THE USE OF BLOG TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL (Pre-experimental Research at the XI Grade Students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto) A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2021 MUHAMMAD SYAHRUL 10535 5529 13



(Pre-experimental Research at the XI Grade Students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan






10535 5529 13



(Pre-experimental Research at the XI Grade Students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan


10535 5529 13









Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Muhammad Syahrul

NIM : 10535 5529 13

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :

The Use of Blog to Increase Students’ Writing Skill (Pre-experimental

Research at the XI Grade Students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto)

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan bersedia menerima

sanksi apabila pernyataan saya tidak benar.

Makassar, November 2020

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Muhammad Syahrul



Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Muhammad Syahrul

NIM : 10535 5529 13

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :

The Use of Blog to Increase Students’ Writing Skill (Pre-experimental

Research at the XI Grade Students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto)

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesainya skripsi saya, saya akan

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2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing.

3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi ini.

4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2 dan 3 maka

saya bersedia menerima sanksi dengan aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, November 2020

Yang Membuat Perjanjian

Muhammad Syahrul



Syahrul, Muhammad. 2020. The Use of Blog to Increase Students’ Writing Skill (Pre-

experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto), under the thesis

of English Education Department the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education,

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, supervised by Hasnawati Latief and Ardiana.

This research aimed to find out the achievement of the students’ writing dealing with

content and organization. To find out the achievement the achievement the researcher used

pre-experimental research. The population of this research was the Eleventh Grade of SMA

Negeri 4 Jeneponto, academic year 2019/2020. The sample was XI IPS taken by purposive

sampling technique which consisted of 21 students.

This research employed six meetings (one meeting for pre-test four meetings for

treatment and one meeting for post-test). It employed writing test as instrument in form of

writing text. The research findings indicated that the application of blog to teach writing in

term of content and organization. It was proved by the value of the t-test in term of content

and organization which were higher than the value of t-table. This research finding indicated

that (H1) was accepted and (H0) was rejected. It means that there was a significant difference

of the students’ writing before and after using blog.

Keywords: Writing Skill, Blog, Pre-experimental and Purposive Sampling



Syahrul, Muhammad. 2020. Penggunaan Blog untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis

Siswa (Penelitian Pra-experimental di Kelas XI SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto), di Bawah Skripsi

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar, dibimbing oleh Hasnawati Latief dan Ardiana.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pencapaian hasil karya siswa dalam materi

dan pengorganisasian. Untuk mengetahui pencapaian prestasi peneliti menggunakan

penelitian pra-experimental. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPS yang

diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling yang berjumlah 21 siswa.

Penelitian ini menggunakan enam pertemuan (satu pertemuan untuk post-test, empat

pertemuan untuk pengobatan dan satu pertemuan untuk post-test). Instrument yang digunakan

adalah tes menulis berupa teks menulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (H1) diterima

dan (H0) ditolak. Artinya, ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil karya siswa sebelum

dan sesudah menggunakan blog.

Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Menulis, Blog, Pra-experimental dan Purposive Sampling



In the name of Allah, the most gracious and most merciful

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, I would like to express my profound gratitude to the

almighty God Allah SWT, the most compassionate and merciful, the cherisher and sustainer

of the world. Praise to Him, Shalawat and Salam are addressed to the beloved and chosen

messenger, the prophet Muhammad SAW, peace upon be him.

Many problems and difficulties had been encountered in finishing this thesis. I do

realize that in conducting the research and writing this report, researcher got invaluable

contribution and assistance from great number of people. Therefore, I would like to express

my deep appreciation and sincere thanks to all of the particularly:

1. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful to my beloved parents, who always be my

biggest motivators and also for my brother and sister for the attention, support and their


2. My highest appreciation for the Rector of Makassar Muhammadiyah University, Prof. Dr.

H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag.

3. The Dean of Faculty of, Teacher Training and Education, Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D. The

Head of English Education Department, Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, for their

guidance and aid. The entire lecturer, especially for English lecturers for supplying

knowledge and lesson during the researcher’s study and staff.

4. My high appreciation and great thankful are due to consultant Dra. Hasnawati Latief,

M.Pd as the first consultant who guided, gave corrections and advices to write this thesis,

and then to the second consultant, Ardiana, S.Pd., M.Pd, for his time in guiding, giving

correction and suggestion from the preliminary manuscript until the last page of this thesis.


5. The headmaster of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto, the teachers and class XI students of SMA

Negeri 4 Jeneponto for helping me to accomplish this thesis.

6. My beloved best friends that gave me support and love. You all would never been

forgotten and would be pleasant memories till the end.

Finally, for everyone that could not be mentioned one by one, may Allah SWT the

almighty God bless us in every steps that we take. Amiin Ya Rabbal Alamiin.


Muhammad Syahrul





COUNSELING SHEET ……………………………………………………………………. i

APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………………………... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN …………………………………………………………………. iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN ……………………………………………………………………. v

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………………………….. viii

LIST OF TABLE ………………………………………………………………………… xii

LIST OF FIGURE ………………………………………………………………………. xiii

LIST OF ANPENDICES ………………………………………………………………... xiv


A. Background ………………………………………………………………………... 1

B. Problem Statemen …………………………………………………………………. 5

C. Objective of the Study ……………………………………………………………... 6

D. Significant of the Study ……………………………………………………………. 6

E. Scope of the Study ………………………………………………………………… 6


A. Previous Related Research Findings ………………………………………………. 7

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ………………………………………………………………. 8

1. Concept of Writing ……………………………………………………………. 8

2. Concept of Blog ……………………………………………………………… 17

3. Concept of Recount Text …………………………………………………….. 19

C. Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………... 21

D. Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………………... 21



A. Research Design ………………………………………………………………….. 22

B. Research Variables and Indicators ……………………………………………….. 24

C. Population and Sample …………………………………………………………… 24

D. Research Instrument ……………………………………………………………… 24

E. Procedure of Collecting Data …………………………………………………….. 24

F. Technique of Data Analysis ……………………………………………………… 25


A. Findings …………………………………………………………………………... 29

B. Discussion ………………………………………………………………………… 34


A. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………... 36

B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………………………… 36

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………............ 38

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………... 40

Turnitin Certification …………………………………………………………………….. 81

Letter of Acceptance ……………………………………………………………………... 82

Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………………………………… 83




Table 3.1 Jacobs et al’s Scoring Profile in Weigh ………………………………………... 25

Table 3.2 The Classification of the Students’ Score ……………………………………… 26

Table 4.1 The Students’ Writing in Terms of Content ……………………………………. 29

Table 4.2 The Rate Percentage of Content in Pre-test Score ……………………………... 29

Table 4.3 The Rate Percentage of Content in Post-test …………………………………… 30

Table 4.4 The Students’ Writing in Terms of Organization ………………………………. 31

Table 4.5 The Rate Percentage of Organization in Pre-test ……………………………….. 32

Table 4.6 The Rate Percentage of Organization in Post-test ……………………………… 32

Table 4.7 Distribution the Value of t-Test and t-Table …………………………………… 33




Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………………... 21

Figure 4.1 The Components Between the Pre-test and Post-test for Content Aspect …….. 31

Figure 4.2 The Components Between the Pre-test and Post-test for Organization Aspect .. 33




Appendix A : Instrument …………………………………………………………………... 40

Appendix B : Materials for Treatment …………………………………………………….. 41

Appendix C : Students’ Score in the Pre-test and Post-test ……………………………….. 43

Appendix D : Calculation of the Students’ Score on Pre-test and Post-test ……………….. 44

Appendix E : Calculating the Students’ Presentation in Pre-test and Post-test ……………. 46

Appendix F : Distribution of t-table ……………………………………………………….. 51

Appendix G : Attendance List of Second Grade XI IPS at SMAN 4 Jeneponto ………….. 52

Appendix H : Rencana Pelaksaan Pembelajaran …………………………………………... 53




A. Background

The linguistic situations and conditions in Indonesia are quite complex by their

own natures as more than seven hundred vernaculars with their various dialects from a

great number of ethnic groups have been used as media of communication in the country.

Accordingly, the success of English teaching in Indonesia cannot be freed from the

students’ cultural backgrounds, values, customs, and beliefs as well as the political

standpoint of the government regarding this foreign language. From the cultural

perspective, the basic features of this performance-based approach seem to be

contradictory with the majority of Indonesian students’ social and ethical values and

beliefs as reflected by the dominant Javanese influence in classroom settings. Total

obedience, unquestioning mind, and the belief that the old know all as well as that the

teacher can do no wrong normally portray the learning atmosphere in many classes under

study. Accordingly, the class hardly raised any question to the teacher, scarcely

responded critically to the teacher's debatable and unsound statement or argument; instead

they respectfully and compliantly did the teacher's instructions and believed that what

was said was entirely correct (further readings on cultural aspects, see Dardjowidjojo,


Any language is difficult and easy. Language serves many purposes. Absence of

language is mere dearth of communication. The role that language plays is immense,

since time embarked. Identified as the need of the hour, the four necessities in language

or commonly known as the four skills- Reading, writing, listening and speaking plays a

vital role in any language learning. The four skills are the pinnacles of language which


will take you to greater heights. They are separate yet bound together with an inseparable

bond. English learning has 4 skills, namely reading, listening, speaking and writing, but

for this research, the researcher focused on writing skill.

The aims of teaching writing in the Curriculum of 2013 are students must be able

to observe, to ask, to explore, to associate and to communicate properly in written forms.

To observe refers to the way students identify the information of topic they learn about.

To ask is defined as the ability to distinguish the differences of the materials they talking

about with another. To explore refers to students’ abilities to examine the materials from

the very general to specific details. To associate means that student should be able to

discuss and give feedback towards other students about what they learn. The last one is

the ability to communicate or in other words to apply and correlate the materials in real


In writing, several processes must be overcome to produce good writing. The first

step is prewriting and the next steps are drafting, peer/adult revising, editing and

publishing. Some people simplified the peer/adult revising as proof reading.

For some students, facing writing task is somehow frustrated. In fact, some

students are good in writing on their mother tongue. Besides, the others are better write in

target language. But sometimes, students are good to write in both mother tongue and

target languages. These facts lead to the assumption that translation from mother tongue

to target language or target language to mother tongue is affected students’ performance

in writing skill. In addition, the issues of cross culture understanding are also believed

that it will affect their writing using target language.

Weblogs (aka blogs), considered as one of the most common web 2.0 stools

among language learners, are used more widely by those in almost every age group.


Godwin (2003) describes a blog as web-based area in which people can write, edit

information and publish it instantly for public via a web browser. In other saying, a blog

is more like an online journal which is often updated by its user (Ozkan, 2011). The term

weblog hadn’t been known by the time the blogger, Jorn Barger (1997) put the term

forward. People used different forms of online tools such as Usenet and Internet forum

until the modern blogs took their present form evolving from the online diary.

Blog can be used for different purposes from personal interest to commercial

affairs. A personal blog, for example, is probably the most common and preferred type of

blog. People use it for various areas of interest and write on it whatever appeals to them

about nearly everything. A business blog, on the other hand, is kept for commercial

purposes and is used to advertise a business online.

Now that blog use has become increasingly widespread in recent years, teachers

and instructors have started to use it as a tool for teaching and learning activities (Zhang,

2009). This situation led to some other blog types related to language teaching. Campbell

(2003) defined three sorts of blogs which are the tutor blog, the learner blog and the class

blog. The tutor blog is administrated by the tutor to give reading practice to the students,

inform the students about syllabus and other activities, and provide links of websites

useful for self-study. The learner blog is most appropriate for reading and writing

contexts. Ozkan (2011) describes this type as the students own personal online space. The

class blog consist of the entire work of the whole class blog can be utilized as a cyber-

environment for an international classroom language exchange as well (Campbell, 2003).

Worldwide blog viewers allow students to interact with other outside their

classroom and see their work (Godwin-Jones, 2003; Pinkman, 2005). Especially among

higher education student, blogs are preferred as a communication tool used to share

documents or other tools quickly and without the anxiety to reach everyone at the


sometime, which might contribute to the learners’ sense of responsibility. This may also

indicate that blogs can prove to be strengthening the connection between learners in the

some class. Besides, student who write blogs feel more comfortable with sharing their

idea and supporting their arguments than do in classroom environment (Baggetun &

Wasson, 2006; Bloch, 2004). Such a facility is most likely to reduce the load of teacher

who already deals with many other classroom issues.

Even though a weblog can be seen as a tool to support a learner’s writing and

reading skill more, it can also be used to help language learners develop speaking and

listening skills. It depends on how and with what content it’s formed. However, it can be

observed that most blogs are used as online journals by the student; and language teacher

encourage their student to write blogs mainly to support their writing skills. In light of the

proposed potential outcomes for classroom application, it’s believed that blogging offers

reading and writing incentives for English learning and writing on the grounds that it puts

the emphasis on content, the likelihood of rapid input, the choice of working with both

word and pictures, and the capacity to connect one post to another (Zhang, 2009).

Researchers who also write blogs likewise sat that since students know they will have a

group of people following their written work on the web they regularly create higher

quality work than those who compose just for the instructor or for other class members. A

number of researchers have given an account of how they use blogs to promote their

classroom teaching and to offer plenty of reading and writing incentives.

A blog is web publishing software which allows users to create and edit the

content of a web page with minimal technical expertise (Holtz, 2006). The components of

blog are; the post date, category, title, body, trackback, comments, permalink, and footer.

Blog have two main features; first, they give people the choice to edit the blog by adding

a text, hyperlinks, pictures, videos, and audio clips, and to comment or respond to the post


displayed. Second, they have the robust archival features, blog and posts can

automatically be archived, with the public who are allowed to access, search and retrieve

content (Tse, Yuen, Loh, Lam, & Ng, 2010; Duffy & Bruns, 2006). Also, blogs are easy

to set up, and posts are simple to comment on (Boas, 2011).

There are so many things one can do with the relatively new medium of blogs.

They can be almost anything a person wants; a journal, a compliment of links, a

scrapbook of information, or even a discussion board. The only definition I have seen that

can encompass it’s that they are postings in reverse chronological order.

In this case, the researcher presents several reasons why students learn blogging,

they are promotes autonomous learning by providing opportunities for students to take

more control of their learning, motivates students to become better readers and writers,

promote discussion among students, and encourages the use of the internet and the web

among students.

Considering the issues above, the researcher tried to use teaching media, using

blog because by using blog as a medium for teaching writing, student will be more

interested, more active, and will feel something new and different from what they usually

get in the usual class. They will feel that they are not only an object or teaching learning

process but also a subject of it. So this teaching media can encourage the students to

improve their writing skill to the first grade students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto by using

English blog.

B. Problem Statement

From the identification above, it can be seen that there are many areas that can be

investigated. The researcher formulates the problem as follow:

“Does the blog increase the students’ writing skill of the XI Grade students of

SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto?


C. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation above, the objective of the research is to find out

whether the blog increases the students’ writing skill.

D. Significant of the Study

The result of this research is expected to give advantages the erotically and


1. Theoretical Advantage

This research is to give insight to improve students’ writing skill in learning

English for the first grade students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto.

2. Practical Advantages

For the researcher, the research can give a practice in developing students'

writing skill by using blogging method.

a. For the English teachers in SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto, the research can be used

a source of information about ways to improve the students’ writing ability.

b. For students of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto, the research will make them more

interested and motivated to learn and to write English.

c. For other researchers, the research can give general knowledge of how to

improve students’ writing skill. The research also can be used as the

foundation for the next research.

E. Scope of the Study

The scope of this research is analyzing writing Recount Text. This research will

be focused on analyzing content and organization. The researcher uses the blog media in

the writing process at SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

Richardson (2010) in her journal under the tittle, “The Effect of Using Blogs to

Enhance the Writing Skills of English Language Learners at a Saudi University” claims

that web blogs are “easily created, easily updatable websites which allow the writer

author (or student) to publish directly to the internet forum from any internet connection”

Nadzrah and Kemboja (2009) in her journal under the tittle, “Blogging to Enhance

Writing Skills: found that blogs let students compose writing with specific purposes that

can encourage them to enhance their writing in language. Most blog writers use their blog

as a platform for self-expression and empowerment, and this helps them to become more

thoughtful and critical in their writing.

Armstrong and Retterer (2008) in her journal under the tittle, “Writing Online:

Using Blogs as an Alternative Writing Activity in Tertiary ESL Classes” explains that

blogging software began to appear designed to enable individuals to publish their own

weblogs quickly and easily and without the previous HTML coding requirements. With

the advent of these applications, the weblog, unlike a webpage, required little

technological sophistication and was therefore accessible to many different types of

audience. This innovation further contributed to the rapid growth of interest in blogging.

In a recent survey, the pew interest and American life project estimated that some 12

million Americans published their own blogs and 57 million read blogs.

As Matheson (2004) in her journal under the tittle, “Developing Writing Skills

Via Blogs” found that including blogs, are presenting both teachers and learners with new

horizons in the field of language teaching and learning and they can easily be adapted for

ELT purposes.


Richards and Renandya (2002) a thesis under the tittle, “Improving Students’

Writing Skill Through English Web Blog Among Year X Students of SMA Negeri 7

Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2010/2011” state that three is no doubt that writing is

the most difficult skill for the second language learners to master. Learners need to

combine a lot of components to compose a good writing, starting from grammar to

cohesion and coherence in writing. These will be difficulty lies not only in generating and

organizing ideas, but also in translating these ideas into readable text.

All of the research findings above are expected to be useful information to the

researcher. There are some relationship among those researchers and this research

especially in skill and the methodology. In contrary, the differences are the sample,

populations, and the instrument of the research. Based on the research findings above, the

students need an interesting strategy in writing so the researcher wants to try one strategy

namely Blog Technique in order to improve the students’ writing skill especially recount

text. This strategy is one of a good strategy because can help students in write down their

idea and thought in Blogs Technique.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Concept of Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

Writing is one of language skill that as process to express ideas and thought

which is gotten from a result of recording language and it is expressed in a

written. According to Mayer’s writing is a way to procedure language you do

discovering and organizing your ideas, putting them a paper and reshaping and

revising them.


According to Boardman writing is a continuous process of thinking and

organizing, rethinking, and reorganizing. Writing is a powerful tool to organize

overwhelming events and make them manageable.

In addition, Brown also state that a written product is product of thinking,

drafting, and revising that requires specialized skills on how to generate ideas,

how to organize then coherently, how to use discourse markers and rhetorical

conventions to put them cohesively into a written text, how to revise text for

clearer meaning, how to edit text for appropriate grammar, and how to produce a

final product.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that writing is a

visible process of information that obtained from our experience. The researcher

can recall and record our knowledge through writing. As we know to write

anything, certainly the writer has to get an idea beforehand and also in writing

considers of element of language such as vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and

punctuation in order to the sentences can be understood by the reader.

b. Component of Writing

Writing is a skill that complex to learn because it requires the students to

treat several components. There are five components of writing. They are:

1. Content

Content refers to substance of writing, the experience of the main idea

(unity), groups of related statements that a writer presents as unit in

developing a subject. Content paragraph do the work of conveying, and



2. Organization

It refers to the logical organization of the content (coherence). It is

scarcely more than an attempt to piece together all collection of facts and

jumble ideas. Even in early drafts it may still be searching for order, trying

to make out patterns in its material and working to bring the particulars of

his subject in line with what is still only a half-formed notion purpose.

3. Vocabulary

It refers to the selection of words those are suitable with the content. It

begins with the assumption that the writer want to express the ideas as

clearly and directly as he can. As a general rule, clarity should be his prime

objective. Choosing words that express his meaning is precisely rather

than skew it or blur it.

4. Language Use

It refers to the use of the correct grammatical and syntactic pattern on

separating, combining, and grouping ideas in words, phrases, clauses, and

sentences to bring out logical relationship in paragraph writing.

5. Mechanic

It refers to the use graphic conventional of the language, the steps of

arranging letters, words sentences, paragraphs by using knowledge of

structure and some others related to one another.

c. Requirements of A Good Paragraph

1. Unity

Paragraph unity is perhaps the most important characteristic for good

paragraphs. A reader quickly loses direction and ends up frustrated when

confronted with paragraphs having multiple aims. A unified paragraph


leaves a reader feeling secure that the writer is in control of her argument

and able to lead the reader toward a clear and satisfying conclusion.

Unity in a paragraph begins with the topic sentence. Every paragraph

has one single, controlling idea that is expressed in its topic sentence,

which is typically the first sentence of the paragraph. A good controlling

idea is a key to a strong paragraph and the key to a good controlling idea is

the author's sense of purpose. All too often developing writers start

drafting their essays without a clear sense of what their paragraphs are

there for what each paragraph is supposed to be about and how it will

support the essays.

A paragraph is unified around this main idea, with the supporting

sentences providing detail and discussion. In order to write a good topic

sentence, think about your theme and all the points you want to make.

Decide which point drives the rest, and then write it as your topic sentence.

2. Coherence

An important quality in any good text, especially essays, is coherence.

Coherence is the quality that makes your writing understandable to the

reader. The coherence of a text means how well its parts, its words,

sentences and paragraphs work together and contribute to the text as a


Coherence means stick together. Writer makes paragraph coherence by

connecting ideas to another one. A paragraph has coherence when the

supporting sentences are ordered according to a principle (Boardman,

2008). The sentences are put in order so that the reader can understand


your ideas easily. The principles for ordering depend on the types of

paragraph you are writing.

Coherence can be achieved in several ways. First, use the transition

words. These words create bridges from one sentence to the next. The

transition words serve as indicators of the different relationships that need

to be connected to be able to establish coherence in the paragraph. We can

use transition words that show order (first, second, third); spatial

relationships (above, below) or logic (furthermore, in addition, in fact).

3. Cohesion

Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or

sentence that holds a text together and gives it meaning. It is related to the

broader concept of coherence. It means that all supporting sentences “stick

together” in their support of the topic sentence. There are two main types

of cohesion: grammatical cohesion, which is based on structural content-

and lexical content and background knowledge.

d. Process of Writing

According to Oak in Mujahirah (2018) writing is an art. It involves

creative thinking and an effective use of words to express ideas. To compose a

good essay or an article, you need to organize your thoughts, plan the structure of

the write-up, and then express your ideas using the right words. There are some

steps that make the components of the writing process. Those are:

1. Pre-writing

This is the step that helps you find the right words for your expression.

It involves a thorough research on the subject to write on and the gathering

of all the information about it, from all the available sources (books or


online). This is an important component of the process of writing, as it

includes the gathering and organizing of information that would be going

into your write-up. It may include talking to people or taking interviews in

order to gather relevant information. It includes choosing a topic,

becoming aware of the audience, brainstorming and/or discussing your

idea, and organizing your thoughts and the information obtained. At this

step, you create an outline of your essay/article. In case of a story,

prewriting will also involve sketching of its characters.

2. Drafting

After the information is gathered and once your thoughts are

organized, the next step is to make a systematic draft of the same. It

requires you to organize the gathered information in a systematic manner,

such that one idea is discussed per paragraph or similar ideas are given

under the same section of the write-up. If you are writing a story, the

incidents have to be mentioned in the right order and in such a way that the

story gets a flow. The organizing of information when writing requires the

use of logic. The draft should be such that the message you want to give to

the readers in conveyed in an effective way. So that the draft is

comprehensive, you may need to include different perspectives of the

subject you are handing and ensure that all its aspects are properly


3. Revising

The next important component of the process of writing is revising the

draft. It is the phase in which you need to correct the errors in the draft and

also think of ways to improve your writing. You may like to revise the


way you have conveyed certain ideas or the words you have chosen to say

a certain thing. You may wish to revise your style of writing or the manner

in which the information has been laid out. It might include rearranging

content, replacing certain parts of the write-up, adding or removing of

content, etc. For revising, you may choose to involve responses from peers

or evaluate the write-up yourself. Revising is an important constituent of

writing as it requires you to give another thought to your own writing and

change it as and where needed. This is the step in which you decide on the

approach to take and the views or opinions to express.

4. Editing

The process of editing is another important component of writing.

When you are satisfied with your essay/article, you can take it through the

process of editing. It is the opportunity to get your writing look at from a

totally different perspective and change or improve it if needed. This is the

step at which the write-up gets its finishing touches. In editing, your

writing will be scrutinized for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuations,

formatting, and use of language. Mistakes, if any can be corrected at the

editing stage, before the write-up is published.

5. Publishing

When your writing is published, it becomes open to reader feedback.

Depending on the quality of your written work, you may be appreciated or

criticized by the readers. Getting the work published is the goal of a writer

and also the final step in the process of writing. Publishing of the work

gives you the opportunity to connect with your readers and receive their


feedback. Their response determines the popularity of your work and helps

you improve for the better.

From explanation above we know that in writing, the writer should do

some step in writing process. This step can help the writer to build their

writing, because this step starts from when the writer gather the

information, make an outline until when they publish their writing. So that

is why the why this step is very useful for the writer.

e. Teaching Writing

According to Harmer (2007: 330), there are three roles of English teachers

in teaching writing.

1. Motivator

As a motivator, an English teacher has to be able to motivate the

students in writing tasks by creating the right situation for generating the

ideas, persuading them of the usefulness of the activity, and encouraging

them to make as much as effort as possible for maximum benefit.

2. Resource

The teacher needs to be ready to provide information and language

where necessary to the students. He or she must be available and well

prepared to look at the students’ progresses, offer advice and suggestions

in a constructive and tactful way.

3. Feedback Provider

As a feedback provider, an English teacher should give positive and

encouraging responses to the students’ writing. When offering correction,

the teacher should choose what and how much to focus on based on what

the students need at this particular stage of their studies, and on the tasks


they have undertaken. It can be inferred that helping students become self-

sufficient, competent, and confident writers is not an easy task, but it is

easier to accomplish by recognizing.

f. Types of Classroom Writing Performance

There are many types of writing performances in the classroom. According

Brown (2001:343) in divides a written performance into five kinds. The writing

performances are as follows.

1. Imitative or Writing Down

Students can attain fundamental skills in writing process through a

simple task. This basic task of writing letters, words, punctuation, and

brief sentences can be done when they are producing a text. The activity

that may be involved in this type of writing performances is that the

students simply write down a written product on their own. They imitate

the written product as a form of task to go over their basic skills in writing.

2. Intensive or Controlled

It is a kind of performances in which students must produce proper

vocabulary in a certain context, collocations and idioms, and correct

grammatical features in the sentences. Although their creativity is not

allowed much, the students working on this type of performance can do

another stimulating creative activity by rewriting the paragraph of their

recollection of reading.

3. Self-writing

This category gets the students to write the things on their own mind.

Kinds of activities of this category are note-taking, diary, and journal



4. Display Writing

Display writing is very useful for academic purposes. Written

exercises, short answer essays and other forms of writing in test situations

are instances of display writing.

They are kinds of activities when students are asked to write for the

sake of their teacher's assignment or fulfilling their duty in the class.

5. Real Writing

Real writing is one of writing performances in which the reader does

not know the answer and genuinely wants the information from the writer.

For example, writing letters, filling a form and writing a simple message

all belong to real writing.

Every beginner writer starts to write from the basic activity such as the

imitative writing. This kind of activity gets the students to make letters,

words, and simple sentences. The next level of writing is intensive or

controlled writing. This activity focuses on grammar, vocabulary, or

sentence formation, and not necessarily to convey meaning. The activity in

the next stages is more complex because it allows students to produce their

written products in the form of paragraphs or texts of several pages which

require better skills than the previous ones.

2. Concept of Blog

a. Definition of Blog

A blog is a web publishing software which allows users to create and edit

the content of a web page with minimal technical expertise. Du and Wagner

(2005) define a blog as an electronic journal kept by an author, who regularly

updates the journal (known as blogging). Rettberg (2008), on the other hand,


defines a blog as a frequently updated web site consisting of dated entries

arranged in reverse chronological order.

From the explanation above, the writer concludes that blog are appropriate

for teaching learning process. The way to guide the readers or students to become

skilled in writing and reading using a blog.

b. Procedures for Using Blog in Teaching Writing

There are steps in our guide to strategy implementation that you can follow

and ensure that your strategic plan evolves from just a plan, into a strategy


1) Teacher posts some blogs links for the resources.

2) Teacher asks students to access the teacher blog from their personal

computer, students work individually.

3) Students read the task on teacher blog and follow the link.

4) Students then write their personal comment on teacher blog and the

teacher does too.

5) Students then write a learning journal about what they have read in

previous activity and post the works on their own blogs.

6) After posting the task, students have to visit other friends’ blog pages to

post some comments.

7) During the lesson, teacher may follow the students’ activities online or as

the facilitator in the classroom.

c. Advantages of Blog

There are some advantages of utilizing blogs to teach writing in the



1) It promotes learning materials for students and helps teachers reflect their


2) Blog posting can be used for evaluations; the criteria will probably

include; accuracy; fluency; coherence; and relevance.

3) All of the contents are viewable in chronological order and well-organized.

It allows the teacher and students to find information easily.

4) Students can learn more from the comments to their posts and get direct

feedback from the teacher online.

3. Concept of Recount Text

a. Definition of Recount Text

According to Anderson (1997: 49) recount is a piece of text retells past

events, usually in the order in which they happened. It has a purpose in which it

gives the audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred.

According to Knapp in Mujahirah (2018) recount text is written out to

make a report about an experience of a series related event. The aim of the text is

retell the past event or to tell someone's experience in chronological order. So,

recount text is text that retell about a story, experience, and other. Recount text

use simple past tense or past perfect tense in its phrase. Recount text use adverbs

of time, for example: when, one day, once upon a time, last holiday, after, before,

and other.

Recount text is similar with narrative text. Both are telling something in

the past. The thing that makes narrative and recount different is the structure in

which they are constructed. Narrative uses conflicts among the participants

whether natural conflict, social conflict or psychological conflict. In some ways


narrative text combines all these conflicts. In the contrary, we do not find these

conflicts inside recount text. Recount applies series of event as the basic structure.

Based on the theories above, the writer can concludes that recount text is a

text which retells events or experience in the past. Its purpose is either inform or

to entertain the audience.

b. Generic Structure of Recount Texts

It is a point when writers try to create a piece of a recount text. Anderson

(1997: 53) states that a recount text has three main parts:

1. Orientation

It gives background information about who, what, where, and when.

2. A Series of paragraphs/events

It consists of paragraphs which retell the events in the order in which

they happened.

3. Conclusion (optional)

It is a paragraph that contains a personal comment. In conclusion, a

recount text tells the reader what happened in a past. It begins with an

orientation which tells the reader who was involved, what happened,

where this event took place and when it happened.

c. Languages Features of Recount Text

1. Use of nouns and pronouns to identity people, animals or things involved.

2. Use of past action verbs to refer the events.

3. Use of past tense to located events in relation to speakers or writers time.

4. Use conjunctions and time connectives to sequence the event.

5. Use of adverb and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time.

6. Use of adjectives to describe nouns.


C. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework

Based on the conceptual framework above, for input the researcher will teach the

writing material namely recount text. To help students making a text which focused on

content and organization assessment, the researcher will use of blog media in teaching

learning process. Blog will help students to write their idea in media. So, it will improve

students’ writing skill.

D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research can be mastered alternative and null hypothesis.

The hypothesis of the research as follow:

1. H1 (Alternative Hypothesis): the use of blog strategy can increase students’

writing skill.

2. HO (Null Hypothesis): the use of blog strategy cannot increase students’ writing


Writing Skill

Teaching of Writing Recount


Use Blog in Teaching

Improve students' writing skill






This chapter deals with research design, population and sample, variables and

operational definition, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data, and technique

of data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this chapter, the researcher used in this quantitative research is a pre-experimental

method. This kind of study allows the researcher to look at the effects of at least one

independent variable and one dependent variable. In this research, the researcher wanted to

see whether the treatment make a difference or not. This research included pre-test and post-

test to measure the students’ achievement. This research used pre-experimental method which

entails pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The research design can be show in the following:

X1 o X2

Where: X1= Pre-test

O= Treatment

X2= Post-test

(Gay, 2006)

1. Pre-test

Before giving the treatment to the students, the researchers gave blogging test

to know the prior level of the students. The form of blogging test was writing test. The

students were asked to write a paragraph about the topic that is giving by the

researcher. It aims to know the students’ basic blogging skill.


2. Treatment

The researcher conducted the treatment for six meetings. The technique in teaching

for every meeting is same but has different motion. The students were taught by using


The procedure of the treatment as follows:

a. The researcher gave the material at the day relates to lesson plan.

b. The researcher gave the students motion to be blogging. The motion for every

meeting is different.

c. After that, the researcher divided the students into four groups which one

group was as swing group. Swing group is additional group which serves as a

rival group who will Blogging with other group that has been Blogging

previously. The group that will become a rival group for swing groups select

randomly from each group member who has Blogging previously.

3. Post-test

After giving the treatment, the researcher will gave the students the writing

test to see is there any achievement toward the students’ writing ability after taught by

using Blog. The form of writing test is same as the pre-test. The researcher asked the

students to deliver an argument about the topic that is giving by the researcher. After

the implementation of Blog in the classroom, the researcher gave questions after the

implementation of Blogging in writing skill will function to see their communicative

competence level; and as a respond measures of students toward the activities that

they usually face in English classroom with its impact towards their writing skill.


B. Research Variables and Indicators

1. Variables

a) Independent variable was the use of Blog Web. It is used by the researcher

when teaching the material of Introduction to Blog Web (agree or disagree

with the topic).

b) Dependent variable was Blogging Web skill in achieving the students’ Writing


2. Indicators

The indicators of this research are writing, content, and organization use


C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of the research was the eleventh grade students of SMA

Negeri 4 Jeneponto in the academic year of 2019/2020.

2. Sample

The sample was be selected by using cluster random sampling technique.

The researcher was choose one class as the sample.

D. Research Instrument

The instrument used in this research was writing test. To test writing ability

the researcher will ask the students’ to write three paragraphs. There will be two

tests, namely pre-test & post-test.

E. Procedure of Collection Data

In collected the data, the researcher used Pre-test before treatment and last is Post-

test. The researcher collected the data by giving a test to the students. The test


technique was one of the data collecting techniques in a quantitative research. In

collected the data, the researcher used the following procedures:

a) The researcher gave pre-test to the students.

b) The researcher applied the treatment for four times by Blog.

c) After giving treatment, the researcher gave post-test to the students.

d) The teacher analyzed and scored the data by using the following criteria.

e) Scoring and classifying the students’ skill. The students’ score ware interpreted in

categories, very good, good, fair, weak, and poor.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the achievement, the researcher applied the following the formula.

Classified the score of the students into the following categories:

Table 3.1 Jacobs et al’s scoring profile in Weigh (2002)

Aspect Score Level/Criteria

Content Organization

30-27 26-22 21-17 16-13 20-18 17-14 13-10 9-7

Excellent to very good: knowledge able substantive thorough development of thesis relevant to assigned topic. Good to average: some knowledge of subject adequate range limited development of thesis mostly relevant to the topic, but lacks detail. Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject little substance inadequate development of topic. Very poor: does not show knowledge of subject non-substantive not pertinent or not enough to evaluate. Excellent to very good: fluent expression ideas clearly stated/supported succinct well-organized logical sequencing cohesive. Good to average: somewhat choppy loosely organized but main ideas stand out limited support logical but incomplete sequencing. Fair to poor: non-fluent ideas confused or disconnected lacks logical sequencing and development. Very poor: does not communicate no organization or not enough to evaluate.


Table 3.2 The Classification of the students’ Score

Scores Categories

80 – 100 Very good

66 – 79 Good

56 – 65 Fair

40 – 55 Weak

0 – 39 Poor

(Arikunto, 2006)

1. Finding the improvement’s percentage of students’ Writing achievement after using

Blog method. The formula as follows:

P = X2-X1 x 100%



P: The improvement percentage

X1: The mean score of pre-test

X2: The mean score of post-test

2. Data Collection

a. The discoverer the mean score, the writer apply the following formula:

Note :

= Mean Score (symbol for the population mean)

= The sum of all score

N = Total number of students


(Gay, 2006)

The formula will to know the mean score of the students’ ability in Writing, while

the data take from the pre-test and post-test. The aim of the formula was to answer the

question of the problem statement.

b. Find out the standard deviation of the students’ Writing achievement.

𝑆𝐷 =√Σx2 − (𝛴𝑥


) 2

n − 1

Note: SD : The total square of the students’ score

: The total score of the students

N : The number of students

c. To find out the significance difference between the students’ pre-test and post-test

, the writer apply the formula as follow:

T =−𝐷




Note : T : Test of significance

D : Mean deviation

(Σ𝐷) 2 : The square of the sum score for difference

ΣD : The sum of total score for difference

N : The number of subject

(Gay, 2006)

The formula explains about the significance difference between pre-test and post-test

will find by calculation the value of the t-test. The aim of the formula is to know the method

effective or not in achieving the students’ Writing skill of XI Grade at SMA Negeri 4





This chapter deals with findings of this research and its discussion. The result of data

analysis was presented in the discussion.

A. Findings

After conducting the research, the researcher obtained two kinds of data; the score of

pre-test and the score of post-test. Pre-test was given before the treatment and post-test was

given after the treatment. The results presented as follows:

1. Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Scores in Content Aspect

Table 4.1. The Students’ Writing in Terms of Content


The Students’ Score Improvement Pre-test Post-test

Content 47,62 70,24 47,50 %

Table 4.1 shows that three is an improvement of the students’ writing skill in terms

content total mean score in pre-test before giving treatments was 47,62 and after giving

treatment students’ writing skill in terms content total mean score in post-test become 70,24.

Therefore it could be summarized that students’ writing significantly improved became 47,

50 %.

Table 4.2. The Rate Percentage of Content in Pre-test Score

No. Classification Pre-test

Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Very Good (80-100) 0 0 %

2. Good (66-79) 2 9.52 %

3. Fair (56-65) 15 71.43 %

4. Poor (40-55) 0 0 %

5. Very Poor (39) 4 19.05 %

Total 21 100 %


The table above showed that the percentages of the students’ writing skill before giving

treatment were still in very poor level. The result of the pre-test showed that out of 21

students’ score in writing skill in pre-test there were 0 (0%) students got very good, 2

(9,52%) students good, 15 (71,43%) student got fair, 0 (0%) student got poor, and 4 (19,05%)

students got very poor.

Table 4.3. The Rate Percentage of Content in Post-test Score

No. Classification Post-test

Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Very Good (80-100) 3 14.29 %

2. Good (66-79) 13 61.90 %

3. Fair (56-65) 3 14.29 %

4. Poor (40-55) 0 0 %

5. Very Poor (≤39) 2 9.52 %

Total 21 100 %

The table shows that 21 students divided into 3 students (14.29%) who categorized to

“Very Good”, 13 students (61.90%) who categorized to “Good”, 3 students (14.29%) who

categorized to “Fair”, while there was 0 student who categorized to “Poor” and there were

only 2 students (9.52%) who categorized to “Very Poor”.

The comparison both of the tables above, it shows clearly that the score of the

students writing skill in pre-test and post-test are different. The table 4.3 (pre-test in term of

content) shows the students who categorized “Very Good” is 0 and the table 4.4 (post-test in

term of content) shows the category “Very Good” increased to 3 students. The category

“Good” also increased. The table 4.3 (pre-test in term of content) shows that only 2 students

who categorized to “Good” while in the table 4.4 (post-test in term of content) increased to

13 students.

The other categories are “Fair”, “Poor” and “Very Poor”. The category “Fair” in the

table 4.3 (pre-test in term of content) shows that there were 15 students, while in the table 4.4

(post-test in term of content) shows that only 3 students. Then, the students who categorized


to “Poor” in the table 4.3 (pre-test in term of content) was 0. It is same to the table 4.4 (post-

test in term of content). The last, the students who categorized to “Very Poor” in the table 4.3

(pre-test in term of content) were 4 students, while the students in the table 4.4 (post-test in

term of content) were only 2 students.

To learn the component between the pre-test and post test result for content aspect, we

can see the following diagram

Figure 4.1. The Components between the Pre-test and Post-test for Content


2. Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Scores in Organization Aspect

Table 4.4. The Students’ Writing in Terms of Organization


The Students’ Score Improvement Pre-test Post-test

Organization 36,90 67,85 83,90 %

Table 4.2 shows that three is an improvement of the students’ writing skill in

terms organization total mean score in pre-test before giving treatments was 36,90 and

after giving treatment students’ writing skill in terms organization total mean score in










Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

pre test post test


post-test become 67,85. Therefore it could be summarized that students’ writing

significantly improved became 83, 90 %.

Table 4.5. The Rate Percentage of Organization in Pre-test Score

No. Classification Pre-test

Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Very Good (80-100) 1 4.76 %

2. Good (66-79) 6 28.56 %

3. Fair (56-65) 8 38.10 %

4. Poor (40-55) 2 9.52 %

5. Very Poor (≤39) 4 19.04 %

Total 21 100 %

The table shows that 21 students divided into 1 student (4.76%) who categorized

to “Very Good”, only 6 student (28.56%) who categorized to “Good”, there were 8

students (38.10%) who categorized to “Fair”, while there was 2 student (9.52%) who

categorized to “Poor” and there were 4 students (19.04%) who categorized to “Very


Table 4.6. The Rate Percentage of Organization in Post-test Score

No. Classification Post-test

Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Very Good (80-100) 2 9.52 %

2. Good (66-79) 11 52.38 %

3. Fair (56-65) 8 38.10 %

4. Poor (40-55) 0 0 %

5. Very Poor (≤39) 0 0 %

Total 21 100 %

Based on the table above the students classify into 5 categories which is 21

students divided into 2 students (9.52%) who classified into “Very Good”, 11 students

(52.38%) who classified into “Good”, 8 students (38.10%) who classified into “Fair”.

While there was 0 student who classified into “Poor” and “Very Poor”.

Both of the table of the students’ classification in term of organization can be seen

that they are different. The table 4.5 (pre-test in term of organization) shows that there


was 0 student who categorized to “Very Good”, 1 student who categorized to “Good”, 8

students who categorized to “Fair”, 0 student who categorized to “Poor” and 4 students

who categorized to “Very Poor”. While the table 4.6 (post-test in term of organization)

shows differently, there were 2 students who achieved “Very Good” classification, 11

students who classified into “Good”, 8 students who classified into “Fair” and there were

not students (0 student) who achieved the “Poor” and “Very Poor” classification.

To learn the component between the pre-test and post test result for organization

aspect, we can see the following diagram

Figure 4.2. The Components between the Pre-test and Post-test for Organization


3. The Comparison of the Test Result

The distribution the value of t-test value and t-table can be seen in the following table


Table 4.7. Distribution the Value of t-Test and t-Table

Variables Pre-test Post-test

t-test t-table Comparison Classification

Content 47.62 70.24 6.53 1.725 t-test > t-table Significance

Organization 36.90 67.86 7.33 1.725 t-test > t-table Significance








Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Pre Test Post Test


The data on the table above shows that the value of the t-test is higher than the value

of t-table. It is indicated that three is a significance difference between the results of the

students’ writing in terms of content and organization by web blog.

4. Hypothesis Testing

If the t-test value is higher than t-table at the level of significance 00.5 and degree

freedom (df) 29 (N – 1 = 21 – 1), thus the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted and

null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. In contrary, if the value is lower than t-table at the level

of significance 00.5 and the degree (df) (N - 1 = 21 – 1), thus the alternative hypothesis

is rejected and null hypothesis is accepted.

B. Discussion

This research concerned to the use of blog in increasing the students’ writing

to be good writing. It was indicated by two components of writing namely: (1) content

which refers to the idea written by the students; (2) organization which refers to

coherence, order of important and chronological order.

The description of data collected from the students’ writing showed that the

students’ writing skill was achieved. It was supported by mean score and the total

score, also the percentage of the improvement of the students’ pre-test and post-test

result. Based on the finding, the using of blog made the students had mean score that

was higher than before using the web blog. Nevertheless, the difference mean score of

the post-test was higher than pre-test. It means that the using of blog to teach writing

at eleventh grade of SMA NEGERI 4 Jeneponto was effective. The alternative

hypothesis was accepted.


1. Content

Beside the data was analyzed in general, each aspect was also being analyzed.

First is from the aspect of content. Content refers to substance of writing, the

experience of the main idea (unity), groups of related statements that a writer

presents as unit in developing a subject. Content paragraph do the work of

conveying, and emphasis. With the guide of aspect, the researcher can collect and

analyze the data. The result of collect and analyzed the data finding and to shows

that the score of content was higher than before using the web blog. Compared

with the result of previous research conducted by Matheson (2004) in her journal

under the tittle, “Developing Writing Skills Via Blogs” found that including blogs,

are presenting both teachers and learners with new horizons in the field of

language teaching and learning and they can easily be adapted for ELT purposes.

2. Organization

Beside the data was analyzed in general, each aspect was also being analyzed.

First is from the aspect of organization. It is scarcely more than an attempt to

piece together all collection of facts and jumble ideas. Even in early drafts it may

still be searching for order, trying to make out patterns in its material and working

to bring the particulars of his subject in line with what is still only a half-formed

notion purpose. With the guide of aspect, the researcher can collect and analyze

the data. The result of collect and analyzed the data finding and to shows that the

score of organization was higher than before using the web blog. Compared the

result of previous research conducted by Nadzrah and Kemboja (2009) in her

journal under the tittle, “Blogging to Enhance Writing Skills: found that blogs let

students compose writing with specific purposes that can encourage them to

enhance their writing in language.




This chapter provides two sections consist of conclusion and suggestion. The first

section concludes the result of the study. The second section provides suggestions for

students and teacher.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of data analysis and discussion of the result in the previous

chapter, the researcher concludes that:

The students’ writing in term of content and organization at the Eleventh Grade of

SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto can be improved after applying web blog. It is shown by the

significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test. The mean score of post-test

for content (70,24) is higher than pre-test (47,62) and the mean score of post-test for


zation (67,85) is higher than pre-test (36,90).

The data of table Distribution the Value of t-Test and t-Table shows that the Value

of t-Test for content is higher (6,53) than the Value of t-Table (1,725) and the Value of t-

Test for organization is higher (7,33) than the Value of t-Table (1. 725). Thus the

alternative hyphotesis (H1) is accepted and null hyphotesis (H0) is rejected.

B. Suggestion

The successful teaching does not depend on the lesson plan program only, but

more importantly is how the teacher presents the lesson plan and uses various methods to

manage the class more live and regarding to the teaching writing by web blog, the

researcher gave some suggestion for the teacher and the students.

The teacher should be more creative to enrich their teaching method and material.

Choosing strange or unique words can stimulate them in learning English. The materials


are presented in an enjoyable, relaxed and understandable way. That’s way it is

suggested for the teacher to apply web blog in teaching English.

The students are hoped to be more interested in writing a text, be creative and

enthusiastic to think some ideas, enrich vocabulary, writing appropriate language use to

make good writing. If the students have many problems, they should ask to the teacher for

solving it.



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A. (Pre-test)

Activities : Writing

Name :

Class :


1. Make recount a text your nice experience.

2. Write a paragraph about one of your nice experience.

B. (Post-test)

Activities : Writing

Name :

Class :


1. Make recount a text your bad experience.

2. Write a paragraph about one of your bad experience.



Materials for Treatment

Recount Text

Definisi Recount Text

“Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to

entertaining or informing the reader.”

Sebuah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi ataupun aktivitas. Tujuan recount text

adalah untuk menghibur atau memberi informasi kepada pembaca.

“Recount is a text which retells event or experience in the past.”

Sebuah teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lampau.

Tujuan Recount Text

“The purpose of recount text is to entertain or inform the readers”

Tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur dan menginformasikan para pembaca.

“The purpose of communication from recount text is to tell an experience or event that

occurred in the past with the aim of entertaining and informing readers”

Tujuan komunikasi dari recount text adalah menceritakan suatu pengalaman atau kejadian

yang terjadi dimasa lampau dengan tujuan untuk menghibur dan menginformasikan


Generic Structure of Recount Text

Recount text juga memiliki susunan atau struktur. Generic Structure recount text terdiri dari:

1. Orientation:

Menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi setelahnya diceritakan sesuia urutan


2. Events:

Menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi setelahnya diceritakan sesuai urutan



3. Reorientation:

Berisi rangkuman atau conclusion dari semua kejadian. Pada bagian juga berisi

pendapat atau kesan penulis tentang kejadian yang diceritakan.

Beberapa ciri recount text adalah:

1. Past tense, menggunakan kata kerja bentuk lampau seperti we went, I saw, we visited,


2. Action verbs, yakni menggunakan kata kerja aksi/tindakan, contohnya run, talked,

reached, swam, dsb.

3. Adverbs, yakni menggunakan kata keterangan, contohnya last summer, yesterday,

happily, beautifully, dsb.

4. Adjectives, yakni menggunakan kata sifat, seperti huge, great, bad, expensive, cheap,


5. Conjunctions, dan chronological connectors, yakni menggunakan kata hubung

seperti theb, before, and after, dsb.


Appendix C: The result of the Students’ Score in the Pre-test and Post-test

No. Students’ Code

Pre-test (X1) Post-test (X2)

Score Classification Score Classification

1. S-01 50 Poor 65 Fair

2. S-02 40 Poor 85 Very Good

3. S-03 40 Poor 80 Very Good

4. S-04 60 Fair 65 Fair

5. S-05 55 Poor 55 Poor

6. S-06 40 Poor 65 Fair

7. S-07 65 Fair 70 Good

8. S-08 30 Very Poor 75 Good

9. S-09 35 Very Poor 55 Poor

10. S-10 70 Good 75 Good

11. S-11 25 Very Poor 60 Fair

12. S-12 50 Poor 60 Fair

13. S-13 45 Poor 75 Good

14. S-14 30 Very Poor 75 Good

15. S-15 30 Very Poor 70 Good

16. S-16 45 Poor 70 Good

17. S-17 45 Poor 65 Fair

18. S-18 65 Fair 65 Fair

19. S-19 55 Poor 75 Good

20. S-20 40 Poor 55 Poor

21. S-21 40 Poor 50 Poor


Appendix D: The Calculation of the Students’ Score on Pre-test and Post-test

Students’ Code

Indicator: Content

Pre-test (X1) Post-test (X2) X2 – X1

(X1) (X1)2 (X2) (X2)2 D (X2 – X1) D (X2 – X1)2

S-01 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-02 50 2500 100 10000 50 2500

S-03 50 2500 100 10000 50 2500

S-04 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-05 50 2500 50 2500 0 0

S-06 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-07 50 2500 50 2500 0 0

S-08 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-09 50 2500 50 2500 0 0

S-10 75 5625 100 10000 25 625

S-11 25 625 25 625 0 0

S-12 25 625 50 2500 25 625

S-13 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-14 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-15 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-16 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-17 50 2500 75 5625 50 2500

S-18 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-19 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-20 50 2500 50 2500 0 0

S-21 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

Total 1000 51250 1475 111875 550 21250

Students’ Code

Indicator: Organization

Pre-test (X1) Post-test (X2) X2 – X1

(X1) (X1)2 (X2) (X2)2 D (X2 – X1) D (X2 – X1)2

S-01 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-02 25 625 100 10000 75 5625

S-03 25 625 100 10000 75 5625

S-04 50 2500 75 5625 50 2500

S-05 25 625 50 2500 25 625

S-06 25 625 50 2500 25 625

S-07 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-08 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-09 25 625 50 2500 25 625

S-10 75 5625 75 5625 0 0

S-11 25 625 50 2500 25 625

S-12 50 2500 50 2500 0 0

S-13 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-14 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-15 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-16 25 625 75 5625 50 2500

S-17 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-18 50 2500 75 5625 25 625


S-19 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-20 50 2500 75 5625 25 625

S-21 50 2500 50 2500 0 0

Total 775 33125 1425 101875 725 34375


Appendix E: Calculating the Students’ Presentation in Pre-test and Post-test

1. Calculating the Mean Score of the Students’ Presentation

Calculating the mean score of the students’ presentation by using the following



= Mean score (Symbol for the population mean)

= The sum of all score

N = Total number of the students

a. The mean score of the students’ writing in the pre-test in term of content as follows:

= 1000


= 47.62

While the mean score of the students’ writing in term of content in the post-test is:

= 1475


= 70.24

b. The mean score of the students’ writing in the pre-test in term of organization as


= 775


= 36.90

While the mean score of the students’ writing in term of organization in the post-test is:

= 1425


= 67.86


2. The Improvement of the Students in Writing

a. The improvement of the students’ writing in term of content as follows:

P = X2-X1 x 100%


P = 70.24−47.62

47.62 × 100 %

P = 22.62

47.62 × 100 %

The students’ improvement = 47.50 %

b. The improvement of the students’ writing in term of organization as follows:

P = X2-X1 x 100%


P = 67.86−36.90

36.90 × 100 %

P = 30.96

36.90 × 100 %

The students’ improvement = 83.90 %

3. Test of Significant Different between Pre-test and Post-test:

a. Test of significant different between pre-test and post-test in term of content as follows:


ΣD = 550

ΣD 2= 21250

N = 21

−𝐷 =




21= 26.19

t =−𝐷

√Σ𝐷2− (𝛴𝐷) 2

𝑁 N(N−1)


t =26.19

√21250 − (550) 2

21 21(21−1)

t =26.19

√21250 − 302500



t =26.19

√21250 −14404


t =26.19



t =26.19


t =26.19

4.01 t = 6.53

b. Test of significant different between pre-test and post-test in term of organization as



ΣD = 725

ΣD 2= 34375

N = 21

−𝐷 =




21= 34.52

t =−𝐷

√Σ𝐷2− (𝛴𝐷) 2

𝑁 N(N−1)

t =34.52

√34375 − (725) 2

21 21(21−1)


t =34.52

√34375 − 525625



t =34.52

√34375 −25029


t =34.52



t =34.52


t =34.52


t = 7.33

4. The Percentage of the Students’ Writing in Pre-test and Post-test

a. The Percentage of the Students’ Writing in Pre-test

1) Content


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 9.52 % 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 71.43 % 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 19.05 % 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑟

2) Organization


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 4.76 % 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 38.10 % 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 57.14 % 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑟


b. The Percentage of the Students’ Writing in Post-test

1) Content


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 14.29 % 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 61.90 % 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 14.29 % 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 9.52 % 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑟

2) Organization


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 9.52 % 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 52.38 % 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑


𝑁× 100 =


21× 100 = 38.10 % 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟


Appendix F: Distribution of t-table

Critical value of t-table

Level of significance for one-tailed test

Df α (level of significance) (one-tailed test)

0.25 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005

1 1.000 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657

2 0.816 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925

3 0.765 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841

4 0.741 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604

5 0.727 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032

6 0.718 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707

7 0.711 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499

8 0.706 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355

9 0.703 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250

10 0.700 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169

11 0.697 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106

12 0.695 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055

13 0.692 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012

14 0.691 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977

15 0.690 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.547

16 0.689 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921

17 0.688 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.989

18 0.688 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878

19 0.687 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861

20 0.687 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845

21 0.686 1.325 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831

22 0.686 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.829

23 0.685 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807

24 0.685 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797

25 0.684 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787

26 0.684 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.7798

27 0.684 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771

28 0.683 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763

29 0.683 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756

30 0.683 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750

40 0.681 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704

60 0.679 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660

120 0.677 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617


Df = N-1

Df = 21-1

Df = 20 t-table for (α) = 0.05 = 1.725


Appendix G: Attendance List of Second Grade XI IPS at SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto

No. Name Meetings

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Ahmad Ridzky Fatwa √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

2. Andi Azkhari Fadli A. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

3. Asriani √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

4. Aswan √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

5. Febrianti √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

6. Firdhawati K √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

7. Muh. Alwi Shihab √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

8. Muh. Rifky Maulana √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

9. Muh. Yusril Nuryunus √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

10. Muh. Ahsan √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

11. Muh. Alif Fatahillah √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

12. Muh. Nurwahyudi A. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

13. Muh. Rezka Anwar √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

14. Muhammad Arif √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

15. Muliati √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

16. Nur Alika √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

17. Nur Azizah √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

18. Nurdzakiyah Dwi √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

19. Nurul Hikma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

20. Sindi Nuraisha √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

21. Al-Qadri Ramadhan √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


Appendix H : Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran



Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto

Kelas : X

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Announcement

Skills : Writing

Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti SMA Kelas X

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, ramah

lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsive, pro aktif) dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan bangsa

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya,

dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan

peradaban terkait fenomena dan kejadian serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedur

pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, menyaji dan menciptakan dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan diri yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan

mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar

komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

pemberitahuan (announcement) sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4. Menangkap makna pemberitahuan (announcement)

5. Menyusun teks tulis pemberitahuan (announcement) sangat pendek dan sederhana,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar

dan sesuia konteks.


C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks announcement.

2. Menghasilkan announcement sederhana tentang yang sesuai dengan struktur teks,

unsur kebahasaan dan format penulisan.

3. Siswa dapat membuat akun dan mengoperasikan blog.

4. Suswa dapat menggunakan blog sebagai sarana untuk mempublikasikan hasil


5. Siswa aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar dikelas.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari bab ini siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks announcement.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi terkait teks announcement.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks


4. Merespon makna teks announcement.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Reading teks

To all students, I want to announce that on the Monday, 6 March 2017. We will be

held the painting competition in the school hall at 07.00 until 10.00. Don’t forget to bring

watercolor, brush, and many others you need. Please don’t be late. If you interested to

join this competition, please kindly register yourself to your homeroom teacher or the osis


F. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific approach.

2. Cooperative learning.

3. Autonomous learning.


G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Deskripsi Kegiatan

Alokasi Waktu


and structuring

1. Guru menjelaskan pelajaran

yang akan dipelajari.

2. Guru menyampaikan

kegiatan pembelajaran yang

akan dilaksanakan hari itu.

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran yang ingin

dicapai yaitu memahami

fungsi sosial, struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan.

4. Guru memberikan quiz absent

untuk warming up.

10 menit



1. Untuk merangsang siswa

dalam mengemukakan

idenya, guru bertanya kepada

siswa tentang announcement

dan meminta salah satu dari

mereka menceritakannya.

2. Siswa yang lain

memperhatikan cerita

disampaikan oleh salah satu


3. Guru membimbing siswa

untuk menganalisis fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan dalam

sebuah teks announcement.

Siswa berlatih menemukan

gagasan utama dan informasi

yang ada dalam teks



1. Guru merangsang siswa

untuk menanyakan perbedaan

70 menit



antara teks announcement

dan teks advertisement, serta

dalam berbagai teks bahasa



1. Siswa membaca teks

announcement yang

diberikan oleh guru.

2. Siswa berlatih menganalisis

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan dalam

teks announcement tersebut.

3. Siswa mengamati struktur

teks announcement dalam

contoh yang diberikan guru.


1. Siswa berlatih menganalisis

announcement dan

membedakannya dengan teks

announcement yang lain.

2. Siswa menganalisis fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaanya.


1. Siswa menyampaikan

informasi fungsi sosial.

Struktur dan unsur

kebahasaan yang ditemukan

setelah membaca dan

menyusun announcement.

2. Guru dan siswa membahas

unsur kebahasaan dan

struktur yang ada di


3. Siswa membuat teks

announcement sederhana

dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur dan

kebahasaannya yang

dipublikasikan melalui blog.

1. Guru membimbing siswa

dalam menyimpulkan


tentang bagaimana

mengidentifikasi fungsi

sosial, struktur teks san unsur

kebahasaan teks


2. Guru mengakhiri

pembelajaran dan

memberikan pesan untuk

mengulang lagi materi yang

sudah dipelajari dirumah.

H. Alat/Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Slides presentation (picture series)

2. Buku teks siswa

3. Kamus

4. Instruksi pembuatan blog

From A

Description: This from contains instruction in creating blog account. Please be aware

about each step. Make sure you are done with all instruction in this before

continuing to the next one.


1. Check your internet connection to make easier in continuing the next following steps.

2. Make sure you have Google email account to connect to Blogger platform (sign up

first if you have none).

3. Feel free to ask the advisor if you have any questions related to the instruction.


1. Visit on the taskbar.

2. Log in to your Google account.

3. Insert your blog display name.

4. Click New blog or Blog baru

5. Fill your blog tittle and its URL (ex:Rey’s Blog/


I. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian sikap

2. Penilaian tes menulis




Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto

Kelas : X

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : “Keeping Diary” Recount Text

Skills : Writing, reading

Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti SMA Kelas X

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, ramah

lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsive, pro aktif) dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan bangsa

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban

terkait fenomena dan kejadian serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedur pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, menyaji dan menciptakan dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan diri yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan

mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar

komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks Recount

tentang pengalaman, kejadian, peristiwa dan biografi sederhana sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

4. Menangkap makna teks Recount lisan dan tulisan tentang pengalaman, kejadian,

peristiwa, biografi sederhana sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

5. Menyusun teks Recount lisan dan tulisan sederhana tentang pengalaman kegiatan,

kejadian, peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur

kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.


C. Indicator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks recount tentang pengalaman, kejadian, peristiwa dan bigrafi sederhana sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

2. Siswa aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar dikelas.

3. Menghasilkan teks recount sederhana tentang pengalam, kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

4. Siswa mampu membedakan teks naratif dengan teks recount.

D. Tujuan pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari bab ini siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks recount sederhana

tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi terkait teks Recount sederhan tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks recount

sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa

4. Merespon makna teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.

5. Menyusun teks recountsederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Reading teks

A Trip to the National Zoo and Aquarium

Yesterday, my family and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to Visit the new

snow Cubs and the other animals.

In the morning, when we got to the Zoo and Aquarium there was a great big line, so

we had to wait awhile to get in.

After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs. My

brother and I were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful.

At lunchtime Dad decided to cook a bag. He cooked sausages so we could have

sausage sandwiches, Mum forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain.

In the afternoon, we visited the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks

and the tropical fish. At the end of the day when we left we were going to go and get

ice cream but we decided we were too tired so we drove straight home.

2. Contoh teks naratif


When do I use it?

To tell a story, to provide entertainment, or make an audience think about an issue,

teach the reader a lesson or excite their emotions.

Novels, short stories, diaries, biographies, some songs, dramatic monologues, plays,

narrative films, poems can all use this format.



1. Orientation

Tell the audience who is in the story, when is it happening, where it is happening

and what is going on.

2. Complication

This is the part of the story where something happens, usually a problem for the

main character, which triggers a chain of events.

3. Series of events

This tells how the characters react to the complication; rising tension occurs,

leading to a climax (high point/major drama). It includes their feelings and what

they do. The events can be told in chronological order (the order in which they

happen) or with flashbacks.

4. Resolution

The complication is sorted out or the problem is solved.


A Trip to the National Zoo and Aquarium

Yesterday, my family and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to Visit

the new snow Cubs and the other animals.

In the morning, when we got to the Zoo and Aquarium there was a great big line, so

we had to wait awhile to get in.

After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs. My

brother and I were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful.

At lunchtime Dad decided to cook a bag. He cooked sausages so we could have

sausage sandwiches, Mum forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain.

In the afternoon, we visited the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks

and the tropical fish. At the end of the day when we left we were going to go and get

ice cream but we decided we were too tired so we drove straight home.

Recount template


Setting: Who? Where? When? What? Why?

Events in time order:

Event 1

Event 2

Event 3

Event 4

Concluding statement/ending


F. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific

2. Cooperative learning

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Deskripsi Kegiatan

Alokasi Waktu


and structuring

1. Guru menjelaskan pelajaran

yang akan dipelajari.

2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan

pembelajaran yang akan

dilaksanakan hari itu.

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran yang ingin

dicapai yaitu memahami

fungsi sosial, struktur teks


unsur kebahasaan.

10 menit

Modelling Mengamati:

1. Untuk merangsang siswa

dalam mengemukakan

idenya, guru bertanya

kepada siswa tentang

pengalaman atau peristiwa

dan meminta salah satu dari

mereka menceritakannya.

2. Siswa yang lain


pengalaman atau peristiwa

yang disampaikan oleh

salah satu temannya.

3. Guru membimbing siswa

untuk membedakan

naratif dengan recount.

4. Guru membimbing siswa

untuk menganalisis

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam

sebuah teks recount.

5. Siswa berlatih menemukan

gagasan utama dan informasi

yang ada dalam teks recount.

60 menit



1. Guru merangsang siswa untuk

menyebutkan jenis-jenis teks


2. Guru merangsang siswa untuk

menanyakan perbedaan antara

teks recount dan teks



1. Siswa membaca beberapa

teks recount yang diberikan

oleh guru.

2. Siswa berlatih menganalisis

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan

dalam teks recount tersebut.

3. Siswa mencari kosakata

yang belum dipahami.


1. Siswa berlatih menyusun

sebuah teks recount yang

acak menjadi teks Recount

yang utuh secara


2. Siswa menganalisisfungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaannya secara



1. Siswa menyampaikan

informasi fungsi sosial.

Struktur dan unsur

kebahasaan yang ditemukan

setelah membaca dan

menyusun teks recount.

2. Guru dan siswa

membahas kosakata yang

belum dipahami siswa di

masing- masing grup.

3. Siswa membuat teks recount

sederhana dengan

memperhatikan fungsi


sosial, structur dan

kebahasaannya dan


melalui blog.

Closing 1. Guru membimbing siswa

dalam menyimpulkan tentang

bagaimana mengidentifikasi

fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan teks recount.

2. Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran

dan memberikan pesan untuk

mengulang lagi materi yang

sudah dipelajari dirumah.

10 menit

H. Alat/Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Slides presentation

2. Buku teks siswa

3. Kamus

I. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian sikap

2. Penilaian tes menulis




Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto

Kelas : X

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Writing Narrative Text

Skills : Writing, listening

Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti SMA Kelas X

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, ramah

lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsive, pro aktif) dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan bangsa

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban

terkait fenomena dan kejadian serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedur pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, menyaji dan menciptakan dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan diri yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan

mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar

komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks naratif

berbentuk legenda rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4. Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulisan berbentuk legenda sederhana.

C. Indicator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks naratif tentang dongen, legenda, mite, fable, cerita rakyat sesuai dengan konteks


2. Siswa aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar dikelas.

3. Menghasilkan teks naratif sederhana tentang pengalam, kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara

benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.


D. Tujuan pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari bab ini siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks narrative sederhana

berbentuk legenda rakyat.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi terkait teks narative sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat.

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks narative

sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat.

4. Merespon makna teks narrative sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Listening Guiding Text

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Snow White. She

was beautiful and her skin was as white as snow. Snow White’s

stepmother, the queen, was very jealous of Snow White.

The queen did not love her but Snow White never complained. She

only dreamt of a handsome prince who would come one day and take her

away with him.

The queen asked her magic mirror, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is

the fairest one of all?” Every day the mirror had the same reply. “You are the

fairest,” he told her. And the Queen was content for another day.

But as Snow White grew older, she also grew more beautiful. And

one day the magic mirror told the Queen that Snow White was the fairest of

all. In a jealous rage, the Queen called her royal huntsman and said “Take

Sow White far into the forest and kill her,”

But the hunter was loyal man. He said to the princess “I cannot kill

you. You must run away and hide from the Queen!” Snow White ran away

from the castle into the woods. At last she came to a cottage. “Who lives

here?” Snow White wondered.

Then she heard voices singing in the distance. The seven dwarfs who

lived in the cottage were coming from a hard day of work.

They invited Snow White to share their supper. Snow White felt so

safe with the dwarfs that she decided to stay with them. But the evil queen

soon found out that Snow White was still alive. She would have to take

matters into her own wicked hands.

She took an apple and dipped it into poison. “One bite of this

poisoned apple and Snow White will close his eyes forever!” she cackled.

When the dwarfs were away at work, the queen disguised as an old

woman appeared at Snow White’s window. “Hello, dearie,” she said. “Taste


one of my delicious apples.” Then she held the poisoned apple to Snow


The birds tried to warn Snow White away from the poisoned fruit.

They fluttered and flew around the hag, trying to make her drop the apple.

But Snow White did not listen and took a bit of the apple. She fell down on

the floor instantly.

When the seven dwarfs returned to the cottage, they found Snow

White lying lifeless on the floor. The sad little dwarfs built a bed of gold

and glass for their beloved Snow White. They kept watch over her, day and

night but she did not wake up.

Then one day a handsome Prince rode into the forest. When he saw

Snow White, he knelt down and kissed Snow White tenderly. His kiss

awakened her. Snow White and the Prince road off to his kingdom where they

lived happily ever after.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Snow White. She

was beautiful and her skin was as white as snow. Snow White’s ……….

(1), the queen, was very jealous of Snow White.

The queen did not love her but Snow White never complained. She

only dreamt of a handsome prince who would ………. (2) one day and take

her away with him.

The queen asked her magic mirror, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who

is the ………. (3) One of all?” Every day the mirror had the same reply.

“You are the fairest,” he told her. And the Queen was content for another


But as Snow White grew older, she also ………. (4) More

beautiful. And one day the magic mirror told the Queen that Snow White

was the fairest of all. In a jealous rage, the Queen called her royal

huntsman and said “Take Sow White far into the forest and kill her,”

But the hunter was loyal man. He said to the princess “I cannot kill

you. You must run away and hide from the Queen!” Snow White ran away

from the castle into the woods. At last she came to a ………. (5). “Who lives

here?” Snow White wondered.

Then she heard voices singing in the ………. (6). the seven dwarfs

who lived in the cottage were coming from a hard day of work.

They invited Snow White to share their ………. (7). Snow White felt

so safe with the dwarfs that she decided to stay with them. But the evil queen

soon found out that Snow White was still alive. She would have to take


matters into her own wicked hands.

She took an apple and dipped it into ………. (8). “One bite of

this poisoned apple and Snow White will close his eyes forever!” she


When the dwarfs were away at work, the queen disguised as an old

woman appeared at Snow White’s window. “Hello, dearie,” she said. “Taste

one of my delicious apples.” Then she ………. (9) The poisoned apple to

Snow White.

The birds tried to warn Snow White away from the poisoned fruit.

They ………. (10) And flew around the hag, trying to make her drop the

apple. But Snow White did not listen and took a bit of the apple. She fell

down on the floor ………. (11).

When the seven dwarfs returned to the cottage, they found Snow White

lying ………. (12) On the floor. The sad little dwarfs built a bed of gold and

glass for their beloved Snow White. They ………. (13) Watch over her, day

and night but she did not wake up.

Then one day a handsome Prince rode into the forest. When he saw

Snow White, he knelt down and ………. (14). Snow White tenderly. His kiss

awakened her. Snow White and the Prince ………. (15) Off to his kingdom

where they lived happily ever after.


Decide on:

• a topic

• audience

a) Make sure you understand the purpose of the task.

b) Brainstorm what you know and what you need to know.

c) Gather information you need. Keep a record of the references you have used

as you go.

d) Plan your ideas, layout and structure

e) Take notes by using mind map or a graphic organizer


a) Decide on a writing template that you will use.

b) Follow the structure of the template.

c) Write down your ideas in note form (if you wish you could use a template or a

graphic organizer).

d) Transfer your notes into sentences.

If you are constructing paragraphs make sure you have

followed the structure of a paragraph. For example, do you

need a topic sentence?


Editing and proofreading your work

a) Read your writing. Does it make sense?

b) Have you used specific words to support your ideas?

c) Have you got someone else to check your work?

d) Or have you shown your teacher?

e) Do you need to add more?

f) Have you written it for your chosen audience?

g) Have you checked for mistakes, such as punctuation, spelling and grammar?

h) Have you followed the structure of that particular text type?

i) Are you ready to write your final copy?

Have you used the correct tense (e.g. past, present or future)

throughout your writing?


a) Write your final/good copy

b) Is this your best work?

c) Is it presented well? Have you included references/glossary and diagrams

Capital letters

Full stops

Question marks



Capital letters are used:

to start a sentence to begin speech

Kim said. “Are we there yet?”

for the first letter of proper nouns

James lives in Baldwin Drive, Kaleen.

to indicate the word “I”

For titles of books, movies, songs, magazines etc.

Tomorrow When the War Bargain

Full stops are used:

at the end of a sentence

when numbers are used to show the time

The lesson starts at 9.00am.

to end abbreviations (shortened versions of words

that don’t letter as the original word) ed. (editor)

*Abbreviations like Mr. and St (Saint) don’t need the

same letter as the original word

Are used at the end of a sentence that asks a


What time is it?


Colons indicate intense emotion

Ouch! Shh! Help!

introduce lists, series or quotations

Luke plays the following sports: tennis, cricket,

basketball and volleyball.

How to avoid plagiarism


1. Acknowledge correctly the source of any quotations, paraphrases,

summaries, or other information that is not common knowledge.

2. Place quotation marks around any information that is directly

quoted from a source

3. Ensure that paraphrased information is accurate.

4. Remember to record the source of information when you are

taking notes.

5. Differentiate between direct quotes and paraphrases when taking


6. Develop your own writing style and voice.

7. Indicate that the source was “quoted in....” if you do not have the

original source that was referred to another source.

8. Learn how to detect and prevent plagiarism.


1. Copy, buy, steal or borrow another person's work in

part or in whole and present it as your own - evenyour

friend's ideas.

2. Use material directly from books, journals, CDs or the

internet without reference to the source.

3. Build on the ideas of another person without reference

to the source.

4. Submit work which another person (e.g.: parent or

teacher) has substantially contributed.

5. Use words, ideas, designs or the workmanship of

others in practical and performance tasks without

appropriate acknowledgement.

6. Pay someone to write or prepare material for you.

7. Allow other students to use or copy your assessment

material and information to complete their assessment

tasks. When it is suspected that students have shared

information for assessment students involved will be

deemed to have plagiarized.


F. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific approach

2. Autonomous learning

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Deskripsi Kegiatan

Alokasi Waktu


dan structuring

1. Guru menjelaskan

pelajaran yang akan


2. Guru menyampaikan

kegiatan pembelajaran

yang akan dilaksanakan

hari itu.

3. Guru menyampaikan

tujuan pembelajaran yang

ingin dicapai yaitu

memahami fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur


10 menit



1. Siswa menyimak contoh

teks yang diberikan oleh


2. Siswa mengamati fungsi

sosial, struktur dan unsur


3. Guru membimbing siswa

untuk menganalisis

keteladaan dari cerita

naratif tersebut.

4. Siswa berlatih menemukan

gagasan utama dan

informasi yang ada dalam

teks narrative


1. Guru merangsang siswa

untuk menanyakan

perbedaan antara teks

recount dan teks narrative,

serta dalam berbagai teks

70 menit


bahasa inggris.

2. Siswa mempertanyakan

gagasan utama; informasi

rinci dan informasi tertentu

dalam teks tersebut.

3. Siswa mempertanyakan

tentang mekanisme

penulisan naratif.


1. Siswa mendengarkan teks

narrative yang diberikan

oleh guru untuk menyimak

pengucapan pada teks


2. Siswa berlatih mengisi kata

yang hilang dalam teks

narrative tersebut dengan

kata kata yang telah


3. Siswa mencari kosakata

yang belum dipahami.

4. Siswa melengkapi dan

memperbaiki tanda baca

yang kurang tepat.


1. Siswa berlatih menganalisis

sebuah teks narrative fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaannya secara


2. Siswa memperoleh feedback

dari guru dan temannya

tentang hasil analisisnya.


1. Siswa menyampaikan

informasi fungsi sosial,

struktur dan unsur kebasaan

yang ditemukan setelah

membaca dan menyusun

teks narrative.

2. Guru dan siswa membahas

kosakata yang belum

dipahami siswa di masing



masing grup.

3. Siswa menyalin teks naratif

dari berbagai sumber.

1. Guru membimbing siswa

dalam menyimpulkan

tentang bagaimana

mengidentifikasi fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan teks


2. Guru mengakhiri

pembelajaran dan

memberikan pesan untuk

mengulang lagi materi yang

sudah dipelajari dirumah.

10 menit

H. Alat/Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Video/materi listening

2. Buku teks siswa

3. Kamus

4. Handout teks naratif

I. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian sikap

2. Penilaian tes menulis




Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto

Kelas : X

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect

Skills : Writing

Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti SMA Kelas X

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun, ramah

lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsive, pro aktif) dan

menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan bangsa

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam

menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan factual, konseptual, procedural

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban

terkait fenomena dan kejadian serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedur pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, menyaji dan menciptakan dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan diri yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan

mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar

komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri dan bertanggungjawab dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada pernyataan dan

pertanyaan tindakan kejadian yang dilakukan terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk

waktu terjadinya dengan yang merujuk pada kesudahannya, sesuai dengan konteks


4. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan

kejadian yang dilakukan terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya

dengan yang merujuk pada kesudahannya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Indicator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Siswa mampu menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

simple past tense dan present perfect tense.


2. Siswa aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar dikelas.

3. Menyatakan kegiatan/kejadian/peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks simple

past tense dan perfect tense.

D. Tujuan pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari bab ini siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait simple past tense dan

present perfect tense.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi terkait simple past tense dan present perfect tense.

3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat simple past tense dan present perfect tense.

4. Merespon makna simple past tense dan present perfect tense dalam penggunaannya

dalam bahasa inggris.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

1. A). did you like the movie “Stars Wars?”

B). I don’t know. I (see, never) have never seen that movie.

2. Sam (arrive) arrived in San Diego a week ago.

3. My best friend and I (know) have known each other for over fifteen years. We still

get together once a week.

4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) has written ten very creative short stories in

the last year. One day, he’ll be as famous as Hemingway.

5. I (have, not) have not had this much fun since I (be) was a kid.

6. Things (change) have changed a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start)

started working here three years ago, the company (have, only) only had six

employees. Since then, we (expand) have expanded to include more than 2000 full-

time workers.

7. I (tell) told him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he ( wander) wandered

off into the forest and (be) was bitten by a snake.

8. Listen Donna, I don’t care if you (miss) missed the bus this mrning. You (be) have

been late to work too many times. You are fired!

9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds, of miles from the coast, so he (see never)

has never seen the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

10. How sad! George (dream) dreamt of going to California before he died, but he didn’t

make it. He (see never) never saw the ocean

11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) has become much easier and very

comfortable in the 19th century; it (take) took two or three months to cross North

America by covered wagon. The trip (be) was very rough and often dangerous.

Things (change) have changed a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now

you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

12. Jonny, I can’t believe how much you (change) have changed since the last time. I

(see) saw you. You (grow) have grown at least a foot!

13. This tree (be) was planted by the settlers who (found) founded our city over four

hundred years ago.

14. This mountain (be, never) has never been climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers


(try) have tried to reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever) has ever succeeded. The

climb is extremely difficult and many people (die) have died trying to reach the


15. I (visit, never) have never visited Africa, but I (travel) have traveled to South

America several times. The last time I (go) went to South America, I (visit) visited

Brazil and Peru. I (spend) spent two weeks in the Amazon, (hike) hiked for a week

near Machu Picchu, and (fly) flew over the Nazca Lines.








Are the names of people, places, things or feelings?

Common nouns are the names for general people,

places, things or feelings eg boy, house, car, anger. They

make sense when the words “a”, “an” “or” “the” are

placed in front of them.

Proper nouns are the names of specific people, places or

things and are always written with a capital letter e.g.

Taylor, Benjamin Way, Belconnen.

Take the place of nouns e.g. I gave Jessica the apple and

she ate it.

Add extra meaning to nouns.

Descriptive adjectives

My house is white. The white house is mine.

Demonstrative adjective point out particular nouns.

That house is mine.

Enumerative adjectives indicate how much or how


Jordan has two sister. There were a few drops of rain.

Are “being”, “having” or “doing” words e.g. I am human

and I have feelings, so please run away.

Note that the verb can change based on the tense (refer

to tense).

Add extra meaning to verbs e.g. He ate slowly. I will eat

much later.

Show position (below, up, over, under, into, down) e.g.

Justin went up the hill.

Are joining or connecting words.

Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or) connect words

or phrases that are of similar importance e.g. The dog ate

the bone and some meat.

Subordinating conjunctions (because, if, though, that,

when, where, while) start clauses that are dependent on

the rest of the sentence for their meaning and do not

make sense on their own e.g. Jade auditioned for the







school play because she loves acting.

Are exclamations e.g. Ouch! Hey! Stop!

Are really adjectives, but deserve a separate explanation

because we use them all the time.

The is the definite article e.g. The dog ate my lunch.

A/an is the indefinite article e.g. A dog ate my lunch.

Refer to the capacity of verbs to express time. We often

work with 3 forms of tense-past, present and future.

Past - I jumped, I did jump, I was jumping

Present - I jump, I do jump, I am jumping

Future - I will jump, I will be jumping

The verb form can change depending on whether the

subject is singular or plural.

e.g. The car park (singularsubject)was (verb) full.

The car parks (plural subject)were (verb) full.

In these sentences each of the verbs agrees with its

subject. The correct verbs form has been used.

The verb must always agree with its subject. Single

subject=single, verb, plural subject=plural verb.



Simple 1. The Simple Past Tense

2. The Present Tense

3. The Simple Future


a) He lived in Jakarta last


b) He lives in Jakarta

c) He will live in Jakarta

next year.

Continuous 1. The Past

Continuous Tense

2. The Present

Continuous Tense

3. The Future

Continuous Tense

a) He was living in

Jakarta in March last


b) He is living in Jakarta


c) He will be living in

Jakarta for one month

next year.

Perfect 1. The Past Perfect


2. The Perfect Tense

a) He had lived in

Jakarta for two years

in 2008.

b) He has lived in Jakarta


3. The Future Perfect


for ten years now.

c) He will have lived in

Jakarta for fifteen

years in 2014.

Perfect Continuous 1. The Past Perfect

Continuous Tense

2. The Present Perfect

Continuous Tense

3. The Future Perfect

Continuous Tense

a) He had been living in

Jakarta for two years

in 2008.

b) He has been living in

Jakarta for ten years


c) He will have been

living in Jakarta

fifteen years in 2014.

F. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific approach.

2. Autonomous learning

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Orientation dan


1. Guru menjelaskan pelajaran

yang akan dipelajari.

2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan

pembelajaran yang akan

dilaksanakan hari itu.

3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai

yaitu memahami fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam simple past


10 menit


Modelling Mengamati:

1. Siswa mendengarkan dan

membaca beberapa contoh

kalimat simple past dalam

berbagai konteks di internet

2. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dalam simple past


3. Guru membimbing siswa untuk

membedakan penggunaan

simple past dengan tenses yang



1. Guru merangsang siswa untuk

menanyakan perbedaan antar

tenses simple past, simple past

contionus, past perfect continuous

dan simple past perfect.


1. Siswa menyatakan

tindakan/kejadian dengan

menggunakan simple past

menggunakan slides presentation

secara berkelompok.


1. Siswa membandingkan

penggunaan simple past dalam

Bahasa inggris dengan Bahasa



1. Siswa menyatakan dan

menanyakan kejadian di

waktu lampau dengan

menggunakan simple past


2. Guru dan siswa permasalahan

yang ditemui dalam belajar

simple past tense.

70 menit


Closing 1. Guru membimbing siswa dalam

menyimpulkan tentang bagaimana

mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan simple past tense.

2. Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran

dan memberikan pesan untuk

mengulang lagi materi yang sudah

dipelajari dirumah.

10 menit

H. Alat/Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku teks siswa.

2. Kamus

3. Slides presentation

I. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian sikap

2. Penilaian tes menulis


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2020, MUHAMMAD SYAHRUL was born in Bisoli, on April 10, 1995. He has one brother and two sisters. His father's name is Bella S and his mother's name is Nurbaya. He graduated his elementary school in 2006 at SD Inpres 126 Bisoli. He continued his study at SMP Negeri 2 Bangkala Barat and graduated in 2009. His senior high school was at SMA Negeri. 4 Jeneponto and graduated in 2013. At the same year he was accepted as English Department student of Faculty Teacher Training and Education in Makassar Muhammadiyah University. At the end of his study, he could finish his thesis in 2020 entitled The Use of Blog to Increase Students’ Writing Skill (A Pre-Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 4 Jeneponto.