The Usage of Code-switching through Indonesian Movies Anually

The Usage of Code-switching through Indonesian Movies Anually Arranged By Group 11 Tutor : Rika Wahyuni Tambunan (2123321065) Member : Imamul Khaira (2123321037) Margareta Res R.S. (2123321044) Nurima Pasaribu (2123321060) Rosmelai Simanulang (2123321069) English and Literature Department Faculty of Language and Arts State University of Medan Page | 1

Transcript of The Usage of Code-switching through Indonesian Movies Anually

The Usage of Code-switching throughIndonesian Movies Anually

Arranged By

Group 11

Tutor : Rika Wahyuni Tambunan (2123321065)

Member : Imamul Khaira (2123321037)

Margareta Res R.S. (2123321044)

Nurima Pasaribu (2123321060)

Rosmelai Simanulang (2123321069)

English and Literature Department

Faculty of Language and Arts

State University of Medan

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Thank to Allah, because the blessing we can

complete mini research of using a code-switching in

Indonesian movies. We also would like to thank to our

lecturer Dra, Meisuri M.A, who gives us intruction,

advise, and motivation so that we could finish this

paper. We have found some obstacles when we did the

preparation of this research but we could cover them by

did our lecturer’s advice ad found some theory related

to our research. We had been scripted the Indonesian

movie which have code-switching in there. After the

data collected we tried to analyze the data by grouping

the data to be the types of code-switching. We know

that in our paper have some mistakes and still have a

weakness, so we hope that the readers want to give

comments, and suggestion to correct this paper to be

better so that our argument is truly right. Finally, we

say thank you to all of people who have read this

paper. We hope that all the readers could get the

benefit from our paper.

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Medan, April 2014


Table of Content


Table of Content



Chapter I............................................:


A. Background of Mini Research...............1

B. Formulation of Problem....................2

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C. Objective of Mini Research................2

Chapter II...........................................:

Review of Related Literature.........................3

A. Code......................................3

B. Code Switching............................4

Chapter III..........................................:



A. Source of Data


B. Technique of Data Collection


C. Technique of Data Analysis


Chapter IV...........................................:

Finding and Discussion


A. Finding


B. Discussion


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Chapter V............................................:





Chapter I


A. Background of Mini Research

Language is a tool of communication from one person

to another. A language is what native speakers say, not

what someone thinks they ought to say (Clifford H.

Prator, 1980). Language has variation. This is caused

by the user of this language have different background

such as social class, child, adult, and teenager.

Variation of language always happen in social

environment and people cannot despite from it.

Sociolinguistic studies how the various languags

are differed among of groups in the social

environment. It is separated by certain social

variables. for instance: ethnicity, religion, status,

gender, level of education, age, etc.

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One of sociolinguistic topics is code-switching.

Language and society are studied in sociolinguistics.

Sociolinguistics also studied about code choice. Code

choice is divided into code-switching and code-mixing.

According to Victoria and Rodman (1998), code-switching

is a term in linguistics referring to use more than one

language or dialect in conversation.

Language and society can not be separated. People

always use code-switching in their daily life. It

becomes a phenomenon where a director attracts the

audience through the usage of code-switching in

Indonesian Movie which he creates.

The progress of code-switching’s usage in

Indonesian Movies increases every year. It can be seen

from many movies which use code-switching in the

scenario. The first popular language that uses code-

switching is English. After a few years, not only

English which is used as code-switching. There are some

languages, such as: Arabian language, Korean language

and French language, etc

B. Formulation of Problem

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The problems of this research are:

1. What language of code-switching is used in

Indonesian movies?

2. How many code-switching is used in Indonesian


3. How are the difficulties of code-switching in

Indonesian movies?

4. How are the progress or developments of usage code-

switching in Indonesian movies?

C. Objective of Mini Research

Based on the research’s questions above, the main

purposes of this research are to find out the


1. To explain the language of code-switching is used in

Indonesian movies.

2. To know the number of code-switching is used in

Indonesian movies

3. To know the difficulties of code switch in

Indonesian movies.

4. To know the progress or developments of usage code-

switching in Indonesian movies.

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Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

A. Code

People use codes as symbols to explain or convey

their ideas in order to be more understandable by a

receiver while they make an exchange. Code is a

language or variety of a language.7 The term of code

refers to each kind of system used to communicate by

two or more speakers. Therefore, code as a neutral term

used to indicate or refer to the language or style used

by the speaker.

Kridalaksana said that “code” is:

1. A symbol as a system expression that is used to

describe a certain meaning. Human being’s language is a

kind of code.

2. A language system in a community.

3. A certain variation in a language.

Holmes (2008, pp. 35-46) has identified five major

reasons for code-switching as follow:

1. Participants, solidarity and status

Holmes (2008) states that people may use one

language for greetings (in indicating solidarity

between speaker and listener) and another language when

there is a change in social dimension such as the

Page | 8

status relations between participants, or formality of

the setting. Similarly, one may switch to his or her

mother tongue to signal shared ethnicity with an


2. Topic

It is asserted that bilinguals or multilinguals

often find it easier to discuss certain topics in a

particular language rather than another. Chinese

Malaysians often find certain kinds of referential

content more easily expressed in Mandarin rather than

in Malay. This is meticulously common when quoting

Chinese proverbs regardless for affective or

referential functions.

3. Switching for affective functions

Some people do code-switching to get an affective

message sent. This function normally occurs when one

needs to move from a formal style which distances the

speaker from the addressee to a more intimate and

friendly style, or vice versa.

4. Metaphorical switching

This kind of switching is done frequently in

sentential level. It occurs most probably due to the

incompetence of the speaker in both languages, or due

to social and symbolic associations between both codes.

It is asserted that by conversing using two or more

languages, the speakers will convey not only the

information, but also their affective meaning.

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5. Lexical borrowing

The linguist also states that this king of

switching is due to the lack of vocabulary in the

primary language. When speaking in a second language,

some speakers tend to bring in certain terms from their

first language because they cannot find the appropriate

term in their second language. They borrow the

vocabulary from their mother tongue instead to express

a concept or describe an object.

B. Code-Switching

Code-switching involves the alternative language

which is used by two languages or various linguistics

within the same utterances or during the same

conversations. In this case, the bilingual people are

speaking to each other The switching can consist of

changing languages: in that of monolinguals or shift of


Code-switching or code-choice refers to the usage

of two languages in the same sentences or discourse.12

Code-switching is an inevitable consequence of

bilingualism.13 Anyone who speaks more than one

language chooses between them according to

circumstances. The first consideration is which

language will be comprehensible to the person

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addressed; speakers choose a language which the other

person can understand.

1. Types of Code-Switching

Code-switching can be classified in accordance

with two different classifications named here

grammatical and contextual classification. The

grammatical classification is based on where in the

sentence or utterance the switching appears while the

contextual classification is based on the reasons why a

bilingual switches.

The grammatical classification results in three

types of codeswitching, namely tag-code-switching,

inter-sentential code-switching and intra-sentential


a. Tag Code-Switching

A tag code-switching happens when a bilingual

inserts short expressions (tag) from different language

at the end of his/her utterances. Here is the example:

An Indonesian bilingual switches from another language

to Indonesian.


- yea iam ok, ri makasih ea (Love in Perth)

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- That’s right, that’s right, betul’ betul (Kiamat

Sudah Dekat)

b. Inter-sentential Code-Switching

An inter-sentential code-switching happens when

there is a complete sentence in a foreign language

uttered between two sentences in a base language. Here

is the example. An Indonesian bilingual switches from

Indonesian to another language.


Oh, c’mon man, c’mon. ayo kita bicara dulu. Ada

apa man ? (Kiamat Sudah Dekat)

Amin ya Allah, Amin كرا اذ� ل�ك� ش�� س�ت� (KCB) ا� Hey - hey, What’s up man? Ada apa, ada apa ini?

(Kiamat Sudah Dekat)

c. Intra-sentential Code-Switching

An intra-sentential code-switching is found when a

word, a phrase, or a clause of a foreign language is

found within the sentence in a base language. Here is

the example. Another language bilingual switches from

another language to Indonesian.


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Dhani..Dhani loe gak apapa kan? Dhani tahan donk,

dhani please sadar. Someone please help, someone

please help me (Love in Perth)

ini insya Allah sidang mumtaznya. Datang dong Zam

biar ana lebih pede (KCB)

selamat ya sob, ana yakin antum bisa jadi

entrepeneur yang hebat (KCB)

Unlike the grammatical classification, which is

based on the position of the different codes found in

the utterances, the contextual classification is based

on the reasons why people switch. The classification

divides into two types of code-switching, namely the

situational and metaphorical code-switching.

Situational Code-Switching

A situational code-switching appears when there is

a change in the situation that causes the

bilingual switches from one code to the other. The

changing situations involved could be the Setting,

the Participants, or the Norms of Interaction. The

following short dialogue describes an example of a

situation when an Indonesian bilingual switches

from Indonesian to another language because of the

Page | 13

presence of an English native-speaker friend




Azam : jangan banyak omong ya, kalau kalian

ngomong harus sama dengan aku

Ali : Ia cak

Police :! عب� ا س���������������ي� ا ل�ش���������������� ي� دون�� ن�� ا،لإ orang) وه�ت���������������� Indonesia,


ن% ي'� د� ت�رون% ال����� ر� ا ي��ش����� ت� لخ� ان�� ا؟ وال�كت����� د� siapa yang beli roti) ه�����dan kebab ini?)

Azam : ا ن5� (saya) ا�Police ن��ت� : (?kamu) ا�Azam: عم ا ن�� ن5� (ya saya) ا�

Metaphorical Code-Switching

A metaphorical code-switching happens when there

is a change in the perception, or the purpose, or the

topic of the conversation. In reference with the

factors, this type of code-switching involves the Ends,

the Act Sequences, or the Key, but not the situation.

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Bilinguals that code-switch metaphorically perhaps try

to change the participants’ feeling towards the

situation. The following example illustrates how some

Indonesian students jokingly switch from another

language to Indonesian to affect a serious dialogue to

be a bit humorous.


Made : We want to take it, to where ... Ya, itu tempat kita biasa mancing

(fishing), and we are drinking, singing, having fun, ok.

Ali : And, there we are surfing, swimming...terus, kita jadi pusing-pusing

(feeling dizzy) dah... ha ha ha...

Made : Are you joining, Jim?

Jim : Okay, then.

The table below presents the classifications on

code-switching (CS) based on two different points of

view described here.

Points of view Code-SwitchingPosition of the changing in the


Tag Code-SwitchingInter-Sentential Code-

SwitchingIntra-Sentential Code-

Page | 15


Reasons for switching

Situational Code-

SwitchingMetaphorical Code-


Table 2.1

2. Functions of Code-Switching

Code-switch passages are clearly identifiable

either as direct or reported speech. It also serves to

direct message to one of the several possible

addressees (addressee specification).

Code-switching serves to mark an interjection; to

repeat a message either in literal or modified form;

quality construction as sentences and verb complements

or a predicate following copula message qualification.

Another category serves to relate such things as the

distinction between the talk about action and talk as

an action; the degree of speaker involvement in, or

distance from, a message; whether the statements

reflected to a personal opinion or knowledge, or

reffered to a specific instances, or whether it has the

authoritybof a generally known fact (personalization or

objectification). Meanwhile, the last category is

intended to facilitate the speaker when he faces

difficulty in finding the right word at the time of

speaking. Thus, the function of code-switching are:

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1) Quotation

In many instances, the subject code switched to

quote themselves and others directly or simply to state

a slogan of a maxim. Subject quoted themselves or

others directly or indirectly to sound more credible to

the addresses. Seemingly, a quotation as a proof that

what they are saying were fact and that the addresses

had to believe them. This is exemplified in example


The speaker wanted to reject Dhani’s invittation to have a dinner with him.

kayak pernah dengar, thank, but no thanks

The speaker asking about the condition of Lola

la, lola, loe kenapa? Are you ok?

From the examples given, it can be deducted that

the subject switched the codes to preserve the

originality of the message. They could have restricted

the quotation in Indonesian but they did not. Perhaps

they felt that the message, which was originally said

in another language, would not have the same impact on

the addresses if they have been translated into


2) Addressee Specification

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In the second set of examples the switch serves to

direct the message to a specific person. This type of

code-switching recognizes not only the interacting

members of the speech events but it also recognizes

that their language behaviour may be more than merely a

matter of individual preference or facility. But also a

matter of role relation.

Furqan : apa kabar?

Azam : Alhamdulillah sehat, gimana kabar thesis kamu?

Furqan : bulan ini insya Allah sidang mumtaznya. Datang

dong Zam biar ana lebih pede

Azam : insyaAllah

3) Repetition

Sometimes a message is repeated in the other code,

either literally or in somewhat modified form.

Repetition may serve to clarify what is said, amplify

or emphasize the message, or mark a joke.

Haji Romli : lo udah di khitan ?

Fandy : di khitan?

Haji romli : sunat, sunat.

Fandy : sunat ?

Haji romli : di potong

Fandy : di potong?

Haji romli : Astaghfirullah.

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4) Message Qualification

Another large group of code-switching consist of

qualifying constructions such as clauses, sentences and

phrases (verb and noun complement). A considerable

amount of switching under this category is meant to

express the time concept. The subject generally

switched from Indonesian to English whenever they

specified the time. Below example is only among of the

many switches that can be found in the whole corpus.

Pak haji : Gak, gak ada pacaran, haram!. Langsung nikah!

Fandi : (nampak kegirangan), oh, I like it. Boleh-boleh, ok!

Pak haji : pacaran nanti kalo udah kawin, aman gak ada


Fandi : Oh, that’s right, pak haji. Betul-bentul.

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Chapter III


A. Source of Data

The object of this research take from 5 Indonesian

Movies, that is Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2003), Ketika Cinta

Bertasbih 1 (2009), Love in Perth (2010), Hello Goodbye


B. Technique of Data Collection.

In order to find data of code-switching in the 5

Indonesian movies, the writer write the code-

switching’s script of the 5 Indonesian Movies.

1. Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2003)




Haji Romli : Allah, Subhanallah.

Fandy : Sorry man, Sorry, sorry




Haji Romli : Anak muda, seminggu lagi datang

ke musholla setelah ba’da


Fandy : Jam berapa pak?

Haji Romli : Ba’da ashar.

Fandy : Ba’da Ashar, iya, iya. Oke


Permisi pak.3rd


Haji Romli : Ingat waktu lu cuma seminggu,

lewat seminggu jangan harap lo

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Switch berpapasan dengan gue.


Haji Sani : Waalaikumsalam, pak haji, pak




Semprol : Hey, pulang man.

Fandy : Hey - hey, What’s up man?

Ada apa, ada apa ini?

Semprol : Tanya aja tuh orang.

Fandy : Oh, c’mon man, c’mon. ayo kita

bicara dulu. Ada apa man ?Pak haji : Jadi bener elo pengin kawin

ama anak gue?

Fandi : ya, biasanya sih penjajakan

dulu pak haji, pacaran!,


Pak haji : Gak, gak ada pacaran, haram!.

Langsung nikah!

Fandi : (nampak kegirangan), oh, I like

it. Boleh-boleh ok!

Pak haji : pacaran nanti kalo udah kawin,

aman gak ada fitnah.

Fandi : Oh, that’s right, pak haji.




Haji Romli : lo udah di khitan ?

Fandy : di khitan?

Haji romli : sunat, sunat.

Fandy : sunat ?

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Haji romli : di potong

Fandy : di potong?

Haji romli : Astaghfirullah.7th



Fandy : okay man.

Semprol : sip man.

Fandy : okay, one two three go.8th



Fandy : Pemerintah Amerika siapin gua,

pemerintah kita, disini ?

Dan itu artinya…

Temen fandy 1 : Kita akan hancur lebut

man, hancur lebur.

Fandy : That’s right, that’s right,

betul’ betulTable 3.1

Table 3.2

2. Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (2009)

1st Code


Furqan : apa kabar?

Azam : Alhamdulillah sehat

2nd Code


Furqan : bulan ini insyaAllah mumtaznya.

Datang dong Zambiar ana lebih


Azam : insyaAllah

3rd Code Furqan : selamat ya sob, ana yakin antum

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Switch bisa jadi yang terhebat

Azam & Furqan : Amin ya Rabb

4th Code


Azam : Assalamu’alaikum

Eliana : Ok pulang duluan sih?

5th Code


Azam : Assalamu’alaikum

Nasir and Wail :wa’alaikum salam

warahmatullahi wabarkatuh, dari

mana saja kang?

Wail : ا ن5� و م�ن% ا� ت���� ون5< ، ت�� لس���مي� ,saya dari Tonto) وان��nama saya Wail)

Wail : م�ن% لك� ض� ،ف�� د ق�� ي ق� ب� ن�� كل ي��ش� ح ,silahkan) مري�5semoga istirahatmu nyaman)

Azam : sebentar sir

Nasir : ي�� رن5 (permisi sebentar) اع�د�Wail : لك� ض� (silahkan) م�ن% ف��

6th Code

SwitchPolice ا ول�كن% : ن����5� د ا� ك����5 ا� ن% م�ت� ي'�ر� ا م�ن% ا� ق�ر ول�ب� ة� ق����� ب� tapi aku) ه ذق��

yakin laporan itu benar) دا ن�������������� ا�

اذه� دا ح���� طي� ،ح����� خ� ان% وي�� اع���ة� ك���� ار ن�� ض���� ال�خ� (tukang sayuritu sangat tajam, dan tidak

pernah salah)

Page | 23

Azam : jangan banyak omong ya, kalau

kalian ngomong harus sama dengan


Ali : Ia cak

7th Code


Furqan : hallo

Sarah ف� : ب� ؟ ال�مض� ان% (?tuan Furqan) ال�ق�رق��Furqan ا : ا ، ح�ست� ي� ه�و ه�د� (?betul, ini siapa) ال�د�

8th Code

SwitchUstadzah : �ي� ن5 ه������������ا د ، ت�� ك� ق�������������� ام������������� ن�� ة� ا� ارك������������� م ، م�ت� ت� ن'� ول و ت������������� ت�راح ق�� الإق�������������

(selamat anakku, semoga umurmu

barokah, proposal diterima)

ا ت� ق� ي� ل�كم ال�لة وف�� ع�داذ ف� ط�روحة� ا ا�(semoga Allah membimbingmu dalam

menyusun tesis)

Ana : Amin ya Allah, Amin كرا ك� ش������� اذ� ل������ ت� س������ ا�

(terima kasih professor)

9th CodeSwitch Ana : مح س�������� ؟ ك�ن�ب� ، لي� ا ة� س�������ي� ي� دون�� ,permisi) الإن�� anda

orang Indonesia)

Azzam : ya benar, anda juga dari


Table 3.2

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3. Love in Pert (2012)

1st Code


Dhani : exuse me maam.. permisi

Pramugari : exuse me, any snack free guys,

for you sir.

2nd Code


Lola : seriusan? Loe sekolah disitu,

gue juga bakal sekolah disitu


Dhani : what? Haa? Dan loe bakal

tinggal di?

Lola : gue bakal tinggal di apartemen

di city stay

Dhani : oh God

Lola : kenapa? Kita sama lagi ea?

Dhani : oh my God

3rd Code


Bule : may I help you?

Lola : no thank you, I just go

Tiwi : first, that’s my room,that’s

yours, second you not don’t to

touch my mine

Lola : tunggu..tunggu loe bukanya dari

Jakarta juga ea

Tiwi : so?

Lola : trus kenapa gak pakai bahasa

Indonesia saja sich

Tiwi : i am done, looking there. I

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wanna talking to you

Lola : tunggu-tunggu boleh nanyak 1

lagi gak? Arah kiblat kemana


Tiwi : what?

Lola : kiblat, barat, arah solat

Tiwi : he..he..he I don’t think have

kiblat here4th Code


Arif : yuk ikutin gue yea

Lola : ok,thank you

Arif : loe absolutely anak beasiswa

cute banget sich. Tenang aja

masih ada kok tempat2 yang cool

dan sesuai dengan kantung kita

Lola : ahh? Jagan bilang loe beasiswa

kids juga

Tiwi : what? It’s my room business


Lola : ea tapi gue tadi lagi

Tiwi : what ever, shut up, and go

away, okay bye..bye I said

bye..bye can go now. Bye..bye

move5th Code


Lola : ngapain gue sirik, gue juga

pengen bagian dari kalian

Dhani : fine, siapa yang mau jadi

bagian dari kita? Udah balik ke

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Tiwi : oh hai dhani, oh my god, I

feeling so good. I honest, my

party, common let’s go it

Dhani : gue balik aja

Tiwi : what? Dhani p lease com e on

Dhani : kepala gue pusing,so gue balik


Tiwi : whatever

6th Code


Dhani : setelah kita berantem kemarin

Lola : sorry yea gue bukan dendaman


Dhani : I know, tapi kalau dari

Indonesia kebudayaan itu begitu

banyak dan gue gak tahu 1 pun,

gimana cara ngerjainya? Loe

sendiri bikinya tentang apa?7th Code

Switch Lola : hai tiwi house life, isn’t it


Lola : dhani..dhani loe gak apapa kan?

Dhani tahan donk, dhani please

sadar. Someone please help,

someone please help me

Tiwi : what happen

Temen dhani : mobilnya nabrak sampai

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hancur gitu

Tiwi : oh my God, dhani wake up please

8th Code


Dhani : dengar dulu gue

minta maaf. La please gue mau

ngajak elo jalan sekali aja

Lola : kayak pernah dengar, thank, but

no thanks

Dhani : lola I want to go out with me?

Mau gue antar?

Lola : gak usah

9th Code


Tiwi : hypocrite

Lola : apa?

Tiwi : I am talking about you, get

lost Lola

Lola : kenapa tadi loe ngatain gue





Arif : Lola ada?

Tiwi : pardon me?

Arif : udah lah lupain aja

Tiwi : because you are. Right? You are

talking don’t like him, but now

you like biggest fans.

Lola : loe yg bikin peraturan, urisin

masalah masing2. Jadi loe gak

punya hak ngurusin masalah gue.

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Lagian kenapa kalau gue temanan

dengan dhani? Loe jealous? Pacar

loe bukanya banyak?

Tiwi : don’t are you with me?

Lola : and i am be happy tiwi

Tiwi : eh,not you think make you

happy, it is money right.




Sheren : who are you?

Lola : I am his friend

Arif : sheren dia temen gue.

Indo juga

Sheren : seisi apartemen ini kamar gue

Arif : aduh..aduh udah. Sorry La, dia

kalau tidur memang kayak gitu.

Suka-suka pindah




Dhani : lola mana?

Tiwi : lola has move away

Dhani : kemana dia?

Tiwi : don’t know, and I don’t care




Arif : la, lola, loe kenapa? Are you


Lola : yea I am ok, ri makasih ea

Table 3.3

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4. Hello Goodbye (2013)

1st Code


Penjual gelang : (silahkan) hasigi


Pegawai KBRI : how much

Penjual gelang : (apa?) mueos

Pegawai KBRI : tanyain dong

Indah : ini berapa?? (I bangbeob)

Penjual gelang : (lima ribu) ocheon

Pegawai KBRI : one? Rupiahnya?

Indah : empat puluh ribu

Pegawai KBRI : gak jadi deh..

Indah : (terima kasih) gamsahabnida

Penjual gelang : (iyaa) ye

2nd Code


Pegawai KBRI (man) : (permisi... saya dari

kedutaan besar Indonesia)

sillyehabnida, naneun

Indonesia daesagwan eseo

Orang pelabuhan: (kedutaan besar Indonesia?)

wass-eoyo I ndonesia-eo


Pegawai KBRI (man) : (iyaa.. ) geu

Orang pelabuhan: (mari ke kantor, ada

doktamen yang harus di

tandatangani. Ada yang bisa ikut ke

rumah sakit?) samusil e

seomyeong haeyahaneun munseo

Page | 30

gaiss-eul su issseubnida.

Amugeosdo byeong-won e eobs-

eossda ?

Pegawai KBRI (man) : ndah, kamu ikut

ambulance nanti saya nyusul.

Indah : hah??

Pegawai KBRI (man) : udah kamu sana


Indah : (tunggu...kedutaan besar

Indonesia.) gidalibnida.

I ndonesia-eo daesagwan .

Orang rumah sakit: (permisi...anda

keluarganya?? Tolong isi formulir ini

dulu. Terimakasih) naega .. deo

gajog eul byeonmyeong ?

meonjeo I yangsig-eul

jagseonghaseyo .


Abi : siapa tadi nama kamu?

Indah : kamu bule atau indon..

Suster : (permisi.. kami mau pergi dulu yaa..

cek sebentar ya pak).. sillye ..

ulineun jigeum jeeo hal .

gandanhi ye seonsaengnim eul


3rd Code Abi : makanannya gak enak, nanti

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Switch saya makin muntah lagi..

Indah : udah makan enak aja kamu di


Abi : suruh mereka pergi dari


Suster : (dia bilang apa?) geuneun dne


Indah : (saya juga tidak mengerti.) ttohan

ihaehaji anhneunda

Dokter : pasien dari Indonesia sangat

menyulitkan. Abi itu orang Indonesia

karena dia tidak betah disini, dia tidak

mau minum obat, jarang makan dan

sering muntah karena sesuatu ada

yang mempengaruhi lambungnya.

I ndonesia-eseo hwanjaneun

maeu eolyeobseubnida.

Geunyeoneun yeogie jib-eseo

neukkil su eobsgi ttaemun-

e , geuga yag-eul bog-yong

haji anhgo, jaju gutoga

deumulge issgi ttaemun-e

wijang e yeonghyang-eul

michineun seuteuleseuleul

meog-eul ABI neun

seuteuleseuleul haessda

Indah : (jadi bagaimana dokter? Apa yang

Page | 32

harus saya lakukan?)

geuleohdamyeon eotteohge

uisa ? naneun mueos-eulhaeya

haneunga ?

Dokter : (dia harus membantu dirinya sendiri

minta dia berhenti marah pada

keadaan).geuneun jasin-I

sangtae eseo hwaleul jungji

dallago doum-I iss-


Dokter : abi belum normal

sepenuhnya, tapi perawatan

bisa dilanjutkan di

Indonesia dengan surat

rekomendasi dari saya.

4th Code


Rustaf : (hallo, selamat pagi..) annyeong .

joh-eun achim.

Abi : pagi.

Rustaf : abi kan?? Saya rustaf dari

KBRI. Indah sakit dia flu


(Maaf suster, kursi roda buat siapa?)

joesong jamae , hwilcheeo

nuguleul wihae ?

Suster : (kalau saya tidak salah mengerti,

Page | 33

dia yang minta untuk jalan-jalan

sesudah makan.) naneun sigsa hu

geolileul yogu haneun

geuleul ohaehaji masibsio.

Rustaf : (tunggu sebentar yaa) bun YAA

leul gidalibnida. Abi mau

jalan-jalan ditemani suster


Abi : habis ini saya mau tidur.

Rustaf : (tidak jadi, maaf.). geuli ,


Suster : (baiklah.) OK

5th Code


Indah : selamat pagi..

Abi : udah sembuh.

Indah : udah. Cuma flu biasa kok.

6th Code


Indah : saya sudah harus pergi,

jalanan udah mulai penuh.

Abi : boleh saya minta kau

merebah disini? Sebentar..

Suster : (waktunya minum obat.). yag-eul

bog-yong haneun sigan

Indah : saya pamit.

Table 3.4

C. Technique of Data Analysis.

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There are some steps of analyzing code switch in

Indonesian movies. The first analyze the language which

use as code switch. The second is count the number of

code switch. The third is analyzing the difficulties of

code switch.


Sudah Dekat

Love in
















of the


geTable 3.5

Page | 35

Chapter IV

Finding and Discussion

A. Finding

Kiamat Sudah

Dekat (2003)



Bertasbih 1


Love in








Indonesia –


Indonesia –


Arabic -


Arabic –


Indonesia –


English -






a -



a –


Korea –




- KoreaNumber

of Code



8 Acts 9 Acts 13 Acts 6 Acts



lty of












Hard to



Page | 36

Table 4.1

B. Discussion

Based on data which find in the script,

formulation of problem and table 4.1, there are 3 point

that will discuss.

1. Language of Code Switching.

Language which is used in Indonesian Movies

has developed. In film Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2003),

there are 3 languages are used in that movie and

the three languages are always applied in the

daily activitiy. However, the next 10 years, the

usage of another language is applied in Hello

Goodbye (2013) which uses Korean language which is

used seldom by Korean in the daily life. Then,

after knowing about this movie, actually a reason

why the director creates this movie by using

korean language because Indonesian has been

influenced the culture of Korea itself which is

called as the Korea fever.

2. The Number of Code-switching

The number of code-switching which is used in

Indonesian Movies depend on the type of the movie

itself and where the movie takes place. In Kiamat

Sudah Dekat (2003), there are 8 acts that uses

code-switching in the scenario. It occurs because

Page | 37

the setting of this movie in Indonesia and the

code-switching (arabian langauge) is used because

the kind of the movie is religious movie and it is

also the compliment to complete the characteristic

of Fandy who was born in America and the title of

“Haji Romli” as a good person.

In Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 1 (2009), the

settings of movie takes place in Egypt and Arab

which uses Arabian language. Because of that,

code-switching is used as the profile of the


Similar to Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2003), Love

in Perth (2012) also takes place in Indonesia, but

the setting is dominant in Perth, Australia. The

code switch also uses to explain the profile of


The last is Hello Goodbye (2013) which takes

place in Korea. code-switching is used to interact

with people there.

3. The Difficulty of Language

The difficulties of language which happen in

using the code-switching become hard to

understand. It is caused by another languages

which are not familiar in Indonesian such as

Korean Language. Moreover, the languages are still

foreign languages for them and they never apply

Page | 38

those languages directly in the daily activity.

But, the code-switching itself makes the

Indonesian Movies get their profits in adolecents.

So, it gives the impact for these both of sides.

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Chapter V


Based on the discussion in the previous chapters,

it can be concluded that:

1. The usage of Code-switching in Indonesian movies

based on the development of Indonesian culture.

2. The theme of Indonesian Movie doesn’t interrupt the

number of code-switching’s usage.

3. In the last 11 years, the using of code-switching in

Indonesian movies become familiar because of the

usage of various languages, such as: English, Arabian

language, French language, and Korean language.

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