



Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Education in English Department

YUNITA AGUS 10535 5857 14









"Whatever you decide to do,do it well, do it with your whole heart, do

it with purpose" (Justin Trudeau-PM of Canada on his speech when

received honorary degree from the university of Edinbrugh)



Yunita Agus, 2020. The portion of teacher talk and students talk in English language teaching classroom (A Descriptive Qualitative Research at SMAN 19 Gowa). Guided by Nur Qalbi and Ratu Yulianti Natsir.

The aim of this research are to find out the ideal proportion of English teacher talk and students talk at SMAN 19 Gowa. And the dominant language used by the teacher talk and students talk in English classroom. This research used descriptive qualitative method to collect and describe the data. The population of this research was the students at SMAN 19 GOWA academic year of 2017-2018. There were classes, and each consisted of 31 students in group of XI MIA 1, XI MIA 2 was 29-30 students and XI MIA 3 was 28-29 students so the total of the population was 90 students.

Based on data analysis the researcher concluded that the teacher has more portion in talking during the learning and teaching process compared to the students. The first teacher spent 83.2% of the total talk while the students only had 16.8% of the talk portion. The second teacher talk 144 times while the students only has the chance to talk 28 times. The language dominance used by the teachers is Indonesian language in delivering their subject matter in the classroom.

Keywords: Teacher and students talk.



Yunita Agus, 2020. Porsi pembicaraan guru dan siswa berbicara di kelas pengajaran bahasa Inggris (Studi Deskriptif di SMAN 19 Gowa). Dipandu oleh Nur Qalbi dan Ratu Yulianti Natsir.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proporsi pembicaraan guru bahasa Inggris dan berbicara siswa di SMAN 19 Gowa. Dan bahasa yang dominan digunakan oleh guru berbicara dan siswa berbicara di kelas bahasa Inggris.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengumpulkan dan mendeskripsikan data. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi SMAN 19 GOWA tahun akademik 2017-2018. Ada kelas, dan masing-masing terdiri dari 31 siswa dalam kelompok XI MIA 1, XI MIA 2 adalah 29-30 siswa dan XI MIA 3 adalah 28-29 siswa sehingga total populasi adalah 90 siswa.

Berdasarkan analisis data, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa guru memiliki lebih banyak bagian dalam berbicara selama proses belajar-mengajar dibandingkan dengan siswa. Guru pertama menghabiskan 83,2% dari total bicara sementara siswa hanya memiliki 16,8% dari porsi bicara. Guru kedua berbicara 144 kali sedangkan siswa hanya memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara 28 kali. Dominasi bahasa yang digunakan oleh para guru adalah bahasa Indonesia dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran mereka di kelas.

Kata kunci: Porsi ideal, Guru dan siswa berbicara.



Praise and great gratitude submitted to almighty god, Allah SWT who

always gives her gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that help the writer

finishing this thesis with the title is Students‟ Perceptions on the Use Of Debate

Method in English Education Department at Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar. This thesis is as a requirement in accomplishing the S-1 Degree at the

English Education department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in

Makassar Muhammadiyah University.

The writer would like to thank to all of those who give the contribution so

that this thesis can be finish. The writer would like to deliver this thank to:

1. Prof. Dr. H Abd Rahman Rahim., SE., MM., the Rector of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University who brings the campus to the advances.

2. Erwin akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., the dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., the head of English Education



4. Nur Qalbi, S.S., M.Hum, the first advisor, who has painstakingly spent his

valuable time to guide and give excellent suggestions to me in preparing this

thesis until the end of writing this thesis.

5. Ratu Yulianti Natsir, S.Pd., M,Pd , the second advisor, for the correction and

invaluable criticism and suggestions she has rendered to me the completion of

this thesis.

6. My beloved uncle Al Adi Fitrah, M.Pd., MAppLing. MEd in TESOL. That

always support me.

7. My Bestfriend that always give the motivation and support to the writer after

finish this thesis.

8. All my friends, who have spent glorious and memorable time with the writer

in the class and out of the class.

9. For My special persons YUSUF HARIS, thanks for everything thanks for

support me.

Last but far from least, the writer very sincere thanks to who are not

mentioned personally here, without their patience, guidance, support and

cooperation this thesis could have never been written.

Finally, the writer surrenders everything to Allah SWT and the writer hope

it will be useful ting for the writer herself and for all to improve education quality.

Makassar, Januari 2020

Yunita Agus



COVER ................................................................................................................... i

HALAMAN PENGESAHAN ...................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN............................................................................................. iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN ................................................................................................ v

MOTTO ................................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

A. Background ............................................................................ 1

B. Problem Statement ................................................................ 5

C. Objectives of the Research .................................................... 5

D. Significance of the Research .................................................. 5

E. Scope of the Research ........................................................... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..................................... 6


A. Previous Related Findings ..................................................... 6

B. Some Pertinent Ideas .............................................................. 7

C. Conceptual Framework .......................................................... 18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................... 20

A. Research Design..................................................................... 20

B. Population and Sample ........................................................... 20

C. Instrument of the Research ..................................................... 20

D. Procedure of Collecting Data ................................................. 21

E. Techniques of Data Analysis.................................................. 22

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................... 23

A. Findings .................................................................................. 23

B. Discussion ............................................................................... 26

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................................... 35

A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 35

B. Suggestion ............................................................................... 35

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... 37

APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................



Table 2.1. Frequently of Talking .............................................................................. 23

Table 2.2. Frequency of Teacher Talk ...................................................................... 24



Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................ 19




This chapter consists of background, problem statement, objectives, and

significance of the research as well as the glossaries of some terms in this


A. Background

The Ability to use a language in a communicative way, however, is not

just a single unified skill. Most recent thinking has divided language ability into

four separate skill areas; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Listening and

reading are known as the receptive skills; while speaking and writing are known

as the productive skills.

According to SIL International (1999). The four basic skills are related to

each other by two parameters: the mode of communication (oral or written) and

the direction of communication (receiving or producing the message). These four

basic skills are essential for teachers to cover while running the process of

learning and teaching. A current issues is that, whether students or teacher as party

who should spend more amount of talk during the classroom interaction is always

hotly debated. This claim leads to the question of what is actually these two

parties roles in the proses of language learning and what is the ideal portion that

have to be gained in order to achieve the objectives of the lesson.


In relation to language acquisition and the development of English as a

foreign language undertaken in formal education background, EFL teachers play

important roles as language input providers and language models to be imitated by

the students in teaching and learning classroom. It cannot be denied that teacher in

teaching carries out some specific communicative acts, such as teaching, asking

and responding questions, explaining, and giving direction or instruction. These

activities will inevitably facilitate the students to perform the same or similar

things in communicating with each other accordingly in all varied classroom

interactions assigned by the teacher. Teacher is the centre of students to ask

everything that they do not know. Brisk (1999) said that “Success of English

students‟ performance depends on the quality of the education system, including

curriculum, instruction, resources, assessment practice, and preparation of


In Indonesian English class, the teachers must use English and Indonesian

not only in delivering material but also in uttering the instruction addressed to

students. The utterances used by teacher are called Teacher Talk.

Teacher talk (TT) is the kind of language used by teacher for instruction in

the classroom. The quality and quantity of teacher talk, as the main aspect of

teachers‟ behavior have a great impact on students‟ language learning. Nunan

(1991) contends “teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the

organization of the classroom but also for the processes of L2 acquisition”.

In the learning teaching process demanded the teacher to be able to have a

good ability in using English in delivering their material. But in fact many


teachers are questioning about their own ability in teaching bilingual class. In this

case a teacher said that he find it hard to teach in bilingual classroom because he

does not know to teach the materials‟ content in English. He knows only to open

and end the meeting, and some simple instruction, for example: “students, please

open your book in page ….”, “do you task….”, “finish”, etc. It really contrasts

with what is required in the effective bilingual education program that it requires

professional staff on bilingual matter, a challenging curriculum, and good method

in teaching.

Communicative approaches have suggested in language classroom which

communicative approaches believes that teaching should be promote genuine and

natural classroom communication. As mentioned above that the teacher talk was

considered to be a problematic area for teacher in teaching English classroom,

should be to promote genuine and natural classroom communication. Good

teacher talk should be judged by its effectiveness to facilitate learning and

promote communicative interaction in the classroom. The teacher talk that

promotes the facilitation of classroom interaction is called communicative. The

communicative teacher talk includes, kinds of questions offered, the speech,

modifications they make when talking to learners, and the way they react to the

students errors.

It is really interesting to see how teacher and students interaction in

English classroom. There are some reasons why it is interesting to observe in

terms of teacher talk in English classroom. First, the language option is influenced

by the teacher‟s view on what function each language in classroom carries. When


the teacher considers important to verbalize the content of the subject in

Indonesia, the teacher will use Indonesia in explaining the content part of the

subject. On the other hand, when the teacher thinks that is important to expose the

target language in the content, the teacher may use partly English in explaining it

(Zilm, 1990 as cited in Nunan, 1999:193).

Code-stwitching or altering the two language in speaking is consider as the

second reason why it is interesting to be observed. The use of the two languages

in the learning and teaching process will bring the code-switching. Teacher and

students will sometimes shift from one language to another.

Observation results

The subject of this research was the students at SMAN 19 GOWA

academic year of 2017-2018. There were classes, and each consisted of 31

students in group of XI MIA 1, XI MIA 2 was 29-30 students and XI MIA 3 was

28-29 students so the total of the population was 90 students.

From the statement above, it can be concluded that English classroom was

not running well in that the teachers are not qualified to the students learning the

subject matter in immersion classroom activities. English classroom requires the

teachers to teach subject matters or content areas, thus the teacher must be

proficient both in native language and second language towards the student talk in

fostering a good proficiency.

Considering notion stated above, the researcher is interested in finding

“The ideal portion of English teacher talk and students talk (A Descriptive

Qualitative Research at SMAN 19 Gowa)”.


B. Problem Statement

Based on the previous statements above, the researcher formulates the

following research questions:

1. What is the portion of English teacher talk and student talk at SMAN 19


2. Who was the dominant English language used by the teacher talk and

students talk in the classroom?

C. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research were to find out:

1. The proportion of English teacher talk and students talk at SMAN 19 Gowa.

2. The dominant language used by the teacher talk and students talk in English


D. Significance of the Research

The research would significant for several reasons. First, as the evaluation

of the way the teacher address their talk and the student talk in teaching and

learning English subject in SMAN 19 Gowa in order to have a better English

program in the future. Secondly, the study put forward a framework that the other

researchers can continue the examination of the data for better research.

E. Scope of the Research

This research would focus on the teacher talk and the student talk in

English classroom covering the characteristics of good teaching material and the

language teaching used by teachers and students in the English classroom.




A. Previous Related Findings

There has been some researchers on teacher talk conducted by different

researchers all aver the world. Most of them showed similar results, that is the

dominance of teacher talk. Some of them are mentioned below.

Xiao-Yan (2006) in the dissertation abstract about Teacher Talk and EFL

in University classroom revealed that students (75%) believe that the appropriate

teacher talk time should be less than 25 minutes. It is also revealed that teacher

talk have positive impact toward students‟ language learning.

Silver (2009) in her research to find the quantity and talk type of teacher

talk. She found that the average range length of turns with organizational talk was

26.4 with a mode of 5 (1201 words total) for the curriculum talk the average

words per turn were 31 with a mode of 7 (14606 words total).

Talk type that commonly used by teacher in classroom is talk based on

curriculum. The types is about the content material, talk to encourage independent

learning, encourages collaboration and creativity, and promote problem solving.

Chaundron (1988), having investigated teacher talk for long time and

summarized some research results on teacher talk. Teacher talk in language

classroom tends to show the following modifications:

1) Rate of speech appears to be slower

2) Pauses, which may be evidence of the speaker planning more, are possibly

more frequent and longer.


3) Pronunciation tends to be exaggerated and simplified.

4) Vocabulary use is more basic.

5) Degree of subordination is slower

6) More declaratives and statements are use than questions.

7) Teachers may self-repeat more frequently.

Most of the researches above are taken from dissertation which is more

complete than this research. The researches above are administered with English

teacher as object search. None of those researches are discussed about teacher talk

and student talk in English classroom especially in the high school level of

education which is now become popular phenomenon.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Teacher Talk

a. Definition of teacher talk

Teacher Talk as the time when the teacher is speaking.. The kind of

language used by the teacher for instruction in the classroom is known as teacher

talk (TT). For this term, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied

Linguistics defines it as “that variety of language sometimes used by teachers

when they are in the process of teaching.

Having studied the SLA for many years, Rod Ellis (1985) cited from

Chaudron (1988) has formulated his own view about teacher talk: “Teacher talk is

the special language that teachers use when addressing L2 learners in the

classroom. In this research, it is the oral form of teacher talk instead of written


form that is under this investigation. It refers to the language that teachers use in

bilingual classrooms rather than in other settings.

Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are conducting instructions,

cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom activities (Feng

Qican, 1999: 23) cited from Xiao Yan. Teachers adopt the target language to

promote their communication with learners. In this way, learners practice the

language by responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the

language to encourage the communication between learners and themselves.

Therefore we can say teacher talk is a kind of communication-based or

interaction-based talk.

Teacher talk is particularly important to language teaching.(Cook,

2000:144). According to pedagogical theory, the language that teachers use in

classrooms determines to a larger degree whether a class will succeed or not.

Many scholars found teacher talk makes up around 70% of classroom language

(Cook, 2000; Chaudron, 1988; Zhao Xiaohong, 1998).Teachers pass on

knowledge and skills organize teaching activities and help students practice

through teacher talk. Brown recommends that teachers articulate their language,

slow it down, uses simple vocabulary, and speak in students just above the

students‟ level. In bilingual classrooms, teachers‟ language is not only the object

of the course, but also the medium to achieve the teaching objectives.

From the definitions, firstly we can see that teacher talk in English

classrooms is regarded as one special variety of the English language, so it has its

own specific features which other varieties do not share. Because of the restriction


of the physical setting, special participants as well as the goal of teaching, teacher

talk has its own special style.

Secondly, we can see that teacher talk is a special communicative activity.

Its goal is to communicate with students and develops students‟ foreign language

proficiency. Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are conducting

instructions, cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom activities

(Feng Qican, 1999: 23). Teachers adopt the target language to promote their

communication with learners. In this way, learners practice the language by

responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to

encourage the communication between learners and themselves. Therefore, we

can say teacher talk is a kind of communication-based or interaction-based talk.

Based on the explanation above the researcher conclude that, Teacher talk,

a learning and development, has always been central for the quality of learning in

English classroom discourse; teacher-learner interactions are deemed one of the

biggest potential determinants in ensuring learning takes place in classroom


There is no learning without teaching. So as a tool of implementing

teaching plans and achieving teaching goals, teacher talk plays a vital important

role in language learning. Quite a few researches have discussed the relationship

between teacher talk and language learning. As Nunan (1991) points out:

“Teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the

classroom but also for the processes of acquisition. It is important for the

organization and management of the classroom because it is through language that


teachers either succeed or fail in implementing their teaching plans. In terms of

acquisition, teacher talk is important because it is probably the major source of

comprehensible target language input the learner is likely to receive.” The amount

and type of teacher talk is even regarded as a decisive factor of success or failure

in classroom teaching. (Hakansson, cited from Zhou Xing & Zhou Yun, 2002)

According to SLA theory, plenty of and high-quality input is the necessary

element for successful language learning. There is no learning without input. “If

the second language is learnt as a foreign language in a language class in a non-

supportive environment,instruction is likely to be the major or even the only

source of target language input” (Stern, 1983:400). Here instruction refers to

teacher instruction -- teacher talk. In China, classroom is the chief source for

language learner in most places and the only source in some places, TT serves as

the major target language input for the language learners. Stern proposed a

teaching-learning model which identified two principle actors, the language

teacher and the language learner.

“The teacher, like the learner, brings to language teaching certain

characteristics 12 which may have bearing on educational treatment: age, sex,

previous education, and personal qualities. Above all, the language teacher brings

to it a language background and experience, professional training as a linguist and

teacher, previous language teaching experience, and more or less formulated

theoretical presuppositions about language, language learning and teaching”

(Stern, 1983: 500). These characteristics of language teacher are reflected in

different characteristics and forms of TT. Stern‟s teaching-learning model reveals


the important role of the language teacher and teacher talk during the process of

language learning.

According to second language acquisition theories, both teachers and

students should participate in language classes actively. Teachers have to face two

tasks in 16 language classrooms: 1) offer enough high-quality English language

input; 2) offer more opportunities for students to use the target language. So, the

distribution of teacher talk time, as an important factor that affect language

learning, has been concerned by many scholars.

An important issue is whether the amount of teacher talk influences

learners‟ L2 acquisition or foreign language learning. A great number of

researchers have testified this. Researches in language classrooms have

established that teachers tend to do most of the classroom talk. Teacher talk makes

up over 70 percent of the total talk. (Cook, 2000; Legarreta, 1977; Chaudron,

1988; Zhao Xiaohong,1998) It is evident that if teachers devote large amounts

of time to explanations or management instructions, student talk will be indeed

severely restricted. Teacher-initiated talk will dominate the classroom, allowing

little opportunity for extended student talk. In such an environment, students have

little opportunity to develop their language proficiency. In order to avoid the

overuse of teacher talk, many scholars tend to maximize student talk time (STT)

and minimize teacher talk time (TTT) (Zhao Xiaohong, 1998; Zhou Xing & Zhou

Yun, 2002). Harmer points out that the best lessons are ones where STT is

maximized. Getting students to speak -- to use the language they are learning -- is

a vital part of a teacher‟s job (Harmer, 2000: 4).


American scholar Wong-Fillmore put forward her finding that is different

from others‟ after observing primary language classrooms for three years. She

found all the success in SLA occurred in teacher-dominated classes. In contrast,

little SLA took place in classes with too much interaction among students.

Fillmore explained these results in terms of the type of input which was received

in the different classrooms. In successful classrooms the teachers serve as the

main source of input, the learners can receive enough and accurate input.

However, in student-centered classrooms, the pupils did not receive so much

teacher input, and tended to use the L1 when talking among themselves.

Therefore, Fillmore argued the amount of TT should not be decreased blindly. If

do so, she suggested two conditions to ensure successful SLA in classrooms from

the 40 classes she investigated: one is the students must have high-level language

proficiency 17 so that they can communicate with their teacher and among

themselves; the other is there must be enough students who want to communicate

in class. If the two conditions do not exit in classrooms, the decrease of teacher

talk time won‟t lead to successful language learning.

b. Characteristics of Teacher Talk

For years, linguists have been interested on teacher talk in language

teaching and its‟ effect to the students‟ comprehensible, Breines and Rasyid in

Muhayyang (2010). They both categorize good teacher talk from several aspects

as follow:


1) Breines (2010)

a) Directive.

Breines stated that the main function of directive is to instruct the

students what to do and to get the attention of them.

b) Imperative.

Teacher may employ invite giggles, humor and laughter to appreciate

the science affection. This may effective to deprive the boredom that appears

in teaching process.

c) Should be shorter, simpler, slower, and clearer speech.

Speech that promotes comprehensibility for students includes

clarification request, comprehension checks, repetitions, and rephrasing of

their own sentence and learners‟ utterances. The language used by teachers is

important sources of linguistics input for the language that students learn

therefore teacher should talk by using simple language in ways that make

students comprehend. Questions, for instance, can be effectively used for

communication and clarification just to check the students‟ comprehension

and responses and also lectures‟ instruction.

d) There should be repetition.

Learning demands strengthening. On the assumption that cognition

happens successfully, reinforcement follows to store the cognition and

guarantee recognition and reproduction.

The teacher should repeat what she/he says and what the students say

whether rephrasing it to different sentence or even use the exact words. The


teachers for instance, repeat the students‟ simple statements into complete

sentence plus the correct form. Trough that way, the teachers facilitate

students‟ language development and developing academic knowledge in

content areas.

2) Rasyid (2010)

a) The teacher talk should be clear. This means that students should have no

difficulties in understanding the new language items mean. In this aspect,

the teacher should use simple language.

b) The teacher talk should be efficient. This means that the students can get

the personalization stage to manipulate the new language items.

c) The teacher talk should be lively and interesting referring to the

assumption that the students are directly interested to the teacher talk.

d) The teacher talk should talk should be appropiate. This means that the

teacher talk is meaningful and useful in communication and interaction

either inside or outside the classroom.

e) Should be Productive. This characteristic indicating that students can use

appropriately the language for both the academic purposes and


Based on the explanation above the researcher conclude that, Classroom

management practices were studied in middle school classrooms with positive

interpersonal classroom climates, high levels of student engagement, and high

levels of autonomy support.


c. Factors affecting Teacher Talk in English classroom

There are five factors affecting teachers talk in English classroom:

1) Teachers‟ lack of awareness of using Teacher Talk

There is no denying that teaching methods play a very important role in

teaching and learning process. However, most teachers are just some vague

concept in practice and follow a particular kind of prevailing method or approach.

Consequently, too much attention to teaching method, results in their awareness of

teacher talk. In addition, some teachers hold misconception of Teacher Talk. They

think the function of Teacher Talk is to impart English language students.

Naturally, as an informant, they should be the dominator of the classroom and be

entitled too much occupation of the class time.

2) Teachers‟ personal English proficiency

Native speakers know how to choose the right words while speaking.

Currently, the majority of non-native English teachers in English classroom are

inexperienced in using English in their teaching. Some of them only master the

content knowledge of the subject but have little knowledge about the related

theories of foreign language learning, pedagogy, educational psychology, and

language teaching method. Therefore, their English proficiency is far from

satisfactory and needs further training to improve their language and teaching

skills and time to gain experience.

3) Teachers‟ personalities and teaching beliefs

It has been that personality has impact on foreign language learning. Some

researchers suggest that individuals with extrovert personalities are more likely to


succeed in language learning than the introvert. Likewise, it affects teachers‟

speeches and actions in class. Chao-heng & Qiao-ying (2009) believes that if

teachers are extrovert, sociable or outgoing, they tend to be more active, talkative,

and assertive. They would rather be dominator of talking than the passive

listeners. If teachers are high-tempered and impatient, they cannot tolerate the

long silence before students respond.

Teachers‟ beliefs refer to teachers‟ pedagogic beliefs or those related to

individual‟s teaching. They are attitudes, values, expectations, theories, and

assumptions about teaching and learning that teachers accumulate over time. If a

teacher claims he does not believe in any theoretical concepts, he prefers to

accumulate experience from his teaching practice. Without good teaching guiding

principles, it is impossible to have a sound planning of TT in class. If teachers

think he should be the centre of class, he will adopt the traditional teacher-

centered approach rather than communicative approach in which he will speak

less than his counterparts.

4) Students‟ believe and linguistics competence

Just as teachers believe exert influence over their teacher talk, so do the

students‟ beliefs. Sometimes, they even wrongly believe that any challenging,

questioning, and arguing will be regarded as conceit or showing off one‟s

erudition. As a result, students tend to be passive participants and are accustomed

to the numerous amounts of teacher talk in all kinds of classes, which in turn leads

to less participation during the class time. On the other hand, a teacher who talks

less may be considered as lazy or poorly prepared for the new lesson and lack of



Students‟ linguistic competence to some extent affects the teacher talk in a

variety of ways. Those advanced students can talk in English quite smoothly, and

give longer and more complex responses to teachers‟ question. Their active

participations in classroom interaction can definitely help reduce the amount

teacher talk. In contrast, those poor students often count on their teachers to their

teachers to either give endless detailed explanations or more oversimplified

speeches to help them understand.

In recent years, in imbalanced of proportion of teacher and students in

classroom is become increasingly striking. The scale of a class also expands

dramatically. In a smaller class, students may share more time chances to

participate in classroom interaction within the same limited time, whereas, fewer

activities can be arranged for a large class. Generally speaking, the more students

a class contains, the more difficult it is for teacher to control and plan teaching

and learning activities (Chao-heng & Qiao-ying:2009)

Based on the explanation above the researcher conclude that, different

types of classes need different Teacher Talk. When it comes to intensive reading,

the major teaching task for the teacher is to help the students understand the text,

so he will pay attention to passage comprehension, word explanation and sentence


d. Visible Teaching and Student v. Teacher Talk

Hattie (2012) says that teachers talk far too much and that “the proportion

of talk to listening needs to change to far less talk and much more listening”

(p. 80). In the meta-analysis, here are a few things Hattie‟s work has revealed:


1) “Teachers talk between 70 and 80 percent of class time, ” and “teachers‟

talking increases as the year level rises and as the class size decreases” (p. 80)

2) Student engagement is higher when teachers talk less, this is especially true

for at-risk students (p. 80)

3) Only “5-10 per cent of teacher talk triggers more conversation or dialogue

engaging the student” (p. 81)

4) Teacher effectiveness and teacher talk are inversely linked. The research

shows that “when highly effective and other teachers were compared, the

former had more general class talk and less directive talk” (p. 81)

5) To combat classrooms dominated by teacher talk, more listening is necessary.

This gives students the chance to speak, and more importantly, “impose their

own prior achievement, understanding, sequencing, and questions” (p. 82)

Based on the explanation above the researcher conclude that, teacher talk a

semi technical term in education researcher applied linguistics for the

characteristic (often simplified) style of speech teachers.

C. Conceptual Framework

Teaching and learning process includes students, teachers, and material

and classroom management. In manage the classroom activities, teacher needs to

use language that understandable for students in order to get the learning goals.

The way teacher talk can affects students attitude in learning process which is

determine the successful learning process. The conceptual framework underlying

this research is given in the following diagram.


The conceptual framework above to describe to researcher which will be

conducted by the researcher. The research is descriptive research which describe

about the teacher talk and students talk on the use of record method. There are

some method to find out the dominant language used by teacher talk and students

talk in English classroom, and after that will know the ideal portion of teacher

talk and students talk.

Portion of Teacher talk and student talk

Other Languages

Teacher Talk and Student



English classroom




A. Research Design

This research used descriptive qualitative method to collect and describe

the data.Trough the design, the researcher would collect, analyze and interpretate

a variety of data to reveal the Ideal proportion of teacher talk and student talk

during the learning and teaching process of English subject in SMAN 19 Gowa.

B. Participant and Respondent

1. Participant

Participant is the subject of the research (Creswell, 2010:218) The

population of this research was the students at SMAN 19 GOWA academic year

of 2017-2018. There were classes, and each consisted of 31 students in group of

XI MIA 1, XI MIA 2 was 29-30 students and XI MIA 3 was 28-29 students so the

total of the population was 90 students.

2. Respondent

Respondent are the type of participant example as representative used as

subject of the research are (Arikonto, 2006:13) in taking respondent, the writer

uses purposive study was class XI MIA 1 consisting of 31 students with English

subject who discussed about dialogue.

C. Instrument of the research

The researcher employed two instruments in doing this research, namely

direct observation and interview. Direct observation was employed to get the data


about the ideal proportion of the teacher and the student talk and the dominant

language used. Interviews was used to get the factors until the dominant language

appears in teaching presentation in this classroom.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

Qualitative research approach relied heavily on the observations,

interviews, and questionnaires. The researcher applied simply interview and

classroom observation in this research by doing these following procedures:

1. The researcher would meet the teacher to know the schedule.

2. The researcher would employ direct observation as the first step to get the

data. The observation would administer in classroom and would mainly

observe the teacher talk during the teaching & learning process. In

observation, data would obtain by simply watchin the participants. The

emphasis during the observation would on understanding the natural

enviroments as lived by participant.s. without altering or manipulating it

(Gay, Milld and Airasian, 2006:413). During the observation, the researcher

will act as an external observer in which she will not directly involved in the

situation being observed. In the other words, he would just observer and

record talks but will not interact or participate in the life of the setting being

studied. To record the teacher talk occuring in the classroom during the

teaching and learning process, the researcher will use handycam. As an

additional support to the audio-video recording, the researcher will also

employ field notes to jot down important points during the interaction.


3. The interview section would be held after the data are identified. The

questions would be the factors why teacher and students tend to use one

language dominantly in teaching and learning in the English classroom, if it


E. Techniques of Data Analysis

In analyzing the collected data, the researcher used the following


1. Transcribing the teacher talk.

2. Identifying and clasifying the teacher talk and the student talk.

3. Identfying the dominant language that teacher and students used in teaching

and learning process.

4. Interview will be analyzed qualitatively.




A. Findings

The findings cover the proportion of teacher talk and student talk in

English classroom, the language dominance used by teachers and the reasons for

the use of language dominance in bilingual classroom.

1. The proportion of teacher talk and student talk

The data analysis shows that the teachers talk, and students talk is not

proportional. The teachers spend more time in talking during the learning and

teaching process compared to the students in both classes observed. This can be

seen from the following table.

No Subject of talking Frequently of talking

F P (%)

1. Teacher 1 149 83.2

2. Students 24 16.8

3. Teacher 2 144 83.7

4. Students 28 16.3

Table 1 above shows that the teachers in both classes take more portion of

the talk compares to the students. The first teacher spent 83.2% of the talk while

the rest of the 16.8% was the students talk. The same phenomenon can be seen at

the second teacher that has been observed which has spent 144 turns in talking


from 172 of turn talking in total. Meanwhile, the students only spent 16.3 precents

of the total percentage of turn talking in the process of learning and teaching.

2. Language Dominance

Frequency of Teacher Talk

The data analysis shows that Bahasa Indonesia is the dominant language

used by these two teachers. The data can be seen in the following table.

Table 2. Frequency of Teacher Talk




Teacher Talk

Total Bahasa English





F P (%) F P (%) F P (%) F P (%) F P (%)

1. Teacher 1 117 78,52 9 6,4 19 12,75 4 2,68 149 100

2. Teacher 2 101 70,13 11 7,63 21 14,58 11 7,63 144 100

Note: F = Frequency of teacher talk (number of teacher talk)

P = percentage

Teacher 1

The English teacher 1 used Bahasa Indonesia more than English in his

teaching presentation. In can be shown from the table that from 149 times

speaking in the classroom, he spoke 117 times (75,82%) in Bahasa and 9 times

(6,4%) in English. He sometimes switched his language in his teaching. He


switched his language 19 times (12,75%). Code mixing also happened during his

talk, it was happened 4 times (2,68%).

Teacher 2

The table 2 shows that the English teacher 2 had talked in English, Bahasa,

switched and mixed his language from his total of talk, that was 161 times. He

spoke 101 times (70.13%) in English and 11 times (7.36%) in Bahasa. He

switched her language 21 times (14.58%). He mixed his language 11 times


3. The Reasons for the Use of Language Dominance in Bilingual Classroom

After conducting the interview, it can be concluded that there are some

reasons for the use of language dominance in classroom. For these teachers, they

used Bahasa Indonesia more than English in the classroom because of the

following reasons:

a. The English language proficiency level of the students in this school is far

below the average.

b. The main point of the lesson is how the students can understand the subject


c. The teacher‟s purpose is how the students are able to answer the question in

the test such as in the national examination.

d. The language mastery is not the main objective of the lesson.

e. English or Bahasa Indonesia is just the tool to transfer the knowledge.

(interviewed December 18th, 2018)


B. Discussion

1. The proportion of teacher talk and student talk

a. Teacher talk

From the findings, it shows that the teachers have spent more portion of

the talk during the classroom activity. However, when this talk is being

characterized into the characteristic of a good teacher talk, these teacher are well

described as follows:

1) Clear

The teacher talked clearly means that the students should have no

difficulties in understanding the new language items mean. In this aspect, the

teacher should use simple language.

All teachers, both teacher 1 and teacher 2 have talked clearly in their

teaching presentation. These can be seen from the way they talked to the students.

When these teachers talked to the students, they talked by using simple language,

so the students can understand easily what they have said. Whether it was a

question, direction and even explanation.

The first teacher spoke clearly in the classroom. From the video record, it

can be seen that she talked clearly in which the students can understand the

sentences, not only when she explained the material but also when she instructed

or directed students in the classroom. Besides, she has a loud voice so the students

could hear the words she has said.

From the transcription, one example that showed teacher talked clearly is

when the teacher opened the class by using guided questions.


Dialog at the beginning of class:

S : we ibu , ibu siapkanngi.

T : good marning students

S : morning miss.

T : how are you today ?

S : fine miss, and you

T : I am good thankyou,

T : ini temannya dimana semua?

S : kantin bu „

T : satu orang, cari semua temannya dulu dikantin

S : saya mo bu”

T : iya kamu saja afriandi

S : edede bu‟ tinggal ki juga itu nanti klo dia disuruh bu.

S : iya bu janganmi fandi

S : iya buk janganmi

T : afandi awas kalo kamu juga hilang yah

(recorded on December 3rd, 2018)

From the dialog above this teacher tried to ask the students condition by

saying “how are you?” and the students responded immediately give the sign that

the question is clear and understood by the students. The teacher only asked some

simple and short questions and let his students answered them. Then, students

answered those questions directly.


The same situation also appeared in the second class. The teacher talked

clearly. The teacher used Bahasa more than English, the students, of course, find

no difficulty in understanding the teacher‟s words. However, some students asked

some things about the material during the teaching process.

Those things indicated that teacher spoke clearly in the classroom where

the students face no difficulties inunderstanding the words. As Rasyid in

Muhayyang (2010) stated that teacher talk is clear where the students have no

difficulties in understanding the new language items.

The transcribe below proof that the students understand all the words that

were uttered by the teacher.

T : so today we are going to learn about , application letter, do you know

what is the application letter?

S : surat

T : okey, application letter is mean surat lamaran, nah kira kira I would

ask you , in your opinion what is the purpose atau kira kira apa

tujuan kita belajar application letter ? or sumar lamaran, ada yang

tahu ?

S : mengetahui bagian bagian surat lamaran

T : mengetahui ?

S : bagian bagian surat lamaran

T : oke, apa lagi?

S : menulis surat laamaran

(recorded on December 4th, 2018)


From the observation also shows that the students can understand the

teacher talk because of the teacher teaching method. These two teachers applied

CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) Method which they relate the subject

matter to real world situations and motivate students to make connection between

knowledge and its applications to their lives. And by applying that method, also,

can encourage students to participate more in learning process in order to make

them understand the material. As Huang Zheng (2009) stated that teaching

methods play a very important role in teaching and learning process. If the

teachers can apply the right method in the class, it can affect whether they have to

use Teacher Talk more or less in the classroom.

Sometimes, the two teachers above have to repeat their sentences, but

mostly because the classroom situation was very noisy so the students who sat at

the back rows find it difficult to hear when teacher demand them to repeat the

teacher talks.

2) Efficient

When the teachers talk efficiently in the classroom, it means the students

can get the personalization stage to manipulate the new language items. They use

words that proper for the context. Especially when the teacher used Bahasa in

explaining material. Using Bahasa of course will let teacher use appropriate words

due to it is the first language (L1) in which the students know the meaning and the

use of sentence in every utilization context.

The first teacher for instance talked efficiently in her teaching

presentation. Based on the transcription of the students-teacher conversation, the


first teacher did not use any of improper words in her sentences. She used all the

words correctly when she talked. She said all the instruction to direct students in

right sentence like the example below.

T : oke jadi kalian bikin dialog yang menggunakan apa ?

S : ungkapan congratulation miss

T : oke saya kasih waktu 10 menit yah

S : praktek itu diatas miss ?

T : of course lah, kalian mau dapat nilai kan?

S : mauu bu‟

T : good, kerjakaan now

(recorded on December 3rd, 2018)

3) Lively and Interesting

The first and the second teachers were very good in their talk. It is shown

from the findings that all teachers can make the students attracted to the teacher‟s

talk. From the video, the students can give their responses to the teachers‟

statements, instruction and questions.

From the first teacher‟s video, the students were involved during the

teaching learning process. When the teacher asked students to come in front of the

class, the students come directly to write the answer on the white board. The same

situation appears in second class where the students seems interested with the

teacher talk. The students respond the statements from the teacher by replaying,

answering, and doing what the teacher told them.


Another factor that can make class interesting and alive is by telling jokes,

so the students can feel relax while the teaching learning process in occur. In first

class, although the teacher looked like a calm person that he never told jokes, she

still feels open for students that want to tell jokes. That is why the situation in this

class is not bored. This is supported with Braines in Muhayyang (2010) who states

that the teacher may employ humour and invite giggles and laughter in order to

deprive boredom in the process of classroom interaction.

4) Appropriate

Being appropriate means that the teacher talk is meaningful and useful in

communication and interaction either inside or outside the classroom, Rasyid in

Muhayyang (2010). In this classroom, where the teacher talked appropriately, it

was supported by the findings which ware found that the students feel an

improvement after being taught by using both English and Bahasa Indonesia in

the classroom. They said that they can communicate or have a discussion in the

classroom about the subject. Another supporting finding is from the observation

that shows students can bravely speaks in English because of their teachers who

asked them in English and demand then to aswer in English as well. While the

other three teachers who did not spoke appropriately caused the students not to

speak English in the classroom or outside the classroom.

5) Productive

The findings show that the first teacher can lead the students to the use of

language for both the academic purposes and communicative purposes. The

students said that by learning with English can help them to know and understand


the material not only in Indonesian but also in English as they are learning English

as an international language. They also stated that these teachers help them to

communicate with their students or friends in English.

b. Student talk

During the observation, the students talk was clear to be heard. Both

teachers were succeeding to stimulate the students to participate in process of

learning. However, their portion was too little because of the teacher monopoly. In

fact, since this is a language classroom, the students are supposed to have more

time to practice the language. Furthermore, the students‟ feedback is really

expected to give the input to the students in order to help the improve for their


2. Language Dominance in Bilingual Languages

As mentioned in findings, these two teachers used Bahasa Indonesia more

than English. Where the first teacher talked English for about 78,52 %, the second

teacher used 70.13% in talking in Bahasa Indonesia during the teaching process.

From table 2, it also can be seen that the teachers combined or switched

their talk for several times. The first teacher for example who dominantly spoke in

Bahasa Indonesia also did a code switching in 19 times. It is also happened to the

Biology teacher who use Bahasa as the dominant Language that she switch her

language 16 times (12,5%). The switched also appeared when the teacher repeat

their talk. When the teachers noticed that the students could not understand the

point of teachers‟ statements then the teachers repeat their talk into Bahasa.


In the second class, for instance:

S : kalo habiski lomba lari misss daapatki juara satu?

T : kamu bisa bilang fantastic

S : ohiye bu‟

T : nah saya kasi tugas yah karna waktunya sudah tidak memadai untuk

di kerjakan sekaarang.

S : iye bus : we catatki dulu na, hilangi buku tugasku.

S : iyo

T : nah kali ini kalian bikin dialog tentang congratulation

(recorded on December 4th, 2018)

3. The Reasons for the Appearance of Language Dominance

The findings show that the reasons of the language appearance in bilingual

classroom is for the students‟ linguistics competence. Specifically, they stated that

the English language proficiency level of the students in this school is far below

the average. Secondly, the main point of the lesson is how the students can

understand the subject content. Not only that these teachers also stated that the

teacher‟s purpose is how the students are able to answer the question in the test

such as in the national examination. Furthermore, the language mastery is not the

main objective of the lesson. And finally, English or Bahasa Indonesia is just the

tool to transfer the knowledge.

Huang Zheng (2009) which stated that factors that can affected teacher

talk in classroom is the students‟ beliefs and linguistics competence. Students‟

linguistics competence to some extent affects the Teacher Talk in a variety of


ways. Those advanced students can talk in English quite smoothly, and give

longer and more responses to teacher‟ question or statements which can encourage

teacher to use English more in the classroom or vice versa.




A. Conclusion

Based on findings and discussion, the researcher concluded that:

1. The teacher has more portion in talking during the learning and teaching

process compared to the students. The first teacher spent 83.2% of the total

talk while the students only had 16.8% of the talk portion. The second teacher

talk 144 times while the students only has the chance to talk 28 times.

2. The language dominance used by the teachers is Indonesian language in

delivering their subject matter in the classroom. Because the students‟ English

language proficiency which the teachers believe that it is far below average.

Therefore, the teacher used Indonesian language to help the students

understanding the lesson.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher suggests that: First, since

this is an English class, the teachers should have more variety of the talk that

might stimulate the students to develop their English language ability, especially

the speaking skills. Second, the teachers should have more creative activities to

help the students learning English interactively. Finally, the teachers should give

more opportunity to the students to talk or participate in the process of learning.


Hence, the teachers should listen and consider the students opinion about

the use of English more than 50% in the classroom whether they feel comfortable

to learn in English or in any other languages such as Indonesian which is easier.



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T : good marning students

S : morning miss.

T : how are you today ?

S : fine miss, and you

T : I am good thankyou,

T : ini temannya dimana semua?

T : satu orang, cari semua temannya dulu dikantin

T : , arfandi saja. Saya mau liat dia mau bolos atau benar benar panggil temannya kalian.

T : afandi awas kalo kamu juga hilang yah

T : oke cepatmi.

S : aai bu kadde ifa mo

T : sekali kali percayai juga fandi ,rina

T : oke laki lakinya dua tolong ambil buku paket di perpustakaan .

T : nugrah kamu saja sama risal

T : ok, siapkan dulu ketua kelas.

S : stand up please , say a greating to our teacher, asssalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

T : walaikumsalam warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

S : shit down please.

T : oke before we continue this lesson, I wanna ask you all, how is absen today ?

S : randi , sama lina, riska.

T : kenapa banyak sekali yang absen ?

T : jangan suka malas malas yah , itu tidak bagus apa lagi kalian sudah hampir mid.

S : iye bu‟

T : jangan Cuma iye iye , kalian harus lengkapi catatannya.

T : tidak ada alasan lagi , hilang catatannya, tidak hadir , anu anu.

T : tidak ada alasan saya bilang!

T : oke ada yang ingat materi kemarin ?

S : congratulating and complimenting bu‟

T : oke ada yang ingat apa itu congratulating and complimenting ?

S : ucapan selamat bu‟

T : nah, jadi uncapan selamat dan ?

T : dan apa ?

T : yah ungkapan pujiaan yah.

T : nah karna buku paketnya sudah ada , dan sudah di bagikan.

T : ini yang buku paketnya dua, kasi temaannya satu.

T : begini satu bangku itu satu buku paket yah

T : nah sekarang please open page 11, disitu ada tata cara mengucapkan selamat dan pujian. Ada yang bisa bacakan tata caranya ?

S : eka miss

T : yang mau saja , tidak usah menunjuk

S : saya miss

T : okey ekayulina please mention, tolong sebut kan apa apa saja yang sebaiknya diucapkan when you wanna say congratulation.

T : semua yah

S : congratulation, please accept my warmest congratulations, I must congratulate you, may I congratulate you on , i would like be the first to congratulate you on, I would like to congratulate you on , it was great to hear about , congratulation on, well done, nice on, good , fantastic.

S : lidahnu eka , batena ta‟lipa lipa hahaahaa

T : sudah sudah, nah itu tadi yang di sebutkan ekayuliana adalah ?

T : ucapan selamat

T : jadi yang disebutkan eka tadi itu adaalah ungkapan selamat yah.

S : ditujukan sama siapa itu miss ?

T : nah if you wanna say congratulation sama temannya kalian , sama keluarga or kesiapapun kalian bisa gunaakan yang disebutkan eka yah, tapi rata rata orang orang menggunakan coongartulaion untuk mengucapkan selamat, jarang ada yang menggunakan fantastic or great .

T : jadi kalian liat situasi dan kondisinya juga , mereka melakukan apa sehingga kalian mau kasi selamat ke dia, contohnya orang itu habis wisudah nah kalian kasi ucapan apa ?

S : congratulation miss

T : nah itu tau, jadi sesuai dengan situasi saja yah

S : kalo habiski lomba lari misss daapatki juara satu?

T : kamu bisa bilang fantastic

T : sekarang saya mau , kalian buat dialog

T : nah kali ini kalian bikin dialog tentang congratulation

T : kalian sama teman sebangku saja yah

T : oke jadi kalian bikin dialog yang menggunakan apa ?

S : ungkapan congratulation miss

T : oke saya kasih waktu 10 menit yah

S : praktek itu diatas miss ?

T : of course lah, kalian mau dapat nilai kan?

T : kalian harus bikin dengan kata kata kalian jangan ambil diinternet yah

T : saya kasi waktu 5 menit

T : silent saja yah, kalian make dialog, tidak usah ribut.

S : laki laki ribut sekali miss

T : sudah sudah , intropeksi dirinya kalian jangan saling menuduh.

S : miss harus full English ?

T : of course you must use English language

S : ndk papaji salah sala miss ?

T : usahakan jangan salah salah , tapi kalian kan baru belajar. So, its okay , just try di atas paapan tulis, I know you can do it students.

T : saya mau kalian latihan memang dari sekarang menunjukkan yang terbaik yah, jadi nanti di universitas kalian tidak teralalu rumit untuk belajar bahasa inggris.

T : walaupun kalian naanti tidak mengambil jurusan bahasa inggris kalian harus tetap belajar bahasa inggris dong

S : saya suka ji bahasa inggris miss

T : ada yang tahu kenapa kita harus pintar menggunakan bahsa inggris ?

T : karnaa bahasa inggris itu dalah bahasa internasional, bahasa inggris itu adalah salah saatu baha penghubung.

S : saya naanti banyaakji uangku miss jadi sewa mamika anu translate

T : jangan mengandalkan kekayaan dong, itu bukan alasan untuk tidak belajar bahasaa inggris.

S : masih mauko haha, sombong sekalii huuuu

T : oke sekarang kerjakan tugasnya.

T : i give ten minutes to finish your dialogue.

S : yes miss

T : how ? finish ?

S : not yet miss, sedikit lagi.

T : fifty minutes again

T : jadi nanti kalian pronounce atau pengucapannya harus baagus yah.

T : saya sangaat berharap kalian bisa lakukan yang terbaik, ya walaupun ini hanya tugas harian tapi kalian jangan main main yah.

T : yang selesai , you can practice now.

S : miss nanti naketawaika yang lain

T : yang ketawa miss suruh naik dialogue duluan.

T : okey siapa tadi yang mau naik duluan ?

S : me mam

T : okay rina , please

T : ayo‟ mulaimi

S : rina : halo tika

S : hai, how are you ?

S : I‟m fine you ?

S : I am good thank you

S : eh anyway , where are you ?

S : I am at Jakarta

S : what are you doing three ?

S : my mother give me ticket , because I am number one in the class

S : really ?

S : yes I‟m really

S : uwwahh congratulation tika, don‟t forget souvenirs yah

S : hahaha okay

S : see you in Makassar

S : see you

T : itu tadi dialognya lagi telfonan?

S : yes miss

T : oke good

S : thank you miss

T : I hope kalian sudah sudah selesai semua yah, karna sebelum jam pelajaran saya habis , saya mau ambil nilai kalian, yah klo bisa ssemuanya.

S : finish semua mi miss

T : good, saya suka klo kalian semanggatnya belajar begini, padahal saya kira kalian akan malas malaas lagi

S : iye miss, because we like English ea

S : hahahaha yes miss

T : haha kalian ini, jangan pernah malas yah , apapun pelajarannya kalian harus nikmati, you must smart di semua mata pelaaran, jadi tipsnya adalah yah kalian harus suka mata pelajarannya.

S : iye miss

T : kalian kan bisa try , right ?

S : miss selesaima

T : okey silahkan naik yah

S : ayo

S : iya

S : hai kiki

S : halo anggi

S : how are you ?

S : I‟m fine, and you ?

S : fine too, thankyou

S : I hear yesterday , you will have a new sister ?

S : yes , and you know ? I am so really happy

S : congratulation kiki

S : thank you so much anggi.

S : yes

S : sudaah miss

T : nah karna kalian semua sudah berdialog, saya akan sebutrkan nilainya kalian .

T : eh atau tidaak usah deh nanti kalian malu.

T : jadi setelah saya lihat tadi cara dialognya, itu sudah lumayan bagus untuk anak sma seperti kalian , saya salut.

T : tapi ada juga saya liat yang malu malu klo ngomong pakai bahasa inggris.

T : perlu kalian pahami bahwa di bahasa inggris itu memang harus pede atau kalu bahsaa gaaulnya what ever sama yang dikatakan samaa orang lain , contohnya ih kenapa itu Sanaa mulutnya manyun, atau itu Sanaa air liurnya jatuh jatuh, atau itu Sana alaynya pake bahasa inggris.

T : kalo kalian mau sukses, kalian haanya perlu mendengarkaan yang postifnya saja yah, karna kalo kalian mau dengar mereka yang tidak suka kalian pasti tidak akan berkembang.

T : tapi kalian juga jangan ketika sudah paham bahasa inggris lantas sombong , sengaja memamerkaan bukan untuk memotifasi. Itu tidak bagus juga seperti itu.

T : so I hope you can make your parents proud of you..

S : saya akan berusaha miss.

T : bagus, kalian juga harus mulai meninggalkan sifat kekanak kanakan kalian yang di smp tinggalkan bersama keulusan kalian disana.

T : di sma negri 19 gowa ini , kami para guru berharap kalian kelak lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan,dan saya minta tolong kepada kalian untuk bekerja sama untuk memajukan integritasnya kalian.

T : kalian paham ?

T : okey karna waktu sudah habis.

T : saya akan kasi kalian tugas untuk di kerjakan di rumah saja yah.

T : I will give you assignment .

T : jadi kalian silahkan bikin dialog lagi tapi ini beda yah

T : kalian harus ber tiga

T : dan buat dialognya agak panjang.

S : tentang congratulation miss?

T : iya

T : jadi sudah yah.

T : saya mau tidak ada lagi alasan tidak selesai yah

T : jadi kalian bentuk memang kelompoknya .

T : satu lagi minggu depan tolong kalian bawa kamus yah

T : ada yang tidak punya kamus?

S : ada miss

T : kalau begitu yang ada saja

T : ingat jangan sampai tidak ada yang bawa

T : dictionary is important class, so don‟t forget for bring.

T : oke ketua kelas siapkan.

S : sand up please say a greatting to our teacher, assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

T: walaikum salam

T : jangan lupa yah tugasnya

T : don‟t forget yah.



Teacher 2

S : we ibu , ibu siapkanngi.

T : good marning students

S : morning miss.

T : how are you today ?

S : fine miss, and you

T : I am good thankyou,

T : ini temannya dimana semua?

S : kantin bu „

T : satu orang, cari semua temannya dulu dikantin

S : saya mo bu”

T : iya kamu saja afriandi

S : edede bu‟ tinggal ki juga itu nanti klo dia disuruh bu.

S : iya bu janganmi fandi

S : iya buk janganmi

T : afandi awas kalo kamu juga hilang yah

S : astaga tidak begitua saya bu‟, haha tojenga bu‟

T : oke cepatmi.

S : aai bu kadde ifa mo

T : sekali kali percai juga fandi ,rina

S : iye bu‟

T : oke laki lakinya dua tolong ambil buku paket di perpustakaan .

S : saya mo bu‟

T : oke kamu saja sama risal

S : iye bu‟

T : ok, siapkan dulu ketua kelas.

S : stand up please , say a greating to our teacher, asssalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

T : walaikumsalam warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

S : shit down please.

T : oke before we continue this lesson, I wanna ask you all, how is absen today ?

S : we nai njo alpa ?

S : randi , sama lina

S : riska lagi.

T : kenapa banyak sekali yang absen ?

S : malas semua I bu

S : riska tawwa sakitki bu‟

T : jangan suka malas malas yah , it not good apa lagi kalian sudah hampir mid.

S : iye bu‟

T : jangan Cuma iye iye , kalian harus lengkapi catatannya.

S : iye bu‟

T : tidak ada alas an lagi , hilang catatannya, tidak hadir , anu anu.

S : ih bu kodong , hilangi saya catatanku kodong.

T : tidak ada alasan saya bilang!

S : iye bu‟

T : oke ada yang ingat materi kemarin ?

S : congratulating and complimenting bu‟

T : oke ada yang ingat apa itu congratulating and complimenting ?

S : ucapan selamat bu‟

T : nah, jadi uncapanselamat dan ?

S : memuji

T : yah ungkapan pujiaan yah.

T : nah karna buku paketnya sudah ada , dan sudah di bagikan, please open page 11, disitu ada tata cara mengucapkan selamat dan pujian. Ekayulina plese mention tolong sebut kan apa apa saja yang sebaiknya diucapkan when you wanna say congratulation

S : all miss?

T : yes

S : congratulation, please accept my warmest congratulations, I must congratulate you, may I congratulate you on , i would like be the first to congratulate you on, I would like to congratulate you on , it was great to hear about , congratulation on, well done, nice on, good , fantastic.

S : lidahnu eka , batena ta‟lipa lipa hahaahaa

S : biar mi tawwa dari pada kau ndk tauko

S : jalla, santemko

S : huu tanjaknu.

T : sudah sudah, nah itu tadi yang di sebutkan ekayuliana adalah ?

S : ucapan selamat miss

T : nah if you wanna say congratulation sama temannya kalian , sama keluarga or kesiapapun kalian bisa gunaakan yang disebutkan eka yah, tapi rata rata orang orang menggunakan coongartulaion untuk mengucapkan selamat, jarang ada yang menggunakan fantastic or great .

S : bu itu na sebutka eka ucapan selamat bisa untuk apa saja?

T : jadi kalian liat situasi dan kondisinya juga , mereka melakukan apa sehingga kalian mau kasi selamat ke dia, contohnya orang itu habis wisudah nah kalian kasi ucapan apa ?

S : congratulation miss

T : nah

S : kalo habiski lomba lari misss daapatki juara satu?

T : kamu bisa bilang fantastic

S : ohiye bu‟

T :nah sakerang saya mau , kalian buat dialog

S : yes mem, we samami kita nah

S : iyo

T : nah kali ini kalian bikin dialog tentang congratulation

S : berarti dua orangki miss?

T : of course , kalian sama teman sebangku saja yah

S : ohiye ,miss

S : ndk mauja saya sama fandi bu‟ yolo i

S : kasara‟ nu

S : haha tenaja e teako larro I cika, siagang maki.

T : oke jadi kalian bikin dialog yang menggunakan apa ?

S : ungkapan congratulation miss

T : oke saya kasih waktu 10 menit yah

S : praktek itu diatas miss ?

T : of course lah, kalian mau dapat nilai kan?

S : mauu bu‟

T : good, kerjakaan now

S : we saya bikin atau kau ?

S : dua orang ki kerjakanki we.

S : iyo paeng, kau menulis ,saya yang translate.

T : silent saja yah, kalian make dialog, tidak usah ribut.

S : laki laki ribut sekali miss

S : dia juga miss, kenapa nakita na salahkan huuuu

T : sudah sudah , intropeksi dirinya kalian jangan saling menuduh.

S : miss harus full English ?

T : of course , kalian harus bisa practice menggunakan English language.

S : ndk papaji salah sala miss ?

T : usahakan jangan salah salah , tapi kalian kan baru belajar. So, its okay , just try di atas paapan tulis, I know you can do it students. Semangat

S : thankyou miss

T : how ? finish ?

S : not yet miss, sedikit lagi.

T : sisa 5 menit yah

S : yes miss

S : we pake dlu hpmu buka translate e

S : tidak mau terbuka, jelek jaringan

S : deded hp muji bagus , tidak ada kuotaanya hahha

S : astga kuota baruka , tapi memang jelekki exl disini nah haahahaha

S : kamus pade ambil di risna

S : iyoiyo tunggu

S : cepak saiko

S : tayang tayangko riska

S : ini pakemi cepat , mau tong napake orangnya.

S : cariki dulu bahasa inggrisnya, kapan pertandingannya dimulai

S : satu satu anu, kamus ini bukan google

S : iyo sorry

S : kapan, when tulismi cepat

S : klo pertandingan?

S : tunggu

S : cariko di P

S : competition

S : dimulai lagi

S : setauku start sih klo dimulai

S : oke jadi, when your competition start ?

S : iyo itumo hahaha

S: sudah mko pake kamus ku ? mau tong kupake

S : belumpi , tapi ambilmi , makasih

S : okay

S : adami jaringanmu ?

T : okay students, finish ?

S : sedikit lagi miss.

T : yang selesai , you can practice now

S : me mam

T : okay rina , please

S : come we haha, kasi baguski nah

S : oke hahahaha

T : ayo‟ mulaimi

S : rina : halo tika

S : hai, how are you ?

S : I‟m fine you ?

S : I am good thank you

S : eh anyway , where are you ?

S : I am at Jakarta

S : what are you doing three ?

S : my mother give me ticket , because I am number one in the class

S : really ?

S : yes I‟m really

S : uwwahh congratulation tika, don‟t forget souvenirs yah

S : hahaha okay

S : see you in Makassar

S : see you

T : itu tadi dialognya lagi telfonan?

S : yes miss

T : oke good

S : thank you miss

T : I hope kalian sudah sudah selesai semua yah, karna sebelum jam pelajaran saya habis , saya mau ambil nilai kalian, yah klo bisa ssemuanya.

S : finish semua mi miss

T : good, saya suka klo kalian semanggatnya belajar begini, padahal saya kira kalian akan malas malaas lagi

S : tidak pernah jki malas klo bahasa inggris miss hahaha

S : iye miss, because we like English ea

S : hahahaha yes miss

T : haha kalian ini, jangan pernah malas yah , apapun pelajarannya kalian harus nikmati, you must smart di semua mata pelaaran, jadi tipsnya adalah yah kalian harus suka mata pelajarannya.

S : aduh miss susah

S : iye miss

T : kalian kan bisa try , right ?

S : miss selesaima

T : okey silahkan naik yah

S : ayo

S : iya

S : hai kiki

S : halo anggi

S : how are you ?

S : I‟m fine, and you ?

S : fine too, thankyou

S : I hear yesterday , you will have a new sister ?

S : yes , and you know ? I am so really happy

S : congratulation kiki

S : thank you so much anggi.

S : yes

S : sudaah miss

T : okey, because time is over kita lanjut minggu depan yah students.

S : yes miss

T : don‟t forget your assigment yah, jadi tugasnya jangan lupa dibawa minggu


S : siap miss

T : yasudah sekaraang siapkan.

S : stand up please , say Alhamdulillah please , Alhamdulillah

T : alhamdulliah

S : shit down please

T : thank you for today yah, assalamualaikum

S : walaikumsalaam miss.



Interview for teacher

- Saya memilih combain dalam hal menjelaskan, kenapa karena di sma negri 19 gowa ini, siswanya masih banyak yang belum paham ketika saya hanya menggunakan bahasa inggris saja.

- Mungkin lebih efektif menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. - Lebih efektif menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. - Siswa , karena kan sekarang kami di sman 19 gowa itu menggunakan

k13, yang menganjurkan siswa lebih aktif dikelas. - Porsi idealnya itu siswa lebih banyak berbicara yah, karna klo dominan

guru, saya rasa siswa tidak bisa berkembang hanya dengan mendengar guru, meka harus lebih banyak practice .

- Kalau berbicara masalah tahapan , mungkin guru akan mengarahkan atau memberi materi inti saja kesiswa, setelah itu siswa yang mencari materi itu selebihnya.



Interview students

1. Siswa pertama

- Menurut saya , saya lebih suka klo guru berbahasa Indonesia, karna saya

tidak mengerti kalo guru pakai bahasa inggris.

- Menurut saya, siswa karna di k13 sekarang mengahruskan siswa aktif di


- Menurut saya 50% siswa 50% guru, karna seimbang.

- Saya harap guru ketika mengajar tidak langssung masuk diintinya agar

kami tidak bosan, dan untuk persentase yang harus guru keluarkan

untuk berbicara yaitu 70%.

2. Siswa ke dua

- Lebih baik guru itu mengajar menggunakan bahasa inggris dan bahasa

Indonesia atau bahasanya dicampur, agar supaya saya bisa mengerti apa

yang dijelaskan oleh guru.

- Sebenarnya yang harus dominan berbicara itu siswa tapi dominan lagi

kalo dilihat secara langsung guru itu menjelaskan disbanding siswa, lebih

baik siswa yang lebih banyak berbicara.

- Harus seimbang

- Yang saya harapkan itu agar supaya guru tidak langsung to the point

ketika mengajar , agar supaya kita bisa relex daan tidak tegang

3. Siswa ke tiga

- Menurut saya saya lebi suka guru menggunakan bahasa inggris karna

dengan bgitu kita bisa mendapatkan kosa kata baru setiap belajar

bahasa inggis.

- Menurut saya, siswa karna kan harusnya siswa yang lebih aktif di kelas

- Porsi idealnya itu 50% saat guru berbincang kepada siswa menggunakan

bahsa inggris dan bahsa Indonesia

- Saya berharap guru bisa combain atau mencampur bahasa inggris dan

bahasa Indonesia agar kami lebih mengerti, dan persentasenya itu 50%

4. Siswa ke 4

- Menurut saya guru lebih baik berbahasa inggris supaya kita bisa terbiasa

dan mengerti orang bijak mengatakan ala bisa karna biasa.

- Menurut saya siswa yang harus lebih banyak berbicara supaya

pemahaman dan pengucapannya itu bisa lancar.

- 40% daan 60%

- Yang saya harapkan buat guru kami itu, mampu membimbing kami agar

bisa mengetahui apa yang guru sampaikan , persentasenya itu 45%.

5. Siswa ke lima

- Menurut saya lebih suka keduanya,agar siswa itu lebih mengerti akan

bahsa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia.

- Siswa 50% dan guru 50%, agar guru dan siswa itu lebih dekat dan lebih

lancar cara pendekatannya.

- Porsi idealnya yaitu 60% siswa 40% guru supay siswa itu bisa cepat


- Yang diharapkan itu gurunya itu agar tidak sekke dan tidak suka marah,

dan persentasenya itu 50%

6. Siswa ke enam

- Menurut paradigma saya, seteleh saya melakukan penelitian terhadap

seorang guru bahasa inggris ialah siswa lebih dominan atau lebih

mengerti ketika guru berbahsa Indonesia dibanding bahasa inggris, oleh

karnanya seharusnya guru mampu meminimalisir atau menanamkan

porsi pada porsinya guru lebih membandingkan antara bahsa inggris dan

bahasa Indonesia , jadi bahasa Indonesia itu 60% dan 50% bahasa inggris

karna kita hidup diindoesia

- Siswa, karna dikurikulum k13 siswa dianjurkan untuk lebih aktif pada


- Porsi idealnya adalah guru 40% siswa 50%, karna siswa harus belajar

aktif berbahasa inggris, jadi guru harus mendominankan siswannya.

- Saya harap adanya hubungan timbal balik antar siswa dan guru ketika

menjelaskan, persentasinya 50%

7. Siswa ke tujuh

- Menurut saya keduanya kaarna saya suka berbahasa inggris tapi saya

kadang tidak mengerti jadi harus diimbangi dengan bahasa Indonesia.

- Yang harusnya lebih dominan itu siswa, agar pemahamnnya itu luas

tentang apa itu bahasa inggris

- Porsi idealnya yaitu siswa harus lebih dominan daripada guru, karna

harus seimbang

- Saya harap guru harus memahami siswannya dalam belajar bahsa

inggris. Persentasenya 50%

8. Siswa ke delapan

- Menurut saya kebanyakan siswa itu tidak mengerti jika menggunakan

bahasa inggris, jadi saya pilih bahasa Indonesia.

- Menurut saya siswa itu harus lebih dominan berbicara banyak apalagi

dalam bahsa inggris, supaya bisa belajar sedikit sedikit biarpun salah.

- Porsi idealnya itu 40% guru siswa 60%, intinya siswa harus lebih aktif

berbicara apalagi dalam menjawab peranyaan dari guru.

- Saya harap guru bisa memahami siswanya yang tidak tahu bahasa

inggris dan persentasenya itu 75%

9. Siswa ke Sembilan

- Saya lebih suka jika guru menggunakan bahsa Indonesia karna akan

mudah dipahami oleh seorang siswa, karna tidk semua siswa paham

ketika guru menjelaskan dalam bahasa inggris.

- Menurut saya , seorang siswa agar siswa dapat berkembang.

- Porsi idealnya itu, ketika guru bertanya dan siswa mampu menjawab

- Saya harap, guru menjalaskan dalam bahasa inggris di sertai bahasa

Indonesia, perseentasenya 30%

10. Siswa ke sepuluh

- Menurut saya, bahasa inggris karna baguski kudengar klo bahasa


- Sebenarnya siswa , karna sekarang sekolah pake k13

- Seimbang , kayak guru bertanya dalam bahsa inggris kita jawab dalam

bahsa inggris.

- Saya harap, jangan langsung tanyakan tugas pada saat masuk, kasi

motivasi dulu supaya tidak bosan , persentase 50%

11. Siswa ke sebelas

- Menurut saya, seimbang agar siswa bisa mengerti.

- Menurut saya , siswa, agar guru dapat menilai siapa siapa saja siswanya

yang sudah paham dengan materi yang di ajarkan.

- Porsi idealnya yaitu siswa 40% dan guru 60% dimana siswa lebih banyak

berbicara daripada guru, karna sekarang itu guru hanya menyampaikan

inti materi kemudian siswa yang harus mencari selebihnya.

- Saya harap guru tidak menekan siswannya untuk belajar dan mampun

menghidupkan suasana kelas, persentasenya 40%

12. Siswa ke dua belas

- Menurut saya bahasa Indonesia, agar mudah dimengerti apa yang guru

sampaikan, soalnya klo bahsa inggris biasa salah mengartikan kata.

- Menurut saya , guru karna klo guru lebih banyak menjelaskan , siswa

akan cepat memahami isi dari materi tersebut.

- 30% siswa dan 70% guru karna ketika guru lebih banyak berbicara ,

siswa akan mudah memahami.

- Saya harap lebih banyak menjelaskan , dan mengajarkan kosa kata baru

setiap masuk kelas, persentasenya 70%

13. Siswa ke tiga belas

- Menurut saya, bahasa Indonesia, karna mudah dimengerti.

- Menurut saya guru, agar guru bisa lebih banyak menjelaskan.

- seimbang

- Porsi idealnya 70% guru menjelaskan dan 30% siswa.

14. Siswa ke empatbelas

- Menurut saya , bahasa inggris agar siswa bisa mengerti dalam kosa kata.

- Yang lebih sering berbicara itu siswa, karena siswa lebih cepat paham.

- Siswa 30% dan 70% guru harus dominan berbicara ketika bercakap

dengan siswa, karna guru tau banyak tentang bahasa inggris.

- Jangan banyak tugas , 70 %

15. Siswa ke lima belas

- Menurut saya, bahasa inggris namanya juga bahasa inggris.

- Siswa karna k13

- Harus seimbang

- Saya harap sebelum memulai pelajaran beri kami motifasi dulu, 50%


YUNITA AGUS is a students of English department in Muhammadiyah university of Makassar. She was born 29th November 1997 in Romang Sapiria. she is the only child of the marriage of Agus Salim and Nurliah. she lives with her grandmother Rannu daeng kebo 'and her grandfather Sabila daeng sikki, she also lives with her uncle Al Adi Fitrah, M.Pd., MAppLing., MEd in TESOL.

In 2002, she started in elementary school at SD Min Galut , graduate in 2008. Then she continued her junior high school at SMP Muhammadiyah Limbung and graduate in 2011. After that she continued her senior high school at SMA Negeri 1 Bajeng Barat and graduated in 2014. In 2014, she was accepted in Muhammadiyah University Of Makassar as a student at English Department of faculty of teacher training and education. At the end of her study, she could finished her thesis in 2020 entitle “the ideal portion of teacher talk and students talk in English language teaching classroom. A case study at sman 19 gowa”