

are proposed as follows:

1. For the teacher

The writer suggests the teacher should use various media in

learning activity especially in speaking skills. So the teaching and

learning process in class will more enjoyable and make students

more interest to learn in the class. One of the media teacher should

use in the class was wheel decide application. Cause beside easy

to apply in the class, wheel decide application also can make

students more interest in the learning process.

2. For the students

The writer suggest to students to improve their speaking

skills, its more good if students more used to speak English in the

class so they will be more familiar with the English language and

also more confident when speak up in the class.

3. For the other researcher

The writer suggest to other researcher. This research can be

used to reference for their research about speaking skills so they

will prepare well for the next research.


4. For the school

The writer suggests to schools more improve the facilities

and infrastructure in the class so the learning objective can be more




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Appendix 1 : Lesson Plan


Name of School : SMA Nurul Hikmah

Subject : English

Grade/Semester : X IPA/2

Theme : Recount text

Skill : Speaking

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence

Analyzing social function, stucture of the text, and linguistic elements of

the recount text about biography according to the contexts of the use.

B. Basic Competence

Students can analyze the social function, text structure, and linguistic

elements of the recount text about biography.

C. Learning Objective

1. Students students can identify the social function, text structure, and linguistic

elements of the recount text.

2. Students can understand the meaning of recount text in oral and written.

3. Students know and understanding recount text about biography.


D. Teaching-Learning Methode


Group discussion


E. Materials

Recount text

1. Definition :Recount text is a text that telling the reader

about past story, action or activity. The goal

of recount text is to entertaining or

informing the reader.

2. Purpose : To reconstruct pas event by retelling them

in order in which they occurred

3. Example of recount text :News reports, police reports,eyewitnes

accounts, biographies, historical books,

autobiographies. Journal and diary entries


4. Generic Structure :a. Orientation : Tells who was involved,

what happened, where the events took

place, and when it happened. With

orientation, background information

answering who? When? Where? Why?

b. Events : Tell what happened and

in what sequence or describing series of

event that happened in the past.


c. Reorientation: consists of option

closure of events/ ending, concluding

comments express a personal opinion

regarding the events described.

5. Grammar used : Simple past tense

6. Recount text : -R.A Kartini

-Susilo Bambang Yudoyono

- B.J Habibi

F. Learning Activities

1. The First Meeting (Pre-Test)

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition.

Teacher check the students attendence .

Teacher introduce herself.

b. Main activities(35 Minutes)

Teacher give recount text with the title “R.A Kartini”.

Teacher give instruction what students must to do.

Teacher give 10 minutes for students reading and understanding

the recount text about “R.A Kartini”.

Teacher choose students one by one to retelling the text.


c. Closing (5 minutes)

Teacher close the lesson by praying together and saying salam.

2. The Second Meeting

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition like “How are you


Teacher check the students attendence like “There is someone

absent today?”.

Teacher ask some question to guide students‟ thinking into the

topic. like “do you ever heard about recount text?what do you know

about recount text?.

b. Main activities(35 Minutes)

Teacher explain the aim of learning.

Teacher deliver the material about recount text ( The description of

recount text,purpose of recount text.example of recount text,

generic structure structure of recount text and Grammar used for

recount text ).

Teacher give a chance to students asking about the material.

Before give a recount text about susilo bambang yudoyono,Teacher

show the picture of susilo bambang yudoyono to make students

more focus in the lesson and ask some question to guide students


more thinking about Mr. susilo bambang yudoyono . Like, “do you

know who he is?, what do you know about him?”.

Teacher give recount text with the tittle “Susilo Bambang


Teacher give instruction what students must to do with the text.

Teacher give 10 minutes for students reading and understanding

the recount text about “Susilo Bambang Yudoyono”.

Teacher give information about “wheel decide application”.

Teacher choose students by using “wheel decide application” one

by one to retelling the text.

c. Closing (5 minutes)

Teacher give summary about the lesson.

Teacher close the lesson by praying together,saying salam and

also give information for the next meeting.

3. The Third Meeting

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition like “How are you


Teacher check the students attendence like “There is someone

absent today?”


Teacher ask some question about last meeting to know students

understanding. Like ”did you still remember what we learn in the last


b. Main activities(35 Minutes)

Teacher continue the activity from the last meeting.

Teacher choose students by using “wheel decide application” one

by one to retelling the text.

Teacher give a comment and make summary about the lesson.

Teacher give a chance to students asking some question about the


c. Closing (5 minutes)

Teacher give information the material for the next meeting.

Teacher close the lesson by praying together and saying salam.

4. The Fourth Meeting

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition like “How are you


Teacher check the students attendence like “There is someone

absent today?”

Teacher ask some question about last meeting to know students

understanding. Like ”did you still remember what we learn in the last

meeting? what the things you still remember about our lesson? ,etc”.


b. Main activities(35 Minutes)

Teacher explain the aim of learning.

Teacher review the lesson from the last meeting.

Teacher give a time to students asks.

Teacher explain what they will do for today.

Techer devide students become 8 group.

Teacher give some recount text to students. Each group have

different text.

Teacher give instruction what students must to do with the recount


Here teacher give instruction: students disscusion the text with their

group after that 1 person each group in turns come to another

group to ask about the text and the group must give information

about their text.

Teacher give 15 minutes for students read and understanding the


To know the understanding of students from the information they

get by another group, teacher tell the students to reteling the

information they get.

Teacher choose the group who the first retell the information until

which grup they must retell by using “wheel decide application” .

c. Closing (5 minutes)


Teacher give comment and suggestion about some students

performance and give information will continue the activity in next


Teacher close the lesson by praying together and saying salam.

5. The Five Meeting

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition like “How are you


Teacher check the students attendence like “There is someone

absent today?”

Teacher check the readiness of students to continue the activity in

previous meeting. Like “are you ready for continue our activity today?”.

b. Main activities(30 Minutes)

Teacher review the previous activity.

Teacher give a time to students asks.

Teacher continue the activity from the previous meeting.

Teacher continue choose the group who the first retell the

information until which grup they must retell by using “wheel decide


c. Closing (10 minutes)

Teacher give comment and suggestion about some students



Teacher make summay about the lesson and give information the

material for the next meeting.

Teacher give a homework for students to search another recount

text about biograhpy someone and collecting the homework in the

next meeting.

Teacher close the lesson by praying together and saying salam.

6. The Six Meeting

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition like “How are you


Teacher check the students attendence like “There is someone

absent today?”.

Teacher asks the homework. Like “did you bring your

homework?”,“have you learn and understanding your homework?”.

b. Main activities(35 Minutes)

Teacher explain the aim of learning.

Teacher ask the students to collecting their homework.

Teacher give a instruction what students must to do when


Teacher give a chance to students asking.

Teacher give 10 minutes for students prepare their presentation

with their group.


Teacher choose some groups by using “wheel decide application”

to presentation their recount text in front of the class.

One group who not presentation give some comment about their

friends who presentation.

To choose the group who give a comment to another group and

also the turns of the group to presentation, here teacher using

“wheel decide application”.

c. Closing (5 minutes)

Teacher close the lesson by praying together,saying salam and

also give information for the next meeting.

7. The Seven Meeting

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition like “How are you


Teacher check the students attendence like “There is someone

absent today?”

b. Main activities(35 Minutes)

Before teacher continue the activity from the last meeting, teacher

give some suggestion from the previous presentation.

Teacher continue choose the next group by using “wheel decide

application” to presentation their recount text in front of the class.


One group who not presentation give some comment about their

friends who presentation.

To choose the group who give a comment to another group and

also the turns of the group to presentation, here teacher using

“wheel decide application”.

Teacher give a comment and make summary about the lesson.

Teacher give a chance to students asking some question about the


c. Closing (5 minutes)

Teacher close the lesson by praying together,saying salam and

also give information the activity for the last meeting.

8. The Eight Meeting (Post Test)

a. Pre-activities (5 Minutes)

Teacher give salam and pray together with students.

Teacher asks about the students condition.

Teacher check the students attendence.

Teacher give information if today is the last meeting and will do post


b. Main activities(35 Minutes)

Teacher give recount text with the title “ B.J Habibi”.

Teacher give instruction what students must to do.

Teacher give 10 minutes for students reading and understanding

the recount text about “B.J Habibi”.


Teacher choose students one by one to retelling the text.

c. Closing (5 minutes)

Teacher saying thank you and closing the lesson by praying

together and saying salam.

G. Learning source and media

Learning source:

Buku text pendamping bahasa inggris untuk siswa SMA-MA/SMK-

MAK kelas X edisi revisi 2016 from Yrama widya

English SMA/MA grade X from Bumi aksara


Learning media:



White board



recount text‟


H. Assessment






Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension

Approved by: Jonggol, 28th Feb 2018

English Teacher Resercher

Siti Jubaidah, S. Pd Nadya Khairunnisa Adila

Head Master


Appendix 2: Text of Pre-test and post test

a. Text of Pre-test

R.A Kartini

Every April 21 people in indonesia commemorate the kartini day. It is

beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady

R.A. Kartini. Everyone knows who Kartini is. She is our national heroine

and a great lady with the bright idea.

Kartini was born in 1879 April 21 in mayong jepara. Her father was

Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in mayong.

Her mother, Ma Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara as

the daughter of a noble family, she felt luck because she got more than

the ordinary people got. She got better education than other children. In

november 12 1903 she married adipati djoyodiningrat, the head of

rembang regency. According to javanese tradition Kartini had to follow her

husband. Then she moved to rembang.

In September 13 1904 she gave a birth to her son. His name was

Singgih. But after giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse

and she finally passed away on september 17 1904 on her 25 years old.



1. Who is RA Kartini?

2. When? and where Kartini‟s born?

3. Who is Kartini‟s mother?

4. Who is Kartini‟s father?

5. What is Kartini‟s day?

6. Who is Kartini‟s husband?

7. What the name of Kartini‟s children?

8. When Kartini‟s passed away?


b. Text of Post test

B.J Habibie

The third President of the Republic of Indonesia, Bacharuddin Jusuf

Habibie or commonly called B.J. Habibie, was born in Pare-Pare, South

Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He is the fourth of eight children of Alwi Abdul

Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie and his wife are

blessed with two sons namely Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.

Habibie and his brothers spent their childhood in Pare-Pare, South

Sulawesi. Habibie has shown the strict nature of adhering to principles

since childhood. Habibie who has a penchant for this horse, must lose his

father who died on September 3, 1950 because of a heart attack. Then,

Habibie moved to Bandung in order to continue his study at

Gouvernments Middlebare School. In high school, he began to look

prominent in his achievements, especially in exact subjects. Habibie

became a famous person in his school.

He graduated from high school in Bandung in 1954 and entered

University of Indonesia in Bandung (now ITB). He received a Diploma from

Technische Hochschule, Germany in 1960, which then obtained a Doctor

graduate from the same place in 1965. In 1967, he got Professor of honor

(Professor) at Bandung Institute of Technology.


Habibie‟s steps were much admired, full of controversy. He got many

admirers but not a few who disagreed with him. Every time he got the

prestigious award winner Theodore van Karman Award, he always made

news. He studied for one year at ITB Bandung and 10 years at college to

get his doctorate degree in aircraft construction in Germany with the title

Summa Cum laude. Then, he worked in the leading aircraft industry MBB

Gmbh Germany before meeting President Soeharto‟s call to return to


In Indonesia, Habibie worked as Minister of State for Research and

Technology / Head of BPPT, led 10 state-owned enterprises Strategic

Industries, was elected by MPR to become Vice President of Indonesia,

and was sworn by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to substitute

Soeharto as the president of Indonesia. Soeharto handed over the

presidency to Habibie under Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution. Habibie

was forced to step aside due to the East Timorese refrendum which voted

for independence. His Responsibility speech was denied by MPR RI. He

also returned to being an ordinary citizen again and migrated to Germany.


1. When And where B.J Habibie‟s born?

2. Who is B.J Habibie‟s wife?

3. Who the names of B.J Habibie‟s son?

4. Why B.J Habibie‟s move to Bandung?


5. Where B.J Habibie‟s study?

6. How long is B.J Habibie‟s study in ITB and Aircraft Construction in


7. Before meeting president Soeharta, where is B.J Habibie‟s worked?

8. What is B.J Habibie‟s work in Indonesia?

Appendix 3 : Pre-test and post test score

a. Pre-test Scores

No Name Pronounciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency comprehension

1 Abdurrohman 8 8 11 5 8

2 Ade renita 17 10 17 12 14

3 Andi Muhammad Rheza

17 12 16 14 11

4 Angga renaldi 7 12 13 15 13

5 Anisa Putri 12 12 17 12 7

6 Anita Adhia vira Mahrani

14 13 16 13 14

7 Apriyanti 7 8 13 12 10

8 Arleta Caroline Camama

8 10 13 12 17

9 Daffa Aqshal Camama

18 14 17 17 14

10 Desti Rahmawati

7 7 10 8 8

11 Dinda Lestari 7 7 10 8 8

12 Efi Rahmawati

8 7 13 8 4

13 Eliska Lestari 8 7 11 8 6

14 Galang Damar Waskito

14 7 15 10 14

15 Giwin Anisa Putri Yani

7 7 15 12 9

16 Hoerum Nisa 13 8 17 12 10

17 Iis Kholisoh 13 8 17 6 6


18 Mira Andini 8 8 14 10 10

19 Mayang Sekar Mustika

13 8 16 12 11

20 Mediananto Fatani

12 8 10 6 14

21 Muhamad Aldi Khoir

15 8 16 14 17

22 Nati Komalasari

18 12 14 15 11

23 Nursih 20 12 17 14 7

24 Prima Bintang Maulana

20 18 17 18 17

25 Pupu Purnama Sari

8 11 15 7 9

26 Qonita Nisriana

13 7 16 11 13

27 Rima Renjani 10 7 15 8 10

28 Silvia Choerunisa Nur Habibah

8 10 15 9 8

29 Siti nurlela 8 11 15 8 8

30 Siti Nurpadlia 10 7 15 8 10

31 Sri Ayu 15 10 15 15 15

32 Sri Rahayu 14 13 14 14 15

33 Susi Apriani 13 9 14 10 14

34 Tasya Yulizar 12 10 13 8 17

35 Tuti Alawiyah 12 10 13 9 6

36 Windi Erica Pratiwi

10 6 17 7 10

37 Wisnu Aji Saputra

15 7 15 11 12

38 Siti Nurlela 10 5 16 9 10

39 Muhammad Ravly

10 5 16 9 10

40 Nuraeni Rizka Maulani

9 5 14 7 5

41 Dinda Oktaviani

9 7 14 10 10

42 Nunik 9 7 15 9 10

43 Ayu navyta 12 13 15 15 15


b. Post test Scores

No Name Pronounciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency comprehension

1 Abdurrohman 10 9 15 9 17

2 Ade renita 19 14 18 15 14

3 Andi Muhammad Rheza

18 12 18 16 16

4 Angga renaldi 15 13 18 16 18

5 Anisa Putri 17 14 18 16 15

6 Anita Adhia vira Mahrani

16 14 18 14 18

7 Apriyanti 10 8 16 14 12

8 Arleta Caroline Camama

14 10 15 14 17

9 Daffa Aqshal Camama

20 16 18 18 18

10 Desti Rahmawati

12 9 14 10 15

11 Dinda Lestari 10 9 14 8 9

12 Efi Rahmawati 15 7 13 12 13

13 Eliska Lestari 12 8 13 9 8

14 Galang Damar Waskito

16 11 18 16 19

15 Giwin Anisa Putri Yani

9 9 17 14 11

16 Hoerum Nisa 15 8 18 14 15

17 Iis Kholisoh 14 9 19 12 6

18 Mira Andini 12 9 16 12 11

19 Mayang Sekar Mustika

17 11 17 16 19

20 Mediananto Fatani

14 9 14 8 15

21 Muhamad Aldi Khoir

18 10 17 16 19

22 Nati Komalasari

19 14 18 16 13

23 Nursih 20 16 18 16 10

24 Prima Bintang 20 20 20 20 20



25 Pupu Purnama Sari

10 12 17 8 13

26 Qonita Nisriana

16 12 18 18 16

27 Rima Renjani 15 10 17 11 17

28 Silvia Choerunisa Nur Habibah

13 11 16 10 10

29 Siti nurlela 10 13 16 9 12

30 Siti Nurpadlia 12 9 16 10 13

31 Sri Ayu 18 12 16 16 18

32 Sri Rahayu 17 13 17 16 17

33 Susi Apriani 15 10 17 10 18

34 Tasya Yulizar 14 12 15 10 19

35 Tuti Alawiyah 17 14 17 12 10

36 Windi Erica Pratiwi

12 8 19 9 12

37 Wisnu Aji Saputra

17 12 17 15 19

38 Siti Nurlela 11 7 17 11 14

39 Muhammad Ravly

14 7 18 15 16

40 Nuraeni Rizka Maulani

11 9 16 12 12

41 Dinda Oktaviani

11 8 15 11 15

42 Nunik 14 8 15 9 14

43 Ayu navyta 15 15 16 16 18


Appendix 4 : Validation Letter

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Dr. Muhamad Sofian Hadi, M. Pd.

Instansi : FIP UMJ

Jabatan : Dosen

Telah membaca instrumen penelitian berupa soal teks recount pre-test

dan post-test yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian skripsi dengan judul

„„The Use of Wheel Decide Application to Improve Students‟ Speaking

Skills” oleh peneliti:

Nama : Nadya Khairunnisa Adila

NIM : 2014850043

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Instrumen penelitian ini telah diperiksa dan telah diuji kelayakannya serta

dapat digunakan dalam pengumpulan data di lapangan.

Jakarta, 12 Januari 2018


Dr. M. Sofian Hadi, M. Pd.


Appendix 5 : Table of t Distribution


Appendix 6 : Sheet Witnessed Thesis Examination


Appendix 7 : Guide Letter of University


Appendix 8 : Guide Later of School


Appendix 9 : Documentation






Appendix 10 : Guidance Consultant Letter



Appendix 11 :Bimbingan Pasca Sidang Skripsi


Appendix 12: Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae of the Writer

Name : Nadya Khairunnisa Adila

Place, Date of Birth : Tangerang, 12 April 1997

Religion : Islam

Address : Kp. Gandoang, rt 02 rw 04 kecamatan cileungsi

kabupaten bogor

Family Profile

1. Parents : a. Father : Ujat Sudrajat SE

b. Mother : Suryaningsih

2. Sisters : a. Qatrunnada Labibah

Educational Details

1. SDN Gandoang 02, Graduated 2008

2. SMPN 1 Jonggol, Graduated 2011

3. SMAN 1 Jonggol, Graduated 2014