The Road to World War I

Welcome back… Bell Ringer: Practice Map! Agenda and Objective: Through notes and discussion, students will identify the causes of World War I

Transcript of The Road to World War I

Welcome back…

• Bell Ringer: Practice


• Agenda and Objective:

Through notes and

discussion, students

will identify the causes

of World War I


ONE “The War to End All Wars”

• Before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the general outlook for the future by most Europeans were highly optimistic with material progress expected to create an “earthly paradise.”

• The First World War would not only kill millions of human beings, it would also destroy one of the basic intellectual precepts upon which Western Civilization had been founded -- the belief in progress.

For Tomorrow: Textbook

pages 887-890…Battles

• What were some of the major

battles fought during the war?

• What were the common

characteristics of these battles?

The Road to

World War I

Long-term causes of World

War I #1 Alliances

• Rival alliances: Triple Alliance vs. Triple Entente

• 1870: Balance of power of Europe upset by decisive Prussian victory in Franco-Prussian War.

• Bismarck feared French revenge and negotiated treaties to isolate France

• 1879, Dual Alliance:

• Dual Alliance based on German support for Austrian in its struggle with Russia over expansion in the Balkans

• Triple Alliance, 1881: Italy joined Germany and Austria

• Italy sought support for its imperialistic ambitions in the Mediterranean and Africa.

The Alliance System

• The division of Europe’s great powers into two

loose alliances (Germany, Austria and Italy vs.

France, Russia and Great Britain) added to the


#2 Militarism • Massive military

build up increased

tension and

guaranteed that if

war came it would

be incredibly


World War I was when the old world became the new.

Here, a German cavalryman wears a gas mask and

carries a long spear or pole, from two different ages of


Wilhelm II

• German Kaiser (1888-1918)

• wanting Germany to have her “place in the sun”

• Bitter rival of Bismarck, who wanted Germany to be

a continental power (let England be)

• 1890- Bismarck is dismissed by Wilhelm II. Germany

moved from a proponent of peace to a military power

The Anglo-German arms

race • Militarism led to a belief in the inevitability of a

general European war.

• British policy was to have its fleet larger than the combined fleets of any two rival nations

• 1898, Kaiser Wilhelm II began expansion of German navy to protect a growing international trade and colonialism

• By World War I, both Britain and Germany possessed Dreadnoughts—new super battleships with awesome firing range and power

• Universal

conscription had

become the norm in

Europe by 1914.

• Great Britain was

the exception.

• European


armies had

doubled in size

between 1890

and 1914.

Comparative figures on army

increase, 1870-1914:

1870 1914

Russia 700,000 1,300,000

France 380,000 846,000

Germany 403,000 812,000

Austria-Hungary 247,000 424,000

Britain 302,000 381,000

Italy 334,000 305,000

Japan 70,000 250,000

U.S.A. 37,000 98,000

• Most European armies were made up of rural peasants, since most urban working-class males could not pass the physical.

• Many German generals did not trust the loyalty of the urban youth.

Mobilization and Planning

• Modern European armies followed the Prussian model of complex mobilization and strategic planning involving timetables and railroad deployment of troops and supplies.

• These plans lacked flexibility and

forced diplomats and political

leaders to make decisions based on

the fixed programs of the military.

To move one German army corps -

(or just 2.5% of the German Army)

it took this many railway cars :

Officers 170 cars

Infantry 965 cars

Cavalry 2960 cars

Artillery 1915 cars

... in 140 trains

Average train length 42 cars.

And it took the same number of cars

- about 6000 -

to transport all of their supplies.

“War is too important a

matter to be left to the


–Georges Clemenceau.

#3 Imperialism led to increased tensions between the

Great Powers over Africa

• Berlin Conference, 1885: Germany's late entry into imperialism led Bismarck to establish rules for carving up Africa

• Kruger Telegram (1902): triggered British anger at Germany when the Kaiser congratulated the Boers on their victories over British troops in South Africa.

• 1906: Algeciras Conference settled the First Moroccan Crisis

• Second Moroccan Crisis (1911)

• 1906: Algeciras

Conference settled the

First Moroccan Crisis

(GB, Russia supported

France as a protectorate)

• 1911: Second

Moroccan Crisis

(under pressure France

allowed Germany parts

of the Congo in return

for French protectorate

in Morocco)

Bell Ringer…Analyze the following cartoon with

your knowledge of the causes of World War I

Welcome Back!

• Agenda and Objective: through note and video

review, students will identify causes of World

War I and it’s impact on society.


#4 Nationalism created

a "powder keg" in the Balkans • The Ottoman Empire

(“the sick man of

Europe”) receded

from the Balkans

leaving a power


• Pan-Slavism

• First Balkan Crisis

(Bosnian Crisis)

• First Balkan War

(1912)-Russian supports

Balkan league, Ottomans

loose territory

• Second Balkan War

(1913) Serbia v. Bulgaria

over Macedonia. (Serbia

and Greece get)

• "Third Balkan War"

between Austria and

Serbia became World War

I in the summer of 1914

Nationalism • The rise of

nationalism did not

give rise to the



fraternity of the 19th


Something to Think

about… • Some historians have argued

that conservatives, fearing

socialist revolution, sought to

use war to “smother internal



• What were the long standing

causes of World War I

• Give examples…

The Summer of 1914

• The Balkan Crises between 1908 and 1913 had increased tensions in the region.

• The desire of the Serbs to create a “Greater Serbia” was opposed by Austria but encouraged by Russia.

The Assassination

• On June 28, 1914, the heir to the Austrian throne, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophia, were assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian nationalist group the Black Hand.

The Funeral of Franz Ferdinand

• The Austrian government was not certain that the Serbian government was directly involved but it wanted revenge and a war to destroy the Serbian kingdom.

“The Blank Check”

• Fear of Russian

intervention led

the Austrians to

seek the

support of the

German Kaiser.

• William II responded

with the infamous

“blank check” –

Germany would fight

Russia to aid Austria

in its war.

The Ultimatum • Austria then gave

demands to Serbia

that were so extreme

that Serbia had to

reject them.

• Austria then

declared war on

Serbia on July 23.

Serbian Army during its

retreat towards Albania

Russian Reaction

• On July 28,

Russia ordered


mobilization of

its troops against


More Ultimatums • Germany then gave

an ultimatum to Russia to halt their mobilization or face war.

• Russia ignored the demands and Germany declared war on Russia on August 1st.

The Great War

• As you watch the clip…

• What are your impressions

of the war?

• What “new” technology

and military strategy was


• How did the War impact

society? In what ways?

• Agenda and Objective:

Through discussion of

primary sources and a

video clip, students

will identify what

made WWI a “modern

war” as well as the

reaction of those

fighting it.

Illusions of the Times

• Economists had written

before the war that economic

conditions made a great war

unlikely and if it occurred it

would be brief.

• Many political pundits believed that “rational” diplomats would prevail and control the situation making war unlikely or at least short-lived.

• Government propaganda had stirred up national feelings and now played on those feelings to stir up a war fever.

• Even many socialists and labor leaders rose to join the cause in the country’s campaign for justice and revenge.

“Over by Christmas”

• Most believed the war would only last a few weeks.

• Hadn’t all the other wars since the age of Napoleon been over quickly?

Reading Activity…

• What was the attitude of these

soldiers at the start of the war?

Welcome Back!

• Bell Ringer: Pair up

and discuss your


• Tomorrow: Study

Guide due, also focus

on how War impacted

the homefront.

• Agenda and Objective:

Through poem

analysis, students will

identify the changing

mood of those who

fought in WWI

• Dulce et decorum est

pro patria mori:

mors et fugacem

persequitur virum

nec parcit inbellis


poplitibus timidove


• How sweet and

seemly it is to die for

one's country:

Death pursues the man

who flees,

spares not the

hamstrings or

cowardly backs

Of battle-shy youths.

Wars of Nationalism • The Europeans failed

to recognize that the

real prototype for the

modern war of

nationalism was the

American Civil War –

four years, 364,000


• Many also believed that the sheer cost of the modern mechanized war would not allow for a sustained effort.

The Glorious Adventure

• Many young people saw the war as a great adventure – a chance to escape their boring bourgeois lives.

The Great Redemption

• Others saw the

war as a chance to

bring their nations

together through


heroism and


• “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetimes.”

- Sir Edward Grey

The Schlieffen Plan in Action • The German plan for

success relied on speed and mobility.

• Hundreds of thousands of troops crossed the Belgian border and in four weeks reached the Marne River outside of Paris.

British Expeditionary Force

• The Germans had not counted on the speed at which the British were able to mobilize and bring troops across the Channel.

The First Battle of the Marne

• The British and

French troops, under

French General

Joseph Joffre,

stopped the German

advance at the Marne

on September 6-10.

• The Germans were forced to retreat but the allies were unable to pursue.

• The war immediately broke into a stalemate as both sides dug trenches.

Trench Warfare

• The trenches would soon

stretch from Switzerland to

the English Channel – the

front line would hardly move

for four years.

The Eastern Front • The Russians began the war

with a major offensive into German territory in the north.

• Their advance was halted at the Battles of Tannenberg (August 30) and Lake Masurian (September 15).

• The Russians were

effectively knocked out of

the war.

The Austrian War

• The Austrians were initially defeated by the Russians in Galicia and by the Serbians.

• Germany eventually came to their aid in defeating the Serbs and pushing the Russians back 300 miles.

• The Russians lost 2.5 million men -- either dead, wounded or captured.

The Italians • The Italians in the

mean time had switched sides and launched an attack against their old enemy the Austrians.

• The Italian front also became a stalemate of trench warfare.

The Great


1916 –1917

The Trenches • The Western Front

became an elaborate system of breastworks and interconnected trenches, protected by barbed wire, machinegun nests and artillery batteries.

"Trenches full of liquid mud. Smelt horribly. Full of dead

Frenchmen too bad to touch. Men quite nauseated."

No Man’s Land • The opposing forces

were separated by

open fields of bombed

out craters and

destroyed villages,

across which the

troops would launch

suicidal bayonet


No Man’s Land

“Over the Top”

• Pressure was constantly put on the

generals to break through and bring

about a victory.

• The breakthrough was believed possible if enough fire power could be brought to bear to “soften up” the lines and then mass enough troops to charge the enemies lines.

• The machine guns doomed

the charges to failure -

millions of men lost their

lives trying to gain a few

miles of territory.

The Battle of Verdun

• The Germans launched an attack at the French town of Verdun in February of 1916.

• The initial

advances were

soon halted by

the French

General Henri-

Philippe Petain.

• Unprecedented bombardment, aerial dogfights and the use of poison gas took the lives of over 700,000 men in ten months of fighting.

War in the Air



men in their



"[It] climbed like a monkey and

maneuvered like the devil."

Manfred von Richthofen


The Price of


The Blue Max

The Battle of the Somme

• In order to take pressure of the French at Verdun, the British launched an attack to the west at the Somme River.

• The Germans were forced to move

troops to counter this attack.

The British suffered

420,000 casualties.

The French lost

nearly 200,000 and

it is estimated that

German casualties

were in the region

of 500,000.

• The outcomes of these battles were indecisive, with neither side gaining nor losing territory.

Life in the Trenches

• For men in the

trenches it was a life

of long days of

boredom followed

by days of pure

terror and living hell.

• During combat the men in the trenches lived with constant bombardment, the threat or reality of mustard gas, the corpses of the fallen and the rats that fed on them.


• The only relief from the mud and the terror of the trench was the suicide that came with the order to “fix bayonets.”

• As soldiers on both sides

realized that no one could gain

an advantage in trench warfare

daily life for the soldier became

increasingly squalid,

regimented, and miserable in

the filthy, rat-infested, and lice-

ridden trenches.

“live and let live”

• Men on both sides developed a “live and let live” policy that let men go about their daily lives in some safety.

• Men produced humorous magazines and sang soldiers songs.

• The Germans sang “The Watch

on the Rhine.”

• The Americans would sing

“Over There.”

Johnnie, get your gun, get

your gun, get your gun,

Take it on the run, on the run,

on the run,

Hear them calling you and

me, ev'ry son of liberty

Hurry right away, no delay, go


Make your Daddy glad to

have had such a lad,

Tell your sweetheart not to

pine, to be proud her boy's in


The Widening of the War • The British, in an attempt to attack

the Ottoman Empire, attempted a landing at Gallipoli on the Dardanelles.

• The Bulgarians joined the war on the side of the Central Powers and brought the Gallipoli campaign to an end.

“Your news is indeed serious.

But there is nothing for it but

to dig yourselves right in and

stick it out. You have got

through the difficult business,

now you have only to dig, dig,

dig, until you are safe."

Lawrence of Arabia

• A British officer named T.E. Lawrence incited the Arabs tribes to rally behind Prince Faisel and attack the Ottoman Turks.

Prince Faisel


"All men dream: but not

equally. Those who

dream by night in the

dusty recesses of their

minds wake in the day to

find that it was vanity: but

the dreamers of the day

are dangerous men, for

they may act their dream

with open eyes, to make

it possible."

- The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

"A skittish motor-bike with a

touch of blood in it is better than

all the riding animals on Earth."

--T.E. Lawrence

•The British were able to

move from Cairo in

Egypt to take Jerusalem

and Damascus in the

Middle East.

The War at Sea

• The British and the German navies

fought only one major naval

engagement during the war – the

Battle of Jutland.

• While the Germans out-

maneuvered the British and lost

less ships, the British ended up

blockading the North Sea.

The German U-Boat

• The Germans retaliated by

imposing a counter-blockade

of England using unrestricted

submarine warfare.

Freedom of the Seas • While the US tried to remain

neutral in the war, the use of submarines to sink unarmed passenger ships outraged the Americans and violated President Wilson’s call for “Freedom of the Seas.”

The Sinking of the

Lusitania • On May 7, 1915, a German U-

Boat torpedoed and sank the

British passenger ship the


• 100 Americans were killed.

RMS Lusitania

• The protests over this incident and the sinking of other passenger liners led the Germans to pledge not to use unrestricted submarine warfare.

Breaking the Pledge

• Eager to break the deadlock of the Western Front, the Germans resumed the use of submarines in January of 1917.

• The Germans were willing to gamble that the British would be starved out of the war before the US would respond.

The Zimmerman Note

• An intercepted note from the German Foreign Minister to the Mexican government called on the Mexicans to join the war and regain their lost territories from the US.

The US Joins the War

• The note caused outrage in America and led to Wilson seeking a declaration of war.

• The US declared war on Germany April 6, 1917.

General John “Blackjack” Pershing

The War in 1917

• The US would not arrive

in great numbers until

1918, in 1917 the war was

not going well for the


Ypres -Winter 1917

• The Italians were smashed in October and in November the Bolshevik Revolution took Russia out of the war.

The Home Front

The Home front

• "Total war": involved mass

civilian populations in the war


Total War • European

governments gradually took full control of all aspects of their economies.

• Millions of people were mobilized to fight or work.

• This led to increased

centralization of the

government and the

widespread use of

propaganda to

manipulate public


• Massive conscription drafted most able-bodied men in their youth

• In some cases, civilian populations became targets

• News was censored; propaganda lionized men at the front and dehumanized the enemy

• In 1914, the S.P.D. (then the largest party in the Reichstag) agreed to support the war as part of the “civil peace” with the Kaiser—the burgfrieden.

• The same may have also been true in Britain as the issue of Irish independence dominated the headlines.

• British propaganda effectively demonized Germany as the “Hun”

• Economic production was focused on the war effort

• Free-market capitalism was abandoned in favor of strong central planning of the economy.

• Women replaced male factory workers who were now fighting the war.

• Labor unions supported the war effort.

• Increase in centralized control by warring regimes

• Germany became the world's first totalitarian regime in order to control the war effort

• War promoted greater social equality, thus blurring class distinctions and lessening the gap between rich and poor

• As public morale and support for the war ebbed police powers were widely expanded to include the arrest of all dissenters as traitors to the state.

• Internal opposition to the war came largely from liberals and socialists appalled by the scale of human slaughter and the terrible costs of rampant nationalism and militarism.

Women in the War

• Many women

went to work in

the factories to

replace the men

sent to the


• Expectations for

women during the

war were that

they would return

to their "normal"

lives when the

war ended.

• These women workers played an important role in winning women the right to vote immediately following the war.

Death - the Great Leveler • Death rates at the front in

World War One were high for all soldiers regardless of their prior social status, but mortality was especially great among junior officers drawn largely from the nobility and the unskilled laborers and peasants comprising the mass of infantry troops.

• The fortunate ones

were the skilled and

highly skilled

workers that were

exempted from going

to battle.

• The new British Prime

Minister David Lloyd

George was misguided

in his optimism that

the war was ending

class conflicts through

the common hardship

and loss of war.

• By the end of the war it was very apparent that not all classes had suffered equally during the war -- large industrialists, especially owners of factories making weapons and munitions did very well. Krups Factory in Germany


In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

Have You News of my Boy Jack? -

Rudyard Kipling

• 'Have you news of my boy Jack?'

Not this tide.

'When d'you think that he'll come back?'

Not with this wind blowing, and this tide.

'Has anyone else had word of him?'

Not this tide.

For what is sunk will hardly swim,

Not with this wind blowing and this tide.

'Oh, dear, what comfort can I find?'

None this tide,

Nor any tide,

Except he did not shame his kind-

Not even with that wind blowing, and that tide.

Then hold your head up all the more,

This tide,

And every tide;

Because he was the son you bore,

And gave to that wind blowing and that tide!

Ethnic Minorities • Ethnic Slavs in the

Balkans, Poles in

Russia and the Irish

in Great Britain all

dreamed of having

their own national
